~ L ~ 1,2/2h,~t~~L2- 7~ p - MOUNTAIN HOME ICE METERY, OF KALAMAZOO. MICH. ITS OFFICERS, ACT OF INCORPORATION. RULES AND REGULATIONS, AND ORIGINAL PURCHASERS OF LOTS. J.A\NWTYAR.L"5Y, 1878. KAL. Pwj. Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. MOUNTAIN HOME CEMETER E E RY, OF KALAMAZOO, MICH. ITS OFFICERS, ACT OF INCORPORATION, RULES AND REGULATIONS, AND ORIGINAL PURCHASERS OF LOTS. JJTATJAR,~Y, 1878. Kalamazoo Publishing Co., Book and Job Printers, 20 and 22 South Burdick St., KALAMAZOO. OFFICERS. JANUARY, 1878: L. H. TRASK,---- N. A. BALCH,------- F. E. WOODWARD, S. S. COBB,?-------- ----- President. ------Secretary. -------Treasurer. - Superintendent. TR USTEES. ISAAC MOFFATT, L. H. TRASK, A. BUELL, S. S. COBB, N. A. BALCH, J. P. WOODBURY, F. E. WVOODWARD, HENRY GILBERT, DAVID FISHER. COMMITTEE ON GRO UNDS. L. H. TRASK, J. P. WOODBURY, S. S. COBB. COMMITTEE ONT FINANCE. A. BUELL, DAVID FISHER, I N. A. BALCH. I1'< ACT OF INCORPORATION, As Approved March 28th, 1849, and as Amended by Act No. 240, Session Laws of 1875. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That Isaac Moffat, Jr., Luther H. Trask, Jeremiah P. Woodbury, Alexander Buel, Horace Starkweat~her,(Nathaniel A. Balch,)Epaphro Ransom, David B. Webster, and Mitchell Hinsdell, and their successors, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style, of the " Trustees of Mountain Home Cemetery," and by that name to have perpetual succession, and be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended, in all suits, complaints, matters and causes whatsoever, in any court of law or equity in this state; and to have a common seal, and to make all such by-laws, rules and regulations (not repugnant or contrary to the law of the land) as they may deem necessary relative to said cemetery, and the good government and management thereof. SEC. 2. The saidNrustees shall elect one of their own number as president, another as secretary, and another as treasurer; that in case of the death, resignation, or removal of any of the trustees from the county of Kalamazoo, the other members shall elect a suitable person to supply every such vacancy; and vacancies happening in any of said offices, from any of said causes, shall be filled in the same manner; that said trustees may from time to time appoint a superintendent and such other officers or agents as they may deem necessary. SEC. 3. The said corporation may purchase and hold such real estate as may be deemed expedient for the purposes of laying out and establishing a rural cemetery, to be reserved as a place of interment, in the vicinity of the village of Kalamazoo, and to make additions to said real estate from time to time as may become necessary, either by purchase, gift, grant or otherwise; but all such real estate, whether by original of subsequent purchase, shall be reserved for no other purpose than for a cemetery, and such fixtures as shall be necessary to belong to it. And such real estate shall never be sold or converted to any other use forever hereafter, than the one expressed in this section. The plat of said cemetery, to be adopted by the said trustees, or the avenues, roads, walks, or ground laid off and reserved for shrubbery or other ornamental purposes, shall never be subject to be changed or altered, except by a unanimous vote of all the trustees. And all moneys realized from the sale of lots after paying the original purchase price of said land, shall be appropriated at the discretion of the corporation' to the improvement of said cemetery; or a port~ion of said avails may be set apart as a permanent fund. And the interest of which shall be hereafter and forever annually expended in keeping the said cemetery in repair and good order. SEC. 4. The said corporation shall cause. a plat of said ground, embracing all roads, alleys, lots, &c., to be put on record or on file in the office of the register of (leeds for the county of Kalamazoo, and that the title to lots in said cemetery may be passed to individuals by a certificate to