934 JohnsonA comp. Michigan. Leelanau county: historical and descriptive. 1880. 7 riIJ 1 LEELANýAU COUNTY: HISTQRICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE. MICHIGAN. LEELANAU HISTORICAL AND COUNTY DESCRIPTIVE. A. II. JOHNl SON, COMPILER. TRAVERSE BAY EAGLE JOB OFFICE. t~At CD z 1-3/ -- -- --- --- - -- /C IIc> -75/ ~k-~? Oj I I NZ '\ B 4A 7< II -- >2$~~-5 > a'- - __ ~ ~ ~ - ___ I 2 I I____ ____ iNTIRODUCTORY. To the Public the compiler presents this Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Leelanau County, State of -Michigan. This State is noted for its vast agricultural and varied mineral resources, as well as for its wealth of timber. As ann gricultural county Leelanau is one of the most favored in the State, and although but very little pine is found within its borders, it is rich in magnificent hard wood timber, in such.varieties as are indigenous to the climate and soil. The opinion is very prevalent among people who are unaquainted with the Grand Traverse Region, that it is a cold and barren countly, While quite the reverse is the case. It is for the sole purpose of disabusing the public mind of this erroneous idea that this little volume is published. Although but comparatively little known, Leelanau is one of the richest agricultural counties in the State, while its pure atmosphere, its beautiful lakes and sparkling streams, abounding in nearly every variety of the finny tribe, its varied V1 INTRODUCTORY. scenery, and its salubrious and health-giving atmosphere, makes it a desirable abode for man. In this description, the compiler has studiously avoided exaggeration, and has endeavored to give a.,plain statement of facts in regard to Leelanau county. We feel confident that should any reader of this be induced to locate here, he will vouch for the correctness of the description and be 'thankful for the Providence that guided his steps hither. To the many friends who ha, e kindly assisted us to data in this compilation, we return our sincere thanks. A. H. J. APRIL, 1880. HISTORICAL. In the Centennial Address of Judge Hatch, which was delivered at Traverse City, July 4, 1876, we find many items of Historical interest, which we have taken the liberty of reproducing, quoting the extracts from the Judge's address. Other items in this sketch we have gleaned from various sources, mostly from the participators themselves. In his address the Judge says: "The grand Traverse region, embracing all the territory north of the Manistee and bordering on lake Michigan and Grand Traverse Bay, had been for many centuries, prior to its settlement by the whites, inhabited by Ifidians. The deep and well worn trails leading in various directions through the country, the old clearings at Little Traverse, Wagoshense or Fox Point, Old Mission, Cat Head Point and other places, the old scars on maple trees, deeply inbedded in the wood and nearly grown over where they had been tapped for sugar generations ago; all these things observed by the earliest white 8 TLEELANAC- COUNTY. settlers corroborate the statelents of the oldest Indians that this country, both on the account of the albundance, of fish in the lakes and bay and of gaime in the fore-sts, had been, from a very remote period, a favorite resort for the aborigines. A\ecording to the most reliable traditions the Indiaus which still remain liere, fit'st acquired possession of Che country abontt t wvo hundred and ifty years azgo. "In the yeaxr IOS, the same in which the city of Quebec was founded by the French, a 'pa.rty of sa vages belonging to the C(hippeways, which inhabited Grand Manitoulin Island on the northeastern coast of Lake IHurom, set sail in canoes in search of the white settlements on the St. Lawrence, being prompted to undertake t;he enterprise by the dream of one of the old men of the tribe, who informed them that a strange people from the region of the sun had appea, red on the bailks of that river. They proceeded on their journey in their frail craft little dreamning that the time would come when the waters through which they passed would be w\hite with the sails of mighty ships bearing the commerce of a vast nation. At length, arriving opposite the site of the present city of Quebe&, they discovered the French, who invited thern to land and treated them with great civility, furnishing them with clothing such as they themselves wore, and giving them fire ainms aund merchandise in exchange for furs. The Indians, highly pleased with the trea(tment toey had received, after remaining a few ldays, returned home, having promised to re-Ivisit the French soon and bring with them a quantity of furs which the latteri agreed to lunrchase. In this way a considerabMl trade sl'rung p between the Frenchl and the boldest and most H1S1TOHJI CA iL. enterprising of the ('nhippewas who in their frqeuent voIages between their coyutrv and Quebec, learned something Cof the manners of civilized people, and improved somewhat by hIlaving a fixed aim anii continously pursuing a definite purpose, in time gainel a decided superiority over those Indians who remained at home a-nd took no part, in the perils of comnmerce and navigation. The envy of the latter was soon aroused to such a degree that the traders were lihally compelled to abandon the Island, probably within a few yvAears after their first adventure. Upon their selperation from the renmainder of the tribe they took the name of Ottawais and located on ATaickimnawv island and on the main land south of the straits. They soon ma(le incursioins to tlhe SOutl.. and in the neighborhood of C(ross Village encountered a hostile tribe *knowpn as the Prairie Indians who10 then occupied the Grand Traverse region. A lierce battle ensued, illn which the latter were overcome and fle(d. The ()Ottawas followin-g up the advantage they had,gained, principally by means of fire a-rms obtaiued from tlhe French, and wcich their adversaries did not possess, pursued the Prairies to Sleepiing 3ear Point and again attacked and re-. i ilsed them with considerable loss so that they were compelled to 11i with such precipitance as to leave much of their camp equipage behind. They were again hotly pursued by the invaders untit they reached Pere Marquette, Awhere thecy were hemnmed in on a narrow point between Jade Michioan and MAarquette lake Cantd river, and the final and decisive battle iwaS fought, resulting in tie almost total extinction of the Prairies, a few only escaphigby swimming the ri vAer. Trhe Ottawas were thus left in the undclisputed posssession of the couii 10 LEELANAU COUNTY. try. They named the place of the last battle Aninewinkipekaguning, signifying "place of men's heads and ribs," by which name it is known among the Indians to this day. In the course of time a reconciliation took place between the Chippeways, which were then one of the most numerous and powerful tribes in the Northwest, and Ottawas, by which the former were allowed a joint occupancy of the Grand Traverse region with the latter, and the two tribes have continued to dwell here together until the prlesent time. The remnants of these bands at Pishabatown, Northport and Little Traverse, depri ved of their hunting grounds by the settlement of the country, and receiving from the white man many of his worst vices, withoutany of his virtues, incapable of profiting by the example of civilization set-before them, are fast fading away, and the red man, who once roamed these forests the sole proprietor of the soil, will soon disappear forever. "The writer of this sketch has been told by the Rev. Geo. N. Smith, of Northport, that lie has visited the pjace of the battle of Sleeping Bear and found there buried in the drifting sands, the clay kettles, set on stones, as they had been left by the Indians in -the precipitation of their flight. "In 1665, Father Claude Allouez, founded the first white settlement on Lake Superior, and Father Marquette having been sent to this Ottawa Miission, as it was called, arrived at tt:e Sault St, Marie in the spring of 1668 and began his work on the Americall side. The following year Father Dablon, the Superior of the Mission, joined him; and this, according to the best authorities, was the first permanent settlement made on the soil of Michigan by the whites. The Indians had HISTORICAL. 