SZ V7 n iYt" IZ7 znxýý7 W*- 4X74ý- VM IL ....................... /511 With at c andp Lf ofiv en.;(tzr 91tp"1 ov ts Als aclas'fid Bsies P ___ol "hivn the ad'reY ofmecijmn ufctresan toe oloin' hevriustads n7, ofs tOS hinAdi an wlised, Moec and~Jfl I ectii sel /"-MPLb ARAGDADPBIHDB,Tjjz PULSHN 7OP-T 85 W ter treo,'ToedoOhio GENERAL INDEX. A drian, H istory of.......................................................... 3-11 Alphabetical List of Names............................................50-120 Blissfield Business Directory.............................................. 39-41 Morenci ".................. 36-38 Tecum seh.......................... Adrian Public Schools................................................. 12 Adrian College......................................13-14-15-49 Personal Notices.............................................15-25 King, H. W.............................26 Zeigler, Geo. W.......................................326 Payne, G eo. F......................................................................26 Lenawee County Sav'gs Bank........................................-...027 Foster, J. A........................................... Times and Expositor......................................28 Press, Daily and Weekly..................................29 Chronology of Impoirtant Events..................................... 30-35 Cross, Japeth...............................................36 Stacy & U nderwood.........................................3................. 36 Gibson House............................................ 39 The Store, Ed. Anglim.............................. 39 Farmer's Hotel.........................................-40 Constantine, S. M............................................................... 40 Schneider & Langohr...................................................40 M abee, Dr., first page of cover................................................. Sigler, A. & U. R., first page of cover......................... M errett, Joseph....t..................................... H urlbut, John..............................................................2 Central Hotel...,..............................................2 Verandah, John Lewis.....................................2 Loomis, Heman.....................................................3 M POsker, P. & Co.."..3................................... Barnum, D. W.......................................... 3 Streets and Avenues.........................................42-45 Wards.............................................45-46 City Government..............................................46 Fire Department........................................46 School Department.......................................... 46-47.Newspapers,.......-to................................47 Cemeteries..............................47 Secret Societies................................ 47-4 INTRODUCTION. SN presenting our first DIRECTORY to the public, we would say that every effort has been made to secure as full and accurate information as coild possibly be obtained. We are inclined to believe that no work of this kind was ever published perfect. There are many difficulties encountered in its compilation that many are unaware. Let it be undertaken by whoever it nmay, the task will be found tedious and hard. If people better understood the objects and usefulness of a directory, even in cities like Adrian, a more accurate work might be published. It is not only difficult to understand the different tongues, but many are the stern rejoinders the canvasser is sibjected to as he passes from hou.-e to house, through the hot and burning sun, and many times after experiencing much difficulty in battling off a ferocious dog, and obtaining the door knob, he is allowed to remain until tired of waiting, and then withdraws to secure his information at some other house,. It is believe], however, that an impartial examination will satis* fy any one as to the general correctness and utility of the work. How far the publishers have succeeded in the design of producing a useful book, it will be for the public to decide; and should any errors or omissions be discovered it is hoped that a reasonable degree of allowance will be made for them, when the difficulties of collecting and arranging such a vast amount of informationm as is here given are considered, and we now with pleasure present the results of those efforts for the patronage of a generous and well wishing public, indulging in the hope that they will overlook im'n perfections and give ciedit for the large amount of valuable inferma'tion here afforded. Thanks are due to many gentlemen, for the promptitude and courtesy with which much of the information relative to the early history of this county was furnished, and indeed all who were applied to for information, without exception, kindly and cordially responded. We are also indebted to the newspapers of Adrian for their kind notices. HIST ORICAL. HE first settlement in Lenawee County was made in 1823. The word Michigan is said to be derived from the Chippewa language, from the words Jlitchcmo, great, and Suiegan, lake, a name formerly applied to both Huron and Michigan. The State was admitted into the Union, January 26th, 1837. It had the requisite population of 60,000 before this, but there were some difficulties in the way of its admission. In 1837 it contained 200,000, in 1840' 212,267, and in 1858 851,470. The territory when first discovered by the whites contained a tribe of Indians called the Hurcms by the French, and Iroquois by the Indians. themselves. In IG70 the French took possession of the Territory, then a portion of the extensive tract explored by the assiduous, daring LaSalle. Its progress, while it belonged to the French was very slow. It was about 1763, when by treaty it was ceded to' Great Britain. In 1783, when the territory was ceded by England to the United States. Until 1800 it was for purposes of government, considered a part of the Great North Western Territory, after Ohio, Indiana and Illinois had been severally detached, the remainder, in 1805. became a distinct territory, the Governor of which was Gen, Hull, by appointment of President Jefferson. Michigan suffered much from the war of 1812. For about two years nearly the whole territory was the theatre of sanguinary conflicts.. It was exposed to the barbarity of the enemy and their Indian allies. Since then, however, its enterprising inhabitants have brought it up to a degree of improvement which few States can boast. Its population, in 1860, was 749,113. LENA WEE CO UNTY, 4 LENAWEE COUNTY Was laid out and attached to Monroe in 1822. It was at this date clothed in one vast and, unbroken forest, as was pretty much the whole State of Michigan. But thanks to those old heroes, who, with courage, zeal and determination, entered what was then a wilderness, and commenced the task, and encountered the many trials and hardships incident to the settling and developing of a new country, and especially one only inhabited by wild beasts and the roming red man of the forest. But the forest has since disappeared before the axe and the strong army of old settlers, and much of it has been replaced by fertile fields, the erection of large manufactories, business blocks and fine residences. In 1823, a party consisting of six families, Mr. Musgrove Evans, a native of Pennsylvania, with his wife and five children, Gen. J. W. Brown,.his brother-in-law, E. F. Blood, Turner Stets )n, Nathan Rathbone and Peter Lowery, all of whom were in search of new homes. and who haLd bidden farewell to their eastern homes, arrived in Detroit in the summer of the same year. There they left their families in very comfortable quarters, and struck out w th their baggage, accomppnied by a French guide, determined to explore the country. After several days of travel, they made their way through the oak-openings of the new country until they reached the banks of the Rasin River, a short distance from were n,w stands the village of Clinton. Here they discharged. their guide and entered into camp for the night, and, it is reasonable to suppose, that many were the romantic thoughts as the weary travelers rested their tired limbs upon the green turf of the banks of the Raisin; away from home and those they loved. Their pillow was the soft and mossy bank, surrounded by all nature, and covered only by the canooy of Heaven. The next day they came to what was known afterwards as Brownsville, near where Tecumseh now stands. No fairer spot could be selected than the one which they had already determined to make their home. The land was rich and easily brought under cultivation. But there were many other important considerations. They were aware of the dangers that surrounded them. The country was filled with wild beasts, and the treacherous Indian pervaded an unbounded territory. After a few days of exploration, Mr. Evans entered the lands adjacent to the junction of Evans Creek. There followed many other adventurers, and after a time steps were taken to secure a county seat, which was afterward located at Tecumsehby an act of theLegisla:ure, June, 1824. Time brought round many improvements. Saw mills and grist mills were soon erected, and business for the 6 HISTORY OU first time seemed to take a prosperous start. On November 22, 1826, the county was detached from Monroe, divided into two towns, Tecumseh and Logan, and given a civil jurisdiction. The first election held in the township of Logan, county of Lenawee, was on the 28th day of May, 1827. the result being as follows: Elias Dennis, Moderator. Addison J. Comstock, Clerk. Darius Comstock, Supervisor. V Noah Norton, Warner Aylsworth and Cornelius A. Stout, Commissioners of Highways. Patrick Hamilton, Milo Comstock and A bram West, Assessors. Mr. Hamilton and West were elected Overseers of the Poor. The first legislative enactment of the county was as follows: "An act to organize the Coiuty of Lenawee, appq oved September 20, 1826. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, that the county of Lenawee shall be organized from and after the taking effect of this Act, and the inhabitants thereof entitled to all the rights and privileges to which by law the inhabitants of other counties of this Territory are entitled. SEC. 2. That the County Court of the county of LeJawee shall be held on the first Monday of June and the irst Monday of January in each year. - SEC. 3. That all suits, prosecutions and other matters now pending before the County Court of Monroe county, or before any Justice of the Peace of said county of Monroe, shall be prosecuted to final judgment and execution; and all taxes heretofore levied and now due shall be collected in the same manner as though the said county of Lenawee had not been organized. SEC. 4. That all the county within this territory to which the Indian title was extinguished at the treaty of Chicago shall be attached to and compose a part of the county of Lenawee. SEC. 5. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six." The first settlement in Adrian was made by Addison J. Comstock, Mr. Comstock purchasing of the United States 480 acres of land, a part of which the city of Adrian now stands. In 1828 Caleb N. Ormsby was appointed Justice of the Peace, and George Spafford Register of Probate. Mr. Ormsby is said to be the first practicing physician in the county. The first sermon was deilvered by Rev. John Jones, in 1827. The first child born in LENA WEE CO UNTY. 6 Adrian was Leander Comstock, son of A. J. Comstock, born August 9th, 1827, and his death in October of the same year was the first death and first funeral, as also the first burial in what is now known as the old cemetery. The first brick that was made here was in 1828 by Noah Norton, The Fourth of July was celebrated for the first time in the same year. In 1828 the first school was established, and a postoffice, Addison J. Comstock postmaster; his fees for the first three months amounting to nineteen cents. On March 1st, 1828, Addison J. Comstock laid out, platted and recorded the original plat of Adrian. In 1829 Dr. E. Conant Winter started the first dry goods store. In 1830 the United States census was taken in this districtLenawee and Hillsdale counties. It was taken by Mr. Musgrove Evens, and gi es the whole number of persons within the county of Lenawee, Territory of Michigan, Hillsdale county being then included in Lenawee, to be as follows: Population of Hillsdale, 75; population of Tecumseh, 771; population of Logan, (which is now Adrian,) 500; population of Blissfield, 145; making a total of 1,461. Up to 1830 but little settlement was in the county-even in all the State of Michigan. The spot where Adrian now stands was yet in a primitive state of nature-an almost unbroken forest-with the exception of now and then a log cabin nestled in an oak op hing of the heavy timbered country, along the lines of road. 1831-2-3 was marked with some advancement, but rather slow. At Blissfield, there were eight or ten houses, in Tecumseh a few more. Between Adrian and Tecumseh there were a few settlements, but not a house between Adrian and Blissfield. At this time;mmigration began to pour in, and although to us now it would look gloomy enough, but to the old residents all discouragement had vanished, and through the assistance of a kind Providence their labors and toil was not in vain, and with new courage and new hopes work was then commenced in earnest. There was in the year 1832 considerable immigration into Michigan and at this time a Mr. George Giles lived on a East Blissfield now stands. At this tim. a mail route was established from IMonroe to Adrian, coming rather irregularly-perhaps once in two weeks. It was brought in by a Mr. Joseph Navar, a Frenchman, living at 7 HISTORY OF Monroe;his conveyance being that of an Indian pony, which he rode through to Tecumseh in a single day, a distance of 40 miles. In 1837 the Erie & Kalamazoo Railroad was built to Adrian, a 4x4 scantling constituted the rail, with a strap of iron, and the rolling stock was that of a box car, drawn by horses. This road was built by Messrs. Geo. Crane, A. J. Comstock and *a Mr. Bissell, of Toledo; Soon more cars were added, and a locomotive, which greatly facilitated, and proved a great aclvantuge to the growing country. The road was owned principally by the three above named gentlemen. Mr. Bissell was the engineer, but soon lost one of his hatads through an accident on th.e road, and was compelled to retire, and Mr. Crane superceded himn as engineer. Bean Creek was soon explored which followed the erection of a saw mill by a Mr. Lain, from whom derived the name of Lainsville. Another saw mill was bulilt between Canandagua and Morenci by one Baker. Mr. Gr:-gg and Cavinder settled at Canandaigua, and Messrs. Wilson and Daniels at Medina. Mr. Gregg built a tavern, and Cavender a fi uring moil, Wilson and Daniels established a general store. About this time Dr. Hamilton, now of Tecumseh, settled at Medina, where he practiced medicine for ten or fifteen years. He then removed to Adrion, and then to Tecnumseh. In 1838 Dr. Hall, now of Hudson, settled in Rollin, Dr. Young in Fairfield, Dr. Holmes at Blissfield. Dr. Patterson was at Tecunmseh as early as 1828. Dr. Dodge, at Adrian, in 1836, where he has since practiced 40 years; he has raised and educated twelve children, ten of his own and two step children., all of whom are living, eight being married. The first settlers in Blissfield were Harvey Bliss and Gibson West, the former for whom the town was named. The first settlers in Madison were B. J. Mathews, Georgo an d Turner Crane, his brother, Nathaniel Bassett, Samuel Carpenter, Calvin Bradish, Curren and Nelson Bradish his sons, John, E[ - monds, and Win. Brooks. The first settlers in Fairfield were Phillips and Applegate, James Carpenter and his son Benjamin, Stereneker, John and Ornin Baker, Robert, Booth and Michael Kriger, and John Compton. In Dover, D. H. Deming, Howard, Warner, Abbott and Benjamin Allen. In Rome, Scuremuan, Joseph Baker, David Smith, Reuben and Abraham Knapp, Cary Rogers, Russell Whitney, Lyman and iNorman Baker. Adriain township, David Bixby, Abram West, Jared Howell, Joseph Ricky, Thomas Sackrider, Stephen LEINA WEE CO UNTY. 8 Titus, Geo. Scott, Belknap, Parks, Pratt and Jonathan Harnard and Allen Chaffee. The first in Raisin township was Darius Comstock, Win. Jackson, Thomas Chandler and Joseph Southard. The first settlers within the city limits were Addison J. Comstock, John Gifford, Noah Norton, James Whitney, Russell Whitney, Elias Dennis, Isaac Dean, Dr. C. N. Ormsby, Turner Stetson, Asher Steveiis, Job Comstock, Nathan Pelton, Jacob Brown, F. C. Winter, Dorcus Dean, The fitst house built in Adrian was a log one, erected in 1826 by Mr. Comstock, who in 4he same year built a saw mill. Rev. John Jones preached the first sermon at the house of Noah Norton. In 1827, the same year, Dr. C. N. Ormsby, the first physician, settled here. The first celebration of the Fourth of July occurred in 1828. The first paper published in Lenawee county was the Lenaweac County Republican and Adrian Gazette, afterward known as the W atchtower. In 1835 some difficulty arose between the Territory of Michigan and the State of Ohio regard(ing their boundry line, and which will be remembered by some of the old pioneers of the county who took an active part in the contest known as the "Toledo War." However, the afftir was amicably adjusted, the result being that Michigan, in exchange for the territory claimed by her on the south, received the large district known as the upper Paninsula, In the same year Stevens T. Mason then Gov. of this State, with General Chas. Leonard came to Tecumseh, escorted by Dr. M. A. Patterson, in order to organize the militia of the county, and formed it into a regiment. J. W. Brown was commissioned Colonel of the eighth regiment, andc took an active part in the Black Hawk war. The county seat was in 1835 removed from Tecumseh to Adrian, after a hot contested fight between the two places, Adrian being winner of the county seat. Lenawee county is situated in the southeast parf ofthe State and is bounded north by Jackson and Washtenaw counties, east by Monroe County, and west by Hillsdale. It is traversed by the River Rasin and its branches, Bear, Wolf and Evans creeks. West by Tiffin's or Bear creek, which empties into the Maumee. The surface is mostly undulating, in the north somewhat hilly. The soil is a black sandy loam, free from stone, and very productive of wheat, corn, oats and grass. A superior larming or grazing country. In -1ISTOR 7 OF the south there is vet considerable timnber land. in the northwest there lies, sever'al small lakes, the largest being that of the Davil's Lake, as it is ccailed,; Wampler's and Evan's Lake and the county is abundantly sup)plied with extensive hydraulic power, and has excellent manufai-ctories., The leading e.xportis are wvheat, cornl, live'stock, and is the third county in point of population,' but probably the first in productive counties i~n butter and cheese in the State of Michigan. The county embraces 738 sci-tare miles, anld contains about 3,000 farms, and something like 400 mnainuthetories. It has a population, according to the census of' 1870, of 46,080. The, first criminal sent to the penitentiary from this district was,for horse stealing. His name was A. Ingersol. Mr. James W. Helme madie the -arrest. He wvas tried before Judge Fletcher, and senteClnced to the State Prison for a term. of five years. At this time his Honor, Judge Fletcher, done all the criminal business for the 8tate. Court wvas held in the old Presbyterian church that now stands on Church si~reet, near the engine house, and is occupied as a carpenter shop by Mr. James Mills. If the reader was 'but permitted for a mnomient to glance back to the days of the Judge, and comipare it with to-day, the contrast would undoubtedly be striking., Instead of a genteel looking Judge in broadclothi, peering officiously through a pair of gold spectacles, it would be a pla~in but stern looking Jiidge in homespun dress, seated upon a rough board, dealing out ju-stice'in his own way. Very many historical items; pertaining to Adrian, has already been given in. the history of Lenawee county, and very much of its present showing wiill. be found in the personal and descriptive sk-etches. Th,-refore, we will but briefly -mention the present thr-ivingT condition of the city, as much of it wvill be found embodied in other parts. Adrian can boast of over one hundred l mercantile establishments, nmany of them doing a wholesale business. There are ten hotels, ten chiurchies, three banks, foui newspapers, two of which i~ssue daily editions, the Press, a mo1rning paper, and the Times, an eveningg paper. The city hias a public hiall, a military coinnpay four fire conapanics and tw-,o steamers. The str eets arc wvide, well paved, anot shaded with fine trees. -Bei~ng the county seat of Lenawee county and pr~ovidled with. plenty of railroad facilities, its citizens cnterprising and awake to public improvements, it is but just to say that t he f u.iire of the city as- well as th e coun ty, prom ises even more fakVorable results than in the past. The following is 'a list of successful candidates for Mayor, serving since Adrian merged froum a village into a city: LENA WEE COUNTY 10 James Sword was elected President of the village of Adrian in 1852, and -Myor by act of L,.gislaturj in 1853. Addison J. Comstock, RMavor, in 1853; Parley J. Spaulding, 1851; Francis J. Buck, 1855; FernanJo C. Beaman, 1856; Richard H. Whitney, 1857; Win. L. Greenly, 1858; Henry Hart, April, 1859, to April, 1860; Wnm. H. Cook, April, 1860, to April, 1861; Daniel A. Loomis, 1861-'62; Chas. M. Cr,s vell, 1862-'63, John D. Campbell, 1863-'64; Benjamin Folsom, 1864-'65; Wm. S. Wilcox, 1865-'66; Win. S. Samumons, 1866-'67; John Townsend, 1867-'68;' Win. S. Sam-nons, 1868-'69; Norman Geddes, 1869 -'70; Nathaniel B. Eldredge, 1870-'71; R. B. Robbins 1871; Henry A. Angell, 1872; W. H. Waldby, 1873;,N. H. iKimball, 1874-5; W. W. Luck, 1876.,:. ^, ( /< > 'i ^ /S &: TECUMSEH Is a thriving little village with a population of 3,000 inhabitants. It is in Tecumseh township, Lenawee county, and on the Jackson branch of the L. S. & M. S. R. R., 38 miles from Toledo and nine miles north of Lenawce Junction, 121 miles southeast of Manchester, 10 miles northeast of Adrian, and about 78 miles from Detroit. Teeumseh is on the Raisin River, in a very fertile, undulating country, a superior farming country. The place is also provided with excellent hydraulic power, which already drives a saw mill, two flouring mills and a stave factory. Besides these, Tecumseh in the way of manufacturing has two foundries and machine shops, two tanneries, two planing mills, a handle factory and a furniture and one good carriage factory, called the Southern Michigan Carriage factory,takes the lead. It has two first-class hotels, a national bank, two newspapers, the Raisin Valley Record and the Tecwnmseh Record. There is a good Union School building, costing $16,000, and three ward schools. In the way of churches there are found Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcbpal and Methodist. Tecumseh is well built up with brick blocks and good modern residences. The Western Union Telegraph and the U. S. Express Campanies have offices there. Tecumseh was settled at a very early date-as early as 1824. It became an incorporated village in 1837, some 20 years before it enjoyed the advantages of' a railroad. BLISSFIELD Is a thriving little village of 1,200 inhabitants, in the Township of Blissfield, and Lenawee county. It is on the Toledo Division -f the L. S. & M. S. R. R., 23 miles from Toledo and 10 miles from Adrian. It is also on the south branch of the river Raisin, 11 HISTORY OF in the midst of a level, heavily timbered country. Wheat, corn and grass are the leading principal products; staves, broom handles and furniture the principal manuftacturers, and lumber, grain and fruit the staple articles of shipment. First settled, 1824. MORENOI Is an incorporated village, situated in the southwestern corner of Lenawee county, on the Tiffin river, a half mile from where it crosses into Ohio. It was settled in 1824, and was incorporated in 1871. Toledo, 40 miles away, is its nearest port. For years Morenci, although, iuntil recently an inland town, has been considered one of the liveliest business places in the 'county. For a number of years the village has struggled for a railroad, and has finally secured a road that will soon rank among the great transfer lines of the country-the Chicago and Canada Southern Railway -running from Buffalo in nearly an air line to Chicago. The village itself is one of the most beautiful and enterprising in Southern Michigan, and with the completion of the railway it will improve rapidly. Its inhabitants number nearly 1,800, with yearly increase. Its schools and churches are among the first in the county. There are three fine churches; Methodist, Congregational and Baptist; one large new school building and two smaller ones. It has a weekly newspaper, published by A. E. Allen. The farming country around the village is the finest in Southern Michigan or Northern Ohio. Grain is the chief production, and leather, machinery, furniture and bricks its principal manufacturev. These articles, together with butter, flour, and all kinds of produce, constitute its exports. The locality is delightful and extremelyi healthy, and this, together with the many gond qualities of its Yankee inhabitants, make it a very attractive place to live. There are three daily mails, one from Clayton, eleven miles north, on the L. S. & M. S. Railway, and two from the Canada Southern, one from the east and one from the west. PERSONAL NOTES. 12 ADRIIAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Under the Superintendency of Mr. W. H. Payne, A.. M., and the. general managenent of the Board of Trustees, is probably as well conducted as any public school in the State of Michigan. The policy adopted andI persued by thie. Board of Trustees, is in every wsay (redilltable and likewise onehelicial to ibe people who are taxed fotb its support. Besides the Centipal School Buniding as illustrated below theirc 'are n,- large Ward, oll, ý w ail average attendinece of 110 pLpfil: to e Sa Uchsool. i he ittendlance at flhe ( rid t"0' "i'J( 'lThe school has also a publ iclbcu. \\,Jwh1.-; P L u \ ('V "I. cdlv"Ahtit-e to the public) and is so tlu((l atS t-0 J-llo0 eve)r)' a L CitiZ('i friteei-cuss to the library by applvnc' to any leillber of the B3oa- rd of' Trrnstees. Ilie library contairns over 25,30 (olunles, sel;.cted chiiefly undler the direction of' Mr. C. IR. Niliei, who has showNln rare judgment and taste in the se-lections. 13 PERSONAL NOTICES. ADRIAN COLLEGE Was organized under the auspices of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection, March 22, 1859, in accordance with the provisions of an act passed by the Legislature of the State of Michigan, and entitled "An Act to Provide for the Incorporation of Institutions of Learning." The Corporation consisted originally of' twelve trustees. On the 28th day of February, 1868, after a prolonged and careful'consideration of the interests involved, the institution was, by a formal act of the Trastees then in possession, transferred in due and legal fobrm to a new Board of Trustees, nominated by and representing a corporation known as the " Collegiate Association of the Methodist Protestant (now Methodist) Church." This body, in taking possession of Adrian College and all its appurtenances, assumed all the financial liabilities of the Institution in consideration for the same, which at that time amounted to more than $30,000, and entered into o.ligations to endow it in a sum of not less than $100,000. At the rngular annual meeting of the Trustees, held June 29, 1870, the requisite notice having beon given at the previous annual meeting, the articles of association under which the College had been origiially incorporated were amended so as to admit of an increase in the number of the corporation from twelve to thirty. The object of' this change was the admission as Trustees of the College, of all ihose who constituted the corporation of the "Collegiate Association." At the same time the election of the Trustees was vested in the General Conference of the Methodist Church, which was empowered to elect, at each of its quadrennial sessions, one-half of the entire Board. By these amendments the Institution was placed under the supreme control of the denomination, whose funds are so largely interested in it; and which is, therefore, made responsible for its success, at least, so far as the furnishing of students and financial means are essential to that result. At the regular annual meeting of the Trustees, held June 21, 1876, the articles of association we-e ftirther amended, so as to admit of the election of six additional Trustees by the Alumni Association of the College, thus identifying the Alumni of the institution with its prosperity and government. There are now, in the Curriculum of the College, five flull courses of study-Preparatory, Classical, Scie itific, Philosoplhical and Musical. The calendar of the College gives a free analysis of..e courses, with terms, conditions of entrance, etc. 04 0--.*g-'ski 00 Qm9 4=41 4am- O=p lux 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I~7 'I' 2 15 PERSONAL NOTICES. RAILROAD ENTERPRISE-THE L. S. & M. S. R. R. SHOPS AT ADRIAN. Without mentioning briefly the above enterprise, our history of Adrian would be incomplete. The L. S. & M. S. R. R. shops were located here about 25 years ago, where, on a small scale, general repairing was done. Since that time there has been a gradual increasing in its business and additions to its facilities, until it has finally developed into a large and extensive concern, where most of the repairs of the road is now done, as well as the turning out of new work. The road has turned out seven new White Line, fast mail coaches from this station within the last year. Also six coaches the avarage cost of repairs amounting to $5,000 each, and about one half million dollars alone for re-airs during the year 1875. 330 men are now employed in the Co.'s car shops alone, which fact something of an idea can be formed as to the busine-s ' carried on at this place. Mr. James Kirby is the Gen]. Supt. of the car dep irtment. Mr. S. S. Knapp, Master car builder, and Mr. Blain, Book-keeper. Mr. Blain has been in the employ of the road for the last thirteen years. We cannot but congratulate the road in placing so reliable and competent gentlemen at the head of their business in Adrian. The city owes much of its present prosperity to the L. S. & M. S, R. R. Its wise and judicious management and unbounded popularity, has made it a favorite with the traveling public. The road has been for years, and is now, the great artery of the State of Michigan. JULIUS A. FOSTER, The photographer, Underwood blo-:k, Maumee street, is worthy t)f mention in our personal notices Mr. Foster is an old resident of Lenawee Co., and the oldest artist in the city. It would be useless for us to speak a word of praise in favor of Mr. Foster, as he is too well known as an artist and gentleman to every inhabitant in this county. PERSONA ýL NOTICTCES. 16 JOHN KINZEL. Among the names of the enterprising, spirited business men of Adrian, who we are to record in our personal sketches, we would present for public favor the name of Mr. John Kinzel, who, for 23 years has been engaged in the confectionery business, and 16 years in business for himself. Mr. Kinzel has been an extensive manufacturer darilng this time, and it is said that no time during has business career has he ever manufactured adulterated candies. Pure sugar, and pure sugar alone is used. Terra Alba, or other material is largely used by candy manufacturers for the adulterating and cheapening their goods, but not an ounce has ever found its way into his factory. Mr. Kinzel owns the building he occupies, No. 74 Maumee street, as well as the. one adjoining, and occupies the entire building-four floors for his factory and store room. There is not a manufacturer in the State of Michigan, that offers wholesale and retail buyers better goods, and there are but few that can compete in either quality or price. JOHN LEWIS Might truly be called a good Samaritan, and whose name stands first of all in his special line of business-it is that of a first-class restaurant, better known as the Verandah, which he has so successfully and satisfactorily conducted for the last twenty-two years and more. There is but few living in Lenawee county, or who ever visited this city, who are not familiar with the name of Mr. Lewis. His restaurant is to- day, what it always has been, the best in Adrian. THE MINERAL SPRING HOTEL Is located on Maumee street, near the bridge, and is properly called one of the best in the State of Michigan. The analysis of the water of the Magnetic Spring of this hotel, by the celebrated Professor of Chemistry, Dr. S. P. Duffield, pronounces the specific gravity at 500 Fahrenheit, 1,0023. The hotel possesses complete suits of Bath Rooms, and is entirely new throughout. Invalids, as well as the traveling public, can rely upon securing all the comforts as well as the attention of the house, 17 PERSONAL NOTICES. SCHNEIDER & LANGOHR. Among the enterprising business houses in the city of Adrian worthy of special mention in our personal sketches, we find the above named firm, Schneider & Langohr, two of the most popular business men, as well as the oldest firm now in the boot and shoe business in this city. Their history, like all self made men, could be summed up in a brief sketch. They commenced business under many adverse circumstances, when Adrian was but small in population, the country new, and with a limited capital. But energy and enterprise must always win, and so it was with the above &rm. It must be a source of pleasure to their friends as well as to themselves, to reflect back to their commencement in Adrian and compare it with that of to-day, with a success which but few houses have achieved. Their store is centrally located on South Winter street. Their work is first-class, and their prices are as cheap as the cheapest. THE ADRIAN SAVINGS BANK Is the oldest established bank in the city. It does an exclusive savings bank and trust fund business. No general banking business transacted. The officers are-Wm. H. Rogers, Prest; Seymour Allen, Vice-Prest; Heman Loomis, Treasurer. The bank was established in 1869, but little business was done until 1872, since which time it has continued its course of prosperity. Deposits are received from one dollar upwards, and interest at five per cent is paid, compounded semi-annually on the first of January and the first of July of each year. THE CENTRAL HOTEL, Of which Messrs. J. J. Allen & Co., are the proprietors, is in every way deserving of special mention among the personal notices of prominent men and important institutions in the city of Adrian, the Central Hotel is in every way a first-class house, and its proprietors accommodating gentlemen, who are ever ready to care for the comforts of their guests. Those who have ever stopped at the Central pronounce it the best House and the most reasonable charges in the western country. PERSONAL NOTICES. 