be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary, under the corporate seal, but always subject to the by-laws, rules and regulations which may be adopted by the trustees. And said certifle'ates shall be recorded by the secretary of the corporation in a book to be kept for that purpose. SEC. 5. All lands now held, or which may hereafter be acquired by said corporation for the purposes aforesaid, shall be forever exempted from all public taxes and assessments, and from all liability to be sold on execution, or for the payment of debts by assignment, under any insolvent law. The said corporation may hold in trust any donation or bequest of property, and may apply the same, or the income thereof, in the improvement or embellishment of the cemetery, or for the erection, repair, preservation, or removal of any receiving tomb, monument, or fence, or for the planting or cultivation of trees, shrubs, flowers, plants, in and around any cemetery lot, or for the improvement of said premises in any other form or manner conformable to the terms of said grant or bequest. SEC. 6. If any person shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure or remove any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure or thing placed or designed for a memorial of the dead, or any fence, railing, curb or other thing intended for the protection or for the ornament of any receiving tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure before mentioned, or of any enclosure for the burial of the dead; or shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, remove, cut, break or injure any tree, shrub or plant, placed or being within or around any such enclosure; the person so offending shall be punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less that ten dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than one year. SEC. 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and shall be subject to the provisions of chapter fifty-five of the revised statutes, as far as it is in accordance with the provisions of this act. BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. It shall be the duty of the trustees to appoint a Superintendent of the grounds. 2. The Superintendent, under, and by the direction and advice of the Trustees, shall have the general oversight of the cemetery grounds, and all property belonging to, or used in or about said -cemetery, with power to employ a Sexton and such other help as may from time to time be deemed necessary for the purpose of ornamenting and taking care of the cemetery grounds and property, and be vested with all other rights and privileges requisite to carry into effect the rules and regulations of this incorporation, by and under the direction and advice of the Trustees aforesaid, and shall receive such compensation for his services as may be fixed and agreed upon annually by the Board of Trustees. 3. The Treasurer shall be required to give bonds in such sums as the Trustees from time to time shall require, and to their acceptance. 4. The Trustees shall appoint from their number a Committee on Finance and for auditing ac 10 counts, of three- members, of whom the Secretary shall be one. Also a Committee on Grounds, to consist of three persons, two of whom, at least, shall be members of the Board of Trustees. 5. When any account shall have been allowed by the Auditing Committee, thie Secretary shall, draw an order on the Treasurer, who shall pay the same, and retain such order as his voucher for such payment. RULES REGULATING THE PURCHASE AND CARE OF LOTS. 1. Persons desiring to purchase a lot should first visit the cemetery, when the Sexton will show the -vario us lots ready for sale, and state the prices for the same, and if one is selected the party will receive a ticket, giving the number of the lot and the section. The purchaser should then go to the office of the Treasurer and pay for the sam-e, and receive a certificate of ownership. 