6 4 W,ý - P-1 >1 BUITSINES S For the Fall and'Winter Trade of 1867=82 LjANLSIN+ýG, MICHIGAN.ý LANLSING, TMICH.: JOHN A. KERR & CO.'S STEAMN PRINTINNG ESTABLISHMTENT. 1867. al VNWAW-" & I _ r4LYZ.Aj o I I I _ I ~ L II swniu Qit an risae INDEX. Page. Clothing-H. Hitchcock & Co.,....................... 1 Drugs--Brisbin & Conely,........................ 2 Tremont House, 2 Star Restaurant,............................. 3 Insurance-House, Jones & Porter,.................4 Books, etc.-Hitchcock & Bro.,................... 6 Drugs-A. R. Thayer,........................... 6 Boots and Shoes-J. Van Keuren,................. 7 Hardware-Armstrong & Saint..................... 8 Groceries-E. B. Millar & Co....................... 9 Music and Books-Bordwell,......................... 10 Hardware-T. B. Thrift,.......................... 10 City Book Storc-A. J. Viele,..................... 11 MuSic Hall-.%. J. Viele............................ 12 Painting-Shattuck & Murphy,...................... 1is Dentristry-H. C. Rockwell,..................... 13 Jewelry-B. P. Richmond,..................... 13 Meat Market-L. S. Jenison,........................ 13 Dry Goods, etc.-H. A. Lee,...................... 14 Painting-J. W. Van Keuren,....................15 Meat Market-Carmichael & Stephenson,............ 15 Omnibus and Hack Line-C. T. Marks,.............. 15 Planing Mill-Burgess & Wolcott,.,................. 15 Hardware, etc.-Dart & Davis,.................... 16 Crockery-A. T. Davis & Co.,................... 16 Hardware-A. N. Hart & Son,....................... 17 Barbering Saloon-C. H. Martin,.................... 18 Building and Painting-C. C. Dodge,................. 18 Tobacco, etc.-D. T. Nichols & Co.,.....I............ 19 Gunsmith Shop-Fred Trostel,..................... 19 Jeweler-C. A. Shafer,............................. 19 Livery-Daniels & Parmenter,................... 19 Grocories-J. Esselstyn & Sons,.................... 20 Clothing-I)D. G. Peck,.............................. 21 Harness, etc.-G H. Cook,................a... e..... 22 Boots and Shoes-S. Morehonse,...........0....... 22 New York Clothing Store-J. F. Schadt & Co,.... 22 Mirinery-Mrs. C. A. Northrop;..................... 22 Bigh School-M. V. Rork,.......................... 23 Drugs and Groceries-EK E. Gould,................ 23 City Market-Andrew Bertch,................. 24 Boots and Shoes-Johns & Bailey,............... 25 Dry Gt o -s-S. t. Coryell,.....................25 Dry Goods and Clotlihing-H Ingersoll2.6.......26 Drugs-Tooker & Tillotson,..................... 27 Furniture-A. B. Stuart,....................... 27 Boots and Shocs-J. J. Brown,.................. 28 LNansing M1ill-B. E. Hart........................ 29 Boarding House-J. '. Baker,.................. 29 Glove and Wthip Factory-E. R. ThomposnI......... 29 P'hotogapehcr-Phil. Engeihart................. 29 Grocxeries, etc.-H. B. Arms,.........................30 Auction and Couimission-0. A. Jenison & Co........ 31 Millinery-Mrs. M Brower,...................... 32 Hoop Skirt lannuractory-Mrs. C. Sliuniway,......... 3 Harness-J. Somerville & Co.,.................... 32 Barbering Saloon-J. Davi.....................2 Foundry and Machine Shop-Meeilin & Tunison,...... 33 Dry Goods, etc.-E. 3. Cowles,.................... 33 Furniture-D. A. Bucl;k..................I...... 34 Boots and Shoes-W oodworth & &Son,............. 35 Dress and Cloak Mkcr- Mrs J B. 13. Lewis,.........35 Tobacco, etc.-Wim. incklhy,................... 35 Lansing ilouse-M. HndSoUn.................... 35 Drugs-Frank WI elis,.......................... 36 Hardware-Williams & Watkins................ 37 Millinery-Mrs. L. Whelan,........................ 37 Drafting-I. Gillctt, Jr............................37:Fonudry and Mlachint: Shop-M3. S. Baker,.......... 35 State lUSuranLce, Co.......... I...................,39 Commercial College-H. P. Bartlett,.............. 40 C'loak; and Dress Malker-M~rs. C. G. Vreecland,.. 40 Printingr-Johil A. Kerr & Co,.................,. 40 (JE:RTIFICaTE. This is to certify that we have prilllted for C. P. Smith, 4,000 coles of " LANSINIS CITY DI RECTORY." JNO. A. KERR& CO. LA ssiso, Nov. 25, 1867. I. H. FONDA & 0O., 150 Washington Ave., I I A 0 0. 0 0r CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS The only EXCLUSIVE DEALERS of the above aa goods in Lansing, offer the LAR GEST and best selected stock of Goods in the City, to which we invite attention. Prices always the Lowest. Gentlemanly treatment and honorable dealing assured to all. I., FONDA. E. A. ESSELSTYN. c ' I I r I _L I _ I THE LANSING CITY DIRECTORY 0 I _. I~ Iv I L:_ i -- I I, ~I~~ L s = - sl I JOSH BILLINGS. If a man wants tew get at his aktual dimensions let him visit a grave-yard. If any man wants tew be an old bachelor, and get sick at a boarding tavern, and have a back room in the 4th story, and a red-haired chamber maid bring his water gruel to him in a tin wash-basin, I have alwus sed, and I stick to it yet, he has got a perfect rite to go it. Owing to the high price and skarcity of veal in Nu York sitty, meny of the first families are using artificial calves. They say it helps to finish out the leg of mutton fust rate. If yew want to save trouble and expense, buy your carpets of I. H. Fonda & Co. When a man loses his helth, then he fust begins to take care of it. This is good judgment! This is! It is getting so now-a-daze if a man can't cheat in some way he ain't happy. Success in life iz apt to make us forget the time when we was'nt much. It is so with the frog on the jump, he can't remember that he was a tadpole-but other folks can. If you want tew save trouble and expense, buy your carpets of I. H. Fonda, & Co, When you buy your groceries, remember that Esselstyn's is the place tew go for he has all kinds. An individual tew be a fine gentleman, has either got to be born so or be brought up to it from infancy; he kante learn suddenly any more than he can learn to talk iujun korrectly by practicing on a tommyhawk. "Papa," said a little urchin to his father the other day, "I saw an editor go down street the other day." "Did you, sonny? How did you know he was an editor?" "Cause I did." "But, my son, he might have been a carpenter, a blacksmith, or a shoemaker." "Oh, no, papa, he was an editor, for he was gnawing a bone, he had no stockings on, the crown was out of his hat, and his coat was torn. I am sure he was an editor." Had this man just stepped into the store of Hitchcock & Co., at a trifling expense, he could have saved himself from that vile insult. H. HITCHCOCKC & C,, Successors to Fobes, Iitchcock Of Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CLOTHING I Men's Furnishing Coods, HATS, CAPS & FURS, X0o. 116 W'ashingtotn lvennue IL-ANtl'sSSINýG M CIETIGAN. JY 3 C53 p: Ty LX r 10y 3 * - The Largest and Best Stock of CLOTH$ ANW OA$$8tWM$R IN TIHE CITY', Which will be sold by the Yard, or Cut and MEade to Order in the LATEST STYLES! AGENCY OF THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. U __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ q I II I, I _ I -- - _ C _ i I i J I 2 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. ~~~ ~ I I ~ I Il DETROIT WHITE LEAD.-It will be seen by an advertisement elsewhere, that the white lead used in painting the north wing of the Russell House, that part fronting on Michigan avenue, is of home manufacture, having been made at the Detroit White Lead Works of Messrs. Worcester, Laible, & Standish, The building is particularly distinguishable for its remarkable whiteness, and has been universally admired. The testimony of two practical painters, employed in painting the building, is that the Detroit white lead is of superior body and better covering qualities to that used on the remainder of the building for the outside coat. This is a worthy testimonial to home manufacture.Advertiser and Tribune. Pure Peninsula Lead is unsurpassed in whiteness, fineness, and durability. It is whiter, more finely ground, and contains greater body and duration than any White Lead in the United States. Sold by Brisbin & Conely, Agents for Detroit White Lead Works. TRUE MERIT NEEDS NO PRAISE. This is the case with the Tremont House, Jackson. The well-known reputation of the hosts of this popular house could not be bettered by anything we might say. Mr. F. L. SMITH, has been connected with hotels for nearly twelve years; and has, during that time, been employed in most of the First Class Houses of the State. L. D. HURD, has long been known as the Landlord of the Tremont. This, we think, is a sufficient guarantee that they know "how to keep a Hotel," and we but reiterate the sentiments of all who may have had the pleasure of stopping with them, when we say: "They are the right men and in the right place." Those who may have business in Jackson cannot find a better House for the same price than the Tremont. Give them a calL A radical change is about to be effected in the mode of shoeing horses in France. The old fashioned shoe is to be altogether discarded; the hoof of the horse will be allowed to grow naturally, and it will be protected against accidents and wear and tear by being enclosed in a thin circle of iron, which will preserve it from danger without compressing it. SWomaN is a delusion; but men hug delusions. I Brisbin k Conely, General Druggists and Apothecaries, and Dealers in CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, Whtt 'TtA4, | itw Whit t Nw*, Ltvttg Aud Coloo. ALSO, [Linseed, Lard and Carbon Oils! GROCERIES AND TOBACCOS! PURE IT"I.7ES, BRJI.DIE S and IaHISKE YS. ALL OF THE ABOVE WVE OFFER AT PRICES THAT ARE VERY LOW I - 00 -AGENTS FOR THE ThOtT0T Wfltrt Lt AV WO0K$ G. S. BRISBIJX~. IrE.YR r F. CO.JEL r. II lu I I 1867. 1868. SMITH & HURD, PROPRIETORS. J ACIt~EdS ~N, - - - wMICHIGC-.AN. 00 ----oo--- ----- Having recently enlarged, refurnished and thoroughly renovated the above House, we now ask for a continuance of the public patronage. It is located in the centre of the business portion of the city, and But two Blocks from the M1. C., and J., L. & S. Railroad Depots. STAGES LEAVE THE HOUSE DAILY FOR ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY F. L. SMITH. L. C. HURD. r; c LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 3 T4I IIA Washington.tventle, Lansing, *JIWich. SMITH & CRISSMAN, PROP'S. WARM MEALS AT ALL HOURS I SHELL OYSTERS and CLAMS! Lobsters and Sardines, Pigs Feet, Broiled Ham, Pickled Tongue, Pickled Tripe, Game and Vish. REGULAR MEALS, AS FOLLOWS: Breakfast from 61 to 8 A. M. Dinner friom 12~ to 2 P. M. Supper from 6 to 8 P. M. ow ALES AND WINES! PURE HAVANA CIGARS, AND CHOICE TOBACCOS I Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Confectioneries and Nuts. BOARD BY THE DAY OR WEEKI Reimember the Place! STAR RESTAURANT, Wash. Ave., East Side, 5th door north 2d JXat. Bank. J. L. SrrMITH, of the Star, favorably known as the leading first class Restarant of Central Michigan, has recently associated with him P. H. CRIsSMAxN, of Grand Rapids, and the firm have removed the above Restaurant, from the Hinman Block, opposite the Capitol, to the 5th door north of 2d National Bank, on Washington Avenue, where they are prepared to serve Warm Meals a- all hours, day and night. They have also a few pleasant rooms for the accommodation of transient guests. A large stock of choice Ales and Wines; also, pure Hlavanna Cigars and best brand Tobacco always on hand. They also keep a good assortment of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Candies, Nuts, Holiday Toys, etc. It is the only house in the city where Clams and Shell Oysters are kept; Can and Keg Oysters warranted fresh, at wholesale and retail. Farmers having produce to dispose of will find it to their advantage to stop at the " Star," where they will always get the highest market price in cash, for Butter,!Eggs, Dried Fruits, Honey, etc., etc. THE SuNKEN LAE.-The Sentinel published at Jacksonville, Oregon, of the 12th ult., says: Several of our citizens returned last week from a visit from the Great Sunken Lake, situated in Cascade Mountains, about seventyfive miles north-east from Jacksonville. This lake rivals the famous valley of Sinbad the sailor. It is thonght to average 2,000 feet down to tne water all round. The walls are almost perpendicular, running down into the water, and leaving no beach. The depth of the water is unknown, and its surface is smooth and unruffled, and lies so far below the surface of the mountain that the air currents do not affect it. Its length is estimated at twelve miles, and its breadth at ten. No living man ever has, and probably never will be able to reach the water's edge. It lies silent, sBill and mysterious, in the bosom of the "everlasting hills," like a huge well, scooped out by the hands of the giant gem of the mountain, in unknown ages gone by, and around it the primeval forests watch and ward are keeping. The visiting party fired a rifle several times into the water at an angle of forty-five degrees, and were able to note several seconds of time from the report of the gun until the ball struck the water. Such seems incredible but is vouched for by some of our most reliable citizens. The lake is certainly a most remarkable cu riosity. J, L. ImmiITiT. P. NV. CRISSIMA.N. 4 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES CASUALTY. That system and management render everything possible is proved by the success which has been won by this company, even from misfortune. That all should mutually agree to afford relief and indemnity to any suffering from accidents to which every one is liable, is the principle upon which this association is based, and the skillful adjustment and consumate execution of the plan have made it a blessing to many and a source of profit to those who have embarked in the enterprise. As our only mutual accident company, -as one that has amassed during the short term of its existence a handsome surplus, and which, by the excellence of its organization and remarkable executive ability, has undoubted claims to general favor and confidence, we commend it to the favorable consideration of insurance agents and the insuring public, which should include all who are subject to accidents and have the wisdom to provide against their worst consequences.-N. Y. Insurance Monitor, for October, 1867. Insurance effected on the lives of Horses and Cattle, by House, Jones & Porter, Lansing, Michigan. CINCINNATI HOME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. In the July number of the MOXITOR we alluded as delicately as possible to a communication from a highly respectable source, charging some of the officers of this company with borrowing $103,000 in U. S. bonds, merely for the sake of defeating the Illinois insurance law. This accusation is reiterated more circumstantially in the St. Louis Insurance Review. How long will the company remain content to lie under this infamous imputation, including perjury and a shameless betrayal of public confidence? We shall be only too happy to open our columns to a refutation of a charge so damaging to its interests and which ought to be no longer suffered to pass unchallenged.-N. Y. Insurance Monitor, for October, 1867. Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance Policies issued in first class companies, by House, Jones & Porter, Lansing, Michigan. Prompt attention given to locating State lands and payment of Taxes, by House, Jones & Porter, Lansing, Michiganu Insuranee and Real Estate Agency! HOUSEJONES&PORTER! Ceneral Insurance, REAL ESTATE & TAX AGENOY Lansing, -m - Michigan. FARMS, DWELLINGS, CITY LOTS AND OTHER REAL ESTATE! Varying in Value from $250 to $13,000. NOW IN OUR HANDS TO BE DISPOSED OF! CREAT BARCAINS OFFERED. 00 Persons desirous to sell Real Estate, can do so on short notice, through this Agency for a small commission. Will pay Taxes, and take a General Supervision of Property in any part of the State for Eon-residents. We are General Agts. for the following Insurance Companies: ENTERPRISE FIRE AND MARINE INS. COMPANY, Of Cincinnati, Capital "1,000.000. Combining both Stock and JMutual Plans. U. S. CASUALTY COMPANY! The Only Mutual Accident Company in America. LOCAL AND TRAVELING AGENTS WANTED. Fire, Life, Inland and Live Stock Insurance Policies issued at this Agency, in- the following First Class Companies: jEtna, of Hartford.................... $4,075,000 Corn Exchange, of New York,............ $501,000 North America, of Philadelphia,........... 1,700,000 Merchants', Chicago,......................... 20,000 Home, of New Haven....................... 1,440,000 Albany City, Albany,............. 2560,000 Security, of New York....................... 1,430,000 Michigan State Adrian...................... 1900co Enterprise, Cincinnati,.................... 1,126,000 Continental Life, Hartford,........... 000,000 North American of 1New York,........... 765,000 U. S. Casualty, N. Y.,...................... 150,040 Merchants', of Hartford,.................. 400,000 Hartford Live Stock,........................ 600,000 City Fire, of Hartford,................. 400,000 Railway Passengers', of Hartford,............. 