STUDIES ON WATER MOVEMENTS AND SEDIMENTS IN SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGANPart I. Water-Volume Transports Across the Midlake Sill, and Current Structure Over the Sill John C. Ayers ORA Project 05466 Part I of the Final Report of H.E.W. Contract PH-86-63-30 GREAT LAKES RESEARCH DIVISION Special Report No. 19 INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN November 30, 1963 I PREFACE TO THE ENTIRE REPORT Several factors have dictated that this final report should be in separate parts. The contract covered studies of different sorts. By the nature of the studies, the times required for work-up and analysis of data have varied widely, some parts being completed long before others could be finished. The different studies have required greatly varying amounts of ship-time and some, which required unexpectedly large amounts of ship-time, are being augmented by data obtained during cruises for other projects when vessels are in suitable regions. Finally, it is believed that assimilation by the reader is aided by brevity and unit reporting. i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE TO THE ENTIRE REPORT.............. INTRODUCTION................ *.. METHODS......,..*. *. * 2 RESULTS............... 4 Volume Transports............. 4 Indicated Structure of Currents........ 5 Streaked Nature of the Indicated Currents.... 6 DISCUSSION..................... 8 Drogue Sets of 29 October.......... 8 Indirect Evidence for Current Streaks.... 9 Volume Transports and Flushing Time....... 10 Comparison to Solute Accumulations......... 14 SUMMARY...................... 17 REFERENCES..................... 18 TABLES............X.... 20 APPENDIX............... 1A ii I INTRODUCTION Lake Michigan-is divided into northern and southern -basins by an area of' elevated and irregular bottom that lies in the region between Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Muskegon, Michigan. While this elevated area is not a complete sill, being cut through by deep water near the Michigan shore and just off Milwaukee, it has sufficiently sill-like characteristics to raise questions as to the effect it may exert on the flushing out of the southern basin. This study was undertaken to ascertain whether significant volumes of water were being exchanged between the northern and southern basins across the sill. If volume-transport across the sill exists, its magnitude (plus that of river inflows) in the volume of water in the southern basin should give a clue as to whether the southern basin is well or poorly flushed. Details about the physical structure of water currents over the sill were not expected, but have come to light. 1 METHODS The basic method of the study was the determination of current direction, current velocity, and water volume transport by the dynamic height method of Ayers (1956) and Ayqrs and Bachman (1957). Bathythermograph lowerings at about twormile intervals (ca 2.5 miles on 10 August 1962) were made underway on courses parallel to the sill and, in all but one case, over the sill. Navigation was by radar bearing and range out to about 20 miles from the shore being departed, by dead-reckoning in midlake, and again by radar from about 20 miles off the shore being approached. The first BT sounding was in each case from 1/2 mile to 2.5 miles from the shore being departed and the last at two miles, more or less, from the shore being approached. Vertical temperature profiles were read from the bathythermograph trace, in effect reducing the trace to a series of straightline segments of various lengths. Corrected depth and temperature data were fed to an IBM 7090 computer which was programed to make all the necessary computations. As a check, the section from Racine, Wisconsin, to Grand Haven, Michigan, 9 November 1962 was calculated by hand. Agreement between hand calculation and computer calculation was satisfactory. Current direction (component normal to ship's course), and velocity were obtained at each 10 decibar level from 0 to 60. 2 A reference level at 60 decibars was chosen as giving a minimum interference from the bottom. At the ends of each section, where the bottom was at less than 60 meters, substitution was made from the lower part of the nearest full-depth station according to the method of HellandHansen (1934). Lake Michigan winds at each of the synoptic hours were obtained either 1) from microfilmed copies of ships' weather logs obtained from the National Weather Records Center in Asheville, North Carolina, or 2) from teletype reports transmitted by selected Weather Bureau stations near the lake and received at the station at Willow Run Airport. Mean ships' winds for each sector (west and east, using the 87th meridian as the dividing line) were obtained and entered as the wind for that sector, whenever ships' observations were available. On some occasions ship observations along the 87th meridian were used as the winds of both sectors. At times when no ships' observations were available, Weather Bureau observations on land were utilized in the following manner: In the west sector, the vector mean wind of the following stations was used: Milwaukee (MKE), Glenview, Illinois, (NBU), Joliet (JOT), Midway Airport, Chicago (MDW), O'Hare International Airport, Chicago (ORD), andMeigs Field, Chicago (CGX). In the east sector, the vector mean wind of the following stations was used:.Gra4d, Rapids (GRR), Kalamazoo (AZO), Muskegon (MKG), and Nout Pend (SBN). 3 RESULTS Eight transects have been obtained and analysed. In chronological order they are: 10 August 1962; Muskegon to Milwaukee 20 August 1962; Grand Haven to Milwaukee 3 November 1962; Grand Haven to Milwaukee 9 November 1962; Racine to Grand Haven 17 April 1963; Milwaukee to Grand Haven 20 May 1963; Grand Haven to Milwaukee 24 June 1963; Grand Haven to Port Washington 24 July 1963; Muskegon to Milwaukee The bathythermograph data of these transects are given in the Appendix. Tables 1 through 24 present the wind regimens of the days of the transects and of the preceding days; also presented in these tables are the gross volume transports of water across the transects, as well as the net volume transports and the indicated currents involved in the volume transports. Volume Transports Tables 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, and 23 present the gross and net water volume transports of the eight transects. These volumes were computed in terms of cubic meters per second of water moving through each of the 2-mile-by-60-meter blocks (2.5 -mile-by-60-meter on 10 August 1962) composing the transect. Summation of the individual transects gave net volume transport for each transect. Net transports obtained were as 4 follows: 10 VIII 62 47,280 m3/sec South 20 VIII 62 44,090 m3/sec North 3 XI 62 7,075 9 XI 62 34,285 17 IV 63 5,016 20 V 63 5,981 24 VI 63 3,883 24 VII 63 5,927 97,358 North 56,179 South Grand Net: 41,179 m3/sec North Indicated Structure of Currents Tables 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 present the indicated currents involved in the water transports. These indicated currents were obtained by dividing the net volume transport of each 2-mile-by-l0-meter block (2.5-mile-by-10 meter on 10 August 1962) in the 60-meter-deep transect by the area of each 10-meter-deep block. The original purpose of this step was to provide an approximation of the velocities and directions of 2-to-5-day-average relative currents that might be compared to 2-to-5-day-average currents recorded by the USPH metered buoys installed along the Muskegon to Milwaukee line. To actually make this comparison is beyond the scope of the contract, and will not be possible until the current data from appropriate levels in the metered buoy systems are read out. The tables give the possibility of making the comparison if it 5 should be desired. The indicated currents varied from zero to tens of centimeters per second. In general the greatest indicated currents occurred in the surface layer and along either the east or west shore of the lake. In general, the velocities of the indicated currents decreased toward the bottom and in the central portion of the lake. Streaked Nature of the Indicated Currents Quite unexpected was the fact that the indicated currents were arranged in alternate streaks of northward and southward current., 0 The widths of the alternating current streaks varied, apparently in response to the wind regimen. The locations of the streaks also appeared to vary under different winds. The streaks of current in most cases reached to the 60 -ri meter level, although there were some instances owhere they did not. 0 The indicated structure of the currents is similar to the horizontal current-countercurrent arrangement suggested by Fuglister (1951, 1955) for the Gulf Stream, and confirmed by von Arx, Bumpus, and Richardson (1955). Fuglister's initial presentation of this current arrangement is shown in Figure 1. The alternation of northward and southward current bands shows clearly in the underlined (north) and not underlined (south) indicated currents of Tables 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24. 0 As a direct test of the reality of the bands or streaks of 6 indicated current, ten current drogues were set in a line past USPHS buoy #20 off Muskegon, Michigan, on 29 October 1963. The series of drogues began at the U. S. Weather Bureau-U. S. Public Health Service-University of Michigan weather tower one mile off the beach, continued at 2-mile intervals along a course to the south of west, passed about three-quarters of a mile north of USPHS buoy #20, and ended about six miles west of buoy #20. These drogues were set in the period between 0911 and 1050 EDT under north wind which continued until after the period of drogue runs. The drogue movements that took place in 3-3/4 to 5 hours are shown in Figure 2. All of the drogues, except the one immediately east of buoy #20, moved southward. Drogue #8, immediately east of the buoy, moved northward, almost directly upwind. All the drogues were set to be influenced by the upper five feet of the water (surface drogues). 7 Fig. 1. Schematic chart of temperatures (~C.) at a depth of 200 meters in the Gulf Stream Area. DISCUSSION Drogue Sets of 29 October Care must be taken to use this drogue study for no more than it is valid for. To command this number of drogues it was necessary to use some drogue floats that were known to be somewhat effected by wind. These were the floats of drogues 1 through 5. To contribute toward an assessment of the effect of windage on these floats, they were set alternately with low-riding lowwindage floats (numbers 6 through 10). Drogues 3 and 4 moved southward 0.75 and 0.4 miles in 4 hrs 22 min and 4 hrs 33 min, all respectively. At the time of writing the author is inclined to attribute the 0.4 mile movement of drogue 4 entirely to windage on its float. Perhaps readout of the data from the 30-foot current meter of buoy #20 for the period 1017 through 1450 will enable a better assessment of the movement of drogue 4. Drogue 8 was carried by a low-windage float, and cannot be denied. Drogues 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 were all carried by low-windage - floats. They tell the essential story of the results, while drogues 1 through 5 augment the story with detail containing an incompletely-assessed windage error. Current velocities indicted by the low-windage drogues were: #6 0.4 mph southward #7 0.4 mph southward #8 0.07 mph northward #9 0.13 mph southward 8 00 2 7 60 0 I 4 % I - 6 (D REI-E-4,Sr 7 2 * P/Cjup 8 A LES 10 1,2 la Fig. 2. f 29 1963. Drogue. study o October., N. 0 , I #10 0.18 mph southward The drogue experiment of 29 October contributes to a degree of faith in the reality of the streaked current structure that was indicted by the computed currents. Indirect Evidence for Current Streaks Drift bottles released along the Racine to Grand Haven transect by the then U. S. Bureau of Fisheries on 17 July 1931 showed (Figure 3) an alternation of recoveries from north and south of the line of releases. This is at least compatible with the idea that initial bottle movements governed by current streaks may have determined the ultimate northward or southward location of recovery points. These studies are reported by Van Oosten (1963). Johnson (1960) reported on multiple drift bottle releases at stations along the Grand Haven-Milwaukee line during July, August and September of 1954. His results are summarized in Figure 4. Varying degrees of alternation between northern and southern (and vice versa) recovery points are shown. In numerous instances bottles from a single release point had both northern and southern recoveries, as though these releases might have been at the interface between oppositely-flowing current streaks. Both of the above reports show evidences of alternation in north and south recovery points in the southern basin of Lake Michigan. North of Frankfort, Michigan, these evidences become less abundant but do not disappear. The meaning of the streaked current structure is at present not known. 9 Fig. 3. Movements of bottles released along the transect, Racine to Grand Haven, July 17, 1931. Volume Transport and Flushing Time Although the dynamic height method of determining volume transport is still subject to some unanswered questions, it remains to date the fastest and most feasible means of obtaining such information where distances are great and/or where relative wealth of indicative detail is needed. Perhaps the best assessment is still that of Sverdrup, Johnson and Fleming (1942, p. 394): "So many reservations have been made that it may appear as if the computed currents have little or no relation to the actual currents. Fortunately, however, most of the assumptions made lead only to minor errors, and currents can be correctly represented in the first approximation by means of the slopes of a series of isobaric surfaces relative to one reference surface.' To take the present volume transport results as first approximations is apparently within the validity of the method. It is certainly compatible with the intent with which these preliminary investigations are presented. Even as first approximations, the present results allow us to take an initial step toward a more realistic determination of the flushing time of the southern basin of Lake Michigan. Large volumes of water cross the mid-lake sill, both into and out of the southern basin. Water crossing the sill and entering the southern basin joins with the inflows from the rivers tributary to the southern basin in replacing the volume of water that is contained in the basin at a given instant. Continuity requires that the combined inflows be countermatched 10 A, - r Y - 4 k JULY 9 N JULY 29, I, <'SP\\ AUGUST 19 SEPTEMBER 9-11 O 5 10 NUMBER OF DRFT BOTTLES RECOVERED Fig. 4. Release stations, numbers recovered, and directions of recovery points of drift bottles that were released in 1954 on the Grand HavenMilwaukee transect. For the transect in September bottles were released at the two easternmost stations on September 9 and the remaining stations on September 11. by equal-volume net outflow from the southern basin. At present it is not known whether the compensatory outflow is subsurface and through the deep-water channels along the Michigan and Wisconsin shores, or whether It ocurrs as a counter-oscillation of the surface layers after release of set-up along shore, or as a combination of the two. Water crossing the sill from southern basin to northern basin constitutes a direct subtraction from the volume content of the southern basin. In this case a compensatory net inflow is required, though its location and nature cannot be specified at present. The compensatory inflow, plus inflow from the rivers, works to replace a given instant's volume content of the southern basin. It appears at present that the functional mechanism for the flushing of the southern basin is a combination of the addition of river inflows and a large-volume net transport over the sill. From about May to about January, winds at Chicago, Muskegon and Milwaukee are dominantly from the south of west; in the rest of the months winds are chiefly from the north of west (U. S. Weather Bureau Tech. Paper 35, 1959, figs 8 through 19). These wind regimes may be expected to induce a northward net transport over the sill during summer and fall, and a net southward transport over the sill in mid-winter and sprirg. The net transports over the sill should be accompanied in summer and fall by net southward compensatory counter-movement. In winter and spring the reverse condition should prevail. Inflows entering a lake basin encounter several turbulent 11 mixing mechanisms among which waves, currents, and internal waves appear to be dominant, and to which are added local or periodic sinkings, upwellings, surface seiches, and periods of overturning. As a result of these turbulent phenomena inflowing waters more or less quickly lose their identity by being mixed into the receiving water. Outflow sites are generally at distance from sites of inflow. In general, outflowing waters consist of more or less homogeneous mixtures of inflow and receiving water. Outflows balance the volume-content budget of a lake or basin. It is done, however, by removing compensatory volumes of "mixed" waters, not of "pure" receiving water. Because influent waters become mixed with the receiving water, and because outflows are of mixed water, the flushing-out of the water that fills a lake or basin at a given instant is an exponential "die-away" process in which the rate of removal of original water at any time after the given instant is dependent upon the proportion of the original water mass that is still present. The U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers give the mean annual runoff of the rivers tributary to the lower basin of Lake Michigan as 4.2 x 10 cubic feet, or about 14,000 cubic feet per second through the year. Maximum net transport over the sill into the southern basin of the lake, in this study, is about 47,000 m3/sec or 1.65 x 106 cfs. The sum of river and over-the-sill inflows under these 12 conditions is about 1.7 x 106 cfs which, divided into the 460 x lo10 llcubic foot volume of the southern basin, gives 271 x 105 seconds or 314 days to bring in a volume of water equal to the volume of the southern basin. Continuity would require under these conditions that 1/314th of the basin volume be discharged from the basin per day, an exchange ratio of 0.0032 per day. This maximum exchange ratio is used in the "die-away" equation.-0032x Vt = Ve0032 where the subscripts o and t mean "original" and "at time" and x is number of days. Considering flushing-out to be complete when 99% of the original basin water-content has been removed gives Vt = 0.01 = e*0032x in 0.01 = -.0032x -4.60517 = -.0032x x = 1439 days or 3.9 years Minimum net transport over the sill, found in this study, was 3,800 m3/sec or 0.13 x 10 cfs. Combined with river inputs this gives 0.14 x 106 cfs total input. Dividing the basin volume by total input gives 3286 x 105 seconds or 3803 days to supply a volume of water equal to the basin content. Volume-content balance requires under these conditions, the discharge of l/3803th of basin volume per day or an exchange ratio of 0.00026 per day. With this minimum exchange ratio the die-away equation gives 13 Vt o = 0.01 = e-00026 In 0.01 = -.00026x x = 17,712 days or 48.5 years to flush out 99% of the southern basin volume. Taking these two values as indicative of minimum and maximum flushing times, we may indicate a mean first approximation flushing time for the southern basin of Lake Michigan as being of the order of 26 years. Comparison to Solute Accumulations With regard to flushing characteristics three major types of water bodies may be recognized. One, typified by Great Salt Lake which has no outlet, may be called "basins of almost total accumulation." A second, typified by the usual river or stream, may be called "basins of almost no accumulations." The third, typified by the usual lake with an outlet and inlet(s), may be called "basins of partial accumulation." Each basin is considered to lose some of the solutes contributed to it by 1) incorporation of solutes in its sediments and by 2) incorporation of solutes into biological products completely removed by man or predators. In basins of almost total accumulation the sum of solutes present, plus those lost by the two means indicated, is about the total that has been contributed, and flushing time approaches infinity. In basins of almost no accumulation (streams) the watervolume and solute contents of the basin (bed) are essentially equaled by those of the influent coming in in the next unit of 14 time and flushing time is close to one. - Basins of partial accumulation receive solutes via influent waters and discharge solutes via their effluents. Solute concentrations in the influent and effluent waters are usually different, and the concentrations of solutes observed in the basin waters is a reflection of influx - (losses + efflux). Since rates of loss to sediments and by removed biological products are relatively small, the concentration of solutes in a basin compared to the rate of their influx is a rough measure of the basin's effective accumulation-time. Accumulation-time is also the effective number of time units that a given time-unit's contribution of solutes might be remain in the basin. Flushing time is the number of time-units that are necessary to remove a given instant's volume-content and its solutes from a basin. The two concepts are essentially two views of the same process and computed times based on the two concepts are essentially comparable. Unpublished results of USPHS Grant WP-00226-03 provide some accumulation-time estimates for comparison. From studies of solute concentrations in the southern basin of Lake Michigan and from the volume of the basin, the quantities of some solutes contained in the basin's water have been computed. From studies of the solute concentrations in rivers tributary to the southern basin the annual contributions of 15 solutes to the basin have been computed. For each of the solutes considered, the accumulation-time has been computed by Pounds of solute in basin water Pounds of solute contributed by rivers yearly - Accumulation time The accumulation times available to be compared to the computed flushing times are: Chloride 29 years Sulfate 38 years Phosphorus 6 years If these are treated as first approximations, as were the flushing times, we may take the mean of the maximum and minimum values as a mean first approximation to compare with the mean first approximation flushing time. Mean 1st approx. flushing time 26 years Mean 1st approx. accumulation time 22 years The agreement is good, though both types of results need to be refined by further repetitions. As an initial working hypothesis we must consider Lake Michigan's southern basin to be flushed out only four times per century. SUMMARY the first of a. series which.altogether com — prise the final report on work done-'under the contract. The- primary goals of this section were the.determination of volumes of wa.ter transported across the central sill of Lake Michigan and the effect of these water.volumes on the flushing out of the lake's southern basin. Large volumes of water were found to be crossing-the sill in the period April through November.