18 DELOS M. BAKER, The enterprising lumber merchant, is a young mAn but an old res ident, liv ing in Adrian ever since he was one year old. His father was a lawyer, and was for a long time a member of the well known firm of Baker, Harris & Millard, afterwards Baker & Millard. He was respected by the profession and practiced at the bar, up to the time of his death, about 16 years ago. Mr. D. M. Baker embarked'in the lumber business about ten years ago, becoming one of the firm of Bury & Baker, which remained unchanged until three years ago, Mr. Baker purchasing the interest of his partner, and has since carried on the entire bu-iness in his own name, building up an extensive and paying trade in the county, where, perhaps, no one is better known as,ani honest enterprising business man. MR. S. M. CONSTANTINE Is the leading wholesale and retail dealer in musical merchandise of t'-e city. What is most pleasing, when business of all kinds seems depressed, and a general complaint everywhere of a dull trade, and especially in the line of musical.instruments, pianos, and organs, business men have suffered more, perhaps, than in any other branch of trade, Mr. Constantine seems to do a larger business than ever before. To account for this it will be only necessary to call for prices; and it also proves that when goods are cheap people will buy, notwithstanding hard times. Mr. Constantine's reference is at home, where he has sold hundreds of pianos, and organs, which is a sufficient guarantee to the purchaser. He also buys from the factory, and controls three or four States, with some of the best pianos and organs made, thereby giving the buyer the advantage of purchasing from first hands, an imported stock bought at wholesale cash prices. M EssRs. P. McOSKER & CO. Is a new firm and are enterprising gentlemen worthy of note in our personal sketches. They are wholesale and retail dealers in wines and liquors, cigars, etc., and any one wishing anything in their line of trade would do well to call and see them. Their location is 99 North Main street. PERSýOA7,JL NOTICES A. li BLIS-S, Of Adrian, M~ichigian; onie of the leading real estate men of Mk~ichi.gan, was born in the village of JBlissfleld, Lenawee county, in the: ycar 18032, andI after receiving spch educational advantag~es as 'werea afilorded by the district seo~ls U1 hIs nL. at the age ofr seventeen hired out Ls a clerk in a country store.. When on~ly 19-, years old hie commnenced merchandising on his own account and, continued in- business until 1856, when he was elected County (lerk by the iRepublicans of this couinty,, and w,5as,twice re-elected to the same offie inn kino' a continuous official service ol six years., In the year 1858 he comiunenced the comnpilation. of a cownplete, history othe titIles to the land-s of this county, a work which. has cost more than ten thousand (dollars, and which is n~ow a source of revenue to himself and a work of' great benen't to the business public anid the people of the, county., Mr. Bliss has also compiled tileIc abstracts of'eleven counties in the States of' Ohio, M\issouri, lMinnesota and Ioxa, and has been an extensive dealer ia. lands in.. inearly all of the Western States and Territories., and his examination of titles are considered so thorough and coinplete that parties loaning mnoney or purchasing real estate are only satisfied with examiination of' title made at htis office. A. & U. RI. SIGLER Are representatives of' the jewelry business in Adr.ian.. The house is also one of the oldest in the city. Twenty-three years ago i~t was originated by thie firm of' Zigler & Vantant, coini.q at thistimie fromn Warren, 1hio, where they had previonsli lb,.en associatc(i1 in trade. Upon the dissolution of co-partuership the firmn of S:gle~r & Gillet was formed in 18,'53; since then there has heen two or three changes in the firn style but i'Mr. Smo-ler lhai remiained with, the house since the culb-ct. Ihe present house was founded some three years a o. 1 his house is the miost attoractive, as w 11l as the ohldest in the cityanid c,rry alarg-e assortmient of solid and plated ware, of'jewelry, watches, locks,.ad athousand articles usually kept in a first-class jewelriy cstaibhshinent. They alsob mnake Ca pe(,ital ty f ie1al~iil gand reguilatino' watches., PERiSONA1L NOTICEr S0 A. STEVENS9N & SON Are lumber dealprs, doing an extensive business in thi icounty as wvell as shipping abroad in large quantities, lumtber and coal. The 'firm of Stevenson & Son have beeii in existence about five yemirs, since which timu.e they have been known in this part of the State as wood and coal nIerchants. About two years ago they added the lumberc deij*artment-,, which has already proved a lucrative and payi ig investment. The firm is rcspectively A. Stevenson and E. J. Stevenson. vr. A. Stevenson is an old resident of Adrian, baving lived here for the last twenty years, and has done much toward theadvanee-nentof the city, and a liberal supporter of all its institutions. Mr. St vvenson, up to five years ago, was -.,kno'wn as t stock dealer, owning a farm near the city, where he' devoted his tim e to the raising and dealincg in stock. DR. 'MABEL. We are pleased to give space in onr personal sk etches of descrvin, institutions, to a few words relative toDr. Mabee's celebrated ointment -vhich is becomiing very popular in thie western corntry, as a Qure and efficacious remedy for the cure of corns and bunions. It* is also, as a farnily ointment, unsurpassed, an d many physicians recommend it fbr thlat purposp,. The Doctor only asks a -fair test to convince the mnost skeeptical of its real mieri ts in performino-gfeIth at hea claimis for it. MR. GEO. W. ZEIGLER Is a candidate for public favor, and is deserving of -special inen; tion in our persoual and historical sketches. Mr. Zeigler conmles to this city from Tiffin, Ohio, therefore a new conmer, as well as introducing a newv feature to the mnusic loving publ.ic, havirg opened rooi a for the purpose of teaching music i n all its branches. A full orchestra, and instrum-nents of every description. He invites parents who~are desirous of.instructing sons and dauighters in any branch of mDusic, to call and get his terms. Mr. Zeigler is assisted by his three (laughters, w\ho excel a (is thorough teachers ot III uisic. 21 -P--F-,P,,SVi4yL NOTES.i:S' 21 PESONALNOT r MR. JOHN H1. HURLBUTr. Among the promiiient manufacturers of Adrian, we present for public favor the abo-ve namued gentleman. Mr. Hurlbut is a manulfacturer of carriages, bnuggies,. sleighs, as well as doing an extensive jobbing business in the county. He is an old resident of Adrian, and well kno-wn througrhout the county. He and his brother Silas comiaiecured business in Ajdrian), 1857, under the firm name of Hurlbut & Brother, which continued up to four years ago, -when Mr. Johi H-. bought the iuterest of his partner, and has since continued the business alone. During his business ca reer he has gained an enviable reputation for the turninlg out of durable and substantial work. M1\1PH. N. RI\ING, Although not an old resident of Adrian is deserving of mention in our personal sketches. He has made himself, during the past nine years in the city, very prominent as a practical stair builder and carver. His trade,9 from the very first has been constantly increasing, until now, hie not only commands the largrest business in his trade, but has the confidenc-ýe of the entire communit, in whv~ich he lives, as w\ell as a lucrative trade, abroad. His shops are located at 121 Pk arl, st. PHILO WILSON Came to Adrian in 1864, but is an old pioneer of Lenaxwee county, having been in business 30 years in Canandaigua. He wavts elected twiice to the Legislature from this district, in 1842 and i n 18 50. In 1846 was elected Judge. of this county. He was also the delegate to the Baltirnore Convention in 1 856. He is now 66 years of age, and has served well his country in public life, as well as an hon~est citizen in private. EDWIN ANGLIMT Keeps a Saloon aimd Billiard Hall at 94 S. M11ain street. His Place is one of the finest in the city, and'all who are desirous of passing a pleasant half hour with the cue, or indulge i na " nip" of gen - nine spirits, will find no better place than. at EdwN17in Anglim's. Fresh lager Conlstanjjtly on (iraughr~t. PERSONAL NOTICES. 22 2?1 MR. CHAS. MEYER, Whose name we are pleaseld to place arnohg our promin1-ent and and worthy business maen of Adrian. His business is that of a wholesale and retail dealer in cigars, at 64 North {cain street. He manufactures all, of his own cigars, and can, therelfore, recoin'mend themi to the public, knowing their superior quality as well aIs the testimony of the writer, who has been the recipient of a fine box. Among some of the celebrated brands manufactured we might mientioni the TwO) Orphans, Rose Bud a-cl Smonking Car, three fine brands, and those desirous of a fine cigar at low prices, would do well to order of Mkr. M 4eyer. THE 74-ARMER'S HOTEL, Located on Maumee (;treet, near the iron bridge, is deserving of special.mention. Mr. Geo. Hillabrant, the courteous.proprietor, is among the felw who know how to run a hotel, and make it pleasant for the many guests who favor him with their patronage. The house is not only kept in the best of style, but the charges are the most reasonable of any house w4 know. Any who desire comfortable, quarters while in Adrian, and at a reasonable rate, wo. would recomimend to the hospitality of Mr. Geo. Hillabrant. C. A. CONKLIN. MNr. Conklin mig-ht, with some degree of propriety, be called a public benefactor. He started off in Adriah with a smnall capital, and.when there were already in the fieldl old- ani established concerns of a similar kind. There was room for growth, however, and M~r. Conklin's esta'-lishment grew more anl more into popular fa5vor, until now the varion.3 br inches of his eften-!)ive trade wvoaud at that tirme seemi scarcely possible. The undertaking department is the miaost prominent, his business extellding to nearly all parts of the coutnty.H Ie also (loes a whi csa!e business in coffhns and trimmnDlgs. In other departments of the trade, especially pictures, elegant lithographed miottoes and texts, engraVings, and other stock of the kind the house carries a. large line. Thiis is also true of in ol dUi gs anid picture frames. 23 23PERSONAL ENOTICES. JAPETH CROSS, An old pioneer of Adrian, 2nd veteran watch-ma'ker and jeweler, who has been indentified with th~t trade of the tOwD', as wellI as the best interests ot the city for the las't forty-twvo yelars, is (leservingr of a brief hedring in our hiA torical ske ches. Mlr. -Cross _,aine, to Adrin frtytwo ear ag,iat that tirae being fromn Cleveland, Oh1io, thong ý originally from Jefferson county, New York. He, began businiess here as a repairer of watches, clocks and jCevelery, and the following year he opened a stock. of goods' the first of the kind- in thle city7 and in fact in the counity. He is now indisputably the oldest jeweler in the State. Hi-s experience as a jeweler since coniing to Adrian, have been beyon'd that which. kills to the lot of the ordinary tradesmuan. Mr. Cross has had the nmi~sfortune of being the- victiml of a nutmber of burglaries. In 1846-7 his store was. robbed several timies, andi again in 1848, of all 'he jcwelry and watches iri contained. Mr. Cross thereupon resolv ed him self into a detective, and gaini~ng traick of the depredator, finally brought himi to justice, " treeing " in the State Penitentiary in Auburn, New York, brought here for trial Four ýears after the rob'bery, hie escaped from jail. Thirteen years after he escaped from 'j, il, Air.fro('i,i gain funnd hiiii, and then bie was sentenced for twelv e yt s lxdyingin1)prison his namne was Elisna Wilcox. HPe wxas born in Cortland village, N. Y. InI 186.6 Mr. Cross3 was a'unah robbed1 and the burglar again found, 0.nd September 1871 anotherr raid was made the loss amountinig to 117 watches, a large cluantity of jewelry:ani1. other valuables. Alr...Cro-. )s succeedd I okan in finding two of the burglar, and they are now each servino' a termi of" te-n years. FroL~u this robbery )1r. Cross only recovered two watches. I i 1859 MVr. Cross lost his entire stock by fire in one of his stores. In 1871 a hotel- which he owned, corner of Winter and- Front. streets was burned by incendiaries; and on Septemiba~r 15, of' the s-ame iear his printino' office was partially destroyed, occasioning a loss of several hundred dlollars8. These man,_ny robbrihs and fires, and the, severe losses i~ncident thereto, wvere en~oughi to dliscoiurage m~ost m~en, but i\Ir. Cro~iS) continued his business, layingir lith in. the fuiture. That faith has not been mL spl lacede either, and to-clay lie has a..n 4cIgant establishmei on01L 1e, thart is in every way a credit to the city. In August, 1868, the jounal i of this city fell into his Ianisid on account, of loaDSns a'de an cnterpirising weekly newspap(.r thaitlhas attained a laroccire 1culation and deserved popularity and he still continues its puhbleaL~on. Sco that hie enters the fieli of Boheinia as one of the e eL cu.Mi. Coss wans thr, first to estab PERSONAL NOTIC'ES. 24. lish a public library here; he was the first to biing musical instruments to the city fbr sale. In 1336, on North Main street, he built the first brick house ini the city, which yet stands as a relic of early times; the house now has two steps down to the door, but when built it was seven steps up to the door. In brief, he is an energetic worker, a public spirited man, and now the oldest business man in the city-a gentleman who has for forty-two years been identified with the city. THE GIBSON HOUSE, Of which Geo. C. Gibson is the genial proprietor, and who might be spoken of as everybody's good friend, is entitled, in every way,, to a hearing in our personal sketches, Mr. Gibson is not only a whole-souled landlord, but keeps one of the best one dollar a day hotels in the couity, or btate of Michigan. The house has been. thoroughly refitted, and all who seek pleasant and. comfortable headquarters, would do well to call on Mr. Gibson. MR. JOSEPH EVERISS Is an undertaker and funeral fh.inisher, and is among the most reliable and upright of the business men of Lenawee county. So far as we can learn, his trale since the commencement has been constantly increasing, and to-day has the confidence and good w;ll of the people. The coffins and caskets are manufactured by himself, and are in no point surpassed in finish by the product of any manufacfturer in the country. His office and salesrooms are at 120 South Main street, where he is ever ready to attend to all who may call on him. H. F. FOSTE R, Proprietor of the artistic Job and Label Printing Office on south Main street, is a favorable candidate to public favor. Mr. Foster has fitted up his office with all the latest styles of type and is now prepared to do all kinds of general job and label prinDing in the latest and best styles. Mr. Foster makes' a specialty of druggists' and manufacturers' labels, and is confident that he is not to be excelled by the products of any other establish ment in the country. 55~5 2 PERSONAL NOTICE, S. STACY & UNDERWOOD. Are among the prominent law firms of Adrian. The firm is coim" posed of C.. A. Stacy and W. A. Underwood, successbors to C. A. &r S. C. Stacy, at Adriani, whlich dates its origination back to 1868. In 1 854, the, present firm of Stacy & Underwood became their successors..,Mr. Stay is an old resident of this county, having lived here for forty years, and practiced at the bar for over 35 years. In 1844 he was elected Jndge of Pi obate of this counliy, which place it would be useless to say hie filled with honor for twelve years,.IHe is also a partner of the well kn6wn firm of C. A.& S. C. Stacy, at Tecumeseh. AXr. W. A. Underwood, is a young man, but an old resident, beingy born and rearedl in Adrian. He is a son of iDr. ID. K. Underwood, deceased, who was well linown in this Connty, and who bnilt- the Underwood block-, a part of whi~h the firmn now ocenP31ro Mr. Undec,,wood is a promising youn~t lawyer, and when associated with so able a gentleman as Mr. Stacy, it inust n'ecessarily place the firm at- the head of their profession in Lenawee County7. L TNA WEE CO. SAVINGS BANK. of Adrian, Michligani, vwas organized in December 21st, 1869. The ban~k hassince its origin been Well conducted, and shown that shrewdness in its mianagement that must niecessarily give it prominlence and gain the con1fidence of the public. Its present officers are Win. Dutton, -Pres.; Geo. Brace, Vice Pres.; and S. B. Smiith. Cashier. The banik bhas a paid tip capital of.(30,000.00, and its last statemnent showinig its resources, to be $287,794.2-1, of' whlieh"20O,3O06.80 is secured by bonded mortgages. DR. JW. OWEN, Camie to Adrian in 1848 and is therefor~e an old resident of the city, as -well as one, of its most enterprising citizens wh71o has done much towards the advan-cement of all its institutionis, aRS "well1 as placing in its miidst ai ek o'iit structure i the iway of a resclence, a large lithograph of whichi we, have before-_ý us, showino' its location anid beautiful surroundings. It is one (if the finest residences in the, city, and is, located on th,-eoi-(_ of( 1 1 ailroad and Winter streets, having a'ilarge lot 5-2(acres.ý baiidlomel) Ishaded, and has 40 apple trees, 150 peair tr~ees, together wi th ({itilat')ty Of Smal'1 fJl itS (of -vTu inouS 1 nds.IThe house iwas built iln 15atit acost of $5,000.00, Dr. Owýeniin lll is ~owýn architect. Practi"cal Stai'r Butiier and Carver, Shop, 14 Pea~rl St.. Residen-ce,.41 Fronzt St. Orders by DMail Promptly attended to. REFEktENCES-F. R. Stebbins, C. R. Miller G. B. McElroy, Prest., Adrian College; D. D 8inclair, Ri. Stephetison, C. Rynd, Physician and Snrgeon, Burton Kent. TEACHER OF MUSIC Instruments of every Discription. Nicely and conveniently fitted up rooms,. Parents are invited to call. cor. Michigan and Dennis Streets, ADRIAN) MICis. VWatches and Jewelry illepaired. GECO. W. ZEIGLERD Cor, Michigan & Dennis Sts., A-DRIAN, Micik Fine Work a Specialty. GEORGE F. PAYNE, Book-Binder and Ruler. M~aumiee Stireet-, El stablished, 1845, Estblihed 185.A6-dri~an_, Mich. ADRIA-N, MICIEL WM. DUTTTON, President. GEG. BRUCEý Yiee-lPresaident; Sl;,B. 8SMITH, CahierDIRECTORS: E. L. CLARK,, J. R. BENNETT,-, HENRY HART, C. M. WALKER, W. W. BRUCE, W. S.WILCOX, W. H. STONE,.WMN. DUTTAOh, GERGEG BRUCE. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. HENRY HART. WM.- DUTTON. C. M. WALKEtl,ý i X I 31 S ck ii wrEn All Photographs re-touched and burnished in the nieatest style. Smallt Pictures enlarged to; any size desired. Stu~diaoi-a Underwood's BlockJ, 84 WATER STREET. rTOI-DO, T OTIIO, Pub6li-sh.ers of the TOLED0 Q U.4RbTERLY-D IRECTORY, and the ddiian A4,inoual City -Direc., tory., THE ADRIAN THE Oldest Established Paper in the city. Two Editiolns-Daily and Weekly. Dai)l 11,00, Wfeekl 1 $L50 Ya m. Having a much larger circulation than any other paper in the city, the columns of the TIMES AND EXPOSITOR afford UNSURPASSED FACILITIES TO ADVERTISERS. OUR JOB DEPARTMENT IS LARGER, IS BETTER ORGANIZED AND HAS BETTER FACILITIES Than any other office in the city, or this section of the State. We have finer machinery and more of it; better type and more of it; and a larger supply of paper and printers' stock than can be found elsewhere in the city. Our Stock is First Class, and we invite comparison ofwork and prices. Estimates promptly furnished and satisfaction guaranteed. APPLEGATE & FEE. T822J DAILY AND WEEKLY PRESS, STEAX BOOZ A1l'D JOB 'W.r ~A. WVHIIITNE X,~ LProprietorq "EXTRA TFA ILITIES FOR DOING PLAIN AND TFAiNCY PRBINT1ING, aria 9JU lamty. fla;aýtor, t WE DEFY COMPETITION IN GENERAL =N THEPRESS IS THE BEST AfVERTISING /EDIllVIN SOUTHERN MICHIGAN Its circulation being equal to any paper in this Congressional District. We challenge comparison Terms, Strictly in Advance. Daily, by Mail, per Year..............................................$8 00 Daily, by Carrier, per Week........................................... 4 18 Weekly. per Year........................................ a.............. 150 Ofifce In Masoni'e -mple, gAian, MicJ Of Historical Events in Almerica du,rinff ihe last One Hundred Years. Abolition riot in Philadelphia, Pa...Aug. 12, 1734 Act of Congress creating the Dep. and Sec. of War........................ Aug. 7, 1789 C6 cc" i" and Sec. of Treasury.................... Sep. 2, 1789: C " P.0. Department.................................. Sep. 22, 1789 C establishing the Judicial System of the U. S...........Sep. 24, 1789 i providing for taking the first census.......................Mar. 1, 1790 " " first copyright law passed.................................... May 31, 1790 c renewing the seat of gov't to Philadelphia............ July 16, 1790 CC taxing distilled spirits........................................Dec. 20, 1791 " " giving bounties to fishing vessels................Feb. 16, 1792 establishing P. 0. and Post Roads.........................Feb. 20, 1792 providing a uniform military system.......May 8, 1792 fixing the President's salary at $25,000.................... Feb. 8, 1793 " establishing a uniform rule of Naturalization......... June 29, 1792 it it creating the Navy Department............................ April 3, 1798 cc "t establishing a uniform system of Bankruptcy........ April 14, 1802 "t- cc prohibiting the slave trade after 1808..................... Mar. 2, 1808 " "c establishing National Banks.........................,)1862 cc "t prohibiting slavery in the Territories................. June 19, 1862 4 prohiniting Polygamy in the U. S......................... July 1,, 1862 creating the office of Ass. Sec. of War.................. Jan. 19, 1864 repealing franking privilege after...........................July 1, 1873 Adams, John, of Mass., inaugurated President.............................. Mar. 4, 1797 Adams, John, died, aged 91........................................................July 4 1826 Adams, John Quincy, of Mass., inaugurated President................... Mar. 4, 1825 Adams, John Q., of Mass., died at Washington..................Feb. 23, 1848 Alabama, the Ram, burnt the ships Golden Eagle and Olive Jane...Feb. 21, 1863 Albans, St. Vt., banks robbed by Confederate refugees from Canada, Oct. 19, 1864 Algerians, The, took 94 prisoners from American ships............July 12, 1776 American Sunday School Union formed at Philadelphia................,1824 Amnesty proclaimed by President Lincoln.................................... Dec. 8, 1863 Anderson, Major, evacuated Fort Moultrie and established himself at Fort Sumpter.... Dec. 26, 1860 Anderson Cross Roads, Ky., battle of........................................Oct. 2, 1863 Arsenal, U. S. Custom House and P. 0., at Charleston, S. C., seized by the Confederates............................................................. Dec. 28, 1860 Arsenals at Taylorsville, Savannah, Ga., Mobile, Ala., and Augusta, Ga., seized by the Confederates............................................... Jan., 1861 Arsenal at Baton Rouge, and U. S. Minit and Custom House at New Orleans, seized by the Confederates............................................Jan. 186.1 IMPORTANT EVENTS. Asylum, Colored Orphan, burned by rioters in New York.......July 13, 1863 Atlanta, Ga., battle of......................*..................... Aug3, 16 bombarded by Sherman................................. Aug. 9, 1864 evacuated by Gen Howe................................Sep. 2, 18.64 evacuated by Sherman....................................Sep. 2, 1864 evacuated and fired by Sherman........................ Sep. 14, 1864 Augusta, Ga., siege of. May 23 to......................................June 4, 1781 Bank, The, of Penna., at Phila., first in the U. S. chartered.M......Aar. 1, 1780 Bank of North America, at Philadelphia, incorporated............... Dec. 31, 1781 Bank of U. S. established in Philadelphia............................ Dec. 20, 1791 Bartlett, Josiah, of N. H., sasiner ar the Declaration, died.......May 17, 1795 Beauregard, Gen., took command of the Confederate forces at Charleston................................................................ Mar.. 5, 1861 Belligerent rights vvithdrawn from the Confederate States by Brazil..May 31, 1865 Belligerent rights withdrawn from the Confederate States by Great Britain............................................................ June 2. 1865 Black Hawk war commenced........................................ Apr. 1, 1832 the Indian Chief, captured.............................. Aug. 27, 1832 war ended.................................................... Oct., 1832 Bonds, 10-40, issued................................................... Mar. 3, 1863 Booth, J. Wilkes, shot in the attempt to capture him................. Apr. 26, 1,865 Boston plundered by British Soldiers................................ Mar. 10, 1776 Boston, great fire at.....................................................N1ov. 9, 1872 Bright, Jesse D., of Ind., expelled from the U. S. Senate.............. Feb. 5. 1862 Brown, John, captured and tried for treason and murder............. Oct. 29, 1859 Brown, John, executed under the ]aws of Virninija.................... Dec. 2, 1859 Buchanan, James, inaugurgted President............................. Mar. 4, 1857 "c died at Lancaster, Pa............................... June 1 1868 Buffalo and Black Rock borned by the British....................... Dec 3.0 1813 Bull Run, Va., first battle of........................................... July 1 1681 B~unker Hill, monument finished..................................... July 23 1861 Burr, Aaron, Col. Vice-President, term expired....................... Mar 4 1801 61 duel with Gen. Alexander Hamilton................... July 11 1807 it conspiracy and trtL-al of.......................................-1807, cc ex-Vice President, died at Staten Island, N.Y..... Sep 14 1836 Calhoun, John C., Vice-President.........................................- 1825 C6 it ~~resigned.............................Dec 23 1862 it CC ~~died............................... Mar'31 1850 Canada iný,aded by Hull.............................................. July 12 1812 44 evacuated by Hull, who. occupied Detroit...................... Aug 8 1812 Canadian revolt............................................................. 1837 Carolina seceded from the Union........................................ May 20 1861 Carolina S., Convention ratified the Confederate Conqtitution.......Apr 3 1861, Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, Md, the last of the signers of the Dec, of Ind., died................................................. Nov 14 1832 Cass, ýLewis,. Gen., speech in the U. S. Senate on the N. WV. boundary line, originiating the Democra-ilic sayi-ng "ý54-40 or -fight"'......Dec 15 18405 Cemetery, Union National at Gettysburg, Pa., consecrated............ Nov 19:1863 Census., Act of Counress providing for taking the first................. Mar1 179 0 i first (pop. 3,929,326) taken. it second pop. 5,305.,85) taken. Charleston, U. S. Arsenal, P. 0. and Custom House at, seized by the State.............................................................. Dec 28 1869 Charleston bombarded and burned..................................... Sep 12 1862 Chase, Samuel, a signer of the Dec. of Ind,, and a Judge of the Superior Court died................................................... June 19, 1811 Chase, Salmon P., Sec. uf thie Treasury, resig.ned.................... June 30 1863 CHRONOLOGY OF 33 Chero'kee Indians emigrated west of the Mississippi.................. 1838 " "t joined the Confederacy.....................Aug 23 1861 " Council repealed its act of secession ahd abotished slavery, Feb 16 1863 Chicago, one-third of the city destroyed by fire.........................Oct 10-12 1871 Cholera raged in U. S........................................................... 1832 Clay, Henry, died................................................. Jan 29 1852 Clark, Abraham, of N. H., a signer of the Dec. of Ird., died...............ep 1794 Clymer, Gen., of Pa., a signer of the Dec. of Ind., died................June 24 1813 Cold Harbor, Va., battle of....................................................June 1-3 1864 Columbia River discovered by Capt. Gray............................May 11 1792 Colonization Society, American, formed at Washington...............-- 1817 Commissioners sent to France................................................. Dec 30 1776 Commissioners, Southern, refused recognition by the State Dep. at W ashington........................................................... A pr 8 1861 Confederacy, Southern, formed at Montgomery, Ala..............Feb 4 1861 Confederacy, Southern, Jeff. Davis chosen Provisional Prest. of........Feb 8 1861 Congress, First of U. S., met in New York..............................Mar 4 1789 Congress, Confederate, met at Richmond, Va......................Feb 18 1862 Constitution of the U. S., adopted by the Convention in Philadelphia Sep 15 1787 Constitution ratified by eleven States....................................... 1788 Convention, Peace, met at Washington................................... Feb 4 1861 " 4 National Temperance, first, met at Philadelphia...........Oct 16 1865 Copyright Law, first passed............................................May 31 1790 Danbury, Conn., burned by Oov. Tryon's orders...,.................Apr 26 1777 Davis, Jefferson, took leave of the U. S. Senate......................... Jan 21 1861 Davis, Jefferson, inaugurated Prest. of the Conf States.................Feb 8 1861 appointed his Cabinet..................................Feb 21 1861 (" captured....................................................May 10 1865 released on bail.......................................May 10 1867 Dakota formed into a Territory.................................... Mar 2 1861 Declaration of Independence adopted...............................July 4 1776 Delaware River blockaded by English ships.........................Mar 14 1813 Donnelson, Fort, Tenn., captured........................................ Feb 16 1862 Dorr) s Rebellion in R. I.......................................................... - 1.. 1843 Douglas, Stephen A., U. S. Senator for lil., died........................June 2 1861 Ellery, Wm., of R. I., a signer of the-Deolaration, died............. Feb 15 1820 Ellsworth, Oliver, Chief Justice of the U. S., died.................. May 24 1861 Emancipation Society, National, formed at Cleveland, Ohio..... Aug 26 1857 Emancipation Proclamati,,n by Pres. Lincoln......................Jan 1 1863 Enterprise, the Brig, captured the Boxer.............................Sep 5 1813 Erie, Fort, captured by the Americans............................July 3 1814 Essex, The, captured the Alert............................................. Aug 13 1812 Everett, Elward, died at Boston.............................. Jan 15 1865 Exploring Expedition, U. S., sailed.........................................Aug 19 1839 Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, battles of.....................May 31 June 1, 25 1862 Farragut fleet passed Forts Janson and St Philip Miss. river...Apr 24 1862 Fast day in the U. S., on account of death of Pres. Harrison......May 14 1841 Fillmore, Millard, inaugurated.........................................July 10 1850 Fitch & Rumsey's first attempt to construct steamboats.............. - 1783 Florida ceded to Spain.................................................................. - - 178 U.............................................................. O ct 1820 Floyd, William, of New York, a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died Aug 4 1821 France, all treaties with declared void................................July 7-91798 Freedman's Bureau established.............................................Mar 3 1865 VFulton's firtst steamship the Cemont, on the Hudson..............Sep 14 1807 Fulton, U. S. Frigate blown up at the Brooklyn Navy Yard......June 4 1829 Gadsden, Ala., 1,600 Union troops captured near................May 3, 1863 Ganby, Va., government property destroyed at................Sep 11 1862 Qerrvy Eldridge, Vice-President, died............................... Nov. 29 1814 IMPo01PPA NP -9 ENT&ls' Gettysburg, Pa., battle of.............................................. July 1-3 1863 Gilimore, Thomas W.,Sec. of the Navy, killed on board the Princeton....b......6.....60.......0....*a......6...............................,Feb 28 1844 Grant, Gen. U. S., took command of the Dep. of Tennessee, Ohio and Cumberland....,,ý,.....b..... b................ ---a.... b.............Oct 16 1883 Greeley, Horace, founder of the New York Tribune, died......Nov 29 1872 Habeas Corpns, the writ of suspended during the Rebellion by order of Congress....b.................................... 0......,,Mar 3 1863 Hale, Nathan. executed as a spy.......64............. 6... 0.......-6 1777 1-1 arper's Ferry, Va., arsenal at, seized by John Brown........... Oct 16 1859 Harrison, Benj-, of Va., a signer of the Dec. of Ind. Apr 1791 Hart, John, of New Jersey, a signer of the Ded. of Ind. died......- 1780 11aywood,7 Thos., of S. C., a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died......Mar 9 1809 Henry, Patrick-, of Va., died aged 63...............*.June 6 1779 Hewes, Joseph, a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died............ Nov 10 1779 Hooker, Gen took command of Army of the Potomac........... Jan 26 1863 Hooper, Win., a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died................. *..*Oct 13 1790 Hopkins, Stepheia, of R. I., a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died....July 13 17805 Huntingrton, Samnuel, of Conn.*, a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died Jan 5 1796 Idaho formed into a Territory.........................MNfar. 2 1863 Indiana admitted into the Union.......aab... a......Dec 11 1816 internal. Revenue bill passed....;6.............................July 1 1962 Jacob Bell. the U. S., captured by the Florida........................Feb 12 1863 Jackson, Stonewall, died of wounds.......................Is.....May 10, 1863 Jay, John, Chief Justice of~ U. S. died at Bedford, N. Y.........May 17, 1829 Johnson, Richard Md., ex-Vice-President, died.............09&-601Nov 19 1850 Johnson,, Andrew, inaugurated President.......................... Apr 15 1865 64 46 ~President, impeached............................. Jan 25 1868 Judicial system of the t,. S., established.............................Sept 24 1789 -Kansas admitted into the Union......... 4.......... h......aAb........b............Jan 29 1861 King, Win. R., Vice-President, died.................................Apr 18 1853 Kingston, N. Y., burned by British...............................a.....Oct 13 1777 Know Nothing party organized...................... i.......-6 1852 Lee, Richard H1., of Va., a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died....ebJuly 19 1794 Lewis, Francis, of N. Y., a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died......Dec 30 18o3 Lincoln, Abraham, night journey from Harrigbarg to Washington............................................ Feb..6........a*..22.. 1861e 2 1 6 Livingston, Philip, (if N. Y., a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died... Jan 12 1778 Loo,,-out Mountain captured by Hooker...6................. eOct 28 1863 Lynch, Thomas, a signer of the Dec. of. Id. died............*&.b-- -e 1779 Madison, Jqmes, inaugurated...................,*... *..a....... a,.......,Mar 4 1809 Maine admitted into the Union...................................... Mar 15 1820 Maston & Slidell seized on board the Trent............,6b00.......... aNov 8 1861 Manmee, Ohio, battle 20 1794. McAllister, Fort, Ga., attacked by U. S. gunboats on...............Mar 1 1863 McCook. Gen. Robert, assasinated while sick...........,Aug 5 1862 McClellan, Gen. Geo. B., took command in Western Va........ June 10 1804 Mead, Gen. Geo. Gordon. assigned to command of the Army of the Potomac....4.--b..*................J...n.. 28 1863 Merrimac, the Confederate steamer, attacked the U. 5, Ships in Hampton Roads.................................................;Mar 8-9 1862 Mexico, war declared against by the United States............May 11 1846 Militia system uniform 0of the U. S. established..................... May 8 1792 Mint, U. S. established at Philadelphia, Pa......................Apr 2 1772 Mississippi admitted as a State........................................ Dec 10 1817 Mitohell, Gen. of the Revolution', died............................... May 25 1818 4# 66(the Astronomer) in com. at the South; died.......Oct 30 1862 Montana formed into a territory.................................a.......Mar- 26 1864 Morgan's, Gen., raid, New Lisbon, Ohio, captured................ June 27 1863 Mori-is, Lewis, ot New York, a signer of Dec. of Ind. died......Jan 22 1778 Morse, Prof. Samuel F. B., Electric Telegraph grant by Congress to..;........................................................... Maa 3 1853 CHRONOLOGY OF 34 Mutiny of the Pennsylvania troops in New Jersey.............Jan. 1 1781 Napoleon, Ark., arsenial. at, seized by the Cenfed.................... Apr 22 1861 Naval Hospital established by act of Congress....................Feb 26 1811 Navy Yard on the coast of PAlorida estiblished............... 0.....0Mar 3 1826 Negro slaves introduced into America first in. Yirginia..............- 1:20 Neutrality, Pres. Tyler's Proclamation of............................ ep 25 1814 Nulification of the tariff laws by South Carotina.................. Nov 19 1 832 Orleans, New, La., closed against the, United States....................Oct 1702 Para, Win,, a signer of the Dec. of Ind.*- 1799 Paine, Robert Treat, of 'Mass., a signer of the Dec. of Ind, died May 11 1804 Patent Riirht Law, first 10-... 0................. Apr 15 1790 Patents, office of Comtnissioner of created by Congress........July 4 1836 Pea Ridge, Ark., battle of....~...... 06%..... Ma 7-8 1962 Peace Comrmissioners of the Confederate States, convened at Fortress Monroe by President Lincoln......................... Feb 1 1865 Pennsylvania. purchased from the Penns by the common wealth...-1776 Penn11, John, of N. C., a signer of the Dec. of Ind. died................Sep 1788 Perry's, Capt. Oliver H., victory on Lake Erie..................... Sep 10 1813 Philadelphia, Pa., yellow fever in................................ 1793, 1798, 1812 Pickering, Timothy, ex-Secretary of State, died...........a,....Jan 29 1828 Pillow, Fort, Tenn., captured......................................... June 4 1862 Past officers and post roads in the U. S., established by Congress Feb 20 1792 President, the salary of the, fixed at ý50.000.........................Mar 4, 1873 President UY. S., George Washington, from.......................... 1789 to 1797 *4 4 John Adams, fro.... 0...... 60...........1797 to 1801 it " Thomas Jefferson, from..............................1801 to 1809 it i Jamnes Madison, from................................1809 to 1817 66 6 James Monroe, from................................ 1817 to 1825 It 6 John Quncy Adatns, from......................... 1825 to 1829 46 6 Andrew Jackson, from............................. 1829 to 1837 It " Martin Van Bureln, from........................... 1837 to 1841 69 ~William Hlenry Harrison, from.................. 1841 64 John Tyler, from.................................1841 to 1845 6A James K. Polk, from................................ 1845 to 1849 is ~Zachary Taylor, from..........................1849 to 1850 66 Milla-rd Fillmore. from............................ 1850 to 1853 SJames Buchanan, from............................. 1857 to 1861 " Abraham Lincoln, "........................1862 to 1865 " Andrew Johnson, "........................1865 to 1869 Ulysses S. Grant,...........................a1869 to 1877 Railroad, first, in the U. S., built in Ridley township, Pa..................1806 Richmond, Va., burned by Arnold..................................... Jan.5 1781 66 69Confederate Congress met at..................Feb 18 1862 Richmond, Va., Shieridan's expedition north of................ May, June 1864 Riot AbolIution, in Philadelphia..............................Aug 12 1834 "Native American, in Philadelphia........a....P*.............. a............ 1844 "Fugitive slave, Chrestana, Lancaster Co., Pa.......a...I........*Sept 11 1851 Railroads, iron track, roads laid at Quincy, Mass., and Mauch' Chunk, Pa.........a i........0....0......................... I............. a1827 Read, Geo., of Del., a signer of Dec. Id., died............................. 1798 Reconstruction Act passsed.......................................... March 4 1867 Red Banks or Fort Mercer, N. J.' battle of........................... Oct 22 1777 Rich Mountains, Va., battle 11 1861 Riot, Draft, in New York.............................................. JulyV 16 1863 Riot in New Orleans, great, Cuba expedition....................a....Aug 21 1851 4 b 4 6" rival governors in Lou....................... March 1873 Ross, Geo. Gen., of Pa., a signer of the Dec. of Itp., died........July 1779 Rnstr, Dr. Benj, of Pa., a signer of Dec. of Ind., died.............Jan 23, 1800 Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., attack. on............. '.... 66....... e.. May 29 1813 Sandusky, Fort, Ohio, British repulsed at............................ Aug 2 1813 S~enators, nine. U. S., from the states, expelled from Congress for treason..........................................................!....July 11 Th61 35 IMPORTANT EVENTS. Seward, Secretary, attempt to assassinate................................. April 14 1865 Shay's rebellion in Mass........................................1786 Slave, law, first fugitive, passed by Congress.............................. Feb 12 1793 Slave-trade, law prohibiting the, passed................................. March 22 1794 Rodney, Cesar, of Del., a sigher of the Dec. of Ind., died........................1783 Slavery in Pa., an act for the gradual abolition of.................. Mar 1 1780 Slavery prohibited by the constitution of California........................... Sep 1849 Slavery aoolished by Prest. Lincoln........................................... Jan 1 1863 Slavery prohibited in any of the Territories of the U. S...........June 19 1862 Smith, Capt, John, arrived in Vir.................................................. - 1697 Smith, James, a signer of the Dec, of Ind, died........................... July 11 1806 Smithsonian Institute at Washington, founded..............................Aug 10 1846 Specie circular issued........................................................... July 11 1836 Specie payments, the banks suspended.....................................- 1837 Spoliation bill of 25,000,000 francs paid by France to the U. S............ 1835 Spottsy]vania Court House, Va., battle of...............................May 8-12 1864 Star of the West, the steamer, fired on by the Confed.............. Jan 9 1861 St. Clair, defeated by Indians.....................................................Nov 4 1791 Steam navigation, Runsey and Fitch's first experiments in............... 1785 Stevens, Thaddeus, of Pa., died in Washington............................. Aug 11 1868 Stony Point, N. Y., taken by the British...................................... May 31 1779 Sumter, Gen'rl Thos. died...................................................... June 11 1832 Telegraph, electric, Congress appropriated $30,000 to Prof. Morse to erect a telegraph............................................................Mar 3 1843 Telegraph, electric, first in the world, completed between Washington and Baltim ore..................................................................... 1844 Thornton, Mathew, of N. Y., a signer of the Dec. of Ind., died.......June 23 1893 Tippecanoe, Ind., battle of........................................................Nov 7 1811 Treaiy of peace with the Indians of the N. W. Territory, (at Greenville, Ohio)........................... i............................................ A ag 3 1795 Treaty Tree, Penn's, blown down......................................................... 1810 Trust fund, Indian, robbery of Discovered at Washington............... Dec 23 1860 'Valley Forge, Pa., American army went into winter quarters at...... Dec 11 1.777 Vallandingham arrested in Ohio ior treason................................. May 5 1863 POPULATION O.M GLOBD, The latest and best authority gives the population of the globe as follows: A m erica............................................................ 72,,- 00,000 E uiope.............................................................. 267,000,000 A sia.................................................................. 798,6U0,000 A fric i............................................................... 188,000,000 Pacific Islands..................................................... 3,800,000 Total............................................1,330,200,000 About 3,600 different languages are spoken, and nearly 1,000 differentreligioun sects exist. The adherents of the principal religions counting the -whole popula. tion, are about as follows: Greek and other Oriental churches............................. 75,792,000 Roman Catholics...................................................195,000,000 Protestants.................................... 98,139,000 Mohommedans...................................................... 160,000 000 Buddhists and other Asiatic religions........................... 600,P(00,000 Pagans................................................................. 200,000,000 Jews............................................................. 6,000,060 Mor I io Diroctory. -0 -ALP~HAETICAL LIST 07PNAKESO -0 -Scker & Sons, general merchandise, n e cor Main and North. Allen, A. E.. publisher of the New Era (weekly), Saulsbur bik, Main. American Express Co., J. Allen, agt, n s Main e North. Baker, G. Henry, furniture manufacturer and dealer, s s Mainw North Baker, Leander, prop, Morenci foundry and machine shop, s s Main w North. Beach & Allen, druggist and grocer, s s Main opp North. Bennett, C. T., physician, Main opp Exchange Hotel. Blair, D. M., blacksmith and carriage manufacturer, s w cor North and Locust. Baylor, Mrs, D. A., millinery, Main. Butler, Flavel N., justice of the peace, e s North n Main. Canada Southern Railway, passenger depot n end Summit, E. W. Capp, J. H., meat market, Main. Randall ticket and freight agt, and operator Canada Southern Telegraph Co. Chapple, W. H., foundry, s s Main w North. Church, W. L., Postmaster and dealer in groceries, crockery, books stationery, &c., s s Main e North. Clark, Edward, brick manufacturer, north end Saulsbury. Clark, James F., manufacturer brick machinery, n end Saulsbury. Cole, H. S., druggist and grocer, s s Main nr North. Comey, J. C., biliard hall, n s Main nr Exchange Hotel. Crabbs, J. C., gunsmith brass worker, model maker, stencil cutter, &c. n s Main nr North. Crabbs, John, fashionable tailor, n s Main opp post office. JD ay, E. G., mnerchant tailor, e s North n Main. 1leming, Mrs. L. C., millinery and fancy goods, Main opp Exchange Hotel. 37 -DIBlECTOB Y CO.'S Fuller, Arthur, saddle and harness manufacturer, s s Main e North. Gates, G. H1., & Co., boots, shoes, hats, caps, clothing and gents' furnishing goods, e s North, n Main. Green, N. T.. E., hardware, stoves and tinware, n s Main e North Greene, H. E. & Co., hardware, stoves and tinware. H artford Insurance Co., of Hartford,. Conn., Morgan. agt. over bank. Henion Bros., blacksmithing, horse shoeing and jobbing, s s Main opp grist mill. Hornback, Benj., deputy sheriff and constable, s s Main opp North. Howard Insurance Co., of N. Y.,- Morgan, agt, over bank. Hubbard House, A. L. Hubbard, prop, Main. nalCaries S., attorney at law, notary public and auctioneer, s s IMain w Summit. qones, N., blacksmith and wagon maker, e s North n Main. inl'gman & Co., groceries, crockery, &c., n s Main e, North. Kelley, -W. H., barber shop, s s Main opp Exchange Hotel. Kuhln, Mrs. James, millinery and faincy goods, s s Main opp North. Kuney, G. W., saloon and billiards, n s Main. ayton, J. T., livery, sale and feed stable, n a Main e Summit. Lasey, Mrs. Helena., dressmaker, n S Main e North. Luce,, D. M., dealer in general merchandise, s s Main opp North. arkman, J. H., watchmaker and jeweler, dealer in watches, Mclocks, jewelry, silverware, &c., s s Main e Ncrtb, Morenci Mills, E. W. Gillis, prop. Main nr Tiffin River. Fuller, M. F., dealer in general mercbandise, s s Main nr North. Morenci Exchange Hotel, L. N. Baldwin, prop, n w cor Main and North. racker, Isaac D., livery, sale and feed stable, e a Summit s Main. Partridge, F. A., barber shop, s s Main nr North. Pooler & Thorp, lumber, w s North nr C. S. R. R. IPost Office, a s Main e North, W. L. Church, Postmaster. Jichards, Richard, boot an i shoe man'f, and dealer a a Main w North handle, E. W... ticket and freight agt, Canada Southern R'y and operator Canada Southern Telegraph Co. Rock. Robert, photographer, a a Main e North. Rowley, F. A., manufacturer human hair goods, Main. Rowley, C. H., school books and stationery. auls bury Bros., ag'l implements, hardware, stoves and tinware, Main w Exchange hotel. Schofield, S. A., furniture manufacturers and dealers a a Mfain w Exchange Hotel. MORENCI BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 38 Shaphard, W., baker and confectioner, as Main bet Summit and North Simpson, Robert, saddle and harness manufacturer, n s Main w North. Smalley, Freeman, carpenter and builder, w s North s C. S, R'y. Smith, A. T, & Bro., groceries, crockery, boots, shoes, &c., s s Main nr North. Southworth, P. T., baker and grocer, n s Main w North. Stevenson, Samuel, physician, w s North n Locust. Stevenson, W. G., dentist, s s Main nr North. Stocum, C. W., physician, e s North n Main. Houseman & Rowley, saw mill manufacturers and dealers in lumber. cor Orchard and Stephenson. Swindell, C. & Co., tanners, n s main nr Tiffin River. VanAlstine, G. P., watchm'kr and jeweler, s s Main nr North. akefield, C. C. & Co, bankers, s s Main opp North. Warne, Lafayette, carpenter, contractor, builder and tank manufacturer, ss Msain w North. Weaver, C. M., justice of the peace and dealer in stationery, wall paper and news, s s Main opp North. Welch, John F., attorney at law and notary public, e s North n Main, Williams, Daniel, carpenter and builder, w s Congress s C. S. R'y. Wyman, H. S., physician, n s Main w North. Bli fioiD BUsin n Dirctory ALPHADTICAL LISM OP NAMU.1 American Express Co., W. F., Rogers, agent, s s Adrian, west side. RBartholomew, A. C., druggists, s s Adrian, west side. Bittner, Geo. C., Cigar Manufacturer, Acdian st, w side. Blissfield Marble and Stone Works, E. Hamburg, prop, Adrian st. Bliss, W. W.,,& Son, plaining mill, undertakers, manufacturers, west side, and w s Lane, s Adrian, east side. Brockway, Joseph, saloon, Adrian, w side. Brown, H. B., house and sign painter, Monroe, w side. Brown & Ellis, manufacturers of broom handles and dealers in general merchandise, s s Adrian, w s. C andrick, Richard, saloon and lunch room, basement Clinton House. Campbell, Mary, dressmaker, Adrian, w side. Cannon, Frederick, blacksmith and carriage manufacturer and prop Cannon mineral springs, n e cor Monroe and Franklin, w s. Cannon's Mineral Springs, F. Cannon prop cor Monroe and Franklin. Carpenter, Clements & Gillmore, bankers, s s Adrian, west side. Carpenter, Joel, attorney at law and insurance agent, s s Adrian, west side. Clark, W. A., druggist and grocer, n s Adrian, west side. Cooper, H. C., Ticket & frieght agent L. S. & M. S., R. R., office depot. ewey, Foster & Co., manufacturers and dealers in flour and sugar, S barrel staves, headings and hoops, office Adrian and Lane east s. Drew House, W. H. Drew prop, n w cor Adrian and Lane, e s. Dickinson, Anson, carpenter, contractor and builder, s s Adrian west s. Fisher, A. J., Watchmaker, Adrian, w side. Giles, D. S., agricultural implements, cor Adrian and Lane. DIBEECTOIZ Y CO.' S 40 HI asenflue, Henry, meat market, n s Adrian, west side. Hart, Sarah J., millinery, Adrian, w side. Hedzil, G, E., civil engineer and surveyor, Adrian, w side. Henry, J. W., Barber shop, n s Adrian, s side. Howland, Charles E., physician, n s Adrian, west side. Humphrey, Henry, painter, w s Monroe, s Adrian, west side. Jipson, Henry, Saw Mill, east side. Knight, H. S, dry goods and groceries, cor Adrian and Lane. Knight, & Co., Groceries, fresh and salt meats, Adrian, opp Drew House, east side. Knight & McLouth, harness maker, Lane, up stairs. Knight M. E. & Co. hardware, stoves and tinware, Lane, e side. Kurtze. W. H., & Co., dry goods, carpets, clothing, &c., Adrian, east side. L amley David, lunch room, Adrian, opp Dewey House, east side. Lamb frank D., meat market, Adrian. Leach, Homer, restaurant and saloon, s s Adrian, e Lain, east side. Love & Bush, flouring mill, east side. M cOann, Mi. D. &C Go., groceries, provisions, fresh and salt i Meats, &c., n e cor Adrian and Monroe, west side. Mitchell, John, saddle and harness manufacturers, Adrian. Mitchell, John, harness maker, Adrian. Moore, H. T., wagon maker, cor Adrian and Monroe. N ewcomb, R. B. C., physician and surgeon, s s Adrian, west side. Payne & Sutlieff, blacksmiths and wagon makers, n w cor Adrian and Monroe, west side. Packard, N. B, & Son groceries and queensware, Lane. Parker, Alva L., livery and feed stable and blacksmith shop, Washington, w Lane. Peamey, Geo. D., barber, Clinton House basement. People's Mills, B. H. Wheeler & Son, prop, Monroe w side. Philips, Mrs. R. L., dressmaking and millinery, cor Lane and Adrian, up stairs. Post Office, s s Adrian, west side, J. R. Stearns, Postmaster. S odgers, William F., groceries, provisions, crockery, &c, s s Adrian west side. Rogers, E. T., Blacksmith and carriage maker, Lane. Rogers, Geo. W., painter, Adrian, w side. Roof, G. L., boot and shoes manufacturer and dealer, s s Adrian, east side. Saunders, James, Joiner and stair builder, store fronts, fittings, &c., w s Monroe, n Adrian, west side. Sheldon, H. J., boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer, s s Adrian, w s. Smith, Geo. 3., prop. Fonger House, Lane, s Adrian, 41 BIJSSFIBLD B 5JNESS DIRECTORY. Smoll, Martin, undertaker and dealer in furniture, s s Adrian, w s. Stearns, J. R., Post Master, and dealer in books and stationery, s s Adrian, west side. Thayer, Galen H., carpenter, Contractor and builder, w s Monroe, s s Adrian, west side. Tracy, H. W., blacksmith and wagon maker, Monroe, w side. Trombly, Mrs. B. W., millinery and dressmaking, Lane, up stairs. Turner, E. M., physician and surgeon, cor Adrian and Lane. 'W atson, Charles, cooper shop, s w cor Portland and Franklin, west side. Walper & Doan, blacksmiths and wagon makers, Lane. Walter Furman, sadle and harness manufacturer and dealer in trunks, cor Adrian and Church, west side. Westerman & Rhoads, bakery and Groceries, nr Railroad w side. Wheeler Hotel, W. W. Burch, prop, Adrian, w side. Willie, J., general merchandise, s w cor Adrian and Lane, east side. Williams & Fuller, groceries, crockery, &c., Adrian, opp Dewey House Wuest, J. W., Barber, basement Drew House.Wyman, Hal C., physician and surgeon, n s Adrian, west side. Wyman, Henry, physician and surgeon, n s Adrian, west side. Zeitler, John, saloon, Adrian, w side. Aarian Street Directory. Addison, first east of Croswell, from East Maumee north to Bristol, Albert, seventh north of Railroad, from the river east to Broad. Alice, west side the river, from Merrick north to Michigan ave. Allis, first west of Main, from Michigan ave. south to Merrick. Ann, first east of MceVicker, from East Maumee south to Michigan, Beecher, south of L. S. & M. S. R. R., from east to west city limits. Berry, first south of L. S. & M. S. R. R., from Winter east to Division, and from James east to Treat road. Bliss, second east of James, from Wood south to Beecher. Bradish, first west of the river, from Beecher south to city limits. Bristol, fourth north of Railroad, from Main east to city limits. Broad, first east of Main, from Church north to the river. Budlong, first west of McKenzie, from West Maumee north to city limits. Burr, third south of Michigan ave., from McKenzie west to Scott. Butler, fourth north of East Maumee, from Winter east to city limits. Camburn, first south of Wolf Creek, from Seeley northwest. Cemetery, from Henry northeast to city limits. Center, third east of Broad, from East Maumee north to Toledo, and from Church south to city limits. Chandler, first west of Mixer, from West Maumee south to College avenue. Charles, second west of Madison, from West Maumee south. Cherry, first west of Springbrook ave., from River st. north to Railroad. Chestnut, third north of Railroad, from Main east to city limits. Church, first south of East Maumee, from the river east to city limits. Clinton, second east of Main, from East Maumee north to Seeley. Coit, first south of Michigan ave., from McKenzie west to Scott. College ave., first south of West Maumee, from river west to Madison. Company, second north of West Maumee, from Greenly west to McKenzie, R3 1ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. Comstock, third east of Broad, from Toledo north to Henry, Cross, first north of the railroad, from Winter west to Main. Croswell, first east of Elm, from Toledo north to Bristol, Dallas, from Winter east to Dennis. Dean, second east of Croswell, from East M anmee north to Bristol, Dennis, first east of Winter, from Church south to city limits. Division, second east of Dennis, from Church south to city limits, Ellis, first north of Railroad, from Grand northwest to Springbrook avenue. Elm, sixth east of Broad, from Toledo north to Henry. Erie, third south of East Maumee, from Division east to city liImits. Finch, fourth east of Broad, from Toledo north to Sedely. Frank, second south of East Maaumee from Division east to city 'imits. French, first east of Center, from Treat road south to city limits. Front, second north of East Maniee, from Winter east to Croswell. Fulton, first east of Division, from Lawrence ave. north to Logan. George, first east of the river, from Nelson south to Michigan ave. Grand, second west of the river, from Camburn south to the river. Greenly, first west of County Fair Grounde, from West Maumee north to River st. Harrison, fourth east of McVieker, from East Maumee south to Beecher. Henry, sixth north Railroad, from Seeley east to city limits. High, first north of William, from Charles east to Madison. Hoag, third east of James, from Wood south to Beecher. Hunt, second north of Railroad from the river east to city limitsJames, third east of Center, from Treat road south to Beecher. Jordan, first north of Cross, from Winter west to ain. Lawrence ave., first south of Logan, from Division east to Center. Lenawee, first west of Grand, from Ellis north to Camburni. Locust, third east of Main, from East Maumee north to Seeley, and from East Maumee south to Michigan. Logan, first south of Michigan, from Division east to Center. Madison, first west of Scott, from West Maumee south to city limits. Main, North and South, from East Maumee north to city limits, and from East Maumee south to city limits. Marian, second east of Division, from Lawrence ave., north to Logan, Maumee, East and west, from the river east to city limits, and from the river west to city limits. DIBE9TOB~O Y CWSX At McKenzie, first street west of the river, crossing West Maumnee north and( south to city limits. Mc-iick r, first east of Tecumseh. from Toledo south to Michigan, Mechanic,. from Beecher st. south. Merrrick, first south of M/ichigan ave., from Main west crossing the river to McKenzie. Michigan, fburth, south of East Maumee, from Winter east to city limits. Michigan ave., second south of West Mtaumee, from the river west to city limits, and from the river east to Main. Mill, first north of the river, from, Main east to White Mills,. Mixer,' from West Maumee south. Mulberry, first north of Bristol, from Ormshy east to city limits.. Nd~son, first south of Church, from George east to Winter. Norton, or North, third north of West Maumnee, from Greenly northwest. Oak, first east of James, from Treat road south to Beecher. Ormsby, fifth east of Broad, from Toledo north to Henry. Park,'second west of Mixer, from West Maumee south.'to Michigan avenue. Park place, East and West, east and west sides of Monument Square. Pearl, first south of West Maumee, from Winter west. Race, first west of the river, from West Maumee north. Railroad, third north of East Maumee, from the river east to Dean, and from the river west to city limits. iRaisin, from Mixer west to Chandler. Rich, first north of West Maumee from McKenzie west to Bublong River, first north of -County Fair Grounds, from the river northwest to Railroad. Sarah, second east of MeVicker, from East Maumee south to -Michigan, Sarah, (Voorhee's add), first west of the river, from Willie north to Camburn. Scott, second west from the river, crossing West Maumee from Railroad south to Beecher. Seeley, fifth north of Railroad, from Main ea-st to Finch, and from Main nearly north to city limits. South, second south of" Beecher, from Winter east to Division. Spring, first. south of Michigan ave.; from Allis west to the river. Springbrook a v.e., first west of the river, from River st. north to Icity Li1mits. State, first east of Dennis, from Chiurch, south to city limits. 45 45 ADRIAN CITY -DIRECTORY. St. Joseph, first north of West Maumee, from Greenly west to McKenzie. Summit, first south of Beecher, from Winter east to Division. Sumner, second west of Springbrook ave., from River st. north to Railroad. Tabor, second east of Henry, from Treat road souith to Beecher. Tecumseh, first east of Center, from Toledo south to Michigan. Toledo, &rst north of East Maumee, from Main east to MeKicker. Treat road, first south of Michigan, from Center east to Wood and from Wood South. Union, first. south of Church, from Dennis east to State. Vine, second south of Michigan ave., from McKenzie west to city limits. Voorhees, first north of Ellis, from Lenawee northwest to Spring-. book avenue,, Water, along the river, from College ave south to Michigan ave. Wheeler, second west of McKenzie, from Railroad north to city limits. William, first north of Adrian College, from Charles east. Willie, first north of the river, from Grand east to Sarah. Winter, North and South, from East Maumee north to Hunt, and fram East Maumee south to city limits. Wards, theitr% LocjantioflS nts d ao n liafries. The city is divided into four wards, viz: First, Second, Third and Fourth. The first consisting of the southeast, the Second the northeast, the Third the northwest and the Fourth the southwest portions of the city, and taking the crossing of Main and Maumee streets as a centre or starting point. The following streets make the division into wards and form' the inner boundaries: The First Ward is separated from the Second by East Maumee street from Main east, southeast to Locust, thence due east to city limits, forming the north boundary of the First and the south boundary of the second Wards. The Second from the Third Ward by North Main from Mau-. mee north., northeast to city limits, forming the west boundary of the Second and the east boundary of the Tfhird Wards. The Third from the Fourth Ward, hy East Maumee west, northwest to the river, thence following the river up southwest to College avenue, thence College avenue west to Madison street thence Madison DIRECTORY CO.'S 46 south to Michigan avenue, thence Michigan avenue west to city limits forming the south boundry of the Third and north boundry of the Fourth Wards. The Fourth Ward is separated from the First by Main street south southwest to Church street, thence Church east to State street, thence State south to city limits, forming the west boundry of the First and east boundary of the Fourth Wards. (Wards.) The First consists of all that portion of the city lying south of the boundary between First and Second Wards, and east ot the boundary. between First and Fourth Wards. The Second Ward consists of all that portion of the city lying north of the boundary between First and Second Wards and east of the boundary between the Second and Third Wards. The Third Ward consists of all that portion of the city lying west of the boundary between Second and Third Wards, and north of the boundary between Third and Fourth Wards. The Fourth Ward conststs of all that portion of the city lying south of the boundary between Third and Fourth Wards, and west of the boundary between First and Fourth Wards. CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor, Wm. W. Luck; Treasurer, F. W. Clay; Collector, Chas. Bowerfiend; Marshal, M. E. Washburn; Recorder, F. B. Nixon; Street Commissioner, A. Maxwell. Supervisors 1st Ward, Chas. F. Smith; 2d W ard, D. D. Sinclair; 3d Ward, Heman Loomis; 4th Ward, W. R. Tayer. Constables-ist Ward, Michael Sorter; 2d Ward, Henry Bowen; 3d Ward, E. S. Rhodes; 4th Ward, Peter Miller. FIRE DEPARTMENT, Engineer-in-Chief, R. J. Bradley; Assistant, S. H. Angell; Steamer No. 1, A. J. Comstock, Ervin A. Aldrich engineer, Wm. Underhill assistant, s s Church, bet Dennis and State, 4th Ward. Steamer No. 2, Wm. H. Waldby, Jacob Kells engineer, Michael Dryden assistant, cor Church and Tecumseh, 1st Ward. The Babcock Fire Extinguisher, No. 1, s s Church, bet Dennis and State, 4th ward, E. P. Crittenden foremnan. Hook and Ladder No. 1, w s Main, n Maumee, 3d ward, John Saviers foreman. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. ADRIAN COLLEGE. -Buildings are located in the third ward, in the west part of the city, west side of Madison street, between William st. and Michigan ave and the west end of College ave, G. B. McElroy, D. D., President. Officers of the Board of Trustees -Norman Geddes, President; G. B. McElroy, Secretary; Wm. M Hamilton, Treasurer. 47 ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. UNION SCHOOL-Prof W H Payne, Supt. Board of Trustees -W W Luck, Porter L Sword, Dr J W Finch, A H Wood, Geo L Bachman, C R Miller. Officers of the Board-W W Luck, President; A H Wood, Secretary; Frank W Clay, Treasurer. Union School Buildings-Central school buildings, s e cor Church and Division sts; Principal, Wm H Payne. East branch school building, n s Maumee, bet Tecumseh and McVicker. North branch school building, n e cor Broad and Hunt. South branch school building, n e cor Main and Beecher. West branch school building, n w cor Maumee and McKenzie sts. MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLs-German Lutheran Primary school, n s Church, e of Locust st, John G Denninger Principal. German Lutheran school, n s Frank, bet Locust and Center sts, John G Denninger Principal. German school (select,) n e cor Front and Finch, Rev C F Haussmen. St Joseph's school (Catholic,) n s of Erie, e of Division sts, Teachers, Sisters of the Immaculate Heart. St Joseph School (German Catholic,) n w cor Railroad and Ormsby sts, Prof - Principal. NEWSPAPERS. Adrian Journal, Weekly, Japeth Cross publisher. Adrian Times and Expositor, Daily and Weekly, Applegate & Fee publishers. The Adrian Press, Daily & Weekly, Win. A. Whitney publisher. CEMETERIES. Oakwood Cemetery, northeast part of the city. Old Cemetery, s w cor. Main st, and Michigan ave. SECRET BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS. MASONIC-Adrian Chapter, No. 10, R. A. M. Officers for 1876: O Lamb, H P; J. A Merritt, K; J F Kimball, S; T Nesbit, C H; A M Knapp, P S; D W Barnum, R A C; J S Vandergrift, M 3 V; H A Ringman, M 2 V; E Van De Mark, M 1 V; A Wheeler, Treas; G Westerman, Sec'y; Guard, CM Heath. Regular Convocations are held in Masonic Temple on Thursday evenings on or preceding the full of the moon in each month. Adrian Commandery, No. 4, Knights Templar. Election of officers on Goo, Friday. Officers for 1875-6: J W Finch, E C; G T Ketchum, Gen; F Hart, C G; M R St J Dillon Lee, P; Wm E Jewett, S W; HA Colvin, J W; R A Bury, Treas; O Lamb, Recorder; J A Merritt, St B; J C Cummins, S B; D T Anderson, W; A W Aldrich, 1 G; D W Barnum, 2 G; J McKeehan, 3 G; C M Heath, Sen. Regular Conclaves are held in Masonic Temple on Friday succeeding the full moon in each month. D-IRECTOR Y CO.'S 49 Adrian Council, No 18,R & SM. Officers for 1876:), T I G M; W E Jewett, R I G M; J S Yandergrift, P C W; J L Knapp, C G; A Wheeler, Recorder; D W Barnum, Treas; H A Kingman, Stewart. Regular Convocations are held in Masonic Temple on Thursday succeeding the full moon in each month. Adrian Lodge, No 19, F & A M. Officers for 1876: J W Finch, W M; H A Colvin, S W; L T Lochner, J W"; E I.Waidhy, Treas;ý A Wheeler, Sec'y*; F Teachont, S D; J G Wells, J D; L Semke, J Hulburt, Stewards; C M Heath, Tiler. Conference Committee-E I Waldby, A H Wood, W HCieve-~ land. Regular communications are held in Masonic Temple on Wednesday evenings on or preceding the full of the moon in each month. Greenly Lodge, No 103, F & A M. Officers for 1876: F Hart, W M; W Stearns, S W; E Mi Baker, J W; N' Herrman. Treas; H Loo,,mis, Sec'y; J MicKehan, S D;- S B Eves, J D; J Cormsdorf, Steward; J C Parker, Stewards; C M Heath, Tiler; Conference Committee-N ileerman, W Stearns, S B Eves. Regular communications are held in Masonic Temple on Monday evenings, on or preceding the full of the moon in' each month. Temple Lodge, No 168, F & A M. Officers for 1876: W M, A M Knapp; S W, J F E~ irnball; J W, A Wilson; Treas, Win. W. Dutton; Sec, R Kimball; S D, T Nesbit; J D, J Somerville, Stewarts,. JThomison, N Peterson; Tiler, C M Heath. Conference comruittee, S B Smith, H H Wilcox, W W Luck. Regular com.munications are held in Masonic Temple on Tuesday evenings on or preceding the full moon in each month. St. John's Lodge, No. 7, (colored,) meet in their hall over J Cross' store, East Maumee st, Monday on or before the full mnoon of each month. Officers: W M;, A W Harrison; S W, W M Jones; J W, Josiah Henson; Treas, Nathan Yancey; Sec, Rob't Wilson; Stewarts, John Cameron; Chaplain, John Henry Tiler Levi Colemau. ODD FELLOWS-Adrian Lodge No. 8 meets every Monday nioht. Officers: N G, Walter S Gardner; Y G, A B Elwood, R S, R J King; Representative to Grand.Lodge, G W Westerman. Lenawee Encampment No 4, meets the second and fourth Frid.ay's of each month.. Officers: Chief Patr~iarch, Thos Wilkinson;- High Priest, Walter S Gardner; Senior Warden, J W Pennmock; Scribe, ID S Kimball; Treasurer., A S Angevine; Junior Warden, J Q Adams. G. B. McELROY, D. D., PRESIDENT, And Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. A. H. LOWRIE, M. A03 Professor qf Political Science and English Literature. D. S. STEPHENS, M. A., Professor of Logio and Rhetoric. I. W. McKEEVER, M. A., Professor of Natural Science and Theology. M. L. JENNINGS, M. A., Professor of Greek, Latin and Hebrew. B. H. RUPP, Professor of Instrumental Music and Musical Compositiondi MARTHA SINCL AIR, Principal of the Ladies' Department and leacher of Trenchd EVA QUAIFFE, Teacher of Vocal Music. F. W. DENISON, B. A., Instructor in Latin and Greek. G6 C. SMITH, F. W. DENISON, Tutors. A. H. LOWRIE, Librarian, DIRECTORY CO.'S ADRlNCITY DIRE O1 RI. ----o ABBREVIATIONS. ab..................................................... above tr....................................................... ear al................................................ alley n s............................................... north side ave................................................. avenue n w cor................................northwest corner bds................................................ boards ies............................................... residence bet............................................ between opp........................................... opposite col'd.........................................colored s............................... south or south of cor.................................................. corner s e cor...............................southeast corner e..........................................ceast or east of s s...........................south side e s...............................................east side s w cor................................ southwest corner n................................... north or north of w...............................w........ w.estor west of n e cor.........................a... ortheast corner w s............................................west side GENERAL LIST OF NAMES. Abbott, Adrian 0., res w s Main and s Nelson. Acker, Fred., R. R. Man., res Front nr Railroad. Ackley, Chauncy B., notions, crockery, glass and tin ware, 100 S. Main, res 12 Broad. Ackley, Chen. W., tinner, C. B. Ackley, res 12 Broad. Ackley, Frank, C., manager Western Union Telegraph Co., over W. H. Stone, and Co.'s Bank, res 12 Chandler. Adams, Mrs. Delia, res 12 Chandler. Adams, Mrs. Francis H., res 59 S. Winter. Adams, Henry, harness maker, A. Grapner, res n s St. Joseph bet McKenzie and Grenley. Adams, Henry, wks Andrew Grabner, res St. Joseph. St. Adams, John Q., of Moulton & Adams, res s w cor Main and Hunt. Adams, Joseph H., harness maker, 109 S. Main res 80 S. Winter. Adrian Car & Manufacturing Co., Henry A. Angell, Benjamin F. Russell, proprietors, east end Michigan. Adrian City Brewery, Joseph Fischer, prop., res cor Railroad and Oak. Adrian Conservatory of Music, s s West Maumee w Park, J. M Thompson, Principal. Adrian Gas Light Co., 26 N. Winter, 3d door n Postoffice, W. S. C. Otis. President, John H. Webster, Sec. and Treas. 51 DIRECTORY CO.'S Adrian Journal, Weekly, Japheth Cross, publisher, 58 E.Maumee Adrian Press, daily and weekly, Wm. A. Whitney, publisher and proprietor, Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Winter. Adrian Savings Bank, s e cor Maumee and Winter, Wm. H. Rogers, Prest; Thos. J. Faxon, Vice Pres.; Heman Loomis, Treas. Acirian Times & Expositor, daily and weekly, Applegate & Fee, publishers, 65 E. Maumee. 2Etna Ins. Co., of Hartford, N. Geddes, Agent, over 1st National Bank. Agnes, James, laborer, res w s Bradly. Ahrens, Henry, barber, over 31 E. Maumee, res Chestnut. Aiken, Darwin E., 67 N. Main, res same. Albricht, Christ, laborer, res Hunt, nr Turners Hall. Albright, James, carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 130 E. Maumee. Alderman, Albert H., blacksmith, bds Luman A. Alderman. Alderman, Luman A., laboier, res n e cor Comstock & Railroad. Aldrich, Asa, carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Beecher, e Main. Aldrich, Asa W., of Mixer & Aldrich, res Berep -B Qth School. - /ct ( - Aldrich, Clark, fireman, bds Mrs. Plumb. -*, Aldrich, Ervin, carpenter, res n s Union, w State. Aldrich, F., carpenter, res e s Finch. Aldrich Fred., clerk, J. Warner, bds 90 S. Winter. Aldrich, Harley, sash and blind maker, res 79 S. Winter. Aldrich, James M., cabinet maker, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 90 S. Winter. Aldrich, Mrs. Lucina, res 61 Dennis. Aldrich, Stephen, cabinet maker, F. R. Stebbins, res 87 S Winter. Aldrich, Walter S., coach maker, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res es Tabor's Treat Road. Alexander & Brown, barbers, S. Main, nr Maumee. Alexander, James, (col'd), laborer, res e s Budlong bet Maumee and Railroad. Alexander, T. W., marble cutter, wks Simonds, res Erie. Alexander, Wm., wks Harrison & Perkins. Allen, A. Marvin, Physician and Surgeon, over 36 E. Maumee res s s Maumee, bet McKenzie and Park. Allen, E. M., clerk, Central Hotel. Allen, George N., painter, W. E. Kimball & Son, res 76 Dennis. Allen, Henry C., clerk, G. Bond, res 53 Church. Allen, Mrs. J. C., res 72 S. Winter. Alien, James K., laborer, res Division nr Erie. Allen, J. K., clerk, R. Gunsolus, res Dennis. Allen, J. K., clerk, Edwin Anglim, res Dennis. Allen, John B., mason, res 23 Merrick. Allen, John J., of Allen & Co., Central Hotel. Allen, Seymour, Vice Pres. Adrian Savings Bank, res Madison, Mich. ADP1IAN CYTY DIRECTORYB.2 r"O Allen, Smith, laborer, res s w cor Chandler. Alihouse, Mary and Julia, dressmakers, Wells Bik, res same. Alli'S, Geo. R., County Treas., res W. Mixer. Allis, Mrs. Sarah J., res w s Mixer, bet Ma.umee and College ave. Alvord, James S.., foremnan, W, E.