11 inhabited the island of Mackinaw at least some years previous to this. Marquette himself came to Mackinaw in 1070, and in the following year established on Point Iroquois the Mission of St. Ignace. It is now known as Point St. Ignace. "From the autobiography of Alexander Henry, the first English; fur trader who ventured among the Indians at Mackinaw, we get our first mention of Grand Tiaverse, although we have good authority for believing that the Jesuit Missionaries already mentioned had visited the countries all along the shores of Lake Michigan and her bays. These missionaries combined with their religious fervor a zeal for exploration which has given them a foremost place in the history of the New World, and we have good reason for believing that "Le Grande Traverse" was so called by Father Marquette and his co-laborers. The best authorities give the place ofMarquette's death as being seme distance south of the promontory known as Sleeping Bear, near the mouth of a small river probably the Platte. After his death his comrades Pierre and Jacques, coasted on through the waters of our bay, back to themission of St. Ignace. "The fur trader, Henry, who began his traffic with the Indians at Mackinaw in 1761, and was carried away captive at the time of the massacre of Fort Mackinaw, after having spent the winter of 1763 in the region of the Aux Sable river, hunting with his captors, gives an account of meeting with a band of Indians from this region. He writes as follows:At Le Grand Traverse we met a large party of Indians, who appeared to labor, like ourselves, under considerable alarm, and who dared to proceed no further lest they should be destroyed 12 LEEL ANAIT COUNTY. by the English. Frequent councils were held, and I told them that if ever my. countrymen returned to Mackinaw I would recommend them to their favor, on account of the good treat-. ment I had received from them. Thus encorfraged they embarked at azn early hour the next morning. In crossing the bay we experienced a storm of thunder and lightning. Our port was the village of L'Arbre (Croche, which we, reached in safety.' (Cross Village, or LaCroix. was' well known.-as L'Arbre Croche, for sometime after the settlement at atOld Mission.). "We have then the traditional settlement of this region by the Indians, and its discovery by the Jesuit missionaries. We now come to the time of its actual occupancy by the whites. The Rev. D)r. Morse, father of the inventor of the telegraph,, isited Mackinaw, and preached the first Protestant sermon ever delivered in this portion of the Northwest. This was in June, 1820. Becoming interested in the condition of the traders and natives, he made a report of his visit to the United Foreign MAission Society of New York, in consequence of which the Rev. Winm. M. Ferry, father of Thomas W. Ferry, was sent in 1822 to explore the field. It resulted in the estab-: lishment of a school which was kept up until 1837, at which time, the population having so changed around Mackinaw, it. was thought to be no longer a desirable spot for an Indian Mission. At the time of closing, and for some.years, the school and church had been under the patromiage of the American Board of Comnmissioners for Foreign Missions. "Soon after this Rev. Peter D)oughtery, having been sent by ~ the Presbyterian Boardt. of Missions, founded his school at HISTORICAL. 18 Elk Rapids, then Tawassing. Learning from the Indians of the beautiful peninsula which lay to the westward, and listening to their glowing accounts, lie determined to see for himself. He accordingly crossed with some Indians and explored the northern end of the peninsula. He found an excellent harbor, good farming linds, and altogether so many natural advantages that he at once determined to remove his mission thither, which he did in the spring of 1838. "In the spring of 1839, the surveyors ran their first lines through this wilderness, and the Indians received the first intimations of rival. ownership. This was emphatically their Paradise, where they) spent their summers in fishing, and farming in their original fashion. During the winter they sought their hunting grounds to the southward, where ganme was more abundant. "Now the whites had come and began teaching them a new way of living. The Government sent its farmer, its blacksmith and its teacher,; and asked them to lay aside many of their old habits and customs and learn of the white man the arts of civilization. More than thirty years have passed, and the progress made by them can hardly have been such as to fill the hearts of those who have labored among them with any great satisfactioiin. "Among the first who came in the employ of governmenti were John M. Johnson, as farmer, Isaac George as blacksmith and Mr. Bradley as teacher. The old Indian clearings bea-gan to be cultivated after a new fashion, and the one yoke of oxen and cart were made to do such duty as did literally astonisli the 1natives. 14 LEELANAU COUNTY. "Joseph Dame landed at Old Mission Sept. 18th, 1841, superseding John M. Johnson as farmer, and in a diary kept by him are many things of interest. On his arrival he found a yoke of oxen provided'by government but nothing to feed them. He inquired of Indians where he could get grass for hay. They said on the east side of the bay. He went over and found a marsh and a beautifull stream of water 'vi th a white clay or marl bottom, and called it White Water, and the township of Whitewater, thus deriving its name, to-day consistes of finely cultivated firms, giving every evidence of prosperity. The diary goes on to say that the hay being cut was bound with green witles into bundles and brought by the Indians to the bay shore, the distance being fully a mile. The next season, at the suggestion of Mr. Dame, the Indians sent to Green Bay and bought a barrel of wheat. When seeding time came, the yoke, plow and harrow were transported by boat, while the oxen were driven over the trail up by way of Bower,s Harbor to an Indian.village, about eight miles north of Traverse City. Here was sown the first wheat in the Grand Traverse region, and a good crop repaid the laborers for their toil. They had the wheat but no means of grinding, yet the Indians found use for it by boiling and preparing their corn. From that time wheat was raised every year, and soon they found themselves in possession of a sufficient amount to warrant a trip to mill,-not to the mill on Boardman river, nor to any one of the dozen now scattered through.the country, but to the mill at Green Bay! "The government made an appropriation of $400 per year for schools for the natives, and it was this appropriation which HISTORICAL. 15 aided in the support of Mr. Dougherty's -chool, the Board of Missions paying all expenses beyond that amount. In time other schools were established at other points about the bay. At the expiration of the Schoolcraft treaty, another treaty was concluded between the government and these same tribes, which extended from 1856 to 1866. This was conducted on the part of the U. S. by Commissioner Manypenhy, who was an honest, upright man, and won the confidence of the Indians. "After the first treaty was concluded at Mackinaw by Schoolcraft, he received the appointment of Indian agent for this distict. at that time embracing all of Michigan and apart of Wisconsin. Schoolcraft was succeeded by, Stuart, of Dctroit, then followed Richmond, who was superseded by Babcock, of Grand Rapids, but who was soon removed to give place to Rev. William Sprague, of Kalamazoo, after whom came Gilbert,-of Coldwater, then Rev. Fitch, who was in turn followed by Hon. D. C. Leach, then Richard Smith, who was lost with his wife, on Saginaw bay, and lastly, Rev. Mr. Betts, of Saginaw. "After remaining at Old Mission about three years Dea. Dame, removed to Wisconsin, but, his family not being in good health, he soon decided to return, and, in the spring of 1859, was landed at the Manitou Island, where he procured a fish boat to bring him across to the main land. He then took an Indian trail and struck the bay at what is now Northport, where he found Rev. Geo. N. Smith, with his party of Indians already located. Finding there was a good harbor Mr. Dame, in company with a man named Merrill, sent to the land 10 LEELANA U COUNNTY. office, at Ionia, and entered thirty acres of land, and in the winter of 1852-3 with the help of Indians lie built a, wharf, and becoming more and more pleased with the country, he in Jan. 1854, wrote a letter to the New York Trqibttune, giving a glowing description of Grand Traverse region. Tli'h letter was published in March. Prior to this time a, post-office bLad been established at Old Mission, which, as yet, was the only one about the bay. Mails at this time were received -.about, once a month. Dea. D)aime repaired to Old Mission post-office and received, by the first mail following the publication of his letter-in the T'ibune, sixty-four letters, and the next mail forty-four, and for many months the letters came pouring in, full of inquiries in regard to thle new country. Soon pioneers began to come in, among which were John E. Fisher who settled at Glen iirbor. Mr. Marble who entered 700 acres of land, at the Carrying point. II. O. Rose, who entered land two miles north of Northport. Messrs Burbeck and White entered some six or seven hundred acres; Rev. G. YN. Smith about two hundred; Timothy Gladden about two hundred; Wm. Copeland about two hundred; Dea. Danme about two hundred. Soon after a town was laid out at Northport, and a little village started, called Waukazooville'whicjh was afterward annexed to Northport. Other settlers were expected, and the prospect was fair for a speedy settl ement of the country, but about this time the land was withdrawn from market for five years, to give the Indians opportunity to select lands which the. government was to give them by treaty. Following that it was to remain out of market live years more to enable the Indians to select and buy, during whicll SIIISToIICA L. 1 time no white man could buy an acre. This of course, put a stop to immigration. No land could be entered within the reservation, though some imiprovements were made on Indian lands, and the little village which grew up at the lumbering points gradually increased in population and enterl)rise. "The school at Old Mission was continued u:ltil:15;3, at