I V Jairmount Rpark, philadelphia. | Centennial: ii 1876. I dpescriptive account of some of the Great Complete fist of merican espapers, flew Yo rk. A Statem17ent of the Industries. Characteristics, - population and location of Towns in which { they are published; also, J L escriptive account of some of the Great JVewspapers of the day. Compiled by Geo. J oell Co., J 1 JY-ewyork.! rAr 1876. ~\ A ME RI CAN Newspaper Directory, EDITION FOR 1876, CONTAINS: A. complete list of Newspapers and other Periodicals in the United States, Territories, and Dominion of Canada, arranged alphabetically by towns, giving name, days of issue, politics or general character, form, size, subscription p'rice per year, date of establishment, editors' and publishers' names, and circulation. ALSO THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFIED LISTS: Periodicals publishing over 5,000 copies each issue; Religious Newspapers and Periodicals; Newspapers and Periodicals devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and Stock Raising; Medicine and Surgery; Educational Institutions or devoted to Educational Matters; Amusement, and Instruction of children; Freemasonry, Oddfellowship, Temperance, and Knights of Pythias;'mli merce and Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Science and Mechanics, Law, Printers and Publishers, Sporting, Music, Fashions, and Woman's Sutirag-, also, Newspapers and Periodicals printed wholly or in part in the Gernmain, French, Scandinavian, Spanish, Hollandish, Italian, Welsh, Bohemian, Portuguese, Polish and Hebrew languages. The object of the AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY is not very different from that of the well-known mercantile agencies which exist in all our leading cities. The latter keep their subscribers informed of the character, habits, reputation,-business ability, and financial strength of persons with whom they are likely to have business transactions, enabling them thereby to so regulate those transactions as to secure probably profitable dealings, or to avoid such as will b1 likely to result in ultimate annoyance or loss. The DIRECTORY conveys the best obtainable information concerning the character and value of newspapers. Its patrons are the men who expend money in advertising la large and important class), and it is from them that the publishers of the DIRECTORY, in their capacity of Advertising Agents, derive their profit and support. As the most important portion of the information supplied by a mercantile agency cbnsists of a report of the financial strength of the person about whom information is asked. so is the circulation of a newspaper generally considered the point upon which information will be of mos, value to the advertiser. The greatest possible care is taken to make the DIRECTORY reports correct. Every publisher is applied to very systematically. All information is taken in a form which excludes any but definite statements which cannot be misunderstood; while every effort is made to protect honest publishers against such as would resort to lying or perjured reports to gain an unfair advantage. ONE THOUSAND PAGES. PRICE, FIVE DOLLARS PUBLISHED BY cGo. J'. Co wfY 4 co., J4 VJfJTI SIMJ A JTS, (N'ewvsptperl Pavilion, Centennial Groundls, Philadelphia.) "TNCIPAL OFFICE: 41 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. Fai rmou nt ark, Philadelphia, (FOUNTAIN AVE., OPPOSITE U. S. GOV'T BUILDING.) CENTTENNIAL Ner spapex Exlibition, 187 6. A Ciom/iete List of American Newspapers, A Stat6ment of the Industries, Charaoteristics, Population and location of Towns in which they are published; also, 4 Descl-/ptive account of some of the Great Newspapers of the day, NEW YORK: COMNPILED BY GEO. P. LROWELL & CO., 1 876 (Licensed by the Catalogte Co.) Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., In the Office oi the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. WHEAT & CORNETT, CRUM & RINGLO3' BOOK, JOB AND NEWSPAPER PRINTERS, MANHATTAN ELECTROTYPE ~ 8 SPRUCE STREET, N. Y. 1 NASSAU STREET, N' PREFACE. The early proposition for the celebration of the first century of American nationality was simply patriotic, but it took on no definite form. As the people grew familiar with the idea this vagueness drifted into the shape which it has since assumed. Its present form seemed the best, as it utilized the world's selfishness and made it give eclat to the occasion. We invited all peoples to exhibit their handiwork and products here. among our millions of customers and consumers, and they accepted our proposition and did come, bringing with thenm their inventions and their works. ventions which have benefited mankind in all ages had their origin in man's loT;;.r comforts. As the forests fell before the axe of civilization, the pick and shovel, aided 1 -'team, upheaved the coal from its beds where nature had stored it away cycles of ages before; as wheat fields replaced the felled forests, the invention of steam-plows and agricultural implements to garner the fruits of the earth appeared; as man craved intercourse with his fellow the world around, correspondence became a necessity, and the lightnings were laid under contribution to unite them; and as civilization advanced, bringing in its train a taste for luxuries unknown in ruder days, the heavens, earth and seas were ransacked by the scientific and plodding to gratify it. The first great Exposition of the world's industry simply developed the extent to which man had advanced in economics a quarter of a century ago, and incited other nations to emulate the English in their adventure. The displays in other lands which followed rapidly, testified to the same desire for comforts and luxuries; and this, the latest Exposition, telling the same story in the Western Hemisphere, is a fitting memorial of the first century which has passed over these UTnited States. In the various buildings dotting the Park at Fairmount may be seen the works of art and usefulness which sprang from the necessities of mankind, and taxed inventive genius and mechanical knowledge to contribute to their enjoyment. Necessity, like the great central engine, which the hand of our President sent who ling on its course, moving the machinery through all the extent of that huge hall, has brot iht together the wise men of the world with their offerings of " gold and frankincense," to lay them before the new dispensation of "peace on earth, good will to men." Our mechanic, as he wanders through the corridors of the buildings, may learn to estimate properly his works, by comparing them with those of other lands. While it was most proper and will be profitable that the works of the world's busy artificers and artists should be here displayed, the initiatory steps for a fitting representation of the unity, extent and progress of the' Press " were not taken until long after the inception of the idea of a suitable commemoration of our Nation's natal day. All agree that the Press is potential and useful, and it was believed to have kept pace with other industries, but none thought of specially exhibiting it in its entirety. Its scientific magazines supplied the mental pabulum which fed the genius of our inventors; its records of victories in mechanics and useful arts have inspired others to experiment and effort; its illustrated journals presented to every citizen at most moderate prices the models of buildings, tools, machinery, and whatever else was deemed desirable in this direction. It was elevating in this land the standard of taste and work, and building up as its reflex the schools which abound in our country. As an evidence of what we might have been without this instrumentality, it-may be well to point to nations where the press has no existence. In Egypt there is not one paper printed in the Arabic language; some few there are in French and German, but not for the Egyptians, and the rudeness of the work of the general people testifies to the lack of popular instruction through the power of newspapers. Track the globe around, and those lands will be found most highly civilized and forward in catering to their people's comfort where the press is most plentiful, free and powerful. On the banks of a beautiful lake glistening between the Machinery Hall and the United States buildings stands a modest house, costing but little in money and small in extent, yet in it are gathered every newspaper and magazine published in this country. There are eight thousand one hundred and twenty-nine newspapers published regularly in the United States. The combined issues of all the other nations of the earth do not equal iv PREFACE. this number. An exhibition of a sample copy of each of all these thousands of periodicals would hardly convey an adequate idea of tL;,i importance of journalism in this country, yet it would do something towards that end; and believing that it would not be practical to attempt more, Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., in the early spring of 1875, addressed the Centennial Commission, making application for space in the main building, estimating that room would be required for fifty volumes of two thousand pages each. This was before the departments were thoroughly organized, and no response having been made to their formal application, the matter waited in abeyance until September, when it was again brought up by General Joseph R. Hawley, President of the Commission, and an exhibition was finally arranged, as set forth in the following correspondence:,sEO. P. ROWELL & CO., New York City, PHILADELPHIA. Sept.