- Kimball & Son, res 25 5. Main. Alvort, Miss Julia, teacher, bds 42 Dennis. Alvort, Samiuel T., carpenter, res 42 Dennis. Ambecker, Gottlieb, carpenter, res s e cor ElEm and Railroad. Amneigh, John E., boot and shoe maker, s s Maum~ee, opp Gibson llouse, res 16 Chandler. Anderson, * Daniel T.., bricklayer, res 59 Dennis. Anderson, James H., mason, res Mrs. S. M. Anderson. Anderson, J. W., brakeman, res W. S. Finch, bet Hunt and Chestnut. Andetson, Joseph W., mason, res 47 Dennis. Anderson, Sidney, shoemaker, res s s Henry, bet Broad and Locust. Anderson, Mrs. S. M., res s s Winter, n Beecher. Anderson, Thomas, laborer, res 11 E. Maumnee. Anderson, Thos, Sr., laborer, res Budlong, bet Railroad and Maumee. Anderson, W. S&, helper, L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds btw Beecher and Railroad. Andrews & Todd, Phy~icians and Surgeons, over 43 E. Maumee. And rewsb Edwin P., of A, & Todd, res s e cor Winter and Dallis. Andrews, Frank E., student, Andrews & Todd, res 55 5. Winter. Andrews, James, boot -and shoe maker, Chas. A. Chaloner, res 36 W. Maumee w Chandler. Andrews, John S., cutter, W. H. Cook, res w s Broad bet Maumee and Toledo. Andrews, Justus, farmer, res n s Michigan ave e Scott. Angell, A. S. res 12-6 R. Maumee. Angell, David E., foreman blacksmith shop, res n e cor Church an(! Park Lane, Angell, Fred B.,.Aerchant Tailor and Clothier, 33 E. Maumee, res 41 Toledo cor Centre.Angell, Henry A., res 113 E.' Maumee. Angell, Stephen H., Asst. Chief Fire Department, res 116 E,. Maumee, Angell, Valenitine, laborer, res 27 Erie. Angevine, Allen S., Carpenter, res 51 5. Main. Anglim, Edwin, Saloon & Billiards, 94 5. Main, res same.,Anthony, Charles A., brass finisher, Ills. Man'f'g. Co., bds 5 Frank.. Anthony, Mrs. Esther T., res 5 Frank. Antohny, John B,., res S. Main. Applegate & Fee, Publishers Adrian Times, and Expositor, daily Iand weekly, 65 E. Maumee. Applegate. T. S,, of A. & Fee, res e s Park bet Maumee and College av. Appel ton, George, printer, res s s Coit, w McKenzie. Arlhher, Alvis, carpenter,'L. S. & M. S. R. R, res cor Croswell and Railroad'. I DIREcCo1 Y CO/S Armstrong, Ephraim R.. carpenter, res 13 N. Winter. Armstrong, Henry H., painter, res 12 N. Winter. Arnold, Casper, of Wagner & Arnold, res s e cor McVicker and Church. Arnold, William, night watch, res s a Toledo e Tecunmseh. Ashling, Arthur H., tinner, res s w cor Chestnut and Comstock. Atherton, Chas W, sash and blind maker, bds Cole blk. Atwell, Mrs. Lou, wks W. F. Ayers & Co., res Butler, nr Winter. Auchampaugh, J. J., of J. J. & L. A., bds 42 S. Winter cor Church. Auchampaugh, J. J. & L., dry goods, n e cor laaumee and Main. Auchampaugh, Levi, of J. J. & I A., res 12 S. Main, opp Winter. August, Coch, wks wood train, res 16 Erie. Austin, George D., of A. Treat & Goodsell, res 12 Chandler. Austin, Treat & Goodsell, Sash, Doors and Blinds, foot of Church. Austin, Orlando, fireman, W.E.Kimball & Son, res n s Beecher w Main Avery, Frederick, conductor, res 21 State. Ayers, Geo. W.,student, Dr. I, F. Dodge, res same, Ayers, W. F. & Co., Wholesale Millinery, 71 and 73 Maumee. Ayers, Wmi. F., of W. F. Ayers & Co., res 23 Church, bet State and Dennis. Aylesworth, Elmer, clerk, Metcalf, res cor Railroad and Henry.:B Babcock, E. G., agent, Victor sewing machine, over 81 N. Main, res Budlong n Maumee. Babcock, P., res 24 S. Main., Babcock, Sylvester P., Man'f'g. Sewing Machine attachment, 24 S. Main, res S. Main. Babcock, Warner, res w s Budlong, 3 d s Railroad. Bachelter, Darius C., carpenter, res s e cor College a~e and Scott. Bachman, George L., Attorney of Law, over 51 E. Maumee, res n w cor College ave and Chandler. Bachman, Peter H., earpenter, res s College ave e McKenzie. Bachtell & Todd, Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, 25 N. Winter. Backus, Clark B., Justice of the Peace, 51 E. Maumee, res 8 Broad. Bailey, Hiram, carpenter, res 6 Cross. Bailey, James H., laborer, res w s Treat Road. Bailey, Mark A., carpenter, res w s Treat Road. Bailey, Samuel H., shoemaker, res w a Division, bet Berry and Beecher. Baird, Marcus D., clerk, Thomas Eason & Son, res s e cor Main and Front. Baker & Hart, proprietors of Adrian Bottling Works, foot Pearl. Baker, Andrew, painter, res Seeley, bet Broad and Main. Baker, Cheselton, conductor, res 7 Division. Baker, C. W., cabinet maker, res cor Beecher and Main. ADR IAN CCITY DIR ECOTORT. b4 Baker, Delos X., lumber dealer,, s e, cor Michigan and Division, res 9 Toledo. Baker, Edward, cheese manufacturer, res, 34 Dennis., Baker,. Edwin L.,. of Rufus Baker & Co.,, res 37 Dennis. Baker, Joseph,, W., cabinet maker, W. E. Kimball & Son; bds 42 Erie. Baker. Joseph, wks L. S. & M. S. RI. R.., res Erie, nr. Centre. Baker, Mrs. L. A., rc s Seeley,.. n Lfc, Baker, Lawrence, carpenter, res n e cor Chestnut and Elm. Baker, L., wks Charles Meyer,. res Butler, bet Hunt and Seely. Baker, Rienzi H., Asst. Postmaster, res 7 State. Baker, Rufus, of Rufus Baker &,Co,, res Fairfield, Mich. Baker, Rufus & Co., mianufacturers and wholesale dealers in factory cheese, Maiden Lane, bet Main and Winter., Baker., V. A., Physiclian, 21 Maumnee, res cor W. Broadway and Iroiedo. Baily, P., brakemnan, res w s. Treat Road., -Ballenberger, George, laborer, res 12, Frank, Ballenberger, John, marble polisher, res 15 ComstockBaragar, John, grocer, res, a e cor Railroad and Winter., Baragar, Ira R., clerk U. S. Ex. Co.,. bds -n e, cor Railroad and Winter, Barber, Mrs. A. L., res s s Railroad w Winter. Barber,. Edward A., silverplater, 67 N. Maumee, res 33 College ave., Barke~r, Charles F., book~keeper, res -e s Allis h Merrick. Barley. Martin, laborer, res s s Railroad., bet McKenzie and River., Barlow, A. B., patent right dealer, res 37 Broad. Barnaby, Frank, clerk, Wing & Major, bds Butler. Barnes, Cha~rles, brakesman, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Dr. Tomkins. Barnes,, Luke P..,. carpenter,. L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s. Seeley e Broad. Ba~rnes, Henry T., sawyer, Comstock Bros., res Dennis s Beecher. Barnum, Delos W., watchmaker and jeweler, 29 E. Maumee, bds Lawrence, Hotel. Barnum, Miss Jennie L., res s w cor Broad and Toledo. Barnum., Mrs. Mary P., res s w cor Broad and Toledo. Baroch, Mathiss, clerk, John B. Cook & Co., res 90 Frank. Baroch,, Joseph,, laborer. res n s, Frank e MeVicker. Jodn Barrett, Lawrence W., silverplater, res S. Main 2 doors nJodn Barrick, David. C., of Stafford & B., bds 29 State. Barorws, Patrick J., carpenter, res w s Springbrook ave bet Railroad and River. Barse, J. Fred.,. of Barse & King, bds 7 Front. Barse & King, boots and shoes, 38 E. Maumee. Barse, Mrs. Rebecca, res 7 Front. Barsh, Adam, laborer, res Elm.. Bartlett, A. G.. glass enDgraver, Illinois Manufacturing Co., bds- Cornstock. Bartlett, Samuel, carpenter, res St. Joseph bet McKenzie and Greenly. 5 )IIrECTORllY C0.'S Bartley, Edward, laborer, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Erie. Bartley, James W., bookbinder, res 20 N. Main. Barumgartan, Louis, res Butler. Bate, Richard L., Hardware, stoves, tinware, crockery, glassware, pumps, &c., 95 S. Main, res 17 Butler. 3Bateman, Mrs. Alfred, res 14 Front, Bateman, Mark, res 33 Butler. Bateman, M. & Co., wholesale wines and liquors, 94 N. Main, Baumgarten, John, wks for Herman & May, res Butler. Baut, Andrew, carpenter and joiner, res cor Finch and Toledo. Bawer, Anton, laborer, res n s Frank e Centre. Baxter, Francis) carpenter, res e s Greenly n Maumee. Baxter, John, laborer, res e s Bradish s Beecher. Bay, Daniel, tailor, res n s Erie w Centre, Bay, Fred, cabinet maker, W. E. Kimball & Son, bds Daniel Bay, Bay, Miss Lena, wks W. F. Ayers & Co,, res cor Erie and Centre. Bays, Miss Nellie, hair work manf'r, over 64 E. Maumee, res w 0 River n Greenly. Bays, Miss Sarah, hair dresser, bds W. Bays. Beach, I. Judson. carpenter, res 46 S. Main. Beach, J. W., carpenter and joiner, foot Pearl, res Maumee. Beach, Mrs. 0. 0., dress and cloak maker, 39 E. Maumee, res same. Beach, Mrs. J. W., dress and cloak making, 9 Maumee. Beach, William, carpenter, res cor Maumee. Beacher, Miss I., teacher, res. Maumee. Beacher, Wm., res cor Scott and Maumee. Beals & Colvin, grocers, 97 S. Main. Beals, Kelly S., of B. & Colvin, res 22 W. Maumee w Church. Bean & Hadle.,: Attys-at-law, 4 Underwood blk. Bean, M., laborer, res Main nr Brewery. Bean, S., of B. & Hadley, res cor Main and Merrick. Beaman. Hon. Fernando C., Probate Judge and President First National Bank, office n w cor Main and Front, res 7 State. Beard, M., Brewer, res Main. Beard, R., res Ormsby. Beck, Henry, cabinet maker, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 18 Toledo e Tecumseh. Beck, Leonard, foreman, J. C. Kaumeier, res n s Front e Finch. Becker, Joseph, laborer, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 42 Erie. Beebe, Solomon, carpenter, res 34 Dennis. Begel, John, of Ulrich & B., res s s Maumee, bet Tecjumseh and McVicker. Behen, Michael J., clerk D. Mulligan, res 11 N. Main. Behklau, Martin. carpenter, cor Tecumseh and Toledo. Behringer, Christian, mason, bds 23 Railroad. Behringer John, mason, bds 23 Railroad. Belknap, Mrs. Hosea, res Conger blk. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTOR Y. 56 Belknap, Miss Mary B., res 19 Dennis. 4 Bell, William, engineer, res n s Hunt. Bemis, Mrs. Clarissa, res s e cor Bristol and Locust. Bemis, Isaac S., pattern maker, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 50 Church. Bendel. August, artist, Seeley nr Broad, res same. Benedict, D., Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods, 27 E. Maumee res 24 W. Maumee. Benedict, Julius, dealer in furs, oven 32 E. Maumee, res 37 S. Main. Benedict, Oscar, clothier, Maumee St., res 37 S. Main. Benjamin, Mrs. Margaret, res s s Butler, bet Main aud Winter. Bennerman, James, blacksmith, Maumee, nr Bridge. Bennett, Alanson, Att'y at Law, 3 Underwood blk, bds Maumee. Bennett, Benjamin H., res s s Maumee e McKenzie. Bennett, Charles J., carpenter, shop s s Chestnut, bet Main and Broad, res 7 Chestnut. Bennett, Clarence E., hats, caps and furs, 40 E. Maumee, res 26 Toledo, cor Locust. Bennett, Miss D. M., res 6 S. Main. Bennett, Frank, printer, Times office, bds 32 Pearl. Bennett, Joseph R., of J. R. Bennett & Co., res 10 S. Main. Bennett, J. R. & Co., wholesale and retail druggists and grocers, 38 E. Maumee. Benson, Charles R., carpenter, res s s Erie bet Tecumseh and McVicker. Benson & Mumford, prop's of Adrian Flouring Mills, Seeley. Benson, William, of Benson & Mumford, res s s Mich. ave bet Park and McKenzie. Berchner, Fred, clerk, James A Eaton. Berdy, Robert, carpenter, res cor Erie and Butler. Berry, Ambrose S., Real Estate dealer, 43 E. Maumee, res s w cor Church and Division. Berry, James, Lumber and Real Estate dealer, Pearl nr Winter, res n w cor College ave and McKenzie. Best, R. E., painter, bds 8 Michigan. Betts, Charles L., tinner, Ills. Manf. Co., res cor Dennis and State. Betts, J. M., carpenter, res cor Greenly and McKenzie. Betz, George, grocer, s s Erie, e Centre, res same. Betz, Jacob, laborer, res n s Frank w Tecumseh. Beutel, John, painter, L. S. & M.S. R. R., res Michigan. Bichner, Fred, clerk, James A. Eaton, res 27 Erie. Bichner, John, machinist, Farrar & Co., res 27 Erie. Bichner, Wm., boiler maker, J. Farrar & Co., res Seeley, bet Broad and Main. Biddle, John, switchman, res 93 Church. Bidelman, Robert, of Reed, Bidelman & Co., res Broad. Bidwell, Charles, clerk, C. B. Ackley, s w cor Maumee and Broad. Bidwell, George C., bds G. L. Bidwell. 57 -D~CIRECTORY CO.'S Biggin, John, laborer, res n s Company, bet Greenly and MeKenzie. Billmyre, H. F., traveling agt., Sidney M. Constantine. Bird, Grant L., mason, res 32 Pearl. Bird, Isaac, carpenter, res e s Tabor s Treat Road. Bird, Perry G., with Cotley, res Pearl. Birdy, Robert, carpenter, res s s Toledo. Bisbee, W. A., builder, res 18 Merrick. Bisbee, W. A., cabinet maker, Flat-iron Park, res 18 State. Bisheld, Antoine, carpenter, cor Elm & Hunt. Biswauger, Mrs. Chris., res s s Butler, bet Croswell and Elm. Bixby, Mrs. A. F., res s s Maumee, bet McKenzie and Scott. Bixby, Mrs. David, res 3 State. Blackstone, Clarence, wks Comstock Bro's., bds Railroad, bet Sumner and Greenly. Blackstone, D. L., salesman, Comestock Bro's, res Railroad, bet Sumner and Greenly. Blake, Alonza L., harness maker, J. H. Adams, res 56 N. Main. Blake, Mrs. Thomas H., dress maker, res w s State n Beecher. Blake, Win., bds Mrs. Plumbs. Blake, William H., fireman, bds T. H. Blake. Blain, Joseph H., book keeper, car department L. S. & M. S. R. R.. res 89 S. Winter. Bliss, Almond L.,,Real Estate Broker, Insurance Agent, Abstract of Titles, &c., s w cor Main and Railroad, res 36 Front, e Broad. Blossom, Andrew, blacksmith, res Merrick, cor Olivor. Blossom, Dwight L., Messenger Western Union Telegraph Co., res s s Butler w Locust. Blossom, Mrs. Harriet, res as Butler w Locust. Blossom, Sylvester, moulder, res Michigan ave cor Allison. Blum, Charles, ropemaker, res n w cor Maumee and McVicker. Bochman, Geo., bds Mrs. Wm. Landis. Boden, William F., blacksmith, cor Maumee and Ann. Boesch, Geo., wks Herrman & May, res 61 Broad. Bohn, Charles, laborer, res n w cor Iailroad and Croswell. Bois, Han. J. K., of Mich, State Ins. Co., res Hudson. Bolson, Mrs. Barbara, res n s Roilroad e Croswell. Bonner, Richard I., Editor and Business Manager Daily Press Office, res cor Railroad and Broad. Bond, G. W., Agricultural Implements, 10 Maumee, res 57 S. Winter. Boone, Daniel, cabinet maker, res 19 Frank, cor Locust. Boorheis, John B., res Seeley, nr Clinton. Bordine, Eva, wks Mrs. G. F. Fish, res Maumee. Boss, Christ, laborer, res s s Chestnut, e Elm. Bossinger, John, engineer, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Toledo, end of Ormsby. Botsch, Andrew, laborer, res s e cor Front and Elm. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 58 Botsford, Clarence E., hds Botsford's Hotel. Botsford's Hotel, John G. Botsford, proprietor, n e -cor Michigan andl Tecumseh. Bouck, Andrew J., black~smith, res n s Bristol, bet Main and Broad. Bouck, Lam bert L., laborer, res n s Bristol, bet Main and Broad. Bowen, Mrs. Frances L., res u s Miceigan, bet Centre and, Tec~umseh., Bowen, Henry, res 40 Butler. Bower, Charles, wagon makoer, hds Mrs. W. Bower, Bower. John, laborer, bds Mrs. W. Bower. Bower, Mrs. Walburge, res n s Michigan, bet Ann and Sarah. Bowerfind, Charles, of B. & Wiessinger, res s s Maumee, bet Locust and Broad. ]3owerfind & Wiessinger, bakers and grocer, 111 S. Main. Bowerfind, Charles F. W., clerk, Crane & Mason, s s Maumee, bet Broad and Locust. Boyd, Robert W., meat market, 66 5. Main, res 41 Church, bet Win-. ter and College ave. Brach, Oliver, Carpenter, res 20 Merrick. Bradford, Chiarles, wks L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 79 S. Winter..Bradish, Mrs. Rachael, res n s Beecher s Main. Bradley, Horace B., printer, bds 8 Dennis. Bradley, Robert HI., clerk J. R. Bennett & Co., res 16 Dennis. Bradley, Robert J., Chief fire department, res 8 Dennis. Brainard, Francis A., carpenter, res w s Park n Michigan ave. Brainard, James M., carpenter, res w s Park n Michigan ave. Brainard, Je-fferson F., carpenter,'res s s College aye, e McKenzie. -Branagan, Mrs. Bridget,. res n s Michigan e Division. Bray, C. Ed,., res 16 Dennis. Bray, Francis 0., master car builder, res 16 Dennis. Breed., R. H., Gen'l Agt., with Great Western Copying Co. Breedon, John, machinist, res MoCuilum. Breedon,. William, hielper L. S. & M. S. R. R.., res MeCullum. Brera, John, laborer, res n s Butler, nr Elm. Bremnan, S., clerk, J. V. DeFoe, res.58 Front. Breunig, Adolph, car builder, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Railroad. Briggs, George L., teamster., res e s Scott s Maumnee. Briggs M~ss Lucy, res e s Scott, s Maumee. Briggs., Mrs. Jennie, res S. Bayles. Brockway, Charles C., carpenter, bds C. Drury, 8 Michigan. Brohi, George, brass finisher, res w s El m u Railroad. Brooks, 'Martin, machinist res Toledo. Brossean, George A., car repairer L. S. & M. S. R. R.,, res s s Treat bet James and Oak. Brower, Garrett H., meat market, 91 N. Main, res 20 Butler, Brown, Chas., News Depot, Conger blk., bds Mrs. Redflelds. Brown, Fernando, spinner, Ill. Man'f'g. Co., res ur ccr Butler and Elmn Bri)wn, Henry L., res,24 Deftnis. 59 A.DRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. Brown, John E., machinist, L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds Fred. Brown. Brown, John S., meat market, 90 N. Main, res n w cor Division and Michigan. Brown, Martin, farmer, res Budlong, nr Manimee. Brown, Morris, (colored) laborer, Chestnut st. Brown, Mrs. Christiana, res Buller, nr Elm. Brown, Oliver P., carpenter, res n e cor Division and Michigan. Brown, William L., res 35 Butler. Brozee, J. L., Assistant Local Ed., Times Expositor, bds cor Church and Winter. Bruce, George, res s s junction of Main with Winter. Bruce, Geerge H., of Corlin & B., res Chicago, Ills. Bruce, Willfam W., of Lenawee County Savings Bank, res 21 Dennis. Bruhns, Fred., laborer, res s w cor Railroad and Croswell. Buchner, Mrs. Catharine, res 27 Erie. Buchner, William, boiler maker, res 27 Erie. Buck, Charles H., carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 31 Fropt./Buck, Eddie, bell boy,. -4 g -.- *.. Buck, Frederick J., compositor Press Office, res Chandler nr College av. Buck, Ira, res 18 Toledo. Buck, Joseph, shoemaker, (Schneider & Langohr, res 14 Bristol. Buck, Rosa, servant, C. P. Nash. Buckel, Ernst, carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s e cor Butler and Elm. Buckel, G., Groceries and Provisions, 82 E. Maumee, e Tecumseh, res same. Buckingham, Lem, hemp maker, res Mich. st. Burch, Charles H., mason, res n s Coit e Scott. Burger, Andrew, confectioner, res 4 Finch. Burger, Carl, Traveling AgL., Sidney M. Constantine. Burger, George C., carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s e cor Hunt and Locust. Burkerd, Fredeick, laborer, L. S. & M. S., res n s Railroad, e Croswell. Burlingame, A. Smith, blacksmith, res 12 N. Winter. Burmeister, John, laborer, res e s Elm, nr Bristol. Burnham, E. M., res s s Michigan ave w Park. Burnham, Hazard J., farmer, res s w cor Railroad and Springbrook ave. Burnham, Parker H., of Powers & B., res s s Michigan ave, opp Park. Burns, James, laborer, n s Henry e Elm. Burns, Miss Katie, tailoress, T. Horan, res n s Henry e Elm. Burns, Miss Sarah, res 11 St. Joseph. Burr, Lonson R., carpenter, res 18 W. Maumee. Burrows, Mrs. Clara, dressmaker, over 157 Maumee, res same. Burrows, John, brass finisher, res e s Tabor, bet Treat and Beecher. Burton, H. C., painter, C. L. West, bds Gibson House. DIRECTOR~r~'~~ Y CO."S 60 B~arton, Le W., barber shop, 36 E. Maumee, res 74 Winter. Bury, Richard A., lumber agent, L. S. & M. S. R. R., office s e cor Michigan and Division, reg 5 Division. Butler, Albert, drayman, res s s Cross, bet Main and Winter,. Butler, John, laborer, res Locust, nr Ct~est-nut. Bury, F. C,,, book keeper, Ui. S. Exp. Co., bds 9 Division. 0 Cach, August, works road train, res 16 Erie.. Cadoo, Mrs. Robert, res, 45 Dennis. Cahoon, Charles, blacksmith, res cor Church and Sarah. Cahoon, William, res, cor Locust and Seeley. Cain, Martin, laborer, res s e car State and Summit. Caidwell.,Alex. G., of Hayden & Co., bds City Hotel. Calkins, James El,'res 46 Dennis. Callahan, Ella, works J. V. Defoe, res Erie st, Calanda, M., mason, res cor Elm and Hunt. Callahan, Mrs. Bridget, res n s Erie w Centre. Callahan, John, blacksmith, L. S. & M. S. R, H., res Erie ur Centre. Callahan, Joseph, cigar maker, bds T. Callahan. Callahan. Miss Kittie, clerk J, J.. & L. Auchampaugh, res n s Erie W Centre. Callahaný, Terrence, laborer. n s Company w Greenly. Cambtirn, Almon, carpenter, res s w cor Chestnut and Locust. Camburn, Flora, work.s. Mrs. G-, E. Fish, res cor Chestnut and Locust. Camburn, J. clerks O.Benedicts. Camburn., Harmon., postal clerk, res e s Division s Logan. Camburn, Ira, laborer, res n s St. Joseph, bet Greenly and McKenzie. Cambiirn, Thomas E., teacher, res e s Grand s Camburn.. Campbell, Mrs. John D., res s w corner Maumee and Broad.. Campsie., John, engin-er, res -e s McKenzie, bet College av and Maumee Canisie Roer igh pressman Datily Press Office, res s s Jordaa, Lane. Campsie, Thomas, carpenter, res e s Bradish s Beecher.. Campsie, Thom~asý Jr., R. R, shops, bds e s Bradish s Beecher. Care, Austin, retired from business, res 29 W. Maumee, Carey, Tlhomas D., helper L. S. & M. S. R.. R. Carey, Matth-ew, paiister, L. IS. & M. B. R. R., res e s State, south city limits. Carey, Michael, painter, L S. & M. S. PL R., res State nr city limits, Carey, William, laborer, L. S. & M. S. R. iR., res State nr city limnits, C-arey William S., dry goods, 51 E. Maumee, res 25 Broad. Carl, Albert, blacksmith, Smith & Rapp, res 32 5. Main. Carner, W. W., tinner, L. S.- & M. S. R. R., res cor Railroad and Elm.. Carus, William, blacl:;smith, Smith & Rapp, res ur Railroad st. Carouth, Wilber,- hostler Gibsou House. tW4' DifPicOIt p cj rs Carpenter, Amasa,. wagon maker, res n s St. Joseph e MciKeuziiee Carpenter, Benjamin., carpenter, res s o College aye e McKenzie: Carpenter, J, R,, clerks S. B. Mannm Carr, Mrs. Eliza (colored,) pastoress Seco-nd M. E, Church, (coloredI) res n s Seeley e Main, Carr, Jamnes, brass finis5her, Ill. Manf, Co., res s s Jordan., bet Winter and Main. Carr, Samuel, brass finisher, 1ll. Manf., Co,, bds James Carr, Carroll, Aaron ID, res n s Jordan w Winter. Carter, Champ, (colored), laborer, res McKenzie. Carter, George,. works McKenZ~iee Carter, J. H., 25 Michigan ave. Cassady, James, ýforeman Wilcox Bro.-& Co,, res 10 Yin*ch. Cassidy, Michael, laborer, L. S, & M, S. R. R,, res e s Finchs Tet Catley, W. M., livery an d hack 'stable, S, Winter s Maunmee, res W intero bet Maumee and Church. Caulkins, George, tinner, res 22 W. Maumee. Caulkins, Jarvis, clerks Wilcox Bro. & Co~, res: s e co~r Maumee and Park. Cavender, John, eastern maeat market Main, res s s Merrick, 4th door w IN. Main. Ceutner, Frederick, painter, L. S. &. M. S.,ZR. R., res 144 E. Maumee, Central Hotel, J, J. Allen & Co., proprietors, e s Main, bet Maumnee and Church. Chaloner, Charles A., general. news agent, dealer in cigars and tobacco, boot and shoe manufacturer, 52 E. Maumee, res s s Michigan aye, bet Main and Allis.. Chamberlain & Reeves, flour and feed, Maunmee, opp. Fks9t Off-Ice. Chamberlain, Thomias, blacksmith, res w s Centre s e L-ogan. Chamberlin, Frank N., of C. & Reeves, res' Treat.. Champenois, Hiram, res 3 Clinton, bet Maumee~and Lroledo. Champenois, Lyman., teamnster, res n wv cor Winter and Beecher. Champion, William J., carpenter, L. S. & MI. S. R,. R., res a s Jordan Lane, bet Main and Winter. Ch~andler,' Mrs. Mary, res n s IAlaurnee w' Greenly. Chandler, Joseph N., res s w cor Chandler w M-aumee. Chantrey, Richard S., painter, L A.S, &rMI. SR. IR., res 20- Church. Chappel, Harry J., cabinet maker, L. S,. & M. S, ZR. R., res n a Union, Chappell, Albert J. sewingr machine agent, Yes sa s Seeley w M~ain., Chapin, Henry H., printer, res 72 Dennis Chapman, Len'awee, crarpenter, res s s Henry e Broad, Chapman, Merville L., joiner, res s s Seeley, bet Locust and Comstock...ý-!Charity, Miss Jessy, clerks Mrs. J. ID. Matthewlis & Co., res 99 S. MainU, Chase, A. T., tinner, res s s Hunt, bet Broad aud Main. Chase, Daniel H., carpenter, res Beecher nr Treat road,, Cheney, -Mrs. Jervis, bds n w cor Broad and Toledo. Childs, Harvey M.. res 8 Front. e Main, A DRIA N CrfY' DIREOPTORYr. f~~: Childs, H1erman, flarmer, 50 DennDis St. Childs, John A., shoemaker, E. E. Powers, bds Erie.ý Chisman, John, artist, 24 Erie sto Chittenden, Henry, of M. E. Chittenden & Co., res e s Division, bet Church & Frank. Chittenden, Mark E. & Co., wholesale oils and tobacco, 104 S. IVIylatinD. Chittenden, Mark E., of MA. E. & Co., re~ 4 Division, Chate, William K., city broker, res 3 Dennis. City Boarding House, Charles Cotton, proprietor, 51 N. Main. Cla~nton, William J., laborer, res s e cor Henry Locust. Clark, Bernhard, laborer, res n. s Michigan, bet Centre and Locust. Clark, Elihu L., President Lenawee County Savings Bank and Loan Office, over 42 E. Mau mee, res n e cor Maumee and Locust. Clark, Franklin, hackman, res 5 Merrick. Clark, Frederick, proprietor Railroad Eating House, L. S. & M S. passenger depot, res 'same. Clark. Gilbert, mason, res cor Railroad and Sumner. Clark, Joseph E., carpenter, rca e s Division, S. Logan. Clark, John RI., of Clark & Shuttuck, res Beecher, s w city limoits. Clark, Miss Lizzie A., dress making. re's n s Maumee, 3d dour w Greenly. Clark, M\1iss Jennie, dress maker, E. Maumee. Clark, Sanford, carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. B., res 25 Merrick. Clark, Mrs. Sarah, bds Mkhbigan nr depot. Clark & Shuttuck, wholesale dealers3 in factory cheese, w s Maumee st Clrison, Augustus. engineer, residence Bristol, bet Main and Broad,. Clay, Frank W., teller First Nat. Banjk and City Treasurer, res n W cor Maumee and Buciloiig. Clegg. John, works Robert Boyd. Clegg. Mrs. B., res s w cor Maumee aind Parkd Clegg,, Thomas, conductor, res Jordan Lane. Clmet Mrs. Alice, res 6 Dennis. Cletnent, Ebenezer, res 91 S. Winter, Clement, Ezra A., engineer, res6 Centre nr Toledo. Clement, John, clTerks McFarlane & Son, bds Mrs. A. Clement, 6, Den nis. Clement, Walter, gardener, res s s Cross, bet Main and Winter. Clenents, Peter, carpenter, res s s Beecher w Main, Cleveland, Charles M., clerks W. IT. Cleveland, rca 50 5. Main. Cleveland, Mrs. MA. (Mrs. J. D. Matthews & Co.,) bds 99 5. Main. Cleveland, Marvin, bds 99 5. Main. Cleveland, William H., grocer, 105 5. Main, rca 41 Church. Clever, Fred., works depot, res Croswell and Hunt,, Clizbe, Orsin, stone cutter, res Chandler nr College ave. Cobb, John C., res 5 Front. Cocker, Wihillia J., principal central school, res a a Church w Locust, 63 -3 DIRECTORY CO.,' Cochran, Miss Isabella, com positor, bds Win. Cochran. Cochran, Miss Maggie, music teacher, bds W. E. Cochran. Cochran, William E,, carpenter, res 32 n e cor Erie and Centre. Cohoon, Charles P., blacksmnith, res n s Church and Sarah. Colbath, Richard D., (M. Bateman & Co.,) n e Church w Winter. Colbath, Wint.,, farmer, w s Division, bet Berry and B~eecher. Cole, Edward A., painter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s s Maunmee w MeVicker. Cole, Hascall M., clerk Michigan State Ins. Co., res 23 Main. Cole, Hiram F, machinist, 30 Church, bet Main and Broad. Cole, Mrs. L. B., res 19 Merrick, Colegrove, W., works R. R. Co. shop, res 62 Front. C'oil, Mary, servant, Central Hotel. Collette, Mrs. A. C., res w s Chandler s Maumee. Collier, George S.., porter, res s e cor Church und Ann. Collin, A. J., laborer, res a s Carnburn. Collins, Andy, tailor, res w s Tecumnseh, bet -Frank and Erie. Collins, Mrs. Harriet, res s s Beecher w Main. Collins, John, Sr., res n. s Michigan w Centre. Collins, John, Jr., fireman, bds John Collins, Sr. Collins, Michael, cabinet maker, res n s Michigan w Centre, Colvin, Asa W., teamster'. res 9 Division. Colvin, Her-vey A., of Beaks and Colvin, res 5 Church, bet Division and Locust;. Colvin, Marvin, teamster, res n w cor Berry and State. Comsdovf, John, wall paper, 92 N. Main, res same. Comustock, Addison J.ý Job Printer, res Park st. Comstock Bros., sash, doors and blinds, and planing mill, e s DiA.4 vision s Michigan. Comstock Charles H., of Comstock Bros., and real estate, deat. er, office Division, bet Railroad and Michigan, res s w cor Dennis and Datias. Comstoc-,k, Edwin, meat market, fish, vegetables, &c., e s Main, 2d door s 1st Nat'l Bank, ].e5 32 Church, bet Main and Broad.. Corustock, Isaac D., of Comstock Bros., res s w cor Division an'~d Mich.' Comstock, ILauriiSWo, carpenter, res, n s Chest~nut e Finch. Comstock, Rev. D. W., res nr Lawrence farm, CornstLock, Warren M., farmer, res s w cor Hunt and Broad. Condit, B. F., brick tile and saw mill, w of McKenzie st, N. Railroad, res, Madison, Mich. Condit, H. D., attorney-at-law, res cor McKenzie and Company. Cone, Chatles MI., t-ompositor Daily Times Office, res n s Railroad, bet Comstock and Finch. Conger, Clarence G.. hrake-sman, res w s Comstock s Chestnut. Conger, John, earpe'it-er. contractor and builder, n s Pe-arl w Winter res 80 141 Maumee. Conger, Mrs. S. G., mil~linery and fancy goods, 80 E. Maumee, res same. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTOR Y. 64 Conklin, Charles A., art store and undertaker, 32 E. Maumee, res 70 S. Winter. Conkling, Henry C., county clerk's office, res w s Union, bet State and Dennis. - Conklin, John D,, clerks C. A. Conklin, res s s Michigan w Division. Conlis, B. F., commercial agent, res 9 N. Winter. Conlisk, Miss Amelia, dress maker, bds Mrs. M. Conlisk. Conlisk, Mrs. Maria, res s e corner Berry and State. Conlisk, Thomas, cigar manufacturer, 79 E. Maumee, res n e cor State and Berry. Conn, Flora, servant, Central House. Connelly, M., blacksmith, res 20 Erie. Connor, Gasper, works McKenzie's. res Frank, 3d door cor Sarah. Conrad, C. F. Jr,, grocer, s w cor Erie and Centre. Conrad, Christopher F., Sr., grocer, s w cor Erie and Centre, res same. Consaul, John, agent Singer sewing manhine, res e s Budlong n Maumee. Consaul, Lewis E., clerks McFarlane & Sons. Constantine, Louis, salesman, bds Sidney M. constantine. Oonstantine, Sidney XM., music and musical instruments, 72 E. Maumee, res 21 Clinton. Conway, Thomas, brass finisher, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n Erie w s Tecumseh. Cook, J. J.. compositor, Times office, bds 5 Jordan Lane. Cook, Hiram, blacksmith, res Main cor Henry. Cook, John B.,'of John B. Cook & Co., res 13 Toledo. Cook, John B. & Co., druggists and grocers, 2 N. Main. Cook, Harrison, farmer, res n e cor Front and Ormsby. Cook, Walter G., foreman, Comstock Bros., res Henry. Cook, William H., res n s Church w Winter. Cooper, William, track master, res 24 State. Cope, C. Benjamin, bricklayer, bds 34 Merrick. Cope, Benjamin, carpenter, Comstock Bros., res 34 Merrick.,, Cope, Edward B., mason, res s s Spring w Allis. Copsey, Robert, laborer, res n e cor Front and Clinton. Corbin & Bruce, general hardware, 106 S. Main. Corbin, William, res s w cor Front and Clinton. Corbus, Hosea J., track master, L. S. & M, S. R. R., office opp passenger depot, res 6 Church. Cordley, Prof. James. organ manufr., 47 Church. Cordley, Miss Minnie, portrait painter, res s s Church w Winter. Cordley, Wm. J., organ builder, res s s Church w Winter. Cornelius. Hiram, res n e cor Railroad and Locust. Cornelius, John M. boots and shoes, 59 E. Maumee, res 8 Dennis. Cornelius, C. S., with J. M. Cornelius, bds 7 Dennis. Cornelius, W. R., transfer pictures, headquarters 59 Maumee, res 8 Dennis. DIRECTORY CO.'S Cornell, David, bds with F. Cornell. Cornell, H-iram K., cabinet maker~, res n s Beecher w Main. Cornell, W. Frank, Novelty Works, res n w cor McK-enzie and. Burr. Cosgrove, Thomas, laborer, res n w cor Division and Berry. Costello, 'James, cabinet maker, res nr L. S. & M. S, RI R. Cotton, Charles, proprietor City Boarding House, 51 N. M~ain. Coulson, T. C., carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Michigan nr Tecumseh. Coulsoum, W. J., painter, C. L. West, res Greenley nr River. Couper, William, track master, L. S. & M. S. R. R., office opp passenger house, res e s State s Michigan. Coyle, John, Sr., plasterer, res w s Division s Berry. Coyle, Miss Minnie, dress and cloak making, cor- Winter and Maumee', res Division. Craft, Alm-on, clerk, McFarlane & Son. Craig, Peter, laborer,' (colored,) res Finch nr Chestnut. Craig, Stephen J., barber, wurks Roper's, res Finch. Cran-ipton, Francis, laborer, res e s Bradish s Beecher. Crarupton, Henry W., cabinet maker, res Budlong 4 doors n Maumee. Crane, Alfred, farmer, res n' s Michigan ave w Scott. Crane. Mrs A. S. res s w cor College ave and Scott. Crane, Calvin, res w s Locust, bet Maumee and Church. Crane, Edwin, of Crane & Mason, res 5 Front, bet M!-tin and Broad. Crane,' George, M., freight conductor, res 78 Church nr Locust. Crane & Mason, druggists and grocers, n w cor Maumnee and Main. Crane, Nathan S., confectionery and billiards, 62 E. Maumee, res 12 State, bet Church and Michigan. Crane, William H., clerk, Mixer & Aldrich, rooms n s Church w Locust. Crane, William C., clerks J. H. Kennedy. Craumer, William, farmer, res e s Elm s Mulberry. Crego, George, bu~tcher, res e s Main n Seeley. Cregel, C. J., laborer, res 11 IN. Winter. Critchell, Charles, engineer, Harrison & Perkins, bds cor Main and Church. Critchell, Seymour P., painter, res 31 College ave. Critchell, William, works Ackley, res 22 College ave w Park. Crittenden, Abram, res 5 State. Crittenden Emmett P., works Smith & Jewell, res Mich. nr Merrick. Crone, Adam, blacksmith, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s e cor Toledo and Tecumseh.,Crook, C. D., retired from business, res 26 Dennis. Cross, James E., res 2 State. Cross, Japheth, pub. Adrian Journal, (weekly) and dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry and musical instruments, 58 E. Maumee, res 28 Church. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 66 66; Cross, Julius C. jeweler J. Cross, bds 28 Church. Cross, A. J., watchmaker, engraver and salesman J. Cross. Croswell', Hon. Charles M., atterney-at-law, over 1st Nat'l B'k, res 28 Broad. nut and Bristol. Crowell, Richard, potash maker Moulton & Adams, res w s Main, bet Chestnut and Bristol. Crowell, Scott, conductor, res &~ Chestnut. Crowley, P. laborer, res Railroad nr Croswell. Culver, Mrs. Jane, dress maker, s w cor Maumnee and Winter, res n s Maumee e Main. Culver, Oliver, res over 68 Maumee. Culver, Edward, carpenter, res High. Culver, Walter, fruit grower, res w s Main s Beecher. Cunningham, Benjamin F., Jr., brakeman, bds s e cor Treat and Tabor. Cunningbani, Benjamin F., Sr., res s e cor Treat and Tabor. Curran, Andrew, machinist, L. S. & Ml. S. R. R., res s s Frank w Mc. SVicker. Curtis, B. F., salesman, Comstock Bros., res 9 N. Winter. Curtis, Mrs. E. M., res 22 State. CurtiF, James E., Supt. Michigan Division L. S. & M. S. R~. R., res s e icor Broad snd Butler. Curtis, George F., carpenter, re's e s Centre and Logan. Curtis, Philernan, brakeman, res s Tabor nr Logan. Cutter, William H., traveling agent, res 69 5, Winter. _D Dailey, Clark, conductor, res s s Henry e Broad. Daily, Owen, works S. IE. Southland, bds 63 Dennis. Dalton, Miss Clara L., cashier Ira A. Metcalf & Co., bds n w cor Dennis and Michigan, 1. L. Hayword's. Daman, Allison, pattern maker A. C. King, res s s Norton w Greenly. Damon, L. R., clerks Win. Ayres. Darnton, Mrs. Mary, res n s Railroad e Addison. Davis, Frank, brakeman L. S. & M. S. R. R., res cor Main and ChestDavis, I., gardener, res w s Springbrook aye, nr Railroad. Davis, Isaac U., telegraph builder, res w s James s Treat Road. Davis Jasper M., clerk, res 12 Merrick. Davis, Mrs. Julia, res s w cor Maumnee-and Madison. Davis, Parley S., clerks James A. Eaton. Davis, Thomas, farmer, res w s Springbrook aye, nr Railroad. Davis, Thomas J., foreman tin shoD L. S. &M. S. R. R., res 28 5. Main. Davis, Thomas W., building mover and cistern -maker, res n e cor Maumee and Clinton. Davison. Lyman, carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res w s Finch s Butler. 67 ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. Dawes, Anson B., conductor, bds Mrs. Mary Dawes. Dawes, Charles M., raw and roasted peanuts, 46 E. Maumee, res 12 Hunt. Dawes, Mrs. Mary, res 12 Hunt. Day, Oliver C., of S. E. Hart & Co., res Kansas City, Mo. Dean, Artemas J., res 18 Dennis. Dean, Charles, (colored,) laborer, res w.s Winter, bet Railroad and Maumee. Decker, Clark W., joiner, res 13 Butler. Decker, John, shoemaker, res n s Seeley, bet Main and Broad. Deeg, J. William, carriage maker, res 14 St. Joseph. DeFoe, James V., dry goods and carpets, 25 E. Maumee, res 22 Dennis. Deegen, Miss Libbie, works W. F. Ayres & Co., res Henry nr Broad. Degan, Patrick, laborer, res cor Michigan and Locust. Deibele, Augustus, wagon manufacturer, n e cor Main aa*d Railroad, res 18 Chestnut. Deitz, John, teamster A. Stevenson & Son, res Michigan nr Division, Deming, Willis P., blacksmith, res 14 Church. Dening, H. L., laborer, res Budlong, e s 4th door s Railroad. Denninger, Augusta, servant Central Hotel. Denninger, John G., principal German Lutheran school, res n s Frank, bet Centre and Locust. Dennison, Orin D., drayman, res 33 State s Michigan. DePuy, A. J., carpenter, bds cor Mixer and Maumee. DePuy, John W., salesman Francis Voorhees, res 9 Railroad; Dettmar, B., laborer, res end of Butler. Dettmar, William, night clerk Lawrence Hotel. Dewey, Fitch, stave dealer, res 16 State. Diber, John, laborer, res Bristol, bet Elm and Croswell. Dickinson, Henry, laborer, res Michigan nr depot. Diecbere, August, wagon maker, res Chestnut. Diehl, Rosa, works Powers & Burnham, res Winter. Digan, Mrs. Mary, res 2 Henry. Digan, Patrick, laborer, res n e cor Michigan and Locust. Dillon, Anna, tailoress Powers & Buchanan, res cor Toledo and Centre. Dillon Lee, Rev. V. R. St. Jas., rector Christ Church, res 7 Broad. Dise, Ankory, res w s Elm and ss sMulberry. Doan,,cf hSm; ercial agent, res s Dean. Doan, Henry F., salesman W. S. Carey, res 19 W. Maumee. Doan, William, blacksmith, n e cor Main and Railroad, res Chestnut e. Broad. Dodge John, of J. Farrer, & Co., res 9 Union, bet State and Dennis, Dodge, Mrs. S. B., res cor Cherry and River. Dodge, Thomas F.,, Eclectic Physician, 57 N. Main, res same. DIRECTORY CO.'s Doecks, Adolph, confectionery, ice cream and soda water, 110 S. Main, res same. Donaldson, T., fef reotyper, bds cor Church and Broad. Donaldson, Miss Leonett, res s s Butler w Croswell. Donaly, James, laborer, res s s Butler w Croswell. Dunally, Mrs. Margaret, weaver, res e s Finch n Toledo. Donally, Charles A., carriage trimmer John Hurlbnt, bds Mrs Judd. Donough, James, builder, Church nr Main. Doolittle, Oscar, horse dealer, res 27 S. Main. Dornar, George, res s s Toledo, bet Tlecumlseh and Centre. Douglass, Edmund, teamster F. Gaylord & Co., iýes n s Church e Main, Douglass, Jonathan G.. mechanic, res e s Centre s Logan. Dowli~ng, Mrs. J. L., dress and cloak, making, over Wing & Majors' store, res same. Dowling, Rýichard, works for G. Hillabrant. Downie, David, saw maker and locksmnith., dealers in locks, keyg, cut lery, hardware, &c., 107 S. Main, res 5 Comstock. Dox, Mrs. Mary Jane, res n e corner Chestnut 'anad Ormsby. Drew, Benjami 'n W., jeweler, works llingmnan, res 20 W. Maumee. Drew, Mrs. Benjamin, dress and cloak making, 20 W. Maumee, res same. Drown, Mrs. A., res s e cor W. Maumee and William. Drury, Charles H., clerk Downey, res w s Division s of railroad, Drury,. DeWitt C., of Stowers & Drury, res 8 Michigan e Tecumseh. Drur~y, L. A., clerk.Stowers & -Drury, res 8 Michigan. Dryden, Michael, blacksmith, res s s Frank w Tecumseh. Duburn, Antoine M., lamp maker Ills. Mauf. Co., res 142 Maumee. Dubois, Libbie, works J. V. Defoe, res 134 E. Maumee. Duffs, Simeon, laborer, res e s Division s Logan. Dunbar, Wallace H., bds Conger Block. DunlevyJrs, carpenter, res, s s Butlerý, bet Main and Winter. Dunsford, R'ev. A. G., pastor Baptist Church, res cor Front and Div'n. Dutton, Jerome B., brakeman, res 18 Clinton. Dutton, William, ~President Lenawee Co. Savings B'k, res Butler nr Main..Dyer, William, laborer, res cor Elm and Butler. Eagle Brewer y, J. F. Miller, proprietor, Henry, bet Main and Broad.. Earl Charles, carpenter, res 14 Chandler. Earhart, Clement, works brewery, res Hunt cor Finch. Eason, Geo. A., brewer, Thos. Eason, res 9 Merrick, bet Main and Allis. Eason., Thos. & Son,. proprietors Star Brewery, w s Main s Nelson. Eason, Mrs. A., res Merrick. Easton) Miss C. I., res T.,C. Caulson. 