lwhich time MAir. Doughtery removed with those of the Indians Awho chose to follow to New Mission. "'iHebegan building at the latter point in 1852, and so far completed his seminary as to be able to occuply it in Aulgust of tie following ye'tr. Here he remained carryilg on his work until the year 1870, since whlich time the school has been discontinued. "Mr. Doughtery so identified himnself with the settlement (of this country that we cannot forbear speaking of him furtheIr. I-e was devoted to the missionary work, and not -,only the spiritual, but the temploral well-being of those about him received his care and watchf ulness. Though quiet and unobtrusive, he was even ready to res)ond to to the needs of others.:He was preacher, teacher and physician to the whole Grand Traverse region. In the iatter capacity he performed much hard labor, taking long and stormy trips in canoes or over the India.n trails. Unlike our physicians at the present time, lihe did not always wait to be sent for. Mrs. Dulncan, who was the tfirst white woman in Traverse City, occupied a log shanty near (Ireilick & Co.'s planing mill. She wasJtaken very sick. The lndians passing to and fro betweenl this point and Old AMission became aware of h.r condition andl inflormed IMr. 1s LEELANA.U COUNTY. Doughtery. Without loss of time he immediately hastened to her relief. Traveling on foot over the trail he reached Boardman river, but, finding no canoe, lie took off his clothing, slung it on his back, anid swam across. He ra'mained with Mrs. Duncan until she began to recover, when, being set across the Boardman by boat, he ~tarted on his twenty mile walk homeward, carrying with him the gratitudeof thelittle settlement." Lewis Miller, of Traverse City, is the oldest continnous set tler in the Grand Traverse Region. He moved to Old Mission in 1841, and from thence he moved to New Mission in 1855, opening a general merchandise store, buying furls etc., and doing an extensive business. He continued business at this point until 1867, when he moved to his present place of residence. He speaks the Indian language fluently, and is thoroughly conversant with their customs. WitholItdoubt, to Rev. Geo. N. Smith, of Northport, belongs the honor of beihg the first white settler in Leelanau county. In April 1839, he sailed from Allegan, in this, State, with seven Indians in a birch bark canoe. At this time.heI was prospecting with. a vie/w of locating an Indian mission in this region. In 1849, lie and the Indians belonging to the: Congregational mission at Allegan, (called the Old Wing Mission,) moved to Northport, Leelanau County. He previously, had labored as missionary at this mission in Allegan. The1 Indians were driven fro:m their grounds at that place by the I prevalence of the small-pox amnong the Hollanders, who were begining to settle in that locality. This disease has more terrors to thlem than all other dangers, and, as soon as it ap HISTORICAL. 19 peared, they abandoned their farms and all their provisions, in dismay, and took to their boats. On their way north, in their flight to escape its ravages, they stopped at Grand Haven and advised all the leading men to come to Grand Traverse, where, they said, they would not be molested by any. white settlers for fifty years to come." This was in June, 1849. That they were false prophets has been proven, for after a lapse of thirty-one years the white population of this region is about 40,000! The name of the Old Wing Mission was transferred to the mission established at.Northport. It was named in honor of chief Owingwe, or wing, who lived at an Indian village called Kahkichewung, west of what is now known as Petoskey City, in Emmet county. This chief was uncle to Joseph Waukazoo, or Ogenahninisse, chief mian or ruler, who first started the Old Wing Mission at Allegan in 1838. Mr. Smith held the appointment of missionary among these Indians until the close of Pierce's administration in 1857. HIe was then appointed by Indian Agent IL. C. Gilbert, to locate the Indian lands under the new treaty. Rev. Geo. N. Smith has devoted a greater portion of his life to the service of God among the Indians of Michigan. He speaks their language fluently, and probably is more conversant withitheir manners and history than anv other white person now living. James McLaughlin came with Mr. Smith, and Joseph Daime arrived the same season, but the settlement of the county by farmers did not commence until about ten years liter. The first dwelling built in Leelanau county was built near 20 LEELANAIT COUNTY. the bay shore in what is now the village of Nortliport, I y J. McLaughlin, assisted by the entire comnunity. The next house built was a portion of the one now occupied by the Rev. G. N. Smith. The Indian Mission church was organized at the dwelling of Rev. G. N. Smith, in 184R, by this gentleman aund Rev. 1', D)ougherty. 'The Mormons located on Beaver Island about the year 1850, and numbered less thman two hundred souls. They gave the little colonies on the bay much annoyance by the predatory excursions they were accustomed to make about the county. They soon became very bold in their depredations, and woltdd carry away cattle or anything within their reach. While onl, one of these expeditions, one of their nunnber was shot at 01ld Mission. At another time a party of three came there( to traffic with the colonists, bringinog several barrels of fishil in their boat. Joseph Dame having a surplus of sutch mnereihan-: dise as they desired, soon struck up a bargain with them and: bore away the fish and money they offered in payment. After their departure, on making an examination of his wares, he, found, to his chagrin, that the supposed barrels of fish con-: tained nothing but salt and sand, and that the money was counterfeit. Indigmnant. at such an outrage, he armed hirmself and, accomnipanied by seven or eight of the most courageouvs colonists, followed in hot pursuit. After an hour or so of. vigorous rowing, they overtook the Mornons pulling leisurely out of the bay. Seeing but three mien in their boat, the vali-, ant Dame supposing, of course, that, with his large crew, i: vic-try was in store for himl, advanced to tle attack. IIJSTORJCAL. 21 "But imagine his consternation, on beholding, as the bow of his boat grazed the side of theirs and he was about to pounce upon his defrauders, a fierce band of fifteen or twenty armed Mormons leap from their concealment in the bottom of the boat and present their arms to receive the threatened assault. It is said, that in this critical emergency, the redoubtablle commander- behaved with great coolness and valor, but, that some of his followers maniftfsted such a strong determination not; to risk an encounter with such asuperior foe, that he was forced to postpone an engangement. So, without firing a shot or exchanging a word, the hostile forces seperated, and what might have been the most mnemorable naval battle ever fought in these waters, and wvas brought to a sudden and inglorious end. "Ojn the first of May, 1851, Perry 1Tannah landed at Traverse City in company with Captain Boardman, the father of Horace Boardmacn,.wh-o, in reality, owned 'the property and furnished the means for carrying on the business. On their arrival, nmuch to the surprise of the oldgentleman, they found the mill closed and the men all assembled in the boarding house, pleasantly whiling away the time playing cards. At that time the entire tract. of land where Traverse.City is built was densely covered 'witlh pine woods, the only opening, along the shore of the bay being the narrow road from tile mill to the dock. "June 1, 1853, Antoine Manseau located on Suttons Bay and soon after built the grist mill now standing there. In the following September John I. Miller moved to Leland and ereeted a saw mill at thlle mouth of Carp river. About the 22 LEELANAU COTUNTY. same time John E. Fisher also built a saw mill at Glen Arbor. During the year previous Seth II. Norris built a iill on a small stream that puts into the bay on the western shore about thre'e miles north of Traverse City. With the exception of the few people at the points named and at Northiort there were no inhabitants in Leelanau county until about the year 1850, when the farmers began to come in; and from that time the openings in the woods have continued to multiply and widen, until very little land remains vacant and the whole county, from one extremity to the other, is dotted witl the cabins of the pioneer." As we have before intimated, owing to the conditions of the Indian treaty of 1855, the=settlement of the county,progressed but slowly. The few in the territory now knowli as Leelanau county patiently awaited the dawn of a more prosperious era-the time when the Indian reservation lands should come into market. In the year 1851, by act of the Legislature approved April 7, Grand Traverse county, included in the territory called, prior to that time, Omena, was organized. In 1853, we find that the territory now embraced in the counties of Leelanau and Benzie, constituted one township, called Leelanau, of which Samuel G. Boice was supervisor. At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Grand TraVerse county, held in March, 1856, the townships of Glen Arbor and North Unity were organized from territory of Leelanau Township. In 1853 Samuel G. Boice was the Supervisor from Leelanau. Joseph Dame represented the township in 1.54, and in "ILSTORIICAL. 