- --.......... ON$o ,Vi 5'cu THE CHJIRO0N I C DBI SEf THEIR SPECIFIC NATURE AND IIOM(EOPATHIIC TREATMENT, B y DRt. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN. TRANqSLLTED AND EDITED B y CHIIRL ES JoIHEMIPEL, MeDo VOLUME II. ANT-IPSORIC RE ME DIES. NEW-YORK: WM. RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. LO NDO0N: H. BALLIAREl 219 REGENT STREET. 184 6. EN4TERED accordling to the Act of Congress, in the year 1845, by WI LLIZAN RADDE, Io the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of Now-York. M. LUDWIG, PRINTAIR1 180 &f 72 Vesey-streot. THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. IN offering the present volume to the public, it may be proper for me to make a few remarks in regard to two or three expressions, which, on account of their double meaning or their apparent nonmeaning, present some difficulties to the translator. These expressions are:The German " drickend." All English authors, including the editors of the British Journal of Homceopathy, are in the habit of rendering the term " drilckend " by "pressive; " they constantly say " pressive headache," " pressive pain, " etc. Pressive has a more passive meaning than " pressing; " this latter expression corresponds exactly with the German " pressend;" the term " prcssend" has been constantly translated by " pressing" in the present volume. As regards the propriety of using the term "pressive," the opinion of scholars seems to be divided. Some of my professional brethren, among others, Drs. Gray and Curtis, seem to think that the German expression " driuckender Schmerz " simply means an ache; " driickender Kopfschmerz," a head-ache. Other scholars, of great eminence, whose authority has great weight with me, and would have with every body else, seem to think, on the contrary, that the term "pressive " is just as legitimate as are the terms " compressive," " contractive," compulsive," etc. On reflection, I have thought proper, for the sake of popularity, to adopt the view of my professional brethren, Drs. Gray, and Curtis, and to use the term " ache " or " aching" in all the subsequent volumes of the Materia Medica. But, in translating " driicken" by " ache," it becomes necessary frequently to consider the Adjective Noun and the Noun Adjective. We frequently meet with the expression "t dr7ckender stch." This could not be rendered by " aching stitch," but has to be rendered by " stitching ache." An " ache " is a pain which is perceived by the whole of the sentient iv PREFACE. system; it may have a principal local seat, and may there excite a peculiar sensation-which may be expressed in the form of an Adjective-but "i aching" can never become an Adjective itself. Dr. Jourdan, in his remarkable translation of our Materia Medica, has constantly used the term " pressive," "cephalalgie pressive," " douleur pressive," etc. There is another expression which requires an explanation; it is the term " reissender Druck;" it occurs several times among the symptoms of Dr. Gross, and once or twice among those mentioned by Dr. Langhammer. The literal translation of this expression is "tearing or rending pressure." This seems to be a contradiction in terms; but as the same indistinctness prevails in German as in English, I have furnished a literal translation of this symptom; the idea which is meant by this symptom, seems to be "pressure " and " tearing." How far these two apparently contradictory symptoms may exist in combination, one qualifying the other, I must leave the reader to decide. We meet several times with expressions like these: " gurgling, etc. in the knee;" these evidently point to a peculiar kind of vibration perceived in those parts. The reader will, I trust, be pleased with finding the nosological portion of the recent work of Drs. Noack and Trinks annexed to each remedy. The present translation of the Materia Medica Pura, and the Antipsorics, may be regarded as a most complete exposition of all the symptoms, and therapeutical observations, which constitute the present science of Homeopathy. In speaking of Drs. Noack and Trinks, I may here remark that I have no faith whatsoever in their theory of doses. My reasons for this want of faith, I shall furnish in the Homceopathic Examiner. Suffice it here to lay down the general proposition that " he who deviates from Hahnemann's principles in the treatment of Chronic diseases, lacks wisdom." CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D, New-York, August, 1845. ANTI-PSORIC REMEDIES. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS-(BUG-AGARIC.) THIS fungus is surmounted by a scarlet coloured top, which is studded with whitish excrescences, and white leaflets. To prepare it for homoeopathic use, it may be either used fresh or after it has been carefully dried. When dry you take one grain of its weight, and two grains when it is fresh, and triturate this portion with one hundred grains of sugar of milk. To obtain the thirtieth degree of potency, you resort to the processes of trituration, attenuation, and dynamisation, which have been pointed out in the first volume. APELT has found this drug serviceable in pains of the upper jaw bone and the teeth; also in pains of the bones of the lower extremities (as well as in the marrow,) and finally in itching eruptions of the skin, of the size of a millet seed, and thickly set together. It has also been found useful in lassitude consequent upon coition. Whistling has cured with it convulsions and tremor, and J. C. Bernhard even some kinds of epilepsy. Dr. Woost has seen the effects of large doses of agaricus lasting for seven or eight weeks. Camphor is the chief antidote, even against such affections consequent upon the use of agaricus as have assumed a chronic character. The names of those who, besides myself, have tried this remedy, are Apelt, Dr. Gross, Dr. Frederick Hahnemann, Dr. Langhammer; name not known, Seidel, Medicinal1 2 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. rath Dr. Stapf, Dr. Schr6ter; name not known; Dr. Woost of Oschatz.* AGARICUS MUSCARIUS-AMANITA. MORAL sYMPTOMS.-Depression of spirits.-Discouragement.--Anxiety, as though something unpleasant were going to happen to her.-Restlessness and uneasiness of body and mind, (after the lapse of half an hour.)-His mind is uneasy and anxious; he was constantly concerned only about himself and his present and future condition.-He does not feel disposed to speak, though he is not ill-humoured.-He forces himself to speak; but he answers only in a few words, though his general disposition is cheerful at the time.-It seems as though he were at a loss to discover the words he wishes to use.-Disinclination to speak, combined with ill-humour, peevishness and disinclination to work.-Frctfulness of mind. Extremely peevish and irritable.-Ill-humoured and indifferent.-She who felt so extremely solicitous about every thing, is now quite indifferent.-Indifference and moody taciturnity, repugnance to work. Disinclination to work.-He trifles with every thing, to save himself the trouble of working. Aversion to all those kinds of labor that occupy the mind; if he undertakes them in spite of that aversion, there is a rush of blood to the head, throbbing in the arteries, flushes of heat in the countenance, and the thinking faculty is disturbed.-Forgetful; he finds it difficult to recollect the things which he had heard and imagined before.-Loss of "* NOTE.-As regards the symptoms of other observers, I have often found it necessary for the convenience of my readers, to abreviate long-winded accounts and to adopt more intelligible expressions in the place of unknown and unintelligible idioms. I have not knowingly made any essential alterations. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN. NOTE OF THE TRANSLATOR;-In this translation the following abbreviations have been used: a. for after; d. for day; h. for hour; w. for week. A stop behind a number, means that this number is an ordinal number, for instance, 2. d. means the second day. BUG-AGARIC. 3 consciousness; He is intoxicated with fearless frenzy, forming bold and revengeful projects.-Timid craziness, fearless frenzy, menacing, mischievous; also frenzy which causes the patient to assail and injure himself, combined with great exertions of power. Cheering up. Bright mood with absence of care. Bright mood, but no inclination to speak. Extravagantly exalted fancy, ecstacy, prophecies, making verses. Calm, composed, sociable, active, and glad of having done his duty. (Healthful reaction of the organism.) HEAD.-Obtusion of the head.*-Obtusion of the head, with obtuse pain, (after two hours.) Obtusion and heae.iess of the head, (after two hours.)-Continual heaviness of tfle head, (after five hours.) Painful heaviness in the forehead, (on the 5th day.) A sensation of heaviness and tugging down in both temples; it reaches to the middle of the ears; the patient feels as though a heavy load were hariging on both sides of the head, more in day-time than early in the morning; the sensation increases upon the parts being touched. Heaviness of the head, as from intoxication, (after half an hour.) Early in the morning, heaviness of the head and a sensation of confusion with emptiness, as if he had been revelling the day before; lasting six hours. Heaviness of mind, imbecility, (reaction of the organism in old age. Dizziness, stupefaction. Giddiness as from intoxication. Pleasant intoxication. Intoxication. Reeling, and sinking down, (on the second day.) Reeling when walking in the open air, (after an hour.) Reeling as from the immoderate use of spirituous liquors; when walking in the open air, he totters to and fro. Vertigo. Vertigo and sensation of stupidity, early in the morning, (after * NOTE OF THE TRANSLATOR:-The German expression is " Eingenommenheit." There is no entirely adequate expression for this word in the English language. In the French idiom " la tote est prise," the term " prise" means precisely the same thing as the German " Eingenommenheit." Eingenommenheit means a dullness, an obtusion of the senses and the thinking faculty, such as is sometimes produced by a cold in the head, or as is sometimes consequent upon the use of spirituous drinks. The term " Eingenommenheit," in this translation, has been always rendered by the term "I obtusion of the head." 4 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. three hours.) Vertigo early in the morning, as from in. toxication, (after a quarter of an hour.) Vertigo, coming on principally early in the morning; it lasts from one to eight minutes, and returns several times during the day at short intervals. Strong light of the sun produces, early in the morning, a momentary attack of giddiness, even to falling. Attacks of vertigo, combined with a tottering gait and indistinct sight, even of near objects; these attacks come and go every five minutes, and can only be entirely removed by diverting the mind. Vertigo, coming on when he meditates while walking in the open air, (after eigh! days.) Attack of vertigo in the open air; it disapPears in the room, lasting for several days. Vertigo in the room on turning himself. Vertigo passing off for some time by quickly turning the head. Head-ache, early in the morning, in bed. Different kinds of head-ache in the left half of the occipital bone, when seated. Dull headache, especially in the forehead; this headache obliged him to move the head constantly to and fro, and to close the eyes as for sleep. Dull, stunning headache, with thirst and heat, especially in the face, (immediately.) Dull, pressive headache, which disappears after a copious evacuation of the intestines; this headache is combined with flushes of heat. Pressive headache, coming and going at short intervals, before going to bed. Pressure in the cavities of the forehead. Violently pressive pain in the forehead, with vertigo, while sitting. Pressure, coming down from the forehead, upon the upper half of the eye-balls, (after an hour and an half.) Violent aching in the right temple, or the temporal bone. Pressure upon the upper portion of the left temporal bone, immediately above the concha of the ear, the pressure reaches deep into the brain; it increases when the hairs are pressed upon, or when they are merely touched, and is attended with complete depression of spirits. Aching pain in the zygoma of the left temporal bone. Pressure in the occiput, (on the first day.) Violently pressive headache, especially in the occiput; after dinner, (on the 9th day.) Pressure with stitches in the forehead, above the eyes. Aching and drawing pain from the left side of the forehead towards the right, while sitting (after half an hour.) Drawing headache, early, on BUG-AGARIC. 5 waking up, with pressure in the eye-balls. Drawing pain in the forehead. Drawing from both sides of the frontal bone as far as the root of the nose. Very painful drawing across the temples, forehead and eye-balls. Drawing in the head in all directions, with a sensation as though the person were to lose his (or her) senses. Drawing pain in the occiput, in the afternoon. Drawing pain in the occiput, early, when in bed, as if from a wrong position; it increases by extending the arms and holding in the breath. Drawing and cutting pain in the forehead, when standing; when sitting, this pain assumes a pressive and stunning character, (after an hour and a half.) Drawing and tearing pain in the forehead, coming and going at short intervals, (after 33 hours.) Tearing in the forehead, immediately above the root of the nose. Tearing in the right temporal region. Tearing in the left side of the occiput, which returns at short intervals. Jerking tearing in the head, most painful behind the right ear, where it stops.Headache as if the brain were torn. Tearing and pressing in the entire left circumference of the brain; the pain is most severe in the left orbit and zygoma; it is accompanied with a sensation of desolate confusion in the head, (after 8 hours.) Tearing stitches in the occiput from one side to the other, early in the morning, (on the second day.) Violent, lancinating tearing from the vertex to the left ear, (after 6 hours.) Fine stitches in the right temple, (after half an hour.) Grinding pain in the head; it lasts only a few minutes, but it frequently returns. Violent, grinding pain in the left frontal eminence, (after 3 hours.) Boring pain deep in the brain, at the vertex. Pain, as from a nail, in the right side of the head. Beating pain in the vertex, with despair bordering on rage. Tearing and drawing pain externally in the integuments of the head, (skin and bones;) it increases on pressure, especially at a small spot in the vertex, which pains as if there were internal festering; at night, (after 18 days.) Sensitiveness of the integuments of the head as if they were ulcerating. "Twitches in the skin of the forehead, above the right eye. Frequent painless twitches in the right temple, by the side of the eye, (on the 7th day.) Cramp-like pain in the left temple, (after 37 hours.) Sensation of coldness, as of ice, 6 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. on the hairy right side of the frontal bone, although, on touching the parts, they seem to feel warm. Icy coldness in the region of the coronal suture after the parts had been scratched on account of their itching; the coldness frequently returns, approaches more and more the forepart of the head, and finally reaches that part of the forehead which is not covered with hair. Itching of the hairy scalp. Itching of the whole of the hairy scalp; it is like the itching of wounds which are healing, and invites one to scratch. Troublesome itching of the hairy scalp, especially early after getting up; it disappears upon the parts being scratched with a sharp comb. Pimples on the hairy scalp. EYEs.-Itching in the eyebrows. Falling off of the hairs of the eyebrows. Pressure in the eyes. Pressure in the left eyeball, (after ten hours.) Pressure in the eyes, and inclination to close them, without sleep; after dinner. Pressure in the eyes and upon the forehead, as though something were pressing from without inward, (after ten minutes.) Pressure in the corners of the left eye, as if there were a foreign body. Pressing and drawing in the eyeballs, especially in the left eyeball, reaching as far as the inside of the forehead, (on the fourth day.) Painful drawing in the eyeballs, (on the third and fourth day.) Cramplike pain under the right eyebrows; it makes the opening of the eyes difficult, (after five hours.) Itching and prickling in the right eye, (after one hour.) Tickling and itching in the left eye, which induce rubbing, (after three hours.) Itching and winking of the left lower eyelid, which induce rubbing. Itching and pressing in the right eye, relieved by rubbing for a short time. Burning sensatzon of the eyes; there is, moreover, a sensation of contraction, in the evening, (on the first day.) Burning in the inner canthus of the eyes, as though inflammation were going to set in; the pain increases upon the parts being touched. Burning sensation of the inner canthus of the eyes, upon the lids being firmly closed. Burning and aching pain above the right eye, with running of the eye, (after an hour and a half.) Redness of the white of thp eye. Yellow colour of the eyes, (on the third day.)Swelling of the left eyelids towards the inner canthus; BUG-AGARIC. 7 this swelling causes the eye to appear diminished. Contraction of the eyelids, (after two hours.) Contraction and narrowing of the inner canthus of the left eye. Sensation of contraction of the right eye, with increased clearness of sight. This is succeeded by biting pain in the eyeball, and running of the eye; and lastly, by spasms of the left eye, such as had previously existed in the right; wine relieved the symptoms at once.-Narrowing of the interval between the eyelids for several days, without swelling, and often with twitching and winking of the eyelids. The interval between the eyelids is smaller than usual; it requires an effort to increase it. Twitches in the eyeballs,* in frequent succession; in the left eye they are often accompanied by lachrymation. While reading, there is frequent twitching and pressing in the left eyeball. Spasms, with aching pain in the left eyeball, at any time of the day and in any situation and circumstance; the eye has to be wiped, but the symptoms remain. Frequently slight twitching in the eyelids; it is generally circumscribed within a small spot, and rather extending towards one corner. Winking of the right lower eyelid, accompanied by throbbing of an artery on the left side, at the back of the nose, and twitches of the skin of the left side of the nose. Dryness of the eyes. The caruncula of the left eye increases in size for several days. Lachrymation of the right eye, (on the first and second day.) Lachrymation of the right eye, (after three hours.)-Sensation in the eyes as though they had to be wiped constantly. The eyelids are adhering to one another as by slimy threads; wiping relieves this symptom only for a short time. Gum in the canthi of the eyes, (after six hours.) Viscid (previously white) yellow humour, which glues the eyelids to one another; the secretion of this humour takes place in the inner canthi, and continues even during the day, but especially early, and in the evening.-T'he pupils first dilate, (after three quarters of an hour,) then contract, (after twenty-five hours.) Gradual decrease of sight, on walking in the open air, (after seven hours.) Great weariness (weakness) of the eyes; if she looks long at an * NOTE: The German is " zucken," which, probably, here means jactitation in the muscles of the eye. 8 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. object, the object appears pale. Shortsightedness and dimsightedness of both eyes. Very indistinct sight; he is obliged to hold objects close to his eyes in order to perceive them clearly.-In reading, he is obliged to approach the letters more and more closely to his eyes, in order to recognise the letters distinctly; afterwards, he has to remove them again to a greater distance, otherwise the sight becomes dim again. Dimness before the eyes, with sleepiness. Dimsightedness; every thing appears obscured, as if by turbid water; he has to make an effort to recognise the thing. Every object appears surrounded with a mist, and therefore obscured. That which comes before the eyes, is obscured as if covered with cobweb. A black moth is hovering before the left eye, at the distance of half an ell;* upon winking, the black spot is seen flitting to and fro. In gloomy weather, a brown moth hovers before the left eye, towards the inner canthus. On closing the right eye, there is seen before the left a small, oblong, dark-brown spot, hovering in an oblique direction towards the inner canthus, pretty near the eye. He imagines to see things double. Dread of light. "EARs.-Pain in the ear, tearing pain in the meatus of the right ear, which is caused and increased by cold air passing into the ear; the pain extends to the upper jaw, and continues for several days. Itching in and behind the ears. Itching in the external meatus of the right ear. Itching, attended with tickling, in the right ear; this induces scratching, (after 29 hours.)-Itching, generally in the left ear; this induces the person to insert the finger into the ear and rub it. Itching of the lobule of the ear. Itching of the concha, which induces rubbing; rubbing makes the parts red and sore, but the itching continues. Itching, redness, and burning of the ears, as if they had been frozen. Itching of, and pimples on, the posterior sur-, face of the concha. Sensation in the ears, as if wax were flowing out. Whizzing in the ears. Tingling in the right ear, when walking in the open air, (after four hours.) NosE.-Sudden pressure at the superior part of the dorsum of the nose.- Smart stinging in the left side of the root of the nose. Great sensitiveness of the inner walls * NOTE OF THE TRANSLATOR: Three ells make two yards. BUG-AGARIC. 9 of the nose. Itching on the outer surface of the nose. Vehement itching of the wings of the nose, which induces rubbing. Prickling sensation in the right nostril and eye, as one experiences before sneezing. Tickling itching in the left nostril, which induces rubbing, (after 14 hours.)Burning pain in the nose and the eyes, (owing to vapour.) Soreness and inflammation of the inner wall of the nose. In blowing the nose, blood comes out of it, early in the morning, immediately after rising from the bed; this is followed by violent bleeding from the nose, (after 33 hours.)-Bleeding from the nose. The smell is finer. FACE.-Stitches in the face, in the left cheek; they begin in the lower jaw, and extend upwards, (after one hour.) Dull stitches in the right jugum. Lancinating and drawing pain in the right cheek, (after two hours.) Quick throbbing of an artery in the left cheek, attended with shooting stitches extending from the left eye as far as the upper jaw. Slight twitching in the right cheek, like pulsating sensation, (after eight days.)--Burning sensation of the cheeks. Burning sensation of the cheeks, (after one, two hours.) Redness of the face, without any perceptible heat. Redness of the face, with itching and burning, as is consequent upon freezing of the parts.) Itching in the face.-ltching in the whiskers. Itching in the forehead, inducing scratching; there are pimples on the forehead. An itching pimple by the side of the mouth. On the lips and in the throat, a tearing pain, (owing to vapour.) Dryness and burning of the lips, (on the first day.) The upper lips are chapped, with a burning sensation in the fissures, (on the fourth day.) Bluish lips, (on the first and second day) JAWS AND TEETH.-On the right side of the chin a painful pressure. Fine, smart stitches at a small place of the chin, close under the lower lip. Pricking in the chin, as with pins, (immediately.)-Spasmodic drawing in the chin and the lower jaw, (after two hours.) Pricking pain in the articulation of the lower jaw, as by a pin. Violent tearing in the rilUht side of the lower jaw. Toothache; tearing in the teeth of the lower jaw; it is increased by cold. Throbbing and tearing in the upper molar teeth of the left side, in the afternoon. Gnawing pain in the l* 10 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. molar teeth of the upper jaw; this is followed by itching in the left ear, after which the toothache comes on again, in the afternoon. Dull toothache (the German text signifies pouting or insidiously threatening toothache) on the left side of the upper jaw. Drawing pain in the incisors of the lower jaw. Lancinations, attended with a sensation of drawing, in the incisors of the lower jaw; the lancinations are continued towards the left angle of the lower jaw, (after one hour.) Dulness of the incisors of the lower jaw. The fore teeth feel too long; they are very sensitive, in the evening, (on the third day.) MoUTH.-The gums are painful, and the saliva tastes acrid, (during the first ten days.) Painfulness and bleeding of the gums. Swelling of the gums, attended with pain. Bad smell from the mouth.-Bad smell from the mouth, early in the morning; attended with a faeculent taste in the mouth. Smell of rotten substances from the mouth, (on the eighth to the tenth day.) Acrid smell from the mouth, as of horse-radish; he himself is not aware of it. Soreness in the whole inner mouth, especially of the palate, (on the fifth day.) The palate feels sore, as though the skin were drawn off; it is very sensitive to pain, (on the first day.) The tongue is sore. Small painful ulcer by the side of the frcenum of the tongue, (on the ninth day,) The tongue is coated white; at the tip it is bordered with dirty-yellow aphthae, producing a sensation as though the skin would peel off; immediately after a meal, (after four hours.) Tongue is coated white. Very pale tongue; it is covered with a thin layer of white phlegm.-Back part of the tongue is coated yellow, (on the seventh-tenth day.) Slimy tongue. Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue. (after four hours.) Foam at the mouth. Water accumulates in the mouth, (this yinptom exists simultaneously with pains in the belly, (on the second day.) Flow of saliva from the mouth. Sometimes, especially upon raising the head, saliva flows into the larynx; this induces violent vomiting. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Saliva tastes very acrid, (during the first ten days.) Flat taste in the mouth, the tongue being coated yellow, (on the seventh-tenth day.) Insipid taste in the mouth.-Bitter taste in the mouth, (on the BUG-AGARIC. 11 12th day.) Want of thirst; complete absence of thirst. Thirst, in the afternoon, (on the second day.) Want of appetite. No desire for eating; desire to drink. He does not eat bread with pleasure. M3uch hunger, but no appetite; this symptom also exists early in the morning. Great desire to cat, which often borders on a ravenous appetite, (on the fourth-eighth day.) For several days in succession he has sudden fits of hunger, during which he swallows his food in a great hurry, and with greediness. Towards evening his appetite increases; he imagines not to be able to satisfy it, and he swallows his food in a hurry and with greediness, as if he were attacked with rabid hunger, (after eight hours.) Towards evening he is suddenly attacked with rabid hunger; his whole body is covered with sweat; these symptoms are attended with great weariness and tremor of the extremities. (ESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH.-After a meal, a sensation of choking in the oesophagus, and oppression at the stomach. After dinner, oppression at the pit of the stomach, attended with painful drawing and pressure in the balls of the eyes, reluctance to work, and indolence of mind, (on the tenth day.) Horripilation after supper. Frequent rising of mere air, such as takes place when the stomach is deranged, (after half an hour.) Empty risings. Frequently empty risings, alternating with hiccough; these symptoms appear while he smokes tobacco, which he is in the habit of doing, (after one hour.) Risings, with qualmishness, (after three hours.) Risings, tasting of the ingesta. Early in the morning, risings: tasting of the ingesta.-Heartburn. Hiccough, immediately after having taken the medicine. Hiccough, in the afternoon, Frequent hiccough, (after 26 hours.) A sense of nausea rises as far as his mouth. Nausea, shortly after having taken the medicine.-Nausea, with cutting pain in the abdomen. Nausea, and inclination to vomit, (after two hours.) Nausea, shortly after a meal; eructations relieve it. Oppression at the stomach, with inclination to go to stool. Oppression at the pyloric orifice of the stomach. Oppressive pain in the region of the upper and left border of the stomach; the pain is felt when standing or walking, (after two hours.) Oppressive weight in the stomach, 12 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Oppression at the pit of the stomach, (on the first and ninth day.) Oppression at the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the sternum.-After breakfast, oppression at the pit of the stomach; in the afternoon, the pain passes to the epigastrium, where it becomes a grinding pain; in the evening, the person passes wind, after which the pain disappears, (on the 16th day.) ABDoMEN.-Tensive pain at the pit of the stomach, which extends to the left clavicle; it is felt towards evening during deep breathing, (on the ninth day.)-Spasmodic drawing in the region of the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the chest; towards evening, (on the ninth day.)When sitting, cutting colic-like spasms, resembling spasms of the stomach, immediately below the diaphragm, and extending towards the vertebral column, (after one hour and a half.) Feeling of soreness in the hypochondria and the region of the pit of the stomach, as if the contents of the thorax were compressed; the pain is more violent after dinner. In the hypochondria, upon the left side of the last true rib, there is a pressive pain returning every second; at the corresponding place of the right side, the person experiences a pain as from an old gun-shot wound, (after two hours.) Acute pulsative pain below the left hypochondrium; it rises as high up as the third and fourth rib; in the afternoon, (on the eighth day.) Dull pressure in the spleen, in the evening, when he is lying in bed upon the left side; the pain is diminished by the person turning to the right side. Stitches under the short ribs of the left side, when breathing, and especially when sitting with a stooping chest. In the region of the liver, sharp stitches, as from needles.-l)ull stitches in the liver, during breathing. Violent pain in the abdomen, (after four hours.) Painful pressure in the lumbar region, (after two hours.) Violently pressive pain in the left splenic region, at night; the pain disturbs the sleep, (on the twelfth day.) Pressure and sense of fulness in the abdomen, after moderately partaking of light food.-Troublesome fulness of the whole abdomen; it makes sitting and breathing difficult. Bloated abdomen. Bloated abdomen. Sense as of writhing in the abdomen. Writhing pain in the abdomen.-Pinching in the abdomen. Pinching below the BUG-AGARIC. 13 umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of the abdomen. Violent pinching in the abdomen, attended with diarrhoea. Pinching and cutting in the epigastrium, in the evening, (on the ninth day.) Cutting pain in the umbilical region, (after two hours.) Cutting in the hypogastriufr, without going to stool.-Cutting pain in the hypogastrium, as if diarrhoea were to ensue; in the evening. Cutting pain, attended with wind moving to and fro in the bowels, with bloated condition of the hypogastrium; eructations and emission of flatulence give but short relief, (after one hour.) Cutting pain in the abdomen, such as is consequent upon a purgative; this pain is followed by liquid stools, by which the pains are relieved, (on the second day.) Sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhcea were just coming on.-Dull stitches, which hurt very much, at the superior anterior process of the iliac bones. A stitch on the right side and near the vertebral column, in the region of the right kidney, (after half an hour.) Mild pain in the lumbar region. Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin; it is felt only when walking, (after four hours and a half.) Troublesome itching of the hypogastrium, with gooseskin; it lasts almost the whole night, and only disappears in the morning, after perspiration has set in. INTESTINES AND STooL.-Flatus move to and fro in the abdomen in an audible manner. Grunting and rumbling in the abdomen. Audible grunting in the abdomen, early in the morning, (on the second day.) Loud rumbling in the abdomen, (after half an hour.) A sort of rumbling in the epigastrium. Loud gurgling in the bowels, deep down.-Loud, painless din in the abdomen, like distant thunder, attended with a feeling as i( the person had to go to stool, in the evening. Motion in the abdomen, as if the person had to go to stool; at the same time the person passes a quantity of wind, which has almost no smell. Passes a large quantity of wind. Passes wind, attended with a sensation similar to that experienced in diarrhcca.Frequently passes fetid wind. Passes wind which smells of garlic. In passing wind, there is an acrid pain in the rectum, (on the sixth day.) During the whole day there is a sensation in the bowels as if the person had to go to stool; however, the stools are not passed till late in the 14 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. evening, after there had been copious stools in the morning. Absence of stool for two days. Solid stools after several days' constipation. Stools are passed every other day; they are always solid. There is no stool for three days, although stools generally were passed every day; at the end of three days the person passed stools which were hard. Very hard stools. Hard, dark-coloured evacuations, (on the third day.) Knotty stools, at night, after violent colic; this is succeeded by violent lenesmus, without any more stools being passed, (on the third day.) Stools are first knotty, and a quarter of an hour afterwards watery, attended with violent colic, fermentation in the abdomen, and great nausea. First hard, then pappy stools; shortly after there is diarrhoea. Colic is succeeded by knotty, then liquid stools, early in the morning, (on the second day.) Soft stools, after the stools had been passed as usually early in the morning.-Soft: pappy stools every day. The evacuations become pappy, (on the sixth day.) Passes a quantity of pappy stools, (after twelve to thirty-eight hours.) Watery stools, attended with violent colic and tenesmus, early in the morning, (on the third day.) Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with violent pinching in the body, early in the morning, (on the second day.) Five times in succession the person passes liquid, yellowish stools, attended with pinching in the abdomen, and emission of flatulence which has no smell. Diarrhcea; at the same time the person passes a large quantity of wind, (after six hours.) Slimy stools, at the same time passing much wind. Passes mucus by the rectum, attended with wind.-Before and during the stools there is violent pinching and cutting in the abdomen. Diarrhoea, attended with painful constriction of the stomach and abdomen. During and after stool, acrid pain in the rectum, (on the third and fourth day.) Colic after stool, as if the person had swallowed poison, early in the morning, (on the seventh and ninth day.)-After stool, rumbling in the abdomen. Itching and tickling of the anus, which obliges the person to scratch, (after three quarters of an. hour.) Itching and prickling in the rectum. Prickling in the rectum, (after three hours.) Prickling in the rectum, as from worms. BUG-AGARIC. 15 URINARY ORGANS.-Desire to urinate, though but very little urine is passed, (after three quarters of an hour.)Frequent desire to urinate; he passes much urine, the penis being quite relaxed, (after four hours.) Frequent micturition. She frequently passes her urine, although she had but drunk lit.le, (op the fourth day.) Rare emission of urine, without any increase of quantity. Rare emission of urine, with decrease of quantity. Urine comes out slowly, feebly, sometimes only in drops; he is obliged to bear down in order to facilitate the emission of urine. The urine sometimes stops flowing for a few moments, and then flows again. Retention of urine. Scanty, reddish urine, (on the first and second day.) Clear lemoncoloured urine.-Spasmodic drawing in the left groin, when urinating, (after three days.) Prickling and itching in the orifice of the urethra, (after two hours.) A stitch in the urethra as if an incandescent steel were pushed through it, (after three hours.) Sensation in the urethra, as if he had not entirely done urinating. Sensation in the urethra, as if a drop of cold urine passed through it.Effusion of viscid, glutinous mucus from the urethra. Itching of the hairy parts of the pudendum. Quickly passing, voluptuous itching in the penis. Itching, with titillation, of the margin of the prepuce; these symptoms oblige him to rub the parts, (after five hours)-Drawing in the testicles, attended with a sense of uneasiness, awkwardness, and sleepiness; in the evening. Spasmodic drawing in the left testicle and spermatic cord. GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS.-Continual erections, (the first night.) Erection, early in the morning. Frequent erectiodh, also at night. Pollutions, (the first night.) Nightly pollutions, without any lascivious dreams. Great aversion to sexual intercourse. The sexual desire becomes excited. A nap after dinner is succeeded by an unbounded desire, in the sexual organs, for an emission of semen; after the emission of the semen, there is a pressive tension below the ribs, without any symptopi of flatulence.-Great desire for an embrace, the penis being relaxed. In the evening, when he was desirous of enjoying an embrace, he exerted himself in vain to have an erection; he was 16 AGARICUS MUSCAR1US. therefore obliged to desist; in the ensuing night he had several copious involuntary effusions of semen. In spite of strong excitement, there is no pleasurable sensation in an embrace. During an embrace, a copious effusion of semen, which is followed by a very long sleep. Tardy effusion of semen during an embrace.-lnsufficient effusion of semen during an embrace, which is succeeded by weariness of the body. After every embrace there is great weariness, lasting several days. Every embrace is followed by copious night-sweats, attended with a general lassitude of the body, which lasis for several days. After an embrace he feels very much exhausted; there is a burning itching upon the skin, and copious night-sweats, for two nights, the sweat appearing first upon the upper part of the chest and the shoulders, and then upon the abdomen and the arms. Itching and titillation of the female organs of generation.-The menses flow more abundantly. COLD, CATARRH.-Sneezing, without coryza. Frequent sneezing, without coryza, (after twelve, twenty-two hours.) Frequent sneezing, which sometimes comes on twice in succession, (on the first day.) Frequent sneezing, immediately after having taken the medicine. Several violent sneezings early in bed.-Dryness of the nose. Dryness of the nose, with a sensation of cold in the head. Continual dryness of the nose; only once or twice, during the day, two or three drops of water flow out. Clear water frequently drops out of the nose, without there being any cold in the head. On stooping, clear water drops out of the nose. Taking a little snuff is at once followed by an abundant collection of viscid mucus in the nose. Upon blowing the nose, there is a copious discharge of thick mucus, (after fiie days.) Small quantity of dry white mucus in the nose; frequently attended with a sense as of much mucus being in it. Cold in the head, in the afternoon. Sudden cold in the head, attended with sneezing.Cold in the head, the nose feeling obstructed, especially when stooping, (on the seventh day.) Dry cold in the head. Fluent coryza. THRAOT, RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Roughness and rawness of the throat.-Upon slightly clearing the throat, small balls of phlegm become detached. Throws up BUG-AGARIC. 17 small flocculi, or solid balls of phlegm, almost without any cough. Irritation, which excites coughing. Frequently returning sensation of tickling in the larynx, which induces short and frequently repeated coughing. Frequent coughing after dinner, without throwing up.-When sitting, there is a dry cough, after dinner, which disturbs the nap. Breath is very short. Very short breath and asthma, even when walking slowly. When walking, she is obliged to stand still several times, in order to be able to take breath. Difficult breathing, (after eight days.)Aggravated breathing, as if the cavity of the thorax were filled with blood, (after four hours.) CHEST.-Oppression at the chest. Violent oppression at the chest. She feels so oppressed at the chest, that she is unable to take a slow and deep inspiration, and has to give it up again as soon as she tries. Total constriction of the chest consequent upon oppression; she is obliged to take frequent and deep inspirations; this makes walking difficult for her.-Oppression at the chest in the region of the diaphragm, attended with drawing pain, (after half an hour.) Oppression at the chest, attended with great throbbing of the arteries; one or two days. Sense of oppression at the pit of the stomach, as if the cavity of the thorax were narrowed. Oppressive anxiety in the chest. Feeling of pain in the lower part of the chest, especially in the region of the pit of the stomach, as if the contents of the thorax were compressed; the pain is most violent after dinner. Painful pressure at the middle portion of the sternum, aggravated by breathing, (after two hours and a half.) Tension in the lower part of the chest, during motion and when sitting; this tension takes away his breath. Stitches in the region of the lungs, passing off soon. Painful stitches in the middle of the chest. Stitches in the chest, below the nipples, (after fourteen and thirty hours.)-Fine stitch in he left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate; the stitch is felt when sitting, and stooping with the chest. Stitches in the left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate; during an inspiration. Pinching pain in the left mamma, descending obliquely as far as the navel. Pain, as from a sprain, in the chest; it increases especially upon taking a deep in 18 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. spiration; in the evening, (on the ninth day.) Burning pain in the left half of the chest, (on the third day.) Fine burning and prickling at different places of the chest, especially upon the sternum, (after one hour.) When standing, painful palpitation of the heart. Pulsative soreness at various inconsiderable places of the chest, especially at the right half of the chest; at night and also during the day, (after a fortnight.) Itching upon the chest, which terminates in burning. Burning itching upon the chest, (and in the back.)-Violent itching of the nipples. Burning itching of, and pimples upon, the left nipple. Copious sweat upon the chest, at night. BACK.-Corrosive itching of the left side of the os coccigis. Itching of the left tuberosity of the ischium, which obliges the person to scratch the parts.-On sitting down, those parts upon which he sits feel bruised, or as if he had sat upon them for a long while. Violent tearing in the left half of the nates, attended with a feeling of coldness; the tearing is very violent when sitting, less violent when rising and walking, (lasting for eight days.) Drawing and tearing in the left half of the nates; the pain wales him from sleep at night. Boil on the right half of the nates. Violent pain in the small of the back, upon rising from his seat; the pain prevents the body from being righted, and the thighs from being moved.-Violent pain in the small of the back, when sitting or lying down; the pain is relieved by motion, (from the first to the third day.) As if the small of the back were bruised, especially when standing. Pain, as from a sprain, in the small of the back, on the left side, (from the sixth to the eighth day.) Violently shooting pain in the small of the back, upon raising the thigh when sitting. Pain in the back, as after continual stooping.-Upon rising from his seat and righting his body, his back feels stiff; there is a violent pain in the left loin, which prevents the body being righted; when sitting, he feels nothing, and is able to turn his body to-all sides. Spasmodic, pressive and drawing pain, which starts from the back, and extends to the middle of the chest and into the cesophagus; in the afternoon, (from the fifth to the seventh day.) Pressive, boring pain.in the middle of the back, (on the second day.) Painful, BUG-AGARI C. 19 spasmodic jerks in the left side of the back., Tearing pain, now extending to the right, now to the left side of the lumbar vertebrae; when walking.-Frequent tearing between the shoulders, (on the fourth day.) Painful stitches between the shoulders, (on the second day.) The muscles of the back feel bruised. The muscles of the back feel bruised, and upon bending forwards, seem too short; this symptom occurs early in the morning after a good night's rest, in the bed as well as afterwards, when the person is sitting; two days in succession. Pain, as from bruises, in the lumbar region, especially when lying down and sitting.-Pain, as from bruises and sprains, in the whole of the back, attended with a disposition to stretch the back, (on the third and fourth day.) The muscles of the back feel weak; he finds it difficult to sit straight or to lean against something. When stooping, the spinal column experiences pain, as though it were too weak to support the weight of the body. Paralytic pain, as from weakness, in the back part of the loins; the pain is aggravated by walking and standing, (after twelve hours.) Feeling of paralysis near the lumbar vertebrae, close above the border of the os ilium; this makes it difficult for him, after he has risen from his seat, to step forward.-Short twitches in the muscles of the right lumbar region, in the evening, (on the ninth day.) Itching, with titillation, of the back. Burning itching of the back. NECK.-Pain, as from a sprain, in the muscles of the neck; or, pain, as from having bent the body backwards in lying down, (after thirty-two hours.) The muscles of the posterior cervical region feel bruised, and, upon bending the body forwards, they feel, as it were, too short; this symptom occurs early when in bed, and also afterwards when the person is sitting.-Stiffness in the nape of the neck, (after two hours.) Suddenly a violent pressure between the neck and the shoulders. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIEs.-Drawing rheumatic pains in the shoulder-joint, attended with weakness of the whole arm, (on the fifteenth day.) The arms feel bruised. Want of strength in the arms. Painful weariness of the arms. On account of the pain, he is obliged to change frequently the position of his arms. Itching of the arms. 20 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Pimples upon the arms, with a burning itching, of the size of a grain of flaxseed. The upper arms are painful to the touch.-Tearing pain in the left upper arm. Fine stinging on the fore part of the head of the humerus in the right arm. Burning upon the upper arm, above the left elbow. The upper arm feels paralyzed, in consequence of much writing. Itching, with titillation, of the point of the left elbow; this induces scratching, (after three hours.)-Pain in the fore arms, which is dull, but hurts a good deal. Acute rheumatic pains in the whole of the left fore arm, extending as far as the thumb; this symptom occurs in the afternoon, during rest. Tearing in the right fore arm. Tearing in the left fore arm, in the olecranon, during rest. Twitches upon the upper surface of the right fore arm, extending to the ball of the thumb.-Burning pain upon the anterior surface of the left lower arm, just above the wrist-joint, as if he had burnt himself. Burning itching upon the right fore-arm, which makes it necessary to scratch the parts; the scratching is succeeded by white eruptions of the size of a grain of flaxseed; at the same time the skin scales off, the scales having the shape of bran. Dull pain in the metacarpal bone of the left middle finger. Drawing pains in the metacarpal bones of the left hand. Tearing in the carpus of the left hand.The left hand goes to sleep, this symptom extending as far as the middle of the fore-arm; at night, (the fifth day.) Tremor of the hands. Tremor of the hands, as is witnessed in old people; the symptom occurs when he moves the hands or holds something with them, (after one hour and a half.) Itching, with titillation, of the right carpus; the person is obliged to scratch the parts, (after a quarter of an hour.) Itching and titillation in the palm of the right hand, which has to be scratched, after seven hours.Itching, redness and burning of the hands, as occurs when the parts are frozen. Inflamed pimples, of the size of a grain of flaxseed, upon the dorsum of the left hand. Drawing in the index-finger of the right hand. Tearing pain between the thumb and the index-finger of the right hand. Violent tearing in the right middle finger, (after twenty-three hours. Tearing in the fingers of the left hand, where the phalanges join the metacarpal bones; BUG-AGARIC. 21 motion has no modifying influence over this symptom, (after one hour.) Tearing twitches in the two last fingers of the right hand. Cramp in the ball of the right thumb, when standing and walking; it passes off when the person is sitting, (after six hours.) Burning and prickling in the index-finger of the right hand, as if a paronychia would form; in a few days this symptom is followed by frequent fits of numbness of the finger, and great, long-continued sensitiveness of the finger to cold.-Itching and titillation of the ball of the right thumb, which obliges the person to scratch the parts, (after eight hours.) Itching, with titillation, of the inner border of the right index finger, as if the parts had been frozen, (after five hours.) Itching, redness and burning of the fingers, as when parts are frozen. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Pain in the hip, for twentyfour hours; it is not felt when sitting, but is very acute when walking. In the legs, the pains (of almost any kind) occur when the person is standing or sitting, more rarely when walking; the pains diminish and disappear by motion. Tearing in the legs; it continues when the person is sitting, and is relieved by motion. Great lassitude of the legs; he knows not where to lay them. Weakness of the legs, (feet); being too powerless to stand upon them, the body is constantly balancing to and fro. His legs feel so tired and heavy, that he can scarcely lift them. Great weight in the legs. Weight in the legs; they feel weary, and as if they had been knocked from under the person. The legs go to sleep as soon as he crosses them. On crossing the thighs, he feels a violent pain in them. Pressive pain, as from a plug, on the external surface of the thigh, above the knee. Painful pressure in the left thigh.-Drawing rheumatic pain in the external surface of both thighs, when walking, and after having been sitting. Continual paralytic drawing in the left thigh down to the knee, both in rest and motion; in the afternoon. Drawing and tearing in the right thigh, on laying it across the left; the pain disappears again on extending the limb, (after one hour.) Tearing at the head of the left femur, which dis turbs his rest. Tearing close below the lesser condyle of the femur.-Tearing in the thigh, when walking or sitting. 22 AGARICUS MUSCARIUTS. Tearing, attended with a sense of-coldness, on the posterior side of the left thigh, Tearing, which causes a feeling of numbness in the whole thigh, from the left hip-joint down to the knee. Painful weariness of the thighs. The thighs are painful, as after great journeys on foot. Painful sense of paralysis in the left thigh. Paralytic pain in the right thigh, especially when walking; the thigh feels as if it were too heavy, and supported a load, (after eight hours.) Corrosive itching on the anterior side of the left thigh. Biting pimple on the thigh, above the left knee; scratching excites a violent sensation of burning in it. The knee-joints are painful early in the morning, on getting out of bed, when sitting.-The pain in the knees increases when sitting; it decreases and disappears by walking. Drawing in the left knee. Simultaneous drawing in both knee-joints. Tearing in the right knee-joint, when standing or sitting. Continual boring and tearing in the right knee, when sitting.-Twitches on the internal side of the right knee. Pricking as with pins, above the bent of the left knee, (after thirty-six hours.) Sudden bending of the left knee, when walking; in the afternoon. Pain as from a sprain, in the left knee, when walking. Painful sense of paralysis in the bend of the left knee.When standing, the pain increases in the legs; he is soon obliged to walk, or to sit down; the pain comes on already after he has been standing a minute. The pain in the tibiae increases and continues when sitting; it disappears in walking. Pressure as from a contusion, on the internal side of the gastrocnemii, when sitting; the pain is somewhat lessened by standing, and by touching the parts; but it becomes violent again when the person sits down, (after two hours.) Drawing pain in the leg, extending from the right knee as far as the toes; when sitting. Painful drawing on the posterior side of the left leg, extending down along the calf; it disappears in walking; in the afternoon.-Drawing and tearing in the right tibia. Tearing in the leg down to the lower extremity of the tibia. Tearing in the left tibia. Tearing on the external surface of the right calf, when silting, (the first day.) Violent stitch in the external side of the calf, (after two hours.)-Fine pricking on the internal side of the right BUG-AGARIC. 23 leg and towards the tibia. Pain in the legs, as if they were bruised. Pain in the legs, as from an exhaustion such as is consequent upon typhus fevers. Weight in the calves. Burning, attended with pressure, at the upper part of the tibia, below the knee.-Sensation at the top of the tibia and the head of the fibula, as if a warm hand were lying upon the parts. Burning itching of the legs, on getting undressed in the evening; this itching is attended with a desire to scratch; the scratching produces a burning sensation, and makes the skin dry, which easily breaks; after five weeks the skin peels off. Burning itch-ing of the left leg, which excites a desire to scratch; the scratching is followed by white eruptions of the size of a grain of flaxseed, which peel off in the shape of bran. Tearing pressure upon the internal malleolus of the left foot, when sitting, (after thirty-five hours.) Tearing in the hollow of the right foot, when sitting.-Tearing in the soles of the feet, when walking. Painful stitches in the external malleolus of the left foot, when sitting, (after five hours.) Fine stitches in the dorsum of the right foot. Stitches in the lower surface of the heel, when sitting. Violent stitches in the middle portion of the left foot, beginning at the malleoli; when at rest.-Stitches in the lower surface of the first and second bone of the metatarsus. Cramp in the sole of the foot, at night. Pain in the heels, as from a bruise, when standing. Heaviness and want of tonicity in the feet. Corrosive itching on the dorsum of the right foot.-Corrosive itching of the internal malleolus of the left foot. Drawing in the toes of the left foot. Drawing and tearing upon the lower surface of the big toe of the right foot, when sitting. Frequent tearing in the ball of the big toe of the left foot, (the second day.) Twitches in the ball of the big toe of the left foot, (the first day.)-Painful twitches in the big toe of the left foot. Stitches in the toes, when at rest. Sharp stitches in the toes of the left foot, when standing, (after a quarter of an hour.) Stitches at the spot where formerly a corn had been. Painful dull stitches in the three last toes of the right foot, (after twenty hours.) Grinding pain in the toes of the right foot. Soreness at the little toe of the right foot, as from the pinching of tight shoes, (after six hours.) 24 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Soreness in the corn of the second toe of the left foot, as from tight shoes, (after three hours.) Itching and titillation of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen; this excites a desire to scratch, (after eleven hours.) Itching, burning, and redness of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen.-Itching all over the skin. COMMON AILMENT.--Spreading Herpes. All the parts of the body are sensitive to pain; on applying even feeble pressure to a spot, it pains still a long while after. Cramplike pain in all the muscles, erratic, now in the upper, now in the lower extremities, when sitting. Tearing of different long bones, especially at their extremities.-Pricking as from pins, in different parts of the body, (after half an hour.) Fine pricking and burning in different parts of the body, (after one hour.) Drawing pain, now in the right upper arm, now in the left knee-joint. The pains are felt simultaneously in several parts of the body, especially on both sides above the small of the back. Pains of various kinds, when sitting, simultaneously in all the parts of the body.-When sitting, there is a boring pain in the whole head, in the thighs, tibiae, and the bones of the tarsus, attended with somnolence, and relaxation of the whole body. In walking slowly, he feels the most comfortably. SPASMS, PARALYSIS, WEAKNESS, FAINTING FITS.Convulsions. Several convulsions following each other in quick succession, first in the posterior part of the chest, then in the epigastrium, afterwards in the hypogastrium, especially on the right side, attended with a sensation as if the whole body were shaken through; in the evening, when standing. Commotion of the nervous system.Convulsions. Epilepsy. In a patient, affected with epilepsy, the fits come on at shorter intervals. In two patients, affected with epilepsy, the fits become more violent, reappear at shorter intervals, but afterwards occur more rarely, and are very slight. Uncomfortable feeling of sickness in the whole body.-Weakness and sensitiveness to pain in all the limbs, attended with pain in the heels when standing. Loss of strength in all the parts of the body. Excessive loss of strength. Great lassitude and staggering gait, (shortly.) Sense of tremor in the whole body, (after one hour.) Tremor. Anxiety, attended with BUG-AGARIC. 25 tremor and lassitude. Lassitude, (after twelve, sixteen hours.) Lassitude and heaviness of all the limbs. Heaviness in the whole body, especially the calves. Painful lassitude in the arms and legs. After a short walk, his arms and legs feel bruised-the day after. The long bones of the upper and lower extremities, and all the joints, feel bruised after motion, and the muscles feel painful on being touched. Great fatigue, after short but quick walking. On ascending a little hill, copious sweat breaks out; he feels like fainting. When in his bed, he feels so tired that lie does not know what position to take. Weariness, early in the morning. YAWNING, SLEEP, DREAMS.-Frequent yawning. Yawning; extension and stretching of the limbs, (after one hour.) Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough, (after seven hours and a half.) Frequently repeated yawning; it is so violent that it makes him giddy; early in the morning, when walking in the open air, (immediately.) Frequent yawning, with somnolence; he can hardly help falling asleep; in the forenoon. Sleepy and tired, the whole day. Irresistible sleepiness, which makes it necessary that the person should lie down. Sleepiness, with heaviness of the head, (immediately.) Sleepiness, early in the morning, one hour after rising. In the forenoon, when reading, he was overwhelmed with sleep. Irresistible somnolence after dinner. In spite of great somnolence, he cannot fall asleep; in the forenoon. Although he felt extremely drowsy in day-time, yet he was prevented from falling asleep by an abundance of ideas that thronged his mind. After dinner, sleep oppressed his eyes; nevertheless, he was unable tofall asleep on account of pain and uneasiness in his legs. Already, at eight o'clock in the evening, he felt so sleepy that he was obliged to go to bed; for fear lest some one should disturb him, he only fell asleep an hour afterwards, after which he slept until near morning. Being very sleepy in the evening, he went to bed; but he felt so uncomfortable all over the body, and his legs felt so tired, that he was unable to fall asleep; this symptom continued after he had waked up from a dream. After a sound sleep, he did not feel refreshed in the morning, and rose from bed without 2 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. desiring so to do. He has to make an effort to rise.After having enjoyed a siesta of two hours, he was not able to become wide awake. Uneasy sleep, (1-3 n.) Uneasy sleep, several times interrupted by waking up. Frequent waking up, at night, (fifth day.) He frequently wakes up in the night, is wide awake, but falls asleep again a little while after. Frequent waking up in the night, as though he had slept enough. Frequent waking up in the night, attended with anxiety. Waking up in the night, with a violent desire to urinate; much urine being then emitted, (after nineteen hours.) Shortly after having fallen asleep, she is roused from sleep by a spasmodic cough, lasting for about ten minutes; attended with a painful tickling in the upper part of the larynx, and extending down the throat. In the night he is roused from sleep by a sense of coldness in the whole of the left leg.Loose sleep, with many dreams, and constantly changing images. Sleep interrupted by anxious dreams. Internal uneasiness during a bad dream, the nature of which he is not able to recollect, and during which the body remained quiet; upon waking up, all uneasiness had gone. Frequent waking up on account of bad dreams. Disagreeable dreams often wake him up in the night. Vivid dreams, partly agreeable, partly disagreeable. FEVER, CHILLS, SWEAT.-Chills, all night. Chills all over the body, (after ten minutes.) A chill, pervading the body from top to toe. Very sensitive to cool air.-The slightest contact with cool air causes goose-skin. Great inclination to chilliness. He is chilled as soon as he goes out into the open air, or raises the cover of the bed in the night. Great internal chilliness. Continual chilliness; he cannot get warm in the room, especially early in the morning. A slight thrill of cold down the left leg, as far as the foot. Chill in the back, as if cold water were running down; this chill occurs when he leans with his back against a chair. Very chilly in the evening. Shaking chills for ten minutes; on lying down in the evening. Long-continued chill in the evening, which increases to shaking. Feverish chills every evening, without thirst, and without subsequent heat. Chills with shaking, upon lifting the cover of the bed. Chills with yawning. Chills; ALUMINA.-ARGILLA. 27 face, hands and feet, however, being warm. Violent chills, with shaking of the whole body, and tremor of the hands in writing; the hands are cold, the face naturally warm, without any thirst or subsequent heat. Frequent thrills of warmth in the face and on the whole surface of the upper part of the body; every thrill lasting from five to ten minutes. Increase of animal heat, at night. Violent attack of heat, in the evening; his cheeks glow, although his hands are cold; these symptoms are attended with long-continued thirst, without any subsequent sweat, (after twelve hours.) Heat in the night; she feels chilly on turning herself or raising the cover of her bed. Continual heat during the night; afterwards, sweat. Repeated attacks of heat, combined with sweat, during a whole afternoon, attended with dull headache without thirst; in the evening, on putting on his hat, heat and sweat increase, respiration is hurried, with great depression of strength. Sweat consequent upon moderate bodily efforts. Sweat in walking. Night-sweats during an uneasy sleep. Small, quick pulse, eighty beats, early in the morning. The pulse becomes slower, (after two hours.) The pulse, which is generally strong and full, becomes small, weak, and scarcely perceptible. Weak, unequal, intermittent pulse. Early in the morning the pulse is less intermittent. After drinking coffee, the pulse became less intermittent, and rose from fifty to sixty beats. Undulating, weak, slow pulse. ALUMINA, (ARG ILLA.) To procure pure alumina, which is a somewhat difficult business, the following process may be resorted to. Take perfectly dry muriate of lime, heat it in a porcelain cup, pulverize the hot substance, and dissolve it in a proportionate quantity of alcohol. Then take half an ounce of white alum of Solfatara, dissolve it in five parts of distilled water, and filter it besides, in order to remove every particle of earth. From this solution precipitate the sulphuric acid in the form of plaster, by means of the above named 28 ALUMINA. solution of the muriate of lime, and continne this process of precipitation until the -alcohol solution of the muriate ceases to make the alum solution turbid. The superincumbent clear liquid contains the muriate of alumina, from which the earthy constituents should be carefully precipitated by means of a solution of the salt of ammonia in spirits of wine; this precipitate should then be carefully washed, and, whatever remains of the ammonium should be driven off by heating the precipitate. When this powder, which is the pure alumina, is yet warm, it may be enclosed in a well corked bottle, and kept for further use. Mix one grain of this substance with three hundred grains of sugar of milk, by triturating the compound in the known fashion, and from this trituration prepare the solutions in the manner which has been taught in the first volume. Alumina is an important antipsoric. In the following affections, provided the remedy was otherwise homoopathically indicated, alumina has been found especially useful.* Moroseness; fearfulness; apprehensiveness; (easily starting up with fright;) reluctance to labour; absence of the power of recollection; difficulty of thinking; vertigo; headache, as if thle hair were pulled out, attended with nausea; oppression at the forehead, and rush of blood to the eyes and nose, with bleeding from the nose; itching of the forehead; heaviness of the face; (Hg.;) bloated places in the face, like bulbous excrescences; (Hg.;) sense of coldness in the eyes, when walking in the open air; in the evening, pressure in the canthus of the eye as from a grain of sand; the eyes are closed with pus; * Note: The affections which I have indicated in the preface to every remedy, are not to be considered as names of diseases, but merely as isolated symptoms, which have either decreased or disappeared by using the remedy under whose head they are mentioned. These affections have not always been indicated with the necessary correctness. They should never be relied upon as indicating the affections which may be cured by this special remedy; they are merely mentioned in order to inform the reader that experience, obtained at the bed-side of the patient, has proved certain remedies, which had been chosen agreeably to their pathogenetic symptoms, curative in the diseases for which they had been administered. ARGILLA* 29 running of the eyes; buzzing before the ear; redness of the nose; tearing and lancinating pain in the malar bone; dryness in the mouth; eructations; inclination to eructations for years; sourish risings; irregular appetite, which is sometimes strong, sometimes wanting; frequent nausea; pain at the pit of the stomach, and in the hypochondria, when stooping; colic early in the morning; want of action of the rectum; itching of the anus; frequent urinating in the night; difficult stools, attended with discharge of the prostatic fluid; excessive sexual desire; too scanty menses; painful menstruation; leucorrhcea; disposition to catch cold, having lasted for years; coryza and cough; rawness in the throat; catarrh of the neck and chest; difficulty of breathing; asthma; cough; itching in the mammae; pain at the thyroid cartilage on touching it; palpitation of the heart; shocks of the heart; pain in the small of the back, during rest; paralytic heaviness in the arm; pain in the arms on letting them hang down, or stretching them in the bed; stitches in the wrist during labour; chapping, sense of excoriation of the hands; paronychia; at night, numbness, stiffness, and insensibility of the legs; pain, as from fatigue, in the articulations of the foot, when sitting; cold feet; sense as of burning under the toes; tremor and twitches of the limbs; frequent extension of the limbs when sitting; disagreeable want of animal heat; bad consequences of chagrin; falling asleep late; sleep too loose; great number of dreams during sleep; unrefreshing sleep, which is more like stupor; chills in the evening; fever and ague, beginning with chills, immediately after having eaten the warm soup. According to Bute, bryonia is an excellent antidote against the fevers of alumina; others consider chamomile and ipecacuanha antidotes. (No.) My co-observers are: Dr. Hartlaub, sen.; (Ng.;) * NOTE: With these two letters, Doctors Hartlaub and Trinks designate a man who has furnished the greatest number of symptoms for their Annals. His symptoms are often indicated in a careless, diffuse, and vague manner. I have availed myself of those portions of his symptoms which appeared to me really useful; taking it for granted, that he has been an honest and cautious ob 30 ALUMINA. Dr. Schreter, Dr. Trinks, Dr. H. G. Bute, of Philadelphia. Doctors Noack and Trinks have comprised those affections under the following technical names: Hysteric irritability of the nerves.-Hydrargyrosis?-Moist, gnawing tetters; Herpes; Lupus vorax; Prurigoformicans; Pityriasis of the ancients.-Panaritia; Rhagades; frozen limbs.-Weakness of memory and understanding.-Congestive, or nervous, hysteric headache, with vomiting.Blepharophthalmitis glandulosa seu vetularum; Ptosis? Strabismus??-Otorrhoea.- Ozena.-Toothache of pregnant women; swellings and ulcerations of the gums.Acute angina.-Pains of the liver.-Colica plumbce.Habitual costiveness of children that are brought up with artificial nourishment; costiveness of sucking babies and pregnant women.-Cholera infantum.-Haemorrhoidal affections.-Fluor albus.-Grippe.-Chronic coryza and catarrh.-Incubus?-Podagra. Analogous remedies: 1. Cham., Ign., Ipec., Lach., Lobel., Phosp., Plumb. 2. Ars., Bar., Bell., Calc. Led. Magn., Mere., Nux vom., Rhus., Silic., Sulph. After Alumina, Bryonia is often useful. Alumina may often be advantageously exhibited after Bryonia, Lachesis, and Sulphur. It is often useful to employ these remedies in alternation. Duration of effects: of large doses in healthy persons, eight, twelve, and fourteen days; of small doses in disease, twelve or twenty-four hours. server. However, it can scarcely be expected that the friends of the homaeopathic system should have implicit faith in the statements of an unknown person, concerning experiments which are the essential basis of our system, and which require great caution, acuteness of sense, fine perceptive powers, severe discrimination in regard to one's own sensations and observations, and a correct choice of expressions. ARGILLA1 31 ALUMINA. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-His spirits are depressed; he wishes to be left alone, in the forenoon, (the eighth day.) (He feels excessively contented.) His mood changes frequently. He feels low-spirited on account of his disease.-He imagines not to be able to recover his health. The person imagines nothing but disagreeable, sad images, (first day.) * She is constantly assailed by sad thoughts, which oblige her to weep; at the same time she feels anxious and uneasy, as if something evil were to happen to her; every thing that she looks at, gives her uneasiness, (eleventh day.) Involuntary sighing and groaning, such as takes place in great pain; he is not conscious of it. The person is depressed with grief, early in the morning, on waking up; consciousness is not clear.She takes every thing in the worst sense, and weeps and howls for hours, (2d day.) The boy weeps constantly, without wishing it, for half an hour. * Anguish, with much uneasiness, the whole day, (2d day.) Serious, anxious mood. Anxious, sullen, peevish mood. Oppressive anxiety, attended with emptiness and numbness of the head, and pressure in the forehead, (after twelve hours.) Fearfulness, with external heat and uneasiness, as if she had done something bad. Anxiety and fearfulness, as if he had committed a crime, (fifth day.) * Uneasiness, in the evening, as though something evil were impending over him. *Apprehensiveness, with palpitation of the heart, and pulsations in some parts of the breast and abdomen, (fourth day.) * Anxiety, early in the morning, as though he were threatened with an epileptic fit.-He is apprehensive of losing his thoughts, his understanding. Upon seeing blood, or knives, horrible thoughts throng her mind; she feels, for instance, as though she would commit suicide, although she has the greatest aversion against it. The person is greatly excited, over-fatigued, and nevertheless feels as if not enough had been done. Extremely frightful, the person starts upon hearing Ihe least thing fall. Frequently changing mood during the 3"2 ALUMINA. day, sometimes assurance, sometimes timidity. Dissatisfied with every thing, feels despairing. Low-spirited and peevish; she is grumbling uninterruptedly. Not disposed to any thing; nothing gives him pleasure. Peevish, illhumoured; she is conscious of it, at one o'clock in the afternoon, (first day.) Peevish and whining; the lobules of the ears are hot, (after two days.) Extremely peevish and obstinate. Is opposed to the wishes of other people. She is excessively peevish, and every thing is offensive to her; she desires nothing but to quarrel and to raise a fuss; in the afternoon, (fifth day.)-He sneers at every thing contemptuously. * Want of disposition for any kind of labour, and ennui; in the forenoon. * Reluctance to any kind of employment, (first day.) Indifference, absence of mind, and peevishness. Great absence of mind and irresolution, (second day.)-Want of attention in reading; the mind does not remain fixed upon one object, (first day.) The mind is occupied with a variety of objects; but not one of them leaves a distinct recollection in the mind, (fourth day.) He constantly speaks wrong, choosing different expressions from those which he intended. Absence of all power of recollection, and great weakness of memory. Striking forgetfulness.-Continual and great weakness of memory. Want of memory, for many weeks. Great forgetfulness. Inability for consistent thinking. Dullness of mind. Inability and want of disposition for mental labour. Intolerable ennui-an hour seems to him half a day. He feels light-spirited; the intellectual and physical powers appear to be excited, (first day.) Increased animation alternating with absence of mind, during which one's thoughts, sight, and hearing, are indistinct, and have almost disappeared. HEAD.-Obtusion of the head, being at the same time apprehensive of losing his consciousness.-The head feels extremely obtuse, as if his consciousness were outside of his body; when he says something, it seems to him as though somebody else had said it; or when he sees something, it seems as though somebody else had seen it, or as if he saw the thing through somebody else's eyes. Early in the morning, the head feels obtuse and dull; this symptom passes off after rising, (third day.) Early in the ARGILLA. 33 morning his head feels dim and hot. Obtusion of the head, attended with heat in the face. Occasional weakness of the head. Great stupor; apprehensiveness of falling over. Bad vertigo in walking or sitting, as though he would fall over; this often lasts for several days, and is attended with straining in the nape of the neck, extending towards the head. Vertigo even to falling; the whole room seems to turn with her; she is obliged to sit down at once, at four o'clock in the afternoon, (third day.) Vertigo, every thing turns with him in a circle; attended with nausea. Every thing before his eyes turns with him. Vertigo, early in the morning, as though she would turn herself round; this symptom is attended with a fainting sort of nausea; after having breakfasted on wheat bread, her nausea ceased; but a sour taste remained in the mouth, (eleventh day.) Vertigo early in the morning. Staggenring walk, such as is seen in intoxication. Quickly passing vertigo in the morning. Vertigo increases on stooping. Vertigo, even to falling, during a walk; she had to lean against a wall, (twenty-fourth day.) Giddiness the whole day, even to falling; in order to moderate this symptom, she is obliged to wipe her eyes, (eleventh day.) Giddiness, which continues for some days without almost any interruption; it is like an intoxication produced by beer, (thirty-first day.) The head always feels giddy, as soon as she wakes up, (sixteenth day.) Her head feels in a state of obnubilation and intoxication; it seems to her as though she would turn herself, for nine days; this symptom alternated with pain in the kidneys in such a manner, that the obnubilation of the head decreased in proportion as the pain in the kidneys increased, and vice versa, (after thirty days.) Even the weakest spirituous drink intoxicates him. Headache, increasing by walking in the open air. Pain in the head and nape of the neck; it increases on going to bed, and leaves off early next morning, on rising. Headache, which obliges the person to lie down; it is attended with dry heat and cough during sleep, the whole afternoon. Headache on the left side, (after eighteen hours.) Short-lasting dull pain in the occiput, (a. half an hour.) Headache in the occiput; it feels bruised; the pain passes off on lying down. Early in the morning the 2? 34 ALUMINA. head feels heavy, and hot. Great heaviness of the head, attended with paleness of countenance, and lassitude. Heaviness of the head; when sitting straight, he feels as if he would fall over; this symptom increases on stooping, at one o'clock in the afternoon, (fifth day.) Heaviness of the head, attended with obtusion of the forehead, and sensitiveness of the vertex to the touch, at four o'clock in the afternoon, (second day.) Intensely pressive headache above the eyes. Pressing out at the forehead, after dinner. Screwing pressure at the head. Compressive headache, above the eyes, coming from both temples, in the evening; in the night, heat when in bed, followed by sweat, (after two hours.) Compressive (pinching) headache in the forehead, above the eyes; it seems to come from the temples, (after three-twelve hours.) Headache, tearing, with a sense as of pressing from both sides, in the evening, (after two hours and a half,) attended with chills,, many evenings in succession. Sensation as if the right side of the head were pressed or screwed towards the other, and as if the vertex were oppressed with a heavy load, in the forenoon, at 8} o'clock, (two days.) Pain, as if the parts in the head were being screwed together, attended with stitches in the forehead, and such a violent pain in the head, that the head threatens to tumble down on stooping; this symptom occurred when standing, at two o'clock in the afternoon, (two days.) Sense of constriction around the forehead, attended with pain, (after a quarter of an hour.) Dull, pressive headache, increased in walking, (first day.) Burning and pressive pain, with warmth, in the fore part of the head, after dinner, when standing or sitting; the pain is relieved on walking out into the air, and does not return on re-entering the room. Headache, as from bruises, with redness of cheeks. Bad headache of a peculiar nature, as though the brain were dashed to pieces. Stunning tension at a small spot of the right temple; it passes off on pressing upon the spot; when the pressure ceases, the tension returns immediately; in the forenoon, (two days.) Drawing and pulsative tension in the right side of the occiput, in the forenoon, (one day.) Headache, painful traction in the right side of the head. Boring and drawing pain in the region of the left temple; ARGILLA. 35 in the evening, (third day.) Tearing headache in the forehead, which is relieved in the open air, in the evening, (third day.) Tearing in the whole head, in the forenoon, (first day.) Tearing in the right temple; rubbing excites a burning sensation in the parts, (after half an hour-two hours.) Tearing, and stitches in the right side of the head, in the forenoon; the same symptom in the left frontal eminence, in the evening, (first day.) Tearing in the forehead, ih the forenoon; in the afternoon, this tearing is changed to stitches, (second day.) Tearing upwards along the left temple, and subsequent stitches in the right, (after two hours.) Headache, tearing, and stitches, in the ears, somewhat lessened by being pressed upon with the hand, lasting four days; towards evening, (after sixth day.) Headache, violent stitches in the brain, with inclination to vomit. Stabs, as with a knife, now and then shooting through the head. Stitches shooting through the head at every step.-A stitch in the head, going round the brain. Sharp stitches in the right side of the head, when stooping during labour, (twenty-eighth day.) A stitch in the right temple, as with a large, blunt instrument, leaving short soreness behind, (after thirteen days.) Stitches in the temples, on singing; they abated as soon as she stopped singing, (after thirty-three days.) Stitches in some parts of the head. Stitches in the head, towards the vertex, (second and third day.) Stitches in the forehead, with dullness and heaviness of the head, in the afternoon, (third day.) Stitches in the forehead, on going to bed, (tenth day.) Stitches in the fore and back part of the head, after dinner; worse towards evening, (after thirty-seven days.) Stitches in the head from within outward, in the afternoon, (eighth day.) Painful boring into the right temple, in the evening, (fifth day.) Continual boring and tearing in both temples, in the forenoon, (fourth day.) Pulsative headache in the vertex, over the region of the right temple, early on waking up. Beating, and stitches, in the forehead and right side of the head, in the afternoon, (second day.) Beating and pressing in the right temple, like strong pulsations, accompanied by pressure upon the vertex, as from a heavy weight, in the afternoon, (second day.) Pulsative headache on ascending the stairs, after dinner, (second day.) Beating 36 ALUMINA* and wild noises in the vertex; in the forenoon, (two days.) Beating and tearing, high up in the right side of the head; in the afternoon, about one o'clock. Beating, in time, in the whole head; in the afternoon, when walking, and next morning in bed, (after three days.) On stooping, undulating motion in the head, synchronous with the pulse; on righting the head, the motion is diminished; after dinner.-The headache decreases upon laying down the head calmly in the bed. After dinner, heat in the head; on stooping, there is a sensation in the brain as if it would fall forwards; this sensation passes off on raising the head, (first day.) Sense of warmth in the forehead, which is not perceptible externally; attended with dullness of the mind, for half an hour. Heat rises into her head, coming out of the stomach, in the forenoon. Headache, as if a worm were crawling under the skull; the pain is also cutting, and corrosive. Sensation as if something were crawling between skin and flesh, coming from both temples and going to the forehead; here it presses outward as though it would penetrate through. Over the head, externally, there is a sensation as if the skin would go to sleep, (three days.) Pressure at the occiput and forehead from without, as from a tight hat. At the upper part of the forehead, a little spot which is painful to the touch; early in the morning, (tenth and eleventh day.) External tearing in the right temple, followed by continual internal boring and beating, (second day.) Stitches on the outside, as with an awl, at a small spot of the left side of the head, close to the vertex. External pinching and griping on the head, attended with a sensation as of freezing towards the occiput, which increases on stooping, in the evening. Pain at the left region of the vertex, as if somebody were raising her up by pulling her by a cluster of hair, (first day.) On touching the hair on the head, the person feels pain as if the place were sore. Falling off of the hair, (after eight days.)-Desiccation of the hair. Itching, formication over the head, of an erratic nature. Intolerable itching of the head; he is obliged to scratch himself until the parts bleed; after having done scratching, the skin aches. The hairy scalp itches, and is covered with white scales. Dryness and desiccation of the hairs on the head.-A cluster ARGILLA. 37 of pimples on the hairy scalp behind the right ear, attended with a sensation of painful tension. Pimples on the forehead and neck. EYES.-Sensation as of trembling of the eyebrows. Pressure in the eyes; she was unable to open them. Pressure in the eyes, and sensitiveness of this organ to the light. "Pressure in the right eye, in the evening, when writing or reading. Pressure in tye left eye, as if something had fallen into the eye, close'below the upper eyelid; the whole day, (fiffh day.) Pressure upon the left eyeball, (a. half an hour.) Alternating pressure in the eyelids, (one day.) Tension around the left eye, (two days.)Tearing in the right upper eyelid, on looking down; on looking up, the person feels as if the upper lid were longer, and were hanging down; afterwards stitches in the right side of the head, early in the morning, (two days.) Tearing in the upper border of the orbit. Biting pain, attended with a sensation of burning and stinging, as from an acrid humour in one of the corners of the eye. Stitches in the corners of the eye. Stitches in the lower eyelid. Frequent and violent itching of the eyes. Itching in the corners of the eyes, and of the lids. Sensation of excoriation in the interior of the eyes, in the evening; after this the eyelids were irresistibly closed. Sensation of excoriation and dryness in the in ternal canthus of the eye. Biting pain in the left eye, as from soap, in the evening. Tearing and biting pain in the eye. Biting and burning pain in the eyes, early in the morning, (second day.) * Burning sensation of the eyes, early on waking up. * Burning sensation of the eyes, especially on looking up. * Burning sensation and pressure of the eyes. * Burning sensation and pressure of the eyes and nose, as if she wero to be attacked with a cold. Burning sensation in the corners of the eyes, (two-three days.) * Burning sensation and increased secretion of mucus of the eyes; at night, and sometimes early in the morning, attended with itching. "*Every evening, burning and dryness of the eyelids, accompanied with pain in the internal canthus of the left eye, and with a secretion of dry gum, taking place every morning, and lasting upwards of a week. * Redness of the eyes, attended with a sense of excoriation in the cor 38 ALUMINA. ners, and dullness of sight; in the evening, when reading, he sees a halo around the light; he is obliged to wipe his eyes often; in the night, they become closed with pus; these symptoms last long. Redness of the right eye, attended with a feeling of soreness and running of the eye, (third and fourth day.) Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the right eye, without any considerable pain, in the evening, (first day.) On the left lower eyelid, a pimple, with a stinging pain. Incipient stye, frequently forming on the upper eyelid. The eyelashes fall out easily. Weakness of the eyelids; they are all the time on the point of closing, although he is not sleepy; in the afternoon. He cannot well open the left eye, because it seems to him as if the upper eyelid were hanging deep down; on this account, he often wipes the eye, in order to see better, (fifth day.) The upper eyelid feels paralyzed, hangs down, and covers only half of the eye, (twenty-ninth day.) On closing the eyes but lightly, they are often spasmodically and suddenly contracted, with a sensation of pain; if he tries to open his eyes in the night, they pain him as if they were oppressed with a sudden flood of bright sunlight, even in darkness; they become again contracted; these symptoms are accompanied by little sleep, and by frequent winking, during the day, of the right upper eyelid. Tremor of the left eye, as though it would leap out; worse towards evening, and on looking down; less violent on closing the eye, or on looking up, or on holding the eye with her hand; at the same time, the eye is so sensitive to the light, that she was often obliged to close it, for three days, (after 47 days.) * Running of the eyes in the open air. * Frequent running of the eyes, without pain. * Running of the eyes, early in the morning, after waking up. * Running, and burning sensation of the eyes, attended with a sensation of swelling of the face, (first day.) *The right eye constantly secretes a mucus humour, (eye-gum.) The eyes secrete much mucus in the night, for several days in succession. Much dry gum, early in the morning, on waking up. " The eyes are agglutinated, on waking up, early in the mmoning; they burn on being opened; attended with dread of light. * Nightly agglutination for several weeks, attended with inflammation of the conjunctiva, and secre ARGILLA. 39 tion of mucus during the day; in the evening, when the room is lighted, the eye feels as if it were covered with a gauze; he is obliged to wipe the eye, but the sensation of the gauze remains; he sees a halo around the light, (after ten days.) The eyes are agglutinated early in the morning; dim, with a sensation as of biting, (second day.) Dimsightedness, as through a fog. Dim-sightedness, sometimes in the open air, and passing off again in the room. Dim-sightedness, as through mist, in the evening, (one to thirty days.) Dim-sightedness, which obliges her to wipe her eye constantly; there is a sensation in the eyes as if the lids would adhere to one another in the corners, (eleventh day.) The right eye is dim, as if a feather or a hair were before it, which she thinks herself obliged to take away, (the sixth and seventh day.) In the evening, her eyes are so dull and dry, that she can neither read nor sew; also, during the day, her sight is dull; (usually her sight is very good.) The eyes become weak after long looking, (fourth day.) Squinting of both eyes. Winking, and mist before the eyes. Short flickering, and a kind of spots, before the eyes, attended with a sort of vertigo. After blowing the nose, white little stars sparkle before the eyes, (fourth day.) On closing his eyes, there is a light before them. The objects she looks at, appear yellow, (the 34th-35th day.) EARs.-Tension in the ears, (the second-third day.) Tearing in, behind, and below the ears. Stitches in the ears, especially in the evening, (after thirty days.) Stitches in the left ear, (the seventh day.) Stitches through the ear, from within outward, (after four hours.) Lancinations into the ears. In the night, stitches deep in the right ear, (after four hours.) Frequent stabs, as with a knife, into the hollow of the ear. Boring pain in tile ear, early in the morning; and in the hollow of the ear, in the afternoon; the pain is also felt on pressure, (fourth day.) Pulsations in the ear. Bad itching in both ears; rubbing with the finger increases it, (after fifty hours.) Itching and tingling in the internal meatus. On the right ear, a transparent watery pustule, without pain. Itching before and behind the ears, and of the lobules. Itching and burning in the anterior bordeiiof the right ear, (first 40 ALUMINA. day.) Heat and redness of the ear for many evenings. Discharge of pus from the right ear, (after eleven days.) It seems to her as if something were lying before her ear on the outside. * On blowing her nose, something obstructs her ear; on swallowing, the ear opens again. "* Humming of the ears, in the evening. Humming of the ears, early in the morning; at the same time the stools are more solid than usually. * Humming before the ears, as of large bells, early in the morning after rising. * Whizzing in the ear. * Loud whistling in the ear. * On swallowing, there is a sense as of cracking in the ear, as in breaking dry straw. * Snapping of the tympanum as of a spark from the electric machine, especially when chewing. For an hour he feels, in the right ear, as though he had a totally different voice, (fourth day.) NOSE -Intermittent burning pain in the right wing of the nose; in the evening (1. d.) Tearing in and near the right nasal fossa; upon pressing the part, the pain passes off only for a short while, (2. d.) Itching of the dorsum, the side and around the orifice of the nose. Bad itching of one ala.of the nose, one hour. Ulcerated nostrils. * Soreness with scabs in the right nostril, attended with a discharge of a quantity of thick, yellowish mucus from the nose, (the first four weeks). On the right side of the nose there are two pimples with a burning and stinging pain. A boil on the nose. * Bleeding from the nose, nothing but blood comes out. * The septum of the nose is swollen, red and painful to the touch; in the evening the pains are increased, with stitches in the forehead, (1. d.) * Swelling and hardness of the left ala of the nose, with pain to the touch, (8. d.) Sour smell in the nose, early in the morning, (3. d.) Excessively acute smell. * Weakness of smell. FAcE.