69 -DIRECTORY CO.'S Eason, Thos. D., works Thos. Eason & Son, res w s Main s Nelson., Eason, William, of Thos. Eason & Son, res 7 Merr-*ck, bet Main and Allis. Eaton. Fred.. of Jamnes A. Eaton & Co., res Toledo, Ohio. Eaton, James A., of James A. Eaton & Co., res n s Church, bet Broad. and Locust. Eaton, James A. & Co., fancy and staple dry goods, Masonic. Temple, 1st door east of postoffice. Eberlein, Adam, carpenter res cor Erie and Locust. Eddy, Morton,clerk, E. L. Claryk's loan office, res 44 S. Main cor. Cross. Edgar, David, traveling agent, res W. Maumee nr. Williams. Edgar, William C., res Michigan nr Scott. Edmon, John, clerks McFarlane & Sou. Edwards, Edward, (col'd), res Ormnshy ur Seeley. Edwards, Mrs. Mary, (colored) washer, res s w cor Finch and. Chestnut. Eichelman, Albert, carpenter, res n w cor Locust and Seeley. Eisele, Christ, proprietor Fifth Avenue saloon,7 Maiden Lane, bet Main..and Winter, res same.I. Eldredge, Daniel B., book-keeper, L. S. & M. S, R, R., res 13 Hunt. Eldredge, Lewis T., teller, Lenawee county savings bank, res s s Hunt bet Clinton and Locust. Eldredge, Miss E., teacher, res Hunt. Eldredge, Nathaniel B., sheriff, Waldby's bank, res s s Fril bet Clinton and Locust. Ellinwood, Miss Della, teacher. East Branch School, bds Toledo st. Elliott, Mrs. H. T., dressmaker, res Conger block. Ellis, A. C., foreman cabinet shop, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 13 E. Church. Ellis, James, cabinet maker, L. S. & M. S. iR. iR., res s s Church w Tecumseh. Ellsworth, Sarah E,, res Win. Stearns. Ellsworth, Win. M., vetrinary surgeon, res cor Church and'Ann. Elwood, Abijah B., wagon manf., n w cor Main' and Railroad, res 9 iRailroad. Emery, Joseph H., billiard hail and bar, Lawrence House, cor Maumee and Main, res 27 N. Winter. Emery, William H., hackman, res 24 Winter. Encelberger, Miss Mary, res 12 Finch. Englehart, William, laborer, res w a Ormsby s Chestnut. English, Chas., res 35 Maumee. Epcke, Christ, laborer, res n w cor Chestnut and Comstock. Epple, Simon, carpenter, L. S. & M. S. RI. R., res cor Toledo and Croswell. Eppley, Jacob, laborer, res n w cor Chestnut and ElIm. Erlacher, Alois, carpenter, res a e cor Railroad and Croswell. ADRIAN CITY -DIRECTORBK 7 70 Ertz, Peter, tailer, res 146 E. Maumee. Essic, John, works E agle Brewer~y, bds same. Essig, Mrs. Catherine, res s s Seeley e Comstock. Essig, William, works Smith & Rapp, res cor Finch and Seeley. Euper, Raphael, res n w cor Ann and Church. Evans & Grosscup, business college, stone block, Maumee. Evans, Uriah R. of Evans & Gr,)sscup. res Jordan Lane Everiss, Walter, res College ave., bet McKenzie and Scott. Everiss, Joseph, undertaker and funeral furnisher,120 S. Main, rkes College ave., bet McKenzie and Scott. Everline, Adam, carpenter, res 9 ErieEverlirie, Miss Minnie, works N. B. Eldredge. Eves, Sylvester, carpenter, res X7 Railroad. Fairbanks, John W.) agt Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines and dealer in pianos and organs, 78 E. Maumee, res 15 N. Winter. Fairbanks, Mrs. Sibin, res 15 N. Winter. Fairfield Cheese Factories, Rufus Baker & Co., prop's, office and storerooms, S. Main. Fanliman, C., la borer, res cor G~reenly and Basin. Fargo, Charlie, telegraph operator, bd~s 31 5. Main. Fargo, Mrs. E. L., bds 31 5. Main. Farliman, Alonzo 7 in s. Front e Elm, Farmer, Henry, carpenter, res s s Michigan ave w Scott. Farmers' Home, S. B. Niblack, proprietor, u1 s Maumee w of bridge. Farmers' Hotel, George Hillabrant, proprieter, ni s Maumee, 2d house e of the, bridge. Farnsworth, Arry M., livery and feed stable, Winter, opp. Pearl, res ni s Church w Winter. Farrar, Jam'es, of J. Farrar & Co., res s s Maumee e Broad. Farrar, J. & Co., foundry, machine shop anld boiler works, 36 Winter. ý,Fay, John, yardman, res Blissfield, Fee, Jerome H., of Applegate & Fee, and Postmaster, res s e cor Locust and Front. Fenlin, Nelson, laborer, res Greenly. Fenton, Oliver, laborer, res n s Greenly nr Maumee. Fenton, 1'homa~s, teamnster, bds Mrs. Plumbs. Ferguson, Frederick A., works Smith & Jewell, bds cor Church and Main. Fields, S. H., (colored,) drayman, res e s Budlong, bet Railroad and Maumee. Finch, John ~W., den tist, Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Winter, res s w corner Maui-ee and Mixer. Finch, Miner L., carpenter and builder, 6 Maumee, res s w cor Mau-.mee and McKenzie. Finch, Sherman F., compositor Press Office, res 24 W. Maumee, 71 DIRECTORY CGO18, Fenton, Jeremiah, laborer, res e s Greenly s River. Fenton, Zebulon, laborer, e s Greenly s River. Fielder, William, teamster, res Bradley. First National Bank, s e cor Maumee and Main, F. C. Beaman, president; Abel Whitney, vice president; E. 1. Waldby, cashier. Fisher, Albert, works H. A. Gultzmniller, r'es Railroad nr Addison. Fischer, Charles, butcher, res n s Bristol el Maumeel, Fischer, George, baker. G. Grandy, res n s Railroad, bet Addison and Dean. Fischer, Hiram, carpenter, res n s. Railroad e Addison. Fischer Joseph, proprietor City Brewery, s e cor Railroad and Springbrook aye, res same. Fish, George F., res e s Main n Church, Fisb, Mrs. G. F., millinery and fancy goods, 102 S. Main, res 108 S. Ma-in. Fisher Howard insurance agt, office and residence, 74 S. Winter Fisher. Jacob, restaurant and saloon, 98 N. Main, res same. Fisher, John M., furniture dealer and undertaker, 52 N. Main, res 13' Frank. Fitzgerald, Miss Adelpba J., teacher Union school, res 73 S. Winter. Fitzgerald, Mrs. H-epsabeth, res 73 S. Winter. Fitzgerald, Nora, cook Farmers' Hotel. -Fitzpatrick, John, laborer, res n s Summit, bet Winter and Dennis, Fitzpatrick, Owen, labover, bds John Fitzpatrick. Fleming, Jesse, res s s Maumee w McKenzie. Fleming, Nathan, carpenter, res n s Frank w Tecumseh. Fletcher, Francis; res 38 5. Main. Flinn, John, clerk J.J. & L.Auchamipaugb, res ns Manmee e MeVicker. Flinn, Michael, mason, res n s Maum-ee e McVicker. Fluegel, Christ, saloon, 40 5. Main, res same. FIluegel, Mrs., res, cor Ormsby and Butler. Foote, AugustuLs N,, clerk James Berry, res 7 College ave nr Park. Foote, Mrs. Barbara, res n s Frank w McVicker. Foote, Eli S., foreman coach shop L. S. & M. Si R, R., res 118 E Maumee. Foote, Fred., helper L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 124 E. Maumee. Foote, Will A., works Adrian Mills,' res 7 College ave nr Park. Ford, Lorenzo D., physician, next door Times Office up stairs, bds n 6 Church, bet Winter and Pearl. Fordyce, J. Addison, student, res e s Madison s Michigan ave. Fordyce, John, coal dealer, res e s Madison s Mich~igan ave. Foster, Henry F., manufac'r druggists labels and job printer, 103 S. Main. Foster, Julius A., photographer, Underwood block, res 25 Church. Fox, Mrs. Henry, res 134 E. Maumee. Frank, A. & Co., boot and shoe manufacturers and dealers, D w cor Tecuniseb and Church. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 72 Frank, Andrew, boots and shoes, res n w cor Church and Tecumseh. Frank, Henry G., salesman G. H. Seelye, res 8 Comstock. Frank Reinhard, res n s Frank w Tecumseh. Frary, Mrs. Julia A., res w s Main s Merrick. Freeman, R. J., works J. B Newbry, bds 51 N. Main. French, Ansel, drayman, res e s Madison s Maumee. French, Calvin, steward Lawrence Hotel. French, Charles E., carpenter, res McKenzie. French, George T., drayman, res 7 St. Joseph. French, Noah, res n s Church w Winter. French, J. W., farmer, res Lawrence farm. Freytag, Henry, meat market, cor Elm and Toledo, res same. Friday, John, machinist, res s e cor Chestnut and Elm. Fritz, John, works Herman & May, res Erie. Fry, Silas, carpenter, res w s Grand, bet Camburn and Hunt. Fry, William, teamster, res n s Camburn and Hunt. Frytac, John, gas fitter, res cor Elm and Chestnut. Fuller, Miss S., dress maker, res 11 N. Winter. Fuller, Eri C., machinist L. S. & M. S. R. R., res E. Maumee, I mile e of city limits. Fulton, George W., works H. P. Seelye, res ne cor Locust and Chestnut Cr Gafney, Martin, groceries, provisions, &c.. 84 N. Main, res 6 Toledo. Gafney, Patrick, laborer L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Company w Greenly. Gafney, T., machinist L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Frank w Tecumseh., Gafney, Thomas, restaurant and saloon, Alley e s Main, bet Maumee and Toledo. Gaghan, John, works fire department, res n s Church e Tecumseh. Gains, Henry, (colored,) res 9 Main. Gallagher, Edward, laborer, res e s Railroad. Gallett, Nathan G., coach builder L. S. & M, S. R. R., res w s Centre, bet Toledo and Maumee. Galloway, Archer, carpenter, res s s Railroad e McKenzie. Galloway, James S., carpenter, res s w cor Grand and Camburn. Gallup, Nathaniel V., carpenter, res 56 Butler. Gardiner, Josiah, carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res cor e Maumee and Center. Gardner, Mrs. A. H., res 76 Church. Gardner, Edgar A., telegraph operator, res 76 Church. Gardner, Walter S., jeweler, bds S. Winter. Gates, Charles, laborer, res n s Railroad nr N. Winter. Gaut, Hiram T., painter, res n Michigan ave w of Tabor. Gauts, John, locksmith Ills. Manf. Co., res 11 Front. Gaylord, F., wholesale dealer in green and dried fruits, 116 S Main, res 29 Church. '8. DIRECTORY CO.'S Geddes & Miller, attorneys-at-law, over First National Bank, Maumee st. Geddes,*man, of Geddes & Miller, res n s Maumee, opp. Park st. Geliius, George F., clqk HG. H. Seelye, res 12 Erie. Gempel, Fred., blacksmith', res 15 Frank. Gfeifpel, Leonard, shoemaker M. Mulzer, res 21 Erie w Locust.!empel, Leonard J., painter W. A. Stow, res Frank. German, Hulbard R., farmer, res n e cor McKenzie and Railroad. Gilbert, Frederick, laborer L. S. & M. S. R. R., res w s Locust, bet Frank and Church. Gibbs, Miss Elinda, tailoress, res n w cor Railroad and Comstock. Gibson House, George C. Gibson, proprietor, n s Maumee, bet Winter and the river. Gifford, George S., res Scott st. Gifford, Isaac P., baggage man, res Locust st. Gilduff, Miss Maggie F., dress maker Mrs. M. N. Newson, res 7 Erie. Gilduff, Patrick, carpenter, res 7 Erie st. Gilles, Joseph E., milkman. res s s Jorden Lane. Gillet, Austin, farmer, res n s Maumee e Madison. Gippert, Michael G,, machinest, res w s Locust, bet Church and Frank. Glaser, Henry, proprietor Monument Square Hotel, s s Church. Glass, Joseph P., painter L. S. & M. S, R. R., res 19 Comstock. Glass, Robert McCowan, brass finisher, res 19 Comstock. Glidden, John S., blacksmith, 10 N. Winter, res Butler, bet Broad and Clinton. Gmailing, Fred., carpenter, res Seeley e Main. Gmailing, John, janitor central school, res w s Broad n Bristol. Goddard, Mrs. L. 0., res 14 Butler. Godley, William M., commercial agent, res 51 Dennis. Goff, John H., att'y-at-law and circuit court commissioner, over 42 Maumee, res w cor Clinton and Butler. Goodale, David H., lather, res 35 Dennis. Goodsell, Joseph D., res Scott, Goodsell, Theodore J., of Austin, Treat & Goodsell, res 53 Winter. Gorman, John, laborer, res s s Church e Tecumseh. Gorman, Thomas, laborer, res w s Ppringbrook ave n Railroad. Gorman, William, cabinet maker W. E. Kimball & Son, res s s Church e Tecumseh. Gotha. Katie, servant A. L. Millard. Gough, James A., (col'd) barber, bds Main. Gould, Luther S., carpenter, res n s Cross, bet Main and Winter. Graham, Mrs. Mary A., res Main nr Henry, Grandy, George res Railroad nr Main. Grebner, Andrew, upholsterer and harness maker, 65 N. Main, res 13 Railroad. Grebner, John, saloon, res n e cor Church and Tecumseh. <^ **4 ADRIAN CIT RECTO T Gardner, Frank, porter Central ot Gardnier, Miss Carrie, servant i ion M. K app Garvin, Charles, printer Times dExposit r. Gardiner, Frank, cook Railroa Eating H us Gauts, John, padlock finisher Ill. Manf. C es Frank, bet I ust and Division. Geettler, Anna, with Ed. Crane, res 5 Front. Gelenius, Michael, carpenter Comstock Bros., res 11 Erie. George, R., Brakeman, res 34 Erie. Georges, Fred., works corner shop, n w s Michigan. -c German, Mrs. R. H., millinery and fancy goods, McKenzie Block, res / same. Gippert, Fred., works L, S. & M. S.R. R., res Locust nr Frank. Gifford, Fred., carpenter, L. S. and M. S. R. R., res Locust, nr Frank. Gilbert, 0. F., canvasser, res 7 Mixcr. Gilkey, J. R., insurance agent, 33 E. Maumee, res Chandler, bet College ave and W. Maumee. Gimbeat, Fred., blacksmith, res Frank. Gippert, Mrs. Margeret, res cor Frank and Locust. Glenins, Fred., helper Ill. Manf. Co., res 11 Erie. Gmahling, John G., salesman W. S. Carey. res Broad. Goatleng' Charles, laborer, res Front. Gordon, H. W., traveling agent, res 24 Church. Gorman, James, works Charles Meyer, res Church, bet Tecumseh and McVicker. Gorman, W. H., commercial agent, res s s Springbrook ave nr RailRoad. Gough, George W., works J. A. Gough, bds Main. Grabner, Andrew, harness maker, 77 N. Main, res Railroad, bet Main and Broad. Grassman, Wm. H., res e s Springbrook ave n Railroad, Graves, S. Edson, of J. R. Bennett & Co., res S. 8 Main. Graves, Francis, dealer in wool, res s e cor Main and Chestnut. Graves, Miss Myra, clerk, G. H. Seelye. Graves, Mrs. William, res 21 Butler. Graves, Wm. M., res 19 Butler. Gray, William, carpenter, res ss Seeley w Broad. Graybiel, Michael, carpenter, res cor Bristol and Broad. Great Western Tea Store, Maumee opp. postoffice. J. P. Stockman, treasurer; M. Nilson, manager. Great Western Copying Co., Enlarging and Painting Portraits, 361 E. Maumee, 2d floor. F. E. Ruffini, Manager. Green, Fanklin J., cabinet maker, res cor Main and Winter. Green, d Olin, painter Comstock Bros, as railroad nr Divsion. Greeefield, Porter, laborer, on Treat st. Greenly, Marshall H., conductor, res s e cor Maumee and Chandler. 9 75 ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. Greenly & Robbins, att'ys at law, City Hall block, N. Main, up stai rs. Greenly, William L., of Greenly aud Robbins, res 32 W. Maumee, cor Chandler. Gregory, A'thur, plasterer, bds A. Kimball. Gregory, Benjamin T., plasterer, bds 0. F. Gregory. Gregory, Mrs. Eliza, bds C. A. Tubbs. Gregory, Joseph, salesman S. E. Hart & Co., res cor Clinton and Seeley. Gregory, George, carpenter, res s w cor Clinton and Seeley. Gregory, 0. F., justice of the peace, res n s Burr w McKenzie. Grosvenor* Hon. E. 0., of Michigan State Insurance Co., res Jonesville. Griebahn, Joseph, laborer, res Railroad nr Addison. Griner, George, engineer, Mineral Spring Hotel. Gue, Mrs. S. T., res 14 Church. Gue, J. B., clerks F. B. Stebbins, res 14 Church. Gunn, James D., carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 3 Merrick. Gunsolus, Daniel E., brass finisher, Ill. Manf. Co., res 9 Comstock. Gunsolus, Ida, clerks Metcalf's, res Comstock. Gunsolus, John J, machinist, res 9 Comstock. Gunsolus, Robert, groceries and provisions, S. Main, res 94 S. Main. SGunsolus, Wiley K., harness maker C. E. Southland, bds Home Boarding House. Gunsolus, William H., compositor Times Office, res 9 Comstock. Gussenbauer, John, saloon, 66 N. Main, res same. Guthrie, Della, works Powers & Burnham, res 6 Chestnut. Guthrie, Alfred M., sewing machine agent, res s s Chesnut, e Main. Guthrie, Charles M., carriagesmith, Hurlburt, bds Alfred M. Gutthrie. Gutzwiller, Henry A., bakery, flour and feed, groceries, e c., res n s Railroad, e Addison. Gwynn, James, brassfinisher, res w s Budlong, n Maumee. Haag, Frederick, leather and findings, hides, pelts, &c., 68 E. Maumee, res n e cor Comstock and Seely. Haag, Fred., Jr., clerk, bds Fred. Haag. Haag, William, cabinet maker F. R. Stebbins, res n e cor Seely and Comstock. Haar, Constein, shoemaker M. Mulzer, res w s Main n Seely. Hack, Peter, res 65 Main. Hadley, Edwin, of Bean & H., res s w cor Toledo and Locust. Haff, Edwin, register of deeds, Park st, bet College ave and W. Maumee st. Hagen, Christ., works L. S. & M. S. R. R., res nr end of B er. Hageneder, Joseph, engineer McKenzie brick yard, res Se$y st, bet Locust and Broad sts. Hagender, Joseph, shoemaker, works A. Worden. DIRECTORY CO.'S 76 H1ageneder, Wendel, engineer & machinist Harrison & Welden, res n s Seely, bet Locust and Broad. Haight, Mrs. A. D., dress maker, res 35 Toledo. Haight, Edgar A., clerks Corbin & Bruce, bds 35 Toledo. Haight, James R., photographer, res 20 W. Maumee, bet Church and Mixer. Hair, Mrs. Harriet, res Locust nr Chestnut, Haire, Charles C., carpenter, res 43 Butler. Hack, Henry, res 99 Railroad, Hall Brothers, groceries and provisions, 101 S. Main st. Hall, Charles L., attorney-at-law and insurance agent, Underwood block, 29 Chandler st. Hall, Charles D., of Hall Brothers, res s e cor Main and Railroad. Hall, George, teamster, res Frank, bet Division and Erie. Hall, Luther, carpenter. res 16 Main st. Hall, Miss Ida, works Mrs. G. F. Fish. Hall, Mrs. James, res 53 S. Main. Hall, O. T., carriage, house and sign painting, foot of Church st., res cour College ave and Park st. Hail, Oscar F., carriage, house and sign painting, res n w cor College ave and Park. Hall, Ozro, groceries, provisions and produce, 89 N. Main, res 31 Dennis. Hall, William L., of Hall Brothers, res 12 N. Main, cor Railroad. Hall's Portrait Gallery, 361 Maumee, res 2 Merrick st. Hall, William., artist, with Great Western Copying Co. Haley, Mary, works Mrs. M. J. Whitson, bds Dennis st. Halsey, Milton N., attorney-at-law, res 13 Front. Hammer, John, laborer, res cor Ormsby and Railroad. Hammer, J. P.. stone cutter, res w s Ormsby, bet Hunt and Chestnut. Hammer, Nicholas, brass finisher, bds P. Hammer. Hammond, E. H., foreman Daily Press job rooms, bds Mrs. Redfield. Haners, W. P., painter, bds 30 Mich st. Hanks, Miss Fannie M., teacher Central school, bds J. C. Rowley. Hanley, John, flour and feed, N. Main st. Hanley, John D., miller, res w s State n Beecher st. Hanna, James P., carpenter, res w s Division s.Berry. Hanover Fire Ins. Co., New York, Howard Fisher agent, 74 S. Winter, Hansen, Mrs. Johanna, res 26 Erie. Hansen, John, laborer, res s w cor Raiload and Croswell. Harbison, Mrs. Sarah J., res State st, L. S. & M. S. R. R. Hard, A., marble works, 20 S. Winter, res e s Locust, bet Butler and Hunt. Hardy, DI V.itt C., res 17 Dennis, bet Michigan and Dallas. Harkness. Lindley R., conductor, res 7 Toledo. Harrington, William H., works Wing & Majors, bds City HoteL Harris, Charles V., painter, res e s Ormsby s Henry. 77 DIRECTOR Y CO.'8 Harris, George, laborer, (colored,) res Ormsby nr Seely. Harrison & Perkins, Adrian steam marble works, Maumee at nr M. E~ Church. Harrison & Tyler, fruit and confecLionery, 68 S. Main st. Harrison, Annie A., compositor 'limes office, res 68 S. Winter. Harrison, James E., res 9 Merrick. Harrison, John, butcher, res Main at nr Seely st. Harrison, J. W., of Harrison & Sheldon, res Race, n of W. Maumee. Harrison, Mrs. Nancy, res 68 S. Winter, Harrison & Sheldon, proprietor Adrian City flouring mill, Race n W. Maumee. Harrison, William H., of H. & Tyler, res 66 S. Winter. Harrison, William H., foreman Harrison & Perkins. Hart, Frederick. Ass'nt Sec'y Mich. State Ins. Co., Masonic Temple, res 43 W. Maumeo. Hart, Henry, Vice President Lenawee Co. Savings Bank, res e s Broad, bet Maumee and Toledo sts. Hart, Henry C., Sec'y Ills. Manf. Co., of Adrian, Mich., res 37 Toledo, Hart, Herman V., book-keeper, res n s Maumee, bet Greenly and McKenzie. Hart, Herman V. C., res 14 Broad. Hart. James, helpea L. S. & M. S.'R. RE, res sa Erie e Division. Hart, O. S., clerk S. E. & Co., res 40 Dennis st. Hart, Samuel E., of S E. Hart & Co., res 8 State, bet Dennis and Division. Hart, S. E. & Co., druggists and grocers, s w cor Maumee and Main. Hartman, Jacob, laborer, res es Elm s Mulberry. Hartmiller, Peter, bolt cutter, res n s Railroad, bet Elm and Croswell, Hartwell, Samuel H., sewing machine emporium, 79 Maumee, res same. Harvel, William, (colored) laborer, res s s Company w Greenly. Harwood, T., conductor, res 25 Frank st. Haseltine, Miss Emma M., school teacher, res 21 N. Winter. Hassett, Samuel, helper L. S. & M. S. R.R., res n s Maumee e Addison. Hatch, Richard D., tailor A. H. Wood, res w s Chandler s Maumee. Hathaway, A. L., conductor L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 126 E. Maumee. Hanck, George, machinist A. C. King, res s e cor Hunt and Elm. Hauft, Henry C., works gravel train, res Elm st nr Butler. Haussmann, C. F., pastor German Lutheran St. Stephens church, cor Toledo, res 13 Finch, cor Front st. Havens, Joseph, carpenter, res e s State, bet Berry and Beecher. Hawarth, Thomas N., file cutter, res n s Michigan. Hawke, John P., carpenter, res 20 N. Winter. Hawkins, Mrs. Catharine, res Winter nr Beecher. Hawley, John, carpenter and dealer and dealer in weatherstrips, s s Maiden Lane, bet Winter and Main, res 45 Erie st. Hayden, Charles J., ticket agent L. S. & M. S. depot, res 46 Front. ADRIAN CITY DIREUTOR Y 78 Hayden Henry, bar and billiard hall, 96 N. Main, bds John Cavender. Hayes, C. & Son, manufacturer boots and shoes, 56 N. Main, res nr cor Hunt and Comstock sts. Hayes, Cornelius, boot and shoemaker, 56 N. Main, res 54 Hunt, bet Locust and Comstock. Hayes, John, shoemaker C. Hayes, res 54 Hunt. Hayes, Miss Mary, tailoress C. Miller, res 49 Hunt. Hayes, Philip, res e s Tabor and s Treat Road. Hayes, W. C., bds es Tabor and S. Treat Road. Hayden & Co., saloon and billiards, N. Main st. Hayden, Henry, of Hayden & Co., res 17 Merrick st. Hayward, Isaac L., res n w cor Michigan and Dennis sts. Hearn, James, lumber yard L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Erie st. Hearn, Mrs. Eliza, res Erie st. Hearn, James, painter, res 17 Erie st. Heath, Charles M, night police, res 35 S. Main, Heath, Orson W., laborer, res Erie st. Heath, Orville W., coach builder L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds 38 S. MainI. Heck T., clerks A. B. Treat, res Main st. Heckel, Davis & Co., prop'rs Adrian lime kiln, e of Adrian car shops. Heckstadt, Charles, works L. S. & M. S. R. R., cor Butler and Croswell st. Heibner, Henry, teamster, res s s Butler e Croswell. Heile, John, cooper, res 107 E. Maumee. Heinzman, Sebastian, blacksmith, res n w cor Church and McVicker. Helme, J. W., student, bds s s Springbrook ave. Helme. James W., gardener, res e s Springbrook ave n Railroad. Helrigel, Jerome F., pattern and model maker ll1. Manf. Co., res Maumee st. Henderson, Joel, agricultural implements, w s Maumee st bridge, res Itasin township. Henderson, Nathaniel, res nr cor Church and Sarah st. Henig, John, carpenter, res 21 Railroad st. Henig, John, brass finisher Ills. Manf. Co. Henig, John P., of Snell & H., res Railroad st nr Broad. Henig, Mrs. Carrie, res 12 Bristol st. Hannig, M., works S. P. Babcock, S. Main, res Bristol nr Broad st. Henrich, Melchor, undertaker and furniture manufacturer and dealer, 54 N. Main, res 41 N. Main. Hensey, Michael, helper, res nr Treat Road. Herring, Ernst, butcher, res cor Front and Comstock sts. Herrman & May, merchant tailors and clothiers, 23 E. Maumee, Herrman, Nathan, res 108 E. Maumee st. I-ertzler, Miss Caroline, res 2 Frank st. Hewlitt, W. C., merchant, res n s Camburn st. Hilbert, Ellen, servant Central Hotel. Hi-ber, William, engineer J. Farrar & Co., res 96 Frank st. 79 DIRECTOB Y C O.'S Hickock, Orlando D., yard master L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 36 Erie st. Hiegly, Mrs., res s s Front, bet Ormsby and Finch st. Hiftline, George, clerk W. H. Cleveland, bds 2 Comstock st. Hiftline, Mrs. John, res 2 Comstock st. Hill, Elias, res Coit st, w end and s side. Hill, George, farmer, s w cor 5th Ward. Hills, Horace, brakeman L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Church nr McVicker. Hillabrant, Albert, bar tender Farmers' Hotel. Hillabrant, George, prop'r Farmers' Hotel, n s Maumee, second house e of bridge. Hillbot, John, laborer, res e s Tabor nr Beecher st. Hiltz, John R., cabinet maker, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res cor Church and College ave. Hilts, Mrs. Sarah, res w s Winter s Beecher. Hines, Ella, servant Sipleon Rice. Hines, Henry W., tailor Herrman & May, res s s Seely e Main. Hines, John, teamster Moulton & Adams, res n s Albert w Main. Hinesman, Sebastian, helper L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n w cor Church and McVicker st. Hislop, Byron, well digger, res cor Division and Lawrence sts. Hinman, Mrs. Louisa, res s e cor Maumee and Tecumseh. Hirsh, George R., with J. H. Emery, bds Lawrence Hotel. Hitchcock, Frederick, bds J. Harvey Hitchcock. Hitchcock, Mrs. James, res 12 Butler st* Hitchcock, James H., of H. Paviers,) res n w cor Railroad and Clinton. Hitchcock & Saviers, groceries, provisions, &c., 81 N. Main. Hoag, Addison, stock buyer, cor Main and Butler sts. Hoag, James M., photographist, over 74 E. Maumee, res 25 College ave. Hoag, John, farmer, res 55 Dennis st. Hoag, Jonathan, carpenter. res e s Locust n Seely. Hoag, Joseph, teamster, res w s Locust n Bristol. Hoag, Mrs. Mary W., teacher Central school, bds cor Dennis and Mich. Hoag, William M., farmer, res 2 Cross st. Hoag, William, works F. R. Stebbins, res cor Seely and Comstock sts. Hoben. Richard, works L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds M. Dryden. Hocks, George M., clerks Beals and Colvin sts. Hock, Libbie, works J. V. DeFoe, res Maumee st. Hoch, George M., salesman Beals & Colvin, res w s Ormsby n Toledo st. Hoch, Henry G., clerk Smith & Kinzel, res w s Ormsby n Toledo st. Hochnedel, Christian, works L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s s Church w Tecumseh. Hochstadt, George, meat market, s w cor Church and Tecumseh. Hock, F. & Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in flavoring extracts, &c., 103 E. Maumee st. Hoch, L. W., compositor Press office, bds Ormsby nr Toledo st. Hock, Fred. & Co., druggists and grocers, 103 E. Maumee. Hock, Frederick, of Fred. Hock & Co., res 103 E. Maumee. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 80 Hodge, H. E., salesman at George Bonds. Hoeft, Henry, laborer, res 10 Erie st. Hoenes, Mathias, harness maker R. Bidelman, res 23 Erie st. Hooffman, Miss Lizzie, clerks W. Ayres & Co., res 22 Erie st. Hoffman, William, yardman Botsford Hotel. Hoffmann, Charles A., upholster L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 83 E. Maumee st. Holben, William H., painter L. S. & M. S, R, R., res cor Frank and Elm st. Holden, George, notes and commercial paper-broker, over 1st National Bank, res 9 Maumee st. Holdrege, Mrs. E. S., res Camburn st, bet Division and Logan sts. Holdrege, Richard, res 8 Butler st. Holloway, Lucius L., clerk Corbin & Bruce, bds w s State n Michigan. Holloway, Martin, pump factory, s w cor Winter and Butler, res same. Holloway, Silas, farmer, w s State n Michigan. Holloway, Mrs. William, res 23 State st. Holmes, Mrs. Elizabeth, (colored,) res n s Company e McKenzie. Holmes, Henry, laborer, res 33 Merrick st. Holmes, William, switchman, bds T. Campsie. Holtzworth, John, tailor, works 0. Benedict. Holyoak, Alexander, res n s Railroad st. Hood, Charles M., groceries, provisions, &c., 61 N. Main, res 19 N. Winter. Hopkins, Bronson, res s w cor Main and Church. Hopkins, Mrs. D. C., dress maker, res 50 Broad, cor Chestnut. Hopper, Henry P., carpenter, bds Farmers' Hotel. Horan,'Thomas, works L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n e cor Kailroad and Finch. Hornby, Miss Clara, dress mker, bds W. Hornby. Hornby, Juan, carpenter, bds W. Hornby. Hornby, William, carpenter, res s w cor Elm and Chestnut sts. Horning, George, Sr., laborer, res n e Bristol e Main. Horning, George, Jr., carriage maker Chas. Vosburg, bds George Horning, Sr. Horning, Jacob, blacksmith Smith & Rapp, res n s Bristol, bet Main and Broad. Horning, John, tailor, res 16 Chestnut st. Hornung, John, works Powers & Burnham, res 14 Chestnut st. Hottan, Frank, blacksmith, works J. Libs. Hough, C. R., freight agent L. S. & M. R. R., res 3 Comstock st. Hough, B. F., grain clerk, L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds 3 Comstock st. Hough, Flavins J.. gen'l agent Mich. State Ins. Co., of Adrian, Mich. res 11 Front. Hova, William, wagon maker, res s s Butler e Croswell st. Hove, Fred., carriage maker, works Smith & Rapp, res Butler st. Hove, William, carriage maker, works Smith and Rapp, res Butler st. 81 DIRECTORY CO.'S Hovens, W. P., works C. A. Conklin. Howard, John, (colored,) whitewasher, res 11 Chest.nut st. Howard, John F., wood sawyer, res s s Main ur Beeeher. Howard, James, barber, Elm nr Railroad st. Howard, Lysander, carpenter, res 7 Frank st. Howe, James T., conductor, res 63 Broad st. Howard, Mrs. M. P., res College ave ave, nr Park st. Howard, Walter H., clerk J. V. Defoe, res 26 Merrick st. Howes, Robert, laborer, res Michigan st, 3d e Division. Howley, Bryan, laborer, res n s Michigan e Locust st. Howley, Thomas, painter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Michigan, nr Locust. I xter, William, farmer, res w s Madison, bet William and Maumee. Hoyt, Mrs. Emely, res 30 S. Main st. Hoyt, George F., book-keeper W. H. Stone, res 30 S. Main. Hazworth, Christ., tailor and repairer, N. Main ss, res Ormsby st. Hubbard, Lewis, res 23 N Winter. Hubbell, Henry, foreman upholstery shop L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 29 Dennis. Huff, Fred., drayman, res n s River e Greenly st. Huloert, Francis, n s Main nr bridge. Hulett, Stewart, works Hart & Baker, bds Gibson House. Hultz, Fred., laborer, res Railroad st, bet Elm and Croswell sts. Humphrey, Mrs.- A. C. boarding-house, 22 Toledo st. Humphrey, Charles, bookseller and stationer, 41 E. Maumee, res 9 State. Humphrey, Charles W., book-keeper, bds 22 Toledo st. Humphrey, Henry, painter, res e s State nr Railroad. Humphrey, Leverett H., carriage maker. res w s Locust n Railroad. Hummal, Lawrence, cabinet maker, cor Front and Elm. Hummel, Lorentz, cabinet makes, res cor Front and Elm sts. Humphrey, O. F., traveling agent Sidney ji. Constantine. Hunt, William C., dealer in and repairer or musical instruments, res 21 N. Winter. Hunt, William E., cabinet maker, res s w cor Division and Berry sts. Hunt, W. Olney, musician, res 21 N. Winter. Hunter, Edgar, carpenter, res cor Chestnut and Comstock. Hunter, Edward E., carpenter, res 129 E. Maumee st. Hunter, J. C., clerk J. V. DeFoe, res State st. Hunter, T. M., printer Times and Expositor. Hunter, John C., foreman composing room Times Office, res State st. Huntly, Mrs. Laura A., res Division nr Railroad. Huntoon, George W., wood dealer, res w s State s Berry. Hurlbut, John, cairiage manufacturer, 6 Front, cor Main st, res 10 Front st. Hurlbut, Silas, carriage manufacturer, res 8 Front. Hurley, Andrew, car repairer, res s w cor Maumee and Ann. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 82 Harley, James, laborer, res s s Summit, bet Dennis and Winter sts. Hurley, John, blacksmith, bds James Hurley. Hutchins, Mrs. Judas, res 49 S. Main st. Hyatt, Miss Fannie, res with A. Butler. Hyde, Michael, laborer, res w s Elm s Mulberry. Hynes, Eliza, servant H. J. Skeels. I Illinois Manufacturing Company of Adrian, Mich., office and shops, s s of L. S. & M. S. R. R., bet Division and Centre sts., P. L. Swords, president; H. C. Hart, Sec'y. Immer, George, works Eagle Brewery, res same. Ingalls, R. W., crockery, 65 Maumee, res cor State and Union. Ingalls, William iR., compositor Times office. Ingersoll, Charles, drayman, res 22 Main st. Ingersoll, James M., tinner L. S. & M. S. R. R., res.22 Main st. Inglehart, Brad., res s w s Frank e Tecumseh. Irish, Elwood, book keeper Sidney M. Constantine. Irish, Charles H., photographist, res Church st. Irish, Frank E., moulder, res Church st nr Butler. Irish Frederick, watches, clocks and jewelry, 65 E. Maumee, res w s Comstock, bet Butler and Hunt sts. Irish, William T., res E. Maumee, opp. Gibson House. Ireland, Joseph G.,traveling agent, res w s Madison s Michigan ave. Iveson, Florence, res Wallace Mead. Jackson, Edward R,, brass moulder, res 51 Church. Jackson, Dolphy, laborer, bds P. Jacksou. Jackson, George W., laborer, bds P. Jackson. Jackson, Peter, physician, res e s State s Berry. Jackson, William, works in foundry, res 53 Church. James, James F., gas fitter, res 29 St. Joseph. James, Thomas, works gas works, bds W. L. James. James, William L., laborer, res s s Railroad, bet McKenzie and River. James, William R., tinner Wilcox Bros. & Co., res s s Railroad, bet River and McKenzie. Jay, George E., carpenter. L. S. & M. S. R. R., res e s Tabor nr Beecher. Jenning, Charles, laborer, res n s Butler w Addison. Jenning, Ludwic, laborer, res n w cor Butler and Addison. Jennings, Alexander J., conductor, res n s Church e Locust. Jennings, M. L., professor of Greek and Hebrew Adrian College, res Hillsdale, Mich. Jermain, T. D., res s s Church, bet Division and Locust. Jewell, Charles, student, res n s Michigan ave. w Scott. 10 83 DIRECTORY CO.'S Jewell, Ralph J., of Smith & Jewell, res Clinton, bet Butler and Railroad. Jewett, William E., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, over 74 Maumee, res cor Broad and Church. Johnson, Alfred, bds 11 Clinton, bet Toledo and Front. Johnson, Alfred, clerks Crane & Mason, bds Front nr Main. Johnson, Alonzo, broom maker. Michigan ave. Johnson, Chester B., justice of the peace. 3 Underwood block, res 101 E. Maumee. Johnson, Elijah B., millinery, s w cor Union and State, res same. Jackson, Edward, helper, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 53 Church. Johnson, Henry, burnisher Ill. Manf'g Co., res Toledo cor Merrick. Johnson, Henry (colored), laborer, res 11 Chestnut. Johnson, James K., res 65 S. Winter. Johnson, James W., dyeing and repairing, and dealer in second hand clothing, N. Main. Johnson, J. ditcher, res Henry. - - Johnson, J. S., dentist, 29 Maumee, res 5M. ^.. -...-.. Johnson, Lewis, laborer, Maumee, opp. P. O. Johnson, L. B., clerks James A. Eaton. Johnson, Mrs. Carrie, cigar maker, res cor Finch and Chestnut. Johnston, Charles, commercial agent, res cor McKenzie and College ave. Jones, E. W., compositor Daily Press office, bds N. Main nr Toledo. Jones, Mrs. P. A., res N. Main nr Toledo. Jones, Mrs. A. E., res 22 N. Winter. Jones, Mrs. Lydia, res cor College ave and Park. Jones, Daniel L., carpenter, res S. Winter nr Maumee, Jones, John J., works fire department, res s s Maumee e Centre. Jones, Joseph C., real estate, res s s Maumee e of bridge. Jones, Miss Myra, teacher grammar school, bds cor Park and College ave. Jones, Myron, chief train dispatcher Mich. Div. L. S. & M. S. ER. R., res 44 Division. Jones, William M., barber, shop 90 S. Main, res 16 Locust. Jordan, Charles A., tinner Corbin & Bruce, res cor Dennis and Winter. Jordan, Henry F., jeweler, 65 Maumee, res 10 Clinton. Jordan, James, clerk, Ingalls, res 10 Clinton, bet Toledo and Front. Jordan, Mrs. R. I., works Mrs. G. F- Fish, res S. Main. Judd, Levi J., clerk C. A. Conklin, res 42 S. Winter. Judge, Isaac, mason, res w s Budlong, bet Rich and Railroad. Kaiser, A., clerks I. L. Kaiser. Kaiser, J. D., groceries and provisions, 79 N. Main st, res same. Kaiser, R., clerks J. D. Kaiser. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 84 Raip, Michael, section boss, res cor Frank and Toledo. Kaldenhell, L., shipping clerk brass foundry, res Division. Kane, L. P., helper J. Farrar & Co., res cor State and Summit sts. Kane, Martin, iron melter J. Farrar & Co,, res cor State and Summit. Karl, George J., baker Bowerfind & Wiessinger, res 10 Comstock. Karl, John, laborer, res 10 Comstock. Kastler, George, of Bateman & Co., res 27 N. Main. Katz, Charles, laborer, L.. & M. S. R. R., res s s Church e Sarah Katz, Florian, restaurant and saloon, Maiden Lane, res same. Kauemier, Fred., res cor Broad and Hunt. Kauemier, Jacob, res s w cor Centre and Frank. Kearn, John W., with W. Kearn, res same. Kearn, William, blacksmith, res n s Toledo, bet Main and Broad. Keary, Peter P., student, bds Thomas D. Keary, Keebler, John, laborer, works round house, res cor Church and McVicker. Keiber, Jacob, laborer, res n w cor Michigan and McVicker. Keiser, John E., coach builder L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 39 Dennis. Keirrman, John, works for city, res South st Kelley, Patrick, res s w cor Butler and Comstock. Kelley, Peter, carpenter, res s w cor Comstock and Butler. Kells, Abram, pattern maker, res 20 Locust. Kells, Jacob M., machinist, res cor Comstock Toledo. Kells, Phillip H., brick machine manufacturer, e s Winter, bet Maiden Lane and Church, res 21 Locust. Kelly, Kittie, works J. V. DeFoe, res cor Company and McKenzie sts Kelts, Jacob, machinist, res Toledo st, Kenar, Casp., laborer, res cor Frank and Sarah sts. Kern, D. M., engraver on glass Ills. Mant. Co., res Clement garden farm, Kern, Lambert, foreman W. Lehman, res Bristol, bet Main and Broad Kennedy, Asa A., res w s Scott nr the railroad. Kennedy, George, clerk, res 26 State s Michigan, Kennedy James H., tobaccos and cigars and news depot, 46 Maumee. Kennedy, Miss Maggie, teacher North Branch School, res 16 Clinton. Kent, Burton, city civil engineer, res s s Maumee e Park. Kent, Richard, farmer and surveyor, s s Maumee st, w Scott. Ketchum, Daniel, conductor, res 17 State st. Keyser, John E., carpenter, res 39 Dennis st. Kimball, Alpheus, res 7 Hunt st Kimball, Charles B., pound master, res 1 Butler st. Kimball, C. M., clerks C. E. Bennett res Butler. Kimball, Charles of W., W. K Kimball & Son, res 20 S. Main st, bet Jordan Lane and Michigari ave. Kimball, David S., deputy Sheriff, res jaiL 95 1DIt-iCTOP COr'S Kimball, George, carpenter, res 6 Bristol st. Kimball, John F., dentist, n s Beecher, bet Winter and Main, Kimball, Nelson H., physician and surgeon, over 70 E Maumee st, res 29 Toledo st, cor Locust. Kimball, Roswell, carpenter L, S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Beecher st, w Winter. Kimball, Samuel B., traveling agent, res 61 S. Winter st. Kimball, W. E. & Son, crockery glassware and furniture, 31 (Stone block), Maumee st, and 9 Maiden Lane. Kimball, W. E., of W. E. Kimball & Son, res 20 S. Main st, bet Jordan Lane and Michigan ave. Kimberly, David C., cabinet maker, res over 64 E. Maumee st. King, Arnold C., foundry and machine shop e s Main st, n Toledo st, res 9 Front st. King, Charles T., of Barse & King, res 9 Front st. King, Henry N., stair builder and wood carver, 14 Pearl st, res 42 Front st. King, Miss Nellie, works Joseph Nufer. King, Richard, painter, res W. Coit st s side, King & Rice, music emporium. 