1855, he was succeeded by Lansing Marble. In 1856, Geo. N. Smith held the office of Supervisor. After this time the respective townships of Leelanau, Glen Arbor and North Unity, or Centerville, were represented as follows: Leelanani Centerville Glen Arbor" 1857 Otis L. White John I. Miller Johri E. Fisher 1858 Philo Beers John I. Miller John E. Fisher 1859 Philo Beers J. W. Timblin Henry Decker 1860 Philo Beers Rob't Lee E. S. Bryant 1861 Philo Beers. Rob't Lee John E. Fisher 1862 Philo Beers John Porter John E. Fisher In the spring of 1862 the Northport and Newaygo State Road was opened between Northpor t and Tra.verse City. Previous to this, the only road between these two places was a torturous Indian trail, consequently the' opeining of this wagon road was an important event for the inhabitants along the route. The incidents of the journey of Deacon Dame and wife, Wm Voice and wife and Capt P. Nelson,.who were the first persons to travel over this road are graphically portrayed by a writer in the Grand Traverse Yerdild of Miarcll 8, 1862. The only hotel oii the road "was a Public House about 17 miles from Northport." We quote a description of this hotel and its accomn1dations: "The house is about 10 feet square-built of small logs or poles-; it is about four, feet high; had to enter on all-fours; and in the other endl of the house there was a place to build a fire with a hole left in the roof, (which was covered with hasswood bark) for the smoke to go out, and there were two beds on each side, made of hemlock branches." Bot according to the account, the 241 24LEELAINA V COUINTY. travelers haagd a good dinnier, and as there was no landlord to collect their bills they weiint away leaving them unp1aid, which probably gave the host no uneasiness, as generpous hospitality is and always has been a prominlant characteristic of the people of thuis county In the winter of 1802-8 an act organizing the county of Leelanau lpassed the Legislature, the futll text of saidl act we give below: AN ACT To organize the C.ountty qf Leelanam anl to dCine thI.e Contiy of Benzie: SECTION 1.-The People of the State of MAichigan enat., That all that part of the county of Leelanan which lies north of the south line of township twenty-eighit north shall be organized; and the ifnhabitants thereof shall be elintitled to all the rights, privileges and powers to which by law the inhabitants of other origanized counties in this state arc entitled, SECTION 2.-At the townshipq meeting to be held in the several townships in said county onil the first Monday in April next, there shall be an election of all the county oficers to which by law the,said county may be enititled whose term or office shall expire on the first (day of January, A. D1). eighteen hundred and sixty-flie, and whenr their successors shall Iuavtce been elected and qualified. SECTION 8.-The, Board of Counllty Canvassens unde the provisions of this act shall meet on the second Tuesday sueceeding the day of election as herein alppointed, in the village of Northport, in said county, at the house of Joseph Damne, or at such other place as may le agreed unpon uiA provided 1y I STI'OTItICAT,. 2 such Board, and organize by appqinting one of their number Chairman, anid another Secretary, a.nd shall there-upon proceed to discharge all the duties of a Board of County Canvassers as in other cases of the elecAtion of County officers as prescibed lyv the gelenral law. SECTION 4:-The location of the county seat of said county shlall- be determined by the vote of the electors of said county at a special election which is hereby appointed to be held by the several townships of said county on the first Monday in June. next. There sha.il be writen on the ballots then polled by the qualified electors of said county, one of the following 1names of places, to-wit. Glen Arbor, Leelanau or NNorthport, and that olre which shall receive the greatest number of votes sha11ll be the county seat of the County of Leelanau. S.lCTIoNT5.--It shall be the duty of the several boards of township inspectors in each of the townships of the said 11ounty to conduct the elections authorized by the provisions of this act and to make ret-urns thereof, in accordance with the general provisions of law for conducting elections in this State, so far as the same may be applicable thereto. St;cIurox (.--The board. of County Canvassers for the Slpecial electeion for locl0ating the county seat shall consist of the persons appointed on the day of such special election by the several boards of township inspectors, and said board of c`-untv canvassers shall meet on the second Tuesday succeeding the (lay of said special election, at the house of Otto ''lhies, in.the village of Leland, and having appointed one of their umlber Clhairman, and the County Clerk of said county actilu. as Secreta-ry, sldmll proceed to canvass the votes and de 20 LEELANA U COUNTY. termine the location of the county seat in accordance therewith. and it shall be the duties of the Clerk of said board to file a copy of the determination of said board as to the location of the county seat, signed and certified by him, and countersigned by the chairman, with the Secretary ýof State, and with the township Clerks of the several townships in said county. SECTION 7.-All that part of the County of Leelanau which lies south of the-south line of township twenty-eight north, shall be and remain the county of Benzie, and the several townships thereof shall be attached for civil and municipal purposes to the county of Grand Traverse. SECTION 8.-The Secretary of S.tate is hereby directed to furnish the township Clerk of the township of Leelanau-with a certified copy of this act, and it shall be the duty of said Clerk to give the same notice of the elections to be held under the provisions of this act that is required by law to be given by the Sheriff of unorganized counties. SECTION 9.-That the said county of Leelanau when so organized shall be attached to the tenth Judicial circuit, and the Judge of said Circuit shall hold courts in said county as by law in such cases made and provided. SECTION 10.-All acts and parts of acts contravening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed so far as any provisions therein may conflict with this act. SECTION 11.-This act shall take immediate effect. CHARLES S. MAY, President of the Senate. SULLIVAN M. CUTCIIEON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved February 27, 1863. AUSTIN BLATR. HIISTORICAL. 27 The first meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Ineylyfledged county was held in May, 1863, at which meeting Samuel G. Wood, of Northport, had the honor of being elected Chairman. The record of this first meeting we give in full below: County of Leelanau and State of Michigan. The Supervisors of the county of Leelanau in the State of Michigan, held their first meeting at the house of Otto Thies in the village of Leland,- in said county, on the 9th day of May. A. D. 1863, Present, Samuel G. Wood, Supervisor of the township of Leelanau, and Otto Thies, Supervisor of the township of Centerville. The meeting proceeded to organize by appointing Samuel G. Wood, Chairman of said Board, when the following business was transacted: The bond of the County Treasurer, John I. Miller, was approved by the said Board, and the amount of said bond fixed at the sum of six thousand dollars. James M. Burbeck, John I. Miller, and Geo Ray, were appointed Superintendents of the Poor. It was resolved to hold a meeting of the boards of Supervisors of the several counties of Leelanau. Grand Traverse, and Antrim for the purpose of having a settlement between said counties. The County Clerk of the county of Leelanau was appointed to procure a County Seal for the county of Leelanau. The sum of five thousand dollars fixed to be raised by tax in the year 1863, on the taxable property of said county for a Volunteer's Family Relief Fund. The meeting then adjourned sine die. 28, LEELANAU COUNTY.,At the second or annual meeting of the Board, held in October, 1863, the townrship of Bingham Was organized'from the following territory: "Commencing at the nw cor of T. 30 N., R 11 i V ald following the range line between Ranges 11 and- 12 west, south four miles or sections, then WV. on,the section line between sections 24 and 25, to the narrows of Carp Lke, thence following the east shore of said Na.rrows and Traverse Lake in a southerly direction, and so on around the shore of the south end of said Traverse Lake until it intersects the line between section 9 and 10 of town 28 N., 1 12 WV., and thence following said line southto tilhe soutll line of said town 28, thence following said town line east to Grand Traverse Bay, thence following Grand Traverse Bay northerly to the northline of town 30 N., I11. 11 WV., and thence following said town line to the place of begining." The salaries of the county-officers were fixed at the followingamounts per annum: Tr sureasurer, 50; Clerk, $75;Judge of Probate, $100. The following table shows what persons constituted the Boards of Supervisors from tihe organization of the county in 1863, until the spring of 1880: LEELANAU BOARDS OF SUPERIVI4OR1S. Yr. Leelanau Glen Arbor Centerville Bingham Elmwood Township. Township. Township. Township. Township. 