-Sullen, low spirited look.-- Paleness and redness of the face, alternating in quick succession. Tearing in the sides of the face, especially in the right side, in the zygoma; upon rubbing the parts the pain passes off; it is sometimes attended with tearing pain in the teeth of this side. The cheeks look as red as copper, as in those persons who drink much brandy. Heat and tension in the left half of the face, in the evenings, (1. d.)-Tension and ARGILLA. 41 drawing in the jaws and cheeks, attended with an increased secretion of saliva, (2. d.) Drawing and tearing in the left cheek and the gums of the left side; in the afternoon, (a. 30. d.) Formication in the right side of the face, attended with stinging pain in the hollow of the ear and tearing in the right knee. The skin of the face is tense, even around the eyes, as if the white of an egg were drying upon it; after dinner, when walking in the open air, (5. d.) His face appears to him as if it were larger or swollen, and the eyes were smaller, so that his sight is impeded; after dinner, (1. d.) *Paleness of the face. Every day flushes of heat in the face. A painful red spot upon the right cheek. Skin of the face rough, especially on the forehead. Sensation around the chin, as if it were covered with cobweb. Violent itching in the face. * Itching of the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes, and of the chin. Itching of the cheeks, with a sensation as of burning after the parts have been scratched. JAws AND TEETH.-Formication on the right side of the lower jaw. Itching attended with a violent desire to scratch, in the face and under the chin; this is succeeded by small pimples like rash, (4. d.) Itching pimples on the forehead, the right side of the nose and the left angle of the mouth; upon being pressed the pimples flow into each other, (6. to 9. d.) Upon the right cheek a pimple which is painful to the touch like a sore. Small red painless pimples upon the right cheek, which feel rough, (12. d.) The vermilion border of the lips is bluish (during and after the fever.) Small pimples on the chin, which pass off again next morning, (a. 8 and 13 d.) Pimples on the left cheek and forehead, (the 10. d.) One boil after the other on the left cheek. Itching of an already dry crust of an uncured boil upon the forehead; the itching disappears upon the part being scratched. The jaws are firmly set against each other, (1. h.) Painful tension in the articulations of the jaws, when chewing or opening the mouth.The jaw is so swollen that he cannot open his mouth without feeling pain; there are stitches going up to the malar bone and the temple. Both his lips appear to him larger and swelled. Swelling of the lower lip. Swelling of the 42 ALUMINA. lips with vesicles upon them. Itching of the left angle of the mouth, and the zygoma; it disappears upon the parts being scratched. On the internal surface of the lip a bright vesicle as large as a pea, (2. d.) Eruptions on the lower lip in the form of crusts; the lips peel off, (4. d.) Chapped (dry) lips. Remarkable shortening of the lower jaw; the upper teeth project over the lower for three days.Drawing pain in the gums as if they were sore. Swelling of the gums. Bleeding of the gums, (4. d.) Ulceration of the roots of all the teeth. On the gums of the left side of the lower row of teeth an ulcer is forming, which opens immediately and pours out blood which tastes saltish. Drawing pain extending from one tooth as far as the ear to the side of the head. The toothache extends down to the larynx, attended with irritation of the nerves, such as is frequently experienced after having caught cold, or used too much chamomile. Drawing pain in the teeth of the right side, in the evening; it disappears after having laid down. Shooting pain in one of the first molar teeth of the left upper row, (1. d.) Shooting and tearing toothache wakes her up after midnight; it disappears after rising, (5. d.) Drawing and tearing pain in the anterior lower teeth, extending to the zygoma and the temples. Tearing in the molar teeth at different times of the day, sometimes as high up as the temple. Gnawing pain in one of the anterior molar teeth of the lower jaw, attended with tearing behind the ear, as if the ear were to be torn out; it is worst at 9 o'clock in the evening, then slowly decreasing, sitting up in the bed procures a little relief; after midnight there is only gnawing in the tooth; the pain remains the same under all circumstances; in day time the pain is dull. In the evening, boring (tearing, grinding) in the teeth, (a. 1. h.) Boring in various hollow teeth. Cutting toothache in the open air and on lying down in the evening in bed, (a. 2, 3. h.) Tickling in the teeth and of their roots, immediately after dinner, (the 4, 5. d.) Sense of coldness of the teeth, attended with great sensitiveness. The hollow teeth are very painful, when food gets into them. Pressive pain in one of the incisor teeth, both when chewing, or not. The teeth are very painful when she chews; she is afraid of pressing them against one ARGILLA. 43 another, (a. 2. d.) In chewing ever so little, she suffers tlie most violent toothache; the roots of the teeth are then painful as if they ulcerated. Upon pressing a tooth against a stump, this one is painful as if it were violently pushed into the socket. Upon setting the teeth against one another, there is toothache, as if the teeth were loose. Pain, as from a bruise, in one of the molar teeth of the right upper row; pressing upon the tooth, which makes it feel loose, relieves the pain, (11. d.) One of the upper molar teeth is painful to the touch. Two rotten molar teeth, (one above, the other below) get hold of each other on opening the mouth. Sensation as if the teeth were too long, (1. d.) Thick, badly smelling mucus on the teeth, (5. d.) MoUTH.-The inner mouth continually feels as if it were burnt (after dinner) (a. 48 h.) Tingling on the internal surface of the cheeks, (a. 3 h.) "Painfulness of the inner mouth, palate, tongue, gums; these parts feel so sore that he can scarcely eat. Number of little ulcers in the mouth. * On waking up, the mouth is desiccated and the tongue is glued to the palate. Water in the mouth. In the morning, spitting of a quantity of saliva and mucus. Thick mucus running from the posterior nares into the mouth. Musty, rotten smell from the mouth. Tingling in the tongue, with a sensation as of stinging, very light and short, (1. h.) Itching in the tip of the tongue; he would like to scratch it to pieces, (a. 5, 7. d.) Sense of roughness upon the tongue, (a. three quarters of an hour.) Tongue coated white, with a good taste. Tongue coated yellowish white with bitter taste. Pressive pain in the left tonsil, during and after the act of swallowing, (1. d.) Early in the morning, dull stitches in the right tonsil, (4. d.)Swelled tonsils, (6. d.) In both sides of the neck, sensation as of an external swelling, with painful stitches. (ESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH.- Sore throat in swallowing. Sore throat, pressure in the throat, even when the person does not swallow, both hands being affected with internal heat, (a. 2 h.) Pressure in the throat as from a bulbous mass, attended with soreness, rough voice and dryness of the throat. Aching sore throat during empty deglutition, in the evening, for several days in succession; 44 ALUMINA. brought about by a swelling in the throat, (4. d.) Vehemently pressive pain, as if a portion of the oesophagus were contracted or compressed in the middle of the chest, especially during deglutition, but also when the person does not swallow, attended with oppression of the chest alternating with palpitation of the heart, especially after dinner, (8, 9. d.) Spasmodically pressive pain in the middle of the chest, on swallowing food and drink. Sense as of squeezing from the cesophagus down to the stomach, every time he swallows a morsel of food. Narrowing of the cesophagus, and want of action of the same, early in the morning, on waking up. Impeded deglutition at night, as from a spasmodic constriction of the neck, (1. d.) Painful pressure and constriction in the throat and pharynx, with much pituita in the mouth, in the evening, (1, 2. d.) Pressive and painful tension in the inner right side of the neck, as far as the ear, (1. d.) Drawing and tensive pain in the right side of the neck, especially on moving the tongue, (9. d.) At night, spasmodically drawing pain in one side of the throat and in the ear, disturbing the sleep, and increased by deglutition, (9. d.) Erratic and light stitches in the throat; on swallowing, something pointed seems to be in the throat; in the evening, (2. 4. d.) Stinging in the throat, during empty deglutition. In the evening, and at night, roughness of the throat, which induces a necessity of clearing the throat; moreover, secretion of mucus, several days in succession. Sense as of scraping in the throat, as if the person had swallowed pepper, (a. 3 h.) Continual sense as of scraping (rawness) in the throat, accompanied by a sensation as of griping, (5. d.) Scraping (rawness) high up in the throat. After eructation, scraping in the throat, which obliges the person to clear the throat, (2. d.) Burning soreness in the throat, during and after deglutition, in the evening, for several days in succession, (4. d.) Sense as of burning in the throat, in the evening, (3. d.) Burning in the throat, like heartburn, with a sense of roughness, (5. d.) Inflammation of the throat, terminated by a marked livid border round the buccal cavity, several days, (a. 2 d.) Redness of inflammation in the back part of the throat, (9. d.) Great dryness of the throat, mouth and lips, as if the parts ARGILLA. 45' were parched, attended with torturing thirst Dryness of the throat and mouth, (shortly after taking the medicine.) In the evening, dryness of the throat, which induces frequent clearing of the throat, (3. d.) Dryness and sense as of scraping (rawness) of the throat, (1. d.) The pain in the throat is most violent in the evening and at night; it is least violent in the forenoon; warm eating and drinking relieves it. Increased secretion of saliva in the mouth, attended with a sense of contraction in the mouth, or with continual tingling upon the inner surfaces of the cheeks, (a. half an hour.) A large quantity of saliva accumulates in the mouth, when in bed in the evening, (3. d.) Frequent collection of watery saliva in the mouth; he is obliged to spit it out, the whole day, and most frequently in the afternoon; he never spits at night, (a. 10 minutes and 2 d.) The secretion of saliva becomes real ptyalism. Increased secretion of saliva and pituita, (1. 2. d.) Collection of a quantity of pituita in the mouth; on spitting it out, new saliva is formed, whilst the throat remains dry, (I d.) -Collection of thick, viscid mucus in the throat, especially in the evening, and early in the morning, on waking up; this mucus increases the soreness of the throat; it induces frequent clearing of the throat, and can only be thrown up in little lumps with great efforts. (the first days.) Thick, viscid mucus flows into the throat from the posterior nares. Phlegm in the throat, which she finds it very difficult to throw up; after clearing the throat, it feels very sore. He cannot hawk up the phlegm in his throat, on account of the phlegm being too far down. Phlegm comes into his throat, which threatens to choke him, until he swallows it, (a. 10 minutes.) Upon clearing the throat, he throws up saltish phlegm, after dinner, (2. d.) Constant collection of sweetish or sourish water in the mouth, (5, 8. d.) Dryness in the mouth, although saliva is not wanting; this dryness causes the person to swallow frequently, which gives much pain. TASTE AND APPETITE -Taste in the mouth as of blood, for half an hour, (seven days.) Sweet taste in the throat, with vertigo; this is succeeded by throwing up phlegm mixed with blood, early in the morning, (twenty-eight days.) Astringent acrid taste upon the tongue, as from 46 ALUMINA. eating sloes, (one-eight days.) Bitter taste in the evening, after having eaten apples. Bitter taste in the mouth, shortly after having taken the medicine. Bitter and slimy taste in the mouth, early in the morning, on rising, (five days.) Bitter and insipid taste in the mouth. Every thing tastes flat. Early in the morning, flat, metallic taste in the mouth, (four and five days.) Sourish taste appearing suddenly in his throat, without eructations, in the forenoon, (four days.) Sour liquid comes into his mouth. Sourish taste in the throat, afterwards gulping up something tasting bitter, shortly after having eaten his milksoup in the evening, (four days.) Sourish, saltish taste, (one day.) Rancid and rough in the throat; this obliges the person to clear the throat, (four days.) Every thing she eats appears to be tasteless, and not salted, especially in the evening; bread tastes like sponge, (one and two days.) Meat, especially, does not seem to have any taste. Beer tastes bitter and rotten; this causes retching, (twelve days.) No desire to eat, no appetite, no hunger; food does not taste badly, but it does not taste at all; every thing tastes like straw, or sawings. She has no reluctance to food, but no desire to eat; on looking at the food, she is already satisfied; she could be a whole day without eating; this symptom lasts many days. Little hunger and no appetite, for many days; even when he eats nothing at dinner, (one-fifteen days.) Diminished appetite, with fullness of the abdomen. He has no appetite, and eats with reluctance. Reluctance to meat. Aversion to meat, even unto vomiting; for three days, (after six days.) Reluctance to smoking, to which he is otherwise accustomed. Disagreeable sensation of hunger and emptiness in the stomach; without, however, much appetite. She is hungry, but she eats nothing with appetite. He is always hungry, could always be eating. Very hungry. Rabid hunger; he is panting for his dinner, and can scarcely await it. Strong appetite for vegetables, fruit, and pappy food. Smoking of tobacco does not agree with him. Smoking of tobacco does not give him any pleasure, and intoxicates him, for four days. After having eaten potatoes, the stomach aches; sick feeling, nausea, and then colic. Hiccough after dinner, at noon, and in the evening. ARGILLA. 47 Oppression at the stomach upon eating, although she eats with appetite. Shortly after dinner, acute pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen, after every dinner, at noon, and in the evening, (after twenty-nine days.) Violent nausea and tremor after supper. After supper, nausea, loathing, and weariness, for several evenings. OESOPHAGUS AND SToMACH.-After dinner, drawing pain in the stomach; this caused a sensation of tension in the whole body, which made her so tired that she was obliged to lie down. Very thirsty the whole day, also at dinner. * Hiccough after dinner, also after the soup for breakfast, with previous eructations, (one-two days.) Heartburn after supper. Heartburn after drinking water. Heartburn, attended with abundant discharge of water from the mouth. Waterbrash. * Frequently empty eructations, (after two hours.) * Empty eructations after supper, (two days.) Eructations, with pressive pain at the chest, during dinner, (after three quarters of an hour.) * Frequent eructations, tasting of the milk-soup which he had taken, from supper until the moment when he went to bed. Bitter eructations after having eaten potatoes; he feels a loathing which causes him to shake; in the evening, (five days.) Rancid eructations, leaving a burning sensation in the throat for a long while, (one day.) Rancid eructations, especially after dinner, (ten-thirteen days.) Rancid eructations, after having eaten his soup for breakfast, (Ng.) Acrid eructations. " Sour eructations, in the evening, when in bed. * Sour eructations, with burning in the throat, like' heartburn, (one day.) In the forenoon, acidity rises into his mouth; it continues for a long time, and is attended with a sensation of heat in the mouth. * Gulping up of sour phlegm; afterwards burning in the throat like heartburn, coming on frequently, especially after the soup for breakfast. * Sweetish risings from the stomach; the phlegm which he throws up tastes sweetish, and continues long, early in the morning, (three days.) (Ng.) Sense of loathing and qualmishness in the oesophagus, (1 hour.) Qualmishness at the stomach, attended with a fainting sort of nausea and vertigo; the room turns round with her; after this her head remains 48 ALUMINA. gloomy, (10. d.) * Frequent nausea, especially during the chills.) * Nausea, with rising of air. * Nausea and chilliness, the whole day. * Attack of nausea, attended with headache, paleness of the countenance, want of appetite, several evacuations of the bowels, loathing, subsequent inclination to vomit, and chilliness; after a walk, he is obliged to lie down, (11. d.) Early in the morning, fainting sort of nausea; after breakfast, the person feels relieved, (9. d.) On waking up, early in the morning, nausea, qualmishness, and lassitude, attended with lancinations over the eyes, and pain in the kidneys during motion, (9. d.) When standing, she feels nausea. Nausea, even to fainting; her breathing is arrested on account of it, at night. Nausea, already at four o'clock in the morning. Frequent nausea, as if he would vomit; his appetite is, nevertheless, tolerably good. Inclination to vomit, in the morning. Early in the morning, retching, as if the person would vomit. Inclination to vomit, consequent upon rising of air; attended with chilliness of the body, which begins at the feet. Nausea, attended with an inclination to vomit, and retching; this caused her to insert her finger into the throat; after which she vomited phlegm and water; but the breakfast, which she had eaten two hours before, remained, (14. d.) Violent pain at the stomach, attended with painfulness to external pressure in the region of the stomach, in the evening, (6. d.) Oppression at the stomach, extending up. to the neck, after having eaten potatoes; eructation relieves it, early in the morning, (8. d.) Oppression at the stomach, towards noon or evening. Violent pressure at the pit of the stomach; great oppression of the chest, beginning at the pit; she was obliged to stand still every moment, and was unable to walk on. Pain at the stomach; it feels full, or bloated; painful to external touch; empty eructations and fermentation, or rumbling and grunting in the abdomen; after dinner, (1. 5. d.3 Twisting and constriction in the region of the stomach, extending into the chest and throat, attended with aggravated breathing. Pressure and constriction in the region of the stomach, (31. d.) Sensation of pressure and contraction at the pit of the stomach, extending into the chest and between the scapulae, (13. d.) Sensation of cutting ARGILLA~ 49 in the region of thle stomach; it is painful to the touch, in the afternoon, (2. d.) Stitches in the pit of the stomach, up along the chest. After dinner, stitches in the stomach and chest, coming out at the shoulder, attended with short breathing and great anguish;. for several days, in the evening, (a. 12 d.) Gnawing in the region of the stomach, a little while after dinner, (2. 3. d.) Sensation as of pinching at the stomach, in the afternoon, (1. d.) Drawing pain at the stomach. Drawing pain from the pit of the stomach up to the pharynx, attended with difficulty of breathing. Pressure and soreness transversely over the stomach and at the epigastrium, in the afternoon. Soreness at the pit of the stomach, as from internal ulceration, early in the morning, on turning to the other side, in the bed. Tearing soreness from the pit down to the abdomen, as if every thing were torn out. Pressure and crawling at the pit, as if there were a worm, (a. 2 h.) Sensation of coldness in the stomach, as if she had been drinking cold water, in the evening; also, in the forenoon, both after an eructation and while sour eructations are continually taking place; in the afternoon, these eructations pass off, (2. 5. d.) ABDOMEN.-When stooping, the liver is always sensitive to pain. Tearing jerks in the liver. Tearing, extending from the right hypochondriac region into the hip, in the forenoon, (1. d.) Upon raising the body from a stooping position, the person experiences violent stitches in the right side of the abdomen, as if they were in the liver; they arrest breathing, (11. d.) Stitches in the right hypochondriac region, vwhen standing; they disappear when sitting. In the evening, continually painful stitches under the left lower ribs, extending as far as the pit, (5. d.) Dull stitches, occurring alternately under the left lower ribs, and in the right side of the abdomen, (4. d.) Stitches in both hypochondriac regions. Sensation as if both hypochondriac regions were pressed or screwed towards each other by force, in the forenoon, (1. d.) Long-continued burning, and stitches in the right hypochondriac region, as if it were deeply cut into by a band, in the afternoon, (1. d.) Frequently an instantaneous drawing pain under the right ribs, when sitting or walking. Both sides 3 50 ALUMINA. of the epigastrium seem to press against each other; the plate is externally painful to the touch, (a. 2 h.) Continual pressure and burning in the abdomen. Burning and lancinating pain in the abdomen, after dinner, (5. d.Pressure into the umbilical region, attended with stitches, in the afternoon, when standing. Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen. His abdomen seems to hang down like a load, in the afternoon, in walking. Early, before breakfast, spasmodic pain from the bladder to the chest; disappears after breakfast. Violent pinching in the abdomen after every cold she takes, or as soon as she walks into the cold air. Pinching and writhing in the abdomen, (a. 1 h.) In the evening, pinching around the navel, (1. d.) During the usual breakfast, there is pinching below the navel, with fulness and distention of the abdomen, (1. d.) Sudden pinching in the abdomen, of an erratic character; it then passes to the small of the back, where it produces a gnawing pain for a long time, in the afternoon, (16. d.) Pinching in the abdomen, attended with heat in the stomach, (a. 1 h.) Pinching in the abdomen, in the evening, when in bed; it terminates in a conflux of saliva in the mouth, (2. and 3. day.) On waking up, pinching in the abdomen, and tenesmus; she was scarcely able to reach the privy, where she had to lean against the wall in a fainting fit; she had no stool, but the pain in the abdomen ceased after much tenesmus, (12. d.) In the afternoon and night, pinching pain and tearing lancinations in the left side of the abdomen, as high up as the hypochondriac region and the sternum, (7. d.) Towards evening, coliclike pinching and tearing in the body, attended with chilliness in the body; relieved by warm clothes laid over the body. Colic, attended with flatulency. After dinner, violent fits of colic, the whole afternoon; short sleep relieves them; as soon as he moves, it seems as if the fits would return, attended with tenesmus and occasional expulsion of excrements; this lasts until evening; the anus feels sore, with a sensation as of stinging, so that he cannot sit down without suffering pain; on the following day, liquid slime frequently passes off by the rectum, without his desiring it, (a. 14 d.) Sense as of tearing in the abdomen, early after rising. Pain in both sides of the ab ARGILLA* 51 domen, as if something would tear; the pain extends to the thighs, and is felt when the person makes bodily exertions. Frequently cutting pain in the abdomen, without distention or stool, (2. d.) Upon sitting crooked, the person experiences acute cutting pains transversely across the abdomen, (a. 5 h.) Violent cutting and rumbling in the whole abdomen; the pain rises up to the stomach in the shape of violent twisting; this is succeeded by an intensely pressive pain in the chest, which arrests the breathing; from four in the afternoon until eleven at night. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Stitches moving about in the abdomen and the hypochondria, as if something would press out, (7. d.) Grinding around the navel, as after a cold, in the afternoon, (2. d.) Moving to and fro, and painless dull rending in the abdomen, (a. half an hour.) Pain in the abdomen, as after a copious evacuation, which leaves a sort of desire for stool behind, (a. 10 d.) Pain in the epigastrium, as if the person were threatened with diarrhoea; this is succeeded by soft stool, without any diminution of the pain, (11. d.) Colic followed by diarrhoea; this was succeeded by a violent pain in the abdomen, at the place where, when a girl, she had had an internal ulcer, which opened; the pain was like that experienced by a violent blow; she had to move her hand along the place and lay the hand upon it, whilst the body was curved; this relieved the pain somewhat; the pain had lasted uniformly the whole day, either sitting or standing, (17. d.) Violent pain in the left side of the abdomen, as if an ulcer were forming; attended with nausea, (34. d.) The pain in the abdomen can be diminished by the application of warmth. Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, in the afternoon. Sudden sensation as of burning in the abdomen, in the afternoon. Pain in the region of the kidneys. Pain in the region of both kidneys, over the small of the back, as from a bruise, or after driving upon rough roads; it is worse on stooping or turning; she feels as if a hook were plunged into her; the pain makes her scream, and lasts for a few days, (4. d.) Pain in the loins, especially on walking and stooping, (10. d.) Early in the morning, pain in the kidneys; better in the afternoon. Pinching and stitches in the hypogastrium and the lumbar regions, on ascending the stairs. Sharp cutting and burn 62 ALUMINA. ing in the lumbar regions, the whole afternoon, until evening. Pulsative pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the neighbourhood of the abdominal ring, when sitting, (4. d.) Pressing in both lumbar regions towards the sexual organs, in the evening, (3. d.) INTESTINES AND STooL.--Lancinating and pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out there, attended with tension as far as the side of the abdomen; at the same time a tumour may be felt at the painful spot, which feels like a strangulated hernia. Inguinal hernia protrudes with violence, (a. half an h.) Hernia did not protrude in the first days; then it protruded every day until the twelfth day; on the thirtieth day hernia threatened to become strangulated; then it protruded every day until the fiftieth day, although the protrusion diminished from day to day, and finally ceased for several months. Hernia protrudes a good deal towards evening, becomes constricted in the lumbar region under the most violent pain, which obliged her to bend her body, and did not suffer her to walk; the hernia could not be reduced; half an hour afterwards, when the person was sitting quietly, this reduction took place of its own accord, (30. d) In the abdominal muscles, over the left lumbar region, she experiences a drawing pain for a quarter of an hour, when she-is dancing, or walking fast. Shootings, causing a sensation of anxious surprise, in the left side of the abdomen, (2. d.) Straining of the abdominal muscles, consequent upon reaching high. Sensation of distention, as if the abdomen became more and more full, after supper, (5. d.) Fulness of the abdomen, attended with orgasm extending towards the chest, after dinner, for several days, (a. 3 d.) Great distention of the abdomen, attended with empty eructations and two soft evacuations, without relief, (18. d.) After dinner, a good deal of distention, attended with tenesmus; this was afterwards succeeded by the passage of two hard clots of excrements; afterwards she went to walk; during her walking, the distention of the abdomen continued in spite of her flatulency being emitted in great abundance; no relief was obtained till a copious evacuation occurred after her walk, (9. d.) Painful distention of the abdomen at night, which prevents her -from ARGILLA. 53 sleeping; accompanied with retention of stools, (11. d.) The abdomen is distended and very hard, without any sensation of pain. Grumbling in the abdomen, attended with anxiety, without any flatulency passing off, (1. d.) Loud grumbling and shrieking in the abdomen, without pain. Quantity of grumbling flatus in the abdomen; however, they pass off freely, attended with a feeling of weakness of the sphincter ani. A good deal of audible rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. Loud grumbling in the abdomen, also after dinner. Rumbling in the abdomen, succeeded by eructations. Frequent desire of emitting flatulence. Emission of flatulence, which relieves the sense of fulness of the stomach, in the evening, (5. d.) Emits a quantity of flatulence. Quantity of badly smelling flatus, which pass off in the night, and after dinner, (1. 7. d.) Tenesmus, (3. d.) Tenesmus, (1. d.) Retention of stool, (8. 11. d.) No stool during the first days. Evacuates the bowels only once every two days; the stools are firm, sometimes mixed with blood. * Tenesmus, lasting a long while, and succeeding a troublesome pressure in the abdomen, the evacuation comes on slowly, and can only be effected by straining the abdominal muscles; the whole of the intestines appears to be inactive for want of peristaltic motion. Stools are not hard, (a. 2 d.) * The rectum is inactive, as if it were deficient in peristaltic motion, and had not strength enough to press the contents out. The stools are soft and thin, and can only be pressed out by straining the abdominal muscles, (a. 16 h.) * The rectum seems paralyzed, (2. d.) * Hard and difficult stools, attended with pain in the rectum. Involuntary emission of urine, occasioned by bearing down in order to evacuate the intestines, which can only be effected with great difficulty, (2. d.) * Bearing down, during an evacuation; the stools are very firm, knotty, and scanty; previously to going to stool, tenesmus, (2. d.) Firm, hard, scanty stools, attended with pressure and pain in the rectum, and difficult evacuation, (the first days.) Evacuation of a small quantity of hard faeces, attended with pressure and a sensation of excoriation in the rectum. Stools too scanty. Stools covered all over with whitish slime, firm, preceded by oppression in 54 ALUMINA. the region of the stomach; it ceases immediately after the evacuation, (a. 30 d.) Bright-coloured stools. The first portion of her stools is liquid, and is expelled with a jerk; the last portion appears burned, (5. d.) The evacuation which generally took place in the evening, took place already in the morning. For some time she has three or four ordinary evacuations a day, without feeling any trouble. Stools almost liquid, attended with a burning sensation in the rectum; she has also an evacuation in the evening, preceded by tenesmus; another evacuation in the night, (2. 5. d.) Short attacks of diarrhoea, attended with colic, lasting for about two-three days. Diarrhoea, succeeding colic. Diarrhcea, succeeding a retention of stool which had lasted six days; six evacuations a day, every evacuation being preceded by colic, which sometimes continued even after the evacuation had taken place. Liquid stools, preceded by ordinary pain in the abdomen, or attended with colic, (3. 5. d.) Twice a diarrhoea, in the evening; the stools at last become clotty, (2. d.) Diarrhcea, attended with tenesmus. Tenesmus of the rectum and the bladder, passing off after an evacuation. Disagreeable pressure in the region of the stomach before the evacuation had taken place, (9. d.) Colic preceding an evacuation; the stools are sometimes solid, sometimes soft, but always scanty. Tenesmus, preceding an evacuation. After an evacuation, desire for stool in the epigastrium and in the sides of the abdomen, without tenesmus. During an evacuation, he felt as if the rectum were desiccated and constricted; however, the stool was regular. Chills over the whole body, during an evacuation, in the evening, (5. d.) After the evacuation, beating in the small of the back. After an evacuation, and during the period of digestion, he experiences a sense as of scraping in the stomach and the mouth. * Pricking, as with pins, in the orifice of the rectum, after a difficult evacuation. * Sensation of excoriation in the rectum, after an evacuation attended with contraction of the rectum and constriction of the orifice. Difficult evacuation, the stools being hard and of the shape of laurel-berries, attended with cutting pain in the orifice of the rectum. as if it were too narrow. rThis is succeeded by a jet of blood from the rectum, followed ARGILLA. 55 by soreness in and all along the rectum, (a. 17 d.) During an evacuation, blood drops out at the rectum. Blood comes off during an evacuation of firm stools, (9. and 30. d.) Bloody mucus comes off during an evacuation, and without it. When walking, dark-coloured blood passed out of her rectum. Protrusion of a varix of the rectum; it distends by walking, and decreases during a night's rest. Varices of the rectum always distend in the evening; they become moist, and are affected with a sensation as of burning. The varices become moist, are affected with a lancinating pain. " Bad itching in the hollow between the nates, and of the orifice of the rectum; scratching makes it worse, (1. 2. d.) 4 Itching of the orifice of the rectum; this symptom exists for a good while, (a. 30 d.) Itching and burning of the orifice of the rectum. Itching, burning, and stinging of the rectum. Itching of the rectum, attended with a pulsative sensation in the rectum, as of ascarides. Pressure in the rectum, (3. d.) Painful pressure in the perineum, which passes off quietly. Momentary pressure in the perineum, on blowing the nose. Upon touching the perineum, there is a pain as from a bruise. Stitches in the perineum. (Soreness of the perineum during a common clap,) (a. 4. w.) Sensation as if the perineum were inflamed. Sweat of the perineum, attended with an intolerable itching, which increases and becomes painful on friction. URINARY ORGANs.-Pressure and drawing in the region of the bladder, especially at the neck of the bladder, (4. and 5. d.) Lancinations and shootings in the urethra, when walking in the open air; the lancinations ascend towards the hypogastrium. Itching and burning in the urethra. Agreeable and delightfully-voluptuous itching in the urethra and between the testicles. (Feeling of dryness in the anterior portion of the urethra, as if the skin there were without any sensibility; especially in the morning.) Sensation of heat in the urethra, which passes off by lying still. Feeling of weakness in the urethra and the genital organs; he fears that he will wet his bed; in the evening. Violent tenesmus of the bladder. Tenesmus of the bladder; however, the urine does not pass off in an increased quantity, (soon after having taken the medicine.) Tenesmus of the bladder, early in the 56 ALUMINA. morning, on waking up; the urine passes off in a thin stream from the female urethra, the emission being difficult and tardy, (7. d.) He is frequently obliged to rise during the night, for the purpose of urinating, (1. 4. d.) Large quantity of water-coloured urine. Increased secretion of urine for several days. Frequent and copious emission of pale urine, (preceded by burning in the urethra.) Increased secretion of pale (warm) urine, attended with burning. Emission of a quantity of straw-yellow, clear urine, (4. 5. d.) Rare, but copious emission of urine, (6. d.) Frequent emission of urine in little quantity, in the evening, (1. d.) Decrease of urine, (early in the morning, attended with cutting in the anterior part of the urethra,) (4. 5. 6. d.) For a whole day there is no evacuation, either of urine or faeces. No emission of urine in the forenoon; but, in the afternoon, the person frequently emits an increased quantity of reddish urine, which becomes turbid during the night, and forms a sediment, (1. d.) She emits but little urine, which forms a sediment of red sand. The urine, of a high yellow colour, soon forms a large and loose cloud, (1. 5. d.) When standing, the urine forms a thick white sediment. Pale urine, with a turbid sediment. White, turbid urine, as if chalk had been stirred with it. (Twisted stream of urine.) (When he intends to urinate, he has a sort of fright.) When urinating, there is a sensation as of burning by fire, much worse in the evening, (1. d.) (After having been sitting for a rather long time, he feels no uneasiness in urinating; but as soon as he takes a little exercise, he feels a burning pain.) Cutting in the anterior part of the urethra during micturition, and even a while afterwards, as if the urine passed over an inflamed place, (a. 18 d.) After the expulsion of the urine, the urethra became hot; this was succeeded by a sensation as of burning and tenesmus of both the rectum and the bladder. (Urinating is followed by a sensation as of burning, which makes him low-spirited and desponding.) Involuntary emission of urine, at least twenty times a day; very little urine passes off at a time; (this person had a clap,) (a. 4 w.) GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS.-Pressure in the sexual organs. Tickling of the sexual organs and the thighs. Formication upon the glans. Itching of the glans, (4. d.) Traction, ARGILLA. 57 from the glans through the urethra, (a. 5 d.) On moving his hand along the penis, he experiences a drawing and pinching pain, which extends as far as the glans; attended with weak appetite. Sensation as if the glans were compressed, for two minutes. (Clap, for more than six weeks, (a. 14 d.) attended with a violent and painful swelling of the inguinal glands of the right side, cutting pain during micturition, and pain in the perineum; these symptoms are especially violent at the end of the second week; the pain in the perineum is especially violent when standing, rising, or sitting down.) Secretion of a quantity of greasy matter behind the prepuce. Soreness on the inner surface of the prepuce. Painful contraction in the right spermatic cord; the testicle of the right side is drawn up simultaneously, and is also very sore and painful, (2. d.) The left testicle is hard, and indescribably painful to the touch. Itching of the scrotum; scratching removes it, (2. d.) At first, the sexual instinct appears to be lessened, and the erections appear to be increased; whereas, in the reaction of the organism, the desire for an embrace increases, although erection is wanting. Want of sexual instinct, (immediately, for several days.) Indifferent to sexual intercourse. During the first weeks, the sexual instinct is more intense; in the following weeks, that instinct is decreasing, and becomes more moderate. Numerous erections, in the evening, and during the night when lying in bed, and in the afternoon when sitting, (1. 3. d.) (Priapism during the night.) (When waking, during the night, he has constantly painful erections; they are not perfect, but they cause a sensation as if the organ were ulcerated internally, accompanied by short, fine, piercing stitches in the whole organ, resembling shootings,) (a. 4 w.) Frequent and violent erections and involuntary effusions of semen, (a. 8 and 33 d.) Involuntary effusions of semen, two nights in succession, (a. 15 d.) Involuntary effusions of semen, the first four nights, attended with voluptuous dreams. Almost every other night he has an involuntary effusion of semen, accompanied by voluptuous dreams. Involuntary effusion of semen during the afternoon nap. All the symptoms which he had exhibited heretofore, appear again, and become aggravated 3* 68 ALUMINA. in consequence of an involuntary effusion of semen, (2. d.) Violent pressure in the perineum, at the commencement of an embrace and during erections. Pressure in the perineum, during an embrace. (During an embrace, the semen passes off in the shape of a thick and clotty jelly.) Jerking stitches on the left side of the pudendum, extending as far as the chest. Pain, like the tick of a watch, on the left side of the vagina; this is accompanied by a sensation as of beating in the bag of pus of an ulcer, which continues for two days, without being affected by any change of conditions; however, nothing could either be seen or felt, (36. d.) The menses are scanty, and last only three days. Menses scanty and pale, (a. 3 d.) Menses appear too soon, (by 3, 11 days,) short and scanty. The period had already delayed ten days; (after 52 d.;) during a walk and a desire for urinating, a little dark-coloured lymph passed off; the menses did not appear till the third month, (in a woman of forty-eight years.) The menses, which had gradually stopped, appear again, (a. 17 d.) Appearance of scanty menses, (a. 9 d.;) four weeks later, (a. 37 d.,) they flow copiously. The period came on five days too early; a copious flow, on the second day, lasted eight days, as usually; preceded by pain in the abdomen; diarrhoea on the sixth day. Uneasy sleep before the appearance of the menses; many dreams; on waking up from her dreams, she has orgasm, heat in the face, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Six days before the appearance of the menses she has a copious flow of mucus from the vagina, accompanied by tremor, lassitude, and a sensation as of every thing falling out of her abdomen. A few days before the appearance of the menses, she has cutting pains in the abdomen during an evacuation, as if she were to have a diarrhrea; attended with pinching, writhing, and pressing, like labour-pains. During the menses, pinching in the abdomen, and greater lassitude than usual. During the menses, bloated abdomen, and too large a flow of blood. The menses appear on the sixth day, without any disagreeable symptoms; two days later, a cold comes on, with pain in thie nose, the head, and the forehead; this pain increases on blowing the nose; in the latter days, diarrhoea and colic supervene besides. During her menses, she ARGILLA. 59 was obliged to urinate frequently, day and night; this corroded the genital organs, (6. d.) The menses appear four days too soon; they are preceded by violent headache, which ceased on the appearance of the menses; after they had flowed for one day, the headache came on again, and continued during the whole period, for five days; the menses were less copious than generally, (a. 22 d.) After the menses had ceased to flow, body and mind felt exhausted; a little work and moderate walking laid her prostrate, and made her feel low-spirited. Leucorrhcea. The leucorrhcea with which she was affected, ceased. Leucorrhcea, succeeding the menses, painless, lasting three days, (a. 27 d.) Frequently acrid leucorrhoea. Acrid leucorrhoea, accompanied by a burning sensation in the genital organs, and still more in the rectum; these parts seemed inflamed and corroded, so that she found walking difficult; washing the parts with cold water relieved her; the leucorrhcea was very abundant, and flowed almost over her feet; at the same time blood, resembling lymph, came off for two days, three days after the menses, (22. d.) Leucorrhoea, looking like lymph, in the afternoon when walking in the open air, (and when sitting,) also at night. Abundant leucorrhcea of transparent mucus, only in day-time, without sensation or pain in the abdomen. Leucorrhoea, quite clear, like water or transparent mucus; it made the shirt stiff, (a. 8 d.) Leucorrhoea of yellow mucus, (a. some d.) Itching in the vagina, during the leucorrhcea. COLD, CATARRH.-Frequent sneezing, (and hiccough,) without coryza, (1. 2. 7. d.) The nose is stopped up, (1. d.) Obstruction of the left nostril, (10. d.) Indisposition, as from a cold which cannot acquire full development. Sensation in the nose, as if a cold were to come on, in the evening, for several days, (4. d.) Cold, accompanied by sneezing, and obstruction of the nose, the whole day, (3. d.) Dry cold in the nose, (9. d.) Violent and dry cold in the head, especially at night, attended with great dryness of the mouth. Violent and running coryza at the left nostril, appearing all of a sudden; the right nostril being obstructed entirely. First, fluent coryza, then dry cold in the head 60 ALUMINA. so that both nostrils are entirely obstructed. Secretion of a quantity of thick and viscid mucus from the nose. Water runs from the right nostril, without there being a cold. Running coryza, (with impurity of voice,) in the afternoon and early in the morning, (4. 6. d.) Running coryza, attended with frequent sneezing and running at the eyes. Snoring during the afternoon-nap, (6. d.) THROAT, RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Rattling and piping in the nose, with impurity of voice, in the afternoon, (3. d.) Rattling in the chest, caused by mucus, (5. d.) Sibilus in the trachea, and sensation as of smothering in the chest, during breathing. Phlegm in the trachea, which is always adherent; upon clearing the throat, which is constantly necessary, only a small portion of phlegm becomes detached. On waking up, early in the morning, his throat is rough, and his chest feels oppressed; he cannot succeed in clearing his throat, and is obliged to sneeze a good deal, (a. 12 h.) Feeling of dryness in both sides of the chest, (15. d.) Hoarseness, early in the morning, (16. d.) She is frequently attacked with sudden hoarseness, which caused a loss of voice, and could not be relieved by clearng the throat; mostly in the afternoon and evening. Hoarseness and rancidity of the throat, the whole afternoon, (a. 5 d.) Rawness (the German term, literally, means scraping) and roughness of the throal, which induces coughing, (in the evening,) (4. d.) Violent tickling in the throat, exciting frequent cough, (4. d.) Irritation in the larynx, inducing cough. Irritation to cough, attended with frequent spitting of saliva. Cough, with scraping in the throat. Cough, which makes the chest feel sore, in the forenoon, (3. d.) Cough, with painful pressure in the occiput. Frequently short and dry cough, in the forenoon and evening. Short fits of cough, attended with tearing and shooting pain in the right temple and the vertex. Violent, short, dry cough, which lasts a good while, attended with sneezing; and tearing, lancinating and pinching pain, extending from the nape of the neck as far as the right axilla. Dry cough, at night, attended with dryness of the throat, (a. 24 h.) Dry cough, coming suddenly early in the morning, and passing off quickly, or else continuing when walking in the open air, and then also continuing in ARGILLA. 61 the room, (1. 6. d.) Continual dry cough, attended with vomiting and arrest (incarceration) of breath, and lancinating pain, extending from the left side of the abdomen to the hypochondrium and the pit of the stomach. Violent dry cough, during the day; every fit lasts long; only two days afterwards, the cough became less frequent, and more loose. Violent and dry cough, early on waking up; a little later it is accompanied by a little discharge from the mouth, (4. 6. d.) Cough, with a quantity of expectorated matter, especially early in the morning. (The morning cough and expectoration ceased, curative effect,) (5. d.) (Cough, accompanied by discharge, the throat being rough and hoarse, accompanied by a cold in the head.) Cough, attended with secretion of loose mucus; curative effect. Suddenly violent, but short cough; by making an effort, he succeeds in throwing up a piece of phlegm, mixed with blood, in the afternoon, (5. d.) Difficult breathing, in the forenoon. His chest feels oppressed. Oppression at the chest, (1. d.) Sensation in the throat as if it were narrowed, and as if the air were cut off, as in a violent sore throat, after a cold, or in an inflammation of the throat; the symptom always lasts only a few minutes, (the first 7 d.) CHEST.-Oppression at the chest. Oppression, orgasm, and pulsations in the chest, (a. 2 h.) The chest feels contracted, accompanied by a feeling of apprehension, (11. d.) Sensation of constriction around the chest, when stooping, while the person is sitting; it passes off on righting the head, in the afternoon, (1. d.) When stooping during some work, her chest felt constricted, so that she was scarcely able to breathe, as if she had been laced too tightly; the symptom passed off, when walking in the open air, (9. d.) During a violent effort, lifting, carrying, etc., there was a pain in the chest, on the left side of the sternum, accompanied by a sensation of soreness in that place on being touched, (a. 10 d.) Feeling of soreness in the interior of the chest, when moving or turning the body. Painful sensation, as if the chest became wide. Weight on the chest, with shortness of breath, without cough; only in the afternoon, (18. d.) Oppressive pain at the chest; the chest feels tight. Oppression at the chest. 62 ALUMINA. Oppression at the chest, when stooping while writing. Sensation of oppressive dryness under the sternum. Pressure at the sternum, worse in the evening, when walking. Sensation of hard pressure during active exercise, high up on both sides of the chest, less when sitting, completely disappearing on lying down; touching the parts does not affect this symptom. Erratic pressure in the chest. Pressure in the chest, followed by empty eructations, which do not procure any relief; the pressure sometimes reaches as far as the back, and increases by walking, in the forenoon, (1. 20. d.) Pressure at the chest, attended with shortness of breath and irritation to cough; the cough often goes and comes. Pressure at the chest during an already existing cough, and after the cough had gone; during the presstire, a paralytic pain suddenly extends through the arm, so that the arm becomes weary, and is deprived of strength, (a. half an h.) Oppressive pain in the middle of the chest, alternating with a sensation of tightening, and violent palpitation of the heart, especially after dinner, (8. 9. day.) At night, violently oppressive pain at the chest, which disturbs the otherwise calm sleep, and is not increased by breathing, but by bending the head over; several days, (a. 5. d.) Pressure at the chest, with shortness of breath, at night, when lying upon the back; passing off when lying upon the side, (2. d.) Disagreeable feeling of constriction below the right side of the chest, at a small spot, (a. 2 h.) Pinching pain in the superior part of the chest, in the evening, when sitting, (1. d.) Pain in the chest, as if it were cut or sore, after dinner, until ten o'clock in the evening; relieved after lying down; next morning the pain returns, during a cough, attended with a feeling of languor in the chest, and is then accompanied by empty eructations and short breath. (7. d.) When walking fast, sensation as of cutting and pressure in the chest; relieved by sitting, a fortnight, (a. 20. d.) At the inferior part of the sternum, pain as from excoriation, which extends to the stomach; afterwards, hoarseness. Soreness in the chest and in the pit of the stomach, accompanied by fatiguing cough, running of the eyes, and tenacious phlegm. Erratic stitches in the chest, sometimes made worse by breathing, sometimes ARGILLA. burning. Lancination passing like lightning from the right loin to the left side of the chest, through the pit of the stomach, when breathing. When stooping, a lancination coming out at the left side of the abdomen, and reaching the middle of the chest; the lancination comes on at every inspiration; afterwards also, when standing straight. Stitches high up in both sides of the chest, during active exercise; when sitting or walking, there are no stitches, but only pressure accompanied by arrest (incarceration) of breath. Stitches under the sternum, augmented by talking; at the same time, a feeling of compression of the chest, as if she were tightly laced, (35. d ) Sharp stitches in the upper part of the chest, (3. d.) Boring pain, sometimes in the middle, sometimes in the sides of the chest, made worse by breathing, sometimes in the evening; relieved by righting the body, and walking. Chilliness in the interior of the sternum. Continual warmth in the middle of the chest, (a. 5 minutes.) Heat in the anterior part of the chest; she feels the heat when breathing. Burning in the whole right side of the chest, accompanied by stitches and straining in a false rib of the right side, in the afternoon, (1. d.) Palpitation of the heart, every day, on waking up. Frequent palpitation of the heart; a few irregular beats, large and small ones being intermixed. Fine stitches in the left mamma, at nine o'clock in the morning, (2. d.) External pressure at the lower part of the chest, (diminished somewhat by friction.) Itching upon the sternum, which goes off by scratching, (15. d.) Formication of the left clavicle, (and over the right half of the chest, accompanied by a biting titillation;) the spot burns upon being scratched; burning vesicles make their appearance, (16. d.) Blister on the right half of the chest and at the neck, accompanied by a sensation as of burning pain; moreover, glowing heat in the face, and chills in the rest of the body; sleeps soundly, and without dreams. BACK.-Itching of the os coccygis. Painful twitches at the point of the sacrum, in the forenoon, (2. d.) Sensation in the right ilium as of both sides being pressed together with a vice,(1. d.) Gnawing pain in the sacrum, not altered by walking, relieved by stretching, (1. d. in the evening ) Vio 64 ALUMINA, lent pain in the small of the back, like gnawing; the pain rises up to between the shoulders, where it becomes so violent that she would like to weep, (relieved by chamomile,) (32. d.) Lancinations in the small of the back, in the evening before falling asleep, in bed. Tearing jerkings in the small of the back, especially during motion. Pain in the small of the back, when walking. Violent pain, as from a bruise, in the small of the back, and (early in the morning) in the sacrum, on touching the part, (4. 7. d.) Pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back, and in the back. Pimples upon the back. Burning itching, like a flea-bite, in the left lumbar region; it makes him startle; lasted a good while, and did not go off till after long scratching. Itching of, and between, the scapulae. Formication and stinging in the whole of the back and of the sacrum, succeeded by groaning (grumbling) pain. Violent pressure in the back, preceding the protrusion of a varix from the rectum. Tearing pain in the left scapula, (a. 34. d.) Violent pain all along the back; stitches and twitches, so that she cannot stoop, and cannot raise any thing with her hand; increased by breathing, (8. d.) Fine stitches, extending from the back to the ribs, (a. 2 h,) From time to time, a violent stitch in the middle of the back. Pain in the back, as if a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebra. Burning at the superior part of the left scapula, diminished somewhat by friction. Stitches and cutting in the scapulae, attended with chilliness, two days in succession. Gnawing and stitches in the scapula, (2. d.) Stitches between the scapulae. Stitches between (and at) the scapule, accompanied by arrest (incarceration) of breath, (1. 2... d.) Painful stiffness between the scapulae, afterwards moving towards the ribs and kidneys. Painful tension between the scapulae, in the forenoon, (2. d.) Painful traction in the muscles of the neck, not altered by friction or motion of the head, in the forenoon, (1. d.) NECK.-Violent tension in the nape of the neck, one hour, in the afternoon, (1. d.) Early in the morning, stiffness of the neck and the upper part of the back, accompanied by drawing pains, passing off by motion, (4. d.) Stitches in the nape of the neck. Stitches in the nape of the neck, and on the right side of the neck, where they ARGILLA. 65 disappear only after long friction. The nape of the neck is painful on moving the head. Itching in the nape of the neck and of the neck, (a. 18 d.) Violent itching of the neck, and on the chest, as if she were bitten by fleas, (a. 10 d.) Violent itching of the neck, nape of the neck, and of the chest, without any visible eruption; on touching the skin, a hard granule is felt here and there, (14. d.) Vesicle on the right side of the neck, (8. d.) Stitches in the glands of the right side of the neck, and drawing pressure in those of the left side, (a. half an h. 1 h.) Stitches in the neck, on the left side, externally, relieved by pressure; attended with tearing in the head and stitches in the ears, (a. 12 d.) Drawing and pressure in the glands of the left side of the neck. Swelling of the glands of the left side of the neck. Stiffness of the muscles of the neck, so that she cannot turn her head to the left side. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Pain, as from a sprain, in the shoulder-joint, especially on moving the arm. Frequent tearing, occurring at intervals, in both axille, in the afternoon, (4. d.) Sudden jerk or concussion in the right shoulder, (a. 2 h.) Eruption, transversely across the shoulders, consisting of small red elevations with a pointed vesicle in the middle; they cause some burning, only in the evening, (a. 6 and 14 d.) Stitches in the shoulders, axille and arms, also at night. Tearing, at very different periods, in the arms and all the parts thereof, in the shoulders, axille, upper arms, elbows, fore arms, etc. Tearing in the arms, from the upper arm to the fingers, and from the fingers and wrist-joints to the shoulders. Paralytic pain as from a bruise in the arms, sometimes over the small of the back, coming out of the right upper arm, and going to the left lower arm, and vice versa. Great lassitude in the arms, which the person is scarcely able to lift, (3. d.) Lassitude of the arms. Great weariness of one arm. Sense of tightness in the arm, as from cold. Heat in the right arm, from time to time, which may be even felt externally. Burning sensation (and tension) of the arms (upper arms) and fingers, and of the left elbow, as from a glowing iron. (Soft, red) swelling of the arm, and violent stitches in the arm. Itching of every part of both arms, which disappears by scratching. Pain in the left upper arm, as if it were 66 ALUMINA. dislocated. Drawing pain in the left humerus, (2. d.) Tearing pain, at the back part of the upper arm, extending as far as the scapula; the pain is felt when sneezing and coughing. Stitches in the muscles of the left upper arm, (after some hours.) Lancinations in the upper arm and the elbow; the pain seems to be in the bone, in the forenoon. Lancinating pain, as from a sprain, in the elbow and wrist-joint. Almost constant and boring pain in the point of the elbow. Pain over the point of the elbow, especially on leaning upon it, as from a sharp pressure at the upper arm. Painful drawing in the lower arm, when at rest. Drawing and tearing pain in the lower arm, extending as far as the hand, early in the morning on waking up. Painful tearing in the lower arm, apparently upon the bone, lasting one minute and occurring three times. Tearing in the fore arms, as far as the wrist and the fingers. Continual (visible) twitching in the right fore arm and the posterior joint of the thumb of the left hand. Excessive heaviness in the fore arms and hands, her arms appearing shorter. His left lower arm goes to sleep every day; there is a pricking sensation in it from the hand to the elbow. On waking up, his right hand has gone to sleep. The left carpus is so sensitive, that he cannot lift any thing with this hand without experiencing the greatest pain. Distended veins of the hands, in the afternoon and evening. Itching upon the hands, the dorsa of the hands and between the fingers; it goes off by scratching. After violent itching of the hands, the skin of the hands peels off, on the third day, like bran; at the same time a small round spot forms behind the left thumb and index, which burns violently, hut lasts only one day. Continual, troublesome coldness of the hands. Rough, chapped, readily bleeding hands. Sensation in the right index as if it were dislocated. The middle fingers are painful on motion. Drawing pain in the thumb and index. Tearing in and between the fingers. His left thumb went to sleep in the afternoon, twice in succession, attended with a sensation as of prickling in the thumb, which lasted for some time. Formication in the fingers of the right hand, in the evening, attended with a sensation as of burning, (6. d.) Gnawing beneath the finger nails, attended with tingling all along ARGILLA. 67 the arm, as high up as the clavicle. Swelling of the fingers. Itching of and between the fingers, which goes off by scratching. Itching upon the right fingers, which increases by scratching and rubbing. Itching around the posterior joints of the fingers, which increases by friction; this is succeeded -y an insufferable pain in the bones of the fingers. Burning itching, with a sensation as of tingling between the index and the middle finger of the left hand. In the tips of the fingers a disposition to ulcerate; there is formed in them a white spot, indicating subcutaneous ulceration, attended with lancinating pain; the white spot goes off without breaking open. An eschar upon the finger which was formed 9 years ago in dissecting a body, begins to itch, (9. 12. d.) Extreme brittleness of the finger-nails; they break on being cut. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-The right hip joint gives him pain. Tearing pain over both hips and at the upper brim of the pelvis. Tearing in the os innominatum. Stitches in the right region of the pelvis. Stitches in the left hip, extending, one part, to the small of the back, the other, to the loin; when breathing the stitches come on again. Cutting, as with a knife, transversely across the right half of the nates, in the forenoon, (2. d.) When sitting, the nates go to sleep. Pain in the left hip as from a bruise; it becomes worse on pressure, early in the morning, (4. d.) Tearing and lancinations in the hip joint, and close over the knee, in paroxysms. Boil on the right hip, which terminates in suppuration. Pain in the legs and loins, during motion. After a walk, pain in the legs and loins; this prevents her from sleeping. Traction in the legs. Tearing in the legs, the thighs and legs, when sitting and lying down, especially at night. In the thighs and legs, long continued straining, almost like a cramp; only a few minutes, but frequently returning. Gnawing pain in the legs. Feeling of uneasiness in the legs for several evenings, at 7 o'clock, lasting half an hour, before she went to bed. Heaviness of the legs; she can scarcely lift them. Great heaviness in the lower limbs; he can scarcely drag them; when walking, he staggers and has to sit down; in the evening, (5. d.) Great weariness of the legs, when sitting. Burning and biting itching of the thighs, passing off 68 ALUMINA. by scratching. Itching of (and fine eruption on) the inside of the right thigh. Pain in the bent of the left knee; the boy cannot well step upon the foot. At night, violent pain in the bent of the knee, extending down to the heel. Sensation of pressure into the bent of the left knee, when walking, after having risen from the seat. Drawing pain in the bent of both knees, on ascending, not on descending the stairs. Drawing pain in both knees on ascending the stairs; the pain is not felt on simply bending the knees, nor is it felt on touching them. Pain in the patella on pressing the hand upon it or upon bending the knee. Sharp, twitching pressure from without inwards at the patella. Tearing in the knees and patellce. Lancinating pain in the knee, in the evening, before falling asleep. Dull tearing on the inside of the left knee, in the evening, (19. d.) Violent tearing beginning at the knees and coming out at the toes, with a sensation of swelling of the knees; in the afternoon, until evening (relieved by walking,) (21. d.) Stitches in the left knee, only when sitting; they disappear when walking in the open air. Lancinations in the right knee, in the evening, (1. d.) Painful boring in the right knee, (a. 2 h.) Cracking of the right knee in walking. Trembling of the knees. Her knees appear to her to be larger during the pain. Weariness of the legs; especially in the middle of the tibia?, they feel bruised when standing or walking, she feels as if she would sink down, for then the pain is worst, especially in the evening. Pain, as from a bruise, in the left tibia, especially during motion. Stitches in the right tibia, when in bed in the evening. Cramp-like pain, of a lancinating nature, in the right leg, with a sensation of numbness; during the afternoon-nap, when sitting, and also on waking up. Tearing in the legs at different periods. Tearing and drawing in the leg, extending from the malleolus externus. Tearing in the tendo Achillis of both legs, in the evening, (5. d.) Intense drawing pain in the tendo Acliillis, when at rest; not when walking. Painless drawing down along both calves, (a. 2 h.) Tearing in the calves. When walking the gastrocnemii muscles appear too short, they feel strained, (a. 20 h.) Straining pain at the inside of the calves, when walking. Straining and burning, at ARGILLA. 69 the external surface of the right calf, in the evening, (2. d.) Before taking the drug he had straining of the calves (soles of the feet and toes, accompanied by spasm and a sensation of paralysis of the legs;) this symptom is increased by the drug and extends over the knee, so that he cannot keep himself straight; afterwards a burning, shooting, sometimes cutting pain in the calves and soles, (the 1. days.) Frequent cramps in the calves. Upon laying one foot across the other, or stepping upon the toes, she is attacked with cramps of the calves. Cramp in the calves, as if the tendons were too short, after rising from his seat; previously his feet suddenly became so languid, that he was afraid of rising; in the afternoon, (2. d.) Painless beating or throbbing in the left calf, like pulsations, early in the morning. (4. d.) Violent formication in both calves, after supper, (5. d.) Itching of the calves. Sensation in the left heel as if it were pressed upon on both sides, (2. d.) Tearing in the feet and malleoli, at different periods. Heaviness in the feet, attended with tearing. Heaviness of the feet, with great lassitude of the legs, (3. d.) The right foot goes to sleep with a sensation as of tingling in it. Painful drawing below the malleoli, (10. d.) Pain in the bones on the dorsum of the foot, on touching the parts, accompanied by itching of those parts, (1. d.) On trying to step upon the foot, he experiences lancinations in one of the malleoli of the right foot, and violent cutting extending from the left big toe to the heel, so that he is not capable to step upon the foot, (2. d.) Numbness of the heel on stepping upon the foot. Stinging, (itching) and titillation in the soles of the feet. Itching in the sole of the foot. Itching and titillation in the sole of the foot. Burning stitches in the sole of the right foot, in the evening and early in the morning, disappearing by friction. Tension in the sole of the foot, in the forenoon, (2. d.)Painful sensitiveness of the sole of the right foot. Pain in the sole of the foot, on stepping upon it, as though it were too soft and swollen. The hard skin of the sole of the foot, is very sensitive to the touch; but even without being touched, it is affected with a violent aching pain. The old hard skin of the feet becomes very sensitive. Stitches in the corns, attended with a sensation of excori 70 ALUMINA. ation. An ulcer in the sole of the foot, which is almost entirely cured, causes a lancinating pain on stepping upon it; in the room, after having walked in the open air. Painful stitches in the ball of the big toe. Burning stitches in the left big toe, close to the nail, at night. Cutting in the big toe of the right foot, as if he walked upon knives, early in the morning; when walking, (4. d.) Sensation as of tingling in the big toe, as if it had been frozen, (2. d.) Itching of the toes, after staying in the open air. Itching of the toes and feet, when the feet have become warm by walking; after walking the symptom disappears immediately, (a. 30 d.) Itching and shining redness of the great toes; they are painful upon external pressure, (a. 4 d.) Itching of the toes, with redness, as if they had been frozen, worse after scratching, in the evening, (3. 4. 16. d.) Herpes between the toes. Corns are very painful. Traction in the extremities. Sensation as of burning, and tension in the dorsa of the feet and hands, as from a swelling. COMMON AILMENTS.-Continual burning and stinging in the rectum, attended with stiffness in the back, so that she cannot well move. (Dull pressive pains in the bones, especially of the legs, the chest and the back.) Tearing in the left scapula, in the arms, hands and legs, especially in the evening, (3. d.) Shooting to and fro in the right shoulder, tile small of the back and the abdomen; afterwards feels bruised, (2. d.) Pain, as from bruises, in the loins, over the hips and in the gastrocnemii muscles, when walking. Pain, as from bruises, in the back and all the extremities, as in fever and ague. Upon entering the room, after a walk in the open air, the person experiences' fearfulness and nausea, when talking. Walking in the open air, is succeeded by excessive cheerfulness and staring look; afterwards, at every motion, cold shiverings and sweat, attended with chilliness of the head; when going to bed, head, hands and feet are hot. During a bodily effort, a thrill of heat suddenly runs-over his whole body; this is succeeded by chills, attended with burning in the abdomen. When engaged in some bodily labor, the person experiences a cramplike sensation, like numbness, ascending the whole of the left leg, also in the left arm, ac ARGILLA. 71 companied by vertiginous stupefaction of the head, in paroxysms, (14. d.) All the muscles feel paralyzed. Early in the morning, paralytic weakness of all the limbs, with stupefaction of the head, in paroxysms of some minutes, (10. d.) Rigidity of the hands and feet, as if they had gone to sleep, early, on waking up; the symptom disappeared after rising and walking a little. The fourth and fifth fingers, the right knee, and at last the heel, go to sleep, after sitting. Slow, wavering gait, as after a violent disease. Towards evening, she feels sick at the stomach, and her head turns, with constant palpitation of the heart and great anxiety; this lasted the whole night, until the forenoon. Upon entering the room after a walk in the open air, one feels a sort of anxiety and nausea when talking. In the evening, violent pains in the small of the back, and vertigo, followed by a desire for stool, during which pure blood was passed; feeling of paralysis in the small of the back; when sitting straight, the small of the back did not support her. Congestion of the blood to the head; the eyes see black; giddiness, tingling before the ears, and drowsiness. First he sat still without answering; this was followed by anxious groaning for five minutes; after this, a convulsive laugh for ten minutes, then again weeping; then weeping and laughing in alternation. Inclines to convulsive laughter, in the evening, when in bed, (5. d.) Tremulous irritation of the whole nervous system. Shaking pulsations through the whole body. Sense of contraction in the right index and foot, as if the tendons were too short; when he touches something with the finger, he feels as if he were being electrified. When he attempts to take his siesta in a sitting posture, he experiences a jerk through the head and the other parts, like an electric shock, accompanied by stupefaction. His arm and head are pulled backwards with a jerk several times, accompanied by a sensation of apprehension. In the evening, one experiences twitchings in both of the lower extremities, especially in the legs and feet; these are followed by a disposition of the arms to turn and to extend themselves upwards. * Involuntary convulsions here and there, and movements of one foot, of the fingers, etc. Involuntary motions of the head and of other parts. Twitchings in all the limbs. 72 ALUMINA. Pain in the limbs as if the bones were squeezed into a narrower space, accompanied by pressure in the joints. Uneasiness, she constantly had to move her feet and to go about. Uneasiness when sitting or lying; she has to shift the position of her hands and feet. Most of the symptoms appear to come on in the sitting posture, and to decrease when walking. All the symptoms become aggravated immediately after dinner. Most of the symptoms come on shortly after dinner, and in the evening. A great number of the symptoms appear after dinner, and continue until the evening; they disappear in the forenoon, and at night. Potatoes appear to aggravate or to renew the symptoms. He feels the most easy after dinner. He feels a little better every other day. One feels pretty well by day; most of the symptoms appear in the morning and evening. The symptoms appear to be relieved in the open air and in the evening. She catches easily cold, even in the room; she gets hoarse; this symptom decreases by walking in the open air. Sweat consequent upon every motion, followed by cold thrills, as if one had caught cold. Sensation in the limbs as if he had caught cold, accompanied by frequent chilliness during the day, and heat in the face in the evening. Intolerable itching of the whole body, especially when he becomes heated, and when he is in bed; he has to scratch himself until the skin bleeds, which is painful after the scratching. Itching of the whole body, especially in the face, (7. d.) Erratic itching of single small places of the body, mostly in the evening, and not going off by scratching. Violent itching of the whole body, as if an eruption would break out, (a. 5 d.) Violent itching and gnawing upon the skin of the whole body; the symptom is but little relieved by scratching. Stinging itching of the back and the side of the abdomen, (2. d.) Erratic stinging of the whole body, especially in the evening. The tetters (small white itching pimples in clusters) increase. Itching of the tetters, especially towards evening. Itching eruptions of rash on the arms and legs, without any redness; upon scratching the pimples, a watery blood oozes out. Biting in the tetters. Small injuries of the skin became sore and inflamed. SPASMS, WEAKNESS, FAINTING FITS.- Great depression ARGTLLA. 73 of strength, especially after walking in the open air, accompanied by yawning, stretching, drowsiness, and inclination to lie down; lying down, however, increases the lassitude, (1. 3. d.) Depression'of strength in the whole body, accompanied by obtusion of the thinking faculty, flushes of heat, and anxiety, (4. d.) His strength fails already after a short conversation or walk. Great fatigue consequent upon talking. Excessively faint and tired; he is obliged to sit down. Tremulous lassitude. Lassitude in the forenoon, and considerable chilliness; in the afternoon, she felt a chilliness in the back, which shook her. Great lassitude of the whole body, with chilliness and headache, (33. d.) Lassitude; dizziness; frequently a feverish pulse and want of disposition to work, for several days; little appetite; drowsiness after dinner, heaviness in the body, frequent disposition to eructations, which, however, either do not take place at all, or but imperfectly, (a. 4 w.) Physical depression, lassitude, so that she can scarcely lift her feet, accompanied by drowsiness and laziness, (22. d.) Unconquerable disposition to lie down, (a. 3 h.) SLEEP.-Tired and drowsy. A good deal of yawning, accompanied by drowsiness, (which goes off only in the open air.) Constant yawning, also before dinner, without drowsiness. Drowsiness by day. Great lassitude, accompanied, in the forenoon, by an irresistible inclination to sleep; she lies down and sleeps soundly for an hour; this sleep caused the lassitude to disappear, and made her feel very comfortable. Great drowsiness in the evening, even when standing. Great drowsiness in the evening, already at six o'clock. She falls asleep very early in the evening. * Early on rising she feels as if she had not slept enough; she feels yet tired, and yawns. Early in the morning, after an uneasy sleep, he feels yet tired, and does not wish to rise. In the morning, he would like to sleep long. In the morning, he is obliged to sleep longer than usually, and he cannot wake up entirely; at the same time, however, he falls asleep later on going to bed. In the evening, he falls asleep late, on account of images crowding upon his fancy, (2. d.) " In the evening, he cannot fall asleep under an hour,-but afterwards he sleeps well. He cannot fall 4 "74 ALUEMINIA. asleep before midnight, and tosses about from one side to another, (2. d.) At night, uneasiness in all the limbs; this prevents him from falling asleep. She cannot find rest any where at night; she tosses about, and she feels pain all over, for several nights, (a. 15 d.) Uneasy sleep; he tosses about in his bed; he feels hot and anxious; this is accompanied by twitchings in the limbs, and startings, before falling asleep. Uneasy sleep during the first nights. Uneasy sleep; she often turned from one side to another; she felt hot, lay most of the lime uncovered; her sleep was a mere slumber, which did not afford her any rest, accompanied by many dreams, and frequently interrupted by waking, (7. d.).Uneasy sleep, with toothache. Waking up frequently at night, for eight days, (12. d.) One wakes up before midnight, on account of a dry cough, first accompanied by chilliness, then by dry heat. After midnight, his sleep is uneasy; he often wakes up, and tosses about in the bed. At night, when in bed, throbbing of the roots of the teeth like pulsations. At midnight, one is roused from sleep by violent pinching and rumbling in the abdomen; this symptom ceases towards morning, (a. 12 d.) Headache, when in bed at night. Griping in the pit of the stomach, in the evening; when in bed. At night, violent pain in the bent of the knee, extending down to the heel. At night, le is roused from sleep by a spasm and dyspnoea, (having walked a good deal the day before.) At four o'clock, early in the morning, one is roused from sleep by chilliness of lthe whole body, accompanied by violent contraction of the stomach; continual empty eructations, which afford relief; then four liquid stools, with constant chilliness, followed by burning in the lower part of the rectum; the chilliness lasted until morning, (32. d.) At night, when waking up, there is anxiety, dyspnoea, and copious sweat. Towards four or five o'clock in the morning, the person is waked up by anxiety about the heart, as if sweat would break out, which, however, is not the case; after rising, the anxiety immediately disappears. Towards morning, one wakes up with an anguish of death, caused by pains which one imagined to endure when sleeping. Early in the morning, one wakes up with a depression of spirits, such as is caused by grief, without any AR8ILLA. 75 clear consciousness. She wakes up early in the morning with nausea and qualmishness at the stomach, * and physical depression as if sleep had not recruited her strength; this is accompanied by a quick, feverish pulse, wilh internal heat, (3. d.) Early in the morning, on waking up, one experiences, while in bed, a drawing and biting sensation in the urethra. After midnight, lie starts up from an anxious dream, (such as,-that a horse is pursuing him, and intends to bite him,) (10. d.) Violent startings when asleep, before midnight, which rouse him completely, (7. d.) When asleep, she spoke loud, laughed and wept. He talks much when asleep, as if he had an anxious dream. Great uneasiness during sleep, with violent weeping and disconsolate grief, without being fully conscious of those symptoms, for a few minutes, before midnight. She sobs and groans at night as if she were weeping, although she is not aware of those symptoms, shortly after falling asleep, (7. d.) At night, he rises from his bed without being aware of it, and with firmly closed eyes; he goes anxiously from one room into another while he is rubbing his eyes; when brought to bed again, the boy fell asleep again immediately. She sleeps too soundly, and has to be waked up. Sound sleep, full of dreams, with erections. * Deep sleep towards morning, with dreams which fatigue the head, (a. 10 h.) Sound sleep, with a quantity of pleasant dreams. Pleasant dreams, such as about money which he had received, etc. Confused dreams. Shameful dream. * A number of dreams,-all of them of a disagreeable nature. Dreams about quarrelling and vexations. Dreams about falling stars, fires, marriages. Dreams about thieves. after which she wakes up with anxiety. She dreams that she has committed a theft, or that she has got among robbers. Dream about death and burial. Tormenting dreams, begetting a fear of death, which lasts even after waking up. Dreams causing anxiety, with uneasy sleep. Anxious dreams towards morning, the sleep being otherwise sound, (a. 12 d.) Fearfully anxious dreams, and nightmare. Anxious dreams: such as that the tiler forcibly thrusts a piece of meat into one's mouth. In a dream, he imagines to be obliged to descend from a height, he thinks that he ALUMINA. will have to fall. She dreams that she is upon a ferry-boat which is foundering in the river; she wakes up with anxiety. He dreams that he is walking about in a river, in which he sees serpents and other animals, of which he is afraid. He dreams about ghosts, and makes so much noise that it wakes him up. FEvER.-Chilliness and uneasy sleep the whole night, (33. d.) Chills near the warm stove, (15. d.) In the evening, chilliness from seven to eight o'clock; she feels so chilly that she is obliged to go to bed; but even there it takes her a long while to get warm, (5. d.) Cold air is very disagreeable to her, especially to her feet. Internal chills, with a desire for the warm stove, and stretching of the limbs; worse after warm drinks. Chilly in the open air. Chilliness of the whole body; the feet are as cold as ice the whole day, with heat in the head, also in the room, (1. d.) Internal chilliness and external heat, especially on the cheeks, with dark redness of the same, as is seen in persons who drink much brandy. Internal chilliness, with hot cheeks and cold hands.* Cold thrills, without any thirst or subsequent heat or sweat, from four to six o'clock in the afternoon, with throbbing pains in the forehead and the occiput, which decrease by pressing upon the parts with the hand, (9. d.) Chilliness, constant eructations, bitter taste in the mouth, frequent collection of saliva, great failing of strength, and headache, as if the head would burst, especially on the top of the head, accompanied by vertigo, (relieved by a dose of ipecacuanha,) (34. d.) Frequent repetition of chills in the evening, (2. d.) Chills" over the whole body, every other day, towards evening, without any thirst, accompanied by want of appetite, sleeplessness, and restless tossing about in the bed. In the evening, one experiences chills, which increase by the slightest motion; sometimes also flushes of heat in the face, (1. d.) In the evening, at five o'clock, she experienced such violent chilliness, especially of the back and feet, that she could not even warm herself near the warm stove; in half NOTE. Bryonia is an antidote against the fevers caused by Alum na. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 77 an hour, sweat broke out, without any thirst, (6. 7. d.) In the evening, chilliness and warmth often alternate, the face is hot, and the rest of the body experiences chills. Internal chilliness, with hot hands and hot lobules of the ears, (a. 2 h.) Chilliness of half an hour is followed by heat of the body, and sweat in the face. Pleasant warmth, of short duration, in the right side of the face, in the afternoon, (5. d.) Sudden heat in the face, with redness, lasting only for a short while, (5. d.) Sensation in the body, as after having become violently heated, when sitting, (the first days.) In the evening, heat in the body for two hours; it appears to begin at the head, (5. d.) Feverish faintishness, with internal heat. Towards evening, heat in the whole body, especially in the feet; followed by shaking fits, which obliged her to go to bed, where she soon fell asleep; thirst neither during the hot nor the cold stage, nor were there any other symptoms besides these mentioned, (11. d.) Heat before midnight; it does not permit him to fall asleep. Heat, with anxiety, at night, accompanied by sweat. Sudden heat, with sweat and anxious palpitation of the heart. Early in the morning, upon remaining in bed after six o'clock, she begins to sweat, for some mornings, (a. 9 d.) Orgasm, with increased pulse, and trembling of the hands when writing; this orgasm also exists after a meal, and is combined with heat of the whole body, and sweat of the face, (1. d.) AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. (CARBONATE OF AMMONIA.) This salt may be prepared by mixing one ounce of the sal ammoniacum and one ounce of the crystals of Natrum in a Florence flask, which should then be loosely closed at the top. Then take an iron pan filled with sand, into which the flask is inserted to a level with the contents. The pan being then heated, the ammonium is sublimed into the upper part of the flask, the top of which may be broken off, in order to take out the salt. Triturate one grain of this salt; the dilutions are obtained from the mil 78 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. lionth degree of potency. One or two globules of the degree X. sometimes act thirty-six days. Ammonium carbonicum has been found useful in the following affections: Fearfulness; disobedience; want of docility; loathing of life; uneasiness in the evening; attacks of anxiety; anxiety, with weakness; diminution of the thinking faculty; vertigo, when sitting or reading; chronic headache; headache, as if something would get out at the forehead; headache, with nausea; hammering headache; falling off of the hair; dry pus on the eyelids; burning and feeling of coldness in the eyes; dimness of sight, with a sense as of waving before ihe eyes; black points and streaks of light hovering before the eyes; cataract of the crystalline lens; short-sightedness; hardness of hearing, accompanied by suppuration, and itching of the ear; humming and tingling before the ears; itching of the nose; pustules in the nose; bleeding at the nose, early in the morning, when washing; summer-freckles; tearings, extending from the left upper lip across the cheek as far as the ear; cracking in the articulation of the jaw, when chewing; chronic looseness of the teeth; sore throat, like rawness of the throat; soreness of the throat; swelling of the inner mouth; eructations tasting of the ingesta, either food or drink; bitter taste in the mouth, especially after a meal; rawness and burning of the cesophagus from below upwards, after a meal; headache after a meal; nausea after a meal; vertiginous giddiness during a meal; unconquerable desire to eat sugar; thirst; want of appetite in the morning; sour eructations; heartburn; eructations and vomiting; pain at lthe stomach; spasm of the stomach; contractive pain in the pit of the stomach, when stretching one's self; burning pain in the liver; boring stitches in the liver, in the evening, when sitting; uneasiness in the abdomen; painful concussion in the 1hpogastrium when setting the foot down in walking; costiveness; difficulty of passing the stools; colic, with diarrhoea; blood with the stools; discharge of blood from the rectum, (flowing haemorrhoids;) itching of the anus; varices of the rectum; nightly micturition; pollutions; (deficiency of the sexual desire;) scanty menses; sterility, with scanty menses; AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 79 menses too short and scanty; menses too early; during the menses, she experiences a pressure upon the genital organs, cutting in the abdomen, tearing in the back and the genital organs, these symptoms obliging her to lie down; watery discharge from the uterus; leucorrhoea; profuse, acrid, corrosive leucorrhma; chronic dryness of the nose; chronic coryza; dry coryza; shortness of breath; asthma; cough; cough with hoarseness, the body being warm; cough caused by titillation in the throat, with discharge; cough by day; cough at night; stitches in the small of the back, when coughing; burning in the chest from below upwards; tearings, beginning at the upper left side of the chest, and extending as far as the shoulder-joint; stitches in the fleshy part of the chest; goitre; swelling of the cervical glands, accompanied by an itching eruption of the face and body; pain in the nape of the neck; rigidity of the arms and fingers,-they become cold and insensible, at night, early in the morning, and when closing the hands in seizing something; pain of the wrist-joint, which had been sprained some time ago; swelling of the fingers, when letting the arms hang down; the fingers go to sleep; great lassitude in the lower extremities; drawing pain in the legs, when sitting; stitches in the heel; sweating of the feet; swelling of the feet; cramp in the sole of the feet; pain as from a sprain, in the ball of the big toe, at night when in bed; burning in the hands and feet; feeling of weakness in the limbs, when walking in the open air; disinclination to walking; drawing and tension in the small of the back, in the back and in the joints; curvature of the bones; warts; burning "stitches and tearings in the corns; drowsiness by day; sleeplessness at night; nightmare on falling asleep; feverish heat in the head, wih cold feet; evening chills; sweat. This remedy may be repeated with advantage, after some intermediate remedies. Its effects, when excessive, may be diminished by smelling of camphor. This drug has been proved by myself and Doctors Hartlaub; Ng.; Gross; Stapf; Trinks; Schreter. Noack and Trinks have arranged the above mentioned affections under the following technical names: Hysteria andHypochondria.- Chlorosis.-Eclampsia.-Scrophulo AMMONJUM CARBONICDJI. sis 7-Nervous A sthenic affections.-Rheumatism and gout, especially rheumatic, arthritic metasiases characterised by torpor.-Bite of a serpent.- Syffocating and apoplectic fits.- Comatose conclitions.-Faintingfits.--Paralysis.Convulsions. - Tetanus.-- Scurvy.--Melaena.- Morbus maculosus hlmorrhagicus Werlhofii.-A cute exanthemas, with disposition to torpor and colliquation, especially scarlatina, when Sphacelus is threatening to set in; lillaTia and Morbilli, especially when the epidemic disease is characterised by torpor and coltlquation.-Papulous and squamous eruptions upon the skin, such as: Strophulus, lichen, prurigo, psoriasis localis.-Furuncles, pustolous eruptions, such as: Porrigo furfurans, ecthyma, variola, (with a putrid character.)-Hot gangrene; gangra-na senilis.-Intermittent fevers, where coldness is a prevailing symptom; febris intcrmittens malign a.-Nervous fevers, with asthenic affections of the chest.-Putrid fever.Typhous fevers.- Colliquative sweats, especially in consumptive individuals.-Megri'n.-Headache, caused by congestion of the blood to the head.- Intoxication; delirium ztremens.-Photopsia, originating in plethora abdominalis, anaemia, threatening apoplexy.-Ozoena.-Angina parotid ca.-A ngina gangr-cn osa.-Jcematemesis.-N1ervous dyspepsia.- Gas trodynia. -Colic. - Costiveness, caused by want of tone of the intestinal canal; h-.morrhoidal consti pation.--Diarrhcea, with colic.-Dysentery.-Flalltulence and tympanitis.-Hmemorrhoidal affections, flowing hammorrhoids.-Atony of -the urinary organs; diabetes, especially of hysteric individuals.-- I-Iaematu ria.-Irr7egularities of the menstrual functions, especially when accompanied by nervous erethism; menstrual colic; dysmenorrhcea.- Fluor albus.-A mmonium has a specific effect upon the organs of respiration; in chronic affections of those organs it may be used with especial advantage.-Fluent and dry coryza.- Chronic catarrh of the air-passages.-Bronchitis maligna.--Asthnatic complaints.-Nightmare.-,Edem a pulmonum.HawmaptoI'.-Pneumonia notha.-Pneumonia hypostatica?-Apoplexia pulmonumn.- Tarmenting dry cough of consumptive persons.-Erethism in afeclions of the chest and pulmonary phthisis.-Affections of the venous heart? -Hydrothorax?--Tingling in parts that have gone to AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 81 sleep.--Dropsical swellings.-Rheumatic and arthritic affections of thejoints.-Dropsy of the joints.-Sprains.Contusions.