ANAlRa ISM Wihiat it is and what it is not by JOSEPH A. LABADIE Detroit, eQ Michigan. (Written before 1900) PAAAoo4 Job P~zut~ At44n I-La 0 you w.ant me to tell you what AnarchSism is, do you? I can do no less th:1: make he attempt, and in my own simpie way try to make you. understand at le:ist that it is not what the uninformed and the capitalistic newspapers, liars, fools and vilaiIns.generally say it is. In the first place, let me urge upo'n all who desire to learn the truth about Anarchism not to go to its enemies for information, but "o talk with Anarchists and read anarchistic literature. And it is not always safe to t'ce what one, two or even a half dozen persons may say;iahnt it. either, though they caii themselves Anarchists. Take what a goodly number of them say and tlhe' cancel thost statements in which they are not in accord. What remains in all probability is true. For example, what is Christianity? Ask a do:.en or more people and it is likely their ansi erswill not agree in every particular. They may. however, agree upon some fln-damental -propositions. This is more likely to be the correct position of Christianity than the statements made by any one of them. This process of cancellatibn is the best way of finding out what any philosophy is. This I have done in determining what Anarchism is. a'd it it a fair presumption that I have arrived tolerably near the truth. Anarchism, in the language of Benjamin R. Tucker, may be described as the doctrine that "all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the state should be abolished." The state is "the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a b:ind of individuals, assuming to cnt as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area." Government is "the subjection of the noninvasive i-dividual to an external will." Now, keep these definitions in mind, and don't use the word "state" or "government" or "Anarchy" in any other sense than that in which the Anarchist himself uses it. Mr. Tucker's definitions are gea:erally accepted by Anarchists everywhere. The state, according to.lHerbert Spencer and others, originated in war, aggressive war. violence, and has always been maintained by violence. The function of the state has always been to govern-to make * the -:on-ruling classes do what the ruling classes want done. The state is the king in a monarchy, the king and parliament in a limited monarchy, elected representatives in such a republic as exists in th'e United States, and the majority of the voters i-n a democracy as in Switzerland. Historvy shows that the masses are always improved in mental,, moral and material conditions as the powvers of thie state over the individual are reduced. As man becomes more enlightened ýegarding his interests, individual and collediive. he insists that forcible authority over him and his conduct shall be abolished. He points to the fact that the church has improved in its material affairs, to say nothing of the spiritual, since the individual is not compelled to support it andl accept its doctrines or be declared a heretic aind burned at the stake or otherwise matreated; to the fact that people are better dressed since the state has annulled. the laws regulating dress; to the fact that people are lhappier married since each person can choose,is own mate; to the fact that people are better in every way since the laws were abolished regulating the individual's hair-cut, his traveling,. his trade, the nn h.. of window-panes in his house, chewing tobacco or kissing on Sundays. and so on without number. In Russia and some other countries even now you would not be allowed to go into the coun try or couie out of it without- legal permitsioii, to pri:t or read boos or papers except those permitted by law, to keep anyone in your i1ou0-e over fighilt \ itiout iutotlying ithe police, Lland il a thousand ways the individual is hampcraeli inrs movemncits. Even in the freest countries the individual is robbed by the taxcollector, is beatenl by the police. is fi:eed and jailed by the courts-is browbeaten by authority in many ways when his conduct is not aggressive or in violation of equal freedom. It is a mistake often miiade, even by some Anarchists, to say that Anarchism aims to establish absolute freedom. Anarchism is a practical philosophy, and is not striving to do the impssible. \Vhat Anarchism aims to do, however, is to make equal freedom applicable to every human creature. The majority under this ruiie has n6 more rights than the minority, the millions no greater rights than one. It assumes that every human being should have equal rights to all the products of nature without money and without price; that what one prdluces would belong to himself, and that no individual or collection of persons. be they outlaw or state, should take any portion of it without his knowledge or consent; that every perso", should he allowed to exchange his own products wherever he wills; that he should be allowed to co-operate with his fellows if he chooses. or to compete against them in whatever ield lie elects; that no restrictions whatsoever should be put upon him in what he prints or reads or drinks or eats or does, so long as he does not invade the equal rights of his fellows. It is often remarked that Anarchism is an impractical theory imported into the United States by a lot of ignorant foreigners. Of course, those who make this statement are as much mistaken as though they made it while conscious of its falsity. The doctrine of personal freedom is an American doctrine. in so far as the attempt to put it into practice is concer::ed, as Paine, Franklin, Jefferson and others understood it quite well. Even the Puritans had a faint idea of it, as they came here to exercise the right of private judgment in religious, matters. -The right to exercise private judgment in religion is Anarchy in religion. The first to formulate the doctrine of individual sovereignty was a blue-bellied Yankee, as Josiah Warren was a descendant of the Revolutionary General Warren. We have Anarchy in trade between the states in this country, as free trade,is sirply commercial Anarchy, No one who commits crime can be an Anarchist, because crime is the doing of injury to another by aggression-the opposite of Anarchism. No one can kill another, except in self-defense, and be an Anarchist, because that would be invading another's equal right to live-the antithesis of Anarchism. Hence assassins and criminals generally are called Anarchists only by the ignorant and malicious. You can't be an Anarchist and do the things which Anarchism condemns. Anarchism would make occupancy and v$se the sole title to land, thereby abolishing rent for land. It would guarantee to each individual or association the right to issue money as a medium of exchange, thereby abqlishing interest on money in so far as co-operation and competition can do it. It denies the justice of patent and copyrights, and would abolish monopolbyby abolishing patent-rights. It denies the right of any body of people to tax the individual for anityhing he does:ot want. but that taxation snlouid be voluntary, such as is now done by churches, trade unions, insurance societies and all other voluntary as-, sociatlons. f; It believes that freedom in every walk of life is the greatest possible means of elevating the human race to happier conditions. S It is said that Anarchism is not socialism. - This is a mistake. Anarchism is voluntary SSocialism. There are two kinds of Socialism, archistic and anarchistic, authoritarian and libertarian, state and, free. Indeed, every proposition for social betterment is either to increase or decrease the powers of external wills and forces over the individual. As they increase they are archistic; as they decrease they are anarchistic. Anarchy is a synonym for liberty, freedom, independence, free play, self-government, nonSinterference, mind your own business and let your neighbor's alone, laissez faire, ungoverned, autonomy, and so on. Now that I am done I find that you have been given only a faint outlie of what Anarchism is and is not. Those ip desire to pursue the subject further will find food for intellectual adults in Tucker's "Instead of a Book." Proudhon's "What is Property" and "Economical Contradictions;" Tandy's "Voluntary Socialism"; Mackay's "The Anarchists"; Auberon Herbert's "Free Life," Isued by the Internationl Anarchist Group of Detroit