LISTEN 0 TO THE MOCKINGBIRD satiric songs to tunes You know Tby Tu(i KuPf erberg LISTEN TO THE MOCKINGBIRD by & for Tuli Kupferberg Some of this material has, disappeared in EVO, Good News, NY Ace, Revolting Theater, UPS Newsletter, Vietnam Songbook, and Village Voice Mockingbird Press 381 East 10 Street NY NY 10009 ~ copyleft 1973 ~ AH LOOK AT ALL THE HIPPY PEOPLE tune: Eleanor Rigby Ah, look at all the hippy people! Ah, look at all the hippy peoplel Timotny Leary Picas up tie tab in the church where an orgy has been, Lives in a uream, waits at tilhe border Wearing the face that he kept in a visa before. Wno is it for? All tile hippy people nhere do they all come from? All tile nippy people, wnere no tuey all belong? uiu Uncle Tuli "-Y." writing tile worus of a hitsong that no one will hear, no one comes near Loui at nim working, Louniting nis feet in tile niglht when there's nobody there. Rnat aoes ne care? All tie iippy people wnere uo tney all come from? All tne nippy people wnere no they all belong? Janis anu Lenny vieu in the can and were buried along with their fame iveryone came Abbie ana Jerry Wiping tuIe uirt from their hands as they run from the grave, Who uiu they save? All the hippy people, Wnere uo they all come from? All the nippy people Wnere no they all belong? Anh, look at all the hippy peoplel. An, look at all the hippy peoplel A buFT SnOW'S GUNiqA FALL tune: A iara Rain's Gonna Fall on wnere have you been my red eyea son On wnere have you been my darling young one I've mumlblea on tne site of twelve optioned mountains I've talkea anu I've sprawled on six tourist highways I've stoppeu in the miaule of seven pseudo forests I've been out in front of a dozen planned oceans I've been ten tnousana miles in pursuit of a contract Anu it's a soft ana it's a soft it's a soft snow that's gonna fall On wnat uiu you see my red eyed son on wiat uiu you see my darling young one I saw a newoorn babe with diamonds all arouno it 1 saw a nighway of puppies with everybody on it I saw a green branch with sap that kept drippin 1 saw a room full of women with their periods all bleedin 1 saw a White house all covered with honey 1 saw ten thousand salesmen whose tongues were all sparking I saw guns anu snarp swords in the hands of stock brokers Anu it's a soft and it's a soft it's a soft snow that's gonna fall what aid you near my red eyed son Ana wuat uim you near my darling young one I nearu tne sound of a stereo it roared out a sending nearu the roar of an amp that could drown the whole world nearu one nunored drummers whose bands were amazing inearu ten thousand dialing and everybody listening learm the goldisc of a poet who recorded in the gutter heara the sound of a clown who laughed in the alley Anu it's a soft and it's a soft it's a soft snow that's gonna fall un wno aiu you meet my red eyed son SONG WRITING PAYS B hno uia you meet lay darling young one ggy. s, * Ur I met a child beside a hired pony I met a black man who walked a white dog I met a woman whose body. was earning I uuet a young girl she sold me a rainbow I met one man who was wounded in judo I met another man wiio was wounced with akaido And it's a soft and it's a soft it's a soft snow that's gonna fall on what'll you do now my red eyed son On what'll you do now my darling young one I'm goin back out fore the snow stops afallin I'll walk to the depths of the deepest green forest lwere tne people are few ana their hands are all full wnere the pellets of poison are protecting their waters where the home in the valley hides the damp dirty prison where the executioners face is always well smiling Wnere nunger's forgotten where souls are not ugly wnere white is the color where few is the number I wont tell it nor think it nor speak it nor breathe it Nor reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it But I'll stand on the parcel until I start sellin And I'll puff my song well before I start singin Anu it's a soft and it's a soft it's a soft it's a soft 2 It's a soft snow that's gonna fall AMAZING GRASS tune: Amazing Grace viote: I once neara a song like this whose woras I never learned. I nave maae up my own version. Amazing grass--how sweet the smell Tnat savea a wretcn like me! 1 once was sick, but now am well ivas nooeea but now am free Twas speea that taugnt my heart to fear And junk my fears convoked how precious dia tnat grass appear 'ine hour that I first tokea