200,000 Daily, Weekly, Jlonthly and Yearly ACCIDENT POLICIES! ISSUTJED D. GEO. H. HOUSE. N. B. JONES. JAB. B, PORTER. IC- - g -~ I ~ ~ I I -- - - - I I ~ LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 5 _ I~ I ~ I ~ _ IL L1 ~ ~s ~ -r~ HITCHCOCK & BROTHER, DEALERS IN3 Books, Stationery! WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES and FIXTURES, P IC TTJ3 E:E I PICTURE-FRAMES AND MOLDINCS, SILVER WARE, WATCHES, JEWELRY, TOILET and FAIANCY GOODS, Notions, Toys, &c., ALL OF WHICH THEY WILL SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. SOLEMN TRUTHS. Should our neighbor Viele tell you, That you need no further go; For the goods you wish to purchase, Don't believe him: 'tis not so. Other folks are keeping notions, Others too, are selling goods; Though he swear, at his devotions, " All but him are in the woods." You can buy as cheap and cheaper, Just by going south one door; So please exercise your peepers, Looking through the NEW BooK STORE. We shall never cry "no humbug," But they seem to think in honor; They snould make some such announcement, At our neighbor's on the corner. H. & B. "Julia, here are two cakes-one for you and one for Mary. Mary don't want hers now, and you may carry it for her till we get home." After a while the mother observed that Miss Julia began eating the second cake, having already disposed of one. Of course she thought it was time to speak. " Julia, whose cake are you eating?" "Mine, ma." "And where is Mary's?" ' Why, I eat hers up first." A paper tells of a visit to a cave near Augusta, Ga. While the party were within, investigating the gloomy interior, there was noticed an old colored man standing on the outside, who was asked: "Say, uncle, why don't you go into the cave?" "Ah, my master," said he, "de Lord knows I see trouble enough on the top of the earth. I don't go into dat hole a searching arter misery." Quilp, seeing his friend bow to an exceedingly corpulent man, who had just alighted from an omnibus, inquired who he was. "That's Smith, the great corporation contractor." "Indeed," said Quilp, "he looks more like a corporation expander." A Dutchman, with a bad wife, told his master that "she was tronk all te tay Saturday night, and all to-night Sunday morning, and I vos so vild that I kick ter stairs right down her." ELOQUENCE.-Dr. Lyman Beecher, when lecturing his theological class thus defined eloquence: said he, "young gentlemen, eloquence is to get drunk, fall off the subject, then pull put the bung and let it flicker." Real Estate of all classes sold on Commission, by House, Jones & Porter, Lansing, Michigan. PLEASE CALL_1 AND S~:EE! SIT THIE SJ JIE PL6ACE, Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Repaired! SILVER JEWELRY MADE AND ENGRAVED, RINGS, PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS ENGRAVED. 4tll Il'ork warranted to give entire satisfaction by Long ICnowvn as the Best Practical Watchmaker in Lansing! Relmember the Store, CORNER MICH. AND WASHINGTON AVENUE, Lansing, Michigan.,L III _ ~ L~I _~__ __~_~~m I Y _ __ 6 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. I -- L WORKING MASONS. We fully endorse the views of our cotemporary as expressed in the following article: "Included under the general head of Freemasons, there are several varieties of craftsmen, of which it is well occasionally, to ' take due notice.' It Is not a difficult task on visiting a iodge, and comparing the names of those present with the names on the roll o0 members, to divide the latter at once into two classes-the working Masons, and the idle ones-let us look at them and note their characteristics. The working Mason is one who not only feels a deep interest in the welfare of the lodge and the general prosperity of the Order, but proves by his acts the reality and sincerity of that feeling. He is present at every meeting of his lodge, unless prevented by duties which have a still higher claim on him -his duty to his country, to his family, or his God. We do not mean by working Masons, particularly, one who takes a part in what is technically known as the work of the lodge-that is the rituals, or the conferring of degrees; but one who regularly attends his lodge, and while there discharges any duty that may be assigned to him. If nothing of this kind falls to his lot, he is still attentive to the proceedings, gives his counsel and advice to preserve the harmony and prosperity of the lodge, and is competent to fill any station where he may be required for the time being. This is a working Mason. "Now for the idle: They go to the lodge when summoned, or when there is some great occasion, or when they have to pay dues to avoid being suspended, and scarcely ever at any other time. And even then they feel no interest in the lodge, unless that interest should center upon themselves. They attend so rarely that they are not qualified to do anythin'g when they are present, and as soon as the special object of the visit is accomplished, they ask permission to retire, they wish to go to the theatre, or to a political meeting, or to meet a business friend, etc. These are generally very worthy men, industrious, thriving, honorable, but they are not working Masons. " It would be interesting, and furnish a curious exhibit, to know what portion of the members of lodges are working Masons. Say in a lodge of one hundred members, how many are regular attendants? Are there twentyfive, or one-fourth? We doubt if, in a A. R. THAYER, Successor to Moltmes & Thayer, DEILE IIRUIIS! IPATENT MEDICINES, FANCY, TOILET COODS, AND EVERY VARIETY OF MEDICAL MERCHANDISE GROCERIES! Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. "00----- I now have the LAIRGEST STOCIK and BEST ASSORTIMIENT of GoodB in my line, ever offered for sale in this City, and can OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS I To Dealersm Physicians and others, who buy in large quantities. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. A. I R. TrHA.YER. - ~ I _ _ __ __C __ _ __ _ __ LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 7 I I, ) S WAN KE A 125 Washington Ave. HAS FILLED UPE HIS N'T With the Best and Largest stock of Ever brought into Central Michigan, which will be SOLD AT LOWER PRICES than the same Goods have been sold for the last six years. A LARGE STOCK OF Leather and Findings! AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. gort laMA;hto at 41t0leo031tol As Cheap as they can be obtained anywhere West of New York.. ---oo-------- BOOTS AND SHOES O every description, Made to Order by the R BEST OF WOKMEN, large majority of the lodges, there are more than thal number; now if we set aside as many more who have legitimate crcuses or non-attendance, 1 here will remain jase fifty per cent. ofdrones! The remsaing members may be called working Masons." NEwsPAPER.-In a lecture upon newspapers, delivered in Philadelphia by Rev. De Witt Talmadge, he said: "I now declare tha. I consider the newspapers to be hbe 3o:and agency by which ihe Gospel is preachecd, ignorance casl out, oppressior dethroned, crime ex-;rpated, tie rTo 'd raised, heaven rejoiced and God glorJ'ed. Tr the clsaking op.he printing press as sheets fly out, I hear ihe voice o. -'e Lord Almighty proclaiming Lo p 1 he dead nations o the earth, ' Lazarus, come forth!' ao.d to he ret ea ling surges of darkness, ' Let there be light. " "Will you have a daily Sun?" said a news boy to Mrs. Partington. "Will you have a daily son? Why, you little scapegrace! How dare you insinurte against a lone woman! No, indeed-I guess I won't have a daily son. My dear, poor husband used to complain awfully when I presented him with a yearly son, indeed! Begone, you little upstart imp!" And the old lady called for the tarkey-tail fan to keep from swooning. A genius living in California made a nerve and bone all-healing salve, and thought he would expermentalize a little with it. He first cut off his dog's tail and applied some of the salve to the stump. A new ta1; grew out immediately. He then applied some to the peace of to; which be cut off. and a new dog g, ew out. He c.d rot know which dog was which. "How do you and your friends feel now?" said an exultant politician n one of our Western States, to a rather irritable member of the de'eated party. "I suppose" said the latter," "we feel just like Lazarus did when he was licked by dogs." A young lady after reading attentively the title of a novel called the:' Last Man," exclaimed: "Bless me!?f such a thing should happen, what would become oZ the women?" We thirk a more pertinent inquiry is, " what would become of the poor man?" a. -J D W AI.R IR.AW Lr TETE D! I I,,,, 8 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. U A band of Indians made a sudden attack on a detachment of our soldiers in the mountains. The soldiers had a mountain howitzer, mounted on a mule. Not having t1me to take it off and get it in position, they backed up the mule and let drive at the Indians. The load was so heavy that: mule and all went tumbling down the hill toward the savages, who, not understanding that kind of warfare, fled like deers. Afterward one of them was captured, and when asked why they run so, replied: "Me big Injun, not afraid of little guns or big guns, but when a white man load up and fire a whole jackass at Injun, me don't know what to do." ONE of the unfailing sources of comfort on a cold day, is a Key Stone Stove. DoN'T you know that people are rejecting elevated Reservoirs, and are buying those that are on a level with the top of the stove? Ir you should ax us if we have any axes, we would ax you yes; and ax you if you want a good axe. Then if you should ax us the price of our axes, we would ax you from $1 35 to $3 00 an axe. " EAT, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow ye may die." This is an old saying, and should it be true, we know of no better place to begin than at the Star Restaurant, on Washington Av. This place is under the control of old and experienced caterers, who have made it their buisness for years, and as they are both gentlemen, we have no hesitancy in recommending them to the public. PEESONS wishing to purchase Lamps, should not fail to call and see the splendid assortment just received by A. R. Thayer. At a crowded concert, a young lady standing at the door of the hall, was addressed by an honest Hibernian who was in attendance, "Indade, Miss, I should be glad to give you a sate, but the empty ones are all full." Valuable Farms and City property for sale by House, Jones & Porter, Lansing, Michigan. FoB a warm meal, go to the Star Restaurant, and you will get anything you may wish. Give them a call, and find the truth of this. REDUCTION! REDUCTION! To be Closed Out to make room for AmRICULT'RL IMPLEMENTSI We will, from date, sell our Large Stock and Full Assortment of Stoves, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! THIS PROMISE IS IN GOOD FAITH "WE KEEP ON HAND A Cood Assortment of FEED CUTTERS, CORN SHELLERS, SAWS, NAILS, FORKS, TUBS, WOOD SAWERS, CRAIN DRILLS, AXES, CLASS, SHOVELS, &C., &C., TT W SE ' Wg AGONS AND SgTIG5 SI AN IMPROVED BOB-SLEIGH, SLEIGH SHOES, - 00-- WE ARE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD! If Goods decline, you will find us declining or declined. R CALL AND SEE US! MICH. AVENUE, 2 DOOS WEST MIDDLE TOWN BRIDGE. ARTLMSTIRONG & SAINT. I I I - _ _ _ - I ~ __, ~ _ ~a~ I I ULc-~ -~~-Y~L~~-I- yd LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 9,,,= ~ I ~ I I srI~l is i~r R. The Attention of Dealers and Consumers, is called to Our Mammoth Stock of Teas, Teas, Teas, Coffees, Coffees, Coffees, Sugars, Sugars, Sugars, Molasses, Molasses, Molasses, Spices, Spices, Spices, Wooden In this connection we would take occasion to thank our many patrons for the favors so liberally bestowed in the past, and to assure them that we shall spare no endeavor in the future to sustain the reputation of selling good goods at low prices! Our stock of Teas is unequalled in Central Michigan, embracing all the leading varieties of Old Hyson, Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial, Japan and Orlong, all of which are selected with the utmost care and are guaranteed to suit the taste of the most fastidious, the money being refunded whenever from any cause dissatisfaction arises; and as in all things else, we wish it thoroughly understood that we will give cur customers as good an article, at as low a price as can be obtained elsewhere in the State. E. B. MILLAR, & CO. GERMAN IhIMMGRATION. The increasing immigration from Germany to the United States, says the Philadelphia Press, is accounted for by foreign journalists, as arising from the fear, of the new Band, and more particularly of Prussia, that a vast increase in the army will be requisite to carry out the ambitious projects of Count Bismarck. As it is, every able-bodied man in Prussia must begin life with a certain amount of military service. A pressing conscription would almost ruin the peasantry, as well as the skillled artisans in the cities and tows of Prussia. Hence the strong flow of the tide of immigration to this country. These Germans are industrious, saving, well conducted, and fairly educated. They have a passion for music and a penchant for lager, but generally speaking, exhibit few of the flagrant vices which fill our calendar of crime. If there were any means short of actually prohibiting immigration, it is almost certain that Count Bismarck would put it into operation. As it is, thanks to his ambition, Prussia loses and we gain a large and excellent description of industrious Germans. It is well said that whisky is a nonconductor, because it never' conducted wealth into a man's pocket, happiness to his family, or respectability to his character. In all these things it has proved a non-conductor and therefore it is best to let it alone. HONESTY.-An honest man is able to speak for himself, when a kaave is not. -ShakJspeare. Wooden-ware, ware. FWe Ihave now in Store, the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF COODS! In our line, ever before offered to the hungry people of Lansing. Our facilities enable us to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS! To our customers, and we cordially invite your attention. E. B. IILLAR & CO. Lansing,.7ov. 1st, 1867. I ~ r ~ I L ~ ~- I II I - _ I I - 2w a I ----m~ I S I L- -I - _I Y I~.~ L 10 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. _-4-~-9L--- C -~ I I _ _1 _,,_ _ IlI r rrr I rr g DI I LL ~-L~ I -- 1 THE STUDY AND PRACTICE OF EcoNoMv.-In times like these it behooves all classes to economize, to make a dollar go as far as possible; consequently it is an object with all, in purchasing any kind of goods, to find where the greatest bargains can be had. To those in want of Books, Bibles, (Family or Pocket) Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Photograph Albums, Pocket Diaries, Portfolios and Stationery of all kinds, we would suggest a place where great bargains are constantly being given to buyers-Bordwell's Bookstore, 106 Washington Avenue, opposite Capitol. The special attention of Builders, Mechanics and Farmers, as well as all other consumers of Hardware, is called to the stock of goods kept by T. B. Thrift. There is not perhaps, a more carefully selected stock od general Hardware kept in any retail store in the State, than is to be found in this establishment. Mr. Thrift has made the hardware trade a specialty for several years, and feels confident in saying to the consumers of goods in his line, that he can give them better goods at lower prices, than any other establishment in the country. Call and see, at No. 106, Washington Avenue, opposite the Capitol. ENGLISH LAND MONOPOLISTS.-In Ireland a deputation of progressionists have been holding energetic assemblages, and have, through Mr. Ernest Jones, caused a stirring revival of the "land question." Mr. Jones shows, among other interesting facts, that the 71,000,000 acres of land, in the three kingdoms are wholly in the possession of 34,000 owners; and adds some not more important, but rather more suggestive, details, proving the enormous power now wielded by an extremely limited number of property holderssuch as that the Marquis of Breadelbane can any day "ride one hundred miles in a straight line through his property from his own door;" that the Duke of Cleveland may do likewise for a distance of twenty-three miles; that tbe Duke of Richmond holds 3;0 000 acres in the heart of England; and that the Marchioness of Stafford not long ago wielded her power so unwisely as to deprive her tenants of nearly 800,000 acres, for the selfish purpose of turning their farms into deer forests or sheep walks. Go and look at Bordwell's Wall Paper, Window Shades, (oil paper), before purchasing elsewhere. BORDWELL'S BOOKSTORE! MILLER & CO.'S PIANOS siPRINCE & CO.'8 _ -` MELOBEONS ALL IrEA.DY FOR S ABUNDANCE OF EVER G IN OUR LE. ABUNDANCE OF. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE. SCHOOL BOOKS! BY THE THOUSAND. VERY CHEAP. School Stationery, Fancy Goods in Great Quantities. They are also Agents for Miller & Co.'s Piano Fortes, and Prince & Co.'s Celebrated Organs and Melodeons. BORDWELL'S BOOKSTORE, Opposite the Capitol, 106 Washington.lve. T. WTI E IrC9 6^8 MO ^ "ES E^ a~E=bl^^ TlBa'^ C) C) c'o.