~C `r0' i35 OLD STATE CAPITOL 00. ( (4uP r r/t V/u// [(pt/s/( u//21 Hil 1//ir.SKas,li S/a/SfTY i/ uvn,,, 'ar K;.; wlVwV I- ml i ' j7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~6 -1 A - - < j - - - v-- zgA--A 14 44-q 6 r7 W.Y ý etn e6 1 A _ U4_4 ~ 7 LANSING * ILLUSTRATED. THE FOX ILLUSTRATING COMPANY, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. ILLw USTRATORS AND PUBLISHERaS. ILCIIGAN STATE CAPITOL. nQ 79u"e =Iun.Ud4} dyOf tfhq/01D7 fo 1 Uddd /(,diU/Zlq yO'jY 09 'ý/!/At d,4J 01dZ!L) dl/J) 0) ddf)lC)djlf J0 d~dtll?0(/ ',?/flJ) 'Ifi~d Yý] 0) )!fdtdd(/ NJ 9!o D4)Ma dtll(/ adJ d,,y 'l ti ý uo dnpI)x auo!aq ayooq ~nj~ "onj'~ ~i; A BRIEF ISTORICAL KETCHOF.ANSING. ~/~I;---~-- ~ "/ 1,1ANSING, the capital of the State of Michigan, is located south of the geographical center of the Lower Peninsula, at the confluence of the Grand and Cedar rivers. The situation of the city is extremely fine, rising gradually from the streams mentioned above, and forming a plateau with broad streets and avenues crossing at right angles. A horse-shoe bend of the Grand River, which encircles the city, affords fine facilities for boating and dother pleasures, and also offers abundant water supply for manufacturing purposes. In 1848 the Legislature assembled in a wooden structure erected for that purpose, on a plat from wihich the forest had been hastily cleared away. Since that time the city has had a steady and prosperous growth. It was incorporated a city in 1859, with 3,085 inhabitants. The popu V lation now, is 14,()000. Here is located the State Reform School, on a farm consisting of 250 acres. The State Agricultural College, three miles east of the city, on a farm of 676 acres. divided by the Cedar River, is a magnificent spot. It has six college buildings, a conservatory, a president's house, nine professors' residences, a farm house, and many other buildings, and stands at the head of agricultural colleges in this country. The Michigan School for the Blind is located in the northwestern part of the city, on fine grounds of 45 acres, and is a fine institution. There are seven ward school buildings besides the high school building, which is the finest in the State, costing $55,000. There are fifteen churches, thirteen hotels, eight banks, and many large manufactories, and is one of the booming cities of Michigan. I P440wr N4\1-tq The Caltifol BuildinC 4 -~ "4~ Ir, S1C~ (i.-rr ~ I T1~~-~Pa ru rrrtr-1 ~i~"%~1 ~Eif 2~ ~~%~~,~=i~,'~T~s~'pl~:~ 1111 11111 Ll;zi 1 ill 1 I r I ~~ori~r Li ~-~ i~;a rr, r-~ leg I i.) `L:4;::I t II;-r.. r-I, 'P ]~111 a iii i 8'~9 ~r I~-~-"7iV ~ 1~-~iip 1~ si as r' _ PI;) I:'P L~, ii r "-- hBaP~ PI~::r ~.) B r ~7-c t ~3b~*` D;~z~~ '.