Through many dangers, toils and snares I nave alreaay come Tis grass nas brought me safe thus far Anu grass will lead me home My connection promised gooa to me nis wora my hope secures He will my shiela ana portion be As long as grass endures CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuter) - Police have impounded 400 copies of the long-playing record, The Pope Smokes Dope, on the grounds that it is disrespectful to the Roman Catholic Church. The record, produced by former Beatle John Lennon, includes such phrases as "The Pope smokes weed while sa yi ng mass," and "Priests get drunk while the Pope says mass." tVOLUTIUN tune: Revolution You say you want an evolution well, you know we all want to save the world. You tell me it's a kinda revolution, Well, you know we all want to save the world. but when you talk about election, Dont you know that you can count me out. Dont you know it aint alright, alright It aint alright. You say you got a contribution Well, you know we'd all love to see the plan. You ask me for a real solution, Well, you know we're aoing what we can. But if you give money to people who say "Please Wait" All I can tell you is brother that it's too late. uont you know it aint alright, alright It aint alright. You say youll change the Constitution Well, you know we all want to rearrange the bread. You say it's not the institution, Well, you know you better free some prisoners instead. but if you go darting at Chairman Mao You aint gonna make it with young folks anyhow. Dont you know it aint alright, alright Its not alright. "Only a few years ago I was a nothing, plodding along in a nothing job. Then I joined the REVOLUTION! In only a few years I made t to the top. Now look at me." The REVOLUTION! needs young men and women like yoursel Drop by any time at one of yout neighborhood trouble spots. Or talk to one of our friendly recruiters on the street. You too can enjoy the pleasures of rock and roll, dope and fucking in the streets. Join up now-or there may not be a later. FUCk WITh FIRE being, by your leave, a womens lib version of PLAY WITH FIRE Well you got your groupies Ana your whores by the score Ana your cnauffeur arives your rea Rolls iot no Austin anymore but aont fuck with me Cause youre fuckin with fire Your manager's a sharper Owns a block in St. Johns Wooa Anc you would surely chuck him If you only coula but uont fuck with me Cause youre fuckin with fire TH BLASk GIL. Your ola fans flashed like ciamonus iqow they tnink you are a bore Anacithey get their kicks in Brooklyn 14ot at Albert Hall no more So cont fuck with me Cause youre fuckin with fire Well you got some girl frienas Ana you will have some others better watch your chauvinism pigboy Or start livin with your brother So aont fuck with me cause youre fuckin with fire So aont fuck with me Cause youre fuckin with fire Ca IVE ME REGARDS TO EAST BROADWAY tune: Give My Regards to Broadway Give my regaras to hast Broadway Remember me to Tompkins Square Tell all the muggers on East Tenth Street That I wont soon be there Whisper of how I'm yearning To make it with the bees an< birds Give my regards to East Broadway And say I've had it with the cops and turds GKArOLA tune: Kamona Granola I near the sisters got up late Granola theyre bringing out tne plate I hate I press you caress you ana blast the day you came in a sack I'll always remember the brambling grits they shoulda thrown back Granola wnen uay is done dont wait my call Granola I'll drown you neath the water fall I pray the dawn when I awake to find you gawn Granola, you aogfeed, begone!| I'D GIVh hVLRYThING FOR HERZOGOVINA tune: It's a Long Way to Tipperary I'a give everytning for herzogovina, It means everything to me. I'u give everything to herzogovina, My blood, my pre-pu-cci, My liver and my lights, I'd give away my rights, My father and my son, Tne moonlignt and the sun; I'l give everything for herzogovina, It means everything to me Un to aie for herzogovina-- Woula give new life to me! E-MýNVw F5fff~wftt V*VV%ý5Me 7= P.IUnlM#I VVAM& V-W 10 dsys in 1636, 180 men witihstood a wigs by 4,000 Mexican troops in an old mission church. The 180 lost the battle and all were killed, including Travis, Bowie and Crockett. But "Remember the Alamo" became a rallying cry for Texans... and 8 all Americans fighting for the cause of freedom. RNS Photo I WANT TO hOLD YOUR FOOT tune: I Want To hold Your Hand Oh yen I tola