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I I 1., -, ':, 1,,.,.-::~~i I ý., ý.1O" '- ýI ' ý1: d.. ý,, ý,ý' ý-`-ýeý~',:,ji:*::' lfim o:: I..," II' l... 1. 1 -0. 1,... -,,. ' ý... 11. ý:,;: -,., ',.ý r. II. - ~,- 11~...', 1.. I ý I Ii,,. I. I ý I I ' - - -.... I i.. I. I. I I I I I,, 4' 1ý - ý '. ý 714,.;",, 1...,,, I I, I I 1. 1.,,'. % I Ill,. ý,, 1 ý,.-."., I, I... 4.ý - - I. 1..,;ý, ",." i - j Now Opened and in Operation to Otsegao Lake. It is the most direct route to Northern Michigan, the great Lumber and Salt Regions of the Saginaw Valley, and to the Magnetic Medicinal Springs of St. Louis, Mich., via Sagiaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, at Saginaw City. The J., L. & S. R. R. is now completed and in operation to Otsego Lake, 280 miles north of Jackson, and withic about 50 miles of Mackinac. By th.s road one may have all the advantages of safe travel, Fine Coaches, Good Time, and those accommodations had on any First Class Road. At Bay City--For Detroit via Detroit and Bay City Railroad. At Jackson--With the M. C. R. R.-Main Line; L. S. & M. S. R. R.-Jacksob Branch--'t. W., J. & S. R. R.; G. R. V. R. R.; Michigan Air Line. At Rives Junction--With the G. R. V. R. R. for Eaton Rapids, Charlotte, Hastings, and Grand Rapids. At Mrason-With a Daily Stage Line to and from Dansville. At Lansing--With theD, L. L. L. M. R, R. for Portland, Lyons, Ionia, Greenville, Howard: ity, Howell, and Brighton, and also with the Peninsular R. R. for Charlotte, Olivet, Bellevue, and Battle Creek, and with the Northern Central Michigan R. R.-Branch of the L. S. & M. S. R R.-or Eaton Rapids, Albion, Jonesville, Waterloo, and Ft. Wayne. At Owosso'-With the D, & M. R. R. for Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, and Milwaukee. At Saginaw City--With the S. V. & St. L. R. R. for the Magnetic Medicinal Springs at St. Louis, Mica. At East Saginaw--With the F. & P. M. R. R. and the Stage Lines for Vassar, Watrousville, and Cario. With Ferry and Steamboat Lines for Bay City and all Lake Ports. At Jenona--With Steamboat Lines leaving Bay Cily (immediately opposite Wenona), for Alpena, Au Sauble, Mackinaw, and all Lake Shore towns. For Further Particulars see Posters, Railway Guides, or apply at the Compan) s Ofices, H1 E. SARGENT, Gen. Supt., Chicago, Ill CHAS. B BI3USIH Asst. SuptP, Saginaw City, Michd:T~l ;i r i 3 ii: -Y 1 I;;i 1' ~I 1:3,bi 'j,~i, i;i.,.P ~"1, i 1111 j6 5 ri ' I:$ ii P ii i BROW N'S ANNUAL DIRECTORY OP THE SAGINAW VALLEY, SHOWING AT A GLANCE THE FULL ADDRESS, OCCUPATION, AND LOCATION OF ALL RESIDENTS, FROM THE SAGINAWS TO THE BAY. VIZ: Bangor. Banks, Bay City, Carrollton, Crow Island, Dolsevville, East Saginaw, ssex, Florence, Melbourne, Saginaw City, Salzbnrg, Wenona, and Zilwaukee, UNBIASED BY PREJUDICE OR FAVOR. Each place is represented independent and complete in itself. Also, interesting Statisiics of the State. Bay and Saginaw Counties, Municipal Officers, notligs of all existing Associations and Societies, Secret and Benevolent, of whatever kind, of interest to the public, for the benefit and convenience of Trade, or of Commercial value to the world. (FOR A BUSINESS DIRECTORY, SEE ANNUAL SPRING "TRADE CIRCULAR,") COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY C. EXERA BROWN, PRICE THREE DOLLARS, PRINTED FOR THE PUBLISHER BY W. S. GEORGE & CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, LANSING, MICEm November, 1878. 0 1/'y/ Yery respetfu~ yours,5 &cg REMARKS. WE cannot refrain from making a few remarks at the opportunity off-red, and congratulate ourselves and the public upon having a work so complete and so much needed as the present one now in hand, notwithstanding the few typographical errors which unavoidably creep ija upon us as in all works of this kind, which is not for want of care so much as for want of a more uniform hand-writing, clear, distinct, and an intelligible copy. There is no rule by which to be governed in spelling proper names, yet we flatter ourselves the present offering will lully meet the expectations of our patrons, and the wants of the public, as a book of reference. No pains or expense has been spared to make it as complete as possible, and we therefore submit it to public inspection and comparison, trusting the critics will not be too severe. We also regret that the Directory patronage in Bay City and vicinity has been divided, neither Directory fairly representing the live interest taken by our Valley business men in all works of improvement of whatever kind. This Directory will be found at Hotels, Postoffices, Toll Bridges, and most of our business places, as also on sale at the Book-stores; also in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Mo.> Detroit, Toledo, Cincinnati, Boston, Salt Lake, U. T., and many other cities. Through our exchanges, we can furnish Directories of most any point from our office, or to order. PUBLISHER. NUMBER OF NAMES AND TOTAL POPULATION. The population and number of names in this Directory, according to our figures, are as follows, viz.: Population. Names. East Saginaw----------------------------- 14,101 6,396 Bay City ---------------------------------- 12,078 4,987 Saginaw City---------------------------------- 8,244 3,248 Wenona------------------------------------- 2,142 864 Banks ----------------------------------- 1,348 529 Carrolilton _ -- 1,285 514 Zilwaukee---------------------------- ------ 981 346 Salzburg---------------------------------- 646 251 Esse_____ 5------------------------------------535 188 Florence -------------------------------------449 252 Crow Island----- --_------------------------ 226 86 Total-------------- ------------------- 42,035 17,661 ADVERT ISING RATES. Outside Cover ------------------------------------$100 00 Inside Page----------- ----- --------------- 2500 Half Pae_ _ ____------------------------------------ 15 00 One-fourth Page------ --- ---- ------------ 10 00 Oneeighth Page---- - -- - - - -- -- -- ----- 500 One sixteenth Page----- ------------ 3 00 Directory-------- ---------------------------------- 3 00 Display Name ----------------------------------------- 50 All other advertising, special rates. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE. Additions. Alterations.etc------------------------------------ 14 East Saginaw Directory. --------------------------------------------- 17 Saginaw City Directory---- - - - - - - - - - - - - 278 Bay Citvy 89iracto'y.-. ___-..-.- _ --- Wecona Directory ------------------------ ----------------- 583 Carrollton Directory. - ------------------------------------ 619 Zilwankee Directoty. - -- - - - - 639 Crow Islaind Ii ectory--. -- - -.-.- - - - - - - - - --_ _-__--_ 653 Florence Directory- -_____ ------ - --------- - ----- 658 Banks Director ---------- -----------------------------------------66 Salzburg Di6ecto:y. -_-_-_ -. -------- _ --------_----- 6S5 Essex ectory---- - -696 Business Directory of the above Cities and Village -__------------------------ 787 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. PAGE. Allison J. P.. Lumber and Salt Manufacturer------------------------------------. 713 Anderson J. V., Carriage iManufacturer and Repairer.----...-------------------- 72 Andre A., Real Estate and Lumbor Dealer--- - -------------------------------_ _728 Averill a. 6,. Mete opolitan Rlestaurant.. - - U-- - - -79... __. 9 Barbier M. A., Wholesale Wines, Liquors, and Cigarsr.------_ -. --. - - -_._ I7S Barie F. J., Barie's Restaiurant.. -------------------------------.....---------, 716 Barnes O. M., Land Commi-sioner, J., L. & S. R..___-_- _-Outside back cover. Barr J., Brick Manulatcturet ----------------------------------------------79- 735 Baxter & Scully, "Valley Brass Works". --- -.-. ---- - -.... 726 Beebe & Braddock, Mannfaictureers Rout Beer, etc.------------ _-----------------7 29 Bostwick A.. Carriage Maker, blackmlith. and Painter _ ------------------------- 728 Brown C. Exera, Directory end Gazetieer Publ sher.-------------------- 721,735 Brown D). R. & Co., Watches, Cilocke, and Jewelry------ -------------------75 Buckley J, Carriage, Wagon, and Sleigh lanufacturer-- --. ----------... -. 715 Burke S., Tuck Pointer and Stone Cleaner. _ _ -------------------------------... _. 728 Buruham S. E., Boat ani Oar Builder --------------------------------------- 722 Berrows Gea. L. & Co., Bankers and Exchange Office ---------------------------7_ 724 Claflin N. IH., Physician and Accoucheur.-------------------.------------------- 712 Corwin W. S. & Co., " Bay City Steam Landry "----...---------------------- 726 Cummings L E. & Co., Inspectors and Scalers- ---- --.......----------..- -718 Cutcheon U. E. Ml.. Attorney, An Sauble, Al...---- --.-----..---------------- 784 DeLaud C. V., Insurance Agenu-t.--. ---------------------------------------718 Detrasac A.. Prop'r Detrasac's Hotel _ _. _.-----------------------------------.. 781 Diederich J., Prop'r Michigan Hotele]-------------------------------------------- 716 Dixon P., Butcher and Meat Market.--------. - ----------- --------------. -----. - 728 Dolliver C. A., Carriage Ironer, Blacksmith, and Horseshoer--. T------------- 7OT Driggs J. F., Salt Manufacturer and Dealer in Pine Lands-.---------------------- 711 Dunlap A., Boarding House ---------- ---------------- ----- ------...---------. 715 Eiferly A., Prop'r Eiferly's Hotel ------ - ----------------- ----. ---------------- 728 Elseubrey & Hiurley. Intelligencerse..--- _,, _ -------- ----,.. - - - - -..... 17t6 Erb G. H., Fancy and Plain Engraver -- ------------------------------------728 Eschenbach K., Prop'r F Farmers' Home "------------------------- 712 Esiabrook & Mason, Shippers and Commission Lumber Dealers --------------- 716 Estabrook & Saunders, Grocers-.------- -7---------- --16 Eymer A., Grocer.---- ------ ---- ----------------------------------717 Felcher L. H., Justice of the Peace----------------------------------.--------- U2 'Ifl ItbEg. PA G-. First National Bank, A. F. R. Braley. Cashier.--.----------------------------- Fish W. E, Violinist and Promper------------------717 FitzWe'alt W., Real Estate Dealer, Pile Driver, Dock and Bridge Builder --------- 708 Flick J. N Watchmaker aid jeweler....-----------------------------------7 Frenz E., 'eterinary Surgeon --- -------------------------------------720 Gza)e C. E., Atlorney at Law----- ------------------------------------710 Gage M. L. & Co., Real Estat Dealers------ --------------- ---------- 710 Gal inzer & Cousineau. Carriage and Wagon Manuf'rs -------- ---- 711 Gavilold & HanchetLt. Attorneys at Law ------------- ---------------------- 726 Geron J.. Prop r Montreal House- ------ ----------------------------726.781 George W S. & Co., Printers and Binders, Lansing---- -- ---------- 76 Glasi,y W. F., Contractor and Bridge Builder---- ---------------- ------ 718 Graet Win., Contraictor and Biilder------------------------------------- 716 Gray & Massey. Steam Boiler Maket and Sheet-Iron Worker - -----------------. 08 Green t& Dingman. Liverynlen---- ---------------------------------- 783 Grigs T. F.. Grocer and Merchandise- -----..- --------------.--. ------------ 71: Guild E. F., ( ivil Engiteer and Real Estate Ag't--------- 736--------. -.-- - 5 harvey & Coleman, Liverymen--. -------------------------------------1 Hawktns Wesley & C(:o., Wholesale Win, s, Liquors, and Cigars -------- 727 Hei z.rnann C.. Prop'r Forest City HBounee --.--- -------- 783 hickey & Day, Prop rs Clairenden lonse--------.---.------. -------------7.8 11 Bine G. & Bto., two Mea r Maikets. Water atd Washington ----- ----- - _ 73 _.. 1 82 Hilticock & Ingraham. Lumber, Latb, and Stave manrrs_ __-------------------____ 29 Holmes J., Millwright, and Mill Contractor------__ ---_. -------- -__-__-.718 Holtzheimer C., wholesale Wines. Liquors and Cigars. ---------- ------ -.- 712 Houghton W. 6.. Carriage, Wagon, and Sleigh manuf'r---------------------.7107 Hoyt J;se, Lumber mnalufr'r-.- 705 Hunt T., custom Boot and Shoe manui'r-------- -----------. --- 722 Irwin P., Propr Irwin ouse.. _ _. --------------------------------------- 78 Jefferies & C-owell. Physicians and Surgeons - ----------------------------- 19 Jenner G., Jeuner's Marble Works..-------------------------------------._7215 Jelkinus Ivirs. John, prop'r Valley Hous-a- -------------------- ------------TS718,1 Jerome D. H. & Co.. gen't Hardware, Mill Saws, Pumps, etc.--- -- ---- 728 Johnson & Hall. Liverymen---. --.- --.--.----.- -- --709 Judee & Flood, Propr's Judge's Hotel.........------------.-------.----_- 718 Kennedy D. J., Propr Astor House--... - ------ ---- 71 718..... Kerby W. K., Propr Kerhy Honse and Billiartd Hall ---------------------------- 728 Ketcham & Bro., manufrs Shinles,.Lumber, Lath, etc--.-------------------7. 24 k J. B.,------------ ------------- - ------------------------- -- 732 Koch M. & H., Clothiers and Mercihant Tailors------------Centre lines, odd pages. Krekow & Bronner, Groce-rs-. - -----------------------------------------717 Lefebvre A.. Boots and Shoes, Saloon attached --- - -------------------------- 722 Leith Wm., Painter, Glazier. and Paper Hanger.... -............ -732 Lincoln G. V. & Co., Real Estate, Intellhgence, etc..----------------------7 730 "Little Jake & Co.," Clottiers and iMerchtant Tailors- --Centrelines, even pages. McDonald A. R. & Co., Liverymen -----.-----------------------.-..-.-.-- 726 McDonald J. J. Prop., Ocean Oyster House anid Resta7rant.--- --.....719 McFarlin S. 3l., Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, etc.--_ _ -.---- -------- 717 McGrath P. J.. Proprietor Capitol Bcuse.....- -- -7381 MclKnight & Avery, Wholesale Wines, Liquors, and Cigars-.--.---- -7.84___ 134 Maloney l., Artesian Well Borer 14-------------------------------------74 Manz J., Wood Engraver, Chicago------------------------------------..,..720 Meisel & Goeschel, Grocers-_-_7.. ---------------------7................. 32 Merrill & Bacon, Foundry and Machinists..------------------------------,712 Mieller F. J.. Prop'r Stauber's Hotel ---- ------------------- 716 Morin Wm., Prop'r Mor House -------------------------------------734.. 716 Nester T., Deaiers in Pine Lands, Logs, and Lumber73--------- -- ------7..5 4~ Nolan T., Prop'r National House---------------- -715,785 I-orcross I. B., Prop'r Bancrolt Honsee- ------ --------- 705 Numbers E. F., Wood Turner, etc., etc.---- ------------ 16 O'Brien M., Prop'r Oniario Bouse-.. 732 O~ren.. rolr Otaro Hus ------------------------------------- 732 O'Brien & Millard, dealers in Wines, Liquors, atd Cigars. ---- ------- 718 Passolts B., Soap Chandler-----.. ----------- --- ---715 -"'-"'"-'--.------------ 71 Peck & Co., Loan Brokers--. -----------------------------------------718 Peck H. A., Boardling,House-7.22------ m ----------.... Perrott P. J., Li.erym.an-- - - -- -..-----.------.----............... 76 Powers R.- Prop'r White Oak -House-------------- 7- ------------- 7 ford I., Liverymn-----------------------73 ~ ord J., ivery ma..................... Ragan J. M., Propr Regan House.------------- - --------- 731 Rattroad, Detroil & B;y City R. R.---- ------- 7...--ltntide back over1 Rairoad, J, L. & S. S. R.-,. ---------,te f l cover. Railroad, Saginaw Valley & St. Louis. - -. - -n 7 0cover. Ran-in A. L., Detective and Deputy Sheriff-----. --------- 7120 Rich Wm. T., Book and Job Printer----------------------.---- -7T Rickley F. A., Packing Boe -------------------------- 714 R(se., Prop'r Rose Brewery " -- 71 Row & Hat. Harness larnulacture--rs - -- ------------- 7t InuHT iF., Cisteian and light Bartel anunacturer--...---7--.1--- PAGE. 1tupp G L.. Proprietor Rapp House 7... 7............ 20 Rust A. & Co., Lumber, Lath. and Picket manufacturers - --...-. --.... 781 Saginaw Bairl Co., manufacture all kinds of packages---------------------....722 Sandhof C., custom Bout and Shoe dealerT_---- - -------..----- - -----IT Saylor T. & (co.. manuF'r Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, etc.----------------.. 710 Schemm & Schoenheit, Prop'rs ' City Brewery "--------------------------728. Schott & Co., Clothiers and Gents' Goods---.-.--- -- ---.-- 732 Schreiber Otto. Book Binder and Taxidermist.. -- _- _ _--------------------------722 Simon F., dealer in all kinds of Meat --- --.--------------------------------. -- 780 Smith E. T. & Son, Druggists---- --- ------------------.. ------------------ --- 784 Smith. A., Denlisi __ ----- --------- --7---------18 Smith M. G. & Co., Prop'rs Eveirett House ------- ------------ - --------------- 706 Soper A. H.. House, Sign, Carriage, and Ornamental Painter- ------------------7 712 Spencer Wm. M., Prop'r Otsego Lake Hotel.--------------------- -------- 784 Stevens A. & Co.. Li mhber and Lath manuflcl nirersa-- -------- -------.---- 729 Stewart J. & Co.. Grocers, Salt and Lumbetr Supply Store------------------- 706 Sutherland & Wheeler. Attorneys-at-law_ _ ----------------------. 718 Taugeti, Plumb & Co.." Valley Coffee and Spice Mills'". --...--- -------- 712 Tarsuney T. E., Justice and Attorney-at-law------. --- - ----- Ten Eyck C. & E.. manufacturers Shingles. Staves, and Heading- --- - - 712 Titus J. H., City h:xpressman---------------------------- - - - -- --712 Tiaveirs & Sr. Mary, Custom Boot. inid Shoemakers-- -. ------------------------ 715 Triommer J. G.. Hits. Caps, Furs, etc._ ---728 Wapier C. H., W-od, Horn, Ivory, and Bone Turner------. ------ ------------ 722 Warner &a Eastmani, Lumber Ia l7factut-ers.------ ------- 711 Watro-s M. & Sons, Lumber and Salt Manufacturers_-- ---------------.----- 729 Weed B. F., City Drayman. 2------------------------------------------72 Wegst A., Wholesale Wines. Liquors, and Cigars.---. -----------------.----- 711' Wernk- C. & Co., dealers in Boois and Shoes -- ------------------------------ 718 Weston C. W., Carriage Maker and Bl1cksmith--.----.--------..--- -------- T Weston N. & Son, Grocers, Flour. Feed, esic7---.----- - ------------------ 714 Wheat A. W. & Co., Musical Instruments and Safes-------.708, 704 Wheeler C., Ship Btilder and Spar Maker.--.------------------ ----------------- 717 Wickes Bros.. Manufr's Steam Engines, Foundry, and Machinists------------ 718 Wild J. L., Barber and Bath RHomst. ------ --------------------------------726 Williams F.. M Marble Hall Restanant".--------- ------ ---------------- 727 Williamson W m., Blacksmith and Horse-shoer - - - - 718 Wood J. W., City Laundry and Clothes Cleaner- --------- - -----------------728 Wrege C.. Cistern an d Tank makert.------ --- ------------------- --------- 714 Wri-iht, Wells & Co., dealers In Pine L'ands. Logs, and Lumber--------- - --- - -725 Ziegler J. C., dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., etc.__-------- ------------ 724 Ziegner's Lager Beer Brewery -----------715 ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, Etc. -4----- Bank-John Gallagher & Co.'s bank has merged into a Saginaw Couanty Savings Bank, East Saginaw. Benuv.sen T. P., airchitect for V. Bude, res n s Emerson, bet Cass and Franklin, East Saginaw. Birdsall A., blacksmith, died since book went to press, East Saginaw. Briggs Engune E., hook-keeper. bds V. M. Parmely. Bay C,tv. Bush C. K., supt. J., L. & S. R. I?.. suceessor to Maj. GQo. C. HIopper, resigned, ffiice Saginaw City. Clark E. R.. druggist, 113 Genesee, East Sa.ginaw. Clark Lew B. M. G. Smith & Co.), res Everett House. 3. Clark William H. (Clark & Ellis), res e s Washington, bet Bradv and Mason, East Saginaw. Cousineau Joseph, pronpr Canada House, cor Washington and Thompson, East Saginaw. Craft Wi.ll T., propr Metiopolitan Restaurant, basement cor Center and Water, Baiy City. Cortis F. A. & Co., removed to 227 n Water, EYst Saginaw. Cusiek Mrs. Mary A., laundress, res s w cor 3d and Miller, East Saginaw. 2.,Davis Char'les H. (Wright. Wells & Co.), res IIamilton, bet Clinton and Throop, Saginaw. Derleth (Derleith) Nicholas, restaurant and lager beer saloon, n s Lapeer, bet Clay and Webster, res same, E. S&aginaw. Dow Miss Charlotte, teacher, Penoyer School, 1st ward, bds Malj. Lyon, Saginaw. Farwell John, lab, bds Averill Honse, East Saginaw. Ferris H. B., book-keeper, city treasurer, East Saginaw, res Jan es. Finch J. C., carp, res 5th, nr cor Carroll. Friedman & Demers, removed back to Saginaw City. Gilbert George H., book-keeper, Merchants' National Bank, bds Mrs. Dietz, East Sginaw. Grant Charles S., instead of Chas. only, bds Everett tHouse. Green Stephen, propr Averill House, s s Potter, opp F. & p. M. Railroad depot. Gedeau Arthur, lab, bds Chas. Wood, Bay City. Gansiver John, wks McGraw & Co., Bay City. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS. 15 Hanlin John (not Haulin), Bay City. Hinckle Peter A., removed opp old place. Hotchkiss IT. F., is not manager Ddly.Tribune, Bay City, as represented elsewhere (page 483) Geo.. I. Hotchkiss is manager. Hotel s e cor Jenny and Linn, unfinished, Wenona. Hoyt Douglass, cashier Melrchants' National Bank, bds Bancroft House, EAst Saginaw. Jacobus J. R., barher, Bay City. Jones Alha, carpenter, res n w cor 3d and Miller, E. Saginaw. Jones C. E., carpeenter, bds Averill House. Jones Horace H., machinist, res n w cor 3d and Miller, East Saginawv. 4. Lamoradier Thaddeus D., dry goods and grocer, res 806 Cass, cur Gratnger, S:,ginlaw 4. Magill Winm. E. (Mlagill & Co.), druggists, n e cor Midland and Riveir, Wenol)a. Mason L. P.. treasurer St. Barnhard Commandery, instead of J. Tuthill, E. Saginazw. Merrill Charlts & Co. (Chas. Merrill, Detroit, Joseph A. Whittier, E. S;ginaw, T. \V. Palmer, Detroit), lumber mannul'rs; office and yard e s J., L. & S. Railroad, bet E. Saginaw depot and F. & P... railroad. Montgomery A. Schuyler, corresponding clerk Merchants' National Bank, res cor Johnson and Washington East Suginaw. Nellis Win. El., boots and shoes, removed to n e cor -4th and Water, Ba:y City. Northrup H. J., ice dealer, Saginaw City. O'Connor Thos., fruit-stand, Portsmouth, burned. Park Hugh, gen'l fr't ag't F. & P. M. R'y, res n w cor Warren and Miller, East baginaw. 2. Pomeroy C. H., book-keeper, w ks Tousey, Pierson & Beacherror page 542, Bay City. Presser W. H. (W. H. P. & Co.), removed to 208 n Water, East Saginaw. Riedy Joseph, propr Commercial Restaurant, basement First Narional Bank, cor Court and Hamilton, successor to Geo. Laidlev. Sears Franklin P., died October 30th, East Saginaw. Seibel & Bastian (Win. S. & John B.), restaurant, Buckhout block, n Water, Winm. Siebe, res same. Sempliner Adolph, clerk and bds S. Littaner, Bay City. Several names at Win. KelleS's unobtainable. Snyder John W., book-keeper, wks N. S. Lenheim, bds American House, East Saginaw. 16 ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS. Smith C. E., bar-tender, wks Averill House, East Saginaw. Smith -, clerk, Averill House, East Saginaw. Smith Frank, wks Siginaw Barrel Co., Saginaw. Stevenson Thomas, lumberman, res Water, bet 21 and 22d, Bay City. Tousey, Pierson & Beach--not Towsel, etc. Tibbetts George, vocal music teacher, headquarters at A. W. Wheat's. Todd Wm. A., engineer, wks Garrison, Rice & Co., bds Garvin's Hotel, Saginaw. Watkins Wm., wks Whipple, Parmely & Co., bds J. H. Baker, Bay City. Williams Dewar, res unknown-was moving. Zama Francis, lab, res Water, bet 11th and 12th, Bay City. NAMES OF STREETS. The following list of the streets of East Saginaw is copied from the records: Adams, Clay, Gallagher, Annesly, Cornelia, German, Astor, Curtis, German Colony road, Atwater, Douglas, Genesee, Ballard, Duncan, Gilmore, Bates, Dupont, Graham, Beecher, Dwight, Grant, Birch, East, Hall, Brady, Eaton, Hartsuff, Bristol, Elizabeth, Hayden, Brown, Elm, Hess, Bundy, Emerson, High, Campbell, Emily, Hiland, Carolina, English, Hobart, Carroll, Farrand, Houghton, Carrollton, Farwell, Hoyt, Cass, Fitzhugh, Hubbard road, Centre, F. & P. M. R. R., Janes,Deerfieldroad, Chambers, Franklin, Jefferson, Charles, Fraser, John, Cherry, Freedom, 'Johnson, Chesnut, Fox, Jones. Clark, Gage, Julius, 18 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Kimball, Newton, Washington, King, Nimons, Water, Kirk, Norman, Webster, Langlass, Park, Welles, Lapeer, Perkins, Wheeler, Large, Phelon, Whitney, Lawrence, Plank Road, Wilkins, Liberty, Potter, William, Lincoln, Prospect, Wine, Linton, Randolph, Wolf, Little, Remington, First, Lynn, Rockwell. Second, Lytle, Rust, Third, Mackinaw, Saginaw, Fourth, Main, S. & B.R. PlankRoad, Fifth, Maple, Schwan, Sixth, Marion, Sears, Seventh, Marshall, Sherman, Eighth, Martha, Shiloh, Ninth, Mason, Sidney, Tenth, McCrosky, Siegel, Eleventh, McCoskry, Smith, Twelfth, McClellan, Thatcher, Thirteenth, Merrill, TThayer, Fourteenth, Mill, Thompson, Fifteenth, Millard, Thurber, Sixteenth, Miller, Tuscola, Seventeenth, Morris, Van Etten, Eighteenth, Morse, Wadsworth, Nineteenth, Mott, Walnut, Twentieth. Mumford, Ward, Nassau, Warren, [NoTE.-The above list of names of streets includes those of Salina, which place was recently consolidated as a part of East Saginaw. The following streets bear numbers or _I_ EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 19 names: Smith or 8th, Brown or 9th, Beecher or 10th, Lincoln or 11th, Mumford or 13th, Douglas or 14th. The following names of streets have been changed: Mumford to Lincoln, Douglas to Mumford, Lincoln to Beecher, Beecher to Brown, Brown to Smith. There is a Douglas:street. Some streets bear several different names, and the above obviates this. A number of changes recently made by the council will be found below. Finger-boards indicating the names of streets are now being put up.] NAMING STREETS. THE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CHANGING THE NAMES OF CERTAIN STREETS. Many people were doubtless surprised, one fine morning, to wake up and find that they resided on some other street from which they had the previous evening. The ordinance passed by the Common Council, September 10, and which is given in full below, makes a complete revision of the streets of the cityThis was necessitated by the fact that many streets have become duplicated through the annexation, and in several instances one street has been known by several names, and the names, in the main, have been irregular. Following is the ordinance on the subject in full: Be it ordained by thee Common Council of the city of East Saginaw as follows: SECTION 1. That the names of all those certain streets hereinafter described shall be changed, and said streets shall be named, designated, and known as hereinafter mentioned -and set forth. 20 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. First. Shiloh street, extending from Johnson street to the center of outlot 39, in Glasby & Gallagher's addition to the city of East Saginaw, through Koehler's subdivision of the north half of said outlot, shall be named and designated hereafter as Fourteenth street. Second. Langlass street, extending from Lapeer street to Janes street, through Langlass' subdivision of outlet 55, in Glasby & Gallagher's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Fourteenth street.. Third. Douglass street, extending through B. E. Brown's subdivision of outlot 9, Hayden's subdivision of outlot 10, and Butler's subdivision of north part of outlot 24, in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Fourteenth street. Fourth. South Fifth street, extending through Perkins,, Clary & Miller's, and Duncan's additions to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Fourteenth street. Fifth. Mumfoid street, extending through Hayden's subdivision of outlots 10 and 11, and Burger, Lothion & Irion's subdivison of outlot 23, in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Thirteenth street. Sixth. South Fourth street, extending through Perkins,. Clary & Miller's, and Duncan's additions to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Thirteenth street. Seventh. Lincoln street, extending through Smith, Jones, Glasby & Little's subdivision of outlots 6 and 7, and Brown & Smith's subdivision of outlot 12, and John Gallagher's subdivision of outlot 22, in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, and through Fleitz's subdivision of outlot 52, and through J. B. Ireland's subdivision of south half of outlot 41, in Glasby & Gallagher's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Twelfth street. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 21 Eighth. South Third street, extending through Perkins, Clary & Miller's, and Duncan's additions to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Twelfth street. Ninth. Beecher street, extending through Fleitz's subdivision of east half of outlot number 51, in Glasby & Gallagher's addition to the city of East Saginaw, and through Smith, Jones, Glasby & Little's subdivision of certain outlots in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Eleventh street. Tenth. Tenth street, extending through B. M. Thompson's subdivision of outlot 42, in Glasby & Gallagher's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Eleventh street. Eleventh. South Second street, extending through Perkins, Clary & Miller's, and Duncan's additions to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Eleventh street. Twelfth. Schwan street, extending through Conrad Schwan's subdivision of outlot 35, in Glasby & Gallagher's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Tenth street. Thirteenth. Brown street, extending through Smith, Jones, Glasby & Little's subdivision of certain outlots in Glasby, Gallaher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Tenth street. Fourteenth. High street, extending through Perkins, Clary & Miller's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Tenth street. Fifteenth. Smith street, extending through Smith, Jones, Glasby, & Little's subdivision of certain outlots in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, and through south half of outlot 43, in said addition, shall be named and designated hereafter as Ninth street. 22 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Sixteenth. Hess street, extending through Hess's subdivision of outlots 29 and 30, in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Ninth street. Seventeenth. Large street, extending through Smith, Jones, Glasby & Little's subdivision of certain outlots in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereaftgr as Seventh street. Eighteenth. Smith street, extending through Hess's subdivision of outlots 29 and 30, in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Seventh street. Nineteenth. Saginaw street, extending through Smith Jones, Glasby & Little's subdivision of certain outlots in Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw shall be named and designated hereafter as Sixth street. Twentieth. Lawrence street, extending through John Gallagher's subdivision of south half of outlot forty, in Glasby & Gallagher's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated as Thirteenth street. Twenty-first. Second street, in G-lasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Fifth street. Twenty-second. First street, extending through Glasby, Gallagher & Little's addition to the city of East Saginaw shall be named and designated hereafter as Fourth street. Twenty-third. North First, North Second, North Third, North Fourth, North Fifth, and North Sixth streets, in Hoyt's northern addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth streets, respectively. Twenty-fourth. Rockwell street, extending from Genesee to Potter streets, in the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Second street. Twenty-fifth. Carrollton Road street, extending from North EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 23 Water street to North boundary line of the city, shall be named and designated hereafter as First street. Twenty-sixth. Clay street, in Hoyt's plat of the city of East Saginaw, shall be known and designated hereafter as Park street. Twenty-seventh. English street, extending through English's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Farwell street. Twenty-eighth. Whitney street, in Hoyt's northern addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Potter street. Twenty-ninth. Little street, in Mott, Merrill & Gage's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be known and designated as Atwater street. Thirtieth. Hubbard street, in Blackmore & Fraser's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Jefferson street. Thirty-first. Third street, in George W. Hess' addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Van Etteh street. Thirty-second. Second street, in George W. Hess' addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Wilkin street. Thirty-third. First street, in George W. Hess' addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Lytle street. Thirty-fourth. Duncan street, in Duncan & Fariand's subdivision of outlots 34 and 35, in Hoyt's subdivision of James Riley's Reserve, shall be named and designated hereafter as Wilkin street. Thirty-fifth. Farrand street, in Duncan & Farrand's subdivision of outlots 34 and 35, in Hoyt's subdivision of James Rilev's Reserve, shall be named and designated hereafter as Lytle street. 24 EAST SAAGINAW DIRECTORY. Thirty-sixth. Bundy street, in Hess & Bundy's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Fox'street. Thirty-seventh. Hess street, in Rust & Hays' and Derby's and Medina Salt Company's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Fox street. Thirty-eighth. Douglass street, extending from the Mackinaw Road street to J. Blackmore's addition, shall be named and designated hereafter as Webber street. Thirty-ninth. Ward street, in the plat of the village of Salina, now a part of the' city of East Saginaw, extending from Main street to Morris street, shall be named and designated hereafter as Bundy street. Fortieth. Ballard street, in Flagler & York's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Bundy street. Forty-first. Ward street, extending through Medina Salt Company's and Rust & Hays' and Derby's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Grant street. Forty-second. Elm street, in Derby's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as King street. Forty-third. Webster street, in the plat of the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as King street. Forty-fourth. John street, in Geo. W. Hess' addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Sherman street. Forty-fifth. McClellan street, in Thatcher's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Sherman street. Forty-sixth. Houghton street, in Fr. P. Woodruff's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Eaton street. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 25 Forty-seventh. Potter street, in Thatcher's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Eaton street. Forty-eight. Miller street, extending from Rust street to the south boundary line of Battell's addition to the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Douglass street. Forty-ninth. Miller street, in Braley & Eaton's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Saginaw street. Fiftieth. Curtis street, in Thatcher's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Morris street. Fifty-first. Little street, in Thatcher's addition to the village of Salina, now a part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Randolph street. Fifty-second. Marshal street, in Thatcher's addition to the village of Salina, now a part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Gallagher street. Fifty-third. William street, in the plat of the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Charles street. Fifty-fourth. Hobart street, in Thatcher's addition to the village of Salina, now a part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Hess street. Fifty-fifth. Center street, in Derby's addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Youmans street. Fifty-sixth. Maple street, in Rust & Hays' addition to the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Bradley street. Fifty-seventh. South First street, extending through Perkins, Clary & Miller's, and Duncan's additions to the city of 4 26 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. East Saginaw, shall be named and designated hereafter as Fourth street. Fifty-eighth. Plank Road street extending from Washington street, in the village of South Saginaw, now a part of the city of East Saginaw, to the south boundary of the city, shall be named and designated hereafter as Saginaw street. Fifty-ninth. That Mackinaw street, from its intersection with Washington street to the south city line, shall be named and designated hereafter as Washington avenue. Sixtieth. That German Colony Road street, extending from Saginaw river to the eastern city line, shall be named and designated hereafter as Brewster street. Sixty-first. The first street lying east of Bates street, in the Brewster Park addition to, the city of East Saginaw, shall be known and designated hereafter as Pine street. Sixty-second. That the second street lying east of Bates street, in Brewster Park addition to the city of East Saginaw shall be known and designated hereafter as Cedar street. Sixty-third. That the third street lying east of Bates street in the Brewster Park addition to the city of East Saginaw shall be known and designated hereafter as Spruce street. Sixty-fourth. That Washington street, in the city of East Saginaw, shall be known and designated hereafter as Washington avenue. Sixty-fifth. That Genesee street, from Saginaw river to the east boundary line of the city, shall be known and designated hereafter as Genesee avenue. Made and passed by the common council of the city of East Saginaw, Mich., this tenth day of Sept., A. D., 1873. WM. L. WEBBER, Attest: Mayor. ASAHEL CHASE, City Clerk. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 27 WARD BOUNDARIES. The City of East Saginaw is divided into eight wards, viz.: All that part of the city lying north of the center of Miller street shall constitute the FIRST WARD; All that part of the city lying between the center of Miller street and the center of Johnson street shall constitute the SECOND WARD; All that portion of the city lying between the center of Johnson street and the center of William street, to its junction with Genesee street, thence along the center of Genesee street to the center line of Janes street, thence along the center line of Janes street to the east city line, shall constitute the THIRD WARD; All that portion of the city lying between the line last mentioned and the center-line of Hoyt street, to where said line shall intersect the center line of Walnut street, thence along the center line of Walnut street to the east city line, shall constitute the FOURTH WARD; All that part of the city lying south of the center line of Hoyt street and west of the center line of Maple street, including its intersection with Martha street, and as extended on the section line to the south line of section thirty, and north of the south boundary line road (so called), and the Mackinaw road (so called), shall constitute the FIFTH WARD; All that portion of said city lying east of the above boundary line of the Fifth Ward, and south of the above boundary line of the Fourth Ward, shall constitute the SIXTH WARD; The SEVENTH WARD shall consist of so much of said territory as lies north of a line drawn by commencing at the quarter post on the east line of said section thirty-six, and q8 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. x-unning thence west along the quarter line to the center of,the street known as the Saginaw and Bad River plank road, thence northwesterly along the center of said last named street, to its intersection with the center of Gallagher street, thence westerly along the center of said Gallagher street to.the center of Mackinaw street, thence northerly along the,center of Mackinaw to the center of Center street, thence westerly along the center of Center street to the west line of Water street, thence north thirty-three feet to the north line of Center street, thence by a right angle to Water street westerly to the center of Saginaw River; And all of said territory lying south of said above described line shall be and constitute the EIGHTH WARD of said city. THE FIRE LIMITS. THE NEW ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE FIRE LIMITS. The Common Council, at a special meeting held Wednesday evening, September 10th, for that purpose, passed an ordinance extending the fire limits of the city. The new limits are mainly embraced within the territory bounded on the north by Johnson street, west by the river, south by William street, and east by Warren street, with the exceptions of portions of blocks. Other territory, however, is embraced near the depot, extending out Genesee street on both sides, and also in the 7th and 8th wards, which is designated in full in the following ordinance: EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 29, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE PREVENTION OF FIRES, APPROVED JULY 22D, 1861. AND TO ADD A NEW SECTION THERETO. Be -it ordained by the Common Council of the city of East Saginmaw, a.follows: SECTION 1. That section one of an ordinance entitled an ordinance relative to the prevention of fires, approved July 22d, 1861, as amended by an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend an ordinance relative to the prevention of fires, approved January 16th, 1866, be amended so as to read as follows - SECTION 1. The following pieces and parcels of land shall constitute and be known as the Fire Limits of the city of East Saginaw, viz: Entire blocks numbered four, five, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, north half of forty-six, north half of fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fiftynine, sixty, west half of sixty-five, sixty-six, sixty-seven, sixtyeight, north half of seventy-seven, seventy-eight, south half of seventy-nine, south half of eighty-six, eighty-seven, and lots 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, in block 88, all of block 91 except lots 5, 6, and 7, all in Hoyt's plat of the village, now city, of East Saginaw, and lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in block 100, and lots 4, 5, 6, and, 7, in block 105, Hoyt's northern addition to the city of East Saginaw, and also all those pieces or parcels of land describec as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, and 15, in block 14; lots 9, 10, and 11, in block 9; lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, in block 2;. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, in block 1; lots 1, 2, 12, 13, 14, and 15, in block 15; and lot 1, in block 11, according to the plat of the village of Salina, now part of the city of East Saginaw.. SEC. 2. That a new section be added to said ordinance to stand as section twenty-nine. SEC. 29. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, and resolutions, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Made and passed by the Common Council of the city of East Saginaw, Michigan, this 10th day of September, A. D. 1873. WM. L. WEBBER, Mayor. Attest: ASAHEL CHASE, City Clerk. 30 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. CITY OFFICIALS. William L. Webber, Mayor. George B. Brooks, Recorder. Asahel Chase, Clerk. Augustus Schupp, Assessor. Charles V. DeLand, Controller. Bradley M. Thompson, Attorney. Charles Wenks, Treasurer. Alfred B. Wood, Deputy Treasurer. Frederick H. Herbert, Surveyor. Benjamin B. Ross, Physician. Anthony Grohmann, Director of the Poor, Jacob Davidson, Street Commissioner. ALDERMEN. First Ward-Sanford Keeler, term expires April, 1874; W. J. Bartow. Second Ward-Walter Fitzgerald, term expires April, 1874; Charles Ten Eyck. Third Ward-Daniel Forrest, term expires April, 1874; Marshall G. Smith. Fourth Ward-Alexander Ferguson, term expires April, 1874; George B. Wiggins. Fifth Ward-Ferd. A. Ashley, term expires April, 1874; John C. Valentine. Sixth Ward-Roderick Easton, term expires April, 1874; Murlin C. Osborn. Seventh Ward-Charles C. Martindale, term expires April, 1874; William Mowbray. Eighth Ward-Kasper Ziegin, term expires April, 1874; Henry H. Bradley. Charter election occurs on the first Monday in April each year. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 31 STANDING COMMITTEES-1873-4. Finance-Alid. Bartow, Wiggins, Valentine. Ways and Means-Aild. Ashley, Ten Eyck, Bradley. Streets-Aild. Smith, Easton, Martindale. Fire Department-Alid. Ferguson, Keeler, Smith. Health-Ald. Wiggins, Fitzgerald, Ziegin. Printing-Ald. Fitzgerald, Mowbray, Osborn. Sewers-Aid. Ten Eyck, Ziegin, Keeler. Gas-Ald. Ferguson, Forrest, Easton. Paving-Aild. Valentine, Ashley, Bradley. Police-Aid. Martindale, Wiggins, Osborn. Ordinances-Al d. Bartow, Mowbray, Forrest. POLICE. Win. L. Webber, President. Fred. W. Carlisle and Charles F. Shaw, Board of Police Commissioners. T. Dailey Mower, Chief. James Connon, Captain. James Nevins, First Sergeant. George Major, Second Sergeant. Thomas P. Oliver, Third Sergeant. Henry Pries, James P. Walsh, Joseph Wood, John McIsaac, Giles E. Mershon, David 0. Thompson, George J. Hadden, Dean R. Ring, William Bauer, -. Wiggins, Levi J. Empey, Alfred IR. Carter, George Lavene, Robert Essen, Charles W. Latham, Patrolmen. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Hezekiah Miller, George A. Flanders, Timothy E. Tarsney, and Dagall McIntyre. CONSTABLES. Patrick Bolan, 1st Ward; Horatio Hathaway, 2d Ward; William E. Leach, 3d Ward; Austin L. Rankin, 4th Ward; George M. Guiley, 5th Ward; Patrick Bean, 6th Ward; - -, 7th (vacant); Ephraim Cole, 8th Ward. 32 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. SEWER COMMISSIONERS. J. S. Stevens, Pres.; Egbert Ten Eyck, and L. P. Mason; F. H. Herbert, Sewer Engineer. SUPERVISORS. 1st Ward, George P. Mickley; 2d Ward, Charles Doughty; 3d Ward, Ed. Bloeden; 4th Ward, Edward Aiken; 5th Ward, George W. Merrill; 6th Ward, Charles Langlass; 7th Ward, T. T. Hubbard; 8th Ward, Perry Carter. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. H. H. Cheeney. WOOD INSPECTOR. George P. Butler. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Charles V. DeLand-Chief Engineer. Members of Valley City Steam Fire Engine Company: S. S. Ellsworth, foreman; Jesse A. Burdick, engineer; Charles Wrege, fireman; John M. Weaver, engine driver; A. J. Cowles, driver hose cart; W. H. Smith, driver hose cart; George Causnean, pipeman; Jacob Gallinger, pipeman; John Wilson, Peter Burns, Daniel Burns, John H. Roberts, Douglass Clark, George Briest (?), hosemen. CITY POUND. Henry Marks, Pound-master-Pound, German, between Cass and Franklin, at Engine House. DEAD HOUSE. South side German, between Cass and Franklin streets. CEMETERY COMMISSIONERS. L. P. Mason, and B. B. Buckhont; Charles V. DeLand, member ex-offcio. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 33 PEST HOUSE. The City Pest House is located in an open field, north of the Vassar plank road toll-gate, near the citylimit or boundary line; the city owns four acres of land here, which is set off for pest-house purposes and accommodations. Mrs. Martha Cross, Keeper. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF EAST SAGINAW. This Board was established by an act of the Legislature February 28th, 1873. Officers appointed by the city council. By act of the Legislature an appropriation of $300,000 was made for the purpose of water works to supply the city of East Saginaw. In accordance therewith the city were authorized to issue bonds to the above amount, since when a Board of Water Commissioners have been appointed as follows: John G. Owen, W. R. Burt, Conrad Fey, H. H. Hoyt, J. G. Terry. George D. Wolcott, Engineer; Ferd A. Ashley, Secretary. The Holly system of water works has been adopted and operations commenced. The works are located on Miller street, 1,250 feet north of south city boundary. Seventeen miles of iron water pipe is to be laid. Eleven miles have been laid, September 1st, 1873. The supply of water will be taken from the Tittabawassee river, a stream of good water for domestic use, unless the Commissioners find a sufficient supply from wells sunk, from thirty to forty feet in diameter, now under experiment. Office of the Board, in the City Building, over Postoffice, corner of Cass and Genesee streets. CARRIAGE HIRE. Rates allowed by ordinance: Not to exceed half an hour, 50 cents each passenger; more than half an hour and less than one hour, 65 cents. Children between 6 and 10 years of age, 5 34 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. accompanied by parents or guardians, half fare; under 6 years, free. By the hour, $1 for the first hour, and 75 cents for each subsequent hour. By the day, $5; each trunk 10 cents, but no charge for valise, bag, or bundle weighing less than 50 pounds. Between the hours 11 P. M. and 5 A. M., allowed one half price additional to above rates. SCHOOLS IN EAST SAGINAW. SCHOOL INSPECTORS. 1st Ward-Charles Harris, term expires July, 1875; Richard Wren, term expires July, 1874. 2d Ward-J. Ed. Mershon, term expires July, 1875; H. M. Newton, term expires July, 1874. 3d Ward-Bernard Hesse, term expires July, 1875; J. Nickodemus, term expires July, 1874. 4th Ward-Lucius P. Mason, term expires July, 1875; Geo. W. Morley, term expires July, 1874. 5th Ward-C. B. Jones, term expires July, 1875; Henry C. Ripley, term expires July, 1874. 6th Ward-C. W. Ellis, term expires July, 1875; C. A. Fridlender, term expires July, 1874. 7th Ward-W. H. Cambrey, term expires July, 1875; M. M. S. Vincent, term expires July, 1874. 8th Ward-H. M. Youmans, term expires July, 1875; J. B. Terry, term expires July, 1874. President, C. B. Jones; Secretary, James B. Peter; Treasurer, Wm. H. Coats; Messenger, Geo. P. Butler. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 35 STANDIN G COMMITTEES. Teachers and School Books-Inspectors Newton, Youmans, and Hesse. Schools-Inspectors Hesse, Ellis, and Newton. School Houses-Inspectors Morley, Vincent, and Wren. Building-Inspectors Harris, Cambrey, and Morley. Grounds and Fuel-Inspectors Mason, Nickodemus, and Terry. Library-Inspectors Fridlender, Ellis, and Harris. Auditing-Inspectors Ripley, Mershon, and Fridlender. Superintendent of Public Schools-H. S. Tarbell. Committee on School Houses-Chester B. Jones, Henry C. Ripley, Richard Wren. The following table will show the location, and in the opinion of the Committee the value of our school property, also the amount of insurance. ME OF LOCATION. a 0 0. SCHOOL. P 4 - 5 ES a0 _ PA_ a> 0 Potter..... 1 Corner Fifth and Norman-_. Wood 4 236 $6,500 $4,500 Crary....------ 2 Corner Carroll and Webster Brick 4 264 28,000 18,000 Houghton-_ 3 Johnson, between Eighth and Ninth..-.......... Wood 4 222 6,500 4,500 Germania-- 3Corner of Third and Tuscola Brick 8 418 25,000 15,000 Central.... 3 German, between Clay and Rockwell -------_ ---- Brick 7 510 40,000 27,500.4th Ward.- 4 Cherry, between Ninth and Tenth, 6 lots only-.-...... I ---.--.---- 1,700.. Hoyt--..... 5 Between Hoyt and Emerson and Jefferson and Cass.... Brick 6 825 87,000 24,100 Emerson.- 6 Between Merrill and Mott,-. Brick 4 211 9,500 6,250 Wadsworth 6 German Colony Road, near Genesee-.....--.------..----Wood 1 40 600 500 7th Ward.. 7 Douglass, between First and Second, 6 lots only---................. 1,700...-- 8th Ward.._ 8 Mackinaw street.--...----. - Wood 4 804 8,000..-----. 42 2,525 $164,500 $100,850 From the Fourteenth Annual Report of the Board of Edu-,cation for the year ending July 30th, 1873, just published, we glean the following: 36 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Receipts, $56,342 86; disbursements, $44,998 25, leaving a balance on hand of $11,344 61. W. H. Coats, Treasurer. The teachers, and their several positions and salaries, for the ensuing year are as follows: CENTRAL SCHOOL. A. Principal of High School, Prof. O. D. Thompson, $1,500; A. 1st Assistant in High School, Miss Anna S. Peck, $700; A. and B. Special Teacher in German and Drawing, Mrs.. Emma Obenaur, $700; A. 2d Assistant in High School, Miss Agnes Sinclair, $600; B. Principal of Grammar department,. Miss Louisa Johnson, $700; B. Assistant in Grammar department, Miss Ida Woodruff, $500; C. Ungraded Department, Mrs. L. E. Piper, $550; D. 3d Primary, Miss Hattie Martin, $400; E. 2d Primary, Miss Ita P. Midler, $360; F. 1st Primary, Miss Libbie C. Richardson, $360. POTTER. A. Intermediate and 3d Primary, Miss Marion E. Goldie,. $480; B. 2d Primary, Miss A. L. Davis, $400; C.1 st and 2d Primary, Miss Hattie F. Goldie, $400; D. 1st Primary, Miss Phinice A. Vinton, $400. CRARY. A. Intermediate, Miss Livonia Parmenter, $480; B. 3d Primary, Miss Mary Williams, $400; C. 2d Primary, Miss Marion Hathaway, $400; D. 1st Primary, Miss Eva Williams, $360. HOUGHTON. A. 3d Primary, Miss Rhoda E. Selleck, $400; B. 2d Primary,. Miss Flora J. Greene, $360; C. 1st and 2d Primary, Miss Almeda E. Wight, $400; D. 1st and 2d Primary, (German Department), Miss Augusta Frank, $400. GERMANIA. A. Intermediate from Central School, Miss E. A. Wight, $480; B. German, Mr. Philip Keinath, $800; C. Intermediate;. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 37 Miss Cornelia A. Ashman, $480; D. 3d Primary, Miss R. Alice Wells, $400; E. 2c German from Central, Miss Helen M. Christ, $400; F. 2d Primary, Miss Anna Buchner, $400: G. lst Primary, Miss Emma Final, $400. HOYT. A. Principal of Grammar, Miss E. S. Brooks, $700; B. Principal of Grammar, Miss Camilla Richardson, $700; A: and B. Assistant in Grammar, Miss Leilah V. Palmer, $300 for three hours per diem; C. Intermediate, Mrs. Rose Leroy, $480; D. 3d Primary, Miss Mary E. Woodruff, $400; E. 2d Primary, Miss Honora McNamara, $400; F. 1st Primary, Miss Maggie Merrill, $400. EMERSON. A. 3d Primary, Miss Phebe Talbot, $400; B. 2d Primary, Miss Jesse Caughill, $400; C. 1st and 2d Primary, Miss Mary Hyland, $400; D. 1st Primary, Miss Alice L. Clark, $400. SEVENTH WARD. A. 1st Primary, Mrs. Euphemia McGregor, $400. EIGHTH WARD. A. Principal of Grammar Department, Mr. Lewis J. Gibson, $1,100; 'A. Assistant in Grammar, Miss M. A. Shattuck, $500; B. Intermediate and 3d Primary, Mrs. R. L. DeLand, $480; C 2d Primary, Miss Evelyn DeLand, $400; D. 1st and 2d Primary, Miss Sarah Humphrey, $400. Besides the above, Mr. I. S. Townsend has been employed to give instructions in penmanship during the fall term for $350. H. M. Newton, C. A. Harris, Committee on Teachers and School Books. The annual report of the Board of Education, about a year since, gave the cash value of school property in East Saginaw at $135,000; in Saginaw City at $130,000, and in Bay City at $99,000. The number of children enrolled in East Saginaw was 2,900; in Saginaw City 2,156; in Bay City 1,941. These figures have been greatly augmented since, as all are aware. 38 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. CHURCH DIRECTORY. FIRST BAPTIST CHURcH.-Jefferson, between Genesee and German streets; Rev. A. B. White, pastor. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.-Southwest corner of Jefferson and Hayden streets; Rev. Wm. Delos Love, D. D., pastor. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH.-South Jefferson street near corner of William street; Rev. David Casler, pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-Southwest corner of German and Washington streets. A new one will soon be erected on the corner of Millard and Warren streets; Rev. Thomas Thomas Middlemas, pastor. GERMAN METHODIST CHURCH.-Warren, between Lapeer and Tuscola streets; Rev. John R. Bodmer, pastor. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH.-Northeast corner of Lapeer and Warren streets; Rev. J. W. Clark, Rector. ST. MARY's, ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.-Northeast corner of Hoyt and Welles streets; Rev. Father Francis Theo. Van Der Bom, pastor. Sabbath service-low mass, 8 o'clock, A. M. French and German sermons every alternate Sabbath. High mass, 10.1 A. M., English sermon. Sabbath School, 2 P. M. Vespers at 3 P. M. Mass held every day at 8. A. M. Communicants numbered 1,432; church population 2,945 in 1871, within city limits. The increase up to date probably numbers 1,800 communicants, and a church population of perhaps 3,500. Adjoining the church is a school with an average of 350 pupils, and four sisters,-Mother Superior Anastasia, Bertha, Appalomia, and Thecla,-from the Convent of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 39 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH (English).-Corner of Sears and Sixth; was dedicated Sept. 7th, 1873; temporarily attended by the Reverend from St. Mary's church. Services the same as above church. ST. JOHANNES EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (German).-Corner of German and Rockwell streets; Rev. Conrad Volz, pastor. SPIRITUAL CONGREGATION.-Hall, Penny block, corner of Genesee and Franklin streets; regular services, but no regular pastor. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH (Colored).-Corner Johnson and Rockwell streets; Rev. H. Latter, pastor. AFRICAN METHODIST CHURCH (Colored).-Northeast corner of Warren and William streets; Rev. H. H. Wilson, pastor. FLORENCE MISSION UNION SABBATH SCHOOL.-Held at school house, Florence. UNION TEMPERANCE SABBATH ScHooL.-Meet every Sabbath at Parsons' Hall, German street, at 3:45 P...; membership about 100, mostly young people. E. J. McClintock, Superintendent; A. C. Parsons and 0. L. Mason, Teachers of the Bible Class, which numbers from 50 to 70-a very large class. Other Sabbath Schools are at the several churches. BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISES. EAST SAGINAW GAS-LIGHT COMPANY. This Company have about seven miles of gas pipe laid, ninety street lamps set, and 500 consumers. During the past year about 10,000,000 cubic feet of gas was used. The increasing demands for gas have necessitated the erection and 40 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. improvements to their works, among which is a fine building on South Water near Bristol street bridge; cost about $70,000. The Company own about three acres in a triangle shape here, which gives them ample room for doing a large business. The city pays the Company $3 per thousand cubic feet, while individuals pay $3 50. The office of the Company is in McFarlin block, North Washington street. Officers, etc., are, J. K. Rose, President and Treasurer; Henry Day of New York city, Vice President; Charles H. Burton, Secretary; Fred. J. Burton, Collector; Thos. Edsall, Superintendent; Win. Clifton, Managing Superintendent of the works, and Charles Ready, Lamp-lighter. SAGINAW RIVER BRIDGE COMPANY. The first bridge over the Saginaw River, known as Genesee street bridge, was a wood structure, built by a Mr. Brown in 1863, rebuilt in April, 1872, and mainly constitutes an iron bridge, of Slater Bros'. patent; the entire span from shore to shore is 750 feet; the longest span 150 feet; the swing 190 feet, and when open it leaves 80 feet in the clear for vessels to pass on either side of the swing. Cost, $35,000. The capital stock of the company is $50,000. Officers of the company are John P. Driggs, President and Superintendent, who has acted as such ever since its organization; Julius K. Rose, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors are J. F. Driggs, J. K. Rose, Edwin Eddy, and J. S. Curtis. Rates of toll allowed by their charter: A double team, 12 cents; a single horse and carriage, 10 cents; a horse led or driven with a team, 3 cents; horse with rider, 10 cents: foot passengers, 2 cents; sheep and swine, 1 cent each; cattle and horses in droves, 3 cents; extra vehicle attached to wagon or carriage, 10 cents. A reduction of 20 per cent made from above rates upon tickets purchased in given quantities. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 41 PLANK ROAD. The East Saginaw, Vassar, and Sanilac Plank Road is eighteen miles in length,-a toll road; rates, 72 cents for a twohorse team or carriage to Vassar; 36 cents for a single horse and carriage; foot passengers free; one and a half cents per head for stock in droves. T. North, Superintendent, residence, Vassar; Wm. Hutton, toll-gate keeper, east city limit. HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. The East Saginaw Home for the Friendless, and Industrial School was organized Wednesday, March 30th, 1870, since when it has been in a most flourishing condition. Annual election of officers occurs the first Wednesday in April in each year. Average number at the Home during the past year, ten. Donations of whatever kind are earnestly desired and most thankfully received. The management from the first are certainly deserving much credit, and a live interest should be taken by each and all good citizens for the support and sustenance of so benevolent an institution. The present officers are as follows: Mrs. John F. Driggs, President; Mrs. Jefferson F. Bundy, First Vice President; Mrs. Roswell G. Horr, Second Vice President; Mrs. Samuel Dickinson, Secretary; Mrs. Charles K. Robinson, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. William Wylie, Treasurer; Mrs. -. Dixon Matron. STEAMBOAT LINES. Messrs. Gooding & Owen, forwarding and commission merchants, are agents for the foliowing line of steamers; ofice, Burt block, North Water street, East Saginaw: Saginaw, Alpena, and Lake Shore line of steamers-Geo. L. Dunlap, 6 42 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Capt. Wm. Brown; John Sherman, Capt. John Stewart. Boats leave East Saginaw daily at 9 A. M., and Bay City on arrival of Detroit trains. This line carries the United States mail. Cleveland, Detroit, and Saginaw line of steamers-Benton, Capt. G. W. McGregor; St. Joseph, Capt. Wm. Fall. A semi-weekly line; leave East Saginaw Tuesdays and Fridays, East Saginaw and Bay City line of steamers,-Daniel Ball. Capt. Robert Medler; L. G. Mason, Capt. Wm. Monroe. Leave East Saginaw 6:45, 9, and 11 A. M., 1, 3, and 5:15 P. M. Also leave Bay City same hours; fare, 25 cents. East Saginaw and Carrollton ferry steamer Eva English, Capt. John Henning; leave East Saginaw 6:45 A. M., and once each hour thereafter. Saginaw and East Saginaw ferry, Mary Bell, plies between these points; fare, seven cents. UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIATION. The Underwriters' Association of East Saginaw was organized May 21st, 1872. Officers: P. H. Andrews, President; Conrad Fey, Vice President; George Lockley, Secretary; Ed. P. Allen, Treasurer; Executive Committee are Conrad Fey, George Lockley, and C. A. Holmes. EAST SAGINAW CITY RAILWAY. The East Saginaw City Railway Company commenced building the Washington street railway in the summer of 1864, extending from the F. & P. M. R. R. to the Selina House, a distance of three miles. The Company has a lease for right of way for thirty years. The railway is at present stocked with seven cars, four in daily use, twenty-six horses, and employ an average of thirteen men. There are six men employed for the four cars which run over the line at regular intervals under the pay-box system. Fare through, 10 cents; EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 43 from the F. & P. M. depot to Bristol street, 5 cents. W. J. Bartow, Superintendent. Stables are on Washington, between Astor and Potetr streets. EAST SAGINAW OMNIBUS LINE. This line runs to and from all trains on the J., L. & S. R. R., F. & P. M. R. R., hotels, and private houses; fare, 25 cents. C. A. Clark, Agent. Stables and barn on Washington, between Astor and Potter streets. THE PRESS. There are four offices in East Saginaw, viz: the Enterprise, (Rep.) daily and weekly; Courier, (Dem.) daily and weekly; Zeitung, (German) a weekly, and one small job printing office, Wm. T. Rich, proprietor. Each of the above named offices have extensive facilities for doing all kinds of job printing. DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION. The East Saginaw Driving Park Association has been organized, with a capital stock of $10,000, in shares of $25 each. W. J. Bartow, President; T. P. Sheldon, Secretary. A full mile track, and buildings including a fine Grand Stand, complete in all the necessary appointments in keeping with a first class course. The Saginaw County Agricultural Society occupy these with grounds adjoining. EAST SAGINAW AND SAGINAW BREWERIES. There are no less than ten Breweries here in operation, viz, Mowbray & Richardson's, Darmstetter's, Schvem & Shokheit's, East Saginaw Steam Brewery, Alex. Rothka, F. Zeigner's, P. & J. Racke, Chris. Leonard, Redman's, and J. Rose's. Several 44 EAST SANGINAW DIRECTORY. of these have spacious buildings and every facility necessary for making a good article of ale and lager. P. & J. Racke are building a new brewery on Lapeer, and John Rose & Sons are contemplating building anew, as their old quarters have become insufficient. SPICE MILLS. The Valley City Spice Mills, of some five years' standing under the firm name of Taggett, Plumb & Co., are no small item of interest as one branch of our industry in manufacture. These mills are the only ones of the kind in Northern Michigan, and during the five years have built up a large trade throughout the State. We therefore cannot hesitate to recommend this firm as reliable, with whom it is a pleasure to do lbusiness. UNITED STATES GAUGER. James A. Hinckley, U. S. Gauger, office with W. J. Loveland, the Deputy Collector, Hess block, South Washington street, East Saginaw. STAGE LINES. A daily stage (M. K. Curry, proprietor) leaves the Everett House, East Saginaw, at 1:30 P. M., for Gates, 12 miles, fare, $1 00; Watrousville, 21 miles, fare, $1 50; Wahjemaga, 25 miles, fare, $1 75; Caro, 30 miles, fare $3; Sebawaing, 38 miles, fare $3; Newbury, 41 miles, fare, $2 75; Vassar, 20 miles, fare, $1; Unionville, 36 miles, fare, $2 50. The Saginaw & Vassar Stage Line, Michael Curry, proprietor, leaves East Saginaw daily,-Tuscola, 18 miles, fare 75 cents; Vassar, 20 miles, fare, $1. Messrs. Reed & Green, proprietors of the Lake Shore Mail and Stage Line, plying between Standish and Alpena daily EST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 45 distance, 130 miles; fare, $9. The names of the stations are as follows: Standish, Aranac (or Pine River), Rifle River, Au Gres, Sand Point, Madison's, Alabaster, Tawas City, East Tawas, Au Sauble, McDougal's Landing (or Green Bush), Harrisonville, Alcona, Black River, Ossineke, Alpena. Geo. Linder, proprietor of the Sebawaing, Unionville and Bay City Mail and Stage Line: daily line; office, Globe Hotel, Bay City; distance, 30 miles; fare, $2. To Unionville, 22 miles; fare, $1 50. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. SAGINAW LODGE, F. & A. M., No. 77.-Hall Hill block,. North Washington street, between Genesee and Tuscola. Regular communications, first Tuesday in each month; specials intervening. Officers:.D. D. Keeler, W. M.; Rev. J. S. Goodman, S. W.; I. L. Winn, J. W.; W. I. Howard, Secretary; Egbert TenEyck, Treasurer; R. L. Jones, S. D.; Wm. Grant, J. D.; W. T. Markey, Tyler. Election of officers occur the first regular communication preceding the festival of St. John the Baptist. ANCIENT LANDMARKS LODGE, F. & A. M., No. 303.-Regular communications in their hall, Hess block, North Washington, first Wednesday on or before full moon each month; specials intervening. Officers: Fred. J. Burton, W. M.; Douglass Hoyt, S. W.: C. A. Friedlander, J. W.; J. B. Staniford, Secretary; John J. Wheeler, Treasurer; H. P. Rogers, S. D.; J. CValentine, J. D.; W. T. Markey, Tyler. 46 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. SALINA LODGE, F. & A. M., No. 155.-Was organized in the fall of 1865. Regular communications Monday evenings, in their hall, C. Moeller's block, east side of Mackinaw street, 8th ward. Officers: E. A. Martindale, W. M.; H. Rathborn, S. W. W. Williamson, J. W.; J. C. Humphrey, Secretary; H. H. Braley, Treasurer; N. Weston, S. D.; F. A. Weston, J. D.; J Van Sickle, Tyler. SAGINAW VALLEY CHAPTER, R. A. M., No. 31.-Hold regular convocations on the first Thursday in each month; specials intervening. This lodge was chartered January 12th, 1864. Its officers are, W. J. Bartow, H. P.; Mark Hodson, K.; Fred. E. Hoyt, S.; D. D. Keeler, C. H.; Rev. J. S. Goodman, P. S.; A. G. Anderson, R. A. C.; I. L. Winn, M. 3d V.; Charles Straw, M. 2d V.; J. C. Valentine, Secretary; Douglass Hoyt, Treasurer; W. T. Markey, Sentinel. The order is about 125 strong. ST. BERNARD'S COMMANDERY, KNIGHT'S TEMPLAR, No. 16. -Regular stated conclave held in their Asylum, Hess block, South Washington street, the first Friday in each month; specials, on call, intervening. The Knights number seventy-five swords. Officers: Edwin Saunders, E. C.; Joshua Tuthill, G.; George Lockley, C. G.; Rev. J. S. Goodman, P.; Frank Lawrence, S. W.; William 'H. DeForest, J. W.; J. Tuthill, Treasurer; Lew B. Clark, Recorder; R. Laughrey, Standard Bearer; L. W. Simpson, Sword Bearer; George W. Hill, W.; William T. Markey, Sentinel; Fred. E. Hoyt, C. Ten Eyck, and E. W. Lyon, Guards. ODD FELLOWS. O-sAw-wA-BoN LODGE, I. 0. 0. F., No. 74.-Meet in their hall, Wisner block, northeast corner Genesee and Franklin, every Friday evening. Officers: I. L. Warren, N. G; George Crabbe, V. G.; W. T. Arnold, R. S.; A. Ferguson, P. S.; HS. Averell, Treasurer. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 47 BUENA VISTA LODGE, I. O. O. F., No. 182.--Meet in their hall, Wisner block, northeast corner Genesee and Franklin streets, every Monday evening. Officers: Homer Pratt, N. G.; Howard E. Barker, V. G.; Thomas M. Hayes, R. S.; George B. Abbot, P. S.; Richard R. Morgan, Treasurer. ORIENTAL LODGE, I.. O. O.F., No. 188.-Was organized June 4th, 1872. Regular communications, Tuesday evenings, in their hall, west side of Mackinaw street, over Zeigen's store. Officers: A. J. Smith, N. G.; B. F. Taylor, V. G.; A. E. Weston, Secretary; A. J. Calderwood, P. S.; H. H. Bradley, Treasurer; Wm. Wood, R. S. S.; Arthur Ingledew, L. S. S.; D. D. Chatterton, W.; H. D. Randall, C.; Wmn. Lucas, I. G.; J. McGowan, O. G.; Daniel Curry, P. G.; L. H. Deleveigh, R. S. of N. G.; A. Schnapp, L. S. of N. G.; P. Stein, R. S. of V. G.; E. Rambo, L. S. of V. G. Membership, about 60. HERMAN LoDGE, I. O. 0. F., No. 195.--Meet in their hall, Wisner block, every Tuesday evening. Herman Zwerk, N. G.; Matthias Mergen, V. G.; Charles G. Meyer, R. S.; Edward Weinecke, P. S.; William Zwerk, Treasurer. Membership about 35. Election of officers, twice each year, January and June. VALLEY ENCAMPMENT, NO. 20.-Meet first and third Wednesday in each month. Officers: A. B. Bloomer, C. P.; George A. Sayer, H. P.; H. S. Averell, S. W.; James T. Randall, S.; D. R. Ring, Treasurer. There are 202 Lodges, and 57 encampments in the State of Michigan. Grand officers of the State: T. E. Doughty, G. M.; Alexander Ferguson, G. P. of the Encampment. Total number of Odd Fellows in East Saginaw, about three hundred and fifty. AZURE LODGE DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH, No. 43.-Meet in Odd Fellow's Hall, Wisner block, second and fourth Tuesday in each month. Officers: P. H. Andrews, N. G.; Mrs. 48 EAST SAGIIýAW DIRECTORY. A. Ferguson, V. G.;' Mrs. H. S. Averell, R. S.; George Crabbe, F. S.; Mrs. Robert Burgo, Treasurer. There are 52 Lodges of Rebekah degrees in Michigan. GOOD TEMPLARS. I. O. G. T., No. 272. - Meet in Lloyd block, No. 125 South Washington street, every Monday evening. George N. Williams, W. C. We are unable to give the balance of the officers for want of the desired information. I. 0. G. T., No. 667.-Meet in Parson's Hall, German street, every Monday evening. Membership, about one hundred and sixty-five. Officers: Thomas Sager, W. C. T.; Miss Anna Buchner, W. V. T.; A. D. Farnsworth, W. S.; R. C. Laing, W. T.; A. C. Parsons, W. M.; Miss Maria Arnold, W. D. M.; George Lincoln, W. F. S.; Miss Lizzie Jenkins, W. *A. S.;- -, R. H. S.; - -, L. H. S.; Miss Kate McCausland, W. I. G.; George Dobson, W. O. G.; W. C. Latta, W. C. The above were installed by the D. D., Rev. J. S. Goodman, Monday, August 11th, 1873. Election of officers of the above societies occurs every three months. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. This order was organized March 18th, 1873. Their hall is located over Mosher & Mickley's store, Genesee street. Char. ter members are James G. Terry, C. C.; W. R. Bates, P. C.; J. A. Hollon, V. C.; George H. Richardson, K. of R. S.; H. H. Hoyt, M. at A.; George W. Hill, M. of F.; T. B.. Spencer, I. G.; J. L. Hayden, O. G. Meetings every Thursday evening. Election occurs in May each year. Present officers: Joe AHollon, C. C.; W. R. Bates, P. C.; H. H. Hoyt, V. C.; A. A. Day, P.; J. L. Hayden, K. of R. S.; C. S. Brown, M. at A.; Herman Koch, M. of F.; Ferd A. Ashley, I. G.; Fred. S. Norcross, O. G. Membership, about 56. EAST SA GINAW DIRECTORY. 49 GERMANIA SOCIETY. The Germania Society was organized in 1855, and reorganized in 1865. The Society meets quarterly, commencing on the first Sabbath in January. It is divided into several branches, viz: Singing, Gymnastic, Library, Museum, and School, each of which are in a flourishing condition and have independent officers governing the Society. No debt encumbers them, and their capital in cash and other property amounts to about $50,000. The membership consists of about one hundred and fifty. Their meetings are held in their school building on Lapeer, between 3d and 4th streets. Officers: Henry Melcher, President; Frederick Oppermann, Vice President; Herman Vasoldt, Secretary; Chris. Palm, Treasurer. ARBEITER UNTERSTUETZUNG VEREIN. The main object of this Society is known as the Working Men's Mutual Benefit Association, whose Hall is located over Jacob Korb's store, corner of Lapeer and Webster streets. Officers are, Conrad Fey, President; Fred. Klein, Vice President. Their regular meetings are held the second and fourth Thursdays in each month. They also are in a flourishing condition, and number about 300 members. LYRA SINGING SOCIETY. The Lyra Society meet Tuesday and Friday evenings in their rooms, a new hall, corner Clay and Lapeer streets, for vocal and musical exercises. Business meetings, first Wednesday in each month. Officers: G. W. Bruske, President; A. Schrimer, Vice President; Jacob Schwartz, Treasurer; F. Nies, Secretary; Philip Keinath, Professor of Music; Rudolph Bruske. Collector. 50 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF EAST SAGINAW. The Young Men's Association, and the Ladies' Library Society, respectively organized in 1865 and 1867, consolidated in March, 1873. Their library contains about 2,000 volumes. Rooms in Crouse block, over 209 Genesee street. Open Saturday afternoon and evening each week. Officers: W. R. Bates, President; Miss Jane White, Secretary; J. A. Hollon, Treasurer. CALEDONIAN CLUB. The Caledonian Club was organized in May, 1866, at the shoe store of Daniel Forrest in Pendell block, South Washington street, East Saginaw, at which time only five persons composed the organization, viz: Daniel Forrest, A. R. Sutherland, A. G. Cameron, Allen Cameron, and John McKay, the latter deceased. It is composed of Scotchmen, their sons and grandsons. The Club is now in a most flourishing condition. Its objects are to preserve and perpetuate their ancient sports and games, and for the development of physical and muscular powers, for which this people are most noted. The Society is not unmindful in extending charity towards their countrymen when worthy and needy, and we welcome them on American soil. Officers of the Club are, Thomas Steele, Chief; Allen McLean, First Chieftain; Thomas Clark, Second Chieftain; George Watt, Third Chieftain; Charles Bell, Fourth Chieftain; A. G. Cameron, Secretary; Andrew Ramsey, Treasurer; and Daniel Forrest, Chairman of the Executive Committee. Regular meetings of the Club held at Parson's Business College Hall, German street, first Tuesday evening in each month. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. The St. Andrew's Society occupy rooms known as Parson's Business College Hall on German street, East Saginaw. Charity and benevolence extended to Scotchmen, their sons and EAST SAGIIAW DIRECTORY. 51 grand-sons who may require aid from this society, and when found worthy, are its principal objects. The society is a flourishing one, having purchased a beautiful banner last year at a cost of about $200. Officers: Thomas Steel, President; James W. Dawson, First Vice President; R. McLean, Second Vice President; Thomas Clark, Treasurer; J. M. Campbell, Secretary; William Smith, Assistant Secretary; Robert McKenzie, Chaplain; J. M. Campbell, Physician. The Board of Managers consists of William Smith, Alexander Clark, George Smith, John Findlater, and James McGregor. Organized in 1865. Number 100 members. Meet on call of the President or Secretary. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Saginaw County Agricultural Society held their eighth annual fair September 24-5-6, 1873. Officers: Robert Ure, President; A. A. Parsons, Secretary; Thomas L. Jackson, Treasurer; W. J. Bartow, John Baxter, Lewis Penoyer, and George C. Warner, Vice Presidents; J. P. Allison, C. C. Batchelor, W. L. Webber, Bernard Haack, D. L. C. Eaton, D. M. Cook, and Noah S. Beach, members of the Committee; Charles L. Benjamin, Marshal. LYCEUM. Parson's Business College Lyceum was organized in 1870. Meet every Saturday evening at Parson's Hall, German street. Election of officers occurs every three months. The present officers are, Jacob Klein, President; John Davis, Vice President; J. J. Rupp, Secretary and Treasurer; Abdiel C. Parsons, Critic. The Literary Committee consists of Bettes, Rupp, and Wiggins. 52 EAST SAGIlAW DIRECTORY. ___ ATHENEUM. The Young People's Atheneum was organized August 2d, 1873. Meet in Parson's Hall every Saturday evening. Officers: T. Cleland, Jr., President; Miss Effie Gaines, 1st Vice President; Miss Eliza Johnson, 2d Vice President; George Lincoln, Secretary; Miss Martha Arnold, Treasurer; Miss Emma Twaits, Librarian; Wm. Gray, Wm. H. Parsons, Miss Lizzie Buchanan, Miss Mattie Crane, Miss Bessie Richardson, Executive Committee; J. H. Perkins, J. H. Norris, George Massey, Miss Mattie Crane, Miss Rosa Tuttle, and Mrs. Charles Crane, Musical Committee. T. Cleland, Jr., G. E. Lincoln, J. H. Perkins, Wm. Gray, Miss Martha Arnold, Miss Emma Twaits, Literary Committee. Membership, from twenty-five to thirty. MOULDER'S UNION. The East Saginaw Moulder's Union, No. 220, was granted a charter from the Moulder's International Union August 15th, 1871. Meet in Parson's Hall the first and third Thursday evening in each month. The charter members are as follows: Wm. Laffin, President; James Carroll, 1st Vice President; Thomas Walsh, 2d Vice President; W. B. Hayes, 3d Vice President; John H. Dance, 4th Vice President; Wm. Whaley, Recording Secretary; Peter Meaney, Treasurer. TEACHERS' SOCIETY. Organized in 1871; are inactive; no farther information obtained. COLLEGE. Parson's Business College, located on the south side of German, between Franklin and Washington streets, A. C. & H.Parsons, Principals, is in a flourishing condition. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 53 MEDICAL SOCIETY. At one time there existed a Saginaw County Medical Association, of which no information is obtained as to its existence at present. KESHER SHELL BARSEL. The ancient Jewish order of Kesher Shell Barsel, No. 110, was organized in June, 1873. Its objects are benevolent. Membership numbers about thirty; in a flourishing condition. Their meetings are held in Buena Vista block, Genesee, corner of Water street, formerly Masonic Hall, on the first and third Sabbaths in each month. Election of officers occur in January and July in each year. Officers: Herman Bendit, President; Robert Phillips, Vice President; F. Goldsmith, Secretary; Samuel Schott, Treasurer; L. Mautner, Inside Guard. BOAT CLUB. There is a Boat Club in East Saginaw, whose organization has not been perfected up to September 1st, 1873. RAILROADS. The Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad was first opened, to East Saginaw in December, 1862. The road is now completed to Reed City, a distance of 207 miles from Monroe, but we believe it is the intention to complete it through to Pere Marquette, on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, in Mason county, and directly west of its present terminus, soon. The 54 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Bay City division operated by this road, a distance of thirteen miles down the river from East Saginaw, is run in connection with its main line. The Otter Lake division from Flint to Otter Lake, distance nineteen miles, is under the control of the above company, as also the Saginaw & St. Clair Railroad, from a point on the Saginaw river, in the southern portion of the city of East Saginaw and opposite Saginaw City, to St. Clair Junction, where it connects with the main line-some ten minutes' ride, perhaps two miles in length. The officers of the F. & P. M. R. R. are, H. C. Potter, President; Geo. C. Kimball, Superintendent; J. W. Ledlie, general ticket agent. R. N. Wilson is local ticket agent. Office at the Bancroft House, East Saginaw. The entire land grant to this Company amounts to 662,400 acres, of which the larger portion has come into their possession, but not all, from the fact of the Company failing to comply with the requirements of the grant, that of completing the road through by June, 1871. Unless arrangements unknown to us have been entered into otherwise, a portion of the grant is forfeited. Trains on this road are run through from Reed City, Bay City, and East Saginaw to Toledo, from Monroe to Toledo, on the line of road owned by the L. S. & M. S. R. R., and a car is disconnected from the main line trains at Holly for Detroit. The road and equipments are fine and complete in every respect, but it is run upon a most economical basis. The Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad was built by private capital in 1871-2, and was informally opened to traffic in the latter portion of 1872, but was formally opened December 31st, 1872, upon which occasion an excursion was given from Saginaw City to St. Louis, the length of the road, 35 miles, to the great satisfaction of all. This road thus far has exceeded the most sanguine expectations of those interested. It has had all the business it could do, and the demands have been steadily increasing so as to EAST SAGINTAW DIRECTORY. 55 require a much greater outlay of capital to equip the road equal to the emergency. In consideration of all this the November interest on the Company's bonded debt can be fully realized in July, 1873. Knowing ones consider this more than any other road anticipated that was ever built in the State. Much of this is due, no doubt, to the efficient management in whose hands the burden of care rests, Mr. J. B. Gillett, Superintendent, and other officials of the road, who are equal to all enterprises tending toward developing the commercial interests of the Saginaw Valley, viz: L. H. Eastman, President, and of the firm of Warner & Eastman, East Saginaw, lumbermen; G. W. Morley, Vice President, of the firm of Morley Bros., East Saginaw, hardware merchants; A. W. Wright, Treasurer, of the firm of Wright & Wetherell, Saginaw City, lumber and salt manufacturers; and D. H. Jerome, Secretary, Saginaw City, of the firm of D. H. Jerome & Co., hardware merchants. Each one of the above are known throughout the State as among the largest and most active thorough business men to be found in the Valley. The Jackson & Lansing Railroad Company was organized in December, 1863, and the building commenced at once. The road was opened for business to Lansing in June, 1866. From this point the Company resolved into the Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, and the road was extended through to Wenona December 9th, 1868, when it was opened for the transaction of a general railroad business. In the spring of 1873 the J., L. & S. R. R. Co. extended their line through to Otsego Lake, a distance of 235 miles, since when it has been in operation, having all it could do. This road has been operated by the Michigan Central Railroad Company since September 1st, 1871. The land grant to this Company amounts to 500,000 acres of valuable farming and timbered lands, which are now in market and for sale by O. M. Barnes, Secretary and Land Commissioner of this Company at Lansing. Henry A. Hayden of Jackson, President; Wm. D. Thompson of Jackson, 56 EAST SAGINIAW DIRECTORY. Treasurer; Major George C. Hopper, Assistaht Superintendent, office at Saginaw City. The management of this road deserves much credit, and they have brought it to become second to no other in the State, and it is one of which its patrons, especially throughout the Valley, feel proud. The employes of this road are those promoted by real merit, who seem to take especial pains in forwarding the interests of the Company, as also toward its patrons,-active and attentive always. The road is well equipped with plenty of rolling stock, and at Jackson has as fine a passenger and freight house as is in the State, and extra good eating houses at Lansing and Owosso, and a fine depot at Saginaw; in fact all of their station houses are good. See elsewhere for railroad and land advertisement. INTERESTING STATISTICS. The following statistics of Michigan, Bay, and Saginaw counties are taken from the census report of the Secretary of State, made from the figures taken for the ninth census of the United States, June lst, 1870, issued at Lansing, August, 1873: Total population of the State in 1870 was 1,184,282; number of families, 239,154; number of dwellings, 238,491.; number of males, 618,251; females, 566,031; of those over 100 years of age, 33. Total population of Bay county was 15,900; number of families, 2,918; number of dwellings, 2,888; males, 8,914; females, 6,986. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 57 Total population of Saginaw county was 39,098; number of families, 7,623; number of dwellings, 7,700; males, 21,064; females, 18,034; one person over 100 years of age. Bay county has 4,721 males, and 4,146 females native born; males, 4,193, females, 2,840, foreign born; 8,807 males, white; (6,893 females, white; 101 black, 16 mulatto, 83 Indians, 4 blind, 10 deaf and dumb, 2 idiotic, 1 insane; 877 cannot read; 1,126 cannot write. Saginaw county has 12,678 males, 11,707 females, native born; males, 8,386, females, 6,327, foreign born; 20,852 males white, and 17,841 females white; 129 black, 153 mulatto, 125 Indians, 5 blind, 9 deaf and dumb, 6 idiotic, 9 insane; 1,346 cannot read; 1,968 cannot write. Bay county has 3,401 voters, 1,767 of whom own property, 1,634 without property; 360 resident property owners not voters, 19 of whom are under 21 years of age; 72 property owners, voters, who cannot read, and 97 cannot write; whole number of voters who cannot read are 156, and 169 who cannot write. Saginaw county has 7,979 voters; 5,271 owning property, 2,708 without property; 1,123 resident property owners not voters, 28 of whom are under 21 years of age; 158 property owners, voters, who cannot read, and 206 cannot write; whole number of voters who cannot read are 242, and 319 who cannot write. In Bay county the total number of children born, of both sexes, for the year ending June 1st, 1870, were 537, of whom 28 died, and 509 were living. In Saginaw county the total number of children born, of both sexes, for the year ending June 1st, 1870, were 1,335, of whom 60 died, and 1,275 were living. In Bay county the number of marriages solemnized during the year ending May 31st, 1870, were 45; in the State 4,187; in Saginaw county 296. 58 EAST SAGINAAW DIRECTORY. The number of deaths during the year ending May 31st, 1870, in families residing in Michigan June 1st, 1870, were as follows: Males, 5,753; females, 5,429; total, 11,182. In Bay county 70 males, 55 females-total, 125. In Saginaw county 176 males, and 152 females-total, 328. Total number of deaths in Bay City for the same period 63, Bangor 25, Portsmouth 15, Saginaw City 76, Zilwaukee 8, East Saginaw 64, Frankenmuth 6. The number acres of improved land in the State were 5,088,957; of woodland unimroved, 4,182,558; of other lands unimproved 838,616. Cash value of farms, $398,096,746; of farming implements and machinery, $13,566,863. Wages paid during the year, including value of board, $8,573,458. Estimate of all farm products, including betterments and additions to stock, $82,171,561. Forest products, $2,813,158. Value of home manufactures, $345,235. Pounds of maple sugar manufactured, 1,786,641; of cane sugar, 1,722 hogsheads, of one thousand pounds. Gallons of molasses made, 115,012; beeswax, 14,755 pounds; honey, 273,263 pounds. Improved land in Bay county, 7,645 acres. Woodland unimproved, 16,031 acres. Other lands unimproved, 4,042 acres. Cash value of farms, $748,400; farming implements and machinery, $26,849. Wages paid, etc., $21,698. Estimated value of all farm products, etc., $181,406. Forest products, $28,687. Value of home manufactures, $130. Maple and cane sugars, none; molasses, none; beeswax, 6 pounds. Honey, 510 pounds. Improved land in Saginaw county, 33,885 acres. Woodland unimproved, 79,014 acres, Other lands unimproved, 9,367 acres. Cash value of farms, $2,767,178. Farming implements and machinery, $94,661. Wages paid, etc., $75,296. Estimated value of all farm products, etc., $690,362. Forest products, $106,509. Value of home manufactures, $940. Maple sugar, 9,425 pounds; no cane; molasses, 99 gallons; beeswax, 40 pounds; honey, 6,137 pounds. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 59> In the State there are 229,247 horses, 2,362 mules and asses, 251,276 milch cows, 36,482 work oxen, 285,449 other cattle, 1,984,964 sheep, 404,701 swine; total value of all live stock, $49,727,919. Value of animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter, $11,818,203. Pounds of wool produced (for the year ending June 1st, 1870) 8,864,896. Butter, 24,300,139 pounds. Cheese, 644,914 pounds. Milk sold, 2,106,069 gallons. Value of orchard produce, $3,537,278. Wine, 22,015 gallons. Value of products of market gardens, $334,618. In Bay county are 478 horses, no mules or asses; milch cows, 700, work oxen, 155, other cattle, 578, sheep, 233, swine, 452; value of live stock, $93,655; value of animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter, $975. Wool produced, 424 pounds. Butter, 63,970 pounds. Cheese, none. Milk sold, 11,950 gallons. Value of orchard products, $1,188. Wine, 800 gallons. Value of products of market gardens, $9,954. In Saginaw county are 1,905 horses, 30 mules and asses, 3,140 milch cows, 830 work oxen, 2,968 other cattle, 5,268 sheep, 3,109 swine; value of all live stock, $421,594; value of animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter, $53,591; wool produced, 16,197 pounds; butter, 323,280 pounds; cheese, 600 pounds; milk sold, 13,960 gallons; value of orchard products, $4,664; wine, 135 gallons; value of products of market gardens, $2,635. In the State, for the year ending June 1, 1870, bushels of spring wheat, 267,682; winter wheat, 16,029,090 bushels; rye, 138,936 bushels; Indian corn, 14,374,638 bushels; oats, 8,819,167 bushels; barley, 819,586 bushels; buckwheat, 884,794 bushels; tobacco, 5,176 pounds; peas and beans, 240,176 bushels; potatoes, Irish, 10,231,033 bushels; potatoes, sweet, 5,833 bushels; hay, 1,285,536 tons; clover seed, 50,284 bushels; grass seed, 5,878 bushels; hops, 871,838 pounds; hemp, 2,912 tons; flax, 241,199 pounds; flax seed, 5,748 bushels. In Bay county, of spring wheat, 45 bushels; winter wheat, '60 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 5,486 bushels; rye, 1,869 bushels; Indian corn, 8,398 bushels; oats, 7,303 bushels; barley, 141 bushels; buckwheat, 142 bushels; tobacco, none; peas and beans, 208 bushels; potatoes, Irish, 26,405 bushels; potatoes, sweet, none; hay, 3,984 tons; clover, grass seed, hops, hemp, flax, and flax seed, none. In Saginaw county, spring wheat, 577 bushels; winter wheat, 36,292 bushels; rye, 3,094 bushels; Indian corn, 42,049 'bushels; oats, 51,361 bushels; barley, 2,177 bushels; buckwheat, 3,016 bushels; tobacco, none; peas and beans, 1,756,bushels; potatoes, Irish, 89,216 bushels; potatoes, sweet, none; 'hay, 15,110 tons; clover seed, none; grass seed, 4 bushels; Shops, hemp, flax, and flax seed, none. The aggregate number of lumber, lath, and shingle mills in the State are 1,506; in Bay county, 37; in Saginaw county,:89; of the former number of mills, 1,052 are run by exclusive steam power in the State; 36 in Bay county, and 82 in Saginaw county. Number of engines employed: State, 1,027; Bay,county, 50; Saginaw county, 87. Aggregate capacity in horsepower: State, 38,353; Bay county, 2,422; Saginaw county,.5,165. Mills run by water: State, 445; Bay county, 1; Saginaw county, 7. Aggregate capacity in horse-power: State, 11,504; Bay county, 30; Saginaw county, 154. Number persons employed per month, average: State, 17,566; Bay county, 1,386; Saginaw county, 2,424. Number of months employed: State, 7.4; Bay county, 6.8; Saginaw county, 6.5. Total number months of labor: State, 130,860; Bay county, 9,507; Saginaw county, 15,930. Wages paid in State, $6,364,519; Bay county, $560,747; Saginaw county, $938,616. Value of minerals used: State, $16,931,300; Bay county, $1,902,580; Saginaw county, $3,068,556. Capital invested: State, $26,355,816; Bay county, $2,829,000; Saginaw county, $4,070,100. Expenses for materials and labor: State, $23,295,819; Bay county, $2,463,327; Saginaw county, $4,007,172. Excess of value of total products over expenses-for materials and labor: State, $10,061,167; Bay county, $1,062,263; Saginaw county, EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 61I $828,387. Value of total products: State, $33,356,986; Bay county, $3,525,590; Saginaw county, $4,835,559. Lumber produced: State, 2,121,330,508 feet; Bay county, 209,900,000, feet; Saginaw county, 298,367,844 feet. Value of lumber:; State, $30,645,668; Bay county, $3,433,390; Saginaw county, $4,499,420. Total pieces of lath; State, $260,119,900; Bay county, 17,575,000; Saginaw county, 11,540,000. Value of lath: State, $565,060; Bay county, 19,100; Saginaw county,. $14,340. Number thousands of shingles: State, 605,641; Bay county, 19,100; Saginaw county, 86,625. Value of shingles: State, $2,146,258; Bay county, $70,500; Saginaw county, $321,799. The number of flouring mills in the State to June 1st, 1870, were 512; in Bay county, 2; in Saginaw county, 8. The aggregate number of foundries and machine shops in the State are 221; in Bay county, 2; in Saginaw county, 8. Number tanneries in State, 101; Bay county, 1;, Saginaw county, 3. Number breweries in State, 127; Bay county, 4; Saginaw county, 7; number fisheries in State 243; Bay county, 6; Saginaw county, none. Number barrels: of fish produced in State, 58,854; Bay county, 1,015; Number cheese factories in the State, 30; pounds made, 1,115,512. Number woolen factories in the State, 54;yards of cloth made, 846,735. Number peppermint oil distilleries in the State, 44; produced 25,967 pounds oil. Number coal mines in State, 2; coal produced, 419,575 -bushels. Number gas factories in State, 11; value of gas, $198,183. Number salt works in State, 69; Bay county, 20; Saginaw county, 47. Number iron mines in State, 10; tons of ore produced, 576,393. Number copper mines in State, 27; pounds copper mineral produced, 6,442,562. Number plaster mines in State, 2. Number distilleries in State, 1 in Detroit, first ward, value products, $400,000. Number of church organizations in the State to June 1, 1870, are 2,220, representing 26 denominations; in Bay county, 22; in Saginaw county, 65. Number of institutions of learning in the 10 62 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. State, 23, consisting of academies, colleges, seminaries, commercial, law, medical, normal, theological, scientific, and an agricultural college. Number of public schools of all grades in the State, 5,419; Bay county, 60 schools; Saginaw county, 154 schools. Of private schools in the State there are 156. Number of libraries of all kinds in the State, 26,241; Bay,county, 233; Saginaw county, 164. There are 215 various kinds of publications in the State, regularly and irregularly issued. True valuation of real and personal estate in Michigan, $731,467,701; basis of valuation for assessment purposes, cash value being unity,.37. Real and personal estate, $272,816,927; real estate, $225,237,677; personal estate, $47,579,250; Bay county (after same order) $10,680,792 25; $2,670,198; $2,336,338; $333,860. Saginaw, $18,022,846 50; $9,011,423; $7,956,615; $1,054,808. Taxes not national, all kinds of State, -iz: county, township, village, and city, for the State, total, $5,949,487; Bay county school, township, city, and road, total, $148,400; State tax of all kinds, $3,780; county of all kinds, $50,000; township, village, or city of all kinds, $94,620; Saginaw county, of all kinds, total, $227,530; State tax of all kinds, $10,857; county, of all kinds, $53,771; township, village, and city, of all kinds, $162,902. This includes State, county, town, city, school, poor, and highway. Public debt of the State, total of all debts, county, township, village, and city, $4,306,169; total county debt,:$1,217,186, for which bonds have been issued, $1,011,150; other debts, $206,036; township total, township, village, and city debt, $3,088,983, for which bonds have been issued, $2,695,643; other debts, $393,340. Bay county, total of all debts, county, township, village, and city, $152,975; total county debt, $57,150, for which bonds have been issued, $57,150; other debts, none; township, total village and city debt, $95,825, for which bonds have been issued, $90,825; EAST SAGINA-W DIRECTORY. 63 other debts, $5,000. Saginaw county, total of all debts, county, township, village, and city, $571,398; total county debt, $158,200, for which bonds have been issued, $158,200; other debts, none; township total, village and city debt, $413,198, for which bonds have been issued, $406,893; other debts, $6,305. Pauperism and crime: Annual cost of support of paupers of the State, $262,578 91; total number supported during the year ending June 1st, 1870, 13,189; native, 4,919, foreign, 8,223; total number of paupers, native, 1,923; white, 738, black, 77; foreign, 1,108. Persons convicted of crime during the year, 1,805; native, 908, foreign, 897; total number of criminals in prison, native, 462; white, 207, black, 21; foreign, 234. Bay county-cost of support of paupers, $4,004 17; total number supported during the year, 346; native, 126, foreign, 220; total number of paupers, native, 39; white, 16, black, none, foreign 23; total number of persons convicted of crime during the year, 33; native, 15, foreign, 18; total number of criminals in prison, native, 6; white, 2, black, none; foreign 4. Saginaw county-cost of support of paupers, $7,511 00. Total number supported during the year, 611; native, 241, foreign, 370; total number of paupers, native 43; white, 13, black, 3; foreign, 27; total number of persons convicted of crime during the year, 47; native, 18, foreign, 29; total number of criminals in prison, native, 17; white, 6, black, 1; foreign, 10. It should be borne in mind that the above statistics are for the year (only) of 1869-70, ending June 1st, 1870, and have been compiled under the direction of the Secretary of State, at Lansing, ever since. They are the ninth census of the United States. They are compiled from the United States,census, and from the State registration records. They were not issued in volume form until about the first of August, 1873, when it appeared for the first. There are very many foot notes of explanations throughout the volume, many cor 64 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. rections and additions made, which we are unable to give for want of room, or to correct for want of time; and can but refer such as are interested most to the " Statistics of Michigan for 1870." Many of the figures given there are very far from being correct, at the present time, and to arrive at a nearer or closer result, we would refer the reader to our " Trade Circular of the Saginaw Valley," issued every spring, in which are compiled each branch of business, under its appropriate heading, etc. This, with other valuable statistics, figures, tables, etc., may furnish the desired information, as also furnish a basis from which to perfect their aims and searches. These figures cannot but be interesting, and more so in the comparisons between Bay and Saginaw counties. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. ABBREVIATIONS. abv...... above add...... addition agr'.... agricultural (al)..... allopathic Am......American appc... apprentice ass'r..... assessor asst....... assistant atty..... attorney ave.......avenue bas'm't... basement bet..... between bds... -..-- boards bh... boarding house bk kr...book-keeper bld'g..... building carp..... carpenter cash'r..... cashier clk.......clerk Co. company or county col'd......colored cor......corner (dem)... democrat e..... east (ec)......eclectic eng'r......engineer e s..... east side est......estate ex...... express f'cy....... fancy gen'l...... general (h).... homeopathic insp'r.... inspector insts... instruments int.... internal Jeff'n... Jefferson lab......laborer manuf'g. manufacturing manuf'r.. manufacturer manuf'y. manufactory mdse... merchandise mer....merchant mkt...... market mkr......maker n........north nat'l..... national n e......northeast Nichl,..... Nicholas n s......north side n'r.......near n w..... northwest opp......opposite opr..... operator p......... page pop'l... population pres..... president propr... proprietor pub.....publisher rd....... road (rep).... republican rr r.... railroad res...... residence rep'r...... repairer ret........ retail rev. reverend or revenue r y...... railway S....... south se.....southeast sec'y......secretary s s..... south side supt.. superintendent sw.... southwest tel..... telegraph treas.... treasurer w....... west Wash'n... Washington wid......widow w s.... west side A. Abair Theophiles, wks Warner & Eastman, res s s Elm, bet Maple and Warren. 2. Abbott Thomas, carpenter, res w s First, bet Annes l and Walnut. 4. Abbot George, mechanic, bds Benjamin Eaton. Abel Aze], wks Edmonds' planing mill, res 419 s Warren nr WVilliams. Abel Miss Caroline, home Bohm & Miller. Abel Jacob, carpenter, res n s Genesee, bet Cass and Jefferson. 3. 66 EIST SAGIJNAW DIRECTORY. Abel Willis, Captain' barge "Eliza," res n e cor Lapeer and 7th. 4. Abert, Charles, lab, res w s Third, between Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Acker Miss Melinda, home with W. Soper. Ackley William, ship carpenter, res e s Mackinaw s of Hess. 4. Adams Charles, mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Elisa Mott. Adams John Q., saloon, 109 n Washington, res 111 5th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Adam Joseph, teamster, bds Henry Naegley. Adams Miss May, bds Miss Susan N. Canning. Adams Lester, Engineer, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Charles Anderson. Adams Richard, lab, bds M. Smith. Addit Peter, lab, res e s Maple, bet Emerson and Elm. 12. Addett Miss Sarah, wks T. Edsall, Adsit Charles S., book-keeper, A. Fox, bds same. Adon Stranch, painter, wks Burtt & Loomis. Adsley Mrs Mary, wks I. Lewis. Agle, Jacob, wks Feige Bros. Agan Stephen F., shoemaker, J. Traverse & Co., bdsLittle Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Ahern John R., shoemaker, res 7th, bet Kirk & Sears. 8. Aheons John, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Aiken Edwin, china mer., 209 Genesee, res 401 Jefferson, cor Hayden. 5. Albers Henry, ship carpenter, res s of Gallagher, bot Washington and Jefferson. 5. Alborn Johanna, lab, res N 1215 n s Lapeer, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Albot George B., wks F.,& P. M. depot. Albright Harvey, sawyer, wks Jesse Hoyt. Albro Arvin, n Barber, res Washington, cor Randolph. 4. Aldin Delos, mill-wright, res n of Miller, over wagon shop. Alder Henry, tailor, bds. Stauber's Hotel. Alderton William, car inspector F. & P. M. R. R. Alexander Philo P., proprietor Alexander House, n w cor Centre and Mackinaw. 3. Alger Ira, and wife, bds Henry Ostrander. Alger Ira C. Jr., carpenter, Jesse Hoyt, res. Clay, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Alger Peter E., lab, res n Washington bet 6th and 7th. Algram William, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Algrim Christ, lab, res. cor Hess and Perkins. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 67 Alherton William J., lab, res 4th, bet Sears and Kirk. Alkron Miss Lizzie, wks Everett Elouse. Allan Mrs. Annie, home with William H. Race. Allan Edgar W., farmer, res n Gallagher, bet Jefferson and Washington. 6. Allan William, builder, res 1407, Genesee. 5. Allen Miss Annie, bds Mrs. Hattie Howard. Allen Chas., grocer, res e s Jefferson, bet Emerson and Mason. 3 Allen Charles, (Owen & Allen), res Jefferson, bet Emerson and Mason. 3. Allen Edward P. ins agt, office Bliss blk, cor Genesee and Wash'n, bds Mrs. M. Gates. Allen Eugene, watchmaker, Geo. Brown, bds W. Poulson. Allen Frank S., stone-cutter, bds Anson Hobson. Allen Frederick A., barber, shop Potter, bet Franklin and Jefferson; res 5th, bet Miller and Sears. Allen Henry, lab, res w s Ward, bet Atwater and Phelon. 3. Allen Horace D., millwright, res e s Webster, cor Centre. 2. Allen Isaac S., carpenter, res 6th, bet Miller and Sears. 2. Allen James W., moulder, Wickes Bros., res 1028 Emerson, bet Warren and Webster. 2. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Allen John E., sexton, res 5th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 2. Allen Miss Maggie, lives with T. Riddell. Allen S. D. (Allen & Sutherland), salt and lumber dealers, bds Valentine House. Allen Samuel, builder, res w s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Allen William, carpenter, res w s Ballard, bet Gilmore and Nimons. 3. Allen -, book agent, bds W. Poulson. Allington David K., wks gas works, res w s Jefferson, bet Hayden and William. 4. Allington William C., bds D. K. Allington. Allison Jas., res e s Webster, bet German and Lapeer. 4. ALLISON JOHNN P., lumber and salt manuf'r, office Buena Vista blk, cor Genesee and Wash'n; res Genesee, s of Michigan Hotel, near old race course. See advt. Allnoch William E., lumber inspector, res e s 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 4. Althouse Nicholas W., " sample rooms," 126 s Wash'n, res same. 3. Altaman Cajetau, lab, res Farwell, bet 7th and 8th. 1. Altaman Miss Mary, home with Cajetau Altaman. 68 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Alterton William, inspector F. & P. M. R. R. Alverdt Charles, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. Alwood Al. H., bar-tender, bds William H. Race. Amburg Gillius, tinsmith, Morley Bros. Amerein Peter, bds Stauber's Hotel. Ames Alden, wagon maker, wks Josiah Ames. Ames Josiah, carriage maker, shop cor Franklin and German, res Hoyt, bet Maple and Welles. Anness John W., foreman, Harvey & Coleman, bds Tuscola House. Amsden Carrie H., wks Troy House. Amsden Mrs. S. A., wks F. Humphrey. Anderson Mrs. Augusta, wid, res 401 Warren, cor Williams. Anderson Alexander G., book-keeper, Eddy, Avery & Co., res w s Washington, bet Brady and McCoskry. Anderson Charles, engineer, F. & P. M. R. R., res Jefferson, bet Astor and Potter. 3. Anderson Henry, waiter, H. S. Averell's restaurant. Anderson Isaac, lab, bds David B. Leroy. Anderson James, lab, bds D. MacIntyre. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. Anderson John Q., machinist Wickes Bros., res n w cor Carroll and Wash'n. 3. Anderson Lewis, wks E. S. Manning. Anderson Miss Mary, store-room girl Everett House. Anderson Robert, lab, bds Daniel Forrest. Anderson Miss Sarah, pastry-cook Everett House. Anderson William, clerk, bds H. S. Averill. Andrews Miss Jennie, wks J. Armstrong. Andrews John, lab, res e s Water, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 5. Andrews Philip H., gen'l insurance agt, res 406 e s Jefferson. 4. ANGELL DAVID, photograph rooms, up stairs, opp Everett House, bds Everett House. Angell David, Jr., photographer, Genesee, cor of Franklin,. bds Everett House. Angelo David, violinist, bds National Hotel. Angelo David, cook, bds A. Sharick. Angevine M. H., painter F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary Hulsizer. Anneke Emil, atty, res 710 Hoyt, office cor Cass and Genesee. 6. Anschultz Christian, lab, res n Wash'n, or 4th, nr Walnut Ansman Henry, res n s Carroll, bet 4th and 5th. 5. Appleton George, waiter Everett House. Arand Frederick, lab, res e s Lincoln, n Walnut. Archambault Joseph, painter, res 722 Emerson. 5. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 69 Archer James, lab, bds Abram F. Shavick. Archibald Francis, lab, bds A. Dunlap. Archibald Joseph, painter, res 722 Emerson. (See Archambault.) 5. Armitage P. C., book-keeper Enterprise office, bds Everett House. Arms Ella, - bds Em. Hartwell. Armstrong George, lab, bds W. Soper. Armstrong James, filer, res w s Miller, s Nimons. 5. Armstrong Joseph, boarding house, res e s Water, bet Atwater and McCoskry. 3. Armstrong Mrs. Mary, wid John Armstrong, res No. 619 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 2. Armstrong William W., mason, res s s Elm, bet Maple and Warren. 3. Armstrong, William, res 642 Warren. 4. Arndt August, blacksmith A. F. Bartlett & Co., res w s Hess. 5 Arnold George, wks J. F. Bundy. Arnold Miss Mary A., wks D. D. Keeler. M1. & H. Koch & Co., The Leaders of Fashion. Arnold Samuel, lab, wks William Olds. Arnold Thomas, machinist Wickes Bros. Arnold Thomas, foreman ship builder D. W. Rust & Co., res w s Wash'n, s of Linton. 5. Arnold William T., city sexton, res s s German Colony Road, bet High and Jefferson. 9. Arnotte Alexander, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Arnott John, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Aryns Robert, lab, bds Chas. Buck. AsBeck Rudolph, dealer in groceries, cor Lapeer and 7th. 6. Asby William, lab, res w s Jefferson, bet Emerson and Mason. 3. Asby Wm., teamster James Stewart & Co., bds Jeff'n, nr Hoyt. Asby Susanna, wid, bds William Asby. Ashdon Myron, lab,'boards Scanlan House, s e cor Water and Thompson. Ashland C., wks Sears & Holland. Ashland H., wks Sears & Holland. Ashley Arthur, lab, res w s Miller, s of Centre. 3. Ashley Ferd. A., sec'y board of water commissioners, bds H. C. Ripley. Ashley William, farmer, res e s Mackinaw Junction east. 4. Ashman Jehudi, lab, res N. Miller, nr Sag. City and St. Clair R.R. 4. 70 EAST SAGINAWAW DIRECTORY. Ashman William 0., Captain tug "E. M. Peck," res s s Linton, w of Washington. 8. Aslin Joseph, boarding-house, Water, between German and William. Atkins John, moulder, res Emerson, bet Franklin and Cass. 4. Atwood AT. H., bar-tender, bds Wm. H. Race. Atwood, Mrs. Mary E., lives H. Miller. Atwood W. Q., lumberman, office over 128 n Water, cor Tuscola, res n w cor Hoyt and Jefferson. 2. August Robert, carpenter, bds Bohm & Miller. August Rach, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. R. R. Aulger Ira and wife, live with Henry Ostrander. Ausman Wallace, Valley Saloon, cor 5th and Lapeer. Austin Edwin, merchant, res e s Welles, bet Maple and Thompson. 3. Austin Henry, lab, res e s Ballard, bet Gilmore and Nimons. 5. Austin Mrs. Permelia, wid. John, boarding-house, res e s Franklin, bet Fitzhugh & Johnson. Austin Charles, millwright, res n s Main, e of Miller. 3. Austin Charles M., foreman J. V. Russell & Co., res Miller, cor Main. 3. Patronize the "Boss " Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Austin Henry, edger, wks Eaton, Potter & Co. Averill Harrison B., Metropolitan Restaurant, w s n Wash'i, bet Genesee and Tuscola, res same. 3. Averill John, wks Harvey & Coleman, res w s Cass, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 2. Avery Charles, plasterer, res 3d, bet Potter and Sears. 4. Avery Miles, bds L. W. Eccleston. Avery Sewell, lumberman, res 412 e s Jefferson. 6. Avery Waldo A., clk Charles Lee, res s s Warren, bet Cherry and Thompson. 2. Awmen Miss Mary, dressmaker, wks Miss Sarah Gaffney. Ayles James G., machinist Wickes Bros., res Warren. Axford Homer J., clk Hough & Sikes, bds A. P. Sikes. B. Babbitt John, lawyer, res n s Linton, bet Wash'n and Mackinaw. 2. Babcock Miss A., sales-lady, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Babcock Harvey W., hack-driver, res Franklin, bet German and Williams. 3. Bacanch Benjamin, lab, res n s Woodworth, bet 11th and 12th. 5. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 71 Bacon Artemus W., foreman, Sears & Holland, res n e cor Phelon and Wells. 6. Bacon Edmond, brakeman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds A. Picard. Bader Fred, butcher, works John Wolf. Bader Miss Mary, nurse, C. H. Smith. Bailey Henry, lab, bds J. Hayes. Bairdle Martin, lab, res e s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 9. Baker & Bro., carriage shop, German, bet German and William. Baker Charles, wks and bds W. Foale. Baker Charles, lab, bds Abram F. Shorick. Baker E. L., physician, office cor Genesee and Franklin, res Robinson. Baker Geo., butcher, res w s Webster, bet Johnson and Tascola. Baker Louis, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Baker James J. (Baker Bros.), res e s Jefferson, bet Emerson and Mason. 3. Baker John W., dealer in lime, res Jefferson, bet German and William. 3. Baker William L., engineer, res w s Miller, s of Hess. 6. Baker William H. (Baker Bros.), res Warren, bet German and William. 2. M. & H. Koch & Co., The Merchant Tailors. Baker Robert, wks and bds W. Foale. Balch Charles H., carpenter, res 4th, bet Kirk and Sears. Balen Patrick, painter, bds Henry Naegley. Baley William, bds L. W. Eccleston. Balger James, clk, bds Ehel House. Balille, teamster, bds Thomas Kenny. Ball Henry J. (H. J. Ball & Co.), res No. 407 Water, bet Hayden and Millard. 1. Ball H. J. & Co. (Henry J. Ball, Nancy Eron), grocers, 132 s Wash'n, cor German, res 407 s Water. 2. Ball John, lab, bds Michael Connery. Ballentine David (J. M. Ballentine & Co.), res Waukegan, Ill. Ballentine Henry A. (J. M. Ballentine & Co.), bds Bancroft House. Ballentine Henry A. & Co. (Henry A., James M., David Ballentine, and Edward F. Lawrence), lumber and salt manuf'rs, Carrollton, office 213 n Water. Ballentine J. J., bds Bancroft House. 2. Ballentine J. M. & Co. (James M. Ballentine, Henry A. Ballentine, David Ballentine, Alexander B. Moore, Edward F. Lawrence), tug and barge line owners, office 213 n Water. Ballentine James M. (J. M. Ballentine & Co.), res Detroit, Mich. Ballou Eddy F., bds T. Fitzgerald's. 72 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Bamford Andrew, carpenter and builder, shop n s Miller, bet Franklin and Jefferson, res w s Jefferson, bet Carroll and Miller. 6. Bamford John, carpenter, res w s Jefferson, bet Carroll and Miller. Banford Andrew, carpenter, bds Daniel F. Howard. Banford John F., carpenter, bds Daniel F. Howard. Banhorn Joseph, engineer F. & P. M. R. R., boards Charles Anderson. Bannerman William E., mechanic, res Miller, bet 3d and Rockwell. 3. Bank, Saginaw Valley Bank, Thurber & Hollon, bankers, cor Genesee and Washington. Bank, Merchants' National Bank building, n Washington, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Bank, Thos. P. Sheldon & Co. bankers, s Washington, bet Genesee and German. Bank, John Gallagher & Co., Gallagher block, s Washington, near cor German. Bank, Savings Bank, Bancroft House block, Genesee, with Merchants' National Bank. Little Jake & Co.-Undersell Everybody. Bank, First National, Bancroft House block, s Washington, E. T. Judd, President; L. A. Clark, Cashier. Bank, Second National Bank, e s Genesee, between Franklin and Washington; R. G. Horr, President; W. H. Coats, Cashier; R. G. Horr, C. K. Robinson, Geo. W. Morley, A. B. Moorse, and C. L. Ortmann, Directors. Barber Miss Eva, works C. Daughtz. Barber Elmer J., wholesale and retail grocer, Simpson & Barber, res Washington, bet Carroll and Miller. 6. BARBIER MERRILL J., wholesale dealer in cigars, tobacco, wines, and liquors, 419 Genesee, res same. 2. See advt. Barbour Mrs. Fannie, bds J. T. Randall. Barbo, William, wks J. S. Stevens. Barclay Spencer, pork and beef packer and provision dealer, 125 and 127 N. Washington, bds Everett House. 2. Bare Mrs. Julia A., dress-maker, Lloyd block, s Wash'n, bds Miss E. Welsh. 3. Bare Samuel W., bds E. Welsh, Lloyd block, s Wash'n. Bargeon, Adolphus, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. BARIE FREDERIC J., propr "The What Cheer"Restaurant, No. 5 Cass, bet Genesee and German, res same. See advt. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 73 Barie William, dry goods, 210 Genesee, res e s Jefferson, bet Millard and Thompson. 6. Barker Howard E., cabinet maker, res Jefferson, bet Astor and Potter. 2 Barker H. E., opr, bds C. H. Devlin. Bark Augustus, clk W. Barie. Barker S. F., bds William H. Race. Barlow John H., machinist Wickes & Bros., res 623 Webster, cor Carroll. 4. Barley John, carpenter, res w s Mackinaw, cor Hess. 2. Barline Miss Maggie, bds Albert Frey. Barnes Curtis, teamster, res cor Tuscola and 7th. 4. BARNES ELIJAH B., "Brock's" saloon, 115 s Water, res Franklin, bet German and William. Barnes Elija, saloon, res Franklin, bet German and William. Barnes Elezur, salt-boiler, res n e cor Ballard and Nimons. 3. Barnes John, lab, res e s Thayer, s of Morris. Barnes John, sawyer J. S. Stevens. Barnes John, lab, bds Tremont House. Barnes Lorenzo D., lab, res s town line, bet Jefferson and Wash'n. 2. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Barnhardt Eli, mechanic, res e s Miller, cor Nimons. 5. Barrett William H., brick-mason, res w s 3d, bet Carroll and Miller. 3. Barrett William, brick mason, bds Martin Manion. Barrett Herbert N., cattle broker, res w s Genesee, s of Mott. 4. Barrow Joseph, res n s James, e of 14th. 3. Barrows Thomas, carpenter, bds Mrs. S. Holmes. Barron Daniel P., shoemaker, shop Genesee, res n s Emerson, bet Park and Webster. 4. Barringer Henry, blacksmith, wks Merrill & Bacon. Barry, John W., tailor, res e s Webster, bet Elm and Emerson. 6. Barrows Francis, lab, res n s Janes, e of 14th. 13. Bartello Dwight D., fruit dealer, cor Cass and Genesee, res Washington, bet German and Hayden. Bartlett A. F., bds Bancroft House. Barth Charles, lab., res w s of 5th, bet Janes and German. 3. Barth Henry, lab, wks Feige & Bro. Barth John, lab, res w s 5th, bet Janes and German. 2. Barth, Jacob, marble-cutter, W. H. Stearns, bds Farmers' Hotel. Barth John, stone-cutter, bds Bohm & Miller. 10 74 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Barthiaume Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Bartow Miss Alice, home with William J. Bartow. Bartow William J., agent Jesse Hoyt, real estate dealer, etc., office Buena Vista block, cor Genesee and Water, res e s Jefferson, bet Astor and Miller. 2. Barton Daniel, riverman, res n s Eaton, w of Wash'n. 5. Barton Miss Mary J., dress and cloak maker, rooms over cor Jeff'n and Genesee. Bartles Miss Katie, wks and bds H. Carman. Barlett Mrs. Amy (wid),David, boarding house, res s c cor Cass and Carroll. Bartlett A. F. & Co. (August F. Bartlett and Henry Spindler), founders and machinists, shop s e cor Mason and Water. Bastion Christ, lab, res e s 12th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 7. Bastian Frederick, printer, Courier office. Bassck John, res 11th, bet Carroll and Watrousville plank road. 4. Bassck Mary, tailoress P. Roche, bds J. Bassck. Batchler William, lab, res German, bet Franklin and Wash'n. 4. Bates Alfred, mechanic, res 3d st, bet Miller and Potter. Bates Harry, board and sale stable, cor Franklin and Johnson, bds Tuscola House. Onae Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Bates Wm. IR., United States Register of Land Office, office Derby blk, n Water,. res w s Warren, near Fitzhugb. Battles Miss Catherine, wks C. Marskey. Batser John, carriage-painter, bds Albert McKee. Batzer John, painter, wks W. S. Houghton. Baugh Thomas, cigar-maker, res e s 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 3. Baukem John, teamster, bds Garvin House. Baum Adam, dealer in meat, res cor German and German. 7. Baum Martin, Baum's Lunch Room, e s Cass, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 7. Baum Louis, lab, bds John Webster. Baum Peter, meat market, s e corner Wash'a and Hoyt, res 303 Hoyt, cor Franklin. 7. BAUMER JOHIN, watchmaker and jeweler, 117 Lapeer, bds Steckert's Hotel. Baumgarten A., dealer in groceries, flour, feed, liquors, res Genesee, bet Clay and Rockwell. Baunerman William F., coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Bauco John, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. 1. Baxter Mrs. Elizabeth A., lives H. Burton. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Baxter Francis, salt boiler, bds E. Barnes. Baxter Wm. J., lumber dealer, office cor Wash'n and G enesee,. bds Bancroft House. Bays Peter, bds Fred Krohn. Bebington John, lab, bds Cain Nye. Beagle Charles W., carpenter, res w s Webster, bet Elm andu Emerson. 8. Beahan John, mechanic, wks F. & P. MA. depot. Beahan Patrick, coppersmith F. & P. M. R. R. Beamer John, bar-tender J. A. Hubbard, bds parents on, Lapeer. Beamer Miss Lizzie, chambermaid Bancroft House. Beam Patrick, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot, res Maple,. cor McCoskry. 5. Beann John, mechanic, bds Benjamin Eaton. Bearckdorf George, salt boiler, res n e corner Eaton andt King. 6. Beard Handy, baker and confectioner, n s Center, bet Webster and Miller. Bean J., wks Sears & Holland. Beac h Alfred, bds J. Viger. Beach Amos, teamster, res a s German, bet 5th and 6th. 8. OnePrice at 3. & H. Koch & Co's. Beach Geo., lab, bds J. Schank, wks C. W. Grant. Beach Philip D., fireman F. & P. M. R. R., res Kirk, bet 4th and 5th. 1. Beach William H., book-keeper Bundy & Youman, res outside city limits. Beach William, salt-boiler, bds E. H. Dickerman. Beck Antoine, lab, res 14th, nr Lapeer. 7. Beck Louis, lab, res Rockwell, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Beckbessinger John, baker, res e s 4th, bet German and: Janes. 8. Beckworth Miss Elizabeth, wks Oscar Hull. Bechinerly Henry, fireman F. & P. M. R. R. Bechtel Aaron, wks Fiege Bros. Bechtel John, Bechtel's Hotel, car German and Wash'n. 5. Bechrow John, carpenter, res cor Clay and Tuscola. 4. Bechrow Rudolph, clk gen'l ticket office F. & P. M. R. R, lads John Bechrow. Beckel Miss Annie, home with Mrs. Joannah Beckel. Beckel Miss Sophia, home with Mrs. Joannah Beckel. Beckenhauer Chtistopher, lab, works Jesse Hoyt. Becker Emly, res w s Webster, bet Johnson and Tus cola. 4. 76 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Becker Oliver C., (Perry & Becker) rooms over 128 S. Washington. 2. Beckrow Albut, clerk, works Davis, Goldstone & Co. Beckrow George, lumberman, res n w cor Lapeer and Webster. 4 Beckrow Herman, clerk Davis, Goldstone & Co. Beckworth Miss Elizabeth, works Oscar Hull. Beech Frederick, lab, res w s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 5. Beehtel Aaron, sawyer, bds Mrs. P. J. Campbell. Beekman L., wks Sears & Holland. Beekman George, wks C. Lee, mill. Been, John W., tailor, wks Frank G. Wilkin. Begen Owen, lab, res e sMiller, s of Nimons. 5. Behan Patrick, car builder, 8th street, bet East Astor and Miller. 5. Behler Joseph, bakery and notions, store and residence Lapeer st, bet Rockwell and 3d. 7. Behlmyer Miss Rickey, wks C. C. Spencer. Behm Jacob, wks railroad, res e s Lincoln, bet Cherry and Walnut. 3. Beindear John, teamster, res e s 4th, bet Janes and German. 5 Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. BeKoskey John, lab, res e s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 6. Belangh John, hack-driver, bds Marshall B. Spencer. Belan, Leander, lab, bds A. Picard. Belongen Alfred, lab, bds E. Gigner. Bell Ansel P., lab, res e s Webster, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Bell Thomas, raftsman, bds W. H. O'Brien. Bell Thomas, lab, bds Scanlan House. Bell William, lab, bds Martin Manion. Bell William H., lab, bds Mrs. Phebe Marsh. Belleman J. K., lab, bds Marten Borland. Bence Alonzo N., bootmaker W. B. Hawkins, res Potter. Bendeen Miss Lizzie, wks John Q. Anderson. Bender Gottlieb, engineer Courier office. Bender Jacob, lab, res s s German, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Bender Philip, lab, res w s 14th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Bendit Herman, clothier, 115 Genesee, res w s Jefferson, bet Hayden and Millard. 10. Benedict Mrs. Cynthia M., wid, bds R. Harrison, will move to Franklin. 2. Benedict Miss Minnie, home with E. A. Martindale. Benedict Edward H., lab, res 6th, bet Kirk and Sears. 5. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 77 Benedict Fred, elk, wks Frank G. Wilkin. Benn John A. tailor M. & H. Koch, res n s Emerson, bet Maple and Warren. 5. Benneinger Albert, butcher, res 10th, bet German and Lapeer. 3. Benner Alexander, carpenter, res s s Emerson, bet Park and Webster. 2. Benner Alexander, joiner, res cor Emerson and Maple. Benner Leander, joiner, res cor German and Rockwell. Bennett Frank, wks M. C. Mower, bds H. D. Bruce. Bennett John, brakeman F. & P. M. R. R., bds Marten Borland. Bennett Joseph, in charge Genesee st swing bridge, res Saginaw City. Bennett Joseph, physician, res w s East, s of Mackinaw. 5. Benning S. H., auctioneer, bds Everett House. Benway Miss Catherine, wks M. M. Vincent. Benson Mrs. Charlotte, saloon, e s Water, bet Hayden and William. Benson Mrs. Elizabeth, lives J. Mitchell. Benson Royal H., carpenter, res n e corner Ballard and Nimons. 3. Benton Jared, engraver, etc., bds Alexander Gleason. Silk Wrappers and Drawers at M. & H. Koch Co's. Bentin Miss Minnie, tailoress, wks William Eisenberg. BENTZ ADAM W., baker, Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 2. Beortman Charles, printer, Courier office. Berbic Frederick, lab, bds William Sculley. Besbing Jacob, teamster, res 6th, bet Tuscola and Lapeer. 11. Bergeon Joseph, prop'r Pear House, German, bet Cass and Franklin. Berger Charles, gun and lock repairer, res Wash'n, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Berger Chas. Jr., gunsmith F. A. Berger, bds C. Berger, Sr. Berger F. Augustus, manuf'r guns, rifles, etc., locksmith, shop 103 s s Tuscola, res Clay, bet Tuscola and Lapeer. Berger Henry, gardener, res n Washington. 6. Berger Miss Minnie, wks S. McLean. Berghoff Benjamin, lab, res 3d, bet Kirk and Sears. 2. Bergo Robert, teamster, C. & E. Ten Eyck. Bergoff Benjamin, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Bereaul Francis, lab, res Janes, near Phelon. 12. Bernard Francis, actor, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Berns Andrew, barber, H. Kraupe, bds same. Beroineck Martin, lab, res s s Carroll, bet 9th and 10th. 3. 78.PI EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Berry Mrs. Bridget, wid, res n s Elm, cor Warren. 5. Berry --, miner, bds Abram F. Sharick. Berry Edward, clk, and bds John Creen. Berry John, saloon, bds J. StCeckert. Berry Richard, plasterer, bds John Cotillier. Bertrand Francis, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Bertevislle William R., carpenter shop F. & P. M. R. R. Besch Joseph, marble works, n s Tuscola, bet Cass and Franklin. Besch Joseph, stone-cutter, res 227 3d, cor Fitzhugh. 7. Beschkee Frank, grocer, res e s Miller, s of King. 3. BESCHKEE HENRY & SON, Henry and Frank Beschkee, saloon, groceries, and provisions, e s Miller, s of Center; res same. Besinskey Charles, lab, res w s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 4. Besmer Benjamin. prop'r Montreal House, e s Water, bet Brady and McCoskry. 4. Best Charles, clk. Betger Henry, sailor, res w s Lincoln, bet Walnut and Cherry. 6 Bethune Neil, lab, bds American House. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Bettes A., opr, res 129 Wash'n. Bettes John, opr, res 129 Wash'n. Betznar Ignatz, saloon e s Franklin, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 7. Beuthein Charles, lab, res e s Lincoln, n of Walnut. 6. Beutheiri Mrs. J., wid, res e s Lincoln, n of Walnut. 3. Beuthein Miss Rika, wks E. T. Judd. Beuthin Charles, lab, res e s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 2. Beuthin Louis, lab, res 724 Mumford. 6. Beyar Miss Corey, wks John Buckel. Beyer A., lab, res s s Tuscola, bet 8th and 9th. 6. 1Beyer Michael, lab, bds Thomas H. McCallum. Beylerlein Mrs. Catherine, res e s Lapeer, bet 13th and 14th. 8. Bickel Mrs. Joannah, res No. 1006 s w cor Lapeer and '7th. 4. Bickford Rowen W., lab., res s s n of Gallagher. 8. Bickler George, lab, res n Wash'n. 6. Bicknell Nathan, auction and commission merchant, res e s of 1st, bet Annesly and Walnut. 4. Bidderman Thomas, lab, res n s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 4. Bidelman Charles R., salesman L. S. Lenheim, bds Everett House. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Bidleman James K., carpenter, bds M. Borland, O'Brien House. Bierle Constantine, editor and propr "Zeitung" a German weekly newspaper, office Genesee, res 125 e s 6th, cor German. 5. Bigelow Allen G., elk general ticket office F. & P. _M R. R., bds L. C. Storrs. Bigelow George, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Bigelow Hiram, lab, bds Joseph Marshall. Biggam Ephraim Allan, lawyer, res w s Ward, cor Phelon. 3. Bigford Miss Mary, wks P. H. Hall. Bigerly Adam, fireman F. & P. M. R. R. Billing Miss Catherine, dressmaker, works E. G. Hammond. Billing Miss Emma, dressmaker, works Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Billing Isaac, painter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Billing Isachiah, painter, res 303 1st, cor Cherry. 7. Billing James, stone-cutter, A. Hobson, bds Isaac Billing. Billings I. W., works " Enterprise office." Billing John, bds I. Billing. Bin John, lab, Farwell, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Fine Furnishing Goods at M1. & H. Koch & Co's. Bingham, Martin V.,.book-keeper, res cor Emerson and Jefferson. Bingham Homer, wagon-maker, shop Franklin, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Bingham, carpenter, res Mason, bet Wells and Maple. 2 Birch Frank, clerk, bds D. O. Donnell. Bird Barney, cooper, res N. Miller w Washington. 3. Bird Miss Bridget, dressmaker, Mrs. Julia A. Bare. Bird Michael J., foreman E. Sag. Manf Co., res w s Park, bet Chesnut and Hoyt. 3. Bird S. W., carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Bird Thomas, lab, res e s Park, bet Elm and Emerson. 6. Bird William, lab, bds Michael Connery. BIRDSALL ALBERT, blacksmith shop e s Cass, bet Genesee and German; res (305) 105 n Cass. 5. Birdsall & Sutherland (A. & S. A.), blacksmith and carriagemaker shop, Cass, bet Genesee and German. Birdsall William, clk, bds 318 Washington. Bireline Joseph, lab, res s s Wadsworth, near r r. Birrell John, tailor, res 1032 Emerson, cor Webster. 3. Birtch Mablon, lab, res Gallagher, w Jefferson. 3. Birt Miss Elizabeth, res cor Genesee and Washington. Birtwhistle --, carpenter, bds Mary Ward. 80 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Bishop Augustus, blacksmith,, wks Charles A. Dallivet. Bishop Miss Ella, dressmaker, bds Wm. Bishop. Bishop John, lab, bds A. Lepen. Bishop Niles H., cabinetmaker, shop e s Mackinaw n of Eaton, res e s Miller s of William. 4. Bishop Wm., keeper driving park. Billmeyer Miss Charlotte, bds Elfin Fox. Bishop Samuel, propr Union b h, n e cor Carroll and Water. 9. Bishop William, livery, sale, and boarding stable w s Franklin, bet German and William, res Hayden, bet German and Warren. 5. Bishop William H., lawyer, res e s Miller s of William. 2. Bisbing Jacob. Bisbing Stewart, wks East Saginaw Manufg Co. Bisbing Mahlon, blacksmith, res n e cor German and 5th. 2 Bisding Milton, wks J. G. Cameron. Bissell Albert G., lumberman, res Jefferson, cor German Colony road. 3. Bissell William. res No. 314 e s 4th, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 5. Bissinger John, baker J. G. Wolf. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers. Bissping Mag., wks and bds T. Raupp. Black Garrett, lab, bds Alexander House. Blackman Robert, carpenter, res w s Webster, bet Elm and Emerson. 5. Blackmer Miss Annie, lives E. Woodard. Blackmer Chauncy, lab, res s w cor Emerson and Jefferson. 2. Blackmer Horace, lumberman, res w s Genesee, n of Walnut. 6. Blackmer Mrs. Jane, wid, lives with E. Woodard. Blackmer Merritt, H., lumberman, res 411 Jefferson. 5. Blackmer Walter land-looker, bds M. H. Blackmer. Blackwood John, lab, bds Martin Manion. Blair John, currier, res 125 Jefferson, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Blair David, lab F. & P. M. R. R. Blade John, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Bladgett Edward, coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Blain James, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Blair Rockwell, lab F. & P. M. R. R. Blanchard John, lab, res s s Millard, bet Washington and Franklin. 4. Blanchett Abe, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Blanchett Francis, fireman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds George Blanchett. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 81 Blanchet~t George J., engineer F. & P. M. R. R., res cor 6th and Sears. 5. Blanchett Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Blanchett Nelson, fireman F. & P. M. R. R., bds George Blanchett. Blankers, -, clk, bds Rev. J. S. Goodman. BLANKERTS ANTHONY, grocery and provision store, flour and feed, junction Wash'n and Mackinaw, res cor Mackinaw and n Miller. 2. Blankerts Herman, meat market, res w s Grant, n Gilmore. 2. Blankertz William, clk E. P. & H. L. Penfield. Bromock Albert, butcher, wks Fred. Hubert. Bleifeld Heinrick, lab, res 7th, bet r r and Norman. 5. Bleifield Henry, lab, bds Bohm & Miller. Blennchetts Nelson, fireman F. & P. M. R. R. Blendt Christian, tailor, shop and res over 130 s Wash'n. 2. Blight John, teamster, res s s Randolph, e of Wash'n. 3. Blin Miss Catherine, home with Thomas Kenny. Bliss & Ewing, successors to Aikin & Ewing, Solomon B. Bliss and James F. Ewing, crockery and glassware, store 209 Everett House block, Genesee. Nii. & H. Koch & Co., opposite Bancroft House. Bliss Solomon B., (Bliss & Ewing) lumberman, office Bliss block, Wash'n, res e s Water, bet Fitzhugh and Johnsoi. 4. Block John, lab, res 615 Maple. 5. Block Samuel, wks E. S. Manning. Blodgett Charles, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Blodgett Charles H., lab, res 6th bet Miller and Sears. 3. Blodgett Louis, setter Warren & Eastman's saw-mill. Blodgett Stephen, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Blood Mrs. Annie, wid. James H. Blood, Franklin, bet Astor and Potter. 2. Blood Miss Ray, home with Mrs. Annie Blood. Bloodworth Jerry, lab, res s s Hess e of Mackinaw. Bloedon Edward J., bds Gustav Riegel. Bloedon Mrs. Minihie, millinery and fancy goods, n s Lapeer, near Jefferson. Blogie Joseph, lab, res Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 5. Bloom John, Jr., lab, wks Peter Roache. Bloom William, barber, wks Thomas Hanson. Bloomer Alfred B., foreman car works, res cor Astor and Warren. 5. Bloomer A. B., carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. 11 82 EAST SAGIINAW DIRECTORY. Bloomfield James, hostler Wicks Bros, res e s Jefferson, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Blowin Joseph, lab, bds Tremont House. Blour Louis, ship carpenter, bds Scanlan House. Blum John, cooper, res w s Little n of Nimons. 8. Bluhm John, deliverer F. E. Hayt, res 4th. Blyben William, Capt. of schooner "A. B. Moore," res 524 Washington. 5. Boahmer John, harness maker, wks Fred Schade. Boalk William, mason, res e s 3d near Genesee. 3. Boardman Adolphus, carpenter F. & P. M. R. R. Boardman Albert, carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Boardman, Louis, coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Booth Joseph, drayman, res w s Douglas, bet Janes and Cherry. 3. Boergert & Co., H. H. Boergert and F. Kosanka, merchant tailors, shop Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Boergert John, dealer dry goods, res e s Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Bode August, variety etore, No. 304 Genesee, res cor Carroll and 4th. 7. Little Jake & Co., Wisner- Block. Bode Peter, wks Sears & Holland. Bodoine Joseph, spar-maker, bds T. Riddell, res Detroit. BOEHLKE HENRY, painter, res e s of 1st, cor Smith, shop same. 3. Boehm & Miller (George Boehm and Lewis Miller), boarding stable, s s William, bet Clay and Genesee. Boeing William, book-keeper C. L. Ortman, res Jeff'n. Boergert Daniel, lab, res 1315 n s Johnson, bet 7th. 2. Boergert Henry, tailor, res a s Wadsworth, bet 8th and 9th. Boertmann Adolph, apprentice printer, bds parents, res e s 4tb, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Boertmann Adolph, res e s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 8. Bogartis Benjamin, wks M. C. Mower, bds H. D. Bance. Bohm George, "Farmers' Home," Genesee, bet Clay and Rockwell. 2. Bohm & Miller (G. Bohm and Lewis Miller), prop'rs "Farmers' Home," res Genesee, bet Clay and Rockwell. Bohn Adam, lab, res n of Douglas. 7. Boice George W., agt, res as s Johnson, bet 4th and 5th. 6. Boing William, bds C. L. Ortman. Boker George, porter Bancroft House. Bolan Anthony, lab, bds Thos. Kenney. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 83 Boland Patrick, painter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Boleom Joseph, teamster, res n s Mason, bet Cass and Franklin. 2. Bole Miss Sophie, wks T. E. Doughty. Bolin Francis. lab, bds Thomas Kenney. Bolin Peter, lab, bds Thomas Kenney. Bolka John, mason, res e s 3d, nr Genesee. 2. Bolton Elizabeth, home with Abram F. Sharick. Bombair Frederick, lab, res e s Warren, bet German Colony road and Atwater. 2. Bonin Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Boner John C., saloon, e s Genesee, s Jefferson. Boney Joseph, lab, bds Oscar Hull. Bontecou Joseph C., book-keeper, bds Mrs. Harper's, cor Johnson and 4th. Booth Joseph K., teamster, res e s Douglass, bet Janes and Cherry..3. Booyea A., wks Sears & Holland. Bordeaux Joseph, lab, bds J. Avon. Borden Andrew J., carpenter, res cor Astor'and Franklin. 10. Bordelau Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. M. & H. Koch & Co., The One Price Clothing House. Borden Mrs. C. T., trimmer, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Borden Thomas E., Jr., clk F. & P. M. R. R.. res w s Jefferson, bet Miller and Carroll. 3. Bordo Edward, lab, bds A. Lapen. Boregret Frederick, carpenter, i'e s sw cor 5th and Tuscola. 5. Borland Miss Hattie, home with Chas. K. Eddy. BORLAND MATTHEW J., O'Brien House, cor Potter and Wash'n. 3. Borland Miss Matilda, home with Charles A. Dolliver. Bornmann Miss Mary, wks C. L. Ortman. Bornmann William, lab, res w s 8th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Bosselmann Frederick, clk, bds Ebel House. Bostle Joseph, res e s 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 7. Bosworth Miss Hattie, bds Mrs. S. Homes. Boucher Janvier, sawyer, bds Scanlan's. Boucher John, watchman Wickes Bros. See Butcher. Boughton Charles, bricklayer, res e s Park, bet Cherry and Chesnut. 4. Boutell F. T., shirt manuf'r, bds Everett House. Bovia Augustus, lab J. Armstrong. Bowden William H., mechanic, res Astor, bet Rockwell and Warren. 2. 84 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Bower Miss Maggie, wks J. A. Whittier. Bower William, coat-boy, Bancroft House. Bower William, res e s Rockwell, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Bowerman Mrs. Susan, wks A. G. Bissell. Bowerman Miss Isabelle, wks A. Wilson. Bowes James lumberman, bds Daniel Forrest. Bowley James, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Bowyer William C., real estate dealer, res 335 1st. 2. Boy John, lab, res e s 8th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. Boyce George C., mason, res s e cor Johnson and 6th. See Byce. Boyce Thomas, lab, works W. Colford. Boyd George, riverman, bds J. B. Twist. Boyd Robert, lumberman, res s w side Miller, cor Miller and Warren. 3. Boyd William, lab, bds Henry Nargeley. Boyle John, waiter Bancroft House. Boyle Patrick, ship carpenter, bds T. Riddell, res Saginaw. Boyse George, lab, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 1. Boyton John, bank clerk, Jefferson, bet Hayden and William.. Braceland David JT, book-keeper, bds C. E. Brown. Braden Casper, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Little Jake & Co., 4Boss" Clothiers of the State. Braden Miss Philippine, sales lady, wks August Bode. Bradish Albert, lab, bds J. J. Reamer. Bradley Charles, waiter Bancroft House. BRADLEY HENRY H., groceries and provisions, boots,. and shoes, crockery, etc., cor Wasn'n and Mackinaw, res. s s William, bet Mackinaw and Miller. Bradley Miss Maggie, lives with T. Shaw. Bradshaw Harry, painter, bds Oscar Hull. Bradt Jacob, bds with Elisha Mott. Brady Mrs. Emma, bds F. Harris. Brady Miss Kittie, pastry cook Bancroft House. Brady Hill Cemetery, w s Jefferson, s of German Colony Road,, William T. Arnold, Sexton. Brady James, lab, res w s Mackinaw s of East. 3. Brady James, cooper T. W. Stillwell, res e s Water, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. Brahant John, ship carpenter, res e s Miller, bet Center and Rust. 4. Brandsteteer K., res and shoe shop, e side 6th, bet Johnsol and Fitzhugh. Branin Michael, dairyman and cattle broker, res s s Elm, bet. Maple and Warren. 6. EAST SA GINAW DIRECTORY. 85 Brant August, lab, bds John Webster. Brantiger Henry, coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Bratlium Henry, tinsmith, res 4th street, bet Miller and Sears. Bray Mrs. Susan, wid Thomas, washer, resw s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 4. Brayden Casper, carpenter, res e s Wash'n, bet Hayden and William. 4. Brazoin Thomas, shoemaker, bds Mrs. S. Homes. Breetsen August, lab, res n Gallagher, bet Jeff'n and Wash'n. 2. Briest George, cabinet-maker, bds Oscar Hull. Bremer Charles, lab, res 222 Walnut, bet Hess and Smith. 3. Brendel Frederick, wks L. Damstaeller. Brennan Francis, lab, res cor English and 6th. Brewer Addison P., manuf'r and dealer in lumber, rese s Wash'n No. 139, bet Atwater and German Colony road. 8. Brewer George, lab, bds John Ford. Brewer John A., lumberman, res e s Wash'n, bet Atwater and German Colony road. 4. Brezee Freeman R., lab, res w s Wash'n, s of Douglass. 2. Brice William, carpenter, bds A. Dunlap. Brick John, lab, bds Thomas Kenney. Kid Gloves at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Brickel Jacob, res cor 13th and Wadsworth. 3. Brickten Thos., shingle-jointer C. & E. TenEyck. Bridgeman George R., hardware merchant, res w s Fitzhugh, bet Cass and Franklin. 5. Bridgeman Jesse, baker, wks James I. Robinson. Bridges Miss Alice, works Tuscola House. Bridge Edward, machinist, bds Mrs. P. Austin. Bridges Willard H., raftsman, res w s Franklin, near Miller. 3. Briest George, cabinet maker, works Weinecke & Bros. Bridgeman Robert, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Briggs Miss Mary D., lives W. J. Loveland. Brigham John, lab, bds Farmer's Home. Brimmingstood George, inspector F. & P. M. R. R. Brimm Matthew, lab, bds N. A. Jenks. Brimingston George, lab, bds Benjamin Eaton. Brink George J., landlord, s w cor Franklin and Fitzhugh. 4. Brint -, res cor n Washington and 8th. 4. Bristol Charles, painter, res over 128 n Water, cor Tuscola. 3. Bristol Mrs. Cynthya, (wid) Harlow, res w s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 2. Bristol Edward H., carpenter, res n s Linton, bet Washington and Mackinaw. 3. 86 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Britton Francis, mason, bds Ferick Reuben. Brock Thomas, carpenter, res No. 609 5th st, bet Miller and Sears. 6. Brohman Martin, wks C. & E. TenEyck. Brolley Bernard, lab, res 6th, bet Kirk and Sears. 1. Bromley George, bar-tender Bancroft House. Bromley John A., lab, bds Tremont House. Bromm George, engineer, res 1200 Webster. 4. Bromm Michael, lab, res w s 14th, bet Janes and Cherry. 3. Bronner Jacob, drayman, res 221 w s Cass, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Bronner Reinard (Krekow & Bronner), bds Jacob Bronner. Bront Edmund, lab, res w s 14th, bet Janes and Cherry. 4. Brookmyre Robert, lab, res n Wash'n, bet 8th and 9th. Brooks G. B., att'y and recorder, bds Everett House. Brooks L. J., salt and lumber, bds Everett House. Brook & Mason (Esta Brook and L. P. Mason), lumber and commission agts, office Bliss blk, cor Genesee and Wash'n. Brooks Melville J., student at law William & Sutherland, bds Horace T. Slade. Brooks Melville, bds H. T. Slade. See name above. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Brooks William, fireman F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary A. Fournier. Brooks William, lab., bds Tremont House. Brooks William H., carpenter, res s s Cherry, bet 1st and 2d. 4. Brookins George R., painter, res s w cor Johnson and 6th. 5. Brueck Fred., shoemaker, res cor Clay and Genesee. 6. Broughton Alfred, clerk H. H. Bradley. Broughton John D., elk H. H. Bradley, bds parents. Broughton Joseph, drayman, res s s Randolph e of Wash'n ave. 5. Broughton Thomas E., clerk A. Blankerts, bds J. Broughton. Brousseau Alexander, lab., bds A. Picard. Brown Archie, lumberman, res Hoyt cor Maple. 2. Brown Benjamin E., (D. K. Brown & Co.,) res n w cor Fitzhugh and Wash'n. 2. Brown B. J., attorney, office Wisner block, Genesee. Brown Charles, lab, bds J. Webster. BROWN C. EXERAp Annual Directory and Trade Circular publisher, office No. 1, over 113 Genesee, 314 Emerson, res s e cor Miller and Webber, unfinished. See p., index. 6. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 87 Brown Charles S., ticket agt J. L. & S. R. R. and gen'l R. R. and steamship lines, office cor Genesee and Wash'n, with D. R.Brown & Co., res Franklin, bet Carroll and Mitchell. Brown Demetrius R. (D. R. Brown & Co.), res Fitzhugh, nr cor Wash'n. 3. Brown Edward, lab, res w s 7th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Brown Francis. lab, bds A. Rust. Brown George, jeweler and watchmaker, No. 312 Genesee, res 621 Webster. 2. Brown George, engineer Sears & Holland. Brown George, blacksmith, bds J. J. Reamer. Brown George, section foreman, bds 0. M. Curtis. Brown Henry, bds Samuel Jones. Brown Henry H., cutter F. G. Wilkins' clothing store, res 513 Thompson, bet Welles and Jefftrson. 3.' Brown James F., banker, res w s Wash'n, bet Hayden and Willard. Call at bank. Brown James, riverman, bds Garvin House. Brown Mrs. Jenny, (wid) John Brown, home with I.Killinger. Brown J. B., rooms Hovey bk. cor Tuscola and n Wash'n. Brown J., lumberman, bds Mrs. S. Homes. Scarfs & Ties at M. & Hb. Koch & Cos. Brown J. R., coppersmith F. & P. M. R. R. Brown Joseph, carpenter, res 4th, bet Ftrwell and Norman. 3. Brown Joseph, wood agt F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary Ward. Brown John, carpenter, res Tuscola, cor 10th. 3. Brown John, carpenter, res n s Mott, bet Park and Webster. 8 Brown John C., lumberman, res 1721 Genesee. 2. Brown Mrs. Julia, wid, res 222 e s Warren, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 2. Brown Lottie, bds Miss E. Hunter. Brown Malichi, wks P. Haug, res 216 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Brown Miss Mary, wks G. Lockley. Brown Mrs. Margaret, wks J. G. Owen. Brown Merritt C., salesman Singer sewing machine, bds cor Cass and Johnson. Brown Miss Nancy, wks S. Bishop. Brown Paul, lumberman, res e s Washington, bet Hayden and Millard. 3. Brown Peter, lab, bds Tremont House. Brown Ralph, lab, bds A. Hobson. Brown Sanford, wks C. W. Wenks, bds Scanlan House. 188 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. BROWN SILAS B., scaler, res e s Washington, n Mackinaw, 7th ward. 3. Brown Silas D., lab, res e s Washington, n Mackinaw. 2. Brown Thomas, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Brown Wellington, lab, res w s Miller s Main. 2. Brown William, lab., wks Michael Connery, bds Preston House. Browning Thomas and wife, bds S. Browning. Brownlie Archibald, foreman Bundy & Youmans, res s w cor Hess and Bundy. 2. Brownrig Stephen, engineer, res n Miller, wks Saginaw City & St. Clair R. R. 3. Bruce, Henry D., wks N. C. More, res n e cor Maple and Cherry. 7. Bruce Francis, harness-maker, wks P. Yeaton. Bruce, Orlando, carpenter, res 422 Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Brundage John A., musician, bds J. J. Reamer. Brunn Andrew, lab, res 216 3d, bet German and Janes. 3. Brunn Andrew Jr., wks J. Nicodemus, bds A. Brunn, Sr. Brunlaus Silven, lab, bds Tremont House. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Brushaber Joseph, teamster, res e s 5th, bet German and Jane. 2. Brushaber Joseph, bds parents, 5th. BIUSKE & SCHWARTZ, (G. W. Bruske and J. Schwartz) wholesale and retail dealers in shelf and heavy hardware, stoves, nails, glass, etc., No. 573 Genesee, and 114 Lapeer. Bruske Gustavus (Bruske & Schwartz), bds P. Fiege. 3. Bryant William, bds J. J. Hosmer. Bryce Jacob B., stave dealer for Romaine & Rait, office cor Wash'n and Genesee, bds cor Maple and Wells. Bryon Mrs. Louie, res 200 cor Franklin and Tuscola. 2. Bub W., wks Feige Bros. Buchham Lewis, plasterer, bds Abram I. SharicK. Buchannan George, lab, bds Abram I. Sharick. Buchannan Irwin, carpenter, res s s Tuscola,bet 8th and 9th. 10. Buchanan Robert, clk J. R. Livingston, bds parents, Tuscola. Buck Charles, carpenter, res w s 9th, bet German and Janes. 3. Buckel John, baker, Franklin, bet Genesee and German. 8. Buckers William, lab, res w East, s city limits. 4. Buckhout Byron B., hardware merchant, 122 n Water, res 226 n.Wash'n. Buckley Daniel, lab, bds Oscar Hull. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 89 BUCKLEY JAMES, carriage-maker, w s Mackinaw, w of Rust. See advt. 7. Buckley Patrick, wagon-maker, res w s Wash'n, s ofDouglass. 7. Bucknell Benjamin, lab, res 14th, bet East, Astor and Miller. Budd Joshua, carpenter, res e s Webster, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Budd lNathan, carpenter, res w s Warren, bet Hayden and William. 2. BUDE HALUSIN, architect and builder, shop and res s w Emerson and Franklin. 2. Buff Henry, sailor, res s s Annesly, bet 1st and 2d. 4 Bull Joseph, lab, res s s Janes, bet 1st and 2d. 7. Bulty Albert, wks for Geo. Moiles. Bumberger F., wks Sears & Holland. Bundy Henry, lab, res Warren, cor Atwater. 5. Bundy H. (col), wks Green's, res n e cor Warren and Atwater. 5. Bundy Jefferson F. (Bundy & Yeoman), res e s Wash'n, s German Colony road. 4. Bundy & Martindale (Jefferson F. Bundy, Edwin A. and Charles C. Martindale), shingle manuf'rs, w of Miller, bet Centre and Nimons. Employ 32 men. Goods 1 Marked in Plain Figures at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Bundy & Youman (Jefferson F. Bundy and Henry M. Youman), salt and lumber manuf'rs, office and mill w of Miller, bet William and Main. Employs 50 men in salt blk and mill. Bunnell Lewis, engineer F. & P. M. R. R., bds Charles Anderson. Bunnell S. S., mechanic F. & P. M. depot. Buoz William, wks J. F. Driggs. Bupe Miss Maggie, wks Simon Egered. Burch Frank, warehouseman James Stewart & Co., bds D. O'Donnell. Burd Sylvester A., engineer F. & P. M. R. R., res Warren, bet Astor and Potter. BURDTICK DUANE D., meat market, Potter, opp freight depot, bet Rockwell and 3d, res 216 Maple, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 3. Burdick H. H., moulder Wickes Bros., res s e cor Carroll and 7th. Burdick Jesse A., gunsmith, Cass, bet Genesee and German. 5. Burdick Joseph A., engineer, res cor Cass and German. 3. Burghdorf, Miss Addie, wks Boergert & Co. Burgemeister William, printer, res w s 4th, bet Janes and German.' 2. 12 90 EAST SAGINAW DIECTORY. Burger Mrs. Catherine, home with Harman Goech. Burger Minnie, home with Thomas H. Smith. Burgert, Henry H., merchant tailor, res cor 8th and Wadsworth. 5. Burgess Mrs. Catherine A., (wid) John W. Burgess, res Warren, bet German and William. Burgess Wesley, ship carpenter, bds J. S. Smith. Burgess James R., ship carpenter, res Water, s German Colony Road. 5. Burgo Antony, lab, res 4th, bet Norman and Farwell. Burgo John E., carpenter, res 4th. bet Farwell and Norman. 1. Burgo Robert, teamster, res cor 4th and Norman. Burgoyne Charles, lab, res e s Little, s Nimons. 5. Burk Nicholas, clerk, res 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 4. Burk Miss Sarah M., home Mrs. Maggie Herted. Burk Matthias, lab, res 1011 Webster, near Mott. Burk Miss Sarah, wks 501 Carroll. Burke Miss Kate M., wks J. Terry. Burke Michael, clk F. & P. M. R. R. Burke Mrs. Sarah, res Webster, bet Lapeer and German. 3. Burkhardt George, res n Washington, bet 6th and 7th. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co9s. Burnham Avery, bds R. R. Parmenter. 2. Burnham Jacob B., aged, living with L. F. Burnham. Burnham Laforest F., teamster, res 912 Hoyt. 2. Burnham, Potter & Still, (J. T. Burnham, Frederick Potter, and Hiram Still,) Union Planing Co., employ 10 men. Burnham & Still, (Joseph T. and Norman G. Burnham and Hiram Still), manuftrs of salt and lumber, salt block and saw-mill e end Mackinaw street bridge. Employ 21 men. Burnett H. S., wks C. & E. TenEyck. Burnett Miss H., dress-maker, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Burns, Edward, bds J. J. Hosmer. Burns Miss Jennette, home with Peter Burns. Burns John, clk and bds James Green. Burns John, bds J. C. Brown. Burns Mary Ann, lives with E. H. Doyle. Burns Miss Mary, home with John Canham. Burns Peter, wks Johnson & Hull, res e s Franklin, bet German and William. 5. Burns Thomas, wks John Webster. Burr Mrs. -, bds P. Brown. Burr Cyrus, fireman F. & P. M. R. R. Burr Mrs. Amanda, wid, res s s Nimons, bet Mackinaw and Ballard. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 91 Burrell H. plasterer, bds Tremont House. Burrows Franklin, bds W. Landis. Burtch Elisha, blacksmith, res s w cor Carroll and 5th. 3. Burtt, Charles, painter, works Burt & Loomis. Burt Eugene, painter, bds Tremont House. Burt Gillette, coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Burt John E., painter, res Genesee, near Hoyt. 5. Burtt & Loomis (I. E. B. & R. H. L.,) painters, Cass, bet Genesee and German. Burt Marcus L., lab, works William B. Smith. Burt Mrs. Rebecca, (wid) w s Warren, bet Elm and Emerson. 7 Burt W. R. & Co. (W. R. Burt, D. Mitchell. J. C. Roland), lumber and salt manuf'rs, Melbourne, office 215 n Water. Burt Wellington R., lumber and salt manuf'r, Melbourne, office 215 n Water, res 511 Jefferson. 5. Burton Miss Anna, wks Valley Laundry, res ss William, bet Clay and Genesee. Burton Charles H., book-keeper Ketchau & Co. Burton Charles, res 224 Maple. 3. Burton E. Marshall, cigars and tobacco, dealer in wines and liquors, 202 Genesee, res e s Jefferson, cor Atwater. 2. M. & ~I. Koch & Co., The Clothiers. Burton Frederick J., book-keeper Gas Light Co., res 307 Hoyt. 3. Burton Harvey, tobacconist, res 1001 Wash'n, cor Brady. 2. Burton Miss Louie, dressmaker for Miss M. J. Barton. Burton Miss Nancy A., lives with H. Burton. Burton -, painter, bds David B. Leroy. Burwick Frederick, mechanic F. & P. M. R. R. Busby Walter T., tinsmith Reynolds & Choate, bds Mrs. Paul Brown. Bush Andrew J., laborer, res 414 Rockwell, bet Carroll and s Fitzhugh. 2. Bush Adolphus, bds Ebel Hotel. Bush John, sawyer C. Lee, bds Scanlan House. Bush John, lab, bds R. Vannorman. Bush Liphens, wks F. & P. M. depot.. Bush Stephen, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. R. R. Bushey John, wks C. Lee mill. Buska George, lab, res 217 3d. 3. Businger J., wks Sears & Holland. Bussy Eugene, saw-setter Warner & Eastman. Bussinger Joseph, lab, res e s town line, w Jefferson. 6. Butcher John, mechanic Wickes Bros., res cor 5th and Miller. 3. 92 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Butcher Paul, wks Feige Bros. Butler Charles, lab, bds A. Dunlap. Butler Mrs. Emma, proprietress Clarendon House, n e cor Fitzhugh and Franklin. Butler Miss Fanny, lives with Henry Miller. Butler George P., gardner, res n s Walnut, bet Mumford and Douglas. 6. Butler Peter, drayman, res w s 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Butenschoer Henry, tailor W. Reimers, res n e cor 8th and Johnson. 6. Butter John, carpenter, bds Carrie Andrews. Butterfield James, riverman, bds Garvin House. Butts M. H., painter F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Buyer George, cooper, res Warren, bet German and William. 1. Buzzell Marcus H., book-keeper Derby & Co., bds Everett House. Byer August, carpenter F. & P. M. R. R. shops. Byce Geo. C., mason, res s e cor Johnson and 6th. See Boyce. 9. Byers William, blacksmith M. McSweeney, bds R. Vannorman. Byers William, blacksmith, res e s Franklin, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 2. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Byrne James, lab, res n Wash'n, bet 7th and 8th. 6. Byrnes Miss Mary, tailoress, bds John Canham. Byrnes Patrick, lab, res n s n Miller, bet Wash'n and Mackinaw. 2. Byrns James, lumberman, bds Scanlan House. C. Cabbage James, yardman F. & P. M. R. R. Cabbage John, lab, res w s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 5. Cabbage Lawrence, yardman F. & P. M. R. R. Cadotte Mrs. Emma, -, Potter, bet Rockwell and Warren. Cady John, lab, bds D. R. King. Cain Julia, home with Lenard Myres. Cain Michael, lab, res n Washington, bet 9th and 10th. 6. Cain, William, lab, res cor 8th and Sears. 4. Cairns Frank, saloon, e s Water, bet Hayden and William, res n s Genesee, opp Postoffice. Caitila John, lab, res s s Johnson, near R. R. 3. Calahan Jerrfy, riverman, res 3 s X street, bet King and Mackinaw. 6. Calderwood, Andrew, grocer, w s Mackinaw, s of Centre, res e s of Washington, s of Center. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 93 Calderwood Miss Anna, wks C. H. Smith. Calderwood James, lab, res e s Little, n of Main. 4. Caldw'ell, Thomas, carpenter, res 1124 Emerson. 8. Calewell Wallace R., shoemaker, works Joseph Cornick. Calhoun David, fireman F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary A. Fournier. Calhoun -, conductor, bds C. Doughty. Calland Miss Anna, bds C. H. Derlin. Callam William M., manuf'r and dealer in logs and pine land, office Owen blk 308 Genesee. Callery Edward, 3d miller Mayflower Mills, bds 501 Carroll. Calin James, engineer Charles Lee's mill, res Franklin, bet Thompson and Hoyt. 3. Capron William, lab, bds Abram I. Sharick. Cambrey William H., foreman Eaton, Potter & Co., res s w cor Mackinaw and X. 4. Camp Charles H., att'y, res e s Wash'n, bet Brady and Mason. 2. Camp Julius W., wks E. S. Manning. Campau Miss Josie, bds Welcome Home. Campbell Andrew, carpenter, res n s Randolph, e of Wash'n. 4. Campbell Alexander M., millwright, res w s Cornelia, nr Phelon, move to German Colony road. 5. Lumbermen's Supplies at X. & H. Koch & Co's. Campbell Duncan A., physician, res cor Johnson and Warren. 2 Campbell Miss Frances, -, res cor Tuscola and Warren. Campbell Mrs. Fylia J., boarding house, 201 Annesley,cor 1 st. 2. Campbell Henry M., foreman Owen & Brewer mill, res cor 4th and Norman. 3. Campbell, Mrs. Hannah, (wid), lives with Duncan A. Campbell, M.D. Campbell John M., reg. physician, office White's block, s Wash'n. Campbell John M., physician, res n w cor Elm and Maple. 4. Campbell Miss Mary J., wks J. Davidson. Campbell Nancy, home with A. M. Campbell. Campbell Robert, mason, res n s Millard, bet Webster and Genesee. 4. Campbell Wilford S., owner barge "B. B. Buckhout," res 414 Wash'n. 3. Cameron Alexander G., wks James G. Cameron. Cameron Benjamin, carpenter and joiner, bds Abram T. Sharick. Cameron Benjamin, lab, bds Tremont House. Cameron James Gordon, coach works cor Jeff'n and Tuscola, res cor Jeff'n and Tuscola. 7. 94= EAST SAGINIAW DIRECTORY. 'Cameron Peter, lab, bds Alexander House. Camere, Morris, lab, bds Montreal House. Cammel Malcom, lab, bds A. Picard.,Caner Robert, fruit-tree agent, bds Everett House.,Canfield John, lab, res e s 1st, bet Annesly and Hartsuff. 4. 'CarkriffMiss L., dressmaker, works Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Carmen Miss H., dressmaker, works Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Carns Francis, music hall, 411 Genesee, bds F. Wallen. Carter Perry, res n s Hess, bet Miller and Mackinaw. 5. Cary James, lab, bds Martin Manion. sCarleneau Miss Carrie, wks American House. Carrline Eva, wks C. Smith. Carlisle F. W. & Co., (Frederick & Frederick W. Carlisle,) tanners, leather and findings store, 128 n Water, res cor Miller and Warren. Carlisle William C., sailor, bds Scanlan House, s e cor Water and Thompson. Carlton Crosier D., book-keeper and machinist, Merrill & Bacon. Carlton Sidney, works Enterprise Office. Carman Henry, machinist, res 511 w s Warren. 5. Carmichael Edmond, ship joiner, res n e Brady and Jefferson. 5. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Carmichael Peter, lab, bds Alexander. Carr James, blacksmith, res s e cor Mason and Jefferson. 4. Carr John, res 318 2d. 2. Carr Joseph, blacksmith, wks Charles A. Dolliver. Carroll James, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Carroll Peter, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Carroll John M., clk John W. Howry, bds A. Dixson, or Everett House. Carroll Mrs. Mary, (wid) res 725 Maple. 7. Carroll Miss Mary, home Lester E. Cummings. Carroll Marten, lab, bds Daniel Hooley. Carroll Peter, lab, bds Daniel Hooley. Carothers James W., lab, res n s Williams, bet Mackinaw and Miller. 3. Carpenter Barnard, res w s Wash'n, cor 1st, s of Douglass. 7. Carpenter Miss Julia, wks W. Smith. Carpenter Louis, lab, bds A. Lapham. Carpenter Miss Lizzie, dressmaker, bds N. Walthouse. Carson George, blacksmith, bds J. J. Reamer. Carson Thomas H., filer Sears & Holland, res n w cor Cornelia and German Colony Road. 4. Carson F., filer Sears & Holland. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 95 Carter George, carpenter, res n e cor Water and Hayden. 2. Carter Perry, billiard-room, w s Mackinaw, opp Salina House, res Hesse. 5. Casey Miss Agnes M., wks D. S. Hall. Casey Daniel, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Casey Mary, lab, res cor 12th and Tuscola. 5. Casey Robert E., lab, res e s 4th, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 5. Casey Patrick, lab, res Tuscola, near 12th. 4. Casey Peter, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Casey William, horse farrier, bds R. Vannorman. Cashan Ambrose, lives J. Cashan. Cashan, Mrs. Elecia, lives John Cashan. Cashin Miss Ellen, matron, at St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, w s Welles, bet Emerson and Hoyt. Cashin John, lab, res N. E. Wells. Cashin John, lives John Cashin. Cashin, Miss Johanna, assistant matron at St. Marv's Orphan Asylum. Caspary William, baker, wks John Buckel. Cagins, Miss May, bds Miss Frances Campbell. Cashin Patrick, clk Mosher & Mickley, res s w cor 4th and Miller. Fine Custom Work at 1~. & IH. Kocih Co's. Casler Rev. David, pastor Methodist Church, res e s Jeffer'son, bet Hayden and William. 4. Caster Herbert E., clk Am. Ex. Co. office, bds Bancroft House. Caston, John, lab, res w s Webster, s of King. 8. Caswell Horace B., stone cutter, A. Hobson, bds same. Cassady Mrs. Mary, wks Mrs. M. B. Morse. Cassedy Charles (Jameson & Cassedy), bds J. B. Kellan, Tuscola, bet Wash'n and Franklin. Cassery Daniel, lab., res 7th, bet Kirk and Norman. 5. Cassin John, teamster, bds Henry Naegely. Cleary Miss Kate, laundress Bancroft House. Catlin Elijah S., lumber inspector, res 402 Webster, cor Millard. 5. Catlin & Paine (Elijah Catlin, Alderman B. Paine), lumber inspectors and commission dealers, office Buckhout blk, n Water. Cater George, lab, bds John Richards. Cathie James, plumber, res s s Millard, bet Wash'n and Franklin. 2. Canfield Joel, mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R. Canham John, Agent Grover and Baker sewing machine, res Astor, bet Rockwell and Warren. 4. 96 9EAST SAGINDAW DIRECTORY. Candman Chas. C., file cutter, res Maple, bet Hoyt and Johnson. 2. Cansineau George, blacksmith shop, Cass, bet German and William, bds John Reemer. Cantine Charles, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Chabotte Celestin, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Chadima Francis, musician, res n e cor 4th and Tuscola. 6. Chaffer Charles, printer, Courier office. Chafer William, lab, res n w cor Cherry and Douglass. 6. Chagnon John B., baker, res cor Johnston and Wash'n. Chambers Miss Amelia, bds T. Billing. Chambers Mrs. A., dressmaker, wks E. G. Hammond. Chamberlain Lafayette B., bds L. C. Whiting. Chamberlain William, carpenter, bds National House, South Saginaw. Chandler Bros. (G. R. Chandler and John A. Chandler), chemists and druggists, No. 320 Genesee. Chandler George, bds L. W. Eccleston. Chandler Gilbert R. (Chandler Bros.), ress w cor Thompson and Jefferson. 3. Interview the "Boss' Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Chandler Ira E., salesman Little Jake & Co., bds Everett House. Chandler John A., chemist and druggist, res Houghton. Charles Mrs. Sarah, --, res e Clay and Tuscola. 2. Chase Asahel, city clk, office over P. 0., res e s Warren, bet Hoyt and Emerson. 5. Chase Mrs. Hannah (wid), n s Gallagher, e of Mackinaw. 2. Chappell D. A., supt. water works, bds Everett House. Chapman Miss Mary E., wks Mary A. Fournier. Chapel Thomas, lab, bds David Huttley. Chapman Thomas, lab, bds Marten Borland. Charry Laurence, lab, res Atwater, cor Cornelia. 7. Chanvez Francis, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Chatterton Daniel D., cooper, res n s Linton, bet Mackinaw and Washington. 5. CHEENEY H. H., Repair Shop and Lumber Rule Manufr, Gun-smith, and Sealer of Weights and Measures, e s Jefferson, bet Lapeer and Tuscola, res Genesee, bet Clay and Webster. Chepenk Charles, lab, res n s Gallager, bet Jefferson and Washington. 8. Child Joseph, minstrel, bds Stauber's Hotel. Chilten, Mrs. Crena, (wid) res 125 Jefferson, bet Johnson and Tuscola. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 97 Chisholm Daniel, clk Mark & Fleitz, bds F. Miller. Chisholm John D., passenger conductor and lumberman, res s w cor Jefferson and Miller. 3. Choate Charles B. (Reynolds & Choate), res No. 502 Carroll and Jefferson. 3. Church Ira, sawyer, bds Valentine House. Christler Henry, lab, res ss Millard, bet Wash'n and Franklin. 3. Christopher Jacob, foreman round-house, res 7th, bet Kirk and Sears. Chriscaber Charles, lab, res e s Miller, s of Main. 3. Chriscadan Daniel, lab, res w s Miller, s Nimons. 6. Cieta Antony, lab, bds Joseph M. Geni. Chriscadan James, lab, bds D. Chriscadan. Cinnunett Frank, painter, res e s Fifth, bet Carroll and Miller. CLAFLIN NELSON H., physician and surgeon, office and res 314 S. Wash'n. See advt. 7. Claflin N. J., elk Estabrook & Saunders. Clair Miss Emma, bds Willow Tree Saloon. Elegant Clothing at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Clancy Owen II., engineer, res e s Webster, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 6. Clark Alexander, printer, Courier office. Ulark Alexander, blacksmith, res e s Webster, bet Carroll and Miller. 9. Clark Charles A., omnibus agt, res 1401 Genesee, cor Chesnut. 4. Clark David, drayman, res n e cor Chesnut and Webster. 4. Clark Decker, wks Harvey & Coleman, livery. Clark T. D. Douglass, elks and bds Jesse A. Burdick. Clark Emmet R., druggist, bds Everett House. Clark George, clk, bds John Q. Adams. Clark Genia, elk Everett House. Clark Hannibal W., scaler, bds John Hazzard. Clark Harley R., foreman Courier, bds Everett House. Clark Mrs. Helen B., wid, res w s Welles, s of Brady. 2. Clark Henry, cooper, res s s n Miller, bet King and Mackinaw. 3. Clark James, hack-driver, wks Harvey & Coleman. Clark James, painter, bds Mrs. P. Austin. Clark Jennie, - bds Ocean Wave. Clark Rev. John W., rector St. Paul's Episcopal Church, res w s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Miller. 13 98 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Clark John, blacksmith, res w s Jefferson, bet Emerson and Mason. 6. Clark Leonard A., cashier First National Bank, 420 Wash'n street. 2. Clark Nelson J., Oyster Bay Restanrant, cor Franklin and Potter. 3. Clark Richard P., aged, lives E. C. Cooper. Clark Miss Rosetta N., sewing girl, with Mrs. P. Austin. Clark, Stephen, steward Everett House. Clark Willis G., clk Morley Bros., bds Mrs. Mary Gates, Wash'n. Clarke Charles E., carpenter, bds Erastus W. Durkee. Clarke Daniel, lab, bds Martin Manion. Clarke E. R., & Co., (Emmette R. Clarke, -,) druggist, bds Everett House. Clarke Elgin E., saloon, res cor Tuscola and Wash'n. 2. Clarke H. W., scaler, office No. 308 Owen block, Genesee, bds John Hazzard. Clarke James A., wks Enterprise Office. Clarke John, shoe maker, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. Clarke William H., fireman, bds D. R Ring. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Clarop Chas., riverman, res e s 5th, bet Johnson & Fitzhugh. 4 Clary (ortland C., farmer, res e s Genesee, bet Annesly and Walnut. 6. Clary Henry, waiter, Everett House. Clancey O. H., mechanic, F. & P. M. depot. Clay Samuel G., bill poster, res 615 e s water, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 2. Claydon Harry, wks J. S. Stevens. Claydon Walter, machinist, res w s 4th, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 6. Clayton Miss Rose, home with James Wilber. Cleland Thomas, Jr., physician, office 132 s Washington, cor German, res as sWilliams, bet Clay and Webster. 2. Clement Daniel, lab, bds R. Vannorman. Clemens Thomas, ook keeper, Sears & Holland, bds C. Goodspeed. Clement Thomas, lab, bds Tremont House. Clendenney William S., ship carpenter, res w s Wash'n, s of Linton. 2. Clendenning George, clk, bds Everett House. Clifford Mrs. Eliza, -, William, bet Franklin and Wash'n. Clifton William, foreman gas works, res e s Water, bet Iayden and Millard. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 99 Clinton Miss Mary, wks Mrs. H. McAuley. Clinton William C., hoop-maker, res Gallagher, bet Jefferson and Wash'n. 9. Cline Fred., elk Morley & Bros., res No. 318 e s 4th, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 4. Cline John, lab, wks Gottelib Lange. Cline John, lab, res s s Lapeer, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Cline Sophia, wks John Cline. Cloudman and McClennan (Charles C. Cloudman and William McClennan), file cutters, shop Water, n of Mayflower Mills.,Cloudman Charles C., file cutter, res w s Maple, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 2. Cloutier Reamer M., salesman Derby & Co., res e s Cass, bet Hayden & William. 2. Clother Walter, carpenter, res s w cor 5th and Carroll. 5. Club Nicholas, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Club Barn, w s Franklin, bet German and William. Clum Bridget, wks Bancroft House. Coates Joseph, saloon, n s Walnut, e of Lincoln, res same. 2. Coates Thomas, well-digger, bds J. Carr. Coats Mrs. Mary, (wid) res w s 10th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. Largest Stock of Clothing at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Coats William, cashier 2d Nat'l Bank, res e s Water cor Johnson. 3.,Cobb S. M., mechanic F. & P. M. depot. 'Cobleigh Andrew M., stationary engineer, bds W. H. Cobleigh. Cobleigh William H., engineer, res e s Miller, n of Nimons. 5. Coburn Seth, lab, bds J. Hayes. Cochlin Mary, ironer, Bancroft House. Cochran William J., foreman cooper, Sears & Holland. -Codan James, cooper, J. Hamsel, res w s Miller. 4. Cogan James, cooper, res w s Miller, s Centre. 4. Coginal David, wks Warner & Eastman's mill. Cogswell, Don A., lumber inspector, res 808 Johison, bet 3d and Rockwell. 8. Cogswell Wilfred D., lumber inspector. Cohen Simon, peddler, bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. Coil Patrick, lumberman, bds Martin Borland. Coldfield William, lab, res n Wash'n. Cole Frank J., res n w cor Thompson and Webster. 3. Cole George, lab, bds H. Tolman. Cole Martin W., riverman, res n s Nimons, bet Ballard and Little. 4. Cole Mrs. Matilda, bds H. Tolman. 100 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Cole N athan, farmer, bds A. Rust. Cole Patrick, lab, bds John Webster. Cole William, hostler, wks B. Besner, Montreal House. Cole William, sail-maker, res cor Clay and Lapeer. 4. Coleman Harrison, livery, res Wash'n, bet Tuscola and Johnson. 11. Coleman Miss Jennie, dressmaker, bds Albert McKee. Coleman Mrs. Sarah A., (wid Thomas Coleman), res 4th, bet, Kirk and Sears. 3. Coles Mrs. Jennet, home with Mrs. Mary Hulsizer. Coles Thomas, mechanic, bds Mirs. Mary Hulsizer. Colford William, lumberman, res s s Carroll, bet Franklin and Jefferson. 2. Collard Benjamin F., rule-maker, res e s Jefferson, bet McCoskry and Brady. 4. Collins Charles, lab, bds C. C. Parke. Collingwood Edward, wks C. Lee, bds E. Ferguson. Collier Frank L., clerk, bds Everett House. Collins James, wks C. Lee. Collins Luke, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Little Jake & Co., "Boss " Clothiers of the State., Collins Martin, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. IR. R. Collishan Robert, bds T. Sadlier. Colnel Archibald, bds Scanlan Bouse, s e cor Water andc Thompson. Colter C. C., wks Enterprise office. Colter John A., wks Enterprise office. Colwell William, bds J. C. Brown. Comber Mrs. Dora, wid, res 222 Walnut. Comfort William, lab, res Little, s of Nimons. 3. COMINS ALBERT K., scaler of logs, office over 107 Genesee, res 516 n Jefferson, bet Astor and Miller. See adv't. 6 Commer Emil, carpenter, res 527 1st, bet Annesly and Walnut. 8. Commercial College, German, bet Franklin and Washington. Compo Joseph, farmer, res w s Jefferson, s of German Colony Road. 3. Conant Rev. William, pastor Christian Church, bds C. C. Parke. Conden Charles, lab, res n s Hesse, bet Mackinaw and Little. 3. Conden Lampson, lab, res e s Miller, s Main. Condon Mrs. Elizabeth, bds Mrs. P. Austin. Condon Patrick, lab, bds Michael Connery. Condy Joseph, lab, res e s 8th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4.. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 101 Cone M., tailor, bds Ebel Hotel. Congdon William C., wks Harvey & Coleman. Conklin Charles, lab, bds E. Merrill. Conley Mrs. Kate, dressmaker, res e s Jefferson, bet Tuscola and Johnson. 