- Maximum volume transports found were 44,000 m3/sec northward and 47,000 m3/sec-southward. Minimum transports were 5,900 m3/sec northward and 3,900 m3/sec southward. Volume transports across the sill are controlled by wind. Volume transports across the sill are from 10 to 100 times the inflow via,.rivers, 'and constitute the primary means of flushing out the southern basin. Computed flushing times of the southern basin, and computed solute-accumulations in the southern basin, both indicate that about 25 years must be taken-as the first approximation of the flushing time of the southern basin.;-<Wind-induced currentsinvolved in the volume transports across the sill occur in alternate streaks of northward and southward current.:. The moaning of the streaked nature of these currents is not yet known. 17 REFERENCES Ayers, J. C. 1956. A dynamic height method for the determination of currents in deep lakes. Limnol. & Oceanog., 1(3) 150-161. and R. Bachman. 1957. Simplified computations for the dynamic height method of current determination in lakes. Limnol. & Oceanog., 2(2) 155-157. Fuglister, F. C. 1951. Multiple currents in the Gulf Stream system. Tellus 3(4) 230-233. _ 1955. Alternative analyses of current surveys. Deep-Sea Research 2: 213-229. Helland-Hansen, Bj. 1934. The Sognefjord section. pp. 257-274 in James Johnstone Memorial Volume. Univ. Press, Liverpool. 348 pp. Johnson, J. H. 1960. Surface currents of Lake Michigan, 1954 and 1955. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report ---Fisheries No. 338. Washington, D. C. viii and 120 pp., 18 figures, 22 tables. Sverdrup, H. U., M. W. Johnson, and R. H. Fleming. 1942. The oceans, their physics, chemistry, and general biology. Prentice-Hall, New York. x and 1087 pp. Van Oosten, J. 1963. Surface currents of Lake Michigan, 1931 and 1932. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report ---Fisheries No. 413. Washington, D. C. iii and 51 pp., 21 figures, 24 tables. -Q von Arx, W. S., D. F. Bumpus and W. S. Richardson. 1955. On the fine-structure of the Gulf Stream front. Deep-Sea Research 3: 46-65. 0 U. S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, Technical Paper No. 35. Climatology and Weather Services of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes. Gov't. Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 75 pp., 33 figures, 10 tables, appendix. 19 Table 1 Lake Michigan Winds on Day of Transect anM Preceding Days. Transect of 10 August 1962 OOOOGMT Q600GMT ~~~~~"- -,..... l20GMT 1800GMT Wind Speed from knots Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Date August 1962 East Sector 5 6 7 8 9 10 *080~ *0600 *320~ *340~ *0500 - - - 4 2 8 12 10 *350~ *1200 *2900 *260~ 1050~ *070 4 7 1 2 24 6 *0400 *110~ *190~ '270~ *0200 -*070~ 2 6 1 14 9 4 *160~ *050~ 1260~ *290~ *060 -*0800 2 6 5 13 12 10 West Sector 6 7 8 9 10 '010~,110~ '16o0 1 060,030~ *o4o~ 15 7 10 6 28 12 180~ 1090~ 1230~ 12600 '020~ *34o0 2 14 10 9 28. 2 - *0500 *120~ 12600 '270~ *140~o 4 12 13 4 8 2 *0900 '150~ '220~ *3000 *030~ *0900 5 10 6 8 13 8 1 Ship Weather Reports * Weather Bureau land-station data, when ship reports not available 20 Table 2 Muskegon - Milwaukee 10 August 1962 Water-Volume Transports in the 2.5-mile x 60-meter Blocks, m /sec Block North Transport South Transport Net Transport 1 2194 0 2194 North 2 2149 0 2149 North 3 280 1821 1541 South 4 0 6168 6168 South 5 110 5054 4944 South 6 0 12533 12533 South 7 0 4971 4971 South 8 4241 33 4208 North 9 2614 11 2E03 North 10 70 3330 3250 South 11 8030 20 8010 North 12 2075 0 2075 North 13 6 3277 3271 South 14 56 1028 972.Solth 15 8761 0 8761 North 16 1643 0 1643 North 17 53 125 72 South 18 0 5245 5245 South 19 0 2139 2139 South 20 3460 104 3356 North 21 71 1688 1617 South 22 6604 0 6604 North 23 543 0 543 North 24 2390 287 210l North 25 465 773 308~ South 26 0 4433 4433 South 27 0 937 937 South 28 0 12037 12037 South 29 0 18615 18615 South 30 0 7212 7212 South 31 0 1254 1254 South 45815 93095 47280 South 2]. Trable 3 Muskegon - Milwaukee 10 August 1962 Mean Velocities in Each of the 2.5-mile x 10-meter Blocks. Mean Velocity, rn/sec = Block Net Transport/Block Area. Block 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0-l1in.054s.026N.0393.255S.0503.072S.057 S.03 1N. 02TN-. 035S. o86N.009N.0173.0013 -097N * 020N.0003S.076s.0203.050N. 0193 -079N OO01N.037N.016-S 10-20m 20-30m 30-4om 0 0 0.023N.003N 0.06-. -7-NT.003N.138s.0103.0023.0503.020S.001N.0703.0413.06s.0473.0193.00073.o44N.028N.003N.027N.01 NT.000063.0333.0153.001N -079N.024N.0393.01l43.o83N.ol6N. 0013.0o443.01l83.030N.01l83.059N.002N.02-3N. 0033.0363.0073.1163.1683.0793 0 -035N.017N.0253.0103.037N.003N. 00093.0123.00o6N.0053.023N.006N.0083.002S.0o47S.073S 0 0 4o-50m 50-60m.00033.O001N.00063S.001N.O001N.0007N. 0013.0007S.0033.0023.002N.003N.002N.003S. oo4N.00o43.0023. 0013.0033 0 0 0 0 0.00153. 001N.00053.00073.000o63.00023.0005N.00023 ~ ooo6N ~ 0001N.0003N OOO007N.ooo8N.00063s.000073.00053.000o83.0003N.0006N.002N.0033-.003N.0013. 0013.00006s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0002S.0001-iN.00003S.00033.00033.000013 0001lN.000033 0001lN.00006N.00006N OOOO01N.0003N.00023 0.000033.00023.00023.0002N.00065N.00093.O0lN.00033.00053.000093 0 0 0.062S.011ls.137S.222S 1013i.031S 22 Table 4 ake Michigan Winds on Day of Transect and Preceding Days. Transect of 20 August 1962 000OGMT 0600GMT Wind Speed from knots 1200GMT Wind Speed from knots Wind from Speed knots Wind from Sp. kn,ate ugust 1.962 East Sector 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *0500 *1900 '270~ 1340~ *3000 *240~ *340o *3100 *320~ *260~ 4 8 17 30 10 8 9 7 4 3 *1000 *160~ '330~ *360~ '150~ *210~ '0600 *090~ '1200 *230~ 2 7 22 8 6 9 13 1 11 9 *150~ '200~ *300~ '020~ *170~ '2500 *070~ '270~ '170~ *260~ 2 17 9 19 3 8 4 5 17 12 *180~ *210~ 3340~ *34o0 *210~ *280o *230~ '210~!210~ *280~ West Sector 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *090~ *170~ '280~ '340~ *050~ *170~ *040~ 0,180~ 1090o '200~ 6 11 16 30 5 7 6 13 14 10 *o80~ *180~ '3000 *010 '150~ '200~ *340~ '300~ '160~ *230~ 1 9 22 8 6 17 2 6 18 4 *170~ 1200~ 1290~!020~ *220~ '250~,140~ 1280~ '170~ '310~ 4 14 16 19 2 8 12 5 17 13 *160~,190~ '340~ *020~ *210~ *190~ *070~ '290~ '210~ 0800 I Ship Weather Reports * Weather Bureau land-station data, when ship reports not available 23 Table 5 Grand Haven- Milwaukee 20 August 1962 Water-Volume Transports in the 2-niile x 60-meter Blocks, m3/sec. Block 1 2 3 4 5 North Transport 7118 22218 3263 3372 7532 South Transport 0 0 0 156 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0 137 0 0 3705 11 0 0 o 4896 140 0 4143 0 1022 0 53 0 6835 8419 5379 4307 650 18 0 202 2738 5142 2606 36 54 2 6531 4670 3232 108431 3552 3087 9444 7266 8 1379 3860 5169 5 379 4704 48 2080 0 913 3914 5386 0 0 0 218 0 1648 1945 4095 33 0 135 1381 703 2833 0 0 0 64341 Net Transport 7118 North 22218 North 3263 North 3216 North 7532 North 3552 South 2950 South 9444 South 7266 South 3697 North 1368 South 3860 South 5169 South 4891 North 239 South 4704 South 4095 North 20o0 South 1022 North 913 South 3861 South 5386 South 6835 North 8419 North 5379 North 4089 North 650 North 1630 South 1945 South 3893 South 2705 North 51'42 North 2471 North 1345 South 649 South 2831 South 6531 North 4670 North 3232 North 44090 North 24 Table 6 Grand Haven - Milwaukee 20 August 1962 Mean Velocitiez in Each of the 2-mile x 10-meter Blocks. Mean Velocity, rn/sec - Block Net Transport/Block Area. Block 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0-1Cm.129N.072N.111N.0703.o653.1523.103S.054N.017S.0o47S -075S.o68N.0038.o65S -059N.01 o9.054s.o8os.o89N.112N~.073N.029S.o6os * 029N.048N.0l0s.o54s.081N 10-20m * 092N.036s.0313.1073.0o848.017S.0o46s.061S.0568 0O1ON.007S o047S.056S.103N.957N * o48N.02 1S * o48S '.036N'.056S.030N. O09S.027S 0o82N?03Dm 0.035N.003,S.002N.03743.0 12.0095.025S.024s.003-S.0251S.0219.011.8.022S.024;S.040.9.013N9.004,N. 0198~.019s.003N,002.3.007S 0 30-4om 0.039N 60P5N.00006S.0009N.001s.OO1N. 0018.002S.0005N.0002S.0023 * 0000058.00023. O3N.ooo8S.ooo6s.00093.OO01N.0018 moo6N.005S -003N. 0OON.001N.00013.001S.003M.0003S.002S.001N.00 N 00009N 0 0 0 4o-50m 0 0.002N.00038.00031N.00058 -.0005N 0 0.0002S. 0Q03N.0001S.00043.00023.00073.00053.0005N M00SS 0009N.0009N 0000w.002S.00314.00073. 0018 -000 50-6om 0 0 0 0 0 0.0002N 0 0.OO0lS.0001N.00023.0001N OOOO01N.00033.00023.0002N.0002N.0005S.0003N.OOO07N.000TW.0009S.ooo4N.0002N.0009N.00048.0002N 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 Table 7 ake Michigan Winds on Day of Transect and Preceding Days. Transect of 3 November 1962 OOOOGMT 0600GMT 1200GMT Wind Speed from knots 1800GMT Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Wind from Spe kno lte 3tober - November 1962 East Sector,9 3o 1 2 3 *220~ '330~ '330~ *350~ *090~ 21 7 7 9 16 *040o *230~ *350~ *340o *020~ - -- 19 23 24 16 12,0900 *3300 *350~ *210~ *070~ 3 22 28 -8 18 18 West Sector 1220~,340~ *330~ *350 *070~ *050 *210~ *350~ *330~ *350~ *230~ *030~ 1 2 1 1?9 to 1 1 2 3 *220~ *360~ 1350~ *350 *090~ 21 16 9 9 16 *020~ *230 0~ *350~ *340 ~ *1100 *090 0 18 23 24 19 4 17 *070~ *310~ *010 *3000 *060 *080 0 6 26 28 12 09 11 1 2 2 1 ' Ship Weather Reports * Weather Bureau land-station data, when ship reports not available 26 Table 8 Grand Haven - Milwaukee 3 November 196 Water-Volume Transports in the 2-hile x 60-meter Blocks, m3/sec. Block 1 2 3 4 5 North Transport 0 1394 24244 13207 0 South Transport 712 0 0 10 3147 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 7213 0 6483 5829 0 35 0 2540 2871 13499 20 1873 1177 6391 734 0 4637 31 322 5953 41 6312 0 21 6258 1302 7168 227 0 0 7443 0 481 0 5 9221 0 622 1338 0 9275 7392 627 1780 4087 11493 0 8995 6C> 8126 Net Transport 712 South 1394 North 24244 North 13197 North 3147 South 7172 North 6312 South 6483 North 5580 North 6258 South 1267 South 7168 South 2313 North 2U71 North 13499 North 7423 South 1873 North 696 North 6391 North 729 North 9221 South 4637 North 591 South 1016 South 5953 North 0 0 196 0 0 9275 7392 431 1780 4087 South South South South South 0 4562 0 0 0 11493 South 4562 North 4995 South 6045 South 8126 South 330 South 1196 South 1229 North 2289 North 7075 North 0 0 1229 2289 106729 330 1196 0 0 99654 27 Table 9 Grand Haven - Milwaukee 3 November;1962 Mean Velocities in Each of the 2-mile x 10-meter Blocks. Mean Velocity, rn/sec = Block Net Transport/Block Area. Block 0-l1in 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 4o-50rn 50-60m 1.022S 0 0 0 0 0 2.020N.012N.007N oo04N 0 0 3.195N.175N.151N.126-N.o8lN.024N 4.100N.103N.105N -.07UN- ~.025N` 003S 5 032S.02S.023S oil1s.002S.001S 6.074N.071N.057N.021N.001S -.001N 7 T047B- -055S -053S -.0403- 0 0 8.o85N.o67N.035N.015N 0 0 9.090N.051N.021N.013N.006N.001S 10.065S.057S 04S.023S -009S.00lS 11 oo06s.012S o014s.o08s 0 OO01N 12 o044s.o44s.o44s.o46s -034s.009S 13.034N.024N.015N.oo6N.003S oo04s 14.014N.020N.025N -.OldN.oo8N oo04N 15 1l26-N.112N'.088N -.O-5UN 7779-N.007N 16.o69s.o65S.056s.034S.0083 -.001N 17.025N.015N.01ON.oo6N.O0lN 0 18.012S.0033 _____N.Ol67N.013N.002N 19.059N.056N.050N _____3.005N 0 20.002N 00N00NOON00 21.066s.071S.076s.0563.0183.0013 22.035N -035N.033N.029N.013N 0 23013.0063.0023S 0 0 24.oo8N.002N.008s.0193.0133.0013 25.016T N 042.42 038N.017N.001N 26.0773.0733 o0693.0503.0183.0013 27.06os.052.047S.043S.0283 0 28.008s.0073.0053.001N.005N 0 29.0053.008s.0113.0-163 70-T- 0 30.0193.0193.022S.0263.0283.0133 31.1083.0913.0713.0493.0293.0103 32.002N oi16N.028N.037N o040N.020N 33.0153.022S.0293 -036S.036S -.0-163S 34.037S.0363.0353.0343.0313S15 35.0693.063S.0553.042S.024s 0 36 oo06s.003S.0013 0 0 0 37 o016s.0133 o008s 0 0 0 38.022N ol16N 0 0 0 0 39.071N 0 0 0 0 0 28 Table 10 Lake Michigan Winds on Day of Transect and Preceding Days. Transect of 9 November 1962 OOOOGMT Wind Speed from knots 0600GMT 1200GMT 1800GMT Wind Speed from knots Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Date November 1962 East Sector 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 *100o *320~ *170~ *280~ *040o - - - 8 4 12 12 3 '3200 '050~ *080~ 1210~ '350~ *050" '320 '0500 1 160~ '210~ '350~ '080~ 16 21 4 29 16 2 *230~ *o4o0 '170~ *250~ *330~ *090o 17 20 21 24 7 1 West Sector *2400 *020~ *190~ *270~ '350~ *130~ *240~ '0200 '190~ 1270~ '350~ '1300 11 14 28 24 10 10 '360~ '300~ '040~ '180~ '290~ *360~ 15 34 14 30 28 7 16 21 11 26 16 10 '230~,040~ i o4oO '170~ '250~ *330~ *090 17 20 21 24 7 1 11 14 28 24 19 10 ' Ship Weather Reports * Weather Bureau land-station data, when ship reports not available 29 Table 11 Racine - Grand Haven 9 November 1962 Water-Volume Transports in the 2-mile x 60-meter Blocks, m3/sec. Block 1 2 3 4 5 South Transport 0 164 296 2486 3180 North Transport 4707 0 0 0 0 o o 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 6448 1297 2933 281 4007 3653 303 2057 556 0 0 0 0 6510 7450 8 0 0 0 4835 3702 0 0 376 6719 7026 0 0 0 0 19112 2181 85580 85580 0 24 0 477 3 0 310 0 888 4310 2915 2406 5844 0 0 581 6404 4477 6543 0 0 4625 4009 2644 0 0 12357 3509 31730 21102 0 0 119865 Net Transport 4707 North 196 South 296 South 2486 South 3180 South 6448 South 1273 South 2933 South 196 North 400"4 South 3653 South 7 North 2057 South 332 North 4310 North 2915 North 2406 North 5844 North 6510 South 7450 South 573 North 4477 North 6543 North 4835 South 3702 South 4625 North 4009 North 226b North 6719 Sout-h 7026 South 12357 North:3509 North 31730 North 21102 North 19112 South 2181 South 34285 North -UN5T 30 Table 12 Rac ine - Grand Haven 9 November 1962 Mean Velocities in Bach Qif the 2 —mile x 10-meter Blocks. Mean Velocity, rn/sec = B1oqk Net Transport/Blo'ck Area. Block I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22.23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 - 0- lOi.146s.005N.006N.036oN T036N.0o43N.016N * 0214N 7JU6- S~.0o46N.028N.0063.022N.0173.0353.0203.0233.0373. o41N.038N.00o63.0593.0243.0383.0o41N.028N.0623.0503.0o473.030N.072N.1053.0243.2523.1913s.244N.037N 10-20Om 0 0.003N.026N.025N o4lN.021N.036N.025N.017N.0093.0323.01l83.01l83.0373. o43N TumulT.00o43.0513.0273.0383 0o36-N..026N.0353.03 13.0273.02 1N. o64N.09193.0263.217S.1623.198N.030N 20-30m 0 0 0.015N.02 lN.038N.0033.025N.023N.00073 *013N.0283.0133.0373.o43N.0043N.0o423.0293.038s,.030N.023N.0203.0153.0083.029N. o48N TJ8BS.0273.188s.1293. -..15.2N, 0 30- 40m 0 0 0 0 014w.034N,00'O5 N.013N *.002N ThT2lN.019N.003N.007N *0243.0343.038N.0033.0323.0323.038S.023N.019N.0153.0103.002N TJUTOI.026N T066S~.0233 -..163S.0933 0 0 40- 50m 0 0 0 0 0.030N ~ 001N.O01ON.005N.004N.004N.0133. 0083N.0263.027N.00093.01l43.0223.036S.015N. o14w.0093s. 012S.006N.054N.oo8N.0263.0093s.1213.0593 0 0 50-6Orn 0 0 0 0 0.0o14N. oo4N.003N. 00013s.005N.002N.003N.0023.0073.0053.0103.010N.013N.-0003N.0053.0053.0173. oo6N.006N.0033.0073.004N.'015N. 001N.00023I. * 000033.0o453.0213 0 0 C) 31 Table 13 Lake Michigan Winds on Day of Transect and Preceding Days. Transect of 17 April 1963 OOOOGMT Wind Speed from knots I 0600GMT Wind Speed from knots 1200GMT 1800GMT Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Date April 1963 East Sector 12 13 14 15 16 17 *o40o *340~ *030~ *340o *210~ *180~ 5 4 9 9 5 15 1010~ *0500 1320~ *360-0 *170~ *180~ 15 6 13 1 10 11,340~ *330~ *310~ *320~ *170~ *150~ 7 5 5 1 14 9 *3100 *34o0 *320~ *220~ 160~ 1180~ 9 13 14 3 30 17 West Sector 12 13 14 15 16 17 *070~ *070~ '360~ *0800 *160~ *230 5 5 9 8 10 10 '010~ '330~ *270~ *2000 *16o0 *180~ 15 9 2 2 12 11 1340~ 1340~ *260~ *200~ *1600 *210~ 7 8 4 9 16 6 ' 120~ '360 *020~ *170~ '160~ '200~ 13 9 12 8 30 20 ' Ship Weather Reports * Weather Bureau land-station data, when ship reports not available 32 Table 14 Milwaukee - Grand Haven 17 April 1963 Water-Volume Transports in the 2-mile x 60-meter Blocks, m3/sec. Block 1 2 3 4 5 North Transport 680 1445 0 1620 0 South Transport 0 0 0 0 1620 O 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 590 0 0 0 671 0 468 0 0 346 0 1419 0 654 0 0 910 0 386 0 21 22 23 24 25 0 2116 0 671 0 0 0 310 828 0 346 0 0 0 0 523 0 386 0 0 0 386 0 2922 317 0 0 0 0 1477 1172 748 389 14211 Net Transport 680 North 1445 North 0 1620 North 1620 South 590 North 2116 -South 0 671 South 671 North 0 468 North 310 South 828 South 346 North 346 South 1419 North 0 654 North 0 523 South 910 North 386 South 386 North 0 0 386 South 0 2922 South 317 South 0 0 0 0 1477 South 1166 South 748 South 389 South 5016 South 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q O 6 0 0 9145 33 Table 15 Milwaukee - Grand Haven 17 April 1963 Mean Velocities in Each of the 2-mile x 10-meter Blocks. Mean Velocity, m/sec = Block Net Transport/Block Area. Block 0-lOm 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m 50-60m 1.008N.007N.005N.002N 0 0 2.01ON.01ON.009WN _O9 N.005N.002N 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.015N.013N.01ON.007N.004N.001N.5.ol13.010S.007S.004S.o001o 6.04N.004.004N.003N.002N.001N 7.020S 3 OG.o1.093.o005.002S 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.00o. oo 05. oo5.oo4s. 002S.001S 10.005N o05..005N.004N.002N.001N 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.005N.003N.002N.002N.002N.001N 13.002S.0023,.02S.0 02S3 0023.001 14~ o008s.o006s.005S.004.002S.001S 15.002N.002N.002N.002N.002N.001N 16.002S.0023.0022.0023.002S.001S 17.012N.011N.009N.007N.004N.001N 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.006N.005N.004N.003N.002N.001N 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.004s.o004s.04. 003S.002S.001S 22.0007N.007N 006N.005N.003N.001N 23.003S.003S.0023.002S. 0023.001 24.003N.003N.002N.002N.002N.001N 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 27.0033.0033.002S.002S.002S. 001 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.028s.023.018S.012S.007S.002S 30.003S.0033.002S.001S 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.014s.012S.0093.oo6s.o004.001S 36.13 0130.o O8OS3.00o4.001S 0 37.010S. 007.o004.001S 0 0 38.002S.002S.002S.002S.002S.001S 34 Table 16 Lake Michigan Winds on Day of Transect and Preceding Days. Transect of 20 May 1963 000OGMT Wind Speed from knots 0600GMT Wind Speed from knots 1200GMT 1800GMT Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Date May 1963 East Sector 15 16 17 18 19 20 1090~ *150~ *050~ *330~ *270~ *300~ '090~ '0300 *030~ '210~ '010~ *280~ 34 5 3 7 14 10 *0100 *010~ *0900 *260~ *260~ *300 *060~ '220~ *050~ *200~ *250~ *320~ 5 4 7 5 9 6 *070~ 1360~ '110~ *230~ *260~ *280~ 2 13 17 10 4 9 *200~ * Calm *040o *290~ *210~ 180~ 4 6 15 14 14 West Sector 15 16 17 18 19 20 34 10 9 12 6 12 4 8 4 5 7 4 *340~ '010o '270~ '250~ *190~ *290~ 3 12 13 9 6 7 *070~ *050~ *010~ *270~ *240~ *270~ 8 7 9 16 13 I1 ' Ship Weather Reports * Weather Bureau land-station data, when ship reports not available 35 Table 17 Grand Haven - Milwaukee 20 May 1963 Water-Volume Transports in the 2-mile x 60-meter Blocks, m3/sec. Block 1 2 3 4 5 North Transport 648 2910 2241 625 333 South Transport 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 0 78 67 0 0 0 50 27 180 0 469 333 215 0 0 883 0 0 571 258 0 655 0 306 0 0 0 281 382 0 180 0 86 75 0 0 0 10141 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 88 51 604 0 357 0 271 35 107 0 0 50 0 145 0 0 218 494 0 4160 Net Transport 648 North 2910 North 2241 North 625- North '3-3~North883 South 78 North 67 North 571 South 258 South 0 50 North 27 North 1b5 North 28 South 469 North 333 North 215 North 58 South 51 South 604 South 655 North 357 South 306 North 271 South 35 South 107 South 281 North 3-2 North 50 South 180 North 145 South 86 North.75 North 21~.Sou-th 494 South 0 5981 North 36 Table 18 Grand Haven - Milwaukee 20 May 1963 Mean Velocities in Each of the 2-mile x 10-meter Blocks. Mean Velocity, m/sec = Block Net Transport/Block Area. Block 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0-lOm.013N.06 IN.031N.007N.004N.oo8s 0 0.0053.003S 0 0 0.002N 0.005N.003N.002N.0013 0.0053.00oo6N.003S.003N.003S 0.0013 ools.003N.003N 0.002N.00oo.OlN.OON.007S 10-20m.007N.025N.020N.003N.007S 0 0.005s.002S 0 0 0.00IN. 0.004N.oo4N.002N.0013 0.oo5s.0053.005N.003S.002N.002S 0.0013.002N.003N 0.OOIN.001N. 001N.OOIN.OOIN 0 0 0 20-30m..001 iN.004N 7T011N.002N.005S 0 0.00o4 o 0 0 0.001N.OOIN 0.003N.002N.001N 0 0 * oo4s.004N.004N.002N.002N.0023 0 ~.0013.002N.002N 0.001N,ooiS.OO1N.OO001N 0 0 0 30-40m 0 0.005N.002N O.OO1N.0043 0 0.002S.0013 0 0 0.OO1N.001N 0.002N.001N.001N 0 0.0033.003N.002S OOIN.001N 0.001S.OOlN.001N.002N 0.001N 0 0 0 40-50m 0 0.002N.001N.OlN.003S 0 0.0013.0013 0 0 0 0 0 OO1N.0023.002N.0013.001N.oo 0 OO1N 0.002S.001N. ools 0 0 0 0 0 0 50-60m 0 0.001N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.001N 0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37.015o 0 0 0 0 0 37 Table 19 Lake Michigan Winds on Day of Transect and Preceding Days. Transect of 24 June 1963 OOOOGMT 0600GIMT 1200GMT l800GIvT. Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed icnot s Date June 1963 East Sector 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 - - - *210~ *210~ *350~ *330~ *290 *140~ - - - 4 14 11 9 5 LI Calm *170~ *290~ *020~ *180~ *0600 *110~ 7 4 7 2 2 3 *170~ *220~ *330~ *340~ *31140 *110~ *0900 1 8 11 4 3 3 3 West Sector *310~ *220~ *3110~ *330~ *04l.0 *150~ *190~ *110~ *2200 *020~ *030~ *110~ *110~ *110~ 2 14 10 1 1 3 5 4 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 - - - *130~ *190~ *0500 *070~ *060~ *070~ 7 10 9 7 6 7 *230~ *200~ *330~ *360~ *230~ *100~ *050~ 2 6 2 7 2 4 3 *0100 *2000 *030~ *0100 *000o *140~ *0600 2 7 14 5 Calm 2 2 3 13 14 8 6 8 7 * Weather Bureau land-station data. 38 Table 20 Grand Haven - Port Washington 24 June 1963 Water-Volume Transports in the 2-mile x 60-meter Blocks, m3/sec. Block 1 2 3 4 5 North Tran sport100 0 0 718 407 South Transport 0. -:;.1292 -1394 2;0 '" 120.. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25* 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0 0 5352 112 0.-. 1513 593 0.'-247 0 448 650 407 1597 ' 186 87 2 2391 0 0 0 0 6391 353 0 125.... 2587 1537 736 784 0 0 280 0 27603 1464 4090 0 0 489 0 0 644 13 981 - 779 0 621 0 223 1581 837 0 1071 0 1495 4252 0 28 3499 -- 1611 i:~ —: 329,-............-.*... 1607 1051 195 601 30278 Nt ransport 100 North.:.1292 South' 1394 South -*. 707 North 287 North 1464 South.4090 South 5352 North 112 North 489 South -1513 North '593 North 644 South. 234 North 981 South 331 South 650 North 215 South 1597 North 37 South 1494 South 835 South 2391 North 1071 South 0 1495 South 4252 South 6391 North 326 North 3499 South 1486 South 2587 North 1209 North 736 North 784 North 1607 South 1051 South 85 North 6017 South 2675 South *Leg runs north-south 39 Table 21 Grand Haven - Port Wa'shingto-n,24 June 1963 Mean Velocities in Each of the 2-mil.el x.10-m'eter Bloclcs.Mean Velocity, rn/sec = EBlockc Ne't T~'ansport/BlQck Area-.' Blocki 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 20 2-1 23 24 25* 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0-1 Om.002W.0223.0243.0.013N.0213s.0o363.0713-.0023.014W.012W 0.0113.024S.004W.013W.0073. okos.052N 0143S 0.0153. o683.094N.0473.o56N.015W. 010N.0303.009W. 0133S 10-Z0m 001N.0143.0153.007N -.. 00TN.0173 40433.0513 --.0013s.0043.013W.0033.OOIN.001N.007WS.016W 0-.0093.0083'.019W 0.0153.0313.052W.0423S.0033.021W. 013WN 0. oo8N.016s.0083 0.0053 20-li 0.004s.00o43.002W 2m104.0073.0323.0323 0.0023.010NW.0033.002N.0063.007WN.008W-.002W.002W,'.002N.0063 0.0083.018S.027W.0093S.0033.003N.0033 0093.0043 0' -30-40m 0 0 0 0. 001W,0123 0.0013s.006W.0033S.002W.0043..003W.001W'. 001N. 001N.-0033S 0.015W.002W.0013s 0. 001N. 001N.,002W 0.006S.0013 0 40- 50m.0 0 0 0 0 0.002S.0013 0 0.002W -. 0013.,001W.001NW.002WS 0 0 0.0023 0'.0033.001N 0.001N.001N 0.0033 0 0 '50-60m 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0. 0 0.001W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,013. 0.0013.003W 0 0 0.001S$ 0 0 0.0013 0 0 *Leg runs north-south 40 Table 22 Lake Michigan Winds on Day of Transect and Preceding Days. Transect of 24 July 1963 OOOOGMT 0600GMT Wind Speed from - knots 1200GMT Wind Speed from knots 1800GMT Wind from Speed knots Wind from Speed knots Date July 1963 East Sector 19 20 21 22 23 24 - - - *210~ *330~ *320~ *040o *0500 - - - 4 10 8 7 4 *220~ *240~ *250~ *2700 *070~ *090~ 9 4 2 6 3 5 *200 *330 *260~ *260~ *060 *1000 10 11 -.4 3 5 2 *270 *340~ *290~ *270~ *090 *120~ 8 10 11 8 10 2 West Sector 19 20 21 22 23 24 *010~ *360~ *0500 *090, *030.~ - - - 3 6 10 5 8 *216~ *250~ *220 *240~ *o60o *020~ 8 4 2 3 4 3 *240~ *310~ *270~ Calm *010~ *100~ 7 11 6 5 3 *310~ *34o0 *320~ *0500 *070~ *090~ 2 12 7 3 7 6 * Weather Bureau land-station data. 41 Table 23 Muskegon - Milwaukee 24 July 1963 Water-Volume Transports in the 2-mile x 60-meter Blocks, m3/sec. Block 1 2 3 4 5 North Transport 3151 332 2410 0 62 South Transport 0 294 40 1110 1099 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4 0 737 2094 46 2212 146 825 76 135 71 0 237 3615 185 0 57 3542 2866 578 0 20 660 382 0 0 3043 191 3534 1184 0 32395 794 2355 0 231 309 0 144 0 1796 290 455 326 1890 0 1985 3410 398 0 0 2 1565 1465 0 114 1508 3154 0 486 0 0 1246 26466 Net Transport 3151 North 35 North 2370 North 1110 South 1037 South 790 South 2355 South 737 North 1863 North 263 South 2212 North 2 North 825 North 1720 South;.155 South 384 South 326 South 1654 South 3615 North 1800 South 3410 South 341 South 3542 North 2-66 North 576 North 1565 South 1445 South 660 North 268 North 150B South 3154 South 3043 North 296 South 3534 North 118'4 North 1246 South 5927 North 42 Table 24 Muskegon - Milwaukee 24 Ju~ly 1963 Mean Velocities in Each of the 2-mile x 10-meter Blocks. Mean Velocity, rn/sec = Block Net Transport/BlQck Area. Block 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1)4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 0-lOin. o88N.009N.-065,N.0073.0o253.024s.0o43S.002N * O5iN * 001N.034N.0043 * 020N.0463-.0093.0093.0023.0o483. o87N.06-23.0o813.0043-.078N TC5bTT * 015N.0263.0o403.012N OI0ON.0303.-0533. o45N.005N.0t82 -N-.023N.0243 10-20Om. 0093.O01ON.0023.0093 0.02 13.oo6N.015N 0 008.oo4N.0053 * 020N.003N.0223.00o63.024N.0133.0053.003N.002N.0323.03 1N.017N. 0093' 20-30m 0.0013.0093.007N.0023.009N A.OOIN.0 02Nm 0.OOLN.0023 -.002N.002S.0033.oo6N.003N 0.0053 0.003N.0023.0023.00o8s OlI1N.0073.oo6N TO0hST.0053 30-40m 0 0.0013.0093.OOIN 0.0033. oo4N.0023.0033.oo6N.001N4 0.OO1N.00314.00214.001N 0.0033 0.00214.0013 0.0033. o44N.0053, 003N4.00214.0013s 40-50in 0 0 0.00o63 * 00114 0.0013l.003N.0023.0023.00o41.OO01N. 00114 O'OI N 0 0.0023.00214 0 -0 0. 001N4 0 0 0.0013s 0. 001N4.0013s 0.0013s.00214. 0033.002N.00114 0 50-60m 0 0 0.0023 0 0 0..001N4. 0013. 0013.001 0 o0 0.0013s. 001N4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 001N4.0013s. 001N4 0 0 43 APPENDIX BATHYTHERMOGRAPH DATA A II I Slide Depth,M Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr. 4713~'3 d621.6' 6 0 16.5 8.0 15.5 11.0 13.5 13.5 10.9 14.0 7.4 43013-0?, bb-23.7! 7 0 17.5 4.0 17.2 10.5 15.1 13.0 13.8 17.5 5.9 30.0 5.8 43 12-,6?1, 66626. 61 8 0 18.4 6.0 17.9 11.0 13.5 12.0 10,7 20.5 5.5 22.0 5.4 48.0 5.0 43QM~?2T, 86v~29.9f 9 0 18.6 1.0 18.5 7.5 18.4 9.0 18.3 16.0 6.2 21.'0 5.0 30.0 4.6 93.0 4,3 43 1 1.6B?, 660-30. 0! 10 0 18.8 3.0 18.6 17.0 18.0 23.0 6.1 42.0 4.7 113.0 4.3 43v'T1.4?, 86636.11 11 0 18.4 5.0 18.2 14.0 18.1 17.0 17.8 19.0 16.5 25.0 8.0 29,0 6.0 35.0 4.9 50.0 4.4 112.0 4.2 243011.0?, b6039.2? 12 0 18.7 3.0 18.4 16.0 18.0 26.0o 12.0 27.5 9.0 36.0 5.8 Muskegon to 1Milwaukee 10 August 1962 Slide Depth,M Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr. 12 39 ( 57 57.0 4.3 112.5 4.3 '43-10.71, bb42 13 0 18.6 5.0 18.3 14.0D 18.2 17.0 18.1 20,5 17.2 24.0 15.0 26.0O 11.5 31.0 7.3 36.5- 6.0 43.0 5.0 48.0 4.6 114.5) 4.5 43vl104!, bb-45 -14 0 19.3 1.0 18.8 9.0 18.5 16.0( 18.4 18.5 18.0 22.5) 16.0 24.0 12.0 25.0 9.8 28.5) 6.8 36.() 5.4 42.0 5.0 58. 5 4.7 112.0 4.6 430101?', W47791 15 0 19.8 0. 5 19.0 6.0 18.6 14.0 18.5 19.0 18.1 21.0 17.0 24.0 9.0 25.0 7.6 34.0 5.5 45-o 5.1 54.0 4.9 59.0 4.5 102.0 4.5 105.C) 4.6 430100!1, t~b-50-91 16 0 19.8 2.0) 18.8 5.5 18.6 19.C) 18.3 21.0 17.7 25.0 10.0 26.5, 8.8 29.0 6.3 31.C) 6.2 Slide Depth,M Tempf'C No. Corr. -Corr. '16 3305.5 36.0 5,2 59. 0 46 99.0 4.6 103.0 4,7 43009.6', 660"5-4,.-4? 17 0 19.8 2.0 19.0 3.5 18.8 5.5 18.7 16.o 18.4 17.0 18.3 18.5 18.0 19.0 15.0 24.0o. 27,0 6.3 28.0 ~6.0 37.0 5.3 49.0 5.0 53.0 4,7 97.0 4.6 — 43'0067!, 6700"O2. 0! 18 0 19.9 2.5 19.1 16.5 18.7 17.0 18.4 19.0 17,6 21.0 9.9 21.5 9,0 23.5 7.0 29.0 5.8 36.0, 5.3 4o.o 5.0 45.0 4.8 65.0 4.4 90.0 4,3 43-0062!, 67005.1? 19 0 19,7 1.5 19-5 -2.0 18.8 4.5 18.4 17.0 18.0 19.5 17.2 23.0 11.7 24.5 7.4 30.0 6.o 44.o 4.8 63.0 4.4 66.0 4.3 87.0 4.3 43u00601, 67007.2!~ 20 0 19.8 2.0 18.7 6.0 18.1 11.0 17.8 1A No. Corr. Corr. 20 14.0 17.7 18.0 17.5 23.0 14.7 24.0 10,0 25.0 8.o 31.0 5.7 41.0 4.8 47.0 4.6 83.0 4.2 43077 7?, b7 Q9 3 21 0 19.6 1.5 18.8 6.0 17.9 16.5 17.4 18.5 16.5 22.5 7.6 25.5 5.9 36.0 4.7 58.5 4.5 80.5 4.2 22 0 19.9 2.0 19.0 6.0 18.4 8.0 17.9 13.0 17.6 16.0 16.9 20.0 13,0 21.0 8.8 23.0 7.6 25.0 6.6 29,0 5.6 32.0 5.2 41,5 4.8 43.0 4.5 79.0 4.1 43v07.0", 87Q13.3' 23 0 20.0 0.5 19.3 2.0 19.0 7.0 18.6 8.0 18.2 15.5 17.6 20.5 10.2 21.5 9.6 23.0 7.2 25.5 6.2 31.0 5.5 38.0 5.1 43.0 4.7 47.0 4.6 77,0 4.2 43-06 7', b7'15.3' 24 0 20.0 2.0 19.3 7.0_ 18,7 14,5 18.4 17.0 17.8 No. Corr. 23.5 29,0 33.0 41.0 47.0 81.o 43u06.2!, 87Y 25 0 1.5 15.5 20.5 21.0 25.5 29.0 31.0 37.5 46.5 58.5 81.5 43`05 91, b37'26 0 1.5 4.5 14.5 15.5 17.5 18.5 21.0 33.5 49.5 55.5 80.5 43'05.7', b7' 27 0 2.5 3.0 8.0 15.0 18.0 1g.0 23.0 29.0 35.0 36.0 39.0 66.5 -43"T553 t, 8 7 28 0 2 2.5 13.5 16.5 23.5 26.5 56.5 Corr. 8.0 6.3 5.9 5.7 4.9 4.6 4.2 17.4-' 19.9 19.3 18.5 12.6 11.8 7.9 7.4 6.5 5.6 4.8 4.4 4.2 19.6 19.3 18.9 18.5 18.2 14.0 12.7 9.5 6.1 4.8 4.6 4.3 '21.6' 19.1 19. 1 18.9 18.4 18.3 15.0 14.0o 9.5 7,2 6.0o 5.2 4.9 4.7 19.1 19.1 18.8 18.4 14.6 7.0 5.1 4.6 No. Corr. Corr. y3U0.2', sb7025.7' 29 0 18.7 5.0 18.6 8.5 18.0 16.0 17.8 20,0 9.0 22.0 7.2 26.0 5.9 37.0 4.8 46.0 4.3 76.0 3.9 95.0 3.8 43U0 4-5',87"29.b' 30 0 19.0 3.0 19.0 9.0 18.3 13.0 18.1 15.0 17.4 16.0 16.7 18.0 8.7 19.5 7.0 25.5 5.7 30.0 5.2 66.0 4.0 91.0 3.8 '43"04,0', 87033.4' 31 0 19.4 3.0 19.4 4.o 18.9 6,o 18.7 15.0 18.3 16.5 13.9 18.0 11.9 19.5 7.0 27.0 5.4 33.0 4.8 60.0 3.9 85.5 3.7 '43"03.6', 87-36.4' 32 0 19,1 3.0 19.1 6.0 19.0 16.5 18.6 17.5 17.9 18.0 11.9 19.0 8.4 20.0 7.7 25.5 6.4 36.0 5.4 52.0 4.6 55.0 4.2 78.0 4.0 43003.2', 87U3921r 33 0 19.0 6,0 19.0 9.0 18.9 17.0 18.6 19.0 9.3 2A Slide Depth,M No. Corr. 33 21.0 2)4.0o 31.5 53.0 60.0 63.0 69.0 43o02.9', b7' 34 1.0 6.0 10.0 13.0 19.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 29.0 37.0 39.0 43.0 57.0 43u02 4177~', 87O 35 0 7.5 9.5 24.0. 25.0 26.5 28.0 29.5 30.5 32.5 45.0 43u"02.11, b7 36 1.0 9.0 11.0 11.5 12.5 17.0 21.0 22.5 23.0 27.0 43u01.), 7 37 0 5.5 6.5 18.0 Temp. O0 Corr. 7.2 6.6 5.9 4.7 4.6 4.3 4.1 42.0' 18.9 18.9 18.5 18.4 18.3 17.9 16.6 10.6 8.2 6.6 5.8 5.7 5.1 4.7 20.1 20.0 19.7 18.9 18.5 10.5 8.0 7.5 6.8 6.0 5.7 20.5 20.5 20.14 20.4 19.9 19.8 19.6 19.4 19.2 18.9 18.6 50.0' 20.6 20.6 20.4 20.3 Slide Depth,M Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr. Slide Depth,M Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr. 3A Slide DepthM Temp. "0C No. Corr. Corru LIY3"03j4 bY- -C6"~1d. 0r 141 0 IQ,3 10 19.3 14 19.1 15 1a8.5 18 l8,4 19 l8. 1 20 18.1 22 17,5 23 16.6 25 16.3 27 16,2 43 03 2P, ':98 142 0 18.7 15 18,7 16 18.3 17 17.1 21 16,8 24 1501 25 14.0 29 11.8 30 10,3 33 9.1 37 8,9 41 8.0 43 6.3 45 507 43v72 93, bb-22,3' 143 0 18.1 14 18.o 16.2 17.8 17 1.5.7 20 14,4 21 13.7 22.5 13,0 23 110 28 7,9 32 6,2 39 4.7 54 4,5 60 4.5 65 4,3 LI 30 02-. 3,-b $"2LL,5 144 0 18.6 7 18.6 13 17.9 15 17,8 18 16.8 20 13,6 21. 12,6 22 lo.6 23 10.0 25 7.8 28 6,2 31 5.3 36 24.8 Grand Haven to Milwaukee 20 August 1962 Sllde Depth,M Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr, 1T"4-~$4 '40 LI.71~ 44 4,4 55 4,1 43-02,71, bb6-2Tb,8 145 0 188 7 18,7 10 18.4 16 15.4 18 1.3.0 19 12.2 22 11,9 27 6.2 32 5.1 37 4.8 40 404 58 4.2 43-02.6, 836-29,01 146 0 18,9 11 18,7 12 18.4 16 14.2,2 21, 6.9 24 5.4 34 4.7 44 4.2 59 4.2 4-73702,5), bb-31,31 147 0 19.0 13 18,8 15 18.5 16 15,3 18 8.8 21 6,9 27 5.7 32 5.3 36 4,6 40 4, 4 60 4,3 43u02. —4%t -6W33.5' 148 0 19,0 13 18.8 16 1.8.2 17 17,2 20 7.7 21 6,7 27 5,5 29 5.1 39 4,3 44 24.2 6o 4,2 67 4.2 2473u"0-2.2 2, bb c3 5,6 14~9 0 19,1 12 19.1. 15 18.8 19 17.8 Slide Depth,M Temp.oC No. Corr, Corr. 22 11.3 23 7.8 27 5.8 29 5.3 31 4.8 36 4,5 45 4,4 370020 6603U621 150 0 19.3 16 19,2 17 19,0 20 18.4 22 18.0 23 12.4 25 7.2 27 6,2 30 5.8 37 4.7 60 4.4 85 4.4 243`01.9', bb240,51 151 0 19.2 10 19,1 14 19.0 18 18.4 21 18.2 22 14.3 24 6,8 27 5.6 30 5.4 33 4.9 46 IL.5 60 4.5 69 4.5 430016)T, b6b42,-7 152 0 19,2 10 19,1 14 19.0 17 18.6 19 18,3 22 17,8 23 9,3 26 6,5 27 6.3 30 5.6 32 5.5 39 4.6 60 4.4 76 24,3 86 4,4 24bb3701.7bb '664,9i 153 0 19,2 9 19.2 12 19.1 15 18.9 4A II 31ide Depth No, Corr 1-53 18 22 23 27 28 30 36 42 45 60 96 43"UOlj65 a 154 0 1.3 16 18 23 25 26 28 29 35 36 43 60 88 43volu01, 155 0 17 20 22 24 27 34 37 38 39 49 60 78 43"01471., 156 0 9 15 17 20 22 24 25 26 28 31 32 39 51 60 _ 78,M Temp,0C Corr. 17.7 12.4 9.4 7.4 6.4 5.3 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3 1.9.3 19,3 19.2 19.0 18.6 18.1 12.4 9.4 6.9 6.2 5.6 5.3 4.6 4.4 19.3 19.1 18.6 18.3 17.4 11.4 7.2 5.6 5,5 5.0 4.7 4.6 4,4 4.4 19.3 19.2 19.0 18,5 18.1 17.3 13.3 11.8 8.8 7.3 6,2 4.8 4.4 4.4 4.3 4,3 Slide Depth,M Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr, 43 0 Z1 31, 77 5-3. 7 -T 157 0 19.3 7 19.3* 16 19.2 19 18.4 23 17.5 25 13.3 28 8.3 30 6.3 33 5,4 34 4,9 37 4.6 60 4,3 86 4,2 43"01.1', 86-56-31~ 158 0 19.3 12 19,2 15 19.1 17 18.7 23 15.9 26 10.4 29 6.6 30 6,2 33 5,4 35 4.6 42 4,5 60 4.5 67 45 43-0 -01,b6-5.5 -159 0 19.3 10 19.3 14 19.2 18 18.5 21 17.8 25 13.4 27 9.4 29 7.2 30 6.4 32 5,7 33 5.0 36 4.7 60 4,6 84 4.6 43u00. 6:, 780Q.6? 160 0 19.4 5 19.4 8 19,2 14 18,9 15 18.6 17 18.4 18 18.0 23 16.8 25 14.3 26 10,3 27 8.8 28 8,0 30 5.1 46 4.5 60 5sA Slide Depth,M TempO0C No, Cor-, Corr, 160892, 43-0061, 8703,0' 161 0 19,6 7 19,~ 13 i9,3 15 18,6 19 18,1 23 16.9 25 13,8 27 7,5 31 33 4,9 60 4,6 78 4,6 43000.4, b7705,5' 162 0 1,9,8 4 19,6 9 19,6 15 19,0 16 18,6 21 18,0 24 16,6 27 2,3 28 7,1 31 6,1 33 5,4 35 4.7 44 4.5 60 4,5 76 4.4 43YO 3f, b7-0'7,6! 163 0 20.0 10 19,9 13 19.6 17 19,2 19 18,7 25 16,3 30 6,8 33 6,4 35 5.2 43 5.0 60 4,7 78 4,6 43u0021.2 "09,6 164 0 20.0 3 19,8 7 19,8 13 19 i,4 19 18.9 22 16,5 25 14,5 27 9.6 29 7,8 32 5,4 35 5,1 40 4.9 60 4,6 79 KS5 Slide Depth,,M Temp."C No, Corr, Corr., 43UQQQ!, 87012.11 165 0 20,1 2 20.0 3 19.9 12 197,7 17 18.9 20 15,7 25 11.2 27 6.3 34 5.1 60 4,5 4-2-"59,9 b37U14 52 166 0 19,9 3 19,5' 15 19.2 16 19.0 17,5 -18.6 19 116.7 22 11,i 8 224 9,7 26 7,0 28 6.8 29 5.2 32 4,5 60 4.1 84 4,0 42u59,7.767' 167 0 19,7 3 1 9013 19.1 18 17.7 22.r5 9,0 24. 24,5 5,5 31 4.8 60 4.6 78 4.3 4-7275-9 5,5 b7-19-0v 168 0 19,7 5 19.4 12 1, 16,5 1<.6 17 i8, l 21 9,9 23 8,5 25 7,9 27,5 5.4 30 5,1 33 4.9 36 4.6 60 4.4 712 4.4 169 0 19,9 3 1~9.24 6 119,3 12 I-,9.0 Slide No. Depth, Corr. 19,~ 29 48 6o 84 42-'59.2 v, 170 0 6.18 20 23 26 27 28 31 33 39 60 79 02u5 62 171 0 6 '13 16 19 20 21. 22 25 37 43 49 60 85 472-5T&,9 v 172 0 2 4 7 10 15 16 19 23 24 27 31 34 43 55 6o 83 6A M Temp. OC Corr, 14.0o 9.6 5,3 4 4.2 19.9 19.4 19.3 19.0 18,2 9.4 8,5 8.0 6,9 5.4 4,8 4.5 19,4 19,0 18,.7 18.5 17,.8 17,3 80 5,7 4,8 4,3 4,1 3,9 19,56 1903 18,~8 18-5 18,3 9,5 8.1 6,o 4,8 4.0 3,9 Slide Deptlh,M Temp,0C No. Corr. Corr. 1 7 3 0 20.4 1 20.0 7 19,8 13 19,5 1.9 19.0 21 17.3 23 1.0.1 26,5 6.1 34 5,0 40 4.7 60 LK6 86 4,'I 174 0 20,3 3 19,8 9 19,7 14 18.8 18 18,4 21 24 5 27 'T.0 36 6.o 44 5.1 46 4,3 60 4.2 5b75 4.1 42735', 7351 175 0 20.6 0,5 20.0 2 19,5 10 19,4 13 19.2 1 6 18,7 20 18,1 23 10,8 25 7.8 28 6.,7 37 5,2 43 4,8 46 4.6 6o 4,5 5 62 -7-''. 42 3b,3 b~37.21 176 0 20.6 3 19,5 6 19,5 8 19,3 10 19,2 18 18,8 20 18,1 22 14.6 25 7,0 27 6,24 36 5,3 Slide Depth,M Temp.0C No, Corr. Corr. 176- 9 477 48 4.5,42u58.2, b~v3-9.'-T 177 0 20.7 1 20.1 2 20.0 9 19.9 21 18.7 22.5 13.6 24 8.6 26 7.1 31 5.8 34 5.1 42 4.8 4 -5b-lT 41.7'~bl.? 178 0 20.7 2 20,1 15 19.6 19.5 1.8.4 22 9.6 23 6.4 24 5.8 33 5.4 42-57,9% b7u144.01 179 0 20.8 1 20.6 2 20.3 15 19.7 19 14.7 20 10.2 21,5 7.2 23 6.7 26 6.7 42 357.71, 37-46-,3' 180 0 20.9 2 20,4 4 20.1 12 19.7 15 18.7 16 16.7 18 13.5 20 7.9 22 7.5 23 7.4 Slide Depth,M Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr. Slide Depth,M Temp.OC No. Corr. Corr, 7A Slide DepthM Temp.0C No. Corr, Corr, 43-03.5v, 8601153.O 305 0 12.8 2 12,8 16 12.8 43"034i 4 6,20 4t 306 0 13,0 2 13,0 25 13.0 26 12,7 35 12.5 37 12.1 41a 12,1 43VQ3~ 3~-18~i,,1 307 0 12.8 2 12,8 26 12. 8 32 1227 40 '117 43 11,4 45 10,9 49 1o.6 50 10.i 53 9.6 56 8,1 58.5 6.3 64 6.0 69 4.3 43034.41 b6325.1 308 0 12.3 4 123 19 112,2 25 12.1 26 12.0 37 11.7 42 9,8 44.5 9.1 45 8,0 48 7.6 55 4.5 72 4.3 43Q303.3, s 6627.5v 309 0 12,4 3 12.4 18 12.3 23 12.1 30 12.0 33 11.4 35 10.3 37 703 40 5,2 46 4.7 49 4.7 74 4,6 Grand Haven to Milwaiik(.e 3 November 1962 Slide DepthM Temp.,C No, Corr. Corr, 4703 37-871275.81 310 0 2 33 12.0 35 11,3 38 6.9 39 6. 4 41 5.4 44 5,1 79 4,9 43U03~2, 86-32,3? 311 0 12.5 1, 12.5 11 12.5 16 12.2 21 12.2 23 12.0 27 11.7 31 9,0 38 8.0 41 7.2 42 6.0 46 5.5 53 5.0 57 4.3 80 4,0 43-03- 0.? b-634.7g 312 0 12.2 4 12,2 22 12,2 27 1.2.0 32 9,3 37 Q,1 44 8.4 49 7.4 313 0 11.8 4 11, 8 17 11.5 22 11.0 26 10.5 30 9.7 38 9.3~ 42 8.5 47 4,9 51 4.7 55 4.2 67 3,9 84 3.8: 43uO -,bbT9-:T-r- ht 314 0 10.7 4 10.7 8 10.7 Slide Depth, M Temp.0C No, Corr, Corr, 314 16 ~10. 2 25 10.0 31 9.6 38 9.5 40 9,2 41 6,4 44 5.4 47 5,2 52 4.7 89 45 43"o3.0%, db641,7' 315 0 10,8 4 10.8 21 10,7 26 10,5 32 10,4 41 9.5 44 6.2 47 5.2 81 4.5 99 4.5 4~V3~3,i bb44.19 316 0 10.6 4 lo. 6 41 10.5 42 8,2 46 5.1 48 4.5 105 4,2 43U03,0%5 bV46,5? 317.0 10.6 4 10.6 22 10,6 37 l0,4 46 8.6 54 7.4 57 5.6 61 5.2 77 4.6 101 4.5 43'02.91, b3b'4b,9 318 0 10,3 4 10.3 22 10.3 34 10.2 39 9,9 45 8.1 52 7.5 61 7.0 66 6,2 68 5.2 69 5.0 84 4.7 99 4.7 8A Slide Depth~,N Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr. 43002.9!, 86051.3! 319 0 10.5 4 10.5 22 10.5 30 10.2 33 9.8 37 8.9 47 8.3 50 7.6 52 7.4 63 5.2 96 5.0 4300291 bb-53,6! 320 0 10.2 4 10.2 12 10.2 14 9.8 23 9.6 29 8.8 35 8.3 38 7.4 45 6.3 54 6.o 56 5.5 59 5.0 79 4.6 94 4.5 43"02.8', 86-56.0' 31 0 10.3 4 10.3 13 10.2 16 10.0 38 9.5 42 8.6 43 7.6 47 7.4 56 4.6 92 4.4 43-02.8!, 86058,2! 322 0 9.8 4 9.8 22 9.8 33 9.6 43 8.2. 47 7.0 5161 53 5.4 85 5.1 43002,7!, 87000.8! 323 0 10.1 4 10.1 31 10.1 35 9.8 39 9.3 41 8.1 43 5.6 46 5.0 81 4.6 Slide Depth.,M Temp. 0C1 No, Corr., Corr. 430027!-, 87003.2!,e 324 0 10.0 4 10.0 26 9.9 30, 9.6 31 9.4 36 7.9 41 4.8 79 4.4 43002.7", 870Y05.5" 325 0 10.1 4 10.1 31 10.0 33 8.6 35 ~ 6.o 38 4.9 40 4.8 75 4.6 43'02.6! 67TQF7 - 36 0 9.9 4 9.9 16 9.9 41 9.6 45 7.1 48 6.1 51 5.2 76 _. 43 02.- 870 10.2! 327 0 9.9 4 9.9 19 9.9 28 9.6 34 9.5 38 9.3 41 7.7 42.5 6.0 43.15 5.5 46 5.0 78 4.8 328 0 10.0 1 10.0 15 10.1 22 10.0 26 9.8 32 9.6 37 9.2 40 8.9 41 6.8 46 4.9 78 4,5 43002.5! 8701-5-.1!' 329 0 9.9 4 9.9 13 9.8 23 9.6 29 9.2 41 8.5 42 8.1 9A Slide No. 329 Depth "M Temp.0C Corr. Corr'. 50 54+ 78:43002.4!, 330 0 4 30 32 34 3 r5 38 40 48 79 43'02.4'1, 331 0 5 25 36 40 43 50 57 73 430024!7, 332 0 5 14 42 58 60 43002.3 v 333 0 25.! 43. ~ 46. 50.58. 334 0 4 2 2 40 47 50 5 1 56 58 60 9 5 5,9 5.0 4.6 870 17,31 9,7 9,7 9,6 9.2 8.6 8.5 6,8 62,2 5.2 4.8 4.8 870 19.7 9.8 9.8 9.8 9,7 9,3 8.3 5.8 5.3 5.1 87`22, 1! 10.1 10.1 10.1 9,7 8.0 7.6 6.8 5.8 5,3 870 24-51 1.0.1 10.1 10.1 10.0 9.6 8.0 7.4 6.7 6.3 b7-2b,8! 10.0 10.0 10.0 9,8 9,7 9.1 8.7 7,3 6.2 5.2 4.8 Slide Depth,M No. Corr. Temp. "C Corr. Slide Depth,M No, Corpr. Temp. "C Coir. Slide Depth,M Temp."C No. Corr. Corr. 43Y02.3', 335 0 4 16 30 44 47 56 59 62 65 68 92 336 0 4 16 28 43 58 6o 63 66 82 86 43-022 I.2, 337 0 5 20 26 36 43 48 52 57 70 81 243"02.1', 338 0 6 24 36 47 53 59 65 77 b7"29.3I 10.0 10,0 10.0 9.7 9.5 9.4 9.2 6.7 6.1 5.0 4.9 4.6 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.2 9.6 7.7 6.8 6,1 5.7 5.7 TTO 3734Qt 11.0 11.0 11.0 10.8 10.7 10.2 9.9 8.7 6.7 5.4 5.4 87u36.5' 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.24 10.3 10.0 8.0 6.1 5.7 d7"39. O' 10.8 10.8 10,8 10.6 10.24 10.24 10.1 rC3 01; -, 8 44IL41'340 0 11.0 1 11.0 52 11.0 54 108 59 10.8 43-01.8', 87"T3.T4' 341 0 11.1 1 11.1 243 1;l.0 49 11.0 43-01 7', 87u245 b1-' 342 0 11.2 1 11.2 33 11.2 243-01-71, b7-4d81l 343 0 11.0 1 11.0 21.5 11.0 43-01.6', 87u50,5' 344 0 10.7 1 10.7 15.5 10.7 43 "o22. 0 1 339 0 1 19 23 27 43 64 70 10A Slide Depth,,M Temp.00 -N-o. Corr. Coirr. mrT4.1r7Tr'j3'.3r7 396~ 0 8.7 12.5 8.7 -397 0 10.1, 18.5 10.1 Z1WT57I', 57U35 6t 398 -0 10.0 23 10.0 42v 45 7F56', 87 6.01 399 0 99,9 31 9.9 4fT'4fU1i', 5yv335t' 400 0 9.5 -49 9.5 k4oi 0 9.2 *57.5 9.2 58.5 9.1 60 9.0 685 8.7 42V'77i ', 5-72q92t 402 0 9.1 48 9.00 50- 8.9 52 ~ 8.6 54 7.9 59 7.0 60 6.6 62 6.1 64 5.9 66 5.2 80 4.8 -42v47.6(:',- 87027.21 403 0 8.9 36- 8.9 45.8. 8 55 8.5 * 60. 5.2 * 61 4.8 63' 4.6 89 4.4 42TrT8ToI',. 57U'24 9A 404 0 8.8 419 8.7 51 8.4 53 8.0 55 7.1 62 6.1 6 3 5.7 69q 5.0 Pa~cipe to Grarwa Hav'en 9 November 1-962 Slide.Depth,M. Tenp,'C NQ. Corrn.. Corr. 4~2 475' 2 7U' 405.08.8 24 8.9 39 8.9 48 8.7 50 8.1 55 7.2 56 6.6 58 6.4 59 o 60 6.o '63' 5.7 72 5.5 78 5,~2 90 4,9-.101 4.-7 W74B470I-T7OT0.' 406 0 8.4 45 8.4 49 8.3 51. 8.0 54 7.4 60 s5 5 63 4.9 81 4.4 96 4.4 407 0 47 50 55 56 60 67 81 109 408 Q 45 46 -48, ' - r I Xv M:4 U-1, M, a 8.3 8.2 7.1 6.4 6.o 5.3 4.4 4.2 4.1 BrT7r 6 -8. 4 8.4 8.1 7.0 6.3 5.3 4,4 714.5' 8.2 8.1 7.8 7.1 5.4 5.3 4.6 4.2 4.'~ SI~de Depth —9M,M -Temnpt.No.,' Corr. Corr. 42'05Q,9% 67 1.3 410 0 8.6 3 9. 8.5 44 8.4.45. 8.2 4 8 5.8 52 4.5 6 0 4.2 72 4.0o 133 4.0o 41 0 8.y 36.8,7 48 8.6 51 6.4 53 5.3 60 4.6 66 4.5 135 4.4 412 0..8.8 -21 8.8 49' 8.6 51 7,5 60 5.4 64 4,.7 81 4.5 13545 42'05203.3', 5-7006.0' 413 0 9.0 21 9.0 36 8.-8 42 8.7 44 8'.6 48 8.4 51 8.3 52 -8.2 58 6.4 60 6.3 61 6.2 63 5.6 68 4.8 72 4.6 75 4.4 8' 4.3 tF 130 4.1 42952.5'1., 87-0Q4.0QI 414 0 9.0 51 9.0 56 8.8.60 6.6 61 6.3 62 5.9 64 5.0 r66 4.7 -11"! 52 60 67 409 0 46 -48 50 53 54 60o 67 121 'IT =- -7 — - V, - 11A S - - -,lide Depth,M No. Corr. 414 851 123 42~53.0, 87 415 0 18 30 42 54 57 59 60 64 81 119 42"53.5', 5 416 0 35 39 40 44 47 53 60 115 42054.0' 5 417 0 38 40 41 43 47 50 60 95 110 42054.6', 8 418 0 42.5 43.5 45 49 51 54 57 60 66 81 106 4-~5-5 1':8U 419 0 42 48 49.5 51 55 57 60 66 Temp. C Corr. 4.3 7 01.8'9.1 9.1 8.8 8.5 8.3 6.2 5.2 5.1 4.5 4.4 4.2 59.6' 9.2 9.2 9.0 8.7 6.1 4.9 4.6 4.5 4.1 5"57.2' 9.3 9.2 9.1 8.9 6.7 4.7 4.5 4.4,4.2 5~55.0' 9.6 9.6 9.0 8.4 5.5 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.4 S6 52. 