you something I stink you understood Tnen I'll say tnat something I want to hold your foot I want to hold your foot I want to nold your foot Oh please suck it, to me Ana let me be your boot Ana please say to me Youll let me nola your footNow let me hola your foot I want to hold your foot NI And wnen I touch you C I feel nappy inside ANOE R< It's such a feeling |3 Tnat my fetish I cant hide f I cant hide r t I cant niiae I N SI ýr1 Yen you got that something *| I thought you understood When I feel tnat something: I want to hold your foot i I want to hold your foot I want to hold your foot Oh yeh I want to hold your fool I want to hold your foot I want to hold your foot MASTERS OF DYLAN tune: Masters of War Come you masters of Dylan you that built the big Concordance You tnat built the mistrust you that built the Great Discordance You that nide behind files you that hide behind desks I just want you to know I can see through your tests You that never diu nothin but dig to destroy You play with my world like it's your little toy You put a pen in my hanu and you hiae from my eyes Ana you turn and run faster when the fast reporters fly LiKe Ling Tempco Voight you lie and deceive A fortune can be won you want me to believe but I see through your eyes and I see through your brain Lixe you see througn the garbage that runs down my drain You write the dispatches for the others to print Tnen you set back and watch while EVO makes a mint You hide in your garret as young peoples money Flows out of their pockets to the land of milk and honey Youve thrown the worst fear that can ever be hurled Fear to bring popsongs into the world For tnreatenin my song unborn and unnamed You aint worth the ink that runs through your veins how mucn do I know to talk out of turn You might say that Im ola you might say that Im learned but tnere's one thing I know though Im older than you Even Grossman would never forgive what you do Let me ask you one question is your fame that good Will it buy you forgiveness do you think that it could I think you will fina when your death takes its toll All the fame that youve won wont win back your soul Ana I hope you succeed and success will come soon I will follow your parade on a hot afternoon Anu I'll watch while youre raised up like Galahad mlia the groupies destroy whatever peace that you had NIXON FUCKS ME tune: Jesus Loves Me Nixon fucks me, this I know For the TV tells me so Guns and bucks to him belong We are weak and he is strong Yes Nixon fucks me Yes Nixon fucks me Yes Nixon fucks me The TV tells me so Nixon fucks me, he who kills he whole cemetaries fills he will wash away our dough While his bombers blast some mo Yes Nixon fucks you Yes Nixon fucks you Yes Nixon fucks you The TV tells you so Nixon fucks me, he will lie Little children they will die If the people re-elect Then this country sinks in dreckYes Nixon fucks me Yes Nixon fucks you Yes Nixon fucks us The TV tells me so 0 BEAUTIFUL FOR SPACIOUS SKIES 0 beautiful for spacious skies For amber waves of grain For purple mountains majesties Above tne fruited plain! Armenia! Armenia! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!l 1T ROCKY KILLCOUO tune: Rocky Raccoon Now somewnere in the brown hills of the Poconos There liveu a middle-age politico named Rocky the Goon And one day his nomination ran off with another guy nit fat Rocky in the eye Rocky didnt like that he saia Im gonna get that nation So one aay he flew into town Bookeu nimself into the local mansion Rocky killcoon, checked into his gloom unly to find Nixon's Bible Rocky had come equipped with a gun To snoot up the banks of his rivals his rivals it seems had broken his dreams by stealing the jail of his fancy her name was Attica, she called herself Sal Hepatica but everyone knew her as Clancy Now she and her warden who called himself Hardon Were in the next block at the mowdown Rocky burst in and grinning a grin he said Blackboy this is a showdown But tne prisoners were cold they let go their hold Ana the guards collapsed in the corner Now the Committee came in stinking of gin Ana proceeded to lie at the tables They saia Rock you met your match Ana Rocky said Comm it's only a scratch Anu I'll be better I'll be better Comm as soon as I am able Now Rocky Killcoon he fell back in his room Only to fina Nixon's Bible Nixon cnecked out ana he left it no doubt To help with good Rocky's revival SP-f~~~ a,,f 