~~ n F~ t a~ r: '~~ View Wah inngton t venu e, Looking South from lonia Street, 'C Am:" 'F ~rVIC' leii I'Is Ic~i tt View 9f "Michigan Jhenue,. Looking West from Bridge. .."... g,:~C.B~,~:~~r~,a!-1::cc iPI ~i tt SI: bh~i e i~~ k: i iP'i i)l:lii I...air(CP r I i CY,::t.:~;48;!LI. c~ ~k iU1~":?a;r~-':"~: '' '~~i wt ii i '' P C= k - h tLr--- r x; ii i Fir (t ireýbiy(erian 6hulrck, Corner Allegan and Capitol Avenues. j 4, "~2, *, Ie'idence 4f 6g'rtd, Yl dorf, Corner Capitol Avenue and Shiawassee Street. Re idence of Chairle) Brova4, Corner Grand and Hillsdale Streets, I 17llt 7 L'r rj; I 1-AR -tU ebidence of 0. *M. inarne4, Main Street. i. i ~ ~. S ~~, ~ C ^,-~;e il~i 5~~i~i~~u~~ cihc~ Iwi i I. ~2cril. i '~ t:~*i" ~~~r~~r~l ~ ~~ ~r ~fTlpr I I ~"~TT;I;Sr~l~.~aT-IS:~ 1 - ~ICh, ~si 1$ 4 ~i~ ~~ ~ ~" "i " '? aS~::-:~~ ~ ~~' ~bP II-- ~--.i.:: " ~ L1~R~C-` U.IP,, arzl-f~ o ", C -- ir e i dence of YI. E. s ow/e, Corner Capitol Ave. and Shiawassee St. iedid ence of R.,F. Daikd, Washington Ave. A,;,, ~~. 1 i~ ~c' TS x:~; r ~; 1 -~ C- -..I-;5 ~~..,~ L, f~ ~t F~ I, a c ~.~xi~ Firt Condf red ational Church, Allegan and Townsend Sts. feididence j/ Arhiur Bement, Grand Street. 'I ~ i~ L, ~ 4, F ~ ( 4'i r~ ~ L~ f Q: CL E I iii i;Q ~,, ~LS P,, c 9%,, `b z -L BiBI "''B --r 81) i r t I B ~" I~L~a o c h I-r B I r' O ~It rS ~c~S~-- I ' J;5~;ih C~;-~ ~a ~i.;ii' ~ e-~.vJ~CrCra,: ' "~~h~Z~ ).r Yi'-"~ c,- ~e I, 5cl ~5: t rS~ i' I ir r*'I"e;r l~c r 1 --:I L r ~r, r B rr;:2!::" r s a -'_i C~~~,. ~3 y -~ I i '-L ~ ~-, B' -s:,,,-..I_ IP1 iii * I i`-i n;5-P~U~ 67~-rr-~arP-~i ~6~ ~~"_~s~ -~~J~ r'RP"I~S~~..? "~3 '',.-... 1:~ Ps~l~ =~ ~~i Red idence of L. C. Rlood, Washington Ave., N. Red idence R1de. H. Larned. AID ILa r r j~op MEO SSchool for the ilind North Lansing. -~------r;i ii.1. i. G~C~U'V ~ ~i' ~rT~ "~!'~ ~f i -I -~ -, i ic, c4, b r TCI; I j ~~-C--3 t riY GT NV)Y 2IVEY BO -O (L UR 0o OJMiS. 4'r President, JNO. F. CROTTY. Vice-President, J. P. LEE. Secretary, F. E. BRIGGS. F. M. Alsdorf, F. Alexander, E. V. Buck, WV. S. Bailey, H:. A. Bowie, Mi. J. Buck, Jno. J. Bush, O. F. Barnes, Chas. Broas, J. V. Barry, J. J. Baird, B. M. Buck, C. WV. Burridge, F. E. Briggs, HIarry Bartholomew, E. S. Butts, Jno. F. Crotty, Ed. C. Clark, Ira Clark, O. A. Calkins, Bert. Church, H. E. Cross, A E. Cowles, N. B. Conger, F. L. Dodge, Chas. Dearin, Chas. J. Downey, R. G. Edmonds, J. P. Edmonds, A. ML. Emery, F. B. Egan, Chas. Fuller, Fred. Foster, S. J. Frisbee, XV. L. Grove, S. L. George, L. P. George, Frank Nertzler, F. J. Hopkins, C. E. Haughawout, E. R. 