-17, 1875. Gentlemen:-Some time ago I made a memorandum that I must write you concerning an exhibit of the American newspaper, that wonderful feature in American civilization. It seems to me that an exhibit of its progress during the century and its present condition would be exceedingly interesting. Could every, existing American periodical from semiannual down to daily be shown? How and where? Have you any scheme in mind? Can you submit a plan? Can you come here and talk it over i Respectfully yours, J. R. HAWLEY, President U. S. C. e GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., New York, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 20, 187? Gentlemen:-I have just read your note of the 18th. By all means develop the project. There ought to be a presentation of the periodical press of 1776 and 1876. * * * Do not forget this matter. Hastily yours, JOSEPH R. HAWLEY. GEO. P. ROWELL, 41 Park Row, New York, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 15, 1875. Dear Sir:-Did I answer your letter? I'm not sure. * * s * I shall be glad to see you, for your exhibition ought to be made. The American newspaper is a peculiar institution-a special feature of American political and general education. Hastily yours, J. R. HAWLEY. (GEO. P. ROWELL, ESQ., PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 20, 1875. Dear Sir:-Your application for space in the International Exhibition for a display of sample copies of every periodical in the United States has been placed before me for consideration. It has been suggested that such an exhibition would be very much more attractive and interesting if an outside pavilion were provided for that purpose. * * * * I most cordially commend this suggestion to you, with the hope that the newspaper interest of the country will join in providing such a pavilion, which would be a distinctive feature of the Exhibition. * * * * Yours very respectfully, A. T. GOSHORN, Director-General. GEo. P. ROWELL, ESQ., PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 12th, 1876. Dear Sir:-We have a number of applications similar. * * * * It is not my intention to grant any other privilege of this kind. Yours very respectfully,, A. T. GOSHORN, Director-General. MR. GEO. P. ROWELL, FAIRnLOUNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA, 1876. Dear Sir:-I have made a new design for your building, and will send the drawings to you in a few days. Yours respectfully, W. J. SCHWARZMANN, Architect. MESSRS. GEO. P. ROWELL & Co., PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 15, 1876. Gentlemen:- * * * * I called Mr. Schwarzmann's attention to the subject of your letter yesterday, and he will transmit to-day or Monday the plans for your proposed building. I hope very soon to be advised definitely of your success m securing the Exhibition. Yours very respectfully, A. T. GOSHORN, Director-General. GEO. P. ROWELL, ESQ., FAIRO1UNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA, 1876. Dear Sir:-I sent you to-day by Adams' Express the drawings for your building. The general arrangement and construction remain the same. Yours respectfully, W. J. SCHWARZMANN. GEO. P. ROWELL, ESQ., 41 Park Row, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 29, 1876. Dear Sir:-I am right glad you are going ahead with your work. It will be as distinctive and interesting an American exhibit as we shall have on the grounds. * * * * Yours truly, J. R. HAWLEY. It was now decided to attempt a much more comprehensive display than had first been thought of. Instead of a sample copy of a paper, every publisher was to be allowed to exhibit a file for several weeks or months, and in place of being bound up in heavy volumes it was arranged that every paper should be made instantly accessible, and the exhibition thus serve the additional purpose of a monster reading room and an exchange for newspaper men. P RE'AC E. v About this time Messrs. Rowell & Co. received a conmunication from a well known printer (Peter C. Baker, Esq., of New York), who has devoted much time to the interests of the craft. He writes as follows: "The pamphlet, job and ornamental printers will, I believe, very generally present the best specimens of their work; and many of these beautiful productions of typographical skill will show what rapid advances the printer is making toward placing himself by the side of the artist and engraver. " But what is the Newspaper and Periodical Press doing to show that in this department especially our country surpasses all other nations of the world? I have not yet learned that any positive arrangements have been made to give tangible evidence of the immensity of the newspaper and periodical interests of our country, and therefore I very respectfully and earnestly suggest that immediate steps be taken to take this important matter in charge, and prepare a plan by which a copy of every newspaper and periodical published in the United States be collected and shown at the Centennial. No feature of the exhibition would be more effective than this to show the world the general intelligence of our people, and make plain the secret of the success of our republican experiment." Other communications of a kindred tenor came from unexpected sources. Being thus encouraged, plans were perfected and adopted. A prominent position was assigned the Newspaper Pavilion by Director-General Goshorn on Fountain Avenue. The above engraving represents the exterior. The following description first appeared in the N ew York Sun of February 14th: "The plan of exhibition is an alphabetical arrangement of partial files of each newspaper or periodical in such a manner as makes them instantly accessible, the space devoted to each bearing a label with the name of the publication printed thereon, and further designated by a number, by means of which a stranger, upon reference to his catalogue, is able at once to approach the section of the building where the particular journal which he desires to examine or refer to may be found. " The cases containing these files form alcoves similar to those in public libraries for the arrangement of books, these alcoves forming long tiers, one on each side of the building, throughout its entire length, a portion of the space between being reserved for the acconmmodation of attendants, leaving a passage-way for the public eighteen feet in width, extending from one end of the structure to the other. "The second story, approached by four flights of stairs, is devoted to reading rooms for th( accommodation more especially of newspaper men, and supplied with.conveniences for cor. respondents." A better impression of the intedrior ar:chitecturn e may be obtained firoin the following writ vi PREFACE. ten after an examination of the plans by GAR, the accomplished (but decidedly critical) cor. respondent of the New York Times, in its issue of February 20th: "The building is of timber and very neat. It has a length of sixty-seven feet, with a width of forty-six feet, and a total height of thirty-three feet. From the exterior it appears to be in two stories, but the centre of the building is only one story, and is a very fine chamber, with ample light and space. The whole is arranged with that precision and mastery over details which have gained for Mr. Rowell his F i^~ nj~lm~lllll~ilu lllliJll} celebrity as a business man. ~~p ~ ~~.*~~~ ~' The alcoves are fairly lighted l.|| by windows which occupy the I J L _ S I so that there is no difficulty in obtaining the wished-for file if the directions furnished Hi H P are followed. The height of the side chambers where...T ^ o n L^ oo ^. WU these alcoves are placed is -MRT FOOR-PTRMM BOOM eight feet, and over them are T,. I I t the writing galleries, where j^"1 I.... | numerous desks are placed. ~..X" [If~L.:. -- Nothing can be simpler or more efficacious than this l' illlll *-'' -lliliil system, which, undoubtedly. is the very best that could have been devised. The galleries are lighted by rows of windows corresponding to ____ _ _J_ _!!ll _tl__ll______}_ll)l those in the alcoves below. and by the large transom windows at each end. In the |'~"^~~ Iaten I. t- ifacade this window is set back from the gable roof BsozoD nwPHlonUlM BOOM.' about five feet, and a very effective ornamentation of radiating, iicised planking is introduced, which relieves very pleasantly the simplicity of the structure. The interior is perfectly ventilated'by a large lantern roof, and therefore the building deserves the praise of being thoroughly lighted, thoroughly ventilated, and of being admirably arranged for the desired purpose." The cost of the structure, with its fittings and furniture, has not fallen short of ten thousand dollars, while the necessary attendants, books, blanks, together with the compilation and distribution of a large edition of a three hundred page catalogue, require another allowance of a similar amount. In the mere item of postage more than twelve hundred dollars was expended before the opening day, of the exhibition. When it is remembered that no less than two hundred and fifty dollars' worth of stamps are required to communicate once with all the publishers, the rapidity with which these items count up is readily comprehended. But with all these matters Messrs. Rowell & Co. had abundant experience. Furthermore, through intimate relations with the press of the country, extending over a period of more than ten years, they had always been seconded in a most generous manner. They were therefore fully convinced of two things: First, that their efforts would be appreciated by publishers to such an extent that the entire expense of the exhibition would be returned to them in the form of voluntary subscriptions. Second, that should this fail entirely, the exhibition would be worth its full cost as an advertisement of their own business, as conductors of the most complete newspaper advertising agency in the world. In their application to publishers to send their papers and contribute towards the enterprise they made the following pledge:' The Exhibition will be made precisely as set forth, even if there should not be a single subscription offered." P REFACE. vii Events have shown that their faith in the good-will and intelligent co-operation of publishers was not misplaced. The proprietors of leading journals responded with such promptness and generosity that they may be said to have themselves assumed the cost of the exhibition. An opportunity to contribute to the money expense was offered only to Representative Newspapers, and it is believed that among those of prominence which have neglected to respond not one has done so from an unfriendly feeling towards the enterprise, but mainly or solely from the pressing call for an economical management of expenditures which the stagnation of business for two years just past has made so loud in many establishments deemed