13 ShIT 'N bRhAU tune: Short'nin' breau Three little loaves lyin in the store Two was white ana the other looked pore Sent for the chemist and the chemist said I do declare there's snit n the bread Chorus: Mamunys little baby hate shitn shitn Nammys little baby hate shitn bread Mammys little baby hate shitn shitn Mammys little baby hate shitn bread Put on the public put on the Feds Wonder's gonna take a shit in the bread That aint all shes gonna do Wonder's gonna make a bigger profit too Chorus Went to the kitchen tested for lead Filled my test tubes with shit n the bread Lost the test tubes lost the lead Lost the reports about shit n the bread Chorus Caught me with the test tubes caught me with the lead Caugnt me with the Company puttin shit n the bread Finea six dollars for the test tubes six dollars for the lead Got six months paid vacation eatin shit n the bread Chorus: Mammys little baby love shitn shitn Mammys little baby love shitn bread Mammys little baby love shitn shitn Mammys little baby love shitn bread SMOG-THE NEW GAME OF DIRTY WATER-ANOTHER ENVIRONMENTAL FN-WITH-ECOLOGY GAME AWARENESS AWARNESSLearn *how to overcomi the imThe fun way to team about air po, balance. that tve jieoparl4ed. 10 lution and how to control it. For 10 coloti jnte lohips' 2-4 2 to 4 players. By Urban Systems. playes. By Urban: Systemrns. SMOKE GETS IN YOUR LUNGS tune: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes They asked me how I knew my carcinoma was true I of course replied something here inside cannot be denied They sdia sometimes youll find all who smoke dont choke But when your tongue's on fire from that weird desire Smoke gets in your lungs So I chaffed them and I wryly laughed to think that they could aoubt my cancer Yet today my cancer grows apace--I am without my lung ivow crying friends deride laughs I cannot hide So I smile and say When a butt but burns--smoke gets in your lungs COFFIN CIGARETTE A new type of cigarette holder for those DISPENSER trying to give up smoking. The box is in the shape of a coffin with a skull head No. 103 on one end. Hot stamped, in silver on the brown box it says, "One more cigarette -One more nail." Cigarette is ejected 57 through the skull's mouth when the box is pushed down. S- SUiMMRHILL tune: Summertime Summerhill and the schoolin is easy Kias are jumpin anu the teachers are high 0 yo trustee's rich and your parents good lookin So hush little schoolgirl, dont you cry low one of these mornins you be goin to public school Then youll raise your arms and youll shriek to the sky But till that mornin theres nothin can harm you With Neilly and Reichy standin by So hush little schoolgirl, dont you cry... 'PiARKWAY SCHOOL is proud to announce further exO pansion of its facilities and our continuing effort to provide the very finest in pre-school and eJementary education. Our new 3 story building shall be for the Elementary Dept. with central air-conditioning, wall to wall carpeting, cafeteria etc. This new addition offords us the opportunity to have OPEN REGISTRATION for all classes Our transportation area will also be expanded to cover most neighborhoods. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL OR VISIT "PARKWAY" Mon. thru Fri., 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Brochure sent on request. Just call 655-5426 or 655-5431 E W Sipglma | SWAMI tune: Swanee Swami how I love you how I love you Swami hverykinanda Id give my maya to be 'Mong devotees in N-h-P-AL bet that my Guru's Waitin for me Prayin for me Down by the Ganges Tne freaks out West will Glim me no more When I get to that Irawaddy shore Swami how I love you how I love you Swami hverykinania Ia walk a million footras For one of your sutras My Swaaaami How would you like to possess a more stiff and permanent rendering of Swami A. Vishnu's patented "Pranayama Dartboard" in full colours? (see inside last two pages). Send me only one five dollar bill American.......................................$5.00 (U.S.) A particular treat for children. All is supplied! Pin a a tail on the Sacred Cow. Instructive. $............................................ 