0. B. Johns, G. Jones, A. Jenison, Ed. Jessop, S. L. Kilbourne, H. A. Knott, Geo. B. Kellogg, J. P. Lee, Fred. Molitor, R. A. M ontgomery, Elgin Mifflin, Walter Mead, F. J. North, C. H. Osband, R. C. Ostrander, A. F. Porter, J. V. Peck, WV. H. Prentice, Stewart Pigott, W. J. Rainey, Treasurer, J. V. PECK. H-art Row, F. G. -Row, J. E. Roe, H. W. Rikerd, D. J. Robson, Guy Renyx, L. E. Rowley, P. E. Slick, Fred. Sabin, A. T. Sprague, H. B. Slitt, Frank Savigny, R. J. Shank, C. F. Taylor, F. E. Van Black, L. E. Waters, Harry Woodworth, W. K. Walker, Chas. Wheeler, L. E. Walker.. [$1%itk? i ~;e~- -~c,-3A-1~---,~ ~~ ~;~-~--- ~A"r ~-~- ~m~--3~i~:,-~g r~~ cc~E~ ~" -- ~-~ci =- ~ ~P -r-.-.L_ a. t~ R.7;~1~ -.r - '-~--~t' I.~r r- r Am -3; ~F rIk - Interior of qrmor'y. Co. E. First Regiment M. S. T. i rj-:f r.,i ~n-~,_ ~~ia ~ r D -~ -~ I~ ~yh II '1 ~S V2T AbTbot l-a1. ai 1illi(mt g all. Botanical Laborator.j We ll1 ftail. Burned 1889. j ~ ~* I ~;,; ' P~rCiJ~-~~~i7dl 1~1~4.~: ~SI~~P~Pk;Q t-9 - I -U i~r~:"1~~;.I.- I Ir~ _e r u I lj Illr -~~~ ~;t.. ~~ -I 1~~. ~~' '~ '( k ": ~nz I Ic: c `fb;~i~ r t 4.hj.~~ i, 1 I- pi U~'I v sl ~P ~r r. ~sC~J~b~l ~;-~~ E 4;.V I i~ 'f I v o r+ o CD (D~ )> CD, : 4 I ~:,r r~ L: It ' I 1 1 ~~k L I i -j 1 i I 1 ~rl r, I ~I i r tl a' g c Ae idence j4 r. Aoberi(Aon, North Lansing. Residence Jamted Turner, North Lansing. .-~-~ ~~t~ddE~-1 ai J 1Pi iit I ~%: ( 3 =P 'p'' P. 1' -I f~'~' iE~t~.TLX $i, I.;"~4:r;t'~c~ i~f-i ~ 1:..,;, i ts I-i! 1 rl. tEjIr c::i:: II ~t` ~\T.:1:I 35~~.,? Ir l -a;bb ~~i'- /'ZI SCS, ~P:i: r -----~i~)~tz.r I~ 1.;: ' j I i~~= iR I rar sa~ r" % II _L it; Kc~i ~ ~~Cr' 1~111 111~~'~ -- ~S~ I bk,.1L $ i% n.F,i: ill:i ~c~~W~L: ~Chd I ~ '' ~" F r LI 1'1 a n~d.h L -~.-- i;' f I 2Pir i;:!~~ '? P-: I~tr ~arl~l ~e~~ ~~ --- ~ ~ i C r 'T-~ ~s r ~ I e~ f ~I~P ~ e~6" r i I~ YIBa~ ~I~Ckr~t7cv~P~e~ f;;~C: ~' rl r r i ib::ry~ 9 ~p YIFC~ d ~v O 00 00 0 OO OS \ aV I INr 9~9 9~ Kz..~..-l u, Cr CO 3;~ 0, P3 94S r_ CI bl) ~s~i~u'L~QP~j~ s.:,.., ~..--:1-- i--.L I 'Il-n---:-- ~~i r~-.~. \ ~i~YZ ~ ~ Ira~au~y~3C~T~; I_:i:. ~i,~p;Ss~ I ~- IlftP ~4"W433L~;~P~:.:. -~'p~g_ L ---- ~i.~i i 6:~~~ff~f ~~ii "~ ~:: ~ J;.r " Jt` ~-!:PI ~J~Z~E~Plil ~tllf~tbk: r i -t~--c..811sll 1 i~i -- Il.llrl~--lli~~,n I-ll~-l~,C~i~l ~. I I _f.I: r j ~z~r S-~l~q~ pr iri ~-~ r~j Q II 4~*a~v '1. F:.~i %r 6 Ir/:I:: ~' r CI~ 1 I;: ~Et~ if ~L li~~ A K;.; wlVwV I- ml i ' j7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~6 -1 A - - < j - - - v-- zgA--A 14 44-q 6 r7 W.Y ý etn e6 1 A _ U4_4 ~ 7 ti~i? ~`~i;3s~ss~eseY~aPsubi~aRs~~~~-raana+~s ~~~r ~:~ *IL::.' ~ill~:~;~pgBB~Lg~"~-~~:-~~ s: Lc~i~ i~h: ~I~~ i;---i -:.~i "-' ~:~:::;: ri:li~(i~i~b~