The Value of dirt to the People An Address by OTTO H. KAHN The Value of CArt to the People v An Address by MR. OTTO H. KAHN at the Annual Dinner of the American Federation of Arts held in Washington on May 16 1924 Tkhe Value of f/rt to the People I HAVE been asked to make a few observations on the subject of "The Value of Art to the People." In doing so, let me say at the outset that, when speaking of "the people," I use the term not with the somewhat patronizing inflection and in the rather limited sense sometimes im-, parted to it, but that I include in it the well-to-do, the successful, the learned, the distinguished, as well as "the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker," and so forth. v V V It seems to me that, when speaking of the arts, we must not overlook the THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE art of living. Walter Pater, in his great book, "The Renaissance," says: "We have an interval, and then our place knows us no more.... Our one chance lies in expanding that interval, in getting as many pulsations as possible into the given time." He urges an activity which "does yield you this fruit of a quickened, multiplied consciousness," and he puts foremost among the means available towards that end the cultivation of beauty land art. Whether or not we share this viewpoint and appraisal, there can be no doubt that no life is quite complete, however worthy, useful and successful it may be, which does not include a responsiveness to the call of beauty and art, which has not known the thrill that comes from these things. v v v THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE When the right to vote was first given to broad masses of the people in England, a great aristocrat said, "Now, we must educate our masters." He was right. He enunciated a theory which many years earlier had been adopted as basic in the conception of democracy in America. But education that envisages merely the brain is a lopsided thing. To be complete, to fulfill its true purpose, it must not only envisage likewise the training of character, but it must also foster taste and seek to minister to that subtle, undefinable and multipotent thing which we call the soul. The lives of the vast majority of the people are cast upon a background of sameness and routine. Perhaps that may be unavoidable. The world's daily work has got to be done. But all the more reason and needful THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE ness for opening up, for making readily accessible and for cultivating, those pastures where beauty and inspiration may be gathered by all. We all, rich and poor alike, need to give our souls an airing once in a while. We need to exercise the muscles of our inner selves just as we exercise those of our bodies. We must have outlets for our emotions. Qualities and impulses of the right kind, when given due scope, enhance the zest and happiness of our lives; when thwarted, starved or denied, they are apt to turn to poison within us. Some of the unrest, the unruliness, the transgressions even, of the day, some of the seeking after sensations, some of the manifestations of extreme and subversive tendencies, arise in no small part, I believe, from an impulse of reaction against the humdrumness and lack of 6 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE inspirational opportunity of everyday existence. Much can be done by art to give satisfaction to that natural and legitimate impulse and to lead it into fruitful channels instead of letting it run,a misguided or even destructive course. V V V Art is not the plaything of opulence. It is a robust, red-blooded thing. It is true equality of opportunity. In a world too much given to accentuate the things which divide us, it is one of those fundamental elements which unite us and make us kin in common understanding, common feelings, common reactions. It is true democracy, knowing nothing of caste, class or rank. It may bestow its choicest gifts upon utter poverty; it may deny them entirely to great wealth. THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE A RT is the truest League of Nations, speaking a language and preaching a message understood by all peoples. For ten years the world has been sadly out of gear. Governments, Parliaments, diplomats, politicians, have vainly tried to set it right. The devil's visitation which was let loose upon the world ten years ago, to the defeat and disaster of its perpetrators, and from the aftermath of which it has not yet been able to free itself, arose from an accursed aberration of the spirit. It can only be banished wholly by the power of the spirit, mobilized and marshalled for high and righteous aims. Among those fields where the rare and benign herbs grow, from which healing may be gathered for the ills of the world, one of the most fecund is that of art. Art is a mighty element for civic progress. It leads us to seek and to 8 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE appreciate that which is high, worthy and exalting, and to despise, and to turn away from, that which is vulgar, cheap and degrading. v v V It is no copy-book maxim, but sober truth to say that to have appreciation of, and understanding for, art is to have one of the most genuine and remunerative forms of wealth which it is given to mortal man to possess. I measure my words when I say that not the most profitable transaction of my business career has brought me results comparable in value and in lasting yield to those which I derived from the investment of hearing, in my early youth, let us say, "Tristan and Isolde," or seeing Botticelli's "Primavera." Moreover, the dividends which we receive from the appreciation of beauty and the cultivation of tart are 9 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE wholly "tax-exempt." No surtaxes can diminish them, no Bolshevik can take them away from us. Art is a veritable "fountain of youth." The ancients had a saying, "Those whom the gods love, die young." I would interpret that saying to mean not that those favored by the gods die young in years, but that by the grace of the gods they remain young to their dying day, however long that be deferred. I venture to question whether there is any tonic as stimulating, any glandtransplantation as rejuvenating as is the quickening of the blood, the stirring up of the inner, deeper, self, which the powerful medicine of art can bring about. Those who love art and are truly susceptible to its spell, do die young in the sense that they remain young to their dying day. v v v IO THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE SUCH observations as I have had opportunity to make-and the opportunities have