9 ' 9.5 9.5 9.4 8.2 7.5 5.5 4.9 4.8 4.7 Slide Depth,M Temp. C No. Corr. Corr. 419. 1 4. b 101 4.6 42"55.41, 86u50.5' 420 '0 9.5 48 9~.5 54 9.3 55 8.7 56 7.9 57 7.5 59 5.7 60 5.6 63 5.5 78 5.4 84 5.3 87 5.2 93 4.9 96 4.8 99 4.8 42-55.9' 86 48.2' 421 -- 0 9.3 45 9.2 51 9.0 54 7.9 56 7.0 60 6.6 65 6.1 67 5.2 81 5.1 96 4.9.42 56.3, ' 6u46.i.. 422 0 9.3 18 9.2 27 9.0 45 9.0 48 8.9 51 8.4 53 7.3 58 5.9 60 5.7 63 5.4 66 4.7 75 4.5 81 4.4 96 4.4 42V56. b', 8643.7' 423 0 10.4 5 10.4 11 10.3 14- 10.2 16 10.1 20 9.5 23 9.3 47 9.2 51.5 9.1 53 7.9 55 6.7 60 5.9 62 5.3 Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. -23 — 65-..4.7 71 4.5 80 4.4 96 4.4 42'57.3', b6"41 5' 424 0 10.9 17 10.8 21.5 10.5 23 10.0 26 9.4 29 9.2 50 9.1 54 8.8 55 8.2 57 8.0 59 6.1 60 6.0 63 5.5 65 5.2 71 4.7 77 4.6 95 4.5 42"57.b', 8639.2' 425 0 11.4 20 11.4 22 11.3 24 10.5 25 10.3 27 9.6 29 9.4 32 9.3 50 9.2 52 9.1 55.5 7.4 57 6.2 60 5.9 63 5.1 65 5.0 77 4.9 91 4.9 42"58.2', U8637.0' 426 0 11.1 27.5 11.2 29.5 11.1 36.5 10.7 37.5 10.4 40.5 8.2 42.5 7.5 44.5 6.2 46.5 5.7 50.5 5.5 56.5 5.4 60 5.4 74.5 5.3 83.5 5.0 88.5 5.0 - 42"58.8', 8634.1' 427 0 11.0 - IJ........... 12A Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 2W7 - 9 11.0 12 10.9 18 10o.6 36 10.5 38 7.6 40 7.1 41 5.7 42 5.5 45 5.2 51 5.0 60 4.9 86 4.8 -42"59.6"', b03l.-.. 428 0 11.1 27 11.0 33 10.8 36 10.7 41 10.6 42 10.5 44 10.4 46 7.2 48 5.5 50 5.2 54 5.1 60 5.0 82 4.9 43r00r.31, 86"2.2' 429 0 11.0 41 11.0 42 10.9 43 10.7 44 10.4 45 9.9 47 9.6 48 6.6 49 5.7 *50 5.3 51 5.2 59 5.0 60 5.0 80 5.0 -43"00. r'-, 86 25.4'. 430 0 12.1 11 12.0 20 11.9 26 11.7 41 11.7 47 11.5 52 11.3 60 8.3 62 7.7 65 6.4 68 6.0 72 6.0 43'701T.31, 86"22.6' 431 0 12.8 42 12.7 -50 12.2 $lide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 58 10.9 60 10.9 62. 10.9 43"01.- " 86~19'.7'-" 432 0 11.5 38.5 11.5 43Q-2.5' -6"-1b.'433 0 11.3 _ 28.5 11.3 Slide Depth,M Temp.~C.No. Corr.. Corr. 13A Grand Haven to Mwaw'.e.. 17 April 1963 Sl~ide Depth,M Temp.00C.No., Corr. Corr. Slide Depth,M Ternp.C -No. Oorr. Corr. 43 05.-1',o 434 0 16 25 4rOBTITT"~)435 0 46 51 436 0 60 437 0 60 6C 7 438 0 60 82 439 0 60 914l 435<05.0',s 440 0 60 100 TrorwT 441 0 6o 103 442 0 60 99 443 0 60 107 444 0 60 108 445 0 60 65 101 4f3wU.B'TT 446 0 35 60 92 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.6 162.0b 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0-5*3 1.0 o.8 0.8 0.8 1.08 1.0 9* 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.2 UUv34E5r~ 1.3 1.2 1.2 r~3r.7r 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2ul - 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 450225' 447 0 60 97 43rr 02nr, 448 0 59 60 93 4r-0r.w 449 0 60 94vO )-I0 0 60 89 451 0 60 452 0 60 -- _72 tb6" 4b.4' 1.2 1.2 1.1 b50 1. 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.3 b 53s01.3 1.3 5615.5' 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 Slide Depth,M Temp.0C No. Corr. Corr. 43hror2rP O(rn27r 462 0 -1.1 463 0 1.5 46401.6. 465 0 1.6 466 0 1.6 74 1.4 43"02.0',. 57v346' 466 0 1.6 4l3v'02.OT~, 57"-37v 4tO 468 0 1.6 768 1.4 43"0l.9', 57V3p71T 469 0 1.8 68 1.7 43-'J0.1.5, ~29 470 0 2.0 44 2.0 43"0l.5', 57"46.0' 471 0 2.4 34 2.4 43flT-7 fl1 Tj b - 472 0 2.4 20 2,4 453 0 1.1 78 1.0 Tr02 — w5TrF8ro2F4gr8 454 0 1.1 77 1.0 43"-02 5Y, 57"07.l' I 455 0 1.1 456 0 1.1 70 0419 457 0 I 14 458 0 1.1 850. mrrO.3-wr 7Tr 6cOr 459 0 1.1 87 0.9 43u'02.21,t 57"1t.2' 460 0 1.1 87 0.9 wrV2."Tb~2n5r 461 0 1.1 57- 1.0 14A Slide Depth,M Temp.00C No. Corr. Corr, 575 0 13 17 576 0 19 26 30 577 0 28 31 38 41 51 -578 0 30 60 75 - 90 9.0 8.3 6.0 6.0 6.5 5.6 5.6 5.1 4.9 5.1 4.y 4.3 4.3..W. One cast missed. 579 0 40 60 74 -4 89 580 0 2 5 60 8o -9-5 43ronr I 581 0 30 60 75 97 T3TQ3. 2,7t 582 0 30 60 72 85 100 43roT31,,p 583 0 47 60 75 97j 0 " 2 9'.4' 3.8 4.0o 3.5 -3.3 3.1 3,5 3.5 3.4 3.0 3,5 4,0.3,2 3.1 3.0 390 3.2 Grand Haven to Milwa-ukee 20 Na,~- 1963 Slide Depth..M Temp.00 No. C~orr. Corrm, r3v3- r-rTT6ry4Tr0f 584 Q 3.0 32 3.0 60 2.9 102 2.8 43`Q3Q?0,~ 56u44,51-' 585 0 3.0 -35 3.0 60 2.9 102 2.7 b47.2' 586 0 3.0 45 3.0 60 2.9 99 2.8 587 030 60 3.0 -95 ~ 2.9 '42 vO2'21 Z35 588 0- 3.1 60 3.1 97 0 589 0 321. 50 3.1 *60 3.0 90 3.Q 590 0 3.4 50 3.4 50 3.6 8o 3.4 592 0 3.86 23 3.8 60 3.6 75 3.5 43 0b7 7T1F2.r593 0 3.7 230 3.7 60 3.6 75 3.6 43 02 7'1 70Q751' 594 0 3.7 30 3.7 60 3.5.. -69 ~35 Slide Depth,M Temp'OC No. Corr. corr. 43"02-b, -b7 09.9 595 0 3-5 60 3.2 81' 3,1 43`02.06',587`12.5' 596 0 3.7 30 3.7 60.3.6 79 3.5 43v02.'5', 57v-15.2' 597 0 3.5 40 3.5 60 3.3 83 3.3 T3O F.- rT 7T017.7 598 0 3.7 30 3.-7 60 -3.5 80 3.4 '43 y02.4, 57w20.2'599 0 3.5 30 3.5 60 3.4 70 3.4 6oo0 035 30 3.5 -53 3.4 601 0 3.5 25 3.5 60. 3.2 74 3.2 r43owr 31r'Fr ~v2 r7 6,Q2 0 3.8 30 3.7 60 3.3 603 0 3.8T 45 3.8 60 3.7 - 79.3.6 6o4 0 3.8 30 3.8 60 3.7 -75 3.6 Tr4rrOr3.T2Fr 605 0 7`53,9 30 3.9 60 3.8.- I 1~A Slide DepthM Ternp.OC No., Corr., Corr, 606 0 t.o 60 37 633. 607 0 4-.0 50 3.8 6o 3 *7.7 608 0 4_ 25 4.1 52 4.0 43rmrT, Tr'rww. 609 0 4.7 35 __ 4.6 Slide. DepthM Temp.0C No, Co~rr-.CO'rr.t Slide Depth.,M Texnp.0C No. Corr4. Corr.o 432f01.e',; 610 0 19 43110171q 611 '0 7 9 11 6.o 6.o t37v50.2' 8.3 B.c 7.2 7.1 0 - --- 16A Grand Haven to Port Washington 24 June 1963. Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 624 0 10.6 3 10.5 4 9.4 6 6.9 7 6.4 9 5.8 16 5.8 625 0 10.5 2 10.3 3 8.7 4 8.3 6 8.1 9 7.2 11 6.2 12 5.6 13 5.3 14 5.2 15 4.8 20 4.6 31 4.6 — 43"03o4, 9w —il626 0 9.5 2 9.4 6 8.7 8 8.5 9 8.0 10 7.8 12 6.9 15 6.5 25 6.0 27 5.6 30 5.5 -.. 43vO3 I 4,- 3 -627 0 10.3 2 10.3 4 9.2 6 8.5 7 8.2 15 7.6 16 7.4 26 6.6 32 5.2 40 4.6 628 0 10.0 2 10.0.3 9.1 4 8.9 5.8.8 7 8.2 9 8.0 11 7.5... 12 _ 7.2_ S m l.... Slide Depth,M No. Corr. 625 20 29 33 629 0 2 6 10 11 15 18 22 25 29 34 -r43 O.2', 8 630 0 3.5 6 8 10 12 15 17 21 25 29 31 33 631 0 1 3 5 7 10 15 17 25 35 40 632 0 2 Temp. oC Corr. 13 ----~^_;~~ 5.7 5.4 11.0 10.9 9.5 8.0 7.7 6.9 6.4 6.1 5.6 11.0 10.9 9.8 9.5 8.3 8.1 7.8 7.7 7.3 7.1 6.7 6.2 5.8 5.2 10.4 10.3 9.4 8.8 8.3 8.2 7.7 7.2 7.2 9.1 9.1 7.9 7.7 7.4 7.2 6.9 6.4 5.4 9 7..... 9.2 Slide No..N -- bLs - 10 13 15 26 35 42 4 --- — Depth, Corr. 6.m m? M; O;5r 11 634 0 2 5 7 14 16 30 33 37 46 56 60 65 74 104 -43"o03. 635 0 2 3 5 6 9 14 21 27 29 32 41 44 60 95 636 0 1 3 14 17 25 34 38 56 60 71 85 - M Temp. C Corr. 7.6 7.0 6.7 6.4 6.2 5.8 5.1 9.4 8.9 8.5 7.8 6.9 6.6 6.1 5.8 5.7 5.3 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.3 4.3 9.1 8.8 7.9 7.7 7.5 6.7 6.4 5.7 5.6 5.2 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3 86 47.3 9.3 9.2 7.4 6.3 6.2 6.0 5.4 4.7 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.1 m I m 4 5 8 12 15 -17 42 633 0 -g ml ~-~- - - - - - )~ I~'~' -— YI1I-~~ — 17A Slide Depth,M Temp. C No. Corr. Corr. -43"03 1', 86" 49.-' 637 0 9.8 2 9.7 4 7.6 5 7.4 7 7.2 10 6.7 19 6.3 21 6.0 31 5.5 41 5.0 60 4.5 71 4.3 84 4.3 43"03.', O 6 52.3 ' 638 0 9.5 4 9.0 5 7.9 7 7.5 10 7.2 12 6.5 17 6.2 23 6.1 44 4.6 52 4.4 60 4.3 71 4.2 80 4.1 90 4.1 43UO3O', 86 54.9' 639 0 9.5 4 8.8 5 8.4 6 7.8 10 6.8 25 6.3 34 5.7 38 5.5 45 5.1 53 4.4 60 4.3 89 4.2 One cast missed. (winch failure) 43"030, 5 6"59.9' 640 0 11.0 1 11.0 3 10.6 4 10.4 7 8.9 10 8.4 12 7.8 17 7.4 28 5.4 35 4.8 38 4.7....47..4.5 Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 640 60 4.2 - 71 4.1 86. 4.1 Two casts missed. (winch failure) x 1-5-, M l- -. f'= y Slide No. 645 Depth, Corr. -5 7 16 21 28 60 77 4fUOj.U', 641 0 1 4 7 15 16 19 23 29 60 73 43"02.9', 642 0 1 3 11 19 29 32 38 60 77 - -.... -- - _ _ 43 02. 9' 643 0 1 2 4 12 15 21 29 53 56 60 83.43. "02. 8', 644 0 1 4 O7 07. ' 11.3 11.3 9.6 9.1 8.5 7.3 6.7 4.8 4.4 4.2 4.1 87 ~10.-4' 11.4 11.3 9.2 7.4 6.4 5.7 5.4 5.0 4.4 4.3 7" 13.3' 10.4 9.7 9.5 7.1 5.7 5.0 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.0 87"15.8't 11.4 11.4 9.2 8.3 5.8 4.8 4.5 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.8 87"ul. 4'. 12.2 12.2 11.7 -:r-... -' -43u02. 1, 646 0 2 4 10 21 28 60 83 -43"02.8, 647 0 2 3 6 12 14 18 22 33 60 43`02 *bI, 648 0 11 17 22 23 27 48 60 69 89 LL -,M Temp.~C Corr. --. - 11.5 — 9.8 8.1 4.8 4.1 3.8 3.6 57 "' 21.0' 12.4 11.9 10.9 10.3 5.4 4.4 4.0 4.0:7u23.,6 —6' 12.2 11.8 9.9 8.9 8.4 6.4 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.0 87v26.3,-.. 11.9 7.8 6.1 5.6 5.1 4.9 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.1 TRANSECT TURNS NORTHWARD:~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---::. _.:.. ~:,........... - 43"05*7', 87 26.7' 649 0 14.2 3 12.0 6 10.9 10 10.3 12 8.6 18 5.6 22 4.9 48 4.4 60 4.4 92 4.2 I.f. 9 17 23 34 42 60 65 80 43u02,' 645 0 1 2 t TRANSECT TURNS NORTHWESTWARD 43"07.6', b7"29.3' 650 0 14.4 1 13.0 3 12.8,.-~~,~~~.-,,"........... 18A Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. -50 4 11.0 9 10.1 15 7.7 18 7.1 21 6,3,-3 27 5-5 36 5.1 60 4.8 86 4.6 43"0 O.2t, 7 3"30. 651 o 14.4 4 13.7 7 12.5 9 10.9 11 10.0 13 9.5 15 9.1 18 7.5 21 7.0 36 5.9 60 5.4 88 5.1 43"09r.4T, 58731.5' 652 0 15.0 1 13.2 9 9.6 11 8.8 13 7.8 15 6.1 16 5.7 23 4.9 30 4.6 60 4.2 63 4.2 43'"10.6', v7"33 6' 653 0 14.7 3 12.4 6 11.3 8 10.5 15 6.4 19 4.7 21 4.5 27 4.2 36 4.1 60 4.1 67 4.1 43 11. ', 8 735.2t 654 0 15.0 2 12.2 3 12.2 4 10.8 6 10.2 8 9.8 14 9.8 18 9.6 21 7.4 23 7.2 Slie Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 654....... 35 4.4 60 4.1 74 4.1 -43u13.o0,,5-.7 37.1' 655 0 15.2 3 14.1 5 12.5 15 10.7 23 5.6 25 5.2 33 4.5 45 4.2 60 4.2 -43 14.3', 7 73 9.1 656 0 14.9 1 14.9 4 12.4 5 12.0 6 11.0 8 10.4 14 9.6 17 8.0 20 7.0 22 6.0 26 4.9 30 4.6 36 4.2 60 4.0 114 3.7 43v15.9', y740Q.71 657 0 15.0 1 15.0 3 13.0 6 10.3 7 10.0 9 9.9 12 8.3 13 8.0 18 5.8 23. 27.9 60 4.4 102 4.0.43"16.7', 87"423' - 658 0 15.2 1 12.6 3 12.0 4 10.5 5 10.0 23 5.1 60 4.1 - 104 3.9 43u17.i, 67v44.0' 659 0 14.6 1 14.5 3 12.0 Slide Depch,M Temp.~C No. Corr. dorr. 659.5 9,-7 -9 8.3 14 7.0 15 6.5 22 5.2 33 4.6 42 4.2 60 3.9 90 3.7 -43 19. 1', 7457'. 660 0 15.4 2 12.0 4 11.6 6 9.7 16 8.1 22 6.0 30 4.9 39 4.3 45 4.2 60 4.1 72 4.0 43 20.3, 3 7"47 5 51 661 0 15.4 1 12.5 2 11.9 3 11.7 7 9.9 11 9.4 15 7.3 23 6.5 26 5.7 39 5.1 52 5.0 43 21.5S7',.7.49... 662 0 15.5 2 12.0 5 9.9 8 9.2 11 7.8 22 6.4 30 6.2 43r22.71, 87503,O.8 -663 0 15.5 2 12.4 3 11.8 4 11.4 6 9.8 8 8.7 10 8.4 15 8.2 Trace lost. 19A South of Muskegon to North of Milwaukee 24 July 1963 Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. -43"06.5', 86U18.0' 669 0 20.2 5 19.4 7 18.6 8 17.0 9 -16.7 43"06.6', 6 "20.7' 670 0 20.4 3 17.8 5 16.7 8 13.1 13 7.5 20 6.8 24 6.7 28 6.6 43"06.7', 86"22.9'671 0 20.8 2 19.5 3 16.6 4 15.2 7 11.6 10 9.9 16 8.8 25 6.3 33 6.0 40 5.9 -43uo06.5 't 5 6"25.9' 672 0 20.4 1 18.2 2 14.9 3 13.8 5 11.6 9 9.6 13 8.0 16 7.8 20 6.9 31 6.2 40 5.9 48 5.7 60 5.6 -43'06.9, 6""2.0 673 0 20.6 2 19.3 3 13.2 5 11.0 11 7.6 17 7.0 23 6.5 29 6.3 38 6.2 65 5.9 71 5.7 77 5.7 90. 5.6 Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 43"07.o ', 86 30o.8' 674 0 19.9 1 18.2 4 13.5 13 8.2 17 7.2 23 6.7 29 6.4 60 5.9 102 5.6 '4307.1', 86b32.9' 675 0 18.3 2 18.2 5 14.8 7 13.2 11 8.8 12 8.2 20 7.1 23 6.7 29 6.5 35 6.3 54 6.0 84 5.6 106 5.6 43"07.21, b6b35.3! 676 0 18.7 4 18.0 6 13.2 8 11.6 14 9.6 15 8.6 18 8.0 23 7.1 25 6.8 30 6.6 55 6.0 79 5.8 106 5.6 -43"07.3', 56237.7' 677 0 19.2 4 16.6 5 15.9 7 13.2 12 10.7 15 8.6 18 7.7 21 7.1 24 6.8 30 6.5 53 5.9 61 5.7 91 5.6 101 5.6 Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 43O.4, 'tO 40.4'678 0 18.9 3 17.4 8 9.9 9 9.2 11 8.5 17 7.1 37 6.3 63 5.8 106 5.6 -43U07.51, 6"w42.6' 679 0 19.0 5 14.4 10 8.9 13 8.2 14 7.6 17 7.1 29 6.5 42 6.3 66 6.0 78 5.8 106 3.6 43u07.6', b6"45.3' 680 0 18.9 1 18.7 2 1t.3 4 15.0 6 10.6 8 8.9 9 8.3 12 7.8 14 7.2 17 6.7 30 6.3 61 5.8 79 5.7 85 5.7 99 5.6 43" 07. 7, 86"47. '681 0 19.5 1 18.6 3 17.2 4 15.0 7 10.0 9 8.3 11 8.0 12 7.5 15 7.1 18 6.8 24 6.6 30 6.3 61 5.7 96 5.6 im 20A No. Corr. Corr. 43`07.U- 86`50.4'. 682 0 19.2 4 14.7 6 8.3 8 7.8 17 7.2 24 6.7 30 6.3 41 5.9 61 5.7 93 5.6 43"07.9, 6- 53.0' 683 0 19.8 1 18.8 4 14.3 7 12.7 10 9.9 14 8.2 18 7.3 26 6.6 41 5.9 47 5.7 87 5.6 43vOV.0 ', 86."55..8' 684 0 20.1 4 15.6 8 12.6 10 10.0 12 8.3 15 7.4 23 6.8 37 6.0 46 5.8 52 5.7 89 5.6 43 0o.1', 86"58.0' 685 0 20.2 3 15.5 7 14-.1 12 8.9 15 8.2 21 7.1 28 6.3 43 5.8 52 5.7 90 5.6 43"05.2', 87~00.61 686 0 20.5 3 15.5 8 13.2 14 8.2 17 7.1 22 6.6 29 6.2 60 5.7 88 5.6 - No. Corr 43 O6.3', 687 o 2 5 11 13 19 23 30 39 48 60 -86 43 08.41, 688 0 2.4 - 15 19. 28 41 81 43"oy.5', 689 0 1 12 13 21 24 30 42 81 - Corr. 20.3 18.8 15.7 11.6 9.9 7.7 6.7 6.2 5.9 5.7 5.7 5.6 '7 05.8, 20.5 18.8 11.8 8.1 7.1 6.1 5.7 5.6 87U0O.9' 20.9 20.0 9.4 8.3 6.5 6.1 5.9 5.7 5.6 U7 10.6' 20.9 19.9 17.2 12.8 10.0 7.4 6.7 5.9 5,7 5t 7" 13.3 20.9 20.5 19.3 18.2 12.7 8.2 7.8 6.2 5.9 5.6 5.6 V7"15.9 ' 20.8 19.6 16.7 - - No. Corr 692 10 14 23 42 54 77 II # 43. U.', 693 0 3 5 8 12 17 25 29 41 75 43'o9.0', 694 0 2 4 6 8 11 12 17 23 35 41 70 43"09.1, 695 0 4 - Corr. 11.g 8.6 6.0 5.6 5.6 5.6 87"8. 1' 20.9 18.2 -14.6 10.5 7.7 6.7 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.6 87U20 '9 ' 21.0 18.9 16.5 11.7 10.0 8.3 7.2 6.3 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.6 57023.3' 21.0 15.6 9.2 7.4 6.6 5.8 5.6 87 25.41 20.8 18.3 8.9 7.2 6.4 5.9 5.7 5.6 7"029.0' 21.0 20.0 16.1 13.9 8.9 6.4 6.1 5.7 5.6 87"31.U' 21.0 - - - I. n i-, I I. - I 43'O.b', 690 0 2 7 11 14 18 21 27 49 76 430.7 1, 691 0 1 2 6 11 16 17 28 36 48 ____ 870 43"o8.8 692 0 1 _____ r 211 10 15 18 30 74 - - - - 43 09.2', 696 0o 3 12 16 21 30 49 61 4309.3, 697 0 1 4.8 12 18 24 37 72 - - - - 3"09. ', 698 0 - I r, I-r.... ~ __, Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 69B 5 15.6 12 7.8 16 7.5 20 6.8 26 6.0 32 5.8 35 5.7 43Uo09.41, 87U34-5' 699 0 20.5 4 16.9 11 10.0 16 8.3 20 7.2 25 6.4i 31 5.9 37 5.7 50 5.7 77 5.6 43"09.5', 67"37.1' 700 0 20.3 5 15.6 14 10.4 17 9.4 23 7.2 26 6.7 29 6.3 37 6.0 43 5.8 61 5.7 87 5.6 43u09.6'1, U7"40.0 ' 701 0 20.7 2 19.4 6 14.2 16 8.3 19 6.8 25 6.2 32 5.8 35 5.7 84 5.6 43"09.7', 7"U42.9' 702 0 20.7 2 19.6 8 12.6 14 7.8 23 6.7 29 6.0 54 5.8 83 5.6 -4309.1., 37"45.4' 703 0 20.7 2 16.3 4 14.1 9 10.2 13 7.5 17 6.6 28 6.0 Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 43 09.u, 67 447.6' 704 0 20.9 3 -15,0 5 11.4 9 8.9 13 7.2 16 6.5 23 6.0 33 5.7 59 5.6 43"U09. ', 87~50.4'705 o 21.5 1 19.4 5 13.9 7 8.9 9 7.1 23 6.7 29 6.7 Slide Depth,M Temp.~C No. Corr. Corr. 22A STUDIES ON WATER MOVEMENTS AND SEDIMENTS IN SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN Part II. The Surficial Bottom Sediments in 1962-1963 John C. Ayers Jack L. Hough ORA Project 05466 Part II of the Final Report of H.E.W. Contract PH-86-63-60 GREAT LAKES RESEARCH DIVISION Special Report No. 19 INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN January 31, 1964 PREFACE TO THE ENTIRE REPORT Several factors have dictated that this final report should be in separate parts. The contract covered studies of different sorts. By the nature of the studies, the times required for work-up and analysis of data have varied widely, some parts being completed long before others could be finished. The different studies have required greatly varying amounts of ship-time and some, which required unexpectedly large amounts of ship-time, are being augmented by data obtained during cruises for other projects when vessels are in suitable regions. Finally, it is believed that assimilation by the reader is aided by brevity and unit reporting. i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE TO THE ENTIRE REPORT............... INTRODUCTION.................. 1 METHODS........................ 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............... 8 Comparisons of Figures 2 and 3.......... 8 Samples of Note................ 9 The Area of Possibly Modifying Sediments...... 11 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS................12 REFERENCES...........................13 APPENDIX...................... 1A 1, INTRODUCTION This study of present-day surficial bottom sediments of the southern basin of Lake Michigan was carried out for two reasons: to expand and complete the coverage obtained by Hough (1935), and to ascertain whether there have taken place any recognizable changes in the composition of the bottom sediments in the thirty years that have lapsed since his studies. Hough, operating from a small sailboat with little gear and insufficient help, was able to cover a significant portion of the southern basin. His coverage was sufficient that if sediment changes have taken place as a result of eutrophication, they should be detectable. If the eutrophication process has not yet progressed to the point where there has been recognizable change of sediment type, Hough's map of bottom sediments should be filled in and made as complete as possible in order that there may be a map against Which to determine the onset of eutrophication-caused sedimenttype changes if they occur in the future. 1 METHODS The 524 samples upon which this report is based are indicated in Figure 1. The samples were for the most part in lines roughly perpendicul-ar to shore, the lines being from five to 15 miles apart. In each line the sampling intervals usually were: at one-mile intervals from the 1st through the 10th mile from the beach, at 2-mile intervals from the 10th through the 20th mile, and at 5 -mile intervals thereafter. In the center of the basin 23 samples were taken in four lines down the slope toward the deepest portion. A single sample was taken off, and between, the lakeward ends of lines IV and V. Figure 1 shows that coverage of the basin is not complete,-and that an additional line is needed between-lines XXVIII and XXIX. The sample numbers, distances from shore, depths of water, and field descriptions of the sediments are given in the Appendix. Sample numbers are consecutive by time of taking. Some lines were taken on courses toward shore, others on courses away from shore. With the exception of about eighteen samples, all samples were taken with the dwarf orange-peel sampler. Fifteen of the samples were cores and two or three were obtained with the SmithMcIntyre sampler (a spring-loaded modification of the Petersen dredge). Navigation was by radar range and bearing out to about the 20th mile, beyond which navigation was by dead-reckoning. The bathymetry shown in Figure 1 was provided by Prof. Hough 2 i 4300S / 0 \ 800' * * * * *,ff m*. /'ZOS 2I CONTOUR INTERVAL 50 FEET SCALE IN MILES I- - - - -I -10 20 -- 4 42 0 e3800' Fig. 1. Present bathymetry and sampling locations, survey of 1962-1963. 3 and was derived from the detailed field sheets (boat sheets) of the U. S. Lake Survey. This bathymetry represents the bestpossible -synthesis of all the sounding data of the Lake Survey up to the present. The depth-contour interval is 50 feet. Figure 2 presents Hough's 1935 sediment map, reproduced without latitude-longitude lines or state lines. It is also without three 90-fathom depth contours in the deepest portion, these depths having proven to be false. The bathymetry of Figure 2 was constructed by Prof. Hough in the early 1930's and represents the then best-possible synthesis of the Lake Survey data of that time. The depth-contour interval of this figure is 10 fathoms. Figure 3 presents the results of our bottom sediment survey. It is necessary to explain here certain aspects of the preparation of this map. The edges of the several sediment types in Figure 3 have been placed halfway between the pairs of differing samples that require a boundary somewhere between them. Probably a certain amount of error in the positioning of boundaries has resulted from this practice. In the north-central portion of the basin, where boundaries appear to cross the basin but where additional samples are needed, question marks along the boundaries indicate our uncertainty as to their locations. This map was prepared from the field descriptions of sediment type(s). By "field description" is meant a phenotypic description based upon combined visual inspection, testing for odor, and feeling of the sediment with the fingers. Field description 4 PORT WASHINGTON MILWAUKEE MUSKEGON GRAND HAVEN 43~00 -86~00' RACINE KENOSHA. WAUKEGAN a d HIGHWOOD I i EVANSTON ~ 42~00/ 8800CHICAGO HBR CHICAGO HBR. ( HOLLAND 0 SAUGATUCK SOUTH HAVEN GARY * 0 111111 x x x x AFTER HOUGH (1935) CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FATHOMS SCALE IN MILES F ---- I - 10 on CLAY SILT HARD BOTTOM Fig. 2. Hough's 1935 sediment map and bathymetry. 5 PORT WASH INGTON 43~30'3 86~00" 0 MILWAUKEE RACINE KENOSHA WHITEHALL &D MUSKEGON GRAND HAVEN I!L HOLLAND 1I I SAUGATUCK SOUTH HAVEN WAUKEGAN N HIGH WOOD EVANSTON 442~00 88~00' CHICAGO HBR. LEGEND:I:.: GRAVEL SAND CLAYEY SAND SANDY CLAY GARY CLAY SILT SCALE IN MILES 1- 0 20 Fig. 3. The surficial sediments of 1962-1963. 6 is a combination of the observations carried out on board ship, when the sample was fresh, and re-examination of the material in the laboratory under a binocular microscope with a metric scale in the field of view. The term is used as an opposite to any of the several means of designating sediment type by the measured proportions of sand, silt, and clay determined in particle-size analyses. Each sample has been placed subjectively in a sediment-type category on the basis of the field description of the uppermost sediment layer, even if it was only a thin surface layer. The sediment-type categories used follow the triangulargraph categorization of Shepard (1954) except that a subjective basis rather than a percentage-composition basis is used. "Loam" in the center of the triangle represents the several 3-way combinations of sand, silt and clay (sandy silty clay, clayey sandy silt, silty clayey sand, etc.). The use of only the uppermost sediment layer was dictated by the fact that sediment-type changes resulting from eutrophication will first be evident in the thin surficial layers. The use of the field description of sediment type was necessary for three reasons: 1) eutrophication-caused changes will probably be first visible as significant color changes in the surface layer as it modifies toward the organic sediments (if not between Hough's survey and this, then between this and some future survey), 2) the presence of unnatural odors is detected most surely in the field observation of the fresh sediment, and 3) sufficient funds for the scraping-off and analysis of samples of the uppermost sediment layer were not available. 