1863 S. G. Wood J. E. Fisher O. Thies is 4 N. Barnes K. Freeman O. Thies Rob't Lee JA. B. Dunlap 1855 J. W. Ranger [E. Decker WI. W. Barton Rob't Lee H -. Brown 1866 J. W'. Ranger 0. Thies John I. Miller Rob't Lee A. B. Dunlap 1867 J..W. Ranger 0. Thies * John I. Miller W. Mabert A. B. Dunlap 1868 J. W. Ranger A. Bartling John I. Miller A. B. Page J. Dalzell n169 J. W. Ranger A. Bartling Johlh I. Miller A. B. Page W. Hannaforcl 1870 R. Lee L. F. Sheridan John I. Miller James Lee W. Hannaford 1871 R. Lee W. Heath John I. Miller James Lee IJ. Greiliek 1872 R. Lee W. Heath John I. Miller James Lee.J. Greilick 1873 R. Lee W. Heath Ralph Pybus James Lee T. P. Johnson 1874 V. C. Miller W. Heath John I. Miller James Lee A. B. Dunlap 1875 V. C. Miller J. E. Fisher O. Thies James Lee A. B. bunlap 1876 J, W. Ranger J. E. Fisher T. J. Smith James Lee A. B. Dunlap 1877 J. W. Ranger Wm. Smith T. J. Smith F. Allert A. P. Dunlap 1878 J. IV. Ranger Wim. Smith A. Payette -NM. A. Heuss A. B. Dunlap 187 1J. W. Ranger Win. Smith A. Payette J, Murray A.. Dunlap LEELANAU O130A1RDS OF SUPERVISORS-Co0NTIN1 UED. Hr 0 0 z Yr. -3-KassonTownship. 1863 1864! 1865 J. Dewing 1866 J. Dewing 1867 J. Dewing 1868 J. Dewing 1869 J. Dewing 1870 J. Dewing 1871 J. Dewing 1872 A. B. Wilson 1873 C. W. Williams 1874 C. W. Williams 1875 C. R. Dowling 1876 W. H. Crowell 1877 C. W. Williams 1878 C. W. TVilliams 1879 J. Dewing Empire Cleveland Solon Leland Township. Township. Township. Township. J. R. Perry R. Patterson P. Doron D. Tweddle D. Tweddle J. Helm L. F. Sheridan J. Holm J. F. Sheridan M. C. Cate D. Tweddle iL. F. Sheridan M. C. Cate D. Tweddle IL. F. Sheridan M. C. Cate 'P. Dorn..J. Hlartung MT. C. Cate W.. B. arton N. C. King L. F. Sheridan M. C. Cate J. I. Miller G. Aylesworth A. J. Goffar M. C. Cate 11. Pybus G. Ayleswortlh A. J. Goffar M1. C. Cate M. Cummings W. Young J. Pheatt L. Ruthardt M. Cnmmings HIlSTORlICAL. 1 Following is a list of the county officers of Leelanau county for the respective terms, from the organization of the county until the present time: 1864. Sheriff, Geo. N. Smith; Clerk, Gerhard Verfurth; Deputy Clerk, James M. Burbeck; Treasurer, John 1. Miller: Prosecuting Attorney, Eli C. Tuttle. 1865. Sheriff, John Bryant; Clerk, John E. Fisher; Deputiy Clerk, Orlando _Moffatt; Register, John E. Fisher; Treasurer, Win. Gill; Prosecuting Attorney Eli C. Tuttle. 1867. Sherift, Samuel Wilson; Clerk, John I. Miller; Deputy Clerk, Archibald Buttarw; Register, John I. Miller; Treasurer, Win. Gill; Prosecuting Attorney, Seth C. Moffatt. 1869. Sheriff, Samuel Wilson; Clerk, Archibald Butters Deputy Clerk, Alfred John; Register, John I. Miller; Treasurer, Winm. Gill; Prosecuting Attorney, Seth C. Moffatt. 1871. Sheriff, Valentine Lee; Clerk, John E. Fsher; Deputy Clerk, Stephen J. HIutchinson; Register, Johnathan Dewing; Deputy Register, Seth C. Moffatt; Treasurer, Win. Gill; Prose-,puting Attorney, Win. H. Bryant. 1873. Sheriff, Eusetius F. Dame; Clerk, Alfred John; Deputy Plerk, Geo. N. Smith; Register, Simeon Pickard;Deputy Regster, John 0. Moffatt; Treasurer, Win. Gill; Prosecnting ý.ttornev, Seth C. Moffiltt. 2 LEELA-NATT COU NTTY. 1875. Sheriff, Eusebius F. Dame; Clerk, Alfred John; Deputy Clerk, Geo. N. Smith; Register, Simeon Pickard; Deputy Register, Geo. A. Cutler; Treasurer, Win. Gill; Prosecuting Attorney, Geo. A. Cutler. 1877. Sheriff, Geo. T. C(arr; Clerk, Geo. Ray; Deputy Clerk~i Stephen J. HIutchinson; Register, Alfred John; Treasurer, Win. Gill; Prosecuting Attorney, Benuj. If Derby. 1879. Sheriff, John Scott; Clerk, Geo. Steimel, jr.; Deputy Clerk, Samuel G. Wood; Register, Alfred John;, Deputvy Register, C. W. Williams; Treasurer, Chas. W. Willimls; Prosecuting Attoiney, Abijah B. Dunlap. JUDICIAL... The first term of Circuit Court for the County of Leelanan was held at the village of Northport, May 5, 1804, Judge F. J. Littlejohn presiding. It was held in a school house on the hill in Northport. No cases were tried, the only business apjpearing by the records as being transacted, was the appointing of neccessary county officers and the,ntering of an order designating the common jail of Grand Traverse county to be used asthie common jail of Leelanau county. The second term was held on the 151th, of September, 18(64, at Northport, Judge Littiejohn on the bench, during whlich term three civil cases were tried. H ISTORICAL. 33 The first criminal case appearing on the Court journal is that of the People vs. Peter Drew, for adultry. The case is entered on the docket under date of Sept. 14, 1865. It was c(ontinued until June 19, 1866, when a nolle prosiqze was entered. The first criminal sentenced from this county was an Indian named Louis Ash-que-gah-bowe, who was convicted of burglary, at the June term of court in 1866, and who was sentenced, by Judge Ramsdell,.to one year at hard labor in the State Prison at Jackson. The first grand jurors summoned to serve at a term of Circuit Court for this county, were summoned for the August term 1867. Hon. F. J. Littlejohn was the first Circuit Judge of the circuit of which Leelanau is a part. The records show that he held four terms of court in this county-the first comenced May 5, 1864, and the last September 15, 1865. Judge Littlejohn was succeeded by Hon. J. G. Ramsdell, who held his first term of court for this county June 19, 1866. Judge Ramsdell held this office of Circuit Judge until December 31, 1875, holding his last term of court in Leelanau county.in May of that year. Hon. R. Hatch, the present- incumbent, succeeded Judge Ramsdell, holding his first term of court in March 1876. Since the organization of the county 310 cases have been entered on the Circuit Court calendar, of which 165 were civil cases, 110 chancery cases, and 35 criminal cases. EDUCATIONAL. The Educational Interests of Leelanau County are like the county itself, still in their infancy. The county is as yet sparsely settled, not having a sufficiency of population gathered at but few points to demand good schools, erect suitable buildings or bear the expense of maintaining them. Besides the population of the county is of a mixed character, consisting in part of those who have come here from the older states and are generally earnest supporters of public schools. Another class, and they compose a large per cent of our people, are foreigners, coming from countries where a school system like ours is unknown. It requires some years for such to become familiar with our methods of school management; but w hen once they understand and can appreciate the benefits arising from the common school system, they become its stronges t friends and most earnest supporters. There are also residing in this county several hundred Indians, who have among them a few schools under the school laws of the state, but which do not receive such cordial support from them as is demanded in order to success. Beside the above recited obstacles to the rapid growth of edu EDUCATIONAL. 35 cational interests, is the fact of the poverty of the people; which is ever the case in newly settled neighborhoods. All of the circumstances considered, the public schools of Leelanau county will compare favorably with those of other portions of the state. The first schoolhouse in the county was built in 1850, by order of and at the expense of the United States Government. It was located at the present site of Northport. It was erect ed under the supervision of the Rev. George N. Smith, who taught in it a mission school for the Indians, many years. The old building is still standing, an ancient landmark in the Village of Northport. Its reverend builder, now a hale old gentleman, still resides in sight of it. In 1855, Northport was organized into a school district under the common school law, being the first regular public schqol organized within the Ipresent limits oýf Leelanau County. The above still remains District No. 1, of Leelanau Township. In 1856, a small one story frame building was erected on the site of the present school building in Northport, and of whichl it now forms a part. In 1867 a two story upright was attached to the school building, thus furnishing three convenient school rooms for the use of the schools in Northport. Early in the history of the Northport schools, active measures were taken to establish a township library for Leelana i Township. This library now contains about 800 volumes, which have SL AEELANALU COUiNTY. evidently been selecjted with care, most of themn being works of real worth. The school at N ortthport is at present organizedi under the graded school law, and is the only graded school in the county. Of the remaining school clstricts of Leeh-nanu Townships, No's. 2, 3 and 4 were organized in 1856,tNo. 5 in 1860, and No. 6 in 1863. DistrictlNo. 