3. Conly Miss Mary, wks with A. M. Root. Consdine John, lab, res w s Miller, s of Centre. 4. Contle Joseph, lab, res 13th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. Contillon Patrick J., clk American House. Convers John S., conductor, res w s 3d, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 4. Conway Miss Emma, milliner, bds Henry J. Ball. Conway James G., lab, bds Judge Hotel. Conn George, grocer, cor Potter and Rockwell. 8. Connel Miss Anna, wks C. Lee. Connell Richard, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Connell William, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Connely John, clerk C. B. Stever & Co. Connelly Jerome, omnibus driver, res n w cor Carroll and Washington. 4. Only one Price at M3. & H. Koch & Co's. Connelly Mrs. Mary (wid Michael Connelly), res Warren, bet German and William. 5. Connely Martin, riverman, bds J. Connely. Connely Joseph, riverman, res n s Hesse, bet Bundy and Mackinaw. 6. Connely Thomas, lab, res s s Williams, n of Hess. 5. Connery Michael, Prescott House, n e cor Astor and Washington. 5. Connor Anthony, bds Judge Hotel. Connor Miss Caroline, wks J. Gunnel. Connor James, capt. police, res e s Warren, n of Millard. 5. Conroy Morris, wks Warner & Eastman. Conron Francis, land-looker, res w s Jefferson, bet Hayden and William. 5. Cook Albert, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Cook Albert, carpenter, res Annesly, e of 1st. 8. Cook Miss Alice G., lives D. Hunter. Cook Miss Alice J., wks I. Humphrey. Cook Christopher, res w s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Cook George G., lab, wks F. & P. M. R. R. Cook Henry, lab, res e s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 2. Cook Jeremiah, lab, res w s Ballard, n Nimons. 3. Cook John, lab, res w s 14th, nr Lapeer. 2. 102 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Cook John H., riverman, res n s Gallagher, bet Jefferson and Wash'n. 2. Cook Mrs. Louisa A., (wid) res s e cor Millard and Wash'n, 2. Cook Miss Mary E., lives with D. Hunter. Cook Mrs. Nancy, housekeeper David Hunter. Cook William, wks Sears & Holland. Cooley Charles, lab, res w s Webster, bet Elm and McCoskry. 2. Coomer Merrit, telegraph operator F. & P. M. R. R., bds William H. Race. Coon George, bds Excelsior House. Coon Edward, bds Excelsior House. Cooper Edward S., lab, res w s Wash'n, bet Hayden and Millard. 4. Cooper James, student, bds Dr. Hiram C. Farrand. Cooper James, student at law, bds Hiram C. Farrand. Cooper Edmund C., head sawyer Bundy & Youmans, res s e cor Bundy and Main. 3. Cooper Walter, bds H. Studor. Cookson John M., lab, res n w cor Mott and Warren. 4. Copeen Miss Sophia, wks G. R. Chandler. Corcoran Peter, book-keeper, bds R. Holahan. Patronize the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Corcoran Mrs. Mary, (wid) lives with R. Holahan. Corey George, saloon e s Water, bet Hayden and William, res same. Corlein James R., lab, res 1200 14th, nr Lapeer. Cormick Peter, lab, bds Martin Manion. Cornell Charles E., clk A. A. Dunk, bds same. Cornell George E., lumberman, res w Wash'n, bet Miller and Carroll. 3. Cornell James, machinist, res 719 Wash'n. 3. Cornell Lida, home with Christopher Holtzheimer. Cornell Samuel, clk, bds H. S. Averill. Corning Ginden, res e s Wash'n, s of German Colony Road. 3. Cornick Joseph, manuf'r and dealer in boots and shoes, shop cor Genesee and Jefferson, res 110 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 11. Cornish Miss Maud, wks William I. Howard. Cornwall Charles, lab, bds Daniel Cummings. Cornwall James S., machinist, wks Merrill & Bacon. Cornwall James, lab, bds Daniel Cummings. Cornwall Scott, ship carpenter, bds J. B. Twist. Cote Joseph, Crystal Palace Saloon, 213 Lapeer, n of Genesee, res same. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 103 Cotes William R., contractor water works, bds Everett House. Cotillier Mrs. Elizabeth, bds John Cotillier. Cotillier John, cook, res Johnson, bet 12th and 13th. 1. Cotter Mrs. Annie M., (wid) res w s Welles, bet Brady and McCoskry. 2. Cotter, Charles C., printer, Enterprise, bds Mrs. A. M. Cotter. Cotter, John A., printer, Enterprise, bds Mrs. A. M. Cotter. Cotter Thomas, apprentice, printer, lives home, Mrs, A. M. Cotter. Corrigan, John, umbrella maker, bds Patrick Haurigan. Corwin Martin, sup't Ketcham & Co. Corser, Bliss W., millwright, res 217 e s Maple, bet Thompson and Hoyt. 3. Couchman James, lab, res cor Kirk and G0h. 2. Couchman James, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Coulter Joseph, bds T. Murphy. Countee William, head waiter Everett House, res n e cor Millard and Washington. 2. Country Gilbert, lab, bds A. Picard. Courier Company, office s Franklin, bet Genesee and German. Couse Allen, carpenter, res cor Farwell and 3d. Clothing at Wholesale at M. & BI. Koch & Co's. Couse Edward, speculator, bds Everett House. Cousineau George (Gallinger & Cousineau), bds Saginaw Valley House. Cousins Charles, tinsmith, Morley Bros. Cousino Moses, lab, res e s Little, s Nimons. 2. Couta Peter, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Coutue Francis, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Covert James S., foreman J. Tuthill, res n s Miller, bet 3d and Rockwell. 6. Cowles Edward D., printer, local Enterprise office, bds 501 Carroll. Cowles, Ed., editor, bds Bancroft House. Cowles John, wks John McKinnon, bds parents, Warren, bet German and William. Cowan Peter, lab, bds D. Forest. Cowell Joseph H., physician (firm Jeffrys & Cowell), bds Everett House. Cowell William, lab, res w s 7th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Cown F., lab F. & P. M. R. R. Cox Miss Annie, wks A. B. Passage. Cox John, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Coyle Miss Mary, wks Thos. Steele. 104= EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Crabbe George, boots and shoes (W. H. Downs & Co.), res 214 Hoyt. 5. Craig Martin, clk F. W. Carlisle & Co., bds cor Cass and Johnson. Crago Arnold, bds Jacob Brenner. Cramer Martin, carpenter, res e s Jefferson, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Cramer William, teamster, bds Jacob L. Wilson. Crampton Charles B., clerk (A. B. Wood), bds Rev. J. S. Goodman. Crampton Jackson L., painter, res s w cor Carroll and 3d. 3. SCrampton John, painter, F. & P. M. R. R. Co. Crane Benjamin S., carpenter, res e s Water, n of Center. 5. Crane Mrs. Mary N., wid Joseph S., res n w cor Johnson and Webster. 2. Craw Miss Caroline, wks Etna House. Craw Henry W., cooper T. W. Stilwell, res cor Warren and Johnson. Crawford Alonzo H., agent Grover & Baker sewing-machine, res w s Webster, bet Hoyt and Emerson. 3. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Crawford David F., engineer F. & P. M. R.., res cor 4th and Kirk. 1. Crawford Peter, ass't book-keeper James Stewart & Co., bds Everett House. Crawford William R., carpenter, bds W. M. Sutton. 3. Creen J. & J. (John and James Creen), grocers, n e cor n Water and Tuscola. Creen John (J. & J. Creen,) res 107 Tuscola. 3. Creen James (J. & J. Creen), res over store, n e cor n Water and Tuscola. 3. Creen Miss Sarah, home with James Creen. Cresswell Abner, machinist, res Cornelia, cor Atwater. 5. Cresswell Thomas B., raftsman, res n e cor 1st and John. 4. Crfokle Joseph, res w s 5th, nr Janes. 2. Criscon John, fireman, wks Jesse Hoyt. Criscon -, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Crisp William, lab, bds A. Rust. Crippen C. A., grocer, res 8th, bet German and Janes. 5. Crocker Miss Julia L., wks Wm. Coats. Crocker William, mechanic, res e s Cass, bet Hayden and William. 2. Crofoot George, blacksmith, wks Charles A. Dolliver. Croftford Mrs. Jane, (wid) Henry, res s s Miller, bet 8th and 9th. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 105 Cromett Francis, painter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Cronin M. J., cutter M. & H. Koch, bds Bancroft House. Crookshank Miss Maggie, wks Liebenthal & Boutall. Crosby Miss Emma, wks J. Curren. Cross George, lumberman, res w s Jefferson, bet Hayden and William. 3. Cross Mrs. Martha, keeper pest-house, nr east limit, n of Vassar Plank road toll-gate, res s w cor 1st and Hartsuff. Cross Miss Mary, tailoress P. Roche, bds parents, 9th, nr Watrousville Plank road. Cross William, wks J. S. Stevens, bds Martha Cross. Cross William, bds W. Landis. Crossen John, carpenter, bds J. H. Overton. Crosse Peter, wks C. Wenks. Crouse Peter, lab, res 703, cor Webster and Tuscola. 6. Crowley John, fireman, res n Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Crouse Nicholas, coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Crouse Theodore, carpenter, res cor 5th, nr Norman. Croushar Adam, lab, res 789 Lincoln. 3. Crossland William, lab, res 8th, bet Farwell and n Wash'n. 3. Fashionable Tailoring at M. & H. K och & Co's. Crowe Robert, carpenter, res e s Maple, bet McCoskry and Atwater. 2. Crowfoot Charles, blacksmith, wks Charles A. Dolliver. Crowfoot George M., blacksmith, res 519 n w cor Fitzhugh and Webster. 4. Cruise Andrew, bds Joseph Wilson. Cruise Miss Elizabeth, bds Joseph Wilson. Cruise George A., blacksmith, res s w cor Lapeer and 6th. 3. Crump Miss Lizzie, wks with R. S. Warren. Cubill John, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Cubill John A., carriage maker, res cor Norman and 3d. 1. Cudley James, shoemaker, res 1408 Genesee. 4. Cudney Alexander, wks and bds J. Ryan. Cudney James, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Cufbert, James S., wks gas co., res e s Maple, s of Martha. 3. Cullan James, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Cullins Mathew, lab, bds William Sculley. Cullinnen Thos., lab., res n s Fitzhugh, bet 4th and 5th. 7. Cumlerworth Anthony, engineer, res e s Webster, cor Centre. 4. Cummiford Mrs. Ann, (wid), res bet Mackinaw and Miller. 4. Cummiford Miss Elizabeth, wks John VanSickle. Cummings Alexander, blacksmith, bds Mrs. Mary Ward. 14 106 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Cummings Daniel, teamster, res near Washington, bet 6th and 8th. 2. Cummings James, lab, works Jesse Hoyt. Cummings Luther E., lumberman, res cor Astor and Jeffn. 6. Cummings Robert, barber, bds F. A. Alien. Cunnard Miss Maggie, home with William H. Race. Cunningham Francis, painter, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Cunningham George, painter, wks Baker Bros. Cunningham James, lab, bds Alexander House. Cunningham James, lab, bds Martin Manion. Cunningham Owen, foreman Bartlett & Co. machine shop, res 617 Water. 7. Curren Miss Ellen, home with Mathew Borland. Curren Miss Idella, home with Henry M. Campbell. Curren James, teamster, res n s Gallagher, s of Morris. 3. Currens Miss L., dressmaker Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Currey John, lab, bds Martin Manion. Currie Andrew R., carpenter, res e s Franklin, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Curry Miss Amelia, music teacher, bds Mrs. H. S. Elseffer. Curry Daniel, lab, res w s Washington, s of Douglas. 5. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Curry M. K., stage line prop'r, bds Everett House. Curtis Alfred C., painter, shop n s Center, bet Mackinaw and Miller, res n e cor Miller and Williams. 3. Curtis Clark, hardware merchant, res cor Carroll and Washington. 1. Curtis Clark M., boarding house, res s e cor Washington and Carroll. 3. Curtis, Estabrook & Gebhardt (L. B. Curtis, John S. Estabrook, and Alex. Gebhardt), saw mill, w of Sag. & St. Clair R. R., n of Mowbray's Brewery. Curtis Franklin A., (F. A. Curtis & Co.,) res s e cor n Water and Johnson. 2. Curtis F. A. & Co. (Franklin A. Curtis, Clark M. Curtis), metalic paint and oil works, 208 n Water. Curtis Frank I., liveryman, stable e s Franklin, bet Johnson and Tuscola; bds Everett House. Curtis J. S. & Co. (Jay S. Curtis, Elias J. McClintock, Philip H. Andrews, Chas. A. Holmes), fire marine, life, fire and accident ins agents, office Buena Vista blk, cor Water and,Genesee. Curtis Thomas, farmer, res 701 n s Carroll. 3. Cuthbert James S., wks gas co, res 617 Maple. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 107 D. Daisag Joseph, lab, bds Daniel Cummings. Daley John, drayman, res 7th, bet German and Lapeer. 5. Dalkey William G., elk N. Schmelzer, bds F. Kohler. Dambacher John, carpenter, res n s Janes, bet 5th and 6th. 5. Dambacher Joseph, lab, res n s Janes, bet 5th and 6th. 4. Damstaetter Lewis, brewer, brewery e s Wash'n, s of German Colony Road, res same. 4. Dann Charles, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Dann C., wks Sears & Holland. Dansing James, carpenter, res e s of 1st, bet Annesly and Chesnut. 3. Danson James C., cabinet-maker, shop cor Cass and William, res 1st. 2. Daoust Anthony, lab, bds J. Vallet. Dapper John, tailor, res s e cor Merrill and Webster. 5. Darling Albert, lab, bds American House. Darmstaetter Louis, brewer. [See Damstaetter.] Daton Leonard, carpenter, bds Abram F. Sharick. Datty Miss Josephine, home with Mrs. Mary Connelly. Nobby Suits at IM. & I. Koch & Co's. Davenport Eugene, lab, bds D. MacIntyre. Davidson Jacob, grocer and street commissioner, res e s Genesee, bet Hoyt and Mott. 3. Davidson E. grocer (A. GRROHMANN, Director of Poor), Genesee, cor German. Davidson E., saloon Genesee, bet Warren and Webster. Davidson Isaiah, jobber, bds E. Merrill. Davidson James, bds J. C. Brown. Davidson Robert, lumberman, res ss Annesly, bet 1st and Genesee. 5. Davies Alfred, bds J. Davies. Davies Brothers, masons, res e s Genesee, bet Mott and Walnut. Davies Charles, bds George Davies. Davies Cornelius, machinist, res e s 8th, bet Miller and Carroll. 6. Davies Miss Eliza M. A., lives G. Davies. Davies Mrs. Elizabeth, bds G. Davies. Davies George, contractor, res e s Genesee, bet Walnut and Mott. Davies James, contractor, bda G. Davies. Davies John C., bds G. Davies. 108 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Davies Miss Kate, lives G. Davies. Davies Orion, engineer, res cor Tuscola and 7th. 4. Davis Amos, agt. Cass River Boom Co., bds J. B. Twist. Davis Charles, coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Davis Eugene A., tobacco and cigar dealer, e s Potter, bet Franklin and Jefferson, res w s 4th, bet German and Janes. 2. Davis George L., picture store, n Miller, w Washington. 2. Davis, Goldstone & Co. (Siegfried Davis, E. Goldstone, and Robert Phillips), ftncy goods, No. 306 Genesee. Davis Harry J., lab, bds Chas. Leroy. Davis L. C., wks Enterprise office. Davis Luther T., carpenter, res s s Jane, nr cor Lincoln. 3. Davis William, lab, bds R. Vannorman. Davis William A., ship carpenter, res e s Miller, s of Center. 4. Davis William 0., bar-tender M. McQuade, bds St. Nicholas. Davis Richard, lab, bds R. Vannorman. Davis Miss Sarah, lives with C. B. Choate. Davis Siegfried (Davis & Goldstone), bds R. Talbot. Davison Oliver, wood-turner, res e s Thayer, n Gallagher. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Dawson Garrett W., barber, shop over 311 Genesee, res cor Cass and Tuscola. 4. Dawson G. W., barber, bds Etna House. Dawson James C., cabinet maker, shop cor Cass and William, res 1st. 2. Dawson John, lab, bds Marshall B. Spencer. Dawson John, boiler-maker T. Steele. Day Albert A., att'y and U. S. Receiver of Lands, office Derby blk, bds Everett House. Day F. W., physician, bds Everett House. 3. Dayton Leonard, wks J. S. Stevens. [See Datan.] Deagon John, lab, bds Daniel Hooley. Deamud Ephraim, lab, res 6th, bet Kirk and Norman. 3. Dean Charles, lumberman, res Walnut, e Genesee. (High.) DeCharboneau Miss Agnes, bds Joseph Wilson. Dechan Charles, cooper, res cor 4th and Farwell. DeChame Charles, ship carpenter, bds R. Hall. Decker Clark, hack-driver, bds Everett House. Decker James, carpenter, res s s Sherman, w of Wash'n. 3. Decker Jerome, carpenter, bds James Decker. Decker John M., carpenter, res Gallagher, w Jefferson. 5. Dedrick Mrs. Carrie, chambermaid Everett House. Dee George, bricklayer, bds W. Smith. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 109 Deer Alexander W., pattern-maker Wickes Bros., res e s Water, bet Astor and Miller. 6. Deer J. B., carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Defrain Arthur, lawyer, res w s Water, bet Brady and McCoskry. 3. DeForest Wm. H., salesman Reynolds & Choate, bds A. Birdsall. Degener Otto H., cashier Morley Bros. Degner Wm. lab, res Germania bldg, Lapeer. 5. Deisler Andrew, baker, wks John Buckel. Deindorfer John P., bds R. Luster, clks F. E. Hoyt. Deisig Joseph, watchman, wks Jesse Hoyt. DeLand Charles V., insurance and real estate agent, res 405 s Washington. 7. DELAND MILTON B., notary public and insurance agent, office Sike's block, n w cor Mackinaw and Wash'n, res e s Webster, bet Rust and Centre. 4. DELAND VIRGIL W., millwright, res s s Centre, bet Miller and Webster. See advt. 5. Delavergne Joseph, cabinet-maker, res w s Warren, bet Cherry and Thompson.2. Koch & Co., Genesee st., opposite gBalcroft louse. Delavergne Leroy H., carpenter, res n s Douglas, w of Jefferson. 2. Delavergne Lewis, blacksmith, res 7th, bet Miller and Sears. 4. Delavergna Louis, carpenter, res 302 Cherry cor Park. Delevau Louis, mechanic F. & P. M. R. R. Delevau S. C., blacksmith P. & P. M. R. R. Delavergna Tunis, carpenter, bds L. Delavergna. Deloney Charles, wks Warner & Eastman. Delude Charles, lab, bds Lewis Globenskey. Delude Miss Mary, wks T. E. Dorr. Denahue Miss Eliza, bds E. Van Sickle. Denin Frank, carpenter, res 626 German. 3. Denner Andrew, lab, res 432 Walnut. 7. Denner John, sawyer J. S. Stevens. Dennis Eli, drayman, res s e cor Wash'n and Thompson. 4. Denton Andrew J., ice dealer, res King, nearly opp Mowbray's brewery. 4. Denton Miss Cora, wks W. 0. Ashmun. Denton Hartley, lab, lives T. G. Denton. Denton Thos., wks A. J. Denton. Denton Timothy G., lab, res e s X., bet Main and Hess. 3. Denoma Paul, lab, res e s Maple, s of Atwater. 9. Denome Stephen, lab, res Ward, cor Atwater. 4. 110 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Denoyer Peter, drayman, res 228 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 5. Depew & Co. (J. C. & W. B), carpenters, shop cor German and Jefferson. Depew Charles, carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Depew Hamilton, carpenter, wks Depew & Co. Depew Thomas C., carpenter, res No. 6, 6th, bet Lapeer and Johnson. DePew Th., carpenter, shop cor Jefferson and German, res cor 5th and Fitzhugh. Depew William, carpenter, res w s 6th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 7. Depew William B., carpenter, res No. 6 6th, bet Lapeer and Johnson. Depew Bros. (Thomas and William), contractors and builders, shop n w cor German and Jefferson. Depew Hamilton Y., carpenter, res w s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 5. De Puy Miss Cora, saleswoman E. G. Hammond. Derborn Wm. H., lab, bds A. Picard. Derby Miss Ida, dressmaker, bds A. Dixon. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Derby John P. & Co., wholesale grocer, Derby blk, n Water, also, city lime works, w s Water, res n w cor Genesee and Cherry. Office Derby & Co. Derby blk, n Water. 6 Derby John, merchant, res w s Jefferson, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 4. Derby Lewis, (col) laborer, res e s Warren, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 2. DeRosia Edward, teamster, res w s 2d, bet Chestnut and Cherry. 6. Derous Albert, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Derome Peter, ship carpenter, res w s Washington, bet Brady and McCoskry. 5. Derrick Charles, mechanic, works F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Derry Thomas, engineer, res n s Fitzhugh, bet Franklin and Jefferson. 8. Derlet Nicholas, baker, bds Joseph Behler. Dervot Frederick, lab, res ss sWilliam. 4. Denel Harvey, beer deliverer J. Fisher, res s w cor German and 3d. 6. Dewel Miss Lottie, wks Duncan Campbell. Dewar Angus, bar-tender W. Dewar, bds same. Dewar William, club room, 405 Genesee. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 111 Deyhle Godfrey, lab, bds John Thomas. Deyo Abram H., shirt manuf'r, factory over cor Genesee and Franklin, res s w cor Emerson and Warren. 4. Deyo A. J., painter, bds Tremont House. De Zell Andrew, farmer, res German Colony Road. 4. Devany Andrewj lab, bds Martin Manion. Devlin C. H., manager American Telegraphic Institute, bds Everett House, res 129 Wash'n. 2. Devitt Edward, lab, bds John Devitt. Devitt John, lab, res 3d, bet Kirk and Sears. 3. Dickerman Edward H., salt-boiler, res c s Webster, bet Centre and Rust. 5. Dickinson S. K., elk C. & T. B. Spencer, res 616 Thompson. 4. Dickinson Samuel J., clk T. B. Spencer, res 616 Thompson. 4. [See name above.] Dickson Peter, lab, res e s Cornelia, bet M artha and 3McCoskry. 3. Dieckmann Ferdinand, gardener and florist, res 439 1st, cor Walnut. 5. DIETRIECH JOH N, prop'r Michigan Hotel, cor Genesee and German Colony Road. 10. Special Department for Boys' Clothing at Koch & Co's. Dietz Mrs. Catherine A., (wid) res e s Jefferson, bet Hayden and William. 2. Dietz Harry E., surveyor, bds Mrs. C. A. Dietz. DILLENBACK FRANK C., agt Grover & Baker S. lM. Co., salesroom 304 Genesee, res cor Franklin and Miller. 5. Dillinham Arthur, res Thompson. Dillingham John B. (Dillingham & Ransford), res 615 Thompson. 4. Dillingham & Ransford (John B. Dillingham and Byron L. Ransford), att'ys at law, office 11 e cor Cass and Genesee. Dillon Miss Mary, wks Bancroft House. Diliott Joseph, ship carpenter, bds T. Riddell. Dinmy Stephen, wks Warner & Eastman. Dion Charles, lab, bds Montreal House. Dion Joseph, clerk Tremont House, bds Tremont House. Disbrow Charles A., lab, bds A. Rust. Dittes Frederick, carpet-weaver, res e s of Smith s of Walnut. 2. Dittes Philip, clk Root & Midler, bds parents. Divine Miss Ellen, home with Henry Naegely. Divine Miss Mary, home with Henry Naegely. Dixon Albert F., picture store, 613 Thompson, cor Maple. 3. 112 EAST SA-GINAW DIRECTORY. Dixon Mrs. Almira, bds A. F. Dixon, 613 Thompson, cor Maple. Dixon A. F., & Co., (Albert F. Dixon, Mary A. Shaw), notions, etc., 105 Genesee. Dixon Amos, res 301 Jefferson, cor William. 4. Dixon Miss Polly, wks W. H. Malleth. Dixon Richard, tinner, res Tuscola, bet Cass and Franklin. 3, Dixon William M., ship-yard, w s Wash'n avenue s of Bristol. Employs 60 men. Deering James, engineer, res s e cor Johnson and 5th. 3. Dobson Andrew, bds W. C. Bowyer. 2. Dobson Mrs. Ann, (wid) res w s Genesee, bet Chesnut and Walnut. 4. Dobson George C., machinist, bds Mrs. A. Dobson. Dobson John B., wks Enterprise office. Dobson Miss Mabel, ws C. Floyd. Dobson R. T., painter, wks Burtt & Loomis. Dobson William E., fruit stand, Genesee, cor Cass, res Genesee, bet Walnut and Chesnut. 5. Dodge Elias W., carpenter, res w s Park,bet Hoyt and Chesnut. 3. Interview the "1Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Dodge Miss Letta, lives W. Armstrong. Doe Gilbert, riverman, bds F. Leasia. Doen George, teamster, res w s Jefferson, cor Brady. 5. Doheny James, striker Wickes Bros. Dolan John, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Dole George E., lumberman, bds T. E. Dorr. Dollanty Patrick, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Dollar Andrew, mason, bds George Dollar. Dollar George, brick-mason, res n s Emerson, bet Park and Webster. 3. Dolliver Charles A., blacksmith and carriage ironer, shop cor Franklin and German, res German, bet Cass and Jeff'n. 2. Dolson Miss Anna, works W. S. McLean. Donahue Daniel F., stationary engineer, Bancroft House, res 610 Jefferson. 7. Donahue John, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Donahue Michael, lab, bds Farmer's Home. Donahue Thomas, cooper, res s e cor Chestnut and Park. 3. Donaldson Adam, dyer, res Franklin and Tuscola. 6. Donaldson Ebenezer, sailor, bds Daniel Forest. D oney Miss Addie, lives with J. J. Hosmer. D onnely Agnes, works O. F. Wisner's. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 113 DONNELL DANIEL 0., (Capt.,) lumberman, res w s Franklin, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 8. Donnely Miss Delia, wks A. Hobson. Donnelly James, owner tug "Kate Felcher," res 412 Washington. 4. Donnelly James, bricklayer, res cor Kirk and 7th. 3. Donovan Miss Carry, hairdresser, bds Miss E. Welsh. Donovan Miss Carrie, sales lady, Miss H. A. Donovan. Donovan Miss Hattie, hairdresser, bds Miss E. Welsh. Donovan Miss H. A., millinery and fancy goods, 123 s Wash'n. Donovan John, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Donovan Miss Maggie, wks Mrs. H. A. Donovan. Dorille Louis, lab, bds A. Picard. Dorn Charles, bds Excelsior House. Dorr Temple E.. lumberman, office with Eddy, Avery & Co., res cor Carroll & Warren. 3. Doty Horatio N., grocer, 420 Genesee, res cor Hoyt and Webster. Doty Miss Josephine, home with C. I. Stetson, Astor. Dougall D., lumber handler, s s Freedom, bet Lapeer and Janes. Doughty Charles, clk T. E. Doughty, res s e cor Franklin and Miller. 3. Trunks for Ladies and Gentlemen at Koch & Co's. Doughty Frank E., clk T. E. Doughty, bds Everett House. Doughty George H., jeweler, with T. E. Doughty, res Franklin near n Miller. 8. Doughty Henry, lab, res 807 Merrill. 4. Doughty Thomas E., watches, clocks and jewelry, stationery and wallpaper, 301 Genesee, cor Franklin, res w s Jefferson, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 8. Doughty William S., clk T. E. Doughty, bds Everett House. Dougherty D., sawyer J. S. Stevens. Dougherty Edward, lab, bds Daniel Forrest. Douglass John, lab, bds Scanlan House. Douglass Joseph, riverman, res e s Water, bet Emerson and Mason. 2. Douglass Joseph, wks Warner & Eastman. Douglas Robert F., foreman, bds D. Forrest. Douglas Robert, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Doughney James, lab, bds Patrick Doughney. Doughney Miss Margaret, home with Patrick Doughney. Doughney Patrick, sawyer, res cor 6th and Kirk. Downey Andrew, lab, res w s Mackinaw, s of Centre. 3. Downs Miss Emma, milliner Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Downs Francis, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. 15 114 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Downs Seth, carriage-maker, shop and res 808 Wash'n. 5. Downs William H., boots and shoes, Genesee, res 614 Wash'n. 5. Downing Alexander, Ass't Supt F. & P. M. R. R., res cor Astor and Jefferson. 2. Downing & Brother (Moses S. and Henry W. Downing), grocers, and flour and feed, n e cor Miller and Wash'n. Downing Henry W., (Downing Bros.), res Holly, Mich. Downing Moses S., (Downing Bros.), res e s Franklin, bet Astor and Potter. 3. Doyle Mrs. Bridget, (wid), res s w cor Franklin and Millard. 3. Doyle Miss Catherine, wks American House. Doyle Edward H., book-keeper, B. B. Buckhout, res n c cor Carroll and Warren. 2. Doyle William, wiper, round house, F. & P. M. R. R. Draper Andrew, clk, Mosher & Mickley, res n w cor Genesee and Hoyt. Draper Calvin D., carpenter, res e s Genesee, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 6. Draper Eugene E., clk, and bds Nick Althouse. Draper C. Stewart, attorney and controller, res Wash'n, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Draper William, barber, bds Abram i;yno. Drecher Peter, carpenter, res s s Fitzhugh, bet 5th and 6th. 7. Dreher Miss Elizabeth, wks Stauber's Hotel. Dresler D., cigars, tobacco, wines, and liquors, 407 Genesee, res E. S. Webster. Dresler R., manufacturer of cigars, res e s Webster, bet German and Lapeer. 7. Dresser Charles, fireman, res w s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 2. Driggs Byron S., clerk Simpson, Barber & Co., bds Mrs. Kellan, Tuscola. Driggs John F., dealer in real estate, land, and salt, and artificial stone, office over cor Genesee and Water, res 310 Cass, near Johnson. Driggs Martin, clk, bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. Driggs William J., clk and bds J. F. Driggs. Driscoll Miss Annie, wks L. N. S. Lenheim. Driscoll Daniel (No. 1), lab, bds Lynch hotel. Driscoll Daniel (No. 2), lab, bds Lynch hotel. Driscol Edward, riverman, bds D. O'Donnell. Driscoll John, lab, bds Oscar Hull. Dryo Lewis, lab, res Warren, bet German apd William. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 115 Dubois Andrew, sawyer, wks Jesse Hoyt. Dubois Francis, millwright, bds Barnard Carpenter. 2. Dubois J. P., wks Enterprise office, res s s William, bet Wash'n and Water. Dubow Isaac, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Duby Timothy, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Dubey Michael, sawyer, bds - Duchane Thomas, lab, bds E. Leclair. Duchaime, Victorine, dressmaker, res e s Webster, s William. Duchet F., carpenter, bds J. J. Reamer. Ducket Edward, lab, res n s McCoskry, bet Washington and Water. 2. Dudgeon Hugh, farmer, res w s Jefferson, opp East Saginaw driving park. 6. Dueher Francis, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Duffy Edward, aged, lives James Duffy. Duffy James, lumberman, res 216 Maple. 5. Duford Michael, lab., bds Joseph Aslin. Dugas William, lab, bds Joseph Parguette. 7. Duggan, Michael, teamster, bds Henry Naegely. Duggan William, propr " Clinton House," e s Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 3. Getentlemen's Outfits at M. & H. Koch & Cos. Duggan John, machinist, Wickes Bros. Duggan Miss Mary, wks and bds A. H. Deyo. Duggan Miss Nora, wks and bds A. H. Deyo. Duhsbibier Miss Barbara, wks Martin Baum. Duke, David, 2d miller, Mayflower mills. Dukeland James, musician, bds William H. Race. Duley Winfield, lab, res w s X street, bet n Miller and Eaton. 2. Dunnavan John, lab., bds William Sculley. Dunbar James, lab, res e s Douglas, bet Cherry and Walnut. 5. Duncan David A., dealer in logs and pine land, e s Jeff'n, bet Brady and Mason. Duncan David, lumberman, res 929 Jefferson. 6. Duncan & Gamble (D. A. Duncan and J. Gamble), dealers in logs and pine land, office Owen block 308 Genesee. Dundon Mrs. Isabella, bds Malcolm A. McDougald. Dunks Alfred A., druggist, n e cor Genesee and Wash'n, res s Wash'n, bet Hoyt and Emerson. 3. Dunkent Christian, lab, res 206 Webster, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Dunkin Joseph, cook, res w s Jeff'n, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. 116 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. DUNLAP ALEXANDER, saloon and boarding house, e s Water, bet Atwater and McCoskry, res same. See advt. 2. Dunlap & Calderwood (Robert Dunlap, Andrew Calderwood), groceries, provisions, flour, add feed, w s Wash'n ave, s of Centre. Dunlap John, foreman J. McKinnon, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Dunlap John C., foreman, wks John McKinnon. Dunlap Robert, (Dunlap & Calderwood), bds N. A. Randall. Dunlap Robert, (Dunlap & Calderwood), bds Valentine House. Dunn.Amelia, chambermaid Bancroft House. Dunnavan John, lab., bds William Sculley. Dunning Alonzo, lumberman, w s Franklin, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 4. Dumaas Robert, riverman, res e s Thayer, n of Morris. 2. DuPerrer Charles, lab, bds A. Picard. Duprey Thomas, drayman, res e s Wash'n, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 6. Durkee Erastus W., teamster, res cor German and 7th. 3. Durkee Seymour, carpenter, res e Little, bet Main and Nimons. 6. Dusett Edward, lab, bds A. Dunlap. Little Jake & Co., "Boss'" Clothiers of the State. Dushane George, sailor, bds Mathew Borland. Dutcher George E., clk C. H. Smith, res e s Warren, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 3. DUTTON CHAUNCEY S., stave dealer, office 414 Genesee, res 311, w s n Cass. 2. Dutton -, bds Robert Robinson. Duval Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Dwan John, lab, res 5th, bet Miller and Sears. 6. Dwyer Michael, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Dyke Clement, carpenter, bds Etna Hotel. Dyer Morris, machinist, res Rockwell, bet Miller and Carroll. 4.. Dyer Morris D., wks F. & P. M. depot. Dynes Miss Elizabeth, home with John Murrey. Dyness Miss Matilda, home with John A. McMahon. Dynes John, painter, bds A. Soaper. E. Eabots Jacob, painter, works Burtt & Loomis. Earl Andrew J., wks F. & P. M. R. R., bds J. W. Caruther. Earle Master Thomas, lives with M. E. Benton. EAST SAGINAW DIREOTORY. 117 East Saginaw Gaslight Co., office e s s Wash'n, bet Genesee and Tuscola, works near west end Bristol-st bridge, E. M. Burton, Sec'y. East Saginaw water works, situated s end of Miller street. East Saginaw Manufacturing Co., factory and office n e cor Jefferson and Tuscola, manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds, planing, &c. Refused individual names. Eastman Clarence L., clk John Gallagher & Co., res w s Franklin, bet Hoyt and Emerson. 2. Eastman Edward, engineer F. & P. M. R. R. Eastman E. 0., opr, res 719 Wash'n. Eastman Elliot O., clk Warner & Eastman, bds L. H. Eastman. Eastman Frank, waiter Bancroft House. Eastman John, lab, res 410 Maple. 3. Eastman Leonard, turner, res 401 Warren, cor Webster. Will move to near Potter st soon. 3. Eastman Loton H. (Warner & Eastman), res 719 s Wash'n. 7. Eastman Mrs. Sarah, res cor German and 6th. Easton Roderick, pump maker, violinist, and alderman 6th ward, res w s 1st, bet Annesly and Hartsuff. 3. Eastwood W. H. (Eastwood & Merrill), res 1227 Wash'n. 4. Workingmen's Outfits at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Eastwood Melvin, Crystal Palace Saloon, 213 Lapeer. Eaton Benjamin, wks F. & P. M. depot. Eaton Benjamin, lab, res cor 3d and Potter. Eaton Charles T., bds Salina House, res Saginaw City. Eaton George, millwright, res s w of Miller and Rust. 7. Eaton John, wks and bds J. Ryan. Eaton, Potter & Co. (D. L. C. Eaton and F. H. Potter), mill and salt block foot Centre, w Sag. City and St. Clair R. R. Employ 30 men. Eaton William M., sawyer Sears & Holland, res w s Cornelia, bet Phelon and German Colony Road. 2. Eccleston, Silvester W., boarding house, res 710 Wash'n. 3. Eberts Joseph, painter, bds Stauber's Hotel. EBEL ROBERT, PROP'R EBEL HOTEL, s Franklin, opp Courier office. 4. Eddy, Avery & Co. (Edwin Eddy, Sewell Avery, John F. Eddy, Newell Avery, Simon J. Murphy), lumber and salt manufacturers, mills and works Bay City, main office s Water, bet Genesee and German. Eddy Charles K., lumberman, office with Eddy, Avery & Co., res cor Astor and Franklin. 4. Eddy Charles, book-keeper, Huron Log Booming Co., e s Park, bet Cherry and Chestnut. 3. 118 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Eddy Edwin, lumberman, res 416 e s Jeff'n. 3. Eddy Romulus A., tinner, res cor Fitzhugh and Johnson. Eddy Ware, lumberman, res 606 Webster. 4. Edelmann George, elk A. Wegst, bds John G. Edelinan. Edelman John G., saloon, cor Clay and Genesee. 5. Edelman John G., saloon, res Clay, bet German and William. 4. Edge Joseph, lawyer, res e s Cornelia, cor Phelan. 3. Edget John A., attorney, res cor Maple and Thompson. Edinger William, dealer in wall paper, res Genesee, bet Clay and Rockwell. 5. Edmonds John Stewart, Bancroft House. Edsall Thomas, lumberman, res s e cor German Colony road and 2d, e of Jeff'n. 4. Edwards Daniel, sawyer, res e s Miller, s of Nimons. 3. Edwards Ephraim, lab, res e s East, Edwards William H., lumberman, res e s Jefferson, bet Hayden and Millard. 5. Eff halter Joseph, wks L. Darmstaetter. Egan John, lab., bds C. C. Parke. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Egan Stephen F., shoemaker, bds J. J. Reamer. Egen John, lab, bds Thomas Keump. Egerman Charles, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Egerer Simon C., baker, res Lapeer, bet 3d and 4th. 6. Eggot Ernst, sash and blind maker, res w s Lincoln, bet w Cherry and Walnut. 4. Eggot John. Eggert Edwin, wks E. S. Manning. Eggert Henry, porter Derby & Co., res e s 3d, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 8. Egleson -, shoemaker, bds William B. Gress. Egloff John, blacksmith, shop Miller, cor Mackinaw, res 1 door n shop. 6. Egoelf Miss Lizzie, wks T. E. Daughty. Ehrlinger Miss Mary, wks C. W. Grant. Eierman Charles, vinegar manuf'y, res n w cor Webster and Johnson. 7. Eickenlop Martin, saloon, basement 117 Lapeer, res cor Elm and Webster. 2, EISENBREY & HURLEY, (Samuel T. Eisenbrey and James Hurley), intelligence office, Irving House, Potter, opp. F. & P. M. R. R. depot. See advt. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 119 Eisenbrey Samuel T., prop'r Eureka barber shop, Irving House, s s Potter, opp F. & P. M. R. R. depot, bds Irving House. Eisenbrey Mrs. Hannah, home with William H. Race. Eisenberg William, tailor, res n s Genesee, bet Clay and Rockwell. 3. Eisenberg William, Jr., tailor, wks William Eisenberg. Ellis Albert G., elk Clark & Ellis, bds Everett House. Ellis Charles W. (Clark & Ellis), res 802 Hoyt. 3. Ellis David, carpenter, res s s Brady, bet Jeff'n and Welles. 3. Ellis George, helper R. Vannorman. Ellis Henry, carpenter, bds D. Ellis. Ellis Lyman, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Ellis Thomas, bds H. Clark. Ellis William, carpenter, res 1100 s e cor Emerson and Webster. 4. Ellis William, wks Feige Bros. Elwert Henry, carpenter F. & P. M. R. R. Eliphalet Schoppe N., clk Medical Hall. Elkins Israel, lab, res opp D. W. Rust & Co.'s ship yard. 6. The Great Popular Clothing House of Koch & Co. Elseffer Mrs. Harriett S. (wid John), res s e cor Franklin and Fitzhugh. 6. Elseffer Mrs. Jane (wid George), res 701 n s Carroll. 2. Elseffer Mrs. Mary C. (wid), wks 0. C. Vanwagner. Elsimore O. E., manager Tittabawassee Boom Company, bds Everett House. Elwood Fred. lab, res s s Miller, bet 5th and Oth. 4. Elwood Charles, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Ellenwood Loren, ship carpenter, res e of 1st, bet Hartsuff and Annesly. 3. Ellsworth Arthur L., res e s Genesee, bet Hoyt and Emerson. 5. Ellsworth Francis, lab, bds Ephraim Deamud. Ellsworth Norton W., clk, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. 2. Ellsworth Stewart S., carpenter, and foreman city fire engine, res Webster (321), bet William and Hayden. 4. Emnerick W. George, book-keeper Little Jake & Co., bds Everett House. Emersen Curtis, retired lumberman, settled in E. Saginaw July 4th, 1847, rooms Hovey blk, cor Tuscola and n Wash'n. Emrey Mrs. George R., -, bds Mary Ward. Emo John, shoemaker, shop e s s Water, res cor German and Rockwell. 120 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Emo Michael, lab, res n s Franklin, bet Astor and Miller. 2. Empey Levi J., police, res 617 n w cor Tuscola and Webster. 2. Emrey Andrey J., grocer, res cor Potter and Warren. 3. Emerson Richard, painter, res 705 Warren. 3. ENDERT HENRY, groceries and provisions, 1320 Genesee, res Park, bet Chestnut and Walnut. 2. Endry Frank, wks Warner & Eastman. Endry John, wks Warner & Eastman. English Alexander, res n e cor Jeff'n and Fitzhugh. 7. Enwright Michael, lab, bds Patrick Hourigan. Ennis Richard, lab, res w s Miller, s of Centre. 2. Eratt Christopher, lab, res Clay, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 5. Erans William, printer, bds Ebel Hotel. Erd John G., engineer, wks Merrill & Bacon. Erd John, carpenter, res e s Water, bet Mason and Brady. 10. Erick Miss Mary, wks H. D. Wickes. Erickson Frederick, sailor, bds Scandinavian House. Erickson John, lab, bds Scandinavian Boarding House. ERICSSON THOMAS, Scandinavian Boarding House, ws Water, bet Millard and Thompson. 6. Ermin -, mechanic, bds Benjamin Eaton. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody.. Erni Elizabeth (wid), home with J. Racke. Ernst Geo. W., bds F. A. Richley. Ernst H. L., physician, bds Stauber's Hotel. Erwin William, mason, res s s Bristol, bet Water and Wash'n. 4. Esbenshade A. H., clk J. M. Howry. ESCHENBACK KASPAR, prop'r Farmers' Home, n w cor Clay and Genesee. See advt. 5. Eschenback Caspar, clk K. Eschenback. Eshenburg Miss Mary, wks Minnie Lowrey. Esler George, wks Sears & Holland. Esler George, lab, res w s Warren, nr Atwater. 5. Esseffenshade Abraham, book-keeper, bds C. M. Curtis. Estes Capt. -, barge owner, bds Mrs. M. Gates. Estabrook Henry (Estabrook & Saunders), res German Colony Road. ESTABROOK & SAUNDERS (Henry Estabrook and William E. Saunders), grocers, 127 s Washington. Estabrosk Henry, salt inspector (Estabrook & Saunders), res n e cor German Colony Road and Welles. 8. Estabrook John S. (Estabrook & Mason), res w s Washington, s of German Colony Road. 5. Estabrook T. D., contractor, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Everett House. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 121 Etheridge Josiah, res e s 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 2. Evans Annie, wks H. N. Barrett. Evarts Charles, wks Mayflower Mills. Everett Charles, lab, res 10th, bet German and Lapeer. 10. Everetts John, bds Garvin House. Everetts William, watchman Garland's Mill, bds Scanlan House, s e cor Water and Thompson. Evolt Gottlieb, lab. res w s Hess. 9. Evon John, clk, H. J. Ball & Co., res s Wash'n, bet Atwater and McCoskry, 6. Evon Joseph, res e s Wash'n, bet Atwater and McCoskry. 7. Ewing James F., res s e cor Webster and William. 2. Express office, L. W. Tisdale, agt. American Express Co., office Bancroft House blk, s Wash'n. EYMER ANDREW, grocer, 111 (109) Lapeer, res same. See advt. 6. Eymer & Yanke, (Andrew Eymer, Wm. Yanke, saloon, basement 111 Lapeer. F. Fagan Miss Ann, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. M. & H. Koch & Co. are the Great Popular Clothiers. Fagan Louis, shoemaker, shop Potter, bet Rockwell and Warren, bds W. H. Race. Fairbanks C. A., lab, wks F. & P. M. depot. Fairbanks Charles, architect, bds Mrs. Clorinda Hall. Fairchilds Reuben, sawyer, res 613 Jane. 6. Falconer Hugh, tailor, Little Jake & Co., bds T. Falconer. Falconer William, tailor, Little Jake & Co., bds Ebel Hotel. Falk, Andrew, butcher for Christ Kieule, bds on 3d st, bet German and Janes. Fancey Joseph, ship-carpenter, res s w cor 3d and German. 3. Farell George, shoemaker, bds O'Brien House. Fark Andrew, butcher, Stingel Bros., res w s 3d, bet German and Janes. 2. Farmer Benjamin, liquor and tobacco dealer, No. 620 n Wash'n, bet Astor and Miller. Farmer F. Albion, book-keeper, F. E. Hoyt, bds Geo. Farmer. Farmer George, propr Commercial Mills, Saginaw City, res n w cor Hayden and Warren. 5. Farmer Samuel, liquor and tobacco dealer, No. 620 n Wash'n, bet Astor and Miller. 16 122 2EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Farmer William H., engineer Jesse Hoyt, res e s 6th, s of German. 5. Farnsworth Corphax, physician, office and res n w cor Johnson and Jefferson. 3. Farrah Charles, cook Bechtel's Hotel. Farrand & Campbell (H. C. Farrand and D. A. Campbell), physicians, office cor Franklin and Washington. Farrand Hiram C., physician, res Webster, bet German and William. 2. Farrell Dennis, machinist Wickes Bros. Farrell Gaines, wks James G. Cameron. Farrell James, wagon-maker, bds American House. Farrell John A., carpenter, res s e cor 4th and Carroll. 2. Farrell John, shoemaker, bds Mathew Borland. Farrell John, wks E. S. Manning. Farrell Patrick, wiper, depot, res cor 10th and Carroll. 3. Farrell Thomas, baggageman F. & P. M. R. R., bds Thomas H. Smith. Farrell Thomas, cooper, bds Thomas W. Smith. Farrell William, blacksmith Baker & Bros., bds J. W. Farrell. Farrier James, lab, bds D. Forrest. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Farwell Frank, wks and bds I. N. Barrett. Fay Edward B., conductor, res w s 3d, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Fearhack Henry, lab, res w s 3d, s of Walnut. (High.) 4. Feige & Bros. (H. Feige, G. Feige, and E. Feige), manuf'rs and dealers in furniture, No 318 Genesee. Feige Miss Emma, sales-lady Barnhard Heun. Feige Englharve, cabinet-maker, res 111 e s Webster, bet German and Lapeer. 2. Feige Ernst (Feige Bros.), res Hoyt, nr Genesee. Feige Ernst, res nr cor Genesee and Hoyt. Feige Frederick, cabinet-maker, res w s Genesee, bet Millard and Thompson. 4. Feige George, manuf'r and dealer in furniture, res No. 111 Webster. Feige Henry, bds Bancroft House. Feige Henry, bds Mrs. M. Gates. Feige Henry, ship carpenter, bds Valentine House. FEIGE REINHART, locksmith, n s Genesee, bet Jeff'n and Cass, res e s 3d, bet German and Lapeer. 6. Feigh Thomas, shoemaker, bds P. O. Grady. Feldhaunk Henry, sawyer, res w s High. 4. EAST SA GINAW DIRECTORY. 123 Felten Charles E., printer, Courier office, bds Ebel Hotel. Felon John, lab, res n s Linton, bet Mackinaw and Wash'n. 6. Fenely James, lab, bds Etna Hotel. Fenenk George, carpenter, res cor 4th and Fitzhugh. 2. Fenny Charles, lab, res cor Tuscola and 8th. 2. Fenno Hezekiah C., filer and sawyer, res n w cor Centre and Miller. 5. Fernia Charles, carpenter, res e s Water, bet Brady and McCoskry. 3. Ferris Heman B., clk city treasurer, res e s Welles, bet Phelon and Remington. 6. FERRIS JACOB, prop'r Farmers' Home, w s Mackinaw, s, of Mill. 10. Ferris John, wks E. Woolsey. Ferguson Alexander, manager W. U. Tel. Co.'s office, deputy collector of customs, office room 11 Wisner blk, Genesee,. cor Franklin, res 614 Thompson. 3. Ferguson Alfred, lab, res n Gallagher, bet Wash'n and Jeff'n. 3. Ferguson Edward, saw-filer C. Lee, res ws Franklin, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 2. Ferguson Edward, lab, res w s Cornelia, s of Atwater. 2. M. & H. Koch & Co., the Clothiers. Ferguson John, carpenter, bds Daniel Forrest. Fettie Miss Mary, laundress Everett House. Fettie John, yard-man Everett House. Fettig John, lab, works Jesse Hoyt. Fettig Augustus, lab, works Jesse Hoyt. Fey Conrad, insurance agent, res n w cor Lapeer and 8th 5.. Fey & Tweak (Conrad Fey, Herman B. Tweak), insurance agts and notaries public, office n w cor Cass and Genesee. Fice Wm., wks coal-yard, res e s Franklin, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 5. Pick John, ship carpenter, res n s Douglas, w of Jefferson. 3. Fields Henry, lab, bds D. MacIntyre. Fields Mrs. Jane, dressmaker,, res Maple, cor Martha. 2. Fields M. E., mechanic, bds J. Armstrong. Fields Myron, bds Scanlan House. Fifer Martin, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Filiatrault Marime, lab, bds A. Picard. Filvette Joseph, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Final Horace, riverman, bds Garvin House. Final William, lumberman, res 1314 Genesee, cor Chestnut. 7.. Finch Charles, ship carpenter, res s w cor Wells and Brady. 4. Findlater John, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. 124, EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Finehout James, farmer, res n Randolph, bet Jefferson and Washington. 4. FINK BONIFACIUS, brewer, East Saginaw Steam Brewery, n w cor Fitzhugh and Franklin, res and brewery n w cor Franklin and Fitzhugh. 5. Fink Earnst, carpenter, res cor Webster and Johnston. 3. Finlay John, lab., bds Tremont House. Finley Martin, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Finnie Thomas, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Finnigan John, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Fisener Albert, cooper, bds J. J. Reamer. Fischer Jacob, " Beer Hall," 407 Genesee, res Clay. Fish & Rogers (C. S. Fish and H. P. Rogers), dealers in dry and fancy goods, No. 316 Genesee. Fish Charles S., dealer in dry and fancy goods, res cor Carroll and Washington. Fish Frank L. P., (boat-builder) blacksmith, shop n w cor Bristol and Water, res cor German Colony road and Washington. Fish Williams E., violinist, office Robinson's block, cor Genesee and Jefferson. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Fisher Edward, wiper, round house F. & P. M. R. R. Fisher Jeremiah, mason, res Washington, bet Carroll and Miller. 3. Fisher Jacob, lab, res n of Douglas, w of Jefferson. 5. Fisher John, lab, bds Bohm & Miller. Fiscner Albert, cooper, bds J. J. Reamer. Fisher Miss Sophia, wks A. Grohman. Fisher Miss Mary, lives with J. E. Hagadorn. Fisher Mrs. Salina, lives with M. B. Deland. Fisher Thomas, lab, res 6th, bet Kirk and Norman. 3. Fisher William L., engineer, lives with M. B. Deland. Fitch Miss Hattie L., -, sales-lady Mrs. E. G. Hammond. FitzMaurice John W., associate editor "Courier," res 4th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 10. Fitz Michael, clk J. J. McDonald, bds same. Fiztgeralds Andrew, pile-driver, res e s Webster, bet Cherry and Millard. 2. Fitzgerald Edward, lab F. & P. M. R. R. Fitzgerald Edmund, lab, res w s 3d, bet Carroll and Miller. 8. Fitzgeralds James, riverman, bds Garvin house. Fitzgeralds Theodore (Capt. "E. V. English"), res e s Webster, bet Cherry and Millard. 3. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 125 Fitzgerald Walter, pile-driver and dealer in real estate, office e s Genesee, opp Everett House, res n e cor Jefferson and Fitzhugh. Fitzpatrick Andrew, lab, bds Martin Manion. Fitzpatrick Miss Bridget, home with Thomas Kenny. Fitzpatrick John, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Fitzpatrick Miss Sarah, home with H. S. Averill. Flanders George A. (Flanders & Wilber), res Janes, bet 3d and 4th. Flanders & Wilber (George H. Flanders and Eugene Wilber), att'ys at law, office No. 1 Nicodemus blk, n w cor Cass and Genesee. Flannery Patrick, lab, bds Mrs. M. Riordon. Flegel Charles, wks Warner & Eastman. Flemming William, carpenter, bds Thomas Keumf. FLICK JOSEPH N., jeweler, res e s Washington, s of Mackinaw. 3. Flick J. N., jeweler, bds Valentine House. Flicker John M., elk Morley Bros., res 401 Janes, cor 5th. Flint Almon W., carpenter, res Potter, bet Franklin and Potter. Flint Harry, painter, bds Ebel Hotel. 1M. & H. Koch & Co., The Merchant Tailors. Flint Louis, deliverer clk, Mayflower Mills. Flood Miss Ella, Judge Hotel. Flood John, book-keeper Frank G. Wilkin. Flood, John (Judge & Flood), res s e cor Water and William. Floyd Charles, riverman, res e s Genesee, bet Chestnut and Walnut. 3. Flynn Andrew, elk, bds Lynch Hotel. Flynn Miss Annie, home with Luther E. Cumings. Flynn Francis, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Flynn Miss Mary, wks J. C. Parkhurst. Flynn Mathew, mason, 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 8. Foale William, gravel roofer, res and office n s Millard, bet Cass and Jefferson. 3. Fobear Frank, lab, res e end Mackinaw street bridge, w of St. Clair (river) R. R. station. 6. Focher Edos, lab, res e s Cornelia, bet Martha and McCoskry. 3. Foehl William, lab, res n s Janes, cor 4th. 3. Fogel Miss Mary, home with Marshall B. Spencer. Fogle Michael, cooper, res n Washington. 6. Folds Thomas, painter, F. & P. M. R. R. Foley Miss Catherine, wks National House, South Saginaw. 126 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Foley Frederick, edger J. S. Stevens, bds H. J. Ball. Foley John, lab, res w s Wash'n, s of German Colony read. 5. Foley Thomas, lab, bds O'Brien House. Foote Charles, wks J. S. Stevens. Foot Washington H., mason, res 522 e s 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 5. Fonda Charles, lab, bds Alexander House. Fone William, carpenter, res s s Mott, cor Park. 3. Ford Andrew, lab, bds H. Ingleman. Ford Edward, lab, bds S. Bishop. Ford John, mechanic, res Sears, bet 3d and 4th. Ford Samuel, lab, res Sears, bet 5th and 6th. 4. Ford Thomas, special R. R. police, bds Thomas W. Smith. Ford Thomas, lab, bds A. Dunlap. Ford William, lumberman, bds Mathew Borland. Fordon James, sawyer, res w s Cornelia, nr Phelon. 2. Forehair Simon, res w s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 3. Forepaugh George, wks Frank I. Curtis. Forgus S. M., mechanic F. & P. M. depot. Forhan, Martin, carpenter, res. 5. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Forrest Daniel, propr " Forest House," s s German, bet Franklin and Washington. 7. Forrette Peter, lab., bds Joseph Aslin. Fortil Joseph, lab, res e s Miller, s of Centre. 4. Foster R. E., asst teller Merchant's National Bank, bds Everett House. Foster Miss Jenette, bds J. A. Foster. Foster John A., carpenter, res 523 Maple. 5. Foster Sylvester A., mechanic (Wickes & Bros.), res n s Miller, bet Astor and Miller. 5. Foster Samuel A., machinist Wickes Bros. Fox Alvin, agt Elias Howe, Jr., Sewing Machine, rooms 109 Genesee, res 548 Warren, cor Thompson. 3. Fox G., bookbinder, wks Albert Frey. Fox Theodore, teamster, res e s X. st, bet Linton and n Miller. 5. Foy Philip, lab Martin Manion. France David L., stock owner, res e s Jefferson, near ag'l grounds. 5. Francis Abram, cook, bds John Willis. Francis Charles B., blacksmith, C. W. Weston, res w s Mackinaw, s of Hess. 3. Francis Hugh, teamster, res n s McCoskry, bet Washington and Franklin. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 127 Francis James, teamster, bds H. Francis. Franck Lewis, painter, bds J. Nerreter. Frank Aaron, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Frank Benjamin, lab, works Feige & Bros. Frank Jacob, beer hall, res s w cor 11th and Wadsworth. 4. FRANK JOHN, & Co., tanners, groceries and provisions, leather and findings, n e cor Webster and German, res the same. 8. Frank John, tanner, tannery n s Janes, bet 13th and 14th, res n s German, cor Genesee. 7. Frank John, butcher, works Fred Hubert. Frank John N., butcher, res e s Water, bet Hayden and Millard. 4. Frank Lewis, paper-hanger, bds John Nerreter. Frank Peter, mechanic, works F. & P. M. depot. Frank Peter K., grocer, res cor Rockwell and Johnson. 6. Franke Louis, painter, bds J. Nerreter. Franklin Wm. John, carpenter, res n s Miller, bet Wash'n and Water. 3. Frantz Peter, lab, bds Stauber's Hotel. Fraser Alexander, land surveyor, bds John Patterson. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft ouse. Fraser Archibald, tinner, res n s Carroll, bet Rockwell and Warren. 6. Fraser James, bds G. Low. Fraser William, lab, bds Martin Manion. Frasier Alexander M., engineer, res Merrill, cor Park. 2. Frazer Mrs. Isabella (wid), e s Mackinaw, n Eaton. 2. Frederick Richard, wks E. S. Manning. Free Albert, lab, bds C. C. Parke. Free Charles, wks F. Dieckmann. Free Mrs. Hannah, washer, res e s Rockwell, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 3. Free John, carpenter, bds C. Johnston. Free John R., carpenter, bds Etna Hotel. Freeland James, carpenter, bds D. MacIntyre. Freeman Charles E., farmer, res s e cor Eaton and Mackinaw. 2. Freeman Eli, yardman F. & P. M. R. R. Freeman Milo, lab, res s s Astor, bet Franklin and Washington. 4. Freese Benjamin, lumberman, res 318 Park. 6. Freish John, 2d cook Everett House. French James, hotel prop'r, s e cor Rust and Water. 2. French James H., merchant, res n s Elm, near Maple. 2. 128 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. French Nettie, ---, bds Ocean Wave. Frenz Engelbert, M. D. and veterinary surgeon, bds Philip Keinath. Frey Albert H., book-binder, bindery Gage building, s Washington, res cor 5th and Tuscola. 3. Frey, J. Frederick (Frey & Wicklein), variety store, res es Warren, bet Miller and Carroll. 5. Frey & Wicklein (John F. Frey and Henry W. Wicklein), fancy goods, toys, etc., 213 Genesee, Everett House blk. Fricke Henry -, lab, res 312, e s Franklin. 4. Frie Henry, wks gas co, res s w cor Atwater and Warren. 4. Friedlender Charles A., clk J. F. Howry, res n s Mott, bet Park and Webster. 3. Friel James, wks Jesse Hoyt, res 5th, bet Kirk and Norman. 2. Frisch Miss Dina, wks Farmer's Home Hotel. Frisch Miss Mary, wks J. Abel. Fritz Frederick, lab, res 205 German, cor. 4th. 7. Fritz George, cigar maker, res n s Millard, bet Genesee and Webster. 2. Fritz Gooderford, cooper, res e s Miller, bet Main and -. 4. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. FRITZ JOHN C., cigar manufr, res w s Webster, bet Elm and McCoskry. 4. Fritz Mrs. Regina, (wid) lives with G. Fritz. Fritz William, lab, bds G. Fritz. Frizelle Seymour F., druggist, cor German and s Wash'n, bds Mrs. Gates, n Wash'n. Frizelle Chas. F., bds Mrs. Gates, n Wash'n. Frost Lorenzo D., mason, res e s Mackinaw, n Eaton. 3. Frost, Weston, retired, res 802 Washington, cor Emerson. 2. Frost William, lab, res opp D. W. Rust & Co.'s ship-yard. 7. Frost William H., lab, res n s Eaton, w Mackinaw. 2. Frouley Thomas, lab, res 6th, bet Miller and Sears. 2. Frudell Arthur, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Fournier Frances, filer, res w s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 4. FOURNIER MRS. MARY A. (wid Moses H.), boardinghouse, n s Wash'n, bet Miller and Astor. 2. Fournie Peter, foreman Jessie Hoyt, res 1218 s s Merrill or Williams. 7. Foules -, painter, bds Henry Naegely. Foutaw Nelson, lab, res n s n Miller, bet Mackinaw and Washington. 7. Fuller Truman, painter, A. C. Curtis, bds S. B. Teed. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 129 Fuss Jacob, laborer, bds D. O'Donnell. Fust Jacob, laborer, res 430 Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 6. Fust William, printer, Saginaw Zeitung, bds parents. G. Gabel Albert, printer, Saginaw Zeitung, bds J. Stoltz. Gaetzinger John, saloon and res 504 Lapeer, cor Rockwell. 7. Gaffney Miss Sarah, dressmaker, Robinson blk, cor Genesee and Jefferson. Gaines Frank P., wood-turner, res s s Linton, bet Washington and Mackinaw. 2. GAGE CHAUNCEY H., att'y, office 2d floor Wisner blk, cor Genesee aad Franklin, res e s s Wash'n, bet Emerson and Mason. See advt. 2. Gage DeWitt C., att'y, office 117 s Washington, res s Wash'n in Grove. 5. Gage Edwin L., lab, bds D. MacIntyre. Gage George E., elk D. F. Humphrey, bds same. M. & H. Koch & Co., the Leaders of Fashion. Gage Howard, clk M. L. Gage & Co., bds M. L. Gage. Gage M. L. & Co. (Morgan L. and Chauncey H. Gage), real estate dealers, office 2d floor Wisner blk, cor Genesee and Franklin. Gage Morgan L., insurance agt, res e s Wash'n, bet Emerson and Mason. 8. Gaitman John, res n s of town line, w of Jefferson. 5. Gainer Miss Kitty, wks with J. R. Robinson. Galas Alexis, carpenter, res e s Franklin, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 6. Gale John, mason, res n s Hesse, e Mackinaw. 2. Gales Joseph, yardman Everett House. Galey Mrs. Agnes (col'd), washerwoman, res s s William, bet Clay and Genesee. 5. Gavin Edward, lab, res Franklin, bet German and William. 2. Gallagher John & Co. (John Gallagher, David Gallagher), bankers, 130 s Wash'n; the former bds Everett House, latter res Detroit, Mich. Gallagher Wm. M., clk John Gallagher & Co., bds E. W. Perry. Gallagher William M., clerk, res Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 6. Galligher Miss Kittie, -, bds Clarendon House. 17 130 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. GALLINGER & COUSINEAU, (Jacob Gallinger, George Cousineau), carriage makers and blacksmiths, shop w s Cass, bet German and Williams. See adv't. Gallinger Jacob (Gallinger & Cousineau), bds J. J. Reamer. Gallogly E. D., teamster, works Jesse Hoyt. Galvin James, lab, bds Henry Naegely. Gamble G., dealer in logs and pine lands, res e s Jefferson, bet Hoyt and Thompson. Gamble George, farmer, res s e cor Maple and Elm. 3. Gamble Henry, lumberman, office over 211 n Water. Gamble James, lumberman, res 621 Jefferson. 4. Gamble John, lumber merchant, res w s Jefferson, w end Phelon. 5. Ganes Frank, carpenter, res s s Linton, bet Mackinaw and Washington. 'Ganongue Guy, lab, res s s, bet Miller and Mackinaw. 3.,Gang Henry, wks Feige Bros. Gang, Roderick, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Gardner Alfred, apprentice, bds J. Fisher. Gardner Miss Annie, wks A. K. Perry. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Gardner Augustus, Charles, and Mattie, home with F. F. Gardner. 'Gardner Charles, farmer, res High, n of German Colony road. 2. Gardner Francis F. (Gardner & Sons) res cor Webster and Lapeer. 8. GARDNER FREDERICK C., boots and shoes, store and res Genesee, bet Warren and Webster. 7. Gardner Leander, (Gardner & Sons), res cor Lapeer and Webster. Gardner Theodore, carpenter; res 5th, bet English and Norman. 2. Gardner Walter (Gardner & Sons), res cor Lapeer and Webster. Garland John, lab, bds M. Garland. Garland Michael, lumberman, res n e cor Emerson and Washington. 3. Garrett David, lab., bds Garvin House. Garretts Finlay, lab, bds Thos. Kenny. Garrison Charles 0., manuf'r of glue, res cor Astor and Franklin. 5. Garrison Miss Lottie, home with Chas. O. Garrison. Garrigues S. S., salt inspector, office Genesee, res St. Louis, Mich. Garvey Miss J., dressmaker, Mrs. E. G. Hammond. EAST SAGINBAW DIRECTORY. 131 OGARVIN JOHN L., prop'r Garvin Hotel, w s Water, foot of Millard. 3. Garvin John, riverman, bds Garvin House.,Garvin Michael, riverman, bds Garvin House. Garvey Miss Maggie, bds Tremont House.,Garvey Philip, bar-tender Bancroft House. Garvin William, riverman, bds Garvin House. Gary Gustave, mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R.,Garypee Joseph P., physician, bds Montreal House. Gassel H.,'wks Sears & Holland. Gastner Miss Maggie, wks Mrs. Julia A. Bare. Gates Anthony, lab, bds R. Vannorman..Gates Mrs Mary (wid Alfred), boarding house, res e s Wash'n, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 3. Gates Modest, lab, res e s 16th, near Lapeer. 3. Gaugschaw Frederick, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. 'Gavin Miss M., dressmaker, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond.,Gaylord John, tinsmith, German, bet 3d and 4th. 5. Gay Gustavus, lab, res e s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 6. Gary William R., carpenter, res n s Annesly, bet 1st and 2d. 4. M. & H. Koch & Co., the One Price Clothing House. Gearing Margaret, home with C. C. McLean.,Geary Michael, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Geason Alexander, engraver, stencil cutter, etc., res s Washington No. 125. 3. 'Gehm Jacob, painter, bds Stauber's Hotel. Gehrls Frederick, lab, res n s Cherry, w Douglas.,Gehret George M., lab, res w s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 3. Geisler Peter, carpenter, res e s 4th, bet German and Janes. 5. Gellet F., butcher, wks Fred Hubert. ~Gerkin Henry, wks E. S. Manning. Gerkin John, wks E. S. Manning. Gerlach Mrs. Kate (wid), res w s 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 4.,Germain Edward, Jr., contractor and builder, res 325 Webster. 3. Germain Edward, carpenter, res n w cor Millard and Webster. 4.,Gerow, John, lab, res river bank, e end Mackinaw street bridge. 8. Gerrett Mack, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick.,,Gensolus P. A., operator, res 129 Washington. '!Geyer John, wks D. F. Humphrey. aeCr2I - 132 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Geni Joseph M., Geni House, res Rockwell, bet Miller and Potter. Gibbs David Jr., druggist, Medical Hall, Salina. Gibbs H. C. A., books and stationery, 111 s Washington, res 624 s s Carroll. 3. Gibbs William R., bds A. B. Passage. Gibson Daniel, delivery clerk Simpson Barber & Co., res 1317 Lapeer, bet 11th and 12th. 4. GIBSON EDWARD, saloon, Water, bet Atwater and McCoskry, bds F. A. Kohler. GIBSON JOHN W., saloon, e s Water, bet Atwater and McCoskry, bds W. Smith. Gibson Lewis J., school-teacher, res town line, bet WashingStn and Saginaw City & St. Clair R. R. Gibson Miss Mary, tailoress, wks Frank G. Wilkin. Gienther, Ephraim, res e s 3d, bet German and Lapeer. 2. Gierow Herman, wks L. Damstaetter. Giry Miss Arnsterra, home with Michael Emo. Giffen James, lab, res w s Miller, s Main. 4. Gifford Alanson, lab, res s s n Miller, bet King and Mackinaw. 3. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. Gifford Robert L., ship carpenter, res n s Center, bet Mackinaw and Miller. 3. Giguei Edward, lab, res w s Water, bet Brady and McCbskry. 2. Gilber Mrs. Annabelle, bds G. M. Lane. Gilber Cassius, book-keeper J. Gamble. Gilbert H., wks "Enterprise office," bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. Gilbert John P., physician and surgeon, office Hovey blk, Tuscola, near n Wash'n, bds C. Millard, res 209 Tuscola. 3. Gilbert Mason, lab, bds Tremont House. Gilbert Robert, stone-cutter, res w s Webster, bet Johnson aid Tuscola. 2. Gilford Hiram, bds G. Davis. Gill Charles, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Gill William, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Gillett William, att'y, res w s Washington, s of German Colony Road. 4. Gillespie James S., clk H. H. Hoyt. Gillespie Joseph, barber, wks Thos. Hanson. Gillett Frederick, butcher, res e s 5th, cor Lapeer. 3. Gilman John, lab, bds J. J. Reamer. Gilmore George P., foreman J. S. Stevens, res Miller, bet 7th and 8tb. EAST SAGIWAW DIRECTORY. 133 Gilmore John, lab, res cor Norman and 6th. 3. Gilmore Joseph, shingle sawyer, res e s Miller, s of Nimotis. 2. Gilmore William, carpenter, bds Garvin House. Gilmore Patrick, lab, res e s 5th, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 3. Gilmore William H., carpenter, res w s Webster, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 5. Gitchel Asa B., hostler, bds Tuscola House. Girard Charles, lab, bds 0. Cunningham. Girodat Charles, carriage maker, cider and vinegar manuf'r, shop e s Mackinaw, cor Mill, factory Drayton Plains, res w s Mackinaw,'n of Mill. 4. Gistmai John, Mason, res e s 6th, bet German and Lapeer. 8. Givna, Mrs. Crista (wid), res w s Warren, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Glaason Patrick, lab, bds Patrick O'Brien. Gladwin Herbert, wks L. Quinnin, bds L. Delivan. G-LASBY WILLIAM F., bridge builder, res s e cor Wells and German Colony road. 5. Gleason & Co. (Alexander Gleason, Jared Benton), engravers, stencil cutters, etc., Lloyd block, 125 s Washington, res same. Fine Furnisliing Goods at MH. & HI. Koch & Co's. Gleason Miss Hannah, wks H. Bendit. Gleason James, painter, res w s Emily, bet Hoyt and Emerson. 5. Gleason James, carpenter, res s s Centre, bet Webster and Miller. 2. Gleason Michael, bds C. Keely. Gleason Martin, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Gleason Patrick, shingle sawyer, res e s Miller, s Nimons. 4. Glenden Edward, " Glenden Saloon," 513 Genesee. 2. Glene Charles L. W., shoemaker, res No. 519 Lapeer, bet Rockwell and 3d. 4. Glenn William, wks Bancroft House. Glennie Charles D., lab, res 410 Maple. 3. Gleson Daniel, lab, bds Martin Manion. Glidden Albert, lab, res n s Rust, bet King and Miller. 3. Gliickert Joseph, lab, res 5th, bet Kirk and Norman. 2. Globeusky Lewis, cooper, res n Wash'n, bet 6th and 8th. 3. Glover Henry H., painter, res 627 Webster. 5. Glover James P., painter, res cor Tuscola and 7th. 3. Glynn Mrs. Jennie L., res w s Cass, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 4. Glynn Patrick, lumberman, bds George A. Mann. 134 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Gobbel Conrad, lab, res e s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 6. Godard Frederick W., agt Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, office 310 Genesee, res Franklin, bet Astor and Potter. 2. Goddard Ezra G., lumberman, res cor Jeff'n and William. 4. Goddard George, agt Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, bds Everett House. Goddard George A., rooms Hovey blk, Tuscola, nr n Wash'n. Goech Harmen, merchant, res Warren, bet Lapeer and Tnscola. 4. Goetsinger Otto, wks G. Straasburg, lives parents. Goetzinger John, prop'r Gam Gemueth-liokeith res No. 504 cor Lapeer and Rockwell. 8. Goetz Mathias, wks W. H. Pressor, res Lapeer-6th Ward. Goldie Adam, book-keeper, res n s Carroll, bet 3d and Rockwell. 6. Goldie Wm. F., book-keeper, bds Adam Goldie. Golling Robert, carpenter, bds Owen Pierce, wks F. & P. M. R. R. Goldoff Christopher, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Gollogly Ezra, lab, bds Daniel Cummings. Goldorf Charles, lab, res 214 w s 5th. 2. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Goldsmith Bros. (Henry and Ferdinand), clothiers, 110 w s Genesee, bet Washington and Water. Goldsmith Ferdinand (Goldsmith Bros.), res w s Clay, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 7. Goldsmith Frederick, boat-builder F. L. P. Fish. Goldsmith Henry (Goldsmith Bros.), bds Everett House. Goldstone Edward (Davis & Goldstone), res w s Webster, bet Millard and Thompson. 2. Good Henry R., machinist, res e s Jefferson, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 5. Gooden Willie, bds with Elisha Mott. Goodell Anthony (Johnson, Goodell & Co.), hemlock extract, bds Mrs. A. Bartlett. Goodell Anthony W., manuf'r and dealer in tanning extract, res cor Cass and Fitzhugh. Goodfellow John, book-keeper, bds C. M. Curtis. Goodfellow John B., book-keeper, F. & P.M. R.., res cor Carroll and Wash'n. Gooding Charles E.; clk Gooding & Owen, bds. Gooding & Owen (Duncan W. Gooding and Joseph D. OQven), forwarding and commission agts, office Burt's blk, n Water. Gooding W. A., coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. Goodman Henry, sawyer, res s w cor King and Eaton. 3. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 135. Goodner Isaac, res n s Wadsworth, bet 9th and 10th. 7. Goodman Rev. John S., County Supt of Schools, office with Board Education, res s w cor Jefferson and Carroll. 7. Goodman William, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Goodridge Bros. (W. L. and W. 0.), photographers, res Wash'n, bet German and William. 7. Goodrich George, printer, Courier office, bds Mrs. S. Homes. Goodridge Wallace L., photographer, res Wash'n, bet German and William. Goodridge William 0., photographer, res Wash'n, bet German and William. Goodridge Robert, baker Simon Egc~err, res e s 5 th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Goodspeed Charles, lumber inspector, res 911 Hoyt. Gooldorf Miss Mary, wks James R. Johnson. G'ooneah John, lab, res e s Beecher, bet Cherry and Janes. 6. Gopspelt John M., brewer, saloon German, cor Clay, res cor Hayden and Cass. 9. Gordenier James, lab., bds Mrs. T. Frazer. Gordenier Mrs. Mary, bds Mrs. T. Frazer. Kid Gloves at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Gordon George, lumber merchant, res 10th, bet German and Lapeer. 4. Gordon Hugh, lab., res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 1. Gordon Thomas, teamster, -wks George Gordon. Gordon Thomas, lab, bds Bichlet's Hotel. Gordon Thomas S., root and ginger beer manuf'r, factory 119 Lapeer, res Warren. Gorman John, blacksmith, F. & P M. R. R. depot. Gorrie Miss Anna, wks C. Gray. Gosemaux Gustave, lab, bds Henry Naegely. Goosel Henry, lab, res s e cor Lapeer, and 13th. 5. Goosel Miss Mary, home with Ezra G. Goddard. Gossen Sophia, home with H. S. Steckert. Gottsill Reuther, res w s 2d, bet Cherry and Chesnut. 5. Gould Charles, machinist Wickes Bros., bds Mrs. Wright, cor Cass and Johnson. Gould George S., harness-maker, wks P. Yeaton & Co., res n s Hoyt, bet Maple and Welles. 3. Gould Horace, engineer, bds P. Brown. Gould James, res s e cor Welles and Thompson. Gouldi Joseph, res toll-house, Watrousville Plank. 4. Goulding George, machinist Wickes Bros, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 136 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 'Gove Miss Mary, lives with J. Brady. 'Govnin J., lab, bds D. O. Donnell. Gowan Robert M., mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Grace John, lab, res w s 2d, near Hartsuff. 6. Grace Patrick, lab, bds John Grace. Grade Miss Lena, wks C. B. Choate. Grady Mrs. Ann, seamstress, res n s Johnson, bet Warren and Jefferson. Gradv John, bds J. J. Hosmer. Grady John, lab, bds J. Atkins. Grady Thomas, riverman, bds W. H. O'Brien. Graham George S., lumber merchant, bds Daniel Forrest. Graham James M., lumber inspector. Graham John, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Graham -, lab, bds Henry J. Ball. Gramlich Mathew, engineer, res e s Little, s of Hess. 5. Gramey John, lab, res n Randolph, bet Jefferson and Washington. 11. Granville Miss Elizabeth, bds G. Billing. Granville Miss Elizabeth, tailoress, wks Wm. Eisenberg. Granville John, physician, res n e cor Genesee and 2d. 2. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Granville Robert, shoemaker, res s s Chestnut, bet 1st and Genesee. 7. Grant A. J., inspector J. S. Stevens, res Carroll. Grant Albert P., engineer, res s s Carroll, bet 9th and 30th 3. Grant Miss Anna, res w s Little, bet Hess and Main. Grant Charles W. (Grant & Saylor), res w s Wash'n, s of German Colony road. 2. Grant Charles, salesman, bds Henry J. Ball. Grant David, tailor, Peter Roche, res s s Martha, e end Maple. 3. Grant Edwin, lab, res w s Little, bet Hess and Main. Grant John, mason, bds W. Grant. Grant John, lab, bds Martin Manion. Grant John, bds N. Morrison. Grant Mrs. Julia (wid), res w s Little, bet Main and Hess. Grant William, mason, builder, etc., res n w cor Emerson and Park. 6. Grant William, clerk, bds John Harris. Grant William, contractor, mason city water works, bds N. Morrison. Grant William J., clerk, bds American House. Grapnier Theresa, wks H. Krause. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 137 Gravely Charles C., lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Gravier Eddie, coat-boy, Bancroft House. GRAY & 1ASSEY, (Charles W. Gray, Charles A. Massey), boiler works, cor Astor and Water. See advt. Gray Charles (Gray & Massey), res s e cor Jefferson and McCoskry. 8. Gray Charles, clk James Manning. Gray Edward W., boatman, bds Garvin House. Gray Miss Eliza, wks with Mrs. H. S. Elseffer. Gray Miss Jane, wks Oscar Hull. Gray Miss Lizzie, bds Carrie Gray. Gray Whalen (col), lab, rooms c Hovey blK, Tuscola, cor n Wash'n. 2. Gray William, lab, bds American House. Gray William H., clk H. Miller, bds C. W. Gray, cor Jefferson and McCoskry. Gredy William, wiper, round house F. & P. M. R. R. Green Daniel, fisherman, res 613 Millard. 9. Green James, operator F. & P. M. R. R., bds John Hazzard. Green John, lab, res n s of Center, w of Sag. & St. Clair R. R. 3. Green John, wks C. W. Wenks, bds Scanlan House. Scarfs and Ties at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Green Mrs. Mary, bds F. Sadlier. Green Myron, farmer, res e s Thayer. 3, Green Nathaniel. bds S. W. Green. Green Orson C., book-keeper J. R. Livingston, bds same. Green Miss Lizzie, wks H. C. Potter. Green Patrick, foreman East Saginaw salt works, res cor 5th and Kirk. 10. Green Richard, res McCoskry, cor Cornelia. 4. Green Richard H., wks Merrill, Eastwood & Co. Green Robert, barber, bds Abram Reyno. Greenway Samuel, lumberman, res 512 Maple. 5. Green Seneca W., filer, res w s Warren, bet Emerson and Elm. 5 Green S. W., ass't filer, Sears & Holland. Greer Miss Catherine, home with Mrs. Emma Cadotte. Greer John, lab, bds Oscar Hull. Greer Miss Maggie, wks J. P. Nourse. Gregg Charles, bds George Low. Gregg Michael, wks W. L. Webber. Gregory Andrew, lab, res e s Maple, bet Atwater and Mc Coskry. 3. Gregory Homer, engineer, res e s Washington, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 5. 18 138 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Gregory John, lab, bds John Webster. Grenneil William, carpenter, res e s 1st, bet Annesly and Walnut. 6. Gress Robert, lab, bds Farmer's Home. Gress William B., shoemaker, res No. 811 Janes, bet 9th and 10th. 5. Greswell Abner, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. Grethe Minnie, kitchen girl M. Jones. Grey Charles, boiler-maker, bds C. Messey. Gribbla James, clerk, res 620 n Washington, bet Astor and Miller. Gridley George C., salesman A. Fox, bds Mrs. C. A. Deitz. Griffin John, tailor, bds Ebel Hotel. Griffin Leonard H., carpenter, res s w cor Cornelia and Martha. 4. Griffin Theron, lab, bds C. W. Lee. 2. Griffith Daniel, mechanic, works F. & P. M. depbt. Griffin Miss Eva, bds Willow Tree Saloon. Griffiths Daniel, boiler-maker, res e s 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 2. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Griggs Leverett S., insurance agent, res w s Mackinaw, s of Mill. 5. GRBIGGS TIMOTHY F., groceries, provisions, flour, feed, tobacco, and cigars, Wash'n, 7th ward. See advt. Griggs Wade, salt boiler, res e s Mackinaw, s of Hess.' 5. Grimmon Walter, printer, Courier office, bds Mrs. L. Hosner. Griswold John, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Groff Henry, wks with B. Fink. Groff John Henry, brewer, res e s Genesee, s of Annesly. 5. Grohman Aloy, clerk, J. O'Donnel. Grohmann Anthony, poormaster, res cor Morris and Little. 5. Groman Alloes, clerk, res n Gallagher, bet Wash'n and Jefferson. 7. Groman John, res Gallagher, w Jefferson. 2. Grood Daniel, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Gross John, lab, res 700 Walnut. 8. Gross John, bds Excelsior House. Grosse Peter, lab, res n s Janes, bet 3d and 4th. 7. Gross Peter, packer, Mayflower Mills. Grottke Albert, lab, bds G. H. Loucks. Growing William, carpenter F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Gruber Miss Barbara, home with William Edinger. Grudt John, laborer, bds D. 0. Donnell. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 139) Grause Herman, mechanic, works F. &. P. M. depot. Gualman John, res 515 e s Smith. 2. Gae Benjamin, bds Moses Robinson. Gueitte John, wks E. Sag. Manuf. Co. Gueitte William, wks E. Sag. Man uf. Co. Guenther Julius, dealer in second-hand clothing, Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 3. Guenin Louis, lumber inspector, office over 211 n Water. Guild E. F., civil engineer and surveyor, office 3d floor Wisner blk, cor Genesee and Franklin. GUILEY GEORGE W., moulder and pattern-maker Merrill & Bacon, res s s McCoskry, bet Jefferson and Wells, See Guyley. 6. Guiley James, waiter Everett House. Guiley J. H., foreman Jesse Hoyt's planing mill. Guiley Peter, pattern-maker, wks Merrill & Bacon. Guilford Hiram S., foreman Holiday & Jones, bds Geo. Davis. Guinin Louis, lumber inspector. Gule George, bds Excelsior House. Gullifer, Eliphas, lumberman, res 461 Warren. 7. Silk Wrappers and Drawers at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Gunnell John, carpenter, res 1015 Washington. 4. Gustin Frank, lab, bds J. J. Reamer. Gusta Christ, lab, bds T. Abair. 2. Guthrey, Frederick, lab, bds William II. Race. Guthrie Calvin C., foreman Grant & Taylor, res 1122 Hoyt. 3.. Guy Charles, lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Walnut and -- Guyley George W., pattern-maker, res s s Brady, bet Jeffersoni and Wells. Guyer John, cabinet maker, res 216 w s 5th. 2. Guyse Charles, lab, bds D. McIntyre. Guyette Miss Isabella, bds Richard Trevidick. Guzette John, shoemaker, res 414 e s 4th, bet Fitzhugh andt Carroll. 12. H. Haas Andrew, boiler-maker Grey & Massey, res s s Janes, e of 14th. 8. Haas Caroline, bdg house, res e s 3d, bet Carroll and Miller. 3 Haddan George J., policeman D. R. Ring. Haem Jacob, cabinet maker, n s Janes, bet 3d and 4th. 5. HAERNER ANTON, barber, shop over 419 Genesee, es 6th,, bet Cass and Jefferson. 3. 140 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Hagadorn Jeremiah E., land hunter, res e s Bundy, s of Hess. 2. Hagen Ludwig, lab, cor 14th and Miller. 4. Hager Christine, wks Charles Lee, bds Scanlan House. Haggart David, wks F. & P. M. R. R., res cor Sears and 3d. 2. Hagity James, lab, res w s Franklin, bet German and William. 2. Hahn Charles, carpenter, res n s Janes, e 14th. 4. Haigarty Patrick, lab, res w s Cornelia, nr Atwater. 2. Haight John, salt inspector, res 120 w s Clay. 3. Haines William, teamster, res n s Hess, cor Little. 4. Haisa Miss Emelia, home with R. Dresler. Haitman Frederick, mill hand. Hale Jerome, lab, bds J. Armstrong. 2. Hales Henry, molder, Wickes Bros, res 9th, bet e Astor and Miller. 3. Halelen Andrew, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R depot. Haley, Miss Mary, wks W. Smith. Haley Michael, lab, bds Martin Manion. Halgram H. T., carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Hall A. B., painter, bds Isaac S. Allen. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Hall Miss Charlotte, home with William HI-. Race. Hall Mrs. Clorinda H., boarding house, n e side, cor Astor and Warren. 3. Hall Daniel S., physician, res e s n Water. 3. Hall Miss Frances, home Mrs. Clorinda Hall. Hall Francis H., lumberman, res s s Linton, bet Wash'n and Mackinaw. 3. Hall Henry, lab, res Sag. City road. 2. Hall Henry, clk, res German, cor 5th. 7. Hall Henry, clk for Sternhagen & Schramm, bds with Mrs. Smith. Hall Henry G., ass't book-keeper Derby & Co., bds W. E. Ledyard. Hall Miss Jennie S., dressmaker Mrs. Julia Bare,bds A. B. Morgan. Hall James F., route agt F. & P. M. R. R., bds Albert P. Grant. Hall John, lab, bds Tuscola House. Hall John, fireman C. & E. TenEyck, bds M. Ward. Hall John F., mason, res w s Lincoln, n of Walnut. 4. Hall John T. (Heely & Hall), att'yj and real estate agt, res cor 6th and Lincoln ave, Saginatv City. Hall Judson, res n s Hess, bet Mackinaw and Miller. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 141 Hall Lewis P. (Johnson & Hall), res 309 Welles. 3. Hall Miss Mary, lives with Alexandry Stewart. Hall Robert, cashier Derby & Co., res w s 1st, bet Cherry and Walnut. 4. Hall Robert, lab, res e s Water, cor German Colony Road. 5. Hall Samuel, bds J. J. Hosmer. Hall Thomas, lab. res e s Third, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 10. Hallenback Mrs. J. S., lives with C. R. Spencer. Hally Benjamin, inspector F. & P. M. R. R. Halpin Miss Mary, wks S. V. Haskell. Halsey David, lumberman, res e s Little, s of Hess. 4. Hamberger Carl, carpenter, res Lapeer, bet 4th and 5th. 6. Hamberger Joseph, lab, res w s Little, s of Nimons. 7. Hamblen George H., life insurance agt, res 333 1st. 2. Hambridge A., butcher, bds Averill House. Hamer George, lab, res Lapeer, bet 4th and 5th. 6. Hamilton Hiram B., prop'r Salina House, e s Wash'n ave, s end Wash'n street railway. 2. Hamilton William, lab, bds Oscar Hull. Hammel Albert, wks Feige Bros. Hammel Charles, wks Feige Bros. Onie Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Hammel Mrs. (wid), res e s Water, bet Hayden and William. Hammond Mrs. E. G., millinery and fancy goods, 109 s Wash'n, bds Everett House. Hammond Miss Emma, lives A. J. Partridge. Hammon, 2 families, 1st, near s of Annesly, absent. Hana John C., wks C. Lee. Hancock Charles N., bar-tender "Nettie Wells." Handrick Mrs. Ellen, bds P. Handrick. Handrick Miss Esther, bds P. Handrick. Handrick Patrick, bricklayer, res e s Maple, s of Martha. Haning Christopher, grocer, res w s 5th, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 2. Hann Leonne, barber, res e s 6th, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 3. Hannah James, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Hannahan Dennis, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Hannan James, wks Merrill, Eastwood & Co., bds A. B. Passage. Hanner Charles, bell-boy, Bancroft House. Hanselman Mrs. John, (wid), res w s Cornelia, bet Martha and McCoskry. Hansen Panel, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. Hanson Brick, foreman, bds Tremont House. Hanson Christian, lab, bds Scandinavian House. 142 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Hanson Christ, lab, bds Daniel Forrest. Hanson Henry, wagon maker, bds Michigan Hotel. Hanson Paul, mechanic, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Hanson Thomas, w s Cass, bet Genesee and Tuscola, res 125 Jefferson, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 2. Hanvench Jacob, carpenter, res 13th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. 4. Haoix John, wks East Saginaw Manuf'g Co. Haoix Theodore, wks E. S. Manning. Harcoart Herbert, printer, Courier office. Harding Edward J., upholsterer, res cor German and Wash'n. Harding Mr. and Mrs., bds P. Brown. Hardy William, lab, bds Averill House. Harebs Herman P., carpenter, res es 13th, bet Carroll and Woodsworth. 4. Harer Robert, cigar maker, bds J. J. Reamer. Harley Thomas, clk, C. H. Smith, bds A. Birdsall. Harmes, res w s 12th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. Harmon Miss Ellen, home with Charles O. Garrison. Harmon John C., clerk William H. Race. Harnesch Mrs. Louisa, home with Fred Schade. No Bantering at Little Jake's, Harper Mrs. Amanda (wid Reuben), res cor 4th and Johnson. 2. Harper Charles, res 118 4th. 2. HIarris Frederick, hostler, res e s Franklin, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 3. Harris John, agent transfer freight F. & P. M. R. R., res cor 4th and Kirk. 4. Harris Mrs. L., milliner. wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Harris Michael, clothier, e s s Water, bet German and Genesee. 11. Harris Rev. Roswell, res 708 Warren. 3. Harrison Alfred P., res e end Sag. City bridge, near Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 5. Harrison Charles, wks M. Seery. Harrison H. L. & Co. (Henry L. and Reuben Harrison), crockery and house-furnishing goods,107 Genesee, res 410 Jeff'n. Harrison Henry L. (H. L. Harrison & Co.), res 412 Jefferson. 3. Harrison Reuben (H. L. Harrison & Co.), res 410 Jefferson. 2. Harsch Louis, carpenter F. & P. M. R. R. Harsh Louis, machinist, res e s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 6. Hart, operator, wks Jesse Hoyt. Hart --, lab, bds Daniel Cummings. Hart Charles, wks and bds W. Foale. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 143 Hart Isaac, wks and bds W. Foale. Hart James, wks and bds W. Foale. Hart Samuel, harness-maker, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 2. Hartford Nellie, bds Miss E. Hunter. Hartigan Edward, mechanic, res 6th, bet Farwell and Wash'n. Hartigan Patrick J., carpenter, res n s Emerson, bet Maple and Warren. 6. Hartman Frederick, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. Hartman Frederick, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. IR. Hartman Frederick, bds Stauber's Hotel. Hartman Jay, photographer, res Washington, bet German and William. Hartwell Miss Emma, --, res n s Thompson, bet Franklin and Wash'n. HARVEY & COLEMAN (Joseph J. Harvey and Harrison Coleman), livery, sale and boarding stable, n w cor s Wash'n and Tuscola, and cor Franklin and German. See advt. Harvey Joseph J. (Harvey & Coleman), res n s Hayden, bet Wash'n and Water. 3. Harvey Thomas A., clk Morley Bros., bds G. W. Morley. Goods Marked in Plain Figures at M. & H. Koch & Co'N. Haskell Stephen V., book-keeper, res e s Jefferson, bet McCoskry and Brady. 2. Haskins Aaris [Harris] lab, res s s Nimons 0 of Ballard. )3. Haskin Erastus Captain, res c s Rockwell, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 3. Hasse William A., cutter Little Jake's clothing store, res Warren, bet Hayden and Millard. 4. Hasselbring Barnhardt, gardener, res w s 1st, bet Cherry and Walnuut. 2. Hathaway Arthur B., res 724 Emerson. 3. Hathaway Frank, lab, res n e cor Wadsworth and 6th. 3. Hathaway G., clk H1-. N. Doty. Hathaway I-Ioratio, wood inspector, res e s Franklin, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 4. Hatzwell Thomas, lab, works F. & P: M. R. R. Hatt John, watchman C. & E. Ten Eyck, res cor 7th and Miller. 4. Haug Philip, carpenter, Jesse Hoyt, res Johnson, bet 7th and 8th, moves to Webster, between Johnson and Tuscola, soon. Haughton Elizabeth, wks J. C. Brown. IHAUGHTON, W. S., carriage manufacturer, cor German and Franklin. See advt. 144 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Hauptman George N., lumberman, res s e s Miller, bet Jefferson and WarreD. 2. Hause Robert, painter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Hawkins Charles, cook, rooms n w cor Genesee and Jeff'n. 3. Hawkins James S., turner, res cor Johnson and 8th. 4. Hawkins William B., custom boot make, 106 Genesee, res n s Emerson, bet Park and Webster. 8. Hawick Miss Adeline, wks A. Birdsall. Hawick Gonhuck, carpenter, res e s 3d, near Genesee. 8. Hawley Mrs. Maggie, bds George Carter. 3. Hay L. C., bds Etna Hotel. Hay Mrs. Maud, lives with Mrs. M. Steele. Hayden Mrs. Caroline, bds Dr. G. A. Lathrop. 2. Hayden Charles A., engineer, bds M. H. Blackmer. Hayden Harry, inspector lumber, office s Water, near Genesee. Hayden John, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. R. R. Hayden Norman L., engraver, res cor Jefferson and German. Hayden Norman L., clk, bds Horace T. Slade. Hayes Albert, blacksmith, res e s 2d, bet Thompson and Chesnut. 4. Hayes Ervin, carpenter, res n Wash'n, bet Kirk and Potter. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Hayes George, lab, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 5. Hayes James, blacksmith, bds Oscar Hull. IHAYES JOHIN, prop'r State of Maine House, n w cor Jefferson and Miller. 3. Hayes Thomas, foreman round house, bds Charles Anderson. Hayes Thomas, machinist, res w s Cornelia, n of Atwater. 5. IHayman Donald, ship carpenter, res s s Annesly, bet 1st and 2d. 6. Haynes Jackson, lab, res Webster, bet Genesee and William. Haynes Sophronia D., bds T. F. Cross. Hayse George, inspector, F. & P. M. IR. R. Hayse Irwin, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Hazzard John C., driver Am. Ex. Co., res Jefferson, bet Potter and'Astor. 4. Hazen Benjamin, blacksmith W. Williamson, bds J. Brady. Hedden Miss Sarah, bds Miss Minnie Marvin. Headley Charles B., editor Saginaw Daily Courier, res 507 Hoyt, cor Jefferson. 2. Headley Edward, livery stable, bds s s Randolph, e Washington, Valentine House. Heagan Lewis, lab, works Jesse Hoyt. Healy Byron, a b, bds American House. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 145 Healy Charles, bds American House. Healy John, tailor, bds Ebel House. Heath Anson, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck, res s s Miller, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Heather Alexander, res cor Johnson and lth. Hebner Miss Dora, wks A. Dixson. Hebner --, res 501 Smith, cor Walnut; absent. Hecks Osbert, marble-cutter, res n s Lapeer, bet lith and 15th. 3. Hecox Henry C., lab, bds J. Hayes. HEELY & HALL (John J. Heely and J. I. Hall), att'ys and real estate agts, office Owen blk, No 308 Genesee. Heely John J. (Heely & Hall), res w s Maple, bet Elm and Emerson. 4. Heffernan John, lab, res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 8. Heffran Mrs. Margaret (wid John Heffran), bds Hugh Gordon. Heffron James, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Hegermann William, painter, bds Stauber's Hotel. Heidger Charles, gardener, res n s Douglas, w of Jeff'n. 3. Heighton William, res s w cor Bristol and Wash'n. 4. Heim Edward, clk August Bode. Lumbermen's Supplies at N.. & H. Koch & Co's. Heimenck Peter, blacksmith, res High, n of German Colony Road. 3. Heineman Charles, upholsterer, res e s 3d, near Genesee. 9. Heineman Morris, wks Feige Bros. Heinietze Miss Zata, wks J. A. Putnam. Heinlein Wolfe C., wks Mowbray & Richardson, res s s Eaton, bet King and Mackinaw. 6. Heinlin Wolfgang, brewer, Mowbray & Richardson. Heinlind Henry, saloon, Genesee, bet Franklin and Cass, res over saloon. 6. Heinroch Miss Lizzy, wks Mrs. Minnie Lowrey. Heisa Mrs. Sophia, home with R. Dresler. Heiser David, drayman, res s e cor 1st and John. 3. Heitke Augustus, lab, res 218 w 6th, bet Janes and German. 3. Helbert John, teamster, res e s 5th, bet German and Jane. 3. Helie Cyrille, lab, bds A. Picard. Helker Francis J. B., clk freight house, F. & P. M. R. R., res cor Kirk and 3d. Helm Engeth, lab, res cor Kirk and 7th. 2. Helm G., inspector wks Jesse Hoyt. Helen John, lab, res n s Johnson, bet 8th and 9th. 19 146 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Heller Peter, barber shop, Everett House, res n s German, bet 4th and 5th. 2. Helling William, jeweler, res 3d. Help Francis J., dealer in jewelry, res Webster, bet Genesee and William. 7. Helyel Amrma, lab, res n s Johnson, bet 8th and 9th. 2. HENLIESCIH MARTIN, merchant, store n s Genesee, bet Warren and Webster, res same. 3. Hemenger Mrs. Caroline (wid), res w s Cherry, bet Warren and Webster. 4. Hendrehen Edward, riverman, bds Garvin House. Henderson Miss Elizabeth, wks W. H. O'Brien. Henderson Daniel, lab, bds Martin Manion. Henderson Horace, cashier Derby & Co., bds Amos Dixon. Henderson Wm., lab,res e s 5th, bet Carroll and Miller. 8. Hendrick Esther M., res 611 Maple. Hendrick Mrs. Ella, res 611 Maple. Hendrick John, plasterer, res e s Cornelia, near Atwater. 2. Hendrick Patrick, brick mason, res 611 Maple. Hendrick. See Handrickc..Herrick Augustus, shingle sawyer, bds D. McIntyre. Little Jake & Co., 1"Boss" Clothiers of the State. 'HENDRICKSON & BRO. (T. & John Hendrickson), driving pin and salt manufacturers, near Miller, res near salt block, 8th ward. 'Ienion Daniel, bds with Morris Lyer. Henke Edward, cooper P. Haug-Jesse Hoyt. Hennesy Horace, clk Derby & Co., bds A. Dixon. Henning & Son (John Henning and Christ Henning), groceries, e s 5th, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. Henning John, res s e cor Fitzhugh and 5th. 5. IHenright Michael, lab, bds John Reordon. Henry Adolphus, book-keeper for Root & Midler, res e s 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Henry Adolph, book-keeper, res e s 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Henry Horace, lumber inspector, bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. Henry James, clk Abram F. Sharick. Henry Mrs. Laura A. (Mrs. Adolphus Henry), sewing machine operator A. Fox, res 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Henry Walter T., engineer F. & P. M. R. R., res 5th, bet English and Norman. 4. Henry William, bds J. Luck. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 147 Herb F. Joseph, watchmaker and jeweler, 309 Genesee, res 119 s Webster. 8. Herbage Daniel, painter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Herbage John, painter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Herbage Daniel, painter, res w s 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 2. Herbeck Miss Nellie, wks Bechtel's Hotel. Herbert Frederick H., surveyor, res n e cor Jefferson and Carroll. 7. Herbert Mrs. Maggie, res cor Carroll and Washington. Herbert Mrs. Margaret E., boarding-house, 501 Carroll. 2. Herd Chas., Watrousville plank, near Kimball. Hering Elisabeth, (wid) e s Park, bet Hoyt and Chesnut. 2. Herley M. L., druggist, bds Everett House. Herley M. L., druggist, wks Chandlers & Bros. Herling Henry, boiler-maker T. Steele. Hermann Charles, saloon, junction s Genesee and German, res same. 2. Herman Zellner, bell-boy Everett House. Hernery -, lab, res Lapeer, bet 8th and 9th. 6. Hersley John, bds with Samuel Jones. Herrit Daniel, wiper round house F. & P. M. R. R. Fine Custom Work at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Hess Charles P., lumberman,.res n s William, bet Mackinaw and Miller. 4. Hess David, aged, res n s Millard, n end of Park. 2. Hess Miss Mary, wks G. Lockley. Hess Peter, farmer, res e s X. st, bet n Miller and Eaton. 3. Hesse Barnhard, (al) physician, office n w cor Genesee and Jeff'n, res 719 Lapeer, bet 4th and 5th. 6, Hesse Simon J., wks Sayer & Swell. Hesse Wm., lab, res cor Carroll and 12th. 5. Hessler William A., musician, res Lapeer, bet 4th and 5th. 5. Heston Hiram O., lives Mrs. J. M. Heston. Heston Mrs. Julia M., res n s town line, bet Jefferson and Wash'n. 2. Heston T. Vickers, wks and bds H. Shorey. Heubisch Martin, prop'r Teutonic Hall, Genesee, bet Warren and Webster. 3. Heubner Ernst, wks C. Wenks. Heun Bernard, fancy dry goods, 418 Genesee, res 2d, bet Cherry and Chesnut. 7. Hewitt John A., machinist, res s e 3d and Miller. 5. Heyde Edwin, bds Stauber's Hotel. Hickey Miss Ellen, home with Abram F. Sharick. 148 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Hickey James, lab, bds John A. McMahon. Hickey John, mechanic F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Hickey John, lab, res 5th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Hickey Patrick, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Hickie Eugene, lab, res w s Miller, s of Center. 6. Hicks Miss Candis, wks W. Q. Atwood. Hicks Josiah G., lab, res w s Lytle, s of Morris. 5. Hicks Osbert, wks Joseph Berch. High Oliver, waiter Everett House. Higgins James, lab, bds Scanlan House, s e cor Water and Thompson. Higgins Patrick, watchman, res Lytle, s of Morris. 2. Hill J. H., res 405 Jefferson. 3. Hill James, bds J. Dietriech. Hill James, salt inspector, res w s Clay, bet German and Lapeer. 2. Hill Miss Lena, bds Mrs. C. Benson. Hill Stephen B., land-looker, res 617 Webster. 4. Hill Theo. S., business manager Courier Office, bds W. H.. Edwards. Hill Thomas, bds Benjamin Eaton. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Hill Willis, lab, res s s Eaton, n of Wash'n. 2. Hilliker Alvin, lab, bds 0. C. Vanwagner. Hillman Charles, shoemaker, bds -- Hillman Frederick, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Hiller -, tender Bristol st swing bridge. Hime Joseph J., lab, bds John Patterson. Hinckle Peter A., machinist, e s 3d, bet Carroll and Miller. 3. Hindle Adam, carpenter, res n e cor Walnut and Mumford. 8. Hindle Miss Josephine, wks M. C. Stevens. Hindes Edward, tinner, bds D. O. Donnell. Hine Jacob, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Hines Edward, coppersmith, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Hink Edward, carpenter, res e s High, s Walnut. 3. Hinkley James A., U. S. guager, res Webster, cor Lapeer. 4. Hineroot Chas., lab, res 508 e s 6th, bet Wadsworth and Carroll. 4. Hinmar George, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Hirish -, res n w cor German and Clay. 3. Hirschkorn Jacob, lab, res 5th, bet German and Lapeer. 5. Hisney Charles, tailor, res over 130 s Washington. 3. Hobart Joseph, bds W. Hobart. Hobart Saphronia, bds W. Hobart. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 149' Hobart William, lab, res s s Janes, w of Smith. 3. Hobish Martin, saloon res w s Clay, cor German. 3. Hobson Anson, stone-dealer, yard Water, foot Fitzhugh, res 224 Jefferson, cor Johnson. 2. Hobson Miss Annettie, home with George Hobson. Hobson Daniel, lab, bds George Hobson. Hobson Edward, lab, bds George Hobson. Hobson George, lab, cor Norman and 2d. 4. Hobson John, lab, bds George Hobson. Hodges Isaac, wks Harvey & Coleman. Hoddick Vincent, mechanic, wks P. & P. M. depot. Hodgson Ed., fireman Mayflower Mills. Hodgson Mark, engineer Mayflower Mills, res 618 Jefferson. Hoffman, Henry & Co. (Victor Slesinger, manager), dealer in millinery and fancy goods, 117 Washington st s. Hoffman Anna, wks William T. Markey. Hoffmann, Ernst, teamster, res Warren, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Hoffman Frederick, carpenter, bds Farmers' Home. Hoffman Frederick, cigar manuf'r, res 2d, bet Walnut and Chesnut. 2. Elegant Clothing at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Hoffman Miss Hannah, wks P. Whipple. Hofmeister Charles, cooper, res s s n Miller, bet King and Water. 4. Hoffmeister Charles, wks Hohiler. Hogan John, lab, res w s Miller, s of Nimons. 7. Hogan John, teamster, bds Martin Manion. Hogan Mrs. Mary, wks G. Corning. Hogan Thomas F., tel opr, Saginaw City station, St. Clair River R. EI., res Mackinaw. 2. Hogan Thomas F., book-keeper, res s s Gallagher, e of Mackinaw. 3. Hohn Mrs. Birdie, wks Everett House. Hohisel John, cooper, res w s Little, s Nimons. 8. Hohisel John, cooper, shop w s King, nr Mowbray's brewery. Holand Peter, lab, bds Martin Manion. Holahan Richard, lumberman, res n w cor Mackinaw and Little. 6. Holaner Fritz, lab, res w s High. 6. Holden Isaac, lab, res e s Little, s of Hess. 3. Holden Michael, lab, res s e cor Cherry and Mumford. 6. Holden Peter, lab, res cor Wadsworth and 11th. 4. Holden Miss Tena, wks for Horace Jones. 150 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Holeman Michael, harness-maker, res 440 s e cor Carroll and 5th. 5. Holmes John R., clerk D. I. Peck & Co. Holiday & Jones (George Holiday and Erastus Jones), shingle manufacturers, mill w of Sag. & St. Clair R. R., s of Centre street. Hollister Frederick, architect, office with E. F. Guild, 3d floor Wisner blk, res Saginaw City. Holland Charles, lumber inspector, res e s Washington, bet Brady and Mason. 4. Holland Dwight G., salt dealer, res 311 Washington. 5. Holley -, merchant, bds Abram F. Sharick. Holts Daniel, lumber foreman, No. 616 Washington street, bet Astor and Miller. Hollingstead, Edward, wks C. Lee' mill. Hollon Joseph A. (Thurber & Hollon), banker, res 1007 Washington. Hollwede Frederick, shoemaker, shop Genesee, bet Clay and Webster. Holly Benjamin, car inspector, bds Benjamin Eaton. Holme Charles, res w s Clay, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Holmes Mrs. -, home with Samuel H. Post. Holmes Isaac L., carpenter, res e s Warren, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 5. Holmes Mrs. Margaret, (wid Thomas Holmes), res 7th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 6. Holmes Samuel, carpenter, bds J. H. Overton. Holsey Chauncey, lives with C. Perry. Holson Daniel, fireman F. & P. M. R. R. Holson George, fireman F. & P. M. R. R. Holst Miss Catherine, home with Henry Holst. Holst Henry, lab, cor Astor and Jefferson. Hoist John, sawyer, C. & E. Ten Eyck. HOLTZHEIMER CHRISTOPHER, dealer in liquors and cigars, Potter, bet Franklin and Jefferson, res Jefferson, bet Astor and Potter. 2. Home of the Friendless, 420 Park, cor Thompson, Mrs. Mary A. Dixon, Matron. Homsh Frank A., wks East Saginaw Manufacturing Co. Holmes Mrs. Lottie, boarding house, res n w cor Cass and Johnson. 3. Hosner Oscar N., glove and mitten manuf'r, rooms Derby blk, n Water, bds restaurant near P. O. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 151 Houlahan Thomas, riverman. res e s Miller, s of Main. 5. Hoock Adolphus, agent Mayflower mill, res w s 6th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 6. Hooley Daniel, prop'r London House, Franklin, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 7. Hootsell Joseph, musician, res 516 e s Franklin. 2. Hopkins Daniel, cook, bds Henry Naegley. Hopkins Daniel, lab, res n s Mason, bet Cass and Franklin. 2. Hopkins Herman H., tinsmith Reynolds & Choate, bds A. Birdsall. Hoppe Adam, bartender J. Fischer, bds M. Eriol. Hoppe Godfrey (aged), lives Michael Teron. Hooppell Miss Ellen, wks H. Turner. Hopper Thomas, lab, bds H. Studor. Hopperset William H., mechanic, bds Charles Anderson. Horan Mrs. Mary (wid), fruit stand, Franklin, bet Tuscola and Johnson. Horan Patrick, lab, bds Scanlan House, s e cor Water and Thompson. Horm Thomas, bds D. A. Campbell. Horn Daniel, carriage builder, wks Baker & Bro. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Hornabrook Miss M. A., dressmaker, wks MArs. E. G. Hammond. Hornabrook Nathan, wks E. S. Mnuf'g Co. Horne Mrs. Elizabeth, bds J. A. Foster. Hornwall James, edger, wks Jesse Hoyt. Horr Roswell G., banker, 2d National Bank, res w s Genesee, cor Thompson. 6. Horton Henry D., carpenter, res w s Welles, bet Mason and Brady. 5. Horton Hugh, carpenter, res n s Hess, bet Miller and Little. 3. Hosmer James J., res e s Mackinaw, e Saginaw City & St. Clair R. R. 5. Hosner Miss Maggie, bds Minnie Marvin. Hotchbash Nicholas, tailor, res s w cor Chesnut and 2d. 3. Hotswell Thomas J., mechanic, res 3d, bet Miller and Potter. 2. Houce Franklin, street-car driver, res 6th st, bet Miller and Sears. Hough & Sikes (Edward A. Hough and Arnold P. Sikes), life and fire ins agts, office over 115 Genesee. Hough Edward A. (Hough & Sikes), res Jackson, Mich. Hough Elijah W., colporteur, office over 115 Genesee. Hough Joel D., botanic physician, res Potter, bet Franklln and Washington. 3. 152 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Hought Philip, lab, res s s Johnson, bet 7th and 8th. 6. ROUTGHTON WILLIAM S., carriage-maker, cor Franklin and German, res n e cor Cass and Johnson. See advt. 3. Hourigan James, lab, bds Patrick Hourigan. Hourigan Miss Maggie, wks L. P. Mason. Hourigan Patrick, Peterboro House, Potter, bet Rockwell andWarren. 3. Hourtienne Augustus, saloon, n e cor Genesee and Rockwell. House James, carriage-maker, res Annesly, e of 1st. 3. House William, stave-jointer, res Annesly, e of 1st. 3. House William C., clk J. A. Weaver, bds Eliza Welch. Housecheck -, res n s Wadsworth, bet 11th and 12th. Houston Miss Eliza, wks H. L. Harrison. Hoverton Jeremiah, house builder, shop cor Cass and German, res Washington. 3. Hovey Lucius B., harness-maker, shop Hovey blk, s Wash'n, res s w cor 3d and Johnson. 8. Hovey Robert, harness-maker, bds L. B. Hovey. Hovey Robert S., foreman and bds L. B. Hovey. Hovey William, wks for Alfred Pierson. Howard -, wks Enterprise office. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Howard Daniel F., carpenter, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 5 -Howard Daniel F., foreman, C. & E. TenEyck. Howard Mrs. Hattie, No. 113 Warren. Howard Wilbur, clk, J. W. Howry. Howard William J., book-keeper, res w s 6th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Howard Windfield, printer, Courier office. Howe Daniel, minstrel, res w s 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 3. Howe Henry E., salesman, A. Fox, bds Sylvester Eccleston, 710 Wash'n. Howe Julius H., painter, res n s Martha, bet Maple and Warren. 2. Howe Luther J., lab, res s w cor. 3d and German. 2. Howell John, lumberman, e s Jefferson, bet Astor and Miller. 5. Howeld George, engineer, Rust's mill, bds National House, South Saginaw. Howell Richard R., clk and bds E. B. Barnes. Howell Miss Viola, home John Howell. Howeller August, carpenter, wks F. & P. M. depot. Howes William, insurance agent, res e s Grant, bet Main and Gilmore. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 153 iHowes William, clk J. O. Donnell. Howley John, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Howry C. D., elk J. W. Howry, bds same. Howry Charles, clk, bds Everett House. Howry J. W., dry goods merchant, 218 Genesee, res 641 Hoyt. 4. Howry John F., boots and shoes, No 416 Genesee, near Jeff'n, res cor Carroll and Wash'n. Howrey John, bds C. M. Curtis. Hoyt Edward J., book-keeper J. Gowen, bds Rev. J. S. Goodman. Hoyt Frederick E., grocer, n w cor Genesee and Cass, res n Water, bet Carroll and Miller. Hoyt Herbert H., att'y and real estate agt, office 3d floor Wisner blk, n e cor Franklin and Genesee, res 826 Hoyt. Hoyt Jesse, mill owner, real estate and property owner, W. J. Bartow agt, res New York. Hubbard, bds Everett House. Hubbard Frederick, messenger boy W. U. Telegraph, bds parents. Hubbard George, carpenter, res w s Genesee, bet Chesnut and Walnut. 5. Largest Stock of Clothing at I"t. & H. Koch & Co's. Hubbard George, operator Jesse Hoyt. Hubbard John A., saloon e s Franklin, bet Genesee and Tuscola, bds Everett House. HUBBARD & KELLY (Charles Hubbard and Willard B. Kelly), dealers in old metal and rope, 113 s Water. Hubbard Miss Louisa, wks James A. Hinkley. Hubbard Richard, harness maker, res w s Wash'n, s of 16th. 4. Hubbard Theron T., physician, office w s Wash'n ave, Teigin blk, bds N. A. Randall. Hubbard Willard A., carpenter, bds Edwin A. Moore. Hubbell Richard C., harness maker, wks P. Yeaton & Co. Hubener Adam, lab, res 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 0. Hubert Fred, butcher, e s Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 4. Hubert Jacob, lab, wks William Olds. Hubinger John C., tinsmith, shop and res 1318 Genesee. 8. Huckins Brainard S., clk, bds P. H. Andrews. Hughes Charles, mechanic, bds Benjamin Eaton. Hughes James, blacksmith, wks Baker & Bros. Hughs Miss Lizzie, homiie with John B. Chagnon. Hugner Miss Catherine, wks T. F. Bundy. 20 154 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Huinlein Geo., tailor, Little Jake, res u s Hoyt, bet Genesee and Walnut. 6. Huiss John G., wks R. West, bds Mrs. Smith. Hule Adolphus, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Hull Oscar, boarding house, cor Jefferson and Tuscola. 3. Hulme John, machinist, res s s Merrill, bet Webster and Park. 6. Hulsizer Mrs. Mary C. (wid Joseph R. Hulsizer), res 707 Jeffn, bet Astor and Potter. 5. Humes John (blind), res cor Elm and Warren. 2. Humes Mrs. Ruth (wid), res 237 e s Maple, bet Thompson and Hoyt. 3. Humphrey Mrs. Caroline (wid), res w s Grant, n Gilmore. 4. Humphrey Daniel P., auction and commission merchant, n s Lapeer, bet Jeff'n and Warren, res cor Wash'n and Mason. Humphrey Frank, Troy House, n e cor McCoskry and Water. 2. Humphrey John, lab, res n s Hess, e Mackinaw. 4. Humphrey Reuben, cooper, res w s Ballard, n Nimons. 4. Humphrey Miss Sarah, lives G. Humphrey. Hunn Mrs. Jane (wid), res 318 Emerson. 4. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Hunsberger Tobias, teaming and contracting, res es 7th, bet Wadsworth and Johnson. Hunt Abner D., lumberman, res Cherry, bet Warren and Webster. 4. Hunt J. A., carpenter, bds Henry Naegely. Hunt Nelson, lab, bds E. H. Dickerman. Hunt Miss Sarah, wks J. Ingles. Hunter Adolphus G. (Hunter Bros.), res Dyersburgh, Dyer Co, Tenn. Hunter Andrew H. (Hunter Bros.), res 108 Carroll. 2. Hunter Bros. (Andrew H. and Adolphus G. Hunter), lumbermen, office Derby blk, n Water. Hunter Andrew H., lumberman, res 108 Carroll. 2. Hunter David, lab, res opp French's Hotel, e Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 5. Hunter D. D., wks F. & P. M. depot. Hunter Miss Emma, -, res 18 Webster. Hunter Miss E. S., home with Rolen Hunter. Hunter Francis, ticket agt, F. & P. M. R. R., bds John Hazzard, Hunter James, clk, bds Hunter House. Hunter -, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Huntington Miss L., dressmaker, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Hunter Miss Lizzie, wks D. G. Holland. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 155, Hunter Robert, prop'r Hunter House, e s Franklin, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Hurburt Charles, lab, bds John Webster. Hurlburt Miss Jennie, res Webster, bet Chesnut and Cherry.. Hurley James (Eisenbrey & Hurley), bds Irving House. Hurling Henry, gardener, res e s Cornelia, bet McCoskry and Martha. 5. Hursh George, land hunter, res w s Genesee, bet Chesnut and Walnut. 3. Hurtau Zoel, bowling saloon, e s s Water, bet German and Genesee, res w a s Water, bet Hayden and William. 5. Husband Robert N., lab, res s s Randolph, e of Wash'n. 3. Hutchinson Miss Agnes, chambermaid Everett House. Hutchinson John, teamster, J. S. Stevens. Hutchinson William, corker, res e s Wash'n, nr Saginaw City & St. Clair R. R. 2. Hutchison Miss Ellen, dress-maker, wks Miss Sarah Gaffney.. Hutsizer Miss Anna, res Jefferson. Huttley David, Witham House, Potter, bet Rockwell and. 3d. 8. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Hutton --, lab, res s w cor 9th and Miller. 3. Hutton John W., lab, res n w cor Hoyt and Park. 8. Hutton William, toll-keeper Vassar plank-roak, res same,, Buena Vista township. 3. Huyss John, apprentice with Schmidt & Moye, bds with. Albert Moye. I. Iddings Mrs. Addie (wid Richard), lives with T. E. Daughty.. Ingerman Wm., lives with Win. Henderson. Ingledew John, foreman Rust & Ring's salt works, res w se Wash'n, near Randolph. 3. Inglehardt Caroline, lives Mrs. Mary Luke. Inglehart Elijah C., foreman D. Rust & Co., stave Mill, res s ecor Centre and Miller. 4. Inglehart George, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Inglehart Jacob, foreman J. F. Rust & Co.'s saw mill, res s e. Eaton and Mackinaw. 4. Ingles James, setter Rust, King & Co.'s saw mill, res w s X st,, bet Eaton and n Miller. 3. Ingelman Miss Sarah, wks R. H. Weidman. Ihirg Miss Christine, wks Dr. G. A. Lathrop. Innes William, ship carpenter, res n s town line, w Jeff'n. 4. 156 EA.ST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Innes William, lab, bds John A. McMahon. Irons Henry, teamster, res s s Main, bet Grant and Miller. 5. Ironsides George L., civil engineer, bds Everett House. Irvine John, teamster, res w s 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 6. Irving William, lumberman, res No 612 Tuscola, bet Webster and Warren. 7. Irvin James, clk A. Chase, bds same. Irwin John T., sailor, res s e cor Martha and Cornelia. 5. Izenberg William, tailor, wks Frank G. Wilkin. Jack William, wks Sears & Holland. Jackson Andrew E., lumberman, res n e cor Washington and Hayden. 6. Jackson Andrew, cook, res s e cor 4th. and Johnson. 4. -Jackson Miss Elizabeth, wks Mrs. Isaac Russell. Jackson Frank P., clk C. H. Smith, bds American House.,Jackson Fred, -, home with Christ Ohland..Jackson James B., agt Singer Sewing Machine Co. for Northern Mich., rooms e s n Wash'n, bet Genesee and Tuscola, res 603 Hoyt, cor Jeff'n. 5. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Jackson Robert, res s s n Miller, bet King and Mackinaw. 2. Jackson William, lab, res w s Wash'n, bet Atwater and Bristol. 7. Jackson William A., mason, res 514 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 2. Jacobs Alexander, lab, res e s Lytle, s of Morris. 4. Jacobs Christ, carpenter, res e as 6th, bet Johnson and Fitshugh. 6. Jacobs Morris, dry goods merchant, res 318 Webster. 3. Jacobs Robert, carpenter, res e s Maple, bet McCoskry and Atwater. 4. Jacobs William, res n s Emerson, bet Warren and Webster. 3. Jacobs William, lab, res w s 6th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Jacques Joseph, lab, bds A. Picard. James Thomas M., att'y, office Wisner blk, Genesee. Jameson & Casady (William Jameson and Charles Casady), carriage, wagon and sleigh. makers, w s Cass, bet William and German. Jameson William, (Jameson & Cassedy) res cor 5th and Johnson. 2. Jamieson Andrew J., wagon-maker, bds American House. Jamieson Anthony, wks James Gordon Cameron. EAST SA GINAW DIRECTORY. 157' Jammay Thomas, lab, bds Martin Manion. Jannach Oscar T., attorney at law, wks D. W. C. Gage. Janson Miss Fredericka, wks C. L. Ortmann. Janson John P., carpenter, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. Jarchow Frederick, wks Feige Bros. Jarmaen Miss Mella, home with Edward Jarmaen. Jaamon Henry, coppersmith, F. & P. M. R. R. Jarny Jule, res 626 n s German, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Jasmain Frederick, cook, bds A. Picard. Jasper Fred., lab, res n s Janes, near Freedom. Jasper Louis, teamster, Janes, near Freedom. Jastner John, lab, res 1st, bet Cherry and Chesnut. 6. Jedamsky Robert, mason, res No. 107 e s 14th, bet Janes and William. 4. Jefferies Charles A., (Jefferies & Cowell) res 309 s Wash'n. 2. JEFFERIES & COWELL (Charles A. Jefferies and Joseph I. Cowell), physicians, office 307 s Wash'n, bet Hayden and Williams. See advt. Jeffers Miss Anna, lives with M. Jeffers. Jeffers Miss Delia, lives with M. Jeffers. Jeffers John, prop'r Jeffers House, e s Water, cor Bristol. 4. Jeffers Miss Maggie, lives at Jeffers House. Clothing at Wholesale at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Jeffers Michael, speculator, res s s Carroll, bet Franklin and Jefferson. 2. Jefferson George W., carpenter, res e s 7th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 5. Jenkins Miss Annie, bds H. Jenkins. Jenkins Hugh, boiler-maker J. Steele, res e s Maple, s Martha. Jenkins Miss Elizabeth, lives with H. Jenkins. Jenkins Miss Martha, lives with H. Jenkins. Jenkins Mrs. Mary J., lives with H. Jenkins. Jenkins Mrs. Mary J., wid, res 609 Maple. 5. Jenkins Nichola, lab, bds Farmer's House. Jenkins Miss Sarah, works Francis F. Gardner. Jenks Frederick, night watchman Everett House. Jenks, John, porter, Everett House. Jenks J. H., clk, res e Water, bet Carroll and Miller. 4. Jenks Nathan A., mason, res w s Park, bet Emerson and Merrill. 3. Jenett Cyril, lab, bds Joseph-Aslin. 2. Jenson Christ, lab, res e s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. Jerdan Patrick, bds J. Rallis. Jermaeu Edward, carpenter, shop Washington, bet Astor and Potter, res cor Miller and Webster. 2. 158 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Jermaeu Lewis, carpenter, bds Edward Jermaeu. Jeron Michael, cabinet maker, res s e cor 3d and German. 6. Jerrey Stephen, boarding house, res Water, bet German and William, refused to give boarders. 8. Jibbo Andrew, lab, res 200 Elm, eor Maple. 2. Joesus Joseph, res near Johnson, at R. 1. 2. John Joseph, sawyer, wks Jesse Hoyt. Johnson -, fireman, bds Joseph Wilson. JOHNSON A. B., Prop'r WHAT CHEER RESTAURANT, No. 5 Cass, bet Genesee and German. Johnson Andrew, blacksmith, shop cor Genesee and Watrousville plank-road, bds Michigan Hotel. Johnson Anthony, brick layer, res e s Ward, bet Phelon and Atwater. 4. Johnson August, mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Thomas W. Smith. Johnson Benjamin F., elk -Etna Hotel, bds same. Johnson Charles A., painter, res cor Farwell and Norman. Johnson Charles H., clk, bds J. Steckert. Johnson Christopher, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Johnson Christopher, carpenter, res Tuscola, bet Rockwell and 3d. 3. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Johnson Miss E., dress-maker. Johnson E. Everett, elk, C. Wenks & Co., bds American House. Johnson E. G., lab, bds Tremont House. Johnson Eugene S. (Johnson & Hall), bds Everett House. Johnson & Gage, hoop manuf'rs, factory w of Saginaw & St. Clair R. R. Johnson George, lab, bds J. Armstrong. Johnson George W., propr Etna Hotel, e s Cass, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 4. JOHNSON, GOODELL & CO., Thos. W., Sr., and Thos.W. Jr., Johnson, and Arthur W. Goodell, manufacturers and dealers in tanning extract, office 316 Genesee. JOHNSON & HALL, (Eugene S. Johnson, Louis P. Hall), liverymen, stable w s Franklin, bet German and William. See advt. Johnson Miss Hattie, washer, res w s Rockwell, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 2. Johnson Henry, carpenter, wks Frederick B. Boregret. Johnson Henry, teamster, res e s 7th, bet Janes and German. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 159 Johnson Horace, sash and blind maker, res n s Emerson, bet Bates and Maple. 3. Johnson James, painter, bds Stauber's Hotel. Johnson James R., teamster, C. & E. Ten Eyck, res 916 Lapeer, bet 6th and 7th. 8. Johnson John, lab, bds Hugh Gordon. Johnson John R., carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Johnson John S., lab, res cor Kirk and 7th. 3. Johnson Joseph, ship carpenter, res e s Miller, s of Centre. 2. Johnson Levi, ship carpenter, res n s Eaton, w Wash'n. 2. Johnson, Miss Lidda, lives with A. W. Bacon. Johnson Miss Louisa, bds G. W. Morley. Johnson Miss Louisa, lives with T. Johnson. Johnson Mark T., riverman, res e s 7th, bet Janes and German. 5. Johnson Martin, mason, res e s 7th, bet German and Janes. 2. Johnson Thomas W., Sr. and Jr. (Johnson, Goodell & Co.), res cor Cass and Fitzhugh. Johnson R., mate barge Detroit, res 1011 Webster, near Mott. 2. Johnson Thomas, cooper, bds J. McCarty. Johnson Thomas, bricklayer, res e s Ward, bet Atwater and Phelon. 6. Fashionable Tailoring at MI. & H. Koch & Co's. Johnson Truman B., patent hoop maker, factory w of Sag. & St. Clair R. R., s of Bundy & Youman's saw-mill, res cor Grant and Main. Employs 14 men. 5. Johnson William, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Johnson William, foreman molder, Wickes Bros. Johnson William, blacksmith, F. & P. M R. R. Johnson William, lab, bds Scandinavian House. Johnston Miss Eliza, bds Alonzo P. Mead. Johnston Henry, wks E. Saginaw Manuf'g Co. Johnston John, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Johnston John B., mechanic, bds cor Mason and Washington. Jollay John, lab, bds Martin Manion. Jones Chester B., lumberman and real estate dealer, res 813 s Washington. Jones C. T., night watch Bancroft House. Jones Mrs. Dorothy (wid), wks S. Livermore. Jones Miss Eunice, home with Robin Jones. Jones Edwin, restaurant, Potter st, bet Jefferson and Warren. Jones Erastus C., shingle sawyer, res s of Gallagher nr Bayou. 3. Jones Horace H., machinist, wks F. & P. M. R. R., res w s 3d, bet Miller and Carroll. 4. 160 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTO1Y. Jones Jerry M., lab, res n e cor 4th and Carroll. 4. Jones John M., clk What Cheer Restaurant, bds same. Jones Joseph, bds with Samuel Jones. Jones Miss Martha, home with Robin Jones. Jones Lorein, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Jones Miss Minnie, home with N. J. Clark. Jones Monroe, dealer in apple cider and wines, s e cor Franklin and Carroll. 2. Jones Riley L., book-keeper James B. Jackson, res w s 7th, bet Janes and Cherry. 3. Jones Robin, restaurant, Potter st, bet Jefferson and Warren. ~ Jones Samuel, lab, res s w cor 3d and Miller. 4. Jones Thomas H. P., carpenter, res s w cor Miller and 3d. 5. Jones Wolcott, restaurant, res Potter, bet Rockwell and Warren. 3. Jordan Miss Margaret, wks J. G. Wolf. Jordan Peter, apprentice blacksmith, F. L. P. Fish, bds same. Jordon Andrew, lab, bds Patrick Hourigan. Jorrey William, lab, res 10th, bet German and Lapeer. 3. Josslyn Rachel C., bds Chas. Allen. Judd E. T., banker, res w s Wash'n, s of German Colony Road. 5. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Judd Miss Julia, wks M. Little. Judge Anthony, lab, bds Judge Hotel. JUDGE & FLOOD (Francis Judge and John Flood), prop'rs Judge's Hotel, s e cor Water and William. See advt. Judge Francis (Judge & Flood), s e cor Water and William. 4. Judson Charles C., lumberman, res 202 Annesly, cor 1st. 8. Judson Miss Cora, wks Capt. J. Osborn. K. Kain John, wks J. S. Stevens. Kain Miss Sarah, dressmaker, wks Miss Sarah Gaffney. Kaiser Charles, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Kaiser John, lab, res 718 Mumford. 3. Kaiser John, lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Cherry and Janes. 2. Kaiser Martin, lab, res 730 Lincoln. 4. Kamburg Doretea, res s s Walnut, bet Hess and Smith. Kancler John, mason, res 109 e s 4th,bet German and Lapeer. 4. Kane Eugene, lab, bds John Kane. Kane John, lab, res 515 Janes, cor 7th. 10. Kane John, lab, res n Washington, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Kane Mrs. Johanna, wid Michael Kane, Salt Spring, Saloon, Washington, bet Astor and Miller. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 161 Kane Joseph, lab, bds John Kane. Kane Miss Maggie, home with John Kane. Kane Maggie, home Charles Straw, Washington st, bet Astor and Miller. Kane Patrick, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Kane Thomas, lab, bds John Kane. Kansler Enoch, wks C. Wenks. Kant George, lab, bds David Huttley. Kapphan Abby, wks C. H. Ripley. Karl Loais, lab, res w s 12th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Karns James, plasterer, res e s 6th, bet Janes and German. 11. Kaser Jacob, lab, res Clay, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 8. Kaul Henry, lab, res cor Douglass and Cherry. 5. Kaul Joseph, plasterer, res w s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 7. Kauth Andrew, clk, bds John G. Edelman. Kay Robert, lab, res 221 Cass, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Kay Thomas, lab, res n s Hoyt, bet Warren and Webster. 6. Kaye William, painter, res w s 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 2. Kealsher Miss Margaret, wks Rev. J. W. Clark. Kearney Patrick, bds P. Murray. Keating Miss Maria, dressmaker M. J. Barton. Nobby Suits at If. & H. Koch & Co's. Keeler Dexter D., mason, res 300 Cherry, cor Webster. 5. Keedie William, lab, bds J. J. Reamer. Keeler Frank, clerk F. & P. R. R. R., res as Miller, bet Rockwell and Warren. 3. Keeler Lewis S., clairvoyant, res 616 Washington. 2. Keeler Sanford, mechanic F. & P. M. R. R., res n e side Miller, cor Miller and Rockwell. 4. Keer James, lab, bds M. Keer, Keer Martin, teamster, res e s Water, bet Hayden and Millard. 4 Keer Matthew, lab, bds M. Keer. Kehoe Patrick, lab F. & P. M. R. R. Keimath Philip, teacher res n s Tuscola, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Keipert John, lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Walnut and Cherry. 6. Keistler Sebastian, butcher, res e s Water, bet Hayden and William. 7. Keith Nehemiah, bds Mary A. Fournier. Kelley Miss Anna, lives with L. S. Griggs. Kellam Jeremiah B., mason, res cor Franklin and Tuscola. 5. Kelly Charles, lab, res s s Webster, w of Miller. 6. Kelley David & Son, rooms Hovey blk, cor Tuscola and n Washington. Kelley James, bds R. Van Norman. 21 162 EAST SAGIIAW DIRECTORY. Kelley John, lab, res e s Water, bet Bristol and German Colony Road. 8. Kelbey Lewis, plasterer, res e s Cornelia, nr Freeland. 7. Keelen Annie, chamber girl Bancroft House. Kelley Otis, lab, bds J. Hayes. Kelley Robert, setter Eaton, Potter & Co. Kelley Thomas, wks J. S. Stevens. Kelly Augustus, carpenter, res e s Thayer, n of Randolph. 3. Kelly Cornelius, setter Eaton & Potter's mill, res s s Centre, bet Webster and Miller. 2. Kelly John, prop'r Clipper Saloon, 207 Lapeer, res same. 2. Kelly Joseph, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Kelly Miss Lizzie, wks W. H. Presser. Kelray Edward, miller, bks Mrs. Maggie Herbert. Kelsey Stephen R., engineer Sears & Holland, bds J. S. Smith. Kellogg George E., conductor Washington street railroad, res n Miller, w Washington. 2. Kellogg Romandus, ship master, e s Washington, near Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 2. Kelov John, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. 2. Kemp Miss Jane, wks J. G. Owen. Interview the " Boss " Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Kempter John, lab, res as Walnut, bet Hess and Smith. 9. Kemsley George, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. Kemsley George, bds G. Perkins. Kendall Mrs. Mary A. (wid Henry Kendall), res cor 5th and Farwell. Kennedy -, wks "Enterprise" office. Kennedy James, grocery and provision store, e s Mackinaw, n Miller. Kennedy John, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Kennedy William, lab, res w s High, n German Colony Road. Kenney Barnard, lab, bds John Webster. Kenney Thomas, hotel and boarding house, Wash'n, bet German and William. Kenny Mrs. Hannah (wid Thomas Kenny), home with Thomas Kenny. Kenny James, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Kenny James, minstrel, bds T. Kenny. Kenny John P., contractor, res 4th, bet Farwell and Norman. 2. Kenny Nicholas D., clk Estabrook & Saunders, s Washington, res 307 1st. 3. Kenny Thomas, bricklayer, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 2. Kensler Enoch, lab, res s s Janes, cor 4th. 5. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 163 Kent C. B., painter, wks Burtt & Loomis, Kent William J., lab, bds David Huttley. Kenyon Abram, carpenter, res e s X., s of Janes. 2. Kepke Mrs. Lottie, home with Casper Simon. Keppler George, tailor, bds Stauber's Hotel. Kerckhoff Henry, res s e cor Hoyt and Welles. 4. Kerin Michael, carpenter, res e s 3d, bet Carroll and Miller. 5. Keris Daniel, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Kerns James S., mason, res e s Webster, cor Elm; moves to s s Emerson, bet Park and Webster. 3. Kerr James, wks gas works, res n s Emerson, bet Maple and Warren. 4. Kerr, see Keers.. Kerns Joseph, mason, res 7th, bet Miller and Sears. Kerr Mathew, bds with Samuel Jones. Kesic John, lab, res e s 11th, bet Wadsword and Fitzhugh. 5. Kesslar Joseph, filer, wks Jesse Hoyt. Kessler Julius, saw-filer, res cor Rockwell and Tuscola. 4. Ketcham & Co., gas light, office Wash'n, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Ketcham G. A., brakeman F. & P. M. R. R., bds C. E. Brown. 2 Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Ketcham Levi, cooper, bds G. Eaton. Ketcham Frank, brakeman F. & P. M. R.., bds Averill House. Ketcham John F., bds C. E. Brown. Keys Hughey, landlord Welcome Home. Keys William, wks Feige Bros. Kieule Christ, butcher, shop n s Lapeer, bds Mrs. Smith. Kiff Francis, carpenter, bds A. J. Partridge. Killine John, bds D. Forrest. Killkenny Patrick, painter, res cor Genesee and Jefferson. 3. Killinger Frederick, carpenter, res w s Rockwell, bet Fitzhugh. 7. Kilmer Minnie, home A. K. Comins. Kilmer Reamond, lab, res n s town line, w Jefferson. 8. Kilmer Miss Minnie, wks H. M. Youmans. Kimball Ellen, bds G. C. Warner, s w cor Thompson and Washington. Kimball George C., Supt. F. & P. M. R. R., res e s Water, cor Fitzhugh. 6. Kimball Henry, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt, bds Daniel Cummings. Kimberley Robert (editor Free Press), res w s Park, bet Millard and Thompson. 3. 164 EAST SAGINA-W DIRECTORY. Kinner James, lab, res cor 6th and Tuscola. King Miss Delia, clk Slessinger, bds H. D. Bruce. Kinnon Nicholas, sailor, bds R. Vannorman. King Augustus, lab, res ss sHess, bet Little and Miller. King Charles, wks W. L. Webber. King Delia, sales lady, wks Hoffman & Co. King George W., grocer, res 4th, bet Kirk and Sears. 2. King James, wks J. S. Stevens, bds Alonzo Ostrander. King James, lab, bds Martin Manion. King John, broom maker, works F. Stork. King Miss Julia, bds Mrs. C. Berson. King Lawrence, lab, res s s Hess, bet Little and Miller. 4. King Lyman L., carpenter, res n s town line, bet Washington, and Jefferson. 3. King Mrs. Sarah, wid, res e s Welles, bet Emerson and Mason. 5, King Thomas, lab, bds Henry Neagely. King William, clk and bds R. Vannorman. Keoming Adolphus, carpenter, wks F. & P. M. depot. King Louis, lumber inspector, res n w cor Carroll and 3d. 5. Kingsberry George, bds Garvin House. Kingsberry Nelson, teamster, bds Scanlan House. Patronize the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Kinney -, cooper, bds 501 Carroll. Kinney Peter W., millwright, res w s Franklin, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 6. Kipfmueller Mathias, prop'r Kipfmueller Hotel, cor Webster and Genesee. 2. KIBRCHENWITZ WILLIAM, groceries and provisions, wines and liquors, n s Janes, bet 9th and st, east, res same. 8. Kirchner Michael, lab, bds Stauber's Hotel. Kirchenwitz William, dealer in groceries and provisions, Janes,, bet 10th and 11th. 9. Kirbey Addison R., saw-maker and repairer, res s e cor Emerson and Jefferson. 4. Kirby Austin E., clk Wilkin & Mack, res Webster, bet Cherry and Chesnut. 3. Kirby Eugene A., clk Wilkin & Mack, bds A. M. Kirby. Kirnie William, cooper, bds Mrs. Maggie Herbert. Kirwin William C., harness-maker, wks R. Yeaton & Co. Kistenmacher Thomas, lab, res e s Lincoln, n Walnut. Kitchen Samuel, physician, office 203 Genesee, res Genesee, bet Cherry and Walnut. 2. Klaebel Joseph, barber, F. R. Nies, bds same. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 165 Kleemann Louis, barber, A. Haerner, bds Farmer's Hotel. Kleemann Michael, barber, A. Haerner, bds Farmers' Hotel. Klemau Lewis, musician, bds Bohme & Miller. Kleman Markel, barber, bds Bohme & Miller. Klemerson Otto, lab, bds Scandinavian Boarding House. Klein Jacob, bds C. Wenks. Klein Frederick, porter Morley Bros. Kline John, tinsmith, Morley Bros. Kipfel H., paper-hanger, res Clay, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 5. Klub Nicholas, lab, res 1600 Genesee. 6. Klumpp, Miss Carrie, clk and bds Win. Krekow. Klumpp Miss Lena, wks W. L. Webber. Knapp Miss Delia A., lives with R. F. McKnight. KNAPP EDGAR R., physician (h), office w s Wash'n ave., s of Centre, res s s Charles, cor Miller. 2. Knapp Gottlieb, cigar manuf'r, res William, bet Clay and Blackwell. 5. Knaebel Joseph, barber, bds Frank Niese. Kneabe Mety, lab, res s s Mlillard, bet Genesee and Webster. 6. Knickerbocker Wesley, foreman Sears & Holland's salt blk, res Water. Specia Department for Boyoys' Clothing at Hoch & Co@.. Knight Jacob, ship carpenter, res n Gallagher, bet Jefferson and Washington. Knippel Charles, book-keeper, S. Barclay, bds parents, cor Janes and Lincoln. Knippel Charles, retired farmer, res n s Janes, cor Lincoln. 3. Knippel John, lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Cherry and Walnut. 2. Knoler Frederick, carpenter, res Franklin, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 5. Knopland John, peddler, lives with Frederick Ziagner. Knoster George A., lab, res e s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 7. Knowles Weston 0., painter, res over 128 s Washington. 3. Knothe Charles, brass finisher, bds Mary Ward. Knoth Charles F., mechanic, works F. & P. M. depot. Koch Christ, blacksmith, shop cor Lapeer and Rockwell,res 4th. Koch IHerman (M. & H. Koch & Co.), res Jefferson, bet German and William. 3. KOCK ]f1. & H. & CO. (Herman and Moses Koch and Isaac Levi), clothiers and merchant tailors, 117 Genesee. See center lines. Koch John, lab, works Jesse Hoyt. Koch Louis, res e s Douglas bet Cherry and Walnut. 2. Koch Moses (M. & H. Koch & Co.), bds H. Koch. 166 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Kochhottan Fred, mason, res 10th, bet German and Lapeer. 3. Kochka Joseph J., lab, res s s Wadsworth, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Kochler Charles, lab, works Jesse Hoyt. Koehler Emanuel, bds Excelsior House. KOEHLER FRANCIS, Excelsior House, res Water, bet Atwater and Bristol. 3. Koehler Frederick A., blacksmith, res 214 Cass, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 7. Koehler Leopold, lab, res s e cor German Colony Road and Maple. 7. Koeppen William, barber P. Heller, bds same. KOEPPLINGER JOHN, grocer, and dealer in wines and liquors, n w cor Hoyt and Genesee, res same. 7. Kolloff Fritz, porter Everett House. Kollmorgen Helen, lives Frederick Koehler. Kolloff Miss Lavina, cook Everett House. Konig Adolph, carpenter, res n s Lapeer, bet 11th and 12th. 7. Kooney Edward, lab, bds Daniel Hooley. Korn, Emma, wks John Boyton. Kosinka Fred., tailor, res 5th, bet German and Lapeer. 5. Kousterer Benjamin, lab, bds George A. Kousterer. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Kousterer George A., res No 218 s Lapeer, bet 8th and 9th. 5. Kousterer Mathias, lab, res No 218 s s Lapeer, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Krober Louis, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Kramer August, sawyer, res w s Webster, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 5. Kramier Chas., lab, res cor 11th and Wadsworth. 6. Kramer Xarer,lab, res 752 Lincoln. 5. Kramer Theodore, lab, res s w cor 6th and Carroll. 2. Kraimer William, lab, bds cor Franklin and German. Krause Miss A., - sales lady, Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Krause David M., clk M. G. Smith's billiard hall, Everett House block, Genesee. Krause David W., bar-tender, Everett House. Krause Edward, gardener, res 210 w s 6th, bet Janes and German. 3. Krause Francis, retired merchant, res 707 Janes. 10. Krausse Herman, barber, shop over 421 Genesee, res e s 3d, bet German and Lapeer. Krause Paul, dealer in groceries, cor 4th and Lapeer. 5. Krause William, carpenter, res e s Lincoln, bet Cherry and Janes. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 167 Krierden George, cooper, lives with Frederick Rump. Krebs Otto, cigar manufacturer, 117 Lapeer, res same. 2. Kreger Christian, lab, res n e cor Lincoln and Cherry. 3. Kreis Lewis, machinist, res 805 Water. 2. KREKOW & BRONNER (Emil Krekow, Reinard Bronner), grocers, cor Lapeer, Jefferson and Genesee. See advt. Krekow Emil (Krekow and Bronner), bds unsettled. Krekow William, bakery, etc., 107 Lapeer, res same. Krekrow -, grocer, bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. Kremer Edmund, cigar manuf'r and saloon, n w cor Genesee and Chesnut, res same. 7. Kreiner John, elk A. Eymer, bds Gus Kremer. Krenkell Miss Frank, singer, bds Mrs C. S. Dietz. Krenzberger Charles, lab, res 1209 Webster, nr McCoskry. 8. Kres John, carpenter, res n w cor 9th and Wadsworth. 7. Kribs John, blacksmith, res 7th, bet Miller and Sears. 3. Kremer John, clk, and bds A. Eymer. Kroal John, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Kroeber Miss Anna, milliner for Mrs. Bloeden, bds Fred Kroeber. Krohn Charles, lab, res cor Carroll and Rockwell. 6. Trunks for Ladies and Gentlemen at Koch & Co's. Krohn Fred, lab, res Rockwell, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Kroll Henry, clerk W. Barrie. Kroll John, lab, res 115 e s 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 7. Krosa Chas., lab, res e s 8th, bet Wadsworth and Johnson. 2. Krueber Regina, wks Wm. Krekow. Ktsah William, wiper, round house F. &. P. M. R. R. Kubecks Frank, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck. Kitchen Sam., physician, office 302 Genesee, res Genesee, bet Cherry and Chestnut. 8. Kuck Henry, molder, res e s 3d, e Walnut. 2. Kufahl Miss Dora, works J. F. Frey. Kull William, barber, bds Tremont House. Kumzelmann Gustave, res e s Warren, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Kundinger Miss Elizabeth, wks Stauber's Hotel. Kunz Peter, wks Feige Bros., res n s NMerrill, bet park and -. 3. Kuratzer Andrew, res n s Tuscala, bet 8th and 9th. Kutcher Nachey, lab, res s e cor Wadsworth and X. 3. Kurtz George, minstrel, bds Stauber's Hotel. 2. 168 EAST SAGIINAW DIRECTORY. L. Labarge Andrew, watchman A. F. Bartlett & Co.'s foundry, res e s Water, bet Emerson and Mason. 2. Labrack Joseph, wks Sears & Holland, res e s Water, bet Atwater and Bristol. 10. Labrake S., wks Sears & Holland. LaClair Philip, lab, res e s 2d, bet German and Janes. 9. LaClair Thomas, cabinet-maker, res w s 1st, bet Cherry and Walnut. 6. Lacy Solon, res 737 Emerson. 3. Laedel John, home J. Dietriech. Laesch John, lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Janes and Walnut. 4. Laesch William, school teacher, res e s Lincoln, bet Janes and Walnut. 3. LaForge John, lab, bds A. Picard. LaFountain Louis, barber, Peter Heller, res cor 4th and Fitzhugh. LaGee John, molder, bds W. Smith. Lahai Louis, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Lahr Miss Rosa, wks C. R. Spencer. One Price to all at Little ae Jake & Co's. Lain Miss Maggie, wks E. S. Newton. Laing John, carpenter, res s e cor Chesnut and Park. 5. Laing John H., clk J. R. Livingston, bds J. Laing, cor Chestnut and Park. Laing Lewis, printer, works Enterprise office, res cor Clay and Johnson. La Low John, carpenter,; res s e cor Mason and Bay. 6. Lalond Miss Josephine, works A. S. Taggett. Lamb Thomas, lab, bds Scanlan House. Lamb William, lab, bds Garvin House. Lamb Willis, lab, res n s Hess, e of Lytle. 6. Lamond Felix, lab, bds Montreal House. Lamont Daniel W., machinist, res 1210 Jefferson. 2. Lamont Hugh, carpenter, res n s Millard, bet Franklin and Washington. 3. Lampman George, lab, bds Tremont House. Land Office F. & P. M. R. R., Washington, bet cor Johnson and Washington. Lamson Mrs. Caroline M. (wid), bds T. B. Creswell, res Manchester, Mich. 2. Landon John, fireman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds W. H. Race. Land John, bds J. Rallis. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 169 Land Thomas, bds J. Rallis. Landis William, foreman on F. & P. M. R. R., res s s William, bet Jefferson and Warren. 3. Lane Charles C., res e s Cass, bet Hayden and Millard. 4. Lane George M., boatman, res w s Webster, bet Chesnut and Cherry. 2. Lane Joseph, barber, G. W. Dawson, bds Mrs. Wilson, cor German and Franklin. Lane Miss Mary, home with Jacob L. Wilson. Lane Myron L., painter, res e s 6th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Lane Noah, barber, shop 124 s Wathington. Lang John, blacksmith, wks Baker & Bro. Lang Louis S., printer, res 824 cor Johnson & Clay. 2. Lang Robert C., wks "Enterprise" office. Lang William, varnisher, res e s 3d, e of Walnut. 4. Langanan Frederick, lumber inspector, wks Jesse Hoyt. Lange Gottleib, billiard saloon, 409 Genesee, res 3d, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Lange Paul, bar-tender G. Long, bds same, 3d, i of Lapeer. Lange Rodolph, manuf'r cane chairs and willow baskets, res n s Walnut, cor Lincoln. Gentlemen's @utfits at 31. & -1. ioCh & Co's. Lange Theodore, lab, res w s 8th, bet Johnson and Webster. 4. Langerman Frederick, res w s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 9. Lange William, shoemaker, res w s 2d, s of Chestnut. 8. Laughrey Robert, ornamental plasterer, res e s Maple, cor Emerson. 6. Langlass Charles, dealer in real estate, res 1006 Webster. 6. Lankey 0., wks Sears & Holland. Lanktree Thomas J., carpenter, res n s McCoskry, bet Franklin and Cass. 3. Langley Minnie, works Bancroft House. Lanner Geo., res and grocery cor 6th and Johnson. 2. Lapham Zachariah, ship owner, res n e cor Emerson and ie Bates. 4. Lapoint Joseph, carpenter, res 6th, bet Kirk and Sears. 1. Lapointe Peter, calker, bds J. Riddell. Laprairie Leander, lab, res e s Wash'n ave, s of Sag. & St. Clair R. R. 5. Larabee Bros., rooms Hovey blk, Tuscola, room 30. Laravier Paul, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Larimer Wright, carpenter, Depew Bros., bds Oscar Hull. Larke Aloes, harness maker, res 214 e s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 5. 22 170 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Larkins Michael, lab, bds Farmer's Home. Larning George, lab, res w s Little, s of Nimons. 4. Larocque Charles, lab, bds A. Picard. Laroix Elzeard, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Larschan Louis, bds Excelsior House. Lasch Charles, carpenter, res 720 Lincoln, cor Cherry. 6. Lasha F., wks Sears & Holland. Lasseter Henry, boiler maker, res n s Elm, near Maple. 3. Lat John, lab, res 5th, bet English and Norman. Latham Charles W., police, res Miller, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Lathrop George A., physician, office Genesee, bet Franklin and Wash'n, res e s Jefferson, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 4. Lathrop Miss May, dress-maker, wks Mrs. Julia A. Bare. Laton Stewart, carpenter, wks and bds J. H. Overton. Latta William, inspector, wks Jesse Hoyt. Latta William, lab, bds Daniel Cummings. Laundra Louis, carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Laudrie David, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Laundry Louis L., res Watrousville plank. La Veigne George, police, res s town line, bet Jefferson and Washington. 7. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Lawey William, shoemaker, wks Joseph Cormick. Lawis Miss Annie, home with Mrs. Emma Cadotte. Lawrence Edward F. (J. M. Ballentine & Co.), res Chicago, Ill. Lawrence Frank, clk, W. R. Burt, res w s Jefferson, bet Remington and Germany Colony road, will move to new house on Genesee, near J. Derby's. 2. Lawrence Louis, wks Joseph Berch. Lawrence Joseph, res s s Johnson, bet 10th and 12th. 5. Layden Michael, lab, bds A. Dunlap. Layng Miss Mary, wks Alex. English. Layschwarger, Henry, lab, wks Feige Bros. Labrake, A., wks Sears & Holland. Leach Peter, lab, res 203 Cass, cor Tuscola. 4. Leadbetter John R., lumber inspector, res 1003 Wash'n. 2. Leanhardt Christopher, brewer, res w s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 9. Leasia Francis, riverman, res s s n Miller, bet Mackinaw and Washington. 5. Leasia John B., res s of town line, bet Jeff'n and Wash'n. 6. Leaton Chas. W.,att'y, res s w cor Hoyt and Warren. Leavan Patrick, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Lebrash Daniel, foreman, bds Thomas Kenny. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 171 LeClair Eli, prop'r E. L. C. Saloon, e s Miller, s of Nimons. 2. Leeks Frederick L., clk A. Eymer, res cor German and 6th. Lecks Frederick, carpenter, live Mrs. C. Molco. 3. LeClair Thomas, carver P. Haug, res Genesee, nr Feige's factory. Lecks William, saloon-keeper, res s s German, bet 5th and 6th. 4. Ledlie Gilbert W., auditor and gen'l ticket agt F. & P. M. R. R., office e s Wash'n, cor Carroll, res same. 2. Ledline Miss Rickie, home John Howell. Ledyard George R., clk and bds A. F. Dixon & Co. Ledyard & Swinerton (W. E. and D. E.), produce and commission merchants, office e s Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Ledyard William E. (Ledyard & Swinerton), res n e cor Maple and Thompson. 3. Lee Charles, lumber manuf'r, mill Water, res n e cor Hoyt and Water, mill w s Water, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 10. Lee Charles W., conductor, res e s Warren, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 3. Lee John B. (Morley Bros.), stoves and tinware dept, res 615 n Jeff'n, bet Astor and Miller. 4. Workiingmen's Outfits at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Lee Mrs. Laura L. (wid), lives G. W. Peck. Lee Robert T., sawyer ship-yard, res e s Maple, bet McCoskry and Martha. 5. Lee W. W., surveyor, bds Tuscola House. Leek William G., teamster, res s s Elm, bet Webster and Warren. 5. Legautt Gasper, riverman, res s s Mott, bet Park and Webster. Lehmann Paul, elk, Morley & Bros., res 3rd, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. Leinbeger Joseph, lab, res n s Johnson; bet 8th and 9th. 2. Leisbah Joseph, lab, res e s Lincoln, n of Walnut. 5. Leisch Frederick, porter, Derby & Co. Leisch Henry, porter, Derby & Co. Leitecom John, lab, res e s 4th, bet German and Janes. 3. Leitz Joseph, wks Frank I. Curtis. Lelan Oliver, lives with Joseph L. Watts. Leland Lewis, carpenter, bds J. Gunnell. Lemai Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Leman Abraham, confectioner, s e cor German and Rockwell. 2. Lemon Charles S., bar-tender, res No. 108 4th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 2. 172 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Lemon Samuel, carpenter, bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. Lemon Miss Sarah, home with John Quelch. Lenard Michael, lab, bds Martin Manion. Lendlo Joseph, cigar-maker, res e s 2d, bet Chesnut and Walnut. 5. Livingston Miss Mary (wid Arthur), res n s Wadsworth, nr R. R. 2. Lenheim L. S. & Co. (L. S. Lenheimn and N. L. S. Lenheim), boots and shoes, 211 Genesee. Lenihen Miss Mary, wks S. Avery. Lenihan Patrick, carpenter, res e s Welles, s Brady. 2. Lenheim Nathan S., boot and shoe dealer, res e s Warren, bet Hayden and William. 5. Lennard Frederick, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Lennon Miss Maggie, storeroom girl Bancroft House. Lennard William, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Lennon Michael, salt manuf'r, bds Thomas Kenny. Lense Joseph, carpenter, res e s Genesee, s of Annesly. 7. Lenox John, shoemaker, res Rockwell, bet Miller and Potter. 4. Lenton Geo., captain, res n s Carroll, bet 5th and 6th. 4. Lenuph Christian, lab, res w s 7th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 7 No Bantering at Little Jake's. Leonard Elijah, lab, res w s Welles, s Emerson. 3. Leonard George C., auctioneer, bds American House. Leonard Julius, bds J. Vallet. Leonard Joseph, cooper, res s e cor Carroll and 6th. 8. Lepen Alfred, sawyer, Rust's mill, res e s Miller, s Centre. 3. Leppin Joseph, lab, res e s Mumford, bet Walnut and Cherry. 4. Lepp Peter, barber, res e s 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 3. Lerickhoma Joseph, lab, res w s 6th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 4. Leroy Charles, saloon keeper, res s e Astor, cor Astor and Warren. 5. Leroy David B., Eastern Hotel, cor Potter and 3d. 7. Leroy James, wks James I. Robinson. Leroy Milton, wagon maker, res e s Maple, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 4. Lester William, drayman, res 222 s s Walnut, bet Hess and Smith. 7. Leushner Otto, clk, savings bank, bds Mrs. C. A. Dictz. Levecque --, lab, bds A. Picard. Levi, Isaac (M. & H. Koch & Co.), bds H. Koch. Leuce William, teamster, wks Feige & Bros. Lewis David, blacksmith, wks with Wallace Marian. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Lewis Edward,-carpenter, bds Marten Borland. Lewis David T., veterinary surgeon, bds 501 Carroll. Lewis Frank, painter, bds J. Nerreter. Lewis George, jobber, res w s High, n of German Colony road. 7. Lewis Harris, bolter, J. S. Stevens. Lewis James, builder, res s w cor Hoyt and Washington. 4. Lewis John, wks G. Lewis. Lewis Seymour A., elk, John Lyons. Lewion Hugh, teamster, res cor Kirk and 3d. 3. Lewlaffontain Lewis, barber, res n e cor Fitzhugh and 4th. 2. Lewless William J., lab, res e s Jefferson, bet Brady and Mason. 4. Lex Joseph, wks Feige Bros. Leyerer George, elk, A. A. Dunk, bds parents. Libscomb Samuel, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Liberence Charles, lab, res e s Lincoln, n Walnut. 3. Liebenthal Albert (Liebenthal & Boutall), bds Everett House. Liebenthal & Boutall (Albert L. and Frank T.), shirt manu- facturers, e s Franklin, rear of Little Jake's. Lightcap W. H., lab, bds Averill House. The Great Popular Clothing House of Koch & Co. Light James G., lab, res e s Jefferson, bet Mason and Brady. 3. Lighthall David, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Lighthall George, brakeman F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mathew Borland. Lighthall Isaac, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Linabury Scoy, carpenter, res e s Warren, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 4. Lincoln & Wingrove (George V. Lincoln, Omar W. Wingrove), intelligence and real estate office, n e cor Lapeer and Jefferson. Lincoln George, wks E. S. Manuf. Co. Lincoln George, bds Rev. D. Casler. Lincoln Thomas, clerk, and bds M. S. Downing. Lind Mrs. Ellen, lives Allen F. Pierson. Lindau Joseph, cigar maker E. Kremer, res 2d. Linderplatt Andrew, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Lindsay Richard F., book-keeper J. Tuthill, bds John Hazzard. Linton Albert, filer, res town line, bet Washington and Saginaw City & St. Clair R. R. 2. Linton Aaron, lumberman, res s s Douglass, bet Wash'n and Mackinaw. 4. 174 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Livingston Archibald A., gardener, res s s Tuscola, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Lisher J., wks Sears & Holland. Lisk Richard, lab, bds David Huttley. List Miss Elizabeth, home with Henry Naegely. Litchfield James (aged), lives A. B. Hathaway. Litner John, lab, res w s 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. LITTLE JAKE & CO. (Jacob Seligman and Frank Rossman), merchant tailors, clothiers, and gents' furnishing goods, 303 Genesee. See center lines. Little Matthew, captain steamer "Princess," res s e cor Emerson and Water. 3. Little William N. L., drug clk, res cor Jeff'n and William. Little William S., lab, res w s Wash'n, s of Douglass. 4. Little William, bds A. Dixon. Little Wilson, lab, bds D. Hopkins. Littlefield Mrs. Maria (wid Christopher Littlefield), res n Washington. 2. Lituhan Christ, res w s 6th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Livermore Seymour, carpenter, res e s Miller, s of Centre. 2. Little Jake & Co., " Boss" Clothiers of the State. LIVERMORE ALFRED S., grocer, e s Mackinaw, next door n of postoffice. Livermore Samuel (aged), res e s Genesee, bet Hoyt and -. 2. Livingston Archibald, coachman Wm. Coats. Livingston Miss Catherine, home with John Patterson. Livingston Elizabeth, home with George W. King. Livingston James R., dry goods, 102 cor Genesee and Water, res 220 s Jeff'n. 2. Lloyd Charles, lab, bds C. C. Parke. Lloyd Charles E., blacksmith A. Hobson, res Wash'n. Lochead William, blacksmith, bds Garvin House. Lochstader Mrs Mary (wid Henry), grocer, res n s Carroll, bet 4th and 5th. 5. Locke Joseph, carpenter, res s s Williams, bet Little and Mackinaw. 2. Locke Thomas, riverman, res w s Little, bet Main and Hess. 3 Locking Henry, lab, res s s Johnson, nr R. R. 4. Lockley George, gen'l insurance agent, also postmaster; office over 109 Genesee, res s s Thompson, bet Maple and Wells. 5. Lockwood -, bds C. Doughty. Lockwood John R., mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Loder Philip R., driver Derby & Co., bds L. B. Hill. 2. Loehr Mrs. Francis (wid), res 216 e s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 175 Loenswager Fred., tailor, res e s 3d, bet Janes and German. 5. Loewentamm Emil, clerk C. L. Ortman, bds E. Bloedon. Lonsbury George, cooper, bds Valentine House. Londergan Peter, lab, bds Martin Manion. Loney Miss Annie, wks James Donnely. Long Miss Barbary, wks E. Eddy. Long Eugene, clerk Robin Jones. Long Miss Flora, home with Robin Jones. Long George, lab, bds David Huttley. Long G. W., sawyer, works Jesse Hoyt. Longtin Toussaint, lab, bds A. Picard. Longton Mrs. Catharine (wid), bds J. Miller. Lonsberry Miss Margaret, dressmaker, bds W. H. Man. Lonsberry Miss Florence, wks W. H. Man. Loomis Royal H., painter, res cor Hoyt and Park. 5. Lorad Louis, lab, res e s 4th, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 5. Lott Manson, bds W. Ackley. Lotter Adam, lab, bds Farmer's Home. Loucks George H., lab, res s s Sherman, bet Mackinaw and Saginaw & St. Clair R. R. 3. M. & H. Koch & Co. arc the Great Popular Clothiers. Louden Fred, Jr., grocer, No. 601, n e cor Genesee and Warren. 3. Louden Fred Sr., home with Fred Louden, Jr. Louis Franke, painter, bds J. Nerreter. Lounsbery Chas. B., butcher, bds Chas. Straw, Washington st, bet Astor and Miller. Love Rev. Wm. Delos, pastor Congregational church, eor Hayden and Jefferson, res w s Webster, bet Cherry and Thompson. 4. Loveland William B., agt Domestic Sewing Machine Co., res s w cor H-ayden and Wash'n. 2. Loveland William J., att'y, res s e cor Emerson and Welles. 2. Low George, plasterer, res High, n German Colony Road. 4. Lowiskey Frederick, wks C. Wenks. Lowitcke Conrad, carpenter, res w s 1st, bet Annesly and Chesnut. 3. Lowitzky Fritz, wks J. Derby's lime kiln, res Hess. 2. Lowrey Mrs. Minnie, manuf'r of fancy and dress goods, res e s 7th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Lowry Albert H., operator, bds C. H. Derlin. Lowrye G. W. (col), yard boy Bancroft House. Lowry William, wks E. Saginaw Manuf'g Co. Lowry Wm., wks and bds J. Cornick. 176 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Lowry William H., cabinet-maker, res e s Wash'n, bet Hayden and William. 6. Loyd Charles, blacksmith, res Washington, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Lucas Frank C., painter, bds J. J. Reamer. Lucas William, boots and shoes, e s Mackinaw, n postoffice. Luck John, lab, res n s Gallagher, bet Jeffn and Wash'n. 8. Ludson Irving, bds J. Umans. Luke David, miller, res e s Jeff'n, bet Tuscola and Johnson. 4. Luke Mrs. Mary (wid), e s Webster, bet Rust and Centre. Lull Augustus, teamster, res n s Emerson, bet Maple and Warren. 3. Lull Charles L., lumberman, office with J. S. Curtis & Co., Beuna Vista blk, cor Water and Genesee. Lungdreu John, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Lungreen John, carpenter, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. Lunney John, lab, bds H. M. Youman. Luray John, sawyer, res w s Water, bet Brady and McCoskry. 4. Lurvey John C., boots and shoes, junction Hoyt and Maple, bds Jerome VanValkenburg. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Lusch John, bar-tender J. Fischer, bds same. Lush Frederick, lab, res 7th, bet Kirk and Norman. 8. Lutnonn Henry, lab, res s s Woodworth, bet 8th and Vine. 4. Luth Miss Sophia, home with Ezra G. Goddard. Lux Louis, ass't pastor St. Mary's Church, res e s Webster, s William. Luxter Richard, res cor Warren and Tuscola. 4. Lycet Patrick, bar-tender, Lynch Hotel. Lyddy Michael, tanner, res cor Norman and 6th. 5. Lydes T. K., clerk, J. W. Howry. Lynam Miss Catharine, wks Scanlan House. Lynam Edward, lab, res e s Thayer, n Gallaghar. 4. Lynch Edward, "Lynch Saloon," e s s Water, bds James Lynch. Lynch Ellen, wks Lynch Hotel. Lynch Henry, bartender, M. McQuade, bds. St. Nicholas Restaurant. LYNCH JAMES, propr Lynch Hotel, s e cor German, 186 Water. 2. Lynch Norman, ship carpenter, bds J. S. Smith. Lynch Thomas, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Lynch William, lab, res w s Miller, s Rust. 3. Lyon David, fireman F. & P. M. R. R. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 177 Lyon Miss A., dress-maker, Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Lyon Mrs. Jane (wid), res s s Main, e of Miller. 5. Lyon J. E., rooms Hovey blk, cor Tuscola and n Wash'n. Lyon John J., riverman, bds Mrs. Jane Lyon. Lyon Joseph S., riverman, res as Muir, e of Miller. Lyon Lucian W., riverman, bds Mrs. J. Lyon. Lyon Lucius M., gardener, res East st, w of 'Mackinaw, formerly Little st, Battelle addition. 6. Lyons Catherine, wks E. Aikin. Lyons E. W., foreman "Enterprise" office. Lyons Miss Jane, wks for William Bissell. Lyons John, prop'r Lyons House, Potter st, opp F. & P. M. R. R. depot. 3. Lytle Charles H., lab, bds James R. Johnson. Lytle Ira F., lab, bds James R. Johnson. M. Mabely Charles, lab, res a s Johnson, bet Clay and Webster. 3. Mabry William, res w s Warren, bet Emerson and Elm. 7. m. & H. Koch & Co., the Clothiers. Mabley William C., salesman Little Jake, res Johnson, bet Clay and Webster. 3. Mabley Thomas, salesman Little Jake & Co., bds Everett House. McArthur Alexander, carpenter, bds J. J. Reamer. McCarthy Jeremiah, lab, bds Mathew Borland. McCauly Dennis, lab, bds Martin Manion. McCarthy John, blacksmith, bds John O'Gorman. McCall Mrs. Mary (wid Peter McCall), res 7th, bet Miller and Sears. MacCane William, watchman, res 3d, bet Kirk and Sears. 5. MacCleary Thompson, grocer and mdse, cor Potter and Warren, res e s Astor, bet Rockwell and Warren. 4. MacCallum Miss Mary, sales-lady, Davis, Goldstone & Co. MacCleary Maggie, home with Thompson MacCleary. MacCort Hugh, lab, res 6th, bet Kirk and Sears. 4. MacCourt Barnabas, lab, res 6th, bet Miller and Sears. 3. MacGuire James, lab, res cor 3d and Miller. 5. McHall Michael, lab, res e s 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 5. MacIntyre Dougal, justice of the peace, res e s Miller, a of Hess. 4. Mack Miss Annie, propr Willow Tree Saloon, 209 Lapeer. Mack Mrs. Catharine (wid), res w s Wash'n ave, 7th ward. 8. Mack James (Wilkins & Mack), bds Bancroft House. 23 178 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. MacKesy John, yardman, F. & P. M. R. R. Mack Miss May, bds Susan Manning. MacLennan James, lab, bds Andrew Borden. MacMullan Miss Mary, home with David B. Leroy. MacNoah Peter M., contractor, res Warren, bet Astor and Potter. 2. MacNeight Nelson, lab, bds John Canham. Macomler Alonzo, photographer, res No 316 Genesee. 2. Maddan William, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Maddigan John, lab, 8th, bet east Astor and Miller. 4. Mader Frederick, cooper, res 6th, bet Kirk and Norman. 1. Madigan William, lab, res cor 6th and Sears. 7. Maender Louis, bds Excelsior House. Mager William, painter, bds Stauber's Hotel. Maguire James W., book-keeper T. Ferguson, bds Jas. Maguire. Maier William G., potashery, 4th, bet Carl and Fitzhugh, res e s Genesee, bet Hoyt and Walnut. 7. Mailes George, lumber, bds with Henry Mailes. Mailes James & Charles, res e s Webster, bet Elm and Emerson. 4. Mailes James, lumberman, bds with Henry Mailes. Little Jake & Co. UnderseIl Everybody. Mailes John, lumber, bds Henry Mailes. Mailes William, lumber, bds Henry Mailes. Mailhot Lewis, lab, bds Tremont House. Main Miss Emma, wks Tuscola House. Major George, sergeant police force, res No. 215 Jefferson, bet German and William. 3. Mahar John, plasterer, res Mason, s Elm. 3. Mahear Patrick, engineer, res s s Hess, bet Little and Mackinaw. 6. Maher Walter, carpenter, bds Hugh Lennon. Mahn Miss Amelia, wks Wm. Coats. Mahn Harmon, setter Warner & Eastman's saw-mill, res w s Water, foot of Emerson. 4. Mahanny William, head waiter Bancroft House. Mahoney Henry, mechanic, bds Marshall B. Spencer. Mahoney Mary A., wks Lynch Hotel. Malcolm Warren S., lumberman, res e s Franklin, cor Jefferson and Miller. 6. Malette Wm. H., salesman Little Jake & Co., res Tuscola, bet Franklin and Washington. Mallish Charles, fireman F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary A. Fournier. Mallett Miss Mary, wks H. Turner. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 179 Mallette William H., salesman Little Jake's, res 203 Tuscola. 3. Malone Annie, wks Bancroft House. Maloney Miss Delia, home with Albert Shwanecke. Malone John, lab, bds Thomas Kenney. Maloy Michael, riverman, res e end Mackinaw-st bridge, river bank. 2. Maloney Michael, well-borer, bds Valentine House. Maloy Thomas, engineer, bds Garvin House. Maney David, clerk billiard saloon, bds John Manery. Maney John, billiard saloon, res 3d, bet Miller and Potter. 4. MANION MARTIN, Railroad Hotel, cor Potter and 3d. 4. Manion William, clk and bds James Creen. Manley Obe, mason, res Johnson, bet Lincoln and 11th. 3. Mann Burt, boomsman, C. & E. TenEyck, bds Mrs. Elizabeth Mann. Mann Mrs. Elizabeth (wid Charles Mann), res n Wash'n, bet Kirk and Potter. 5. Mann Frederick G., tel opr, W. U. Tel. office, bds parents, Miller, bet Warren and Rockwell. Mann George A., lab, res Farwell, bet 1st and 2d. 1. Mann Harmen, sawyer, Warner & Eastman's mill. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Mann Horace, mechanic, bds Mrs. Elizabeth Mann. Mann Harlow S., dentist, office over Little Jake's store, res Saginaw City, Wash'n. 5. Mann John, lab, bds Tremont House. Mann John F., lumberman, res Cass, cor Millard. 5. Mann, Robt, messenger boy, W. U. Tel. office, bds parents. Mann Thomas, bds Fred Mann. Manning George, barge owner, bds Everett House. Manning James, saloon, e s Cass, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Manning Susan, Exchange Saloon, res Warren, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. Manning W. Howard, sign writer, res 323 Webster. 3. Mansell Edwin, bricklayer, bds Etna House. Mansfield Adelia, wks Sam Kitchen. Marcellus William, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Marcellus William, mechanic, bds Thomas W. Smith. Marciells Miss Lizzy, home with John W. Baker. Margan Arthur B., clk F. & P. M. R. R., res n s Carroll, bet Jeff'n and Franklin. 3. Margen Matthias, shoemaker, res 221 6th, bet German and Janes. 7. Marion Wallace, horse-shoer, bds 501 Carroll. 180 EA.ST SAGINAkW DIRECTORY. Market William, lab, res w s Webster, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Markey T. W., carpenter, res Rockwell. 4. Markey William T. (Winn & Markey), builder, res w s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhnugh. 4. Mark & Fleitz (John Mark and John P. Fleitz), lumber and pine land dealers, office over 211 n Water. Mark Isaac, lab, res s w cor Hartsuff and 1st. 3. Mark John, bds Bancroft House. Mark Thomas, foreman, bds Stauber's Hotel. Marks August, mechanic, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Marks Charles, salesman Goldsmith Bros., bds H. Marks. Marks Henry, poundmaster, res n s Millard, n end Park. 5. Marks John, yardman F. & P. M. R. R. Marr W. H., land-looker, res n e cor Emerson and Welles. 3.. Marsh Byron, wks Mrs. Isaac Russell. Marsh Edward W., lab, res 1138 Webster. 2. Marsh Ezra, lab, res 3d, bet Farwell and Norman. Marsh Mrs. Eunice, wid, res s s Gallagher, w of Lytle. Marsh Eugene A., salt boiler, bds mother, Mrs. E. Marsh. Marsh Mrs. Maria, wks T. F. Greggs. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Marsh Miss Maria, home with James R. Livingston. Marsh Mrs. Phebe, wid Samuel D. Marsh, res Cass, bet Genesee and German. 4. Marshall Albert M., clk Morley Bros., bds G. W. Morley. Marshall Frank, lab, res e s Bates, bet Emerson and Elm. 4. Marshall Joseph, res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 1. Marshall Norton, drug clerk, bds Mrs. C. A. Dietz. Marshall Seth, Jr., clk Morley Bros., bds Bancroft. Marshall Thomas, wiper, round house F. & P. M. R. R. Marskey Charles, ins. ag't, res w s 3d, bet German and Janes. 5. MARTEL ADOLPHIUS, barber, shop Potter, bet Franklin and Jefferson. Martel John, barber, bds Tremont House. Martin Andrew, lab, res s e cor Fitzhugh and 4th. 9. MARTIN BRUNO, tin, iron, and copper works, s s Genesee, bet Warren and Webster, res cor 9th and Janes. 7. Martin Charles T., attorney, office with W. S. Tennant, No. 5, Wisner blk, bds W. B. Martin, res e S Warren, bet Cherry and Hoyt. Martin Edward S., res n Wash'n, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Martin Edward, blacksmith, bds Daniel Forrest. Martin Miss Ella, bds W. S. Campbell. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 181 Martin Mrs. Ellen, (wid Thomas), res w s 13th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 2. Martin Henrietta, home with.Ervin Hayes. Martin James, wks Sears & Holland. Martin Jerreais, lab, bds Tremont House. Martin John, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Martin John, broom maker, wks F. Stork. Martin Joseph, carpenter, res 12th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. 5. Martin Lewis, lab, res w s Webster, bet Centre and Rust. Martin Miss Minnie, home with H. S. Averill. Martin William B., book-keeper, res e s Warren, bet Hoyt and Cherry. 3. Martindale Edwin A., lumberman, res e s Mackinaw, cor Main. 5. Martingale Charles T., shingle manuf'r, res w s Mackinaw, n of n Miller. 4. Martz Miss Emma, wks J. Derby. Martz Miss Sophia, wks A. Ferguson. Marvin Minnie, St. Charles Saloon, German, bet Franklin and Washington. i. & H. Koch & Co.9 the Leaders of Fashion. Martz Ernst, lab, res Farwell, bet 7th and 8th. Marshel Thomas, lab, res s s Johnson, bet 5th and 6th. 4. Mason Horace, pile-driver, res w s 4th, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 3. Mason John, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Mason John, well-borer, res n e cor Fitzhugh and Warren. 7. Mason Lucius P., lumberman, res 516 Thompson, cor Welles. Mason Miss Mary, lives with Henry S. Toffans. Mason Orrin, pile-driver, res e s Webster, bet Millard and Cherry. 2. MASON ORVILLE L., physician and oculist, office Bliss blk, cor Wash'n and German, bds S. B. Bliss. 3. Mason Peter P., wks Harvey & Coleman's livery. Mason Thomas, lab, bds Michael Connery. Mason Thomas R., lab, bds D. MacIntyre. Massbacher F., (al) physician, office n w cor Genesee and Jeffn, res cor Millard and Webster. Massey Charles A. (Gray & Massey), res 4th, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. Massey George F., boiler-maker Gray & Massey. Masters Mrs. Roxenia, wks S. B. Bliss. Matchett Richard, bds Stauber's Hotel. 182 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Materas Thomas, wks A. P. Brewer. Matz William, painter, bds Henry Pries. Matzmann John F., shoemaker, shop and res n s Genesee, bet Clay and Rockwell. 3. Mauren Christopher, lab, res n s Gallagher, e Mackinaw. 3. Maurer George, Notary Public, res w s Clay, bet German and Lapeer. 4. Mawrai Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Mawrer Miss Susanna, clk, Frey & Wicklin. Maxeye Miss Ellen, home with Henry Naegely. Maxey Miss Mary, home with Mathew Borland. Maxim Horace, engineer, res w s Miller, s Main. 3. Maxwell John, lab, res 717 Maple. 3. May, Harrison, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck. May Harry N., lab, bds A. Picard. Mayflower Mills, Jesse Hoyt, propr, E. Moores, manager flour mill, n Water, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. McArthur Archibald, wks gas works, res n s Emerson, bet Maple and Warren. 2. McArthur Dennis, riverman, bds Garvin House. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. McArthur John, practitioner at law, res Webster, bet Genesee and William. 6. McArthur Miss Mary A., wks L. H. Eastman. McArthur Peter, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. McArthier James, riverman, bds Garvin House. McArthier Timothy, riverman, bds Garvin House. McAuley Mrs. Harriet, boarding house, as Centre, bet Miller and Mackinaw. 4. McAULIFFE NEIL, auction and commission merchant, 417 Genesee, bds Everett House. McAvoy Miss Julia, wks C. K. Robinson. McBain William, lumberman, res 632 Hoyt. 7. McBrein Richard, drayman, res s s Janes, w of Smith. 4. McBride James, lab, bds Tuscola House. McBurney Daniel, lab, bds Alexander House. McCall J. G., local editor "Enterprise" office. McCall Joel, lab, bds Mrs. Mary McCall. McCallumn Archie, lab, res e s Park, bet Hoyt and Chestnut. 7. McCallum Hugh, clerk, bds Robert Hunter's. McCallum Thomas H., saloon, Cass, bet Genesee and Tuscola. McCarthy, Anna, wks W. H. Pickard. McCarthy Jeremiah, lab, bds Michael Connery. McCarty John, res e s Miller, s of Main. 8. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 183 McCarty Joseph, lab, res n s Hess, e Mackinaw. 3. McCarthy Miss Polly, wks Gus. C. Kimball. McCarthy Richard, bds Alexander House. McCaul Joel, painter, works Burt & Loomis. McCauley -, edger J. S. Stevens. McCauley Dennis, 2d fireman Mayflower Mills. McCarly John, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. McCausland Benjamin W., book-keeper Shaw, Bullard & Co. McCausland Thomas G., clk Shaw, Bullard & Co. McClain Andrew E., agt Saginaw City station St. Clair River R. R., bds Taylor House. McCleland -, fireman, Mayflower mills. McClellan James, wks J. S. Stevens. McClellan John, lab, bds Judge Hotel. McClellan John, file grinder, bds C. C. Cloudmnan, w s Maple, bet Hoyt and Thompson. McClellan William, file cutter, res w s Msaple, bet Hoyt and Thompson. McClenen John, blacksmith, res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 2. McClennan John J., file grinder, bds Charles C. McClennan. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. McClennan William, file cutter, res Maple, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 2. McClintock Elias J., local ins agt, res s s Fitzhugh, bet Franklin and Jefferson. 3. McClure - (Brewer & McClure), res 217 Hoyt, cor Franklin. Call at Obodini's for name in full. 3. McCormack James, lumber merchant, res No. 229 Washington, bet German and William. 6. McCormick Miss Maggie, wks Tuscola House. McCormick Trevette B., clk, Wickes Bros., bds cor Astor and Warren, Mrs. Hall's. McCormick William, book-keeper, Wickes Bros., bds Mrs. Clorinda Hall. McCourt Hugh, cupola-tender Wickes Bros. McCourt John, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. McCoy Timothy H., clk, bds Jacob Steckert. McCrady Eugene, lab, bds D. Chriscadan. McCue Felix, lab, res w s 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 7. McCusdy Edward, carpenter, bds Ebel House. McCully James, butcher, bds Duane D. Burdick. McCully James, butcher, and bds D. D. Burdick. McCulley James, lab, bds Albert Hicks. McCully John, blacksmith Gallinger & Cousineau, bds Saginaw Valley House. 184 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. McCullock James, butcher, bds Averill House. McCora William, lab, bds Hugh Steveson. McCort Mrs. Alice (wid Barnabas McCort), res 6th, bet Miller and Sears. 2. MACDONALD ALEXANDER, overseer of public works, bds Thomas Nolam. McDonald Mrs. Annie, lives with A. Linton. McDonald Miss Catherine, home with John Lyons. McDonald Colin, corker, res e s Water, end Sag. City bridge. 8. McDonald Daniel, detective, bds Tremont House. McDonald Daniel, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. McDonald Mrs. Flora, lives with F. H. Hall. McDonald Jane, wks M. R. Burt. McDONALD JAMES J., prop'r Ocean Oyster House Restaurant, 118, 120 s Wash'n, bds same. See advt. McDonald John, blacksmith, wks Baker & Bros. McDonald John K., saloon, w s Wash'n ave, bet Genesee and Tuscola, res e s Wash'n ave, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 2. McDonald Malcomb (Miller & McDonald), res e s Mackinaw, n of Washington. 3. McDonald Malcolm, butcher, res n s Linton, bet Wash'n and Mackinaw. 4. No Bantering at Little Jake's. McDonald Mary, wks W. R. Burt. McDonald Thomas, lab, bds Barnabas McCort. McDonald Samuel, carpenter, res 6th, bet Kirk and Norman. 3. McDonald Wm., boomsman C. & E. Ten Eyck. McDonell -, wagon maker, bds Jeremiah B. Kenam. McDonell Miss Christena, home with Mathew Borland. McDonell Daniel, carriage maker, wks Baker & Bros. McDonell John, carpenter, bds Oscar Hull. McDonell John, lab, bds Tremont House. McDonnell John, carpenter, res 317 n s Tuscola, bet Cass and Franklin. 5. McDonell John R., blacksmith, bds Hunter House, McDonell William, lab, bds Mathew Borland. McDougald Duncan A., foreman, res e s Liberty, bet Janes and Freedom. 3. McDougald Malcom A., foreman, res w s Freedom, bet Janes and Lapeer. 3. McDougall Daniel, lab, res n s Eaton, w Wash'n. 6. McDougal Fesent T., lab, res w s East, 5. McDougal R. B., res n s Wash'n ave, s of Douglas (refused first name or business.) 6. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 185 McElhanie John, carpenter, bds Mathew Borland. McEnan John E., carpenter, res s e cor 7th and Johnson. 2. McEachron Peter, carpenter and builder, res 1002 Emerson, cor Warren. 7. McEntee Patrick, carpenter, res e Wash'n, bet Carroll and Miller. 3. McFarlin Archibald, mechanic, res 4th, bet Kirk and Sears. 3. McFarlin Silas M., books and stationery, 108 Genesee, bds Everett House. McFarthin William, painter, bds Joseph Parquette. McGann Edwin, plumber, bds D. O. Donnell. McGary Francis, lab, res 5th, bet Miller and Sears. 3. McGeary F., mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. McGee Charles, sawyer, bds A. Rust. McGee Minnie, bds Peal House. McGee Thomes, bds Ebel House. McGillvary John, lumberman, res e s Bates, bet Elm and Emerson. 2. McGinnis E. J., carpenter, bds Valentine House. McGinnis Neil, stationary engineer, res s s Linton, bet Mackinaw and Wash'n. 7. McGraw Peter, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. VI. & H. Koch & Co., the Leaders of Fashion. McGraw Thomas, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. McGregor Mrs. E., res s s Rust, w of King. McGuire Alfred, riverman, res w s Miller, s of Centre. McGuire Francis, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. McHale Michael, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. R. R. eIcHALE PATRICK, boot and shoe dealer, e s Washington, ave, 7th ward, res 354 Webster, cor Millard. 2. McHaney William T., ship carpenter, res n s Rust, bet King and Miller. 5. McInnis Andrew, physician, res e s Jefferson, bet Carroll and Miller. 2. McIntyre Malcolm, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. McIntosh Thomas, boiler maker, T. Steele, bds James Moran. McIntosh William, millwright, bds H. Williams. McIsaac Angus, elk, American House. McKay -, carriage trimmer, bds Albert McKee. McKay, Alexander, lab, bds A. Dunlap. McKay Alexander, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. McKay Andrew, carriage-trimmer, wks W. S. Houghton. McKay Charles, elk E. M. Burton, bds same. McKay William, sailor, bds R. Vannorman. 24: 186 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. McKane William, fireman J. Derby, res see elsewhere. McKay Wm. W., wks Harvey & Coleman. McKay Mrs - (wid), res e s Park, bet Hoyt and Chesnut. 5. McKee Albert, carriage-maker W. S. Houghton, res cor German and Jefferson. 3. McKee Frederick. McKenna John H., painter, res w s Hess. 3. McKennis John, lab, bds Farmers' Home. McKenzie David, apprentice boiler-maker, Thos. Steele. McKenzie Robert, molder, res w s Maple, bet Elm and Martha. 9. McKian John, lumberman, bds Judge's Hotel. McKillopp John, boiler-maker T. Steele, res e s Cornelia, n of McCoskry. 6. McKinley James, lab, bds Oscar Hall. McKinney Edmund J., carpenter, bds R. Dumar. McKinney Edward W., carpenter, res s s Miller, bet Rockwell and Warren. 3. McKinney James, engineer, bds Scanlan House, s e cor Water and Thompson. McKinney Mrs. Mary, bds E. W. Marsh. McKinnon Alexander, foreman, bds Malcolm A. McDougald. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. McKinnon Daniel, foreman, bds Malcolm A. McDougald. McKinnon John, liveryman, stable e s Cass, bet German and William, bds Everett House. McKnight Robert F., machinist, res 630 Webster. 