~ s C) +:?fl~ ~r rf~FF CHt c C)~ " C-t CDpt ý71 SPECIAL DEALKER IN -W A DV A Iron, Nails, Glass, Cutlery, Wooden-Ware. Cabs, and all Goods pertaining to the Hardware Trade. A FTULL AND SPLENDID ST'OCK! Store 104 Washington avenue. -. - - U ',,, ',, I...... ' " _ _ LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 11 THE CITY BOOK STORE. OTUa OLvoTTo Is Largest Stock, Best Goods and Lowest Prices in Lansing! This is confirmed by the numerous Customers that throng the Store, and amount of Goods sold daily. - 00------- OUJR BOOK DEPARTAMENT Comprises every thing in the line of Standard, Miscellaneous, Poetical, and Juvenile Books. Blank Books in every desirable style and quality. All the School Books in use in this vicinity. Any book not on hand will be ordered at once. OUIR STATIONERY Is selected with special care as to quality and particular adaptation to a first class trade, and is sold is low as any house in the trade. Try it. AM1ERICAN WATCHE_. A full line of American and Imported Watches, constantly on hand-Gold and silver cases. We have a full stock of Ladies' Gold Watches, in Plain, Engine turned, Engraved and Enameled Cases. We sell a good imported Lever Watch, coin silver case, warranted, for $15. Au American Watch, coin silver case, warranted, for $25. WATCH-I REPAIRING. I keep a first class Jeveler and Watchwill attend to all work left in his care, in IL CR the best style of the art. All work war--j < J _ ' ranted. O 0a Our stock of fine Jewelry is seldom sur4 Ipassed in style, quality and price; comI T, 9 prising all the late styles of Coral, AtrusScan, Jet, Onyx, Amethist and Garnet Jewelry. Fine, solid Gold Rings, etc. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Chains, Charms, Bracelets, cheaper than can be bought west of New York. SILVER WARE In every conceivable style and of the best quality. Nickle Silver, tripple plated, Foiks, Spoons, Tea Setts, Cake Baskets, Goblets, Ice Pitchers, Trays, Castors, Vases, Card Receivers and Ornaments, Table Cutlery, Fancy Goods, Perfumery, etc., etc. WALL PAPEIR AND WINDOW-SHADES, Both Plain and Decorative, styles very desirable and too numerous to mention. Wall Paper, price rang. ing from i5 Rolls for $1, to $2 per Roll. No taste 1 l can fail to be suited. Take a look and satisfy yourselves. PICTURES AND PICTIURE FRAMIE8 In every style--Frames made to order. Gilt, Rosewood and Blackwalnut. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Oar Motto-Largest Stock, Best and Cheapest Goods in Lansing. A FISHING JArNT.-An English nobleman who had heard glowing accounts of our blue fishing on the south side, became so enamored of it that he determined to visit the country to enjoy it. He crossed the Atlantic in a Cunard steamer, when he reached the dock he hired a hack to take him to the Long Island railroad depot, which was then at the South Ferry. He arrived when a train was about leaving, and stepped on board, went directly to Islip. There he fished for two weeks, having, fortunately, excellent luck. At the end of that time he returned by the early train to New York, took another hack from the depot and caught the same steamer that brought him over, in time to leave by her at 12 o'clock. In bidding America good by, he said that he had had delightful sport, and had enjoyed himself exceedingly, and thought he should come again. All he had seen of our land after a trip of a few thousand miles, was a few dirty streets and a strip of sand beach. He did not even take the trouble to spend a day in New York. All he came for was the fishing, and that was good enough to remunerate him. We should have mentioned that he bought his fishing tackle of A. J. Velie, who always keeps - full assortment. THE AWARDS AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION. According to the previous authentic reports, fully corroborated by a dispatch just received at this office, four gold medals have been awarded to exhibitors of pianos at the Paris exposition. To Messrs. Broadwood, of London, a house nearly one hundred and forty years in existence, closely identified with the rise and progress of pianoforte manufacture, and still the most extensive firm in Europe, having done much for the social welfare of their workmen, a complimentary gold medal. Exhibit grand pianos only, parallel strings. To Messrs. Steinway & Sons, of New York, showing the greatest perfection in all three styles, grand, square and upright, and new and valuable inventions, representing tJe greatest progress in the art of pianoforte manufacture, a gold medal. All overstrung scale. To Messrs. Chickering & Sons, Boston, for great perfection in the old system of constructing grand pianos, with parallel strings, a gold medal. To Streicher, of Vienna, grand piano with overstrung scales, after the Steinway system, fourth gold medaL mm 12 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. The International Jury consisted of seven gentlemen, the United States not being represented. It is therefore a matter of no little pride to the musical public of America that the first and second gold medals, in order of merit, were awarded to this country. The above is a synopsis of the report of the Jury, which we shall give to our readers as soon as officially published and in our hands. We shall of course confine ourselves strictly to the award and doings of the Jury, decorations and orders being outside and.personal matters, without the slighest connection with the merits of the instruments exhibited. A cable telegram, dated Paris, July 14, informed the Messrs. Steinway & Sons, of this city, that, in addition to the First Gold Medal of Merit awarded to them by the International Jury at the Universal Exposition, the Societr des Beaux Arts, after a careful examination and comparison of all the pianofortes exhibited, awarded to Messrs. Steinway & Sons their Grand Testimonial Medal for greatest perfection and novelty of construction in grand, square, and upright pianos. This voluntary testimonial, from a society of such. high standing, is only second in importance to the verdict of the International Jury.-NY. Review. MUSIC A' T HOME. The last campaign of the pianofortemakers in Paris exhibits many amusing traits. One of the funniest is undoubtedly the statement originating from the fertile brain of the mouthpiece of Messrs. Chickering & Sons, in New York, to the effect that our friend Liszt, according to these disinterested persons, had but two wishes in the world, namely, to see Niagara Falls and to play on a Chickering piano. We can readily understand that Liszt laughed heartily when he heard of this little extravaganza; and we can also understand that the attempt to make his bust the means of a base reclame met with his greatest displeasure, just as it was looked upon by all respectabi European papers, a class which, as a matfry of course, does not include La France Musicale. Persons wishing to purchase Lamps should not fail to 'll and see the splendid assortment juat, received by A. B. Thayer. Persons wishing to purchase Lamps should not fail to call and see the splendid assortment just received by A. R. Thayer. Viele's Music Hall! ------*-t----- In connection with New York prices. the City Book Store, The Taylor and may be found the. Farley, Esty, Mason above institution, and Hamlin, Phelps where at all times a n d Goodmans' will be found a full K Organs and Melostock of the Fa- deons. I have the mous Steinway, Em.- N wholesale agency of erson, Steck, Vose, y the above instruand Gale Pianos, at " ments, and desire an agent in every county in the State, to whom liberal terms will be given. Teachers, Schools, Churches and Clergymen supplied at a liberal discount. A full stock of Guitars, Violins, Sheet Music and all kinds of Musical Merchandisc kept on hand. Teachers supplied at the usual discount. Address A. J. Viele, Lansing, Michigan. IlUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED! 0 Iddl 0 - o0 AND HAS THE REVERSIBLE FEEDI It combines all the good qualities of other first class Machines and possesses many advantages over any and all of them. Is the most simple and perfect in its mechanical construction, of any Sewing Machine yet offered to the public, and the only.one capable of making more than one kind of stitch. The feed may be reversed at any point desired without stopping the Machine. Changes for the various stitches may be made while the machine is in motion. Sews light and heavy fabrics with equal facility. The work will feed either to the right or left. Runs quietly; sews rapidly. No difficulty experienced in sewing across thick seams. Tailors cannot afford to do without one. Every family should have a "Florence." No springs to get out of order. The hemmer the most practical in use. Turns wide and narrow hems, and will fell beautifully. It braids neatly and handsomely without the slighest alteration. The most inexperienced find no difficulty in using it. It will substantiate all we claim for it. BARNUJM'S Self Sewer, Hemmer, and all necessary Tools furnished with each Machine. 1. 1J. Viele,.lgent, City Bookstore. tm~! LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 13 I. U SHATTUCK & MURPHY, House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTERS! SHOP OVER PECK'S CLOTHINC STORE! We respectfully announce to the citizens of'Lansing and vicinity that we are prepared to answer ALL CALLS IN OUR LINE Which will meet WITH PROMPT ATTENTION I Lansing, Nov. 16th, 1867. TEETH! EXTRIJCTED Or the Danger of Chloroform or Ether, by means of the celebrated NITROUS OXYDE (" Laughiing Gas,") And all branches of DENTISTRY! CAREFULLY EXECUTED. Office over Crockry Store, Capital Hall entrance, Lansing, - " Michigan. H.C.ROGKWELL, D. D. 8., Graduate of fte Penn. Co~lege of Dental Surgery. I-, & a 2 0 E z 2 U 0. 4 Ut$ * 1* *o* ^s m co The attention of the people of Lansing and vicinity, is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Shattuck & Murphy, who have taken rooms over the store of D. G. Peck, and who propose to carry on the painting business in all its branches. They are both young men and good fellows, and we most heartily wish them the success their efforts most truly deserve. The "Colton Dental Association" have during *e past three years given the celebrated Laughing Gas, to over thirty thousand different patients, and without accident, Dr. Rockwell, whose advertisement will be found on this page, has introduced and is using it in this city, and with the experience of 2,000 cases, during a time of four years, and with a new and improved apparatus, will be found ready at all times to operate for such as may desire. A& Call and see the names of those who have taken it during the past few months in this city, and be convinced. "RicHnmoND's HnMSLsi AGAN."-Mr. B. P. Richmond, has located himself at the City Crockery store, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in the jewelry line. Judging from the past, we predict that the time is not far distant, when he will be compelled to procure larger quarters. All those in want of anything in the line of repairing, engraving, &c., would do well to leave their orders with him. It is with pleasure that we refer our eaders to the advertisement of Mr. L. S. Jedison, of the "Union Market." He has by strict and careful dealing won for himself a reputation second to none; and it is his intention to continue to merit a share of the public patronage. " Jen" knows his business thoroughly, and makes it a rule to serve all alike. Those in want of anything in his line will do well to give him a call. The custom prevails in Russia of cutting off the hair of a widow and burying it with the body of her husband. So rigorously is it practiced, that the blonde locks of the young and beautiful Countess de Monry were not Ntpared, though she was the wife of a Frenchman. So exacting and barbarous a custom is almost enough to make a widow wish her husband back again. *tat mathrt+ I take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Lansing and vicinity, that I have on hand, and shall continue to keep a CHOICE LOT OF MEATS Both Salt and Freshd Sausage, Fowls, Fish, &c., which I will sell as Low as the lowest. Va Highest Market Price paid for Beeves, Sheep, Hogs and Poultry. MfIarket on HWash. Ave., 2 doors South of Ingersoll4. L. S. JENISON. I -- -- - MEMM I "I - 'PB~RIII~WI ~ ICIIRI~I I I,~L~ha,, ~ II ~ I ~ 14. LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. r~~YC~ -CmNI mI I. ~ -- I---- a LIFE.-Prior. Thus we act; and thus we are, Or toss'd by hope or sunk by care. With endless pain this man pursues What, if he gained, he could not use: And t'other fondly hopes to see Wbat never was nor e'er shall be. We err by use, go wrong by rules, In gesture grave, in action fools: We join hypocrisy to pride, Doubling the faults we strive to hide. MAN.-A man that is temperate, generous, valiant, Chaste, Faithful, and honest, may at the same time, have wit, humor, mirth, gooe-breeding, and gallantry. While he exerts these latter qualities, twenty occasions might be invented to show he is master of the other noble virtues RELIGION.-If we are told a man is religious, we still ask, what are his morals? But if we hear at first that he has honest morals, and is a man of natural justice and good temper, we seldom think of the other question, whether he be religious and devout?Shqftesbury. AcQUAnTANCE.-W-hat makes us like new acquaintances is not so much any weariness of our old ones, or the pleasure of change, as disgust at not being sufficiently admired by those who know us too well, and the hope of being more so by those who do not know so much of us.-La Rochefoncauld. ACTING.-It is hard to personate and act a part along; for where truth is not at the bottom, nature will always be endeavoring to return, and will peep out and betray herself one time or other.- Tillotson. CHARACTER -The best rules to form a yourg man are, to talk little, to hear much, to reflect alone upon what has passed in company, to distrust one's own opinions, and value others that deserve it.-Sir William Temple. ACQUIREMENT.-That which we acquire with the most difficulty we retain the longest; as those who have earned a fortune are usually more careful than those who have inherited one.-Colton. ACTING. There is no secret in the heart which our actions do not disclose. The most consummate hoypocrite cannot at all times conceal the workings of the mind.--From the ]French. ACQUAINTANCE.-It is good discretion not to make too much of any man at the first; because one cannot hold out that proportion.-Lord Bacon. fS! For Bargains, go to Lees! Merit is Born with MenO-Happy those with whom it Dies, NO. 108 WASH. AVENUE! Opposite the Capitol.. *C3 * I,r3 r k 8 6 'C CI 3 U c 4 g t^ O C% O ** * 4 4 6 I a H. A. LEE'S ALWVCAYS ON HANI) A Complete Stock, equal in Style, Quality and Cheapness, to any offered in Lansing. Prints, Sheetings, Delaines, Ginghams, Denims, Tickings, Stripe Shirting, Cottonades, Jeans, Flannels. Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Fancy Coatings and Low Priced Woolens, Shawls, Blankets, Balmoral Skirts. Silks, Poplins, Alpaccas, all kinds of Imported Dress Goods, Linens, Table Damasks, Napkins, Diaper. Jaconet Cambrics, Nainsooks, Mulls, Counterpanes and Lace Curtains. Cluny, English Thread, Valenciennes, Smyrna and Brussell's Edgings. Velvet, Taffetta and Belt Ribbons, Buttons, Trimmings and Notions of all kinds. Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Ladies and Gentlemen's Under Clothing, Gloves, Hosiery, Alexandres Kid Gloves. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods. Particular ottention paid to the Flanufacture of Clothing in the Latest Styles. AD In entering the M1arket for the Purchase of the above named Goods, we pledge ourselves to always the offer Bottom Prices, and in all respects To Give Satisfaction! I I i cY 1 Of!! i 1 ft <%C $1 Cb <^b s.;3 Ib qSl[o9([ qlliM o d puel somtulq aspi ox 'oAoeJ o Q ieq ssou!snu~ oj, ~ ~ "a ~ I I - --- 1~- ~~-,~~, ~ ~ I ~ rr I I ~ _ _ _ _1 Ilr _1 I ~aPI. L~Y - -k I I ~ I ~ I In r LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 15 T OMN81U fNEW WAY OF PRESERVING MILK. C AITY OMNIBUS Gay Lassac has proved that milk kept Sfrom the air is preserved for a long A N D time perfectly good. Profiting by this experience, says the London Merchant's Magazine, - Mr. Maburn warms milk in a moderate temperature in a H A C IINJ.! compressed, and the orifice is closed J. W. VAN KEUREN, with solder. When the milk is used at the end of several months, it will C T. be found desirable to stir up with it C. T. MARKS, PROP'R. the cream which is formed on the up___________per part of the liquid. Mr Maburn House Sign and Ornamental having laid this process before the Painting omcce on Washtenaw St. All orders left Academy of Science for their examinatt the Lansing House vill be ation, the committee report that milk promptly attended to. pirmMpt, dhtend t.. thus preserved, after six months still w, possesses all the properties of fresh We have also in connection with this milk. A prize of fifteen hundred Establishment, a francs has been awarded to Mr. MaPartioular Attention given to burn. PAPER AN ING lV N SALE N MEAT T-Messrs. CarPAPER HAN IN michael & Stephenson have recently P P Those in want of Good Horses and two doors east of the Post Office, for Good Buggies, will do well to give us the purpos3 of carrying on a business S o P, a call. of this kind; and as they buy none but prime meats, their customers can 125 W ash. Avenue, FUNERALS and PARTIES rest assured they will be served with Over Van eren's h Store Provied ith Good Coveyaces the best of everything in the country. Over J. Van Keurens Shoe Store, o le Ternis. Success to the new Market. A. Goon THsG.