prosperous. Nothing but good-will has been evinced from the beginning. No disparaging word has appeared in any respectable journal, while favorable comments have filled the columns of the press from Maine to Oregon, from Florida to Texas. One of the most pleasing features has been the handsome manner in which Messrs. Rowell & Co. have been encouraged by their brother advertising agents, as evinced by the following extracts from letters received: Offices, 37 Park Row, N. Y.; 10 State St., Boston; 701 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, } February 22, 1876. We are pleased to learn that you have made arrangements to erect a building on the Centennial Exhibition grounds, in which to keep complete files of the newspapers of our country for the use of the public, and that you will also have good accommodations for editors. reporters, publishers, and others connected with the press. The enterprise could not be in better hands, and we hope and believe it will prove a great success. Yours truly, S. M. PETTENGILL & Co. S. R. NILES' NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENCY, BOSTON, Feb. 14, 1876. Permit me to express my gratification that to you has been delegated the important task of making a complete exhibition of the newspapers and periodicals of the country at the forthcoming Centennial. From your extensive business connections and personal popularity with the press in all parts of the country, and your well-known experience and ability, no one, I am sure, could be selected who would manage it more satisfactorily. The whole newspaper fraternity are to be congratulated that this attractive and interesting exhibition is in such able hands. It will afford me pleasure to co-operate with you or assist you in any way in my power. Very truly yours, S. R. NILES. S. H. PARVIN, PIONEER ADVERTISING AGENCY, CINCINNATI, Feb. 14, 1876. I am more than gratified that such an exhibition is to be made. * * Yours truly, S. H. PARVIN. BOSTON, Feb. 15, 1876. ~* * * * I can but commend the enterprising spirit manifested in such an undertaking. Notwithstanding the immense number of the exhibitions of skill and enterprise, such a building as you propose and such an array of newspapers as you suggest, will attract a large number of visitors. * * * * No one, I think, can do this thing better. Truly yours, U. L. PETTENGILL. C. A. COOK & Co's. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENCY, CHICAGO, Feb. 15, 1876. * * * * We know of no agency-in the East-better calculated to conduct and insure success in such an enterprise. * * * * Yours truly, C. A. COOK. T. C. EVANS' ADVERTISING AGENCY, 252 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON, Feb. 11 1876. I cannot refrain from expressing my gratification at the prospect of there being at the Centennial such an exhibition as you contemplate. It deserves to be, and I feel sure under your management it cannot help being a success. I should be glad if I could do anything to help you make it so. * * * Yours very truly, T. C. EVANS. CINCINNATI, Feb. 6, 1876. In congratulating you on your appointment to the management of the newspaper department in connection with the Centennial Exposition, we express not only our own conviction, but we believe also that of the entire fraternity, when we say that the Commission have done well in selecting you for this responsible position. Your well known ability as a manager is a sure guarantee of a successful exhibition. Yours truly, E. N. FRESHMAN & BROS. CHICAGO, Feb. 14, 1876. Allow us to express our gratification that you have been selected to carry out the plan. Yours truly, CHANDLER, LORD & Co. viii PREFACE. DODD'S NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENCY, 265 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, Feb. 14, 1876. I know of no one more competent to carry out the arrangement than yourself, and it assures me at oncelof its success. I will render all aid possible. Yours very truly, HORACE DODD. BATES & LOCKE'S NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENCY, NEW YORK, Feb. 28, 1876. Your proposed exhibition of American newspapers at the Centennial not only deserves to succeed but will certainly do so, because you are a good man to have it in charge, and because you will surely have the cordial co-operation and good wishes of all persons in any wise connected with the newspaper press. Yours truly, J. H. BATES. That Philadelphia agents were the only ones not joining in these expressions is doubtless of greater apparent than real significance. Americans are a nation of newspaper readers. There are papers for girls and boys, for teachers and taught, for trades, arts and sciences, for the lovers of the wonderful, the religious, the agriculturists, the metallurgists-in a word, the physician, as he rides to the expected birthplace of some young patient, and the undertaker, as he drives to the house of mourning, must each have his paper to while away his time. The opening exercises of the 10th of May were read by millions in every part of this land, and carried to distant countries by the press and the aid of the telegram it called to its use. Good men are not afraid of criticism by the press. It makes statesmen and unmasks hypocrites; it incites to great deeds; it brings to every man's door the record of progress made in every department of learning and activity; it develops science, and whiles away the tedium of heavily hanging hours It fits out exploring expeditions to discover new fields for civilization; it lays before its readers the doings of the world's busy multitudes, the fall of empires, the uprisings of nationalities, the record of the Storm-king's progress around the world, the decisions of the forum, the acts of governors and legislators; it tells the farmer what to plant and when; it develops the latest inventions; it weighs in the nice balance of purity of motive the deeds of the ruling powers; before it the unjust tremble, and on its pages, as on the walls of the ancient banqueting hall, the wicked rulers may read, " weighed in the balance and found wanting"; it stirs the heart of benevolence to greater deeds of charity, it inspires the desponding, deters the plotters, and from the ruler to the humblest citizen, it throws its Minervian aegis around all alike. It is the voltaic pile, where is contained the vitalizing power of a universe. In this little Newspaper Pavilion, which may not be visited by all who go to the Centennial, are deposited the thousands of papers which mould American sentiment. At Virginia City one may go down the shaft of a mine which, in the dark and dismal rocks, is pouring out constantly a stream of molten silver to enrich man. Few will venture into those profound depths from curiosity alone, but the men at work keep right along turning out the precious metal for man's delectation and their own profit. In these grounds is exhibited a nugget of silver said to weigh two tons, the product of one of those mines. Thousands of curious men and women are drawn about it, and look wonderingly and wistfully upon its huge form. It represents to man's cupidity just so much of life's happiness. But thieves may break through and steal such treasures. A short distance friom this mass of metal stands the modest house where are clustered the fruits of ten thousand minds, printed so plainly that a wayfaring man, though a fool, need not err therein. Who thinks of the toiling thousands of earnest literary men and women, scattered over our states and territories, who waste midnight oil in preparing that mental food which, enduring when silver and gold have taken to them wings and departed never to return, proves to be a lasting comfort? Newspapers are the synonym of goodness and virtue, however much some men may affect to despise them. It was a labor of almost infinite trouble to gather these papers from all quarters, but the work is a great success, and there is no worthier place to visit than the NEWSPAPER PAVILION. TABL E OF NEWSPAPER STATISTICS, COMPLIED BY GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. FOR THE CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION; BASED UPON THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY FOR THE CURRENT YEAR AND THE UNITED STATES CENSUS FOR 1870. x NEWSPAPER STATISTICS. 1876. A TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES AND TERITITORIES. COMPILED BY GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., NEW YORK. Tri- Semi- Bi- Semi- Bi- QuarSTATES. Daily. Weekly. Weekly. Weekly. Weekly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. terly. Total. Alabama................... 8 2.. 79.. I 1.... 91 Arkansas..................... 6.. 2 58.... 2... 68 California...................... 47 1 6 163.. 1 21.... 239 Connecticut.................... 17.. 5 68 1 2 6.. 3 102 Delaware...................... 5... 16 2.... 1 24 District of Columbia......... 8.... 17 2 7.. 1 35 Florida..................... 1.... 1 26.... 1.... 30 Georgia........................ 11 4 2 118.. 1 17.. 153 Illinois......................... 50 7 5 553 2 4 77 3 6 707 Indiana......................35 3 3 307 1 2 23.. 1 375 I'owa......................... 24 3 3 352 4 14,.. 1 401 Kansas....................... 14 1.. 139.... 4.. 158 Kentucky..................... 10 3 3 109.. 5 8 1.. 139 Louisiana.................... 9 1.. 84 2.. 1 1.. 98 Maine.......................... 8 1.. 64 1.. 8.. 1 83 Maryland...................... 10.. 92.. 2 12.. 117 Massachusetts.................. 27 1 11 236 4 3 55.. 9 346 Michigan...................... 222 3 5 254 2 1 18.. 2 307 Minnesota...................... 5 3 2 128.. 1 2.. 141 Mississippi..................... 3 2.. 101.... 3..'.. 109 Missouri......................2. 7 4 2 305 1 3 32 1 3 378 Nebraska...................... 8.. 91.... 6.... 105 Nevada....................... 14.... 10......... 24 New Hampshire............... 9.... 49.... 6.. 1 65 New Jersey................... 23.. 3 139 1 1 8 1 1 177 New York...................... 104 3 16 726 6 26 183 4 20 1,088 North Carolina................ 8 1 4 86.. 3 5... 107 Ohio.......................... 3:3 12 8 436 4 12 58 1 4 568 Oregon........................ 5.... 37.... 2... 44 Pennsylvania.................. 