3. McKnight William, Genesee st bridge keeper, res township of Carrollton, at R. R. crossing. McLamahar Charles, lab, bds A. Rust. McLauchlan Duncan, cooper, bds Thomas Kenny. McLauchlin Joseph, engineer, res n Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. 2. McLaughlin Elijah, land-looker, res 615 Webster. 4. McLaughlin Thomas, lab, bds Scanlan House. McLear Allen C., sailor, bds W. J. Lewleys. 2. McLean C. C., lumber merchant, res cor Jefferson and Miller. 4. McLean Samuel, lab, bds American House. McLean Seth, lumberman, res s e cor Miller and Jeff'n. 3. McLean S. & C., lumbermen, office Buena Vista blk, cor Genesee and Water. McLeam Robert & Son, rooms Hovey blk, cor Tuscola and n Washington. McLean William S. lumberman, res e s Franklin, bet Carroll and Miller. 3. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 187 McLenan John, blacksmith, Wickes Bros. McLellen Duncan, book agt, res n e cor Thompson and Webster. 2. McLeod Donald, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. McLeod Kenneth, mason, res e s Franklin, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 10. McLennan Francis, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. McMilan C. S., clk, office F. & P. M. R. R., Wash'n, bet Johnson and Tuscola. McMahon John A., Jefferson House, cor Astor and Jeff'n. 3, McMahoni Martin, boot maker, W. B. Hawkins, bds American House. McMann John, ship carpenter, res w s Wash'n, s of German Colony Road. McManney, Thomas, wks East Saginaw Manuf'g Co. McMannis Mrs. Kittie, fancy goods and notions, e s Wash'n, s of Randolph, res same. 4. McMaster Samuel, carpenter, res e s Maple, bet Martha and McCoskry. 3. McMillan John, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. McMillen Clark, book-keeper, bds A. Birdsall. 2. M. & H. Koch & Co.. the One Price Clothing House. McMillan John W., lab, bds National House, South Saginaw, McMillen Henry, lab, bds Farmers' Home. McMullen Alex., lab, bds A. Dunlap. McMullen Michael, lab, res w s Webster, bet Centre and Rust. 7. McNally John, cooper, bds Mrs. P. Austin. McNally John, cooper F. W. Stilwell, bds Mrs. Owsten. McNamara Patrick, lab, res s s Mott, bet Park and Webster. 3. McNaught Thomas, clk Morley Bros. McNela Alexander, lab, res e s Wells, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 5. McNicol David, engineer, res n Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. 4. McNoah Peter M., contractor, res Warren st, bet Astor and Potter. 2. McPhee John, lab, bds A. Picard. McQuade Michael, saloon, 123 Lapeer, bds St. Nicholas restaurant. McQueen -, book-keeper, works Peter Roche. McQuillin Francis, lab, res e s Mackinaw. 3. McQuillen John C., molder Wickes Bros.,res 509 n s Fitzhugh. 4. Mclntee Patrick, mechanic F. & P. M. R. R. McRae Farquahar, overseer public works, res cor Genesee and Jefferson. 3. McRae James, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. 188 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. McRAE JOHN C., dealer in lumber, staves, etc., office Exchange bik, cor Genesee and Water, bds Bancroft House. McRae Joseph, plasterer, bds Joseph Wilson. McRae Malcom, ship carpenter, res 218 Maple. 2. McRae Peter, lumberman, res s w cor Wash'n and William. 2. McRay Hugh, lab, res n Wash'n, bet 9th and 10th. 9. McSloy Michael, contractor, bds Oscar Hull. McSparrin William, machinist, bds H. Williams. 2. McSweeny Edward, grocer, res s s Cherry, bet Maple and Warren. 4. McSweeney J., blacksmith, wks M. McSweeney, bds same. McSweeney Miles, blacksmith, shop Franklin, bet Johnson and Tuscola, res 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 5. iMcSweeney Timothy W., painter, bds Bechtel's Hotel. McTavish Archibald S., pile driver, res cor Johnson and Rockwell. 7. McTeash John, bds W. Landis. McVote Thomas, clk, bds Daniel Gibson. McWethy Frank, clk, Simpson, Barber & Co., res 213 e s 6th, bet German and Janes. 6. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. McPhetres Vincent, clk E. M. Burton, bds E. Davis. McPheters B. Vincent, bds E. Davis. Mead Alonzo P., dealer in sash and blinds, res Jefferson, bet German and William. Mead Benjamin F., painter, shop and res over 128 s Wash's. 3. 1EAD & CARUTH, retail liquor dealers (Randolph Mead and Joseph Caruth), n s Genesee, bet Franklin and Cass. Meader James M., carpenter, res Mason, s of Elm. 7. Meakin James, engineer, res cor 8th and Miller. 6. Medical University, L. R. Gilbert, n s Tuscola. Medler Jesse F., sailor str Mason. Medler Robert, capt of Daniel Ball, res town line, bet Jefferson and Washington. 5. Medler Samuel, molder Wicks Bros., res e s 7th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. Meek John, cook, res e s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 2. Megan Daniel, lab, bds Martin Manion. Mahany Miss Catherine, dress and cloak maker, rooms over cor Jefferson and Genesee. Meiller Wm., res Johnson and 12th. 5. Meister M., peddler, res w s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 5. Meitlein John, barber, cor Franklin and Tuscola. 9. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 189 Melady Mrs. Mary (wid), res e s Welles, bet Brady and Mason. 3. Melchers Henry, druggist, n w cor Genesee and Jeff'n, res 533 Millard, bet Jeff'n and Warren. Melville John, cook, res e s 2d, bet Chesnut and Cherry. 6. Mendall Richard, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. R. R. Mendell Henry, boiler-maker, res e s Cornelia, bet Martha and McCoskry. 4. Mendell Thomas, engineer, res s s Emerson, bet Warren and Webster. 2. Mentz Charles, lab, res w s 11th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Mercer J. C., clothier, 103 Genesee, res cor Johnson and 3d. 9. Mercher Lafayette, boiler-maker T. Steele. Merckel William, grocer, 525 Lapeer, res 3d, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 2. Meredeth Paul I., conductor F. & P. M. R. R., res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 3. Mergan R., inspector, F. & P. M. R. R. Mergen & Co. (M. Mergen and R. Granville), boot and shoemakers, shop Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Mergen Mathias (Mergen & Granville), res 6th, bet German and Janes. 7. Fine Furnishing Goods at M. I& H. Koch & Co's. Mergen Miss Minnie, sales-lady Davis, Goldstone & Co. Merian Wallace, blacksmith, shop cor Tuscola and Wash'n, bds Mrs. Maggie Herbert. Merideth VanBuren, train-master, res s e cor Carroll and 7th. 4. Merrick Austin, lab, w s of Little, s of Nimons. 4. Merrill Andrew, engineer G. W. Merrill's foundry, res e s Maple, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 4. Merrill Miss Ardie, home William N. Merrill. MERRILL & BACON (George W. Merrill, A. W. Bacon), foundry and machine shop, s e cor McCoskry and Water. See advt. Merrill Ezel, carpenter, res 1526 Genesee. 4. Merrill, Eastwood & Co. (Geo. W. M., Widham H. E., Wm. Merrill), foundry and machine shop, w s Water, bet w end Brady. Merrill George (Merrill & Bacon), res w s Washington, bet. Atwater and McCoskry. Merrill Geo. W. (Merrill, Eastwood & Co.), res s e cor Brady and Water. 4. Merrill Mrs. Mary, washerwoman, res Main, e of Bnndy. 2. 190 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Merrill William (Merrill, Eastwood & Co.), bds George W. Merrill. Merrill William A., agent lumber (G. S. Wearer), res Warren, bet Astor and Miller. 3. Merritt Andrew J., machinist, Merrill, Eastwood & Co. Merritt Miss M., milliner, Mrs. E. G. Hammond. MERRITT WARREN, propr Tremont House, cor Jefferson and Potter. 3. Merritt William E., teamster, res w s Bundy, bet Hess and Main. 6. Mershon J. Edward, agt A. G. Bissell & Co., office w s Franklin, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. Mershon Mrs. J. H. (wid), res 205 Jeff'n, bet German and William. 7. Merson William, lab, res cor Norman and 7th. Mershon William B., clk with A. G. Bissell & Co., w s Franklin, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. Messey Charles, sailor, res 1023 Wash'n, cor McCoskry. 5. Metcalf E., wks J. S. Stevens. Metcalf Elmanso B., carpenter, bds Mrs. Elizabeth Mann. MEYER GUSTAVUS W., book-keeper, bds Charles G. Meyer. Little Jake &Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. Meyer John, wks C. & E. TenEyck. Meyer Michael, sawyer, C. & E. TenEyck. Meyer Oswald C., clk Soyer & Co., bds Charles G. Meyer. Meyers George, carpenter, res 15th, bet Jane and Lapeer. 2. Meyers W. H., lab, bds Etna Hotel. Mickel John, lab, bds Bohm & Miller. Mickelson Christian, lab, bds Scandinavian Boarding House. Mickie Albert, lab, res Lapeer, bet 13th and 14th. 9. Mickley George P. (Mosher & Mickley), res e s Jefferson, cor Astor. 5. Midler Andrew J. (Root & Midler), res n w cor s Wash'n and Hoyt. 3. Midler J. C., dealer in tobacco and cigars, res Washington, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Miday C., wks Sears & Holland. Middlemis Rev. Thomas, pastor Presbyterian Church, res 712 Warren. 2. Miear Cobm, cigar-maker, bds Gottlieb Knapp. Mifflau S. R., lab, bds Eugene Sawtell. Miles James, porter Derby & Co., res -. MilHollan Sarah, wks 0. Mason. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 191 Millard Crawford C., liquor dealer, res 209 Tuscola. 4. Millard Crawford, dealer in imported liquors, res 4th. 3. Millard E. Stanley, tinner, bds J. Steckert. Millau S. H., brakeman F. & P. M. R. R., bds William G. Wilsey. Miller Arthur H., dentist, bds C. M. Curtis. 2. Miller Burton, lab, bds Scandinavian Boarding House. Miller Charles, barber, A. N. Albro, bds same. Miller John, lab, bds Henry Schwertic. Miller Charles E., attorney, office with Hoyt & James, bds H. Miller, 1016 Washington. Miller Charles, Sr., res w s Miller, s of Rust. 6. Miller Douglas, sawyer, J. S. Stevens, bds Andrew Borden. Miller Edward, fireman F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary A. Fournier. Miller Miss Elizabeth, home with William H. Race. Miller Frederick, wks C. Lee's mill. Miller Henry, res e s 4th, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 4. MILLER HEZEKIAH, justice of the peace, and lumber rule manufacturer, office rooms 7 and 8 Wisner blk, res 1018 s Wash'n. 6. Miller Hezekiah B., rule maker, s s McCoskry, w Jeff'n. 3. Kid Gloves at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Miller James J. (Miller & McDonald), bds M. McDonald. Miller Miss Jane, wks Oscar Hull. Miller John, inspector, F. & P. M. R. R. Miller John, lab, res e s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 4. Miller John, riverman, res 210 w s 5th, bet German and Janes. 5. Miller John, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Miller Joseph, bds G. Storms. Miller Joseph, ship carpenter, n s Hess, e of Lytle. 3. Miller Joseph, clk, Christopher Hottzheimer. Miller Lewis, Farmer's Home, Genesee, bet Clay and Rockwell. 4. Miller Louis, lab, res n s Lincoln, bet Cherry and Walnut. 6. Miller Maggie, works G. R. Bridgeman. MILLER & McDONALD (James J. Miller and Malcom McDonald), meat market, e s Mackinaw, n of Washington. Miller Philip, lab, res e s.3d, bet German and Janes. 4. Miller Reuben A., lumberman, res 215 Hoyt. 5. Miller Rudolf, carriage maker, res Clay, bet German and William. 6. 192 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Miller William, lab, res e s Miller, s Nimons. 4. Miller William, hack driver, works Harvey & Coleman. Miller Mrs. -, home with Wm. H. Race. Milligan Samuel, drayman, res n s Eaton, w of Washington. 4. Millish Charles, fireman F. & P. M. R. R. Milne Miss Helen, lives with Mrs. H. Milne. Milne Mrs. Helen, res 515 Maple. 2. Milne James, blacksmith, wks Charles A. Dolliver. Miner P., works J. S. Stevens. Minezebeck Mrs. William, (wid), res w s 12th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 4. Minick Matthew, dealer in real estate, res e s Washington, bet Hayden and Millard. 3. Minnie Daniel, sawyer C. & E. Ten Eyck. Minsey John, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Minto Andrew, lab, res n s William. 2. Mills Caspar, carpenter J. S. Stevens. Mills Isaac, carpenter, res No 1321 Lapeer, bet 12th and 13th. 5. Mills Jasfar, carpenter, bds Abram F. Sharick. Mills James, lab, res e s Franklin, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 2. Mills Miss Janette, bds H. J. Ball. Patronize the " Boss" OClothiers, Little Jake & Co. Mills Miss Jennie I., bds Mrs. H. J. Ball. Mills Peter, watchman, res w s Miller, s Nimons. 5. Mills Pool, cook, bds Garvin House. Mills Miss Riveman, wks A. J. Denton. Mills Sarah A., wks C. W. Ellis. Mills William, lab, bds Thomas H. Smith. Mills William, lab, bds Henry Naegely. Mills W. H., mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Mitbean Daniel, wks East Saginaw Manuf'g Co. Mitchell Adam, carpet weaver, res e s Rockwell, bet Genesee and German. 6. Mitchell Miss Eliza, dressmaker, bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. Mitchell Frederick, lab, res 314 Webster. 7. Mitchell George A., lumber inspector, res w s Warren, bet Fitzhugh and Jackson. 4. Mitchell James, filer, res s s William, bet Mackinaw and Little. 5. Mitchell John, lives with Kosmer Brandstetter. Mitts Sil. S., lumber inspector. Moeller Charles, res e s Mackinaw, s of Hess. 7. MIOELLER FREDERICK J., propr Stauber's Hotel, s Water, bet Genesee and German. See advertisement. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 193 Moeller Henry, bds Stauber's hotel. Mohr Frederick, stonecutter A. Hobson, res see elsewhere. Moiles George, farmer, res s e cor 7th and Wadsworth. 8. Moiles Henry, res e s Webster, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Moisant Magloire, cook, bds A. Picard. Molco Mrs. Christina, wid, res s s German, cor 6th. Moll Miss Augusta, wks C. P. Hess. Moll Frederick, tailor Little Jake & Co., res 214 e s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 8. Moll Louis, meat market, 800 H-oyt, res same. 5. Moloughney Rodey, lab, res cor 5th and Washington. 2. Moloughney Stephen, lab, bds Rodey Moloughney. Mongur Joel, lab, bds L. Linchburg. Monroe C., works Sears & Holland. Montelle John, bds Excelsior House. Montgomery Ellen, home John M. Weever. Montgomery Peter carpenter, res s s Janes, nr cor Janes. 4. Montgomery William, wks J. Derby, res w s Warren, nr Martha. 4. Montreul Joseph, lab, bds Montreal House. Montrey John, lab, bds Edward Bronx. Scarfs and Ties at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Moodey William, lab, bds George Jefferson. Moody Charles, waiter, Everett House. Moon Albert, barber, res Potter, bet Rockwell and Warren. 3. Mooney James, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Mooney Thomas, lab, bds Michael Connery. Moore Alexander B. (J. M. Ballentine & Co.), res Geneva, Ill., bds Campbell House, Bay City. Moore Miss Alice, wks Tuscola House. Moore Edward, lab, bds E. Merrill. Moore Edwin A., carpenter, res n s Lapeer, bet 7th and 8th. 9. Moore Elliot F., engineer, res n Washington, bet Kirk and Potter. 1. Moore James, lumberman, res s s Rust, w of King. 2. Moorhart James, lab, bds Martin Borland. Moore James, mason, res King, opp Mowbrey's brewery. 10. Moore Jennie, bds Crystal Palace. Moore Joseph, carpenter, res w s Thayer, n Gallaghar. 2. Moore V. K., book-keeper, 2d National Bank, and City Treasurer office, bds Mrs. M. Gates. Moore William B., clk A. A. Dunk, bds Mrs. Deitz. Moore William H., teamster, res 6th, bet Kirk and Sears. 25 194 EAST SAGINIAW DIRECTORY. Moores Emil, manager Mayflower Mills, bds 402 Water, cor Fitzhugh. Moores Mrs. Jane (wid Otto), res 402 cor Water and Fitzhugh. 6. Moran Miss Catherine, home with James Moran. Moran Miss Eliza, home with James Moran. Moran James, wks Frank P. Curtis. MORAN JAMES, saloon, Franklin, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 5. Moran Mrs. Mary (wid James Moran), bds James Moran. Moran Patrick, ship carpenter, bds Scanlan House. Morarity Daniel, lab, bds Scanlan House. Morarity Michael, lab, bds Scanlan House. Morden Albert, dentist, res n w cor Wash'n and Hayden. 5. Moore Frederick, stone-cutter, res 208 w s Webster, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Moreau John, lab, res n s Mott, bet Park and Webster. 2. Moreau Joseph, lab, bds John Moreau. Morey Miss Annie, bds Miss Frances Campbell. Morey, Charles, book-keeper, bds A. Birdsall. Little Sake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Morehouse Levi, (al) physician, office Hovey blk, corner Tuscola and n Wash'n, bds _iEtna Hotel. Morgan Albert, mill watchman, res n Randolph, bet Jefferson and Washington. 3. Morgan George, hotel, Potter st, bet Franklin and Jefferson. Morgan Isaac, lab, res w s Maple, bet Elm and Martha. 5. Morgan Nelson, lab, res s s Johnson, s of Potter. 4. Morgan Richard R., car in, res cor Eighth, s Miller. 5. Morgan William W., lab, res s w cor Maple and Martha. 6. Moriarty Michael, lab, res w s Franklin, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 6. Morland Richard, lab, bds W. H. O'Brien. Morley Albert Tracy, clerk, Morley Bros, bds Bancroft House. Morley Bros., stoves, tinware, hardware, etc., 108, 110, 112, Water, J. B. Lee manager stove department, George W. Morley, Edward W. Morley. Morley George W. (Morley Bros.), res w side s Wash'n, bet Hayden and William. 3. Morris William E., variety store, 506 Genesee, will move to Saginaw-change of location. Moross Columbus V., master mechanic, res e s Park, bet Millard and Thompson. 7. Moran Thomas, foreman tinshop, Morley Bros. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 195 Morriarty Michael, wiper, roundhouse F. & P. M. R. R. Morrell Benjamin, engineer, res 6th, bet Kirk and Sears. 5. Morrells Miss Maggie, hairdresser, bds William D. Paddock. Morresy Daniel, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Morrin Elzear, lab, bds A. Picard. Morris T. E. (Johnson, Goodell & Co.), bds Everett House. Morrisey Mrs. Mary (wid Michael Morrisey), res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 5. Morrison Angus, blacksmith, wks Charles A. Dolliver. Morrison Miss Anna, wks G. E. Cornell. Morrison George, blacksmith Charles A. Dolliver, bds Albert McKee. Morrison Norman, lumberman, res s end Miller, w of Mackinaw. 4. Morrison Peter, lab, bds Michael Connery. Morris William E., fancy store, Robinson blk, res w s 7th, bet Cherry and Janes. 5. Morse Mrs. M. B. (wid), res s e cor Maple and Welles. 2. Mortimor Solomon, lab, bds Martin Manion. Morwick James, contractor and builder, bds A. S. Taggett. Lowest Prices at oM. & H. Koch & Co's. Mosalle Miss Mary, wks A. Hayes. Mosher Miss Annie, home with Jos. Mosher. Mosher Miss Clara, home with Jos. Mosher. Mosher & Mickley (Thomas R. Mosher, George P. Mickley), grocers, 323 Genesee. Mosher Thomas R. (Mosher & Mickley), res s w cor Jefferson and Miller. 4. Mosher Julian, lab, bds Jos. Mosher. Mosher Joseph, ship carpenter, res cor Miller and Rockwell. 7..Mott Miss Anna, home with Frederick Godard. Mott Elisha F., carpenter, res s e cor Rockwell and Miller. 7. Mott S. E., mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R. Motts Edward, carpenter, res. cor 10th and Carroll. 3. Mottice Stephen, carpenter, res s s Lapeer, bet 13th and 14th. 2. Mouchel Louis, cook, bds A. Picard. Montgomery A. Schuyler, clk, Merchant's Nat'l Bank. 2. Mowbray & Richardson (William M., Samuel R.), brewery, w s King, bet Sherman and Little. Mowbray William (Mowbray & Richardson), res w s Mackinaw, s of Douglas. 4. MOWER MELVILLE C., dealer in ice, office over Sheldon's Bank, res 426 Hoyt. 3. 196 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Mower T. Dailey, city marshal, res High, n of German Colony Road. 2. Moxley Richard, blacksmith, wks Charles A. Dolliver, res 511 n s Fitzhugh. 2. Moyar Miss Frances A., home with David Huttley. Moye Albert A. (Schmidt & Moye), res 523 Lapeer. 9. Moyer Philip, carpenter, res e s 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 4. Moyles Robert C., works Enterprise office. Muelar George, cigar maker, bds Philip Keinath. Muir George, cook, bds George Peck. Mulett S., wks Sears & Holland. Mulherau James, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Mulhollon John, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Muler George, lab, wks Weinke & Bros. Mullin James, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Mullin & Neill (Edward Mullin, Wm. D. Neill), Great Eastern saloon, 126k n Water, Buckhout blk. Mumford Peter, lumberman, res s w cor Millard and Jefferson. 3. Munch Benjamin, lab, res e s Miller s of Nimons. 7. Munch John, lab, res Little, s Nimons. 3. Munger A., res s s Emerson, bet Park and Webster. (New.) One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Munger A., painter Burtt & Loomis, res s w cor Emerson and Warren. 2. Munger Miss Nelie, --, bds Carrie Smith. Munn Miss Nelia, wks A. H. Deyo, bds same. Munro Alexander, engineer, bds Mathew Borland. Munroe Christopher, lab, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 4. Munroe George, teamster, bds Henry Naegely. Munsion Samuel C., lab, res Watrousville Plank, nr Kimball. 5.. Munson William, mechanic, wks P. & P. M. R. R. Murch Charles, shoemaker, res 5th, bet Miller and Sears. 9. Murdin John, butcher, bds Jonathan Robinson. Murdock Mrs. Barbara (wid John Murdock), res Franklin, betGerman and William. Murdoch Andrew, captain, res e s Webster, bet Elm and Emerson. 6. Murphy Miss Annie, home Warren S. Malcolm. Murphy Miss Annie, home with William O'Brien. Murdock Miss Elva, music teacher, home with A. -I. Hunter. Murphy James, lab, bds Mrs. B. Doyle. Murphy Miss Catherine, home Warren, s Malcolm. Murphy Mrs. Davis, wks Alexander House. Murphy David H., lab, res 426 Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 5. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 197 Murphy James, wiper, roundhouse F. & P. M. R. R. Murphy John, lab, res Rust, e Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 2. Murphy John, lab, res e s Miller, s of Nimons. 2. Murphy John, bds W. Ackley. Murphy John, bds Crystal Palace. Murphy Joseph L., tailor, wks Frank G. Wilkin. Murphy Miss Julia, wks A. Rust. Murphy Laurence J., tailor, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Murphy Miss Mary, wks E. Saunders. Murphy Patrick, wks J. S. Stevens. Murphy Michael, lab, bds Hugh Gordon. Murphy Patrick, cook, bds Warren, s Malcolm. Murphy Samuel W., mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Murphy S. W., mechanic, bds Mary Ward. Murphy Thomas, lumberman, res e s Cornelia, n Atwater. 5. Murphy Stephen, wks Mowbrey & Richardson, res 5 th ward. 3. Murray Andrew, lab, res 743 Millard, cor Genesee. 8. Murray James, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Murray James, lab, res opp D. W. Rust & Co's ship yard. 2. Murray Miss Julia, dress-maker, wks Mrs. Julia Bare. Murray Miss Maggie, wks Miss H. A. Donovan. Silk Wrappers anld rawers at M.. & H. K och & Co's. Murray Patrick, wks George Norlest. Murray Patrick, lab, res e s 14th, bet Cherry and Janes. 4. Murray Thomas, lab, bds Tremont House. Murry James, with G. H. Doughty. Myers Edward, section foreman, F. & P. M. R. R., res 518 Water. 2. Myer Mrs. Elizabeth, wks J. F. Ewan. Myer Frank, wks and bds P. Zellner. Myer Frederick, lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Cherry and Walnut. 6. Myer Jacob, wks and bds P. Zellner. Myer Jacob, butcher, res w s Cass, bet Tuscola and Johnson. 3. Myer Joseph, lab, res Carroll, foot of 12th. 8. Myer Mrs. Sarah (wid), res w s 13th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 7. Myers Chas., shoemaker, res s w cor Carroll and 5th. 2. Myers George L., tel opr American Telegraph office Bancroft House, bds same. Myers Henry, bds with Horace Mason. Myers Miss Kate, bds W. H. Mallette. Myers William R., painter, res cor Potter and Rockwell. 3. Myers Vencel, lab, res Carroll, nr R. R. track. 2. Myre Charles, shoemaker, res Carroll. 198 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Myres George, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Myres James, lab, res cor 5th and Farwell. HIYRES LEONARD, grocer, res corn Wash'n and 6th. N. Nachtweih Arnold, cabinet-maker, res n s Franklin, bet Astor and Miller. 9. NAEGELY HENRY, prop'r Gilbert House, cor Franklin and Potter. 2. Nafus William F., carpenter, e s 6th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Narragon Frederick, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Narrater Miss Margaret, wks D. Barton. NARRETER LEONARD, saloon and b h, w s Mackinaw, cor Mill. 4. Naumann Gottfriet, carpenter P. Haug, res 3d. Neaudolf George, lab, res 5th, bet Kirk and Norman. 3. Needham William, riverman, res s s Hess, e Mackinaw. 4. Neelin Miss Annie, tailoress, bds George A. Cruise. Neff Mrs. Eliza, milliner, Mackinaw, s Salina House, res same Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Neff Mrs. Minnie, lives with E. J. Barlow. 2. Neidhardt Frederick, res n s German, bet 4th and 5th, 5. Neiman Frederick, lab, res s s Janes, cor Beecher. 2. Nellet Frank, lab, res e s Cornelia, bet Martha and McCoskry. 4. Netty Julius, painter, res s s Lapeer, near 14th. Nelson Charles, fireman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary Ward. Nelson Charles S., fireman, F. & P. M. R. R. Nelson C. K., plumber, bds D. O. Donnell. Nelson Julius, sailor, res 513 Jefferson. 8. Nelson Miss Lizzie, laundress Bancroft House. Neman Miss Minnie, bds C. Liberence. Nerreter John, National Wine, Beer, and Billiard Hall, res 4th, bet German and Janes. 5. Nerreter Leonard, carpenter, res w s 6th, bet German and Janes. 9. Nesbitt William, molder, bds Patrick Hourigan. Nester Timothy, contractor, office Owen blk, No 308 Genesee. Nestor James, mechanic, bds Martin Manion. Netting Robert, painter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Neuman David, bds with Mrs. Lottie Thomson. Neuman Henry, wks C. Wenks. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 199 Neuman Henry (Wm. & Henry Neuman), res 711 Johnson, bet Webster and Rockwell. 4. Neuman William (Wm. & Henry Neuman), res w s 3d, bet German and Janes. 4. NEUMAN WM. & HENRY, grocers, cor Lapeer and Webster. Neuninger Daniel, butcher, bds Adam Baum. Neuninger Mrs. Lenna (wid Daniel Neuninger), bds Adam Baum. Neuninger Miss Nellie,, home with Adam Baum. Nevins Arthur, lab, bds H. Goodman. 2. Nevin Barnard, tailor, wks Frank G. Wilkin, res 702 Warren, cor Cherry. 8. Nevins James, 1st sergeant police, res Cass, bet Genesee and German. 2. Newcombe George K., lawyer, office Washington, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Newcombe Miss F. E., sales-lady Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Newman Aaron, upholsterer, res e s Park, bet Millard and Thompson. 4. Newman David J., driver Am. Ex. Co., bds Tom Smith. One Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Newman John, wks Warner & Eastman. Newman Simeon D., elk T. D. Greggs, res Mackinaw, s Centre. 4 Newton Albert, elk, bds A. Birdsall. Newton Alfred W., elk, office F. & P. M. R. R., Washington, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Newton Edward S., foreman Wickes Bros, res w s Jefferson, bet Carroll and Miller. Newton Henry, sup't salt works, bds A. Birdsall. Newton James, barber, bds Isaac L. Wilson. NICODEMUS JACOB, music hall, n e cor Genesee and Cass, opp p office, res s s Genesee, bet Clay and Webster. 4. Nichodemus Peter, grocer, res William, cor Webster. 6. Nichol R. Grant, clerk, bds Clark Curtis. Nichol Charles, sawyer, bds Andrew Borden. Nichol R. Grant, elk, gen'l ticket office F. & P. M. R. R., bds Clark Curtis. Nichol William, shingle sawyer, res Third, bet Miller and Potter. 3. Nicholas Herbert G., book-keeper, bds Samuel H. Post. Nicholl -, book-keeper, bds C. M. Curtis. Nichols Daniel W., sawyer, J. S. Stevens, bds A. F. Sharick. Nichols Miss Eva, wks R. Vannorman. 200. E1ST SAGIXAW DIRECTORY. Nichols Lyman, machinist, bds L. Kreis. Nichols Mary, wks Anson Hobson. Nichols Miss Viola, Vannorman. Nichols William, teamster, res e s Ward, bet German Colony Road and Atwater. 9. Nicklas John, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Nickol Charles, sawyer, C. & E. Ten Eyck. Nickols Miss Nedie, cook, Tremont House. Nickols Miss Oley, home with Tremont House. -Nickol Wm., sawyer, C. & E. Ten Eyck. Niederstadt August, shoemaker, bds Jacob Ebel. Niederstadt John, grocer, n s Hoyt, bet Maple and Welles, res same. 3. Nieder Miss Trese, wks Stauber's Hotel. Niemann J. Frederick, porter, Shaw, Bullarcl & Co., res cor Janes and Beecher...ienstedt Henry, grocer, res w s Warren, bet Jackson and Fitzhugh. 5. Nies Frank R., propr Bancroft House barber shop, res Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. Niles George F., cook, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Noble Alexander, lab, res n Wash'n. 4. No Bant;erBing at ittle ake's. Noble Levi, and wife, lives with Gilbert N. Perry. Noble Joseph H., lumber inspector, office over 113 Genesee, res e s Webster, s of William. Nobles Robert, carpenter and joiner, bds Abram F. Sharick. Nochtweith Arnold, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Noel Boniface, painter, ress ss Merrill, bet Park and Webster. 8. Nolan Jeremiah, lab, bds Martin Manion. Nolan Michael, carpenter, bds Adam F. Sharick. Nolan Thomas, farmer, e s Water, bet Brady and McCoskry..3. NOLAN THOMAS, propr National Hotel, w s Mackinaw, n of n Miller. 3. Nolan William, carpenter, res e s Maple, s of McCoskry. 4. Nold John, Watrousville Plank. 4. Nolson John, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Nonveck Martin, lab, res s s Wadsworth, bet 10th and 11th. 8. Norcross Mrs. Berthia, home with I. B. Norcross. Norcross Fred. S., clk Bancroft House. Norcross Harry S., clk Tuscola House. NORCROSS HENRY W., propr Tuscola House, n e cor Franklin and Johnson. 3. NORCROSS ISRAEL B., propr Bancroft House, s w cor Genesee and Wash'n. 2. See advt. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 201 Noris Miss Catherine, home William J. Bartow. Normandin Edward, lab, bds A. Picard. Norris Mrs. Abbie, res e s Warren, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 2. Norris Charles M. (Wheat & Co.), res cor Mason and Washington. 1. Norris James H., piano tuner, bds Mrs. A. Norris. Norton James, lab, res s of Gallagher, bet Wash'n and Jeff'n. 2. Norton John W., bar-keeper, bds Henry Naegely. Norton John, lab, res s w cor Fitzhugh and Cass. 3. Northrup N.,gen'l frt agt F. & P. M.I. R., bds Bancroft House. Nourse John P., chief clk auditor's office F. & P. M. R. R., res Warren, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. NUMBERS EDWIN F., wood-turner, shop Hoyt's shop nr Mayflower Mills, bds cor Carroll and Wash'n. See advt. NUMENVILLE MAXIME W., (al) physician, office n w cor Genesee and Jeff'n, bds M. David, Lapeer. Nunnemacher Peter, lab, res n s Merrill, near Park. 3. Nussbaum David, salt boiler, res e s Little, bet Main and Nimons. 5. Nye Cain, teamster, res Ith, bet Kirk and Sears. 2. Nye Charles H., engineer Warner & Eastman, res 112 Hoyt, bet Wash'n and Water. 5. Goods Miarked in Plain Figures at I. & I. Koc & Cons. 0. Obenauer Emma, teacher, res cor 10th and Johnson. 8. Obenough Miss Dora, wks L. C. Wood. Obodine Burt, wks and bds 0. Obodine. Obodine Oakley, grocer, 216 n e cor Hoyt and Wash'n, res Hoyt. 2. O'Brien Charles, clk, M. O'Brien, bds Everett House. O'Brien C. J., book-keeper, Michael O'Brien. O'Brien Miss Elizabeth, chambermaid Bancroft House. O'Brien James, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. O'Brien James, lab, res w s 2d, n of Hartsuff. 4. O'Brien James, lab, res s s Hess, bet Miller and Little. 5. O'Brien (Wilson) Jennie, bds Crystal Palace. O'Brien John, wines and liquors, wholesale, Cass, nr Genesee. O'Brien Martin, fireman, J. S. Stevens. O'Brien. John, wks J. S. Stevens. O'Brien John, plumber, bds D. O. Donnell. O'Brien John, saloon, res w s Park, bet Millard and Thompson. 5. 26 202 EAST SAGINAW 'DIRECTORY. O'Brien Libby, chambermaid, Bancroft House. O'Brien Martin, fireman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds;Mathew Borland. O'BRIEN MICHAEL, dealer in wines, liquors and cigars, No. 303 south Cass, postoffice block. O'Brien and Millard (J. O'Brien and C. Millard), dealers in imported liquors, Franklin, bet Genesee and German. O'Brien Patrick, lab, res Sixth, bet Miller and Sears. O'Brien Simon, wiper, roundhouse F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mrs. B. Doyle. O'Brien Thomas, lab, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Benjamin Eaton. O'Brien Timothy, wiper, roundhouse F. & P. M. R. R., res e s Cornelia, near cor Martha. 9. O'Brien William, lab, res 4th, bet rink and Sears. O'Brien William H., raftsman, res n s Centre, w Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. O'Callaghan Patrick, painter, cor Norman and 3d. O'Connell Cornelius, lab, res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. O'Connell John, lab, res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 1. O'Connell Richard, lab, bds Mathew Borland. O'Connell Thomas, yard-man, F. & P. M. R. R., res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 4. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. O'Conner Miss Catherine, wks J. J. Wheeler. O'Connor John, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot, res 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 4. O'Connor Mary A., wks T. B. Spencer. Oddler Henry, lab, res w s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 3. ODEY J. W., barber, shop Genesee, cor Jeff'n, res Jeff'n. 2. Odish Thomas, sawyer, res cor 5th and Kirk. 4. O'Donnel Mrs. Ann, washer, res e s Webster, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 1. O'Donnell Elizabeth, home with Daniel Cassey. O'DONNEL JOHN, dry goods, groceries, provisions, crockery, hardware, opp Salina House, res Mackinaw, s of Main. D'Donnell Maurice, lab, res cor 5th and Sears. 2. O'Donnell Patrick A., lumberman, res e s Washington, a of n Miller. 2. O'Donnel Patrick, wks Wm. L. Webber. Officer Miss Sarah, wks mitten factory, bds Mrs. Sarah Officer, mother. Ogden -, captain, res s w cor Annesly and 1st. 5. Ogg Nelson, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. O'Gorman John, blacksmith, res 3d, No 824, bet Kirk and Sears. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 203 O'Grady James, lab, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 3. O'Grady Patrick, grocer, res cor 4th and Sears. Ohland Christ, lab, res e s 3d, bet German and Lapeer. 2. Ohland Frederick, bar-keeper, H. Heinland, res 3d, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Ohoro Frank, riverman, bds Garvin House. O'Keef Patrick (reg) physician, office White's blk, s Wash'n. Okes Thomas, riverman, res e s Miller, s of Centre. 6. Olland Frederick, lab, res 210 e s Rockwell, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Oland Henry, lab, res No. 1022 s s Lapeer, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Olland Joseph, lab, res w s 3d, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Oldfield Levi, wiper roundhouse,'F. & P. M. R. R. Oldenburg Miss Dora, wks L. C. Wood. Olds William, soap maker, res 618 Webster. 3. Olds William, & Co., dealers in soap, tallow, and potash, res No. 618 Webster, bet Chesnut and Cherry. 2. O'Leary Jeremiah, wiper, roundhouse, F. & P. M. R. R. O'Leary Henry, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. O'Lery Henry, lab, bds Jeremiah O'Lery. O'Lery Jeremiah, res 5th, bet Kirk and Norman. 3. Lumbermen's Supplies at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Oles Charles, saloon, res w s Rockwell, bet Carrol and Fitzhugh. 5. Olin Charles, wks Feige Bros. Oliver George, res n s Tuscola, bet 3d and 4th. Oliver Joshua W., lab, bds D. McIntyre. Oliver Jackson J., lab, res 921 n s Tuscola, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Oliver Thomas, police, res cor Tuscola and 3d. 4. O'Loughlin Martin, lab, res 6th, bet Miller and Sears. 2. Oltner Joseph, lab, res s s Eaton, bet Wash'n and Mackinaw. 3. Olmer George, lab, res s s German, bet Rockwell and 3d. 5. O'Miller John, car inspector, res cor Kirk and 6th. 1. O'Neal Edward, lab, res 414 e s 4th, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 3. O'Neil Edward, harness-maker, bds H. D. Bruce. O'Neil E. C., harness-maker, wks P. Yeaton & Co. O'Neal John, sawyer, res n s Linton, bet Washington and Mackinaw. 2. O'Neal Loui, clk, bds 501 Carroll. Oppermann Carl, harness-maker, shop Genesee, cor Webster, res same. 4. Oppermann Frederick, furrier, res w s Webster, bet Merrill and Mott. 8. Orett Joseph, res e s Eleventh, bet Carroll. 5. 204 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. O'Riley Charles, lab, bds Martin Manion. Ortmann Charles L., logs and lumberman, office over 113 Genesee, res Jefferson, bet Hayden and William.,Ortmann Charles, lab, bds Bohm and Miller. Ormsby Edwin, propr Ocean Wave, e s Franklin, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 2. Orvis Seymour, mechanic, bds William H. Race. Osborn Miss Alice, dressmaker, bds W. Paulson. Osborn John, capt tug "Nellie Cotton," res 314 e s Cass. 4. Osborn Martin C., boots and shoes, res 1122 Hoyt. 4. Oscar Joseph, sawyer, C. & E. Ten Eyck. Oscar J-, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Osker Joseph, lab, res n s Wadsworth, bet 10th and 11th. Osmen James, lab, bds J. Wilkes. Osmond Miss Caroline, lives with J. Cudley. O'Strander Alonzo, wks J. S. Stevens. Ostrandler Henry, res w s Clay, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Ostrander Alanso, lab, res 5th, bet Miller and Sears. 4. Otis Milton, carriage-trimmer W. S. Houghton. Otres -, carriage-trimmer, bds Albert McKee. See name above. *Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Otto Augusta, cigar manuf'r, 117 s Water, res same; will move. 2. Otto Augustus, clk W. Barrie. Otto Francis, cigar manuf'r, 117 s Water, res same. Otto Miss Gertrude, lives W. 0. Ashman. Ott C., wks Sears & Holland. Ott George, wks Sears & Holland. Ott William, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Oviat -, operator, P. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary Ward. Oven Charles, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Oven Chas., lab, res w s 8th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 2. Oven Fred, lab, res w s 8th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 3. Oven John, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Overton Jeremiah, carpenter, res e s Wash'n, bet McCoskry and Atwater. 5. OWEN & ALLEN (Henry Owen and Charles Allen), grocers, 506 Genesee, and 105 Jeffersod. Owen & Brewer (John G. Owen, A. P. Brewer), manufacturers and dealers in lumber, Owen's blk, s s Genesee, mill s, formerly McLean mill. Owen Henry (Owen & Allen), res Vassar plank, outside city limits. 2. Owen Edwin, carpenter, bds G. Davis. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 205 Owen Edward, cooper, bds I. Clark. Owen Henry, grocer, Robinson bik, bds W. Hutton. 2. Owens Henry Gardner, e s 2d, bet Cherry and Chesnut. 6. Owens Mrs. -, bds Mrs. Barbara Murdock. Owen John G., lumberman, res s e cor Welles and Phelon. 7. Owen John S., lumber merchant, bds A. Rust. 3. P. Packer James W., cigar peddler, res Genesee, junction Hoyt. 6. Packer Lorenzo D., dealer in cigars, res e s Genesee, opp Hoyt. 4. Packer Payne W., res e s Genesee, e end Hoyt. 3. Packard William, lab, Miller, bet 14th and 15th. 5. Padden Palmer, pile-driver, res s s Lapeer, bet Warren and Tuscola. 10. PADDOCK MRS. W. D., hair-dresser, cor German and Washington, up stairs. See advt. Paddock William D., carriage painter, W. S. Houghton, res cor German and Washington. 3. Padzer Daniel, carpenter, res Rockwell, bet Astor and Miller. 2 Fine Custom Work at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Page Augustus, res n s Tuscola, bet Franklin and Johnson. 4. Page George, porter Derby & Co. Piggott William G., chair-maker Feige Bros., res s s Warren, bet Cherry and Thompson. G. Paige Mrs. Carrie A., sales-lady Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Paige Miss E., sales-lady Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Palm Christopher, undertaker, res s s Lapeer, cor 3d. 5. PALM FREDERICK, furniture dealer, 512 Genesee, bet Jefferson and Warren, res cor Warren and Tuscola. 3. Palm Minnie, with C. Palm. Palmer Cyrus, tail sawyer Eaton, Potter & Co. Palmer Mrs. Emma, prop'r Welcome Home, e s Lapeer. Palmer Leonard, carpenter, res e s Water, bet German Colony Road and Bristol. 3. Panet Mrs. Catharine (wid), res 307 Janes. 3. Panitzsch Edward, glove-maker, res 507 Lapeer, bet Rockwell and 3d. 3. Paquette Charles, lab, bds A. Picard. Paquette Joseph, Grant House, res s w s Franklin, cor Astor. Paquette Samuel, lab, bds Joseph Paquette. Pariell George, lab, bds D. MacIntyre. Parke Amos S., blacksmith, res n e cor Welles and Remington. 4. 206 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Park Edward, tinsmith, res w s Webster, bet Chesnut and Cherry. 4. Park Edwin, wks gas-light office. Parke Amos S., blacksmith, shop 807 Water. Parke Christopher C., blacksmith, res w s Mackinaw, s of Douglas. 3. Parke Dexter, aged, lives H. Still. Parker Delos, wks and bds J. E. Sparrow. Parker, Miss Mary E., clk, Davis, Goldstone & Co., bds H. D. Bruce. Parker Teressa, wks American House. Parkhuss Jay C., elk, Clark & Ellis, dry goods, res s s Carrol, cor Water. 3. Parker Thomas, lab, res Miller, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Parks Mrs. Charlotte, housekeeper, Everett House. Parmenter Robert R., propr Young America saloon, cor Lapeer and Warren. 2. Parmer (Palmer) Siras, bds J. J. Hosmer. Parsons Abdiel C. (Parsons' Business College), bds Mrs. E. A. Smith. Little Jake & Co., "9 Boss" Clothiers of the State. Parsons Edwin M., P. M. at Terry station, also clk Terry, Seely & Co., res B. F. Seely, w s Washington, bet Hayden and Williams. Parsons Hiram (Parsons' Business College), bds Mrs. E. A. Smith. Parsons William, book-keeper (Mowbray & Richardson), brewery, res bet Mackinaw and Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 3. Partello Dwight, peanut-stand, bds Miss E. Welch. Parth Frances, bds with Horace Mason. Parth John, carpenter, bds Daniel Padzer. Partridge Ambrose, lab, res e s Little, s of Nimons. 5. Partridge Anson J., carpenter, res e s Bates, bet Elm and Emerson. 4. Partridge John B., clk and bds J. A. Putnam (& Co.) Partridge -, res s s Nimons, bet Mackinaw and Ballard. 2. Passage Andrew B., lumber inspector, res n e cor Brady and Washington. 3. Passage H. H., brakeman F. & P. M. R. R., bds William H. Race. Passmore Miner H., machinist, res w s Washington, bet Brady and McCoskry. 4. Passno Joseph, sawyer shipyard, res e s Maple, bet Martha and McCoskry. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 207 PASSOLT HENRY, soap chandler, factory s s McCoskry, w of Jeff'n, res adjacent. See advt. 9. Passolt Herman, bds Excelsior House. Patrick Louis, ship carpenter, bds Joseph Aslin. Patsky C., wks Sears & Holland. Patten James, ship carpenter, bds J. Clark. 3. Patterson Delon E., explorer of pine lands, res e Washington, bet Carroll and Miller. 5. Paters William, lab, bds Michael Connery. Paterson Oliver J., filer, res w s Cornelia, n Atwater. Patterson Miss Mary, wks D. R. Ring. Patterson Henry, machinist, res n s Brady, bet Water and Washington. 2. Patterson John, carpenter, res 6th, bet English and Norman. 2. Payne William, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Peacock HIenry B., res w s Mackinaw, s of Mill. 4. Pearson Alfred E., grocer, res 3d, bet Fitzhnugh and Johnson. Pearson George, lab, bds Garvin House. Peck Benjamin, teamster, C. & E. Ten Eyck, res s e cor Carroll and 6th. Elegant Clothing at 1. & H. Koch & Co's. PECK DANIEL G. (Peck & Co.), broker, res 311 4th. 2. Peck D. G., & Co. (D. G. Peck and G. E. Peck), loan brokers, office 100 e s Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. See advt. Peck George, manuf'r of square timber, res Janes, near Freedorm. 3. Peck George W., atty, res 707 Wash'n. 4. Pecken Joseph, lab, res w s 7th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. 7. Pecheck Joseph, lab, res n s Wadsworth, near R. R. 8. Peek Jermain A., carpenter, res s s Brady, bet Jefferson and Welles. 5. Peglay -Mrs., home with William H. Race. PeKevelur Augustus, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Pelon Mitchel, watchman, wks Jesse Hoyt. Pendell Bros. (Henry and Charles Pendell), grocers, 423 Genesee. Pendell Henry (Pendell Bros.), res Warren, bet Cherry and Thompson. 3. Pendell Henry, upholsterer, res n s Cherry, bet Webster and Warren. 3. Pendell Charles (Pendell Bros.), bds John W. Farrell. Pennder James, wks A. F. Bartlett, res e s Cornelia, bet Martha and McCoskry. 3. 208 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Pendergast Patrick, lab, res 7th, bet Kirk and Sears. 6. Pendergast Philip, lab, bds Oscar Hull. Pendew Henry H., furniture dealer, Washington. bet German and William, res Cherry, bet Webster and Warren. 3. Penfield Edward P. (E. P. & H. S. Penfield), dry goods, 104 Genesee, res e s Washington, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 4. Pennington S. Howard, auctioneer N. McAuliffe, bds Everett House. Penny A. K. & Son (A. K. Penny and C. K. Penny), dealers in hats, caps, furs, trunks and valises, No 302 Genesee, opp Everett House. Penny Aaron K. (A. K. Penny & Son), res cor Jefferson and Millard. 4. Penny Charles K. (A. K. Penny & Son), res cor Qass and Millard. Penny Joseph, lab, res cor 5th and Farwell. Penny John, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Perkinghom Christ., lab, res w s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 5. Pevber Edward, mason, bds A. Grohmann. Perkins B., sailor, res Cass, bet Genesee and German. 2. Perkins Daniel W., attorney-at-law, bds Mrs. J. L. Glynn. 2. Patronize te the"Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Perkins Mrs. David, home with W. Haines. Perkins Daniel W. (Perkins & Edget), res Cass, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 2. PERKINS & EDGET (D. W. and I. A.), attorneys-at-law, office No. 3 Penny blk, Genesee, cor Franklin. Perkins Edwin G., carpe'ter, resw s 9th, bet Miller and Carroll. 2. Perkins James, machinist, Merrill & Bacon. Perkins Joseph, teamster, bds Maggie Herbert, 501 Carroll. Perkins G. E., mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R. Perrin Thomas, lumberman, res n w cor Brady and Jeff'n. 5. Perry & Becker (Ebenezer W. Perry, Oliver C. Becker), auction, cigArs, and tobacco store,,128 s Wash'n, Becker rooms over store. 2. Perry Ebenezer W. (Perry & Becker), res cor Tuscola and Webster. Perry Miss Annie, home with William M. Gallagher. Pesick Martain, cigar maker, res w s 13th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. 6. Perry Edward, barber, G;. W.Dawson, res n s Tuscola, bet 8th and 9th. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 209 Perry Gilbert N., lumberman, res e s 11th, bet Wadsworth and Johnson. 6. Perry James W., painter, res Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 2. Perreault John, lab, bds A. Picard. Perry Robert, lumberman, bds American H-louse. Perry Samuel, wks Enterprise office. Perry Sirous, Iumberman, res 410 11th, bet Wadsworth and Johnson. Pfeil Frederick, engineer, Feige Bros., res e s Ist, bet Annesly and Chesnut. 3. Pflueger John N., clk, Morley Bros., res 401 Janes, cor 5th. 7. Phelon E. M., agent Oneida Salt & Lumber Co., ofice Smith's blk, Wash'n, bet German and Genesee. Phelps Frank E., wks Varieties, bds J. J. Reamer. Philbert Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Phillips Miss Alvirah, wks J. W. Hutton. Phillips Robert, dealer in fancy goods and millinery, res Webster, bet Millard and Thompson. Philip s S.W., blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. Perkins George.T., engineer, res e s Jefferson, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 5. Largest S~oek of Clothing at 1M. & H. Koch & Co's. -Perzl Caroline, wks F. Gillett. Peter James B., att'y, office city bldg, over P. 0., bds cor Maple and Welles, Mrs. M. B. Morse. Peters Charles H., pressman, res c s Gth, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Peters Henry, wks Feige Bros. Peters Joseph, wks F. & P. M. depot. Peters Miss Sedonia, home with Horace T. Slade. Peters William, mechanic, F. & P. M. depot. Petis William, lab, res Webster, bet German and William. 2. Peters William, res Watrousville Plank Road. 4. Peterson Carl, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Peterson Charles, cabinet-maker, res High, s of Walnut. 5. Peterson John, waiter Everett House. Peterson Olle, butcher, bds Averill House. Peterson Thomas, lab, bds John A. McMahon. Pettyplace Nelson A., lab, res w s Cornelia, near Atwater. 5. Pick Ignatz, clk Schott & Co., bds Stauber's Hotel. Pick Julius, salesman, bds Stanber's Hotel. PICARD ALFRED, prop'r People's Hotel, n e cor Miller and'Water. 5. 27 210 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Picard Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Pichenor J. P., asst supt Jesse Hoyt's mill,.cor Jefferson and Carroll. Pickard William H., lumberman, res cor Elm and Warren. 4. Pickett Joseph, riverman, bds J. S. Smith. Pickley William, lab, res Franklin, bet German and William. 3. Pickor Julia (wid), res 406 Maple. 5. Pierce Owen, drayman, res cor 5th and Miller. Pierce Miss Sarah E., home with John Quelch. Pierce William J., carpenter, bds J. H. Overton. Pierson Alfred F., grocer, cor 206 Washington. Pierson Allen F., grocer, Hovey blk, 206 n Wash'n, res w s 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 4. Pierson Harvey, wks James Gordon Cameron, res s e cor 5th and Johnson. 5. Pierson James, clerk, bds n w cor Jackson and Warren. 4. Pierson John, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Piert Edwin, lab, bds John A. McMahon. Pine Thomas, moulder, bds J. C. McQuillen. PINET ALFRED N., lumber inspector, office over 211 n Water, res cor 4th and Janes. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. PINET ADOLPH A., lumber inspector, office over 211 n Water. Pinney Hurlbert H., res n e cor Thompson and Genesee. 2. Pike William, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Piper George, blacksmith, W. Williamson, bds J. Ashman. Piper Royal R., blacksmith, res n 2d, bet Farwell and Kirk. Pirnie John, res Astor, bet Franklin and Wash'n. 4. Pitcher James, painter, wks Burt & Loomis. Pixley Thomas, sailor, bds Daniel Forrest. Poack Martin, shoemaker, bds Fred Brueck. Pocket Adeline, laundress, Everett House. Pockett Michael, wks Mowbray & Richardson, bds Joseph Wells. Polyquin George, ship carpenter, bds Joseph Aslin. Pomeroy Albert, bds J. Youmans. Pope Miss Barbary, wks P. H. Andrews. Pope Miss Margaret, wks 0. S. Thompson. Poppem Thomas, riverman, bds D. Chriscadan. Poquette Jeremiah, lab, res n s Miller, near cor Water. Poquette Joseph, blacksmith, res n s Miller, nr cor Water. 4. Posanski Mrs. Mary (wid), res s s William, bet Clay and Genesee. 2. Post Charles, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. 1. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 211 Post Daniel W., elk, res Washington, Sag. & St. Clair City R. R. crossing. 5. Post Daniel W., wks Alfred F. Piersons. Post George, cooper T. W. Stilwell, bds Maggie Hubert, cor Carroll and Wash'n. Post Samuel H., elk Mosher & Mickley, res e s Jefferson, cor William. Postel Joseph, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck. Postel Miss Kate, wks Rev. J. S. Goodman. Potter Dr. Henry C., secy and treas F. & P. M. R. R., res e s s Jefferson, bet Remington and German Colony road. 5. Potter Stinson B., lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Sears. Potvein Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Poulson Wallace, carpenter, res w s 6th, bet Janes and German. See Powelson. 4. Powell John, clk, A. B. Wood. Powell Ira E., carpenter, res over 128 s Wash'n. 3. Powers William, peddler, res n s Randolph, bet Jefferson and Washington. 6. Powelson Wallace, carpenter and joiner, wks DePew Bros., res 6th, cor Janes. See Poulson. 4. Lowest Prices at M.. & H. Koch & Co's. Powley Charles, saloon, 511 Genesee. 2. Planley Anthony, ship carpenter, bds J. R. Wilkin. Plues Sherman, engineer, res n s Carroll, bet 5th and 6th. 12. Plumb Frank, traveling agent, Taggett, Plumb & Co., bds Everett House. Plumb Mrs. Laura M. (wid Jefferson C. Plumb), bds H. S. Wilson, Warren. Plume John, teamster, res e s 4th, bet German and Janes. 7. Plume Wm., machinist, Wickes Bros. Plumet Henry, lab, res e s 7th, bet Wadsworth and Johnson. 5. Plumet Fred, lab, res e s 7th, bet Wadsworth and Johnson. 7. Plunket Richard, musician, bds Jefferson. Prall David I., undertaker, w s Jefferson, bet Genesee and German, res 301 Cherry, cor Webster. 3. Prall Delbert E., manager MEDICAL HALL, cor Washington and Mackinaw, opp Salina House. Pratt Homer, engineer, res w s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Miller. 2. Pratt Hosea A., lumber inspector, res w s Welles, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 4. Pratt Miss Jennie, lives with T. D. Mower. 212 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Pratt Scott, engineer, bds H. Pratt. Prendergast John, sawyer, res n s Mason, bet Cass and Franklin. 2. Prevost Charles, lab, bds Tremont House. Presser William H., " Saginaw Saw Works," saw agt and repairer, 124 n Water, Buckhout's blk, res n s Carroll, bet Warren and Rockwell. 6. Presser William H., merchant, res e s Franklin, bet Astor andl Jefferson. See name above. 6. Preston Edward, saw maker and repairer, shop cor Astor an d Washington, res 618 Washington, bet Astor and Miller. 5.. Preston Miss Elizabeth, home with Edward Preston. Preston William, surveyor, bds Tuscola House. Price Frederick C., lab, res 118 w s 5th, bet German and Lapeer. 5. Priess Christian, warehouseman, James Stewart & Co., bds Charles Bent'hein. Pries Henry, police officer, res w s 8th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 7. Primot John, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Pritchard Mrs. Harriet, wks Alexander House. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co'g. Proux Edward, lab, res cor Kirk and 3d. 3. Proux Henry, lab, bds Edward Proux. Pruta Joseph, porter Derby & Co. Pulver Mrs. Lydia (wid William Pulver), bds Isaac S. Allen. Pup Met., cabinet-maker, res w s Clay, bet German and Lapeer. 2. Putnam J. A. & Co. (J. A. Putnam, Charles K. Robinson), commission paper house dealers, e s n Water, Merchants' block. Putnam John A. (Putnam & Robinson), res n s Janes, cor 2d. 6. Putnam Miss May L., res cor Genesee and Washington. Q. Quinn John, sawyer J. S. Stevens. Qualmann Wm., wks Mayflowei Mills. Quinn Ephraim F., salesman Derby & Co., bds Mrs. Gates, Washington. Quackenbush Abner B., wks C. Leed, bds E. Leonard. Quackenbush James, cooper, bds Mary A. Fournier. Quackenbush Jesse H., lumberman, res n s Hess, e Mackinaw. 5, EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 213 Quackenbush J. J., supt, bds Bancroft House. Quackenbush Lewis W., cooper T. W. Stilwell, bds Wash'n, nr Astor. Quebeck -, lab, res n s Carroll. 8. Quelch John, lab, res cor Kirk and 3d. 3. Quick Abram R., lab, res n s Hess, e Mackinaw. 6. Quinn Barnabas, filer, bds Patrick Hourigan. Quinn James, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Quinn John, lab, res n w cor Thompson and Franklin. 5. Quinn John, sawyer, bds Andrew Borden. Quinn Thomas M., mechanic, F. & P. M. depot. Quinn -, clk, bds Mrs. M. Gates. Quinnin Lewis, root beer and pop manuf'r, res and manufactury, 1228 Genesee. 3. Quounce James, bds J. Ashman. R. Rabe Clem, lab, res s 9th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. 6. RACE WILLIAM H., prop'r Irving House, Potter, opp F. & P. M. R. R. depot. 4. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Racke Jacob (Peter and Jacob Racke), brewers, brewery and res s s Lapeer, cor Clay. 2. Rackstraw Alfred, watchmaker T. E. Daughty, bds Everett House. Rademacher Charles H., machinist Wickes Bros, res n e cor 3d and Carroll. 2. Rademacher Fred. W., machinist Wickes Bros., bds Charles H. Rademacher, res cor 3d and Carroll. Raders Hugh, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Racka Henry, lab, res German, bet 9th and 10th. 4. Raepke William, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Rainsborough Thomas, lab, res e s Little, s of Nimons. 5. Rakie A. W., book-keeper J. Stewart, bds Everett House. Rallis John, saloon, e s Mackinaw, n of postoffice. 9. Ralph Miss Anna M. (col), hair-dresser, room A, Hovey blk, n Washington. Ralston John C., soap-maker, Wm. Olds, res Cass, bet Genesee and German. 5. Rambo Elias, engineer, Eaton, Potter & Co., res s s of n Miller, s of King. 3. Rambo Peter, carpenter, res e s King, s of Eaton. 5. Ramger Gilbert, lab, res n s Cherry, w of Lincoln. 3. 214 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Ramger Mrs. Jane, wks F. Murray. Ramsey Alexander, boiler maker, T. Steele. Ramsey Andrew, machinist, res s s McCoskry, n Jefferson. 4. Ramsey Walter, bds William Bannerman. Ramsey William M., lab, bds William Bannerman. iRamsay William, coppersmith, F. & P. M. R. R. Ranaban Morris, appc Wickes Bros., bds parents, Miller. Randall Dempster, drayman, res w s Park, bet Chesnut and Cherry. 9. Randall George H., dealer in and repairer of salt kettles, res 503 Maple, cor of Emerson. 3. Randall James T., photographer, s w cor Cass and Genesee, res e s Warren, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 4. Randall John, lab, res e s Webster, bet Rust and Centre. 6. Randall Mrs. Mary (wid Henry), res w s Jefferson, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Randall Nicholas A., propr Valentine House, s s Randolph, e of Washington. 3. Randall Mrs. Sophronia A., lives with J. T. Randall. Randall William 0., carpenter, res n e cor 1st and Hartsuff. 4. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. RANKIIN AUSTIN L., detective and deputy sheriff, office over 317 Genesee, res 613 Jefferson, bet ioyt and William. See advt. Ransford Byron L. (Dillingham & Ransford), res over 128 s Washington, cor German. 3. Ravse Jacob, res e s 3d, bet German and Janes. 4. Raquet Jacob, brewery and saloon, Warren, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. See Raeke. 5. Rasaka Fred., merch't tailor, res 5 th, bet Genesee and Lapeer. 5 Rasted Charles, lab, F. & P. AM. R. R. Rathbun Charles, carpenter, res 6th, bet Kirk and Norman. 2. Rathborn Harvey, clk, bds Valentine House. Raupp Temodions, butcher, market and res e s 6th, bet German and Lapeer. 5. Ray Miss Louisa, home with John Lyons. Razin Morris, - - - Ray Thomas F., book-keeper AMorley Bros., res 311 Janes, cor 4th. 2. Raymond Francis, lab, res w s Little, s of Nimons. 4. Rayno William, lab, bds J. Armstrong. Raynolds Mrs. Mary, lives with Edmond Fitzgerald. Reach Charles, res Tuscola, bet Clay and 3d. 4. Reach Fred, lab, res e s 8th, bet Wadsworth and Johnson. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 215 Ready Charles, lab, res e s Welles, bet Brady and Mason. 5. Reading Mrs. Rachel, bds C. W. Witham. Ream J. I., wks Feige Bros. Reaume Daniel, clk Schott & Co., res 320 3d, bet German and Janes. 2. REAMER JOHN J., saloon and boarding house, w s Jefferson, bet German and Genesee. 4. Reamer John, lab, bds J. J. Reamer. Reamer Joseph, bds J. J. Reamer. Reardon Mrs. Elizabeth, res Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Reardon John, lab, res n Washington, bet 5th and 6th. 3. Reason Morris, book-keeper, bds D. O. Donnell. Reatna William, lab, res s s Johnson, near R. R. 3. Rebecoy Charles, bds Z. Storms. Rebick Wm., lab, res cor Johnson and llth. 3. Recine Lewis, lab, bds Mrs. M. Riordan. Rechenbach Henry, res Wadsworth, bet 10th and 11th. See Eschenbach's. 2. Rector William, lab, res e s 6th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Redfield Mrs. Julia (wid Richard Redfield), bds A. Ostrander. Clothing at Wholesale at 3. & H. Koch & Co's. Redmond Henry, lab, bds National House. Redman Lewis, brewery, res cor 4th and Fitzhugh. Redmond Aidan D., clk Mosher & Mickley, res w s Jefferson, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. Redson Mrs. Margaret (wid), res 810 Washington. 3. Redmond Thomas, lab, bds David Utley. Redmond Thomas, lab, res e s Little, n of NTimons. 6. Reed Charles H., day clk Bancroft House. Reed Miss Elizabeth, home with William Reed. Reed Mrs. Harriet, home with Peter Alger. Reed Miss Maggie, home with William Reed. Reed Mrs. Martha (wid), John Reed, home with Wm. Reed. Reed William, filer, res e s 5th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. Reed William, lab, bds Martin Manion. Reekie Andrew, book-keeper, James Stewart & Co., bds Everett House. Reichle Anthony, wagon-maker, res n w cor Jefferson and Carroll. 2. Reese David Q., wks "Enterprise" office. Reeves Charles (col), carpenter, res s w cor Miller and Rockwell. 2. Reeves D. B. & Co. (David B., D. E. and J. H. Reeves), books, stationery, and news dealer, 4@4 Genesee, ros 542 Warren, bet Millard and Thompson. 216 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Reid William, machinist, res s w cor Mason and Welles. 2. Reidel Miss Maggie, wks Farmers' Home. Reider Jacob, first cook Everett House. Reid William, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. Reid Cynthia, bds H. Patterson. Regan John, ship carpenter, res s s Rust, bet King and Water. 4. Regan John, wks Rose & Blankert. Regga Gustavus, mason, res s s Lapeer, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Reighauk Charles, lab, bds Joicham Sonnenberg. Reilly Anna, clk, bds with Mrs. Kate Conley. Reilly Elizabeth, lives with Mrs. Kate Conley. Reimkuskey Charles, lab, res e s Genesee, s of Annesly. Reimers William, merchant tailor, e s Cass, bet Genesee and Tuscola, res same. 5. Reimes Henry, carpenter, res w s High, s of Walnut. 3. Reimer William, tailor, res cor Webster and Johnson. 5. Reinig Miss Carrie, tailoress Little Jake & Co., bds parents. Reinig Miss Catherine, wks John Webster. Reinke Charles, clk, William Merckele, bds same. Reinke Louis, wks Mayflower mill. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Rekey Caroline, wks Frank iRossman. Rela Gottlieb, butcher, res n s Elm, near Maple. 4. Renahan Michael, helper Wickes Bros. Rennels Edward, lab, Port Huron, bds A. Dunlap. Renehan Michael, lab, res 610 s s Miller. 6. Rensler Miss Mary, home Michael Connery. Rentcheler Chris., helper Wickes Bros. Ressman Charles, lab, res s e cor Walnut and. Mumford. 5. Ressler Francis, fireman Jesse Hoyt, res cor Johnson and Rockwell. Reuther Gottleib, foreman Saginaw Zeitung, res cor Clay and German. Reutshler Christopher, saloon, cor Miller and 6th. 5. Reuica Miss Elizabeth, home with George Mickley. Rex Julius, joiner, res w s 1st, bet Annesly and IHartsuff. 6. Rexford Miss Alice, wks R. Vannorman. Reyno Abram, barber, shop Washington, bet Genesee and German, res Maple, No. 415. 4. Reyno Mrs. Martha (wid), res w s Wash'n, bet Hayden and Millard. 3. Rey John, wks J. Etheridge. Reynolds & Choate (Sylvanus J. Reynolds, Charles B. Choate), gen'l hardware, Derby blk, n Water. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 217 Reynolds S. J. (Reynolds & Choate), res cor Miller and Warren. Reynolds Thos., engineer, bds Saginaw Valley House, s Water. Rezin R. Morris, clk, A. F. Pierson, res Fitzhugh, bet n Washington and Franklin. Rezney Miss M., milliner, Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Reznor Hugh, railroad man, res cor 4th and Carroll. 4. Rhyndress Eli, lab, bds J. Viger. Rice Alexander G., sawyer, res 205 Hoyt. 2. Rice Charles D., baggageman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Everett House. Rice Charles R., lumberman, bds Tuscola House. Rice Daniel, lab, bds American House. Rice Henry H., gardner, res Washington, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Rice John, machinist, bds Mrs. M. Redson. Rice John, mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R. Rice Nathaniel B., physician, office and res n e cor of Johnson and Warren. 3. RICH Wm. T., JOB PRINTER, office over 128 s Washington, cor German, bds J. H. French, Elm, near Maple. See advt. Fashionable Tailoring at M. & 1B. Koch & Co's. Richards Francis, carpenter, bds Abram F. Sharick. Richards John W., cook, res 208 Cass, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 2. Richards John, lab, res s s Sherman, bet Mackinaw and Saginaw & St. Clair R. R. 4. Richardson Miss Bessie, wks H. R. Good. Richardson Charles, lab, res ---. 2. Richardson Daniel, draymen, res w s Wash'n, bet Emerson and Mason. 5. Richardson Edward, wks C. Lee. Richardson Eugene, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Richardson Ezra, lumberman, office with Eddy, Avery & Co., bds Sewell Avery. Richardson George H., local editor " Courier " office, bds Bancroft House. Richardson John M., lab, lab, res n s Elm, near Warren. 2. Richardson Lloyd 0., lumberman, res 921 Hoyt. 4. Riche Jeremiah, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Richel --, carpenter, res n e cor Carroll and Rockwell. 4. RICHLEY FREDERICK A., & Co., meat market, w s Genesee, cor Walnut, res same. See advt. 3. Richmond Jacob, grocer, s w cor Janes and Smith, res same. 4. 26 218 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Richmond Richard W., carpenter, res 4th, bet Kirk and Sears. 1. Rickabush Miss Rosa, wks C. Holland. Ricker George M., carpenter, res n w cor Lapeer and 6th. 4. Rickett Miss Elizabeth, wks O. Cunningham. Richardson Samuel, brewer, res Miller, cor Mackinaw. 7. Richardson Samuel L., carpenter, res n w cor Warren and Jackson. 4. Richardson William, machinist, Wickes Bros., res s s Carroll, bet 4th and 5th. 4. Riddell Thomas, lab, res e s Water, bet Bristol and German Colony road. Riedder Charles, musician, res n w cor Janes and 14th. 4. Rieder Jacob, cook, res w s Warren bet German Colony Road and Phelon. 5. Riegel Gustave, prop'r Bellevue Hall, German block, No 77, bet Warren and Webster. 1. Rifenbark Clark, lab, bds Valentine House. Riggen E. A., wks Sears & Holland. Riggs John G., lumberman, res e s Genesee, cor Walnut. 5. Riley John, mason, res e s 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 4. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Riley Miss Margaret, wks Scanlan House. Riley Patrick, lab, bds Scanlan House. Riley Joseph, carpenter, res cor Miller and 10th. 1. Riley William, painter, shop Robinson blk, cor Genesee and Jefferson, res c s Maple, bet Cornelia and Elm. 6. Rimus Charles, mason, res e s 8th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 4. Ring Dean R., policeman, res w s Webster, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Rimer Christ, lab, res 308 e s 4th, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 4. Riner Wm., res and saloon, e s 6th,bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 3. Riordan Mrs. Mary (wid), res n s Mason, bet Cass and Franklin. Riordan Thomas, bell-boy, Bancroft House. Ripley Henry C., res w s Wash'n, bet Hoyt and Emerson. 8. Ripley & Rose (Henry C. Ripley, Julius K. Rose), dealers in pine and farming lands, office Hoyt's new blk, cor Genesee and Washington. Rirdon James, lab, bds Henry Naegely. Ritter Charles, musician, res n w cor 14th and Janes. 4. Ritter Miss Mary, tailoress, bds D. R. Ring. Rivers Alice, res Genesee, near William. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 219 Rivet Peter, lab, res e s Wash'n, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 2. Roach John, lab, res e s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 2. Roads Andrew, carpenter, bds Terick Reuben. Robeir Albert, lab, bds National House. Robell Matthias, tinsmith, shop 625 Hoyt, res Welles, bet Hoyt and Thompson. 7. Robeneau Nancy, with T. O'Brien. Roberts Ashley, wks James I. Robinson. Roberts Egbert M., clk, Salina House. Roberts Frederick H., fireman, F. & P. M. R. R., res cor Kirk and 7th. Roberts John, pianist, bds Crystal Palace Saloon. Roberts John H., elk Peck & Co., bds Bellevue Hall. Roberts Joseph, lab, res 7th, bet Miller and Sears. 4. Roberts Nelson L., real estate agt, with H. H. Hoyt, Wisner blk, Genesee. Roberts Miss Minnie, home with George U. Mann. Roberts William, photographer, rooms over 317 Genesee, res, same. Roberts William W., carpenter F. & P. M. R. R., res cor Norman and 3d. 2. Nobby Suits at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Robertson Adam, lab, bds Martin Manion. Robertson John P., elk Gooding & Owen. Robertson Harry, wks Frank I. Curtis. Robinson -, operator, bds Washington. Robins Richard M., lab, res No 718 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 1. Robinson Charles A., lab, res e s Thayer, n of Morris. 5. Robinson Charles K. (J. A. Putnam & Co.), res n e cor Genesee and Thompson. 4. Robison George, musician, bds H. Williams. Robinson George, agent Lightning-rod Co., bds American House. Robinson George, agt Lightning-rod Co., bds Farmer's Home. Robinson Henry S., lumber inspector. Robinson Isaac, clk H. Bendit, bds Metropolitan Restaurant. Robinson James I., confectioner, 121 Washington, res 318 Washington. 6. Robinson John, lab, bds Henry Naegely. Robinson Jonathan, butcher, 117 Washington. 5. Robinson Moses, cooper, res n Washington, bet 6th and 8th. 1. Robinson Robert, clothes cleaner and dyer, res e s Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 4. 220 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Robinson William C., riverman, res s s Hess, bet Mackinaw and Bundy. 4. Roche Michael, blacksmith, res e s Water, bet Brady and McCoskry. 4. Roche Peter, merchant tailor, 312 Genesee, workshop over 413 Genesee, bds Rev. J. S. Goodman, cor Carroll and Jeff'n, 2.Roche Peter, tailor, wks Peter Roche. Rock Mrs. Delia (wid), w s Little, s of Nimons. 6. Rock T., lab, res e s Wash'n, bet Millard and Thompson. 6. Rocksbarry A., jeweler, bds Everett House. Rockward William, inspector, F. & P. M. R. R. Rockwith Frank A., physician, res cor Carroll and Rockwell. Roda Frederick, bds C. Tiberence. Roderick Anthony, lab, bds Mary A. Fournier. Roderick Moses, helper, Wickes Bros. Rodgers Miss Carrie -, bds Willow Tree saloon. Roeneke August, teamster, Mayflower mills, res e s Wash'n, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Rogers Eugene, bds J. Armstrong. Rogers Miss Hattie, lives J. W. Allen. Rogers Henry, lab, bds J. Armstrong. 3. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Rogers Henry C. (Fish & Rogers), dry goods, bds Mrs. Mary Gates. Rogers H. M., music and musical merchandise, White's blk, s Washington, near cor German. iRogers H. P., dealer in dry and fancy goods, res Washington, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. Rogers Moses, sailor, res s s Linton, bet Wash'n and Mackinaw. 6. Rogers Thomas, ship carpenter, res n s of Rust, bet Miller and King. 4. Rohda (Rhoda) Julius, wks Sears & Holland, bds Eccleston House. Rohl Frederick, lab, res cor n Washington and 6th. 5. Rohlof John, blacksmith, res s s Johnson, e s 11th. 6. Rohler Joseph, molder, wks Merrill & Bacon. Roman Andrew, wks Feige Bros. Roman Henry, wks Feige Bros., res e s 1st, bet Cherry and Walnut. 3. Romas John, wks Harvey & Coleman's livery. Roone Robert, lab, bds J. J. Reamer. -Roosavelt Sidney, book-keeper J. L. Hayden & Co., bds Everett House. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 221 Root Albertis M. (Root & Midler), res e s Washington, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 3. Root & Midler (Alburtis M. Root and Andrew J. Midler), wholesale wines, liquors and cigars, Burt blk, 131 n Water. Rootenbeck Henry, lab, res n s Lapeer, bet 14th and 15th. 4. Rorray Barnabas, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Rosa Miss Mary, --,.res Tuscola, bet Cass and Franklin. Rosaland Christopher, lives 1202 Rockwell, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Rose & Blankert (John Rose and Herman Blankert), meat market, w s Wash'n ave, bet Mackinaw and Randolph. Rose D. Forsyth, lumber merchant, office White's blk, s Wash'n, res w s Jefferson, bet Bristol and German Colony road. 8. Rose John, lab, bds J. Hayes. Rose Henry, lab, bds J. Hayes. Rose John, bds N. A. Randall. Rose John, lab, res w s High. 4. Rose John, butcher, bds Valentine House. Rose John D., lumber inspector, res 701 Webster, cor Hoyt. 3. Rose Julius K., bds Bancroft House. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite IBancroft House. Rose Mrs. Loretta (wid Augustus P.), photographer J. F. Randall, bds Mrs. J. L. Glenn. Rose Miss Rapherty, wks Charles V. DeLand. Rottmann Theodore, farmer, res German Colony Road. 11. Rouse Amos A., billiard saloon, w s Wash'n, w end of Randolph, res w s Wash'n, near Centre. Rouse Amos A., prop'r St. Nicholas Restaurant, s e cor Genesee and Wash'n, bds J. S. Rouse. ROUSE JONATHAN S., (al) physician, office Sykes blk, w end of s Wash'n, cor Mackinaw, res e s Miller, bet Center and William. 5. Rouff Miss Maggie, wks H. Melchers. ROW & HART (Daniel Row and Samuel Hart), harnessmakers and carriage-trimmers, 504 Genesee and 103 s Jefferson. See advt. Row John, lab, bds A. Picard. Row Joseph, lab, bds A. Picard. Row Daniel, harness-maker, res s e cor 7th and Johnson. 2. Rowley Samuel, lab, bds Tuscola House. Rowli Henry B., Italian physician, office over 411 Genesee, bds A. B. Johnson. Royce Curtis, clk J. J. McDonald. 222 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Roseland Charles, clk, res n s Carroll, bet 3d and Rockwell. 4. Rosenwig Peter, paper hanger. Rosnutt Peter, painter, res Carroll, foot of 12th. 4. Ross Alexander, wks Frank G. Wilkin. Ross Andrew, blacksmith, J. Gloff. Ross Benjamin B., physician, res 523 Jefferson, cor Thompson. 4. Ross George, lab, bds Henry Naegely. Ross George, carpenter, bds R Vannorman. Ross Robert, elk, J. W. Howry. Ross Walter I., warehouseman J. Stewart & Co., bds A. Ross. Ross William, carriage-maker, wks W. S. Houghton. Ross William, carpenter, bds Stauber's Hotel. Rossiter Albanus, wks at machinery, res w s Warren, near Martha. 2. Rossiter Thomas, lab, bds Tremont House. Rossman Frank (Little Jake & Co., see center line), res w s Clay, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 5. Rossman Samuel, lives with Frank Rossman. Rossman Theodore, shoemaker, shop and res n s Lapeer, bet Jeff'n and Warren. Little Jake & Co., " Boss" Clothiers of the State. Rudd Albert J., teamster, res w s 2d, Duncan's add, near cor Hartsuff. 5. Rudd Anso, age 84, res e s 6th, bet German and Lapeer. Rudd Bryant, drayman, res e s 6th, bet German and Lapeer. 4. Rudd Miss Delia, wks Moses Huger. Ruble Gottlieb, butcher L. Mall, res 618 Thompson. 4. RuluffFrederick, lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Cherry and Walnut. 4. Ruloff John, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Rulland William, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. RUMP FREDERICK, cooper, shop e s Rockwell, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson, res same. See advt. 5. Runnenberg Herman, clk Stauber's Hotel. Rupp John J., clk office F. & P. M., Wash'n, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Rusaw Alexander, lab, res two sts w Mackinaw, s of Nimons. 4. Rusman Charley, lab, res Walnut, e Genesee. 5. Russ Simon, lab, res e s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 4. Russel Delbert A., bds T. Sadlier. Russell Anson H., conductor, Canada Southern, res 7th, bet Kirk and Sears. 5. Russell J. V., & Co., saw mill and salt blk, w of Saginaw & St. Clair R. R., s of Main, employs about 30 men. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 223 Russell Luther, lumberman's cook, bds 501 Carroll. Russell Mrs. Isaac (wid), res e s Mackinaw, s of Hess. 4. Rust Aloney, lumber merchant, res w s Jefferson, bet Brady and McCoskry. 5. Rust Asahel, teamster, res e s Miller, s of Hess. 6. Rust Brown & Co., salt block, w s Saginaw City & St. Clair R. R., nr Mowbray's brewery. Rust D. W., & Co., ship builders, yard foot of Centre, w s Saginaw & St. Clair R. R., 60 men employed. Rust David W., lumberman, res n w cor Thompson and Jefferson. 6. Ryan Daniel, wks Warner & Eastman. Ryan James, bds Mrs. M. Riordon. Ryan James, lab, bds Patrick Hourigan. Ryan John, drayman, res e s Cornelia, bet Bristol and Atwater. 2. Ryan John, salt boiler, res n Miller, w Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 6. Ryan John, contractor, res e s 5th, bet German and Janes. 8. Ryan Miss Kitty, wks John D. Chisholm. Ryan Miss Maggie, wks Hiram C. Farrand. Special Department for Boys' Clothing at Koch & Co's, Ryan Michael, bds Martin Manion. Ryan Michael, cooper, res Wash'n st. grove. 3. Ryan Patrick, plasterer, bds Martin Manion. Ryan Thomas, lab, bds Daniel Forrest. S. Saager John, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Sabine William, lab, bds Bechtel's hotel. Sabwell Charles, cooper, lives with Frederick Rump. Sackett William H., lab, res n s Randolph, e Washington. 4. Sadbelt Miss Mary, chambermaid Everett House. Sadlier George, harness-maker, wks P. Yeaton & Co. Sadlier Thomas, boarding house, res s e cor Hayden and Wash'n. 8. Safford Norman D., ice box manuf'r, res 309 1st. 2. Sager Adam, lab, bds Daniel Cummings. Sager Adam, teamster Jesse Hoyt's planing mill. Sager Charles P., sailor, res Mackinaw, cor Gallagher. 5. Sager Frederick, engineer, res w s 7th, bet German and Lapeer. 5. Sager Kittie, wks W. Hutton. Sager Mrs. Margaret, home with Thomas Sager. 224 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Sager Thomas, scaler, res 6th. Sager Thomas, lab, res cor Kirk and 6th. 2. Sagerdahl William, lab, F. & P. M. R. R. Saginaw Zeitung Company, office over 309 Genesee; Constantine Beierle, editor; Wm. Burgermeister, agt. Sago Miss Mary, wks A. Gifford. Sago Miss Sarah, wks with S. A. Clark. Sahaskey Francis, lab, bds John Webster. SAMIONS BARNABAS (Barney), saloon, n s Genesee, bet Cass and Jefferson, res Lapeer, cor Clay. 5. Sanborn George C., lumberman, res e s Jefferson, bet Hayden and Millard. 4. Sancho Frederick, grocer, res w s 5th, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 6. Sanders Mrs. Caroline (wid), res w s Mackinaw, s of city limits. 8. Sanders Charles, lab, res s s William. 5. Sanderson Joseph, foreman S. Barclay, bds American House. Sane S., painter, F. & P. M. R. R. depot. Sanford Anson A., conductor, F. & P. M. R. R., res 7th, bet Miller and Sears. 5. Patronize the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Sanford Annie, cook, Miss E. Hunter. Sandof Charles, boot and shoe store, cor Washington, bet German and William. 1. Sanford George 0., breakman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Anson A. Sanford. Sandhofe Charles, shoemaker, res 122 4th. 3. Sandy Paul, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Sansanburg Andrew, lab, res High, s of Walnut. 4. Sarber William H., physician, bds Averill House, Potter. 3. Sarttal John, lab, res 418 Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 5. Sasseter, H., mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Sasser Amul, machinist, res s w cor Mason and Welles. 2. Saunders Edwin, carpenter, res w s 5th, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. Saunders Edwin, elk, office F. & P. M. R. R., Washington, bet Johnson and Tnscola. Saanders Edwin, wks F. & P. M. land office, res 416 Jefferson. 6. Saunders George, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Saunders George, engineer, res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 2. Saunders Hannah E., home with A. M. Campbell. Saunders William E. (Estabrook & Saunders), 127 s Washington, res 417 Washington. 3. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 225 Sank J., fireman, Sears & Holland. Sautter Philip, cabinet-maker, res Clay, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 5. Savage Henry lab, res 6th, bet English and Norman. SAVAGE PETER R., saloon and lunch room, e s s Water, bet German and Genesee. 2. Savage Spencer E., carpenter, res e s 2d, bet Chestnut and Walnut. 6. Savage Thomas, wks J. S. Stevens. Sawer Emil, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. Sawtell Alvin, bds C. E. Freeman. Sawtell Eugene, lab, res Franklin, bet German and William. 2 Sawyer -, lab, works Jesse Hoyt. Sawyer Miss Lilian, clerk, bds W. S. Houghton. Saxton Urana B., wks M. E. Burton. Saylor Thomas, lumberman, res 614 Washington. 5. Sayo William, lab, res Annesly, nr limit east. 5. Scallan Michael, lumberman, res e s Park, bet Hoyt and Chesnut. 2. SCANLAN JOHN, propr Scanlan House, s e cor Water and Thompson. 3. Trunks for Ladies and Gentlemen at Koch & Co's. Schade Fred., harness manuf'r, 413 Genesee, res 113 3d, bet German and Lapeer. 6. Schafer Frank, barber P. Heller, res 616 Lapeer. Schafer George, wks R. West, res n e cor 4th and German. 5. Schank James, wks J. S. Estabrook, res e s Washington ave, near Saginaw & St. Clair R. R. 3. Schanoff Frederick, lab, res a of town line, bet Washington and Jefferson. 6. Scheerer Miss Crissie, wks mitten factory, bds Panitzsch, Lapeer. Schefold Frank, carpenter, res 1501 Johnson, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Scheitlerger John, carpenter, res No 113 e s 4th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 3. Schenk George, carpenter, res 913 n s Johnson, bet 3d and 4th. 7. Schenck W., wks "Enterprise" office. Scheurmann Albert, dry goods clk, res n e cor Chesnut and Park. 7. Schrepfermann Frank, lumber inspector, bds Stauber's Hotel, Schrepferman Mrs. Jane (wid), res 218 Maple. Scheurmann Christ, wks and bds P. Zellner. Scheunmann Henry, lab, res w s Little, s of Nimons. 3. 29 226 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Schiling Mrs. Lucilia, washerwoman, res e s Franklin, bet Carroll and Miller. 2. Schillo Edward, wks A. T. Parke. Schirmer Albert, clk J. R. Livingston, res cor Chesnut and Park. Schleger Augustus, lab, res n of Gallagher, bet Jefferson and Washington. 5. Schlatterer Christ, riverman, res German, bet Clay and Genesee. 5. Sch]lind H., works C. Lee. Schleger William, lab, bds A. Schleger. Schmelzer Mrs. Caroline (wid), chair caner, room over 211 Lapeer. Schmelzer Nicholas, grocer, liquors, etc., 1113 s Water, bet Atwater and McCoskry, res s e cor McCoskry and Washington. 6. Schmidt Henry (Schmidt & Moye), res 3d, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. Schmidt John, harness-maker, Rockwell, opp Genesee, res same. 3. Schmidtz Fred., works C. Lee. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Schmidt Lorenz, lab, res No. 1301, n e cor 11th and Lapeer. 4 Schmitz Michael, potash manufacturer, res n s Lapeer, bet 8thand 9th. 10. Schmidt & Moye (Henry & Albert A.), butchers, 521 Lapeer. Schmidt William, porter, Stauber's Hotel. Schmidt W. A., carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Schmidt Paul, druggist, cor 4th and Lapeer. 3. Schnapp Andrew, tailor, K. Zeigin, bds Salina House. Schnug Louis, cabinet maker, wks Weinecke & Bro. Schneider Anna, wks J. Narreter. Schobz Herman, beer hall, res and hall cor 3d and Tuscola. 3. Schock W., wks " Enterprise" office. Schoelke August, tailor, W. Reimers, res 4th, bet Earl and Fitzhugh. 3. Scholtz Otto R., clothier, e s n Water, res 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. Scholke Augustus, tailor, res c s 4th, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 5. Schott & Co. (Max Schott, Samuel Schott), clothiers, 101 Genesee, cor Water, and 207 Genesee. EAST SA GINAW DIRECTORY. 227 Schott Max (Schott & Co.), res Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Schott Samuel (Schott & Co.), res over store. 2. Scharton Frederick, lab, res e s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 5. Schartow William, salesman, Little Jake & Co., bds parents. Schoudt Miss Minnie, wks J. C. Hubinger, w s Genesee, n s Walnut, vacant. Schrader -, lab, wks Feige & Bros. Schram Charles, grocer, res e s Cass, bet Tuscola and Johnson. 6. Schramm Charles, carpenter, bds William Schramm. Schramm Christian, grocer, res Webster, bet Lapeer and Genesee. Schramm Wm., 2d packer Mayflower Mills, res w s 8th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 2. Schramm Fritz, lab, res w s Beecher, bet Cherry and Janes. 5. Schrepfermann Frank, lumber inspector, office over 211 n Water, bds F. Miller, s Water. Schroeder John J., shoemaker, bds Jacob Ebel. Schrener Ferdinand, res w s 5th, near Janes. 2. Lowest Prices at N. & H. Koch & Co's. Schubert John, lab, res 935 Janes. 3. Schuler Charles, tailor, res n s Chesnut, bet Genesee and Park. 2. Schuler John, wks R. West, bds same. Schultheiss Peter, printer, " Saginaw Zeitung, " bLs John C. Fritz, Webster. Schultz John, blacksmith, res 202 cor Cass and Tuscola. 4. Schulte Charles, clerk, res 301, w s Welles, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 6. Schulte John, lab, res 9th, bet East Astor and Miller. Schultz Charles, lab, res s s Janes, bet 1st and 2d. 8. Schultz John, blacksmith, shop 206 e s Cass, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Schultz Joseph A. T., porter Reynolds & Choate, res Fitzhugh, near 3d. Schultheic Peter, bds J. C. Fritz. Schulz William, lab, bds Henry Naegely. Schumann Adam, lab, res s end Douglas. 3. Schuman A., lab, bds Mathias Kipfmueller.,SCHUIJANN & BROS. (I. Schumann, E. Schumann, and C. Schumann), dealers in groceries and crockery, No. 511 Genesee, and 112 Lapeer, Steele's Central Block. 228 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Schumann Charles, grocer, res w s 1st, bet Cherry and Walnut. 3. Schumann Edward (Schumann Bros.), bds Mrs. Matilda Schumann. Schumann Mrs. Matilda (wid), res w s Webster, bet Chesnut and Cherry. 2. Schumann Theodore, grocer, res n s Tuscola, bet Franklin and Cass. 2. Schupp August, res w s Wash'n, bet Atwater and McCoskry. 7. Schuster Miss Ellen, sales lady, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Schutt Miss Sophia, home Robert Boyd. Schuyler William H., book-keeper, Merchants' National Bank, bds Everett House, Scoch Charles, res s s Johnson, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Scoel Miss Minnie, wks Fred Goldsmith. Scott John, lab, bds Farmer's Home. Scott Miss Julia, home with Jacob Witz. Scott Wm., carpet weaver, res n w cor Johnson and 5th. 2. Scott Richard, lab, bds Charles Post. Scott William, lab, bds John J. Reamer. Screbner Ambro, lab, bds Mary A. Fournier. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Scribner Case, lab, bds Mary A. Fournier. Scribner Thomas, lab, res s of Gallagher, bet Washington and Jefferson. 5. Sculley William, blacksmith, res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 3. Schwan Conrad, butcher, res e s Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Schwannecke Miss Anna,tailoress Little Jake & Co.,bds parents Schwannecke Miss Louisa, tailoress Little Jake & Co., bds parents. Schwartz Miss Mary, wks Stauber's Hotel. Schwarga Henry, sawyer, res w s High. 7. Schwenk Miss Christena, dealer in fancy and millinery goods, No. 414 Genesee, res Johnson, bet 3d and 4th. Schwenk Miss Emma, sales-ladywith Miss Christena Schwenk. Schwenk Miss Julia, sales-lady wks with Miss Christena Schwenk. Schwertc Henry, cabinet-maker, res Washington, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Schwenk George, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Segar Charles, speculator, res s e cor Mackinaw and Gallagher. 4. Seabold Frederick, dock wolloper, res as Walnut, s end Lincoln. 8. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 229 Seager Charles, res s e cor Centre and Wash'n ave. 3. Seaman Miss Mary, wks J. E. Sparrow. Seam Wm., lab, res w s 5th, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 2. Seaple Joseph, mason, res e s Genesee, s of Hartsuff. 3. Sears Benjamin A., clerk and lboards W. S. Downing. Sears Frank P. (Sears & Holland), lumberman, res Washington ave grove. 7. Sears Francis P., printer, "Courier" office. Sears George, sawyer, bds Valentine House. Sears & Holland (Franklin P. Sears, East Sag., and Nelson Holland of Buffalo), manuf'rs of lumber, salt, and lath, staves and heading, office and mill n w cor Atwater and Water. Sears William, carpenter, bds Everett House. Sears William B., chief engineer F. &. P. M. 1. R., office Washington, bet Johnston and Tuscola, bds Everett House. Sebastian Joseph, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck. Sebastian L., wks C. & E. TenEyck. Seeba Mrs. Margaret, wid, res w s Webster, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Seeger George, lab, res n s Lapeer, bet 7th and 8th. 8. Seely Benjamin F. (Terry, Seely & Co.), res w s Wash'n, bet Hayden and William. 2. Seemann Joseph, foreman " Courier" job printing office, res w s Webster, bet William and Millard. 2. Seery Michael, hackman, stable Franklin, bet Johnson and Tuscola, res w s Webster, bet Lapeer and German. 3. Seesholtey George C., lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Cherry and Janes. 5. SELIGMAN JACOB (Little Jake & Co.), bds Everett House. See centre lines. Servage Miss Minnie, home William 0. Sutherland. Seterlee Edward, printer, " Courier" office. Sewer Fred., teamster, res cor Wadsworth and 12th. 4. Seymour George W., lab, bds Joseph H. Seymour. Seymour Joseph, foreman, Derby's kiln, res 5th, bet Miller and Sears. 4. Seymour Mrs. Mary J. (wid Samuel Seymour), res 14th, bet East Astor and Miller. 6. Shaw Mrs. Mary, bds A. F. Dixon, 613 Thompson, cor Maple. Shaw Robert, traveling auditor, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Everett House. 230 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Shaw Thomas, stave dealer, res s e cor Annesly and Genesee. 5. Shaw Thomas, stave and wood dealer, office 210 n Water. Shaw Thomas B., mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R. Shaw Percival M., commission merchant, 619 Washington. 5. Shaw Warren, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Shaefer Frank, barber, res No. 616 s s Lapeer, bet 3d and 4th. 5. Shafer Albert, lab, res Little, s Hess. 5. Shafer George, butcher, res e s 4th, cor German. 5. Shamcuskie Peter, harness maker, wks for Hovey, res cor Langlass and Lapeer. Shank Wallace, waiter, Bancroft House. Shannon Miss Martha, wks A. Rust. Shannon Robert, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Sharp Alexander, fireman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Mary A. Fournier. Sharp Wilbur F., steamboat clk, res w s Webster, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 5. SHARICK ABRAM F., National Hotel, Potter street, bet Franklin and Jefferson. Sharick Miss Susan M., home with Abram F. Sharick. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Shaver Nicolas, scaler, bds John McMahon. SHAW & MACOMBER (L. D. B. Shaw and D. D. Macomber), photographers, rooms No 316 Genesee. Shaw Albert, lab, res e s 11th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. Shaw, Bullard & Co. (Charles F. Shaw, Frederick P. Shaw, and Job L. Shaw), wholesale grocers, Fisher blk, n Water, C. F. Shaw res cor Jeff'n and Hayden, the others,res New Bedford, Mass. Shaw Charles F., res n w cor Jefferson and Hayden. 2. Shaw Charles H., res s s William, bet Clay and Genesee. 2. Shaw Chester J., clk W. Barie. Shaw Elijah, ship carpenter, res 214 s s Walnut, head of 2d. 4. Shaw Humphrey, res s w cor Clay and Webster. 3. Shaw Joseph E., bds Bancroft House. Shaw Lorenzo D. B., photographer, res No 316 Genesee. Shaw, clk, bds Mrs. M. Gates. Shaw Mrs. -, res n s Johnson, bet Cass and Jefferson. Shaw -, tinsmith, res 117 n s Tuscola, bet Webster. Shea Mrs. Ellen (wid Edward Shea), res Sears, bet 4th and 5th. 4. S harrow George, ship carpenter, bds J. Viger. Shea John, molder, Merrill & Bacon. Shea Michael, lab, bds Scanlan House. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 231 Shea John, molder, res e s Water, bet Brady and McCoskry. 4. Shearer Goodfried, lab, bds John Webster. Sheehy John, carpenter, res 1128 Hoyt. 5. Sheehye James, lab, res s s Merrill, e of Park. 2. Sheffield Henry (col'd), carpenter, bds L. Derby. Shelah Edward, blacksmith, A. S. Parke, bds same. Sheldon Thomas P., banker (East Saginaw Bank), res se cor Jefferson and William. Sheldon T., rooms Hovey bik, cor Tuscola and n Washington. Sheney Horace H., gunsmith, e s Jefferson, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 3. Sheridan Thomas, carpenter, res 614 Washington. 6. Sherman Annie, bds Miss E. Hunter. Sherman Charles A., building mover, res n w cor Merrill and Park. 6. Sherriff Alfred, clk, bds 501 Carroll. Sherriff Frederick, clerk, Simpson, Barber & Co., bds Mrs. Herbert, cor Carroll and Washington. Sherwin John, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Sherwin Mrs. Sarah (wid Jonathan), lives with Levi Linaburg. 2. Gentlemen's Outfits at u1'. & H. Koch & Co's. Shepard Samuel J., cooper, res s side Linton, bet Mackinaw and Washington. 5. Shevanix Francis, lab, res 8th, bet Miller and Sears. 3. Shewart Alexander, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Shuter William, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Shutt Frederick, lab, res 742, Lincoln. 5. Shwanecke Albert, lab, res Potter, bet Rockwell and Warren. 4. Shulte Francis, lab, bds A. Dunlap. Shulte John, lab, bds Bohm & Miller. Shultz Charles, lab, bds Joseph Gliickert, Shurley Thomas, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Shurtleff Augustus M., civil engineer, with E. F. Guild, bds D. O. Donnell. Shuster Miss Lillie A., lives with J. F. Frey. Shute Charles, lab, res 4th, bet Miller & Sears. Shute John, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. Shop Machim, lab, wks F. & P. M. depot. SHOREY HENRY, saloon, w s Wash'n ave, bet Mackinaw and Randolph, res opp saloon. 3. Shott John, brewer, lives with Frederick Ziegner. Shott Max (M. Schott & Co.), res Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 232 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Shrada Charles, deputy sheriff, res e s 3d, near Walnut. 6. Shrodar Frederick, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Shubert John, res n s Janes, bet 13 th and 14th. 3. Shoalts Charles, book-binder, wks Albert Frey. Shoalts John, lab, res w s 12th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. Shoalts John, lab, bds Heinrich Sonnenberg, Shoalts Thomas, lab, res 5th, bet Kirk and Norman. 4. Shoen Frederick, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Sholtz Robert, lab, res cor 3d and Fitzhugh. Sholts Orton, clothier, res e s 3d, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 3. Sholtz John C., lab, res 208 Rockwell, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Shonsay Patrick, engineer, bds William O'Brien. Shilley George, waiter, Bancroft House. Shinskie Joseph, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Shinskies Mrs. Magdalena, res s s Lapeer, bet 13th and 14th. 5. Shinskie John, coppersmith, F. & P. M. R. R. Shirerer Christ, lab, res 528, cor Miller and 4th. 5. Shirley Mrs. Lucy, lives M. Townsend. Shirt Frederick, wks Warner & Eastman. Shivers Annie, home J. J. Reamer. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Shlonde Charles, cabinet maker, bds William Petis. Sicking John, yardman, F. & P. M. R. R. Sickles Ida, -- bds Ocean Wave. Sickner David, lab, bds Tremont I-ouse. SIEGEL JOHN F., Golden Star Eating House, h s Genesee, opp Bellevue Hall. Siegfred Davis & Co. (Davis Siegfred, Edward Goldstone, and Robert Phillips), dealers in millinery and fancy goods. Siegel John, upholsterer, bds Water st. Siegle Frederick, bds Excelsior House. Sievers John, lab, bds National House. South Saginaw. Siglin William, wks Sears & Holland. Sikes Arnold P., insurance agent (Hugh & Sikes), res w s Genesee, bet Cherry and Chesnut. 5. Silk Charles, waiter, Bancroft House. Sill Melvine M., watchmaker (D. R. Brown & Co., jewelry store), res s s William, bet Webster and Warren. 3. Silsbee Wesley, clk, Pendell Bros., bds Henry Pendell. Silven Charles, res w s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 3. Simmons Mrs. W. F., home with Elija Barnes. Simon Casper, agent Victor Sewing Machine, res e s 14th, bet Janes and Lapeer. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 233 Simon Martin, plumber, bds D. O. Donnell. Simonean Leander, druggist, 212 Genesee, bet Wash'n and Franklin, resn w cor Webster and William. 5. Simons Henry, lab, res n s Hess, bet Bundy and Mackinaw. 3. Simons Thomas, wks J. S. Stevens. Simons Thomas, mechanic, bds Tremont House. Simpson, Barber & Co. (L. W. Simpson, E. J. Barber, James H. Tolfree), grocers, 317 Genesee, bet Cass and Franklin. Simpson Charles, carpen ter, res 3d, bet Farwell and Norman. 2. Simpson Clay, engineer F. & P. M. R. R., bds Charles Anderson. Simpson George, fireman J. S. Stevens. Simpson Henry, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Simpson James, Jr., wks Mowbray & Richardson, res n e cor King and Little. 5. Simpson John T., stationary engineer, res e s Ballard, bet Gillmore and Nimons. 3. Simpson Levi W. (Tolfree & Simpson), s e cor Washington and Fitzhugh. 3. Sizland Wilson, bricklayer, bds Joseph Wilson. Singleton John A., lumber inspector, office at 213 n Water, bds Mrs. F. Wright. Workingmen's Outfits at M. & H. Koch & Co'y. Sisler Charles, lab, res e s HIigh, s of Walnut. 2. Skillen William H., lab, res e s Genesee, cor Hartsuff. 2. Skinner George, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Slack Mary E., bds Mrs. A. Dobson. Slack Robert, teamster, res n Washington, bet 6th and 7th. Slade Horace F., book-keeper S. H. Webster, res 201 Jefferson, cor German. 8. Slade Lewis A., clk Simpson, Barber & Co., bds H. T. Slade, cor German and Jefferson. Slapsky Joseph, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. Slaryl Joseph, blacksmith, bds Albert McKee. Sleister Isaac, peddler, res e s 3d, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 5. Slesinger Victor, manager HI. Hoffman & Co., res Warren, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. Sliter Miss Elizabeth, with A. S. Montgomery, res n e cor Washington and Johnson. Sloane John, -, bds Ebel Hotel. Soyer Miss Lilla, sales lady H. C. A. Gibbs. Soyer George A. (George A. Soyer & Co.), wholesale liquor dealer, e s Warren, bet Hoyt and Cherry. 6. Soyer & Co. (George A. and Zenas Swett), dealers in cigars and liquors, 105 s Washington, bet German and Genesee. 30 234: 2EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Sowvav Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Sovey Richard, lumberman, res e s Mackinaw, n of Mill. 5. Sovey Alexander, lab, res river bank, e end Mackinaw street bridge. 2. Sowvay Napoleon, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Souertak John, lab, res n w cor Lapeer and 10th. 2. Southwick William H., lumber inspector, res 705 Janes. 2. Southwell Martin L., carpenter, e s Franklin, bet Astor and Miller. 1. Sosh Thomas, lab, bds Thomas W. Smith. Soper William, carpenter, res s w cor Hess and Little. 3. Sonsmit Charles, lab, res cor 4th and Johnson. 7. Sonners Isidore, wks E. Saginaw Manufg Co. Sonner Miss Hannah L., home with Peter M. MacNoah. Sonner Miss Gracie, home with Thomas J. Hatswell. Sonnenberg Joicham, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. 2. Sonnenberg, Heinrich, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. Sonnenberg Charles, lab, res e s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Sonar Isadore, carpenter, res n s Lapeer, bet 11th and 12th. 7. Interview the "Boss," Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Sommer John, engineer, res e s Rockwell, bet Lapeer and German. 7. Somerr John, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. Somers James, blacksmith, F. & P. M. R. R. Solomon Christopher, lab, res cor Lapeer and 7th. 7. Solo Mateo, lab, bds Henry Naegely. Solmas Miss Augusta, lives W. Burgemeister. Soley M., lab, bds Warren Merritt. Soir Frederick, lab, res s w cor 2d and German. 5. Sobey William, salesman, Derby & Co. Sobey William, clk, bds 501 Carroll. SOPER ALFRED H., painter, res 313 Emerson, bet Cass and Franklin. See advt. 5. Snider George, lab, bds American House. Snider Peter, wks C. Wenks. Snow William, wks J. McKinnon, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Snowden Miss Esther, wks Abram Reyno. Snowden John, lab, res s s Emerson, near Webster. 7. Snover James, lab, res n s Eaton, w Washington. 3. Snyder J. Augustus, railroad constructor, F. & P. M. R. R., rooms 3 Hovey blk. Snyder John W., book-keeper, rooms Hovey blk, n Wash'n. Smalles James, lab, bds Farmers' Home. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 235 Smalley William, --, bds Mrs. H. S. Elseffer. Smart Alexander, butcher, bds George Stingel. Smart Mrs. Mary, res Janes, near Freedom. 10. Smart Mrs. Mary, res n s Janes, e of 14th. 5. Smedley Miss Della, home Sanford Keeler. Smith A. C., lab, res e s Miller, s Nimons. 4. Smith A. J., printer, "Courier" office. Smith Adolph, shoemaker, res 328 Webster. 6. Smith Adoniran J., cooper, bds Mrs. J. A. Stivens. Smith Alexander, barber, bds George Maurer. Smith Alexander P., barber F. R. Nies, bds Geo. Maurer. Smith Alvin A., stencil cutter,res 401 Warren, cor Williams. 6. Smith Anson, lab, bds J. Cook. Smith Arthur D., supt Union Planing Mill Co., res Hamilton,. Saginaw City. Smith Miss Augusta, lives with Geo. Lanner. Smith Barnabas, clerk William B. Smith. Smith Burney, billiard room, Mackinaw, opp Salina House,. bds P. Carter. Smith Miss Carrie, -, res e s Clay, bet German and Lapeer.. ---- ---~ 9~- ~ _ - - The Great Popular Clothing House of Koch & Co. Smith Charles, lab, bds Matthew Borland. Smith Charles, printer, res 321 Webster. 4. Smith Charles,butcher, res e s 3d, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 2.. Smith Charles E., bds J. J. McDonald. Smith Charles H., boots and shoes, 119 Genesee, res e s Washington, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 4. Smith Charles L., works " Courier" office. Smith Miss Christina, wks T. Hayes. Smith David, lab, res s e cor Rust and Miller. 4. Smith David, clk Chandler Bros. Smith Miss Dora, lives with T. C. Daughty. Smith E. C., fireman F. & P. M. R. R., bds William H. Race. Smith Mrs. Eliza A. (wid), boarding house, s e cor Wash'n and Mason; refused to give names of boarders. 4. Smith Ernst, raftsman, bds J. Armstrong. Smith Ernest, lab, res e s Lincoln, bet Walnut and Cherry. 7.. Smith Francis, lab, bds Martin Manion. Smith Frank, blacksmith Gallinger & Cousineau, bds Saginaw Valley House. Smith Miss Frank, home with John Smith. Smith Frank, wks John McKinnon, bds parents, Franklin,.. bet German and William. Smith Frerick, lab, res w s 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. 236; EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Smith Frederick, sawyer, res n s Douglas. 3. Smith George, machinist, res 631 Maple, cor McCoskry. 3. Smith George, printer "Courier " office. Smith George B., lab, res e s Water, bet Thompson and Millard. 5. Smith George W., lab, res cor English and 6th. 3. Smith H., lab, bds Alexander House. Smith Harlem P. (I. AM. & H. P. Smith), res Thompson, bet Maple and Warren. 3. Smith Miss Hattie E., home with Edward P. Penfield. Smith Henry, traveling auditor, F. & P. M. R. R., res es Franklin, bet Astor and Jefferson. Smith Henry, lab, bds Charles Post. Smith Henry, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. SMITH HENRY A., dentist, res e s Cornelia, bet McCoskry and Martha. See advt. 5. Smith I. M. & H. P. (Irvin M. & Harlan P.), attorneys-atlaw, office Smith's block, Wash'n, opp Bancroft. Smith Irvin M., attorney, res Thompson, bet Maple and Warren. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Smith Miss Jennie, res e s Cass, bet William and Hayden. Smith James, lab, bds John Webster. Smith James, foreman, bds D. Forrest. Smith John, blacksmith F. & P. M. R. R. 'Smith John, cigar maker, bds Knapp Gottlieb. %Smith Johu, carpenter, bds Gilbert House.,Smith John, wks Sears & Holland, res e s Water, bet Atwater and Bristol. 4. Smith John, carpenter, bds J. S. Smith. Smith John, lab, res Farwell, bet 6th and 7th. 7. Smith John, lab, res n s Hess, e Mackinaw. 3.,Smith John, blacksmith No. 2, F. & P. M. R. R. Smith John S., boarding house, n s McCoskry, bet Washington and Water. 5. Smith Joseph, bds Jacob Myer, Cass. Smith Joseph, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck. Smith Joseph S., lab, res 905 Jefferson. 4. Smith Kerby, clerk L. B. Curtis & Co., bds Everett House. Smith Kerby F., brakeman F. & P. M. R. R., bds Averill House. Smith Lizzie, -, bds Crystal Palace. Smith Miss May, works John Adams. Smith Mary, wks W. Riley. Smith Mrs. May, res w s 7th, bet German and Lapeer. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 237 SMITH MARSHALL G. & Co. (Marshall G. Smith and Lew. B. Clark), prop'rs Everett House, cor Genesee and Franklin. See advt. 6. Smith Milo, lab, res e s Miller, s of Main. 5. Smith Peter, lab, bds J. Ingles. Smith Philbert, land hunter, res w s 1st, bet Cherry and Walnut. 4. Smith Samuel, machinist Merrill, Eastwood & Co. Smith Samuel, machinist, bds W. Smith. Smith Solomon S., carpenter, res 214 s s Walnut, head of 2d. 4. Smith Susan, bds Pear House. Smith Thomas W., restaurant, cor Jefferson and Potter. 4. Smith William, boiler-maker, res 1022 Washington, cor McCoskry. 5. Smith William, cabinet-maker, res e s 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 2. Smith William B., Opera House, Washington, bet German and William. 2. Smith William D., teamster, res 703 Warren, cor Cherry. 3. Smith William H., harness-maker, bds American House. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Smitsall Charles, lab, bds E. Ferguson. Spaulding Jno. L., farmer, res e s Jefferson, s of driving park. 5. Spalding, H. S., painter, wks Burtt & Loomis. Spalding William B., lab, res Potter, bet Rockwell and 3d. Spangler Louis, lab, bds Oscar Hull. Sparks Thomas, lab, bds Martin Manion. Sparrow Joseph E., lumber inspector, office 213 n Water, res 529 Millard, cor Maple. 4. Spath John C., harness-maker, wks P. Yeaton, bds Mathias Kipfruneler. Spears Eugene, lab, bds J. Viger. Speadet John, molder, res Wash'n, bet Brady and Mason. 3. Spencer C. & T. B. (Charles and Thomas B. Spencer), hardware, stoves, etc., 104, 106, s Water. Spencer Charles C. (C. & T. B. S.), hardware, res 323 n s Fitzhugbh. bet Franklin and Cass. 3. Spencer Christopher R., lumberman, res n s Jefferson, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 5. Spencer Miss Lucy, home wlth Mrs. Eliza Clifford. Spencer Marshall B., lab, wks William Olds, res Warren, bet German and William. Spencer Thomas B. (C. & T. B. Spencer), Yes 313 Wash'n. 4. Spero Barnhardt, lab, res n s Hess, e of Washington. 3. 238 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Spillane John, cooper T. W. Stilwell, bds Mrs. Austin. Spindler Henry (A. F. Bartlett & Co.), res 912 Washington. 5. Splitgerber George A., clerk, bds Everett House. Splan John, cooper, bds Mrs. P. Austin. SplitzBurger Adolf, clerk, bds Everett House. Spong Charles, lab, res n s town line, w Jefferson. 5. Spong Ida, wks F. P. Sears. Spring Frank, sawyer Warner & Eastman, res n e cor Mason and Water. 6. Spring Henry, carpenter, res cor Tuscola and 7th. 2. Springer John H., book-keeper, res cor Tuscola and 3d. 10. Spring John, carpenter, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 2. Springer John H., accountant, res n w cor Clay and Tuscola. Springer Joseph, brick mason, res w s 13th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 7. Spingerman Joseph, res w s 5th, near Janes. 2. Staak, William, lab, lives with Charles Sonnebery. Stableford Richard, waiter Bancroft House. Stackhouse Stephen, cook, bds A. Picard. Staeb Leonard, carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Stage Miss Anna, bds J. J. Baker. Little Jake & Co., Boss" CBothiers of the State. Stahl Leonard, cooper F. W. Stilwell, bds Michael Stahl. Stahl Michael, lab, res 514 Walnut. 9. Stall Margrett, lives with Mrs. Isabella Wright. Stape Leonard, carpenter, bds Mrs. Caroline Haas. Stape Valentine, lab, bds Mrs. Caroline Haas. Stanard E. G., agt life, fire and marine insurance, bds Mary Ward. Staniford Joseph P., book-keeper Reynolds & Choate, bds C. Holland, Wash'n. Starral James, lab, res e s Mumford, bet Cherry and Walnut. 4. Staring Adam H., lab, res e s Mackinaw, n Washington, 3. Stark Byron G., book-keeper George Lockley, res Saginaw City. Starker Daniel F., clk J. C. Mercer, bds M. Little, cor Emerson and Water. 5. Starkweather Charles, fireman, F. & P. M. R. R. Starkweather Edward, Genesee street bridge tender, res town of Carrollton, village of Florence. Starman Theodore, lab, res 316 e s 4th, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 5. Starrow Joseph, blacksmith, wks Charles A. Dallired. Stars Archibald, wks W. Lucas. Statts Samuel, wks "Enterprise " as local editor. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 239 Stauber Jacob, retired, res 427 Warren. 2. Stauber William, bds Stauber's Hotel. St. Dennis Hormisdas, 1st miller, Mayflower mills, res 4th, bet Farwell and Norman. 3. St. Don George, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Stearns William H., marble dealer, shop w s Jeff'n, bet Genesee and German, res s s Janes, cor 14th. 4. Steckert Miss Catherine, home with H. S. Steckert. Steckert Jacob, propr Steckert's Hotel, No. 123 n Washington, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 6. Stedeman Joseph, wks Mayflower mills. Stedrey Frank, lives with J. J. Kochka. Steel George, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Steel George, lab, bds Mathias Kipfmueler. Steele James, boiler-maker, bds W. Smith. Steele Mrs. Mary, res Maple, cor Martha. Steele Thomas, " Pioneer Steam Boiler Works," w s s Wash'n, cor Mason, res 402 Emerson, cor Maple. 4. Steele Thomas, Jr., wks and bds T. Steele. Steere --, res Tuscola, near 12th. 8. Stein Joachim, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. 2. M. & lH. Koch & Co. are the Great Popular Clothiers. Steirenger Gaol, lab, res e s Water, bet Hayden and Willia m. 7 Steinhardt Julius, elk, bds Stauber's Hotel. Stekman John, lab, bds Bohm & Miller. Stelcnar Miss Theressa, wks Mrs. J. L. Glenn. Stepankopa Miss Barbara, wks F. Dieckmann. Stephens Alexander, lab, res cor Johnson and 10th. 3. Steve Miss Mary, home with John Lyons. Stever Charles B., propr American House, w s Cass, bet Genesee and Tuscola. 4. Sterling Frank, bds Thomas Sterling. Sterling Thomas, teamster, res 5th, cor German. 4. Sternhagen Christian, grocer, res e s Webster, bet German and Lapeer. 3. STERNHIAGEN & SCHERAIM, grocers, etc., 211 Lapeer. Sternhagen Charles, grocer, res Carroll, bet Johnston and Tuscola. Sterns Joseph, harness maker, wks for Hovey, res 12th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. 7. Stetson Charles, elk and bds E. B. Barnes. Stetson Charles, dealer in iron, res Astor, bet Astor and Potter. Steve Miss Annie L., works C. M. Curtis. Stevens Alexander, res cor Johnson and 10th. 3. See Stephens. 240 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Stevens Menzo C., milk peddler, res n e cor Hayden and Thompson. 3. Stevens Jacob, lab, res cor 12th and Tuscola. 8. Stevens John, baggageman F. & P. M. R. R., res Astor, bet Rockwell and Warren. 1. STEVENS JOSIHIUA S., lumber, etc., shingle manuf'r; mill and office cor n Water and Whitney, nr F. & P. 1M. R. R. track, res 315 s Wash'n. Employs from 40 to 50 men. See advt. 4. Stevens M\rs. Julia A., wid, res s w cor Morris and Lytle. Stevenson Miss Belle, -, res 206 e s Warner, bet Tuscola and Johnson. Stevenson Dugald, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Sears. 4. Stevenson Hugh, carpenter, res 8th, bet Miller and Sears. 8. Stever C. B. & Co. (C. B. Stever, R. I. Stever, and C. A. Crippen), grocers, 415 Genesee. Stever C. B. (C. B. Stever & Co.), res American House. Stev-er L., watchmaker and engraver, bds American House. Stever Robert T., grocer, res n s Millard, bet Jefferson and Maple. 3. Stever R. T., res Millard, bet Jefferson and Warren. 3. Patronize the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Stewart Alexander, carpenter, res e s Rockwell, bet Fitzhugh and. Johnson. 2. Stewart Charles, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Stewart Benjamin, lab, bds W. W. Armstrong. Stewart Hugh, agt, res c s 14th, s of Janes. 6. Stewart James, commission merchant, res n s Carroll, bet Jefferson and Warren. STEWART JAMES & Co., wholesale produce dealers, cor Genesee and Water. See advt. Stewert John N., sailor, res 519 cor Thompson and Welles. 4. Stilwell Betsey, bds Anson Hobson. Stillwell Volney R., stone-cutter, bds Anuson Hobson. Still Hiram (Burnham & Still), res w s Wash'n, cor Douglas. 3. Stilwell John W., machinist, bds A. Hobson. Stilwell Theodore W., cooper, Jesse Hoyt, res e s n Water, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 6. Stine Adam, printer, " Courier" office, bds Oscar Hull. Stine John C., mechanic, F. & P. M. R. R. Stine Peter, sawyer, res 1st, bet Wash'n and Jeff'n. 4. Stinejey Joseph, lab, res e s 8th, bet Carroll and Wadsworth. 3. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 241 Stinehuff Benjamin, bds J. Snowdon. Stingle & Bros. (George and John), butchers, market s Washington, bet Genesee and Tuscola. Stingle Christopher, wks with G. Stingle. Stingle George (Stingle Bros.), res e s Franklin, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 5. Stingle John (Stingle Bros.), res cor Warren and Franklin. 3. Stingle Miss Mary, lives with George Stingle. Stinlein John, shoemaker, res e s Mackinaw, n of Miller. 6. Stinson & Bridgeman (James Stinson, George R. Bridgeman), crockery, furnishing goods, and gas fixtures, 102 s Water. Stinson James (Stinson & Bridgeman), res 537 Millard. 4. St. Anthony David, sawyer, res No. 1001, cor 5th and Norman. St. Clare Miss Rosa, --, bds with Miss Belle Stevenson. St. Hilaire Joseph, cook, bds A. Picard. St. John Miss Louisa, bds T. Saylor. St. John Rensie, lab, bds Thomas Kenney. St. Louis William, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. St. Mary Amable, shoemaker, res s s Lapeer, bet 12th and 13th. 7. St. Mary Nelson, lab, res Little, s of Nimons. 8. -. & H. Koch & Co., thse Clothiers. St. Mary Peter, clk, Schott & Co., res e s Warren, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Stoble Miss Millie, home with Wm. Fice. Stockengar Henry, lab, res s s Wadsworth, near railroad. 6. Stocker Miss Mary S., wks C. M. Curtis. Stockton Edward, stonecutter, res n s Johnson, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Stockwell Jewet, lab, bds John Webster. Stodard Charles, engineer, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Wm. H. Race. Stoddard Mrs. Catherine J. (wid), res e s Genesee, end of Hoyt. 6. Stoddard -, agt Wheeler & Wilson Sewing M. Co. See elsewhere. 3. Stoddard Charles L., tel opr, bds W. Landis. Stoffans Henry, res e s 5th, bet Carroll & Fitzhugh. 3. Stole George, wks Franklin House. Stoltz George, res 220 e s Warren, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 6. Stoltz John, res 214 e s Warren, bet Johnson and Tuseola. 3. Stone Andrew J., ship carpenter, bds Mrs. H. McAuley. Stone Fred, lab, res e s 8th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 2. Stone Orion M., agt, bds with Horace Mason. Stone George, lab, res 316 Park. 2. 31 242 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Stork F., broom manuf'r, shop and res 5th, bet Lapeer anidl Tuscola. 2. Stork Harvey, shoemaker W. B. Hawkins, res Wadsworth. Stork Reuben, wiper, round house F. & P. M. R. R. Storms Gilbert, ship carpenter, res e s Water, bet German Colony Road and Bristol. 5. Stores Lucius C., asst sec'y and treas F. & P. M. R. R., res w s Carroll, bet Jeff'n and Warren. Story Albert, clk, bds Rev. J. S. Goodman. Stough John, flagman F. & P. M. R. R., res 6th, bet Miller aid Sears. 2. Stowe Charles W. (Stowe & Sarber), physician, bds Averill House. Stowe & Sarber (Chas. W. Stowe and W. H. Sarber), physicians, office Franklin, bet Genesee and German. Stowers Mrs. Jesse, waitress Everett House. STRAASBURG GUSTAV, meat market, n e cor Geinesee and Clay, res 4th. 3. Strable John, lab, res n s Douglas, w of Jefferson. 8. Strake John, gardener, res German Colony Road. 3. Strahl Rudolph, blacksmith, e s 2d, bet German and Janes, res bet 5th and 6th, on Janes. 2. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Strasburg August, STRASBURG HALL, e s Warren, cor Lapeer. 6. Stratton -, res s s Nimons, bet Mackinaw and Ballard. 2. Straw Charles, meat dealer, res Washington st, bet Astor and Miller. 3. Straw Ruloff, blacksmith, res n s Janes, bet 5th and 6th. 2. Streeter A. N., lab, bds Scanlan House. Stroebel Andrew, lab, res e s 1st, bet Walnut and Cherry. 2. Stroble Joseph, porter Derby & Co., res 224 Johnson, Cer Franklin. 5. Strokeie John, lab, res w s 10th, bet German and Lapeer. Strogan William, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. Stropy David, lab, res w s Mackinaw, s of Mill. 3. Strong Harry H., general circulator " Courier," bds Bancroft House. Struck J., wks Sears & Holland. Stubbs Miss Jennie, bds George A. Wilber. Studor Anthony, lab, res s s Hess, e Mackinaw. 3. Studor Horace, res w of Water, near Bundy and Youman's saw mill. 5. Stumpf F. A., tailor, Frank G. Wilkin. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 243 Sturdy Miss Emma, home with John Quelch. Sturk Martin, lab, res w s llth, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 3. Stueck William, wks Sears and Holland. Styne John, boot and shoemaker, res w s Beecher, bet Cherry and Janes, 5. Suback Jacob, carpenter, bds D. MacIntyre. Suhr Charles, clk, A. K. Penny & Son. Sullivan Daniel, carpenter, bds Hugh Lennon. Sullivan D., detective, bds William H. Race. Sullivan Edward, clk, bds Ebel House. Sullivan Miss Louisa, wks J. Ingledew. Sullivan Patrick, blacksmith, bds Mrs. Cooler. Sullivan Patrick, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Summerfield Alexander, clk, bds Thomas H. Smith. Summerfield Andrew, clk, res n w cor Johnson and 5th. 4. Summerfield Charles, deputy sheriff, bds Thomas W. Smith. Summerfield Charles, druggist, Potter, bet Franklin and Jeff'n, res cor 3d and Carroll. 2. Summeroak Mrs. Elizabeth (wid), res e s Warren, near Atwater. 5. Summeroak Miss Lizzie, wks J. W. Hovey. Summeroak Miss Mary, wks A. Schupp. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Summeroak John, coppersmith, F. & P. M. R. R. Summers Joseph, blacksmith, res 501 Janes, cor 6th. 5. Sutherland William 0. (Sutherland & Wheeler), res s e side Miller, bt Jeff'n and Rockwell. 3. Sutherland & Wheeler (Jabez G. Sutherland, John J. Wheeler), attorneys-at-law, office undetermined. See advt. Sutherland Samuel A., blacksmith, res Cass, bet Genesee and German. Sutton Frank, clk, Wheat & Co., bds Mrs. Hubert. Sutton Washington M., attorney, res w s Rockwell, bet Lapeer and German. 5. Swaltz Henry, blacksmith, wks Christ Koch; Swanson J. A., carpenter, F. & P. M. R. R. Swarthout Harvey, carpenter, res 6th, bet Miller and Sears. 4. Swayze Garret S., mail agent, F. & P. M. R. R., 522 Franklin. 4. Sweat Miss Flora A., home with T. W. Stilwell. Sweeny Michael, lab, bds Martin Manion. Sweet Joseph B., ship carpenter, res n Miller, w Wash'n. 3. Sweet John, street-car driver, res w s Wash'n ave, s of Linton. 2.,Sweet K. C., engineer, res n w cor 6th and Carroll. 5..Swett Zenas, dealer in cigars and liquors, bds Everett House. )4A4 EAST 'SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Swimer Charles, lab, res cor Tuscola and 8th. 3. Swimer Christopher, edger, wks Jesse Hoyt. Swinerton David E., produce and commission merchant) Led-, yard & Swinerton), res e s Thompson, bet Warren and Maple. 4. Swortskie Miss Louisa, home with Frederick Godard. Swortskie Miss Minnie, home with Frederick Godard. State William, editor "Enterprise," bds Everett House. T. Taggett Andrew S. (Taggett, Plumb & Co.), res w s Jefferson,. bet Tuscola and Johnson, 401 Fitzhugh, cor Johnson. 2. Taggett Orseamus A., clk, Taggett, Plumb & Co., bds A. S. Taggett. TAGGETT PLUMB & Co. (Andrew S. T., Laura M. P., - ), Valley City Coffee and Spice Mills, 125, 127 n Water, Burtt blk. Tahy Martin J., yardmaster, F. & P. M. R. R., res cor Norman and 3d. 4. Taker William, cooper, res German Colony road. 3. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Talbot James, bds Bancroft House. Talbot Richard, R. R. contractor, res w s 2d, bet Chesnut and Cherry. 5. Tallent Franklin, bds T. Sadlier. Talent A., upholsterer, w s Cass, bet Genesee and German, res same. 3. Tanenholz Moses P., cigar-maker, bds Knapp Gottlieb. Tarbell H. S., principal city schools, res cor Emerson andWelles. 5. Targets Othelia, wks P. Zellner. Tarsney Miss Eliza, home with Timothy E. Tarsney. Tarsney Mrs. Allen (wid), res e s Cornelia, n Atwater. 3. Tarsney Miss May E., home -with Timothy E. Tarsney. TARSNEY TI3OTIIY E., att'y and justice of the peace, office over 317 Genesee, res s s Tuscola, bet Warren andWebster. See advt. 4. Tavish Richard, lab, bds John Webster. Taylor Benjamin F., lives S. D. Newman. Taylor Mrs. Delia, lives P. Taylor. Taylor Emma, res s e cor Webster and Clay. Taylor George, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R, Taylor George, assistant sawyer, wks Jesse Hoyt. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 245 Taylor Harlow, lab, res 423 Washington, cor Millard. 6. Taylor James, lab, bds Marshall B. Spencer. Taylor James H., bds Alexander House. Taylor John, bds S. W. Green. Taylor John, wks Bundy & Youmans, res w s Mackinaw. 4. Taylor Malcom, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Taylor Miss Matilda, wks H. Still. Taylor Philip, propr St., Nicholas restaurant, n e cor Genesee and Wash'n, res n s Hess, bet Mackinaw and Little. 6. Taylor & Rouse, proprs St. Nicholas Restaurant, Genesee, cor. Wash'n. Taylor Thomas, mason, res n s Eaton, w Mackinaw. 2. Taylor William, lab, bds P. Taylor. 2. Taylor William, carver, Bancroft House. Taylor William, mechanic, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Teal John, bds John Webster. Teager John, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Tebo Christopher, foreman, Warner & Eastman's saw mill, res n w cor Centre and Mackinaw. 5. Tebo Mrs. Ellen, lives J. Compo. Teceintien Charles, lab, res cor 4th and Lapeer. 5. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Tedy Miss Christina, props Dexter Salter, Tuscola, bet Cass and Jefferson. 2. Tedy [Taley] Marcus, blacksmith, shop and res 120 4th. Teel John, barber, Thos. Hanson, bds Miss E. Welsh. Teepell John, bds W. W. Armstrong. Teetzel John M., carpenter and joiner, res e s Park, bet Chesnut and Park. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. Western Union Telegraph office, A. Ferguson, manager, Wisner blk, cor Genesee and Franklin. American Telegraph office, Bancroft House. Railroad Telegraph office, F. & P. M. depot. American Telegraph Institute, Loyds' blk, No. 129 Wash'n. Telting Fitz, carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Templeton Charles, tin-ware pediar, res w s Lytle, s of Morris. 4. Teman Thomas, lab, res w s 6th, bet German and Janes. 8. TenEyck C. & E. (Charles and Egbert TenEyck) shingle manufacturers and stave dealers, office and mill cor n Water and Astor. 246 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Tennant William S., atty, office No. 5, Wisner blk. Tennenholtz Moses, cigar manuf'r, bds Ebel House. Tennie S. W., lab, bds Mathew Borland. Tennster John, lab, res e s 7th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 6. Terry Arthur, confectionery and soda water, e s Wash'n, a of Randolph, res same. 5. Terry Arthur W., mason and contractor, res e s, Wash'n, cor Randolph. 5. Terry James B, contractor and builder, res s s William, bet Mackinaw and Little. 2. Terry James G., lumberman, res s w cor Cass and Fitzhugh. 4. Terry John, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Terrick Reuben, mechanic, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Tesch Miss Anna, sales-lady, Davis, Goldstone & Co. Test William, wks E. T. Judd, res w of Wash'n, s of German Colony road. 3. Teters Miss Jennie, wks J. J. Heely. Tetu Charles, surveyor, bds Henry Neagely. Tetz Charles, lab, res e s of Mumford, n of Walnut. 5. Tiboult Francis, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Tichenor Isaac P., supt Hoyts' planing mill, bds Rev. J. S. Goodman. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Tief William, lab, bds A. Picard. Tilion Thomas, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Tillotson Dor, matrass manufacturer, res e s 4th, bet Lapeer and German. 3. Timmons John, circular sawyer, Warner & Eastman. Tirmigan Thomas, lab, bds American House. Titro Lewis, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Tiryon Christopher, edger, wks Jesse Hoyt. Tisdale Lucien, express agent, res Warren, bet Astor and Miller. 3. Titus Dewitt, res 316 2d. 2. Titus Jonas H., printer, city expressman, res Webster, near Hoyt. 4. Thatcher Warren, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck, bds S. Bishop. Thede Marcus, blacksmith, e s 2d, bet German and Janes. Thomas John, lab, res 103, cor of Lapeer and 3d. 9. Tomas Joseph, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck. Thompson Adam T., wks Mowbray & Richardson, bds Thomas Mrs. Anna (wid), lives J. Vero. Thompson Bradley M., att'y, res Webster, cor Thompson. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 247 Thompson David Ole, police, res n s Franklin, bet Astor and Miller. 4. Thompson Edward, machinist, Merrill, Eastwood & Co. Thompson Edward, lab, res w s High, n German Colony Road. 7. Thompson James, lab, res s s Nimons, bet Mackinaw and Ballard. 3. Thompson Miss Jennie, wks A. B. Wood. Thompson John, painter, Burtt & Loomis, bds Oscar Hull. Thompson John, saw-setter, res 6th, bet Kirk and Norman. 1. Thomas J. H., waiter Everett House. Thompson Libbie, bds Everett House. Thomas Michael, wks Merrill, Eastwvood & Co. Thompson Orange S., lumberman, res n e cor Franklin and Carroll. 5. Thompson Omar D., principal East Saginaw high school, res e s Webster, s of William. 5. Thompson Robert, R. R. contractor, res s w cor Mackinaw and Nimons. 4. Thompson Robert, painter, bds Oscar Hull. Thomson Robert, painter, wks Baker & Bros. Thomson Tucker, bar-tender, Everett Honse. Tompson William, mechanic, depot, bds Henry Naegely. 1I. & H. Koch & Co., the Merchant Tailors. Thompson William, lumber, inspector and book-keeper, Barnard & Binder, res e s Grant, s of Main. 3. Thompson Zavia, drayman, res e s Douglass, bet Cherry and Walnut. 2. Thomson John M., agent Victor Sewing Machine, res German, bet 7th and 8th. 1. Thomson Mrs. Lottie M. (wid), res 207 w s Cass, bet Johnson and Tuscola. Throop Miss Etty, lives C. Perry. Thurtle Miss Elizabeth A., home with George Conn. Thurber Horace C., banker, res Washington. Thurber & Hollon, Saginaw Valley Bank, cor Genesee and Wash'n. Thuster Theressa, wks P. O'Donnell. Tobin John, night watchman, F. & P. M. R. R., res bet Sears and freighthouse. 4. Tobin Michael, bar-tender, A. Dunlap. Tochner John, carpenter, res w s 5th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Todd Miss Mary, wks L. C. Storrs. Todd A. William, engineer, bds Garvin House. 248 EAST SAGIINAW DIRECTORY. Toddy Ferdinand, lab, res s s Walnut, e of Mumford. 4. Todenton Henry, lab, res, w s Webster, s of Eaton. 2. Tolman George, lab, bds H. Tolman. Tolman Henry, lab, res w s Miller, s Main. 5. Tolman Joseph, lab, bds H. Tolman. Toplar George, lab, res East, s Mackinaw. 2. Topping William, joiner, res e s Webster, cor Merrill. 5. Tomarsic Joseph, lab, res w s 11th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 5. STOM DAVIS' " DRUG STORE, w s Mackinaw, 5 doors s Centre, bds Salina House. Tompkins Mrs. Jane (wid), wks J. A. Whittier. Tompkins William S., grocer, res cor 5th and Sears. 9. Torengo Miss Amelia, wks L. Simoneau. Torengo Miss Phillis, wks L. Simonean. Tory Lydia, wks Lucius Hovey. Tauchet Noel, lab, Tremont House. Toupin Charles, lab, bds A. Picard. Towsley P. H., lab, bds Henry Naegely. Toway John, carpenter, bds John W. Baker. Townsend William, lab, res s s William, e Washington. 4. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Trainer J. A., teller, Merchants' National Bank, bds Bancroft House. Trainor Miss Rosa, wks G. D. Walcott. Traop John, brick mason, res w s 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Garroll. 5. Travers John, shoemaker, res w s 5th, cor Lapeer. 6. TRAVERS JOHN & Co. (J. Travers and Amable St. Mary), boot and shoe manuf'rs, over 319 Genesee. See advt p, index. Travis Wm. F., wks Varieties, bds J. J. Reamer. Trauk Joseph, painter, bds Isaac S. Allen. Tray Mrs. Harriet, bds Jacob L. Nison. Traynor John, wks W. Lucas. Treadwell Elijah, bds P. Brown. Tremain Francis, lumber inspector, bds Mrs. MaryArmstrong. Trevidick Richard, sash and blind manufr, res 616 Warren. 5. Trombley Mrs. Adeline (wid), lives with Andrew Carrie. 2. Trombley Joseph, res e s Douglas, bet Cherry and Walnut. Trombley Louis, lab, bds A. Rust. Truceky Andrew, painter, bds Jacob L. Nilson. Trumbull Charles D., painter, res 2d, w Mackinaw, s Nimons. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 249 Tucker John, stone and brick mason, res 523 Hoyt, cor Welles. 7. Tucker Thomas, bar-keeper, res n s Bristol, bet Water and Washington. 4. Tuelch John, night-watch F. & P. M. 1. R. Tupper Joseph, carpenter, bds Mrs. Sarah Burke. Turck Frank, lab, res n s Tuscola, bet 8th and 9th. 7. Turner Francis, barber, bds Abram Reyno. Turner Henry, res w s Wash'n, s of German Colony Road. 3. Tusch George H., confectioner, wks Wm. Krekow. Tuthill Joshua, coal, fire clay, and brick, and sewer pipe, office and yard Park dock, w s Water, bet Fitzhngh and Johnson, res Wash'n ave, Saginaw City. Tuttle William, wks A. Rust. Tuttle William Henry, lumberman, res w s Jefferson, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 6. Twain Henry, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Twaits James, lumber inspector, res 620 Jefferson. 11. Twaits James W, inspector, res Jefferson. Tweedy David F., carpenter, res w s Park, bet Emerson and Merrill. 4. M. & H. Koch & Co., the Leaders of Fashion. Twist James B., riverman, res w s Little, bet Main and Hess. 6. Tyler Benjamin F., dealer in musical merchandise, res 125 s Washington. 5. Tyler F. Bros & Co. (B. F., C. A., and S. L.), dealers in musical merchandise, 125 s Washington. Tyler Charles A., dealer in musical merchandise, bds Benjamin F. Tyler. Tyler Alanson W., Bristol-street bridge-tender, res cor Fitzhugh and Washington. Tyler Mrs. Hattie J., dressmaker, res w s Washington ave, s of Linton? 3. Tyler Lansing A., toll keeper, middle bridge, bds 402 Water, cor Fitzhugh. See Alanson W. Tyler. 2. Tyler Saleu L., dealer in musical merchandise, bds Benjamin F. Tyler. U. Uhl Charles, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Umans James, carpenter, res n. Miller, e Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 7. Umans Joseph, bds J. Umans. 32 250 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Unger Moses, foreman, water works, res s s Tuscola, bet 9th and 10th. 3. Uttley David & Son (David and George Uttley), groceries and glassware, s e cor of Genesee and Warren. Utting Miss Jennie, sales lady, wks Davis, Goldstone & Co. Utting Robert, painter, res n w cor Miller tnd 5th. 5. V. Valentine John C., foreman Sears & Holland, res w s Wash'n, cor Brady. 4. Vallet Joseph, saloon and b h, e s Water, bet Emerson and Mason, res same. 4. Valley Charles, lab, res w s Little, s of Nimons. 4. Valley Francis M., lumberman, res w s Little, bet Hess and Main. 4. Valiquette Francois, lab, bds A. Picard. Valyer Joseph, lab, res e Little, near water works. 6. Vanantwerp Frank.A., clk, res 616 s s Lapeer, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Vanalstine Wm., wks Coburn & Co., bds S. Bishop. Vanbushkirk Samuel, wks Harvey & Coleman, livery. Interview the '' Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Vancise Miss Jane, wks Charles F. Shaw. Vancise Miss Jennie, wks Boergert & Co. Van Der Bom Rev. Francis, pastor St. Mary's Church, church. n e cor Hoyt and Welles, res 221 Welles. Vandyke Henry, lab, res e s 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 3. Vandezant Henry, lab, bds J. Armstrong. Vanek Francis, harness-maker, wks for Hovey, res 12th. Van Helen Joseph, carpenter, bds Mrs. L. A. Cook. Vanhorn Albert, wagon-maker, res e s Warren, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Vanliew Dunbar, lab, res e s Lytle, s of Morris. 2. Van Norman Mrs. Elizabeth (wid), res 631 Webster. 4. Van Norman John, wks A. H. Hunter. Vannorman Romaine, propr Saginaw Valley House, e s n Water, bet German and Tuscola. Van Patten John, foreman Curtis, Estabrook & Co., bds John Webster. Van Sickle, Eugene, lab, res 453 2d. 6. Van Sickle John, lab, res s s of Eaton, bet Mackinaw and Washington. 3. Van Valkenburg Jerome, meat market, junction Hoyt and Maple, Bude's blk, res same. 2 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 251 Vanvleet Ethan W., sheriff, res ss Carroll, bet 4th and 5th. C. Vanvleet George, wks Harvey & Coleman, livery. Vanwagner Orlando C., shoe maker, res w s Warren, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 2. Vanwagner Orlando C., foreman Harvey & Coleman, res cor Franklin and German. Vanwort Seward, clk, res w s Rockwell, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 5. Varey Thomas, carpenter, res e s 6th, bet Johnson and --. 5. Varnemuende John, drayman, res e s Smith, bet 1st and Walnut. 2. Varnumindy John, lab, res e s 3d, e Walnut. 6. Vassold Herman, dry goods merchant, res e s Welles, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 3. Vaseur Peter, lab, bds Joseph Aslin. Vaughn --, Bristol-street bridge-tender, res Bridgeport. Vaughn Joseph, lab, bds William Crossland. Vantifflin Miss V., dressmaker, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Veekman Fred., lab, res 10th, bet German and Lapeer. 6. Veineick Edward, furnishing store, res cor 4th and Tuscola. 6. Veloy Abram, ship carpenter, res 213 Elm. 2. Fine Furnishing Goods at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Velie Charles, res 410 11th, bet Wadsworth and Johnson. 3. Veloy Emily, lives with A. Veloy. Veenflit Miss Elma, bds C. L. Ortman. Verst Miss Annie, home with Alonzo P. Mead. Vero Joseph, lab, res w s Miller, s of Hess. 5. Vestey T.H., physician, office cor Franklin and Genesee, res n e cor Thompson and Maple. Vinilleve Godfroid, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Vezuvias John, lab, bds Joseph Parquette. Vice Miss Frona, home with Knapp Gottlieb. Vickle Michael, lab, res e s Warren, s of McCoskry. 8. Vickevert Louis, lab, res as sCherry, w Douglas. 6. Vincent Moses M., lab, res n s Centre, bet Webster and Miller. 3. Viger John, lab, res Rust, e Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 4. Voise Lafayette, lab, bds T. Riddell. Voise Morris, lab, lives with T. Riddell. Vogel Julius, baker Wm. Krekow. Vosburgh Charles H., painter, res 7th, bet Kirk and Sears. 3. Volz Rev. Conrad, pastor German Lutheran Church, res n s German, bet Rockwell and 3d. 4. Vorey Miss Sarah, sales-lady James I. Robinson. Voss Mrs. Anna (wid), res w s High, s of Walnut. 4. Vrooman Miss Ida, lives M. M. Sill. 252 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. w. Wachmann William, fisherman, res n s Hoyt, bet Genesee and Webster. 3. Wade Miss Elizabeth, home with William H. Race. Wagner Charles, lab, res s s William, e Washington. 7. Wait Charles, riverman, bds D. Chriscadan. Wait Henry J., lab, res 302 s e cor Third and Johnson. 5. Walace Henry, lab, res s s Merrill, bet Park and Webster. 4. Walch Miss Ann, wks Rev. F. Van Der Bom. Walcott George D., civil engineer, res Franklin, bet Miller and Carroll. 5. Wald Andrew, butcher G. Strasburg, bds same. Walgust Miss Minnie, wks Mrs. J. Moores. Walke John H., lab, res n Washington. 3. Walker Charles, wks Harvey & Coleman, livery, bds H. Studor. Walker George, lab, bds Alexander House. Walker George, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Walker George, lab, bds Alexander Hoase. Walker J. F., fruit tree agt, bds Everett House. Wall Miss Mary, wks J. S. Rouse. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Wallace George, wks James Gordon Cameron. Wallace Isaac, painter, wks Baker & Bros. Wallace John, porter, res 6th, bet Miller and Sears. 1. Wallace Mrs. Margaret (wid), George W. Wallace, res Franklin, bet German and William. 5. Wallace Theodore, lab, res e s Mackinaw. 4. Wallace Miss Victoria, home with James McCormic. Waller Henry, carpenter, res s w cor Emerson and Welles. 5. Wallin Frederick J., city restaurant, 406 Genesee, rooms Hovey a blk, n Wash'n. Walsh Jas. P., police'n, res w s 1st, bet Cherry and Walnut. 3. Walsh Michael, tailor, wks Little Jake, res 1221 Merrill. 6. Walsch Patrick, lab, res McCoskry, cor Cornelia. 3. Walter Charles, warehouseman, James Stewart & Co., res cor 12th and Johnson. Walter Gustave, lab, res w s 12th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 2. Walter John, lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Walter Lewis, carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Walter Wm., lab, res n s William, bet Mackinaw and Miller. 8. Walty Miss Barbara, lives Mrs. J. Schrepman. -Waltz Daniel, lab, res s s Johnson, bet 10th and 11th. 10. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 253 Waltz George, clk, bds John G. Edelman. Waltz Jacob, butcher, wks Fred Hubert. Waltz John, lab, res w s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 2. Waltz John, operator, wks Jesse Hoyt. Waltz William, painter, bds Henry Pries. Wandschneider Frederic, cooper, lives Frederic Rump. Wandschneider Henry, blacksmith, lives Frederic Rump. Wallis Mrs. Margaret (wid), res w s 7th, bet Cherry and Janes. 4. Ward A. H., mason, bds J. J. Reamer. Ward Mrs. Bridgett (wid Patrick Ward), res 5th, bet Kirk and Sears. 5. Ward Miss Frankie, --, bds Clarendon House. Ward Hugh, wks and bds J. Ryan. Ward Miss Jane, wks T. Rogers. Ward T. C., waiter Bancroft House. Ward John H., auctioneer, res 305 Lapeer, bet Rockwell and Webster. 2. Ward Mrs. Mary (wid Elisha Ward), boarding house, e s Franklin and cor Franklin and Miller. 2. Ward Miss Maud, -, bds Clarendon House. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Ward William H., engineer, res e s 2d, bet Walnut and Chestnut. 7. Warden William, trimmer, wks Baker & Bros. Warner & Eastman (William H. Warner and Loton H. Eastman), lumber manuf'rs, saw mill w s Water, bet Emerson and Mason. Warner Charles J. F., carpenter, res n s Carroll, bet Water and Washington. 6. Warner Miss Emma, adopted F. A. Curtis' family. Warner George, carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Warner George C., lumberman, res s w cor Thompson and Washington. 3. Warner Mrs. Mary (wid), res e s Mackinaw, bet Centre and Hesse. 2. Warner Stephen R., printer, res w s Webster, n of Carroll. 3. Warner William, barber, wks Thomas Hauson. Warner William, dealer in groceries, provisions, etc., Lapeer, bet Clay and Rockwell. 2. Warner William H., lumberman, res 506 Washington, cor Millard. 8. Warninmundia Frederick, wks Feige Bros. Warren Erny, machinist Wickes Bros., bds Passage's, Wash'n. 254 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Warren Earnst, bds A. B. Passage. Warren James, waiter Everett House. WARREN JOSEPH (col), grocery and prcvision store, res and store cor Carroll and Rockwell.. Warren Miss Kittie, bds Nettie Wells. Warren Preserved, carpenter, res 5th, bet Kirk and Norman, 3. Warren Robert L., editor and publisher "Enterprise," office Ss Water, bet Genesee and German, res e s Wash'9n, bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 5. Warren Miss Sarah, vegetable cook, Bancroft House. Watson George H., gas-fitter, res cori Genesee and MoUtt. 6. WASSERMANN CHRISTIAN, tailor, Wash'n, bet Genesee and German, res cor Chesnut and 2d. 2. Washburn Geo., drayman, res cor 6tbh,. bet Fitzhugh and Carroll. 2. Wasserman Miss Lena, wks W. J. Loveland. Waterman Christopher, tailor, res e s 2d, bet Chesnit and Walnut. 2. Waters George, wks Steel's foundry, res cor Chesnut anld 2d. 3. Waters John, riverman, bds Garvin House. Waters Nicholas, lab, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 3. Little Jake & Co., "Boss) Clothiers of the State. Waters Nicholas, farmer, res n s Janes, bet 5th and 6th. 8& Waters Peter, lab, bds J. J. Reamer. Watts Joseph L., carpenter, res s w cor 10th and Carroll. 3. Watts Joseph D., operator, bds 6th. Watt George, mason, bds Marshall B. Spencer. Watt George, plasterer, bds Daniel Forrest. Watterman Miss Dora, wks Frank Keeler. Watts William, shoe maker, bds Tremont House-Warren Merrett. Watson John, lab, bds Farmers' Home. Way, J., carpenter, bds Yerick Reuben. Way Richard, wks A. F. Bartlett & Co. Way Richard, blacksmith, res e s 6th, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 5. Weatherby Lynda,, bds Ocean Wave. Wearer A. C., painter, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Weaver James A., boots and shoes, 106 Genesee, res n w cor Brady and Washington. Weaver James A., boot and shoe dealer, res n w cor Washington and Brady. 4. Weaver William H., calker, res e s Miller, cor Centre. 4. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 255 Weaver, John Mf., teamster, res w s Cass, bet German and William. 5. Webb H. D., fireman F. & P. M. M. R. Webb William, painter Burtt & Loomis, bds Oscar Hull. Webber Charles, lab, bds E. H. Dickerman. Webber James S., gentleman, res n w cor German and Warren. Webber Stephen, saloon, e s Genesee, n Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 7. Webber William L., city Mayor, res Jeff'n., cor Douglas. 4. Webber W. L., land commissioner and solicitor, F. & P. M. office. WEBER CVHARLES F., agt Blees' Sewing Machine, res 224 w s 3d, bet James and German. 2. Weber Johann C., shoemaker, res Genesee. 1. Welster Daniel, clk, bds Thomas Kenny. Welster Edward, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Webster Frank, bds Bancroft House. Webster John, carpenter, res bet Mackinaw and Sag. City & St. Clair R. R. 7. Webster S. H., lumber manuf'r, bds Bancroft House. 2. Weever John M., teamster, res Cass, bet German and William. 3. Weed Mrs. Mary, bds W. Smith. Kid Gloves at 1N. & n. Koch & Co's. Wegner Wm., mason, res cor Carroll and 13th. 2. WEGST ADAM, wholesale liquor dealer, 211 n Water, res 3d, bet Fitzhugh and Johnson. 4. See advt. Wegst John, clk and bds Adam Wegst. Weidermann Michael, res e s 6th, s German. 2. Weidmann Robert H. (Weidmann & Wright), lumberman, res 803 Washington, cor Emerson. 5. Weineeke A. & Co. (Albert and Edward Weinecke), furniture manuf'rs and dealers, store n s Genesee, bet:Cass and Franklin. Weinecke Albert, dealer in furniture, res 4th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 2. Weinecke Edward (Weinecke & Bro.), firniture manuf'rs and dealers, Genesee, bet Franklin and Cass, res cor 4th and Tuscola. 4. Weiss Samuel, clk Schott & Co., bds Steckert's Hotel. Weller Miss Margaret, Mrs. Alfred Weller, res Millard, near Wash'n. Weller John, wks East Saginaw Manufacturing Co. Wellman Curtis, lumberman, res n s Hess, e Mackinaw. 5. Wellman Frank, lab, bds Lynch Hotel. Wellington Erastus, salesman, res n s Johnson, bet 3dl and 4t h. 4. 256 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Wellington E. F., elk, J. W. Howry. Wellington Miss Lena, student, lives C. H. Camp. Wellington Scott, attorney, bds C. H. Camp. Wellington Walker, waiter, Bancroft House. Wells Miss Jennie, tailoress, wks Frank G. Welkin. Wells Simon P. (Curtis & Wells, livery), res e s Water, bet. Carroll and Fitzhugh. 3. Welch John, lumberman, office with Eddy, Avery & Co., res cor Hoyt and Park. 6. Welch Richard, lab, res w s Maple, bet McCoskry and Atwater. 4. Welch William, wks East Saginaw Manufacturing Co. Welsh Miss Catherine, wks National House, South Saginaw. Welsh Elisha, wks East Saginaw Manufacturing Co., res w s Washington, bet Hayden and William. Welsh Miss Eliza, boarding-house, w s Washington, bet Hayden and William. Welsh Michael, lab, bds Thomas Kenny. Welsh Moses J., blacksmith, bds Gilbert House, H. Naegley, cor Franklin and Potter. Welsh Patrick, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake &..Co. Welsh William, wks East Saginaw Manufacturing Co., res w s Washington, bet Hayden and William.. Welson John, lab, res Sears, bet 5th and 6th. 1. Wendell William, teamster James Stewart & Co., bds Valley House. Wenkler M. E., grqcer, cor 6th and Lapeer. 2. Wenks Anthony, bds N. Klub. Wenks Charles & Co. (C. Wenks and Murlin C. Osborn), boot and shoe dealers, 321 Genesee. WENKS CHARLES, Monitor Lime Works, office w s Water, foot Hayden, res n s Chesnut, bet Park and Genesee. 3. WERNER & REEIMERS (Wm Werner and Chas.Reimers), grocers, cor Lapeer and Rockwell. Werner Bruce, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt, bds D. Cummings. Werner William, grocer, store and res 407 and 409 Lapeer, cor Rockwell. 2. Wertsmorth, John, lab, bds Benjamin Eaton. West Alfred, cook, res 207 Jeff'n, bet Tuscola and Johnson. 9. West Andrew, lab, bds Valentine House. West Miss Barbara, wks G. Merrill. West John, butcher J. Van Valkenburg, res Millard. 3. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 257 West John, blacksmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. West John E., blacksmith, res w s 4th, bet Carroll and Miller. 4. West Miss Margaret, lives W. C. Clark. West Richard, butcher, res n s Millard, bet Genesee and Webster. 4. WEST RICHARD J., butcher, market 311 Genesee, bet Cass and Franklin, res w s Millard, bet Genesee and Warren. Westbrook Horace, sign painter. shop Buckhout blk, n Water. Westerfelt Ira, lab, res w s 2d, n of Hartsuff. 5. Westfall Peter V., contractor of wood work required on city water works, bds Salina House. Employs 5 carpenters. Weston Andrew E., grocer, opp Salina House, res cor Eaton and Newton. WESTON N. & SON, groceries and provisions, Mackinaw, opp Salina House. See advt p. index. Weston Chester W., carriage ironer and blacksmith, Rust, n end of Miller, res cor Miller and Rust. See advt. 3. Weston Fordos, cooper, res w s of Eaton. 2. Weston Nehemiah, grocer, opp Salina House, cor Eaton and Newton, res n s Eaton, w Washington. 3. Silk Wrappers and Brawers at M. & H. Koch & Co's. West A. A., 2d cook Bancroft House. West A. H., 1st cook Bancroft House. Wetherell Miss Electa, lives with R. A. Eddy. Wey Victor, lab, res s s Lapeer, bet 9th and 10th. 6. Whalen James, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Whalen Richard, lab, res e s Maple, s of Atwater. 3. Wheat & Co. (A. W. Wheat, C. M. Norris), general music store, dealers in pianos, organs, and safes, No. 111 Washington, opposite Bancroft House. Wheat Alfred W., general music dealer, bds cor Mason and Washington. Wheeler Miss Alice, wks D. F. Rose. WHEELER CHESLEY, ship-builder, yard w of Washington, s of Bristol, employs 35 men. See advt, p index. Wheeler M. M., physician, office 316 Genesee, bds Bancroft House. Wheeler John J. atty, res s e cor Warner and Fitzhugh. 2. Wheeler W. C., fireman, F. & P. M. R. R. Wheelan Miss Katy, tailoress, P. Roche, bds O. Bruce. Wheleman Wm., miller, res w s 5th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 2. Whelen James, lab, bds Michael Connery. 33 258& EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. White Rev. Austin B., pastor, Baptist Church, bds W. Frost. White Augustus, lab, res a s Gallaghar, near Washington. 2. White Miss Belle, wks Salina House. White C. W., agent, lumber and real estate office, S. Mill's block, Wash'n, bet Genesee and German. White Ebenezer B., messenger Am. Ex. Co., bds Bancroft House. White James, owner tug "Fannie Tuttle," res s e cor Millard and Water. 4. White James V., engineer, wks Johnson, Goodell & Co. White J. M., lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. White John, wks E. S. Manuf'g Co. White John, lab, res s s Cherry, bet Tuscola and Mumford. 6.. White John, lab, res s s Gallagher, bet Wash'n and Jeff'n. 4. White Joseph, lab, wks Jesse Hoyt. White Miss Nellie, wks Salina House. White Orlando, wks "Enterprise" office,bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. Whiting Lewis, operator. Whiting L. C., dentist, room n Wash'n, nr cor Genesee. Whitney Charles, head sawyer Eaton, Potter & Co., res Mackinaw. Whitney Leroy C., cashier F. & P. M. R. R. freight-house, res e s Jefferson, bet Miller and Carroll. 4. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Whitney 0. Casper, clk E. P. & H. L. Penfield, res cor Clay and Tuscola. Whipple Daniel B., conductor F. & P. M. R. R., res s s Miller, bet Franklin and Jefferson. 3. Whipple Preston, dentist res 329, n s Fitzhugh, bet Franklin and Johnson. 2. Whitman Frederick, lab, res w s Lincoln, bet Walnut and Cherry. 5. Whittier Charles A., with J. A. Whittier. Whittier Joseph A. (C. Merrill & Co.), res 220 n Water. 3. Whittier Joseph B., with J. A. Whittier. Wichman Ernest, carpenter, res 703 Janes. 4. Wickes Bros. (Henry D., Edward N., and Charles T. Wickes), manuf'rs, engines, gang and circular mills, etc., foundry and machine works, 524, 528 n Water. Wickes Charles T. (Wickes Bros.), bds H. D. Wickes. Wickes Edward N. (Wickes Bros.), bds H. D. Wickes. Wickes Henry D. (Wickes Bros.), res e s Jefferson, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 5. Wicker William W., engineer, F. & P. M. R. R., bds Everett House. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 259, Wicklein Henry (Frey & Wicklein), bds Everett House. Wickwire Mrs. H. S., lives with Edward W. O'Neal. Wickwire W. G., paymaster F. & P. M. R. R., bds Bancroft House. Wiedemann Michael, porter Morley Bros. Wienke Albert, dealer in furniture, res 4th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Wiggins G. B. & S. L. (George B. and Stephen L. Wiggins), lumber manuf'rs and dealers, office over 115 Genesee, res. 532 s. Warren. Wiggins George B., lumberman, res 532 Warren. 2. Wiggins John, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Wiggins & Turner (J. B. W., & H. T.), vessel and barge men, office Derby blk, n Water. Wight Hugh K., book-keeper C. & T. B. Spencer, res e s Water, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh. 4. Wight James (Johnson, Goodell & Co.), hemlock extract, bds Mrs. A. Bartlett. Wight John A., carpenter, res n e cor Janes and 7th. 4. Wilcox George, sawyer, res e end Mackinaw-st bridge, w of E. Sag. & St. Clair R. R. 3. Wilcox G. F., machinist, res e s Bates, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 3. Goods Marked in Plain Figures at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Wilber Daniel, riverman, res n s Center, w of Sag. & St. Clair R. R. 4. Wilber Eugene (Flanders & Wilber), res 611 Tuscola, bet Warren and Webster. 2. Wilber George A., lab, res Webster, bet German and William. Wilber Jerome J., clerk, bds with Eugene Wilber. Wilber Henry C., watchman Warner & Eastman's mill, res s town line, bet Jefferson and Washington. 9. Wilber James, teamster, res Cass, bet German and William. Wilber James, horse-trainer, J. McKinnon, res e s Cass, be t German and William. 2. Wilber James N., riverman, res s s Webster, w of Miller. 3. Wilber John, riverman, res s town line, bet Jefferson and Washington. 3. Wilbur Barney, carpenter, bds J. H. Overton. Wilbert George, book-keeper Merchants' National Bank, bds Mrs. C. A. Dietz. Wild Samuel R., dealer in wood, res Nimons, cor Ballard. 7. Wilder Chester, carpenter, bds Thos Kenney. Wildman Andrew, wks " Enterprise" office. Wildman Antony, printer, bds Jeremiah B. Kellam. 260 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Wildman Robert, wks gas works, res Cornelia, bet Martha and McCoskry. 7. Willett L. J., elk, bds Everett House. Wiley William, shingle manufr, bds Faust. Wilhelme John, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Wilholme John, police, res s s Carroll, bet 3d and Rockwell. 3. Wilk Fred., lab, res s s 12th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Wilk Henry, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck. Wilkes John, lab, res w of Eaton. 9. Wilkin John- R., lab, res 914 Hoyt. 5. Wilkin Frank G., merchant tailor and clothier, No. 308 Genesee, res 607 s Jefferson. 4. Wilkin & Mack (Frank G. Wilkin, James Mack), hats, caps, and furs. Wilkins John, wks Jesse Hoyt. Wilkins Samuel, lab, bds Patrick Hourigan. Wilkinson Joshua, lumber inspector, res 339 lst,cor Chestnut. 5. Wilkinson Robert, wks C. & E. Ten Eyck, bds Alonzo Ostrander. Willard Miss Mary, dressmaker, bds. W. M. Eaton. Willett Lev J., clerk Fish & Rogers, bds Everett. No Bantering at Little alke's. Willey Seth, res Genesee, s of Watrousville plank road. Williams Aaron, ship carpenter, bds Mrs. McAuley. Williams Chapman, lab, res Gallagher, bet Washington and Jefferson. 2. Williams Charles, cooper J. Hashisel. Williams Charles, cooper, res n s Gallagher, bet Mackinaw and Bundy. 2. Williams Crocker, farmer, res Franklin, bet Thompson and Hoyt. 3. Williams C. M., bds Bancroft House. 2. Williams E. H., carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Williams Charles L., carpenter, res s w cor 9th and Carroll. 3. Williams F., lab, res s s Johnson, bet Cass and Franklin. 4. Williams George, lab., bds Tremont House. Williams George M., coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Williams Henry, printer, bds Mrs. A. Dolson. Williams Harvey, fisherman, res n e cor Emerson and Hoyt. 2. Williams H. D., wks "Enterprise " office. Williams Isaac, lab, res s e cor Carroll and 3d. 3. Williamson John, wks East Saginaw Manuf'g Co. Williams, John, carpenter, bds D. Forrest. Williams K., painter, wks Burt & Loomis. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 261 Williams Mrs. Margaret, lives H. Lasseter. 2. Williams Miss Rhoda, lives Henry Allen. Williams Miss Sarah, lives J. P. Derby. Williams Miss Susan, Valley Laundry, s s William, bet Clay and Genesee. Williams William, mechanic, bds Thomas H. Smith. Williams William, wks F. & P. M. depot. Williams, carpenter, bds John A. McMahon. Williams -, physician, bds Mrs. M. Gates. WILLIAMSON WILLIAM, blacksmith, shop u sni Miller, bet Mackinaw and King, bds W. H. Frost. See advt. Willing Louis, lab, res s e cor Cherry and 1st. 4. Willis Benjamin, lab, bds A. Rust. Willis John, fireman, res n s Lapeer, bet 9th and 10th. 3. Willis Joseph, lab, bds Tremont House. Willis Oscar, minstrel, bds Stauber's Hotel. 2. Willis William M., capt City Dredge, res e s Genesee, s of Annesly. 5. Wills Henry, carpenter and joiner, bds Daniel F. Howard. Wills Henry, carpenter, bds Charles W. Latham. Wills John, lab, res e s 3d, bet Johnson and Fitzhugh. 7. Lumbermen's Supplies at.I. & 1. Koch & Co's. Wills --, lab, bds Charles W. Latham. Willcox Peter, copper-smith depot, res 4th, bet Miller and Sears. 4. Willson Miss Minnie, bds Miss Frances Campbell. Wilson Asad, foreman Curtis & Co's saw mill, res n s Sherman, w of Washington. 4. Wilson Miss Anna, rooms Hovey blk, Tuscola, room 29. Wilson Annie, home with Thomas H. Smith. Wilson A. J., painter, wks Burtt & Loomis, bds Everett House. Wilson Bea, waiter Everett House. Wilson Miss Christina, wks A. W. Bacon. Wilson Mrs. Cynthia, lives John N. Wilson. Wilson Frank, brick mason, bds S. Bishop. Wilson Rev. Henry H., Methodist minister, res Webster, bet Genesee and Williams. 1. Wilson Hugh, shoemaker, res. Potter, bet Franklin and Washington. 2. Wilson Miss Isabella, bds Joseph Wilson. Wilson, Jacob L., painter, res cor Franklin and German. 4. Wilson James, barber, bds Jacob L. Wilson. Wilson J. A., cooper, cor Jefferson and German. 262 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Wilson John, lab, res w s Cass, bet Tuscola and Johnson. 3, Wilson John, hostler, Everett House. Wilson John M., lumber inspector, res s c cor Warren and Thompson. 2. Wilson Joseph, mason, res n s Hartsuff, bet Genesee and s 1st. 2. Wilson Joseph D., carpenter, res No. 231, cor William and Water. WILSON ROBERT N., agt F. & P. M. R. R. and ocean and steamship lines, office Bancroft House, res n s Carroll, bet Franklin and Jefferson. Wilson Timothy, lumberman, res e s Cornelia, bet Martha and McCoskry. 4. Wilsey William G., conductor F. & P. 3. R. R., res 4th bet Miller and Sears. 4. Wilson -, carpenter, bds Albert McKee. Winaus Charles L., salesman James Jackson, bds "'Metropol. itan." Wind William, yardman F. & P. M. R. R. Windnagle John, lab, res e s Ward, cor Freeland. 5. Windover John, bds A. Soaper. Wine Phelix, riverman, res s town line, bet Jefferson and Washington. 3. Interview the " Boss Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Winds James N., teamster, res n Miller, w Washington. 6. Wing Mrs., -, res Lapeer, bet 6th and 7th. 1. Wingrove Omar W. (Lincoln & Wingrove), bds Tremont House. Winkler John F., bds A. D. Hunt. Winn Isaac L. (Winn & Markey), res w s 7th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Winn & Markey (I. & Q. W.), carpenters and builders, cor Cass and German. Winnie Daniel A., sawyer, res Miller, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Winsor John J., lumber inspector, res w s Wash'n, bet Carroll and Miller. 2 -Winsor John W., lumberman, office with Hunter Bros., bds Bancroft House, res Rockton, IlJ. Winston Augustus, lab, res w s 11th, bet Johnson and Wadsworth. 5. Winston Thomas, bds C. W. Beagle. Wint William, lab, res 4th, bet Kirk and Norman. 2. Winter John, bricklayer, res s w cor 7th and Wadsworth. 3. Wintermute C. H., coppersmith, shop F. & P. M. R. R. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 263 Wintey Geo., saloon, 627 H-oyt, res same. 5. Wirston William, blacksmith, shop F. & P. MA. R. R. Wise Miss Catherine, home with F. Stork. Wisner Chauncey W., retired, res Wisner blk, cor Genesee and Franklin. 3. Wisner & Draper (Oscar F. Wisner and C. Stuart Draper), att'ys, office third floor Wisner blk, n e cor Genesee and Franklin. Wisner Oscar F. (Draper & Wisner), res n w cor Fitzhugh and Washington. 2. Wisner Robert, lab, res 205 Hoyt. 4. Witer Mrs. Emma, res s s Wadsworth, bet 10th and llth. 3. Witham Charles W., carpenter, res 613 Maple. 4. Witham Daniel L., bds C. W. Witham. Witz Jacob, carpenter, res w s 6th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 3. Witt Charles, lab, res w s 4th, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Wittmack John, carpenter, bds with Henry Pries. Witz Aaron, lab, res n w cor 6th and Tuscola. 2. Wizner George, carpenter, bds J. Gunnell. Wolbart Augustus, lab, res e s 1st, bet Cherry and Walnut. 3. Wolbert Frederic, elk, res cor Fitzhugh and Rockwell. 7. Fine Cuiston Work at 1M. & H. Koch & Co's. Wolcott Jerome, bds W. Landis. WOLFARTH JORN G., Baker, and Cracker Bakery, n e cor Hoyt and Walnut, res same. 5. Wolf Frederick, lab., res w s High, s of Walnut. 5. Wolf Frederick, shoemaker, shop ss Janes, cor 1st, res same. 7. Wolf John, butcher, shop and res Lapeer, bet 5th and 6th. 2. Wolf John, lab, res 14th, s Janes. 4. Wolf J., wks Sears & Holland. Wolf Frederick, wks C. Lee, mill. Wolfe Joseph, lab, bds with Fred Cline. Wolkenstaiver Leonard, lab, res e end Douglas. 4. Wood Alfred B., druggist, cor Genesee and Franklin, and deputy city treasurer, res n e cor s Jeff'n and Phelon. 2. Wood Mrs. Annie, bds T. K. Allington. Wood Miss Emma, home with Mrs. Emma Cadotte. Wood, Frank, drayman, res out Watrousville plank-road, Gallagher addition. 2. Wood Frank B., lives with A. B. Wood. Wood John, wks J. S. Stevens. Wood John M., lab, bds Abram F. Sharick. Wood, Joseph, police, res e s Webster, bet Merrill and Mott. 3. Wood Luther C., agt Grover & Baker S. M., res 331 1st. 2. 264 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Wood L. C., salesman, res 331 1st. 4. Wood Miss Mary, home George Mayor. Woodard Earl, carpenter, res n s William. 3. Woodbridge J., lab, bds R. Vannorman. Woodruff Albert 0., machinist, res s s Miller, bet Franklin and Jefferson. 4. Woodruff Ida, school teacher, res w s Welles, bet Emerson and Hoyt. 4. Woodruff Francis, carpenter depot, res s s Miller, bet 3d and Rockwell. 4. Woodruff Miss Hattie, clk postoffice, bds Henry Waller. Woollacott John H., clk F. & P. M. R. R., res s s Miller, bet Franklin and Jefferson. 2. Woolsey Eleasor, mechanic, res w s Mackinaw, corner Nimons. 8. Wooley Joseph, lab, bds D. MacIntyre. Woorford Wilson C., collector, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Worthy William, lab, bds Bechtel's Hotel. Wortsmoth Frederick, engineer, F. & P. M. R. R., bds John Hazzard. Wrege Charles W., cistern maker, shop cor Cass and German, res Tuscola, bet Clay and 3d. 5. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Wrege Fred., carpenter, res w s Rockwell, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 9. Wrege John, carpenter, res s e cor Lapeer and Rockwell. 7. Wright Alfred H., lumberman, bds W. Frost. Wright Mrs. Eliza, lives with Isaac Williams. Wright Geo., lab, wks S. B. Bliss. Wright Harrison L., clk Morley Bros., res n s Emerson, bet Maple and Warren. 4. Wright Mrs. Isabella (wid), boarding house, res 325, cor Johnson and Cass. 2. Wright John W., clk C. B. Stever & Co. Wright John W., druggist, Potter, bet Jefferson and Warren, res Washington. Wright J. W., drug clk Chandler Bros., bds Miss E. Welsh. Wright Lormer, carpenter, bds Oscar Hull. Wright Rev. Philip J., pastor M. E. Church, res s s Hess, bet Bundy and Mackinaw. 4. Wright Thomas, lab, bds J. Webster. Wrightman John, lab, res n s Williams. 2. Wrightman Louis, lab, res n s Williams. 4. Wrightman Nelson, whip sawyer, res e s 10th, bet Hesse and Main. 5. EAST SAGI1AW DIRECTORY. 265 Wurm Andrew, printer, " Courier " office. 3. Wurtsmith John, mechanic, wks F. & P. M. depot. Wyckoff John, turner, res 1013 Wash'n. 2. Wyckoff John W., blacksmith, wks and bds Amos S. Parke. Wycoll John, wks A. S. Parke. Wyman Frank, wks and bds J. Gamble. Wynes James A., teamster, res w s Douglass, bet Cherry and Janes. Wysner Lewis, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw.. Wysner John, lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Y. Yager Albert, wvks Feige Bros. Yage Frederick, clk, Leonard Myres, bds Leonard cMyres. Yager John, confectioner, wks James I. Robinson. Yale Lewis J., lab, bds National House, South Saginaw. Yanke William (Eymer & Yanke), bds cor Tuscola and Webster. Yanka William, res 203 w s Webster, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4. Yax Emily, wks D. R. Bronson. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft Honse.. Yeager John, mechanic, bds Jacob Christopher. Yeager John, bds P. Brown. Yiarchow Sarah, wks Frederic A. Koehler. Yerick Reuben, mechanic, res 6th, bet Miller and Sears. 3. Yeaton P. & Co. (P. and G. H.), harness manuf'rs, Franklin, bet Genesee and German. Yeaton George H., harness manuf'r, res cor Jefferson and Millard. 5. Yeaton P., barness manuf'r, res cor Jefferson and Millard. 2. Yeaton Theneous, harness-maker, res s e cor Millard and Jefferson. 7. Yeomans Charles, lab, res s s William, bet Mackinaw and Little. 3. Yockey Frederick, hostler, wks for Root & Midler. Yockey Philip, teamster, res 117 e s Rockwell. 3. Yohn Miss Ricka, wks G. A. Mitchell. Yonka Chas,, res 203 w s Webster, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 4.. Yonkae Maria, lab, res cor German and 9th. 3. Youmans Henry M. (Bundy & Youmans), res w s Mackinaw, s of Hesse. 4. 34 266 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. Young Alexander D., warehouseman James Stewart & Co., bds 3d and Janes. Young Frederick, lab, res w s East. 3. Young George, lab, bds Mathew Borland. Young John, clerk, bds D. O. Donnell. Young John H., warehouse man James Stewart & Co., bds D. O'Donnell, Franklin. Young John J., lab, res w s Webster, bet Elm and Emerson. 4. Young Miss Lucinda, wks T. D. Mower. Young William, hoop maker, bds D. 0. Donnell. Young William, lab, bds J. J. Young. Yonunk Mrs. Annie, -, res w s 9th, bet Janes and German. 4. Youst Antony, lab, res w s 11th, bet Lapeer and Tuscola. 4. Yvet Alcide, elks and bds M. J. Barbier. Z. Zarnke Fred, grocery, cor 8th and Wadsworth. Zeek Joseph, lab, res w s 14th, bet Jane and Lapeer. 3. foot of Gallagher, res cor 1st and Mackinaw, s of Center. 4. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. ZEIQUIN KASPAR, merchant tailor, shop w s Wash'n ave, Zellner Augustus, bell boy Everett House. Zellner Conrad, wks and bds P. Zellner. ZELLNEE PAUL, butcher, meat market, 408 Genesee, res w s 4th, bet German and Lapeer. 6. Zerwk Mary, home with Daniel Hall, No. 616 Washington, bet Astor and Miller. Zeman Miss Annie, wks R. L. Jones. Ziebol Alfred, lab, res e s Mackinaw, n Eaton. 4-. Ziegner Frederick, brewery, n s Johnson, bet Rockwell and 3d, res same. 5. Zimmerman Charles, lab, res 5th, bet Kirk and Norman. 4. Zimmerman Joahin, res 202 Rockwell, bet Johnson and Tuscola. 5. Zimmerli Miss Minnie, wks M. Jones. Zonyea Octa, sawyer, bds Mrs. M. Riordan. Zouman C. S., wks Sears & Holland. Zwerk Charles, carpenter, res w s Hess. 3. Zwerk George, carpenter, shop F. & P. M. R. R. Zwerk Herman B. (Fey & Zwerk), notary public, and insurance and real estate agt, office Genesee, opp postoffice, res w s 4th, bet German and Janes. 2. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 267 Zwerk Miss L., dressmaker, wks Mrs. E. G. Hammond. Zwerk William H., clk T. E. Hoyt, bds H. Carman. 3. Zwerk William, groceries and provisions, n s Genesee, bet Clay and Rockwell, res same. 7. ABSENT OR REFUSED. The followivng houses wvith occupants absent, and whose names were Refused, most of which were called for the second time, and enquiries made, but without success. Hoase e s Webster, bet Lapeer and Tuscola, absent; cor Clay and Lapeer, absent; Tuscola, bet 3d and Rockwell, absent; s side Tuscola, bet 5th and 6th, absent; washing and ironing, Tuscola, refused names; William, bet Clay and Rockwell, absent; s side Miller, bet Rockwell and Warren, absent; Franklin, bet Astor and Potter, absent; Franklin, bet German and William, absent; cor Fitzhugh and Wash'n, absent; Wash'n, bet Fitzhngh and Johnson, absent; cor 12th and Wadsworth, refased names; Jefferson, bet German and William, absent; 5th, bet Kirk and Sears, absent; 4th, bet Kirk and Sears, absent; s west cor XX., refused names; n side Johnson, bet 8th and 9th, refused names; n side Johnson, bet 8th and 9th, refused names; n side Carroll, bet Franklin and Johnson, absent; n side Carroll, bet Franklin and Jefferson, absent; e side Warren, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh, absent; s 268 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. side Carroll, bet Franklin and Johnson, absent; Cass, bet Genesee and German, absent; Farwell, bet 7th and 8th, absent; n Wash'n absent; Farwell, bet 6th and 7th, absent; Miller, bet Rockwell and Warren, absent; 4th, bet Farwell and Norman, absent; Potter, bet Rockwell and Warren, absent; Miller, bet Rockwell and Warren, absent; 4th, bet Farwell and Norman, absent; 5th, bet English and Norman, absent; Warren, bet Astor and Potter, absent; 4th, bet Farwell and Norman, absent; 5th, bet Kirk and Sears, absent; 6th, bet Kirk and Sears, absent; 6th, bet Carroll and Fitzhugh, refused; Astor, bet Rockwell and Warren, absent; Astor, bet Rockwell and Warren, absent; 7th, bet Miller and Sears, absent; 7th, bet Miller and Sears, absent; cor Miller and 1st, absent; Tuscola, bet Clay and Webster, absent; Lapeer, bet 5th and 6th, nix-for-stay, kan no English sprachen; 1012 s s Lapeer, bet 7th and 8th, absent; e side 13th, bet Janes and Lapeer, absent; 9th, bet German and Lapeer, absent; s e cor 10th and Lapeer, absent; s side Lapeer, bet 8th and 9th, absent; 1404 Lapeer, near cor 14th, absent; w side 3d, bet German and Lapeer, absent; s w cor 9th and Lapeer, absent; cor Clay and Tuscola, absent; s w cor Tuscola and 7th, absent. HOUSES FOUND VACANT. The number of buildings found vacant, of various kinds, were 112; their locations are filed in the Directory office. All will be filled at the approach of winter, there is no doubt. NEW BUILDINGS IN COURSE OF COMPLETION. The number of new buildings unfinished, as noted by us, were thirty, but by no means do we claim this to be any where near all. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 269 SALT REPORT. The following is a report of Dr. S. S. Garrigues, State Salt Inspector, of the amount of salt inspected for the month ending August 31, 1873, in the different districts, and also the total amount inspected for the season to September 1, 1873: o o P A aP C3A C District No..................................------------------------------ 11090 35..... 18 11143 District No. 2................................ 15081 ------ ------ 244 15325 District No. 3.......................... ------------------------------8122...... 295 18417 District No. 4.......................----------------------------- 18812--...... 1193 714 20719 District No. 5................................ 11215 1950 6231 723 20119 District No. 6........................ 25964 107...... 378 26449 District No...........--............------------------------- 22888 418 922 594 24822 District No. 8._ __ _ -------------------------------_ 8925 27 93 9045 District No. 9-..----- ----- -............... -95.....----------......---.. 95 District No. 10 _... --.----............. -1825 389...... - -- 2214 Total for Aug., 1873---------.........--......--------------13401 2926 8346 3059 148348 Total to 1st Aug., 1878.............--------------.....---------............355799 5704 11811 13314 386628 Total to Sept. 1st, 1878....------.........-----.....489816 8680 20157 16-378 534979 JESSE HOYT. This gentleman, who resides in New York, is one of East Saginaw's most wWalthy and active business men, although seldom here in person, is represented here by Mr. W. J. Bartow, his agent. Mr. Hoyt has been identified with East Sag 270 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. inaw for many years, and known as its principal founder, as the following shows: He owns the Bancroft House and nearly the whole block (19) upon which it stands, all facing Genesee street, and the greater portion on Washington. A saw mill on South Water, near foot of German street, which gives employment to about thirty men. Another sawmill in the northern part of this city, employs about forty men, adjoining to which is a planing mill with some twentyfive men employed. Also, very largely interested in the East Saginaw Salt Manufacturing Company, the original Company. Here are fifty men. Also, the May Flower Flour Mills, with fifteen or twenty men, an extensive barrel factory adjoining. Is largely interested in the East Saginaw City Railway line, and the Flint and Pere Marquette Railway. Owns the Northeast corner of Genesee and Washington streets, some time since burned out, and is being replaced with a stone and iron front, one of the most substantial blocks to be found here, as also an ornament to the city. He is also the owner of a large number of unoccupied city lots, and from sixty to sixty-five thousand acres of pine lands north and west of Saginaw County, and a number of blacksmith shops, carpenter, and other work-shops. POPULATION. East Saginaw has a population according to our taking of the census in August, 1873, of 14,101. One can ascertain this by adding up the individual names appearing in this Directory, and the number in each family set at the end of each address; those without this figure count as one; omit firm names. EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. 271 We also have another way of giving the population, as follows: The number of names in the East Saginaw Directory under A, 163; B, 590; C, 376; D, 321; E, 136; F, 247; G, 348; H, 510; 1,19; J, 150; K, 274; L, 317; M, 727; N, 112; 0,126; P, 242; Q, 19; R, 313; S, 680; T, 183; U, 7; V, 60; W, 420; X, 0; Y, 35; Z, 21. Total 6,396 names, if multiplied by 2 gives us 12,792 inhabitants, if multiplied by 2 gives us 15,990, by 3 gives 19,188. We believe the figures 14,101, actual count, may be relied upon as very accurate, although the New York Directory multiplies the number of names in the Directory by five to get their population; but this would seem too large. However, we give tle above for what it is worth. BRID GES. The Bristol-Street Bridge, leading from Saginaw City to East Saginaw, of Brown's patent, was built in 1864, under a lease for thirty years. Its length from shore to shore is about 1,600 feet. The bridge stands on two main piers, and the two swings on two more, with approaches upon piles. One of the swings is about 100 feet, the other 197 feet long, each of which admits of any vessel which navigates the Saginaw river in passing on either side of the swing. The rates of toll are the same as over the Genesee-street bridge, at East Saginaw. Officers are, Henry Day of New York, Pres.; Julius K. Rose, Sec'y and Treas.; A. L. Vaughan and A. W. Tyler, tenders. 7y2 EAST SAGINAW DIRECTORY. ANOTHER ONE, known as the upper bridge, crossing the river from Saginaw City to East Saginaw, late Salina, is' another very long one. Toll the same. Officers we have not learned. ONE IN PROSPECT at East Saginaw. Vigorous efforts are being made to put a bridge across the river at Johnson street. A meeting has been held for accomplishing this purpose since the above was printed. BR O WN'S DIRECTOR Y OF SAG-IN AW CITWY, INDEPENDENT AND COPLETE IN ITSELF. By C. EXERA BROWN. Directory Office, No. 113 Genesee Street, East Saginaw, Mich. 35 'E i:lf n r ) j b STREETS IN SAGINAW. The following is a list of the streets from the original plat of Dec., 1830: Adams, Ames, Court, Fayette, Franklin, Hamilton, Harrison, The following is a list of the streets from the map, February 1st, 1837: Adams, Emerson, Allen, " Farley, Ames, Fayette, Barry, Fitzhugh, Bates, Franklin, Bond, Front, Branch, Granger, Brewster, Green, Broadway, Hamilton, Calhoun, Harrison, Cass, Hudson, Clay, Ingham, Clinton, Jackson,,Court, Jefferson, Dearborn, Kent, Dodge, Lyon, Eaton, Mackinaw, in Saginaw as copied Jefferson, Water, Washington. in Saginaw as copied Macomb, Madison, Marshall, Mason, Miller, Monroe, Oakley, Pearl, Perry, Porter, Randolph, Saginaw, Scott, Sinclair, Stephens, Throop, Van Buren, 276 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Waller, Washington, Water, Wayne, Webster, Williams, Woodbridge, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth. The following is a list of the streets in Saginaw in 1873: Adams, Alexander, Almira, Ames, Andre, Ash, Bates, Bavaria, Bay City State road, Blackmore, Braley, Brewster, Bond, Brooks, Carroll, Carrollton, Carolina, Caroline, Cass, Catherine, Charles, Chesnut, Clinton, Congress ave., Cooper ave., Court, Cronk ave., Hess, Cross road, Houghton ave., Davenport ave., Irving ave., Dearborn, Jackson, East Saginaw and J. L. & S. R. R. line, Sauble State road, Jay, Elm, Jefferson, Emerson, Julia, Farley, King, Fayette, Lincoln ave., Fitzhugh, Luther, Forest, Lynn, Franklin, Lyon, Fremont, Lytle, Gallagher, Mackinaw, German Colony road,Mackinaw road, Granger, Madison, Grant, Main, Gratiot State road, Maine, Greenwich, Maple, famlin, Mason, Hamilton, McEwan, Harris, Michigan, Harrison, Miller, Hermansau road, Monroe, Zilwaukee road, S Morris, SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 27 Oak, Oakley, Perry, Pine, Pleasant, Porter, Potter, Queen, Randolph, Richman, River, Saginaw, Salt, Sherman, South Division st., St. Paul, State Road, Stevens, Storch, Sturgeon, Superior, Thatcher, Thayer, Thomas, Throop, Union ave., Van Buren, Van Etten, Vermont, Vine, Waller, Washington st., Washington, Washington ave., J Water, Wayne, Webster, Wilkins, Williams, Woodbridge, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth. 278 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. SAGINAW COUNTY OFFICIALS. Reuben W. Andrus, Sheriff. Fred. B. Sweet, Clerk. Otto Roeser, Judge of Probate. George F. Veenfliet, Treasurer. Jerome K. Stevens, Register of Deeds. William Gillett, Prosecuting Attorney. Thomas M. James, - Circuit Court Commissioners. John J. Heeley, I Isaac H. Leavenworth, Surveyor. Rev. J. S. Goodman, Superintendent of Schools. Daniel Forest, Coroners. William P. Burdick, CITY OFFICIALS. Benton Hanchett, Mayor. John B. Schick, Recorder. Racine Purmort, Treasurer. Frederick L. Eaton, Controller. Dan. P. Foote, Attorney. Henry Miller, Marshal. Robert McLean, Street Commissioner. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 279 ALDERMEN. First Ward-George Davenport, Joshua Tuthill. Second Ward-Benjamin B. Bartlett, N. S. Lockwood. Third Ward-Francis W. Allen, Wm. Reins. Fourth Ward-Benjamin Forbes, James E. Brady. Fifth Ward-John Friedlein, Wm. H. Smith. Sixth Ward-Charles Yost, John C. Ziegler. STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance-Knight, Davenport, Allen. Streets-Tuthill, Reins, Zeigler. Ordinances-Davenport, Bartlett, Smith. Health-Allen, Smith, Friedlein. Fire-Reins, Bartlett, Davenport. Poor-Smith, Yost, Forbes. Cemetery and Public Buildings-Friedlein, Knight, Tuthill. Printing-Yost, Brady, Reins. Plank Roads-Forbes, Ziegler, Brady. Gas-Ziegler, Allen, Friedlein. Water Works-Bartlett, Tuthill, Knight. SUPERVISORS. First Ward-E. J. Ring. Second Ward-Jay Smith. Third Ward-George Stark. Fourth Ward-Henry Miller. Fifth Ward-Peter C. Andre. Sixth Ward-Thomas Shimmons. POLICE OFFICERS. Henry Miller, Marshal; Thomas L. Libby, Louis Talman, Oscar Strimbeck, Joseph Le Duke, Stephen Freeland, Adam Bauer, Henry P. Sipe, Hamilton France, Police. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. James W. Clark, John B. Schick, Peter Lane, Lemuel Felcher. 280 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. CONSTABLES. John E. Wells, 1st ward; Charles E. Brenner, 2d ward; Charles Keutzmann, 3d ward; Thomas McCullen, 4th ward; Gregory Adams, 5th ward; Joseph Le Duke, 6th ward. RECORDER'S COURT. John B. Schick, Justice. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Engine House corner Harrison and Van Buren streets. Steam Fire Engine. Officers-George L. Burrows, Chief Engineer; Geo. A. Lyon, Assistant; F. G. Clifton, Engineer; Wm. Rines, Foreman; G. Schultheise, Assistant Foreman; Andrew Feiger, John March, John Graebner, Charles Ratke, Emil Botke, and Randolph Kern, members. Total number members of this department is about 75. Four volunteer hose companies with five hose carts, having horses for each, variously distributed about the city, make a well organized fire department. WATER-WORKS. The Holly system of water-works went into operation in the winter of 1872-3. The building and machinery cost, when all the pipe is laid, necessary at present, about $150,000. The Board of Water Commissioners are Wm. Binder, President; Dan. P. Foote, Secretary; George L. Burrows, E. J. Ring, and S. B. Williams. The works belong to the city, and in consequence are under the city government. STREET RAILWAY. The Saginaw Street Railway Company have a 30-years lease of right of way. Was opened in 1864-5, two and a half miles of track, stocked with 22 horses and five cars, which run at regular intervals. Fare from Saginaw to East Saginaw, seven cents. Office and barns are located on the corner of Hamilton and Madison streets. Sanford S. Perkins, Super SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 281 intendent; David H. Jerome, George L. Burrows, George F. Williams, Timothy Jerome, and James Jerome, Directors and stockholders. CHURCHES. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHuRcH.-Corner Adams,and Washington streets; Rev. James A. Venning, pastor. FIRst BAPTIST CHURC.--Northwest corner Fayette and Franklin streets; Rev. W. W. Patten gill, pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.--Corner. Court and Harrison streets. No pastor at present. EVANGELICALr LUTHERAN CHURCH.-Corner Court and Fayette streets; Rev. Joseph Schmidt, pastor. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH.--Corner Franklin and Washington streets; Rev. Wm. H. Watts, rector. GERMAN M. E. CHURCH.-Corner Ames and Harrison sts; Rev. Matta, pastor. No building. LIBERAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH.-EaSt side Washington, between Adams and Cass streets; Rev. J. H. Burnham, pastor. ST. ANI)REW'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCa.-Northeast corner Monroe and Washington; Rev. Father Reineus Vanderhayden, pastor, res adjacent, No. 604 N. Washington. AMES CHA.PEL, MISSIoN, M. E. CHURCH.-On Penoyer farm, 4th street, near Lincoln Ave.; Rev. James Riley, pastor. ST. PAUL's EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, GERMAN. Corner Ames and Harrison; Rev. C. L. Eberhardt, pastor. School attached; pastor the teacher. (?) NoTE.-Church, Episcopal M. E., cor Adams and Fayette. (?) Church, Lutheran, cor Court and Lafayette. (?) Church w s Fayette, a of Perry, 4th Ward Mihssion Chapel, Baptist and Germian M. E. worship here. (?) 36 282 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. _~__ SCHOOLS. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Benton Hanchett, President, term expires 1874; D. B. Ketchum, Secretary, term expires 1875; Geo. L. Burrows, Treasurer, term expires 1876; D. C. L. Eaton, term expires 1874; Otto Roeser, term expires 1875; D. H. Jerome, term expires 1876. Superintendent, Chas. D. Hine. CENTRAL BUILDING. Principal of High School and Grammar Department, A. E. Curtis; Assistant in High School, Mrs. E. K. Curtis; Assistants in Grammar Department, Miss T. E. Jones, Miss A. D. Clark. No. of scholars 113. A. Secondary, Miss Nettie Smith; No. scholars 52. B. Secondary, Principal, Miss S. C. Palmer; Assistants, Miss J. E. Johnson, Miss Carrie Atwater. No. of scholars 83. B. Secondary, Miss C. E. Palmer. No. of scholars, 40. A. Second Primary, Mrs. Juliette Fonda. No. of scholars, 47. B. Second Primary, Miss Susie Busby. No. of scholars 35. First Primary, Principal, Miss Mary C. Johnson; Assistant, Miss Lucy L. Townsend; German Class, 1st, Mr. Constantine Wotz; German Class, 2d, Mrs. Mary H. Prentiss, Miss Minnie Smith; German Class, 3d, Mr. L. M. Fetzer; German Class, 4th, Miss Mary Day; German Class, 5th, Miss Emily Case. No. of scholars 244. FIRST WARD. Secondary, Mr. D. S. Spencer; Second Primary, Miss C. S. Dow; First Primary, Miss Josephine Alexander. No. of scholars 121. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 283 THIRD WARD. Second Primary, Miss Rachel Davison; First Primary. Misa Kittie G. Fraser. No. of scholars 104. FOURTH WARD. Secondary, Mr. L. B. Peckham; Second Primary, Miss R. I. Van Zile; A. First Primary, Miss H. L. Chisholm; B. First Primary, Miss Jennie Bloor. FIFTH WARD. Second Primary, Miss S. L. Johnson; First Primary, Miss, Millie F. Allen; German Class, 6th, Miss Emma W. Riemschneider. No. of scholars 103. SIXTH WARD. Second Primary, Miss Ella Johnson; First Primary, Miss Kittie Kennedy. No. of scholars 99. Whole number of scholars in attendance 1,225. Whole number enrolled during year 1872-3,1,725. School census in 1872, 2,475. School census in 1873, 2,625. Number of volumes in school library, 1,409. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. GERMANIA LODGE F. & A. M., No. 79.-Hall Fritz Simon's block, Water street. Regular communications Friday evening on or before full moon in each month; specials intervening,. Officers: Wm. Achard, W. M.; Joseph Schefnecker, S. W.; Peter Herrig, J. W.; George Veenfliet, Secretary; Edward 284 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Bark, Treasurer; Francis Ganschow, S. D.; Fritz Wider, J. D.; Mathew Becker, Tyler; J. C. Ziegler and L. Liskow, Stewards. Election of officers May 29, 1874. SAGINAW VALLEY LODGE F. & A. M., No. 154.-Hall Wesener block, corner Adams and Hamilton streets. Regular cammunications Monday evening on or before full moon in each month; specials intervening. Officers: W. W. Knight, W. M.; J. A. Gibson, S. W.; Spencer Martin, J. W.; George A. Baker, Secretary; B. B. Bartlett, Treasurer; S. W. Tinker, S. D.; Charles L. Penfield, J. D.; Albert Thurston, Tyler; George H. Durand, Chaplain; Gregory Adams and G. N. Partridge, Stewards. Election of officers June 22, 1874. JOPPA CHAPTER R. A. M., No. 63.-Hall Wesener block, corner Adams and Hamilton streets. Stated convocations -every Tuesday evening in each month. Officers: J. E. Saunders, H. P.; W. W. Knight, K.; T. L. Jackson, S.; Gregory Adams, C. H.; George H. Durand, P. S.; John Ballentine, R. A. C.; Spencer Martin, Secretary; B. B. Bartlett, Treasurer; George R. Stark, M. 3d V.; S. W. Tinker, M. 2d V.; G. N. Partridge, M. 1st V.; F. G. Clifton, Sentinel; George H. Durand, Chaplain; John A. Gibson and C. L. Penfield, Stewards. Election of officers Dec. 2, 1873. ODD FELLOWS. SAGINAW LODGE I. 0. O. F., No. 42.-Meet every Monday evening. Hall corner Ames and Hamilton streets. OfficersMatthias Becker, N. G.; Charles Excel], V. G.; E. R. Gould, R. S.; A. D. Smith, Treasurer. About 120 strong. WASHINGTON ENCAMPMENT I. O. O. F., No. 19.-Meet the second and fourth Wednesday in each month. Hall corner Ames and Hamilton streets. Officers-C. J. Dingman, C. P.; Matthias Becker, H. P.; Charles E. Chapell, S. W.; Charles Excell, S.; A. D. Smith, Treasurer; W. H. Smith, J. W. About 60 strong. SAGINTAW CITY DIRECTORY. 285 GOOD TEMPLARS. SAGINAW LODGE, I. O. G. T., No. 172.-Meet every Tuesday in their hall, Andre block, Court street, over Benj. Geer's drygoods store, opposite Taylor House. Officers: S. W. Kennedy, W. C. T.; Miss Helen Fraser, W. V. T.; James B. Scott, W. R. S.; Miss Helen Manning, W. A. S.; J. E. Clayton, W. T.; R. A. Bounting, W. F. S.; F. H. Clayton, W. M.; Miss Sarah Elliott, W. D. M.; Miss J. Redstone, W. I. G.; Wm. Redstone, W. 0. G.; Eben Saunders, W. C.; Win. H. Scott, W. C. T.;: Miss Velona Manning, W. R. H. S.; Miss Mary Elliott, W. IL H. S. Election of officers every three months. BOAT CLUB. The Wah-wah-sum Boat Club was organized in Dec., 1868 They have about sixty members, and boats as follows: "Ezra Rust," a cedar shell, 6 oars; "Sarah A. Bullock," 4 oars; "Eclipse," 6 oars; "Toothpick," 2 oars; and a paper shell, 2 oars. Officers: J. K. Stevens, Pres.; N. S. Wood, Vice Pres.; L. W. Wade, Sec'y and Treas.; C. E. Wheeler, Capt.; D. W. Briggs, coxswain; 0. Armstrong, J. W. Alexander, E. N. Briggs, D. W. Briggs, L. Burrows, Jr., J. F. Brand, B. B. Bartlett, 0. P. Barbee, W. S. Carpenter, C. M. Hobby, James Jerome, W. W. Knight, G. F. Lewis, and E. G. Love, active members. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. The Ladies' Relief Society has been organized for several years, and was re-organized October 12th, 1871. This society did noble service during the late Michigan and Chicago fires of 1871. The present officers are Mrs. Dr. I. N. Smith, Pres.; Mrs. Wm. A. Clark, Sec'y; Mrs. A. W. Wright, Treas. 286 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIATION. SAGINAW BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS.-Meet the first and second Friday each month at no definite place. OfficersSpencer Martin, President; N. S. Wood, Vice President; G. K. Grant, Secretary and Treasurer. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Saginaw Central Agricultural Society was organized Saturday, May 17, 1873, at 11 A. a., at the Board of Trade rooms, Andre & Beach block, Saginaw City. First fair was held Sept. 15, 16, and 17, 1873. Officers for 1873 as follows: BOARD OF DIRECTORs.- John Fischer, President; Wm. McBratnie, Secretary; George R. Stark, Treasurer; Geo. F, Lewis, Walter D. Pettit, Colin McBratnie, W. A. Crane, David Geddes, Samuel Harder, Andrew Crofoot. VICE PRESIDENTS.-JohnA M. Heisrodt, Saginaw; John Benson, Thomaston; Abner Hubbard, Kochville; John Wright, Zilwaukee; Christopher Ulrich, Carrollton; William Roeser, Tittabawassee; Lemuel Cone, Richland; John Clune, Jonesfield; Thomas P. Hines, Fremont; R. W. Beeman, Swan Creek; Lewis Penoyer, St. Charles; George Ward, Brant, Nelson Phy, Brady; Anson Sheldon, Chesaning; Geo. C. Bell, Chapin. SAGINAW CITY.-1st Ward, John Moore; 2d Ward, Fred. H. Potter; 3d Ward, Wm. A. Williams; 4th Ward, Stewart B. Williams; 5th Ward, Dudley H. Smith; 6th Ward, John C. Zeigler. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. YOUNG MEN'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.-Rooms, Andre block, Washington, between Court and Franklin streets; rooms open every Saturday afternoon and evening. Officers: SAGIN-AW CITY DIRECTORY. 287 N. S. Wood, Pres.; Spencer Martin, Vice Pres.; Frank A. Palmer, Rec. Sec'y; J. N. Penoyer, Cor. Sec'y; Lorenzo Burrows, Treas.; Miss Kate Kennedy, librarian. Number of volumes in library, about 3,000. 'BUS LINE. SAIIIAW 'Bus LINE.-Office and barn, corner Hamilton and Madison streets; Sanford S. Perkins, Sup't. One 'bus, four horses, runs to and from all trains, hotels, and private houses. Fare 25 cents. THE PRESS. The press at Saginaw City is represented by two weekly newspapers, the " Saginaw Republican," now on its sixteenth volume (Rep.), and "The Saginawian," on its fifth volame (Dem.), both good papers, having a large circulation, and highly esteemed for their well written articles and large amount of reading matter. The former is published by Frank A. Palmer, the latter by George F. Lewis. Mr. Lewis and Mr. Headley of the "Courier," at East Saginaw, issue an "Annual Statement of the Business of the Saginaw Valley and Lake Shore," in pamphlet form. In connection with both the above offices are job printing rooms, which do a good business. THE BARNARD & BINDER BLOCK. One of the finest buildings for business purposes in the Valley, if not in Northern Michigan, is the one just completed by the above gentlemen. The building is 61 feet fronting Hamilton street, by 100 deep on Franklin street, three stories high exclusive of basement, thick brick walls, iron front cast in imitation of cut stone and painted white, iron roof and cor 288 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. nice. The building is made fire proof throughout; the interior is finished up in great style and convenience, is heated by steam, and furnished with gas and water throughout. The walk is stone flagging set with illuminating tile or jets, so as to light the basement. The corner store is occupied by a fine stock of jewelry, etc., by J. C. Ziegler; the adjoining store is occupied by J. W. Dawson, a real dry goods palace, which can be appreciated only by a visit; on the Franklin street side are two store rooms to be occupied by a fine confectionery stock and a tobacco store. Above there will be several office-rooms, occupied by Gaylord & Hanchett, Barnard & Binder, and others; the basement to have a barber shop and a public bath room. Cost of building about $42,000. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. A. Abbott Charles, lab, res e s Carrollton. 3. Abeel James M., book keeper Geo. L. Burrows & Co., bds L. Burrows, Jr. Able John, cooper, res Union ave, nr 4th. Able Nelson, wks G. W. Davis. Abraham S., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Abram Stephen, bds Rupp House. Achard A. William, hardware, stoves, and tinware, e s Hamilton, bet Adams and Court, res cor Cass and Fayette. Acker Miss L., dressmaker and fancy goods, rooms e s Wash'n, bet Court and Franklin, bds A. T. Putman. Acreson William, lab, bds John Stewart. Ackerson Paul, lab, bds Moses Delude. Ackley Amanda, (wid), home with Isaac Parsons. Adams Benjamin, lab, bds Charles Burleson. Adams Benjamin J., clk Wells, Stone & Co. Adams Clarence, foreman, res 409 Harrison, cor Mackinaw. 2. Adams Daniel, wood-turner, res w end Throop. 6. Adams F., wks and bds J. E. Adams. Adams Gregory, res 411 Jefferson. 3. Adams James F.,. grocer, n w cor Adams and Hamilton, res 601 Bond and Munroe. 6. Adams Joseph E., grocer, Hamilton, cor Cass, res 609 n Granger. Adams Lance, foreman Williams Bros'. mill,res 407 Harrison. 3. Adams Mary, home with Clarence Adams. Adams Richard, engineer D. Hardin & Co. Adams William, bds Saginaw Valley House. Adsit Henry F., engineer, res s e cor Dearborn and King. 3. Aghard William A., hardware, Wisner block, res s s Cass, cor Harrison. 6. 37 290 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Ahlenfeld Labama, clk Herman Goldsmith. Ahrens Julius, cigar maker J. Knapp, res cor Lyou and Grange. 3. Aikins David, lab, bds John Trumble. Alberts John, lab, bds E. Smith. Albey Mathew, lab, bds Hilan Peck. Albraht -, lab, res Greenwich, near Elm. 5. Albris J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Alden George, porter D. H. Jerome and Co. Alderton George A., groceries, provisions, flour and feed, s s Perry, bet King and Water, res same. 4. Allen Augustus, lab, res w s Fayette, s Perry. 3. Allan Henry, bds W. Cowan. Allan Mark W. and wife, lives A. T. Putnam. Allan Mrs. Weltha Ann, dressmaker S. Hamilton, bet Cass and Adams, res same. 2. Allen A. A., wks Sag. Barrel Co. Allen Alfred, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Allen Charles, sawyer, res e s Bond, bet Clinton and Throop. 2. Allen Mrs. Dina, widow Robert Allen, home with - Allen E., lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Allen Francis W. (Allen & Lockwood), res s e cor Mackinaw and Porter. 5. Allen Frank, carpenter, res w s Fayette, cor Brewster. 9. Allen Franklin, filer, wks Swift & Lockwood. Allen Henry, engineer, Swift & Lockwood. Allen Henry F., lab, res 712 Granger, cor William. 2. Allen J. B. & Co. (Jerome B. Allen, Peter Hughes), wholesale wines, liquors, and cigars, cor Ames and Hamilton. Allen John A., bds R. Davis. Allen Joseph, capenter, res n w cor Fayette and Brewster. 3. Allen Miss Kate, compositor, bds F. A. Palmer. Allen & Lockwood (Francis W. Allen, Mathew Lockwood), lumbermen. Allen Mark W., bds Albert T. Putnam. 2. Allen Miss Millie, teacher, home with Jessup Morehouse. Allen Nelson, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Allen Nelson, lab, bds Hiland Peck. Allen Samuel, bds Hodge House. Allen Samuel, hostler street car barns,/ bds I-odge House. Alexander Annie E., teacher, bds John Alexander. Alexander John, res 807 Cass, cor Bond. Alexander John W., lumber inspector, bds J. Alexander. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 291 Alexander Miss Josephine, teacher Penoyer school, 1st ward, bds Donald Alexander. Alma -, brakeman, res w s n Granger, bet Ames and Jefferson. 2. Ambros John, bds A. Brust. Ames Methodist Chapel, 7th, near Lincoln ave. Amos A., wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Amos August, bds Henry Young, s s Queen, near Salt. Ancher John, teamster, res n e cor Harrison and Waller. 3. Anchutz William, carpenter, res s w cor Ames and Webster. 7. Anderson James, bds Exchange. ANDRE ALEXANDER, dealer in lumber and real estate, office Andre block, opposite Taylor House, res Court, bet Alexander and Caroline. Andre Elias C. (E. C. Andre & Co.), crockery, wall-paper, notions, etc., s s Court, near Water, res cor Madison and Washington. 5. Andre James A. (E. C. Andre & Co.), bds E. C. Andre. Andrews George, lab, wks Alexander Andre. Andrews Gustavus A., shoemaker, wks S. F. Green, res Hamilton, bet Lyons and Jackson. 3. 1M. & H. Koch & Co., the Leaders of Fashion. Andrews Richard, lab, res cor Oakley and Monroe. 7. Andrews Robert John, cooper, wks Swift & Lockwood. Andrus Reuben W., sheriff. Annetts Henry, lab, bds Rail Road Hotel. Anschutz --, res e s n Fayette, bet Monroe and Clinton. 3. Anthony Chas., lab, res n s Union ave, bet 11th and 12th. 2. Anthony George, engineer, glue factory, res w s of Carrollton road. 3. Arango Peter, lab, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Areily C., lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Arence Charles, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Ariend Chas., lab, res e s Oakley, bet Jackson and Mackinaw. 4. Armitage Levi, wks G. F. Williams & Bro. Armstrong John, bds Exchange. Armstrong Oliver, clk recorder's office, bds Taylor House. Armstrong Oliver, asst Co treas, bds Taylor House. Armstrong Roger, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 9. Armstrong William A., pictures, frames, and photographer, rooms Nathan blk, e s Hamilton, res w s Fayette, bet Cass and Van Buren. 4. Armstrong W. A., succeeded by Clayton Bros., John and Frank, in the photograph, pictures, frames, etc. 292 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Arndt (Aldt) August, res w s Madison. 4. Arndt Herman, mason, res Greenwich, near Elm. 4. Arndt Julius, mason, res Greenwich, near Little's addition. 5. Arndtschutz Antoine, carpenter, res 1111 s s Adams. 4. Arnold Mrs. Sarah, home with Lewis U. Stone. Arquin Alexander, saloon and boarding-house, s w cor King and Perry, res same. 2. Arroll William, lab, bds William A. Jose. Asholl Tavilla, lab, res n e cor - and Throop. Atke Carl, wagon-maker, res s e cor Jackson and Bond. 4. Atwater, Russel, lumberman, res w s Porter, bet Adams and Court. 5. Aucamp Mrs. Chertrois, res Ames, near Mason. Avery Charles C., shoemaker, wks W. Twichell. Avery Charles, lab, bds Platte's House. B. Babcock Elisha G., cashier, J. W. Dawson, res w s Harrison, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 3. Babcock Jerome, wks D. Hardin & Co. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Babcock Jerome, mechanic, bds Erastus P. Hitchcock. Babbitt John, carpenter, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Bachmann Conrad, lab, res w s Mason, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 7. Bachelor Miss Louis, wks Rev. James Jenning. Backus Godfrey, lumberman, bds John Backus. Backus John, lumberman, res State Road, near Ames. Badet Edward, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Badger Miss Nellie, bds G. Hardy. Baeske Frank, lab, res w s Bay, s of East Sag. road. 3. Bailey Miss.,Francis, wks S. B. Williams. Bait & McDougal, meat market, w s Washington, bet Mackinaw and Fayette. Baker Charles, bds T. Wright. Baker George A., insurance agent, res s s Adams, bet Bond and Granger. 4. Baker George E., insurance agent, wks Martin & Raymond. Baker Joseph, wks A. W. Wright & Co., bds R. Nortell. Baker William, engineer Swift & Lockwood. Ball Carrie, wks William Searls. Ballantyne John, setter, Barnard & Bender. Ballard Robert, veterinary surgeon, res 607 Granger. 3. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 293 BALLARD WILLIAM & ROBERT, veterinary surgeons, res 607 n Granger. 2. Ballard William, lab, res near n end Bay. BALLENTINE BROS. (Amos J. and William Ballentine), cigars and tobacco, restaurant, and fruit stand, w s Water, bet Adams and Cass. Ballentine John, saw setter, res 718 Granger. 3. Ballentine Samuel, carriage maker, res Woodbridge, bet Court and Adams. 3. Bambers John, lab, bds E. Smith. Baneck Miss Augusta, wks F. R. Ganschow. Banfield Joseph, lab, res w s Queen, near Salt. 7. Banfield Joseph, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Banks R. H., barber, bds F. A. Walker. Barber Alice, home J. B. Dibble. Barber Joseph, wholesale liquor dealer, Water, cor Van Buren, res over store. 3. Barber Oliver P., (reg) physician, offiee s s Court, bet Hanmilton and Water, res 206 w s Porter, bet Adams and Cass. 2. Barck Edward, res e s Harrison, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 3. Fine Fnurnishing Goods at N. & H. Koch & Co's. Barick Edward, res Harrison. 3. Barley Miss Mary, wks Fourth Ward Hotel. Barlo Norman, salt-maker, wks Swift & Lockwood. Barnard & Binder (Newell Barnard and William Binder), salt and lumber manuf'rs, mill foot of Emerson, Saginaw, office Barnard & Binder blk. Barnard John (Barnard & Co.), res w s n Fayette, cor Clinton. 4. Barnard Joseph M., lumberman, res s e cor Clinton and n Hamilton. 4. Barnard Newell, lumberman, res n Hamilton, bet Clinton and Throop. 5. Barnard Vitel, lab, res s e cor 5th and State road. 8. Barnech Ernstena, wks J. G. Sutherland. Barnes John, lab, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Barnes John, lab, res w s Carrollton road, e of n Wash'n. 3. Barnhard Paul, clk, J. Baunman, bds H. Barnhard. Barr John, brick-maker, res e s Bates, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 2. Barrel Alfred, wks A. Rust. Barrie James, bds R. Hinds. Barrie Richard, lab, bds James Kingham. Barry Francis, cigar maker, E. Scheumann, res cor Franklin and Andre. 294 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Bartel Ernst, blacksmith, bds City House. Bartlett Benj. B., lumberman, res 202 Porter, cor Adams. 5. Bartlett Benj. B., lumberman, No. 4 Miller blk, Saginaw City. Barton Mrs. Elizabeth (wid), res s w cor Clinton and Oakley. 3. Baschal John, cooper, J. Ward, bds same. Bass Joseph, fireman, Barnard & Binder. Bassett George, fireman, G. F. Williams & Bros. Bassett Robert W., wks J. H. Robinson, bds same. Bateman Ashley, painter, bds Hiland Reck. Bateman Franklin, painter, bds Hiland Reck. Bates Xura, lab, res Fayette, s s Farley. 3. Bates Xura J., lab, res w s Fayette, nr Brewster. 3. Bauchman -, lab Saginaw Barrel Co. Bauckman W. W., wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Bauer Frederick, lab, res 606 Porter, bet Lyons and Jackson. e. Bauer Jacob, mason, res s w cor Cass & Granger. 11. Bauer John, carpenter, res n w cor Webster and Van Buren. 5. Bauer John M., wks D. Hardin & Co. Bauer Leonard, tailor, res Penoyer Farm, nr church. Bauer Peter, dry goods, boots and shoes, etc., cor Court and Water, res n w cor Court and Webster. 9. Kid Gloves at N. & H. Kocli & Co's. Baugh Thomas, cigar packer E. Scheurmann. Banking and Exchange office, Court, Taylor House blk, Geo. L. Burrows & Co., capital. Baulenski John, lab, res w s Madison. 6. Baum Charles, lab, res w s Madison. 2. Bauman Jacob, dry goods, e s s Hamilton, bet Adams and Court, res w s n Fayette, bet Jeff'n and Madison. 2. Bauman Moritz, clk J. Bauman, bds J. Bauman. Baumbard Charles, bds with Robert Plaga. Baumgart Charles, salt-boiler C. Kull. Bauysen Joseph, architect, wks Fred W. Hollister. Baxter John, bds House House. Beach Charles, fireman, res Cass, near Bates. 2. Beach Joseph & Co. (J. Beach and M. A. Morse), dealers in ready made and custom clothing and gents' furnishing Bond Court, bet Hamilton and Wash'n, res s s Cass, bet goods, and Porter. 3. Beach Russell, dealer in hardware, store Hamilton, res s e cor Mackinaw and Webster. 4. Beaushaw Christopher, lab, res w s Mason, bet Throop and Miller. 4. Beauty Miss Louisa, wks with Thomas N. Smith. Beck Abner W., lab, res w s of n Washington. 4. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 295 Beck John J., carpenter, res Webster, cor Fremont. 3. Beckett John, porter, wks Benjamin T. Snult. Beebee Charles, engineer, bds Royal H. Stephens. Beehler Mrs. Augusta (wid Ranhart Beehler), res cor Court and Porter. 3. Belille Miss Sarah, wks H. J. Northrup. Belin William, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Bell B. Frank, fireman, res s e cor Clinton and Granger. 4. Bell George W., Franklin House, Hamilton, bet Cass and Van Buren. 7. Bell Mathew, lab, res s s Queen, near Salt. 10. Bell Oliver H., carpenter, res s w cor Bond and Williams. 4. Bell Thomas, sawyer, wks Swift & Lockwood. Bell Thomas W., lab, res No. 1605 Queen. 2. Bellman Michael, lab, res State road, bet 5th and 6th. 2. Bemrose Sarah (wid William), home with Wm. Roby. Bender Francis W., shoemaker, res n s Mackinaw, nr Bond. 9. Benedict Edward, sawyer, bds S. E. D. Shettraw. Benedict William, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Benjamin Charles G., saw-filer, Rust & Eaton's saw-mill, Zilwaukie, res 207 w s Bates, bet Franklin and Clinton. 4 Interview the "1Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Benjamin Charles L., undertaker, Hamilton, bet Cass and Van Buren, res same. 5. Benjamin Edmond, res 503 n Granger. 3. Benjamin F. W., lumberman, s w cor Cass and Harrison. 3. Benjamin Lewis, lab, res 712 Madison, cor Porter. 3. Benjamin Mrs. Susan, wks T. Merrill. Benjamin Walter, lab, res Vermont. 3. Bennett Charles, wks Burleson & Martin, bds Adams st, opp stables. Bennett Dimmick, lumberman, res s Hamilton, cor Perry. 3. Bennett George W., lumberman, res s w Fayette and St. Louis Plank Road. 6. Bennett Laurin A., horse trainer, res Court, near Charles. Bennett Miss Ida, waitress Hazard & Harvey. Bennett Isaac, carp, res w s Fayette, bet Throop and Miller. 6. Bennett Joseph, wks E. J. Mores res Carrollton road. 3. Bennett Mrs., laundress, wks Hazard & Harvey. Benson Allen W., blacksmith, res 611 Adams. 2. Benson Hiram A., carriage manuf'r, Adams, bet Hamilton and Wash'n, res 611 Adams, cor Porter. 3. Benson Manley H., lumberman, res 201 Franklin. 2. Berger Peter, Brewer, res Throop, bet Harrison and Fayette. 5. 296 S&cGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Bernell Charles, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Bernhard Henry, dealer in clothing and merchant tailoring, Court st, bet Hamilton and Water. 11. Bernthal Lizzie, wks A. Rust. Bertrand Miss Maggie, saloon, e s Water, bet Franklin and Court. Bero Stephen, teamster, wks Alexander Adre. Berridge John, lab, res w s Andre, bet Adams and Court. 4. Berry J. L., agt, res Woodbridge, bet Court and Franklin. 3. Betz G., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Bever Charles, raili'oad-man, bds Railroad House. Bias Charles, lab, res Lyons, cor Mason. 3. BIESTERFELD CHRISTIAN, tinsmith, Kuhen's blk, n Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin, res cor Fayette and Miunroe. Biesterfeld Christian, tinsmith, bds Henry Biesterfeld. Biesterfeld Henry, clk W. A. Achard, res cor Fayette and Madison. Biesterfeld Henry, clk, bds Henry Biesterfeld. Biesterfeld Henry, carpenter, res cor Fayette and Munroe. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Biesterfeld Henry Fred. Win., Sr., carpenter, res w s n Fayette and Munroe. 4. Beisterfeld Henry Fred. Winm., Jr., elk, bds Henry Biesterfeld. Biesterfeld William, clk Henry Biesterfeld. Bigelow -, bds James Coleman. Bigelow William H., elk, wks William Molls. Binder William, (Barnard & Binder), res e s Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin. 4. Birolken Henry, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Biron Alfred, bds Peter Jokey, s s Queen st, nr Salt. Bishop Augustus, blacksmith, res s s Pleasant. 4. Bishop Thomas H., mechanic, bds E. G. Babcock. BISSTERFELD WILLIAM, res cor Fayette and Monroe. Bittman Joseph M3., clk Wells, Stone & Co., bds Mrs. A. M. Stone. Black Jas. A., lab, res s s Queen, nr Salt. 4. Black James, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Blackmore Joshua, real estate dealer, 206 Fayette, bet Adams and Cass. 2. Blanchard Augustus, real estate agt and dealer in pine lands, res n w cor Jefferson and Webster. 4. Blair Henry, carpenter, res n end Washington ave. 3. Blair Joel, riverman, res w s Fayette, cor Saginaw. 4. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 297 Blair David, carpenter, res ii end of Washington ave. 8. Blake George, bds Exchange. Blakley Charles, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Blanchard's Mill, Water, opp Blanchard's Mill. 3. Bleiler Joseph, lab, res n w cor Lyon and Webster. 2. Bliss C. S., carpenter, res s s Pleasant. 3. Bliss G., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Bliss Lyman W., physician, office and residence n c cor Fayette and Mackinaw. 4. Bliss Lyman W., physician and surgeon, office w s Wash'n, s Mackinaw, Williams block. Bliss William, sawyer, wks Swift & Lockwood. Bloom Mary, aged 78, home with C. Remer. Blooer James, farmer, res w s Washington, s of Dearborn. 4. Bluhm Frederick, bds C. Ewald. Bocom Gust, carpenter, res nr n end 11th. 4. Bodett, Theodore, lab, res 808 Clinton. 3. Boess Charles, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Bogan Miss Jennie, waitress Franklin House. Bohm Frederick, lab, res e s Mason, n of Adams. 2. Scarfs anid Ties at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Bohm Frederick, lab, res s e cor Lyon and Bond. 3. Bohingerden M., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Boiden Frank, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Boimdistle Nelson, bds T. Wright. Bolinskey J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Bollein Charles, lab. res s w cor Bay and East Saginaw Road. 5. Bolleen Miss Charlotte, works C. S. Kimberly. Bolton Edward B., engineer, res 206 Oakley, bet Ames and Franklin. 3. Bolton Edward, planer, D. Hardin & Co. Boos John, lab, res w s 7th, bet Lin1oln and Union aves. 2. Booth Sarah (wid James S.), home B. MlcArdle. 2. Bopp Miss Mary, wks F. W. Allen. Boquette Joseph H., carpenter, grocer, res w s n Fayette, bet Clinton and Throop. 5 Bordeaux Fred, lab, res e s 11th. 5. Borland Miss Hattie, lives C. Lee. Borrow James, lab, bds A. Lefevere. Borrow William, cooper, J. Ward, bds same. Bosman Christian, lab, res e s Bay. 4. Bossel John, student, bds Konrad Matters. Bostwick Austin, carriage-maker and blacksmith, res 308 Fayette, cor Van Buren. 5. 38 298 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Bostwick Austin, carriage-maker, blacksmith, and painting, shop and res 308 Fayette, cor Van Buren. 6. Bostwick Frank, wks and bds J. G. Manning. Bottke Emil, shoemaker, bds City House. Bottneck August, lab, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Bouchey Gilbert, ship-carpenter, res 805 Bond, bet Miller and Throop. 2. Bouchey Joseph, aged, lives G. Bouchey. 2. Bouch Thomas, engineer G. Meshon's drill house, res n s Pleasant. 2. Bouer Charles, lab, res Webster, e of Fremont. 5. Bounting Richard A., carpenter, res e s Bond, bet Jefferson and Monroe. 2. Bouya Nelson, lab, bds Charley Bushey. Bovay Robert, lab, res Eleanor ave, cor Harrison. 2. Bower Adam, police, res 1008 n e cor Cass and Mason. 3. Bower Leonar, lab, res s s East Town road, near 11th. 6. Bowles Thomas, lab, res Walter, Compos ave. 2. Bowman Charles W., railroad man, bds Alfred W. Kayner. Bowman Josephine, bds C. H. Chapple. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Bowden Francis, lab, res s s Queen, near Salt. 3. Boyer Louis, lab, res Cass. 6. Brackelbour Wolfgang, lab, res cor Jefferson and Fayette. 9. Brockway Chauncey, lumberman, res Fayette, cor Stephen. 5. Brockway Lewis H., propr Brockway House, n w cor Ames and Hamilton. 2. Bradley Hofmer M., dealer in lumber and staves, res e s German Colony road, near Pleasant. 3. Bradt Henry S., messenger 1st nat'l bank. Brady Miss Bridget, lives T. E. Brady. Brady James A., boot and shoe maker, Perry, e Water, res Water, bet Perry and Dearborn. 5. Brady James E., shoemaker, res s Water, bet Dearborn and Hamilton. 5. Brady Miss Margaret, lives J. E. Brady. Brady Miss Sarah, lives J. E. Brady. Brainard William, land-looker, res e s Bay. 8. Braley Alfred F. R., cashier 1st nat'l bank, res 412 Franklin, cor Harrison. 2. Braley Ezra, lab, res 703 Harrison, bet Jackson and Williams. 2. Braley Phineas D., lumberman, res s e cor Stevens and Washington. 5. Bramer -, lab, res Andre, cor Franklin. 2. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 299 Brant Mrs. Anna (wid Samuel), res e s 12th, bet Lincoln and Union aves. 6. Brand Harrison, machinist, res w s Granger, bet Jackson andc Williams. 4. Brand Henry N., lab, res s w cor Oakley and Franklin. 3. BRAND JOHN F., boots and shoes, e s Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin, res w s Hamilton, opp brewery. Brand John F., boots and shoes, res s w cor Hamilton andBrewster. 3. Brand Tuast, lab, res No 1208 Adams, near Woodbridge. 3. Brater Johann Kilian, carpenter, res e s Harrison, near cor Adams. 7. Bray James, lab, res s w cor Waller and Webster. 7. Brechtelsbouer Miss Lizzie, lives J. T. Elliott. Breeman James, lab, bds Delos Smith. Bremer Mary, home with J. Plattenbark. 2. Bremmer F., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Bremmer Miss Sophia, wks W. L. Moye. Brenly Reind, lab, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Brenner Charles E., constable, res 210 Granger, n w cor Cass. 2. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Brenner Charles J., dealer in salt, res n Hamilton, bet Madison and Monroe. 8. Brenner Gustavus A., watchman, bds C. E. Brenner. Brenner Miss Minnie, works C. S. Kimberly. Bresinske Andrew, lab, res Florence, s of Genesee. 2. Brentigam Miss Sophia, wks H. Burrows. Brewer Charles A., agt for patent rights, res s e cor Hamilton and Dearborn. 5. Bridenborne William, shoe-maker, works William Kohn. Briggs Daniel W., book-keeper 1st National Bank, bds A. F. R. Braley, cor Franklin and Harrison, Briggs Eben N., lumber and salt manuf'r, office cor Jefferson and Water, res Wash'n. Briggs George, wks and bds H. Shelson. Briggs Jonathan, drayman, res Hamilton, cor Saginaw. 5. Briggs Miss Mary, home with Rev. James Riley. Brink John, lab, bds Brockway House. Britton Edwin R., carpenter, res n s Pleasant. 2. Brenck Charlie, res No. 1205 Cass. 10. Beinger Ferdinand, lab, res No. 1001 Cass, cor Oakley. 4. Brockway Charles, lumberman, res n s St. Louis plank, w of Cross roads. 5. Brockway Herbert, lumber inspector, bds John C. Whitman. ý300 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Brodie Miss Maggie, wks C. Lee. Brodie Miss Mary, wks Mrs. Ellen O'Neil. Broderick Michael, ast saw shop D. H. Jerome & Co. Broderick Michael, lab, bds T. Wright. Brodrick Thomas, lab, bds Trellas Tuttle. Broderdort William, lab, res w s Porter, bet Jackson and William. 2. Brogan Andrew, riverman, res 403 n Granger. 5. Brown A., drayman, bds City House. Brott Henry, bank clk, bds Mrs. M. Gotee. Brown Albert, shoemaker, res s w cor Bond and Miller. 5. Brown Alexander, saloon and boarding house, w s Water, bet Clinton and Monroe. 4. Brown Catherine C., (wid), home with T. M. James. Brown Champion, bds E. J. Ring. Brown Charles, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Brown George, lab, res e s Porter, bet Jackson and William. 4. Brown George, night fireman Barnard & Binder. Brown Geo. W. H., lumberman, res w s Madison, cor Porter. 7 Brown Henry, night fireman Barnard & Binder. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Brown Henry, tuck pointer, res w s Fayette, bet Brewster and Miller. 2. Brown John, METROPOLIS SALOON, w s Water, bet Ciinton and Monroe. 3. Brown John N., teamster, wks Alexander Andre. Brown John W., lab, res e s Bay. 7. BROWN JOHN, Metropolis Saloon, notion stand, w end Bristol-st bridge. 3. Brown Robert, bds W. H. Brown. Brown Samuel, lab, res e s State road, near Fair ground. 6. Brown Thomas C., carpenter, res s w cor Clinton and Harrison. 4. Brown Thomas, lab, bds John Stewart. Brown Thomas, lab, bds E. Davis. Brown William Henry, fireman Barnard & Binder, res Barnard's Island. 2. Brown William, teamster, res e s Lincoln ave, bet 9th and 10th. 3. Brown William H., lumberman, res s e cor Adams and Harrison. 2. Brown William M., att'y, bds J. Guillott. Brucwitc Christian, marble-cutter, bds Rupp House. Brummar John, saloon, cor Court and Oakley. 2. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 301 Brunner Gustavus, bds Rupp House. Bruno John B., engineer G. F. Williams & Bros. Bruno John B., engineer in saw mill, res s e cor Jackson and Hamilton. 7. Bruno Theodore, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Brush Mathew, bds J. W. Brown. Brush Ronan, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Bruske Edward, tinsmith, bds City House. Bruske Edward, foreman D. I-H. Jerome & Co. Bruso Alexander, wks glue works, bds Gillrap's. Brust A., saloon, e s Washington, cor Court. 5. Bruya Jacob, lab, bds E. Smith. Buddholy C., wks G. F. Williams & Bro. Bull John, lab, res s s East Saginaw road. 6. Bullard George C., horse-trainer, wks and boards Laurin A. Bennett. Bullock Nathaniel --, bds Benjamin Clushway'. Bullock Mrs. Sarah A. (wid George W. Bullock), res 407 Court. Butler Mrs. Mary (wid Henry Butler), res w s CarroltonRoad. 8, Only one Price at N. & H. Koch & Co's. Bunnell Charles, fireman, res e s Washington, s of Congress ave. 6. Bunnham Frederick, gunsmith, res w s Granger, bet Jackson and Williams. 2. Burbank Samuel G., lab, res near Elm, w s J. L. & S. R. R. 4.. Burch Alanson, wks glue factory, res e s Wash'n ave, bet Lincoln ave and State Road. 3. Burch Alanson P.. works glue works, res Wash'n ave, near J. Tuthill. Burdick Steward V., freight conductor J., L. & S. R. R., res e s Oakley, bet Lyon and Mackinaw. 2. Burgess Eugene, lab, bds Michael Reardon, Burgermeister Charles, brewer S. & S., res e s Hamilton, at brewery. 2. Burhans Charles, clerk Burhans & Co. Burhans & Co. (Daniel Burhans and Nelson Spencer), wholesale grocers, Hamilton, bet Cass and Van Buren. Burhans Nelson B. (Burhans & Co.) res s s Jackson, bet Fayette and Washington. 2. Burk John, lab, bds George Daharsh. Burk Joseph, ship carpenter, res e side Webster, bet Miller and Throop. 5. Burk Miss Julia, wks G. W. Bennett. 302 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Burke Edward, tuck pointer, res w s n Granger, bet Clinton and Throop. 3. Burke Edward tuck pointer and stone cleaner, bds Kirby House. BURKE EDWARD, tuck pointer and stone cleaner, bds Kirby House. See advt. Burke John, bds Sag. Valley Hotel. Burke Joseph, carp, res e s Webster, bet Miller and Throop. 2. Burkett Cephas, brakeman, J., L. & S. R. R., bds J. C. Hart. Burkett Edward, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Burleson Charles, livery, res cor Clinton and Hamilton. 7. Burleson Charles (Burleson & Martin), res cor Clinton and Hamilton. Burleson Mrs. Frances, home with Charles Burleson. Burleson & Martin (Charles Burleson, Jira S. Martin), livery and boarding stables, s s Adams, bet Hamilton and Wash'n. Burlingame John H., engineer, wks Barnard & Binder. Burnham Atwood F. J., wks S. E. Burnham, bds E. E. Burnham. 2. Burnham Edwin E., carpenter, res e s Bond, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 2. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of.the State. Burnham Elsworth, res 501 Harrison, cor Madison. 2. Burnham Rev. J. H., pastor Unitarian, res 504 n Wash'n. Burnham Joseph B., dealer lumber and salt, res No. 508, cor Munroe and Washington. 5. Burnbam Noah S., physician, res Fremont, w of Bond. 3. Burnham Noah, aged, lives E. E. Burnham. BURNHAM NORMAN G., physician and surgeon, office No. 2 Miller blk, e s s Hamilton, res 501 Harrison, cor Madison. 6. Burnham Robert A., boat-maker, wks S. E. Burnham. Burnham Robert A., wks William H. Brown. Burnham Samuel E., boat-builder, n w cor Mackinaw and Wlater, res No. 708 Cass, cor Porter. 2. BURROWGHS GEORGE L. & Co., (George L. Burrowghs, Fred. H. Potter), bankers and exchange office, Taylor House blk, s s Court. See advt. Burrowghs Lorenzo, Jr., (Geo. L. Burrowghs & Co.), res cor Cass and Wash'n. Burrows Andrew, banker, res e s Wash'n, cor Cass. 5. Burrows Geo. L. & Co., (G. L. & F. H. Potter), bankers, Court Street, Taylor House blk. Burrows Geo. L., banker, res 206 Washington. 7. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 303 Burtram James, lab, bds R. Porteus. Busby Thomas W., printer, res 805 Madison. Busby Mrs. Susan (wid James), res 805 Madison. 3. Busha Lewis, ship carpenter, res 906 Oakley. 7. Bushey Charles, lab, res cor Mason and Miller. 4. Bushey Nelson, carpenter, res w end Throop. 5. Bush Miss Augusta, wks A. B. Paine. Bush Fayette S., gang sawyer Swift & Lockwood, res n e cor Dearborn and Washington. 3. Bush Gilbert, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood, bds G. Bush. Bush Gillman, watchman Swift & Lockwood's mill, res a s Dearborn, bet Water and King. 3. Bush William, cabinet-maker, res 403 Porter, bet Jefferson and Madison. 4. Butler Jennie, wks J. N. Penoyer. Butler Miss Jennie, dressmaker, bds S. F. Green. Butler John, fireman, wks Barnard & Binder. Butman Myron, lumber merchant, res n Hamilton, bet Jefferson and Madison. 3. Butler Miss Nellie, wks Wheaton D. Carpenter. Butler Mrs. Sarah, housekeeper J. C. Harris. Silk Wrappers and Drawers at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Butman & Rust (Myron Butman and Amasa Rust), log and lumber dealers, and pine lands, office Taylor House blk, Court. Butterfield F., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Butterfield Joseph, wks and bds W. B. Coventry. Butterfield Thomas, bds Saginaw Valley House. Butts Mrs. Abram, -, res No 203 Washington, bet Ames and Franklin. 4. Butts Miss Julia, home with Mrs. Abram Butts. Butts Nelson, --, bds Mrs. Abram Butts. Burns Miss Catherine, lives Dr. J. Jerome. Burns Mrs. Flora, wks P. Rappleyea. Burns James, lab, bds Anthony Gaum. Burns James, lab, bds David Crowley. Burns John, bds Saginaw Valley House. C. Cadaratt Frank, lab, res e s Harrison, bet Miller and Throop. 4. Cahill Mary, res w s n Granger, bet Ames and Jefferson. Cahsoms James, lab, wks Charles Turner. Cain Henry, lab, res w s 7th, bet Lincoln and Union aves. 7. 304 - SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Cairx James, warehouseman E. Saginaw depot, bds parents. Callahan John, bds Henry Young, s s Queen, w, near salt. Calahan John, salt-maker, Sturtevant, Green & Co. CALAHAN THOMAS, propr Fourth Ward Hotel, n e cor King & Perry. 7. Calbert William, lab, res n e cor Perry and Hamilton. 3. Caldwell Herbert, lab, bds Francis Boyden. Cales John, clerk, Benjamin Geer, bds Brockway House. Calkins Alec, clk, Penoyer & St. John, bds S. Hitchcock, eor Fayette & Mackinaw. Callam John, lumberman, res n s Lincoln ave., bet 4th and Washington. 3. Callam Peter, res w s State road, cor 7th. 2. Callam William, lumberman, res Wash'n ave. 5. Callis J. E., elk, wks Benjamin Greer. Cameron Norval, supt Gas-light Co., res 1302 s Wash'n. 5. Camp Mr., lab, bds William H. Jose. Campbell Alex., bds Dunbar House. Campbell Miss Elizabeth, wks Barnhart Herrig. Campbell J., lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Patronize the " Boss9 Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Campbell Margaret (wid Daniel), res s s Stephens, bet Wash'n and Fayette. 2. Campbell Robert, wks and bds C. C. Croscup. Campton Charles S., delivery elk, res w s Fayette, cor Miller. Canada William J., lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Cann, Miss Margaret, wks Nathan S. Lockwood. Cannon M., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Cannon, T. W., wks H-ardin & Co. Carca Florence (wid), boarding-house, res Farley. Carie Michael, lab, bds Prellas Tuttle. Carl Edward, fireman, bds J. Kaynor. Carmichael Frank, lab, res s s Union, bet 5th and Wash'n avenue. 4. Carney James, carpenter, bds T. Wright. Carney John, lab, bds John Stewart. Caro Hugh, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Carpenter Miss Anna, wks Joshua Tuthill. Carpenter Charles E., bds Wheaton D. Carpenter. Carpenter Cyrus, clk, postoffice, bds Mrs. M. H. Prentiss. Carpenter D., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Carpenter Henry, scaler, bds Wheaton D. Carpenter. Carperiter Mac, wks Swift & Lockwood. Carpenter Wheaton D., lumber inspector, res e s Wash'n. 2. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 3065 Carries John, bds Dunbar House. Carr Mrs. Ellen (wid William), res n w cor 10th and Lincoln ave. 3. Carr Joseph, blacksmith, res w s Carrollton road. 2. Carroll Miss Amanda, wks John W. Wood. Carroll Edward, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Carroll Miss Ellen, bds Thomas Carroll. Carroll Mrs. Mary A., bds Thomas Carroll. Carroll Thomas, groceries and provisions, Water, Compo's avenue, res same. 7. Carsey Julius W., foreman Saginay City Gaslight Co., res 1402 Wash'n, cor Perry. 3. Carsley Henry, peddler, bds J. E. Loxlie. Carstan Coosau, lab, works Christ. Eggers. Carter Benjamin, sawyer Barnard & Binder. Carter William, lab, bds David Crowley. Carvey Charles, teamster, bds E. Davis. Cassady Timothy B., works and bds C. C. Croscup, Casner 0., conductor, bds Royal H. Stephens. Casper Jason M., res w s n Granger, cor Ames. 4. Goods Marked in Plain Figures at M. & H. Koch & Co'.. Castello George, painter, res cor Mackinaw and Oakley. 6. Caswell James A., livery and sale stable, w s Water, bet Jefferson and Ames, res s w cor Porter and Clinton. 6. Catrat F., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Caunkuga Andrew, lab, res Greenwich, near Elm. 5. Cavanaugh Frank, lab, bds F. St. Dennis. Cavanaugh John, engineer Drudge, res s e cor Porter and Jackson. 3. Cawkins Alexander, bds S. J. Hitchcock. Cerelin John, tailor, res n w cor Marion and Cass. 3. Chadwick David C., res e s of n Washington. 3. Chaffee Charles, book-keeper, res 609 Adams. 3. Chaffee Charles R., clk freight office J., L. & S. R. R., at Sag. City, res s s Adams, bet Granger and Porter. 'Chall Peter, lab, res s s Chestnut, cor -. 4. Champee Jas., carpenter, res n s of Wayne, w of Webster. 6. Chapin Arthur B., lumberman, res e s Wash'n, bet Lyons. and Jackson. 3. Chapin Arthur, wks Hardin & Co. Chapman Alex., contractor, s w cor 11th and Union ave. 3. Chapman -, peddler, bds J. E. Loxlie. Chapman Benjamin N., lab, bds Mrs. Susan M. Humphrey.. Chapman Philander, lab, res Bond & Mackinaw. 5. 39 306 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Chapple Charles H., lab, res s s Clinton, opp 1302. 2. Chappell Miss Anna, lives G. R. Stark. Charles James, blacksmith, bds Mrs. Susan M. Humphrey. Charte Miss Ida, wks with Richard Khuen. Cherry John, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Cherry William, lab, res e s Emerson, near Water. 3. Child Mrs. Hannah J. (wid), res w s Mason, bet Adams and Court. 2. Chinkelaw J., wks Barnard & Binder. Chisholm James, bds Henry Young, s s Queen, near Salt. Chovin Charles, lab, res w s Washington. 4. Chovin Harvey, engineer, res w s Washington. 6. Christ Donns, lab, res Chesnut. 4. Christ Laurence, lab, bds Platte's House. Christe Gertrude (wid), res w s Porter, bet Madison and Jeffn. Christe Jacob, bds Rupp House. Churchell Mrs. Annie, -, res Florence, s Genesee. 3. Churchill Miss Martha, wks J. W. Perrin. Claflin Louis, butcher, wks John Harding. Clapp Mrs. Annie, wks G. L. Hopper. Little Jake & Co. Underseel Everybody. Clapp Gains B., carpenter, res s w cor Clinton and Woodbridge. 5. Clark A., bds Hodge House. Clark James, att'y, res n w cor Van Buren and Woodbridge, office cor Water and Hamilton. 7. Clark Robert, lab, res s w cor Mason and Van Buren. 3. Clark William A., lawyer, office E. Saginaw, res cor Harrison and Monroe. 5. Clarke George, bds Exchange. Clarke, J., brakeman, bds Royal H. Stephens. Claude John, lab, bds 4th Ward Hotel. Clawson J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Clayton Bros. (John E. and Frank H.), successors to W. A. Armstrong. Clayton Frank, photographer W. A. Armstrong, bds J. E. Clayton. Clayton John E., clerk, works E. C. Newell & Co. Clayton William H., lab, lab, res n s Elm. 5. Cleaveland James, bds John Fenderson. Clewens Frank, bds Hodge House. Clements A., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Clifton Frederick G., engineer, steam fire engine, Saginaw, res engine house, cor Harrison and Van Buren. 6. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 307 Clifton Mrs. Roda, wks G-. L. Burrows. CLOSE WILLIAM G., shoemaker, shop cor Harrison and Madison. Cluynfelt Frank, res e end Pleasant. Cohen Calomon, cigar-maker, res 404 Bond, bet Van Buren and -. 8. Coiley Timothy, riverman, bds City House. Cole Alfred, lab, res n s Washington. 3. Cole Charles, carpenter, res Williams blk, w s Wash'n, junction of Cross road. 2. Cole Charles B., wks D. M. Knox, bds same. Cole Cyrus W., bds Ed. Warner. Cole David, lab, res n s Pleasant. 2. Cole Eugene J., lab, res e s Webster, bet Williams and Stephen. 3. Cole Harvey, lab, bds Xura Bates. Cole John, lab, res n w cor Oakley and Van Buren. 2. Cole Joseph, St. NICIHOLAS RESTAURANT, Water, res same. 2. Cole Mrs. Maud, bds Ed. Warner. Lowest Prices at M. & H. oicha & Co@s. Cole Mrs. Mary, bds Mrs. S. M. Humphrey. 'Cole Cyrus, engineer, bd, Hiland Peck. Cole Walter, lab, bds Mrs. Susan M. Humphrey. Colefax Win. W., carpenter, res n w cor 8th and Union ave. 5. Coleman Miss -, dressmaker, bds Albert McKee. Coleman Eugene, way-bill clk J., L. & S. R. R. depot, at Sag. City, res n e cor Cass and Harrison. Coleman James, res 205 Harrison. 3. Collins James, bell-boy Taylor House. Coleman William, cigar-maker, wks J. Knapp, res Porter, bet Lyon and Mackinaw. Coley Charles, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Coley J. S., lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Coley Lafayette, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Coley Samuel, bds Railroad Hotel. Coley William W., clk,. wks William IMoll. Colwell George, bds Dunbar House. Comfort William, wks H. C. Miller. Compeau Joseph, lab, res 604 Miller. 3. Compeau Joseph, res 706 Webster. 6. COMPO FELIX, saloon and b h, s Water, cor Wayne. 4. Compton Charles S., clk Wells, Stone & Co., res cor Fayette and Miller. 308 S0SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Compton Margaret, wid, res w s Fayette, cor Miller. Compton Rachael A., with Margaret Compton. Congdon Miss Hannah, cook, Franklin House. Conley Lawrence, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Conn Lenard C., lab, res No. 1504 Mackinaw, near Woodbridge. 4. Conner James, bds Kirby House. Conners, James, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Conners Timothy, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Conners William, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Conney Thomas, lab, bds T. Wright. Connor Frank, carpenter, res s s Greenwich, w of Bond, Little's addition. 4. Connor Michael, carpenter, bds H. G. Lee. Connor William, bds John Stewart. Conner Wright, bds W. M. Haskell. Connors Edward, lab, bds T. St. Dennis. Connors William H., lab, res King, cor Dearborn. 4. Conover A. Warren, cooper, res e s Porter, bet Throop and, Miller. 7. Conroy James, lab, res 503 Oakley, bet Madison and Monroe. 3.. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Consaul Merrett, wks Wright, Tipton & Co., bds A. D. Smith.. Cook B. Annie, home with C. E. Brenner. Cook Charles and wife, bds H. Libbey. Cook Dewillious W., carpenter, res e s Bond, bet Clinton andý Throop. 4. Cook Henry, clk, bds William H. Jose. Cook James R., att'y at law, office Andre blk, opp Taylor, res 302 Webster, cor Cass. 7. Cook Joseph (Cook & Loxley), res n e cor Franklin and' Porter. 7. Cook & Loxley (Joseph Cook and John E. Loxley), tinware, etc., n s Franklin, w of Bond. COOKSON CALVIN G., prop'r HUGHES HOUSE, c0r Hamilton & Mackinaw. 3. Cook Truman S., agt John Tuthill, coal yard, res w s Webster,. bet Monroe and Clinton. 3. Cook William J., tinner D. H. Jerome & Co. Corbin William, lab, res e s Greenwich, near Elm. 6. Corle William, lab, res w s Webster, bet Ames and Jeff'n. 3.. Corner Charlie, lab, bds Isaac Lorange. Corning T. B. & Son (Timothy B. and Gurdon Corning), "Loan and Trust Co.," loan money on real estate, office cor Adams and Wash'n Grove, res Wash'n, E. Saginaw. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 309 Corning T. B. & J. Corning, trust and loan, res East Saginaw. Cosgrove James, bds J. E. Brady. Coulter Andrew (F. P. Stone & Co.), res 107 n 1Fayette, cor Franklin. 4. Coulter James, bds A. Brown. Coulter John, bds T. Wright. Couse Allen, carpenter, res cor 3d ad -, e Saginaw. Cousineau John, lab, res s w cor East Saginaw road and 12th. 7. Cousineau Joseph, lab, res n s Union ave, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Coventry William B., farmer, res w end Pleasant street. 3. Cowan William, boarding-house, n c cor Hamilton and Stephen. 4. Cramer James, lab, bds William H. Jose. Crane Daniel, millwright, res Salt, nr King. 3. Crane George, carpenter, bds Daniel Crane. Crane John, watchman, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Crarer W., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Crawford James E., bds Mrs. S. M. Humphrey. Crawford Patrick, salesman Singer sewing machine and Mason washing machines, res w s n Granger, bet Clinton and Throop. 7. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Crayer Frederick, wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Crier C. A., agt American organs, bds J. Ostrander. Crogan Daniel, lab, bds Moses Delude. Crookenbark J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Croscup Collin C., carpenter, res s w cor Bates and Franklin. 3. Crosson Edward, lab, res Mackinaw, nr driving park. 7. Crow Edward, blacksmith, wks Austin Bostwick. Crowley David, propr billiard room, cor Franklin and n Hamilton. Cruells John B., shoemaker, bds A. Lefevere. Culver Edward, painter, bds Brockway House. CULVER EDWIN T., painter and glazier, paper-hanger, etc., res 412 Jefferson, cor Harrison. 7. Cnmley Miss Mary, dress-maker, wks Mrs. Melissia J. Kilts. Cummings Charles, wks and bds A. Wendell. Cummings Matilda, wks Hodge House. Cummings William G., carpenter, res Clinton, opp 1307. 8. Canningham Arthur, wks Swift & Lockwood. Cunningham Arthur, bds Fourth Ward Hotel. Curley James, wks Thos. Nester. Curly Denis, lab, bds David Crowley. Curran Miss Ellen, wks with Augustine S. Gayford. 310 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Curry James, wks Thomas Nester. Curtis Crandal N., lab, res s e cor Wash'n and Dearborn. 3. Curtis Chester L., livery stable, Water, cor Cass, bds Taylor House. Curtis Mrs. Elizabeth, bds with Charles Townsend. Curtis John, engineer, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Curtis Mrs. L. B., res 703 Wash'n, bet Jackson. 2. Curtis L. B. & Son, lumbermen, bds Taylor House. Cusack Miss Ett Emelia, tailoress, wks Wm. H. McPhee. Cushman Greeley S., teamster, res s e Pleasant. 5. Cushway Alphonso L., captain, res w s n Granger, bet Clinton and Throop. 3. Cushway Benj. N., salesman, res cor Court and Granger. 5. Cushway Charles, wks D. HI. Jerome & Co. Cushway Charles H., lumber merchant, res Court, near Woodbridge. 2. Cushway Miss Frances, home with Alexander Andre. Cushway Francis V., mason, bds German Sutherland. Cusick Emilia, bds J. E. Loxlie. Outterfeldt Miss Carrie, wks A. D. Smith. Cutholts William, lab, Swift & Lockwood. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. D. Dacharme Miss Matilda, home with John Trumble. Daharsh George, saloon, s w cor Jefferson and Water. 4. Dake William, lab, res 811 Oakley, cor Miller. 7. Daley John, lab, res e s J., L. & S. R. R, s of E. Sag. station. Damon Brazil M., cashier East Saginaw depot, res cor Lincoln and Wash'n. 4. Damond William J., lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Darling Margaret (wid), res w s Harrison, bet Clinton and Monroe. 3. Darwin A., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Dauer Anton, fireman A. W. Wright & Co.'s saw mill, res w s Madison. 8. Daugherty Mannassah D., ship carpenter, res 409 n Fayette and Madison. 5. Dault Annie, wks Joseph Prieur. Dawson James W., dry goods merchant, res cor Bristol and n Hamilton. 2. Dawson James W., dry goods, carpets, millinery, cloak and dress depts, Barnard & Binder blk, e s Hamilton, near cor Franklin. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 311 Davenport Porter, lumberman, res w s Wash'n ave, cor State Road. 6. Davis Albert (George Davenport & Co.), res e s Wash'n ave, bet State Road and Lincoln ave. 3. Davis Charles, coachman T. Jerome, res w s Porter, bet Mfiller and Throop. 4-. Davis Charles, lab, wks D. H. Jerome. Davis Charles, fireman, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Davis Charles H., book-keeper, res e s Hamilton, bet Clinton and Throop. 2. Davis Charles H. (Wright, Wells & Co.), office cor Clinton and Water. Davis Elijah, hostler, res Water, bet Throop and Clinton. Davis George W., milk dairyman, res Mackinaw. 6. Davis Jas., lab, res n s Franklin, bet Hamilton and Wash'n. 3. Davis John, bds N. Gowling. Davis John, student, bds A. Davis. Davis Lamont C., printer, Saginaw Republican, bds Oliver H. Bell. Davis Nicholas, bar-tender Exchange Hotel, res 706 e s Porter, bet Clinton and Throop. 5. Lumbermen's Supplies at 1. & H. Koch & Co's. Davis Oscar C., wks D. Hardin & Co., res ll1 e s Mason. 4. Davis Robert, filer, res n s Dearborn, e of Water. 5. Davison L., clk D. H. Jerome, bds Brockway House. Davidson Nathan L., clk D. H. Jerome & Co. Davison Miss Rachael, teacher 3(1 Ward school, bds S. F. Green. Davidson Thomas W., lab, bds A. Brown. Day Miss-, teacher German department Union School, bds D. B. Ketcham. Day Capt. Jerrod E., res wv s Carrollton road. 2. Decker Charles, brakeman, bds Royal H. Stephens. DeFord Franklin, bds A. Lefevere. Delano Harvey, fireman J., L. & S. R. R., bds Hiland Peck. Delamo Harvey, bds Edwin N. Warner. DeLande Rev. Joel L., missionary Baptist church, res Lincoln ave, nr 8th. 6. DeLande Wallace,, bds Rev. Joel L. DeLande. Delge Henry, salt boiler, C. Kull. Delude Moses, prop Milwaukee House, cor Clinton and Water. 6. Demand Jacob, lab, res w s Bond, bet Miller and Throop. 4. Demers Oliver (Friedman & Demers), bds Burnhard Herrig, Water. 312 SA GINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Demorre V., wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Denison Devillo E., wks Hardin & Co. Denison Mrs. Graty, wid, lives with H. P. Denison. Denison Horace P., foreman D. Hardin & Co.'s planing mill, res 111 Oakley, bet Court and Franklin. 6. Denison Noyes W., wks D. Hardin & Co. Denison Noyes W., mechanic, res 115 Miason, cor Franklin. 4. Dennis Joseph, blacksmith, res Webster, cor Saginaw and Greenwich. 8. Derby Sylvanus, painter, res e s Harrison. bet Stevens and Williams. 4. Desborneau Autoine lab, bds A. Lefebvre. Deveraux Pierre F., elk Register's office, res s c cor Lyonu and Hamilton. 3. Devouchie Joseph, bds Lewis Julian. Devouchie Joseph, bds Mrs. Lewis Julian. Devlin Patrick, lab, 1204 Clinton, cor Woodbridge. 4. Devall D. C., lab, bds Moses Delude. Detrick John, carpenter, res Throop, near Fayette. 4. Detrick -, wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Dethmor Fritz, painter, wks Charles Malzahu. No Banteriing at Little Jal e's. Dezlo Daniel, riverman, bds City House. Dibble John B., architect, office Andre blk, res e s n Fayette, 309 Clinton. 3. Dibel Michael, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Dickinson Charles, carpenter, res No 1306 Monroe, w end Throop. 3. Dickenson Joseph J., agt patent wright, bds J. J. Espy. Dickerson Thomas, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Diebel John, lab, res Lyons, cor Bond. 6. Diebel Melceor, lab, res n w cor Maso-n and Jackson. 4. Dieterich --, German, lab,. res c s Bond, bet Williams and Perry. Diffin Ephraim C., ship carpenter, re s sw cor Granger and Throop. 2. Dilbo Mrs. Harriet (wid), res w s Water, bet Wayne and Walnut. Dimlayo Robert, bds Exchange. Dingler Fred, foreman salt block, Barnard & Binder. Dingier Frederick, foreman Barnard & Binder's salt works, res n w cor Williams and 5th, Binder and Seyfnrdt's add. 8. Dingman --, runs lath mill, res e s Hamilton, bet Throop and Millard. 3. Dixson Amos B., clk treasurer's office S. V. & St. L. R. R., res East Saginaw. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 310 DIXON PETER, meat market, w sv n Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin, res cor State Road and Wash'n ave. See advt-. 4. Doe Isaac, bds Mrs. Louis Julian. Doe John, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Donahue John, wiper, round house, bcs E. Davis. Donavan Lawrence, res e s Fayette, bet Jackson and James. 6. Donley John, sawyer, bds J. J. Espy. Donnelly John, bds John Brown. Donovan Cornelius, asst engineer, J. L. & S. V. R. R., bds W. Donovan. Donovan Wm., chief engineer, J. L. & S. V. R. 11., res w s Webster, bet Cass and Van Buren. 3. Doolittle Merenis, lab, bds William H. Jose. Dorwin Amos, lab, res Mackinaw, near Caroline. Dotson George (col), lab, res Salt, near King. 2. Doudier Charles, lab, res Greenwich, s Bond. 3. Doughty Charles A., sawyer, Williams Bros., res n s G'reenwich, w of Bond, Little's add. 3. Douglass Ambrose F., clk, E. C. Andre, bds same. Douglas Charles, shoemaker, res Adams, near Mason. 6. Fine Custom Work at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Doust John, lab, res s s Queen. near Salt. 10. Dower Fredk, wks and bds C. C. Croscup. Doyle Michael, bds Dunbar House. Drake Fayette, opr J. L. & S. V. R. R. tel office, bds Kerby Hotel. Drear Emil, lab, res w s Mason, bet Adams anld Court. 4. D)reist William, lab, res w s 5th, w of Bond. 4. Drilin John, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Driving Park Saginaw City, Cofirt, nr Charles, prop, P. C. Andre. Drisseell John, teamster, bds J. Nelson. Driscell Samuel, teamster, J. Nelson. Drisscell, William, teamster, bds J. Nelson. Driscoll Oscar, engineer, bds Royal H. Stephens. Ducharme M iss Alma, home with John Trumble. Ducharme Stephen P., home with J. Tromnbley. Dueltgen Maximillian, wks A. Roethke. Duffet Frederick, lab, res w s Water, s of Dearborn. 3. Duffey James W., lab, res 11th, nr Congress ave. 2. Duffey Thomas, lab, res 11th, bet Lincoln and Union ayves. 4. 40 314 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Duffney Joseph, shoemaker, res w s Harrison bet n Waller. 5. Duffy Miss Mary, seamstress, bds Charles Stewart. Dufney Cssar, lab, res s Water, n of Wayne. 3. Dufresne Nelson, shoemaker, bds A. Lefevere. Dafty Joseph, wks T. Hunt. Dulin John, bds Ed. Warner. Dunkins David, engineer J., L. & S. R. R., bds Hiland Peck. Dunlap Robert, bds Rupp House. Dunning Albert, lab. res s e cor Stephens and Harrison. 3. Dunning William, bds Dunbar House. Dunn John, bds Dunbar House. Dunn Samuel, lab, res w end Throop. 4. Dunn Thomas, bds Saginaw Valley Hotel. Durand George H., baggage agt, res 108 Bond, bet Adams and Court. 2. Durand Lorenzo, lawyer, res Wash'n, bet Miller and Throop. Durham Mrs. Martha M., home with Mrs. J. A. Sutton. Durell Frank H., book-keeper Wells, Stone & Co., bds E. T. Holcomb. Durell Frank H., clk and book-keeper, bds Emmet T. Holcomb. Dusler Miss Ellen, with Wm. Binder. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. E. Eagan Miss Johannah, wks Charles Townsend. Eastman Mrs. Mary, fruit store and confectionery, Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin. 4. Eaton Charles P., clk S. V. & St. L. R. R., bds Taylor House. 2. Eaton Daniel L. C. (Rust, Eaton & Co., and Eaton, Potter & Co.), res e s Washington, bet Adams and Cass. 5. Eaton Frederick L., att'y and controller, res 505 Harrison. 5. Eaton J. Milo, student-at-law, bds F. L. Eaton. EBERHARDT CHRISTIAN, saloon, 1001, Harrison, cor Waller, res same. 5. Eberhardt Rev. Christopher L., pastor Evangelical Lutheran St. Paul's Church, cor Ames and Harrison. 2. Eberhardt Christopher L., teacher, res Harrison, bet Ames and Jefferson. 2. Ebernethy, Eugene, bds John Stewart. Eckert Miss Sarah, lives J. G. Beck. Echoytskey Eganott, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 2. Eddy Stub, bds Danbar House. Ederer Wolfe, carpenter, res 803 Bond, bet Throop and Miller. 8. SAGINAW CITY )IRECTORY. 315 Edlinger Thomas, lab, res e s Greenwich, nr Elm. 3. Egan Elisabeth, wks Dunbar House. Egger Joseph, lumberman, bds Brockway House. EGGERS CHRISTIAN, groceries, provisions, wines and liquors, s w cor Court and Oakley, res w s Oakley, bet Adams and Court. 6. Eggert Joseph, tail sawyer, Barnard & Binder. Eggleston Mrs. Hannah E., tailoress, s Hamilton, bet Cass and Adams. 2. Ehring Ricuolt, lab, res nr w end Mackinaw. 3. Eib Philip T., shoemaker J. F. Brand, res cor Granger and Mackinaw. Eib Philip G., shoemaker, res s e cor Mackinaw and Granger. 6. EIFERLY ANDREW, prop Eiferly's Hotel, n w cor Porter and Cross and State roads. See advt. 4. Eisenberg William, tailor, works Joseph Bead & Co., E. Sag. Elisha Poxon, book-keeper J. J. & F. Kehia. Ellenwood George, brakeman, bds S. V. Burdick. Elliott Adam (aged), lives I. F. Elliott. Elliott Charles, lab, bds Calvin G. Cookson. Elliott George, lab, wks William A. Hastings. Elegant Clothing at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Elliott Ira F., lumberman, res e s Granger, bet Lyon and Jackson. 3. Elliott Sarah, wks J. F. Brand. Elliott James T., riverman, res s w cor Clinton and Porter. 5. Elliott John, home with Sarah Elliott. Elliott Miss Mary, wks G. L. Burrows. Elliott Mrs. Sarah (wid George), res w s Andre, bet Court and Adams. 7. Elliott Miss Sarah, lives I. F. El'iott. Elliott Miss Sarah J., wks with John F. Brand. Elliott Miss Sarah V., clk W. A. Armstrong. Elliott Wilson, home with Sarah Elliott. Ellsworth Lewis, baggageman E. Saginaw depot, bds parents and Everett House. Elwood A. C., lab, res e s Wash'n, s of Perry. 3. Emendorfer & Flattar (F. B. Emendorfer and Charles Flattar), boots and shoes, n w cor Water and Franklin. Emendorfer Frank P., shoemaker, res w s Harrison, bet Ames and Franklin. 8. Emry Henry, bds E. Davis. Engel Henry, lab, res e s Porter, bet Ames and Jefferson. 4. Engel William, carpenter, bds C. Ewald. 316 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Evarms Frank, mason, res Cass, nr Bates. 7. Episcopal Methodist church, n w cor Wash'n and Adams. Epting Miss Sophie, with Wm. Binder. Epold John, lab, res n end Washington. 3. ERB GEORGE H., engraver and watchmaker J. C. Ziegler, bds Taylor House. See advt. ERHART SEBASTIAN, shoemaker and dealer in boots and shbes, shop n s Mackinaw, bet Fayette and st West, res n w cor Fayette and Mackinaw. 6. Erkey John, bds Hodge House. Erring R., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Esdorn Miss M. Eta, wks Ammi W. Wright. Esdorn Henry, wks A. Roethke. Espy John, boarding-house, Eleanor ave, e Washington. 3. Estey Frederick, musician, bds Hodge House. Evans Miss Mary, wks John Espy. Everhart Paul, lab, res c s Bay st, near Fair Ground. 9. Ewald Charles, lab, res es Bay st. 3. Ewald Lewis, lab, res e s Bay. 10. Ewald Miss Minnie, wks W. S. Green. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Ewan Daniel F., miller and farmer, res Ewing -, miller, wks Sag. City Mill, bds Robert T. Smith. Exling Joseph, lab, bds Eiferley's Hotel. Express, American Express Co., office and general railway ticket office, Frank Herring agt, e s Hamilton, bet Adams and Court. Eymers Hank, lab, res c s Carrollton road. 5. F. Fagelmeyer Edward, groceries and provisions, Cross road, cor Fayette, res same. Faire Frank, lab, res e s German Colony road. 2. Faling John A., carriage-maker, res s Hamilton, bet Perry and Dearborn. 3. Falkenberg Frederick, lab, bds W. Kutzbah. Fall Benj., lab, res w s 10th, bet Cooper and Congress aves. 6. Fall James, bds B. Fall. Farigan John, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 6. Farmer Charlie, engineer in grist-mill, Saginaw City, bds Robert T. Smith. Farmer Charles C. (col), waiter Kerby House. Farmer Seelye T., millwright, res s w cor Mackinaw and Porter. 4. SAGINTAW CITY DIRECTORY. 317 Farrell Mrs. Sarabh, lives G. Gardner, e s water, bet Dearborn and. 4. Farrington Benj., printer, bds cor Wash'n and Jefferson. Farrington Coyt, printer, "Saginaw Republican," bds cor Washington and Jefferson. Farrington Henry B., grocer, res cor Jeff'n and n Wash'n. 7. Fancher Felix, lab, bds Moses Delude. Fancher Samuel, lab, bds, Moses Delude. Fawcet William, foreman, T. Nester, res n e cor Madison and Webster. 4..Feahr Augustus, saloon, n e cor Porter and Williams. Feiger Frederick, saloon-keeper, res over saloon. 4. Feiger Conrad, Music Hall, w s Water, cor Franklin, res same. Fieger Bros. (Andrew Feiger and Frederick Feiger), saloon, w s Water, bet Cass and Van Buren. Felcher George P., owner propeller Neptune, barge Ocean, and others, res e s Hamilton, cor Throop. 7. FELCHIER LEM]UEL H., J. P., office Court, opp Taylor House. 4. See advt. Fellows Edward, filer, res e s Bond, bet Clinton and Throop. 5. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Fellows Giles E., st car conductor, res 504 n Hamilton, near Madison. 3. Fellows Hiram, wks st car co., res w s Bond, bet Clinton and Throop. 2. Fellows Linus C., filer, res n w cor Bond and Clinton. 5. Fellows L., res 902 Clinton, cor Bond. Fellows Mrs. Rhoda, wks E. Davis. Fenderson John, teamster, res n s Franklin, bet Hamilton and Wash'n. 3. Ferguson Chas. A., landlooker, res w s Webster, cor Throop. 4. Ferguson Chas. A., landlooker, res n w cor Throop and Webster. 4. Ferguson Herman, lab, res w s Webster, s of Miller. 7. Ferguson Herman, lab, res cor Webster and --. 7. Ferguson Wmn. G., builder, res n w cor Granger and Monroe. 5. Ferguson William, bds Peter Pratt. Festure George, teamster, C. C. Miller, bds same. Fetzer Leonard M., teacher, res s s Adams, corner Mason. 5. Fenser John, saloon, n w cor Mackinaw and Webster. 2. Feyer Andrew, saloon-keeper, res Hamilton, cor Van Buren. 4. Fick John E., lab, res s w cor 3d and street n of State road. 4. Fieger Frederick, saloon, res w s Water, bet Adams and Mackinaw. 3. 318 SANGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Fillmore Ariel F., elk G. A. Alderton, res Water. Finch George, bds A. Brown. Finney John, bookkeeper Kefcham Bros., bds D. B. Ketcham. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, s e cor Court and Hamilton; capital $200,000; J. E. Shaw, President; A. W. Wright, Vice President; A. F. R. Braley, cashier; Smith Palmer, asst cashier. See advt. Firster John, butcher, wks John A. Wirtle. Fischer John, dealer in tobacco and cigars, cor Court and Water, res---- Fisk Leonard L., lab, res s s Williams, cor Webster. 7. Fisk James, brakeman, bds R. Portevus. Fish Lucy, teacher, bds Mrs. Susan Busby. Fisher Benjamin J., lumber inspector, bds Hodge House. Fisher Carson, lab, bds Railroad House. Fisher Christopher, foreman, res n s Union ave, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Fisher Mack, lab, bds Railroad House. Fisher Thomas, wks A. W. Thompson. Fitch Marlow, harness maker J. W. Richardson, bds Kerby Hotel. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Flanigan Thomas, bds Henry Young, s s Queen nr Salt. Flautaw (Flatow) Charles, wks R. R., res Bay, nr Court. 4. Fleming Robert, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Flood Patrick, shoemaker W. McRath, bds Valley House. Flood H. Patrick, bds Sag. Valley Hotel. Flynn James, conductor, bds Royal H. Stephens. Flynn Patrick, wks Geo. Haigh. Fogel Frederick, shoemaker, res 708 Porter, bet Clinton and Throop. 3. Foley Jennie, dressmaker, bds T. V. Kelsey. Fonda Mrs. Juliette, wid, n s Franklin, cor Oakley. 3. Foote Charles, blacksmith, res w s Mason, bet Cass and Van Buren. 3. FOOTE DAN. P., attorney, Hamilton Richardson blk, np stairs, res Granger, cor Monroe. 5. Foote Dan. P., lawyer, res cor Granger and Monroe. 5. Forbes Benjamin, foreman Swift & Lockwood, res Salt, s Dearborn, lot No. 8, H. L. Miller's addition. 8. Forbes Benjamin, foreman in saw-mill, res No. 1607 Queen. 6. Forbes John W., lab, works Swift & Lockwood. Forbes Orlando, engineer, Swift & Lockwood. Ford Albert, messenger boy, bds Royal H. Stephens. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 319 Ford Charles D., sailor, res s w cor 3d and street n of State road. 3. Fordney John S., lab, res 407 w s Oakley, bet Ames and Madison. Forrmann August, lab, res Throop, near Mason. 2. Forsyth Mrs. Alicia, lives Robert McQueen. Foss Catherine, bds 0. Roeser. Fosse Lawrence, blacksmith, J. N. Schneider. Foster Charles, wks Burleson & Martin. Foster David, wks Wright, Tipton & Co., bds Mrs. J. Low. Foster Miss Maggie, wks Augustine S. Gayford. Fournia S., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Fournier Peter, bds Kerby House. Fournier Peter, wks Hardin & Co. Fovill Miss Emma, wks Dr. Israel N. Smith. Fovill Louis, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Fowls Charles, wks Dr. J. Jerome. Fox Gabel, bds Rupp House. Fox Joseph, bds Rupp House. Fradd William P., carpenter, res e s Mason, bet Throop and Miller. 8. Largest Stock of Clothing at M. & I. Koch & Co's. Fradrick William, res w s Bay City State road. 3. Frahm Miss Minnie, wks H. B. Chapin. Frahm Fredk, lab, res w s Madison. 2. France Hamilton, policeman, res 407 Wayne, bet Fayette and Harrison. 3. Francy Alexander, steam dyer and scourer, Water, bet Court and Adams, res same. 4. Frank Henry C., app J. C. Ziegler, bds same. Fraser Charles, cooper, bds J. C. Hart. Fraser Ella, wks W. B. Pellett. Frasier Allan, bds Exchange. Frederick William, butcher, wks John A. Wirth. Frederick William, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Frederick William, lab, wks Swift and Lockwood. Fredricks William, (col) lab, res s s Queen, near Salt st. 5. Freechtel Henry, carpenter, bds City House. Freeland Walter F., painter, bds J. Ostrander. Freeland Wilson, riverman, bds J. Ostrander. Freger Mrs. Barbara, clothing store, w s Water, bet Cass and Van Buren, res same. Freiddborn Charles A., tinsmith, res n e cor 8th and Union ave. 3. 320 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Freilan John, propr American House, Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin. Refused to give boarders' names. French -, blacksmith, C. L. Benjamin, res s e cor Lyon and Webster. 4. French Miss Ella M., tel opr, Am. Tel. office, Taylor House, bds J. T. Burnham, cor Wash'n and Monroe. Frezie -, wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Friedman & Demers (Herman Friedman and Oliver Demers),. clothiers, 111 Genesee, East Saginaw, 1st Sept. Friel John, bds J. E. Brady. Frink Burns, foreman, T. Jerome, bds same. Frisbee -, painter, bds G. Lee. Frost Henry, mason, res 406 Granger. 6. Fuahr Christian, wks J. F. Wider, bds parents. Fuchs Albert, tinner, cor Cross and Harrison, res same. 2. Fuerbringer G. H., physician, office with N. G. Burnham, bda J. D. Burnham. Fuhrmann Julius, lab, res w s Bay st. 2. Fuller Arthur W., clk, Geo. Laidley. Fuller, Thomas T., clk, R. C. Seeney. Little Jake & Co., "Boss"9 Clothiers of the State. Fulman August, lab, res Greenwich, near Elm. 3. Fuller Thos., clk, bds Hodge House. Furney Cyrus, lab, res 606 Harrison. 8. G. GAENSBAUER JOHN, dealer in boots and shoes, w Water, bet Franklin and Ames, res Ames, cor Granger. 7.. Gaensbauer John, shoemaker, res cor Ames and Court. 5. Gale James M. (Gale & Wellman), lumberman, mill Chippewar res w s n Fayette, bet Ames and Jeff'n. 6. Galigher Francis, lab, bds Hiland Peck. Gallagher John, lab, bds J. R. Olin. Gallagher Rachael, bds J. R. Olin. Galloway William C., lab, res w s Webster, bet Clinton and Throop. 3. Ganschaw August C., blacksmith, res 405 Granger. 6. Ganschow Augustus C., hardware, stoves, and tinware, Cross roads, bet Fayette and Wash'n, res Granger, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. Ganshaw Charles, tailor, res n s Jackson, bet Hamilton and Water. 4. Ganschow Frank R., printer " Enterprise," res n w cor Fayette and Williams. 6. SAGIN'AW CITY DIRECTORY. 321 - Ganschow Frederick, pattern-maker, res n s Williams, bet Washington and -. 2. Gardener Henry, bds HI. Libby. Gardener Miss Matildy, wks V. Gardener. Gardener Richard, sailor, bds V. Gardener. Gardener Victor, saloon and restaurant, e s Water, bet Ames and Franklin, res same. 3. Gardner Christ, bds A. Brust. dGardner Gehial, carpenter, res e s Water, bet Dearborn and Perry. Gardner George, teamster, res Wayne and Webster. S. Gardner John, teamster, res w s King, s of Dearborn. 5. Gardner Kirby, wks Tittibawassee Boom Co., res w s 10th, s of Congress ave. 6. Gardner William E., lab, bds Moses Delude. Gardner Walter, wks Hardin & Co. Gardner William E., printer, "'Saginaw Republican," bds M. Deluge. Garey John, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Garlick Mrs. Elizabeth, lives C. H. Lee. Garner Colista, wks G. W. Davis. Elegant Clothing at M. & H. HRoch & Co's. Gates Christopher, lab, bds Rail Road Hotel. Gattan Cornelius, wks Hodge House. Gaum Anthony, lab, res Barnard's Island. 4. Gaum Gilbert, lab, res Salt, near King. 3. Gaumn Vichen, carpenter, res n s Fraser, w Fayette. 4. Gaum Vincent, wks W. G. Thurston. Gaun Gilbert, fireman Salt block, Barnard & Binder. Gaun Gracie, wks J. Ballantine. Ganther August, res e s Mason, bet MAackinaw and Lyons. 6. Gawmer W. HI., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Gaylord Augustine S., lawyer, res No. 901, cor Miller and Washington. 6. GAYLORD & HANCHETT (Augustine S. Gaylord and Bent-on H anchett), attorneys, office Taylor House block, s s Court; will move to Barnard & Binder blk, Hamilton. Gaylord Harry R., insurance agent, res n Hamilton, bet Madison and Monroe. 7. Gear John R., lab, res 802 Lyon, cor Porter. 2. Geer Benjamin, dealer dry goods, carpets, and notions, and lumbermen's goods, Court, bet Hamilton and Washington, res cor Adams and Bond. 4. Geessel Godfreid, lab, res Greenwich, nr Little's addition. 3. 41 322 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. G eessel John, lab, res Greenwich, nr Little's addition. 5. George Conrad, shoemaker, res 210 -. 4. George Konrad, shoemaker, res w s Andre, nr Van Buren. 4. George Phillip, shoemaker, wks W. Twichell. George William, lab, res n w cor Mason and Throop. 8. Gerard Joseph, fireman, res 912, Clinton. 5. Gerow Wm. Allen, sapper, bds S. E. D. Sheltraw. Gerow Martin Barney, lab, bds S. E. D. Sheltraw. Gessel William, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood, res w s Elm, near Greenwich. 6. Giblits H., lab, wds Saginaw Barrel Co. Gibson John A., lumber inspector, G. F. Williams & Bros, res 205 Porter, bet Adams and Cass. 4. Gieser Henry, butcher, res s w cor Mackinaw and Granger. 3. Gilchrist George W., cook, res Water, Compo's ave. 3. Gilder George, bds W. Cowan. Gilett Albert, lab, bds Francis Boyden. Gilett Esther, home with John Cavenaugh. Gillett Joel P. (Stone & Gillett), res cot Fayette and Franklin. Gillett John B., supt S. V. & St. L. R. R., bds Taylor House. 2. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" CBlothiers of the State. Gillett John E., passenger conductor S. V. & St. L. R. R., bds Taylor House. Gillett Joseph A., express messenger S. V. & St. L. R. R., bds Taylor House. Gillett J. Peter (F. P. Stone & Co.), res 107 Fayette, cor Franklin. 8. Gillett Solomon, clk in boom office, res No 809 cor Ames and Bond. 5. Girley Barney, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Gits John, wks Swift & Lockwood. Glaser Charles, civil engineer, res cor Court and Porter. 3. Gleason Hayden, lab, res Water, nr Compos ave. 5. Gleason Thomas, lab, res n s Mackinaw, near Bond. 4. Glendinning Miss Annie, dressmaker, wks Mrs. Melissia J. Kitts. Gnatkowski Charles, lab, res w s German Colony Road. 5. Glick Adam, lab, res n e cor Union ave and 12th. 8. Goatsee Paul, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Godfrey Wright, engineer, res 710 Jefferson. 8. Goerge Philip, lab, bds Platte's House. Gohl Christian H., millwright, res 407 H-arrison. 4. Goldsmith Herman, dealer in ladies' furnishing goods, Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin. Gonia Joseph, gang sawyer, Barnaid & Binder. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 323.Gonya Samuel, lab, res w s Bond, bet Miller and Throop. 4. Goodale Silas W., stenographer, res s w cor Harrison and Van Buren. 3. Gooden James, lab, res n e cor Hamilton and Perry. 2. Goodson Mrs. Nancy, wid, res n w cor Washington and Mackinaw. 4. Goodrue Frederick, lab, res e s Hamilton, bet Jefferson and Madison. 9. 'Gooding James, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Goold -, lab, bds Rail Road Hotel. Gopet Miss Maggie, wks Benjamin Greer. Gordon John, bds T. Wright. GORDON THOMAS S., root and ginger beer manuf'r, cor Lapeer and Warren, res s Warren. Gorman Arthur, bds Sag. Valley Hotel. Gorman James, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Gormer William, farmer, res Williams blk, w s Wash'n, junction Cross Roads. 2. Goosaw Carstan, grocery clerk, res Lyons, cor Porter. 2. Groselin Leraphin, shoemaker, bds A. Lefevere. The Great Popular Clothing House of Koch & Co. Gossien Eugene, lab, res 912 Clinton, cor Oakland. 3. Gotee Mrs. Maria (wid), res n w cor Adams and Harrison. 4. Goudy Jane, wks Hodge House. Gould Eben R., clk Wells, Stone & Co., res cor Miller and Granger. Gould E. F., lumberman, res cor Brewster and Wash'n. 3. Gould Gardner D., dealer in groceries and provisions, Lincoln aye. Gould Joseph J., farmer, res n e cor Granger and Miller. 3. Gould Leroy H., clk supt J., L. & S. R. R., res n s Clinton, cor Webster. 3. Gouster Benjamin, lab, bds 4th Ward Hotel. Gowling Nelson, cooper, res 706 s Washington. 3. Gowling Richard, cooper, res e s of Wash'n, s of Perry. Grabna Miss Catherine, wks S. J. Hitchcock. Gracey Miss Minnie, wks T. Jerome. Gradt Frank J., cabinet-maker, res 406 Granger. 4. Gradt Leonard, photographer, res n w cor Mason and Van Buren. 5. Graebner Adam, groceries and provisions, cor Harrison and Van Buren, res same. 11. Graebner Miss Barbara, wks Myron Batman. Graebner Casper B., wks D. H. Jerome, res 113 n Granger. 7. Graebner Christopher, lk, res over 204 n Granger. 2. 324 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Graebner Conrad, groceries and provisions, n e cor Franklin and Granger, res same. 4. Graebner John, car reporter, J., L., & S. R. R., bds Adam Graebner. Graebner Kasper, grocer, cor Franklin and Granger, res same. 4. Graham George, framer, res Lincoln ave, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Graham Wm., picture agt, res n e cor Harrison and Throop. 2.9 Grant Irving, student, bds N. D. Lee. Grant & Saylor (C. W. Grant and Thomas Saylor), lumber manuf'rs, Florence, s Genesee-st bridge. Employ 24 men. Gramo Augustus, lab, shoemaker, bds J. Gramo. Gramo John, lab, res w s Bay street. 2. Gratz Frank, cabinet-maker, wks Benjamin T. Smith. Gray David, carpenter. Gray David, lab, res Union ave, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Gray John H., boarding-house and saloon, Genesee, near East Saginaw depot. 4. Grear C., lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. GREEN W.. & SON, dealers in gang-sawed lumber, o-fficeover 1st national bank, Saginaw City. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Green August, lab, res w s Woodbridge, bet Lyon and Cross. road. 6. Green Miss Caddie, lives N. D. Lee. Green Miss Catherine, home with Dr. H. D. Lee. Green Charles E., shoemaker, wks S. F. Green, res Cross road,. cor Jackson. Green Charles I. (W. S. Green & Son), res 904 n Wash'n. 3. Green David, lab, bds Alexander Ogline. Green Henry, lab, bds C. C. Utter. Green Miss Ida, works Peter J. Manning. Green James H., barber,wks G. H. Greggs, res Water, 3d ward. 4. Green John, carpenter, res w s Porter, bet Throop and Miller. 2. Green Miss Maggie, waitress, Franklin House. Green Mrs. Mary, wid, res 708 Porter, bet Clinton and Throop. 8. Green Samuel F., dealer in boots and shoes, s w cor Washington and Mackinaw, res cor Fayette and Williams. 4. Green Washington S. (W. S. Green & Son), lumber and salt manufacturers, res 904 n Washington. 3. Green Charles H. (W. S. Green & Son, lumbermen), res-Washington. Greenfield Robert N., wks Gaslight Co., res Emerson, bet Water and River. 5. Greenfield Newton, lab, bds Robert Greenfield. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 3 325 Greene Seymour, res cor Genesee and Wash'n ave. 5, Greer John W., cooper, res 1102 Fayette, cor Saginaw. 3. Gregg Michael, lab. res w s Carrollton road. 10. Greggs George, barber, res s Hamilton, s Jackson. 5. Gregory J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Gregw'are Joseph, lab, bds Moses Delude. Gremel Mrs. Margaretta, wks N. Miller. Gremel Miss Rose, wks N. Miller. Griese Charles, barber, s Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin. 3. Griese John, lab, res w s Bond, bet Clinton and Throop. 2. Gridley H. TI., passenger conductor, J. L. & S. R. R., bds Taylor House. Griggs George H., hair artist, w. s Water, bet Cass and Van Buren, res Hamilton. 5. Grinley David, lab, bds T. Wright. Gromps Michael, wks Wright, Tipton & Co. GROUT GARDNER K., attorney, office No. 4 Miller blk, res 408 n Wash'n, cor Madison. 4. Grumps L., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Grundon John, carpenter, bds L. Reno. Lowest Prices at 1X. & H. Koch & Co's. Gaillott Eugene, lab, res e s Harrison, nr Stephens. 2. Guillott Joseph, painter and kalsomining, cor Cass and Mason. Gunther Christian, fisherman, res 1106 Lyon, bet -Mason and Woodbridge. 5. (-urley Barney, lab, res 714 e s Granger, nr Williams. 2. H. Haag Christian, apprentice, with John Gaensbauer, bds same. Haben John, salt-boiler, res Perry, nr King. 12. Hackett Miss Sarah, iwks I. L. Jackson. Hackett Wm., prop Railroad Hotel, cor Adams and Water. 3. Hager Fred., lab, res ss Queen, nr Salt. 6. Hagerty Daniel, lab, res n s Pleasant. 4. Haigh George, gardener, res w s Elm, nr Greenwich. 5. Haight Miss Louise, wks H. L. Miller, res n e cor Mackinaw and Wash'n. Hales 3Miss Annie, wks F. D. Millett. Hales Elizabeth, wks T. M. James. Hall -, Eolah Hall, Taylor House blk, s s Court, bet Hamilton and Wash'n, Geo. Laidley agent, rooms same. Hall Hubbard A., carpenter, bds S. T. Hall. Hall Job, lab, res n w cor Hamilton and Stephen. 3. 326 SAGINA.W CITY DIRECTORY. Hall John T., lawyer, office Owen's blk, East Saginaw, res n s Lincoln ave, bet 4th and 5th. 2. Hall Moor, boarding-house, w s Fayette, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 2. Hall Moore, blacksmith, wks Austin Bostwick. Hall Seth T., carpenter and joiner, res s e cor Fayette and Wayne. 7. Hall Thaddeus, engineer M. C. R. R., bds Lewis U. Stone. Hall Thos. J., engineer on St. Louis R. R., bds Lewis U. Stone. Hall T. V., engineer J., L. & S. R. R., bds Hiland Peck. Hall William, bds Dunbar House. Halstead Loren, brakeman, bds S. V. Burdick. Hamilton C. R., physician, res 206 n Wash'n. 3. Hamilton Charles R., dentist, office Nathan blk, n Hamilton, res cor Ames and Wash'n. Hamilton George, captain " May Belle," bds James Toomb. Hamilton William, bds Sag. Valley Hotel. Hamilton William, wks Swift & Lockwood. Hammon, (col) bds Ben Johnson. Hammond Arthur, barber B. Johnson, bds same. Hampbell Duncan, tailor, wks William H. McPhee. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Hanchett Benton, att'y, res 605 Wash'n, cor Jackson. 3. Handley John, supt Sturtevant, Green & Co. Haney Francis, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Hanna Alice, wks J. G. Marvin. Hanson Henry, lab, res n w cor Bond and Throop. 4. Hanton William, lab res n s Lyon, bet Fayette and --. 2. Happy John, bds W. H. Kniffin. Hardy Christopher, cooper, Swift & Lockwood. Harding George D., clk Jay Smith, bds Taylor House. Harding James, farmer, res Water (Compo's ave). 4. Harding John, butcher, shop and res Lincoln ave. 2. Hardin Abner, student, bds John F. Brand. Hardin Daniel, bds J. F. Brand. 2. Hardin Daniel, res Hamilton, cor Farley. 3. IHARDIN D. & Co. (Daniel Hardin, Horace P. Denison, William S. Stilman, Gilbert W. Warren); Denison Horace P., res Oakley, bet Franklin and Court. 7. Hardting Miss Minnie, wks A. Burrows. Hardy Alex. M., restaurant, Water, next door Railroad House, res same. Hardy Gilbert, cooper, res Chesnut. 5. Hardy William, bookkeeper J. E. Loxlie. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 327 Hardy William, lab, res w end Throop, near Cass. 7. Harker Miss Elizabeth, home with Nathan S. Lockwood. Harkin John, lab, bds Eiferley's Hotel. Harms Augustus, shoemaker, res s w cor Adams and Cass. 5. Harrigan James, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co., bds G. E. Brady. Harrington Dwight (Harrington & Ketcham), lumberman, res 505 n Fayette. 7. Harrington H., bds Rupp House. Harris Fitz, clk Mrs. M. G Martin, bds same. Harris George H., res sw cor Water and.Mackinaw. 6. Harris John Calvin, soap and potash factory, Water, opp Nyley & Bros.' mill. 4. Harrison Rosh W., lab, bds Robert T. Smith. Harrison C. F., lab, bds Moses Delude. Harrison William H., sawyer, res 805 Franklin. 5. Harron Thomas, lab, res s s Queen, nr Salt. Hart David, lab, res Jackson, nr Fayette. 3. Hartwick Henry, lab, res w s Bond, bet Mackinaw and Lyon. 5. Hart Jerond, cooper, bds J. C. Hart. Hart John C., foreman cooper shop, Barnard & Binder. Hart John C., cooper, res 1407 Hamilton, cor Dearborn. Only one Price at. & IH. Koch & Co's. Harter James B., tel opr round house, bds B. F. Bell. Harter James, opr, bds Joseph I. Burnham. Hartung Louisa, wks George F. Veenfleet. Harvey Albert, carpenter, res 7th, nr Union ave. 4. Harvey Charles G., carp, res s e cor 8th and Union ave. 3. Harvey Edwin, hostler street-car barns, bds Kerby Hotel. Harvey Miss Ellen, lives D. Watson. Harvey Mrs. Malinda, wid Nelson Harvey, res Union ave, bet 7th and 8th. 11. Haskell William M., boarding house, n e cor Hamilton and Lyons. 3. Hasler John, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Hastings Hiram H., conductor on M. C. R. R., res n w cor Porter and Van Buren. Hastings Wm. A., merchant, res Court. 2. Hastings - (late Bradner & Hastings), picture dealer, e s Washington. Hasty Carroll, res s s Adams, cor Bond. 3. Hatch Alva G., foreman, res w s Harrison, bet Jefferson ancl Madison. 4. Hatch Mrs. Delia, wid, home with Alva Hatbh. Hatch Thomas H., barkeeper Taylor House. 3-28 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Haug Roman, carpenter, res n w cor Harrison and Throop. 10. Hausen John, riverman, res w s Harrison, bet Ames and Franklin. 4. Havmes August, lab, res Andre, nr Adams. 5. Havner -, res e s Bay, n of E. Sag. road. 6. Hawken A. F., saloon, Water, bet bik 7 and blk 14. 3. Hawkins Miss Jane, bds J. Hay. Hawker William, gunsmith, c s Water, be.t Court and Franklin, res same. Hay, Butman & Co. (James Hay, MIyron Butman, Ezra and Amasa Rust), lumber manuf'rs, mill Bay City, office Taylor House blk, Court. Hay D. & A. (David and Andrew) lumbermen, office Taylor House block, Court. Hay David, lumberman, bds J. Hay. Hay James, lumberman, res s e cor Lyon and Washington. 5. Hay & Wheeler (James Hay, Charles E. Wheeler) realestate dealers, office Taylor House block, court. Hayes Fleetus, chemist, glue works, bds P. AM. Shaw. Hayes Mortimer H., steward on lake, bds A. P. Burch. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Hayes P. F., lumberman, rooms over H-I. A. Walker's s m room00s, n Wash'n. Hayes Peter, lumberman, bds Taylor H-Iouse. Hayward William, lab, bds R. Porter's. Hazard & Harvey, restaurant e s South Hamilton, bet Adams and Court, Wisner blk. Hazne Ernst, butcher, res cor Court and Mason. 3. Hearns Miss Mary W., dressmaker, works Mrs. J. Kitts, bas Samuel McKenzie. Heath Sarah, (wid.), 82 yrs of age, home with X. J. Bates. Heath AMrs. Sarah, (wid.), bds Xura Bates. Hebing Theodore, res w s n Granger, bet Ames and Jeff'n. 2. Heideke Fredrick, butcher, and bds C. Moye. Helmer Marx, wks S. & S., bds J. G. Schemm. Hellpop John, lab, res Elm, near Greenwich. 4. Hemelspeck A. J., bds Kerby House. Hemmeter Adam, mason, res No. 1108 cor Mackinaw and Woodbridge. 2. Hendaline Andrew, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Henley Thomas, scaler, bds Kerby House. Heppie John, lab, works Saginaw Barrel Co. Herbert Miss Lizzie, wks Fred Sweet. I-erbert, Michael, clerk, res corner Madison and MIonroe. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 329 Herbst Michael, lab, res No 1008, cor Monroe and Mason. HERRIG EMILE A., physician, office n c cor Adams and Hamilton, res same. Herrick -, physician, bds Hugh Wesener. Herrig Barnhart, dealer in groceries and provisions, crockery, etc., Water, bet Adams and Court:. 6. HIerrig Miss Eva, lives F. 1Herrig. Herrig Frank, express agt and fancy goods, res n w cor iHarrison and Van Buren. 5. Hierrig Nichlas, lab, res 212 1 s 1st. 2. Herring Joseph, lab, res Florence, w s Genesee. 3. Hess S. D., wks water works, bds City House. Hess Samuel, lab, res a oodbridge, bet Court and Franklin. 2. Hessler Christian, beer hall and restaurant, n w cor Adams and Fayette, res same. 6. Heslop Miss Sarah, home with John Barr. Hetfield Adaline, bds Edwin Rich. Heustis James A., cooper, bds Mirs. Susau M. IIumphrey. Heuline Miss Maggie, works William I-I. Sweet. Hexamer Andrew, saloon, Court, bet Hamilton and Water. Fashionable Tailoring at M. & i. Koch & Co's. Hibbing Theodore, wks E. Rust. Hickey Edward, carpenter, res n w cor Lyon and Webster. 10, Hicks Willard M., lab, res n e cor 12th and Union ave. 7. Hiderman C., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Hiesrodt William T., engineer, res s Hamilton, cor Perry. 3. Higby -, painter, bds G. Lee. Hill --, wks Wright, Tipton & Co., bds A. D. Smith. Hill Wilbur, lumberman, bds Asa H. Paine. Hildreth Henry L., traveling salesman D. II. Jerome & Co., res s w cor Fayette and Waller. 3. Hiller Cyrus, res e s German Colony road. 3. Himmelspach John A., cigar-maker E. Scheurmann, bds Kerby's Hotel. Hinds Richard, boarding house, w s Water, bet Ames and Franklin, res same. 4. Hine Charles D., supt school, bds Mrs. S. A. Bullock. Hine Charles D., supt public school, res Court, bet Fayette and Harrison. 3. Hinemann Christian, lab, res n s East Saginaw road. 2. Kintermnan Henry, hostler City House. Hintermister Rudolph, elk Franklin House. Hipfnan Arthur, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. 42 330 3SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Hitchcock Erastus R., elk postoffice, res Jackson, bet Fayette and Washington. 3. Hitchcock Frank, lab, res w s Oakley, bet Clinton and Monroe. 4. Hitchcock Henry A., sawyer, res s e cor Clinton and Mason. 4. Hitchcock Henry, wks Hardin & Co. Hitchcock Phoebe E. (wid Samuel), res n e cor Clinton and Mason,-move to Fayette. 2. Hitchcock Samuel J., res w s Fayette, cor Mackinaw. 2. Hiusler John, lab, res No. 1206 Adams, nr Woodbridge. 3. Hoard -, res w s Fayette, n of Brewster. Hoard Permelia, res w s Fayette, n of Brewster. Hobby C. Mead, (reg) physician, office s s Court, bet Hamilton and Water. Hobson Francis, bds Hodge House. Hodge Newton D., propr Hodge's House e s Hamilton, bet Jeff'n and Madison. 2. Hodges Abraham, teamster, res e s Porter, bet Jefferson and Madison. 5. Hodges Richard, carpenter, res s w cor Throop and Webster. 4. Hoerlein Miss Kitty, wks B. Hanchett. No Bantering aW Little JSke's. Hoffman Ernest, lab, res w s Mason, bet Jackson and Williams. 3. Hoffman F. A., cigar manuf'r, wks John Fischer. Hoffman John, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Hoffle Lewis, engineer, bds C. C. Utter. Hoffman Miss Mary, cook Mrs. K. A. Monroe. Hoffman Miss Mary, wks S. Palmer. Hoffman Morris, watchmaker J. C. Ziegler, bds B. Herrig. Hogan Benjamin, clk D. H. Jerome & Co. Hogan Miss Eda, home with Ozias J. Inscho. Hogan George, sawsmith D. H. Jerome & Co. Hogan George, sawmaker D. H. Jerome, res s e cor Harrison and Williams. 3. Hogan Joseph, sawsmith D. H. Jerome & Co. Hogan Joseph, sawmaker D. H. Jerome, bds G. Hogan. Hogeboam John G., clk Martin & Raymond. Hohn John, lab, res n e cor Franklin and Charles. 8. Holcolm Adrian H., cooper Swift & Lockwood. Holcomb Ernst T., wks Wells, Stone & Co., res Washington, bet Clinton and Monroe. 3. Holden Alonzo S., switchman J., L. &. S. V. R. R., res ws Water, bet Adams and Court. 3, Holden Lawson, bds B. M. Damon. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 331 Holden S., wks Sag. Barrel Co. Holden Timothy, bds Exchange. Holdon John, lab, bds F. St. Dennis. Holeywell Lemuel D., engineer Boom Co., res s w cor Stephens and Granger. 3. Holland Miss Jennie, laundress Taylor House. Holley I. L., night watch, bds Royal H. Stephens. Hollister Mayor W., edge tool maker, w s Water, bet Mackinaw and Jackson, res 906 Washington. 3. Hollister Fred. W., architect and superintendent, office newAndre blk, Court, bet Hamilton and Washington, res cor Court and Woodbridge. 3. Hood 0. S., lumberman, bds R. Atwater. Hoops Edward, conductor on M. C. R. R., bds Lewis U. Stone. Hopkins Isaac H., prop'r Taylor House, cor Court and Hamilton. Hopkins Miss Jennie, home Taylor House. Hopkins Patrick, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Hopp Christian, lab, res s s Saginaw road. 2. Hopper George C., supt J., L. & S. V. R. R., office Saginaw Citydepot, res w s Wash'n, cor of Jackson. 5. Nobby Suits at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Hopper Mrs. Almira, lives G. L. Hopper. Horn Michael, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Horn Thomas, wks Swift & Lockwood. Home James, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Horer J., wks Swift & Lockwood, bds Fourth Ward Hotel. Horning George, engineer, bds John Espy. Horold Mathias, teamster, res No 807 cor Bond and Monroe. 7.Hostler Christian, bds W. H. Kniffin. Houghton Abram G., farmer, res w s Andre, bet Court and Adams. 4. Houk Lewis, st car conductor, res w s Harrison, bet Clinton and Monroe. 5. Houldrud V., lab, works Swift & Lockwood. Houppel James, bds Rupp House. House -, res cor Cass and Webster. 7. Howard Edward, lab, bds J. Brown. Howard William E., lab, res n s Van Buren, bet Franklin ancd Fayette. 4. Howlan Valentine, bds Young, s s Queen, near Salt. Bubble Minor, works Thomas M. Hubble. Hubble Thomas M., tug owner, res cor n Hamilton audi Miller. 6. 032 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Hudson Benjamin, farmer, e s Washington, s J., L. & S. R. ~. Hudson George, bds Ed. Warner. Hudson Gilbert W., lab, res No 708 Mackinaw, near Webster. 4. Hudson James, land-looker, bds W. Hudson. Hudson James A., postmaster, res 409 s s Franklin, bet Harrison and Fayette. 2. Hudson John, tailor, wks William H. McPhee. Hudson John D., tailor, bds Hodge House. Hudson Matthew, riverman, bds W. Hudson. Hudson William, lumberman, res 402 Bond, cor Van Buren. 3. Hughes Mrs. Charlotte (wid Abram Hughes), bds David Hart. Hughes Edward, lab, bds David Hart. Hughes Frank, lab, bds David Hart. Hughes Franklin, bds E. Davis. Hughes Frederick, bds Exchange. Hughes George, bds David Hughes. Hughes James, lab, bds David H-Iart. H-ughes Peter, dealer in liquors, res n e cor Ames and Granger. 0. Ilughes Richard, lab, bds A. Brown. Hughes William J., lab, bds David Hart. Interview the " Boss, Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Hulet 0. A., conductor J., L. & S. R. R., bds bds Hiland Peck. Hulett Patrick, brakeman, bds Royal H. Stephens. Humphrey Miss Anna M., home with Mrs. Susan M. IHumphrey. H{umphrey Frances, home with Harry Mansfield. Humphrey Mrs. Susan M. (wid Geo. 'M. Humphrey), boarding house, res Florence, w Genesee. 3. Hunt Charles, cooper, wks Swift & Lockwood. HUNT THOI AS, boot and shoe manuf'r, ws Water, bet Cass and Van Buren, res over shop. See advt. 5. Huntington Edgar 0., carp, res 1102 s Wash'n, cor Sag. 8. Hurlbut L. Arnold, atty and depy Co. clk, bds R. W. Andrus. Hurle Michael, machinist, res w s Washington, s of J., L. & S. R. R. 3. Huskell Truman H., lab, res cor Ames and Webster. 4. Hyer John W., lumberman, res e s Porter, between Jackson and Williams. 3. IHyland Miss Mary, docter, home with John D. McKenney. Hyland Mrs. Mary (wid John B. Hyland), home with John,. ]Kenney. ITy~nes Christine, lab, works Alexander Andre. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 333 I. Imber John, shoemaker, works William Kohn. Inseho Ozias J., lumberman, Van Buren, bet Granger and Webster. 3. Ingersoll William, lab, res n e cor Fayette and Williams. 3. Ippel Mrs. Agnes, wid George, res w s Fayette, bet Jefferson and Madison. 3. Irving Albert G. (Irving & Son) res Woodbridge, cor Adams. Irving David N. (Irving & Son) res e s Granger, bet Cass and Van Buren. 4. Isabell, wks Wells, Stone & Co., res Andre, bet Court and Franklin. 6. Isabell Simon, wks Wells, Stone & Co. Ittner Fredrick J.. shoemaker, shop and res 406 n Harrison. 4. Irving A. G., dealer in furniture, res n w Adams and Woodbridge. 2. Irving D. N., dealer in furniture, Court, bet Hamilton and Washington. Irvin John, saloon, e s Water, bet Ames and Franklin, res same. Clothing at Wholesale at Ml. & H. Kocl Co's. Irvin Miss Nellie, wks J. Irvin. Irving Miss Lydia, lives S. Hess. Ingersoll Alvah J., watchman J., L. & S. R. R., res w s Water, s of Williams. 2. J. Jacobs Alexander, lab, bds William H. Jose. Jacobs Miss Maggie, laundress Taylor House. Jackson --, lab, res Cass, near Miller. 5. Jackson Thomas L., grocer, w s Wash'n, bet Mackinaw and Fayette, res same. 7. Jacomark August, lab, res w s Elm, near Greenwich. 3. Jacques Revit, gardener, res Union ave, near 14th. James T. M., lawyer and circuit court commissioner, office Wisner blk, res n w cor Harrison and Monroe. 5. Jarow --, wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Jarven Joseph, riverman, bds City House. Jeanette Charles, carpenter, res Eleanor ave, w s Wash'n. 3. Jemison Norman, lab, bds A. Brown. Jenkins Mrs. Mary J., wks J. E. Weinder, res E. Saginaw. Jenner Edgar C., book-keeper A. W. Wright & Co., res 601 Webster, bet Clinton and Monroe. 2. 334 SAGIN7TAW CITY DIRECTORY. Jenner George H., marble works, res e s Webster, bet Madison and Monroe. 3. Jerome Charles T., elk Wells, Stone & Co., bds T. Jerome. JEROME D. H1. & Co. (David H. Jerome and Philip Parry), gen'l hardware, s s Court, bet Hamilton and Water. See advt. Jerome D. H. (D. H. Jerome & Co.), dealer in hardware, res cor Fayette and Van Buren. 3. Jerome David H. (D. H. Jerome & Co.), res 311 Van Buren. Jerome Harris R., res 612 Madison. 2. Jerome James, physician, res 711 Franklin, cor Porter. 5. Jerome James, lumberman, res 210 Porter, cor Cass. 4. Jerome Tiff, lumberman, res e s Washington, cor Williams. 2. Jewett Anson, riverman, bds City House. Jewett Oscar, lumberman, bds N. D. Lee. Jirk William, lab, bds Calvin G. Cookson. Johnson Andrew, lab, bds Moses Delude. Johnson August, lab, bds Rupp House. Johnson Benjamin, barber shop, w s Water, bet Adams and Cass, res 506 e s Hamilton, n of Madson. Johnson Charles, carpenter, res w s Webster, s Williams. 2. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Johnson Charles, lab, res e s Oakley, bet Monroe and -. Johnston Christian, lab, res Elm. 4. Johnson Mrs. Deborah (col), home with Ben Johnson. Johnson Miss Ellen, wks H. Ketchum. Johnson H. L., wks Hardin & Co. Johnson Jacob, brakeman J., L. & S. V. R. R., res e s Porter, bet Jackson and Williams. 4. Johnson James A., tailor, wks Joseph Beach & Co. Johnson J., lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Johnston John, wheelsman steamer Dunlap, res 804 Van Burn, bet Bond and Porter. Johnson John, teamster, wks D. N. Irving. Johnson John S., clerk, res 810 Harrison, cor Stephens. 4. Johnson Leonard, lab, res 403 Bond, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 6..Johnson Luke, setter G. F. Williams & Bros., res s Greenwich, w Bond, Little's add. 4. Johnson Margaret, wid Graves, home with Henry Brown. Johnston Mrs. Margaret, wid James Johnston, home with John Johnston. Johnson Miss Mary, bds James F. Adams. Johnston Miss Ellen, bds James F. Adams. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 335 Johnson Peter, wks J. Hay, bds same. Johnson Peter, lab, bds Moses Delude. Johnson R. VI., bds Mrs. S. M. Humphrey. Johnson Slly, engineer M. C. R. R., bds Lewis U. Stone. Johnson Thomas, (col) bds Ben. Johnson. Johnson Thomas, barber B. Johnson, bds same. Johnston John, lab, res w s Washington, nr 4th. 3. Johnston Miss Josephine, teacher, home with John Johnston. Johnston Miss Sarah, teacher 5th ward school, bds Mrs. Margaret Johnston. Jokey Paul, bds Peter Jokey, s s Queen, nr Salt. Jokey Peter, lab, res s s Queen, near Salt. 3. Jones ---, carpenter, bds G. C. Mathews. Jones Edgar, carpenter, bds George Levis. Jones John, refused to give name, res Van Buren, nr Grauger. Jones William, lab, bds A. Brown. Jordan Barbara, wks Fred H. Potter. Jordan Maggie, wks Fred H. Potter. Jordan Miss Corry, home with Adam Bower. Jordan Miss Mary, tailoress, wks William H. McPhee. Jordan Miss Mary, home with Louis Tittmar. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Jordan David, mason, res s e cor Potter and Van Buren. 3. Jose Miss Eunice, home with William H. Jose. Jose Miss Henrietta, home with William H. Jose. Jose Miss Melissa, home with William H. Jose. Jose William H., propr ball-alley, Water, bet Court and. Franklin, res n Hamilton, bet Jefferson and Madison. 6. Jost Charles, teamster, res n w cor Clinton and Porter. 8. Joyce William, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Judd George W., clk, Brockway House. Juleff Miss Lizzie, wks Rev. O. J. Perrin. Julian Joseph, painter, bds Mrs. Julia Julian. Julian Joseph, foreman, Barnard & Binder. Julian Mrs. Julia (wid Louis Julian) boarding-house, Barnard's Island. 9. Julian Miss Maggie, wks Newell Barnard., Julian Miss Scerena, wks Charles Wells. JUNGERHELD ENRY, groceries and provisions, 501 Bond, cor Monroe, res same. 7. Junier Charles E., bds Brockway House. 336 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. K. KAGEL C. & SON (Christian & William Kagel), grocers, cor Court and Mason, res Adams, cor Oakley. Kaiser Miss Barbara, wks A. Thurston. Kaiser Ferdinand, carpenter, res s s Throop, bet; Bond and. Border. 3. Kampfert Louis H., butcher for and bds G. Stengel. Kane Miss Ann E., pastry cook, Taylor House. Kane Miss Annie, waitress, Taylor House. Kane Charles, lab, res 8th, bet Lincoln and Huron aves. 2. Kapke Frederich, lab, res w s Elm, nr State. 8. Karp Augustus, lab, res w s Madison. 6. Kastorb Fred., lab, res w s. 4. Katterfeld Charles, res Bay, w of C. H. 11. Kayner Alfred J., railroad man, res n e cor Ames and Oakley. 3. Kaynor Jacob, res w s n Fayette, bet Madison and Monroe. 3. Kearney F., lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Kearney James, wks Hardin & Co. Kearney James, bds M. Hall. Kearney M., lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Patronize he " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & o. Kearns William, lab, bds J. H. Gray. - John, lab, bds J. H. Gray. Keary Joseph, cor clk, bds Taylor House. Keary William, gen'l J., L. & S. and M. C. I. R's., bds Taylor House. Keeler William H., drug elk W. Moll, res c s Cross road, cor Harrison. 2. Keho Francis, dealer in groceries and foreign fruit, res cor Franklin and Harrison. Keho Frank, grocery keeper, cor Court and Hamilton, res cor Ames and Jefferson. 4. Keho Frank (Keho Bros.), res s w cor Harrison anud Ames. 4. Keho James J., dealer in groceries and domestic fruit, bds Mrs. Stone. Keho J. J. & F. (J. J.-and Francis Keho), grocers, cor Court and Hamilton. Kehoe James, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Keller Miss Catharine, wks Reuben W. Andrew. Kelley Miss Angelina, wks W. S. Tennant. Kelley Miss Carrie, waitress Taylor House. Kelley Charles, bds E. Davis. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 337 Kearney John, bds D. O'Neil. Kelley Francis, carpenter, res e s Harrison, bet Clinton and Throop. 7. Kelley James, machinist, res e s Water, cor Dearborn. 6. Kelley James, lab, bds Mrs. Julia Julian. Kelley James, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Kelley James, lab, bds David Crowley. Kelley Miss Lizzie, bds with J. P. Sims. Kelley Maggie, bds Hodge House. Kelley Thomas, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Kelley Alexander B., millwright, res -. 3. Kelly Charles, wks J. Price, Kelly James, lab, bds Rupp House. Kelsey Charles, conductor, bds Royal H. Stephens. Kelsey Theo., street car conductor, res Madison, cor Fayette. 2. Kendall DeWitt C, scaler, bds E. H. Kendall. Kendall Edmund H., millwright, res 401 n Granger. 5. Kenitt Isaac, lab, bds City House. Kennedy John, wks W. S. Green. Kenyon John S., mechanic, res 203 Granger. 5. Kepke Wm., mason contractor, res n e cor Cass and Oakley. 6. Special Department for Boys' Clothing at Koch & Co's. Kerby William K., prop Kerby House, s e cor Hamilton and Jefferson. 2. Kerwin William J., harnessmaker, res 109 w s Bates, bet Court and Franklin. 2. Kern Rudolphe, blacksmith Barnard & Binder, bds City House. Kerwin Miss Frankie M., salesman H. A. Walker. Kessler Ernest, cigar maker, res w s Oakley, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 2. Kessel Fred., cooper, res cor Mackinaw and Oakley. 3. Ketcham Miss Anna, bds P. H. Ketcham. Ketcham & Bro. (Daniel B. and Henry L. Ketcham), manuf'rs and dealers in sawed shingles and lumber, mills Saginaw City, Bridgeport, and Coleman, office cor Jeff'n & Water. Ketcham Daniel B. (Ketcham Bros.), res w s Oakley, bet Ames and Franklin. 4. Ketcham Henry, lab, res 904 Franklin. 3. Ketcham Philip H., wks A. W. Wright & Co., res 207 Bond, bet Adams and Cass. 2. Keys William, riverman, res w s King, s of Dearborn. 3. Khnen R., dealer in dry goods and crockery, N Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin, res cor 810 Bond and Court. 6. 43 338 SAGINIAW CITY DIRECTORY. Kilburn Andrew, lab, res w s Oakley, bet Jackson and MackiSnaw. 4. Kilburn William, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Kildee Miss Lucy, bds F. Quinn. Killorn John, lab, bds Peter J. Manning. Kimball James, riverman, bds A. Brown. Kimball Renben (Wright, Wells & Co.) agent of the Tittabawassee Boom Co., office e s Water, bet Clinton and Monroe, res 501 Webster, cor Madison. 4. Kimber Charles, blacksmith M. W. Hollister, bds W. Worden. Kimberly C. S., dealer in lumber, and merchant, res cor Court and Granger. 3. Kimberly Mrs. E. C. (wid. E. C. Kimberly), home C. S. Kimberly. Kindinger Michael, meat market, Hamilton nr Mackinaw, res same. King Charles, ship carpenter, res w s 12th, bet Union and Lincoln aves. 12. King Dell, teamster, bds E. Smith. King Edward, lab, bds Mrs. Julia Julian. King George -, res Union ave, near 11th. Patronize the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. King George, bds N. Gowling. King George D., groceries and provisions, n s Cross road, bet Wash'n and Fayette, res same. King John, lab, res w s 11th. 6. King Lewis, carpenter, res e s 11th. 5. King L., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. King, Moses, carpenter, res n end 11th, nr Congress ave. 2. King Orrin P., drayman, res s e cor Bond and Mackinaw. 2. King Paul, lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. King S. W., res s w cor Washington and Jackson (folks not at home). King Stephen, lab, res e s Harrison, cor Miller. 3. King Wilson, ship-carpenter, res w s 11th, s of Congress. 2. Kingham James, lab, res No. 1110 n s Throop, nr Mason. 7. Kingham J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Kingham Wm., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Kingham James B., foreman, yard Barnard & Binder, bds W. H. Kniffen. Kinsey Neri B. (Kinsey & Brand), res 810 Webster, cor Stevens. 2. Kinyew John, carpenter, wks Swift & Lockwood. SAGINAWJ. CITY DIRECTORY. 339 Kipp William, salt-boiler, res w s Fayette, bet Stephen and Waller. 3. Kirk, Willit B., lab, bds S. E. D. Sheltraw. Kirkey William, lab, res w s Bond, n of Miller. 3. Kittridge Mrs. Charlotte (wid), res 805 Harrison. 3. Kitts Mrs. Melissa J., dressmaker, Khuen block, n Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin. Klann Leonard, cooper, res Lyon, bet Harrison and Webster. 6. Knapp Wm., bds Hodge House. Knapp Alfred, lab, res w s 10th, cor Cooper ave. 4. Knapp Jacob, cigar manuf'r, and dealer in tobacco and cigars, e ss Hamilton, bet Adams and Court, res 503 Webster. 4. Kniffin Charles, bds W. H. Kniffin. Kniffin Jay, bds W. H. Kniffin. Kniffin Luman, bds W. H. Kniffin. Kniffin Miss Sarah F., lives W. H. Kniffin. Kniffin William H., stave maker, res 1108 s Wash'n. 3. Kniffin W. Hf., foreman Barnard & Binder. Knill Elizabeth, home with D. McLeod. KNOX D. M. & Co. (David M. Knox, Oscar T. Place), wholesale flour, feed, etc., Hamilton, bet Adams and Cass. Trunks for Ladies and Gentlemen at Koch & Co's. Knox David M. (D. M. Knox & Co.), res w s Hamilton, s of Adams. 7. Koehler Franklin, carpenter, bds City House. Koepke Augustus, mason, res 306 Porter, bet Cass and Van Buren. 5. Kohn L. G. W., elk William Kohn. Kohn William, manuf'r and dealer in boots and shoes, clothing, hats and caps, 116 Water. Kolschopsky Gustavus, shoemaker, wks William Kohn. Koons Henry, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Korber Ernest, wks Barnard & Binder. Korn Charles, shoemaker, wks William Kohn. Kraenbreg Charles, bds John Kraenbreg. Krantz Augustus, shoemaker, wks William Kohn. Krantz Ludwig, lab, res w s Madison. 4. Kranz Frederick, lab, res nr Maple, front J., L. & S. R. R. 6. Krause Miss Alhertine, wks Henry Jungerheld. Krause Augustus, Oyster Restaurant, w s Hamilton, basement Moll's drug store, res n e cor Adams and Porter. 6. Krauss Theodore, (al) physician, res and office w s n Fayette, bet Court and Franklin. 7. Kreitzer Alavena. wks Thos. Nester. 340 SANGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Kremer Frederick, lab, res Lyons, cor Oakley. 6. Kremer Joseph, bds A. Brust. Krenvel William, lab, res Elm, nr Greenwich. 3. Krenz Frederick, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Krenz John, setter, G. F. Williams & Bros. Kretzmann Charles, dealer in wines and liquors, tobaccos,. cigars, confectionery, etc., State road, cor Cross roads, res same. 4. Krikev Frank. drayman, res Brewster, cor Harrison. 3. Krogmann Peter H., BILLIARD HALL, Water, bet Court and Cass, res Webster. 7. Kromaoer Ferdinand, lab, res e s Bay st, nr fair ground. 7. Krukerberg John, lab, res e s Bay. 4. Krumrur Frederick, lab, res e s Bay. 3. Kruger Hugo, wks Wm. Binder. Krymer Miss Minnie, wks G. E. Fellows. Kuffner Emil, cigar-maker, E. Scheurmann, res s e cor Woodbridge and Franklin. 7. Kuhlmann Andrew, lab, lives H. Kuhlmann. Kuhlmann Henry, lab, res 1202 Lyon, cor Woodbridge. 2. Kuhlmann Herman, lives H. Kuhlmann. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Kuhlmann William, cigar-maker, E. R. Knapp, res w s Porter, bet Lyon and Mackinaw. 4. Kuhn Adolph, clk Mrs. B. Feiger, bds same. Kull Conrad, salt block, e s Hamilton, bet Walnut and Saginaw, res opp salt blk. 8. Kull Jacob, watchman, wks D. Hardin & Co. Kumeyer Fred'k, res e s Bay. 3. Kundinger Matthias, teamster, res c s Hamilton, bet Jefferson and Madison. 8. Kusch Charles, bds Rupp House. Kutzbah Frederick, lab, bds W. Kutzbah. Kutzbah William, lab, res s w cor Bond and Throop. 2. L. LaBas Humphrey T., station agent, J. L. & S. V. R. R., Saginaw City depot, res Van Buren. Labeef Joseph, lab, res e s Emerson, near Water. Labef Joseph, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. (See Labeef). Labo James, lab, bds V. Gardener. Lacy Albert D., jeweler, res n w cor Monroe and Porter. 4.. Lacker Miss Hannah, lives W. Donovan. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 341 Laduke Joseph, policeman, res No. 904, Oakley. 3. LaDusa John, lab, res 8th, near Union ave. 5. Lafayette John, lab, res w s Carrollton road. (. Lafer Joseph, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Laflair Patrick, bds John Brown. LaFlair William J., lab, res e s Bond, bet Miller and Throop. 2. LaFleur Joseph, lab, res Salt, near Queen. 8. LAIDJLEY GEORGE, propr Commercial Restaurant and Billiard Hall, basement, cor Court and Hamilton, rooms Taylor House blk; also agent for Eolah Hall, Taylor House blk. See advt. 2. Laidley George, Jr., with parents. Lammar Michael, lab, res cor Mackinaw and Masonl. S. Lammon Frederick, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. LaMountain Francis, lab, res w s 11th, s of Congress ave. 3. Lander August, lab, res w s Elm, nr J., L. & S. R. R. 8. Landry Peter, wks T. Hunt. Lane Adolph, lab, res w s railroad, bet Elm and Wash'n. 7. Lane Peter, miscellaneous, res cor Clinton and Wash'n. 2. Lang Otto, tinner D. H. Jerome & Co. Lange Charles, lab, res 206 Bates, bet Adams and Cass. 2. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Lange Frederick, lab., res s s Adams, cor Woodbridge. 2. Lang William F., tailor, res No. 1002, cor n w s Cass and 0 akley. 11. Langerin Joseph L., elk N. Nathan, bds American House. Langston Joseph W., wks round house, bds B. F. Bell. Lankton William, lab, res Cass, end Throop. 2. Lanning Robert, wks T. Hunt. Lanzon Joseph, lab, res n w cor Wayne and Webster. 4. LaPonche John, lab, res Barnard's Island, Saginaw city. Laponteil John, lab Barnard & Binder. Laranger John, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. LaShance Abram, lab, res s s Eleanor ave, w Washington. 2. LaShance David, lab, res s s Eleanor, w of Wash'n. 3. Lathrop Freeman & Co. (Freeman Lathrop and 0. J. Inscho), dealers in lumber, mill foot Court. Lathrop Freeman, dealer in lumber, res No 412 s e cor Harrison and Mackinaw. 5. Lathrop Josiah F., bds Dunbar House. 4. Lathrop Roswell J., prop'r Dunbar House, Water, cor Van Buren. Latimer John, lab, bds H. C. Elwood. 342 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Laundre Joseph, carpenter, res e s 13th, bet Congress and Tnion ayes. 12. Laundre Joseph, lab, bds Rupp House. Launer Frank, wagon-maker, res s e cor Harrison and Jackson. 6. Lavantuskery Joseph, lab, bds Xavier Wittmann. Lavigne Clufolds, "Montreal Saloon," cor Hamilton and Jeff'n, res same. 3. Lawrence Francis, lab, bds William H. Jose. Lawrence Harvey, carpenter, Barnard & Binder. Lawrence Harvey K., carpenter, res Salt, nr King. 7. Lawton Mrs. Nancy (wid William), res s e cor State and 6th. 2. Lawe Paul, filer, res Maple, nr Elm. 3. Laycock Norman M., conductor, bds Royal H. Stephens. Lazelle Charles, bds Saginaw Valley Hotel. L. C. Eaton & George L. Burrows, dealers in gang sawed pine lumber, mills Zilwaukie, office Taylor House blk, Court. Leadroot John, receipter, res w s n Granger, n of Throop. 4. Leaman George, lab, bds William H. Jose. Leaman John, lab, res No. 806 n s Throop, bet Bond and Border. 2. One Price to all at Little lake & Co's. Leaman Thomas, lab, bds William H. Jose. Leavenie Joseph, lab, res s s Throop, w of Bond. 4. Leavenworth Isaac H., surveyor, res 106 s Harrison. 3. Lebell Edward, lab, res Water (Compo's ave.) 6. Leber Tony, cigar maker, wks J. Knapp, res Bond, bet Jackson and William. Lebo Albert, bds W. Cowan. Leckwood N. S., manufacturer and dealer in gang-sawed lumber, res Court. Lee Charles, foreman Binder & Co.'s barrel factory, res w s Harrison, bet Van Buren and Mackinaw. 6. Lee Charles A., Supt. Saginaw Barrel Co., res No. 404 Harrison. See adv. Lee Charles H., printer, res Wayne, cor Harrison. 2. Lee Henry G., painter, res n e cor Lyon and Harrison. 2. Lee James, lumber scaler, res e s Bond, bet Court and Franklin. Will move on Granger, next to T. Tupper. 3. Lee James, lab, bds Rupp House. Lee John, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Lee John, lab, res 407 Harrison. 2. Lee J. R., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Lee Leander, fur dealer, res Lincoln ave, cor 8th. 2. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 343 LEE N. D., PHYSICIAN, office Court, bet Hamilton and Wash'n, res No. 108 Webster, bet Court and Adams. 6. Lee Newton D., physician (A), res 108 Webster, bet Adams and Court. 6. Lee William, bds W. H. Kniffin. Lee William P., lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Lees Miss Maggie, home with William Callam. Lefebvre Augustus, saloon and shoe shop, w s Water, bet Clinton and Cass. 8. Lefebvre Moses, foreman A. W. Wright & Co.'s saw mill, res s s Clinton, bet Brown and Porter. 9. Leflur Joseph, jobber, wks Swift & Lockwood. Legare David, lab, res No 1412 King, n Dearborn. 2. Legerey David, lab, wks Swift & Lochwood. Lemmer J., lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Lemmer Michael, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Lenine Paul, carriage maker, res State, nr Cross Road. 3. Lennox Jerome, book-keeper, wks P. M. Shaw, bds J. Harding. Lent John, prop Exchange, Water, Ames. 3. Lentz Christof, lab, res e s Bay. 7. Leon Henry, bds Exchange. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Leon Mrs. Henry, wks Exchange. Lepsch Oscar, baker, and bds J. P. Wagner. Lepsch Otto, peddler, bds J. P. Wagner. Levanger Rodrick, wks Swift & Lockwood. Leverich Philip, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Levis Geo., wks F. & P. M. R. R., res e s 8th, nr State road. 5. Levis Geo., warehouseman East Saginaw depot. Levis Joseph, weigh-master East Saginaw depot. 3. Levis Joseph E., weigh-master, res 5th, nr State road. 3. Levy Julius, merchant tailor, clothier, etc, cor Water and Franklin, res Throop. 6. Levy Julius, tailor, res e s Bond, bet Adams and Court. 6. Levy Michael, clothier, s s Court, nr cor Hamilton. Levy Michael, clothier, res 205 n Granger. Lewis George F., editor Saginawian, res 408 Wayne. 6. Lewis Thomas, watchman, G. F. Williams & Bros. Lewis William D., wagon-maker and painter, res s w cor Bond and Monroe. 4. Lewis William D., carriage-maker, shop and res cor Bond and Monroe. Lewless Mrs. Achsa, lives J. Briggs. Libbey Thomas L., policeman, res 207 Porter, bet Ames and Franklin. 4. 344 SAVGINAWV CITY DIRECTORY. Libbey Henry, filer Shaw & Williams' saw mill, res w s Carrollton road. 4. Libode John, saloon, Hamilton, nr Cass, res same. 4. Lichtenauer Joseph, elk M. Levy, bds Taylor House. Lieber E., painter, res w s Bond, bet Jackson and William. 3. Lilinfeld Theodore, dry goods, millinery, etc., e s of s Hamilton, bet Adams and Cass, res same. 3. Lincoln Ira B., sawyer, res w s Carrollton road. 3. Lincoln William, bds Dunbar House. Lincoln Lyman, bds Dunbar House. Liscomb Miss Josephine, lives Nicholas Davis. Lisk Israel, tel opr, and clk, East Saginaw depot, bds cor 4th and Genesee. Liskow Charles (Liskow & Sons), res s e cor Lyon and Payette. 3. Liskow Lewis (Liskow & Sons), bds C. Liskow. Liskow & Sons (John G., Charles, and Lewis Liskow), dry goods, groceries, and provisions, crockery and glass ware, s e cor Fayette and Lyon. Litke Charles, lab, res e s Bay, n of East Saginaw road. 9. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Little Alexander, lab, res Perry, near King. 5. Little Charles D., retired, res s e cor St. Louis plank --. 6. Little John, lab, res cor Miller and Oakley. 6. Little William H., owner of the tug "Princess," res 1301 Wash'n, cor Wayne. Lockey William, lab, wks Swift and Lockwood. Lockwood Mary, bds A. Wendell. Lockwood Mathew (Allen & Lockwood), res n e cor Court and Granger. 5. Lockwood Nathan S., lumberman, res 611 Court and Granger. 5. Lohrke Lewis, lab, res e s Bay. 6. Loka A., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Long Joseph, lab, res s s Clinton, bet Granger and Porter. 3. Longe August, lab, res Woodbridge, bet Adams and Cass. 2. Loomis Charles, bds Exchange. Loose Joseph, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 5. Lorange Isaac, carpenter, res cor s e Dearborn and King. 12. Lord Charles E., elk J., L. & S. V. R. R., Saginaw City depot, bds R. H. Stevens. Lorenzo Burrows, Jr., wks Banking and Exchange office. Lord John, riverman, bds J. Brown. Lott W. H., cutter, wks Henry Bernhard. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORiY. 345 Louden Robert, lumberman, res 1207 Franklin, cor Bates. 3. Lougo Benjamin, lab, res s e cor Clinton and Bond. 2. Louis Ervin, lab, bds Harvy Chovin. Lore John W., filer Barnard & Binder, res Salt nr King. 4. Loveridge Stephen H., painter, res e s Hamilton, bet Clinton and Throop. 4. Lovering Gilbert K., lab., wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Low Mrs. Jane, res s e cor Hamilton and Millard. Lowry William T., bds Exchange. Loxley Eliza D., bds J. E. Loxley. Loxley John E. (Cook & Loxley), res n e cor Jefferson and Porter. 4. Luderus Diene (widow Peter), home with Paul Lenine. Ludlow Miss Sarah A., dressmaker T. Lilienfeld, res Harrison. Lusk George, engineer, J. & L. R. R., bds Hiland Peck. Lutheran Congregational School, Conrt, bet Lafayette and -. Luck Miss Mary, wks Fred B. Sweet. Luedeman Mrs. Mary (widFred'k), res 206 n Granger. 3. Lustig L. & M. (Louis and Martin Lustig), fancy goods, e s Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin, rooms same. Gentlemen's Outfits at M. & H. Koch & Co's. LUTZ & HAYN (John Lutz, Ernst H-ayn), butchers, market cor Mason and Court. Lutz J. (Lntz and Hayn), butcher, res cor Court and Mason. 5. Lynch James, millwright, res n s Pleasant. 3. Lynch Mrs. Mary (wid Thos.), res s w cor Farley and Fayette. 2. Lyon E. W., foreman job room " Enterprise" office, res Washington ave, near State Road. 5. Lyon G. A., book-keeper, Benj. T. Smith, res 409 Madison. 6. Lyons Miss Annie, waitress, Brockway House. Lyons James, lab, res n w cor 13th and Union ave. 9. Lyons John, bds Mrs. S. M. Humphrey. Lyons Michael, lab, bds J. Lyons. M. Mabee Alexander C., carpenter, res 204 1st, cor s Division. 4. MacGuire John, tailor, bds Austin Bostwick. Mack Cross, blacksmith, res Fayette, bet Jackson and James. 3. Mack John, brakeman, bds E. Davis. MacKenna Mrs. Catharine (wid James MacKenna), bds Edward Crosson. Macnarmar David, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Madison Norman, lab, res w s Water, bet Adams and Court. 3. Wadley Miss Annie, waitress, Brockway House. 44 346 3SAGIDNAW CITY DIRECTORY. -MAace Fred., lab, res w s State road, nr fair ground. Maer Frederick, lab, e s Bay. 7. Magley George, tailor, wks Joseph Beach & Co., res 401 Potter, cor Jefferson. 2. -Maha Francis, butcher, wks Peter Dixon. Mahan Patrick, lab, res s s Queen, nr Salt. 4. Mahan Philip, shoemaker, bds Mrs. Susan M. Humphrey. Mahanna Miss Elizabeth, bds Austin Bostwick. MIahanna John, tailor, bds Austin Bostwick. Mahony Daniel, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Mahony Daniel, lab, bds F. St. Dennis. Mainard Charles, lab, bds Mrs. C. Parker. 2. Maisch Fritz, wks E. J. Moores. Major Alex., lab, res e s Emerson. 5. Malcahn Charles, lab, res n e cor Cass and Charles. 3. Maloney John, wks Wells, Stone & Co. Maloy John, bds Hodge House. Maloy M., lab, works Saginaw Barrel Co. Malroy Michael, tinsmith, wks Cook & Loxley. Malroy Michael, appc, J. E. Loxlie. No Bantering at Little Jake's, Man Augustus, salt-boiler, res w s Wash. n s of J., L. & S. V. R. R. 4. Manigan, William, cooper, bds J. C. Hart. Mann Harlow S., dentist, res w s n Wash'n n of State road. 5. MANNING JOSEPH G., jobber, moving buildings, etc., res s e cor Jefferson and Webster. 7. Manning Martin, filer, Swift & Lockwood. Manning Peter J., lumberman, res n w cor Bates and Van Buren. 3. Mannion Martin, lab, e s.Emerson st., near Water. 4. Mansfield Harry, butcher, res n s Monroe, bet Fayette and Harrison. 2. Mapes S. H., jeweler, res 8th, bet Lincoln and Union aves. 3. Mapels Charles, cooper, res s s Throop, cor Mason. 6. Marcey John L., engineer, res n w cor Lyon and Webster. 3. Marcott Joseph, lab, res 807 n Granger. 3. Marlette Richard, insurance agent, res s w cor Adams and Wash'n. 3. Marrow Alexander, student, bds A. Marrow. Marrow Anthony, lab, res William blk, junction Cross Roads and w s Wash'n. 3. Marshall, David, wks and bds 0. P. Barber. M3arshall Miss Jane, adopted J. J. Gould. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 347 Marshall Miss Louisa, bds Mrs. K. A. Monroe. Marshall Mathew, appr J. E. Loxlie. Marshall Matthew, tinsmith, wks Cook & Loxley. Marshall Thomas, Gardner, res cor Hamilton and Farley. 5. Marshall William, lab, bds J. Brown. Martin Mrs. - (wid), res s e cor Lyon and Webster. 2. Martin Amos, carriage-maker, res e s n Wash'n, bet Jefferson and Madison. 9. Martin A., carriage-maker, wks William Louis. Martin Casper, clk, bds Platter's House. Martin Miss Frederica, wks N. S. Wood. Martin George, elk, J. E. Adams. Martin Jera S. (Burleson & Martin), bds Taylor House. Martin James P., clk, J. W. Dawson, bds -- Martin James S., asst book-keeper, D. H. Jerome & Co., res Harrison, cor cross-road. 2. Martin J. S. (Harvey & Martin), bds Taylor House. Martin Julius, sawyer, res w s Bond, bet Miller and Throop. 5. Marvin John G., supt Blanchard's mill, res e s Hamilton, bet Throop and Millard. 3. Workingmen's Outfit's at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Martin Mat., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Martin Mathew, foreman, res n e cor Bond and Throop. 4. Martin Mrs. M. G., groceries, provisions, flour, and feed, n w cor Monroe and Water, res same. 6. Martin Robert D., book-keeper, Mrs. M. G. Martin, bds same. Martin Spencer, attorney-at-law and insurance agent, res Adams, bet Bond and Porter. Martin & Raymond (S. & F.), attorneys-at-law, office Andre block, opp Taylor House. Martin Spencer, attorney and insurance agent (Martin & Raymond), res cor Adams and Bond. 3. Marz John, propr Sherman House, Water, bet Cass and Van Buren, res same. 4. Marz John, beer hall, w s Water, bet Cass and Van Buren. res same. 4. Mason Alfred A., elk Wells, Stone & Co., res cor Oakley and Madison. Mason Frank A., elk Wells, Stone & Co., bds A. A. Mason. Mason Sanford, retired farmer, res 411 Oakley, cor Madison. 4. Matthew Fritz, bds J. La Fleur. Mathews George G., eating house at railroad depot East Sag. depot, res s s Union ave, w of 8th. 2. Mathews George W., railroad restaurant, Genesee, at East Sag. depot, res Union ave. 2. 3438 S.SAGINAWVY CITY DIRECTORY. Mathews James, shoeniaker, W. McRath. Matourin Miss Josephine, lives Moses Lefebvre. Mattas Conrad, drayman, res n e cor Jackson and Oakley. 2. Mattes Konrad, drayman, res cor Jackson and Oakley. 2. 2Maturean Moses, lab, res 1510 Mackinaw, nr Caroline. 3. 3Maturen Andrew, painter, res 33 Andre, cor Franklin. 5. Maurer -, 114 Andre, absent. TMaxim Gordon, riverman, res e s Harrison, bet Stevens and Waller. 2. Maxwell Thomas, carpenter, res s s Union ave, w of 12th. 7. May F., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. May J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. May Miss Jessie, wks with Mrs. J. A. Sutton. May John, res w s Oakley, s of Miller. 2. May Samuel, clk, wks Henry Bernhard, bds Taylor House. Mayer Frank, wks drug store. -Mayhew Miss Augusta, wks W. S. Green. Maynard John S., clk Taylor House. Mayo Oust, mason, res w end Ames. 3. McArdle Bernard, res n w cor Fayette and Clinton. McArthur Miss Julia, wks Hazard & Harvey. Interview the "BsBoss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. AM cAuley Cass, wks E -Rust. MicAuley Murdick, saloon, w s Water, bet Franklin and Court, res same. 5. McAuley Patrick, lab, res e s Mason, bet Clinton & Monroe. 3. -McAustin R., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. AMcBeth John, riverman, res w s n Granger, bet Ames and Jefferson. McCall Miss Jane, printer for W. J. Rea. McCarron, John, land-looker, res n e cor Lyon and Granger. 4. McCarthy Andrew, street-car driver, bds Hodge House. McCarthy Edwin, lumber inspector, bds Charles Burlson. McCarthy John, riverman, bds City House. McCarthy John C., bds Hodge House. McCarthy John W., wagon-maker, bds Hodge House. M-cCarthy Miss Maggie, house-keeper Taylor House. McCarty Louis, ship-carpenter, res s s Eleanor, w of Washington. 2. McCarty Mrs. Mary (wid.), res 601 Monroe, cor Andre. 9. McCall Mrs. Catharine, wks A. B. Paine. iMcColm Archibald, wks C. L. Curtis. IMcColough John D., bds Mrs. T. M. Humphrey. MIcCullen Joshua, riverman, res e s Porter, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 2. SAGITNAW CITY DIRECTORY. 349 McCullen Thomas, riverman, res Dearborn, s end Hamilton. 2. McCulloch Bros (Hugh and James), groceries, provision, flour, and feed, s w cor Harrison and Lyon. McCulloch Francis, lab, res n e cor Webster and Stephen. 2. McCulloch John, engineer G. F. Williams. McCulloch Thomas H., res n w cor Harrison and Lyon. McCullough John, engineer G. F. Williams & Bros., res e s Porter, bet Cass and Van Buren. 10. McCully Frank, baggageman J., L. & S. V. R. R., res w s Porter, bet Madison and Monroe. 2. McCumber George F., horse trainer, bds Laurin A. Bennett. McDermott Miss Annie, wks Brockway House. McDernett James, bds Exchange. McDermott J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. McDermott Miss Maggie, home with Samuel S. Smith. McDonald Angus, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. McDonald Barney, porter Taylor House. McDonald Bernard, porter Taylor House, res Chesnut. 5. McDonald James, ship carpenter, res Waller, cor Webster. 2. McDonald James H., bookkeeper T. Nester, bds MTrs. Stone, s Wash'n. I The Great Popular Clothing House of Koch & Co. McDonald John, teamster, bds E. Smith. i DcDonell Miss Flora, wks Thomas M. Hubble. McDoll Patrick, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. SMcDougall Hugh, lab, res w s Harrison, bet Clinton and Throop. 6. SMcDougall John, wks G. W. Davis. McDowell John, wks G. L. Burrows. McElgunn Patrick, lab, res 807 Van Buren, cor Bond. McElgunn -, bds with Wim. A. Clark. McFarlin Francis, lab, res Lincoln ave, nr 7th. 3. McFarlin John, lumberman, res 402 Porter, cor Van Buren. 3. McFarlin Robert, lab, bds City House. McGilvory Annie, wks G. L. Burrows. McGlon Miss Katie, wks R. Purmort. McGlon James, lab, res s w cor 14th and Lincoln ave. 8. SMcGraw John, lab, bds Railroad House. McGregor James, machinist, res s e cor Water and Wayne. 7. AMcGuinn Edward, butcher, res e s Harrison, bet Miller and Throop. 2. McGuire James, lab, res w s Fayette, bet Van Buren and Mackinaw. 2. McGuire James R., clerk C. L. Benjamin. McGuire John, bds Mrs. S. M. Humphrey. 350 SA.GINAW CITY DIRECTORY. McIutyre Angus, log-scaler, res 407 Bond, bet Madison and Jefferson. 3. McKay Duncan C., blacksmith Wright, Wetherell & Co., bds E. Davis. McKay Miss Maggie, chambermaid Franklin House. McKell Alexander, foreman A. W. Wright & Co. salt blk, res 110 Oakley, bet Court and Franklin. 2. McKeller John, lab, Tittabawasee. McKenney John D., land-looker, res No. 612 n e cor Adams and Granger. 2. McKell Thomas, mason, bds A. McKell. McKinley William, lab, res e s Harrison, bet Clinton and Throop. 5. McKinnon Archibald, lumberman, bds Brockway House. McLaughlin Daniel, riverman, res w s Granger, cor Ames. 2. McLaughlin Daniel, foreman, wks Alexander Andre. McLaughlin Patrick J., riverman, res s e 4th, cor street n of State road. 3. McLaughlin Thomas, bds Hiland Peck. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. McLean A. E., agt E. S. & St. C. R. R. depot, bds Taylor House. McLean Robert, street commissioner, res 1307 Wash'n, cor Perry. 7. McLean Mrs. Margaret (wid), res 1301 Wash'n, cor Wayne. McLeod David, lab, res w s Fayette, bet Throop and Miller. 7. McMahon John, lab, bds William H. Jose. McMahon Thomas, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. McMannis John, lab, bds William H. Jose. McMeaghey Thomas, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. McMullan Miss Catharine, wks Mrs. Ellen O'Neil. McNaught John, bds Kerby House. McNeil John, hack-driver, bds Brockway House. McParlin James (aged), lives John McParlin. McParlin John, lumberman, res n w cor 4th and Union ave. 5. McPeak Miss Kittie, waitress Taylor House. McPeak Miss Lizzie, waitress Taylor House. McPeak Miss Maggie, chambermaid Taylor House. McPeak Mrs. Margaret (wid Richard), res s s Union ave., bet 5th and Wash'n ave. 7. McPeak Miss Mary A., head waitress Taylor House. McPHEE WILLIAM H., Merchant Tailor, Andre blk, Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin, res e s Oakley, bet Ames and Madison. 6. MicPhillips Hugh, foreman Sturtevant, Green & Co.'s mill, res 1401 Wash'n, cor Perry. 7. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 351 McPhillips James, cooper, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. McQueen Daniel, bds Dunbar House. McQueen James K., lab, res 908 Oakley. 3. McQueen James, lab, res w s Bay, nr Fair Ground. 3. McQueen J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. McQueen Robert, bookkeeper, res Harrison, cor Webster. 4. McQuiggan John, lab, wks R. Porteus. MeRATH WILLIAM, boots and shoes, w s Water, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren, res 807 cor Bond. McRay F., lab, bds Railroad Hotel. McTavish Angus, tailor, wks Robert S. Speck. McTavish J. C., bds Kerby House. McWilliams Archie, sawyer, res 901 Harrison. 3. Meade Mrs. Orpha, bds Henry M. Stark. Meier John, lab, res w s Bay, nr n end. Meisah Frederick, lab, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Meister William, clothier, Water, cor Franklin. res Water. 5. Medlrum John D., blacksmith, res on Ames, bet Oakley and Mason. 3. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Banicroft House. [Mester August, carpet weaver, res 205 Oakley, bet Adams and Cass. IMester Fernard, lab, bds A. Melster. Melusky J., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Melvin George, wks C. D. Little, bds same. Mercer John, bds Mrs. S. M. Humphrey. Meriam Isaac, riverman, res e s Granger, bet Lyon and Jackson. 3. Mero Leonora, wks E. C. Andre. Merow Miss Minnie, wks W. H. Kniffin. Merrill N. W., frt agt S. V. & St. L. R. R., res St. Louis, M. Merrill Thomas, lumberman, res 1208 s Washington. 4. Merritt Lawrence, lab, bds Eiferley's Hotel. Mertz Henrietta, wks E. M. Taylor. Messner Baptist, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Method Miss Ida, wks Taylor House. Method Miss Mary, laundress Taylor House. Mettelstedt Christe, lab, res w end Throop. 2. Meutner Miss Mary, home with Dan. P. Foote. Meyer Mrs. Caroline (wid), lives W. Reins. 3. Meyer Frank, druggist, bds Hugh Wesener. Meyer J. George, music teacher, res 407 Harrison. 2. Meyer John P., lab, res w s Porter, bet Miller and Throop. 5. Meyer Otto, lab, bds Fourth Ward Hotel. 352 SAGI~TN AW CITY DIRECTORY. MAeyers Miss Catharine, wks B. M. Damon. Meyers Mrs. Hannah, dressmaker, Wash'n, bet Madison and Monroe. 2. Meyers John, bds A. Brust. Meyers William, bds Rupp House. Miichael George, lab, res Florence, s s Genesee. 5. Michael John, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 5. Micholichet Frank, carpenter, res w s Mason, bet Jackson and Lyon. 5. Mickel John J., engineer Osmers' mill, res Florence, s Genesee. 5. Miesler Robert, lab, res nr n end German Colony road. 10. Mikolaiczik Adam, lab, res s s Mackinaw, bet Granger and Porter. 4. Milladur William, drayman, res cor Ames and Andre. 5. Miller Albert, lab, res w s 5th, w of Bond, Little's add. 4. Miller Charles C., dealer in lumber, sash, blinds, etc., mill cor Jefferson and Water, res s w cor Ames and Oakley. 8. M)iller Charles H., barber, shop n s Cross road, cor Lyon, bds parents. Miller Mrs. Dora (wid), res n s Lyon, bet Fayette and -. (6. Miller Miss Frances, home with John Callam. Little Jake & Co., " Boss" Clothiers of the State. Miller Fred, lab, res s s Queen, nr Salt. 3. Miller Frederick, lab, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Miller Harvey, teamster, res n s East Saginaw road, bet 13th and 14th. 6. MILLER HENRY C., meat market, Harrison, cor Mackinaw, res same. 2. Miller Hiram L., real estate dealer. 2. Miller James, bds R. Hinds. Miller John, lab, res w s Bond, bet Clinton and Throop. 3. Miller Miss Nora, wks Rev. 0. J. Perrin. Miller Norman, dealer in real estate, res w s Washington, bet Fayette and -. 5. Miller Orrin G., lab, res n s Williams, bet Hamilton and Washington. 5. Miller Philip, carpenter, res s e cor Mackinaw and Oakley. 3. Miller Theodore, steward Teutonian Society, hall w s Fayette, bet Court and Adams. Miller Mrs. W. M. (wid), res 306 n Washington, cor Jefferson, absent. 2. Millett Frank D., engineer, Shaw & Williams' saw mill, res w s Carrollton road, nr F. & P. M. crossing. 7. Mills Miss -, bds H. MT. Rogers. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 353 Mills Emma, wks Solomon Gillett. Mills Joseph, bds J. Kaynor. Mills William, lab, bds 0. Newmai. Milligan G. S., carpenter, bds Charles Wilcox. Milligan John, wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Milligan John, bds Dunbar House. Milligan John, teamster, res n e cor Clinton and Porter. 2. Milne Miss Isabella, home with William Callam. Milnea James, blacksmith, res e s 4th, bet State road and Lincoln ave. 5. Miner Charles, wks A. Burrows, bds American House. Miner Paul, carp, res s s Clinton, bet Granger and Porter. 4. Mitchell Charles H., salesman Wheeler & Wilson S. M., bds 505 n Lafayette. 2. Mitchell Miss Minnie, lives H. R. Potts. Mitchell Nahum, lab, bds R. Porteus. Mitchell Thomas, lab, res w s King, s of Dearborn. 5. Mitchell Thomas, edger, wks Swift & Lockwood. Mitchell William, bds Rupp House. Mitner Miss Lizzie, wks E. Davis. Mittlestat C., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. S. & H. Koch & Co. are the Great Popular Clothiers. Mitts William, bds J. Brown. Muentener Henry, laborer, res e s Bond, bet Miller and Throop. 4. Munch Frederick, carpenter, res w s Webster, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 3. Munk Carl, lab, bds John Stewart. Munson Lewis L., lumberman, res 1301 s Hamilton. 3. Munson Nelson, physician, res Fayette, cor Stevens. 3. Mulzahn Charles, lab, res Andre, near Adams. 3. Munger Miss Rebecca, wks J. R. Cook. Muro George, lab, works Alexander Andre. MURPHY & CONLEY, Syracuse House, Music Hall, w s Water, bet Adams and Cass. Murphy Cornelius, bds Exchange. Murphy Jeremiah, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Murphy John, blacksmith, shop n w cor Harrison and Cross Roads, res 705 Harrison, bet Jackson and William. 6. Murphy John, bds W. Cowan. Murphy John, bds J. W. Brown. Murphy Thomas, mason, res w s Water, bet Adams and Court. 2. Murphy Thomas, lab, bds Eiferley's Hotel. 45 354 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Murray Miss Jennie, works with Royal H. Stephens. Murray Luke, bds W. Cowan. Murray Miss Maggie, wks J. Hay. Mulligan Joseph, lab, bds John Espy. Myer John, lab, bds Rupp House. Myres Joseph, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Mazervie William, cooper, bds J. C. Hart. Moiles Henry J., carpenter, res 6th, nr State road. 5. Moll William, druggist, n w cor Court and Hamilton, also at junction of Wash'n and Cross roads, res w s Webster, bet Madison and Monroe. 5. Moller Henry, carpenter, res s e cor Throop and Bond. 4. Mondross Benj. N., lab, res s w cor Harrison and Stephens. 4. MONITOR LIME WORKS, Charles Wenks & Co., prop'rs, w s Water, cor Hayden. MONROE MRS. KATE A., Lady Thorn's Saloon, e s Water, bet Court and Franklin. Montgomery Gabriel, shoemaker, res 206 n Granger. 2. Moor Louis F., shoemaker, res e s Porter, bet Jackson and Williams. 3. Moore A., wks Swift & Lockwood. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Moore Frederick, bds Henry Young, s s Queen, nr Salt. Moore Wesley, riverman, bds C. Schmither. Moore William, riverman, bds C. Schmither. Moore William W., clk, res w s Fayette, bet Janes. 7. Moore William W. Moore William W., clk J. W. Dawson, res w s Fayette, s of Williams. Moores, E. J., grocer, cor Hamilton and Adams, res Granger, bet Court and Adams. 5. Moores Ernst J., grocer, res 107 Granger, bet Adams and Court. 5. Morehouse Jessup, lawyer, res cor Ames and Mason. 4. Moreau Antoine, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Moreau Peter, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Morgan William P., dentist, res 208 Webster. 3. Moritz George H., carpenter, res 404 Granger. 7. Moro James, lab, wks Alexander Andre. Moro-ie Charles, lab, res Union ave, nr 4th. 10. Morrisey Thomas W., lab, bds J. Barnes. Morrison William, lab, res w end Throop. 6. Morrow James, lab, res e s Bay, nr Fair Ground. Morse M. A., dealer in ready made and custom clothing and gents' furnishing goods, res Chicago. SAGINlAW CITY DIRECTORY. 355 Moss David (col), bds Ben Johnson. Moss William, lab, bds Moses Delude. Moss William I., mechanic, res Eleanor ave, w s Wash'n. 5. Mowers Miss Martha, wks T. Mitchell. MOYE CHARLES, butcher, market cor Franklin and Hamilton, res same. 6. Moye William L., grocer, e s Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin, res cor Franklin and Harrison. Moye Wm. L., grocer, res n w cor Harrison and Franklin. 6. N. Nash Mrs. Annie E., wks G. S. Cushman. Nash Charles H., lab, res n s Mackinaw, nr Bond. Nathan Nathan, clothier, merchant tailor, etc., Nathan blk, e side Hamilton, res same. 2. Nanandorf Minnie (wid), res No. 1205 Cass. 5. Neals Frank, lab, res s s Cass, No. 1301. 3. Neeringer John P., potter, res end 3d, nr Wash'n. 4. Nelson Elias, bds Rupp House. Nelson John, teamster, res s e cor 10th and Lincoln ave. 5. 1I. S& H. Koch & Co., the Clothiers. Nermer Christian, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Nester Patrick, lumberman, bds Brockway House. Nester Thomas, dealer in pine lands, logs, and lumber, office Nathan blk, e s Hamilton, mill nr Reese station, D. & B. C. R. R., res cor Fayette and Monroe. 8. Nettleton Joseph, carpenter, res 303 Bond, bet Ames and Jefferson. 7. Neustadt Rudolph, dealer in groceries, etc., n Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin, res Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin. Neustadt R. & Co. (R. Neustadt and Nathan Wolfe), dealers in groceries, etc, n Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin. Neumann Theodore, shoemaker J. F. Brand, res 206 Oakley, bet Cass and Elm. Newell E. C. & Co. (partner not knozon), dealer in books and stationery, Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin. 7. -Newell Henry, cook, Exchange. Newman Augustus, lab, res s s Lane, e of Carrolton Road. 7. Newman Orrin, carpenter, res 407 n Granger. 5. NEWRICK THOMAS W., groceries, provisions, 116 Porter, cor Adams, res Adams. See advt. 3. Newton Henry A., lumberman, res 1202 Fayette. 4. Newton & Smith, lumbermen, No. 4 Miller blk, Sag. City. 356 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Ninedorf Charles, lab, res State road, near Cross road. 3. Nixon John, lab, e s Harrison, bet Miller and Throop. 3. Nixon Robert, lumberman, bds Brockway House. Noble George B., lumberman, res 1108 Fayette. 5. Noel John, ship-carpenter, res w s 5th, bet Congress and Union ayes. 6. Nortell Richard, teamster, res 806 Oakley, bet Miller and Throop. 4. Northup F. W., wks Hardin & Co. Northrup Harvey S., wks Biese, Lelme & Co. Northrup Henry F., book-keeper, res 408 Franklin. 3. Norton Edward L., lab, bds Leonard C. Conn. Notter Miss Mary, wks D. B. Ketcham. Nugent James, bds Rupp House. O. Oathouly James, lab, Railroad Hotel. O'Brien David, bds Rupp House. O'Brien John, wks Sturtevant, Green & Go. O'Brien John W., lab, res s s Queen, nr Salt. 4. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. O'Brien Miss Sarah, wks Mrs. N. Goodson. Ochenchile Theodore, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Ochenkile George, edger, wks Swift & Lockwood. Ochenkile Wolf, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. O'Connor John, lab, bds P. McAuley. O'Connor Miss Margaret, wks H. A. Newton. O'Connor Patrick, bds Saginaw Valley House. Odaska Rudolph, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. O'Donnell Patrick, bds Saginaw Valley House. O'Donnell Rosa, housekeeper Rev. R. Vanderheyden. O'DONNEL WILLIAM A., groceries and provisions, s e cor Hamilton and Van Buren, res s e cor Mason and Van Buren. 4. Offentock J., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Ogden Miss Lizzie, lives T. Jerome. Ogilvie Alexander, lab, res Water, bet Clinton and Throop. 4.. O'Grady John, shoemaker, res s w cor Webster and Jeff'n. 6.. O'Grady William, foreman J. F. Williams & Bros., bds City House. O'Harn Thomas, bds Saginaw Valley Hotel. O'Haro Edward, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 3. Ohland Lewis, lab, bds Francis Boyden. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 357 Ohman William, salt-boiler, bds F. Dingier. Oje Louis, ship-carpenter, res w s n Granger, bet Clinton and Throop. 2. Olan John, fireman, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Olan Lewis, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Oland John, sawyer, bds Henry Young, s s Queen, near Salt. Olin John R., lab, res w s Harrison, cor Miller. 3. Oliver Thomas, conductor, J., L. & S. V. R. R., bds Mrs. M. H. Prentiss. Omenske Miss Augusta, wks G. Rupp. O'Neal Daniel, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 5. O'Neal Mrs. Mary, cook, Taylor House. O'Neal Thomas, bds D. O'Neal. O'Neil Mrs. Ellen (wid Laurence O'Neil), milliner, Court, bet Hamilton and Washington. 3. O'Neil John, wks Burleson & Martin, bds Brockway House. O'Neil John, lab, res 5th, near State road. 3. O'Neil Morgan, lab, res e s Porter, bet Miller and Throop. 4. O'Neil Patrick, riverman, bds L. Reno. Oneil William, res e s Washington ave, bet State Road and Lincoln ave. 5. Lowest Prices at M. & t,. Koch & Co's. Opfergelt Christe, res s Hamilton, s of Adams. 3. Ochsankehl Jacob, lab, res w s Elm, nr Greenwich. 6. Orr Alexander, lather, res w s Webster, bet Stevens and Williams, 8. Osborne Robert, landlooker, res 607 w s Porter, bet Clinton and Monroe. 6. Ostrander James, painter, res n e cor Wash'n and Saginaw. 9. Ostrander Robert, lab, res s s Queen, nr cor Salt. 5. Ostrom Sylvester C. J., physician and surgeon, office Williams Block, w s Washington, junction St. Louis plank. Ott Henry, lab, G. F. Williams & Bros. Ott Lewis C., clk, wks Benjamin Greer, bds Kerby House. Otteseke William, lab, res w s Bates, bet Cass and Van Buren. 5. Ottersky Miss Lena, wks P. H. Ketcham. Otto Fred., shoemaker, res Adams nr Bond. 2. Otto Frederick, shoemaker J. F. Brand, res cor Oakley and Adams. Otto Henry, lab, res se cor Cass and Charles. 3. Otto Miss Sophia, wks Hiram S. Tipton. Ouny Henme, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Ouny Minebis, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. 358 SAGINTAW CITY DIRECTORY. Owens Barney, lab, res s Water, s Dearborn. 2. Owens John, teamster, res e s King, n of Dearborn. 7. Owens Miss Maggie, chambermaid Taylor House. Owens Miss Margaret, lives B. Owens. Ozier Eli, barn boy, bds E. Smith. P. Pachuth Fred, head piler, Barnard & Binder. Pagels Christian, res 605, bet Jackson and Lyon. 3. Paine A. B., lumberman, res w s Wash'n, bet Adams. 5. Paine Asa H., lumberman, res cor Ames and Wash'n. 5. Paine Henry, bds E. Davis. Paine Otis, bds E. Davis. Paine Mrs. J. A. (wid), lives N. S. Wood. Paine Mrs. V. A., lives A. B. Paine. Paine Veeder W. (V. W. & V. B. Paine), lumberman, res e s n Fayette, bet Ames and Jeffn. 3. Paine Veeder, lumber inspector, res cor Court and Webster. 4. Palmers Miss Clara, bds Elijah St. John. Palmer Miss Cybil, bds Elijah St. John. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Palmer James, cooper, wks Swift & Lockwood. Palmer Frank A., printer, "Republican," res w s Webster, bet Ames and Franklin. 3. Palmer Miss Jane, dressmaker, res 802 Franklin, cor Porter. 4. Palmer Miss Jane, res 802 Franklin, cor Porter. Palmer James, cooper, res 1st, cor s Division. 3. Palmer John, clk, wks Benjamin Greer. Palmer Mrs. Louisa (wid), res 506 n Wash'n. 3. Palmer Miss Phcebe, bds Miss Jane Palmer. Palmer Smith, cashier, res 108 n Wash'n, cor Franklin. 2. Papst Miss Kate, wks City House. Papst Miss Mary, wks City House. Parker Augustus, lab, res e s Porter, bet Jackson and Williams. 5. Parker Mrs. Catharine (wid Wm.), res wN s Fayette, bet Brewster and Miller. 3. Parks Charles, lab, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Parks Horace L., lab, res w s Woodbridge, bet Lyon and Jackson. 3. Parks Henry, bds Exchange. Parks James, lab, res w s Porter, bet Mackinaw and Lyon. 10. Parry Philip (D. H. Jerome & Co.), res Wash'n. SA.GIITAW CITY DIRECTORY. 359 Parson Aaron A., dealer in real estate, res cor Clinton and Wash'n. 5. Parsons Isaac, real estate dealer, res 208 s Harrison, near cor Ames. 3. Parsons Isaac, architect, wks Fred. W. Hollister. Partenfelder Andrew, shoemaker, bds H. Partenfelder. Partenfelder Henry, warehouseman depot, res 609 Adams, cor Granger. Pascall John, cooper, bds J. Ward. Passow Charles,.res n s East Saginaw Road. Patterson E. A., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Patter Frank R. (Thompson, Camp & Patter), res n w cor Harrison and Madison. 3. Patton James, cooper, J. Ward, bds same. Patten James R. (col.), lab, res s s Queen, near Salt. 3. Pattengill Rev. W. W., pastor Baptist church, bds E. G. Babcock. Patterson John, carpenter, res s s Union ave., w of 13th. 6. Paxson E. B., book-keeper, res s e cor Granger and Van Buren. 4. Pearson E. H., book-keeper Tittabawasee Co. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Pearson James H. (Wright, Tipton & Co.), res Chicago, Ill. Pearson Robert, lab, res n e cor Monroe and Webster. 3. Peck Edward I., book-keeper D. H. Jerome & Co., bds D. H. Jerome. PECK HILAND A., boarding house and restaurant, Water, bet Ames and Franklin. 7. Peck Miss Minnie, with W. S. Green. Pecor Nelson, lab, res s s Throop, w Harrison. 3. Pechett Alexander, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Pedden John, pass. conductor J., L. & S. R. R., res n s Clinton, cor Harrison. 4. Peirce George, engineer, bds Hiland Peck. Pellett Wm. B., foreman, Wright, Tipton & Co., res e s Hamilton, bet Throop and Millard. 3. Pellissor Gustave, bds J. LaFleur. Pellot Miss Barbara, wks C. D. Little. Pellot Mrs. Hannah S. (wid), res cot Fayette and Throop. 4. Pellot Miss Kate, wks C. D. Little. Pellot Geo., cigar-maker, J. Knapp, res Throop, cor Harrison. Penaleton Amos -, bds Charles Burleson. Pendleton Nathan W., bds E. M. Taylor. 2. Penfield Charles, lab, bds Brockway House. 360 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Penoyer James N. (Penoyer and St. John), res w s Harrison bet Jefferson and Madison. 3. Penoyer & St. John (James N. Penoyer and Elijah St. John), druggists and stationers, e s Hamilton, bet Court and Adam. Perham Charles B., lab, res w s Harrison, bet Clinton and Monroe. 3. Perham M. Lafayette, lab, bds C. B. Perham. Perham -, wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Perkins Sanford S., supt Saginaw Street R. R. Co., and 'Bus line, res 307 Jackson, cor Fayette. 7. Perkins Stephen M., foreman S. S. R. R. Co., bds s s Perkins. Perrin James W., lumberman (Edwards & Perrin), res n w cor Wash'n and -. 3. Perrin Rev. Oliver J., presiding elder Saginaw district, Methodist denomination, res e s Webster, bet Madison and Monroe. 4. Perry Charles, salt boiler, res 510 Oakley, bet Madison and Monroe. 6. Perry Cyril, riverman, bds B. Lougo. Perry Napoleon, wks Swift & Lockwood. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Perry Philip, hardware merchant, Washington, cor Brewster. 3. Perry -, res cor Brewster and Washington. Pesenecker Andrew (aged) and wife, lives M. Pesenecker. Pesenecker Michael, carpenter, res 107 Porter, bet Adams and Court. 5. Pesha Mrs. Mary (wid), res Florence, s Genesee. 8. Peter Wm., car repairer, res W. S. Madison. 4. Peters Miss Flora A., with H. H. Peters. Peters Homer H., book-keeper Wells, Stone & Co., res e s Hamilton, between Monroe and Throop. 3. Peterson P., wks C. C. Crosscup. Pettapiece William A., ship carpenter, res s e cor Bond and Franklin. 4. Pettengill Rev. W. W., pastor Baptist church, bds E. G. Babcock. Pettis Mrs. Martha, wks J. Irwin. Petty David, lumber-inspector, res Adams, nr Webster. 3. Phelan Daniel, res 610 Granger, cor Jackson. 3. Phillips George, bds Ed. Warner. Phinney John C., bookkeeper Ketcham & Bro., bds D. B. Ketcham. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 361 Pickands John D., bookkeeper Ballentine & Co., res s s Lincoln ave., cor 5th. 2. Pickelman George, lab, bds City House. Pierce George, engineer, bds J. Kaynor. Pierce Richard S., shingle sawyer, res e s Bond, bet Miller and Throop. 6. Pierce Sam'l E., mason, res 802 n e cor Mackinaw and Porter. 4. Pierson Mrs. Martha, wks R. Hinds. Pincombe John, bricklayer, res 1008, cor Mason and Mackinaw. 2. Pinder Charlie, blacksmith, bds with Wm. Worden. Pitts John, lab, bds Fourth Ward Hotel. Plaga Mrs. Minnie, wks A. T. Putnam. Plaga Rodolph, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Plaga Robert, lab, res s w cor Jackson and Mason. 10. Plagey Emma, wks Geo. A. Baker. Plamp Charles, lab, res w s Madison, nr East Town road. 2. Plant Stephen, teamster, res 1502 Mackinaw, nr Woodbridge. 4. Plente Edward, lab, bds A. Lefevre. Platte Theodore, prop. Platte House, n Hamilton, bet Jefferson and Madison. 2. iI. & H. Koch & Co., the Merchant Tailors. Plattenbark John, lab, depot, res w s Madison. 3. Plessner M. C. T., physician, office Ritter's block, Water, res cor Monroe and Webster. 9. Platz Valentine, carpenter, res w s Webster, bet Cass and Van Buren. 2. Plunkett Robert, engineer Grant's Mill, res Florence, w Genesee. 3. Pluss William D. (cripple), res n e cor Bond and Williams. 6. Poetter William (Rose & Poetter), res s s South Division Moore's Add. 8. Pohl Henry, cabinet-maker, res Cass, No. 403. 8. Polgel Charles, lab, res Bay, near n end. 4. Porter Asahel, mariner, bds Shaw Colman. Polika John, lab, bds L. Oje. Porter David, lab, res w s Bond n of Miller. 3. Postoffice, Saginaw City, Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin. Porteons Robert, boarding-house, s Hamilton, cor Jackson. 8. Potter Ann (wid. Sarah), with James Bray. Potter Fred H., banking and exchange office, res s e cor Adams and Fayette. 4. 46 362 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Potts Harvey, lumberman, office Clark blk, Water, cor Franklin, up stairs, res w s Webster, bet Jefferson and Madison. 2. Potter Louis, wks Saginaw Barrel Co., bds S. J. Hitchcock. Powell Miss Augusta, wks with Jacob W. Stinchfield. Powell John, aged, lives H. Engel. Powell John, farmer, res 309 Bond, cor Jefferson. 7. Powell Miss Tiny, wks Aaron A. Parsons. Poxon Elisha B., bds Geo. A. Baker. Praem Fred, lab, res Van Buren, near Mason. 4. Pratt H. E., cabinet-maker, B. T. Smith, bds Franklin House. Pratt John, wks Swift & Lockwood, bds Henry Young, s s Queen. Pratt Peter, lab, res e s Hamilton, bet Madison and Monroe. 9. Precher John, mason, bds H. Koepke. Preim Henry, lab, res s e cor Bates and Van Buren. 3. Preim John, lab, ress w cor Bates and Van Buren. 3. Prentiss Mrs. M. H. (wid), res e s Webster, bet Van Buren and Cass. Preston Frank, mason, res 509 Williams, cor Webster. 4. Price Author, barbar, wks Charles Griese. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Price James, lab, res s Hamilton, s Jackson. 6. Price - (col), bds Ben Johnson. Prieur Dominique, lab, res n w cor Wayne and Webster. Prieur Joseph, dealer in lumber, res cor s e State and Elm. 7. Prior C. A., bds Hodge House. Prosser Harrison, engineer, res w s Harrison, cor Miller. 2. Pryer Charles A., salesman H. M. Rogers, bds Ostrander, Washington. Purcelle Peter, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Purdy Gabriel, deputy sheriff, res e s n Fayette, cor Throop. 2. Purdy Mrs. Sarah-George, res with G. Purdy. 4. Purdy William, lab, bds R. Porteus. Putnam Albert T., brick manufacturer and dealer, res 611 Fayette, cor. Adams. 3. Putnam Miss Emma, vest maker, wks Joseph Beach & Co. Purmort Hyman F., millwright, Water, s Mackinaw, res cor Mackinaw and Washington. Parmort Racine, city treasurer, res n e cor Franklin and Fayette. 8. Purtle Miss Mary, wks Kerby House. Pye William, lab, res s Water, s of Dearborn. 2. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 363 Q. Queen Charles, lab, res e s Bond, bet Miller and Throop. 3. Quinn John, lumberman, res 407 Oakley, bet Ames and Madison. 3. Quinn Thomas, lumberman, res 903 Madison, cor Bond. 2.. R. Rabbyt John, riverman, bds A. Brown. Radeke Maxwell, engineer, Miller's planing mill, res 305 Bond,. bet Ames and Jefferson. 3. Rademacher Casper, lab, bds Platte's House. Radke Charles, wagon-maker, shop n w cor Harrison and Cross roads, res cor Jackson and Bond. 4. Radtke John, lab, res s w cor Bates and Cass. 5. Rae George, bds Exchange. Raimer Joseph, lab, res s w cor East Saginaw road. 4. Ramuols John, lab, res s s East Saginaw road. 5. Raple -, ship-carpenter, res e s Bay, n of East Saginaw road. 10. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Rappleyea Perry, lab, res w end Throop. 3. Rasmuss Christe, bar-tender, P. Krogmann, bds same. Rassee John, lab, res e s Mason, n of Adams. 7. Rathbun George B., sawyer, res w s Fayette, bet Saginaw and. 2. Rathborne George G., setter, Swift & Lockwood. Raymond Frank, book-keeper and insurance agent, res Adam, bet Harrison and Webster. 2. Raymond Frank, book-keeper, Dr. Bass, bds John B. White. Raymond John, ship-carpenter, res e s Oakley, bet Monroe and. 7. REA WILLIAM J., photographer, s s Franklin, cor Water,, up stairs, res same. Rean Miss Rose, dressmaker, bds Charles Burleson. Reardon Miss Maggie, waitress Taylor House. Reardon Michael, lab, res w s Carrollton Road. 4. Redman Michael, grocer, res n w cor Harrison and Madison. 4. Reed William, bds Miss Jane Palmer. Redman Michael, grocer, cor Hamilton and Jefferson, res Harrison. 4. Reed George, machinist, res w s Jefferson, bet Clinton and Monroe. 2. Reed James R., mechanic, res nr n end German Colony Road. 4. ;364 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Reed Lyman R., painter, res e s Oakley, bet Monroe and -- 4. Reed Nathaniel, bds Jane Palmer. Reed William W., lab, bds L. R. Reed. Reemshnider Miss Augusta, home with Mrs. Augusta Beehler. Reemshnider Miss Emma, home with Mrs. Augusta Beehler. Reemshnider Miss Mimea, home with Mrs. Augusta Beehler. Reese John, brakeman, bds J. Kaynor. Requay Roy, wks C. L. Curtis. Reiff Miss Lizzie, wks 0. P. Barber. Reiff Miss Lizzie, wks J. Jerome. Remer Charles, lime kiln, res e s Mason, bet Lyons and Mackinaw. 3. Remer Christian, lime burner, bds J. Remer. 3. Reimer Frederick, teamster, res n w cor Lyon and Oakley. 2. Remer Joachim, lime burner, res w s Granger, cor Lyon. 2. Reimold Christian J., machinist, res s w cor Granger and Jefferson. 3. Reinig John, lab, res n w cor 12th and Union. 8. Reins Wm., propr CITY HOUSE, 506 Harrison, bet Lyon and Mackinaw. 3. Reitenborn William, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Renigade Robert, lab, res w s Carrollton road. 6. Rennels Miss Sarah, lives J. McCullough. Reno Lewis, riverman, res s e cor Water and Perry. 3. Reno Oliver, lab, bds J. H. Gray. Reno Peter, lab, bds Calvin G. Cookson. Rethmann Julius, harness-maker J. W. Richardson, res e s Oakley, bet Van Buren and Mackinaw. 4. Rettmann Julius F., harness-maker, J. W. Richardson, res w s Oakley, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. Reumer Anna, wks J. Coleman. Revoir Charles, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Reynolds Henry, lab, bds S. E. D. Sheltraw. Reynolds Jesse,'lab, bds S. E. D. Sheltraw. Reynolds Walter, carpenter, bds S. E. D. Sheltraw. Rexford Miss Maria, sales-lady, Herman Goldsmith. Rhines Maggie, wks J. G. Wheeler. Rhodes Oscar C., saw-filer, Burt's mill, res s e cor 10th and Union ave. 3. Rice Albert -, clk, wks Gardner D. Gould. Rice Bernhardt, deputy sheriff, res 207 Bond, bet Adams and Cass. 4. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 365 Rice Nicholas, retired, res s e cor Waller and Washington. 11. Rice Miss Susie (col), wks C. Richman. Ricer Joseph, lab, res w s Queen, near Salt. 5. Rich Edwin, engineer, s s Adams, cor Mason. 2. Rich Richard, lab, res n e cor Adams and Mason. 10. Rich -, lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Richard Frederick S., carpenter, res n e cor Clinton and Porter. 2. Richards Miss Emma, wks W. A. Williams. Richards George, clk, E. N. Briggs, bds Franklin street. Richards William A., clk, Williams Bros., bds S. B. Williams. Richardson James, house-painter, res w s Porter, bet Van Buren and Mackinaw. 4. Richardson John, painter, res n w cor Granger and Van Buren. 2. Richardson John W., harness-maker, shop s Hamilton, res 502 n Hamilton, cor Madison. 2. Richman Charles, hotel-keeper, Far well, res 206 n Wash'n. Richman Mrs. Charles L., res 206 n Wash'n. Richman Ed., teamster, bds E. Smith. Richter August, carpenter, res No. 1208 n e cor Bates and Cass. 9. M. & H. Koch & Co., the Leaders of Fashion. RIENIHART SHELDON, PHYSICIAN, (eclec) office cor Court and Hamilton. Ries Connard, lab, res Throop, cor Border. 3. Riese Emil, merchant tailor, s s Court, bet Hamilton and Water, res w s Harrison, bet Cass and Van Buren. 2. Riese Frederick, lab, res n e cor Lyon and Oakley. 3. Riese Herman (Riese, Leline & Co.), res n e cor Hamilton and Jackson. 2. Riese Miss Mary, works Robert S. Speak. Riese, Leline & Co. (Herman Riese, Paul. Leline, Rudolph Ganschow), wagon and carriage manufacturer, shop e s Hamilton, bet Jackson and Lyon. Riley Bernard, engineer Farmer Bros., bds Valley House. Riley Charles, brewer, res w s German Colony Rroad, n of Pleasant. 3. Riley Rev. James, pastor Methodist church, res Lincoln ave, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Riley James, land-looker, bds A. McIntyre. Riley John G., engine overseer, bds Joseph I. Burnham. Riley Russell, lab, bds Anthony Gaum. Riley Thomas, bds Exchange. 066 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Rimmele Bernard, baker J. P. Wagner, bds same. Rimmele Charles, wks and bds W. L. Moye. Rimmele Ignatz, saloon, Harrison, bet Mackinaw and Lyon, res same. 6. Ring Eleazer J. (Ring & Rust), res e s Wash'n, n of Parley. 5. RINGLER EUGENE, drug store, Hamilton, Wisner blk. Ring & Rust (E. J. Ring and - Rust), lumber manuf'rs, mill Porter's Station, S. V. & St. L. R. R., office Taylor House blk, Court. Rinn Phelix, lab, res n s Lincoln ave, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Ripley E. C., lumberman, s w cor Franklin and Wash'n. 7. Ripley Mrs. Mary A., bds R. Purmort. Risley Edward, mason, res No 802 n1 w cor Mackinaw and Porter. 2. Ritter Miss Anna, tailoress, wks Henry Barnhard. Roach Jas., captain barge "Ajax," res nr w end Mackinaw. 5. Roberts Miss Adeline, lives G. Daharsh. Roberts George C., carpenter, res No 910 Oakley. 3. Roberts Isaac S., carpenter, bds Albert Harvey. Roberts Richard, carpenter, res 406 Bond, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 3. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Roberts Robert, lab, res e s of Webster, cor Saginaw. 5. Robinson Angus, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Robinson Joseph, lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Robinson Joseph H., livery, res e s Hamilton, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. Robinson Thomas, lab, bds Railroad Hotel. Robinson William R., livery and boarding stable, n e cor Hamilton and Van Buren, bds Franklin House. Robertson Richard, wks Hardin & Co. Roby William, lab, res nr Elm, e s J., L. & S. R. R. 3. Rock Clinton M.; shoemaker, res w s Andre, bet Court and Adams. 4. Rockwell Thomas, baggageman J., L. & S. V. R. R., bds F. A. Palmer. Rockwood Frederick, lab, res w s Madison. 9. Rodka William, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Roe George, lab, res Monroe, nr Oakley. 6. Roeser Otto, Judge of Probate, res 305 s Harrison. 9. Roeske Fred, lab, res Elm, nr Greenwieh. 4. Roethke Charles, foreman drill house, Barnard & Binder. Roethke Alexander, brewer, brewery n w cor Water and X., res e ss Hamilton, s of Wayne. 2. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 367 Rofer Michael, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Rogers H. M., dealer in musical instruments and mdse, e s Wash'n, res 507 Jeff'n. 2. Rogers Marsells D., operator J., L. & S. E. R. depot, bds Lewis U. Stone. Rolph James, lab, bds F. St. Dennis. Romeike Herman, groceries and provisions, Mackinaw, cor Cross road, res same. 7. Rombs Miss Veronicka, cigar-maker E. Scheurmann, Mrs. J. McKern. Roney Edward, bds W. Cowan. Root Almond S., lab, res cor Harrison and Miller. 3. Rose Chas. F. (Rose & Poetter), res n w cor Cross road and Williams. 2. Rose Fredrick W., lives C. F. Rose. 2. ROSE JOHN, came to America in 1846, moved from Detroit to Saginaw in 1855, now prop'r " Rose's Brewery," brewery and res cor Fayette and Throop. See advt. 5. Rose & Co. (Charles F. Rose, William F. Poetter), groceries, provisions, flour, and feed, 206 Williams, cor Cross road. Rose Alexander, lab, bds Hodge House. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Ross Hugh, lumberman, bds Hodge House. Rothke Carl, lab, res Salt, near King. 2. Rotka Mrs. Augusta, works with William F. Lange. Rourke Thomas, wks Gas Co., bds Kerby House. Royal Robert, express messenger, bds Mrs. M. Prentiss. Rowe J. W., shoemaker, wks John Gaensbauer, rcs Ames. Rue Albert, bds R. Hinds. Rugenstein Sophia (widow), home with Wm. Rugenstein. Rugenstein William, lab, res s w cor Bond and Mackinaw. 3. Rukeyser Hugo, bds N. Nathan. Rummer Mrs. Mary, wks A. Brust. Runnell Frank, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. RUPP GEORGE L., prop'r Rupp House, s w cor Ames and Water. See advt. 7. Russell A. D., ship builder, bds Taylor House. Russell Charles, lab, bds Anthony Gaum. Russell John, ship carpenter, res 1102 Clinton, cor Mason. 7. Russell William, lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Rust A. & Co. (Amasa Rust and - ), salt and lumber manuf'rs, mill and wks Bay City, office Taylor House blk, Court. 368 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Rust Amasa (A. Rust & Co., Butman & Rust, Rust, Eaton & Co.), office Taylor House blk, res 507 Adams. 5. Rust, Eaton & Co. (Ezra Rust, James Hay, Augustin S. Gaylord, Amasa Rust, Daniel - ). Rust Ezra, lumberman, res 206 Harrison, cor Cass. 3. Rust & Hay (Ezra Rust and James Hay), dealers in gangsawed lumber, office Taylor House blk, Court. RUTHFORD J. B., dealer in confectionery, foreign and domestic fruit, n Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin, res n e cor Mason and Throop. 6. Ryan John, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Ryan John, bds Dunbar House. Ryan John, bds Mrs. Lewis Julian. Ryan John, bds J. E. Brady. Rylott Miss Lydia A., wks and bds S. E. D. Sheltraw. S. Saenger Daniel, bds A. Lefevire. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" CBothiers of the State. SAGINAW BARREL Co., cor Water and Emerson, or rather Salt, s e of Dearborn. E. Haskin, pres; Wm. Binder, supt; A. F. R. Braley, cash'r; N. Barnard, H. Martin, W. Wheeler,. Martin, H. A. Ballentine, Brooks & Adams, D. Waters, stockholders; C. A. Lee, foreman; manuf're a large variety of bent work, cheese boxes, measures, tobacco packages, etc. Saginaw Glue Works, cor 4th and Congress ave; Nathaniel B. Rice, Charles O. Garrison, proprs; opened Aug 15, 1873. Saginaw Water Works, e s Water, foot of Franklin; George L. Burrows, chief engineer; Frederick G. Clifton, 1st engineer; William Poyfin, 2d engineer; Edward Rickery, fireman; Richard Rickery, fireman. Saginaw Republican Printing Office, w s s Hamilton, bet Adams and Court, F. A. Palmer, editor and publisher. Saginawian Printing Office, foot of Franklin, cor Water, Geo. A. Lewis, editor and proprietor. Saftner Miss Catharine, wks William Moll. Sago Charles, lab, res e s Porter, bet Jackson and Williams. 