2. The conveyance of lots to any person or persons shall be by a certificate, the form of which is to be prescribed by the Trustees; and when once conveyed is not to be reconveyed, unless permission so to do is given by a vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees. All interments in lots for which certificates for ownership have been issued, shall be restricted to the members of' the family and relatives of' the proprietotrs thereof, except special permission to the contrary be obtained in writing from the President or Secretary. Nor are the lots ever to be 12 used for any other purpose than the interment of the dead. 3. No improvement can be commenced on any lot or interment made therein until paid for and a receipt obtained for the purchase money thereof from the Treasurer. 4. Any enclosures erected around lots shall be within the lines of said lot, and shall not exceed three feet in height, and no enclosure shall be erected without the approval of the Superintendent as to style and material. 5. All trees to be removed or planted in any lot shall be so done under the direction and approval of the Superintendent. S6. Owners of lots may ornament the same with shrubbery; but no shrubbery shall be allowed to grow on any lot above five feet in height, without the consent of the Superintnendent. 7. Any shrub or tree whicil by their branches or otherwise may become detrimental to the adjoining lots or paths may be removed by the Superintendent under the order of the Committee on Grounds, and for that purpose the said Superintendent, and said Committee, shall have full right and power to enter upon any such lot and remove any such thing therefrom. 8. If any monument, effigy or any other structure, or any inscription, shall be placed in or on any lot, and be determined improper or offensive by the Trustees, or a majority of them, it shall 13 be the right and the duty of the Trustees to enter in and upon such lot and remove, or cause to be removed, any such offensive or improper thing. 9. All excavations, grading or removal of earth or rubbish, shall be excavated, graded and removed in such way, place and manner as the Superintendent may direct; and any person or persons failing or refusing to comply with these regulations may thenceforth be excluded from the ground. 10. No person except the Trustees, Superintendent or other employes, under their direction, shall be permitted to enter on any lot without the consent of the proprietor thereof. ' 11. No fence of wood will be allowed around any lot. Any person having a hedge around their lot must keep the same well trimmed, so as to present a neat appearance; and in default thereof the Superintendent and Committee on Ground may enter upon such lot and in their discretion remove such hedge with or without notice to the owner. On and after the first day of January, A. D. 1878, the planting of hedges of any kind around lots is strictly prohibited. 12. Any person owning a lot without either hedge, stone coping or fence around such lot, by making a permanent deposit of fifty dollars with the Treasurer of said cemetery; or in case there is either a hedge or stone coping, then by making a deposit of seventy-five dollars as aforesaid, 14 or in case there is a fence, then by making a de*posit of one hundred dollars as aforesaid, the interest thereof will be expended annually by the Trustees in keeping such lot in a neat manner forever. 13. No tomb or vault of any description, except a public receiving tomb shall be erected or allowed in said cemetery. 14. Heavy loads will not be allowed to" enter the grounds unless by permission of the Superin tenctent. RULES AND REGULATIONS, TO BE OBSERVED BY LOT-HOLDERS AND VISITORS. 1. The Secretary or Trustees will issue to each proprietor a ticket of admission into the cemetery with a vehicle on any day, except Sunday, at any time between sunrise and sunset, and on Sundays with members of their households only, between the hours of 3 and 6:30 o'clock P. M., under the following regulations, a violation of which, or a loan of the ticket involves a forfeiture of the privilege. In case of the loss of their ticket the proprietors are requested to apply to the Secretary or Treasurer, from whom a new one can be obtained: this is necessary as the gatekeeper's orders are to admit no vehicle without a ticket or permit. 