-Extravasations and exudations. Ammonium is especially suitable to adynamic, weak, nervous, venous, or lymphatic constitutions, to individuals of a torpid, phlegmatic, melancholy temperament, to people leading a sedentary life, and to the female organism; in persons who are easily impressed, and react but slightly and for a short lime, when there is laxity of the fibre, disposition to lymphatic accumulation of mucus and fat, and to nervous affections. P. S. It is remarkable that ammonium should be useful against a tendency to gangrene, and that cancerous and mortifying ulcers should evolve a large quantity of ammonium; that ammonium should play an important part in the affections of the sexual organs of the female, and that a considerable quantity of ammonium should be evolved through the skin during the period of menstruation; and lastly, that ammonium should relieve the symptoms of poisoning by fungi, and that ammonium should be a characteristic constituent of those growths. It is well known that a similar relation exists between the itch and sulphur; that the itch-vesicle smells of sulphur, and that sulphur is a specific against the itch. Antidotes: Arnica, Camph. Hep.-Ammonium is used as an antidote against acid. Hydroc., Lauroc., and Laches is, also Secale? Analagous remedies: Amm.caust., Ammon. muriat., Ant., Arn., Asa., Ars., Bell., Bry., Camph., Carb. anim. et veg., Hep. sulp., Hydroc. ac., Hyosc., Kali, Laches., Laur., Lycop., Magn. p. aus, etc. Mere., Nux vom., Phosph., Puls., Rho., Sulp.,-2. Chin., Dulc., Electr., Nux mosch., Lee., Leneg., Stann., Silic.,-3. Euphorb., Ferr., Graph., Tp., Mang., Mur. ac., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Op. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Earnest mood. Sad, weeping mood, towards evening, (2. d.) Weeping mood, with thoughts of death. Morose and full of grief. The recollection of past disagreeable occurrences torments him. She is anxious on account of her illness. Sad, low-spirited, apprehensive of evil, accompanied by chilliness, in the forenoon. 'Every afternoon between 5 and 6 o'clock 4' 82 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. she is seized with anguish, as if she had committed the greatest crime; towards evening the anguish passes off. * For many afternoons she is seized with a weakness and anxiety; she knows not how to comfort herself, what to do with herself; this state leaves her towards evening. * Great oppression of the heart; lie knew not how to quiet himself. * Fearful and uneasy mood, (2. d.) * She has rest nowhere and succeeds in nothing, (4. d.) * Sighing. Not disposed to do any thing. Dread of labour. Cloudy weather makes her very sad. Peevishness early in the morning. Ill humour, peevishness, sometimes accompanied by headache, in the forenoon. Very unamiable, irritated, peevish; she answers reluctantly (the second day of her courses) She found fault with every thing. She could not bear any noise. The child is extremely obstinate. Bears no contradiction. Peevish and angry. Peevish, angry, scolding, in the evening, (6. d.) 'The mood changes for the better, after supper; headache and pain at the stomach, ceasing at the same time. Very easily frightened. Extremely fantastic. Occasionally excessive mnirth. He often laughs, without moderation, at a trifle, (a. 38 d.) He does not seem to be in his senses. Head very thoughtless. Very forgetful, and headache when reflecting on something. Forgetful, absent, cannot recollect, (9. d.) Very absent; when telling a story, he easily loses his train of thoughts, and hits upon thoughts and expressions which he did not wish to employ, (S. d.) Absence of mind, accompanied by anxiety; when speaking, lie is at a loss to finish his speech. She finds it hard to arrange her ideas. He speaks incorrectly, speaks wrong without wishing it, uses one word for another in speaking. He easily uses wrong letters and figures in writing or cyphering, (9. d.) HEAD:-Emptiness and sensation as of closing of the head, (a. a quarter of an hour.) Stupefaction of the head. Vertigo as from intoxication, after having sat still for some time, (towards evening.) Upon turning with the body, the head feels immediately dizzy. Vertigo and trembling of the feet, so that lie has to hold himself in order not to fall, for several days, (a. 3 d.) Vertigo, at night and early in the morning, (a. 2 d.) Early in the morning, vertigo AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 83 with a sense as of waving before the eyes; she has to sit down. Frequent vertigo, early in the morning after rising;. it continues the whole day and is worse toward evening; he feels as if things turned with him in a circle; also at night on moving his head. Giddiness, nausea and want of appetite, ever since the dawn of day. Vertigo with nausea, early in the morning; in walking, that symptom soon passes off, (4. d.) * Headache, early in bed, with nausea, which rises as high up as the throat; she feels an inclination to vomit; the symptom passes off after 2 or 3 hours. * Headache and pain at the stomach, accompanied by ill humour, the whole day, (a. 3 d.) "*Headache after dinner, (5. d.) Headache with heaviness of the forehead, early in the morning, worse in the afternoon, (3. d.) Pressure at the top of the head, half an hour, (a. 6 d.) Pressure over the whole head after having got heated, (a. 10 d.) Erratic headache in the brain, pressure and stinging over one of the eyebrows. His head is very heavy. Heaviness and beating in the forehead, after dinner. Heaviness in the left side of the head, growing worse in bed, (46. d.) The right side of her head seems to be heavier than the left; the head feels as if it would fall over on that side, (1. d.) Pressive sense of fulness in the forehead, as from the vapor of coal. * Pressive fullness in the forehead and in the upper part of the head, as if the head would burst there. * On stooping ihere is tension in the nape of the neck; in front the head threatens to burst with pain. * Headache, pressive jerkings in the forehead from within outwards, as if it would burst. * Uproar behind the right frontal eminence, as if every thing would come out there, (2. d.) Clawing pain in the head. For several mornings she is roused from her slumber by a drawing pain of the periosteum of the forehead; the pain passes off after rising. Drawing and tearing in the whole head, early after rising and during the whole day, (23. d.) Tearing of the temples, early and in the evenings. Tearing behind the left ear, as far as the vertex, with a sensation as if the head were cleft. Headache with stitches the whole day. Erratic stitches in the head deep in the brain, especially in the right side; they pass off in the open air, (4. 42. d.) Stitches in the left temple 84 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. increased by chewing. Stitches in the left temple, as with a blunt instrument. Prickings over the right eye. Stitches over the left eye, so violent that they cause the eyes to contract, after dinner, (4. d.) Boring stitches behind the right frontal eminence, deep in the brain, during dinner, (2. d.) Headache resembling a knocking or hacking with a sharp instrument; pain prevented her from moving, she bad to lie still. Painful throbbing and beating in the temple, in the left side of the head and the left side of the occiput, sometimes with yawning. Pain as from ulceration in moving the head and on pressing upon it, especially in the occiput, at one of the glands of that region, for some time. On moving his head there is a sensation as of the brain falling to and fro, towards the side where he stoops, some times attended with stinging pains; a symptom which troubles him even at night, for several weeks in succession. Headache as if water or something else were in his head. Sense of looseness of the brain. The head easily catches cold. Itching of the head, accompanied by great sensitiveness of the integuments of the head when scratching them, (10. d.) Violent itching of the hairy scalp, especially of the occiput. Sense as if the hairs would stand upon end, with tingling over the whole head and a feeling of coldness there, after coming out of the open air and entering the room. The hair is painful when touched. The scalp and the hairs are intensely painful when the hand is moved along them; this movement made him shudder, (1st evening.) EYES:-The eyes are weak; the child winks continually. Pressure upon the eyelids on waking up and when he is about falling asleep; he cannot open them, although he is internally awake. Pressure in the eves. Pressure and cutting in the eyes, (4. d.) Pressure and fine stitches in the eyes, (2. d.) Prickings and pressure in the eyes. Biting in the eyes and itching of the borders of the lids. Itching and biting in the eyes, which pass off by rubbing, early in the morning,) (1.4. 12. d.) * Burning of the eyes the whole day, especially early on waking up, with intolerance of light, and in the evening on lying down. A stye - of the right upper lid becomes inflamed, with a sensation of tension (2. d.) Inflammation of the inner canthus of AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. the right eye, without pain, (26. d.) The eyes are inflamed and dim. The right eye is a little inflamed and dim. The eyes are agglutinated, early in the morning. The eyes are closed with gum, early in the morning, after sound sleep; it takes her a long time to open them. The eyes are closed with gum in the morning; they run in day time. When reading his eyes run. Watery eye; the white of the eye is full of red veins, as in an incipient inflammation of the eye. The right eye waters, and the vessels of the cornea are distinctly visible. Copious lachrymation, especially of the right eye, as well in the open air as in the room. When sneezing, white stars sparkle before his eyes. A large black spot hovers before the eye after she has been sewing. When making an effort, he sees the objects which are at a distance double, and also those which are near him. EARs:-Frequent and painful stitches in the right ear. Stitches in the left ear, (2. d.) Throbbing in the left ear, at night, when resting upon it; on turning to the other side, the symptom disappears, (6. d.) Twitches and pinching in the internal ear. Twitches and tension around the left ear, in the cheek-bone and in the temples, with swelling of the cervical glands. Tension behind the right ear. Tearing below and behind the ears, made worse by moving the head, sometimes extending as far as the vertex, the occiput and the nape of the neck, also the shoulder, (after dinner.) Hard swelling of the glands of the ear. Early in the morning itching over the ears, which spreads over the whole body, (3. d.) Tingling and slow and deep tearing in the left ear, which afterwards extends to the lower jaw, (10. d.) A report in the ears as of a distant shot, 5 or 6 times in the course of an hour. Whizzing before the left ear. Illusion of hearing; he imagines to hear the ringing of bells. At night, whizzing in the left ear, (2. d.) Every day, after midniglt, whispering as of the wind among trees, in the right ear, when resting upon it in bed. Buzzing before the ears as if the hearing were dull, and as if something were lying before the ears, (a. 17 d.) * Diminishing of hearifag. Painful sensitiveness of the deaf ear in consequence of a strong sound; this caused her to tremble over the whole body. 86 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. NOSE:-Tearing in the left nasal fossa, and simultaneously in the bone of the left elbow, extending towards the hand. Slight shootings in the left side of the nose which seem to draw up the wing of the nose. When stooping, sensation in the extremity of the nose as if the blood were accumulating there. Upon strongly breathing through the nose this organ feels painful. Swelling, sensation of soreness and itching in the right cavity of the nose, with a tingling in the nose as if the nose were continually affected with cold; the nose runs, (a. 3 d.) Furunculus on the tip of the nose. Pustule on the side of the nose. On the septum of the nose a pustule, in front. Pimple upon the tip of the nose. An acrid fluid runs out at the nose. When stooping, water runs out at the nose. On blowing the nose, early in the morning, pus drops out at one of the nostrils, (5. d.) Blowing bloody mucus out of the nose, frequently. On blowing the nose, blood comes out at the left nostril, (2. d.) * Bleeding at the nose, (8. d.) Bleeding at the nose, after dinner, (2. d.) Dry coryza, Jahr. FACE:-Violent pain in the face on the right side. Painful tension and tearing in the right side of the face, (2. d.) Pressive pain in the zygoma. Drawing pain in the cheek bones. Contraction of the skin of the forehead and the face. Sense as of stretching in the face, she has to rub her eyes and her face, as if she were sleepy. Heat in the face, during mental exertions. Heat in the head and face, with red cheeks. Redness of the left cheek. Paleness of the face, with nausea and moral and physical weariness. Wretched look. Pale face, accompanied by headache, pain at the stomach and ill-humour, (4. d.) Pale, bloated face, for a long time, (a. 30 d.) Tension of the skin of the face (the nose and both lips), as if the face were swollen; early in the morning: on waking up. Hard swelling of the cheek, * as well as the glands of the ears and rieck. White, herpes-like spots of the size of a small pea, which continually exfoliate; (upon the cheek.) Boils upon the cheek and around the ear. Small boils and indurations, emitting water and blood, upon the cheek, at the corners of the mouth and on the chin. Eruptions upon the forehead resembling little boils. Pimples and vesicles on the forehead. Pimples on the forehead and the AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 87 tip of the nose. Miliary eruption around the chin, without sensation. Pustules upon the forehead, temple, cheek and chin. Pustules upon the cheeks, during the menses. Itching of the mouth; both lips were itcliing. Pimple on the lower lip, with burning pain. Burning vesicles on the vermilion border of both lips. Vesicles at the right corner of the mouth and on the upper lip. Eruption at the mouth. Herpes-like, scaly eruption around the mouth. JAWS AND TEETH:--Scaly skin of the chin, with vehement itching, which does not pass off by scratching. The upper lip feels sore, as if it were chapped. The lower lip is chapped in the middle, with a sensation as of burning; it bleeds. Chapped lips and sore corners of the mouth. Dry, chapped lips witli a sensation of soreness as from excoriation, and a feeling of burning, as if they were covered with vesicles. Pain and swelling of the submaxillaiy glands; they feel tense upon the mouth be-ing moved. Under the gum, upon the jaw, a swelling of the size of a pigeon's egg; this swelling felt very painful upon moving the jaws for the purpose of chewing. The gums are so sensitive that she does not dare to touch them with the tongue, (41. d.) Stitches of the inner and upper gums of the riglit side. Itching of the gums; they bleed upon being scratched. Gums incline to bleed. Sensation as of swelling, or also swelling and inflammation of the gums. Swelling of the gums accompanied by swelling of the cheek. Abscess of the gums, attended with discharge of pus. Pain in two molar teeth as when sweets come into a hollow tooth. Violent toothache, with heat of the same side of the head, (a. 12 d.) Violent toothache, as soon as she enters the bed in the evening, during the whole night; it cannot be relieved in any position. Toothache at night, and swollen cheek on the day following; afterwards enlarged nose and red spots in the face and upon the neck. When a warm liquid gets into the mouth, the person experiences painful shootings in the teeth and the lower jaw of one side, for 5 or 10 minutes. In chewing almost all the teeth are painful; 1he person was unable to speak on account of pain; upon air rushing into the mouth, the pain became intolerable. The teeth are painful when set against one another, in the 88 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. act of biting. An anterior inferior incisor tooth becomes very painful when biting upon it, during the catamenia. Toothache during the catamenia, day and night, especially during and after dinner, relieved by warm cloths and pressing upon the teeth. Drawing toothache during the catamenia. Drawing toothache during the catamenia; it passes off by eating, (a. 6 h.) Drawing toothache, which seems to be in the jaws, and extends as far as the ear and the cheek; only during eating and when biting upon the tooth. Darting in an infected molar tooth, after dinner; the pain ceases upon a toothpick being inserted in the tooth. Tearing pain in the upper row of teeth. Drawing and tearing in a molar tooth, after a journey in damp weather, (a. 23 d.) Griping in a hollow molar tooth, with a sensation as of tearing and shooting, also at night, relieved by smelling of hepar sulphuris. Tearing in the teeth and jaws as far as the ears, before midnight; she is obliged to shift constantly from one side to another, the teeth are very painful when biting upon them, (the third day of the catamenia.) Tearing in the upper molar teeth of the left side, with frequent collections of water in the mouth, and gnawing in the left shoulder, (10. d.) Tearing toothache in the left upper row, which seems to affect the roots as if an ulcer would form there, (36. d.) Sensation as if an abcess were existing at the roots of the teeth, which threatens to burst on the access of air, or when Ihe tooth is pressed upon during mastication. Shootings in a healthy molar tooth, in the open air. Shooting toothache, uninterruptedly for eight days. Shooting pain in the molar teeth, upon pressing their edges against one another; he was only able to chew with the incisor teeth, (immediately, and on the 2. d.) On touching the tooth with the tongue, a violent stitch occurred in a hollow tooth of the upper row. Sensation of soreness in a hollow molar tooth, (a. half an h.) Throbbing and pressive toothache (a 3 d.) Toothache in the evening, as if the teeth were clawed. Sensation in the teeth, as if there were no power to bite. The teeth become very dull. Dullness of the molar teeth, on setting them against one another during mastication; they appear to be loose. The teeth feel AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 89 as if they were dull and too long. The teeth frequently feel as if they were too long, as after having eaten acids. A tooth which, formerly, had often been painful, appears to be longer, and becomes again sensitiveto pain. On sucking, blood comes out of a molar tooth. The decay of the teeth progresses rapidly. His teeth fall out, even sound ones. MouTH.-Burning vesicles on the inner side of the lower lip. On the inner side of the lower lip, a painful, white vesicle. The inside of the cheeks is full of vesicles without sensation. Vesicles on the tongue, especially on its border. Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which hinder speaking and eating, with a burning pain. Pustules upon the tongue, with a burning and stinging pain, especially on the border and under the tongue. Small ulcer at the tip of the tongue, feeling sore whenever the tongue is moved, Pain at the palate, as from an ulcer, on touching the palate with the tongue; the part exfoliates on the day following. The anterior half of the tongue feels as if it were pithy, early in the morning, (4. d.) Burning at the tip of the tongue, made worse by touching it. Redness and inflammation in the mouth and throat; these parts are painful, as if they were sore and excoriated. Sensation as of swelling in the mouth. The buccal cavity feels so narrow that she scarcely dares to open her mouth or to move her tongue, lest she should hurt some part by touching it with the tongue, (40. d.) Talking is often difficult for her, as if the organs of speech were paralyzed, or on account of a pain, resembling pain at the stomach, (3. d.) Sore throat towards evening. Pain in the throat during deglutition, as if the right tonsil were swollen. Swelling of the amygdalae, with difficult deglutition, especially early in the morning and in the evening. Sensation as if something were in her throat, by which swallowing is made difficult, accompanied by a sensation of choking pressure; (early, and in the evening.) She feels as if something were in her throat, on the right side, making deglutition difficult, (a. 6 minutes.) Sore throat, sense as of scraping, (rawness.) Roughness and sense as of scraping in the throat. Soreness in the throat. Burning sensation in the neck, down the cesophagus, as from alcohol. Bad sore 90 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. throat, like stinging and drawing, or tearing, more painful when speaking; (3. d.) Pressure in the throat, with external swelling on both sides. Dryness of the mouth in the evening, which cannot be relieved by drinking; the mouth feels parched early in the morning. Great dryness and heat of the mouth, at night, (a. 12 d.) Dryness of the mouth and neck. On waking up early in the morning, dryness of the mouth and neck, with thirst. The lips are constantly dry, and adhere to one another, (15. d.) TASTE AND APPETITE.-Collection of saltish water in the mouth. She has to spit a good deal, for several days. Frequent and copious collection of watery saliva in her mouth; she is constantly obliged to spit. Bad smell from the mouth, which he himself perceives, for a long time. Sweet taste in the mouth, with bloody saliva, (5. d.) Taste of blood in the mouth, during the whole lime of proving. Bad taste and smell in the mouth, early in the morning. * Bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning, and attacks of nausea the whole day, (10. d.) Bitter taste in the mouth, early on waking up, (2. d.) Nasty and sourish taste in the mouth. Acid taste after drinking milk. Sourish and metallic taste of food. Constant eructations. Frequent, but suppressed eructations. A good deal of empty eructations, especially the first day. Frequent risings of air, in the evening and after dinner, (5. d.) " Eructations tasting of the ingesta. * Eructations tasting of the ingesta, during and after supper, (10. d.) " Sour cructations. * Frequent heartburn. Feverish chilliness early in the morning, succeeded by hiccough, (2. d.) Nausea and coated tongue, early in the morning, (a. 8 d.) Qualmishness, early after rising, until the afternoon, accompanied by chilliness in the whole body; when this symptom appears, she vomits sour water, during the catamenia, (a. 55 d) Qualmishness of the stomach unto vomiting, when walking, (4. d.) Constant absence of thirst, during the time of proving. * Continual thirst. * Thirst the whole afternoon, (6. d.) No appetite, but " continual thirst. She cannot cat her dinner without drinking, (a. 10 d.) Little hunger and appetite, although he relishes his meal, (2. 8. d.) * Want of appetite, early in the morning. Milk becomes offensive to her. No AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 91 desire for meat or boiled things; she only desires bread and cold food, for several days, during the catamenia. Increase of hunger and appetite, (1. 2. d.) A good deal of hunger and appetite, (a. 18 d.) Rabid hunger. (a. 2 h.) Increased appetite at dinner; nevertheless, she is immediately satiated after having eaten little, (4. 6. d.) Heat in the face. during and after dinner. Tearing in the right temple during dinner. * Sense of nausea and lassitude during and after dinner, (during the catamenia,) (9. d.) Pain at the stomach, and loathing of the supper, while the person is taking it, (8. d.) Stitches in the chest, after supper. * Qualmishness after dinner. * Qualmishness and inclination to vomit, every day, immediately after dinner, for a whole hour. Uneasiness, with pressure at the stomach and * the forehead; immediately after dinner, for several hours, (a. 4 h.) STOMACII.-Pressure at the stomach after dinner. After eating, great pressure at the pit of the stomach, succeeded by nausea and vomiting of the ingesta; afterwards, sour taste in the mouth-for five days, (a. 16 d.) After dinner, she finds talking difficult. Sensation as of the stomach being overloaded, until three hours after dinner. The stomach appears full, trembling, (during the catamenia.) Sense of emptiness at the stomach. Pain at the stomach, with disposition to watery risings, (6. d.) * Painfulness of the stomach, when pressed upon, (4. d.) The cloths press upon the stomach. Pressure at the stomach. Oppression at the stomach after dinner. Oppression at the stomach after supper, (a. 12 h.) Oppressive weight at the pit. Pressure at the stomach, with nausea and sensitiveness at the pit. Oppression at the stomach, with a sensation of contraction, (also in the chest,) accompanied by loathing and nausea, (4. d.) Oppression at the stomach, already early in the morning, passing into nausea and inclination to vomit. Pinching, and rumbling in the stomach. Gnawing at the right side of the stomach. Tearing and boring pain in the region of the stomach, extending up to the first lumbar vertebrae. Feeling of coldness in the region of the stomach. Burning in the region of the stomach. Burning, first at the stomach, then also in the belly, (shortly after taking the medicine.) Heat at the stomach, 92 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. which extends to the bowels, as from drinking strong wine, (a. a quarter of an hour.) ABDoM1EN.-Pressive pain under the right ribs, in the region of the liver. Soreness of the liver. Stitches below the left ribs, in the evening. Pressure over the umbilicus, as from a button. At three o'clock in the morning she is roused from her sleep by a violent colic, two days before the appearance of the menses, (41. d.) Pressure in the hypogaslrium, for three hours, also during dinner, (a. 2 h.) Pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen, early in the morning, (a. 12 h.) Painful compression on both sides of the abdomen, only when sitting, relieved by motion and extension of the limbs, (5. d.) Sudden, painful contraction of the bowels, as far as the region of the stomach, relieved by compressing the belly with the hands, passing off after lying down, (33. d.) Contractive and pinching pain in the belly, first in the upper, then in the lower part, early in the morning, so violent, that it produced qualmishness and gathering of water in the mouth, even unto faintness, accompanied by chilliness, twelve hours before the appearance of the menses, (a. 9 d.) Colic in the left side of the abdomen, during dinner; the pain terminates with the emission of flatulence. Violent pinching, contraction and rumbling in the belly, in the forenoon; it comes on when walking in the open air, and can only be relieved by lying upon the belly, and applying warm cloths to it; in the evening it appears again, also in the cold on the following morning; afterwards it becomes less, when in the room, (17. d.) Contractive spasm deep in the hypogastrium, on stooping; also in the small of the back, (38. d.) Sense as of clawing and of obstruction in the abdomen. Cutting pain in the abdomen, the belly being very small during the pain, (16. d.) Violent colic, at 7 o'clock in the morning, (a. 48 h.) Cutting and biting in the belly as from worms, with contractive pain at the stomach and chilliness and sweat; the person cannot fall asleep till morning; on waking up, the pain reappears. Stitches in the abdomen, which make walking difficult. Stitches in the left side of the belly, in the evening, when stooping. Transverse stitches deep in the hypogastrium, when standing. Burning, deep in the left side of the belly, (2. d.) Heaviness AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 93 in the abdomen. Pinching and lancinations in the right side of the lower abdomen, when stretching the limbs, (20. d.) Painful pressure in the groin and the bent of the right knee. Sense of fullness and distention in the region of the left groin. Elastic swelling in the left groin, as large as a fist, in the evening, after lying down, with a pain as from a bruise at that place; on account of this pain, she cannot rest upon that side; the pain is also experienced upon the parts being touched; on waking up, swelling and pain had disappeared, (9. d.) A hernia protrudes in the left groin, (2. d.) Excessively distended abdomen. Distention of the abdomen, with retention of stool. STooL.-Rumbling, and moving'of flatulence in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen, as from spasms or when fasting, every time after she swallows something, for several days, (a. 16 d.) Rumbling in the abdomen, with colic. Griping, with a good deal of flatulence. Disposition to colic, with flatulence. Much flatulence. Emission of a quantity of flatulence, in the afternoon, evening, and at night, the evacuations being normal, (4. d.) Retention of stools during the first days; this is succeeded by loose stools; this symptom is observed in all the persons upon whom the drug was tried. * Constipation the first four days. * Retarded and hard stools, forming clots which she finds it difficult to press out. Hard, painful stools, with prickings in the anus. Hard stools, surrounded with streaks of blood, (a. 22 h.) Loose stools, twice a day, (3. and 4. d.) *Diarrhoea, with colic, early in the morning. Diarrhoea, the stools being composed of faces and slime, with cutting in the abdomen, before and during the stools, (8. d.) Stools mixed with slime. Evacuations with constant tenesmus. Violent cutting in the rectum, with easy evacuations. During the evacuations the person experiences a pinching pain in the abdomen, which moves transversely along the abdomen towards the small of the back and the rectum; it is diminished by bending the body, and ceases entirely after an evacuation, (28. d.) Colic "before and afterLthe loose stools. After the evacuation, sense as of rasping, then burning, at the anus. After a copious and hard evacuation, discharge of a milklike pros 94 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. tatic fluid. *Discharge of blood during and after the evacuation. * The varices of the rectum protrude a good deal during the evacuation, and are painful a long time afterwards, so that she finds it impossible to walk, (7. d.) * The varices of the rectum protrude even when there is no evacuation,-but they recede when lying down. * Formation of varices of the rectum, moist, and with a pain as from excoriation. *At night he cannot sleep, on account of a burning pain at the rectum; this, together with a strong desire for stool, compelled him to rise. *Itching of the anus. The child becomes sore between the legs. URINARY ORGANS.-Violent tenesmus of the bladder, with cutting. Constant tenesmus, even at night, with diminished emission of urine, accompanied by burning. At night, she is obliged to rise for the purpose of urinating. * At night, several successive emissions of urine, some of them seem pretty copious. Involuntary emission of urine, of a boy, while at sleep, towards morning, (1. and 2. night, and a. 16. d.) Frequent micturition, especially the first day. Frequent and copious emissions of urine, especially in the evening. Increased and turbid urine. At noon, the urine looks pale-yellow; this is the first emission since last evening. White sandy urine, for several days, (a. 9 d.) The urine looks reddish after dinner, as if it were mixed with blood. Blood comes out of the urethra. After urinating, there is a strong traction in the fore part of the urethra; in the evening, when going to bed. Violent itching of the genital organs. Itching of the scrotum. Sweat of the scrotum. Frequent relaxation of the scrotum. Drawing pain in the scrotum. Occasional drawings in the scrotum, which are relieved by raising it. Increased weight of the scrotum; he was obliged to raise it by a bag. GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS.-Choking pain in the scrotum and spermatic cords; the scrotum is painful to the touch; it is excited by involuntary erections. Involuntary and continual erections, early in the morning, (13. d.) Stiffness of the penis, without any desire for coition, (6. d.) The sexual instinct is dormant for some time, (a. 7 d.) Total want of the sexual instinct. Disinclination to the other sex. Vehement desire for coition, without any violent AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 95 ly voluptuous thoughts, and almost without any erection, (a. 5 d.) Vehemently voluptuous desires, with trembling of the body, almost without any erection. * Pollutions, almost every night. Pollution, two days after an embrace. After coition, excited circulation and palpitation of the heart. Violent itching of the pudendum. Soreness of the pudendum and the anus; during an emission of urine, the parts are especially painful. Swelling, itching, and burning of the pudendum, (a. 12 d.) Continual itching of the mons veneris; it constantly reappears after scratching the parts. The menses appear too late by three-five days; there occurs one complete interruption. * The courses come on six days too soon. * The courses, which had always been regular, appear one day too soon. After a long drive in the cold air, the courses come on four days too soon; they are very copious, especially at night, and when sitting and driving previously, she experiences griping colic, with want of appetite. The courses come on on the eighteenth day, (a. 7 d.) The menses are more copious, (immediately.) The menstrual blood is blackish, often in clots, passing off with spasmodic pain in the belly, and hard stools, with tenesmus; the flow is abundant. The menstrual blood is not much coloured. The menstrual blood is acrid, it makes the thighs sore; this soreness causes a burning pain. Pain in the belly and the small of the back, before the catamenia. Paleness of the face, before and during the catamenia. Invincible sadness during the catamenia. Toothache during the catamenia. Colic during the catamenia, with griping, pressure, and tension between the scapulae. Violent tearing in the body during the catamenia, which appear one day too soon. Violent pain in the small of the back during the catamenia. Violent cold during the catamenia, (9. d.) Great fatigue of the whole body during the catamenia, especially of the thighs, with yawning, toothache, pain in the small of the back, and chilliness. * Violent, acrid leucorrhmec, (causing soreness, Jahr.,) (a. 2, 7, 8 d.) Watery, burning leucorrhcea, (13. 14. d.) COLD, CATARRu.-Frequent sneezing, early in the morning, when in bed. Frequent violent sneezing, (5. d.) Obstruction of the nose. The nose is very much obstructed, 96 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. without any cold. At night the nose was so obstructed, that she was not able to breathe, except through her mouth, (a. 4 d.) After having had a sound nap in the forenoon, she wakes up at one o'clock with a sense of anxiety, as if she were choking; this was on account of the nose being quite obstructed, and her not being able to take breath except with an open mouth, so that the chest was painful in consequence of the difficult breathing, (a. 12 d.) Cold, with rattling, in the nose, accompanied by obstruction of the nose and impurity of voice. Cold, with obstruction of the left nostril. Dry coryza, especially at night, without the slightest air passing through the nose. Fluent coryza, (4. d.) Violent fluent coryza, with tearing in the left cheek. Violent fluent coryza, with cough. Water drops out at the nose, without a cold. During the catamenia, acrid water, which excites a sensation as of burning upon the upper lip, is constantly running out of her nose, (43. d.) Constriction of the larynx from both sides of the neck. Drawing and stinging itching in the larynx. Hoarseness and roughness in the throat. Rough throat; he can only speak with difficulty, as speaking increases the roughness, (2. d.) Violent and frequent hoarseness. She is so hoarse that she cannot speak a loud word, (a. 16 d.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-His chest feels so oppressed, that he can scarcely speak; this symptom is accompanied by coryza, and expectoration of a good deal of mucus, especially early in the morning. The chest feels rough; when calling loud, he feels hoarse. Catarrh, with surdity and burning in the region of the stomach. Clearing the throat frequently on account of an accumulation of phlegm in tle throat. Rattling in the larynx as from mucus, for several days. He is obliged to cough a quarter of an hour, when in bed, in the evening. *Nightly cough. The child coughs violently every morning, at three-four o'clock. Violent dry cough, in the middle of the night, Cough, with asthma, (6. d.) Cough, with asthma, for half an hour, in the evening, when in bed. Cough, deep out of the chest, extremely violent. Cough, which contracts the chest. Cough, which makes the chest under the sternum feel sore, as from excoriation. Cough, exciting a pain in the jaws, which is not felt upon touching them. Cough, with pain at the AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 97 lower part of the sternum. Cough, with stitchesin the sternum, (1. d.) Cough, every attack causes a stitch in the pit of the stomach. Cough, with heat in the head. Short and suppressed cough, from an irritation in the larynx, accompanied by a painful sensation of spasmodic asthma. Soon after, a catarrhal irritation in the nose, and scraping and scratching in the throat, with pain as from excoriation, and difficult hawking up of a little quantity of phlegm, (a. half an h.) Dry cough, especially at night, as from particles of dust in the throat. Cough, with expulsion of phlegm and soreness in the throat. Cough, during the whole day, and early in the morning, with expectoration of a quantity of phlegm. Continual cough, early, in bed, with expectoration of phlegm, affecting chest and head. Cough, with expulsion of phlegm, intermixed with little globules of blood, (a. 8 d.) Cough, with expulsion of bloody phlegm, heaviness upon the chest, and short breath, especially in ascending a hill, (6. 18. d.) Bloody expectoration when clearing the throat. Roughness, and bloody taste in the mouth, succeeded by cough and expectoration of light red blood, with burning and heaviness in the chest, heat and redness in the face, and trembling of the whole body, (4. d.) Difficult breathing; it made him gulp up phlegm, (short cough.) Difficult breathing at night; he cannot bear the cover of the bed to touch his mouth, for then he is afraid of choking, (7. d.) * Asthma and palpitation of the heart, after every effort. Contraction of the middle of the chest, either when breathing or not; the place aches on pressing upon it, as after a blow. * Attack of asthma for eight days; he had immense trouble in ascending a few steps, or in breathing; this was only possible for him in the open air; he dared not venture into a warm room; he there turned as pale as a corpse, and was not able to do any thing except to sit still, (a. 21 d.) Short breathing, with stitches in the chest. Short breathing, especially in going up stairs. When breathing, frequent stitches in the hands and fingers. CHEST.-During an expiration, the person feels as if something were moving downwards in the chest, and did not permit the breath being expelled, (7. d.) The chest 5 98 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. feels faint. Chronic weakness of the chest and coryza, (a. 4 w.) Heaviness on the chest, as from an accumulation of blood, (4. 5. 7. d.) Heaviness and tightness of the chest, when walking in the open air. Painful oppression at the chest as from a hundred weight; all she desires is to cough, in order to become more easy, (7. d.) Rush of blood to the chest, (after writing.) Heat in the chest. Great oppression at the chest, as from anxiety. When standing, sensation in the chest as if the lungs were drawn down, (6. d.) Sense of contusion in the middle of the chest, early in the morning, (4. d.) Painful oppression at the cliest, especially when lying in the bed. Compressive oppression at thle chest. Stitches in the chest, close by the last lrue rib, when breathing and singing. Stitches upon the sternum, in the right side of the chest, and under the left nipple; upon touching the parts, they feel bruised. Stitches in the chest when stooping, relieved by righting the body, (16. d.) Stitches in the right mamma when stooping. Stitches in the right side of the chest when walking, Twenty, thirty successive stitches, even when she does not breathe, under the right mamma, close by the lowest ribs, early in the morning, when rising in the bed; likewise at other periods of the day. Stitches in the left mamma, during a great portion of the night, which do not permit her lying upon the left side. Violent stitches in the left side of the chest, commencing in the prsecordial region, and then moving downwards towards the side, and afterwards move towards the back, (a. 11 d.) Frequent stitches in the heart. Frequent palpitation of the heart, with retraction of the epigastrium and sense of weakness in the praecordial region. Audible palpitation of tile heart, and accelerated beating; upon the hand being pressed upon the heart, the blood seems to rise to the neck, with breathing rendered difficult, (at rest.) The parts of the sternum crack upon the chest being bent backwards, with a pressure in the middle of the chest. The right mamma is painful to the touch, (3. d.) Purple rash on tile chest. A small red furunculus above the right mamma, which is only painful when touched. BAcK.-Stinging at the sacrum, preceded by itching. Pain in the small of the back, increased by motion and AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 99 walking. Pain in the small of the back when stooping; she feel s as if the muscles were not strong enough to support the body, which constantly threatens to fall forwards; relief is obtained by righting the body, (2. d.) Pain in the small of the back, as from a bruise, (2. d. of the menses.) Upon walking out into the open air, he had a sudden dart into the small of the back; this was most painful when rising after having been seated for a long time. Shooting pain in the small of the back. Drawing-pain from the small of the back to the legs. Drawing and pressive pain in the small of the back and in the loin, only when at rest, (sitting, standing, or lying,) in day-time; it disappears when walking. Violently throbbing pain in the small of the back and in the loin, when at rest; upon touching the parts, the pain remains the same. Gnawing pain in the small of the back, and in the hips; from these parts it extends to the abdomen, and moves again backwards, both when at rest and in motion, (16. d.) Sudden stitches in the right loin. Pain in the back, during motion. A jerk in the back, at night, when asleep, (7. d.) Pressure in the back. Burning at the back, especially in the small of the back, several times during the day. A blister forms upon the left scapula, with a sensation as of biting, as from fleas. NECK.-Violent burning in the nape of the neck, early in the morning, (10. d.) Traction all along the back, beginning at the nape of the neck, (6. d)- Stiff neck when turning the head. * Drawing pain at the nape of the neck, (with stitches at the head, over the temples, and bloated face.) SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Pressure upon the left shoulder. The glandular indurations in the axilla become painful and enlarged. Drawing pain in the right shoulderjoint, (a. 14 d.) Shooting and tearing in the right shoulderjoint, both when at rest and in motion, (37. d.) Tearing in the joints of the upper extremities. Tearing in the shoulders. A few tearings in the left shoulder towards the chest. Pain of contusion in the left shoulder, when at rest and in motion. Pain of contusion in the left shoulder and elbow-joint, (in the evening.) Small furunculus upon the left shoulder. Burning at a small spot of the upper 100 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. and lower arm, (11. d.) Drawing pain in the arms and hands. Paralytic drawing in the left arm, coming out at the axilla and extending as far as the wrist. Sensation of paralysis of the right arm, (14. d.) Heaviness and sensation of paralysis of the right arm; she has no strength in it, and is obliged to let it hang down; at the same time the hand is swollen and cold for half an hour, (a. 2 h.) The right arm appeared to weigh a hundred weight, and to be without strength. * On some days the right arm is quite weak and cold, so that it appears to be benumbed and lifeless; this was again succeeded by a tingling sensation in it. In the night, about three or four o'clock, she puts her arm out of her bed without knowing it; the pain which she experiences in her arm, rouses her from sleep; Sthe arm is cold, stiff,-and, in the elbow-joint, it is as heavy as lead; the arm being very stiff, she has to use the other hand, in order to bring the arm back again into the bed; upon moving it, or when the arm is in the bed, it experiences a tearing pain in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist-joint. Spasm in the right arm, which drew the arm backwards, three times in succession; this was succeeded by heat of the body, and turbid white urine. Twitches and slight shootings in the right upper arm, (4. d.) Cracking in the elbow-joint, during motion. Pain in the elbowjoint, with a sensation as of groaning, when straightening the arm. Stiffness of the elbow-joint. Boring pain in the elbow-joint, in the-fossa which receives the olecranon process. Sharp stitches in the elbow. Tearing in the elbow, (in the bone,) as far as the little finger, (4. 5. d.) Violent pain in the middle of the left fore arm, in the evening, when in bed, with a sensation as if the bones there would curb inward * and break, (2. d.) Itching of the inside of the right fore arm, with a sensation as of burning consequent upon scratching; at the same time there are formed small red pimples, spots and granules, which do not cease to itch after being scratched; on the day following, they become highly red, (4. 5. d.) Tension in the wrist-joint, when at rest, worse during motion; he feels as if he could not move his hand, (2. d.) Tearing in the wrist-joints, as far as the fingers; it ceases when she has got warm in her bed. Painful tearing in the left wrist-joint; the tear AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 101 ing seems to be in the marrow towards the little finger, (6. d.) The right hand frequently goes to sleep when lying upon it during the night, (4. d.) Trembling of the hands, (a. 7 d.) Distended veins and blueness of the hands, after washing them with cold water. The skin of a child's hands becomes quite hard and chapped, the fissures being very deep. The skin of the palm of the hand peels off, (a. 4 d.) Upon stretching the fingers apart, they experience a clawing pain. Cramp in the posterior joint of a finger, so that he cannot stretch it, with painful stitches; from morning to night, when staying in the cold, (2. d.) Drawing pain from the tips of the fingers as far as the hand, as from continual mesmerizing, (1. d.) Tearing in the fingers and in the articulation of the thumb. Pain, as from a bruise, in the left thumb, when in the cold, (2. d.) Griping and twitching in the left thumb, which seems to be in the bone, accompanied by yawning, (11. d.). Visible twitching and slight shooting in the left thumb. Swelling of the middle joint of the right middle finger, with painfulness of this joint upon being touched or bent. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Burning itching upon the nates. Acute pain in the hip-joint when walking. Acute pain in the hip-joint every morning in the bed; the joint feels as if it were beaten asunder, so that he cannot turn himself when lying down; the pain decreases after rising, and still more when walking; in the afternoon, the pain disappears entirely; for four weeks. Drawing pain descending from the left hip. His legs are contracted. The tendons of the muscles of the legs feel too short. Pain in the left leg, as from a sprain, when walking. Uneasiness in the legs. Twitches in the leg, towards evening. Heaviness in the legs, so that he can scarcely lift them, in the evening, (8. d.) * Sudden and great weakness in the lower extremities; she finds it difficult to move them along, after dinner, (2. d.) * Great lassitude in the thighs and legs. Jerk-like scraping upon the bones of the thighs and legs, so that she is obliged to twitch up her leg every moment, and cannot remain lying down, but has to walk about, (in the evening.) Acute pain in the right femur, as if the inmost marrow were shaken, increased by lying and sitting, a quarter of an hour, (a. some hours.) Great las 102 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. situde, with pain in the thighs, as if they would fall off, or as if the tendons would tear off; alternating with pain in the small of the back; she has so much pain that she knows not what to do with herself, (on the third day of her menses.) Pain as of contusion in the thighs. Pain as of contusion in the middle of both thighs, both when at rest and in motion, (during the catamenia.) Pain in the thigh, as if she had been beaten blue, which prevents her from walking, (only when walking and taking much exercise.) Pain as of contusion in the right thigh, immediately over the knee, which passes off by rubbing, (11. d.) Pain, as from a sprain, in the left thigh, with a feeling of weakness and sudden bending of the legs in walking. Stiffness in the thighs when walking. Pain, as if the tendons were too short, at a place of the left thigh over the bent of the knee; only when the parts are pressed upon, or when the person sits upon them, otherwise there is no pain, (3. d.) Blue spot, as large as a child's hand, over the knee, with a sensation of excessive burning at that spot. A deep-seated, burning furunculus consequent upon itching. An induration over the right knee, deep under the skin, painful only when pressed upon. Small furunculus in the left instep, painful only when touched. Tearing in the knees and knee-joints. Boring pain in and upon the patella. Boring and drawing in the knee, which causes such an uneasiness in the legs that she is obliged to move them constantly; this motion, however, does not relieve the uneasiness. Twitches in both patellae, in the evening, several times in succession, (5. d.) Twitches in both knees and legs. Cracking, when moving the knee. Pain in the knee, as from a sprain, upon sitting down and turning the leg. Burning redness, like the eruption in scarlatina, in the bent of the right knee and along the leg; the pain increases upon laying the cold hand upon the parts, (20. 21. d.) Pain, as from paralysis in the legs, as if they were going to sleep, relieved by walking, (7. d.) The legs frequently go to sleep, when sitting or lying down, and at night, when he is resting upon the leg. Tearing below the knee and at the left tibia, (11. d.) Frequent cramps in the legs, especially in the muscles of the tibiae and the feet. Cramp in the leg, when lying down, AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 103 which became intolerable on rising, and which obliged the person to lie down again. Violent cramp in the calf, when walking in the open air, so that he has to stand suddenly still. Straining in the calf, (from a cold?) Violent stitches deep in the calves, (14. d.) (Stitches over the right heel ) Acute pain in the heel, early on waking up, as if the bone were perforated by ulceration. Tingling in the left heel; when touching it with the hand, it feels as if it were ulcerated, (a. 5 d.) Tearing twitches in the right heel, (37. d.) Tearing in tile joints of the feet and in the malleoli; it extends as far as the toes, and ceases when she gets warm in her bed. Drawing pain at thel external malleolus, (4. d.) Cold feet. Chilliness of the feet, in the evening, especially when going to bed. Rapid * swelling of the feet, extending as far as the calves. Great lassitude in the feet, (2. d.) Trembling of both feet, (a. 9 h.) Tingling sensation on the dorsum of the left foot, as from the foot having gone to sleep, (11. d.) Tingling and itchincr in the sole of the foot, which is almost unbearable, and so vehement that she would like to scratch off the skin; after scratching, there is a burning sensation; in the evening, (after lying down.) Tearing in both soles, (11. d.) Sharp stitches in the ball of the right foot. Tearing stitches and twitches of the big toe. Frequent and painful twitches of the ball of the big toe, (when a child, she had this ball frozen.) Occasionally acute stitches, and drawing of the balls of both the big toes, as if they were frozen, for several days, especially in the evening, on going to bed. Itching and tingling in the ball of the big toe of the right foot, as from a chilblain. The left big toe feels hot, and is painful, as if he had burnt it, especially in damp weather, and when the boots press upon it; the pain decreases on pulling off the boot, or on resting the foot firmly against the floor, or when walking. (14.-36. d.) The big toe becomes red, big, and painful, especially in the evening, when in bed, and * the whole foot swells. During walking, the ball of the big toe is painful, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration. COMMON AILMENTS.-A good deal of itching upon the skin of the whole body. Itching over the whole body, early in the morning, for three hours. Itching of many 104 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. places of the body, erratic, passing off after scratching, or painfully burning. Erratic itching over the whole body; the scratching is followed by burning vesicles and pimples or hard granules. Burning pimples, of the size of a millet-grain, on the nape of the neck and on the fore arms. Strange uneasiness, every evening at seven o'clock, which rouses the child from its slumber; it tosses about in the bed, and screams, until it falls into a sound sleep, towards ten o'clock; this sleep lasts the whole night; during the uneasiness, the head feels bloated and burning; next morning the face is covered with spots, as if scarlatina would break out. The whole upper part of the body is red, as if it were covered with the eruptions of scarlatina. * Rash-on the left side of the neck and the left lower arm. Around the elbow, small red tubercles, painfully cutting, only a few of them ulcerating; the same upon the neck, but large. The warts become inflamed. A herpetic eruption, without sensation, becomes red, itching, and burning, and disappears in a few days. The fluid in the ulcer becomes stinking. Unusual sensitiveness of the skin to cold. Chilliness when undressing. A cold affects her head, and makes her hoarse. She cannot bear the evening air; her feet become heavy, the external air is offensive to her, and every part of her body feels sore. Walking in the open air tires him out. Excessive sensitiveness to open air. Walking in the open air makes him feel hot. Violent headache after walking in the open air; it continues through the evening. Several symptoms appear to come out or to become worse in the open air. Cracking in the joints, when walking. Tearing in the whole body, especially in the thighs. Violent rheumatic pain, with a sensation as of drawing, through all the limbs, hands, feet, nape of the neck, head, etc. Lancinating drawing, sometimes in ihe right arm, sometimes in the legs. Fine prickings in the head, in the tips of the fingers, and in the toes. Pain in the occiput, in the chest, and from both scapule, down along the ribs. Feeling of numbness on the right side, upon which she is lying when in bed; upon turning to the other side, this feeling passes off, (2. d.) The hands and feet go to sleep when sitting; this symptom passes off by moving about. Cold hands and feet, even in a warm room, AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 105 and when they are well covered. All her limbs ache in the forenoon, and at night, with gnawing pain in the small of the back, more when at rest than when moving about, (41. d.) The right side of the body appears more affected than the left. Visible emaciation of the whole body. SPASMs, PARALYSIS, WEAKNESS, FAINTING FITS.--Towards noon his eyes saw black, the letters appeared to move, his breath was arrested, with previous lassitude; upon quickly rising from his feet, his whole body felt rigid, the arms and legs being stretched out, whilst his fingers were clenched; he had to use force to stretch them again; this made them again moveable, (4. d.) Towards evening, she became suddenly indisposed; she thought she would faint; walking up and down in the open air gave her relief, although she experienced yet a few stitches in the right side, (a. 10 d.) She is much incommoded by much talking, and hearing people talk; her hands and feet become cold in consequence of it. The whole day a slight perspiration, as from exhaustion. Tired and weary all day, without being either sad or cheerful, (a. 24 h.) * Excessively tired. On leaving her bed, she is often unable to stand, on account of weariness, (a. 48 h.) * Extreme lassitude;-often she cannot sit, and has to lie down for hours, (a. 24 h.) She is lying down for several hours, as if she had become senseless with fatigue. Weariness and moroseness when walking in the open air; he trembled with weakness. When walking, she trembles over the whole body. She staggers upon rising. * Great lassitude in her limbs-and complete disinclination to work. Great lassitude and fatigue of the body, early in the morning and in the forenoon, as if he had worked too much; relieved by walking in the open air. Sensation as of being bruised in the whole body; lassitude, and whining mood, early after rising. Sensation as if the limbs were bruised, also in the evening. * Great fatigue and weakness of the limbs,-especially in the evening hours, in the knees and legs, so that he is obliged to lie down, (1. and 2. d.) Great fatigue in the forenoon, which invites to sleep, (one hour.) SLEEP.-Frequent stretching of the body, early, as if he had not slept enough, (2. d.) Disposition to stretch the arms and feet. Much yawning, with accumulation of 56 106 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. water in the mouth, weariness, uneasiness or chilliness. Spasmodic yawning in the evening. * Sleepiness during the day;-in the afternoon, he has to sit down to sleep, otherwise his eyes feel sore. * Sleepiness through the day;-he has to lie down in the forenoon and afternoon. She becomes very sleepy when she is not busy, for instance, at table; the sleepiness passes off when she is busy at something. * Sleepiness in the day, with yawning, (1. 4. d.) Unconquerable sleepiness after supper; nevertheless, he does not sleep well in the night. He is soon sleepy in the evening, but his sleep, at night, is uneasy, for several weeks. Falling asleep late at night, (1. night.) Cannot fall asleep in the evening, he knows not why; afterwards, the person sleeps well, (2. d.) (Nightmare on falling asleep.) The sooner she goes to bed, the better she sleeps; the later she goes to bed, the less able is she to sleep. At night, when in bed, he cannot fall asleep before two, three, four hours, on account of uneasiness, dry heat, and sometimes burning at the stomach. He cannot fall asleep on account of itching and stinging of the skin. He remains awake until four o'clock in the morning, when he falls into an oppressive sleep, during which he sweats until seven o'clock. Light sleep at night; every little noise wakes her up. Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep, every night; he tosses about. His sleep is uneasy and interrupted; he sleeps little, and frequently wakes up. Uneasy sleep, with frequent waking up, for several nights, especially during her menses. Frequent waking up, at night, with chilliness, (1. d.) At night, she wakes up every half hour, and is very weary in the morning. He wakes up between one and two o'clock at night, and cannot fall asleep again under two hours, (2. d.) After midnight she wakes up with pain at the stomach, and cannot fall asleep again till four o'clock. Frequent waking up, with groaning and sobbing, for several weeks. He starts up from his sleep as if by fright, several times in succession, after midnight; afterwards he cannot fall asleep again before a long time has elapsed; for many nights. Frequent starting up from sleep as if by fright, at night, with subsequent great fearfulness. Sleep full of dreams. He dreams while awake, at night. Vivid dreams in a person who never AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 107 dreamed. An abundance of fanciful dreams when asleep. She dreams whole stories. Romantic dreams. Lewd dreams, three nights in succession, about having had an embrace, and, on waking up, sensation as if there had been an effusion of semen, which was however not true. Confused dreams. Anxious dreams. Dreams, every night, which; when ending, were accompanied by a sensation of anxiety; this woke him up at three o'clock in the morning. Anxious dreams about danger. Anxious dreams about ghosts; he screamed when asleep. Dreams about death and dying. Dreams about dying and corpses. Disgusting dreams about lice, (a. 18 d.) Dreams about quarrels, (3. and 7. d.) She expresses in her sleep what she thought of when awake. Anxiety, when in bed in the evening; she cannot lie still. At night, attack of great anxiety, as if she had to die, accompanied by cold sweat, audible palpitation of the heart, and involuntary lachrymation; she was unable to move her eyes, or to speak, accompanied by distinctly difficult breathing, and trembling of the hands, (a. 19 d.) Vertigo at night, every thing turned with her; she had to sit up in bed. Rush of blood to the head, at night, and heat in the face on waking up. Boring and lancinating pain in the head, at night. Sparks before her eyes, upon waking up at night. Drawing in the teeth, at night and on waking up. Attacks of nausea, the whole night, so that she was unable to sleep, (a. 8 h.) Pressure at the stomach, at night. Violent colic, two nights in succession, which did not diminish till a good deal of flatulence had passed off. At night, he is roused from sleep by a desire to urinate. Dry coryza, and obstruction of the nose, when lying in bed, in the evening and at night. Hawking up a good deal of saltish slime at night. Heaviness and oppression at the sternum, at night. Great pain on the dorsum of the hand, which roused her from sleep, at night. Piercing pain in the ball of the big toe, in the evening when in bed. Sweat of the legs, at night. At three o'clock in the night, he felt a jerk in the upper part of his body and in the arms, with a tearing pain, in the full possession of his senses, for at least ten minutes; afterwards he felt very faint. All her limbs pain her at night, with a gnawing pain in the small of the back, (41. d.) He has to turn 108 AMMONIUM CARBONICUIM. himself slowly in the bed, because motion gives him pain. He finds it more easy to lie upon the left side than upon the right. FEVER.-Excessive orgasm at night; he imagines that the blood will burst his veins and his heart. At night he often feels chilliness in his sleep; on waking up, he is immediately warm again. At night, chilliness, so that he cannot get warm, least of all his feet, nor can he fall asleep. *Frequent chilliness, towards evening, and continuing until going to bed. * Frequently feverish chilliness, in the evening. * Chills before falling asleep. Chilliness in the open air, or upon coming out of the open air and entering the room. * Attacks of chilliness, in the evening, frequently accompanied by the hairs standing upon end, blue hands, blue nails, clattering of teeth and shaking; sometimes these symptoms are followed by nightly heat, and by weat early in the morning. Chills when in bed, from nine-twelve o'clock in the evening, alternating with heat, and much uneasiness, (a. 10 d.) Chills and heat for several days, mostly shaking chills, followed by general dry heat; a little sweat only early in the morning. Alternate chilliness and heat, with sensitiveness to cold; nausea, thirst, pressure at the chest, with stitches in the left side of the chest, tearing in the forehead, and obtusion of the head, alternate redness and paleness of the cheeks, pressure at the stomach, with disposition to eructations, accompanied by a violent coryza and sleeplessness; for several days, (during the catamenia.) Feverish heat for several evenings in succession, one hour and a half, accompanied by headache. Heat at night, (19. d.) Heat in the whole body, especially in the abdomen, in the forenoon, (11. d.) Always warm, and oppressed with anxiety, in the forenoon, previous to the menses, (42. d.) * Feverish heat in the head, with cold feet. Continual night-sweats. He sweats every night, early in the morning, and is then quite hot. Sweat early in the morning. Sweat towards morning, (1. d.) Sweat in the joints, early in the morning, (a. 16 d.) Sweat by day, (Jahr.) AMMONIUM MURIATICUTM. 109 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Take four grains of the sal ammoniac in lumps, this kind being the purest, and dissolve them in six grains of boiling distilled water, filter the solution, through white printing paper, and then set it in the cellar, until the crystals shall have formed. From these crystals the different degrees of potency are obtained, by means of those processes of trituration and succussion, which have been pointed out in the first volume. One or two globules of the highest potency, dissolved in more or less water, according as the medicine is required to act more or less powerfully, are sufficient to secure the proper curative influence of this remedy; even smelling of one of those globules may be sufficient. This salt is eminently deserving of more trials as regards its pure effects. In the following affections this remedy has shown itself especially efficacious:Whining, peevish, insociable mood; muscce volitantes, in day-time and in the evening by candlelight; (hard hearing,) tingling and buzzing in the ears; ulcerated corners of the mouth; tensive pain in the articulations of the jaws, when masticating or opening the mouth; empty eructations; painful stitches in the left hypochondrium, early on waking up in bed, with difficulty of breathing, which obliges the person to sit up; the groin, when touched, feels as if there were swelling and subcutaneous ulceration; disposition to costiveness, discharge of blood during stool; soreness up along the rectum, when sitting; vomiting and diarrhoea during the catamenia; pressive and contractive pain at the belly and back during the catamenia; pain at the small of the back during the catamenia; tearing in the feet during the catamenia; lancinations in the nape of the neck, as far as the shoulder, when sneezing; violent cough; tightness at the chest when doing some kind of labour with the hands; stiffness in the small of the back; stitches in the right scapula, when breathing; lancinating pain as from a sprain, in the left hip; cold feet; paralytic weakness in the limbs, with 110 * AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. dizziness; sleepiness during the day, with laziness, and indisposition to work; night-sweats. This drug has been tried by Hahnemann, (Ng.) Hartlaub, and Rummel. Noack and Trinks resume those affections under the following heads: (comp. Amm. Carb.) The effects of the Muriate of Ammonia may be said to consist in an increased secretion of mucus, irritation of the peripheral action of the irritable tissues, with a tendency tofluidification, decomposition, and collapse. The Muriate of Ammonia is especially useful in the status pituitosus. The doctrines of the Old School in reference to that fact, are essentially based upon homoeopathic ground. Gumpert, indeed, asserts that " the Muriate of Ammonia produces the most marked and complete status pituitosus. Is not all this homoeopathic doctrine andpractice? The Muriate of Ammonia is especially adapted to fat, bloated, lax individuals, to the venoso-lymphatic, or lymphatico-scrophulous constitution, with indolent body and mind, livid complexion, scanty growth of hair, and weakness of the osseous structure, especially when accompanied by thinness of the extremities. In the following diseases the Muriate of Ammonia will prove beneficial: Anorexia, flat impure taste, tongue coated with mucus, constipation or slimy diarrhoea, especially in remittent or intermittent so-called venous fevers, (pituitous, saburral gastric fevers;) acute and chronic inflammations of the mucous and serous tissues, (acute and chronic catarrh;) inflammations of the glands and parenchymatous organs; swelling of the nose, with discharge of a badly smelling, excoriating pus, and swelling of the cervical glands; rheumatic swelling of the tongue; parotitis; inflammatory sore throat; habitual quincy; rheumatic angina; sthenosis of all the hollow organs, the cesophagus, trachea, rectum, urethra; distention of the liver and spleen; phthisis pituitosa of the intestines; peritonitis; enteritis; diarrhosa, dysentery; diseases of 'the kidneys; lithiasis; blennorrhoea of, the bladder and urethra; gonorrhcea, (third stage;) strictures and contraction of the urethra; scirrhous affections of the prostatic gland; tumefaction of the ovaries; profuse menstruation consequent upon hypertrophy of the uterus; AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 111 amenorrhoea and menostasia; fluor albus; inflammatory catarrh, laryngitis, bronchitis, especially in children, (second stage;) hamoptoi; hooping-cough; croup; pleuritis; peripneumonia notha, pneumonia in the last stage; phthisis pituitosa pulmonum, with little fever and not violent cough; hysteria and hypochondriasis, especially when the primae vie were blocked up with mucus, when. there was flatulence or convulsive fits; helminthiasis; chlorosis; gout with status pituitosus; haemorrhoidal complaints; polypous excrescences and degenerations of the tissues of the rectum, strictures of the rectum, hemorrhages, asphyxia, fainting fits, concussions of the brain, paralysis, melancholia, epilepsy, atrophy, accumulation of mucus in the mouth, formation of tartarates upon the teeth, falling off and whitening of the hair, chronic eruptions upon the skin, malignant, gangrenous, even cancerous ulcers, especially when they smell badly, necrosis, arthritic and rheumatic excretions and indurations, anchylosis, tumours of the adipose tissue, cedema, hydroceles, contusions, extravasations, sprains; mercurial diseases, scurvy, cardialgia from plethora of the ventricles, aneurisms, hypertrophy of the heart with dilatation, (?) blepharophthalmitis glandulosa and ophthalmia angularis in individuals of a lax and puffy appearance, amblyopia amaurotica; pemphigus? pompholyx, especially when of long standing, miliaria, especially when accompanied by excessive anguish and great depression of spirits, and above all in the status pituitosus; ulcers on the heel, melancholia, hamorrhoids of the rectum and bladder, dysmenorrhoea, chronic cough, pain from sprains, glandular swellings, etc. ANTIDOTES.-Acid. hydroc., Camph., Coff., Hep., Laurocer., Spir. nitr. dulc. ANALOGOUS REMEDIES.-Comp. Amm. Carb. 1. Amm. Carb., Amm. caust., Am., Ars., Bell., Bry., Hep., Laur., Lycop., Mere., Nux. vom., Puls., Phosph., Rhus., Sulp. 2. Chi., Con., Sassap., Sen., Sil. 3. Caust., Ferr., Grap., Kali., Mang., Zinc. DURATION OF rFFECTS.-Twenty-eight days and upwards in healthy persons; small doses act from twelve to twenty-four hours in sick people. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Great earnestness. Full of melan 112 12AMMoNIUMe1 MUtRIATICUM. choly and anxiety, as if some internal grief were gnawing at her heart. She is overwhelmed with anxiety, would like to weep,-and does weep sometimes, (the first days.) Bitter taste during the anxiety, and nauseating, bitter eructations. She is sitting there full ofill-humour, absorbed in her thoughts, and can scarcely be induced to speak, in the evening (15. d.) Peevish, as if she had some internal vexation; and looking as if she were not yet entirely conscious of herself, as if she had not slept enough, (3. d.) Irritable and peevish, in the forenoon; the mood improves after dinner, (8. d.) Very irritable, peevish and easily frightened. When talking about some important subject, he becomes extremely excited. Involuntary antipathy to certain persons. The head feels gloomy as after intoxication, (14. d.) HEAD.-The head feels dizzy and closed up in the room; this symptom passes off in the open air; early in the morning, (4. d.) Vertigo as if she would fall to one side; worse during motion, passing off in the open air; frequently, (3. d.) Giddiness and fulness of the head; the head feels as if it were too heavy, (1. and 25. d.) Feeling of heaviness in the head, almost daily, after rising. Heaviness in the forehead, frequently during the day, accompanied by a feeling of internal heat, and a little sweat. Violent headache for several days. Headache on the top of the head, as if the head were broken in two pieces, (4. d.) Pressure in the forehead, with a sensation of heat there, early in the morning, after an uneasy night. Downward pressure in the forehead towards the root of the nose, with a sensation as if the brain were torn, early after rising, (25. d.) The occiput feels as if it were compressed with a vice; this symptom afterwards manifests itself in both sides of the head, accompanied by excessive ill-humour, (17. d.) Clawing pain in the occiput at a small spot, (11. d.) Painful twitches from below upwards: in the left temple, (3. d.) Tearing in the head, mostly in the right temple; it reaches down to the side of the face; (also during the catamenia, and in the forehead and right side of the head, when sitting.) (6. 7. 15. 17. d.) Stitches in the left temple, side of the forehead and of the head, also when stooping, and in the vertex with a AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 113 sensation as if the head were bursting, (2. to 5. d.) Stitches and pressure in the head, especially in the left side, in the room, (2. d.) Boring in the forehead, early after rising, and almost during the whole day, (5. d.) Glowing heat on the right side of the head, every evening. Frequently a thrill of heat runs over the skin of the head, (25. d.) Feeling of heat and fulness in the head, early after rising. Burning pain and sometimes stitches in the left temple, both when at rest, and when masticating and sneezing; no increase of pain when the parts are touched. Itching of the hairy scalp which forces one to scratch constantly, (3. d.) Itching pimples on the right side of the occiput in the evening; at night they pass off, (a. 19 d.) EYEs.-Pain in the eyes. Sensation as of hammering over the margin of the right orbit, or as if a large body were pushing there, (15. d.) Tearing in the upper border of the right eye, first made worse, then improved by pressing upon it, (15. d.) Tearing in the external canthus of the eye. Tearing in the eye-balls. Burning of the eyes, especially of the corners, even early after rising, so that she cannot look into the light; this symptom passes off after washing, (3. and 4. d.) The eyes are burning- for several evenings, only at twilight; the pain ceases as soon as light enters the room. Burning of the eyes in the evening, and closing thereof as from sleep; this symptom passed off as soon as light entered the room, (15. d.) The eyes burn at night, with profuse lachrymation. Twitching and slight pulling in the eyes, passing off by rubbing, (4. and 14. d.) Slight twitching in the lower eyelids, especially the left, during the whole time of proving. Lachrymation, early after rising, (3. d.) Agglutination of the eyes early on waking up, with burning in the corners after washing, (2. d.) Redness of the white of the eyes, and itching of the eyes. A vesicle in the white of the eye. Mist before the eye; in the open air she distinguishes nothing either near or far, even in the light of the sun; in the room, on the contrary, she sees better. For several mornings dimness of the eyes, there is a mist before them which passes off after washing. Sensation in the left eye, as if a body were rising in it, which prevents her from seeing, in the forenoon, (14. and 15. d.) 114 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Yellow spots before the eyes, when sowing, and when looking into the garden out of the window, (2. d.) EARS.-Stitches in the ears, from without inwards and from within outwards, accompanied by boring or burning mostly when walking in the open air. Grinding and tearing pain in the right ear, also at night, when lying upon it; there is a kind of turmoil in the ear, as if something would get out there. Shooting and boring in the ears, also behind the left ear, in the neighbourhood of a moist herpes. Tickling in the right ear. Itching in both ears, which does not pass off by scratching, with running of liquid wax for several days, (a. 5 d.) Painful pimple on the ante-helix of the right ear. Itching pimple on the external concha of the right ear, which induces one, continually to scratch. Grunting and thundering noise in the right ear, when sitting, also at night, with pulsative beats at equal intervals, (6. d.) NosE.-Sore nose, on the inside and around the margin of the nostrils. Pain, as from ulceration in the left nasal fossa, with sensitiveness to the touch; this symptom occurs frequently (a. 3 d.) External swelling of the left side of the nose, with formation of bloody crusts coming out at the nose, (3. d.) Bleeding at the nose from the left fossa, after previous itching, (3. d.) FAcE.-Colour of the face very pale. Painful shootings in the right upper side of the face, at a small spot, passing off by pressing upon it, but immediately returning, (15. d.) Tearing in the bones of the face, especially in the zygomata and in the lower jaw, also in the evening. Lancinations on the right side of the chin. Burning heat in the face, passing off in the open air, (3. d.) Swelling of the cheek, with enlargement of a gland below the right angle of the lower jaw, attended with a throbbing and lancinating pain. Eruptions in the face, pimples on the forehead, consequent upon itching and scratching, (6. d.) Vesicles without any sensation upon the left side of the face, (11. d.) Herpes in the face, dry and tettery. The lips become contracted and feel as if they were greasy. Both lips burn like fire; the burning sensation in the upper lip is sometimes accompanied by stinging, (2 and 22. d.) Excoriation on the right side of the upper lip, with burning AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 115 soreness, (2. d.) Chapped lips. Dry, wrinkled lips; they became chapped, and she had to moisten them constantly with the tongue. Itching pimples, around the upper lip, (2. d.) Blisters on the upper lip which become inflamed and ulcerated, (a. 22 d.) JAws AND TEETH.-Swelling of the gums of the left lower row, accompanied by stitches extending as high as the left temple, (a. 11 d.) Tearing toothache. Tearing toothache, mostly in the evening, sometimes passing off when in bed. Tearing in the rotten root of a tooth; it passes off by pressing upon it with the finger, (15. d.) Stinging pain in the upper fore-teeth, (5. d.) MouTH.-Vesicles at the tip of the tongue with a burning pain. Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fire, (3. d.) THROAT.-Sore throat, stinging in the throat, both during and between the acts of swallowing, (a. 20 d.) Stinging in the throat when yawning; this symptom occurs frequently, (1. d.) External and internal swelling of the neck, with pressive pain when swallowing, and drawing and lancinating pains in the highly swollen submaxillary glands. Sensation as of throbbing in the tonsils, which are not swollen; the throbbing is like that of an artery, with uneasiness and oppressive anxiety, (a. 12 d.) Considerable throbbing in the glands of the neck, without the glands being either inflamed or swollen, accompanied by flushes of heat and want of air in the throat, (a. 24 d) Swelling of the cervical glands, (a. 12 d.) Sore throat with rawness. Roughness in the throat, which passes off after dinner. Sensation of roughness in the pharynx, with stinging pain, (a. 13 d.) Feeling of dryness in the throat, (15. d.) Phlegm in the throat, mostly early in the morning; he can neither hawk it up, nor swallow it, (the first 8 - 11 d.) Hawking up a quantity of phlegm early in the morning. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Pappy taste in the mouth, early after rising, (3. d.) Disagreeable taste and collection of water in the mouth, (1. d.) Bitterness of the mouth, the whole day, (a. 7, 8 d.) Bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning, with bitter "eructations, which pass off after having eaten, (1. d.) Sourish taste 116 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. in the mouth. Sourish taste in the mouth early on waking up, (14. d.) Rising of air, (shortly after taking the medicine.) Oppressive eructations, tasting of the ingesta, (a. 22 d.) Bitter eructations, sometimes tasting of the ingesta, or accompanied by hiccough, (5. 11. d.) Gulping up of the ingesta. In the afternoon gulping up of bitter, sour water, the taste of which remained in the mouth until she ate again something, (17. d.) Frequent hiccough, sometimes accompanied by stitches in the left mamma. Attacks of nausea, (1. d.) Nausea, with disposition to vomit, when walking in the open air, or immediately after dinner; after dinner that symptom passes off after previous eructations, and by walking in the open air. Nausea, with oppression at the stomach; nevertheless, there is an inclination to eat. Almost total loss of appetite (a. 24 d.) Neither hunger nor appetite; nevertheless he takes his usual meals, especially at noon, and the food tastes naturally, (a. 4 d.) Want of appetite in the evening; she does not wish to eat any thing, and frequently yawns, (16. d.) Much thirst, especially in the evening, (the first 8 d.) and afterwards (the 15. 19. d.) Thirst during several days and nights, which caused her to drink a good deal of water, (a. 24 d.) Absence of thirst, contrary to habit, (1. d.) After every dinner or supper, he is attacked with nausea, water-brash and horripilation, (a. 26 d.) Beating in the chest after dinner; the beating comes out at the pharynx, with heat of the face and uneasy mood. Diarrhoea after every meal, with pain in the back, belly, small of the back and limbs. STOMAcH.--Sensation in the stomach, as of emptiness or hunger, (shortly.) Sensation as of fasting in the stomach, which nevertheless feels full, worse after breakfast, (16. d.) Sensation of fulness in the stomach, with oppression, without shortness of breath; this symptom lasts the whole afternoon, and is neither relieved by rest nor motion, nor eructations. Frequent traction in the stomach. Sensation in the stomach as if every thing would turn round, with disposition to water-brash, and great qualmishriess, even unto vomiting, relieved by eructations in the open air. Grinding and writhing in the stomach, early in the morning, passing off after breakfast, (2. d.) Gnawing or grinding at the stomach, as if it con AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 117 tained worms. Burning coming from the stomach and reaching up to the pharynx, like heart-burn. Burning and pressure at the stomach, terminating in stinging. Burning and stitches at the pit of the stomach; they thence move to the right axilla and the upper arm. ABDOMEN.--Occasional pinching in both hypochondria, both when at rest and in motion, (2. d.) Stitches and burning in the region of the right ribs, in the afternoon when walking, (9. d.) Occasional stitches in the right hypochondriac region, when spinning. * Splenetic stitches, even when sitting. Colic. Oppression in the abdomen. Pressure in the left side of the abdomen as with the hand, (19. d.) Weight in the abdomen as of a load, with anxiety as if the abdomen would burst; the symptom passes off while the person is asleep. Distention of the abdomen, terminated by the emission of flatulence in tihe evening before the menses, (15. d.) Distention and inflation of the belly up to the stomach, passing off after two liquid stools, in the evening, (1. d.) Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, over the hip, when sitting, and when stooping in the standing position. Cutting and shooting around the navel, (15. d,) Cutting in the whole belly, at seven o'clock in the evening; this pain extends as far as the groin and the small of the back, and passes off after a good evacuation, (19. d.) Pinching in the belly, around the navel, with subsequent evacuations, or made worse when stooping in the standing position. Bad pinching in the belly, which is soon followed by a loose evacuation, (immediately.) Pinching and griping pain in the abdomen, with dyspnoea. Pinching in the belly at every inspiration, which passes off again by expiration, (13. d.) Pinching all around in the abdomen, and in the groins, as before the appearance of the menses, early after rising, (18. d.) Traction in the side of the belly. Sensation as of grinding at a small spot near the navel, (4. d.) Burning pain in the epigastrium, at a small place; also in the right groin, when sitting. Indescribably vehement pain in the right groin; it often extends to the hip and the small of the back, (15. d.) Feeling of distention in the groins, with pain in the left groin when seated, and tension and grinding in the right groin. Pressive tension in the left 118 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. side of the abdomen, near the ring, as if something were pressing out. Tearing and tensive pain in the groin when walking. Cutting and stitches in both groins, as far as the small of the back, with tenesmus of the bladder every half hour in the evening. Stitches in the right groin and coming out behind the hip, when sitting, (4. d.) Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin; it obliges one to walk crooked, (3. d.) Pain as from ulceration in the left groin, perceptible only when walking. A large furunculus on the right side of the abdomen. Grunting, rumbling and moving of flatus in the abdomen, at times with pinching, at times also accompanied by the emission of a good deal of flatulence. Rumbling from fermentation in the sides of the abdomen, extending as far as the chest, early in the morning, on waking up in bed. Frequent emission of loud or stinking flatus. * STooL.-Occasional intermission of stool for several days, (2. 3. 4. 13. 16. 17. 22. 23. d.) in the different individuals upon whom the medicines were tried. * No stool for two days accompanied by constant colic, and sensation, as if diarrhcea would come on, (22. 23. d.) Frequently normal stools, sometimes followed by burning. Hard stools during the whole time of proving. Hard stools in clots, scanty, which can only be expelled by bearing down, they are constantly followed by soft stools. Stools, the first part of which was hard, the other soft, (9. 14. d.) Several soft stools during the day sometimes with tenesmus and pain in the abdomen; after every new dose, and under other circumstances, these symptoms came on more frequently. Soft yellow stools; the person is in great haste to go to stool; this is followed by tenesmus and burning in the rectum, (5. d.) Diarrhoea, followed by pain in the abdomen, a feeling of soreness and as of being bruised, (5. 8. d.) Half liquid, slimy stools, with pain around the navel, (1. 2. d.) Green slimy stools, early in the morning, (3. 4. d.) Pain around the navel preceding the usual stool, (even yet after twelve days.) Stinging in the rectum during the usual stool. A good deal of burning in the rectum during, and after, the expulsion of soft stools. Itching, * soreness of the rectum, several pustules being found by the side of it. Tearing in the AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 119 perinaeum when walking. Lancinating pain in the perinaeum in the evening. Bleeding from the rectum, (Jahr.) URINARY ORGANS.-Pinching and stitching pain in the bladder, as far as the urethra, when lying down. Constant tenesmus of the bladder from four o'clock in the morning. Desire to urinate, only a few drops of urine being passed; afterwards the urine was emitted regularly with the stool. Slow emission of urine in a male. Emission of a small quantity of urine, and occurring less frequently than usually, (the first days.) Increased emission of urine, even though the person drink little, (2. and 9. d.) Frequent desire to urinate, and frequent micturition early in the morning. At night he is often obliged to rise in order to urinate; he emits a large quantity of urine, (1. 17. d.) The urine, when being emitted feels hot; its quantity is increased, (the first days.) Reddish bright urine, without flocculi or sediment during the catamenia. Bright yellow urine, with a loosely cloudy sediment, (6. d.) Clayish sediment in the urine, after one hour, (5. d.) GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS.-Stitches and beating in the left spermatic cord, (5. d.) Frequent erections, (a. 7 d.) Sensation in the genital organs, as after a nightly embrace, early after waking up. The menses appear two days too soon, with pain in the belly and small of the back; they continue during the night when the blood flows more abundantly, (a. 17 d.) Discharge of a quantity of blood with the stool, during the catamenia. Leucorrhcea with distention of the abdomen, without accumulation of flatus. Leucorrhoea; like the white of an egg, after previous pinching around the navel. Brown, slimy, painless leucorrhcea, after every discharge of urine, (6. and 7. d.) COLD, CATARRI.-Frequent sneezing, during the day, (13. and 14. d.) Sensation in the upper part of the nose, as when a cold is approaching. Constant itching in the nose. with desire to blow it, and sensation as if a large and rough body were sticking high up in the nose, with obstruction of the nose, (2. d.) Coryza, with eruptions in the nostrils, (sore nose.) Coryza, with obstruction of the nose and loss of smell, (13. and 14. d.) Obstruction of the nose, with pain at the right nasal fossa, at night, the 120 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. symptom passing off again the next morning. Dry coryza; however clear water runs out of the nose. Coryza, with a feeling of obstruction in the nose, during which a large quantity of mucus passes off, with great difficulty however, (a. 24 d.) Coryza at one nostril, out of which runs a quantity of thick, yellow matter; this is accompanied by tearing in the cheek-bone and the teeth of the left side. Clear acrid water runs out at the nose, corroding the lips. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarseness, with burning in the region of the larynx, the whole fore-noon, (a. 3 d.) This chest is affected as with a dry cold. Clearing the throat frequently with expectoration of small clots of mucus, accompanied by a feeling of roughness and soreness behind the uvula. * Violent cough,-in the evening when in bed, during which water comes up into her mouth, (3. and 4. d.) Cough when breathing deeply, especially when lying on the right side. * Dry cough-(from tickling in the throat,) in the evening and at night, also in day-time. Dry cough early in the morning, with stitches in the forepart of the chest or in the left hypochondriac region; in the afternoon it becomes loose. A dry cough which had existed already before taking the medicine, suddenly passes off, without any discharge, (a. 15 d.) When lying on the back, at night, he had an attack of dry cough, with stitches in the left hypochondriac region, so that he was not able to finish coughing on account of the pain; on turning to one side, the stitches became worse; the next day renewed attack, but without stitches, (a. 21 d.) Cough, with a little discharge, early in the morning, (first days.) Expectoration of blood for six days, after previous itching in the throat. Short breath, (a. 18 d.) * Asthma when moving the arms with force and when stooping. Dyspncea when walking in the open air; she cannot take breath in a sufficient quantity, and is therefore obliged frequently to stand still, (2. d.) CHEsT.-Oppression at the chest, with inclination to eructations, which came on in the open air and relieved the pressure; early after rising, (a. 19 d.) Pressure upon the left mamma, when taking exercise in the open air; the pressure reaches into the left side of the chest, upon AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 121 leaving the warm room and going into the open air, (3. 19. d.) Pressure at the chest, with stitches, as if a morsel which had been swallowed, had been arrested there. Shootings in the chest, sometimes when taking an inspiration or when stooping in the sitting position; the shootings sometimes come on at intervals as regular as the beats in music. Sensation of pricking soreness in the left side of the chest, when sitting. Pulsative beating at a small place in the left cavity of the chest, only when standing, not when sitting, early in the morning, (4. d.) Painful tension under the right mamma, in any position, frequently intermittent, (after dinner,) (15. and 16. d.) Trension or compression as with a vice in front at the lower part of the chest, when standing; breathing has nothing to do with the symptom, (I. d.) Pain as from a bruise, under the right mamma, both when touched or left alone, frequently intermittent, and often with shortness of breath, (12. to 16. d.) Burning at small spots of the chest, (when walking in the open air,) (shortly, and after 13 d.) 