73 2 5 533 1 15 102 1 6 738 Rhode Island.................. 6.. 1 18.... 2.... 27 South Carolina................. 4 2 1 6i 1 1 5.. 2 77 Tennessee..................... 10.. 2 106 1 2 14.. 1 136 Texas......................... 23 1 5 152.... 5.... 186 Vermont....................... 6.. 1 52.... 4.... 63 Virginia....................... 20 3 8 95.. 9 12... 147 West Virginia.................. 5 2 1 63.. 1 2.. 1 75 Wisconsin..................... 18 2 3 216 1 2 17.. 2 261 716 67 110 6,139 31 104 743 13 66 7,989 Territories..................... 22 3 11 96 2 1 4.. 1 140 Totals..................... 738 70 121 6.235 3:3 105 747 13 67 8,129 NEWSPAPER STATISTICS. xi A TABLE SHOWING THE AVERAGE CIRCULATION OF THE NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES. COMPILED FROM THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DICECTORY. Tri- Semi- Bi- Semi- Bi. QuarDaily. Weekly. Weekly. Weekly. Weekly. Mon'ly. Mon'ly. Mon'ly. terly. Total. Alabama......... 1,197 300...... 777...... 1,200.................. 798 Arkansas......... 875...... 2,234 577............ 500............ 636 California......... 3,808...... 2.280 1,578...... 400 2,191............ 2,035 Connecticut....... 2,292...... 832 1,496 550 425 949.-.... 1,262 1,518 Delaware........ 2,211............ 984 - - ---......- —........................ 1,257 Dist. of Columbia.:5,223............ 3,375...... 600 3,370........... 3,697 Florida..- -..................... 300 478.............................. 470 Georgia........... 1,590 392 325 1,262...... 25,000 1,886...... —-—...... 1,496 Illinois............ 2.835 650 1.480 1,536 1,500 1,942 3,607 1,200 1,800 1,819 Indiana.......... 1,691 611 652'1044...... 1,400 3,751............ 1,197 Iowa............. 828 290 545 919...... 1,492 1,041............ 912 Kansas.......... 1,336 200...... 900............ 3,500............ 970 Kentucky........ 3.109 812 767 1.644...... 4,000 1,734 334...... 1,691 Louisiana 3.. 1..... 3,14...... 8,000 903 2,250...... 500. —........... 1,229 Maine 1....... 1,511 456. —..... 2,407 525 -..... 14,474...... 1,568 3,062 Maryland........ 11,336...... 1,000 2,280............ 3,075............ 3,077 Massachusetts..... 9,942 664 1,747 3,777 1,263 4,480 8,258. —.... 2,336 4,582 Michigan......... 2,423 767 770 1,198 400 200 2,556............ 1,327 Minnesota.. 2- - -.,657 500 400 945............ 1,273......... 994 Mississippi....... 734 360...... 811............................. 802 Missouri.......... 3.590 750 1,000 1.368 2,267 500 3,029...... 1,056 1,647 Nebraska......... 782............ 730............ 562............ 728 Nevada.......... 795..-........ 400.............................. 690 New Hampshire.. 919............ 2,051............ 4,167............ 1,982 New Jersey...... 2,137...... 1,050 1,065............ 2,234...... 1,000 1,256 New York........ 8,402 1,316 2,976 4,120 4,459 4,512 7,379 1,884 4.078 4,991 North Carolina... 1,063 100 475 829.....- 1,496 350............ 831 Ohio.............. 3,684 754 1,112 1,866 4,742 3,193 3,693 900 1,117 2,116 Oregon.......... 1,739............ 888.............................. 936 Pennsylvania..... 5.038 1,400 1,839 2,125 1,000 2,009 7,562...... 700 2,919 Rhode Island..... 4,159...... 700 1,791...... 1,100............ 2,301 South Carolina.... 2,097 424 400 804 500...... 694...... 600 835 Tennessee........ 1,969...... 516 1,321...... 800 2,323............ 1,419 Texas............ 855...... 389 782.............................. 785 Vermont......-.. 1,2-2...... 950 1,470............ 11,103............ 2,168 Virginia........... 858 350 482 940...... 594 1,945............ 927 West Virginia... 1,172 300 200 685...... 400 867............ 703 Wisconsin........ 1,324 700 444 992 417 350 2,967............ 1,098 Territories....... 787 564 1,196 822 1,000...... 3,275............ 914 Total averages.. 3,877 650 1,400 1.768 2,144 2,994 5,144 1,347 2,399 2,196 xii NEWSPAPER STATISTICS. A TABLE SHOWING THE AREA, POPULATION, ANNUAL CIRCULATION OF ALL NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS PRINTED LN THE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES, AND THE NUMBER OF COPIES PRINTED PER YEAR FOR EACH INHABITANT, BASED UPON THE U. S. CENSUS FOR 1870, AND THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY FOR 1876. Average Average Population, Total No. of Copies Area Area in Census No. of Copies Printed for each Square of Printed Yearly for Publication, Miles. 1870. Annually. each inhabitant. Sq. Miles. Alabama.......................... 50,722 996,992 5,132,980 5 557 Arkansas.......................... 52,198 484,471 1,787,844 4 768 California........................... 188,981 582,031 52,596,100 90 791 Connecticut........................ 4,750 537,454 14,020,376 26 47 Delaware.................... 2,120 125,015 3,545,696 28 88 District of Columbia............... 64 131,700 10,152,000 77 2 Florida............................. 59,268 188,248 577,148 3 1,976 Georgia............................ 58,000 1,184,109 11,850,528 10 379 Illinois............................ 55,410.2,539,891 65,402,256 26 78 Indiana................... 33,809 1,680,637 28,666,132 11 90 Iowa........................... 55,045 1,194,320 18,387,488 15 137 Kansas............................. 81,318 373,299 9,670,252 26 515 Kentucky........................... 37,620 1,321,011 14,585.996 11 271 Louisiana.......................... 41,346 726,915 12,116,124 17 422 Maine.............................. 35,000 626,91.5 12,084,526 19 422 Maryland.4......................... 11,124 780,894 38,764,896 50 95 Massachusetts.................... 7,800 1,457,351 115,853,116 79 23 Michigan......................... 56,451 1,187,234 29,554,260 24 184 Minnesota......................... 83,531 446,056 8,731,924 20 593 Sississippi......................... 47,156 827,922 3,794,984 5 433 Missouri........................... 65.350 1,721,295 43,441,738 25 173 Nebraska.......................... 75,995 129,322 4,063,720 31 724 Nfevada.......................,.. 104,125 58,711 2,881,600 49 4,339 NTew Hampshire................... 9,280 318,300 7,485,920 24 143 New Jersey........................ 8,320 906,096 21,005,944 23 47 New York......................... 47,000 4,387,464 390,529,912 89 43 North Carolina.................... 50,704 1,071,361 5,346,144 5 474 Ohio................................ 39,964 2,665,260 74,404,936 28 70 Oregon................... 95,274 101,883 2,634,836 26 2,165 Pennsylvania....................... 46,000 3,522,050 162,507,048 46 62 Rhode Island...................... 1,306 217,353 9,387,272 43 48 South Carolina...................... 34,000 705,606 4,315,844 6 442 Tennessee.......................... 45,600 1,258,520 11,127,384 9 335 Texas.2.......................... 274,356 818,899 10,339,020 13 q1,475 Vermont........................... 10,212 330,551 5,557,372 17 162 Virginia........................... 38,348 1,225,163 8,997,000 7 261 West Virginia................... 23,000 442,014 3,826,328 9 307 Wisconsin....................... 53,924 1,064,985 16,181,174 15 207 Territories..........................1,041,963 517,839 8,716,772 17 7,743 Totals..........................3,026,494 38,855,137 1,250,024,590 32 372 SUB S CRIBERS. THE PROPRIETORS OF THE PROMINENT NEWSPAPERS ENUMERATED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES RESPONDED WITH SUCH PROMPTNESS AND GENEROSITY TO THE CALL FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS TOWARDS DEFRAYING THE EXPENSE OF THE CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION, THAT MESSRS. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. HAVE THE SATISFACTION OF SEEING THE ENTERPRISE A SUCCESS WITHOUT ANY ACTUAL COST TO THEMSELVES BEYOND THE CARE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF ITS SUPERVISION. IT IS TO THE PUBLISHERS OF THESE PAPERS, THEREFORE, THAT JOURNALISTS AND THE PUBLIC ARE MAINLY INDEBTED FOR THE MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF THE NEWSPAPER INTEREST OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. xiv SUBSCRIBERS'THE PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING JOURNALS MAY BE SAID TO HAVE ASSUMED THV ENTIRE COST OF THE CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION: NEW YORK. THE ARGUS, Albany. THE BROOKLYN EAGLE. TIMES, Troy. NEW YORK CITY. THE COURRIER DES ETATS UNIS. THE SUN. THE NEW YORKER STAATS ZEITUNG. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. THE NEW YORK TIMES. THE EVENING POST. THE NEW YORK EVENING EXPRESS. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. THE NEW YORK LEDGER. THE SHOE AND LEATHER REPORTER. THE NEW YORK EVANGELIST. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. THE CHURCHMAN. THE IRON AGE. THE CHRISTIAN UNION. THE WORLD. PENNSYLVANIA. THE PHILADELPHIA DEMOCRAT. THE PUBLIC LEDGER, Philadelphia. THE PHILADELPHIA PRESS. THE PRESBYTERIAN, Philadelphia. DIST. OF COLUMBIA. THE EVENING STAR, Washington. OHIO. THE CINCINNATI GAZETTE. CLEVELAND HERALD. KENTUCKY. THE COURIER-JOURNAL, Louisville. NEW JERSEY. THE EVENING JOURNAL, Jersey City. MICHIGAN. THE EVENING NEWS,' etroit. SUBSCRIBERS. xv GEORGIA. THE MORNING NEWS, Savannah. CALIFORNIA. THE EVENING BULLETIN, San Francisco. THE MORNING CALL, San Francisco. SACRAMENTO RECORD-UNION. NEBRASKA. THE BEE, Omaha. TENNESSEE. THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN. THE AVALANCHE, Memphis. MASSACHUSETTS. THE WATCHMAN, Boston. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston. THE CONGREGATIONALIST, Boston. BOSTON ADVERTISER. SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN. ILLINOIS. THE STAATS ZEITUNG, Chicago. THE INTER-OCEAN, CHICAGO. MISSOURI. WESTLECHE POST, St. Louis. THE KANSAS CITY TIMES. MINNESOTA. PIONEER PRESS AND TRIBUNE, St. Paul and Minneapolis. IOWA. THE STATE PEGISTER, Des Moines. MAINE. PORTLAND TRANSCRIPT. NEW HAMPSHIRE. INDEPENDENT STATESMAN, Concord. MANCHESTER MIRROR. VERMONT. THE HOUSEHOLD, Brattleboro. MARYLAND. THE BALTIMORE AMERICAN. Extract from NEW YORK TIMEKS, June 14, 1875. Ten years ago Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell & Co. established their Advertising Agency in New York City. Five years ago they absorbed the business conducted by Mr. John Hooper, who was the first to go into this kind of enterprise. Now they have the satisfaction of controlling the most extensive and complete advertising connection which has ever been secured, and one which would be hardly possible in any other country but this. They have succeeded in working down a complex business into so thoroughly a systematic method that no change in the newspaper system of America can escape notice, while the widest information unon all topics interesting to advertisers is placed readily at the disposal of the public. A COMPLETE LIST OF NEWSPAPERS PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES, AND A STATEMENT OF THE LOCATION, POPULATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TOWNS IN WHICH THEY ARE PUBLISHED. ALABAMA. ALABAMA. ABBEVILLE, c. h., Henry Co., 500t p., 90 nesseo r. and the Memphis & Charleston m. S. E. of Montgomery, and 15 W. of Fort Rd., 43 m. E. of Tuscumbia and 24 W. of Gaines, Georgia. Huntsville. Henry Co. Register........... 