been frequent and varied-have convinced me that there are many millions of the plain people whose souls are hungry, whose ears are open to the call of art, whose eyes light up at her approach, whose voices welcome her with enthusiastic gladness. These observations have convinced me, too, that "you can trust the people" even in art. That does not mean that every horny-handed son of toil is, or can be made, an art connoisseur. It does not mean that the people, by and large, whatever their station, are born with good taste. On the contrary, the vast majority, whether of rich or poor parentage, are born with a natural tendency to respond rather to the garish, vivid and obvious than the mellow, reII THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE strained and aesthetic. It does mean that the masses of the American people are susceptible to the message of true art, that they are responsive to education and example in art, that they welcome and gladly follow leadership on the road to knowledge and discernment, and that once they have become imbued with correct standards of appreciation they adhere to them and apply them. As one conspicuous illustration of this, I need only point to the style of architecture which now prevails in America for buildings, public or private, large or small, down to the most modest, as compared to what it used to be a generation ago. Much yet remains to be done for the popularization of art, the training of taste, and the providing of opportunity for artistic talent and ambition, but a great deal has been done 12 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE of late years, and more and more is being done to excellent effect. v V v I believe, speaking generally, and with those reservations which are inherent in the enormous size of our country and the vastness of its population, it is not too much to say that the American standard of art appreciation has reached a point where it is either equal or superior to that prevailing among the peoples of Europe, with very few exceptions. It may be mentioned in this connection as a circumstance significant of the past two decades on this soil, that the scoffer at art has gone completely out of fashion. He who would indulge in jeers and gibes at serious art movements, who would disparage and slight, let alone hinder or oppose, 13 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE art, finds listeners or followers no longer in America. Art has overrun and captured the trenches which were held against her by incomprehension, indifference and prejudice, and, passing beyond, has firmly established herself in an unassailable position. She stands respected by all, revered by many. It has been a source of wonderment to me, many a time, how frequently "the people" are underestimated by those Who seek their votes or their patronage. Too many of our politicians seem to think that the people want and need to be coddled and flattered and "softsoaped," though experience has shown that the royal road to popular success is to demonstrate courage and independence and to stand up man-fashion for one's convictions. Similarly, while it is gratifying to record the great and 14 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE auspicious progress of the American stage within the recent past, we still meet purveyors of theatrical wares who seem to think that they must play down to an assumed level of public shallowness and "tired business man" standards, although experience has shown that the greatest probability of scoring a hit is in aiming high. v v v The American Federation of Arts, with faith in the people and with understanding of the people, is pointing the way along the road which leads to the heights. It is calling the people to follow, and it is not calling in vain. A distinguished writer has said: "There is only one thing that can be taught: by wise teachers, by love, by example, by privation, by sorrow, by life, we can be taught to i5 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE learn. Beyond that, although everything may be learned, hardly anything can be taught." In the fine sense of these pregnant words, your Federation is indeed teaching the people to learn. v V V Shortly after victory had been won in the late war, Mr. Lloyd George made a speech in which, referring to the armies returning home, he pledged his,aid to "make England a country fit for heroes to live in." Far be it from me to fail in admiring and grateful recognition of the glorious heroism of those, Americans and others, with whose blood, willingly shed in a noble cause, victory was written upon the banners of America and her Allies. But there is another kind of heroism-less stirring, less impressive, not recorded in the 16 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE book of fame, but no less real. It is that of the many millions of average men and women who, in meeting the tasks of the workaday world, practice the brave and simple philosophy of righteous living; who, uncheered by comrades, unstimulated by the ardor of battle, unrewarded by renown, contribute to the common cause daily acts of self-discipline and self-denial, of honor and of duty and of faith. It is one of the noblest achievements in the upward struggle of humanity through the ages,-this habitual, homely, ingrained heroism of the rank and file, of the "unknown soldier" of the battle of life. To those people, the plain men and women of America, you are bringing true enrichment. You are enhancing the wages of their lives by aiding them to find and have access to the joys and inspirations, to the 17 THE VALUE OF ART TO THE PEOPLE compensation and solace, which are derivable from art. The American Federation of Arts is performing with admirable public spirit and efficiency, a valuable service of twofold purport: It is bringing art to the people, and it is bringing the people to art. I . I 1. 1,,.;.1. -.. ý: r...: f I I I. - z ",. ". -1 I ý I..ý I ý:1. ý...zl...i ýý.. 1ý-..: -,.-., -..ý........:. '. ý11. I I - I I ý I I _j,.. 1 1. -.,,, - -... ',. -. '.,. -...1.. I. q,4,ý...;.. I.1.... I. ý: I., I ý, '.;. ý....,;.ý;.zl ý -, ý_ ý ol A.:. ý; 11 -. I. I I I.. ý... I,:- 1, -, f,;ý-,ý,ý ý. -!ý'-.1. ýý,` - ý " - 1. 4,,. I.,..ý. ý!,: " '..., I I 1.4. 1ý ý ý..,',,ý -. -.. ý,.-.., '.. -....-l. I. 'ý I. I'-,- 11 I. ý,.. f, ý...." I. v;`.,..,,..1.1..1..,,..,.. ". 1.; ýl -, ý......,.....,.;,.,.;o. ý - ý I.Z. ý' I 1,, '-,-,;, "!":, - I;.. ý ',ý. 1...... ý ".,.!, - -- ý.: ý,. -,,. '-,. '.. ý 'i.,., ', e..!'ý,.',',ý,.,.,,,,ý,-;,ý. b.ý.-.. - of,ý, -1 ýýoi ilýl' Z; ',,i.. ý - %.Aý. ý ýfl-s-zý..",.:v,....,.. ý...,e.. -... ".., -.:%. ". i,.;, I - _. I. 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