2. Any person can visit the ground on foot anýr day except Sunday and Holidays, observing proper deportment; but children under twelve years of age must be in charge of some person who will be responsible for their good behavior. 16 3. Strangers can receive, on application to any Trustee, a permit to enter the cemetery with a carriage on any other days than Sundays and Holidays. 4. The gates shall not be opened before sun-- rise nor alter sunset for the admission of visitors, and no visitors will be permitted onl the grounds before the first or after the last-mentioned hours. 5. No money is to be paid to the gate-keeper. 6. No persons are to be admitted on Sundays or Holidays except proprietors and their households and persons accompanying them, and then only between the hours of 3 and 6:30 o'clock P. AT., 7.. No refreshments, and no party carrying refreshments, will be permitted to come within the grounds of the Mountain Home Cemetery. 8. All persons who shall be f'ound withIin t~he grounds making unseemly noises or otherwise conducting themselves unsuitably to the purposes to which the grounds are appropriated, will be requested to leave the grounds, and on refusal, will be compelled to do so, and will be prosecuted accordingly. 9. No vehicle is tc, be driven in the cemetery faster than a walk, nor in any place except in the carriagre road, without a permit from. the Superintendent or Committee on Grounds. 10. No horse is to be fastened except at the posts provided for that purpose. 11. No horse is to be left unfastened without a keeper. 17 12. No person is to be admitted on horse-back. 13. All persons are prohibited from gathering any flowers, either wild or cultivated, or breaking any tree, shrub or plant. 14. All persons are prohibited from writing upon, defacing or injuring any monument, fence or other structure in, or belonging to the cemetery, or any proprietor thereof, and from crawling under or climbing over or through the fences thereof. 15. All persons are prohibited from carrying or discharging fire-arms on the cemetery grounds, except on occasions of military interments, and not then without the permission of a majority of the Trustees. 16. The Superintendent of the grounds, the gate-keeper, or any person acting under them, shall have a right to require his or her name from any person who shall visit the grounds; and upon his ori her refusal, or giving a false name, to exclude such persons from the grounds. 17. Five dollars reward is offered to any person who shall give information to the Trustees which shall lead to the conviction of the offender of any tresspass done by taking or plucking any flowers, shrubs or trees within the grounds, or of any other offense against the laws and regulations provided for the protection of the cemetery and the monuments and erections therein. IMPROVED GROUNDS. Portions of the grounds of the Cemetery have been recently improved and laid out into lots, which are to be sold only upon the condition that said lots are to be kept perpetually in good order by the Corporation. The prices fixed upon these lots is intended to cover, in addition to the value of the ground and improvements, a sum, the interest upon which will be sufficient to compensate for the perpetual care of the lots. The lots which are sold upon conditions as above stated, are located in the portions of the grounds which are sub-divided into sections, each section being nuhbered. Proprietors of these lots will be required to observe the following rules, in addition to the rules and regulations governing other portions of the Cem etery: Rule Concerning Improvenments on Lots. 1. In order to produce a natural and pleasing surface to these entire sections of grounds, the grade of all lots will be determined and fixed by 19 the Board of Trustees, and no change in the grade will be permitted thereafter. 