3 at New Mission, is the successor of an Indian mission school, established at that place by Rev. PeterýDougherty, in 1854. Soon after the orgamnzatio nof the North port district, a school district was instituted at 1eiland, which has grown with the growth of the county, and now maintains a first class public school. Since 1860 the remaining parts of the county hbave been organized into school districts. Many of these occupy so large a territory, as to be of but little practical belefit to their scattered inhabitants. This evil however, isbeing gradually removed by the increase of population, thus enabling smaller territories to support a school. In nearly all of the districts comprised within the county, small, but neat and convenient school buildings have been erected. In 1878, Suttons Bay erected a large two story school building the best in the county, and which will favorably compare with like buildings in any part of the state. During the ten years last past, general interest in the educational affairs of the county, has rapidly increased. EDUCATIONAL. 7 rThe people are ldemanldilng better schools, and longer termls; a higher grade of teachers is being employed, and receiving fair renmuneration for their services. Should this public interest continue to increase during the next decadle, as rapidly as in the Ipast, Leelanau County in the near futueire may well hope to stand, as regards her education - al interests. the peer of any of her sister counties in the state. DESCRIPTIVE. Leelanau 'County comprises the peninsula between the western shore of Grand Traverse Bay and the eastern shore of Lake M'ichigan, containing an area of about 325 square miles. At its southern extremity, or base, it is about 22 miles from the Lake to the Bay. The land gradually narrows toward the north, culminating in Cat Head or Light House Point, on which is located the Grand Traverse Light house. The county is surrounded by water, except. at its base, having ipwards of 80 miles of coast, along which are numerous bays and harbors. The surface of the country is rolling, and in some localities hilly. The timber is mostly hardwood, with but little pine. In the lowlands, however, there is a.n abundance of hemlock and cedar. The soil in the main is a rich sandy loam, although in some few localities it is an unproductive sand, and in others there is an occasional outcropping of clay. The soil is very strong, and produces good crops for a succession of years without the aid of fertilizers. DESCRIPTIVE. 39,The country is well watered by numerous inland lakes and streams. Carp and Glen Lakes are the largest in the interior, the former being a beautiful body of water about 16 miles long, varying in width from a few rods to two miles. In some places it"is very shallow, and in others very deep. For pickerel, black bass and muscalonge fishing, as well as for the smaller varieties of fresh water fish, this lake is unsurpassed by any in this famous fishing region. Glen Lake is also an excellent fishing ground, teeming with nearly every variety of the finny tribe indigenuous to fresh water. The scenery in portions of the county is superb. With the.magnificent forests, the sheen of waters, the hills and valleys dotted here and there with villages and the clearings and habitations of the settlers, a beautiful panorama is spread beo re the beholder that will never be effaced from the memory. THE COUNTY IN GENERAL. In 1839 Leelanau count y had 80,663 acres in farms, of which 17,825 acres are improved, and 62,838 acres are unimproved. There are 678 farms in the county, averaging 118,97 acres in each farm. In 1874 Leelanau county had a population of 5,031, at the present time the population will probably reach 6,000 We now propose to deal with each township withiin the county seperately, giving the location, soil, timber, the business transacted, and other items of interest. LEELANAU TOWNSHIP. This is the northernmost township of the county, containing an area of about 42 square miles. The soil is variable, a large portion of which is a rich black sandy loam, and in. 40 LEELANAIU COl'NTY. some localities of a chocolate color with occasional cropping out of clay; subsoil variable from yellow sand with a mixture of limestone gravel to sand of lighter color and stony bottom. Timber -maple, beech, basswood, elm, white ash, and in the swamps and on the lakes and bay, cedar, hemlock and aspen. Surface rolling, with hiah bluff in northwestern portion. Apples, peaches, plums, pears, and other fruits are very successfully raised in this township. Agriculture and fruit raising is the principal business of the inhabitants of the township. Large quantities of shipping and propeller wood are annually gotten out. There are several villages in the township, the most important of which is Northport, the county seat. This village contains between 800 and 400 inhabitants, four general merchandise and grocery stores, a good hotel, blacksmith shops, a shoe shop, a steam and water power lumber and grist mill, a broom handle factory, a printing office and a tannery. Several other branches of industry are represented in this village. There are two church edifices in Northport-a M.ethodist and a Congregational. The Lutheran and Catholic societies also have organizations. There are Indian Churches at New Mission and Onominese. As a summer resort Northport takes front rank among the places in the Grand Traverse Region. In the beauty of its location, pure atmosphere and waters, and in the facilities afforded for rest and for recreation in fishing, boating, etc., it is surpassed by none. The harbor of Northport is one of the best and most commodious on the chain of great lakes. There is5a dockjat DESCRIPTIVE. 41 Nortliport and one t wo miles Niorth of the village.. The harbor aJfTrds one of the safest and best places for -yacthing on the lakes. Omena or New -Mission harbor is five miles south of Northport, and is one of the most beautiful spots in the region The Shobwosson Club, composed of ladies and gentleman from Chicago, have their headquarters at this place every season. The view from the hill between the lake and bay is very fine. In the harbor thereis a substantial dock, at which a steamer daily calls during the season of navigation. There is a general merchandise store at this place. Cat Head and Onominese are Indian villages of but few inhabitants at present. There is good fishing in this township. Large numbers of speckled trout are in the creek at Northport, at Ennis' creek, two miles south; at New Mission creek, five miles south, and at a pond five miles west of Northport. Large numbers, of trout are caught in the bay at the mouth of streams and about the docks. During the months of June and July there is excellent trolling for lake trout in the harbor at Northport. There is a State RIoad between Northport and Leland, and the northern terminus of the Northport and Ne ~aygo State Road is at Northport. There are several steamboat lines calling at this place, besides two bay boats daily. Northport has telegraphic communication with the outside world, and a tri-weekly mail. BINGHA'M TOWNSHIP. Bingham is the first township south of Leelanau, lying between Grand Traverse Bay and Carp Lake, being 12 miles 42 LEELANAU COUNTY. long and of an average width of about five miles. The soil is an excellent sandy loam with an occasional outcropping of clay; the subsoil is sand and limestone gravel. Timber; same as Leelanau. Surface undulating to hilly. It is well watered by Carp Lake, Grafid Traverse Bay and numerous spring brooks. Grain, vegetables and fruit are grown in abundance. In this township there are two villages, Suttons Bay and Pshawba, the latter an Indian village of some 300 inhabitants. Suttons Bay is a lively place of 250 or 300 inhabitants, containing four stores, two hotels, a fine brick school house, a saw mill, printing office, blacksmith and shoe shops, etc. Quite an extensive merchantile business is transacted at this place, and being situated in the center of a tract of valuable farming land, it must inevitably become a village of importance. The Catholics have a good-church edifice at this place and other denominations hold religious services in the school building. There are three docks in the village. An extensive wood trade is carried on here. At Pshawba the Catholics have a church building. A water power grist mill is also located here. There is a general merchantile store and a dock at Bingham, six miles south of Suttons Bay. The township is well settled with thrifty farmers who are rapidly extending their clearings. As an agricultural-section, this township stands prominent in the Grand Traverse Region. For the health an pleasure seeker Bingham offers great attractions. Suttons Bay is the center of excellent trout fishing, there being three. trout streams running through the vil DESCRIPTIVE. 