7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The basic purpose of this report is to present the tabulated data of the Appendix, but in order that these data may be visualized Figure 3 has been prepared. Comparisons between Figures 2 and 3 are the present best available means of determining whether the intervening period of 30 years has produced differences in the composition of the surficial sediments. In one sense these figures are only partially comparable Figure 2 is based upon the results of particle-size analyses augmented by field descriptions obtained from U. S. Lake Survey charts; Figure 3 is based only upon field descriptions. Incomparability becomes greatest in cases where a thin layer of a sediment of one type overlies a thick layer of a sediment of a different type. Partical-size analysis of a split "representative sample" gives most statistical weight to the thicker second layer and is not apt to detect the environmental change represented by the thin surficial layer. Plots of field descriptions of the uppermost layer, however thin it may be, take no account of the underlying layer(s) and are not based upon the concept of the "representative sample" or aliquot thereof. Fortunately, the numbers of cases where greatly different sediment types occur in layered configurations are not numerous. For this reason there is a degree of Justification for crosscomparisons between Figures 2 and 3. I The primary re s ult of c ompari son of t he se f igure s i s t ha t 8 over most of the lower lake, there is no conclusive demonstration of change in the surficial sediments since the early 1930's. In the central portion of the basin apparent differences in sediment types involve, in large part, those distinctions between proportions of sand and silt or silt and clay that are least accurately made by the field descriptions. The apparent differences are believed not to be real, but rather effects of masking (in Fig. 2) due to the weight given to a second thicker layer by partical-size analysis of representative samples. Along the shores there are but minor differences between the two figures. The differences for the most part, again, involve the judgment of proportions of sand and silt or silt and clay. In the area off Chicago and its environs there are some differences in position of gravel and sand in the two figures. These sediments are quite accurately assessed by the field description; they also are sediments more apt to be non-layered through the depths reached by a grab sampler. The positional differences are taken to indicate that sand bars move or migrate in the region off Chicago. The more complete spatial coverage upon which Figure 3 is based allows the elimination of open spaces (terrae incognitae) that were necessary in Figure 2. It is to be noted, however, that our coverage is not complete, and that some sediment-type boundaries will move if more-closely spaced samples are obtained. Samples of Special Note In only eight of the samples were there evidences that man's activities have resulted in modification of the native lake-bottom 9 sediments. These samples, their locations, and their field descriptions are given in Table 1. Table 1. Samples of Special Note Sample No. I-11 XXV-1 XXVI-6 XXVI-7 xxvI-8 XXVII-6 XXVII-7 XXVIII-5 - Location ca 12 miles, 290~ true, off Benton Harbor 1 mile, 70~ true, off Calumet Harbor 8 miles, 60~ true, off Indiana Harbor 7 miles, 60~ true, off Indiana Harbor 6 miles, 60~ true, off Indiana Harbor 6 miles, 0~ true, off Gary, Indiana 7 miles, 0~ true, off Gary, Indiana 5 miles, 0~ true, off Burns Ditch..J IIM Description Black sandy clayey silt over brown sandy silt over gray silt. Gravel over gray stiff sandy clay. Foul odor. Mottled gray and brown silty fine sand. Odor of oil. Mottled gray and brown silty fine sand. Odor of oil. Fine sand with some organic matter, cinders, wood. Odor of oil. Coarse sand. Odor of oil. Dark gray silty very fine sand with some vegetable matter. Strong odor of oil. Coarse sand-fine gravel over gray silty very fine sand. Odor of oil. _= In Table 1 there have not been included a few samples in which cinders were present. Nor does the table include samples XXIII-5 or XXIII-6 (5 and 6 miles off Chicago Harbor) which contained, respectively, pieces of ceramic tile and rusty nails. These are mentioned here as evidences of dumping activity past or present, but are omitted from the table as being of little significance to the eutrophication process. 10 The black surface sediment of sample I-1l is of interest because it was the only sample of the survey whose color was sufficient to be called black. There are numerous instances of gray sediments which cannot be shown to be related to eutrophication (though it is suspected that some are). Sample I-l1 appears to be -too distant and -too far west to be a reflection of organic-contributions from the St. Joseph River. At present nothing is known of the origin of its black color. The Area of Possibly Modifying Sediments The remaining seven samples-of Table 1 may represent: 1) incipient modification of lake-bottom sediments as a result of man's activities, or 2) temporary effects of dumping-of petroleum products, or 3) temporary results of shipwreck of tankers or oil barges in the region. From the data presently at hand it cannot be ascertained which of the three possibilities above is(are) responsible for the oil odor in the sediments. Despite our inability to assign a cause or causes it is significant that the sediments of an area ranging from one to three miles wide and more than 15 miles long, situated in the heavily-populated heavily-industrialized end of the lake, have been found to exhibit deteriorative effects attributable to man. Even if the present effects prove to be temporary, the area in which they occur should be well-noted as an area where definitive eutrophic deterioration should be watched for. 11 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Five hundred and twenty-four samples of the surficial sediments taken in 1962-63 are the basis of this report. The coverage represented is good, though not complete. 2. Comparison of this survey to that-of Hough (1935) does not demonstrate changes in sediment type as such over the 30 -year intervening period. - 3. Seven samples in the southern extremity of the lake (off — Calumet Harbor, Indiana Harbor, Gary, and Burns Ditch) give olfactory evidence that organic materials are being incorporated into the sediments, though the process appears to have not yet gone to the point of causing changed sedimenttype or changed sediment color. 4. Six of these seven samples indicate the incorporation of oil into the sediment. 5. It is suggested that the region where oil odor is now present is one -that should be watched for evidences of future definitive eutrophic deterioration. 12 REFERENCES Hough, J. L. 1935. The bottom deposits of southern Lake Michigan. Jour. Sed. Petrol., 5(2) 57-80. Shepard, F. P. 1954. Nomenclature based on sand-silt-clay ratios. Jour. Sed. Petrol., 24(3) 151-158. 13 APPENDIX Sample numbers, sample positions, and field descriptions of sediment types. Bottom samples taken between 7 August 1962 and 18 November 1963. All compass directions indicated are in degrees true. I Sa Line I; bearing 290~ from Miles tmple from Depth No. Pierhead (feet) 1 1 53 2 2 67 3 3 76 4 4 84 5 5 93 6 6 106 7 6.9 115 8 8 128 9 9 147 10 10 175 11L 12? 250 Benton Harbor pierhead Description Medium sand Fine sand Fine sand Very fine sand Silty very fine sand Silty very fine sand Silty very fine sand Very-fine-sandy silt Very-fine-sandy silt Dark gray silt Black sandy clayey silt over brown sandy silt over gray silt Brown silty sand Brown sandy clayey silt Grayish-brown clayey silt it gray sandy silt over red-brown slightly-sandy soft clay 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 25 282 304 334 365 " inch 1A Line II; bearing 110~ from E. shore, 6.7 miles N.E. of Benton Harbor pierhead Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore. (feet)_ _Description____-____ 1. 16 1 52 Fine sand 15 2.5 66 Very fine sand 14 3.4 73 Medium-coarse sand 13 4.4 83 Medium-fine sand 12 5.4 91 Fine-to-very-fine sand 11 6.3 99 Grayish-buff silty very fine sand 10 7.2 108 Grayish-buff silty very fine sand 9 8.2 119 Gray sandy clayey silt 8 9.2 126 Gray sandy clayey silt 7 10.1 134 Gray sandy clayey silt 6 12 156 Gray clayey silt 5 14 199 Gray clayey silt 4 16 233. Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 3 18 255 Grayish-buff sandy clayey silt 2 20 285 Grayish-buff sandy clayey silt 1 22 358 Grayish-buff sandy clayey silt 17 27 427 1/16" gray silt over gray slightly 18 33 425 sandy silty clay 1/2" gray silt over 1" of layered clay structure in 1/8" layers. First four layers of gray clay then alternating layers of gray and orange slightly-sandy clay; below last layer of orange clay a fine line of black. Clay below black line shades from gray to red-brown and is soft sandy clay. 2A Line III; bearing 2870 from E. shore 7.2 miles S. of South Haven light Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (feet) ___Description 5 trialsO 1 1 49 Fine sand small sample 2 2 62 Medium sand 3 3 88 Silty very fine sand 4 4 100 Silty fine-to-medium sand 5 110 Grayish-brown sandy coarse silt 6 6 119 Brownish-gray sandy silt 7 7 131 Gray silt 8 8 139 Gray sandy very fine silt 9 9 149 Gray sandy clayey silt 10 10 158 Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 11 12 174 Dark-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 12 14 187 Dark-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 13 16 210 Dark-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 14 18 232 Dark-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 15 20 247 Dark-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 16 22? 263 Dark-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 17 24? 298 Dark-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 18 26? 340 Dark-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 19 30 490 Brownish-gray very-slightly-sandy clayey silt 3A SE Line IV; bearing 105~ from Miles imple from Depth No. Pierhead (feet) 6 1 50 7 2 65 8 3 90 9 4 105 South Haven pierhead I -1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5 4 3 2 1 19 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22? 24? 26? 30 118 132 151 168 178 188 210 222 238 240 255 273 318 348..... Description.: - No sample, 3 trials Medium sand Fine sand Grayish-brown fine sand and very fine sand Grayish-brown very fine sand Brownish-gray silty very fine sand Gray very-fine-sandy silt Gray very-fine-sandy silt Brownish-gray very-fine-sandy silt Dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Gray slightly-sandy slightly-clayey silt 4A Sa Line V; bearing 277~ from of South Haven Miles imple from Depth No. Shore (feet) 1: 1 50 2 2 75 3 3 100 4 4 120 5 5 140 6 6 160 7 7 178 8 8 192 9 9 202 10 10 215 11 12 238 point on E. shore 10 miles N. _ Description Fine sand Fine sand Very fine sand to fine sand Silty very fine sand Silty very fine sand Very-fine-sandy silt Very-fine-sandy silt Gray very-fine-sandy fine Buff silty very fine sand Grayish buff very-fine-sandy silt Grayish buff very-fine-sandy clayel silt Grayish buff very-fine-sandy claye; silt Grayish buff very-fine-sandy claye; silt Grayish buff very-fine-sandy claye; silt Grayish buff very-fine-sandy claye; silt Grayish buff very-fine-sandy claye; silt 1/16" gray silt over brownish-gray very-slightly-sandy clayey silt V V V 12 13 15 16 17.2 18 20 245 248 260 268 277 455 y y 15 y 17 30 5A Line VI; bearing 90~ through Saugatuck pierhead light Depth — ~ - --- -* --- --- ---- — ~ - -~II Sample No. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 17. Miles from Pierhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 30 l Depth (feet) 50 78 90 120 143 170 193 217 230 243 266 272 285 290 310 475 I! Description Medium-fine sand Very fine sand Very fine sand Very fine sand (with a few coarser sand grains) Silty very fine sand Silty very fine sand Grayish-buff clayey very-fine-sandy silt Grayish-buff very-fine-sandy clayey silt Buff-gray very-fine-sandy clayey silt Buff-gray very-fine-sandy clayey silt Gray-buff clayey sandy silt Gray-buff clayey sandy silt Buff-gray sandy clayey silt Buff-gray sandy clayey silt Buff-gray sandy clayey silt 1/16" gray silt over brownish-gray very-slightly-sandy clayey silt Gelatinous gritless gray silty clay 37 6A Sa Line VII; bearing Miles imple from No. Pierhead 1 1 C) 2 2 3 3 41 4 r 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 14 13 16 270~ from Holland plerhead light ----------- -- rmmnrannsll~lrCmrnnnll- -- I -I SF;-e II Depth (fee t) 52 78 '109 136 167 184 208 223 242 253 263 269 278 282 298 360 Z...... Description Medium-fine sand Medium sand Grayish-buff very fine sand Grayish-buff silty very fine sand Buff-gray very-fine-sandy silt Buff-gray very-fine-sandy silt Gray slightly-very-fine-sandy silt Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Gray slightly-sandy clayey silt Dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt with layers of gray-buff clayey silty sand Gray-buff clayey silty sand Gray-buff clayey silty sand 1/4" brown-gray silt over 1/2" browngray sandy silt over red-brown soft sandy clay 14 15 16 18 20.30 7A Line VIII; bearing 2700 from pierhead, Port Sheldon Milies Sample from Depth No. Pierhead..(feet)...Description..._ 1 1 48 Fine sand 2 2 80 Medium sand 3 3 117 Sightly-silty very fine sand 4 4 138 Grayish-buff silty very fine sand 5 5 163 Gray clayey very-fine-sandy silt 6 6 180 Gray clayey very-fine-sandy silt 7 7 197 Gray clayey very-fine-sandy silt 8 8 213 Gray clayey very-fine-sandy silt 9 9 225 Gray very-fine-sandy clayey silt 10 10 232 Gray very-fine-sandy clayey silt 11 12 243 Buff-gray clayey silty sand 12 14 260 Buff-gray clayey silty sand 13 16 270? Buff-gray clayey silty sand 14 18 283? Buff-gray clayey silty sand 15 20 292 Gray very-fine-sandy clayey silt 16 30 334 1/4" brown-gray silt over 3/4" brown-gray sandy silt over redbrown soft sandy clay with small shells 8A Line IX; bearing 90~ to E. shore at Grand Haven Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (.feet) Description 15 1. 54 Medium sand (clean) 14 2 77 Fine sand (clean) 13 3 104 Slightly-silty fine sand, some coarse sand 12 4 136 Grayish-buff silty very fine sand 11 5 164 Grayish-buff very-fine-sandy silt, some medium sand 10 6 204 Grayish-buff very-fine-sandy silt, some medium sand 9 7 240 Gray-buff clayey silt, very few sand grains 8 8 266 Dark gray clayey sandy silt over light gray very-sandy silt over rusty-tan very-sandy silty clay 7 9 272 1/4" grayish-brown silt over dark gray sandy silt with black zones, over light grayish-buff silty sand 6 10 277 1/4" grayish-brown silt over dark gray sandy silt with black zones, over light grayish-buff silty sand 5 12 287 Brownish-gray clayey silt over brownish-gray very-sandy silt 4 14 312 Sandy silt; in layers of lighter and darker grays 3 16 330 Gray clayey very-sandy silt over clayey very-sandy silt with reddish-brown color 2 18 328 Gray clayey very-sandy silt over red-brown (almost Valders red) very-sandy silty clay 1 20 335 Gray sandy silt over reddish-brown very-sandy silt over "clay" (dark brown 1/16" thick) over "clay" (rusty brown 1/8" thick) over reddish-brown slightly-sandy silty clay 16 25 345 1/2" brown-gray sandy silt over redbrown soft sandy clay 9A Line X; bearing 270~ from Muskegon pierhead Miles --- Sample from Depth No. Pierhead (feet) Description 1 1 55 Medium-fine sand (clean) 2 2 80 Medium sand 3 3 98 Medium-coarse sand, very slightly silty 4 4 118 Sandy buff silty very-fine-to-fine sand 5 5 127 Buff silty very-fine-to-fine sand 6 6 150 1/2" brownish gray silty fine sand over buff very-silty very-fine-tofine sand 7 7 180 1/2" brownish gray silty fine sand over buff very-silty very-fine-tofine sand 8 8 282 1/2" brownish gray silty fine sand over buff very-silty very-fine-tofine sand 9 9 342 1/2" buff silty fine sand over 1-1/2" light gray silty fine sand over dark gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 10 10 352 1/8" buff clayey silt over dark gray clayey silt 11 12 355 1/16" buff clayey silt over 2" light gray slightly-sandy clayey silt over dark gray clayey silt 12 14 362 Clayey very-slightly-sandy silt, in thin zones: gray, rusty, brownishblack, rusty, gray, dark gray — from top down 13 16 375 Clayey very-slightly-sandy silt, in thin zones: gray-brown, red-brown, brownish-black, rusty, gray, —from top down 14 18 390 1/4" buff clayey very-slightly-sandy silt over dark gray clayey veryslightly-sandy silt 15 20 387 Clayey very-slightly-sandy silt: gray (1/2") over rusty (1/4") over medium gray 16 25 Gray gritless silt over red-brown gritless silt 10A Line XI; bearing 90~ from point on W. shore about 9.5 miles N. of Milwaukee light Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (feet). Description l l.. 1 1 63 Slightly-clayey medium-to-coarse sand 2 2 128 Slightly-clayey medium-to-fine sand 3 3 168 Slightly-clayey medium-to-fine sand 4 4 194 Slightly-clayey fine-to-very-fine sand 5 5 232 Slightly-clayey fine-to-very-fine sand 6 6 248 Buff-gray clayey sandy silt 7 7 262 Buff-gray clayey sandy silt 8 8 274 Buff-gray clayey sandy silt 9 9 278 Buff-gray clayey sandy silt 10 10 286 2" buff-gray clayey sandy silt over rusty-brown clayey silty sand 11 12 294 1-1/2" red-brown clayey sandy silt over red-brown stiff clayey sandy silt over clayey silt 12 14 307 1/2" gray clayey sandy silt over 1-1/2" brown-buff silty fine sand over gray silty clay 13 16 268 3/4" gray silty fine sand over reddish-buff clayey silty fine sand 14 18 265 1/2" gray silty fine sand over reddish-buff clayey silty finemedium-coarse sand 15 20 233 1/2" gray silty fine sand over clayey silty fine-medium-coarse sand with pebble 8 cm long (Lower layer till?) 16 25 Limestone cobble, 13 cm x 8 cm; chert layer 1 cm thick on one face; black (powdery when dry) discoloration on surface of three faces 11A Line XII; bearing 90~ from N. Point Light (about 2.8 miles N. of Milwaukee). Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (feet) Description 1 1.1 55 Coarse sand over stiff red clay 2 2.0 75 Gravel, up to 3 cm, over stiff sandy red clay 3 3.1 105 Medium sand, with 1/2" layer cinders at 1-1/2" depth 4 4.0 120 Medium sand, both buff and buff-gray; small pebbles (sample slumped; which material was on top is not known) 5 5.0 145 1" grayish buff silty medium-fine sand over brownish-buff silty fine sand 6 5.6 163 1" grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand over brownish-buff silty fine sand 7 6.4 180 1" grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand over brownish-buff silty fine sand 8 "8"11 214 Brownish-buff clayey fine sand 9 9 230 Brownish-buff clayey fine sand with one pebble 1 cm in diameter 10 10 242 1/2" rusty-brown clayey silty mediumfine sand over brownish-buff clayey fine sand 10A "11" 254 1/2" rusty-brown clayey silty mediumfine sand over brownish-buff clayey fine sand 11 12 264 Brownish-buff sandy silty clay 12 14 284 Reddish-buff sandy clayey silt with shell fragments 13 16 297 Reddish-buff sandy clayey silt with shell fragments 14 18 308 Slightly-sandy silty clay, gray with rusty brown layer 15 (19) 308 Gray slightly-sandy silty clay 16 25 Sand (fine, medium, coarse), chert cobble 6 cm x 6 cm x 1cm; limestone cobble 11 x 9 x 6 cm; both cobbles with black (powdery when dry) surface discoloration on 3 faces 12A Line XIII; bearing 90~ from W. shore, 4.8 miles S. of Milwaukee Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (feet) 15 1 52 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 67 73 78 92 107 120 142 163 182 198 256 292 308 313 Des cription Gravel: including cobbles up to 10 cm diameter. Rocks mainly carbonates Medium-to-coarse sand; gravel Reddish-buff stiff sandy clay Reddish-buff stiff sandy clay Reddish-buff stiff sandy clay Reddish-buff stiff sandy clay Hard bottom. No sample, 4 trials Slightly-silty medium sand, with few pebbles Slightly-silty fine sand, with few granules Grayish-buff slightly-silty medium sand Grayish-buff slightly-silty medium sand Thin cover of medium sand over reddishgrayish-buff sandy clay Thin cover of medium sand over reddishgrayish-buff sandy clay Thin cover of medium sand over reddishgrayish-buff sandy clay Thin cover of layered medium sand over reddish-grayish-buff sandy clay. A few shells in the clay 1/2" gray slightly sandy silt over gritless reddish-grayish-buff clay 6 5 4 3 2 10 12 14 16 18 20 1 25 13A Line XIV; bearing 90~ from W. shore stack, 12.2 miles S. of Milwaukee Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (feet)...... Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 47 Gray-buff clayey poorly-sorted coarse sand 58 Silty fine sand 57 Coarse sand over stiff gray clay 62 Gravel (3 pebbles, 5 to 7 cm long) 77 Medium-coarse sand 78 Medium-coarse sand over stiff grayish-red clay 88 Gravel, mainly 1 to 2 cm and 1 pebble 9 cm, over stiff grayish-red clay.02 Gray watery clay ca. 1 mm thick, over stiff grayish-red clay with a few small pebbles 22 Medium sand 43 Silty medium sand, few small pebbles 1 1 1 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 12 (11)2 14 (13)2 16 (15)2 18 (17)2 20 (19)2 173 247 293 332 334 Clayey silty fine sand over stiff grayish-red clay Clayey silty fine sand over stiff grayish-red clay Grayish-brown sandy clay with zones of clayey medium sand with black coatings Grayish-brown sandy clay with zones of clayey medium sand with black coatings plus shells in zones and in clay Grayish-brown sandy clay with zones of clayey medium sand with black coatings (with few shells) 1/2" gray slightly-sandy silt over brownish-gray gritless clay 15 25 2 = by fathometer time marks 14A Sa Line XV; bearing Miles imple from No. Shore 15 1 14 2 90~ from W. shore, Racine Depth 13 12 11 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 Depth (feet) 40 50 58 72 75 87 - 100 146 167 192 235 265 292 323 352 A= j DescriptionGray fine-sandy silt Gray clayey silty poorly-sorted coarse sand 1/8" of clean coarse sand and fine gravel over stiff grayish-red clay Gravel (pieces up to 3.5 cm) Clean medium sand, with few pebbles up to 2.8 cm Clean medium sand, with few pebbles up to 2.2 cm Clean medium sand, with very few pebbles up to 1.2 cm Gray-buff clayey silty fine sandwith a few granules Gray-buff clayey silty fine sand Gray-buff clayey silty fine sand Gray-buff clayey silty fine sand Gray-brown very-clayey silty fine sand Grayish-brown sandy clay with zones of clayey medium sand with black coatings Grayish-brown sandy clay with zones of clayey medium sand.with black coatings Gray soft clay Gray gritless clay 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 15A Line XVI; bearing 90~ from shore at Kenosha, Wisconsin Miles Sample from Depth No,. Shore (feet) Description "-l.1 1 38 Medium-fine sand (clean) 2 2 55 Medium-fine sand, few pebbles to 1 cm (clean) 3 3 55 Pebble (1) 2 cm diameter 4 4 60 Medium-coarse sand (clean) 55 5100 Grayish-buff silty very fine sand, small shells 6 6.1 133 Grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand 7 7 150 Grayish-buff silty fine sand 8 8 165 Grayish-buff silty fine sand, few granules 9 9.1 185 Medium-fine sand, few small pebbles and cinders (fairly clean) 10 10 210 Slightly-silty medium-fine sand, few granules and small pebbles (2nd trial, no sample) 11 12 247 1-1/8" brownish-buff clayey silty medium-fine sand over tough brownishbuff clayey silty medium-fine sand 12 14.1 270 1-1/8" brownish-buff clayey silty medium-fine sand over tough brownishbuff clayey silty medium-fine sand 13 16.1 280 1/2" brownish-buff clayey silty medium fine sand over brownish-red slightlysandy clay, with shells; few small zones of black coated grains 14 18 330 Soft, dark-gray sandy clayey silt over grayish-buff clayey silty medium-fine sand over firm, brownishred sandy clay 15 20 347 Soft, dark-gray sandy clayey silt over grayish-buff clayey silty medium-fine sand over firm brownishred sandy clay 16A Line XVII; bearing 90~ from W. shore near Winthrop Harbor Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore _(feet) Description 13 1.5 46 Medium-coarse sand (clean) 12 2.5 72 Grayish-buff silty very fine sand 11 3.8 108 Grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand with few pebbles 10 5.0 143 Grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand over rusty-brown silty medium-fine sand 9 6.0 154 Grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand, few small pebbles 8 7.5 172 Grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand, few small pebbles 7 8.2 190 1/2" gray clayey silty medium-fine sand over brownish-buff clayey silty medium-fine sand 6 10.0 228 1/2"< gray clayey silty medium-fine sand over brownish-buff clayey silty medium-fine sand 5 12.0 260 3/4" gray clayey silty fine sand over brownish-buff clayey silty medium-fine sand 4 14.0 284 1/4" gray clayey fine-sandy silt over brownish-red clayey silty fine sand 3 16.2 308 1/4' gray clayey fine-sandy silt over brownish-red clayey silty fine sand 2 18.5 336 3/4" gray sandy silty clay over reddish-brown sandy silty clay 1 21.0 358 Gray sandy silty clay 17A Line XVIII; bearing 90~ frc Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (feet) 1 1 38 2 2 58 3 3 74 4 4 90 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 9 10 12 14 108 125 145 158 169 183 225 250 265 280 303 340 420 420 'm W. shore at Waukegan Description - Very fine sand Fine sand Medium-fine sand Grayish-buff slightly silty mediumfine sand, few small shells Grayish-buff silty medium sand Grayish-buff silty medium sand (l cinder) Grayish-buff silty medium-coarse sand, few granules Grayish-buff silty medium sand, few granules Grayish-buff silty medium sand Grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand Reddish-brown clayey silty sand 3/4"11 gray clayey silty sand over reddish-brown clayey silty sand 3/4" gray clayey silty sand over reddish-brown clayey silty sand 3/4"11 gray clayey silty sand over reddish-brown clayey silty sand 3/4" gray clayey silty sand over reddish-brown clayey silty sand Soft pink-brown clay with 1 crn gray patches 1/8" brownish-gray silt over 1" black gritless silt over 3/4" brownishgray soft clay over 3/4" gray soft clay over brownish-gray soft clay - all clay layers slightly sandy 1/4" gray silt over 1-1/2" sandy gray clay over softer red-brown sandy clay 14 15 18 20 25 30 35 18 17 18A Ss Line XIX; bearing Miles tmple from No. Shore 14 1 13 2 12 3 90~ from W. shore at Lake Forest, Illinois 11 10 9 4.1 5 6 8 7.1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 8.2 9 11.5 14 16 Depth. (feet) 35 40 47 55 68 77 93 103 116 120 154 178 214 245 335 350. —.. Description__ Gravel; up to 10 cm diameter Gravel and coarse sand, few shells Gravel and coarse sand, few shells, over compact gray sandy silty clay Gravel (up to 12 cm) and coarse sand Grayish-buff silty coarse sand, few pebbles, up;to 8 cm diameter Coarse sand, few pebbles up to 4 cm diameter Gravel and very coarse sand; gravel up to 10 cm diameter Gravel, up to 5 cm diameter Grayish-buff silty fine sand One cobble, 9 cm diameter, with black coating (organic?) Grayish-buff silty fine-to-coarse sand, few small pebbles (to 1 cm) Grayish-buff silty fine-to-coarse sand, few pebbles (to 5 cm) Grayish-brown clayey silty sand over brownish-red silty sandy clay Grayish-brown clayey silty sand 1/4" gray layer at top over soft brown sandy clay 1/8" brownish-gray silt over 2" reddish-brown soft sandy clay over firmer gray sandy clay Thin covering brownish-gray silt over soft very-slightly-sandy pink-brown soft clay 20 25 30 17 35 19A Line XX; bearing 90~ from to buoy, 8 miles W. shore near Glencoe, Illinois, then 85~ from buoy Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (feet) Descriptions - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7* 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 Gravel 47 Gravel 50 1 granule in 3 trials 55 Gravel 58 1 pebble in 2 trials 66 Gravel (including angular block 20 cm long, limestone and chert) 45 Few grains coarse sand and gravel 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 12 14 16 104 106 140 163 180 213 265 1st trial: 2nd trial: few sand grains coarse sand, poorly sorted Coarse sand and fine gravel Grayish-buff silty fine sand Grayish-buff slightly silty medium sand Grayish-buff silty medium-fine sand, very few small pebbles Reddish-brown clayey silty sand, few small pebbles 1" brownish-gray sandy silty clay over sandy silty clay mottled reddish-brown and brownish-gray 1/4" sandy gray silt over reddishbrown soft slightly-sandy clay 20 15 25 *100 yds. N. of buoy 20A Sa Line XXI; bearing Miles imple from No.. Shore 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 85~ from W. shore at Wilmette DepthUn)~D*M~~~~III~~ IIa*~~~DM~l~~~~II~C~D~ I 10 9 8 6 7 8 9 Depth (feet) 38 43 48 66 48 78 90 106 118 137 1 162 200 217 228 -- 7 6 5 4 3 2 _ Description No sample (rock bottom?) 1 cobble, 25 cm long Gravel 1/4" dark gray sandy silty clay over medium sand and fine gravel Medium-coarse sand and fine gravel Coarse sand and fine gravel Coarse sand and gravel (1 pebble, 5 cm long) Gravel, and rusty-oxide crust on till-like material Medium-coarse sand, gravel Grayish-buff slightly silty finemedium sand Grayish-buff slightly silty finemedium sand 3/4" gray silty fine sand over grayish-buff silty fine sand 1-1/2" brownish-gray sandy silty clay over sandy silty clay mottled reddish-brown and brownish-gray 1-1/2" brownish-gray sandy silty clay over sandy silty clay mottled reddish-brown and brownish-gray 10 12 14 16 18 1 20 21A Line XXII; bearing 79~- from Wilson Avenue Crib, off Montrose Harbor Miles Sample from Depth; No. Shore ( 1* 2 2 3.1 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 12 14 feet)_ Description 42 Sand, gravel, few shells 41 Medium-fine sand, few granules, very few shells 48 1-1/4" medium-coarse sand and fine gravel over gray clay 1-1/4" medium-coarse sand and fine gravel over gray clay Gravel, up to 7 cm diameter, small amount sand 75 Gravel, up to 5 cm diameter, small amount sand, very few shells 81 Medium-coarse sand and fine gravel 86 Medium-fine sand, few granules 100 Fine gravel 120 Very coarse sand 135 Grayish-buff slightly-silty mediumfine sand 151 Grayish-buff slightly-silty fine sand, few granules 166 Grayish-buff slightly-silty fine sand, few granules 184 3/4" brownish-gray silty fine sand over slightly-sandy red clay, with few shells 159 Grayish-buff slightly-silty fine sand 135 Gravel 18 20 B-1 B-2 18.5 17.0 *Wilson Avenue Crib 22A Line XXIII; bearing 750 frc Chicago Harbor Miles Sample from Depth No. Breakwater (feet) 1 1 38 2 2 45 3 3 46 4 4 47 5 5 58 )m N.E. corner outer breakwater, 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 67 67 67 80 88 109 126 139 152 166 ______ Description Coarse sand, gravel Medium-fine sand Gravel, over gray clay Medium-fine sand Very coarse sand, gravel, pieces of ceramic tile Gravel, cinders, rusty nails; over stiff gray clay Medium sand with few cinders Sand and pebbles over stiff gray clay Medium-coarse sand Gravel over soft grayish-brown clay Medium-fine sand Medium-fine sand Coarse sand and gravel Coarse sand and gravel Brown slightly-silty fine sand 23A Se Line XXIV; from offshore, Miles tmple from Depth No. _Shore ___(feet) 15 1 31 14 2 35 13 3 39 12 4 45 11 5 50 10 6 45 9 7 58 8 8 60 7 9 57 6 10 75 5 12 87 4 14 97 3 16 110 2 18 120 1 20 128 2550, to shore at Oakland Shoal Description Fine sand over gray clayey fine sand Medium sand Fine sand over stiff gray clay Silty coarse sand and granules Gravel over gray stiff sandy clay Medium-fine sand over stiff gray clay Medium-fine sand Coarse sand, few pebbles Medium-fine sand Gravel, over gray stiff sandy clay Well-sorted gravel, mainly fine Medium sand Gravel, over gray stiff sandy clay Medium-coarse sand Gravel 24A Se Line XXV; bearing Mile s impLe from No.. Shore 1 1 700 from Calumet Harbor 1111111111111111113llL1109~191011 - - r ---- - -- -— I -- — I -~I- I 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 Depth (feet) 33 40 44 43 45...-., Description Gravel over gray stiff sandy clay (Foul odor.) Medium sand Gravel over gray stiff sandy gravelly clay (till?) Coarse sand, few pebbles Medium-coarse sand, few granules and pebbles -- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 8 9 10 12 14 47 Gravel over gray stiff sandy gravelly clay (till?) 46 Medium-fine sand 43 Medium-fine sand 67 Slightly-silty fine sand 72 Gravel 66 Gravel, over stiff gray clay 86 Gravel and coarse sand over stiff gray clay 100 Gravel, over gray stiff sandy gravelly clay (till?) 98 Grayish-brown slightly-silty fine. sand 18 20 107 Grayish-brown slightly-silty fine sand 25A Sa Line XXVI; from offshore, Miles imple from Depth No. Shore (feet) 13 1 35 12 2 35 11 3 30 10 4 38 9 5 40 8 6 56 240~, to Indiana Harbor 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 56 66 65 70 67 91 90 Description,,___ Medium-fine sand, few small pebbles Gravel Medium-coarse sand., few granules Medium-fine sand Fine sand Fine sand with some organic matter, cinders, wood. Odor of oil Mottled gray and brown silty fine sand. Odor of oil Mottled gray and brown silty fine sand. Odor of oil Medium-fine sand Gravel over gray stiff sandy clay Fine sand Gray soft clayey sand over stiff gray clay Medium sand 26A SE Line XXVII; bearing Miles imple from De No. Shore (f 1 1 0O (N).pth from Gary, Indiana 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eet) Description 47 Fine sand, with very coarse sandsize fragments of Antrim Shale 58 Silty very fine sand 53 Fine sand, with coarse sand-size fragments of Antrim Shale 53 Fine sand, with coarse sand-size fragments of Antrim Shale 48 Coarse sand 56 Coarse sand. Odor of oil 58 Dark gray silty very fine sand with some vegetable matter. Strong odor of oil 52 Medium sand, with few coarse sandsize fragments of Antrim Shale 61 Medium-fine sand with few fragments of Antrim Shale 66 Fine gravel, mainly well-sorted. (Median diameter about 3 mm) - 10 10 27A Sa Line XXVIII; bearing 0~ (N) from Burns Ditch Miles imple from Depth No..Shore (feet) Descripl 1 1 38 Medium sand 2 2 45 Fine sand 3 3 46 Gravel, over gray 4 4 47 Fine sand 5 5 58 Coarse sand - fin( silty very fine oil tion stiff clay e gravel over gray sand. Odor of 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 67 67 67 80 88 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 12 14 16 18 20 Gray slightly-silty fine sand Medium-coarse sand, over stiff gray clay Medium-coarse sand Medium-coarse sand, few pebbles, over soft gray clay Silty medium-fine sand over stiff gray clay Gravel and coarse sand Gravel Fine sand, with few granules, over gray stiff sandy clay Silty very fine sand, with few small pebbles Slightly-silty medium-coarse sand, with few granules 109 126 139 152 166 28A Sa Line XXIX from Miles imple from No. Shore 15 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 8 7 9 6 10 5 12 4 14 3 16 2 18 offshore, 150~, to Michigan City, Indiana Depth (feet 57 58 60 65 77 80 90 104 113 125 140 155 168 183 190 _...;;_ Description Coarse sand Medium sand Medium-fine sand, over soft gray clay Fine sand Gray silty very fine sand Gray silty very fine sand Grayish brown silty medium-fine sand Grayish brown silty medium-fine sand Grayish brown silty medium-fine sand Grayish brown silty medium-fine sand Grayish brown silty medium-fine sand Grayish brown silty medium-fine sand Grayish brown silty medium-fine sand Gray-brown soft clayey silty fine sand over brownish-buff firm clayey silty fine sand Gray-brown soft clayey silty fine sand over brownish-buff firm clayey silty fine sand 1/2" gray sandy silt over 1-1/2" brown-buff sandy silt over sandy soft red clay 1 20 16 31-1/2 29A Line XXX; bearing 320~ from shore at New Buffalo, Michigan Miles. Sample from Depth No. Shore (feet) Description. --. 1 1 47 Medium-fine sand 2 2 55 Medium-fine sand, few granules 3 3 66 Medium-fine sand, over dark gray clayey sand 4 4 66 Medium sand 5 5 83 Brownish-gray silty fine sand 6 6 95 Brownish-gray silty very fine sand 7 7 107 Brownish-gray silty very fine sand, few medium sand grains 8 8 121 Brownish-gray silty very fine sand, few medium sand grains 9 9 136 Gray very-fine-sandy silt 10 10 149 Gray very-fine-sandy silt 11 12 175 Gray very-fine-sandy silt 12 14 197 Gray very-fine-sandy clayey silt 13 16 218 Gray sandy silty clay 14 18 235 Gray sandy silty clay 15 20 244 Gray sandy silty clay 30A Line XXXI from offshore, 135~0, to shore near Sawyer, Mich. Miles Sample from Depth No. Shore (f eet).... _ Description - 15 1 54 Medium sand over light brownish-gray silty medium-fine sand 14 2 57 Medium-fine sand 13 3 67 Fine sand over light brownish-gray silty fine sand 12 4 76 Medium sand 11 5 87 Brown medium-fine sand over brownishgray silty medium-fine sand 10 6 97 Grayish-brown silty very fine sand 9 7 115 Brownish-gray (brown at surface) very-fine-sandy silt 8 8 140 Gray very-fine-sandy silt 7 9 157 Brownish-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 6 10 173 Brownish-gray slightly-sandy clayey silt 5 12 195 Brownish-gray slightly-sandy silty clay 4 14 222 Brownish-gray slightly-sandy silty clay with increasing clay percentage H 3 16 249 Brownish-gray slightly-sandy;o silty clay with increasing a ~ clay percentage X 2 18 267 Brownish-gray slightly-sandy ~ { silty clay with increasing C clay percentage V 1 20 280 Brownish-gray slightly-sandy silty clay with smaller percentage of grayish-brown clay 16 324 1/2" gray sandy silt over soft gritless reddish-tan clay 31A Sa Line XXXII; bearing 300~ Miles lmple from Depth No. Shore (feet) 1 1 45 2 2 65 3 3 77 from shore near Grand Marais Lakes i...,.. _. i -..:.~.~.: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 85 100 124 153 178 198 215 240 268 298 312 327._. Description Medium-coarse sand Medium-coarse sand Medium-fine sand over brownish-gray silty fine sand Grayish-brown silty very fine sand Brownish-gray very-fine-sandy silt Brownish-gray very-fine-sandy silt Gray very-fine-sandy clayey silt Gray clayey silt Gray silty clay Gray silty clay Brownish-gray silty clay Brownish-gray silty clay Grayish-brown sandy silty clay over brownish-gray silty clay Grayish-brown sandy silty clay over brownish-gray silty clay Grayish-brown sandy silty clay over brownish-gray silty clay; - 32A Reference Stations Ref. Station Depth No. Location (feet) Description I 5.7 miles off- 48 Medium sand, few granules shore. 3.0 (clean) miles, 117~ from Four Mile Crib, Chicago II 19.3 miles off- 173 3/4" buff-gray slightlyshore. 17.1 silty fine-to-very-fine miles, 55~ from sand over 1-1/2" buff-gray Four Mile Crib, silty fine-very-fine sand Chicago over brownish-buff clayey silty fine-very-fine sand with small pebbles. (all layers contain a few small shells) Mid-way between 1/4"-1/2" gritless gray II and III silt over buff sandy clay III 30 miles off- (340+) Red clay. (Core sample 90 shore. 29.5 miles, cm long; viewed through 292~ from Benton plastic liner, appears Harbor pierhead fine-grained and uniform (D. R. position) for entire length) Mid-way between 1/4" gray sandy silt over III and IV 1/8" buff silty fine sand over soft gray clay IV 34 miles off- (470+) Gray clay. (Core sample 90 shore. 34 miles, cm long; viewed through 292~ from South plastic liner, shows color Haven pierhead bands of light gray and (D. R. position) black, entire length) ^ -,,.,,,,.,.,.,.. ww.,................................:........... 33A Sample Depth No. Location _(feet) _Description 63-1 63-2 63-3 Chicago Outer Light 42~10', 87020' 2 mi 039~ from 63-1 2 mi 039~ from 63-2 63-5 4 mi 039~ from 63-3 63-6 2 mi 039~ from 63-5 63-7 2 mi 039~ from 63-6 63-8 2 mi 039~ from 63-7 63-20 42~00' N., 87000' W. 63-21 42000' N., 87000' W. 63-22 2.8 mi 015~ from 63-21 63-23 2.8 mi 015~ from 63-22 63-25 5.6 mi 015~ from 63-23 63-26 2.1 mi 0690 from 63-25 63-27 2.1 mi 0690 from 63-26 63-28 2.1 mi 069~ from 63-27 237 248 261 282 295 307 327 525 525 527 1/4" gray slightly-sandy silty clay over red clay 1/2" gray slightly-sandy silty clay over grayishbuff sandy silty clay 1/21 gray slightly-sandy silty clay over grayishbuff sandy silty clay Soft red clay Gray silty clay Gray silty clay Gray silty clay Dark gray clay Dark gray clay Dark gray clay 508 Dark gray clay 376 Dark gray clay 340 Dark gray clay 325 Dark gray clay 307 Dark gray clay 34A STUDIES ON WATER MOVEMENTS AND SEDIMENTS IN SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN Part III. Current Studies and Supplemental Sediment Studies John C. Ayers Frank R. Bellaire ORA Project 05466 Part III (Last Part) of the Final Report of HOEOW. Contract PH-86-63-6o GREAT LAKES RESEARCH DIVISION Special Report No. 19 *INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN July 1964 ERRATA, PART I OF FINAL REPORT The section made on 24 June 1963 contained one leg which ran north-south; across this leg the transport was parallel to the sill and should not be considered as entering either basin. This transport (1208 m3/sec south) was removed in the detailed presentation on page 39, but was not subtracted in the summary on page 5. The following corrections should be madeO p 5, line 8: substitute 2,675 for 3,883 line 10: substitute 54,971 for 56,179 p 13, line 8 from bottom: substitute 2,700 for 3,800 and substitute 0.10 for 0.13 line 7 from bottom: substitute 0.11 for 0.14 line 6 from bottom: substitute 4182 for 3286, and substitute 4840 for 3803 line 3 from bottom: substitute 1/4840 for 1/3803 line 2 from bottom: substitute 0.00020 for 0,00026 p 14, line l: substitute exponent line 2: substitute line 3: substitute for 48.5 line 8: substitute p 16, line 7 from bottom: line 2 from bottom: -.00020 for -.00026 in the -.00020 for -.00026 23,025 for 17,712 and 63.1 34 for 26 substitute 34 for 26 substitute "about" for "only" p 17, line 10: substitute 2,700 for 3,900 PREFACE TO THE ENTIRE REPORT Several factors have dictated that this final report should be in separate parts. The contract covered studies of different sorts. By the nature of the studies, the times required for work-up and analysis of data have varied widely, some parts being completed long before others could be finished. The different studies have required greatly varying amounts of ship-time and some, which required unexpectedly large amounts of ship-time, are being augmented by data obtained during cruises for other projects when vessels are in suitable regions. Finally, it is believed that assimilation by the reader is aided by brevity and unit reporting. i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE TO THE ENTIRE REPORT... INTRODUCTION..... *.... o O METHODS.... o o.. o o o... RESULTS......o. o o o..... Current Studies..... e ~ o. ~. ~ i o o.. o... 1 o. 00~oe 3 ooao~oo 5 5 Studies in the Chicago Region. o Drogue run, 28 April 1963 * * Drogue run, 4-7 June 1963 *. Drogue run, 20-21 June 1963. Drogue run, 4-5 October 1963. Drogue run, 9-10 October 1963 Drogue run, 9-10 November 1963. The Panorama of Temperature off Crude Estimates of Dilution off * ~ ~ * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ e ~ a ~ * O O e Chicago Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,4 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 5 * 9 o 11 ~ 13 0 15 0 218 o 22 Studies at USPHS Buoy 14.......... 25 BT and drogue run, 26 October 1963.... 25 Studies off Milwaukee........ 28 Drogue run, 24 October 1963, near USPHS Buoy 17.. 0..... * *. 28 Drogue run, 24-25 October 1963, near USPHS Buoy 18..... 30 Studies off Grand Haven and Muskegon..... 