-As will be seen by ME AT MARKET! L A V11 I 0 the advertisement of Mr. C. T. Marks, a gentleman who during his short stay Swith us, has already won the res--B Y- jI | pect of all, we now have one of the SM + best Omnibus and Hack lines in the Carmnael& Stepe n, State, and you can ride to any part of the city for a mere trifle. We understand that he has also opened in conDealr in all kind or reh Burgess & W oCOtt, nection wi h the above business, a first inall ft F class Livery and Sale Stable, where all a t L. 'iSL -'G, - MICH. who may wish anything in that line M E A T S can be accommodated. Passengers A conveyed to all parts of the country SHaving fitted up a Mill with all NTew at reasonable rates. Machinery for' SMOKED HAMS, Now PLAING Mm'.--Messrs. BurSmoked Tongues, Smoked Beef, Sans- DREESING, gess & Wolcott have recently opened ages of all kinds. HA'TCI-IITNG, and an establishment of this character on River Street, a short distance east of POULTRY & GAME IN THE SEASON the Lansing House, where they are LU M B ER prepared to do custom work at as reaj~* The highest market Price paid sonable rates, as any place in the city. in Cash for fat Cattle, Sheep and. Ia As everything is new, they cannot but Hogs. do good work. Satisfaction always Would announce to the citizens of Lansiog given. hop on.ch. ue, doors and vicinity that they are now prepared to hop eas on o,ih. *ve.ue ne e an do all kinds of work in their business with east of P. 0. neatness and dispatch. _. AlU k'inds of An editor published a long leader on Lanin, - - Mi iumerurnislied to Order hogs. A rival paper in the sgme vilSLocation a little east of Lansin I lage upbraids him for obtruding his B. CARMICHAL. G, W. STEPHENSON. aHouse, on River t. family matters on the public. 16 LA.NSING CITY DIRECTORY. THE COUNTERFEIT SEVEN-THIRTIES.An employe in the secret service division of the Treasury Department gives the following description of the counterfeit $1,000 notes of the second series of seven-thirties recently put into circulation: 1st. The red seal in the counterfeit is larger than in the genuine, as will be seen by measurement, on folding one of the notes through the seal. The projecting star points on the edge of the seal are blurred and uneven in comparison, and the whole seal is coarser than in the genuine. 2d. The border of the counterfeit is blurred and indistinct, while in the genuine the lathe-work is clear and regular. 3d. The best test and one that will enable any person familiar with bank notes to throw out the counterfeit at sight, is the border of the coupon. In the genuine the star comes out very clearly-in the counterfeit it is dark, blurred and indistinct. A critical comparison of all the lathe-work of the counterfeit and genuine (face and back) under a magnifying glass, will detect numerous points of difference, as well as features in the counterfeit, that would enable an expert, without comparison, to condemn it. 4th. In the vignette on the genuine, the arm of the female figure just touches the top of the P in "Pluribus." while in the counterfeit the sleeve covers all but the lower part or stem of the P. THK COURSE OF TRUE LOVE.-The Smithfield Times tells a story illustrative of the old saw, that cc the course of true love never did run smoothe." A young couple in Smithfield laid a plan to outwit the vigilence of cruel parents and elope. The sequel was thus: the youth stood beneath the window-the lady attempted to climb out,--when, oh, horror, some one detained her from the rear! " Why dost thou not come, gentle Amelia?" She answered in an agitated voice, "I can't, Bill, main's got hold of my tfilters!" ',Wonders never cease." And this is particularly the case with Dart & Davis' Store. We often wonder what they ever intend to do with that enormous stock of Hardware! jir So far as is known, the first steam-whistle was made by a workman named Adrian Stephens, at Dowlais, England, about 1832, and fitted to one of the boilers there as an alarm when the water fell short. E. W. DART. E. H. DAVIS. &DA Wholesale and Retail Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARPENTERS' & BLACKSMITHS' 0-oo TO---OS... Agents for the "STEWART" Cook Stove. I-12 Washington Avenue, City Crockery Store. WASHINCGTON AVENUE. 00 - GOLD BAND CHINA TEA-SETS, ONLY PLAIN WHITE - $25.00 15.00 China Sauce Plates, Tea Plates and Teas, for sale separate from Sets. FINE PLATED TEA SETS, SPOONS, FORKS AND BUTTER DISHES! 0Iit 0tt a & $MeP00U PTIJIIE A S COIPN. AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF GLASSWARE. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS and CHANDELIERS. Clothesr Wringers, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Goods and Toys. A. T. DAVIS &.CO. LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 17 r A. N. HART & SON, DIEALEraS INs HARDWARE P.IIJVTS JED OiLJAS, Ow n, i l f - i ri&to i r., &r. ENGLISH AND AMERIOAN TABLE AIDUi POOKET OUTLERY, ALL KINDS OF MECHANICS' TOOLS! J Full Assortment or I..T JAPANS, PUTTY, CLUE, COLORS, BRUSHES, &C:11 r Buyers are respectfully solicted to examine b-ur Stock and prices. FRANKLIN STREET, LOWER TOWN. INSTRUMENTS REQUIRING STAMPS. The following are the instruments to be stamped and the stamps to be used in ordinary business transactions. Cut this out and preserve it for reference: All notes and evidences of debt, 5 cents on each $100; if under $100, 5 cents; if over $100, 5 cents on each additional $100 or part thereof. All receipts for any amount without limit over $20, 2 cents; if $20 or under, nothing. All deeds and deeds of trust, 50 cents on each $500 in value of the property conveyed or amount secured; when a deed of trust is duly stamped, the note secured need not be, but should be indorsed to show the reason why. All appraisements of estates or estrays, 5 cents on each sheet or piece of paper. Affidavits of every description are exempt from stamp duty. Acknowledgment of deed, &c., are also exempt. Contracts and agreements, 5 cents, except for rents; when for rent, 50 cents for $300 of rent or less; if over $300, 50 cents for each $200 or less over $300. Any person interested can affix and cancel stamps. HARDWARE.-As will be seen by ad vertisement, the old firm of A. N. Hart & Son, still continue to supply the market with every thing in this line. As they have been long and favorably known to the farmers and mechanics in this vicinity, anything we might add would be of but little avail; but we do know that this firm is composed of gentlemen of honor, and that they will do all that they advertise. For the truth of this, call upon them at their well furnished store on Franklin Street, Lower Town. PAINTS AND OILS.-Those in want of anything in this line, will find it to their advantage to call upon A. N. Hart & Son. _____ MATIMIoNY.-We would say to those contemplating anything of this kind, you had best call upon A. N. Hart & Son, and examine their splendid stock of Cooking Stoves. i Anything you may want in the Tinware line, you will find at the establishment of A. N. Hart & Son. They always keep a large and complete assortment on hand. A.T. HAR T, Sr. A. A'. HART, Pr. I ~ 1 I ~-Lle~l 1 urr Y I I, II 1 I -- I I I L _ 18 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. r - Iu r Ir -= - 1 L I 1 II 1 II ~ 111 1 I THE HAm TRADE.-The trade of the world in human hair is chiefly supplied from France; but Italy, Germany and Belgium are rapidly coming into competition with her. Nunneries and other religious houses supply large quantities. The price of undressed"hair varies from $4 50 to $6 a pound, whilst in 1865 it was as high as $10 a pound. In France 150,000 pounds of human hair is sold annually, of which 30,000 pounds are exported. The sale of the raw material and its value when worked into plaits and chignons or other forms, represent the value of $16,000 -000 annually. Charles Martin always keeps a full supply of Curls, Waterfalls, Wigs, Twists, Rolls, Toupees, and in fact, everything pertaining to a first-class Ladies' Hair Dressing Establishment. THOSE IN WANT OF A HOME, will do well to read the advertisefient of Mr. C. C. Dodge. This gentleman is well known to the citizens of this city, as one of our most enterprising mechanics, and is also known to have erected more buildings than any other man in the place; but it is not to be wondered at, for he has at times, as many as sixty carpenters in his employ. He has recently connected the business of painting with that of building, and is prepared to attend to all calls in each branch. W A small boy out west one cold day was assisting his father to mark sheep with paint and brush. The father would catch a sheep and say to the boy, " Mark that." After the job was done the boy started for his home, which was some distance, and overtaken by a minister on horseback, who seeing the boy barefooted invited him to ride behind him. After the lad was seated he began to catechise him thus: "My lad, do you attend Sabbath School?" " No," was the reply. " You should attend the Sabbath School, mark that! all good children attend both Church and Sabbath School, mark that!" After many other things the minister ordered the boy to do he replied: "I've marked your back all over now, and it looks like thunder I" The reverend gentleman was somewhat astonished when he examined his coat. *B The figures say that the average duration of life is greater in the United States than in any other country. tr YOt Wt$SH A CoLAN $HAtV ---o TO--C-c C B u i B -l C4 I-d tsi ttj J- ) ]MARTIN'SW 'lfz BARBERING SALOON, Wa.hifngfton.d., Laiitar., *.. SiuAV.IG AND HAIX CUTMTs DONm IN TIIE LATEST STYLE. 13P~~nloiri L~or~#~- ~ ~ ~ a;"----lpf And everything usually kept in a First-Class Establishment. We have, also, " MARTIN'S LUSTRJE,"9 For removing Dandruff and all raumors of the Scalp. &AvbMex P out in the Phot BEoikm dIe ffimhg Our Ladies' Department is under the management of a FirstClass Artist, and satisfaction guaranteed. CHAS. H. MARTIN, First door north Hewitt & Co.'s Bank, Lansing. II "MOM ".--. O= = 0 ~ St '0 0 I 4a De S 0 r 4 p (a 0 0.ddJ ( 0 m g B P 0 4o U, c. 0 Q) e 0 C 0 m co U o 0 Ei 0 r=4 0 0 g _ I 1 I Is- cp LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 19 U U D. T. NICHOLS & CO., JOBBERS IN C. A. SCHAFER, AND DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, FANCY COODS, NOTIONS, Black & Co.'s Spectacles, &c., &c., and Manufacturer of 0ia (60 1t4 b nim and HAIR JE WELRrY. Only authorized Agent for the sale of all styles of American Company's Watches. STORE WITH H. B. ARMS, A. L S O, TOBACOONISTS' SUNDRIES, W1as7..1venu, Laning-, **&. D.. NICOLS. C. F. SwIBrT. 0. TROS S DEALER IN REVOLVERS, AMUNITION, FLASKS!I c.,, Ac., Ac. And in fact everything else usually kept in an Establishment of this class. REPAIRING! Done on Short Notice, and Satisfaction always Guaranteed. _0 SHOP ON WASHINGTON AVENUE, One door South of Episcopal Church, Lansing, - - 1Michigan. MIfich..f4enue, LansiAnE, ich. LIVERY and SALE "TOBAsoo-'Tl3 A POISONOUS WEED," but as there is a great many people that will persist in using it, they should be always careful to procure the best and purest. To those in search of this we would say, before you look elsewhere, try Nichols & Co's., for they, although but a new firm, are fast gaining the reputation of always having on hand the choicest brands of both tobacco and segars. GUN SMITH SHoP.-The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of Mr. Fred Trostel, who has recently restocked his place and is now prepared to attend to all who may favor him with a call. Those in want of anything in his line can do no better than to give him a trial, as he is thoroughly conversant with the business, having had a very large experience. TIME IS EVERYTHING -We are pleased to see that Mr. Charles Shaffer still continues to attend to the wants of the community in regard to the matter of time, and this is as it should be, for we know of no one more competent. He has had a large experience, having been employed in several first-class establishments. Mr. Shaffer warrants his work, and cannot but add to the very large run of patronage which he already enjoys. How TO ENJOY LIFE.-Hire one of those fine buggies at Daniels & Parmenter's and take your wife and little ones out for an airing occasionally. DENTIFRICES. Preparations for cleansing and purifying the mouth should be free from all acids, and contain as one of the principal ingredients, an alkali (such as enters into saponaceous substances), to neutralize the acid, and destroy the animal and vegetable parasites that are secreted by the fluids of the mouth. It has been found, by microscopical examination, that the secretions of almost every person's mouth contain more or less of vegetable and animal life that will withstand the application of acids and astringents, and will only succumb to alkalies, which not only appear fatal, but a preventive to their formation. The mouths of persons who have been in the habit of using soap freely, as a dentifrice, are completely free from these productions. Every preparation, then, should contain this substance. By no means use powdered charcoal 0--.. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully ask for a continuance of the same. Parties and Funerals Supplied with Teams at Reasonable Terms..0--- STJRLBJL WA &JrTE.JI W STBEET, Second door Ba8m Weash..Jvmue. DANIELLS & PARMENTER. U U 20 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. I or [pummice-stone as a dentifrice. These substances are the same that are used to polish the surface of iron and steel; they are insoluble, and so acrid in their nature that, no matter how fine you may reduce them, their little grains will not only insinuate themselves between the neck of the tooth and the gum, causing an irritation of the parts which, in the end, may destroy the investing membrane of the tooth, but scratch the surface of the enamel. Not long since we had to remove the four upper incisors of a young lady who had been in the habit of using charcoal as a dentifrice, because their surfaces were seamed over with minute black lines that could not be erased, and the teeth loosened, and the gums abraded and irritated from its constant use. It would be well for every one, before using a tooth-powder, to see if it will scratch glass, moistened and rubbed over its surface. If so, it will produce the same effect upon the glossy, glass-like surface with which God has covered the teeth. The use of tooth-powder is to keep the teeth clean, and not to change their natural color. If the teeth are of a dark or yellowish hue, they never can be made white, except at the expense of the material of which they are composed; any powder, then, which whitens such teeth, is only acting chemically, and therefore injuriously, upon their structure. THE EBIGHT MEN D THE R IGHT PLACE."-This can be truly said of Messrs. Esselstyn & Sons, who are and have been engaged in the business of selling Groceries. They are wideawake, hard working, active men, ever ready to take advantage of any slight decline of prices, and by so doing, are enabled to sell at as low or lower figures than any other house in the city. They also deliver goods to any part of the cityfree; and thus save to the weary laborer many a heavy load that he would otherwise be compelled to' " tote " home in his basket. They always keep a full assortment of everything usually kept in an establishment of this kind. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Mistress-" For goodness gracious sake, Martha, go take that ridiculous thing off, do!" Martha, ("which I were well aware it were my new bonnet she were alluding to ")-"Well, there, mum, I declare mum, I give my milliners orders to make it precisely similar to yours, mum!" LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE! ave now open an Immense and ho Have now open an Immense and Choice 0 ii~iiiiMTArii Wholesale and Retail. Fresh and Pure. Of Quality Superior. Of Every Grade. WOODEN and STONE-WARE. Everything kept in a Grocery House can be found with us. TI-E BEST IN USE. BALTIM-ORE OYSTERS! Direct from the Packers, Wholesale or Retail. V3ODUUW iAKrN CALL ATI' 151 WASHINGTON AVENUE, LAJN SINOG. LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 21 1s67-8. 1SoyS-. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in AND CsiTwrs',tsrI nl Ioo s t Would call the attention of the Trade, and all those wanting GOOD GOODS, at Low Rates, to call and see his Mammoth Stock of C.loth ing, Cassimeres, CLOTHS, BEAVERS, DOESKINS, VELVETEENS, &c., Which are fully Equal, if not Better than can be found elsewhere in Northern Michigan. S-HIRTS AND BRAWERS! In Large Stock and Extra Sizes. MY CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is in Full Working Order, under the supervision of Mr. T. W. WESTCOTT, who is so well known as an Artiste in his profession, that comment is unnecessary. All those in need of Coods in my line will do well to give me a call and look through my Stock before buying. D. G. PECIK, Aro. 113 lr'aslhington.elvenue Lamitng. A clergyman, on a Sunday school occasion, was speaking to a large audience of children, when he saw that he must do something to rouse their attention. Just then he had spoken of Peter, so he paused, and asked if any of the children could tell him anything about Peter? but their mouths were all closed. He appealed to the older scholars-younger scholars, and then at last he came to the youngest, and he said, "come, now, little ones; shame your elders, and tell me something about Peter." "I can," exclaimed a little four-year old. "Can you? that is a good girl. Well, come right up here, and tell us all that you know about Peter." The little girl was passed forward to the stage. "Now," said the speaker, "let us hear what you know about Peter. Speak right out." The little girl spoke: "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin eater," etc. Oh, dreadful fall. Had the speaker spoken of St. Peter, perhaps the little girl might have done better. But let those who address children beware how they trust those little minds, for no one knows what associations he may wake up. PurER FUNK RoUTED.-The attention of those in want of Clothing i- called to the advertisement of Mr. D. G. Peck, who has recently filled his store from cellar to garret with the latest and most fashionable styles; and we understand that it is his intention to sell them at prices that bid defiance to the Peter Funk mock Auction Shoddyite concerns, that have been recently perambulating through the country. As it behoves every man to support home institutions, he cannot but meet with the success that-he is justly entitled to. Mr. T. W. Wescott presides over the cutting and fitting department which is a sufficient guarantee, and none need have any fears as to perfect fitting garments. A man boasted of having eaten forty-nine hard boiled eggs. "Why did you not eat one more and make an even fifty?" asked Sounds. "Humphl you want a man to make a hog of himself just for one egg?" When you buy your groceries, remember that Esselstyn's is the place tew go for he has all kinds. A. R. Thayer keeps a full supply of all the popular DIentifrices. 22 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. HARNESS SHOP.-Mr. G. H. Cook has opened a shop for the manufacture of harnesses, and in fact, everything that pertains to a first-class establishment of this kind. And as he warrants all his work, we do not fear but what he will meet with the most hearty support from the farmers in this vicinity. Give him a call, and do not take our word for it, To THE LADIES.-Your attention is called to the advertisement of Mrs. C. A. Northrop, who has opened rooms for the purpose of carrying on the Millinery and Dress-Making business, in all its branches. She is daily receiving the latest and most fashionable styles and patterns, and we have no hesitancy in recommending her to the attention of all who may wish anything in that line. NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE.-AS will be seen by advertisement, Mr. Schadt has purchased an interest in the above House, and as he is a practical workman, is prepared to cut and manufacture garments in the most fashionable styles. See for yourselves. mir A gentleman called on a rich miser, and found him at the table endeavoring to catch a fly. Presently he succeed in entrapping one, which he immediately put into the sugar bowl and shut down the cover. The gentleman asked for an explanation of this singular sport. "I'll tell you," replied the miser, a triumphant grin overspreading his countenance as he spoke, "I want to ascertain if the servants steal the sugar." Esselstyn has a large lot of the finest sugars which he offers cheap. A&, "Everything French is more elegant than that of any other nation," says a Parisian enthusiastic chronicler. * Even the crocodile brought from our possessions in Cochin China to the Jardin des Plantes is more elegant than the horrid beast of a crocodile brought from the shores of the Nile." As a bit of self-complacency that will do. Esselstyn has for sale the French Dressing for leather which makes old boots and shoes as good as new. SHorace Greeley, in his Recollections, says that he studied oratory while he had the measles, and the Boston Post remarks that "it is enough to give one the measles to hear him practice it now." G. H, COOK, MANUFATURER OF HARNESSES!.Snd Dealer to @ADDLES, TRAVELINC BACS, TRITNKS. ALWAYS ON HAND A GOOD STOCK OF HARNESS HARDWARE!I -C All Styles of Constantly on Hand or Made to Order. 0 SHOP 2 DOORS SOUTH EDGAR HOUSE. P'ash..Scenue, Lauing*,.Sich. l0[MTS &S MAOES New Shop! BY S. MOREHOUSE. The above Shop has been recently opened on Michigan Avenue, three doors east of Viele's Music. Hall, where I am prepared to attend to all. in all cases, and satisfaction guaranteed. 0 0 4A 0 Q Q 0 M 2 52 ~0.1 S 0 I z 0 PLQ' CD p Z eld 0J Erz2 zz I-i z 'El 0 E* In o E:1 '4 DRESS-MAKING. 0 We have recently opened an establishment of this kind on Michigan Avenue, Two doorM East of Viele's Music Hall, Where we are prepared to serve the public with work of the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES! As we employ none but experienced artistes, we flatter ourselves that we can give satisfaction. LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 23 T 1c0ý,A=08 A= Young Folks Attention! M:. M. V. O K, Four years principal of Union Schools in this City, has recently re-fitted Rooms in the LANSING ACADEMY, and opened a High School. 80O Scholars in Attendance! Mr. Rork aims to be thorough, and hopes by experience, care and industry, to satisfy every Earnest Student. Believing both Teacher and Pupils solemnly responsible, and having no faith in any genius but Hard Work, ho trusts no element of true character will be overlooked. [J Rich or Poor, High or Low, if you WArT to go to SCHOOL, come on. S LI. V. R ORK, Principal. IIS. S. HU PMPHRE A, Lss t. N. B.-Painting, Drawing and Music if desired. Rooms for.ron-Residents in or near the Building. Drugs and Croceries! REVOLUTION.-Strolling through town the other day, we chanced to step into the new store of Mr. E. E. Gould, on Michigan Avenue, and was both pleased and surprised to see the large and complete assortment of goods that he has on hand; and if he sells them at the figures that he has been selling, it cannot but completely break down and cause a revolution in the prices heretofore charged for drugs in this place. We are glad to see this, and call upon our citizens to sustain him in this undertaking. SOWEi:-Whatsoever a man sow-.th shall he also reap. It is well, with sturdy blows to transform the wildeiness into a beautiful home; it is -ictory to fashion the crude ore into almost defiant enginery; it is joy to make Nature give up her secrets, and vie with her in combining the elements; but to go within the dark, hollow walls of the Soul and take it from its peg and light, and coax, and fret it, til its latent powers shine forth and fill its whole house with divinest glory, this is rest. Oar sales, we confess, are slow, for our wares never wear out. B The "local" of the Lynchburg, (Va.) News thus describes a happy sight which he witnessed on Monday, in that city: "We saw a woman yesterday from the country, promenading Bridge street, underneath a new spoonbowl hat decked with a rooster feather, inside of a tilting "skeert," bzfore a huge water fall, having in her mouth a cora-cob pipe, and in her arms a baby about two months old. She looked like she felt she was in Mehomet's Seventh Heaven, and was just ready to exclaim ' cut my strsps and let me go to glory.' She was a curiosity." Z A "Down-Easter" happening a passenger on a Western steamboat banks to witness the exciting scene: but Yank, disdaining any proffered help, reached the shore safely, remarking coolly as he did so, "He didn't care a straw for himself, it was only a danged old life insurance company he was swimming for." He was insured for $5,000. House, Jones & Porter did not insure this man, but they are prepared to insure all who may give them a call. COME and SEE! COME and SEE! TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION I The Cheapest Place to buy Drugs and Groceries on this Continent, is said to be at -. E_. LT O LDTL DS & Purchasers of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Everything usually kept in a Drug Store, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, and thereby save from 15 to 20 per cent, --00 CHOICE GROCERIES I.1 Good Stock at Vfery Low Figures. Give me a Call. 3E. E. GOULa D,o Ohapman'. Block, Michigan Avenue East, Lansing, Mioh' 24 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. a CITY MEAT MAREET.-There is no doubt in the mind of any one, that when they see a person advertise liberally, deal honestly and uprightly by all, they must succeed in whatever they undertake. This fact has been fully demonstrated in the case of Andrew Bertch, Esq. He has by strict attention to business, and taking for his motto the fact that a "nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling," succeeded in establishing a business in the Meat line, that is not surpassed by any in the State. His Market is always supplied with the choicest of Meats, fresh, salt and dried, poultry, sausage, and in fact, everything that is usually kept in first-class, well ordered shops. This establishment is one of the oldest in the city, and we understand that his custom has always been increasing from the first opening day, which speaks well for him. To those who have lately come to dwell with us, we would say give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, and we do not think that you will ever, by any lack of attention, or from quality of meats, regret the fact that you dealt with Andrew. We think our citizens, one and all, will acknowledge that it is "the place" above all others. To THE FAMMERs AND MECHANICS.-It is not our wish to dictate to you, but simply advise. When you are about to make a purchase, of any very great magnitude, the question naturally arises: Where can I get the best and the cheapest? We propose to prove to you where those places can be found. Buy of the men that advertise and you will then have found the goal. They are the live men, the business men, the wideawakes. They always buy cheap and sell cheap, and generally take for their matto "Quick sales and small profits." When you find a man that does not advertise shun him. They are the drones, and if let alone will soon die out. This class of men generally are not "posted," and buy their goods either of "Peter Funk" Auctioneers, or pay such exorbitant prices for them that they cannot afford to compete with the live business man. There are, we are sorry to say, a few of this class of men in Lansing. They are a curse rather than a benefit, and if you only will it, they will soon come to the ignominious end which they so richly deserve. Shun these "pennywise and pound-foolish" shave shops. They are generally occupied by old skin-flints that will not hesitate to cheat you out of your hard-earned wages with all the gusto imaginable. ANSEIW Msaw C).-4 <tl 0 CO 0 01 Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and Salt MEATS! AT THE CITY MEAT MARKET, Bertch's Block, No. 116 Wash. Avenue, LANSIN-G, MIICHIGAN-. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR FAT CATTLE, SHEEP AND HOGS. LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 25 Just Look at This!. BOOTST BOOTSlT SHOEST SHOES. We would respectfully announce to the citizens of Lansing and the surrounding country, that WE HAVE REMOVED! Directly across the Street, first door South JMead's Bloclk, Where we shall be happy to wait on all our friends and as many new ones as will give us a call. We have a Large Assortment of MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Of all descriptions, and we are weekly receiving additions to our Stock, and we respectfully invite the Boot and Shoe wearing public to Examine our Stock, as we feel confident that we can sell as Cheap if not Cheaper than any house in Central Michigan. (DIJS TOM: WORK1! B We pay Particular Attention to Custom Work, and warrant all work of our own manufacture. Fits guaranteed. JOHNS & BAILEY. S. S. CORYELL, DEALER IN ~ I; A- 1A M; ]a I1T DEAR FATHER COME HOME. Oh, father, dear father, do please hurry home, My confidence no more abuse, You've promised again and again when you came, You would bring me a new pair of shoes. My big toe sticks out like the head of a clam, And you of neglect doth accuse, Because you have Ifaied to do as you said, And bring home my new pair of shoes. It is not very oft that a favor I ask, And this one you cannot refuse, For you know that it costs but a very small sum, To purchase a new pair of shoes. Then hurry, dear father, do pray hurry home, No more of your precious time lose, Oh, think of the cold, of your child and his toes, And pray hurry home with the shoes. Oh, how can you bear the soul-thrilling tho't, As you read in the papers the news, That Johns & Bailey are selling so cheap, Their stock of nice boots and fine shoes. You know that my toes ore sticking right out, Exposed to the winds and the dews, Then don't you forget when home you return, To bring me a new pair of shoes. NEw STORE, NEW STocK.-This is the case with Messrs. Johns & Bailey, who have recently moved into their New Store, on Washington Avenue, next door south of Mead's Block. To those who-visited the Fair recently held here, we have but to say, that the beautiful case of Boots and Shoes there on exhibition, was their handiwork. "The proof of the pudding is in eating it." See for yourselves. FRANKUxN'S ADvICE.-If you would purchase your wares at what they are worth, avoid those shops sporting extravagant fronts and guilded furniture; where they offer to supply you at less than cost. These are used only as decoys; and sooner or later their patrons will find to their sorrow, that they have paid too dear for the whistle. A QUAEnR WOMAN'S SERMoN.-My dear friends there are four things that I very much wonder at. The first, that children should be so foolish as to throw stones, clubs and brickbats into fruit trees to knock down fruit. If they would let it alone it would fall itself. The second is, that men should be so foolish as to go to war and kill each other. If let alone they would die themselves. The third and last thing I wonder at is, that young men should be so unwise as to go after young women. If they would stop at home the young women would come after them. Why do people buy their Groceries of men that will not deliver them, when Miller sends them to any part of the cityfree. GOODS! CLOTHS, FLANNELS, BLACK SILKS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND The Smallest Store and the Best Filled of any in the City I 119 Washington Avenue ILANSING-. - - 26 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. - THE INVITATION. Friends, come to Lansing, we will meet youCome to Lansing, we will greet you, Here your choice Dry Goods to buy, And if not, pray tell us why? Here you'll find the latest news, With the price of Boots and Shoes; Here also Yankee Notions, Also cords of Pills and Potions. Here the dantiest Hat you'll find, On the loliest head to bind; Here the Ribbons and the Flowers, Decking modest girls like ours. Here you'll find the trailing dresses, Here you'll see the loveliest tresses, Also shorter dress and shawl, And the dantiest foot of all. Here you'll find in grand confusiou, Silks and satins in prolusion; All your wants you can suppiyOnly name it-will you buy? Bring your wares and produce with you, Cash we'll pay you for them all; Now the winter's hastening forward, Clothe yourselves up well this fall. [From the Lansing Republican, Dec., 1806.] INGERSOLL's NEW STOR.-The new Dry Goods Store of H. Ingersoll is now completed, and is really a splendid establishment. It is the finest store in the State, and being quite a novelty, merits a description. Its size is 44 by 100 feet-double the size of any other store in the city, and in addition to this, a gallery is constructed across the rear and sides, giving so much additional space for the display of goods; also the shelves are wide enough to receive goods endwise. Thus holding three or four times the usual quantity. The gallery is reached by a circular stairway at the rear. The store is entered by a door at each corner. The front beteen the doors is filled by fou#' plates of French plate glass, forming a front unequalled by any store in Michigan, and by very few in any large city. A semicircular show case, forty feet long, reaches from one door to the other; back of this are two circular counters, 66 feet in length, one of which encloses circular shelves, and the other surr(unds their office, cashier's and boc(k-keeper's desk. The counters and dresser shelves are of black walnut, and are supported by large legs similar to a piano leg. The Building is warmed by a furnace in the basement, 12 feet in length, having a perpendicular air chamber of tin, reaching into the third story. Mr. Ingersoll designed and constructed this store to accommodate his rapidly increasing trade, and it is his intention, as he occupies the best store to keep the best stock of goods in Michigan, and to maintain an establishment, which, for integrity, enterprise and fair WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING! H. INCERSOLL, NO. 121 AND 123 WASHINGTON AVE., LANSING. 