43 lage. two within three mile north, and several more within a short distance in other directions. Carp Lake and the Bay also afford fine bass, pickeral and lake trout fishing. LELAND. This township lies west of Leelanau and Bingham, Lake Michigan being its western boundary. The soil is a sandy loam with an occasional cropping out of clay; subsoil, yellow sand mixed with limestone gravel and clay. Timber, maple, beech, elm, basswood, white ash and birch, and in the swamps and near the lakes, cedar, hemlock, Norway pine and aspen. Watered with lakes and numerous spring books. The village of Leland is situated between Carp and Lake Michigan, on Carp River. The location is very fine, commanding an extensive view of Carp Lake, Lake Michigan and the Manitou Islands. The village contains between 300 and 400 inhabitants. The blast furnace of the Leland Iron Co., is located here. This company has a general supply store at this place, and there is a drug store, a general merchantile store, a hotel, saw mill, blacksmith shop, etc. The roads in about Leland are exceptionally fine. The boating and fishing hereabouts are also excellent. In Lake Michigan at this place are two piers. There is' excellent farming land in the township. The vast territory around Carp Lake is naturally tributary to Leland. In the village are Congregational, Lutheran and Catholic church edifices. In the southeastern corner of the township is an artesian well some 700 feet deep, from which spouts a stream of mineral water about six inches in diameter, rising to a height of 12 or 15 feet. This water possesses valuable medicinal quali 44 LEEL ANATU COULNTY. ties, and the day is not far distant when it will become a famous summer resort. This well 'is but a few rods from Carp Lake. The surroundings are very pleasant, so that Nature has done her share for this locality. Near the wyell and over the Narrow, of Carp Lake is a bridge. There is a tri-weekly mail between Leland ihnd lSuttons Bay. Leland also has a telegraphic communication. CEBNTREVILLE. This is a good farming town ship, south of Leland, bounded on the east by Carp Lake, the northwllest corner touching L-:,ke Michigan. The soil is a black sandy loam of superior quality, and in places strongly mixed with clay and of a chocolate color; subsoil, mostly sand and limestone gravel. Timber the same as townships previously described. Surface ul:dulating to hilly bordering on the lakes. Watered with lakes and streams. Good Harbor, in this township, is erroneously located on thei map in Cleveland. This place is near Lake Michigan, and contains a general merchandise store and at hotel. The township is well settled. C LEV EL,AN D This townshilp is west of Centerville, bordering on Lake Michigan on the north. Soil, a black sandy loam of superior quality and in places largely mixed with cla.ey and of a chocolet color; subsoil, mostly sand and limestone gravel. Timber same as other townships. Surface undulating to hilly boldering on lakes. Watered by numerous lakes and streams. GL ENs A RBOR. A fractional township west of Cleveland, being bonn ded DESCRIPTIVE. 45,n the north by Lake Michigan. The soil is variable: on some of the cultivated land it is first-class, and on a large proportion of the bottom lands sandy. The timber is beech, maple, oak, Norway pine, cedar, aspefi, cherry, balsam, and tamarac. Surface-a portion of the land- bordering on Glen Lake and Lake Michigan is hilly; the balance is level on b ottom lands. In the western portion of the township is what is known as Sleeping Bear Point, covered with drifting sands. There are three villages in the township-Glen Haven, Glen Arbor, and Port Oneida, with docks at each. At Glen Haven the Northern Transit Co. carry on an extensive business furnishing their steamboats with fuel. There is a general supply store, saw mill, hotel, blacksmith, paint, and other shops in the village. There are one or two.propellers calling at this place nearly every day during the season of navigation, so that the communication with lake ports is unsurpassed by any place in this region. At, Glen Arbor there is a pier, store and a hotel. This place is very pleasantly situated between Glen Lake and Lake Michigan, in a grove of pine trees. There is a grist and saw mill at this place. Port Oneida is a station foi wooding steamboats, containing a general merchandise store. For fruit raising this township is unsurpassed by any in the State. EMPIRE. This is the southeastern township of the county. Soil variable. Black sandy loam with an occasional outcropping of clay; subsoil mixed with yellow sand and limestone gray el. Timbered about the same as the other townships. Surface 46 LEELANKAU COUNTY. variable, with fine level table lands, in portions of the southern part. It is somewhat hilly about Glen Lake and Lake Michigan. Empire is a good farming township. On Lake Michigan is a wooding station. Burdickville, in the northeastern part, on Glen Lake, is a village of local commercial importance, containing two general merchandise stores, blacksmith shop and printing office. The village is pleasantly situated, commanding a fine view of Glen Lake. KASSON. This is in the southern tier of townships, and east of Empire. The soil in the southeast corner is sandy and second rate; in the south part it is a black sandy loam, with a subsoil mixed with clay, sand and lime cobble stone; in the northern portion the soil is the same, with a subsoil mixed with clay, sand and limestone gravel. The timber is principally maple, rock elm and basswood, with scattering beech, hemlock, white ash and water elm. Surface in the southern and central parts slightly undulating; in the northern part, some hills with fertile valleys. The township is well watered with small lakes, springs and brooks. Maple City is a small village in this township, containing a postoffice and a store. SOLON. This is also one of the southern tier of townships. The soil in the eastern part is a black sandy loam; in the western part the soil is good, but of a lighter color. Surface, undulating to hilly. The]timber is about the same as in the other DESCRIPTIVE. 47 townships, with the exception of there being sufficient white pine for home consumption. In this township are some of the best improved farmns in the county. The land is generally well watered with springs and spring brooks. There are three sawmiills and five school houses in the township. ELMWOOD. Elmwood is the southeastern township of the county fronting Grand Traverse Bay on the east. The soil in the ewstern part is a black sandy loam; in the aestern part the soil is good, but of a lighter color. The timber is about the same as in Solon. Surface undulating. Well watered by lakes and streams. In this township is a sawmill, a grist mill, tannery, a brick yard and a carding mill. AS A SUMMER RESORT, Leelanau county has many attractions. Its numerous streams are plentifally supplied with splended trout, and-the Bay and lakes with other varieties of fish. In endeavoring to give the reader a correct idea of the attractions of the county as a summer resort we make copious extracts from the writings of a celebrated author on this subject. He says: "I think I may venture upon a little descriptive writing, that is, I may say a word or two touching Grand Traverse 3Bay and the pleasant places for summer resort situated upon its shores. In doing this I shall give attention to those out of-the-way spots, not yet widely advertised. I am surprised that such charmingly quiet, healthful places as Suttons Bay, Leland, and Northport, to say nothing of many another delightful spot over which the cool breezes of these green waters pour day and night through all the summer, should not long ago have become famous. The trouble with me since I have been here is that I cannot keep awake enough to enjoy the unequaled splendor of its cool days. Come hither all ye that hunger and thirst after a good night's sleep, and your desire shall be gratified. Your nerves sha:ll have AS A SUMMRI41. RESORT-VI-. 49 relaxation and your brains recuperation. Your back bones slhall get as flexible as willow switches and as springy as a grasshol)per's legs, your cheeks shall get as plurmp) as pollmegrates, andl your skins the color of fresh taxnned Jeather. The little brooks and rivulets setting into G(rand Traverse Bay are almost ice-cold, clear as crystal, swift, noisy. and full of speckled trout. I ha.re thoroughly explored every trout brook I could find and have had a. very plethora of rare sport angling. And they atre the easiest brooks to fish up I have eVer seen, though for that matter trout angling is not suited to a dciletante. It is toil, but it hath an exceeding great reward for the faithful worker. A cruise around the bay in the steamers Clara.Belle or City of G'rand Rapicds is a charming experience. The water rarely hIas swell-enough to create sea-sickness, aitl the scenery is as picturesque as it is varied and beautiful. Abrupt bluffs and ragged. rarviue,-split hills alternate wit.h gently ascending sandy beaches on either side, and here and there pretty islands covered to the water's edge with a dense growth of pine. hemlock, maple, and cedar trees, lie green and breezy on the bosom of tfhe dark but clear, pure water. The sky is blue as that of Italy, the sun shines with fervent power; but the breeze Aows on through the yellow glare, cooling everything and blunting the keenness of the beams of hea-t reflected. frou the bay. Northport has the best situation for a summer resort of any place in this region. Here quietude and plenty prevail. Good sweet milk and butter, abundance of whitefish and trout, bass and i)ickerel,-fresh healthy berries, fowl and mut 50 LEELANAU COUNTY. ton are always on your table, either at hotel or private house. You see nothing of fashion or dissipation, you can be as secluded as you wish, and yet you get your darly paper and have a telegraph office at hand. I have never anywhere seen a finer place for pleasure sailing than Northport harbor. Portage or Carrying Point, to the eastward of Northport, is a place of great beauty and interest. It is a diminutive and very low promontory joined to Leelanau by the merest neck of an isthmus, over which the Indians were wont to carry their canoes, whence the name Portage Point. From the extremity of this point a wide view is presented, embracing Northport on the west, three miles away. Seven miles southward New Mission Point looms up, its apparant altitude greatly exagoerated by the extreme transparancy of the water and ir. Still further off southeastward, on the east side of the iftti peninsula, you see the big-ighthouse and Old Mission Point, whilst over across the bay a slim arc of white specks, like a flock of geese sunning themselves on shore. marks the site of the little village of Norwood. Northward the water and the sky meet in a silver line that shakes and shines, and uvaVeirsl with all the dreamful uncertainty of distance. Portage Point is a sand bluff quite level on top and and covered with bright beautiful groves, through which the wind goes singing a slumberous song. A balsamic odor greets you before you reach the shore, the welcome sent out by waving pines and nodding firs. Lying in the shade of these trees, watching the vessels go by, while the wind ripples over me and the water swashes on the pebbly beach below.me, seems quite near enough the ideal of what the poets AS A SU3MMER RESORT. 