30 Drogue run, 24-25 June 1963........ 30 Drogue run, 27-28 October 1963, at USPHS Buoy 20 and Weather Tower....... 33 BT and drogue run, 29 October 1963, at USPHS Buoy 20........o.... 35 Double BT Run, Grand Haven to Milwaukee.. Tests of Windage Effects on Drogues.. Supplemental Sediment Studies...... Oily Sediments off Gary, Indiana.... Foul-Odored Sediments off Calumet Harbor. Milwaukee Embayment Study. 0.... CONCLUSIONS0.... o. *... REFERENCES..... o.....* *. 0 37 0 0 0 39... 42... 42.. 0 42... 43 0. 0 44. 0 46 1ii INTRODUCTION TO PART III This last portion of the final report on work performed under the contract includes a number of related studies carried out since the expiration of the contract. These related studies are in part studies that required more time than had been allowed under the contract; in part they are extensions of studies originally reported; and in part they are new studies not actually a part of the contract but which cover items known to be within the interest area of the USPHS Great Lakes-Illinois River Basin Projecto This report presents in final form the work done on current determination by "standard" methods at USPHS anchored buoy systems to enable cross-comparison of methods by USPHS. It presents in final form the work done on the development and evaluation of radio-bearing current drogues as means for following currents for extended periods of time. A limited amount of data on the annual regime of vertical temperature distribution in the waters off Chicago is included. These data were assembled and studied to ascertain whether density stratification in the local water-column was apt to result in a two-layered system in which bottom currents might be differently directed than the surface currents. In two cases data obtained for other purposes have been suitable for crude estimates of the dilution rate inherent in the waters off Chicago. The areal extent of the oily sediments off Gary, Indiana, (previously reported) has been determined and their probable 1 origin at least temporarily decided upon. A similar area off Milwaukee has been found. A survey of the sediments of Milwaukee Embayment has been carried out with the discovery of pronounced eutrophic changes in sediment characteristics within Milwaukee Harbor. These are reported in preliminary form. Two portions of the work originally proposed could not be carried out. 1. A magnetometer could not be obtained, and the planned start on the determination of the magnetic anomalies of the southern basin of Lake Michigan could not be carried out. 2. Despite our best efforts we were unable to devise a current drogue that could be found after long periods and which still had so little windage effect that it would stay within the water-mass in which it was set. Consequently we were unable to achieve a study of the attrition of water masses. Survey of the substructure of the basin of lower Lake Michigan by the sparking sub-bottom profiler was deliberately abandoned because the reduced ship-speed that it required would have used excessive amounts of ship-time. To have obtained even an incomplete sparker survey would have prevented the completion of the bottom sediment survey reported in Part II of this — Final Report. 2 METHODS Currents were determined by current drogue and by the dynamic height method of Ayers (1956) and Ayers and Bachmann (1957). Both these methods were used in part of the studies at USPHS anchored buoy systems; in others drogues alone were used. Sma-ll citizens-band (ten-meter) radio transmitters were developed and- used successfully for drogue drifts up to three days. The transmitters developed (Model ERC 127T manufactured by Electronic Research Corporation of Ann Arbor) were crystalcontrolled at separate frequencies within the citizens band and emitted an unmodulated carrier transmission which was rendered audible by the beat frequency oscillator of the receiver, a Hammerlund Model HQ-180 all-band receiver. In use, the transmitters were wrapped in plastic sheet and lashed into the radar reflectors of the drogues. Two 10-meter yagi antennae were mounted vertically on the yardarm of the ship' s aftermast for reception of signals from the drogue transmitters. This antenna arrangement provided a strong lobe of reception from ahead of the ship and a weak lobe from aft; reception from abeam was almost nil. Under good conditions the drogues could be heard from about 15 miles ahead. The ship was "homed" aurally on the greatest strength of signal until radar contact was made. Except where specifically noted, surface drogues used in these studies were influenced by the top 7-1/2 feet of the water. Except off Chicago, where depth was limited, deep 3 drogues were customarily set with their current drags beneath the thermocline. Navigation during these studies was in large part by sextant fixes or radar fixes. In a few cases it was necessary to navigate by dead-reckoning. 4 RESULTS Current Studies Studies in the Chicago Region Our studies in the Chicago region were in large part centered around 41050.01 N, 87~30.0' W near the site of the diffuser proposed by the lakes states in the recent Chicago litigation. Their primary purpose was to provide information on the direction of currents under various winds. Drogue run, 28 April 1963 (Fig. 1): A surface drogue and a 44-foot drogue were set at 41~50.6', 87029*5'. The deep drogue apparently went aground promptly, for it made no movement in two-plus hours. It is not shown in Figure 1. The surface drogue moved due west a distance of 3200 feet in 2 hours 16 minutes, giving an indicated current velocity of 0.27 mph. The wind regime of the 26th through the 28th was: 26 Apr. E 10-12 knots 27 Apr. AM SE 7k PM NE 13 k 28 Apr. AM SE 10 k PM ENE 15 k Drogue run, 4-7 June 1963 (Fig. 2): Four radio drogues were set near the diffuser site on 4 June. During 5 June, while the ship was detained in Chicago harbor, the drogues could be heard distinctly. During the position fixing of 6 June and the recoveries on 7 June the ship homed on the drogues by radio and found them readily. Drogues I and II were set at 0804, but drogue I (set for 43 feet in charted depths of 48 feet) did not move and was 5 41~55' —+ OHARRISON CRIB 87 35' 8703O 41~503' OFOUR MILE CRIB surface 0 —.1447 i 1231 I111, 1 0 1 II 2 2 MIL MILES *: RELEASE 0 RECOVERY 28 APRIL 1963 068TH ST CRIB Figure 1 6 87~40' 42000' 1 870 30' OWILSON CRIB KI 0957 7 OHARRISON CRIB June? I I I I / / CFMUR CRIB /, 1311',e' / o 0850 7 June I I/ I I / I I I 41050' I I I.I \ * itiL.t.iz 4 June (see text) 0= RELEASE * = INTERMEDIATE FIXES o = RECOVERY 068TH ST CRIB 4-7 JUNE 1963 I 1 I X O 1 2 3 MILES I I I I 4 5 6 7 Figure 2 7 obviously aground from the time of setting. Drogue II (surface drogue) moved off toward the northwest immediately after setting. At 1320 drogues III (22 feet) and IV (surface) were set alongside drogue I. Drogue I was lifted briefly, ten feet of suspension wire removed, and reset. When set at 33 feet drogue I did not go aground. At 1320 drogues I, III, and IV were in a circle of about 50 feet diameter. At recovery on 7 June they were still together in a circle of about 200 feet diameter. Drogue II, set earlier than the other three, maintained a separate course throughout the three days. It travelled an apparent 8.2 miles during its 73.9 hours adrift, giving an indicated speed of 0o11 mph. Drogues I, III, and IV travelled an apparent 4.3 miles during their 67.5 hours adrift, giving an indicated speed of 0.06 mph. The chronology of positions plotted in Figure 2 was: 4 June 0804 #II 41049.61, 87~29.4' (set) 0927 #II 41~49. 8, 87~290 7 1300 #II 41050, 2, 87~30.78 1320 #I, III, IV 41l49.6v, 87~29.49 (set) 1645 #I, III, IV 4o150.0', 87~29.6' 1650 #II 41o50.4', 8703101S 6 June 1400 #I, III, IV 41~52,19, 87~29.48 1432 #II 41054.2 87~29,08 7 June 0850 #I, III, IV 41~5299, 87028.3' (recovery) 0957 #11 41~55.79 87028.80 (recovery) 8 The wind during this period was3 June S 4 - 8 knots 4 June NW 6 k to NE 5-12 k (W during the night) 5 June light sea breeze.W during the night) 6 June SW to SE 4 k to SW turned N during the night) 7 June N 8-10 k Dropue run; 20-21 June 1963 (Fi. 3 This was a radio drogue run, carried out under severe conditions to assess the sturdiness of the drogue radio transmitters. During the evening of 19 June a severe squall and frontal passage occurred at Chicagoo During and after the frontal passage winds up to fifty knots were reported. During the night of the 19th the wind slowly tapered off, but large seas were built up.o Wind and seas slowly moderated during the 20th and 21st. At 1420 on 20 June two radio drogues, #11 at 20 feet and #IV at the surface, were set at 4150.1% 87029,5e. At the time of setting the wind was from the north at 16 knots and seas estimated to be six feet high were running. After returning to Chicago harbor, the drogue transmitters were heard still functioning at 1620 and at 1820. On 21 June search for the drogues was carried out under winds of 7-10 knots and in 3-4 foot seas. At this time drogue IV was transmitting a weak and fuzzy signal that was homed on with difficulty but which did lead us to the drogue. Recovery was made at 1217 Just outside Indiana harbor at 41042.2, 87026o31. Inspection of the recovered drogue showed that the transmitter's whip antenna had broken off; the transmission heard was from a stub of the antenna-feed wire. 9 OFOUR MILE CRIB 87~40' ~ 4150' I 4140' 8730'3 4 @, EZ 1420 20 June \\ \ \ \ \ 068TH ST CRIB \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o 01l 1540 \ 21 June 0:3 1217 21 June F+ I I I 1 5 6 7 8 I.. I I 1 I 0 1 2 3 4 MILES = RELEASE 0 o RECOVERY 20-21 JUNE 1963 Figure 3 10 No transmission from drogue #II was heard on 21 June. By blind hunting (sea-return rendered the radar almost useless) the drogue was found outside Indiana harbor. Recovery was made at 1540 at1 41~43,c.O, 87025.2. The antenna of this transmitter had also broken~ off and had pulled the feed-wire out with it. After this day antenna break-off was prevented by taping a slender! wooden block between the antenna and the drogue-staff top. Drogue II had travelled an apparent 8.8 miles in 25.3 houris, going an indicated speed of 0.35 mph. Drogue IV travelled an apparent 9.5 miles during 21,95 hours, an indicated speed of 0.43 mph. Drogue run, 4-5 October 1963 Fig.4) This run was without radios; the drogues were hunted by radar and positioned by sextant fixes. Surface drogues I, II, and III, plus drogues IV and V (both at 36 feet) were set at 4151 2, 87029.01 at 1227 on 4 October, Drogues IV and V moved 700 feet west in the interval between 1227 and 1800 when they were taken up. Drogue V showed evidences of hitting bottom (bends and gouges on the lower edge of the sheet metal drag). Drogue IV stayed with V during the entire period, but did not show evidence of hard grounding. Because grounding may have hindered the movement of these two drogues, they are considered suspect, Drogues I, II, and III retained the same relative positions throughout the period of drift. At setting I and III were each about 50 feet from IIo At 1730, when II was fixed, I and III 11 87" 87~30' 142o00' WILSONO c'm 0912 5 OCTOBER / CRIB!I 9 L 0922 5 OCTOBER \ 0900 \ \ 5 OCTOBER\ \\...s \\ I \ \\ HARRISONO \ a CRIB \ \ FOUR MILEO k _ C R tB d.,1730 4 OCTOBER '\ r, 1800 4 OCTOBER0'x't1 1227x 4 OCTOBER + 4150' \ * s RELEASE o - INTERMEDIATE FIXES \68TH ST CRIB 0 = RECOVERY \. I I I \ I 0 I 2 3 4 5 4-5 OCTOBER 1963 MILES Figure 4 12 were estirpated to be each about a quarter mile from II. At recovery on 5 October I was, by fix, 2500 feet from II and III was 2000 feet from II. Drogue I travelled an apparent 9.2 miles during 20.55 hours —an indicated speed of 0.45 mph. Drogue II travelled an apparent 8.8 miles during 20.9 hours, for an indicated speed of 0.42 mph. Drogue III travelled an apparent 9.0 miles in 20.75 hours, giving an indicated speed of over 0.43 mph. The chronology of fixes during this run waso 4 Oct. 1227 #1, II, III, IV, V 41051.21, 87~29.0 (set) 1730 #II 41052 21, 87~30.81 (fix) #1 41052.21, 87031.01 (estimated) #III 41052.3', 87030.81 (estimated) 5 Oct. 0900 #I 41057.61, 87033.9' (fix) (recovery) 0912 #III 4158.1, 87~33.31 (fix) (recovery) 0922 #II 41057.7', 87~33.4' (fix) (recovery) The wind regime for this run was: 3 Oct. NW 20 knots (on east side of lake) 4 Oct. SE 10-12 k 5 Oct. S 10 k (becoming 14 k later in day) Drogue run, 9-10 October 1963 Fig. 5) This run involved one radio drogue (IV) that was used to home the ship into radar range. Drogues II, III, IV, and V were set at 0920 on 9 October; setting position, by radar fix, was 41051.5', 87~29.3'. Drogues III and IV were normal surface drogues, each carrying a single sheet metal drag; drogue II carried two current drags in tandem. This configuration of drags was a test (reported later) to ascertain whether windage on the drogue floats was significant. 13 87~40' 87030' t42~00'1 WILSON 0830 10 OCTOBERO?Nt 0845 10 OCTOBER CRIB 3 0815 10 OCTOBER i I CRIB \\ I "l I I HARRISONO %I CRIB \. II 'Ill It I 0730 10 OCTOBERCS i FOUR MLEO\ CRIB 1245 -1255 9 OCTOBER J It,mit, 0920 9 OCTOBER 41~50' \ + *= RELEASE 068TH ST CRIB * = INTERMEDIATE FIXES \ 1 I I I I 1 I 0 1 2 3 4 5 MILES o0 RECOVERY MI 9-10 OCTOBER 1963 Figure 5 14 Drogue V was set at 36 feet; upon recovery it showed evidence of grounding. Its direction of movement and its rate of movement are suspect. Drogues II, III, and IV retained the same relative positions during the drift. Set about 50 feet apart, the intervals between them had opened to about 1/8th mile by 1245 -1255 on the 9th. At recovery IV was a half mile from III and II was a mile behind III. Drogue II moved an apparent 6.7 miles in 22.9 hours —an indicated speed of 0.29 mph. Drogue III travelled an apparent 7.8 miles in 23.2 hours for an indicated speed of 0.34 mph. Drogue IV drifted an apparent 7.9 miles during 23.4 hours, giving an indicated speed of 0.34 mph. The chronology of positions during this run was: 9 Oct. 0920 #II IIII IV, V 41~51.68, 87~29.3' (set, radar fix) 1245-1255 #11 41~52o.2, 87029o.0 (sextant fix) #1II 41052o3% 87029.O0 (sextant fix) #IV 41052.3', 87~28.98 (sextant fix) #V 41052.28, 87029,.2 (sextant fix) 10 Oct, 0730 #V 4153.5' 87030Q*7 (recovery, sextant fix) 0815 #11 4l157.0S 87O30.1' (recovery, sextant fix) o830 #11 41l57.9,s 87o30o2Q (recovery, sextant fix) 0845 #IV 41l58.2 87~29 60 (recovery, sextant fix) The wind regime for this run was: 8 Oct. (evening) SE 4 knots 9 Oct. SSW 6-10 k 10 Oct. (early AM) SSE 12-20 k Drogue run, 9-10 November 1963(Fig 6 This drogue run was carried out with all drogue floats being of low-windage 15 87~30' 42000'+ 87o20' +H OWILSON CRIB 1050 Po 0949 1018 0 0 / __. 0O uter Buoy f 0845 0918 I1704 OHARRISON CRIB 0832 0-w 1715 1715 ON 1726 1737 0815 s 1749 I 'FOUR MILE CRIB I i iu * RELEASES ON 9 NOVEMBER 1963 41~ 50' — -,= MILES 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I I I i I 1 1 I o= RECOVERIES ON 10 NOVEMBER 1963 I Figure 6 fish-net-buoy style. In this float the flotation is furnished by a series of ovo-cylindrical floats of five inches diameter. These floats are strung on the float staff until the current drag is carried but only the upper end of the uppermost plastic float extends through the water surface. The exposed portion of the uppermost float, a portion of the staff six feet long by 5/8 inch wide, and a 3/8 inch mesh wire radar corner reflector one foot in each dimension are the total of surfaces exposed to wind. Total windage exposure is 200 square inches, which is countered by an underwater exposure of 32 square feet. The new float eliminates 70 square inches of exposure to wind in comparison to the old-style float that is described under "Tests of Windage Effects on Drogues." On 9 November a line of nine surface drogues was set as the ship approached Chicago from the east side of the lake. Drogues were set at about 2-mile intervals along a course running about 250~ true from about 17 miles outside Four Mile Crib to a half mile inside the crib. All release positions involved in this run were radar fixes. Drogue X is believed to have sunk; we find no record that it had been checked for adequacy of flotation against its current drag, and it disappeared from radar contact before the ship arrived at the position for setting drogue IX. Drogue VI parted from its current drag (hit- by steamer?). The float was found by the police of New Buffalo, Michigan, on the beach there on the morning of 2 December. The seven drogues recovered had all moved various distances northward and their movements had various degrees of eastward 17 components. The greatest total movement was near the west (inshore) end of the line. The positions of release on 9 November and recovery on 10 November, and indicated speeds of travel were: Drogue I III IV V VI VII IX x Release 41~52.31, 87~33.41 41~52.91, 87~31.09 41053.41, 87~28.7' 410~5-3 9 87026.41 41054.3', 87~24. 0 41~54.91, 87~21. 7 4105531, 87019.5' 41~55.71, 87017.21 41056.21, 87~14.8'._.....Recovery _ 41~53.7', 87031.7 SF* 41054.41, 87030.31 SF 41054.81, 87027.9' SF 41055.41, 87~25.01 SF Indicated Speed, mph 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.07 0.02 0.04 - -" -w - 41~55.7' 87~21.21 41~55.6', 87019.31 41~56.31, 87~16.61 RF* RF RF *SF = sextant fix *RF = radar fix The wind regime pertaining to this run was: 8 Nov. NW 18-20 knots (over east side of lake) 9 Nov. SSW 20 k (25 k further northeast in lake) 10 Nov. NW 10-13 k. (up to recovery time) The Panorama of Temperature off Chicago One of the factors that could bear upon the nature of currents in the waters immediately off Chicago is the local annual regimen of temperature. Study of temperature (density) structure off Chicago in the warmer parts of the year might show whether conditions conducive to two-layered current flow would develop. Figure 7 presents a synthesized panorama of water temperatures near 41~50, 870301 for the months April to November. 0 2 3 4 U) Iw w 2: I Ia H F-J \10 5 6 7. 8 9 10 I l Ii 12 13 14 15 16 J F M A M J J A S 0 TEMPERATURE PANORAMA AT 41050',87030' JUST OFF CHICAGO Figure 7 N D Data from 1961 were from Chicago Outer Buoy; 1962 and 1963 data were taken at the diffuser position. The data of 1961 are reversing thermometer data; those of 1962 and 1963 are bathythermograph data. Dashed isotherms for 70 and 120 are estimates supported by data on only one side. Figure 8, from Ayers (1962), has been provided to enable comparisons with deep-water conditions. A line indicating 16 meters of depth (the depth near the diffuser) has been drawn across this figure to aid in the assessment of depth as a factor in the local regimen. As a test of the comparability of the years involved in Figures 7 and 8., (Chicago temperatures since 1960 being unavailable) we have compared the annual mean raw-water temperatures of-the Milwaukee filtration plant for these years: 1941- 76o60c 1961 6.o6~c 1942 6.560C 1962 6.560C 1963 6.78 0C 1941 and 1961 appear to have been somewhat warmer and cooler, respectively,, than the other years, but 1942, 1962, and 1963 appear to be reasonably comparable. Since the latter three years comprise the bulk of both figures, comparisons between the figures seem justified. Midsummer surface temperatures off Chicago attain higher values than those in the open lake. Both spring and fall temperatures are higher off Chicago than in midlake. More effective downward mixing of heat in spring is apparent off Chicago where the first isotherm to show a curvature indicative of developing stratification is that for 10Q while in midlake the 50 isotherm develops a curvature above 16 meters, also in 20 0 I I I 1 Z I5 1 lil I I lit Z III I I I I I I I I / s\I, 8\'?"d ' /i' I I I I I I I I I 8 1T 1- -'-T 10 ME fo 30 40 50 (C 11 G 6 6 5 941 1942 41 REPEATED1 4 4 I 6 IN OREArER DEPrHS, <4 BOrroM WArTER ALL- SUMMERE F A ' 0 N D 1941 1942 1941 REPEATED COOLING WARMING _COOLING UNSTRATIFIED STRATIFIED,UNSTRATIF CONVECTION 440 ONVECTON 40 CONVECTION _ EFFECTIVE WIND STIRRING INEFFECTIVE WIND STIRRING EFFECTIVE m ro H Figure 8 May. Off Chicago the most intense thermal and density stratification occurs in late August and involves only the upper isotherms of the lake's thermocline, the rest of the thermocine being intercepted by the bottom. The bottom water off Chicago in the period of greatest stratification is mid-thermocline water; in the absence of internal waves typical two-layered flow is unlikely at this period. In June a two-layered water column exists temporarily while the thermocline is developing but has not yet reached bottom; this appears to be the time of year when significant directional differences between surface and bottom currents (in the absence of internal wave activity) might occur if local development of a two-layered water column were the most important factor. Internal wave activity, by tilting the thermocline and intruding colder subsurface water into the area, can establish temporary two-layered conditions with possible differences in top and bottom current directions regardless of the condition in the undisturbed local water column. In the absence of internal waves the general condition off Chicago appears to be that surface and bottom currents would move in more or less the same direction during nearly all the year. The movements of the few successful deeper drogues off Chicago are in agreement with this conclusion. Crude Estimates of Dilution off Chicago While the drogue runs off Chicago were intended primarily 22 to give additional information as to the direction of current movement under different wind conditions, it has been possible to derive two crude estimates of the dilution rate inherent in the currents off Chicago. These estimates include error due to the windage effect on the drogue floats and are not considered to do more than indicate an order of magnitude. The water off Chicago is relatively shallow and the bottom has but a gentle slope. The surface drogues of 4-5 October and of 9-10 October moved in relatively constant mean depths of 40 and 50 feet respectively. If the two surface drogues farthest apart on these two occasions (FigsQ 4 and 5) are considered to move along near the edges of an hypothetical plume of effluent originating at the bottom_ at the release position and extending upward through the water column, successive tentative cross-sectional areas of the plume can, be computed. Assuming that the progressive increases in cross-sectional area of the plumes are due to entrainment of diluting water from the environment, dilution can be expressed as ratios of plume cross-sectional areas at successive pairs of times. In constant depths the shape of the plume cross-section need not be known. In the following, the width of the plume at the bottom at the origin is taken to be ten feet; its width at the surface at the origin is taken to be fifty feet (the distance apart of the drogues at setting). In the successive cross-sections the 5:1 ratio of plume width at surface to plume width at bottom is maaintained (assumption of uniform dilution along the vertical 23 of the water column). For the run of 4-5 October the separations of drogues I and III were: 50 feet at setting, and (by scaling from Fig. 4) 5/16 mile at 1730 on 4 October, and 7/10 mile at 0900-0912 on 5 October. Keeping a five-to-one ratio of plume widths in constant mean depth of 40 feet, the successive plume cross-sectional 222 areas are: 1200 ft2, 39600 ft2, and 88700 ft2. The successive ratios are: 39600/1200 or 33X and 88700/39600 or 2.2X. Crude estimate of total indicated dilution during the run: 33 x 2.2 or about 73X. For the run of 9-10 October the distances apart of drogues III and IV were: 50 feet at setting, and (by scaling from Fig. 5) 1/8 mile at 1245-1255 on 9 October, and 1/2 mile at 0830-0845 on 10 October. With a five-to-one ratio of plume widths and in constant mean depth of 50 feet, the plume crosssection areas are: 1500 ft, 19800 ft2, and 79200 ft2. The successive ratios of areas are: 19800/1500 or 13.2X and 79200/19800 or 4X. Crude estimate of total indicated dilution during the run: 13.2 x 4 or 52.8X. Whether the plume cross-sections are considered to be rectangles of equal surface and bottom widths, as trapezoids of unequal surface and bottom widths, or as triangles with observed surface widths and zero bottom widths makes no difference; the same ratios of cross-sectional areas emerge. Though crude, the indicated dilutions of less than 10OX in a day mean a limited ability of the local currents to dilute introduced materials. 