1.75 U.S. ~ ~ * *1.75 U.S. 17 Thh MINSTREL BOY The minstrel boy to the wax has gone In the ranks of the top ten youll find him his lawyers ASCAP he hath girded on With his masters slung behind him "Band of song" said the acetate bard "Tho all the world bootleg thee One copyright at least thy rights shall guard One faithful CPA appraise thee" The minstrel sold but the rack-job chain Could not bring that proud soul under his manager that zhlub neer spoke again For ne tore his contract asunder Ana said "No chain shall sully me My soul of love and bravery My songs were made for the pure and free They shall never sell for less than $3.50" Big Money in Electricity THE RED-TALED FLY or THE KHRUSHCHEV FLY tune: The blue-Tail Fly Ven I vas young I used to rush To Stalyin and give him his borscht Ana eliminyate his adversaries Ana kill tie counter-revolutionyaries Chorus: Stalyin crack heads and I dont care Stalyin crack heads and I dont care Stalyin crack heads and I dont care But Stalyin's gone avay sy And ven hed riae to shoot some pheasants a Id follow after to get some peasants J Tne peasants being rather shy " Wnen starvea out by the Khrushchev fly Cloorus C Vun day he collectivized a farm The Kulaks all over him did svarm Vun chanced to bit him on the ass V Them iulaks being rather crass e Chorus The factories they jump they pitch we They mechanize Russia like a sonamabitch 1r Then Stalyin die the comrades vunaer vy Tie liars say the Khrushchev fly! = Unorus They kick him out of The Mausoleum Ana put him in The Museum of the Old Regime "Beneath this shit Im forced to lie A victim of the Khrushchev fly!" Chorus: Stalyin crack heads ana I dont care Stalyin crack heads and I dont care Stalyin crack heads and I dont care And Stalyin's gone avay 19 THE STREETS OF THE GHETTO (THE HIPPY'S LAMENT) tune: Tne Streets of Laredo (The Cowboy's Lament) As I walked out in the streets of The Ghetto As I walked out on The East Side one day I spied a young hippy all dressed in crushed velvet All covered with speed scabs and cold as the clay. "I see by your outfit that you are a hippy"-- These words he did say as I boldly stepped by, "Come sit down beside me and hear my sad story; I have OD'a and I know I must die. "It was once in The Dom I used to go dancing, It was once in The Stonewall I used to go gay; First to the coffee-house and then to the joss-house; Got a hot shot; I am dying today. "Get six jolly Yippies to carry my coffin; Get six pretty call girls to carry my pall; Put bunches of purple hearts all over my coffin, Downers to deaden the clods as they fall. "0 beat the bongo slowly and play the bass lowly, Play the "Hard Rain" as you carry me along; Take me t' Paradise Alley and lay The Stones o'er me, For Im a young hippy and I know Ive done wrong. "Go gather around you a crowd of young hippies Ana tell them the story of this, my sad fate, Tell one and the other before they go further To stop their wild balling before it's too late. "Go fetch me a hit, a hit of old Sunshine To warm my cold brain," the hippy then said; before I returned, the Atman had left him And gone to his Guru--the hippy was dead. We beat the bongo slowly and played the bass lowly And bitterly wept as we bore him along: For we all loved our comrade, so brave, young, and handsome We all loved our brother although hed gone wrong. 1 _ 20 THIS LAND IS THEIR LAND Zs-. tune: This Land Is My Land This land is their land C *0 This land aint my land M From California to the New York wildland gf_ Form the redwood sawdust =- V To the Gulf Stream oilslicks This land aint made for you and me s As I was running that blooded highway r= e I saw above me that rented skyway E I saw below me that stripmined valley I=: This lana was sold to the Company VHE This land is their land Tnis land aint our land Zii From California to the New York tiredland J D From the sawdust forest ChiEM To the Gulf Stream derricks This land was stole from you and me They dealed ana gambled and they haunted our footsteps To the darkling sands of the despoiled deserts And all around us bulldozers pounding This land was stole for the Company This land is their land This land aint my land From California to the New York wildland From the sawdust forest To the Gulf Coast derricks This land werent made for you and me When the sun comes boiling and the guards patrolling All the wheatfields selling and the farmhands moiling As the smog was shifting a cop was chanting: "This land was made for them and me" Tnis land is their land This land aint our land From Reganfornia to the New York Grafters From the redwood sawdust To the Gulf Coast oilslicks This land aint fit for you and me... This land wasnt made for you and