00 OltI~ r rtllh?latr nc | a 140th FINEST STORE IN THE STATE. ------00-- A FULL and COMPLETE STOCK of STAPLE and FANCOY Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps and CARPETS, ALWAYS ON HAND! 00 - This Establishment is Complete in Every Department!I 00 -This Establishment is doing business FOR CASH-buying as far as possible from the Manufacturer For Cash, and selling to the consumer For Cash, thus evading intermediate profits and expenses, avoiding losses by bad debts, &c. R]5D Ambitious to sustain a reputation as THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST STORE IN MICHIGAN, no effort or means., will be omitted which will assist in enabling us to supply our patrons at the Very Lowest Prices. A continuance of the liberal patronage of the Public is very respectfully solicited. H. INGERSOLL. - - LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 27 m KIM D] RUGS! DRUGS! The Place to Buy your Drugs and Medicines, is at S. TOOKER TILLOTSON'S! J. FRANKLIN ST., LOWER TOWN, Who keep constantly on hand a Good Stoel c of OILS, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, Pure Wines and Liquors, School Books, Stationery and Notions I RW Also, a Fine Assortment of Choice Perfumery, and Articles of Toilet, and the very best WINES and LIQUORS for Medicinal purposes only. J. S. TOOKER & TILLOTSON, I'rakklin Sireet, Lower Town, Lanstng,.ich. NEW FUNITURE ROOMS! ON FRANKLIN ST., LOWER TOWN. The undersigned would respectfully announce to the Citizens of Lansing and vicinity, that his CHAIR AND CABINET SHOP! Is fully rebuilt, and furnished with New Machinery for manufacturing FLAC, CANE AND WOOD SEAT, BOSTON ROCKERS, ARM AND OFFICE CHAIRS, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Lounges, And all articles usually found in a Furniture Store. We have none but Seasoned, Lumber, and all work offered for sale is of our OWN MANUFACTURE. SPlease call and examine for yourselves. We Wholesale Chairs to dealers or parties wishing from one to twenty dozen. WE EXCHANGE FOR LUMBER AND CASH I A. 13. STUAIT. dealing, shall be second to none. This establishment is now open for trade, and Mr. Ingersoll is now in the eastern markets making purchases for the winter trade. W We would call ihe attention of our readers who wish to know where they can purchase pure Drugs and Medicines, to the advertisement of Messrs J. S. Tooker & Tillotson. We were surprised on visiting their store in the Lower Town the past week, to find a Drug Store so well conducted and with so large and well selected a stock. With the neatness of arrangement, extent of stock, and the order which prevails, we were particularly pleased, and speak well for the proprietors, who are whole-souled gentlemen and just the kind of men to succeed. We take pleasure in recommending all to go themselves and examine their stock of Drugs and Medicines. Pure Wines and Liquors, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, School Bo ks, Stationery and Notions. Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery and articles of Toilet, etc., etc. NEw FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT.-AS will be seen by our columns, Mr. Stuart has already reerected his establishment, which our readers will remember was burned out one year ago, and is now prepared to supply the trade with anything in his line. Such energy and perseverance as he has displayed deserves the most hearty support from the community around, and we trust the time is not far distant when he will be compelled to enlarge his already commodious works, in order to meet his constantly increasing trade. This is the fate of all advertisers. AW It won't do to be so devoted to a tender-hearted wife, as to comply with her request when she asks you "1Now tumble over the cradle and break your neck, my dear, won't you." -- The height of politeness is passing around upon the opposite side of a lady when walking with her, in order not to step upon her shadow. CHARTER REFUSED.-The Masonic Grand Lodge of Nevada, after considerable correspondence, rejected the petition of the Mount Moriah Lodge of Salt Lake for a charter, refusing to grant a charter which in any manner recognized the peculiar institution of the Saints. _________________________________________________________________________________________ U I j U C lr-- ----n_ ~ ~CYB~r~P ~ I ~ -a r g 4S LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. ~emt--~ - - -- - -------- ~ I --I -I L~ '~--~L-- I BOSTON BOOT AND E E STORE.-Mr. J. J. Brown has purchased the entire stock of this establisment, and is now prepared to supply our citizens and the surrounding country with as good an article and at as low prices, as can be obtained at any similar establishment in this State. We have seen samples of work from his shop, and have no hesitency in recommending him to the attention of all. THE INFLUENCE OF A WIFE.-A judicious wife is always snipping off from her husband's moral nature, little twigs that are growing in the wrong direction. She keeps him in shape by continual pruning. If you say anything silly, she will affectionately tell you so. If you declare that you will do some absurd thing, she will find means of preventing your doing it. And by far the chief part of all the common sense there is in this world belongs unquestionably to women. The wisest things a man commonly does are those which his wife counsels him to do. A wife is the grand wielder of the moral pruning knife. If Johnson's wife had lived, there would have been no hoarding up of orange peel-no touching all the posts in walking along the streets-no eating and drinking with a disgusting voracity. If Oliver Goldsmith had been married, he would never have worn that memorable and ridiculous coat. Whenever you find a man you know little about, oddly dressed, or talking absurdly, or exhibiting any eccentricity of manner, you may be tolerably sure that he is not a married man; for the corners are rounded off-the little shoots are pruned away, in married men. Wives generally have much more sense than their husbands, especially when their husbands are clever men. The wife's advices are like the ballast that keeps the ship steady; they are the wholesome, though painful shears, snipping off little growths of self conceit. And for all this care and devotion you cannot refuse to buy your wife one of those elegant Hoop Skirts at Mrs. C. Shumway's. a A lover wrote a letter to a lady who rejected him, saying he intended to retire "to some secluded spot, and breathe away his life in sighs." To which the lady replied, by inquiring whether they were to be medium or large size. The man has not since been heard from. sg 4 NUE. 6 No. li. ANgYTHITNG AND EVERYTHING ANYTHING AND EVERTTHINe DONE "B" ROW S!" SHaving purchased the Store and Stock of BOOTS SHOES! Formerly owned by Messrs. HINrOKLEY & LONGYEAR, and known as the BOSTON BOOT AND SHOE STORE! And with an Enlarged and Well Selected Stock on hand, I am prepared to offer to the citizens of Lansing and tle surrounding country, B OTS AND SH ES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, And everything kept in a First-Class Boot and Shoe Store, At Very Reasonable Terms! Particular attention given to AND ALL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. MIOTTO:--"6 Cas~ h Sales, Small Profits and Quick Returns." I Repairing done brown at Brown's! Ill Washington Avenue, lAniing, Mioh: J. J. BROWN. 0~ p ~y a -~I A Is In A I ~ -- a C~ R - ' ~I ~ ItZ~ _, ~ C-~ ~ I LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 29 Sr II I II............. z 0 U- f U- P c z Cl) C F4 Pi QQ 9I C-i E=4 rdr 0 ca3 rd~r Cd 0) (J2 ". E. R. THOMPSON, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GLOVES, MITTENS, WHIPS I.all Eastern Goods sold at a small advance above Cost. N MANUFACO C 'TIOR: NEAELY OPPOSITE LANSING HOUSE, Lansing, J.Iich. ~e~-N~-,7~ril~oa--r~b~_~~r;~-~-r~*~~ ~- PE~~~ ~----~ ----- LANSINO CITY MILLs.-Having business at Lower Town one day last week, we called at the above named Mills, and were surprised at the improvements which we saw. This Mill was but recently erected, and contains all of the modern improvements, among which we noticed a patent Separator, by which they are enabled to clean wheat of all kinds of dirt, sticks, cockle, etc. Mr. Hart feels confident that he can manufacture as good flour if not better, than any other Mill in the State; and when it is known that Messrs. Bertran & Skinner are in his employ, none will doubt his statement. He delivers flour and feed to any part of the city free. WmHI AND, GLOVE FArTORY.-As will be seen by an advertisement in our columns, Mr. E. R. Thompson, has opened an establishment of this kind, and we understand is meeting with the most flattering success. This is as it should be, for we know that he thoroughly understands his business. Support home manufacture, when it is to your interest t) do so, more particularly. BIr From Ingelhart's Photograph Gallery the latest news is that he still continues to carry on the picture business in all itsbranches. His flattering success in this city, depends not so much on his splendidly arranged Gallery, as it does upon his long experience in the business, and ten years of constant practice in the art of making pictures; though we venture to say, his sky-light and operating rooms are second to none in the country, and his reception rooms quite in keeping with a well regulated Gallery. See his card in another column. *- A literary announcement lately made, runs thus: "Our readers will be obliged to us for drawing their attention to some Sa: scrit works which will shortly appear. We have not read the books ourselves, but, if their contents are as interesting as their titles, their perusal must be the acme of delight. Their titles are: ' Swapants:hakschavimahamautrastotra.' ' Triguaatmixakdtlikastora.' ' Mpangalalitkvratodyapana.' Sanakarchatatchturthiv) atodyapna.' ' Anantatachaturdaricratakatha,' and ' Wougotobgohokepokeinerechingerewankafom." A. J. Viele has a large supply of all the standard works, which he offers to the public at very low figures. I BOARDING HOUSE! J. P. BAKER, Proprietor, Mith. Ave. East, LAtlNS ING-. Having thoroughly renovated this House, we ask a continuance of past favors, and will continue to serve all who may favor us with their patronage. Transcient and Day BOA-RDEIRS Kept at Reasonable Rates. J. P. BAKER. & PH X d W ai X Pi WEI g N4 MR1 Q Poo 0 P-4 C: ia W Q d B a Ire II~ g0 9, oR eSd, a F~ ej O r Om g~ ~a O ~cs c3~ cJ d ed C) E-r E-i 0 (C T^ rS (7 rd M% CQ, I ~b~ur I Y i, IbeIae I II ur~ II III i a -u _ ~PPL ~-J~ ~ Y--q~~ det-~--- LA.NSING CITY DIRECTORY. [] 30 ef~- I --~ r I IBfl~ir~r~i~P~L~p~~sg THE Evas OF INTERMARRYINC.--A. melancholly case of the evils of intermarrying has lately occurred. We give the story in the sufferer's own words: " I married a widow who had a grownup daughter. My father visited my house very often, fell in love with my step-daughter and married her. So my father became my own son-in-law, and my step-daughter became my mother, because she was my father's wife. sometime afterward my wife had a son-he was brother to my stepmother. My father's wife, i. e., my step-daughter, also had a son; he was, of course, my brother, and in the mean time my grand-child, for he was the son of my daughter. My wife was my grand-mother, because she was my mother's mother. I was my wife's husband and grand-child at the same time. And as the husband of a person's grand-mother is the grand-father, I was my own grand-father." After fully convincing himself of the immutability of the above facts, the victim, in a fit of despondency, cut his throat with a boiled turnip. In this connection it might be well to add, if there is any others who may wish to repeat the experiment, that H. B. Arms keeps all kinds of country produce. NEw GROCERY STORE.-r. H. B. Arms has opened a store of this kind, on Michigan Avenue, East; and although it has not been long established, it bids fair to eclipse all others of the kind in the city. Mr. A. is an affable salesman, and has stocked his store with such an enormous quantity of goods, that one always knows where to find anything they may want. We heartily wish him success, for we know that he deserves it. At& A young fellow, whose better half had just presented him with a pair of bouncing twins, attended church one Sunday. During the discourse the clergyman looked right at our innocent friend, and said, in a tone of thrilling eloquence, "Young man, you have an important responsibility thrust upon you." The newly-fledged dad, supposing the preacher alluded to his peculiar home event, considerably startled the audience by exclaiming, "Yes, I have two of 'em." And now he buys his groceries of H. B. Arms, on Michigan Avenue, for the reason that his prices are low. To PROCURE A LUXURY.-Buy your Tobacco of Hinckley. H. B. ARMS, Wholesale and Retail 4)4[i lIIl r r- ~I m ~ I I IlnIP - Has in store a complete stock of Groceries bought for Cash, which he will sell as Cheap as the Cheapest Also, one of the Largest and Most Complete Assortments of WOOD & WILLOW WARE! TWINES, COORDAGE, BRUiHES, EINVELOPES, NOTIONS, &c., &o., Ever before brought to Lansing, at Wholesale or Retail -------00------ NNW M[clknu hlin's Celebrated BRUSHES. Counter, Floor, Window, Scrub, Stove, Shoe, Hair and Whisps, Leather-back Horse. BASKETS. Col'd Straw Traveling, Brown " " Plain and Col'd Reticule, Fancy and Plain Work, Fruit and School, Sqr. and Oval German, Market, Oval and Sqr. Clothes, Market and Corn, &c. PAPER. Rag Wrapping, Straw ( Mannilla " Tea n Writing Paper, Envelopes, Matches, Stove Polish, Blacking, &c., &c. To the Trade! I would say that these Goods were selected for me, (by an Eastern Jobbing Buyer,) from the Manufacturers and Importers, and can be sold AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL! H. B. AR1MS, Mlichigan Avenue East, Lansing, Jtich. - __ ~ L~I.. II ~ ~ - a r re ~ ~i~ a ~ ~ I lu I ~ a I ---,_ 111 ~ I - I ~ ~ I ICI _, ~1 -- LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 31 III rl ~ ~ LIYI~~IC~L1L-~ILI~ IRI I I I ~ T_'-~C~ F~r ~ ~I 0\ LT -7 d--- U I I 1 I I; z 0 OQ ci2 Sz rEI~p~i,-I ~sg-.r1"4 Ih C0 pn A E~too r o S g CdC I m o I e i | M I L ^ ^?P ^ bf! a gc3 g 0$ rS 1 1 l S ^ L ~ d (S 0 H C.4 0 m N 0 ho 0 0 &:~51 aJ W a R W )~^ 3 t9 4-~ 4-~, 4-, * -S O 0 Cl) a C: U^ Hn OUR CITY. Come and see our lovely city, All hemmed in by woods,-a pity, Graded streets, and walks all oaken, Here you can dwell in peace unbroken; Dearest Homes with yards around them, Thanks to Heaven, most here have found them; Gardens, too, with fruits and flowerF, Cherished loves, we call them "Ours." Here no squalid, homeless creatures With begrimmed, distorted features, Children born midst rags and sorrow, Bred to beg and steal and borrow. Here an endless crowd of churches, Where are taught the usual virtues, Various colleges and schools, Wh3re wise men are made,-not fools Here retired from all temptation, Meet the wise for Legislation; Here the Female College stands, Here the Agricultural lands: Here's the school for Reformation, For the truants of the nation, Also "Union Schools" for all, With quite two thousand great and small Here are Mills and Factories running, Doing work both wise and cunning; Here are craftsmen skilled and true, Masters, workmen, all for you; Here intelligence combine All that's found in every clime, From Ohio's fertile sand, From New York and Fatherland. From Old England's robust health, From artistic France, her wealth, From Italy's sunny bills And the busy Prussian mills; From New England's rugged soil, From green Erin's Isle-in toil, From the Prairies ot the West, Come their sons to make us blest. All harmonious work as one, Father, mother, sister, son, Come to build a model town And improve the country round. Then friends aid, and help our labors, And thus prove yourselves our neighbors, Help improvements now advancingBuy your merchandise in Lansing. AUCTION! AvCTION!!-As will be seen by the advertisement of Messrs. O. A. Jenison & Co., we have now in our city, a large and well filled store, where goods are disposed of at both auction and private sale. This is an institution that we have long felt the need of, and now that Mr. Jenison has succeeded in establishing a place of this kind, our citizens and farmers must consider it one of their first duties to see that he does not have cause to regret his undertaking this most needed enterprise. There will be auction sales two evenings in each week; probably Wednesdays and Saturdays. As "Jen" is well known to our citizens; we think it a sufficient recommend that everything will be none on the "square," and besides he warrants his goods to be just as represented. I DO'T forget that Stoves are down! e ~ ~jS~I~ e~1~4 ~Z ' c~ca I Ir ~ r ~ ~ - I, I _ Y RI --~ --- II W.