1 Nes........................ W. 17 ASHVILLE, c. h., St. Clair Co., on A & DEMOPOLIS, Marengo Co., 1,539 p.. on C. Rd. the Tombigbee r. and Alabama Central Southern Egis...............-..2 Rd., 52 m. W. of Selma. Surrounded by a ATHErNSc. h., Limestone Co., 1,500t p., on cotton-growing district; principal shipping Nashville & Decatur line of Louisville & point in the county. Nashville &Great SouthernRd., 107m. S. of Marengo News-Journal...W. 18 Nashville and 195 N. of Montgomery. EUFAULA, Barbour Co., 4,8001 p., on Limestone News.............. 3 Chattahoochee r.,atjunction of Montgomery Post. & Eufaula with Southwestern Rd. A cot. BANGOR, Blount Co. ton-shipping point, 142 m. from Macon, Broad-Axe. —--—.. —------ W. 5 Ga., and 80 from Montgomery. News.................... T W. 9 BIRMINGHAM, Jefferson Co., 1,200 p., ews......... at junction of Alabama & Chattanooga and imes........... T. W. 21 S. & N. Alabama Rds., 90 m. from Alabama W~.-~.~. W and 54 from Tuscaloosa.; centre of iron and............. coal trade. EUTAW, c. h., Greene Co., 1,920 p., on the Jefferson Independent......... D. 6 Alabama & Chattanooga Rd., 3.5 m. from " W........W. 7 Tuscaloosa and 60 W. from Selma, in a Iron Age.....................W. 8 cotton-growing district. Whig and Observer..........WVfr. 23 BUTLER, c. h., Choctaw Co. Whg and ObservW. 23 Choctaw Herald. EVERGREEN, c. h., Conecuh Co., 1,700 CAMDEN, c. h., Wilcox Co., 2,000 p., near P. on Mobile & Montgomery Rd., 82 m. Alabama r., 30 m. S. by W. of Selma. A from Montgomery and 104 from Mobile. place of considerable trade, and an im- Conecuh-Escambia Star.....W. 24 portant shipping point. FAYETTE, c. h., Fayette Co., 500t p., near Wilcox Vindicator...........W. 10 Sipsey r., 140 m. N. W. of Montgomery, and CARROLLTON, c. h., Pickens Co., 600t 40 N. E. of Columbus, Miss. p., about 30 m. W. of Tuscaloosa; about the Gazette........ W. 25 same distance S. E. of Columbus, Miss. Luxapalilan................W. 26 Surrounded by a cotton-growing district. FLORENCE, c. h., Lauderdale Co., 2,003 West Alabamian......W...-W. 11 p., on Tennessee r., at head of navigation; CENTRE, c. h., Cherokee Co., 2,500 p., on principal shipping point for the county and Coosar., 140 m. N. by E.of Montgomery adoining towns in Tennessee; a branch and 20 N. of Jacksonville. railroad crosses the river, connecting with Cherokee Advertiser.........W. 12 Memphis & Charleston Rd. at Tuscumbia........1 } rGazette.......................W. 27 CLANTON, c. h., Chilton Co. GazetteW. 27 Chilton Co. Courier.......W. 13 GADSDEN, c. h., Etowah Co., 2203p., on Coosa r., and E. Alabama and Cincinnati CLAYTON, c. h., Barbour Co., 800 p., near Rd. in the midst of iron and coal fields. centre of county, 20 m. W. of Eufaula. and Cotton and grain-growing district; con75 S. E. of Montgomery. siderable trade in lumber. Courier & Agricultural Journal.W. 14 Times............ W. 28 COLUMBIANA, c. h., Shelby Co., 1,040 GAINESVILLE, Sumter Co., 3,916 p., on p., on Selma, Rome & Dalton Rd., 72 m..Tombigbee r., eastern terminus of a branch from Selma. of the Mobile & Ohio Rd., 15 m. W. of Shelby Sentinel.........W..... 15 Eutaw, 54 from Tuscaloosa. A trade cenDADEVILLE, c. h., Tallapoosa Co., 1,266 tre; one of the principal shipping points in p., on the Savannah & Memphis Rd., 30 m. the county. from Opelika and 45 N. E. of Montgomery. Dispatch....................W. 29 Head-Light and News.......W. 16 GREENSBORO, c. h., Hale Co., 1,760 DECATUR, Morgan Co., 2,500t p., on Ten- p., the centre of considerable trade, surEXPLANATORY NOTE-The population is from census of 1870, or estimate of resident postmasters-the latter case-indicated by a daggur-c. h. stands for court house, county seat-m. for miles-p. for population -r. for river and Rd. for railroad. 18 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. ALABAMA. ALABAMA. rounded by cotton plantations; 18 m. E. of Reqister.....................W. 48 Eutaw, and 40 N.W. of Selma. Tribne......................D. 49 Alabama Beacon............W. 30 Cycle........................W. 50 GREENVILLE, c. h., Butler Co., 3,000t Progressive Farmer........... 51 p., on Mobile & Montgomery Rd., 45 m. MONROEVILLE, c. h., Monroe Co, from Montgomery. Centre of a cotton 300t p., 10 m. from Claiborne, on Alabama trade. r., 100 from Mobile and 90 S. of Selma. Advocate..................W. 31 Surrounded by a cotton-growing country. South Alabamian..........W. 32 Monroe Journal...........W. 52 GROVE HILL, c. h., Clark Co. MONTEVALLO, Shelby Co. Clark Co. Democrat.........W. 33 Shelby Guide...-.......W. 53 GUNTERSVILLE, c. h., Marshall Co. MONTGOMERY, c. h., Montgomery Marshall Tribune..........W. 34 Co., State capital, 15,000t p., on Alabama HARTSELLE, c. h., Morgan Co. r., 197 m. N. E. of Mobile, at centering Hawkeye................ W. 35 point of four railroads; engaged in cotton HAYNEVILLE, c. h., Lowndes Co. trade, shipping by steamboat to Mobile. Advertiser and Mail.........D. 54 3,484 p., 23 m. S. W. of Montgomery.....i..W. 55 Examniner.................. W. 36. Alabama State Journal......D. 56 HUNTSVILLE, c. h., Madison Co., 6,000t........W.57 p., 10 m. N. of Tennessee on the Memphis Evening Bulletin.............D. 58 & Charleston Rd., 24 m. E. of Decatur and Sunday Bulletin.......... Sund. 59 59 W. of Stevenson. Centre of trade; sur- Southern Plantation........W. 60 rounded by a farming district; actively MOULTON, c. h., Lawrence Co.. 2,006 p. engaged in manufactures of various kinds. 15 m. S. of Memphis & Charleston Rd. at Advocate.................... W. 37 Courtland, and 165 N. by W. of MontgomDemocrat................W. 3 8 Independent.......W..... 39 ery. Newpedn ShW 40 Advertiser...................W. 61 JACKSONVILLE, c.' h.; Calhoun Co. NOTASULGA, Macon Co., 1,691 p., on JSCKSOnVILLe, co ^ D, Calhon d. ^t.gomery & West Point Rd., 48 m. from 1,200t p., on Selma, Rome & Dalton Rd., 145 Montomer Point Rd., 48 m. from Selma. The trading point for an ngvers t erald.......S. M. 62 agricultural section. Has good educational avantages, and is visited during summer OPELIKA, c. h., Lee Co., 5,085 p., on for the mineral waters found near. Western Alabama Rd., at junction of SaRepublican.............. 41 vannah & Memphis and B. Alabama & JASPER, c. h., Walker Co.,'"1n p., 50 r Cincinnati Rds., 64 m. E. of Montgomery, JASPER, c. h., Walker Co., 1,500 p., 50 28 from Columbus, 113 from Atlanta m.ec. N.. of Tuscaloosa, and 60. of Centre of a cotton and grain-growing counDecatur. An agricultural and cotton- try. growing district. Imer.D. 63 groing district. trimes........................ 63 Mountain Eagle.........W. 42..-W.64 LAFAYETTE, c. h., Chambers Co., 1,382 Observer and Locomotive... W. 65 p., on E. Alabama & Cincinnati Rd. 18 m. Southern Reformer.....W.... 66 from Opelika and 84 from Montg mery. OXFORD, Calhoun Co., 1,147 p., on Selma, Cotton market, and headquarters for sup- Rome & Dalton Rd. 10 m. from Jacksonplies for surrounding country. villeand21fromTalladega. Clipper......................W.. Tribune.................W. 67 LIVINGSTON, c. h., Sumter Co., 2,320 p., OZARK, Dale Co., 720t p., 40 m. S. E. of on Alabama and Chattanooga Rd., 10 m. TroyMost important pacein theounfrom its junction with Alabama Central Rd., 26 m. from Eutaw and 80 W. of Southern Star. Selma. Journal.....................W. 44 PRATTSVILLE, c. h., Autauga Co., MARION, c. h., Perry Co., 3,476t p., 30 m. 1,346 p., 14 m. N. W. of Montgomery. N. W. of Selma, on Selma, Marion & Autauga Citizen. Memphis Rd. Engaged in agriculture. SCOTTSBORO, c. h., Jackson Co., 1,000t Several educational institutions are located p., on Memphis & Charleston Rd., 42 m. here. from Huntsville and 55 from Chattanooga. Alabama'Baptist.........- W. 45 Alabama Herald............W. 70 Commonwealth........ —..W. 46 North Alabama Observer....W. 71 MOBILE, c. h., Mobile Co., 32,084 p., on SEALE, c. h., Russell Co. Mobile r., near its entrance into Mobile Russell Register ------—..-. W. 72 Bay, engaired in foreign and domestic SELMA, c. h., Dallas Co., 6,484 p., on commerce and manufactures, and, next to Alabama r, 300 m. from its mouth. SurNew Orleans, the largest cotton market rounded by a cotton-growing district, centre in the'United States. Regular lines of in the IUnited States. Regular lines of of trade In cotton, lumber, iron and coal. steamboats run to various points on Alaba- of trade in cotton, umber, iron and coal. steamboats run to various poits on Alaba- Terminus of Selma, Rome & Dalton, Selma ma and Tombigbee rs., and to New Orleans. & Meridian and Selma & Montgomery Southern terminus of Mobile & Ohio Rd., Rds. which connects with Illinois Central Rd. Times.D 73 at Cairo, forming a continuous line from the Daas imes............... W. 74 Gulf to the Lakes. Mobile & Great National Republican.... W. 75 Northern Rd. connects with Montgomery Southern Argus............ W. 76 and other points N. and E. Register.... 47 TALLADEGA, c. h., Talladega Co., 2,640 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 19 ALABAMA. ARKANSAS. p., on Selma, Rome & Dalton Rd., 109 m. try. Cotton, tobacco, corn, wheat, oats, from Selma and 36 from Jacksonville. State fruit and vegetables are cultivated. Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind North Arkansas Times.......W. 95 is located in this city. Republican................W. 96 Alabama Templar............ 