me... This land belongs to the Company TOO OLD Tune: Too Young They try to tell us we're too old: Too old to really get it on They say that love's a vice A vice that once was nice That weve forgot the meaning of And yet we're not too old to know These glands will last tho years may go Ana then someday they may recall Like us, theyre not too old to ball EVER WONDER who sired the famous robust (but now dead) Fraser The Lion who kept about a dozen lady lions quite happy at a California zoo? Zookeepers at Albuquerque Zoo believe Leo The Lion, foreground, is either the daddy or granddaddy of Fraser. Leo, who is 23 years old atleast, is still producing cubs like those in the background. --pi URANUS tune: Aquarius When the stool is in,the seventh house And your sphincter aligns with Mars Then piss will please the planets And gripes will grip the stars. This is the dawning of the age of Uranus The age of Uranus Uranus Uranus Harmony and jet propulsion Sympathy and thrust abounding No more falsefarts or derisions Golden living turds of visions Mystic crystal carbonation And the minds true eructation. Uranus Uranus Let the moonshine Let the moonshine Let the moonshine Let the moonshine out JANUARY 21-FEBRUARY 19: THE GOOD YOU: charm girl! Energized, friendly, ever on the ready for a flippy spree. You'll double- or blind-date or even float as an extra girl. Who cares? All the men cluster around (Uranus, your surprise-party planet, has a magical relation to male genitalia). No need for jealousy (or so your girl friends think)-not with amiable, loyal little Aquarius. This year you'll do some smashing, offbeat thing-meet "J," that Sensuous Woman, on a plane and get personal advice; have a date with a celebrity-that will make you a conversation piece. The Good You is generous, the sort of girl who gives at the office and at home. You're everybody's favorite sugar bun just because you're never on an ego trip-even when you could be. 23 WE SHALL UNDERGO tune: We Shall Overcome We shall all go under We shall all go under We shall all go under some day 0 deep in my heart I do believe We shall undergo some day We are quite afraid We are quite afraid We are quite afraid today 0 deep in my heart I do believe We shall undergo some aay We dont stand together We dont stand together We dont stand together now O deep in my heart I do believe We shall undergo some day The truth wont make us free The truth wont make us free The truth wont make us free some day 0 deep in my heart I do believe We shall undergo some day The Lord will see through us The Lord will see through us The Lord will see through us some day 0 deep in my heart I do believe We shall undergo some day We wont live in peace We wont live in peace We wont live in peace some day 0 deep in my heart I do believe We shall undergo some day We shall undergo We shall undergo We shall undergo some day O deep in my heart I do believe We shall all go under some day 24 WHO PUT Thh VEY (IN THE OY OY VEY OY VEY) tune: Who Put the Bomp (In the Bomp Ba Bomp Ba Bomp) la like to get the guy who wrote the song That maae my baby fall in hate with me Who put the vey in the oy oy vey oy vey Who put the sham in the sham a lam a ding dong? Who put the cop in the cop sh cop sh cop Who put the shit in the shit snit shit Ahit da? Who was that man? Ia like to break his hand he maae my baby fall in hate with me When my baby heard Vey, oy vey vey vey, vey oy vey vey vey Every word went right into her heart And when she heara them singing Sham a lam a sham a lam a sing dong She said we'd surely have to part Who put the vey in the oy oy vey oy vey Who put the sham in the sham a lam a ding dong? Who put the cop in the cop sh cop sh cop Who put the shit in the shit shit shit shit da? Who was that man? Ia like to break his hand he made my baby fall in hate with me Time that we're alone Vey, oy vey vey vey, vey oy vey vey vey Sets my babys gall a-glow Ana everytime we dance to Sham a lam a sham a lam a ding dong She always says she hates me so Peggy Sue Got Married Diagram O' I I I I....r,& White segments: theme of rumour and uncertainy. Shaded segments: theme of Peggy Sue. (Each whole segment is one line of the lyric.) Diagram D2 AA A C C C BC B ' Structure of theme of rumour and uncertainty: A = worry about being known as source B - stress on the information as hearsay. C = stress on possible inaccuracy of the information. 