-I,,ti --<-:~=I-~" ~i~r::~:f~~~.:'~;TI~.;~up-c~;~L'i,;;laL;~~&~a*;;L: -41L;;; '~-;;"-L1Lt~iZ-~;=`~?i~c-~-;14*~~;;;"~l -77 -7 1~?A1~'D wo-ý ~-fl N IN \ ~I ~- C i" *~ t n ~-; ~ - -- 2, ' ~~ ~~~3 c )I * ~,~~ ~~.?... ~\ ~.. +r ~j. a. ~? - ~ -r i ~.ii~ ~I IL - `8~" lowu 'it - P4 uý W-s -- 8~~ 1 C~Blis= MU N'TY Pa 4I onaR 9 r-:"*~ I -1 A A A -r2 II't I~~ 'THE- W. 8,PA RIS'H PBLSHNGOO ASS -. - $ 3,. 14" 9, 9 I; a V: IIJ Rim- I 1- I '1 2> 4.4 -. - AlAst \Aý 7' v 7 STO.CIAI g: 01; J'l`h 0 FH C A CI 0, THE W. H. PARISH PUBLISHING CO. 1 189 31 ST. CLAIR RIVER TUNNEL-PoR T HURO0N. SAINT CLAiR COUNTY. WO hundred years have elapsed since the schooner Griffin" h-rst naviigated the w aters of1'. Lake St. Clair." The day on which this Vessel entered these w!aters was N e feast day of 44 Sainte Claire'' and thus the lake wa s named iM lonor of that cia',. Some confusion exists in the minds of the people touching the namingic of ouIr c.LInty, and the: lake of the same name, o\vi ng to the *fact that two officers wvho iL rted very prominen tlyv in the..(.Arlk history of this locality had very similar names. One, a British ohhevt-r, was iianied Sinclair;" the other, an American officer, named i, St. ClPir" elakeandcoutya-Iver derived their namfles from the latter. As late as iSo6 the Indian title to the lands eormp[risi n-o this cocunty was niot extnl