2. The landmarks or corner-stones indicating the boundaries of the lots, will be set by the Superintendent, and the same shall not be altered or removed. 3. Enclosures around burial lots in the form of fences, either of wood or iron, hedges, wooden trellises, posts and chains, coping or curbing of any kind, are considered useless incumbrances, and are therefore prohibited. 4. The proprietor of any lot will be permitted to erect one or more monuments or headstones thereon. Headstones for graves will not be allowed to exceed twenty inches in height, from the ground; exceptions can only be granted on extra fine works of art, and by special permission from the Committee on Grounds in each particular case. All erections. known as head and foot boards are prohibited. 5. Trees anid shrubs will be planted in accordance with the general plan for the ornamentation and embellishment of the Cemetery, under the direction of the Committee on Grounds. Additional planting by the proprietors of lots will be permitted; provided, however, the Committee on Grounds approve of the trees or shrubs proposed to be planted, and designate the location of the 'same. NAMES OF ORIGINAI PURCHASERS OF LOTS IN MOUNTAIN HOME CEMETERY. N4 I 0. OF 'OT. NAME. 1 1 II 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 J. L. Hawes, 2 B. F. Richmond, 3 Philo Pierse, 4 Robert Horn, 5 Ann Irwin, 6 J. Parker and Geo. W. Parker, 7 Pershall, Lewis and Johnson, 8 Henry S. Parker, 9 Mrs. Reichman,.0 Frederick H. Herbert,.1 Russell E. Jones, 12 Sabin M. Nicholls,.3 Augustus Dake Jr., 4 D. A. McNair, 15 A. and A. Latta,.6 E. Friedman, NO. OF LOT. 17 N.A. Balch, $ 18 John L. Read, 19 Henry Beach, 20 Rufus Scott, 21 Thomas Clarage, 22 P. Rouse, 23 Darling and Swayze, 24 I. H. Forster, 25 A. S. Hayes, 26 Edmund Rice, for G. D. Rice, 27 Chas. Barnum, 28 A. C. Hooker, 29 John C. Hayes, 30 Geo. Farwell, 31 Alex. Cameron, 32 T. P. Sheldon, NO. 01 LOT. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 a NAT'IE. Wmn. Ashby, John Dudgeon, Presb. Church, Isaac Vickery, R. C. Hubbard, John G. Glover, S. S. and Joseph D. Waterman, R. F. Kellogg, S. Clark and Mrs. W. H. DeYoe, D. S. Walbridge, B. MI. Austin, A. D. Kedzea, David Burrell. Geo. Burrell, Wmn. R. WatsonD Chas. E. Stuart, MA. Hinsdill, Geo. H. Gale, Win.-A. House, Win. H. MeCourtie, David B. Merrill, John Sebring, Henry C. Briggs, Adeline E. Quimby, John Wheatly, P. DenBleyker, L. S. Barker, ira and Charles M'. Burdick, NO. o LOT. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 I?~ NA ME. Wmn. G. Dewing, S. K. Selkrig and C. S. Arcambal. Win. H. Hall, Wm. E. Clark, John Everard, John R. Glynn, Daniel Payne, Jonathan Milenor, Francis Fitts, Geo. Russell and IL. W. Fox, A. and S. Knerr, Thad. Luinbard, Chas. A. Barrett, Levi Krause, Chas. B. Smith, Daniel Payne, Geo. Thos. Clark, Isabella Longbottom. Geo. W. Rice, Bissell Humphrey, Gibson Brown, W. AI. Sheldon, Joseph Sherwood, Henry Buckhout, MI. Everett, Free Masons, Alanson Carpenter, Henry Shook, 23 NO. O LOT. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 F NAME. NO. OF LOT. NAME. Henry Breese, Luther Parker, J. H. Flagg, Mary Bodwell, Dudley and White. Mary Jane Shephard. Chas. Sellock, Elisha and Edward S. Landon, Win. E. Lamb, James M. White, Charles Webb, Charles Martin, Calvin N. Mason, Henry Booher, Rev. Mr. May, B. F. Orcutt, S. McFadden, Willard Armstrong, S. D. Wilkinson, Asa Fitch, Richard and Mary McCoy, Willard Dodge, Moses Park, John C. Darling, George Dodge, John Morton, John Hogeboom and E. Babcock, 116 Amos Brownson, 117 Henry Gilbert, 118 S. F. and E. L. Goodrich, 119 Ananias M. Rose, 120 Geo. D. B. Hall, 121 Winm. Morley, 122 Hascall Triskett, 123 Ezra M. Osborn, 124 Peter Miller, 125 Byron L. Phillips, 126 S. F. and E. L. Goodridge, 127 H. Starkweather, 128 Henry Hodgman, 129 John Cadman, 130 MissesS. J. Kirkwood and L. A. Dillie, 131 D. C. Coleman and Isaac I. Dean, 132 John WV. Taylor, 133 H. Sullings and Alex. B. Smith, 134 Lyman Kendall, 135 Alex. Buell, 136 Win. Mottram, 137 Newton Root, 138 L. Vandewalker and David Fisher, 