25 WHY DONT WE DO IT IN THE BED? tune: Why Dont We Do It in the Road? Why aont we do it in the bed? Why dont we do it in the bed? No one will be fucking there Why dont we do it in the bed? Why aont we do it missionary style? Why dont we do it missionary style? No one aoes it that way anymore Why dont we do it missionary style? Wny dont we use a prophylactic? Why dont we use a prophylactic? No one will be watching us Why aont we use a prophylactic? Why dont we do it in the bed? Why aont we do it in the bed? Why dont we do it in the bed? What if no one will be watching us Why dont we do it in the bed? Make Your Views Known iiin Polit-i-Cards offer both pro and con on many important political issues facing local, state and federal governments, including Vietnam, capital punishment, abortion, welfare, marijuana and pollution. Accompanying cards are pressure-sensitive address labels to President, Congressmen, Governors and other important poli- I tical figures that enable people to make their views known. Cards retail for 50c, labels for 9c. (Polit-iCard, GM, P.O. Box 85214, Los Angeles 90072.) 26 POLIT-I-CAID has editorial-type cartoons to be sent to politicos. WITH PkINCETON ON OUR SIDE (A Newsong) tune: God on Our Side, The Patriot Game, "old Irish air". And underscoring just how much "the times they are a-changing" was the presence on the platform of Bob Dylan, who along with Walter Lippmann, the columnist, and Mrs. Martin Luther King, Jr., was awarded an honorary doctorate. The bearded folk singer and composer sat nervously with Princeton trustees ana officers wearing a suit but no tie beneath his loosely tied gown.. " New York Times June 10 1970 My name is Bob Dylan From Woodstock (that's West) Jack Elliot Woodie Guthrie Sang the songs I love best Went down to Folklore Center Seekin fortune or fame End as a pawn in The Doctorate Game The kids they all bug me It's answers they want Dont have any answers I know what I want Just leave me--be quiet Got fields of my own And pleasant Old Woodstock Will be my new home What man owes another Is hard for to know There's con men and traitors To bring the heart low Opportunists and gangsters Who know that they lie And fools crying "Love" With "Kill" in their eyes If ya think you know better IES AT PRINCETON: Mrs. Martin Luther KlngJr. u Go right on aheaad r, in robing room after university's 223d commuen Half-assed poets and prophets End up dumb and dead I dont feel too good now I think I'll go hide And take some small comfort With Princeton on my side 27 YASGURS FARM tune: Maggies Farm I aint gonna play on Yasgurs farm no more No I aint gonna play on Yasgurs farm no more Well I wake up in the morning rub my hands pray it dont rain I got an axe full of ideas that are driving me quite sane It's a shame the way he makes me check the door I aint gonna play on Yasgurs farm no more I aint gonna play for Yasgurs brother no more No I aint gonna play for Yasgurs brother no more Well he hands you a nickel he hands you a dime he asks you with a grin if youre havin a good time Then he fines you every time you change the score I aint gonna play for Yasgurs brother no more I aint gonna play for Yasgurs pa no more No I aint gonna play for Yasgurs pa no more Well he pokes his contract right in your eye just for kicks his chromy office it is full of PR pricks There's BMI bouncers around his door Ah, I aint gonna play for Yasgurs pa no more I aint gonna play for Yasgurs ma no more No I aint gonna play for Yasgurs ma no more Well she talks to all the ushers about dope and God and law Everybody says she's the gun behind pa Sne's sixty-nine but says she's eighty-four I aint gonna play for Yasgurs ma no more I aint gonna play on Yasgurs farm no more I aint gonna play on Yasgurs farm no more Well I try my best to play just like I am But everybody wants you to play just like them They save while you sing and I just get bored I aint gonna play on Yasgurs farm no more AS Ph Hwfanie 1bM"B a HOl 28 THE RPEVOLTING THEATEP (RHYMES WITH "HE ATE'ER' ) RADICAL VAUDEVILLE CONTACT - WE PLAY AT TuLI KuPPERaUFRG BAR MITZVAHS. DIVOMCES 381 E 10 REVOLUTIONS NEW YORK. N.Y. 10009 "BENEFITS A SPECIALITY"' PH. (212) YU 2-9537 Wig give a MUSICAL PROGRAM The Progr. i.Vr... Good 1The Aqralm, i's Momill Go ip; r t; ~E -% ag8 "`in g (1~0:4 r C~ ~8" ~ "5" Bd~ r~ m8s ~cl "~d ~ ~~ 51 B EZ a ~3 r~$C EQ 4rr W Ba.s O s Eg "d C3 e~ ii B;F: ~ii %Fj i ~B aS 4.b L: rr: iiY ~Y Bn