'earing in the praecordial region, which extended thence into the left forearm, (15. d.) Tearing at a small spot in the left clavicle, with pain as from a bruise, when pressing upon il, (2. d.) Sensation of flea-bites at several places of the left mamma, which passes off by scratching, in the evening, (11. d.) Red spots on the left side of the chest, with a sensation as of burning itching, and turning pale when pressed upon with the finger, (10. d.) BAcK.-Pain in the small of the back, with incarceration of flatus. After yawning, a sensation in the small of the back as if something elastic, like air, were pressing out there, (6. d.) Pain in the small of tile back when walking, so that she was unable to walk straight. Pain in the small of tile back, when raising the body after stooping. * Painful stiffness in the small of the back, even when sitting, mostly however when raising the body. Nightly pain in the small of the back, which always rouses her from sleep, (a. 16 d.) Pain in the small of the back, as if the parts were bruised or dashed to pieces, both when at rest and in motion, and at n2ght when in bed; she could neither lie upon her side nor upon her back. Pain of the ischiatic bones, as from a bruise, when 6 122 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. sitting quietly, especially when slumbering. Pain as of contusion in the back, so that she was unable to rest upon it, at night, (a. 3 d.) Pain between the scapula, as from contusion and a bruise, or, as if the muscles of the back were pressed asunder. When sitting, tension in the back, and as if the back were compressed with a vice; this symptom disappears by motion, (15. d.) Drawing and pressing, from without inwards, of the middle lumbar vertebra2, which forces one to stretch the abdomen forwards. NECK.-Stitches in the left scapula, especially on lowering thle shoulder, and turning the trunk to the left side. Stitches in the left scapula, when at rest, (4. and 9. d.) Pinching in the flesh of the right scapula, (15. d.) Icy coldness in the back, and between the shoulders, at the spot of a previously existing pain, only internal; neither feathers nor wool can warm that spot; after half a day the coldness terminates in itching, (a. 12 d.) Itching of the nape of the neck, in the evening, when undressing; after lying down, the itching passes off, (1. d.) Small, inflalned, painful tubercle upon the right scapula, which does not terminate in suppuration, (3. d.) Furunculus upon the left shoulder, with a tensive pain, (a. 3 d) Drawing in the nape of the neck; this drawing seems to be in the tendons, (3. d.) Tension and stiffness in the nape of the neck, so that she was unable to move, in the evening; it passes off after lying down, (18. d.) Stiff neck, with pain when turning it, reaching from the nape of the neck as far as between the shoulders; for 6 days, (a. 6 d.) Tearing, alternately in the right and left side of the neck, sometimes in both; this tearing alternates with tearing in the cheeks, (1. 4. and 17. d.) Lancinations in the neck and in the left clavicle, at a small spot, with pain as from a bruise when touching that spot with the finger, (2. d.) SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-A swollen gland in the axilla, resembling a hard, red ulcer, which separated however constantly into parts, like a large pimple, (a. 18 d) Blisters of the size of peas, upon the right shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a kind of surf after 3 days, (a. 2 d.) Rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joints, when AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 123 moving them, first in the right, then in the left. Drawing in the right shoulder-joint, as after a cold; when at rest. Bealing on the right shoulder, and in the left axilla, early in the morning, and frequently during the day, (12. and 19. d.) Burning and pressure in the right axilla, (2. d.) Her right arm is very heavy andfeels rigid; the upper arm seems paralyzed, in the evening, when spinning and early in the morning, (16. 17. and 18. d.) Tearing in the left arm and foot, (1. d.) Tearing in the left arm, which seems to be in the tendons, and reaches into the fingers, passing off during assiduous motion, (9. d.) Compressive pain in the left upper arm when leaning it against something, passing off during motion of the arm, (22. d.) Tearing in the upper arm, as if in the marrow, as far as the wrist-joint, (13. d.) Tearing in the upper arm, the arm being very sensitive to pressure, (19. d.) Drawing in the lower arm from the right elbow to the left finger; it becomes a tearing pain, and passes off by motion, (2. d.) Pressure in the left lower arm when lying in the bed, which passes off by motion, but is renewed by leaning the arm upon the table when writing, (11. and 12. d.) Itching and burning in the left lower arm, under the bent of the elbow, (13. d.) Itching of the inside of the lower arm, early in the morning, and pimples in the bent of the elbow. After scratching the internal itching side of the left lower arm, small pimples are formed there which soon disappear again, (14. and 15. d.) Pimples on the right lower arm, which force one to scratch continually on account of violent itching. Heaviness and sense as of having gone to sleep in the right fore-arm, (3. d.) Tearing and twitching in the tendons of the inner side of the wristjoint of the left arm, as if the tendons would be torn out: also with swelling in the dorsum of the left hand, (1. and a. 25 d.) Small vesicles on the wrist-joint, which first vehemently itcl and then burn, when scratched, (a. 20 d.) Large blisters and indurations, deep in the skin upon a hard base; they first vehemently itch, then burn after being scrachled, become inflamed and form a red brown scurf, which remains inflamed for a long time, around the right wrist-joint, (with swelling of the spot,) (a. 12 and 19 d.) Violent lancination through the bands, while walking 124 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. in the open air, (22. d.) Stitches and beating in the left hand, worse when moving it. Beating in the palm of the right hand, passing off by moving the hand, (12. d.) Feeling of paralysis in the right hand, and the right middle-finger; when sitting and knitting, (15. d.) Pain as from a sprain in the dorsa of both hands, when seizing something; the pain is not felt when making any other motion; upon extending the hand, the pain decreases, and upon pressing upon the joint of the thumb, the pain passes off with a cracking sound. Itching pimples on the dorsa of both hands, in the evening and at night, attended with desquamation of the skin at those itching places on the following morning, (a. 20 d.) Peeling off of the skin between the thumb and index of both hands, (a. 14 d.) Shooting and tearing in the fingers, thumbs, and the joints thereof, sometimes increased by pressure or friction, mostly in the evening. Violent tearing in the index finger upon stretching it after having held something fast; accompanied by stiffness after bending it inwards, so that she was not able to extend it again (during the catamenia,) (17. d.) Tearing in the middle joint of the thumb. Cramp-like pain in the right middle-finger, which seems to affect the tendons, and is experienced upon bending the fingers inwards, (11. d.) Stitches in the tips of the fingers and their joints, sometimes with beating extending into the whole hand, and passing off when the hand is moved. Stitches and painful throbbing under the nail of the left thumb, (5. 8. d.) Frequent tingling in the tips of the fingers (and thumbs,) as if the parts had gone to sleep. Vehement long-lasting itching in the tip of the index finger, which cannot be stopped by scratching, early in the morning, (12. d.) INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Pain in the hip of the left side as if the tendons were too short, so that she is obliged to limp when she is walking; when sitting, there is a gnawing pain in the bone. When sitting, tearing along the thighs coming from the left hip; first it is relieved by rising, and comes on again when sitting down; afterwards, motion ceases to relieve the pain, (16. d.) Weariness and weakness of the legs, the whole day, (the 1st days.) Trembling of the left leg, with sensitiveness to the touch, AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 125 (10. d.) Tearing pain in the thigh, in front, when sitting. Painful tearings in the external surface of the right thigh, in the evening, when sitting down, (15. d.) Excessively painful stitches in the knee joints, in the evening, when sitting, (3. d.) Lancinations in the left knee, when walking, (11. d.) In a child, that had been affected with swelling of the knee, and whose knee, after the swelling had been cured, remained stiff and curved from before backwards, the mobility of the knee was very soon restored. The hamstrings of both legs are painful when walking; sometimes there is a twitching; they feel as if they were too short, not so when at rest. Early, when rising, the thighs were contracted about the popliteal region, as if they were dried up or too short, so that she was unable to go down stairs; this symptom passed off after long and violent exercise, (15. d.) Drawing tension in the legs, when sitting and lying; this obliges one to lie crooked, after which the symptom passes off. Tension and traction in the tendons of the legs, so that he finds walking inconvenient, with lassitude in the legs. Spasmodic contraction around the lower part of the left leg, (5. d.) Insensibility of the left leg when sitting, (it feels dead,) (12. d.) Stinging upon the inner surface of the left leg, also in the calf, when sitting, (13. 14. d.) Stinging pain in the left calf after four hours' walk, when at rest, (3. d.) The ossa calcium are very painful when walking, and bringing the feet down upon the ground; they feel bruised and contused. Violent tearing (and lancinations) in the heels, with pain as from ulceration, sometimes passing off by friction; also at night, when in bed; no position whatsoever procures relief, (4. 17. 19. d.) Spasmodic contraction in the right heel, with pain, in the evening when in bed; also tearing around the internal malleolus, when sitting, (14. 15. d.) Throbbing and pain as from ulceration, when walking, in the right foot, and the external malleolus of the left foot, (9. 11. d.) Tearing at the external border of the foot, when standing; it passes off by motion, (7. d.) Sensation in the feet as if they had gone to sleep, also at night, (19. 20. d.) Cold feet, in the evening, when in bed; it takes her a long time to get them warm, (14. d.) Pain is excited in a paralytic 126 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. foot, (which had already been much improved) Itching of the sole of the right foot, in the evening. (2. d.) Shooting and tearing in the toes, especially the big toes, when sliting and standing. Stitches in the left small toe, when standing and walking; also in the big toe; there the symptom increases and decreases at slow intervals. Pinching at and itching of the forepart of the right big toe, (7. d.) CoiMMoN AILMENTs.-Erratic itching (and biting) over the whole skin; she cannot scratch enough; in the evening, mostly before lying down; after lying down, the symptom sometimes passes off. Violent ilching over the whole body in the evening before lying down, especially upon the chest and tile fore arms, with little pimples after scratching, (2. 10. 14. 15. d.) Violent itching around the hips, at night and early in the morning, also of the thighs, legs, and around the bent of the knee, with rash-pimples. Fine rash over the whole body, for two weeks, (a. 16 d.) Vesicular pimples upon the chest and the left leg; they first itch and then burn. All the bones of the body are painful and feel bruised, when slumbering or sitting still. Pain, as from bruises, in the whole body, especially in the back, with tearing in both shoulders and in the back, early in the morning, after rising, and worse during motion, (a. 25 d.) Early in the morning, after waking up, she feels contracted in the whole body, so that she was scarcely able to walk; the pain went off by long walking, (19. d) Tearing. apparently in the bone, of the left upper arm and afterwards of the right thigh, descending from the hip, when sitting, (10. d.) Erratic tearing and painful shooting in the limbs, mostly in the (temples,) arms, popliteal spaces, thighs, calves, fingers, and toes, in the evening, when sitting, relieved after lying down; there was sometimes a throbbing pain between the index and middle fingers, as if an ulcer would form there. In the evening, the person experiences a shooting and tearing in the tips of the fingers and toes, then in the right upper arm, wlere the tearing is of an erratic nature; it is attended with anxiety, and passes off after lying down, (16. d.) Shooting, stinging, and burning pricking in the tips of the fingers and toes, as if they had gone to sleep, in the evening, af AM!MONIUM MURIATICUM. 127 ternoon, and also at night. Stinging in the tips of the fingers and toes, when walking in the open air, (22. d.) Erratic burning and stinging, with a feeling of pressure at several places, (3. d.), Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, then in the right side of the chest, then in the right scapula, and lastly in the small of the back, accompanied by chilliness and sleepiness during the day. The limbs of the right side appear to be more affected than those of the left. She appears to be better in the open air. He appears to be constantly affected with orgasm. Orgasm "in the whole body, with anxiety; in the beginning of the proving period she feels more warm than cold. Violent, throbbing headache in the forehead, towards evening, lasting one hour; upon touching the forehead, the headache got worse; this symptom was accompanied by weakness, so that he was scarcely able to walk, and by chills on going to bed. SPASMS, PARALYSIS, WEAKNESS.-Sudden faintness and weakness after dinner, when taking exercise in the open air, (19. d.) The person feels worn out. A good deal of lassitude in the morning. SLEEP.-In the morning, constant yawning without being sleepy, (7. d.) Early in the evening great sleepiness, with closing of the eyes; this symptom passes off when light is brought into the room. She cannot fall asleep before three o'clock in the morning; she then sleeps until morning, and wakes up with sweats. She cannot fall asleep before midnight, on account of cold feet. She cannot fall asleep before midnight, on account of heat in the head. Starting up, while one is falling asleep, (5. d.) Uneasy sleep, after midnight, with frequent waking up, and turning from one side to another, amidstdreams. She wakes up already at twelve, three o'clock at night, and cannot, then, fall asleep again, (1. 17.d.) Uneasy nishts. Sleep full of dreams, (a. 3 d.) Frequently anxious, fearful dreams, which rouse her from her sleep with a start; she then feels oppressed with anxiety. Dreams about falling into the water. She dreams that she is attacked with rash. Lewd dreams about having had an embrace. Voluptuous dreams, (a. 4, 5, 12 d.) Violent cutting in the whole abdomen at two o'clock at night; this rouses her 128 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. from her sleep, (a. 24 d.) Frequent sneezing, without a cold, roused her from her sleep, with titillation in the throat, which caused her to cough, and produced a secretion of saliva, (a. 6 d.) Weight upon the chest when in bed at night; he is half awake without being conscious of it; he is in a kind of dream as if some one had hung him, and had pressed hard upon his chest, (a. 5 d.) Immense pain in the small of the back rouses her from her slumber, with a paralytic pain in both hips and the thighs; these parts when touched are yet painful the next morning, (a. 18 d.) At night the person is roused from sleep on account of a pain as from a sprain or bruise in the right side of the back, as far as the middle ribs and the axilla; this symptom occurs when turning the body, stretching the arm, sneezing, yawning, or breathing.* Stitches in the hips, after midnight, in any position, relieved by pressing upon the part; at the same time, a good deal of flatulence, and sensation as if the pain came from flatulence, (19.d) At night, the person is roused from sleep by tearing pain in the right upper arm and in the legs; the pain is in the bones, and begins at the heels, (a. 24 d.) Violent itching at night, between the shoulders and on the left lower arm, so that he would like to scratch the skin open, (a. 2 d.) FEvER.-Chilliness, at night, she dares not uncover herself. Chilliness (and coldness,) mostly in the evening; the chilliness is sometimes preceded by thirst, or there is thirst during the chill; this is sometimes followed by sweat in the night. Chill in the evening or after midnight, then (alternating) heat, then sweat, without any thirst during these different symptoms, (3. 13. d.) Frequent attacks of fever, followed by chills and heat, with a bloated red face, and thirst both during the chills and the heat; the intervals when there is no fever, last about half an hour. More heat (warmth) than coldness, during the last period of the trial, (a. 17 d.) Heat over the whole body in a warm room, and after quick motion; this heat is accompanied by redness of the face, and a sensation of * NOTE OF THE TRANSLATOR:-" Breathing" probably here means "taking a deep inspiration." ANA CARDIUM. 129 stinging heat, which is especially external over the whole chest. Heat in the forenoon, thirst early in the morning, after rising. Frequently dry heat in the head, upon entering the room, followed by a little thirst, in the evening, (19. d.) Heat in the whole body, as if sweat would break out, (a. 14 d.) Frequent flushes of heat, with subsequent sweat, (13. d.) Great heat, when in bed at night; then sweat early in the morning, (18. d.) Heat in the palms of the hand, soles of the feet, and in the face, in the evening, immediately after lying down (with thirst;) afterwards sweat, (2. 3. 4. d.) Early after rising, sensation of heat, and a little sweat in the hands, and swelling sweat of the feet. Heat over the whole body, with redness of the face and sweat, when taking exercise in the open air, (a. 24 d.) Heat and sweat, in the afternoon; then a little thirst. Sweat about midnight, (a. 4 d.) * Sweat over the whole body for several nights. Copious sweat, early in the morning when in bed, (2. d.) ANAC ARDIUM. This is the fruit of a tree-Avicennia tomentosa, semecarpus Anacardium-which grew upon the AEtna, in Sicily, at the time of the Arabs, and is now to be found in the forests of the East Indies. Between the external, black, shining, heart-shaped, hard shell, and the sweet kernel which is covered 'with a brown reddish thin skin, there is a thickly, blackish juice contained in a cellular tissue, with which the Indians mark their linen in an indelible manner, and which is so sharp that moles may be etched away by means of it. In the fruit which we receive here (in Germany) this juice, which is commonly of the consistence of hloney, is generally found dry. One grain of this juice is to be triturated, and the different potencies are then prepared according to tile mode which has been pointed out. The Arabs, who were the first that knew the medicinal powers of that juice, called that heart-shaped fruit Balador. This fruit must be well distinguished from another 6* 130 ANACARDIUM. tree, called Anacardium occidentale, the fruit of which is kidney-shaped, and was not known to the Arabs. This powerful drug, togethler with others of which the ancients availed themselves with great bcnefit, had been completely forgotten for the last thousand years. Serapio, in his book, " de simplicibus," C. 346, (contained in Practica Serapionis, Venet. fol. 1550,) quotes most of those Arabian authors who have written on the use of the Anacardium juice. ABEN MESNA.I: est bonus corruptioni sensus et memorice. ALCHALAHAMEN: proprietas ejus est, conferre relaxalioni nervorum (paralysis.) BEDIGOAS: removet oblivionem et acuit sensum. ABUGERIG: est bonus paralyticis et eis, quibus timetur adventus ejus. This last author recommends caution in the use of the juice: commovet-baras et lepram et aposlemata et forlassis occidit- (nocivus) juvenibus et cholericis. The following symptoms indicate the use of Anacardium with iolerable cerjainty:Hypochondriac, sullen mood; depression of spirits; dread of men; fearfulness; apprehension of near death; deficiency of moral feeling (depravity, flagitiousness, inhumanity, hardheartedness;) sensation as if he had two wills, one of which repels him from what the other leads him to do; sensation as if the spirit were disunited from the body; desolate emptiness of the head; headache pressing from the temple towards the eyes; headache in the occiput, arising from wrong stepping and great noise. Weakness and dimness of the eyes: nets and dark spots before the eyes; painful swelling of the ear; itching in the ears; running at the cars; grumbling in the ears; roaring in the ears; surdity; bleeding at the nose; fetid odor from the mouth, without his perceiving it; accumulation of water in the mouth; fieculent taste in the mouth; violent thirst; want of appetite; nausea early in the morning; weakness of the stomach; difficult digestion; oppression at the pit of the stomach, early in the morning on waking up; oppression at the liver; hardness of the abdomen; blood with the stool; varices of the rectum, someiimes painful; itching of the arms; humour eking out at the rectum; burning in the glands before and after micturition; involuntary erections during the day; there ANACARDIUM. 131 is but little enjoyment in coition; lEcorrhoea with itching and soreness; feeling of dryness in the nose; obstruction of the nose; chronic coryza, and discharge of mucus from the nose; expectoration when coughing; rattling in the larynx, when lying on one side; stitches and heaviness in the fore-arm; tensive pain and weakness in the arm; trembling of the right hand; burning inthle soles of the feet; weight in the limbs, especially in the knees; tremdlous lassitude; want of irritability of the skin, which cannot be excited into itching or becoming moist by the use of resins; sensitiveness to cold and draughts of air; catching cold easily; falling asleep late; anxious dreams; chilliness; sweat when sitting. Camphor and spirits of nitre do not seem to act sufficiently as antidotes; smelling of coffea cruda is a powerful antidote against the anger and the vehemence consequent upon the use of anacardium. This drug has been tried by Doctors Samuel Hahnemann, Becher, Tranz, Gross, Hartmann, Herrmann, Langhammer, Stapf. Noack and Trinks offer the following remarks on anacardium: It is adapted to nervoso-bilious, dry constitutions, to the melancholico-choleric temperament, to irritable hypochondriacs. It may be employed in the following affections: herpes furfurans; warts; catarrhal fevers. Depression of spirits, or moral affections partly exaltation, partly weakness; moral affections consequent upon Onanism. Weakness of mind, memory, senses; imbecility; loquacious dementia, originating in humiliation; Furor u:erinus? Satyriasis? Melancholia simplex; Anoia et Abulia melancholica, Melancholia Moria, misanthropica, Athymia, Melancholia hypochondriaca. Amblyopiaamaurotica. Disecoia chronica.-Anosmia.-Paralysis of the tongue.-WVeakness of digestion, and flatulence of hypochondriacs.-Diseases of the liver.-Asthma; hysteric spasms of the chest, which go off amid floods of tears.P. S. The " Confectio anacardina scu sapientium has been celebrated as a distinguished remedy against weakness of mind, memory and the senses. Nevertheless, R. A. Vogel (hist. mat. med. p. 276,) remarks: That " Caspar Hoffmann has called this confection of the wise a confection of 132 ANACARDIUM. fools because many had lost their memory and had become mad on account of using it too often and inconsiderately." Hence it was only the improper and too frequent use of anacardium that made it hurtful; if applied correctly, it became curative. ANALOGOUS REMEDIES.-1. Calc., Natr. mur. Plat., Sep., Sulp. ac. 2. Acon., Ars., Ign., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Oenanth. croc.,Oleand., Petrol., Phos. Rhus., Staphis.,Sulp. DURATION OF EFFECTS.-In large doses from fourteen to twenty days; in small doses, in sick persons, about twenty-four hours. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-* Sadness. * Anxiety, apprehension of threatening misfortune. In the evening"fearfulness and * apprehension, after having spent the day with a cheerful disposition. Internal anxiety which did not leave him any peace; he felt solicitous on account of every trifle, as if it would lead to some greatly prejudicial event; apprehension as regards the future. When walking he felt anxious as if some one were pursuing him; he suspected every thing around him. He has anxiety in all his acts; every thing appears to him more terrible; he imagines to be surrounded with enemies; then he feels warm, and the blood seems to boil within him, (a. 7, 8 d.) Apprehension and thoughtfulness, when meditating over his present and future destiny. The future appears dangerous to him, as if nothing but misfortune and danger were in expectation for him; want of confidence in his strength, and * despondency. He is disunited with the whole world, and has so little confidence in himself that he despairs of being able to do that which is asked of him. In the forenoon * he is extremely hypochondriac, low-spirited and desponding, with awkward and childish manners; all his motions are extremely awkward and indolent, (a. 3 d.) Anxiety and peevishness. Excessively peevish, and illhumoured. Peevish mood all day long; every thing which surrounded him, made a disagreeable impression upon him. Gloomy, peevish mood, with a desire of going into the open air. Very peevish and ill-disposed, extremely susceptible against all sorts of offences. He takes every thing in bad part, and becomes vehement. Irritable and contradicting. A' slight offence makes him vehe. ANACARDIUM. 133 mently angry, breaking out in personal violence. Want of disposition to do any thing. Dread of labour; he is afraid of undertaking the least labour; he likes nothing. In the afternoon he is more cheerful than in the forenoon; as soon as the sleepiness after dinner is past, he is more cheerful and more disposed to work, (a. 38 h.) He is very indifferent and unfeeling; neither agreeable nor disagreeable objects excite his interest; for eight days. Excessive cheerfulness. He laughs when he ought to be serious. When occupied with serious things he is obliged to laugh on account of a tickling at the pit of the stomach; when occupied with laughable things, he is able to abstain from laughing. He loses his thoughts. Great weakness of memory; he cannot remember any thing, he forgets every thing immediately. He remembers with dfficulty; he retains nothing in his memory, he is deficient in ideas, and he soon loses his subject without being aware of it. The memory is quite deficient, early in the morning, especially as regards single names. Diminution of the imagination, and the memory in the afternoon; he cannot recollect any thing, (a. 5, 6 h.) In the afternoon his memory is better than in the forenoon, although his recollections only come to him after the time when he was in need of them; however, he easily understands what he reads, although he does not entirely remember it, (a. 3, 4 d.) Increase and greater vividness of the memory; he spontaneously recollects the smallest circumstances of times long past; he would be able to learn easily by heart, if his attention were not diverted by other thoughts, which he, however, finds it easy to control, (a. 1I h.) Anacardium weakens the understanding, (Matthiolus, in the Commentar. in Discorid. M. M. L. V. Cap. V. p. 985.) Obtusion of the senses, with anxiety; he scarcely perceives what is taking place around him. The mind feels obtuse as if a cold were coming on. He can only reflect upon a subject which has been furnished to him; he does not remember any thing of himself. Every kind of intellectual labour is difficult for him, owing to a sort of mental absence. Obtusion of the senses, accompanied by obtusion of the head and exhaustion of strength. Early in the morning, after a sound sleep, he is unable to comprehend any thing; his 134 ANACARDIUM. head feels desolate and empty. Increased fancy; he constantly thinks of some new object to which the mind forcibly clings. Extreme animation of the fancy, and a number of projects, in the evening from nine-ten o'clock; he is not able to control his attention; little by little, the mind becomes dull, so that he is without any ideas, (a. 16 h.) His mind is much more animated than before; he likes to enter upon acute analyses; but every effort of this kind gives him an acute: pressive headache in the forehead, the temples and the occiput. Any little effort of the mind causes a sensation as of being bruised in the brain. Illusion of the fancy; he imagines to hear his name called by the voice of his distant mother and sister, accompanied by an apprehension of misfortune and anxiety. Melancholy illusion; he imagines to see a bier in the side-room upon which either his friend or himself is lying. He confounds the present with the future. HEAD.-Obtusion first of the left, then of the right side of the head. Painfully dull obtusion of the head, when he does not lie in his bed in a convenient position. Dull, painful obtusion of the forehead reaching down to the root of the nose. Early in the morning, after rising, his head feels so obtuse and heavy that he is scarcely able to carry it; he was obliged to lie down again. His head feels very heavy the whole day. Dizziness of the head, as after spirituous drinks. The head turns. Vertigo on stooping, with a sensation as of turning round, (a. 13 h.) Vertigo, the eyes see black. Great giddiness after a walk, in the afternoon. Vertigo when walking, as if all the objects were too far distant. Vertigo as if all the objects or himself were wavering; he is obliged to hold himself, (1. d.) Vertigo, he almost fell down. Pain in the head, especially in the forehead, stunning, pressive, exciting vertigo; he threatened to fall to the left side when sitting, (a. 2, 21 h.) Occasional pressure in the head. Pressure in the occiput, on the right side, (a. 3 h.) Pressure in the forehead, every time he wakes up, worse in walking, as if the brain were shaken. Dull pressure in the centre of the forehead, increasing at slow intervals, becoming more and more deep, and gradually extending over the whole anterior put of the head, in the evening. Violent pressure on ANACARDIUM. 135 the right side of the forehead, from within. * Violent pressure in the region of the right temple. Dull pressure coming out at the right frontal eminence. Dull pressure, as from a plug, on the right side of the vertex. Pressure from without inwards at the right temple. Dull erratic pressure from without inwards, at small places of the head. Pressure inwards, and sense as of squeezing in both temples, with continual constriction of the upper part of the head, increasing towards evening. Compression and dull pressure below the left frontal eminence. * Compression simultaneously in both temples. Constrictive headache in the forehead, with extremely peevish mood, increasing every hour, accompanied by a violent grinding pain which is diminished for a few moments by strongly pressing upon the forehead; at last the pain takes hold of the whole head, with a sensation as if a tight band were reaching from the nape of the neck to the ears; he is obliged to lie down, the pain lasts from five o'clock in the afternoon up to next morning. Violent clawing pain in the right side of the forehead, especially at the external border of the orbit. Pressive clawing headache in the forepart of the head, with a few tearings towards the forehead, (a. 24 I.) Tearing pressure in the left temple. Tearing headache during hard labour, (a. 4 d.) Tearing pain in the brain, close above the right temple. Tearing which commences in the inferior part of the occiput on the right side and reaches as far as the forehead, (a. 35 h.) Repeated tearings in the right side of the head, face and neck, and subsequent humming before the left ear. Repeated tearings in the whole head, with chills all over the body, low spirits and uneasiness; this does not permit her to remain at any one place; the symptoms always return every third day. Tearing headache in the occiput, in distinct successive attacks which reach as far as the temple, (a. half an h.) Jerking tearings and pain in the occiput and temples, mostly when bending the head backwards, (a. 2 h.) Sudden, acute, piercing, and biting tearings in the temple, as far as the brain, (a. 3 h.) Sharp, pressive tearings in the left temple. Lancinations in the forehead over the right eye. Shootings and tearings in the left temple. Sharp stitches through the left side of the head, reaching deep 136 ANACARDIUM. into the brain. Dull, tremulous stitches on the left side of the superior part of the head; they are merely incipient, and do not become distinct. Pressure in the right side of the head, interrupted by violent stitches, (a. three quarters of an h.) Headache with stitches in the left temple. Several times, when breathing, a long stitch from the temple reaching to the forehead, (a. 5 h. and a half.) Drawing pain on the left side of the head. Drawing pain in the forehead, in the left vertex and in the occiput. Shootings in the left side of the head, frequently repeated, close down along the ear. Several vehement jerks, at intervals, so that he would like to scream out loud; they come from behind and reach across the left side of the upper part of the head and the forehead, (a. half an h.) Grinding violent headache, in the evening. Grinding in the right half of forepart of the head, especially along the border of the orbit; it is relieved by strong external pressure and during a meal; accompanied by intolerable pain, as if a heavy body were forced in at those parts; the pain diminishes in the evening, when in bed, and lying upon the arm which corresponds to the painful side; while falling asleep the pain subsides entirely. Throbbing headache. Heat in the head. The headache is worse during motion. Pressure at the forehead from without, over the left eyebrow, (a. 2 h.) Hard pressure in the corner between the occipital and nasal bone, (a. 3 d.) Violent itching of the hairy scalp. Itching of the forehead. Many tubercles upon the hairy scalp, of the size of a little pea; they feel sore when touched or scratched. Painless pimples with red areole, at the top of the left temple, (a. 9 h.) EYEs.-Sore eyes without redness. Sensation in the eyes as if there were something between the eyeball and the upper eyelid, which causes friction. There is something between the eyeball and the lower lid which causes friction. Pressure upon the eyeball, from before backwards, or from above downwards. Pressure below the external canthus of the left eye, (a. 2 h.) Pressure as from a stye, in the inner canthus of the right eye, and the tarsal cartilages in the vicinity. Violent pressure upon the eyes, especially upon the left, and in the external canthus of this eye, when looking long at one object, (a. half ANACARDIUM. 137 an h.) Dull pressure as with a plug, on the upper border of the right orbit, reaching as far as the brain, with stupefaction of the whole side of the head. Pain as if a plug were pressed in below the upper border of the orbits and touched the ball. Rheumatic tearing pain in the left eye, (more in the lids,) which reaches as far as the temples. Tearing in the balls and orbits, early when walking, (a. 24 h.) Twitches in the eyelids; he imagines that one must see them. Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. The light appears to be surrounded with a halo in the evening. The flame of a light appears to flicker, and to alternately darken and brighten; on looking steadily at the light, he saw that it burnt calmly. Frequent sense as of waving before the eyes. Contraction of the pupils, (a. 14 h.) The pupil of the right eye became smaller for a short time, (a. 48 h.) Great dilatation of the pupils, (a. 13, 14, 19 hours; reaction.) Short-sightedness; he cannot distinguish any thing at a distance, whilst he distinctly sees every thing which is held near his eyes. Diminished short-sightedness, (a. 48 hours; curative effect.) * Dimness of the eyes, as if they were full of water, which forces one frequently to wink, in the evening, (a. 16 h.) EARs.-Painful traction in the right meatus auditorius. Cramp-like pain in the meatus auditorius externus. Sensation of a cramp-like contraction in the left concha, (a. half an h.) Cramp-like contraction in the left meatus auditorius, with a pressure against the tympanum. Painful pressure upon the external ear. Slow, dull thrusts coming from both sides of the ears, and in their cavities, as if two blunt plugs were penetrating from opposite sides to meet in the centre. Shootings in the left meatus auditorius, at short intervals and very painful, as if a nerve were put upon the stretch, or like electric shocks. Twitches of the external ear. Drawing pain behind the left ear. Painful traction in the left meatus auditorius internus, (a. three.quarters of an h.) Tearing in the left ear, down the cheek. Violent tearing along the upper border of the cartilage of the right ear. Lancinating dull pains in the tip of the tragus of the left ear. Violent lancinations in the left external ear, (a. 24 h.) Violent stitches in the left ear. Pain as from ulceration in the ear, mostly when swallowing. Pain, 138 ANACARDTUM. in the ear as from ulceration when setting the teeth against one another in masticating. Pressive tearing and throbbing in tihe cartilage of the ear, and in the internal ear, as if an ulcer would form there; upon inserting the finger the pain increases, and there is a sensation as if the meatus had become obstructed, (a. 10 h.) * Itching in the ears while a brownish matter is running out at the same time. Sensation behind the ears, as if the part would become sore; he is obliged to rub the part. Roaring before the ear. Humming in the ears. Tingling in the right ear. Feeling of obstruction in the left ear, as from colton; he did not hear as well wvith this ear as with tile other, (a. half an h.) He sometimes heard so feebly that he did not hear when some one opened the door with a noise; often his hearing was so acute that he heard people through double doors walk in the anti-chamber, (a. 54 h.) NosE.-Short pain in the nose, such as arises from too great. cold, which causes his eyes to run. Contractive pain in the forepart of the nose, as from great cold, with lachrymation. Sensation as of being bruised in the left side of the nose; the pain seems to be in the bone. Pimples with red areolae at the corner of the right wing of the nose. Red pustules on the septum, in the right nostril, with soreness when being touched. * Bleeding at the nose,-after vehement blowing. Illusory smell, as if he smelled lighted tinder, early when rising. Constant smell before the nose, like pigeon or chicken dung, especially when smelling his clothes or his body, (a. 2 h.) Smell seems to have disappeared almost completely, although the nose is not obstructed, (a. 5 11.) * Chronic coryza, (Jahr.) * Obstruction of the nose, (Jahr.) FACE.-Dull pressure in the face, in the middle of the cheeks, as if the place were squeezed with a pair of pincers. Dull pressure upon the left cheek-bone. The person looks worn out, hollow-eyed, with blue borders around the eyes, for several days, (shortly after taking the medicine.) Paleness of the face, without cold, (immediately.) Great paleness of the face shortly after taking the medicine. Pale, sick, wan colour of the face, without, however, any other symptoms of indisposition. Dry heat in the face and over the whole head, with obtusion of the ANACARDIUM. 139 head and pale look; at the same time he feels hot upon the skin, which he himself, however, does not perceive. White scaly herpes on the right cheek, close by the upper lip, (a. 4 h.) Itching of the forehead. Hard, red pustules on the forehead and in the corner of the left wing of the nose, with a feeling of soreness, for several weeks. Rough, exfoliating, herpes-like skin around the mouth, with titillation. Dryness of the lips and their commissures. Burning dryness of the external borders of the lips, as from pepper. JAWS AND TEETI.-External burning upon the chin, and dull pressure, in an ascending direction, upon the left side of the chin. Burning between the lower lip and the chin, such as is experienced after being scraped with a dull razor. Suppuration and painfulness of a place under the chin, where there was a boil two years ago. Frequently a drawing pain in the lower jaw, especially in the evening. Frequently repeated tearings in the right ramus of the lower jaw. Occasional tearings in the articulation of the jaw, (a. 42 h.) Swelling of the gums. Bleeding of the gums consequent upon slight rubbing. Itching pain in one of the lower dentes cuspidati, as if a toothpick had been stirred about in it, made worse by contact with the tongue and the open air, (2. d.) 'ooth-ache upon taking something warm in his mouth, a few jerkings, more pressive than drawing. Drawing pain in the gums and the roots of the lower molar teeth of the left side. Cramp-like traction in the lower row of teeth of the right side, reaching as high as the ear, (shortly after taking the medicine.) Tensive and drawing pain in a hollow molar tooth, reaching as high as the ear, for several days, at ten o'clock in the evening. 'earing in all the teeth, returning at intervals. MouTH-.-Painful blisters in the mouth. The tongue is white and rough, like a scraping-iron, (a. 3 h.) Heaviness of the tongue, and sensation as of swelling, so that he is unable to continue speaking. When speaking, he finds it difficult to utter certain words, as if his tongue were too heavy. In the afternoon his speech is firmer and surer than in the forenoon. His throat feels as if it were raw and sore. Sensation as of scraping, (rawness) 140 ANACARDIUM. in the throat. Pressure in the pit of the neck. Dryness in the throat, passing off by eating; in the forenoon. Phlegm of a firm and tough consistence comes into the throat, obstructing at the same time the posterior nares, (a. I h.) APPETITE.-Bitter dryness in the mouth and throat. Bitter taste in the mouth after smoking tobacco. The tobacco does not taste well, it excites a feeling of biting. Every thing tastes to him like herring-pickle. Insipid faeculent taste of the food, also without eating. Insipid taste of the beer. Several kinds of food, of which he is otherwise very fond, disgust him so much, that he would like to vomit. * He has no appetite for dinner;-nevertheless he takes it and relishes it, because it is dinnerhour; bread, however, tastes a little bitter to him. Constant thirst; however, when drinking, his breath is intercepted, and he is obliged to swallow his drink little by little. At times violent hunger, at times none at alt Great appetite, with pressure at the stomach and nausea unto vomiting after a meal, even when the person takes no exercise. During dinner, almost all the symptoms disappear; they come on again two hours afterwards. After dinner, heat in the face, with accumulation of sweetish saliva in the mouth, and violent thirst. After a meal, heat in the face and exhaustion of strength. STOMAcH.-Shaking in the pit of the stomach, at every step, after every meal. Pressure and tension in the pit of the stomach after every meal. Dull pressure, at intervals, over and by the side of the pit, during a meal. Pressure at the stomach after a meal. Pressure at the stomach after a meal with a feeling of extreme exhaustion and physical dejection, with great thirst, (after three days and a half.) Pressure in the region of the stomach, after a slight breakfast, towards the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much. Inflation of the abdomen, shortly after dinner, as if he had eaten too much. After a meal, flatus move about in the abdomen as from a purgative. Tenesmus after a meal, more in the upper part of the intestines. Hypochondriac dejection after a meal; there is a pressure in the abdomen from below upwards, and he feels extremely weak both in body and mind, (a. 6 h.) After a meal, when ANACA.DIUM. 141. standing, the person feels weak in the knees unto falling, at the same time sleepy and not disposed to any kind of work. After a meal, sleepy and indisposed to work. After dinner irresistible desire to sleep. Tussitation, (short and backing cough,) after a meal, affecting the throat as if it were raw, (a. 3 days and a half.) After a meal, roughness in the throat, with a deep tone of voice. Burning eructations after a meal. Eructations, after drinks and liquid food. Empty eructations early in the morning. Eructations with spasmodic pain at the stomach. Hiccough. Humid eructations in frequent succession, the swallowing of which chokes him slightly. A quantity of liquid comes into his mouth and throat, which caused a sensation of nausea in the chest. Heart-burn, after soup, like sour air in the oesophagus, with a sensation of contraction. Burning, rising out of the stomach into the throat. * Nausea, early in the morning, with a sensation as of fasting in the stomach. * A good deal of nausea, early in the morning. Violent nausea towards evening, constant accumulation of water in the mouth, vomiting, followed by a good deal of acidity in the mouth. Nausea with retching returning shortly after drinking cold water, and then vomiting this water with a sensation as if the oesophagus were pressed asunder by a large ball. Qualmishness at the pit of the stomach, between the meals, with anxiety as from a sprain, without, however, what might be called nausea with good taste in the mouth and good appetite. First sensation as of fasting at the pit of the stomach, then pressure at ihe pit the whole day, with obstruction to the emission of flatus both above and below, and want of appetite. Pressure at the stomach from reflection and intellectual exertions. Intensely painful, dull pressure at the pit of the stomach, slowly coming and going. Pressive and drawing pain under the pit of the stomach, when walking, (a. 10 h. and a half.) Soft pressure with traction at the pit of the stomach, which disappears after a meal; when walking in the open air, (a. 12 h.) Violent contractive pain at the stomach, relieved by stooping, made worse by lifting the arm and when turning the body. Stitches on the left side of the praecordial region, increased when breathing and walking, and coming on anew, when the walking was 142 ANACARDIUM. recommenced. Sharp stitches in the precordial region, extending thence to the small of the back. Severe stitches in the preecordial region, when breathing. Compressive, painful prickings at the pit of the stomach, when inspiring and expiring, wlich cannot be relieved by any position of the body, or by contact, (a. 4 h.) Cutting in the praecordial region. Slight rumbling and fermenting in the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Stitches in the hypochondria, when taking an inspiration, sometimes on the right side, sometimes on the left. Stitches in the left hypochondrium. Dull stitches in the region of the spleen; they seem partly to be in the chest, partly in the abdominal cavity. Pressure in the region of the liver, an hour after a meal. Pain around the navel, as if a blunt plug were squeezed into the intestines. Dull pressure close beneath the navel, made worse by pressiig upon it, and by breathing, shortly after a meal. Pressure in the region of the navel, as if something hard had formed there, with a sensation when breathing, speaking, and especially when coughing, as if the abdomen would burst; when touching the part with the finger, there was a pain resembling pressure and tension. Hard pressure at a small spot above and below the navel, and in the left side of the abdomen. Thrusts as from a blunt tool, on the right side of the navel, (a. 6 h.) Stitches which are intensely painful and dull, on the left side of the navel. Dull intermittent stitches at the navel. Dull stitches in the abdominal cavity, not far from the navel. Dull, deeply penetrating stitches, at the spinous processes of the left iliac bones. Intensely painful, sharp stitches over the navel on the right side, which cause him to start. Single sharp stitches in the abdomen. A sudden wave-like shooting into his abdomen, like lightning. One quick shooting in the abdomen, on the right side. Cutting and pinching in the abdomen, as from flatulence, or cold, with tenesmus, (a. 4 and 22 h.) Attacks of cholic more cutting than pinching, coming on, when flatus become incarcerated in the abdomen. Pinching and squeezing in the abdomen, (a. 12h.) Squeezing pain in the abdomen, apparently in the intestines, (a. 7h.) Pinching contraction at a small spot on the left side of the navel, when breathing, (a. half an h.) Pain, as if something Q ANACARDIUM. 143 in the abdomen would become convoluted, with subsequent pressure, (a. 32 h.) Upon bending the body backwards, ihe intestines are painful, and feel spasmodically shortened, in the forenoon. Burning prickings coming and going as regularly as musical beats, externally, on the right side of the abdomen, under the short ribs. Shootings in the muscles of the left side of the abdomen, close under the short ribs. Tearing in the mons veneris. Intermittent dull pressure from within outwards over the abdominal ring. Continualgrunting in the abdomen, especially in the region of the navel. Continual grunting and pinching in the abdomen. STOoL..-Frequent tenesmus during the day, for many days, without his ever being able to expel any thing. Desire for stool, three times a day; he had a desire, but upon going to stool and sitting down, the desire had gone; the rectum would not fulfil its function; he had to strain considerably, even when the stools were very soft. Tenesmus; he cannot expel any thing; the rectum seems to be stopped up with a plug. Constant tenesmus; the expulsion not taking place immediately, there is a painful twisting and turning in the intestines, transversely across the abdomen. Every day, two or three ordinary stools, passing with great difficulty. He was frequently obliged to go to stool; however, he expelled but little every time; tlhe stools were first soft, then hard. Stools of a very pale colour, (a. 48 h.) Frequently watery diarrhcea, the expulsion being nevertheless difficult. Pinching in the abdomen during stool. During the act of expelling the faeces, and especially after the expulsion, there was a dull pressure in the abdominal muscles, increased by inspiration, close below the navel. Yawning and eructations after stool. * Frequent itching of the anus. The varices of the rectum become smaller, and cease to be painful, except some soreness when the person begins to walk, (curative effect.) URINARY ORGANS.-Itching of the urethra. Constant desire to urinate. Frequent desire to urinate, but little urine passing off, (the first 4 h.) He is obliged to rise at night for the purpose of urinating; nevertheless, he urinates again at the usual period. Early in the morning, before breakfast, the person frequently emits urine, which 144 ANACARDIUM. is as clear as water. The person frequently emits urine as clear as water, but in little quantity. The urine, while being emitted, is turbid, deposits a dirty sediment, and, when shaken, looks like clay. Pain along the penis of acutting nature. GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS.-Continual voluptuous itching of the scrotum, which excites the sexual desire, (a. 2 h.) Sexual desire, early in the morning after waking up, with erection of the penis. Extreme sexual desire. Want of excitability of the sexual desire, (the first 10 d.) Discharge of the prostatic juice with difficult stool. Discharge of the prostatic juice with good stool. Discharge of the prostatic juice after emission of urine. Effusion of semen, at night, without any lewd dreams, (a. 27 h.) Itching of the anus after an embrace. COLD, CATARRtH.-Sneezing. Obstruction of the posterior nares, as by much phlegm. Dry coryza. Violent coryza, lasting four weeks. Severe coryza, in the evening, (a. 48 h.) Severe coryza, with fever; she was unable to get warm, with heat in the head, and icy coldness of the hands and feet, in the warm room; afterwards dry heat, the tendons of the muscles of the legs appear to be too short, cramp of the calves, and uneasiness about the heart, (8. d.) Violent fluent coryza after frequent sneezing, with lachrymation. Roughness of the throat. Roughness of the throat, with deep tone of voice, after a meal. Tussitation (short and hacking cough) after a meal, affecting the throat, as if it were raw, (a. 3 d.) * Violent cough-after dinner, with vomiting of the ingesta. Cough, almost exclusively during the night, and more severe then than during the day. Cough more severe at night, than in day time, for several days. Nightly cough, with rawness of the throat. Cough early in the morning. Severe attacks of cough with horripilation, lasting for hours, beginning already at four o'clock in the morning, and occurring several times during the day, (a. 14 d.) Severe cough, in the evening when in bed, causing the blood to rush to the head. Cough, with pain in the occiput. Cough with stitches in the forehead or in the side of the head. Pressive pain on the top of the head when coughing, or taking a deep inspiration. Cough, with yawning after the attack. Cough, with vain desire to sneeze. ANACARDIUM. 145 Cough commencing with titillation in the larynx and suffocation. Periodical attacks of cough, only in day time; he gets out of breath; every three, four hours. Shaking attacks of cough, resembling fits of whooping cough, excited whenever he begins to talk. Shaking cough, which does not permit him to sleep at night. Short cough, mostly in the afternoon, with expectoration of a consistent, gray-yellow substance. Short cough, with expectoration of pus. He spits blood when coughing, (4. d.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Short breath; he feels oppressed in the region of the sternum. Short breath, es-' pecially after a meal and when sitting. Asthma, dyspnoea, (a. 10 h.) Dyspncea, with weeping; this relieves the oppression. Dyspncea, with internal anxiety and heat. Oppressive anxiety in the region of the sternum, without any pain, as if he cculd not remain in his room, but had to go into the open air, and had to be very busy. Uneasiness in the chest, apparently about the heart, especially in tilhe afternoon, (4. d.) Dyspno a, during an expiration, with pressure upon the sternum, (a. 1 h. and a half) Oppression at the chest, like dyspncea, extending towards the axillae, with difficulty of breathing, (a. 24 h.) Pressure at the chest, especially when sitting, with fulness; he would like to get rid of this symptom by vomiting, (a 10 h.) Pressure from without over the right nipple. Quick pressure upon the slernum, as from a blow, when falling asleep during the day. Sudden quick pressure in the right side of the chest, close by the axilla; lie feels it at the same time on the opposite side of the back, without any influence upon breathing. Dull pressure at die right border of the sternum. I)Dll pressure, as from a plug, in the right side of the chest. Wavelike traction in the left side of the chest. Feeling of soreness and rawness in the chest, increased by inspiration, (immediately.) Sensation behind the sternum, as if there were a sore place in the chest. Tearing, with a little pressure, on the left side of the chest, reaching as high as the heart, as though the whole side were being dashed to pieces, especially wi)en stooping, (a. 10.) Single sharpstitches in thle chest. Sharp stitches in the superior part of the left mamma, which prevented her for a long time from rising from her seat; 7 146 ANACARDIUM. afterwards she experienced a sensation of a pressive weight at that place. Dull stitches in the left side of the chest, at the distance of a hand's breadlh below the axilla. Sharp, pulsating stitches in the chest, above the heart, (a. bO h ) A stitch in the pracordial region, at night, when breathing. Lancinations in the heart, slort ones, succeeding each other two by two. Drawing pain in the muscles of the chest. Quivering sensation in the pectoral muscle, when raising the arm. Constrictive prick as from a pin, at the filse ribs of the left side, externally, (a. 4 h) Corrosively itching prickings as from pins, at the last false rib. Itching upon ite chest. BAcK.-Blunt stitches in the small of the back. Painful stiffness in the back when raising one's self while in a sitting position; the pain disappears when sitting crooked. Pain on thle right side, near the vertebral column, in the shoulder-blade, as from continually sitting crooked. Cramp-like pressure under and by the side of the shoulderblades, from without, (a. half an hour.) Violent lancinating pressure close under the left shoulder-blade, without having any sort of influence upon breathing. Sharp stitches in the external side of the left shoulder-blade. Tearing stitches by the side of the right shoulder-blade, from within. Dull stitches in the left shoulder-blade, returning slouwly, and causing a tearing pain to be felt all round. Painful tearing between the scapule. A sort of formication in the shoulder blades, or a sensation as if they had gone to sleep. Pain as from a bruise, frequently, in the right scapula and upper arm, so that she can scarcely lift up her arm. Fine and dull thrusts in the right half of the external surface of the left scapula, externally, at short intervals. Cracking in the scapula, upon lifting the arm. NECK.-Cracking in the cervical vertebre, when stooping. Stifness of the nope of the neck. Stiffness of the muscles of the neck, with tensive pain, especially when moving the head quickly after having kept it still; the sliffness is less during constant motion, (a. 52 h.) Painful stiffness of the right side of the nape of the neck, two days in succession, early in the morning, on waking up; he had been lying on that side; the pain was brought on by the ANACARDIUM. 147 slightest motion, and especially upon turning the head towards the painful side, (a. 4, 5 d.) Stiffness and pressive tension in the nape of the neck, in the occiput, and between the scapulae, on waking up, both when at rest and in motion. Painful stiffness, with a sensation as of clawing on the left side of the nape of the neck, close to the occiput; the pain is felt when at rest; it neither interferes with the motion of the head, nor is it increased by this motion, (a. 2 h.) Dull, intermittent pressure, as from a heavy burden, on the right side of the nape of the neck, and on the top of the left shoulder, apparently in the bone. Rheumatic drawing along the back. Hard pressure at the neck, on both sides of the larynx, which sometimes interferes with deglutition. Sudden, dull pressure, as from a weight, on both sides of the neck. Slowly intermittent pressure in the angle formed by the neck and the top of the shoulder of the left side. Erratic prickings, as with pins, at the neck, externally. Intermittent prickings as with pins, with a sensation as of throbbling, on the left side of the cliest, close to the neck, (a. 3 hours and a half.) Frequent itching of the neck. Itching and titillation in both axillae, which forces one to rub, (a. a quarter of an hour.) SUPERIOR EXTREMI TIES.-Itching prickings, as with pins, below the shoulders, passing off by rubbing. Intensely painful lancinating tension in the arms, upon stretching and extending them; this tension commences at the joints, following the flexor muscles; on bending the arms, afterwards, there is a cracking in the joints, especially of the shoulders, with a feeling of pain as if the arms were dislocated. The left arm goes to sleep. Pressure in the left arm, apparently in the muscles and bones simultaneously, with lassitude in those parts. Tearing and traction in the left arm. Rheumatic drawing pain in the right upper arm, from the shoulder to the bent of the elbow, with a feeling of stiffness in the arm. Spasmodically pressive pain in the muscles of the upper arms, when walking in the open air, and when sitling, in the evening. Dull pressure, which remains merely incipient, at the left upper arm, apparently in the humerus, intensely painful and intermittent. Painful jerking at the left upper arm, 148 r ANACARDIUM. above the bent of the elbow. Knockings, as with a heavy body, intensely painful, in the centre of the left upper arm, (immediately.) Pimples with red areole and pus at the tip, on the inferior portion of the upper arm, with painful itching during motion of the arm, inviting to scratch (a. 12 h.) Pressure in the bent of the left elbow, *which draws the arm down as with a weight, and makes the motion of the arm difficult, when walking in the open air, (a. 13 h.) Pressure from without inwards, in the fore arms, erratic, short, painful, (immediately.) Pressive pain in the muscles of the right fore arm, when writing, (after 13 h.) Pressive scratchings upon the bone of the fore arm, when at rest. Cramp-like pressure at the left fore arm, more violent on pressure, and assuming a tearing character through motion. Ciamp-like traction in the right fore arm, from the wrist to the elbow. Cramp-like twitches all over the left fore arm, beginning a hand's breadth above the left wrist, (immediately.) Cramp-like violent pain in the left fore arm and the back of the hand, uninfluenced by motion, at night, when in bed. Twitches in the tendons of the flexor muscles, in the wrist. Simple pain in the palm of the hand, on moving the hand. Cramp-like pain in the right hand, where the metacarpal bones join the phalanges, (a. half an hour.) Cramp-like pain in the joints of the left hand, where the index finger joins the metacarpal bone. Cramp-like pain in the hand, in the region of the metacarpal bone of the little finger. Cramp-like twitching, dull pain in the anterior extremities of the metacarpal bones, uninfluenced by motion. Intermittent, dull, lancinating, cramp like pain at the external border of the left hand, where the little finger unites with its metacarpal bone. Cramp-like contraction of the left hand, so that she cannot make her finger straight. Pain, as from a sprain, in the metacarpal bone of the little finger of the right hand. Grumbling pain between the metacarpal bones of the index finger and middle finger of the left hand, immediately behind the knuckles. Violent cutting at the metacarpal bone of the right index finger. Pressive spasmodic pain in the muscles transversely across the back of the left hand. (a. half an hour.) Pressive tearing on the back of the hand, (a. 9 h.) Prickings, as from pins, upon the back ANACARDIU)M. 149 of he left hand. Violent, long, painfully tearing stitch in the ball of the right hand. Sharp, burning stitches at the external border of the left hand, where the little finger joins the metacarpal bone, (a. 36 h.) Great feeling of dryness of the hands. Dry, hot hands. Stinging, with a sensation as of itching, of the external knuckle of the right hand, which does not pass off till the parts have been scratched a long time, until they become red. On the side of the left index finger a pimple, which opens on the day following and.then passes off, is formed after nightly itching in the hollow of the hand and between the fingers; violent friction relieves the disagreeable feeling, without diminishing the violence of the symptom. The hands, even the palms of the hands, are covered with warts. Cramp-like twitches in the fingers of the left hand, synchronous with the pulse, in the posterior parts. Intermittent cramp-like pain in the posterior parts. Intermittent cramp-like pain in the posterior joints of the right thumb and index. Contractive lancinating pain in the muscles of the left thumb, passing off by motion and touch, (a. 2 h.) Frequently repeated tearings in the little finger. Repeated tearings in the right thumb, ascending as high as the elbow, resembling the pain which is felt when a panaris is forming. Numbness of the fingers. Feeling of dryness of the fingers and hands. Itching and tickling in thelittle finger, in the evening after lying down; relieved only by strong pressure and friction, inasmuch as the symptom does not appear to be in the muscle, but deeper. Pustules upon the index finger, with red areola?, and a stinging sort of voluptuous itching, which spreads into the whole of the hollow of the hand; the itching forces one to press and to squeeze, which gives origin to a red and white lymph; afterwards a scurf appears, beneath which is formed a plug of pus; in the evening the ulcer, which lasts eight days, is affected with a drawing sore pain. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Loud cracking in the hip-joint of the right thigh, during a motion of the part while sitting. Pain as from a sprain and a bruise over the right hip, when rising from the seat; the pain is lasting; it also comes on when moving the trunk while sitting; rising is then intolerable, and he has to walk stooping. Erratic 150 ANACARDIUJM. traction, pressure, and sense of heaviness in the legs, after a walk; the sense of heaviness is diminished by extending the foot (immediately.) Intensely painful, dull pressure in the thighs, sometimes intermittent, with the regularity of beats in music. Dull pressure, as from a plug, in the glutei muscles of the left side. Cramp-like pressure in tie left thigh, anteriorly and posteriorly. Violent pressure in the middle of the external side of the right thigh, synchronous with the pulse, and alwaysaccompanied by a lancination, (a. 10 hours and a half.) Pressure, with a sensation as of twitching, at the internal side of the right thigh. Slight twitchings and drawings in the thighs, especially about and in the knees, as after a distant journey on foot, with painful uneasiness when sitting, resembling a tremulous agitation, (a. three-quarters of an hour.) Drawing pain down the external side of the right thigh. Tenring contraction on the external side of the left thigh at a small spot; subsequently a pain as from subcutaneous suppuration, (a. ll h.) Dull pain in the left thigh, immediately above the knee. Boring stitch in the muscles of the right thigh, in front and below, (a. 10 h.) Burning itching upon the thighs, in the evening. Burning prickings as with pins, which oblige one to scratch; they are of an erratic nature, in the muscles of the thighs. Itching prickings of the left thigh, which pass off after rubbing. Long stooping is followed by severe pain in the knees, and in the muscles above and below them. Pressure at the internal side of the knee, when walking. Pressure and traction at the internal side of the knee, when walking. Dull and pressive traction at the internal surface of the right knee, when sitting. Drawing pain in the right knee, apparently behind the patella, uninfluenced by position, (a. 1 h. and a half) Painful traction in the left knee, when bending it (while sitting;) passing off when stretching the leg. Drawing pain above the knees, when silting; in walking, this pain is felt as mere weakness, (a. half an h.) Blunt stitches in the right knee. Dull stitches or thrusts, close below the right knee, when bringing the foot down upon the ground. Burning, sore pain, the parts feeling as if they were being scraped, at the external side of the left knee. Dull pain, with soreness, above the knee, on lifting up the feet, with a painful feeling of weakness around the knees, ANACARDIUM. 151 and cramp-like pinching between the bent of the knee and the calf. Painless feeling of weakness above the knees, when walking, with aching when sitting, as after great fatigue of the legs, (a. half an h.) Painful uneasiness around the knees, with a sensation of stiffness, as if a bandage were tied round these parts, or as if they were surrounded with a band; this symptom occurs when sitting. The knees feel paralysed, with stiffness and great lassitude, so that he is scarcely able to walk. Itching eruption around the knees, as far as the calves Uneasiness in the legs, when sitting, as if every thing were alive in them, and descended in a turning motion downwards into the feet, which appeared heavy to him, and almost as if they would go to sleep. Heaviness in the legs. Frequent traction downwards in the legs, when sitting. Dull, indistinct traction in the legs. Painful traction in the tibia, (a. three quarters of an h.) Rheumatic tensive pressure at the leg, transversely across the tibia, but felt only when extending the leg in walking. Pressive pain, like a lancination, sometimes with boring in the tibia and in the muscles of the legs. Pressive pain upon the left tibia when sitting, wilh uneasiness of the whole limb, which, decreases upon the leg being drawn in. Tearing pressure at the anterior surface of the tibia, close above the articulation of the foot. Cramp-like pressure at both calves, more towards the external side, towards the tibia, (a. 3 d.) Cramp of the calf, when walking. Painful straining in the left calf. Painful straining in the calf, when walking, as if the muscles were too short, also when in bed, at night, with sleeplessness. Cramp-like, intermittent traction in the legs from the heels up into the calves. Twitches in the left tibia, close over the malleolus, intensely painful, and occurring at short periods, resembling electric shocks. Erratic uware-like twuitches in the legs (when sitting.) Frequent pulsations and twitches in the muscles of the legs. Dull stitches, intensely painful, on the surface of the tibia, over the joint of the right foot. Burning pain in the leg with soreness, above the heel. Burning pain at a small spot in the middle of the leg, in front and rather towards the outside. Burning at the legs, as of red-hot sparks. In the tarsal articulation 152 ANACARDIUM. of the left leg pain as from a sprain, on setting the foot upon the ground. Drawing pain in the tarsal articulation, when he seats himself, (a. 32 h.) Traction downwards over the external malleoli, when standing, with pain in the soles, so that standing becomes very difficult for him. Cramp-like contraction of the sole of the right foot into a curvature. Dull, intermittent pressure at the internal border of the sole of the foot. Cramp-like pressure at the left heel, (a. 30 h.) Tearing and grinding pain in the heel, early when in bed. Painfuljerkings internally upon the back of the foot. Prickings, as with pins, on the back of the left foot. * Burning at the soles of the feet when sitting. Cold feet, early in the morning. The feet, which had been warm, become intensely cold when walking, the cold feet become still colder. Itching, with a sensation as of scratching, as if hie were rubbed with a woollen cloth, upon the back of the foot, (a. 6 h.) Spasmodically drawing and tearing pains from the toes as far as the back of the feet. Tearing, while standing, transversely across the roots of the toes, passing off by moving them, (a. 5 h.) Repeated tearings in the big toe. COMMON AILMEI.NTS.-The skin of the body is insensible to itcling s'imnuli. General voluptuous itching over the whole body, which spreads still inore by scratching. Desire to scratch, without ilclhing, of an erratic nature; after scratching, the irritation immediately disappears. Corrosively stinging itching upon tlie body, of an erratic nature, especially upon the back and tie thighs, with desire to scratch; scratching relieves the symptom for a short while. Sensation as of burning upon the skin, erratic, which induces one to scratch, and which passes off by scratching. In the evening, when in bed, heat in the skin of lie whole body, with burning itching and irritation of the skin such as arises from much scratching; after the scratching, the burning increases. Burning itching at the sore places, increased by scratching. Burning and stinging of the tetters, which had itched before. Pain, like a boil, in the suffering parts; he dares not touch them; stitches, externallv, at several places of the body, for example, ai the pectoral muscles, the forehead the wrist, etc. Drawing and pressive pains, almost in all parts of the ANACARDIUM. 153 body. (Any part which he leaves unmoved, immediately goes to sleep.) The attacks cease for one or two days, and then continue again for a couple of days, so that a certain periodicity may be observed in the appearance of these symptoms. When sitting, he feels well; but standing causes an uneasiness in the lower extremities, as if they ought to be drawn up, with anxiety. When sitting quietly he perceives the beating of the pulse in the arms which had been loosely laid upon one another, yea, in the whole body (after some bodily effort.) General aching, in the interior of the whole body. All the tendons of the body ache so much, that he cannot walk, and is forced to let himself fall. Sensation as if all the bones were bruised, early in the morning, when lying quietly in bed, with stiffness of the nape of the neck and the small of the back, and headache in the forehead and the temples; all these symptoms become relieved on rising. Repeated tearings, in paroxysms simultaneously through the upper and lower extremities. Heaviness in the left upper and lower extremity, when walking. He feels a heaviness and fulness in ihe body from playing upon the piano. She grows thin, without, however, feeling indisposed. SPASMS, PARALYSIS, FAINTING FITS.-Faint and worn out; at first, walking is inconvenient for him, and his feet feel heavy; by continuing to walk, this feeling of fa:'t-ess becomes less, and lie feels better. Faintness in the oody; he wants to lie down or to sit all the time. Highest degree of faintness, he can scarcely move his hands; * he trembles at every motion. Very faint on going up stairs. During a short journey on foot, he becomes so worn out, that he can scarcely go on, and that even long after, when sitting, he is not able to recruit himself. * After a short journey on foot, which he found extremely hard to accomplish, lie felt so worn out, tired and exhausted, that lie was obliged to sit down at once, and would prefer lying down; resting the head upon something, and closing the eyes, afford him a feeling of comfort. He accomplishes all his motions with greater energy and perseverance; his muscles contract more vigorously: but the motions seem as if the fibres were put upon the stretch too much, or as if there were not a sufficient quantity of synovial fluid in the 7* C 154 ANACARDIUM. joints, (a. 1 h.) Paralysis of some parts, (Matthiolus, a. 1.-Dacosta.) Panting, languisliing condition, like paralysis, as if he were obliged to let himself fall, after a short journey on foot in the afternoon; in the evening, he may walk fast and a good deal, without feeling tired; he then sweats a good deal, (6. d.) His legs totter when standing; painful weakness in the feet, when sitting. Weariness of the limbs, as from walking too much, and sleepiness as from great weakness, (a. 9 h.) SLEEP.-Tired and sleepy in the evening sooner than usually; early in the morning, he would like to sleep on, without leaving his bed; also after dinner, he would like to take a nap. Sleepiness and weariness in the afternoon, when sitting or reading, as if he had exerted himself too much by mental or bodily efforts, (a. 3 h.) Continual indolence after the siesta, he can scarcely move his limbs, and he loathes speaking. Uneasy sleep, at night, with frequent tossing about; his liead lay either too high or too low, which caused a sensation of obtusion in his head. He feels so uneasy, thai he can scarcely sleep a little every other night. He is without any sleep, at night, until two o'clock, early in the morning; lie was constantly obliged to shift his position, (second night.) Light sleep, with frequent waking up. At night, he is often awake for half hours; in the intermediate periods, he enjoys a sound and refreshing sleep. Sound sleep, until nine o'clock in the forenoon, (first night.) Deep and sound sleep at niglt; he can scarcely get awake early in the morning. Slumber, day and night, with great heat and thirst, with a skin which feels hot, and with grumbling and anxious sighing when asleep. Constant stupor without dreams; after waking up, he is quite stupid, the skin feels frequently hot, with red cheeks and cold forehead, although he complains about heat in the head; at the same time time violent thirst and dryness in the throat, which causes a feeling of soreness. He lies in a state of dreaming, night and day, without sleeping, full of anxious thoughts about his daily business. He dreams that he has to preach, without having committed his sermon; this induces a stale of anxious meditation; nevertheless, he cannot achieve his business. Vivid dreams, accompanied by great mental exertions; this ANACARtDIUM. 155 causes a headache as from bruises, which exists already on waking up. Vivid dreams at nilght, which seeneed to him, when the day came on, as if thc things lie dreamed of, had really happened. Vivid dr-eams about old events, His nightly drcams are mixed with twe objects whichli e had planned. Irearns about fire, the sleep being otherwise sound. Anxious dreamis about fire. fte dreams that hie smells tinder and s1lnpurilL-; on waking up, the illusion of Iiis smelling ithose substances, contiinues. He dreamis that his face is covered full of white, ugly pustules, (a. 21 h.) She is dreamilng ahbut the loathsome diseases of others. Dr-eams about dead bodies, about a near tomb, or a steep precipice. ' Anxious dreams-full of danger. 1] e screams anxiously when asleep. Startings, as if by fright, when lying in bed waking) in the eveniing, (a. 15, 16 I.) After waking, early in the morning19, anxiety drives him out of bed. rFlie teetli feel longer, at night, when in bed, accompanied by a prossive pain. Violent traction in the abdomen and in the extremities, with subseqnent burning, then pain on the bones on 1elliff tolied, so that she cannot fall asleep in consequence of the pail). Diarrhea at night, with subsequent constipation. At night, lie cannot lie long on one side, because his arms, then, feel a pain as from - bruises. Cramp in the calves, at tmight. Twitches of the mouth and fingers, when asleep. FEVER.--* Chlilliness of several iinutes, after dinner, (1. d.) _Sensaiion as if lie would feel cold, miomentary, and occurring frequently. *Continual freezin,-even in a warm r-oomn. The open air is offensive to hilm, and feels too rough. Chilliness aiid want of appetite. Chilliness of the limbs, early in the morming, for a couple of hours, whichl causes him to tremble. Chills over the whole body; lie feels warm only in the sun. She experiences repeatedly icy-cold shmiverinigs. Feeling of chiilliness of the hands aiid feet. Chilliness over the whole body, as if he had caught col-l in the wvet. llorripilations over the wvhole body, wvith heat in the face, without any thirst, in any position of the body, (a. I h. and a half.) iorripilations over the whole back, as fromn cold water bcing thrown upon the peir'on. Great feverish uneasiness in the afternoon, such as is felt during a cold, accompanied 156 ANTIMONIUM CRUDtM. by faintness, and tremor of the limbs. Feeling of heat, and heat in the face and the\ palm of the hands, whthout thirst. Quickly passing heat in the face and brain, in the afternoon, with redness of the cheeks, (a. 8 h.) Heat in the face, with nausea and heaviness in the whole body, every afternoon at four o'clock; she is obliged to lie down; eating relieves this symptom. He complains of feeling great heat, without the skin, however, feeling hot, (a. 10 d.) Heat over the whole body; he, nevertheless, complains of chilliness. The palms of the hands feel warm, while the backs of the hands are cold. After supper, heat which spreads quickly over the face, without thirst or chilliness, (a. 12 1.); thirst comes on in half an hour. External heat, with great thirst, and dry, burnt lips. Great heat, especially in the night, with vehement thirst, without sweat, so that he cannot endure this condition. Great heat on tile upper part of the body, with thirst, sweat, and hot breath, however he complains of chilliness, which causes him to shake; the feet which were formerly sweaty, feel cold. Internal heat in the evening for two hours, with cool sweat over and over, especially in the head, accompanied by short breath, thirst, and faintness in the abdomen and in the knees, even unto falling. The skin over the whole body is moist, the windows being open, accompanied by thirst for milk. Warm sweat over the abdomen, the back, and the forehead, in the evening, the windows being open, and the temperature of the rest of the body being moderate. Clammy sweat in the palms of the hands, most violent in the left hand. Frequent waking up from sleep, with general sweat, (a. 19 h.) Night sweats. At night, he sweats on the chest and the' abdomen. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. (STIrDIU SULPHURATUM NIGRUMI.) For homceopathic use we take the pure sulphuret of Antimony, found in nature, in the shape of black, parallel needles, having a metallic lustre, composed of twenty ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 157 eight parts of sulphur, and one hundred parts of antimony. The different triturations are prepared according to the method which has been pointed out in the first volume. The smallest dose is sufficient to produce the desired effect, in chronic diseases. It is desirable that the effects of the pure metal should also be carefully investigated. Its remedial virtues which, in many respects, differ from those of the sulphuret, are scarcely yet known. How different are not the effects of arsenic from those of its sulphuret, and those of quick-silver, from the effects of vermilion, each substance being specifically useful. The different antimonial preparations: Kermes minerale, sulphur auratum, antimonii primae, secundae, tertim, praecipitationis, contain all of thenm, different quantities and qualities of antimony, according to their different modes of preparation. Antimony is useful when the following symptoms are indicated:A child cannot bear being touched or looked at: rush of blood to the head: troublesome itching on the head; with falling off of the hair; redness and inflammation of the eye-lids; sore nostrils; heat and itching of the cheek; pain in hollow teeth; chronic loss of appetite; eructatations, tasling of the ingesta; nausea, loathing disposition to vomit consequent upon spoiled stomach; colic, with absence of appetite, hard stool, and red urine, in a child; pinching in the belly with a sensation as if diarrhoea would come on; alternately diarrhoea and constipation, in people rather advanced in age; difficult hard stool; constant discharge of a white-yellowvish slime from the anus; frequent urinating, with discharge of quantity of mucus, and burning in the urethra with pains in the small of the back; cutting pain in the urethra, when urinating; obstruction of the nose; painful inflammation of the tendons in the bent of the elbow, with violent redness and curvature of the arm; the legs go to sleep when sitting quietly; violent pains in the lower extremities; corn on the sole of the foot; large horny places on the sole of the foot, close by the toes; horny excrescence in front under the nail of the big toe; malformations of the skin; sensitiveness to cold; somnolence. 158 ANTIMONIM CRnUDUM. According to Dr. Harilaiib, hepar sulphuris and mercury are antidotes to the effects of antimony. This drug has been tried by nime and Doctors Caspari, HTartlaub, Langhliammer. Noack and ''rinks have classed the above named affeclions under the following heads:Antimony is most suitable for the symptoms occurring in the period of evolution; it is adapted to robust phlegmatic, torpid, non-irritable constitutions, especially when gastric symptoms prevail, with turgescence from below upwards, or from above downi-vards. Sensitiveness to coldness.-Convulsions, preceding the eruption of acute exanthcnas.---Eclanipsia neoinatorum -Epilepsy.- Acute and chronic rheumatisms; rheumatic n*flammations and paralysis.-A cute gout with gastric derangaiemenl.Diarrh/aa and vomiting, especially of children.-Mekena. -Dropsy.-Sypliilis secundaria-.-Inflatmmation of the tendons.-Adipijficution.-Emaciation.-M ercurial cachexia.-Chronic cruptions of the skin; erupti-ons with prevailing gastric symptoms; )apulous erutptions of the skin; Strophulus, especially of the white kind, Lichen simplex and agrius, when it threatens to change to impetigo lichen urt-licatius; acute exanthemas, urticaria evanida, especially when complicalted by gastric symptoms, urticaria subcutancea, when combined with gastric symptoms and cramps in the lower extremities; erythema intertrigo (!); vesicular eiruptions upon the skin, scabies pustulosa, varicellk lentiformes, herpes phlykt]nodes, herpes zoster (?), herpes labialis, eczema, especially eczema solare, impeliginodes and rubrum, (mercuriale,) iniliaria; pustulous eruptiw7ons lupon. the skin, thile pustules being either pustule plh yzazicw, or psydrazier, acharose, or favosze; impetigo, especially figurata, porrigo favosa; ecthyma, especially cachecticurn, intermixed with blotches and accompanied by an inclination to suicide; tuberculous eruptions of the skin, acne, svcosis menti, tubercuIous syphilitic eruptions upon the skin; maculous eruptions upon the skin, ephclis, chloasma hepaticu m. Stings of bees and insects in general.-Abscessus nucleatus.- Fistulous ulcers. Cold gangrene.-Lethargy.-Intermittent fevers with gastric symptoms, intermittens AtJrIMONIUM CRUDM. 15 i 5' 9'' maligna, (epileptica.)- Continued gastric fevers, with disposition to assume a nervous claracter, rheurmatic and exanthenatic fevers.--Deimentia, idiocy, wIth absence of volition, (?) melancholia, itcliing upon the head and falling off of the lhair. Ilydrocephalus consequent upon a suppressed' eruption of the hiead, elilier with or without gastric syn [tomiis.-Ble7ha)lrluophlhalmitis, torpid, rheumatic, mer-ciiriil1 ama-1urosis.- Otitis externa et interna; catarrh of the Eustachian tube.Obstruction of the nose; ozwna scroplholosa.-Toothache of carious teeth. Chronic loss of appetite; derangement of the stomach,,NitLlh eructations, tasting of the ingesta, nausea, and inclination to vomit; Cardlialgia inflammation and gangrene of the stomnach, () hypertroplhy of the liver.-Difficuit hard stool; colic with want of appetite, insipid stool and red urine; alternate constipationi and diurrhcea of old peop~le; diarrhhea; dysentry; lienteria (?). Prolapsus recti. I-a3/orrhOidal af-'ections, continually accompaanied by a sligo-ht secretion of wlite, yellowish mucits by the rectum n.-I Iconorrhoids of the bladder, accompanied by frequcut tenesmus, the secretzion of a quantity of mucus, burni0nog in the urethra, and headache; cutting and burning in the urethra during~ micturition; Blenorrhmra of both the mnale and female organs ofgeneration. T1'oo frequent pollut ions. Atrophy of the testicles.-Complete impotence of the male.Whooping cough; bronchitis;Laryngitis asthma pituitosum; pleiropneuIhonia; pnleumonia vera.-Fauungus ar-ticula-is.-Perniones.-Pai nful corns. ANALOGOUS REArEnImS.-I. Arm. carb., and caust. Ars., 1-Jep. s. Jod. Jhpec., Merc., Puls., Sep., Snip., Tartar. -2. Acon.; Asa., CG-ic., Catb. veg., Chain., CoIL., Rhus., Seneg.-3. Alum., I-iyosc., Stux. vomn., Stann., Zinc.After Ant., Mere. and Ptls. are mnost suitable. MORAL SY1MPTToo-s-Out of hun4m1Vur, sad in th)e evening. Irritated state of mind, fecling of grief, tihe whole forenoon; the sound of the bells as well as the sight of all that which surrounds himn, moves him to tears; his breathing is short and heavy. Dejection of spirits during the day. He does not speak, (2. d.) Attacks of anxiety. Uneasy, (2. d.) Anxious reflections about hiimself, lhs Iresent and future fate during the day. Dccided disposi 160 ANTIMONIUM Ct UlJbuM. tion to shoot himself, in the night; not to any other kind of suicide; he was forced, on account of this thought, to leave his bed; otherwise he was unable to get rid of it. Disposition to start, even at slight noises. Ill humour the whole day. He felt discouraged, this made him feel waim at the head, in front; he is sulky, does not wish to speak with any one. Peevish, vexed without any cause, (2. d.) Weakness of the head. Dementia. Dementia, idiocy; she did not leave her bed, spoke nothing without being asked, desired neither to eat, nor to drink, nevertheless ate with pleasure if something was offered to her and she felt hungry; she declined eating, when she did not feel hungry; at the same time she was all the time pulling her neck-cloth, or she folded a handkerchief and then unfolded it again, or she pulled little feathers out of tile bed, and then gathered them in heaps; she was so much without any sensation, that she had unconsciously lain upon the evacuations which had passed from her, without her being aware of it; she never complained of any pain. Delirium and death, in consequence of an emetic of croc. metall. Continual condition of fantastic love and ecstatic longing for some ideal female being, which wholly filled his fancy; more when walking in the open, pure air, than in the room; this symptom disappeared after a few days, the sexual desire apparently diminishing at the same time. HEAD.-Feeling of desolateness in the head, as after continual working in a cold room, (4. d.) Intoxication. Vertigo. Headache, and subsequently a little bleeding at the nose, (a. 7 h. and a half.) Indistinct, dull headache in the anterior part of the head, and vertigo, increased by ascending a flight of stairs. Violent headache. Violent headache, after bathing in the river, with weakness in the limbs and repugnance to food. Dull, stunning pain in the whole head, with nausea in the pharynx, when smoking, to which he is otherwise accustomed. Stunning, dull headache, rather externally at the forehead, so vehement that sweat broke out from anxiety, when walking in the open air, (a. 6 h.) Headache, as if her forehead would burst; at the same time she felt intoxicated, sat alone, and would not speak. Pain at the right eye-brow, within the skull, as if the parts were pressed asunder. Pressure inwards, in the ANTIMONTUM CZRU1 tJM.16 161 left side of the forehead, with a feeling of drawing, at intervals. Momentary drawing pain over the left temporaf bone, went off by pressure, and then returned much more vehement immediately after. Tearing pain in the whole head, erratic, from morning till night. Violent tearing irf the whole head, with heat in the head towards noon, (6. d.) The tearing in the head becomes less when walking in the open air. Continual pain in the forehead and the temples, boring from within outward, unchanged by touching the parts, (a. 5 h.) The rush of the blood to the head becomes less, (curative effect.) Upon the left parietal bone, there is a small spot, which, when touched, causes pain in the bone; as if the periosteum were swollen. Slow pulsations externally, at the left temple, with fine prickings, several limes in succession, towards the eye-brows; this symptom is strongest, when it is not especially attended to. Single sharp slitches on the hairy scalp, one minute. Red, hard pimple, painful to the touch, close to where the cartilage of the ear begins. Small, flat tubercles, here and there upon the hairy scalp, of the size of small peas, painful to pressure, and with a feeling of titillation all round. Red, hardened, slightly elevated place on each side of the forehead, itching like a nettle, going and coming. EYEs.-Close above the eye-brows, a white tubercle,. which does not itch; but is only painful to the touch. Itching in the external canthus of the eye, which obliges one torub, (a. 2 1i.) Winking of the left eye-lids. Fine' stitches in frequent succession, without pain in the forepart of the eye-ball, in the forenoon, (9. d.) Sharp pressive stitches below the left eye-brows. * Reddened evelids, with fine stitches in the eye-ball. * Redness of the left eye,-with dread of light on rising early in the morning, and a secretion of mucus in the inner canthus. "* Red, inflamed eyes,-with itching, and nightly closing with pus. * Inflammation of the eyes. Small moist place at the outer canithls, very painful upon sweat coming in contact with it. Much mucus in the right canthus, early in the morning, with dry gum in both lids. Gum in the canthi of the eyes, in the forenoon, (a. 3 b. and a 162 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. half.) Enlarged opening between the lids. Incurable blindness. EARS.-Stitches in the ears. Drawing pain through the right ear into the Euslachian tube, almost reaching the mouth, after dinner, (16. d) Sensation in the ears, as if a heap of little animals were moving all about there, especially when lying still, (5. d.) Titillatio n the right me;tus auditorius, (2. d.) Itching stitches at the border of the right concha, above the helix, going off upon being touched, (a. 1 h.and a half.) Redness, burning and swelling of the left ear, as from the bite of a mosquito. Swelling and redness of the whole of the internal concha, with periodical itching. Swashing in the ear, as of a few drops of water, when moving the jaws. Tingling before the ears, (2. d.) * Continual roaring in the ears,-especially when there is stillness around, (2. d.) Roaring in the ears, most in the afternoon. * Painful roaring in the ears. * An old roaring in the ears disappeared, (curative effect.) Violent din in the ears, as if some one were beating against the gate of the house. A kind of deafness of the right ear, as if a leaflet were placed before the tympanum; this symptom cannot be removed by boring with the finger in the ear, (a. 14 h.) In the evening something seemed to block up his right ear. Loss of hearing. NOSE.