3. Salisburg Alfred, musician, res cor Monroe and Wash'n. 3. Saloner Miss Kate, wks W. Moll. Saloner John, wks Riese, Leline & Co. Sammot Aaron, brewer, res 901 Harrison. 2. SAGINIAW CITY DIRECTORY. 369 Samuel Benj.,wks Shaw & Williams, res w s Carrollton Road. 6. Sanborn Harry H., ]umber inspector, res n s Franklin, betBond and Oakley. Sanborn John A., lumber inspector, res n e cor Franklin and Oakley. 4. Sanders Hyram, bds Henry Young, s s Queen, nr Salt. Sandouskey Harmen, lab, res Greenwich, nr Elm. 4. Sanford Gustave, lab, res Harrison, s Waller. 6. Sargent Andrew J., shipping clk Wright, Tipton & Co., res w s Woodbridge, nr Clinton. 5. Sargent William, blacksmith, bds Calvin G. Cookson. Sark August, bds Henry Young, s s Queen, nr Salt. Saunders Eben W., insurance agt, res e s Webster, bet Ames and Jefferson. 3. Saunders James, painter, bds Kerby House. Saunders James, res 1202 s Hamilton. 5. Saunders James E., fireman Barnard & Binder. Saunders Joseph, picture frames, stationery, cigars, tobacco, etc., 706 Franklin, bet Granger and Porter, bds parents, cor Granger and Franklin. Fine Furnishing Goods at 19. & H. Koh & Co&s. Saunders William, janitor, res 201 n Granger. 2. Savage Mathew W., propr Savage Hotel, Water, cor Perry; grocery in connection by Mrs. Savage. 4. Sawatzki William, lab, res w s German Colony road. 9. Sayers Thomas, millwright, res 701 n Granger, cor Clinton. 7. Sayers William, clk J. Saunders, bds parents, cor Clinton and Granger. Sayles Armenia Mrs., home with A. Maturen. Sayles Miss Georgiaunie, dress-maker, bds A. Maturen. Scanlon Daniel, wks Sag. Barrel Co., res e s Hamilton, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 9. Scanlin F., lab, wks Sag. Barrel Co. Scanlin James, wks Sag. Barrel Co. Scharo Alexander, lab, res State road, nr fair ground. 6. Schauper John, lab, res Lyon, w Woodbridge. 6. Scheib Chas., clk Scheib & Co., res e s Granger, cor Stevens. 4. Scheib Gottleib, gardener, res n s Waller, w of Webster. 6. Scheib Julius, clk, bds cor Stephens and Water. Scheffer Frederick. brewer S. & S., bds Chas. Schonheit. Schefnerer Joseph, dep'y sheriff, res Court, bet Andre and Bates. 5. 47 370 SAGIN~AW CITY DIRECTORY. SCHEMI & SCHONHEIT (John G. Schemm and Charles Schonheit), prop'rs City Brewery, e s Hamilton, bet Millard and Brewster. See advt. SCHEURMANN EMIL, cigar manf'r, n s Franklin, bet Hamilton and Water, res es Wash'n, bet Jeff'n and Madison. 7. SCHICK GEORGE, Harmonie Saloon, n s Franklin, bet Hamilton and Wash'n, res same. 2. Schick John B., city recorder, res cor Bates and Court. 11. Schiel Carl, lab, res w s Madison. 2. SCRIRMER EDWARD, Grand Rapids Hotel, w s Water, bet Adams and. 6. Schlenk Peter J., lab, res 206 n Granger. 3. Schlier Maggie, wks A. Rust. Schmack Ferdinand, lab, res 313 Greenwich, w of Bond, Little's add. 10. Schmicking Lewis, shoemaker, res w s Water, bet Adams and Mackinaw. 4. Schmidt August, lab, res n s East Saginaw road. Schmidt Adolph, lab, res w end Throop. 6. Schmidt George, copyist, res 612 n e cor Granger and Mackinaw. 9. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Schmidt Jacob, bds Rupp House. Schmidt Rev. Joseph, Lutheran minister, res Court, bet Lafayette and Harrison. Schmidt Mary, wks M. Redman. Schmidt William, lab, res n s East Saginaw road. 5. Schmieder John, drayman, res s w cor Mackinaw and Mason. 2. Schmilter F., wks Hardin & Co. Schmither Christian, riverman, res w s Woodbridge, bet Adams and Cass. 2. Schmitter Edward, lab, res s s Mackinaw, bet Webster and Granger. Schmitter Ferdinand, carp, res s s Mackinaw, bet Webster and Granger. 6. Schneider John N., blacksmith, e s s sHamilton, bet Jackson and William, res w s Williams, bet Fayette and Harrison. Schneider ---, fireman C. Kull. Schriber John, lab, res nr Greenwich, s Bond, Little's add. 7. Schoeneberg Emil, bookkeeper, Mrs. S. Seyffardt, res s s Cross road. 5. Scholtz Joseph, carpenter, res s w cor Ames and Webster. 6. Scholtz William, lives C. C. Miller. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 371 Schoneberg Emil, bookkeeper, res Cross road, nr Stevens. 5. Schonheit Charles (Schemm & Schonheit), res e s Hamilton, bet Brewster and Millard. 4. Schroeder Frederick, wks Barnard & Binder, res 1108 Lyon, bet Mason and Woodbridge. 2. Schreitter Otto, book-binder, cor Cass and Fayette, res adjacent. Schrow Louis, lab, bds James W. Duffey. Schultz Christopher, res s s Lane, e of Carrollton road. 5. Schultz Frederick, wks Riese, Leline & Co. Schultz Isaac, cabinet-maker, wks Benjamin T. Smith. Schultz Lewis, lab, res e s Carrollton road. 6. Schultz Minnie, wks S. Martin. Schulteiss John, meat market, Perry, e Water, res same. 3. Schurr Andrew, driver, fire engine, bds City House. Schutt Mrs. Richard, res Andre-st, Gaylord & Parsons add. 3. Schwader Charles, violinist, res e s Porter, bet Lyon and Mackinaw. 5. Schwann Frederick, lab, res Webster, near Fremont. 6. Schwhan John P. (Siebel & Schwhan), res s w cor Cass and Water. Schwanson Augustus, lab, bds Rupp House. Kid Gloves at N. & H. Koch & Co's. Scwarz Miss Hannah, wks George B. Noble. Scott Andrew, lumberman, res 501 William, cor Harrison. 4. Scott Mrs. Ann R., res Clinton, cor Webster. 3. Scott James Mac R. B., cutter, N. Nathan, bds Burnham's, Washington. Scott John, lab, res Ames, near Bates. 4. Scott William H., cutter, bds Joseph I. Burnham. Scofield Albert, bds A. Brown. Scrivner James A., wks J. Robinson, bds Franklin House. SCYFFARDT Mrs. SOPHIA, hardware, stoves, and tinware, e s Water, bet Court and Franklin, res s e cor Adams and Granger. 7. Scyffardt William, clk Mrs. Scyffardt, bds same. Searls William, lab, res cor Ames and Oakley. 3. Sears Henry W., lab, res s e cor Waller and Webster. 2. Seeley Hattie L., wks J. E. Loxlie. Seeney Robert C., liquor-dealer, Water, bet Cass and Court, res 105 Bond, bet Court and Franklin. 5. Seidel Jennie, wks Ulrich Strocbel. Seims Thomas, lab, res Waller, e Webster. 3. Semark Horace, lab, res e s Harrison, bet Miller and Throop. 2. 372 SA.GINAW CITY DIJECTORY. Senct August, wks and bds John Rose..Sewey Miss Mary, dress-maker, works Mrs. Melissea J. Kitts. Seyffardt Henry, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Seyffardt Lewis, clerk F. Mayer. Seyffardt Mrs. Sophia (wid. Winm.), ress s Adams, cor Oakley. 1. Seymour Alexander, lab, res Brewster, cor Harrison. 2. Seymour John, ship-carpenter, res 612 Oakley, cor Clinton. 3. Shaddeaw Miss Delilah, wks James Paliner. Shaddaw John, lab, res 703 Oakley. 8. Shaddeaw John E., riverman, res 701 Oakley, cor Clinton. 4. Shaddeaw Oliver, lab, res n w cor Harrison and Clinton. 4. Shader Edw'ard D., harness-maker, res Williams, cor Fayette. 4. Shadoia Oliver, tail-sawyer, Barnard & Binder. Schafer Frederick N., merchant, Hamilton, bet Cass and Van Buren, res same. 5. Shambau Peter, lab, res w s Water, s of Dearborn. 2. Shamme John G., brewer, res n Hamilton, bet Miller and Throop. 8. Shanagan Miss Mary, waitress Taylor House. Shanehan Augustus, bds Exchange. Shannon John, railroad man, bds Railroad Hotel. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Shannon Michael, lab, res Water, ur J., L. & S. R. R. 3. Sharpe John, bds J. Price. Sharpe Samuel C., frt and ticket agt J., L. & S. and S. V. & St. L. R. R., East Saginaw depot, res s s Congress ave. 2. Sharrow Louis, lab, res e s Harrison, bet Waller and Stephens. 5.. Shatiar John, lab, res e s Harrison, bet Clinton and Throop. 2. Shaver Peter, lab, res Woodbridge, cor Lyon. 5. Shaw IHoleman, sailor, res e s 4th, bet Lincoln and Union ayes. 6. Shaw Coleman, sailor, res w s Wash'n. See name above. 4. Shaw Joseph, lab, bds Joseph Burke. Shaw Mrs. J. Ann (wid Joseph), home with Mrs. C. Parker. 4.. Shaw Joseph E., pres 1st national bank, bds Bancroft House, East Saginaw. Shaw John E., propr Nova Scotia Hotel, Cass, bet Hamilton and Water. 2. Shaw, Percival M., commission merchant, dealer in groceries and provisions, Washington, cor Genesee, w side river,. res Washington, East Saginaw. Shawl Peter, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Sheib Albert C. (Sheib & Co.), res e s Harrison, bet Madison and Monroe. 6. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORIY. 3'73 SHEIB & Co. (A. Sheib and R. Khuen), dealers in dry goods and crockery, n Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin. Sheib Win. W., clk, res s w cor Stephens and Water. 4. Shelby J., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Sheldon Delos D., elk Jay Smith, bds Harvey & Hazzard's. Sheldon Miss Mary, bds Brockway House. Shelson Henry, teamster, res e s 7th, bet Congress and Union avenues. 3. Sheltraw Smith E. D., filer, res n e cor Miller and Webster. 4. Shepard D. Barton, drover, bds City House. Shepard William, elk, Wright, Tipton & Co., bds A. D. Smith. Shephard John, lab, bds A. Brown. Shepmaker -, deputy sheriff. Sheridan Mary, wks G. K. Grout. Sheridan Peter, wks Wright, Tipton & Co., res 801 Oakley, cor Throop. 9. Sherry Mis's Mary, wks Joseph T. Burnham. Shert William, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Shimmons Chailes H., carpenter, bds Thomas Shimmons. Shimmons John, -wks and bds T. Shimmons. Shimmons Thomas, carp, res s w cor Porter and Monroe. 5 Lowest Prices at ~. & H. Koch & Co's. Shivla Elizabeth, wks Exchange. Shivla John, bds Railroad Exchange. Shirttky Frederick, bds J. Stewart. Shlosser Cadie, home with Mathew Martin. Shlosser Casper, ---, bds Mathew Martin. Shoalthouse Frank, butcher, wks Peter Dixon. Shoemaker John, lab, res with J. Remer. 3. Shoemaker John, lab, res Mackinaw, nr Caroline. 5. Short William, lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Shortel Peter, timberman, bds A. Arquin. Shortt Edwin, carpenter, res 906 Harrison. 5. Shortt George W., carpenter, lives E. Shortt. 3. Shultz George, lab, res e s Mason, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 8. Shultz Mrs. Jennie, (wid George), res s w cor Mackinaw and Webster. SHIULTHIS GOTTLIEB, saloon and res n w cor Granger and Mackinaw. 6. Shumaker Miss Sophia, wks P. Spitz. Shutt William, lab, res w s Mason, bet Lyon and Jackson. 2. Sibney John, bds Saginaw Valley Hotel. Sicks Samuel, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. 374 SA3GINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Siebel Adolph, (Siebel & Schwahn), res s w cor Mackinaw and Webster. 5. SIEBEL & SCHWAHN (Adolph Siebel, John P. Schwahn) restaurant and confectioners, sw corner Cass and Water. Sigmanowsky Frank, painter, bds City House. Silsdorf August, res e s Bay. 5. Simmons John, bds Ed. Warner. SIMON FREDERICK, billiard hall, Water, cor Adams, res same. 4. Simonson George M., lumber merchant, res cor Court and Woodbridge. 4. Simpson Anderson R., shoemaker, wks W. Twichell, res 411 Granger, cor Madison. 5. Simpson E., lab, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Simpson John, farmer, res s w cor Mackinaw and Oakley. 2. Simpson Thomas H., lab, res s w cor Mackinaw and Oakley. 3. Simms Thomas, fireman, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Sims John P., lumberman, res 113 Franklin, cor Woodbridge. 5. Sipe Harry, police, bds H. S. Mapes. Sire Miss Lucinda, home with Jerrod E. Day. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Sisco Thomas, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Sintzer Peter, lab, wks Swift & Lockwood. Sinigny Adolphe, lab, res Throop w of Bond. 6. Slawson David (Slawson & Bro.), bds E. L. Slawson. Slawson E. L. & Bro., dealers in boots and shoes, w s Hamilton, bet Court and Adams. Slawson Emmet L. (Slawson & Bro.), boots and shoes, res 205 Granger. 3. Slenou Leonard, blacksmith and engineer, res e s Woodbridge, bet Lyon and Jackson. 2. Sloan Minerva, bds A. McWilliams. Smart Charles E., engineer J., L. & S. R. R., bds Brockway House. Smikin Lewis, shoemaker, works William Kohn. Smith Advent, lab, res Throop, near Mason. 6. Smith Andrew, wks Hardin & Co. Smith Archibald, riverman, res n w cor Webster and Jackson. 6. Smith Arthur D., lumberman, foreman Burnham's Mill, res e s Hamilton, bet Clinton and Throop. 4. Smith Miss Barbara, wks G. Rupp. Smith Benjamin T., dealer in furniture, No. 32 Court, Taylor House block. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY.3 375 Smith Benjamin and lady, bds City House. Smith Delos L., saloon, Water, bet Court and Jefferson. 2. Smith Dudley J., lumber merchant, res Court, bet Bond and Porter. 7. Smith Edwin, lab, res n w cor Fayette and Throop. 3. Smith Eli, wks and bds C. C. Croscup. Smith Miss Elizabeth, lives J. W. Smith. Smith Frank, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Smith George, lab, bds Moses Delude. Smith G. G., lumberman, bds Taylor House. Smith Henrietta, wks Edwin Smith. Smith Henry, land-looker, bds Kerby I-ouse. Smith Israel N., physician, office and res No 501 cor n Hamilton and Madison. 2. Smith James, freight agt, res n s Jackson, bet Hamilton and Water. 3. Smith J. A., barber, wks Henry Thomas, bds Bates & Adams. Smith James W., riverman, res 608 Webster, bet Jackson and Lyon. 4. Smith Jay, druggist, s s Court, bet Hamilton and Water, res Wash'n, bet Cass and Van Buren. Only one Price at M. & HI. Koch & Co's. Smith John C., tinsmith A. C. Ganschow, bds Edmund Short Smith John, sawyer, res Cross road, nr Stephen. 2. Smith John, lab, res n s Throop, nr Harrison. 2. Smith John, lab, bds E. Smith. Smith John, lab, bds Fourth Ward Hotel. Smith John, sawyer G. F. Williams & Bros. Smith John (col), barber, res s s Adams, No. 1305. 2. Smith Kenneth, bds J. Price. Smith Miss Maggie, waitress Franklin House. Smith Miss Maggie, wks Wm. Binder. Smith M. A., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Smith Miss Nellie, printer, W. A. Armstrong, bds with mother. Smith Noah, foreman, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Smith Phineas, millwright, res n e Monroe, bet Hamilton and Water. 2. Smith Robert T., filer, res Mackinaw, bet Hamilton and Water. 5. Smith Mrs. Stephen H. (wid), res w s Harrison, bet Cass and Van Buren. 3. Smith Thomas, mason, res cor Monroe and Washington. 4. Smith Thomas M., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Smith Thomas H., lumberman, res No. 808 cor Bond and Van Buren. 6. 376 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Smith Thomas N., lumberman, res n e cor Bond and Cass. 4, Smith William, teamster, wks Alexander Andre. Smith William, teamster, bds John Gardner. Smith William E., wagon-maker, res w s Webster, bet Throop and Clinton. 4. Smith William, clerk, J. Barber, bds Dunbar House. Smith William H., builder, res 409 n Granger. 3. Smith William W., aged, lives A. Smith. Smith Worden, cooper, res s w cor Ames and Webster.. Smith Samuel S., lumberman, res n s Cass, bet Oakley and Porter. 4. Smitten Miss Agnes, wks Reuben W. Andrus. Smyth William E., watchmaker and jeweler, Court, opp Taylor House, res n e cor Adams and Hamilton. 8. Snay Leon, lab, w s Madison, nr East Town road. 5. Snyder Henry, plumber, wks D. H. Jerome & Co. Snyder Henry, blacksmith, res 702 Porter, cor Jackson. 4. Snyder George, lab, res e s Mason, s Jackson. 4. Snyder George, res s e cor Madison and Bond. 4. Snyder John, blacksmith, res Williams, bet Harrison and Fayette. 7. Largest Stock i athe State at Little Jake's. Snyder Lewis, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Sobesky Michael, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Solms Emich, asst bookkeeper 1st National Bank, bds Philip Opfergelt. Somes Miss May, home with Newell Barnard. Sommers -, peddler, bds J. E. Loxlie. Sonnanleiter Miss Dora, wks G. Schick. Southwick Samuel A., clk Kerby House. Sowle Miss E., clk postoffice. SPADZ GEORGE, bakery, opp Franklin House, w s, on Hamilton. Spare Mrs. Johanna, bds Ed. Warner. Spatz George, bakery, Hamilton, bet Cass and Van Buren, res same. Spaulding Miss Louisa, bds Brockway House. Speek Robert S., merchant tailor and gents' furnishing goods, cor Franklin and n Hamilton, res s w cor 11th and Union ave. S. Spencer Dwight S., principal teacher Penoyer school, 1st ward, bds Wheaten Carpenter. (120 pupils.) Sperbeck Henry, lab, res No. 912 cor Brewster and Oakley. 6. Spitz Peter, clothier and merchant tailor, Court, bet Hamilton and Water, res e s Hamilton bet Monroe and Throop. 5. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Spindler George, carpenter, bds C. C. Miller. Sprague Miss Jessie, lives E. E. Burnham. Sprang Henry, bds Exchange. Squires Miss Abbie, student, lives N. S. Wood. St. Charles Alexander, lab, res corner Fayette and Stevens. 9. St. Denis, Frank, saloon and boarding house, w s Water bet Jefferson and -. 4. St. John Elijah, druggist, res n e cor Court and Mason. 2. St. Leon Henry A., cigar maker, bds Exchange. St. Leon Mrs. Leo Medora, actress, bds Exchange. 2. Stanbauer John, res 901 Harrison. 2. Stapes Charles, clk, Chase city elk, bds D. C. Chadwick. Stafford Lewis (col.), lab, res s s Queen, near Salt. Stanton Miss Carrie, lives A. C. Elwood. Stanton Mrs. Abby (wid. Albert Stanton), res No. 1203, cor Mackinaw and Woodbridge. 6. Stark Byron G., book-keeper George Lockley, bds G. R. Stark. Stark G. R., lumberman, res s e cor Washington and Jackson. 5. Starks Marlo, sawyer, wks Saginaw Barrel Company. Steinbeur John, wks C. L. Benjamin. Scarfs and Ties at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Steinhagen William, carpenter, res e s Bond, bet Lyon and Jackson. 7. Steller Henry, foreman E. R. (or J.) Knapp res e s Woodbridge, bet Court and Franklin. 3. Stellrecht Charles, carpenter, res n s cor Ames and Webster. 6. Stampell Otto, rag and tin peddler,.res ss ackinaw, bet Webster and Granger. Stengel George, butcher, 204 n Granger, res 806 Franklin. 3. Stengel John A., plasterer, res s s Cass, cor Bates. 5. Stephens Lafayette, lab, bds William H. Jose. Stephens Oliver, carpenter, res w s Mason, bet Williams and Stevens. 4. Stephens Renzo, bds Henry Young, ss Queen, nr Salt. Stetson Maria, home with Sanford Perkins. Stevens Chester, elk Geo. D. King, bds E. E. Burnham. Stevens Mrs. Annie (wid Alonzo Stevens,) Florence, s Genesee. 4. Stevens Jerome K., register of deeds, res Adams, nr Webster. 5. Stevens Royal H., call clk J., L. & S. R. R., also keeps boarding house, res n s Adams, bet Hamilton and Wash'n. 4. Stevenson William, lab, bds Calvin G. Cookson. Steward Charles, shoemaker, res cor Court and Woodbridge. 3. 48 378 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Steward Martin, sailor, bds Charles Steward. Stewart Alexander, engineer, res Salt, nr King. 8. Stewart Benjamin, bds Henry Young, s s Queen, nr Salt. Stewart Mrs. Elizabeth (wid), lives E. Stewart. Stewart Erastus, lumberman and barge owner, res 802 Mackinaw, cor Porter. 4. Stewart George, lab, bds A. Brown. Stewart James, bds Rupp House. Stewart John, boarding house. Stewart John, lab, bds A. Brown. Stewart Nathaniel P., captain barge "Sunbery," resn e cor Porter and Van Buren. 4. Stewart Robert, lab, bds John Stewart. Stewart Sampson, sailor, bds E. Stewart. Stillman Charles, wks Hardin & Co. Stillman William B., engineer, W. S. Green, res s w cor Franklin and Oakley. 2. Stillman William F. (Greenhart & Brown), res w s Webster, bet Mackinaw and Van Buren. 7. Stinchfield Jacob W., lumberman, res Washington, bet Jefferson and Madison. 5. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Stinfek Fred J., lab, res n w cor Oakley and Van Buren. 5. Stinfich Frederick, piler, Barnard & Binder. Stingle John, wks Hardin & Co. Stoddard Augustus, lab, bds Mrs. Annie Stevens. Stoddard Nolton F., pattern-maker, Kinsey & Brand, res s s Stephen, bet Webster and Granger. 2. Stobber Frederick, clk, H. Romeike. Stoelkel Henry J., baggageman, res w s Granger, near cor Mackinaw. 5. Stocker Matthias, mason, res s e cor Hamilton and Clinton. 6. Stolce Louis, carpenter, res n w cor Fayette and Mackinaw. 4. Stone Mrs. A. M., res 606 n Washington. Stone Edward L., student-at-law with Gaylord & Hanchett, bds 606 n Washington. Stone Farnham C., merchant, bds Emmet T. Holcomb. Stone Frank P. (Stone & Gillett), bds Brockway House. STONE F. P. & Co., (Frank P. Stone, Joel P. Gillett), wholesale and retail grocers, w s Water, bet Adams and Court. See advt. Stone Frank P., grocer, bds Brockway House. Stone Miss Laura, home with Emmet T. Holcomb. Stone Lewis W., conductor M. C. R. R., res n w cor Porter and Van Buren. 5. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Stolt Charles, lab, res s s East Saginaw road. 3. Stolt Frederick, lab, res e s Bay, n of East Saginaw road. 5. Storch Gollep, carpenter, res No. 1706, near w end Mackinaw. Absent. Storck Henry M., farmer, res cor Adams and Andre. 5. Storks William, teamster, res 210 n w corner Bates and Cass. 5. Storms Miss Eureka, works Alexander Andre. Storm Fred'k, wks Swift & Lockwood, res e s State Road, near Fair Ground. 4. Storm Miss -, wks Alexander Andre. Storrs S., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Stowel Royal, lab, bds Francis Boyden. Strable Ulrich, farmer, res w s German Colony road, n of Pleasant. 4. Straeb Mitchell, lab, bds w s Oakley, bet Van Buren & Cass. 2. Strauve C., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Streater John B., bds Saginaw Valley Hotel. Streb (Strieb) Simon, shoemaker, wks John Gaensbauer, res. Mason. 4. Streeb George, groceries, provisions, dry goods, crockery, and glassware, e s Webster, bet Franklin and Ames, res same. 7. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Streeb John G., shoemaker, wks John Gaensbaner, res Oakley Streep Frederick, marble cutter, bds Rupp House. Streeter William, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Stroebel John, carpenter, res n w cor Franklin and Webster. 4. Strimbeck Oscar, policeman, res w s n Granger, bet Ames and Jefferson. 3. Strocbel Ulrich, lab, res cor Ames and Porter. 6. Strova Christopher, lab, res cor Jackson and Potter. 2. Struve Christian, lab, res n e cor Jackson and Porter. 2. Struve John, lab, n w cor Jackson and Porter. 2. Stnbbs J., time-keeper, bds Calvin G. Cookson. Sturtevant, Green & Co. (Isaac Sturtevant, Charles H. Green, John Handley), manuf'rs lumber and salt; mill and salt block nr gas wks; office over 1st National Bank, cor Court and Hamilton; employ 75 men. Stutting Henry H., grocery and saloon, cor Charles and Franklin, res same. 4. Sugars John, brakeman, bds Kerby House. Suhr Mrs. Darratea, res Maple, w s railroad. 2. Sullivan Michael, wks G. F. Williams & Bro., bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Sullivan James, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. 380 SAGINAWC CITY DIRECTORY. Sullivan John, engineer, bds Hodge House. Sullivan Owen, lab, wks Veeder Paine. Summit Adam, brewer, res Millard, n Fayette. Supernaw Edward, lab, res Florence, w s Genesee. 'Surpriser W. Lewis, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Sutherland German, carpenter, res n w cor Adams and Mason. 3. Sutherland Jabez G. (Sutherland & Wheeler), res 801 Franklin, cor Porter. 6. Sutherland Millard, elk, J. B. Ruthford. Sutton John, teamster, res 1st, n Wayne. 2. Sutton Mrs. J. A., res No. 702 cor Court and Granger. 5. Sutton Lewis, carpenter, bds Hodge House. Swanson Bengt, lab, wks Annie W. Wright. Swarthout John J., clk, B. Geer, res w s Bond, bet.Clinton and Monroe. 6. Sweazey Miss Ella, lives with G. Deharsh. Sweet Fred B., county clerk, res cor Throop and Wash'n. 3. Sweet William H., lawyer, res s e cor n Hamilton and Throop. 5.:Sweinhart Andrew, carriage-painter, res n e cor Mackinaw and Webster. 4. Interview the " Boss" ICothiers, Little Jake & Co. 'Sweitz Peter, lab, bds Fourth Ward Hotel. Swift Alexander, manufacturer in gang-sawed lumber, lath, and salt, res Cincinnati. Swift & Lockwood (Alexander Swoift and N. S L.ockwood), manufacturers and wholesale dealers in gang-sawed lumber, lath, and salt, mill Queen, s e Dearborn. -Swetzer Miss Catharine, wks H. C. Miller. T. Taft Alpheus, farmer, res Court, bet Mason and Woodbridge. 2. Tahaney Bridget (wid), home with M. Darling. Taigor John, blacksmith, wks Wiley Robert, w s Water, cor Madison, res cor Throop and Mason. 2. Taix Edward, lab, res n e cor Munroe and Webster. 4. Tallon Thomas, riverman, res s w cor Granger and Miller. 9. Tang John, bds W. IH. Kniffin. Tarupp Frederick, lab, res n s East Saginaw road. 3. Tasuna Jacob, cooper, wks Swift & Lockwood. Taylor Edward M. (Hitchcock & Taylor), lumberman, res s w cor Fayette and Miller. 4. Taylor David R., train-master, Jackson division, J., L. & S. V. R. R., bds --- SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 381. Taylor James, bds G. Anthony. Taylor John, blacksmith, res w s, bet Miller and Throop. 2. Taylor Joseph, carpenter, res e s Bates, bet Court and Franklin. 5. Taylor William, bds R. Hinds. Taylor William, lab, res w s King, n Dearborn. 2. Teatke Charles, carpenter, res w s of Webster, bet Mackinaw and. 6. Tebo Henry, riverman, res Lincoln ave, bet 4th and Wash'n. 4. Tebo Paskel, ship carpenter, res Cass. 4. Telegraph offices-at J., L. & S. R. R. depot, and at Taylor House. Telge Henry, lab, res w s Fayette, bet Waller and Saginaw. 4. Tennant William S., att'y, res 412 Madison, cor Harrison. 4. Teroske Michael, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 5. Thayer Charles, lab, res 301 Greenwich, w of Bond, Little's add. 4. Thayer Philip, lab, res Greenwich, s Bond, Little's add. 6. Thayer Susie, bds C. -I. Chapple. Thayer Sylvester, barber, Andre blk, Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin, res Franklin, cor Oakley. 3. Silk Wrappers and Drawers at NM. & H. Koch & Cos. Thayre Abert, conductor J., L. & S. R. R., bds HIiland Peck. Thayre William, lab, bds Hiland Peck. Thibode Cesar, blacksmith, res w s Harrison, bet Clinton and Throop. 4. Thistle Joseph, riverman, bds L. Reno. Thomas Egbert, peddler, bds J. E. Loxlie. Thomas Miss Emily, wks Samuel E. Burnham. Thomas Henry, barber, cor Franklin and -Hamilton, res n s Franklin, bet Hamilton and Washington. 2. Thomas Henry, engineer, tug "Peck," res w s Washington, s of J., L.& S. R. R. 2. Thomas William, lab, bds A. Brown. Thompson Alexander W., lumberman, res 706 Washington. 3. Thompson Samuel C., lab, res 1307 Clinton. 2. Thompson George H., lab, res Union ave, nr 4th. 5. Thousand Henry S., salt-boiler, res Stevens, bet Fayette and Washington. 6. Thousand Henry, cooper, res n s Union ave, bet 7th and 8th. 5. Thomson William, bookkeeper, Barnard & Binder. Throop Enos T., drayman, res w s Mason, bet Throop and Clinton. 4. Thumbolth George, lab, bds Anthony Gaum. 382 SArGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Thurston Albert, cabinet-maker, W. I. Thurston, res s e cor Harrison and Wayne. 5. Thurston William I., furniture manuf'r, cor Fayette and Cross road, res w s Webster, bet Stevens and Waller, 2. Tibbits Charles A., teamster Wright, Tipton & Co., bds Win. T. Tibbits. Tibbits William T., lab, res Eleanor ave, w s Wash'n. 9. Ticling Paul, druggist, res over store; Eugene Ringler bds same. 5. Ties Mrs. Julia (wid), res s Hamilton, cor Van Buren. 6. Tillepaugh William, fireman J., L. & S. railroad, bds Hiland Peck. Tipton Hiram S., lumberman, res n Hamilton, bet Bristol and Brewster. 2. Timlan John, bds Saginaw Valley House. Tinker Stephen W., mechanic, bds Mrs. M. Gotee. Tinker Stephen, sash and door maker, D. Hardin & Co. Tinkey Abraham, lumberman, res w s Harrison, bet Ames and Franklin. Will move to Au Sable in one month. 3. Tinklepaugh Jerome, lab, bds James Ostrander. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Tittabawassee Boom Co., employed 400 men in the month of July, 1873. Tittmar Louis, mason, res n e cor Granger and Van Buren. 4. Tobin John H., prop Saginaw Valley Hotel, cor Lyon and Fayette, res same. 2. Toomb James, carpenter, res 312 n e cor Ames and Fayette. 4. Tongro (or Tondro), Henry F., upholsterer and finisher, Gustin Bostwick or D. N. Irving. Torongo James, lab, res 704 Mason. 7. Torongo Mitchell, wks Wells, Stone & Co., bds John Brown. Townsend Charles, lumberman, res s w cor Oakley and Monro. 10. Tousend Jacob, cooper, res n s William, s of Bond, Binder & Seyfardt's add. 3. Townsend James H., agent Our Fireside Friend paper, bds Robert T. Smith. Tracey Miss Lizzie, cook Hazard & Harvey. Trakat John H., grocery and saloon, 105 Jeff'n, bet Water and Hamilton, res same. 9. Trask Albert, att'y, office Hamilton bet Court and Franklin, res s w cor Hapel and Pine. 4. Treat Egbert B., clk Taylor House. Treehouse Michael, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Trere Miss Christina, wks J. Tousend. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 8 383 Tripp Albert A., cutter Joseph Beach & Co., res cor Court and Bates. 4. Trier D., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Tripp Edward, bds Albert Triplp. Trier Jacob, upright sawyer, G. F. Williams & Bros. Tripp Jonathan, lab, res e s Oakley, bet Miller and Throop. 7. Tripp Mrs. Lucy, bds Albert Tripp. Trier Jacob, lab, res Harrison, cor Waller 8. Trieur Dominique, wks Barnard & Binder. Trombley John, ship carpenter, Cass, near w end of Miller. 3. Trommer John G., dealer in hats and caps, Water, bet Court and Franklin, res 206 Granger, bet Adams & Cass. 7. Tronk Frederick. lab, bds W. Poetter. Tronk William, lab, bds W. Poetter. Trude Alonzo, carpenter, res 1109 Throop. 3. Trude Warren M., clk, J. E. Adams, bds A. Trude. Trudell Richard, lab, bds Mrs. Susan M. Humphrey. Trumble John, carpenter, res Miller, near end Throop. 4. Tupper Theodore A., teamster, wks Benjamin T. Smith, res 608 n G(ranger. 5. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Turner Charles, lumber merchant, office No. 4, cor Court, opposite Taylor House, res Court and Charles. 6. Turver Edwin C., mason, res cor Andre and Court. 5. Turner AMrs. Emily, home with Charles Turner. Turner George T., tinsmith, res cross roads. 6. Turner Joseph, lumberman, bds Asa H. Paine. Turver William, mason, bds Edwin C. Turver. Tuska -, lab, res e s Bay. 2. Tuthill Joshua, coal dealer, res Washington ave, near State road. 6. Tuttle John, carpenter, bds Orellas Tuttle. Tuttle John, wagon-maker, res Hamilton. Tuttle Orellas, propr Union House, cor Franklin and n Hamilton. 3. Tuttle William, farmer, res w s Wash'n, s of J., L. & S. R. R. 5. Twichell William A., dealer in boots and shoes, w s Water, bet Franklin and Court, res Woodbridge ave, bet Court and Franklin. 3. Tynel John E., chief opr J., L. & S. R. R. tel office, bds Taylor House. 384 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. U. Ueberhagen Charles, saloon and barber shop, 402 Lyon, cor Cross road, res same. 5. Ungers William, bds Grand Rapids I-Iotel. Utter Charles C.,.machinist, res 905 Webster, s of Stevens. 7. Utter Charles H., machinist, res e s Wash'n, bet Waller and Saginaw. 2. V. Vaener Charles, mason, res Greenwich, nr Elm. 6. Van Brocklin Josiah P., root doctor, res 366 w s Granger, bet Cass and Van Buren. 7. Vance Henry, lumber scaler, res 1301 Wash'n, cor Wayne. Van Dehaden, George, foreman J. Barr's brick yd at Tittabawassee, res same. VanderiHeyden Rev. Reineons, pastor St. Andrew's Chnurch, res 604 n Wash'n. VandeSandci Daniel P. F., teacher of the piano forte, headquarters at -I. A. Walker's S. M. rooms. Valiquet Joachim, Feiger House, w s Water, bet Cass and Van Little Jake & Co., " Boss" Clothiers of the State. Buren, res same. 2. Vammus Christopher, bar-tender P. -I. Krogmann. Van Norman Engene, wks G. F. Williams & Bros., bds W. M. Haske]l. Van Norman Miss Parlyett, wks H-I. R. Jerome. Vanslyke William H., lab, res Miller, nr w end Throop. 2 Van Wormer William, cooper J. Ward, res Queen, nr King. 6. Vanzile Gilbert S., toll collector Mackinaw street Bridge, res 704 Fayette, bet Williams and Jackson. Vanzile Mrs. Nanc.y (wid), res 7'04 Fayette, bet Williams and Jackson. Vanzile Miss Rhoda, res 704 Fayette, bet Williams andi Jackson. Vaugan Miss Agnes, home with William -f. Sweet. Vanhorn Charles T., dealer in ice, bds William H. Wright. Vanvolkenburg John, edger, wks Swift & Lockwood. Veenfleet Geo. F., co treas new, res cor Jeff'n and Granger. 4. Veian John, lab, res n s Greenwich, s of Bond, Little's add. 4. Vellto William, lab, bds Railroad House. Venning Rev. James, pastor Methodist Episcopal, res w s Washington, bet Adams and Court. 6. Vent Miss Louisa, wks Emmet T. Holcomb. Vetter Christian, lab, wks John Backus. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 385 Vetter Peter, carp, res, w s Oakley, bet Throop and Miller. 5. Virgil Charles H., tel repairer J., L. & S railroad, res R. H. Stevens. Vogle William A., lab, E. Saginaw depot. Vogt Amiel, wks H. C. Miller. Vogt Egbert, lab, res s e s n Hamilton and Brewster. 3. Vogt Jacob, farmer, res e s Fayette, s Perry. 10. Vogt William, clk E. C. Newell, bds R. Atwater. Vondette Alexander, ship-carpenter, res 1302 Clinton. 6. Vondet Victory, ship-carpenter, res s w cor Bond and Miller. 2. Voorheis James H., turnkey, res 405 n Granger. 4. Voorhees Charles, wks and bds A. Wendell. Vorveg John, shoemaker, bds Orellas Tuttle. Voyer Edmond, res 208 n Granger. 4. W. Wachoski Martin, lab, res ss Mackinaw, bet Granger and Porter. 2. Wade Lawrence, lumber inspector, bds N. S. Wood. Wagner Charles, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Goods Marked in Plain Figures at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Wager Hiram, engineer, res w s Washington, shop J., L. & S. R. R. 5. Wagner John P., city bakery, e s Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin. 3. Waits William, wks T. Hunt. Waldbauer Geo., bakery w s Water, bet Cass and Van Buren, res same. 7. WALDBAUER LOUIS, vegetable gardener, res Cross road. Wallace Michael F., lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 4. Wallace -, sawyer, bds John Espy. Walker Miss Catharine A., wks John W. Wood. Walker Edward 0., grocer, res 407 Harrison, near Madison. 3. Walker T. A., barber, shop Court, Hamilton and Water. 10. Walker George C., salesman J. W. Dawson, bds E. O. Walke r. Walker Henry A., ag't Elias Howe sewing machine, e s Was hington, bet Court and Franklin, res cor Madison an d Granger. Walker S., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Walker Ransom, lab, bds Albert Ogilvie. Walker Theodorick, barber, res cor Franklin and Webster. 10. Wall Miss Anna, dress-maker, wks Mrs. Melissia I. Kitts. 49 386 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Walt Thomas, riverman, res n w cor Bond and Lyon. 8. Walter Johanna C., home with C. George. Watters Miss Martha, wks Joshua Tuthill. Walters Mrs., ag't for subscription books, bds V. Barnard. Wapler Charles H., wood, horn, ivory, and bone turner, s w cor Cass and Fayette. Waples Paul, lumber dealer, res s w cor Adams and Wash'n. 2. Ward Edward, lab, res s e cor Waller and Webster. 2. WARD JEREMIAH, cooper, shop w s Water, bet Monroe and Jefferson, res n e cor Clinton and Fayette. 14. Ward Joseph, bds A. Wendell. Ward Lewis and Frank, coopers for and bds J. Ward. Ward William, res w s Carrollton. 2. Wardell John G., engineer, res cor King and Dearborn. 2. Warner Ed., sign-painter, res 308 Lyons. 3. Warner G. W., engineer, bds Royal H. Stephens. Warner Stephen L., wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Warren Gilbert W., bds H. Brand, Granger, near Williams. Warren John, bds Hodge House. Washington George (col), barber, res s s Adams, cor Bates. 4. Washington John, lab, bds John Stewart. Patronize the "Boss " Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Washington John, bds John Brown. Washer Fred., lab, res s s Queen, near Salt. 4. Washer Fred., wks Sturtevant, Green & Co., bds F. Washer. Waterpool William, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Watson Charles, riverman, res e s Bay City road. 4. Watson Cornelius, physician, bds Lyman W. Bliss. Watson Daniel, lab, res w s. Mason, n of Adams. 5. Watson Joel H., mechanic, res eor Monroe and Wash'n. 4. Watson Mrs. Margaret (wid), res Water, Compo's ave. 5. Watson Richard, lab, bds Fourth Ward Hotel. Watts Constantine, school teacher, res over W. Moye's store, n Hamilton. Watt E., wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Watt George, wks Saginaw Barrel Co. Watt Frank, lab, wks Saginaw Barrell Co. Watt J. M., wks Wright, Tipton & Co. Watt James R., wks Wright, Tipton & Co., res 206 South Division street, Moore's add. 8. Watts Rev. William H., pastor Episcopal Church, res s w cor Franklin and Wash'n. 5. Weatherwax William, lab, Saginaw Barrel Co. Weatherwax William R., farmer, res s Water, bet Perry and Wayne. 8. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 387 Weaver A. C., bds Kerby House. Webb J. W., wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Webster Riley, bds Exchange. Webster Thomas W., fruit tree dealer, bds Mrs. H. Meyers, n Washington. Weedfald William, tanner, res w s Maple, nr Elm. 6. Weider Wm., teamster, bds Charles Schonheit. Weinder Julius E., lumberman, res s w cor Webster and Madison. 4. Weir Stephen L., night baggageman E. Saginaw depot, bds S. C. Sharpe. Weis Miss Barbara, wks W. A. Williams. Weise John, plasterer, res 1003 Lyon. 3. Weiss Miss Anna, wks Veeder Paine. Weiss Christian, mason, bds City House. Weiss Ferdinand, lab, res s s Lane, e of Carrollton road. 6. Wetch -, 114 Andre; absent. Welch Patrick, farmer, res 802 Lyon, cor Porter. 3. Weller George E., lab., res e s Bond, bet Clinton & Throop. 5. Wellington Frederick, book-keeper, res 507 Bond, bet Madison and Monroe. 3. Lumbermen's Supplies at l. & H. Koch & Co's. Wellington James, bds Mrs. M. H. Prentiss. Wells Charles, lumber merchant, res n Hamilton, bet Monroe and Throop. 3. Wells Henry, bds J. Price. Wells John, lumber inspector, bds Fourth Ward Hotel. Wells John E., United States Deputy Marshal, s s Lincoln ave w of Washington ave. 4. Wells Julius Sawyer, res Mackinaw, nr Woodbridge. 4. Wells, Stone & Co. (Charles W. Wells, Farnam C. Stone, Ammi W. Wright), wholesale grocers, cor Clinton and Water, branch stores at Midland, Sanford, Loomis and Farwell. Welsch John, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Welsch Michael, wks Sturtevant, Green & Co. Welsh Miss Maggie, wks Joseph M. Barnard. Wendell Andrew, lumber'n, res 1008, Franklin, cor Mason. 4. Wendell William, wks and bds A. Wendell. Wendell Roswell, scaler, bds Hodge House. Wentland William, lab, bds Charles Ewald. Werner Ferdinand, gardener, res s s Cass, nr Andre. 2. Wesener Hugo, propr Wesener block, clk J. W. Dawson, res w s Granger, bet Adams and Court. 6. 388 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. West John, meat market, Hoyt st, East Saginaw, res e s Webster, bet Van Buren and Mackinaw, will move to East Saginaw, in Little & Gallagher's add. Westfall August, lab, bds A. Karp. Westfall John H., butcher, Spencer Barclay's packing house, n Wash'n, East Saginaw. Weston John, tinner, D. HI. Jerome & Co. Wetherley David H., tinsmith, res 202 Andre, cor Franklin. 3' Wetherel John, assistant engineer Green's mill, bds John GWarden. Wetzel August, carpenter, D. Hardin & Co., res n s Mackinaw, nr Harrison. 5. Whalen John, lab, res Miller, nr Throop. 4. Whaley Mrs. Rosalia (wid), home with C. Zueller. Wheeler Charles E. (Hay & Wheeler), bookkeeper, bds Taylor House. Wheeler Legrand, Dr., res s s Adams, bet Water and Wash'n. 3. Wheeler L. G., physician, office cor Court and Hamilton. Wheeler Brayton, engineer Saginaw Barrel Co., res Salt, near King. 3. Whiddon Joseph, painter, res w s Madison. 8. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Whitcomb Cyrus, dealer in cigars and tobacco, Taylor House, res w s Porter bet Madison and Monroe. 4. White James, fireman, J. & L., bds Hiland Peck. White James, fireman, bds J. Kaynor. White James, blacksmith, bds A. Brown. White John B. (reg), physician, office s s Court, bet Hamilton and Water, res 508 n s Adams, bet Harrison and Webster. 2. White Robert, st car driver, bds Brown's Hotel. White Mrs. Sarah, wks E. J. Ring. White William, st car driver, bds Brown's Hotel. Whitehead Miss Adella, wks Thomas H. Smith. Whitman F. H., foreman, William Kohn. Whitman John C., lumberman, res cor Monroe and Potter. 5. Whitman Miss Roxcy, bds with Albert D. Lacy. Whitney Hiram, carpenter, res 106 Woodbridge, bet Court and Franklin. 4. Whitney Oscar B., painter, res Lyons, cor Harrison. 2. Wider Charles, tanner, res s w cor Washington and Stevens. 8. Wider J. Frederick, wall paper and upholstry, e s Wash'n, bet Adams and Court, res s s Adams, cor Bond. 6. Wider Matt, mason, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Widesell Henry, lab, res n w cor Granger and Throop. 5. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 389 Wilder Henry C., carpenter, res s e cor Hamilton and Clinton. 4. Wilder Miss, bds Taylor House. Wilecoop Charles, lab, res n s Ames, nr Webster. 3. Wiley Robert, blacksmith, shop cor Water and Madison, res cor Madison and Water. 3. Wiley Samuel, bds Exchange. Willcoxson George, supt car department, res s s Cass, cor Webster. 6. Williams Alexander, cigar-maker E. Scheurmann, bds American House. Williams Frank, clk and cook, bds Hiland Peck. Williams George F., lumberman, lives W. A. Williams. Williams G. F. & Bros. (George F., William A., and Stewart B. Williams), lumber mannf'rs and dealers, mill and yard e s Water, bet Lyon and Jackson, office e s Water, foot of Lyon. Williams Gustus, fireman bds J. Brown. Williams Henry, painter, res w end Throop. 3. Williams James E., engineer Edwards & Sanburn's mill, res Wash'n, nr Cass. 4. "illiams Joseph, filer, bds James Williams. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Williams Miss Julia, lives Mrs. H. J. Child. Williams Worden A., clk G. A. Alderton. 5. Williams Stewart B., lumberman, res w s Wash'n, s of J., L. & S. R.R. 4. Williams William A., lumberman, res s e cor Mackinaw and Wash'n. 7. Williamson Christopher, lab, res Salt, near King. 7. Williamson George, lab, bds E. Davis. Williamson Samuel, lab, bds Rupp House. Willinia Miss Mary, dress-maker, wks Mrs. Melissia J. Kitts. Williston Benjamin, bds Ed. Warner. Willsey Henry D., teamster, res No. 1209, cor Bates and Mackinaw. 3. Willis Fred., fireman, bds J. Kaynor. Wiltmann Xavier T., shoemaker, res Court, near Mason. 6. Wilson John, bds Exchange. Wilson John, res w s n Granger, cor Ames. 2. Wilson Lyman L., lab, res cor Miller and Oakley., 2. Wilson Miss Minnie, wks Dr. J. Jerome. Wilson Owen, Eagle House, w s Water. 3. Wilson Richard, salt-boiler, Swift & Lockwood, res e s Emerson, near Water. 5. 390 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Wilson Robert, salt-maker. Swift & Lockwood, bds John Stewart. Wilson Robert, bds J. Price. Wilson William, 'bus driver, bds Hodge House. Wilkins Nelson, barber, wks Sylvester Thayer. Wilsey Willard, 'bus driver, bds Hodge House. Wilt August, wks G. F. Williams & Bros. Wiltse David, bds Rupp House. Winans D. H., lumberman, bds Taylor House. Winans Mrs. Sarah J. (wid.), res Williams Block, junction Washington and Cross Roads. 2. Windgood Gustavus, shoemaker, wks William Kohn. Winderstine D., tailor, wks Henry Bernhard. Winden Susan, wks B. B. Bartlett. Winecoop Miss Elizabeth, wks Hugh Peter. Wing Harvey, bds Exchange. Wingler John, lab, res s s Adams, bet Mason and Woodbridge. 2. WINKLER GEORGE M., boot and shoemaker, s s Eleanor, e Washington, res same. Winn Wm., lab, bds William H. Jose. Winney James, engineer J., L. & S. R. R., bds Hiland Peck. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Winterstein Christian, lab, res w s German Colony Road. 8. Winterstein David, tailor, res No. 1210 n e cor Adams and Bates. 7. Winterstein John M., tailor, res w s Woodbridge, bet Adams and Court. 5. Wipplinger Michael, farmer, res w s German Colony Road. Wirth Andrew, butcher, res 411 Madison. 3. Wirth John A., butcher, n Hamilton, bet Madison and Monroe. 3. Wisell Albert, bds Grand Rapids Hotel. Woeis Miss Mary, wks A. F. R. Braley. Woldruff James, engineer J., L. & S. R. R., bds Hiland Peck. Woldt Charles, lab, res w end Throop. 3. Wolfe Nathan, dealer in groceries, etc, n Hamilton, bet Ames and Franklin, res Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin. Wolff Nathan, fancy goods and millinery, e s Hamilton, bet Court and Franklin, res same. 3. Wolfrom Katie, wks J. M. Gale. Wood Anthony, wks Blanchard & Co.'s mill, res s w cor Monroe and Webster. 10. Wood John W., city laundry, res n Hamilton, bet Madison and Monroe. 2. SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. 391 Wood Nathan S., attorney, res n s Franklin, bet Harrison and Fayette. 3. Woods Thos., sailor, res w s 4th, bet Lincoln and Union aves. 7. Woodfall Eleef, fireman, res e s Madison, cor Fayette. 3. Woodford George M., bookkeeper, wks Joseph Beach & Co. Woodford George S., J. Hitchcock. Woodruff F. P., deputy sheriff, res 301 n Fayette, cor Ames. 3. Worden Asa, lab, res Fayette, bet Saginaw and Waller. 3. Worden Miss Emma, wks J. Jerome. Worden William J., carpenter, res s s Jackson, bet Harrisor and Fayette. 5. Wordell John, engineer Swift and Lockwood. Worthian James, lab, bds William H. Jose. Worts Alexander, land-looker, works Alexander Andre. Wright Ammi W. (Wright, Tipton & Co.; Wells, Stone & Co.; A. W. Wright & Co.; Treas. S. V. & St. L. R.; Wright, Wells & Co.), office cor Clinton and Water, over Wells, Stone & Co.'s store, res Fayette and Wash'n, Madison and Monroe, blk 32. Wright Ammi W., manufacturer of lumber, No. 503 Washington, bet Madison and Monroe. 4. Only one Price at M. & 1H. Koch & Co's. Wright A. W. & Co. (Ammi W. Wright, James H. Pearson) lumberman, office cor Clinton and Water. Wright Mrs. Catharine, home with Ammi W. Wright. Wright Miss Hattie L., home with Ammi W. Wright. Wright Henry A., carpenter, res e s 5th, bet Lincoln and Union aves. 4. Wright Miss Hellen, wks G. P. Felcher. Wright Henry W., lab, res 720 Granger, cor Jackson. 2. Wright John, farmer, res Webster, near Fremont. 3. Wright John A., farmer, res Elm, near end Webster. 8. Wright Nelson, lab, bds G. Maxim. Wright Thomas, boarding-house, Water, bet Madison and Jefferson. 8. WRIGHT, WELLS & CO. (Ammi W. Wright, Charles W. Wells, Charles H. Davis, Reuben Kimball), dealers in pine lands, logs, and lumber, office corner Clinton and Water. See advt. Wright & Wetherell (William H. Wright, Saginaw, and Oscar D. Witherell of Chicago), lumber and salt manufacturers, office cor Throop and Water, mill opposite. Wright William H., mill owner, res Water, Miller and Throop. 7. 3912 SAGINAW CITY DIRECTORY. Wright, Tipton & Co. (Ammi W. Wright, Hiram S. Tipton, James H. Pearson, Paul Waples), planing mill, lumber dealers, sash, doors, and blinds, w end Bristol-st. bridge. Wrinchler Lewis, appr D. H. Jerome & Co. Wyncoop -, wks Wright, Tipton & Co, Wylie Robert, lumberman, res Water, Compo's avenue. 3. Y. Yeoghan Peck, lab, res Elm. 3. Yeomans William, circle sawyer, Wright & Wetherell, bds E, Davis. Young Mrs. Amelia, wks Exchange. Young Edward G., cooper, bds J. C. Hart. Young Henry, cooper, res s s Queen, nr Salt. 11. Young Peter, lab, bds Alexander Ogilvie. Young William, lab, bds Orellas Tuttle. Yost Charles, teamster, res 802 Clinton, n w cor Porter. 8. Yunkins William, engineer J. R. Lee, bds Hiland Peck. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Z. ZSCHOERNER GODFREY T., groceries, crockery, provisions and glassware, e s Water, foot of Court, res same. 8. Zab Supernaw, lab, res Florence, s Genesee. 6. Zallner Henry, night watch Mershon's mill, res e s German Colony road. 6. Zell John, lab, res e s Charles, bet Adams and Cass. 2. Zell Miss Minnie, wks Joseph Schefneker. Ziegler John C., watches, clocks, and jeweler, cor Franklin and Hamilton, res cor Monroe and, Bond. 5. Zueller Charles, painter, res w s Andre, nr cor Court. 5. BROWN'S DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY, INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETT IN ITSELF. By C. EXEIRA_ BROWN. Directory Office, No. 113 Genesee Street, East Saginaw, Mich. 50 ~i 1 1 ~1 1 I:i -" i ' ij Iii1' 1:ii.r bl:i'l i!lil iill i, I~ri ii.: ii: iii iii i i i i;;ii iii:, I, is ii.sI STREETS IN BAY CITY. Including those of Portsmouth and Dolsenville, now Bay City, as copied from the records. See changes. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Centre, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth to Fortieth, Adams, Albert, Annie, Barney,,Bass, B. C. & E. S. R. R. F. & P. M. R. Beech, Belinda, Birch, Birney, Bowery, Braddock, Broadway, Bullock road, Burnett, Campbell, Carney road, Cass, Chase, Crown, Dolsen, Elm, Emily, Farragut, Fitzgerald, Fitzhugh, Flint, Fraser, Fremont avenue, Fulton, Grant, Green, Hampton, Harrison, Hart, Henry M, Hickory, Howard, Huron, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Ketchum, Kossuth, Lafayette, Lincoln avenue, Lincoln street, Longtin, Lord, Madison, Maple, Market, (?) Marston, Mary Ann, 396 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. McClellan, Rose, Mercer, Saginaw, Michigan avenue, Salt, Mill, Sarah, Monroe, Scott, North, Seymour, Oak, Sheridan, Pendleton, Sherman, Pine, Shiawassee, Plank road (W. B. Smith, Fitzhugh's add.), South Centre, Polk, South, Prairie road, Spring, River, State, Taylor, Trombley, Trumbull, Tuscola plank road, Tuscola, Van Buren, Washington ave., Water, Watson, Webster, Williams, Wilson, Woodside avenue. RE-NAMING. OF STREETS, CHANGES, ETC., BY CITY COUNCIL. The street now called Washington street, Daglish division, of Portsmouth, to be called 23d street; Jefferson, 24th; Harrison, 25th; Polk, 26th; Taylor, 27th; Webster, 28th; Fraser, 29th; Fremont avenue to be called Fremont avenue to the east line of section 33; Tuscola, 30th; Lafayette, 31st; Kossuth, 32d; Mary Ann and Salt streets, 33d; Emily and Trombley, 34th; Burnett and Sarah, 35th; South and Albert, to South Centre; Crown, 36th; State, 37th; Braddock, 38th. The street now called 1st street to be called Harrison street; 2d, Polk; 3d, Taylor; 4th, Webster; 5th, Lafayette; 6th, Kossuth; 7th, Seward; 9th, Stanton. The third street to Ingraham's addition to Portsmouth, now called 4th street, to be called Ingraham street; 6th, Braddock; 10th, Miller; Birney street, Farmer plat, to be called James; Lincoln, Rose addition, Shearer street. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 397' COUNTY OFFICIALS. Bay City, the county seat of Bay county; offices, Court House, north side Centre, between Jefferson and Madison streets. Miron Bunnell, Sheriff. John W. McMath, Judge of Probate. Henry A. Braddock, Clerk. Charles Supe, Treasurer. Theodore F. Shepard, Prosecuting Attorney. Harvey M. Hemstreet, Register of Deeds. John L. Stoddard, Circuit Court Commissioner. Erastus L. Dunbar, Surveyor. Dr. Wm. R. Tupper, Coroner. Julius B. Hart, ) David Corbin, Superintendents of the Poor. Israel Catlin, J CITY OFFICIALS. George H. Van Etten, Mayor. George Lord, Controller. Istc G. Worden, Recorder. Lucien S. Coman, Treasurer. Winsor Scofield, Attorney. Daniel M. McCraney, Marshal. Thomas Carney, Director of Poor. John Kilduff, Street Commissioner. Thomas Carney, Health Officer. B. F. Ray, Chief Engineer Fire Department. 398 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. William Mercer, Surveyor. Daniel Pierce, Harbor Master. Joseph Eddy, Pound Master. CITY COUNCIL. Meet every Monday evening at 7- o'clock. ALDERMEN. First Ward-Frank Duplanty, George Wanless. Second Ward-Harry Holmes, Peter S. Heisordt. Third Ward-H. M. Hemstreet, H. A. Chamberlin. Fourth Ward-James Birney, Ed. Wood. Fifth Ward-A. L. Cumming, Hiram Stover. Sixth Ward-Wm. Daglish, Albert Miller. Seventh Ward-Appleton Stevens, John Emery. STANDING COMMITTEES. Streets and Sewers-Aldermen Cumming, Duplanty, and Emery. Ways and Means-Stevens, Holmes, and Wood. Fire Department-Wells, Hemstreet, and Miller. Ordinances-Birney, Daglish, and Wells. Water Works-Miller, Chamberlin, and Cumming. Parks and Public Buildings-Wood, Wanless, and Stover. POLICE. D. M. McCraney, Chief. Thos. Mahoney, Deputy Marshal. Joseph Wackerly, Henry Wackerly, Matthias Kreiger, Theo. Revour, Ole West, John Medill, James Purtell, Alexander DuPlante, Nelson Durand, Albert L. Landon, Geo. P. Fuller, Ora Albright, Patrolmen. CONSTABLES. John Doyle, 1st Ward; Gus Meyers, 2d Ward; Horace Becker, 3d Ward; Michael McGrath, 4th Ward; Geo. Frost, 5th Ward; B. Devlin, 6th Ward; --, 7th Ward. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 399 SCHOOL BOARD. H. M. Fitzhugh, President. 1st Ward-H. M3. Fitzhugh, Andrew Wallon. 2d Ward-L. A. Barber, C. E. Jennison, 3d Ward-E. Eickermeyer, E. M. Fowler. 4th Ward-H. M. Bradley, C. F. Gibson, J. H. Hill. 5th Ward-G. E. Thompson. 6th Ward-J. D. Lewis, Allert Miller. 7~h Ward-C. S. Braddock, J. M. Watrous. FIRE DEPARTMENT. B. F. Ray, Chief Engineer; J. G. Southworth, 1st assistant; R. J. Campbell, 2d. assistant. First Ward Hose Co.: R. J. Campbell, foreman; a volunteer company. Seventh Ward Steam Fire Engine Co., a paid company: Jas. G. Southworth, foreman; Hiram Whipple, driver; Thos. Fowler, engineer; G. Kempton, fireman; H. A. Boiteau, hoseman; D. A. Root, Frank Shaw, Daniel O'Neil, Levi Perkins, hosemen. Steamer Neptune, engine house east side North Saginaw, between Fifth and Centre streets, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. L. McHugh, John Hargadon, John McDermott, Jesse M. Miller. SUPERVISORS. First Ward-Robert J. Campbell. Second Ward-Peter S. Heisordt. Third Ward-George P. Cobb. Fourth Ward-U. A. Ladd. Fifth Ward-A. L. Cummings. Sixth Ward-George Lewis. Seventh Ward-Charles Stevens. 400 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. BAY CITY BOARD OF WATER WORKS, Appointed by City Council: Andrew Walton, 1st Ward; James Shearer, President, 2d Ward; Win. Westover, 3d Ward; Wm. Smalley, 4th Ward; Henry M. Bradley, 5th Ward; Andrew Miller, 6th Ward; Thomas McGraw, 7th Ward; Erastus L. Dunbar, Chief Engineer and Superintendent; A. B. Verity, 1st Engineer; Fred. H. Holly, 2d Engineer. The Board was established September, 1871. Office of the Board in Westover Block. Works of construction commenced March, 1872, building completed August, 1872; cost of building four wells, chimney, and engine foundations, $22,000. Operations of water works commenced in December, 1872. Seven miles main pipe laid, eight miles more to be laid in coming year. Fifty hydrants set, all double. Water is taken from the river from near east line of city. First appropriation $118,000, second $59,000, third $150,000, which will complete them nicely, including bringing water from the Bay, four miles from mouth of river. FIRE LIMITS. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT FIRES AND ESTABLISH FIRE LIMITS IN BAY CITY. It is hereby ordained by the Common Council of Bay City, as follows: SECTION 1. The following described territory shall constitute and be known as the fire limits of Bay City, and no person shall hereafter, without the written permission of the Common Council, erect, repair, or place any building, or part of building, on any of the lots, streets, alleys, or limits included within the same, to-wit: BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 401 Bounded on the north by the south side of Second street, on the east by the west side of Washington street, on the south by the north side of Eighth, and on the west by the Saginaw River; also all that territory adjoining and within one hundred feet of that portion of Centre street that lies between Washington street and Jefferson street; and also the territory lying between Adams and Madison streets, from Centre street to Second street; unless the same shall be two stories high, constructed of stone, brick, or iron, and the roofs covered with slate, tile, metal, gravel, or composition, or with shingles laid in not less than five-eighths inches of mortar, and cornices of stone, brick, metal, or wood, and if of wood, then the same shall be painted with three coats of paint and heavily sanded; and in all buildings erected of brick, stone, or iron, in blocks of two or more buildings, within said fire limits, there shall be erected partition walls of stone or brick at least one foot in thickness where such building is over two stories in height, and of not less than eight inches in thickness where such building is two stories or less in height, and all party and side walls shall extend at least twenty inches above the roof. SEC. 2. Any violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine, not to exceed two hundred dollars and costs, and by imprisonment for any period of time not exceeding six months, or by either, in the discretion of the court; and if only a fine and costs be imposed, the court may make a further sentence that in default of the payment thereof within a time to be fixed in such sentence, the offender be committed to the county jail, or Detroit House of Correction, for any period of time not exceeding three months. SEc. 3. All ordinances and amendments of ordinances heretofore passed, establishing fire limits in Bay City, are hereby repealed. Adopted July 3d, 1871. [N. B.-The Common Council have under advisement the changing or extension of the above fire limits.] 51 402 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. BAY CITY SCHOOLS. The schools of Bay City are all in a flourishing condition, and are composed of a High School, bounded by 9th and 10th, Grant and Sherman streets, one block; and six ward schools, as follows: Officers and teachers of the High School, Prof. J. W. Morley, Miss J. A. Royce, Miss Mary Atkinson, Miss P. S. Clarke, Miss Sarah L. Warner, Miss Lilian Burdon, Miss Mary C. Stewart, Miss A. Delia Stewart, Miss Sophie Fearey, Miss L. J. Gellespie, teachers. Average attendance 350. The First Ward School, corner Sherman street and Woodside avenue. Average attendance 250. Miss M. L. McAuley, Miss Emma M. Wiler, Miss Sarah J. Campbell, Miss Jennie McAuley, teachers. The Second Ward School, Adams, between 4th and 5th. Average attendance 400. Prof. J. W. Morton, Prof. F. W. Lankenau, Miss Helen Hawley, Miss Carrie L. Reed, Miss C. M. Blair, Miss Emma Hall, Miss Sarah A. Welch, Miss Lina Fuchs, teachers. The Fifth Ward School, southwest corner 18th and Bowery, or block bounded by 16th street, as taken by us. Average attendance 80 pupils. J. K. Webster, Miss M. L. Macready, teachers; as taken by us, three teachers and 130 pupils. Fifth Ward Branch School, 170 pupils. Miss Grace A. Hubbard, Miss Emma O. Soule, Miss Kate L. Jarmin, teachers. The Sixth Ward School, Broadway, corner 31st. Average attendance 250 pupils. Prof. L. J. Whitney, Miss Tidie McGlone, Miss Kate L. Feuner, Miss Sarah J. Clarke, Miss Nellie Smith, teachers. The Seventh Ward School occupy Town Hall. Average attendance 75 pupils. Miss M. E. Southworth, teacher. Evangelical Lutheran Emmanuel School, H. Grabner, teacher, south side 6th, between Monroe and Adams. Total school census 3,700 pupils. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 403 CHURCHES. The following is a list of the churches at Bay City and Wenona: TRINITY (EPISCOPAL) CHuIncH.-Washington street, between Center and Sixth streets. Rev. John Wright, Rector. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. TRINITY (EPISCOPAL) CHAPEL. - Carroll Hall, Seventh Ward. Services at 3:30 p. m. M. E. CHURCH..-East side Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth. Rev. John Kelley, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. POrTSMOUTH M. E. CHURCH.-Fremont Avenue. Rev. F Warren, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. GERMAN M. E. CHuRCH.-Corner of Eighth and Adams. Rev. F. Warrens, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH.-Corner of Center and Madison streets. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. PoRTSMOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH.-Fremont Avenue. Rev. N. W. Holmes, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. West side Washington street, between Eighth and Ninth. Rev. J. C. Knickerbocker, pastor.;Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. -East side Washington street, between Ninth and Tenth. Rev. J. A. Wight, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. inm. and 7:30 p. m. ST. JAMES (CATHOLIC) CHURcH.-Corner Twelfth and Monroe. Rev. Father Rafter, pastor. Services, First Mass 8 a m., High Mass 10:30 a. m., Vespers at 3 p. m. ST. JOSEPH (CATHOLIC) CHURCH.-Washington street, below Third. Rev. Father Canters, pastor. Services same as St. James Church. GERMAN LUTHERAN (BETHEL) CHURCH.-Southeast corner 404 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. of Madison and Eighth streets. Rev. Wm. Reuther, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. No evening services. The pastor holds services at Wenona Church from 8:30 to 10 a. m. GERMAN LUTHERAN (EMMANUEL'S) CHURCH. --Corner of Sixth and Madison. Rev. H. Partenfelder, pastor. Services at 10 a. in. No evening service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WENONA.-Rev. L. W. Chapman, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. M. E. CHuRcH, WENONA.-Rev. W. Q. Burnett, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, WENONA.-Corner of Linn and Midland streets. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. CHRISTIAN M-ISSION SUNDAY SCHOOL CHAPEL.-East side Morsac, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth. BAPTIST MISSION CHURCH.-South side Barney, between Jackson and Lincoln. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. BLANCHARD CHAPTER, R. A. M., No. 59.-Meet first Thursday each month.-J. A. Wells, H. P.; Thos. Carney, Jr., K,; H. A. Chamberlain, S.; W. R. Tupper, C. H.; A. H. Van Etten, P. S.; Alphonso Cummings, R. A. C.; Archie Weston, 1st V.; A. B. Wells, Jr., 2d V.; Wm. M. Kelly, 3d V.; Castle Baker, Sent'l; Wm. Dowdell, Sec'y; C. F. Gibson, Treas. JOPPA LODGE, U. D.-Hall, Masonic, east side, north Water street, between 5th and Center. Regular communications 1st Tuesday evening in each month. Officers-Frank Cran BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 405 dell, W. M.; John S. Judson, S. W.; Albert H. Van Etten, J. W.; Prof. J. W. Morley, Sec'y; C. F. Gibson, Treas.; Daniel A. Marshall, S. D.; A. Cummings, J. D.; Castle Baker Tyler. Membership, 26. BAY CITY LODGE F. & A. M., No. 129.-Hall east side north Water, between 5th and Center streets. Regular communications 1st Wednesday in each month. Officers-W. R. Tupper, W. M.; A. A. Wells, S. W.; Wm. M. Kelley, J. W.; Archie Weston, Sec'y; Oi'rin Bump, Treas.; S. A. Burs, S. D.; A. B. Olin, J; D.; Castle Baker, Tyler. Membership, over 230. PORTSMOUTH LODG F. & A. M., No. 190.-Regular communication in their hall over Gill Webb's Billiard Hall, south Water, between 30th and 31st streets, Tuesday evenings, on or before full moon in each month; specials intervening. Officers--- Parmelee, W. M.; A. S. Shaler, S. W.; S. Williams, J. W.; James Clark, Sec'y; Alex. Logan, Treas.; John Stewart, S. D.; Joseph Hooker, J. D.; John King, Tyler. Elections annually, Dec. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. BAY CITY COMMANDERY, NO. 26.-Regular meeting 1st Monday in each month. Asylum Officers: C. F. Gibson, E. C.; A. H. VanEtten, G.; Frank Crandell, C. G.; Oscar F. Hammet, S. W.; Archie Weston, J. W.; John McCoy, Sec'y; Geo. Lewis, Treas.; Peter Teller, Warden; Thos. Carney, Sw. B.; J. R. Hitchcock, St. B.; Castle Baker, Sent'l; R. J. Carey, P. E.; J. S. Judson, P. E. ODD FELLOWS. BAY LODGE I. 0. O. F., No. 104.-Regular meetings in their hall, Simons' block, south side, 109 Centre, between Saginaw and Water streets, every Friday evening. Officers-John McRoberts, N. G.; Benjamin Colburn, V. G.; John L. Wild, 406 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. R. S.; Thomas Luxton, Treas.; J. M. Shannon, P. S.; David Erd, W.; John Brumont, C. HUMBOLT LODGE I. O. O. F., No. 154, meet in the above hall every Monday evening. Officers-Charles Siefert, N. G.; Wm. Triber, V. G.; Theo. Heine, P. S.; Charles Laderach, Treas.; - Fegest, W.; Dr. Henry Hug, C. VALLEY LODGE I. O. 0. F., No. 189.-Regular meetings in Masonic Hall, over Gill Webb's billiard hall, South Water, bet 30th and 31st streets, every Thursday evening. OfficersHenry McChesney, N. G.; Herbert Couchman, V. G.; Warren Hutchinson, P. S.; Georgo Dunbar, R. S.; George Boiten, Trensurer. Elections semi-annual; next one in December. DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH.-Grace Lodge No. 19, meet in Odd Fellow's Hall first and third Thursday in each month. Officers-H. M. Hemstreet, N. G.; Mrs. John L. Wild, V. G.; Mrs. J. Hooper, Secretary. GOOD TEMPLARS. PORTSMOUTH LODGE I. O. of G. T., No. 709.-Meet in their hall on south Water, between 31st and 32d streets, every Friday evening. Membership about 70. Officers - Warren Hutchinson, W. C. T.; Alvira Fisher, W. V. T.; Patrick O'Brien, W. S.; Mrs. - Devlin, W. T. Election of officers occur every three months. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Bay County Agricultural Society held their ninth annual fair in 1873. Fair Grounds, South Water street. Officers-Samuel Rowden, President; Curtis Munger, Secretary; Israel Catlin, Treasurer; A. S. Munger, Chairman Executive Committee. Committee is composed of six. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 407 TYPOGRAPRICAL UNION. Bay City Typographical Union No. 153 meet first Monday in each month. W. O. Green, Pres.; James Gray, Vice Pres.; P. H. Phillips, F. and C. Sec'y; James R. Ward, Rec. Sec'y; Crawford S. Strunk, S. at A.; R. S. Toland, M. H. Garrels, Watson Harrison, Board of Directors. UNDERWRITERS. Bay County Association of Underwriters, organized April, 1872. Officers-Ralph Crable, Sec.; Geo. Lord, Chairman. Meet second Tuesday in each month at Secretary's office. LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS. BAY CITY LIBRARY AssOCIATIoN.-Rooms Averell block, north side Center, near Water. Open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons; 3,200 volumes in Library. Officers-Thos. Cranage, Pres.; Henry Moore, 1st Vice; Mrs. Dr. Thomas, 2d Vice; Charles E. Burs, Rec. Sec'y; Mrs. H. V. R. Ferris, Cor. Sec'y and Librarian; B. E. Warren, Treas. THE PORTSMOUTH LADIES' LIBRARY AssocIATIoN.-Occupy rooms in Town Hall building, 7th Ward; Miss M. E. Southworth, Sec'y. BIBLE SOCIETY. BAY COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY.-Thos. Kimball, Treas. and Depositarian; H. M. Bradley, Pres.; Wm. H. Burr, Sec'y. TEUTONIA SOCIETY. Teutonia Society meet every Wednesday in Teutonia Hall, Averell block, Centre street. Officers-Charles Seifert, President; Lewis Bertch, Vice President; - -, Secretary; 408 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Richard Scheurmann, Treasurer; F. W. Lankenan, Musical Director. Membership 50. This society is divided into three divisions, viz.: Theatrical, Musical, and Gymnastic. ARBEITER VEREIN. Meet every Thursday evening in Zervis Hall, Saginaw street. Officers-Jacob Knoblauch, President; John Herz, Vice President; F. C. Haering, Secretary, Henry Lutzke, Treasurer. Membership, about 125. AUSHEI CHESET CONGREGATION. The above is a Jewish Congregation, a church of about twenty-two members, who meet in McEwan block, North Water street; services every Friday evening and Saturday. morning. Officers-B. L. Meister, President; L. Anthony, Vice-President; S. Littauer, Secretary; J. Breckler, Treasurer. BENEVOLENT JEWISH SOCIETY. THE BNAI BRITH LODGE No. 178-Meet every alternate Sabbath in. McEwan block, North Water street. This society -of the second district-maintains the orphan's asylum at Cleveland, Ohio. Officers of this Lodge are-A. Hyman, President; A. Grabowsky, Vice-President; S. Littauer, Secretary; B. L. Meister, Treasurer. Membership thirty-four; organized in 1872. BOAT CLUB. Bay City Boat Club-Three boats: "Cedar Shell," cost $470, six oars; barge "Lapstreak," six oars; "Fannie," single scull. The club was organized April, 1872. Officers and crew-Geo. H. Van Etten, Pres.; Henry S. Raymond, Vice Pres.; Alex. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 409 Culbert, Sec'y and Treas.; T. Slenon, Coxswain; E. H. Barnum, Burton Baptist, C. E. Beers, R. J. Carney, Wm. M. Davenport, Henry S. Dow, C. F. Gibson, R. Glover, W. Hawkins, Tom K. Harding, Tom Kimball, R. Leland, F. H. Lord, A. H. Van Etten, R. F. White, J. G. Watson, active members. LAFAYETTE SOCIETY. This society was organized March 6th, 1870. Meet every first Thursday in each month, in Zirwes Hall. Membership seventy-five. Officers-A. Laroche, Pres.; Charles Rivet, Vice Pres.; Urgel Beausejour, Sec'y; Denis Rivet, Treas.; Joseph Brab, Marshal; Narcisse LaPort, Wm. Ferris, Charles Champagne, Olivier Beaudet, directors. SOCIAL CLUB. The I. K. U. K. Club, organized January 9, 1873, meet every Tuesday evening, rooms Watson Block, Water street, foot of Centre. Objects, for literary exercises, social hops, debating, etc.; membership, 54. Officers-Thomas Kimball, Pres., Geo H. Dolsen, Sec'y, John S. Tyler Treas., Byron Welch and Henry King, Tellers. PUBLICATIONS, Etc. The "Bay City Chronicle," "The Chronicle Printing Association," a stock company, office basement Birney block, north Water-issue a daily and weekly newspaper (Rep.); terms $2 for weekly, $10 for daily, issued every morning. Cir52 410 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. culation of daily about 600, of weekly 1,400; James Birney editor. " The Bay City Tribune Company," a stock company, office Averill block, north side of Centre, nearly opposite Fraser House, issue a daily and weekly newspaper (Rep.); terms $1.50 for weekly, $6 for daily, an evening issue. Circulation of daily 1,500, of weekly 700. Henry S. Dow editor. The Bay City Zeitung, a weekly German newspaper, under the firm name of the Saginaw Paper Company. Issue every Saturday. Terms $2.50 per annum. Circulation 600. Office Heumann Block, Centre, between Saginaw and Washington streets. Blank book manufactory and bindery rooms with Zeitung office. Edward Kroencke, proprietor. The Lumberman's Gazette, issued monthly from the Tribune office. Henry S. Dow, publisher. Job printing office of C. C. Gustin. BOATS. The Bay City and East Saginaw Steamboat lines ply between the two points as follows: " Daniel Ball," Captain Robert Medler, master, leaves Bay City at 9 A. M., 1 and 5:15 P..; leaves East Saginaw at 6:45 and 11 A. m., and 3 P. r. The " Mason" leaves Bay City at 7 and 11 A. M., and 3 P. M.; East Saginaw at 9 A. ~., 1 and 5:15 P. M. Capt. John Rogers, master. Sundays the " Ball" leaves Bay City at 11 A. M. and 6 P. M.; leaves East Saginaw 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. The " Mason" leaves Bay City 9 A. M., and 2 P. M.; leaves East Saginaw at 11 A. M., and 6 P. M. Fare 25 cents. The Company reserves the right to change the time, but there will be very little difference from the above. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 411 RAILROAD BRIDGE. The Detroit and Bay City Railroad bridge at Bay City is nearly completed (Oct. 1, 1873). The estimated cost is about $65,000, when finished. FAMILIES ABSENT. Residence Wash'n, bet 8th and 9th, absent; Wash'n, bet 10th and 11th, absent; w s Wash'n, bet 7th and 8th, absent;: cor 9th and Wash'n, absent; Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th, absent;: blacksmith shop, Water, bet 12th and 13th, absent; res Water, bet 27th and 28th, absent; Centre, near McClellan, absent; cor Centre and Sherman, absent; cor Centre and Grant,, absent; Centre, near Carney road, absent; cor 4th and Monroe, absent; n e cor 6th and Jefferson, absent; east side Saginaw, bet 11th and 12th, absent; n w cor 7th and Madison, absent; s e cor 5th and McClellan, absent; s e cor 4th and Trombley, unable to get name; n e cor 27th and X., absent; e s Marsac, bet 30th and 31st, absent; w s Broadway, bet 31st and 32d, absent; n s s Centre, e of F. & P. M. R'y, absent; e s Broadway, bet 23d and 24th, absent; e s Wilson, bet 23d and 24th, absent; e s Williams, bet 14th and 15th, Polanders; s s 9th, bet Jackson and Van Buren, absent; n w cor Mary Ann, absent; as 12th, bet Birney and Lincoln ave, absent; s s. Woodside ave, bet Grant and Sherman, absent; n s Woodside ave, bet Farragut and Sherman, absent, owned by Farwell; n s 30th, e of Broadway, absent; s s 2d, bet Sherman and Sheridan, absent; cor 4th and Adams, absent; e s Belinda, near Campbell, two, absent; n e cor Birney and Lincoln ave, absent. 412 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. VACANT HOUSES. The number of vacant houses found, of which a note was made, were seventy-two, twenty-four of which were unfinished; this is by no means all. POPULATION. The population of Bay City is 12,078, as taken by us in September, 1873. The number of names appearing under the letter A in this Directory are 139; B, 551; C, 447; D, 216; E, 73; F, 151; G, 248; H, 370; I, 9; J, 91; K, 155; L, 287; M, 527; N, 111; 0, 93; P, 151; Q, 12; R, 266; 8, 403; T, 159; U,8; V, 81; W, 387; Y, 37; Z, 15; total number of individual names, 4987. Since the above was made up, about two hundred names have been added to this list. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. --^---~ A. Abbot Chas., lab, res cor 4th and Van Buren. 3. Abbott Geo., raftsman, bds Taylor House. Abbott James, elk, bds Taylor House. Abbott, J. T., wks McGoram & Co. Ableman Miss Lettie, home with George Young. Ablelovirdge Samuel, peddler, n e cor Washington and 9th. See Loveridge. 6. Abolowitch Simon, peddler, res cor 9th and Washington st. 6. Ackerman Merian F., barber, J. Wild, bds same. Ackley Moses, teamster, w side 3d, bet 32d and 33d. 4. Ackler John T., blacksmith, bds J. McKinnon's. Adams Charles L., elk, bds H. E. Meeker, w side Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Adams John J., farmer, res n s 22d, s end Monroe. 7. Adams John, wks McGraw & Co. Adams Lewis, bds H. H. Chapile. Adams Treeman D., grocer, res w s Fariatt, bet 2d and 3d. Adrein Andrew, bar-tender, International Hotel. Aemsan Alfred, tin-smith, n side 3d, bet Adams and Jeff'n. 3. Aikens James, laborer, bds Patrick McDonald. Aikens John T., carpenter, res w s Williams, bet 20th and 21st. 3. Ainswork Mrs. Martha, bds Jonathan Smith. Aikins James, lab, bds Cumberland House. Albert Frank, grocer, s s Campbell, near Sheridan, res same. Albert John, drayman, res s s 8th, bet Adams and Wash'n. 6. Albright Aaron, constable, n e cor Williams and 22d. 5. Aldridge George, druggist and chemist, cor Water and 3d, opp. Wolverton House, bds Campbell House. Alkenson Miss Mary, teacher, bds John L. Dolsen. 414 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Allan Henry, lab, bds J. Allan's. Allan James, lab, n s 6th bet Jackson and Van Buren. 4. Allan John, boot and shoe store, and custom work done, e s Water, bet 10th and 11th, res same. 7. Alien Miss Margaret, dress-maker, bds Edwin Finch. Allan Mrs. Mary Ann (wid John), bds J. Allan's. Allan P., wks Watrous, Bro. & Co., bds R. W. Williams. Allan Kack, lab, works William Peter. Allan Robert, lab, bds J. Allan. Allen Andrew, wks McGraw & Co. Allen Annie, wks W. E. Carney. Allen Colin, wks McGraw & Co. Allen Miss Cora G., lives J. E. Like. Allen Frank, wks N. W. G. & W. Pipe Factory, bds H. G. Snow. Allen F. W., artist, bds Anscomb House. Allen George, wks M. Watrous & Sons, bds Wm. Ralph. Allen George N., res 214 w s Jefferson, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Allen John, lab, res w s Sherman, bet 2d and 3d. 2. Allen John, railroad man, res w s Johnston, near Woodside ave. 3. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Allen Miss Margaret, dress-maker, lives Mrs. Mary E. Moulthrop. Allen William, wks McGraw & Co. Allen --, lab, res w s Madison, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Allise Brawdley, lab, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. Almas Jacob, lab, res n e cor Broadway and 24th. 11. Almas Jacob, lab, n e cor 24th and Broadway. 6. Alston Miss Carrie (col), wks C. E. Malone. Altmark A., bds Globe Hotel. ALTMARK & ELBINGER (Abram Altmark, S. Elbinger), 210 Water, bet 4th and 5th, res same. Altmark Jacob, bds Globe Hotel. Alver Alexander, Pine River House, Saginaw, cor 4th, res same. Alvoid Charles, printer, Chronicle. Anderson Andrew, carpenter, s s 3d, bet Chase and Pendle. 4. Anderson Charles, lab, bds R. Causley. Anderson Miss Christie, dressmaker Mrs. M. Sanford, bds parents. Anderson Henry, lab, res w s Johnston, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Anderson Henry, wks Barler & Chapin. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 415 Anderson James, cutter (James Rice & Son), res cor Center and Adams. ANDERSON JOHN C., carriage-maker, shop w s Saginaw, bet 3d and 4th, bds J. McKinnon, n w cor 3d and Wash'n. See advt, p index. 5. Anderson John, blacksmith Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds P. McGrath. Anderson John, blacksmith, bds Stanstead House. Anderson J. A., cutter, bds Globe Hotel. Anderson Mary, wks L. S. Coman's. Anderson Mrs. Maria, home with William H. Prentice. Andrews Albert, wks McGraw & Co. Andrews Anthony, shoemaker, res e s Farragut, bet 7th and 8th. 5. Andrews David, lab, bds J. Stevens. Andrews E. W., atty, bds Astor House. Androus H. B., printer, bds Irving House. Andrews Lizzie, cook, wks James A. Little's. Andrews Nicholas (N. Andrews A. Co.), blacksmith and wagon makers, res Madison, bet 2d and 3d; shop e s Saginaw, bet 3d and 4th. 4. 1M. & i. Koch & Co., the Clothiers. Andrews Thomas, bds Astor House. Andrewson Wm., wks W. Watrous & Sons. Andrews William, clk Johnson & Lewis, bds J. D. Lewis. Andrews Willis, carriage maker, res e s Williams, nr 31st. 3. Andrews N. & Co. (Nicholas Andrews and Wm. Arkley), e s Saginaw, bet 3d and 4th. Aucell George, engineer, bds Taylor House. Anger Miss Caroline, wks Mrs. Hannah Baby. Angers Joseph wks and bds John Carroll. Anneke Frederick bds Charles Siefert. Anneke & Wilkins (Emil Anneke, John H. Wilkins), attorneys, conveyancers, land agents, and money brokers, office e s Water, bet 4th and 5th. Anscombe Alonzo, general grocer, s e cor Wash'n and 3d. 3. Ansey Albert, wks McGraw & Co. Anthony Lewis, clothing merchant, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, res Washington, bet 6th and Centre. 8. Antony Jennie, wks Ephraim Saltemor. Argel Wm., blacksmith, bds Anscomb House. Archambeault J., wks Pitts & Cranages. Archer Albert A., engineer, res w s Adams, bet Campbell and River. 5. 416 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Archer Miss Jane, wks Lafayette Brown. Archambault Joseph, lab, res w s Dolsen, near Water. Archer John, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Archer John, carp, e s Howard, bet 20th and 21st. 7. Archibald John, lumberman, res e s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Argel William, blacksmith, wks T. Slenon. Argils William, blacksmith, bds Anscomb House. Argle Wm., carriage maker, T. Slenon, bds Anscomb House. Arkley William (W. Andrews & Co.), bds Anscomb House. Armbruster Kate, wks Ernst Frank. Armstrong James, commission merchant, e s Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Armstrong Adam, driver (American Exp Co.), res uncertain. Arnold August, wks A. A. Galfreit. Arnold Benjamin W. (Folsom & Arnold), res, Albany, N. Y. Arnold Frederick, baker, s w cor Saginaw and 5th, res same. Arnold Frederick, bakery, 5th, cor Saginaw, res same. Arnold George, lab, bds Joseph Pallehn, Arnold George, billiard saloon, e s s water, bet 31st and 32d, res same. 2. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Arnold Godfrey, baker, wks F. Arnold. Arnold John, butcher, s w cor Washington and 7th. 7. Arnold Thomnas, lab, bds Corey House. Arnures John, lab, res e of F. & P. M. R. R., n s 18th. 3. Arp Cornelius, clock-maker, n s 3d, bet Van Buren and Jackson. 2. Asch Samuel, "Board of Trade" saloon, Campbell House blk, s s 3d, res 6th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. Ashley A. G., grocer, e s Mary Ann, bet 23d and 24th, res same. 4. Ashley A. J., groceries and provisions, Water, bet 23d and 24th, res same. 4. Ashley Leonard, wks McGraw & Co. Atkins Miss Annie, bds Union saloon. Atkins J., lab, wks McGraw & Co., bds J. A. Little's. ATKINS LUCIUS Q., undertaker and repairer, e s Water, cor 18th, res same. 3. Atkinson Bros. (Wm. G. and Charles), house, sign, and carriage painters, shop n e[cor Wash'n and 6th. Atkinson Charles (Atkinson Bros.), res w s Jackson, bet 6th 7th. 4. Atkinson Edward, bds Globe Hotel. BKY CITY DIRECTORY. 417 Atkinson George, painter, res s w cor 12th and Madison. 4. Atkinson Miss Mary Ann, wks Daniel Hallock. Atkinson Miss Rebecca, waiter International Hotel. Atkinson William G. (Atkinson Bros.), res 12th, bet Jackson and Monroe. Atlantic Salt Works, Daniel A. Marshall supt, Bay City limits, 1st; John C. Osgood, Sec'y; Treas. res Salem, Mass. Atwood H. W., wks McGraw & Co. Aubi Zotique, lab, bds 0. Grondin. Aubry Oliver, blacksmith Rivet Bros., res a s Ist, bet Grant and Van Buren, 7. Auge Minnie, wks H. Steele. Auerbach Marcus K., clk B. L. Meister, bds same. Auger Charles, carpenter, e s Grant, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Austin George M,., bds Globe Hotel. Austin J. E., bds Globe Hotel. Austin William J., filer, res n s Mercy, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 2. Averell Charles M., manufacturer of quick lime, etc., res cor Centre and Jackson. Averell Charles M., res cor Centre and Jackson. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Averell C. M., lime (kiln) burner, works w s n Water, bet 1st and 2d. Avery James H., wks M. Watrous & Sons. Avery James, mason, res s w cor 9th and Madison. 2. Avery Maurice, lab, res s e cor Watson and 39th. 3. Avery Miles, lab, wks M. Watrons & Sons. Avery Miles, engineer, e s 3d, bet 38th and 39th. 3. Avery Ogden, lab, bds M. Avery's. Ayer George, lab, res w s Adams, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 2. B. Babo Charles (Babo & Travis), n w cor Grant and 3d. 8. Babcock Charles, engineer, w side Fraser, bet 12th and 13th. 3. Babcock Denis, carpenter, res n s 1st, bet Farragut and Grant. 4. Babcock Edward V., painter, res e s Jackson, bet 7th and 8th. 5. Babstaman George, lab, e s Van Buren, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Bachman Miss Wilhemeiran, bds Joseph Pollehn. Backus William 0., engineer, res wv s Broadway, bet 27th and 28th. 4. Badgley J. N., wks McGraw & Co. 53 418 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Badgley Rufus, wks McGraw & Co., bds Wmn. Ketcheson. Badenge William, clk and bds F. Simon. Baedon F., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Bagley Miss Jane, wks William H. Miller. Bagley John, confectioner, rooms Union Block, w Water. Bailey Adelbert, photographer, McEwen Block, up stairs, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, res Pendleton and 4th. 5. Bailey Adelbert, photographic artist, McEwen Block, res n w cor Pendleton and 4th. 5. Bailey Amues, lumber merchant, res cor Centre and Sherman. 2. Bailey Arthur (Bailey & Orton), bds Jervis Bailey. Bailey Frederick, shoemaker, bds T. E. Whitney. Bailey J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Bailey Jervis, gentleman, s w cor Munroe and 4th. 2. Bailey Jonathon, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Bailey & Orton (J. Arthur Bailey and Benjamin F. Orton), hardware, stoves, and tinware, s w cor Water and 4th. Bailey Robert, lab, res w e Madison, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Bailey Thomas, lab, e s Grant, bet Woodside ave and 1st. 2. Baird Alexander, fireman, w side Howard, bet 21st and 22d. 5. Bain James, lab, bds Corey House. Little Jake & Co., "Bosss" Clothiers of the State. Bain Robert S., carpenter, res Water, bet 1st and 2d.- 4. Bajenski Wawzzyn, lab, res w s Jefferson, bet Woodside ave and Water. 6. Baker, bds Wnm. Whittal. Baker Emery, mason, bds Francis Shaw. Baker George, farmer, bds Richard Camber. Baker James H., barber, shop w s Water, bet 35th and South Center, res e s Broadway, bet 32d and 33d. 2. Baker James, sailor, res e s Madison, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Baker, Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Baker W. E., wks McGraw & Co. Baldrey Alfred, bds Joseph B. Campbell. Baldinger John J., elk, R. Glover, bds Fraser House. Balany William, wks Folscom & Arnold. Balentine John -, milk furnisher, s s Woodside ave, near Johnson. 3. Ballamy Miss Carrie, milliner, bds Wmin. Nicholas. Ballamy William, lab, bds Win. Nicholas. Ballard P., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Ballentine James M., lath-maker, res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 7. Ballor Miss Catharine, wks Ragan House. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 419 Ballour James, riverman, res s s Mercer, bet Dolsen and Belinda. 8. Ballum Luy, lab, bds George Buthold. Balmtin J. M., wks Albert Miller. Bambach Albert, painter, e s Jackson, bet 8th and 9th. Bambach Ernst, carpenter, e s Jackson, bet 8th and 9th. Bancroft F. A. & Co., dry goods, Center, bet Saginaw and Wash'n, Opera House blk. Bancroft Frederick A. (Bancroft & Co.), res cor 9th and Water sts. 5. Bans Walter, asst foreman McGrath's mill, res ses s e cor Fraser and 20th. 4. Bansijour Urgel, lab, res e s Cass. 2. Barber John, wks John McEwan, bds John Barber. Barber John, watchman John McEwan. Barber Levi A. (Chapin & Barber), res e s Wash'n, bet 5th and Center. 6. Barber Samuel, wks Albert Miller. Barbery D., fireman Barler & Chapin. Barclay Charles, carpenter, res e s Dolsen, bet Woodside ave and Water. 4. M. & H. Koch & Co. are the Great Popular Clothiers. Barclay Jonathan S., real estate owner, s w cor Van Buren and 7th. 2. Bardwell Allen H., clk J. A. Pratt, bds same. Barie George, lather, bds Wm. LaBean. Barie James, lab, bds Washington House. Barkel Michael, lighter owner, bds Wolverton House. Barkel Michael, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Barker Columbus C., foreman, res s e cor 38th and Water. 2. Barker John, lab, bds S. Hickey. Barkley Eugene, lab, bds Guy E. Thompson. Barlo Alexander, lab, bds Charles Wood. Barlow Frank, engineer, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Barlow Miss Mary, bds R. Barlow. Barlow Robert, propr Oswego House, w s 3d, bet Saginaw and Wash'n, res same. 5. Barnerd Miss Kate, millinery and dress making, e s Water, bds Andrew Miller. Barnes Charles, wks McGraw & Co. Barnes Daniel sailor, res e s Jefferson, bet 2d and 3d. 5. Barney Anthony, lab, wks William Peter. Barney M. P., wks Shearer & Co..Barney Moses, bds Carner Hotel. 420 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Barnhart Professor, professor music, bds John Wild. Barney Joseph, wks Atlantic Salt Works, bds Wolskey House.. Barney Louis, lab, bds J. Parret. Barney Paul,.wks Dolsen & Chapin, bds J. Parret. Barnn E. C., lab, bds Crampton House. Barrett M., lab, bds Martin Roche. Baron Michael, lab, wks Watrous & Son. Barr Erastus, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Barrett Alexander, carpenter, n w cor 11th and Grant. 5. Barrett Edward, lab, bds J. T. Aikins. Barrett Frank, clk, res n w cor 4th and Madison. 2. Barrett Frederick, drayman, bds Frank Barrett. Barrett George, wks Barler & Chapin. Barrett John, bds Crampton House. Barrett Mack, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Barrett Miss Mary, bds H. G. Snow. Barrett Sylvester F., drayman, res cor 4th and Madison. 3. Barriques Miss Fannie, lives B. L. Meister. Barse William H., agt Anchor Line, office Union blk, Water,. res w s Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Bartell Ed., ship carpenter, bds Cumberland House. Patronize the "'Boss" COlothiers, Little Jake & Co., Bartelot James, lab, bds Thomas McCullough. Bartholemew J. R., wks Gates & Fay. Bartlenk Amond, lab, res s Wv cor 13th and Sherman. 3. Bartlett Clark, circular sawyer, N. B. Bradley & Co., res s e cor Fraser and 15th. 2. Bartlett Hiram, wks William Peter, res n s 17th, bet Fraser and Fitzhugh. 3. Bartlett Lyman, sawyer, res e s Fraser, bet 17th and 18th. 4. Barto Miss Lilla, home with William McGielirory. Barton I., wks Folscom & Arnold. Barton John, wks Chapin & Barber. Bartram Carroll S., local editor Bay City Tribune, bds J. Halsted. BASCOM D HENRY C., guns, rifles and sporting apparatus, 204 Water, bet 4th and 5th, res w a Jefferson, bet 6th and. Centre. 3. Bassand John, wks Chapin & Barber. Bassett John, sawyer Webster & Bros'. saw mill, res n w cor 31st and Marsac. 3. Bassid -, merchant, Water, res n w cor 10th and Adams. 3. Bassingwait Edward, millwright, res s w cor 12th and Birney. 6. Bateman S. L., moulder, bds Anscomb House. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 421 Bateman Samuel L., pattern maker Bay City Iron Works, bds C. M. Prescott. Bate Abraham, stone cutter, res s s 10th. Bates Miss Kate, servant girl Thomas O'Grady, bds same. Bates William, lab, bcs Thomas Patridge. Batbgait Mrs. Margaret (wid John) boarding hone, s e cor Williams and 14th. 7. Baucas John, wks and bds J. J. Adams. Bautel Herman, fireman H. M. Bradley's saw mill, bds N. Schleicher. Baxter James, wks Albert Miller. Baxter Joseph, lab, bds Corey House. Baxter Robert (firm Baxter & Scully), bds J. Bowen. See adv. BATXTER & SCULLY (ROBERT BAXTER & JAMES SCULLY), brass founders, shop s e cor Madison and Woodside. See adv. Bay City Bridge Co., 3d. Officers-J. H. Hill, Pres.; B. E. Warren, Treas.; G. H. Van Etten, Sec'y. Bay City Bank, 113 n Water. Capital $100,000. Wm. Peter Buddington, George W. Young, George Young, George H. Lewis, Directors. i. & H. Koch & Co., theS Merchanat Tailors. Bay City Bank, 113 n Water. George Lewis, Pres.; George Young, Vice Pres.; George H. Young, Cashier. Bay City Cemetery, owned by J. Birney, located on the e s of Tuscola Plank Road, bet 12th and 13th. George Weaver, sexton. Bay City daily and weekly Tribune, office Averell blk, n s Centre, bet Water and Saginaw, Henry S. Dow, A. M. Switzer, prop'rs (rep.), terms, daily $6, advance, weekly $1.50; circulation, Sept. 22, on daily, 1500; weekly, 700. Bay City Iron Company, B. F. Ray, Pres't; J. Pond, Sec'y; E. G. Rote, Treas.; E. G. Rote and J. Pond, Directors; office and works n e cor 1st and Madison. Bay City Novelty Works (Geo. Ford, Peter L. Rogers, Dudley W. Case, S. S. Campbell), manufacturers steam engines, salt and steamboat machinery, office and works Campbell, or cor Ann and Lord, opp n w Gas and Water-pipe Works. Bayne James, wks Albert Miller. Bayroo Theo., lab, wks William Peter. Bazinski Felix, wks McGraw & Co. Beach Charles G., J. F. Street & Co., res Mathewson. Beach Darwin, bds Wolverton House. Beach Harlow T. (Tousey, Pierson & Beech), res w s M'adison, bet 7th and 8th. 6. 422 1BkY CITY DIRECTORY. Beach Lyman, salesman, bds Beambein H. C., wks Albert Miller. Bean Miss Catherine, wks Ontario Hotel. Beare Robert, lab, res s e cor 1st and Madison. 4. Bear Lewis, peddler, res w s Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Beard George, contractor, e side Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Beard Henry, carpenter, bds Geo. Beard. Beard Robert, architect, bds Geo. Beard. Beard William G., carpenter, bds Geo. Beard. Bearden Frank, clk Delmonico Restaurant. Beaton Sam., capt, rooms over 111 Centre. 2. Beattie N. H., salesman Marsel & Goechee, bds Madison. Beaubien Theodore J., fancy goods, Yankee notions, and agt Domestic S. M. Co., 105 n Water, res n e cor 6th and Adams. 2. Beaudet Georgiana, wks R. Barlow. Beaudette Uldaric, lab, res s e cor Monroe and 2d. 7. Beaulien Henri, lab, bds Mrs. Philomene Berthiaume. Beaumont John, foreman F. Shearer & Co. Beauregard Francois, carpenter, res e s Mary Ann, bet 34th and 35th. 4. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Beck Henry, cabinet-maker, wks Parker & Loyd, res Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Beck Henry, carpenter, res e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 3. BECK JACOB, upholsterer, s s 5th, bet Saginaw and Water, res same. 7. Becker Enos, clk, bds Anscomb House. Becker Horace, Deputy U. S. Marshal, n e cor Monroe and 8th. 6. Becker Lewis, lab, res n s 16tb, nr Farragut. 4. Beckwith Luther, atty, res w s Jefferson, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Becshnett J., wks McGraw & Co. BEEBEE & BRADDOCK (Seth W. Beebe and Edward B. Braddock), bottling works, s w cor s water and 35th. See advt. Beebe Edward II., sawyer, res s s Fremont ave, bet Wilson and Mercer. 4. Beebe James, land looker, res w s Dolsen, bet Water and Woodside ave. 5. Beebe Seth W. (Beebe & Braddock), res s s 35th. Beele William W., wks Beebe & Braddock, res 34th. Beebe William, wks Chapin & Barber. Beener August, carpenter, bds International Hotel. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 423 Beers Andrew J., carpenter, res w s Grant, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Beers Charles E., steamship and railway ticket agt, and for F. & P. M. R. R., office depot and cor Centre and Water, bds Fraser House. Beers John H., shipping clk F. & P. M. R'y, bds L. P. Rogers. Beers Stephen A., freight agt F. & P. M). R. IR., res s w cor 4th and Sheridan. 3. Beers Theodore E., carpenter, res e s Bro-adway, bet 31st and 32d. 3. Beetty Alexauder, shoemaker G. Boiten, bds Crampton House. Begle Charles, lumbermlan, Tallbert Slelon. Begle Miss Sarah, bds Talbert Slelon. Begevin Ephraim, wks Thomas Begevin. BEGEVIN THOMAS, grocer, Water, cor 31st, res same. Behauseb John, wks William Peter. Belfour Thomas, millwright Webster & Bro., res w s Broadway, bet 24th and 25th. 2. Belhorn Louis, lab, bds John Proebster. Belick Miss Mary, wks Ephraim Martin. Belyea Wellington J., printer, bds Wolverton House. Bell John, lab, res e s Jefferson, bet 15th and 16th. 2. Lowest Prices at 1~. & H. Koch & Co's. Bell Kate, wks Archie Morrison. Bellado Louis, lab, wks William Peter. Bellamore Anthony, lab, bds Moses Rich. Bellenger George, lab, bds Guy E. Thompson. Bellinger Frank, wks and bds 0. H. P. Goodwin. Bellmore Miss Alice, wks Emmanuel Laplante. Bellor James, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Benham Henry A., carp, res s s 9th, bet Van Buren and Shermuan. 4. Belyea W. J., printer, bds Wolverton House. Bennett B. F., bds Globe Hotel. Bennett Delbert T., book-keeper C. W. Cate, bds Globe Hotel. Bennett Edwin T., circulating a'gt "Bay City Tribune," res Jeff'n, bet 9th and 10th. Bennett G. F., wks McGraw & Co. Bennett Henry, sailor, w side Jefferson, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Bennett Henry Harris, capt bge '"Eleanor," e s Jefferson, between 10th and 11th. 5. Bennett John D., liveryman, res s e cor Fremont avenue and Wilson. 4. Bennett Leander, sailor, w s Jefferson, bet 9th and 10th. 6. Bennett Seth J., carp, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 13th and 14th. 5. 424 BAY CITY DIR.ECTORY. Bennett William, clk Woolson & Kise, bds J. A. Welsh. Bennett William F., elk Win. M. Kelly, bds Wolverton House. Bens Walter, wks McGraw & Co. Benson Miss Alice, dress maker, bds parents. Benson Frederick, lab, wks William Peter. Benstine Herman, clk Bailey & Orton, res s w cor 2d and Sherman. 6. Benson John, drayman, res e s Monroe, bet 17th and &1th. 2. Benson Robert, wks Pitts & Cranage. Benton John, wks Green & Dingman, bds Barclay House. Bentz Frank, lab, bds C. Mewes. BenIwye 1Miss Etta, wks Crampton House. Benes Jerob, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Bercater John, wks Albert Miller. Berg, Miss Lizzie, wks H. Meisel. Berlan Joseph, lab, res e of Dolson, bet Woodside ave and Water. 3. Bermer Jean, lab, bds 0. Grondin. Bernethy Miss Annie, waitress, Wolverton House. Berntby George, lab, bds Thomas McCullugh. Bernier -, lab, w s Grant, bet 11th and 12th. 2. Beron Joseph, wks Folsom & Arnold, bds Montreal House. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Beron Lewis, lab, bds Hamlin I-louse. Berry Frank, teamster, res w s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Berry John H., carpenter, res n w cor 21st and William. 3. Bertch Louis (Tapert & Bertch), res Centre, bet Johnston and Pendleton. 8. Berthelott James, lab, res w s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside lave. 3. Berthiaume Mrs. Philome (wid Henry), w s 8th, bet 31st and 32d. 5. Berthold George, prop'r Home Saloon, res e s Howard, bet 16th and.17th. 7. Bertrim James, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Bertron Henry, lab, bds Montreal House. Besnette Frank, lab, bds Montreal House. Best Mahlon H., lab, bds Stanstead House. Betts August, wks McGraw & Co. Beurgert Daniel, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Beurgert John, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Beyler Philip, clk, res cor 13th and Williams. Beyor Peter, wks McGraw & Co. Bailey Abraham M., tailor, res n e cor 28th and Morsac. 8. Bidleman Miss Adaline, home with Wesley J. Hawkins. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 4250 Bier John, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Bier Joseph, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Bieske Miss Minnie, wks Gavord IHouse. Bilanger Xavier, carpenter, res e s Adams, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Billings Robert, fireman, res cor 7th and Wash'n. 11. Bings, John, wks N. W. gas and water pipe factory, bds H. S. Snow. Birch Albert, carpenter, res n s 4th, bet Pendleton and Chase. 3. Birch Andrew, lab, res s e cor Saginaw and 12th. T7. Birch William, carpenter, bds Astor House. Bird Archibald, lab, bds Mrs. Margaret Bird. Bird Miss Catharine, lives Mrs. Margaret Bird. Bird Mrs. Margaret (wid Benjamin), res n w cor 32d and Marsac. 2. Birds Samuel, elk, bds Robert Barlow. Birney Arthur M. (Chronicle Printing Association), business manager "Chronicle," Birney block, n Water, bds James Birney. Birney James (Chronicle Printing Association), editor-in-chief "Chronicle," office Birney block, n water, res 10th, bet Grant and Farragut. Onl0 y one Price at 1i. &. Koch & Co's. Birney S., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Birtch Win., double trapeze performer, bds Anscomb House. Bishop Peter, lab, res over 109 n Water. 4. Bissell Prosper D., grocer, s w cor Belinda and Water, res s s Mercer, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 4. Black Robert, bds Mrs. Julia Leonard. Black Robert, lab, res e s Adams, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Black Robert, wks Green & Dingman, bds Barclay House. Blackburn Sarah, wks C. E. Jennison. Blackman F. H. & Co. (Frank H. Blackman, J. Frank Eddy), clothiers and merchant tailors, 108 n Water. Blackman Frank H. (Blackman & Co.), res w side -Madison, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Blackman George V., lumberman, s e cor Jefferson and 8th. 4. Blackman Henry, wks Hitchcock & Ingrahams, bds R. Williams. Blackman Horace, res s e cor 11th and Saginaw. 3. Blacktop John, lab, bds Joseph Boffin. Blain Mrs. Alice (wid Amorn Blain), res e s Marsac, bet 30th and 31st. 5. 54 426 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Blair Miss Charlotte M., teacher 2d ward school, bds 0. D. Chapin. Blair Eli, bds Mrs. A. A. Maxon. Blair Jas., wks McGraw & Co. Blaisdell Hiram, att'y, office rooms 32 Watson blk, Water, bds Mrs. J. D. Eaton. Blake John, laborer, e side Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Blanchard William A., clk, bds Taylor House. Blanchette Louis, wks Pitts & Cranage. Blanchett Lewis, lab, bds Chatham House. Blean John, lab, bds William J. Daniels. Bleaser John, tinsmith, res s e cor Adams and 6th. 3. Blee Miss Annie, wks C. H. Pomeroy. Bligh Mrs. Cleora M., bds William L. Fay. Blith Henry, jobber, s e cor Lincoln ave. and Sheridan. 4. Blodget Horace, engineer, res w s Adams, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. Blodgett John lM., lab, res e s Dolsen, near Water. 3. Bloedon Lewis, dealer in furniture, Center No. 113. Blohm John, lumber piler J. McEwan. Blohm John, lab, bds Wolskey House. ]Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Blohm William, lumber piler, John McEwan, bds Wolskey House. Blonin Francois, carp, w s Mary Ann, bet 33d and 34th. 10. Blondin Alexander, wks Pitts & Cranage. Bloom Charles, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. Bloom John, sawyer, bds John Broebster. Bloom John, wks Albert Miller. Bloomfield George, saloon keeper, w s Williams, bet 20th and 21st. Blosh Edward, machinist, s e corner 29th and Mary Ann. 4. Bloss John, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Blotherman Rudolph, lab, bds Joseph Cusson. Bloxton William, lab, wks William Peter. Blummingfield A., wks Albert Miller. Blumke William, lab, res s e cor 9th and Farragut. 2. Blunt John, lab, bds Thomas Green. Boffin, Joseph, lab, s e cor 16th and Howard. 5. ]Bogardus, Adoram, carp, res s s 18th, e of F. & P. M. R. R. 2. Bogart Charles A. (h.) physician, res e s Wash'n, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Bogaska Philip, lab, wks William Peter. Bohm Miss Annie, wks C. Rosson. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 427 Bohn John, lab, s s Woodside ave, bet M adison and Adams. 6. Boild John, lab, bds John McGrain. Boile Marck, mill hand, bds Taylor House. Boiten George, boots and shoes, e s s Water, bet 30th and 31st Boler Mrs. Margaret (wid), lives with James Ryan. Boles James, lab, bds Robert Wilson. Boliver Patsey, lab, bds John Hanlin. Bolger Miss Annie, waitress Wolverton House. Bolton D. E., lumber inspector, bds Wolverton House. Bolton William, barber, shop e s Water, bet 13th and 14th,. bds C. C. Darling. Bolzemane Miss Minnie, wks H. P. Merill. Bonem Frank, wks Albert Miller. Bonem Peter, wks Albert Miller. Bonghner James, riverman, bds Anscomb House. Bonnette Clark, elk, bds D. B. Sheller. Bonnette Harry, clk Henry S. Reynold, bds 12th, bet Jefferson and Washington sts. Bonum Miss Maggie, wks Oscar F. Haamet. Boobletts August, wks McGraw & Co. Boon Cornelius, wks Pitts & Cranage. N1. & H. Koch & Co., the Leaders of Fashion. Boon John, carpenter, bds Thomas Bailey. Bootyette Rigest, elk M. H. Kitteridge, res e s Adams, bet 7th, and 8bth. 3. Booth Henry, frame-maker, n s 8th, bet Adams and Wash'n, res Wenona. Bopreaux Charles, lab, bds Chatham House. Boquette Henry W., lab, bds James Wesson. Borim Desire, carpenter, res e s Howard, bet 20 and 21st. 3. Borxrav August, lab, bds Gavord House. Bosburgh Frank, captain tug "Seely," res n w cor 2d and Madison. Bosburgh Mrs. Louisa (wid Edward), res n w 2d and Madison. 2. Boshaw Emiel, wks Folsom & Arnold, res s s sWater, bet. Annie and Lincoln. 4. Boshon P., wks Dolson, Chapin & Bro. Bossiere A., wks McGraw & Co. Bossiere P., wks McGraw & Co. Bothe August E., elk, res e s Jackson, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Bonnais Benjamin, Sr., lab, res n e cor Bowery and 22d. 3. Bonnais Benjamin, lab, res n e cor Bowery and 22d. 2. Bouchard Cliophas, engineer, res n e cor 4th and Sheridan. 8. 428 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Bouchard Israel, shoemaker, e s s Water, bet 31st and 32d, bds I. Bouchard. Bouchard Joseph, blacksmith, wks F. Lafrance, bds same. Bouchard Lewis, shoemaker, I. Bouchard, res e ss Water, bet 31st and 32d. 4. Boucher Louis, lab, res e side Williams, bet 21st and 22d. 5.:Boucher Nelson, lab, res s w cor Fitzhugh and 17th. 7. Boucher Migel, wks McGraw & Co. Boucher Sophie, wks Robert Calhoun. Boudois Lewis, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Boughner James H., lab, bds Anscomb House. Boughton Charles M., clk, and bds Wolverton H-ouse. Bounette Clark, elk, H. S. Raymond, bds D. B. Shelley. Bourdon --, bds C. Raby. Bourdon John, wks Pitts & Cranage. Bourdon Thomas, wks Pitts & Cranage. Bourque Joseph, bds C. Raby. Boutell Benjamin, Capt., res s e cor Grant and 5th. 3. Boutell Mrs. Betsy (wid Daniel), s w cor Madison and 8th. Boutell Gillmen, drayman, bds Mrs. Betsey Boutell. Boutell Miss Kenerilla, bds Mrs. Betsey Boutell. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Boutell Miss Kenarissa, bds Mrs. Betsey Boutell. Boutraur Joseph, s s 3d, bet Pendleton and Chase. 6. Bowen Daniel V., grocer, res e s Washington, bet 11th and 12th. Moves to N. Y. soon. Boweu -, res s s Madison, nr Monroe. 2. Bowles George, lab, bds J. A. Little. Bowro John, elk, bds George Berthold. BOUTREUR PETER F., prop Boutreur House, s s Lord, near Annie. 5. Boy Rosteka, wks Albert Miller. Boy Steel W., wks Albert Miller. -Boyce Edwin, lab, bds Barclay House. 2. Boyce Jacob, lab, res e F. & P. M. R. R., bet 35th and South Center. 5. Boyer James, salt boiler, W. Peter, res e s Water, bet 25th and 26th. Boyes Hiram, stationary engineer, res w s Water, bet 23d and 24th. 3. Boyes Richard, raftsman, res 1405 s Water, bet 17th and 18th. 3 -Boyle Mark, wks McGraw & Co. Boyle Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Brabow Joseph, carp, e s Jeff'n, bet 10th and 11. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 429 Bradbury Chas., wks McGraw & Co. Braddick A. C. & Sons (Asahel C. Braddick, N. A. Braddick, A. N. Braddick), munf'rs lumber, laths and shingles, rough and dressed lumber; mill and office n Water, foot Tremont. Braddick A. C. (A. C. Braddick & Sons), res cor Front and 36th. 7. Braddick Asahel C. (A. C. B. & Sons), res e s Water, bet 34th and 35th. 2. Braddick A. N. (A. C. B. & Sons), bds A. C. Braddick. Braddick Charles S., book-keeper, Braddick & Sons. Braddick N. A. (A. C. Braddick & Sons), Newton A. Braddick bds Asahel C. Braddick. Braddock Charles S., insurance agent, res bet Centre and 23d. 3. Braddock David K., wks Beebe & Braddock, bds W. W. Beebe. Braddock Edward P. (Beebe & Braddock), res s Centre. Braddock Henry A., county clerk, res cor s Centre and Water. 4. Braddock Oscar L., elk, L. S. Coman, res cor 6th and Grant. Only onePrice at M. & I. Koch & Co's. Bradfield Mrs. Charlotte, millinery and fancy goods, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, res same. Bradley A., wks McGraw & Co., bds Taylor House. Bradley Elemar C., student, bds n e cor Washington and 7th. Bradlury Charles, lab, bds Corey I-ouse. Bradley H. M. (James Rice & Co.), res cor 16th. Bradley James W., lab, res e side Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. Bradley John L., clk, N. B. Bradley & Co., res Madison, cor 10th. 2. Bradley Nathan B. (W. B. Bradley & Co.), res n e cor Washington, No. 223, and 7th. 4. Bradley N. B. & Co. (Nathan B. Bradley and Chas. Bradley), lumber and salt manuf'rs, mill e s Water, cor 14th. Employ 110 mem. Bradshaw Gilbert, driller, bds R. Williams. Brady Franci, lab, bds Montreal House. Brady Peter, wks Gates & Fay, bds Capitol. House. Brady William, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Brague Sylvester, teamster, E. J. Drake & Son. Braentigam Frederick, lab, res e s Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Braim Benjamin, lab, bds Washington House. 430 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Braim Isaac, lab, bds Washington House. Brakeman Joseph, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Braker Joseph, lab, bds James A. Little. Braman Charles F., book-keeper Chronicle Office, res 31st, nr Water. 2. Brandt Charles, lab, res w s Fitzhugh, bet 20th and 21st. 5. Brandan Charles W., pressman "Tribune" Office, bds Wolverton House. Brandan William, pressman " Bay City Tribune.' Brandimore William, street car driver, res w s Madison, bet 1st and 2nid. 4. Brandimon Christopher, lab, res w s Adams, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 5. Braun Jacob, lab, bds Henry Lutzke. Brayman Daniel, lumberman Braddick & Sons, w s, bet 33d and 34th. 3. Brayman D. C., contractor, bds Taylor House. Brazzelton Lewis N. (col), barber, shop basement 117 n Water, bds St. James Restaurant. Breaker Frances, lab, bds Corey House. Brebster John, wks N. B. Bradley & Co. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Breen John, lab, res Centre, nr Carney Road. Breckler Joseph, clothier, res Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Breckler & Lewinstain (Joseph Breckler and Bernhardt Lewinstain), clothiers, e s Water, bet 5th and Centre. Brechtel Louis, fisher, res s w cor Madison and Water. 5. Brehmer Mrs. Mary Ann (Charles), boarding house, w s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th. 4. Brennan Martin, jobber, s e cor 16th and Fraser. 9. Brewster -, fireman, bds Mrs. M. Clover's. Brewster & Keith, wholesale brokers and commission dealers in salt, office Shearer blk, cor Centre and Water. Blewster Robert E., lumberman, res e s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Brewster Wm. F., com. salt dealer, bds Fraser House. Briblis Koll, lab, bds Geo. Berthold. Briggs Fremann, wks R. F. Higgins. Briggs H., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Briggs, Pierce, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Briggs Joseph, bds J. Howell. Briggs Percival, lab, res n s Mercer, bet Barney and Dolsen. 9. Brimmer Francis, lab, bds Nowicke saloon. Brin Oscar, lab, bds Mrs. Philomene Berthiaume. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 431 Brindamour Christophe, wks Pitts & Cranage. Brindamour Christophe, bds E. Brindamour. Brindamour Edouard, lab, res s w cor 18th and Howard. 4. Brindamour Edouard, Jr., bds E. Brindamour. Brindamour Jean, wks Pitts & Cranage. Brindamour Joseph, wks Pitts & Cranage. Brinkman John, lab, res w s Monroe, bet Woodside ave and 1st. 8. Brinkman Joseph, clk Win. M. Kelley. bds D. Tate. Brisbo Israel, carpenter, res w s Lincoln, nr Campbell. 9. Brisbois Abraham, teamster, res n w cor 31st and Wilson. 5. Brisbois Joseph, lab, res s s 31st, bet Wilson and Marsac. 6. Brisbois Miss Zoe, tailoress, wks J. R. Johnson. Brisboy Arthur, engineer Fraser House. Brisbron Nelson, lab, bds N. Hebert. Broben Joseph, wks McGraw & Co. Brock Augustus, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Brock George, lab, bds Crampton House. Brockiniller John, wks Barler & Chapin. BROOKS "HRS. CARRIE M. (col'd), laundress, laundry basement Watson blk, 103 n Water, res Griswold blk. Fine Furnishing Goods at 1I. H &. ]Koch & Co's. Brooks David, lab, e s Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4 Brooks John W. (col'd), rooms Griswold blk. Brosbois Nelson, wks Chapin & Barber. Brother Edward B., small beer and pop, res n s Centre bet 2d and 3d. 3. Brown Mrs. - (wid), n w cor Fremont and Wilson. Brown Albert, wks J. McGraw & Co. Brown Miss Abie, dressmaker, rooms Union blk, n Water. Brown Arthur (A. Brown & Co.), 122 Bank blk, Centre. 2. Brown A. & Co., harness, saddles, etc, shop 209 Centre. Brown A. S., sawyer M. Watrous & Sons. Brown & Bro. (Thomas and Hugh), hotel, Bridge bik, 3d. Brown Charles, lab, n e cor Van Buren and 4th. 4. Brown Charles N., wks McGraw & Co. Brown Elijah, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co., res e s Water, bet 30th and 31st. Z. Brown T. E., elk American Express Co., bds Wolverton House Brown George W. W., toll-keeper, Bay City bridge, res 119 w s Jefferson, bet Centre and 5th. 4. Brown H., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro., bds Jonathan Smith. Brown Hugh, saloon propr, bds Delmonico restaurant. Brown Isaac (col'd), salt-packer, e s Fraser, bet 15th and 16th. 5 432 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Brown John, carpenter, res n s 12t h, bet Adams and Wash'n. 5. Brown John, lab, bds Win. Robertson. Brown John, lab, wks William Peter. Brown John, carpenter, res w s Grand, bet 10th and 11th. 6. Brown John P., manager Ocean Oyster Dining Rooms, bds same. Brown Joseph, lab, bds William Ralph. Brown Lafayette N., wks Smith & Wheeler, res e s Jackson, bet 9th and 10th. 5. Brown Martin W., wks W. H. DeLisle, res w s Annie, nr Campbell. 5. Brown N. O., wks McGraw & Co. Brown Otto, lab, bds John Osborn. Brown Robert E., printer, bds Wolverton House. Brown Thomas, refused to give names. Brown William, sawyer Hitchcock & Ingraham, bds Astor House. Brownson William S., millwright, e s Monroe, bet 3d and 4th. 6. Bruiser John, lab, bds Wolskey House. Brunner Chas. V. (C. Brunner & Bro.), bds Forrest City House. Brunner Charles (Brunner & Bro.), res cor 6th ancl Wash'n. 6. Little Jakie & Co., Wisner Block. Bruner Henry, dealer in groceries and provisions, res cor Grant and 7th. Brunner & Bro. (C. & H.), dealers in groceries and provisions, No. 108 cor. Centre and Saginaw. Brunner Henry (C. Brunner & Bro.), res w s Grant, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Bruce James, wks Gates & Fay. Buck Charles E., bar-tender St. James Res taurant, res e s Water, bet 13th and 14th. 3. Buck Mrs. Alma (wid Justus), s w cor 18th and Broadway. 3. Buck William, res w s s Water, bet 34th and 35th. 2. Bucklin John, stage manager Joe Mills, bds same. Buckman Frank, lab, bds Barclay House. Buchanan Miss Catharine, wks Mrs. M. Bathgait. Buchanan John, lab, bds John Gavoid. Buchanan Stephen A., carpenter, res e s Sheridan, bet Campbell and Woodside ave. 4. Bukoski Felix, lab, res s s 18th, bet Fraser and Fitzhugh. S. Bukowski Stiff, tailor, res w s 15th, w of Farragut. 6. Bukofsky Stephen, tailor A. Chapman & Co. Bump Charles M., teller State Bank, bds Campbell House. Bunday Jacob, lab, wks Shearer & Co. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 433 Bundy Jacob, lab, res s e cor Campbell and Lincoln. 5. Bundy Lewis, wks McGraw & Co. Bunert Theodore, wks R. J. Carney, res w s Grant, bet 11th and 12th. 2. Bunnell Miron, sheriff Bay County, res jail, s e cor Jefferson and Centre. 4. Burch Andrew, lab, res s e cor 12th and Bowery. 7. Burch George, engineer, wks McGraw & Co., bds Taylor House. Burch William, carpenter and joiner, bds Anscomb House. Burdett John, machinist, res w s Sheridan, bet 14th and 15th. 9. Burdick Charles, mason, bds 117 Adams. Bureau Louis, wks wooden-ware works, res e s Water, bet 29th and 30th. 8. Burens C. wks McGraw & Co. Burgeau John, lab, res e s Marsac, bet 27th and 28th. 3. Burgess James, carpenter, Wenona. Burke Miss Austasia, home with Miss Jeanette Hemme. Burke Miss Etta, wks Bay City steam laundry, bds Mrs. E. I. Pool. Burke Jessee, physian, office over Smith & Hart's store, Water, cor 4th, res Jackson, bet 10th and llth. 2. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Burke Lewis, lab, bds 0. Burke's. Burke Oliver, carpenter, e s Fraser, bet 13th and 14th. 7. Burke William, painter, s e cor Fitzuth and 17th. 7. Burkhardt Michael, teamster, res e s Jackson, bet 6th and 7th. 6. Burlew Miss Luella, dress-maker Mrs. M. Sanford, bds parents. Burn Martin, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Burnap Ela A., machinist Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds William Beebe. Burnette -, res e s Farragut, bet 13th and 14th. Burnham Frank, janitor opera house, and bill poster, rooms Opera House bld'g. Burns Bernard, teamster Folsom & Arnold, res s s Fitzjerald, bet Belinda and Johnston. 11. Burns George, tinsmith, wks John Styninger, bds same. Burns John, edger, wks John McEwan. Burns William, tinsmith, bds J. Stininger. Burns Macky, lab, bds Washington House. Burns Maggie, bds John Drake. Burns Thomas, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Burnside Mrs. Charlotte (wid Henry Wm. Burnside), home Vwith Winm. Mercer. 55 434 BAY CITY )DIRECTORY. Burrington Riley, captain "Evergreen City," res 201 Jeff'n, cor 6th. 4. BURR WILLIAMI H., physician, room No. 4 Watson blk, bds Jacob D. Eaton. Burt Joshua G., gunsmith, shop w s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th, res same. 5. Burt Joshua G., gunsmith, Saginaw-st, bet 4th and 5th, res sam, e. Burtch Andrew, lab, wks William Peter. Burton Billings, edger, Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Burton Charles F., gunsmith, with J. G. Burt. 3. Burton Johnson, wagon maker, T. Slenon, bds J. McKinnon. Burton Thomas H., clk, bds Wolverton House. Burton Wm., supt street railway, Water, res n s 3d, bet Johnson Birney. 3. Busbon John, wks Pitts & Cranage. Bush Benjamin, lab, res n e cor 7th and Saginaw. 3. Bush George, wks McGraw & Co., bds John Osborn. Bush Mrs. Sophia, lives B. Bush. 2. Bush Win., wks Atlantic salt works, bds W. Zimmerman. Busheon Alexander, carpenter, res w s Belinda, nr Ketchum. 6 Little Jake & Co., 1"Boss"' Clothiers of the State. Bushey Charles, lab, res n s Campbell, bet Ann and Sheridan. 3. Bushy Nelson, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Bushy Peter, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Butcheck B. Casper, lab, res e s River, bet 35th and s Centre. 4. Butler John, lab, bds Martin Roche. Byer Adam, lath-maker, John McEwan, res e end Water, e s McEwan's mill. 4. Byrd George A., elk, Anscomib House, bds same. C. Cachinski Frank, lab, bds C. Butcheck. Cacy John, propr Buffalo Saloon, 4th, bet Saginaw and Water, res same. 7. Cady George, wks N. B. Bradley & Co., res Fitzhugh, bet 14th and 15th. 6. Cader George, lab, wks William Peter. Caillet Conrad, salt-boiler, res n s Ketchum, bet Johnson and Belinda. 4. Cain John, lab, bds Wolverton House. Cain John, blacksmith, res w s Belinda, bet Mercer and Water. 5. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 435 Cairns Michael, bar-tender Wolverton1 House, bds same. Calefoot George, wks McGraw & Co. Caleher Timothy, lab, bds Ragan House. Caletskie Francis, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Caley George W., sawyer, res w s 25th, bet Wilson and Marsac. 2. Calhoun Robert, supt gas works, res s s 11th, bet Saginaw and Wash'n. 4. Callahan Patrick, lab, bds International Hotel. Callam Miss Catharine, bds Wm. Keany.:Calleghem Denis, plasterer, res e s Monroe, bet 11th and 12th. 2. Callender William E., carpenter, res n s 9th, bet Madison and Monroe. 5. Callighan William, lab, bds John Bobhn. Callison David D., brewer, s e cor 12th and Fraser. 8. Camber Richard, carpenter, res w s 17th, bet Fraser and Fitzhugh. 3. Cameron Hugh, lab, res e s Bowery, bet 14th and 15th. 4. Camp Frank M., clk Johnson, bds J. D. Lewis. Campbell Miss Agnes T., teacher 1st Ward school, bds S. S Campbell. Campbell Archibald, lumberman, bds Anscomb House. Kid Gloves at Ia. & H. Koch & Co's. Campbell Colin, wks Albert Miller. Campbell Colin, machinist Smalley Bros. & Lewis, res cor 11th and Van Buren. Campbell Colon, machinist, bds J. R. Hatch. Campbell Correl, lab, res w s 3d, bet 28th and Fremont ave. 5. Campbell Daniel, contractor and builder, res s e cor Adams and 8th. 6. Campbell Duncan, salesman G. A. Goddard. Campbell D., lab, bds Jonathan Smith. -Campbell D. C., s mi ag't, bds Globe Hotel. Campbell Edwin M., book-keeper Munger & Co., rooms Campbell blk. Campbell Gilbert, lab, works Charles M. Averell. Campbell Mrs. Jennie, hair-dresser, McEwan blk, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, res same. -Campbell John, bds Forrest City H-louse. Campbell John C., agent Singer sewing machine, n e cor Ketchum and Johnston. 7. Campbell Joseph B., grocer, res e s Sherman, bet 4th and 5th. 5. Campbell Joseph J., foreman Bradley's mill, res s e cor Saginaw and 10th. 3. 4Campbell Mrs. Levina (Mrs. Wm.), dress-maker, rooms over 109 n Water. 2. 436 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Campbell Malcolm, clerk, Mrs. Agnes McPherson. Campbell R., lab, works Folscom & Arnold. Campbell Sydney S., res s e cor Johnston and Woodside ave. 4. Cambell Walter, lab, bds Stanstead House. Compbell Mrs. Wm. J., dress and cloak maker, Griswold block, Water st., res same. Campbell & Tyler (Joseph B. C., Roland G. Tyler), grocers and liquor dealers, Birney blk, w s Water, bet 4th and 5th. Cann David, lab, bds A. Porter. Capman Peter, lab, res w side Fitzhugh, bet 17th and 18th. 3. Carabine John, lab, n e cor 13th and Fraser. 7 Card Lewis, wks Barber & Chapin. Cardy Miss Catharine, waiter Crampton House. Carefoot George, lab, bds Charles Mesker. Carew Levi, lab, bds Cumberland House. Carneggie John, lab, bds Henry Anderson. Carnell Nancy, wks John Coryll's. Carney Edward, mason, w s Grant, bet 11th and 12th. 2. Carney Michael, stone mason, w s Lincoln ave, bet 15th and 16th. 5. Carney Patrick, mason, res n w cor Jackson and 7th. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Carney Richard J., dealer in lumber and logs, agt Bay City and Cleveland Transportation Co., manager Bad River & Flint Booms, office 124 s Water, res s e cor 9th and Wash'n. 5. Carney Thomas, Sr., 200 Washington. 3. Carney William E., lumber inspector, res e s Adams, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Carpenter E. C., book-keeper, bds Wolverton House. Carpenter Levi, lab, bds Fred Holley. Carpenter Jacob W., salesman Gustin & Merrill, bds Metropolitan Restaurant. Carpenter Jeremiah, lab, res w s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 2. Carpenter William, bds J. Howell, wks Shearer & Co. Carroll John, meat market, w s s Water, bet 35th and South Centre, res e s Mary Ann, bet 34th and 35th. 3. Carroll Peter, bar-tender Washington House. Carroll William S., prop Crampton House, s e cor 32d and s Water. 3. Carry Thomas, lab, w s Howard, bet 17th and 18th. 3. Carleton Mary, bds Wm. H. Graham. Carter Allen, res e s Saginaw, bet 8th and 9th. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 437 Carter Charles, carp s w cor 21st and Fraser. 5. Clans Michael, cooper, res s w cor Belinda and Longtin. 5. Carter Mortimer (Carter & Maltby), bds A. J. Eggleston. Carter Thomas M., billiard hall, n Water, res w s M adison, bet 13th and 14th. 4. Carter Walker, lab, res w s Hamilton, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Carter Walker (col'd), lab, n s 8th, bet Farragut and Lincoln. 5. Carter William H., grocer, n e cor Johnson & Woodside ave, res n w cor 11th and Jackson. Carter Mrs. - (wid), e s Van Buren, bet 7th and 8th. Carter & Maltby, wholesale produce dealers, Payne blk basement, rear n Walter. Cartwright George, lab, bds Mrs. MI. A. Tronmblev. Cartwright Miss Mary, wks Wilson H. Tousey. Cartwright Robert, foreman, bds Ragan IHouse. Carwin Mackey, lab, bds Washington House. Cech John, wks Albert Miller. Cesar Henry, lab, bds J. A. Little. Casady John, sailor, res es J,efferson, bet 15th and 16th. 4. Case Dudly (Rogers & Case), machinist, bds Peter L. Rogers. Searfs and Ties at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Case Isaac, wks Albert Miller, res w s Water, bet 31st and 32d. 5. Case Nathan, carpenter, bds Peter L. Rogers. Case William, carpenter, bds Asher B. Webster. Caseult Peter, lab, res w s Bowery, bet 14th and 15th. 2. Casey Miss Annie, waitress Ogdensburg House. Casey John, saloon-keeper, n s 4th, bet Water and Saginaw, res same. 7. Casey Owen, wks Chapin & Barber. Caspar Miss Gracy, wkls E. J. Calhoun. Cassedy Thomas, lab, n s 40th, nr Kossuth. 5. Cassels William P., blacksmith, res n Water. Casset Jacob, wks Gates & Fay. Casset Vincent, wks Gates & Fay. Cassidy James, wks -McGraw & Co. Cassidy Thos., wks McGraw & Co. Castello Michael, lab, bds Washington. Caswell Alexander, Idaho Saloon. c s Water, bet Centre and 6th. Cate Charles W., commission merchant, n s 4th, bet Water and Saginaw, bds Campbell House. Cates S., bds Jonathan Smith. 438 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Catlin Miss Amy, wks Mrs. Julia Hawkesworth. Catlin Henry S., carpenter, res 3d, bet 36th and 37th. 4. CATLIN ISRAEL H., dealer in sash, doors, and mouldings, s e cor 8th and Water, bds I. Catlin. Catlin Israel (Arnold & Catlin, Wenona), res s w cor 8th and Saginaw. 2. Catlin Samuel AM., lab, n w cor s Centre and 3d. 2. Catlin William, bds W. Hodgkins. Cathcart Homer, carpenter, e s 20th, bet Marsac and Wilson. 4. Cathcart Mrs. Sarah (wid John A.) bds Winm. H. Cathcart. Cathcart William A., insurance agent, office Shearer Block, No. 2, cor Centre and Water, res cor Jefferson and 10th. 8. Cathcart Wmin. H., insurance agent, Water, res s w cor 10th and Jackson. 8. Causley Rufus, lab, res w s Lincoln, bet Water and Campbell. 6. Chaltreus Gabriel, lab, res w s Jefferson, n of Woodside ave. 7. Chamberlin Harmon A., lumber inspector, s e cor Jefferson and 9thb. 5. Chambers Hugh, baggageman F. & P. M. depot, res Jefferson, bet 5th and Centre. 2. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Champagne Charles, filer N. Peters, res n w cor Bowery and 13th. 3. Champagne Isadore lab, bds Richard Champagne. Champagne Richard, saloon, res Water, bet 11th and 12th, refused to give names. 2. Champagne Richard, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Champaign C., mill-wright, works William Peter. Champaine Fred'k, barber, shop Bridge blk, 3d. Champaigne Dor, lab, works William Peter. Champaigne Richard, wks William Peter. Chancey George, wks McGraw & Co., bds S. Hickey. Chandler George, lab, bds Edwin Finch. Chanel Dominique, lab, res w s Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 3. Chapin Daniel W., lab, bds HI. H. Chapin. Chapin Henry H., foreman lath works Chapin & Barber, res e s of Water, bet Dolsen and Johnson. 2. Chapin Henry N., foremen HI. M. Bradley & Co., res e s Jefferson, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Chapin Henry, Dolsen, Chapin & Bro., bds Campbell House. Chapin Leander R. (Dolsen, Chapin & Bro.), bds Campbell House. Chapin Martin (Dolsen & Chapin), res s e cor Lincoln and Fitzgerald. 4. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 439 Chapin M. L., carpenter Barber & Chapin. Chapin 0. D., res s w cor 2d and Adams. 4. Chapin & Barber (0. D. Chapin, Levi A. Barber), saw mill and salt, blk n s Water, bet Dolsen and Lincoln. Chapman Amos (Chapman & Sirmyres), res n e cor 7th and Jeff'n. Chapman Bidwell, lumberman, res n e cor 7th and Jeff'n. Chapman George P., lumberman, bds n e cor 7th and Jeff'n, res Lapeer. Chapman George, mason, bds 117 Adams. Chapman Miss Hellen, res n e cor 7th and Jeff'n. Chapman James, wks Braddick & Sons. Chapman James L., lab, res s w cor 28th and. 3. Chapman James P., lumberman, res n e cor 7th and Jeff'n. Chapman Miss Jane, res n e cor 7th and Jeff'n. Chapman John, wks Albert Miller. Chapman Mrs. Mary, bds W. A. Chapman. Chapman Simcoe, lumberman, res n e cor 7th and Jeff'n. Chapman William A., gardener, res e s F. & P. M. R. R., bet 33d and 34th. 3. Lowest Prices at 1I. & HI. Koch & Cols, Chapman W. S., lab, bds Correy House. Chapman Miss -, home with T. R. Dennison. Chapman A. & Co. (Amos Chapman and John Sirmyer), merchant tailors and clothiers, 103 Water. Charlan John, filer, res n s 17th, bet Howard and Water. 5. Charlebois Leon, jobber, s w cor Water and 17th. 9. Charlotte Joseph, wks Pitts & Cranage. Charretier Calisete, lab, res s e cor 18th and Fraser. 13. Charters Samuel, molder, res n w cor 11th and Saginaw. 2. Charters Wm. Henry, teamster for (naston & Merrall, res Centre st, bet Wash'n and Adams. 3. Chase Martin, wks McGraw & Co. Chase Miss Dolly, wks Samuel Drake. Chasse Frederic, wks Pitts & Cranage. Chasse William, wks Pitts & Cranage. Chatham S. Cyrus, restaurant, res w s Washington, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Chatknap Ephraim, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Chatknap, Lewis, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Chatrick William, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Cheorette Miss Josephine, dress-maker, bds Mrs. M.. Darris. Chening Alex., wks McGraw & Co. Cherkew G., wks Pitts & Cranage. 440 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Chesselinwski Martin, lab, res e s Mary Ann, bet 34th and 35th. 3. Chevalier Abner, wks McGraw & Co. Chevalier John, wks McGraw & Co. Chilaire David, lab, res n s 18th, bet Fraser and Fitzhugh. 2. Chisholm Mrs. E. (wid Archibald Chisholm), res end Water, c s McEwan's mill. Chittenden Robert, sailor, bds Washington House. Cholette Prosper, lab, res e s Adams, bet Water and Woodside ave. 2. Christ Peter, lab, bds John Johnson. Christopher Littleton (col), pattern-maker, res c s Washington, bet 11th and 12th. 8. Chronicle Printing Association, James Birney, President; Arthur M. Birney, Secretary and Treasurer; morning and daily paper, office Chronicle building, w s Water, bet 4th and 5th. Chulet George W., bowling-saloon, Rouich block, bds Globe Hotel. Chulmar Mrs. Mary (wid Chris.), bds John Libenthall. One PrIice to all at Little Jake & Co's. Church Hubbard H., ship-builder, res s s Woodside ave, e s Johnson. 2. Cimmer Miss Mary, wks H. Becker. Cindo Miss Lena, wks Mrs. Mary Hughes. Cipple W., wks McGraw & Co. Clancy Michael, bds Ontario Hotel. Claremont Moses, lab, bds Montreal House. Clark Miss Amanda, waiter Fraser House. Clark Miss Annie, wks Daniel Campbell. Clark Charles A., blacksmith, res s e cor 7th and Wash'n. 3. Clark Chester Edwin, tinner, res cor 4th and Water. Clark Daniel McR., clerk, bds H. Blackman. Clark George T., bookkeeper, bds W. B. Clark. Clark Henry, sailor, bds C. RIosson. Clark Henry P., sawyer, res e s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Clark Miss Johanna, wks M. Kaiser. Clark J., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Clark Miss Lena, dressmaker, bds A. W. IRitchie. Clark Mrs. Lucy A. (wid Washington), res s s 6th, bet Van Buren and Grant. 2. Clark Mary,.servant girl, Wesley Hawkins. Clark Patrick, wks Albert Miller, res w s Marsac, bet 23d and 24th. 2. BAY CITY DI)IRECTORY. 441 Clark Sydney, engineer, res n s 13th, bet Water and Fraser. 5. Clark Thomas, laborer, res e s Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 7. Clark William, wks Whipple & Parmeley, res w s Jackson, bet 11th and 12th. 4. Clark William B., carpenter, res s w cor 1st and Jackson. 2. Clark Miss -, teacher 6th Ward school, bds Dr. Clark. CLARK JAMES, Physician & Surgeon, office e s Water, bet 32d and 33d, res cor Fremont ave. 2. Clarke Miss Jane, home with Dr. James Clarke. Clarke Miss May, home with Dr. James Clarke. Clarke Miss Maria, wks John McEwan. Clarke Patrick, lab wks Webster & Bros. Clary Miss Nora, wks J. Redmond. Clay William, grocer, Water, bet 22d and 23d. Clecoux Felix, lab, bds Charles Wood. Cleesattel Ambrose, elk, e s Monroe, bet 3Id and 4th. 7. Clemanus Abbott L., salesman for Stewart B. Shannon, res Washington, bet 2d and 3d streets. Only one Price at 1M. & H. Koch & Co's. Clemens Win. S., lumber inspector, s w cor Farragut and 11th. 4. Clement -, new store, u nw cor 3d and Monroe, res Wash'n. Clements James, wks gas company, bds Richard Padley. 2. Clements John, pattern maker, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, res 3d. Cliff Horatio W., wagon maker, e s Jefferson, bet 11th and 12th. 5. Cline Clara, wks Selwyn Eddy. Cline Martin C., molder Bay City" Iron Works, res cor 19th and Howard. 3. Clipple William, lab, bds John Osborn. Clocksey Timothy, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Clonney William, lab, n e cor Monroe and lth. 6. Close Frederick, lab, res s e cor Saginaw and 6th. Close Godfred, lab, res s e cor Saginaw and 6th. Close John, wks Gates & Fay. Clontier Joseph, lab, bds Mrs. A. Duby. Clover Charles, machinist, bds Mrs. AM. Clover. Clover Mrs. Mary (wid cHarvey IT.), boarding house, w side AMonroe, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 6. CluffRobert, lab, bds Francis Dorian. Clypt Frank, wks McGraw & Co. Coats Alsa, elk Shephard & Meston, bds Moulton House. 56 442 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Coates Henry, lab, res e end Water, e s McEwan's mill. 4. Cobb George P., att'y, res n w cor 8th and Monroe. 2. Coch -, cooper, shop n side 3d, bet Monroe and Jackson, res n w cor Madison and 2d. Cochell Martin, tinsmith, res n s 2d, bet Monroe and Jackson. 7. Cocker H. R., book-keeper, bds Campbell House. Cock Mrs. Helen (wid Henry), boarding house, w side Jeffererson, bet 10th and 11th. Code Misel, res n w cor Belinda and Fizgerald. 3. Coffin Henry, millwright, e side Kossuth, near McGrath mills. 3. Cohorn August, lab, works Shearer & Co. Coil Hugh, foreman Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Coil Robert, lab, res n s Campbell, e of Annie. 5. Coine Edward, lab, w side Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Cockley Francis R., produce dealer, s s 7th, bet Barney and McClellan. 6. Cokley Samuel, prop'r Sheridan House, n w cor Jefferson and 3d. 2. Largest Stock5 in the State at Little Jake's. Colberg, John, wks A. Miller, res w s Wilson, bet 29th and Fremont ave. 4. Colburn Benjamin, res w s Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Colburn Elijah J., photographer, rooms 19 Watson blk and Griswold blk, res w s Wash'n, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Colburn Josiah N., painter, cor 4th and Water, res n w cor 3d and Sherman. 3. Coldre Wm., wks Gates & Fay. Cole Mrs. Anna, dressmaker, res n Water. Cole Daniel, filer, res e s McCormick, bet 24th and 25th. 3. Cole D., wks Webster & Bros. Cole Edmund W., carpenter, res n w cor Howard and 21st. 5. Cole Francis, carpenter, res n Water. Cole Mrs. Semantha, lives S. C. Chatham. Cole Miss Mary A., wks S. C. Chatham. Coleman Miss Maria, wks William McEwan. Coleman Miss Rosalie, bds S. Kaichen. Coler (Koehler) Lena, wks C. E. Jennison. Coley Riley, carpenter, res n w cor 26th and Broadway. 3. Colhon Clemment, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Colhon William, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Colklin John, lab, res w s Madison, bet 1st and 2d. 3. Collany Fred, wks Albert Miller. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 443 Collier George, wks Chapin & Barber. Collier Jonas, foreman Peter's salt blk, res w s Fraser, bet 16th and 17th. 3. Collier John H., millwright, res n w cor 25th and McCormick. 2. Collin William, mason, res w s Bowery, bet 13th and 14th. 6. Collins James, wks Green & Dingman, bds mother. Collins John, sailor, w s Fraser, bet 14th anid 15th. 9. Collins John W., barber Susand Bros., bds Ocean Oyster House. Collins Lafayette, carpenter, res s s 2d, bet Adams and Jefferson. 5. Collins Larry, wks McGraw & Co., bds James A. Little. Collins Timothy, stone cutter, bds Washington House. Colman Henry, lab, res w s Sheridan, bet 16th and 17th. 2. Colstoa Miss Mary (col), wks 0. H. P. Goodwin. Columbus Joseph, wks McGraw and Co. Coman L. S., druggist, No. 107 Centre, res cor Grant and 6th.. Combine Richard, barber Susand Bros., bds St. James Restaurant. Comstock John, teamser, res s e cor 24th and McCormick. 7. Conden John, wks Gates & Fay. Silk Wrappers a~ld Drawe'rs at 1. & H. K.och & Col Condon T., wks Gates & Fay. Condon C., wks Gates & Fay. Condon John, lab, res n e cor Jackson and 9th. 8. Cone C. 0., foreman N. B. Bradley & Co., salt block. Cone Oscar, foreman Bradley's old salt block, bds A. Olen. Conels H., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Conley David, bds S. Hickey. Conley Hugh, wks McGraw & Co. Conley Patrick, shoemaker, wks J. Allen, res 11th. Conley Peter, wks R. F. Higgins. Conmey Joseph, mason, res n w cor Jefferson and 8th. 3. Connor Lowe, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Connor William, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Conner Charles, lab, res n s 11th, bet Water and Saginaw. 4. Connell LaFayette, head sawyer Dolsen & Chapin, res a as Mercer, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 3. Connell Mary, wks Patrick W. O'Tool. Connelly Margaret, wks Patrick Connelly. Connelly Patrick, shoemaker, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 13th and 14th. 5. Connely Frank, lab, bds R. F. Higgins. Connely Miss Mary, waitress Irving House. Connely Michael, lab, res w s Dolsen, bet Woodside ave and Water. 11. 4:I4 - BA-Y CITY DIRECTORY. 'Conner Lowry, planer, bds Charles Conner.,Conner William, joiner, bds Charles Conner. Comney Robert, wks.T. C. Conney. Comney Thomas C., boot and shoe store, e s Water, bet 6th and 7th, res same. 6. Connolly Miss Maggie, wks B. Fox. Connor John, foreman P. J. Perrott, res w s Adams, bet 7th and 8th. 4. 'Conway James, wks McGraw & Co. CJonway John, wks McGraw & Co. Conway Patrick, lab, res e s Kossuth, nr McGraght mills. 8..Cook Charles, lab, res w s Marsac, bet 23d and 24th. Cook Charles, lab, wks Webster & Bros. 'Cook Charles H., clk, bds Wolverton House. Cook C. H., bds Globe Hotel. *Cook David, lab, res w s Marsac, bet 23d and 24th.:Cook Miss Emma, home with William Cook. (Cook George A., book-keeper, bds Mrs. Eaton.,Cook George, lab, w s Lincoln ave, bet 16th and 17th. 5. Cook Henry, clk, Ferris & Bros.,Cook Henry, cooper, res e s Madison, bet 2d and 3d. 6. No Bantering at Little Jake'&.,Cook John, lab, bds J. M. Lutz. Cook John, lab, bds Joseph Pollehn.,Cook Aaron, storekeeper, s e cor Madison and 10th. 3. Cook Thomas H., engineer, res n w cor Fraser and 22d. 4. Cook William, wks Webster & Bros., res w s Marsac, bet 23d and 24tlh. Cooke A. J., dealer in dry goods, carpets, etc., res Madison and 10th. Cook & Langworthy, (A. J. Cook & D. A. Langworthy) dealers in dry goods, carpets, notions, etc., No. 104 Water, and 105 Center. Cool J. S., Sr. (Cool & Son), res e s Water, bet 13th and 14th. 4. Cool J. S.. Jr. (Cool & Son), res e s Water, bet 13th and 14th. COOL & SON (J. S. Cool and J. S. Cool, Jr.), furniture and undertaker, Water, bet 13th and 14th, res same.,Coole 3Martha, wks George Lewis. 'Coolews Fred, Jr., wks Gates & Fay. 'Coolews John, wks Gates & Fay. 'Coollie Hubert, lab, res n s Campbell and Sheridan. Coom Fred, wks Albert Miller. Coon Samuel, International Hotel, s e cor Saginaw and 4th. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 445 Coon Mrs. Susannah, laundress, s w cor 10th and Saginaw. Coone Samuel, International House, Saginaw, cor 4th. Coon Wm., wks McGraw & Co. Cooper James F., tel opr, bds T. J. Cooper. Cooper Thomas J., manager W. U. Tel. Co.'s office, Watson bik, Water, foot Centre, res 606 Grant, bet 5th and Centre. Copp Mrs. Mary (wid Frederick), lives with Frank Vereycken. Corbett Thomas, res s 7th, bet Water and Wash'n. 3. Corlett William, clk, bds Wilson Hopkins. Corcoran Miss Mary, cook International Hotel. Corcoran Richard, lab, res w s Johnson, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Coro Francis, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Corey Henry, brewer, res n s 30th, nr Water. Corey Riley, carpenter, res n w cor Broadway and 26th. 3. Corlin Michael, lab, res n s Rose addition, bet Belinda and Johnson. 4. Cormier Miss Eleanore, bds L. Cormier. Cormier Miss Flora, bds L. Cormier. Cormier Jules, sawyer, bds L. Cormier. Cormier Louis, carpenter, res w s Williams, bet 19th and 20th. 3. Cormier Louis, Sr., bds Louis Cormier. Only one Price at M. &. Koch & Co's. Cormier Odilon, lab, bds L. Cormier. Coman Lucien S., druggist, 107 Centre, res e s Grant, bet 6th and Centre. 4. Cornell George, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Cornell Mansfield, painter, res s s Woodside ave. 2. Cornish Mrs. Harriet (wid Levi), w s Williams, bet 19th and 20th. 8. Cornwall Mrs. Eliza, lives E. V. Babcock. Cornwell Daniel, grocer, Water, res s side 10th, bet Jackson and Van Buren. 6. Cornwell Jemima A., gi'oceries and provisions, e s Wash'n, near cor 8th, res 10th, bet Jackson and Van Buren. Cornwell J. A., general grocer, n e cor Washington and 8th, res 10th, bet Jackson and Van Buren. 6. Corresten Philip, wks Albert Miller. Cortwright Daniel, carpenter, e side Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Corwin Jas., wks McGraw & Co. Corwin James R., engineer Bay City Steam Laundry. Corwin William S., barber, res Water, bet 2d and 3d. 3. orwin William S. (W. S. Corwin & Co.), n w cor 4th and Saginaw. 3. 446 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. CORWIN W. S. & Co., (W. S. Corwin), Bay City Steam Laundry, n w cor 4th and Saginaw. See adv. Coryell John, well-borer, s e cor 4th and Grant. 3. Coryon John, lime manufacturer, works and res w s Water, bet 22d and 23d. 4. Cosgriff Thomas, bds James A. Little, wks McGraw & Co. Coti David, carpenter, w side 3d, bet 33d and 34th. 3. Cottrell Charles B., clerk W. P. Hoyt, and dealer in real estate, bds Jefferson ave, cor 6th. 4. Couchman Hubert H., engineer M. Watrous & Sons. Couchman Hermen S., engineer, bds Astor House. Cougdon David, wks McGraw & Co. Coulburn Elijah, photographer, res.Washington st, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Coulombe Alex, bds L. Minard. Coulombe Joseph, bds L. Minard. Coulter John W., salesman Bancroft & Co., res cor 9th and Jefferson. 3. Coulson Miss Georgia, wks Frank Crandell. Cou rt House, Centre, bet Jefferson and Madison. Courtemanche Charles, wks Pitts & Cranage. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Courtemanche Christopher, res s s Woodside ave. 9. Courtemanche Olivier, wks Pitts & Cranage. Courtemanche Tophile, lab, res e s Adams, nr Water. 3. Courtemanche Victor, wks Pitts & Cranage. Coutu Jacques, wks Pitts & Cranage. Couture Mrs. Betsey (wid Charles), lives C. Couture. Couture Charles, wks Barber & Chapin, res w s Lincoln, bet Ketchum and Barney. 5. Couture Miss Margaret, lives C. Couture. Covalle Wallace, cooper, wks Webster & Bros. Cover Hiram, cooper. Covey Harry C., wks A. Van Meter & Co. Covey Ira J., gen'l agt " Bay City Tribune," bds D. Campbell. Covey Lyman, res e s Water, bet 30th and 31st. 3. Covington Mrs. Catharine (wid George), res w s Van Buren, bet 9th and 10th. 4. Cowley Guy P., mechanic, res s 12th, bet Birney and Lincoln ave. 6. Coy Charles, drayman, res cor 27th and Water. 6. Coyle Hugh, foreman Dolsen & Chapin's saw mill, res s s Ketchum, bet Johnson and Belinda. 2. Cox Francis, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 447 Crable Ralph, insurance agt, office No 3 Watson blk, res 106 Madison, bet 5th and Centre. 5. Craddock Prestwood, sawyer, e s Maddison, bet 11th and 12th. 4. Craig Mrs. Elizabeth (wid James), lives Mrs. Mary Craig. Craig Mrs. Mary (wid John), ress e cor 17th and Williams. Crain Clarence, sawyer, bds s Crampton George. blacksmith, bds Eagle House. CIRAMPTON WILLIAM, propr Eagle House, e s Water, bet 35th and 36th. Cranage Thomas, Jr. (Pitts & Cranage), res n w cor Monroe and Center. Crandall Dorah, drayman, bds Mrs. Melissa A. Crandall. CRANDELL FRANK, books, stationery, etc., Union blk, n Water, res cor Washington and 4th. 3. Crandall Mrs. Melissa A. (wid Jason W.), res e s Van Buren, bet 10th and 11th. 2 Crane A., machinist, bds Mrs. M. Cloiver. Crane Clarence, lab, wks Gates & Pay, bds Mrs. J. Leonard. Craney Thomas, inventor of patent mill-dog, machinist, bds Anscomb House. Goods MIarked ifn Plain Figures at H. & H. Koch & Co's. Cravens Thomas, wks J. McEwan. Crawford J., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Creag Gustave, wks McGraw & Co. Cregar Francis, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Creashow Miss Carrie, wks A. Easton. Creatio Miss Carrie, wks Amos Easton. Crispin Thomas, millwright, res w s Jeff'n, bet 7th and 8th. 4. 'Crispin & Johnson (Thos. Crispin and - Johnson), see Johnson & Crispin. Cromp Miss Bridget, wks Allen L. Stewart. Cross Miss Maggie, waitress Wolverton House. CROSS THOMAS, physician and druggist, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, res n s Adams, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Cross William N., sawyer, bds Astor House. Crosson John, teamster, bds Peter Knodal. Crossey Allen, mason, res n s 15th, nr Farragiut. 3. Crossey Miss Mary, wks W. Hodgkins. Crossey Miss Sarah, wks Robert Wilson. Crothers Mathew J., carpenter, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 20th and 21st. 3. Crouchie Joseph, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Crowley Charles, lab, res w s Fitzhugh, bet 12th and 13th. 448 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Crowley Dennis, lab, res w s Fitzhugh, bet 12th and 13th. 5. Crow Joseph, lab, bds George Yonker. Crowley Miss Kittie, wks with M. O'Loughlin. Crowley Michael, salt-boiler, res e H. McEwan's mill. Crumb William, wks Atlantic Salt Works. Crumbie Charles, bds 117 Adams. Crummer William, lab, bds W. Zimmerman n. Crump Ellen, wks J. W. McMath. Crunford J., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Culbert Alexander, book-keeper Pitts & Cranage, bds w s Mionroe, bet Centre and 5th. 4. Cullen Edward, lab, res n w cor Howard and 17th. 2. Cullen John wks P. J. Perrett, bds mother, Margaret Cullen. Cullen Mrs. Margaret (wid Patrick), res e s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th. 6. Culver Asa, home with Descum Culver. Culver Descum, manuf'r and dealer in lumber, office Shearer blk No. 1, cor Centre and Water, res cor Centre and Jefferson. 3. Culver Miss Harriet, home with Williamrn. Westover. Culver J. W., bds Descom Culver. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Culver Leman. L. (Culver & Westover), s e cor 4th and Monroe. 6. Culver & Bros. (D. Culver, J. W. Culver, andc A. N. Culver), dealers in lumber, office Shearer block, No. i, cor Centre and Washington. Cumming Archibald L., school teacher, res w s Wilson, bet 23d and 24th. 4. Cumming, Mrs. D. & Co. (Mrs. Dorcas Cumming and E. J. Kelton), grocers, n s Wilson, bet 23d and 24th. Cumming Mrs. F. (wid. Franz), res n s 4th, bet Pendleton and Trumbull. Cumming Lewis, clk D. CuImming & Co., bds A. L. Cumming. Cummings Alphonzo, foreman Peters' mill, res e s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Cummins Charles D., teamster, bds James T. Needham. Cunning Andrew, lab, wks Charles Averill, res n s 2d, bet Saginaw ancl Water. 4. Cunningham John, lab, bds Washington House. Cunningham Peter, barber, wks A. Van Haun, bds Campbell House. Cuny M., confectioner and baker, No. 215, cor Centre and Saginaw. 6. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. I 449 Cupille Hiram, cooper, wks Webster Bros. Curran John, supt Salt, blk Chapin & Barber, res s s Mercer, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 2. Currey C. M., agent American combination sewing machine, rooms p o, res w s Jefferson, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Currey Daniel R., life insurance agent, res n s Sherman, bet 2d and 3d. 4. Currey Richard, elk, res s w cor Madison and 7th. 5. Currey William H., clerk Ballon's, res w s Madison, bet 9th and 10th. 7. Curtis Ambrose B., frt clerk, bds C. E. Schumm. Curtis Chas. B., wks McGraw & Co. Curtis Miss Nannie, dress-maker, bds C. E. Schumm. Curtis Henry H., drug clk, bds Jacob D. Eaton. Curver Descum, lumber merchant, res cor Centre and Jefferson. 1. Cussin Edwin, carpenter, w side Van Buren, bet 3d and 2d. 9. Cusson Joseph, foreman Eddy and Avery, res 622 w s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 7. Cuthburt Mary, dress and cloak maker for Mary O'Loughlin. Cuthbert Richard, clerk, res n w cor Jackson and 2d. 9. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Cutler N., wks McGrawr & Co. Czesin Joseph, mason, w side Lincoln ave, bet 15th and 16th. 5. D. Daglish William, attorney, res s c cor 31st and Fremont ave, office same. 2. Dagenais Paul, lab, eside VWater, bet s Centre and 36th. 4. Dagg Samuel, wks Webster & Bros., bds G. W. Thomas. Daggart William, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Dailey George E., capt, bds Wolverton House. Dajenais Paul, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham's. Dalhi Emil, res s w cor Adams and 7th. 3. Daly Andrew, millwright, res s w cor Fitzgerald and Johnson. 3. Dayly A. P., lab, wks Folseom & Arnold. Darning Albert, teamster, s side 35th. 4. Dana William, engineer, res 4th, bet Jefferson and Madison. 5. Danbert John, gas-fitter, e side Jackson, bet 9th and 10th. 5. Daniel Anthony, butcher, bds John Wald. Daniels Ludwick, cutter, F. H. Blackman & Co., bds P. J. Parrott. 2. Daniels Miss Mary, lives A. J. Bothe. 57 450 4BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Daniels William, foreman McGraw & Co., res n1 e cor MicCormick and 22d. 3. Dankhouse Henry, bar-tender, Kelley & Co., res Lincoln. Darbois C., wks Pitts & Cranage. Dargis Jean, sawyer, res cor e side Saginaw and 1st. Dargis Mrs. Marguerite, boarding-house, core s Saginaw and 1st. 6. Darian Frank, saloon-keeperd,vs 3d, b1et Saginaw and Washington. 6. Darling Christopher C., saloon and restaurant, 645 e s South Water, bet 10th and 11th, res same. 7. Daugherty John S., clk, H. Richards, bds parents. Davenport William M. (White & Davenport), res 100 w s Jackson, bet 6th and 7th. Davey Hugh, shoemaker, res n e cor Washington and 6th. 3. -Davidson A., blacksmith; res 12th, bet Saginaw and Water. 2. Davidson James, lumberman, res sw cor 35th and. 2. Davidson William, lab, res e s Adams, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Davies Evan E., lab, res n e cor Van Buren and 4th. 3. Davies Joseph, lab, bds Robert Barlow. Daville Christ, lab, bds Stephen Vallier. Little Jake & Co., "Boss " Ctothiers of the State. Davis Burton, gang filer, bds Peter Knodal. Davis Miss Clara A., home with Clark Moulthrop. Davis Edson H., teamster, bds Forest City House. Davis Miss Elva, wks L. L. Culvers. Davis George, painter, bds Josephine Emrich. Davis H. A., agent F. & P. M. R. R. Portsmouth station, res n s 33d, e of F. & F. P. M. R. R. Davis James F., propr Irving House, e, s Water, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Davis L. M., wks Barber & Chapin. Davis Minneus (col'd), cook Fraser House. Davis Thomas, tinsmith, bds J. Styninger. Davis William, wks A. Huff, bds same. Davison Mrs. Charlotte (wid Archibald), res n s 12th, bet Water and Saginaw. 2. Dawson Henry, lab, e s Trumbull, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Dawson Mrs. Laura, dressmaker, rooms Union blk, n Water, res same. Day Charles T., conductor, res e s Adams, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Day Mrs. Eliza (wid), Norris, home C. T. Day. Day Jerome B. (Hickey & Day), res w s 1st, bet 39th and 40th. 5. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 451 Day John, lab, e s Fraser, bet 16th and 17th. 3. Day Solomon, druggist, res w s Jackson, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Deaney ---, engineer, w s 14th, bet Barney and Monroe. 4. Deary S., wks McGraw & Co. Dearsey Albert, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Dearing Charles, wks McGraw & Co., bds S. Hickey. DeBellefeuille Morse, lab, bds L. Cormier. DeBellefeuille Oliver, bds Mrs. M. Darg. Debois David, foreman, bds William J. Daniels. Decker Harvey, painter, bds Wim. LeBean. DeClaire Francis, hoop manuf'r, res e s Adams, nr Water. 3. DeClair -, bds Metropolitan restaurant. Decorte Carlos, lab, w s Van Buren, bet 2d and 3d. 2. DeCorte Albert, teamster, res s e cor 1st and Van Buren. 4. DeCorte Bruno, fireman Gates & Fay's saw-mill, res a s 2d, bet Barney and Johnson. 5. DeCorte Charles, aged, lives A. DeCorte. DeCorte Edward D., jobber, s side Woodside ave, bet Madison and Monroe. 2. DeCorte Joseph, lab, res w s Madison, bet 2dl and 3d. 4. DeCote Frank, lab, w side 3d, bet Johnson and Barney. 3. Lumbermen's Supplies at 1I. & H. Koch & Co's. Deegan James, bds Ontario Hotel. Deegan Thomas, prop'r Ontario House, e s Saginaw, bet 5th and Centre. 4. DeFoe Joseph, wks Atlantic Salt Works. DeFord John, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. DeForest Miss Mary, bds William DeForest. DeForest William, lab, e side Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 3. DeFrain Leander, cooper, res e s Lincoln, bet Barney and Campbell. 2. Degraw John A., tinsmith, res n w cor Farragut and 1st. 3. Degraw Yopher W., lumberman, res n w cor Bowery and 14th. 6. Degroot John, wks John McEwan. Delendon van der Slnysen Norbertis Petrus, lab, bds Vanderwelt House. Dehin Jean, lab, bds J. Valliere. Delaney Wm., wks McGraw & Co. Deneaux A., wks McGraw & Co. Desenberg Louis, clerk W. & J. Sempliner, bds W. Sempliner. Deslauriers Antoine, laborer, e side Saginaw, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4525 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Desle Benjamin F., painter, res e s Marsac, bet 27th and 28th. 5 -Desrosiers -, lab, bds D. Raby. Delaney Daniel R., carriage maker, factory n s 3d, bet Adams and Washington, res n w cor 3d and Saginaw. 3. De Lisle William H., agt Grover & Baker S. M. Co., i Water, bet 5th and Centre, res n e cor 10th and Farragut. 8. Dellen Patrick, lab, bds Thomas Roach. Deloge John (Delodge), edger Winm. Peter, res n s 18th, bet Howard and -. 4. Delong S., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Delonge Miss Mary M., home with John H. Plush. Delore Michael, lab, res n s Rose addition, nr Belinda. 10. Delore Miss Rosa, wks - Chapin. Delroe C., wks Folscom & Arnold. Delzell Thomas A., grocer, res n e cor 4th and Madison. 4. IDE MARS HENRY, groceries and provisions, wines, liquors, flour and feed, w s Water, bet 7th and 8th, res same. 4. Demay Theophilus, shoemaker, res n e cor 1st and Madison. 4. Demers Jean, joiner, e s Grant, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Demery Miss Clara, waitress Delmonico restaurant. Patronize the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Demo Joseph, foreman Tripp & Church's dry dock, bds Ogdensburg House. Demor W., wks Pitts & Cranage. Demoray - lab, wks Shearer & Co. Demorest James A., wks McGraw & Co., w s Kossuth, near McGraw Mills. 2. Denecker Henry, lab, res e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th 5. Deneen Willard W., carpenter, res e s Wilson, bet 24th and 25th. 2. Denio Frank, clk Irving House, res s e cor 9th and Jackson. 2. Denison Charles H., attorney, res e s Adams, bet 1st and Woodside ave, office room 4, Watson Block, Water. 2. Denison T. Riley, dealer in coal, lime, plaster, etc., yard and office w s n Water, bet 3d and 4th, res e s Madison, bet 10th and 11th (cor 9th and Farragut). 6. Denkhouse Henry, clk Kelly & Co., res w s Lincoln, cor Barney. 4. Dennis Joseph, carpenter, s s 3d, bet Grant and Farragut. 6. Dennis Leroy, bar-tender G. Arnold, bds same. Dennison A., wks Barler & Chapin. Deno George, salt boiler Barler & Chapin. Denoyer Joseph, lab, res Dolsenville. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 453 Deplanter Alexandre, constable, e s Grant, bet 1st and Woodside ave. S. Deplantier Josephine, wks Thomas Savage. DePregel C., wks Folscom & Arnold. DePregel F., wks Folscom & Arnold. Deptrie Philip, lab., wks Smith & Wheeler. Derry Chas. E., lab, bds J. A. Little. Derry Edward, wks Pitts & Cranage. Derwin Frank, carpenter, bds Mrs. Julia Leonard. DETRASAC ANDROE, prop'r Corner Hotel, n w cor Water and 23d. See adv. 5. Deusing Herman, clk, Washington House, bds same. Deucault Antoine, fireman, bds E. E. Perry. Devenport William M., dealer in crockery, res w s Jackson, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Devlin Bernard, confectioner, cor 31st and Water. 3. Devall D. C., wks McGraw & Co., bds J. A. Little. Dewell Charles L., salesman W. S. Thompson. DeWaele Leonard, agt Howe Sewing Machine, res w s Johnson, nr Woodside ave. 4. Fine Custom Work at 1N. & H. Koch & Co's. Dewers John, wks Barber & Chapin. Dewitt James N., manuf'r and dealer in sawed staves, res s e cor Madison and 12th. 5. Dewitt Oris, bookkeeper, bds James N. Dewitt. Dicher William, lab, bds Washington House. Dickenson Ovid, wks McGraw & Co., bds Taylor House. Dietz Henry, teamster, William Peter, bds Wyandotte House. Dill Mathew, lab, bds w s 3d, bet 34th and 35th. 4. Dillabaugh Hiram, fireman John McEwan. Dillon John, teamster Pitts & Cranage, res e s Adams, cor Water. 3. Dirnes Leroy, bds Crampton House. Dingeman -, res s e cor Jeff'n and 2d. 5. Dingman James, wks Shearer & Co., bds A. D. Nevill. 2. Dingman William W. (Green & Dingman), res w s Wash'n, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Dingman William W., bds Wolverton House. Dingman William, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Disher William, wks Albert Miller. Dixon George, bookkeeper, bds Wesley J. Hawkins. Dixon Miss Minnie, home with John Drake. Doan Richard, teamster, res w s Fraser, bet 20th and 21st. 9. Dobeck Michael, lab, bds C. Butcheck. 454 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Doe John, wks Chapin & Barber, res ss Water, nr Dolsen. 4. Doila Edward, lab, bds Washington House. Dolaghan Henry, lab, res e s Howard, bet 17th and 18th. 5. Dolan Michael, " Congress Hall " saloon, e s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th. 7. Doling Frank, carpenter, bds Mrs. J. Leonard. Dolph John, wks Albert Miller. Dolsen Alexander, teamster, R. F. Higgins. Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. (J. L. Dolsen and H. and L. R. Chapin), lumber and salt manuf'rs, n end of Dolsen, nr Water. Dolsen Daniel, teamster, Dolsen, Chapin & Bro., res w s Dolsen, nr Water. 6. Dolsen George H., asst teller 1st national bank, bds J. L. Dolsen, cor Centre and McClellan. Dolsen H., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Dolsen John L. (Dolsen, Chapin & Bro.), res cor Centre and McClellan. 9. Doman John, railroad contractor, s s 13th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 9. Doman John, wks Smith & Wheeler. Domde John, lab, e side Monroe, bet 10th and 1lth. 6. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Domine Charles L., school teacher, res s s Fitzgerald, bet Sheridan and Mason. 3. Domio Miss Elizabeth, bds John McKinnon. Donahoe Fred, salt-boiler, Barber & Chapin. Donahue R., salt-boiler, Chapin & Barber. Donaldson Edward G., circulator "Daily Morning Chronicle," bds Jacob D. Eaton. Donaldson G., wks McGraw & Co. Donally Thomas, wks Chapin & Barber. Done R., lab, wks Webster & Bros. Dong Clemens, carpenter, s s 3d, bet Chase and Johnson. 4. Donnelly Thomas B., cutter, S. V. Wilkins, bds Campbell House. Donnelly Thomas, lab, res e s Belinda, nr Barney. 5. Dore Selwin, lab, bds W. McCargo. Dorr Joseph, lab, J. Dugra. Dorrien Mrs. Jane, bds John Allen. Dorian Francis, Trenton House, cor Saginaw and 3d. 4. Doville Christian, wks John McEwan. Daston A. B., barber Susand Bros., res Jackson, bet 2d and 3d. 3. Dow Henry S., editor (" Bay City Tribune" Co.) (Dow & Swetzer), bds Fraser House. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 455 Dow & Swetzer, prop's "Bay City Tribune," office Centre, bet Water and Saginaw. See " Bay City Tribune." Dowdell William, foreman, res w s Johnson, bet Campbell and Woodside ave. 2. Dowdell Henry, lumber inspector, Folsom & Arnold, bds Mrs. J. Williams. Dowdell William, foreman Folsom & Arnold. Dow Richard H., book-keeper, Hitchcock & Ingraham, bds J. A. Palmer, 5 Centre. 3. Downey Patrick, lab, e s Monroe, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Downs Lyon (Stothard & Downs), e side Adams, bet 9th and 10 th. 4. Downs 0. K., clk Win. B. Southard. Doucette Jean, lab, bds Mrs. M. Dargis. Dougherty Albert, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. Doughty George, wks and bds 0.. H. P. Goodwin. Douglass Stephen M., passenger cond'r F. & P. M. railway, res w s Madison, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Douglass Stephen A., pass cond'r F. & P. M. railway, bds Fraser House. Doyle Miss Hattie, wks H. H. Hatch. Lowest Prices at N. & H. Koch & Co's. Doyle James, lab, res s e cor Lord and Sheridan. 6. Doyle John, lab, res e s Wilson, bet 25th and 26th. 3. Doyle Kate, wks Win. Whittal. Doyle Miss Libbie, wks Wmin. Mercer. Doyle Michael, wks A. Miller, res n e cor 25th and Wilson. 6. Doyle Miss Nellie, wks A. Cummings. Doyle Patrick, lab, res n w cor 2d and Sherman. 2. Doyle Patrick, lab, bds James Gibbons. Doyle William, lab, res s e cor 12th and Saginaw. 5. Drago Charles, prop'r Chatham House, e s Saginaw, bet 7th and 8th, res same. 4. Drago & Haney (Chas. Drago and James Haney), real estate., insurance, and intelligence, office Paine blk, n Water. Drago Henry, lab, bds Chatham House. Drake & Co. (William M.: Drake and E. I. Drake), dealers in groceries, cor 13th and 34. DRAKE E. J.& SON (E. I. and W. M. Drake), dealers in groceries, provisions, crockery, and glassware, n w cor 4th and Water. Drake E. J., dealer in groceries, res Van Buren, bet 4th and 5th. 456 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. DRAKE JOHN, gen'l and dep'y collector internal revenue, insurance agt, office s w cor 4th and Water, res w s Adams, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Drake John, insurance agt, res n w cor Adams and 5th. 3. Drake Murry (S. Drake & Son), bds Samuel Drake. Drake Samuel (S. Drake & Son), res e s Van Bureu, bet 4th and 5th. 9. Drouillard Alexander, lab, res s s 30th, bet 5th and 6th. 4. Dubi Baptiste, wks McGraw & Co., bds St. Luc Lefebvre. 3. Dubi Jas., wks McGraw & Co. Dubi Joseph, wks Pitts & Cranage. Dubi Josephine,fwks R. Barlow. Dubi Magdeleine, wks R. Barlow. Dube Victor, lab, res n s Fitzgerald, e of Belinda.:3. Dube Shorman, wks McGraw & Co. Dube William, lab, bds Archie Morrison. Dubois Antoine, wks Pitts & Cranage. Dubor Marcel, lab, n w cor s Center, bet 5th aitd 6th. 5. Dubower Mike, wks McGraw & Co. Duby Miss Angeline, res w s Bowery, bet 14th and 15th. Ducharme Joseph, wks Pitts & Cranage. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Duchane John, painter, res n s 12th, bet McClellan and Johnson. 6. Duchene Franceis, painter, s e cor Barney and 16th. 2. Duck Elijah, clk, E. C. & F. G. Woodard, bds Moulton House. Duffield -, wks McGraw & Co. Dufort Jean, bds Barclay House. Dufort Joseph, shoemaker, shop e s Belinda, near Campbell, res same. 4. Duframe James, lab, wks William Peter. Dufrane Joseph, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Dufrein L., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Dugan Patrick, lab, bds Barclay House. Dugra Joseph, engineer, res e s Saginaw, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 5. Doulett Barnabas, lab, wks William Peter. Dubowski George, tailor, wks and bds S. Dulowski. Dulude Bernard, lab, w s Williams, bet 20th and 21st. 3. Dumas Zebedee, sawyer, e s Williams, bet 19th and 29th. 10. Duncan Frank, wks McGraw & Co. Dumham Frederick W., ass't postmaster, rooms bank blk, Center, cor Washington. 2. Dunham Mrs. Mary E. (Mrs. W. Dunham), clk P. O.. BA.Y CITY DIRECTORY. 457 Dunlap Robert, lab, bds Montreal House. Dunley Miss Kada, wks Erastus Dunbar. Dunbar Erastus L., supt Bay City Water Works, office Opera House Block, res cor 4th and Sherman. 3. Dunbar George, cabinet-maker, s s 35th, bet 4th and 5th, res e s 2d, bet 35th and 36th. 3. Dunn Charles, brakeman, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Dunn David E., carriage ironer, bds Valley House. Dunn Francis, wks A. Caswell. Dupee Barnabas, lab, wks William Peter. Dupuis Dino, lab, bds Joseph Valliere. Dupuis John, wks McGraw & Co. Dupuis Napoleon, lab, bds Joseph Valliere. Dupont Jeremiah, lab, wks William Peter. Duplanty Frank, foreman Folsom & Arnold's Salt Works, res n s Woodside ave, cor Lincoln. 5. Durand Olivier, engineer, s s 18th, bet Howard and Williams. 3. Durgis Frank, clk E. C. & F. G. Woodard. Durgis Joseph, tail sawyer, wks Shearer & Co. During Theodore, dealer in fancy goods and notions, No 115 Centre, bds Forrest City House. Only one Price at N. & H. Koch & Co's. Durling Alfred J., machinist Bay City Iron Works, res w s Sherman, bet 14th and 15th. 2. Dusenbury Thomas (Theo.), wks McGraw & Co., bds J. A. Little. Dutton, barber, wks Frederick Johnson, bds same. Dwire John, teamster, bds Andrew Tomson. Dwyer Patrick, bell boy and real estate dealer, Fraser House. Dwyer Dan, wks McGraw & Co. Dwyre Miss Lizzie, storeroom girl, Fraser House. E. Elwood Walter, clk W. K. Wheat, bds Campbell House. Eagen James, bar-tender Buffalo Saloon, bds same. Earl Tarleton B., engraver, res w s Farragut, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Easeman Mrs. Eblema (wid Michael), res w s Fitzhugh, bet 15th and 16th. 2. Eastman Mrs. Mary (wid Henry), res e s s Water, bet 31st Ag and 32d. Eastman, boat owner, res s w cor Jackson and 7th. Easton Amos (Easton & Walton), res cor 7th and Monroe. 3. 58 4598 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Easton Wm. -H., frt agt Shuermann & Co., res over 108 n Water. 2. Easton & Walton (Amos Easton, Andrew Walton), props prop Dunkirk, sloop Bay City, barge Rebecca, office Watson blk, room No. 7. Eastwood Joseph, clothier, res 205 Jackson, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Eastwood Joseph, clothing merchant, 208 n Water, res Jackson, cor 5th. 3. Eaton Frank H., clk and bds Globe Hotel. Eaton Jacob D., boarding-house, res w s Adams, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Ebener Frank (or Elenor), lab, res s e cor Saginaw and 12th. 6. Ecklar Loamy I., wks T. Slenon. Eddy Albert H., farmer, bds Joseph Eddy. Eddy Frank (Eddy, Avery & Co.), res w s Adams, cor 10th. 3. Eddy Henry, elk W. H. Miller & Co. Eddy John, sawyer, res n s 35th,: bet 1st and 2d. 4. Eddy Joseph, pound-keeper, res n e cor 7th and Van Buren. 3. Eddy Selwin, lumber inspector, res s s 10th, bet Adams and Washington. 3. Largest gtock in the State at Little Jakes., Eden Thomas, moulder Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds Mrs. Maria Hughes, on Williams, bet 14th and 15th. Edgar Nelson W., prop Fraser House, cor Center and Water. 2. Edker Fred., wks Albert Miller. Edmond Isaac, drayman, res s e cor 12th and Fitzhugh. 8. Edwoods John L., barber Susand Bros., bds Mrs. M. J. Susand. Edwards Miss Mary, waitress St. James restaurant. Edgans William.H., raftsman, bds Taylor House. Egen John H., book-keeper, Barber & Chapin. Egleston E., wks Gates & Fay. Eggert Jacob, lab, wks William Peter. Eggleston Andrew, salesman L. A. L. Gilbert, res over 110 n Water. Ehrlich Leopold, store-keeper, Water, res s s 5th, bet Saginaw and Wash'n. 5. Eickemeyer Edward, carpenter, shop s s 6th, bet Wash'n and Adams, res e s Wash'n, bet 6th and Centre. 7. Eihinger Miss Margaret, wks Ed. Eickemeyer. Eishen Nicholas, bar-tender, bds Henry Lutzke. Ellan John, lab, res e s Carney, bet 8th and 9th. 4. Ellinger Aaron, elk, bds J. Breckler. Ellinger Isaac, elk Breckler & Lewistain, bds J. Breckler. Ellis Albert, wks John McEwan. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 459 Ellis Joshua, salt-packer, res e of McEwan's mill. 10. Ellis Joshua H., millwright, res n w cor Broadway and 31st. 5. Ellison Mrs. Almira (wid John Ellison), res n w cor Broadway and 31st. 4. Ellison George W., night watch Watrous Bros., res w s Broadway, nr 30th and Fremont ave. 4. Ellison Luther M., drayman, s e cor 34th and Mary Ann. 3. Ellsworth Warren, grocer, res n s 9th, bet Adams and Jeff'n. 5. Ellsworth & Parish, groceries and produce, store First National Bank blk. Elord Joseph, lumber piler, res n s 12th, bet Saginaw and Water. 8. Elser Anthony, lab, res w s Madison, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Elwell Clark, carpenter, res w s Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Elwell Eben, carpenter, bds Jerome Palmer. Emma Miss Catharine, home with Descum Culver. Emery Pierre, lab, bds L. Cormier. Emmerson Alford, tinner. Emmons Miss Cordelia, wks L. Beckwith. Emmons Miss Minerva, wks L. Beckwith. Largest Stock of Clothing at HM. & &H. Koch & Co's. Emmons John, engineer, bds John Simmons. Emons Orrin W., engineer, bds John Simmons. Emrad Peter, lab, bds Mrs. Josephine Emrich. Emrich Mrs. Josephine, boarding house, w s Adams, bet 8th and 9th. 6. England Christopher, lab, wks Gates & Fay, bds T. Corbett. Englehardt Martin, res s s 9th, bet Jeff'n and Madison. 2. Englison Charles, lab, bds Washington House. Enkrim Adam, cabinet-maker, res 14th, bet Birney and Monroe. 7. Erb David E., canvasser, res w s Jeff'n, bet 2d and 3d. 3. Erb Mrs. -, tailoress, res Jeff'n, bet 2d and 3d. Erckison Michael, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Ergemger Miss Margaret W., servant girl (Ed. Eickerman). Err Joseph, carpenter, res e s 3d, bet 38th and 39th. 3. Erskine John, wks McGraw & Co. Etier Benjamin, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Etta Lenard loader, works William Peter. Evans David J., State Swamp Land Commissioner, res cor 3d and Adams. Evans Henry T., agent real estate, res Centre street, east. 4. Evans Mrs. Isabella H., physician, res e s Washington, bet 11th and 12tb. 6. 460 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Evans John A., clerk M. H. Kitredge, bds Bowery, cor 15th. Evans John L. (Grover & Baker), bds Fraser House. Evans John L., salesman G. & B. S. M. Co., bds W. H. DeLisle. Evans Thomas, lab, e side Fraser bet 13th and 14th. 2. Evarts E., wks Gates & Fay. Evenson Edward, wks MicGraw & Co., bds John Johnson. Evenson Lee, lab, bds John Johnson. Evenson Simon, wks McGraw & Co., bds John Johnson. Everett Hiram B., painter, res s w cor 7th and Washington. 5. Exchange Bank of Westover & Leland (Luther Westover, Reuben Leland), Westover or Opera House Bld'g, cor Center and Washington. Eycheman C., lab, wks Shearer & Co. F. Fagart John, cooper, w side Harrison, bet 24th and 25th. 6. Fagart John, Jr., cooper, bds J. Fagart. Fagart Win., cooper, bds J. Fagart. Fahey John, wks McGraw & Co. Falk William, wks Atlantic Salt Works. No Bantering at Little Jake's. _---------........ --- -.... -.........., ~....... _ - m, l- "Farey John, lab, bds Chatham House. Farhulst Frank, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Farrell Patrick, wks McGraw & Co. Farrier D., wks Folsom & Arnold. Farrier J., lab, wks Folsom & Arnold. Farrier S., wks Folsom & Arnold. Farris T. A., upholsterer, bds Anscomb House. Farro Louis, wks Pitts & Cranage. Fasnascht George, wks Chapin & Barber. Fassett Theodore S., commission lumber dealer, bds Fraser House. Faulkner William, wks John McEwan. Fay William L., lumber merchant, res cor Centre and -Madison. 2. Featherly John W., stave dealer, res e s Jefferson, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Feary Miss Sophia, school teacher, bds Levi A. Barber. Feelon Walter, lab, bds J. A. Little. Fegel Mrs. Janette M., lives B. S. Harrower. Fegert John, cooper, W. Peter, res W. S. Cherry, bet 25th and 26th. 8. Feinauer Andrew, butcher, bds J. L. Sexlinger. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 461 Feirst George, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Feldman Jacob, meat market, e s Water, bet 6th and 7th, bds Saginaw, bet 8th and 9th. Fellows Samuel, machinist, bds Mrs.. J. Leonard. Fellows Samuel, machinist, bds Mrs. Julia Leonard. Felton Mrs. Mary (wid), bds Thaddeus Smith. Ferguson Charles, blacksmith, Chapin & Barber. Ferguson Charles, lab, bds R. Williams. Ferguson Daniel, blacksmith, bds Crampton House. Ferguson Daniel, lab, bds John Garvoid. Ferguson George, grocer, Water, res n s 35th, bet. 2. Fergusson George H. (firm Fergusson & Honey), res 35th, bet 2d and 3d. Fergusson & Honey (George H. Fergusson & William Honey), dealers in groceries and provisions, s e cor 35th and Water. Ferguson -, lab, res n w cor Williams and 19th. 3. Fermily Patrick, lab, res w s Carney, bet 7th and 8th. 5. Ferris Napoleon, wks Pitts & Cranage. Ferris Reuben (Ferris Bros.), res e s Monroe, bet 2d and 3d. 3. Ferris Richard (Ferris Bros.) res e s Monroe, bet 2d and 3d. 4. Only one Price at M9. & H. Koch & Cos. Ferris T. A., upholsterer, bds Anscomb House. Ferris William, wks Pitts & Cranage. Ferris & Bro. (R. Ferris & R. Ferris), dealers in groceries, pork, flour, feed, etc., n e cor Monroe and 3d. Ferto Miss Maggie, wks Robert Meldrum. Ferto Miss Sophia, wks Mrs. C. Bradfield. Fenerstak Frederick, carp, res s s 9th, bet Farragut and McClellan. 2. Feyerabend Otto, saloon, res w s Adams, bet Centre and 6th. 5. Fichete J., wks Chapin & Barber. Fierct Geo., wks McGraw & Co. Filaskie Thomas, wks McGraw & Co. Finch Edwin, carp, res s e cor Van Buren and 8th. 2. Finch George, tinsmith, bds Wolverton House. Fingland James, e s Saginaw, bet 1st and 2d. 4. Fink Peter, wks P. J. Perrott, bds Bremer, 213 Saginaw. Finn Henry, engineer, wks William Peter, bds John Mitchell. Finn John, wks Chapin & Barber, bds M. Conlin. Finn Stephen, wks Barber & Chapin, bds M. Conlin. Fircus Charles, wks Albert Miller. Firestack Lewis, lab, bds Joseph P. Allebn. 462 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. First National Bank, cor Centre and Washington; capital $400,000; officers James Shearer Pres., N. B. Bradley Vice Pres., B. E. Warren, Cashier, James Shearer, H. C. Moore, C. E. Jennison, W. C. Yawkey, J. F. Eddy, and B. E. Warren, directors. Fisher Charles D., postmaster, res s s 31st, e of Broadway. 6. Fisher John, wks McGraw & Co. Fisher Miss Francis (Mrs. Wm. J. Campbell), bds same. Fisher Frederick, lab, wks William Peter. Fisher Thomas, wks McGraw & Co. Fisher William, assistant engineer Barber & Chapin. Fitch William, lab, res s s 18th, e of F. & P.. R. R.. 2. Fitchell Miss Emma, lives C. D. Fisher. Fitchenfelt Rev. Simon, pastor German church, res n s 2d, bet Madison and Monroe. 6. Fitzhngh Charles C., real estate agent, res n w cor 10th and Wash'n. 10. Fitzgerald Daniel, lab, res w s Dolsen, bet Woodside ave and Water. 5. FitzGerald James, lab, w s Madison, bet 11th and 12th. 5. Fitzgerald Joseph M., elk, bds E. Bassingwait. 2. interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Fitzgeralds Miss Mary, waiter St. James restaurant. Fitzhugh Carroll, miller Salzburgh, bds Fraser House. Fitzhugh William H., machinist Bay City Iron Works, bds home with H. M. Fitzhugh. FitzPatrick John, wks McGraw & Co., bds John Osborn. Fladung Joseph, lab, res e s Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 6. Flaming William, bookkeeper, bds Peter L. Rogers. Flanders B. F., wks McGraw & Co. Flangers Charles, lumber inspector, bds Taylor House. Flannery Mrs. Sarah, cook Valley House. Flannigan Michael, shoemaker, res s s 1st, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. Flannigan William, butcher, G. Hine & Bros., bds same. Fleck William, elk, bds C. Neal. F. & P. M. R. R. depot, Jeff'n, bet 4th and 5th. Flood George, wks Gates & Fay. Florence C., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Flump Patrick, lab, res e s Kossuth, nr McGrath mills. 6. Fluns Emil, confectioner, res e s Sag., bet 6th and 7th. 3. Flury Cyrill, carpenter, bds Martin Roche. Flynn Corneilus 0., car-tender, bds H. (. Ford. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 463 Plynn Stephen, wks McGraw & Co. Flynn Pat., wks McGraw & Co. Flynn Stephen, wks McGraw & Co. Flynn Wm.. wks McGraw & Co. Flynn John, fireman, wks William Peter. Fogarty John, fireman Dolsen & Chapin, res e s Dolsen, bet Water and Woodside ave. 4. Fogle John, lab, res w s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Folk Fred., wks John McEwan. Folk William, salt boiler, res e of McEwan's mill. 4. Folsom Alexander (Folsom & Arnold), bds Mrs. Jane Williams. Folsom & Arnold (Alexander Folsom and Benjamin W. Arnold), saw mill and salt works, n s Water, end Johnson. Fondri Henry, bds Forest City House. Foote Charles E., wks McGraw & Co., res w s 2d. 4. Foote James, lab, bds James M. Laing. FOOTE P. Y., loan office, Campbell blk, Water. Foote Tracy, waiter St. James Restaurant. Foot Wm., wks McGraw & Co. Forcad K. Napoleon, clerk Frank Albert. Clothing at Wlholesale at 1~. & 1i. Koch & Co's. Forcier Cyrille, carpenter, e side Mary Ann, bet 35th and s Centre. Forcier Hercule, carp, e s Mary Ann, bet 35th and s Centre. 2. Forcier Jaques, s side 35th. 2. Forcier Joseph E., capt Teller, n w 4th and s Centre. 6. Forcier Miss Mary, bds Joseph Forcier. Forcier Pierre, carpenter, bds Mrs. Philomene Berthiaume. 