51 call dolce far niente and loisir eabaunme.** But night is coming on, and a perfect calm broods over the bay. Scarcely a ripple is perceptible. IThe stars are shining out of the water as out of the sky, and the little steamer that brings the mail from home is coming in. How deliciously cool the air is*** This afternoon our party returned to this place,after a day or two spent in visiting.,by means of an open sailboat, several of the most interesting minor points on t~he shores of Grand Traverse Bay. To me these out-of-the-way, little.-visited nooks are more fascinating and in every way better worth seeing than the fashion-haunted popular resorts whither most summer tourists naturally drift. The sun shines clearer, and brighter, the air is cooler,, and balmier in quiet coves ancb sieltered hights than on the beaches where carriages whiskpast one all the time. and where the brass bands blare till all the bulcolic spirit is frightened away. I like, when I undertake to rusticate, to get where f can hear, "The milk that bubbles in the pail, And buzzings ot the honied hours." For what judgement does one exhibit in flying from the heat and dust of the city, and the cares of business and social life if he steers directly to the heat and dust of another city and with social and fashionable meshes more confining and weary than the first? One of the pleasantest of the places visited is Leland, where we caught black bass and rock bass in such quantities that I am amazed myself whenever I think of it. Every sportsman knows that when I say I caught over 30 bass in Carp Lake in less than two hours, that I am either lying or telling of the finest bass fishing in 52 LEELANA ( COUNT Y. the 1world. I m not lyilng, 1d I say I cIaughit over 40, I saw a man Catch over two bushels with a single 1o0k in less time. Carp Lake, on the west shore of hichh Le(land is siituated, is m1ore liket teli( St. Jo.hllis riv\er, Florida; tha, n like a lake. In lenogth and breadth it does not, of course, compa-re with the giireat lagoon, but its slhores, like those of Grand ITraverse Bay, are clothed in v-ariegated sIlumrn)aerous looking verdure very similar to that, from Mandarin to Palatka. Tlhe w ater is so clear that in isome places the lae bottom may be seen tirnough six fathoms. A drive of about twNo miles to the wxestwarid from Northport takes you to 1a high1 bluff on the shore ot Lake Michigan, from where one can see the.Manitou,. Fo\ a(1d Beaver Islands, while far away southwird rses tha tingulaar white peak known to sailors as Sleepinpg Bear:.p-- But what will strike the intelligent traveler most forcibly in his saunterings round the bay and tinoughl the couity are the nmany wild and charming spoj4 ready arranged upon which to build summer cottages. Beautiful hillls g-ently sloping down to the white sur-tlashed( beaelh are thickly wooded with small mnaple trees, can be bnou!t fron r$ to i1l per acre." ADVERTISEM IEN TS. DEALERS IN Hard Wood, Hemlock Bark, Railroad Ties, Cedar Posts, &c., &c., &c., NORTHPORT and SUTTONS BAY, MICHIGAWJV. CHICAGO' OFFICE:--232 South 1%rater treRoom 3. 54 LEELANAU COUNTY. N7. T. CO. The steamers of this line will leave Glen Haven this season as follows: For Chicago, Milwaukee and all Western Points Dally (Tuesdays and Wednesdays excepted) at 10 o'clock in the morning. For Mackinaw, Cheboygan, Duncan City, Presque Isle, Port Huron, Detroit, Toledo and Cleveland Daily (Sundays and Tuesdays excepted) at 3 o'clock in the morning. To All Points. TO FRUIT RAISERS:--The Co. have 2,000 acres of the finest land in Northern aMichigan, laying between two lakes (Michigan and Glen,) and being high and good soil, is especially adapted to the culture of Peaches and hard fruits, bringing them into the market after earlier crops, thus commanding good figures. Prices range from $4 to $10 per acre on long time. Special rates given to parties desiring to come and look at the land. Shipping facilities here are first-class, five steamers touching here weekly for both east and west. TO THE PLEASURVE SEEKHER:-Glen Lake is well stocked with all kinds of fish, and those wishing to enjoy a quiet rest and good sport can here find the opportunity at a nominal expense. Boats and small steamer on the lake to let. Those who like camping out can find no better place than Glen Lake to spend a vacation. Any further infdrmation cheerfully furnished by D. H. DAY, Agent N. T. Co. ADVERTISEM31ENTTS. 45, U 1, JVO2TH jPO T T - MICH This hotel has been recently supplied with New and Neat Furniture, and is now prepared to accommodate summer visitois, as well as the traveling public genei ally. The FRESH AIR AND PURE WATER of the Lake and Bay make the V 4iL BY W RH UIN l9)UAL The location is 28 miles north of Traverse City, 45 miles west of Petoskey, 350 miles north of Chicago, and within easy reach of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad by steamers "Clara Belle'" and "City of Grand Rapids." The Prorietr Gives His Entire Persoal Atteltion, ad will GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, Emigrants coming to settle in Northport are cordially invited to stop at this hotel and get all the information they need free of charge. W. I-H FRANKLIN, Proprietor. ,-6 LEELANAU COUNTY. IHUBIERT DEUSTER[. JOHN DEUSTER. H. & J. DEUSTER, Stttons Bay, - - Mich., DEALERS IN GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE. Our stock is always complete and we sell at Prices as Low as the Lowest. We also deal in Hardwood Lumber, Hemlock Bark, Shipping Wood, Cedar Ties, Posts, Etc., by the Cargo, We a.lso have several tracts of excellent land in this vicinity and a number of village lots in the thriving village of Suttons Bay for sale at low figures. AD IVERTII SEMENTS. 5> GEO. STEIMEL, JR. HENRY SMIDT. PIILLIP KNACK. GEO. STE1MEL, JR., & CO., GENERAL DEALERS IN STAP4LE +N46 FINJVCY G-roeý ries, 'Provisions, Dry G-oo ds, N otions, Hardware and Woodenware. We keep a large line of Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, and make a sppecialty of fine Tobaccos and Cigars. All goods marked with plain figures, and strictly one price to everybody. b. Country produce purchased for cash or in exchange for goods. GEO. STEIMEL, JR, & CO., Suttoxns Bay, - - Mich. GLEN HAVEN, - MICHIGAN. Situated at the landing of the N. T. Co.'s steamers, and one-lalf mile from -Glen Lake-one of the finest points for fishing in the country. Accommodations for a few guests at reasonable rates. Teams kept to convey passengers to and from the Lake and to all points desired. Boats furnished to parties. WILLIAM FA RIANT, Proprietor. UNION HOUSE, SUTTONS BAY, - MICHIGAN. J. C. ANDERSON, Proprietor. Suttons Bay is 18 miles north of Traverse City, with several of the finest trout streams in this region in the immediate vicinity. Fishing parties and summer boarders accommodated at reasonable rates. 58 LEELANAU COUNTY. JOHN NHELM Butrdickville, Mich., GEWiRAL DEALER A Complete Assortment of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Always on hand, which I anm selling at the Lowest Figures. S. A. KE YE S, DEALER IN Shipping Wood, Hemlock Bark, Cedar Ties, Posts, Etc,) by the Cargo, ()mena, iMXich. This labor saving, machine is mianufactuled at Grand Rapids Micfli. ~1 fences made with it nare much CHIEAPER~ and in -every way BET TER{ th~an those made the old fashioned way, sn cnbmoewihtda gnghe fene. he omig fnc, with)oi t dIoubt, will be the p)icket fence, made, with this machine, as it is cheaper and hmdsomer than board fences, dud does not cause snow drifts on highways. For farther particulars,address, J{ASSON FREEMAN~ & SON, Lock Box 38 IADRAISM x 8 RINPRPD, 11I1 600 LEELANAU COU NTY. GEO. STEIMEL, Sr., Prop'r. Good accommodations at jeasonable Rates. / / /.7 / A. II. JohNsoN, EDmTOI. Ue tPie A -ear Nwlap/aper of L lana,C/ -, j PUJ3LISIIED AT Suttons Bay, Mich. es& ji~c PHOTOMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER Manvfactured by J CPAYLORD BROS. In.c I Spacuse, N. Y. Stockton, Catif. Ai A jtQ S; ~ ~ i ':W1 Le Isi.1 rw IOltI: "'U. A.. 4 R. i "k" Bj~14 "3 ~A;ý4 -,4 b -4, T7 ~; i~ i-,4, 4.1 ""4~ 31ý, o " IS N-N V1. 11:.p t~"i~" 0, w:~k Ou" ty E ~ MkVIA ý Tv 0f~;I~