-Tlie nose is painful when breathing, as from inspiring cold air, or from inhaling acrid vapours. * Feeling of soreness in the nostrils,-when inspiring air,4specially in lhe right nostril, wvhich is a little obstructed. Soreness of the right nostril in the anterior angle, with pain as in a cold. * The left nostril becomes chapped and painful. * Bolh nostrils become chapped and covered with crusts. I Sore nostril, with drawing pain. Blowing out blood. Bleeding at the nose, several days in succession. Bleeding at the nose every evening. FACE.-Light indistinct twitches in the muscles of the left side of the face, (a. 9 h.) Red pimple, wiih pus at the tip, on both sides of the nose, painful to pressure, (12. d.) Pimples in the face and upon the nose like varioloid, with stinging pain on pressure. Flat pimples upon both cheeks, which are not red, itching when touched, with a yellowish scurf. Nettle-rash in the face, especially upon ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 163 the cheeks. Several pimples in the face, that pain like mosquito-bites. Tuber upon the right cheek, as from a mosquito-bite. Red, burning, suppurating eruptions upon the face. Eruption on the left side, upon the cheek towards the chin, with a yellow crust, painful to the touch, and which may be easily knocked off. JAws AND 'TEETH.-SCensation at, and below the chin, when touching it, as if the hand were moved over many small sore places, and small, honey-coloured granules upon the skin here and there. Burning, stinging, as from a redhot little spark, of the chin and the upper lip, (7. and 9. d.) Formication upon the upper lip, (19. and 24. d.) Twitches of the muscles at the corners of tlie mouth. The lips are dry. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, painful like sores, returning after 5, 8, 12 weeks. Red pustules upon the upper lip, and at the right corner, with a dull pain, either with or without any pressure, (20. d.) Many red, little pustules withl white little tips in the centre, below the left corner of the mouth. * Toothache in a hollow tooth, worse at night than in day-time; a fine slinging, pulling and grinding, as if the nerves were affected, which moves downwards and then upwards into the head; if he touches the tooth with the tongue, he feels pain, as if the nerve were split. The toothache becomes renewed immediately after eating even soft substances, gets worse by applying cold water, and is relieved in the open air. The nightly toothache is accompanied by great warmth, which seems to come from the chest. Shooting toothache, in the evening when in bed, and after dinner. Stitches in the tooth, when inspiring air. Severe bleeding of the teeth. The gums stand off from the teeth, and bleed easily. MoUTH.-Dryness of' the mouth, at night, (6. d.) A quantity of saltish saliva in the mouth. Acciumulation of water in the mouth. Accumulation of water upon the tongue. Smelling out of the mouth, as in plyalism from mercury. Violent ptyalism from nose and mouth. Ptyalism, without any fetid odour from the mouth, and without looseness of the teeth. After dinner, a few, fine, slarp stitches at the tongue, in front at the left border, following in succession, (a. 33 h.) Feeling of soreness, and redness at a small place at the right border of the tongue for several 164 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. days, frequently going off and suddenly returning, (6. d.) Blisters upon the tongue. Tongue coated white in the forenoon, (a. 2 h.) Fine pinching at the palate the whole night, especially painful during deglutition; early in the morning the symptom disappeared after hawking up the phlegm, which had collected on the sides of the palate during the night, except a feeling of roughness which remained. Sensation, as of scraping (rawness) at the velum alati, as if much phlegm were upon it, which could only e expelled after clearing the throat for a long time; often it was not expelled at all for several days, (7. d.) Rawness of the palate, with expectoration of a quantity of mucus when clearing the throat, (a. 5 w.) Much viscid phlegm collects in the throat the whole day. Sore throat on the left side, as from a swelling or a plug. Impeded deglutition. Violent thirst, with dryness of the lips. Immense thirst. Thirst in the evening, and desire to drink. Drinks much only at night. Much thirst at night, (a. 6 d.) TASTE AND APPETITE.-* Appetite, extremely little. "Want of appetite. Strong sense of hunger in the region of the stomach, early on waking up, without appetite; eating does not remove the symptom; at the same time disagreeable sense of emptiness in the pit of the stomach, and want of animal heat, for two days, (a. 4 w.) Sensation while taking a moderate dinner, as if the body were considerably filled with a quantity of flatus moving about in the belly. Laziness and disposition to lie down after dinner. Fulness and inflation after dinner; often alternates with lightness, cheerfulness and activity of both mind and body. Lassitude, tremulous fatigue and heaviness in all the limbs after dinner, as if coming out of the abdomen, with trembling of the hands when-writing, and subsequent expulsion of much stinking flatulence, the abdomen being distended. Difficulty of breathing during supper. Eructations having a raw taste. Loud eructations, (a. one quarter of an hour, and one hour and a half.) * Bitter eructations like bile, (a. 3 h.) Gulping up of a fluid, * tasting of the ingesta in the afternoon, (2. and 3. d.) Hiccough, (a. 1 h.) Frequent hiccough when smoking tobacco, (a. 10 h. and a half.) Nausea, with vertigo. *Nausea after drinking a glass of wine. * Nausea and vomiting. * Vio ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 165 lent nausea. Terrible vomiting, which nothing can stop. "Violent vomiting with attacks of anxiety. * Vomiting of slime and bile. Fearful vomiting, with convulsions. Violent vomiting and diarrhoea. Violent vomiting and diarrhoea, with excessive anguish. STOMACH.-Painful feeling at the stomach, when pressing upon it. Pressure at the stomach, which is more like a dull cutting, especially when drawing in the abdomen. Pressure at the stomach early in the morning, with thirst, (20. d.) * Pain at the stomach, as from excessive fulness, without however any fulness, and accompanied by appetite. Pain at the stomach, as after too much eating, with distended, but not hard body, (a. 31 d.) Feeling of tightness below the stomach, with empty eructations. * Cramplike pains at the stomach. * Cramp of the stomach. Cramp of the stomach, in several persons, during the whole of their lives. Burning, spasmodic pain, at the pit of the stomach, in attacks of half an hour, which drove him to despair and to the resolution of drowning himself. Burning at the pit of the stomach, like heart-burn, with good appetite. Pinching pain on the right side, over and by the side of the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Slight tension in the hypochondria. Sensation, as after a violent diarrhoea in the intestines; the symptom is transitory, but fatiguing. Great inflation of the abdomen, especially after a meal. Distended, big abdomen. Abdomen very much distended; this causes a pain as from internal pressure. The most intolerable pain in every part of the abdomen. Pinching pain on the left side of the navel. Passing colic, with pinching in the region of the stomach. Pinching at a small place of the left side of the abdomen, deep down, synchronous with the pulse, in the afternoon, (3. d.) Pinching in the abdomen, especially on the right side, towards the back, beginning suddenly in the evening and increased by motion, (a. 3 w.) Violent cutting in the abdomen, (22. d.) Cutting in the abdomen with a feeling of nausea there, and accumulation of water in the mouth. Sudden, compressive colic, with gulping up of water. Cutting in the body the whole day, with a feeling of oppressive anxiety coming out of the sto 166 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. mach, want of disposition to work, dry humour, and pain at the stomach, during eructations. Several attacks of cutting pain in the region of the stomach. Sensation of emptiness in the intestines, going off after a meal. The symptoms in the abdomen recommence again, all of them, after 2 weeks and a half. Pain in the groins, as from swelling, felt on pressure; the place felt hard as from swollen glands. Hard gland in the left groin, painful to pressure; tie gland appears to lie over Paupert's ligament and to run parallel to it. Hernia. Slight rumbling in the abdomen, as when bubbles of air arise in the water. Loud grunting in the abdomen, (a. 1 h. and a half.) Loud grunting in the abdomen, as from emptiness, in the forenoon, (a. 3 h.) STOOL.-A quantity of flatus immediately after dinner; they move about audibly, especially in the right side of the abdomen, a few of them being expelled, (a. 6 h.) A number of rumbling flatus, bursting forth immediately after a meal; some of them smell badly, others before they pass off, move downwards and amongst each other, especially in the right side, (9. d.) An inconsiderable flatus went off, with a sensation as of pressing asunder, as if a copious expulsion of freces would take place, (a. 5 h. and a half.) Constipation for 3 days. Severe tenesmus after dinner, and quick expulsion of ordinary faeces, with straining, (4. d.) * Hard stool, early in the morning. J Difficult evacuation of hard stools, with previous straining in tle rectum, 2 minutes, (a. 12 h.) * Difficult expulsion of hard stool, without previous straining, (a. 11 h.) Hard stool, in the evening, with violent straining in the rectum, and cutting in the abdomen. Stool first natural, then several small loose evacuations, then as small but hard evacuations, with violent straining in the rectum and anus, until all the evacuations are over. Pappy, frequent stool, (a. 1 h. and a half.) Very liquid stools. The stools which had previously been very consisteiit, now become very thin. Very thin stools afier taking vinegar, with pain in the rectum during stool. * Disposition to diarrhoea, which, however, does not take place. Diarrhoea at night, and early in the morning; every time, however, only one evacuation. * Discharge of slime from the rectum, with emissign of flatulence. Con ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 167 tinual discharge of blood and solid excrements by the rectum. Expulsion of black blood by the rectum. Pain in the rectum during stool; feeling of sorencss, as if an ulcer were torn open. Protrusion of the rectum during stool, for some- time. Drawving pain in tile anus. Itching of the anus. Sharp itching in the rectum, (7. d.) Burning itching, and sense of excoriation in the anus at night, (a. 3 d.) The varices of the rectum have proiruded more than usually, (11. d.) Titillation and burning of the varix of the rectum, in the evening, when in bed, tintil the person falls asleep, (a. 11 d. and a. 5 wv.) Boil at the periuteum, with a sense as of burniug, and pain far aroundl. URINARY ORGANs.-Desire to urinate, Frequent and violent, expelling miuch urine every time, (0. 1, 2, 2 h. and a hialf.) Frequent micturition, with discharge of a small quantity of watery ilrine, (4. d.) Frequent1 tenesmus, althoughl little uriine is emiitted, (a. 5 d.) Long-continuing, frequent niicturition, little urine being expelled in great haste, (18. d.) Frequent micturition. Frequent micturition. Copious nmicturition, also at niclit three times. Copious and frequent micturition. Involuntary emission of a large quantity of urine, accomlpanied by a convtlsive cough. Gold-yellow thin Lirine, with a scarcely perceptible cloud. Brown-red urine. Darki-coloured red urine, (a. 7 h.) Small red corpuscles in the urine after having stood 24 hours. GENERATIvE FuNCTIONS.-Conintinal traction in the spermatic cords, while there was a oloil at the perinzeum the pain~was most violent when standing, and became less when stooping. Fine itching of die penis, (a. 14 I.) Violent itching of the extremity of the glans. Biting itching, as from salt, of the left side of the scrotum, frequent, lastina 14 days, (a. 14 (.) Excited sexual desire, with uneasiness in tile whole body, which prevents him from sitting long, (a. 6 h.) Afterwards tile sexual desire appears to be less for several days. Erections, (a. 6 Ih.) Even upon leaning the back against somethinu, there is an irritation, as if pollution would come on. Nightly pollutions, without any voluptuots dreams. Pollution at night with many dreams, (11. d.) Pressure in the womb, as if something would out. Discharge of an acrid waler from the vagina, which caused a sensation as of biting down along the thighs. 168 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM, CoLb, CATARRH.-- Obstruction of the nose in the evening, as in coryza, for several days. Dryness of the nose when walking in the open air, so that he'can hardly speak. Cold. Dry coryza. Coryza, with sore, crusty nostrils. Fluent coryza. Fluent coryza early in the morning, for some hours, without sneezing. THROAT, RESPIRATORY ORGANS: He is obliged the whole day to draw a quantity of thick yellowish mucus from the posterior nares into the throat, and then to expectorate it, (9. d.) Rough voice. Extreme feebleness of voice; he can only speak in a low tone. Speech and singing are not firm, but weak. Loss of voice, as often as he became hot; the voice came back by resting himself early in the morning, roughness and dryness in the throat, (6. d.) A foreign body seems to hang in the throat; he tries in vain to swallow or to expel it. Violent spasms in the larynx and the pharynx, as if the throat were filled with a plug which becomes alternately thicker and thinner, accompanied by a feeling of soreness. Clearing the throat and hawking when walking in the open air. Cough early in the morning after rising, in paroxysms; it seems to come out of the abdomen; the first attack is always the most violent, the following become weaker and weaker, so that the last attack resembles a mere hacking congh. Frequent, dry cough. Dry, convulsive cough, with involuntary and copious discharge of urine (in a woman, who had been given sulph. aur. against a cough with much discharge.) Severe, dry cough, with a sense as of scratching in the larynx, in a sudden short attack. Cough with discharge of viscid, thin phlegm; deep out of the chest, early in the morning. CHEST.-Bulrning in the chest, at every cough, as of fire, with a glowing hot breath out of the mouth. Deep sighing, breathing, as from fulness at the chest, for several days, in the afternoon and after dinner. Difficulty of breathing after supper Dyspncea. Asthma. Very troublesome asthma. Suffocating asthma in four young men. Suffocating rheum. Oppression at the chest early on waking up. Pressive pain in the interior of the right mamma in the evening, when lying down. Heavy, pressive pain, sometimes in the chest, sometimes in the back, sometimes ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 169 in both parts at the same time. Oppression at the chest. Half pressive, half lancinating pain under the left clavicle, apparently in the larynx, when breathing Dull stliches in the cliest, when breathing deeply, first on the right side, under the two first ribs, lhen under the upper part of the sternum. Stitches in the left side of the chest, when breathing, with a little cough and headache. Sharp stitches in the left mamma when expiring in a standing position, (a. 5 h.) Stitches, with a feeling of constrictive pinching in the middle of the chest, (3. d ) Burning in the chest, with dry cough, and dyspncea almost to suffocation. Violent palpitation of the heart. Pain as from contusion, or as after too great an effort, in the pectoralis major muscle, early in the morning when rising, and a few hours after, when extending or lifting the arm, or when pressing upon it. Itching upon the chest, as if a vesicatory were healing. Severe, continual itching upon the chest the whole day. Itching upon the chest and the back. At night he is roused from sleep by violent itching, and he discovers pimples at several places. If he rub the skin upon the chest on account of the itching, the place feels sore; the skin is as sensitive as after vesicatories. The chest is dotted with fine red marks, with violent itching, which does not pass off by rubbing. BAcK.-Violent pain in the small of the back, when rising from a chair; the pain disappeared in walking. Pain in the small of the back, immediately on rising and the whole day, not at night. Pain as from swelling, in the cartilage or the periosteum of the upper portion of the border of the ilium. Tearing in the back, the whole day, from morning to night. Spasmodic stitches in the right scapula, when sitting. Violent itching upon the back, a fortnight. NEcK.-Small red pimples on the top of the right shoulder, without any sensation, passing off for a short time on pressure, (7. d.) Rash behind the ears, as far as the nape of the neck, and over the scapulae. Red vesicles with yellow dots over the whole of the right shoulder; afterwards they look like goose-skin, and scale off. Brown liver coloured spots on both shoulders. Straining in the nape of the neck, and between the scapulae, when stoop8 170 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. ing. Spasmodic traction in the muscles of the nape of the neck, reaching as far as the scapulae, made worse in the evening, after lying down, and early in the morning, by stooping, straining the arm, and turning the head to the left side, (12. d.) Hard, pea-shaped body, on the nape on the neck, on the left side, under the skin; this body can only be felt by stretching the skin when bending the head over. Traction in the neck with a feeling as of pressing from without, on the left side below, (19. d.) Spasmodic traction from above downwards in one of the muscles of the posterior cervical region on the right side, in the evening, when sitting, (. d.) Single stitches in the skin of the neck, here and there, (2. anid 3. d.) Itching of the neck. Sensitiveness of the skin of the neck; if lie rub hard on account of the itching, the place feels sore. Small pimples on the neck and under the chin, painful to the touch, (13. d.) Hard, loung-continuing pustules below the neck, like small blisters, whlich become filled with pus, not only at the lip, but all round. Many red marks, wilh white little dots in the centre; with a stinging pain upon moving the hand over the hairs of the beard, on the anterior side of the neck. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-A stitch under both arms when walking in the open air. Sharp itching of the inside of the left arm. Itching of the arm, with reddish blisters like mosquito-bites, after rubbing. A quantity of light-brown dots upon ilie arms, reseminbling little hepatic spots. Pimples, resenmblling rash, on the middle portion of the upper arms, without itching, (14. d.) Paralytic pain in the muscles of the upper armns, when bending the arms, as if they were contracted too muich, or weakened by this contraction. Quivering traction in tlhe muscles of the upper arms, which did not pass off by motion, but by warmnth, and returned in a draught of air. Sudden and drawing jerk, transversely through the right upper arm, (a. 10, 20, 120 minutes.) Lighit twitches in the deltoid muscle of the right side, (5. d.) Corrosively itching pimples at the bent of the elbow. Cracking in the elbow-joint, on turning it to and fro. Traction in the fore-arm, when at rest and in motion. Traction down the right fore-arm, (a. 1 h. and a half.) Paralytic traction in the right fore-arm, (a. 2 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 171 h.) Traction on the inside of the lower part of the forearm, with a sensation of pressure from without, (19. d.) At night, a large pimple is formed on the styloid process of the radius of the left arm. Itching vesicles on the left hand. A blister on the styloid process of the ulna of the right arm. A blister on the external border of the left hand. Corrosively itching pimples in the ball of the hand, on the flexor brevis pollicis manus. Cracking in the metacarpal joint of the thumb, when moving it, (9. d.) Drawing pains in the fingers and their joints. Gouty pain in the joints of the right ring-finger. Fine itching in the tip of the right thumb, (a. 14 h.) The finger-nails did not grow as fast as formerly, and the skin beneath the nails was intensely painful. Red, itch-like pimple, painfully stinging when touched, with a brown scurf, on the carpal joint of the left thumb, (24. d.) LOWER EXTEMITIEs.--Pain in the right hip-joint. Drawing pain in the left hip-joint, when walking, especially when drawing thle thigh from before backwards; also in the evening. Drawing pain in the left hip. Painful drawing from the hip-joint towards the os sacrum. Drawing in one of the nates, all around the hip-joint, into the thigh, (7. d.) Slight straining in the muscles of the left half of the nates, in the evening, when sitting, (5. d.) Slight rumbling for a few minutes, in the lower part of the right half of the nates,* when standing, (a. 4 w.) Large, hard pustules on the left half of the nates, with itching and straining pain. Small tuber on the left half of the nates of a child. White, hard tubercles on the leg, of the size of a small pea; they come on in consequence of itching, and are surrounded by a small red circle. Blucish spots upon the thighs. Repeated straining of the right thigh, high up, like a small spasm, (7. d.) Drawing pain in the posterior muscles of the left thigh. Drawing pain at the anterior and internal sides of the thigh. Sensation as of a spasm at the external border of the left thigh, as if the muscle became slowly contracted and again extended, in the afternoon, (a. 10 h.) Sharply stinging itching of the right thigh, which does not go off by scratcling; after the * NOTE: This is the German, literally; the meaning is, no doubt, " sensation as of." 172 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. itching, a small, flat, yellowish pimple is formed at that place. The stinging itching upon the thighs comes on every evening. Pain in the knee, which prevented him from stretching the foot, and forced him to limp. Stiffness of the knee, for eight days. Painful stiffness of the knee; the knee pained her so much, that she could not stretch it, and was obliged to limp. Pain close below the knee, as if it had been tied too tightly, the whole evening, (a. 13 d.) A stitch in the left knee, which started him, and caused him to give a jerk with the leg, (10. d.) Suddenly violent stitch on the outside of the knee. Drawing pain in the right knee. Itching of the right knee, on the inside, and, on rubbing it, a large blister, which is painful only for a short while. Red pimples on the knee, like vesicles, resembling varioloid, with stinging pain when touched. Tuber on the right knee, as from a mosquito-bite. Drawing pain in the leg, as high up as the knee. Drawing pain at the lower part of the tibia. Drawing pain on the inside of the left calf. In the evening, when sitting, painless drawing in the right leg, beginning at the knee, or at the os ischium, going down the thigh and the tibia, as far as the foot, so that he has to lift this foot and shift its position several times in succession, (10. d.) Painless pinching, coming and going, in the lower part of the right calf. Sharp stitch in the hollow of the tibia, from within, when sitting, (a. 5 h.) Deep stitches descending all along the tibia. Rumbling in the posterior part of the right leg, immediately after, stitches in the joint of the foot, (3. d.) Titillation along the left calf, without itching, (a. 14 h.) Fine itching of the left tibia, (a. 4 h. and a half.) On the outside of the left calf a place which feels bruised when touched, for a few days, (a. 24 h.) Blueish spots upon the tibia. -Ier foot feels so heavy that she cannot lift it. When walking, the right foot feels benumbed, and goes to sleep. Pain, as from a sprain, in the external mallcolus of the rigTht foot, when turning the foot outwards, with frequent cracking of the joint, when bending or stretching it, (5 d.) Drawing pain in the left heel, (a. 3 h.) Cramplike drawing at the external side of the left heel, (a. I h. and a half.) Intolerably burning, lancinating and tearing pains in a mortifying foot, it being insensible to touch or to the prick of a pin. Sharp fine prickings in the sole of the I ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 173 foot, (10. d.) Intensely painful stinging in the skin of the sole of the right foot, going off by rubbing; in the evening, when in bed, after a walk of three hours, (8. d.) Violent itching under the external malleolus of the right foot, which does not at once pass off by scatching, and leaves a small red spot behind. Chilblains on the feet, with pain and redness in the summer season. Great sensitiveness of the soles of the feet, when walking, especially upon stone pavement, for a long time, (a. 7 d.) * Large horny places on the skin of the soles of the feet, close to where the toes commence, which pained like corns, and always returned after having been cut out. Mortification of the foot; the foot is quite black. Cracking of the big toe, at every motion requiring an effort. Tearing and drawing through the big toe of the right foot. Cutting under the left big toe, taking place with the regularity of musical beats, (a. 6 d.) Burning pain on the ball of the big toe of the right foot, (6. d.) Fine itching upon the left big toe, (a. 4 h. and a half.) A corn upon the left little toe becomes painful without any cause, as if it were pressed upon, (7. d.) COMMON AILMENTs.-Twitches of the muscles of many parts of the body. Single, long-continued, titillating and itching stitches here and there, especially in the upper arm; not inviting to scratch, coming from within, also under the right half of the nates. Itching over the whole body, especially on the chest and the back. Itching of many parts of the body, especially of the neck and limbs. Pimples coming on at night. Pimples, that itch when getting warm in the bed, and prevent sleep. Red vesicular pimples like varioloid, with stinging pain when pressed, at several places of the skin. Pustules with yellow or brown scurfs, here and there. Red marks with little white dots in the centre, at several places. Eruptions like rash. Nettle-rash; white ubers with red areole, with violent burning and fine stinging, in the face, on the limbs, except the fingers that were swollen; accompanied by violent thirst and nausea. Tumours and vesicles, as from stings of insects, at many places of the body, especially in the face and in the joints of the extremities; they come on with itching, and often disappear already after a few hours. Brown spots and dots, like small liver-coloured spots, here and there, especially upon the arms. Badly coloured 174 ANTIMONIUM CRUDIIM. nails. In the heat of the sun, and in warm air, he feels indisposed even when he walks and works but little. Especially drinking wine makes him feel worse. He feels better when at rest, and in cool air. All the symptoms came out again after the third week; however, after this period, they appeared more on the left side of the body. Convulsive movements, especially of the head. Convulsions and trembling of the limbs. Immense swelling of the whole body. Dropsical swelling of the body. Incurable dropsy. Excessive hemorrhages. Emaciation and exhaustion. Getting fat. Apoplexy, accompanied by such a violent flow of saliva, that he expelled at least a quart of watery foam. Death after a few hours, consequent upon giving antimony, for cramps of the stomach. Death produced by suffocating catarrh in fifteen days, occasioned by a few grains of antimony. Weariness, especially of the feet, with great peevishness, at seven o'clock in the evening. Great lassitude early in the morning, and disinclination to rise. SLEEP.--Frequent yawning, three or four times in succession. * Great sleepiness during the day, and early in the morning after waking up; he cannot decide himself to leave his bed. Quickly passing sleepiness in the afternoon when sitting. Sleepy and peevish at six o'clock in the evening; at eight o'clock, lie cannot refrain from sleeping; sleeps soun!ly at night; early in the morning, lie feels so tired, that lie can scarcely open his eyes. At seven o'clock in the evening, she feels overwhelmed with sleep; she continues to sleep during the night; early in the morning, she feels well; for six days in succession. SSomnolence in the forenoon. Slumber with fanciful delusions. Slumber, with delusions of the fancy; she imagines to hear some one knocking outside, or to be called by somebody. He falls asleep late; he was unable to fall asleep before midniglit. He is wide awake in bed, in the evening, so that lie cannot fall asleep under an hour, this symptom is accompanied by frequent shiverings over the whole of the left side, upon which he does not lie; or by sexual desire with erections on getting warm; these make him yet more awake; for eight days in succession, and again in five weeks. Little sleep the first night. Uneasy sleep at night, on account of itching ANTIMONIUM CRUDUMt. its "stitches here and there, going off by rubbing. He was frequently roused from sleep by an intolerable itching upon the chest, where he felt pimples. Erratic itching, with perceptible blisters, frequently rouses him from sleep. Waking up at two o'clock at night, with mild warmth all over, and burning itching and sensation of excoriation of the anus, (3. d.) Waking up from the siesta with and by dull grinding of the teeth, (2. d.) Tenesnmus of the bladder rouses him from sleep, at night. At, night, intermittent emission of a small quantity of urine, with painful erections. At night, he lies upon his back. At night, frequent waking up, as from fright. Anxiety in bed, at night, from three to five o'clock. Frequent waking up at night; on falling asleep, he immediately dreamed about solemnities. Anxious dreams, as if he were to be hurt; he starts up from sleep, while his hands and feet totter. Horrible dreams about mutilations of men His night sleep is interrupted by dreams about members of his family at his native place, with whom lie quarrelled. His night-sleep is interrupted by disagreeable dreams about quarrels with his relatives. Lewd dreams, several nights in succession, also with pollutions, (a. 11 d.) Voluptuous dreams, at night, with pollutions. He dreamed of seeing an old school-mate, this gave him much pleasure. (a. 23 1i.) FEVFR.-A good de:al of chilliness, no heat. Disagreeable feeling of internal chilliness, so that he cannot get warm; returning after the lapse of five weeks. Chilliness, even in a warm room. Constantlv icy cold feet. His feet do not get warmt before one o'clock at night. "Shiverings over the whole back, withont thirst, (a. 2 h.) Shiverings over the whole body, early in ihe morning, with heat in the forehead, without thirst, (a. half an hour.) Towards noon, violent chills, for an hour, with violent thirst for beer; then sleep succeeded by heat and constant thirst. He feels quite hot, in consequence of the slightest exercise, especially in the heat of the sun; he then complains of excessive heat in the throat. Goat's milk refreshes him agreeably. At night, when in bed, lie feels quite hot, and is drenched with sweat. General sweat "without smell, which made the tips of the fingers soft and wrinkled. Sweat during sleep. Early in the morning, 176 AURUM. when waking up, mild sweat over thle whole body, (a. 21 hi.) General, warm sweat in bed every other morning. Sweat returning at the same hour for three days in succession. Pulse, sometimes a few quick, then three or four slow beats, (immediately.) AURUM (THE COMMON METAL.) IN the same way as superstition, incorrect observations, credulity and baseless conjectures have been the cause of a great many false statements as to the pretended remedial virtues of certain medicines, that have been received into the old materia medica; a great many powerful medicinal substances have been set aside as inefficacious for want of experiment, and upon the strength of frivolous theoretical reasonings. I may here only mention gold as illustrative of my assertion; not the gold which had been dissolved by acids and reobtained again from the solution by precipitationthese two kinds of gold have, both of them, been pronounced dangerous and even useless, because they cannot, without danger, be administered justa dosi, in an excessive quantity: No, I speak of the pure, unaltered gold. Modern physicians have pronounced it inefficacious, and, by banishing this remedy from their system of materia medica, they have deprived us of the brilliant remedial virtues of that drug. They said " that it could not be dissolved in the gastric juice and that it was therefore powerless and useless." Such theorelical speculations were received in the place of convictions. Bold decisions, empty theoretical conjectures, have almost always, in medicine, been taken in the place of well founded truth: it is so much imore convenient, simply to assert, than to interrogate experience, which, however, is the basis of the art of curing. They cannot avail themselves of tie excuse that gold has also been condemned by older physicians, as by Fabricius (in Obs. med.): " How should leaf-gold be affected by the slight degree of heat of our stomachs, since the AURU7M. 177 most violent fire has no action upon it?" or Nic. Monaides (de ferro, p. 32, 33.): " Patients may believe me and spare their money, they will never obtain any curative action from gold." Or Alston (mat. med. I. p. 69;) " As metallic gold cannot be dissolved or changed by the vital power, it, therefore, can have no other medicinal effect except so far as it has a mechanical action upon the intestines by its heaviness, hardness and form, or at last, T. F. Gmelin (Appar. med. min. I. S. 445:) Since gold cannot be destroyed or dissolved and cannot be united to the humours of the animal organism, it, therefore, cannot have any curative action."" Nor can they avail themselves of the fact that the medicinal virtues of gold have been denied by many of the older physicians, such as: Ant. Musa Brassavolus, Fel. Platerus, Hier. Cardanus, Jo. Bravus Petrafit, Franc. Pic. Mirandola, Merinus Mercenius, Duretus, Camerarius, Cordosus, Conringius, Lemery, Angelus Sala, or Joh. Schroeder, who, generally, believes every thing. They are all of them wrong, and all the modern physicians into the bargain. Gold has great remedial virtues which cannot be replaced. The assertions of these physicians made me first doubtful about the medicinal powers of gold. But as I could not bring myself to believe any one metal inherently dispossessed of medicinal properties, I first employed gold in solution. The symptoms of gold in solution are but few. However, one quintillionth or sextillionth part of a grain of gold in solution was sufficient to obtain a few of those symptoms which I afterwards obtained of the pure gold. I have an aversion to employ metals dissolved in acids, were it for no other reason than simplicity. And then, their properties must necessarily be altered by the acids, *NOTE: How foolish to undertake to decide by theory whether gold has curative powers; all that was necessary to do, was, to ascertain by trials and experiments, whether gold had, or not, remedial virtues. If it was found to have any, then the theoretical assertions to the contrary, are, all of them, ridiculous. 8* i 8 AURUM. as may be seen by comparing the medicinal virtues of the corrosive sublimate with those of the oxyde of mercury. I therefore was much pleased on discovering that many Arabian physicians praised the remedial virtues of gold when administered in the shape of afjine powder, in many affections, against which I had already employed the solution of gold with great benefit. This circumstance was of course calculated to inspire me with confidence in the assurances of the Arabian physicians. Already in the eighth century, Geber (de Alchimia traditio, Argent. ap. Zetzner, 1698, lib. II. p. iii. cap. 32.) praises gold as a " materia letificans et in juventute corpus conservans." At the end of the 10th century Serapion the younger (de simplicibus comment. Venet. fol. ap. Junt. 1550, cap. 415. p. 192,) praises it thus: the powdered gold is useful in melancholy and weakness of the heart. Then at the beginning of the 1th century Avicenna (Canon. lib. II. cap. 79.): " the powdered gold is useful as a remedy against melancholy, takes away the fetid odor of the mouth, may be used, even internally, against falling off of the hair, fortifies the eyes, is useful in cardialgia and palpitation of the heart, and extremely so in difficulty of breathing.' Abulkusem (Albucasis is the first to describe the preparation of such a gold powder, at the beginning of the 12th century, in libro servitoris de praep. med. p. 242): " Triturate the gold upon a piece of rough linen in a basin full of water, and employ the fine powder which has fallen to the bottom of the vessel " John of St. Amand teaches the same mode in the 13th century, in his appendix to Mesue, (Opera, Venet. 1561, p. 245, 4. E.) Tlhe Portuguese, Zacitus, imitated this mode, and described the history of a nobleman who had, for a long time, been tormented by melancholy fancies and whom he cured, within a month, by means of the gold powder obtained by * NOTE: This latter expression has a double meaning in the Arabian; according as the word is emphasised, the expression either means " talking to one's s.f," or: " difficulty of breathing." Experiments show that the latter is the true meaning. ItUitum. i79 triturating gold upon a stone adapted to that purpose, (see Histor. Medic. lib. I. obs. 33). I forbear quoting the eulogies which have been bestowed upon the powdered gold by Jo. Platearius (quaest. Therap.) Rodericvs a Castro (de Meteor. microcosmo, cap. 3) Abraham a Porta Leonis (dialog. de auro), Zaccharias a Puteo, Joh. Dan. Mylius (Anatomia Auri), Horn, (Ephem. Nat. Cur. Dec. 11. ann. 3, obs. 159.) Fr. Baco (Histor. vitae et mortis) Fr. Joseph Burrhi (Epist. 4, ad Thorn. Barthol. de oculis.) Jo. Jacob Waldschmicdt (Diss. de auro, Marb. 1685.) Chph. Helwig (Diss. de aiuro ejusque in medic. viribus, Gryphisv. 1703) Lemnius, Pet. Florestus, 01. Borrichius, Rolfinck, Andr. Lagna, Eumfiller, Tackius, Helcher (Diss. de auro, Jenae 1730.) Potcrius, J. D. Horstius, Hollerius, Hofer, and Zweller (Pliarm. August.) Suffice it to say that 1 credited the testimony of the Arabians more than the theoretical doubts of modern physicians, and employed the finest leaf-gold, after having triturated it for an hour with one 100 grains of sugar of milk. I will not decide whether the gold is still more finely triturated in this powder or whether it has become slightly oxydised. Hundred grains of this powder, containing one grain of gold, or sometimes 200 grains, containing 2 grains, when dissolved in water, have, in full grown persons, prcduced considerable alterations of their usual coidiiiorr and all the morbid symptoms which will be described hereafter. It will thus be seen that the Arabian physicians, who were not without skill in discovering medicinal substances, have effected, by means of gold, homoeoputhic cures without being aware of it. I have cured, by means of gold, several cases of melancholy in persons who earnestly thougtht of killing themselves. They took in all about thle or _-part of a grain of gold. I have also cured several other important affectio:ls which will be found erfumerated amonlig the symptoms of gold, and I doubt not that much higher triturations than those which I employed, would have been sufficient for obtaining the same results. Shortly after closing these introductory remarks, I had an opportunity of convincing myself that I part of a grain 180 AURUM. of gold will manifest a most powerful curative action, es. pecially in cancer of the palate and nasal bones consequent upon the abuse of the acidulated preparations of mercury. The gold symptoms analagous to these artificial affections will be found among the subsequent symptoms.* Farther trituration and dilution develops and dynamises the power of gold still more, so that I now use, very often, only the smallest part of a grain of the decillionth potency. Would our physicians, who, by their method of imagining the remedial virtues of a drug, had been led to condemn gold as an inefficient agent, have ever been led to suspect the remarkably curative powers of gold? Could our manufacturers of the materia medica, who substitute imagined virtues in the place of the real properties of the drug, ever have discovered the medicinal virtues of gold in any olier way except that which the homoeopathic proving of the drug has revealed. Poor, fabulous materia medica, such as is commonly used! how far hast thou failed in describing the true action of remedies, which experiment alone has revealed to the homceopathic physician! The action of gold, in minute doses, lasts at least 21 days. Smelling of coffea cruda, and especially camphor, has been found to be an antidote against the effects of gold. In the following affections, gold has been found especial'y useful:Hypoclondriasis; melancholy; loathing of life; disposition to suicide; rush of blood to the head; cancer of the palate bones and nasal bones; obscuration of sight by black spots hovering before the eyes; toothache from rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head; inguinal hernia; induration of the testes of long standing; prolapsus and induration of the uterus; rush of blood to the chest; falling down unconsciously, with the face becoming *NOTE: Ant. Chalmetus, in Euchiridion chirug. p. 402, has observed the same curative power of gold, when used internally, against the bad consequences of the abuse of the preparations of mercury* AURUM. 181 blue; attack of suffocation, with severe constrictive dyspnoea; injuries inflicted by the abuse of quicksilver; pains in the bones, at night; nodosities of the gout. This drug has been tried by Drs. Hahnemapn, Franz, Gross, Fricdrich Hahnemann, Hempel, Hermann, Langhammer, Lehmann, Michler, Rummel, Wislicenus. Noack and Trinks arrange the affections, in which gold has proved curative, under the following heads:Gold is especially suitable to scrofulous and venous constitutions, to the melancholy and phlegmatic temperament, to individuals with blond hair, indolent habit, and soft, lax fibres. Gold appears to be more suitable to male persons, whilst, under similar circumstances, platina is more suitable to females. H-ypochtndriasis.-Hysteria, hysteric spasms and convulsions.-Epilepsy.-Chlorosis, with whiinig mood, imagining all the time new obstacles and new losses.-Falling down without any consciousness, the face becoming blue.-Chronic icterus.-Nightly pains of the bones; inflammation and caries of the bones, especially after the abuse of mercury.- Injuries from abuse of mercury, especially when complicated with syphilis. -Seconddry syphilis.--Scrofulosis.-Tabes meseraica (in this disease, Lobethal ranks gold after calcarca, arsenic, and jodium.)-Arthritic nodosities; arthritic symptoms consequent upon sexual and mercurial abuses.-Dropsical affections.-Herpes of the prepuce, complicated with mercurial symptoms, (in this disease, gold ought to be used in alternation with nitric and phosphoric acid.) Rhagades of a syphilitic nature.-Warts and condylomata of the tongue, prepuce, and anus. WVeakness of the mind and memory; mental fatigue, consequent upon great exertions of the mind.-Mlelancholia, with loathing of life, and inclination to commit suicide.-Spleen; melancholia of every kind. (It is remarkable that gold should have been found curative in the mania of suicide, which it is capable of simulating in its effects upon the healthy organism. Gold also holds special relations to a depressed stale of the sexual organs, to diseases of the genital organs, and especially of the testicles. This latter circumstance is remarkable for this reason, that persons who had cornmitted suicide, have been found to be affected with dis 1 2 ARabUM. eases of the genital organs, especially hydatids upon the ovaries and testes.) Chronic congestion of the blood to the head.-Hysteric headache.-Megrim.-Heudache, consequent upon mental exertions. - Exostoses on the skull -Caries of the mastoid process.-Simple, violent, scrofulous inflammation of the eyes, especially accompanied by great intolerance of light.-Obscuration of the sight by black spots hovering before the eyes. Visus nebulosus; half-sight; apoplectic and abdominal amaurosis; amaurosis consequent upon suppressed anger.-Spots upon the cornea! - Otorrhcea, consequent upon caries of the ossicula auris and the mastoid process.-Thick tip of the nose in scrofulous individuals.- Ozcena, with thick, yellow matter, which is partly liquid, partly blown out in the shape of solid clots, and always accompanied by a loathsome stench from the nose; want of smell, and continual obstruction of the nose; Ozcena syphilitica et scrofulosa; Ozaxna, with caries of the nasal bones.-Carcinoma of the nose.-Swelling and ulceration of the lips in scrofulous individuals. Inflammatory prosopalgia consequent upon abuse of mercury.-Caries of the bones of the face.-Congestive toothache, toothache consequent upon congestion of the blood to the head, with heat in the head. -Looseness of the teeth.- Ulceration and caries of the palate.-Syphilitic ulcers of the fauces and the tongue, (in conjunction with nitric acid.)-Scirrhous induration of the tongue.- Swelling and ulceration of the tonsils.-Nightly colic, with flatulence.-Ascites and anasarca, when originating in a functional disturbance of some important abdominal organ.-Inguinal hernia, both when hereditary and consequent upon cold, especially in children.-Constipation, originaling in atony of the intestinal canal, or when accompanied by strangulated hernia -Hamorrhoidal obstruction of the rectum.-Ischuria (consequent upon paralysis of the bladder.)-Excited sexual instinct.-T'l'oo frequent nightly pollutions. Acute and chronic orchitis; swelling of the testicles, of considerable extent and great hardness, consequent upon removed redness and painfulness -Prolapsus and induration of the womb.-Exostoses of the pelvic bones.-Chronic obstruction of the nose.Chronic catarrh and purulent coryza; ulceration of the ATRvRTi. 188 Schneiderian membrane, with puriform, ichorous, stinking discharge.-Influenza.-Stinking breath.-Congestion of the blood to the chest, and congestive asthma.-Suffocating fits, with violent constrictzve oppression of the chest.-Paralysis and hepatization of the lungs.- Violent palpitation of the heart, occurring in paroxysms several limes during the day, and consequent upon congestion of the blood to the chest and heart, accompanied by anxiety and oppression.-Arthritic metastases to the heart, especially when taking the form of palpitation, suffocating anxiety and oppression of the chest.-Stenocardia.-Chronic affections of the heart, producing hydrothorax, especially after abuse of mercury.-Exostoses of the bones of both the upper and lower extremities. ANTIDOTES:-Assafoetida., Bell., Camph., Chin., Coff., Cupr., Jod., Merc., Vinum. ANALOGOUS REMEDIES:-Assafoet., Calc., Cupr., Jod., Mere., Puls., Silic., Sulp.-2. Angust., Arg., Ars., Bell., Brom., Chin., Chlor., Coloc., Lycop., Mang., Mez., Nitric ac., Phosph., Phosph. acid., Plat.-3. Asar. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-' Dejected and full of grief. He is dejected, and seeks solitude. He imagines to have lost the affection of his friends; this makes him sad, even unto tears. He is dissatisfied with every thing; he imagines to see everywhere obstacles in his way, which have partly been occasioned by a contrary fate, partly by himself; this latter makes him feel very much dejected. Melancholy; he imagines not to be fit for this world, and * longs for death; thinking of death gives him intense joy. Great anguish coming from the praecordial region, and driving him from one place to another, so that he can remain nowhere. Great anguish and weakness, they think him near dying. Frequent attacks of anguish about the heart, and tremulous fearfulness. Excessive anguish, with palpitation of the heart, weariness in all the limbs, and sleepiness. Great anguish, * increasing iunto self-destruction, with spasmodic contraction in the abdomen. Uneasiness, and hurried desire for bodily and mental activity; he cannot do any thing fast enouglh, and cannot live so as to be satisfied withhimself. He is constantly impelled to be in motion; and he is sorry for his inactivity, although he can 184 AURUn. not do any work. He feels uneasy and uncertain, without any orgasm in the circulatory system; he imagines to neglect something, and to deserve reproaches in consequence; he appears to carry this uneasiness about him in his mind, and it deprives him of all energy and perseverance. Apprehensiveness; a mere noise at the door made him apprehensive; he feared lest some one should come in; dread of men. Shyness. Pusillanimity. The least trifle makes him feel discouraged. Discouragement and dejection of spirits; he imagines that he cannot succeed in any thing. He feels discouraged and desponding; he imagines that he does every thing wrong, and cannot succeed in any thing. Discouraged, and in disunion with himself. She howls, and screams, and imagines to be irretrievably lost. Loathing of life. Constant sullenness, and taciturnity. Peevishness, and want of disposition to speak. Unsociable mood. Some persons are offensive to him. Atrabilious and quarrelsome. Extreme disposition to feel offended; He was deeply affected, and provoked even by the least circumstance which had the appearance of hurting his feelings. He becomes angry at a few absent persons, while thinking of them. Peevish and * vehement; the least contradiction is capable of exciting his wrath. If he is left alone, he sits still, taciturn, apparently melancholy, in a corner by himself; but the slightest contradiction excites his wrath, which he first manifests by disputing and talking a good deal, afterwards by uttering a few, detached words, (a. 3 d.) Ile trembles when he cannot satisfy his anger. He seeks every opportunity to quarrel, and say coarse things to those around him. * Rash anger and vehemence. * She alternately weeps and laughs, as if she were not conscious of herself. * Silent peevishness and cheerfulness often alternate one with another, (a. 1 and 3 h.) Good humour, the whole day, with talkativeness and self-content, (reaction.) "*Cheerful, contented humour, he constantly wishes to converse with otler people. Tolerable degree of cheerfulness, agreeable case, (a. 2 h.) Tremulous agitation of the nerves, as in joyous hope. The intellectual faculties are more acute, and the memory more faithful, (reaction.) She is anxious, deeply to reflect over this or that subject; AURUTM. 185 this, however, makes her quite weak, tremulous, cold, and damp over the body. In a reverie, he says something absurd to a person. Mental labour wears him out; he feels exhausted. Mental labour gives him a sensation of nausea; which takes hold of his whole being. HEAD.-Obtusion of the head. Obtusion of the head, early on rising, with heaviness in the occiput. A kind of hypochondriacal intoxication; the head feels full of compressed air, especially towards the nape of the neck. When speaking, he smiles involuntarily. Vertigo, when stooping, as if the person turned in a circle; the symptom goes off on raising the head. When standing, vertigo, which forces him to sit down. When walking in the open air, vertigo as if he were drunk, and would fall to one side; he was forced to lie down, but even then the vertigo returned for some time at the slightest motion, (a. 43 h.) Headache as from an incipient cold. Stunning, pressive headache, as from violent wind. Headache, ever since the morning, as from a bruised brain; when reflecting or reading, especially when talking or writing, the headache increases to the extremest violence, and a perfect confusion of ideas; when ceasing to reflect, to speak, or to write, the headache discontinues, until it disappears entirely at seven o'clock in the evening, (a. 6 h.) Headache sometimes as from a contusion, sometimes like a painful pressure in one part of the brain, sometimes like tearing; it has increased ever since the morning, and disappears at three o'clock in the afternoon, (a. 24 h.) Pressive pain in the temples. Pressure in the left side of the forehead, (a. 1 h. and a lialf.) Pressive tearing in the head, erratic, especially in the forehead, with a feeling of vertigo. Pressive tearing in the right side of the head, from the occiput to the forehead, (a. 3 h.) Tearing pressure in the right occiput. Tearing pressure in the left side of the vertex, more violent during motion. Tearing headache, in front, in the forehead, and the temples, deep in the brain, abating in the open air. Tearing in the left side of the vertex, (a. I h. and a half.) Tearing in the right side of the vertex, (a. 3 h.) Tearings in the left temple. Tearing in the left side of the forehead, more violent during motion. Fine tearing in the forehead. 188 AtRUTM. Fine tearing from the right side of the occiput through the brain, as far as the forehead; more violent during motion, (a. 1 h.) Lancinating pain in the right side of the vertex, (a. 17 d.) Grinding, boring, and slight pulling in one side of the head, early in the morning, shortly after waking up, increased by coughing, and bending backwards of the head. Uni-lateral, slarply throbbing, hacking headache. Tingling sensation in the fore part of the head. " Rush of blood to the head. * Great determination of the blood to the brain, (a. three quarters of an h.) Violent rush of the blood to the head, wlen stooping; it passes off again after raising the head, (a. 8 d.) * Turmoil and roaring in the head, as if he were sitting close to a roaring water, (a. 14 d.) The bones of the head pained him on lying down, as if they were broken; so that all his vital energy seemed paralysed. Small bony tumour, on the left side and the superior part of the forehead. Small bony tumour on the right side of the vertex, with boring pain, that grows worse when the tumour is touched. Pressive pain on the forehead, externally, (a. 10 h.) Pressive pain on the left temple, externally, (a. 32 h.) Pressure on the left temple, worse by touch, (a. a quarter of an h.) Stitch in the centre of the forehead, where the hair begins. Prickings, as from pins, in the forehead, externally. (a. 24 li.) A stitch on the frontal bone, resembling a slow traction, (a. 6 h.) His head is shaken sideways, and up and down. EYEs.-Sensation in his eyes, when looking, as in a violent stale of excitement, with heat, as if the blood were pressing upon the optic nerve. Sensation of weakness and pressure in the eyes. Pressure upon the left eye from withott inwards, (a. 8 d.) Pressive pain on the right eye ball, from without inwards, more violent during motion, (a. 6 h.) Pressure in the eyes, as if some foreign body had got in there. Immense spasmodic pressure in the posterior segment of the left orbit. Sensation in the internal and superior angle of the left eye ball, as if it were pressed out. Tension in the eyes, which makes seeing difficult, (a. I h.) Immense tension in the eyes, with diminution of sight; the tension is more violent when fixing the eyes upon something, less, when closing them, (a. 9 d.) Fine tearing in the right orbit, close to the external AtRnn M. 187 eanthus, (a. 5 b.) Dull stitch at the inferior part of the left orbit, from within outwards. Several single stitches in the internal canthus and lid of the left eye, (a. 36 h.) Biting pain in ihe left upper eye-lid. A kind of burning in the eyes. Itching and burning in the right canthus. Painless, smooth tubercles upon the border of the right lower lid. Swelling of the lower lids. Blueish appearance of the inner canthi. Distended, protruding eyes. Contraction of the pupils, (a. 2, 4 h.) Dilatation of the pupils, (a. 3 h. and a half.) Indistinct sight, as if a black crape were drawn before the eyes, (a. 6 d.) His sight is lost for a moment. Half-sightedness, as if the upper half of the eye were covered with a dark body, so that he can only see the lower objects with the inferior half, the upper objects remain invisible. He cannot distinguish any thing clearly, because he sees every thing double, and one object is seen as if it were mixed with the other, with a violent tension in the eyes. * Fiery sparks before the eyes. EARS.-Tension in the ears. Pressive learing in the left meatus auditorius internus. Crackling in the left ear. Grumbling before the left ear. * Roaring in the ears, early in the morning, when in bed. The parotid gland is painful to the touch, as if it were pressed or contuscd. NosE.--The right nasal bone and the adjoining part of the upper jaw are painful to the touch, especially at the place where the infra-orbital nerve comes out. Itching of the nostrils. Shootings of the septum of the nose, from above downwards. Biting pain in the lower part of the nose. Biting pain in the lower part of the nose, so that the tears come into his eyes, as is the case when there is a desire of sneezing, excited by strong sun light, or in exalted pious grief, or in the highest degree of pity. Itching titillation in the wings of the nose, as in a cold, sometimes with a desire to scratch. Feeling of soreness in the nose. Soreness in both nostrils, especially when touching them. * Painful nostrils, closed by ulcers, so that he cannot breathe through the nose. * Ulcerative crust in the right nostril, yellowish, almost painless, and dry. * Swelling of the nose, in the room, after walking in the open air. *Swelling and redness of the right nostril and underneath. Dark, brown-red, little elevated spots upon the nose, 188 AtTRUM.. which ache when touched, (a. 204 h.) Fine smell; everyt thing has too strongr a smell for hini. The smoke of thle lighit is offensive to his smell. Frequently a sweetish smell in his nose. Momentacry smell of brandy in hlis nose, with dyspncea. Putrid smell in the nose when blowingr it. FA C C.- TViolent fearing in the Zqgcorna. Drawing tearing on the left side of the face. Tension in thle nalar bones and in the ears. Paininl stitches in one cheek, (1. d.) Burning stitches in tic zvgomna. Itclhing pricking, as from pills, upon thic riglit side of the face. Er-ptIon in the /'accJtne j)lin p/Cs wxith their tips filled wijth- pus, for some liotirs. Bloated face, sh1ining as fro()m sweat, with distendecl, protrruding eyes. Swellino of both cheeks, with swelling of the lips and nose, early in the morning. Swvelliing of one check, with drawJingr and tearing in the upper and lower jaw-hones, and a sensation of hacking, and of grumIng Inpain in the teethl, whicli appear too long. Burning vesicle upon the vermilion-border of the lower lip. JA\Ws AND TEmT- TH.-Tearingr in the riaht half of the chin. T`earingff pressure at the riahlit lower j'aw, going off by pressinfg Upon it. TIntermittent, (hill slitchies at the external border of thie lowecr jaw. Pain in a gland of the lower jwNN, as if it wvere swollen. Dull pressive pain, either withi or without leg-lutition, in a gland belowv the angle of thle lower jaw. Tlie teeth of the upper anterior rowv are very painful (luring mastication. During mastication, the person sucddeinly experiences -a painful dullness in one of the upper molar teetli. Ilackinig and grumnbling pain in the teeth, wvilth sweclling of the cheeks. Sliooting pain in the upper row. Dull tearing in the two posterior molar teeth of the righlit upper jaw, excited by touch and eating, during a painful skvcllinT of the guiimns. rfootliache caused by air enterin thlie moulli. Sinole stitches in tlie teeth. Sensation of d-lullness of the molar teeth, (a. half anl hI.) Looseness of thie teeth, even tlihe anterior teeth, in sudden paroxvsrn-is. Swelllngr of the gimis of the molar teeth of the righit jaw', with-i pressive soreness wx'hen the parts are touiched], or whlien eiiing. Painful pustules onl thle glms, as if a fistula dentalis would form. Ulcer on the gtlins, AITUM. I 189 with swelling of the cheeks, (a. 10 d.) A kind of pressure in the region of the palate, for several hours. MoUTH.-Attacks of distention of the pharynx, as in vomiting, but without nausea. Painful obstacle to deglutition in the left side of the pharynx. Stinging soreness in the throat, only during degluition. Agreeably sweetish saliva accumulates in his mouth. Much phlegm in the throat, for several days. Frequently phlegm in the throat which can be hawked up, but which prevents a full inspiration, (a. 2 h.) TASTE AND APPETITE.-Fetid odor frpm the mouth, in the evening and at night, unperceived by himself. Smell out of the mouth as of old cheese. * Putrid smell out of the mouth. The taste in the mouth is insipid. Sweet taste on the anterior part of the tongue. Agreeable, milky taste in the mouth. Putrid taste in the mouth, as of rotten game, between the meals. Sometimes sourish taste in the mouth, (a. 2 hours and a half.) Bitter taste in the mouth with sensation of dryness, (a. 8 l.) Much thirst, for six days. He has no appetite for any thing; he can only cat milk and bread. Repugnance to meat. Great longing for coffee. He is forced to eat hastily, especially at the beginning of the meal. He relishes his meal a good deal, but his appetite is not appeased; he might have wished to eat again shortly after. puring eating, the anxiety of mind leaves him. Nausea in the stomach and throat. STOMac n.-Sensation of nausea; qualmishness from the stomach and in the abdomen. Regurgitations as if the person would vomit; accompanied by pressure in the abdomen. Eructations tasting of the drink, (beer.) Pain at the stomach, as of hunger. Pressure in the region of the stomach, at noon. ABnDOMEN.-Swelling of the przecordial region and the whole upper part of the belly, with a painful stitch when pressing upon it or lacing it tightly. Continual pressure in the hypochondria, as from flatulence, especially after taking some food or drink, often increased by motion and walking; this pressure goes off without flatus. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, like stitches in the spleen. Heaviness in the abdomen, with icy-cold hands and feet. 190 AURUM,. Pressure in the abdomen. Tensive pressure in the abdomen, just below the navel, and on both sides in the lumbar regioiis, withi feeling of fulness, (a. 5:3 h.) Tensive pressure in the abdAormen and the lum-ibar regions, wiith tenesinns, (a. 6 d.) Pinching pain ini the abdomen, erratic, (a. 12 11.) Dull pinchincy and cuitinglr in tile abdomen, then J diarrldia, and after the diarrhoea. distended abdomnen. Painful feeling of contraction in the abdomen. Single tearilln s in tile righit sid(,e of the abdomien, as hig1h up as below tthe ribs, as if every thing there were dashed 10 pieces; this forces himi to bend himnself crooked, whien stiting. (a. 36 hi.) Pain of contusion in the right ilac regioi, v lien sitting; th1is pain g oes off when rising, and drawitn up thle thigh, (a. 2L10 I4.) Colic in the abdomen. QuiveiriiiT twitches in tile left, h1(alf of tile nates, \vllich catie him to start, (a. 6 Ih.) Pain ill the groin as froin a swollen gland. Naiiat of flexibility, and plaiiiful stiffness in tie hitp and tlie tendon, ot tilhc quadrti l.lumnburormn, when walking or stretchinT the leas apart, as after a long journey oil foot, (1. 3 h. and a half.) Traction from the groin into thle thighs. Drawing pain ili tile mons Veneris. Bujrning pain in lite abdominialt ring, which is otherwise healthy. Cutting Itruzts in both groins, w dicli force himi to drla;v the abdomien inl and the feet. up. YV ea kness in thle gioin. Presslingl- in the Iighlt abdominal riiigf, as if a hieirnii NVouldC comie ou1t) w hein sittinr and stretchiing the bodyI nc; oes off' when risin" I Protrusion of an inl1 -guinal hernia, withi Preat callmp- like pain; f;iiiis seem to get into tIle hernia. lIe is iudch roi lier!d wrih /latu/enicy it b.conzes iucrfi under th c/- /i?Ih, w~illh Ianciiiatinif pa n C olic, w-ith1 flatile, Shordly after tile lighitest and iost iioderate meals. Colic, wx ith 11ffitnlcnre; a qiiantlii of flatus which- do nut pass, and, tlherefore, cause Painful 1irrssire, S( eZIuT anct1i anxiety; both w1Ih1en at rest andIi i n moi on. RIili) g in i abfdomen. Gruintin n (t Ili tile lumeoicn. (Grunll in n tIllte abdnlomn. Rumnbling and runting in the belly, (a. I h) Pintsion of a q'iantitX (f filatdeuce, (1. d.) Ei-siul] ot a quuantity of fetid flatulence, (a. S I.) Ulneasiiness ini the abdomien, with a sensation as if tie would go to stool, especially after dinner, (a. 36 h.) AAURtM. 191 STooL.-Constipation for three days. Stool very large in size, passing off with difficulty. Very hard, knotty stool every day. Soft stool every morning, with a little pinching. Unusually copious stool, in the evening, (a. 10 h.) Copious, but normal stool, (a. 16 h.) Diarrhoea. Nightly diarrhoea, with much burning in the rectum. White-yellowish stool. The external border of the rectum is painfully swollen. Sharp stitches in the rectum. URINARY ORGANs.-Constant desire for micturition, with little, but natural urine. He emits more urine than corresponds to the quantity he drinks. Turbid urine, like butter-milk, with a high sediment of mucus. Dull lancinations in the urethra. The sexual desire which had been dormant in him for a long time, is roused. Much desire for coition, early after rising, with violent erections. He was unable to sleep the whole night, on account of his sexual desire being roused; he finally had to satisfy it by an embrace (1. n.) For two nights he is full of lewd fancies, the penis being small and relaxed (2. 3. n.) Erections many nights in succession. Nightly erections, without effusions of semen, (1. n.) Nightly erections and pollutions. Pollutions, at night, (the first nights.) Nightly pollutions with voluptuous dreams, (a. 7 d.) Pollutions three nights in succession, without any subsequent weakness. The prostatic joice comes out of the penis, which is relaxed. Painful twitches in the penis, from before backwards. Prickings as from pins, at the extremity of the glands; every single pricking is followed by a similar one above the navel, towards the pit of the stomach, (a. 3 h.) Tearing stitches at the glans, when he is obliged to urinate, (a. 3 h.) Itching of the scrotum. Pressive and tensive pain in the right testicle, as from contusion, (a. 3 h. and a half) * Swelling of the right testicle,-with pressive pain when touching or rubbing it; this symptom came on for several evenings at six o'clock, and ceased again towards eleven o'clock, (a. 5 d ) Pains in the abdomen, as from labour, as if the menses would make their appearance. COLD, CATARRH.--Sense of obstruction of the nose, as in dry coryza; nevertheless the air passes freely through the nose, (a. 2 h. and a half.) This nostril appears ob 192 AtRUM. structed, although air passes through it. Coryza. Violent fluent Coryza. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Sensations, dry catarrh on the chest, early in the morning, on waking up; it is only with great trouble that he succeeds in hawking up a little phlegm, but even this only after rising from the bed, (a. 16 h.) Viscid phlegm in the larynx, which it is difficult to hawk up. Frequently phlegm deep in the larynx, which he does not succeed in coughing up, even with the greatest effort. Phlegm deep in the lungs which is easily thrown up in a large quantity; this is succeeded by free and expansive breathing, whereas, generally, he was asthmatic. Cough. Cough at night, on account of deficiency of breathing. CHEsT.-Oppression of the chest and the abdomen when coughing. Stitches under the left ribs when coughing. Frequent deep breathing. Intensely painful stitches under the ribs, when breathing, deep and yawning; they prevent breathing and yawning, cease on going to bed. Stitches in the left mamma when breathing. Sharp stitches, when breathing, apparently in the side of the bladder. During an expiration, grunting in the top of the chest, descending into the abdomen and the groin; this is succeeded by quick beatings of the heart, accompanied by faintishness and anguish; then slumber. Shuddering in the right mamma, when yawning. Difficulty of breathing. Severe dyspncea. Severe asthma, when walking in the open air. Asthma, when laughing or walking fast, as if the chest were too tight for breathing, and too'flat in front, (a. 44 h.) Immense dyspnoa, with dificulty of breathing at night. Dyspnema, also when at rest, which cannot be relieved by any position of the body; he constantly takes deep breath, and cannot inspire air enough. Dyspnoaa, with dull stitches in the chest, when inspiring air. Tightness of the thoracic cavity, with fearfulness, (a. 3 d.) Pressure on the right side of the chest, with extreme anguish. Pressure on the sternum, with manners denoting anxiety and eager expectation, as if something very agreeable were to happen to him. Pressure on the sternum, as of something hard, with drawing tearings towards the shoulders. Pressure on the left side, near the pit of AURUA. 193 the stomach, below the cartilages of the superior false ribs, more violent during an expiration, (a. 7 d.) Dull oppressive stitches under the cartilages of the first three ribs behind the right mamma; they sometimes become continued, and then produce the sensation of a plug which is inserted there; sometimes they are slowly intermittent, and are little felt in walking; externally the place is red, (a. 16 h.) A few very violent stitches in the chest over the heart, (a. 72 h.) Sharp stitches in the sternum, (a. 2 h.) Dull stitches in both sides of the chest, with heat in the chest, and dyspncea, increased by inspiration. Dull, painful stitches and lancinations, on the right side, near the sternum, under the last true ribs. Dull, cutting pain on the left side, near the sternum, more violent during an inspiration, (a. 9 d) When walking, the heart seems to shake as if it were loose. Sometimes one single very violent beat of the heart. * Palpitation of the heart. (a. half an hour.) * Violent palpitation of the heart, (a. 4 d.) BAcK.-Pinching pain on the internal side of the ischiatic bones. Pain in the small of the back, as from fatigue, (a. 3 h.) Cutting over the small of the back when sitting, as if a pressure were made there with a sharp instrument. Early in the morning he felt such a severe pain in the dorsal spine, that he was unable to move a limb. Pressure on the left side, near the lumbar vertebrae, and on the upper border of the os innominatum. Sharp piercing pain in the right loin, only during expiration. Fine, tearing stitches on the right side, near the lumbar vertebrae, going off whenever pressure is made upon the part. NECK.-Intensely painful pricking, as with pins, close below the right scapula, near the dorsal spine, (a. half an hour) Tearing pain at the internal side of the scapula, and below it, when bending the body backwards and to the left, (a. 11 h.) Tension in the neck, as if a muscle were too short, even when at rest, but more violent wlen stooping, (a. 10 b1.) Tearing pressure at the neck, on the right side, lower region, near the clavicle, (a. 14 d.) Jerking, tearing lancinations in the left external muscles of the neck, (a. 7 d.) Eruption, consisting of fine pimples, with tips full of pus, on the neck and chest, for some hours. 9 194 AURUM. UPPER EXTREMJTIEs.-Tearing tension under the axilla. Fine stitches upon the shoulder. Soreness of the shoulders, even without touching or moving them, Drawing pain along the left arm, over the bone; it goes off by motion. Pressure on the left upper arm, near the periosteum. (a. 48 h.) Pressure on the lower surface and on the middle of the right upper arm. Tearing pressure on the anterior surface of both upper arms, (a. 15 d.) Fine tearing in the left upper arm, most severe on baring the arm, (a. 3 h.) Cramp-like tearing in the elbow-joint of the right arm. The fore-arms feel heavy when at rest, but not in motion, (a. 12 h.) Pressure on the anterior surface of the fore-arm. Pressure on the external side of the right forearm, (a. 12 d.) Intermittent, tearing pressure on the inner side of the left fore-arm. Tearing in the bones of the wristjoint, (a. 8 h.) Tearing in the metacarpal bones. Cramplike tearing in the bones of both wrists, deep in the interior, extending from the lower to the upper row of the carotus, especially at night, but also by day. Cramp-like pain in the metacarpal bones of the left hand, especially the thumb, without interfering with motion. Sense as of pricking, evanescant and almost like stitches, between the thumb and the index. Itching of the hand between the thumb and the index finger. Traction in the joints of the fingers. Tearing in the posterior joints of the right fingers, (a. 4 d.) Tearing in the posterior joint of the left little finger. Fine tearing in the fingers of the right hand. Fine tearing in the anterior joint of the right thumb. Dull tearing in the joints of the fingers of both hands, which often spreads into the phalanges, (a. 5 d.) LOWER EXTREtMITIES.-Uncommon paralytic pain in the hip-joint, only when rising from a seat and walking, not when sitting. Cramp-like pain in the region of the hip, on the inner brim of the pelvis, increased by rubbing, (a. 36 h.) In the glutei muscles, a fine stitch, which is several times repeated, winds downwards, (a. 16 h.) The thigh feels paralyzed, and the tendon of the quadratus l:imborum is so painfully stiff, that the thigh cannot be elevated. Weakness of the thigh when walking. Pain in ihe right femur, as if it were broken, on laying the right thigh across the left. When sitting, on laying the left extremity across the right, the posterior muscles of the right AURUM. 195 thigh appear to be twitching. Pressive and tensive pain in the muscles of the left thigh, when walking in the open air; relieved when sitting, but not when standing, walking, or by touching the parts. Cramp-like drawing in the tendon of the psoas-muscle, down into the thigh, when sitting; going off when rising. Tearing in the thigh, as from growing, only during motion, not when sitting, (a. 24 h.) At night, there forms a sore place, when lying down, on the external surface of the left thigh. Simple pain when walking, in the right knee. Painful stiffness and sense of paralysis of the knees, both when at rest and in motion. Pain in the knees, as if they were firmly bandaged, when sitting and walking. The right knee becomes weak from walking, sp that a drawing pain may be felt in it when walking, and setting the foot upon the floor, (a. 24 h.) Tottering of the knees. Pressure on the left tibia, when stretching the leg. Dull, gnawing pain in both sides of the leg, over the malleoli, together with a few sharp stitches in the tendo Achillis, when at rest; they pass off during motion, (a. 14 h.) Small tubera on the leg and below the knee; when slightly rubbed they are changed to thick, hard nodosities under the skin, (5. 8. d.) Indurations under the skin, on the leg, over the heel, and behind the knees, with violent itching, which can hardly be borne when walking, (11. d.) Small and larger elevations on the legs and calves, looking like the blotches from the stinging of nettles, burning, and feeling like hard knots, of a dirty, yellow colour, disappearing again after a few hours, and forming less in the room than in the open.air. Hard, red swelling of the leg, from the malleolus to the calf, occasioned by the rubbing of the boot; going off again after a short rest. Pressure in the hollow of the sole of the foot, as from something hard. Tensive pressure near the internal mialleolus of the right foot, (a. 5 d.) Drawing pain in the feet. Severe drawing in both heels, in the evening, when going to bed. Paralytic drawing in the metacarpal bones of the big toe, as far as the extremity of the toe. Tearing pain in the posterior part of the sole of the right foot, (a. 30 h.) Violent stitches on the dorsum of the foot, behind the toes. The heels are painful as from subcutaneous ulceration, or as if an extravasation of blood had taken place under the skin. Itch 196 AURUM. ing of the joints and soles of the feet. Itching of the joints of the feet, especially when walking, (7. d.) Grinding pain in the formerly existing chilblain, (a. 1 h.) Pain as from a bruise or contusion in the posterior joint of the big toe, when walking. Drawing in the joints of the toes. Paralytic drawing in the toes of the right foot. All the joints feel bruised, early in the morning and the whole forenoon. Simple pain, or pain as from a bruise, early in the morning, when in bed, in all the joints, especially in the small of the back and the knees; the pain increases the more he lies still; after rising, the pain passes off. Pain as from bruises in the head and in all the limbs, early, when in bed, most violent when at rest; passes off immediately after rising. Going to sleep, numbness and insensibility of the arms and legs early on waking up, more when lying still than in motion. Shooting and drawing pain in arms and legs occasionally. In the afternoon painful traction in the veins, with exhaustion. Violent orgasm as if the blood were boiling, (a. 24 h.) All her blood appears to rush from her head into the lower extremities; they feel paralyzed, and she has to sit down immediately. Internal emptiness and weakness of the whole body. Excessive sensitiveness in the whole body; susceptibility for every sort of pain; on thinking of it, he imagines already to feel it; everything is disagreeable to him. All his sensations are fine and acute. (On thinking of a motion, he makes small motions without knowing it.) Feeling of comfort in the whole body, (re-action.) Even when the weather is ever so unpleasant, he feels well in the open air; it agrees with him. Erratic formication over the body. Quickly passing, but intense itching of the abdomen, of the hips, of the knees, the arms and the wrists. Itching and burning shootings, erratic, almost like stitches. Pustules in the face, on the neck and chest. Early in the morning very tired; her legs ached so that she would have liked to lie down immediately. Early on waking up, very feeble. Suddenly great lassitude, in the afternoon, when sitting or lying down; he fell asleep by it; on waking up the lassitude had disappeared, (a. 9 h.) SLEEP.-Drowsiness by day. Slumber, with weakness of head, when sitting, by day. Invincible sleep after din AtIRUt.S 197 ner; during this sleep his mind was thronged with ideas, (a. 4 h.) One is awake the whole night: but without pain; nevertheless no sleepiness or lassitude in the morning. Ever since 4 o'clock in the morning, he cannot sleep well; he turns from one side to another, because he cannot long remain in one situation, and the hand upon which he is lying, gets soon tired. At night he could neither lie upon the left nor upon the right side. His sleep is uneasy, during which he feels the pains. At night, painful accumulation of flatulence, especially in the left hypochondrium, He sobs loud when asleep. Frequent waking up, at night, as by fright. He wakes up in violent dreams. Frightful dreams about thieves, with loud screams while asleep. Frightful dreams. Frightful dreams at night. Horrid dream, at night. He dreams that he is to fall from a great height. Dreams about dead men. Dreams full of dispute. Dreams with constant erection, every night. Agreeable and sensible dreams, but which cannot be rememlered. Vivid dreams at night, which cannot be remembered. She dreamed much in the evening, immediately after falling asleep, as if some one were talking to her; she was yet half awake. She dreamed the whole night that she was in darkness. The child woke up after three o'clock, early in the morning, and spoke quickly, with a strong voice and red face, thus: " Mother, thou art my jewel of a daughter. What sort of a dog is that? What sort of a head is that at the wall? What is running about there in the room?" And many other such foolish questions. Very sensitive to cold, over the whole body. FEVER.-Coldness over the whole body, early in the morning, especially at the arms and hands, beginning at the shoulders, with blue nails, but without fever. Coldness of the body, especially of the hands and feet. Coldness of the hands and feet, in the evening when in bed. Coldness of the soles of the feet and patellea, as soon as he gets into the bed in the evening. Coldness of the whole body and subsequent increase of temperature, without fever. Coldness in the body, almost the whole day, with blue nails, insipid taste and inclination to vomit; this is followed by an increase of temperature, but without fever. Chilliness between the scapula. Chills in the back. Shivering 198 AURUM MURIATICUM. through the whole body, with goose-skin upon the thighs, and with concussion of the brain under the frontal bone. Chilliness, in the evening, when in bed, with coldness of the legs as far as the knees; he cannot get warm the whole night, sleeps little, only half an hour at the time, with anxious dreams, which he does not recollect, (a. 16 d.) Chills through the whole body, as if he had caught cold in a draught of air; he could scarcely get warm; in the evening before going to bed, (a. 16, 19 h.) Horripilation over the whole body, in the evening, with dry coryza, without heat and without subsequent thirst: In the evening, shiverings and chills after lying down; headache before lying down. In the evening, chills over the whole body, with coldness of the hands and warmth of the face and forehead, without thirst. Alternate chilliness and heat. Heat in the face, with cold hands and feet. Slight perspiration at night; only between the thighs there was real sweat, (a. 10 li.) Sweat early in the morning all over the body. AURUM MURIATICUM. Drawing headache in the forehead, (a. 2 h.) Tickling itching of the forehead, (a. 1 h.) Tearing pain in the left eye. Tingling in the ears. Tingling of the ears is succeeded by a kind of surdity, as if the ears were wide and hollow within, and as if, therefore, nothing could be heard distinctly. Crawling in the nose, as if something were running about in it. Burning and itching pain, at the top of the nose on the outside. Redness and itching inflammation of the nose, with subsequent desquamation of the nose. Red swelling of the left side of the nose; the nasal cavity is ulcerated far back, with dry, yellowish scurf, and sense of obstruction, although the necessary quantity of air passes through it. Red swelling at the right nostril, and underneath, with a painless crust of ulcers internally, and a sense of obstruction, although air passes through. Discharge of a yellow-greenish matter out of the nose, without any bad smell, for 7 days, (a. 10 d.) Shooting pain in the teeth, partly on one side, partly in BARYTA CARBONIdA. i9o the upper incisores. Shooting toothache, also in the anterior and superior row of teeth. Distension of the abdomen. Short breathing and apparent obstruction of the larynx, for a few days. A few stitches immediately over the heart. Swelling in the wrist, without pain, if left alone; tensive only on bending the hand backwards; stitches in the wrist, upon seizing any thing. Tearing pain in the middle finger, after dinner. EXPLOSIVE GOLD. (AURUM FULMINANS.) Colic, especially in children, and attacks of anxiety. Sinking of strength, swoons, cold sweat of the limbs, violent vomiting, convulsions. Violent diarrhcea. BARYTA CARBONICA. CRYSTALS of the muriate of baryta are finely powdered, and boiled for a few minutes with 6 parts of alcohol, in order to remove the muriate of Strontia which might be present; the remaining powder is dissolved in 6 parts of boiling, distilled water, and then precipitated by means of weak ammonium-say, a solution of hart's-horn in water. The baryta which has been thus obtained, is then saturated several times with distilled water, and then dried. The potencies are prepared according to the usual method of trituration and succission, which has been taught for the dry anti-psoric remedies. A few globules (r), act 40, 48 days. This drug may be advantageously used in the following affections, provided it be homoeopathically indicated: whining mood; anxiety as regards domestic concerns; dread of strangers, of company; headache close over the eyes; susceptibility of the head to cold; eruption upon the head; baldness; eruption upon and behind the ears; tubercles behind the ears; eruption upon the lobule; buzzing and tingling before the ear; pressure in the eyes; inflammation of the eye-balls and lids, with dread of 200 BARYTA CARBONtCA, light; agglutination of the eye-lids; flying webs and black spots before the eyes; dimness of sight, he cannot read; the eyes are dazzled by the light; scurf under the nose; eruption upon the face; single jerks in the teeth; burning stitches in the hollow tooth, if something warm touches them; dryness of the mouth; constant thirst; eructations after eating; sour eructations; waterbrash; chronic nausea; pressure at the stomach, also after eating; pain at ihe stomach, fasting and after eating; pain at the stomach on touching the pit; difficult, knotty stool; hard and insufficient stool; tenesmus of the bladder and frequent micturition; weakness of the sexual powers; leucorrhaea immediately before the menses; coryza; troublesome dryness of the nose; night cough; hoarseness of the chest with night-cough; excessive secretion of mucus in the chest, palpitation of the heart, perceptible without any previously exciting cause; pain in the small of the back; stiffness of the small of the back; stiffness of the nape of the neck; stitches in the nape of the neck; pain in the deltoid muscle, on raising the arm; the arm goes to sleep when lying upon it; the fingers go to sleep; traction and tearing in the legs; ulcers on the feet; fetid sweat of the feet; painful lymphatic swelling of the ball of the big toe; twitches and jerks of the body by day; heaviness in the whole body; loss of strength; general weakness of the nerves and body; susceptibility to cold. WARTS raving when asleep; twitches of the muscles of the whole body, at night; night sweat. This drug has been tried by Doctors Hahnemann, Adams, Gross, Hartlaub, sen., Hartmann, Rickert, Stapf, Rummel. The symptoms marked with a line, are produced by the acetate of baryta. Smelling of a solution of camphor alleviates the too powerful effects of baryta; smelling of the solution of a high potency of zink, removes the troublesome symptoms of baryta. To the above named affections, Doctors Noack and Trinks add the following remarks:Baryta is especially suitable for the affections of first childhood, and more particularly still, for those of old age, when there is mental or physical weakness, Marasmus senilis, childish and thoughtless manners (in old people,) BARYTA CARJIONICA. 201 want of clear recollection, sopor, sleep full of internal uneasiness, with groaning and murmuring, immoveable pupils, faint eyes, somewhat reddened, circumscribed dark redness of the cheeks, cold hands with blue spots, weak, somewhat accelerated pulse, frequent micturition, constipation, weak crooked sitting posture, inability to speak one word, or to stretch forth the tongue.-Baryta is particularly suitable to hysteric persons and such as incline to catching cold.-Baryta is also especially useful against affections of drunkards consequent upon colds with previous echauffement, characterised by distorted mouth, paralysed tongue, aphony, pretty clear consciousness, arrest of spontaneous motion of the arm, etc. Scrophulosis; swelling and induration of the glands, especially the cervical glands, even after suppuration has set in; Atrophia scrophulosa; (Lobethal ranks Baryta below Calcarea in scrophulosis, which appears to be correct).-Apoplexy, especially of old people and drunkards. Tubercles of the brain?-Coma somnolentum.-Scarlatina miliaris.- Tinea humida.-Impetigo larvalis.-Herpes faciei.-Lupia (Verruca mollis, Tumor cysticus). Steatoma.-Consumptive fever.-Weakness of memory.-Idiocy.-Alopecia.-Megrim.-Scrophulous inflammations of the eyes and eyelids.-Pannus.-Scrophulous diseases of the ears.-Bleeding at the nose, especially in scrophulous individuals with a florid complexion. Parotitis, remaining after scarlet-fever. Prosopalgia inflammatoria.-Toothache, with a great disposition to catch cold; the pain returns before the appearance of the menses; pain in hollow teeth, after every cold, accompanied by a pale red swelling of the gums, by swelling of the cheeks, a drawing pain in the direction of the nose, eye and temporal region, and violent throbbing in the ears which is especially bad at night.-Anginae consequent upon cold, even of the phlegmonous kind; Angina tonsillaris, even with suppuration; acute inflammation of the tonsils in small-pox and scarlatina (especially when Mercury and Belladonna are not sufficient.)-Dyspepsia.Gastralgia.-Scirrhus cardia et pylori (?).-Amenorrhcea, Menostasia and Chlorosis of young girls, especially when owing to scrophulous conditions.-H-I morrhoidal affections.-Excessive pollutions.-Catarrh of the Trachea.9* 202 BARYTA CARBONICA. Asthma senile, provided it is not owing to Emphysema of the lungs, (especially useful after Antim. tart.)-Tuberculous infiltration of the lungs(?)-Palpitation of the heart, especially in chlorotic and hysteric females. ANALAGOUS REMEDIES.-1 Calc., Sep., Silic.-2 Alum., Bellad., Cham., Chin., Dulcam., Mere., Natr., Sulph. Tart. em. Viol. tric.-3 Electr. (especially the neg. pole), Ignat., Lycop., Magn. mur., Spig.-Tart. emet. is especially suitable before and after Baryta. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Dejected, he did not feel inclined to speak. Dejection and * dread of men. * Dread of men. When walking in the street, she suspects that people laughed at her, and criticised her to her disadvantage; this makes her so fearful that she dares not look up, looks at nobody, and sweats over the whole body. Sad mood. Sad and fearful; lie has all sorts of sad notions about his future destiny, and he deems himself lost entirely; in the evening, (a. 35 d.) * He is suddenly overwhelmed with an evil apprehension; he imagines, for, instance, that a beloved friend might have suddenly fallen sick, and might be dying. Grief at every trifle. * Great solicitude and anxious care. She is very anxious and solicitous about insignificant things, which were entirely indifferent to her. Anxious and easily frightened; a little noise in the street seems to her like cries of fire; it frightens him so that all his limbs tremble. Highest degree of irresoluteness; he proposes a little journey; but as soon as he makes preparations, he chapges his mind, and he prefers remaining home. Wavers for a long time between opposite resolutions, (a. several days.) In the day she resolves to undertake a certain business; but scarcely has the time for it come, when she changes her mind, and she becomes so irresolute that she does not know what to do. All self-confidence has disappeared. Great fearfulness and cowardice. Extremely desponding and pusillanimous; she imagines to be obliged to die, and she weeps, (7.-10.d.) Pusillanimity and anxiety. Great ennui and ill-humour. Bad mood, peevishness. Want of disposition to play, in children. Peevish, morose, not disposed to work. Peevish and quarrelsome. Extremely irritated, unsociable mood, becoming vehement on account of trifles, (very shortly.) Sudden, excessive, but quickly passing burst of BARYTA CARBONICA. 203 anger and wrath, even unto rage, through slight causes; he is easily led to commit deeds of violence, (a. several d.) Mirth which becomes wantonness. Deficiency of memory, (a. 16 h.) Great forgetfulness, he knows no more what he has just spoken, (a. 27 d.) Forgetfulness; he forgets what he was just about to utter. In the midst of her speech she often is unable to remember a quite common word. Inattentiveness of the child in studying his lesson. HEAD.-Dullness in the head. Dullness in the head. Gloomy in the head, early on waking up, and the whole forenoon, (a. 27 d.) Obtusion of the head, when sitting; going off in the open air, (20. d.) Obtusion of the head, which spreads towards the temples and the forehead. Obtusion, dullness and heaviness of the head, in the evening, with drowsiness; the head threatens to incline forwards all the time; at the same time the person is peevish and tired, (a. 46 d.) Feeling of dullness in the head, with tensive obtusion of the forehead and the eyes, especially the inner canthi. Vertigo in the head; he was obliged to sit down, and to hold himself fast, with nausea. Vertigo. Vertigo, early after rising; everything turns with her, with nausea and a sense of fainting at the stomach, (8.