2. FORCIEB SARAH, dress-maker, res n w cor s Centre and 4th. Ford Flora, home with W. B. Southard. Ford George, machinest Bay City Novelty Works, res n e cor Sheridan and Woodside ave. 8. Ford Henry C., saloon, Water, cor 23d, res same. 3. Forrest Miss Eva, bds Union Saloon. Forton Miss Sophia, home with Mrs. Jane Noud. Fosmire James A., yardman, res cor 4th and Adams. Fosmire Robert J., yardmaster, s e cor 4th and Adams. 2. Fosmire Wmi., night-watch, bds Sherman House. Poss Edgar, traveling agt, res s side 6th, bet Jefferson and Adams. 4. Foster Mrs. Elvira (wid M. H.), e side Jefferson, bet 8th and 9th. 2. 464 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Foster Mrs. Maggie, works Richard Sheurmann. Fourey Pat'k, bds Barclay House. Fourney Anthony, carpenter, res n e cor Adams and th. 4. Fontaine Louis, shoemaker, e s Grant, bet Woodside ave and 1st. 5. Fowler John, engineer, n e cor 32d and Mary Ann. 6. Fox Annie, wks H. Tupper. Fox Benjamin, brickmaker,e s Jefferson, bet 10th and 11th. 6. Fox Charles, lab, w s Kossuth, nr McGraght mills. 4. Fox David, engineer, res s w cor Grant and Woodside ave. 3. Fox David, res e s Adams, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 2. Fox David, head sawyer, J. McEwan. Fox Denis, bar-tender Tookey House, bds P. Tookey. Fox Henry, teamster, e s Adams, bet 10th and llth. Fox James, bar-tender Ontario Hotel. Fox John, lab, bds Luther Slade. Fox John, bds Ontario Hotel. Fox Joseph S., fireman, res w s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 5. Fox Miss Lizzie, home with David Fox. Fox Thomas, wks Pitts & Cranage. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Fox William, prop'r Moulton House, Saginaw, cor 4th. 5. Foy D. J., carpenter and joiner, bds Moulton House. Framke Albert, lab, e s Mary Ann, bet 31st and 32d. 6. Frank Ernst, dealer in tobacco and cigars, e s Water, bet 5th and Centre, res Van Buren, cor 6th. 7. Frantz Charles, lager beer hall, 117 n Water, res Monroe, bet 2d and 3d. 2. Fraser Simon, boiler maker, e s Adams, bet 10th and 1lth. 4. Fraser Thomas, sailor, bds A. Porter. Fraser Mrs. Wm, with Wm. Keany. Fray G. C., dealer in flour, grain, and seed, res Bay City, Grant, bet 3d and 4th. Frazer Alexander, fireman, Chapin & Barber, bds John Norgong. Frazher Miss Josephine, bds J. Frazher. Frazher Joseph, propr Eagle Hall, s s Campbell, bet Lincoln and- ave. 2. Frechs Lena, teacher 2d ward school, bds Ernst Frank. Freeman Ananias J., wks N. W. Gas & Water Pipe Co., res e s Madison, bet 2d and 3d. 2. Freeman Chester H., atty, res w s Madison, bet 3d and 4th. 6. BAY CITY DIRIECTORY. 465' Freeman Edward, painter, wks G. Reiley, res ss 10th, bet Jackson and Van Buren. Freeman Edwin, painter, res s side 10th, bet Jackson and! Van Buren. 2. Freeman Sylvester S., millwright, e side Broadway, bet 16th and 17th. 2. FriJeol Jean, boiler-maker, e side Broadway, bet 16th and 17th. 7. Fremell George, harness-maker, wks Thomas Luxton. French George, lab, res e s Williams, bet 19th and 20th. 5. French John, lumberman, bds Anscomb House. Frey -- (McDonald & Frey), res s e cor 5th and Wash'n. 2. Friedstag Mary, wks J. J. Campbell. Friel Cornelius, shoemaker, bd.s Barclay House. Friers Charles, collar maker, wks Thomas Luxton. Fringie Joseph, lab, bds F. Lafountain. Fritz Mark, wks Pitts & Cranage. Fritz Thomas, wks Pitts & Cranage. Frond John, lab, res e s Madison, bet 6th and Centre. 6. Frost George, constable, res n e cor 24th and Wilson. 6. Frost George, lab, bds Corey House. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Frost Solomon, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Fruman George, wks Pitts & Cranage. Fry Alvan C., cabinet-maker, wks Parker & Loyd, bds Forrest City Hotel. Fuller Charles H., assistant circulator, wks Bay City Tribune. Fuller Edward, wks Beebe & Braddock. Fuller Lyman, wks Barber & Chapin. Fuller Wm., saloon, Bridge blk, 3d, res same. 5. Furta Enos, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. G. Gossehn --, shipwright, res e s Mary Ann, bet 34th and 35th. 8. Girard Leon, lab, rese s Adams, bet Water and Woodside ave. 2. Gaffee Labbee, lab, wks William Peter. Gagan Miss Johannah, bds Union Saloon. Gage Lorenzo, lab, bds John Osborne. Gaglir Vacin, lab, bds Washington House. Gagner Thelesphe, lab, bds Stephen Vallier. Gagney George, carpenter, res w s Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. 7. Gagnon Valson, lab, bds Washington House. 59 466 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Gain Nelson, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Gainer Francis, lab, bds Francis Tuma. Gainer Frederick, bds Francis Tuma. Gainer Henry, lab, bds Francis Tuma. Gainlain Allen, lab, bds Washington House. Gainsiver John, salt packer, res e s 3d, bet 38th and 39th. 3. Gaitz John, wks Pitts & Cranage. Gale Allen W., wks G. L. Webb, res 34th, near R. R. Galinskie Fred, wks McGraw & Co. Gallagher Dennis, -, wks William McEwan. Gallarno Joseph S., sailor, res n e cor Barney and Johnson. 6. Galliger Peter, fireman Chapin & Barber. Galloway John, wks McGraw & Co. Gallower Wm., wks McGraw & Co. Ganin Miss Sarah, wks George Watkins. Gannier George, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Gannon Kate, wks G. P. Cobb. Gannon William, clk Corey House. Gaoof Frederick, wks Folsom & Arnold, res c of McEwan's mill. 4. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Ciothiers of the State. Garard Andrew, salt packer, res n s Ketchum, bet Johnson and Lincoln. 5. Gardner George, lab, bds Robert Barlow. Gardner George M., lumber dealer, bds Fraser House. Gardner Miss Mary J., wks Isaac Manning. Gardner Philip, painter, bds Winm. LeBean. Gardner William, lab, res e end Water, e McEwan's mill. 5. Gardopee George, carpenter, res n s 2d, e s Johnson. 6. Gareion M., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Garland Alfred, tailor W. E. Teall. Garlend Michael, lumberman, n e cor 13th1 and Farragut. 3. Garrels Hildert, lab, res n e cor Sherman and 2d. 4. Garrels Meinhardt, printer "Tribune," res Sherman cor 2d. Garrett Benjamin, supt Rifle River boom, bds Fraser House. Garrett George, drayman, bds Teodore Garrett. Garrett Teodore, drayman, res s w cor Monroe and 2d. 4. Garrison James, millwright, res e of F. & P. M. R. R., bet 33d and 34th. 9. Garrison John, res s s 30th, nr Water. 3. Garrity Miss Maggie, waiter Fraser House. Garvey Miss Annie, wks Theodore C. Phillips. Gates Edwin H., physician, office cor 3d and Water, res w s Jackson, between 1st and 2d. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 467 Gates & Fay (Samuel G. M. Gates, William L. Fay), lumber manuf'rs, office cor n Water and 6th. Gates Frank, clk Little Jake & Co., bds E. H. Gates. Gates Miss Fredericka, waitress Washington House. Gates Samuel G. M. (Gates & Fay), res s w cor Monroe and 5th. 6. Gathers A., wks McGraw & Co. Gatz Fullinton, carpenter, bds Edward Eickersman. Gatz Leonard, teamster, bds Ed. Eickemeyer. Gavord John, prop'r Gavord House, n e cor 3d and Jefferson. 3. Gay H. C., wks McGraw & Co. Geenetsky P., wks Pitts & Cranage. Gelman Henry, bds Capitol House. Gendron Theodore, lab, bds Stephen Vallier. Genson John, wks Webster & Bros. Gerard Eli, wks McGraw & Co. Gerlach John, tailor, bds Mrs. Josephine Emrich. Germain Daniel, wks McGraw & Co. Germain Mrs. Jane, wid George, res n w cor 14th and Barney. 7. German William, clk A. Huff, bds same. Fashionable Tailoring at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Geroo Arsell, lab, wks Wm. Peter. GEROU JOHN, prop'r Montreal House, s s Mercy, bet Belinda and Dolsen. Gervais Louis, clerk H, De Mar's store. Gesler Charles, wks Braddeck & Sons. Gesner Michael, butcher, res e s Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Gesner Michael, butcher, bds John Waldo. Gezt, Charles, teamster, res n e cor 7th and Jackson. 7. Gibbins James, drayman, n w cor 13th and Fitzhugh. 2. Gibbons James, lab, res w s Fitzhugh, bet 12th and 13th. 3. Gibbons Joseph, cooper, bds Lucius Q. Atkins. Gibson C. F. &.Co. (Charles F. Gibson, --- ), bankers, cor Centre and Saginaw, res cor 10th and Monroe. Gibson, Charles F. (Gibson & Co.), res s e cor 10th and Monroe. 4. Gibson James, lab, bds J. A. Little. Giddings James, blacksmith, res w s Sherman, bet 14th and 15th. 5. Gilbert Chester S., millinery and fancy goods, 106 n Water, res Jefferson. Gilbert Frederick L., book-keeper J. McGraw, res e side Water, bet 40th and 41st. Gilbert Lyman A. L., agent Singer S. M. Co., rooms 106 Water, res same. 3. 468 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Gilbert Nathan, lab, bds John Gavoid. Gilbert Nathan, bds J. Howell. Gilenaw Napoleon, lab, bds W. Gilenaw. Gilenaw William, farmer, res n e cor 13th and ---. 4. Gilfoil Ezra, lab, bds J. Dugra. Gillespie Miss L. J., teacher, bds Mrs. Francis H. Wittemore. Gillet Zedock, agt, s e cor 11th and Sherman. 5. Gillis Alexander, wks Chapin & Barber, bds Montreal House. Gillon Patrick, wks Chapin & Barber. Gills William, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Ginnings A., wks Folsom & Arnold. Girard George, teamster, wks D. Hallock. Girardin Venuste, physician, McEwan blk, up stairs, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, res same. Giroux Andre, wks McGraw & Co. Giroux Edward, lab, w s Jackson, bet 11th and 12th. 3. Giroux Francis, wks McGraw & Co. Giroux Leon, wks Pitts & Cranage. Gitings James, blacksmith, Bay City Iron Works, res w s Sherman, bet 13th and 14th. Glaskow Frank, wks Albert Miller. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. GLEASON COLLIN, manuf'r, jeweler,shop over M. A. Root's music store, e s n Water. Gleason Michael, lab, w s Farragut, bet 14th and 15th. 7. Glenetskie Pet, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Glenowski John, lab, e s Mary Ann, bet 34th and 36th. 9. Glover Augustus, clk, Little Jake & Co., bds Wolverton House. Glover Rolla, propr Fraser House billiard hall, res 208 e s Jackson, bet 4th and 5th. 2. Glublenskie Frank, cooper, bds Montreal House. Glytnan Pat, wks McGraw & Co. Gordon ---, mail agent, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Gordon Henry, lab, res w s Fitzhugh, bet 14th and 15th. 4.Gordon William, office 11 Watson block. Gougeon Anthime, lab, bds D. Raby. Gougeon Pierre, stone-cutter, res s s 18th, bet Howard and Williams. 8. Goddard George A., agt Wheeler & Wilson S. M. Co., rooms 110, n Water. Goddeyne Edward, res cor Johnston and 2d. Godeyne Charles, lab, res s s 2d, bet Barney and Johnson. 7. Godness Peter, lab, res e s Adams, bet Water and Woodsideavenue. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 469 Goeke Paul, lab, res s 12th, bet Saginaw and Wash'n. 3. Goeschel Louis (Goeschel & Meisel), bds Herman Meisel. Gondreau John, shoemaker, res n s 16th, near Farragut. 6. Gonesse Napoleon, edger, John McEwan's mill. Gonyon Nelson, lab, wks William Peter. Goodrich George, book-keeper, R. J. Carneys, bds Will T. Craft. Goodson James 0., lumber inspector, office Watson block, Water, res n cor 6th and Sherman. 3. Goodson William N., lumber inspector, bds J. 0. Goodson. Goodenough Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Goodwin Oliver H. P., ice dealer, res e s Williams, bet 13th and 14th. 2. Goodnow John, wks A. A. Gotfreit. Goodrow John, wks T. C. Comney. Gordon John G., pile-driver, res s e cor 2d and Wash'n. 2. Gordon Joseph, office room 7 and 8 Watson block, lightering agent, propr b'ge line, res e s Wash'n, bet 8th and 9th. 4. Gordon W. L., lumberman, bds Wolverton House. Gornover Geo., wks McGraw & Co. Gornover Joseph, wks McGraw & Co. Nobby Suits at 1i. & H1. Koch & Co's. Gornover Thomas, wks McGraw & Co. Gosler Alexander, wks Braddick & Sons. Gosler Joseph, wks Braddick & Sons. Gostage Silas E., joiner, res n s 1st, bet Jackson and Van Buren. 2. Gostige John, carpenter, res e s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. Gotfreit Arnold A., baker and confectioner, e s Water, bet 6th and 7th, res same. 7. Gotwalk William, lab, bds Boutreur House. Gould Arthur B., sawyer, res e s River, bet 36th and 37th. 2. Gould Hiram, wks Folsom & Arnold. Gould G. E., wks McGraw & Co. Goynon James, lab, wks William Peter. Grabner Henry, teacher E. L. E. School, bds F. Arnold. Grabowsky A. & Co., (Abraham and Isaac Grabowsky), millinery and fancy goods, 112 n s Centre, bet Saginaw and Water. Grabowsky Abraham (A. and I. Grabowsky), res w s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Grabowsky Isaac (A. and I. Grabowsky), res w s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Grabowsky George, peddler, res c s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 4. 470 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Grabowsky Solomon, dealer in watches, jewelry, etc., res No. 109 Centre. Grace John, setter, works William Peter. Grace John, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Graffort Francis, clerk, works Woolson & Kise. Graham Charles, bds Forest City House. Graham Charles, lab, bds M. S. Meger. Graham James, confectionery stand at 3d bridge, bds Moulton House. Graham Joseph, bds Forest City House. Graham Wm., carpenter, bds Wm. LeBean. Graham Wm. H., prop'r saloon cor Water and 1,th sts, res same. 2. Graham Robert, lab, res s s 34th, east William. 3. Graham Ziba B. (A. Stevens & Co.), res n side s Centre. Graim Robert, works Albert Miller. Grandy William, deputy sheriff, res n w cor 9th and Washington. 8. Graneux F., works Folsom & Arnold. Granger Joseph, sawyer McEwan's mill, res e end Water, e s McEwan's mill. 4. Little sake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Granger Morse, lab, bds 0. Grondin. Grant Angus J., clk W. P. Hoyt, bds J. A. Grant, Saginaw, bet 1st and 2d. Grant Archibald, teamster, res n e cor Adams and 7th. 5. Grant Donald, lab, bds Stanstead House. Grant John, sail manufr, n s 1st, bet Grant and Van Buren. 6. Grant John, tailor, e s Fraser, bet 20th and 21st. 4. Grant Wm. W., teamster, res e s Jefferson, bet 21st and 22d. 5. Gray Catharine, wks G. H. Young. Gray James, printer," Lumberman's Gazette," res w s Farragat, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Gray Nellie, wks T. J. Beaubien. Gray S. W., lab, bds Corey House. Grearer Alexander, wks Albert Miller. Green Almon L., boiler-maker, Jos. T. Kirk, bds Mrs. Bathgot. Green Amos D., boiler-maker, Jos. T. Kirk, bds Mrs. Bathgot. Green Amos D., boiler maker, bds Mrs. M. Bathgot. Green Aug., lab, wks William Peter. GREEN & DINGMAN (Nelson Green, William W. Dingman), liverymen, stable e s Saginaw, bet 3d and 4th. See advt. Green Miss Eva, wks P. Nowicki. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 471 Green Foley, foreman P. J. Perrott, bds Moulton House. Green George, lab, nr 40th, e s F. & P. M. R.. 7. Green Gustavus A., lab, w s River, bet 36th and 37th. 3. Green H., lab, bds Corey House. Green John, wks McGraw & Co. Green Joseph, lab, bds Chatham House. Green Miss Lelly, home with August Kaiser. Green Nelson (Green & Dingman), res Jackson, M. Green Sanford, Judge, bds George Lord. Green Thomas, lab, res n s 21st, bet Howard and William. 2. Green Wm. B., wks McGraw & Co. Green W. 0.,printer 'Chronicle." rooms Birney blk, bds Wolverton House. Greene Almon, boiler-maker, bds Mrs. Margaret Bathgait. Greene Charles J., lab, res c s Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 6. Greene William, lab, res e s Van Buren, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Greene Miss Eva, bds Joseph T. Kirk. Greer Alexander, lab, bds Mrs. Matilda Jones. Greer H., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Greer S., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Lowest Prices at ~. & H. KEoch & Coes. Greff Ferdinand, lab, bds John Broebster. Gregory Chauncey, wks "Bay City Tribune." Gregory H., carpenter, bds Jonathan Smith. Gregory John, wks "Bay City Tribune." GREGORY LELAND H., groceries and provisions, n e cor 8th and Wash'n, res same. 2. Gregory M. D., mechanic, bds Wolverton H1ouse. Gregory Wm. H., lab, res e s Jeff'n, bet 11th and 12th. G. Gregson Samuel, bds Forest City House. Greham Ziba, lumberman, res n w cor s Center. 3. Grelow Alfred, lab, bds Corner Hotel. Greuter Jacob, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Grichky Gotthelf, lab, e s Van Buren, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Griddell Albert, baker, res w s Adams, bet 9th and 10th. 3. Gridley John B., book-keeper Bancroft & Co., bds Campbell House. Gridzilewski Nicholas, lab, bds M. Dubois. Grier Mrs. Mary J. (wid T. C. Grier), e s Jefferson, bet 9th and 10th. 4. Griffin Albert, sailor, bds Anscombe House. Griffin John, lab, bds P. Griul. Griffin Lewis, foreman "Bay City Tribune." 472 lBAY CITY DIRECTORY. Grisdale Gideon, wks Pitts & Cranage. Grisdale William, sawyer Pitts & Cranage, bds Wolverton House. Grisdale William, lab, res Adams, nr D. & B. C. depot. 4. Grist Mill prop'rs, McDonald & Fray, cor 1st and Water. Griswold Albert B. (H. Griswold & Son), bds cor Farragutand Centre. Griswold H. & Son (Harry and Albert B. Griswold), china, glass, and queensware, 107 n Water, res cor Centre and Farragut. GRIUL PAUL, saloon and boarding house, e s Saginaw, bet 8t h and 9th. 4. Groleau -, lab, bds D. Raby. Grooms Frank, riverman, res s w cor Campbell and Lincoln. 2. Gromboskie Frederick F., lab, wks Shearer & Co. Grondin Olivier, foreman Smith & Wheeler's sash factory, res s w cor 17th and Broadway. 7. Grover Edward, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Grover Jean, painter, bds Eagle House, Grover Julius, carpenter, wks Philander M. Whipple. Grow Casher P., firm Little Jake & Co.,'bds Campbell House. 2 One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Grow Dewitt W., firm Little Jake & Co., bds Campbell House. Growser John, lab, wks William Peter. Grulo Frederick, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Guard Lewis, restaurant, e s Water, bet 10th and 11th, res same. 3. Gudschinsky Herman, lab, res n w cor Jackson and 3d. 6. Guindon Adolphe, clk, bds Mrs J. Emrich. Guindon Adolphe, lab, res s w cor Williams and 19th. 6. Guilt John, foreman, Mann & Co., res bet 6th and 7th, Jeff'n. Guinn Charles, wks Albert Miller. Gulls Miss Maggie, home with Timothy O'Connor. Gull John, wks McGraw & Co. Gulliver Henry, lab, bds J. A. Little. Gunn Henry, lab, bds Crampton House. Gunn William, shoemaker, bds W. Hall. Gurle John, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Gusler Charles, lab, res w s Mary Ann, bet 33d and 34th. 2. Gustage Josiah, pattern-maker Bay City Iron Works, res 1st. Gust Carl, lab, e s Mary Ann, bet 31st and 32d. 4. Gust Wm., lab, bd's Carl Gust. Gustin Charles C., job printer, office room No. 1, Griswold blk, over 109 n Water, res 216 w s Jefferson, bet 6th and 7th. 2. BAY CITY. DIRECTORY. 473 Gustin Henry N. (D. A. Ballou & Co.), res s w cor 6th and Madison. 4. Gustin & Merrill (Richard P. Gustin and Henry P. Merrill), wholesale grocers, w s Water, bet 4th and 5th. Gustin Richard P. (Gustin, Merrill & Co.), res e s Jefferson, bet 7th and 8th. Gustus Joseph, lab, res n e cor Fitzhugh and 14th. 3. Guthrey John, painter, res s s 1st, bet Trumble and -. 4. Gwilt John, foreman Munn & Co., res w s Jefferson, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Gwyne Henry, blacksmith, wks Samuel Wood. H. Haas Charles H., carpenter, res n s 2d, bet Monroe and Jackson. 10. Hacklen Miss May, wks William L Fay. Haering Frank C., tailor, shop over 113 Centre, res Jackson, near 3d. Haering Winm. R., tailor and bds F. C. Haering. Haffron Patrick, lab, bds H. Steele's. Hagan John, clk, bds C. E. Foote. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Hagar George, gen'l grocer, s w cor Madison and 3d. 6. Hage Conrad, grocer, res cor Wash'n and 9th. 9. Hager George, dealer in groceries, cor Madison and 3d. 6. Haggadone John, bar-tender, res w s Hamilton, bet 6th and 7th.;3. Hagdorn Stephen H., (al) physician, a s s Centre, bet 1st and 3d. 3. Haight H., lab, wks Shearer & Co. Haight Samuel, mason, s w cor 11th and Grant. 7. Haight Samuel, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Haight Wellington, bds Forrest City House. Hail Roswel, millwright, w s Grant, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Haine George, butcher, bds C. J. Reichles. Hajmaw Andrew, clk for George Loeffler, res 8th. Hakes John C., lab, bds James T. Needham. Hall Alexander, blacksmith, res a as 21st, bet Bowery and Williams. 6. Hall A., carpenter, bds Jonathan Smith. Hall A., lab, wks Webster & Bros. Hall Charles B., carpenter and joiner, res e s Broadway, bet 25th and 26th. 3. 60 474 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Hall Charles W. L. R., Jr., carpenter and joiner, res e s Broadway, bet 25th and 26th. 3. Hall Dominick, lab, bds N. Hebert. Hall Miss Emily A., teacher 2d Ward school, bds Mrs. Lucy Clark. Hall Harvey, ship broker, office rooms 7 and 8 Watson block, ies e s Jeff'n, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Hall Henry, lab, res e s Wilson, bet Fremont ave and 30th. 6. Hall James, wks Chapin & Barber. Hall Jackson, teamster, res n s Campbell, bet Annie. 6. Hall John, lab, e s Van Buren, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Hall Michael, teamster, bds John Osborn. Hall Peter, salt-boiler Chapin & Barber. Hall Ransom, carpenter and joiner, res n w cor Jefferson and 9th. 7. Hall Robert A., brick-maker, res s s 15th, bet Madison and Jefferson. 2. Hall Sidney A. (Shaw & Hall), bds Mrs. D. R. Williams. Hall William, shoemaker, res n s 7th, bet Saginaw and Washington. 2. Hall -, wks M. Watrous & Sons. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Halley Miss H-ellen, school teacher 2d ward, bds Peter L. Rogers. Halley William, lab, bds Corey House. Hallock Daniel, jobber, e side Jefferson, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Halowell Edward, lab, bds Moris N. Sakett. Halsted Joseph, carpenter, w side Monroe, bet 6th and Centre. 6. Hamanne, Frank, prop'r Hamlin House, s w cor Campbell, near Lincoln. 8. Hamet Oscar F., lumber inspector, res n w cor Jackson and 8th. 3. Hamilton Alexander, lab, bds R. Barlow. Hamilton Miss Eva, milliner, bds Daniel Campbell. Hamilton John, teamster, bds Joseph Hamilton. Hamilton Joseph, carpenter, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 21st and 22d. 4. Hamilton William B., bds Taylor House. Hamlin Alexander, lab, res e s Johnson, bet Campbell and Woodside ave. 4. Hamlin Frederick, wks Pitts & Cranage. Hammond Frank, wks Barber & Chapin. Hammond Hannah, wks R. Williams. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 475 Hammond John, wks Barber & Chapin. flammond Mrs. Susan (wid S. D. Hammond), res s s Lord, near Sheridan. 3. Hammond William, tallyman, bds C. W. Monroe. Harny Frederick, baker, wks F. Arnold. Handcock Samuel, lab, res s e cor Johnson and Ketchum. 5. Haney James (Drago & Haney), bds Chatham House. Hanlin John W., liveryman, s s 4th, bet Wash'n and Saginaw, res s w cor 4th and Wash'n. 3. Hanlon Miss Mary, chambermaid, Wolverton House. Hanmann Mathias, carp, bds Simon Hanmann. Hanmann Simon, carp, res s e cor Farragut and 9th. 4. Hannah Andrew, lab, res s e cor Howard and 17th. 11. Hannah James, lab, s s 40th, opp 4th. 5. Hannah John, lab, bds Andrew Hannah. Hannan Markey, sailor, res e s Madison, bet 7th and 8th. 4 Hannan Robert, machinist, Bay City Iron Works, bds Mrs. Ellen Hanna, Midland st, Wenona. Hanrety Patrick, lab, bds Taylor House. Hansell John, salt-packer, s w cor 24th and Bowery. 8. Hansel John B., farmer, res s e cor 24th and Bowery. 9. Special Department for Boys' Clothing at Koch & Co's. Hanson Benjamin F., lab, res e side Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 6. Harbeck Henry A., mill owner, res w s Van Buren, bet 8th. and 9th. 3. Harc John, saloon keeper, s e cor Van Burea and 5th. 10. Hardnburgh Eva, bds Rufus D. Henderson. Harding Brent, painter, wks G. Reiley, res e s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. Hardy James (col), lab, res e s Williams, bet 15th and 16th. 2. Harding Miss Mary, home with Walter Moore. Harding Thomas K., foreman job rooms "Bay City Tribune," bds Campbell House. Hare John, machinist, Munn & Co., res cor 14th and Jeff'n. Hare John, carpenter, res n side 14th, bet Barney and Monroe. 5. Harigan John, engineer, R. F. Higgins. Hargadon John, atty and justice, office room 22 Watson blk, Water, bds Campbell House. Hargrave Edward J., foreman, McGraw's mill, res n e cor 15th and Bowery. 6. Hargrave John, physician, home with Edward J. Hairgrave. Hargrave Wilks, filer, wks N. B. Bradley & Co. 476 6RAY CITY DIRECTORY. Harkin James, filer, Dolsen. & Chapin. res s s Mercer, bet Dolsen and Belinda. 12. Harkins Robert, fireman, res n side 13th, bet Fitzhugh and Fraser. 6. Harmon Felix, wks John McEwan. Harris David (col), wks Gates & Fay, res e s Van Buren, bet 11th and 12th. Harris Francis, wks Shearer & Co., bds J. Dugra. Harris Joseph, shoemaker, wks W. H. Nellis, bds Molton House. Harris Thomas, printer, " Tribune," bds Globe Hotel. Harrington Alfred, lab, res n w cor s Centre and corporation line. 8. Harris Miss Maggie, housekeeper Rev. T. Rafter. Harrison Calvin, mechanic, bds Mrs. M. Bathgait. Harrison Francis, carpenter, res e s Bowery, bet 19th and 20th. 4. Harrison James W., printer, bds Globe Hotel. Harrison T. W., printer " Bay City Herald," bds Globe Hotel. Harrison Win., drayman, res 5th, bet Van Buren and Grant. 2. Harrison Mrs., bds Wolverton House. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Harrower Benjamin S., newsdealer, res n e cor 31st and Marsac. 4. Harrower E. A., dealer in fruits, confectionery, etc., Water, bet 31st and 32d. Harvey William, lab, bds Charles Meoker. HARRY BALDWIN W.., mechanic, res w s Saginaw, bet 8th and 9th. 6. Harry Daniel, boiler maker, bds Wyandotte House. Hart George, lab, res w s Lincoln, n s Ketchum. 2. Hart Julius B., merchant, res 401 n e cor Adams and 1st. 5. Hart Lynus, engineer, res n w cor Williams and 18th. 3. Hartford George, lab, bds Mrs. S. Coon. Hartgrave Win., filer, res e s Fraser, bet 17th and 18th. 8. Hartley William B., res s w cor 3d and Sherman. 3. Hartneet Miss Lizzie, bds J. Holbert. Hartnell Albert, lab, bds Corey House. Hartney James, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Hartranft Mrs. J. B., dealer in millinery and fancy goods, hair, and ladies' furnishing goods, 118 n Water, res s w cor 5th and Saginaw. Hiartwell Charles, lab, res s w cor 30th and 3d. 2. H-Iartwick Peter J., artist, res 807 w s Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 477 Hartwick P. J., artist, res es Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 2. lHarvell Nicholas, painter, bds Ontario House. Harwood Joseph, machinist, bds C. M. Prescott. Harwood Peter (aged), res w s McClellan, bet 6th and 7th. Hasen J. S., wks McGraw & Co. Haskell Albert J., carpenter, res w s Farragut, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Haskin & Spencer (George Haskin, Burton W. Spencer), stoves, tinware, etc., Union Block, foot Centre. Hasett John, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Hasett William, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Hatch Herschall H., attorney, office cor Washington and Centres, res e s Washington, cor 10th. 9. Hatch John R., blacksmith, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, res n s 11th, bet Van Buren and Grant. 8. Hatch J. N., res with H. H. Hatch. Hatch William, molder, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds John Hatch, cor 11th and Van Buren. Hotchkiss Everett, assistant teller State Bank, bds home, n e cor 3d and Grant. Hats John, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Only one Price at IX. & H. Koch & Co's. Hatwood M., lab, bds Taylor House. Haughton Miss Emma A., tel opr, bds H. H. Ulatch. Haulin John, prop'r livery stable, cor 4th and Washington, res adjoining.:3. Hawk Peter, lab, bds George Yonker. Hawkesworth George, millwright, res e s Water, bet 29th and 30th. 4. Hawkesworth Mrs. Julia, res e s McCormick, bet 23d and 24th. 4. Hawkins Hiram, lab, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. Hawkins John W., farmer, res n s 35th. 4. Hawkins Wesley, wholesale dealer, res n e cor 4th and Jefferson. 6. HAWKINS WESLEY & Co., wholesale liquors, cigars, and tobaccos, 418 n Water, old No. 210. See advt. Hawksworth Mrs. Julia, clk Munger & Co. Hawley Charles R., dry goods, bds Fraser House. Hawley Miss Helen, teacher second ward school, bds Peter L. Rogers. Hayden John, bricklayer, s s 35th, bet lst and 2d. 4. Haydon John, wks J. McEwan. Hayes D., wks Braddick & Sons. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Hayes Edward, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Hayes George, no occupation, bds William Henry Charter. Hayes John, lab, bds Thomas Roach. Hayes John B., lab, res e s Johnson, n of Campbell. 3. Hayes Joseph, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Hayes Michael, lab, w s Jackson, bet 11th and 12th. 3. Hayes Robert, lab, bds J. Hall. Hague John, res e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Hague Miss Lizzie, wks Valley House. Haynes A. M., short-hand reporter, bds W. Hodgkins. Haynes John (Holmes, Haynes & Stoddard), att'y; office Watson blk, Water, res s e cor 10th and Van Buren. 3. Hays Eben B., lab, res s s 30th, bet 4th and 5th. 2. Hayt Frederick, clk, bds Jacob D. Eaton. Hazelwood Robert, lab, bds J. Stevens. Hazen John W., capt schr " Favorite," e s Jackson, bet 9th and 10th. 3. Hazzard James, bds Mrs. M. A. Brehmer. Head Henry, machinist, wks Smalley Bros., e s Fraser, bet 14th and 15th. 4. Hearn James, carp, e s Kossuth, nr McGrath's mills. Interview.the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Hearns Stevens, lab, res n s 35th. 6. Hearth Michael, lab, bds James A. Little. Hebert Charles, lab, n e cor Van Buren and 4th. 3. Hebert Edward, lab, e s Monroe, bet 11th and 12th. 2. Hebert Jonas L., clk Munger & Co., res 13th, bet Madison and Monroe. 3. Hebert Nelson, saloon, e s Water, bet 5th and Centre, res Centre. Heck Louis, wks McGraw & Co. Heckwith Henry, lab e s Kossuth, nriMcGraght's mills. 3. Heddings Jerome N., wks and bds J. Norgong. Heeran Godfrey, lab, w s Van Buren, bet 2d and 3rd. 8. Heeren Peter, lab, bds G. Heeren. Hege Conrad, grocer, res e s Washington, bet 8th and 9th. 9. Heggie William H., clk, St. James Restaurant, bds same. Heiber William, saloon keeper, w s Van Buren, bet 3d and 2d. 6. Heil Laurence, butcher for and bds G. Hine & Bro. HEINZlANN CHRISTOPHER, prop Forest City House, cor 6th and Wash'n. See advt. 4. lHEINZM1ANN JOHN, prop Wash'n House, s e cor 2d and 30th. 2. Heisordt Peter, sup't J. McEwan's saw mill, res 224 Monroe. TBAY CITY DIRECTORY. 4'79 Helm Henry, stave agt, res s s 2d, bet Johnston and Birney. 4. Hellmuth Engelhard, carp, bds Josephine Emrich. Hellmuth Henry, tinsmith, bds Mrs. Josephine Emrich. HELPEG GEORGE, prop Hampton House, n e cor Centre and Carney. 6. Hembling Noah, carriage-maker and blacksmith, shop e s Saginaw, bet 2d and 3d, res w s MIonroe, bet 1st and 2d. 5. Hene Claude, carpenter, res n e, cor 25th and Broadway. 4. Hemme Miss Jeanette, res cor Adams and Center. Henderson James, lab,. bds International Hotel. Henderson John, wheelwright, bds John M. Kinnon. Henderson Rufus D., carpenter, res s w cor 21st and Howard. 3. Henderson Robert, lab, bds International Hotel. Hendersen Thomas, carriage-maker, res ni w cor 3d and Washington. 5. Henderson Wm. R., clk, bds J. W. McFMath. Henderson Willis R., bds J. W. McMath. Henderson William, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Hendrick John, lab, bds Mlrs. L. Hendrick. Hendrick Mrs. Lucinda (wid Eli), laundress, res s e cor 8th, bet Saginaw and Washington. Trunks for Ladies and Gentlemen at Kocis & Co's. Hendricks Armand, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. Henion Burt G., clk Mlunger & Co., bds Campbell House. Henion Lourin L., elk Munger & Co., bds Campbell House. Henion S. N., salesman, bds Campbell House. Henman Geo., doctor, res Center st, bet Adams and Jeff'n. 9. Henmann Miss Margaret, wks Albert Griddell. Hennard John, millwright, res n s Campbell, bet Sheridan and Seymour ave. 4. Heanerd Clement, lab, res e s Campbell, nr Lincoln. 10. Hennessey Jas., wks McGraw & Co. Hennessey Patrick, bricklayer, res 5th, bet Van Buren and Grant. 6. Henriotte Pierre, wks Pitts & Cranage, res s c cor Grant and ist. 2. Henry George, wks P. J. Perrott, bds Moulton House. Henry John, salt-boiler Barber & Chapin. Hensy Miss Louisa, servant girl L. A. Barber, bds same. Hepkamp Herman, lab, bds Washington House. Hero William, molder Bay City Iron Works, bds home with J. Herc. Herran Daniel, lab, bds Hamlin House. Herring Frederick, tailor, res c s Jackson, bet 2d and 3d. 7. 480 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Herrington John, gunsmith, e side 18th, bet Williams and. Howard. 5. Hershenson William, clerk T. Anthony, bds J. Breckler. Herson Samuel W., salesman, bds W. S. Thompson. Hess Samuel, lab., res n e cor Lincoln and Barney. 11. Hessell Byron, wks Gates & Fay. Hessert James, musician, bds Mrs. M. A. Brehmer. Hetterick Michael E., tinsmith, bds E. Clark. Hetu Leonard, lab, e side Broadway, bet 18th and 19Lh. 5. Heumann Charles, clk, bds Mrs. M. Heumann. Hewitt Calvin A., mason, res n e cor Fremont ave and Broadway. 5. Hewitt Horace B., wks Webster & Bro., res e s Wilson bet 24th and 25th. 2. Hewitt John, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Hewitt Joseph, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Hewitt Marshall, wks McGraw & Co. Hewmann George, physician, office 104 s w cor Centre and Jefferson, res same. 9. Hebert Mary, wks C. Raby. Little Jake & Co., Wisner. Block. Hebert Nelson, boarding-house, n w cor Belinda and Fitzgerald. 6. Hebinger George, tanner, wks J. Robinson, res s e cor 15th and Sherman. 5. Hebinger Frederick, wks book-binding office. Hibert 0., wks Folsom & Arnold. Hickey Squire (Hickey & Day). res w side Water, bet 39th and 40th. 2. Hickey William, lab, bds John Perkins. HlICKEY & DAY, proprs Clarendon House, w side 1st, bet 39th and 40th. See advt. Hicks Miss Fannie, cook Delmonico Restaurant. Hidden Oliver M., draughtsman with Porter & Watkins, architects, s w cor 8th and Grant. 2. Hiesner Charles, sailor, bds J. Minnie. Hiesner John, sailor, bds J. Minnie. Heener A., prop'r Great Buffalo Clothing House, res cor 5th and Washington. 3. Hesordt Peter S., book-keeper John McEwan, e s ,onroe, bet 4th and 5th. Higgins Robert F., millwright, res s s Mercer, bet Dolsen and Belinda. 6. Higgins J. J., wks McGraw & Co. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 481 Hiles Chas., wks McGraw & Co. Hill Clemon C., grocer, s s Woodside ave, bet Grant and Van Buren, res same. 6. Hill Mrs. Ellen M., boarding house, w s Water, bet 34th and 35th. 3. Hill George, cooper, s s 13th, bet Jefferson and Fitzhugh. 7. Hill Isaac, office in town, res e s Van Buren, bet 10th and 11th. 6. Hill John, bds Crampton House. Hill Miss Lesty (wid David), s e cor Williams and 21st. Hill Robert, tel repairer, bds Mrs. A. S. Seeley. Hillburn Hiram, cooper, bds Michael Claus. Hinchey Lonzo, sawyer, res Fraser, bet 13th and 14th. 4. Hinde John L., molder, wks Baxter & Scully. Hinde Livingston, molder, res e s Jeff'n, bet 1st and Woodside avenue. 2. HINE G. & BRO. (Gustavus and Theodore Hine), butchers, market s Water, bet 13th and 14th. See advt. Hine Gustavus (G. Hine & Bro.), res over market, s Water, bet 13th and 14th. 4. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Hine, Theodore (G. Hine & Bro.), res Wash'n, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Hirkar Joseph, lab, bds John Broebster. Hirstkin John, lab, bds J. A. Little. Hitchcock Joseph R. (Hitchcock & Ingraham), res s Centre, bet 4th and 6th. Hitchcock - (1-itchcock & Ingraham), res s side Centre, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Hitchcock P. B., ship-builder, bds Wolverton House. IITCHICOCK & INGRAHAM (Joseph R. Hitchcock, Allan Ingraham), lumber, lath, and stave manuf'rs, mill and office n Water, foot 35th. See advt. Hocker Miss Mary, wks Solomon Day. Hodgins John, lab, res n e cor 16th and Fitzhugh. 8. Hodgkins Ward, mason, res n w cor 9th and Adams. 3. Hodgson Horatio, printer, " Chronicle," bds Mrs. Clemens. Hofinan Frank, tailor, res s e cor Adams and 6th. 9. Hoffman Henry, butcher, wks John Wald. Hogan Cornelius, lab, res w s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Hogan Miss Ellen, wks Henry C. More. Hogan Fancher S., tel opr, bds Campbell House. I-Iogan James, carpenter, res s s 3d, bet Chase and Pendleton. 3. 61 482 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Hogan John, carpenter, bds James Hogan. Hoge Henry, lab, res e s Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 8. Hogen Ellen, chambermaid, Henry C. Moore, bds same. Holbert James, sawyer, e side Frazer, bet 20th and 21st. 2. Holchkiss Louis, works Albert Miller. Holland John, mechanic, res e s Farragut, bet 7th and 8th. 5. Holly Frederick H., 2d engineer Holly water-works, res n e Barney, bet Johnston and Lincoln. 3. Holley William, wks Albert Miller. Holmes George (Iolmes, Haynes & Stoddard), res s w cor 6th and Sherman. 2. Holmes Henry, builder, w side No 209 Mouroe, bet 4th and 5th. 9. Holmes Miss Julia, bds G. Holmes. Holmes Joseph, wks Pitts & Cranage. Holmes Robert, mechanic, bds Cumberland House. Holmes Sidney T. (Holmes, Haynes & Stoddard), res cor 6th and Sherman. HOLMES, HAYNES & STODDARD, (Sidney T. Holmes, John Haynes, and John S. Stoddard), att'ys, office rooms 12 and 13, Watson blk, Water. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. Hood George F., book-keeper Smith & Wheeler, res w s Adams, bet 7th and 8th. 9. Hood Lucas, lab, works Smith & Wheeler. Hooker C. W., works Albert Miller. Hooker Wesley, filer, Miller's mill, res e s Water, bet 33d and 34th. 2. Hooper Arthur, finisher, works Parker & Lloyd. Hooper Frederick, salesman, res 11th and Sheridan. Hooper James, upholster and finisher, works Parker & Lloyd. Hooper Joseph H. (h), physician, office over 107 Griswold blk n Water, res cor 11th and Sheridan. Hoover E. H., lumberman, bds Wolverton House. Hoover John, wks Pitts & Cranage. Hoover Josiah, jobber, n s 3d, bet Sherman and Farragut. 3. Hope James, bell boy Fraser House. Hopkins Edward (Hopkins, Tuttle & Co.), res e side Jackson, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Hopkins Mrs. Elizabeth (widc Daniel), res n w cor Wilson and *29th. 6. Hopkins James, wks Pitts & Cranage. Hopkins Wilson (Hopkins, Tuttle & Co.), res e s Jackson, bet 8th and 9th. 4. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 483 Hopkins, Tuttle & Co. (Edward L. Hopkins, Wilson S. Hopkins, Counsel W. Tuttle), groceries, provisions, flour, and feed, etc., s e cor 11th and Water. Hopp Charles, lab, bds William Hopp, wks R. Higgins. Hopp William, lab, res e s Dolsen, bet Water and Woodside ave. 11. Horrigan Edward, wks Dolson, Chapin & Bro. Horn William, lab, bds George Wanless. Horn William, wks Folsom & Arnold. Hornbrook Wm., machinist, e s Jefferson, bet 1lth and 12th. 2. Horrigan Edward, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Horrigan John, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Horrigan -, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Horten Miss Emma, telegrapher, bds H. H. Hatch. See advt. Horten Henry, lab, bds Washington House. Hose Vigilant Co. No. 2, w s Belinda, near Barney. Hotchkiss Benjamin D. E., engineer Archibald & Bradley's saw mill, res s e cor 1st and Madison. 5. Hotchkiss Frederick, lab wks Braddick & Son, bds E. M. Hall. Hotchkiss George W,, manager "Daily Tribune," office Centre, res n e cor Grant and 3d. 4. Gentlemen's utfis ufi at M.. & H. Koch & Co',s Hotchkiss I. P., manager " Daily Tribune," Centre st., res n e cor Monroe and 5th. 4. Hotchkiss William J., carpenter, res e s Broadway, bet 27th and 28th. 4. Howard Albert, carpenter, bds Mrs. Margaret Bathgait. Howard Alonzo H., foreman, res n side 22d, bet Broadway and Water. 10. Howard Edward, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Howard George, ship carpenter, e side Williams, bet 19th and 80th. 4. Howe Edward, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Howell Charles, M. D., physician, office over 118 n Water, bds Globe Hotel. Howell Gideon, wks McGraw & Co. Howell Henry, lab, bds R. Williams. Howell Joseph, lab, res cor 1st and Saginaw. 8. Hower George W., lab, wks Shearer & Co. Howie Mat., bds Globe Hotel. Howle Nicholas, pail manuf'r, bds Eagle House. Hown Hiram, wks Pitts & Cranage. Hoyt Wi. P., ins agt, office new Munger blk, Saginaw, res e s Jefferson, bet 10th and 11th. 5. 484: BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Hubbard Miss Grace, teacher 5th Ward school, bds Mr. I. fI. Hill. Huddelson John W., turner, res e s Grant, bet Woodside ave and 1st. 4. Hudson Volney, wks Albert Miller. Huff Adam, fruit stand, w s Water, bet 4th and 5th. Huff Adam, dairyman, res s w cor 11th and Johnson. 5. Huff D. L., book agt, res n s 12th, bet Farragut and Grant. 6.. Hufnagel Mary, servant girl Gustavus Hine, bds same. Huiskans Cornelius, lab, n e cor 3d and Birney. 6. Hughes Mrs. Maria (wid), boarding house, e s Williams, bet 14th and 15th. 2. Hughes Mary, cook Globe Hotel. Hughes Sarah, cook Globe Hotel. Hugs John, lab, bds Robert Barlow. Hulbert Hezekiah B., dentist, room 1 Watson blk, Water, foot Centre, res e s Monroe, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Hulbert H. B., dentist, office Nos. 1 and 2 Watson block, foot Centre, res e s Monroe, bet 6th and 7th. HIulet Calvin, carpenter, wks Philander M. Whipple. Hull Henry, lab, bds Crampton House. Patronize the "1Boss"I Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Hull John, shoemaker J. Redwood, bds same. Hulse Peter, wks McGraw & Co. Hunt James, wks William Peter, res c s Fraser, bet 16th and' 17th. 5. Hurst Solomon W. (col'd), barber L. N. Brazzelton, bds St.. James restaurant. Hurts J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Huskins Miss Catharine, home with Edward F. Verellen. iHuston Sam, wks McGraw & Co. Hutchinson Mrs. Jane (wid), Chas. Hutchinson, res e s Howard, bet 23d and 24th. 4. Hutchinson Warren N., book-keeper M. Watrous & Sons, res s e cor 23d and Howard. Huxterdam John, lab, res s e cor 16th and Sherman. Hyde John, barrister, res e s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. Hyde Michael J., cooper, res n e cor 17th and Jefferson. 6. Hyde -, cooper, s s 16th, bet Birney & Monroe. 4. Hyles Charles, lab, bds James A. Little. Hyman Abram, clothing store, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, res Washington, cor 5th. 3. Hyman Richard, bds Mrs. M. A. Brehmer. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 485 I. Ingram Adam, cabinet-maker, n s 8th, bet Adams and Wash'n, res n s 8th, bet Jefferson and Madison. Ingraham Albert, mill owner, bds Astor House. Ingraham Allan (Hitchcock & Ingraham), bds Astor House. Ingraham -, painter, bds Wm. LeBeau. Irel Moses, lab, bds, bds Joseph Cnsson. Irwin H. P., bds Capitol I-Iouse. Irwin R., wks Folsom & Arnold. Irwin Winm., wks McGraw & Co. Isabelle Pierre, lab, bds Charles Rlacicot. Ivie P., lab, bds John Gavoid. Izdadar Jobn, lab, w s Williams, bet 16th and 17/th. 3. J. Jackson Francis, lab, res n s 4th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 4. Jackson Gurdon K. (Jackson & Rose), res n w cor Farragut and 5th. 3. Jackson Henry, bds Capitol -House. Workingmen's Outfits at P. & H. Koch & Co's. Jackson John H., baggageman F. & P. M. R'y, res s e cor Monroe and 3d. 2. Jackson Miss Jennie, wks Ziba Graham. Jackson Thomas, lab, bds Taylor House. Jamisson Thomas, carpenter, e s Howard, bet 21st and 22d. 3. Jarmin James, elk Mnnger & Co., bds 508 14th. Jarmin Miss Catharine, teacher 5th Ward school, bds Mrs. Jane Jarmin. Jay Charles A., prop'r Campbell House block, Water. Jay Henry C., foreman, e s 3d, bet 28th and Fremont ave. 2. Jay Michael, r r contractor, res e s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Jeaness Napoleon, lab, bds Stephen Vallier. Jeddings George, lab, bds Ogdensburg House. Jelly James, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Jelley James, Sr. and Jr., bds J. Howell. Jelly John, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Jellus Joseph, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Jennison Charles E., dealer in real estate, etc., office Water, opp Globe Hotel, res cor Centre and. Washington. 6. Jenkins Miss Harriette, wks James E. Whitney. Jenkins Joseph, musician, res n e cor 7th and Saginaw. 2. JENKINS IMIRS. JOHN, Valley House, e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. See adv, p index. 8. 486 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Jenkins William A., barber, shop e s Water, bet 6th and& Centre, bds Valley House. Jereau Ambrose, sawyer, res e s Madison, bet 6th and 7th. 8. Jewell Miss Harriet A., millinery and dress making, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, res same. Jewell T., carpenter, bds Jonathan Smith. Jewell William, Globe Billiard Hall, s e cor 5th and Water, bds Metropolitan Restaurant. Jinks William, cupola tender, Bay City iron works, res w s Madison, bet 1st and Woodside ave. Jinks William, molder, res w s Madison, bet lst and Woodside ave. 6. Jochen Albert, wks book-bindery office. Jock Francis, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Jock Vetal, lab, bds Hamlin House. Johns Gustavus, wks Albert Miller. Johnson Alexander M., res cor Centre and Trumbull. 6. Johnson Alexander, res e s Williams, bet 17th and1l8th. Johnson A. M., carpenter, bds Martin Roche. Johnson Andrew, painter, res n s 32d, e of Broadway. 2. Johnson Archibald, lab, bds Samuel Johnson. Johnson Archie, lab, bds S. Johnson. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Johnson Archie, wks Gates & Fay, res e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. Johnson A. W. (Johnson & Lewis), res Water, Bay City. Johnson Christopher, lab, res s s 4th, bet Trumbull and Pendleton. 5. Johnson Frederick, barber, Water, res e s Monroe, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Johnson Frederick, bds Alexander Johnson. Johnson Henry, bds Crysto House. Johnson Henry, lab, bds John Cassel. Johnson John, lab, bds Samuel Johnson. Johnson John, lab, bds S. Johnson. Johnson John, lab, res e s Kossuth, nr McGraght mills. 3. Johnson John R., tailor, s s 31st, bet Water and 2d, res same. 7. Johnson John R., tailor, shop e s Water, bet 33d and 34th. 5. Johnson Jonas, lab, res s w cor Lincoln ave and 14th. 2. Johnson John, wks Gates & Fay. Johnson Joseph, lab, res s s 2d, bet Jeff'n and Madison. 3. Johnson Joseph, sailor, res e s Adams bet 2d and 3d. 2. Johnson Martin J., pilot, steamer " Mason," res over 109 n Water. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 487 Johnson Louis, wks McGraw & Co. Jones Mrs. Mathilda (wid W.), res n w cor 28th and -. 4. Johnson Mrs. Jane, lives Joseph Johnson. 2. Johnson Mrs. Mercy (wid Stephen), res s e cor Jeff'n and 9th. Johnson Obediah, gentleman, s e cor 3d and Jeffn. 2. Johnson Roger, lab, bds S. Johnson. Johnson Samuel, lab, res e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Johnson Samuel, sawyer, res e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Johnson Samuel, sawyer, w side Jefferson, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Johnson Samuel, wks N. B. Bradley & Co. Johnson Samuel, wks Gates & Fay. Johnson -, engineer, bds Mrs. M. Clover. JOHNSON & LEWIS, (A. W. Johnson and J. D. Lewis), groceries, provisions, and drugs, e s s Water, bet 30th and 31st, and w s s Water, bet 39ih and 40th. Johnston James M., surveyor, res s e cor 5th and Jackson. 4 Johnson Norman (firm Johnson & Crispin), res Centre. Johnston Norman, physician, office and res Centre, bet Grant and Van Buren. 2. Johnson & Crispin (Norman Johnson and Thomas Crispin), manufacturers of improved lath machinery, shop sas 7th, bet Adams and Jefferson. Lowest Prices at in. & H. Koch & Co's. Jolley John F., physician, res e s Bowery, bet 16th and 17th. 3. Jolley J. S. (Scott & Jolley), res Bowery, bet 16th and 17th. 3. Jors Christopher, works Webster & Bro. Jones James, lab, bds Cumberland House. Jones Joseph, seaman, n side 3d, bet Adams and Jefferson. 4. Jones Henry, clerk F. Eastwood, res Water, bet 9th and 10th. Jones R. N., proprietor Cumberland House, Water, bet 1st and 2d. 4. Jones Miss Sarah, wks Charles Braddock. Jones William, lab, bds Corey House. Jonette Joseph, wks Pitts & Cranage. Jordan William, lab, res e s s Water. 5. Joslin Joseph William, lab, wks M. Watrous & Sons. Josslin William, lab, bds William Ralph. Joy Michael, lab, res e s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Joyce Michael, wks Whipple Parmeley & Co., res w s 3d, bet s Center and 35th. 2. Joyce Tho., wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co., bds John Carroll. Judd HI. S., wks McGraw & Co. Judge John, wks W. Ward, bds Mrs. Julia Leonard. Judson John S., res cor Centre and Sherman. 5. 488 - BAY CITY DIRECTORY. K. Kaalay August, lab, bds Boutreur House. Kader George, lab, bds William Robertson. Kadh Charles, lab e s Monroe, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Kaichen Samuel, wholesale liquors and tobacco, 324 n Water, Campbell House bik, opp Wolverton House, res s s 13th, bet Van Buren and Jackson. 6. Kaesemeyer Theodore, meat market, e s Water, cor 16th, res same. G. Kain Timothy, lab, w s Madison, bet 11th and 12th. 4. Kaiser August, lumber merchant, res No. 1003 cor Centre and Grant. 5. Kaiser Charles, machinist Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds P. Gruel. Kaizer Moritz, saloon propr, res s w cor 2d and Grant. 5. Kaiser & Nestle (Moritz Kaiser, John G. Nestle), prop Steamboat Saloon and restaurant, Bridge blk, 3d. Kalbfleisch Edwin A., elk T. Kimball. Kalbfleisch L. A., clk Kimball, bds Jacob D. Eaton. Kallies Christopher, lab, res n w cor 12th and Madison. 7. Kallis John, lab, e s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 6. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Kalm Miss Anna, wks N. B. Bradley. Kalmos A.. lab, wks Webster & Bros. Kammaw Lewis, grocer, w s 10th, bet Jackson and Van Buren. 2. Kamm Miss Annie, servant girl, N. B. Bradley, bds same. Kane James, bds Forest City House. Kane John, bds Forest City House. Kane Miss Anna, tailoress, bds W. Sullivan. Karkan Fred, wks Albert Miller. Karkan G-ustavus, wks Albert Miller. Karkan William, wks Albert Miller. Kassane Dennis, wks Webster & Bro., bds William J. Daniels. Katell F., wks McG-raw & Co. Katell P., wks McGraw & Co. Kaufmann F., wks Folsom & Arnold. Kaulin Daniel, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Kaziack Jacob, lab, e s Van Buren and 11th. 4. Kead William, wks Barber & Chapin. Kealey Richard, agt W. Featherly, res c s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th. 5. Kealy Richard, stave culler, res e s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Kealy Thomas, lab, res e s Williams, bet 21st and 22d. 3. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 489 Keane Michael, lab, bds J. A. Little. Kean John, blacksmith, Chapin & Barber. Keany Win., boarding house, 117 Adams. 3. Kearney Pat, wks McGraw & Co. Keating Patrick, lab, wks Mrs. Matilda McCormic. Kedish Jacob, lab, res w s Saginaw, bet 9th and 10th. 5. Keen Robert, wks Johnson & Crispin, bds William Keen. Keheo Capt. James G., ship owner, bds Wolverton House. Kehoe James, capt b'ge "1-I. & G,." res w s Van Buren, bet 3d,and 4th. 4. Keidel Mrs. Barbara (wid George), res e s Madison, bet 2d and 3d. 3. Kith Alfred, engineer, res s w cor 4th and Van Buren. 5. Keith John, grocer, w s M onroe, bet Woodside ave and 1st, res w s Monroe, between Woodside ave and 1st. Keithli John, res s s Campbell, near Sheridan. Keith William (Brewster & Keith), res w s Grant, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Keller Henry, carpenter, res c s Broadway, bet 30th and 31st. 9. Keller John, lab, bds M. Hayes. Kelley John, clk E. J. Drake & Son. Only onse Price at 3. i& H. Koch & Co's. Kelley John, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro., res bet Mercer and Water, e of Dolseu. 5. Kelley Michael, bds Ontario Hotel. Kelley Patrick, lab, bds Robert Barlow. Kelly R. D.. clk, bds Wolverton House. Kelly Thos., prop'r St. Lawrence House, Kossuth, nr cor 1st. 6. Kelley T. J. (Kelley & Co.), res cor 13th and Van Buren. 8. Kelley Wm. M., grocery and saloon, Bridge blk, n w cor 3d and Water, res 402 n Adams. Kelley William MA., ship owner, res w s Adams, bet 2d and 3d. 3. Kelley & Co. (T. J. Kelley, Sam. Kitchen), wholesale and retail liquors and tobacco, 139 Centre, bank block. Kelly John, laborer, lab, bds International Hotel. Kelly Rev. John, IMethodist Episcopal denomination, res Washington, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Kelly Robert, printer, bds Wolverton House. Kellogg Edward F,, salesman, bds Wolverton House. Kellogg Joseph, foreman Peters, s e cor 16th and Willianms. 4. Kellogg Joseph, foreman N. B. Bradley & Co. Kellogg 0. K., filer, bds Cumberland House. Kellogg William, filer, works Shearer & Co. 62 490 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Kells Noble, lab, bds Joseph Turner. Kelsey W. A., agent A. E. Co., res Jackson, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Kelsey William A., express ag't, res 209 ws Jackson, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Kelson Peter, lab, res w s Jackson, bet 2d and 3d. 2. Kellum Geo. W. (A. Van Meter & Co.), res Water, s e cor 24th. Kelley Rev. John, Methodist, 210 Washington. 3. Kelley Thomas J., liquor-store, (Kelley & Kitchen), res s'w cor 13th and Van Buren. 7. Kempter Gottleib F., engineer Miller & Son's mill, bds G. T. Kempter. KEMPTER GOTTLEIB T., baker, e s s Water, bet 31st and 32d, res same. 6. Kendall Christopher, fireman, bds J. Dugra. Kenneday Christopher, fireman Shearer & Co. Kennedy Daniel J., prop'r Astor House, n w cor South Centre and South Water. 3. Kennedy James, lab, s e cor 15th and Lincoln ave. 2. Kennedy Miss Mary, wks Ed. Wood. Kennedy Miss May, works Theophilus Demaux. Kenney Miss Mary, home with James Shearer. Kinney Michael, lab, works Isaac Marsgton. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Kenney Thomas, meat market, s s Campbell, res same. Kent Mrs. Margaret (wid. James), res s s 15th, bet Sheridan and Sherman. 4. Kent Orlon T., clk, J. E. Whitney, bds parents. Kent William, engineer,.bds Mrs. M. Clover. Kerkan Frederick, lab, bds Corey House. Kerkan William, lab, bds Corey House. Kermille August, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Kermille John, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Kernstock Miss Elizabeth, wks S. G. M. Gates. Kerr Capt. J., propr ferry boat, bds Wolverton House. Ketcheson Wm., trimmer, res s s 38th, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Kensler John, lab, bds Martin Roche. Keustusch Andrew, lab, res w s Williams, bet 17th and 18th. 5. Kias Augusta L., firm J. O. Woolson & Co., grocers, res Williams, bet 16th and 17th. 2. Kies Edgar, grocer, res e s Williams, bet 16th and 17th. 2 Kiese H. R., wks McGraw & Co. 2. Kilduff James, clk, bds John Kilduff. Kilduff John, Jr., liquor dealer, near 3d street bridge, rooms same. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 491 Kilduff John, Sr., street commissioner, res s w cor 8th and Monroe. 5. Kilduff Michael (M. & J. Kilduff), liquor dealer, res s s 8th, bet Madison and Monroe. 4. Kilduff Miss Belenda, home with Edward O'Connor. Kilduff Patrick, grocer, e s Water, bet 6th and 7th. Kilduff Patrick, ship-owner, res n e cor 8th and Saginaw. G. Kilduff Wm., book-keeper, bds Michael Kilduff. Kilts John, wks McGraw & Co. Kimball C., wks Folsom & Arnold. Kimball Thomas Jr., hatter and gent's goods, cor Center and Water, bds Fraser House. Kimberly R. L., associate editor "Chronicle," bds Fraser House. Kimley Saul, carpenter, e side Williams, bet 21st and 22d. 3. Kincade E., wks Chapin & Barber. King Abraham, sailor, res s e cor 31st and Williams. 2. King Albert, lab, res s e cor 31st and Williams. 2. King Albert, lab, res s s 31st bet e s Broadway. 4. King Chere, lab, bds Joseph Cusson. King Frederick, collector tug " Haight," bds Delmonico Restaurant. The Great Popular Clothing House of Koch & Co. King Fred., lab, bds Wolsky House. King George, lab, res e s Williams, bet 16th and 17th. 3 King George Jr., Captain tug " Haight," bds Delmonico Restaurant. King Henry W., salesman Bancroft & Co., bds Isaac Knapp. King Henry, lab, n s 31st, e of R. R. crossing. 4. King Hiram, foreman Barber & Chapin, res s e cor Belinda and Water. 4. King Joseph, wks Barber & Chapin. King Mathew, lab, bds Albert King. King Miss Hattie, bds W. Jinks. King Oliver, wks Chapin & Barber, res s s Fitgerald, e of Johnson. 5. King William, tailor, res n w cor 9th and Monroe. 9. Kingsley Ernest lab, bds James A. Little. Kingston Paul, wholesale liquor store, e s Water, bet 13th and 14th, res same. 2. Kinna Byron, cooper, n w cor Water and 40th. 4 Kinney Don F., book-keeper, H. Richards, bds parents. Kinney John, lab, res w s Sheridan, cor 15th. 4. Kinney Orrin, farmer, res n a s Centre, nr corporation line. 6. 92 BAY CITY. DIRECTORY. Kinnucan John, engineer, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Kinsley P., wks McGraw & Co. Kinyon Frank, blacksmith, bds Cumberland House. Kirby John, lab, re s se cor 22d and Howard. 2. Kirchner Hermann, lab, wks Chapin & Barber. Kirk Joseph T., Star Steam Boiler Works, shop Water, bet 11th and 12th, res cor 18th and Howard. 5. Kirk Joseph T., boiler-smith, res n e cor 18th and Howard. 5. Kise A. E., dealer in groceries and provisions, res Williams, bet 16th and 17th. Kiser Adam, cooper, wks Webster (& Bros. Kittle Mrs. Elizabeth, res w s Marsac, bet 24th and 25th. 5. KITTREDGEE MILTON HI., boots and shoes, e s Water, bet 5th and Centre, bds Fraser House. Klain John B., bookkeeper, res n s Campbell, bet Sheridan and Seymour ave. 2. Klann -, res e s Farragut, bet 13th and 14th. Kline Andrew, lab, res e s 3d. 2. Klengberg John, propr Orchestral Music Hall saloon, n s 3d, bet Saginaw and Water, res up stairs. 2. Klipple Wm., wks McGraw & Co. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Kloon James, wks Pitts & Cranage. Klumph Cyrus C., mechanic, res s s Fitzgerald, nr Sheridan. 5 Klunk Cyrus, machinest, Bay City Novelty works. Klusattel Ambrose, clk, Wetherell & Hage, res Monroe, bet 3d and 4th. Knack Henry, lab, bds M. Dubois. Knaggs J. W., ins agt, res s e cor Grant and 9th. 2. Knaggs M., wks N. B. Bradley & Co. Knapp A. R., bds Barclay House. Knapp James, head sawyer, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Knapp John, wks Folsom & Arnold, res w s Lincoln ave, nr Fitzgerald. 7. Knapp Miss Alice, wks Mrs. E. M. Hill. Knapp Mrs. Louise (wid Charles), bds Wim. LeBeau. Knapp William, mechanic, Smith & Wheeler, res s w cor Farragut and 3d. 4. Knickerbocker Rev. Chauncey W., Universalist minister, res n w cor 8th and Wash'n. 6. Knickerbocker Frank H., wks " Bay City Tribune." Knickerbocker Z. Smith, student-at-law, bds C. W. Knickerbocker. BAY CITY DIRECTORTY. 493 Knoblauch Jacob (Lesler & Knoblauch), res c s Madisonl bet 2d and 3d. 10. Knoblaugh Miss Catharine, wks J. F. Hotchkiss. Knodal Peter, sawyer, Folsom & Arnold, res n s Campbell, nr Lincoln ave. 6. Knoles J., lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Knowlton Freland C., fireman, res n s 22d, bet Broadway and Wilson. 3. Koehan John, wks McGraw & Co. Kokan John, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Koth Henry, wks John McEwan. Krause Frederick, grocer, s w cor 11th and Jackson, res same. 5. Krauss Catharine, wks Peter L. Rogers. Krets John, lab, res n w cor 35th and s Water. 2. Kriser Michael, carp, res w s Sherman, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Krite John, carp, res s e cor Lincoln and Barney. Kroencke Edward, book-binder, etc., bindery with the " Bay City Zeitung," office Centre, res n s 12th, bet Grant and Farragut. Kropp Gustave, lab, bds C. Syamann. Kronse Emma, dining room girl, Anscomb House, bds same. Only one Price at N. & H. och & Co's. Krug Frederick, lab, res n e cor 17th and Williams. 6. Kubach Godfrey, coppersmith, res n Water. Kuehn William, lab, bds William Kuehn. Kuehn William, lab, res n c cor Farragut and 2d. 3. Kuester George, carp, res n w cor Jefferson andl 7th.. Kuhndiger Eva, wks J. W. McLennan. Kuhn Nicholas, lab, s ss 11th, bet Van Buren and Grant. G. Kulcer Miss Christina, wks Golden Eagle Hotel. Kulcer Miss Amelia, wks Golden Eagle Hotel. Kuler Frederick, lab, res e s Farragut, bet 16th and 17th. 2. Kuler Frederick, Jr., lab, bds F. Kuler. Kuler John, lab, res s w cor 16th and Farragut. 3. Kulkein Michael, bds Forest City House. Kulow Miss Lena, home with Charles E. Jennison. Kulstolf Charles, lab, bds C. Mewes. Kundinger Miss Riker, wvks Otto Feyerabend. Kunsen Philip, lab, bds John Johnson. Kunley Christopher, res e s Wash'n, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Kurtcrock William, saloon, bds Mrs. Josephine Emrich. KURZRORK WILLIAM, propr Franklin Saloon, basement Simon blk, 109 Centre, bds Emerich or Emery. 494 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. L. Labadie George, lab, res w s F. & P. M. R. R., bet 13th and 14th. Labadie Joseph G., sawyer, res s s Campbell, bet Lincoln and -. 3. Labadie Oliver, lab, res w s F. & P. M. R. R., bet 13t1h and 14th. 4. Labbee Thomas, lab, wks William Peter. Labelle Joseph, wks J. McEwan. Labes Alexander, lab, bds C. Mewes. Labine John, wks McGraw & Co. LaBoule Pierre, wks Pitts & Cranage. LaBute J., lab, wks Shearer & Co. Lacey Richard, wks A. McDonnell. LaClair Francis, propr Ogdensburg House, s s Campbell, e of Lincoln. 4. Lachaus Samuel, lab, bds Montreal House. Lacomb Frederick, lab, res s s Fitzgerald, e of Belinda. 4. Lacost Frank, engineer, bds Mrs. E. Striker. Lacy Mathew, wks Braddick & Sons. Interview the "1Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Ladd Miss Laura, home with Baldwin W. Harvey. Ladd Urbane A., cooper, res w s Saginaw, bet 10th audl11th. 3. Laden Henry, bds John Norgong. Ladouceur -, lab, bds D. Raby. Laetz Charles, clk, E. Frank, bds G. Laetz. Laetz Jacob, wks book binding office. Laffrey John, wks Pitts & Cranage. Lafleur Alfred, lab, bds B. Lafleur. Lafleur Anthime, lab, bds B. Lafleur. Lafleur Basile, lab, w s Howard, bet 19th and 20th. 3. Lafleur Damase, lab, bds B. Lafleur. Lafleur Edouard, lab, bds B. Lafleur. Lafleur Jerry, lab, bds B. Lafleur. Lafontaine Eugenie, wks Denis Rivet. Laforge Caesar, wks McGraw & Co. LaForge James (Chapman & LaForge) bds Globe Hotel. Laforge -, lab, bds R. Williams. Lafountain Frederick, wks Barber & Chapin, res e s Dolsen, nr Water. 4. LaFountain John, lab, res e s Johnson, n of Campbell. 7. Lafountain -, lab, res s w cor Campbell and Lincoln. 5. Lafrance Pierre, blacksmith, wks F. Lafrance, bds same. BA-Y CITY DIRECTORY. 495 Lafrance Francois, blacksmith, res n side 18th, bet Water and Bowery. 9. Lahoue Lewis, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Laing James M., foreman, res n side 18th, bet Howard and Williams. 5. Lalonde Charles, lab, res n w 18th and Fitzhugh. 5. Lalonde David, wks Pitts & Cranage. Lalonde Edward, wkg Pitts & Cranage. Lalonde Francois, wks Pitts & Cranage. LaMarre Alexander, sawyer, N. B. Bradley. LaMarre Noyair, bds Montreal House. Lambardeau Leon, lab, bds Joseph Cusson. Lambert Herman, wks McGraw & Co. Lambert John, produce dealer, res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Lambert Miss Ellen, bds J. Redmond. Lambrech Julius, wks Albert Miller. Lambrecht Carl, shoemaker, shop and res n s 30th, bet 2d and 3d. 4. Lamb Peter, lab, bds James A. Little. Lamontague Pierre, shoemaker, res e s Adams, cor 9th. 2. N.. & H. Koch & Co. are the Great Popular Clothiers. Lamont Mathew, carpenter, shop w s Adams, bet 11th and 12th, res s e cor 11th and Washington. 5. Lamoser John, blind, lives John Frond. Lainothe, bds C. Raby. Landeau Edward, wks Pitts & Cranage. Landing Albert, lab, bds Luther Slade. Landon Henry B., physician, office Water, over Haskin & Spencer, Union blk, res s w cor 5th and Jefferson. 3. Landry John, lab, bds R. Cansley. Landry Theophile, lab, bds Miss A. Clontier. Lane Charles D., res w s Sherman, bet 2'd and 3d. 3. Lane Peter, wks McGraw & Co. LaNemitz Pauline, wks A. Miller. Lanford George, circular sawyer, n s 13th, bet Jefferson aud Adams. 4. Langevin Dominick, clk, bds Wolverton House. Lang Mary, chambermaid, Anscomb House. Lang Miss Annie, wks William M. Devenport. Langmayer John, bar-tender E. Frank, bds E. Frank. Langworthy Daniel A., dealer in dry goods, carpets, etc., Centre, res Centre and Johnson. Lankneau Frederick, school teacher, e s Grant, bet 5th and Centre. 5. 496 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Lanknau F. W., editor "Bay City Zeitung." Laphan Benjamin, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Langdon Mrs. Diana (wid, Aber. J.), e s Mary Ann, bet 24th. and 25th. 4. Lapham William P., lumber inspector, bds Fraser House., LaPierre Frank, lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Lapierre Peter, lab, bds Charles Wood. Laplante David, wks Pitts & Cranage. Laplante Emmanuel, lab, res w s Jefferson, bet Ist and Woodside ave. 2. Laplante Jeremia, lab, e s Howard, bet 19th and 20th. 6. Laplante M., wks Pitts and Cranage. Laplatte Paul, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Laporte Joseph, blacksmith, bds Joseph Cusson. Laporte Narcisse, blacksmith, res Woodside ave, e of Johnson. 3. Laporte Nelson, blacksmith, Rivet Bros., res s s Woodside ave. A. Lappin -, patternmaker, bds C. M. Prescott. Lappris John, wks Pitts & Cranage, res w s Jefferson, n of Woodside ave. 7. Lashbrooks Edwin, engineer Dolsen, Chapin & Bro., res e s Belinda, bet Mercer and Water. 3. Little Jake & Co., IWisner Block. Lashomp S., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Larkin Gurden C., cooper, res e s Dolsen, ir Water. 6. Larkin John, lab, bds Corey House. Larkins Michael, firemen Wirn. Peter, res n w cor Farraguta d 12th. 6. Larkum Mrs. Emeline, wid, res n w cor 25th and Wilson. 3. Larocque Felix, lab, res n w cor Woodside ave and Water. Larube Samuel, lab, wks Shearer & Co. LaRue Napoleon, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Late George, night-watch Gates & Fay, res e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Lathrin H., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Latreille Thos., shoemaker, res e s Fraser, bet 20th and 21st. 6. Lauber George, lab, bds Stanstead. Laudin Christopher, lab, bds Francis Dorian. Laughlin Joseph, elk, bds Cumberland House. Laughlin Michael, engineer, bds Mrs. J. Leonard. Laundry Dennis, lab, bds Wolskey House. Lauter Julius, bricklayer, res n s 4th, bet Trumbull and Pendleton. 2. Lauzon -, bds C. Raby. Lava Oscar, machinist, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds Mrs. Maria Hughes. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 497 Lavac Victor, wks McGraw & Co. Lawe Daniel S., lab, res n s 33d, e F. & P. M. R. R. 2. Law George, clk, bds Wolverton House. Lawis Daniel, wks M. Watrous & Sons. Lawlor Michael, brick mason, res e s Jackson, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Lawrence Eugene, lab, res s s 3d, bet Jeff'n and Madison. 2. Lawrence John, carpenter, res e s Saginaw, bet 1st and 2d. 4. Lawrence John, carpenter, res w s Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Layman Charles, wks Albert Miller. Lazendy Edward, sawyer Winm. Peter, s s 11th, bet Madison and Monroe. 3. Lazendy Joseph, lab, bds E. Lazendy. Lazendy Richard, lab, res s w cor Monroe and 11th. 2. Leanord Arvey, teamster, res s s 40th, nr Kossuth. 2. Lears Joseph, wks Albert Miller. Leary John, wks Gates & Fay, bds John Osborn. Leary John, laborer, bds Mrs. J. Leonard. Leaver Hiram, lab, e s 4th, bet 39th and 40th. Leaver F., wks McGraw & Co. Leaver Peter, lab, bds H. Leaver. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Leavens Mrs. Mary J., wid Gilbert L., res ss Water, bet Johnson and Lincoln. 9. Leaver Wm. Henry, lab, bds H. Leaver. LeBeau William, boarding house 115 s Adams. 2. Lebeff John, lab, res s s 18th. LeBoeuf John, lab, s s 18th, bet Fitzhugh. 9. Lecompte Jean, carp, e s 3d, bet 38th and 39th. 3. Leduc Charles, lab, n w cor 2d and 28th and 29th. 4. Lee Albert, carp, res n e cor Bowery and 14th. 2. Lee Francis, painter (carriage), bds Anscomb House. Lee Frank, painter, bds Anscomb House. Lee Frank, room over 111 Centre. Lee James McC., res s s s Centre, bet 4th and 5th. 4. Lee James W., book-keeper, Folsom & Arnold, res n s Water, bet Belinda and Johnson. Lee John, lab, bds Mrs. Eliza Lee. Lee Mathew, lab, bds Cumberland House. Lee Mrs. Eliza (wid John), res n e cor Bowery and 14th. 8. Lee Robert W., lab bds Taylor House. Lee Thomas, lab, bds Cumberland House. Lefay Henry, wks Albert Miller. Lefevre Francis, saloon-keeper, e s Saginaw, bet 1st and 2d. 6. 63 498 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Lefebvre St. Luc, lab, n s 40th, bet 2d and 3d. 4. Lefort Bertha, lab, bds Joseph Cusson. Lefort Joseph, lab, bds Jos. Valliere. Lefort Mederic, lab, bds J. Valliere. Lefrancois Adolph, lab, res e s Adams, bet Water and Woodside ave. 3. Legros Norbert, tinner, bds E. Rabideaux. Leile Christian, machinist, Bay City Iron Works, bds W. Kinney, Adams. Lindsay John, engineer, res Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Leiter George, wks Gates & Fay. Leith Henry, clk, bds Wolverton House. Leith William, painter, shop e s Saginaw, bet 5th and Centre, bds Dan Campbell, res Munger block. See adv. Leland Reuben, banker, bds Fraser House. Leleoss Ezra, shoemaker J. Redmond, bds J. Redmond. Lellond Francis, lab, res w s Jefferson, bet Woodside and Water. 2. Lelonde Stephen, lab, bds J. Jeon. Lemay Paul, circular sawyer, e s Fraser, bet 12th and 13th. 9. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. LeMeitz Frederick, brakeman, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Lemire Alex L., sawyer, s w cor 14th and Birney. 5. Lemma Benjamin, hoop manufacturer, res e s Farragut, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Lemon Curtis, engineer, bds 0. Durand. Leoffier George T., restaurant Centre, res w s Monroe, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Leonard Charles A., lab, e s Broadway, bet 19th and 20th. 3. Leonard Edward, engineer, res s e cor Marsac and 25th. 2. Leonard James, baggage-wagon driver, wks Green & Dingman. Leonard James, wks Green & Diugman, bds mother. Leonard John, driver, Green & Dingman, bds Mrs. Julia Leonard. Leonard John E., engineer, res s e cor 25th and Marsac. 2. Lennard Julius, res s s 30th, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Leonard Mrs. Ellen, lives J. C. Pusey. Leonard Mrs. Julia (wid Patrick), boarding-house, Washington, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Lennon Miss Kate A., bds John McDermott. Lennox Miss Rebecca, tailoress, bds M. Kilduff. Lepez Ernst, boarding-house, res e s Jackson, bet 2d and 3d. 4. LiRora Michael, lab, works William-Peter. Leroux Francois, salt-packer, res e side Fraser, bet 18th lad 19th. 10. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 499 Leroux Joseph P., firm Schott & Co., res over store. Leser Jacob, carpenter, bds Forest City House. Leser Jacob, firm Leser & Knoblauch, bds Forest City House. LESER & KNOBLAUCH!Jacob Leser and Jacob Knoblauch), contractors and builders, office w s Adams, bet 7th and 8th. Lesley John, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co., bds Corey House. L'Etang -, bds C. Raby. Levara Miss Paulina, wks B. S. Meisel. Levasseur C., wks Pitts & Cranage. Levell Philip, lab, bds Crampton House. Levenduskee Joseph, wks TMcGraw & Co. Levens William, lab, e side Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside avenue. 2. Levy Joseph J., salesman, A. Hyman, res w s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 6. Lewis Charles E. (Smalley Bros. & Lewis), res Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Lewis Charles E. (Smalley Bros. & Lewis), res e s Wash'n, bet 10th and 11th. 2. M. & H. Koch & Co., the Clothiers. Lewis George, Pres. Savings Bank, Water, res n e cor 24th and Harrison. 6. Lewis Griffin, foreman news-room " Tribune," res e s Farragut, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Lewis James C., carpenter, res e s Wilson, bet 30th and Fremont ave. 3. Lewis James, lab, bds J. A. Little. Lewis John D. (Johnson & Lewis), res Bay City. Lewis Win. E., lumber inspector. Lewis William, lab, e s Grant, bet 1st and 2d. 3. Lewis Marvin, car repairer, res s s 1st, bet Barney and Johnson. 3. Lews Miss Mina, bds Amond Bartlenk. Lewis Mrs. Annie, home with George W. Parsons. Libara John, lab, res s 33d. 4. Libenthal John, lab, s e cor Van Buren and 2d. 2. Light Antony, lab, res s w cor 12th and Saginaw. 4. Like James E., boiler-maker, wks n end of Annie, bet Water and Campbell, res n s 1st, e of Johnson. 6. Lillotte Theodore, res n w cor 6th and Johnson. 4. Limoges Euclid, lab, bds 0. Grondin. Like Morris W., lab, bds J. E. Like. Limontague Peter, shoemaker J. Redmond, res cor 9th and Adams. 2. 500 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Lincoln George, intelligence office, res w s 3'd, bet Johnson and Barney. 4. Linet T., wks Gates & Fay. Lindsey John, machinist, e s Washington, bet 10th and: 11th. 2. Lintner Ernst, carp, res n e cor 12h and Carney. 2: Liscomb George, wks Albert Miller. Liscomb Mrs. Eliza, -, res n w cor Broadway and 31-st. 4. Littauer S. & Co. (Samuel Littauer and James M. Walker), w-s wines, liquors, and cigars, e s Water, bet 4th and 5th, McEwan blk. Littauer Samuel (S. Littauer & Co.) res e s Monroe, bet 3d and 4th. 6. Little Albert, wks McGraw & Co. Little Jacob H., e s Van Buren, bet 5th and Centre. 3. Little Jake & Co. (Jacob Seligman, Elisha P. Grow, Dbwitt W. Grow), w s Water, bet 4th and 5th. Little James A., boarding house, head of Water. 8. Livermore Henry, carp, res s s 3d, bet Jefferson and Madison. 3. Livingston John, carp, Barber & C'hapin. Livingston John, filer, bds Peter Knodal. Livingston John, lab, bds N. Heber. Patronize the " Boss " Clothiers, Little. Jake & Co. Livingston S. G., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Livingston William, wks Folsom & Arnold. Lloyd Gordon W., manuf'r of lumber, res D'etroit. Lloyd Isaac (Parker & Lloyd), res e s Grant, bet 4th and 5th. 4I Lloyd Samuel, bds John Gavoid.. Lloyd William, cooper, res e s Belinda, nr Campbell. 3. Loeffier George, prop National Hall 'Ill Centre st, res Monroebet 8th and 9 th. 3. Logan Alexander, hardware, e s Water; bet.35th and s Centre, res s w cor 4th and 'Gentre. 7. Lando Edward, lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. London -, physician, Union blk, n Water. Long Charles, wks McGraw & Co. Long Jerry D., bds Mrs. M. Clover. Long Matthew H., engineer, res n s 40th, bet 3d and 4th. 5. Long Win., wks McGraw & Co. Longtin Joseph, wks Pitts & Cranage. Lonyo Andrew, clk H. De Mars, bds H. De Mars. Loomis Amos H., printer "Tribune"; bds Campbell House. Loomis John, foreman Salt blk, Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Loomis John H., salt boiler, res w of Dolsen, bet Water and& Woodside ave. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 501 Loomis Lewis, lab, res e s Bowery, bet 20th and 21st. 3. Lord Frederick H., ticket agent, bds George Lord. Lord George, agent, insurance and ticket, res cor Farragut and Centre. Lord George, insurance agent, res cor Centre and Farragut. 4. Louis J., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Love Francis, wks Webster & Bros., e s Fraser, bet 20th and 21st. 5. Love James, wks Wm. Peter, res n w cor Fitzhugh and 15th. 6. Love Thomas H., wood turner, s w cor 33d and -. 3. Love William, lab, wks Wm. Peter. Lovejoy Daniel, wks A. Miller. Loveland Calvin, lab, res w s Annie, near Campbell. 4. Loveridge H., wks Folsom & Arnold. Loveridge Samuel Abel, peddler, res n e cor Wash'n and 9th. See Ableloveridge. Low Daniel, lab, res w s 10th, bet 2d and 3d. 2. Lowell Cal, wks McGraw & Co. Lowry Miss Jane, wks R. P. Gustin. Lucia C., wks Folsom & Arnold. Lucia M., wks Folsom & Arnold. M. & H. Koch & Co., the Merchant Tailors. Ludington Benjamin, fruit dealer, w s Van Buren, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Ludington Edwin W., filer, res n w cor 7th and Van Buren. 4. Ludgin Henry, lab, e s Howard, bet 21st and 22d. 2. Luna Paul, sawyer, wks William Peter. Lutes William, riverman, res w s Jefferson, bet Woodside ave and 1st. 4. Luther Michael, wks and bds M. Schramm. Lutz John M., saloon e s Jackson, bet 2d and 3d, res same. 3. Lutzke Henry, saloon, res w s JefTn, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Luxton Thomas, harness and saddle maker, shop Hermann blk, Centre, res Hampton, bds Will T. Craft. Lydon Liss Lizzie, wks Wm. P. Hoit. Lyle John, lab, bds Francis Dorian. Lynch Dennis, wks Barber and Chapin. Lynch Frank, lab, bds T. Corbett. Lynch James, painter bds Chatham House. Lynch James, wks Braddiek & Sons. Lynch John, lab, e s Sheridan, bet 14th and 15th. 4. Lynch Owen, bds Barclay House. Lynch Owen, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Lynch Patrick, lab, bds, Thomas Lynch. 502 BAY CITY DIRIECTORY. Lynch Patrick, wks Barber and Chapin. Lynch Thomas, lab, bds T. Corbett, Lynch Thomas, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co., bds Crampton House. Lynch Thomas, lab, res w of Dolsen, bet Water and Woodside avenue. 7. Lynch William, engineer, McDowell's machine shop, res n e cor 31st and Fremont avenue. 3. Lyon Alfred P., atty, with T. F. Shepard, bds same. Lyon Oliver, wks John Coryon lime yard, bds same. Lyon -, barber, bds Mrs. A. S. Seeley. Lyons James, lab, res s end of Jefferson, cor 13th. 6. Lyons James, res n w cor 8th and Farragut. 6. Lyons Miss Julia, wks Mrs. C. Bradfield. Lyzie Adolphus, lab, bds Stephen Vallier. M. McAlester Miss Catharine, wks Edward Park. McAll John, lab, bds Charles Conner. McAllister James, wks Barber & Chapin. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. McAllister John, dealer in square timber and staves, office room 20 Watson blk, bds Wolverton House. McAllister Paul, wks McGraw & Co. McAlpin Archibald, carpenter, res s e cor Sherman and 3d. 5. McArdle John, propr Washington House, n w cor 7th and Washington. 4. McArthur John, carpenter, bds iMartin Roche. McAuley Miss Margaret L., teacher 1st ward school, bds Peter L. Rogers. MicAuley M iss Mary, wks W. C. Yawkey. McBride James, warehouseman, res Sherman, bet 2d and 3d. McBride James, baggageman, F. & P. M. R. R., bds C. D. Lane. McCain Joseph, machinist, Johnson & Crispin, bds John Wild, cor 9th and Adams. -McCardy James, lab, res w s 40th, beb 2d and 3d. 2. McCargo William, lab, res w s Sherman, bet 4th and 5th. 3. McCarten Edward, lab, bds Thomas McCullugh. McCarthy Cornelius, bds Ontario Hotel. McCarthy Daniel, wks McGraw & Co., bds G. W. Thomas.:McCarthy Daniel, lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. McCarthy James, lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. McCarthy John, lab, n w cor Van Buren and Jackson. 6. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 503 McCartby John D., elk Fraser House. McCarthy Miss Mary, wks Ontario Hotel. McCarthy Patrick, prop'r Clipper Saloon, Water, bet 11th and 12th, res same. McCarthy Thomas, lab, bds Corey House. McCaul John, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. McCauley Henry, lab, bds Taylor House. McChesney -, mechanic, res e s Water, bet 35th and 36th. 3. McClain Archie, lumberman, bds Anscomb House. McClain James. bds John Mitchell. McClellan John, wks Folsom & Arnold, bds Capitol House. McClellan John, lab, res n w cor Campbell and Lincoln. 3. McChory Joseph, night watch Fraser House. McClennen Peter, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. McCullough -, engineer N. B. Bradley & Co. McComb James, carpenter, res w s Birney, bet 12th and 13th. 6. McCool William (McCool & Brown), res n w cor 5th and Grant. 3. McCormick Charles, lumberman, res s e cor 11th and Grant. 3. McCormick Florence, propr "Do Drop In," e s Water, bet 6th and Centre. Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. McCormick H. B., bookkeeper, bds E. I-I. Bassett. McCormick Hiram W., lumber inspector, res e s McCormick, bet 22d and 23d. McCormick Mrs. Matilda (wid J. J. McCormick), res Water, bet 21st and 22d. McCormick W. B., elk, bds Fraser House. McCormick Wm. J., student at law, bds parents. McCormick William R., salt inspector, res e s McCormick, bet 22d and 23d. 8. McCrain James, lab, bds Washington House. McCraney David TI., marshal, res w s Adams, bet Ist and Woodside ave. 3. McCraney Thos. A. and wife, bds S. Hickey. McCrary Robert, wks Gates & Fay. McCrary -, lab, res e s Adams, bet 8th and 9th. 7. McCrickett Patrick, machinist, res e s River, bet s Centre and 36th. 5. McCue Anthony, jobber, bds J. Hoover. McCulloch Arthur, engineer, res es Fraser, bet 13th and 14th. 3. McCullugh Thomas H., lab, res e s Water, nr Stevens' m.lls. 2. McCilrdy Andrew C., foreman, res n s 4th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. 504 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. McCurdy George, warehouseman, bds Andrew McCurdy. McCurdy George, clk D. & B. C. R. R. depot, bds Wolverton House. McCurdy George, lab, bds Andrew McCurdy. McDermith Frank, tailor, bds Mrs. Jane Rice. McDermott Miss Emma, tailoress, bds P. Kilduff. McDermott Frank, tailor, bds Mrs. James Rice. McDERMOTT JOHN, deputy collector of customs and justice of the peace, office e s Water, bet 6th and 7th, res n w cor 6th and Adams. 7. McDonald Archibald R. (A. R. McDonald & Co.), bds Campbell House. McDONALD A. R. & CO., (Archibald R. McDonald & Dr. Horace Tupper) liverymen, stable 23 Saginaw, bet 3d and 4th. See advt. McDonald Archibald, lab, bds John Gavoid. McDonald Alexander, Forest City House. McDonald Barnard, lab, bds H. Steele. McDonald Miss C., waitress Fraser House. McDonald Daniel A., riverman, Pitts & Cranage, res e s Adams near Water. 4. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. McDonald Daniel D., saloon keeper, e s Water, bet 39th and 40th, res same. 2. McDonald Donald, sawyer s e cor Fraser and 17th. 6. McDonald Donald, bricklayer, n w cor Van Buren and 10th. 3. McDonald Donald, wks John McEwan. McDonald Hugh, yardman, bds Sherman House. McDonald Hugh, lab, res n s Fremont ave, e of Broadway. 7. McDonald James, wks Bernard Wilthauer. McDonald James R., lumberman, res e s Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 4. McDonald John (McDonald & Fray,) res e side Grant, bet 3d and 4th. 8. McDonald John, bds Crampton House. McDonald John, lab, bds Astor House. McDonald John, lab, bds Montreal House. McDonald John, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. McDonald John, res e of McEwan's mill. 3. McDonald J., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. McDonald J. N., dealer in flour, grain, fruit, etc, res Bay City, cor 5th and Washington. 2. McDonald Miss Mary, waitress, Astor House. McDonald Patrick, lab, res e s Saginaw, bet 1st and Woodside avenue. 3. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 505 McDonald Roderick, speculator and lumberman, bds Fraser House. McDonald Ryan, lab, res n side 31st, bet Water and --. 8. McDonald -, cooper, bds Louis Potter. McDonald Terence, lab, bds Patrick McDonald. McDonell Archibald (M1cDonell & Cobb), res n. c cor Van Buren and 10th. 6. McDonell Maggie, wks A. McDonell. McDougal Donald, wks J. McEwan. McDougall Allen, foreman, salt block, Pitts & Cranage, res w s Jefferson, n of Woodside ave. 3. DcDougall A., wks Folsom & Arnold. McDougald Archibald, lab, bds Peter Knodal. McDougall John, wks McGraw & Co. McDOUGALL MISS CATHARINE, laundress, laundry basement Watson blk, 105 n Water, res same. McDowell Mrs. Anna (wid John), res e side Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 3. McDowell Christopher, machinist, res n e cor 8th and Madison. McDowell Mrs. Emma, res Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch l& Co's. McDowell Mrs. Margarett, bds Mrs. Emma McDowell. McDowell Nelson, molder, bds John McDonald. McDowell Richard, carpenter, res e s Bowery, bet 14th and:15th. 5. McEwan John, lumber manuf'r, mill and office e of water works, n of Woodside ave, res e end of Water, n of Woodside ave. 9. McEwan Patrick, brick-layer, bds Ontario House. McEwan Patrick, lab, bds Peter Knodal. Me Ewan Joseph, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. McEwan William, real estate agent, res Centre and Monroe. 6. McEwan Wim., lab, res e of McEwan's mill, n of Woodside ave. 3. McFarlane Clarence, wks McGraw & Co. McFarlin Miss Mary, home with Clark Moulthrop. McGee John, lab, e s Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. McGee Louis, lab, res n w cor 32d and Marsac. 2. MeGeary William, molder, Smalley Bros. & L3wis, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 14th and 15th. McGibbon William, shoemaker, G. Boiten, bds Astor House. McGillis Duncan, lab, bds Valley House. McGillivary A., lab, wks Webster & Bros. 64 506 uBAY CITY DIRECTORY. McGillivary William, filer, res s s 30th, near Water. 3. McGilvray Andrews, lab, bds William J. Daniels. McGilvray James, lab, bds William J. Daniels. McGinnis John, works Braddick & Sons. McGinnis John, teamster, s e cor 31st. 6. McGlone Mliss Tedie, teacher 6th ward school, bds J. D. Lewis. McGovin Philip (J. H. Wilkins & Co.), bds Ocean Oyster Dining Rooms. McGowan Michael, clk M. H. Kittridge, bds Globe Hotel. McGram John, lab, w s Monroe, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. McGrath James, clk P. Kingston. McGrath Patrick J., prop'r Stanstead House, w s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 7. McGRATH PATRICK J., prop'r Capitol House, es Water, bet 8th and 9th. See adv't. 3. McGraw John (J. McGraw & Co.), res Ithaca, N. Y. McGraw J. & Co. (John McGraw, Thomas II. McGraw), head of Water, lumber and salt manufacturers, store in connection. McGraw Mrs. May, bds John Rayden. McGray Miss. Mary, wks John Osborn. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. McGraw Thomas H. (J. McGraw & Co.), res e s Water, bet 40th and 41st. McGraw Wm., wks McGraw & Co. McGregor Duncan, lab, bds International Hotel. McGregor Duncan, engineer, res s e cor Fremont ave and 5. McGregor John, lab, bds Washington House. McGregory Cyrus, hose cart driver, bds Moulton House. McGuffin Mary, wks M. Bunnell. McGuire Thomas, sailor, bds Valley House. McGwiggin James, lab, bds Washington House. McHugh Lawrence, justice of the peace, office room 24 Watson blk, Water, res n e cor 12th and Jeff'n. McHugh Patrick, lab, bds L. McHugh. McInerney John, mason, res e s Van Buren, bet 13th and 14th. 3. McInerney Michael, mason, res w s Van Buren, bet 7th and 8 th. 4. McInthire Lucas, lab, bds William J. Daniels. McIntosh Adam, raftsman, bds Wolverton House. McIntosh James R., lab, res n w cor Barney and John son 7. McIntosh Walter, clk, bds Winm. Mitchell. BAY CITY DIRECTORY.. 50, McIntosh William, mason, res e s Wash'n, bet 10thiand 11th. 2. McIntyre R., lab, wks Webster & Bro. McIrney Thomas, plasterer, res e s Monroe,. bet 6th and 7th. 3. McIsaac Daniel, lab, bds Thomas Roach. McKane Joseph, mechanic, bds John Wild. McKay Alexander, land owner, res s w cor 6th and Monroe. 5.. McKay James A., lumber inspector, bds A.. McKay. McKay John F., bookkeeper J. Shearer & Cb., bds 0). Johnson.. McKay William, bds Ephraim Sattemor. McKelvey Miss, milliner, bds Wolverton liouse.. McKendray John, lab, wks Webster & Bro. McKenney James, lab, bds International Hotel. McKendry John, lab, bds Thomas Belfour. McKenney -, farmer, n s s Centre, nr F. & P. MI. R. R.. depot. 6. McKenzie Miss Margaret, bds A. Phippen. McKenzie Miss Mary, wks Rolla Glover. McKenzie -, lab, bds George Walker. McKenzie Samuel, blacksmith, res 107 w s Bates, bet Court and Franklin. 4. McKenzie William, wks Folsomrn & Arnold, bds James Gibbons. NI. & H. Koch & Co., the Leaders of Fashion. McKenzie William, machinist, Bay City Iron works, res s w, cor Van Buren and Woodside ave. 2. McKenzie William W., foreman Folsom & Arnold, res s s, Water, bet Johnson and Belinda. 3. McKinley Daniel, bds Astor House. NMcKinney John, foreman Miller's mill, res s c cor Fremont ave and Fitzhugh. 3. McKinnon Daniel, lab, bds John McGrain. MeKinnon Hugh A., lab, s s 17th, bet Farragut and Grant. 5. McKinnon James, foreman A. R. McDonald & Co., res cor 3d and Washington. 4. iMcKinnon John D., boiler maker, res w s Washington, bet 10th and 11th. 5. McKinnon Murdoch, lab, bds Mi. S. Meagiher.. ~eKINNON & WILDMAN (John D. McKinnon and: Henry Wildman), boiler makers, e s- Water, bet 10th and 11th. McKnarny Francis, lab, bds John Osborn.. McKnight C., wks Barber & Chapin.. McKnight James, lab, bds Thomas Roach. McKnight Joseph, bds Capitol House.. McKoy Alex., sawyer, res e s Kossuth, nr McGraght mills. 4.. 508 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. AMcKoy John, lab, res e s Monroe, bet 10th and 11th. 4. McKoy Robert, printer, "Chronicle" office, bds Forest City House. McKittrick Wm., engineer, res e s -, bet 10th and llth. 4. McLain James, lab, wks William Peter. McLain Minor, mechanic, bds E. Smith. McLarry William, sailor, res w s Jeff'n, bet 11th and 12th. 6. McLaughlin A. S., wks McGraw & Co. McLaughlin Robert, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. McLean Archibald, lab, bds Anscombe House. McLean Daniel, lab, bds Wyandotte House. McLean Ham, lab, bds C. Taitte. McLean Joseph, carpenter, res w s Van Buren, bet 6th and 7th. 2. McLean Neil, carpenter, res 32d, e Broadway. 2. McLennan Andrew, cabinet-maker, wks Parker & Loyd, res es Jeff'n, bet 7th and 8th. McLennan John, lab, wks Webster & Bro. McLennan John, timberman, res e s Jeff'n, bet 7th and 8th. 6. McLennan Kenneth D., lumber merchant, res Centre, near Trumbull. 6. No Bantering at Little Jake's. McLennan Duncan, bds Capitol House. McLennan Malcolm, bds Capitol House. McLerson - wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bros. McLoughlin Elijah, mason, res e s Madison, bet 7th and 8th. 8. McLeod Angus C., lab, bds Gavoid House. McLeod A., carp, bds Cumberland House. McLeod Miss Lennie, laundress, Wolverton House. McLeod John, wks Gates & Fray, bds Montreal House. McLeod Miss Maggie, wks D. McRae. McLeod Malcolm, clk Astor House, bds same. McLeod Miss Mary, wks S. Johnson. McLeod Robert, lab, bds Montreal House. McMahon Edward, wks R. Higgins. McMahon J., wks Folsom & Arnold. McMann J., wks Chapin & Barber. McMannon Patrick, lab, res e s Belinda. 6. McMath, John W., atty, office room 9, Watson bik Water, res e s Jefferson, bet 7th and 8th. 3. McMath & Slawson, attys, office 9 and 10 Watson blk. McMiller Daniel, salt boiler, Chapin & Barber. McMullen & Cowles, "Bay City Herald" (Daniel McMallen, Edward J Cowles), Babo blk, 122 n Water. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 50A McKinstry Miss Ella, bds Samuel Catlin. McNabb Richard, millwright, res w s Madison, bet 3d and 4th. 6. McNamara Michael, lab, bds Forest City House. McNamara Michael, clk Crampton House. McNamara Wm., wks McGraw & Co. MsNeil Alexander, driller, bds Mrs. H. Cocks. McNeil Daniel, blacksmith S. Wood, bds Crampton House. McNore Miss Mary, wks P. Griul. McNill Michael, lab, bds William Ralph. McNeil Stephen, wks Whipple & Parmeley. McPartlin E. W., painter, bds Wolverton House. McPhail Lottie, lumber merchant, bds Anscomb House. McPherson Mrs. Agnes (wid David J. McPherson), dealer in groceries and provisions, n e cor Belinda and Woodside avenue. 6. McPherson Miss -, home with John L. Dolsen. McPhee John, lab, res e s Mercer, bet Belinda and Dolsen. Z. McPherson William, physician (a), McCormick block, water, Sres s e cor 10th and Adams. 5. McQuarthy Thomas, hostler, Auscomb House, bds same. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. McQuiggin William, lab, bds Washington House. McQuinn C., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Co. McQuinn F., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Co. McQuinn John, fireman, res w s Dolsen, bet Water and Woodside ave. 3. McGrady Miss -, school teacher, 5th ward. McRae Donald, mill foreman, John McEwan, res a s Woodside ave, e of Johnson. 6. McRae John, lab, wks Webster & Bros. McRae William, book-keeper, res s s Woodside ave. 3. MeRay Miss Eliza, wks Byron E. Warren. McRay John, lab, bds William J. Daniels. McRhaid Lottie, bds Anscomb House. McRoberts Mrs. Elizabeth, lives John B. McRoberts. McRoberts John B., lumberman, res e s Jackson, bet 7th and 8th. 3. McSWEENEY JOHN P., potash manufacturer, ashery n s 12th, bet McClellan and Johnson, bds J. McComb. McTain Thomas, cook, bds Washington House. Machris G., pressman, " Chronicle " office, bds- -. Mack John F., blacksmith, res e s Saginaw, bet 7th and 8t h. 4. Mackensen Frederick, carpenter, s side 8th, bet Madison and Jefferson. 5. 510 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Mackey Michael, bar-tender, Globe Billiard Hall, bds Metropolitan Dining Rooms. Maconix William, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Madayski Jos., tailor, w side Lincoln ave, bet 15th and 16th. 3. Maddaugh Stephen, lab, res n w cor South Centre and South Water. 2. Madden William, lab, res e side Fraser, bet 12th and 13th. 4. Maddaws John, bds Capitol House. Madison Carrie, home with Ephraim Saltemor. Magoon James, sawyer, Chapin & Barber, bds W. W. McKenzie. 2. -Maguire Warren, teamster, bds Darling & Robbins. Mahliot Archie, lab, wks Watious & Sons. 9Mabliot Charles, Sr., wks M. Watrous & Sons. Mahliot Joseph, lab, wks Watrous & Sons. Mahoney Cornelius, carpenter and joiner, e side Van Bnren, bet 6th and 7th. 6. Mahoney James, lab, res n w cor Belinda and Fitzgerald. 6. Mahoney James, fireman, Holly Water Works. Mahoney Thomas, dep marshal B. C., n side 3d, bet Johnson and Barney. 3. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Major Frederick, lab, res n w cor 21st and Fraser. 9. Malaboo Francis, lab, works Webster & Bros. Malette Paul, wks Whipple, Parmeiey & Co. Malhiot Charles, lab, res e side river, bet 36th and 37th. 2. Malhiot Charles, lab, n w cor 38th, near Kossuth. 10. Malhiot Charles, Jr., wks M. Watrons & Sons. Malhiot George, lab, bds C. Malhiot. Malhiot Joseph, lab, bds C. Malhiot. Malloy Ed., bds Barclay House. Mallrough James, lab, works Shearer & Co. Malone Charles E., lumberman, res w s Madison, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Maloney John, lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Malott Milo, carpenter, res s w cor 7th and Howard. 3. Main Joseph, mason, bds 117 Adams. Mainville Morse, wks Pitts & Cranage. Mainville Modeste, lab, res e s Adams, bet Water and Woodside ave. 5. Maisel Herman (Maisel & Gochel), res Madison, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Maisel & Gochel, grocers, cor Centre and Saginaw sts. Maitland John, lab, res n wv cor 33d, e of F. & P. M. R. R. 3. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 511 Manior J. B., lab, wks Watrous & Sons. Mangan D., attorney, office, room 23, Watson blk, Water. Manly John, wks Barber & Chapin. Manly Pratt, carpenter, Barber & Chapin. Manly Wim., lab, res n e cor 11th and Farragut. 2. Mann B., wks Braddick & Sons. Manual Hartman, harness-maker (Brown & Co.), bds cor Jefferson and 6th. Mannia Richard, raftsman, bds Taylor House. Mannia Matthew, lab, bds R. Causley. Manning Isaac V. (W. I. Miller & Co.), res Van Buren, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Manoni M., wks Barber & Chapin. Maus Jacob, machinist, bds Lukes Maus. 2. Maus Lucas, engineer, wks Smith & Wheeler. Maus Lukes, machinist, res n e cor 12th and Sherman. 6. Mansfield George W., butcher, bds John B. Midman. Mansfield George, wks and bds C. Wickman. Mapes Samuel, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Marbley --, s w cor Broadway and Fremont ave. 3. Mardy John, lab, res e of McEwan's mill. 5. Fine Furnishing Goods at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Marin Patrick, lab, res n e cor Sheridan and 15th. 4. Mark George, lab, bds Chatham House. Markel D., lab, wks Webster & Bros. Markel Miss Mary, wks Mrs. M. Clover. Markel Miss Sarah, wks John Keith. Markel William, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Markim --, carp, e side Monroe, bet 11th and 12th. 5. Markle David B., lab, bds J. Almas. Markle Eliza J., home with Jacob Almas. Markle William H., home with Jacob Almas. Marks Erastus B., lab., res e s Wilson, bet 30th and 31st. 4. Marks George, lab, bds Chatham House. Marks Henry A., physician (al), res ss Centre, e Carney, office Birney blk, No. 7 Water. 4. Marlo Antony, lab, bds Montreal House. Marlett Wm. H., carp, e s Grant, bet 10th and 11th. 6. Marlo Joseph, lab, bds Montreal House. Marlatt Charles, carp, bds G. Palmer. Marlatt Paul, barge owner, res n w cor 6th and Jefferson. 4. Marrah John, lab, bds Ontario House. Marsac Augustus, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. Marsac Frank, wks Watrous Bros & Co. 512 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Marsac Joseph, gentleman, e s Water, bet 36th and 37th. 5. Marsan Antoine, lab, bds Adolphe Guindon. Marseillais Henry, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. Marsh Mrs. Mary E. (wid A.), res e s Jefferson, bet 2d and 3d. Marsh G., wks McGraw & Co. Marsh Henry, lab, works Shearer & Co. Marsh Henry J., lab, res e s Jefferson, bet 2d and 3d. Marsh William D., book-keeper State Bank, e side Grant, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Marsh William R., physician (al), e side Grant, bet 4th and 5th. Marston Charles T. (Watrous Bros. & Co.), res Hartford, Conn. Marston Isaac, att'y, res s s 8th, e of Johnson. 5. Marston Stephen (Watrous Bros. & Co.), res Hartford, Conn. Marshall James, wks Barber & Chapin. Martens Philippe, carpenter, w side Howard, bet 16th and 17th. 4. Martin Alfred, wks Pitts & Cranage. Martin Amand, saloon and res s s Centre, cor Jefferson and 8th. 8. Martin Charles, bds Mrs. M. A. Brehmer. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Martin Ephraim, dealer in tinware and stoves, 308 Water, bet 3d and 4th, res n e cor Madison and 7th. 5. Martin Godfrey, carpenter, res e s Tuscola Plank, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Martin James, lab, bds Samuel Handcock. Martin John, wks McGraw & Co. Martin Miss Mary, wks F. B. Smith. Martin Mrs. Mary D. (Mrs. Wm.), home with Wm. Pusey. Martins Christophe, plasterer, w side Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 6. Martins William, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Martinson Young, lab, bds John Johnson. Marvin Charles, printer, "Tribune," bds Campbell House. Marwell J. L., foreman, Jas. Shearer's saw-mill, bds H. G. Snow. Masker James, lab, bds J. A. Little. Masker William, lab, J. R. Little. Mason A. C., bds Capitol House. Masson Eustache, lab, bds 0. Grondin. Mason John, Sr., lab, bds R. Williams. Mason John, Jr., lab, bds William Ralph. Mass Joseph, clk, res w s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside avenue. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 513 Massay Wm., lab, res n e cor 31st and. 4. Masse Louis, saloon-keeper, e cor Saginaw and 2d. 9. Masters Bissell M., books and stationery, 109 n water, res w s Jefferson, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Masterson Thomas, lab, res e s Adams, bet 11th and 12th. 8. Masterson Peter, grocer, s w cor 14th and Sherman, res same. 3. Mascon Mrs. Sarah (wid Daniel), res e s, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Matherosk John, wks William Peter. Matheson Daniel, foreman, bds Astor House. Mathews Henry, carter, bds Thomas Bailey. Mathews William, drayman, bds Wolverton House. Mavel John, lab, res e s Adams, near Water. 6. Mavis James, wks Folsom & Arnold. Mavis William, wks R. F. Higgins. Maxon Mrs. Alice A. (wid Harrison), res e of Ewan's mill. 2. Maxon Calvin, fireman, Barber & Chapin, bds Jake Vital. Maxon Malcolm, sawyer, bds Mrs. Sarah Maxon. Maxon Miss Marrion, school teacher, bds Mrs. Sarah Maxon. Maxon Marshman, engineer, bds Mrs. Sarah Maxon. Koch & Co., Geneseee St., opposite Bancroft use. Maxon Matthew, carpenter, bds Mrs. Sarah Maxon. Maxwell Androe C., lawyer, office New Bank blk, res n w cor 4th and Monroe. 4. Maxwell David, bds Capitol House. May James, lab, res s w cor Wilson and 29th. 4. May Joseph, lumber merchant, bds Anscomb House. Maybee Leander, lab, bds Ogdensburg House. Maybee Lewis, wks Chapin & Barber. MEAD JAMES H., lumber yard, n s Midland, w end of Bridge, res Centre. 6. Mead Samuel R., carriage-trimmer, Rivet Bros., bds J. Wintermeyer. Meadley E., machinist, Munn & Co., bds Sherman House. Meagher Frederick, elk Campbell & Tyler, res Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. Meagher John, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Meagher John, bds Barclay House. Meagher Michael, Barclay House, n e cor Saginaw and 3d. 5. Meagre Edward, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Meany Stephen, capt steamer " Wright," res s e cor 3d and Farragut. 5. Mearns Thomas, book-keeper, bds Jacob D. Eaton. Melcher Frederick, elk, res w s Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 5. 65 514 BAt CITY DIRECTORY. Meddaugh Stephen, lab, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. MEEKER & ADAMS, Hanford E. Meeker, Freeman D, Adams, wholesale and retail grocers, 310 n Water. Meeker Hanford E., grocer, res s s 3d, bet Van Buren and Grant. Meeker -, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Mehlman August, lab, res e s Saginaw, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Meidlein Emma, wks Hezekiah B. Hulbert. Meister Barnhardt L., clothing and gents' furnishing goods, res e s Saginaw, bet Centre and 6th. 2. Meisel Henry, clk Meisel & Goechel, res Jefferson, bet 10lth ind 11th. 6. Meisel Henry (Meisel & Goechel), grocer, res w s Madison, bet 6th and 7th. 4.. Meisel William, lab, res e s Jefferson, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Meiselbach Mrs. Sarah (wid Henry), res e s Broadway, bet 16th and 17th. 6. M'eister Benhardt, elk B. L. Meister, bds same. Meldrum Robert, lab, res n e cor Campbell and Lincoln. 5. Mellon Joseph, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Menard Leander, lab, res e s 1st, bet 39th and 40th. 6. Little Jake & Co., " Boss"U Clothiers of the State. Menard 1Morse, lab, res e s 1st, bet 38th and 39th. 2. M]enton John, musician, res s s 3d, bet Pendleton and Trumbull. 4. Mercer Miss Mary, lives G. Riley. Mercer William, engineer, res e s Adams, bet 2cd and 3d. 8. Merrill Charles E., millwright, res s w cor 30th. 4. Merrill Frank, carriage painter, res s e cor 7th and Jackson. 4. Merrill George F., painter, Atkinson Bros., res cor 7th and Jackson. 4. Merrill Harry P. (Gustin & Merrill), res s e cor 4th and Farragut. 4. Merrill Harris J., lab, res n w cor Longtin and Belinda. 5. Merrill H. T., wks Chapin & Barber. Merritt Abram B., circle sawyer Peter's saw mill, res w s Bowery, bet 12th and 13th. 7. Merritt Alfred E., stave inspector, res n s Woodside ave, bet Johnson and street west. 3. Merritt A., Sr., sawyer, wks William Peter. Merritt A., Jr., lab, wks William Peter. Merritt Daniel S., dealer in patent rights, res n s Woodside ave, bet Johnson and street w of Johnson. 4. Merritt Walter, wks " Bay City Tribune." BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 515 Merrick Sidney, wks Albert Miller. Merrick S. G., lab, bds Corey House. Merrithew Morgan, lab, e s 24th, bet Broadway and Howard. 3. Mesker Charles, teamster, w s Kossuth, nr McGraw's mills. 4. Messenger William, lab, bds Luther Slade. Metcalf Theodore G., fruit dealer, n e cor 3d and Water, res n e cor 3d and Jackson. 4. Mewes Charles, tailor, res s s Woodside ave, bet Grant and Van Buren. 6. Meyer Joseph, lab, bds Boutreur House. Meyer Lewis, lab, bds Boutreur House. Meyer Marl, lab, bds Boutreur House. Meyer Valentin, carpenter, bds Ed. Eickemeyer. Meyers James, lab, w s 2d. 3. Meyers Jacob, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Meyers John, sawyer, Watrous Bros. & Co. Meyers John G., lab, e s 3d. 4. Meyers Louis, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. Michaud Louis, lab, e s Frazer, bet 12th and 13th. 2. Micheloe Louis, lab, wks William Peter. Milhollen John, wks Albert Miller. Kid Gloves at 1. & H. Koch & Co's. Millard Alvah, shoemaker, bds Charles Millard. Millard Charles, shoemaker, bds Wolverton House. Millard A. J., tinsmith, bds Wolverton House. Millard Charles R., shoemaker, w s Grant, bet 1st and 2d. 3. Miller Albert, n e cor 31st and Fremont ave. 3. Miller Albert, manuf'r and dealer in lumber, lath, salt mill, w s Water, bet 30th and 32d. 10. Miller Albert W., lumberman, res n e cor 30th and 4th. 6. Miller Albert W., salesman, Bancroft & Co., res 7th, bet Jackson and Van Buren. 3. Miller Alvin, shoemaker, W. H. Nellis, bds Wolverton House. Miller Andrew (Richards, Miller & Co.), res n e cor 31st and Mary Ann. 5. Miller A., foreman, res w s Annie, nr Campbell. 5. Miller Charles, sawyer, res s e cor 22d and Williams. 4. Miller Charles, shoemaker, wks W. H. Nellis, res Grant, bet 1st and 2d. Miller Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker, lives Mrs. Sarah Mullin, cor 9th and Adams: -Miller Frederick, bar-tender W. Kurzrork. -Miller Francis, millwright, res w s Grant, bet l0th and 11th. 5. Miller G. N., machinist, Munn & Co. 516 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Miller Henry, wks McGraw & Co. Miller Miss Helen, bds J. J. Miller. Miller Henry, cooper, res s s 14th, bet Fraser and Fitzhugh. 7. Miller Hugh, wks Chapin & Barber. Miller H. H., sawyer, bds Taylor House. Miller James, mill owner, res n w cor Adams and 8th. 7. Miller James J., lumberman, res e s Broadway, bet 20th and 21st. 4. Miller James, bds Win. Henry Charter. Miller Mrs. Jane (wid), res wv s Wash'n, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Miller Jeremy T., physician, bds C. E. Merrill. Miller Jesse M., justice of the peace, office Water st, cor 31st, res cor Fremont ave and Lafayette. 4. Miller John, porter, Fraser House. Miller Joseph, lab, res s w cor 1st and Johnson. 6. Miller J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Miller L. M., bookkeeper Albert Mill, bds Jesse %f. Miller, Fremont ave. Miller Miss Rebecca, home with Thomas O'Donnell. Miller Miss Sarah, wks L. L. Culver. Patronize the "e Boss Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Miller Thomas, lab, bds R. Barlow. Miller William H. (W. H. Miller & Co.), res s e cor Van Buren and 7th. 4. Miller William H., toll collector, res n e cor Bowery and 21st. 5. Miller W. H. & Co., (I. V. Manning), hardware merchants, e s Water, bet 3d and 4th. Mills John, sailor, res n s 17th, bet Howard and Water. 7. Mills Joseph, Comique Theatre, n s 3d, bet Water and Saginaw, res Park's block, Water. 3. Mimford Charles, lab, bds Barclay House. Minaker Ervin, carpenter and joiner, bds Mrs. Margaret Bath gait. Minnerwise Miss Louisa, wks Golden Eagle Hotel. Minnie Dominick, engineer, res s wv cor 1st and Farragut. 6. Minnie John, 2d engineer, steamer "Salina," res ss slt, bet Farragut. 5. Mino Henry, shoemaker, P. Walther & Bro., res Wenona. Misel August, drayman, res ss 1.tbh, bet Jefferson and Madison. 6. Misel Ernest, teamster, res e s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 4.. Mitchell Hyman, clk, bds Mrs. M. A. Brehmer. Mitchell Hyman, clk, Schott & Co. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 517 Mitchell John, edger, works William Peter, res cor 12th and Water. 2. Mitchell William, carpenter, res w s Birney, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Mitchall Capt. Win., coal dealer, res 316 Wash'n. 4. Mitts Alex., carpenter, bds J. T. Aikins. Mix James, fireman, Barber & Chapin. Mix James A., lab, res n s Mercer, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 3. Mix H. B., wks Barber & Chapin. Mix Oscar, engineer, res e s Belinda, bet Longtin and Ketchum. 2. Mix Samuel T., lab, res n s Ketchum, w s Belinda. 2. MIoisel William, wks Pitts & Cranage. Moldenhaner Frederic, lab, e side Madison, bet 13th and 14th. 4. Moldenhaner H., works Albert Miller..Molenhauer Henry, lab, res w s Wilson, bet 29th and Fremont ave. 3. Mollarin Thomas, lab, Stanstead House. Molloy Alex, lab, e side, bet 34th and 35th. 7. Monday Miss Nellie, waitress Delmnonico Restaurant. Searfs and Ties at X. & H. Koch & Co's. Monks Richard, engineer Bradley's mill, res 423 ii e cor Bowery and 16th. 2. Monn Robert, machinist, Bay City Iron Works, bds C. M. Prescott. Monroe Albert, millwright, n e cor Jefferson and 10th. Monroe Charles W., lumber inspector, w side Madison, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Monroe E. L., wks McGraw & Co. Monroe Mrs. Susan (wid Randy), n e cor Jefferson and 10th. Monroe William, lumber inspector, n c cor Jefferson and 10th. Monroe W. K., lumber inspector. Mont John P., wks J. Shearer & Co., res w Saginaw, bet 1st and WBodside ave.. 4. Monte Alexander, lab, wks I. McEwan, bds F. Lafountain. Monteran Win., shoemaker, bds P. Walther. Montgomery W. C., wks Pitts & Cranage. Montle Charles, fireman Webster & Bro's. saw-mill, res n s 21st bet Howard and Williams. 4. Moore Andrew, cooper, res s s Water, bet Belinda and Johnson. 6. Moore Charles E., clk Wallace & Son, bds Globe Hotel. MooreCharles L., carp, res s s 33d, e of F. & P. M. R. R. 3. AMoore Edward, lab, bds Francis Dorian. 518 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Moore Frederick, carpenter, e s Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Moore Henry C., e side Washington, bet 3d and 4th. 5. Moore Israel S., contractor at Hitchcock and Ingrahams. Moore John, lab, bds Thomas Roach. Moore John, foreman, salt block Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Moore J., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Moore Louis, wks Dolsen, Chapin C Bro. Moore Walter, res n s 1st, bet Grant and Van Buren. 5. Moran Mrs. Euphemia, dress-maker, res e s McClellan, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Moran Winm., lab, s s 39th, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Morehead Samuel, lab, 1cds Mrs. C. Taitte. More Andrew, cooper, Folsom & Arnold. More Lewis, cooper, Chapin & Barber. Mores Philo, wks and bds W. W. Grant. Morgan Dawson, lab, s s, bet 34th and 35th. 5. Morganstearn William, musician, bds Josephine Emrich. Morn John, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Morris Frank, lab, bds James Gibbons. Morris George, lab, bds Luther Slade. Morris Joseph, lab, bds James Gibbons. Little Jake & Co. Undersell.Everybody. Morrisette Mrs. (wid Joseph), w s 3d, bet 33d and 344h. 3. Morrison Archie, fireman, res n s s Centre, bet 1st and 2d. 3. Morrison Miss Catharine, wks R. J. Carney. Morrison Mrs. Catharine (wid Patrick), res e s Fitzhugh, bet 13th and 14th. 2. Morrison Charles, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. Morrison Miss Christina, tailoress, bds M. Richardson. Morrison Duncan, lab, bds William J. Daniels. Morrison Duncan, sawyer, wks Watrous Bros & Co. Morrison D., lab, wks Webster & Bro. Morrison Miss Josephine, tailoress, res 8th, bet Saginaw and Washington. Morrison Miss Mary J., chambermaid, Delmonico restaurant. Morrison William Potter, res s e cor Jefferson and 10th. 2. Morrison P., wks McGraw & Co. Morrison Frank, wks Chapin & Barber. Morse George, carp, s e cor 21st and Howard. 4. Morse George W., carp, wks Webster & Bros. Morse John A. J., jeweler, e s Water, bet 5th and th, bds St. James Restaurant. Morse John A. J., jeweler, rooms 17 and 18 Watson blk. 4. Morton Delos, carp, bds J. Morton. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 519 Morton John W., principal teacher 2d ward school, bds Mrs. Knapp, Water, bet 10th and 11th. Morton Joshua, carp, n e cor Fremont ave and Wilson. 4. Morton Wmn., wks McGraw & Co. Mosel Paul, lab, e s Sheridan, bet 15th and 16th. 6. Mosell Wum., wks Gates & Fray. Moses Benjamin, carp, bds Peter L. Rogers. Mosher Miss Estella, res w side Fraser, bet 14th and 15th. Mosher George L., lumberman, bds Fraser Hou-se. Mosher Miss Mary (or Matie), res Fraser, bet 14th and 15th. Moss Edward C., carriage maker, shop s c cor 33d and s Water. Moss Joseph, clerk, res Water, bet 1st and 2d. 2. Moss Lewis, lab, res w s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 3. Moss Richard, barber, S. N. Brazzeltou, bds St. James restaurant. Mosure Samuel, lab, w s 3d, bet Johnson and Birney. 2. Moulthrop Clark, lumber merchant, res cor Centre and Farragut. 3. Moulthrop Mrs. Mary E. (wid Grannis, res 206 Jefferson, bet 4th and 5 th. 4. Maxwell James, millwright, wks Shearer & Co. Lowest Prices at IH. & H. Koch & Co's. Maxon M. L., lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Mrogenskie George, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Mucha Powell, lab, wks William Peter. Mudford Charles, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Mudge Sylvester, engineer,res e s Madison, bet 11th and 12th. 3. Muldey Edward, machinist, Munn & Co. Muldoon Michael, wks McGraw & Co. Mulhall James, lab, res w s 2d. 3. Mullane Cornelius, lab, res e s cor Jefferson and 11th. 6. Mullen Eliza, wks Charles C. Fitzhugh. Mullen -, clk Supe & Rademacher, bds C. E. Schumm. gMuller Adam, prop saloon, Water, bet 11th and 12th. 2. Mullin Miss Maria, lives with Mrs. Sarah Mullin, cor 9th and Adams. Mullin Mrs. Sarah (wid William), res s e cor 9th and Adams. Mulholland John, book-keeper 1st Nat'l bank, res Wash'n, bet 7th and 8th (or bds Mrs. J. Eaton). Munllholland John, clk, bds Jacob D. Eaton. Mulholland John, wks A. Miller, bds Crampton House. Mulholland William, lab, bds John Hanlin. Mulroy Miss Kittie, waitress, Fraser House. Mundy Edwin V., head salesman Miller & Co. 5a20 BAY CITY fDIRECTORY. Munday George, cooper, res e s Dolsen, bet Woodside ave and Water. 3. Munday Joseph, lab, wks Hitchcock & Iugrahain, res e s Williams, bet 29th and 30th. 2. Mundy Robert V., clk W. H. Miller & Co. Mundy Wellington, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. Munger A. S., res 310 e s Madison, bet 3d and 4th. Munger Curtis, dry-goods merchant, res 314 Madison, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Munger Miss Melona, lives Curtis Munger. Munger & Co. (Algenon S. Munger, Curtis Munger, Edwin H. Bassett, and Jesse F. Romer), general dry-goods and carpets, 205, 207 Centre. M unyau Horace F., clk, res w s Water, bet s Centre and. 35th. 3. Munn Charles H., clk, bds Fraser House. Munn Frank G., machinist, Munn & Co. Munn George H., book-keeper, Munn & Co., bds T. Munn. Maunn Thomas, mechanic, s e cor Sherman and 12th. 6. Mann Thomas (Munn & Co.), res cor 12th and Farragut. Maunn & Co. (Thomas Mann and - ), mannuf'rs of mill machinery, shop s w cor 11th and Washington. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. viunoan H. F., agt Johnson & Lewis' grocery, res Water, bet s Centre and 37th. MUNRO ALEXANDER C., cigars, tobacco, fruits and confectionery, w s Water, bet 3d and 4th. Munro George, deputy supt. water works, res n e cor 1st and Jackson. 4. Munro Miss Eunice, home with George Munro. Munro Abiram, aged, res s e cor Jefferson and Woodside ave. 2. Munroe George H., sail-maker, shop Water, bet 2d and 3d,, res n w cor 1st and Monroe. 4. Munson Phil, wks McGraw & Co. Munson Samuel, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Murdock Miss Minnie, bds Samuel Murdock. Murdock Samuel, capt, e s Grant, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Murke G., wks McGraw & Co. Murphy A. C., elk R. N. Jones. Murphy James, lab, bds A. Porter. AMurphy John, saw-maker W. Ward, bds Dr. Bogart, e s Washington, bet 10th and lth. Murphy John, lab, n e cor Munro and 10th. 2.!Murphy Mathew, lab, bds Peter Knodal. Murphy Martin, building mover, res w s Madison, bet 3d and 4tb. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 521.Murphy Miss Mary, wks Alfred Kith. Murphy M., wks Folsom & Arnold. Murphy Patrick, saloon-keeper, e s Broadway, bet 16th and 17tb. 2. Murphy Peter, lab, bds 11N' Adams. Murphy Thomas, mason, e s Munroe, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Marphy Thomas, lab, bds James A. Little. Murray Adoiram J., lab, res e end Water, e s McEwan's mill. 2. Murray Augustus, lab, res s s Campbell. 9. Murray A., wks Folsom & Arnold. Murray Edgar, wks J. McEwan. Murray Edward, lab, res s s 14th, bet Fraser and Barney. 5. AMurray John, bds Forest City House. Murray Louis, wks Folsom & Arnold, res s e cor Water and Lincoln. 2. Murray -, wks Folsom & Arnold. MHurry Thomas J., clk Steamboat Saloon and restaurant, Bridge blk, 3d, res cor 2d and Adams. Muscha Francis, lab, wks William Peter. Museba John, lab, wks William Peter. Musgrove Thomas, carriage-maker, bds John O'Brien. Only one Price at IN. & H. Koch & Co's. Alusiat Iakup, lab, res s s 18th, bet Fraser and ---. 4. Muylle E. G., ins agt, office Opera House. Myers Charles, carpenter, res s w cor Fraser and 22d. 2. Myers Charles, carpenter, bds Mrs. Zulema Myers. Myers George, lab, res w s -. 3. Myers Hattie, cook, Anscombe House, bds same. Myers John, lab, wks William Peter. Myers Mrs. Zulema (wid Peter), res n w cor Fraser and 22d. 4. Myerson Chas., shingle-maker, res e s 3d, bet 38th and 39th. 2. Myres Mrs. Annie (wid John NMyres), res s w cor Howard and 19th. 3. Myres Augustus F. L., police, res cor Monroe and 3d. 3. Mvres Frederick A., constable, res s e cor Monroe and 3d. 3. Myres John, lab, bds Joseph Pollehn. Myres William, butcher, res 11th. N. Nabert August M., wagon-maker, res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. Nabert. Mrs. Christina (wid August), res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 2. 66 522 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Nadon Auguste, wks Pitts & Cranage. Nagel Lawrence, lab, n e cor Van Buren and 3d. 6. Nagle Francis, lab, s side 5th, bet Pendleton and Chase. 4. Nagle Richard, jobber, bds Francis Nagle. Narrows Joseph, tinsmith, res n e cor 4th and Jackson. 3. Narwiskie Peter, head sawyer on gang, works Shearer & Co. Nason Jeremiah, sawyer, res s e cor Broadway and 3d. 6. Nash J. W,, lab, bds Jones A. Little. Nash William, pail manufacturer, res s e cor Marsac and 32d. 6. Nathan Isaac, peddler, res w s Saginaw, bet 9th and 10th. 2. Naymaids Miss Alvina, wks Charles W. Webb. Nay Wm., lab, w side Kossuth, near McGraw mills. 3. Neal Charles, capt steam barge "Hannah," n w cor Van Burein bet 8th and 9th. 2. Nebettar, Henry, lab, works Shearer & Co. Neckle Valentine, brewer, res w s Saginaw, bet 9th and 10th. 10. Needham James T., engineer A. Van Meter, res n w cor Howard and 24th. 4. Neets Louis, lab, wks William Peter. Nehuson Lucy, wks W. D. Marsh. Largest Stock in the State e at Little Jake's. Neidham James, lumberman, bds Wolverton House. Neil Joseph, lumber agent bds Andrew Johnson. Neill Christopher, machinist, bds 117 Adams. Neill Henry, wks Shearer & Co., bds J. Howell. Neitzer Rudolph, lab, res s s 12th, s end of Saginaw. 5. NELLIS WILLIAM H., boot and shoe dealer, 306 Water, bet 4th and 5tb, res s w cor 3d and Grant. Nellis Nelson, lumber inspector, res w s Van Buren, bet 6th and 7th. 6. Nelson Charles, painter, bds Chatham House. Nelson D. R., lab, bds Washington. Nelson Henderson (col), head waiter, Fraser House. Nelson Daniel, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Nelty Frank, clk, bds Globe Hotel. Neman Jacob, lab, res s side 24th, bet Wilson and Mco0rmick. 6. Nemitz William, lab, res n e cor Fremont ave and Lafayette. 4. Nenkay Emilia, wks J. Wald. Nesbitt John, engineer, Wm. Peter, res e s Howard, bet 19th and 20th. 4. Ness Amos, engineer, tug "1Haight," bds Delmonico Restauran t. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 523 Nester John, saloon propr, res s w cor 2d and Grant. 2. Nevells Nelson, bds S. Hickey. Nevill Albert D., sawyer, Shearer & Co., res w s Saginaw, bet Ist and Woodside ave. 3. Nevins Thomas, lab, bds R. Barlow. Neugent Edward, lumber inspector, res e s Adams, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Newbery Edward, bds C. E. Schuman. NEWCOMER ALFRED H., groceries, provisions, crockery, and glassware, e ss Water, bet 30th and 31st, res e s s Water, bet 32d and 33d. 4. NEWKIRK CHARLES T., physician (al.), Campbell blk, city dispensary cor 3d and Water, res e side Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Newkirk Edward, vessel agent and broker, office room 12 Watson block, res w s Bowery, bet 14th and 15th. 5. Newman Ferdinand, lab, res s w cor 15th and Farragut. 2. Newman John, wks McGraw & Co. Newman Richard, baker, res e s Saginaw, bet 7th and 8th. 7. Newman William, wks J. McEwan, res e end Water, e McEwan's mill. 3. Silk Wrappers and Drawers at 1M. & H. Koch & Co's. Newton Liger, lab, bds Patrick McDonald. Newzeler J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Newzeller M., wks Folsom & Arnold. Nich Godfrey, carpenter, s e cor 31st and Mary Ann. 4. Nieckel Charles, carpenter, res w s Lincoln ave, bet 6th and 8th. 6. Nicholas John, lab, bds William Nicholas. Nicholas Mrs. Mary (wid Charles), res n s 5th, bet Lincoln and Birney. Nicholas Wm., carpenter, n side 5th, bet Lincoln and Birney. 2. Nichols A. C., dentist, bds Globe Hotel. Nichols Geo., boiler maker, e side Sherman, bet 10th and 11th. Nichols Jos., boiler maker, e side Sherman, bet 10th and 11th. Nichols Peter, salt packer, res s w cor Van Buren and Woodside avenue. 6. Nicholson James, tailor, res 16th. Nicholson James, tailor, res s s 19th, bet Howard and Williams. 3. Nicholson Mrs. Zermah, (wid Elijah), res ss 4th, bet Washington and Saginaw. Nicholson Charles A., clk, bds Mrs Zermah Nicholson. Nickalays Augustus, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. 924 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Nickel Adam, carpenter, res s e cor Jackson and 8th. 5. Nickel Valentine, prop'r Eagle Brewery, e s Water, cor 10th, res Saginaw. 10. Nickel Wm. P., lab, bds J. McKinnon. Nickels Frederick, harness-maker, wks Thomas Luxton. Nickels Gustavus, lab, res s s Mercer, bet Dolsen and Belinda. 6. Nickerson H., lab, works Nickless Win. H., carpenter, res 5th, bet Lincoln and Birney. 2. Nicoldson Mrs. Clara, -, res 4th, bet Washington and Saginaw. Nicoldson Charles, clk C. R. Hawley & Co., bds Mrs. Clara Nicoldson. Nigle Henry, carp, res w s Madison, bet 8th and 9th. 4. Nitz Louis, lab, n e cor 16th and Barney. 2. Niles S. D., lumber inspector. Ninkey Miss Omelia, wks John Wald. Nixon John, lab, bds 0. Grondin. Nizzelt George, bar-tender, res e side Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. Noat Patrick P., saloon, res Water, bet 11th and 12th. 5. Noeske Albert, lab, res n s 12th, bet Madison and Monroe. 3. Nolan James, lab, bds James A, Little. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Nolan James, painter, bds Forest City House. Nolan Pat., lab, bds J. A. Little. Nolan Thomas, wks M. Watrous & Sons, res ii s 40th, nr Kossuth. 3. Noles J., lab., bds Jonathan Smith. Nolton T. C., wks Webster & Bros. Noonan Edward. boiler-maker, res w s Monroe, bet 8th and 9th. 8. Norgong John, teamster, res bet Mercer and Water, e of Belinda. 2. iNorrington Henry H., banker, bds ]Fraser House. Norris James, lab, res w s Madison, bet 1st and 2d. 2. Norris Joseph tinsmith, res cor 4th and Jackson. Norris Joseph W. S., clk S. V. Wilkin, bds parents. Northen John, carpenter, bds William Ralph. North Miss Mary, home with Augustus F. L. Myers. North Western Gas and Water Pipe Com'y, e s Lord, w Annie. Norton Ala'son E., machinist, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds - Billings, cor 10th and Water. Norton H., lumber piler, Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Norton Joseph, tinner, wks Walther & Co. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 525 Noud Mrs. Jane (wid James Noud), dealer in liquors, res cor 2d and Water. 7. Nowark John, lab, res n w cor 16th and Lincoln ave. 2. Nowicki Peter, Nowicki Saloon, n w cor 1st and Wash'n. 2. Nowlton Robert, tallyman, bds C. W. Monroe. Nowrak James, lab, res s e cor 115th and Sheridan. 5. Noyes Leman E., ]umber merchant, res cor Centre and Grant. 3. Noyes & Barnum, commission lumber dealers, office over cor n Water and Centre. Nugent E. B., lumber inspector. Nusselt Mrs. Elizabeth (wid John Nusselt), res e s Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 6. O. Oatman Francis, millwright, bds mother, Mrs. Sarah Oatman. Gatman Mrs. Sarah (wid Myron), res n w cor Marsac and L6th. 3. Oakes George W., manager Star Clothing House, res w s Jefferson, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Only onbe Price at 1N. arl-. Koch & Cols, Oategeham C., wks Folsom & Arnold. Oategeham G., wks Folsom & Arnold. Obafell John, tailor, res n w cor Van Buren and 4th. 2. Obergfall John, tailor, res cor 4th and Van Buren. Obey Charles, bar-tender, Montreal House. O'Brien G., wks Folsom & Arnold. O'Brien Jerry, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. O'Brien John, lab, bds Francis Volk. O'Brien Michael, millwright, res n e cor 11th and Sheridan. 5. O'Brien Miss Bridget, chambermaid, Fraser House. O'Brien Miss Catharine, wks Barclay House. O'Brien Miss Catharine, works M. S. Meagher. O'Brien Miss Kate, chambermaid Fraser House. O'Brien Miss Sarah, wks J. Archibald. O'Brien William, carpenter, w side Van Buren, bet 8th and, 9th. 6. O'Brien William, foreman molder Smalley Bros. & Lewis, ress w cor 15th and Fitzhb ugh. 2. Ochtan Gerritt, lab, res s e Sherman, bet 15th and 16th. 5. O'Connor Daniel, clerk, bds Patrick Kilduff. O'Connor Edward, merchant, res cor Centre and Monroe. 4.. O'Connor J., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. 526 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. O'Connor M., works Folscom & Arnold. O'Connor Michael, engineer, res w s Lincoln, bet Ketchum and Woodside ave. 3. O'Connor Thomas, wks Folscom & Arnold, bds Martin Roche. O'Connor Thos., sample rooms, and eating-house, and wood. yard, w s Water, w end 23d. O'Connor Timothy, engineer, res w s Lincoln, nr Ketchum. 2. O'Connor William, riverman, res w s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4.. O'Connor Wm., sash-maker, bds Mrs. M. Bathgait, O'Connor William, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Odle John, grocer, bds Cumberland House. O'Donald Thomas, wks Pitts & (Jranage. O'Donnell Barnabas, lab, bds Francis Dorian. O'Donnell John, lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. O'Donnell Charles, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. O'Donnell Thomas, barge owner, res e s Broadway, bet 30th and 31st. 3. Odway Maxy, teamster, res s s 1st, cor of Farragut. 2. O'Flarity Michael, machinist, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 12th and 13th. 4. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. O'Flynn Cornelius, bar-tender, T. O'Connor, bds Centre House Ogan William, lab, res n w cor 4th and Water. 4. Oghe Leonard, lab, res n s 18th, e ofF. & P. M. railroad. 3. Oghe Mrs. Sophia, res n s 15th, bet Adams and Washington. 3. Ograchy Thomas, hostler (John Hanlin), bds John Hanlin. Oguy Miss Minnie, wks Mrs. A. McDowell. O'Haran James, lab, bds R. Barlow. O'Hare Patrick, fireman water works, res w s Dolsen, bet Water and Woodside ave. 6. O'Hary Margaret, wks M. Watrous. O'Hearing Jerry, lab, bds James Gibbons. Oldman Charles, wks Albert Miller. O'Leary Edward, clk P. Kilduff. O'Leary James, carp, res e s Wilson, bet 25th and 26th. 5. Olen Alfred, foreman Bradley's salt blk, w s Fraser, bet 16th and 17th. 3. Oleson Oliver, barnman Globe Hotel. Olin A. B., foreman, salt wks, N. B. Bradley & Co. Olin David, lab, res e s Fitzhugh,bet 15th and 16th. 6. Olleson Peter, lab, bds International Hotel. Olmstead Lewis, molder, res e s Grant, bet 1st and 2d. 4. O'Laughlin Henry, wks Gates & Fay, bds Julia Leonard. 1BAY CITY DIRECTORY. W52 O)'Laughlin L., wks Folsom & Arnold. Oloughlin Mary, dress and cloak making, shop over Bancroft & Co.'s store, bds same. O'Loughlin Michael, engineer, bds Julia Leonard. O'Loughlin Miss Mary, dress and cloak maker, rooms Opera House blk. O'Loughlin Terence, wks Chapin & Barber, bds Andrew Daly. O'Laughlin Miss May, home with Andrew Daly. O'Mealy C. H., sawyer, wks Webster & Bros. Omlay Miss Mary, wks Albert Vanetten. O'Neil Benjamin, book-keeper, E. J. Drake & Son. O'Neil Joseph, lab, bds Robert Barlow. O'Neil Thomas, lab, bds Ontario House. O'Neil William, lab, res e s Marsac, bet 24th and 25th. 7. Ooteghem Connil D., lab, res n e cor Annie and Woodside avenue. 8. Openhiem Abraham, peddler. res e side Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 6. Oreutt Wesley, carpenter, res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Orft John, wks Albert Miller. Goods dsMarked in Plain F~gures at 1i. & H. Koch & Co's. O'Riley Miss Josephine, tailoress, bds J. Styninger. O'Riley Miss Margaret, wks Ontario House. O'Rook James, lab, bds Washington House. Orton Benjamin F., hardware merchant, s w cor Water and 4th, res Monroe, cor 4th. Orton Chester B., collector 1st national bank, bds J. D. Eaton. Orton Charles F., lumber inspector, res sas 9th, bet Johnson and Tuscola plank. 4. Osborn Benjamin A., mechanic, res n s 3d, bet Jackson & Monroe. 3. Osborn Capt. J., tug owner, bds Wolverton House. Osborn John, lab, w s Kossuth, nr McGrath's mill. 4. O'Shaugnessey Patrick, lab, res n s 5th, bet Pendleton and Trumbull. 4. 0'TOOLE PATRICK WILLIAM., (reg) physician, office room No. 11 "a atson blk, Water, res cor 10th and Grant. 6. Onellette Charles, joiner, bds Denis Rivet. Onellette Joseph, lab, res w s Howard, bet 20th and 21st. 8. Ouellette Pierre, lab, s e cor Fraser ancd Bowery. 4. Overfel John, tailor, res cor 4th and Van Buren. 3. Overhalt Brock, engineer, Hitchcock & Ingraham, res a s River, bet s Centre and 36th. 5. 528 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Owen John M., pattern-maker, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds D. Hallock. Owen Miss Mary, lives A. W. Miller. P. Paddock Robert L., commission, res 204 Wash'n. 4. Padenge Miss Bertha, wks Charles Siefert. Padley Richard, res s w cor 5th and Jefferson. 3. Paeley Richard, res s s 15th, cor Jefferson. 3. Page George, lab, bds Avery Leonard. Page Moses M., filer, res s e cor 30th and Broadway. 2. Paine Fred D., clk, W. H. Nellis, bds Globe Hotel. Pahnke Fred'k, lab, res n e cor Fremont ave and Lafayette. 5, Palmer Abner A., plasterer, bds 117 Adams. Palmer Frank E., tel opr, F. & P. M. R. R., Portsmouth station, bds W. A. Chapman. Palmer Geo., millwright, s s 11th, bet Van Buren and Grant. 3. Palmer Jerome A., contractor, res n e cor 3d and s Centre. 2. Palmer Richard, mason, res e s Barney, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Palmer Walter, stone mason, bcds Geo. Beard. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Bjock. Pangburn Joseph, engineer, bds J. Dugra. Pangburn M.. engineer, wks Shearer & Co. Papillon Miss Marie, wks Alex. Villaire. Papillon Miss Sarah, wks Alex. Villaire. Papineau Miss Sophie, wks Louis Masse. Paquet Francis, lab, res w s Howard, bet 20th and 21st. 2. Paquet Henry, lab, res w s Howard, bet 20th and 21st. 2. Parant Lewis, lab, bds John Mavel. Parent George, bds L. Menard. Parent Louis N., carpenter, res e s Fraser, bet 15th and 16th. 8. Parish Clark W. (Ellsworth & Parish), res n s 9th, bet Adams and Jefferson. 3. Parish Mrs. Mary (wid Louisl, res e s Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 2. Park Edward, b'ge owner, res s w cor 4th and Adams. 4. Parks Miss Emma, waiter, Fraser House. Parker & Lloyd (Wm. Parker and Isaac Lloyd), furniture manuf'rs, Centre, bet Saginaw and Wash'n, res w S Adams, bet 6th and 7th. Parker H. C., wks McGraw & Co. Parker William (Parker & Lloyd), res cor Grant and 4th. 5. Parker William, bar-tender, Barclay House. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 529 Parmely James J., millwright, Folsom & Arnold, res i s Water, bet Lincoln & Johnson. Parmer George H., lab, res e s Saginaw, bet 5th and Centre. 2. Petherick John S., shoemaker, shop e s Saginaw, bet 5th and Centre, res cor 7th and Birney. 36. Parmer George W., millwright, res e s Farragut, bet 13th and 14th. 3. Parret Joseph, salt boiler Folsom & Arnold, res e s Sherman, bet Water and Campbell. 6. Parr Miss Lizzie, milliner, bds Win. Ramsay. Parr Miss Ella, wks Wm. LeBeau. Parsell Robert L., clk Shaw & Hall, bds John Sharp. Parshee Miathew, yardman Fraser House. Partenfalder Rev. J. Henry P., Lutheran minister, res s e car Monroe and 6th. 3. Partoe Henry, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Partridge Miss Kittie, lives W. Sullivan. Partridge Thomas, works Whipple. Parmley & Co. Partridge Thomas, lab, res s w cor 31st and -. 2. Partridge Timothy L., firm N. W. Gas and Water pipe Co., bds: Campbell House. Koch & Co., Genesee st., opposite Bancrof t House. Parsons Holmes, lab, res w s Kossuth, ur McGraw's mill. 7. Partikot George, wks McGraw & Co. Pashey Andrew, wks A. Miller. Patterson Aretus, lab, res w s Grant, bet 1st and 2d. 6. Patriarche Arthur, station agent D. & B. C. R'y, res w s aonroe, bet 1st and 2d. 3. Patterson Robert, lab, bds Charles Coy. Patterson William H., dairyman, res c s Broadway, bet 24th and 25 th. 4. Paul Win., lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Paultha John, wks McGraw & Co. Payne Alfred, wks Folsom & Arnold, bds Mrs. Emma Yeoman. Peark James, lab, res n w cor Saginaw and 11th. 4. Peaver James, lab, bds International Hotel. Peck Charles, lab, res n w cor Bowery and 22d. 4. Peck James E., printer C. C. Gustin, bds same. Peck Sylvester, engineer, res w s Dolsen, bet Water and SWoodside ave. 9. Peck William, wks Chapin & Barber. Pecker -, salt inspector, n w cor 5th and Van Buren. 4. Peek G. W., salesman, bds Campbell House. 67 530 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Pekett John, lab, bds John Johnson. Pelaski Martin, lab, wks William Peter. Pelee Levi, blacksmith, bds John Gavoid. Peltier L., cook, res e s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 2. Pelton John, lab, bds Corey House. Pendleton Thomas, bds 117 Adams. Pendleton & Stewart, painters, basement 102 Water. Peplynski Peter, lab, res e s Jefferson, bet 20th and 21st. 3. Perkin Billings, edger, res s s 30th, near Water. 6. Perkins Cyrus E., sailor, lives Cyrus Perkins. Perkins Cyrus, res e s McCormick, bet 29th and Frermont ave. 6. Perkins John, grocer, w s Jackson, bet 12th and 11th. 4. Perkins Henry, shingle-sawyer, w side Mary Ann, bet 28th and 29th. 2. Perkins Levy, lab, wks Watrous Bro. & Co. Perkins Samuel J., sailor, lives Cyrus Perkins. Perkins Win., wks McGraw & Co. Perrier Godfroy, teamster, e s Howard, bet 18th and 19thl. 7. Perrin George, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. Perrins Joseph, ship-carpenter, res e of McEwan's mill. 2. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. PERROTT ]PATRICK J., liveryman, stable w s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th, res 611 s Water, bet 11th and 12th.:See advI. Perry Elie E., cooper, n w cor Water and 40th. 3. Perry James B., sawyer, wks Hitchcock & Ingrahani. Perry Mrs., res n e cor Adams and 8th; 2. Perry Samuel, wks McGraw & Co. Persb James, lab, bds James Gibbons. Persons George W., lab, res w s Sherman, bet 14th and 15th 3. Persons George W., lab, res e s Saginaw, bet 5th and Centre. 3. Peter Fritz, lab, n e cor 11th and Sherman. 7. Peter John, wks Chapin & Barber. Peter William, lumberman, res Toledo, 0., saw mill Water, foot of 12th. Petermore Moses, carp, res w s Marsac, bet 25th and 26th. 8. Peters Henry, carp, res 12th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. Peters John, lab, bds Frederick Reinecke. Peterson John, lab, bds Corey House. Petery Philip, wks Smith & Wheeler, bds T. Bunert. Petitgrow Isador, saloon and boarding house, s s Campbell, bet Lincoln and Phelan Walter, wks McGraw & Co. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 531 Phelpster August, lab, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. Phelps John W., res w s Adams, bet Centre and 6th. 2. Phillips Albert, wks McGraw & Co. Phillipps Arthur, painter, hds Christopher Hinesman. Phillips Arthur, painter, res s w cor Madison and 12th. 2. Phillips A., wks Folsom & Arnold. Phillips Demeice, H., lab, n e cor 2c1d and 28th. 3. Phillips Frank D., bds Fraser House. Phillippe Nicholas, barber, bds J. Wild. Phillips Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Phillips Patrick H., printer, " Tribune," bds Campbell Honse. Phillipps Robert, painter, bds Christopher Hinesman. Philipps Thomas, lab, res n side 40th, e Water. 6. Phillip John, blacksmith, res s s Lord, near Annie. 7. Phillipps Theodore C., postmaster, postoffice cor Centre and Washington, opera house blk, res n side 8th, bet Johnson and Trumbull. 7. Phippen Alonzo, cistern-maker, shop w s Water, bet 10th and 11th, res n w cor Saginaw and 11th. 4. Phipps Clifton K., book-keeper, bds Wm. Keith. Phipps Thomas F., book-keeper, bds Win. Keith. Lumbermen's Supplies at 1W. & H. KochI & Co's. Phbcix Francois, blacksmith, wks T. Slenon, res -. 4. Pickburn Wm. G., lab, res s side 18th, bet Broadway and Howard. 2. Pickett John, wks McGraw & Co. Piddock John Gibbons, boiler maker, bds J. D. McKinnon. Pierson Arthur S., hardware merchant, res n e cor Madison and 5th. 2. Pierce Daniel AM. (I. S. Raymond & Co.), res e s Adams, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Pierce Henry A., clk, F. H. Blackman & Co., bds parents. Pierce Lewis, lab, bds Cumberland House. Pierce Mrs. R. (wid Ephraim), res n side 11th, bet Madison and Jefferson. Piekcan Napoleon, lab, bds Richard Champagne. Pildatch John, carpenter, res e side Grant, bet Woodside ave and 21st. 3. Pilette Jean Marie, bds Z. Dumas. Pildatch Mrs. Sarah (wid Wm.), res e side Grant, bet Woodside avenue and 21st. Pinney Wm., clk for Gustin & Merrill, bds William Henry Charter. Pitts & Cranage (Thomas Pitts and Thomas Cranage), salt and lumber manuf'rs, mill and office w end Wash'n. 532 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Pitts Thomas (Pitts & Cranage), res Detroit. Pies John, lab, res Van Buren, bet 8th and 9th. 5. Pies Samuel, harness-maker, bds J6hn Pise. Platt George, painter, bds International Hotel. Platt Hiram, carpenter, res w s Madison, bet 3d and 4th. 5. Plein John, wks McGraw & Co. Pletzke August, lab, res e s 12th, bet Water and Saginaw. 3. Pletzke John, lab, res s s 12th, bet Wash'n and Water. 4. Plourd Arthur, wks Pitts & Cranage. Ploof Charles, wines and liquors, saloon, e s Adams, bet lst and Woodside ave, res same. 5. Ploude Joseph, lab, bds Charles Rassico. Plum Wheeler L., teller, 1st National Bank, bds Fraser House. Plush John H., engineer, Atlantic salt works, res e end Wateir e of McEwan's mill. 3. Plynn John, lab, bds J. A. Little. Poik Edward, sawyer, res n e cor Broadway and 22d. 6. Pollehn Joseph, propr Sherman House, n s 3d, bet Madison and Monroe. 2. Pomeroy Charles H. (Judson & Pomeroy), bookkeeper, Tows]ey, Pierson & Biech, res Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Patronize the "Boss" ~ Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Pomeroy Phineas, sailor, res s e cor 18th and Bowery. 5. Pomeville Charles, Jr., carpenter, bds C. Pomeville, Sr. Pomeville Chas., teamster, res n s W'oodside ave, cor Belinda. 14.. Pomeville Louis, lab, bds C. Pomeville. Pomeville William, fireman, bds C. Pomeville. 2. Pool Charles A., clk E. C. & F. G. Woodard, res s w cor 2d, and Saginaw. Pool Mrs. Eliza J., res s w cor 2d and Saginaw. Pool Miss Sarah, lives Mrs. E. J. Pool. Pond Justian, bookkeeper, Bay City Iron Co., res e s Adams, bet 9th and 10th. 2. Portie T., lab, wks Webster & Bro. Portelance Louis, ship carpenter, John McGraw & Co., res e s Water, bet 11th and 12th. 6. Porter Alexander, lab, res n e cor 2d and Monroe. 5. Portsmouth depot F. & P. M. Ry., n s s Centre, H. A. Davis, ag't, e of Broadway. Postoffice, e s s Water, bet 31st and 32d, Charles D. Fisher, PM., res 31st. Potriososki Antoine, lab, bds M..Dubois. Potter Frank, clk S. Kitchin, res n w cor 3d and Wash'n. 4. Potter Isaac, lab, bds Barclay House. BAY CITY DIIRECTORY. 533 Potter James, lab, n side s Centre, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Potter Mrs. Nancy, lives W. Smalley. Powell Isaac, lab, res s s 30th, e s Water. Powell James A., clk Sam. Asch, bds Metropolitan Restaurant. Powell John, sailor, res n s 2d, bet Grant and Van Buren. 4. Powell Margaret, wks Wm. McPherson. Powers Daniel, lab, bds Mrs. Mary Hughes. Powers Harry, barber for and bds John Wild. Powers Miss Esther, waiter, International Hotel. Pratt Frank A., clk T. J. Beaubien, bds Wolverton House. Pratt Jacob, saloon-keeper bridge blk, res s side 3d, bet Jefferson and Madison. 3. Pratt Miss Jessie, music teacher. bds John L. Dolsen. Pratt Noah C., lumberman, res Grant, cor 8th. 5. Pratt Robert T., book-keeper N. B. Bradley & Co., res Woodside ave. Pratt Seymour, wks and bds John D. Bennett. Pratter William (col), barber, bds J. H. Wilkins & Co. Prell August, lab, res e s s Water, bet 27th and 28th. 2. Prentice William If., lab, res 30Lh, near Water. 6. Prentice William, lab, res w s Madison, bet Ist and 2d. 6. Fine Custom Work at B1. & H. Koch & Co's. Prentiss Albert, toll-gatherer B. C. bridge, res n w cor Van Buren and 1st. 4. Prerk F., wks Gates & Fay. Prescher William, carpenter, bds Mrs. Josephine Emrich. Prescott Charles M., machinist, Bay City Iron Works, res n s 3d, bet Jackson and Van Buren. 3. Pribe Auguste, lab, res n w cor Jefferson and 12th. 3. Price -, brakeman, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Priest William, blacksmith, res n s 1st, bet Grant an d Van Buren. 4. Prior Peter, carpenter, res e, s Tuscola plank, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Prinderville Michael, tailor, res head 7th. (?) Pringle Sanford, lab, res e s Water or 1st, bet 39th and 40th. 7. Probut James M., wkls Mc Graw & Co. Proebster John, lab, res e s Howard, bet 16th and 17th. 8. Pumervill C., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Pumervill S., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Pummerleo Tousta, lab, wks William Peter. Pursons L. E., elk, bds C. E. Foote. Pusey Joshua C., fruit and confectionery, ws Water, w end 5th,res w s Adams, bet 8th and 9th. 4. Pasey Joshua C., fruit dealer, res w s Adams, bet 8th and 9th. 4. 534 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Pusey Maria T., Mrs. Wm., grocer, w s Monroe, bet 8th, and 9th. 2. PUSEY WILLIAM II., fruit stand, e s Water, bet 7th and 8th, res same. 4. Pusey William, confectioner, Yes w s Monroe, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Putnam C., wks Folsom & Arnold. Putnam Mrs. J. A. (wid J. W.), res w s Saginaw, bet 2d and 3d. 3. Putter Louis, cooper, n s 37th, bet Kossuth and Mary Ann. C6. Q. Quaid Miss Catharine, wks W. A. Kelsey. Quaid Miss Elizabeth, wks Thomas R. Denison. Qualty John, lab, bds Robert Harkins. Quigley'James, teamster, e s Fraser, bet 20th and 21st. 2. Quigley John, lab, bds Washington House. Quinlan Timothy, wks Walther & Co., bds Washington House. Quinn Miss Miss Alice, home wlth George Green. Quinn Miss Catharine, home with James Shearer. Quinn James, wks McGraw & Co. Little Jake & Co. Untdersell Everybody. Quinn James, bds S. Hickey. Quinn Michael and wife, cooks, Anscomb House. Quinn Richard, wks Pitts & Cranage, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Quinn Thomas, mechanic, bds Wolverton House. R. Raab William, butcher, w s Madison, bet 11th and 12th. Rabey Miss Rosa, wks J. A. Wonsey. Raby Antoine, lab, s s 18th, bet Broadway and Howard. 5. Raby Cyrille, millwright, s w cor 18th and Howard. 5. Raby Damien, lab, s s 18th, bet Broadway and Howard. 5. Raby David, carpenter, res s w cor Howard and 17th. 4. Raby Emile, lab, bds D. Raby. Raby Mrs. Hannah (wid George), res w s Water, bet. 32d and 33d. 2. Rachon Pierre, lab, across the R. R. 7. Rascicot Joseph, cooper, bds Taylor House. Racker John, lab, res n s Campbell. 4. Racy Augustus, cooper, res n s Mercer, bet Belinda and.-Dclýen. 5. Rademacher Mrs. Caroline, lives C. Supe. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 535 Rademacher Miss Clara, bds C. Supe. Rademacher Gustavus (Supe & Rademacher), bds C. Supe. Rademacher John, mason, res w s Wilson, bet 24th and 25th. 5. Raderick John, bds 117 Adams. RADFORD ISAAC, liveryman, stable 724 w s s Water, bet 11th and 12th, res w s Jeff'n, bet 7th and 8th. See advt, p index. 7. Rady James, lab, wks Webster & Bro. Rady John, lab, wks Webster & Bro. Rafter Rev. Thomas, pastor St. James' Church, Roman Catholic, res 12th, cor Monroe. RAGAN JEREMIAH M., propr Ragan House, sw cor Dolsen and Mercer. See advt, p index. 2. Raider Miss May, wks Isaac Grabowsky. Rainsford Wells, clk, bds Winm. LeBeau. Rambower, lab, res e s Fraser, bet 22d and 23d. 6. Ramm George, lab, res w s Jefferson, bet 8th and 9th. 7. Ramsdell James, lumberman, res e s Wash'n, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Ramsdell Win., wks McGraw & Co. Ramsay James, millwright, res n w cor Marsac and 26th. Lowest Pries at I1I, & H. Koch & Co's. Ramsey James, teamster, Chapin & Barber, bds Peter Knodal. Ranalds William, lab, bds James Gibbons. Randall Mrs. A. B., res w s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Randall Arthur G., lumber inspector, bds Mrs. A. B. Randall. Randall Charles W., blacksmith, res e s Madison, bet 8th and 9th. 5. Randall Hiram, blacksmith, res e s Jeff'n, b~t 7th and 8th. 2. Randall S. S., confectioner, location unsettled, bds Robert Bane. Randall Winfield C., wks Gates & Fay, bds Mrs. A. B. Randall. Ranger Joseph, wks Pitts.& Cranage. Rankin Capt. William, ship owner, bds Wolverton House. Rasico Joseph, carpenter, res e s Howard, bet 22d and 23d. 4. Rassico Charles, lab, res w s Fitzhugh, bet 15th and 16th. 2. Rateliff Joseph, salt-packer, res s s 25th, bet Broadway and. Marsac. 3. Rathkee August, wks Albert Miller. Rathke Charles, tailor, ress sw cor 3d and 30th. 4. Rathkee Rudolph, wks Albert Miller. Rathke Mrs., res Water, bet 28th and 29th. 2. Ratio Peter, wks M. Watrous & Sons. Ranberin Edward, wks Pitts & Cranage. 536 3AXY CiTY ]litUECTORY. Ray Benjamin F., President Bay City Iron Company, res w s Madison, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Ray Mrs. William' J., bds Wolverton House. Rayden John, lab, res e s Carney, bet 8th and 9th. 4. Raymond George, lumberman, res n w cor Adams and 7th. 10. Raymond Henry S. & Co. (Henry S. Raymond and Daniel M. Pierce), news and stationery dealers, P. 0., Centre, bet Saginaw and Wash'n. Raymond Henry S. (Henry S. Raymond & Co.), res cor 12Ith and Jefferson, or bds Fraser House. 4. Raynsford (Ransford) E. W., clk, L. H. & J. Stanton, bds Win. LeBeau. Reader Daniel, sash and blind maker, res Fraser, bet 13th and 14th. 3. Reaghlen Frederick-, lab, res w side Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Reardon Charles, printer "IBay City Herald,"' bds Molton House. Reannume W., bds Corner Hotel. Rebbin Miss August, home with Dr. Norman Johnston. Rector, watchman Webster & Bro. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Redcliff Joseph, lab, wks Webster & Bro. Redden bach Michael, wks Hitchcock & Ingraham. Redenback Michael, lab, res s s 35th, e William. 8. Redfield Jared E. (A. Stevens & Co.), res Essex, Conn. Redmond James, lab, res e s Jefferson, bet 2d and 3d. 2. Redmond John, boot and shoe dealer, s e cor 7th and Water, res w s Adams, bet Sth and 9th. 5. Reed Miss Carrie L., teacher 2d ward school, bds Jesse F. Romer. Reed George, contractor, bds Martin Roche. Reed George, carpenter, bds Archie Morrison. Reed John, lab, res w s Fitzhugh, bet 20th and 21st. 6. Reed Miss Maggie, works William Sempliner. Reed W. H. B., contractor, bds Martin Roche. Reeder Daniel, foreman Smith & Wheeler. Reere Mrs. -, tailoress, res Portsmouth. Reese John, wks John McEwan. Regan Miss Mary, wks Sanfoird' Wilkins. Regan Patrick, lab, res w side Williams, bet 18th and 19th. 6. Reichle C. F., butcher, s side 3d, bet Washington and Adams, res same. 4. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 537 Reicowskie John, wks McGraw & Co. Reicowskie Michael, wks McGraw & Co. Reid Miss Carrie L., teacher 2d ward school, bds Jesse F. Romer. Reid Miss Ellen, wks N. H. Webster. Reid John, laborer, res n Water. Reid Wesley, carpenter, n s Longtin, c s Johnson. Reid William, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro., bds James M. Laing. Reif George, lab, res e s Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 6. Reiley George, house and sign painter, s side 6th, bet Jefferson and Washington, res c s Saginaw, bet 7th and 8th. Reilley Edgar J., lumber inspector, bds J. S. Reilley. Reilley J. S., grocer, cor Water and 17th, res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Reilly Edward G., grocer and baker, res Lord, one door east from Annie st. Reinecke Christian, lab, bds Frederick Reinecke. Reinhart Christy, servant girl, R. J. Carney. Reinecke Frederick, joiner, res n s Ketchum, w Belinda. 3. Reinke William, lab, s side 13th, bet Jefferson and Madison. 4. Reisse Otto, watchmaker, J. A. J. Morse. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Remington Thomas A., lumber inspector, res s e cor 7th and Monroe. 4. Renalds John, lives with R. J. Carney. Rendall T., wks Pitts & Cranage. Rennels Thomas, lab, bds A. Porter. Reno Charles, lab, bds Crampton House. Repcra Charles, lab, res w s Saginaw, bet 9th and 10th. 5. Reuben Simon, wks McGraw & Co. Reuree L., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Reuther August, bds Rev. Wilhelm Renther. Reuther Rev. Wilhelm, pastor Lutheran Church, e side Madison, bet 8th and 9th. 6. Revord Anthony, carpenter, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 12th and 13th. 6. Revour Theodore, police, res w s Jefferson, bet 2d and 3d. 6. Reynolds Elbert A., clerk, wks J. S. Reilley. Reynolds Fletcher H., clerk, J. S. Reilley, res w s Fraser, bet 21st and 22d. 5. Reynolds Patrick (Reynolds & Weener), bds J. H. Wilkins, Jr. Reynolds Robert, carp, res n w cor 1st and Madison. 6. Reynolds Thomas lumberman, bds Jonathan Smith. 68 538 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Reynolds & Weener (Ed. Reynolds, Julius Weener), saloon keepers, Rouech bik, s s 5th; bet Water and Saginaw. Reynolds William, clk, bds Wesley J. Hawkins. Rheaume Pierre, lab, res w s Jeff'n, bet 11th and 12th. 5. Rheaume Charles, blacksmith, n e cor Grant and,d. 4. Rhine Mathew, wks McGraw & Co. Rhodes Charles, lab, bds W. Zimmermann. Rhodes Charles E., watchmaker, bds Globe Hotel. Rhodes Melville, wks Supe & Rademacker, bds C. E. Schumnm. Rhodes Samuel Melvin, lab, bds C. E. Schumm. Rhodes Thomas, printer, bds Moulton House. Riahbler Gothlieb, lab, w s 3d. 3. Ribble James, farmer, bds Mrs. Almira Ellison. Rice James & Co. See A. Chapman & Co. Rice Mrs. Jane (wid James), s e cor Van Buren and 4th. 3. Rice John, lab, bds Washington House. Rich Miss Ada, wks James A. Little. Rich Moses, fireman, res w s Jeff'n, bet Woodside and:Water. 5. Rich Miss Sophronie, bds Mrs. Sarah Maxon. Richard Ash, painter, bds n e cor Saginaw and 6th. Richards Henry, mill owner, bds J. Nason. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Richards Henry, groceries, provisions, crockery and glassware, n e cor 3d and Water, res s e cor 30th and Broadway. Richard Joseph, sawyer, bds Benjamin F. Desle. Richards William, prop'r Cleveland House, s s Woodside,e eof Johnson, res same. 7. Richardson Charles D., teamster, res s s 30th, bet 3d and4.th.! 3. Richardson T. G., bds Mrs. A. S. Seeley's. Richardson Geo., lab, bds Crampton House. Richards George, sailor, bds International Hotel. Richardson Matthew, lab, res s s 8th, bet Saginaw and Was-, ington. 3. Richardson Robert J., carpenter, res e s Johnson, bet Campbell and Woodside ave. 7. RICHER ANTH ONY, Eureka Saloon, n s Campbell, n end Sheridan. 6. Richey Edward H., school teacher, res n e cor 31st and;i,Cormick. 3. Richey James, works Albert Miller. Richie John, wks Gates & Fay. Richie John, -, bds, Mrs. Julia Leonard. Riegel John, wks McGraw & Co. Riel Moise T., wks Pitte & Cranage. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 539 Riffenberg Win., sawyer Pitts & Cranage, bds J. Dugra. Rigler Gotlieb, wks McGraw & Co. Riker Ephraim, fish market Bay City, res s e cor s Centre and River. 2. Rikert Philip H., carpenter, res e end Water, e s McEwan's mill. 8. Riket Amanda, wks Stewart A. Van Dusen. Riley Miss Annie, waiter, Fraser House. Riley Edward, lab, rcs w s Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Riley Edward, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Riley Edward G., salesman G. & B. S. M. Co., res Lord, near Adams. Riley George, painter, bds Chatbham House. Riley George, painter, bds R. Thompson, will move to cor 6th and Adams. 2. Riley George, painter, shop s s 6th, bet Adams and Jefferson, bds Huffman, cor Adams and 6th. Riley George, agent Grover & Baker Sewing Machine, res n s Campbell, bet Lord and Annie. 3. Riley Jacob S., clerk Forest City House. Riley John, lab, e s 3d. 4. Elegant Clothing at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Rimpau Frederick, lab, bds s s 22d, bet Fitzhugh and Fraser. 6. Ring Abraham, sailor, bds Albert King. Ripely John, blacksmith, Bay City Novelty, res 4th, near Van Buren. Ritchie Alexander W., boiler maker, res s w cor Sherman and Woodside ave. 3. Ritchie Denzel Jay, clk J. Mills, bds same. 3. Ritchie John, lab, bcs Mrs. J. Leonard. Ritchie Peter, carpenter, e side Mary Ann, bet 34th and 35th. 3 Ritschel, Wentz C., clk Munger & Co., bds Wm. LeBeau. Rivard F., wks Folsom & Arnold. Rivet Alexis, blacksmith, bds Charles Rivet. RIVET BROS. (Charles and Dennis A. Rivet), blacksmiths and carriage makers, shop n w cor 6th, 824, Saginaw. Rivet Charles (Rivet Bros.), res e s Grant, bet 2d and 3d. 6. Rivet Denis, blacksmith, e side Grant, bet 8th and 9th. 6. Rivet Charles (C. Rivet & Brother), blacksmith, res w side Grant, bet 6th and 7th. 7. Rivet Camills, blacksmith, Rivet Bros, bds Charles Rivet. Rivet Tenosfort, blacksmith, Rivet Bros., bds C. Rivet. Rivet Leon, blacksmith, bds Charles Rivet. Rivet Telesphore, blacksmith, bds Charles Rivet. 7540 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Rivley John, blacksmith, res n s 4th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. Rivoir Charles, lab, bds Boutreur House. Rivoir Joseph, lab, bds Boutreur House. Roach Miss Ellen, wks A. Eggleston. Roach Frank, wks Pitts & Cranage. Roach Mary J., wks S. Shannon. Roach Thomas, filer, Dolsen, Chapin & Co., bds Robt. Barlow. Roach Thomas, carpenter, res w s Dolsen, nr Water. 8. Roach William, wks Gates & Fay. Roach William, bar-tender, T. Carter, hds same. Robatoie Joseph, gang sawyer, res s s Barney, bet Johnson and Lincoln. 3. Robbins Charles, lab, bds Corey House. Robbins Horatio G., lawyer, office room 25 Watson blk, Water, res w s Madison, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Robedue Moses, wks Chapin & Barber. Robert John, lab, bds Robert Barlow. Robert Pierre, lab, bds Joseph Valliere. Roberts Frederick, lab, bds Joseph Cusson. Roberts Henry, propr Corey House, cor 30th and Water. 2. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Roberts Matthew, wks McGraw & Co. Roberts Miss Mary, wks J. W. Hanlin. Robertson Hugh, bds Ontario Hotel.' Robertson John, lab, s w cor 22d and Howard. 2. Robertson John, lab, bds Montreal House. Robertson Wm., boarding house, and wks Win. Peter, Water, bet 13th and 14th. 7. Robidou Camille, lab, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 15th and 16thl 8. Robidou Moses, lab, bds N. Hebert. Robidoux Remuel, Montreal House, n e cor Water and 6th. Robillard MArs. Rosa, (wid Gabriel), laundress, e s Saginaw, bet 1st and 2d. 5. Robinson Herbert, wks McGraw & Co. Robins Burt, sawyer, bds Taylor House. ROBINS WM., saloon keeper, w s Williams, bet 20th and 21st. iRobinson Charles, fireman, res e s Williams, bet 16th and 17th. 5. Robinson Daniel (col'd), lab, res n s 51h, bet Van Buren and Grant. 2. Robinson George, foreman Watrons Bros & Co., res e s Water, bet 39th and 40th. 3. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 541 Robinson James, lab, bds Francis Dorian. Robinson John, lab, s s 22d, bet Howard and lBowery. 2. Robinson Michael, carp, w s Lincoln ave, bet 16th and 17th. 5. Robinson Richard, printer, bds Wolverton House. Robinson William, carp, res e s Jefferson, bet 3d and 4th. 6. Robinson William H., wks Johnson & Crispin, res Wenona. Robison James, lab, bds J. Redmond. ROCHE MARTIN, propr Center House, Water St., near Saginaw Bridge. 2. Roche Miss Mary, waitress, Fraser House. Roche Miss Mary J., wks M. Tilton. Roche Michael, wks Pitts & Cranage. Rochow Eli, lab, res ss Water, bet Johnson and Lincoln. 5. Rockfeller Henry, carp, res Centre st e. 2. Rodemick William, cooper, s w cor 16th and Howard. 7. Roe John S., lab, w s Grant, bet 1st and 2d. S. Roe J. W., lab, bds J. A. Little. Roech Win., bds Mrs. Julia Leonard. Rogers Alonzo P., brewer, A. Van _Meter & Co., res w s Broadway, bet 24th and 25th. 3. Rogers Mrs. Elizabeth (wid Thomas), res 601 Jefferson, cor 6th. Only olne Price at I. & H1. Koch & Co's. Rogers J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Rogers Jacob, lab, res w side Van Buren, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Rogers John A., captain of steamer Mason, res 601 Jefferson, cor 6th. Rogers John, wks and bds O. H. P. Goodwin. Rogers James i., carpenter, res e s Marsac, bet 25th and, 26th. 3. Rogers Peter L., machinist, Peter L. Rogers and Dudley Case,. res s w cor 4th and Farragut. 2. Rogers Thomas J., mate steamer "Geneva," res 601 Jefferson, cor 6th. Rogers Wm. H., lumberman, bds Fraser House. Rogers William R., fireman, res 20th, bet Williams and Howard. 4. Rogers William T., carpenter, bds Martin Roche. Roman Louis, clk, T. Anthony, bds T. Anthony. Roman M., broker, McEwan's block, res e side Jackson, bet. 8th and 9th. 3. Romer Jesse F. (Munger & Co.), w side Van Buren, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Romer John, veterinary surgeon, n w cor 3d and Trumbull. 6 -Rook John, lab, bds Washington House. 442 BBAY CITY DIRECTORY. Root 'D. A., carpenter, bds Martin Roche. Root Eugene, bar-tender, bds International Hotel. Root M. A., dealer in music, pianos, organs, etc., e s Water, bet 5th and Centre, res Jackson, bet 7th and 8th. Root Pembroke, tinsmith, res s s Ist, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. Root W. L., agent Rochester Nurseries, bds Wolverton Houise. Roosa J., wks Gates & Fay. Roosevelt Miss Ella V., home with Wilson H. Towsery. Roring H., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Rosco Julius, lab, bds Morris N. Sakett. Rose Charles P., machinist, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds Jbhn Rose. Rose James, lab, bds International Hotel. Rose John, dealer in jewelry, res cor Van Buren and 6th. Rose John, ship carpenter, res -, bet 28th and 29th.:5. Rose John, jeweler, cor Centre and Water, res s w cor 6th'and Van Buren. Rose Joseph, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Rosell George, lab, bds Martin Roche. Roshock Jacob, lab, res e s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Interview the "6Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Ross A. C. wks and bds C. H. Freeman. Ross James M., mill owner, res cor Centre and Sherman. 4. Rosson Charles, saloon, s s Henry, c )r Campbell, res same. 3. Rossow (Rosseau) Charles, saloon and boarding house, s:o cor Campbell and Henry. 3. Roth David, lab, res w s I-Ioward, bet 16th and 17th. 2. Roth Stafford, carpenter, bds Edward Eickerman. Roth Stephen, carpenter, bds Edward Eickemeyer. Rottell Noah, lab, bds C. Pomeville. 2. Rottell Peter, lab, res e s Dolsen, near Water. 9. Rouble John, wks McGraw & Co. Rouchow Eli, wks Barber & Chapin. Rouech Eugene, shoemaker, bds Francis Dorian. Rouech Henry, clk Shephard & Weston, res 5th, bet Saginaw and Water. Rouech Miss Mary, bds James A. Wells. Rourison Rousse Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Roust Frank, wks McGraw & Co. Row J. W., lab, bds James A. Little. Rowe John, wks Pitts & Cranage. Rowe John S., foreman, rooms over 111 Centre. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 543 Rowe Miss May A., works John Savage. Rowe William, teamster, res s w cor Grand and Woodside ave. 5. Roy Mrs. Julie (wid Eustache), res e s Grant, bet 8th and 9th. Rozenburg Peter, carpenter, res e s Lincoln ave, bet 15th and 16th. 5. Ruff Jonathan, planer, Smith & Wheeler, res e s Fs itzhugh, bet14th and 15th. 2. Rumptz John, wks Win. Peter, res n w cor Jeff'n and 12th. 3. Rumsey Charles, lab, res s e cor Wilson and Fremont ave. 3. Runchie Charles, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Rnndel Tauman, carpenter, res w s Johnson, bet lst and Woodside ave. 6. Ruply Jacob, carpenter, res s e cor 11th and Monroe. 8. Russell Anthony, lab, bds Andrew Gerard. Russell George, bds Win. Whittal. Russell Hiram, lathing, res w s Fitzhugh, bet 16th and 17th. 3. Russell James S., lab, bds Taylor House. Russell James, wks Pitts & Cranage, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Russell John W., lab, res s s 34th, e F. & P. M. R. R. 3. Russell Lewis R., gunsmiith, bds Henry C. Bacom. Russell Vincen, lab, res s w cor I-Ioward and 19th. 4. Largest Stock of Clothing at. & H. Koch & Co's. Rust A. & Co. (Amasa, D. W., J. F., and Aloney Rust), lumber manuf'rs, mill w s Water, bet 18th and 20th. Ruterbusch Charles, lab, e s Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 8. Ryan James, plasterer, res s s 9th, bet Adam and Jefferson. 5. Ryan James, plasterer, res e s Jackson, bet 7th and 8th. 2. Ryan John, lab, res w s Williams, bet 18th and 19th. 2. Ryan John, plasterer, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 17th and 18th. 2. Ryan Miss May, home with Dr. Norman Johnston. Ryan John, lab, e s Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Ryan John, sailor, e s Farragut, bet 15th and 16th. 6. Ryan Matthew, lab, e s 3d. 3. Ryan Pat'k, mason, res s s 9th, bet Farragut and McClellan. 2. Ryan Patrick, bds Capitol House. Ryan Thomas, bds Globe Hotel. Ryan Thomas, lab, bds J. A. Little. Ryan William, shoemaker, J. Redmond, bds Moulton House. Ryan William, setter, wks William Peter. Ryer Peter, wks Win. Peter, res s e co 12th and Bowery or:Saginaw. 3. Ryley Charles, lab, bds Washington IHouse. Rynass WValter S., printer, " Chronicle," bds Delmonico House. Rynix Miss Emma J., bds G. Wright. 544 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. S. Sackett Morris N. (Matt.), filer, N. B. Bradley & Co., res e s Fitzhugh, bet 15th and 16th. 3. Sage Luther, shoemaker, s w cor 3d and Monroe. 4. Salewskie Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Sattemor Ephraim, carpenter, res Water, bet 23d and 24th. 5. Sampson S., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Samson Lewis, wks Pitts & Cranage. Sanderson Charles, blacksmith, bds Wm. Henry Charters. Sanford D. W., carpenter, bds Astor House. Sanford Julius S., bds Wm. O'Connor. Sanford Seymour, student, bds Wim. O'Connor. Sanford Mrs. Mary, dressmaker and milliner, e s ater, bet 4th and 5th, res same. 2. Sanford Wm. E. (Sanford & Boyd), room Fraser block. Sanford William, saloon, res e s Water, bet 4th and 5th. 2. Sanford & Boyd (Win. E. Sanford and John Boyd), saloon. Bridge blk, 3d st. Sanphony Miss Lucinda, waitress, Wolverton House. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Sangle George, harness-maker, Thomas Luxton, res e s Farragut, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Saterno Jeremiah, wks Barber & Chapin. Satimore George, bootmaker, res Water, bet 23d and 24th. 3. Saunders Francis, setter, Miller & Richard's saw-mill, bds Crampton House. Saunders George, molder, wks Baxter & Scully. Saunders Thos., carpenter, res e s Adams, bet 8th and 9th. 6. Savage John, res 204 e s Jackson, bet 4th and 5th. 6. Savage Thomas, lumberman, e s Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 6. Savey John, lab, res w s Jefferson, n of Woodside ave. 4. Savough M., lab., wks Shearer & Co. St. Andre -, lab, bds 0. Grondin. St. Charles Wm., printer, bds Wolverton House. St. Clair Wm., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. St. Laurent Louis, capt barge " Hector," e s Saginaw, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 3. Scafer Frederick, lab, res c s Jefferson, bet 15th and 16th. 4. Scanlon James, bds Capitol House. Schaack Robert, lab, res s e cor 2d and Birney. 3. Schabal Adam, milk peddler, res w s Carney, bet 8th and 9th. 5. Schabal John, milk peddler, bet 8th and 9th. 5. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 545 Schafer Frederick, clk, Meisel & Goechel, bds Ernest Meisel. Schaffur H., lab, wks Shearer & Co. Schajer Frederick, lab, wks Wm. Peter. Schank Charles, lab, res n e cor 16th and Sherman. 9. Schenck C., wks N. B. Bradley & Co. Schessler Charles, shoemaker J. Bouchard, bds Washington House. Scheurman Charles, warehouse, res cor Centre and Madison. 2. Scheurmann Richard, boots and shoes, 99 n Water, foot Center, res 200 w end Jackson, cor 5th. 5. Scheander John, tailor, e s 3d, bet Pendleton and Trumbull. Schenck Geo., gentleman, n e cor Van Buren and 8th. 2. Schindler Joshua, tailor, res 33d, s of Johnson. Schissler Charles, shoemaker, bds Washington House. Schiller Adolphe,lab, bds L. Cormier. Schiller Theophile, lab, bds L. Cormier. Schindette Henry, res w s Madison, bet 9th and 10th. 7. Schindehette Martin, saloon keeper, s side 5th, bet Saginaw and Water, res e side Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Schindler John, tailor, J. H. Rice & Co. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Schleicher Nicholas, watchman, H. M. Bradley's mill, res e s Lincoln avenue, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Schmidt Charles, molder, bds C. Mewes. Schmidt John, milk peddler, res n w cor 9th and Madison. 5. Schnettler Charles F., foreman N. W. Gas and Water Co., res s e cor Jefferson and 1st. 3. SCHOTT & Co. (Samuel Schott, Max Schott, Joseph P. Leroux), clothiers, 106 n Water, bet 5th and Centre. See advertisement. Schott Max (Schott & Co.), res East Saginaw. Schott Samuel (Schott & Co.), res East Saginaw. Schrader Charles, lab, bds Washington House. Schramm Martin, brewer, res and brewery n e cor 13th and Bowery. 5. Schroeder Frank, wks McGraw & Co. Schroder William, wks Albert Miller. Schuane Augustus, lab, wks William Peter. Schuane Ernest, lab, wks William Peter. Schuardt John, lab, bds J. Kedish. Schultz Geo., wks McGraw & Co. Schumm Charles E., res e s Madison, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Schumm Charles H., tel opr, F. & P. M. R. R. depot, bds C. E. Schumm. 69 546 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Schwartz Henry, bds J. Howell. Schweizer Miss Annie, wks John Kingberg. Schiven August, lab, res n e cor 6th and Birney. 4. Scischo Allen, hostler, John Hanlin, bds John Hanlin. Scofield Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Scofield Miss Ida, home with Wilson Scofield. Scofield Winsor, atty, office Centre, bet Saginaw and Water, res w s Jackson, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Scottford Harvey J., photographer, bds Jacob D. Eaton. Scott Cornelius, sawyer, A. Rust, bds G. W. Thomas. Scott Francis A., clk, bds T. G. Metcalf. Scott Frank, wks Albert Miller. Scott George, lumberman, res s w cor 4th and Jackson. 3. Scott G. W., salesman, res Adams, bet 7th and 8th. Scott H. J. (Scott & Jolley), res cor 13th and Williams. Scott John, civil engineer, D. & B. C. R. R., office at depot, bds Fraser House. Scott John, lab, res e s Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Scott Miss Alice, wks International Hotel. Scott Robert, bds Mrs. M. A. Brehmer. 3. Scott Thomas, civil engineer, bds Ontario House. Little Jake & Co., " Boss'" Clothiers of the State. Scott Thomas, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Scott Thomas, lab, bds Ragan House. Scott William, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Scott & Bro. (Henry J. and Andrew D. Scott), groceries and provisions, e s Water, bet 13th and 14th. SCOTT & JOLLEY, druggists, Scott blk, Water, bet 13th and 14th. Scruggs Edward V., sign painter, Atkinson Bros, res cor Centre and Saginaw. 3. Secora Wenzel, lab, res w s Howard, bet 18th and 19th. 2. Secor Joseph, lab, bds Montreal House. See James, salesman, res Bowery and 14th. See John, teamster, bds Mrs. Eliza See. Seed James, salesman, res cor Adams and 8th. Seeley Mrs. A. S., (wid J. S.) boarding house, n w cor Washington and 4th. 3. Seeley Francis, lab, n w cor Washington and 4th. Seibert Aaron, -, canvasser, bds David E. Erb. Selaf Francis, lab, wks Wm. Peter. Sempliner Joseph, bds Wm. Sempliner. Sempliner Wm., merchant, res n s 7th, bet Jackson and Monroe. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 547 Sempliner William, travelling agent, w s Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 5. Sempliner & Co. (W. & J. Sempliner), hoop skirts and fancy goods, 119 Water. Sinical Eugene, painter, bds Louis Fontaine. Sinical Miss Aladie, bds Louis Fontaine. Sepoid George, lab, res w s Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Service Henry, bds 117 Adams. Setsburgh Alex, wks McGraw & Co. Sendo Frederick, lab, wks William Peter. Sexlinger John L., butcher, market e s 4th, bet Saginaw and Water, res n e cor 9th and Madison. 4. Sexton Miss Mary, home with James Vine. Shepard Theodore F., attorney, office, 5 Watson bik, Water, res Wenona. Shaal John P., farmer, res w s Broadway, bet 32d and 34th. 9. Shafer George, fireman, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Shafer Joseph, Jr., sailor, res s w cor Monroe and Woodside ave. 2. Shafer Joseph, saloon keeper, s w cor Monroe and Woodside ave 6. Clothing at Wholesale at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Shafer Peter J., agt, res w s Monroe, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 2. Shaffer Melvin B., clerk, bds Wolverton House. Shanel Orson, cooper, res n e cor Sherman and 2d. 3. Shank Miss Sophia, wks G. Breckler. Shannon Charles R., salesman for Stewart B. Shannon, res cor 9th and Adams. Shannon Charles, upholsterer, bds J. Wild. Shannon Daniel, ins agt, res n s 9th, bet Farragut and Grant. 3. Shannon Isaac A. (Shannon & Brother), res w s Madison, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Shannon Miss May, wks Leo Friskett. Shannon Stewart B., furniture and undertaker, Centre, next door 1st nat'l bank, res Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Shannon Sturdy, furniture dealer and undertaker, res 618 Adams, bet 10th and 1lth. 3. Sharpe Horace, carpenter, w s Williams, bet 20th and 21st. 5. Sharpe John, lab, res n e cor Johnson and Woodside ave. 5. Sharp S. H., bds 117 Adams. Sharp William, lighter owner, bds Wolverton House. Shattuck Walter, night clk, bds Wolverton House. 548 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Shaw Charles R. (Shaw & Hall), res s e cor Belinda and Riverside. 2. Shaw Francis, plasterer, w s 3d, bet 34th and 35th. 2. Shaw Frederick, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. Shaw James, lab, bds Francis Dorian. Shaw John, capt sch'r " Miami," res n s 3d, bet Johnson and Birney. 6. Shaw Squire, lab, res e s Fraser, bet 15th and 16th. 3. Shaw William, blacksmith, Shannon Bros., bds M. Kenney, 117 Adams. Shaw & Hall (Charles R. Shaw, Sidney A. Hall), groceries, provisions, flour, and feed, s e cor Belinda and Riverside. Shea Daniel, lab, res e s s sWater. 6. Shear Frederick, wks McGraw & Co. Shearer George H. (J. Shearer & Co.), res cor 1st and e side Saginaw. 5. Shearer Henry G., assistant book-keeper. Shearer James (J. Shearer & Co.) banker, mill Water, bank Center, res cor Centre and Wash'n. 5. Shearer James & Co., lumber manuf'rs, mill cor 1st and Water. Patronize the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Shearer John W., building contractor, shop cor 4th and Madison, res Jackson, bet 8th and 9th. 4. Sheehan Patrick, bds Barclay House. Sheerin John, blacksmith, bds Forest City House. Sheller Andrew, wks J. Feldman. Shelley D. B. & Co. (Daniel B. Shelley and Thomas Wilson), dealers in musical instruments, rooms opera house building, res w side Birney, bet 12th and 13th. 5. Shent Arnold, blacksmith, bds John Gavoid. SHEPHARD & 1ESTON (Benjamin S. and Archie M.) groceries and provisions, oysters and canned fruit, w s Water, bet 3d and 4th. Shephard Benjamin, grocer, res bet Centre and 6th. 5. Shephard Benjamin (Shephard & Meston), res w s Washington, bet Centre and 6th. Shepherd James, sailor, res w s Washington, bet 6th and Centre. Shepherd John C., hoop maker, bds A. J. Ashley. Shepherd Mrs. Grace (wid Benjamin), res w s Washington, bet 6th and Centre. Shepherd M. C., wks McGraw & Co. Shepherd Robert, wks Bay City Bridge Co., res w s Washington bet 6th and Centre. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 549 Sheriden Samuel, lab, bds Corey House. Sherly Miss Julia, wks Arthur S. Pierson. SHERMON & BRO., (Sher.mon Isaac A., Sherman John M.), carriage and wagon makers, w s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. Sherman Thomas, boiler maker, bds Wyandotte House. Sheror John, lab, bds Washington House. Sherwood Charles E., lab, res s s 19th, bet Howard and -. 2. Sherwood Isaac, lab, bds Crampton House. Shetler Michael, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Shillinger Jacob, deputy sheriff and turnkey of Bay county jail, cor Center and railroad. Shivrett Mrs. Sophia, dress maker, lives Mrs. A. B. Randall. Sholer Francis, mill-wright, bds Martin Roche. Shomson J., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Shorean Sophia, home with John Doe. Shorey John, wks McGraw & Co. Shortrer John, no occupation, bds Wmn. Henry Charter. Shoup Samuel, wks Folsom & Arnold, res w s Johnson, n of Campbell. 3. Shugart Christ., tinsmith, res e s Saginaw, bet 1st and 2d. 3. Fashionable Tailoring at N1. & H. Ioch & Co'.s Shuler Albert, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Shwaby Frederick, res n e cor 34th arid Williams. 9. Shyler John S., book-keeper, bds Mr. Eaton. Siaman Isaac, wks Court House, n e cor Adams and 3d. 2. Sibley Elwin, lab, w s Marsac, bet 24th and 25th. 2. Sibel Mary, wks John Haynes. Sibley Wallace, works Whipple, Parmely & Co. Sibiloff William, lab, bds Geo. Berthold. Sicord Maximin, wks McGraw & Co. Siefert Charles, ins agt, res s s 2d, bet Madison and Monroe. 5. Sigouin Joseph, lab, res w s Kossuth, near McGraw's. 3. Sikora Majk, lab, res s side 18th, bet Fraser and - Silbinder William, lab, bds W. Zimmermann. Siloff Frank, lab, res s w cor 16th and Sheridan. 5. Silverule Abraham K., nurseryman, res n s 32d e of Broadway. 2. Simon Chris., lab, bds John Broebster. SIMON FREDERICK, butcher and meat market, 209 Centre. See advt. 9. Simon Frederick, butcher for Hine & Bros., bds Philip Simon. Simmes Frederick, wks M. Watrous & Sons. Simon John, bds Wm. Rodcemick. 