77 BEEBE STATION, White Co. Our Kountain Hoee.......W. 78 Magnet................... W. 97 Reporter anid Watch Tower. W. 79 BELLEFONTE, Boone Co., 1,000t p., in TROY, c. h., Pike Co., 2,000t p., terminus the northern tier of counties, about 50 m. of Mobile & Girard Ed., 32 m. from Union from Bentonville. An agricultural and Springs and 50 from Montgomery. Centre stock-raising district. of a cotton trade. Record....................W. 98 Enquirer............... BENTONVILLE, c. h., Benton Co., 2,000 Messenger........W.......... W. 81 p., in the N. W. corner of the State, 180 TUSCALOOSA, c. h., Tuscaloosa Co., m. from Little Rock. An agricultural dis1,689 p., on Black Warrior r., at head of trict and tobacco mart. Several manusteamboat navigation and Alabama & factories in operation. Chattanooga Rd., 71 m. from its junction Advance...................W. 99 with Alabama Central. Surrounded by a BERRYVILLE, Carroll Co. cotton-growing district. Cotton is shipped Advocat W 100 from ths point. State IUniversity, Agri. Advocate................W. 100 from this point. State lDniversity, Agricultural College and other institutions BOONEVILLE, Sarber Co. located here. Enterprise.............W. 101 Gazette.....................W. 82 CAMDEN, c. h., Ouachita Co., 1,612 p., on Times... —..-.......... W. 83 Ouachita r., 110 m. S. by W. of Little TUSCUMBIA,, c. h., Colbert Co., 1,214 p., Rock, 70 S. W. of Pine Bluff. Steamboats near Tennessee r. and on Memphis & ascend the river to this point, making it an Charleston Rd., 43 m. from Decatur and 67 active trade centre. A cotton-growing from Huntsville. Surrounded by an agri- section, and the principal shipping point cultural district. A branch railroad ex- for that product in the southern portions of tends to Florence, on Tennessee r. Busi- the State. ness centre. Beacon...................W. 102 North Alabamian...........W. 84 Tribune.................... ITUSKEGEE, c. h., Macon Co., 4,392 p., CARROLLTON, c. h., Carroll Co. 40 m. from Montgomery. Bowlder..................W. 104 News....W................W. 85 CLARENDON, c. h., Monroe Co. UNION SPRINGS, c. h., Bullock Co., Age........................W.. 105 1,455 p., on Montgomery & Eufaula Rd., CONWAY, c. h., Faulkner Co. at intersection of Mobile & Girard Rd., 40 Arkansas Traveler......W. 10 m. from Montgomery and 54 from Colum- CORNING,. h., Clayton Co. bus, G-a. vuRN~Iid e. The ^chiUwl,;8Ro^^k9I~t1~ddlld&. b ranh of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy bride. The Chicago, Rock Island & Rd. 6 m from Ottawa. Pacific, Western Union, Rock Island & News Letter. a. St. Louis, Peoria & Rock Island and Rock- Letter.. 1,3 ford Rds. all terminate here, excepting the SHIPMAN, Macoupin Co. first named. The Government Island True lag...............W. 1,368 United States Arsenal and workshops are SOMONAUK, De Kalb Co. situated here. Extensively engaged in Free Press..............W. 1,36 manufactures, coal mining and river trade. Reveile..............W. 1,370 Argqus....................D. 1,342 "................'W. 1,343 SPARLAND, Marshall Co., 700t p., on Union..............D. 1,344 Peoria branch of Chicago. Rock Island & "...................W. 1,345 Pacific Rd., 26 m. N. of Peoria and near Nue Volks Zeitung....S. W. 1,346 Lacon, 134 from Chicago. Business, coal ROCKTON, Winnebago Co. mining and distilling. Chronicle.............. V. 1,371 Herald............. W. 1,347. ROODHOUSE, Greene Co., 1,100t p., on SPARTA, Randolph Co., 2,500t p., about Chicago & Alton Rd., 21 m. from Jackson. 20 m. from Chester, and about 8 from the ville. line of St. Louis & Southeastern Rd., and Independent.. W........W. 1,348 50 from St. Louis. Signal...................7. 1,349 Plaidealer..............W. 1,373 ROSSVILLE, Vermillion Co. SPRINGFIELD, c. h., Sangamon Co., Observer............ 1,350 State capital, 25,000t p., on Sangamon r. RUSHVILLE, c. h., Schuyler Co., 1.800 The Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Rd. interp.. terminus of Rushville branch of Chica- sects the Toledo, Wabash & Western at go, Burlington & Quincy Rd., 226( m. from this point. The Springfield & SoutheastChicago and 9 from Illinois r. Engaged inl ern, Springfield & Northwestern and Gilmanutacturing to some extent. Centre of man & Clinton Rds. also centre hero. A a large grain and fruit-growing region. rich and populous agricultural district. chuyler Citizen.........W. 1,351 Coal is found in abundance in the vicinity. Times..W................. 1,352 Engaged in manufactures and inland ST. CHARLES, Kane Co., 2,281 p., on commerce. Fox r. branch of Chicago & Northwestern llinos State.Journa....D. 1,373 Rl., 35 m. from Chicago. The extensive.... W. 1,375 water power gives motion to numerous.... 1,376 mills. Illinois State Register..-D. 1,376 mills.... W. 1,377 Leader..................W. 1,353 Leader --—. —----------- W. 1,353 Illinois Freie Presse...W. 1,378 SALEM, c. h., Marion Co., 3,132 p., on Sangano Monitor.......W. 1,379 Ohio & Mississippi Rd., 16 m. N. E. of Labor of Love...........M. 1,380 Centralia and 69 from St. Louis. Advocate................ 1,354 STEELEVILLE, Pandolph Co. Industrial............... 1,355 Times....................W. 1,381 Indtreal...................W. 1,355 SANDWICH, De Kalb Co., 1,400 p., on STERLING, Whitesides Co., 4,000 p., ou Chicago Burlington & Quincy Rd., 57 Rock r., Rockford, Rock Island & St. S. W. o? Chicago. Louis and Chicago & Northwestern Rds., Free Pres...... 1,36 110 m. from Chicago. Has good waterG ~ aztte. ~ W. ~ 1,35.7 power, which is being rapidly developed. e................ Surrounded by a fine agricultural distrct. SAVANNA, Carroll Co. Gazette...............W. 1,382 Times....................W. 1,358 Staniard...............W. 1,383 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 43 ILLINOIS. ILLITNOIS. STONEFORT, Saline Co. nois Central Rd., 150 m. from Chicago, ia.a Journal.................W. 1,384 farming district. STREATOR, La Salle Co.,'1,486 p., n Douglas Co. Review.....W. 1,409 Vermillion r. and western division of hicam- Journal..............W. 1,410 go, Alton & St. Louis, and Oswego &Fox UPPER ALTON, Madison Co., 1,000., River Valley Rds., the latter being under. about 2 m. from Alton City. Seat of Shurtconstruction, and 100 m. W. of Chicago; leff College. surrounded by the Vermillion coal fields Qui Vive..... W. 1,411 10,000 tons being mined per day by the URBANA, c. h., Champaign Co., 5,000 p., company. Centre of business; 15m. S. on Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western of Ottawa. Rd., 92 m. from Springfield and 14 from Free Press.............W. 1,385 Champaign. A place of active trade. Monitor.................. W. 1,386 Surrounded by anagriCultural and mineral Pioneer..................W. 1,387 district. SULLIVAN, c. h., Moltrie Co., 2,000t p., Republican............W. 1, 412 24 m. from Decatur, at intersection of Chi- VANDALIA, c. h.. Fayette Co., 1,99 p cago & Illinois Southern Rd. with the Chi- on Kaskaskiar. and Illinois Central RS cago & Pudueah Rd., 14 m. from Mattoon. at intersection of St. Louis, Vandalia, Rich agricultural region. Grain and stock- Terre Haute & Indianapolis Rd., 106 m. raising the principal branches of industry. from Bloomington and 77 from St. Louis. Journal..................W. 1,388 A shipping point and trade centre for a Progress................W. 1,389 large agricultural section. SUMNER, Lawrence Co. Fayette Democrat.......W. 1,413 Lawrence Co. Press.....W. 1,390 Union..................W. 1,414 SYCAMORE, c. h., Dc Kali Co., 4,0001 VERMONT, Fulton Co., 2,300 p., on Chi p., surrounded by an agriculturnl district cago, Burlington & Quincy and Rockford, about 5 m. from Cortlandt, on Chicago & Rock Island & St. Louis Rds., 16 m. S. W. Northwestern Rd. Engaged in manu- of Lewistown. Engaged largely in agrifactures. culture. City Weekly............ W. 1,391 Chronicle................W. 1,415 Free Methodist..........W. 1,392 VIENNA, c. h., Johnson Co., 900t p., 190 Reformer and Free Press.W. 1,393 m. fiom Springfield, about 34 from Cairo, True Republican.........W. 1,394 on Cairo & Vincennes Rd., has an extensive Christian Pilgrim.......W. 1,395 trade in tobacco, grain, hay, fruit and TALLULA, Menard Co. lumber Enterprise.........W. 1,396 Johnson Co. Journal...W. 1,416 TAMAROA, Perry Co. Johnson Co. Yeoman....W. 1,417 Perry Co. Watchman....W. 1,397 VIRDEN, Macoupin Co., 2,500t p., on Chi. TAYLORVILE, c. h. Christan Co cago & Alton Rd.. 17 m. from Carlinvile AYLORVILLE, c. h., Christian Co., and 22 from Springfield. Centre of a 2,180 p., at crossing of Toledo, Wabash & an 2 from Springfeld. entre of a thriving trade. Extensively engaged in Western and Springfield, Illinois & South- thriving trade. xtensively engaged in eastern Rds., 25 m. from Springfield and 90 the ng of grain. from St. Louis. In an agricultural dis- ecord.. trict. Coal found in the vicinity. En- VIRGINIA, c. h., CassCo., 1,500tp., atingaged in manufactures. tersection of Peoria, Pekin & Jacksonville Christian Co. Farmer's Rd. with Ohio & Mississippi Rd. In centre Journal............W. 1,398 of county; in a fine agricultural district. Democrat............. W. 1,399 Enquirer................W. 1,419 Illinois Republican...... W. 1,400 Gazette................W. 1,420 THOISON, Carroll Co., 1,500 p., on Mis. WARREN, Jo. Daviess Co., 1,666 p., on sissippi r., and Western Union Rd., 7 m. Illinois Central Rd., at junction of Minerai above Fulton. Point Rd., 26 m. from Galena, 25 W. of Jourvnal.............. Frankfort and 145 W. of Chicago. ManuVillage Echo........... W. 1,402 facturing, lead mining and agriculture is TOLONO, Champaign Co. carried on. Is in the midst of a large farmTOLONO, Champaign Co. ing distriet. Herald...W.............. W. 1,403 ing ditit. Sentinel.................W 1,42:1 TONICA, La Salle Co., 1,000 p., on Illinois WARSAW, Hancock Co., 3,750 p., on Central Idl., 9 m. S. of La Salle. Mississippi r., 5 m. below Keokuk, at terLocal...................W. 1,404 minus of Toledo, Peoria. Wabash & WestNews...........W. 1,405 ern Rd. Large river steamboats run to this point. Engaged in shipping produco TOULON, c. h., Stark Co., 1,200 p., on Peo- this point. Engedin shipping pdc and a place of active trade. ria & Rock Island Rd., 37 m. from Peoria, a a lace oft. 1,42tr in an enterprising and thrifty farming Bulletn................., district. WASHBURN, Woodford Co., 1,000 p., ot Stark Co. News.........W. 1,406 western division of Chicago & Alton Rd., 125 m. from Chicago. TROY, Madison Co. Reveil:'e.................W. 1,4: 3 Bulletin............... W. 1,407 WASHINGTON, Tazewell Co.. 2,000tp., TURNER JUNCTION, Du Page Co., on Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw and western 1,00(t p., on Chicago & Northwestern Rd., division of Chicago & Alton lRds., 13 m. E. 30 m. from Chicago. of Peoria. It is an extensive shipping News................... 1,408 point for grain and hogs. Actively ongagea in manufactures. TUSCOLA, Douglas Co., 2,000 p., on li- Herald.................W. 1,42* 44 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Cook Co. New Era......