-11. d.) Vertigo, with nausea, * from stooping. Vertigo, with headache, * from stooping, (a. 25 d.) Vertigo on raising the head, * from stooping. Vertigo on crossing a little bridge, so that he knew not where he was. Vertigo on moving the body. Sudden vertigo on lifting the arms; everything appeared to turn, (12. d.) Headache in the evening; every noise, especially male voices, affected her brain very painfully, (5. d.) Pressive pain in the left temple, (a. some d.) Pressive pain through the right half of the brain, from the neck into the frontal eminences, (a. 1 h. and a half.) Pressure in the brain, under the vertex, towards the occiput, on waking up from sleep, with stiffness of the nape of the neck. Dull, pressive pain at the occipital bone, on the right side, from the cervical vertebrae obliquely into the parietal bone, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and returning on the day following, at the same hour. Stunning, dull pressure in the forehead, close over the right eye. Pressive pain in the forehead, from within, (12. d.) Pressive o04 BARYTA CARBONICA. and clawing thrust in the left temple, from within, (a. 2 h. and a half.) Pressive, clawing pain, from within, in the whole forehead, especially in the orbits, much worse when holding the head straight, gradually diminishing when stooping, (a. 10 h.) Violent squeezing in the whole head, as if it would burst; especially violent in both frontal eminences and over the orbits, (a. 4 h. and a half.) Pressure, with weight, in the right side of the forehead. Sense of weight in the whole occiput, especially close to the nape of the neck, with tension, uninfluenced by motion, (a. 4 h.) Sense of tension around the whole forehead, in the skin, as if it were too tight, after dinner. Tension and burning, at a small spot on the left parietal bone, (a. 1 h.) Painful sense as of screwing on both sides of the head, then tearing at a small place of the left parietal bone, and afterwards in the occipital bone on the left side. Sharp drawing over the left eye, extending from tile nose towards the temple, in the evening. Sudden, intensely painful traction from the occipital bone across over the right ear, as far as the lower jaw. Tearing in the vertex. Fine tearing at a small spot of the right parietal bone, deep in the bone. Tearing in the left side of the occiput, relieved by bending the head backwards. Tearing, with shootings, deep in the brain, behind the right ear, at short intervals, instantly renewed by touching the parts. Rheumatic pain in the occipital bone, with glandular swellings in the nape of the neck. Shooting, deep in the temple, in the orbit, and the ear of the left side. Stitches in the head, commencing immediately in a warm room. Violent, dull stitches in the left frontal eminence, when stooping while washing. Severe stitches in the whole head, increasing and decreasing, (3. d.) Stitches in the sides of the head, also after dinner, and in the evening; at this time the stitches are more violent in the left side. Dull stitches over the right temple, early in the morning when yawning. Dull stitches in the left side of the head from the occiput to the frontal eminence, or alternately, here or there. Violent stitches in the brain, with heat and tingling in the head, (a. 15 d.) Small, violent stitches in the right frontal eminence, from within outwards, (a. 9 h.) Pressive stitches in the vertex, which extend through the whole head, as soon as she walks BARYTA CARBONICA. 205 in the sun. Stitch producing a sense of dilatation of the parts, beginning in the left side of the head, traversing the whole of the left side of the occiput, and terminating at the cervical vertebrae, (a. 9 h.) Drawing stitches, becoming worse at intervals, in the mastoid process of the left side, at a small place, which is yet extremely painful even afterwards, especially when the head is turned or touched. Burning stitch in the right temple. Throbbing, with stitches in the left side of the head, (7. d.) Throbbing in the occiput, reaching as far as the frontal eminence, in the evening, (5. d.) Violent throbbing in the forehead, deep in the brain, when stooping, (a. 30 d.) Grinding headache in the forehead and temples. Grinding headache in the upper and fore part of the head, almost daily, early after rising, continuing during the forenoon and discontinuing in the afternoon; when shaking the head, the brain feels as if it were loose and detached. Sense of looseness of the brain, which feels as if, during motion, it fell to and fro, (a. 45 d.) When stooping, sense as if everything would fall into the forehead, (a. 16 d.) Concussion of the brain on knocking the foot against something. Considerable rush of blood to the head; the blood seems to be stagnant in it, and feels as if it could not circulate, (a. 27 d.) Whizzing in the head, as of boiling water, (a. 27 d.) Heat in the head, early on-rising, and cutting thrusts, as with knives, (17. d.) Early on waking, first, heaviness, then, after rising, heat in the head, hands and feet being cold. Feeling of icy coldness of the right side of the head, and, nevertheless, sense as of burning. Shivering over the hairy scalp, without, however, any sense of coldness, as if the hairs stood on end. The skin of the head is painful to every touch. Pain as if the hairs were pulled up, at a small place of the right parietal bone. The hairs come out by combing, (a. 4 d.) Slow, fine stitches on the hairy scalp, here and there, which force one to scratch. Itching and gnawing of the hairy scalp and the temples, (a. 3 d.) Itching tingling over the head, here and there, which passes off by scratching. Formication in the skin of the whole head, in the evening. Pimples on the sides of the hairy scalp. Small boils on the forehead. Eruption on the forehead, (of the genus herpes?) with a more burning than 206 BARYTA CARBONICA. itching sensation. An old tumour on the hairy scalp, which had been painless heretofore, grows larger, and, when touched, it feels painful, as if there were subcutaneous suppuration. EYES.-Eruption in the right eye-brow, with a stinging pain when touched. The eye-balls are painful. Violent pains in the left eye, and thence across the temples, as far as into the ear, (a. 20 h.) * Soreness-and fatigue of the eyes, with * pressure in them.-Pressure deep in the eyes, which grows worse by her looking at one point, or upwards and sideways, but which is relieved by winking or by looking downwards, (a. several days.)-Continual pressure in the eye-balls.-Dull pressure in the left eye, succeeding a shooting headache in the left temple and orbit, with a sensation as if lachrvmation would set in, and a kind of weakness, which obliges her to close the eye frequently; the same sensation is then experienced in the right eye. Pressure in the external canthus, as if a grain of sand were in it. Pressure in both eyes, with itching as from dust. Tearing in the eyes. Shooting and tearing in the right upper eye-lid. Shooting stitches in the external canthus. A stitch across the left upper eye-lid. Itching of the border of the upper eyelid. Itching in the eyes. Itching, burning, pressure, sense of soreness and feeling of dryness in the eyes. Dry heat and pressure in the eyes. The eyes burn after an effort of sight. Burning of the eyes in the inner canthi and copious lachrymation. Sense as of a burning spark shooting from the upper border of the right orbit as far as the root of the nose. Internal, inflamed redness of the lids. Redness of the white of the eye, and a white pimple upon it, near the corner. Reddish white of the eye, and lachrymation. Swelling of the lids, early in the morning. The eyes are swollen early in the morning. Pus in the lids, externally, especially early in the morning. The external canthi of the eyes, are closed by gum, at night. * Agglutination of the eye-lids. The eye-lids open with difficulty, early in the morning. The eyes close in the evening, at twilight. Quick succession of dilatation and contraction of the pupils; they do not appear round, but with a few obtuse angles, (a. 5 BAftY'A CARBONICA. 201 m.)-* She sees everything as in a fog, for several minutes, when closing the eyes and pressing a little upon the eye-balls with the hand; this symptom is accompanied by pressive pain in the eye-balls. Sense as of a gauze being before the eyes, early in the morning and after dinner. Frequent obscuration of the eyes. * Black spots before the eyes, (a. 24 h.) The light of the candles has a halo with the colours of the rainbow. Sparks before the eyes in the dark. Fiery sparks before the eyes, and tearing in the eyes. EARs.-Drawing pain in the ears. Tearing coming out at the left ear. Tearing with boring and drawing in the bone before the right ear. Tearing behind the right ear. Stitches deep in the left ear. Violent stitches in the ear, lasting continually for two days, (a. 28 d.)--Violent stitch which obliges her to scream, several times, during the day, under the right eai, near the ramus of the lower jaw, (a. 24 h.) Such violent boring in the right ear, that she would like to scream. * Pulsative throbbing in the left ear, upon which he had been lying during the night. * Throbbing and hard pressure deep in the right ear, upon which lie was lying, and when turning to the left side, in the left ear; after midnight. Throbbing before the left ear, when lying upon it. Itching in the ears. Considerable itching in the left ear. Tingling and twitching in tile left ear. Tingling pain in the bone in front of the right ear. * Eruption on the ears. The right parotid is swollen and is painful to the touch. Cracking in the ear, when walking fast, swallowing, sneezing, etc. Slight cracking in one ear, when swallowing, as if the ear were being broken. Slight cracking in both ears when swallowing. When lying upon the left ear, then a guggling sound was heard in it which passed into the right ear; this prevented him from sleeping, (a. 11 d.) Explosions in the ears, at night. Stunning noise in the ears, (a. 2 d.) " Tingling in the ears. Considerable, long tingling in the ears. Roaring and buzzing in the ears, (a. 28 d.) Noise in the ears, in the evening, like ringing of bells and strong wind. Echo in the ears from violent blowing of the nose. Sounding in the ears even when breathing, as from a sounding-board, (a. 2 d.) Hard hearing. Hard hearing, (the first days.) 208 BARYTA CARBONICA. NoSE.-Her nose feels as if it were swollen and closed with glue. Crawling on both sides. Burning at a small. place of the back of the nose, as from a drop of hot grease. Bleeding at the nose several times during the day, (a. 24 h.) Frequent bleeding at the nose. Frequent and profuse bleeding at the nose, (a. 24 h.) Bleeding at the nose, early when in bed, the blood being brightred. On blowing the nose, blood comes out with the mucus. The nose bleeds easily when blowing or cleansing it. Extremely sensitive smell. FACE.-Sharp stitches in the face.-Painful stitches in the face. Slight twitches in the left side of the face. Tingling in the left cheek, (1. d.) Sense of tightness in the skin of the face. Tension in the face which draws down his eye-lids, with inclination to throw up sputa.Sense of tension -in the whole face, with loathing and diarrhoea, (a. 1 hour and a half.)-Sensation as if the whole skin of the face were covered with cobweb.-Very disagreeable feeling over the whole skin of the face, the hairy scalp, especially the temples, as if something were tightly drawn over the parts with a sense of coldness in the face, (very shortly.) * Feeling of swelling in the face.-Sensation, as if the whole face were highly swollen; the swelling, however, was insignificant, although the otherwise deep furrows of the face had almost entirely disappeared, and the face appeared smoothed for some hours (a. half an h.) * Swelling of the left cheek and the region behind the ear, with pain in the temple, (a. 30 d.) Sense of heat in the face, without redness of the same. Redness of the face, in the evening, (second day.) Considerable redness of the face, with purple lips and considerable orgasm of the blood, (immediately.) Rough, dry place on the right cheek. Small pimples in the face,-like furunculs, but without sensation. JAWS AND TEETH.-The lips are dry, early after rising. Sense of dryness of the lips and the gums; drinking does not relieve it. Burning at a small spot in the vermilion border of the lower lip, (17. d.) Sense of swelling of the upper lip. Sensation in the upper lip, as if it would swell; on the internal surface and in the palate, sen BARYTA CARBONICA. 209 sation as if the parts were burnt or distended with pores. Swelling of the upper lip, with a burning pain. Chapped lower lip. Sense of excoriation of the lower lip. A cluster of small itching pimples with a red base under the left corner of the mouth. Blister on the lower lip. Large elevated induration on the upper lip, behind the skin, very painful to the touch. Pustule in the right corner of the mouth, painful to the touch. Pressure under the chin, increased by touching or moving the lower jaw. He cannot close the lower jaw, without experiencing great pain in the articulation. Tearing in the right lower jaw. A stitch in the middle of the lower jaw. Painful gnawing, in the left lower jaw. The glands of the lower jaw are painful. Swelling of the glands of the lower jaw, (a. 39 d.) Tooth-ache, in the evening, when in bed, not by day, (a. 8 d.) Tensive pain and painful stitches in the whole of the right row of teeth. Grumbling pain in a molar tooth. Tearing in the molar teeth. Painful gnawing in the roots and the gums of the molar teeth. Boring in the teeth, as if they were dashed asunder, as soon as he introduces cold or warm substances in his mouth. * Drawing, jerking, throbbing tooth-ache, as if something were lodged under the teeth, the drawing extending as far as the ear and the right temple. Throbbing pain, with great sensitiveness in one of the lower molar teeth, early after rising. Burning pain, sometimes in one of the upper, sometimes the lower teeth of the left side, with conflux of a quantity of saliva in the mouth; he cannot rest upon this side, because, if he does, the side of the head feels as if it were clawed, and there is throbbing in the left ear. Tingling burning in the left lower row of teeth, (a. 36 d.) Intensely painful tingling in the. points of the crowns of the teeth, in the evening, (6. d.) Painful toothache, with soreness; she dared not touch the tooth. A sound tooth becomes loose and is painful during eating, and even for some time after, (a tooth becomes speedily hollow.) Frequent and considerable bleeding of the teeth. The gums bleed and seem to recede from the teeth. Swelling and painfulness of the gums of a molar tooth of the upper jaw; " they look reddish, and, at the top of the tooth they are bordered with a 210 BARYTA CARBONICA. dark-red narrow border; when drinking cold, the tooth and its neighbours are very painful. MovTH.-The buccal cavity feels numb, (three and four days.) The whole mouth is filled with inflamed vesicles, especially the palate and the inside of the cheeks. Roughness upon the tongue, early on waking up; if the tongue touch against the palate, it feels like a grating-iron, (31. d.) Hardness of a place on the middle of the tongue, with burning, when touched, for several days, (a. 18 d.) Burning sense of excoriation at the tip of the tongue, (4. d.) A crack on the left border of the tongue; it feels sore and excoriated. Pain on the side of the tongue, as from blisters. Pointed vesicles on the middle of the tongue.Burning blisters at the tip of the tongue, of long duration, (a. 6 d. Vesicle under the tongue. Considerably coated tongue. *Dryness of the tongue, early in the morning, with a sense of internal swelling of the throat. Prickings in the throat as from pins, (9. d.) * Dryness in the mouth, early, after rising. Viscidity in the mouth. Much phlegm in the mouth. Constant spitting of saliva for 8 days, (a. 38 d.) Constant spitting of saliva, without nausea. The mouth is constantly full of water, gulped up from the stomach, (a. 14 d.) THRoAT.-Rawness and roughness in the throat, worse after swallowing, (2. d.) Roughness and sense of excoriation in the throat, preceded by night-sweat; worse during empty deglutition, than during deglutition of soft food, (a. 48 h.) Sore throat with a sense of excoriation, when swallowing, but mostly during an empty deglutition; at the same time the neck is externally painful on both sides, when touched. Stinging sore throat, when swallowing saliva and during an empty deglutition. Stinging in the throat, (a. 14 d.) Stinging in the throat, worse when swallowing, with dryness, in the evening, (6. d.) Dryness and painful, severe stinging and pressing, as from a swelling, back in the left side of the neck, only when swallowing. Choking, or contraction in the throat, with arrest (interception) of breath, which obliges him to unbutton his clothes, during dinner, (26. d.) Attacks of choking in the throat, after dinner, when sitting or writing, with a sensation as if the thyroid body were pressed in, and as if BARYTA CARBONICA. 211 breathing were impeded by it, (a. 28 d.) Contraction in the throat, with a sensation, during deglutition, as if a plug were lodged in the region of the head of the larynx, worse in the afternoon. Sense, in the pharynx, as of a fine leaflet lying before the posterior nares, early after waking up, (2. d.) When sneezing, sensation in the throat as if a piece of flesh had become detached in the top of the throat, with burning of the place, (4. d.) Sensation as of a quantity of phlegm being in the throat, and therefore much desire for drinking in order to become freed from the sensation. Sensation in the oesophagus, after previous rawness (the Germ. is scraping) as if a plug were lodged in it, or as if a piece had remained sticking in it. Sensation of internal swelling of the neck, early in the morning, during deglutition, with dryness of the tongue. Swelling of the left tonsil. Chilliness, heat and contusion of all the limbs, succeeded by *inflammation of the throat with considerable swelling of the palate and the tonsils, which pass into suppuration and prevent him from opening the jaws, or speaking and swallowing, with dark brown urine and sleeplessness, (a. 18 d.) TASTE AND APPETITE.-Loss of taste for several days. Spoiled taste in the mouth, every morning, with tongue very much coated. Spoiled, bitter taste and smell in the mouth. Bitter and slimy in the mouth, with coated tongue, (6. d.) Very bitter taste in the mouth, the food tasting naturally. Sour taste in the mouth, in the evening. Sour taste in the mouth, before, not after eating. Sour taste in the mouth, early after rising, (48. d.) Sweet taste, at the root of the tongue, (a. 19 d.) Saltish taste in the mouth and throat, in the afternoon. Scraping taste in the throat, when smoking tobacco as usually, (a. three quarters of an h.) Intolerable fetor from the mouth, which he himself was unconscious of, (5. d.) * Thirst, with dryness in the mouth. Want of appetite. Little appetite, for several days. Absence of appetite, for 3 weeks, (a. 26 d.) Little appetite, the food tasting well; no hunger. Satiety the whole day; she eats, whatever she does eat, without any hunger. Slight appetite; if he eats something, it will not go down; the food tastes naturally, but it is repugnant to him, and eating makes him feel uneasy. Indifference to I3ARVTA CARBONICA& sweet things. RepugnAnce to fruit, especially to plums. Repugnance to food, and nevertheless a feeling of hunger. Feeling of hunger in the stomach, but no appetite, (a. 10 d.) Hunger, already early on rising, (2. d.) Insatiability. (Desire to nibble.) Good deal of appetite, every day; he is soon hungry again, after having satiated himself moderately only; but if he eats a quantity, he experiences great uneasiness and indolence afterwards. Several symptoms seem to abate during dinner. He is attacked with heat when eating or drinking. After dinner he feels worn out, faintish, uneasy with constant tenesmus and feeling of anxiety in the lumbar region; he had these same symptoms when at rest. After dinner he feels very warm and uneasy, and he feels a kind of pressure in the right side over the stomach. Great laziness and dread of labor after dinner. After dinner he feels as if he had gauze before his eyes. After dinner, tenesmus of the bladder. After dinner, suppressed eructations, with subsequent spasmodic contractive pain at the stomach, (7. d.) Eructations of air, with a sense in the region of the stomach, as of the air forcing its way painfully through it; this causes a feeling of soreness in those parts, which is afterwards succeeded by tasteless eructations. Frequent eructations. Incessant eructations. Eructations from the afternoon until late at night, so that he was prevented from falling asleep, (a. 40 d.) Empty eructations wake him from his sleep early in the morning, (a. 42 d.) Quantity of empty eructations, in the afternoon, (a. 25 d.) Empty, tasteless eructations, (a. a quarter of an h.) Empty eructations with insipid taste and collection of water in the mouth, without nausea. Violent eructations, with pressure at the stomach, as if a stone were rising and then falling down again. Frequent risings of air, with a sensation as if they carried up with them a tubercle of the size of a hazel-nut, early in the morning, (19. d ) Bitter eructations, frequently. * Sourish eructations, daily, a few hours after dinner. Rancid eructations. Heart-burn, after a few eructations. Gulping up of sweetish or bitter water after dinner. Violent hiccough in the forenoon and after dinner. Hiccough. Nausea, early in the morning when fasting, with palpitation of the heart and anxiety. " Nausea, as from a spoiled stomach, early in the morning. BARYTA CARBONICA. 213 STOMACH.-.* Sensation of nausea about the stomach, qualmishness. * Inclination to vomit, a kind of uneasiness with a certain qualmishness. Inclination to vomit, at the stomach, when walking, increased by frequently touching the region of the stomach, without any undue secretion of saliva. Frequent vomiting of slime. * Pain at the stomach. Sensitiveness in the pra.cordial region; every time she sets her foot hard upon the ground, she feels a pain there. Fullness of the stomach, after dinner, as if he had eaten too much. Feeling of repletion in the stomach. * Heaviness at the stomach, with nausea, early when fasting; going off after breakfast, (a. several d.) Heaviness at the precordial region, as from a load, aggravating the breathing, relieved by deep inspirations, made worse by carrying a little weight. If she takes ever so little food, she is nevertheless immediately satisfied, and * feels a painful heaviness at the stomach, as from a stone, with intensely painful gnawing; the pain is relieved for a short time only by extending the body or bending it backwards, made worse by sitting crooked. ' Pressure at tlhe stomach, as from a stone, relieved by eructations. Excessive pressure at the stomach, with nausea, consequent upon eating bread, not boiled food, even when she cats moderately, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Pressure and choking on the right side of the stomach, as high up as the chest, as if a hard body were struggling upwards, from morning till afternoon. Pressure at the precordial region, with dyspncea and a sensation as if tlhe breath were arrested there in a deep inspiration; at teio same time roughness of voice, which can be cleared only for a short time by clearing the throat; the pressive pain increases by tasting a little food. Contractive pain at tlhe stomach, in the afternoon. Pain at the stomach as from ulceration, on external pressure. Soreness at the pit of the stomach, when pressing upon it, externally, and when breathing, (1. d.) Painful, writhing sensation at the stomach, while eating, when the food descends into it, as if the food had to force its way through and hurt sore places. *Even fasting she feels soreness at the stomach, for several days. The sense of pressive soreness and gnawing at the stomach is most violent when walking or standing, also 214 BARYTA CARBONICA.1 when sitting crooked; when lying upon her back, when stooping * or pressing upon the stomach with her hands, she only feels a painful pressure, not the gnawing. Fine stitches through the stomach, extending as far as the spinal marrow. Intensely painful, dull stitches, close below the pit of the stomach, near the xiphoid cartilage; the stitches continue in the shape of a simple pain. Sudden drawing pain at the pit of the stomach, from time to time. Drawing tearing at the pit of the stomach, accompanied by the sense as of a heavy body being lodged there, when raising the head after stooping, (a. 17 d.) Sense of weakness at the stomach, which passes off after eating. Burning in the region of the stomach, in the afternoon. Sense of coldness and emptiness in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Violent, dull stitches in the hypochondrium of the left side. Pain under the right ribs, the hands and feet being cold, and the cheeks hot and red, (a. 2 d.) Pressive pain in the region of the stomach, increasing during motion, still worse when touched. Pressive pain at a small spot in the right hypochondrium, only when inspiring, especially when the inspirations are deep. Also when pressed upon, the spot feels painful, (2. d.) Tensive pain coming from the back and passing forward under the right rib, when rising from a seat, or when stooping deep, for the purpose of picking up something. Short stitches below the right hypochondrium, uninfluenced by breathing, (a. half an h.) Bellyache, so violent that his navel was drawn in, and he had to curb himself, in the evenings. He was unable to sleep on account of bellyache; the pain returned on the slightest motion, (a. 27 d.) The bellyache is relieved partly by eructations, partly by warm poultices. Disagreeable feeling in the epigastrium, such as precedes vomiting. Fulness of the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen. Painful distention of the abdomen. Feeling in the abdomen as if something were swollen in it. Tense, distended abdomen. Tenseness of the abdomen, with sensitiveness of the abdominal integumenis to the touch. Pressure in the abdomen, over the ossa pubis, early, when in bed, lying upon the back. Pressure in the right side of the abdomen, early, after waking up, when in bed; the pressure went off after rising. Sense of contraction at a DBAYTA CARBONICA. 215 place of a hand's breadth in the left side of the epigastrium, (2. d.) Suddenly contractive pain in the hypogastrium, over the genital organs, growing worse and disappearing again at intervals, (a. 5 m.) Sudden and violently squeezing pain in the region of the transverse colon, as if flatulence were forcibly pressing through there. Pinching in the abdomen, with nausea. Pinching around the navel, on the least motion, which is felt either at night when lying down, or by day, when sitting; emission of flatulence relieves the pain, which ceases entirely when walking, (a. 27 d.) Pinching around the navel, more when sitting than during motion. Pinching bellyache, extending from the top to the bottom of the abdomen. Pinching in the left lumbar region, at a small place close below the left hypochondrium, increased by pressing upon it with the finger, (a. a quarter of an h.) Cutting colic, at night. Painful cutting in the abdomen, especially around the navel, in the evening, (15. d.) Cutting in the hypogastrium, at night, with tenesmus, pain as from distension in the intestines and fulness over the ossa pubis, as if everything were obstructed, and the abdomen would burst when lying straight, this was followed by stool in the shape of hard balls, then liquid with much tenesmus; the colic abating with subsequent,burning in the rectum, (2. d.) Violent colic as if diarrhoea would take place, moving to and fro in the whole abdomen, and relieved only for a short time by loud rumbling in the belly. Sense in the abdomen, as if she were to be attacked with diarrhoea, accompanied by chills. Sensation of anguish with uneasiness and sick feeling in the lumbar region, like tenesmus, removed only for a short time by emission of flatulence or rising of air; at last loose stool at short intervals. Several drawing stitches upwards in the left side of the epigastrium. Drawing pain, deep in the epigastrium, descending along the right groin, as by a string, (2. d.) A stitch in the right side of the abdomen, and at the same time in the small of the back, (2. d.) Sudden stitches under the navel, (4. d.) Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, during hiccough, when turning the body, when yawning or breathing deeply; not when walking. Suddenly a few sharp stitches in the right side of the abdomen; she would like to scream. 216 BARYTA CARBONICA. Suddenly a violent stitch from the right groin into the abdomen which causes her to start. Feeling of soreness externally around the belly: which extends from the small of the back. Pressive pain at the anterior part of the abdomen, as it were, outside of the intestines, in the muscles, especially in the evening; increasing to an insupportable degree when walking or taking otherwise exercise; decreasing immediately when sitting or lying down, but returning instantly on walking, (a. 24 h.) Pressing out at the abdominal ring, during exercise and stool. The place where hernia protrudes, itches. (Inflammation of the place where hernia protrudes,) (a. 3 d) A quantity of troublesome flatulence in the abdomen; this causes the varices to protrude; they are painful when sitting. Rumbling in the abdomen. Considerable grunting and slight rumbling in the abdomen. Slight rumbling in the abdomen when moving it, as if it contained much liquid, although she has not taken any drink, in the afternoon. STOOL.-Emission of fetid flatulence. Frequent tenesmus. She cannot hold the stools, they press out too rapidly. Frequent tenesmus, however, she does not go to stool oftener than usually, and then the stools are natural. Frequent tenesmus, with painful soreness in the lumbar region, and shivering chills over the head and the legs, as in dysentery; then loose stool, at short intervals, the pains in the loins contiinuing with renewed tenesmus. Tenesmus with violent pain in the belly, as if the intestines were being dilated; then loose stool, with subsequently renewed attacks of tenesmus, (a. 1 h.) Loose stool with great desire, hard stool having preceded, with subsequent burning and sense of distension in the rectum, (1. and 2. d.) Soft granulary stool, without any pain. Soft stool terminating in diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, (1. and 30. d.) Diarrhoea, mixed with blood, in a child. Light colored stool. Firm stool. Hard stool, with burning in the rectum. Very hard stool, coming out with difficulty, with pain at the rectum and bloody slime. The stool sometimes sets out for a day. Expulsion of ascarides. Expulsion of an ascaris with the stools. Burning in the rectum during the otherwise natural stool. A quantity of empty eructations after good stool, (a. some h.) Humid varices after stool. BARYTA CARBONICA. 217 Varices of the rectum of the size of a hazelnut, with stinging pains and as from excoriation. Frequent expulsion of blood from the rectum, with distension of the abdomen. Crawling in the rectum. Biting in the rectum. Burning in the rectum. Soreness and burning around the anus, towards evening. Painful soreness around the anus, as if there were excoriation of the parts, (a. 5 d.) Stitches in the rectum the whole day, and hard stool. URINARY ORGANS.-* Great desire for micturition; she cannot retain the urine. Frequent emission of urine every other day, (a. 29 h.) Increased discharge of urine; she has to rise twice every night for the purpose of urinating; she emits a large quantity every time, (a. 19 d.) Increased secretion of urine. Frequent and abundant discharge of urine, without her having drunk anything, before breakfast. He is obliged frequently to emit urine which is as clear as water; the quantity everylime is small. Rare and scanty emission of urine, with burning in the urethra, (8. and 11. d.) Urine with yellow sediment. Burning in the urethra during micturition, (15. d.) Pinching in the abdomen during micturition. After micturition she desires again to urinate, and emits a few drops every time; the symptom goes off when sitting. GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS.-Burning in the left testicle, (a. 13 d.) Violent itching of the ribs of the scrotum, so that he cannot scratch enough. Considerable sweat of the scrotum. Red, excoriated, moist, burning place between the scrotum and the thigh. A lesticular excrescence which had been swollen before, swells anew with violence. Numbness of the sexual organs, for some minutes, (a. 28 d.) *The sexual desire is suppressed, (the first days.) ' Diminishes sexual desire. Great increase of the sexual desire, (reaction.) He falls asleep during the embrace, without any effusion of semen, (a. 21 d.) Slow erection, (a. 9, 14 d.) Erection, early in the morning, before rising; this, generally, happened very seldom, (a. 17 d.) Erection every night, (a. 30 d.) (reaction.) Suddenly, in the evening, an erection, such as he had not had for a year, with shuddering; the erection was so violent that coition became necessary, (a. 10 h.) Pollution in a man advanced in years; this was followed by dryness over 10 218 BARYTA CARBONICA. the whole body; (after ten days.) Some pollutions take place in quick succession in a married man, with subsequent exhaustion, (a. 35 d.) Considerable pollution at night, after coition had taken place shortly before, (a. 4 d.) Continual increase of the sexual desire in woman, (reaction.) Greater inclination for an embrace in woman; the desire is much more lasting, (reaction.) *The menses are extremely scanty. *'he menses are very scanty and last only for one day, whereas, generally, they last two or three days. The nmnses are a little riore considerable and last a little longer than usually; and, this time, they are not accompanied by any pain, (reaction?) The menses appear two days too soon. The menses appear too soon, and are too abundant. During the menses, she experiences a kind of weight over the ossa pubis, in any position. Cutting and pinching in the abdomen during the menses. Pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back, during the menses. Discharge of a little sanguinolent mucus froni the vagina, with anxious beating of the heart, uneasiness in the body, pain in the back and weakness even unto fainting. Painful tearing, in the form of jerks, in the pudendum, so that she would like to scream, in the evening, (4 d.) CoLD, CATAiRRH.-Sneezing so violent that it shakes the brain and leaves a feeling of vertigo behind, (1. d.) Frequent sneezings, in quick succession, in the evening. Obstructed nose. Troublesome dryness of the nose. Constant corvza, with sense of obstruction of the nose. (a. 15 d.) Frequent, but short coryza, often lasting only for an hour. Fluent coryza, appearing shorly, and disappearing as soon. Fluent corvza, with hollow, deep tone of voice, and dry cough, early in the morning and by day, but not at night. Frequent discharge of phlegm from the nose. Frequent desire to blow the nose, with discharge of phlegm from the nose; this is always followed by a feeling of dryness in the nose, (a. 8 d.) Discharge of a thick, yellow nmucus from the nose. H1nroAT.-Stitcles in the larynx, (2. d.) Pressure close below lthe larynx, uninfluenced by swallowing, (a. 3 h.) In thle throat, sense as if he inspired nothing but smoke, (a. 27 d.) * Hoarseness for a fortnight. * Hoarseness, or rather aphony for some weeks. * Impure voice, BARYTA CARBONICA. 219 on account of phlegm which is,constantly lodged in the fauces and the larynx, for many days; he can only hawk up a little of it, which clears the voice some for a short time. Roughness of the throat, occasioning a few short attacks of cough, (a. 1 h.) Tickling in the throat, occasioning a continual short hacking cough. Cough excited by continual speaking, (a. 35 d.) * Cough, after midnight. Dry cough, early after rising, with a sensation afterwards, as if a hard body were falling into the chest, (a. 20 d.) Dry cough, for three days, caused by a tickling in the larynx and in the praecordial region, which abates only at night, and also a little after dinner. Dry, short cough, in the evening. Violent, dry cough, in the evening, with subsequent weakness in the head. Suffocating cough. Cough with discharge of phlegm. Cough consequent upon incessant irritation to cough, with discharge of phlegm. A loose cough, with a saltish, starch-like discharge, having lasted already four weeks, went off, (reaction.) CHEST.-Feeling of soreness in the chest when coughing. Arrest (interception) of breath, when coughing or not, (9. d.) Fulness in the chest, with short breath, especially when ascending a height, and with stitches in the chest, when inspiring. Fulness in the chest, and pain as from bruises, in the left side. Pain in the chest. The pain in the chest is relieved partly by eructations, partly by dry, warm poultices. * Pressure on the chest, and tickling, with dry cough, going off, (reaction.) Pressive heaviness across the chest, increased by inspiration, and then causing painful stitches under the upper extremity of the sternum, (a. half an hour.) Stitches in the left mamma, (a. 4 h.) Small stiches in the left side of the chest, at each inspiration, (a. 19 d.) Violent stitch in the left side of the chest, on raising a heavy load with both hands, (a 20 d.) Sudden stitches and burning, deep in the left side of the chest; she got frightened at them; in the evening, (4. d.) Shootings in the right mamma, which cause her to scream in the evening, (a. 2 d ) Shootings in the right mamma, between the sixth and seventh rib. Dull stitches behind the sternum, deep in the chest, with a subsequent pain as if the part were bruised, (1. d.) Stitches from the cheat, 220 BARYTA CARBONICA. and coming out at the shoulders. Soreness in the chest, and externally. Short burning in the left side of the chest. Throbbing with painful stitches in the left side of the chest, ascending and commencing at the pit of the stomach. Sometimes violent beatings of the heart, (in the first fortnight.) Sensation, in front in the chest, of a violent beat of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, when lying upon the left side. Palpitation of the heart renewed by thinking of it; she then feels anguish; mostly at noon. Tearing and stitches, externally in the mamme, (a. 19 d.) Burning externally at the whole chest, with redness of the skin. Itching of the chest. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, (a. 12d.) Heaviress in the small of the back and the loins, as from cold. * Painful traction in the small of the back, as if a heavy body were moving downwards, (6. d.) * Tensive pain in the small of the back, worst in the evening, so that he can neither rise from his seat, nor bend himself backwards. Stitches in the. small of the back, worse when sitting, than in motion, (a. 11 d.) Violent stitch in the small of the back. * Sensation as of throbbing, (which is merely grumbling) in the small of the back. Pain in the back, as if he had been lying too hard. Great pain in the right side of the back, when lying down. Weakness and want of mobility in the dorsal spine; when sitting long, it feels as if it would fall in. Pain, as from bruises, between the shoulders, (5. -10. d.) Pain, as from dislocation in the right scapula. Quickly passing, cramp-like pain at the left scapula, (a. half an hour). Dull stitches through the left scapula, coming out at the chest, (3. d.) Shooting stitch on the left scapula, and on the outside of the right thigh. Burning stitch at the external border of the right scapula, (2. d.) Burning in the upper part of the right scapula. Burning at the loins which traverses the body. Burning at a small spot on the left side of the lumbar Vertebrae, and at the same time at the lower part of the left scapula, worse when rising from a seat, relieved when walking; also at night, so that he can lie only on one side, (17.- 19. d.) Throbbing in the back, like a strong pulsation, mostly when at rest and during an emotion, (ihe first three days.) Throbbing, alternating with tearing, sometimes in the left shoulder, sometimes between the BARYTA CARBONICA. 221 scapulae; also at night, (a. 19 d.) Violent itching on the back, day and night. Much itching, with eruption, upon the back. Itching of the left scapula, with small pimples after scratching. * Stiffness in the nape of the neck, when waking up from the siesta, (a. 24 h.) Boring pain in the bones, in the nape of the neck, uninfluenced either by touch or motion, (a. 3 d.) Pressure and tensive pain on the left side of the nape of the neck, when at rest and in motion. Swelling on the nape of the neck, which, little by little, spreads over the whole head, with redness of the skin, and pain thereof, as from ulceration, * accompanied by considerable swelling of the glands in this region, for several days, (a. 7 d.) * Several glandular swellings on the nape of the neck and occiput. Itching pimples on the nape of the neck, close to the hair, (a. 3 d.) Frequent pain of the axillary glands. Audible cracking in the shoulder-joint, on every motion of the left arm, (a. 18d.) SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Grinding pain in the left shoulder-joint. The arms are heavy and tremulous. When laying the arm upon the table, it goes to sleep. * The left arm has gone to sleep; only by considerable friction she succeeded in reviving it. Intensely painful traction in all the hollow bones of the right arm. Tension of the arms, here and there, always only at a small spot, (2. d.) Swelling of the right arm, tlhe axillary glands being painful. Intense pain at a small spot of the humerus. Pain at the humerus, as if an ulcer would form there. The left humerus feels as if it were knocked through in the middle. Pain above the left elbow, as from a contusion. Pain of the elbow as from a contusion. Tearing twitches in the bend of the right elbow. Slight twitching, almost resembling shaking, in the bend of the left elbow, reaching the middle of both upper and lower arm. Painful tearing in the forearm of the left side, from the middle to the wrist. Short, painful traction in the left lower arm, apparently in the bone, both when at rest and in motion, (a. 1 hour and a half.) Pain, as if from bruises, on the back of the lower arm, apparently in the radius, getting worse increasingly, at intervals, (a. many days.) Paralytic pain in the forearm and hand, going off by motion, returning when at rest. Tension or traction BARYTA CARBONICA. in the wrist-joint, and in other parts of the right arm. Traction in the left wrist-joint, reaching as high as the middle of the upper arm. Shootings in the coronoid process of the ulna, the attacks being slow and increasing and decreasing like waves; early in the morning, when lying in bed. Shooting pain, occurring with the regularity of musical beats, in the styloid process of the radius. Squeezing pain in the hand. Pressive pain in the right wrist-joint, like a cramp, from within outwards, (a. 3 h. and a half.) Tearing, sudden pain in the wrist-joint. Tearing in the wrist-joint, reaching as far as the tips of the fingers. Dull stitches in the left wrist joint, relieved by motion. Pain on the back of the hand, as from a sprain. The hands tremble when writing. Dryness of the skin of the hands like parchment, (a. 5. d.) Rough, dry skin on the back of both hands. The skin peels off on the back of both hands, (a. 20 d.) Distended veins of the hands, and redness of these parts, (12. d.) Sweat of the palm of the hand and corresponding side of the fingers, in the afternoon, (a. 18 d.) First, titillation in the hands, * then they go to sleep. Intolerable titillation and gnawing in the ollow of the hand, so that she is continually obliged to rub it. Burning titillation of the back of the hand and fingers, by day; scratching suppresses it only for a short time. Itching pimples on the wrist-joint. Drawing in the index-finger, as if it were paralysed; on bending or touching it, it feels pithy, especially in the tip. Drawing pain in the posterior joint of the thumb. Tearing in the posterior joint of the thumb and also in the fourth finger, so violent, as if the finger were torn out. Tearing under the nail of the thumb. Stitches in the posterior joint of the thumb, also suddenly in the tip of the thumb, so violent, that it frightened him. Violent little stitches in the posterior joint of the index-finger, of the left hand, both when at rest and in motion, (a. 9 h. and a half.) Beating in the middle joint of the middle finger, as with a hammer. Cracking in the joints of the thumb and little finger, when moving them. Panaris of the fourth finger of the left hand, (a. 2 d.) The skin of the tips of the fingers becomes chapped and peels off. Pustules on the middlefinger of the left hand, with soreness when touched. DARYTA CARBONICA2 223 INFERIOR EXTREMITIEs.-Pain in^ the right hip-joint, when walking in the open air. Cramrp-like pain in tie right hip-joint, as if it were stiff or compressed with a screw; the pain descends along thie anterior surface of the thigh. Sudden stitches in the hip-joint, as if it were luxated, with pain when walking as if it would break down. Burning at the nates. Drawing pain in the riglit half of the nates, as if the flesh were being pulled off. Violent stitclies in the nates. Stininrg icliiiig in the nates. Small furunculi on the nates. " Tearing downwards in the right half of thve nates, periodically increasing and decreasing. A good deal of cramrip in the legs. Tension in-the lower extremities, as high tip as the hip. as if all the tendons were too short, worst when standing, abating when lying down, (37. d.) Tension and * tearinig in the legs, relieved by walking, (a. 16 d.) Tearing and tension in the boiies of the lower extremities, doN ii to the heel; relieved a little by walking, (a. 15 d.) Tearing in the legs downwards, which lasts longest aiid is most painful in the knees, then also in thle otherjoints, the nates, the lilps, and the malleohi. Driawiyg pain, downwvards, along the whole of Ike left leg. Fain/is/mess in the legs e:lily in the morn-ing, so that he woutld like to, let hisiuelf fall, (10. d.) Weariness in the leg and jerks in the foot, when sitting, with painful soreiiess of the posteirior surface of tlie t highl getting worse on setting dowu the foot, and shooting, downwards, as far as the foot. Serise of pressure, from without inwards, in the right popliteal region. Buirning in the pophiteal region, apparently in tie bone, when stiting. Drawing, downwards, along the arterior surface, of the thigh. apparently in the hone, relieved by walking, (27. d.) Tearng in the right thigh, early after rising, relieved by the warmth of the bed, (19. d.) Tearing, downwards, at the exterior and anterior side of thie thigh under the skin, as far as the knee, when wvalking, (a. 7 h.) Violent lancinations in the right thigh, so thai lie could scarcly walk, (a. 4 d.), Sudden dull stitches on the internal siirface of the thigh, sO that lie got frightened by them, (a. 4 d.) A blow in the thigh over the right knee, Wvhen siinding, so that she imagined to be obliged to fall over. Vil(lent pain, as from contusion, in the middle of the right thigh, spread 224 BARYTA CARBONICA. ing little by little in the whole leg, and lasting from the afternoon till midnight. Slight twitchings in the thigh, over the right knee. Violent itching of the thighs, even at night, (a. I I d.) In the right knee, sometimes a rapid, monjentary pain, as if the parts were being ripped with a knife; this makes the leg feel paralysed. Painful soreness of the inside of the left knee, on lifting up the leg and bringing it forwards while walking, (a. several hours.) Pressive pain in the left knee, more towards the inner side, when sitting; by extending the foot, the pain passes into a sensation of dull pressure. Tearing, at the inner side of the knee, down to the middle of the tibia; it goes off when walking, it returns when sitting. Tearing, downwards, beginning at the knee, under the skin, when walking, (a. 7 h.) Painful stitches in the knee-joints. Sharp stitches at the internal side of the left knee, so sudden that they cause her to start. When ascending the stairs, violent stitches shoot through the left knee, and leave behind them a painful sensation in the knee as of being paralysed. Cutting burning in the right patella. Pain in the leg, especially the right tibia, as if the parts were paralysed; the pain is relieved by resting the leg on an elevated plane. Tension in the tibia, on descending a hill, (a. 16 d.) Tension in the tendons of the calves, as if they were too short, (15. d.) Cramp in the calves, when extending the leg. Drawing pain in the legs, apparently in the bones; in the evening, when sitting down; he has to rise and to walk about. Intensely painful traction at a small place of the left tibia, (a. three quarters of an hour.) Slight twitchings in the right calf. Titillation in the right calf, as when the parts have gone to sleep when sitting. Sensation as if cold air came to the tibiae, down to the malleoli. Uneasiness in the feet. Uneasiness in the feet when sitting; he has to move his leg constantly, in order to relieve the tension in the thigh and the burning close over the private parts. Tremor of the feet, when standing. so that he had to hold himself, in order not to fall. (10. d.) Pain, as from a sprain in the joint of he tarsus. Pain, as from a sprain in the tarsus-joint and on the back of the fool, even when at rest, with severe stitches during motion. Cramp-like pain in the soles of the feet. BARYTA CARBONICA. 225 Drawing pain in the foot, only when walking. Drawing pain in the sole of the left foot. Tearing in the feet, as far as the knees, worse during motion. Deep stitches, in the ball of the right foot. Stitches in the heel. Burning in the soles of the feet, the whole night; nevertheless, cooling them is intolerable to him. Pain in the ball of the foot, as from ulceration, when setting the foot down, especially early after rising. ''The hard skin on tie sole of the foot is intensely painful, like a corn, when walking. Corns, with pinching pains. Burning stitches in the corn. She gets corns on her toes. Drawing pain in the toes, (a. 5. d.) Violent tearing in the big toe of the right fool, towards the extremity. A lancination and a stitch in the big toe of the left foot, near the nail, with continual sensitiveness of this place; accompanied by greait peevishness, (1. d.) Cramp in the toes, on extending the foot. COMMON AILMENTs.-Disagreeable relaxation of the joints. - Occasional stitches in the joints. General and considerable weariness. Extreme sensitiveness of all the senses. Early, on waking up, the whole body feels bruised, (a. 11 d.) * Very faint, and a sensation as of the whole body being bruised, (a. 24 h.) The whole body feels bruised, with fatigue and heaviness of the legs. Dull pressure, as from bruises, slowly increasing and decreasing, here and there, at a small spot. Drawing, alternately in the right shoulder, in the leg, in the arm, in the occiput, and in the eyes, with heaviness of the occiput, great laziness, and dizziness which occasions drowsiness. Drawing in the whole body, of an erratic nature, especially in the joints. Tearing in the whole body, here and there, (a. 7 d.) Squeezing and pressive pain in several places of the body. Sense of tightness and tension in the who'e body, with anguish, in the forenoon. The foot or the arm goes to sleep, when resting upon it. Orgasm and violent palpitation of the heart prevent her from lying on the left side; accompanied by a sensation as of a wound in the heart and great anguish. The symptoms, such as tearing, drawing, dull, grumbling pain in the head or limbs are most distinct on the left side. Many symptoms come on when sitting, decrease when standing, and go off by motion. Many symptoms go off in the open air. Pricking, 10' 226 26ARYT~A CGA2BONICAO as from pins, over the whole body. Intensely painful stitches in the skin, here and there. Tingling and burning prickings, here and there, often suddenly at a small spot; not relieved by scratching or rubbing, which became necessary. Intolerable tingling over the whole body, especially of the back, the hips, legs, malleoli, the backs of the feet and fingers: it wakes him up at night and forces him to scratch continually, by which the symptom is suppressed only for a short time, three nights in succession. Burning at several places on the skin, here and there, (a. 17 d.) Burning itching here and there. Itching, in the evening when in bed, sometimes in the face, sometimes on the back, on the hand. Violent itching over the whole body, which prevents her from sleeping for several hours at night, (a. 29 d.) Itching here and there, which partly goes off by scratching, partly not. Itching here and there; the parts become very painful when scratched. Pimples at many places, on the arms, the hips, nose, upper lip, forehead, etc. A little wound easily becomes sore; a splinter, for instance, having got into a finger and having been pulled out again, the finger does not heal; there is throbbing and ulceration in the finger, which prevent her from sleeping. * Great sensitiveness to.cold, (a. 12 d.) * Catches easily cold, with consequent inflammation of the throat. * Sore throat consequent upon cold; sharp, stinging sort of a pain during deglutition, (a. 7 d.) Walking in the open air was disagreeable to him; but the further he walked, the more easy it became for him. Headache from walking. Pain at the stomach after the usual walk; this was followed by an exhausting sweat, at night, (a. 5 d.) The right foot becomes cold when walking in the open air; there is, moreover, a straining in the calf. WEAKNESS, PARALYSIS.-A little walk fatigues him; he is obliged to sleep immediately after. * Great weariness and relaxation of the body, so that he is almost obliged to let himself fall; at 8 o'clock in the evening. The weakness which, generally, is felt, is a kind of heaviness, is least insupportable when lying down. * Great weariness; he would constantly like to lie down or to sit. * Want of strength or support; the knees suddenly bend when standing, the dorsal spine is painful, especially in the region of BARYT'A CAR-oMCA. 27 257 tne.orns, as if he had taken a long ride; he feels uneasy in the whole body, and he would like always to sit, or rather to lie down; he prefers walking to standing. Tremor through the whole body, early on risinlg. SLEEP.-Much yawning, every morning. Frequent, and considerable yawning. Frequent yawning, which causes her eyes to become moist. Inconiquerable drowsiness. Weariness from being sleepy, in the forenoon. She cannot help falling asleep in the afternoon; she is nodding continually. Falling asleep, late in the evening; uneasy sleep, full of dreams. She was prevented the whole night from sleeping. by the idea of having made up her mind during the day, to have a good night's rest. Sleeplessness, at night, on account of feeling very hot. Frequent waking up. at night, every hour; frequent waking up at night; the child called its parents. Although lie felt tired and sleepy when going to bed, yet his first sleep was uneasy and frequently interrupted; he frequently woke up, without any cause. At night she wakes up niore frequently than usually; she feels too hot, she often uncovers herself; her feet feel sore as if she had been standing for days; this last symptom disappears after rising and walking. At niglt, frequent drawing in the ear. At daybreak, when sleeping, saliva runs from the mouth. At midnight he is roused from his sleep by violent colic. Pain in the legs, at night, as if he had outdone himself by excessive walking or dancing. Faintishness. at night; she had to vomit considerably, and even, on the day following, she had attacks of nausea, (2. night.) She is oppressed with anguish, in the evening, when in bed; she has to open her night's dress. Weeping mood, at night. * Raving and stupefaction, at night, as in fever. He feels stunned, early, on waking up. Unrefreshed by the siesta; heavy, feels bruised, the head feels stunned with pain; constant yawning, (a. 4 h.) Early, on waking up, he d d not feel refreshed by sleep; the limbs felt weary, as if briiised; this symptom abated after rising. Dreams nlmost ev^ry mght. Confused dreams, for several nights, so that she had to take solne time, early when rising, for collecting her mind. Confused dreams, with uneasy sleep, frequent waking up, and great fatigue, so that le soon falls asleep 228 BARYTA CARBONICA. again. She had confused dreams. Vivid, strange dreams. Anxious dreams almost every night, and uneasy sleep. Anxious dreams, at night, and heaviness of the head, early in the morning. Dreams about dead persons, which, however, did not frighten him, and murmuring during sleep, (1. night.) Terrible dreams, about fire, etc. (a. 8 d.) Terrible dream, which caused her to wake up in sweat. Frightful dream. Starting as with fright, when falling asleep in the evening, so tiat the whole body started up. FsvER.-Chilliness on entering the room, after coming out of the open air. Chilliness with tlirst, in the afternoon, (7. d.) Chilly hands, afterwards they itch. Chilliness of the whole body at 8 o'clock in the evening, with shaking, commencing at the feet, with righting of the hair, (20 d.) Sudden chill, with goose-skin, external coldness and righting of the hair, in the forenoon. Shlivering of the arms, which goes off by the warmth of the stove, but which becomes worse by the slightest draught of air, in the afternoon. Slight' chills, especially over the arms, with goose-skin and yawning, in repeated attacks. Chilliness of the head, with shaking, with dull straining at the zygomata, as if goose-skin would form in the face, and as if the hairs became righted. Chilliness, in the forenoon; cold rises into the pit of the stomach with painful pressure; she imagines as if the cold would contract her hairs, which then slowly descends into the arms and thighs down to the feet. Chilliness and freezing, downwards, along the whole body, repeatedly, with cold hands, (a. 7 h.) Constant coldness, as if she had cold water constantly poured over her, worse in the afternoon, (7. 10. d.) Sense of coldness with burning, on the forehead, in the forenoon, (7. d) Chilliness in the forenoon, towards evening, the whole body feels too warm, and the blood is pulsating in the head. Icy coldness of the feet, from afternoon till the evening; after lying down, heat in the whole body, (7. d.) Sometimes chilliness, sometimes heat, the whole night. Towards evening, alternately chilliness and heat. After repeated slight chills, beginning at the pit of the stomach, the whole body becomes agreeably warm, except the feet, which remain cold; ten minutes later, chilliness comes on again. Short shiverings mostly over the back, mingled iOoRAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. 229 with quick flushes of heat over the body; the chills seem to commence at the face, with a sense of'tension there, (a. 1 h.) Alternate heat, by day, (a. 9 d.) Flushes of heat often rise into her head, (4. d.) Dry heat of the face, in the afternoon, (12 d.) Heat at night, and anguish, which almost overwhellms him, until early when rising, (5. d. and a. 14 d.) Dry heat the whole night, with sleeplessness; and, if she puts her hands out from under the cover of the bed, she feels cold, chilly, and thirsty, (a. 12 d.) Flushes of heat over the whole body, with subsequent exhaustion, so that she would like to let her hands fall; face and hands are, at the same time, hot, the other parts almost cool. Sense of heat on the back. Considerable heat and sweat about the head, then thirst, in the evening (11. d.) Thirst almost every evening at six o'clock, (a. 16 d.) Excessive faintness of all the limbs, in the afternoon; then sweat towards evening, and vomiting at night; these symptoms return every tiree days. * Sweat after midnight, for several nights, (a. 7 d.) Exhausting * nightsweats, (a. 13 d.) BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. THESE salt crystals are used for souldering and for castings. The Venetians first imported them, impure, from the East-Indies, where they are especially found in some of the lakes of Thibet; hence their name Borax Veneta. Afterwards they were sold by the Dutch after having been refined by secret processes. Lately borax has been prepared, by the French, by means of an addition of Natron, from a kind of crude boracic acid, found in some of the warm springs and lakes of Toscana, in the neighbourhood of Sasso. In 100 parts of borax there are 22 parts of boracic acid, 32 parts of natron, and 46 parts of water. Borax is, therefore, not entirely saturated with its acid, (acidum boracicum, sal sedativum Hombergii.) This acid forms shining scales, a little sour, bitter, the symptoms of which are not yet known, although they must be very important. Borax has, for a long time, already, been used as a do 1 0 BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACIC1IJt. mestic remedy, against the aphthe of children, and for the purpose of facilitating the labor-pailis of parturient wombs. Antidotes: Coffea Cruda against the sleeplessness and the head-complaints of borax; Chamomilla against the painful swelling of the cheeks. Wine aggravates the symptoms, especially those of the chest, and vinegar reproduces the symptoms which had already been relieved, especially the stitches in the chest. This drug has been proved by Doctors Lane, Hahnemann and Schreter, in Hungary. According to Noack and Trinks, Borax is especially adapted to sensitive, lax temperaments and nervous constitutions, especially to females and children, pregnant and nursing women, and such individuals as suffer from heamorrhoids. Borax is especially suitable for diseases of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestire organis, and the diseases of the female parts. Also for hysteric complaints, especially megrim with nausea and vomiting. Erysipelas with fever, especially of face and legs, particularly in lying-in and nursing women. Herpes furfuraceus. Panaritia. Indolent ulcers. Plica Polonica. Caiarrhal inflammation of the eyes and lids, even with Entropium Olitis externa. Toothache. Aphthlae. Angina Catarrhalis. Stomacace. Mercurial ulcers in the mouth. Salivation, especially when occurring in difficult dentition, or simultaneously with rheumatic and catarrhal toothache, inflammation of the fauces and bnuccal cavity, aphthae, scurvy, irregularities of the digestive functions, haemorrhoidal complaints, and an irritated condition of the sexual organs. Nausea of pregnant women, and when driving. Gastric complaints, with vomiting of mucus and slimy diarrhoea. Flatulence. Affections of the liver and spleen, especially in individuals affected with hiemorrhoids. Slimy and bloody he1morrhoids. Various kinds of menstrual irregularities. Sterility. Spasmodic, labor-like pains at the stomach, accompanied by frequent, violent eructations. Leucorrhcea. Excessive quantity of too tlhick milk of nursing women. Feverish, catarrhal affections of the chet. Plenritis, especially of thle muscles. Pleurodyne, especially abdominalis. ANALAGOUS REMEDIES.-I. Chain., Coff., Merc., Natr., mur., Sulph.-2. Puls., Sabin.-3. Branc., Lyc. ý0RAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. 2S1 MORAL SYMPTOns.--Great anguish, with great drowsiness; the anguish increased until 11 o'clock at night, when the person became giddy and fell asleep. Anguish with weakness, trembling of the feet, and palpitation of the heart, (during the act of mesmerizing,) (3. d.) Anguish with rumbling in the body. (a. 10 h.) Contrary to his custom, he feels a good deal of anguish when driving down hill; sensation as if his breath were arrested, (first 5 w.) The child feels anguish when dancing; when rocked in the arms, it has an anxious countenance during the downward motion, (first 3 w.) Dread of contagion. Easily frightened; both he and she start at a distant slot. Easily frightened; he hears some anxious screaming which causes all his limbs to be affected by the fright, (a. 4 w.) The little child is much frightened at hearing people clear their throats and sneeze. Irritable disposition during an important business, (8. d.) Very earnest, (1. d.) Low-spirited and peevish, (2. d.) The child is peevish, weeps and screams, contrary to its habit, (first days.) Very peevish at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and vexed, although he was good-humored before; lie then rebukes people on account of trifles, for many days, (a. 8 d.) Vehement, vexed, finds easily fault, (first days.) Vehement, he scolds and swears at trifles, (first days.) He does not feel vexed, and is indifferent to thiings which formerly caused him a good deal of vexation, (re-action,) (a. 15 d.) At intervals the child cries very hard; after a few minutes the child stops crying, and is then very friendly and smiles. Very cheerful, bright, affectionate, well disposed to any kind of labor; in the forenoon, (6. d ) Want of disposition to work; he only does what he is obliged to, as if by force, (the first 5 weeks.) He fritters away his time in the afternoon, goes from one bisiness to the other, from one room to another, does not adhere to one object. Finds pleasure in doing his business, (a. 5. w) (re-action.) Occasional loss of ideas, (4. d.) He has to reflect a good deal, to know all that he has done through the day; it takes him a long time to recollect distinctly whether he had been at a place yesterday or to-day, (a. 6 d.) HEAD.-Attacks of vertigo withl loss of presence of mind, (3. d.) Vertigo early, when in bed, (a. 5 d.) Vertigo in 232 2oluRx, NATRON SUBBiORACICUM. the evening, when walking, as.if some one pushed him from the right to the left side, (5. d.) Giddy, with fulness in the forehead early in the morning, so that he instantly loses his good humour, (4. d.) Vertigo and fulness of the head, on ascending a mountain or a stair-case, (5. d.) Fulness in the head, and pressure round tie eyes, as if the eyes were held fast, so that they can scarcely move. Fulness in the head and pressure in the small of the back, when sitting; al the same time sense of sleepiness in the eyes, (a. 17 d.) Fulness in the head early in the morning, with want of clear ideas and presence of mind, so that he was unable to perform any kind of neental labor, nor has he any desire for it; after walking in the open air he felt better; but afterwards he felt a great weakness in the feet and joints, (2. d.) Heaviness of the head, (first days.) Light, bright head, (6. d.) Headache on the top of the head, and in the forehead, in tle evening, (2. d.) Headache, with obtusion of the whole head, and stitches in the left ear, in the evening, (1. d.) -Headache in tle forehead, with stitches in the left ear, and in a hollow molar tooth of the left side, lower row, in the evening, (14. d.) Headache all over, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and trembling of the whole body, early in the morning, at 10 o'clock; this symptom appeared in two females at the same time, (2. d.) Pressive headache over the eyes, going off soon, when walking in the open air, (4. d.) Pressure over the eyes from time to time, (a. 10 d.) Dull pressive headache early in the morning, especially in the forehead, (first days.) Dull pressure in the forehead, (a. 6 d.) Pressive drawing headache in the forehead, over the eyes and towards the root of the nose, sometimes extending into the nape of the neck; when stooping there is a strong pressure on the frontal bone, when reading or writing the pain is much more violent, with pressure in the region of the spleen, (6. d.) Drawing pain in the forehead towards the eyes, (4 d.) Shooting pain in the forehead, with nausea and tearing in both eye-balls, in the afternoon, (1. d.) 'Tearing on the vertex, in the afternoon, with considerable buzzing of the ears, (a. 8 d.) Tearing in the left half of the head, starting from a hollow tooth, (4. d.) Stitches commencing at the right temple, and extending into the left half of the forehead. Shooting stitches in the vertex, left bORAX) NATRON StBBORACICTJM. 233 side; these are afterwards followed by shooting stitches in the genital organs, and in the subsequent night, by lewd, disgusting dreams, in a married woman, (1. d.) Lancinating headache over the eyes, and in the temples, with heat and coldness in alternation, so that she sometimes had hot, sometimes blue hands, with stitches in the swollen glands of the neck, which then became softer and smaller, (14 d.) Stitches deep in the right part of the head, with running of pus out of the left ear, and such violent stitches that he drew back his head involuntarily; at the same time there was a tickling in the left ear, as before a discharge, which was afterwards followed by sharp hearing, (a. 32 d.) Pressive stitches in the riglht temple, (a. 11 d.) Pressive, dull stitches into the right temples, occurring with the regularity of musical beats. Boring at a small place near the vertex, (a. 20 d.) Throbbing in both temples, (a. 4. d.) Throbbing in the forehead. Throbbing headache in both temples, especially the right, (a. 16 d) Throbbing headache in the occiput, as if something would suppurate, with shivering over the whole body, the whole night and following day, (a. 2 d.) Pulsative pressing upwards of the blood high up in the occiput, (a. 16 d.) Hot head of the baby, with hot mouth and hot palms of the hands, (4. 5. 6. 7. d.) As in trichiasis, the hairs of the child become entangled at the extremities, and there adhere to one another; if these clusters of hair be cut off, the remaining hairs become entangled again, (for 10 w.) Sensitiveness of the external head to cold, and to changes of weather. EYEs.-Sensation in the eyes as if something would press into them; going off by friction, (7. d.) Sensation in the right lid, when sitting, as if something would squeeze out from within; the sensation is felt behind the skin, and comes from the temple; immediately afterwards pressure around the eyes, (4. d.) Itching pain in the upper eye-lid, on opening the eye. Pressure in the right eye, very painful, as if the eye were pressed into the orbit, early in the morning, (a. 5 w.) Cutting in the left eye, lengthwise, suddenly coming and going, (a. 37 d.) Tearing in both. eye balls, with shootings in the forehead, and nausea in the afternoon. Stitches in the left eye in the evening, (3. d.) Stitches in the ball of the eye, with contraction of the up '234 BORAX, NATRON SUBBEOACICUM. per lid, (a. 8 d.) Itching in the internal canthus of the eye, so that she is often obliged to rub, (the first days.) Itching in the eyes, sometimes with a feeling as if sand were in the eyes, (a. 4. d.) Soreness in the external canthi, (a. 5 w ) Burning in the eyes and instantaneous contraction of the same, as soon as he puts on his glasses, (a. 6 d.) Pressive burning in the right eye, in the afternoon, (a. 3. d.) The baby becomes quite red around the eyes when weeping, (a. 4 d.) The eye-lashes turn themselves inwards into the eye, inflaming it, especially in the external canthus, where the borders of the lids are quite sore, (a. 6. w.) Inflammation of tile external canthus of the right eye, with irregularity of the eye-lashes, and nightly closing of the eye by gum. (first days.) Inflammation of the borders of the eve-lids, in a baby; he rubs his eyes, which become closed by gum during the night, (first days) At night the eyes are closed with hard, dry gum, which irritates the eyes like sand, (a. 5 w.) Early in the morning, the eyes are closed by gum, and run, (a. 5 d.) Lachrymation, (a. 8 d.) In the evening she has mutch trouble in closing her eve-lids, and early in the morning, in opening them, (a. 5 w.) Wavelets of light dancing before the eyes, when writing, so that he sees nothing distinctly; the eye sees bright waves, moving sometimes from the right to the left side, sometimes from above downwards; several mornings in succession, (a. 24 d.) Obscuration of the left eye in the evening; she had to make great efforts in order to see something, and nevertheless saw nothing, (9. d.) Sensitiveness of the eyes to candle light, in the evening, (a. 3 d.) EARs.-Pain in the ear; intensely sensitive pressure hehind the right ear, (a. 6 d.) Slilches in the ears, (a. 6 w.) Stitches in the ears, when washing them with cold water, early in the moring, (a. 3 d.) Stitches in the left ear, the person waking up very early, (4. d.) Stitches in the left ear, in two persons, (a. 14 d.) Itching in the left ear, with soreness in the same, after the wax had been removed; in the evening, when walking; at the same time a sort of Sstitches in the left side of the neck, (19. d.) Soreness in the ear, when inserting the fingers into it, (a. 32 d) Inflamed and hot swelling of both ears, with * discharge of BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICtTM. 235 pus from the ears, (27. d.) * Discharge of pus from the ears, with lancinating headache, (a. 32 d.) * Discharge of pus from both ears, after previous itching of the occiput, (19. d.) An existing discharge from the ears ceases, (re-action) Quagging in the left ear, as if a thick grease were in it, which obstructs the ear: afterwards this opens again, in the evening, (10. d.) Sudden sensation of obstruction in the ear, or as if the ear were wrapped up. Hard hearing of the left ear, in a child of five years, (9. d.) Tingling and whizzing in the right ear, which is afterwards changed to buzzing, (a. 20 d.) Tingling and buzzing in the right ear, (8. d.) Roaring in the ears, the hearing being much harder, (18. and 19. d.) Roaring in the left ear, as from a storm, (3. 4 d.) Dull drumming in the left ear, as above a subterraneous vault, (a. 14 d.) NoSE.-Itching and tingling in the nose; he has to insert his finger into it, (a. 12 d.) *The baby rubs his nose a good deal with the hands, then also his eyes, (a. 15 d.) Ulcer in the left nostril, in front towards the tip of the nose, with soreness and swelling of the tip of the nose, (10. d.) Red and shining swelling of the nose. with a sensation as of throbbing and of tension. A quantity of dry crusts in the nose, which are constantly reproduced in proportion as they are removed with the finger, (a. 16 d.) When blowing the nose a little blood comes off, after previous iiching in the nose, (a. 18 d.) Bleeding at the nose, (a. 25 d.) Bleeding at the nose early in the morning, and pulsative headache in the evening, (a. 6 d.) FAcE.-The face of the baby looks miserable. pale, clay-colored, (first days.) Dull tearing in the left check, starling from a hollow tooth, with pressure in the forehead and in both eyeballs, (a. 4 d.) Sensation on the right side of the face, at the month, as if cobwebs had been formed there. Occasional twitches of the muscles near the right commissure of the lips. Burning heat and redness of the left cheek, (a. 4 d.) Erysipelas in the face, (a. 34 d.) Swelling, heat and redness of the cheek, with tearing pains in the zygoma, and great pain in the swelling when laughing, (a. 31, 3: d.) Swelling of the face, with pimples on the nose and the lips, (first days.) Pimples in the face, (a. 4 d.) Red pimples on the cheeks and around the chin, in a baby, (a. 5 w.) 236 BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICtfM. JAWS AND TEETH.-The mouth of the baby is quite hot. Pain in the corners of the mouth, as if they would ulcerate, (a. 20 d.) Crawling upon the lips as of beetles, (2. d.) Burning at the upper lips, going off soon, in the evening, (3. d.) Red inflimed swelling on the lower lips, as big as a pea, with burning soreness when touched, (a. 41 d.) Large patches, like herpes, around the mouth; the upper lips, after a burning heat, became covered with porrigo. Toothache in a hollow tooth of the upper row, with swelling of the cheek, which is painful to the touch, with a sensation of tension, (a. 7 d.) Toothache in hollow teeth, dull and griping, in wet, rainy weather, in five persons at the same time. Contractive griping in a hollow tooth, (a. 4 d.) Tearing and griping in a hollow tooth in the upper row, which feels as if it were longer, so that she cannot bite upon it nor bring the teeth together; at the same time the gums are swollen and inflamed, as if an ulcer would form on the teeth; in the evening the pain also spread into the inferior teeth, and only went off when falling asleep, (a. 4 d.) Tearing, starting out of the hollow teeth and extending into half the head, whenever she touches the teeth with the tongue, or takes cold water into the mouth. Pressure in the hollow teeth in bad weather, (a. 40 d.) Dull pressive boring in a hollow looth, in the evening, in cool air, (the first days.) Pressive and grinding toothache, after every supper and breakfast, and relieved by smoking tobacco; for several days, (a. 10 d.) Drawing pain in the teeth. Stinging toothache in a hollow molar tooth of the lower row, with stitches in the left ear, and headache in the forehead, in the evening, (a. 14 d.) Fine stitches, intermittent, in all the teeth, mostly in a hollow molar tooth, on the left side, lower row, (2. d.) Tingling and tickling in the upper and lower incisores, and afterwards conflux of saliva in the mouth, (a. 7 d.) A bit of a hollow tooth broke off spontaneously, in a female, (a. 6 d.) The teeth feel as if they were too long, (first days.) The gums of the upper teeth are bleeding, without any pain, (a. 6 d.) Swelling of the gums for iliree days, with pressure in the hollow teelh, in bad weather, (a. 40 d.) Inflamed, intense swelling of the external side of the gums, which swelling is very painful, (ulcer on the BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. 237 gums,) with dull pain in a hollow tooth, swelling of the cheek and the whole of the left side of the face, as far as below the eye; here the swelling is changed to a watery blister. (Smelling of chamomile removed the pain,) (a. 36 d.) MorTH.-Slimy in the mouth, (the first days.) Aphthce in the mouth, (a. 4 w.) * Aphthaw on the inside of the cheek, it bleeds when eating, (a. 30 d.) * Aphthae upon the tongue, (a. 33 d.) Red blisters upon the tongue, as if the skin were pulled off; they are painful at every motion of the tongue, or if something salt or acrid is brought in contact with it, (a. 5 w.) Dryness of the tongue, in the afternoon, (3. d.) Spasm in the tongue, like stiffness, or as if the tongue had gone to sleep; breathing was arrested by it. The palate of the baby seems wrinkled, and it often screams when sucking, (a. 4 w.) The mucous membrane of the palate, in front, feels burnt and wrinkled, and is especially painful when chewing, for some days, (a. 6 d.) Dryness in the throat, (5. d.) THRtOAT.-Roughness of the throat, as from a grater. Burning in the throat which forces him to swallow saliva, this being painful, (9. d.) Much phlegm accumulates in the throat, which he is obliged to hawk up. Tenacious phlegm in the throat, (a. 18 d.) Tenacious whitish phlegm in the throat, which can only be loosened with great exertions, for many days, (a. 5 d.) Much tenacious phlegm in the throat, which lie finds it so hard to hawk up that it causes vomiting, (a. 6 d.) Hawking up of phlegm, early in the morning; the phlegm goes off easily, in lumps. He hawks up green, loose phlegm, (a. 12 d.) A little bit of phlegm, streaked with blood, is hawked up, (a. 9 d.) TASTE AND APPETITE.-The taste in the mouth is insipid and flat, (a. 5 d.) Bitter taste in the mouth; every thing that she eats, tastes bitter to her; even saliva, (2. d.) When eating she has no taste, for some weeks, (a. 8 d.) Thirst early in the morning; he has to drink a good deal, (a. 14 d.) Appetite to eat is much less than usually, (a. 5 d.) Little hunger and appetite, (the first 5 w.) Diminution of hunger and appetite; frequently, however, without any real appetite, (a. 5 d.) IHe has little appetite, especially for supper, (a. 8 d.) In the evening she has but 238. BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. and externally. Short burning in the left side of the chest. little appetite, for some weeks, (a. 8 d.) No appetite for dinner, (12 d.) He eats very little. The soup at dinner did not taste well, and excited sweat, (8. d.) Aversion to dining, with coldness, drawing headache and colic, which subsided after three attacks of diarrhoea, (a. 20 d.) No desire for smoking, (2. d.) After smoking, sensation as if diarrhoea would come on, (6. d.) Increased appetite for breakfast, (a. 4 d.) Much appetite, in the evening. Desire for sour drinks, (14. and 15. d.) During the meal, uneasiness of the whole body, with nausea, so that he had to make an effort in order to eat something; stretching himself backwards procured him relief, (a. 20 d.) Nausea during the meal, (19. d.) STOMACHL.-Distension from flatulence after every meal, (a. 5 d.) He relished his meal; after the meal, he felt distended, uneasy, unwell, peevish; walking in the open air, relieved a little, in the evening, (a. 41 d.) Distended abdomen after supper, (5. d.) After having eaten mutton anl stewed apples, fulness of the stomach, with peevishness and ill humour, and a fulness in the head, as if the blood were pressing into the head by force, (19. d.) Pressure at the pit of the stomach, with uneasiness, after eating pears, especially early in the morning, or in the forenoon. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the abdomen, shortly after dinner, as if diarrhoea wou'd come on; it goes off after the siesta, (2. d.) Rumbling in the body and diarrhoea after dinner, (3. d.) Diarrhoea shortly after dinner, with debility in the joints and legs; after walking, this symptom improves, (1. d.) Cutting in the right hypocondrium, shortly after breakfast; the cutting extends transeversely across the abdomen, downwards, afterwards diarrhcea, being one sudden evacuation, (3. d.) Diarrhoea after breakfast, four times in succession, (4. d.) Hiccough after dinner, (a. 8 d.) Bad hiccough, which makes the throat rough. The baby has frequent hiccough. Nausea and little appetite, (4. d.) Nausea and indisposition, as if the person would faint, early in the morning, (6. d.) Nauseous and faintish, frequently in the afternoon, (a. 12 d.) Nausea at the stomach, with pain at the sternum, from 3 o'clock in the afternoon until evening, several days in succession, (a. 5 BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. 239 d.) Nausea with periodical inclination to vomit, (5. d.) Nausea early in the morning, with inclination to vomit; going off after dinner, (6. d.) Nausea unto vomiting when riving, (1. d.) Nausea immediately after waking up, with great inclination to vomit; vomiting, however, does not take place till he drinks a little water, which is succeeded by the vomiting of a good deal of phlegm, and sometimes some bitter substances, (a. 17 d.) Nausea with subsequent vomiting of phlegm, with heat, and a quick, feverish pulse, (a. 23 d.) Vomiting of sour slime, after having taken cacao for breakfast, (2. d) Pain at the stomach,as from bad digestion, when pressing externally upon the pit of the stomach, (2. d.) Pain in the region of the stomach, after lifting a heavy weight; the pain reached as far as the small of the back, where it became lancinating, so that she was unable to turn herself in bed without pain, the whole night; early in the morning she felt better, (two days before the catamenia,) (13. d.) Pressure at the stomach, after every meal, (the first days.) Pressure at the pit of the stomach, which disappeared when walking. Pressive stitches in the pit of the stomach, with dyspncea, wlich oblige him to breathe deeply; this, however, he is unable to do, on account of a sharply pinching pain in the right side of the chest. Contractive pain in the region of the stomach, every day, from four o'clock in the morning until noon; a kind of winding upwards which passes into the dorsal spine and there produces stitches, for several days. Contraction at the pit of the stomach, (6. d.) Severe pressure, as with the hand, in the left hypochondrium; when driving in a carriage without springs. After the siesta, a pressure in the eft. hypochondrium, from the last rib as far as the hip, which increases by external pressure, until evening, (2. d.) Pressive pain in the left hypochondrium, as if a stone were lying there, when dancing; the pressure disappeared by continued dancing, (a. 15 d.) Intensely painful pressure in the region of the spleen, (I. d.) Pressure, and sometimes burning in the left hyrochondrium, with a sensation as if something were rising into the chest from the region of the spleen, which descends again, during an expiration, (a. 6 d.) Cutting in the left hypochondrium, when walking fast, as if a hard, sharp, moveable 240 BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. piece were there, with a sensation in the abdomen, as if nothing but hard pieces were lodged there, which become intermixed with each other, (6. d.) Pressure and stitches in the region of the spleen, increased by turning, (a. 3 d.) Stitches in the right lumbar region, increased when stooping, early in the morning, during a walk, the symptom abated when sitting down, (1. d.) Colics several times during the day, as if diarrhoea would come on. Weakness in the abdomen, (4. d.) Colic, with shuddering and goose-skin, (a. 6 d.) Pinching in the abdomen at different times. Pinching, contracting colic over the navel; she had to curb herself, which made the colic disappear; every day, early in the morning, for 5 minutes, (a. 8 d.) Pinching in the abdomen with diarrhoea, (a. 20 d.) Formation of flatulence, and frequent emission of flatulence. A quantity of flatulence. Considerable rumbling in the abdomen, at night, relieved by the emission of flatulence, upwards and downwards. STOOL.-Frequent tenesmus, with rumbling in the belly, and diarrhoea, (first days.) Frequent tenesmus, with pinching in the belly, and light pappy evacuations. Tenesmus, early in the morning, first with hard evacuations, then diarrhoea, with burning in the rectum, (1. d.) Frequently very light evacuations every day, (first days.) Stool every hour, soft slimy, and without any pain, (3. d) Soft stools, (first three days.) Very soft stool early in the morning, in the evening a natural evacuation, (a. 7 d.) Soft, light-yellow, slimy stools, three times a day, with faintness and weakness, (first days.) Diarrhaea, two, lhree times, without any pain, (one hour after taking the medicine.) Diarrhoea, six times from morning till afternoon, 2 o'clock, without any pain, (5. d.) Diarrhcea, without any pain, twice a day, with subsequent evacuation of slime and blood, (16. d.) Diarrhoea, with rumbling in the belly (the first days.) Diarrhoea, towards noon, with rumbling and grunting in the abdomen, (4. d.) Diarrhoea in the afternoon, with much flatulence succeeding hard stool, (5. d.) The child has diarrhoea three times a day, at last like yellow water. The first effect of borax is relaxation of the bowels, afterwards no stool for a couple of days, then hard stools once BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. 241 a day. Hard stools with straining, (a. 16 d.) Constipation, and stools like those of sheep, (for 10 d.) (after several days ) (rcen stools in a baby, with previous screamings, (a. 6 d.) Disciiarge of lumbrici. The stools are easily expelled in the afternoon; previously peevish, low-spirited, lazy, dissatisfied; after the stools had been passed, cheerful, contented witli one's-self and the world, and quietly awaiting the future, (a. 20 d.) Early in the morning a pale slime went off four times, once invuluntarily, (14. d ) Tenacious, viscid, yellowish slime with the stools, (18 19. d.) Brown slime inl the rectum, after the stools, (9. d ) Reddish, liquid slime, during stool, as if the stools were tinged with blood, (a. 21 d ) Discharge of blood and slime from the rectum, (1. 9 d.) Distended vein of the rectum, as big as a goose-quill, soft to the touch and without any pain. (a. 23 d.) Itching of the rectum, ii tile evening, (7. d.) Itching of the rectuin as from the slime of hemorrhoids, (a. 16 d.) Contraction in the rectum. with itching, (a. 40 d.) Boring and stinging pains in tl:e rectum and small of the back, (a. 15 d.) Stilches in tlie rectum, in the evening, (2. d.) URINARY ()ORGAN.-Tenesmus of tie bladder, without her being able to expel one single drop of urine, with cuttings in the genital organs and distention in both hips, for two hours, in the evening, (1. d.) Violent desire to urinate, at night, several times, (a. 25 d.) Violent instantaneous desire to.urinate; he can, almost, not hold the urine, (first days.) Frequent micturition, (the first days.) The baby urinates almost every ten, twelve minutes; it frequently weeps and cries before the urine is expelled; for a considerable length of time, (a. 6 d.) Hot urine in a suckling, (a. 4 d.) Sharp smell of urine, (ihe first days.) Sharp, striking stench of the urine, (the first 2. w.) After micturition, burning straining in the urethra. After micturition, pain as from excoriation in the urethra, (15. 20. 30. d.) After micturition the extremity of the urethra feels sore. Along the urethra, pain as from excoriation, especially when feeling it, (a. 26 d.) Dark-blue spot at the orifice of the urethra, as if the skin had gone, with biting pain during micturition (a. 24d.) The orifice of the urethra seems closed as with.gua,. 11 242 BORAX, NATRON SUBBORtACICUM. GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS.-Indifferent to an embrace, (the first 10 J.) Indifferent to an embrace, (the first 5 w.) Whilst lie had his hand upon a sick female, from a feeling of kindness, lie was attacked with sensual sensations, without any desire for coition, (3. d) Frequent excitement in tihe genital parts, without any desire for coition, (the first days.) Voluptuous mood, (a. 5 w.) Straining erection, early in the morning on waking up, (4. d.) Pollution, witll a dream as if he enjoyed an embrace, the semen coming out very fast, which wakes him up. Cutting pains in the urethra during an involuntary effusion of seiien, the semen being so thin that lie irnagines to urinate. Afler a pollution, desire to urinate, and during miictorition, lie feels a cuttinlg in the urethra. During an enbrace lie loses his senien very quickly, and in the genital organs there is a constant irritation, (a. 5 w.) During an embrace, lie has to wait a long time before the expulsion of semeni takes place, (a. 5 w) Lancinating soreness of tie penis atl that place where a chancre had existed before, especially when touching the place, (a. 24 d.) ''The courses api eared one month sooner, without any pain, (a. 4 d.) Courses four days too soon, without any pain; except the evening and next morning before the appearance, heaviness at the chesi, with arrest (interception) of breath, and more violent buzzing of the ears, (a. "26 d.) (Corses three days too soon, without any pain, (a 7 w ) The courses which had been suppressed for six weeks, immediately made their appearance after taking borax; they lasted for a day and then disappeared; however they were so copious that they resembled a hemorrhage. Courses four days too early and very copious, with colic, nausea and pain extending from the stomach to the small of the back; this lasted until midnight, when a copious sweat broke out, and she fell asleep, (8 d.) Menses very scanty for two days; copious on the third, with pale-red blood, until the sixth day, with fainlishness, so that she was scarcely able to stand. Suppression of the menses, fifty-four days, without any pain, then they appeared without any pain, first pale, in the afternoon redder and more abundant, ceased the third day at night, returned the fourth; (the menses ought to have BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. 243 come three weeks after taking the drug.) Two months after taking the medicine the menses stopped, but appeared the next day, after she had had another dose of borax, with pinching in the abdomen. Beating in the head and buzzing in the ears during the catamenia. Spasmodically pressing and lancinating pain in the groin, during the catamenia. On the second day after the menses, pressure as from a stone in the right region of the ribs, as far as the scapula; thence the pain went, like a spasm, into the stomach and the small of the back, with subsequent vomiting. Leucorrhoea, white as mucus, without any other ailments, a fortnight after the menses, (a. 5 w.) Leucorrhoea, like albumen, with sensation as if warm water were flowing down, for several days, (a. 12 d.) Leucorrhcea; thick as paste and white, for five days, (a. 4 d.) A female had been sterile for fourteen years; on account of a chronic, acrid leucorrhoea, she received, among other remedies, borax, after which she became pregnant, and the leucorrhoea improved. Easy conception, during the use of borax, observed in five women. Stitches in the region of the uterus, (2. d.) Sense of distention and stitches in the clitoris, at night, (6. d.) COLD, CATARRH.-Sneezing, with great painfulness; he is obliged to try to suppress it, because, when sneezing, he experiences violent stitches in the right side of the chest; for three weeks, (a. 6 d.) Sneezing and coryza, (first days.) Coryza with violent tingling in the nose, (a. 16 d.) Discharge of a quantity of greenish, thickish mucus from the nose. THROAT.-Tearing in the head of the larynx, for two hours, in the evening, (3. d.) Rough throat, early in the morning. Roughness in the pit of the neck, with drawing stitches there, when coughing and sneezing; hawking up phlegm relieves the symptom, (11. d.) Tearing extending from the throat into the chest, inducing cough, (a. 5 w.) Tickling in the throat, inducing a dry cough, (a. 9 d.) CHEST.