550 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Simon Philip, gentleman, res n s 13th, bet Madison and Jefferson. 3. Simon Jacob, Jr., lab, bds J. Simon, Sr. Simon Jacob, lab, res w s Madison, bet 6th and Centre. 6. Simon Mrs. Elizabeth, wid John Simon, home F. Simon. Simons Jacob, Sr., wks Gates & Fay. Simons Jacob, Jr., wks Gates & Fay. Simons John, bds Crampton House. Simonson James, wks M. Watrous & Sons, res e s River, bet 36th and 37th. 3. Simmons James, carpenter, Philander M. Whipple. Simmons John, lab, res n s Woodside ave, near Johnson. 2. Simmons Mrs. Lucretia, wks Bay City Steam Laundry. Simmons Miss Ella, wks Bay City Steam Laundry. Simmons -, res s s Woodside ave, e s Johnson. 2. Simon James, bds Anscombe House. Simpson James, bds Anscombe House. Simpson James, lab, bds James A. Little. Simpson James, lumber merchant, bds Anscombe House. Sims Henry, porter, Munger & Co., bds cor 6th and Jeffn. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Sinclair Alfred J., millwright, res w s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Sinnett Edward, wks McGraw & Co. Sirmyer John (A. Chapman & Co.), res Madison, bet 4th and 5th. Sirmyer John N., bookkeeper, James Rice & Co., res Monroe, bet 4th and 5th. Sischo Miss Mary A., servant girl, John Hanlin. Skeggs R., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Skuse Wm., carp, bds Wm. LeBeau. SLADE JOHN, shoemaker, shop n w cor Campbell and Lincoln, res same. Slade Luther, lab, res cor 19th and Water. 3. Slade Wm., engineer, res n s Campbell, bet Seymour and Lincoln. 7. Slater Aquilla, foreman S. H. Webster & Bro., res e s Water, bet 25th and 26th. 5. Slater Francis W., millwright, bds A. Slater. Slater -, bds 117 Adams. Slawster Edward (McMatt & Slawster), res s w cor Grant and 5th. 4. SLENOU TOLBERT, carriage maker and blacksmith, shop w s Saginaw, bet 3d and 4th, res w s Madison, bet 7th and 8th. See advt. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 551 Sloane James, lumber inspector, bds Taylor House. Sloane John, lab, bds James A. Little. Slotes John, lab, n s 3d, bet Johnson and Birney. 8. Slum George, bar tender C. Frantz. Small Mrs. Elizabeth (col) lives L. Christopher. Smalley Bros & Lewis (Darwin C. and Wm. Smalley, and Chas E. Lewis), "Valley Iron Works," w s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. Smalley Darwin C. (Smalley Bros. & Lewis), res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Smalley William (Smalley Bros. & Lewis), res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Smalls Miss Nora, wks I. Marston. Smart Miss Martha, cook, Wolverton House. Smallwood Flora (col). wks G. Holmes. Smart Alex., butcher, Hine & Bros., bds Theodore Hine. Smart Alex., wks G. Hine & Bros.' meat market. Smet Jacob, lab, bds Boutreur House. Smiley John, cooper, res w s Fraser, bet 20th and 21st. 2. Smith Alva B., wks P. J. Perrott, bds Moulton House. Lowest Prices at M3. & H. Koch & Co's. Smith Burton, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Smith Charles, cook for Fraser House, res Centre, bet Adams and Jefferson. 3. Smith Charles, cigar manuf'r, factory and res s w cor 2d and Sherman. 5. Smith Charles, Jr., cigar-maker, C. Smith, Sr. Smith Chas., lab, bds J. A. Little. Smith Clement, lab, res n e cor 31st and. 5. Smith Cornelius, molder, Bay City Iron Works, res s s Campbell, e of Ann. 5. Smith Douglass F., lumber inspector, T. Smith. Smith Daniel E., lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Smith Daniel W., blacksmith, res w s Madison, bet 1st and 2d. 2. Smith David T., wks Gates & Fay, res e s Washington, bet 11th and 12th. 3. Smith Ephraim, farmer, res s w cor 31st and Marsac. 5. Smith Ephraim, grocer, s e cor 1st and 39th, res same. Smith Edward, machinist, res e s Jackson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 2 Smith Frank, lab, bds M. Thompson. Smith Frank B. (Smith & Wheeler), res s e cor 7th and Jefferson. 5. 552 BAY CITY DIRECTOltY. Smith Frederick L., driver American express, bds Globe Hotel. Smith George W., engineer John McEwan, res sw cor Belinda and Ketcham. 4. Smith George, wks N. B. Bradley & Co., res Monroe, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Smith George, lab, bds Mrs. C. Taitte. Smith George A., lab, bds S. A. Smith. Smith G. E., -, res s e cor Adams and 2d, Smith Henry, teamster, James N. Dewitt. Smith Hiram, lab, bds L. Slade. Smith Isaac N., lumberman, bds Mrs. Rachel Smith. Smaltz Miss Dora, wks Isaac Marston. Smith Mrs. Helen (wid Charles Smith), res cor 24th and 25th. 3. Smith & Hart, empty store-room, 4th, bet Saginaw and Water. Smith James, lab, bds Luther Slade. Smith James, lab, bds Francis Dorian. Smith James D., lab, bds S. A. Smith. Smith J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Smith John, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Smith John, lab, bds Boutreur House. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Smith John, wks Albert Miller. Smith John, lab, res e s Jefferson, bet 15th and 16th. 3. Smith John, wks Gates & Fay. Smith John (J. Smith & Co.), res e s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th. Smith John, lab, res s side Woodside ave, bet Madison and Adams. 7. Smith John, wks J. Feldman. Smith John, lumberman (Smith & DeGraw), res s e cor 10th and Saginaw. 5. Smith John A., file-cutter, res n.s 9th, bet Madison and Monroe. 4. Smith John & Co. (John Smith and William H. Stearns), proprs Bay City Marble Works, w s Wash'n, bet 4th and 5th. Smith John E., engineer, res e s Van Buren, bet 3d and 4th. 5. Smith John George, engineer, res w s Howard, bet 16th and 17th. 5. Smith Jonathan, boarding house, e s Henry, bet Campbell and Woodside. 4. Smith Joseph, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Smith Miss Julia, wks Talbert Slelon. Smith Leroy, carpenter, bds Jerome Palmer. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 553 Smith Miss Nellie, teacher 6th ward school, home with Helen Smith, Water, cor 25th. Smith Oscar, lab, bds Lucius Atkins. Smith Mrs. Rachel (wid Charles), res e s Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Smith Randall F., lumber inspector, bds T. Smith. Smith Richard, wks Gates & Fay. Smith Robert, lab, wks William Peter. Smith Samuel, clk and bds Globe Hotel. Smeeth Simon, miller, res e s Grant, bet Woodside ave and 1st. 3. Smarlick Stanislaus, lab, rese s Williams, bet 16th and 17th. 6. Smith Sylvester A., teamster, res e s McCormick, bet 30th and 31st. 5. Smith Thaddeus, lumber inspector, res s w cor 7th and Monroe. 6. Smith Wm., bds Washington House. Smith William H., clk F. Simon, bds same. Smith Wm., lab, res s w cor 11th and Saginaw. 8. Smith & Wheeler, mannu'r of sash, doors, blinds, etc., mill, s Water, s of Gas Works office. Only one Price at.M. & H. Koch & Co's. Smitherman William, mason, bds 117 Adams. Snider John, lab, bds Stanstead House. Snider Joseph M., printer " Tribune," bds Wolverton House. Snock Jacob, lab, bds Henry Vandermaden. Snow Miss Emily, home with Charles Averell. Snow Henry G., pattern-maker, res e s Madison, bet 1st and 2d. 2. Snyder Charles, lab, bds Thomas McCullugh. Socie Joseph, wks Chapin & Barber, bds Montreal House. Sofa James, lab, res s w cor 35th and 3d. 7. Solina Marco, wks Charles T. Newkirk. Sorel John, lab, bds Joseph Cusson. Soule Miss Emma 0., teacher 5th ward school, bds Levi A. Barber. Southard Wm. B., wines, liquors, cigars, Bridge blk, 214 n Water, res e s Saginaw, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Southwood Thomas, painter, bds Wm. LeBeau. Southworth Charles, gentleman, s e cor 38th and Kossuth. 3. Southworth Joseph, gentleman, bds C. Southworth. Southworth Miss Tillie, teacher 6th ward school. Sova Alexander, wks Pitts & Cranage. 70 554 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Spaar Samuel, saloon and boarding house, s e cor Campbell and Annie. Spaddling (Spaulding) Willis, lab, bds Maurice Avery. Spalding Mrs. Sarah (wid Lovell Spalding), res 3d bet Monroe and Jackson. 4. Spaldin (Spaulding) Willis, lab, bds Charles Coy. Spaulding Charlie A., auctioneer, res w s Madison, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Spalding Frederick L., clk H. Griswold & Son, bds Sarah Spalding. Spooner M., wks Barber & Chapin. Spooner A., wks Chapin & Barber. Spooner Rene, lab, res s s Mercy, bet Dolsen & Belinda. 6. Sprague Hiram, cutter W. H. Nellis, res e s Madison, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Springstein Rev. Archibald H., Methodist minister, w s Johnson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. Spear Eli A., manager J. McGraw's store (?) e side Water, res same. 4. Speir William, well borer, res n side 3d, bet Lincoln and Sheridan. 8. Largest Stock in the State at Littie Jake's. Spencer Orrin S., painter, res w s Jackson, bet 1st and 2d. 5* Spencer Miss Rosetta, wks Alfred H. Newcomer. Spindola Miss Carmen, wks Charles T. Newkirk. Stack S., lab, bds Taylor House. Stadealman Francis, teamster, res w s Sherman, bet 15th and 16th. 3. Staffold Michael, tailor, res e s Sherman, bet 13th and 14th. 4. Stain John, lab, res n e cor Fitzhugh and 14th. 2. Staln Nathan, clk, bds Leopold Ehrlich. Stamersall (Stmarsall) Leon, lab, bds Chatham House. Stanford Edward, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Stange William, wks John McEwan. Stanton Harman C., Wolverton House, Water, cor 3d. Stanton J. (L. H. & J. Stanton), bds Jacob D. Eaton. Stanton L. H. & J., grocers, cor Adams and Centre. Stanton L. H. (L. H. & J. Stanton), bds J. Wacherly. Stanton O., lumberman, family bds Wolverton House. State Bank of Bay City, s e cor 4th and n Water; Alonzo Chesbrough Pres., J. P. Phillips Vice Pres., Orrin Bump Cashier. Stauback Gilbert, salesman, bds Mrs. Stauback. Stearns Charles, barber, W. A. Jenkins, bds Valley House. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 555 Steam Charles (col'd), barber, res n s 5th, bet Van Buren and Grant. 2. Stewart John, sawyer, n w cor Broadway and s Centre. 3. Stearns Williams (H. J. Smith & Co.), res East Saginaw. Steckle William H., sawyer, bds Lucius Atkins. Steele Henry, boiler-maker, res n s 11th, bet Water and Saginaw. 4. Steel Peter, wks Albert Miller. STEGGALL HARRY G., blacksmith and horse-shoer,. shop Wash'n, bet 3d and 4th, res w s Farragut, bet 3d and4th. 4. Steggall Nathaniel S., blacksmith, wks H. G. Steggall, bds same. Steinbear Geo., lab, res s s 12th, bet Birney and Lincoln ave. 3. STEINBAUER GEORGE, brewer, brewery and res cor 9th and Saginaw. 3. Steinbauer (Steinpower) Miss Barbara, wks J. L. Sexlinger.. Stenning A., wks McGraw & Co. Stenson James, lab, bds Martin Roche. Stephens L. D., lab, bds Corey House. Stephens Margiave, machinist, bds Wm. LeBeau. Nobby Suits at L. & H. Koch & Co's. Stephenson Sylvester, bds Barclay House. Stephens --, milkman, across the railroad, Portsmouth. 4.. Sterling W. J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Stermont Wm., shoemaker, s w cor 22d and Water, res,Water, bet 23d and 25th. 4. Stevens Afton (Stevens & Graham), Salzburgh, res n e cor s, Center and River. 6. Stevens Miss Annie, waitress, Fraser House. STEVENS A. & Co. (Appleton Stevens, Ziba B. Graham,. Hiram Wilmot, Jared E. Redfield,) lumbermen, mills late, Bay City, Portsmouth, w s Water, and at Deep river. Stevens Appleton (A. Stevens & Co.), res n e cor s Center and Water. Stevens Charles (Stevens & Shailer), res s e cor s Centre and 4th. 4. Stevens Celiste, wks Morris N. Sackett. Stevenson Henry, lab, bds P. Rochon. Stevens James, lab, s s 5th, bet Saginaw and Washington. 4.. Steve John, lab, bds Francis Shaw. Stevenson Robert, lab, bds P. Rochon. Stevenson Sylvester, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Stevenson Wm., lab, w s Howard, bet 18th and 19th. 8.. .556 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Stewart Allan S., res n e cor Farragut and 6th. 3. Stewart Charles, bds 117 Adams. Stewart Miss Delia, High School teacher, bds Justian Pond. Stewart James, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Stewart John, bds J. Howell. Stewart John, capt steamer Sherman, bds John G. Gordon. Steward John, sawyer, Whipple, Parmeley & Co., bds Corey House. Stewart Miss Mary, High School teacher, bds Justian Pond. Stewart Thos., shoemaker, res e s Madison, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. 'Stickles -, head sawyer A. Rust & Co., bds L. Q. Atkins. Stiles Robert, house-builder, s s 38th, bet 3d and 4th. 4..Stine John, wks N. B. Bradley & Co. Stockle Frederick, cigar manuf'r and dealer in tobaccos, shop and res e s s Water, bet 10th and 11th. 5. 'Stockle John, wks William Peter, res e s Water, bet 10th and 11th. 7. Stockle Miss Mary, wks Joseph Cusson. Stockman Wmi. A., painter, rooms over 109 Centre. 2. No Bantering at Little.ake's. 'Stoddard John L. (Holmes, Haynes & Stoddard), bds cor Centre and Grant. Stone Elizabeth, wks James Watson. Stone Peter, wks McGraw & Co., res s w cor Campbell and Lincoln. 3.:Stoner A. H., engineer, bds Mrs. M. A. Brehmer. 'Stone William, lab, bds Charles Conner. Stonn John, lab, res e of McEwan's mill. 4. Stork Henry, harness maker, res e s Madison, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Stormont William, shoemaker, res Water, bet 23d and 24th. 4. Stort Henry, harness maker (Brown & Co.), res bet 6th and 7th, Madison st. 4. Stover Hiram, foreman, n e cor Howard and 18th. 4.;Stowe George, bookkeeper first national bank, bds Fraser house. Strail William, lab, bds John Bohn.:Street Job F. (J. F. Street & Co.), res Washington, bet 4th and 5th. 3. STREET J. F. & Co., (Job F. Street, Chas. G. Beach,) chemists and druggists, 101 Water. Street J. F. (J. F. Street & Co.), 204 Washington. 3,. Street Willie F., clk C. F. Gibson & Co., bds parents. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 557 Streeter, Miss Annie, wks Joseph Ialsted. Streeter Miss Louise, wks Androe Maxwell. Streeter Miss Mary, wks J. Eastwood. Strevel George, teamster, res e s Carney, bet 11th and 12th. 6. Strevo Miss Adaline, home with Henry Evans. Striker Mrs. Emma (wid Columbus), boarding house, n w cor Jefferson and 9th. 5. Strong Charles, carp, family bds Mrs. J. Leonard. Strong Ed., clk Wm. B. Southard. Strovel Miss Mary, wks Rev. J. A. Wight. Strunk C. E., printer, "Tribune" office, bds Anscomb House. Strunk Elliott, printer, " Tribune " office, bds Anscomb House. Studdord John A., sawyer, bds Leman E. Noyes. Stuller Miss Margaret, wks Wyandotte House. Sturm George, bar-tender, Charles Frantz. Sturtridge Benjamin, wks Albert Miller. Sturtridge Richard, wks Albert Miller. Sturvis Alauson, wks Whipple, Parmeley & Co. Styninger John, tinsmith, shop s e cor 5th and Saginaw, res n e cor Center and Saginaw. 2. Only one Price at. & H. Koch & Co's. Suay A., wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Sudeby Thomas, bds Forest City House. Sudiken Theodore, bds Forest City House. Suederum Theodore, clk, bds Forest City House. Sullivan Adam D., elk, res s w cor 9th and Tuscola Plank Road. 4. Sullivan Charles H. E., elk Moulton House. Sullivan Cornelius, lab, res e s McCormick, bet 24th and 25 th. 4. Sullivan Dewitt, clk, Taylor House, bds same. Sullivan Daniel, lab, res n s Mercer, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 2. Sullivan Frank, bds Mrs. M. Clover. Sullivan James, bds T. Kelley, St. Lawrence House. Sullivan John, lab, bds Anscomb House. Sullivan Helen, elk, postoffice. Sullivan Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Sullivan M., salt boiler, Barber & Chapin. Sullivan Miss Mary, wks Bay City Steam Laundry. Sullivan Mathew, lab, res e s Dolsen, bet Water and Woodside avenue. 6. SULLIVAN PETER, Union Saloon, s s Woodside avenue, e s Johnson. 5. Sullivan Timothy, lab, wks William Peter. .558 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Sullivan William, gas fitter, res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Sulpena William, wks Atlantic salt works. Supe Charles (Supe & Rademacher), res 106 e s Jackson, 5th and Centre. 5. Supe J., Jr., wks Gates & Fay. Supe & Rademacher (Charles Supe, Gustavus Rademacher), wholesale grocer and elevator, cor 3d and Adams. Surch George, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Susand Bros. (Henry E. and William A.), barbers, shop w s Water, s end Wolverton House. Susand Henry E., barber, Wolverton House, res s s 3d, bet Chase and Johnson. 10. Susand William A., barber, res w s Grant, bet 1st and 2d. 2. Sutherland William, machinist, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds Wolverton House. Sutton Benjamin, lab, res n s 16th, bet Monroe and Birney. 3. Suyden Benjamin, bds Corey House. Swartz Henry, setter, wks Shearer & Co. Swarts John, engineer, res w s Kossuth, nr McGraght mills. 5. Swartz R., mechanic, bds Cumberland House. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Swayze Daniel, delivery clk, S. B. Shannon, res n s 9th, bet Jackson and Van Buren. 4. Sweeney Geo., mason, bds F. Huffman. Swinson Richard, lab, res s w cor 10th and Saginaw. 2. Switz Walter, cooper, bds Taylor House. Switzer A. M. (Dow & Switzer), "Bay City Tribune," and lumberman, bds Fraser House. Swurtis Ernst, carpenter, res s 14th, bet Farragut and Van Buren. 12. Sybert Charles, lab, bds Corey House. Sykes Frank, wks Albert Miller. Sykes Sarah, wks C. Neal. Sylvester Peck, blacksmith, Barber & Chapin. Syman Charles, lab, res w s Mary Ann, bet 28th and 29th. 8. Syring Miss Catharine, wks J. Smith. T. Tabert August, carriage-maker, wks Shannon & Bro., res Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Tabor M., wks McGraw & Co. Tackle Manoah, butcher, bds Anscomb House. Tafelski Felix, tailor, bds W. Sullivan. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 559 TAITTE MRS. CHRISTINA, (wid Daniel), res cor Adams and Woodside ave. 6. Takman John, lab, res e s Monroe, bet 10th and 1lth. 4. Taney Michael, lab, bds Barclay House. Tanner Samuel A., res Centre street e. 2. Tapert & Bertch, butchers, shop 4 doors' from Fraser House, Centre. Tapert Wm. E. (Tapert & Bertch), butcher, res cor Saginaw and Centre. 4. Tappley John, lab, res s w cor 22d and Howard. 6. Tart Moses, millwright and jobber, res s e cor Madison and 11th. 3. Tart Peter, capt b'ge "Ketchem," res e s Williams, bet 14th and 15th. 3. Tat -, lab, res w s Belinda, near Barney. Tashner Daniel, lab, res e s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Tashner Frederick, lab, res e s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Taney John, lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Taylor Charles M., res n w cor 7th and Madison. 2. Taylor Frank, propr Taylor House, n e cor Water and 40th. 6. Taytor Miss Emelia, wks James N. Dewitt. Special Department for Boys' Clothing at Koch & Co's. Taylor John, lab, e s Williams, bet 18th and 19th. 2. Taylor Robbins, att'y, res e s Johnson, bet Ist and Woodside ave. 3. Taylor Thomas, carpenter, res s w cor 15th and Sherman. 3. Taylor William, lab, res s w cor Marsac and 25th. 4. Taylor William A., printer, "Tribune" office, bds Robert A. Hall. TEALL WILLIAM E., custom tailor, e s Water, bet 5th and Centre, up stairs, over Root's music store, res n s 3d, bet Johnson and Grant, or Birney. 2. Teasey A. D., wks Barber & Chapin. Tebo Richard, foreman, Whittauer & Scheurmann, res n e cor Johnson & Longtin. 3. Tebodo Henry cooper, res w s Wilson, bet 28th and 29th. 3. Tecto Louis, lab, wks William Peter. Tecto Thomas, wks William Peter. Teeyerabend Otto, saloon, e. s Water, cor 7th, res Adam, bet Centre and 6th. 5. Telegraph Office, room 16 Watson blk, Water, foot Centre, T. J. Cooper, manager. Teller & Chetham (Peter Teller, Samuel C. Chetham), St James Restaurant, 121 Water, bet 5th and 6th. 560 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Tellier Joseph D., lab, bds R. Barlow. Teller Peter (Clark & Teller, Teller & Chatham), bds Globe Hotel. TEPOORTEN BARNARD, Prop'r Wyandotte House, 1244 s Washington, cor 11th. 12. Terrill J., wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Tessier Louis, bds Montreal House. Teshatelle Philip, lab, bds J. M. Lutz. Tester William, lab, wks William Peter. Teatray Thomas, shoemaker, wks M. M. Kittredge, res Fraser, cor 19th. TEXTER CHARLES, marble cutter and dealer, works s w cor Johnson and 2d, res w s Johnson, bet lst and 2d. 6. Thibeaudeau Hilaire, cooper, wks Coch - Thibeault Louis, cooper, bds Louis Putter. Thomas Charles, painter, res n s Woodside ave, cor Belinda. Thomas Mrs. Catharine, bds Francis Dorian. Thomas E. K., artist, res n s Barney, bet Johnson and Lincoln. Thomas George W., salt boiler, res s e cor 24th and Water. 3. Thomas Jacob D., salesman, res 6th, bet Adams and Washington. 3. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Thomas John, lab, res e s Belinda, n of Barney. 5. Thomas J., wks McGraw & Co. 5. Thomas William, sawyer, Albert Miller, n w cor 33d and 3d. 4. Thompson Androe, wks Pitts & Cranage, bds Aretus Patterson. Thompson An.drew, carp, res as 7th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 5. Thompson Bros (De Garmo and George H.), manuf'rs of boots and shoes, 118 n Water, over Root's music store. Thompson Cassins, carp, e side Mfary Ann, bet 29th and 30th. 3. Thompson Mrs. Caroline (wid Wm.), n w cor 31st and Wilson. 2. Thomson Dennis E., riverman, res n e cor Wilson and 26th. Thompson D. G., shoemaker, res e s Madison, bet 2d and 3d. 3. Thompson George, bds Globe Hotel. Thompson Guy E. (G. Thompson and 0. Goodwin), res nw cor 16th and Bowery. 7. Thompson George B. (Thompson Bros.), bds Globe Hotel. Thompson Henry, surveyor, bds J. M. Johnston. Thompson Horace C., bds Horace Sharpe. Thompson Israel C., clk I. H. Catlin's, bds I. Catlin. Thompson John, carp, bds 117 Adams. Thompson John, mason, res w s Monroe, bet 7th and 8th. 3. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 561. Thompson John, lab, res n e cor Wilson and 26th. Thompson John (aged), res n e cor Wilson. 2. Thompson John, bookkeeper, Bailey & Orton, bds LGervis Bailey. Thompson Joseph, riverman, res n e cor Wilson and 26th. Thompson J. Wesley, bookkeeper, Bailey & Orton, bds cor 4th and Monroe. Thompson Martin, lab, bds J. McKinnon. Thompson Milton, farmer, res e s Water, bet 36th and 37th. 3. Thompson Ogilvie S., salesman, bds w s Thompson. Thompson Richard, plasterer, res c s Saginaw, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Thompson Winm. S., agt Howe S. M. Co., rooms 108 n Water, res n Water, bet 1st and 2d. 3. Thorne Benjamin F., joiner, res e s Van Bnren, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Thornthwaite James, harness-maker, Thomas Luxton, res e s Sherman, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Thorp Wm. IH., raftsman, bds Taylor House. Tibado Eli, cooper, res e 's Belinda, bet Woodside ave and Longtin. 2. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft Ho use. Tibbals Thomas MA., painter, res n w cor 11th and Farragnt. 3 Tibbs Charles, foreman street car, res Water, bet 1st and 2d. Tibels Miss Elizabeth, bds Robert J. Fosmire. Tiffany H., lab, bds Corey House. Tilson D, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Tilton Morris, lab, resa e s Jefferson. 6. Tim Charles, lab, ress s 32d, e Broadway. 3. Tim Frederick, lab, ress sa 35th, e William. 2. Timka Chas., carpenter, n s 3d, bet Trumbull and Pendleton. 2. Timmes Chas., wks M. Watrous & Sons. Tinken Frank, painter, bdcs Eagle House. Tinken Henry, painter, bds Eagle House. Tinnison Antony, lab, res w s Sherman, bet 15th and 16th. 4. Tishner Frederick, lab, res e s Saginawr, bet 6th and 7th. 4. Tobias Frank, lab, boards S. Tobias. Tobias Saul, n w cor 12th and Washington. 4. Tobie Mrs. Sarah, (wid), res e s Water, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Todd Francis, bds Capitol House. Toland Albert S., foreman " Morning Chronicle," res n w iMadison and 11th. 4. Toland Erzah, elk Campbell & Tyler, res n s 11th, bet Jefferson and Madison. 3. 71 562 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Toland Robert S., foreman, " Chronicle " newsroom, res n w cor 11th and Madison. 4. Toliver Thomas, waiter St. James Restauran t. Tomson Andrew, res Water, bet 1st and 2d. 7. Tomson Miss Isabella, home with Andrew Tomson. Tomson Miss Mary, home with Andrew Tomson. Tomson Ogilvie, agent Howe sewing machine, bds Andrew Tomson. Tomson William, agent Howe sewing machine, bds Andrew Tomson. Tomson Miss Wilhelmina, home with Andrew Tomson. Toohey Patrick, propr Toohey., s s 11th, bet Water and Sagiinaw. 4. Tordy L., wks McGraw & Co. Torence John, lab, res n s Tuscola, nr Water. 2. Torrence Thomas, collector, bds Mrs. Diana Langedon. Tough Wallace, machinist, Smalley Bros. & Lewis, bds Win. Tough. Tough William, machinist, res s w cor 16th and Farragut. 6. Toupin Cherie, bds Joseph Valliere. Interview the 1"Bo@ss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Towsey, Pierson & Beach (Wilson I-I. Towsey, Arthur S. Pierson, Harlow G. Beach), hardware, stoves, and tinware, n w cor 5th and Water. Tousey Wilson II., hardware, res s w cor Adams and 5th. 4. Tovatt Anthony, wks ship yd, res e of McEwan's mill. 5. Towsend Mrs. Melissa (wid Charles A.), res w s Madison, bet 8th and 9th. Tradeup Miss Hanna, wks F. Eddy. Tradup John, lab, res u s 16th, bet Monroe and Birney. 5. Traban Edward, carpehter, res e s Dolsen, bet Water and Woodside ave. 3. Tremblay Felix, sailor, bds Alex. Villaire. Trempler John F., harness-maker, res n s 3d, bet Trumbull and Pendleton. 4. Tremblay -, lab, res e s F. & P. M. IR.. 6. Triber Wim., carpenter, res s e cor 10th and Jackson. 6. Trier John,-butcher, J. Feldman, bds Thomas Kenney. Tripp S. J., boat-builder, res Centre, bet Adams and Jeff'n. 3. Triskett Leo, dealer in cigars, tobacco, etc., Water, bet 31st and 32d, res same. 2. TROMBLEY ALEXANDER, manuif'r root beer, factory and res n e cor 1st and Jeff'n. Trombley Alexander, engineer, res n s Campbell, nr Woodside ave. 4. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 563 Trombly A., wks Barber & Chapin. Trombley Adolphus, sawyer, McGraw & Co., res e s Johnson, n of Campbell. 9. Trowbridge Benjamin, lab, bds Mrs. 2Mary Hughes. Trombley Mrs. Cecilia (wid Leon), res s s 39th, bet 3d and 4th1. 5. Trombley Charles, engineer Smalley Bros. & Lewis., bds Mrs. Mlary A. Trombley. Trombley Daniel, dealer in liquors, bds M. S. Meagher. Tromley D., lab, bds Oorey House. Trombly Miss Delphina, dressmaker Mrs. Mary Sanford, bds parents. Treyer Frank, wks McGraw & Co. Trombley Fremont, clk H. Richards, bds parents. Trombley George, lab, lives Mrs. Mary A. Trombley. Trombley John L., sawyer Wimn. Peters, res e s Bowery, bet 12th and 13th. 4. Trombley Joseph, carpenter, res n s Woodside ave, e s Johnston. 6. Trombley Louis, lab, bds Mrs. C. Trombley. Trunks for Ladies mnd Gentlemen a K beli & Co's. Trombley Mrs. Mary A., res e s Bowery, bet 12th and 13th. 'Trombley Medor, land-owner, res s s Centre, bet 1st and 3d. 9. Trombley Richard, lab, bds Mrs. C. Trombley. Trombley Thomas, lab, wks William Peter. Trombley William H., carpenter, res e s Howard, bet 23d and 24th. 4. 'Trombley Winm., lab, res c s Williams, bet 22d and 23d. 4. 'Trombley Mrs. Victoria (wid Alexander), res n c cor 1st and Jefferson. 5. Tromblev Win., wks McGraw & Co. Truman Augustus, lab, wks William Peter. Truman C., wks Gates & Fay. Truman Dick, lab, wks William Peter. Truman Frederick, lab, vwks William Peter. 'Truman Francis, lab, wks William Peter. Truman James, wks Pitts & Cranage, res s w cor Barney and Johnson. 9. Truman John, lab, wks William Peter. 'Truman Theodore, lab, wks William Peter. Truman Thomas, lab, wks William Peter. Trusdell Hugh, lab, res s e cor Fitzgerald and Lincoln. 2. 'Trudelle J., wks McGraw & Co. 564 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Trusdell William M., wks H. P. Watkins, bds Metropolitan Restaurant. Trump John, carpenter, bds Josephine Emrich. Trutule Charles, jointer, wks William Peter. Trutule Louis, lab, wks William Peter. Tucker William, engineer, bds Ransom Hall. Tunison Josiah W., wks H. P. Watkins, bds Metropolitan Restaurant. Turgeon -Iubert, catpenter, res 220, w s Washington, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Turk Jacques, clk, 13. L. Meister, bds same. Turmelle Jean Bte., lab, res e s Broadway, bet 18th and 19th. 10. Turner George, foreman tin-shop, W. H. Miller & Co. Turner Joseph, lab, res s e cor Adams and 2d. 5. Turnell Richard, lab, res n s 12th, bet Saginaw and Wash'n. 2.. Tupper Horace, (al) physician, s w cor Adams and 3d. 3. Tutt Charles, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Tuttle C. W. (Hopkins, Tuttle & Co.), bds Globe Hotel. Twarka August, lab, res s s 14th, bet Bowery and Fraser. 5. Tyln Charles F., barber, wks A. Van Haun. Patronize the " Boss" lothiers, Litle Jake & Co.. Tyler Columbus V., dentist, rooms Westover blk, res 810 e s: Jeff'n, bet 6th and 7th. 2. Tyler Frank E., book-keeper, bds C. V. Tyler. Tylor John, book-keeper, bds Jacob D. Eaton. Tyrrell Miss Mary, waitress, Fraser House. U. Uebrrott Leonard, mason, ress w cor 6th and Jackson. 4. Uhl John, wks Barber & Chapin. Underwood Miss Elena, home with Arnues Bailey. Underwood William, tailor, res s w cor Campbell and Johnson.Unis Miss Lizzie, wks Mrs. C. Taitte. Urquahart James, wks Chapin & Barber. Urquhart William, lumberman, bds Aunscomb House. Utley Jos., blacksmith, res e s Farragut, bet 14th and 15th. 5 V. Vail Chas. D., clk, F. H. Blackman & Co., bds Fraser House. Vail Andrew, lab, bds C. Syamann. Valentine George, lab, res e s Fitzhugh, bet 12th and 13th. 6_ Valentine Augustin, wks Pitts & Cranage. BiAY CITY DIRECTOR-Y. 565 Valentines Albert, nmason, res s e cor 11th andi (rant. 3. Vallier Charles, lab, bds Stephen Vallier. Vallier David, lab, bds Stephen Vallier. Vallier Joseph, lab, bds Stephen Vallier. Vallier Stephen, lab, res s w cor Belinda and Campbell. 3. VanAlstine James, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Van Campen Ambrose S., lumber inspector, res e s Jackson, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Vance E. J., wks McGraw & Co. Vandermaden H-lenry, lab, e s Farragut, bet 15th and 16th. 3. Vandermulen Leo, wks Folsom & Arnold. Vanderwilt Charles, bar-tender, Vanderwilt H-Iouse. Vanderwilt Lewis, propr Vanderwilt House, n s Campbell, nr Lincoln. 7. Van Dusen, Miss Sarah, music teacher, bds G. Holmes. Van Dusen Stewart A., contractor, res n e cor 5th and Farragnt. 5. Van Ecker A., wks Pitts & Cranage. Van Etten Albert, res w s Wash'n, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Van Gunten Alex., painter, wks G-. Riley, bds K-- inney. Gentlemen's Outfits at li. & -K. Koch & Co's. Van Haun Admiral, barber, shop over Meeker & Adams' store, bds W. S. Corwin. Van Hemer Andrew F., fisher'n, res cor Van Burea and 17th. 4. Vanherne Henry, wks Folsom & Arnold. Van Kaenel Charles, barber, J. Wild, bds same. Van Meter Archibald (A. Van Meter & Co.), res s e cor 24th. 4. Van Meter A. & Co. (Archibald Van Meter, James Wademan, George W. Kellum), brewers, e s Water, cor 22d. VanParis August, hostler, street car stables, res e s Jefferson, bet 2d and 3d. 2. VanParish AMiss Louisa, student, bds W. B. Clark. VanParis Peter, lab, bds R. F. I-Higgins. Vans E. J., lumber inspector, bds Taylor House. VanSickle -, organ agent, 106 n Water. Vansomer Henry, carpenter, res e s Saginaw, bet 1st and Woodside avenue. Vanson Joseph, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. VanSteenburgh Alonzo, fireman, bds J. Sianman. VanStratum Castor, elk, Alonzo Anscomb. VanStratum Mirs. Ida (wid Gotfried), res n e cor Adams and 4tb. 2. Vanvoorth John, lab, res n s 3d, bet Johnson and Birney. 5. VanZumer Lewis, lab, wks Shearer & Co. 566 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Vassmer Arthur, wks McGraw & Co., bds S. Hickey. Vaulone John, cooper, wks William Peter. Vedder Gerard (col), lab, res s s 3d, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. Vedder Samuel E., wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Veeher Henry, lab, res s e cor 33d and William. 3. Venderdusen Albert, lab, bds C. Hinskens. Vendenhemel Jacob, plasterer, bds Wyandotte House. Venhestler Francis, lab, wks James Shearer. Venier Lorenzo, lab, res ss M ercer, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 9. Venlpke Augustus, lab, bds George Berthold. Veno George, res s e cor Belinda and Campbell. 2. Veper Wm., lab n e cor 16th and Monroe. 4. Verbel John, lab, res e s Water, bet 14th and 15th. 5. Verellen Edward F., lab, res w s Madison, bet 2d and 3d. 5. Vercycken Frank, gard'r, res w s Carney, bet 9th and 10th. 6. Vercyken Henry, lab, res e s Jefferson, bet 2d and 3d. 4. Veridy Amasa B., 1st engineer Holly Water Works. Verily Amasa B., engineer Holly Water Works, res s s Water, opposite Water Works. 5. Vernia Miss Mary, wks Ragan House. Litlte Jake & Co. Underseil Everybody. Vermillia William, wks McGraw, bds James A. Little. Vero John, wks Pitts & Cranage, res e s Adams, near Water. 3. Vezina Napoleon, bds S. Hickey. Vicer Henry, wks Albert Miller. Videun Chas., wks McGraw & Co. Viger Oscar, bds Corner Hotel. Villaire Alexandre, saloon-keeper, 302 e s Saginaw, cor 4th. 3. Vine James, lab, res n s 2d, bet Grant and Van Buren. 2. Vining Alfred R., book-keeper J. McGraw's, bds Mrs. Foote's. Virgil Frank, sawyer Watrous & Sons' mill, res e s Wilson, bet 30th and Fremont av. 5. Vivian John, filer, McGraw & Co., bds Daniel Brayman. 2. Voelker Valentine, lab, bds Valley House. Voice Harrison lab, bds M. S. Meagher. Voight Frederick, meat market, e s s Water, bet 30th and 31sl. Voight Wm., wks McGraw & Co. Vogel Miss Lizzie, wks Geo. Munroe. Vogt Chas., bartender, J. Klingburg. Vogt N., wks McGraw & Co. Volk, Francis, lab, n e cor 9th and Van Buren. 6. Voltzki -, peddler, e s Washington, bet 8th and 9th. 4. Volway Abraham, lab, bds Richard Champagne. 13Y CITY DIRECTORY. 567 Vonkenel Chas., barber, bds John Wild. Von Walthausen, F. & Bro. (Frederick, William, Werner) druggists, 109 3d; museum attached, open every Tuesday and Friday; bds Miss J. Hemmine, 402 Centre. Voss Augustus, wks and bds F. Voight. Votchecofton Louis, wks McGraw & Co. Vough Thomas, molder, bds Mrs. Maria Hughes. Goulder Louis, wks M. Watrous & Sons. Vnollen Charles, lab, bds Joseph De Corte. W. Wable Jane, wks James A. Little. Wackerly Jacob, prop Custom iiHofse saloon, e s Water, bet 6th and 7th, bds P. Kilduff. Wackerly Jacob, elk, bds Patrick Kilduff. Wade Levi, carpenter, res w s Dolsen, nr Water. 5. Wademan James, brewer, res Water, bet 24th and 25th. 5. Wagner Frederick, farmer, res e s Carney, bet 11th and 12th. 6. Wagner H., wks Gates & Fay. Lowest Price~ at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Wagner Jas., wks McGraw & Co. Wagner Joseph, lab, res e s 3d. 3. Waite Frederick, wks Watrous Bros. & Co. Wakefield Miss Susa, home with Horace F. Mangan. Walch John, book-keeper, Shepherd & Meston, res n s 2d, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. Walchli John, lab, bds Corey House. Wald John, butcher, res n e cor 3d and Mladison. 7. Waldron William C., carpenter, res e s McCormick. 4. Walen AMiss Elena, wks Asahel Braddick. Walker Chas., wks McGraw & Co. Walker George, engineer, res cor 28th and Water. 3. Walker George, engineer, res e s McCormick, bet 23d and 24th 3. Walker James (Littauer & Walker), bds John Coryll. Walker John, head sawyer, Shearer & Co., res w s Saginaw, bet 1st and Woodside ave. Walker John, lab, bds Nowicki Saloon. Walker Sidney, bar-tender Delmonico Restaurant. Wallace Frederick, druggist, bds Fraser House. Wallace Wm. H., druggist, bds Fraser House. Wallace Luke, druggist, bds Fraser House. Wallhaugen Miss Marie V., lady, bds Miss Jeanette Hemme. ,568 8) AY CITY DIRECTORY. Wallace Thomas, lab, bds Martin Roche. Wallace William, lab, bds Martin Roche. Wallace W. H. & Son (William H. and Frederick W. Wallace), druggists and chemists, s e cor Water and 5th. Wallace -, room over 111 Centre. Walsch Pony, butcher, G. Hine & Bros., bds with same. Walsh Winm., lab, bds A. Molloy. Walter Francis, lab, res e s Broadway, bet 27th and 28th. 3. Walter George, lab, res e s s Watler, bet 30th and 31st. 2. Walter John, lab, res w s Jackson, bet 10th and iI th.. 7. Walter -, lab, bds Luther Slade. Walters A. W., wks Braddick & Sons. Walters Richard, printer, "Chronicle," bdcs Wolverton House. Walterscheit Franz, cooper, res n w cor Farragut and 2d. 2. Walther Albert, tinsmith, n e cor 6th and Madison. 5.,Walther Lawrence, cooper, res s s Mercy, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 4. Wather Louis, lab, res s s 35th, e of Williams. 5. Walther Pins, boot and shoe dealer, res n s Woodside are, bet Johnson and st west. 4. ine ]Price to all a- Little Jake & Cogs. Walther P. & Bro. (Pinus and Alphons Walther), boots and shoes, 107 n Water, res Woodside ave. Walther & Co. (Albert Walther & John Danfort), plumbing and gas fitting, stoves and tin ware, w s Water, bet 7th and 8th. Walton Andrew, com'u lumber dealer, and inspector's office, 7 and 8 Watson blk. Waltz Thomas, lab, bds Washington House. Wameird Edward, engineer, bds Mrs. Mi. A. Brehmer. Wameird Julius, saloon-keeper, bds Mrs. M1. A. Brehmer. Wanderwiel Frank, lab, a s 3d, bet Pendleton and Chase. 2. Wanderwiel Peter, lab, s w cor 4th and Trumbull. Wands William R., res Jackson, bet 7thl and 8th, will move to s e cor 9th and Johnson. 3. Wanless George, lab, res s s Water, bet Johnson and Lincoln. 7. Wanless Henry, harness maker, res s e cor Madison and 7th. 3. Wanless John, joiner, wks Johnston & Crispin, res n w cot 18th and Fraser. 5. Wanless -, n e cor 22d and Howard. 6. Ward Edward. 0., machinist, res w s Adams, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Ward James, printer, "Bay City Herald," bds parents. Ward James RP., printer, " Chronicle." BAY CITY DIRECTORtY. 569 Ward John B., carpenter, res e s Belinda, bet Longtin and Ketchum. 5. Ward Robert, printer, "1Herald" office, bds D. McMIullen. WARD WILLIAN, saw repairer and furnisher, 302 s Water, res w s Washington, bet 10th and 11th.. Ward William, butcher, bds J. Wald. Wardell Richard, wks [McGraw & Co. Warner Alonzo, bds Mrs. E. 2M. Hill. Warner Steven R., printer, " Chronicle," res E.Lst, bds Washington, cor 3l. 2. Warnicke Christian, lab, res e s Bowery, bet 12Uth and 13th. 3. Warnike George, lab, res e s Bowery, bet 12th and 13th. 5. Warren Abram, wks McGraw & Co. Warren Miss Alice, home with Charles Coy. Warren Byron E., cashier 1st national bank, re. s w cor 5th and Van Buren. 7. Warren Christopher, lab, res e s Adams, bet 2l and 3d. 4. Warren E., printer, " Chronicle." Warren Rev. Frederick, pastor Methodist Church, res s w cor Fremont ave and Wilson. 5. Only one Price at 1I. &. Koch & Co's. Warren Sarah, wks F. Raynolds. Warner Sidney, lab, bds Jonathan Smith. Warns Rev. Anton, pastor German Methodist Church, res res w s Adams, bet 8th andc 9th. 5. Washington James, cooper, bds Louis Putter. Washington M3rs. Susan L., col'd, (wvid Willis R.,) dressmaker, res e s Van Buren. bet 11th and 12th. 2. Water Frank, wks Albert Miller. Water George, wks Albert Miller. Water John, Sr., lab, wks William Peter. Waterous Frank, teamster, wks ID. Ilallock. Waterson James, lab, bds J. Dugra. Waterous Oliver, turner, e s Van Buren, bet 10th and 11th. 5. Waters Henry, carpenter, s s-13th bet Jeff'n and Fitzhugh. 5. Watkins George, architect (Porter & Watkins), res w s Adams, bet 5th and Center. 6. Watkins Harvey P., livery, sale and boarding stable, res w s Saginaw, bet Center and 6th, bds Metropolitan Restaurant. Watkins Lucy A., cl'k, postoffice, home with Geo. Watkins. Watkins Nathan, home with Geo. Watkins. Watkins William, lab, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co., bds I. 1 Baker. 570. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Watrous Albert W. (M. Watrous & Co.), w s 1st, bet 38th and 39th. 3. Watrous Chancey L., (MI. Watrons & Sons), res e s cor 1st and 36th. 3. Watrous James MI. (Watrous Bros. & Co.), res s e cor 1st and 38th. 5. Watrons Lessie -., lab, res n e cor 2d and 28th. 4. Watrous Martin (M. Watronus& Sons), mill owners, res e s Water, bet 36th and 37th. Watrous Oliver, turner, Smith & Wheeler. Watrous Orville A. (Watrons Bros. & Co.), n1 ccor Water and 40th. 4. WATROUS I. & SONS (Martin Watrons, Albert W. Watrous, Chancey L. Watrous), lumber, staves, and salt manuf'rs, mills Water, foot of State. See advt. Watrons Bros. & Co. (Orville A. Watrous, James nM. Watrons, Chas. T. Marston, and Stephen Marston), Water, foot 40th. Watson Andrew, lab, bds Washington House. Watson Frank A., William W"., groceries, provisions, crockery and glassware, n e cor 17th and Water. Watson Franklin, bds Capitol House. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Watson Jas., real estate owner, s e cor Broadway and 17th. 8. Watson J. Gregson, bookkeeper, bds parents. Watson Miss Nellie, wks J. G. Labadie. Watson Robert, sawyer, res s w cor Campbell and Johnson. 8. Watson Thomas, tailor, n e cor 24th and Howard. 3. Watt Thomas, wks John McEwan, bds Mrs. E. Chishohn. Watter John F., lab, wks William Peter. Wanlthowsen -, drng store, s s 3d, bet Water and Saginaw, res Centre. Waxman Henry H., peddler, bds I. Nathan. Warzack Mattes, wks McGraw & Co. Weaver George, city sexton, res e s Tuscola Plank, bet 10th and 11th. 9. Weber Andrew, clerk William Clay. Webber Andrew, shoemaker, res s e cor 23d and Broadway. 5. Webster Asher B., shoemaker, res n e cor Marsac and 26th. 4. Webster & Bros., cooper shop, n s 22, near Water. Webb Charles, drayman, n e cor Fremont ave and Broadway. 4. Webb Charles W., physician, office n e cor Fremont ave and Broadway, res same. 4. Webb Gilbert L., billiard saloon, e s s Water bet 30th and 31st, res same. 3. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 571 Webber John K., foreman Miller's salt blk, n e cor 18th an:d Fraser. 4. Weber Miss Maggie, seamstress, rooms over 111 Centre. Webster Chas., wks McGraw & Co. Webster Clark, clk postoffice. Webster E., wks McGraw & Co. Webster George, engineer, bds Ransom Hall. Webster John R., teacher, bds Samuel Webster. Webster Newton HI., dentist, office No. 3 Shearer blk, corCentre and Water, res s w cor Jefferson and 9th. 3. Webster Samuel, lab, s e cor Madison and 13th. 9. Webster S. C., lab, wks Shearer & Co. Webster, school teacher, 5th ward. Webster Truman, wks McGraw & Co. Webb Thos. C., teamster, res e s Broadway, bet 28th and 29th. 5.. Weber William, potash manuf'r, factory and res n ce cor 16th and Madison. 4. Wedel James, lab, bds J. A. Little. Weddell Jas., wks McGraw & Co. Wedemeyer Louis, carpenter, bds Ed. Eickemeyer. Weedner -, lumberman, res e s Monroe, bet 2d and 3d. Workingmen's Outfits at in. & H..Koch & Co's. Wedthoff Albert, clk, res e s Farragut, bet 6th and 7th. 6. Weed George W., city drayman, bds Hiram F. Weed. Weed Hiram F., city drayman, res cor Wash'n and 3d. 9. Weed William, bds Corner Hotel. Weeks Charles, com'n lumber dealer, bds Fraser House. Weeks Charles H., ship broker, Munger blk, Centre, res s s, 6th, bet Jackson and Van Buren. 4. Weelkie Andrew, lab, wks William Peter. Weener Julius (Reynolds & Weener), bds J. H. Wilkins, Jr.. Wegner Anton, lab, bds Nowicki Saloon. Weidman Mrs. Margaret, home with J. Lawrence. Weimer Henry, lab, res n w cor 16th and Sherman. 4. Weise Miss Barbara, home with August Kaiser. Weistenburgh Frederick, edger, wks Shearer & Co. Webster & Brothers, manuf'rs of lumber and salt, mills Water, bet 21st and 22d. Webster Chas, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Webster Lewis, manuf'r lumber and salt, res 23d. 5. Webster, Samuel H., manuf'r lumber and salt, res East Saginaw, bds Bancroft House. Welch J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Welch Patrick, wks McGraw & Co. 5'72 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Welch M1:iss Sarah A., teacher 2.d ward school, bds Peter S. Rogers. Welch William, wks Folsom & Arnold. Weldman Henry, boiler-maker, bds Wyandotte House. Wellberry Thos,, blacksmith, res s w cor 12th and Saginaw. 4. Weller Oscar, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Wellie Livy, lab, bds Win. G. Daniels. Wells Allie, propr Anscombe House, cor 3cl ane[ Washington. 3. Wells Alonzo, bus driver, ss 3d, bet Van Buren and Jackson 3. Wells Byrom M., bartfender Globe, bds same. Wells Charles, lab, res s s 39th, bet 3d and 4th. 3. Wells, George, lab, ]wks Smith & Wheeler. Wells J. A., jeweler, res cor 6th and Washington. 3. Wells James E. (Ed. Wood & Co.), res n w cor 6th and Washington. 3. Wells Jesse, lab, bds Mathew Dill. Wells & Son (Alex. B., and Charles S. Wells), prop'rs Globe Hotel, n e cor ii Water and 4th. 5. Wells William, lab, res w s Kossuth, nr McGraw's mills. 6. Wells William, lab, wks Mi. Watrous & Sons. Wells Witney, lab, bds Mathew Dill. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Welsh Byron, lumber inspector, res 14th. Welsh Mlrs. Julia (wid Edward P.), res s e cor 14th and Bowery. 4. Welsh Patrick, lab, bds James A. Little. Welsh Thomas, wks Folsom & Arnold, res s s Campbell, near Lincol0n. 10. Welsh William, lab, vwks Hitchcock & Ingrabam. Wendell Moses, bds J. Breckler. Wengen Henry, carpenter, res s s 4th, bet Trumbull and Pendleton. 6. Wenicke Christopher, rsca e s Bowery, bet 12th and 13th. 3 Wenicke George, lab, res e s Bowery, bet 12th and 13h. 5. Werld George, lab, bds George Berthold. Werld John, bds Geo. Berthold. Wesson James, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro., res w s Dolsen, Dr Water. 3. Westpintner Chas. C., clk, rooms over 109 Centre. 3. Westpintner Charles C., clerk S. V. Wilkin, res s s Center, Simons' blk. 3. West Frederick J., sawyer, bds Lucius Atkins. West R. H,., lab, bds Washington House. West William, shoemaker, res Saginaw. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 573 West William, shoemaker, bds A. Carter. 2. WEST WILLIAMil H., grocer, w s Wash'n, bet 8th and Centre, res same. 5. Westenberg Frederick, lab, res ws Fraser, bet 17th and 18th. 8. Westermain August, lab, bds Boutreur House. Westover Delbert L., messenger, bds parents. Westover Frank L., book-keeper, bds mother. Westover Mrs. Jane (wid Denis Westover), res Cen tre, bet Adams and Jefferson. 1. Westover Luther, lumber merchant, res cor Centre and Van Buren. Westover William M., lumber merchant, res Centre, bet Grant and Van Buren. 4. Wetherell Frank, clk, Wetherell & Hage. Wetherell & Hage (John P. Wetherell, Conrad Hage), grocers, 109 Centre. Wetherell John P. (Wetherell & Hage), res w s Jefferson, bet 8th and 9th. 2. Wetty Ezra, lab, wks M1. Watrous & S'ons, res w s Kossuth, near McGraw's mill. 2. Wharfield William H., lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Only one Price at In. & H. Koch & Co's. Wratten Edward, book-keeper, res n s 4th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 3. Whalen Martin, waiter, Pnlman car, res n w cor 11th and Jefferson. 3. Wheat William K., (al) physician, druggist, 205 Centre, 70T Saginaw, res 1006 e s Jefferson, bet 8th and 9th. 3. Wheeler Charles C., manuf'r of sashes, doors, etc, res cor 8 tl and Warren. Wheeler Harvey H., carp, res foot of 23d, on Water. G. Wheeler Chas. H., watchmaker, bds Madison St. Wheelock IMrs. Mary A., Mrs. Richard, cook, Ocean Oyster dining rooms, bds same. Whilhelm Jeremiah, carp, res n s MIercer bet Belinda and Dolsen. Whipple Benjamin, lumberman, bds Fraser House. Whipple Hiram, setter, Whipple, Parmely & Co., res e s Mary Ann, bet 34th and 35th. 3. Whipple L. F., clk A. H. Newcomer, bds parents. Whipple Parmely & Co. (William Whipple, VanKensley M. Parmely, and Nathaniel Dunham), saw mill, w s Water, foot of 29th. 574 B3AY CITY DIRECTORY. WHIPPLE PHILANDER M., contractor and builder, Water, bet 31st and 32d, res same. 6. Whipple William, (Whipple, Parmely & Co.), res n e cor s Water and 34th. 3. White Adams lad, bds Win. Roleston. White Charles, clk, John Kingberg. White & Davenport (Robert P. White, Wm. M. Davenport), china, glass and queensware, Union blk, Water. White Frank R. (White & Davenport), bds Fraser House. White Geo., wks McGraw & Co. Whitehead George, vessel owner, bds Wolverton House. White Henry, lab, bds Washington House. White H. J., wks Gates & Fay. White James C., bar-tender Marble Hall, bds same. White James D., tel opr, bds T. J. Cooper. White John, carpenter, bds M. S. Meagher. White John, lab, bds J. A. Little. White John G., lab, res n w cor Grant and 1st. 2. White John H., printer, "Chronicle," res cor 10th and Grant. 2. White John H., foreman " Chronicle" job rooms, res "Chronicle" bldg. 2. Little Jake & Co., " Boss" CBothilers of the State. White Louis, painter, bds Chatham House. White Patrick, bds Barclay House. White Robert, wks Gates & Fay. White Robert, bds Capitol House. White Robert F. (White & Davenport), bds Fraser House. White Stephen, lab, res s s 39th, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Whitlock Mrs. Martha,--, res w s Saginaw, bet 9th and 10th. 6. Whiting Zeno, lab, res e s Fraser, bet 15th and 16th. 4. Whitman George B., lumber merchant, res cor Centre and Grant. 4. Whitney Charles, sailor, bds C. Rossow. Whitney Jas. E., boot and shoe store, e s Water, bet 5th and Centre, res Grant, bet Center and 6th. 4. Whitney John, bds Capitol House. Whitney Lucien J., principal 6th ward school, bds Win. Buck, cor 31st and Broadway. Whittal William, builder, res cor 8th and Jefferson. 4. Whittaker Silas, painter, res s e cor 3d and 4th. 2d. Whittemore Mrs. Francis H. (wid Walter C.), res w s Jackson, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Whittemore Walter, lumber inspector, res n s 6th, bet Adams and Jefferson. 2. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Whittemore W. H., ]umber inspector. Willcy Frank, wks McGraw & Co. William Albert, lab, bds Charles Conner. Williams Albert, lab, bds R. Williams. Williams Ancell, lab, bds R. Williams. Williams Charles, engineer, MIunn & Co. Williams Edward, drayman, e s Farragut, bet 16th and 17th. 8. Williams Edward Y., Inspector General of lumber, Saginaw district, office room 3 Opera House block, 213 Centre, res 1101 s Saginaw, cor 10th. 8. WILLIAMS FRANCIS, propr Marble Hall Restaurant, basement Campbell House blk, cor 3d and Water, res e s Monroe, bet 2d and 3d. See advt. 7. Williams George A., physician, office Water, bds Francis Williamns. Williams Henry, foreman, Gates & Fray, res e side 8th, bet Adams and Jefferson. 3. Williams James, lab, bds John Broebster. Williams James, lab, res w s Saginaw, bet 9th and 10th. 6. Williams James, watchman J. Shearer & Co, res cor Water and Woodside ave. 2. The Great Popular Clothing llouse of Koch & Co. Williams John, lab, res e s Farragut, bet 16th and 17th. 2. William M. Drake. dealer in groceries, res Van Buren, bet 4th and 5th. Williams Mrs. Jane, boarding house, ii e cor Johnson and Water. 3. Williams Philemon, lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Williams Philo, carpenter, res e s Van Buren, bAt 10th and 11th. 3. Williams P. J., vwatchmakeier, bds Wolverton I-louse. Williams Purser, bcts Wolverton House. Williams Ralph, boarding house, e s River, bet 36th and 37th. 4. Williams Samuel, lab, res s w cor 3d and 37th. 4. Williger E. T., wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Willis lMrs. Letitia (wicd Thomas), res s e cor Williams and 22d. 3. Wilcox Chas., wks M:cGraw & Co. Willson James, lab, bds John Bohn. Willson Robert, peddler, res e s Jefferson, bet 11th and 12th. 6. Willson Thomas, lab, res a s 11th, bet Adams and Jefferson. 4. Wilmot Hiram (A. Stevens & Co.), res Deep River, Conn. Willis Miss Emma, teacher 1st ward school, bds Peter L. Rogers. 576 5 BAY CITY DII.ECTORY. Wilson George, bds Albert Miller. Wilson Hazel P., lumberman, bds Wolverton House. Wilson J., wks Folsom & Arnold. Wilson Kaspel, lab, bds John Johnson. Wilson Michael, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Wilson Mrs. Anna, hair-dresser Mrs. J. Campell, bds same. Wilson Robert, lab, bds Washington House. Wilson Solomon C., (Wilson & McCormick) res n w cor Van Buren and 8th. 3. Wilson Thos., Jr., wks McGraw & Co. Wilson Wm. J., wks McGraw & Co. Winegarden Morries, mason, bds Charles A. Clark. Winklemian August, wks McEwan's mill, res e of mill.:3. Winkleman Henry, lab, wks John McEwan. Winkleman William, circular sawyer, wks J. McEwan. Winkler Michael, wks Pitts & Cranage, res n w cor 4th anrid Jackson. 8. Winn Miss Alice, dress-maker Mrs. IMary Sanford, bds parents. Winter John I-I., wks Chapin & Barber. Winter Richard, lab, bds Boutreur House. Winter Robert, plasterer, bds C. L. Domine. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Winter-Hall George, engineer, wks Webster & Bro. Winterhalter George, engineer and blacksmith, res s e cor 24th and Wilson. 7. WINTERHIALTER MICHAEL, Real Estate Agent, office n s 30th, e s of Water, res cor 31st and Kossuth. 5. Winters Daniel, sawyer, res 423 n e cor Bowery and 16th. ' 4. Winters Samuel, lab, res ii s 16th, bet TMonroe and Birney. 5. Wintermeyer Jacob, propr Golden Eagle Hotel, n e cor 6th and Saginaw. 7. Wittauer Bernard, lunmber minerchant, res Centre, bet Johnson and McClellan. 4-. Witmer Gabriel, tailor, w s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 6. Withei Joseph, lab, bds William Ralph Withern John, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Witchehaskey Louis, bds S. Hickey. Wipper Miss Catharine, wks S. C. Gates. Wirth George, butcher, bds J. L. Sexlinger. Wisner Winm., street car driver, bds J. McKinnon. Witticer Silas, lab, res s s 30th, bet 3d and 4th. 2. Whitney Miss Martin, wks Jamnes A. Little. Wickman John, meat market, res wv s Jackson, bet 3d and 4th. 8. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 577 Wickham Miss Marcella, wks Wilson Hopkins. Wickham Robert, lab, res s w cor Monroe and 11th. 2. Widemyre Louis, carpenter, bds Edward Eickerman. Widman John B., butcher, market n w cor 3d and Saginaw, res cor 3d and Jackson. 8. Widmer C., blacksmith helper (Munn & Co.), res Monroe, bet 10th and 11th. WIDMER GABRIEL, merchant tailor, e s Water, bet 7th and 8th, res Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. 7. Widyk Nicholas, gardener, res s s Woodside ave, near corporation line. 6. Wiggins Joseph, lab, w s Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. o. Wight Rev. J. Ambrose, pastor First Presbyterian Church, res s w cor 10th and Washington. 4. Wilberri Herri, lab, bds Boutreur House. Wilbur Frank, bar-tender S. Hickey. Wilbur Walter, lab, bds J. Stevens. Willcox Charles, wks Shearer & Co., bds J. A. Little. Wilcox Eugene, carpenter, bds M. Thompson. Wilcox James M., bds Geo. M. Smith. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Wilcox James, wks Dolsen, Chapin & Bro. Wilcox James, wks J. W. Watson, bds Crampton House. Wilcox Miss Sarah E., clk millinery dept, bds H. P. Merrill. Wildman Henry, boiler maker, w s Grant, bet 10th and 11th. 4. Wildman Robert, boiler maker, res e s Saginaw, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Wildman Thomas, lab, wks Webster & Bros. WILDS JOHN, barber shop and bath house, cor Centre and Water, Fraser House blk, res n e cor 9th and Adams. See advt. 4. Wild Mrs. Rosanna (wid John Wild), res n s 9th, bet Adams and Jefferson. Wildman Thomas W., lab, res s s 12th, bet Saginaw and Washington. 4. Wiles Charles, drayman, n e cor Lincoln ave and 16th. Wiles Miss Emma, school teacher 1st ward, bds Peter L. Rogers. Wiles Robert, lab, n e cor Lincoln ave and 16th. 2. Wiles Wm., drayman, n e cor Lincoln ave and 16th. Wilhalm (Willheim) Julius, clk W. H. Millen, res e s Farragut, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Wilhelm Soloman, freight agt F. & P. M. R. R., res w s Saginaw, bet 6th and 7th.- 6. 73 578 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Wilkes Frank, lab, bds T. Corbett. Wilkin Anthony, lab, w s Madison, bet 13th and 14th. 3. Wilkin Michael, lab, w s Madison, bet 13th and 14th. 2. Wilkin Sanford V., clothing and gents' furnishing goods, 120 Water, res Jefferson, bet 10th and 11th. 3. Wilkins Stephen, wks N. B. Bradley & Co. Wilkins Joseph H., restaurant, res w s Adams, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. Wilkins John H., real estate agent, e s Madison, bet 12th and 13th. 4. Wilkins J. H. & Co. (James H. Wilkins, ), Ocean Oyster Dining Rooms, J. P. Brown, manager, rooms basement Watson block, Water, foot Centre. Wilkinson Daniel S., lab, res n s Tuscola, near Water. 4. Wilkinson Darius S., lab., res s s 30th, bet 6th and 7th. 5. Willard John S., book-keeper, W. H. Miller & Co., bds Fraser House. Willett A. (Ouellette), wks Gates & Fay. Willett Peter, lab, wks William Peter. Willett Alexander, lab, wks William Peter. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. Wolf Harris, elk, A. Hyman, bds same. Wolf Jos., wks McGraw & Co. Wolf L. M., bds Globe Hotel. Wolfe Gustavus, wks Albert Miller. Wollaber Jacob, sailor, bds C. Rossow. Wolskey John, propr Wolskey House, e s Water, e s McEwan's mill. 4. WOLVERTON HOUSE, cor 3d and Water, H. C. Stanton, proprietor. Wonsey John A., lumberman, res e s Bowery, cor 19th. 7. Wood Charles, saloon, Water, bet 17th and 18th. 3. Wood Charles, driller, bds R. Williams. Wood Edwin (E. Wood & Co.), res w s Madison, bet 10th and 11th. 2. Wood Ed. & Co. (Ed. Wood, James Wells), watchmakers and jewelers, 101 n Water. Wood James, wks Braddick & Sons. Wood Samuel, blacksmith, shop w s Water, cor 33d, res w side 3d, bet 34th and 35th. 4. Wood Samuel, wks Pitts & Cranage. Wood Charles A., clk, Chas. Wood. Woodley Geo., wks McGraw & Co. Woods Francis, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. BAY CITYI DIRECTORY. 579 Woods Joseph, land agent, office room 40 Watson block. Woods Mrs. Mary (wid Patrick HI.), res w s Madison, bet 11th and 12tbh. Woods Richard, bar-tender St. James Restaurant. Woods Samuel, teamster, bds Washington House. Woods Mrs. Sarah (wid Jas.), w s Madison, bet 11th and 12th Woodard Frank G., grocer, bds Fraser House. Woodard Eli C. & Frank G. grocers, flour and feed 330 Water,. bet 3d and 4th, bd Fraser House. Woodbury Daniel, fireman J. McEwan, res e end Water, e s McEwan's mill. 6. Woodhall Thomas, lab, bds Joseph Pollehn. Woodlay George, lab, bds Charles Mesker. Woods Adelbert, lab, bds Mrs. A. A. Maxson. Woolderton Henry, carp, res n w cor 31st and Wilson. 2. Woolderton Thomas, carp, res n w cor 31st and Marsac. 4. Woolson Frank C., captain tug "Witch of the West," res e s Jefferson, bet 15th and 16th. 2. Woolson J. 0. & Co. (John O. Woolson, A. Kise), grocers,,Water, bet 13th and 14th. M. & H. Koch & Co., the Great Popular Clothiers. Woolson John N., merchant, res 216 w s Bowery, bet 14th and 15th. 4. Woolson John O. (J. O. Woolson & Co.), res cor 14th and Bowery. 4. Wooden Miss Annie, waitress, Fraser House. Woodell James, lab, bds James A. Little. Worden Alfred, saw-setter, Barber & Chapin, bds Montreal House. Worden Isaac, City Recorder, res n e cor Bowery and l7th. 7. Worder J. C., lab, wks Smith & Wheeler. Worden William, wks Chapin & Barber, res bet Mercer and Water, e of Belinda. 5. Worden John R., sash, door, and blind maker, bds Mrs. Margaret Bathgait. Wormley George, delivery clk, Wimn. M. Kelley, bds Dr. Tupper. Worst Miss Mary, wks F. Simon. Worth Annie, wks George Steinbauer. Wright Andrew J., draftsman, bds Geo. Watkins. Wright David, teamster, wks D. Hallock. Wright Edward E., carpenter, res w s Broadway, bet 24th and 25th. 2. Wratten Edward M., clk F. & P. M. R. R. depot, res 4th, bet Grant and Van Buren. 580 BAY CITY DIRECTORY. Wright George, mason, w s Van Buren, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. Wright J. C., lab, bds Crampton House. Wright Wm., bds Globe Hotel. Wright Sawyer, fireman, bds Mrs. Maria Hughs. Wright Rev. John, Episcopal minister, bds Leman E. Noyes. Wunsom Henry, baker, wks F. Arnold. Wiipper Henry, carpenter, res n w cor Howard and 17th. 4. Wurtz Gottlieb, eng'r,J. McEwan. 4. Wietmann John, butcher, shop n w cor 3d and Saginaw. Wyman George, lab, bds Wyandotte House. Y. Yans Gustave, lab, bds C. Syamann's. Yawkey John H., lumberman, res 211 s w cor 4th and Madison. 3. Yawkey Wmin C., pine lands and lumber, res 207 Madison, bet 4th and 5th. 3. Yeoban Arthur, lab, bds Charles Wood. Yeoman Edward, lab, e s Howard, bet 20th and 21st. 3. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Yeoman Joseph, lab, e s Howard, bet 19th and 20th. 5. Yeomans Mrs. Emma (wid Jesse Yeomans), res e s Marsae,. bet 31st and 32d. 3. Yister Wm., lab, w s Jackson, bet 10th and 11th. Yomans Edward, lab, wks Webster & Bros. Yonker George, shoemake, res s e cor Jackson and 3d. 4. Yonkers George, shoemaker, wks M. H. Kittredge, res Madison,, bet 1st and 2d. Youhill Miss Mary, wks Gervis Bailey. Young Andrew, machinist, Bay City Iron Works, bds C. M. Prescott. Young C. E. & Co. (Chas. E. & George Young), flour, feed, tea,. etc., 115 n Water, res cor Centre and Van Buren. Young C. Edward (C. E. Young & Co.), bds George Young, cor Centre and Van Buren. Young Daniel, lab, res n w cor Fitzhugh and 6th. 5. Young Frederick, teamster, bds J. Young. Young George (C. E. Young & Co.), res cor Centre and VaniBuren. Young George, lumber merchant, res cor Center and Van, Buren. 4. Young George, lab, bds Washington House. BAY CITY DIRECTORY. 581 Young George H., cashier Bay City Bank, w s Van Buren, bet 7th and 8th. 3. Young Gottleib, wks Gates & Pay, bds John Young. Young Harry, lab, wks Shearer & Co. Youngs Henry, painter, bds R. Stiles. Young Henry, bds J. Howell. Young Henry, lumber inspector, res e s Jefferson, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 4. Young John, lab, res w s Madison, bet Centre and 6th. 2. Young John, Jr., elk, bds J. Young, Sr. Young Miss Paulina, lives H. Benstine. Young Walter D., teamster, wks D. Hallock. Young Walter D., collector Bay City Bank, bds Geo. Young. Young William, lab, bds Washington House. Young Wm. A., book-keeper, Bay City bank, bds Geo. Young. Young Walter D., clerk, bds Geo. Young. Youngson Louis, lab, bds John Johnson. Youngson Young,. lab, bds John Johnson. Z. M. & H. Koch & Co., the Clothiers. Zac Clark W., wks McGraw & Co., bds Mrs. Ellen M. Hill. Zack D. L., wks McGraw & Co. Zannelli Paschal, lab, res e s Broadway, bet 18th and 19th. 10. Zant Wm., wks McGraw & Co. ZAUNEIR LAWRENCE G., physician, office and res n e cor 22d and Birney. 6. Zeilmeyer John, clerk, res e s Monroe, bet 4th and 5th. 2. Zephirin Levasseur, lab, res e s Adams, bet 1st and Woodside ave. 3. Zimmermann Miss Caroline, home with F. Simon. Zimmermann Gottfried, teamster J. McEwan. Zimmerman Miss Louis, home with F. Simon. Zimmerman Rica, wks Louis Anthony. Zimmermann William, lab, res e of McEwan's mill. 3. Zingar Miss Josephine, cook, res cor e s Saginaw. Zerwes Simon, proprietor Zerwes House, 616 Shginaw, bet Center and 6th, res same. Zubi Albert, lab, bds John Zube's. Zube John, lab, res n w cor 16th and Farragut. 9. BROWN'S DIRECTORY OF WENONA, INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. By C. EXERA BROWN. Directory Office, No. 118 Genesee Street, East Saginaw, Mich. I WENONA. Wenona is a point fifteen miles, by rail, via J., L. & S. R. E., north of Saginaw City, and down the river, with a population of 2,142. It is directly opposite Bay City, and on the west bank of the river. There are three churches,-Catholic, Methodist, and Presbyterian,-a fine school, several hotels, and the usual number of business houses as are found in flourishing villages elsewhere. The officials of the village are: C. F. Corbin, President; T. P. Hawkins, Recorder; Thomas Toohey, Treasurer; Wm. M. Green, James A. McKnight, Patrick Irwin, George Van Alstine, George Hannon, and William Moots, Trustees; R. F. Bryant, Marshal; Andrew W. Neat, Constable, and Hurlburt Van Voorhees, Deputy Marshal; John Golden, Amos Hewett, Lewis Raymond, and - Lang, Justices of the Peace. The fire department, an excellent one, is composed of a steam fire engine, No. 1, "Defiance." Regular meetings of firemen in council room, over engine house, the first Tuesday in each month. E. T. Carrington, foreman; Win. Green, 1st Ass't; Henry Avery, 2d Ass't; John Gates, foreman of hose; A. Larouche, 1st Ass't; John McGlinch, 2d Ass't; S. A. Plummer, Treasurer; H. H. Aplin, Clerk; L. Roundsville, Engineer; A. W. Neat, Fireman. 74 586 WENONA DIRECTORY. STREETS IN WENONA. Alp, Ann, Au Sauble, Blend, Catharine, Carrie, Centre, Chilson ave., Clara, Corbin, Cornelia, Crapo, Dean, De Witt, Dunbar, Elizabeth, Erie, Elm, Faxon, Florence, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Henry, Hill, Huron, Indiana, Jane, Jenny, John, Johnson, Kiesel, King, Kingsburg, Linn, Litchfield, Lynn, Madison, Maple, May, Mercer, Miichigan, Midland, Mioore, Mountain, North, Oak, Ohio, Park ave., Park Place, Paul, Pine, Raymond ave., River, Sauble State road, Scott, Section Line road, South, State, Superior, Thomas, Union, Walnut, Washington ave., Water, William. WENONA DIRECTORY. 587' SCHOOLS IN WENONA. The demand for school privileges have been met by the Board, who have a fine brick school building between John and Jane, State and Centre streets; Geo. R. Whitmore, principal; Miss Agnes Atkins first assistant; Miss Julia Covey, second assistant; Mrs. Thomas, intermediate department; A primary, Miss Carrie Ostrander; B primary department, Miss Lizzie Lowry; C primary, Mrs. Burt. CHURCHES. The M. E. Church, west side Center, between Moore and Elizabeth. Rev. William Q. Burnett, pastor. The Presbyterian Church, west side Catharine, bet Jane and John streets, Rev. Lucius W. Chapman, pastor. The Roman Catholic Church, Kawkawlin road, near section. line, is now in course of completion. MASONIC. WENONA LODGE F. AND A. M. No. 256.-Hall Babo Block,. corner Linn and Midland streets. Regular communication first Tuesday evening on or before fall moon, in each month; specials intervening. Officers-I. E. Randall, W. M.; E. S. VanLiew, S. W.; E. T. Carrington, J. W.; N. Clark, Secretary; M. W. Brock, Treasurer; John Stewart, S. D.; Reuben Eligh, J.D.; John Pourtois, Tyler. Election December in each year. 588 WEJNONA DIRECTORY. GOOD TEMPLARS. VALLEY LODGE I. O. G. T., No. 732, has surrendered, we are informed, but another has recently been formed, known as Wenona Lodge I. O. G. T. No.-, organized Sept. 23d, 1873, by Charles P. Russell. Meet every Thursday evening in Babo Block, corner Linn and Midland streets. Officers-A. Sutherland, W. C. T.; Mrs. E. C. Smith, W. V. T.; Reuben Green, W. S.; John Angell, W. T.; R. M. Cressey, W. F. S.; Wm. Irwin, W. I. G.; George Gordon, W. 0. G.; membership fifty strong. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. During our canvass in October we found two families Ubsent from home, fourteen vacant houses, nine new buildings in course of construction-by no means all of them, but all a note was made of,-and one basement unoccupied. The question is frequently asked who has the largest sawmill, or the greatest capacity. For the information of the public we would give the work done at the H. W. Sage & Co mill, at Wenona, in twelve hours. The largest day's work the mill ever did in that length of time was 370,797 feet, employing 132 men, with one circular, one muley, and two pairs of gang saws. POPULATION. The number of names in each letter of the alphabet are as follows: A, 38; B, 76; C, 67; D, 37; E, 20; F, 28; G, 44; H, 57; J, 21; K, 20; L, 46; M, 99; N, 24; O, 7; P,49; Q, 3; R, 49; S, 61; T, 33; V, 12; W,.73; total number of individual names, 864. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. A. Abbott Chas., farmer, e s Catharine, bet Thomas and Jenny. 2. Abbott George, lab, e s Catharine, bet Thomas and Jenny. 4. Abbott Scott C., lab, bds G. Abbott. Abraham Joseph, lab, bds J. Danforth. Abraham Miss Elizabeth, bds J. Danforth. Abraham Miss Ester, wks John Davis. Abraham Miss Jenny, bds J. Danforth. Akelburney Wm., lab, bds Toohey House. Ackerman Augustus, tailor, e s Liun, res e s Carrie, bet Union and Florence. 3. Agans Edward, book-keeper George Allen, bds S. Agans. Agans John, lab, bds S. Agans. Agans Stephen, jobber, n s Midland, bet Kiesel and Raymond ave. 2. Agans Wm., engineer, bds S. Agans. Allan Chas. S., jobber, e s Cornelia, bet Union and Florence. 3. Allen George A., groceries and crockery, Midland, res n w cor John and Raymond ave. 5. Allen Hiram C., mason contractor, res w s Henry, bet Thomas and Jenny. 3. Alien Miss Elizabeth, home with George Allen. Anderson Andrew, lab, bds S. Carlson. Anderson Anna wks James Mead. Anderson Carl, ship-wright, w s Kawkawlin Road, near J., L. & S. R. R. track. 3. Anderson Chas., lab, Bar, w s Henry, near Thomas. 2. Anderson Robert, lab, bds American House. Anderson Robert, clk, H. W. Sage & Co., bds Wm. Anderson. Anderson William, reed-maker, res n e cor Union and Center. 3. Angell Mrs. Elizabeth (wid Richard), e s Sauble State road, near South. 6. Angle John C., clk Joseph H. Logry. 590 WEIONA DIRECTORY. Aplin II. H., postmaster, agent Domestic S. M. Co., and agent Express Co., office w s Linn, res John, bet Linn and Henry. 3. Ardeley Francis, shoemaker, wks Geo. Ayers. Ardeley James, shoemaker, res n w cor John and Centre. 2. Arno -, lab, wks Arnold & Catlin. Arnold & Catlin (David G. Arnold, Israel Catlin) sash, doors, and blinds, s e cor Thomas and Linn. Arnold David G. (Arnold & Catlin), res n w cor Elizabeth and Cornelia. 5. Ashalfort James, lab, bds American House. Aubry Bruno, carriage maker, res w s Dean, bet Thomas and Section Line road. 3. Avery Henry, wholesale dealer in cigars and liquors, bds Rouech House. Avery James A., dealer in liquors, wines and cigars, bds Rouech House. Ayers George, dealer in boots and shoes, shop Linn. 3. B. Little Jake & Co. Undersell.Everybody. Babcock Mrs. Sarah, wid John W., res e s Catharine, bet Jane and John. 3. Babcock Sylvester, lab, res w s Chilson ave, bet Union and Florence. Babcock Sylvester, mason, res e s Catharine, bet Jenny and Thomas. 5. Bahan James, baggageman J. L. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Babo Charles, dealer in groceries, provisions, etc., res Bay City, cor Grant and.3d. 8. Ball George, butcher, res e s Walnut, off Midland. 2. Ball James T., butcher, bds G. Ball. Ballantin James, lab, bds Phelps House. Ballard George, wks E. C. Litchfield. Bank Frank (colored), lab, res w s William, bet Jane and Jenny. 6. Bank of Wenona, cor Midland and Walnut. Barker John C., car repairer, res n e cor Henry and corp. line. Barnes Charles, shipwright, res Kawkawlin road, near J., L. & S. R. R. track. 2. Barnier -, lab, bds Louis Caron. Barrett James L., ship carpenter, res w s Kawkawlin, near Sec. Line road. 2. WENONA DIRECTORY. 591 Barrey Richard, lab, bds American House. Basett John, lab, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 6. Bates Charles D., sawyer, res e s Litchfield, n Litchfield mill. 3. Bates Edward H., lab, res w s Chilson ave, bet Union and Faxon. 3. Bates Miss Hattie, bds Wm. Reid. Battishill Wm. H., painter, Henry st, res e s Cornelia, bet Union and Florence. 4. Beach Sarah, wks Phelps House. Beard George A. (Smith & Beard), bds Travis. Beebee Charles, engineer, res s s Sec. Line, near Salzburg plank road. Bedard John B., lab, bds Louis Galameau. Belworthy John, wks C. Wright, bds same. Bejin Louis, ship carpenter, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 4. Beuglet Charles, cabinet-maker, bds William Loose. Beuglet Henry, cabinet-maker, res e s Carrie, bet Union and Florence. 2. Bird Andrew (col), fireman, res w s Williams, nr Jenny. 2. Lowest Prices at IW. & H. Koch & Co's. Bisbee Orson, brakeman, J., L. & S. R. R., res n w cor Thomas and William. 3. Blend Mrs. Clarissa (wid Ezra D.), res s s Sec. Line road, bet Carrie and State. 5. Blend Charles, wks E. C. Litchfield, bds Mrs. C. Blend. Boismier Jos, lab, w s Kawkawlin road, nr J., L. & S. R. R, 9. Bolton John, carpenter, bds Alexandre McDonald. Booth Noble 0., painter, e s Centre, bet Union and Faxon, res same. Boucher Desire, joiner, w s Centre, bet John and Jane. 4. Boucher Jean Baptiste, joiner, w s Centre, bet Jenny and Thomas. 2. Boucher Louis, joiner, s w cor Centre and Jenny. 6. Boucher Thomas, teamster, e s Murray, bet Jane and John. 3. Bouchy Henry F., drayman, res w s Linn, bet Jane and Jenny. 7. Bourbormais Isaac, joiner, w s Centre, bet Jane and John. 3. Bourque Marcel, blacksmith, bds N. Brouillet. Bowers Joseph, saloon, Linn. Boyce William E., carpenter, res w s Linn, n Thomas. 5. Bradin W. W., physician, bds Rouech House. Bradley Albert, ship-carpenter, res n w cor Cornelia and Florence. 4. 592. WENONA DIRECTORY. Bramen D. C., millwright, e s Center, bet Union and Faxon. 3. Bredin Wilson W., physician, office opp Rouech House, cor John and Lynn, bds Rouech House. Brock Martin W., foreman, Arnold & Catlin. Brooks George, produce dealer, n w cor John and Crapo. 5. Brouillet Narcisse, tinsmith, w s Thomas, bet Linn and Henry. 8. Brown William, lab, bds Joseph Bowers. Brown Wm., lab, bds Toohey House. Brown Sterling (col'd), sailor, bds Frank Banks. Bruce Phiny W., lab, w side Dean, bet Thomas and Sec Line road. 4. Buck Lucene, foreman Litchfield's mill, res e s Litchfield, nr Litchfield's mill. 3. Butler James, carpenter, bds J. Hunter. Butler Wm., lab, bds Gilson House. Burgess Androe W., planer, w side Chilson ave, bet Moore and Elizabeth. 4. Burgess James, carpenter, bds w side Henry bet Thomas and corp. line. 2. Burgess --, machinist, wks Arnold & Catlin. Bumner Wm., lab, w side Center, bet Union and Faxon. 8. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Burke Martin, lab, bds Toohey House. Burnett Rev. William Q., Methodist minister, res s w cor Centre and Faxon. 6. Burnett Wmn., filer, bds Phelps House. Burns Robert, lab, bds Touscany House. Burr Eugene, lab, s side corp. line. Burr Jay, lab, bds E. Burr. Burr Frank, teacher, bds E. Burr. Burrows Frank, mason, bds Toohey House. Burt Henry J., joiner, wks Arnold & Catlin. Burt Homer, lab, bds Carlos E. Root. Buyand Reuben, sawyer, w side Linn, off Midland. 2. Byerly James H., grocer, store and res cor Jennie and Linn. 8. Byron James, cooper, bds George W. Fox. Byron John, cooper, bds John Lamott. C. Callahan Patrick, lab, res e s Henry, bet John:nand Jane. 3. Campbell David, lab, bds Toohey House. Campbell Roderick, lab, bds American House. Cardinal Jean B., lab, res s w cor Jane and Murray. 5. WENONA DIRECTORY. 593 Cardy David B., lumberman, mast and spar dealer, res e s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 4. Carlson S., lab, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp line. 4. Carl James, currier, bds Grove House. Carmel Henri, lab, bds H. Wells. Caron Benjamin, shoemaker, res w s J., L. & S. R. R. track, nr s Kawkawlin road. 5. Caron Louis, prop Quebec Hotel, res w s Kawkawlin road, nr J., L. & S. R. R. track. 7. Carrington Edwin (Brewer & Carrington), res e s River, bet John and Jane. 3. Carroll James, blacksmith, Ringwood & Wallbar, bds Irwin House. Carrol James, lab, bds American House. Castello James, lab, bds American House. Catlin Israel (Arnold & Catlin), res Bay City. Canseer August, lab, res w s corp line, bet Jenny and Thos. 3. Chadwick Appleton B., lab, res w s William, bet Jane and Jenny. 2. Chamberlain Peter, setter, E. C. Litchfield, bds J. Hunter. M. & B1. Koch & Co., the Mercmhant Tailors. Chambers John, capt "Laketon " steamer, res n e cor Union and Chilson. 4. Chambers Mrs. Harriett (wid Henry C.), res e s Chilson ave, bet Elizabeth and Midland. Chambers Mrs. Phylinda (wid Wm.), res n w cor Midland and Carrie. Champagne Frederick, shipwright, res w s Kawkawlin road, bet Setion Line road and J., L. & S. R. R. track. Chancey Jas., farmer, off Section Line road, near Kawkawlin road. 6. Chapman Rev. Lucius W., pastor Presbyterian church, res w s Center, bet Moore and Elizabeth. 3. Charters John, sawyer, res e s Henry, bet Thos. and Jenny. 3. Chase Homer, machinist, Arnold & Catlin, res e side Cornelia, bet Moore and Faxon. 3. Chase J. A., physician, office cor Jennie and Linn. 6. Chase Vilo (or Revilo), joiner, Arnold & Catlin, res s e cor John and Compo. 4. Cheneel Albert, elk, Alexander Laroche. Chonna Joseph, baker, shop and res Linn, near Midland. 6. Church Lafayette, lab, res e side corporation line, bet Jane and Jenny. 3. *75 594 WENONA DIRECTORY. Church Louis, lab, bds Toohey House. Clarke Adam C., carpenter, res w side Centre, bet Florence and Union. 5. Clarke Edward, sailor, bds Toohey House. Clarke Miss Rose, bds D. C. Bramen. Coady Patrick, lab, bds American House. Coady Wm., lab, res s s Section Line road, bet Carrie and Raymond ave. 2. Cole George, carpenter, res n e cor William and Thomas. 7. Cole Miss Helen, wks John Ernst. Cole Samuel, lab, res w side Cornelia, bet Elizabeth and Moore. 3. Colm Cormack, sawyer, bds T. Mangan. Collier Mrs. Roxanna (wid Rufus), bds G. Brooks. Cook Albert, lab, res w side Henry, bet John and Jane. 5. Cook Edward, lab, res w side Cornelia, bet Florence and Section Line road. 5. Cook Thos., lab, res e side Chilson ave, bet Section Line road and. Florence. 3. Covnan John, edger, E. C. Litchfield. Cooper Charles, teamster, bds David B. Cardy. Littl~ Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Cooper John, watchman, res e s River, bet Jane and Jenny. 9. 'Coppy Mrs. Mary (col'd, wid Stephen), res w s William, bet Jenny and Jane. 3. Corbin Aretus, Asbestos Felting Co.'s agt, res s s Section Line road, near Kawkawlin road. 3. Corbin Charles F., nursery agent, res n w cor Kawkawlin road and Florence. 4. Corning John, butcher, bds Perry Phelps-Phelps House. Corwin James, carp, res w s Water, bet John and Jenny. 6. Coughlin Kate, wks Chas. S. Rees. Coulson Charles, lab, bds Tuscany House. Cox John, iron moulder, res e s Henry, bet Jane and Jenny. 2. Cox Wm., lab, res w s Salzburg plank road. 2. Cooper Charles C., cashier depot J., L. & S. R. R., res n w cor Catharine and Jenny. 2. Craft James, bds Wilson O. Craft. Craft James, cooper, res s s Henry, bet John and Jane. 2. Craft Wilson 0., billiard hall, Linn, near Midland, res e s Henry, bet John and Jane. 4. Cressey R. M., photographer, rooms Aplin block, Midland, res Babo block, Midland. 2. Crogan James, lumberman, bds Irwin House. WENOINA DIRECTORY. 595 Crooks James, lab, res w s Dean, bet Jenny and Thomas. 4. Crooks Robert, lab, bds J. Crooks. Curtis Freeman, lab, res s s Section Line road, near J., L. & S. R. R. tank. 7. Cutterback -, carpenter, bds Geo. W. Fox. D. Daly Andrew, lab, res w s William, bet Jane and Jenny. 2. Danforth James, saloon-keeper, s e cor Linn and Midland, res n w cor Jane and River. 2. D'Arcy Cornelus, lab, bds American House. Dauncher Andrew, lab, bds Toohey House. Davenport N., circle sawyer, E. C. Litchfield. Davis John, druggist, shop Linn. 3. Davis Joseph, raftsman, w s Elk, bet Johnson and Thomas. 2. Dean N., wks E. C. Litchfield. Deneen Daniel, teamster, e s Water, bet John and Jane. 5. Denton Francis, sawyer, res e s Chilson ave, beb Elizabeth and Midland. 4. Koch & Co., ý-enesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Despond Melanie, wks HI. Beuglet. Doiron Francis, caulker, res n w cor Henry and corp. line. 11. Dolson Henry G., sailor, w s Centre, bet Florence and Union. 3. Dorrer John, shoemaker, s s John, bet Raymond and Elk. 4. Dorr John, shoemaker, wks George Ayers. Dotson Alexander, carpenter, bds Joseph Dotson.. Dotson Charles, lab, bds Joseph Dotson. Dotson Joseph, lab, res w s Dean, bet Jenny and Thomas. 2. Dotson Orbison, lab, bds Joseph Dotson. Doughty Winm., lab, bds G. Abbot. Douglass Charles, engineer, e s Chilson ave, bet Florence and Union. 2. Dowd Edgar J., harness-maker, res Linn. 2. Dowett John, lab, bds Toohey House. Dowlan Thomas, lab, bds Gilson House. Dowling Frank, carpenter, bds Irwin House. Dowling Michael A., barrister-at-law, Linn, res e s Raymond, bet John and Jane. 3. Downey Robert, lab, bds American House. Doyle Michael, foreman H. W. Sage & Co.'s boom, res n e cor Jane and Catharine. 3. Doyle Michael, lab, bds Toohey House. Drackett John, foreman Davis' ship-yard, bds Gilson House. 596 WVENONA DIRECTORY. Drummond Patrick, lab, bds Joseph Bowers. Dubie Edward, lab, bds Joseph Bowers. Dufault Octave, lab, res w s Kawkawlin road, nr J., L. & S. R. RP track. 2. Dupuis Lina, wks Hilaire Pratte. Dunn George, lab, res n w cor Elk and Johnson. 6. Dutson Charles, lab, Arnold & Catlin. Dwyer Michael, lab, bds Toohey House. E. East E., fireman J., L. &. R. R., bds Phelps House. Easter Charles (col), fireman, bds Andrew Bird. EcRerman Christopher, baker, res e s Henry, bet John and, Jane. 3. Eddy William, clk, bds Rouech House. Edinborough L. B., clk Trevis & Babo. Eligh Edward, lab, wks Arnold & Catlin. Eligh Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding house, w s Linn, s Thomas. 6. Eligh Reuben V., machinist, wks Arnold & Catlin. Eligh Sidney, machinist, wks Arnold & Catlin. Little Jake & Co., "Boss " Clothiers of the State. Elkins Israel, ship carpenter, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas. and corporation line. 6. Elliot Charles P., book-keeper, res w s Linn, n Thomas. 2. Emmerson Nelson, millwright, res s s Section Line road, near Centre.. 4. Engersoll E., book-keeper, bds Rouech House. Engersoll Henry, book-keeper, bds Rouech House. Engersoll Jesse, shoe-maker, bds Irwin House. Engersoll store, Midland, refused to give name. Ennis Robert, lab, Bar, w side Henry, bet Thomas and corporation line. 7. Erinoe Peter, lab, res Bar, w side H-enry, bet Thomas and corporation line. 4. Ernst John, carpenter, res w side Chilson ave, bet Moore and Elizabeth. 3. Evans David E., sawyer, w side Water, bet John and Jane. 2. F. Fairburn John, lab, bds Toohey House. Fallman Francis, lumber inspector, bds Rouech House. Farrell Daniel, ticket agent, J., L. & S. R. R., and tel opr, M. C. R. R., bds Irwin House. WENONA DIRECTORY. 597 Felton Anson, lab, res s e cor Union and Cornelia. 3. Ferguson John, ass't foreman, 1H. W. Sage & Co., bds Mrs. Wm. H. Thorp. Ferguson John, wks C. Wright, bdsU same. Ferl John, plasterer, res w side William, bet Jane and Jenny. 5. Ferrin Julia, wks Rev. William Q. Burnett. Fical David, lab, res w side Dean, bet Thomas and Section Line road. 3. Filiatreault Edmond, ass't foreman, H. W. Sage & Co.'s mill, res w side Linn. 2. Fisher -, lumberman, res w side Litchfield, bet Elizabeth and Moore. Fitzgerald John, lab, bds American House. Florence Charles, ship carpenter, res n side Section Line road, near Kawkawlin road. 5. Foler Jeremiah, lab, res w side William, bet Jenny and Jane. 2. Foley James, groom, Toohey House, bds same. Foley Michael, lab, bds American House. Foley Timothy, lab, bds American House. Food William, lab, res s side Thomas, bet Elk and corporation line. 10. N. & H. Koch & Co., the Leaders of Fashion. Ford Charles F., clk, wks H. Mallhes. Ford, Lawrence, lab, bds American House. Forget Joseph, jobber, res n w cor John and Carrie. 8. Fox George W., boarding house, w s Linn. 5. France Joseph, lab, bds John Lamott. Franklin Peter C., lab, w s Cornelia, bet Florence and Section Line road. 6. Frappier Francis, lab, w side Dean. bet Thomas and See. Line road. 2. Frappier Joseph, lab, w side Thomas, bet Linn and Henry. 3. Frappier Michael, lab, n side Thomas, bet Linn and Henry. 5. Fuller Warren B., sailor, s e cor Chilson ave and Faxon. 5. G. Gailey John, lab, bds Toohey House. Gadbois St. Lue, caulker, Bar, w side Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 4. Galarneau Louis, saloon-keeper, w side Kawkawlin road, near Bangor. 4. Galloway Howard, shipwright, bds Mrs. C. Blend. Gannan John, lab, bds Toohey House. 598 WENTOIA DIRECTORY. Gannon J., carpenter, bds Rouech House. Ganser A., wks E. C. Litchfield. Gates Henry C., lab, Bar, w side Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 2. Gates John, carpenter, n e cor Carrie and Florence. 8. Geddes William, lab, bds Toohey HouseGees John, farmer, n e cor Johnson and corp. line. 14. Germain Isidore, ship-carpenter, e s Kawkawlin road, near Sec. Line road. 5. Gendreau Pierre, lab, bds w side Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 9. Gilbert Joseph, carpenter, n w cor Jane and Henry. 5. GILSON A. J., Prop. Gilson House, w side Salzburg plank road, near s Section Line road. 4. Gillett William, foreman, H. W. Sage & Co., bds Luomen S Ward. Gillett Stephen E., clk, McKnight & Avery, bds Jas. McKnight. Grimes Michael, lab, bds Touscany House. Gleason -, lab, res e s Carrie, bet Florence and Section Line road. 3. Goodyear John, teamster, res n e cor Chilson ave and Union. 4. Patronize the " Bosss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Golden John, collecting agt, s s Thomas, bet Henry and Linn. Golden John, shoemaker, res e s William, bet Jenny and Thomas. 8. Gooding Oswald M., lab, bds J. McGlinch. 2. Goodridge --, cooper, bds George W. Fox. Gordon George, wks C. Wright, bds same. Gordon John, lab, res w s Henry, bet John and Jane. 5. Goudreau Francois, joiner, res e s Kawkawlin road. Graham John, lab, bds John Lamott. Greeley Mrs. Susan (wid Geo. W.), bds R. H. Ritz. Green John, lab, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 6. Green Michael, lab, res e s Center, bet Union and Faxon. 6. Green Reuben, clk, Thomas P. Hawkins, bds Rouech. Green Wm. M., livery stable, w s Linn, bet John and Jane, res s s Jane, bet Linn and Maria. 3. Greene Mrs. Lydie A. (wid James), res e s Catharine, bet Jenny and Thomas. 2. Greeley -, painter, w s Salzburg plank road. 4. Gregory Norman E., baggageman, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Grenon Prudent, ship carpenter, res w s Kawkawlin road, nr Section Line road. 4. WEN ONA DIRECTORY. 599 Griffin Edward, bill clk, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Irwin House. Griffin Eugene, lab, bds American House. Griffin Simon, carpenter, res w s Elk, bet Thos. and Jenny. 5. Grover Mrs. Catharine Mi. (widi Jas. C.), res e s Cornelia, bet Florence and Sec. Line road. Guay Narcisse, ship carpenter, bds Louis Galameau. Guiltnan Patrick, lab, res w s Dean, bet Thomas and Sec. Line road. 2. Guindon Magdele (Lankey & Guindon), res w s River, off Midland. 3. Hahn Charles, clk, wks H. Matthles. Hair Charles, warehouse man, res e s Crapo, bet John and Jane. 2. Haire Thos., grocer, res n e cor Sauble State road and South. 2. Hakerman Justus, tailor, shop Midland street, res 9th. 2. Hall Charles J., carpenter, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 7. Hall Henry, engineer J., L. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Fine Furnishing Goods at 1. & HL. Koch & Co's. Hamell Pierre, lab, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 4. Hammond William, carpenter, res w s Linn, bet Jane and Jenny. 9. Hannah George, salt-maker, res w s Cornelia, bet Union and Florence. 3. Hannan George W., filer, H. W. Sage & Co., res n w cor Elizabeth and Centre. 2. Hannan Mrs. Helen (wid George), res s w cor Elizabeth and Chilson ave. 5. Hanscom Richard A., teamster, res n s Sec. Line road, near Centre. 3. Hansom George, lab, bds Touscany House. Harding Charles, carpenter, bds Answorth ttussel. Harmand George, farmer, res w s corp. line, bet Jenny and Thomas. 4. Harman John, lab, res w s Kawkawlin road, near Section Line road.. Harrington Mrs. 11. R. (wid Stephen), res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 5. Harrison George, joiner, res e s Henry, bet Jane and Jenny. 5. Hart James, section foreman J., L. & S. R. R., res foot s Section Line road. 5. 600o WENONA DIRECTORY. Hart Wm., carpenter, bds Grove House. Harwood John, carp, w s Kawkawlin road, near J., L. & S. railroad tracks, 2. Hastings Ebenezer, carp, w s Kawkawlin road, near J., L. & S. railroad tracks. 7. Hawkins Thomas P., grocer, store n w cor Midland and Linn, bds Rouech House. 3. Hayes Win., shoemaker, w s centre, bet John and Jane. 5. Heath Charles, lab bds Toohey House. Henderson Henry S., book-keeper H. W. Sage & Co., bds Rouech House. Hickey D., wks E. C. Litchfield. Hiefield Henry, carp, res e s Chisolm ave, bet Union and Florence. 4. Higgens J. J., mason, bds Rouech House. Higgins Nathan, fireman J., L. & S. railroad, bds Phelps House. HIGHI DAVID M., grocer, fruit dealer, and restaurant keeper, w s River, bet Jane and Jenny, res e side Center, bet Florence and Sec. Line Road. 8. Hill Elisha (col'd), cook, s w cor Henry and John. 6. Hill Winm. A., builder, s w cor Carrie, opp Elizabeth. 6. Littie Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Hillman Thomas, car repairer, e s Salzburg plank road. 4. eingston Thomas, lab, bds Joseph Bowers. Hitchcock H. A., elk John Davis. Hitts Barbara, wks Mrs. C. Blend. Hogan Alex, shipwright, bds Grove House. Hogan Charles, fireman E. C. Litchfield, bds John Nolan. Hogan Ovid, wks E. C. Litchfield, bds J. Hunter. Hogan Wm., blacksmith, bds Grove House. Holden Peter, mason, bds Toohey House. Hope David, foreman, bds Irwin House. Hope David, lumberman, w s Murray, bet John and Jane. 3. Hopkins Jane, wks Phelps House. Horder Delmar, lab, bds Toohey House. Horlacher John, cooper, w s Henry, bet Thomas and Jenny. 7. Hornly John, lab, bds Irwin House. louchen Charles, lab, w s Dean, bet Jenny and Thomas. 2. Houchen David, lab, bds Charles Houchen. Hough Elijah, carpenter, res n e cor Florence and Cornelia. 3. Hough -, joiner, wks Arnold & Catlin. Howk Michael, brakeman, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Huckins Joseph, s e cor n Section Line road and w Section Line road. 5. WENONA DIRECTORY. 601 Humphrey Robert, blacksmith, wks J., L. &. S. 11. R. shop, bds Toohey House. Hunter Jeremiah, carpenter, res e of Litchfield, near Litchfield's mill. 3. I. Ingersoll Herman G., dry goods Midland, res n w cor Chilson ave and Moore. 6. Irwin Patrick, propr Irwin House, n w cor Litchfield and Midland. 3. Irwin Win., grocer, res and shop Midland. 5. J. Jackson James, (col'd), lab, bds Andrew Bird. Jackson James, (col'd), lab, bds Frank Banks. Jackson Lansing & Saginaw R. R., station e s River, bet Jane and Jenny; A. S. Nichols, station master. Jamieson Alexandre, lab, bds American House. Jamieson Norman, lab, bds American House. Lowest Prices at 1. & H. Koch & Co's. Jeffrey Albert, grocer, s s Midland, bet Linn and Henry, res w s Henry bet Thomas and Jenny. 5. Jenkins Mrs. Elizabeth (wid Benjamin), res w s corp. line. Jessup Mrs. Rosa (wid John), res e s Henry, bet Jenny and Jane. 4. Jillet S. A.,. wks McKnight & Avery. Joenas Miss Minnie, wks Theodore F. Shepherd. Johnson Augustus, lab, bds John Lamott. Johnson Benjamin, sawyer, e side Kawkawlin road, bet Sec. Line road and Florence. 5. Johnson Frederick, lab, bds John Green. Johnson Mrs. A. C. (wid. John), res Bar w side Henry bet Thomas and corp. line. 2. Johnson Peter, lab, res Bar w side Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 4. Johnson Samuel, lab, bds Phelps House. Johnson Thomas, ship-carpenter, w side Chilson ave, bet Florence and Union. 3. Jones Allie, carpenter, bds N. Jones. Jones James H., grocer, e side Henry, bet Jane and Jenny, bds N. Jones. Jones Nathan, carpenter, e s Henry, bet Jane and Jenny. 2. 76 602 TWENONA I)IRECTORY. Jones Nathan, carpenter, wks Arnold & Catlin, res s e cor Jane and Henry. 4. Justice Samuel (col'd) fireman, bds Andrew Bird. K. Kelly James, planer, res w side Kawkawlin road, bet Florence and Sec. Line road. Kellien John, lumberman, bds Irwin House. Kelly Alexander, foreman, bds Irwin House. Kellogg Rich., teamster, e side corp. line bet Jane and John. 2. Kiesel George, farmer, s side Midland, bet Raymond and Elk. 8. Kiesel John, engineer, n w corner Centre and Florence. 3. King Charles, bds G. W. King. King Eusebus, cabinet maker, near Section Line road. KING FRANK, Prop. Grove House,,s w cor Hamilton and ]Maple. 4. King George E., capt tug "E. Haight," res e s Kawkawlin road, ur Section Line road. 4. Hing George W., capt tug " Haigh," res n s South, nr J., L. & S. R. R. track. 8. One Prie P e to all at Little Jake & Co's. King Henry, lab, bds Charles BeeBee. Kisering H., wks E. C. Litchfield. Klupp John, foreman car dep't J., L. & S. R. R., res w s Linn, n Thomas. 9. Knapp Charles, engineer, bds Mrs. Elizabeth Eli. Knapp Joseph, lab, res e s Chilson ave, bet Florence and Section Line road. 3. Knudle George, lab, bds Touscany House. Kohl Mrs. Margaret (wid Richard), res s w cor Cornelia and Florence. 3. Koonan John, lab, res w s Kawkawlin road, nr J., L. & S. R. R. track. 7. Kusch Adolph, harness-maker, shop Midland, res s w cor John and Raymond ave. 2. L. Lachonce Pierre, shipwright, res w s Kawkawlin road, nr J., L. & S. R. 1R. track. 3. Lambert Joseph, saloon-keeper, res n ce cor Kawkawlin road and Section Line road. 4. Lampson Daniel, sawyer, s w cor Chilson ave and Florence. 7. WENONA DIRECTORY. 603.Lampson LaFayette, Jr., bds L. Lampson. Lampson John, carpenter, bds Grove House. Lamott Isaac D., lab, bds John Lamott. Lamott John, saloon and boarding-house, Linn, blk 17. 5. Langan George, carpenter and joiner, bds Shepard Williams. Langlois Louis, carpenter, bds C. Abbott. 3. Langmeyer Christian, tailor, n e cor Henry and Jane, res same. 6. Langsworth Louis, engineer, off s s Section Line road, nr Kawkawlin road. 7. Lank Charles, lab, bds American House. Lankey Felix (Lankey & Guindon), w s Linn, bet John and Jane. 5. Lankey & Guindon (Felix L., Magdile G.), general grocers, n s Midland, bet Litchfield and River. Lannon William, lab, bds American House. Lannery Michael, lab bds Toohey House. Lapointe George, carp, Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. Lapointe Nelson, lab, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 7. Only one Price at L. & H..Koch & Co's. Lapoint Thomas, lab, bds John Lamott. Laroche Alexander, Lafayette Hall, dealer in domestic wines and liquors, Midland. 2. Laughrey Michael, teamster, bds Toohey House. Laurin Antoine, engineer, n w cor Elizabeth and Litchfield. 2. Lawrason Thomas, scaler, bds Irwin House. Lanon Henry, teamster, bds Toohey House. Leitch Dougald M., clk Patrick Irwin. Lemey George, lab, bds Toohey House. Lemonade Thimothie, joiner,w s Carrie,bet Moore and Faxon. 2. Leonard Henry, teamster, e s corp. line, bet Jane and Jenny. 3. Lester Thomas G., capt barge " T. G. Lester," res n w cor Center and Moore. 2. Lewis Frederick, lab, bds H-. Minean, Lewis William H. (col'd), fireman, bds Andrew Bird. Linton John D., Singer Machine ag't, off Bay City, res s e cor Henry and Jenny. 5. Litchfield E. C., saw mill. Livermore, watchman, Arnold & Catlin. Lockwood Vernon, lab, bds J. Hunter. Logan James R., joiner, wks D. E. Thomas. Logan R., carp, bds Joseph Gilbert. 604: WENONA DIRECTORY. Loghry Joseph R., dealer in groceries and provisions, Linn, bds Rouech House. 2. Loose William, dealer in furniture, shop Midland, res Henry. 5. Loose Wmin., cabinet-maker, Midland, res e side Henry, bet John and Jane. 4. Loughray James, lab, res s side Thomas, bet Elk and corporation line. 7. Lowes Joseph, clk, Moots & Rupff. Lowes Joseph, lab, bds William Moots. Lusk David, capt scow, res n side Section Line road, near Centre. 4. Lusk Thomas, lab, bds American House. Lutheran Church, n w cor John and --, Rev. - -, pastor..Lutz Miss Maggie, wks Joseph Chonna. Lye Charles E., teamster, Arnold & Catlin. M. McAvvy Daniel, warehouseman, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Irwin House. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. McCarthey Thomas, keeper J., L. & S. R. R. tank, res off Midland. McCarthy Agnes, wks Gilson House. MKcCleod, John, lab, bds American House. McCormick John, lab, bds American House. McCrae John, lab, bds Toohey House. \McDonald Alex, ship lumberman, res w side William, bet Jane and Jenny. 4. _McDonald Alexander, lab, res n w cor Cornelia and Florence. 5. McDonald Angus, lab, bds American House. McDonald Angus, lab, res n side Jane, bet Raymond ave and Crapo. 7. McDonald Daniel, lab, bds American House. McDonald John, lab, bds American House. McDonald John, lab, bds Irwin House. McDonell Napoleon, lab, bds John Lamott. McDougall Stewart R., lab, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 7. McEahan John, lab, bds American House. McEwan Thomas, lab, bds Touscany House. McGill -, physician, bds Rouech House. McGinnis Finlay, lab, bds American House. WENONA DIRECTORY. 605 McGlinch James, lab, res e s Henry, bet Jenny and Thomas. 2. McGlinch John, lab, bds J. McGlinch. 2. McGuire Mathew, lab, bds American House. McIntyre Roderick, lab, bds American House. McIntyre Ronald, lab, bds American House. McKarney Thomas, lab, res s w cor Faxon and Cornelia. 6. McKay Angus, carpenter, res w s Cornelia, bet Union and Florence. 3. McKenzie Malcolm, night tel opr, M. C. R. R., bds I. Ringwood. McKenney John, lab, bds Touscany House. McKenzie Alexander, lab, bds Joseph Bowers. McKinnon John, lab, bds American House. McKirney P., sawyer, bds Irwin House. McKnight James A. (McKnight & Avery), res s w cor Midland and Raymond ave. 4. eMKNIGHT & AVERY (James A. McKnight and H. Avery), dealers in wines, liquors, cigars, etc., Linn, cor Johnson. See adv. McLauchlan Daniel, lab, bds Joseph Bowers. Kid Gloves at M. & H. Koch & Co's. McLaughlin Daniel, warehouseman, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Ontario House. McLean Charles, lab, bds American House. McLeod Daniel, lab, bds American House. McMahon John, lab, bds Toohey House. McManus Hugh, teamster, e side Henry, bet Jane and Jenny. 5. McMannus James, lab, res w s Kawkawlin road, nr Section Line road. 4. McMullen Daniel, printer, "Tribune," bds Rouech House, Wenona. McMullen Hugh A., lab, w s Cornelia, bet Moore and Elizabeth. 6. McMullen John S., carpenter, w s Linn, off Midland. McMullen Michael, carp, s s Jane, bet Linn and Maria. 8. McNeil J. R., clk, bds Rouech House. McNeil Neil, lab, bds American House. McNulty John, lab, bds American House. McPhilhps Patrick, cooper, H. W. Sage & Co., c s Linn, bet Thomas and corp. line. 2. McRae Alfred, lab, bds Toohey House. McRae Francis, lab, bds American House. McRae James, lab, bds Toohey House. 606 0WENONA DIRECTORY. McRane Thos. F., compositor, wks " Wenona Herald" office, bds Mrs. Russell. Mager Charles, tinsmith, wks Moots & Ruff. Magauson John, lab, bds Mrs. A. C. Johnson. Mangan Thomas, wood turner, e s river, bet Jane and John. 4. Marmix John, lab, e s Salzburg Plank road, nr s Section Line road. 2. Mamix Patrick, lab, e s Henry, bet Jenny and Thomas. 4. Manzer J. 0., filer, bds Irwin House. Marandeaux John, lab, bds John Lamott. Markham Henry, hotel, Linn, nr Midland. 7. Markle Mary, wks E. Carrington. Martin James, cooper, bds John Lamott. Martin Joseph, carpenter, res Bar w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 9. Mason John W., filer, e s Center, bet Florence and Union. 3. Matthes H., dealer in hats, caps, gloves, and ladies' fancy furs, etc., Midland. 3. Mead James H., (J. Mead's lumber yard), res s w cor Moore and Centre. 6. Meyers Frederick, lab, bds Gilson House. No BainteIring at Little Jake's. Middleton John, mason, bds A. Lauren. Middleton Joseph, engineer, res w s Cornelia, bet Union and Faxon. 6. Middleton Samuel, lab, bds, A. Laurin. Miller Charles H., lab, Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 3. Miller John, barber, wks Henry Sheff. Miller John, butcher, bds Irwin House. Miller Lester F., clk Albert Jeffery, res n w cor Midland and Raymond ave. 3. Milliner's shop, Midland, absent. Minahan Daniel, bar-tender, Toohey House, bds same. Minean Henry, lab, w s Dean, bet Thomas and Section Line road. 8. Mingault John B., lab, w s Carrie, bet Moore and Faxon. 8. Mingault Jules, lab, res w s Carrie, bet Moore and Faxon. 3. Mingo Joseph, lab, w s Carrie, bet Moore and Faxon. 2. Minton Thomas, lab Joseph Bowers. Milroy Thomas, lab, w s Salzburg plank road. 3. Mook Solomon, engineer and miller, res w s Salzburg plank road, near s Section Line road. Mook Solomon, engineer, w s Salzburg plank road. 5. WENONA DIRECTORY. 607 Moore Frank, planer, Arnold & Catlin, res n w cor Centre and Mason. 3. Moots & Rupff, dealers in hardware, iron, nails, glass, stoves, tinware, etc., cor Midland and Linn. Moots William (W. Moots, P. Rupff), res n w cor M idland and Chilson ave. 3. Moots William, dealer in hardware, iron, nails, etc., res Midland. 6. Moran Celestin, lab, bds Joseph Boismier. Moreau Jean, lab, bds T. Moreau. Morean Theodore, engineer, Bar, w s HIenry, bet Thomas and corporation line. 12. Morrell Miss Rosa, wks John Lamott. Morris J. L., teamster, res w s Dean, bet Jenny and Thomas. 5. Morrison James H., carpenter, e s River, bet John and Jane. 6. Moss Wm., wiper, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Mulhern Owen, bds Toohey House. Munshan W. H., barber, res Applin block, Midland. 3. Munshaw William H., joiner, wks Arnold & Catlin. AMurphy Miss Mary Ann, wks Toohey House. Mushizer Felix, barber, res e s Henry, bet Jenny and Jane. 3 M. & H. Roch & Co., the ione Price Clothiing House. AMyers Frank, lab, bds Toohey House. N. Naubauer Henry, lab, e s corp. line, bet Jane and Jenny. 4. Neal Joseph, book-keeper, E. C. Litchfield, bds J. Hunter. Neat Androe, painter, res w s Carrie, bet Elizabeth and Moore. 3. Numbers -, joiner, wks Arnold & Catlin. Ness Amos, engineer, res w s Kawkawlin road, bet Florence and Section Line road. 3. Nichols Alex, warehouseman, J., L. & S. R. I1., bds A. S. Nichols. Nichol George, shoemaker, wks Adolph Kusch. Nichols Alonzo S., station agent J., L. & S. R. R., res e s Crapo, bet John and Jane. 4. Nicholson John, lab, bds Touscany House. Niles Demarr, lumber inspector, res e s Sauble State road, nr South. 2. Niles Stephen M., builder, res n w cor Carrie and Union. 4. Nolan John, lab, res e s Litchfield, n Litchfield's mill. 6. Nolan Patrick, ]ab, bds American House. 608 WENONA DIRECTORY. Norby John, lab, Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 7. Norrington H. H., cashier, bds Ronech House. Northrup Burton, en gineer J., L. & S..R. R., bds Phelps House. Norton Charles, shipwright, bds J. Norton. Norton James, shipwright, res s e cor Johnson and Elk. 3. Norton James S., ship carpenter, res Alp. 7. Norton James S., ship carpenter, bds James Norton. Norton Wm., shipwright, bds J. Norton. Nye Edward, clerk, bds Irwin House. Nye Edwin E., freight clerk J., L. & Saginaw R. R., bds Irwin House. 0. Oakes E. W., log contractor, bds Rouech House. O'Hara Charles, warehouseman J., L. & S. R. R., res w s Crapo. O'Neil Patrick, bds American House. Ostrender John B., agent H. W. Sage & Co., res w s River, bet John and Jane. 4. Ostrender Mrs. -Mary F. (wid Charles), res s w cor John and Miurray. 5. interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Ostrander Mrs., tailoress, res Wenona. Otto Jacob, shoemaker, wks Adolph Knsch. P. Pajot John B., blacksmith, s w cor Midland and Center. 6. Pajot Joseph (J. & J. Pajot), res s w cor Midland. 6. Pajot J. & J. (John Pajot, Jos. Pajot), carriage makers and blacksmiths, w s Walnut, off Midland. Palmer R. C., shoemaker, wks James A. Sarles. Pangburn Myron, engineer, s s Sec. Line road, nr Kawkawlin road. 4, Parker Henry, mason, bds Toohey House. Parker James, supt Cincinnati mills, bds Rouech House. Parsonens Isaac L., lab, res e s Henry, bet Thomas and Jenny. 4. Parsons Harold, lab, res e s Catharine, bet Jenny and Thomas. 2. Patterson James, lab, n s Thomas, bet Elk and corp line. 4. Peak Frederick, joiner, wks Arnold & Catlin. Peck John, saloon keeper, e s Kawkawlin road, nr Sec. Line road. 2. Peotle William, lab, bds George W. Fox. Pectrell --, engineer Arnold & Catlin. WENONIA DIRECTORY. 609 Pengle Charles, wks Win. Loose, bds same. Pelton Platt, lab, res n w cor Cornelia and Moore. 4. Perkins Androe N., carp, bds Toohey House. Perkins W. E., lab, bds Irwin House. Perris Miss May, home with Alexander Laroche. Perry Frederick, lumberman, bds Irwin House. Personens Lewis W., clk. wks Joseph H. Logry. Peterson Andrew, lab, bds Touscany House. Pettit Miss Melissa, dressmaker, bds R. V. Stringer. Pfifer Jacob, joiner, wks Arnold & Catlin. Phelps E., watchman J., L. & S. R. R. depot, bds Phelps House. Phelps Perry A., propr Phelps House, w s River, bet Jane and Jenny. 3. Philipps George, farmer, res s w cor Jenny and Henry. 6. Pierce Benjamin F., gardener, res s w cor Sauble State road and South. 5. Pierce Charles M., boat builder, res s w cor South and Sauble State road. 7. Pierson Francis, clk, bds Rouech House. Plum John H. (Sage & Co.), merchant, res e s River, bet John and Jane. 5. Scarfs and Ties at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Plummer Abbott, foreman H. W. Sage & Co.'s mill, res n e cor River and Jane. 2. Poirier Pierre, lab, bds Louis Caron. Poreston Isaac, ship carpenter, res n s section line road, near Kawkawlin road. 6. Port Daven, sailor, res s w cor John and Crapo. 3. Port Neavell, lab, bds Daven Port. Potts James, engineer, bds George W. Fox. Potts William, engineer, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Powers Andrew, lab, res Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 7. Pratt E., wks E. C. Litchfield. Pratt Stephen (col), fireman, bds Andrew Bird. Pratte Hilaire, teamster, res w s Sauble State road, bet South. and Moore. 9. Preston Frank, carpenter, bds Irwin House. Puckley Henry, wks Winm. Loose. Puddy John, teamster, C. Wright, bds same. Pupibarned Charles, mason, bds Toohey House. Purdiss John, Jr., lab, bds J. Purdiss. Purdiss John, lab, res e s Salzburg plank road. 6. 77 610 WENONA_ DIRECTORY. Purdiss Thomas H., lab, bds J. Purdiss. Purkiss Winm., millwright, res w s Henry, bet Jane and John. 6. Q. Queen City Ice House, e s Litchfield, n Litchfield mill. Quimly W. J., foreman, bds Irwin House. Quinlon Patrick, lab, bds American House. R. Rae Thomas, lab, bds American House. Randall Isaac, physician (a), res w s River, bet John and Midland. 2. Rouech MI. A., prop Rouech House, cor Linn and John. 8. Ratelle Francois, actor, res n w cor Elizabeth and Chilson ave. 3. Ravenaugh Mrs. Rebecca (wid Samuel), e s Carrie, bet Elizabeth and Moore. 2. Ray John, clk, Thomas Hawkins. Raymond Louis, lab, bds A. Laurin. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Raymond Oscar, lab, bds A. Laurin. Reagan Annie, wks Grove House. Beardon Miss Catharine, bds American House. Reardon Patrick, prop American House, w s Henry, bet Jane and John. 5. Reese Andrew, wks E. C. Litchfield, bds John Nolan. Reese Charles S., bookkeeper H. W. Sage & Co., res o s River, bet Jane and John. 5. Reese John, brakeman, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Irwin House. Reed Winm., lab, res w s Sauble State road, nr R. R. track. 4. Renand Narcisse, joiner, res w s Center, bet Jenny and Thos. 3. Renand Nelson, joiner, wks Arnold & Catlin. Renslow Arthur, lab, bds Mrs. Lydie A. Greene. Renslow Gilbert B., lab, bds Mrs. Lydie Greene. Revenaugh Leander, carpenter, wks James S. Norton, res w s Elk, bet Johnson and Thomas. 2. Rich Charles S., clk, bds R. H. Rich. Rich Richard & Co. (Richard Rich), livery stable, w side Linn, bet Jane a'id John. Rich Richard H. (R. Rich & Co.), res ase cor Chilson avenue and Moore. 2. Richmond Edwin IH., painter, res e side Cornelia, bet Florence and Section. Line road. 3. WENONA DIRECTORY. 611 Richards Joseph, switchman, J. & L. R. R., bds Irwin House. Riley George, lab, bds Toohey House. Ringwood James, res w side Henry, bet John and Jane. 3. Ringwood & Wallbar, blacksmiths, shop Midland. Riopelle Charles, lab, res s side Section Line road, near Centre. 7. Riviere Francois J., lab, res w side Carrie, bet Florence and Union. 4. Rivers Nerree, teamster, res s e cor Carrie and Florence. 5. Rhead Charles, joiner, res w side Cornelia, bet Moore and Faxon. 2. Robins Henry, time-keeper, bds Irwin House. Robinson Henry, clk, bds Rouech House. Robinson William, lab, res w side William, bet Jane and Jenny. 4. Root Carlos E., agent, res s w cor Midland and Crapo. 2. Rose L. F., broker, bds Rouech House. Rosemond James, lab, bds G. Abbott. Ross John, lab, res e side Centre, bet Florence and Section Line road. 3. Rossman James, lab, wks Wenona plaster mill. 6. Koch & Co., enesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Rounds Charles W., foreman, Arnold & Catlin, res e side Centre, bet Faxon and Union. 4. Rounds Herbert J., carpenter and joiner, bds Charles W. Rounds. Routledge Peter, fireman, e s William, bet Jenny and Thomas. 12. Ruff Mary, wks William Moots. Ruff Paul, dealer in hardware, iron, nails, etc., bds William Moots. Rupff Paul (W. Moots and P. Rupff), bds William Moots. Rusho Geo., lab, Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 5. Rusho John,lab, Bar, w s Henry, bet Thomas and corp. line. 3. Russell Answorth T., carpenter, s w cor Jane and Henry. 8. Ryan James, lab, bds Toohey House. Ryan James H., lab, bds H. Wells. 3. Ryan Patrick, lab, bds Toohey House. S.:Sage Dean (H. W. Sage & Co.), Brooklyn, N. Y. Sage Henry W. (H. W. Sage & Co.), Brooklyn, N. Y. Sage H. W. & Co. (Henry W. Sage, D. Sage), lumbermen and mill owners, Water, bet R. R. depot and Midland. 612o WENONA DIRECTORY. Sage & Co. (H. W. Sage, D. Sage), store cor Midland and Water. Sampson Lafayette, teamster, e s Cornelia, bet Florence and Section Line road. 2. Sarles James A., shoemaker, bds Irwin House. Scheppe John, carpenter, bds J. Hunter. Scott Frank, school teacher, bds S. Corbon. Schwarz Jos., saloon-keeper, w s River, bet Jane and Jenny. 4. Selbey Wm., teamster, e s Hamilton, bet Maple and South. 2. Sellersey Alfred, lab, bds Toohey House. Shandrew Solomon, wks Arnold & Catlin, bds Michael Green. 2.. Sheley Jacob, farmer, res e s Center, bet Union and Faxon. 2. Sheff Henry, barber, shop and res Linn, nr Midland. 1. Shepherd Christopher, plasterer, wks James S. Noxton. Shepherd Theodore F., att'y, res w s Linn, n Thomas. 4. Shepard William, carpenter, res e Midland, bet Compo and Raymond ave. 4. Sherwood John, lumber inspector, res w s Dean, bet Jenny and Thomas. 3. Shoup Aaron, lab, bds C. Shoup's. Shoup Conrad, lab, res w s Cornelia, bet Faxon and Union. 4. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. Sieras Miss Clara, bds D. G. Arnold. Siawber Christian, plasterer, res n e cor Jenny and corp.. line. 3. Simpkins Henry, lab, res s e cor Chilson ave and Union. 3. Simpkins James, blacksmith, bds J. Purdiss. Simpkins William, lab, bds J. Hunter. Sleeman William A., blacksmith, res w s River, bet Jane and Jenny. 3. Smith Calvin E., check clerk J., L. & S. R. R., res e sHenry. 3. Smith Edgar, res w s William, bet Jane and Jenny. Smith Mrs. Genevieve (wid Louis), res n w cor Elizabeth and Chilson ave. Smith George H., carpenter, bds Irwin H-ouse. Smith John, lab, bds American House. Smith Timothy, lab, bds Irwin House. Smith William H., carpenter, res w s Dean, bet Jenny and Thomas. 3. Smith Wm. P., carpenter, res e s Carrie, bet Florence and Sec. Line road. 6. Smiths & Beard (Geo. B. Smiths, George A. Beard), prop Wenona Plaster Mills, e s J., L. & S. railroad track, nr s Sec. Line road. WENONA DIRECTORY. 613 Smiths George B., (Smiths & Beard), res Detroit, Mich. Smitherman James, fireman J., L. & S. railroad, bds Phelps House. Snye Israel, lab, e s Murray, bet Jane and John. 3. Solomon Isaac, lab, bds Toohey House. Soveraan Albert, A. D., wks Wm. Swart. Stannard Win., lab, e s Chilson ave, bet ITnion and Faxon. 6. Steele Charles, glazier, bds N. Jones. Stewart John, engineer, bds Joseph Gilbert. Stewart J. P., engineer, bds Gilson House. Stevens David, sawyer, e s Henry, bet Jenny and Thomas. 4. Stinson James, wks J., L. & S. railroad blacksmith shop, bds John Porteous. St. Jean Camille, lab, bds Mrs. St. Jean. St. Jean Joseph, lab, bds Mrs. St. Jean. St. Jean, Mrs. Adelaide (wid), res w s Catharine, bet Jenny and Jane. 4. Stoat Silas, grocer, store Linn, res Midland. 4. Storf C., foreman Cincinnati mills, bds iRonech House. St. Peter Lewis, wks Henry Markham. Stringer Robert, carp, e s Carrie, bet Elizabeth and uMoore. 3. Silk Wrappers and Drawers at I. & H. Koch & Co's. Stringer Wallace, clk, wks George Allen. Stringer Robert, joiner, wks Arnold & Catlin. Strong Charles, carpenter, bds Irwin House. Sullivan Daniel, blacksmith, bds American House. Sutherland Alexander, gardener, res n e cor E. B. Dennison's vegetable garden, n s Midland. Sutherland John, joiner, res off s s section line road, nr Kawkawlin road. 4. Swart Stephen, jeweller, Linn, res e s Cornelia, bet Moore and Elizabeth. 3. Swart William, druggist, cor John and Linn. 2. Swarthouse Charles N., engineer, bds Toohey House. Sweeney Mrs. Margaret (wid John S.), res n w cor Midland and Raymond ave. 5. T. Taft Lucinda, wks Richard A. HIanscom. Tanner Martin K., carpenter, wks Wenona plaster mill, bds G. Abbott. Taylor Charles, tel opr, bds Joseph Gilbert. Taylor John S., president Wenona Bank, res Midland. 614 WEXON.A- DIRECTORY. Taylor Wm. B., elk, bds John S. Taylor. TerBust Mrs. Alexander (wid), res s w cor Elizabeth and Cornelia. 4. Thomas James E., contractor, shop s s Jenny, bet Linn and Maria, office Camnpbell blk, Midland, res e s Catharine, bet John and Jane. 5. Thompson Augustus, gardener, s s Sec. Line road, nr Centre. 4. Thompson Frank C., bds A. Thompson. Thompson Henry (col), sailor, bds E. Hill. 2. Thompson Henry C., appr civil engineer, bds A. Thompson. Thorpey Miss Margaret, wks Toohey House. Thorpey Miss Mary Ann, wks Toohey House. Thorp Mrs. Winm. H., boarding house, n e cor Carrie and Elizabeth. 3. Tibbitts Charles, clk, wks William Irwin. Tibbits Winm., machinist, res e s Henry, bet Thomas and corporation line. 3. Tipton T. P., carpenter, bds Rouech. Tolfree John, bar-tender, Phelps House, bds same. Toohey C., roadmaster, northern division J., L. & S.R. R., bds Irwin House. Patronize the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Toohey John, teamster, res e s Henry, bet Jane and Jenny. 2. Toobey Thomas, proprietor Toohey House, n e cor Henry and John. 2. Toscany Lawrence (Toscany House), res w side River, bet Jane and Jenn y. 4. Tozar Wim. J., supt H. W. Sage & Co.'s mill, w s River, bet John and Jane. 4. Tracy Frank, groom, Toohey House, bds same. Tracy Michael, lab, bds Toohey House. Travers John, clerk, John Davis. Traverse John T., clerk, res w s Linn, N. Thomas. 5. Traverse -, grocer, s e cor Midland and Linn, res n e cor James and Henry. 2. Trepler John, harness-maker, wks Adolph Kuch. Trevis Ira C., dealer in groceries, provisions, etc., res cor Jenny and Henry. 2. Trevis & Babo (I. C. Trevis and Charles Babo), dealers in groceries, provisions, glassware, crockery, etc, store eor Midland and Linn. Turner Androe, engineer, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Philips House.. Tweed William, lab, bds Answorth T. Russell. Twohey C., roadmaster, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Irwin House. WENONA DIRECTORY. 615 Valiere C., wks E. C. Litchfield, bds J. Hunter. Vanalstine George, butcher. Vanalstine Geo. J., jobber, res e s Carrie, bet Elizabeth and Moore. 4. Vanalstine H., butcher, bds Rouech House. Vanalstine John, lab, res w s Cornelia, bet Moore and Faxon. 3. Vanalstine Peter, ship carpenter, n s Section Line roa-, near Kawkawlin road. 4. Vanalstine & Bros., butchers shop cor AMidland and Linn. Van Vlit Martin, lab, bds A. Laurin. Vadder W. J., lumber inspector, bds lRouech House. Vedder & Co., (Win. W. Vedder - ) chemists and drugists, w s Midland, bet Maria and Litchfield. Vedder Win. W., (Vedder & Co.), bds Ronech House. Venlew Evender, lab, res s e cor River and John. 4. Vezina Alfred, lab, w s Kawkawlin road, near J. L. & S. R. R. track. 3. Voorhees Hurlburt, res n s Section Line road, cor Carrie. Goods Marked in Plain Figures at M[. & H. Koch & Co's. W. Walker George, lab, bds Toohey House. Walker John, mill-wright, bds Irwin House. Walker John, carpenter, s w cor Linn and Jennie. 2. Walker Mrs. Susan, home with William E. Boyce. Wall Bar Frederick, blacksmith, res Midland. Wallace Frank, lab, w s Centre, bet Section Line road and Florence. 5. Walsh Catharine, wks John Peck. Walsh Mary Ann, wks William Green. Walson Miss -, wks Stephen Swart. Ward James, bar-tender, bds Irwin House. Ward James, wks Wilson O'Craft. Ward Luonren, carriage maker, s w cor Jane and River. 5. Ward Win. J., publisher and editor of " Wenona Herald," Aplin Block, s s Midland st., res Carrie, bet Elizabeth and Monroe. 5. Warfield Horace P., foreman H. -. Sage & Co., bds Chas. W. Rounds. Warner Joseph, lab, wks E. C. Litchfield, corp. line. 4. 'Warner O., w ks E. C. Litchfield. -16 WENONAn DIRECTORY. Washington James, cooper, bds Phelps House. Watkins -, carpenter, s s Section Line road, near Kawkawlin road. 3. Watt Alexander, lab, res w s William, bet Jane and Jenny. 6. Weatherly Miss Electa, bds T. G. Lester. Weatherwax Issacher, engineer, Litchfield's mill, res e of J., L. & S. R. R., nr R. R. bridge. 3. Weatherwax I. H., engineer, E. C. Litchfield. Weaver Joseph R., baggagemaster, J., L. & S. R. R., res n w cor Linn and. 4. Weber Henry W., tinsmith, wks Moots & Rupff. Weber Jacob, clk, Moots & Rupff, bds Joseph Gillert. "Webster Steward, mate, e s Carrie, bet Florence and Section Line road. 2. Weed Clarence, wks IR. M. Cressey. IWells George M., lab, bds H. Wells. Wells Hen ry, lab. "Welch James, lab, bds American House. 2Velsh Smith, sawyer, w s Water, bet. John and Jane. 6. West Edward Freeman, bds George W. Fox. Wexler George, wagon maker, wks Ringwood & Wallbar. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Wexler Mathew, carriage-maker, e s corp. line. 4. Wheeler Shaperd, joiner, res e side Walnut off Mlidland. 4. Wherry Harrison, shipwright, w s Kawkawlin road, nr J., L. & S. R. R. 5. Wherry Winm., lab, w s Kawkawlin road, nr J., L. & S. R. R. White George, lumberman, bds Irwin House. Whitman Alfred, painter, w s Salzburg Plank road. 2. W hitmore George R., principal Wenona graded school, res w s Henry, bet Midland and John (Catharine, bet Jane and John). 4. Whitmeyer John, engineer, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Whittaker Thomas, blacksmith, w s Kawkawlin road, nr Section Line road. 5. Wiert Christopher, baker, wks Joseph Chonna. Wilcox Harvey, millwright, bds Mrs. Phylinda Chambers. 2. Wilcox John, lab, res w side Sauble State road, bet South and Moore. 7. Wilcox J., sawyer, E. C. Litchfield. Wildee Irving, brakeman, J., L. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Wildman Robt., boiler-maker, res w side William, bet Jenny and Thomas. 3. WENON-A DIRECTORYT 617 Wiley Jacob N., foreman, H. W. Sage & Co.'s stables, res n w cor Jane and Murray. 12. Williams A. J., foreman., Hitchcock's shipyard, bds Gilson House. Williams George, conductor. J., L. & S. R. 11R., bds Phelps House. Williams Henry, lab, J., L. & S. & S. R. R., bds Phelps House. Williams John J., carpenter, bds Toohey House. Williams Spencer C., millwright, bds G. Abbott. 2. Willis Henry, mason, res w side Cornelia, bet Moore and Faxon. 4. Williston Ashtou, foreman, H1. W. Sage & Co., bds Carlos E. Root. Williston Benjamin, lab, bds Carlos E. Root. Willson William R., book-beeper, A. T. Bliss & Bro, res n s Midland street, Wenona. 2. Wilson James, lab, bds Touscany House. Wilson Robert, lab, bds Toohey House. Winkler Caroline, tailoress, wks Justus Hackerman. Wise Daniel, carpenter, bds Phelps House. Wise Wmn., carpenter, bds Phelps House. Lumbermen's Supplies at NI. & H. Koch & Co's. Woddon, Miss Carrie, bds George W. Whitemore. Wolf George, lab, bds J. Hunter. Wolfe Francis, lab, bds Toohey House. Wolfe J., wks E. C. Litchfield, bds J. Hunter. Wood George, wks E. E. Litchfield, bds J. Hunter. Wood Frank, mason, bds Toohey House. Woodard Thomas (col), fireman, bds Andrew Bird. Worth George, lab, bds Toohey House. Wright Charles, Gardener, res w side Midland, opp Elk. 4. Wright John D., millwright, res w side WlNater, bet John and Jane. 7. Y. Young David, manager, H. W. Sage's salt block, res w s Water, bet John and Jane. 2. Young George, foreman, J., L. & S. R. R. yard, bds Phelps Hon se. !~ ~' ' BROWN'S DIRECTORY CARROLLTON. INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. STREETS IN CARROLLTON. Adams, Carrollton ave., Clarke,. F. & P. M. R. R.. First, Grant, Hickory, Jefferson, Jackson, J., L. & S. R. R., Lincoln, Monroe, Madison, Maple, Orange Co. street,. Second, Sherman, Washington, Water, Walnut, Zilwaukee road. CARROLLTON. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. President-James Ure. Trustees-William Bierd, James Crawford, Patrick Daugherty, Thomas J. O'Flanigau, Eugene T. Smith, Charles C_ Withey. Clerk-Charles F. Bunton. Marshal-James M. Shepherd. 620 CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. COMMITTEES. Finance-Smith, O'Flanigan, and Withey. Streets-O'Flanigan, Crawford, and Bierd. Claims-Smith, Bierd, and Withey. Police-Crawford, Daugherty, and Withey. Nuisance-Daugherty, Crawford, and O'Flanigan. Treasurer--Eugene T. Smith. Assessors-Wmn. Bierd and James Atwill. Street Commissioners-J. Atwill, W. Fliteroft. Assistant Marshal--Eugene T. Smith. Pound Master-William Cox. MI SCELLANEOUS. There is a Methodist Episcopal organization here, who hold service at the usual hours,-building corner Carrollton ave. and Hickory, opposite new city hall,-Rev. James Riley, pastor. The Baptist denomination hold occasional service in the school house, Maple street, near Washington. A new town hall, 25 x 58, on Carrollton Ave., corner Hickory street, has just been completed. In it the village officers meet, and the quarters for a good fire department. " Pioneer" fire hand-engine No. 1, and a hook and ladder company. Each company has about 40 members-G. E. Dutton, foreman. The school is a graded one, with three teachers, and abolit 140 pupils. A note was made of one house found family absent, one new, and five vacant buildings. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. A. Abair Antony, grocer, w s Carrollton ave, n s Litchfield's mill, res same. 9. Abair Mark, carpenter, bet Maple and Walnut, res w s Carrollton ave. 6. Abbs John, foreman, res w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Zilwaukee road. 11. Abbs Robert J., clerk, C. S. Dutton, bds John Abbs. Allbright Christian, lab, res near Callam's mill. 2. Allbright Charles, lab, bds Christian Allbright. Allbright Harrison B., edger, Tilden & Sackett, res w s Carrollton ave, near Maple. 2. Allen Hellen, -, bds H. Harringer. Amrein Henry, lab, res w s Carrollton ave. 3. Arthur John, wks E. F. Gould. Atkinson Robert, fireman, Bliss & Bro.'s mill, res s w a Bliss' mill. 2. Atwill Mrs. Agnes R. (wid Samuel), c s aMadison, bet.M1aple and Walnut. 2. Atwill James, propr Atwill House, s e cor Maple and Carrollton ave. Call for new proprietor's name. Aurence Philip, setter, Ballentine's mill, bds Charles E. Goodman. B. Bager John, lab, res w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Walnut. S. Bager John, lab, res e s Washington, bet Hickory and Maple. 2. Barnes John, carpenter, res n s Sheridan, bet Madison and Jackson. 4. Barnes William A., sawyer, res s s Sherman, bet Madison and Washington. 2. Barrenger James, foreman, Mershon's mill, res e s Carrollton ave. 3. 622 CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. Barringer H., wks Tilden & Sackett, res e s Zilwaukee road. 3. Barry John, Sr., aged, res e s Carrollton, Barry John, Jr., lab, bds J. Barry, Sr. Barry Patrick, lab, bds J. Barry. Barry Richard, bds White Oak House. Beard Archibald, wks D. Stewart. Beard Charles, wks D. Stewart. Beard David, cooper F. G. Gould, bds Mead, Zilwaukee Road. Beard Richard, wks D. Stewart. Beard Wm., wks Salt blk, res n s Grant. Behler George, cooper, res township Carrollton. 4. Beehler G. H., wks Tilden & Sackett. Bell Miss May Jane, bds William Losey. Bennett Reuben, wks E. F. Gould, res township of Carrollton. 7. Bennett Young, wks E. F. Gould. Berry John, wks E. F. Gould, bds C. H. Cross. Best James, lab, s s Sherman. 7. Bierd Archibald, lab, res n s Hickory, bet Carollton ave and Washington. 5. Bierd David, lab, res w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Zilwaukee Road. 4. No BanteringE at Little Jake's. Bierd Joseph, home with Joseph Bierd. Bierd Joseph, sawyer, res e s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Zilwaukee Road. 4. Biggam Ezra R., sawyer, res e s Zilwaukee Road, n Gould's mill. 5. Bingham A., wks T. Jerome & Co. Bingham I., wks T. Jerome & Co. Birtch Miss Catharine, home with Andrew Willey. Bissell A. G. & Co. (Albert G. Bissell, Augustus H. Mershon), planing mill and box factory, w s Carrollton ave, nr F. & P. I. R. Bissell Jerome, lab, bds G. Cassidy. Boirs Peter, lab, res w s Carrollton ave, nr Maple. 5. Bonchard Camille, wks D. Stewart. Bonehaff F., wks Tilden & Sackett. Borchers Henry, lab, res w s J., L. & S. R. R. 6. Borchers Peter, lab, res w s J., L. & S. R. R. 6. Borgess Kenneth, wks E. F. Gould. Borgess Peter, wks E. F. Gould. Bouch Theodore, wks Tilden & Sackett. Bowen A. M., wks T. Jerome & Co. Brahmer Fritz, mill hand, res s s Grant. 6. CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. 623 Brahmer Henry, mill hand, res s s Grand. 5. Brandimore Edward, lab, res s s German Colony road. 5. Brasch Carl, res s s Grant. 2. Brasch Frederick, home with Carl JBrasch. Brennan Mrs. Mary (wid Michael), res e s Wash'n, bet Hickory and Maple. 2. BRICAULT FERDINANID', blacksmith and wagon-maker, e s Carrollton, cor Walnut, res same. 4. Brown James, sailor, Grant & Co., res East Saginaw. Brown John, sawyer, Grant & Saylor, res n s Sherman, bet Madison and Washington. 4. Bruce Christian, lab, s s Sherman, bet Jackson and Monroe. 4. Brundage Samuel L., millwright, res w s Carrollton ave, near Zilwaukee road. S. Brynemore E., wks T. Jerome & Co. Buchler George, cooper, res German Colony road. Bunton Charles F., carpenter, res w s Washington, bet Maple and Hickory. 9. Bunton Edward, sailor, res e s Washington, bet Maple and Hickory. 5. Burnette John, lab, bds Ottawa House. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Burke Honora, wks T. I. O'Flanagan. Burns Michael, lab, bds AM. Senett. Burr Erastus, engineer, res with I. Pollis. Bush John, lab, bds John Wood. Bushon Cameil, lab, res w s Carrollton ave, near Zilwaukee road. 3. Bushor Clafour, lab, bds IH. Edmond. Bushor David, lab, bds AMfark Abair. Bulger John, wks Tilden & Sackett. Byrne Anthony, grocer, w s Carrollton ave, ni of Maple, res same, 3. Byrne Joseph, bds Carrollton House. C. Cachraa Alexandre, lab, bds Wm. Taylor. Cady Patrick, bds White Oak House. Callam Charles, foreman Callam's mill, bds Wm. Taylor. Callam William, saw mill, res n end n Water, Carrollton, Cannelle Jeddick, plasterer, bds J. Dagenais. Canrean George, wks D. Stewart. Carl A., wks Tilden & Sackett. Carle Peter, bds White Oak House. 624: C2($ARROLLTO~N DIRECTORY. Carmel Eugene, lab, res w s Carrollton ave. 4. Caron Joseph, lab, res s s German Colony road. 8. Carroll Mathew, lab, bds Samuel L. Brunclage. Carter O. E., book-keeper Litchfield's mill, bds W. J. Cunning ham. Cassidy George, lab, res w s Zilwaukee road. 4. Cheesbro John, lab, res s s Sherman, e of Monroe. 5. Choss Q., wks T. Jerome & Co. Christopher James, lab, bds, Carrollton House. Christopher Michael, lab, bds Carrollton House. Clark Newton, lab, bds Joseph Bierd. Clayton Robert, wks D. Stewart. Clements John, lab, res twp Carrollton. 3. Cleveland Luther, lab, res, w s Monroe. 4. Clinton Robert, teamster, res w s Carrollton ave, nr Zilwaukee road. 5. Cole Ezam, sawyer Collam's mill, res nr mill. Collison Charles, foreman Jerome's mill, res e s Carrollton. ave. 6. Collison Edward, engineer, res w s Zilwaukee road, n s Gotuld's mill. 4. Little Jake & Co. Underseln Everybody. Collison Fred., wks T. Jerome & Co. Collison William, engineer E. F. Gould's mill, res w s J., L & S. 1R. R., near Mershon's mill. 2. Conmartin Charles, lab, bds P. Langevin. Conway M., wks Tilden & Sackett. Cook Frederick, lab, res n s Sherman, bet Jackson and Monroe. 5. Cooper Erwin, farmer, res n e cor Washington and Walnut. 2 Corbin Byron B., foreman cooper, Grant & Saylor, res s w cor Sherman and Carrollton ave. 2. Cox William, salt packer, res e s Washington, nr Walnut. 11. Crawford James, carp, res w s Washington, bet Maple and Walnut. 4. Cross Calvin H, farmer, res e of Carrollton ave. 6. Cubett Wm., fireman, res e s Zilwaukee road, n Gould's mill. 3. Cunningham Wm. J., sawyer, res e s Carrollton ave. 3. Cushinaw J., wks Tilden & Sackett. D. Dagenais Francois, cooper, res w s Water, near. 4. Dagenais John, cooper, res w s Water, near Maple. 4. Daignault Antoine, lab, res e s Carrollton ave. 3. CAR1ROLLTON DIrECTORY. 625 Daignault Edouard, wks Sailor, Grant & Co., res ss Maple, near J., L. & S. depot. 8. Daigneault George, wks Sailor, Grant & Co., bds E. Daignault. Daily Miss Frances, home with Michael Hagarty. Danforth Mathew C., cooper, res w s Zilwaukee road, near Gould's mill. 3. Daoust Maxile, lab, bds C. Demers. Davis Orson C., -, bds H. Barringer. Davis Thos., lab, res n s Sheridan, bet Madison and Jackson. 5. Davison Jerome, cooper, bds B. B. Corbin. Daynrod W., wks Tilden & Sackett. Demers Charles, lab, res w s Carrollton ave. 4. DEOREST EZRA J., Principal Carrollton Graded School, bds Chas. Goodman. Dennin Patrick, bds White Oak House. Deno Antony, lab, res s w cor Washington and Walnut. 3. Derome George, lab, bds P. Hebert. Derr John Wmin., boom hand, res n s Grant. 3. Dettman John, lab, bds C. Allbright. Devany Patrick, salt-packer, res w s Washington, bet Maple and Hickory. 5. ]Lowest FPrices at I. & H. Koch & Co's. Doe Michael, wks Tilden & Sackett. Doherty Patrick, lab, res s s Sherman, bet Jackson and Monroe. 3. Doran Peter, wks E. F. Gould, res w s J., L. & S. R. R. 4. Dorsey Cornelius, bds White Oak House. Doyle Michael, bds White Oak House. Doyle Patrick J., lab, res e s Wash'n, s s Maple. 10. Dreaher Otto, wks Tilden & Sackett. Dulude Jean Bte, cooper, bds P. Dulude. Dulude Paul, cooper, res w s Carrollton ave. 5. Dumas Charles, wks Tilden & Sackett, res n e cor Walnut and Jefferson. 3. DUTTON C. S. & Co. (Chauncey S. & George E. Dutton), groceries, provisions, mdse, etc., w s Carrollton ave. Dutton Chauncey S. (C. S. Dutton & Co.), res n Cass, E. Sag. Dutton George E. (C. S. Dutton & Co.), bds Chas. I. Goodman. Dutton George E. (Dutton & Co.), res w s Carrollton ave, nr Maple. Dwyer Chas., lab, res e s Carrollton ave, nr Zilwaukee road. 7. Dye Willard 0., farmer, res Carrollton ave, nr cor Grant. 4. Dygert John, sawyer, res s s German Colony road. 2. 79 626 CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. Dygert Ruphus, sawyer, T. Jerome' & Co., res e s Zilwaukee road, n Gould's mill. 4. E. Eagan Miss Agnes, home with Ezra R. Biggain. Eckert F., wks Tilden & Sackett. Eckert John, lab, res n s German colony road. 2. Edmond Henry, lab, res e s Carrollton ave, n of. Maple. 3. Eldredge Wm., lab, res w s Carrollton ave. 3. Emalall Abram, lab, res w s Zilwaukee road and F. & P. M. 6. Emo John, engineer, res e side Carrollton ave. 3. Engine House, Pioneer No. 1, w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Zilwaukee road. Engle J., wks Tilden & Sackett. F. Fafart Louis, lab, bdsP. Hebert. Fays Peter, wks E. F. Gould. Fearke John, lab, bds C. Albright. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Fearke Louis, lab, bds C. Allbright. Filiatreault Joseph, lab, res n side -. 2. Finn Joseph, cooper, bds M. Senett. Fisher George, lab, bds Charles J. Rouche. Flengal John, bds John Witz. Flitcroft Thomas, fireman, T. Saylor & Co., res s w cor Carrollton ave and Grant. 3. Flitcroft William, mason, res w s Carrollton ave, n of Maple. 6. Foley John, cooper, bds Joseph Stickney. Forbes George F., book-keeper, G. D. Gould, res Madison, or bds P. Morgan. 2. Fortier Victor, carpenter, res w s Carrollton ave. 2. Fournier P., wks Tilden & Sackett. Fowlus Isaac, carpenter, bds John Witz. 9. Frank Berney, bds White Oak House. Frezette L., wks Tilden & Sackett. G. Gaffney Patrick, foreman T. Jerome & Co., salt block, res w s Carrollton ave. 3. Garant Francois, lab, res e s Carrollton ave. 3. Garrett William, cooper, res s e cor Maple and Washington. 3. CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. 627. Gaygor John, Sr., wks E. F. Gould. Gaygor John, Jr., wks E. F. Gould. Geno Christopher, wks E. F. Gould. Geno George, wks E. F. Gould. Geno John, wks E. F. Gould. Geno Winm., wks E. F. Gould. Gensiver Leonard E., cooper, res w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Zilwaukee road. 4. Gerow Walter, lab, res twp Carrollton. 3. Geweniger Louis, wks and bds C. Perry. Gilmore George, lab, bcls Mark Abair. Gilmore Wm., lab, bds Mark Abair. Glick Adam, wks Tilden & Sackett. Goodman Charles E., clk C. S. Dutton, res w s Carrollton ave. 3. Goodman John, wks Tilden & Sackett. Gould & Co. (Erastus F. Gould, ), ship builders, yard e s Carrollton ave, office same. Gould Erastus F. (Gould & Co.), manuf'rs of lumber, office e s Carrollton ave, mill same, res Saginaw City, Mich. Only one Price at MT. & H. Koch & Co's. GOULD GARDINER D., clothing, boots and shoes, dry goods, crockery and glassware, drugs and m'edicines, Yankee notions, e s Carrollton ave, opp E. F. Gould's mill, res same. 4. Grafe John, wks E. F. Gould, res w s J., L. & S. R. R. 4. G-refe John, wks E. F. Gould. Grant Charles, supt Saylor, Grant & Co.'s mill, bds James Best. Green Frank, lab, bds G. Cassidy. Griffin Bartholomew, engineer, res w s Carrollton ave, n of Maple. 5. Grigware Edward, Homeward Bound Saloon, w s Carrollton ave, res w a Carrollton ave, nr Gould's mill. 7. Grigware James, shoemaker, E. Grigware, res w s Carrollton ave, nr F. & P. M. crossing. Groten John, wks Tilden & Sackett. Groovant Adelbert, bds H. Baringer. Guenard Antoine, jobber, res w s Carrollton ave. Guenard France, jobber, res w s Carrollton ave. 2. Guiley Henry F., lab, bds John Witz. Guster John, sawyer, res e s Carrollton ave. 2. Gunsolley James, engineer, res e s Zilwaukee road, n F. & P. M. R.R. R3. Gunsolly James, engineer, E. F. Gould. 628 CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. H. Hagarty Michael, foreman Gould's mill, res w s Zilwaukee road, nr Gould's mill. 7. Hagerty Michael, supt Gould & Co., res w s Carrollton ave. 7. Hagerty Daniel, bds White Oak House. Hall Joseph, lab, res s s Sherman, w of Monroe. Harding -, captain steam barge -, res n s Maple. 2. Harris Miss Elizabeth M., home with Miss Julia Harris. Harris Mrs. Julia (wid Martin Harris), res w s Carrollton ave, near Maple. 2. Hayes Mathew, lab, bds Joseph Stickney. Hazelton Mary, wks G. Cassidy. Hebert Frederick, lab, bds P. Hebert. Hebert Pierre, lab, w s Maple. 5. Hege George M. C., lab, res s s Sherman, bet Madison and Washington. 9. Hege Thos., lab, res s s Sherman, bet Madison and Wash'n. 5. Heuths August, lab, res w s J., L. & S. R. R. 2. Hitchcock Henry, lab, bds G. Cassidy. Hagan John, bds White Oak House. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Horton James E., lab, res e s Zilwaukee road, n of F. & P. M. R. R. 4. Horton John, lab, res w s Zilwaukee road, n F. & P. M. R. R. 6. Horton John R., sawyer, E. F. Gould. Hotte Barney, wks E. F. Gould. House J., wks T. Jerome & Co. Hughes Richard, cooper, bds Joseph Stickney. Hunt Isaac, carpenter, and wife, bd William Garrett. 3. I. Ives Amos J., lab, res w s Carrollton ave, nr Litchfield's mill. 4. J. Jacobs Henry, lab, bds Samuel L. Brundage. Jacobs Joseph, lab, bds Samuel L. Brundage. Jerome T. & Co. (Timothy Jerome, J. Elisha Winder, & James Jerome), saw mill, Salt blk,e s Carrollton ave. J., L. & S. railroad crossing, Herbert Sherman, station master, and F. & P. M. railroad tel operator. Judson Joseph, lab, bds Chas. Wesson. 2. CA RROLLTON DIRECTORY. 629 K. Kalnschmidt Chas., lab, bds W. Spiggeman. Keam Winm., wks E. F. Gould. Kelleher Eugene, wks E. F. Gould. Kelleher E., wks T. Jerome & Co. Kelleher John, wks E. F. Gould. Kelleher Thomas, lab, res w s Zilwaukee Road. 9. Kelleher Thomas, wks E. F. Gould. Kelley Robert, lab, bds Mrs. M. J. Mead. Kelly Patrick, bds White Oak House. Kennedy Michael J., wks D. Stewart. Kennedy M. L., teamster, res w s Carrollton ave, n of Maple. 4. Keneel Laurence, lab, res e s Washington nr Maple. 8. Kenzie S., wks T. Jerome & Co. Kerr Robert, foreman Ballentine's saw mill, res e s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Hickory. 6. Kiddle C., wks T. Jerome & Co. King Lewis, wks E. F. Gould. Kramer Mrs. Elizabeth (wicd Peter Kramer), res w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Zilwaukee road. 2. Fine Custom Work at I3. & H. KIoch & Co's. Kittle John, sailor, res w s Carrollton ave, near Zilwaukee road. 2. L. Lacy Win., millwright, E. F. Gould. Ladusa J., wks Tilden & Sackett. Lamore Lewis, wks Tilden & Sackett. Landry Frederick, wks E. F. Gould. Langevin Jean Bte, wks D. Stewart. Langevin Paul, lab, res s side Maple. i5. Langevin Pierre, lab, res w side Monroe. 8. Laphnay Benjamin, wks T. Saylor & Co., bds MI. Senett. Lansberry W., wks Tilden & Sackett. Laundrush Leander, lab, bds Mark Abair. Leclair Paul, lab, bds Mrs. M. J. Meade. Lemmar Michael, wks E. F. Gould, bds M. J. Mfeade. Lendzeen E., bds White Oak House. Leonard Frederick, wks E. F. Gould, bds Mrs. M. J. Meade. Levene John, cooper, res w s Carrolltoin ave, bet Maple and Walnut. 4. Lewis David, foreman, Empire Salt Works, res e side Carrollton ave. 7. 630 CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. Likens A. J., cooper, wks Tilden & Sackett, bds G. Cassidy. Lincoln Ira B., wks Tilden & Sackett. Lincoln Oscar S., saloon and boarding-house, w s Carrollton ave., near Maple. 2. Lingerland Erancis, lab, res e s Washington, s s Maple. 4. Litchfield Elisha C., saw mill and salt works, e s Carrollton. ave, E. H. Scott, agt. Longtin Amable, lab, home with G. Rakepaus. Longuy John, lab, res s side Maple. 7. Lonsbery John W., cooper, bds George Cassidy. Lonsbery Michael, cooper, res German Colony road. Losey Miss Elizabeth, bds William Losey. Losey William, carpenter, res w s Zilwaukee road, n F. & P. M. R.R. 5. Lyons Wm., foreman Litchfield's mill, res n s Maple. nr Carrollton. 7. M. McDermott Miss Ella, wks C. E. Goodman. McCarthy Charles, lab, res s s German Colony road. 9. McCarthy S., wks Tilden & Sackett. No Bantering a Little Jake's. McDonaldc-, lab, bds Mrs. M. J. Meade. McDonell Alexander B., lab, res s s Sherman, bet Madison and Washington. 6. McGlone -, cooper, bds Mrs. M. J. Meade. McGlon William C., cooper F. G. Gould, bds Mrs. Meade. McGinnis Mrs. Margaret H. (wid John McGinnis), Eagle Saloon, w s Carrollton are, nr Maple. 4 McIntyre Miss Catharine, wks Augustine H. Mershon. McKay John G., circular sawyer E. F. Gould. McKay John, farmer, res w s Maple. 3. McKnight John M.,book-keeper Chas. Lee, bds Wm McKnight. McKnight William, toll collector Genesee-st. bridge, res w s Johnson. 4. McLinden John, lab, res s s Sherman, bet Jackson and Monroe. 0. McMullen Cyrus, carpenter, bds Atwill House. McMullan Daniel, lab, res s s Sherman, bet Madison and Washington. 2. McParlin M., wks Tilden & Sackett. Managan Michael, mill hand, bds M. Senett. Marciell Anthony, lab, res n s Sherman, bet Washington and Madison. 6. CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. 631 Harden Abram, carpenter, res s s German Colony road. 7. Marden George, aged, lives A. Marden. Martc Henry, lab, bds Martc. Marto Peter, lab, res w s Carrollton ave. 8. Mattoon H., wks T. Jerome, res w s Zilwaukee road. 4. Meade Mrs. Mary J. (wid Stratton), boarding house, res e s Carrollton ave. 2. Meavis Frederick, wks E. F. Gould. Meciena Gutlip, lab, res w s Zilwaukee road, n F. & P. M. R. R. 2. Mego William, lab, bds W. Spiggeman. Merrick --, cooper, bds John Stickney. Mershon Augustus H., supt saw mill and salt works, res e s Zilwaukee road, n F. & P. M. R. R. 6. Mertz Henry, lab, res s s Germany Colony road. 10. Meyatt Joseph, lab, res w s Zilwaukee road, n F. & P. M. 2. Micklender E., bds White Oak House. Mitchell Henry T., clks and bds G. P. Gould. Miller George, lab, bds Joseph Bierd. Miller Henry, lab, bds John Wood. Miller John, wks E. F. Gould. 1~I. & H. Koch & C@., the @ne Price Clothing House. Mills Amos, sawyer, Litchfield's mill, res e s Carrollton ave. 6. Monkett Homer, wks E. F. Gould. Monnette Alex., boiler-maker, ss Maple. 6. Morancy Peter, wks E. F. Gould. Morgan Porter, foreman E. F. Gould's ship yd, res twp Carrollton, on Johnson st. 3. Morrissey T., wk1s Tilden & Sackett. Morrison Daniel, lab, bds R. Morrison. Morrison Robert, lab, res s s Sherman, nr Saylor, Grant & Co.'s mill. 2. Morrow Joseph, lab, bds Mark Abair. Mulharen James, lab, bds Carrollton House. Mulbern John, lab, home with Patrick Derany. Munshaw John, res e s Carrollton ave. 2. Munshaw Miss Matilda C., teacher Carrollton Union School, home with Mrs. J. Munshaw. Munshaw Miss Matilda C., teacher Carrollton graded school, bds Mrs. Munshaw. Murdock John, fireman, res township Carrollton. 3. Murphy Patrick, wks Tilden & Sackett, bds G. Cassidy. N. Nimminger Peter, wks Tilden & Sackett. 632 CARROLLTOJNT DIRECTORY. 0. O'Brien James, bds White Oak House. O'BRIEN MICHAEL, prop Ontario House, e s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Walnut. See advt. 6. O'FLANNIGAN THOMAS J., prop Carrollton House, s w cor Maple and Carrollton ave. 2. O'Neal John, wks Tilden & Sackett. P. Palmer Duncan, lab, bds Joseph Palmer. Palmer James, lab, bds Joseph Palmer. Palmer John, lab, bds Joseph Palmer. Palmer Joseph, lab, res n s Sherman, bet Madison and Jackson. 3. Pariseau Edouard, lab, rees s Jefferson, bet Maple and Walnut. 3. Parrow N., wks T. Jerome & Co. Paterson George, Sr., lab, bds Samuel L. Brundage. Patterson George, Jr., lab, bds Samuel L. Brundage. Interview the "Boss" CBothiers, Little Jake & Co. Peck --, lab, bds C. Smith. Pegley Wm., lab, bds Wm. Taylor. Perry Charles, prop Ottawa House, e sWashington, bet Maple and Walnut. 4. Perry Mrs. Catharine (wid George), res w s Washington, bet Walnut and Maple. 5. Perry John, saloon, w s Carrollton ave, n s Litchfield's mill. Perry Stephen, engineer D. Stewart's salt wks, res s s Maple. 9. Perry Stephen, engineer, res s w cor Maple and Madison. 9. Petre Joseph, wks E. F. Gould. Peters Joseph, lab, bds Mrs. M. J. Mead. Peterson H., bds White Oak House. Peterson Peter, wks Tilden & Sackett. Peterson Peter, lab, res w s Monroe. Pickeart Joseph, lab, res s s German Colony road. 6. Pickett David, lab, res s s German Colony road. 4. Piper J., wks T. Jerome & Co. Platt John H., wks T. Saylor & Co., bds M. Senett. Platt J., wks T. Jerome & Co. Polcene Joseph, lab, res w s German Colony road. 6. Pollis Isaac, wks T. Saylor, res e s Wash'n, n of Maple. 7. Poirier Victorine, wks R. Morrison. CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. 633 POWERS RICHARD, prop White Oak House, s w cor Carrollton ave and Grant. See advt. 3. Pulsine F., wks T. Jerome & Co. Purcell James, lab,, res w s Carrollton ave, n of Maple. 5. Purser John, lab, bds William Taylor. Puttywood Clovis, wks T. Jerome & Co. Puttywood Jeremiah, wks ~T. Jerome & Co. Q. Quacon C., wks T. Jerome & Co. Quinn H., wks T. Jerome & Co. Quinn John, lab, res w s Carrollton ave. 5. Quinn Q., wks T. Jerome & Co. R. Rano Joseph, lab, res s s German Colony road. 5. Rakepaux George, saloon, w s Carrollton ave, res same. 6. Reed Edward, wks T. Saylor & Co., bds M1. Senett. Reibel Joseph, lab, re s s German road. 2. Reid Riley, foreman, Bissell & Mershon's planing mill. Elegant Clothing at 1hi. & H. Koch & Co's. Renning J., wks Tildon & Sackett. Reno Joseph, wks T. Jerome & Co. R ICHARDSON ELIAS S., physician (r), office and res n w cor Washington and Walnut. 4. Riley James, engineer Stewart's salt; block, res w side Carrollton ave. 7. Robinson Levy, lab, bds, G. Cassidy. Robinson Victor E., physician (h), office e side Carrollton ave, res same4 6. Roche Miss Teressa, lives A. Byrne. Roche Thomas C., teacher, res w s Carrollton ave, nr Maple. 5. Rockwood Herman, bds Witz. Rohde Frederick, lab, res s s German Colony Road. 2. Rondowe Louis, lab, res ss German Colony Road, nr Carrollton ave. 3. Rouche Charles J., cooper, res w s Carrollton ave, nr Maple. 3. Russell Edward, lab, bds James Best, nr Saylor, Grant & Co.'s miill. Ryan Michael, bds White Oak House. 80 634 CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. S. Saginaw Valley Salt Company, Duncan Stewart, Pres't; Alexander Reekie, Sec'y & Treas.; James Ure, Sup't works; e s Carrollton ave. Sailor, Grant & Co. (Thomas Sailor, Charles Grant, James Brown), foot Sherman, nr Carrollton. Sawyer Charles, lab, bds Samuel L. Brundage. Saylor Thomas (Sailor, Grant & Co.), res E. Saginaw. Schinline Lizzie, wks Mrs. Mary J. Meade. Schumaken Peter, lab, res twp of Carrollton. 4. Scott Emmet H., lumberman, res e s Carrollton ave. 3. Scott Miss Pauline, wks E. H. Scott. Scholtez John, wks E. F. Gould. Senett Martin, wks T. Saylor & Co., res e s Washington, n of Maple. 6. Seymour Louis, lab, bds John Bager. 3. Shank John W., carpenter, res w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Walnut. 5. Shay John, Sherman Saloon, n w cor Sherman arid Carrollton ave, res same. 2. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Shank John W., agent, J., L. & S. R. R. station, res Carrollton ave. 6. Sheridan Herbert, station master, F. & P. M. R. R., and operator F. & P. M. tel, bds Michael Reardon. Shea Michael, lab, bds T. Sullivan. Sheridan Thomas, bds White Oak House. Shirley W., wks T. Jerome & Co. Shoalts W., wks T. Jerome & Co. Shoemaker W., wks E. F. Gould. Simmons Benjamin, wks E. F. Gould. Simmons Tholnas, wks E. F. Gould. Simpson Wm., setter, bds Jas. Best. Sommerville Jane, home with Mrs. A. R. Atwill. Spiggeman William, lab, res s s German Colony road. 5. Springer Daniel, home with William Cubitt. Springer Miss Melia, home with Wm. Cubitt. Smith Charles, lab, W s Water, nr Maple. 4. Smith Edward, cooper, wks Tilden & Sackett, bds M. Lonsbery. Smith Edward H., cooper, bds M. Lonsbery. Smith Eugene P. (E. T. Smith & Son), res w s Carrollton ave, bet Walnut and Maple. 4. CARROLLTON DIRECTORY. 635 SMITH EUGENE T. (E. T. Smith & Son), physician and surgeon, and justice of the peace; office and residence w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Walnut. 4. SMrITH EUGENE T. & SON.(E. T. and Eugene P. Smith), druggists, w s Carrollton ave, bet Maple and Walnut. See advertisement. Smith James, cooper, bds B. B. Corbin. Stacker Win., lab, bds G. Cassidy. Stahl George, cooper, wks Gould, bds Michael Stahl, East Saginaw. Stickney Joseph, teamster, res e s Zilwaukee road, n s Gould's mill. 5. St. Maurie ---, lab, bds Mark Abair. Stevern E., bds White Oak House. Stever William, teamster, bds William Taylor. Stewart Albert, wks T. Jerome & Co. Stewart Duncan, salt works, e s Carrollton ave, res Detroit, M. Stewart Robert, aged, res w s Washington, bet Maple and Walnut. 2. Stickney J., wks T. Jerome & Co. Stine James, lab, bds Sam'l L. Brundage. Koch & Co.,e., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Stine John, wks Tilden & Sackett. Stocker Martin, sawyer E. F. Gould. Stoker Chas., blacksmith, Litchfield, res e s Carrollton ave. 5. Stoecker Martin lab, resides w s twp Carrollton. 7. Sullivan P., wks T. Jerome & Co. Sullivan Patrick, lab, bds C. McCarthy. 5. Sullivan Timothy, wks Tilden & Sackett. Sullivan Timothy, lab, res w s J., L. & S. R. R., near Bissell & Mershon's mill. 4. Sunderland James, wks T. Saylor & Co., bds M. Senett. Sunderland Robert, wks T. Saylor & Co., bds M. Senett. Sutton Jacob, salt boiler, res e s Washington, n of Maple. 6. Swanson John, bds White Oak House. T. Tagart Sam'l, cooper, res w s Zilwaukee road, n s Gould's mill. Tart Leandre, carp, res e s Jefferson, bet. Walnut and Maple. Tart Louis, ship carpenter, s s Maple. 8. Taylor William, boarding house, res near Callam's mill. 2. Teft E. A., watchman Gould's mill, bds Mrs. M. J. Meade. Teft, F. A., wks E. F. Gould. 636 CARROLLTOU DIRECTORY. Teku Mrs. Eliza, home with John Wood. Teilotts Joseph, wks E. F. Gould. Tilden & Sackett (Henry A. Tilden and Marvin A. Sackett), saw mill and salt works, office, mill and works e s Carrollton ave, nr F. & P. M. R. R. Titterington Whitfield, lab, res w s Corrollton ave, n of Maple. 3. Todd Emmet, filer, Ballentine's mill, res n s Jeff'n, bet Carrollton ave and Wash'n. 7. Tompkins Miss Jane, lives A. Marden. Toney -, lab, bds G. Cassidy. Tredo J., wks T. Jerome & Co. Trombley Peter, lab, bds W. Titterington. Trudeau Edouard, lab, res e s Carrollton ave. 5. Trudo Joseph, lab, res e Zilwaukee road, n Gould's mill. 7. Turkish Michael, lab, res n s Maple. 7. Tyo Wm., wks E. F. Gould, bds Mrs. M. J. Meade. U. Ure James, supt D. Stewart's salt works, office e s Carrollton ave, res w s Carrollton ave. 3. Little Jake & Co., "Boss" Clothiers of the State. V. Van Aert H., wks Tilden & Sackett. Vanest John, bds H. Baringer. Vanest Hiram, engineer, bds H. Baringer. Van Nest J., wks Tilden & Sackett. Venderon F., wks T. Jerome & Co. Vermais Joseph, lab, bds P. Langevin. Verue W., wks T. Jerome & Co. Vickory Richard, cooper, bds M. Senett. Vincent John, cooper, bds Mrs. M. J. Meade. Vezina Alfred, teamster, bds L. Vezina. Veziua Louis, teamster, E. F. Gould, res n s plank road. 4. Vezina Pierre, bds L. Vezina. W. Walker Abraham, fireman, bds William Taylor. Walkins Wm., lab, res s s Sherman, bet Madison and Washington. 2. Walter Frederick, sawyer, res s s Sherman, bet Madison and Washington. 5. CARROLLTON DIR)ECTORY. 637 Watson George, lab, res n s Sherman, w of Monroe. 5. Way Albert L., stave-sawyer, bds G. H. Way. Way George, lab, res w s Johnson. 4. Weaghts Mrs. Annnie (wid John), res twp Carrollton. 2 Welch Henry, wks E. F. Gould. Welch John, wks E. F. Gould, bds T. Sullivan. Wesson Jno., lab, res n s Sheridan, bet Madison and Jackson. 6. Wethy Charles, lab, res s w cor Maple and Water. 5. Wethy George, lab, bds C. Wethy. Wheater C., lab, bds Mrs. M. J. Meade. Willey A., wks T. Jerome & Co. Willey Andrew D., carp, res e s Zilwaukee road, n s Gould's mill. 2. Williams Charles, filer, E. F. Gould's mill, res twp Carrollton, w s Johnson. 2. Wilson Andrew J., engineer, Jerome's mill, res n s road. 4. Wilson Henry, eng'r, Jerome's mill, res e s Carrollton ave. 3. Wilson Wm., cooper, bds M. Senett. Winter John, lab, res n s German Colony road. Withey Abraham, teamster, bds Charles E. Goodman. Largest Stock of Clothing at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Witz John, wks T. Saylor & Co., res s s of next st n of Maple, near R. R. 5. Wood George R., clk, C. S. Dutton, res cor Hickory and Washington. 5. Wood George R., farmer, n e cor Walnut and Washington. 5. Wood Jeremiah, lab, res e s Zilwaukee road, n Gould's mill. 8. Wood John, lab, T. Jerome & Co., res e s Zilwaukee road, n Gould's mill. 4. Wood John, wks Tilden & Sackett. Wood Joseph, wks E. F. Gould. Wood Moses, lab, wks Tilden & Sackett, bds John Wood. Woods Charles, lab, bds V. E. Robinson. Woods Joseph, sawyer, res w s Zilwaukee road, n F. & P. M. R. R. 3. Y. Yawkey A., wks T. Jerome & Co. Z. Zimmerman George, wks E. F. Gould. I I ii c BROWN'S DIRECTORY OF ZILWAUKEE. INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. Zilwaukee is a station upon the line of J., L. & S. R. R., on the west side of the river, about six miles south of Saginaw City. The lumber, lath, shingles, and salt manufactured here are its principal features, and give employment to a large number of men. The village officers are Jacob Wright, Supervisor; E. Wurtze], Treasurer; Christe Cassener, Clerk; Frederick Server, Deputy Sheriff; Herman Schrader, Constable. The names of streets, as copied from a plat map, are as follows: Those running east and west are Clark, Green, Bush, Fisher, Carroll, Johnson, Tittabawassee, Shepard, Jones, Hampton; streets running north and south, North and South River, Water, Pike, Alley, Front, Westervelt ave., Jefferson ave., Franklin ave., Adams ave.. There are three churches, the Methodist Episcopal, northeast corner of Jefferson ave and Carroll street, Rev. Mr. Riley, Pastor; German Lutheran Church, east side Franklin ave., near Bush street; Roman Catholic Church, southwest corner of Green and Westervelt, Rev. Father Hillery T. Driessen, Pastor, residence Saginaw City. Zilwaukie school, located west end of Johnson street, is a large fine frame building, 640 ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. fully equal to the demands, and is said to be a fine one. Postoffice, southeast corner of Westervelt ave. and Oarroll street, J. Maloney, Postmaster. A note was made of only one vacant house here, viz.: west side Westervelt ave., between Carroll and Johnson streets. Population of this village in October, 1873, 981 inhabitants. The number of names in each letter of the alphabet are as follows: A, 7; B, 47; C, 20; D, 29; E, 1; F, 9 G, 15; I, 20; I, 0; J, 2; K, 9; L, 23; M, 25; N, 5; 0, 11; P, 19; Q 0; R, 12; S, 38; T, 9; U, 0; V, 13; W, 32; X, 0; Y, 0; Z, 0. Total number of individual names, 346. GENERAL D1RECTORY OF NAMES. A. Aldenborg Louis, wks N. Y. Works, res s s Shepard, nr Jeffer son. 4. Allen Jas., foreman N. Y. & Michigan lumber works, res n of mill. 6. Allor Jas., lab, bds E. VanHorne. Anderson John P., filer, Rust, Eaton & Co., res s e cor Johnson and Jefferson ave. 8. Anthony Pontiff, mill hand, Rust, Eaton & Co. Armstrong D., carpenter, bds J. Steele. Atkinson Robert, lab, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. B. Barons Benjamin, lab, res e s Jefferson ave, bet Green and Clark. 4. Batchellor Watson, 2d engineer, R. A. Whithouse & Son, bds E. VanHorne. Baxter Wesla, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. Baxter Thomas, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Baxter Thomas, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. Harriet Lefevre. Baxter Wesley, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Becket Jas., res e s Westervelt ave, bet Carroll and Johnson. 8. Benjamin Chas., filer, bds Bissett, " Our House." Bennett Herman M., student, res s s Tittabawassee, n Franklin ave. 4. Bershaw John, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Bird Wm., lab, bds John B. McDonnell. Bissett Jarvius, propr. Our House Hotel, w s Front, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 3. Bliss A. T. & Bro., (Aaron T. and Lyman W. Bliss), lumber manuf'rs, mill in township of Zilwaukee, e of J., L. & S. V. R. R. Blodgett Lewis, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Blodgett Randolph, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro., res nr mill. 4. Blondon Frank, b h, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Blundo Frank, wks Rust, Eaton & Co., res opp mill. 2. Bohl Mary, wks I. Steele. Boko Louis, mill hand, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. 81 642 ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. Bonda Frank, mill hand, Rust, Eaton & Co., bds L. Boko. Bonda Peter, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Bondy Jacob, wks J. F. Driggs. Booel Fred., gardener, res n s Bush, w Franklin ave. ' 2. Bordou Alfred, wks Rust & Eaton, res w s Westervelt, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 3. Borgell B., lab, bds F. J. Sporleder. Boushan Albert, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Bove John, lab, bds J. B. McDonnell. Boyer William, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Bradley Amos, cooper J. F. Driggs, bds J. Steele. Bradley Henry, cooper J. F. Driggs. Bradley Henry, cooper, bds J. P. Anderson. Brenkel John, lab, res n w cor Westervelt and Jones. 7. Bremer Henry, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Brennan John, lab, bds James Allen. Brickley David, lab, bdes John B. McDonnell. Brinker John, wks Bliss' mill, res cor Tittabawassee and Westervelt. 7. Brooks John, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Brusch John, lab, res n e cor Clark and Franklin ave. 5. Little Jake & Co., " Boss" Clothiers of the State. Bruschaber John, lab, wks Bliss mill, res cor Jefferson and Tittabawassee. 2. Brushaber John, lab, res e s Jefferson ave, bet Shephard and Jones. 2. Buck Charles, lab, res n w cor Jefferson ave and Fisher. 2. Bull August, res with John Vett. 2. Bull Charles, mill hand, A. T. Bliss & Bro., res e s Franklin, cor Green. 9. Bull Fred, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Burdan Alfred, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Burdan Lezer, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Burt W. R. & Co., saw-mill and salt block, located below N. Y. works. Buyer Wm., lab, bds J. Steele. C. Cary Patrick, lab, bds John B. McDonnell. Casey Michael, lab, bds John B. McDonnell. Caster Henry, wks N. Y. & Mich. saw-mill, res near mill. 2. Clair James, propr Longcor's House, s e cor Johnson and Westervelt ave. 4. Clark Charles, lab, bds J. B. McDonnell. ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. 643 Clark Edward, teamster, res s of R. A. Whithouse & Son's mill. 9. Clark Joseph, 1st engineer, R. A. Whithouse, bds E. VanHorne. Clarke Miss Arabelle, home with J. Bissett. Clarke Orrin, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro, bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. Clark Scott, bar-tender, Our House Hotel. Clark Thomas, carpenter, bds John B. McDonnell. Clouse Daniel, lab, res near N. Y. mills. Christ Henry, cooper, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro., bds Wm. H. Lefevre. Creaser David, lab, res s s Johnson bet Franklin and Jefferson avenues. 3. Crow Edward, works A. T. Bliss & Bro. Crowe Henry, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. Crentsfeltt Henry, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Crudsfelt Henry, lab, res w sFranklin ave, near Bush. 2 Current William, filer, R. A. Whithouse & Son's mill. Current William, lab, res near N. Y. mills. 4. D. Clothing at Wholesale at N. & H. Koch & Co's. Decker Adam, mill hand, F. Blundo. Decker Wm., mechanic, wks Rust, Eaton & Co., bds T. Wilson. Dedman John, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Demoshell Adolph, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Dittrick Edgar, lab, bds W. Dittrick. Dittrick Thomas, lab, bds W. Dittrick. Dittrick Walter, Jr., bds W. Dittrick. Dittrick Walter, lab, res s s Johnson, bet Westervelt and Front. 5. Dittrick William, bds W. Dittrick. Doll John, farmer, res w s Franklin ave, bet Johnston and Tittabawassee. 2. Doolittle Orin, sawyer, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. Lefevre. Dorcy Richard, cooper, wks J. F. Driggs, bds. Longcor's House. Dougherty Patrick, wks A. T. Bliss & Co. Dow John, lab, bds John B. McDonnell. Doyle John, foreman steam salt blk, R. A. Whithouse & Son. Doyle John H., carp, res w s Westervelt ave, bet Clark & Green. 4. Doyle Peter, lab, bds John B. McDonnell. Doyle Philip, lab, res nr N. Y. mills. 12. Draper George, blacksmith, wks and bds F. Server. 644 ZIILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. Driggs John F., salt works, e s Westervelt ave, res E. Saginaw, Mich. Dubi Joseph, res w s Westervelt ave, bet Carroll andJohnson. 5. Duby Isadore, mill hand, res foot Tittabawassee. Duby M., lab, bds J. Bissett. Duby Pontiff, mill hand, res s s Johnson, bet Jefferson and Westervelt ave. 3. Dumont Treffle, lab, res w end Clark. 5. Dupras Joseph, res w end Clark, nr Adams ave. 5. Dupraw Eli F., lab, res w s Franklin ave, bet Carroll and Fisher. 2. Dupraw Harvey, lab, res e s Jefferson ave, bet Carroll and Johnson. 4. Duprew James, contractor, res s e cor Carroll and Franklin ave. 9. Ev10s John B., lab, wks Bliss & Bro., res w s Bliss''mill. 4. F. Patronize the "Boss ". Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Fearke Joseph, lab, res nr N. Y. mills. 4. Ferchau Charles, carpenter, res -, n end Jeff'n ave. 6. Fink Henry, cooper, J. F. Driggs, bds J. Steele. Fleming John H., millwright, res n w cor Front and Jones. 6. Fone James, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Foster Minor, lab, res n s Johnson, bet Jeff'n and Westervelt aves. 6. Fowler James, elk G. Henrys, bds same. Furman Theodore, salt boiler, N. Y. works, res w s Westervelt, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 4. Fynn John, cooper, J. F. Driggs, bds Longcor's House. G. Ganyea Peter, lab, res w s Front, bet Hampton and Tittabawassee. 4. Gardner Wm., carpenter, res w s Westervelt ave, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 3. Gillespie William H., lab, res u w s Bliss' mill. 6. Glasgow Samuel, lab, bds J. B. McDonnell. GLAVE CHARLES, grocer and gen'l mdse, liquors, etc., cor Franklin and Johnson, res same. 8. Glave John, elk, bds parents, C. Glave. Gohn John, lab, res s of N. Y. and Mich. saw mill. 6. ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. 645 Goodeman Frederick, wks N. Y. mill, res n wecor Clarke and Franklin. 5. Goodman Joseph, wks N. Y. nill, res Adams ave. 5. Goodman Theodore, lab, res s w cor Bush and Franklin ave. 6. Gosselk Frederick, wks Rust, Eaton & Co., res s e cor Jeff'n and Shepard. 5. Goss John J., engineer, Rust, Eaton & Co., res e s Jeff'n ave, bet Carroll and Johnson. 5. Graham Albert N., carpenter, res e s Jeff'n ave, bet Clark and Green. 4. Griffoo Ezekiel, carp, res w s Front, bet Jones and Hampton. 10. Gunn George, lab, bds J. B. McDonnell. H. Hagerty Mrs. -, res e s Westervelt, nr Green. 2. Haight Florence, lab, bds John B. McDonnell. Harris A. A., cooper, wks J. F. Driggs. Harris Augustus, carp, res w s Carrollton and Zilwaukee road. 4. Hauer Augustus, lab, bds J. Roemeke. Fashionable Tailoring at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Harris Venner E., lab, res w of Bliss' mill. 3. Hayes Michael, bds John B. McDonnell. Hazel Henry farmer, res Tittabawassee st. Heacox Henry, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. I-. Lefevre. Hecks Peter, edger, wks Rust, Eaton & Co., bds T. Wilson. Hendry George, physician (a), e s Westervelt ave, bet Carroll and Johnson, res same. 4. Henney Joseph, lab, res-e s Franklin ave, nr Bush. 5. Hengal Annie, wks P. Stafford. Hickey James, foreman salt works R. A. Whithouse, res s of N. Y. and Mich. works. 7. Hickey Michael, farmer, res Carrollton and Zilwaukee road, nr dividing line or Westervelt ave. Hildebrandt W m., home with Fred Otto. Hill Charles, wks J. F. Driggs. Hoffmeyer Miss Lena, wks J. P. Anderson. Holt John. sawyer, Rust & Eaton's, res s s Johnson, bet Front and Westervelt ave. 7. Hooper Job, lab, bds E. VanHorne. Hooper Thomas, lab, bds E. VanHorne. Hopkins James, clk, F. VamEmster, bds M. Thomas. Horigan Patrick, wks Bliss & Bro, bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. 646 ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. Horrigan Patrick, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Horton William, lab, bds J. B. McDonnell. Hubbell S. R., wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. Hugel & Wacker (Frederick Hugel and John G. Wacker) general mdse, s w cor Jefferson ave and Carroll. Huss Herman, carpenter, res n s Johnson, w s Franklin avenue. 4. Hnss John, res cor Johnson and Franklin. 2. J. Jocund Miss Emma, wks RevW.W. Kramer. Jolly Joseph, mill hand, res cor Westervelt and Tittabawassee. 3. K. Kalsane John, lab, res s of R. A. Whithouse & Son's mill. 11. Kasener Christ, machinist, res s s Bush, w s Franklin. 4. Koehler Ernst, clk, Fred Hazel. Kolb Wmin., lab, res w side Westervelt ave. 3. Kossack Fred, lab, res e s Jefferson ave, n Tittabawassee. 3. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Kramer Rev. William, pastor German Lutheran Church, res w s Jefferson ave, bet Fisher and Carroll. 4. Kreuger Chas, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Kruger Fred, lab, res s s Johnson, w s Franklin ave. 6. L. Labelle F., lab, bds J. Bissett. Labelle Mrs. Leon, res w s Westervelt ave, bet Carroll and Johnson. 8. LaCount Jesse, mill hand, Rust, Eaton & Co. Lafortune Miss Julia, wks Jas. Duprew. Langsbeager John, lab, res n s Tittabawassee, w s Franklin ave. 6. Langswager John, mill hand, res n s Johnson, near cor Jefferson. 6. Larkin John, engineer, John F. Drigg's salt works, res w s Johnson. 9. Larkins Wmn., wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Lecompte Hyacinthe, lab, res w s Front, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 5. ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. 647 Lerong John, lab, res w s Jefferson ave, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 6. Leferre Mrs. Harriet (wid), res w of Bliss' mill. 7. Lefure Wm., cooper, res w of Bliss' mill. Lemke John, lab, bds John B. McDonnell. Lettie James, cooper, J. F. Driggs. Lewis Thomas, lab, res w s Carrollton and Zilwaukee road. 2. Lonchbacker John, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Loop Spelman, wks Rust, Eaton & Co., bds J. P. Anderson. Lubs Jas. W., lab, res s s Johnson, w s Franklin ave. 4. Luscher, res s w cor Franklin ave and Tittabawassee. 9. Lusher Miss Mary, wks J. J. Goss. Luth Fred, home with Luth Fred. Luth Fred, lab, res s s Johnson, w s of Franklin ave. 6. Lutz Fred, wks Rust, Eaton &. Co. Lutz John, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Lyon James, fireman, Rnst, Eaton & Co., bds T. Wilson. M. McCrimmon Daniel, foreman, Rust, Eaton & Co., bds T. Wilson Lowest Prices at M. & H. Koch & Co's. McDonnell John B., cooper, res near N. Y. mills. 4. McDowell Alexander, propr Young America Hotel, w s Westervelt ave, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee, res same. 6. McGill William, foreman salt block A. T. Bliss & Bro. McGovern Thos., lab, res w s Westervelt ave, n of Shepard. 2. McWade Peter, baker, res w s Westervelt ave, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. Maloney James, postmaster, res s e cor Westervelt ave and Carroll. 9. Maloney John, farmer, res w s Westervelt ave. 3. MALONEY ICHAEL, salt well-borer, res w s Westervelt ave. See advt. 2. Marr Frederick, lab, res s s Clark, opp Franklin ave. 6. Martin Ezra, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. Matevia Andrew, lab, res Clark, cor Adams ave. 5. Matevia Oliver, lab, res cor Clark and Adams ave. 9. Mathers Chris, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Mead James, minstrel, Smith, home M. S. Mead. Mead Marshall S., saloon and res s s Johnson, bet Franklin and Jefferson. 3. Mead Mahlon, teamster, res cor Johnson and Franklin. 2. Melms Fred'k, blacksmith, res s w cor Bush and Franklin. 5. 848 ZILWAUTKEE DIRECTORY. Metiviers Andrew, wks J. F. Driggs. Miles Frank, lab, res w s Westervelt ave, bet Carroll and Johnson. 3. Millaken Jcshua, foreman, Whithouse & Son's salt wells, bds E. Van Horne. Miller Henry, mill-hand, res cor Bush and Franklin. 10. Mintons Wm,, carpenter, res e s Westervelt ave, bet Fisher and Carroll. 8. Moore James, lab, bds J. Dubi. N. Neamonn John, lab, res n w cor Jefferson ave and Tittabawassee. 3. Nehls Miss Amelia, lab, lives F. Melms. Neman Henry (Nieman Henry), lab, res e s Jefferson ave, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 2. Neman Wm., lab, res s e cor Jeff'n ave and Tittabawassee. 4. New York & Michigan Salt and Lumber Co. (R. A. Whithouse & Son), w s Saginaw river, n of Zilwaukee. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. O. O'Brien Michael, lab, bds John B. McDonnell. Odam Alexandre, lab, res w s Front, near Hampton. 7. Olenburg Lewis, lab, res e s Jefferson ave, n Tittabawassee. 4. Once Fred, lab, res s s Tittabawassee, w s Franklin ave. 4. Osterhaus Daniel, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. Osterhaus David, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Otto Charles and Rudolph, res cor Carroll and Franklin. Otto Frederick, engineer, res Franklin, cor Johnson. 8. Otto John, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Otto Mrs. Frederika, wid, res cor Carroll and Franklin. Otto Rudolph, salt packer, res w s Franklin ave. P. Pachrow John, lab, res w of N. Y. & Mich. sale and lumber works. 2. Partridge Philip, teamster, wks James Dupreu. Peart Edwin, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Peirce Wim., J., L. & S. R. R. station agent, res e s Westervelt ave, bet Fisher and Carroll. 4. Peets Peter, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. 649 Pelkey William, teamster, wks James Dupren. Pepper Thomas, lab, bds James Allen. Perry Francis, wks Rust, Eaton & Co., res w s Front, bet Jones and Hampton. 5. Perry Moses, lab, res w s Jefferson ave, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 2. Plowdry J., lab, res s of N. Y. & Mich. salt and lumber works. 3. Potter Robert, engineer Rust, Eaton & Co. Price John, sawyer, bds Blondon. Price Martin, mill hand Rust, Eaton & Co., bds Blondon. Price Patrick, mill hand, res nr Rust & Co's little mill. 2. Price Thomas, wks Rust & Co., bds T. Wilson. Prinker John, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Pritter Fred., wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Prosser John, engineer, bds E. Van Horne. Purcell Patrick, lab, res s of N. Y. and Mich. salt and lumber works. 4. R. M. & H. Koch & Co., the One Price Clothing House. Reed William, bds John B. McDonnell. Reno Charles, lab, bds Paul Wintress. Rennels James, lab, res s of N. Y. and Mich. salt and lumber works. 3. Robertson John J., engineer, cor Jefferson and Johnson. 2. Robinson William, sawyer, A. T. Bliss & Bro., res n w s Bliss' mill. 7. Roenicke John, gen'l grocer, n w cor Westervelt ave and Carroll, res same. 5. Rose Joseph, lab, bds John Wheeler. Rose Mrs. Eliza, home with Jacob Wright. Russell Charles T., foreman, A. T. Bliss & Bro., res w s Bliss' mill. 5. Russell William O., bds F. J. Sporleder. Rust, Eaton & Co., lumber manuf'rs, office Saginaw City, mills n of Zilwaukee, w s Saginaw River. RYDER JACOB, (al) physician, office n w cor Westervelt ave and Johnson, bds M. Thomas. S. Sandoff Charles, millwright, res s w cor Carroll and Franklia ave. 9. 82 650 6ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. SANDOFF JOHN, shoemaker, res w s Franklin, bet Bush and Fisher. 4. Santah Miss Augusta, wks F. J. Sporleder. Sargeant Thos., wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Scharader Joseph, lab, res n s Green, w Jefferson ave. 2. Schramm Win., wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Schroeder Carl, wks Bliss' mill, res Adams ave. 2. Schroder Fred., lab, res as w cor Green and Franklin ave. 4. Scott George A., lab, res w s Westervelt ave, bet Carroll and John. 2. Scott Parker, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Secor Oliver, res Clarke ave, nr cor Adams ave. 6. SERVER FREDERICK, blacksmith, shop and res ns Tittabawassee, bet Westervelt and Front. 5. Sharkey John, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Sheffer James, teamster, A. T. Bliss & Bro., res w s Bliss' mill. 6. Shirkey Charles, lab, bds Paul Wintress. Shoemaker Fred, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Shoemaker Henry, lab, res n s Green, w Jefferson ave. 2. Siegrist James, section foreman, res w end Clark, cor Adams ave. 3. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Snow Edwin, lab, res w s Westervelt ave, n of Green. 2. Sosa Thomas, mill hand, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Sousie Thomas, lab, res e s Jefferson ave, bet Tittabawassee and Shepard. 6. Spain Cornelius, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Spain Edward, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Spain Mrs. Elizabeth, res opp Rust & Co.'s mill. 7. Sporleder Frederick J., supt N. Y. and Michigan salt and lumber wks, res n1 of mill. 3. Sproul Hughey, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Sproul Mrs. Sarah (wid James), res n e cor Green and Jefferson ave. 4. Sproul Richard, lab, bds Mrs. Sophia Sproul. Stacey Richard, carpenter, res e s Franklin ave, bet Clark and Green. 7. Stafford Philo, foreman, Rust & 'Eaton's mill, res w s Westervelt ave, bet Fisher and Carroll. 5. Steele John, jobber for Rust, Eaton & Co., res w s Johnson, bet Front and Westervelt ave. 7. Steele Julius, lab, bds J. Steele. Stewart Charles, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Stewart James, lab, bds John B. McDonnell. ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. 651 Striker Julia, bds G. Henry. Stroebel Jos., wks Rust, Eaton & Co. Swater Harmon, engineer, bds Young America House. Syers William D., lab, res nr N. Y. & Michigan works, Zilwaukee road. 5. Symons James, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. T. Taillow Joseph, wks Rust & Co.'s mill, res opposite. 2. Taloff Henry, lab, res e s Franklin ave, n s Green. 7. Taylor John, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Taylor John, engineer, res s e cor Bush and Jefferson ave. 2. Teck Jerome, cooper, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro., res w s Bliss' mill. 3. Thomas John, wks Rust, Eaton & Co., res w s Westervelt ave, bet Shepard and Tittabawassee. 6. Thomas Saxey, billiard saloon and res cor Johnson and West- ervelt. 3. Thompson Clark W., carpenter, res n s Johnson, bet Jefferson and Westervelt ave. 3. Nobby Suits at H. & H. Koch & Co's. THOMPSON MARY A., notions and confectionery, adopted 3M. A. Robertson, home with J. B. Robertson. V. Valentine Charles, wks Bliss' mill, res n w side of Bliss' mill. 3a Valentine John, wks A. L. Bliss' mill, res n w s of mill. VanEmster Florentin, druggist, s w cor Johnson and Westervelt ave, bds M. Thomas. VanHorne Edward B., cooper, res near N. Y. and Mich. lumber and salt works. VanHorn Edwin, cooper, J. F. Driggs. VanHorne James, sawyer, res near R. A. Whithouse & Son's mill. VanHorne James, sawyer, bds E. VaniHorne. Vassendorf Christ, lab, res n e cor Bush and Franklin ave (Christopher Vestendorf). 6. Vassendorf John (John Vestendorf), res e s Jefferson ave, n s Tittabawassee. 2. Vastendorf Frederick, wks N. Y. mill, res w s Franklin, bet Carroll and Johnson. 6. Veek John, lab, res n s Tittabawassee, w s Franklin ave. 3. Vett John, wks Bliss' mill, res w s Franklin, bet Bush and Fisher. 4. Vick John, wks Rust, Eaton & Co. 652 ZILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. W. Wacker Michael, farmer, res n w cor Carroll and Jefferson avenue. 5. Walker John G., grocer, res u s Johnson, bet Franklin and Jefferson ave. 5. Warner John, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. Warner William, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Welch James, mill hand, bds F. Blundo. Went Henry, lab, res e s Jefferson ave, bet Bush and Green. 3. Westendorf Joseph, wks N. Y. mill, res w s Westervelt, bet Johnson and Tittabawassee. 7. Wett John, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Wetzeel Ernst, town treasurer, res n e cor Franklin ave and Tittabawassee. 5 Wheatman Christ., lab, res s e cor Franklin ave and Tittabawassee. 4. Wheeler John, lab, res nr R. A. Whithouse & Son's mill. 7:6 Whitney George, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Whitney John, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. Mrs. H. Lefevre. Whitney William, wks Bliss & Bro., bds Mrs. H. Lefevre. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Wilson James, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Wiehmann John, lab, res w s Jefferson ave, bet Bush and Fisher. 