-........W. 1,443 Home Journal....-. W. i,425 Sentienel................. W. 1,444 WATERLOO, c. h., Monroe Co.. 1,700t WVYOMING, Stark Co., 1.2(0t pp., on Spoon p., 12 m. from Mississippi r. and 22 S. E. r., at intersection of Peoria & Rock Island of St. Louis. Surrounded by a wheat and Rd. witl Buda & Rushville branch of Chicorn country. cago, Burlington & Quincy Rd.. 6 m. from Advocate................W. 1,426 Toulon. Times...................W. 1,427 Post..........-.... W. 1,445 WATERMAN, De Kalb Co. Stark Co. Bee -...........W. 1,446 Free Press...............W. 1,428 YATES CITY, Knox Co., 900 p., on PeoWATSEKA, c. h., Iroquois Co., 2,500t p., ria Rd., 23 m. S. S. E. of Galesburg. on Iroquois r., at intersection of Toledo, East Knox News........W. 1,447 Peoria & Warsaw with Chicago, Danville YORKVILLE, c. h., Kendall Co., 1,400 & Vincennes Rd., 80 m. from Chicago, in p., on Fox r. and Fox River Valley a farming district. The centre of a vast Rd., 52 m. from Chicago. Engaged in region offertile country. 40Artesian wells agriculture and manufactures. Centre of Within the corporative limits; known as trade for the county. the " Artesian City." Kendall Co. Rece(rd..W. 1,448 Iroquois Times.........W. 1,429 News................W. 1,449 Republican..............W. 1,430 WAYKEGAN, c. h., Lake Co., 6,000t p., on Lake Michigan and Chicago & North- INDIANA. western Rd., 35 m. from Chicago and 50 from Milwaukee. A place of active trade, ALBION, c. h., Noble Co. having considerable lake commerce. New Era......... 1,450 Gazette -....- -a...-. W. 1,431. Lake Co. Patriot..... W. 1,432 ANDERSON, c. h., Madison Co., 4.000t WAVERLY, Mor an Co., 2,463 p Pp., on White River and Pittsburgh, Cin~AVERLY, Morgan Co., 2,4635 pr on cinnati & St. Louis Rd., at intersection of Illinois Farmers' Rd., about 25 m. ~om aIllinois Farmers' Rd. a bont2 m oC., C., C. & I. Rd., also terminus of CinJacrksonville. cinnati, Wabash & Michigan and AnderTenmperance Banner..... son, Lebanon & St. Louis Rds., 36 m. from WrENONA, Marshall Co., 1,500t p., at in- Indianapolis and 48 from Logansport tersection of Illinois Central with Lacon A thriving town, carrying on manufacturbranch of western division of Chicago & ing and a general trade. Alton Rd., 19m. from Lacon, 39 from Democrat.............W. 1,451 Bloomington. Centre of a large grain Herald..................W. 1,45 2 trade. Some manufacturing carried on. Witness.................W. 1,453 Index. 1................V. 1,434 ANGOLA, c. h., Steuben Co., 1,075 p.. WESTON, McLean Co. near N. E. corner of State, 42 m. from Fort Monitor...-...........W. Wayne,' on Fort Wayne, Jackson & SagiWHEATON, Du Page Co., 1,300t p., on naw Rd. Engaged in agriculture and Galena division of Chicago & Northwest- stock raising. ern Rd., 25 m. from Chicago. An agri- Herald............. W. 1,454 cultural and stock-growing county. Steuben Co. Republican.. W. 1,455 illinoian............... W. 1,436 ATTICA, Fountain Co., 2.700t p., on WaCollege Record...........W. 1,437 bash r. and Wabash & Erie Canal, and the Toledo, Wabash & Western and Indiana WHITE HALL, Greene Co., S1.00t p., on North & South Rds., 22 in. from Lafayette. Rockford, Rock Island & St. Louis and It has a large and flourishing trade. EnChicago & Alton Rds., 24 m. from Jack- gagedin eneralmanufactures. sonville and 60 from St. Louis. Centre of Lged in general ma ures. an agricultural county. Potters' clay and Ledge. coal are found in the vicinity. Engaged AUBURN, c. h., De Kalb Co., 2,000t p., on in the manufacture of pottery. Baltimore & Chicago and Fort Wayne, Greene Co. Democrat.....W. 1,43 8 Jackson & Saginaw Rds., at the interRegister........ W. 1,439 section of the Detroit, Eel r. & Illinois Rd., 22 m. from Fort Wayne. A thriving WILMINGTON, Will Co., 3,150 p., on place; rapidly building up; considerable Kankakee r. and Chicago & Alton Rd., 53 manufacturing carried on. m. from Chicago. Some manufacturing Courier................. W. 1,457 done here. DeKalb Co. Republican W. 1,458 Advocate.-....... W. 1,440 AURORA, Dearborn Co., 4,500t p., on WINCHESTER, c. h., Scott Co., 1,771t Ohio r. and Louisville branch of Ohio & p., on Big Sandy Creek and the Rockford, Mississippi Rd., 25 m. below Cincinnati. RockIsland & St. Louis Rd., 10 m. from Steamboats run to Cincinnati and other Illinois r., 18 from Jacksonville, 82 from points on the river. Engaged in milling St. Louis and 319 from Chicago. Engaged distilling, coopering, and exporting hay ana in various manufactnres. Coal is found grain. here. The centre of a fine agricultural Dearborn Independent...W. 1,459 district. Independent............W. 1,441 BEDFORD, c. h., Lawrence Co., 1,954p. Times.............. W. 1,44-2 on Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Rd., 71 m. from New Albany, 255 from Chicago. WOODSTOCK, c. h., McHenry Co., County seat and place of active trade. 2,500 p., on Chicago & Northwestern lRd., Banner....-......... W. 1,460 51 m. from Chicago. Independent............W. 1,461 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 45 INDIANA. INDIANA. Lawrence Gazette-... - -.W. 1,4:6 BUTLER, De Nalb Co. Common School Teacher..M. 1,4:63 Review..................W: 1,4:87 BLOOMFIELD, c. h.. Greene Co., 2,000 CAMBRIDGE CITY, Wayne Co., 2,700t p., near W. fork of White r., 80 m. from p., on the White Water Canal. The PittsIndianapohs. A place of active trade, in burgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis, Fort Wayne, a rich and fertile valley. Muncie & Cincinnati aid White Water Democrat......-......WW. 1,464: Valley Rds. pass through here; 53 m. from Tribune................W. 1,465 Indianapolis, and 75 from Cincinnati. The BLOOMIINGTON, c. h., Monroe Co., centre o a trade. Surrounded by.a farm3,200t p., on Louisville, New Albany & Chi- ing country. Extensively engaged in cago Rd., 97 m. from New Albany and 60 manufactures. from Indianapolis. Engaged in manufac- Review................ W. 1,488 turing, farming and quarrying limestone. Tribune.................W. 1,489 Location of the Indiana State University. CANNELTON, c. h., Perry Co., 2,481 p., Courier................. W. 1,466 on Ohio r., 70 m. above Evansville and 125 Progress...............W. 1,467 below Louisville, Ky. Coal is found here Times...........W. 1,468 in large quantities. The coal mines of BLUFFTON, c.h., Wells Co., 2,131t p., Cannelton are noted as the largest below on Wabash r., and Fort Wayne, Muncie Pittsburgh. Engaged in cotton and other & Cincinnati Rd., 25 m. S. of Fort Wayne. manufactures. Engaged in lumbering and manufactures. Enquirer................W. 1,490 Banner... W.. — W. 1,469 Reporter..............W. 1,491 Chronicle..............- W. 1,470 CENTREVILLE, Wayne Co. BOONVILLE, c. h., Warrick Co., 1,039 Odd Fellows' Chronicle..W. 1,4:9 p., 10 m. from the Ohio r. and 17 from Ev- Wayne Co. Chronicle....W. 1,493 ansville. Engaged in raising and manu- CHARLESTOWN, c. h., Clarke Co., facturing tobacco, and a place of active 2,204 p., 2J m. from the Ohio r., and the trade. Louisville branch of the Ohio & Mississippi Enquirer.............W. 1,471 Rd.,. and 12 from Louisville, Ky. It is Standard............W. 1,472 surrounded by excellent land and has an BOSWELL, Benton Co. active business. Leader............. W. 1,473 Clarke Co. Record.......W. 1,494 Herald..........W. 1,495 BOURBON, Marshall Co., 1,5001 p.. on er.............. W. 1,495 Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne &Chicago Rd., 3 CICERO, Hamilton Co., 800t p., on the m. N. W. of Fort Wayne, 96 E. of Chicago. Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago Rd., 27 m. Surrounded by a fertile country. Actively from Indianapolis. engaged in manufactures. Gazette.................W. 1,496 Mirror.................W. 1,474 CLINTON, Vermillion Co. BOWLING GREEN, a. h., Clay Co., Exponent.............W. 1,497 1,500 p., on Eel r., about 20 m. E. of Terre CLOVERDALE, Putnam Co. Haute. Thursday Morning Bee..W. 1,498 Clay Co. Deutsche Zei- COLLEGE CORNER, Union Co. tung......-.............W. 1,475499 Clay Co. Herald -........W. 1,476 Corner Stone W. 1,499 Cly C. H...W 1,476 COLUMBIA CITY, c. h., Whitley Co., BRAZIL, Clay Co., 3,500t p., on St. Louis, COLUMBIA CITY, burgh, ort Wayne & Vandalia, Terre SHaute & Indianapolis Rd., Chicago Rd., at the intersection of Detroit, 16 m. from Terre Haute and 55 W. of In- Eel r. & Illinois Rd., 19 m. from Fort dianapolis. In the Indiana Block Coal Wayne. It has a fine trade, and is located Region. Largely engaged in mining and in the centre of a rich agricultural district. manufacturing. Post................... 1,500 Clay Co. Enterprise....W. 1,477 Whitley Co. Commercial. W. 1,501 Echo. —-—. - — W. 1,478 Manfacturer and MinLer.W. 1479 COLUMBUS, c. h., Bartholomew Co., B MEnarsal C.6,000t p., on Whiter., 41 m. from IndianBREMEN, Marshall Co. apolis, on the Jeffersonville, Madison & Gazette....... -........W. 1,480 Indianapolis Rd., at the junction of the BROOKSTON, White Co. Cambridge City & Madison branch. In an Reporter...W...........W 1,481 agricultural district. BROOKVILLE, c. h., Franklin Co., Bartholomew Democrat..W. 1,50 2,463 p., on White Water r. and Canal, and Republican...........W. 1,503 White Water Valley Rd., 43 m from Cin- CONNERSVILLE, c. h., Fayette Co., cinnati. A place of considerable trade. 3,707 p., on White Water r. and the White American.........W. 1,482 Water Valley Rd., at the intersection of Der Leucht Thurrr....