-Dry and hacking cough, in a child. Dry cough, as from cachexia, such as old people are affected with, especially early in the morning, when rising, and in in the evening when lying down, with stitches into the 244 BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. right side of the chest and right groin; washing the chest with cold water procured most relief, but the pains increased after drinking wine; for twelve days, (a. 3 w.) Cough, with rawness of the throat and pressure of the chest, (1. d.) Hacking cough, and violent cough, with expectoration, at every cough, of a slight quantity of matter, tasting and smelling mouldy in the evening, (3. d.) Nightcough. Cough with expectoration of mucus, especially early in the morning, with pain in the region of the liver, which pain continued until noon, even when there was no cough, (4. d.) One coughs up a white mucus streaked wilh blood, which is loosened with difficulty, (a. 18 d.) When coughing lie is obliged to press the right side of the chest and the right groin with his hand; this makes the pain more tolerable, (first three weeks.) Stitches in the right mamma; in the region of tihe nipple; at every cough, in the evening, (3. d.) Stitches in the chest, at every cough and deep inspiration, (a. 7d.) The breathingis more difficult, (a. 18 d.) 'The breathing is more difficult; he is obliged to breathe deeply; this, however, he cannot do, on account of stitches in the chest, (first days.) Every three or five minutes he is obliged to take a quicker and deeper inspiration; this is always followed by a stitch in the right side of the chest, with a subdued painful sigh, and slow expiration, (a. 7 d.) Tightness of the chest, with constrictive oppression of the breathing on going up stairs; he is then obliged to take a deep inspiration, which is always accompanied by an intensely painful drawing stitch into the rihlit side of tile chest, (6. d.) Shortness of breath, affer going up stairs, so that he cannot speak a word, and, when lie speaks, he has a stitch into the right side of the chest; he experiences this same symptom when running, and when making a bodily effort which heats him, (a.8 d.) Arrest (interception) of breath, when lying in the bed; he has to jump up and catch breath; whenever he does this, he experiences a stitch into the right side of the chest, (a. 7 d.) At every inspiration, stitch into the left side of the chest, as with a knife, (2. d.) At every attempt at breathing, her chest becomes contracted, (14. 15. 17. d.) During a deep inspiration there is a sensation as if something rose from the left hypochon BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. 245 drium into the chest with a burning pressure, and then moved down again during the expiration. A heaviness upon the chest,so that she sometimes is deprived of breath, (a. 6 w.) Oppressive anxiety in the chest, in the evening, when in bed, (1. d.) Oppression at the chest. When stooping while sitting, a pressive squeezing rises into the chest from the pit of the stomach; the breath becomes intercepted with stitches in the lungs, (a. 7 d.) Pressure with stitches in the sternum, after dinner, increased by deep breathing, (a. 40 d.) Stitches in the chest, when yawning, coughing, or breathing deeply, (a. 7 d.) Stitches in the chest, as from incarcerated flatulence, (first days.) Fine prickings, extending from the back into the chest, in the evening, (a. 8 d.) Stitches in the left region of the ribs, with soreness in the chest. Stitches between the ribs of the right side, so painful that he cannot lie upon this side, with intensely painful drawing and interception of breath, which obliges him to snap for breath; when he lies upon the painful side, the pain immediately rouses him from sleep, (the first four weeks.) Sudden stitches into the right side of the chest, on lifting the arm, (a. 7 -d.) The drawing stitches in the right side of the chest descend into the right groin, where he then feels a violent pain when hiccoughing, sneezing, coughing, or gaping, (a. 3 w.) Drawing pain at a small place in the intercostal muscles, which, when bending over to the left side, is changed to a pain, as from a violent blow in the right intercostal muscles, when he bends over in front, or to the right side, (a. 6 d.) The pain in the chest becomes more tolerable on pressing the painful spot with the hand. His chest feels a little relieved when quietly extended upon the back. The pain in the chest is most relieved when slowly walking about in the room; lie then feels most comfortable. Weakness of the chest, with dryness of the neck, (9. d.) Sensation as if the hcart were on the right side, and were being squeezed off, (7. d.) Pain as from having lain upon a hard conch, with soreness to the touch, at night, (3 d.) Griping, and, sometimes, stitches in the left mamma, and, when the child has done sucking, she is obliged to compress the mamma with her hand, because it pains her on account of being 246 16ORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. empty. Contractive pains in the left mamma, whenever the child sucks at that which is on the right side, (the first days.) The milk in the mamma increases in quantity, (a. 4 d.) There flows much milk out of the mamma, so that the bed becomes wet, (a. 32 d.) The milk which flows out of the mammae, becomes caseous, and curdles, (the first days.) BACK.-Violerit itching and pricking of the os coccygis; he cannot endure the itching without scratching; afterwards discharge of slime by the rectum, (a. 32 d.) Pain in the small of the back when sitting or stooping, as from pressure, (3. d.) Pain in the small of the back when walking, (I. d.) Pain in the small of the back, with discharge of much slime during stool, (19. d.) Dull pain in the small of the back, when stooping, (a. 6 d.) Dull pressure in the small of the back, (7. d.) Burning at the small of the back, while sitting, (5. d.) Pressive pain in the hack on both shoulders. Rheumatic drawing pain in the nape of the neck; it thence extends into the left shoulder, and then into the scapula, in the evening, when walking in the open air, (a. 41 d.) SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-An ulcer in the left axilla. Drawing, tearing pain at the shoulder, and between the shoulders, so that she is not able to stoop for 8 days, (a. 5 w.) Pricking in the right shoulder for, a moment. Burning pain all round the upper arm, a hand's breadth, (2. d.) Stitches in the palm of the hand, with sensation in the whole hand as far as beyond the wrist, as if the arm had gone to sleep; in the evening, (2. d.) Tearing and breaking in the fore part of the right hand, like rheumatism, (a. 15 d.) Sensation on the skin of the hands, as if it were covered with cobweb. Two hard wart-like indurations on the palm of the hand, after it had been beaten rather strongly with a stick, (a. 30 d.) Itching of the dorsa of the hands here and there, with inducement to scratch, as if the parts had been bitten by fleas. Throbbing pain in the tip of the thumb, day and night, frequently rousing the person from sleep at night, (2. and 3. d.) Long suppuration of a place under the nail of the thumb, where she had pricked herself with a pin, with painfulness to the touch. Violent itching of the joints of the back of the fin BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUM. 247 gers; he is obliged violently to scratch. Burning heat, and redness of the fingers, even from slight cold, as if they had been frozen, (a. 24 d.) Pustules wiinh red areola upon the middle finger of the right hand, with swelling and stiffness of the finger, which, even after the pustules had become opened, continued for a long time supptirating and painful, (a. 30 d) Upon one of the naies a corrosive blister is formed, (a. 15 d.) Herpes upon one of the nates Jf the child, (a. 4 w.) Burning in thle thigh of the right leg, near the pudendum, it increases when coughing, and laying the hand upon it, (3. d ) Burning pain round the left thigh, about a hand's breadth, (a. 8 d.) Shooting tearing in the right femur, from the middle of the bone downwards, and then again upwards, from morning till noon, and then again in tlie evening, (7. d.) In the left leg sense of numbness, with heat. Erysipelatoiis inflammuation and swelling of the left leg and fool, after a good deal of dancing, with tearing, tension, and burning in the leg, and increase of burning pain on touching it; when pressing the leg with the finger, the redness disappears for a moment, (17. d.) In the foot which had been affected with erysipelas, there was a tension on the dorsumi of the foot, so that standing became inconvenient for her; she is not incominoded in walking, (a. 22 d.) Pain in the joint and the toes of the left foot when setting the foot down, as if something pressed. upon the toes, (a. 20 d.) Stitches in the sole of the foot, occirring in. the same manner in two persons, (2. d.) Sense of heaviness in the feet on going up stairs, in the evening, (. d.) Itching of the malleoli, (2 9. 10. d.) Pain at the heel, as from soreness consequent on walking. Suppuration of a spot in the heel, where the ruhbbing of the shoe had occasioned a wound. Intensely pressive pain in the big toes, especially the balls, when setting the foot down, (a. 41 d.) Burning heat and redness of the toes in slight cold, as from being frozen. (:i. 24 d ) Inflinmation and itching of the ball of the little te, as from heing frozen. (a. 15 d.) lnfl:ined pimple on the back of the little toe, which is p-iinfil like a corn, (A. 15 d.) Frequlent stitches in the corns. relieved hy pressing uI, ponl llie1i, (the first 5 weeks) COMMON AILM ENT S.-Un olholesome sA.n; s 8:1l woumds 248 BORAX, NATRON SUBBORACICUMI suppurate and ulcerate. Inclination of old wounds and ulcers to suppurate. Whitish pimples of the size of the hemp-seed, with red areolae, on the chest, the neck as far as opposite the nape of the neck, (a. 6 w.) Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg, accompanied first by coldness, chills and thirst, with vomiting of food and bile, then heaviness in the head and throbbing in the temples, with uneasy sleep at night, resembling slumber, and afterwards bleeding at the nose on the 6th day. Loss of appetite every evening, nausea, drawing in the head from the vertex down into the temples, and drawing in the abdomen towards the groin; for several days, (a. 5 w.) Uneasiness in the body, which did not permit him to sit, or to be lying long on the same part of the body, (1. d.) The baby grows pale, almost livid, the flesh which was before hard, becomes relaxed and withering; the baby cries much, loathes the mamma, and often wakes up from sleep with anxious cries, (the first 2 weeks.) Loss of strength in the joints, (5. d.) She feels quite weak and powerless, (a. 5 w.) Weakness, especially in the abdomen and the thighs, (4. d.) Worn out, woeary and indolent, with heaviness in the feet, (the first days.) Formication and tremor of the feet, with nausea and disposition to swoon; going off in the open air, (14. d.) After an animated conversation, uneasiness in the body, nausea and stupefaction with vertigo, (3. J.) While meditating during labor, trembling of the whole body, especially of the hands, with nausea, and with weakness in the knees, (S. d.) Faint, lazy, peevish, thirsty, after the siesta, with heat when walking in the open air, and sweat on the head and in the face, with obtusion of the head, pressure in the forehead and the eyes, which feel sore when touched; at the same lime inclination to deep breathing, during which there are stitches in the intercostal muscles, with hard, quick pulse. SLEEr.--l)rowsiness at dinner, and deep sleep for 2 hours. ('. d.) The child at the breast sleeps more than Ius1illyv, but wakes up more frequently, (the first days.) Sleepv and tired in ilhe evening. Early sleepiness in the eveningr, and long sleep early in tlie morning, for 4 weeks, (a. d.) Early in lle inmrninn one feels as if one had not slept enough. Sleepy at twilight, but when he laid BORAX, NA~RON SUBBORACICUM. 249 himself down, his sleep went entirely off, although he had had a good deal of exercise during the day, and had slept but little the night previous, (a. 7 d.) Wide awake in the evening. Falling asleep late, and waking up early in the morning, (a. 6 d.) Disturbed sleep; sle was unable to fall asleep, and tossed about in bed, (a. 21 d.) Disturbed sleep with thirst and coldness, (1. d.) Disturbed nights, he was unable to sleep soundly, on account of a rush of blood to the head, uneasiness in the body, rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhoea, (the first days.) During the night he is obliged to rise several times for the purpose of urinating, (a. 34 d.) He can sleep only on the left side; for, as soon as lie turns himself to the right side, he is roused from his sleep by drawing and lancinating pains in the intercostal muscles, (a. 7 d.) He wakes up before midnight, and can then fall no more asleep before 2 o'clock in the morning. He woke up at one o'clock at niglit, and was then no more able to fall asleep, on account of an abundance of ideas, until 4 o'clock in the morning, (9. d.) Waking up at 3 o'clock early in the morning; she was then no more able to fall asleep under 2 hours, on account of heat in the whole body, especially in the head, and sweat on the thighs, (11. and 12. d.) He wakes up at 4 o'clock, early in the morning, and is wide awake, so that he goes to his work with cheerfulness, (a. 5 w.) The child often starts from his sleep with anxious cries, and throws his hands about, seizing things. A child of five years tosses about, wakes up with screams the whole night, until 4 o'clock in the morning, and in the morning is in a whining mood, (4. d.) The baby often wakes up with screams, and clings to the mother-with anguish, as if it had been tormented by frightful dreams, (first 2 weeks.) Vexatious dreams. Dream of sore throat and other diseases. Voluptuous dreams, (a. 30 d.) She dreams that she is enjoying an embrace, but without any pleasurable sensation, (a. 4 d.) FEVER.-Thrill of cold over the whole body, with throbbing headache in the occiput, as from an ulcer, (2 d.) Slight chills over the whole body, especially in the back, without any thirst, with flat taste, rough throat, stitches in the chest when breathing, faintishness, paralytic weakness, 11 250 BORAX, NATRON StJBBORACICTT4. extension and stretching of the limbs, with contracted, quick pulse; at the same time heat, heaviness and stupefaction of the head, and burning of the eyes, with sensitivencss of the same to light, (23. d.) Chills at night, from 2 to 4 o'clock, with tremor, vomiting of food, tearing in the thighs and pain in the femur, as if it were broken; then heat and thirst after sleep; at half past 9 o'clock in the morning bitter vomiting, which was succeeded by sweat with diminished thirst, (2. d.) Coldness, with headache, and subsequent heat without thirst; when walking in the open air, the headache ceased; then she was quite well, (14. d.) Coldness every other day in the afternoon, with thirst and sleep; then heat on waking up, wiih pressive pain in the lumbar region, without any subsequent sweat, (a. 38 d.) Coldness in the afternoon, from 2 to 6 o'clock; previously thirst in the forenoon; then heat, unlil the person went to sleep, with pressive pain in the lefthypochondrium, (a. 5 w.) Coldness immediately after dinner, with more thirst than appetite for dinner, retractive tension round about the hypochondria, and, when breathing deeply, heat which quickly rises into the head; at 6 o'clock in the evening, heat, which forced himnto lie down until 10 o'clock; then sweat, and after the sweat, thirst; for 4 days, (a. 15 d.) Alternately coldness and heat, frequently with sweat in the face, whilst lie has thrills of cold over the back, with extension and siretching of the limbs, accompanied by faintishness and drowsiness, so that he is obliged to lie down in the afternoon, without however being able to sleep; when walking, lie merely drags his feet along, and is peevish and taciturn. Frequent flushes of heat, early in the morning, with nausea and inclination to vomit, (2. d ) Heat in the head in the evening, when writing, with thirst and a sensation as if sweat would break out, (a. 7 d.) Heat when she wraps up her hands in the cover of the bed; but as soon as she puts her hands out, she feels cold, (a. 5 d.) Heat in the evening, when in bed, accompanied by sweat; but lie feels chilly as soon as he rises, (a. 17 d.) Sweat during the morning-sleep; when dressing himself, he feels cold; he is then affected with a dry coligh, with rawness in the chest, as after a cold, (a. 15 d.) Slight perspiration at night. CALCAREA CARBONICA.!25 CALCAREA CARBONICA. TAKE a clean ovsiershell, somewhat. thick; of the soft., snow-white calcarean substanice whCich is 1found betweven the internal and external hard shell, take one graiii, which is then to be triturated and dynamised in the usual manner. Those symptoms which are marked with a line, belong to calcarea acetata. This is one of the most powerful anti-psorics, and may be used with especial benefit in the followingl affectioiis, if otherwise indicated:Depiression of spirits; weeping mood; want of cheerfulniiess with heaviness of the legs; anuish whieii sweating; restless anxiety; anguish, shiidderinig and horror, when the evening approaches; anxiety induced by thoughts; aiixiety after listeiiiing to the recital of cruelties; nervous depression; frighýfulness; attacks of despondency on account of disordered health; sensitive peevislness; obstinacy; indifference; dullness of the thii.king facilties; chronic affection of hie head. as if a plank were before the head; dizziness and tre[ior before breakfast; vertigo on going up stairs; vertigo on ascendling a height, the roof for instance; heaviiiess and pressure in the forehead, which oblige himin to close his eyes; headache on accouiit of readiiing and writing; headache from reaching too high boring in the forehead as if the head would burst; heating headache in the occipiut; throbbing in the middle of the brain; hammering headache after walkiiig in the open air, which forces one to lie down; headache and btizzing in the head, with heat in the checks; icy coldness in ihe right side of the head; evening, sweat (f the hca; falling oft of the hair; pressure in the eyes; hurniiing of the evelids, and soreness, as if they were exclriated; burning and cutting in the eyes, while reading by candle-light; rui - ting in the eyelids; stitches in the eyes; itching1 of the eyes; agglutination of the eyes; suiippurationii of a fistu!a ]achrymalis; luchryma!ion, in the open air, or early in the morning; slightli twitches in the upper and lower eye 252 CALCAREA CARBONICAj lid; closing of the eyelids every morning; obscuration of sight when reading; obscuration of the eyes after eating; diin-sightcdness before the eyes, as if there were feathers before the eyes; dim-sightedness, as through a gauze; mist before the eyes when straining.the eyes in looking or reading; long-sightedness, one cannot see without convex glasses; the eyes are blinded by bright liglt; stitches in the ears; discharge of pus from the ears; crackling in the ear when swallowing; throbbing in the ears; tingling in the ears; buzzing before the ears; whizzing of the ears, with hard hearing; thundering in the ear; her hearing is often impeded; hard hearing; sore nose; obstruction of the nose by yellow, stinking pus; bleeding at the nose; bad smell and fetor from the nose; smell of manure before the nose; pain of the face; itching and eruption in the face; summer freckles upon the cheeks; itching, and itching pimples, where the whiskers are; eruptions about the mouth; pain of the glands of the lower jaw; toothache after every cold drink; drawing toothache with stitches, day and night, renewed by cold and by warmth; toothache like grinding and soreness; difficult dentition; painful sensitiveness of the gums; stitches in the gums; swelling of the gums; bleeding of the gums; dryness of the tongue, at night, or early on waking up; aphthae under the tongue; accumulation of pituita in the mouth; hawking up phlegm; constriction of the throat; bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning; want of appetite; want of appetite, with cons/ant thirst; repugnance to the usual tobacco; disinclination to warm food; chronic aversion to meat; hunger immediately or shortly after a meal; ravenous hunger, early in the morning; she cannot eat sufficiently, it will not go down; heat after eating; eructations after eating; bitter eructations; water-brash; weakness of digestion of the stcmIch; pr(ssure at the stomach before breakfast, and after a meal; niglt'y pressure at the pit of the stomach; stitching pressure al. the stomach after a meal; spasm of the stomach; pinching and cutting at the pit of tile stomach; simultaneously with pressure at the stomach, pressure from within outward under thle last rib; one cannot bear tightness of clothing at the pit of the stomach; swelling at the pit of the sto CALCAREA CARBONICA. 253 mach, with pressive pain; the pit of the stomach is painful to the touch; tension across both hypochondria. Pressive and lancinating colic, without diarrhoea; pressive and pinching colic, without diarrlhea; colic in the epigastriun; in the afternoon cutting and griping in the abdomen, with vomiting of the food taken for dinner; coldness in the abdomen; inflation and hardness of the abdomen; incarcerated flatulence; flatulence pressing towards the abdominal ring, as if hernia would take place; constipation; costiveness; stools scanty and hard; two evacuations a day; frequent or constant looseness of the bowels; involuntary discharge of loose stool intermixed with gas; protrusion of the varices of the rectum, with burning pain, during stool; physical depression after an evacuation, accompanied by a sensation as of being bruised, through the whole body; itching of the anus; ascarides in the rectum; burning in the urethra; too frequent micturition; hemorrhage from the urethra; limaturia; libidinous, lewd thoughts; want of sexual desire; slight sexual powers; want of pollutions; too short erections during an embrace; stinging and burning in the generative organs of the male, during the emission of semen, in an embrace. Pressive pain in the vagina; pressure upon the prolapsed womb; stitches in the os tince; itching of the pudendum and the anus; varices of the labia pudendi; after-pains or milk-fever, after confinement; hemorrhagefrom the uterus; (suppressed catamenia;) catamenia too early and too copious; cutting in the abdomen, with griping in the small of the back, during the catamenia; leucorrhcea, before the catamenia; leucorrhoea, like milk, flowing at intervals; burning and itching leucorrhcea; itching of the pudendum, while'leucorrhoea is flowing. Frequent sneezing; troublesome dryness of the nose; constant coryza; delaying coryza; dry cold in the head; dry cold in the head, in the morning; obstruction of the nose ulceration of the larynx; hoarseness; excessive accumulation of pus in the chest; cough in the bed, in the evening; night cough, during sleep; cough early in the morning; dry cough; yellow, stinking expectoration; pressure at the stomach during cough; interception of breath when stooping; pressure at the chest; stitches in the side of the ý64 CALCAREA CARBONICA. chest during motion; stitches in the left side, when stooping to that side; burning at the chest; prickling in tile pectoral muscles; papitation of the ihart, also at Iight; pain int the small of tile back; pain as fromn a sprain, in the back; stlftess and riv idity of the nap~e of the neck; swellings of the cervical glands; goltre; pressive paini in the right upper arni; nightlv drawing and tearing in the arms; sudden faintness of the arnis, like paralysis; nuribness, (tIHe German expression is, extinctuin, or dying off) of tIme hand whiien clutching some thing; swelling of the hands; su'eat of the hands; arthritic nodosities of the carpal joints, and those of the fingers; prickling of the fingeis as if they went to sleep; nunibness of the lingers, amid dying off of the samrie, even duiring warm weathier; want of mobility of the fingers; the fingers are frequently paralyzed; heaviness of the legs; stiffimess of the legs; cramp in the legs; when sitting, the legs go to sleep; ulcers of tlie legs; stitches in the thigh wvhen setting the foot down; varices of the thighs; stitches in the linee, wvhen stainding or sitting; stitches aiid tearing in thIe knee; drawing pain in the knee, when sitting or walking; swelling of the knee; red spots on the legs; burnimig of tie soles; swelIing of the soles; coldness of thle feet, in the eventiig; sweatyfeet; dying off of the feet, in the evening; sensitiveness of the big toes; corns; pain in the corns; the extremities go to sleep; cramp of the arins and legs; pain as from bruises, in the upper arms, and in the middle of thme thighs wvhen going tip stairs:learing in the links, armis and legs; by reaching too high the parts are easily strained; in consequeice of this reaching the nape of the neck becomes enlarged arid rigid, with headache; straining easily results fromn reaching too high, with consequent sore throat. Great increase o fat in young men; physical depression consequent upon talking; want of strength, faintishness; fainti hness early in the morning; great exhanistion after every little walk; attacks of epilepsy in the night, duiring full moon, with cries. Great fatigue consequent upon moderate walking in the open air; great sweat consequent upon moderate exercise; great sensitiveness towards cold; one easily catches cold; visible gurgling in tfle skin, succeeded by a sense of dizziness in bALCARiA CARBONICA. 255 the skin. Dryness of the skin of the body; rojigh skin of the body, as if covered with miliary eruptions; bran-like covering-of the skin. Boils; warts; drowsiness by day; drowsiness in the early part of the evening; frequent waking up at night; sleeplessness; tossing about in the bed, at night. Night thirst; pressure at tile pit of the stomach at night, and a rising from the pit towards the larynx and the head. Nightly pains in the back and the arms; nightly asthma; nightly palpitation of the heart; heat and anguish at night; horrid images of the fancy before falling asleep; in the evening when in bed; anxious dreams; raving at night; night sweat. Chilliness early in the morning, and after rising; frequent flushes of heat; flushes of heat, with palpitation and anxiety of the leart; evening-fever for three days, first, heat in the face, then, chilliness. Calcarea acts a long while. Calcarea generally acts well after nitric acid, when the action of this drug, alihough apparently homoeopathically indicated, had been rather unfavorable; on the other hand, nitric acid relieves the unpleasant symptoms of the homoeopaihically chosen calcarea, and imparts to its action a beneficent character. Nausea consequent upon the use of calcarea, is specifically counteracted by snelling of the spirits of nitre, which act even better in this case than camphor. Other disagreeable symptoms of calcarea are relieved by smelling of nux vomica. Calcarea is frequently useful after sulphur, especially when the pupils are prone to become dilated. Calcarea generally is indispensable and curative when the catamenia appear a few days before the period, especially when the flow of blood is considerable. But if the catamenia appear at the regular period or a little later, calcarea almost never is useful, even if the catamenia should be rather profuse. In affections of persons advanced in age, calcarea, even after otherintermediate remedies, can scarcely be repeated with advantage; a dose which is given after another without any previous intermediate remedy, is almost always prejudicial; in cases of children, however, several doses may be given in succession, provided the remedy continues to be indicated; the younger the children, the more frequently may theremedy be repeated. 256 CALCAREA CARBONICA. Those symptoms which are marked with a line, belong to calcarea acetata. This drug has been observed by Drs. Hahnemann, Franz, Gross, Hartmann, Langhammer, Rummel, Stapf, Wislicenus, Schreter. Noack and Trinks furnish the following valuable remarks on Calcarea: According to Koch, Calcarea holds no direct relation to any one organ in particular; but it exercises a subversive action upon certain systems, especially the serous and fibrous tissues. According to K och, Calcarea acts especially upon the mucous membranes, on the fibrous and osseous system, on the nervous system, on the serous tissues, on the venous and also the lymphatic system of the abdomen, and upon the skin. Calcarea is especially suitable to the venoso-hcemorrhoidal, plethoric, or the lymphatic, slow and heavy, or to the scrophulous, ricketty constitution, especially when there is a predominant disposition to fluent coryza, cold and diarrhcea, or it is particularly adapted to frail individuals, being poorly fed, or also to such as had, in their young years, a marked disposition for growing fat and stout. In general, Calcarea is especially useful to the young organism; it corresponds more than any other remedy, to diseases of the reproductive system, which are the basis of all the diseases inherent in the first age of man; it may therefore be used, with especial benefit, in all scrophulous diseases, or in the diseases of new-born children, such as ophthalmia, muscular and nervous weakness, acidity of the stomach. Calcarea is likewise suitable for the diseases of females, especially when the menses are too abundant and frequent. according to Hahnemann, Calcarea is indispensable, when the menses appear too soon and are too profuse, whereas Calcarea is almost always prejudicial when the menses appear at or after the proper time; according to Lobethal, Calcarea is, in the former case,a beneficial remedy, which speedily and thoroughly cures affections resulting from menstrual irregularities, such as muscular weakness, excessive irritability of the nervous system, leucorrhcea. Calcarea is sui able for fancied diseases, for Hysteria, Hypochondi ia, Melancholia, uneasiness, anguish, despondency, whining mood, CALCAREA CARBONICA. 257 peevishness, angriness, renouncing all hope of recovery, nervous weakness resulting from Onanism, muscular weakness, dificulty of children of learning to walk. Diseases of drunkards, delirium tremens, affections resulting from catching cold in cold water, bad effects of quinine. Calcarea is especially useful in Scrophulosis; especially when there are the following symptoms: incipient indolence and apathy of scrophulous children, who were formerly healthy and vigorous, and now become suddenly unable to walk, become heavy, show a distended abdomen, pale and cachectic complexion, bloated face, enlarged nose and lips; Calcarea is also useful in scrophulous ophthalmia, especially when morbid metamorphoses have already taken place upon the cornea; or in scrophilous eruptions of scrophulous children, from the crusta serpiginosa up to general scrophulous ulcers; finally in Atrophia miseraica, when there is complete emaciation, the patient appearing like a mere skeleton with an old-looking wrinkled countenance, (in Tabes miseraica, Arsenic, Aurum and Jodium ought also to be considered; however, according to Lobethal, calcarea is more efficacious in that disease than these other remedies;) also in Bubo scrophulosus, swelling and suppuration of the glands. Tubes scrophulosa; retarded closing of the fontanelles of children; calcarea is the chief remedy in rickets; according to Lobethal, it ranks, in that affection, higher than Phosph. Ac., Pliosp., and even Asa foetida. Oslearlhrocace, Paedarthrocace, Osteonecrosis, caries, fistulous and scrophulous ulcers (less efficacious in ulcers of the bones.) Calcarea is especially suitable for rheumatismus arthriticus, arthritis rheumatica, and arthritis anomala and vaga; it is therefore indicated by the following symptoms which are considered prectrsors of the gout: ailments of the digestive organs, vomiting, cardialgia, headache, ailments of the cars, vertigo, dyspepsia, sense in the face as of cobweb flying against it, abdominal sufferings, h-emorrhoids, altered urine, various kinds of tearing, lancinating, dragging pains in the joints, f;.inisliness, feverish motions; in arthritis anomala, calcaiei is indicated when II e f(il wing symptoms prevail:-Lejdache, ophthalnia, dysphajia, cALCA1lEA CAflMONMC. spasm of the stomach, vomiting, heart-burn, colic, diarrhcea, abdominal pulsations, hbemorrhoids, hypochondria, hysteria, asthma, affections of the heart and the large vessels, apoplexy, mania, pulmonary consumption, glaucoma, cataract, amaurosis, paralytic conditions of the extremities. affections of the urinary organs, chronic exanthliemata, itch, herpes, rash, ulcers, intermrnittent fevers, neuralgia, such as:-Ischias, pain in the face; gout of the joints; arthritis nodosa. Chlorosis. Affections of worms, ascarides, lumbrici, tania. Hysteric spasms. Epileptic convulsions, especially when preceded by vertigo, and followed by hunger, (in alternation with Cuprum and Plumb. acet.; epilepsy in children, (in alternation with Belladonna.) Chronic eruptions 1pon the skin, in the face. Urticaria. Eczema, especially impetiginiforme, chronicuin, furfuraceum, (also sulphur and ars.) F'czema of the hairy scalp, face, joints. Vesicular scabies, (when it had been mismanaged by sulphur; also Mere. Sep.); cornplications of herpes and itch. Herpes furfuraceus, circinatus, (also causticum, sulphur.) Porrigo l1rvalis, furfirans, decalvans, scutulata, Impetigo rodens, and figurata, (also Ars., Graph., Lyc., Rhus., Sulp.) Sycosis menti, with Graphites.) Psorias simplex, palinaris, (also Sulp., Lycop.) Acne simplex, (also Phosph. ac.) Warts which are soft at their base, almost of the colour of the skin, rough on the surface, hard, whitish, round. Falling off of the hair, also after delivery, or after violent acute diseases. Condylomata. (in case Thuya and Nitr. ac. should not prove curative.) Excoriations of the nipples. Rhagades, even in individuals who work in the water.Decubitus - - Sarcoma.--Varices.-- Intermititent fevers, and bad effects residltinT fromni the suppression of their type by Quiuine.-Catarrhal fever.-Rheumatic fever.--Gastrico-catarrhal fevers, with rhenmatism.-Third or nervous stage of typlhus. especially when there are spasmodic fits, (also Nux. vom., Verat., Bryon,) or when there is bleeding at the nose-Febres lente-M ilk-fever.- Colliqua'ive swu als.--Verti o, with palpitt ion of the heart, before breakfast.-Chronic, also periodical headache; hyvseric headache; headache owing to a cold, to exhaustion of the cereL0w. awUUvity by great mental efforts. Caput obstipum (with CAtCARt2A CARtffoICAe Bry, Sulp., Lyc., Rhus., and Grap.) Fistula lachrvmalis. -Ophthblmia neonalorum. Scrophulous ophthalmia. Ophthalmia owing to the presence of foreign bodies in the eyes. Arthritic Ophthalmia, especially wlen combined with distortion of the pupil, or also sometimes accompanied by intense, arthritic pains after destruction of the globe of the eye. Egyptian oplthalitia. Ophthalmia angularis. Blepharophtlalmia, especially when accornpanied by headache in the forehead, with stupefaction and pressure in the temples, habitual conslip;ition, depression of spirits and uneasiness. Fungus haematodes oculi? Haemorrhage from the eye? Paralytical growths of the lamella of the cornea, consequent upon scrofulous inflainmations, (together with Cannabis and Nitr. Ac.) Leucoma of the cornea, specks, ulcers, obscuration of the cornea. Photophobia scrofulosa. Amblyopia amaurotica. Parotitis. Otitis externa acuta et chronica. Otorrhoea purulenta scrofulosa, when resulling fron caries of the ossicula of the ears. Polypi in the mneatus auditorius. Hard hearing, also when owing to the abuse of Quinine in intermittent fevers. Big nose, scrofulous swelling of the nose; scrofulous. periodical swelling of the nose, with blue, red colour, and obstruction of the meatus; cancer of the nose. Ozena scrofulosa. Polypi of the nose, mucus polypi in both cavities of the forehead, and in the nostrils. Blennorrhcea of the nose, with discharge of puriform, thick mucus, or a quantity of rather lynmphatic, yellow-reddish fluid, the flow being partly spontaneous, partly the result of blowing; it excoriates the upper lip, and produces around the nose, upon the upper lip and the cheek, itching pimples, which are filled with pus; there is swelling externally, and soreness internally; chronic co ryza and obstruction of the nose; retarded coryza. Arnsmia. Prosopalgia. Fistilous ulcers on the gums. Difficult dentition of children, even with convulsions; congestive toothache, when depending upon dentition. Tearing in hollow, and also in sound teeth, in paroxysms by day, and at night, aggravated by cold, especially by a draught of cold air, the teeth being very sensitive to the air, even when there is no pain. Odontalgia nervosa. (also called Neuralgia dentalis,) when the pain is dragging 260 CALCAREA CARBONICA. and lancinating, or grinding and throbbing, or gnawing and boring, is aggravated by drinking something cold or warm, or by noise, and occurs most easily during and after the catamenia, or during pregnancy. Odontalgia of pregnant women, and of those whose menses are too profuse. Inflammation of the tonsils; disposition to such inflammation. Angina phlegmonodes. Vomiting. Vomitus saburalis. Anorexia and dyspepsia, acidity of the stomach; Pyrosis and other gastric affections. Chronic gastritis. Spasm of the stomach, with nausea, sour eructations, sour, bitter vomiting, anguish and oppression of the chest, palpitation of the heart, costiveness and blind hamorrhoids, in persons of a choleric temperament. Colic. Abdominal spasms. Chronic affections of the abdomen. Induration and other chronic affections of the liver. Obstinate constipation. Chronic disposition to looseness of the bowels and diarrhoea; diarrhoea, with prolapsus recti; diarrhcea of phthisic patients; diarrhea of scrofulous children during dentition; acute, dangerous diarrhcea of children, which are described as ramollissement of the stomach and intestinal canal: diarrhoea comes on without any perceptible cause, the copious evacuations which take place more or less frequently in proportion to the violence of the disease, consist of watery, slimy, either greenish or grayish, flocculent substances, with a cadaverous smell, which also characterises the flatus, and, being soon communicated to the clothes and the bed-clothes of the child, imparts a pestiferous smell to the atmosphere, accompanied by slight fever, burning of the hands and soles of the feet. continual, violent thirst, want of appetite, rapid emaciation of the whole body, and especially the face, which looks old, owing to a peculiar expression of suffering and numerous folds and wrinkles, constant uneasiness, tossing about, whimpering and screaming, pale, parched, dry skin, without any elasticity, painful elastic distention of the abdomen, occasional vomiting, scanty, pale urine, stupor or light sleep, with half-closed eyes. the other symptoms becomingworse and worse, etc.; (for these symptoms Knorre advises especially Calcarea acetata.) Lienteria, consequent upon an increase of the peristaltic motion of the intestines, especially after a meal. Cholera Asiatica, in CALCAREA CAIUONICA. 261 congestions of the liver, (also Bryonia, Mere, Sulph.) IIa-morrhoidul complaints and bad effects of a violent suppression of the hcemorrhoidal flux, such as vertigo, with attacks of falling down, accompanied by loss of consciousness, pressive, dull obtusion of the head, as is consequent upon intoxication, violently pressive, stunning headache, weakness of memory, heaviness of the head, hard stool at long intervals, and badly smelling; profuse sweat of the feel, with soreness of the soles of the feet. Gravel and stones in the bladder.* Polypi in the bladder Catarrh of the bladder. Haematuria. Wetting the bed at night. Hysteralgia. Pernicious effects of onanism. Weakness of the genital organs. Sterility. Excited sexual desire in the male; too freqient pollutions at night. Dysmenorrhiea and amenorrhoea of plethoric individuals. Excessive flow of the menses. (Calcarea may be exhibited between the menses, not only in order to regulate the flow itself, but also to remove the evil effects produced in the sexual organs and the other organs of the body, by the excessive and too frequent flow of blood; in conjunction with Nux. vom., Cinch., and Sulp.) Metrorrhagia; Serous Leucorrhoea consequent upon Metrorrhagia. Leucorrhea, with or without menstrual irregularities, daily, copious discharge of a mild white mucus, accompanied by violent itching of the genital organs, sometimes also burning and shooting stilches, general lassitude and depression of strength, especially by weakness ofthle knees and legs, emaciation. paleness of the face, weakness of the chest, especially when talking, sometimes oppression at the chest, pressive pains at the chest, with dry, fatigning cough, uneasy sleep, excessive irritability, peevishness, vehemence produced by trifling causes, anxiety, depression of spirits, sadness and apprehension on account of the result of the disease. -Abortion. Too long after-pains. Galactirrhoea and Agalactia. Weakness, falling off of the hair, and other symptoms consequent upon delivery. Croup, during the remission, when Spongia had been exhibited with benefit during the night. Calcarea is here exhibited, when the breathing remains audible and sibilant, in children which are evidently scrofulous, or during the period of dentition. Haemoptysis in millers, in conjunction with 262 CALCAREA CARBONICA. sulphur and greasy oily food. Cough in measles. Chronic cough, wilh slight pinching and griping in the chest, twitching of the eye-lids, clouds before the eyes and enlarged submaxillary glands, (Puls. may then be exhib. first.) Chronic Laryngitis, with or without ulceration. Catarrh and Chronic Blennorrhagia of the trachea and the lungs Pituitous and tuberculous phthisis of the lungs in the 1st, 2nd, and.Rd stage; Calcarea is an extremely important remedy for limiting the symptoms of the colliquative action. Rheumatism of the Pleura and the intercostal muscles Rheumatic afections of the spinal marrow. Pain in the small of the back, consequent upon straining the parts in liftin. Curvature and ramollissement of the vertebrce, in children, (in alternation with Phosp. ac. and Sil.) Chirargra and Podagra. Luxatio sponianea. Ischias. The extremities go to sleep. Sense of numbness and paralysis of the hands, being a sort of rest of arthritic or rheumatic diseases, or a companion of diseases of the heart and the spinal marrow. ANALOGOUS REMEDIES.--. Anac., Ars., Bell., Bism., Caust., Chi., Grap., Lye, Mere., Mur. magn., Nilr. ac., Nux. vom., Phosp., Sil., Sulp.-2. Alum., Ambr., Antim. crud., Carb. an. et veg., Cina., Ipec., Kali., Magn. mur., Petr., Puls., Rhodod., Scill., Sep.-3. Am., Bar., Bry., Cham., Con., Cupr., ignat., Natr. mur., Plumb., Verat., Zinc. Calcar. is especially suitable after Cinch., Cupr., Acid. nitr. (especially when this latter remedy had acted unfavorably) and Sulph. After Calcar. are most suitable Lyc. Acid. nitr. (especially when Calc. had not acted favorably,) Phosp., Silic., and Sulph. (the latter when the pupils are much disposed to dilate.) Calc. and Lye. may often be advantageously exhibited one after another. MoRAL SYMIPTOMS.-* Depressed in spirits, and melancholy to the highest degree, with a sort of anguish. A feeling about the heart which is not exactly a feeling of sadness; there is no cause for it, accompanied by a kind of voluptuous tremor in the body. One is sad almost to tears; anxiously concerned about the present and the future. Sad, depressed mood, * with irresistible desire to weep. Weeping mood in the evening, (a. 5 d.) A good deal of weeping in a baby whose mother had taken calca CALCAREA CARBONICA. 263 rea. Weeping consequent upon remonstrance. Weeping on account of trifles, accompanied by an easily wounded and irritated temper. Grief and complaints on account of old offences. * Anxiety on account of every trifle, accompanied by a weeping mood. Anxiety in the afternoon, after previous nausea, and headache in the forenood. He is anxious about the present and the future, with deep reflection; at the same time he is indifferent towards things around him. but he is not disinclined to work. Anxious mind, as if he had done something evil, or ought to apprehend reproaches, accompanied by a persevering disposition to labor. Great anguish and palpitation of the heart. * A kind of sweat. from anguish, wilh nansea. Frequent jerks in the pit of the stomach dturing the anxiety. Anxious uneasiness, and appearance of being busily engaged in many kinds of work; she intends to undertake many things, but accomplishes nothing; after this stir, her strength is very much depressed. * Uneasiness of mind, with gloom and anxiety. Orgasm of the blood, and uneasiness. Extremely uneasy in the evening, owing to nansea in the afternoon, with great thoughtlessness. He dislikes to be alone; his face. hands and feet are cold. Fearful and uneasy, as if some accident were to happen to her, (a. 4 d.) Apprehension, as if som.e misfortune were to happen to him, or to some one else; he cannot succeed in banishing it, (a. 23 d.) Sadness and apprehension as if she expected some saddening news. Theý mind is full of dread and anxiety of the future, with fear of consumption. She fears to lose her understanding. She fears lest people should observe her confusion of mind Hypochondriasis, she imagines to be deadly sick, and cannot, nevertheless, complain of anything, (the first days.) * Despairing mood, with fears of disease and misery, with foreboding of sad events. * She despairs of her life, and imagines that she is obliged to die; at the same time, she has a very sad mood, with weeping, and frequent attacks of sudden, general heat, as if she had hot water poured over her. * Frequent attacks of irritability and anguish. Irritable, faint and depressed, early in the morning, after little labor. * Noise affects one a good deal. Every near noise causes him to start, especially early in the morning. Impatient, desperate. Unnaturally 264 CAtCAREA CARBONICA. indifferent, unsociable, taciturn, (a. 8 d.) Notdisposed to speak, without being ill-humored, (a. 6 hours and a half.) Peevishness and unremitted obstinacy, for 3 days, (a. 28 d.) * Very peevish, and disinclined to speak; these symptotns manifest thelnselves as soon as he enters the room, coming out of the open air, where he feels well, with increased headache. As soon as he sits idle and quiet, he becomes peevish and sleepy, and every thing is disagreeable to him. * Vexed, peevish, sullen, and extremely indifferent towards the most important things; at the same time he did everything with reluctance, and as if by force. "* Intolerable sulkiness and peevish mood. Repulsive disposition. Repulsive, depressed mood. * Everything is disagreeable to her, will great peevishness. Sorrowful and peevish, she looked upon everything from the worst side, and imagined everything evil. Peevish without a cause, two successive evenings. Peevish, without a cause, especially early in the morning. Peevish and uneasy. Very peevisl, (a. some h.) Frequently peevish, and then slie spits. She is so peevish on account of trifles, that she is giddy the whole evening, and goes to bed early, but is not able to sleep, (a. 20 d.) Very peevish and irritable, after a cold. Peevish on account of trifles, and very irritable early in the morning, before stool; he gets angry at everything. The recollection of former vexations makes him angry. Repugnance, aversion, loathing of most men. Disinclined to every kind of work. Dread and loathing of work, with great irritability and heaviness of the feet. Absence of volition, accompanied, however, by a sense of strength, (a. 7 d) Peevish and vexed during the day, in the evening cheerful and talkative. The first part of the day lie is anxious, the latter part he is cheerful and satisfled with himself. He is cheerful, and would like to be amongst men, in order to talk with them, (a. 10 h.) He loses the train of his ideas; his memory is short. Very forgetful, (a. 48 h.) Great weakness of the imaginative faculty; during a slight effort in talking, he felt as if his brain were paralyzed, mostly in the occiput; he was not able to think of anything, or to recollect what was the subject of conversation, with obtusion of the head. She con CALCAREA CARDONICA. 265 founds one word with another, and easily chooses a wrong expression. HEAD.-Giddiness and loss of senses, as after turning in a circle.-Feeling of stupidity in the head, as after turning a long time in a circle, from 3 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, (a. 25 d.) Loss of consciousness, accompanied by an illusion in regard to the place, as if the room were a bower. In the evening two attacks of loss of consciousness when walking; she would have fallen to the floor, if one had not seized her, (5. d.) Loss of consciousness, with anxious oppression at the stomach; she is roused from it, as by violent fright. On stooping, and on moving the head, she felt as if she knew not where she was. Sense of confusion and tremor in the head, (1. d.) Sense <t confusion in the head. Sense of dullness and giddiness in the head, every morning when rising. Great obtusicn of the head, after the siesta. Dull, continual obtusion of the head. Painful obtusion of the head, so that she cannot understand that which she has read, nor comprehend that which is spoken. The head feels constantly as if it were too full. Insensibility and bluntness of the senses, as in a cold. * Dizziness of the head, early after rising, with nausea, and roaring before the ear, and a sensation as if he would fall down senseless, (a. 22 d.) In the forenoon he felt so dizzy that lie looked at ev:,'vthing as if he were half dreaming. Stupefaction, as if the person were unconscious 'of the external objects, with an undulating buzzing on the top of the head. Stupefaction of the head, like vertigo, the whole afternoon, (a. 24 d.) Vertiginous staggering in the evening, * when walking in the open air; he totters to and fro. Sense of giddiness, as if he were to be lifted high up and then pushed forward. Vertigo unto falling, with faintishness. Vertigo, as if the body did not stand firmly, (a. 6 h.)Slight vertigo, going off soon, (a. a quarter of an h.)-Attack of stunning vertigo; the head stooped forward to the left side, both when at rest and in motion, (a. liree quarters of an h.) Vertigo consequent upon vexation. Vertigo when quickly turning the head, and also when at rest. Quickly passing vertigo, mostly when sitillr, less when standing, and still less when walkina. Vio12 266 CALCAREA CARIBONICA. lent vertigo when stooping, then nausea and headache. Vertigo unto falling, after stooping, when walking or standing; she had to hold herself. Vertigo after walking, when standing or looking around, as if everything turned with hecr. Vertigo whien walking in the open air, as if lie would rcel, especially when turning the head quickly.- Vertigo when walking in the, open air-, (also a. 20 d.) -Vertigo when walking in the open air, as if he would -fall to the right side, (a. 2 h).) Vertigo and painful turning of the head, as in a circle, early in dhe morning, when rising; especially giddy 'vheti walking or standing, with chilliness and prickings in thle left side of the head. Headache, also %vith giddiness, * every morning on waking up. Headache in the nose, over the forehead.t Headaclie in the occiput, wlienever she lies somnething firmnly aroditid the hiead. Frequently semi-lateral headlache, alwuays withi a quantify ojf epty risings. Headache, * with natisea, (a. 12 d.) 1-leadachie only on that side upon Ivluich hle is jnist lying, (burning?)-Sczsation, oni stooping, as if a headache were beginning in thle riglit side. Dull pain in the forehead, with desolAaeness and emptiness of the head, early on waking up, with a dry, slimy tongute, (5. d.) First dull, then pressive headache in the temples, early on waking uip, with a quantity of empty eructation1s. Violent, dnll heladaclhe, first in tIme fore parl, thlen in the back part of the head, for some days, (a. ti d.) Stunning pressure on the top of the head, as after quickly turning in a circle, (a. 241.4 d.) Stunning, pressive pain in thefor-ehead, as in verligo, 1)0th w.hen at rest and in motion, (a. I It. and a half.)- Stunning pr-essive headache in the forehead, with ohitubilation of the whole head, and inambilmty to recollect any thing when r-eading; lie had to stop reading, and knew not where lie was.-StitnniTg, pressive headaclie, early after rising, as if lie had not slept enoumgh, or had been revelling d(iring the night, (a. 24 h.)-Stunning, pressive pain in the forehead, 'which is especially auxgmented by stooping, (a. 50 h.) Contintal feeling of fulness in the heead. t NOTC OF THr TRANSLATOR -Tthis seems to he a misprint, and shetld doubLtess read thus: z I&eadacbe iii the forehead over the DUose.,, CALCAREA CARBONICA. 267 Painful feeling of fulness in the forehead, with beating in the temples. * Heaviness in the forehead, * increased by reading and writing. Heaviness and heat of the head, * almost only in the forehead. Heaviness of the head, early on waking, for several mornings, (a. 20 h.) Great heaviness of the head, early on waking, with heat in the head; both symptoms increased by moving or righting the head, (a. 27 h.) -Great heaviness of the head, with violent jerks in both temples, and painfulness of the whole head when stooping, which goes off again when the hlead is righted, (a. 9 h. and a half.) Heaviness and pressure in the occiput, (a. 13 d.)-Painful heaviness of the head, after stooping for some time while standing, with pressure of the Ifrehead from within outward, especially over the left eye, (a. 5 l. and a half.) Pressure in the head, sometimes on the top, sometimes in the temples, (a. 12 d.)-Pressive, intensely pressivc, pain in the whole head, especially in both temples. (a. 9 h.) Pressure in the temple, every day for 8 days.Pressure in the left temporal bone, as if it were pressed in, at the same time internally and externally, (a. 7 h. and a half.)-Pressure in the right temple, clore by the side of the eyes, as if something pressed upon it hard, (a. 5 h. and a half.) He is roused from his sleep at five o'clock every morning, by a violently pressive pain in the vertex; the pain goes off after an hour.-Pressure in the vertex, which extended as far as ihe eye. * Pressure in the forehead. Pressive headache, mostly in tile forehead, increased in the open air. Pressive headache in the forehead, which produces a sensation as if tile parts there were unusually large.-Pressive headacle in the forehead, especially over the left eyebrow, when walking in the open air.-Pressive headache in thle right frontal eminence, which extends as far as the right eve and forces it to close involuntarily, (a. 1 h. and a hall.)-Pressive pain, shooting quickly through the occiput; the pain only disappears gradually. Pressure in the fore part of the head, (4. d.) Pressure in the forehead from within outward, very considerable and resemrbling vertigo, relieved by pressing upon the parts with the cold hand, and going off when walkina in the open air, (a. 9 d.)-Pain in the left tern 268 CALCARE& CARBONICA. poral region and the whole left side of the head, pressing from within outward; the pain is also in the right side of the occiput.-Pressing in the left occiput from willin outward, in jerks; the pressure extends as far as the nape of the neck. (a. 1 ii. and a quarter )-Sensation in the occiput as if it were pressed asunder. Violent, almost lancinating pain n the region of the vertex, pressing from within outward; when stooping, (a. 14 d.) Painful pressing from within outward, in the whole head, with a sensation as if the brain were compressed, (a. 15 d.) Compressive, pinching headache on the left side. Tensive sharp pain in the forehead. Tension across the top of the liead. The head aches, it feels tense. Tension and pressure in the right side of the head, as from a blunt instrument, which is pressed through the head from above downwards in jerks. *Cramp-like pain, moving from the forehead to the vertex (after a cold,) (a. 6 d.) Spasmodic drawing beneath the vertex, with stitches in the temples, and heat in the cars, (a. 48 h.)-Cramp-like pain in the right temple, (a. 6 h )-Cramp-like pain in the left temple, (a. 8, 14 h.) Pinching pain in the forehead. Pinching and drawing pain in the left iemple, towards the parietal bone, with heat of the face. Drawing pain in the wliole of the right side of tile head, in the jugum and the jaw, (4. d.)-Drawing painm in the right side of the forehead, over tle eye and in the occiput: this symptom occurs when he makes a mental effort, (a. 2 d.) Drawing pain on the top of the head. Almost constant drawing pain beneath the vertex, and in the temples, which appears to rise from the back. Headache rising from the nape of the neck. Drawing pain in the occiput, always towards the side to which he moved his head; going off after sneezing, (a. 12 d.)-Drawing and pressive headache in the region of the left eyebrow, or in the temporal bone.-Drawing pressive headache in the left temporal muscle, also in the evening; sometimes with pressure on the upper row of teeth; by pressing upon the temples, the pain is changed to a pressive headache in the forehead.-Drawinl, pressive headache in the left occiput, with a sense of stiffness in the nape of the neck.-Drawing, pressive, sometimes also tearing, headache, sometimes in the forehead, sometimes in the occiput, sometimes in CALCAREA CARBONICA. 269 the temples; it diminishes when pressing upon the parts, and disappears when exerting the thinking faculty, (a. 3 d.) Tearing pain, the whole day, in the temples, the bones of the orbit, and the cheek, which swells a good deal. Grinding and pressing in the head, which spread towards the eyes, the nose, the teeth, and the cheeks, with great sensitiveness to noise, accompanied by slight attacks of swooning. Sensation as of gnawing in the occiput. Cutting pain in the occiput, and in the forehead, as if a sharp body were pressed in there, made worse by walking and pressing the hand upon the parts, (a. 3 d.) Stitches zn the head. Shooting stitches in the head, here and there. Stitches in the head, in the evening, with stitches in the legs. Stitching pains in the brain, with a sense of emptiness in the head, for three days, (t. 28 d.) Single stitches through the hlead, with great chilliness. Lancinating headache out at the eyes, (the first days.) Lancinating headache on lthe right side, as far as the eye. Stitch-like headache in one half of the forehead; the pain is relieved when lying down. Stitches in the whole head for half an hour, coming on in consequence of righting herself after she was lying on the back, or after stooping. Stitching headache on the left side, over the temple, (a. 2 d.) Frequent stitches in the temples, (a. 7 d.) Lancinations penetrating at the left temple and coming out at the right, (a. 5 h.) Stitches on the top of the head, on the right side, extending into thle right eye, (a. 29 d.)-Fine slitches in the vertex, externally, (a. 7 Ii.) Slitclhes in the right' side of the occiput, (a. 11 d.)-Periodically increasing and decreasing prickings in the left side of llhe forehead, when at rest or in motion.-Violent jerking stliches through the whole of the right lialf of the brain; they are often renewed, and then leave behind them a sensation of tension, and as of pressing asunder.-Dull, stitching aclhe, when walking; it especially extends over the left side of the forehead, and disappears again through continual walking.Grinding stitches in the left temple, close by tie eyebrow, when moving the lower jaw, (a. 5 h.)-Boring, painful stitches in the left part of the forehead, when sitling; they immediately go off when silting, walking, standing. or touching the parts, (a 12 b.)-Boring stitch in the centre of the 270 CALCAREi CARDONICA. forehead, extending into the brain, (a. 3 h.)-Boring lancinations in the left temporal region from within outwards, regularly intermittent; they go off when sitting, or touching the parts.-Pulsative stitches in the left parietal bone, (immediately.) Single shootings or thrusts across the brain. Spasmodically shooting paiin in the right temple. Jerkings in the head, for moments. *Throbbing headache in the middle of the brain, every morning, and contining the whole day. Throbbing pain in the forehead. Stitch-like throbbing in the head, when walking fast.Considerable throbbing in the top of the head, in the region of the vertex, as of an artery, with cutting thrusts from within outwards. * Rush of blood to the head, with heat of the face, seven hours after the meal. * Heat in the head, and considerable orgasm. * Heat in the left part of the head. Heat around the head, in the evening. * Icy coldness, in and about the head, (a. 4 h.) Snapping, as of sparks from the electric machine, which may be heard for s:veral minutes in the occiput, towards noon; this is followed by a warmth ascending from the nape of the neck. Concussion of the brain, especially in the right part of the occiput, occasioned by slight shaking of the head, and at every step -Concussion of the brain when setting the foot down, like an echo in the head. Sudden pain in the left parietal bone, as if tlle bone were cut to pieces, accompanied by shuddering all over the body. A numb spot externally on tile right side of the head. Several places of the head are painful to the touch, (a. 14 d.)-The whole skin of the head is intensely painful when moving the frontalis muscle to and fro, (a. 1 h. and a half.)-Soreness of tie occiput, when touching the part, as if there were subcutaneous suppuration. Pain about the head, as if the skini became detached, about the occiput, as far down as the nape of the neck. 'rearing about the head and in the eyes, with redness of the wliole face, every afternoon from three or four o'clock until nine or ten. Great liability of the head to cold, which causes headache, as if a plank were lying upon the head, with pressive pain in the head, and chilliness of thle body, (a. 6 d.) Itching of the hairy scalp. Itching of the occiput. * Itching behind the ear, with dizziness in the head after scratching. Itching of the CALCAREA CARBONICA.0.211 hairy scalp, when walking in the open air.-Tinglingr itching of the hairy scalp, which forces one to scratch, with painfulness of the roots of the hairs when touched.-Prick]ing and itching of the hairy scalp, which cannot be removed by rubbing, (a. 10 h.) Burning itching of the hairy scalp, (a. 13 d.) Burning itchiing, as from nettles, with excessive tiugling of the hairy scalp, and the lower part of the face, in the evening before going to bed. The skin of the head upon the vertex becomes scalv. * Eruption upon the hairy scalp, * with glandular swellings at the neck. Violent eruption on the head. Pimples on the forehead. TumToUr oul the right side of the head, withouit any pain, (a. 15 d.) 'Tumour under the left temple, (a. 15 d.) Tumour on the right temple, early in the morning, w'luicli had gone off again in tle eveuing, (a. 15 d.) r Thin, moist pcrrigo on the hairy scalp, (a. 12 d.) 'A boil on the forehead, where the hairs begin, (the first days.) "IThe hair of the head comes out, wheu combing it. EYEs.-Pustule over the left eyebrow. The eyes are so painful that she is obliged to close them with sensation, as if she ought, to press theem in. Sensation of pain, as if a for-eign little body hod got into the eyes, (a. 17 d.) Pain in the eyes, as if they were pressed iii. * Pressure in the eyes, in the evening. Considerable pressure, day and nigrht, as ifa grain of sand were lodged behind the upper eyelid, (a 19 d.) Pressure in the eye, in the evening, after going to bed, and at Inight as if a grain of saud w'ere lodged in the eye. Presstire and burning in the eyeS, With ]acurVmiation. Tension in the muscles of the eyes, when turning the eyes, or exerting thein while reading. Twitching, and slighit pulling iii the eye, in jerks, (a. 20 d.) Stitches in cthe eye and head, (during the menses,) (1. 8d) Severe stitch in that eye, wvhich is affected with the fisiula lachry'ruals. St,ýitches and biting in the eye. Stitches in the internal canihus of the eye, then, alternateIV stitches and throbhing in the eyes; frequent blowing of the nose after the pain has gone.-Stitches in the internal and the external canthnus.- [tching stitches in the internal cantlui, which pass off hy rubbing, (inmediately.) -Violtently tearing stitches in time right eve, as if it w'ere inflamned.-Boring stitch in the upper border of the orbit, 272 CALCARtA CARBONICA. (a. 5 h.) Itching in the margin of the eyelids. * Itching in the eyes, in the evening, but pressure early in the morning.-* Violent itching of the eyes. Itching in the canthi of the eyes. Itching in the internal canthus of the right eye.-ltching of the eyes in both corners.-Tinckling itching of the external canthus of the riglt eye, which forces one to rub, (a. 25 h.) * Pain, as from excoriation, in the lower eyelid. Biting in the eyes, (a. 7 d.3 Feeling of coldness in the eyes, (immediately.) * Feeling of heat in the eyes, with heaviness in the upper lids. *Burning in the eyes wlien lie closes the lids.-Burning in the left upper eyelid, towards the internal canthus, (a. 6 h.) Burning of the internal canthi of the eyes, with stitcles in the parts. Burning and itching in the eyes, (a. 8 d.) Itching burning of the eyes, head and neck, (a. 7 d.) Redness of the margins of the eyelids. * Redness of the white of the eye. Reddish appearance of the white of the eye, with pressure in the eyes, (a. 20 d.) Inflammation and swelling of the canthi of the left eye, and of the lower lid, with shooting and throbbing pains, and itching all around, (a. 10 d.)-Violent inflammation of the eyes, the white of the eyes is quite red; in the eyes, especially in the external canthi, there is much gum the whole day; the external canthi look sore, and seem to ulcerate, for fourteen days, (2. d.) * Swelling and redness of the eyelids; they become agglutinated every night; in day time the eyes are full of gum, with a feeling of heat and soreness, as from excoriation, arid there is lachrymation, (a. 11 d.) Swelling of the lower eyelids, early in the morning after rising. Lachrymation, when writing. Lachrymation, and fatigue and weakness of the eye, (a. 7 d.) Lachrymation of the eyes early in the morning. A biting fluid runs out of the left, reddened eye. Sensation, as of grease being in the eyes. Gum is constantly in the eyes; she is often obliged to wipe them. Dry pus on the margins of the eyelids, and in lhe canthi of the eyes.-Gum in the canlhi of the eyes, for two days, (a. 10 h.)-Agglutination of the eyelids, on moving them, with pressure in the corners, especially the outer corners, (a. 55 h.) Closing of the eyes by pus. The eyes look watery and their lids are agglutinated early in the morning; the eyes are, moreover, painful when he looks into the light, (a. 24 h.)-The eyes CALCAREA CARBONICA. 273 are closed by pus, early on waking up, (a. 24 h.) The white of the eye is very much reddened; a little blood exsudates out of it, without any pain. * Slight twitching in the upper eyelids, with a sensation as if the eye moved spontaneously, (a. 18 d.) Stiffness in the left eyeball, early in the morning, after rising, it cannot be moved without experiencing a disagreeable feeling. She is obliged to wink when reading; the eyes constantly incline to close, (were red from lachrymation.) Dilatation of the pupils.-The pupils first dilated, then contracted. ' A darkness or sense of blackness sometimes shoots across her eves. * Turbidness of the eyes, after having caught a cold in the head, (a. 6 d.) Turbidness of sight; at the same time she feels a desire of closing the eyes, without being sleepy, (6. d.) * Sensation as of feathers being before the eyes. * Sensation as of a gauze being before the eyes, in both their inner canthi; this symptom goes off by lachrymation. Sensation as of a shadow being before the eyes, with dilated pupils, so that, on one side, objects appear to her dark, or are invisible; in man, for instance, she only perceives one eye. Sudden blindness, immediately after dinner; he was even unable to see the table, at which he was sitting; at the same time sweat from oppressive anxiety, and nausea; also, simultaneously, like a bright appearance before the eyes; the symnptom went off after an hour's sleep. In the dark lie imagines to see electric sparks before the eyes. * Far-sightedness; she is obliged to wear convex glasses when reading. * Longsightedness; whereas she was generally able to distinguish things clearly both near and far, she is now unable to distinguish anything fine in her neighborhood; she. cannot tliread a needle, (first days)-Far-sightedness in a person who is short-sighted; he was able to distinguish clearly objects at a considerable distance, the wlhole day. She saw small objects more distinctly than large ones. Wlen reading, a black point accompanies the letters. Sometimes lie sees a black spot before the left eye, which goes off again in a few minutes. She often sees black spots before the eyes, wlien she makes a bodily eflort, (a. 11 d.) He sees a halo round the candle-light and ilte moon. The letters are dancing before the eyes. Wavelets of 12* r274i %74CALC'AREA CARBONICA. liglit dancing before the eyes, and dullness of sight. Dancing wvavelets of light, and like fiery sparks before tile eyes, early in the morning, on waking up. Lighlt dazzles her eyes. Looking at candle-liglit painfully affects both one's eyes and head. EAns.--Pain in the ears, as if something would peneIrate tlirongh. Pressnre in the ears. Cramp-like pain in 'the ears, (7. d.)-Crainp-like feeling on the posterior surface of tile concha, (a. 9 II.) Twitching in the right ealr, "accompanied by a wvhizzinig sort of whispering, as of the wind among leaves. The twvitching occurs every minute, and is so violent that the whole body sometimes twitches up.-Twitching in the cartilage of the ear, (a. 48 hi.) Drawiying, dull pain in the ears. * Stitches in the left ear, and the tenmple; the sypnr~tom went off when at rest, and when tile eyes were closed. Stitches and pain in the right ear.-Stitelic s in the ears. '1earing stitches in the righrit ear, (a. 3 d.) * Pulsations in the ears, (the first days.) Prickling in the right ear, (a. 7 (.) Itching of the concha. Burning itching in both ears. Frequently slight chills7 externally, on tile ears. Heat in the interior ofj the ears, like hot blood, (a. 29 d.) Heat is, so to say, rushing out of tile left. ear, (a. 5 d.) Burning pain around the ear. Swvelling in the left ear, with itching. Extensive swelling of th1e righlt ear. Swvelling of tile internal ear and right side of the fLce, wxith frequent secretion of wax. T'he bone behind tile left ear feels swollen and itches; on tonching tile place it is painful, as if it were ulcerated. Eruption be. hind the ri~lit ear; tile eruption becornes moist. Tumour before tile left ear; it feels like a boil when touched.--Tumiour under tile lobule; this cauises a tensive pain in thearilculation of lic jaaw, when chewing. A little water is. dropping ou1t of her sound ear, vhilst tihe other ear, which is provided with sound waax, hears with difficulty. When, blo~wing the nos,, there is a shooting into the ear. When blowiiig the nose hiard, her ear feels obstructed so that shte is not able to hear with it; this symptom goes off again on a Sensation in the rigTht ear, as if somethingI ad become lodged ie fore the tympanum, without, however diminishing the hearing, (a. 15 h.) Worse hearing, (the first 3 d) 'ard hearing, for a long time. Sensi CALCAREA CARBONICA. 275 tiveness in the brain, when hearing a shrill sound.--Sensitive to noise, in the evening, when falling asleep. * Tingling before the ears. * Singing in the ears, and after* wards * snapping, as of a spark from the electric machine. * Alternaiely buzzing, as of musqutitoes, and cracking, as in breaking dry straw, in the left ear. Buzzing roaring in the ear. * Ringing in the left ear and in the head. * Buzzing in the left ear. * Considerable humming in the ears, with hard hearing, early in the morning, (a. 2 d.) Sense, as of fanning the left ear.-Low humming, as of a top, in both ears, with obtusion of the head, (a. half an h.) Quelching in the ears, when swallowing, (the first d) Flapping in the ear, as from a loose skin hanging down inl it. A sort of grunting in the ear, when swallowing. Cracking in the ear when c, eing. NosE.-'lwitches of the extcrnal muscles of the nose, (a. 14 d.)-Gnawing pain about the root of the nose, (a. 1 h.) Itching of the nose externally and internally, (a. 2 d.) Soreness of the margin of the nostrils, and especially tile septum. Stinging pain in the nostril which is almost sore, when touched. * Soreness of the riglit nostril. Red spot on the lip of the nose. * Inflammation, redness and swelling of the anterior part of the nose. Swelling of the nose, especially of the root, frequently going and coming, (a. 6 d.) Swelling of the riglit wing of the nose, with p infulness to the touch. Eruption on the nose. *Painful pinple in the left nostril, with itching, and stinging pain. * Pimple in the right nostril, painful only when the muscles of the face and nose are r~oved; the \\ing of the nose is red and itches externally and internally.-1 i nples in both nostrils, with scurf. * Sore, ulcerated nostrils; * so:etimes preceded by frequent sneezing. 'The skin of the nose feels as if it were covered with oil, (A. 25 d.) When blowing the nose, b!ackish blood comes out. Consi.lerable bleeding at the nose, (a. 10 d.) Some bleeding at the nose, at night, (a. 18 d.) Bleeding at the nose, early in the morning, (a. 7 d.) Violent bleeding at the nose, as in venesection, almost to fainting. Smell is dull. The sense of smell is easily affected, (a. 22 d.) Very bad smell in the nose, (a. 25 d.) * Smell before the nose as of rotten eggs or gunpowder, (a. I h.) 276 CALCAREA CARBONICA. FACE.--The colour of the face is pale, with blue rings around the eyes, (the first days.) * Pale, thin face, with deep dark-bordered eyes, (a. 14 d.)-* Yellowness of the face. * Yellowness of the face. Frequently considerable redness and heat of the face. Constantly bloated redness and heat of the lace. Erysipelas on the (enlarged) cheek. Pain in the face, succeeded by swelling of the cheeks, which caused the pain to go off, (a. 10 d.)-Dull pain in the muscles of the left cheek, (a. 2 h.)-Pressive pain in the right side of the upper jaw, when chewing, (a. 3 h.) Her right cheek is spasmodically drawn sideways, with cramp-like, contractive pain, (a. 30 d.) Twitching in the muscles of the face.-Fine twitchings from the upper border of the orbit down to the nose. Tearing in the bones of the face and head. Tearing in the left cheekbone.-Violent tearing in the right side of the upper jaw, (a. 9 h.) Violent stitches in the right check, the whole day, (a. 5 d.)-Pulsating throbbing on both cheek bones, (a. 2 h.) Prickling in the face and nckc.-Fine tingling in the face, below the eye, and on the side of the nose. * Violent itching in the wholeface; she was constantly obliged to scratch, (the first 7 d.) Burning in the whole face. Feeling, as of swelling in the face, especially below the eye and around the nose, without any visible swelling. -Sense of tension in the right cheek, as if it were swollen, (a. 2 d.) Swelling under the left eye, without pain. Painless swelling of the cheeks, early, when rising, (2. d.) Swelling of the face without heat, with prickings here and there. White spots in the face, with itching. * Eruption of small painless pimples, in the whole face, (a. 5 d.) Rash-like eruption in the face, near the eyes and the nose. * Many pimples in the whole face, with violent itching. * Itching pimples on the fore-head, with itching in the whole face. * Itching pimples on both cheeks, about the zygoma, for some weeks.-* Pimple in the centre of the cheek, which became moist when scratched, and left a greenish crust behind, (a. 48 h.)-Ulcer upon the cheek, with a stinging pain. MOUTII.-The lips and mouth are spasmodically contracted, so that she was not able to open it. First, slight drawing in the lower lip; then, the lip seemed to die off, CALCARtEA CARBONICA. 277 grew white, numb, wiih a sensation, as if it grew big and would hang down, for five minutes. Stinging itching around the upper and lower lip.-Itching prickling upon the upper lip; when the lip is rubbed, the itching appears again at another near place, (a. 1 h.) Roughness and dryness of the lips, especially the upper lip, as if they would become chapped, (a. 49 h.) Chapped lips, with fissures in the tongue, and pain, as if excoriated, (a. 48 h.) Chapped upper lip. * Swelling of the upper lip, early in the morning. Eruption in the vermilion border of the lower lip, (a. 32 d.) * Pimples on the upper lip. Eruption of pimples around the mouth, and in the corners of the mouth. Pimple under the right corner of the mouth. "* Scurfy pimple on the margin of the vermilion border of the lower lip.-Large humid scurf under the right angle of the mouth. Ulceraied angles of the mouth, for a fortnight. The right angle of the mouth is closed by ulceration, and feels painful like a sore. JAWS AND TEETH.-Itching of the chin. Tingling itching of the border of the right side of the lower jaw, which invites one to scratch. Pimple in the middle of the chin. Fine pimples around the chin and on the neck, with itching. On the left side of the lower jaw, considerable swelling with drawing pains, (a. 12 d.) Swelling of a snbmaxillary gland. Hard swelling of a submaxillary gland, as big as a hen's egg, with painful tension when chewing, and stinging pain when touching it, (a. 41 d.)-* Swelling of the submaxillary gland, with a sense of pressure in it. Toothache, only when eating. Toothache, caused by hot or cold things, but mostly by a draught of air, day and night, with flowing of a quantity of saliva, out of the mouth, and stitches coming out at the ears and eyes, which prevents her from sleeping at night, (a. 8 d.) Toothache in all the teeth, like fine prickings, which is made worse * by cold air penetrating into the tccti; the pain wakes him up at night. * The teeth cannot bear any air or cold. Toothache, only when cold air or beverage enters the mouth. The tooth is painfully affected, even by being only slightly touched. The toothache is made worse by external noise. * Drawing in the teeth. Drawing pain in a fore-tooth, continuing for some minutes, 278 8ALCAREA CARBONICA. and returning at intervals, (a. 17 d.) Drawing cutting in all thile teeth, (a. I I d.) I'carint, in tile teeth,as if the roots were loin out, (a. 20 h.) Tearing in the teeth, upwards along thile head, as fir as thile temples, mostly at night. Single tearings iII tile hollow teethil, inll paroxysmins of half an hour eaclih, worst upon taking somethimg warm; also at night; tearing through the whole cheek. Gnawing toothache, worst in ilie evening -Gnawing toothache in the uipper molar techll of the right side, as if they would becoime hollow, in any position of thile head, (a. 6 h.) Biting (pain in the teeth. A good deal of tingling pain in a hollow tooth. Boring tooth1ache, with stitches towards the nasal bone, day and nIigit, and with swelling of thile gums and cliheek. Boring aiid shooting toothache extending iiito the eye and ear; immensely increased wlhen driving in a carriage, (22. d.) Firli, stuclies in the posterior molar tooth, two hours after dinner, then boring, relieved by eating. " Severe stitches in a tooth,-extending into the right eye and temple; only by day; inclining to touch thile tooth with the tonguc; this touchn ill was always succeeded by asevere stitch-like jerk in the tooth, which caused her to start and Awhich shook her, (the first 5 d.)-* Stitches in the teeth. Jerking toothache, (24 d.) TIwitchlings in the left teeth and the left side of the head. The teeth experience a thrutst as from a fist. Inclination to clatter with the teeth, as in a chill. Throbbing toothache in one of the incisores, "only v'hen eating.-Throbbing toothache, the tooth feeling pain when totclied; there is also swelling of the gums, xhiclh is painful to the touch, (a. 7 d.) Looseness of an oil stump uniider the swollen gums, with pains, when touched, as those of a wound, laincinating. The teeth are painful when biting upon them. The teeth feel elongated. Bad smell from the tee/h. The gumins itch.-* Fine stitiches in the giuns of the whole upper jaw, (a. 2 h.) Boring in thile iupper gums of the right side; afterwards swelling of the gaums, accompanied by pressive drawing inll the rigtrl temporal muscle. Strong pulsations in the gums.,rinrobhbing in the swollen gums. Soreness of the gums, with pain of the roots of the teeth. " Swelling of the gums, of a hollow tooth. Painful swelling of the guins, without toothache, also accompanied by swelling of CAtCAdt& CARDONICd. 279 the cheeks, which is painful to the touch, (a. 3 d.) Swelling of the gums (and the jaw;) niear a stump a little tubercle is forming, which swells and becomes painful, tie pains extending into the ear. Pustules of the gums, over one of the molar teeth, * like a fistula dentalis, (after a cold?) (a. 24 d.) Ulcers of the gums, (a. 14 d.) Bleeding of the gums, also at night, (a. 2, 3 d.) MoUmII.-Inl thc-inouIthu tliere is a swelling of the right cheek, forming a big tubercle, with drawingr and tearing pain in it, every evening. Blisters in the mouth, Which open and form ulcers, (a. 12 d.) (after vexation?) Blisters in the mouth, which form ulcers upon the inner cheek, (after a cold?) Small blisters on the inner clieek, wvhere the teeth touch the cheek. White-yellowish little ulcer on the right tonsil. TPhe tongue is painful on the border and upon its lower surface, especially when chewing, swallowing, and spitting, (7. d.) Pain under the tongtue, when swallowing, on the left side, behind the os liyoides. Burning pain in the tip of the tongute, as from soreness she was not able to take any thing warin into her Inonh, it pained her too much, (a. 6 h.) Violent burninfg upon tile tongue and in the whole mouth.-Sense of rawness and soreness dff the tongue, which is coated whitc. Thick tongue, entirely white, with a sensation as if it were without any skin, and sore. Swelling of one side of the tongue, which makes deglutition difficult.-Blisters upon the tongue, which prevent him from eating. Little blisters upon the tongue, with burning pain and beat in the mouth. Tongue coated whiie, (tlie first days) Diflicuilty of moving the tongue. She finds it dificult to tralk. He moved his month as if lie would talk or scream; but he was unable to titter a word. THROAT.-Stinginmg' in the palate.-Rougliness and rawvness of the back part of tile palate; these symptorms excite coughilng, but are not relieved by it, (a. 12 d.) Sore throat, with swellina of the submaxillary glands. Pain in the throat, as if tie uivula prevented degrlhition, even when nothing was swallowed; but there was less pain when talking, and none whatsoever wvhen lying in the bed. Sore throat, like an internal swellinvr extending as far 280 CALCAREA CARBONICA. as into the ears, (a. 14 d.) Sore throat as from a plug in the throat, when swallowing. (ESOPHAGUS.- Sense as if a foreign body were lodged in the pharynx, which constantly obliges one to swallow, (a. 15 d.) Sense in the throat, as if a pressing body prevented deglutition. Spasmodic constriction of the cesophagus. Sense in the oesophagus, in the afternoon, as it the food had remained lodged there, and had not come into the stomach, with a sort of nausea. Pressure in the oesophagus, after deglutition. Stitches and pressure in the throat, during deglutition. Violent stitches in the throat extending into the ear, during deglutition, and still more during talking. Stitches in the throat during deglutition, she cannot get any bread down.-Violent stitch on the right side of the top of the cesophagus, when not swallowing, (after tlree quarters of an hour.) Roughness and burning in the throat, with sensation, as if the whole oesophagus, as far as the orifice of the stomach, were raw and sore. Sensation as if the throat and the mouth were sore, and deprived of the skin. Rawness and soreness of the whole oesophagus; he cannot, almost, swallow anything, (a. 29 d.) * Swelling of the tonsils, with elongation of the uvula and sense of tightness ef the oesophagus when swallowing, also a feeling of soreness with stitches, (a. 5 d.) ` Swelling and inflammation of the palate; * the uvula is dark red and full of little blisters. * Swell. ing and dark redness of the uvula. * Great dryness of the moulb i and the tongue, with a sense of roughness and stinging.-- Dryness in the mouth, as of lime. * Dryness of the tongue, early on waking up, (a. 13 d.) -' Sense of dryness upon the tongue, (a. 5 d.) Dry and bitter in the throat, the whole day, mostly early in the morning. Feeling of dryness of the palate, which cibliges him to hawk up phlegm. A quantity of saliva collecting in the mouth, but which cannot be spit out. In the forenoon the saliva collects several times in his mouth, with nausea, (4. d.)-An abundance of saliva collects in the mouth, there was more than he could swallow, (a. 1 h. and a half.) Quantity of pituita in the mouth, with a sense of dryness.-Sensation as it there were much phlegm in the throat, during deglutition, with dryness in the mouth, CALCAREA CARBONICA. 2S1 (after one hour and a half.) Slime in the mouth, early in the morning; rinsing the mouth does not relieve it, (a. 24 h.) Phlegm in the throat, with taste of iron. Expectoration of mucus, at night, with rawness of the throat. * Hawking up phlegm, early in the morning. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Taste has become blunt. Every:hing tastes to her as if it were not salted.--lis food, especially meat, does not taste sufficiently. Flat, watery taste in the mouth, the taste of the food being morbidly keen. Bad taste in the mouth, early in the morning, as from a spoiled stomach. Taste of manure in the mouth and throat. * Impure, bitter taste in the mouth. * Bitter taste in the mouth, early two hours after rising. Bitter sort of a taste in the back part of the throat, (5. d.) Sweet taste in the mouth, as of sugar, day and night, (a. 12 d.) Metallic taste, taste of lead in the morning, early in the morning, (a. 6 d.) Taste of iron in the mouth. Taste of ink in the mouth, early on waking up. Sour taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth, with much viscid phlegm. Sour taste of the saliva; she spits it out continually (a. 2 d.) Sour taste of all food, without any sour taste in the mouth: (after a cold?) Saltisli taste of the mouth, and much thirst, (after some hours.) * Great thirst. Great thirst in the afternoon, (a. 3 h.) Great thirst and brown urine. Great thirst for beer.-Thirst, early in the morning.-Unusual thirst and dryness in the throat.-* Violent thirst, with desire for cold drinks, especially water; he was obliged to drink a good deal, for eight hours, (a. 8-5.5 hl) The appetite is less; she feels an acridity in the stomach. * Total want of appetite, (a 24 h.) Constant fulness. She will not eat anything boiled. Vehement appetite, with great weariness, in the evening. Ravenous appetite, the stomach being weak. * Ravenous appetite, early in the morning. Great inclination to saltish food. * She had much desire for wine, which she never liked before. Desire to nibble. The usual tobacco does not taste well; when smoking, he has headache and nausea. Milk does not agree with him, gives him nausea and inclination to vomit.-Milk tastes sour to him, and is disagreeable to him. He relishes milk. The milk which he had taken early in the morning, regurgitates and tastes sour, (a. 3 d.) 262 CALCAREA CARRONICA. GASTRIC SVMPTOMS.-* Water-brash, consequent upon taking nilk.-Early in the morning, after taking milk, a sensation of nausea ascends from the stomach, as if the stomacli were spoiled. Every time she eats something, she is affected with a burning sensation ascending along ihe throat, which she can scarcely endure; with or without any rising. At dinner, after lie has eaten scarcely half enough, he feels sick; the ingesta gulp up as far as the mou1t, with nauseous taste; there are then constant eructations for 3 hours, (a. 20 d.) * Gulping up of food. After lie had scarcely eaten enough, he felt nauseous; but nausea ceased as soon as he stopped eating entirely, (a. 9, ]2 d.) Every kind of food causes eructations tasting of the ingesta. * Frequent ertctations after eating. Shortly after dinner bloated, hard abdomen. * Distention of the stomach and abdomen, after little eating or drinking. After taking liquid food in the evening, lie feels as if lie were stuffed, with much spasmodic pressing. Colic after supper. At dinner, pinching in the belly, extending from the navel, (a. 1, d.) Loud rumbling at dinner, close over the navel. Spasmodic pressure in the stomach after supper; when the pressure abates, there is a sensation in the intestines as if diarrhoea would come on. which, however, is not the case, (a. 7, 8 d.) Slitches in the praecordial region after dinner, (a. 9 d,) After dinner, pressure in the vertex and forchead.-After dinner the drawing and pressive headache around the temples is constantly increased; the headache often commences already during the dinner, with great sensitiveness of the teeth during mastication, as if they were loose and were being bent over. Rush of blood to the head two hours after dinner, with heat of the face. Vitolent beating of the lieart. after dinner. After dinner lie feels the beats of the heart, without laying the hand upon the chest. After dinner, faintishness and feeling of weakness, (a. 9 d.) Sleepiness after dinner; he fell asleep in nodding. Unconquerable sleep after dinner; afterwards chills and conh, indueed by tickling in the Ithroat. After supper violent inclination to sleep. Cold feet after dinner. During supper, sweat in the whole face. Frequent erictations, even early in the morning, on waking up, and before breakfast.--Frequent empty CALCAREA CARBONICA. 2-3 eructations. * Frequent eructations tasting of the ingesta. Even 6 hours after dinner, he has eructations tasting of the ingesta. Gulping up of the ingesta. * Bitter eructations. " Eructations tasting of bile, in the afternoon. * Sour eructations early in the morning.-Sourish, offensive eructations.-Constant, sourish eructations. Sourness of the stomach rises up to the throat; a kind of heartburn the whole day. Gulping up of an acid, liquid taste in the evening. Gulping up of a brownish, sour liquid, with burning, arising from the pit of the stomach, (heartburn,) (a. 8, 9 d.) Rancid eructations, heart burn, with a sense as of scratching, (rawness.) Heart burn, (a. 1 l.) Burning rising up in the throat, after every kind of food, especially after eating hard, dry substances. Eructations, with hiccough. Hiccough the whole day; un4il evening, (a. 29 d.)-Frequent hiccough.-Considerable hiccough, a quarter of an hour, (a. 5 h.) Qualmislhness with collection of saliva in the mouth, (a. 3 h.) Nausea, early in the morning, (a. 2 h. and a. 5 d.) Nausea every morning, with diminished appetite. Nausea early in the morning, before breakfast, with loathing and horripilation. Nausea in the pit of the stomach, early in the morning, before breakfast; at the same time, the eyes see black, so that he is obliged to sit down. Feeling of nausea in the forenoon. Considerable nausea in the pit of the stomach, in thle afternoon, as from great emptiness in the stomach -Nansea in the evening, and heat, with uneasy sleep.-Nausea, with cough and a kind of heart-burn wake him up about midnight. Nausea, with anguish, (a. 8 d.) A faint sort of nausea frequently. Natsea even unto vomiting, with sourish water running out at the month. At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, nausea, and inclination to vomit. Inclination to choking, in the cesophagus, without nausea, with collection of water in the mouth, resembling waterbrash. Waterbrash with colic, (a. 24 h.) - Inclination to vomit, with eructationand collection of water in the motth, and accompanied by a sort of vertigo in the head, (immediately.) Nausea, with vomiting of the ingesta, accompanied by faintishness, swoons and loss of consciousness. Vomiting early in the morning, succeeded by nmusea the wlhole day, with grinding pain in the abdomen. Vomiting of sour water at night. Vomiting of black substances, (a. 9 d.) 284 CALCAREA CARBONICA. STOMIACH.-The region of the stomach is painful to the touch. Sudden pain in the stomach, as if it should be distended. Fulness of the stomach in the afternoon. Inflation of the region of the stomach, towards the left side. Pressure at the stomach the whole day, (a. 7 d.) *Pressure at the stomach, even before breakfast. Pressure transversely across the stomach. Pressure at the stomach; sense as of a weight being firmly lodged in it. Pressure at the stomach, as if a lump were in it, after a moderate supper, for an hour. Pressure at the stomach with collection of saliva in the mouth. P essure at the stomach in the evening, before lying down, resembling a choking. Painful pressure at the stomach, like a spasm, for two hours; this made it impossible for her to remain in the bed; she had to rise. * Spasm of the stomach, with nausea, eructations and yawning, (a. three fourths of an h.) * Violent spasms of the stomach, in the afternoon, until sweat broke out all over the body. Spasm in the stomach and abdomen, of a cutting and compressive kind. Contractive pain in the stomach, for several days, sometimes with pressure after the meal. Griping in the pit of the stomach. Gnawing, and sense as of jerking, at the stomach. Stitchlike pain in the pit of the stomach, when pressing upon it, especially severe after stool. Stitches transversely across the region of the stomach. Soreness at the stomach. Burning at the stomach.