<HJ^ T I I 32 fm--l_ LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. MILLITIN.Y AND LADIES' FURNISHING 'fl T T GOODs HOUSE.-It gives us pleasure to call the attention of the ladies of Lansing, and especially of Lower Town, to the advertisement of Mrs. M. Brower. She has one of the very finest assortments of goods, and offers them for sale at prices within the reach of all. As she employs none but experienced Lad i es' Furnishin g artistes, you can always rely upon the fact that you are getting the most fashionable styles and newest patterns. Her store is on Franklin Street, Lower Town. FARMERS AND ATL OmTHRS IT MAY CONCERN.-Mr. J. Somerville has now on hand and offers for sale, one of the best stock of goods ever brought to this city, in the shape of Harnesses, Saddles, Whips, Trunks, and in fact, _everything usually kept in a store of the kind. Mr. Somerville is well known to our citizens as a gentleman of honor, A OHOICE VARIETY AT and whose word can always be relied upon, and who does not have to resort 1 U RO W to the low, mean, petty tricks some- i * il. ifU. IPt '4I times resorted to by tradesmen in order to sell his wares. He believes that Franklin St., "honesty is the best policy," always, and has ever lived up to that principle. LOWER TOWN, LANSING, MICH. His shop is at the old place on Franklin Street, Lower Town. NEw ENTERPRISES.-Under this head J. SOMERVILLE & CO., might properly be classed the Hoop MANUFACTURERS OF Skirt Manufactory of Mrs C. Shum-. A1UFAOTUREBS OF way, a business until quite recently unknown in the city. Our merchants have heretofore been compelled to rely entirely upon eastern manufactories; 111111 but we are glad to learn that this is not now the case. This lady has on Saddles, Carriage Trimmings, hand a very large stock and is constantly manufacturing. We were sur- AND DEALERS PN prised to learn that she can easily complete one of the most elegant Skirts in ROBES, the unprecedented short time of three BLANKETS hours. She has also a full assortment SLEI H-BELLS, of Lad'ies' Under Clothing, Ribbons, T TJNKis, Flowers, Hosiery, and in fact, everything usually kept in a Ladies' Furnish- MXTTES, ing Goods House. COMBS and BRUSHES, J. Davis has fitted up rooms in Capital Hall Block, where he will be pleas- And everything found in a well stocked ed to see all his old culstomers, and all Establishment of this kind. others who may wish to get a clean shave. S-THE BEST STOCK USED AND "When I first married my wife," BEST OF WORKMEN said a fond husband, "I loved her so EMPLOYED. much that I could have eaten her; and now" he added with a sigh, "I wish L o W E R TO W N, to heaven I had." Sign of the Deer outside, but Cheap inside. I MRS. C. SHUMWAY,.8od MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN CORSETS, Also, LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, &c. * FASHIONABLE BARBERING S AILAOC>C N0. CAPITAL HALL BLOCK, Lansing, - - Michigan. -0 -SHAVING and HAIR-CUTTING, Done in the Latest Styles. -- S We employ none but first-class workmen, and guarantee satisfaction in all cases. FA=ý _ ~-n e -~~ --r 1191, LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 33 _ I I ~ r-----U F. M. COWLES,,GENERAL DIEALER IN DRY GOODS! Ladies' Furs, Ready-Made Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. ALSO,.1 CHOICE LOT OF r3PM.A,.,S. 153 Washington Avenue, LA.NSIN G,:: MICHIGAN. METLIN & TUNISON, Proprietors of the IitJ tj1 4onntliR g f)u hop MANUFACTURERS OF Single and Double Circular Saw-Mills ALL KINDS IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, BUILDING CASTINGS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL, HOT AIR FURNACES! Jgrictltu.ral nmplements. RI Particular attention given to repairing Steam Engines, Threshing Machines, Reapers, Mowers, &c. DaY GooDs, CLOTHING, ETC.-F. MI. Cowles, as will be seen by advertisement, still continues to supply all who may favor him with a call, with anything in his line, at the lowest prices. Mr. Cowles is one of our oldest merchants, and it has ever been his aim to keep pace with the onward march of Time, and he has now one of the largest and most complete assortments of goods in the city. As he always employs gentlemanly and accommodating salesmen, we know of no better place to trade. Look at his advertisement in another column, and see the inducements that he offers. FOpNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP.-It gives us great pleasure to refer our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. Metlin & Tunison, who have rebuilt their works which were destroyed by the disastrous conflagration, which visited them about one year ago. As one of the firm is a practical workman, they do not hesitate in saying that they can now fill any order which may be left with them. The unceasing energy which they have displayed in rebuilding their shops, entitles them to more than ordinary support, and we trust that our citizens who are in want of anything in their line will give them a call, for we know that you will not regret it. Success to you, gentlemen. s- The oldest remnant of mortality extant, is the skeleton of one of the earlier Pharaohs, incased in its original burial robes, and wonderfully perfect, considering its age, which was about eighteen months ago in the British Museum, and is justly considered the most valuable of its arcmological treasures. The lid of the coffin which contained the royal mummy was inscribed with the name of its occupant, Pharaoh Mykerimus, who succeeded the heir of the builder of the great Pyramid about two centuries before Christ. Only think of it-the monarch whose crumbling bones and leathery integuments are now exciting the wonders of numerous gazers in London, reigned in Egypt before Abraham was born, and only about two centuries or so after Mizraim, the grandson of old Father Noah, and the first of the Pharaohs had been gathered to his fathers. J5~ The church in which General Washington was married to Martha Curtis, in New Kent county, Virginia, is very much dilapidated, and its congregation too poor to repair it.,Lower. Townt, Zac~sing, METZIV Of T' UdrIS03o'*,L ~ I ~ - - - _~ L r ~ -h ------ I 7C- ~---. 34 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. a THE PRESIDENTS. There have been seventeen Presidents, and thus far, no "impeachments." The subjoined scrap-the work of an unknown bard-gives the list of all who have been Presidents, and the order in which they occupied the chair: Great Washington was number one; Then Senator Adams next came on. Jefferson made the number threeThen Madison, the fourth was he. Monroe the fitth to him succeeds; And sixth, the junior Adams leads. Then seventh, Andrew Jackson came; And eight we count Van Buren's name. Then Harrison made number nine - And tenth, John Tyler filled the line. Polk was the eleventh as we know, And twelfth was Tyler in the row. Fillmore, the thirteenth, took his placeAnd Pierce was fourteenth in the race. Buchanan, the fifteenth, is seen; Then Lincoln, as sixteenth, came in. Johnson, the seventeeath, and last, Still lives to close the illustrious past. Now let us stop until we see Who our next President will be. Fu1RNITURE.-Those in want of anything in this line will do well to call on Mr. Buck, for, as will be seen by his advertisement, he always keeps a large and complete assortment of everything in that lime. Those in search of low prices and good work, would do well to give him a call, as he is pledged to sell as low as the lowest. A FEW THINGS THAT OU CITIZENS MAY EE Jr STLY PROUD oF.-Our Agricultural College, the pride of the farmer; the Female College, one of the best con-' ducted institutions of learing for Females, in the West; the Commercial College, under the immediate supervision of Mr. P. S. Bartlett; Conservatory of Music, under the management of Mr. A. J. Yelie, at Velie's Music Hall; the Young Men's Society, an organization which is giving to our citizens one of the best course of Lectures ever brought before a Lansing audience; Lansing High School, under the charge of that popular and efficient teacher, Mr. M. V. Rork; the Central Michigan Agricultural Society, yet in its infancy, but whose exhibitions are second to none in the State; the Brass Band, which can safely claim to be one of the best in the State, and we challenge any town to produce an organization with the same number of instruments that can compete with them; two of the best Water Powers in the State, one of which is unimproved however, but we are informed that a company is about to be organized which will commence the erection of Mills, etc., the coming season; one of the finest Block of Stores in the State; WASHINGTON AVENUE, Lansing, Michigan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF CABINE WARE! Willow Cabs,.ad Coffins! THE LARGEST STOCK OF ON HAND, Ever Offered in Central Michigan! Personal Attendance with Hearse, at Funerals, if desired. F.... I... I II _ I LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 35 ____ _________________________________________ -L t 3-1~C G. R. WOODWORTH 8 SON, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOTS and SHOES OF E~PER I DESCRIPTIO.J Y ----------00 All Work Warranted! ----00 AT THE OLD STAND, Wash. Avenue, LANSING, MICH. _I,,- I ~ ______, C ) M. HUDSON, Proprietor. 0 1 STRAW MILL INER. OLOAK AND DRESS 1 AEEE. I have recently taken rooms over Ingersoll's Store, where I am prepared to do business of this kind, and hope by strict attention and good work, to merit a share of the public patronage. I am also Agent for THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE! Wi Samples of their work, and also Machines, can be seen at my Rooms. WILLIAM HINOKLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CISRG.RS Sc~UFFS, PIPES, A'c. No. 129 Washington A. venue, LANSINC, MICHICAN. the best organized Fire Department outside of Detroit, in the State, and which is under the control of Mr. T. W. Wescott, who, although but recently called upon to fill the responsible position of Chief Engineer, has already won for himself the esteem and regard of all our citizens, and there is no city that has as large a Department, that can show a more orderly, gentlemanly, sober set of men, than is found in our company-ever ready in the hour of need, our citizens can now retire to their homes with the conviction that should the devouring element visit them while they are asleep, our everwatchful boys will soon be on hand to stay its fiery progress; and last, but not least, that magnificent structure called the "LANsIiG HOUsE." Now that it is known that Mr. M. Hudson has taken charge of it, has also become one of the " sights " which we are all proud to point out to the notice of the stranger. Mr. Hudson enjoys the justly enviable reputation of being one of the very best Landlords in the West, and we but re-echo the sentiments of. all who have ever had the pleasure of stopping at his house, when we say he -"knows how to keep a HoteL" ' MEssRs. WooDworTH & SoN.-These gentlemen continue to carry on the business of manufacturing Boots and Shoes which they offer at reasonable prices. As they do not make it a point to employ runaway apprentices, and have none but experienced workmen in their employ, we think that we can safely recommend them to the attention of alL THE OLD PLACE.---A will be seen per advertisement, Mr. Hinckley still continues to supply the public with all the choice brands of Segars and Tobacco, and at as reasonable prices as can be afforded. Remember that his motto is: "Live and let live." As he is an old residenter, anything we may say will not add a jot to the enviable reputation which he already enjoys. Call and visit him at the Old Place, two doors north of Hewett's Bank. STRAW MILLUNER AS DREss MAIER.As will be seen per advertisement, Mrs. J. B. Lewis-has taken magnificent suits of rooms over the stoor of Mr. Ingersoll, which she has fitted up for the purpose of carrying on the above business. As she comes well recommended from one of the first-class establishments of the State, our Ladies will undoubtedly find it to their advantage to __ _ _ I~ 1 4 ii ~ I ~' 1 I ~ I ~ ~I I - __ Il I 36 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. F call upon her. She is also agent for Howe's Sewing Machine, which has thus far maintained a superiority over all competitors. SThe best and cheapest place to buy Paints and Oils, is at Wells'. ga The best and cheapest place to buy Paints and Oils, is at Wells'. " G-_ t a Sun Burner for your Kerosene Lamp, at Wells'. A VERY CLOSE MAxN.-Not many years since, in West Plymouth, it used to be the custom for the schoolmaster to " board around" among the families of his pupils, so as to save expenses. Sometimes, of course, the days did not come out quite even-there would be eight days and a half at one place and nine at another. One man who 'was notorious for his meanness, just before the scholmaster began his dinner, said to him: " Mr. --, I suppose by rights, your time is up just about half way through this dinner. That's as near as I kin calculate, and I've calculated pretty close. But I don't wish to be small about it, and you kin eat just about as much as you do for ordinary!" It is a known fact that this man buys his groceries of men that do not advertise, and by so doing is compelled to be economical in this mean close way. _____ s- Get a Sun Burner for your Kerosene Lamp, at Wells'. g'j' If you want a bottle of choice Perfumery or Hair Dressing, go to Wells'. _____ jy If you want a bottle of choice Perfumery or Hair Dressing, go to Wells'. _______ s" At the dinner table of a hotel, in an interior city, not long since, a "c green un" unable to restrain the cravings of his appetite, pitched into a large dish of rice before him. A waiter mildly informed him that it was intended for dessert, and that he had better eat something else first. "Desert be -, I don't care if it's a wilderness, it's good, and I'rm going to eat it." To those visiting Lansing, we know of no better place to stop than at the Lansing House. Terms reasonable. jg"' To remove stains from the character-get rich. FRANK WELLS, DE 1 A LE 1 IN DRUGS' AND EVERY VARIETY OF Drug Merchandise, PATEKT Mmtm$I$S PArNT$, PAINT BRUSHES, OILS, TOBAC3ACOS and CIGARS, FAMILY GROCERIES! Fancy Goods, Toilet Jarticles, and every class of Goods appertaining to the Trade, If3 RE NEW -A IP UM ~N T8934 NTew Block, 1Q Wash. Ave., Lansing. t Having one of the Most Elegant and Convenient Stores, and one of the Best Selected Drug Stocks in the State, he is enabled to offer superior inducements to Physicians, Dealers and others, who purchase in large quantities. FRANK WELLS. 5 U - ~ I ~ LI 1 11111 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 37 I, ~ cl I L~- ~U - i -I~ L ~ I ~Y WILIAMS & WATKINS,.Manufacturers and Dealers in a @.V E ~ TIN, SHET-IRON AND COPPER WARE, A->ND ALL IKAINDS OF The Highest Price Paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs. STORE ON FRANKLIN ST., LOWER TOWN, LANSING, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS! HARDWARE, ETC.-If our readers will but glance at the advertisement of Messrs. Williams & Watkins, they may learn something that may be of great benefit to themselves. These gentlemen keep a large and complete assortment of everything which any family might possibly need, and will sell as lo, as the lowest. As they have agents traveling constantly, selling goods, their sales are probably higher than any other house of the kind in the city. By this means they have to keep refilling with a new stock, which will always give their customers a chance to select from articles fresh from the manufactory, so that none need have any fear of having old worn out shelf goods palmed off upon them. To THE READERS OF THE LANSING CITY DIRECTORY:-Mrs. L. Whelan, from Brockport, New York, desires to say that she has in her establishment, opposite the Lansing Republican Office, all that is required to furnish a first class institution of Millinery and Ladies Faiy Goods. In worsted work, Miss Lippla, her associate, has no superior. Miss Hyde, also in Mrs. Whelan's employ as a trimmer, stands at the head of her profession, in all that pertains to elegance and taste, that most indispensable requisite to success in a business like hers. With jan experience of years in the business, and in view of the above facts, together with a determination to please all, Mrs. Whelan hopes to gain public patronage in Lansing. DRAFTING.--The attention of our readers is directed to the advertisement of I. Gillett, Jr., to be found in another column. This gentleman is thoroughly conversant with the business, and would be happy to see those who may want anything of this kind done, at his residence on Capital Avenue, four doors south of Shiawassee street, where can be seen specimens of his skill. s1' A printer having been "flung " by his sweetheart, went to the office to commit suicide with the "shooting stick." The thing would not go off. The "devil" wishing to pacify him, told him to go into the sanctum where the editor was writing duns to dellinquent subscribers. He says the picture of despair reconciled him to his fate. 1~ Infant Iowa grashoppers weigh three to a pound. Oh MR S. L. WHELIAN_, Has on hand, and is constantly receiving, the Latest and most Desirable Styles of MILLINER AYND FANCY 000i$ Also, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT of ZEPHhYR WORSTEDS, SRooms on Mich. Ave., under P. Engelhart's Photograph Gallery, and one door west of Grove & Whitney's Hardware Store. I. CILLETT, Jr., Lansing, 1~iichigan. Designing, Drafting, Specifications and Estitates for Buildings made Promptly, in the Best Style of the Jrt. I, IL -- B -~~E~e-~ _I ~~ __ ~L~ I ~L~ __ 38 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. - --------~---------- -- - c EUrEKA! EUR-KA!!