24 Studies at USPHS Buoy 14 BT- and drogue run, 26 October 1963 (Figs. 9 and 10) On 26 October three drogues were set within a hundred yards of Buoy 14. Drogue I (130 feet) was set about 100 feet 075~ true from the buoy; drogue II (tandem double drag, 0-12 feet) was set about 200 feet from the buoy on the same course; and drogue III (surface) was set about 300 feet from the buoy on the same course. The drogues were set (with the ship drifting rapidly) between 1220 and 1222; 1221 was accepted as the setting time of all three. At recovery the drogues were all on a line bearing 018~ true from the buoy. Recovery positions indicated are the positions of the drogues during a timed run along the line of their positions. After this run the ship returned and retrieved the drogues. Drogue I had travelled an apparent 0.46 miles in 2 hours 39 minutes, giving an indicated speed of 0o17 mph for the current at 126-130 feet. Drogue II had moved an apparent 1,12 miles in 2 hours 35 minutes, indicating,a speed of 0.43 mph. Drogue III covered an apparent 1.36 miles in 2 hours 34 minutes to indicate a velocity of 0.52 mph. During the approach to the buoy, and after setting the drogues, the ship carried out a series of bathythermograph soundings on a course 0980 true from a point 16 miles west of Buoy 14 to a point 12 miles east of the buoy. Figure 10 presents the components of current normal to the ship's course, as determined by dynamic heights computation. The curve for current components in the upper ten meters coincides with that for surface components over much of the figure; no attempt has 25 N orU 1455 I I I I I I I I I I X 1456 of IS II I, II i, I II 'l II It,I 'l I,,/ 'I il,t II II /,, Q IE I// II I, II @S' zzC,n 1221 USPHS Buoy 14 0 u. i 0.5 MILE 26 OCTOBER 1963 Figure 9. a R a 2 26 I.14 / \ 1 26 OCTOBER 1963.12 \\ -.0 / / SURFACE -- 0 / \ 0-10 METERS --- Z.08. /. 30 METERS =..06 / 30-40 METERS..04.02 ~04 ".... MILES WEST OF BUOY MILES EAST OF BUOY 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Figure 10 been made to indicate the superimposed portions. Computed current direction changed from northward to southward about two miles east of the buoy. Major southward current was indicated between two and four miles east of the buoy. Major northward current was indicated to lie between 10 and 12 miles west of the buoy. Current directions by dynamic height computation and by drogues were in agreement. Current velocity obtained by dynamic computation was 0.6 to 0.7 that given by the drogues. The wind regime for this run was: 25 Oct. SSW 8-12 knots 26 Oct. S 13 k Studies off Milwaukee Drogue run, 24 October 1963, near USPHS Buoy 17 (Fig. 11): On 24 October a surface drogue (IV) and a deep drogue (I, 70 feet) were set at 0923 and at 1040, respectively, near the position of USPHS Buoy 17. Positions were by sextant fix. Drogue IV travelled an apparent 5.6 miles in 8 hours 25 minutes for an indicated speed of 0.67 mph. Drogue I moved an apparent 2.8 miles during 7 hours 36 minutes, giving an indicated velocity of 0.37 mph at the 66-70 foot level. The chronology of positions during this run was: 0923 #IV 43~07.61' 87~50.51 (set) 1040 #1I 43~07.81, 87~50.7' (set) 1140 #IV 43~08.91, 87~5101 1748 #IV 43~12.11, 87~52.4' (recovery) 1816 #1 4310lO.O' 87051.51 (recovery) 28 88000' Qr: 1748 I 8750' I - 43010' 1816, I ol* I 1140 \,. jI 1040 *zE 0923 I 0 1 2 3 I I. I I I MILES 4 5 6 I I I,! * RELEASES * = INTEMEDIATE FIX 0 = RECOVERY 24 OCTOBER 1963 -43 00' Figure 11 29 The wind regime related to this'run waso 23 Octo S 12 knots (diminishing during night) 24 Oct. S "9-12 k (18 k later in the day) Drogue run, 24-25 October 1963, near USPHS Buoy 18 (Fig. 121) On 24 October surface drogue V was set at 1253 about halfway between USPHS buoys 17 and 18, and surface drogue III at Buoy 18 at 1400. The drogues were recovered on 25 October. During this run positions were obtained by a combination of dead reckoning and radar range and bearings on Buoy 18. Drogue V drifted an apparent 5.4 miles during the 23 hours 37 minutes it was adrift, to give an indicated surface current velocity of 0.23 mph. Drogue III moved 4.8 miles in 21 hours 27 minutes, an indicated velocity of 0.22 mph. The time-series of positions during this run was: 24 Oct. 1253 #V 43007.9', 87036.2? (set) 1400 #III 43008.01, 87024.4' (set, at Buoy l8) 25 Oct. 1127 #III 43011.3, 87021.0' (recovery) 1230 #V 43009.5', 87~30.'1 (recovery) The wind regime applicable to this run was: 23 Oct. S 12 knots (diminishing during night) 24 Oct. S 9-18 k 25- Oct. SSW 88-12 k Stu.dies of Gaan d Haven and Musk.egon gslue run 24-25 Jmne 1963 (.Pig.13): This run was designed to be a further test of the radio-drogue as well as a test of the relative directions of deep and surface currents off Grand Haven. Fresh batteries had not been put in the transmitters, with the result-that the transmitters ran down. Fortunately, a blind radio-call to the entire east side of the 30 87~30' 43020', 87020' ii I 0 1 2 3 I it1 I I MILES 4 5 6 7 l I 1 I 43010'1.o-03 1230 25 OCT. -14 Xar 1253 24 OCT,: 14c mX 1127 25 OCT.o / / / - / / / / / / f D0 24 OCT.04-/"USPHS Buoy 18 * = RELEASES ON 24 OCTOBER 1963 o = RECOVERIES ON 25 OCTOBER 1963 Figure 12 31 86~40' + 86~ 30' 43o10' -1 31, 5l 2040 08, I 0825 + 43000'MILES I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 lu I I I I.. -.j * RELEASES ON 24 JUNE 1963 0o RECOVERIES ON 25 JUNE 1963 Figure 13 32 lake elicited the information that the MILWAUKEE CLIPPER had seen the drogues; from her directions we were able to recover them. Positions were by radar fix. Drogues II (surface) and IV (125 feet) were set at 43~03.3', 86~41.8', 22.3 miles west of Grand Haven at 0825 on 24 June. On 25 June the two, still together, were recovered at 2040 at 43007.9', 86~41.2? 18 miles 252~ true from Muskegon. There was no separation of these drogues during their 36 hours 15 minutes adrift. They had travelled an apparent 5.4 miles, giving an indicated current speed at both depths of 0.15 mph. The wind regime for this run was: 24 June SSE 4-8 knots 25 June SE 6-8 k (going calm in afternoon) Drogue run, 27-28 October 1963 ^ at USPHS Buoy20 and Weather Tower (Fig. 14)g On 27 October surface drogue I was set alongside the USWB-USLS-USPHS-UM weather tower off Mona Lake inlet at 0934. Deep drogue II (130 feet) and surface drogue III were set beside USPHS Buoy 20 at 10-5-9 and 1104 respectively. Recovery positions of II and III were by timed run to Buoy 20; positioning of I was by sextant fix. Drogue II was recovered at 1350 after moving 0.34 mile toward 0980 true-an indicated speed of 0.12 mph. Drogue III was retrieved at 1355 after moving 0.58 mile toward 074~ true at an indicated speed of 0.20 mph. Drogue I was positioned at 1640 at a point 1.6 miles 1640 true from the tower, having moved at an indicated speed of 0.23 mph. This drogue was left adrift overnight and was 33 — i-430101 GsMo~y 20 33: m I a I a I 0 1 2 3 4 5 MILES 86 ' l 3000' * = RELEASE O = INTERMEDIATE FIX 0 = RECOVERY 27 - 28 OCTOBER 1963 a —7 I 0934 27 OCTOBER'tOwer I 1620 27th I I 6 7 8 9 10 O 1 I I I i I I I I 1401 28 OCTOBER Lgure 14 34 recovered on 28 October at 1401 at 42~55-3, 86~014.5, about two miles 3170 true from the channel at Port Sheldon. From release to recovery this drogue moved 16.8 miles in 28 hours 27 minutes for an overall indicated speed of 0.59 mph. Between the intermediate and final positions this drogue moved 15.2 miles at an indicated rate of 0.7 mph. The regime of winds applicable to this run was: 26 Oct. SSW 8-12 knots 27 Oct. S 8-13 k 28 Oct. NW 18-23 k BT and drogue run, 29 October 1963, at USPHS Buoy 2O ig 1 This section presents a comparison of currents obtained by dynamic computation to currents indicated by surface drogues. The drogue run has been reported previously in Part I of this Final Report. To enable comparison to the computed currents, the normal components of the movements of adjacent drogues have been averaged and the average plotted between the drogue positions. The comparison is hampered by the fact that higherwindage floats had to be used on half the drogues. The averaging process included a higher-windage drogue in each pair. The comparison would have been further facilitated if the bathythermograph soundings had been in between the drogues. Each computed current component would then have been directly comparable to the normal component of the movement of a single drogue. While the mechanics of the comparisons leave a good deal to be desired, there was at least directional agreement in five of the nine comparisons. In three of the four remaining 35 MILES FROM SHORE 10 19 15 0.I N 0 S 0.1 0.2 5 I I I I r I I — I - - I I - - ii, 10 0 7 0 2 6 DR( I C) 0 z I o It Z 0: 0 I Buoy 20 N I I o o 11 I / I \i /! +I )GUESlI I I I l 0.3 - 0.4b 0.51 Dynamic Heights (Surface) =- - - -> Av'g's, Surface Drogues = ---- BT's 8 Drogue Releases a o o o 29 OCTOBER 1963 v 0.6 - Figure 15 comparisons movements of drogues were paired with no-current indicated by dynamic heights. In only one of the nine was there direct disagreement in direction between the computed current and that indicated by drogue. In five of the nine comparisons current velocity indicated by the two methods was in order-of-magnitude agreement. The comparison was carried out under north winds of 10 -18 knots which began during the early forenoon and continued through the day. Winds of the 28th had been northwest 18-23 knots. Double BT Run, Grand Haven to Milwaukee (Fig. l6) On 23 October 1963 the vessels INLAND SEAS and MYSIS carried out what was supposed to be a parallel run of bathythermograph soundings between Grand Haven and Milwaukee. Inexperience with such runs is credited with the boats' steering north of the course, and then converging after coursecorrection. Corrective measures have been taken. Figure 16 presents the results of this run. The two outer lines represent the paths of the two ships. Cross-lines intersect the two ships' courses at the points where BT soundings were taken. The center line connects the middlepoints of the "squares" which have BT soundings on each corner. Current directions and velocities have been determined by application of the dynamic height method: 1) along the track of each ship, and 2) transversely to the ships' tracks along the short cross-lines. Components of current: 1) normal to the ships' tracks, and 2) parallel to the ships' tracks were thus 37 4, \(4 OD 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 m- - - -- knots SCALE FOR CURRENT VECTORS DOUBLE BT RUN Grand Haven to Milwaukee 23 OCTOBER 1963 15e 150 16~ Figure 16 obtained. Mean components were computed from the mean slopes of the surface;slopes along the ships' tracks being averaged and slopes transverse to the tracks being averaged. The two components thus obtained for each "square"f were summed vectorially to produce the current vector that is drawn from the midpoint of each "square." Isotherms of 150 and 160C are entered in the figure in the places where they were encountered by the two ships. In the last ten miles of the short converging leg of the crossing, only the current components normal to the ships' tracks were computed. The averages of these are shown as dashed arrows. The wind regime under which these crossings were made was: 22 Oct. S 20-25 knots 23 Oct. S 12 k (diminishing during night) Although the 2-mile spacing between the ships9 tracks is too small to delineate clearly the nature of the current structure, it is sufficient to suggest that eddies of different sizes and of both right-hand and left-hand rotation were present and probably moving within an overall drift. Single transects across such a structure would produce the appearance of "streaks" of oppositely directed current as reported in Part I. Tests of Wind Effects on DroEues Test of 9-10 October 1963 (Old Floats,, Old Drags The old-style drogue floats consisted of a styrafoam float 16-1/2 inches square and six inches deep. Through the center of the styrafoam there was a 10-foot aluminum pipe of 5/8th inch 39 outside diameter. This pipe (staff) extended 6-1/2 feet above the top of the styrafoam and three feet below it. The lower end of the aluminum staff was weighted with three onepound iron fish-net sinkers, and four guy-wires ran from the bottom of the staff through the corners of the styrafoam to 15 inches from the top of the staff. At the top of the staff was mounted a wire-mesh radar corner reflector measuring one foot in each dimension. In the usual use these floats exposed to the wind the radar reflector, the upper portion of the staff, the guy wires, a rope bridle for recovery, and one side of the styrafoam float (16-1/2 x 4 inches exposed)0 Total area exposed to the effects of wind was 270 square inches. Figure 5 presents the details of this test. Drogues III and IV were normal surface drogues; each carried at the lower end of its staff a 4-foot x 8-foot sheet of galvanized iron rolled and bolted into an open-ended cylinder and suspended by a light chain bridle. These drogues were influenced by the upper 7-1/2 feet of water. Drogue II carried two current drags (cylinders) in tandem and was effected by the upper 12 feet of water. The tandem drag configuration was used on the assumption that windage on the float would not be able to tow it to any significant degree. As shown in Figure 5, drogues II, III, and IV retained about the same relative positions to each other from the "noon" fixes of the 9th until recovery on the morning of the 10th. Drogue II travelled 6.7 miles during its total period adrift; this gives an apparent mean speed of 0.29 mph. Drogues 40 III and IV both moved at apparent mean speeds of 0.34 mph. If the difference in indicated speeds is taken to be the result of windage on the drogue float, then the windage errors are 0.05/0.29 or 17.5%. Test of 26 October 1963 (, OldF Drags)o In this test drogue II again carried two current drags in tandem and was compared to drogue III, a surface drogue. Drogue II travelled at an indicated speed of 0.43 mph; drogue III moved at an indicated speed of 0.52 mpho Again taking the difference in indicated speeds as a measure of the towing effect of wind pressure on the drogue float, we have 0.09/0.43 or 20.9% windage error. NOTE The indicated speeds of drogues that are given in the preceding sections have not been corrected in any way for windage error. 41 Supplemental Sediment Studies Oily Sediments off Gary, Indiana In May 1964 the areal extent of the oily sediments off Gary, Indiana, which were reported in Part II of this Final Report, was worked out in detail by R/V MYSISa Figure 17 gives the extent of these sediments. They occupy an area about four miles long by about 1-1/2 miles wide oriented in a northwest-southeast direction and lying to the east and south of Buoy R2 off Gary. These sediments are primarily of oily silty sand. They do not show any continuation to the shore. The nature of these sediments is very similar to that of sediments collected from a known spoil-dumping area off Milwaukee at 42059.5S 87047.09 We now believe that the sediments off Gary are also spoil (dredgings) from harbor dredging operations along the southern end of the lake. As spoil, these sediments represent a manmade modification of the lake environment but not one that can be attributed to the eutrophication process in the sense in which that term is usually used. Foul-Odored Sediments off Calumet Harbor In May 1964, also, the MYSIS made a detailed search for the foul-odored sediments which had previously been found off Calumet Harbor, and which were reported in Part IIo No evidence of these foul-odored sediments was found. The condition that was present during the bottom survey reported in Part II was, then, a temporary condition for which no cause can be given. 42 87020' + 41045' Buoy (R2) 0 - 41040' Figure 17 43 Milwaukee Embayment Survey In June 1964 the R/V INLAND SEAS carried out a detailed sediment survey in the embayment on which the city of Milwaukee is located. In no part of the embayment outside of the seawall was there any physical evidence of eutrophic modification of bottom sediments. The effluent from the Milwaukee sewage disposal plant is dumped directly into Milwaukee harbor, inside the seawall, by an outfall at the east end of the.disposal plant property. The sediments behind the seawall from North Entrance to South Entrance and Shore Park Breakwater Light (USLS Chart No. 743) are all black; all are heavily organic; and all appear rich in worms. Behind the seawall the water is discolored and turbid. Its uncorrected conductivity values run 30 to 50 percent higher than those of water outside the seawall. Water in the vicinity of the outfall is nearly black and smells of hydrogen sulphide. Streams of discolored high-conductivity water blow downwind out through the openings in the seawall and can be traced visually for considerable distances into the open lake. Limitations of draft prevented the INLAND SEAS from exploring the sediments and water behind the seawall south of Shore Park Breakwater Light. 44 CONCLUSIONS. -:' Local currents in the shallow waters off Chicago appear to move essentially in downwind directions. This was also true for the one run of drogues at USPHS Buoy 14 in midlake off Racine, for the one run near the position of USPHS Buoy 17, and for two runs off Grand Haven. Local currents between USPHS Buoys 17 and 18 and at USPHS Buoy 18 (only one run each) appeared to contain direction components transverse to the wind direction. Local currents at USPHS Buoy 20 usually were not directed downwind. It is believed that set-up and other effects of shore and nearby sloping bottom were in part responsible. The annual regimen of temperature (density) in the waters off Chicago indicates that a typical two-layered water column is not apt to occur there. In the absence of temporary twolayered conditions caused by internal wave activity, surface and bottom currents off Chicago may be expected to move in more or less the same directions. The general tendency for downwind movement of currents off Chicago, and one case of observed westward current under onshore wind, are taken to indicate that effluents from the proposed diffuser would be able to reach the intakes and beaches of Chicago under onshore winds. Crude estimates of apparent dilution in the waters off Chicago indicate that the region is one of poor inherent ability to dilute introducd~' materialS. Definite eutrophic change in the nature of bottom sediments 45 exists in Milwaukee harbor where sewage effluent is discharged behind the seawall. Except in harbors, there now appears to be no place in lower Lake Michigan where typical eutrophic modification of bottom sediments is taking place. 46 REFERENCES Ayers, J. C. 1956. A dynamic height method for the determination of currents in deep lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 1(3)150-161. Ayers, J. C. and R. Bachmann. 1957. Simplified computations for the dynamic height method of current determination in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 2(2)155-157. Ayers, J. C. 1962. Great Lakes waters, their circulation and physical and chemical characteristics. pp. 71-89 in Great Lakes Basin. AAAS Publication No. 71, Washington, D. C. 47