16ý R, M, f LR N, Z _JMi "A,, 10. g"gi-F. "t T'. ýk ýp, Oil gm u 1 "N 0_5411.,3f, z 41% r W. I _Wl 40, " 3_4 S: mzý;Zn A 0 J,ý *-- llý- -ý10, T, _ ýM^g, Nk' - vy n, VWý mn_ 11 -W 64, N,11 VA gg gr, Q:rwhO qz, MIA I 2,ý $,13ý=, fsý Al, 6ý _Z. 'I, rw R T41%. ot R al,ý;: yý W, Ar NWR owl", Nk' g'A q, flq - w *-, VMA& - Mlý q-r, VI 1,V;INMN, I!A. ýV*, Jk_ NT 14 im Ai Aw ME N w N Ps Wý7 6t, MIS R", MNV;, Wt FN L LANSING HE State of Michigan is surely one of the most important States of the Great Northwest. With her enormous area of 58,915 square miles, Michigan is the largest State, with one exception, east of the Mississippi River. The adjacency of the Great Lakes so moderates her climate that the choicest fruits can be grown almost as far as the Northern Straits. Her vast resources in hard-wood timberlands, her enormous deposits of coal, iron, copper, limestone and other minerals, place her in the foremost rank of the States in great natural endowments. This wealth of raw materials, together with the proximity of Michigan to the great Western markets, gives her unusual opportunities for the development of manufacturing, which while almost in its infancy has at the same time reached a very high degree in production. The City of Lansing occupies a unique position in Michigan. It is situated nearly in the geographical center of the State, having railroad lines extending in all directions, laid out in comprehensive plan upon the banks of the Grand River, and being the Capital of the State is of much interest to the traveler, homeseeker and business man. Lansing was incorporated in 1847, and in the same year the State Capital was moved there from Detroit. The industrial development of Lansing has been largely due to the intelligent energy displayed by its Business Men's League, through whose agency several manufacturing plants of magnitude have been induced to locate here. The City is beautifully laid out with fine wide streets and splendid avenues, substantially paved and bordered with shade trees for miles. Altogether it is a city of progress and one sure of great future prosperity. Published by L. H. NELSON COMPANY, Portland, Maine, Proprietors of Nelson's International Series of Souvenir Books. Copyright, 1906, by L. H. NELSON CO., Portland, Maine 0 U NION STATION Used by Pere Marquette and Michigan Central Railroads. G RA-ND TRULNK STATION MICHIGAN AVENUE BRIDGE Famous as being the widest bridge in the United States. MICHIGAN A-VENUrE, LOOKING WEST Stxat~e. Capitol in the distance. - ~lia w MICHIGAN AVENUE, LOOKING EAST lia ~-~M '~ "~- ~:~_.-r. B "~:~.rr ~,t4.; i. ~~I I-prP-, Y1 qJI 1.-~~~1-. -- FRANKLIN\ 7 AVENUE. LOOKING EAST Cf) 0 0 z z tT~ 0 WN"ASHLNGTON AVENTVrE, LOOKING NORTH One of the principal streets of Lmsing. It is two and one-half mliles in leng-th, and is pa ved with hrick. mmmwý LANSING SUGAR COMPANY An industry recently established in Lansing for the manufacture of beet sugar. THE OLDS MOTOR WORKS, Manufacturers of Oldsmobile gras and. gasoline engines. -Fý v~1~1 4~4~ I POST OFFICE Th ~fl~jj:j AMAS-O'N'iC TEIMPLE CITY HA-LL A Ad ELEKS' HOME MICHIOAN STATE CAPITOL This beautiful structure, set on a considerable eminence at the junction of MIichig-an and Capitol Avenues, was begun in 1S72 and completed ill n1974 cost $15OTXl). Q z H 0 0~ Co HO HO H 0 H q H H 03 C-AM'NPUS-STATE ITNDUSTRIAL, SCHOOL This institutioln takes high ran~k among its kind. MIAIN BIWILDING-lNID-USTRIAL SCHOO L Here -7X) boys are tr-afied to become useful citizeus of the State. I ~ Esp.= Ill I~ lltl ~ U U 44, TER~RACE COTTAG~E IMcKINLEY (COTTA(',E STATE IND)USTR{IAL SCHOOL CATHOLIC SCHOOL AND HALL SCENES AT MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE This institution is the oldest of its kind in America, having been established in 1857. Its beautiful campus contains nearly 100 acres, on \h:l- a.re located over 50 college buildings. I ----r IMPORTANT BUILDINGS OF MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Nearly one thousand young men and women avail themselves of the excellent educational facilities offered by this institution. WELLS HALL ABBOT HALL MIC('HIGAN AGRICUTLTU-TRAL COLLEGE WOMNEN'S BUILDING LIBRARY ANI) MUjTSEUMN MICHIGAN AGIRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND One of the substantial brick buildings of this admirable institution. LARCH STREET SCHOOL CEDAR STREET SCHOOL A/ A cr.1 0 CCCt E-0 I VýN CATIHOIC C-I R.C Erecte~d in 18M0. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH -I PIIA-I~PUM CONGR{EGATIONAL CHURCH BPITCUC BATTIST CHITRCH t CENTRAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH V At, kj,ýfg -Q 'a_ V K 4, Ow _RJ rO N, 31-A fk Ný jý, p "Cl 7WI:1 Pý f-we 4 IM ýr vt KN -p-; 1XV --AWO K N all. MAI RX ýýC 1, W, Pw T -Q.? Sý 1 61,a, 1W id $WA M, p, kR'n, t Aý Vi, - _INV _io 4 'Y' `W MI, NN4 j3 14 T W. AM, pg u _K_, jr C7' " f-I kli4iv i liýp ............. i.......... Al Qý, ýO ""VA",I A zlý P-W AW 't ýA'T,............ 1ý11 -1g, "All '1'11'ý,-,ý,