-Is the explanation of all who have had occasion to call at the shop of M. S. Baker, and it is but a just tribute to the energy which he has ever displayed, when we say that there is not another shop in the State, that can with more propriety lay claim to the name of the "Eureka Foundry." Mr. Baker has filled up his shop with the best of machinery, so that he is enabled to do any and all kinds of work that properly belong to this kind of business, and to all visiting our -beautiful city, we would ask you to examine the iron work upon our magnificent Hotel, or the work which adorns the palatial Stores on Washington Avenue. This is in itself a sufficient recommend, but should you require further proof of his ability to do all that he advertises, and more, call at his works, one block west of the Lansing House, on the corner of Washtenaw street and Capitol Avenue. Sii Among the numerous attractions of which our young and everprising city can boast, there is none more popular than the new and elegant Photographic establishment of Mr. B. F. Hall, located at 118 Washington Avenue. Although these rooms have been open for business but a few weeks, they have already attained a wide-spread celebrity and popularity in consequence of the excellence of the pictures issued from them. Mr. Hall has spared no expense to make his Gallery one of the best in the State, and coming as he does with years of experience in the largest Gallery of New York city, he is enabled to introduce many pleasing features which have been hitherto unknown in this part of the country. All the latest improvements, in instruments, apparatus, and accessories are to be found here, and we assure our friends that all the portraits, both large and small, executed at these rooms, evince a degree of artistic taste and ability seldom found outside of the largest and oldest cities. An important branch, and one to which the proprietor intends to devote especial attention is that of copying old likenesses into Photographs. He has instruments l5eculiarly adapted to that purpose, and what copies we have seen of his execution are certainly triumphs of the art. Mr. Hall's advertisement appears in another column to which we would invite particular attention. iir Go to The Mammoth Store, as Goods are down. M R. S. BAKER & C00 001. 0APITAL AVE. AND WASHTENAW ST., IMFIL fIIIJNIIhl'! And Machine Shop. MiANUFACTURERS OF Single and Double Circular Saw Mills! SAW AND GRIST MILL MACHINERY, Jackl Scre-ws Bridge Bolts. We have on hand some 1econd-lha-d Portable and Stationary Steam Engines for Sale Cheap. it Iron and Brass Castings of all kinds; Iron Fronts for Buildings; Window Caps and Sills of all kinds; and all Plain and Ornamental Building Casting done to order on Short Notice. HOT AIR FURNACES! For Public and Private Buildings, REGISTERS OF ALL SIZES, at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES! Kilgore's Patent Stop Cock, for Water, Steam and Cas. IEHT AND LEFT HAND PLOWS! Of all the Best Varieties in use, and some.rew Patterns. CULTIVATORS, SEED DRILLS, REAPERS AND MOWERS, HARROWS, FIELD ROLLERS, STUMP MACHINES, SAWINC MACHINES, STRAW CUTTERS, &C. m[ Particular Attention paid to repairing Steam Engines, Cireular Saw Mills, Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, &c., &c., &c. M. S.. BAKER, CO. I e Ir ~ra la - I- e ------ ----- I _~, ~e~ r i FP. '.: LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. 39 eLg -~ a ~ - - I ---. --~---- I - ~I I I sIlI -.--r I,- pt -- STATE INSURANCE CO., OF LALN-SIING, MICI-I. ----oo- ---- OFFICE OVER HEWITT & CO.'S BANK. --------00 -Stores, Dwelling Ilouses and other Property, against Loss or D)amage, by Fire or Lightning. -0 Capital, - $ Accumulated Capital, Authorized " 1100,000. - - 150,000. - - 1,000,000. JOHN W. LONG YEAR, M. P. KILBORN, DIR ECTO R S: L. K. HEWETT, J. H. CURRIER, JoHN A. KERR, J. T. WHITCOB, GEO. W. CHARDLE., CYRUS HEWITT. C. L. WHITCOMB, S. N. WmHITcoB, Reorganization of the State Insurance Co. The State Insurance Company was first organized as a Mutual and Stock Company, but has issued no Mutual policies for the past two years, and it has been the wish of the stockholders to get rid of the Mutual branch of the business. In order to do so it was found to be necessary to obtain a new charter. Within the past month such new charter has been'approved by the Attorney General, and a thorough reorganization is being effected, that will make it a strictly Stock Company. By a provision in the new charter, the Company as organized, assume all the franchises and rights together with all the duties 6nd liabilities of the old State Insurance Company. Thus protecting the rights of all holders of policies heretofore issued. In reorganizing the Company, special reference was had to an act of the Legislature, passed at its last session, and a full compliance with its provisions has been made. The capital stock of the Company is $100,000, which', by the charter, can be increased to $1,000,000 if it should become necessary. The officers of the Company intend to pursue the same plan heretofore acted upon, of insuring nothing but first class risks, such as farm property and isolated village residences, hoping thereby to make the State Insurance Company second to none in the country. "AN ELEPHANT ON HIS HANDS."W1hen an Eastern nabob wishes to ruin a rival, or punish a man for whom he has a pretended friendship, he presents the victim with a white ElephanL The gift is sacred, and cannot be refused. The expense of keeping the huge creature, in the grand state which is obligatory on the Hindoo by his religion, is so enormous that the unfortunate recipient of the gift is ruined out of hand by the honor. In India there is, therefore, no more efficacious way of wiping out a public man than in heaping a costly honor upon him. XIvusc.-It may not be generally known that Lansing can now boast of having one of the best Brass Bands in the State; but such is the case, and we challenge any other town to produce a band with the same number of instruments that can compete with them. Long may they blow. OFFICER S: L. K. HEWETT, President. J. H. CURRIER, Vice President. J. T. WHITCOMB, Secretary and Treasurer. RE FEIRENCES: Hon. A. Williams, late Attorney Gen'l of Michigan; Geo. H. White, Grand Rapids; Hon. Jas. B. Porter, late Sec'y of State of Michigan; Geo. H. House, late Dept. Secretary of State; Hon. John A. Kerr, State Printer; Hon. F. H. Stevens, St. Joseph; Hon. B. S. Horton, Marine City. ELAJNoSITNTG AGENCY |WeMVIY muId mldotl A 6mtb nalwe rp* Cash Capital and Assets, $16,271,675, Gold. Invested in the U. S., $1,800,000. Stockholders personally responsible for the JEngagements of the Company. Accident Insurance Company, of Columbus, Ohio. Capital, 1,000,000. Issues General Accident Policies, covering all manner of Accidents, whenever and wherever occurring. RAILWAY PASSENGER INSURANCE COMP'NY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Insures Ag-ainst all kinds of Accidents. J. T. WHITCO3IB, Agent, Office with State Iburance Co. - -- ~IR~hY- - --~- L L - - a I I I 9s Is Is II a I~_~ LI_~ rr a Is ~r~uu a a I I~ru I II_ I ~ I I ~~ ~I 40 LANSING CITY DIRECTORY. I ' r I I I g '~L r~rLPII ~ ~ ~ I l I To OUR PATRONS.-We thank you for the liberal manner in which you have come forward and assisted us in making this book what it is. When we commenced canvassing the city for this work, we did not think it possible to obtain names enough to more than fill a book of half its size; but we were most happily disappointed. Had we taken into consideration the spirit of enterprise that has ever characterized the merchants and manufacturers of our lovely city, we might have made a far more liberal estimate. As will be seen by the title-page, we intend to issue this work semi-annually, each edition, as in the present case, to be complete in itself; and it has been our sole aim to make this work worthy of the support and attention of all; but if we have failed, believe us, it is not from any wish or desire on our part, but simply want of ability. As we all profit by experience, or at least should, we think that in our next edition we can improve in many things, and present to our patrons a more complete Directory, than the present number. Hoping that you,'one and all, will have no reason to regret that you were induced to support this work, and that in the future you will have more than felt the importance of liberally advertising, I will again most heartily thank you, and wish you that success, which you by your untiring efforts, are justly entitled to. PUBLISHER. DRESS AND CLOAK MAKEn..-As will be seen by reference to our columns, Mrs. C. G. Vreeland has taken rooms over the store of Measrs. E. B. Millar & Co., where she is prepared to cut and fit Ladies' garments in the most fashionable style. This lady has had a great deal of experience in this business, and cannot but give satisfaction to all. Those of our lady readers, who are about to have anything of this kind done, will save both time, trouble and expense by calling upon her. S A young lady at a ball was asked by a lover of serious poetry, whether she had seen Crabb's Tales? "Why, no," she answered, "I did not know crabs had tails." "I beg your pardon, Miss," said he. "I mean, have you read Crabb's Tales?"-" And I assure you, sir, I did not know that red crabs, or any other had tails." Charles Martin keeps a full assortment of hair, which he will manufacture to suit the taste of his customers. rin.. d&. 1'~J* c I IC* S Commercial College I Now is the time and this is the place to obtain a Thorough This Institution is proving a success, and is bound to be a PERMANENT BUSINESS SCHOOL. ------oo----- EVENING- CLASSES: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, During the Fall and:'inter, in PENMANSHIP and BOOK-KEEPING! j" Thus giving persons otherwise engaged during the day, an opportunity to receive instruction in those branches. -00 -ates of Tuition Reasonable. Terms Cash in Advance. IL P. R. R TLETT, Principal. LaRES MAKINGI MRS. C. G. VREELAND. 0-- Shop over E. B. JfIilar. 4 Co.'s Store, Lansing, Jlich. I have recently opened a ~e A. KERR S T'I E A1p% qOo 4 Book and Job.APR BIJVD E R S. Publishers of the et;bah sad ~ress ~jtakbrgl~ar;lng Btdl ~,pu~rra. ESTABLISHMENT, Where-I am prepared to cut and make garments, in the MOST FASHIONABLE MANNER I And hope, by strict attention to business, to give satisfaction to all who may favor me with a call. GIVE MIE A TRIAL..flanufacturertr and ealert in BLANK BOOKS! Conveyancing Blanks, Marriage Records, c., Ac4., 6-c. Lansing, - - Michigfan. I --r ~ - ~ I i 3 - i ~ II __ _ "I ~I B, F, HALL'S NEW AND BEAUTIFUL ROOMST INo. 118 Washingtou nAvenue. 14 P4 -4 3rn -4 51 -t02 Q, rrl PI C QiJ tR Q) E ~rl O Q) Pc E -SC~ rJ 3 6 ~I U -14 -M4 Ina -M4 pmI -4om LI Hall's New Photograph Callery, 118 t'a1l4shingiou *It'e., Lansing, vf~ichigan. NEWLY OPENED, AND FURNISHED WITH ALL LATE IMPROVEMENTS I 129 Washington Ave., Lansing. GREAT THROUGH ROUTE EASTI G.. Railway and Connections. Albany, N. Y.,........ w...............$*...17 00 Auburn,.............................13 73 Baltimore, Md.,............................... 21 25 Batavia, N.Y.,3 *-............0...............11 50 Bellows Falls, Vt............................. 21 50 Binghamton, N. Y,..... 16 40 Boston, (four routes)........................ 23 00 Bothlwell, C. W.,............................6 95 Bridgeport,CL............................ 20 60 Brockville, C. W...............................13 75 3Buffalo, N. Y............................. 10 75 Burlington, Vt,........................... 22 00 Canandaigua, N. Y.,...........*..............q12 75 Bape Vincent, N..........................17 24 Coburg, C. W.,.......................... 11 25 Concord, N. H............................. 25 15 Corning, N. Y.,.......* a*.....a............ - 14 60 Cornwall, C. W.,.&.............................. 14 75 Elmira, N. Y.,................a............. 14 90 Fitchburgh, Mass.,..o.%..#................ 23 00 Geneva, N.Y.,................................ 13 21 Great Bend, Pa............................... 16 75 Harriaburgb, Pa,....................20 75 Hartforda, Cta,.......................1..6...a..21 15 Hornellsville, N. Y....................... 13 35 Kingston, C. W.,........................ 12 25 Lockport, N.Y.T.................. o......... 11 16 London, C. W,............................. 8 65 Lowell, Mass............................ 23 70 Montpelier, Vt......................... 19 75 Monlreal, C.E.,............................ 15 75 Nashua, N. H.,........................... 23 75 New Haven, Ct.......................... 21 15 New Port, R. I.,..................A 00o0.a.0.. 23 00 New York, (four routes),.....0.*............. 20 20 Ogdensburgh, N. Y,Y.......*............. 17 75 Oswego, N. Y.............................. 15 00 Owego, N. Y.,........a...................... 15 85 Palmer, Mass............................. 20 75 Paris, C. W.,....................... 9 75 PennYan, N. Y............................Pa 13 50 Petrolia, C. W.,...........................8 35 Philadelphia, Pa.,.......................... 21 25 Pittsfield, Mass.,................... 18 75 Port Hope, C. W.,........................... 11 25 Portland, Me.,.......................... 26 00 Portsmouth, N. H.,...................... 24 90 Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,....................... 18 65 Prescott, C. W.,...................... 13 75 Providence, R. I.,........................... 23 00 Quebec, C. E.,............................... 19 50 IRochester, IN. Y.,................. 12 15 Rome, N. Y.,................................ 14 61 Rouses Point, N.Y,.......................... 19 75 Rutland, Vt.................................... 19 65 St. Albans, Vt.,............................. 19 75 Saratoga, N. YV,............................... 17 50 Schenectady, N. Y.,.......................16 50 Springfield, Mass..............20 25 Suspension Bridgek................1 7 Ryracuse, N. Y.,... 3.................13 81 Toronto, C. W.,........................... 10 75 Troy, N. Y.,..-.*................... 17 00 Utica, N. Y........6-.P....................... 14 90 Washington, D. C.,a....................22 25 Watertown, N. Y......*....................17 20 Whitehall,N. Y.).........................19 05 Williamsport, Pa.,17....................... 17 Worcester, Mass........................... '22 00 -00 -MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAlkWAY andL:Counectious, East and Jrest. Albany, via. Lake Shore and N. Y CentralR. Rs., $ Buffalo, via. Lake Shore R. R,........10 75 Baltimore, via. Wheeling,...................20 10 cc Newark, Ohio................... 20 10 it Pittsburgh...............20 10 Boston, via. Cleveland and Buffalo,..........4...23 00 Boston, via. New York and New Haven,....... 23 00 Cleveland, Ohio........................ 7 00 Clyde, Ohio,.............................. 500 Columbus, Ohio,...........................8 95 Cincinnati, Ohio,..........................10 85 Corry, Pa.,..............................11 45 Dunkirk, N. VY.,............................a9 60 Dayton, Ohio,...............................8 70 Elmira, N. V.............................1495 Erte, Pa.,...............................11 45 Elyria, Ohio,............................ 6 70 Harrisburgh, via. Pittsburgh,.................19 65 Hornelsville, N.oY.,.a........*...........a13 40 Indianapolis, Ind.............................. 11 55 Lima, Ohio,................................. 6 20 Mansfield, Ghio,......................... 6 85 Monroeville, Ohio,..........................4 5 45 Meadville, Pa...............0.................010 65 Newark, Ohio.............................9 15 New York, via. Pittsburgh,...................20 20. cc cc Salamanks, A. & G. W.R'. R.,...20 20 It cc Harrisburgh................ 20 20 it TccDunkirk, N.oY. & R. R. R.,.......20 20 cc Buffalo andAlbany,.............20 20 cc Philadelphia,......-S............020 20 Norwalk, Ohio,..................5 60 Pittsburgh,..............................12 10 Philadelphia.............................20 10 Piqua,....................................... 7 75 Rochester............................ 12 20 Sandusky,.............................. 5 60 Sidney, Ohio............. b.................. 7 30 Syracuse, N. Y............................. 13 900 Troy, N. V............................... 17 00 Utica,.................................... 14 95 Wheeling, Va............................... 12 15 Washington, via. Wheeling,................... 21 10~ Tlickets For Sale by WVII'0OM13B & I9ITCI3ICOCIi4, Agents.