33 W. Maumee st. King, William F., watches. clocks, Jewelry, books, stationery, &c,. 33 W. Maumee st, res 73 S. Winter st, Kingsbury, L. H., engineer Knight & Son, res S. Winter, bet Jordan Lane and Main st. Kingsbury, Stanford, marble cutter Knight & Son, res Alice, bet Mer-P rick and Michigan sts. Kinney, Mrs. Mary E., res Company st, bet McKenzie and Greenly. Kinney, Joshua, foreman E. C. Sword, res 18 Cherry st. Kinney, Sylvanus, farmer, res s s Miaumee st, w McKeuzie st. Kinzel, Anton, candy maker, Kinzel, res n e cor Locust and Frank sts. Kinzel, John, confectioner, fruits, fire works, &e., 72 and 74 E. Maumee st, res cor Locust and Frank sts. Kirby George, brass finisher Ills. Manf. Co., res Bridge st. Kirby, John, master car builder, res 4 Locust st, n Toledo s-. Kirby, Peter, machinist L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Division st, nr railroad. Kirby, Thomas B., carpenter res S. Winter st, nr Beecher st. Kirk, Charles, fireman, res D s Church st, e Tecumseh st. Kirk, James L., carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R,, res n s Spring st, w Allis st. Kirk, James W., clerks W. F. King, bds Allis st. Kiser, Mrs. August, res Seely st, bet Main and Broad. Klaude, Paul, tinner, res cor Allen and Hunt sts. Kleeman, Charles, candy maker Kinzel,res n w cor Elm and Hunt sts Klein, George J., jeweler, res 7 Frank st. Kline, Michael, machinist L. S. & M. S. R. E., res 9 Frank st. Kline, Newman, telegraph operator, bds 8 Locust st, nr Front st. ADRIAN CX TY DEREkCTOR Y. 8s IKnapp, Joseph, res cor Company and McKenzie sts. Knapp, M., general car inspector L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 70 Dennis st. Kuapp, Mrs. Eliza, seamstress, res w s Scott st, s Maumee st. Knapp, John I., manufacturer brick and tile machines, res 43 Dennis Knapp, Milton H., dentist, over 38 E. Maumee st, res 78 S. Winter st. Knapp, Samuel S., master car builder, Mich. div'n L. S. & M. S. R. R,, res 68 Dennis st, Knight, A., laborer, res Hunt nr Main st. Knight, Mrs. Andrew J., res 23 Michigan st. Knight, George M., marble dealer, res s e, cor Church and Dennis sts. Knight & Son proprietors Adrian Steam: Marble and Stone Works, cot Church and Dennis sts. Knight, Orson, of Knight & Son, res w s S. Main] st, nr Merrick st. Knight, Thomas, gardener, res McCollum st, Knight, William C., bds 0. Knight. Knowlton, Miss Eliza, teacher grammer school, bds cor Michigan a: I. Dennis sts. Kost, John, physican, res w s Madison st. at west end College ave1 Kost, Miss Ora, res with J. Kost. Krapf, A. S., tinner Smith & Jewell, res 1 Frank st. Krapf, Catharine, res n s Michigan nr Tecumseh st. SKrapf, John, tailor, res 65 (old No.) S. Main st nr RE. R. crossing. Kreuger, John, laborer, res n s Butler st, e Croswell. Krenger, Ludwig, laborer; res s as Butler st, bet Elm and Croswell sts. Krout, Robert, cooper, res Railroad st, bet Elm and Croswell. Krout, Valentine, locksmith Ills. Manf. Co., res Railroad st, bet Croswell and Allen. Kruse, Christ, laborer, re s e cor Ormsby and Mulberry sts. Kuchner, Katey, servant Mrs. D. W. C. Hardy. TI, Ladd, Lafayette, of Rufus Baker & Co., res 27 State s aMichigan st, Ladies' Temperance Union and Free Reading Rooms,Maumee st, opp. Times ofice. Lachner, Henry C.. clerk L. T. Lachner, bds 122 E. Maumee st. Lagore, R., finisher, works F. R. Stebbins, res Hunt st. Lahner, Rufus. res n w cor Hunt and Finch sts. Laibfraid, John, cigar manufacturer, over 98 N. Main st, res 37 State, bet Michigan and the railroad. Laing, Benjamin I,, traveling agent, res n s Hunt, bet Broad and Clinton sts. Laing, Joseph S., carpenter, res w cor Main and Butler sts. Laing, Smith, bds 24 Chestnut st. Laing, Webster A., tobacco agent, res 24 Chestnut street. Lake Shore & Michigan southern i-. IR., passenger depot,, foot of Tecumseh; freight depot, Michigan st, foot of 87 DIRECTOR Y CO.'& Monroe; James E. Curtis, superintendent Michigan Div. Lamb, James M., marble cutter, res 4 Frank st. Lamb, J. M., works Harrison & Perkins. Lamb, Mrs. Eliza, res s w cor Jordan and Winter sts. Lamb, Orsamus, justice of the peace, over 44 E. Maumee st, red 29 Michigan, bet Dennis and State sts. Lambie & Whaling, canning fruits and vegetables, s s Railroad st and Winter. Lambie, John C., of Lambie & Whaling, bds Central Hotel. Lamson, Charles R., physician, res 15 Railroad st. Lancaster, Thomas, proprietor Adrian File Works, n s Logan, bet Division and Centre sts. Lancaster, Thomas, of Lancaster & Howeth, res 55 Michigan st. Landis, Mrs. William, res Railroad st, bet Locust and Comstock. Lane. Mrs. Delia, washerwoman, res cor Division and Erie sts. Lane, George W., carpenter, res n s Beecher w Main st. Lane, James D., carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 22 Church st, e LocustLang, Frank A., saloon, nr cor Michigan and McVicker sts res same, Lang, Joseph, carpenter, res cor Main and Butler sts. Lanereoux, E. W., physician, with Dr. Baker. Langohr, George M., of Schneider & LS, res e s Finch st, bet Railroad, and Butler. Langohr, William P., painter, works Smith & Rapp, res e s Finch, bet Railroad and Butler sts. Laphan, Jonathan, with R. R. Newkirk, res 18 Front. Laplant, Libbie, servant, Railroad eating house. Larwill, George W., Times office, res 6 Church st. Lassin, Clarence, hackman Wm. Kelly, Lawless, Peter, wood turner, e s Division s Michigan, res w s Division s Michigan sts. Lawrence, Dorr S., carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res cor Ormsby and Chestnut sts. Lawrence Hotel, W. r. Lawrence proprietor, n e cor Maumee and Winter sts. Lawrence, Willis, T., proprietor Lawrence Hotel. Lay, L., brewer Joseph Fischer, res n w cor Springbrook ave and River. Lazenby, W. H., of P. MeOsker & Co., res 17 Bailroad st. Leas, Frank J., car inspecter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Frank st e Locust. Lee, Jerome C., machinist, res Erie st nr Tecumseh. Lee, William, shoemaker, Maumee nr bridge, res n s Seely, bet Main and Broad. LeFevre, Mrs. Mary Ann, res e s Cherry nr River st. Lehman, Christ;, cooper, res s e cor Main and Bristol sts, ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 88 Lehmann, William, brewer, n e cor Main and Bristol sts, res same. Lehr, Adam, bridge carpenter, res Church st, nr McVicker. Lenawee Co. Savings Bank, Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Winter sts, Win. Dutton, president; Geo. Bruce, vice president; S. B. Smith, cashier. Leverance John, laborer, res cor Ormsby and Butler sts. Lewis, Furman H., res n w cor Maumee and Scott sts. Lewis, George W., barber shop Lawrence House, res 51 Broad, cor Chestnut st. Lewis, G. C., compositor Daily Press office, cor Broad and Chestnut sts. Lewis, John, proprietor Verandah restaurant and saloon, 67 E. Maumee st, res same. Lewis, Mrs. Margaret, res 51 S. Winter. Lewis, William, painter, res Finch st, cor Hunt. Lewis, W. N., bar tender John Lewis, res n w cor Broad and Front st. Liber. George W., carriage maker, works W. A. Stow, bds 18 Winter. Libs, Joseph, carriage and wagon manufacturer and blacksmith, 43 N. Main st., res 17 Railroad, bet Main and Broad sts. Lincoln, Sylvinson, laborer, res w s McKenzie s Railroad. Linnell, James C., traveling agent, res 67 S. Winter. Listmann, Charles, tailor Herrman and May, res 57 Broad st. Lochner, Charles A., clerk, bds 122 E. Maumee st. Lochner, George F., res 122 E. Maumee st. Lochner, George F. & Son, grocers n e cor Maumee and Centre sts. Lochner, Louis T., grocer, res 122 E. Maumee st. Loeffler, Martin G., clerk postoffice, res North st. Long, Michael P., Probate Register, res 21 Comstock st. Long, Charles D., bds M. Long. Loomis, Heman, treasurer Adrian Savings Bank and Gen'l Ins. agt, bds Lawrence Hotel. Loomis, William A., res 17 N. Winter st. Loop, Martin A., freight conductor, res w s Comstock, bet Hunt and Butler sts. Lord, Charles T., carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Seely, e Main. Lord, William W., cabinet maker L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 14 Toledo st. Losee, Zalmon C., carpenter L. S. & M.. R. R., res e s Tabor, bet Treat and Beecher sts. Loud, Oliver M., of Loud & Trask, res n s Cross, w Winter st. Loud & Trask, nursery, Main s Beecher. Lowe, Burlen W., machine hand L. S. & M. S. R. R., res w s Treat Road. Lowe, Peter, builder, res n w cor Main and Merrick sts. Lowden, Lafayette, carriage and wagon maker, n s Church e Main, res Toledo st, bet Main and Broad. Lowery, Mrs. Bell, hair works, over 41 E. Maumee, res same. Lowrie, Prof. A. H., Adrian College, res opp College. 89 DIIRECTORY CO.'S Lubke, Charles, laborer, Ills. Manf. Co., res Er;e st, bet Division and Locust. Luce, Norman, gold and silver plater, foot of Church, res 8 MeKenzie, opp St. Joseph st. Luck, William W., agt U. P. Express Co., and Mayor, 73 E. Maumee, res n s Church st e Monument Square. Ludlow, Miss S., teacher, res State st. S Ludlow, Thomas J., res 11 State st. Lyford, Hazen, bds George L. Briggs. Lyon, M. F., res Budlong, bet Rich and Railroad st. Lyon, William F., night police, res 35 Butler st. Lyons, Dennis, shoemaker, res n s Beecher w Main st. Lyons, Mrs. D. R., groceries, res n s Beecher w Main st. SLyons, James, car repairer, res Michigan st.:M1I McAdam, Andrew, laborer, res s s River e Greenly. McAdam, Patrick, res 18 Merrick st. McBain, Michael, laborer, res Erie st, nr Tecumseh. McCartney, George, laborer, res e s McKenzie s Railroad. McClain, Samuel D., carpenter, res over 77 Main st. McClain, Mrs. S. D., millinery, over 77 Main st. McClain, John, section foreman L. S. & M. S. R. R., res e s Centre st, McDermott, Anna, servant C. E. Southard. McDermott, Patrick, helper L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Division, s of city limits. McDonald, Fannie, pastry cook Railroad eating-house. McDonald, John L., carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Hunt nr Main. McDonald, Henry, brass moulder, res 23 E. Church st. McDonell, John, carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n w cor Bristol and Broad. McElroy, Prof. George B., president Adrian College, res n e cor Madison and William sts. McFarlane, John, of McFarlane & Son, res 14 N. Winter st. McFarlane & Son, groceries, provisions, &c., Wells' Block, E. Maumee st. McFarlane, Thomas W., of McFarlane & Son, res 14 N. Winter st. McGinn, Charles, bds Farmers' Hotel. McKeegan, John, blacksmith, res s s Butler and w Croswell sts. McKeever, Prof. I. W., Adrian College, res same. McKenzie, Mrs. Eliza, res 52 Michigan st. McKenzie, Joseph C., brick and tile maker, yard and res s s Maumee, bet McKenzie and Park sts. McKenzie, Miss Julia, bds w s McKenzie, bet Maumee and St. Joseph. McKenzie, Samuel D., mason, res w s McKenzie, bet Maumee and St. Joseph sts. McKinster, William H.. rps 25 N. Main st. ADRrIAN CIYI'Y DTR]PTOIY. 90' McICy, Sam., Works McKenzie brick-yard, res Company st, e McKenzie st. McLaughlin, Lizzie, servant Central Hotel. McLain, John, works L. S. & M. S.. R..,res 9 Michigan e Tecumseh, McLaren, Mrs. Nancy, res w s Locust, bet Railroad and Butler sts. McLaren, Miss Sarah, vest maker, res w s Locust, bet Railroad and Butler sts. McLoughlin, William, laborer, res 2 Erie st, bet Tecumseh and Centre. McLouth & Hall, groceries, provisions, etc., nr Main st, res cor Main and Railroad. McNair, Eaton, painter, res e s Finch s Chestnut st. McNeill. George, tobacco and cigars, 85 S. Main, res same. McNolty, Mrs. Eliza A., res n s Beecher e Main st. lcOsker & Co., Kentucky whisky, wines. and cigars, 99 N. Main st, res 17 Railroad st. M(Williams, Hattie, servant Central Hotel. McWin, John, res cor Church and Sarah sts. MeQueen, Michael, painter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Erie st nr Centre. Mabee, Mrs. Mary,.es s s Henry, bet Broad and Locust sts. Mabee, Miss Mary J., res s s Henry, bet Broad and Locust sts. Mabee, Rupert M., chiropodist, and manufacturer and sole proi prietor of Dr. R. M. Mabee's celebrated ointment; office, Henry st) bet Broad and Locust sts, res same. (See adv.) Mack, Ruel, drayman, res 60 Front st. Major, John I., of Wing & Major, res Centreville. Makepeace, H. A., carpenter, res s s Merrick and S. Main st. Mallett, Thedore, locksmith Ills. Manf. Co., res Hunt st. Malloy, James, upholsterer L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 89 Michigan st. Maloy, Michael, machinist L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds cor Tecumseh and& Frank sts. Maloney, Mrs. Rebecca, res 32 Comstock st, cor Ormsby and Railroad. Maloney, John, laborer, res cor Tecumseh and Frank sts. Maloy, Michael, bolt cutter L. S. & M. S. R, R., res n s Michigan e Division st. Maltby, George H,, blacksmith L. S. & A. S. -R. R., res e s Tabor s Logan st. Mamnke, Charles, shoemaker M. Mulzer, res n s Maumee st e McVicker, Mann, Stephen B., farm implements, Maumee st, res Lenawee Junction, Mich. Mann, L. W., carpenter, res s s Maumee, opp Gibson House. Mann, William R., res s s Church st. Mansfield, Jesse A., foreman W. E. Kimball & Son's furniture factory, Manderville, Mrs. Mary, res 16 W. Maumee st. Marr, Patrick, laborer, bds W. C. McNair. 11 91 _DIREECTORY CO.7S Marsh, Fred. J., tinner L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Clinton, 4th door w of Maumee st. Marsh, Joseph, blacksmith, works Smith & Rapp, res Winter st. Marshall, John A., blacksmith, w s Winter n Maumee, res 18 N. Winter st. Marshall, John H., blacksmith, works and bds with John A. Marshall. Marshall, William, clerks J. Williams, res cor Butler and Winter. Marshall, Charles, clerks Chamberlin & Reeves, res 18 Winter st, Marvin, George,, clerks R. L. Bates, bds Bates st. Martin, Lemuel, hides and pelts, res 6 E. Maumee st, Marvin, Charles, miller Adrian mills, res w s Main nr city limits. Marx, Gustav, stone cutter Knight & Son, res n s Butler e Elm. Marxen, Henry A., machinist, res s e cor Seely and Main sts. Mason, John G., of Crane & M., res bet Broad and Main. Mason, Miss Dora, clerks Crane & Mason, res 16 Frank st. Mattausch, Joseph, mason, res Ormsby st. Matthes, C. F., carpenter, res cor Front and Finch sts. Matterson, Nell A., millinery, 73 Maumee, res samei Mathews, Mrs. J. D., of Mrs. J. D. Mathews & Co., bds 99 s Main. Mathews, Mrs. J. D. & Co., dealer in Hair Goods, Ladies? Furnishing Goods, &c., 17 Maumee. Matimore, John,.laborer, res n w cor Main end Henry, Mattison,.Jonathan W., carpenter L. S. & M. S. R., res 128 State. Matthes, John G., carpenter J. C. Kaumeier, res e s French, s Treat. Matthes, John L., W. John Yonrod, cor Front and Finch st, Maurer, George, mason, res s s Seeley, bet Broad and M.ain. Maurer, Phillip, laborer, res w s Ormsby, n Hunt, Mawdsley, John, polisher, 11,. Manfg Co., res 6 Main., Mawdsley, William, fireman, bds 5 Frank, Maxwell, Alexander, commission merchant, res 34 Church May, Jacob, Herrman & May,, res 1 Clinton, Mead, Ira, laborer, res w s Ormsby n Bristol. Mead, Lewis, works Gibson House. Mead, Louis, porter Gibson House. Mead, Walter S., farmer, res Col. Wood's farm, s Main, s Beecher. Mefford, D. M., fruit preserver, res cor Co-mstock and Eailroad. Melchor, E. B., works for A. & U. R. Sigler, res 203 Main st. Mellen, Mrs. Joshua E., Dressmaking. & Knitting, res st, e, Merrian, Thomas P., res 15 State. Merrett, Joseph A, House and Sign Painter, Paper Hanger, Glaziing and Kalsomimng, 75 Maumee, res same., Merrick, John, painter, bds w s Elm and s Butler st. Merrill, Rev. George R., Pastor Plymouth Church, res 17 Railroad. Merrick, Fred. laborer, res w s Elm, s Butler. Merrick, George W., cabinet maker F. R. Stebbins, res 15 w Maumee, Merrick, George W., dentist, res 31 s Main. Merrick, Rufus P., cabinet imaker, res 13 s w Maumee, ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 92 Merritt, Silas, carpenter, res w s Grand, s Camburn. Metcalf, Festus R., of Ira A. Metcalf & Co., res n w cor Railroad and epringbrook ave. Mecalf, Ira A., (Ira A Metcalf & Co.), res n w cor Railroad and Springbrook ave. Metcalf, Ira A. & Co, Dry Goods, s w cor Maumee and Winter. Metcalf, James, salesman Ira A Metcalf & Co., res n w cor Railroad and Springbrook ave. Mettling, Agustus F., Clerk M. P. Mettling, res same. Mettler, Levi M., moulder, res 3 Center Mettling, M. Peter, restaurant, wine and beer hall, Railroad St., res same. Meyer, August, shoemaker, bds 23 Railroad. Meyer, Charles, postal clerk and insurance agent, 54 n Main, res 30 Toledo cor Comstock. Meyer, Henry, shoemaker, Mixer and Aldrich, res s s Railroad bet Main and Broad. Meyerhuber, Charles, compositor Press Office, bds 4 Comstock. Meyerhuber, Miss Emma, bds 4 Comstock, bet Toledo and Front, Meyerhuber, Fred M., with Hoag, res 4 Comstock, bet Toledo and Front. Meyer, Charles, manufacturer cigars and tobacco, 64 N. Main, res 21 Comstock st. Meyerhuber, J. Michael, res 4 Comstock. Michael, Joseph, cabinet maker W. E. Kimball & Son, res Church 2d door east of McVicker. Michalis, Frank, mason, bds Wm. Michalis. Michalis, William, teamster, res n w cor Seeley and Camburn. Michigan Orphan Asylum, n w cor Main and Beecher, Mrs. James Berry, President; Mrs. E. K. Bixby, Secretary; Mrs. Frank Clay Treasurer. Michigan State Insurance Co. of Adrian, Michigan, Masonic Temple, n w corner Maumee and Winter, W. S. Wilcox, President; Henry Hart, Secretary; F, J. Hough, General Agent. Middlested, Charles, laborer, res n s Butler, e Croswell. Millard, Alfred L., Attorney at Law, Underwood block, n e cor Maumee and Main, res 3 Church. Millard, John J., apiarian, res n s Cross, bet Main and Winter. Millard, Mrs. dophronia, W. F. Ayers & Co., res 30 Main. Miller, Mrs. Catharine, res n s Michigan, bet Tecumseh and McVicker. Miller, Albert, works L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Michigan st, nr Tecumseh st. Miller, Charles, carpenter, res S. Winter, nr Maumee st. Miller, C. P., student, with Dr, W. E. Jewett, bds cor Broad and Chestnut st. Miller, Chas., tailor, s w cor Maumee and Winter, res Church. Miller. Charles R., of Geddes & Miller, res 4 State 93.DIRECTORY CO.'S Miller, Mrs. Ellen, res 40 Hunt. Miller, Jacob F., proprietor Eagle Brewery, s s Henry, bet Main and Broad. Miller, John, res cor Hunt and Elm. Mills, James, Carpenter and Builder, res s w cor Cross and Winter. Miller, Peter, constable, res cor S. Main and Church sts. Millicken, E. A., res cor Maumee and William sts. Mills, William L., manuficturer and renovator of silks, 30 E. Maumee, res e s Greenly, bet River and Maumee. Mineral Spring Hotel, Joseph Pfeiffer, Proprietor, n s Maumee, at the iron bridge. Mirick, George R., bds 38 Front. Mirick, George, W., res 38 Front. Mitchell, Mary, works Mrs. M. J. Whitson, res cor Maumee and Norton sts. Mixer & Aldrich, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, 38 E. Maumee. Mixer, Edward W., of Mixer & Aldrich, res 41 W. Maumee. Mixer, Miss Ella, teacher West Branch school, bds E. W. Mixer. Moe, George, clerks F. Gaylord, res Division st, nr brass foundry. Moffitt, Eli R., silver plater, res 8 State, bet Union and Michigan. Moffit, Luce N., silver plater, Congress block, Maumee st. Moloy, Andrew, plainer L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 80 Michigan e Centre. Moloy, John, laborer L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 80 Michigan. Moloy, Michael, foreman lumber yard L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 80 Michigan e Centre. Monument Square Hotel, Henry Glaser, prop., Church st, opp Monument Square. Monroe, Charles A., clock repairer, S. Main. Montgomery, Louella, works Mrs. M. J. Whitson, res 43 N. Main st, Montry, Ellen, servant, Railroad eating-house. Moody. John C., carpenter and mason, res Moore, Alphonso E., salesmanComstock Bros., res Jordan Lane. Moore, Jacob, machinist L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Michigan e Tecumseh. Moore, Miss Anna, (colored,) bds Eliza Carr. Moore, George, works Ira A. Metcalf. Moore, J. N., engineer, res 25 Dennis st. Moore, Samuel, laborer McKenzie brick-yard, res W. Maumee and W. College ave. Moore, Thomas, (colored), laborer, res Seeley nr Broad. Morden, M. R., physician, res n s Main st nr brewery. Morelan, Robert S., book-keeper M. E. Chittenden & Co., bds 22 W. Maumee. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 94 Moreland, William M., Dyer and Scourer, 56 N. Main, res same. Morey, Austin E., bds 14 Toledo. Morey, George R. res 14 Toledo. Morlet, Mrs. Josephine, res 6 Church st. Morrison, Frank, works A. H. Wood & Co., res Railroad st. Mosher, Isaac, carpenter, res w s Comstock, bet Railroad and Butler. Moulton & Adams, soap and candle manufacturer, n s Hunt w Main. Moulton, C. M., works E. Amergh, 2 N. Main st. Moulton, George D., res w s Main, bet Railroad and Butler. Moulton, Philo D., of Moulton & Adams, res n s Hunt w Main. Mudge, Henry N., carpenter, res n s Henry w Main. Mueller, John, laborer, res Mulbeiry st. Mufford, Oxen, shoemaker Charles Chaloner, res 22 Locust, cor Butler. Muffor d, John, shoemaker Charles A. Chaloner, res 22 Butler, cor Locust. Mulcer, Michael, shoe store, 4 N. Main st. Mullally, Mary, works Powers & Burnham, Mullally, Michael, carpenter, res s w cor Dennis and Summit. Mullally, Peter, machine hand, Comstock Bros., res State s Beecher. Mallarey, Mary, works J. V. DeFoe, res State st. Mulligan, Daniel, restaurant and saloon, 87 N. Main st, res same. Mulzer, John, salesman M. Mulzer, res n w cor Locust and Erie. Mulzer, Michael, boots & shoes, 4 n Main, res n w cor Locust and Erie. Mumford, William B., of Benson & M., bds cor Church and Broad. Munn, E., mechanic, works L. S. & M. S. R. R., res cor Broad and Butler sts. Murphy, J., laborer, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res w a Division, s Beecher. Murphy, John, laborer, bds James Murphy. Murphy, John, bartender, Gibson House. Murphy, Joseph, machinist, res s s Erie, w Tecumseh. Murray, Mrs. Cathrine, res 47 Erie. Murray, James, helper, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s s Frank, bet Teeumseh and Centre. SMurray, James, laborer, bds 4 Erie. Murray, John W., moulder, res n s Erie, e Tecumseh. Murray, John W., brass polisher, Ills. Manf. Co., res 35 State. Murray, Katie, servant, W. J. Bruce. Murray, N. Seymour, assistant train dispatcher, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 26 s Main. Murray, Mrs. P., res 26 s Main. Murray, Michael, brass polisher, Ills. Manf. Co, res 33 State st. Murphy, Flora E., res Dr. Morden. Murphy, L., works Charles Meyer, res Erie st, bet Tecumseh and Division sts. Museum of Natural History, Museum building, Dr. J. Kost, proprietor, A. R. Thompson, manager. 95.DIBECTOR Y CO.'S Myers. David, laborer, res nr cor Chandler arid College ave. Myers, Ida, servant A. O. Abbott. Myers, Mrs. Gardner H., farmer, res Chandler. Myers, Lankford S., drover, res n e cor McKenzie and St. Joseph. Myers, Nathan, farmer, res n e cor Maumee and McKenzie. --T Nagel, Jacob, cabinet maker, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n e cor Railroad and Ormsby. Nagel, Joseph, laborer, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Maumee, w Addison. Nash, Charles P., traveling salesman, res 53 Church. Nash, Miss F. E., teacher Grammar School, res cor St. Joseph and Greenly. Nash, G. J., supply shipper L. S. & M. S. R. R., res township of Palmyra. Nash, Mrs. Phoeba, res s w cor St. Joseph and Greenly. Nash. Theodore, hats and furs, etc., res 32 Dennis. Navin, Thos. J., atty. at law, over First National Bank, nr n s Erie and e Tecumseh. Naylor, John, car builder, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Beecher, e city limits. Neary, Mrs. Bridget, res n e cor Butler and Ormsby. Neary, Miss Harriet, vest maker, res cor Butler and Ormsby. Neary, William, coach builder, L. S. & M. S. RE. R., res n s Hunt, e Ormsby. Neidhammer, Joseph, blacksmith, L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds cor Erie and Ann. Nesbit, Thomas, blacksmith, res n s Frank, e Tecumseh. Nevin, Thomas, carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Erie, e Tecum. Neward, Fred H., machinist, L.. & M. S., SR. R., bds 72 s Winter. Newby, J. R., Barber. 59 n Main, res same. YNewcomb, John, baggageman L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Michigan, bet Tecumseh and McVicker. Newcomb, Truman, wks L. S. & M. S R. R., res Butler nr Comstock, Newell, James J., res n s Maumee, w Greenly. Newell, Joseph N., roofing business, res 11 Butler. Newhard, Mrs. Jennie, nurse, bds 82 s Winter. Newkirk, Abalard R., baggage master, res 29 Butler, cor Clinton. Newkirk, Jacob, carpenter, res 22 Erie. Newsom, Charles, teamster, res w s Main opp west end Chestnut. Newsom, Mrs. M. N., dressmaker, cor Winter and Maumee, res N. Main. Newsom, Thomas, pedler. res n e cor Butler and Finch. Newton, Trueman, carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Butler nr east end. Niblack, Sylvanus H., prop. Travelers' Home. AD'RIAN Ot' C DIRECTIiORn. 96 Niblack, Edward, wks S. H. Niblack. Nichclson, Samuel, barber shop, N Main, over Fischer's saloon, res n w cor Front and Ormsby. Nicholson, Warner, musician, bds 54 Front. Nicol, Allen, works Beals & Colvin, res s s Joadan Lane. Niedhammer, Daniel, Jr., laborer, res s s Erie e Tecumseh. Niedhammer. Daniel, Sri, labores, res s s Logan e Division. Niedhammer, George G., engineer, res 5 McVicker cor Erie. Nickerbacker, Chas., res cor Main and Chestnut. Niemier, Henry, meat market, n w cor Finch and Railroad st. Nightingale, Miss M. A., dress and cloak mnaking, cor Main and Huntý res same, Niles, Elisha, mason, res cor Bsecher and Treat Road. Niles, Rial, salesman A. B Treat, res sw cor Clinton and Toledo. Nixon, Franklin B., city recorder, Council room, N. Main, res- n e cor Railroad and Clintons Nixon, William, res n e cor Dennis and Union, Noll, Mat, Machinist, res cor Bristol and Elm. Noll, Michael, laborer, res s s Church w Anmn Nopper, Chas. JC, clerks G. H, Seeley. Nopper, Joseph, clerk R. R. Eating H~use, Nopper, Madison, laborer, res 39 Erie. Norton, Sequester R., salesman C. Young & Son, res n s Church, bet Winter and Pearl. Nos, John, laborer, res n e cor Frank and Sarah. Nos, Matthew, carpenter, bds John Nos, Nufer, Andrew, res 119 E. Maumee. Nufer, Mrs. Dorothea, res n w cor Hunt and Ormsby. Nufer, John, laborer, res s e cor McVicker and Erie. Nufer, Joseph W., carpenter, res n s Church, bet McVicker and Te~ eumseh. Nufer, Leonard, res 128 E. Maumee. Nuhfer, Phillip, cabinet maker, W. ER Kimball & Son, res cor Md Vicker and Erie. 0 O'Brien, Kate, servant AK L. Blissý O'Connell, Jeffrey, deliverer United States Express Co., res e s Allis, bet Michigan ave and Merrick. O'Connell, Jeffrey P., clerk J. H. Kennedy, res e s Allis, bat Michigan ave and Merrick. O'Connor, Charles, teamster, res s w cor Butler and Croswell. O'Connor, Daniel, grocer, n e cor Tecumseh and Erie, res same. O'Leary, Martin, painter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 54 Dennis. O'Leary, Patrick, laborer, res n w cor Dennis and Summit. O'Neil, Ellen, pastry cook Central Hotel, O'Neil, Mary, cook Central Hotel. 8 ^iMThcO oY co.K S Olney, Lyman, carpenter, res n w cor Chestnut and Ormsby; Onsted, Peter, farmer, res s e cor Madison and Maumee. Oram, George, laborer, res w s Madison s Vine. Oram, Mrs. Mary, res w s Madison s Vine. Orendorff, George W., shoemaker Mixer & Aldrich, res s s Butler, bet Main and Win ter. Osborn, Emmet L., clerks A. H. Wood, res n w cor Chestnut and Broad. Osborn, Erasmus, traveling agent, res nf w cor Broad and Chestnut. Osborn, E. B., brass finisher Ill. Manf. Co., res Locust, bet Front and Toledo. Osborn, Homer H.5 mechanic, res e s Locust, bet Front and Toledo. Osborn, Morris, res s s Main. Osborn, Morris, Jr., res s s Main, nr s Main. Osborn, V. R. J., res 14 Merrick. Osgood, TM J., express messenger, res 64 Dennis. Ostrander and Wilson, manufactures of Dr. Cronk's Root Beer, 10: Chestnut. Ostrander, Harrym of 0 & Wilson, res 5 Centre. Ostrander, Miss Hellen, res n e cor Chestnut and Finch, Ostler, Edwin, laborer, res Michigan. Ostler, George, works Barse & King. Oszler, Adam, painter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Michigan, w Centres Oszler, George C., painter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 25 Erie. Otis, W. S. C., President Adrian Gas Light Co., res Cleveland, Ohioi Ougheltree, James M., fruit, res 5 Toledo. Ougheltree, Mrs, Vesta., teacher South Branch School, res s w cor Beecher and Main. Owen, Dr Woodland, Dentist, Underwood Block, Maumee, res n w cor Winter aad Railroad, Packard, Cyrus C., insurance agent, 23 Dennis. Packard, George W., res 62 Broad. Page, James, mason, res w s Mixer, s Maumee. Page, Joseph, Farmer, s w cor 4 Ward. Pagel, Charles, painter, L S. & M. S. R. R., res n w cor Frank and McVicker. Palmer, Able B., blacksmith, res cor Comstock and Hunt. Palmer, Charles B., book-keeper, bds 16 Toledo. Palmer, David E., supply hand L. S. & Mn. S. R. R., bds 50 Michigan, Palmer, Harvey. ice dealer, res w s Springbrook ave, n Railroad. Palmer,. Henry F., Gunsmith, e s Winter, s Maiden Lane, res 55 Broad, Palmer, L. W., clerk Register Office, res cor Seely and Locust. Palmer, Mrs. Mary, res Jordan Lane. Palmer, Miss Mary Et, teacher West Branch School, bds P. L. Sword. Park, Mrs. E. B., res n e cor State and Michigan. ADrIAN CITYD:IRECTORY. A 8 -Park, Miss Anna W., Teacher Central School, bds cor State and Michigan. Park, Ambrose B., salesman W. S. Carey, res 18 State, cor Michigan. Parkard, Mrs., res 56 Michigan, Parkell, David A., carpenter, res n s Michigan, e Division. Parker, George F., shoemaker, res s Winter. Parker, George F., tinner, res s Winter. Parker, Geob H, Burnisher Ills. Manf. Co., res 6 Comstock. Parker, John B., carpenter, res ss Henry, n Seeley. Parker Win., wks G. W. Parker, res s Winter. Parket, Peter, wagon maker, wks J. Libbs, res Railroad nr Griswoldb Parkhurst, Lafayette, teamster, res s s Coit, w Scott. Parr, Arthur, carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds 125 e Maumee. Parsons, Albert C., salesman, res 132 e Maumee. Partridge, George T., chair maker, res 49 Church. Partridge, Lorenzo D., moulder J. Farrar & Co., res 47 Church, bet College ave and Winter. Patch. Mrs. H. R., res e s Park, n College ave. Patterson, David, conductor, res 109 e Maumee. Pattisoin Mrs. J. HI, dress making, 42 Broad. Pattison, J. I., bridge carpenter, res 42 Broad. Pawliug, Hulbirt, res s s Beecher nr Dennis. Pauling, Levi, coach builder L. S. & M. S, R. R., res w s State bet Berry and Beecher. Payne, E. Wilson, janitor West Branch School, res s s St. Joseph, W Geenly. Payne, George F. Jr., brass moulder, bds 16 Broad. Payne, George F., Book Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer, over Times Office, res 6 Church. Payne, Miss Lena, teacher North Branch School, bds n e cor Church and Broad, Payne, Prqfessor William H., Superintendent Public Schools, rooms 28 and 29 Central School Building, res 5 Comstock. Peck, Abell R., clock fixer, res n Beecher and w Main. Peckham, Franklin. res w s James, s Treat. Penn, Tilton, laborer, res cor Main and Henry. Pennock. J. W., Woolen Mills, res Palmer, C. B., book keeper, bds 16 Toled.o seh. Phelps, E. B., saloon 62 n Main, res 8 Merrick. Penticost, Mrs. Margaret, res u s Seeley, bet Main and Broad. Pepper, John, laborer, J. Fisher, res s s Henry e Main. Perkins, Abram T., carpenter, res s s Beecher nr south end MeKenzie. Perkins, James G., laborer, re s ss Erie w Tecumseh. Perkins, James P., res cor Butler and N. Main. Perkins, -Mrs. Newton P., res 92 S. Winter. 12 D9 D'DI1ECTOB Y CO.Sg Perrin, Charles, section: boss, L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds n s Church Winter. Perkins, S. P., of Harrison and P., res Maumee, nr M. E, Church. Perry, Andrew W., cooper, res Henry. Perry, Trueman D., cooper, res 81 S. Winter. Peters, Johb, engineer, res w s Budlong n Maumee, Peterson, Niles cabinet maker, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 75 E. Maun mee. Pfeffer, John, wks John Fischer, Pfeiffer, Joseph, proprietor Mineral Spring Hotel, n s Maumee at the iron bridge, Phelan, James, baggage master L. S. & M. S. R R,., res s q Frank e Tecumseh. Phelan, James E., fireman, bds James Phelan, Phelon, Thomas F., law student, Walker & Weaver, bds Frank. Phelps, Theodore A., carpenter, res w s Tabor s Treat. Phelps, Ezra B, saloon-keeper, N. Main. Phillips, Libbie, clerks James A..Eaton. Phillips, Miss Eliza, res C. E. Magill. Pierce, Mercy, servant J. C Knapp. Piersoll, Justinian, M-. D., physician and surgeon, 49 N. Main, res same. Pierson, Henry, painter, res n s Hunt nr Main. Platt's Hotel, Wmr L Platt, proprietor, n w cor Tecumseh and MichiPlatt, William L., hotel and billiard room, n w cor Tecumseh and Michigan. Plumb, Mrs. William H., boarding house, 2. Church a Hunt e Main. Postoffice, Masonic Temple, Maumee st, Jerome H. Fee, postmaster. Potts, Lamhert H., bds J. E. Harrison. Potts, Mrs. Anna M. L., physeian and lecturer, res- - Potts, Em. J., job printer Daily Prees office, bds Central Hotel. Potts, Samuel, machinist, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res an Jordan e Main, Poulson, George, student, bds s w cor Chandler and Maumee. Powell, Mrs. D, T., Dress and Shirt making, 86 e Maumee, rcs' same. 0 Powell, Edwin, carpenter, res s w cor Toledo and McVicker. Powers & Burnham, Merchant Tailors and Clothlsers, 43 E. Maumee. Powers, Edward E., boots and shoes. 54 E. Maumee, res wa Park, bet College ave and Michigan ave, Powers, Mrs. A. P., teacher Central School, res Park bet College ave and Michigan. Powers, Salmon A., ot Powers & B]urnham, aes w s Park, bet College aAe and Michigan ave. Prange, Christ, laborer, res a s Butler e Croswell. Pratt, Mary A., clerks James A.. Eaton.. Preston, John, Upholster L. S. & M. S.. R., res cor State and South. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 100 Preston, W., helper L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s State. -Price. Chas., foieman W. A. Stow, res s Main n s, 3d N. R. R. Prim,, Wmi. H. & Co., blacksmiths, cor Winter and Maiden Lane. Prepperman, Wm., clerk Metcalf res Springbrook ave. Preunig, Otto, carpenter, res n s Railroad e Croswell. Price, David A., carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res e s Clinton, bet Butler and Hunt. Price, David B., teamster Tniied States Expres Co., res w s Chandler s Maumee, Price, Miss Ella M., milliner Mrs. M. J. Whitson, res s e cor Main and McVicker. Price, Mrs. Theodore, res 64 Broad. Prim, William H., of P. & Pruden, res e s Winter s Beecher, Pulver, Martin 0., laborer, res e s McKenzie n St, Joseph. Pnrdy, Miss Emma, of Misses E. & T. J. Purdy, res n s Church, bet Broad and Locust. Purdey, Misses E. & T. J., millinery and fancy goods, 100 S. Main, Purdy, Mrs. S. P., res n s Church, bet River and College ave. Purdy, Miss Tillie J., of Misses E. & T. J. Purdy, res n s Church, bet Broad and Locust. Purinton, Henry M. physician, res 20 Toledo. Putnam Josiah, res 76 Winter. Pntnam, Mrs. Martha, res e s Main. Pynchon, Wm. E. salesman J. C. Rowley & Co., bds H. A. Angell, 113 E. Maumee. Quaffe, Eva, teacher of Vocal Music, Adrian College. Quackenbush, Amanda, r Tabor, e s and s Treat road. Quackenbush, Elisha C., Green and Dried Fruits and Produce, 69 n Main, res same. Quinn,, Stephen, helper L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n s Frank, w Me Vicker. IE, Rabus, Michael, machinist, res 3 Finch. Raesch, Andrew, clerks Herrman and May, res s w cor Broad and Henry. Raesch, Carrie, wks G. F. Payne, res s w cor Broad and Henry. Raesch, George, tailor H rrman May, res s w cor Henry and Broad. Ramler, John, carpenter, res 28 Frank. Randall, Mrs. S. W., res 6 Chestnut. Randall, Timothy P, res 29 College ave. Rapp, John C., of Smith & R., res Butler nr Main. Rathbun, Scott, conductor, n w cor Broad and Toledo. Ray, william, teamster, res n e cor Railroad and Addison. O101 DIBECTORY CO.S Raymond, Clark D., laborer, res e s Budlong, n Maumee, Raymond, M. J., bds Central Hotel. Reasoner, Peter, laborer, res Budlong. Recklow, Peter, engineer, res n e cor Ann and Erie. Reck, Remegus, ress sw cor Fiont and Elm. Reck, Stephen, marble polisher, res n s Front, e Elm. Redfield, Ashel N., boarding house, Maumee nr Conger Block. Redfield, Charles, bds Gibson House. R'edmon, James, foreman blacksmith shop L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 125 e Maumee Redner, Henry, Machinist L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 16 Finch. Redner, J. H., Machinist, res Finch nr Butler. Reeder, David M., res 41 Dennis, s Michigan. Reedle, John, laborer, res cor R. R. st and Elm. Reeve, Walter, of Chamberlin & R., res 4 Dallas. Rekhlau, George J., carpenter, res 21 Toledo. Rehklau, Peter, machinist, res cor Erie & Ann. Reinstein, John, tailor Chas Miller,, res R. R. st, bet Main and Broad. Reisig, George, carpenter, res s w cor Centre and Frank. Reynolds, Jerome, butcher, res 51 Church, bet Winter and Pearl. Reynolds, Lawrence, machinist, res s w cor State and Summit. Reynolds, Miss Maggie, milliner, E. & T- J. Purdy, res s s State, bet Dennis and Division. Rhodes, E. S., drayman and constable res e s Budlong nr Maumee. Rhodes, William W., shipping clerk, M. E Chittenden & C., res s e Budlong, n Maumee. Rice, James, laborer, res nr cor Church and Tecumseh. Rice, Moses B., Shoemaker, 110 S. Main, res 48 Dennis, n of L. S. & M. S. R. R Rice, S. B., of King & Rice, res cor College ave and Park. Rich, Justus M., retired from business, res w s Budlong, s Railroad. Rich, painter, Budlong, w s 4d S. R. R. st. Richards, Eugene, painter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 80 S. Winter. Richards, Hallam, gardner, res 33 Comstock. Richardson, James B., cooper shop, 6 Bristol, res same. Richardson, John, joiner shop, n s Chestnut, bet Main and Broad, res same. Richardson, Mrs. R., res Rail Road st. Richardson, Robert. carpenter L. S. & M. S. R., bds.Botsford's Hotel. Richmond, Dolphus S., carpenter, res Michigan ave. nr Scott. Richmond, William H., res with D. S. Richmond. Rick, Stephen, wks Harrison & Perkins. Rickson, Ida, clerks J. J. & L Auchampaugh., Mrs. Barbara, res n s Railroad, e Ormsby. Rigley, Geo., res 9 Frank. Riley, Mrs. Mary, res 8 Erie. Riley, Selah, carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 76 E. Maumee. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTOR Y. 102 Ringman, Henry A., manufacturing jeweler, 114 S. Main, res 27 Merrick. Ringman, John, wks H. A. Ringman, bds 27 Merrick. Riveinburgh, Norman, teamster, res 53 Beecher. Rixfud, W., Painter, res 20 Merrick. Robb, Lyman D., shoemaker, wks M. B. Rice, res 29 Merrick. Robbins, Richard B., attorney at law, City Hall Block, N. Main, res s w cor Broad and Toledo, Boberts, Darius, veterinary surgeon, res n e cor Chestnut and Comn stock. Roberts, Miron H., carriage manufacturer, 6 Maumee, res e s Greenly, n Maumee. Robinson, Charles, blacksmith L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 32 Frank. Robinson, Mrs. E., res with E. W. Mixer. Robinson, James W., gasfiter. res w s Chandler, s Maumee. Robinson, Mrs. Mary., res s e cor Butler and Ormsby. Robinson, Philo, carpenter, res w s Chandler, s Miaumee. Robinson, Thomas'B., clerk, W. H. Cleveland, res w s Mixer, bet College ave and W Maumee. Roe, James, brass polisher Ill. Manf. Co., res Erie bet Butler and Te. cumseh. Rochowski, Rev, C., Pastor St. Joseph's Catholic Church, res Ormsby, nr Toledo. Rockwood, William H., brakeman, res 125 Comstock. Rogers Bros., hides, pelts, wool, &c., 15 E. Maumee. Rogers, Byron, res Railroad st, nr Addison. Rogers, Charles E., of Roger Bros., res n s Merrick, nr Allis. Rogers, George W., mason, res s e cor Railroad and Budlong. Rogers, Levi M., of Rogers Bros.. res 2 Merrick, Rogers, Miss Martha E., teacher Central School, bds 2 Merrick, Rogers, Mrs. W., bds W. H Plumb, Rogers, Mortimer L., of Rogers Bros., res 2 Merrick. Rogers, William H., of Roger Bros., and President Adrian Savings Bank, res s s St. Joseph, w Greenly. Rogerson, Alexander, machinist: res 13 Division. Rogerson, Frank W., pressman Times Office, res 13 Division, n Mich. Rohm, Michael, laborer. D. M. Baker, res se cor McVicker and Frank. Rolston, John, (colored,) wks W. Catley. Rood, A. B., Conductor, res s s Dsvision. Roof, John P., traveling agent, with Great Western Copying Co. Roode, Mrs. O. M., res 8 State. Roper, Edward, (colored) barbershop S. Main, res 7 Railroad. Rose, John, upholster, res 59 s Winter. Rose, Mrs. Catharine, res 140 E. Maumee. Ross, E. H., clerk J. R. Bennett & Co., res 96 e Maumee. Ross, E. O., sash maker, Comstock Bro,, res cor Elm and Butler. 103 DIRECTORY- 2 I CO.'S Rowe, John, laborer, res Erie nr Tecumseh. Rowley, J. C., grocer and produce dealer, 103 Main. Rowley, Stephen M., salesman Chas. Humphrey, res 4 Union. Rowley, William E., salesman J. C. Rowley, res Clinton, nr Toledo. Ruffini, F. E., Architect and Manager Great Western Copying Company, 36? e Maumee. Rumler, John, plainer Comstock Bro., res Erie. Rupp, Prof. B. H., bds W. Beecher. Russell. Mrs. F. A., teacher Grammar School, bds Mrs Judds. Russell, Frank, student, bds G. D. Russell. Russell, Mrs. Mary C., res cor Church and Winter. Russell, G. D., traveling agent, res 53 S. Main. Russell, Hartwell S., Superintendent of the Poor, office Underwood block, Maumee, res w s McKenzie s Maumee, Russell, Milo, laborer, res 149 E. Maumee. Ryan, John W., blacksmith L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s s Maumee w McVicker. Rynd, Charles, Physcian and Surgeon, over 97 S. Main, res e s Allis. opp. Spring st. Rynd. Joseph S., fireman, bds C. Rynd. S Sabin, Augustus D., cabinet maker L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 25 Comstock, n Butler. Sackett, Lou, conductor, res 8 College ave. Saile, Martin, saloon, n w cor Maumee and Tecumseh, res e s Tecumseh. Saliers, Peter, carpenter, res cor Beecher and S. Winter. Saily, John, clerks Rufus Baker & Co., res w s Broad. Salsbury, Miss Emma, works W. F. Ayers & Co., res 80 Maumee. Salsbury, L. 0., res 6 College ave. Sammons, Sampson, res n s Maumee, west ot the bridge. Sanders, John, warks L. S. & M. S. R R., res 47 Toledo. Sands, John, blacksmith L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n w cor Frank and Tecumseh. Sanschie, G., shoemaker, res 11 Toledo, res same. Saul, George R., telegraph operator L. S. & M S. R. R., res e s Park, bet Maumee and College ave. Sauter, Augustus, Jr., wks brewery, bds 59 Manmee. Sauter, Augustus, Sr., laborer, res s s Church, bet Ann and Sarah. Savage, Thomas, meat market, 71 N. Main, res 7 Toledo. Saviers, John, of Hitchcock, cor Winter and Railroad. Sayre, Mrs. Agge.. res 52 N. Main. Scanlon, David, grocer, s w cor Erie and Tecumseh, res same. Scanlon, Edward, saloon, w s Tecumseh, n Michigan, res same. schaaf, William, carpenter, res 29 Erie. Schaaf, L. W., cabinet maker, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Erie. ADRIA N CITY DIBpfCTOR Y. 1.4 Bchane, Chris., carpenter, Comstock Bros., bds cor Seeley and Elm. Schaper, Fred, carpenter, res 148 E. Maumee, Schateberger, George, blacksmith L. S. & Md S. R.., res 15 Church, Schatierter, Maggie, w:rks J. V. DeFoe, res 15 Church. Scheinds, Win., works Powers & Burnham, res 27 Comstock. Schempf, John, laborer, res s s Seeley, bet Broad and Main. Schiebel, Louis, works John Fischer, Schmeling, Theodore, laborer, res s s Chestnut and Elm, Schmidt, Andrew, works W. Lehman, bds n e cor Main and Bristoli Schmidt, Carl I., clerk Wilcox Bro. & Co., res Butler st. Schmidt, Charles, laborer, res n s Butler, w Addison, Schmidt, Fred, laborer, res Butler st. Schmidt, Henry, helper, res n e cor Railroad and Croswell. Schneider, Christian, Jr., meson, res Michigan, nr freight house. Schneider, Christian, res n s Michigan, bet Centre and Locust. Schneider, Conrad, shoemaker, res 36 Toledo, Schneider, George C., of S & Langohr, res n w cor Toledo and Finch, Schneider, George L., clerk, S & Langohr, res n w cor Toledo and Finch. Schneider, John L.. milkman, res n c cor Butler and Elm. Schneider, & Langohr, boots and shoes, 103 S, Main. Schnell, Tobias, saloon W. Main, res n s Seeley, e Main. Schober, Christ, grocer, corner Finch and Front, res same. School of MYIusic, Over D. Benedict's Store, Prof. B. H. Rupp, Principal.. Schoolcraft, John L., car builder L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 47 Toledoj Schottenhoffer, John, res n w cor Michigan and McVicker. Schottenh ffur, Michael, saloon, 36 Frank, res same. Schroeder, John, laborer, res Hunt nr the Turner Hall. Schwab, Hellen, servant J. C. Rowley. Schwager, Andrew, laborer, res s s Butler, e Elm. Schwartz, Fred., apprentice Corbin and Bruce, bds 76 Maumee, Schwartz, Henry, Bar and Billiard Hall, and dealer in Tobacco and Cigars, 76 E. Maumee, res same. Schwartz, Mrs. John, res 40 Erie. Schwartz, Joseph, butcher R, W. Boyd, res n s Bristol, bet Elm and Croswell. Sciffer, Chas., carpenter, res Butler, bet Elm and Croswell. 'Scofield, John, car repairer, res e s Oak, s Treat road. Scott, Francis M., coach builder L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n e cor Tabor and Beecher, Scout, William J., bed spring agent, res e s, Budlong, n Maumeed Scriber, Lyman, laborer, res s s Coit, w McKenzie. Sealy, James E., watchman L. S. & M. S. R.., res 48 S. Main, Seaman, B. D., laborer, res n s Seeley, w Broad. Sears, Walter S., conductor, res n w cor Front and Clinton, Seaver, Charles G., clerk postoffice, res 30 Broad. 105 ~JizIc~~r Y 00o., Seavey, H. P., marble works, cor Railroad and N. Main. Secord, Asa P., general telegraph operator, res 52 Dennis. Secord, Seth W., conductor, res 1 ober st. Seelye, Charles E., clerk, res w s Locust, bet Maumee and Toledo. Seelye, George H, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 36 E. Maumee, bds Lawrence Hotel. Seelye, H. P., meat market, Maumee st, nr postoffie. Seger, Alexander W., physician, office and res s e cor Madison and Michigan ave. Seibert, Mrs. Catharine, res 29 Frank. Seidel, Charles, boot and shoemaker, over 73 N. Main, res 82 E. Man; mee, e Tecumseh. Selby, Daniel C., helper L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Tecumseh, nr Erie. Selleck, E. L., res e s Park, s Maumee. Selleck, Homer E., iarmer, College ave. Semke, Louis, shoemaker, res 24 E Church. Service, Mrs. Mary Jane, res 32 College ave, Severance, Charles H., clerk, C. Williams, res 2 Locust. Shandley, Cornelius, carpenter, res 58 Broad. Shaidley, Edward J.; painter, bds 58 Broad. Sharp, George, car repairer, res s s Front, bet Ann and Sarah. Sharp, William, fbreman paint shop, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 5 Centrei Sharpsteen, Benjamin M., conductor, res 57 Dennis. Shattuck, Frank, teacher West Branch School, res H. S. Shattuck. Shattuck, Henry C., of Clark & Shattuck, res s e cor Maumee and Me Kenzie. Shattuck, Horace M., res n s Maumee, w Budlong. Shattuck, Miss Octa, teacher West Branch School, res H. S. Shattuck% Shaw, Byron L., S. E. Hart & Co., bds cor Winter and Church. Shaw, Miss Lydia, res s w cor Beecher and Main. Sheffer, Mrs. Charlotte, tailoress, res n s Railroad, bet Clinton and Locust. Sheffield, C. W., farmer, res s w cor Railroad antl Budlong. Sheldon, Alonzo M., res e s Ormsby, nr Chestnut. Sheldon, E. H., of Harrison & S., res Tecumseh, Mich. Sheldon, George A., conductor, res 12 Front. Sheldon, T., carpenter, res 12 Butler. Sheldon, Pelig, carpenter, res s e cor Chestnut and Ormsby. Sheldon, William M., res cor Railroad and McKenzie. Sherman, C. T.,.book-keeper J. R. Bennett & Co., res E. Maumee. Sherwood, Chas., blacksmith J. Vanatter, bds Church st. Sherman, Man-ley L. physician, res 11 Comstock. Shields, Charles, spinner, brass shop, res Finch st, nr Treat road. Shields, Patrick, saloon, 77 N. Main, bds 27 Comstock, bet Butler and Hunt. Shields, William, tailor, Powers & Burnham, res 27 Comstock. Lhier, Rev. W. H., Pastor M. E. Church, res Toledo st, bet Main and -Rai lroad. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 10$ Shillinger, Geo., laborer, res cor Main and Albert. Shipman, Charles E., miller, e s Greely s River. Shipley, Geo., traveling agent, res 6 Church. Shoemaker, Charles,works Harrison & Perkins. Shoemaker, George 0, res Butler nr Elm. Shoens, John W., carriage maker, res e s Locust, bet Seeley and BristolSickles, Chas., res College ave nr Park st. Sickles, Howard, livery, sale and exchange stable, South Winter Lane) in rear of Metcalf's rooms, 19 N. Winter. Siele, Martin, meat market, cor Maumee and Tecumseb. Sigler, A. & U. R., Watches, Clucks and Jewelry, 57 E.Maumeei Sigler, Artimus, of A. & U. R. S., res 100 E. Maumee st. Simister, Wm., machinist, bds Botsford Hotel. Simon, Ludwig, marble works and building stone, 105 Maumee st. Sinclair, Aaron J., insurance agent, res n s St Joseph, e McKenzie. Sinclair, Daniel D., insurance agent and Supervisor 2d Ward) over 44 E. Maumee, res 8 Clinton, bet Toledo and Front. Sinclair, Miss Martha, principal Adrian College, Sipe, Ezra, laborer, res Merrick, nr Park. Sizer, Charles F., carpenter, res 11 Division. Sizer. Nelson W., manufacturer of sash, doors and blinds, res McCollum st. Slater, James W., laborer, res s e cor Ormsby and Bristol. Sleaman, Andrew, clerks Adrian Savings Bank, res s Railroad st. Sleaman, Fred, res Sumner st, bet River and Railroad sts. Sleaman, John, laborer, res s s Railroad, bet River and Greenly. Sleight, Edward, agricultural implements, s s Railroad, bet Scott and Budlong, res same. Sloan, Morris T., carpenter, res w s Center, s Logan. Skeels, Hiram J.. chief head clerk Indiana postal service, res 35 Dennis Smalley, Gustavus A., harness mak3r, C. E. Southland, res 13 State. Smallshaw, John, carpenter, res Allis. Smallwood, Thomas, brass finisher, res n s Church, w Ann. Smart, Albert H., blacksmith, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 13 Center. Smith & Jewell, hardware, stoves and tinware, 55 Maumee st. Smith & Rapp, carriage manufacturers and general blacksmithing, cor Main and Front st. Smith, Adelbert A., blacksmith, bds D. D. VanAlstine. Smith, Alfred W., clerks J. B. Cook & Co. Smith, C. G., nursery, r ss Mixer st. Smith, C., laborer, e s Grand, bet Bristol and Camburn. Smith, Charles F., greenhouse, e cor Locust and Church, r sameL Smith, Dellbert, blacksmith, wks L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds David Van Alstine. Smith, DeWitt C., conductor, res 12 Dennis. Smith, Elisha C., marble works, 74 N. Main, res e s Locust, bet Hun I and Chestnut. 13 107 -DIRECTORY COS Smith, E. J., editor Daily Press, bds Gibson House. Smith, G. B., tutor, Adrian College. Smith, Hugh L., clerk Wilcox Bro.'s & Co., r 115 e Maumee st. Smith, James F., teamster, res 31 Church st. Smith, John, laborer, bds Niblack Hotel. Smith, John F., of Smith & Rapp, res 8 Butler, bet Main and Broadd Smith, Joseph C., traveling agent, res cor Maumee and Williams. Smith, Joseph R., tailor, over 87 N. Main, resSmith, Mrs. Emma, dress making, Conger Block. Smith, Nathan, carpenter, res ss Maumee, w McKenzieSmith, Sarah, servant. W. H. Stone. Smith, yylvester B., of S. & Jewell and Cashier Lenawee Co, Savings Bank, res s w cor Butler and Clinton. Smith, Wesley, conductor, res 121 Maumee st. Smith, Wm. A., salesman, Beals & Colvin, res 18 Butler, w Broad. Smith, W. G,, painter, r Treat st. Smith, W. H., clerk W. E. Kimball & Son, r 24 Church st. Smith, W. P., book keeper for Smith & Jewell, bds cor Clinton and Butler. Snedeker, John H., moulder, res n e corner McVicker and Michigan. Snell & Henig, restaurant and saloon, 93 n Main. Snell, Tobe, of S. & Henig, rSnow, Goodman, blind maker, res 13 Comstock, cor Front. Snyder, Jacob, wks gravel train, r Railroad, nr Croswell. Snyder, James S., farmer, e s Scott and s Maumee. Snyder, L. F., wood turner, W. E. Kimball & Son, r s Main st. Snyder, Wm., horse farrier, res Maumee. Somerville, John, carpenter, Railroad Shops, res e Finch. Sorter, Michael, well digger, res 13 Erie. Sorter, Peter, building mover, res 37 State. Southland, Chas. E., harness maker, 92 S. Main, res 36 Dennis, Speke, James, carpenter, Cross st., nr Main. Spaulding, Parley J., physician, res 82 E. Maumee. Spance, Frank H., foreman A. C. King, res n s Hunt, bet Main and Broad. Spence, Joseph, Jr., moulder, A. C. King, res near freight house. Spence, Joseph, Sr., carpenter, res s w cor Locust and Seeley. Spencer, Miss Lydia A., teacher Central School, bds Mrs. Judd's. Spilman. Peter, helper L. S. & M. S.R. R., res 50 Front. Splettstoesser, Win., switchman, res n s Michigan, w McVicker. Spooner, Francis A., wks Austin, Treat & Goodsell, res 5 Dennis. Sprague, C., laborer, res cor Cherry and Winter. St. Mary's School, Sisters of Mercy, n s Erie st. Stacy, J. A., law student, Stacy & Underwood. Stacy & Underwood, attorneys-at-law, Underwood block n e cor Maumee and Main. Stacy, Consider A., of S. & Underwood, res ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 108 " Stafford & Barrick, fruit and confectionery house, 78 e Maumee. Stafford, P. S., of S. & Barrick, bds Central Hotel. Stainford, William A., book-keeper, res 45 E. Maumee st. Stairt, Mrs. Mary, res Bristol, bet Main and Broad. Stanley, Benjamin F., carpenter, works C. A. Conklin, bds City Hotel. Stanley, Bradley G., carpenter, L. S. & M. S. B. R., res ss Jordan, bet Winter and Main. Stanton, James, moulder, res s w cor Hunt and Ormsby. Stanton, Frank, salesman, M. Gafney, res 41 Frank. Stanton, Patrick, switchman, res s e cor Ormsby and Hunt. Stanton, Patrick H., res 41 Frank. Star Brewery, Thos. Eason & Son, proprietors, w s Maid, s Nelson. Stark, W. H., carpenter, L. S. & M. S. R. R., r Erie, 2 d s Mich st. Starr, W. M., cabinet maker, res 8 Erie. Stauger, John, wks John Townsend, res Erie, nr Tecumseh. Stearns, Willard, attorney-at-law and Justice of the Peace, City Hall Block, re s n s Butler, bet Locust and Comstock. Stebbins, F. R. & F. G., pianos and organs; 60 E. Stebbins, Francis R., manufacturer and dealer in furniture, carpets, etc., 60 E. Maumee, res n e cor Toledo and Comstock. Stebbins, Frank G., of F. R. & F. G. Stebbins, res 39 Toledo. Stebbins, Fred B., clerk, F. R. Stebbins, res n e cor Toledo and Comstock. Stein, Mathias, cabinet maker, res s s Chestnut, e Main. Steinmetz, Jacob, turner, bds R. L. Bate. Steinmetz, Math, saloon, n w cor Erie and Tecumseh, res same. Stephens, Prof. D S., Adrian College, res Maumee, nr Scott. Stephenson, A. M., of Robert Stephenson & Son, r cor Main and Toledo. Stephenson, Robert & Son, physician and surgeon, n e cor Main and Toledo, res same. Stevens, Jacob, mason, res e s State, s Berry. Stevens, William, salesman, res n s cor Church, opp Center. Stevenson, A., of A. Stevenson & Sons, bds Central Hotel. Stevenson, A. & Sons, dealers in Coal and Lumber, n s Mich igan, e Division. Stevenson & Seger, Druggists, 32 E. M.umee. Stevenson, Edward J., of A. Stevenson & Sons. Stevensen, A., res nr Adrian Town House. Stewart, James A., res s s Jordan, w Winter. Stocum, Harry E., clerks Register office, cor Butler and Locust. Stoll, John D., drayman, res 50 Railroad. Stoll, Michael J., machinist A. C. King, res 50 Railroad. Stone, Warren M., iron dealer, bds Judds. Stone, W. H. & Co., Bankers, s s Maumee, 2d door w Main. Stone, William H., of W. H. Stone & Co., res e s Broad, bet Toledo and Front. 109 -DIRECTORY C O.'S Story, Arthur S. wks Christ. Fluegel, res 40 s Main, Story, Charles H., barber, w s Tecumseh, n Michigan, res same. Story, Max, carpenter, res n w cor Maumee and Addison. Stow, Miss Nellie, teacher Central School, res s s Church, bet State and Dennis. Stow, William A., Carriage Manufacturer, s w cor Winter and Pearl, res 36 Church. Stowers, Charles G., of Stowers & Drury, res 29 Front, cor Comstock, Stowers & Drury, groceries, provisions, etc., 96 S. Main. Stretch, Edward, fireman L. S. & M. S. R. R., bds 8 Michigan. Strong, E. T., clerks J. D. Benedict. Strong, Mrs., C. L., res n w cor Broad and Toledo. Strossenreuter, Augustus, painter, res n w cor Railroad and Elm. Stuck, LeRoy, carpenter, res n s Seeley, e Broad. Sutton, Mrs. L. W., Erie, bet McVicker and Tecumseh. Sutton, Peter, physician, office and res s s St. Joseph, w Greenly, Swach, Fred., laborer, res Railroad st,rnr Addison. Swach, J., laborer, Railroad, nr Addison. Swanson, Mrs. J., res cor Church and College ave. Sweet, C. G. L., cashier freight office, res 28 Church. Sweet, Myron W." pump manufacturer, res w s Madison, s Michigan ave. Sweet, Samuel, wks gas works, res 2d cor Church and Winter..Swift. Erdix T., traveling agent, res Conger block. Swift, N. R., college agent, res 29 Buclong st. Sword, Edwin C., brickmaker, res s w cor Company and Greenly. Sword, James. res s w cor Company ana Greenly. Sword, Porter L., President Ill. Manf. Co. of Adrian, Mich., and brick and tile manf., res n s Maumee, w Budlong. Syn ieter, Selia, clerks James A. Eaton. Symonds, Frank, bds 76 e Maumee. Synister, Miss Lida A., clerk, bds Mrs. Lamb. T Tabor, Lorenzo, attorney at law, over 51 E. Maumee,,res s e cor Broad and Toledo. Tabor, Mrs. Julia, res n s Henry, bet Broad and Locust. Tatten, Thomas, carpenter and joiner, wks Chas. J. Bennett, bds 7 Chestnut street. Tayer, William R., farmer, res 22 Merrick. STaylor, Alfred, (colored) laborer, res n s Company, e McKenzie. Taylor, Charles L., carpenter, res e s S Main. Taylor, John H., (colored) laborer, res Locust, nr Chestnut. Taylor, Miss Jennie, clerks D. T. Trefry. Taylor, Theodore, book agent, res n w cor Railroad and Locust. Taylor, William A., engineer, res Comstock nr Butler. Teachout, Isaiah, farmer, res s w cor Scott and Michigan ave. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTOR Y. 110 Teachout, 0. L., res Park st, between College ave and Maumeest. Teachout, Welcome, res ss Michigan ave, w Scott. Temple, John, laborer, res s s Beecher, nr Treat road. Templeton, James, helper L. S. & M. S. R. R., res s w cor Maumee and McVicker. Terry, Charles, hackman. Terry, Osborn, teamster, res w s Grand, s Camburn. Terry, Samuel, Well and cistern builder, res Main nr Chestnut, Thame, Barbara, housekeeper, Rev. C. Rockowaski. Tharmann, Charles, painter, bds 26 Erie. The Daily and Weekly Press, Wm. A Whitney, Publisher and Proprietor, Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Winter. Thieme, Charles, carver, res n s Front, bet Elm and Croswell. Thomas, Allen, sewing machine agent, res 84 E. Maumee. Thomas, C. K., of C. K. Thomas & Son, res 28 N. Winter. Thomas, C. K. & Son, Drugs, Books, etc., Masonic Temple, Mlau. mee. Thomas, Cyrus, pedlar, res Locust. Thomas, Edward, (colored), laborer, res Comstock. Thomas, George, switchman L. S. & M. S. R. R, res Taber. Thomas, George V., of C..K. Thomas & Son, res 28 N. Winter. Thomas, Phillip, carpenter, res McKenzie. Thomson, John, helper, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n w cor Frank and Sarah, Thompson, A. R., Manager Museum Natural Histcry. Thompson, Mrs. Lidia A., res s w cor Green y and River. SThompson, Mrs. Maggie, res 47 Toledo. Thompson, Marvin M., mason, res 38 Broad, Thompson, Thomas P., mason, res 22 Front. Thompson, William B., teller of W. H. Stone & Co., res s s Butler, Thomson, Mrs. James, res s e cor College ave and Park. Thomson, David, Barber, and umbrella maker, 77 N. Main, res same. Thrap, Rev. J. S., res E Madison, 2 d from Michigan ave. Tidswell, Arthur, carpenter, res Toledo. Tidswell, John, carpenter, res n s Michigan, e Tecumseh. Tidswell, William, carpenter, res s s Erie, e Tecumseh. Times & Expositor, (Daily and Weekly,) Applegate & Fee, publishers, 65 E. Maumee. Timmermann, Henry, mason, res n s Maumee, e McVicker. Tine, John, laborer, res River. Titus, Franklin. farmer, res w s McKenzie, n Maumee. Tobon, Richard, conductor, res 9 Chestnut. Tobey, Thomas J., produce dealer, res 16 Toledo. Todd & Andrews, physicians, over 39 E. Maumee st. Todd, Daniel. of Todd & Andrews, res 39 s Main. -, IIl DIREOCTOR Y CO.'S Todd, F. J., clerk J. R. Bennett & Co., res 40 s MainTodd, Mrs. M. N., res 26 Church. Tompkins, Daniel, brakeman, res Erie, opp depot. Toney, Mary wks J. V. DeFoe, res Beecher. Towl, Thomas, saloon, Maiden Lane res same, Townsend, Henry, postal clerk, res 27 Front, w Comstock. Townsend, John, supt. bridges, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 36 Front. Townsend, John P., tinner, res 58 Dennis. Tracy, N. wks C. A. Conklin. Tracy, L. J., asst. superintendent Ill. Manf. Co., res Church st., opp Monument Square. Tracy, Nathan U., wks C. A. Conklin, res 30 Merrick. Trask, Lambert, of Loud & Trask, res w. s Main, s Beecher. Trautmann, Jacob, pastor 1st Lutheran church, res 10 Frank. Treat, Alanson B., druggist and grocer, 99 S. Main st, res cor Church and Winter. Trefry, D. T., Boston 99 cent store, e Maumee, 2d door e Lawrence House. Treat, Mrs. D. R., res 82 S. Winter. Treat, Edward B., of Austin, T. & Goodsell, S. Winter, cor Cross. Trimble, H. E., clerk, Philo Wilson, bds cor Butler and Winter. Tripp, Joseph, physician and surgeon, Conger block, res Broad st, nr Baptist church. Truax, A., railroad man, res Tabor nr/Beecher. Truman, Fred., blacksmith, L. S. & M. S. R.., res n s Fiank, e Tecumseh. Trupp, Mrs. Ann L., res Michigan st, 2 d e Division. Trapp, Henry J., collector Howe Sewing Machine Co., res 65 Dennis. Tubbs. Charles A., plaster res McKenzie st, nr railroad. Tubbs, Simeon, carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res cor Lawrence ave nr Division Tuuks, Chas., Blacksmith, res 144 e Maumee. Tucker. Mrs. Jasper E., res s s Beecher e Treat road. Turner, Benjamin, farmer, res e s Main s Cross, Turner, Jamer, farmes, res s s Beecher, bet Dennis and State, Turner. P., Painter, res s s Beecher, bet Dennis and State. Tuttle, Marion M., coach builder L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 39 State. Tyler, Amos H., of Harrison and T., res70 S. Winter. Tyler, Miss Florence E., teacher Central School, bds 33 Toledo. Tyler, Mrs. W. S., res 33 Toledo. Tynan, John, laborer, res w s River bet Railroad and Greenly. Tynan, Mary, wks Ira A. Metcalf. -UTT--. Uff, Festus, laborer, res w s McKenzie n Company. Ulrich, Bruno, barber, res s s Front, bet Ormsby and Elm. Underhill, Edward 0., printer, Times office, res s s Spring w Allis. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 112 Underhill, Robert I. F., blacksmith, Far'ar & Co.'s res s s Spring w Allis. Underhill, William R., boiler maker, J. Farrar & Co., res cor Main and Church. Underhill, Miss Sattie, wks W. F. Ayers & Co., res 17 Spring. Underwood, Mrs. Emma, music teacher, r cor Main and Winter. Underwood, Benjamin, (col'd) barber, res Broad Underwood, William A., of Stacy & U., res n w corner Broad and Church. United States Express Co., W. W. Luck, Agt., 73 E. Mau4 mee. "VVanAlstine, Andrew, laborer, res n s St. Joseph, bet Greenly and McKenzie. VanAlstine, Cleveland A., res Division, s city limits. VanAlstine, D. D., laborer, res cor Tecumseh and Maumee. VanAuken, Jared A., att'y at law, over 34 Maumee st., res s w cor Madison and Michigan av. VanAuken, Lemuel, farmer, ees s w cor Michigan ave and Madison. VanAuken, Miss Maggie, res w s Madison w Michigan av. VanAuken, -, machinist, r Madison and Michigan. VanAuken, Vestian, laborer, res w s Treat. VanAuker, car repairer, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res Treat, s Oak. VanBrunt, Albert, yard master, res 54 Dennis. VanBrunt, Nicholas, real estate agent, over 44 E. Maumee, res s s Beecher, e Main. VanCamp, Abram I., boot and shoemaker, 103 S. M, res 7 Centre. Vanderburg, Levi, agt. Michigan Mutual Lile Ins. Co., 24 Church st,, res same. Vandegrift, Elijah, manf. Tight and Loose Barrels, n w cor Hunt and Main, res e s Main 2d house s Hunt. Vandegrift, William Y., cooper, res w s Main, bet Hunt and Chestnuts Vandegift, John Wesley, laborer, bds 54 State. Vandigrift, John,., laborer, L. S. & M. S.. R., res 54 State. Vanderpool, G., agt. Howe Sewing Machine, Conger Block res samed Vanderpool, Grovnor, carpenter, res s e cor Butler and Ormsby. Vanderpool, Henry H., farmer, res 45 Butler, cor Comstock. VanDonge, John, cigar maiuf., res and shop Greenly, nr Maumee. VanDriesen, George R., painter, res 58 Front. VanNatten, Peter W., carpenter L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 65 S Main. VanNatter, Willirm B., llacksmith, of D. C. Pruden, res 9 Mixer. VanOstrand, Charles N., City Bill Poster and Distributor, Times Office, res n s Jordan Lane, bet Winter and Main. VanSandt, Elisha, mason, res 30 College ave. VanSandt, Williams plasterer, bds E. VanSandt. 113 -DIBECYTORYI CO.'S VanZandt, Mary, res A. M. Farnsworth. VanSickel, Louis, laborer, res s e cor Henry and Ormsby. VanSickel, Thomas, teamster, res Mulberry, e Croswell. Verandah Restaurant and saloon, John Lewis, proprietor, 67 E. Maumee. Vogel, Clemens, tinner, of R. L. Bate, bds 17 Butler. Vogel, Paul, clerk, res w s Ormsby, bet Toledo and Front. Vogt, Andrew, carpenter, res n e cor Center and Franks Vogt, Michael, laborer, res n w cor Front and Finch. Vogt, Valentine, upholsterer, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res n e cor Erie and SSarah. Voorhees, Francis, Hatter, and dealer in Hats, Caps and Furs, 44 Es Maumee, res e s Springbrook ave. h Railroad. Voorhees, Frank, clerk F. Voorhees, bds Springbrook av. Voorhees, Nathan, clerk, ras e s Springbrook av. nr Railroad. Voorhees, Ralph, plasterer, res 3 Locust, n Toledo. Voorhees, Stephen F., salesman, of Francis Voorhees, res e s Spring, Voorhees, Win., clerks F. Voorhees, bds Springbrook av. broole ave, n Railroad. Vosburg, Charles W., blacksmith, S Hurlbut, bds Lawrence House, Wadsworth, Samuel, res 18 Locust. Wagener, Henry L., clerk S. E. Hart & Co., res n e cor Railroad and Elm. Wagener, Mrs. Elisca L., res n e cor Railroad and Elm. Wagener, Phillip J. A., carriage painter Smith & Rapp, res n e cor Railroad and Elm. Wagester, Henry, teacher German Lutheran School, res 10 Frank. Wagner & Arnold, Groceries & Provisions, 138 E Maumee. Wagner, Frederick, blacksmith, res 3 College ave. Wagner. George W., of Wagner & Arnold, res 138 E. Maumee. Wagner, John, clerk Louis Wagner, bds E. Maumee. Wagner, Louis, of Fred Hock & Co., res 103 Maumee. Wagner, William G., tinner, L. S. & M. S. R. R., res e s Elm, n Railroad. Wahl, Wm., wks gravel train, res Butler. Wahlig, Alex., Wall Paper, Window Shades and Upholstering goods, Hayball's stand, E. Maumee, res S. Main, bet Maumee and Toledo. Walby, E. I., Cashier First National Bank, res w s Broad. Walby, Harry B., bds C. B Backus. Walby, William H., Banker over First National Bank, res 99 E. Maumee. Walker, Charles M., of Walker & Weaver, res 47 S. Main, bet Beecher and McVicker. Walker, James B., Agent Adrian College, res n s Michigan ave., w Scotta ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 114 Walker, John, laborer, res n s Tabor, nr Beecher. Walker & Weaver, Attorneys at Law, 40 E. Maumee. Wallace, Rev. Peter, Pastor St. Mary's Catholic Church, res 15 Division. Wallace, Miss Maggie, res 15 Division. Waller, John, wks Austin, Treat & Goodsell, res 9 Railroad st. Wannufitt, John, wks R. W. Boyd, res same. Warner, James R., Flour and Feed, n e cor Main and Church, res 25 College ave, cor MoKenz'e. Warner, Joseph C., bds n e cor Butler and Broad. Warner, Rial V., of G. Warner & Son, res 10 Butler. Warner, G. & Son, Carriage Trimmers, s w cor Main and Front. Warner. Mrs. T. C., res n e cor Butler and Broad. Warren, Jesse, res s s Beecher, nr s end McKenzie. Washburn. Martin E., City Marshal, res 3 Butler. Washburn, Mrs. Mary, bds I. P. Gifford. Washburn, Norman, Mason, res Finch, bet Butler and Railroad. Washburn, Warner, res Finch, bet Butler and Railroad. Washington, George, (col'd) laborer, res e s Greenly, n Maumee. Waterberry, Mrs. John, res e s Madison, bet William and Maumee. Waters, Weston, (col'd,) whitewasher. res w s Locust, n Chestnut. Watts, Richard A,, of Howell & Watts, res s s College ave 2d door w Park. Watts, Thomas R., professor of music, res s e cor Toledo and Ormsby. Weatherwax, Miss Betsy F.. tailoress, res n w cor Railroad and Comstock, Weatherwax, Jacob A., laborer, bds, n e cor Clinton and Bristol. Weatherwax, John C., carpenter, res n e cor Clinton and Bristol. Weatherwax; John C., Jr.. carriage painter, bds n e cor Clinton and Bristol. Weaver, Clement E., of Walker and Weaver, res 33 S. Main. Webb, Edwin L., clerk D. Benedict, res n s Maumee, e McKenzie. Webb, Miss Helen A.,'bds 30 Church. Webb, Thomas, laborer, res w s Tabor, s Logan. Webster, John, Sec. and Treas. Adrian Gas Light Co., res 26 N. Winter. Webster, Orange, salesman Smith & Jewell, res cor Church and Main. Weddick, J. W., of W. F. Ayers & Co., res Maumee, nr Broad. Wehl, John, laborer, res n s Railroad, e Addison. Wehle, Antony, boots and shoes, cor Maumee and Main, res 49 Ormsby. Wehle, Christ, wks D. M. Baker, res Ormsby. Weigle, D. helper railroad shop, res cor Erie and Centre. Weile, John, helper railroad shop, bds 107 E. Maumee. Welch,. Sybil, res cor Mich. ave arid McKenzie. Wellman, Miss M. E., millinery, 73 Maumee, res cor Railroad and i vision. /'-/ 115 DIEOCTOR Y CO.'S Weis, Frank, saloon, cor Maumee and Tecumseh. Weiss, Florian, teamster, W. Lehmann, bds same. Weiss, John, stone cutter, L. Simon, bds John Boringer. Weiss, Stephen, saloon, n e cor Chestnut and Main, res same. Wela, Anton, shoemaker Wing & Major, res 21 Ormsby, n Butler. Welch, Daniel, res s w cor Main and Nelson. Wellman, John S,, Attorney at Law and Justice of Peace, over S42 E. Maumee, res Maumce, opp Gibson House. Wellmer, John. helper L. S. & M. S. R. R,, res 33 Frank. Wells, William A., hatter, res 18 Locust. Welpe, Adam, tailor of Herman & May, res 131 Bristol. Wesley, Albert, bds cor Butler and Finch. Wesley, Chas. G., clerk W. H. Stone & Co's., Bank, res cor Butler and Finch. Wesley, Charles, clerk Stone's Bank, res s w corner Finch and Butlerd Wesley, Joseph, cutter A. H. Wood, res s w cor Butler and Finch. West, Charles L., painter, res Merrick, nr Winter. Westerman, George W., clerk county office n w cor Main and Front, res e s Springbrook ave, n Railroad. Westerman, Louis, locksmith Ill. Manf. Co., res cor Erie and Ann. Westheimer, Max, clerk D. Benedict, bds S. Winter. Westerman, S., clerk, bds G. Westerman. Westerman, Wallace, R. R. postal clerk, bds G. Westerman. Westerman, Walter, night watch, res Cherry, bet Railroad and Greenly. Western Union Telegraph Co., Frank C. Ackley, manager, over W. H. Stone & Co's bank. Wetmore, Chas. I., traveling agt., res 14 Dennis. Whalen, James, laborer, bds John Whalen. Whalen, John, laborer, res n s Erie, w McVicker. Whalen, John, wheel presser L. S. & M. S. R R., res s s Church, e Tecumseh. Whalen, Michael, teamster, res s s Church, e Tecumseh. Whalen, Patrick, laborer, res s s Church, e Tecumseh. Whalen, W., cigar maker, J VanDonge, cor Erie and McVicker. Whaley, Chas,, of Lambie & Whaley, bds Central Hotel. Whaley, Charles E., salesman W. S Carey, bds Central Hotel. Whaley, John, laborer, res n s Church, e Tecumseh. Whaley, Nora, servant C. W. Kimball. Wheeler, Adolt of Mich. Insurance Co., res 74 W. Maumee. Wheeler, Benjamin F., cooperage, shop rear 74 N. Main, res s s Maumee, opp Budlong. Wheeler, Edwin W., cooper B. F. Wheeler, e s Sumner, bet Railroad and River. Wheeler, Eugene, wks J. H. Adams, res Spring, nr Allis. Wheeler, Jacb, Sewing Machine agent, res e s Tabor, and s Treat. Wheeler, J. O., Agt. Singer Sewing Machine, res e s Tabor, nr Beecher. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 116 Wheeler, Miss Nellie, wks Miss E. & T. J. Purdy, res Allis. Wheeler, Mrs. Frank, res 33 Front, cor Ormsby. Wheeler, Mrs- Eliz., res 22 Main. Wheeler, Miss Etta, wks Misses E, & T. J. Purdy, res Allis. Wheeler, Henry A., moulder, res s s Beecher, e Main. Wheeler, Prosper, cooper, res s s Maumee, w McKenzie. Wheeler, Thaddeus B., Cooper B. F. Wheeler, res n s Butler, bet Main and Winter. Wheeler, W. H., blacksmith, res e s Tabor, nr Beecher. Whipple, Miss F. A., Millinery and Fancy Goods, 66 E. Maumee, res 24 Butler. Whipple, George W., city auctioneer, res 24 Butler. Whipple, Miss Ida M., milliner, Miss F. A. Whipple, res 24 Butler. Whipple, James H., butcher, Thomas Savage, res cor Ormsby and Toledo. Whipple, Walter, res 32 S. Main. White, Albert, res 28 Dennis. White, Benjamin, res 7 Comstock. White, Harrison D., mechanic L. S. & M. S. R. R., res w s Madison, s Michigan ave. White, Miss Nettie, wks W. F. Ayers & Co., res Church, nr Main. Whitmore, Ansel K., detective, res 3 Frank. Whitmore, Charles H., moulder, res 3 Frank. Whitmore, Rev. Orrin, 25 Toledo. Whitney, Able, Vice President First National Bank, res 83 E. Maumee, bet Main and Broad. Whitney, D. A., clerk Lawrence House. W'Titney, Mrs. R. H., res n w cor Michigan ave and Main. Whitney, William A., publisher and proprietor The Adrian Daily and Weekly Press, Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Winter, res n s Maumee, opp Presbyterian Church. Whitson, Mrs. M. J., millinery, s e cor Main and Toledo, res same. Wicks, Amanuel, cutter for Herman & May, res 44 Dennis st Wickham, Peter, gardener, res s s Vine w Madison Wickham, Stephen, gardener, res s Vine w Madison Wickham, Walter, gardener, res s w cor Vine and Madison Wickham, William, gardener, res n s Vine w Madison Wiesinger, George, of Bowerfind & Wiesinger, res 123 E Maumee w Tecumseh Weisinger, Geo S, painter, res Ormsby bet Toledo and Front Wiesinger, J Christ, clerk J R Bennett & Co, res 123 E Maumee w Tecumseh Wiesinger, John, carpenter railroad shop, res s s Toledo w Tecumseh Wiesinger, John, shoemaker, Schneider & Langohr, res s s Toledo nr Orimsby 117 -DIBPECTORZE~Y CO.'S Wiesinger, Michael, pottery, n w corner Toledo and Ormsby Wiesinger, Simon, painter, railroad shops, ress s Toledo e Tecumseh Wiess, Stephen, wks H A Gutzwiller, res cor Main and Chestnut Wilcox, Albert, wks depot, res 127 E. MVaumee Wilcox, Austin, salesman, Wilcox Bros. & Co., res 3 Toledo. Wilcox Bros. & Co, hardware, stoves, tinware and agricultural implememts, 35 E. Maumee Wilcox, Ed, carpenter, res Budlong st, 3 door east of R R street Wilcox, George A, of Wilcox Bros. & Co., res Chandler nr College av Wilcox, Henry H, of Wilcox Bros. & Co, res 3 Toledo Wilcox, I. Lamar, salesman A. Worden, res n e cor Maumee and Scotf Wilcox,'Sam on, clerks A Worden Wilcox, William S, of Wilcox Bros. & Co, res junction S. Main and S. Winter Wild, Wilierd B, machinist, res w s McKenzie n Rich Wild, William, engineer, res w s McKenzie n Rich Wilkinson, Thomas, mason, res n s St Joseph e McKenzie W illard, Ephraim R, painter, railroad shops, res 23 Toledo Willbe, Charles H, sexton Oakwood Cemetery, res cor Cemetery and Henry Willett, Enos, of Willett & Son, res s s Hunt bet Main and Broad Willett & Son, groceries, provisions, flour, feed, etc, 91 N Main Willett, Benj, clerks E Willett & Son Willett, Wesley S, clerk Willett & Son, res McKenzie nr West Branch School Williams, Christopher, cabinet maker, res 29 Comstock cor Hunt Williams, Clinton, restaurant and billiard hall, 2 door e of Gibson House r same Williams, Jewett, family groceries, etc, Maumee nr post office Williams, J, clerks Jewett Williams, r same Williams, Levi, wks Ira Metcalf Wilman, Mary E, millinery, Maumee st, r Division Williams, Morgan, res s s Maumee e William Williams, William, carpenter, res 35 Broad Willoughby, Edgar, traveling agent, res 16 Allis Willow, (Christ, laborer, res n s Church e Ann Willow, Fred, laborer, res n s Church e Ann Willmore, Fred, R R man., r Front bet Elm and Croswell ADRIAN CITY DIRECTOR Y. 118 Wilson, Alex, blacksmith, railroad shop, res n e cor Frank and Ann Wilson, Asa L, nursery agt, res 60 Broad Wilson, Edwin, of Ostrander & Wilson, r 10 Chestnut Wilson, George D, clerk Philo Wilson. res Toledo nr Main Wilson, G D, mechanic, res s s Maumee e McKenzie Wilson, James W, warehouseman L S & M S R R, res Broad bet Maumee and Church Wilson, Jonas, laborer, res Bristol nr Broad Wilson, Mrs. K, (col'd) res 54 Broad Wilson, Philo, flour and feed, 50 N Main, res s iv cor Maumee and Scott Wilson, Robert H. clerk S E Hart & Co, res'131 S Main Wilson, Samuel, County Drain Com'r, over 44 E Maumee, res township of Franklin, Mich Wilson, Thomas W, shoemaker Chas A Chaloner, res Henry st bet Broad and Locust Wilson, William, blacksmith, railroad shop, res Front nr Finch Winans, Edward H, fruit grower, res w s Scott n Maumee Winans, Miss H, Asst Preceptress High School, bds E H Winans Winey, Albert, laborer, ree cor Frank and McVicker Wing, Abraham, time and storekeeper L. S. & M. S. R. R,, 114 E Maumee. Wing, Frederick J., of Wing & Major, res 46 Church. Wing & Major, boots and shoes, 29 E. Maumee. Winn, Patrick, painter, res Erie nr McVicker st Winnie, J C, student, Geddes & Miller, bds Cotton's bdg house Winter, Charles, laborer, s s Coit e Scott, Winter, William A., sewing machines, res w s Budlong, res s Railroad. Winters, Geo, laborer, res w end Coit st Wise, John W., of T. & J. W. Wise, res 11 Park. Wise, T. & J. W., tobacco and cigars 92 Main, opp Maiden Lane, Wise, Tobias, of T. & J. W. Wise, res 75 S. Winter. Wise, Valentine, carriage maker, res s e cor Ormsby and Butler Win chip, B, agt Singer Sewing Machine, rooms cor Winter and Maumee sts, r 2 Merrick Withers, T W, engineer L S & M S R R, Mich.t 2 door e Botsfords Hotel Wizner, Wm, res n s Beecher bet Main and Winter Wolcott, Chas., agent Howe machine, 84 E. Maumee. Woller, John, carpenter, bds Fred Woller. Woller, John, laborer, res w s Elm, n Bristol. Woller, Fred, laborer, res n w cor Bristol and Elm. Wonder, Henry, servant, G. Cotton. 