6. Wilson John, mill hand Rust, Eaton & Co. Wilson Thomas, lab, res opp Rust & Co.'s mill. 8. Wilson William, wks Rust, Eaton & Co., res w s Bliss' mill, 5. Wilson Wm., lab, bds Longcor's House. Wintress Paul, lab, res s w cor Front and Hampton. 6. Woodford August, wks Rust & Co., res Adams ave. 4. Wood John, engineer, bds Young America House. Wood John, lab, bds E. Van Home. Worden Clark, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Wreader John, engineer J. F. Driggs salt wks, bds Young America. Wright Charles, wks A. T. Bliss & Bro., res s e cor Bush and Westervelt. Wright Charles R., edger, res w s Bliss' mill. 2. Wright Jacob, supt Driggs' salt block, res s w cor Jefferson ave and Green, 10. Wright Wm., foreman J. F. Driggs' cooper shop. Wright Wm., wks A. T. Bliss & Bro. Wynkoop Sayer, lab, bds Our House Hotel. BROWN'S DIRECTORY OP CROW ISLAND. INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. Crow Island is a small settlement, located on the east bank of the Saginaw River, about four miles below East Saginaw. Its most noted feature is that of the Oneida Salt and Lumber Company works, who do extensive business in the manufacturing of both lumber and salt, as also own one mile square of land, and all the buildings, with six or eight exceptions. There is a school here of about 65 pupils, but no church; a brick-yard, but no stores, hotels, or village organization. Her population is 226 inhabitants. The number of names in each letter of the alphabet are as follows: A, 2; B, 6; C, 8; D, 7; E, 2; F, 2; G, 4; H, 6; J, 2; K, 3; L, 6; M, 8; N, 1; P, 11; R, 7; S, 2; T, 1; V, 1: W, 7. Total number of individual names, 86. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. A. Abbs Thomas, mill hand, res Crow Island. 8. Alonzo Lewis, mill hand, Oneida Co. B. Barnes John, bds Mrs. M. Meheagan. Beaubien Chas., wks Oneida Co., bds M. Prato. 654 CROW ISLAND DIRECTORY. Benjamin Silas, blacksmith, bds W. H. Geroy. Billings Byron, mill hand, Oneida Co. Bryant George, mill hand, Oneida Co. Burk Chester M., carpenter, res Crow Island. 5. C. Campbell Frederick, mill hand, Oneida Co. Campbell James, cooper, bds W. H. Geroy. Cavanaugh Garey, mill hand, Oneida Co. Clark Judson, fireman, bds Wm. J. Ream. Culpean Charles, bds Christ Culpean. Culpean Christ, lab, res Crow Island. 7. Culpean Henry, lab, res Crow Island. 5. Culpean John, mill hand, Oneida Co. D. Dalkey Charles, mill hand, Oneida Co. Doyle James, mill hand, res Crow Island. 6. Driver Wm., wks Livingston & Findlater, res Crow Island. Drummond Wm., mill hand, Oneida Co. Interview the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Duckett Richard, mill hand, bds Samuel Duckett. Duckett Samuel, mill hand, res Crow Island. 4. Dntcher Frank, mill hand, Oneida Co. E. Elor Frank, hunter, res lower part Crow Island. 7. England Oscar, fireman, bds Wm. J. Ream. F. Fitzpatrick Francis, wks Oneida Co., bds M. Meheagan. Furnia August, mill hand, Oneida Co. G. Geroy William H., salt boiler, res Crow Island. 4. Gilmeister Fred., wks Livingston & Findlater, res Crow Island. Gilbert Frank, cartnman, Oneida Co., bds Mrs. M. Meheagan. Gilney Peter, cooper, bds W. H. Geroy. H. Hawkins Wm. H., mill hand, Oneida Co. HENEY JAMES E., foreman, Oneida Salt & Lumber Co. saw mill, res Crow Island. 2. Hetherington Oliver J., bookkeeper, res Crow Island. CROW ISLAND DIRECTORY. 655 Hoffman Anna, wks G. W. Reed. Hoffner John, mill hand, Oneida Co. Horlocher Andrew, sawyer, res Grow Island. 5. J. Johnson Andrew, mill hand, Oneida Co. Jose Miss Mary A., home with C. M. Burk. K. Kelley Jonathan, fireman, steamer " Mason," res Crow Isl'd. 2. Kinney Thomas, bds M. Ryan. Klacking John, mill hand, Oneida Co. L. Lampman George, bds C. Pechtel. Lavene Moses, mill hand, bds C. M. Burk. Lebin Otto, mill hand, Oneida Co. Lefevre Miss Emma J., home with G. W. Phillips. Livingston & Findlater (Daniel L. and Richard F.), brick manufacturers, yard Crow Island, res E. Saginaw. Special Department for Boys' Clothing at Koch & Co's. Lonzo Louis, lab, bds M. McKian. M. Manning Robert, mill hand, Oneida Co., bds W. J. Ream. McKian Michael, boarding-house, Crow Island. 3. Martin Julius, salt boiler, bds W. H. Geroy. Meheagan John, res Crow Island. Meheagan Mrs. Mary, res Crow Island. Miller Fritz, lab, res Crow Island. 7. Moore Joseph, fireman, res Crow Island. 3. Murry Thomas, bds C. Pechtel. N. Nieman William, mill hand, Oneida Co. P. Patterson James, wks Oneida Co., bds C. M. Burk. Pechtel Chauncey, bds C. Pechtel. Pechtel Christopher, lab, res Crow Island. 5. Pechtel George, mill hand, bds Chris. Pechtel. Pechtel Isaac, bds C. Pechtel. Pechtel Thomas, mill hand, bds Chris. Pechbtel. Phillips Benjamin, lab, res Crow Island. 2. 656 CROW ISLAND DIRECTORY. Phillips Gilbert Wm., mill hand, res Crow Island. 5. Phillips Henry J., jointer, res Crow Island. 3. Phillips Lawrence, res Crow Island. 7. Prato Mrs. Mary, res Crow Island. 3. R. Ragan Wmn., bds Mrs. M. Meheagan. Ream William J., mill hand, res Crow Island. 2. Reed George W., foreman, Oneida Salt and Lumber Co., res Crow Island. 4. Reed Warren, cooper, bds Wm. H, Geroy. Reetz Chris, mill hand, res Crow Island. 7. Reitz Louis, mill hand, bds J. Doyle. Reno Moses, mill hand, res Crow Island. 4. Routier Augustus, lab, res Crow Island. 8. Rudolph Ferdinand, mill hand, res Crow Island. 4. RIyan Mathew, res Crow Island. 8. S. Schmitt John, mill hand, res Crow Island. 4. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Shaver Henry, filer, res Crow Island. 5. Shaw Barney, bds M. Prato. Shaw Louis, bds M.Prato. Slade John T., cooper, res Crow Island. 6. Smith John, mill hand, Oneida Co. Smith William, filer, res Crow Island. 4. Spring Mathew, mill hand, res Crow Island. 3. Swartz Henry, bds Mrs. M. Meheagan. T. Trudo Dennis, mill hand, Oneida Co., res Carrolltou. V. Volsene Fritz, mill hand, res Crow Island. 4. W. Wallace Colen, filer, Wiley Bros., Crow Island. 5. Wallace Wm., cartman, bds W. H. Gerov. Wells William, mill hand, Oneida Co. Welch Henry, bds L. Phillips. 3. Wilson Thomas, wks Oneida Co. Wilson Frederick, mill hand, Oneida Co. Wilson Thomas, bds M. Meheagan. BROWN'S DIRECTORY OF FLORENGE. INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. -4------ Florence is a small settlement of 449 inhabitants, situated between Saginaw and East Saginaw corporation lines, on the west side of the Saginaw river, extending from near the F. & P. M. railway bridge where it crosses the river, up the river, to near Bristol street bridge. This place occupies but a narrow strip of land, only a few rods wide, and we are at a loss to know how or why it was that it ever became distinct from either of the two cities above named, except for reason of this tract having belonged to obstinate parties. It has three streets: Mary, Water, and Plank Road, and chiefly occupied for mills and salt blocks; there are, however, an ashery, one hotel, several boarding houses, residences, stores, and other places of business upon this little site. Their school is in the township of Carrollton, in district number one; number of pupils about forty; teacher, Miss A. A. Moiles. Doubtless, ere long Florence will become a part of Saginaw or East Saginaw; its communications or connections are closely allied to East Saginaw. The number of names under each letter of the alphabet are as follows: A, 6; B, 27; C, 14; D, 11; E, 7; F, 7; G, 9; H, 13; 1,1; J,3; K, 6; L, 23; M, 23;N, 6; 0,7; P, 16; Q, 1; R, 12; S, 35; T, 3; V, 1; W, 21. Total number of names 252. This, if multiplied by two and a half, would give 680 inhabitants. 83 658 FLORENCE DIRECTORY. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. A. Abbott Charles, wks Shaw & Williams. Allan Oliver, wks Wylie Bros. Ames Samuel, painter, bds Eldred House. Anson James, lab, bds Win. Carr. Armstrong Roger, lab, res w s Water. 8. Avan Fritz, wks Shaw & Williams. B. Little Jake & Co., " Boss" Clothiers of the State. Bagley Wm., lab, res w s Water. 4. Barry Frederick, lab, bds D. Bowles. Barry Patrick, wks Shaw & Williams. Bartell Alex., lab, bds U. S. Hotel. Bates Xeorie, wks Wylie Bros. Beardon James, watchman, bds Wm. Carr. Beck Louis, wks Shaw & Williams. Bender L. sawyer, wks Wylie Bros. Benjamin Sydney, wks Wylie Bros. Blanchard Charles W., manufacturer of lumber, lath, and shingles, mills and office e s Water, res Binghamton, New York. Boso Frederick, wks Shaw & Williams. Boucher George, lab, bds U. S. Hotel. Bourgeois Joseph, lab, bds P. Papineau. Bovey Robt., teamster, Wylie Bros. Bowles Daniel, blacksmith, res e s Water. 2. Bowles Thomas, lab, res w s Water. 2. Boyer Narcisse, wks Wylie Bros. Braley George, lab, res e s Water. 5. Breginski Paul, lab, res w s Water. 5. Brown John, saloon-keeper, Saginaw City, res w s Water. 3. Brown Martin, wks Shaw & Williams. FLORENCE DIRECTORY. 659 Brown Thos., wks Blanchard & Co., bds J. Stewart. Briggs George, sawyer, bds U. S. Hotel. Bull John, wks Shaw & Williams. Bull Joseph, wks Shaw & Williams. Bush John, wks Shaw & Williams. Barnes Edward, lab, bds U. S. Hotel. C. 'Carney John, teamster, bds J. Stewart. Carr William, sawyer, res e s Water. 4. (Carr Wm. P., cooper, bds W. Carr. Carroll Thomas, lab, res e s Water. 7. Chapman Benjamin, lab, bds Mrs. S. Humphrey. Childs James, lab, bds Mrs. S. Humphrey. Churchill Mrs. Nancy (wid Lewis), res w s Water. 5. Cline Miss Margaret, home I. I. Van Gurder. -Cods Martin, wks Shaw & Williams. Cole Francis, foreman Lyon & Co.'s Salt Works, resw s Water. 5, Cole Harvey, wks Wylie Bros.,Cole James, lab, bds D. Bowles. Largest Stock of Clothing at 1~. & H. Koch & Co's. ýCrawford James E., lab, bds Mrs. S. Humphrey.,Custer George, sawyer, wks Shaw & Williams. D. Davenport Geo. (Davenport & Davis), res Saginaw City, Mich. Davenport Oporto (Davenport & Davis), res Sag. City, Mich. Davenport & Davis (George Davenport, Oporto Davenport, and Albert Davis), lumber manuf'rs, e s Water. Daily John, sawyer, Shaw & Williams. Davis, Albert (Davenport & Davis), res Saginaw City, Mich. Dawson John, saw filer, Whittier's, res w s Water. 4. Deschamps Antoine, lab, res w s Water. 2. Donnelly John, sawyer, Wylie Bros. Duffy John, wks Wylie Bros. Dunning Charles, lab, bds U. S. Hotel. Dyeball Mary, wks U. S. Hotel. E. Eldred Mrs. Elizabeth N. (wid Cacy), bds Eldred House. Eldred Wm., lab, bds Eldred House. Eldred Reuben C., prop Eldred House, n s Genesee, ur Genesee bridge, res same. 2. 660 FLORENCE DIRECTORY. Espey John, wks Wylie Bros. Eimers Henry, wks Shaw & Williams. Eimers Jacob, wks Shaw & Williams. Esther Martin, sawyer, wks Shaw & Williams. F. Fellows L. C., filer, Wylie Bros. Ferrigan John, res w s Water. 6. Fetherston Francis, lab, bds P. Sheridan. 7. Fisher David, lab, res w s Water. 7. Fisher John, lab, res w s Water. 2. Fogel Wm., lab., res w s Water. 3. Frohm John, wks Shaw & Williams. G. Garatzki Michel, lab, res w s Water. 6. Genesee Mary, near Genesee bridge, res same. Gibbons James, lab, bds Eldred House. Gilgriss George W., cook, res e s Water. 3. Patronize the "Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co.. GILTROP HENRY, propr U. S HOTEL, ss Genesee, near Genesee bridge. 4. Giltrop James, bar-tender, U. S. Hotel, bds same. Gleason Hadel, lab, res e s Water. 5. Grant Charles, mill owner, e s Water, res East Saginaw, Mioh. Green James, sawyer, res e s Water. 5. H. Harris John C. (Olds & Harris), res w s Water. 5. Heustis James A., cooper, bds Mrs. S. Humphrey. Hitchcock Royal, sawyer, Wylie Bros. Hitchcock Wm., sawyer, Wylie Bros. Hoard Rant, wks Wylie Bros. Horton Wm., engineer, Wylie Bros. Hosmer & Bro. (Gustavus and Bradley M. Hosmer), mill owners, e s Water, near Mary. Houle Antoine, Jr., sailor, bds A. Houle. Houle Antoine, filer, res w s Water. 6. Honle Joseph, lab, bds A. Houle. Huber Jacob, lab, res e s Water. 5. Humphrey Mary, wks Mrs. S. Humphrey. Humphrey Mrs. Susan (wid George), res w s Water. 4. FLORENCE DIRECTORY. G61 I. Ireton Clarence, wks Shaw & Williams. J. Jinks Charles, lab, bds J. Brown. Jocrupp Fritz, wks Shaw & Williams. Johnson Richard, lab, bds Mrs. S. Humphrey. K. Karawski Angus, wks Shaw & Williams. Keller Elizabeth, wks Eldred House. Kelley Alex., carpenter, Shaw & Williams. Kerawske Joseph, wks Shaw & Williams. Kirkey William, sawyer Wylie Bros. Kitson Frank, watchman, bds Win. Carr. L. Lace Charles, wks Shaw & Williams. Trunks for Ladies and Gentlemen at Koch & Co's. Lacker John G., lab, res w s Water. 3. Lafleur Patrick, lab, bds J. Brown. Lalonde Francois, sawyer, Wylie Bros. 3. Landry Joseph, sawyer, Wylie Bros. Lappean John, wks Shaw & Williams. Lappean Joseph, wks Shaw & Williams. Lara John, wks Wylie Bros., bds J. Brown. Lavallie Joseph, carpenter, bds A. Deschamps. Lawton Wm., wks Shaw & Williams. LeBel Alderic, lab, bds E. LeBel. LeBel Charles, lab, bds E. LeBel. LeBel Edouard, lab, bds E. LeBel. LeBel Edouard, lab, res e s Water. 9. LeBel Joseph, lab, bds E. LeBel. Lefrancois Pierre, clk C. Marcotte, bds same. Leland Frank, sawyer, bds U. S. Hotel. Libby Henry, filer, Shaw & Williams. Lussier Joseph, lab, res w s Water. 6. Lynch James, wks Shaw & Williams. Lyons Harlow P. (Lyons & Co.), res East Saginaw, Mich. Lyons John, res w s Water. Lyons & Co. (H1arlow P. Lyons, - Shaw, Charles Williams), salt works, e s Water. 662 FLORENCE DIRECTORY. M. McComb Mrs. Catharine (wid Joseph), res w s Water. 2. McDermot Mary, wks U. S. Hotel. McFarland Wni., lab, bds U. S. Hotel. McGuire John, lab, bds Mrs. S. Humphrey. McGuire Patrick, foreman Whittier's barn, res e s Water. 5. McLeod Thomas, sawyer, res e s Water. 3. McMinnis John, lab, res w s Water. 2. McSinnis Francis, wks Wylie Bros. Mahan Philip, shoemaker, n e cor Water and Genesee, bds Mrs. Susan M. Humphrey. Mannigan Daniel, lab, bds U. S. Hotel. Marcotte Camille, liquor store, groceries and provisions, n side. Marshall Win., lab, bds J. Brown. Mercer John, lab, bds Mrs. S. Humphrey. Merrill Charles (C. Merrill & Co.), res Detroit, Mich. Merrill Charles & Co. (Chas. Merrill, J. A. Whittier, Thomas A. Palmer), lumber manuf'rs, e s Water. Michael George, lab, res w s Water. 4. Michael John, lab, res w s Water. 5. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Milk George, watchman, Shaw & Williams, bds Wm. Carris. Miller Charles, lab, bds U. S. Hotel. Miller Frank, engineer, Shaw & Williams. Miller Jonn, clk, C. Marcotte, bds same. Mitts Cyrus, wks Wylie Bros. Moiles Miss Anna A., school teacher, homeEast Saginaw. N. Nash David, engineer, bds Eldred House. Nerrmick Martin, lab, res w s Water. 2. Newman Augustus, wks Shaw & Williams. Nichol John J., engineer, res w s Water. 5. Nixon Robert, wks Shaw & Williams. Norris Thomas J., propr Headquarters Saloon, n e cor Water and Genesee, bds U. S. Hotel. 0. O'Hara Mrs. Margaret (wid Thomas), res w s Water. O'Hara Edward, lab, bds Mrs.. O'Hara. O'Harow John, saloon, n w cor Genesee and Water. 2. Olds Wm. (Olds & Harris), res East Saginaw. FLORENCE DIRECTORY. 66.3 Olds & Harris (Winm. Olds, J. C. Harris), soap and potash manuf'rs, factory w s Water, nr Bristol st bridge. O'Neil Daniel, lab, res w s Water. 3. O'Neil Morgan, engineer, Wylie Bros. P. Palmer Thomas A. (Chas. Merrill & Co.), res Detroit. Papineau Louis, wks Shaw & Williams. Papineau Pierre, lab, res w side Water. 4. Patenaude Louis, lab, bds D. Bowles. Pendleton N. W., book-keeper, C. W. Blanchard, res e side Water. 2. Penny Frederick, engineer, bds U. S. Hotel. Pere Alfred, lab, res e side Water. 4. Pere Stanislaus, lab, bds A. Pere. Peters Peter, lab, bds U. S. Hotel. Piche Edmunds, lab, bds Mrs. M. Piche. Piche Eugene, lab, bds Mrs. M. Piche. Piche Mrs. Mary (wid Pierre), res w side Water. 6. Pierce George, lab, bds U. S. Hotel. Lowest Prices at M. & f. Koch & Co's. Plunkett Robert, millwright, res w s Water. 3. Porter D. C., wks Wylie Bros. Prospere Joseph, lab, res w s Water. 2. Q. Quinn Charles, wks Wylie Bros. R. Redker Henry, wks Shaw & Williams. Reiley James, lab, U. S. Hotel. Rhoda John, wks Shaw & Williams. Riebsehligen Martin, wks Shaw & Williams. Roberts Wmin., sawyer, Lyons & Co., res w s Water. 2. Rogalwski Paul, lab, res w s Water. 5. Rose Frank, sawyer, res e s Water. Rose Mary, wks J. Stewart. Root A., wks Wylie Bros. Russell Eli, filer, Shaw & Williams. Russell Joseph, foreman, Shaw & Williams, res w s Water. 5. Ryan Patrick, lab, res w s Water. 3. 664 FLORElNCE DIRECTORY. S. Samuels Benjamin, scaler, Shaw & Williams. Saunders Philip, wks Blanchard & Co., bds J. Stewart. Savina Adolphus, wks Wylie Bros. Savina J. L., wks Wylie Bros. Shaw & Williams (J. E. Shaw, Charles M. Williams), mill owners, office e s Water, mill the same. Schowski Frederick, wks Blanchard & Co., bds J. Stewart. Schraeder Adolphe, wks Shaw & Williams. Schult Christopher, wks Shaw & Williams. Schult Louis, wks Shaw & Williams. Schults Adolphe wks Shaw & Williams. Schults John, wks Shaw & Williams. Schults Joseph, wks Shaw & Williams. Shanks Edward, wks Shaw & Williams, bds D. Bowles. Shannon Michael, wks Wylie Bros. Shaw, Joseph E. (Shaw & Williams-Lyons & Co.), lumberman, res East Saginaw, Mich. Sheridan Patrick, foreman, Whittier's mill, res e s Water. 4. Sherwood Robt, teamster. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Sloane John, sawyer, bds U. S. Hotel. Smith E., wks Wylie Bros. Smitzer Charles, lab, bds Wm. Carr. Speckerman Henry, wks Shaw & Williams. Spusterback Philip, wks Shaw & Williams. Starkweather Edward, toll-gatherer Genesee bridge, res n s Water. 4. Stephens Mrs. Nancy (wid Alanson), res w s Water. 2. Stephens Vincent, lab, bds Mrs. M. Stephens. Stephens Wm., lab, bds Mrs. M. Stephens. Stewart Jake, cooper, bds Wm. Carr. Stewart John, engineer Blanchard & Co., res w s Water. 3. Stewart Robert, watchman Blanchard & Co., bds J. Stewart. Stine Wm., lab, bds D. Bowles. Stone Abel, lab, res w s Water. 5. Strong Joseph, wks Shaw & Williams. Styne Sarah, wks D. Bowles. Surprenaut Ensebe, lab, res w s Water. 6. Syne Miss Martha, home with Wm. Roberts. FLORENCE DIRECTORY. 665 T. Thompson Thomas, lab, res wv s Water. 5. Tourangeau 'Michael, lab, J. Brown. Turdelle Jean, lab, bds Mrs. S. Humphrey. V. Vangurder John J., watchman, res wv s Water. 5. W. Wallace Colin, wks Wylie Bros. Wallace Francis, lab, res w s Water. 4. Ward William, wks Shaw & Williams. Washington John, wks Wylie Bros., bds J. Brown. Watson Mrs. Margaret (wid Win.), res w s Water. Westerman John, engineer, bds U. S. Hotel. Westerman Nicolas, lab, bds U. S. Hotel. Wheeler Diantha, wks W. Carr. i1. & H. lKoch & Co., the One Price Clothing House. Whittier Joseph B., bookkeeper, C. Merrill & Co., bds East Saginaw. Whittier J. A. (C. Merrill & Co.), res East Saginaw, Mich. Wiess Ferdinand, wks Shaw & Williams. Willeby Henry, lab, bds J. Brown. Williams Charles (Lyons & Co.), res East Saginaw, Mich. Williams Chas. M. (Shaw & Williams), res East Saginaw, Mich. Williams Daniel, watchman, Wylie Bros. Wilson Robert, wks Blanchard & Co., bds J. Stewart. Wintler John, wks Shaw & Williams. Wylie James M. (Wylie Bros.), res e s Water. 4. Wylie Robert (Wylie Bros.), res e s Water. 3. Wylie Winm. (Wylie Bros.), res East Saginaw, Mich. Wylie Bros. James M., Robert, and Winm. Wylie), shingle mill, office and mills e s Water, nr Bristol-st bridge. 84 BROWN'S DIRECTORY OF THE Village of Banks. INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. (A PORTION OF BANGOR TOWNSHIP INCLUSIVE.) Banks, frequently known as Bangor, was incorporated in April, 1871. It is located on the north bank of the river, opposite Bay City, the channel making an eastwardly bend. A steam ferry plies between the above points, every halfhour, fare five cents. Banks is chiefly noted for its manufacturing interests, principally in lumber, salt, shingles, staves, lath, etc. Village officers are: Robert Leng, President; F. Bradfield, Clerk; Barnard Lourim, Treasurer; Joseph Orton, Marshal; Henry Walrath, E. J. Kelton, John C. Ravelle, Joseph Marchand, W. S. Benson, and Jefferson Beebe, Trustees. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS.-Peter Smith, J. D. Beebe, and Barnard Lourim. Union School, Fifth avenue, between Bangor and Frank streets; A. L. Cumming, Principal; Miss M. A. Agnew, Miss Jennie Thompson, teachers; number of pupils, 300. There is one church, at least, that of the Methodist Episcopal, corner of Fourth and Transit streets, a public hall, southwest corner Third and Transit. Names of streets in Banks are: Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth avenue, Sixth avenue, Seventh avenue, Bangor, Frank, Green, Keystone, Joseph, Leng, Sophia, Transit, Water. Absent from home-house north side Fourth, between Bangor and Frank streets. BANKS DIRECTORY. 667 House northwest corner Fifth avenue and Bangor street not completed, Five houses found vacant, of which a note was made. Population of Banks, and so much of Bangor township as has been taken, numbers 1,348 inhabitants; the number of names under the alphabet A, 20; B, 68; C, 43; D, 45; E, 3; F, 14; G, 33; H, 27; J, 19; K, 15; L, 45; M, 50; N, 16; 0, 3; P, 40; R, 22; S, 45; T, 32; V, 11; W, 18, Y, 1; total number of names, 529; multiply this by 2i, and it gives 1,323, a fair base figure for settled points. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. A. Abear Moses, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Aganus George, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Agans Charles, lab, bds James Agans. Agans Frank, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Agans James, teamster, res s s 4th, bet Sophia and Transit. 4. Agans John, salt boiler, wks Leng & Bradfield. Agnew Miss M. A., teacher Banks Unmon School, bds James A. Smith. Akey Adolphus, lab, res n s 4th, bet Bangor and Sophia. 5.. Alexandra John, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Allan Wm., sailor, bds D. Mozoulas. Amell John, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Amyotte John E., wks Leng & Bradfield. Ancel John, sawyer, bds Nicholas Wagner. Ancel Miss Margaret, bds N. Wagner. Anderson Alex., Jr., saloon keeper, Water, bds A. Anderson. Anderson Alexander, U. S. BILLIARD SALOON, s w cor Sophia and Water, b s Johnson House. Anderson Alex., lab, s e cor Transit and 3d. 4. Anderson Catharine, wks B. Lourim. Archambault Levi, lab, n e cor Bangor and 5th ave. 3. Asselm B., wk Ballentine & Co. Atkins Oscar, wks Moore, Smith & Co., bds Johnson House. .668 BANKS DIRECTORY. B. Baker Mrs. Margaret (wid Alfred), res e s 4th, bet Transit and Green. Baker P., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Ballard George, lab, res n s 4th, bet Bangor and Sophia. 3. Barr J., wks Ballentine & Co. Barnes C., fireman, Ballentine & Co. Ballentine Henry A. (J. M. Ballentine & Co.), res East Saginaw, Mich. Ballentine James M. (J. M. Ballentine & Co.), res Detroit, Mich. Ballentine J. M. & Co. (James M. Ballentine, Henry A. Ballentine, Alex. B. Moore), tugs, propellers, barge owners, freighters, and shippers, also shipyard, office and works Ballentine's dock, e s Water, nr J., L. & S. R. R. track. Barthelem Peri, lab, bds Morin House. Bastrow E., ship-carpenter,.wks Ballentine & Co. Batovetz Francis, (aged), res n of 4th, w of Leng. Batovetz Mrs. Barbara, res n of 4th, w of Leng. Beatty W., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Beaudette Luben, carpenter,.res w s 3d, bet Green and Leng. 2. Beaudette W., wks Ballentine & Co. Beaulien Henry, lab, bds Morin House. Bedard J., ship-carpenter, J. M. Ballentine & Co. Beebee John, teamster, bds M. J. Trombbry. Belamor M, iss Flevica, wks Morin House. Belanger Joseph, lab, res e s 5th ave, bet Bangor and Sophia. 3. Bentel William, fisherman, res n w cor Frank and Water. 10. Beluff William C., wks Smith & Moore, bds John Causley. Beloe Edward, carpenter, res w s Bangor road, n of J., L. & S. R. R. 2. Benson Henry, res s s Bangor, bet 2d and 3d. 2. Belanger Michael, lab, res e s 5th, bet Bangor and Sophia. 3. Beoux Tophile, lab, bds Morin House. Bergevin Jacques, lab, bds N. Cornouillers. Bergevin Win., lab, res w s 5th ave, bet Bangor and Sophia. 4. Bergivan Frank, wks Leng & Bradfield. Berschau Joseph, bds Banks Hotel. Besore Andrew C., lab, res e s 3d, bet Sophia and Transit. 3. Bishop Joseph, wks J. M. Ballentine & Co., res s e cor Sophia and 4th. 8. BANWKS DIRECTORY. 669t Blackman Charles A., bookkeeper, Taylor & Moulthrop, bds Mrs. Housier. Blackman Charles, foreman Taylor & Moulthrop's mill, bds M. Hauser. Bois Alfred, lab, bds Morin House. Boisclair Jean, caulker, J. MI. Ballentine & Co., res w s Bangor road, nr J., L. & S. R. R. track. 5. Boisvert Joseph, lab, bds Morin House. Booth Joseph, bds Banks Hotel. Boston George, ship carpenter, Ballentine & Co., res w s Bangor road, n of J., L. & S. R. R. 6. Boston J., wks Ballentine & Co. Boston J., Jr., wks Ballentine & Co. Boston Theophilus, foreman, e s Bangor road, n J., L. & S R.R. 2. Boston Theophilus, master builder, J. M. Ballentine & Co. Boucher Louis, lab, bds Morin House. Boucher Samuel, bds Morin House. Boule -, ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Bourn John, tanner, bds Seth Bourn. Bourn Seth, tanner, res e s Bangor road, n J., L. & S. R. R. 3 Gentlemen's Outfits at 1~. & IH. Koch & Co's. Boyer F., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Boyne James, lab, bds Johnson House. Brabo'Eli, wks Moore, Smith & Co., res n s 4th, w Leng. 10. Braddley Joseph, lab, w s Second, bet Green and Leng. 2. Bradield Frederick W., book-keeper Leng & Bradfield. Bradfield John (Leng & Bradfield), res Rochester, N. Y. Braman Jesse A., engineer, res n s 3d, w Leng. 5. Branchaud Grigoire, fisherman, n w cor Sophia and 5th ave. 3. Branchaud Jos., fisherman, w s 2d, bet Sophia and Transit. 4. Branchaud Maurice, sailor, s e cor 5th ave and Sophia. 6. Branchaud Moise, fisherman, n w cor Sophia and 5th ave. 3. Branchaud Mrs. C. (wid Maurice), n w cor 5th ave and Sophia. Branchaud Pierre Winm., lab, bds Mrs. Branchaud. Branchau Levi, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Bressett Alexander, lab, res n s 4th, bet Bangor and Frank. 7. Bressett Leon, lab, bds Alexander Bresset. Brookings Bradley, lab, s w cor 5th ave and Frank. 2. Brown Darwin, sawyer, wks Taylor & Moulthrop, res n s Water (or 2d), bet Sophia and Transit. 5. Burnett J., ship-carp, wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. Burlew Franklin A., foreman Keystone & Co.'s mill, w s 2d, nur Frank. 11. Butler -, ship-carp, wks Ballantine & Co. 670 BANKS DIRECTORY. C. Cadotte Francois, engineer, J. C. Hubbard, n e cor Sophia and 3d. 2. Campbell Simeon, engineer, res w s Bangor road, n J., L. & S. railroad. 5. Carpenter George, ship-carp, res e of Bangor road, Wenona, nr J., L. & S. railroad. 6. Caer J., ship blacksmith, wks Ballentine & Co. Carreveau Albert, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Carreaw L., wks Ballentine & Co. Carron James, lab, s s Sophia. bet 3d and 4th. 4. Carrier -, res n s 4th, w Leng. 3. Carson Winm., lab, w s 2d, bet Sophia and Transit. 3. Carson James, wks Taylor and Moulthrop. Carter Cmser, lab, res n s Water, bet Bangor and Sophia. 7. Castoria Baloney, bds F. Jean. Castoria John, lab, bds F. Jean. Caswell Alex., clk, bds R. Dates. Caswell James A., livery stable keeper, e s 3d, bet Frank and Bangor, res Saginaw City. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Causley John, sawyer, wks Moore, Smith & Co., res n s 3d, w Leng. 8. Champagne F., ship carpenter, J. M. Ballentine & Co. Charette Pierre, lab, res n s Sophia, bet 2d and Water. 6. Cbarou Pierre, lab, bds Morin House. Chartrand Auguste, lab, res e s 3d, bet Green and Leng. 7. Chatman Andrew, wks Taylor & Moulthrop, bds W. Houser. Chatigny.Treffle, lab, res e s 2d, bet Sophia and Transit. 5. Clenaret William, lab, bds Morin House. Clair J., wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. Clair P., ship carpenter, J. M. Ballentine & Co. Clayton Henry, bds F. Jean. Clendenny James, lab, res w s 4th, bet Green and Leng. 3. Cole Elisha, sawyer, res n Bangor, bet Water and 2c. 2. Connolly Edward, lab, bds Johnson House. Conway Edward, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Cornouillier Narcisse, lab, res e s 2d, bet Green and Leng. 4. Corvn Alex., carpenter, res e Bangor road, nr J., L. & S. RHR. 2. Cota Merciel, bds Banks Hdtel. Cote Benjamin, bds Morin House. Cote Eugene, lab, res n e cor Frank and Jane. 4. Cote Joseph, lab, bds T. Chatigny. BANKS DIRECTORY. 671 Cotnam W. H., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Couture Antoine, bds F. Jean. Couture Emile, lab, bds Morin House. Couture Louis, lab, bds Morin House. Couture Philip, lab, bds F. Jean. Couture Timothy, lab, bds Morin House. Cumming Archibald L., principal Banks Union School, res Bay City. D. Dalton Win., lab, bds J. Raymond. Damour Samuel, lab, res w s Bangor, n J., L. & S. R. R. 3. Danboise Aliconi, lab, bds Morin House. Darius J., sawyer, Ballentine & Co. Dashnow Joseph, cooper, res n s Water, ur Frank. 2. Davidson David, bds Morin House. Davis Samuel, watchman, Moore, Smith & Co., res w of mill. 2. Day Miss Emily, wks Ernst Didzel. DeChamplain Wilfred, lab, bds J. Bte Paquette. Defoe John, fisherman, res s e cor Bangor and 3d. 6. Defrain Augustus, cooper, res s s Water, e of Frank. 4. Only one Price at M. & H. Koch & Co's. Defrain Joseph, aged, lives Augustus Defrain. Degrace C., ship carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Delgrasellier Usable, lab, res e s Transit, bet 5th and 6th. 3. Demo Lewis, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Dennie Peter, sailor, res n s Water, bet Green and Leng. 7. Deruchie George, lab, bds Dennis Ferris. Deschone Joseph, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Desrosiers Emery, lab, bds M. Desrosiers. Desrosiers Michael, lab, res w s Bangor road. 4. Didrich Mansell, lab, res n s Bangor, bet Water and 2d. 2. Didzee Ernest, captain ferrry boat, res s s Water, bet Frank and Sophia. 6. Doerpen Charles, caulker, res w s Bangor road, n of J., L. & S. R.R. 2. Donigan Michael, raftsman, Moore, Smith & Co., e s 3d, bet Sophia and Transit. 4. Donigan Patrick, capt tug boat, res e s 3d, bet Sophia and Tran sit. 3. Donnagan Edward, wks Taylor & Mounthrop, bds C. Mozoula. Donohue Thomas, fisherman, res w s 3d, bet Sophia and. Transit. 4. Dooly Lewis, wks Leng & Bradfield. 672 BANKS DIRECTORY. Dow J., ship carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Drewyour 0., wks Ballentine & Co. Dube Louis, lab, res e side 3d, bet Green and Leng. 12. Dubois Peter C. A., physician, office s s Water, bet Bangor and Sophia, res same. 7. Dubey John, wks Smith & Mores, res s s 4th, w of Leng. 5. Duby Joseph, wks Moore, Smith & Co., res n s 4th, bet Bangor and Frank. 3. Duby Thomas, teamster, res w s 3d, bet Transit and Green. 5. Duchane Joseph, bds Banks Hotel. Dufresne Alphonse, ship carpenter, J. W. Ballentine & Co., bds Morin House. Dulac Louis, lab, res e side 3d, bet Green and Leng. 3. Dumond Louis, bds Banks Hotel. Dumond William, bds Banks Hotel. Dumond William, lab, bds Morin House. Dumond Xavier, bds Banks Hotel. Dunn Patrick, cooper, Leng & Bradfield, bds C. Mozoulas, Dupins Antoine, teamster, res s s Sophia, bet 4th and 5th avenue. 2. Duval Ferdinand, jobber, res s e cor 3d and Frank. 5. Interview the "6Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. E. Elkins J., ship carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Ervin William, lab, bds Morin House. Evans Nelson, sawyer, bds M. Didrick. F. Feyerabend Frank, wks Moore, Smith & Co., bds F. Jean. Ferguson George, bds Morin House. Ferris Timothy, propr Grant's Billiard Hall, s w cor Sophia and 2d, res cor 3d and Green. 5. Field Francis C., cooper, D. Starr. Filion Olivier, shoemaker, wks L. Larocque. Flynn Frank, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Flyner Miss Catharine, wks J. M. Trombley. Flynn Mrs. Mary (wid Francis), e s Sophia, bet 4th and 5th ave. 5. Foley James, cooper, bds G. Portt. Fortin E., ship-carpenter, J. M. Ballentine & Co. Fournier Fabien, ship-carpenter, J. M. Ballentine & Co., bds Morin House. BANKS DIRECTORY. 673 Frederick John, lab, w side 3d, bet Sophia and Transit. 4. Frederick Wmin., cooper, bds G. Portt. Fredrnm Philip, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. G. Gagnon Achille, lab, bds Morin House. Gagnon Antoine, ship-carpenter, res w s Bangor road, n of J., L. & S. R. R. e. Gagnon Baptiste, bds Morin House. Gagnon Mathurin, lab, e s 5th ave, bet Bangor and Sophia. 3. Galarneau Catharine, wks G. Portt. Galarneau L., ship-carp, wks Ballentine Co. Gale L., ship-carp, wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. Galloway H., wks Ballentine & Co. Garman Michael, bar tender Johnson House, bds same. Garding C., ship-carp, wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. Gardner Frank, lab, res n s 4th, bet Bangor and Sophia. 3. Gardner Peter, lab, bds Frank Gardner. Garnier Nelson, wks Leng & Bradfield. Gate Joseph, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Gauthier Francois, lab, w s 2d, bet Transit and Green. 2. --- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ------..., -........_............ The Great Popular Clothing House of Koch & Co. Gay Daniel, lab, w s 2d, bet Sophia and Transit. 2. Germain E., ship-carp, wks Ballentine & Co. Germain P., ship-carp, wks Ballentine & Co. Gilkey Freeman, sawyer, bds E. Cole. 2. Gilroy Patrick, bds Banks Hotel. Gerard John, lab, bds F. Jean. Girard Joseph, engineer, e s 2d, bet Green and Leng. 5. Goodstuff A., wks Ballentine & Co. Gothria John, lab, res e s 4th, bet Transit and Green. Gothier Miss Adaline, wks Joseph Duby. Goudreau L., wks Ballentine & Co. Gould Oliver, carpenter, res s s 2d, bet Green and Leng. 3. Gregoire Alfred, lab, bds Morin House. Gregoire Frederick, lab, res n e cor 5th ave and Frank. 3. Green James, edger, res s s 4th, e Leng. 3. Green Joseph, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Guay N., ship carpenter, J. M. Ballentine & Co. Gud D., ship carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Gurney A., wks Ballentine & Co. 85 674: BANKS DIRECTORY. H. Haire G., wks Ballentine & Co. Hale William W., wks Taylor & Moulthrop, bds W. Houser. Hall Sanford, lab, res s s Frank, bet 5th ave and 4th. 6. Harrington Bartholomew, mason, res w s Water, nr J. M. Ballentine & Co.'s ship-yard. 8. Hay Hugh, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Hay James, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Heath J., wks Bailentine & Co. Heath M., wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. Hebert Maurice, head sawyer, res s s Sophia, bet 4th and 5th ave. 6. Helleday James, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Heminger Mrs. May J., (wid Isaac Heminger), res w s Bangor. 2. Hemminger Mrs. Mary Jane (wid Isaac), res n w cor 2d and Bangor. 2. Heric John, carp, res w s Bangor road, n J., L. & S. R. R. 10. Heric John, lab, res w s Bangor road, opp Keystone mill banks. 6. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block. Heric Victor, foreman Keystone Co., res e of Bangor road, nr Keystone mill. 7. Higgins John E., lab, res s s Frank, bet 5th ave and 4th. 5. Hilliday James, fireman, res s s Sophia, bet 3d and Frank. 8. Hogan Patrick, wks Leng & Bradfield. Hogan W., wks Ballentine & Co. House Miss Leo, wks F. Jean. House Miss Phillamin, wks Frank Jcan. Houser William, wks Taylor & Moulthrop, res n s Water, bet Sophia and Transit. Howser William, wks Taylor & Monlthrop. Hoy Hugh, lab, res n s Water, bet Sophia and Transit. 4. Hoy Thomas, lab, bds Hugh Hoy. Hull Sanford, lab, res s w cor 4th and Frank. 6. Humstoule Mrs. Julia (wid John), res w s 3d, bet Bangor and Sophia. 4. Hunter ---, ship-carpenter Ballentine & Co. J. Jaquette Eugene, lab, bds G. Portt. Jean Alfred, lab, bds M. Jean. Jean Francis, carpenter, res s s Water, e of Frank. 3. Jean Frank, hotel, s e cor Franklin and Bangor road. 5. BANKS DIRECTORY. 675 Jean B., lab, bds M. Harris. Jean Joseph, dealer in liquors and tobacco, s w cor Frank and Water. 3. Jean Joseph, storekeeper, w side 2d, bet Frank and Bangor. 3. Jean Michael, carpenter, res s e cor Green and 2d. 2. Jean Miss Cesarie, dress-maker and milliner, n e cor Frank and Water, bds F. Jean. Jean Paul, elk, bds Francois Jean. Johnson B., sawyer, Ballantine & Co. Johnson Harley, wks N. W. Gas & Water Pipe Co., res w s Ann, bet Campbell and Water. 2. Johnson Thomas, propr Johnson House, w side 2d, bet Bangor and Sophia. 4. Jordan James, lab, bds Johnson House. Jay Joseph, lab, res n s Water, near Frank. 8. Julac Louis, lab, res e s 4th, bet Green and Leng. 3. July John, wks Moore, Smith & Co., res n s 4th, w Leng. 2. July John, lab, res n s 4th, w Leng. 17. July John, Sr., wks Moore, Smith & Co. Jurah John, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. K. Kelley J., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Kelley Michael, wks Keystone Co., res e s Bangor road, n of J., L. & S. R. R. 4. Kerr James, owner steam ferries "Hattie Brown," "I. G. Hubbard," res n w cor 2d and Transit. 3. Keystone Company's works, e of Bangor road, Banks, Mich., book-keeper refused to give names of men. Kimball Allen, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Kimball Alonzo, sawyer, res w s 3d, bet Bangor and Sophia. 4. King Joseph, ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co., res e s Bangor road, n of J., L. & S. R.R. 4. King Peter, bds Banks Hotel. King T., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. King -, lab, bds C. Carter. Kingsley George, bds Banks Hotel. Kirbey John, lab, res n s Water, bet Bangor and Sophia. 2. Kitchen Joseph C., sailor, res w s Sophia, bet 2d and Water. 4. Kitchen Thomas, lab, bds Johnson House. Kittle David, jobber, res e s 4th, bet Green and Transit. 4. Krow Joseph, bds Banks Hotel. 676 BANKS DIRECTORY. L. Labris William, lab, bds Morin House. Lachance J., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Lachance P., wks Ballentine & Co. Lacombe Charles, lab, wks Moore, Smith & Co., res n s 4th, r of Leng. 4. LaCombe Fred., lab, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Lacue J., watchman, Ballentine & Co. Ladouceur Andre, lab, res e s 3d, bet Green and Leng. 4. Ladouceur Pierre, lab, res e s 3d, bet Green and Leng. 7. Lafluer A. D., fisherman, bds T. Donahue. Laflour Charles, bds F. Jean. Laine Narassi, lab, bds Morin House. Lalonde Isaace, lab, res n w cor 7th ave and Transit. 4. Lalone Frank, lab, res e s Transit, bet 5th and 6tb. 2. Lamarre Joseph, lab, bds E. Rousselle. Landry Jean Bte., filer Johnson's mill, res s e cor 2d and Transit. 2. Langelier Firwin, lab, bds E. Rousselle. Langwin Joseph, sailor, res w s Sophia, bet 5th and 6th aves. 4. Little Jake & Co., ".Boss" Clothiers of the State. Langance John, carpenter, res w s Bangor road, n J., L. & S. R. R. 4. Layseis Frank, lab, bds Johnson House. Laplante Joseph, bds Banks Hotel. Laplante Joseph, lab, bds Morrin House. Larivee Belloni, ship-carpenter, res w s Bangor road, nr J. M. Ballentine & Co.'s ship-yard. 4. Laroche Louis, lab, bds Morin House. Larocque Leon, shoemaker, res w s 2d, bet Frank and Bangor. Larocque Miss Emerance, bds L. Larocque. Lathron D., wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Latroel Wm., lab, bds Morin House. Laurent David, lab, res w s Bangor, bet 6th and 7th ayves. 3. Lavoche Joseph, bds Banks Hotel. Lavale Teophile, lab, bds Morin House. Lavali Elzeard, lab, bds AMorin House. Lave Maxim, saloon-keeper, n s Water, bet Bangor and Transit. 11. Lawton William, wks Moore, Smith & Co., bds Banks Hotel. Lefay William, wks Leng & Bradfield. Lelonde Isaac, lab, res n e cor 9th ave and Transit. 4. Lelone Francis, lab, res n e cor Frank and 4th. 7. BANKS DIRECTORY. 677 Lelong Isaac, wks Leng & Bradfield. Lelong Marcelle, lab, res w end 5th, near Transit. 2. Lemire Lewis, lab, res n s Water, near Frank. 4. Leng Robert (Leng & Bradfield), res Leng, cor 3d. Leng & Bradfield (Robert Leng and John Bradfield), salt blk, heading and stave manufacturers, n s Water, w of Leng. Leroy William H., sailor, res w s 4th, bet Green and Leng. 5. Leavay B., ship-carpenter, J. M. Ballentine & Co. Leresque David, lab, bds Morin House. Lindsay Alonzo, sawyer, res n e cor 3d and Sophia. 6. Lindsley Frank, wks Moore, Smith & Co., bds S. Davis. Lodgway Charles, lab, res w s Bangor road, n J., L. & S. R. R, 10. Longueuil Joseph, blacksmith, e s 22d, bet Transit and Green, bds M. Jean. Longworth L., engineer, Ballentine & Co. Lothein Duncan, watchman Taylor & Moulthrop's mill, bds W. Hauser. Lourim B. (Lourimi & Bro.), w s 3d, bet Sophia and Transit. 8. Lourim B. & Bro. (Barnard and Patrick), groceries and provisions, n w cor Water and Sophia. Mi. & H. Koch & Co. are the Great Popular Clothiers. Lourim John, clk, w s 3d, bet Sophia and Transit. 3. Ludcer Peter, lab, res e s 4th, bet Green and Leng. 7. Ludwick Henry, lab, w s Bangor road. 2. M. McDonald Angus, wks Keystone Co., bds W. Hauser. McKervin Albert, bds Banks Hotel. McKittrick John, engineer, n w cor Frank and 21. 6. McKoy George, Jr., clk G. MIcKoy. McKoy George, head sawyer, e s 2d. 4. McLeod E., ship-carp, wks Ballentine & Co. Maguire E., wks Ballentine & Co. Mann, ship-carp, wks Ballentine & Co. Marble M., ship-carp, wks J. M. Ballentine & Co., s s 4th, bet Sophia and Transit. 10. Marchard Joseph, sawyer Moore, Smith & Co. Marchand Joseph A., lab, res wv s 3d, bet Green and Leng. 5. Markey David, lab, bds F. Jean. Marquette Peter wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Martin Abraham, bds Banks Hotel. Martin John, lab, res w s Transit, bet 2d and 3d. 10. Martin Peter, bds W. Houser. 678 BANKS DIRECTORY. Martin William, bds Banks Hotel. Marvin Martin, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Marvasson Denis, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Massey Frank, cooper, bds G. Portt. Masson C., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Matthieu George, sailor, res w s Water, nr J. M. Ballentine & Co.'s ship-yard. 6. Matthieu Charles, lab, res w s Water, nr J. M. Ballentine & Co.'s ship-yard. 2. Manger A., wks Ballentine & Co. Meade John, lab, res e s 5th ave, bet Bangor and Sophia. 2. Meade J., wks Ballentine & Co. Medard Frank, lab, bds Morin House. Merchard Joseph, wks Moore, Smith & Co. -Mershon Jeda, lab, res ss 4th, bet Bangor and Frank. 3. Mershon Joseph, lab, res n s 4th, bet Green and 'rransit. 2. Menone Chas., salt packer, res w s 2d, bet Green and Transit. 3. Michaunch Alphonse, lab, bds Morin House. Miller Lewvis, bds W. HI-ouser. Miller Wm., cooper, res s w cor Bangor and 3d. 6. Patronize the "Boss1" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Millikin George, clerk, wks Joseph Sharon. Mitchell Amos, bds Banks Hotel. Montre Octave, lab, res s s Water, bet Bangor and Sophia. 8. Montreuil Morse, lab, res s w cor Frank and 3d. 8. Moor Caspar, meat market, s s 2d, bet Frank and Bangor, res same. 2. Moore Alex. B., wks J. M. Ballentine & Co., bds Campbell House, Bay City. Moore, Smith & Co. (Henry C. Moore, Peter Smith, and Franklin Moore), sawmill and. salt blk, u s Saginaw river, one-half mile east of Bangor. Morrin Alexander, bds Morin House. MORIN WILLIAM, proprietor Morin House, s s 2d, bet Bangor and Frank. See ad'vt. 4. Morris George, wks Moore, Smith & Co., bds Johnson House. Morrison Dennis, lab, res n s Water, bet Green and Leng. 2. Moulthrop Clark (Taylor & Moulthrop), res Bay City. Mozoulas Charles, lab, e s 3d, bet Sophia and Transit. 3. Mullen Alexander, millwright, res w s Transit, bet 2d and 3d. 5. Murphy James, cooper, res s s 4th, e Leng. 7. Murray H., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Murray James, lab, bds Johnson House. BANKS DIRECTORY. 679 N. Nadeau Alfred, lab, bds Morin House. Nadean George, lab, bds Morin House. Nauison Nathan, cooper, wks Leng & Bradfield. Nephew Thomas, lab, res w s 4th, bet Green and Transit. 3. Neven Eddy, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Neven Jules, wks Moore, Smith & Co., res e s 2d, bet Green and Leng. 3. Neven Maxime, lab, res w s 2d, bet Green and Leng. 3. Neven Maxime, Sr., saloon-keepe:, e s.d, bet Green and Leng. 7. Nevu Thomas, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Neveu -, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Nevy Thomas, salt boiler, wks Leng & Bradfield. Nickels Peter, bds Banks Hotel. Nivison Nathan, wks Leng & Bradtield, res s e cor 4th and Green. 6. Norton C., wks J. MI. Ballentine & Co. Norton J., ship-carpenter, wks Ballentine & Co. X. & H. Koch & Co., the Clothiers. O. O'Clare Joseph, bks Banks Hotel. O'Clare Peter, bds Banks Hotel. Orton George, marshal of Banks, bds P. C. Smith. P. Papillon Francois, fisherman, off 7th ave. 3. Papinean Francis, res n 7th ave. 3. Paquette Antoine, lab, bds J. Bte. Paquette. Paquette Jean Bte., lab, s e cor 2d and Frank. 4. Paquette Jean Bte., Jr., lab, bds J. Bte. Paquette. Paradise Charles, joiner, wks Ballentine & Co., res w s Bangor road, n J., L. & S. railroad. 4. Pardee Daniel T., capt schr '"Ann," n e cor 7th ave and Transit. 6. Parent Louis, lab, w side 5th ave, bet Bangor and Sophia. 5. Pare Andre, lab, bds E. Rousselle. Paris John, lab, bds Johnson House. Parish J., wks Ballentine & Co. Parker George, fireman, res w s Bangor road. 3. Parredy Joseph, bds F. Jean. 8 BANK8 DIRECTORY. Pedderin Christian, wks and bds C. Moor. 'elkey Joseph, lab, bds F. Jean. Pelletier David, lab, w s Frank, bet Water and 2d. Peltier: Edward, lab, bds Morin House. Peltier Joseph, bds Banks Hotel. Peltier Maglone, lab, bds Morin House. Perry Authony, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Peters F. C., lab, wks Ballentine & Co. Peters Frank, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Peters John, salt-boiler, res e s 4th, bet Transit and Green. 3. Petigrew Joseph, bds Morin House. Phoenix Frank, blacksmith; res s s Bangor road, e of J., L. & S. R.R. 2. Pickla m T. O., wks Ballentine & Co. Pierce Charles G., fireman, bds J. R. Pierce. Pierce Jason R., lab, res n w cor Sophia and 2d. 7. Pierson Miss Matilda, wks Banks Hotel. Plande A., wks Ballen tine & Co. Podvan Francis, ship carpenter, res w s Bangor road, n of J., L. & S. R. R. 11. Poitevin F., ship carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Poitevin J., wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. Portelance Louis, caulker, res w side Bangor road, near J. tM. Ballentine & Co.'s shipyard. 6. Portt George, cooper, res w s 2d, bet Sophia and Transit. 6. Pridgeon John, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Prieur Frederick, lab, res w s 5th ave, off Frank. 5. Pudway Clement, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Purdy Stephen, wks Smith, Moore & Co., bds John Causley. Purdy Theodore T., sailor, res w s Transit, bet 6th and 7th avenues. 6. Purgin John, fireman, Smith & Moore's mill, res s s 4th, w of Leng. 5. R. Ravell John C., lab, res w s 2d, bet Green and Transit. 4. Raymond Jerome, carpenter, n w cor 6th ave and Bangor. 5. Raymond Joseph, salt-packer, bds J. Raymond. Raymond Thomas B., wood dealer, res e s Bangor road. 2. Remaux Joe, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Remaux Thomas, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Richard Eli, lab, s w cor 2d and Green. 3. Richard Eusebe, lab, s w cor 2d and Green. 3. Richer Fred, lab, bds F. Jean. BANKS DIRECTORY. 681 Riopelle C., wks Ballentine & Co. Rista Fred, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Roberge E., ship-carpenter, J. M. Ballentine & Co. Robinson L., wks Ballentine & Co. Rogers W. F., wks Moore, Smith & Co., bds Banks Hoi;el. Rosborough Samuel, wks Taylor & Monlthrop. Rose Miss Nancy, wks Banks Hotel. Ross Archibald, bds Banks Hotel. Rousel Angus, lab, bds Morin House. Rousselle Auguste, lab, bds E. Rousseulle. Rousselle Edouard, lab, s s Frank and 2d. 2. Rousselle Samuel, lab, bds E. Ronsselle. Roxbury Samuel, bds W. Houser. S. Sampson --, lab, res Water, bet Belinda and Dolsen. 5. Satanba Frank, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Savage William, wks Moore. Smith & Co., res n s 4th, w s Leng. 8. Schular Frederick, saloon, n s Water, bet Green and Leng. 5. Scovill Frank, lab, res n e cor 5th and Transit. 5. Seabeluff William, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Lowest Prices at e. & &. Koch & Co's. Seymour E., ship-carpenter, J. M. Ballantine & Co. Shadran Moses, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Shambo Joseph, lab, res s w cor 4th and Bangor. 6. Shampaign Mrs. Ida (wid Joseph Shampaign), res n w cor 4th and Transit. Shampaign Jeremiah, engineer, bds Mrs. Ida Shampaign. Sharon Anthony, lab, res n s 4th, w of Leng. 10. Sharon Joseph (Sharon & Trombley), res w s 3d, bet Green and Transit. 2. SHARON & TROMBLEY (Joseph S., David T.), groceries, provisions, and Yankee notions, s w cor Sophia and 2d. Shartreau James, lab, bds Oliver Gould. Shaw George, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Sheler Richard, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Sherat Peter, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Shonty Frank, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Sidman George D., book-keeper Moore, Smith & Co., res near mill. 2. Simmons Henry W., carpenter, res s s Sophia, bet 4th and 5th ave. 3. Smith Anson, bds Banks' Hotel. Smith Chas., wks Moore, Smith & Co. 86 682 BANKS DIRECTORY. Smith Henry J., foreman, Moore, Smith & Co., bds P. Smith. Smith James A., engineer, res w side 3d, bet Sophia and Transit. 6. Smith John, wks Taylor & Moulthrop, res s s Sophia, bet 3d and 4th. 4. Smith Peter, dealer in lumber and salt, res w s 3d, w Leng. 5. Smith Peter C., boat owner, res n s Water, bet Sophia and Transit. 2. Spaulding Mrs. A. A. (wid Solomon), res n w cor Bangor and 3d. Spaulding Mrs. Sarah (wid Love]), res n w cor Bangor and 3d. 5. Starr Daniel, cooper, shop n e cor 3d and Leng, res same. 5. Staubin Xavier, lab, bds T. Chatigny. Stewart J., engineer, Ballentine & Co. St. Larra Miss Neice, wks Morin House. St. Pierre J., wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. St. Pierre W., wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. St. Puirre Michael, lab, bds Morin House. Stone Harvey, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. One Price to all at Little Jake & Co's. Stone James H., lab, res n e cor Green and Water. 2. Stoddard Thomas A., engineer, Moore, Smith & Co. Sudland J., ship-carpenter, Ballentine & Co. Sudrat Alexander, farmer, bds Joseph Sudrat. Sudrat Joseph, fisher, res n s 4th, w Leng. 9. Sullivan Dennis, lab, bds C. Mazoula, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Sylvester Darius, lab, wks Taylor & Moulthrop, res w s 3d, bet Green and Leng. 8. T. Taitte Robert, propr Banks Hotel, n s 2d, bet Frank and Bangor. 3. Tauvette Joseph, lab, e s 5th ave, off Frank. 4. Taylor John S. (Taylor & Moulthrop), res Wenona. Maylor & Moulthrop (John S. Taylor and Clark Moulthrop), manuf'rs and dealers in lumber, lath and salt, mill s e cor Water and Sophia. Tebo Charles, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Tebo Frank, lab, res s s 4th, w of Leng. 6. Terrieau Edward, lab, res n w cor Frank and Water. 7. Therio Francis, bds Morin House. Thompson A., wks Moore, Smith & Co. BANKS DIRECTOR. 0683 Thompson Frank, wks Smith & Moore, res n s 4th, w of Leng. 8. Thompson Frank, Sr., wks Moore, Smith & Co. Thompson John, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Thompson Joseph, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Thompson Miss Jennie, teacher Banks Union school, bds Guy E. Thompson, Bay City. Thurean Peter, weaver, w s 3d, bet Bangor and Sophia. 7. Tibbitts G., wks Ballentine & Co. Tidilington Edward, teamster, Ballentine & Co. Tomlinson George, engineer and filer, Moore, Smith & Co., res s s 4th, w Leng. Tormel Lewis, bds Banks Hotel. Tourtiea Napoleon, bds Banks Hotel. Tovet Joseph, lab, res s w cor Bangor road and Frank. Trabear Joseph, lab, bds J. F. Jean. Meat market, s e Bangor, refused to give names. Trombley David (Sharon & Trombley), postmaster, res s w cor Water and Sophia. Trombley Joseph M., fisherman, res n w cor Sophia and 3d. 5. N]I. & H. Koch & Co., the One Price Clothing House. TROMBLE JOSEPH, real estate, res w s Sophia, bet 2d and Water. 3. Trombley Martin J., meat market, s w cor 2d and Sophia, res s e cor 3d and Sophia. 4. Trombley Richard, cooper, res w s 'd, bet Sophia and Transit. 4. Trow M., ship-carpenter, wks Ballentine & Co. Trudeau Francois, sailor, res w s Water, nr Ballentine & Co.'s: ship-yard. 13. Trudell Alexander, lab, bds J. B. Trudell. Trudelle Alex., sailor, bds Johnson House. Trudell John B., fisherman, res n s 4th, w of Leng. 5. Trudell Joseph, fisherman, res n s Water, bet Green and Leng. 4. V. Vaillancourt L., ship-carpenter, wks J. M. Ballentine & Co. Vallie Pierre, lab, res w s 3d, bet Frank and Bangor. 11. Valley Edward, bds F. Jean. Vanvelette M., wks Ballentine & Co. Vari Fardina, lab, bds Morin House. Vaseure Felix lab, bds Morin House. Verba Drummond, lab, res n s Transit, bet 2d and 3d. Verbeck Sylvenus, carp., res w s Transit, bet 4th and 5th 4. 684 BA-NKS I)IRECTORY. Vieley Atwood, lab, res n e cor Bangor and 3d. 9. Villaire David, saloon and boarding house, s s Water, bet Frank and Sophia. Will move to Wenona. 2. Voisine Honore, lab, res w s Bangor road. 3. Voisine Joseph, lab, res w s 3d, bet Frank and Bangor. 8. W. Waggester Frederick, carpenter bds Wm. Carson. Waggester Wm., carpenter, bds Wm. Carson. Wagner Nicholas, lab, res e s 3d, nr Frank. 5. Walrath Henry S., saw-filer, res e s 3d, bet Sophia and Transit. 4. Warren Martin, lab, res n e cor 6th ave and Bangor. 4. Way Samuel cooper, wks Daniel Star, bds G. Portt. Weitzman George, sawyer Moore, Smith & Co.'s mill, res w s Moore, Smith & Co.'s mill. 3. Welch Andrew, bds Banks Hotel. WELSH SAMUEL C., well-borer, res e s 4th, e of Lang. 6. Wheeler Edward, fisherman, res w s 2d, bet Green and Transit. 2. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Wild Larry, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Wild Thomas, sawyer, res n s 4th, e Lang. 10. Wild Thornton, wks Taylor & Moulthrop. Willett Moses, wks Moore, Smith & Co. Wilson W., wks Ballentine & Co. Woods Anthony, lab, home with Frank Phoenix. Woods George, lab, home with Frank Phoenix. Wright James, wks Taylor & Moulthrop, bds W. Houser. Y. Yax Francis, sailor, res n e cor 7th ave and Transit. 2. BROWN'S DIRECTORY SALZBURG. INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. Salzburg, with a population of 646, is a flourishing village, situated opposite Bay City, about one mile south and adjacent to Wenona, and is one of the stations on the line of the J., L. & S. R. R. It has a good school, located on the corner of section line and State roads, with an attendance of about 65 pupils,-E. H. Richey, teacher. A wagon andt foot-bridge connects Salzburg with Bay City, a long and costly structure. Only seven vacant houses were noted here during our canvass. Below will be found the names of residents, occupations, locations, and business of this point, etc., etc. The number of names in each letter of the alphabet are as follows: A, 6; B, 20; C, 25; D, 11; E, 4; F, 15; G, 14; H,20; J,7; K,11; L,21; M,22; N,5; O,1; P, 7; R,31; S, 22; T, 5; V, 4; W, 18; Y, 5; Z, 5; total number of individual names, 251. 686 SALZBURG DIRECTORY. STREETS IN SALZBURG. First, Tenth, Jefferson, Second, Adams, J., L. & S. R. R., Third, Clay, LaFayette, Fourth, Campau, M oross, Fifth, E. Saginaw & Sauble State, Sixth, River State road, Selee, Seventl, Franklin, Tromble, Eighth, Fremont, Water, Main, Jackson, Washington. Ninth, GENERAL ]DIRECTORY OF NAMES. A. Allman Frederick, blacksmith, n s State road, bet Sauble State road and J., L. & S. R. R. track. 5. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Anderson Charles, lab, res w s Au Sauble road. 4. Anderson John, wks C. F. Brooks. Appleton Isaac, wks C. F. Brooks. Arnold George, farmer, res w side Au Sauble Road. 8. Atkinson John, lab, res near J. H. Hill & Son's salt blk. 3. B. Batson George, lab, bds R. Batson. Batson John, lab, bds R. Batson. Batson Robert, lab, res w s Au Sauble road 11. Beffoe Adolph, lab, bds Railroad House. Beffree Thomas, sawyer, C. F. Brooks. SALZBURG DIRECTORY. 687 Begar H., lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Begin Harrie, lab, res n e cor 5th and Laf'ayette. 3. Bennett Shollas, teamster, res s s State, near J., L. & S. R. R. depot. 2. Biggs S., lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Binard Maglorre, ship-carpenter, res w s Au Sauble State road, bet 4th and State road. 8. Bohen John, wks Ladwich Bros, bds R. Heath. Bradley A. J., engineer, C. F. Brooks. Brigham James, blacksmith, bds 0. Foglesanger. Brooks Mrs. Caroline F., successor to Brooks & Adams, lumber and salt manufacturers, res Detroit, Mich. Brown Joseph, brewer, wks G. Kolb. Brown -, laborer, res w s Au Sauble road. 3. Burr Eugene, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Burr Jay, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Burtenbacher John, wks C. F. Brooks. 5. Butler Win., lab, wks Malone & Gardner. C. Campeau Mrs. Charlotte (wid Simon), res n s Franklin. 4. Campeau Daniel, propr Ferry Saloon, n w cor Sauble State road and State road, res same. 5. Campeau Francois, lab, bds Mrs. C. Campeau. Campeau Honore, lab, res w s Au Sauble road. 6. Campeau Louis, res w s J., L. & S. R. R. track. 3. Campbell Alex., carpenter, bds Cincinnati House. Campbell Bruce, bar-tender, Cincinnati House. CAMPBELL CHARLES, propr Cincinnati House, w s Wash'n, bet Main and 8th. 4. Only one Price at. f& &HI. Ioch & Co's. Campbell Charles, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Carroll John, shingle-packer, bds R. Dickel. Catlin E. S., wks C. F. Brooks. Causgroves John, builder, res s s Main. 4. Clarke Ed., bds D. West. Clarke H. E., planing mill and salt block, both slopped. Clarke Harry, res n w cor 5th and Wash'n. 2. Clause Charles, foreman Malone & Gardner's yard. Clause Charles, lab, bds Mrs. A. Griffith. Clyne Henry, carpenter, bds D. Cludy. Chapman Daniel, lab, res e s Water, bet 7th and 8th. 5. Chapman Dexter, lab, bds D. Chapman. Cooper Thomas, lab, bds Railroad House. 688 SA.LSBUIRG DIRiECTORY. Coville Hiram, cooper, n e cor 6th and. Washington. 2. Coville Modest, lab, e s Moross. 2. Cowler Frederick, wks C. F. Brooks. Curtis Christopher, circular sawyer, bds Cincinnati House. D. Danbury John, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co., bds R. Dickie. Davis Richard, fireman, wks C. F. Brooks. DAVIS WIN., propr Railroad House, s w cor J., L. & S. railroad and State road. 5. Demers Marcel, lab, w s Moross. 2. Dempsey Michael, wks C. F. Brooks. 2. Desnoyers Michael, lab, e s Fremont, nr State. 2. Dickie Robert, carp. 7. Dillon Frank, wks C. F. Brooks. Dillon James, lab, bds Cincinnati House, wks Malone & Gardner. Dowling Thomas, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Dunn George, salt boiler, wks C. F. Brooks. E. Interview the "'Boss"1 Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Eichorn George, saloon and store keeper, n s State, nr J., L. S. railroad track. 8. Elliott Agnes, wks H. Coville. Elliott Robert, blacksmith, n e cor J., L. & S. railroad and State road, res s s State. 3. Ernest -, res An Sauble road. F. Fitzhugh Daniel C. (F. Fitzhugh & Co.), bds Fraser House, Bay City. Fitzhugh Frank (F. Fitzhugh & Co.), res s c cor Washington and 6th. 6. Fitzhugh F.& Co. (Frank & D. C. Fitzhugh), proprs Salzburg flouring mills, foot of Main, cor of Water. Flinga Rudolph, wks F. F. Brooks. Fogelsinger Erastus, miller, res e side w Sec. Line road. 7. Fogelsinger Orlando, miller, res n s Main. 4. Foglesanger Erastus, miller, wks F. Fitzhugh & Co., res w S Main. 4. Foglesanger Orlando, miller, wks F. Fitzhugh & Co., res n s Main. 4. SALZBURG DIRECTORY. 689 Ford George, wks Brooks & Adams. 9. Forester John C., brewery, n s State. 4. Forgier Charles, wks C. F. Brooks. Frank John, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Frank Peter, e s Water, bet 7th and 8th. 4. Friedman Win., wks C. F. Brooks. Furnace Joseph, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. G. Gabill Adolphe, wks C. F. Brooks. Gagne Joseph, edger, wks C. F. Brooks. Gardner George M. (Malone & Gardner), res Cincinnati, O. Gardner John, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Gauthier Eugene, wks C. F. Brooks. Gauthier Joseph, carpenter, wks C. F. Brboks. Gemmill M. L., filer, wks C. F. Brooks. Giffard Henry, carpenter, bds Railroad House. Goodney O. M., lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Gosselin Narcisse, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Gravel Adolphe, wks C. F. Brooks. 5. M. & H. Koch & Co., the M1erchant Tailors. Griffith Mrs. Annie (wid Winm.), n e cor 7th and Wash'n. 5. Grimm Charles, wks C. F. Brooks. Guntermann Henry, meat market, e s Sauble State road, bet State road and 4th. 3. H. Hastings Thomas W., book-keeper, C. F. Brooks, res SalzburgHawkins James, shingle packer, bds R. Dickie. Hazen Wallace, wks C. F. Brooks. Heath Alonzo, wks Laderich Bros. Heath Mark, wks Laderich Bros. Heath Richard, circular sawyer, ur Laderich's mills. 9. Heinke H., lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Helmreich George, clks Standacher & Co., bds B. Standacher. Henninger Michael, lab, e s Moross. 2. Hill Cyril, lab,s s State, nr J., L. & S. R. R. depot. 2. Hill Eugene (I. H. Hill & Son), salt block, e sJ., L. & S. R. R. track, off s s State road. Hill Isaac H. (I. H. Hill & Son), res Bay City. Hill I. H. & Son (Isaac H. and Eugene H.), salt block, s s J., L & S. R. R. track, off s s State road. 87 690 SOALZBURG DIRECTORY. Hitchcock P. B., foreman, Win. M. Kelley's shipyard. Hodge Byron, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co., bds R. Dickio. Hofnogle Michael, lab, n e cor State road and 4 h. 3. Holland Joseph, Malone & Gardner, bds Cincinnati House. Horness John, lab, bds Cincinnati House. Horsfield Richard, sailor, s s n Section Line road, nr Au Sable State road. 3. Hutton James, fireman, C. F. Brooks. I. Idner George, carpenter, res w s Moross. 4. J. Jessup Mary, wks Cincinnati House. Johnson David, lab, w s Washington, bet 8th and Main. 3. Johnson E., lab, wks Nalone & Gardner. Jonas Charles, milk-man, res w s Au Sable road. 8. Jones Louis B., engineer, res e s Wash'n, bet 8th and Main. 3. Jones Vernon, lab, bds Railroad House. Little Jake & Co., Wisner Block.. K. Keffee Daniel, salt-boiler, C. F. Brooks. Kelley Wmin. M., ship-yard, e s J., L. & S. R. R. track, nr F. Fitzhugh's flour mill, res in Bay City. Keyes Merril, shingle-sawyer, w s J., L. & S. R. R. track. Keyes Wm., wks Whipple, Parmely & Co., bds M. Keyes. KizerAdam, wks Malone & Gardner, res w s Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. King Noah, lab, bds Railroad House. King Thos., bds D. West. Kludy Daniel, carpenter, res n s Main. 3. Knowdle Valentine, wks Malone & Gardner, res n w cor 6th and Wash'n. 6. Kolh George, brewer, res e s Water, bet 8th and 9tb. 6. Kraus John L., meat market, near Brooks & Adams. 1. L. Laderich Charles, off State road, nr Laderich's mill. Laderich Jacob (Laderich Bros.), res s w cor 5th and Wash'n. 3. Laderich John (Laderich Bros.), res e s Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. SALZBURG DIRECTORY. 691 Laderich Mrs. Magdelena (wid Christian), res e s Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Laderich Rudolph (Laderich Bros.), off State road, near Laderich mill. 6. Laderich Samuel (Laderich Bros.), res e s Wash'n, bet 6th and 7th. Laderich Bros. (Jacob, Samuel, Rudolph, John and Charles), mill off State road, rear bridge. Laflamme Louis, wks Whipple, Parmnely & Co., bds R. Dickie. Landry Benjamin, carp, n w cor 6th and Water. 2. Latendresse Urgele, lab, res off State road, nr J., L. & S. railroad depot. 2. Lefebvre David, wks C. F. Brooks. Lefebvre Narcisse, wks C. F. Brooks. 2. Lefebvre Vital, wks C. F. Brooks, bds E. Moghin. Leikert George, wks C. F. Brooks. List Adam (Standacher & Co.), s s State Road. Little Moses, lab, bds Cincinnati House. Leslis Margaret, wks Wm. Davis. Leslis Mrs. --, e s Fremont, bet Campau and State road. 7. Koch & Co., Genesee St., opposite Bancroft House. Loas C., head sawyer, Malone & Gardner. Loesel Elizabeth, wks R. Laderich. ove Winm., wks C. F. Brooks. M. McDonald Daniel, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co., bds R. Dickie. McDonell John, Jr., framer, bds J. Causgrove. MceGuffin John, engineer, s s State, nr Bridge. 3. McLelland Thos. J., sawyer, wks C. F. Brooks. MeTaggart Rob't, sawyer, wks C. F. Brooks. Malone Charles E., manager Malone & Gardner, res Bay City, Mich. Malone Harry, (Malone & Gardner), res Cincinnati, Ohio. Malone & Gardner (Harry Malone, George M. Gardner), lumber manufacturers, mill w s Water, bet Main and 8th, office e s Washington, bet Main and 8th. Mason Charles, filer, wks Malone & Gardner. Mawsol Frederick, cooper, e s Water, bet 6th and 7th. 3. Meyers John, wks C. F. Brooks. Michaud Frank, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co. Millard Freedom, lab, bds R. M. Sherwood. Miller Albert, wks C. F. Brooks. SALZBURG DIRECTORY. Miller Charles, carpenter, res n s State.. Miller Hans, carpenter, res n s State. 6. Miller John, farmer, res Aun Sable road, w s State road. 3. Monroe Thomas, wks C. F. Brooks. Mloquin Etrenne, wks C. F. Brooks. 5. Muenger Christian, clerk, bds G. Eichhorn. Murphy Michael, lab, res u e cor Main and Salzburg Plank road. 2. N. Nelson Martin, wks C. F. Brooks. Newbert John, wks L. Zagelmever. 3. Newman Charles, res n w cor 7th and Washington. 5. Noban John, lime-maker, res s side n Sec. Line road. 4. O. O'Riley Alford, lab, res w s Washington, bet 8th and Main 3.. P. Largest Stock in the State at Little Jake's. Parent Charles, carpenter, wks C. F. Brooks. Parent Joseph, lab, res nr J. H. Hill & Son's salt blk. 8. Parmely Dexter E., foreman, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co., bdsl R. Dickie. Pauman John, lab, res e s Washington, bet Main and 8th. 2ý Payant Adolphe, wks C. F. Brooks. 6. Payant James, wks C. F. Brooks, bds A. Payant. Perkins Henry, sawyer, wks Whipple, Parmely & Co., bds.. Dickie. Peterson John, farmer, a w cor State road and 4th. 3. Petrimoux. Napoleon, propr Eagle House, s s State road, nr, Bridge. 3. Petrimoux Medor, bds N. Petrimoux. 2. Petrimoux Mrs. Olive (wid Midor), n e cor 5th and Lafayette. 3.. Pettitt David, wks C. F. Brooks. Phillips James, wks C. F. Brooks. Phund Albert, wks G. Arnold. Pine Alonzo, wks C. F. Brooks. Poser Auguste, lab, bds F. Mawsol. Poultney John, wks C. F. Brooks. R. Rank John, brewer, wks T. Rosa, bds same. Raupp Hiram, well-borer, bds Railroad House. SALZBURG' DIRECTORY. 693 Redmond Win., lab, bds R. M. Sherwood. Reinecke Henry,'lab, bds F. Mawsol. Reynolds Lewis, lab, Fremont. 8. Rice Paul, wks C. F. Brooks. Richardson Wm., lumber inspector, C. F. Brooks. Richey Edward H., teacher Salzbnrg public school, res Bay City. Riegel George, lab, n s State. 2. Rivard Leandre, salt-boiler, C. F. Brooks. Roach Mrs. Catharine (wid Patrick), w s Washington, bet Main and 8th. Roach Martin, lab, n w cor Main and Salzburg Plank road. 3. Roberge Jean, wks C. F. Brooks, bds 0. Robidoux. Robertson Hugh, engineer C. F. Brooks. Robidoux Olivier, wks C. F. Brooks. 5. Robidoux Pierre, sawyer, wks C. F. Brooks. Root A. H., res nr C. F. Brooks. 4. Rugleburt James, wks C. F. Brooks. Rosa Thomas, brewery,e s Water, bet 8th and Main, res same. 11. Ross Robert, lab, bds Railroad House. The Great Popular Clothing House of Hoch & Co. Ryan Dennis, lab, bds Railroad House. Ryan Michael, fireman, bds Railroad House. S. Shappi Jacob J., prop Germania House, w s Sauble State, bet 4th and State road. 2. Scheurmann Joseph, carp, bds Cincinnati House. Schmidt Gottfried, tailor Staudacher & Co., bds Germania House. Schonbein Karl, wks C. F. Brooks. 4. Schupach David, lab, res s e cor Campau and Fremont. 9. Scogle Duncan, wagon maker, bds Railroad House. Scott Thomas, carpenter, res w s Au Sanble road. 7. Scott Walter, millwright, bds Railroad House. Searman Joseph, lab, wks Malone & Gardner's. Selle Christian, teamster Staudacher & Co., bds B. Staudacher. SHAEFFALE VALENTINE, propr Salzburg Bakery, and confectioner, e s State, nr J., L. & S. railroad tracks. 2. Shaw John, carp, e s Water, bet 7th and 6th. 2. Shanebarden Charles, wks C. F. Brooks. Shea Daniel, lab, bds Railroad House. Sherwood Randal M., harness-maker, nr I. H. Hill & Son's salt blk. 4. 694 SALZBURG DIRECTORY. Simkins Wm., lab, i s 8th, bet Washington and Lafayette. 2., Smith Charles, wks C. F. Brooks. Sinclair Wm. J., supt C. F. Brooks' mill, bds T. W. Hastings. Smith Win., lab, res nr I. H. Hill & Son's salt block. 3. Snyder Ithmer, engineer, res nr I. H. Hill & Son's salt blk. 3, Snyder Charles, wks Whipple, Parnmely & Co. Snyder Joseph, wks C. F. Brooks. Soudriette Alexis, lab, res nr I. H. Hill & Son's salt block. Soudriette Danus, farmer, res Section Line road. 5. Soudriette Pierre, farmer, res Section Line road. 2. Staudacher Bartholemew (Staudacher & Co.), res n s State road. STAUDACHER & Co. (Geo. and Bartholemew Staudacher, Adam List), grocers, boots and shoes, clothing and mdse, e s Sauble State road, near bridge. Tailoring shop attached to the establishment. Staudacher Frederick, teamster, Standacher & Co., bds B. Staudacher. Staudacher George (Staudacher & Co), res n s Campeau. Staudacher Jacob, clk Standacher & Co., bds B. Stanudacher. Stevens George, lab, res n s State. 4. Little Jake & Co., "'Boss " Clothiers of the tate. Stoddart Thomas, engineer, Smith & Moore, Ban ks, res e s J. L. & S. R. R. track, nr State. 10. Story Charles M., foreman Malone & Gardner, bds Ronech House, Wenona. Stors Wm., engineer, F. Fitzhugh & Co. Stors Wmi., engineer, Fitzhugh's flouring mill, res n e cor Main and Au Sanble road. 3. Strausberger H., lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Swacamer Richard, lab, bds R. M. Sherwood. Swartz Jacob, carpenter, res e s Water, bet 7th and 8th. 2. T. Thibeau Adolphe, wks C. F. Brooks. Thomas John, lab, bds R. M. Sherwood. Trombley Daniel C., engineer, res w s Moross. 6. Troy John F., wks C. F. Brooks. Truss Adam, shoemaker, s s State, near J., L. & S. IR. R depot. V. Valette Charles, lab, wks M Ialone & Gardner. Vertemmann Conrad, lab, res n w cor State road and 4th. 2. SALZBURG DIRECTORY. 695 Vogle Charles, wks C. F. Brooks. Volgreen Lawrence, bds D. West. W. Wellman Aaron, teamster, res n w cor Water and 8th. 5. Wellman Benjamin, teamster, bds A. Wellman. Wellman Herbert, teamster, bds A. Wellman. Wellman James, lab, res s e cor railroad track and Main. 2. West David, carpenter, res near Brooks & Adams. 7. Westover Maurice, wks G. Kolb. Whipper Hiram, bds D. West. Whipper Harmon, wks C. F. Brooks. Whipple, Parmeley & Co., shingle factory. White Michael, lab, res near J. H. Hill & Son's salt blk. 4. Wiede Henry, physician (a.), res w s Moross, near State. 5. Wilkinson Charles, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Wilkinson David, lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Willier Joseph, edger, bds Railroad House. Willier Maurice, edger, bds Railroad House. Williston Ashley, lab, bds R. M. Sherwood. T1. & H. Koch & Co. are the Great Popular Clothiers. Wilson McFarlane, teamster, bds A. Wellman. Wolgreen Lawrence, salt-packer, C. F. Brooks. Worts Henry, lab, res w s Washington, bet 8th and Main. 2. Y. Young George, lab, res w s Fremont, near State. 2. Young Winm., lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Young Baptiste, sawyer, wks C. F. Brooks. Young Philip, farmer, res near Brooks and Adams. 3. Young Winm., wks C. F. Brooks. Z. Zagelmeyer Lewis, lime kiln, w s Water, bet Main and 8th, res same. 4. Zeder Rudolph, saloon keeper, w s Washington, bet 8th and Main. 6. Zeder --, res w s Au Sauble road, near n Section Line road. Zetter W., lab, wks Malone & Gardner. Zimmerman COharles, propr, Half-way House, s e cr Washington and 8th. 3. BROW N'S DIRECTORY OF ESSEX. INDEPENDENT AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. This place, sometimes known as Essexville, was named after one of its earliest settlers, Mr. John Essex, who still survives to see what was once a howling wilderness now a thickly populated village, or valley, a most gratifying result in the evening of old age, and after years of early pioneer life. The place is about three miles down the Saginaw Riverbelow Bay City, and near the mouth, on the east bank. We found one house here, family absent; four vacant. A school with an attendance of 150 pupils, but no church. Population 535. The number of names in each letter of the alphabet are as follows: A, 6; B, 11; C, 10; D, 14; E, 6; F, 9; G, 13; H, 19; J, 4; K, 6; L; M, 19; 0, 1; P, 10; R, 6; S, 20; T, 6; U, 1; V,; W, 8; total number of individual names, 188. STREETS IN ESSEX. Burns, Langstaff, Oak, Dunbar, Lynn, Pine, Elm, Main, Prairie, Essex, Maple, Salina, Hart, Marsto n, Smith, Hudson, MicDonell, Woodside ave. James, Mercer, ESSEX DIRECTORY.6 697 GENERAL DIRECTORY OF NAMES. A. Ames Charles, A., manuf'r of lumber and salt, res s s Pine. 4. Ames Marshall K., manuf'r of lumber and salt, resss Pine. 3. Ames Willis L., manuf'r of lumber and salt, home with Chas. A. Ames. Anderson Jeremiah, bds N. Cutler. Anderson Samuel, bds N. Cutler. Arnold William, lab. 2. B. Barber Charles, bds N. Cutler. Barnes Charles, bds N. Cutler. Barnie Lewis, lab, res ss sWater. 4. Bateman Neil, lab, bds Sovey House. Blakely Kirby, wks J. R. Hall, bds Mrs. S. Laighton. Brady John, bds N. Cutler. Brady John, lab, ies s of Water. 3. Brady Lewis, bds N. Cutler. Brady Michael, lab, lives John Brady. Bresner Frank, bds M. Portlance. Burges -, fireman, res w s Broad. 3. C. Catter Redmond, mason, res n s Water. 6. Cheesman John J., ship-carpenter, res Broad. 4. Chevrette John, fisher, res s cor -. 8. Clancy William, bds N. Cutler. Clancey Wm. P., lab, bds N. Cutler. Cotter William, mason, res n s Water. Compo Frank, lab, res Essex. 3. Courval Joseph D., lab. 5. Orawford Charles, res e s Broad st. 3. Cutler Nathan, board'g house for Carrier & Co.'s mill hands. 3. 88 698 ESSEX DIRECTORY. D. Daly Frank, lab, res s s Pine. 3. Dargee Joseph, lab, res nr Broad. 5. Dargs Napoleon, lab, res s s Water. 5. Duay Adrien, wks mill, res Prairie. 3. Duby David, bds Joseph Lalonde. Duchene Peter, lab, res -. 7. Dufort Elie, lab, res s s Bay Shore road. 2. Duford Eli, sawyer, res s s Bay Shore road. 4. Duford Elair, carpenter. See elsewhere. Dufort Joseph, lab, res Pine. 3. Dufort Mrs. Mary, home with Joseph Dufort. Dunavan Michael, lab, res nr N. Cutler. 6. Duplanty St. Onge, saloon and res n s Prairie. 2. Durier G., bds D. Hebert. 7. E. Egan Patrick R., bds Sovey House. Emery Henry F., engineer, res s s Prairie. 3. Little Jake & Co. Undersell Everybody. Emmerson Thomas, lab, res s s Water. 5. Emnosh Antoine, lab, bds Sovey House. Essex John, res n s Woodside ave. Essex Ransom, postmaster, office and res n s Woodside ave. F. Felker Amos, millwright, reS nr Broad. 9. Felker I., wks J. R. Hall. Findland James, bds N. Cutler. Fitzhugh Charles, bds N. Cutler. French Chai'les, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Fulker H., wks J. R. Hall. Fulker William, wks J. R. Hall. Fulker T., wks J. R. Hall. G. Garber John B., foreman J. R. Hall's shingle mill, res n s Woodside ave. 7. Gibbs Artemus, lab, res s e part of Essex. 2. Gibbs A., wks J. R. Hall. Giroux John, lab, res s w part of Essex. 4. ESSEX DIRECTORY. 699 Gould James, res s side Bay Shore road. Goulette John, lab, res -. 2. Gracy James, lab, res e s Broad. 7. Greenwood M., wks J. R. Hall. Greenwood Mec., lab, bds Sovey House. Griffin John, wks J. R. Hall, bds Sarah Laighton. Guillett John, lab, res cor s e of Essexville. 2. Guillett Joseph, lab, res s e cor Essex. 6. Guillette, Alex., teamster, res Prairie. 4. H. Hall Frederick, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighlton. Hall George, wks J. R. Hall, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Hall Jerry R., shingle mill, res n s Water. Harn John, lab, res s of Water. 4. Harn Miss Sarah C., lives John Harn. Hawes Seth, wks J. R. Hall. Hayes James, watchman, res n s Bay Shore road. 4. Headford Thomas B., lab, res s s Pine. 3. Hebert Duby, saloon and boarding house. 3, Lowest Prices at 3. & H. Koch & Co's. Hurd James, wks J. R. Hall, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Hetford T., wks J. R. Hall. Hinkley Charles, wks J. R. Hall, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Holsinger Peter, bds N. Cutler. Horn John, wks J... Hall. Howes H. S., lab, bds J. Harn. Hudson Hendrick, carpenter, lives J. Hudson. 2. Hudson Joseph, farmer, res s w part of Essexville. 2. Hugo Aman, bds M. Portlance. Hutton Albert, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. J. Jaynes Nelson, blacksmith, res e of Broad. 4. Johnson Antoine, res. 9. Jack John W., foreman, John Carrier & Co., res Pine. 6. Judd H. S., foreman, bds N. Cutler. K. Karber Peter, wks Kaiser's mill, res Prairie. 3. Kevser John, lab, res n s Water. 5. Keyser Philip H., res o of Broad, n of Water. 8. Kingsley Pacomb, wks McGraw, res rear King & Co.'s store. 5, ESSEX DIRECTORY. King Clovis, head sawyer, Erbach's mill, res s e part of Essex. 7. KING & Co. (Geo. King, John Jack), grocers, res off King, over store. 4. L. Laighton James, wks J. R. Hall, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Laighton Joseph, wks J. R. Hall, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. 5. Laighton Mrs. Sarah, wks J. R. Hall. Laighton William, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Lalonde Frank, farmer, res Bay Shore road. 4. Lalonde Joseph, clk postoffice, bds R. Essex. Lalonde Joseph, saloon and boarding house, Prairie. 6. Larimer George, wks J. R. Hall, res- w s Broad. 4. Lauzon Jean, lab, res,ir J. Lyden. 2. Lauzon Paul, bds M. Portlance. Laveine John, lab, res w s Broad. 3. Lectre Frank, carpenter. 4. Lelonde Abraham, carpenter, res s s Water. 5. Locke Winm., Jr., wks J. R. Hall. Lock William H., wks J. R. Hall, res a s Water. 7. Interview the " Boss" Clothiers, Little Jake & Co. Lyden John, sawyer, res n s Bay Shore road. 4. M. MicCan John. McLean Charles, teamster, res s of Water, w of Broad. 4. McComb Ozro G., filer, J. R. Hall. 3. Marthack G., wks J. R. Hall. Matevee Lewis, lab, res near Broad. 5. Maxson Stephen, liveryman, stable s s Woodside ave, res s s Woodside ave. )Melock A., wks J. R. Hall. Melville Caesar, bds D. Hebert. Miller Horace M., wks J. R. Hall, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Miller Jesse, res near King & Co.'s store. 7. Mills L., wks J. R. Hall. Mills Seth, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Mitiviers Edouard, lab, res s s Bay Shore road. 4. Moore Miss Margaret, lives A. Gibbs. Moore Mrs. Surrepta, lives A. Gibbs. Moore, bds N. Cutler. Moxin Stephen, lab, res's s s Water. 8. Muncey George W., lab, res s s Water. 6. Murphy Patrick, sawyer, res Pine. 4. ESSEX DIRECTORY. 701, 0. Obier Horton, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Ouellette Romuald, bds Joseph Lalonde. P. Paquette Charles, res n s Bay Shore road. 3. Park Isaac, wks Carrier & Co., res rear King & Co.'s store. 4. Park John, bds Joseph Lalonde. Patterson Edwin, lab, res Essex. 3. Patrick George, bds N. Cutler. Portlance Michael, boom hand. 2. Power William, wks J. R. Hall, res e s Pine. 4. Pratt Charles S., lumberman, res s s Water. 3. Pratt Ralph, mason, res s s Water, nr Broad. 7. Pussure Octave, joiner, res s s Pine. 5. R. Richards Wm., saloon and res, Prairie. 6. Largest Stock of Clothing at 1W. & H. Koch & Co's. Rivers Moses, lab, res w of Broad, s of Water. 8. Rodger Philip, lab, res nr Broad. 4. Root Philo B., millwright, res e s Broad. 5. Rouse Jas. M., saw-mill and res n s Woodside ave. Employ 20 men. 3. S. Settupaway Lewis, res w s Broad. 3. Shanpe Frank, lab, res Essex. 4. Shevaliear John, bds N. Cutler. Smith Cyrus, farmer, res n s Bay Shore road. 5. Smith Grove, shingle-maker, res n s Water. 6. Smith Wm., lab, bds Sovey House. Smith's saw mill. n of River. Sovey J., wks J. R. Hall. Sovey Mrs. Sophia (wid Francis Sovey), res Sovey House. Spears Robert, butcher, bds Wmi. H. Lock. Spencer Wm., bds N. Cutler. Steiner John, bds N. Cutler. Stevenson A., wks J. R. Hall. Stevenson Mark S., wagon-maker, res s e part of Essex. 5. Stevenson Russell, wagon and carriage maker, shop and res e s Broad, s of Water. 6. 702 ESSEX DIRECTORY. Stoco John, lab. 3. Stokes William, bds N. Cutler. Summerfield Porter, carpenter, res n s Water. Summerfield William, carpenter, res n s Water. 6. Sweele Albert, lab. 4. T. Tardy Lewis, lab. 3. Tenny Patrick, wks J. R. Hall, bds Sarah Laighton. Thomas John, bds N. Cutler. Trombley Nelson, carpenter, res e s Broad. 3. Trudell Joseph, teamster. 9. Trump Charles lab, res nr Broad. 3. U. Underwood Henry, wks J. R. Hall, res e s Broad. 2. V. Vanderwheel A., lab. 2. No Bantering at Little Jake's. Vissure Lewis, lab, res s s Pine. 7. W. Walrave Anthony, saloon and res --. 8. Ward Nicholas, filer, res Pine, cor Prairie. 10. Webster Cassius, wks J. R. Hall, bds Mrs. Sarah Laighton. Weeks George, lab, bds J. Ham. Weit August, wks mill. 4. Welch Patrick, bds N. Cutler. Wicks George, wks J. R. Hall. Wyember Peter, lab. 2. NOTE.-The number of names in the Saginaw City Directory under each letter of the alphabet is as follows: A, 104; B, 361; C, 234 D, 133; E, 68; F, 123; G, 161: H, 244; 1,15; J, 82; K, 150; L, 164; M, 837; N, 31; 0, 61; P, 158; Q, 3; R, 162; S, 387; T, 102; U, 4; V, 37; W, 211; X, 0; Y, 9; Z, 7. Total number of names, 3,248; if multiplied by 21, gives 8,120 inhabitants. ADVERTISEMENTS. MUSICAL EXQUISITE. rhe Pioneer.Mrsic.fouse, -Estabished f866. A. W. WHEAT & Co., GENERAL MUSIC DEALERS. Distributing Agency of Northern Michigan for the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS, HICKERING & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BQROTHERS' PIANOS, AND OTHERS O sNOTE. No. 111 Washington Avenus. Opp. "The Bancroft House," EAST SAGINAW. 704 A.DVE RTISEMENTS. Mdaoneale U rban's CINCINNA-TI 8AFN SQBANK Lb The Salesroom for these Safes is At 111 Washington Avenue, Opposite the Banoroft House EAST SAGINAW, Where a stock of different sizes may be seen. ALFRED W. WHEAT & Co,, Agents, titOLi O TT177iiA11.r.....1...E... It affords me great satisfaction to say that the Macneale & Urban Safe stood the test of the " Great Chicago Fire." When we removed it from the debris of our office, (which was one among the twenty thousand buildings destroyed on the ever-to-be-remenibered night of the 8th inst.,) we operated the lock with the combination, and on opening the doors were rejoiced to find the contents of our safe intact. Thuswith the preservation of onr books and papers we have the nucleus to settle and adjust our accounts and insurance. Again let me say it affords me much pleasure to acknowledge to you my high appreciation of the Macneale & Urban Safe. Very Respectfully Yours, POTTER PALIMR. ADVERTISEMENTS. ~O5 B~AN CROFT PO1TJiSE. oou ISRAEL B. NORCROSS, Prop'r, EAST SAGINA W, MICH, JESSE HOY~T, Manufacturer of Gang Sawed Lumber. LUMBER DELIVERED ON CARS FREE OF CHARGE. Dressed Lumber a Specialty. W. J. E AA TO, Agent. OFFICE, BUENA VISTA BLOCK. fills a Planing fill, East EaingRw, I 8. 89 06 ADVERTISEMENTS. M. G. SMITH. LEW. B. CLARK., IDR, T 0I T OT SSI IQ II ii i ~ --=lI jill =~ - --~--=-~ - M. G SMITH & Co., PROP'RS. JAMES STEWART & Co., Dealers in LAumbermen's DSwuppies, And Jobbers in War, grsSyrps, V fiffand eba 98 ALL KINDS OF SALT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALL KINDS OF Lubricating Oils, Cement, and Plaster. CORNER GENESEE AND WATER STREETS, la,'St MagizXXVLr, 1~1l ADVtERTISEMENTS. 707 CHARLES A. DOLLIVER, Dorse-Shoer, Blacksmithing, Cariage-lrner, Jobber, and Manufacturer of all kinds of SWazaSzusý 'TOOasý KILaoR's (NEW PATENT) CANT-DOG. Repairing a Specialty, and Done to Order. CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND WOOD-WORK IN CONNECTION. Shop, Corner Franklin and I E't "a Gernman streets, q a stS g in,. W. S HOUGHTON, P 0A8RR/AGE - MANUFACTURER, Trimmer, Painter, and Finisher. REPAIRING DONE TO ORDER. NONE BUT THE BEST SECOND-OROWTH TIMBER USED. SIIOP AND FACTORY, Corner Fan ilneand East.1 Frjuanklitns nd Eas Saginaw, IvMichi, CAPT. C. W. GRAY. C. A. MASSkY. (successors to Nlederstadt & Massey), Manufacturers of St ea LJLAoilers. SHEET-IRON WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Shop, Corner North Water and Astor Streets, EAST SACINAW, MICHs P. O, Box, 280. __ iUItep.airs I9Y-roriptly -Atteiided to. uock and _'ri'dge Buldiig., HEAVY MACHIKERY FOR HEAVY WORK, A large stock of Address allPIbFS nlgl ll1H1BE ordes toTo suit customers.. WALTER FITZGERALD, ]East Saginaw,. Mich-, kJAI)ERTIS EME1TB. EUQENE rS. JoHNasoN. L. P. HA SJOHNSON & HALL, LLL. PLi ery, BoardinE, and Sale STABLES, Franklin Street, Second Door South of German, EAST SAGINTAW, - MICH. -, C NI~Y IN A? M B Tlot 0P 0 3ý A Dining and QysTE R ROONSt LADIES' DINING PARLORS UP STAIRS. Dinner from 12 M. to 2 X P. M. s.j4 AVEIERILL, Prp', ATAAW M Narth Was hiR00" lstreetý ~EAST SAG[KAW MICA, NYorth1 Was~hngton ~tareei5J ilo A bV F, hTftS-kk:t IýTS i CHAUINCEY -H. GAGE, ttt I C Cou semller. OFFICE, ROOMS I AND 2, WISNER BLOCK, East Saginaw, Mich. M.L. GAGE. C. H. GAGE. DEALERS IN Wisner Block, East Saginaw, Mich. D. ROW. S. HART. SQTYAr.E DEALING TTll3S lll Inrors, rri o ~Imifio8 And General Dealers in HORSE CLOTHING, SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES, COLLARS, ETC. Robinson Block, 504 Genesee, and 103 S. Jefferson Sts., East Sagrinaw. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. C. W. GRANT. TasoasAS SAYLORI. JAS. F. BRowil. T. SAYLEOR & Co.,. Manufacturers and Dealers in Planed Lumber, F loorin2s, Siding. and Mouldings constantly on hand, and Shipped to order by Rail or Water to any part of the United States. KILL AND WORKS AT CARROLJLTON, EAST SAGINAW, MICil. ADVERTISEMENTS. '71.1 GALLINGER & COUSJNEAU, GENERAL BLACKSMITHIS AND IIORSE-SII9ERS. River Work and all kinds of Jobbing Executed on Short Notice. Al] Work Warranted anid Satisfaction Gunarantied. REAR VALLEY CITY ENGINE HOUSE,EatSgnw Mih CASS SIRE ET, EatSgnw Mih AD AM W]EGST, Dealer in all kinds of Foreign ORDERS FROM ABROAD PROMPTLY FILLED. No. 211 North Water St., I Es P. 0. Box 120"5ataiaw ih W. H. WA3NER. L. H. EASTMSAN. WARNER &EASTMAN, Maniificinrers and Dealers in all kinds of -ANDJOHN F RRG. Manufacturer of At Zilwankee. Also Dealer in And other Real Estate, at East Saginaw and Saginaw City, Mlicli. Offce, Corner Genlesee and Water St-reets, East Saginaw, [~h. 712 ADVERTISEMENTS. C. HOLTZHEIMER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN WINS ANO LIQUUlORS, -ALSOTobaccos and Cigars MEYER'S BLOCK, Potter Street, between Jefferson and Franklin, EAST NAGINAW., M10ICH. a me, rs? 1me N. W. cor. Genesee and Clay Sts., EAST SAGINAW, Mich. The undersigned begs leave to notify the public of East Saginaw, and th e Farmers of the surrounding country in particular. that he has again taken possession of the above Hotel. (which he formerly owned,) and thoroughly renovated the same, so that it is now in bettercondition than ever heretofore. Travelers will find it to their advantage to give me a call. Good Stabling connected with the premises. K. ESC=DEN BACtH. Valley City Coffee and Spice Mills. Taggett, Plumb & Co., MANUFACTUREES AND JOBBERS IN 0offo8, Spices, LIQUID BLUING, ETC., ETC., 127 North Water Street, A. H. Soper, HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, AND Ornamental Painter. Particular attention paid to Graining, Paper.Hanging, Fres. coing, Calcimining, and Wall Stippling. All orders executed with neatness and promptness. Shop second door rear of Valley City Engine House, Cass St., East Saginaw, Mich. m Nelson H. 01aflin, PHYSICIAN, Sur eon and Accucheur, Office and Residence, 314 South Washington Street, on west side, between William and Hayden Streets. East Saginaw, Mich. Calls left either night or day promptly attended to. CHARLEs TEN EyC. EGBERT TEN EYcK. C. & E. TEN EYCK, Manufacturers of and dealers in STAVES and HEADING. Water St., near F. & P. M. R'y. East Saginaw, Mich. East Saginaw, Mlich, _ _ _ _ __ ~I__~ Q~~ D~r~rrm~P~u~-r-~ MERRILL & BACON, FOUNDRY & MAOWHINE 8HOP Cor. McCOSKRY and WATER Sts., EAST SAGINAW, Mich. Builders of Circular Sans and Salt Well Machinery. Salt Pumps. Valves. Funnels, &c. All sizes cobnstantly on hand. Brass and ComDosition Boxes made to order on short notice. Salt Well Tubing, all sizes. Castings of all kinds made to order. Jobbing of all kinds done promptly. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Geo. C. Merrill, P...ox 706. A. W. Baron. t P.O.-SOX N6. J. H, TITUS, ity _ _ress. GOODS, TRUNKS, PACKAGES, PARCELS, &c., &c., Delivered to and from any part of the city, Saginaw City, and vicinities. Having a oood Spring Express Wagon, am always ready for BusiNEss. Leave orders at my office, east end of Genesee St. Bridge, opposite Toll office. Cbarges reasonable. EAST SAGI[NAW. ADVERTISEMENTS. 713i Jabez G. Sutherland, John J. Wheeler. Chas. V. DeLand, SUTHERLAND & WHEELER, General Insurance Agent MaeN Attorneys and Counselors AT LAW, EAST SAGINAW, Mich. AND ADJUSTER. OFFICE, 314 GENESEE St. Policies issued on all good property at reasonable rates. I-~L~LMYCII- -Q~YO~R--~N~I~UI~B..r~~~-~~~-Y~-P\~Y_~yaL-~~I~EPl~mR~l~e~C~ ~ n r Timothy E. Tarsney, Attorney at Law AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. OFFICE 317 GENESEE St., EAST SAGINAW, Mich. -1 4, BW. Flick WATCHMAKER, JEWELER, AND ENGRAVER, Corner Washington and Randolph Sts., East Saginaw, Michigan. Watches,Clocks,and Jewelry Repaired Promptly Jewelry, Rings. Spoons, and Engraving of every description done in first-class style, having extensive experience as an Engraver. 94 I'm= Wl% ý l~-n ---- Im99ul~lD"ram= muzannowPRI&~E Harvey & Coleman, LIVERY, HACK, and HEARSE STABLES Horses and Carriages for Hire at all Hours. Cor. Tnscola and Washington, and cor. Franklin anA German Sts., EAST SAGINAW, Michigan. I WICKES BROS., Manufacturers of 8 TEAM ENGINES, Tremain Balance Valve and Dunbar Piston Packing, Gang and Circuilar Mills, and all kinds of Brass and Iron Castings. Nos. 524 and 528 North Water St., EAST SAGINAW, Michigan. H. D. Wickes, E. N Wickes, C.T. Wickes. %J' P. Allison, LUMBER AND SALT Manufacturer Office Buena Vista Block. S. E. corner Genesee and Water Sts., East Saginaw, Miob, L. E. Cummings. A. K. Comins. L.E.Cummings & Co. East Saginaw, Mich., Inspectors and Scalers -orSHORT LOGSand LONG TIMBER. 90 114 ADVERTISEMENTS. No ESTN &SONT* * Xc-1w6 DEALERS IN DEALER IN Ilio6[riCS and ProV1Sio0nS, Staple 'W Fancy Groceries, Cr'ockery,, Provis IowS, Flour, Flour, FMd, Tobacco, Etc. -Feed, Tobaccos, Cigars., &a. West side of Mackinaw, WASH'N STREET, 7th WARD, EIGHTH WARD, EBast Saginaw, Michigan. East Saginaw, Micli. HAS OPENED A NEW CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND GERMAN STS., Gallagher B lock,, atSgnw ih Up Stairs. All Manner of EXECUTED WVITH PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH. Especial Attention Paid to the Printing of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ball Cards, Calling Cards, Etc. 11ASrIF15A,-CTýr1:o3NW UA tA - W V 11NAIED. FREDERICK A, RICKLEY, Saginaw Valley 'West side of Genesee, cor. Walnut. FA3 SA011NAWt -MICH. LISTERNFALTORY. The Undersigned lakes pleasure in annotnocitiic to the iublicethat h e is enee,?geti in the manufacture of CISTERNS o)f every dimen--ion. and at reasorshie esteeý. Parti's in teed of Cistern., will find lt to their advanta-re to give ime a call, es myfacilities are etich t hatlI can furnish them On short notice and checaper than elsewhiere. Factory on Ger-man St, bet ween Coss and Jeffe 'Son, near thbe steam fire engine housie. QHASs ",WREQ~,6-Props .&VM1UTIS mkEXTTS.16 Z IEG NE R'S Alexander Dunlap's LREOP boof Blowoly UDIG; HOSE o East side of Water, bet, ctoskiy and Water Streets, COR. ROCKWELL AND JOmNSON, EAST SAGINAW, Mich. A good bar of Choice Wines. Liquors, nd Cigars always on hand. A fair share East Saginaw.of public patronage invited. HENRY PASSOLT, Travers& Ste.Mary, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Manufacturers and Dealers in Ma-uufacturer of and Dealer in Savon Imperial Gcerman Erasive BOOTS AND SHOES. Soaps, and Potash$ Custom work made from the best Stock, Dealer in and by the best of Workmen. Dealer in TALLOW, GREASE, etc. SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. Factory Sonth Side McCoskry, between lShop East Side Genesee, up Stairs, Jefferson and Cass, over 317, EAST SAGINAW, MICHIGAN EA s SA IanVAwM1ich. FREDERICK RUMP, Oldest Establishment in Town. COOP-E3 wILLIM WILLItMSO ]E31acksmtitha, Builder of Cisterns. Horse Sh or, Beer, Pork, Potash, and Liquor Manufacturer of Barrels I IILL AND SALT BLOCK WORK Made to order on the shortest notice, Of all kinds. All first-class work executShop East Side Rockwell, between Fitz- ed here. tthop North Side North Miller, hugh and Johnson Streets, between King and Mackinaw, EAST SAGINTAW. 7th Ward, East Saginaw. J. BUCKLEY, THOMAS NOTAN, PROPRIETOR Carriage, Wagon, and Sleigh a in OU, M.anufactaurer, NationalHouse, MACKINAW STREEf, SOUTH SAGINAW, REPAIRING DONE TO ORDER. East Saginaw, MIich. Ample accommodation provided for the O C travceling community, who patronize Tom, proprietor of the National-House. Every thing served sweet, quick, and at the West Side of Mackinaw, between Rust and shortest notice. Give him a call, anu test North Miller, his choice liquors. iAB AFAE tRTIS1i:~SEt. EDWIN F. NUMBERS, WOOD TUIKIER. All kinds of Turning done to order, on short notice. A good stock of Black Walnut Newels, Posts, Balusters, Table Legs, etc., always on hand. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Factory at Jesse Hoyt's Carpenter Shop, N. Water, near Mayflower Mills, EAST SAGINAW, MICHIGAN. Fm J. BABIE'S REGULAR MEALS AT USUAL HOURS*, Warm or Cold Meals at all Hours, Cabss St " Post Off~ice a Sg M Block, No. 5. EastS Me mmaslce~a~wm~wl~~oum~8nn~--~c~~-~~~-R Mason Builder, Contractor, Etc. HOUSE BUILDING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE Special attention paid Boiler and Fire Arch Building. ALL WORK WARRANTED. A liberal share of patronage solicited. EAST SAGINAW,. -I MICHIGAN HOTEL, John Diederich, Prop'r. Corner of Genesee and Vassar Plank Road, EAST SAGINAW, MICHIGAN. Lodgings,,Day Board, and Stabling As good and as low AS AT ANY OTHER HOUSE. I~PCiZ~WUIE~~C`~~~m9C~X~. STAUHIR'S HOTEL, FRED. J. MOELLER, PROPR. Sonut Water Street, Haver Dff i/&lok ack Squou EAST SAGINAW MICHIGAN. Wýmm S. EISENBREY. I. HURLEY OC~IFEICE, Opvp. F. B. P. ZDepot, EAST SAGINAW, - MICHe I -------~ ~~ru~c~;~-rarrr~u~~-uurrr~v~o~~~ul~~~R~~ d~~roc~rr*-~R~---- ESTABROOK & MASON, shipgpers, Commission Dealers in iUMBER & Sl BrtGLES, Office, No. I Bliss Block, opp. Bancroft House, -1 Estabrook Saundors, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 17aOI nE GtOCEn RIESn 127 W~ashington Avenue, EAST SAGINAW, 9 m MICH]EAIFST SAGINAW, -a - MICH. AbVERTIMME~,;r10tS W E. Fish, Austin L. Rankin. VIOLINIST Oetectve and Deputy Sheriff Office over 317 Genesee St., AND PROMPTER, East Saginaw, Michigan. Eas~t Sag~inaw, MUichigan. East Saginaw, Mich. Orders left at Lang's Music Hall, Genesee RE FERENCES: Street, will be promptly attended to. W. R. Burt, Shaw, Bullard & Co., D. W. C. W. E. F IS H. Gage, Cot. Geo. Lockley. CHESLEY WHEELER, Charles Sandhof, (Successor to E. Niederstadt,) Ship -Builder Boot and Shoe Manufactory South Washington Street, Sign of the Big Boot, AND GENE1AL Where I am prepared to do all manner of CTJls'OM WOIK Repairing, Spar aker, &c. With neatness and dispatch. South Washington St., EAST SAGINAW. EAST SAGINAW, Mich, KREKOW & BRONNER, Chester W. Weston, Dealers in 'Ia iilhCarriage Maker Deaer in8lcbmI6 ~111 04 GROCERIES and PROVISIC 5 Every article warranted of best material and workmanship. Goods delivered free of charge. Repairimng of all kinds Executed to Order, N. R. Cor. iLapeer, Jefferson, and Genesee Streets, Shop, N. S. Rust. N. end of Miller Sts. EAST SAGINAW, MICH. EAST SACINAW,MICH. A. E Y ME R, SILAS M. McFARLIN, Dealer in Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GROCERIES and PROVISIOS, Goods delivered free of charge. B0oks a0 l Sl atiOl ry, SFilne Bar iln Base1ment1 Wall Paper, Window Shades, &c., Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, No. 108 GENESEE STREET, and Bottled Toledo Lager Bancroft House Block, by tle Dozen. No.1111 LAPEER ST, EAST SAGINAW, MICH. EAST SACINAWMICH, ,71 - AD~n~rsE~a~EM~~. P ECK & Co., Brokers, 100 Jefferson St., near Genesee. East Saginaw. Diamonds, Watches and other personal property bought and sold. Business confidential. UDGE & FLOOD, Proprietors, corner Water ad Williams Sts., East Saginaw, Mich. Board by the day or week at reasonable prices. U. R. S. S1SMITI, Dentist, residence Cornelia, near Maple Street. Teeth inserted on any kind of plate in the best styles. Teeth filled with Gold or other material, as the patient may wish, as cheap as any other Dentist in the city. Allwurk warranted. EAsT SAGINAW, MICH. JAB1Z OMH 4 E S, M ILLWRIGHT, and Constructor of Mills of the latest and most improved style. Orders promptly attended to from any part of the State. Res. corner Cass and Franklin, East Saginaw, Mich. Me.A9. BARBIER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CIGARS and TOBA CCOS, FOREIGN and LGMESTIC WI1NES,&c. 419 Genesee St.& EAST SACINAW,MICH. John O'Brien. Crawford Millard. O'BRIEN & MILLARD, Dealers in Imported WINES AND L/IQUORS The Bar (none better) is furnished with the Choicest Brands of Liquors and Cigars, No. 107 North Franklire St., EASF SACINAW,MICH. _I^I__I_ ~__~IC_ A_ _ __ --~-~--~---~N--S---Y CHAs. WENKs. M. C. OSBORsN. C. W]ENKS & Co. Dealers in B00TS AND SHOES. A fine assortment of Lumbermen's Boots, Boot Packs, Ladies', Misses', and Children's Wear always on hand. No. 321 Genesee Avenue, ---- EAST SAGINAW, MICHl BRIDGE BUILDING. William F. Glasby, Contractor and Bridge Builder. Residence southeast corner Wells St. and German Colony Road, EAST SAGINAW, lMICH. VALLEY HOUSE East Side Saginaw, bet. 6th and 7th Sts, BAY CITY, MICH., Mrs. JOHN JENKINS, Proprietress. Day and Week Board accommodations. Rates as low as the times will admit. A fair share of public patronage solicited, ADVERTI8EME2NTS#. 1116 Drs. Jeteries & Cowell, HOMEOPATHIC PHTSqIIN AND SURUONS, 8Office 307 South Washington St., Residence adjoining, F )cAmS, TS-A, GI NA WA&W NA C--10 Onfce open at all hours of the day or night. Special attention to the treatment of the diseases of Women, including uterine displacements, anteversion, retroversion, prolapsus, painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, and also to operative surgery attn all Fsuracal diseases. They prepare the only sure care for ague and the fevers pecunliar to the Saginaw Valley. Patients abroad attended on application by Mail or by Telegraph. Medicines sent by Mail, when necessary or ordered. 1. I (i T CEN O"YS ITRH O"T" uE JAMMES I.MOcD'__/, P/ opreter, Adjoining Eancroft House, 118, 120 SOUTH WASHINGTON. The oldest, established Restaurant in the Valley, good accommodations-noted for its excellent management. WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGAd of the Choicest BraHodse EAST SAGIYA W, JUCHI 720 ADVERTISEMENTS. l UPP HOUSE, Southwest corner Ames and Water Streets, Saginaw, Mich. GEORGE L. RUPP, Proprietor. Good accommodations for Day or Week Board at reasonable rates, and a fair share of public patronage solicited. R. E. FRENZ, VETERINARY SURGEON, 113 Genesee St., in E. R. Clarke's Drug Store. EAST SAGINAW, MICHIGAN. --. --~s~.,------~~-- -- -I-.-~x~-~---- ~ I -~----- Ir ~-T I (Opened the Ist of January, 1873,) Between the Saginaws and St. Louis, TfIich. Total distance 35 M11iles. The only Railroad to the Great MAGNETIC AND MEDICINAL SPRINGS OF ST. LOUIS. Two Trains Daily Each Way. Points reached on this Line are EAST SAGINAW, SAGINAW CITY, TITTABAWASSEE JUNCTION, SWAN CREEK, GRAHAM'S, SAND RIDGE, HEMLOCK, PORTER'S, MERIDIAN, WHEELER'S, BRECKENRIDGE, AND ST. LOUIS. Connecting at Saginaw City with Trains on the Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad both North and South. L. H. EASTM NN, President. G. W. MORLEY, Vice President. A. W. WRIGHT, Treasurer. D. H. JEROME, Secretary. J, B. GILLETT, Superintendent. General Offce,aginaw City,.Miok. ADVERTISEMENTS. 721 (Established July 24th, 1866; re-established in the Saginaw Valley, July, 1871) As Solicitor and Publisher of Trade Circulars, Heretofore in upwards of Thirteen States and Territories, As follows: CITY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORIES for Adrian, Mich.; Alton, Ill.; Cairo, Ill.; Council Bluffs, Iowa; Evansville, Ind.; Hannibal, Mo.; Hillsdale, Mich.; Jefferson City, Mo.; Lafayette, Ind.; Leavenworth, Ks.; Louisville, Ky.; New Albany, Ind.; Omaha, Neb.; Peoria, Ill.; Port Huron, Mich.; Quincy, Ill.; St. Joseph, Mo.; Terre Haute, Ind.; Three Rivers, Kalamazoo, Saginaw Cities and Valley, Eaton County, Plainwell, Jackson, Lansing, St. Louis, Owosso, and Corunna, Michigan. GAZETTEERS for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. and Branches; Chicago & Northwestern R, R. and Branches; Union Pacific R, R, and Branches; Denver Pacific R. R. and Branches; Wells, Fargo & Co., Stage Routes SE TWEEN UINTAH AND SALT LAKE, CHEYENNE AND DENVER CITY, DENVER AND CENTRAL CITY, CENTRAL CITY AND GEORGETOWN, COL. These include all intermediate points on the several routes. Through my Exchanges 1 can furnish 1Directories and Gazetteers of almost any place on application. Office No. 113 Genesee St., East Saginaw, Mich, P. O. Box, 283, 91 r722 ADVERTISEMENTS. HIGHLAND A., PECK, Proprietor Peck's B0ar1'in-Hl SO AND RESTAURANT, Dealer in Shell Oysters and Clams, Wines. Ales, Liquors, and Cigars, Game and Poultry. Meals served at all hours. Ample accommodations for guests. Rooms, Water, bet. Ames and Franklin Sts. SAGINAW.1MIC1H. Established, 1811. Capital, $75,000 THE SAGINAW BARREL CO., Manufacturers of TOBACCO DRUMS Meatsures, Bail, Salt and Grease Boxes. All kinds of Rim and Bent Work, Flounders, Sieves and Cheese Boxes. SAGINAW, Mich. E. HASKIN, President, A. F. R. BRALEY, Treasurer. C. A. LEE, Superintendent. L. H. FELCHER, CHARLES H. WAPLER, FANCY TURNER JuSic0 0f te Piaco, OF WOOD, HORN, IVORY,and BONE North side of Court Street, one door east of New Billiard Balls, Bagatelle, Pigeon Hole and Pool Balls, Tips. Chalk and Hamilton Street, up stairs, Brushes. Broken Balls will be Turned and Colored. Cor. Cass and Fayette Streets, t.JGL/7v.11P, ]lFMICH, Saginaw City, Mich. OTTO SCHRElBER, S. E. BURNHAM, g oogk jfgN l BOAT AND 0AR BUILDER. PEVY'S CANT-DOGS, RAFTING POLES. AND We make a speciality of Barges and Spoon Oars for Clubs. TAXI DERM IS T, Cor. Mackinaw and Water Sts,, Cor. Cass and Fayette, SAGINAW, ICH. SAGINAW M, VICHI, d All twork promptly done, and repairing THOMAS HUNT, AUCUST lLEFEBVRE, Manufacturer of Repairing promptly attended to. Sign of the Iron Boot, Water Street. Dealer in Roots AND Sho s SALOO O ATTA CHED. Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars to be had at the Bar. Patronage solicited. West side of Water, bet, Cass and Clinton, SAGINAW CITY, 1MICH. ISA G I N AW, ~1 IC II. AfDVERTISEMENT84 723 VIDPst Noatienal eaftlk SAgINAW, MICHICAN. Capital,:: 00,00 0. COLlECTIONS MADE WITH PROMPT RETURNS. Josxrn E. SHAw, A. F. R. BRALEY, SMITH PALMER, President. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. DAVID H. JEROME. PHIL. PARREY. D, It JERON ~ Co1, GENERAL "Hardware Dealers, Avents for.4@ I LIPPINCOTT & C0o.s SAWS, Crosby's Patent Gang Saw Buckles, Blake & Co.'s Patent Steam Pumnp, Morris, Tyasker & Co.'s Well and Boiler Tubes. South Side Court, BETWEEN A1INA 1 1, IlC. Hamilton and Water, Dealer in HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, JOHN G. TROMMER, FUPRS, Etc. rante, bet curt and Saginaw, Michigan. Fr~ank~fli Sreets, CITY BREWERY, EAST SIDE HAMILTON, between BREWSTER and MILLARD Schemm & Schoenheit, MIALTSTERS AND BREWERS, Eiagi naw~~K at~~$ty', ~tfaa 3rio:Ligan 724 '2ADMRMISEMEXTS. GEo. L. BURROWS. FRED i. POTTER. GEO L..BURROWS & Co., Court Street, 2irylor House flok, SAGINAW/, - - MICHIGAN. JO I-3TIT 0. ZIEG- LEE R atchm--akep andl Jewelers DEALER IN American and Imported Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, N. E, Cor. Franklin and Hamilton Streets, Barnard & Binder's New Block. S wM;ih ENGEr AVING- IDONE BY GiEORGE FT. ERB. ). B. KETCHAM. H. L KETCHAM. E=OEP~LAJSb~EE & BI?0O, Manufacturers of and dealers in ERAWUD *ZZNSLNNE Dressed Lumber, Bill Stuf, and Lath Furnished to Order. MILLS AT SABGINAW CITY, BRIDGEPORT, AND COLEMAN'S. Office, cor. Water and I Jefferson Streets, Saginaw, Michigan. ROSE BREWERY JOHN ROSE, PROPRIETOR. LAGER BEER BREWERY. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ORDERS FROM ABROAD SOLICITED. Saginaw, Michigan, ADVtRTISEMENTS. 6 A. W. WRIGHT. C. W. WELLS. C. H. DAVIS. REUBEN KIMBALL. RIG Y 7WELLS &Va., DEALERS TN Pine Lands, Logs " Lumber. SAGINAW - - WIVICIILGAN. Office cor. Clinton and Water Sts., over Wells, Stone & Co.'s Store. GEORGE JENNER'S Marble Works, Cor. Ames and Water Streets, SAG I-NAWV, - MICI-KI.r Dealer in Marble, Monuments, and Tombstoones. Work in all stlles for all purposes, of Vermoue and Italian Marole. Scotch and American f'ranite Building Stone cout to order. Orders LIlicited. I XLEi&5.:'; ' DEALER IN Logs and Luamber. Omeb, N1athlan Block, Inamilton Street, SAGINAWV, 1VI0HIGPANe, 726 ADVERTISEMNTSý. A. R. MoDONALD. H. TUPPER, M. D A. R. 1Yc3DO3TALD & Co., General S AGINAW STREET, LIVERY, SALE Near corner of AND 114 Third Street, Boarding Stable, BAY CITY, MICH. The best rigs in the city I Funerals, private and public parties, etc., supplied with carriages on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. P. J,. P EB R T T, A. s. GAYLORD. B. HANOHETT. A~ U GrAYLORD & HANCHETT,.4,A ttorneys suffix: L I AMT L W Saginaw St,, bet Fourth and Fifth Sts, BAY CrTY, - I- MICC. Saginaw, MIichigan. VALLEY BRASS WORKS. BayCitySIumnLavndry,.-" '--~ BBay [ity Steam Laundry, BAXTER & SCULLY, Corner Fourth and Saginaw Sts., Manufrs and Dealers in all kinds of BAY CITY, MiICIEIGATN. Brass Goods, Whistles. Globe Valves, 0il. S. COR-W1N &r Co., Caps, Gongs, Bells, etc. Proprietors. Brass Castings made on short notice. We are prepared to do washing by the Particular attention given to Repairing. dozen or week at very low rates,and in the Works, corner Woodside and Madison best of style.. All washing done by us will Avenue. be delivered free of charge in Bay City,Wenona, and Portsmouth. Boat washing BAY CITY, MICHIGAN. done and delivered at short notice. MONT~REAL HOUSE. JOHN.GEROU, Prop'r. South side Mercer, between Belinda and Dolsoi Streets, (DOLSENVILLE) BAY CITY. Boarders, by the day or week, accommodated with good board, at reasonable rates, JOHN L. WILD'S Tonsorial Parlor and Bath Rooms. The only Hot and Cold Bath Rooms in the Saginaw Valley, PRACTICAL HAIR CITTTERB and sole proprietor of Wild's Patent Cosmetic 1 liquid lair Dye. Corner Water and Centre Sts., Fraser House Block, BAY CrITY, MICH11 ADVERTISEMENTS. 2 W. HAWKINBS. A, M, ROOT, A, J. MrDLVP, W% siy Hwa AWK~" as Wines, Brandies, Foreign Liquors, Etc. At Manufacturers' Prices, No. 210 a1 1cEwan Bl3ock, NT. Water St., BAY CITY, - - 1MIO-HIGAN - 7 MARBLE HALL RESTATURANT, Campbell House Block, Bay City. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. LADIES' DINING ROOMS COMMODIOUSLY ARRANGED. Parties Arriving on Trains and Boats will Find it Convenient and Pleasant to Call. IMFRANCIS WILLIANS, Proprietor. m78 ADVERTISEMENTS. PROPRIETOR Cor. Hamilton and AGINAW, IC. Jefferson, Having recently enlarged this House, and thoroughly renovated it, take this occasion of announcing to the public that they may expect all the comforts of a good Hotel. EDWARD BURKE, And Stone Cleaner. Parties desirous of improving the ap. pearance of their buildings after the Philadelphia and Milwaukee style, can have it done in the best style of the art, by apply. ing to the above. Leave orders at the KEEBY HOUSE, SAGINAW CITY, MICC, EIFERLY'S HOTEL, AUSTIN BOSTWICK, Carriage Maker, ANDREW EIFERLY, Proprietor, COR. STATE AND CROSS ROAD Blacksmith, anllPaintI, SAGINAW, MICH. All kinds of repairing done to order on shortest notice; also manufacturer of Farmers' Gates, Wheelbarrows, &c. This House offers good accommodations to travelers, as also to permanent boarders. Shop cor. Fayette and Van Buren Sts., Good Stabing in connection. SAC I N AW, M I CH. ALEXANDER ANDRE, GEORGE H. ERB, DEALER IPN Plain and Fancy EN RAVER Lnul b oll o Hstto on all kinds of metal. Office Andre Block, opposite Taylor House, old, Silver, and Plated Ware. Court Street, With John C. Ziegler, Barnard & Binder Block, Hamilton Street, SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW, MICHIIGAN. P. DIXON'8S mw MEAT MARZTM, New Brick Block, Hamilton Street, two doors north of Franklin Street, Saginaw City, Miehigan. Fresh and Salt Meats at Wholesale and Retail. Game and Poultry in season. CITY LAUNDRY, AND CLOTHES CLEANING ESTABLISHMINT West Hamilton St., bet. Madison and Monroe Sts., SAGINAW CITY, MICH. Clothes cleaned and repaired on short notice. Second band clothes bought and sold. and highest price paid for the same. All work received from other cities will be returned with promptness, by express or otherwise. All work not called for in three months, will be sold. Charges Reasonable. J. W. WOOD, Prop'r, ADVERTISEMENTS. 19 JOSEPH R, HLTOHCCOK. ALLAN INGRAHAM. KIT EOS0K & INQ AIAME, MANUFACTURERS AND DRALERS IN Lumber, Lath, STAVES, &c., BAY V,)Y7, o. Iw N0I H AN LATE PORTSMIHOUTH. Lumber sawed to order. m. STEV NS & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Yards at Deep River, J., L. & S. IR. R., and Portsmouth. Postoffice Address, PORTSMOUTH, MICH. APPLETON STEVENS. Bay City; ZIBA B. GRAHAM, Bay City; HIRAM WILMOT, Deep River, Conn.; JARED E. REDFIELD, Essex, Conn. MARTIN WATROUS. ALDERT W. WATROUS. CHAUNCEY L. WATzOUS 1I, WATROUS & SONS7 Manufacturers and Dealers in SALT, AND PINE AND HARD-WOOD L BERI P. O. Address, BAY CITY, MICH., Late Portsmouth, Yich. BEEBE & BRADDOCKG, Manufacturers of ROOT BSEIR, Mineral and Soda Waters, Ginger Ale, Apple Cider, and All orders promptly filled. Factory cor. Water and 35th treets, ABAYVF CITY, - Mg92 730 ADVERTISEMENTS. 19F W Livery Boarding Stables, WATER STREET, BETWEEN 11th and 12th, X3BA4 0 IrC I'YX, J:IO E3:IGA-. Z1Tr. ISAA C RADFORD, Proprietor. 2t' Orders for the Removal of Baggage to be left at the Office. FRlED. ISIION, Dealer in Fresh and Salted MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF SAUSAGES. Dried, Smoked, Spiced, and Corned Beef, Pork and Ham Sausages Constantly on Hand. Center Street, Next Door to the Opera House Block, BAY CITY, MICG-HIGANl G. V. LNcorlN. H. C. HALL. Xjfincoln eft Co., t4tc O C3ofloe For the purpose or carrying on the following: Real Estate, Money to Loan on first class real estate security, Collecting and Advertisinz done on the most reasonable terms, Tickets sold to and from any part of the Old Countries to any part of the State. Intelligence, special and confidential agents, all kinds of help and situations furnished Solicit your patronMe. Qfflce in every tow n in the Statý, Oafce over 120 North WVater street, Bay Gity, Michigan. AgtERTISEIEN'Tr. ASTOR WO$]-, D, J KENNEDY, Proprietor, Cor. First and South Centre Sts., BAY CITY, 1i9ich., (LATE PORTSMOUTH.) Trancients. Day and Week Boarders will find good accommodatio'ns at ibthis House. A good bar, sample-rooms and a barn in connection, ANDROE DIETRASAC PROPRIETOR DETRASAG'S HOTEL, Cor. Water and 23d Street, BAY CITY, MICH. Board by the Day or Week. Having recently taken charge of this House, hope to lnr-it a fair share of pablic patronage by close attention to business. MONTRBAL HOUSE VALLEY HOUSE, South side Mercer, between Belinda, East Side Saginaw, bet. 6th and 7th Sts., and Dolsen and Walker Sts. BAY CITY, l ich., Ample accommodations for guests. Also choice choicers. JOHN JENKINS, CIGARS and LIQUORS Sold, Public patronage solicited. Proprietress. JOHN GEROU, DOLSENVILLE. A fair share of Public patronage solicited. SQUIER HICKEY. JEROME B. DAY. RAG HICKEY DBAY, RAGANHOUSE, PROPRIETORS Cor. I)olsen and.lKfercer i8s., Clair don Boarding HOUS CDOLSENVILLE, BAYCITYlich. This House has been recently opened. J. 1., RAGAN, Proprietor. fitted. and furnished throughout, and now affords good accommodatiois for Day or Week Boarders. Convenient to street railway, beyond terminus The above Hotel is well furnished BAY CITY, I~ICHIGAN, throughon ut., and affords ample accommoda(Late Portsmouth.) tions for Day and Week Boarders. ECtePotss= h. CAPITOL HOUSE, P. G. lcGRATH, Prop'r, E.S. Saginaw, bet. 8th and 9th sts. Day ant Weok BoraEors ACC02MM OMDAT---D. Manufacturers and Dealers in Gang Sawnd Lumbor, LATH and PICKETS, Also Salt manufacturer. West side Water between 18th and 20th Sts., BAY CITY, MICH., Office Saginaw City, 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. S. SCHOTT. M. SCHOTT. J. P. LEROUX. French Clothing House -OF:C-I"W Cc 0<., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fine Ready-made Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, etc. No 106 North Water St Bay City, Mich. Mungers Old Stand, HIIRAM F. WVEED, Goods Delivered to all parts of the City on Short Notice. CHARGES REASONABLE. Office and Residence, Cor. Washington and Third Streets, 3s.AL- CI T ' - - _ Irr-r-u-~^.-r~~al---~~~i ~.~P-~-CSli~~~L~~-~~CP~ -I-LPl~r-~E4YII~~LL~imP-~ I~-- Dealer in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Flour, Feed, Etc. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City FREE OF CHARCE. CORNER ALDAMIS AND, 4th STS., BAY CITYIY, MICI-I. HERMAN MEISEL. Louis GOESCHEL Meisel & Goeschel, r -3EL OC 3 IE S AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cor. Center and Saginaw Sts., BAY CITY, MICHIGAN. Patentee's Agents for Lupton,'s Silver Burner and Family Favorite Burning Fluid. G-oods IDelivered Free, I - QL'-Yn-r~---r~----- -L-r^-~M- ~~--~--- m~pl -----~aarnm-r B-R-----Y - g---- -~ JOHN C. ANDERSON, Carriage Manuf'r and Repairer, In connection with T. Slenou. BEST WOOD WORKERS EMPLOYED, BEST TIMBER USED. Shop West side Saginaw, bet. 3d and 4th Sts., BAY C lTY, MICH. WILLIAM LEITH, PAINTER, GLAZIER, AND PAP ER-H -~IlAN GER. A fair share of Public Patronage Solicited. All work done in the Best Style of the Art. Shop east side Saginaw, between 5th and Centre Sst. Res. M nger Block. BAY CITY, MICHLIG-ANl. POGK AD EE RO. ONTARIO HOUSE, PORK ABD BEEF PACKERS. Extra Sugar-cured Hams, Bacon, Avenue, Dri~ed Beef,Lard, Etc. Carrollton Avenue, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Meats of all Descriptions. CARROLLTON, - MCH. Orders Promptly Filled. Market, Washington St., bet. 7th and th. ICABAY CITYL OREN Propr.MICH. BAY OITY, MTICH. AI)VgRTISEMEITTS. 733 NELSON GREEN. WM. DINGrAN. BAY CITY Omib8, flck, Llvoyy, adq Ba aoa ExDress. Attending all The only place for BP. R. TLrains The only place for and PaR.rainsn Traveling Show erand Passena- Troupes and Travelboats Inand A g ing Agents to Conout of Bay Jtract for Baggage City and We-and Passenger no na.o Transfer. G{REEN & BINGMAN, Prop'rs. W Contract at the Office, Corner of Third and Saginaw Streets, rear Campbell House. WE EMPLOY TRAIN AGENTS. ThEW I J T 1E Ei IRP431X( W WS)E. (NE W) At the West end of Third Street Bridge, ifidland Street, P. I RI WI N, Proprietor, 447-t 3E1 3eoN AL ~ IV 1 II Ig r La NI. This house is new, large, and commodious, thoroughly furnished throughout and kept in a manner pleasing to all. Patrons never fail to pay it a second and third visit. A First class feed and boarding stable in connection. Rates Reasonably low, Try it. POr et AV y (0 Uso)e,0 0, IEINZKIANN, Proprietor. Corner 6th and Washington Sts, - - - Bay City Mich. TheReplutation of this old establishedl House is sufficient to warrant the annotince gaent that Patrons of the past can recommend this House to Public Favor. A GOOD BARN IN CONNECTIONI 134 ADt. VER TISMME Ti M' I HT & AVERY, DEALERS IN BOURBON, MONONGAHELA, RYE, AND 7H7EAT WHISHEK N Foreign and Domestic Brandies, Gins, Wines, Tobaccos, and Cigars, IN THEIR NEW STORE, McKNIGHT BLOCK, CORNER JOHN AND LINN STREETS, TE~NONA, IVIICHI-IGrAN. WHITE OA1K HOUSE, S. W. cor. Carrollton Ave. and Grant. This house is well furnished, where ample accommodations may be procured by the traveling community. Liquors and Cigars No. 1, and Prices Reasonable. A call is Solicited. RICWID POWERS, Prop'r, Carrollton, MICHAEL MALONEY, ARTESIAN WELL-BORER, Zilwaukee, Mich. All jobs in boring and repairing Salt wells promptly attended to, and will give perfect satisfaction. Y -~1 I ~ -. --~. - -- - -IY -- ~-~-r ~~~~ur~-~L~;-~sl~~-~B- r~u-o WrM 4 H 8P e,, r, PROPRIETOR Otsogo Lako Hotol This opened 10th September, 1873, Good accommodations for man and beast, for fishin'hunting. and sporting parties. Size, 24x44 tnd 2Ux30. Formerly of Spencer House, Charlotte, Mich. ORIN HOUSE, Wm. MORIN, Prop'r, 1MAIN STREET, BANKS, MICEH, This House is new and thoroughly furnished throughout, wil h agood barn In connection. Parties wishing comfortable accommodation should not fail to pay a visit here. R. E. T. SMITH & SON, Druggists, Carrollton, Mich. Eugene T. Smith, M, D.. Physician, Surgeon. Druggist, and Pharmaceutist. Physician to Board of Health, Carrollton, Mich. Special attention paid to diseases of Children. E. 1T1. CUTCIIEON, Attorney at Law, Ostoda, losco County, Mich. P. O. Address: Au Sable, Mich. All business promptly attended to. Prosecuting Attorney of Iosco County, ADVERTISEMENTS. 736 I FOR INFORMATION, THOMAS NOLAN, PROPRIETOR Of otherM1 of oth National House, Cities, Directories, Addresses, Maps, IMACKINAW STREET, SOUTH SAGINAW, East Saginaw, Mich. Door Plates, and House Numbers, Ample accommodation provided for the traveling community, who patronize Tom, proprietor of the National House. Every thingc served sweet, quick, and at the sApply to hortest notice. Givehimrn a call, and test his choice liquors. C0. EXERA BROWN'S 0 n 0r a OVER 113 GENESEE St., EAST SAGINAW, MICH. D. R. BROWN & Co., Dealers in FINE JEWELRY, WACHES, CLOCKS, SILVER AND 3PIlvatiecl VV LT7.a-re Corner Genesee and WTashilngton Sts., opposite Baneoft House, EAST SAGINAW, M11ICIIGAN. General Railroad and Steamship Ticket OfficRee. C. S. BROWN, Ticket Agent. E. F. GUILD, CvlI Engineeri and Surjoi r RO1SE NUMBERS, DOOR PLATES, -AND Office Wisner Block, Genesee St. MVail Boxes, EAST SAGINAW, MICH. Apply to C. EXERA BROWN, Real Estate Agent and Notary Public isretory o0j7ce, Pine, Oak, and Farming Lands For Sale. EAST SAGINAW. J BARR5, BRICK 1YIANUFACTURER. 3rick For Sale, Wholesale or Retail, Saginaw, Michigan. 6ADVERTISEMENTS. W~So 6NO3jBGH&C0st PRINTERS, BINDERS, And Manufacturers of Blan'k ooks* Cards, Labels, Prescription Papers, -ANDFiD ~~f7P77 J Of every description Promptly Executed. MiIC IT I,A N A vEIF-R1, BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. ABSTRACTS-Hoyt H. H.; Smith I. M. & H. P. ADVERTISER-Brown C. Exera. AGENTS-See Real Estate, Sewing lMachine Agents, etc.Bartow W. J., agent Jesse Hoyt; Brown C. S.; Doughty T. E.; Mershon J. E.; Park J. W.; Phelon E. M.; Sharpe S. C.; Tisdale, L. W.; Wilson R. N. AMUSEMENTS-Irving Hall; Lee's Academy of Music; Smith's Opera House. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS-Bude Volusin; Cooper J.; Fairbanks C.; Hollister F. ASHERIES-Olds Wm.; Passolts H. ATTORNEYS AT LAW-Anneke E.; Babbitt J.; Biggam E. A.; Bishop W. H.; Brooks G. B.; Camp C. H.; Clark Wm. A.; Day A. A.; Defrain A.; Dillingham & Ransford; Durand L. T.; Flanders & Wilber; Gage C. H.; Gage D. W. C.; Gillett W.; Heely & Hall; Hoyt H. H.; Huckins & Sutherland; James T. M.; Jannasch O. T.; Leaton C. W.; Loveland W. J.; Martin C. T.; McArthur J.; Miller C.; Miller C. E.; Newcombe G. A.; Peck G. W.; Perkins & Edget; Peter J. B.; Ransford & Fox; Smith I. M. & H. P.; Sutherland & Wheeler; Sutton W. M.; Tarsney T. E.; Tennant W. S.; Thompson B. M.; Watrous E. T.; Wheeler J. J.; Wisner & Draper; J. M. Brooks. AUCTIONEERS-Leonard G. C.; Pennington S. H.; Ward, J. H. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS-M-cAuliffe N.; Humphrey D. F. BAKERS-Beard H.; Behler J.; Bentz A. W.; Bilstein A.; Chagnow J. B.; Eckert S.; Eggerer S. C.; Handy B.; Krekow Wm.; Midlen J.; Wolfarth J. G. BANKS-First National; Second National; Merchants' National; Saginaw Valley Bank; Savings Bank; John Gallagher & Co. 93 738 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. BARBERS-Allen F. A.; Dawson G. W.; Eisenbrey L. T.; Haerner A.; Heller P.; Krause H.; Martel A.; Niese F. R.; Odey J. W.; Rayno A.; Bartlett, Lyon & Co.; Green J.; Hanson T.; Long L.; Moore C.; Perry E.; Romis & Hoerne. BARREL MANUFACT URERS- ee Coopers and Salt Works -Bundy & Youman; Eaton, Potter & Co.; Stilwell T. W. BEEF AND PORK PACKER-See Meat Markets-Barclay. BILLIARDS-See Hotels and Saloons -Bancroft House; Carter P.; Everett House; Irving House; Lange G.; Maney D.; Maney J.; Narrerter J.; Smith B. BILL POSTER-Clay S. G. BINDER-Frey A. H. BLACKSMITHS-See Carriage and Wagon Makers, Foundry and Machinists-Crowfoot G. M.; Dolliver C. A.; Egloff J.; Fish F. L. P.; Gallinger & Cousineau; Johnson A.; Kilkey H.; Koch C.; Kribs J.; Koehler F. A.; McSweeney M.; Merian W.; Parke A. S.; Roche M. Schultz J.; Sutherland S. A.; Weston C. W.; Williamson W. BOARDING HOUSES--See Hotels-Armstrong J.; Aslin J.; Austin Mrs. P.; Bartlett Mrs. A.; Bergeon J.; Bishop S.; Campbell Mrs. F. J.; Curtis C. M.; Dunlap A.; Eccleston C. W.; Ericsson J.; Fournier Mrs. A.; French J.; Gariepy J. P.; Geni J. M.; Haas C.; Hall C. H.; Hall W.; Herbert Miss M. E.; Holmes Miss L.; Hull O.; Jarvey J. J.; Jerry S.; Kenney T.; McAuley Mrs. H.; Miller B.; O'Donnell D.; Reamer J. J.; Sadlier T.; Smith Mrs. E. A.; Smith J. S.; Valentine E. H.; Welsh Miss E.; Ward Mrs. M.; Wright Mrs. I. BOARD AND SALE STABLE-Bates H. BOILER MANUFACTURERS-See Foundry, etc.-Gray & Massey; Steele T. BOOKS AND STATIONERY-Gibbs H. C.IA.; McFarlin S. M.; McLellen D. M.; Reeves D. B. & Co. BOOM COMPANY-Elsimore O. E., agent Tittabawassee B. Company. BOOTS AND SHOES-Blankerts W.; Cormick Jos.; Downs W. H.; Fish F. L. P.; Gardner F. C.; Goeschel H. & E.; Hawkins W. B.; Howry J. F.; Lenheim N. L. S. & Co.; Lucas W.; McHale P.; Mergen & Granville; SandhoffC.; Smith C. H.; Weaver J. A.; Wenks C. & Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. 739 BOWLING SALOONS-Hurteau Z.; Wisner J. A. BREWERIES-Darmstaetter L.; Fink B.; Leward C.; Mowbray & Richardson; Racke P. & J.; Redman Rothka A.; Schemm & Shonheit; Ziegner F.; BRIDGE BUILDER-Glasby Wm. F. BROOM MANTJNUFACTURER-Stork F. BUILDERS-See Carpenters and Builders-Lewis J. -BUILDING STONE-Hobson A. CABINET MAKERS-Bishop M. H.; Dawson J. C.; Delavergne J. )CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS-Bade V.; Depew & Co.; Germain E.; Overton J.; Winn & Markey. 'CARPETS-Barie Win.; Clark & Ellis.,CARPET WEAVERS-Dittes F.; Mitchell A.; Scott W. 'CARRIAGE MAKERS-Ames J.; Baker & Bro.; Bingham H.; Buckley J.; Cameron J. G.; Jamieson & Cassidy; Downs S.; Girodat C.; Gallinger & Cousineau; Houghton W. S.,CATTLE BROKERS-Barrett H. W.; Branin M. 'CHAIR CANERS-Lange R.; Schmelzer Mrs. C.; CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE-See General Merchandise-Bliss & Ewing; Harrison H. L. & Co. CIDER AND WINES-Jones M.; Lange G..CIGARS AND TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS-Barbier M. A.; Burton E. M.; Davis E. A.; Dresler D.; Fritz G.; Fritz J. C.; Hoffman F.; Holtzeimer C.; Knapp G.; Kreiner E.; Krebs 0.; O'Brien M.; Otto E.; Otto F.; Packer L. D.; Perry & Becker; Soyer & Co.; Tennenholtz M. 'CIVIL ENGINEERS-Alberti & Dresler; Guild E. F.,CISTERN (TANK) MAKER-Wrege C..W. CLAIRVOYANT-Keeler L. S.,CLOTHIERS-Bendit H.; Goldsmith Bros.; Harris M.; Koch Mi. & H.; Little Jake & Co.; Mercer J. C.; Schott & Co.; Scholtz O. R.; Seligman J. & Co.; (Little Jake & Co.;) Wilkin F. G. i:COAL-Tuthill J.; Wenks C.,COFFEE AND SPICE MIILLS-Taggett, Plumb & Co. 740 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. COLLEGE-Parson's Business College. COMMISSION MERCHANTS-Curtis & Wakeman; Ledyard & Swinerton; Shaw P. M. COMMISSION PRODUCE DEALERS-Stewart J. & Co. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER-Morwick J. CONFECTIONERY, ETC.-See Fruits and ConfectioneryBehler J,; Bentz A. W.; Chandler J.; Leman A.; Morris W. E.; Robinson J. I. CONFECTIONERY AND NOTIONS-Terry A. COOPERS-See Barrels and Salt Blocks-Hohisel J.; Rump F.; Western N. COPPERSMITH-Bladgett E. CUSTOM HOUSE COLLECTOR-Ferguson A. DENTIST-Mann H. S.; Miller A. H.; Morden A.; Smith H. A.; Whiting L. C. DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER-Gleason A. DIRECTORY PUBLISHER-C. Exera Brown, office 113 Genesee. DRESS AND CLOAK MAKERS-Baldw-in Mrs. A. W.; Bare Mrs. S. W.; Barton M. J.; Bloedon Mrs. E.; Clark & Ellis; Conley Mrs. K.; Cox Mrs. H. C.; Duchaime V.; Fields Mrs. J.; Hammond Mrs. E. G.; Mahaney Miss C.; Gaffney Miss S.; Osborn Miss A.; Sewey Miss M.; Tyler Mrs. H. J. DRUGGISTS-Chandler Bros.; Clarke E. R.; Davis T. W.; Dunk A. A.; Frizelle & Co.; Melcbers H.; Schmidt P.; Simoneau L.; Summerfield C.; Wood A. B. DRY DOCK-Rust D. W. & Co. DRY GOODS-Barie Wm.; Blankerts Wm.; Boergert J.; Clark & Ellis; Fish & Rogers; Goeschel H. & E.; Howry J. W.; Jacobs M.; Livingston J. R.; O'Donnell J.; Penfield E. P. & H. L.; Vassald H. DYERS AND SCOURERS-Donaldson A.; Robinson R. ENGRAVERS-Gleason A. & Co.; Hayden N. L. EXPRESS-Tisdale L. W., agent. FANCY DRY GOODS-Davis, Goldstone & Co.; Ham-- mond Mrs. E. G.; Heun B. FANCY DRESS GOODS MAKER-Lowry Miss M. FANCY GOODS-Morris W. E. BUtSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. 741i FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS- McMannis Mrs. C. FERRY BOAT LINE-See page 41. FILE CUTTERS-Cloudman & McClennan. FLORIST AND GARDNER-Dieckmann F. FLOUR MILLS-Mayflower Mills. FORWARDING AND COMMISSIONI-Gooding & Owen. FOUNDRY AND MACHINISTS-Bartlett A. F. & Co.;' Merrill & Bacon; Merritt, Eastwood & Co.; Wickes, Bros. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY-Partello D. D.; Chilton Mrs. C.; Warren Mrs. N. C.; Dobson W. E.; Horan Mrs. M.; Robinson J. I. FRUIT TREE AGENTS-Caner R.; Walker J. F. FURRIER-Lee L.; Oppermann F. FURNISHING GOODS-Veineick E. FURNITURE-Feige Bros.;' Lowry W. IH.; Palmer F..; Weinecke A. & Bro. GARDENERS-Hasselbring B.; Heidger C.; Hurling H.; Krause E.; Livingston A. A.; Lyon M. L.; Rice H. H. GAS-East Saginaw Gas Light Co. GAS FIXTURES-Stinson & Bridgeman. GLOVE AND MITTEN MANUFACTURER-Hosner 0. N. GLUE MANUFACTURER-Garrison C. O. GROCERS-Ball H. J. & Co.; Baumgarton A.; Beschke H. & Son; Blankerts A.; Bodine O.; Bradley H. H.; Calderwood A.; Creen J. & J.; Crippen C. A.; Conn G.; Davidson J. & E.; Derby J. & Co.; Doty HII. N.; Downing & Bro.; Dunlap & Calderwood; Utley D. & Sons; Emery A. J.; Endert H.; Connolly Bros.; McCeary T.; Schmelzer N.; Shaw, Bullard & Co.; Asbeck R.; Betz E.; Esta'brook & Saunders; Goeschel H. & Co.; Green R.; HIoyt F. E.; Inglebart J.; King G. W.; Koehler E.; Koepplinger J.; Kort & Haas; Krause P.; Launer G.; Live6rmore A. S.; Louden F., Jr.; Hoyt F. E.; McSweeney E.; Mosher & Mickley; Moye A. A.; Nicodemus P.: Nieder?" stadt J..; O'Donnell J.; O'Grady P.; Owen & Allen; Pendell Bros.; Pierson A. F.; Ringland J. F.; Schumnann Bros; Simpson, Barber & Co.; Sternhagena & Schramm; Stever C. B. & Co.; Tompkins W. F.; Warner Wv.; 742 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. Wenkler M. E.; Eymer A.; Frank J. & Co.; Frank P. R.; Griggs T. F.; Grohmann A., agt.; Heinlisch M.; Henning & Son; Kennedy J.; Kirchenwitz W.; Krekow & Bronner; Lochstader Mrs. M.; Merckel W.; Myres L.; Neuman W. H.; Richmond J.; Sancho F.; Shaw P. M.; Stewart J. & Co. w-s; Werner & Reimers; Warren J. H.; Weston N. & Son; Zarnke F. GAUGER-Hinkley J. A. GUNSMITHS AND DEALERS-Berger F. A.; Burdick J. A.; Cheeney H. H. HAIR DRESSERS AND WORKERS-Donovan C. & H. H.; Paddock Mrs. W. D.; Ralph Miss A. M. HALLS-Bellevue; Irving; Lee's. HARDWARE-See Stoves and Tinware-Buckhout B. B.; Bruske & Schwartz; Morley Bros.; Reynolds & Choate; Spencer C. & T. B.; Goeschel H. & E. HARNESS MAKERS-Hovey L. B.; Oppermann C.; Lorke A.; Schade F.; Row & Hart; Yeaton P. & Co. HATS, CAPS, FURS, ETc.-Penny A. K. & Sons; Wilkin & Mack. HEMLOCK EXTRACT MACHINERY-Johnson, Goodell & Co. HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTURERS-Johnson G.; Johnson F. B; Johnson & Gage. HOTELS-Bancroft; Everett; Etna; American; Averill; Tuscola; Union; Withem; Bechtel's; Ebel's; Excelsior; Farmer's Home; Forrest House; Lynch; Gilbert; Grant; Hunter's; International; Irving; Jeffer's; Jefferson; Judge's; Kipf; Miller's; Lyon's; Michigan; Minnesota; Montreal; National; O'Brien; Oyster Bay; Peterboro; Horigan's; Picard's; Preston; Railroad; Saginaw Valley; Salina; Scanlan; Sherman; State of Maine; Stauber's; Steckert's; Tremont; Troy; Esenbrey & Hurley's. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS-Stinson & Bridgeman; H. L. Harrison & Co.; Goeschel H. & E. HOUSE MOVER-Sherman C. A. ICE (BOX) REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTURER-Safford M. E. ICE DEALER-Mower M. C. INSPECTOR OF LUMBER-Hayden H. L., Dep. Ins. Gen. BUSINESS DIRECTOR OF EAST SAGINAW. 743 INSURANCE-Allen E. P.; Andrews P. H.; Cartis J. S. & Co.; DeLand C. V.; DeLand M. B.; Fay & Zwerk; Hough & Sikes; Lockley G.; Morris Bros.; Gage M. L.; Griggs L. S.; Hamblen G. H.; Hawes N.; Markey C.; McClintock E. J.; Stanard E. G. INTELLIGENCERS-Eisenbrey & Hurley; Lincoln & Wingrove. IRON WORKS-See foundry an2d machinists. IRON DEALER-Stetson C. E. JEWELERS-Flick J. N.; Help F. J. JOB PRINTING-Rich W. T_ JUNK DEALERS-Hubbard & Kelley. LAND COMMISSIONER-Webber W. L., for F. & P. M. R. R. LAND LOOKERS-Blackmer W.; Conron F.; Hill S. B.; Hagadorn J. E.; Hursh G.; McLaughlin E.; Marr W. H.; Patterson D. E.; Smith P. LATH, STAVES AND SHINGLES-See elsewhere. LAUNDRESSES-Bray Mrs. S.; Burton Miss A.; Free Mrs. H.; Galey Miss A.; Johnson Miss H.; Merrill Mrs. M.; Schilling Mrs. L.; Williams Miss S. LAUNDRY-Stafford J. M., " Valley." LEATHER AND FINDINGS-Carlisle F.W. & Co.; Frank J. & Co. LIGHTNING-ROD AGENT-Robinson G. LIME BURNERS-Derby J.; Wenks C. LIME DEALER-Baker A. W. LIVERYMEN-Curtis F. I.; Harvey & Coleman; Johnson & Hall; McKinnon J.; Seery M. LOAN BROKERS-Peck & Co.; McAuliffe N. LOAN, INTELLIGENCE, AND TOBACCOS-Becker & Perry. LOCKSMITHS-Berger F. A.; Feige R. LOGS AND LUMBER-Duncan & Gamble; Ortmann C. L. LOG SCALERS-Comins A. K.; Cummings L. E. LUMBER AGENTS-White C. W.; Merrill W. A. LUMBER COMMISSION AGENTS~-Estabrook & Mason; Catlin & Paine. (44. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST BSAGINAW. LUMBER,MANUFACTURERS-Curtis L. B & Co.; Grant, & Saylor; Saylor T. & Co.; Lee C.; Curtis, Estabrook & Gebhardt; Eaton, Potter & Co.; Owen & Brewer; Sears & Holland; Warner & Eastman; Webster S. H. & Bros.; Wiggins G. B. & S. L.;, Bundy & Youman; McCormick A. W.; Weidemann & Wright; Wright D. & Co.; Rust J.; F. & Co.; Coburn J.; Allison J. P. LUMBERMEN-Atiwood W. Q.; Bissell A. G.; Blackmer H.; Blackmer M. H.; Boyd R.; Brewer J. A.; Brown A.; Brown J.; Brown J. C.; Brown P.; Barter W. J.; Coil P.; Colford W..; Cornell G. E.; Cross G.;. Cummiug L. E.; Davison R.; 'Dean C.; Dole G. E.; Donnell D. 0.; Dorr T. E.; Dunning A.; Eddy W.; Edsall T.; Edwards W. H.; Estabrook & Mason;Finale W.; Freese B.; Gamble J.; Gordon G.; Garlaiid: M.; Graham G. S.; Green way S.; Hall F. H.; Halsey D.; Hanuptman. G., N.; Hess C. P.; Holahan R.; Howell J.; Hunt A. D.; Hunter Bros.; Irving W.; Jackson A. E.; Jones C. B.; Judson C. C.; Linton A.; Lull C. L.; McBain W.; McCormick J.; McGillivary J.; McLean C. C.; McLean S. & C.; McLean W. S.; McRae P.; Malcolm W. S.; Mann J. FR; Martindale E. A.; Miller R. A.; Moore,J.;, -Morrison H.; Mumford P.;Murphy T.; Mark & Fleitz; Owen J. S.; O'Donnell P. A.; Perrin T.; Perry C.; Perry G. N.; Quackenbush J. H.; Rose D. F. & Co.; Richardson E.; Richardson L. O.; Riggs J. G.; R ust A.; Rose.D F.; Rust D. W.; Sanborn G. C. Saylor T.; Scanulan M.; Spencer C. R.; Tolfree & Simpson; Thompson O. S.; Tuttle W. H.; Valley F. M.,; Wellman C.; Welclh '; Warner W. H.; Weidemrann & Wright; Whipple P.; Wilson T.; Winsor J. W.; Wright A. H. LUMBER, LATH AND HARDWOOD---Gamble H.; Gamble, J.; McLean W. S.; Ortmann C.' L. LUMBER RULE MANUFACTURERS-Cheeney H. H.; Miller H. H. LUMBER AND SALT ilMAiNUFACTURERS ý-N.Y. & Mich" Lumber & Salt Works, Booth J. H. agent; Allison J. P.; Bliss & Bros.; Brooks L. J.,; Burt W. R. & Co.; Eddy, Avery & Co.; Driggs J.!F. LUMBERMENS' SUPPLT$ES"Stewart J. & Co. LUMBER ANID STAVE: DEALER --McRae J. C. LUMBER INSPECTORS- 4 Ahichl W. E.; Catlin & Pain'e; Noble J. H.; Cogswell D. A.; Graham J. M.; Goodspeed BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. 745. C.; Guenin L.; Hayden H.; Holland C.; King L.; Langanau F.; Leadbetter J. R.; Mitts S. S.; Passage A. B.; Pinet A. A.; Pinet AA. N.; Pratt H. A.; Robinson H. S.; Rose J. D.; Schrepfermann F.; Singleton J. A.; Southwick W. H.; Sparrow J. E.; Twaits J.; Thompson W.; Wilkinson J.; Wilson J. M.; Winsor J. J.; Krall J. P.; Penny G. N.; Estabrook & Mason; Rose D. F.; Wilson H. S. Cogswell A. & Son; Mitchell G. A.; Delany J. MARBLE WORKS AND STONE-YARD-Besch J.; Stearns H. H.; Stearns W. H. MAYFLOWER MILLS-See Flour Mills. MEAT MARKETS-Blankerts H.; Barclay S.; Baum A.; Balum P.; Burdick D. D.; Hubert F.; Kieule C.; Miller & McDonald; Moll L.; Raupp T.; Richley F. A. & Co.; Robinson J.; Rose & Blankert; Schmdt & Moye; Stingle Bross.; Strasburg G.; Straw C.; Van Valkenburg G. A.; West R. J.; Wolf J.; Zellner P. MERCHANT TAILORS-Boergert H. H.; Koch M. & H.; Little Jake & Co.; Remers W.; Roche P.; Wilkins F. G.; Zeigen C. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS-Bloedon Mrs. E.; Clark & Ellis; Davis, Godstone & Co.; Donavan H. A.; Hammond Mrs. E. G.; Hoffman H. & Co.; Neff Mrs. BE.; Phillips R.; Schwenck C.; Tyler Mrs. H. J. MILL MACHI-NERY-Merrill, Eastwood & Co. MILLWRIGHTS-Alden D.; Allen H. D.; Austin C.; Campbell A. M.; Corser B. W.; DeLand V. W.; Dubois F.; Easton G.; Kinney P. W.; McIntosh W. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE-Rogers H. M.; Tyler Bros & Co.; Wheat A. W. & Co. NOTARIES PUBLIC-See Attorneys--Aaurer G. OCULIST AND AURIST-Mason 0. L. OCULIST-Wheeler L. G. PAINTERS-Billing J.; Bochlke H.; Bristol C.; Edinger W.; Glove & Pendleton; Lane M. L.; Burtt & Loomis;. Meade B. F.; Myers W. R.; Manning W. H.; Perry J. W.; Riley W.; Soper A. H.; Trumbull C. D.; Westbrook PAINTS AND OIL DEALERS--Melallic-Curtis F. A. & Co. PAPER HANGER-Kippel H. 94 746 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. PAPER WAREHOUSE-Putnam J. A. & Co. PATTERN MAKERS-Guiley G. W.; Guiley P. PHOTOGRAPHERS--Angell D., Jr.; Goodridge Bros.; Hartman Jay; Randall J. T.; Roberts W.; Shaw & McComber. PHYSICIANS-Baker E. S.; Bennett J.; Campbell D. A.; Campbell J. M.; Claffin N. H.; Cleland T. Jr.; Day F. W.; Ernst H. S.; Farnsworth C.; Farrand & Campbell; Gilbert J. P.; Granville J.; Hall D. S.; Hesse B.; Hough J. D.; Hubbard T. T.; Jefferies & Cowell; Kitchen S.; Knapp E. R.; Lathrop G. A.; McInnis A.; Mason O. L.; Massbacher F.; Morehouse L.; Numenville M. W.; O'Keef P.; Rice N. B.; Rockwith F. A.; Ross B. B.; Rouse J. S.; Stowe & Sarber; Vestey T. H.; Wheeler M. M.; Williams--. PICTURE STORES-Dixon A. F. & Co.; Smith Wm. PILE DRIVERS-Fitzgerald A.; Fitzgerald W.; McTavish A. S.; Mason H.; Mason 0.; Padden P. PINE LAND AND LOGS-Callam Wm. M.; Gamble H.; Gamble Jas.; Gamble John. PLANING MILLS-Burnham, Potter & Still; Edwards & Sanborn; Hoyt Jesse. POST OFFICE-Lockley Geo., P. M. POT ASHERY-Maier W. G.; Olds W. & Co.; Schmitz M. PRINTING OFFICES-See page 43. PUBLICATIONS-Courier, daily and weekly; Enterprise, daily and weekly; Zeitung (German), weekly; Annual Statement, Lewis & Headley; Annual Directory, C. Exera Brown. PUMP MANUFACTURER.-Eastman R. RAILROADS-See page 53. REAL ESTATE AGENTS-Clark W. A.; DeLand C. V.; Phelon E. M.; Roberts N. L.; White C. W. REAL ESTATE DEALERS-Bartow W. J.; Bowyer W. C.; Driggs J. F.; Duncan & Gamble; Fitzgerald W.; Gage M. L. & Co.; Heely & Hall; Hoyt H. H.; Jones C. B.; Langlass C.; Lincoln & Wingrove; Minick M.; Ripley & Rose; Smith I. M. & H. P.; E. F. Guild. RESTAURANT-Averill H. S.; Barie F. J.; Baum M.; Betzner I.; Clark N. J.; Green Stephen; Jones E.; Jones BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. 747 R.; Jones W.; McDonald J. J.; Rouse A. A.; Siegel G. F.; Smith T. W.; Taylor P.; Taylor & Rouse; Wallin F. J.; Baum M. ROOFER-Foale W. ROOT BEER AND POP MANUFACTURERS-Gordon T. S.; Quinnin L. RULE MAKER-Collard B. F. See Luqmber Rule. SAIL MAKER-Cole W. SALOONS-Adams J. Q.; Alexander P.; Althouse N.; Althouse N. W.; Amburst J.; Ausman W.; Aslin J.; Barnes E. B.; Benson C.; Berry J.; Beschke H. & Son; Betznar I.; Boner J. C.; Carnes F.; Clarke E. E.; Coates J.; Corey G.; Davidson E.; Derleth Nicholas; Dresler D; Dunlap A.; Eastwood M.; Edelman J. G.; Eickenlop M; Eymer & Yanke; Fischer J.; Frank J.; Gaetzinger J.; Gibson J. W.; Glenden E.; Gopspelt J. M.; Heinland.H.; Hermann C.; Hewlisch M.; Hourtieune A.; Hubbard & Kelly; Hurteau Z.; Cain M.; Kelly J.; Kreiner E.; Lange G.; Leroy C.; Lecks W.; Leclair E.; Lynch E.; McCallnm T. H.; McDonald J. K.; McQuade M.; Mack A.; Manning J.; Manning S.; Mead & Caruth; Moran J.; Mullin & Neill; Nerreter L.; Nerreter J.; Nicodemus J.; O'Brien J.; Oles C.; Ormsby E.; Palmer E.; Parmenter R. R.; Powley C.; Racke; Rallis J.; Reimer J_ J.; Reushler C.; Riegel G.; Riner W.; Savage P. R.; Schmelzer M.; Scholz H.; Shovey H.; Strasburg A.; Vallet J.; Webber S.; Wintey Geo.; McDonald J. J. SALT INSPECTORS--Estabrook H.; Haight J.; Hill J. SALT DEALER-Holland D. G. SALT MANUFACTURERS-Allison J. P.; Bundy & Youman; Burt W. R.. & Co.; Carter & Hess; Driggs J. F.; East Saginaw Salt Maufacturing Co.; Eaton, Potter & Co.; Eddy, Avery & Co.; Grant, Saylor & Co.; Hendrickson & Bro.; Lennon M.; New England Salt works; Rust, Brown & Co.; Saylor T. & Co. SALT AND LUMBER DEALERS-Allen & Sutherland. SALT AND LUMBER MANUFACTURERS--Burnham & Still; Bundy & Youman; Callum Wm.; Curtis L. B. & Co.; Driggs J. F.; Eddy, Avery & Co.; Edwards & Sanborn; Gamble J.; McLean S. & Co.; Oneida Salt & Lumber Co., E. M. Phelon agt; Russell J. & Co.; Terrey, Seeley & Co.; Warner & Eastman. 748 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINAW. SASH AND BLIND DEALERS-Mead A. P. SASH AND BLIND MANUFACTURERS-Eggot E.; Johnson H.; Trevidick R. SAW MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS-Presser W. H.; Preston E. SECOND-HAND STORE-Guenther J.; McAuliffe N. SEWER PIPES AND DRAIN TILE-Tuthill J. SEWING MACHINE AGENTS-Canham J.; Crawford A: H.; Dillenbeck F. C.; Fox A.; Godard F. W.; Jacksolin J. B.; Loveland W. B.; Simon C.; Thomson J. M.; Tyler Bros. & Co.; Weber C. F.; Wood L. C. SHINGLE MANUFACTURERS -Bundy & Martindale; Holiday & Jones; Stevens J. S.; Ten Eyck C. & E. SHIP-BUILDERS-Crosthwaite Wm. & J. L.; Dixon W. M.; Rust D. W. & Co.; Rust J. F. & Co.; Wheeler C. SHOEMAKERS-Barron D. P.; Brandsteteer K.; Clarke J.; Emo J.; Fagan L.; Gress W. B.; Glenz C. L. W.; Granville R.; Guzelt J.; Hollwede F.; Margen M; Matz. mann J. F.; Rossman T.; Styne J.; Travers J. &. Co.; Wolfe F.; Sandhof C. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS-Deyo A. H.; Liebenthal & Boutell. SOAP CHANDLERS-Olds Wim. & Co.; Passolts H. SQUARE TIMBERMHAN-Peck G.-See elsewhere. STATE SALT INSPECTOR-Garrigues S. S. STAGE LINES-See page 44. STATIONERY, NEWS, AND NOTIONS-Frey & Wick-: lein,; Gibbs H. C. A.; Reeves D. B. & Co.; McFarlin S.MH. STAVE DEALERS-Baxter W. J.; Boyce J. B.; Dutton C. S.; Hebbard T. W.; McRae J. C.; Shaw T.; Ten Eyck C. & E. STEAM: ENGINE MANUFACTURERS-Bartlett A. F. & Co.; Wickes Bros. STENCIL CUTTER-Gleason A.; Smith A. A. STONE YARD-Hobson A. STOVES AND TINWARE-See ilardware-Brusk6 & Schwartz; Buckhout B. B.; Lee J. B.; Morley 'Bros; Reynolds & Choate. STREET RAILWAY-East Saginaw City Railway. BUSINESS BIRECTORY OF EAST SAGINIAW. 749 SURVEYORS-Fraser A.; Gould E. F.; Herbert F. H.; Holmes C.; Lee W. W.; Preston W.: Tetu C. TAILORS-See Merchant Tailors-Blendt C. TANNERS-Carlisle F. W. & Co.; Frank J. TANNING EXTRACT MACHINERY - Johnson, Goodell & Co. TELEGRAPH-See page 245. TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE-Devlin C. H. TIN, COPPER, AND IRON WORKS-Martin B. TINSMITH-See Hardware, Stoves and Tinware-Gebler T. G.; Cook J.; Hubinger J. C.; Martin B.; Robell M. TOBACCO AND LIQUORS--See Wines, Liquors and Cigars. TUG AND BARGE LINES - See page 41-Ballentine H. A. & Co.; Ballentine J. M. & Co. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERSCheeney H.; Corrigan J. UNDERTAKERS-See Furniture-Palm C.; Prall D. I.; Feige Bros.; Weinecke A. & Bro. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE-Bates W. R., register; Day A. A., receiver. UPHOLSTERS-See Furniture-Harding E. J.; Heineman E.; Newman A.; Pendell H.; Tallent A. VARIETY STORES-Frey & Wicklein; Morris W. E. VETERINARY SURGEONS-Casey W.; Frenz E.; Lewis D. J. VINEGAR MANUFACTURERS-Eierman C.; Girodat C. WALL PAPER-See Books and Stationery-Edinger W. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY - Baumer J.; Brown D. R. & Co.; Brown Geo.; Doughty T. E.; Herb F. J. WATER WORKS-East Saginaw Water Works. WELL BORERS-Coates Thomas; Maloney M.; Zilwaukee; Mason J. WHITE-WASHERS AND PLASTERERS-Campbell R.; Jackson W. A. 750 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OFEAST SAGINAW. WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS-See Saloons-Barbier M. A.; Farmer B.; Farmer S.; Holtzeimer C.; Kerchenvritz W.; Millard C. C.; O'Brien M.; O'Brien & Millard; Root & Midler; Soyer G. A. & Co.; Wegst A.; Burton E. M. WOOD DEALER-Wild S. R. WOOD ENGRAVER-Gleason A. WOOD TURNERS-Davison 0.; Gaines F. P.; Numbers E. F. WOOD INSPECTOR-Hathaway H. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SAGINAW CITY. AGENTS-Berry J. L.; Cook T. S.; Crier C. A.; Durand G. H.; Herrig F.; Kimball R.; LaBas H. T.; McLean A. E.; Merrill N. W.; Sharpe S. C.; Smith J.; Townsend J. H. AMUSEM:ENTS-Eolah Hall. ARCHITECTS-Dibble J. B.; Hollister F. W.; Parsons I. ATTORNEYS-Clark J.; Clark W. A.; Cook J. R.; Durand L. T.; Eaton F. L.; Foote D. P.; Gaylord & Hanchett; Grout G. K.; Hall J. T.; Hurlbut L. A.; James T. M.; Martin & Raymond; Moorehouse J.; Sweet W. H.; Tennant W. S.; Trask A.; Wood N. S. BAKERS-Spadz G.; Wadbauer G.; Wagner J. BANKS-Burrows G. L. & Co.; First National; Potter F. H. BARBERS-Griggs G. R.; Johnson B.; Miller C. H.; Thayer S.; Thomas H.; Ueberhagen C.; Walker T. A. IBILLIARD HALLS-Crowley D.; Krogmann P. H.; Simon F.; Reidy M. BINDER-Scbreiber Otto. BLACKSMITHS-Benson A. W.; Bostwick A.; Murphy J.; Schneider J. N.; Wiley R. BOARDING HOUSES--See Hotels-Brown A.; Carca Mrs. F.; Cowan W.; Espey J.; Gray J. H.; Hall W.; Haskell W. M.; Hinds R.; Humphrey Mrs. S. M.; Julian Mrs. J.; Peck H. A.; Porteous R.; Stevens R. H.; Stewart J.; Wright T. BOAT BUILDER-Burnham S. E. BOOTS & SHOES-Bauer P.; Brady J. E.; Brand J. T.; Emendorfer & Flattar; Evhart S.; Gaensbauer J.; Green S. F.; Hunt T.; Kohn W.; McRath W.; Slawson E. L. & Bro.; Twichell W. A. BOWLING SALOON-Jose W. H. BREWERIES-Rotbke A.; Rose J.; Schemm & Schonheit. 752 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SAGINAW CITY. BRICK MANUFACTURER-Putnam A. T. BUILDERS-Ferguson W. B.; Smith W. H. CABINET MAKER-Thurston W. I. CARPET TVEAVER-_Melster A. CARRIAGE MAKERS-Benson H. A.; Bostwick A.; Burnham S. E.;. Lewis W. D.; Radke C.; Riese, Seline & Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO--Ballentine Bros.; Knapp J.; Scheurman E.; Whitcomb C. CIVIL ENGINEER-Glaser C. CLOTHING-Beach J. & Co.; Bernhard H.; Freger Mrs. B.; Friedman & Demers; Levy J.; Levy M.; Meister W.; Morse M. A.; Nathan N.; Spitz P. COAL DEALER-Tuthill J. COMMISSION MERCHANTS-Knox D. M. & Co.; Shaw P. M. CONFECTIONERY-See Fruils and Confectionery-Siebel & Schwalin; Eastman Mrs. M.; Kretzmann C. COOPERS-Binder & Co.; Klemm L.; Saginaw Barrel Co.; Ward J. DENTISTS-Hamilton C. R.; Mann H. S.; Morgan W. P. DRESS MAKERS-Acker Miss L.; Dawson & Moore; Kitts Mrs. M. J.; Myers Mrs. H. DRUGGISTS-Meyer F; Moll W.; Penoyer & St.-John; Ringler E.; Smith J. DRY GOODS-Bauer P.; Bauman J.; Dawson J. W.; Geer B.; Khuen R.; Lilinfield F.; Liskow & Sons; Schafer F. N.; Scheib & Co. DYER AND SCOURER-Francy A. EDGE-TOOL MANUFACTURER-Hollister M. W. ENGRAVER-Erb G. H. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS-Herrig F.; Lustig L. & M.; Smith J. FLOUR AND FEED-Knox D. M. & Co.; McCulloch Bros. FLOUR MILLS-Farmer G. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY-Balentine Bros.; Eastman Mrs. M.; Ruthford J. B. FRUIT-TREE DEALER-Webster T. W. FUR DEALER-Lee L. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SAGINAW CITY. 737 FURNITURE-Irving & Son; SmiLh B. T.; Thurston W. I. GAS-Saginaw Gas Light Co. GARDENER-Walbaur L. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS-See lMerchant TailorsBeach J. & Co. GLUE WORKS-Hayes F. GROCERS-Adams J. E.; Adams J. F.; Alderton G. A.; Boquette J. H.; Burhans & Co.; Carroll T.; Eggers C.; Fagemeyer E.; Farrington H. B.; Gould G. D.; Graebner A.; Graebner C.; Graebner K.; Herrig B.; Jackson T. L.; Kagel C. & Son.; Keho J. J. & F.; King G. D.; Liskow & Sons; McCulloch Bros.; Martin Mrs. M. G.; Moore E. J.; Moye W. L.; Neustadt R. & Co.; Newrick T. W.; O'Donnell W. A.; Redman M.; Romeike H.; Rose & Co.; Stone F. P. & Co.; Street G.; Stutting H. H.; Walker E. O.; Wells, Stone & Co. (wholesale); Wolfe N.; Zschoerner G. T. GUNSMITH-Bunnham F. HARDWARE-Achard A. W.; Beach R.; Ganschaw A. C.; Jerome D. H. & Co.; Perry P.; Scyffardt Mrs. S. HATS AND CAPS-Trommer J. G. HOTELS--Bell G. W.; Brockway L. H.; Reins Winm.; Delude M.; "CEiferly's," Eiferly A.; Tuttle 0.; Callahan T.; Freilan J.; Hackett Winm.; lodge N. D.; Hopkins I. H.; Cookson C. G.; Kerby W. K.; Lathrop R. J.; Lent J.; Marz J.; Platte T.; Richman C.; Rupp G. L.; Savage M. M.; Schirmer E.; Shaw J. E.; Murphy & Couley; Tobin J. IH.; Valiquet J.; Wilson O. HOUSE MOVER-Manning J. G. INSURANCE AGENTS-Baker G. A.; Gaylord H. R.;.lMarlette R.; Martin S.; Raymond F.; Saunders E. W. ICE DEALER-Northrup H. J. & Co.; Vanhorn C. T. LAND LOOKERS-Ferguson C.; Hudson J.; McCarron J.; McKenney J. D.; Osborne R.; Riley J.; Smith H.; Worts A. LAUNDRY-Wood J. N. LIME WORKS-Monitor Lime Works; Wenks C. & Co.; Remmer C. LIVERY STABLES-Burlesson & Martin; Caswell J. A.; Curtis C. L.; Robinson W. R. 95 738 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SAGINAW CITY. LOAN & TRUST Co.-Corning T. B. & Son. LUMBER DEALERS-Andre A.; Butman M.; Cushway C. H.; Kimberley C. S.; Lathrop F. & Co.; Lockwood N. S.; Miller C. C.; Prieur J.; Rust & Hay; Simonson G. H.; Smith D. J.; Turner 0.; Wells C. WOOD, HORN, AND BONE TURNER-Waples C. LUMBER INSPECTORS-Alexander J. W.; Brockway H.; Carpenter W. D.; Fisher B. J.; Gibson J. A.; McCarthy E.; Paine V.; Petty D.; Sanborn H. H.; Sanborn J. A.; Wade L.; Wells J. LUMBERMEN-Allen & Lockwood; Atwater R.; Backus G.; Backus J.; Barnard J. M.; Barnard N.; Bartlett B. B.; Benjamin F. W.; Bennett D.; Bennett G. W.; Benson M. H.; Braley P. D.; Brockway C.; Brown G. W. H.; Callam J; Callam W; Chapin A. B.; Curtis L. B. & Son; Davenport P.; Egger J.; Elliott I. F.; Gale J. M.; Gould E. F.; Harrington D.; Hay D. & A.; Hay J.; Hayes P. F.; Hill W.; Hudson W.; Hyer J. W.; Inscho O. J.; Jerome J.; Jerome T.; Jewett 0.; Louden R.; McFarlin J.; McKinnon A.; Manning P.J.; Merrill T.; Munson L. L.; Nester P.; Nester T.; Newton & Smith; Nixon R.; Noble G. B.; Paine A. B.; Paine A. H.; Paine V.B. & V. W.; Perrin J. W.; Potts H.; Quinn J.; Quinn T.; Ripley E. C.; Ross H.; Scott A.; Sims J. P.; Smith G. G.; Smith A. D.; Smith T. H.; Smith S. S.; Stark G. R.; Stewart E.; Stinchfield J. W.; Taylor E. M.; Thompson A. W.; Tipton H. S.; Tinkey A.; Townsend C.; Turner J.; Weinder J. A.; Wendell A.; Whitman J. C.; Williams G. F.; Williams L. B.; Williams W. A.; Wright A. W. & Co.; Wylie R. LUMBER MANUFACTURERS-Green W. S. & Son; Hay, Butman & Co.; Ketcham & Bro.; Lockwood N. S.; Ring & Rust. LUMBER AND SALT DEALERS-Burnham J. B.; Williams G. F. & Bros. LUMBER AND SALT MANUFACTURERS-Briggs E. N.; Grant & Saylor; Sturtevant, Green & Co.; Williams G. F. & Bros.; Wright & Wetherell. LUMBER, SALT, AND LATH MANUFACTURERSSwift & Lockwood. LUMBER AND STAVE DEALER-Bradley H. M. MARBLE WORKS-Jenner G. H. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SAGINAW CITY. MEAT MARKETS-Bait & McDougall; Dixon P.; Kindinger M.; Lutz & Hayn; Miller H. C.; Moye C.; Schultheiss J.; West J.; Wirth J. A.; MERCHANT TAILORS-Bernhard 8.; Levy J.; McPhee W. D.; Nathan N.; Riese E.; Speek R. S.; Spitz P. MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS-Brown J.; Dawson J. W.; Goldsmith H.; Wolfe N. MILLWRIGHTS-Crane D.; Farmer S. T.; Gohl C. H.; Kelley A. B.; Kendall E. H.; Lynch J.; Purmott H. F.; Sayers T.; Smith P. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE--Rogers H. M. PAINTERS-Culver E. T.; Richardson J.; Sweinhart A. PHOTOGRAPHERS-Clayton Bros.; Gradt L.; Rea W. J. PHYSICIANS--Barber O. P.; Bliss L. W.; Burnham N. G.; Fuerbinger G. H.; Herrig E. A.; Hobby C. M.; Hyland Miss M.; Jerome J.; Krauss T.; Lee N. D.; Munson N.; Ostrom S. C. J.; Plessner M. C. T.; Reiihart S.; Smith I. N.; Watson C.; Wheeler L. G.; White J. B. -PICTURE AND FRAME STORE-Saunders J. PINE LANDS AND LOGS-Butman & Rust; Nester T.; Wright, Wells & Co. PLANING MILLS-Miller C. C.; Wright, Tipton & Co.; Harding D. & Co. POST OFFICE-Hudson J. A., P. M. PRINTING OFFICES AND PUBLICATIONS--See page 287. REAL ESTATE-Andre A.; Blackmore J.; Blanchard A.; Hay & Wheeler; Miller H. L.; Miller W.; Parsons A. A.; Parsons I.; Andre E. C. RESTAURANTS-Ballentine Bros.; Gardener V.; Hardy A. M.; Hazzard & Harvey; Hessler C.; Krause A.; Reidy J.; Peck H. A.; Siebel & Schwahn; Cole J.; Root & Singer. BEER MANUFACTURER-Gordon T. S. SAGINAW ST. RAILWAY COMPANY-See page 280.;SALOONS-Arquin A.; Butrand Miss M.; Brown A.; Brummar J.; Compo F.; Daharsh G.; Eberhardt C.; Feahr A.; Feiger Bros.; Fenser J.; Gardener V.; Gray J. H.; Hawken A. F.; Hexamer A.; Irvin J.; Lefebvre A.; Libade J.; Mathew G. G.; McAuley M.; Brown J.; Monroe K. A.; Rimmele I.; Schick G.; Sbultheiss G.; Smith D. L.; St. Denis F.; Trakat J. H.; Ueberhagen C. BUTSINESS DIRECTORY OF SAGINAW CITY. SALT DEALER-Brenner C. J. SALT MANUFACTURER-Kull C. SALT AND LUMBER MANUFACTURERS-Barnard & Binder; Rust A. & Co.; Rust, Eaton & Co. SCALERS-Henley T.; Kendall D. C.; Lee J.; McIntyre A.; Vance H.; Wendell R. SEWING MACHINE AGENTS-Crawford P.; Mitchell C. H.; Walker H. A. SHINGLE MANUFACTURERS-Ketcham & Bro. SHOEMAKERS-Close W. G.; Erhart C.; Ittner T. J.; Winkler G. M. SOAP AND POTASH FACTORY-Harris J. C. STENOGRAPHER-Goodale S. W. 0 TELEGRAPH-Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw R. R. stations; Taylor' House. TIMBERMAN-Shortel P. TINSMITH-Bisterfeld C. TINWARE--Cook & Loxley. TOBBACO AND CIGARS-Fischer J. TUCK POINTER AND STONE CLEANER-Burke E. TUG AND BARGE OWNERS-Felcher G. P.; Hubble T. M.; Little W. H.; Stewart E. UNDERTAKER-Benjamin C. L. UPHOLSTERERER--Wider J. F. VETERINARY SURGEONS-Ballard W. & R. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY-Smyth W. E.; Ziegler J. C.; Lacy A. D. WASHING MACHINE AGENT-Crawford P. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS-Allen J. B. & Co.; Barber J.; Eggers C.; Hughes P.; Kretzman C.; Seeney R. C. WOOD TURNER-Wapley C. H. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. ABSTRACT OFFICE-Anneke & Wilkins. AGENTS--Barse W. H.; Beers C. E.; Beers S. A.; Davis H. A.; Easton W. H.; Knaggs J. W.; Kelsey W. A.; Kealey R.; Lord F. H.; Lord G.; Neil J.; Newkirk E.; Patriarche A.; Scheurman & Co.; Shafer P. J.; Wait B.; Shearer S. A. AMUSEMENTS-Theatre Comique; Museum Van Walthausen. ARCHITECTS--Porter & Watkins; Pratt L. A. ATTORNEYS-Andrews E. W.; Anneke & Wilkins; Beckwith L.; Blaisdell H.; Colt F: Day]ish W.; Denison C. H.; Freeman C. H.; Green S. M.; Hargadon; Holmes, Haynes & Stoddard; Lyon A. P.; Marston & Hatch; Mangan D.; Maxwell & Hyde; McDonnell & Cobb; McMath J. W.; McNamara J.; Norrington H. H.; Scofield W.; Shepard T. F.; Taylor R. AUCTIONEER-Spaulding A. AUCTION AND COMMISSION--Foote S. E. BAKERS-Arnold F.; Arnold G.; Carry M.; Goodell A. E.: Gottfried A. A.; Kempter G. T.; Kempter J.; Newman R.; Reilly E. G.; Stewart A. L. BANKS-Bay City Savings Bank; First National; Exchange, Westover & Leland; Gibson C. F. & Co. bankers; State Bank of Bay City. BARBERS--Baker J. H.; Bolton W.; Brazzelton L. N.; Champaine F.; Jacobus J. R.; Jenkins W.; Johnson F. IH.; Susand Bros.; Wild John L.; Van Haun A. BAR LIBRARY-Room 22, Bank Building. BATH ROOMS-Wild John L. BEER AND POP MANUFACTURERS-Beebe & Braddock; Brother E. B. 742 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. BILLIARDS-Arnold G.; Astor House; Campbell House; Carter T. M.; Fraser House, Glover R., Prop'r; Globe; Jewell W.; Webb G. L. BILL POSTERS-Evans & Burnham. BINDERY-Kroencke Ed. BLACKSMITHS -Andrews N. & Co.; Hembling N.; Delaney D. R.; Fordan J. A.; LaFrance F.; O'Brien J.; Randall C. W. & H.; Rivet Bros.; Reaume C.; Shannon I. A. & Bro.; Steggall H. G.; Wood S.; Slenou L. BOILER WORKS-" Star Steam" J. T. Kirk; Like J. E.; McKinnon J. BOARDING HOUSES-Bathgait Mrs. M.; Brehmer Mrs. M. A.; Clover Mrs. M.; Cook Mrs. H.; Dargis Mrs. M.; Eaton J. D.; Emrich Mrs. J.; Griul P.; Hebert N.; Hill Mrs. E. M.; Hughes Mrs. M.; LaBeau Wm.; Leonard Mrs. J.; Lepez E.; Little J. A.; Pettitgrow I.; Robertson W.; Rosseau C.; Stryker Mrs. E.; Taitte Mrs. C.; Williams Mrs. J.; Williams R.; Seleey Mrs. A. S.; Smith J.; Spaar S. BOOKS AND STATIONERY-Crandell F.; Masters B. M.; Raymond H. S. & Co. BOAT BUILDER-Tripp S. J. BOOM COMPANY-Carney R. J., agent; "Rifle River," Garrett B., agt. BOOTS AND SHOES-Allan J; Boiteu G.; Bouchard I. S.; Conmey T. C.; DeMay T.; Johnson E. E.; Kittridge M. H.; Nellis W. H.; Redmond J.; Scheurmann R.; Walther P. & Bro.; Whitney J. E. BOTTLING WORKS-Beebe & Braddock; BOWLING ALLEY-Chult G. W. BRASS- FOUNDERS-Baxter & Sculley. BREWERIES-" Eagle Brewer," Nickel V.; Steinbauer G.; Schramm M.; Van Meter A. & Co. BUILDING CONTRACTORS-See Carpenters and Builders-Shearer J. W.; Stiles R. BRICK MANUFACTURER-Fox B.; Hall R. A. BROKER-Newkirk E. (commercial); Meeker & Adams; Cate C. W.; Roman M. BUS AND HACK LINES-Green & Dingman. CABINET MAKERS-See Furniture-Dunbar G.; Eukrim A.; Hall R.; Turner E. H. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. 743 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS-Eickemeyer E.; Gregson M.; Magill & Co.; Lamont M. CARRIAGE MAKERS-See Blacksmiths-Anderson J. C.; Delaney D. R.; Hembling N.; Reaume C.; Rivet & Bros.; Shannon J. A. & Bro.; Sherman & Bro.; Slenou T.; Smith H. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE-Drake E. J. & Son; Griswold H. & Son; White & Davenport. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS-Baker J. H.; Ernst F.; Frank E.; Futter C. H.; Kaichen Sam.; Littaner S.; Munro A. C.; Raymond H. S. & Co.; Stockle F.; Triskett L.; Smith C. CISTERN AND TANK MAKERS-Davison C. L.; Phippen A. CIVIL ENGINEER-Mercer W. CLOTHIERS-Anthony L.; Breckler & Lewinstein; Blackman F. H. & Co.; Chapman & Sirmyer; Eastwood J.; Hyman A.; "Little Jake & Co.;" Meister B. L.; Oakes G. W.; Schott & Co.; Wilkins S. N. COAL DEALERS-Denison T. R.; Mitchell W. COMMISSION MERCHANTS-Armstrong J.; Brewster & Keith; Cate C. W. COMMISSION LUMBER DEALERS - Fassett T. S.; Moyes & Barnum; Paddock R. L.; Walton A.;7Weeks C. CONFECTIONERS-C uney M.; Cuthbert R.; Devlin B.; Goodell A. E.; Fluns E.; Pusey J. C. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS-Campbell D.; Leser & Knoblauch; Magill J. & Co.; Whipple P. M. COOPERS-See Salt Manufacturers-Fablette W. W.; Webster & Bro. CUSTOM HOUSE COLLECTOR-McDermott J. DENTISTS-Hulbert, H. B.; Nichols A. C.; Webster N. H.; Tyler C. V. DRESS AND CLOAK MAKERS--Campbell Mrs. W. J.; Cuthbert M.; Forcier Mrs. J. G.; O'Loughlin Miss M.; --dress-Allen Miss M.; Barnard Miss R.; Brown Miss A.; Chevrette Miss J.; Cole Mrs. A.; Curtis Miss N.; Dawson Mrs. L.; Jewell Miss H. A.; Sanford Mrs. M.; Shivrett Mrs. S.; Trombly Miss D.; Washington Mrs. S. L. .744 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. DRUGGISTS-Al bridge G. & Co.; Comon L. S.; Johnmsou & Lewis; Scott & Jolley; Street J. F. & Co.; Von Walthausen F. & Bro.; Wallace W. H. & Son; Wheat W. K. DRY GOODS-Bancroft F. A. & Co.; Cooke,& Langworthy; Hawley C. R.; Munger J. & Co. ELEVATOR AND WAREHOUSE--Supe & Rademacher. FANCY GOODS-Altmark & Elbinger; Beaubien T. J.; During T.; Fisher C. D.; Littaner S. FERRY BOAT LINES-See elsewhere--Kerr J.; see rage 41. FILE CUTTER-Smith J. A. FISH MARKET-Riker E. FISHERMEN AND DEALERS-See grocers, etc.-Clark & Teller. FLOUR, GRAIN AND SEED-Fray G. C. FLOUR AND FEED-McDonald J. N.; Young C. E. & Co. FLOUR MILL-Bay City Mills, McDonald & Fray. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION-Schearmann C. FOUNDRY AND MACIIINISTS-Bay City Iron Co., McDowell & Co.; Smalley Bros. & Lewis; Novelty Works; Baxton & Sculley. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERIES-Bagley J.; Button T.; Graham J.; Harrower E. A.; Huff A.; Ludington B.; Metcalf T. G.; Munroe A. C.; Pasey J. C. & W. H. FUR DEALERS--Brown & Hart. FURNITURE-B1cedon L.; Cool J. S. & Son; Parker & Lloyd; Shannon S. B. GAS--Bay City Gas Light Co., R. Calhoun, Sup't. GAS AND WATER PIPE-Northwestern Gas and Water Pipe Co. GAS AND STEAM FIXTURES-Clement J. GAS FITTERS-Danbert J.; Sullivan W. GROCERS-Adams T. D.; Albert F.; Auscombe A.; Ashley A. J.; Begeoin T.; Bissell P. D.; Bowen D. V. & Co.; Brunner & Bro.; Campbell & Tyler; Carter W. H.; Clay W.; Cornwell D.; Coruwell J. A.; Cumming Mrs. D. & Co.; Degondrecourt C.; Delzell T. A.; Demars H.; Drake E. J. & Son; Drake Win.; Ellsworth & Parish; Ferguson & Haney; Ferris Bros.; Gregory L. H.; Gustin & Merrill; Hager G.; Hill C. C.; Hopkins, Tuttle & Co.; Johnson & Lewis; JKammaw L.; Keith J. Kelly W. M.; BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. 745 Kiese E.; Kilduff P.; Krause F; McGraw J. & Co.; McPherson Mrs. D. J.; Meisel & Goeschel; Masterson P.; McPherson Mrs. A.; Meeker & Adams; Newcomer A. H.; Odle J.; Perkins J.; Perrott & Co.; Pusey Mrs. M. T.; Richards H.; Shephard & Meston; Shaw & Fisk; Scott & Bro.; Shaw & Hall; Smith & Wheeler; Stanton L. H. & J.; Supe & Rademacher; Watson F. A. & W. W.; West W. H.; Wetherell & Hage; Woodward E. C. & F. G.; Woolson J. O. & Co. GUNSMITH-Burt J. G.; Bascom H. C.; Donaldson J.; Harrington J. HAIR DRESSERS-Campbell Miss J., and Mrs. L. Campbell; Bradford Mrs. C. HARDWARE-See Stoves and Tinware-Bailey & Orton; Logan A.; Miller W. H. & Co.; Tousey, Pierson & Beach; Martin E. HARNESS AND SADDLES-Brown A. & Co.; Hemstreet & Wanless; Luxton T. HATS, CAPS, AND GENTS' GOODS-Kimball T. HOOP SKIRT MAINUFACTURERS-De Clair F.; Lemma B. HOOP SKIRTS AND FANCY GOODS-Sempliner & Co. HOTELS-Alver A.; Anscomb House, A. Wells; Astor House, D. J. Kennedy; Barclay House, M. Meagher; Barlow R.; Bourtreur House, P. F. Bourtreur; Brown & Bros.; Campbell House, C. A. Jay; Centre House, M. Roche; Corey House, Copely S.; International House, Coon S.; Crampton House, W. S. Carroll; Corner House, A. Detrasac; SDavis J. F.; Dorian F.; Drago C.; Fraser House, Edgar N. W.; Frazher House, Frazher J.; Gavord House, Gavord J.; First Ward House, Lynch T.; Forest City House, C. Heinzmann; Fourth Ward House, Haskins R.; Globe House, Wells & Son; Hamnne F.; Helpeg G.; Irving House, Jones R. N.; Kelley T.; Kennedy D. J.; LeClair F.; McArdle J.; Capitol House, P. J. McGrath; Ontario, Deegan T.; Montreal House, R. Robideaux; Montreal House, J. Gerou; Moulton House, W. Fox; Pine River House, A. Villaire; Pollehn J.; Ragan House, J. M. Ragan; Richards W.; Roberts H.; Saginaw Valley House, Mrs. J. Jenkins; St. Lawrence House, D. McDonald; Syracuse House, J. Fingland; Vanderwilt House, L. Vanderwilt; Washington House, J. Heinzmann; Wolverton House, H. C. Stanton, Wyandotte House, B. Teepoorten; Zerwes Hotel, S. Zerwes; Taylor F.; Toohey P.; Wolskey J.; Wintermeyer J. 96 746 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. HOUSE MOVERS-Magill J. & Co.; Murphey M. ICE DEALER-Goodwin O. H. P. INSURANCE-Braddock C. S.; Cathcart W. A. & W. H.; Crable R.; Currey D. R.; Drago & Haney; Drake J.; Hoyt W. P.; Lord G.; Knaggs & Shannon; Shannon D.; Siefert C.; Muylle E. G. INTELLIGENCE-Drago & Haney; Lincoln G. V. & Co. INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTOR-Drake J. JEWELER-Morse J. A. J.; Rose J.; Gleason C. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS-Altmark & Elbinger; Beaubien T. J.; Carney Mrs. M.; Hartranft Mrs. J. B.; Whitmore Mrs. F. H. LAND AGENT-Woods J. LAND LOOKERS-Beebe J.; McKay A., owner. LATH BOLTER AND MACHINERY - Manufrs and Inventors-Johnson Crispin. LATH MANUFACTURERS-See lumber manufacturersWatrous M. & Sons LAUNDRIES-Robillard Mrs. R.; Coon Mrs. S.; Hendrick Mrs. L.; "Bay Steam Laundry," W. S. Corwin & Co.; Flax Mrs. C.; Brooks Mrs. C. M.; McDougal Miss C. LIME (KILN) BURNERS-Averell C. M.; Corgon J. LIVERY-Bennett J. D.; Green & Dingman; Hanlin J.; McDonald A. R. & Co.; Perrott P. J.; Radford I.; Watkins H. P.; Watson J. C. LOAN BROKER-Foote P. Y. LUMBER, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, ETc.-See Carriages, etc-Walton A. A.; Culver D. LUMBER DEALERS-Gardner G. M.; Kaiser A.; May J.; McLeman K. D.; McPhail L; Mead J. H.; Moulthrop C. LUMBER INSPECTOR GENERAL-Williams E. Y. LUMBER INSPECTORS--Bolton D.E.; Carney W.E.; Chamberlin H.A.; Clemens W. S.; Dowdell H.; Eddy S.; Flangers C.; Goodson J. 0. & W. N.; Hamet 0. F.; Lapham W. P.; Lewis W. E.; McCormick H. W. & W. J.; McKay J. A.; Monroe C. W. & W. K.; Nellis N.; Niles S. D.; Neugent E. & E. B.; Randall A. G.; Reilley J. S.; Reilly E. G.; Remmington F. A.; Sloane J.; Smith D. F. & R. F. & T.; Vans E. J.; VanCampen A. S; Welsh B.; Whittemore W. H.; Young H. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. 747 LUMBER, LATH, AND SHINGLES-Braddick A. C. & Son; Carney R. J.; Whitman & Culver; Whitman G. B. LUMBERMEN-Archibald J.; Begle C.; Blackman G. V.; Blith H.; Brayman D.; Bremen M.; Brewster R. E.; Campbell A.; Carney R. J.; Chapman B. & G. P., & J. P. & S.; Davidson J.; Degrath Y. W.; French J.; Garland M.; Gordon W. L.; Graham Z.; Hoover E. H.; McClain A.; McCormick C.; McDonald J. R.; McDonald R.; McRoberts J. B.; Miller A. W.; Miller J. J.; Malone C. C.;: Mosher G. L.; Neidham J.; Noyes L. E.; Peter W.; Pratt M. C.; Ramsdall J.; Raymond G.; Reynolds T.; Rogers W. H.; Savage T.; Smith I. N.; Smith J.; Simpson J.; Scott G.; Stanton 0.; Westover L.; Westover W. M.; Whitman G. B.; Wilson H. P.; Wittauer B.; Wonsey J. A.; Yawkey J. H.; Young G. LUMBER MANUFACTURERS--Chapin & Barber; Culver D.; Bradley H. M. & Co.; Dolsen, Chapin & Bro.; Gates & Fay; Folsom & Arnold; Harbeck H. A.; Hitchcock & Ingraham; Lloyd G. W.; Miller & Richards; Rust A. & Co.; McEwan J.; Pitts & Cranage; Shearer J. & Co.;, Stevens A. & Co.; Stevens & Graham; Stevens & Shailer; " atrous Bros. & Co.; Watrous M. & Sons; Webster S. H. & Bro.; Whipple, Parmely & Co. LUMBER, SALT, AND LATH MANUFACTURERSSee elsewhere-Bradley N. B. & Co.; McGraw J. & Co.; Pitts & Cranage; Miller A. MACHINERY-Johnson & Crispin.; Munn & Co.; Smalley Bros. & Lewis; Bay City Iron Works; Novelty Works. MARBLE WORKS-Smith J. & Co.; Terter C. MEAT MARKETS--Carroll J.; Feldman J.; Hine J. & Bro.(two); Kaesemeyer T.; Kenny T.; Reichle C. F.; Simon F.; Sexlinger J. L.; Tafept & Bertch; Voight F.; Wald J.; Widman J. D.; Wickman J.; Widman J. B.; Wietmann J. MERCHANT TAILORS-See Clothiers and Tailors-Black man W. H. & Co.; Chapman & Sirmyer; Widmer G. MILL DOG, PATENT-Craney F. MILK PEDDLERS-Hogle; Hough; Englehart; Valentine; Smith J. H. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS--Bradfield Mrs. C.; Carney Mrs. M.; Flanagan Miss A.; Gilbert C.; Grabowsky A. & Co.; Hartranft Mrs. J. B.; Jewell Miss H. A.; Kilpatrick Mrs. M.; Pollock D. & S.; Sanford Mrs. M. 748 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. MILL MACHINERY--Munn & Co.; Johnson & Crispin. MILLWRIGHTS-Belfour T.; Brownson W. S.; Champagne C.; Coffin H.; Collier J. H.; Daly A.; Ellis J. HI; Freeman S. S.; Garrison J.; Hail R.; Hawksworth G.; Hennard J.; Higgins R. F.; McNabb R.; Monroe A.; Oatman F.; O'Brien M.; Maxwell J.; Merrill C. E.; Miller F.; Palmer G.; Palmer G. W.; Parmely J. J.; Raby C.; Ramsay J.; Sholer F.; Sinclair A. J.; Slater F. W.; Tart M. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS--Root M. A.; Shelley D. B. & Co. NEWS DEALERS--Harrower B. S.; Raymond H. S. & Co. NOTARIES PUBLIC--See Attorneys. NOVELTY WORKS--" Bay City Novelty Works." NURSERIES-Root W. L., Agent; Silverule A. K. OPTICAL GOODS--Littauer S. PAIL MANUFACTURER-Nash W., Woodenware Works. PAINTERS-Atkinson Bros., Colburn J. N.; Duchane F.; Duchane J.; Everett H. B.; Leith W.; Pendleton & Stewart; Riley G.; Scruggs E. V; Spencer O. S.; Stockman W. A. PAINTERS, LANDSCAPE AND PORTRAIT-Thomas C. and E. K. PHOTOGRAPHERS-Bailey A. D.; Colburn C. B. and E. J.; Gibson J. J.; Scottford H. J. PHYSICIANS--Bogart C. A,; Burr W. H.; Burke J.; Clark J.; Dubois P. C. A.; Cross T.; Evans Mrs. I. H.; Gates E. H.; Girarden V.; Haggadorn S. H.; fHargrave J.; I-Ieumann G.; Hooper J. H.; Howell C.; Johnson N.; Jolley J. F.; Landon H. P.; McPherson W.; Marks H.; Marsh W. R.; Miller J. T.; Newkirk C. T.; O'Toole P. W.; Tupper H.; Tyler C. V.; Webb C. W.; Wheat W. K.; Williams G. A.; Zauner L. G. PILE DRIVER--Gordon J. G. PINE LANDS AND LUMBER.--Yawkey W. C. PLANING MILLS-Braddick A. & Sons; Chapin & Barber; McGraw J. & Co.; Pitts & Cranage; Sanford J. S.; Smith & Wheeler. PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS--Walther & Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. 749 POSTMASTERS-Phillips T. C.; Fisher C. D. POTASH MANUFACTURE [RS--McSweeney J. P.; Weber W. PRINTING OFFICES--See p 409--c Chronicle," Bay City Printing Association; " Tribune," Bay City Tribune Co.; " Zeitung, Co;" C. C. Gustin job office; " The Leader," a new office just started. PRODUCE DEALERS--Carter & Maltby; Cockley F. R.; Lambert J. PUBLICATIONS-See page 409-Lumberman's Gezette, monthly, H. S. Dow; Tribune, daily and weekly, Dow & Switzer; Chronicle, daily and weekly, J. Birney & Co.; Leader, by S. C. Wilson, new paper. RAILROADS-F. & P. M. railroad; D. & B. C. Railroad; J., L. & S. Railroad. REAL ESTATE-Barclay J. S.; Cottrell C. B.; Drago & Haney; Evans H. T.; Fitzhugh C. C.; Jennison C. E.; McEwan W.; Woods J.; Watson J.; Wilkins J. H.; Winterhalter M. RESTAURANTS--Darling C. C.; Guard L.; Craft Will T.; Fuller & McDonald; Gibbs John; Little J.; McNicho; H.; Murphy & Ingersoll; Leoffler G. T.; O'Connor T.; O'Brien J.; Ravour T.; Teller & Chetham; Wilkins J. H. & Co.; Williams T.; Williams F. ROOT BEER MANUFACTURER-Trombley A. SAIL LOFTS--Monro G. H.; Grant J., maker. SALOONS-)See Hlotels and Restaurants-Asch S.; Babo C.; Barlow R.; Bloomfield G.; Brown H.; Brown J. P.; Berthold G.; Casey J.; Caswell A.; Champagne R.; Darian F.; Darling C. C.; Demars H.; Dolan M.; Feyerabend 0.; Franklin W.; Frantz C.; Ford H. C.; Fuller W.; Graham W. H.; Greul P.; Hare J.; Hebert N.; Heiber W.; Kaiser & Nestle; Klengberg J.; Kurzrork -; Lefevre F.; Lutz J. M.; Lutzke H.; McCarthy P.; lIcCormick F.; McDonald D. D.;. Martin A.; Masse L.; Murphy P.; Muller A.; Nester J.; Noat P.; Norwicki P.; O'Connor T.; Pettigrow I.; Ploof C.; Pratt J.; Reynolds & Weener; Robins W.; Rousseau C.; Sanford & Boyd; Schindehette M.; Shafer J.; Spaar S.; Sullivan P.; Feyerdbend 0.; Wackerly J.; Warneird J.; Wood C.; Brandemore E.; Brown T.; Jacobs G. E.; Kaichen S.; Lutzke H.; McGrath P. J.; Mills J.; Miller H.; O'Connor E.; Peck J.; Sullivan P.; Steinbauer G. 'OU BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. SALT MANUFACTURERS--Chapin & Barber; Dolsen, Chapin & Bro.; Folsom & Arnold; Pitts & Cranage; Atlantic Salt Works; Bradley N. B. & Co.; Brewster & Keith; Peter Wm.; Webster S. H. & Bro.; Miller A.; Watrous M. & Sons; McGraw J. & Co.; Eddy, Avery & Co. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS-Catlin I. H.; Smith & Wheeler; Worden J. R. SAW MAKER AND REPAIRER-Ward W. SAW MILLS-Culver D. & Bros.; Dolsen, Chapin & Bro.; Eddy, Avery & Co.; Folsom & Arnold; Gates & Pay; Hay & Butman; Hitchcock & Ingraham; McEwan J.; McGraw J. & Co.; Miller A.; Peter W.; Pitts & Cranage; Rust A.; Shearer J. & Co.; Stevens & Co.; Van Etten, Kaiser & Co.; Watrous Bros & Co.; Watrous M. & Sons; Webster S. H. & Bro.; Westover & Culver; Bradley A. N.; Bradley H. M.; Bradley N. B. & Co.; Chapin & Barber. SEWING MACHINE AGENTS-Beaubien T. J.; DeLisle W. H.; Gilbert L. A. L.; Shelley & Wilson; Thompson W. S.; Thompson 0.; Campbell J. C.; Currey C. M.; Dewaele L.; Riley G. SHIP BROKERS-Hall H.; Weeks C. H. SHIP-YARD AND DRY-DOCK-Tripp & Church. SHOEMAKERS-Allan J.; Bouchard I.; Duford J.; Flanagan M.; Lambrecht C.; Petherick J. S.; Slade J.; Thompson G. H. SHORT-HAND REPORTER-Haynes A. M. SQUARE TIMBER AND STAVE DEALER-McAllister J. STAGE LINE-Linder G.; Reed & Green. STAVE DEALERS-Watrous M. & Sons, manuf'rs; Helm H., ag't; Featherly J. W., dealer; Van Etten, Kaiser & Co.; De Witt J. N., manufr; Hitchcock & Ingraham, and lath manuf'rs; Merritt A. E., inspector. STONE YARD-Tennan t Bros. STOVES AND TINWARE-See Hardoare-Haskin & Spencer; Martin E.; Walther & Co. STREET RAILWAY-Bay City Street Car Co. SURVEYORS-Mercer W.; Thompson H. SWAMP LAND COMMISSIONER-Evans D. J. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BAY CITY. 751 TAILORS-Haering F. C.; Johnson J. R.; Mewes C.; Teall W.E. TELEGRAPH OFFICES-F. & P. M. R. R. depot; W. U. Tel. Co., Watson block; D. & B. C. R. R. depot. TRANSPORTATION-Carney R. J.; Scheurmann C. TUG AND BARGEMEN-Easton & Walton; Kelley W. M.; Kilduff P.; Carney R. J.; Marlatt P. UNDERTAKERS--See Furniture-Atkins L. Q.; Cool J. S. & Son; Shannon S. B.; Parker & Lloyd. UPHOLSTERER-Beck J. VESSEL AGENTS-Gordon J.; Hall H.; Weeks C. H. VETERINARY SURGEON-Romer J. WAGON MAKERS--See Carriage Ma akers. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY-Grabowsky S.; Rose J.; Morse J. A. J.; Wood E. & Co. WATER WORKS-Dunbar E. L., Superintendent. WELL BORERS-Coryell J.; Speir W. WI1NES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS-Hawkins W. & Co.; Kaichen S.; Kelly & Co.; Kilduff M. & J.; Southard W. B.; Trombley D. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF WENONA. AGENTS--Farrell D. F.; Clark N.; Nichols A. S.; Aplin H. H. ATTORNEYS AT LAW--Shepard T. F.; Taylor R. B. BAKER-Tschanner J. BANK-Bank of Wenona. BARBERS-Fouler M. L.; Mushizer F.; Young H. BILLIARD SALOONS-Campbell James; Craft W. 0. BLACKSMITHS-Pajot J. & J.; Ringwood l& Walebur. BOILER WORKS-Wildman & Bro. BOOKS AND STATIONERY--Aplin H. H. BOOTS AND SHOES-Ayers Geo.; Golden Jno.; Nickel George. CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE-See General Merchandise-Allen George A.; Hawkins T. P.; Sage H. W. & Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO--McKniglit & Avery. DENTIST-Watrous W. H. DRESS-MAKERS-Preston Miss Maggie M. DRUGGISTS-Davis John; Veder & Co.; Swart Wm. V.; Magill & Co. DRY GOODS-Ingersoll H. G. FUR DEALER-Matthes H. H. FURNITURE-Loose Wm. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS-Matthes H. H. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS-Allen Geo. A.; Hawkins T. P.; Hewett A.; Lankey & Guindon; Loghry J. R.; Lunn Wm.; Sage H. W. & Co.; Swart Wm.; Travis & Babo. HARDWARE-Moots & Ruppf..HARNESS MAKERS-Kausch Adolph. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF WENONA. 753 HOTELS-American, P. Reardon; Eagle Hotel; Irwin House, Patrick Irwin; Markham House, H. Markham; Rouech House, M. A. Rouech; Toohey House, Thos. Toohey; Phelps House, Perry E. Phelps; Touscany House, L. Touscany. ICE DEALERS-Wenona Ice Co. INSURANCE AGENTS-Clarke N. LIVERY-Green Wm. M.; Rich R. H. & Co. MEAT MARKETS-Ball Geo. H.; Miller Bros.; Van Alstine Bros., MILLINERS-Hackett Mrs. R. PAINTERS-Thomas E. K. PAINTS AND OILS-Swart Wm. PHOTOGRAPHERS-Cressey R. M. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS-Chase J. A.; Magill W. E.; Randall Isaac. PLANING MILLS-Arnold & Catlin. PLASTER MILL-Smith & Beard. POSTOFFICE-Aplin H. H. PRINTING OFFICE-Wenona Herald, weekly. RAILROAD.-J. L. & S. R. R. SALOONS-Crysler P.; Johnson J. B.; Craft W. O.; Menten Thomas; Roberge & Vigneaw; Swartz Jos. SALT BLOCKS-Sage H. W. & Co. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS-Arnold & Catlin. SAW MILLS-Litchfield E. C.; Sage H. W. & Co. SEWING MACHINE AGENTS-Aplin H. H. SHOEMAKERS-Sarles J. A. & Co. TAILORS-Langmeyer C.; Ackerman A. TELEGRAPH OFFICES-W. U. Tel. Co.; W. U. & J. L. & S. R. R. Tel. Co. WAGON MAKERS-Ringwood & Walebur. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY-Swart S. WINES AND LIQUORS-Lankey & Guindon; McKnight & Avery-See advertisement. 97 I~ 1 -l;f~; ~:~ c I I ~~ i d ji ii r:L I r Ft Betroit & Bay ity RAILROAD. THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE Between the Great Lumber and Salt Regions of Northern Michigan, Detroit, and all points in the Eastern States and Canada. Six Through PassengerTrains Pass over this Line daily, fully equipped with ELEIANT DAY COACHES, Puilmi an~s Magntficent Sleeping Cars, Westinghouse Safety Air-Brake, Miller Platform and Coupler, and all Modern Appliances for Speed, Comfort, and Safety. Distance from Saginaw to ietroit IC8 Miles. CONNECTIONS: DETROIT, with Great Western, Grand Trunk, and Canada Southern Railways, for all points in Eastern States and Canada, Cleveland Steamers, and all Lines of Lake Steamers. ROCHESTER, with Stage for Pontiac daily (Sundays excepted), in connection with all Express Trains. -OXFORD, with Stage for Lakeville, Oakwood, and Ortonville. LAPEER, with Chicago & Lake Huron Railroad, for Flint and Port Huron. Connections at latter place with Great Western and Grand Trunk Railways for all points in Canada and the East. METAMORA. with Stage at 2 p. m, daily, for Farmer's Creek, Hadley, Grand Blanc, Thoinville, Lryden, Almont, and Romeo. BAY CITY, with Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Division of M. C. R. R. to and from East Saginaw, Saginaw City, brandish, Otsego Lake, etc. connections also made with Steamers G. L. Dunlap and John Sherman, to and.trym ALABAS'ER, TAWAS, AU SAUBLE, HARRISVILLE, and ALPENA. Boats connect with NIGHT EXPRESS at Bay City for DETROIT. Train waits for Boat. 2 B. SABGEANT, General Sup't, Detroit. CHOIC01E. Who wans ah p 0.0. I) i.[ ac.ksoni Ago a r I~~------- -AK WO ~t~~f~'l NG Better VyPUyrLEs All these Landcs la zaWa the systam c road lhro( TERW O3PSALT -O installme. it. intiLaest M Icngcr ti np 2\ des? For the ui? r agr d. C.M.9