139 Aungustus Buell, 140 John Sleeper, 24 NO. o0 LOT. 141 142 143 144 145 146 r NAM E. Thos. S. Cobb, Stephen S. Cobb, E. Hoskins, Abe Edwards, M. N. Joy, L. H. Trask and F. E. Woodward, 147 148 149 ------- 150 151------------------ 152------------------ 153 ------- ---------- 154 155------------------ 156------------------ 157------------------ 158 E. M. Potter, 159 Peter Hofmraster, 160 Louisa Schoonover, 161 W. A. and H. Wood. 162 ---------------------- 163 Truman Lyon Jr., 164 164 ------------------ 165 Israel Kellogg, 166 Epaphro Ransom, 167 David B. Webster, 168 W. A. and H. Wood. NO. OF NAME LOT. 169 Jay Phetteplace, 170 Rev. L. H. Pearce, 171 0. M. Allen, 172 173 174 Edwin J. Phelps, 175 Chas. D. Grannis, 176 Win. M. Grant, 177 M. D. Woodford, 178 Robert F. Judson, 179 C. W. Davis, 180 Lucius L. Clark, 181 182 183 184 H. M. Peck, 185 A. K. Strong, 186 187 Mrs. Ann B. Kendall. 188 Elizabeth Atwater, 189 B. Hogeboom, 190 Wm. A. Tomilinson, 191 J. Parsons, 192 Lyman Tuttle, 193 Wm. Burt, 194 Edward H. Phetteplace, 195 Martha Ward, 196 A. A. Knappen and J. C. Burrows, 25 NO. OF LOT. 197 - 198 199 -200 -201 -202 -203 -204 -205 -206 - NAME. NO. OF LOT. NAINIE. 207 2108 209 ý211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 -219 220 221 222 223 224 Samuel M. Berry, W. and H. U. Upjohn, George F. Kidder, Win. Browningn Samuel W. Waclker, Henry and J. W. Breese, Charles H. Brown, Chas. C. Trowbridge, Daniel Lathrop, Thomas C. Brownell, Hiram Arnold, James Taylor, Joseph Miller Jr., J. P. Woodbury, Isaac Moffat, Jr., James P. Clapham, Mrs.-Jane March, 22-5 Levi W. Perrin, 226 Dav,,id Hitchcock and others, 2 2d7 James Brooks and Thomas O'Neil, 228 Charles R. Bates, 229 John C. Bassett, 2930 Charles, A. and John R. Ransom, 231 Allen Potter, 232` Abraham Letts, 233 James Turner, 234 Isaac A. Brown, 235 Henry Harris, 236 David J. Pierson, 237 H. Stowell and W in. Green, 238 L. and L. W. Whitco mb, 239 Edward H. DaN-is, 340 Edwin F. Burdick, 241 John MI. Newell, 242 Latham Hull,.243 Azel E. Bartlett, 244 Frank S. Hilihouse, 245 James C. DeYoe, 246', ýJames Green, 247 Amos D. Allen, 248 Archibald Wood, 249 Win. H. Edgar, 2500 Charles E. Smith, 26 NO. OF LOT. NAME. 251 H. F. Cock and A. Thomas, 252 H. F. Cock and A. Thomas, 253 Mariah A. Neahr, 254 Episcopal Church, 255 R. A. Axtell, 256 D. M. Linsley, 257 Wm. H. Baldwin, 258 S. C. Eason, 259 I. D. Bixby. 260 James Andrews, 261 Rachel Walter, 262 James A. Walter, 263 Azro Healy, 264 John D. Rice, 265 William G. Pattison, 266 Charles Gibbs, 267 George W. Winslow, 268 Frederick Rice, 269 B. F. Brawdwell, 270 Wm. O. Blanchard, 271 LeGrand Whitcomb, 272 Cary Lynch, 273 John G. Terhaar, 274 Tobias Johnson, 275 Chas. D. Wadhams and John Weston, 276 Edwin Atkins, 277 A. T. Prouty, NO. OF NAME. LOT. NAE. 278 Henry F. Cock, 279 Frank Little, 280 George L. Stewart, 281 P. S. Grimes, 282 Orrin N. Giddings, 283 Volney Hascall, 284 Charles Bodamor, 285 R. Alard and E. L. Walton, 286 Joseph Quick, Sr., 287 Joseph Quick, Jr., 288 John McKee, 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 Isaac Quick, Mrs. Mary F. Chapin, James M. Hubbard, Myrtel Wattles, E. H. Broadwell and E. S. Knapp, Mrs. Gretta Wood, James B. Abbott, Henry A. Cornell, Mrs. Martha Van Winkle, Morgan S. Fitch, Hannah M. Smedley, 27 NO. OF LOT. NAME,. ~ 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 Mrs. Phoebe McCall, L. C. Ký,ndall, Aug. Dake, Sr., Charles D. Gregory, Reuben J. Reed, James E. Weeks, Rev. Henry Mills, Honora Letts, George A. Wells, Charles E. Morrison, Joseph W. Brown, Wesley J. Damerell, James Britton, John and Lawrence Hollan der, John Holtenhouse, Charles Bell, Edwin WV. Cole, ---------------------- George Britton, T. Z. R. Jones and Mrs. Ann S. Eaton, Silas Hubbard, James and William Borland, NO. OF NAE. LOT; 333 John and Lawrence Hollander, 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 359 353 354------------------ 355 3.56 -------------------- 356 357------------------ 358 359 360 28 NO. OF LOT. 361 362 363 364 365 - - - - - - - - 366 367 368 - - - - - - - - 369 370 371 372 373 ------------- 374 375------------- 376 377------------- 3 7"8 Mrs. Abigal M 379 Clark Potter, 380 ------------- 381 3 821 -------------- 383 384 A. H. and W. NO. ( LOT 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 )F NAME. Iiii ler, 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 314 415 416 Gustavus M. Gates, Wilhelm'ia Hagedor Pomneroy Norton, John Garrison, Caroline Penfield, Rockwell May, George V. Park and Mrs1.S Blood, Barney Baich, William Rollins, William Wolcott, Emma Hawley, 0. P. Hoyt, Miss Vanderburgh, Mrs. S. W. Bryant, Caroline Penfield, I ( I Marsh Giddings, A. Arms, Samuel Haskell, Dwight May, A. and G. Wilson, Mrs. M. J. Goss, Lewis C. Starkey, Clark Earl, H. G. Wells; James W. Norris, John and Benjamin Hall, G. Budd, Betsey Bennett, 385 386 387 388 29 NO. 0" LOT. 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 F NAME. George Taylor, Fred W. Wilcox, Clurtis W. Hall, H. Williams, A. E. Jones, M. Craver, Frank W. CornDell, James Henry, James F. Thompson, Win. H. Pendleton, William Carter, John Newell, George W. Fish, M. Heyde-nburk, J. and K. A. Smith, James W. Roebrook, U. D. Wheaton and Lowell Howard, William 1Pattison, Bernhard Locher, Henry Furst, Mary A. Holton, Elmer A. Boughton, M\'. Wilson and Mrs. A. H. Howard, Lydia Snow, Phineas Phillips, R. T. Balch, John G. Garland, Arad C. Balch, George Torrey, NO. 0. LOT. 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 4,53 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 46.5 466 467 468 469 470 471 4721 F NAME. Alexis Ranisom, Hiram. Denison, James Pattison, Amaziah ZR. Balch, F. and A. Burrell, William Whitney, James H. Canr', Samuel H.- Ransomn, Charles H. Booth, John Milham, Thomas W. Merrill, Mrs. M. Limpreeht, Fred W. Curtenius, Caleb Sherman, EJdwin A. Carder, Sydney S. Bushnell, James H. Bates, 30 NO. OF LOT. NAA~IE. NO. C LOT 503 )F NAME. 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 -502 Mrs. Susan Murphy, Hiram D. Loveland, Eliza W. Fisher and others, Andrew Fleming, Smith Barnes, James H. Bates, Frederick Bush, George E. Hollister, R. D. Russell, Melville J. Bigelow, Nathan Bigelow, Charles S. Dayton, Henry Dolloway, --------------------- 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 WVm. T. Stillwell and W. W. Baldwin, Charlotte Barnes, Leonard G. Bragg, William Oliver, Mrs. Eliza Flagg, William H. Cobb, P. C. Davis, D. and A. M1. Waterbu ury, John Beggs, Giles C. Burnham, William J. Boyd, Mrs. Mary A. Huston, J. C. Burrows, Mrs. Frances Slussar, James B. Cobb, William B. Clark, Heirs of J. R. Cornell, William B. Clark, Win. H. Stoddard, William B. Clark, J. J. Perrin, Geo. H. Gale, C. H. Brown, T. F. Pickering, 31 NO. OF NAME.NO. O NAME. LOT. LOT. NAE. 530 Latham Hull, 543 531 George Reese and 544 A. D. Boardman, 545 532 Kirk Kellogg, 546 533 William Brockie, 547 534 Alonzo Safford, 548 535 William Dodge, 549 536 Smith L. Wood, 550 537 John J. Lardner, 538 L. W. Borden, 552 539 Charles L. Rounds, 553-------------------- 540 Sutherland, 554-------------------- 541 Theodore R. Barrett, 542 Helen C. Slack, NAMES OF PURCHASERS OF LOTS ON /MPROVED GROUND, The Perpetual Care of which is Assumed by the Association. SECTION NO. ONE. NO. OF NO. OF LOT. LOT. 2 9----------------------- - 3 10 4 ----------------------- 11--------------------- 5----------------------- 12 6 ------------------------13 7 ------------------------14 32 NO. OF LOT. 15 16- --- NAME. NO. OF LOT. 17 18 NAME. SECTION NO. TWO. 1------------------ 2 Silas Trowbridge, 3 ------------------- 4 ------------------- 5 ------------------ 6 ------------------ 7 ------------- -------------------- 10------------------ 10 ------------------ 11 - ----- -------- - - 12 ------------------ 13 ------------------ 14 ------------------ 15 ------------------ 16 ------------------ 17 D. C. Read, 18 ------------------ 19 ------------------ 20 ------------------ 21 ------------------- 22 ----------- --- 23 ------------------- 24 ------------------ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 (4j N