119 DIRECTORY CO.' S Wood, Alfred H., Merchant Tailor and Clothier, 37 E. Maumee, res 10 State, bet Division and Dennis. Wood, Alfred W., salesman A. H. Wood, res 10 State, bet Division and Dennis, Wood, Frank, clerk John B. Cook & Co., bds Mrs. Judd. Wood, Ira, brakeman L. S. & M. S. R. R., res 24 Erie. Wood. Miss F. A., teacher Central School, bds Alexander Maxwell. Woodard, H. G., painter, res River. Wooden, Thomas, well digger, res Church. Woodford, Russel, (colored) laborer, res e s Budlong, n Maumee. Wordin, A. H.. cooper, N. Main, res N. Main. Woodruff. Miss Julia S., preceptress High School, bds Mrs. Faveis. Woodward, Hollis, laborer, res n s Railroad, nr Broad. Wooster, James D., res n e cor Michigan ave and Park. Wootten, Thomas Jr., clerk, res 31 Merrick. Worcester, Lysander, traveling agent, res 23 Comstock Worden, Alanson, Boots and Shoes, 42 E Maumee, res 26 Toledo, cor Locust. Worden, Alvah H., cooper, E. Vandegrift, Farmers Hotel. Worden, Samuel S., cooper, E. Vandegrift, bds Farmers Hotel. Wortsmith, Frank J., clerk Bowerfind & Weisinger. res 15 Erie, w Locust. Wortsmith, Mrs. Margaret, res 15 Erie, nr Locust. Wright, Daniel, mason, res s s Cross, bet Winter and Main. Wright, Frank, mason, res n s Merrick, w Main. -z" Yager, Henry W., carriegesmith, res s s Railroad st. Yeager, Mrs. Chatherine, res cor Butler and Main. Yager, Walter H., blacksmith, wks Smith & Rapp, res Railroad. Yearington Nelson, carpenter, res s Winter, nr Railroad. Yearington, Tracy, clerk W. E. Kinball & Son, res s Winter. Young, Charles, & Son, Groceries and Produce, 89 S. Main, cor Maiden Lane. Young, Charles E., of JohnIB. Cook & Co., res 11 Toledo. Young, Chas., res F. Smith. Young, Francis, produce, hides and pelts, s s Maiden Lane, bet Winter and Main, res s w cor Main and Merrick. Young, George A., of Chas. Young & Son, res 43 Church. Young, Mary, wks J. V. DeFoe, res N. Main. Young, Maggie, clerk J V. DeFoe, res N. Main. Young, Wiliam, salesman Ira A. Metcalf & Co., res e s Park, bet Maumee and College ave. Young, William, Lime, Hair, Calcine, Plaster and Water Lime, rear of t'aifuiy's grocery. res N. Main, nr White Mills. ADRIAN OTTY DIREGTORY. 120 z Zennagg, John, locksmith Ill. Manf. Co., bds s e cor Ormsby and Front, Zennegg, Julius, engineer Adrian Mills, res s e cor Front and Ormsby. Zuker, Philip, wks Eagle Brewery, res cor Seely and Broad. 121 DIRECTORY CO.'S 12 DIETR O' CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY, - - - 0 - - - Abstracts of Titles. Bliss, A. L. s w cor Main and Railroad. Agricultural Implements. Bond G W. 10 Maumee. Henderson, Joel, w s Maumee st bridge. King, A. C., s s Main w Toledo, Sleight, Edwardd s s Railroad bet Scott and Budlong. Mann, S. B., 8 E Maumee, Wilcox, Bros. & Co., 35 E Maume3. Ashery" Moulton & Adams, n s Hunt w Main. Attorneys at Law. Bachman, G. L., over 51 E Maumee. Bean & Hadley, Underwood blk, e cor Maumee and Main. Bean & Hadley, 4 Underwood blk. Croswell, C. M., over 1st National Bank. Condict H D, cr McKenzie & Company. Geddes & Miller, over 1st National Bank. Goff, J. H., over 44 Main. Greenly & Robison, City Hall blk, up stairs N Main. Howell & Watts, over 43 E Maumee. Millard, A. L., Underwood blk, n e cor Maumee and Main, Navin Theo J, over First Natl Bk Stacy & Underwood, Underwood blk, n e cor Maumee and Main. Stearns, W., City Hall blk. Tabor, Lorenzo, 51 E Maumee. Van Aucken, J. A., Underwood bik, n e cor Maumee and Main. Walker & Weaver, over 40 E Maumee. Wellman, John,. Underwood blk. Bakers. Bowerfind & Wiesssnger, 111 S Main. Gutzwiller, H. A., 77 N Main, Bands of Music. Light Guard Band, Elwood Irish, leader. Knights Templar Band, W. Anldrews, leader. Bankers. Stone, W. H. & Co., a s Maumee, 2d door w Main. Banks. Adrian Savings Bank, s e cor Mattmee and Winter. First National Bank, s e cor Maumee and Main. Lenawee County Savings Bank, n w cor Maumee and Winter. Barbers. Burton, L. W., over 35 E Maumee, Jones, W" M., 90 S Main. Newby J R, 59 N Main. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 122 Lewis, G. W., Lawrence House, Nicholson, Samuel, S Main over Fischer's saloon. Johnson J L, Maumee, opp post office. Roper, Edward, (col'd) Main opp Maiden Lane. Story, C. H., w s Tecumseh n Michigan. Thomas, David. 77 N Main, Bill Posters. VanOstrand, Charles, Times Office. Billiard Halls. Anglim Edwin 94 S Main st. Crane N H, 62 Maumee st. Emery, J. H., Lawrence House. Hayden & Co., 96 N. Main. Schwartz, Henry, 76 E Maumee. Williams C, W Maumee st. Blacksmiths. Cohoon, C. P., n s Church e Main. Doan, William, n e cor Main and Railroad. Glidden, John S., 10 N Winter. Smith & Rapp, s w cor Main and Front. Libs, Joseph, 42 N Main. Marshall, John A., w s Winter n Maumee. Prim, W. H. & Co., cor Winter and Main. Boarding Houses. Beebe, Solomon, n s Church w Winter. Behringer, John, 23 Railroad. Bird, G. L., 32 Pearl. Clement, Mrs. A., 6 Dennisa Cotton, Charles, 51 N Main. Drury, Dewitt C., 8 Michigan. Humphrey, Mrs. A. C., 22 Toledo. Plumb Mrs W H, 22 Church st. Redfield, A. N., 22 Maumee w Conger blk. Boiler Works. Farrar, J. & Co., 36 S. Winter. Book Binder and Blank Book Man* ufacturer. Payne, George F., over Times of. fice. # Books and Stationery. Humphrey, Charles, 41 E Maumee. Kennedy J H, 46 Maumee st. King, W. F., 26 E Maumee Thomas, C. K. & Son, MasoniC Temple. Boots and Shoes. Ameigh, J. E., Maumee opp Gibson House. Barse & King, 41 E Maumee. Chaloner, Charles A., 92 S Main. Cornelius, John M., 541 E Maamee. Frank, A. & Co.,w s Tecumseh bet Maumee and Church. Hayes, Cornelius & Son, 56 N Main. Lee, W. A., 59 N Main. Lyons, Dennis, n s Beecher w Main Mixer & Aldrich, 38 E Maumee. Mulzer, Michael, 4 N Main. Powers, E. E., 54 E Maumee. Rice, M. B., 110 S Main. Schneider & Langohr, 103 S Main, Seidel, Charles, N Main. Wehle Antony, nr cor Maumee & Main. Wing & Major, 29 E Maumee. Worden, Alanson, 42 E Maumee, Brewers. Eagle Brewery, ss Henry bet Main and Broad. Fischer, Joseph, prop. Adrian City Brewery, s e cor Railroad and Oak. Lehmann, William, n e cor Main and Bristol. Star Brewery, Thos. Eason & Son, prop's, w s Main s Nelson. 123 I)IRECTORY~c CO."S' ----DIRECTORY CO.'S Brick Machine Manufacturers. Kells, P. H., e s Winter bet Maiden Lane and Church. Brick and Tile Manufacturers. McKenzie, Joseph C., s s Maumee bet McKenzie and Park. Sword, E. & Co., Greenly n Maumee. Business College. Evans & Grosscup, Stone blk. Candle Manufacturer. Moulton & Adams, n s Hunt, w Main. Candy Manufacturers. Kinzel, John, 74 E Maumee. Car and Car Wheel. Manufacturers. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad Co., shops e end Michigan. Car Trimmings. Illinois Manufacturing Co., of Adrian, Mich., s s L. S. & M. S. R. R., bet Division and Center. Carpenters, Contractors and Builders. Bradley, R. J., Dennis st. Bennett, Charles J., s Chestnut, bet Main and Broad. Conger, John, n s Pearl, w Winter. Finch, M. L., 6 Maumee. Hawley, John, s s Maiden Lane, bet Winter and Main. Mills James, Church nr Engine H. Richardson, John, e s Main, bet Hunt and Chestnut. Simon, Ludwig, s s Front, bet Main and Winter. Carpets. DeFoe, J. V., 25 E. Maumee. Stebbins, F. R., 60 E. Maumee. Libs, Joseph, 42 N. Main. Lowden, Lafayette, n s Church, e Main. Itoberts, M. H., 6 Maumee. Stow, W. A., s w cor Winter and Peral. Carriage Trimmer. Warner, G. & Son, s w cor Main and Front. Cheese Dealers, (Wholesale). Baker, Rufus & Co., Maiden Lane bet Main and Winter. Clark & Shattuck, w s Maumee St, bridge. China, Glass and Queensware. Ackley, C. B., 100 S. Main. Bate,. L-', 95 S. Main. Kimball, W. E. & Son, 31 Stone blk, Maumee, and 9 Maiden Lane. Chiropodist. Mabee- R. M., office, Henry, bet Broad and Locust.. Cigar Manufacturers. Conlisk, Thomas, over 79 E. Maumee. Laibfried, John, over 98 N. Main. McNeill, George, 90 S. Main. Meyer Chas. n Main. VanDonge, John. Wise, T. & J. W., Main, opp Maiden Lane. Clothing. Angell, Fred E., 33 E. Maumee. Benedict, Daiel, 27 E. Maumee. Herrman & May, 23 E. Maumee. Powers & Burnham, 43 E. Maumee. Wood, A. H., 37 E. Maumee. Commission Merchants. Gaylor, F., 116 S. Main. Carriage, and Wagon Manufacturers. Confectioneries, Hurlbut, John, 6 Front, cor Main, Beach J W, foot Pearl. Vosburz. Chas., 36 Churc h. Doeks Adolph 110 S. Main. Smith & Rapp, s w cor Main and Crane N. S, 62 e Maumee. Front. Harrison & Tyler 68 8 Main. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 124 Kinzel, John, 74 E. Maumee. Hart, S. E. & Co., s w cor Maumee Kennedy J. HI-, 46 Maumee st. and Main. Lambie & Whaley, s s Railroad w Hock, Fred & Co., 64 E. Maumee. Winter. Stevenson & Seger, 32 Maumee. Stafford & Barrick, 78 e Maumee Thomas, C. K. & Son, Masonic m_ _ 1 Cooperage, Lehmann, Christoph, s e cor Main and Bristol. Richardson, James B., 6 Bristol. Vandegrift, E., n w cor Main and Hunt. Wheeler, B. F., rear 74 N. Main. Worden A H, M Main st. / Crockery and Glassware. / Ingalls, R. W., 65 Maumee.; Dentists. Finch, John W., Masonic Temple. Knapp, M. H., over 38 E. Maumee. Owen, Dr. Woodland, Underwood blk, Maumee. Johnson, J. S., 29 Maumee. Dressmakers. Beach, Mrs. 0. 0,, over 62 E. Maumee. Burrows, Mrs. Clara, over 50 N. Main. Clark, Miss Jennie, 77 E. Maumee. Coyle, Minnie, cor Winter and Maumee. Culver, Mrs. Jane, s w cor Maumee and Winter. Dowling Mrs J L, over Wing & Majors store. Drew Mrs Benj 20 w Maumee. Fuller Miss S, 11 n Winter. Newson, Mrs. N. M., cor Winter, E. Maumee. Pattison, Mrs J. H., 42 Broad. Powell Mrs, D T, 36 e Maumee. Druggists. Bennett, J. R. & Co., 39 E. Maumee. Cook, John B. & Co., 2 N. Main. Crane & Mason, n w cor Maumee and Main. iempie. Treat, A. B., 99 S. Main. Dry Goods. Auchampaugh, J. J. & L., n e cor Maumee and Main. Carey, W. S., 51 E. Maumee. DcFoe, J. V., 25 E. Maumee. Eaton. James A. & Co., Masonic Temple, 1st door east of postoffice. Metcalf, Ira A. & Co., s w cor Maumee and Winter. Seplye, G. H., 36 E. Maumee. Dyers. Johnson, J. W., (colored,) N Main. Morland, Wm, 56 N. Main. Eating Houses. Clark, Frederick, L. S. & M. S. R. R., Passenger Depot. Express Company. United States, W. W. Luck, 73 E Maumee. Fancy Goods. Ayers, W. F. & Co., 71 E Maumee Conger, Mrs. S. G., 80 E Maumee. Fish, Mrsz G. F., 118 S Main. Purdy, Misses E. & T. J., 100 S Main. Whipple, Miss F. A., 66 E Maumee. File Works. Adrian File Works, Thos. Lancas-. ter prop., n s Logan bet Division and Centre. Flavoring Extract Manufacturers. Hock, F. & Co., 64 E Maumee Flour and Feed Chamberlin & Reeves, Maumeo opp Post Office. 125 DIBE~CTOBY -CO'.'S Gutzwiller, H. A., 77 N Main. Beals & Colvin, 97 S Main. Hanley, John, N Main Bennett, J. R. & Co., 39 E MauHarrison & Sheldon, Race n of W mee. Maumee. Betz, George, s s Erie e Tecumseh. Warner, J. R., n e cor Main and Bowerfind & Weissinger, 111 S and Church. Main. Willett & Son, 91 N Main. Buckel, G., 81 E Maumee. Wilson, Philo, 50 N Main. Cleveland, W. H., 105 S Main. Flouring Mills. Cook, John B. & Co., 2 N Main. S Mumford, Seeley w Mai Conrad, Christopher F., s w corner Benson & Mumford, Seeley w Main Erie and Centre. Harrison & Sheldon, Race n W Cre ason, Maumee and Maumee. Main. Foreign Passenger Agt. Gafney, Martin, 84 N Main. Loomis, Heman, s e cor Maumee Grandy, George, 73 N Main. and Winter. Gunsolus, Robert, 94 S Main. Foundries. Gutzwiller, H. A., 77 N Main. Hall Bros., 101 Main. King, A. C., e s Main n Toledo. Hall Ozro, 89 N Main. Farrar, J. & Co., 36 S Winter. Hart, S. E. & Co.'s, s w cor Main Fur Dealer. and Maumee. Benedict, Julius, over 32 E Mau- Hitchcock & Savers, 81 N Main. mee. Hock, Fred. & Co., 64 E Maumee. Furniture. Fisher, John M., 52 N Main. Henrich, Melchor, 54 N Main. Kimball, W. E. & Son, 31 Stone blk, Maumee and 9 Maiden Lane. Stebbins, F. R., 60 E Maumee. Gas Company. Adrian Gas Light Co., 26 N. Winter. Gent's Furnishing Goods. Benedict, Daniel, 27 E Maumee. Herrman & May, 23 E Maumee. Powers & Burnham, 34 E Maumee. Wood, A. H., 37 E Maumee. Kaiser, J. D., 79 N Main. Lochner, Geo. F. & Son, n e corner Maumee and Centre. McFarlane & Son, Wells.blk, E Maumee. McLouth & Hall, 101 S Main. O'Connors, Daniel, n e cor Tecumseh and Erie. Rowley, J. C., 103 S Main. Scanlon, David, s w cor Erie and Tecumseh. Schober, Christ, cor Finch & Front. Stowers & Drury, 96 S Main. Treat, A. B., 99 S Main. Wagner & Arnold, 138 E Maumee. Williams, Jewett, Maumee, nr post office. Willett & Son, 91 N Main. Young, Charles & Son, 89 Main cor Maiden Lane. Gunsmiths, Palmer, H. F., e s Winter s Maiden Lane. Green Houses. Loud & Trask, S Main nr s limits. Smith, Chas. F., Church cor cust. Groceries and Provisions. Baragar J., 79 N Main. city Lo ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 126 Hair Goods. Bays, Miss Nellie, (col'd) over 64 E Maumee. Jones, Mrs. W. M., (col'd) over 75 E Maumee. Lowery, Mrs. Bell, (col'd) over 41 E Maumee. Mathews, Mrs. J. D. & Co., 17 Maumee opp postoffice. Hardware. Bate, R. L., 95 S Main. Corbin & Bruce, 106 S. Main. Smith & Jewell, 55 E Maumee. Wilcox Bros. & Co., 35 E Maumee. Hats, Caps and Furs. Bennett, C. E., 40 E Maumee. Voorhees, Francis, 44 E Maumee. Hides, Pelts, etc. Haag, Fred, 68 E Maumee. Martin, Lemuel, 8 Monroe. Rogers Bros.. s s Maumee opp Masonic Temple. Young, Frank, s s Maiden Lane, bet Winter and Main. Hotels. Botsford's Hotel, n e cor Michigan and Tecumseh. Central Hotel, J. S. Allen & Co. prop's, es s Main, bet Maumee and Church. Traveler's Home, S. H. Niblack, Proprietor, n s Maumee, w of the bridge. Farmer's Hotel, George Hillabrant n s Maumee, e of the the bridge. Gibson House, George C. Gibson, prop., n e Maumee, bet Winter and the bridge. Lawrence Hotel, W. T. Lawrence, prop., n e corner Maumee and Winter, Mineral Spring Hotel, Joseph Pfeiffer, prop., n s Maumee, at the iron bridge. Monument Square Hotel, Henry Glasser, prop., Church opp Monument Square. Exchange Hotel, Win. L. Platt, prop., n w cor Tecumseh and Michigan.. Ice Dealer. Bowen, Henry, N. Main. Palmer, Harvey, w s Springbrook ave, n Railroadi Insurance Agents., Bliss, A. L., s w cor Main and Railroad. Fisher, Howard, 74 S. Winter. Hall, Chas L., Underwood's Blk. Geddes, Norman, over 1st National Bank. Loomis, Heman, s e cor Maumee and Winter. Meyer, Charles, 54 N. Main. Sinclair, A. J., over 51 E. Maumee. Sinclair, D. D., over 44 e Maumee. VanBrunt, N., over 44 E. Maumee, Insurance Companies.-Fire. Agricultural of Watertown, N. Y., J. R. Gilkey, agent. American Central, of St. Louis, Mo., Hemai Loomis, agent. American, of Chicago, A. J. Sinclair, agent. Continental, Chas. L. Hall, agent. Franklin Fire of Philadelphia, Chas. L. Hall agent. National Fire of Hartford, Chas. L. Hall, agent. Howard Fire of New York, Chas. L. Hall, agent. Scottisch Commercial, Chas. L. Hall, gent. State of Lansing Mich., Heman Loomis, age. Phenix of Brooklyn, Howard Fisher, agent. 127 DIBECTOBY O08S 127 DIRECTORY CO.'S People's Company of Newark, N. J., Heman Loomis, agent. Niagara of New York, Howard Fisher, agent. Merchants Company of Newark, N. J., Heman Loomis, agent' Marine Springs of Mass., J. R. Gilkey, agent. Hanover Fire Ins. Co. New York, Howard Fisher, agent. Girard Company of Philadelphia, Heman Loomis, agent. Fire Association of Philadelphia. Heman Loomis, agent. American Company of Philadelphia Heman Loomis, agent. Citizens of Newark, New Jersey, J. R. Gilkey, agent. German American, A. L. Bliss, agent. North British and Mercantile, A. L. Bliss, agent. Phoenix of Hartford, A. L. Bliss, agent. Etna, of Hartford, Norman Geddes, agent. Hartford, of Hartford, Howard Fisher, agent. Home, of New York, Howard Fisher, agent London and Liverpool, A. L. Bliss, agent. Michigan State, of Adrian, Mich., Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Winter. North America, of Pa., Norman Geddes, agent. North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh, A. L. Bliss, agent. Orient, of Hartford, Norman Geddes, agent. Pennsylvania, of Philadelphia, Howard Fisher, agent. Underwriter's Agency, Chas. Meyer, agent. Westchester, of New Rochelle, N. Y., Heman Loomis, agent. Western Assurance of Toronto, C Heman Loomis agent. Insurance-Life. Mutual, of New York, Heman Loomis, agent. Traveler's Accident and Life of Hartford, Chas. L. Hall, agent. Iron and Steel. Wilcox Bros. & Co., 35 E. Mau mee. 'Jewelry Manufacturer. Ringman, H. A,, 114 S. Main. Justices of the Peace. Gregory, O. G., 3 Underwood blk. Lamb, O., over 44 E, Maumee. Wellman, J., over 46 Maumee. Willard, Stevens, City Hall blk. Leather and Findings. Haag, Fred, 68 E. Maumee. Lime Kiln. Heckel, Davis & Co., e of Adrian Car shops. Livery, Sale and Feed Stables. Bachtell & Todd, 25 N. Winter. Farnsworth, A. M., Winter, opp. Pearl. Sickles, Howard, 34 S. Winter Loan Office. Clark, E. L., over 42 E. Maumee. Locksmith. Downie, David, 111 S. Main. Lumber Dealers. Baker, Delos M., s e cor Michigan and Division. Berry, James, Pearl, nr. Winter. Stevenson, & Son, cor Mich. and Winter. Machine Shops. Farrar, J. &. Co., 36 S. Winter. King, A. C., e s Maumeee. ADRIAN CITY DIRECTORY. 128 Marble Works. Hard, A., 29 S. Winter. Harrison & Perkins, prop's, Maumee. Knight & Son, cor Church and Dennis. Sevey, H. P., cor R. R. and N. Main. Simon, Ludwig, s s Front, bet Main Winter. Smith, E. C., n 74 Main. Meat Markets. Comstock, Edwin, e s Main, 2d door s 1st National bank. Hochstadt, George. s w cor Tecumseh and Church. Savage, Thomas, 71 N. Main. Boyd, R. W., 90 S. Main. Cavender, John, vMain. Freytag, Henry, cor Elm and Toledo. Harrison, John, 68 N Main. Niemer, Henry, n w cor Finch and Railroad. Seelye, H. P., Maumee, nr Post Office. Siele, Martin, cor Maumee and Tecumseh. Merchant Tailors. Cook, W. H., 34 E. Maumee. Herrman & May, 23 E. Maumee, Powers & Burnham, 43 E. Maumee. Wood, A. H., 37 E. Maumee. Millinery. Ayers, W. F. & Co., 71 E. Maumee. Conger, Mrs. S. G., 80 E. Maumee. Fish, Mrs G. F., 112 S. Main. German, Mrs. H. R., McKenzie blk Johnson E. B., s w cor Union and State. McClain, Mrs. S. D., over 77 N. Main. Matterson, Nell A., 73 Maumee, Wellman, Miss M. E,, 73 Maumee, Purdy, Misses E. & T. J., 100 S, Main. Wellman, Miss Minnie, E Maumee Whipple, Miss F. A., 66 E. Maumee. Whitson, Mrs. M. J., s e cor Main and Toledo. Music, and Musical Instruments. Constantine, S. M., 72 E. Maumee. Hunt, W. C., 21 N. Winter. Music Emporium. King & Rice., 33 Maumee. Constantine. S. M., 72 Mamee. News Dealers. Chaloner, Chas., M Maumee. Kennedy, J. H., 46 Maumee. Notaries Public. Bachman, G. L., over 51 E. Maumee. Bennett, Alanson, 3 Underwood block. Croswell, C. M., over 1st National bank. Geddes, Norman, over 1st National bank. Goff J. H., n w cor Main and Front. Greenly, W. L., over 40 Maumee. Hadley. Edwin, Underwood blk. Howell, Andrew, 43 E. Maumee. Lamb, 0., over 44 E. Maumee. Millard, A. L., Underwood blk, n e cor Maumee and Main. Miller, C. R., over 1st National bank. Robbins, R. B., over 40 Maumee Staey, C. A., Underwood blk, n e cor Maumee and Main. Stearns, Willard, City Hall blk, N. Main. Underwood, W. A., Underwood blk, n e cor Maumee and Main, VanAuken, J. A., sheriff, office, 33 Maumee, 129 DIRECTORY CO.' S 129 DIECTOR CO.' Walker & Weaver, over 40 E. MaumeeWellman, John, over 46 E. Maumee. Newspapers. Daily. Adrian Times and Expositor, Applegate & Fee, publisher, 65 E. Maumee. The Adrian Press, Wm. A. Whitney, publisher and proprietor, Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Winter. Weekly. Adrian Journal,Japheth Cross, publisher, 58 E. Maumee. Adrian Times & Expositor, Applegate & Fee, publishers, 65 E. Maumee. The Adrian Press, Wm.A. Whitney publisher and proprietor, Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Winter. Notions. Ackley, C. B., 100 S. Main. Herring, Ernst, cor. Front and Comstock. Harrison, John, Main, nr Seely. Nursery. Loud & Trask, w s Main, s Beecher. Randall, J., n Red Mill. Oils. Chittenden, M. E. & Co., 104 P. Mich. Hewlett & Co., Maumee. Organ Manufacturers. Cordley, W., 37 Church, w Winter. Painters.-House and Sign. Hall, O. T., foot Pearl. Merrett, Joseph, A., 75 Maumee. Paper Hangers. Whalig, Alex., 69 E Maumee. Merritt, Joseph A., 75 Maumee. Physicians and Surgeons. Allen, A. M., over 36 E Maumee, Andrews & Todd, over 43 E Maumee. Baker, V. Al, 21 Maumee 2d floor. Dodge, T. F., 57 N Main. Ford, Lorenzo D., next door Times Office. Jewett, W. E., over 74 E Maumee. Kimball, N. H., Masonic Temple. Lamson, C. R., Railroad, bet Main and Broad. Laneroux, E. W., with V. A. Baker. Morden, M. R., ns Main, nr, Brewery. Piersoll, J. M. K., 49 N Main. Seger, Alex. W., s e cor Madison and Michigan ave. Spalding, P. J., 82 E Maumee. Stephenson, Robert & Son, n e cor Main cor Toledo. Sutton, Peter, s s St. Joseph w Greenly. Tripp, Joseph, Conger blk. Photographers. Chrisman, J. F., 24 Erie. Donaldson, Geo. T., over W. S, Carey's store. Foster, J. A., Maumee Underwood blk. Haight, J. R., 28 and 30 E Maumee. Hoag, J. M., over 74 E Maumee, Pianos and Organs. Fairbanks, J. W., 78 E Maumee. Stebbins, F. R. & F. G., 60 E Mau. mee, Pictures and Frames. Conklin, C. A., 32 Maumee. Planing Mill, Comstock Bros., e s Division a Michigan. ADMIAIV CITY DIRJPCTO1Wr. 1 lao YI Platers-(Gold and Silver.) Luce & Moffit, Conger bik. Portrait. Cordley, Miss Minnie, Wells blk Pottery. Weisinger, Michael, n w cor ToleA-o and Ormsby. Printers -(Book and Job.) Applegate & Fee, 65 E Maumee. F1a3ter, Henry R~, 103 S. Main. Whitney, Win. A., Masonic Temple, n w cor Maumee and Win. Produce Dealetis. MeLouth, C., 101 5 Main. IRowley, J. C., 1023 S Main, Young, Charles & Son, 89 5 cor Maiden Lane. Main Pumps. Downie, David, 107 5 Main. Railroads. Lake Shore & Michigan SouthernMichigan Division, James E. Curtis, Supt. R. R. Ticket Agt. Loomis, Heman, s e cor Maumee and Winter. Real Estate Dealeis. Berry, A. 5., 43 E Maumee. Berry, James, Pearl nr Winter. TBliss, A. L,, s w cor Main & R. R. Coinstock, C. H. office Division bet Railroad and Mich. VanBrunt, N., over 44 E Maumee. Restaurants. Fischer, Jacob, 98 N Main. Lapham,.J., 83 N Main. Lewis, John, 67 E Maumnee. Mettling, M. Peter, s s Railroad st. Aiken, ]D. E., 67 N Main. Saddle and Iitarness Makers. Adamsý J. H., 109 S Main. Bidelman, Robert, 101 E Maumee Grapner, A. 65 N Main. Southland, C. E., 100 5 Main. Saloons. Anglmm, Edwin, 94 5. Main. Clinton, Williams-, 2d door e Gibson Honse. Conrad, C. F., cor Centre and Erie. Eissle, Christ, Maiden Lane bet Main aiid Winter. Fischer, Jacob, 98 N. Main. Fluegel, Christ, 40 5.. Main. Gibson HI-ouse Saloon,. Gussenbauer, John, 66 N. Mainm Hayden & Co., N. Main. Katz, Florian. Maiden Lane.,Mulligan, Daniel, 87 Main. Snell & Henig, 93 N. Main. Phelps, II., 1762 N. Main. Towi, Thomas, Maiden Lane. Weis, Frank, cor Maumee and Tecumseh. Lang, Frank, A., 3 Michigan w McVicker. Mettling, M,. P., Railroad st. Monument Square Hotel Saloon. Saile, Martin, n w cor Mauinee and Tecumseh. Scanlon, Edward, w s Tecumnseh, n Michigan. Shields, Patrick, 77 N. Main, Steinmetz, Math., n w cor Erie and T'ecumseh, Wagner & Arnold, 198 E. Maumee Weiss, Stephen, n e cor Chestnut and Main, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Austin,Treat & Goodsell, ft Church School of Music. Rupp, Prof. B. H., Principal, over Benedict's store. Sash,, Doors and Blinds. Comstock Bros., e s Division s Micthigan, Sizer,, N. W~, McCollunm. 31 DIlrECTOR Y CO.'S ( Saw Manufacturer. Downie, David, 107 S. Main. Saw Mill. Comstock Bros., e s Division,s Mich Sewing Machines and Agents. Singer, J. O. Wheeler, e s Tabor, nr Beecher. Weed, S. H. Hartwell. 79 Maumee. Wheeler & Wilson, J. W., Fairbanks Agent, 78 E. Maumee. Vanderpool G., Conger blk. Winchip, B., rooms cor Winter and Maumee. Babcock, S. P., 24 S. Main. Silk Hat Manufacturer. Mills, W. L., 30 E. Maumee. Harrison & Tyler, S. Main. McNeill, George, 85 S. Main. Schwartz, Henry, 76 E. Maumee, Wise, T. & J. W., Main, opp Maiden Lane. Trunks and Valises. Reed, Bidelman & Co., 01 E. Ma;l Undertakers. Conklin, C. A., 32 E. Maumee. Everiss, Joseph. 120 S. Main..Fisher, John M., 52 N. Main, Henrich, Melchor, 54 N. Main, Upholsterers. Grapner, A., 65 N. Main. Wall Paver. Soap Manufacturer. Comsdorf, John, 92 N Main, Moulton & Adams,nes Hunt,w Main Merritt, J. A., 75 Maumee. Spring Bed Manufacturer, Stevenson Seger, 32 E. Maumee, Comstock Bros., e s Div, s Mich. Whalig. Alex. 93 E. Maumee. Stair Builders. C. K, Thomas & Son, Is door west King, H. N., 14 Pearl. post office. Sizer, Charles F., 29 St. Joseph S. E. Hart & Co., cor Main and Stone Works. Maumee. rWatches, Clocks and Jewelry Knight & Son, cr Church & Dennis Watch Clocks and Jewelry Harrison & Perkins, E Maumee. Barnum, D. W., 29 E. Maumee, Stoves and Tinware. Cross, Japeth, 58 E. Maumee. Ackley, C. B., 100 S. Main. Irish, Frederick, 65 E. Maumee. Bates, R. L., 96 S. Main. King, W. F., 26 E. Maumee. Smith & Jewell, 55 E. Maumee. Sigler, A. & U. R., 57 E. Maumee Wilcox Bro's. & Co., 35 E. Maumee, Wines and Liquors. Wholesale and Tailors. Retail. Holtzworth, Christ, N. Main. Bateman, MI. & Co., 94 N. Main, Miller, Charles, s w cor Maumee P. McOsker & Co., N Main. and Winter. Carver Smith, J. R., over 87 N. Mainood rver 'Telega. King, N. H., 14 Pearl. Telegraph Co.d Turner Western Union, Frank C. Ackley, Manager, over W. H. Stone & Lawless, Peter, e s Division s Mich. Co's. bank. Wool Dealers. Tobacco and Cigars. Rogers Bros., opp Masonic Temple. Chittenden, M. E. & Co., (whole- Woolen Mills. sale) 104 S. Main. |Pennock, J.W.,Race n W. Maumee CI-IUA&. T.CH-APIN., pLahin. *rnd,'mga Circulates in nearly every family in Northern Lenawee Uou~nty. - --------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Dollaf Dor RRERm iR AqVRRCBI --- ---...................................................... - ------------------------- --------- - ------- - - - ------ ---------- I -- - -- - ---- - --------- - AMvortisinz Rates 'Reasonlable, Pine~ Prilltill a Specialty, CHAIS, T. CHA4PIN, Proprietor. Tocum eh sinss Diroctory. ALERADETIJAL ULIST 07 IAMZL A dams. P. R., President of People's Bank of Tecumseh, n s of Chicago, st, Adams blk. Adams P. W., Justice of the Peace and real estate dealer. Anderson, W. & S. W., dry goods and carpets, s s Chicago, e Railroad. REtna Insurance Co., of Hartford, L. P. Tribou, Agent, office Bills, Lilley & Co. Bank, Tecumseh. Albaugh, Charles L., pump manufacturer, w s side Railroad, n Chicago. Anderson, Albert, groceries, Provisions, seeds, &c., n s Chicago, e Railroad. Arnold, Bros, bakery and confectionery, Chicago. Bardwell, J. A., confectioner and dealer in foreign afid domestio fruits, Chicago n s e R. R. Baxter, B. L & W. F., atty's at law and real estate dealers, Chicago, Union Hall blk. Bidwell, L. I., livery stable, cor Pearl and Chicago. Bills, Lilley & Co.'s Bank of Tecumseh, s s Chicago, P. Bills, pres't, Lucius Lilley, cashier. Brewer & Chapen, Groceries, Crockery, 4 Merchants Bik Chicago st. Brewer, H. & Co., proprietor Tecumseh Foundry and steam engine works, opp L. S. & M. S. R. R. depot. Brown, John, barber shop, s s Chicago, w Railroad* Brown, Millard P., photographer, n s Chicago, e Railroad, up stairs. Bumann, John F., produce dealer, s w cor Chicago and Ottawa. .1m= 7 IýT 180Q /Z 2 IN LJENIAWEE COUNTY. lssuwo Zfoor rvso VV K IAN AN D 02,NAM1E1NTLPNIU WITH THE BEST 2OKMN BOTH IN STYLES AND PRICES.N......K TECUMSEH BUSINESS DIRECTOR Y. 134 Catlin, Samuel. Physician, over A. Anderson's store, Chicago, Chapin, Charles T., publisher Raisin Valley Record, Hendryx blk, Chicago. Chaplin, A. H., manufacturers Chaplin's Adjustable Revolving Steel Horse Rake, w s Pearl, bet Chicago and Potawattamie. Church, Louis J., manufacturer ~ifles, Shot-Guns and Telescope Sights Slayton blk, Chicago. Clark, Douglass W., groceries, provisions &c., Richard blk, Chicago. Cole & Rehfuse, meat market, Railroad nr Chicago. Conklin, M. E., dealer in Johnson mowers and reapers, cor Chicago and R. R. Cotton, A. B., dry goods, clothing, hats and caps, boots and shoes, Chi. cago cor Railroad. Cummings Bros., livery and feed stable, Railrood nr Chicago. Cummings, Thomas, proprietor Southern Michigan Carriage Manufactory, n W cor Railroad and Killbuck. D avis, L. A., marble works, Railroad, nr depot. E verett, Allen, boot and shoe maker, e s Railroad n Chicago. Erskine, Vet, barber, Smith's blk. Elliott, J., blacksmith, Railroad cor Kilbuck.l F isher, & Baker, druggists and grocers, 1 Mechanic's Block, Chicago. Fisher, Wm. C., physician and surgeon, 1 Mechanic's blk, Chicago. Fitzsimmons, W. C., cashier, People's Bank, of P. R. Adams & Co. Fulton, S. J., of Millis & Fulton., G riffiths, G. W., blacksmith, carriage and truss making, w s. Pearl, s Chicago. Green, J. M. general dealer in agricultural implements, coal and plaster, R. R, opp Merchants Hotel. Gray & Son, marble works, e s Railroad, n Chicago. Gould, A. W., Physician. w s Railroad, n Chibago. H amilton, Increase S., Physician, s w cor Chicago & Pottawattamie. Hanford, A., grain, wool, live and dressed hogs, cor Chicago and R. R. Hause, E., dentist, Chicago, s s Mechanics blk. Hayden, William, proprietor Glebe Flouring Mills, and stave and heading manufacturer, n e cor Railroad and Logan. Heck Bros., flouring mill, Junction Mill and Maumee. Heesen Bros. & Co., patentees and manufacturers of the Wolverine hog ringer, w s Pearl s Chicago. Heesen, George, clothing, Union Hall blk, Chicago. Helm, Sam'1 J., groceries and provisions, also ice cream parlors, and headquarters for Gale Chilled plows. 135 DIRECITOR Y CO.'S Helm, Samuel, saddle and harness manufacturer, s s Chicago e Railroad. Hicks, John F., lightning rods, R R. e side. Higby, A. H., barber for David Meachan. Hoadley Sisters, millinery, cor Chicago and R. R., James blk. Hough, Miss Julia, millinery, n s Chicago e R. R. Hialey, John R., prop Lenawee carriage manufactory, n w cor Pearl and Killbuck. Holderman, Henry, restaurant and saloon, s s Chicago nr Pearl Home Ins. Co., of New York, L. P. Tribou, agt., office at Bills, Lilley & Co.'s Bank of Tecumseh. Hosmer, S. P., tool handle and neck yoke factory, e end Chicago. Hughes, John A., ticket and freight agent, L. S. & M. S. R. R. office, depot. House, R. B., physician, w s Pearl s Chicago. Hyde, Albert, wagon repair shop, cor Chicago and Killbuck. mearson House, formerly Exchange Hotel, Geo. H. Imerson, prop., Railroad. Insurance Company of North America, of Philadelphia L. P. Tribo.u, agt, office Bills, Lilley & Co.'s Bank of Tecumseh. enkins, J. F., physician, Hendryx Block, Chicago. Jones, David E. & Son, merchant tailors, gents furnishing goods, clothiers, Chicago, No. 2 Patterson blk. napp, Mrs. M. C., dress and cloak making, Adams blk up stairs. Keyser, I. P., saloon and billiards, Chicago w R. R. L ee H. S., boots & shoes, Richard & Hewitt blk, Chicago. Landgraf, J., sewing machine agt, Chicago n s R' R. Lilley, Lucius, cashier of Bills, Lilley & Co.'s Bank of Tecumseh,, Loomis, John E., saddle and harness manufacturer, s s Chicago w Railroad. M cClure, Henry, groceries, Provisions, crockery, &c., n s Chicago, nr Ottawa. McCowen, Wm. & Son, undertakers an furniture dealers, Chicago w R. R. Macham, David, barber, next door Merchants Hotel. Marshal, A. S., meat market, cor Chicago and R. R., James blk. Merchant's Hotel, A. E. Warren, prop., n w cor Chicago and Railroad. Merritt Geo. & Bro., cigar manufacturers and dealers in cigars & tobacco, Mechanic's blk, Chicago. Merritt, Samuel H., insurance agt, justice of the peace and no. tary public, Bidwell's blk, Chicago. Merritt, Willis, att'y at law, Bidwell's blk. Chicego, TECUMSEH BUSTINSS 1)IBECTOR Y. 136 Michigan State Fire Insurance Co., of Adrian, Mich., S. H. Merritt, agt, Bidwell's blk, Chicago. Millis & Fulton, groceries, provisions, crockery and glassware, Corner Store. Mills, John H., blacksmith, n s Logan w Railroad. Montague, James, restaurant and billiard hall, s s Chicago e Railroad. Nyland, Henry, boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer, Union Hall bik, Chicago. O'Row, James, saloon, Chicago. Patterson & Co., dry goods, carpets, crockery and furs, s s Chicago e Railroad. Patterson, James W., druggist and grocer, s s Chicago e Railroad. Patterson, M. A., physician, s e cor Chicago and Ottawa. People's Bank, of P. R. Adams & Co., Adams blk Chicago. Pencil, James, blacksmith and wagon maker, w s Chicago, e end. Peters, Harrison, physician, cbr Pottawattamie and Killbuck. Post Office, s s of Chicago w of Railroad, E. A. Tribou, Post Mas ter. Priest, E. P., shoemaker, Richard & Hewitt blk, Chicago.. Puddefoot, W. G., boot and shoe manufacturer, Bidwell's blk, Chicago R aisin Valley Record, Charles T. Chapin, publisher, Hendryx blk, Chicago. Raymond, D. R. & Co., manufacturers of Agricultural implements, cor Pearl and Chicago. Richard, A., dry goods and notions, s s Chicago e Railroad, Richard & Hewitt blk. Richard, W., money broker, s s Chicago e Railroad. Richart, I. B., wagon maket and repairer, n s Logan w Railroad. Robbins, Joseph D., watches, clocks and jewelry, n s Chicago e Railroad. Rowland, W. E., blacksmith and repairer, Logan w Railroad. Satterthwaite, N. S., Manager Western Union Telegraph Co., office L. S. & M. S. depot. Sholes, J. D., saddle and harness manufacturer, s s Chicago e Railroad. Slayton & Son, dealers in grain, produce, flour, feed, salt, lime, &c., Railroad, opp Mei chant's Hotel. Soper, Edward IT, livery and sale stable, s e cor Railroad and Logan. Stacy, G. A. & S. C., attorneys at law, Bidwell's blk, Chicago. Stewart, Homer L., dentist, Merchant's blk, Chicago. Stevens, H. W., dealer in grain, flour and feed, s e cor Chicago and Railroada 137 DIRBUTIOBY -Co.s Stickney, j. W. & Co., stationery, confectionery, hats and caps, news depot, etc., Chicago, post office building. Strong & McNair, merchant tailors, clothiers and dealers in gents furnishing goods, hats, caps, &c., s s Chicago, e Railroad. Sutton & Swan, hardware, stoves and tin ware, s e cor Railroad and Chicago. Swick, P. B., harness maker, 1 door n Slayton's ware house. T emple, S. W. & Co.,lumber dealers, planing mill and manufactures sash, doors and blinds, cor Pearl and Shawnee. Tecumseh Steam Grist Mills, Kneeland & Mooney, props% Tribou, Edgar A., post master, s s Chicago, w Railroad. Tribou, Lester P., general insurance agent, office Bills, Lilley & Cos. Bank of Tecumseh. U nited States Express Co., H. L. Jones, agent, n s Chicago, e Railroad. V an Antwerp, Abraham, blacksmith, w s Railroad, s Pottawattamie. Waldo & Doty, druggists and grocers, n s Chicago, e Railroad. Waldron, L. M. & Co., groceries and provisions, Hendryx blk, Chi. cago. Walcott & Co., lumber yard, planing mill, and sash, door and blind manufacturers, n e cor Bidwell and Pearl, nr L. S. & M. S. depot. Welcome, Sherman, manufacturer of grain cradles, Pearl. Welling, P. J., gen repair shop, sewing machines, clothes ringers, &c,, repaired, e s Railroad, n Chicago. Wheeler, Lavern F., photographer, s s Chicago, e Railroad. Wheeler, Miss E. J., music teacher, Chicago, Helm blk. Wimple, Walter V., boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer, n 's Chi cago, e Railroad. Woodward, C. M., physician and surgeon, cor Chicago and R. R., office over H. W. Stevens. Wooden, Joseph W., meat market, e s Railroad, n Chicago. Wright, M. & Son, druggists and Grocers, Bill's blk, Chicago. . go' I My MIT ýi jymQUO ý NOR NOW Moscob"i. SN"., Eli MY W; EYE - iýi Any Kul Pulp out 9 wil ON He U; 51 Vol, .. A,. q M111, -,. - ý A,,, I;,ýý 7 ý - ý. 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