-Anguish in the pit of the stomach, (a. 6 h.)-Anguish apparently coming from the stomach, when sittlling, with "burning in the abdomen, soon going off again wlhcn walking or standing, (a. 26 h. A DooaMEN.-T-ension in the hypochondria. Sense as of constriction below lie hypochondria, with trembling and throbbing in the region of the stomach.--Tensive and clawing pain in the whole region of the hypochondria, and in the pit of the stomach, (a. 10 h.)-Dull, pinching choking close under the pit of the stomach, (immediately )-Sense as of pinching and nipping in the whole region of the hypochondria, which extends as far as below the sternum; here it becomes lancinating and excites eructations, (a. three quarters of an h.)-Violent pinching in the hypochondriac region and the chest, which terminates here and there in a little stitch, (a. half an h.)-Griping in the hypo CALCAREA CARDONICA. 285 chondriac region, below the pit of the stomach, accompanied by chilliness over the whole body. * She cannot bear any tight fitting of clothes around the hypochondria. Tensive pains in the region of the liver. Tension and pressure in the region of the liver, as if the parts were very much enlarged there, even unto bursting. Bigness and elevation of the right side of the belly, (in the region of the liver?); she there constantly feels a pressure, especially when sitting, and a heaviness; she dares not rest upon this side; this is accompanied by interception of breath. Pressive pain in the liver, especially at night; at this lime the hardness is more easily felt. Pressure in the region of the liver, at every step, when walking. * Drawing pain in the posterior part of the region of the liver, towards the back, like tearings. Drawing pain extending from the right hypochondrium to the symphisis pbhis. Twitching pain in the region of the liver, (7. d.) Slitches in the region of the liver, during or after stooping. Shootings in the right hypochondriac region, in the forenoon, for an hour. Stitches in the right hypochondriac region, which extendedt thence into the back, in the evening, (a. 30 d.) Long stitches in the right side below the ribs, (a. 13 h.) Shaking stitch from the region of the liver into the chest, (a. 10 h ) Stitching pain, as from excoriation, in the region of the liver, near the last false rib. Pain as of rawness in the liver. Frequently during the day, attacks of pressive throbbing in the left hypochondrium, lasting a quarter of an hour, both when at rest and in motion. Sharp pinching, compressing the parts in the left hypochondriac region. In the middle of the belly excessive feeling of soreness from nausea, without inclination to vomit, a quarter of an hour, (a. 27 d.) Pain in the belly, over the hips, when walking and breathing, (a. 6 d.) Soreness in the hypogastrium, already, after having walked a few steps, with a sense of heat through the whole body, (a. 5 d.) * Pressure in the abdomen, from the pit of the stomach downwards. Pressive pain in the belly below the navel, early after rising, as if a pressure were made upon the abdomen, with constipation, (a. 12 d.) Violent pressure in the hypogastrium, and hard stool, (the first days.) Pressure in the hypogastrium, during strong bodily exercise. 286 CALCAREA CARBONICA* Prcssive pain in the hypogastrium, with nausea, (for S d.) * Pressure in the abdomen, with stitches in the pit of the stomach downwards.-Prcssure in the hypogastrium, which causes obtusion of the head.-Fulness in the abdomen, especially after a meal. Itiflation of the helly only after dinner, not after supper, when, however, she eats a good deal. Considerably distended abdomen. Considerable distention of the abdomen, with colic, frequently during the day. Fulness in the belly, in the evening, so that lie was scarcely able to move, with violent colic. Distended, hard abdomen. Tense, full abdomen, with contraction of the rectum, whicl prevents the emission of flatue]nce. Tension and inflation of the abdomen, the whole afternoon, without any feeling of flatulence; the symptom went off after emission of flatulence, (a. 20 d.) ''ension of the abdomen, (the first davs.)-Tension of tlle abdomrer, when silling down after violent exercise. Tension and a cltting in tie hypogaslrium, (a. 15 d.) Squeezing and pressing close below the navel, after supper, increased by walking, and afterwards changed to distention of the abdomen. Contractive pains in the abdomen, towards the small of the back, (a. 40 d.) Contractive pain in the epigastrium, so that she was obliged to walk crooked, especially excited by deep breathing, (a. some d.) Sense as of contraction in the abdomen and lie pit of the stomach, the appetite being sometimes too great, sometimes too little. Contraction of the abdomen, upwards towards the chest, early in the morning, for an hour, (a. 1I d.) * Gnawing, griping in tile abdomen, and at the stomach, coming from the chest. * Frequently a severe spasm in the intestinal canal, especially, however, in the evening and at night, with coldness of the thighs, (a. 8, 19 d.) Spasmodic turning and twisting around the navel, (a. 4 d.) Sense as of suddenly snatching ihe parts in the hypogastrium, in the direction of the uterus, for several days, with discharge of bloody mucus, with the stool, (a. 17 d ) Twisting in the bowels. * Winding, cutting pain in the abdomen. Colic frequently during the day, for some minutes, like pinching, afterwards nausea. Pinching in the belly, (the first days.) Pinching in the hypogastrium, (a. 8 d.) Pinching deep in the hypogastrium, in the region of the bladder, with CALCAIEI CARBONICA.7 S7r pain at every step, as if the internal parts wcre drawn down by a weight.-Pinching in a small spot below the navel, which is changed to a sense, as of gurgllnug by rubbing the parts with a finger, (a. half an Ii.) -P--inching deep in the hypograstriur, apparently in the region of the bladder, frequently repeated, and constanitly accompanied by the emission of some flatul-ence. Cutting( in the left side of the belly, wvhicli went off by the passage of-soft stools. Violent cuLLinr in the abdomen, early in the inorningii. oil "waking ip. Fiequent attacks of colic, succeeding- ' bad cold wvhich had lasted two days; the colic was accompanied by great faintishlness and a wretched cormplexion lfr many days; afterwards it was suddenly cornpletely relieved by diving into cold water, (a. 19 d.)-CuttiIIg In the abdomen every morning, also in the evening, and at night; directly after a meal the pain ceases; but afterwards i here is a gurunting in the belly'.- Cutting pain inI the righlt lumhar region, pressinar froin w~li l lltl * rIii*IMI.lll T11 regon pesingfrm itin outwards; upon touichinig the parts, the pain ceases only for a short. time. Transverse stiiches across the abdomen, when breathing, below the navel. Stiiches in the al'domen, (a. 17 d.) Stitches in tihe belly, extending as fa-r as thle back, wlih interceplioll of breath. Sliooting stiliches in the ahdomen, especially when breathing. Stitches in the lypogstrium. Stitches in the left side of the ahdomen, towards the small of the baCk, more frequiently in the evening, and after turning the body, or when stooping. Drawtng in the abdomen, with uneasiness in it, early on waking up. Tearing. downwards, along tlic side of the abdomen, in jerks. (n.:16 d.) Soreness in the hypogastriuim, withI painful tension wvlien keeping tlie body straight, or when bending it backwards, (a. 16 d.) Burning in the abdomen frequently. Burningn painl below the navel; for somne hours, in the afternoon. Pain below the navel, sometimes lburning, sometimes Iancinating; the pain extends as far as the groin, which is distended more towards the left side. Pain iiH the groin as from concussion, (a. 24 h.)-Pressive tension in the left iliac region, (a. 8 h.) Heaviness and drawing pain in thle groin. Shooting pain in the right groin, when siting, (a. 8S d.) Cutting pain in the groin around the os pubis, (a. 21 d.) Pressure in the groin, in the hernia, in the rec 288 CALCAREA CARBONICA. turn, and the back, with stitches in the chest. Stitches in the region of the groin, as if inguinal hernia would protrude. Pain, as from excoriation, in the right iliac region.-Soreness in both groins, as if a swelling of the glands would take place; it is especially felt when walking; when touching the part, an elevation of the gland might be felt, (a. 10 h.) Straining in the glands of the groin, also when sitting, (a. 40 d.)-Tearing in the inguinal glands, when sitting and walking, (a. 9 h) Sense as of swelling in the inguinal glands. Small glandular swellings in both groins. Painful glandular swelling in the groin, of the size of a large bean, (a. 20 d.)-Swelling of the glands in the left groin, (a. 22 d.) Twitches in the muscles of the abdomen, during stool.-Tearing in the abdominal muscles, increased by breathing.-Pinching, almost spasmodic pain in the integuments of the right groin, in a small spot, only when speaking; also painful when touching the parts with the finger, (a. 8 h.) Tension in the muscles of the epigastrium, when bending the body backwards, with pain, when moving the hand along the epigastrium, as if the skin were sore, (a. 10 d.) Prickings in the abdominal muscles' below the ribs, from within outward, especially during an inspiration. A good deal of rumbling in the abdomen.-Loud rumbling and grunting in the abdomen, as from emptiness. Grunting in the abdomen, when inspiring and expiring. Continual grunting in the left part of the epigastrium, (a. 4 d.) Grunting in the abdomen, and tlen eructations. Constant gurgling in the abdomen. Gurgling in the left side of the abdomen, with uneasiness in the abdomen, without any pain.-Audible gurgling in the right side of the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would take place.-Frequent audible rumbling, and a tingling sort of straining, from below upwards, in the right side of the abdomen, as if caused by flatulence, which was indeed emitted. Much fermenting in the abdomen. *Frequent incarceration of flatulence, with rumbling in the abdomen, (a. 19 d.) Incarceration of flatulence, with pain in the small of the back, (a. 19 d.) Incarceration of flatulence, with great vertigo, (a. 6 d.) STooL.,-The flatus smell badly. * Constipation, the first days: she has no stool without taking an enema. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 289 * Constipation increased from day to day. * Constipation. "*-Constipation having lasted for 2 days, (a. 7 d.)-BHe has no stool the second day. No stool, with constant tenesmus; accompanied by gloominess in the head, Tenesmus, without any stool, (8. d.) Decrease of stool, (a. 24 h.) * Costiveness, (a. 7, 18, 24 d.) * Hard, un. digested stool, and not every day. Hard, black stool, (a. 4 d.) Hard stool, with slime, burning when passed. Stool which is of an unusually large size. Frequent passage of stool, which isfirst firm, then pappy, lastly liquid. -Frequently stool which is first firm, then pappy, then liquid, without any pain; costiveness the two days follow. ing. Painful tenesmus, day and night. Constant tenesmus; she passes the stools with great difficulty, and they are very scanty, (a. 24 h.) Tenesmus, as if diarrhcea would ensue, nevertheless, the stools are natural. Stool, first liquid, then in clots, without colic. * Diarrhoea, (1. 3. 5. d.) Diarrhoea, the first 8 days.-Diarrhoea which does not weaken one, 2, 3, 4 times daily, for many days, (a. 2 d.) t Undigested stool, rather loose, (a. 6 d.) Undigested, hard, intermittent stool. Stinking stool, like rotten eggs. A fluid which smells like herring-pickle, oozes out of the rectum. White stool. Stools are white, streaked with blood, with great despondency, and colic produced by breathing and touching. Stool, -mixed with blood, scanty, (a. 26 d.) Great loss of blood from the rectum, during stool, in the evening. Discharge of blood from the rectum. The varices of the rectum are distended, are painful when sitting, and emit blood. The varices of the rectum become suddenly distended. The varices of the rectum become suddenly distended and first protrude every day, then no more. Protrusion of a large varix of the rectum. The distended varices of the rectum protrude, and make even the loose stool painful. * The varices of the rectum protrude and are very painful when walking, less during stool. * The rectum and its varices protrude during stool. *Ascarides of the rectum. *Ast NOTe: Calcarea increasing in its primary action the action of the intestines and the bladder, the hommeopathic physician will know how to avail himself of this indication. 13 290 CALCAREA CARBONICA. carides of the rectum cause trouble. An ascaris crawls out of the rectum and causes itching and tingling. Ascarides during stool. Nausea preceding stool. *Burning in the rectum during stool. Pain in the rectum, as if it were torn open, during soft stool.-During stool, straining at the extremity of the rectum, with loud rumbling in the abdomen. Tenesmus is yet followed by pressure upon the rectum, and dyspncea. Dyspncea after stool. The forenoon-evacuation is followed by severe stitches in the pit of the stomach, when pressing upon it. Feeling of faintisliness after stool. After stool drawing, cutting in and about the rectum. After a good stool, drawing and cutting in the lower part of the rectum, with a feeling of heat there. After a copious evacuation, burning in the rectum, early in the morning. After stool, * burning itching in the rectum. Sense of weight in the rectum, in the lower part. Grunting in the rectum. Pressure in the rectum,. in the evening when sitting, (a. 22 d.) Violent pressure in the rectum, (a. some h.)-Pressure in the rectum. Pressure in the rectum as if diarrhoea would come on. Tenesmus, and painful straining in the rectum. Tenesmus of the rectum, painful, bearing down with a sense as of cutting, shortly after dinner. Spasm of the rectum, the whole forenoon, a pinching together, stinging, accompanied by great anguish, so that she was not able to sit still, but had to walk about, (a. 10 d.) Twitchings of the rectum. Tensive shooting pain in the rectum, between the evacuations, in the evening. Stitches towards the rectum, (a. 13 d.) Stinging soreness at the external orifice of the rectum. Shooting pain in the rectum as from excoriation, (a. 16 d.) Burning in the rectum. Burning in the rectum, even in the siesta. Burning and feeling of dryness of the lower rectum. *Tingling in the lower rectum. * Prickling in the rectum as of ascarides. -* Violent itching of the lower rectum. Grape-like eruption of the rectum, inflamed, burning, painful, (a. 19 d.) Soreness of the lower rectum and between the thighs. -Soreness between the nates, when walking. URINARY ORGANS.-Pain in the urinary passages, after the feet have become a little wet. Pain in the bladder, and cutting micturition during the night, (a. 11 d.) Stitches CALCAREA CARBONICA. 291 in the female urethra. Cutting stitches in the urethra, with unsuccessful desire to urinate. Desire to urinate, especially when walking. The boy has a desire to urinate, but the urine is not emitted at once; at other times he is not able to hold the urine and lets a few drops escape. Frequent desire to urinate, shortly after micturition, only a slight quantity of urine being emitted.-Frequent desire to urinate, very little urine being emitted, (a. 26 h.) Desire to urinate, he feels as if he could not hold his urine. Wetting the bed, (a. 3 d.) * Frequent micturition at night. Nightly micturition with burning in the orifice of the urethra. *Frequent micturition, the whole night. Frequent micturition, in a baby whose mother had taken calcarea. Frequent micturition, (a. 8 h.) Frequent and abundant micturition, in the fore and afternoon. The whole day she emits a quantity of watery urine.-Frequent desire to urinate, with an abundance of urine being emitted. Sensation as if he could not stop urinating, and as if some urine remained yet in the bladder. When urinating there always remains something behind, which drops off, when he imagines to have done. After micturition single drops of urine fall yet out. Dark coloured urine, without a sediment. -The urine, after having stood a while, looks turbid, like clay-water. There passes much mucus with the urine, like leucorrhcea; this mucus is only seen when urinating. Frequent deposition of a white, flour-like powder in the urine, (a. 11 d.) Stinking, dark-brown urine, with a white sediment. Badly smelling urine, (a. 2 d.) Stinking, biting smell of the urine, which, however, is very clear and pale, (25. d.) Acrid smell of the urine. Urine smelling sour, at night. Cutting in the urethra during micturition, (the first days.) * Burning in the urethra during micturition. Burning and soreness in the urethra during micturition. Burning in the urethra before and after micturition. Burning in the urethra and constant desire to urinate, after micturition. GENERATIVE ORGANS.-Disagreeable twitching in the penis, early in the morning and in the evening, when in bed. Violent stitches in the glans, (3. d.) Cutting pain in the tip of the glans, (4. d.) Violent burning in the tip of the glans, (a. 10 d.) Itching of the tip of the glans, especially after micturition, (a. 28 d.)-Titillating itching of the tip 292 CALCAREA CARBONICA. of the glans, which forces one to rub the parts, (a. 10 h.)Titillating itching of the prepuce, which forces one to rub the parts, (a. 9 h.) The prepuce is red and inflamed, and is painfully burning when urinating or when touched, (4. d.) Pressive pain in the right testicle. Pressive pain, or pain as from contusion, in the left testicle, (a. 12 d.) Pain, as from contusion, in the testicles.-Painful pressure and pain in the left groin, whilst the left testicle is spasmodically drawn up to the abdomen, and is also painful to the touch. Cutting pain, as from excoriation, in the testicles, commencing at the groins. Stitches in the (formerly indurated) testicle, in periods of 2 minutes. The scrotum is hanging down relaxed. Violent itching of the scrotum. A sore spot on the scrotum. Pain in the spermatic cord, as if it were contracted. The sexual desire is very much increased. Sexual desire very much excited, (a. 21 d.) Great desire for an embrace, especially when walking, in the forenoon, (a. 17 d.) * Violent sexual desire originating in lewd fancy; the penis not being stiff enough to procure an erection, he had to squeeze the penis; but scarcely had the penis entered the vagina when the semen was emitted; this was succeeded by excessive weakness with great irritation of the nerves; he was dissatisfied and angry, the knees seemed to break down from weakness, (4. d.) Erections early in the morning, with much inclination for an embrace, (6. d.) Pollutions very frequent in the first days, then, less and less. Frequent pollutions in the first 11 days, in a man of 43 years, who had not had any for 18 years past. Pollution the next night, and then improved health.-Frequent pollutions.-Pollution, (the first night.)-Two pollutions the next night, with voluptuous dreams.-Two pollutions in one night, without any voluptuous dreams. The prostatic juice flows out after micturition. After stool and after micturition the prostatic juice flows out. Retarded emission of semen during an embrace, (a. 7 d.) During an embrace, the semen does not jerk forth, but flows out slowly. Sufficient effusion of semen during an embrace, but without any thrill of delight, (a. 5 d.) During an embrace he experienced such a violent itching at the tip of the glans, that he had to draw the penis back, Stitches in the rectum after an embrace. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 293 Great depression of the head after an embrace, the day following. After an embrace he feels, for some days, faintish and depressed. Weakness and trembling of the legs after an embrace, especially above and below the knees. * Itching and stitches in the female parts. Itching of the internal and external labia.-Itching of the pudendum. Burning in the vagina, 2 days before the menses, (a, 39 d.) Burning soreness of the organs of generation. Burning biting, with soreness, in the female organs of generation. Inflammation, redness and swelling of the pudendum of a little girl, with puriform discharge, without any pain during micturition. Stinging, burning tubercle pn the margin of the labia, (a. 8 d ) Moistness, like copious sweat, in the fold between the pudendum and the thigh, with biting. Voluptuous sensation in the female organs of generation, (in the afternoon, without any apparent cause) followed by a voluntary effusion, which was succeeded by great lassitude, (a. 7 d.) Discharge of blood between the menses, (9 days before the period) for 2 days, (a. 12 d.)-* Hemorrhage from the uterus of an old woman, who had ceased menstruating for many years; in the last quarter of the moon, (a. 7 d.) Discharge of bloody water from the vagina, in an old woman, with pain in the small of the back, as if the menses would appear again. The long suppressed menses appear again in a woman of 32 years, at the commencement of the new moon, (a. 6 d.) The menses which had been long suppressed, in a woman of 52 years, appear at the commencement of the new moon, (a. 6 d.) The menses first appear 2 days too soon, (a. 14 d.) The next menses appear on the 32d day, (a. 46 d.) "'The menses appear three days too soon, (a. 17 d.) The menses appear 4 days too soon and last 8 days. * The menses which had.been always regular, appear 7 days too soon immediately after taking calcarea. * There was an excessive menstrual flow twice in succession; this occasioned the expulsion of a small fetus with a sort of labor-pains, violent desire for stool and cutting and bearing down in the hypogastrium. The menses which are generally too copious, become diminished, (reaction.) Voluptuous dream previous to the menses, at night. Headache the day previous to the menses. Great depression and nervousness the day '294 CALCAREA CARBONICA. before the menses; a trifle causes her to start with fright. The evening before the menses, after supper, considerable chilliness, followed by colic which lasts the whole night. Vertigo during the menses, when stooping and then righting the head again. Rush of blood to the head, during the menses, and heat in the head. Pressive pain on the vertex during the menses. Early in the morning, during the menses, her eyes were closed with pus, accompanied by lachrymation; at the same time the head was heavy and she found it difficult to keep her thoughts. Sore throat during the menses; when swallowing, soreness of the pharynx, of the uvula, and soreness behind. During the menses, violent burning in the throat, with hoarseness. * Attack of toothache during the menses. Boring in the hollow tooth during the menses, which becomes pulsating on stooping, (16. d.) Nausea and unsuccessful desire for stool during the menses. Drawing and pressive pains during the nienses, with stitches in the abdomen and in other parts of the body, of an erratic nature, with uneasiness even unto falling, (a. 10 d.) Contractive pinching colic during the menses, when the blood had ceased to flow for a couple of hours. During the menses there is an involuntary emission of urine whenever she takes exercise. Immediately after the menses, toothache, drawing and lancinating, day and night, worse upon bending the head either left or right or backwards; this prevents her from sleeping and sle wakes up, (a. 50 d.) *Leucorrhcea, like mucus, (a. 5, 16 d.) Leucorrhcea, like milk, (the first 3 d.) Milk-like leucorrhoea, which is mostly discharged during micturition.-Tlhe leucorrhoea with which she was already affected, increases. COLD CoRYzA.-Frequent sneezing without coryza. Several sneezings every day. A good deal of sneezing, early in the morning.-Frequent sneezing without coryza. Dryness of the nose, (a. 22 d.) Dry nose, at night; moist during the day. Stoppage of the nose, (a. 18 d.) Total obstruction of the nose, early on rising. Obstruction of the nose, and coryza. Dry coryza, (1. and a. 12 d.) Dry coryza with much sneezing, (the first 7 d.) For some weeks the person is frequently threatened with dry coryza. --Dry coryza, with frequent sneezing, (a. 72 h.) Violent CALCAREA CARBONICA. 295 dry coryza, with headache, (a. 32 d.) Coryza, heaviness in all his limbs. Violent coryza, for eight days, (a. 36 d.) Violent coryza, with pain in the hypogastrium. Violent fluent coryza, (almost immediately, and a. 4 d.) Coryza flows in abundance. Excessive fluent coryza, previously sneezing,which is often unsuccessful.-Fluent coryza,with much sneezing, (a. 27 h.) Fluent coryza, lasting three days, with ulceration of the left nostril, (a. 9 d.) Coryza, with painfulness of the nose, and heat in the head, (a. 72 h.) Violent coryza, with heat in the head, and with cough, (a. 13 d.) Violent coryza, with headache and dyspniia, (a. 10, 16 d.)-Fluent coryza, with headache, (relieved by camphor, immediately,) (a. 5 d.) Violent coryza, which went off in 2 days, and was changed to a violent colic, which lasted several days, (a. 17 d.) Fluent coryza, with great faintishness. Violent coryza, with discharge of blood from the rectum. Violent discharge of mucus from the nose, with obstruction of the same, (a. 14 d.) The throat is rough, especially early in the morning. Roughness of the larynx, with pain when swallowing. * Painless hoarseness, so that she is unable to speak, especially early in the morning, (a. 11 d.)-Hoarse rough throat, for three days, (a. 24 h.) Titillating irritation in the trachea, which obliges one to cough. Hacking, hoarse cough, which seems to the ears as if it left the mucous membrane unaffected. Phlegm in the larynx, which becomes loose by clearing the throat. Phlegm in the chest, without cough, (a. some h.) Sibilus in the trachea, in the evening, after having gone to bed.-Loud rattling in the trachea, during an expiration, as if there were much phlegm in the chest, (a. 37 h.) Cough, with coryza. Tickling cough, as from particles of dust in the throat. Cough, excited by a sensation, as of a plug being lodged in the throat, which is moving up and down. Irritation, inducing almost a cough, during an inspiration. Cough is excited by eating. Cough is always excited by playing on the piano. * Dry, hacking cough, in the evening, especially when in bed, (a. 2 d.) * Nightly cough, (a. 6 d.) Constant nightly cough, with hoarseness, (a. 39 d.) Violent cough on waking up at night, for two minutes. Continual, violent raw cough at night, when in bed, after 296 CALCAREA CARBONICA. the first sleep, about ten o'clock, (7. d.) * Dry cough at night, after midnight, so that his heart and arteries were beating. Nightly cough without waking up. Cough, mostly when asleep; accompanied first, by dry, then, fluent coryza. Constant short hacking cough, in single paroxysms. * Convulsive cough, in the evening. Dry cough, especially at night. Cough, with expectoration during the day, but none at night. * Cough and expectoration the whole day. Cough, with a quantity of viscid expectoration, without taste or smell, early in the morning, and in the evening, when in bed. Much cough with expectoration of phlegm, in the evening, after lying down, and at night; during the day, little and dry cough. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, from time to time. Expectoration of mucus, early in the morning, with a short hacking cough. Cough, with expectoration of a quantity of thick mucus, at night. Coughing up sweetish mucus. Cough early in the morning, * with yellow discharge, (a. 5 d.)-Cough becomes loose, and whole masses, resembling pure mucus, are thrown up. Expectoration of blood by coughing and hawking, with a sense of rawness in the chest. Expectoration of blood by a short hacking cough, with vertigo, and unsteadiness of the thighs, when moving them quickly. Early in the morning he choked himself by swallowing 1oo fast; he was obliged violently to cough, during which he threw up blood several times, with subsequent stitches in the palate. When coughing, he experiences painful shootings into the head, like tearings. When coughing there are stitches in the head. During every fit of coughing, the head is painfully shaken, as if it would burst. In the evening, during a violent cough there is a rising, and he throws up sweet substances. Violent cough, first dry, afterwards accompanied by frequent, saltish discharge, with pain, as if something were torn loose in the throat. CHEST.-During cough, pain in the chest, as if it were raw, in the evening, and at night. * Interception of breath, when walking in the wind; then in the rooms dyspncea, which increases as soon as she walks a few steps. Want of breath in going to bed, and then sibilant breathing. Frequent necessity of deep breathing. He is obliged to take a deep inspiration; at the same time he experiences CALCAREA CARBONICAJ stitches, sometimes in the right, sometimes in the left side of the chest, and below the ribs. Violent desire for a deep inspiration, with considerable distention and contraction of the abdomen, and pain in both belly and chest, (a. 3 d.) Desire to hold in the breath. Difficult, loud breathing through the nose, when walking. Difficult breathing, (a. 7 d.)-Difficult breathing, which is made more easy by bending the shoulders backwards. Shortness of breath, worse when sitting and in motion. The breath becomes short upon ascending the least height. Short breath, almost sobbing, when asleep, after previous weeping. Tightness of the chest; she is lacking breath. Tightness of the chest, as if it were too full and filled with blood. Tightness of the chest, as if it were too full, early in the morning; the lungs do not seem to have sufficient space to expand in breathing; this symptom goes off after some expectoration.-Sense, as of tightness and anguish, the whole day, as if there were not room enough in the chest for breathing; accompanied by obstruction of the nose, (a. 13 d.) Dyspnocea, with stitches in the chest. Tightness of the chest, shortly after rising in the morning; he could hardly make two steps, without being obliged to sit down, (a. 24 d.) Asthma in the forenoon, when walking in the open air, (a. 48 h.)-Considerable asthma, with anguish and difficult inspiration, as if the lower part of the chest were tense; this took away his breath in motion, and when sitting, for an hour, almost choking him, (a. 30 h.) Dyspnoea, with tension of the chest. Hot breath, with heat in the mouth, but without any thirst. The whole chest is intensely painful when touched or during an inspiration. Pressure in the chest, especially below the right niople. Pressure in front on the chest, also when not breathing. Pressure in the right mamma; it comes like a push, after exercise, for an hour. Pain in the sternum, as if it were pressed upon. Cramp in the intercostal muscles of the left side; he is obliged to bend over to one side, in order to find relief. Cutting in the chest, during breathing, (a. some h.)-Pain in the region of the last ribs, cutting from within outwards, increased by inspiration. * Stitches in the chest, towards the throat, for some hours. * Stitches in the left side of the chest, especially in the evening, (a. 13* 98 CALCAREA CARBONICA. 11 d.) * Stitches across the chest, from the left to the right side, with a sensation, as of constriction of the chest; his breathing was difficult, and.during breathing the stitches became more violent, (a. 4 d.) Stitches in the left mamma, almost at every inspiration, and going off by rubbing, (a. some h.) Stitches in the left mamma, during an inspiration, and when moving the body. Stitches deep in the right mamma, in the evening, especially during an inspiration. Stitches and drawing in the left chest, spreading as far as the left submaxillary grand. Shooting stitches in the chest, mostly on the left side.-Itching stitches in the chest, most violent during an inspiration, going off by rubbing, (a. 48 h.)--Sharp stitches in the right side of the chest, from within outwards, without being influenced by breathing, (a. 7 h.)-Sharp stitches in the left side of the chest, below the axilla, from within outwards, most violent during an inspiration, (a. 2 h.)-Broad stitch from below upwards, in the pectoral muscles, at every beat of the heart. Dull pushes from the posterior wall of the thoracic cavity, up to between the scapulae, synchronous with the pulsations of the heart, with great oppressive anguish, (a. 8 h.) Gnawing pain in the left side of the cliest, apparently external, upon the ribs and on the sternum, a little increased by inspiration, (a. 1 h.) Soreness in the chest, especially during an inspiration. Rawness in the chest, after much talking and walking, also when coughing. Weakness of tle chest, after some loud talking. Oppressive anguish inthe chest, (the first days.)-Oppressive anguish in the chest, as if it were too tight, with shortness of breath, especially when sitting, and pressure on the chest, especially during an inspiration; anxious and trembling beating of the heart. Anguish about the heart. * Palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart. Excessive palpitation of the heart, with unequal pulse. Violent palpitation of the heart; at the same time he is tormented by the fear of having an organic affection of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, with excessive anguish and uneasiness, dyspnoea and pain in the back; at every inspiration she utters a violent sound, as if the air would all rush out; the body being at the same time cold, CALCAREA CARBONICA. 299 and there being a cold sweat. Painful pressure in the prascordial region. Spasmodic, breath-checking contraction in the pracordial region, with subsequent violent pushes, (a. 16 d.) Stitches in the heart, causing interception of breath, and leaving behind a pressive pain in the heart.-- Lancinating drawing pain in the praecordial region, (a. 9 h. and a half.) Itching on the chest, (a. 10 d.) Pimples below the chest, with pain, as from excoriation, when rubbing the chest. The mammae are painful, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration, especially when touched. Soreness of the right nipple, on the slightest touch. Swelling and inflammation of the left nipple, with fine stitches in it, (4. d.) Swelling and external heat of the right mamma. Glandular swelling in ihe right mamma, painful when touched. Desiccation of the mammae of a nursing woman, (a. 48 h.) BacK.-Pain in the small of the back, (a. 6, 8 d.) Intolerable pain in the small of the back. Violent pain in the small of the back, which prevents her from silting or lying down. Pain in the small of the back, so that he was scarcely able to rise again from his seat. Pain in the small of the back, early in the morning after rising. * Pain in the small of the back, as from a sprain, in consequence of lifting. Pain in the small of the back in consequence of lifting a heavy load. Constant bearing down in the small of the back, towards the rectum. Drawing in the small of the back, (a. 4 h.) Drawing pain in the small of the back, when sitting. Spasmodically shooting pain from the small of the back towards the rectum.Shooting stitches in the os sacrum, and, at the same time, in the leg, over the tarsal joint, (a. 2 h.)-Stitches in a spot over the small of the back, when touched. Pimples on the small of the back and the nates. Pain in the region of the kidneys and loins, when driving. Pressive pain in the region of the kidneys. The spinal column is painful when bent backwards. Pain, as from a bruise, in the back and the chest. Pain, as from a sprain, in both sides of the back. Pain, as from a sprain, in the spinal column, when extending it; the pain is in the region of the kidneys. Painful stiffness in the spinal column, with laziness and heaviness of the legs, early on 300 CALCAREA CARBONICA. waking up, and after rising, (a. 17 d.) Pressive pain in the middle of the back and below the scapulae, (a. 27 d.) Pressive pain in the spinal column, between the scapulae, accompanied by shortness of breath and increased by respiration, with pain of the vertebrae, when touched. Pressure between the scapulc during motion, occasioning interception of breath. Pressure upwards, below the right scapula. Stitches in the back. Single, violent stitches in the upper part of the back, when breathing.-Violent prickings in the middle of the spinal column, which almost cause one to scream; they are experienced.when walking in the open air, diminished a little when standing. -Violent stitches from the thoracic cavity, extending through the spinal column, and coming out between the scapulae. Stitches in the left scapula, in the praecordial region, (2. d ) Itching stitches in the right scapula.Sharp stitches within the scapula. Pinching and contractive drawings between the scapulae, (a. 30 d.) Drawing pain between the scapulce. Shootings in both scapulae and on the chest. Tearing between the scapula, (a. 3 h.) Cutting pain between the scapulae, when at rest, (a. 6 d.) Painful jerks in the right side of the back, when breathing, with chilliness and a thrill of cold, (a. 7 d.) Coldness and sense of numbness on that side of the back, upon which lie had been lying during the siesta. Itching, and itching pimples on the back. Pustules upon the back. NECK.-The neck feels as if it were stiff. * Stiffness of the nape of the neck and of the neck. Feeling of stiffness in the side of the nape of the neck. When stooping, the nape of the neck feels rigid. Tension in the neck, so that she cannot turn her head. Stitches in the nape of the neck and the scapulae, with gloominess of the head. Stinging burning, with a sense as of itching, in the nape of the neck and between the scapulae, with heartburn, (a. 5 d) Swelling and painfulness of the vertebra, prominent in the nape of the neck. * Painless glandular swelling, as large as a filbert, in the nape of the neck, close to the border of the hair, (a. 5 d.) Pain in the neck, when turning the head, as if a tumour or hernia would protrude there. Sudden pain in the neck, as from CALCAREA CARBONICA. 301 a sprain, when turning the head. Swelling of a cervical gland on the left side, of the size of a hen's egg, with a stinging sore throat when swallowing. Swelling of the neck on the left side, with pain when touching and turning the head, and with sore throat. The cervical glands are painful. * Hard swelling of the cervical glands, (a. 13d.) SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-The shoulder-joint is painful, in the evening and at night.-Pain in both shoulders. Pain in both shoulders and the elbow-joint, as after a great fatigue. Pressure on the shoulder, (a. 24 h.) Pressive pain in the right shoulder-joint, only when at rest, not when raising or moving the arm. Tearing in the left shoulder and elbow-joint, (a. 14 d.) Stitches in the left shoulder-joint, the whole day, (a. 4 d.)-Violent stitches in both axilla, (a. 4 d.) IThe arms are painful, as if bruised, when moving them or seizing something. Cramp in one or the other entire arm, a quarter of an hour, (a. 5 d.) Shooting pain in the right arm in the evening, (13. d.) * Drawing tearing in the right arm, from the shoulder as far as the hand, (a. 3 h.) Tearing in the right arm, from one extremity to the other. Paralytic pain, with a sense as of burning, in the whole right arm, from the joints of the fingers, as far as the shoulder, (a 6 d.) Uneasiness and a ieeling of anxious agitation in the articulations of the arms and hands. The arm upon which he is lying, has gone to sleep, with pain. * Weakness and a kind of paralysis of the left arm; he finds it difficult to move or to raise it; the arm falls down again spontaneously. Burning itching of the left arm, from morning till evening. The upper arm is painful, close below the shoulder-joint, so that he cannot raise it high up, and cannot carry it upon the back. Pain in the middle of the upper arm, as if the flesh were drawn tight to the bones. -Cramp-like pains, (with tearing) in the muscles of the upper arms, (when walking in the open air.) Diawing pain in the left upper arm, when sitting, (and sewing.)Fine twitchings in the left upper arm. Tearing pain in the middle of the upper arm, at a small point.-Tearing twitchings in the upper arm, (a. 7 h.)-Tearing lancination in the muscles of the left upper arm, when sitting. Painful 302 CALCAREA CARBONICA. pressure in the muscles of the lower arm, when walking; the pressure went off immediately when touching the parts, or when standing or sitting, (a. a quarter of an h.) -Tearing pressure in the muscles of the left lower arm, when at rest and in motion, (a. 3 h.) Drawing pain in the left lower arm. Drawing pain in the lower arm, from the bent of the elbow as far as the wristjoint, mostly when at rest. Spasmodically tearing pain, externally, in the lower arm, extending from the elbow as far as the wrist, it is felt when he touches something with the hand.-Cramp-like tearing in the muscles of the left lower arm, (a. 40 h.)-Cramp-like pain in the lower arm, in front of the elbow-joint, (a. 1 h.)-Cramp-like pain at the external side of the lower arms, close to the wristjoint, (a. 1, 13, 29 h.)-Fine tearing and boring stitches in the muscles of the left lower arm. Swelling of the fore-arm and the back of the hand, with tension during motion. The hands are painful early in the morning and are quite relaxed. Violent pain in the knuckles of the hand, as if caustic had been applied to them. * Pain as from a sprain, in the left wrist-joint. * Pain, as from a sprain in the right wrist-joint, or as if something in the joint had been contused or sprained by seizing wrong or by pushing against something. Pain, as from a sprain occasioned by seizing wrong, in the right wrist-joint, with stitches and tearing in the same, during motion. * Cramp in the hands, at night, until early when rising. * Cramp in the left hand. Shooting thrusts in the wrist-joint. Drawing pain in the wrist joint and the metacarpus. Drawing pain in the hand. Drawing in the wrist-joints, like thrusts; thence they rise up along the arms, even early when in bed. Tearing pain in the flat hand. Stitches in the palm of the hand, early when in bed, for two minutes. -Sharp stitches in the outer knuckle of the hand. Trembling in the hands, for several hours, in the afternoon, (2. d.) * Sweat of the palms of the hands, even when the body is scarcely moved. The veins of the hands become enlarged, with a sense as of burning, upon the backs of the hands.-Tingling and stinging in the wrist-joint.Itching, stinging titillation in the palm of the right hand, inviting one to scratch.-Itching titillation on the border of CALCAREA CARBONICA. 303 the left hand, which invites scratching. A boil upon the back of the left hand, with lancinating pain when touched. When extended, the fingers appear strained and clenched, as if they were glued to each other. Cramp-like contractive drawing of the fingers. Cramp in the fingers, without clenching them. Cramp-like pain of the last joints of the index finger. Cramp-like pain between the fourth and third fingers of the right hand. Shooting pain in the fingers. Involuntary twitching of the left thumb. Tearing in the joints of the fingers, (a. 28 d.) Shootings in the tips of the fingers. Dying of of the fingers. Dying off of the three middle fingers; they become white, cold, and insensible; previously a slight drawing in the fingers, (a. 3 h.) Pain of the finger-joints, as if they were swollen, when waking up from the evening sleep, -without any visible swelling. Burning itching of the fingers of the left hand, (a. 13 d.) Large painful boil on the back joint of the ring-finger, (caused twice by different doses.) Suppuration around the nail of the middle-finger. Incipient panaris of the right index-finger, (a. 6 d.) Several panaritia. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Sense as of pinching on the border of the iliac bone. Pain in the nates, when touched, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration; it is less when sitting than when walking, (a. 48 h.) Drawing, cramplike pain in the right half of the nates, towards the orifice of the rectum. Painful twitches of the glutei muscles of both sides, when sitting or standing. Burning itching of one of the nates. Tension in the hip-joint, with drawing pain in the os innominatum, during the evening walk. -Drawing pain, as from a sprain in the hip-joint, when walking.-Pinching twitches of the posterior side of the hip-joint, more violent when at rest than in motion. Stitches over the right hip. Stitches in the hip-joint, when stooping. Stitches in the hip-joint, ascending from the patella, when setting down the foot at the commencement of a walk.-Cutting in the acetabulum, when sitting, (a. 3 h.) Tearing in the hip-joint, and around the anterior crest of the ilium, as far as the groin, during motion. Pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, in both hip-joints, when walking in the room. Feeling of numbness in the right hip 304 CALCAREA CARBONICA. and thigh, with a sense as of these parts being brittle and broken to a great many pieces. Twitches of the muscles of the lower extremities, and around the pelvis. Drawing pain in the posterior muscles of the lower extremities, in the evening, (after thirty-six hours.)-- Drawing in the lower extremities, as far as the tips of the toes. Tearing in both lower extremities, from the hip down to the tarsal joint, (a. 14 d.) A lancinating jerk into the right lower extremity, so tljat it is suddenly raised high up, (a. 30 d.) Uneasiness in the lower extremities, with frequent eructations. * Heaviness of the lower extremities, (a. 8 d.) * Painful weariness of the lower extremities, especially of the thighs, as after a fatiguing walk, (a. 17, 19 d.) Faintishness of the lower extremities, and sensation as if they were bruised, especially in the joints, (a. 20 d.) Pain in the medullary bones of the lower extremities, as if they were bruised.-Pain of the lower extremities, as if they were bruised, especially the legs when lying down. *The lower extremities go to sleep, in the evening, when sitting. Sense of numbness in the left lower extremity, (a. 7 d.) Painful twitchings of the right thigh, at a small spot. Cutting pain in the upper part of the left thigh, as if a muscle had been over-strained, especially during motion.-Tearing pain on the inside of the ihigh, during motion. "* Stitches in the thigh, knee, and heel, only at night.Pressive stitches on the inner side of the left thigh, when sitting, (a. 3 h.)-Cramp-like stitches, in the muscles of the right thigh, when standing or walking; they go off when sitting. Sharp stitch in the external side of the thigh, over the left knee, (a. 3 h.)-Tearing stitches on the internal side of the thigh, over the knee, when sitting, (a. 12 h.) Weariness and feeling of rigidity in the anterior muscles of the thighs, early in the morning, when beginning to walk.-Pain in the muscles of the right thigh, as if they were bruised, after walking, when at rest. Pain in the muscles of the thigh, as if they were bruised, when walking. Itching of the thighs, (a. 12 d.) Violent itching of the lower part of the thigh, at night. Stinging itching of a small spot of the left thigh, (a. 20 d.) Finely stinging itching of the thighs. Burning itching of the left thigh, from morning till evening. Pimples on the thighs, CALCAREA CARBONICA. 305 (a. 11 d.) Sensation in the knee, as if she could not stretch the leg sufficiently, (a. 16 d.) Pain in the patella, when rising from one's seat, (4. d.)--Pain of the knees, when turning and touching them.-Pain in the bent of the left knee, even when at rest. Pain, as from a sprain, in the right knee, (a. 14 d.)-Pain, as from a sprain, on the left patella, when sitting, which disappeared when walking or standing, (a. 12 h.) Tension below the knees, when cowering. Pressive pain in the knees. Dull pressive pain in the patella. Drawing pain around the knee, close over the patella.--Drawing, cramp-like pain on the patella, (a. 2 d.) Tearing and tension at the inner side of the knee, when rising from the seat. Shooting tearings in the knees. Lancinating and throbbing pain in the left knee, early in the morning, more when sitting than when walking; he was obliged to limp.--* Sharp stitches in the right kneejoint, (a. 4 h.) * Stitches in the left knee, half an hour, (5. d.) Pain in the knee, as if it were bruised, (10. d.) --Pain, as from a bruise, close below the patella, when walking in the open air, (a. 13 h.) Sense of numbness in the knees, during the siesta; it went off again on waking up. Sweat of the knees. * Swelling of the knees.--Inflamed swelling below the knees. The calf of the leg is painful when walking and setting downi the foot, when touching or bending the foot. Pain, as from a sprain in the anterior muscles of the tibia, when walking, (a. 21 d.) Tension in the calf. Straining in the leg, from the foot up to the knee, as if the leg had gone to sleep, (during a pressive spasm of the stomach.) Cramp in the right leg, for an hour, the foot being turned inward and curved, (a. 4 d.) Cramp in the muscles near the tibia, at night.-Cramp-like pain, close by the tibia, when sitting. * Violent cramp in the calf, at night. Cramp in the calves and bends of the knees, when extending the legs, (in pulling on the boot;) it abates when bending the legs, but it returns on extending the legs again. Cramp in the calf and foot, when he takes much exercise, with painful stitches. Dull pressive pain in the muscles of the tibia, when walking.-Pressive pain at the left tibia, near the tarsal joint, when walking in the open air, (a. 52 h.)--Intermittent pressive pain in the calf. Drawing and crushing pain in the tibia.--Tearing 306 CALCAREA CARBONICA. drawing in the calf. Tearing twitches of the leg, in front, below the knees, when at rest. The leg twitches up. Cutting over the tibia. Stitches and weakness in the calf.-Pain of the legs, as if they were bruised and over-fatigued; he is often obliged to shift from one place to another, when sitting. Stinging prickling of the legs. Considerable itching of the legs and feet.--Itching below both calves. Burning itching of the right tibia. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the leg, with chilliness of the body. * Large, dark, itching patches on the legs, with a little swelling of these parts. Red band on the tibia, formed by rash-like elevations, with violent itching, and burning after the parts had been rubbed, (a. 7 d.) * Several ulcers on the legs, (a. 7 d.) Pain in the tarsal joints, as if they were broken; when walking, especially in the afternoon. Pain in the malleolus of the right side, when setting the foot down, as if the foot would become dislocated. Pain, as from a sprain, in the left foot, (a. 13 d.) Pain over the left tarsal joint, as if it were bandaged too tightly. Tension in both internal malleoli. Cramp in the sole of the left foot.--Cramp in the soles, after some walking; by walking a little longer the cramp diminishes, and then goes off entirely when sitting down.-Cramp in the soles and toes, at night, and also by day, when pulling on the boots, (a. 11 d.)-Cramp-like pain, in the sole of the left foot, (a. 5 h.) Violent tearing in the soles of the feet. Violent cutting in the external side of the sole of the right foot, in the evening, and the whole night, (a. 10 h.) Painful sensitiveness of the soles of the feet, even in the room, as if softened by hot water, with great pain when walking. Pain in the soles of the feet, as from subcutaneous ulceration. * Burning in the soles of the feet. Burning of the feet, in the evening. Suddenly a feeling of heat on the back of the left foot, and on the leg, as if hot air were breathed upon those parts. * Sweating of the feet. Sweat of the feet, in the evening. Inflamed swelling on the dorsum of the left foot, with burning pain, and violent itching all around. Swelling of the feet, eleven days.-Swelling of the external malleolus of the left foot. Itching around the tarsal joints, and below the calves, (a. 13 d.) Itching in the malleolus of the sick foot. Violent, burning itching CALCAREA CARBONICA. 307 of the malleoli of the right foot, from morning till evening, (a. 15 d.) Blisters are formed on the left heel, when walking, which are changed to a kind of large boils, with stinging and itching pain, (a. 8 h.) The toes are painful, as from the pinching of boots. Violent pain in the tip of the right big toe, (a. 21 d.) Cramp in the toes. Visible twitching in the left big toe, in the evening, when in bed. Tearing in the toes. Tearing in the big toe. Shooting tearings in the toes. Stitches in the big toe.-Violent stitch in the left small toe, as if it were outside of the toe, (a. 14 h.)-Sharp stitches in the posterior joint of the big toe, when at rest, (a. 24 h.)-Intermittent, cramp-like prickings in the toes of the right foot, when sitting or standing, but disappearing in walking, (a. half an h.) Violent burning in the tip of the big toe, (a. 21 d.) Burning pressure under the nails of the big toes. A sore kind of a burning pain in the corns. COMMON AILMENTS.-A feeling of painful tension over the whole body. Slight twitchings of the muscles. Painless twitchings of single joints, by day. Single, spontaneous movements and twitches in the right thigh, in the left shoulder and the left arm. Drawing pressure in the joints. Painless drawing in the limbs, in the afternoon. Tearing in the limbs. Tearing in arms and legs, but always only in a small place. Burning in the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. Stitches in the upper arms, under the arms, in the back and lower extremities. ' Hands and feet go to sleep. Those parts upon which he had been sitting during the siesta, go to sleep. Pain, as from bruises, and causing a feeling of paralysis, in the medullary bones, and the joints of the lower extremities, and the small of the back, during motion; also when sitting or standing, the small of the back aches as if it were bruised, and the muscles of the legs are painful to the touch. * Sprains readily produced by lifting; pain in the small of the back immediately follows the raising of heavy loads. The pains are intense, but quickly passing. The chronic affection improves and gets worse again, every other day. * The symptoms get worse, and are renewed by labor and washing with cold- water. * Orgasm of the circulatory system. Twice, sense as of an effusion of warm blood having 308 CALCARE& CARBONICA& taken place from the pit of the stomach, as far as the head. Very much heated,.early in the morning, after rising. * Congestion of blood to the head and the chest, after painful stiffness of the spinal column. Congestion of blood to the head, with discharge of blood from the rectum, several days in succession. He feels the want of walking a good deal. Uneasiness which obliged her to move hands and feet. Great uneasiness in the evening, especially in the legs; he cannot let them lie still. Uneasy motions in the whole body, caused by suppressed eructations. Trembling early in the morning. * Anxious trembling with faintishness. Continual trembling of the whole body, which became worse upon going out into the open air. Great heaviness of the body. Sick feeling in the whole body; she is obliged to spit a good deal, and dreads the open air, (a. 22 d.) Great desire to be magnetized. Uncomfortable feeling in the evening, as before an attack of the ague. * Great physical depression; hands and feet are often cold, paleness of the face, and frequent palpitation of the heart; all these symptoms disappeared by taking exercise. Attack of general exhaustion, with obtusion of the head, vertigo, pain in the small of the back, and chilliness of the whole body, for 6 hours, (a. 22 d.) A little prick of the pin in a finger frightened her so much that she felt sick in consequence of it; tongue, lips and hands were quite pale and cold, with coldness of the forehead and face, obscuration of sight, uneasiness, thrill of heat and trembling; she was obliged to lie down; (mesmerising relieved her promptly,) (a. 18 d.) From 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening, he had four consecutive attacks of a mild sleep, with nausea, accompanied by a sense as of black darkness before the eyes; the nausea continued even when lying down, but without any vomiting. Attack of fainting in the evening, with black darkness before the eyes; when sitting down. Attack of fainting, with coldness and indistinct sight, (a. 3 d.) Attack of fainting, with large drops of sweat in the face. * Exhaustion and weariness of the limbs, especially the knees. Very weak. Weakness of the thighs and groins, when walking. He is easily tired by bodily exertions. After a walk he feels tired and feverish, and is then CALCAREA CARBONICA. 309 attacked with chilliness and thirst. During a walk, * great weakness, especially in the lower extremities, with sweat and faintishness. * She was unable to go up stairs; this exhausted her completely, (a. 14 d.) Talking makes her weak; she has to stop it. * Weakness by day, so that she could hardly bear tile anguish with which she was oppressed; inspiring the fresh, open air refreshed and strengthened her, (a. 12 d.) * For 10 days she was attacked with excessive weakness, so that she was neither able to move about, nor do anything; at the same time she had the most violent attacks of convulsive laughter. Attack of epilepsy; when standing, and performing some manual labor, he suddenly fell to the floor over one side, without consciousness; when consciousness returned, lie found himself lying upon the floor with extended arms; this attack was succeeded by heat and a little sweat, (a. 9 d.) * Great sensitiveness to cold air; in the evening the feet seem to have died off. When exposed to a slightly cold air, his thighs and legs were violently attacked with goose-skin, which was painful to him. Damp, open air does not agree with her; her skin is immediately affected by it. * Great liability to cold. Symptoms of cold; stiffness of the nape of the neck, and the muscles of the neck; stinging in the throat and head, above the eyes, and cough, (shortly.) Every walk in the open air makes her sad, and she weeps. When walking in the open air, pressive headache in the vertex, which continues until he goes to bed. When walking in the open air, visible inflation of the abdomen. When walking, palpitation of the heart, and pain in the chest, (a. 19 d.) Sense as of drawing through the whole body when walking; the sensation extends into the head, and forces one to sit down, (a. 30 d.) Boring pain, externally in the left side of the forehead, after walking in the open air. Indisposed, hoarse after a walk, with dyspncea. The whole skin, especially that of the feet, is painfully affected when touched. Itching of the whole body, (a. 23 d.) Violent itching of those parts which sweat, especially between the scapulae. In the evening, when in bed, violent itching, of the back, the pit of the stomach, neck, chin, left eye, the hairy scalp, the mons veneris and the scrotum. Itching of the mouth, 310 310 CALCAREA CARD0NICAO nose and nates. Itching upon a dry, hot skin, as if it were covered with salt and ashes. Burning in the skin, with itching, rising up to the middle of the back, on the nates and the posterior surface of the thighs, (a. 10 d.) Prickings in the skin. * Nettle rash which constantly goes off in cool air. Itching, vesicular eruption over the whole body, especially the hips. * Eruption of large, elevated patches of the size of a small pea, and even larger, mostly on the cheeks and elbows, with great heat, much thirst and little appetite; they disappeared on the third day, and left behind them dark patches, which seemed as if they had been streaked with blood, (in a baby whose mother had taken calcarea.) Scurfy places on the thigh, with burning during the night, (a. 24 h.) * Herpes speedily re-appears. Herpes, which had formerly been below both axillae, in the bend of the left elbow and the knee, comes out again in 20 days.-Itching of that spot which had been covered with herpes years ago, (a. 5 d.) An old ulcer on the leg begins to become painful, with throbbing, and with tearing all around; and it begins to smell like rotten eggs, (a. 7 d.) * Unwholesome readily ulcerated skin; even small wounds suppurate, and do not heal. * A number of quite small warts is forming here and there. Wart-like excrescences (behind the ears,) become inflamed and ulcerated. A wart in the bend of the elbow became inflamed, it became painful like a boil, then it dried up and disappeared. Unusual faintishness which was relieved by walking. SLEEP.-Great general faintishness in the evening, for half an hour. Weariness with yawning, (a. 4 d.) Frequent yawning. Long-continued, almost endless yawning, succeeded by a shaking throbbing in the head, abdomen and chest, with great heat in the face. Continual yawning with sleepiness, (a. 4 d.)-Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough, (a. 56 h.) Inclination to stretch oneself early in the morning. Sleepiness early in the morning. Early in the morning when he is to rise, he feels yet sleepy and tired, and can scarcely become awake. Early on waking up he finds it difficult to become awake.-Great sleepiness, early in the morning, with peevishness and pressive headache around the whole forehead, CALCAREA CARBONICA. 311 (a. 2 d.) * Drowsiness by day and weariness; he fell several times asleep in the forenoon, (a. 9 d.) Long siesta. STired and sleepy the whole day, (a. 11 d.) Sleepy and faintish during the day, with chilliness and headache.Weary and drowsy by day; however, he does not succeed in falling asleep. * Sleepiness early in the evening, (a. 3 h.) In the evening, weariness in all the limbs, with drowsiness and chilliness; he was unable to keep off sleep; however, he did not sleep fast, but he constantly woke up again, for 16 hours; a good deal of sweat early in the morning, and dryness in the throat, without thirst, (a. 4 d.) -In the evening, great drowsiness and peevishness. *Frequently one falls asleep late in the evening. He cannot fall asleep before 2 or 3 o'clock at night. She is unable to fall asleep at night, and, having fallen asleep, she soon wakes up again. If she goes to bed late, she cannot succeed in falling asleep; she feels as if it were impossible for her to get rested. It takes him a long time before he falls asleep in the evening; he feels too hot, although he is but slightly covered, in a cold room, (a. 11 d.)-He could not fall asleep almost the whole night, he tossed about a good deal, and sweated almost over the whole body, (a. 10 h.) * He tosses about in his bed almost the whole night. * He cannot fall asleep before midnight, on account of the excited state of his mind. *He finds it difficult to fall asleep on account of many thoughts involuntarily thronging his mind. He cannot fall asleep till late in the evening, nor can he succeed in keeping off either lewd or vexing thoughts; they pursue him yet even early after waking up. SUneasy waking in bed in the evening; the fancy being full of horrid images, (6. night.)-Anxious thoughts before falling asleep, in the evening; they went and came again; at the same time he mistook the objects which surrounded him, he dreaded darkness and endeavored to see into the light; all these symptoms went off after the emission of flatulence. Illusions of the fancy when falling asleep; she imagines to hear a rumbling and clapping over her bed, which caused her to shudder. In the evening, as soon as she closes her eyes, her fancy is filled with all sort of reveries. Upon closing the eyes, the person sees frightful vis ions. Dull toothache, for an hour, when lying down in the 312 CALCAREA CARIONICA. evening, (as soon as she has laid down her head;) this is succeeded by sleep. * Palpitation of the heart; and anguish before falling asleep, in the evening when in bed. In the evening, when falling asleep, the upper part of the body suddenly twitches up, accompanied by jerking which extends into the head; afterwards buzzing and whizzing in the ear. *Full of anguish and raving at night, she starts with fright in a dream; on waking up, the anxiety caused by the dream is yet continuing, with trembling, (a. 20 d.) At night, she apprehends becoming crazy; then she experiences chills for a few minutes, which are followed by a sensation as if the body were dashed to pieces. * At night, horrid things crowd upon her, she is unable to keep them off. At night, shortly after falling asleep, lie rises in his bed, and, with open eyes, he works with his hands without being conscious of it. At night, orgasm of the blood and frequent dreams. At night, orgasm with uneasy sleep, especially during the catamenia. At night, palpitation of the heart, with uneasy sleep. * Internal heat at night, especially in the feet and hands; dry tongue in the morning, without thirst, with external heat of the head, (6. 7. d.) Violent vertigo at night, with sense as of wavelets of light dancing before the eyes, which continued until noon. Stupefaction of the head, at night; this stupor wakes him up and increases even to fainting; it is followed by tremor of the limbs and continual faintishness, which prevent him from falling asleep again. Itching upon the head every night on waking up. Tearing pain in the gums at night, and sense as of the teeth being loose when biting upon them. Boring and drawing pain in most of the molar teeth at night. Nightly toothache, or rather congestion of blood to the teeth, coming on immediately after going to bed, (the first 3 nights.) Violent eructations at night, when lying down; she had to rise, in order to become relieved. Eructations at night, on waking up. Spasm of the stomach, which rouses him from sleep. A good deal of colic at night, without diarrhoea, (a. 12 d.) Accumulation of flatulence in the abdomen for several nights, (a. 5 d.) At night, when beginning to sleep, his shoulder-joints become affected in such a way as induces him to lay his arms above CALCAREA CARBONICA. 313 his head. Shooting or stinging pain in the arm and in the wrist-joint, at night; this pain prevents one from sleeping. At night, faintishness in the knees. At night, burning in the soles of the feet. Drawing pain in the feet, at night, which wakes her up. When sleeping, she stretches her arms above her head. Snoring groans the whole night, in a slumber-like stupor, from which she cannot be waked up, with constant tossing about; before falling asleep, there is violent sweat in the face. He often chews when asleep and then swallows. In the siesta, when silting, palpitation of the heart, which wakes him up. Talking, when asleep, and full of dreams. Talking when asleep; he talks in a sort of giddy confusion, while dreams and heat make him feel uneasy. Screaming in the night, his sleep being uneasy. Uneasy sleep with sweat.-Uneasy sleep towards morning, (a. 15 d.) Uneasiness in the body prevents her from lying long on one side. Sort of an uneasy half-sleep, at night, with dry heat, confusion in the head, as in a fever, and constant waking up.-Uneasy sleep, with talking and frequent waking up. Frequent waking up from sleep.--n tossing about he frequently wakes up; he imagined to lie in his bed wrong.-Frequent waking up from his sleep, as if he were disturbed. -Frequent waking up from his sleep, as if he had already slept enough. Short sleep, she cannot sleep after midnight,-but she tosses about with great uneasiness. She sleeps from 11 until 2 or 3 o'clock; after'this hour she remains wide awake. Waking up with anguish, after midnight, with difficult breathing, (a. 12d.) Waking up with anguish, in the night, frequently from anxious dreams. (a. 36 h.) Starling up from anxious dreams amid screams, Starting up with fright, in the evening, shortly after having fallen asleep; he becomes wide awake in consequence. The child raises itself up in its bed after midnight, and calls out: Father! it begins to scream and wants to jump up; the more one tries to assuage it, the more it screams and opposes one; it rolls upon the floor and does not wish to be touched. Early, when waking up, the person's head feels confused and desolate. Obtusion of tlle head, early on waking up, with tremor through the whole body and congestion of blood to the head. Orgasm of the blood 14 314 CALCAREA CARBONICA. on waking up early in the morning, after an uneasy sleep; for several mornings, (the first days.) On waking up, early in the morning, from an uneasy sleep, the person feels the blood flowing in all the veins, which swell on, accompanied by a sense as if the whole body were bruised. Unrefreshed early in the morning, after waking up. One feels vreyn much exhausted, on waking up, early in the morning, from a deep sleep, so that one conti-,uaes slumbering even after having risen from the bed. Nightly sleep full of dreams.-Vivid dreams, every night. Vivid, confused dreams which cannot be recollected.-Vivid dreams full of dispute and quarrel. Frequently vivid dreams about past events, with a long, deep morning-sleep. Confused dreams which cause anxiety. Half waking dreams in the cvening, shortly after falling asleep, with great anxiety. Anxious and frightfed dreams; he cannot get rid of them on waking up. Anxious dreams; he dreams that he is bitten by a dog; this wakes him up; then lie falls asleep again and is again roused from sleep by an equally anxious dream; and so on several times, every night. Several anxious dreams in one night, seven nights in succession. Anxious dream, towards morning, about fire and murder. * Frightful dreams the whole night, accompanied, at last, by a voluptuous dream, with a pollution, these are otherwise very rare, (a. 10d.) Frightful dream, as if lie fell down or were being thrown down."* Horrid, fearful dreams.-Dreams about dead persons and cadaverous smell. Dreams about sick people and cadavers, with violent weeping when asleep, (this woman generally never dreamed.) FEVER.-Quick pulse, without any feverish sensation. Great internal chilliness; she has to wrap up her cold hands; her feet are warm. Great, constant chilliness, with much thirst. She is freezing, when she gets out of her bed. Very chilly, in the evening. Internal chilliness, with uneasiness and tremulous anguish.-Frequent chilliness, with yellow colour of the skin. Chilliness in the even inz, for several hours, (a. 10 h. and 13 d.) For two evenings, chilliness of a quarter of an hour, without subsequent heat or without sweat. Chilliness, in the evening when in hed; even when covered with feather-beds, he CALCAREA CARBONICA. 315 was unable to get warm, as if he had been deficient in animal heat, (a. 30 d.) Chills, at night. A thrill of cold, first over the face, with righting of the hairs of the head, then over the whole body, with a feeling of cold throughout.-Thrill of cold over the whole back, (a. 24 h.)-Thrill of cold over the whole body, as if he lhad caught cold, with frequent yawning.-Thrill of cold over the whole body, with warmth or heat of the forehead and the face, and cold hands, (a. 3 and 48 h.) Feeling of heat in the body. Frequently flushes of heat. Flushes of heat 2, 3 times every day, all over, but mostly in the face and upon the hands; the heat assails her whlen sitting, overwhelms her, as it were, with anguish, with swelling of the face and the hands, for 10 or 15 minutes. Heat, several evenings, from 6 to 7 o'clock.-In the evening, when lying down, external heat with internal chilliness, (a. 72 h.) At night, dry heat, (a. 12 h.) Dry heat towards morning, (a. 6 d.) Heat in the chest and the head, the remainder of the body feeling chilly, the whole day, (a. 24 d.)-Glowing lheat and redness of the face, with hot forehead, cold hands and violent thirst, for several hours. Heat almost constantly, which first makes one faintish and gives one anguish, until sweat breaks out. Sweat often breaks out by day. Sweat almost constantly. lMuch sweat, by day, when walking, and at night, when in bed.-Exhausting sweat, day and night, for 3 days. Violent sweat by day, the air being cold. * Sweat by day, during the slightest exercise. In the evening when in bed, he immediatelv feels warm and he sweats the whole night. Night sweat, mostly before midnight, with cold legs. 'Nightly sweat on the back. Nightly sweat, only on the legs, feels viscid, (a. some d.) Violent sweat, early for many mornings in succession. Sweat early in the morning, (tie morning after having taken the medicine.) Sweat early in the morning, three mornings in succession.-Sweal, every morning, (a. 7 d.) Fever, alternately chills and heat, she is obliged to lie down. Fever, in the forenoon; alternately chills and heat. Feverish heat and burning thirst, alternating with chilliness. Evening-fever: external chilliness, with internal heat and violent thirst; he felt chilly even in bed, and sweated at the same time, was also able to get 316 CALCAREA CARBONICA. warm; at last violent sweat broke out, (a. 10 h.) In the forenoon, first headache, which constantly increased, with sudden sinking of strength, so that lie was scarcely able to go home; * accompanied by great heat in the forehead and the hands, much thirst for sourish water; then, after lying down, icy cold hands, with quick pulse, (a. 21 d.) Every forenoon at 11 o'clock, feverish heat, without previous thirst or chilliness, for an liour; she felt hot and her skin felt hot, with a somewhat red face; afterwards anguish and mild sweat, especially on hands and feet, and in the face; 4 days in succession, (before the catamenia.) Fever from morning until noon or afternoon; first tearing in the joints and heaviness of the head, then faintishness which scarcely permitted her to raise herself up in her bed, with heaviness, extension and stretching of the limbs, heat and a sensation as if she would always sweat, accompan ied by trembling and uneasiness in all the limbs; I N D E X A. Ablomen.-Morbid disicntion of the Tympanitis, 80..Abortion, 261..Abscessui nuclealus, 158 Acn~e-Redness of the nose and cheeks., in drunkards, 158, 258..A gatactia.-Retention of milk, 261..Akecia.-Falling off of the hair, 200,.Amauroshq, 18-2, 258. Ambtycspia, amaurotica.-Weakuiess of sight, a,precursor of Amaurosis, I11,131, 159..Amenorrhcea -Stop p age of the menstrual discharges, _11T, 200, 261.Anasarca.-Dropsy, 80, 158, 182..An~chylosi~s.-Stifif-joint, 111..Aneurisms.-A pulsating tumour formed byt te dilatation of an artery, 111. A V~in&.A sore throat, (difficulty swallowing,) 30, 40, 80, 200, 230 260. Anorexia.-Loss of appetite, 110, 260..Asossni-a.-Loss of the sense of smelling, 131, 259..Anus, warts and condylomata of, 181. Apsetie, lostof.-Ano'rexia, 110, 260..Apoplexyi, 200, 2,58..A4cplea pulmontin, 80. Arthritis-Gout, 30,80,81, 111, 1,58, 257,253. A sciles. -Dro psy, 80, 158, 182. As&phyxia, 111. Asthma, 80,,131,,159, 183,258..Asthma senile, 201. Atrophia rniseraica.-Atrophy, 111, 257. B. Back, small of the, pain in, 262. Bite, of a serpent, 80. Black vennit.-Mehena, 80, 158. Bladlder, urethra, Blennorrhssa of.Excessive secretion of mucus, 110. BlennorrhcA of the nose, 2-559. Blepharophllsamitis.-Inflammationi of the eyelidsp 30 159. BWLiharopJht'a'mitss giandudosa.Punilent eye, 111. Br-ain., concussion of, 111. Brain, tubercles of, 200. Breath, stinking, 183. Bronchitis.-Inflamnmation of the air tubes, 80, 111, 159. C. Cachex-ia. -Sickly constitution, -158. Caput obstipunz.-Wry-neck, 258. Cai-dial1gia -Spasm of the stomach, SO, 11.1, 1593, 200, 237, 258, 260. Caries, 257. Casries, of boiies of face, 1,R2. Caries, of mna!ýtoid process, 182. Cataract and cataract of crystalline lens.-Glaucrnia, 258. Catarrh or Cohd.-Express inflammation of the mucous membrane, 30,80O. Catarrh, of bladder, 261. Catarrh, chronic, 182. Catarrh, inflammnattory-, 1.11. Catarrih, of lunns and of taha 26*2. taha Cauloower excrescence.-Condylosnata, 257. Chick-en-pox, or pimples, qutickly forming p)ustules, seldom p~assing into suppuration, but bursting at the Point and drying into scabs.-Varicelke, 158. a Chilblains.-Verniones, 159. Cisiragra.-Gout of the hands4, 26-2. Cholera, 1). 30 260. Cldoaeona h~epascwni 158. Cioo 1.,cnscki 9, 111, 181, 200, 2-'2A. Cobweb, sense of, in the face, 2.557. Cold, used also to express inflanirna.lions of the miucous meInubrane.Catarrh, 30, SO. Cold, in the head.-Cory ia, 30, PO. Cold, sensitiv.eness to, 1P3-5 Colic, 30, 80, 159, 2o58 260. Colic, nighthy 1812 Coma somnolenlum.-Lcthargy without fever, 200. Condylouala.--Cauliflower excrescence, 181, 258. Congestion, of blood to the head, 18 2. 318 INDEX. Constipation, or costiveness, 30, 80, 110, 182. Constipation, obstinate, 260. Constitution, sickly, 158. Consumption, pulmonary, 258. Contutions.-Injuries mechanical, 81, 111. Convulsions, 80. Convulsions of new born children.Eclampsia neonatorum, 158. Coryza, (Cold in the head,) 30, 80. Coryza, purulent, 182. Corns, painful, 159. Cornea, spots upon, 132. Cough, chronic, 111, 262. Cough, dry, 80. Cough, in measles, 262. Cough, with blood.-Ha mopto8, 80. 111. Croup, 118. Curvature, of vcrtebrwe, 262. D. Decubilus.-Involuntary passage of feces, 253. Dementia, 159. Dentition, difficult, 259. Depression, of spirits, 111, 131. Dialietes.-Incontinent flow of urine, 80. Diarrhea, 80, 110, 153, 159, 258. Diarrhcea, of children, 260. Diarrhsea, chronic, 260. Diarrhlea, where the food passes off undipested -Lienteria, 159. Digestion, weakness of, 131. Disecoia, chronic, 131. Droprsical affections, 181. Droptsy.-Anasarca, Ascites, 80, 158, 182. Dropsy of the brain.-HIydrocephalus, 159. Dropsy ofthe chest.-Hydrothorax, 80. Dropsy of the lungs.-(Edema pulmonum, 80. Drop.sl, partial, of the cellular tissue. -(Edema, 111. Dysentery, 80, 110, 159. Dysmenorrh'a -Painful menstruation, 80, 111, 261. Dyspepsia, 80, 200, 2.57. Dysphaia.-Difficulty of swallowing,.57. E E. Ears, ailments of, 257. Ear, inflammai ion of the internal. Otitis, 159, 230, 259, Ear, running of the -Otorrhcea, 30, 182. Ears, scrofulous diseases of, 200. Eclampsia neonatorum.-Convulsions of new-born children, 158. Eclampsia.-(Scintillation, a flashing of light, which frequently strikes the eyes of epileptic persons,) 79. Ecthyma-A pustule, 80, 158. Ectrcsium.-Inversion of eye-lids, 220. Eczema.-Humid tetter, 158, 258. Emaciation -(A falling off in the flesh,) 158. Emaciation, with exhaustion.-Marasmus senilis, 200. Enteritis.-Inflammation of the intestines, 110. Ephelis.-Freckles, 158. Epilepsy, 111, 158, 181, 258. Erption of small vesicles on the skin, resembling millet seed. - Miliary eruption or Strophulus, peculiar to infants, 80, 158. Eruption, a cutaneous.-Impetigo or Herpes, 30, 131, 158, 200, 230, 258. Eruptions of the skin.-Exanthemata, 80, 158. Eruptions, chronic, upon skin.-Pemphitus or Pompholix, 111. Exwlations, 81. Erysipelas, 230. Exanthemnata, acute.- Eruptions of the skin, 80, 158. Exanthemata, chronic, 258. Excretions, arthritic and rheumatic, 111. Exostosis of bones.-Excresence, tumour, 183. Exostosis upon the skull or of pelvic bones, 182. Extravasations, 81. Extremities, numbness of, go to sleep, 262. Eyelids, inflammation of the.-Blepharophthalmia, 159. Eyes, catarrhal inflammation of, 230. Eyes, inflammation of, 182. Eyes, scrophulous inflammations of, 200. F. Faintishness, 2.57. Faces, involuntary passage of.-Deeubitus, 258. Fevers, 80, 158, 159, 200. Fevers, catarrhal, intermittent, rheumatic and slow, 258. Fissures, chaps, or cratcks in thLe skin. -Rhagades. 30, 258. Fistula lachrymalis, 259. Fits, fainting, 80, 111. Fits, suffocating and apoplectic, 80, 183. FYatulence, 80, 230. MInzX. 319 fYatulence, of hypochondriacs, 131. Fluoralbus.-Whites, 30, 80, 111. Freckles, (see Ephelis.) Fungus articularis, heamatodes. - (Tumour, a bleeding,) 159. Fungus hematodes of the eye, 259. Furuncles, 80. G. Galactirrhwa. -Excessive flow of milk, 261. Gangrene, 80, 158. Gangrene of the bones.-Necrosis or Osteonecrosis, 111, 257. Gastralgia.-Pains or spasm of the stomach, 80, 111, 159,200,257,260. Gastric complaints, 230. Gastritis, chronic.-Inflammation of the stomach, 260. Gastrodynia.--Oppression or spasm of the stomach, 80. Glands, swelling of cervical, 110. Glands, swelling and induration of, 200. Glaucoma.-Cataract of crystalline lens, 258. Gonorrhoea or clap, 110. Gout.-Podagra, 30, 80, 81, 111, 158, 262. Grael, 261. Green-sickness. - Chlorosis, 79, 111, 181, 200, 258. Grippe, 30. Gums, swelling and ulceration of, 30. H. Hair, falling off of.-Alopecia, 111, 200, 261. Hair, agglutination of the, by means of a sort of lymph.-Plica 1olonica, 230. Hard-hearing, 259. Hsmatemesis.-Vomiting of blod, 80. Hamaturia.-Voiding of blood with urine, 80, 261. H~moptol, 80, 111. Hemoptysis.-Spitting of blood, 261. H1tmorr d ae, 30, 111. Hemorrlhidal affections and complaints, 200, 261. Irmorrhoids -Piles, 30,80,111, 159, 230, 257, 258. Headacle 30, 80,182, 257, 258. Heart, afections of, 258. Heart, disease of the, anguish, ossification of the coronary arteries, &c.-Stenocardia, 183. Heart, chronic affection of, 183. Heart, hypertrophy of.-Morbid enlargement, 111. Heart, palpitation of, 183, 201. Heart-burn, 258. Helminthiasis.-Condition of the system which favours the existence of worms, 111. Hernia; 182. Herpes.-A species of eruption, 80, 131, 158, 23, 258. Herpes.-A cutaneous eruption, 200. Hooping cough, 111,159. Hydrargyrosis.- Mercurial disease, 30, 111. Hydrocele.-Swelling of the testes, caused either by effusion or infiltration of water, 111. Hydrocephalus, 159. Hydrothorax.-Dropsy of the chest, 80. Hypochondria, 256, 258. Hypochondriasis, 79, 111, 181. Hysteria.-Nervous affection; peculiar to females, 30, 79, 111, 181, 220, 256, 258. Hysteralgia.-Pain in the uterus, 261, I. Icterus, 181. Idiocy, 200. Impetigo -A cutaneous eruption, 158, 200, 258. Impotence, 159. Incubus --Nightmare, 30, 80. Indurations, arthritic and rheum, 111. Inflammations, Inflammation of the air-tubes.-Bronchitis, 80, 111, 159. Inflammalion of the brain.-' Inflammation of the eye-lids.-Blepharopthalmitis, 30, 159. Inflammation of the intestines.-Enteritis, 110. Inflammation of the larynx.- Laryngitis, 110, 159. Infammation of the pleura.--Pleuritis or Pleurisy, 110, 230. Inflammation of the stomach.-Gastritis, 260. Influenza, 182. Injuries, mechanical. - Contusions, 81, 111. Intestines, inflammation of the.-Eu* teritis, 110. Irregularities, menstrual, 230. Ischras.-Neuralgia of the hip, 258, 262. Ischuria.-Retention of urine, 182. Itch, the.-Scabies, 80 158, 258. Itcling, upon head, 15. J. Jaundice.-Icterus, 181. Joints, pan in, 257. * 320 INDEX. L. Laryngitis. - Inflammation of the larynx, 110, 159. Laryngitis, chronic, 262. Leth2rgy without fever.-Comna somnolentum, 153, 200. Leucom2.-White speck upon the cornea, 182, 259. Leucorrhea, (whites,) 30, 80, 111, 230,261. Lichen -Moss, a species of tetters, 80, 153. Lienteria -Diarrhcea, where the food passes off undigested, 159, 260. Ltgtd. dread of.-Photophobia, 259. Lips, swelling anl ulceration of, 182. Ltmbs, frozen, 30. Lithiasis -Stone, 110. Liver, affections of, 230. Liver, diseases of, 131. Liver, distention of, 110. Liver, hypertrophy of, 159. Liver, induration of, 260. Liver, pains of, 30. Lock-jaw -Tetanus, 80. Lungs, inflammation of the.-Pneumonia, 80, 111, 159. Lungs, paralysis of, 133. Lungs, tuberculous infiltration of, 201. Lupia.-Encysted tumour, 200. Lupus.-Gnawing tetters, 30. Luxation, spontaneous, 262. M. M2nia, 253. Mlira smu senili.-Emaciation, with exhaustion, 203. 13a1es, the.--Morbilli, 80. Megrim, a pain affecting only one side of the head. 182, 200, 230. M,?dna -Black vomit, 80, 153. Mslancholia, 111, 131, 159, 131, 256. Mrimory, weakness of, 30, 200. Menorrhagia -Excessive flow of menses, 261. lenostasia -Suppression of the menses, 111, 203. Menses, excessive ilow of.-Menorrhagia, 261. Menses, suppression of the.-Menostasia, 111, 200. Menses, retention of the.-Amenorrhcea, 111,200, 261. tMenstrualfunctions, irregularties of, 80. Menstruation, profuse, 110. Meastruation, painful. - Dysmenorrhoea, 80, 111, 261. Mercurial a.ffections, 181. Mercurial disease.- Hydrargyrosis, 30, 111. Mercurial ulcers in mouth, 230. Metastasis.-The passing of a disease from one organ to another; arthritic, to the heart, 183. Metrorrhagia.-Uterine hmemorrhage, 261. Mdk, excessive flow of.-Galactirrhoea, 261. Milk, excessive quantity of, too thick, of nursing women, 230. Milk-fever, 258. Mldiaria -Eruption of small vesicles on the skin, resembling millet seed, (milium,) hence the name, 80,111, 153. Mirbid affection of the lining membrane of the nose.-Ozxena, 30, 80. Myrbid enlargement.-Hypertrophy of the heart, 111. Mloss, a species of tetter.-Lichen, 80, 153. MTlrbilli.-(Measles, the,) 80. Mouth, accumulation of mucus in, 111. N. N.usea, 230. Necrosis.-Gangrene of the bones, 111, 257. Nervous affection, peculiar to females, 79,181. Nettle-rash.-Urticaria, 258. Neuralgia, pain in a nerve, 253. Neuralgia of hip.-Ischias, 258, 262. Nipples, excoriations of, 258. AVight-mare, (see Incubus.) Nolosities, arthritic, 181. Nose, bleeding at, 200. Nose, carcinoma of, 182. Nose, chronic obstruction of, 182. Nose, obstruction of, 159. Nose, swelling of, 110, 259. Nose, thick tip of, 182. 0. Odontalgia. -Tooth-ache, 80, 159, 182, 200,230,260. Oedema.-Partial dropsy of the cellular tissue, 111. Oedema pulmonum.-Dropsy of the lungs, 80. Onanism, pernicious effects of, 261. Ophthalmia, 257, 259. Ophthalmia angularis, 111. Orchilis.-Inflammation of the testes, 182. Organic activity, increase of.-Sthenosis, 110. Organs of generation, blennorrhea of, 159. INDEX. 321 Osteartlrocace.--Spina ventosa, 257. Osteonecrosis. - angrene of the bones, 111, 257. Otorrhsa.-Running of the ear, 30, 182. Otilis.-Inflammation of the ear, 159, 230, 259. Ovaries, tumefaction of, 110. Ozcma.-Morbid affection of the lining- membrane of the nose, 30, 80, 1$2, 259. P. Palarthrocace.-Spina ventosa, 257. Palate, ulceration and caries of, 182. Palsy.-Paralysis, 80, 111. Pannus.-Varicose excrescence of the conjunctiva, 200. Panarilia, 30,230. Paralysis.-Palsy, 80,. 111. Paralytic conditions of extremities, 258. Parotitis.-Inflammation of the parotid gland, 110, 200, 259. Pemphigus.-A pustulous eruption of the skin, 111. Peripneumonia notha, 111. Perstonitis. 110. Perniones -Chilblains, 159. Photophobia -Dread of light, 259. Photopsia, Seein of sparks, 80. Phthisis, 110, 111. Phthisis of the mesentery.-Tabes meseraica, 181. Phthisis, tuberculous, 262. Piles.-Hasmorrhoids, 30, 80, 111, 159, 230, 257, 258. Pleuritis, 110. Pleuritis, of the muscles.-Inflammation of the pleura, 230. Pleurodynia.-Pain in pleura or side, 230. Pleuropneumonia.- Inflammation of the lungs and pleura, 159. Plica Polonica -Agglutination of the hair by means of a sort of lymph, 230. Pneumonia. - Inflammation of the lungs, SO0, 111, 159.. Podagra.-Gout, 30, 80, 81, 111, 158, 262. Pollutions, 200. Pollutions, toofrequent, 159, 182. Polypi, in the bladder, 261. Polypi, in the ear, 259. Paypi, in the nose, 259. Pompholiz.-A pustulous eruption of the skin, 111. Porrigo.-Scalp, a disease of the hair, 80, 158, 200, 258. Prepuce, warts and condylomata of, 181. Prosopalgia.-Tic douloureux, 182, 200,259. Prostatic glands, scirrhous affections of, 110. Prurigo.-Itching pustules, S0, 80. Psoriasis, 258. Psoriasis localis.-(Scabies, a species of,) 80. Ptosis.-Palsy of upper eye-lid, 30. Pulsations, abdominal, 258. Purulemt eye.- Blepharophthalmitis glandulosa, 111. Pustides, itching -Prurigo, 30, 80. Pyrosis.-Water-brash, 260. Q. Quincy or sore throat.-Angina, 110. R. Ramollissement of vertebrae, 262. Rash, 258. Rectum, hemorrhoidal obstruction of, 182. Rectum, polypous excrescences of, 111. Rectum, prolapsus of, 159. Retention of 7nilc.-Agalactia, 261. Rhagades.-Tissues or cracks in the skin, 30, 258. RIrugades, syphilitic, 181. Rheumatism, SO, 81, 158. Rheumatism of intercostal muscles, 262. Rhleumatism of plcura, 262. S. Salivation, 230. Sarcoma -Tumour of the adipose tissue, 258. Scabies.-The itch, 80, 158, 258. Scald-head.-Tinea, 80, 158, 200, 258. Scarlatina, 80, 200. Scintillation; a flashing of light which frequently strikes the eyes of epileptic persons.-Eclampsia, 79. Scirrhus cardix, 200. Scorbutlus.-Scurvy, F0, 111. Scrophulosis, 79, 181, 200, 257. Scurvy.-Scorbutus, 80, 111. Scurvy, affection resembling.-Stomacace, 230. Secretion, excessive, of the bladder, urethra -Blennorrhoea of the bladder, 110. Sexual desire, excited, in males, 261. Serual instinct, excited, 182. Sic/dy constitution.-Cachexia, mercurial, 158. Side orpleura, pain in the.-Pleurodynia, 230. 322 INDEX. Sight, obstruction of, 182. Skin. disease of the -Impetigo, 153. Smavll-podk \TVriola,K S'mettin-" los'. of the sen~e of -A4nosmia, 131, 259. Sparks., seeing of.-Photopsia. SO) ~Spannsi 'l1)d( oxi.Ll) 20~). SNpasms of t/he c/nsfI hy steric, 131..Spasm o -f the Stomacsh/ fGas'tialgrn or Cardials-ia, 8O 111, 159, 200, 257, 260) Spinaiwrn raow, rhceiratic aflcctions of, 262. Sp-insi ventow.s-o tearthrocace or Pw~arth~roeacv 2,7 S'piftiti of B/noJ 1 Ilsrm'mptv;S' 261. S/a/eu great (1(prr'.-iinn of sp~irits with '-ener i fitwt ionl dIolran-ement.- nhuiIii 79,181. Splen, aiffections. of, 23o. Spleen, dltteittinn of, 110. pap n:11 r" on)u '4 111. S'teatom -i -A tumnour of the adipose,Stenorua, lifA, ies of the heart, aii'luilikh n'.'ific'it inn of the coronary isiterie,'. etc1". Sthirnnis.-ltiirei'.e of organic activitV. 110 St/rdit'11, '230, 9-81. Stiff'joiin - Xneh'i Ins, 111. Nhn rs of niw iniic~ti, 1-53. Stool. difici nt, hard. 139. SIowi-ia'i - Atffection resembling St sti1 (Ii ineijintof, 159. S/on ti -h Iinmulinimation and gangrene _h sI, P-61i at, labour-like, 20 811 n' W11t i -"_.'raptinn, and peculiar $'evi) N). a'iscnlq'r'--'CM114is e, *25 Sir s'/soulmnt, (1l1iciltyn- Lif.-Dy51ha-.S'e(//iug, glan-dular, Il. Swdc/intý of tAeI set cau-sed either 1)y efflnsinn or infiltration of -water. lHydrocefe. 111. S/romlis sntnI.-Catiliflower excreseence. 153. T. Ti'scs scrop'it/osa, 25 7 Tj'aci mcsera fra.-Phthisi' of the mesentery, 131. Teeth, formation of tartarates upon, II11 Ten/i, looseness of, 18*2. Tendons, inflammation of, the white and shining extremity of a muscle, 158. Tetanuts-Lock-jaw, 80. Tellers, 30. Titters, hiumid.-Eczemia, 158, 258. Tellers, gnawing,-Lupus, 30. Te.stic/es, inflammation of the.-Orelsitis, 18ý2. T(ti'.scles, atrophy of. -Dwindling, 159. Testic/es, swelling f 18*2. riiront, a sore, d7fiitloe11ty Of swallowing.-Aneiiia:30 40 0202-, 261. 2020 Throat, inflammatory sore, 110. T/isiis/, 30 Tic douloureu'. - Prosopalgia, 182, 200,2579. Tinca -Scald-hecad, 200. Tingling, in parts that have gone to sleep, 80 Tisvsue, adipose, tumours of, I11. Tonigue, psaralys~is of, 131. Tong-ue, rheumatic swelling of, 110. Toiigue, scirrhous induration of, 182. Tongue, warts and condylomata, 181. Ton~sils inflammation of 260. Tioot/i-aclie. Odont algia, 30, 159, 182, 2(,M)230 260. Toot/i-ar/ie, tearing, 25.9 Ti'ac/hea, catarrh of, 200. Tumour of t/ie a lipoge lissue.-Sarcoma or Steatoma, 200, 2389. Tistuour~s, encysted,-Lupia, 200. Tqmenpanili~s. - Morbid distention of the abdomen, SO. U. U/cerrs, flstulous, 158. Utceris, fistulous, on gums, 2.59. UlIcei's, fiitulous and scrophulous, 257. F T/ceirs, indolent, 230. ('r/crrs mercurial, in mouth, 23. U/crrs,, s)iihilitic, 182Q. U%'Jerstanding, wcaktness of, 30. Ure/ira, cutting and burning in, 159. Ureth~/ra, strictures and con-traction of, 110. Urinary organ~s, affections of, 25.39 Urimr organs, atony of, 80. Ur-ine, býloody.-Hwmaturia, 8'0. Uterine /iamorr/mage.-Metrorrhagia, 261. Uriuie, incontinent flow of -Diabetes, 80. Urine, retention of.-Ischtuia, 182. INDEX. 323 Urticaria.-Nettle-rash, 258. Uterus, pain in the.-Hysteralgia, 261. V. Varicella.-Pimples quickly forming pustules, seldom passing into suppuration, but bursting at the point and drying into scabs.-Chickenpock, 158. Varices, 258. Varicose excrescence of the conjunctiva -Pannus, 200. Variola -Small-pock, SO. Venous heart, affections of, 80. Vertigo, 257, 258. Vessels, large, affections of, 258. Vomiting, 57, 258, 260. Vomiting ofblood.-Hmematemesis,80. Vomit, the black.-Mehena, 80, 158. wT. Warts of the anus, (see Anus.) Water-brash.-Pyrosis, 260. Weakness, 261. Weakness of sight; a precursor of amaurosis.- Amblyopia amaurotica, 111, 131, 2.59. WVerlhofii morbus hamnorrh.-Purple spots over the whole body, 80. Wetting the bed, at night, 2i1. Whites.-Fluor albus, 30,85, 111, 230, 261. IWhite speck upon the cornca.-Leucoma, 259. Worm affections, 258. WVorms, condition of the system which favours the existence of.Helminthiasis, 111. Womb, prolapsus, a falling down of the, and induration of, 1' 2. WHry-neck.-Caput obstipum, 258. ERRATA. Page 105, line 9, for "feet," read "seal." In two or three instances, the verb "imagine," in this volume, has been used with the preposition " to," instead of the conjunction " that." The reader will please excuse this oversight. The reader is also requested to correct the following mistake in vol. i, p. 41:-instead of "Diabetes, (suppression of urine,") read "Diabetes.-Suppression, 4-c." Tne first number of the Homesnpathic Examiner will be for sale on the 15th of August. The first 10 numbers, besides a variety of interesting essays, will contain a complete translation of Riickert's Therapeutics of Hwnnaopathy. Terms, 5$ per annum, in advance, or 50 cents each number. *~~~~~~~~~-R 9;**i *ta 7?.'V b..*Pr by.. I.* A II II ___ VNIV1P",IT yOF MiC41GAN T 01 02011 4917 OWAMý_W_ý_ _ -, Kivý `., - =ý _l_-. 1-77--lý-._-7-.7,ý' -..-,...----.; ý... ___ - _-_,_ _-_ - I. I _ý 1'ý_-,741t-- -,__ ", 1ý1,. 7_7, ý'. 1ýý_ 'I-, RIA -.( tAý q 'I 61gnVF ý.1 -: ý - - "'. -4 -I V. 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