-..W. 1,483 the Cincinnati &Indinapolis Junction Rd. Franklin Democrat......W. 1,484 with the Fort Wayne, Muncie & CincinBROWNSTOWN, c. h., Jackson Co., nati Rd., 42 m. from Hamilton, 65 from 925t p., on Ohio & Mississippi Rd., I m. S. Cincinnati' and 56 from Indianapolis. E. of the E. fork of the White r., 10 S. W. Engaged in manufactures and the centre of Seymour and 98 W. of Cincinnati. It of a large trade. is surrounded by a fertile country, which Examiner........ —...-.W. 1,504 contains iron ore and valuable timber for- Times............... W. 1,505 ests. Ban1ner...........W —-.. 1,485 CORYDON, c. h., Harrison Co., 1,000t p., on Indian Creek, 9 m. from the Ohio r. BUNKER HILL, Miami Co. and 21 from Louisville, Kv. Noted for its Independent Press.......W. 1,486 great quantity of valuable building and 46 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHITITION. NDIN.NDIANA. INDIAN. lithographic stone, marble, timber, &c. Review.............. W. 1,527 Also as an agricultural region, being one Democratic Union......... 1,528 of the finest wheat and grain producing Herald of Truth......... M. 1,529 connties in the State. It also contains some Herold de Wahrheit.. --.M. 1,530 valuable sulphur springs. ELLEBTTSVILLE, Monroe Co., 1,000t p., Democrat................W. 1,506 on Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Rd., Republica.W............ 1,507 7 m. from Bloomington and 104 from New COVINGTON, c. h.. Fountain Co., 2,273t Albany. p., on Wabash r., Wabash & Erie Canal, Republican.... W. 1,531 and Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western EVANSVILLE, c. h., Vandorburgh Co., F.d., 73 m. from Indianapolis. Large 40,000t p., on Ohio r., 195 m. below Louisquantities of coal, live stock and produce ville, and at terminus of Evansville, Craware shipped from here. fordsville & St. Louis, and Southeastern. People's Friernd.......W. 1,508 and Evansville, Henderson & Nashville Spence' People's Paper..W. 1,509 Rds. The Wabash & Erie Canal termiCRAWFORDSVILLE, c. h., Mont- nates here, which, with the river commerce, gomery Co., 4,600t p., on Sugar Creek. makes it one of the most important comThe Louisville, New Albany & Chicago, mercial cities in the State. Considerable Indianapolis, Bloomirgton & Western manufacturing done here, and large quantiand Logansport, Crawfordsville & South- ties of grain, pork, tobacco and cotton are western Rds. all pass through here; 28 m. shipped to other markets. fromLayette andfrom rom Indianapolis, Courier................... 1,532 A fine agricultural and well-timbered "..................W. 1,533 district. Seat of Wabash College. Demokrat................ 1,534 Journal................W. 1,510 -....-........W. 1,535 Review.................W. 1,511 "...........Sund. 1,536 Saturday Mercury......W. 1,512 Herald. Star............. W. 1,513 Journal................. 1,538 CROWN POINT, c. h., Lake Co., 2,500t p.,. T. W. 1,539 on Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Rd., Dollar Journal.......... 1,540 43 m. from hicago. Extensivel engage Unton. 1,5 in agriculture and stock raising. W...... 1,54 Frie Presse.. W. 1,514 Sunday Argus W. 1,543 Register................W. 1,515 PORT WAYNE, c. h., Allen Co., 25.327t BANVILLE, c. h., Hendricks Co., 1,040, at the confluence of St. Joseph and St. p, on the Indianapolis & St. Lotis Rd., 20 aary's rs., which form the Maumee. The m. from Indianapolis. The county semi- Toledo & Wabash Rd. here intersects the narov i dlocat aol here. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago RLd. Hendricks Co. IUnion. -..W. 1,516 Four other important railroads centre here. ndianian...... 1,517 One of the most important places in the State. Extensively engaged in manufacDE-ATUR, c. h., Adams Co., 2.000t p., on gtures of various kinds. Surrounded by a St. Mary's r., 21 m. from Fort Wayne and fine agricultural district. on the Cincinnati, Richmond & Fort Gazette..-................ —-- D. 1,544 Wayne Rd., in the midst of an agricultural.....-.....-.. 1,545 district. Extensively engaged in the lum- News................ D. 1,546 ber trade. Sentinel................D. 1,547 Democrat. 1,........... 1,"..1,548 DELPHI, c. h., Carroll Co., 2,000t p., on Tagblatt..............D. 1,549 Wabash & Erie River Canal, and Toledo, Indiana Volksfreund...W. 1,550 Wabash & Western Rd., 17 m. from Lafay- Indiana Staats ZeitungT.W. 1,551 ette. The greatest lime region in the west. ". 1,552 Extensively engaged in paper manufacture. Journall................. W 1,553 Journal-.............. W.. 1,519 Gem.. —--------. 1,554 Times.................... W. 1,520 FOWLER, c. h., Benton Co. DUBLIN, Wayne Co. Benton Co. Herald......W. 1,555 WTayne Regtster.........W. 1,521 Benton Democrat........W. 1,556 DUNKIRK, Jay Co. FRANKFORT, c. h., Clinton Co., 2,000 Courier................. W. 1,522 p., on Logansport, Crawfordsville & SouthEDINBURG, Johnson Co., 2,000 p., on western Rd.. 3d m. from Logansport and E. fork of White r., which furnishes 79 from Terre Haute. In a fine farming good water-power, and on Jeffersonville, district. Madison & Indianapolis Rd., 30 m. S. E. of Banner............. W. 1,557 Indianapolis. Crescent.................W. 1,5 5 8 Courier................ 1,523 FRANKLIN, c. h., Johnson Co. 2,707 p., ELKHART, Elkhart Co., 8,000t p., on St. on Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis Joseph's r., at the junction of the Northern Rd., at intersection of Martinsville division Indiana Air Line and the Lake Shore & of Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette Michigan Southern (lq,'1) mn. from Chi- Rd., 20 m. from Indianapolis. Surrounded cago. Uas good water power, which is by a rih agricultlral district. A place of ~pa de feolopd for mianefacturing. active business. Three riv convergo herrothe St. Jo- Democratic Herald.. —-...W. 1,559 seph's, Elkhart and Christiana. sepih', l ehaett and ChristiDana Jefersonian...... W. 1,560 EvteningR me............D. 1,5 24 i"..........W. 1,525 GARRETT, De Kalb Co. Obserer.............. D 1,&5i0 A ews.....................W. 1,561 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 47 INDIANA. INDIANA. GOODLAND, Newton Co. several factories, iron and wood. Makes Courier................W. 1,562 immense quantities of lime. GOSHEN, c. h., Elkhart Co., 4,000t p., on Indiana Herald.........W. 1,579 the Elkhart r., at the intersection of the INDIANAPOLIS, Marion Co., State capNorthern Indiana Air Line with the Cincin- ital, 114,00t p., on White r., near centre of nati, Wabash & Michigan Rd. The centre State, 115 m. from Cincinnati, 110 m. from of a rich agricultural district, possessing Louisville, 240 fiom St. Louis and 194 from good water power, which is extensively Chicago. The centering point of eleven employed in manufacturing. important railroads, and in a rich and ferDmocrat..................W. 1,563 tile district, having an immense trade. imes...................W. 1,564 Evening News............). 1,580 GOSPORT, Owen Co., 1,300 p., on banks N.................W. 1,581 of White r., at crossing of Louisville, New Journal.....-.. 1,5 8 Albany & Chicago and Indianapolis & Indiana State Journal... 1,583 Vincennes Rds., 44 m. S. W. of Indian- Sentinel..D............D. 1,584 apolis. A shipping point for produce of State Sentinel..........W. 1,585 the surrounding country. A place of active Telegraph.......... D. 1,586 trade. Indiana Volksblatt alnd Gazette....... 1565 Telegraph..............,587.................. Central Catholic......... 1,588 GRAND VIEW, Spencer Co., 900t p., on Hoosier Patron and Lady Ohio r., 6 m. above Rockport and 145 below Granger W 1,589 Louisville. iIndiana Deutsche ZeitungW. 1,590 Monitor.................W. 1,566 Indiana Deutsche ZeiGREENCASTLE, c. h., Putnam Co., tung...............Sund. 1,591 4,000 p., on Indianapolis & St. Louis and Indiana Farmer.......W. 1,592 St. Louis Vandalia, Terre Haute & Indian. Journal of Commerce and apolis Ras., at intersection of Louisville, Price Current.........W. 1,593 New Albany & Chicago Rd., 39 m. W. of People..... —-......-W. 1,594 Indianapolis and 200 S. of Chicago. A rich Saturday Herald........W. 1,595 and populous agricultural district and cen- Spootvogel. —----:- W. 1,596 tre of a large trade. Sun.............. W. 1,597 Banner..................W. 1,567 Zukunft..............W. 1,598 Indiana Press..........W. 1,568 Beham's Musical Review. M. 1,599 Star...................W. 1,569 Christian Monitor....... M. 1,600 GREENFIELD, c. h., Hancock Co., Idiana Official Railway 1,203 p., on the Pittsburgh, Indianapolis & and Bu.iness Guide...M. 1,601 St. Louis Rd., 20 m. E. of Indianapolls. Indiana School Journal:'M. 1,602 Engaged in manufacturing furniture and Little Sower............M. 1,603 vanons other articles. The centre of a Masonic Advocate......M. 1,604 good farming district. Mechanical Journal..... M. 1,6 05 Hancock iemnocrat......W. 1,570 Medical Review..........M. 1, 06 News............ 1,571 Morning Watch..........M. 1,607 Odd Fellow's Talisman...M. 1,608 GREENSBURG, c.h., Decatur Co., 3,000 Odd Feltowls Taliman. M. 1,608 p., on Indianapolis & Cincinnati Rd., 46 Our Monthly........M. 1,609 m. from Indianapolis. Engaged in milling L a ra......... 1,61 and manufacturing. and surrounded by an W...., extensive agricultural region. Extensive JASPER, c. h., Dpbois Co., 750 p., on Pastone quarries are located here. toka Creek, 120 m. from Indianapolis. Decatur Press.........W 1,57 Centre of trade. Engaged principally in Standard..............W. 1573 agricultural pursuits. Flint, iron and coal found in vicinity. HARTFORD CITY, c. h., Blackford Courier..................W. 1,G6i Co., 1,500 p., at crossing of Pittsburgh, JEiiERSONVLTE, Clarke Co., 7;254 Cincinnati & St. Louis and Fort Wayne FFERSONVILLE arCo.,254 Muncie & Cincinnati iRds., 75 m. from p., on:Ohio r. opposite Louisville, Ky., and Indianapolis, 175 from Chicago, 130 from at the terminus of Indianapolis & Jeffer. Cincinnati, 47 from Fort Wayne. A laqrge sonville Rd. Extensively engaged in manhub and spoke factory is here, also several ufactres.. other manufactories. Eveningiews......,613 Courier. National Democrat......W. 1,614 News....................W. 1,575 JONESBORO, Grant Co., 800t p., on HARTSVILLE, Bartholomew Co. Mississinewa r. and Pittsburgh, Cincinnati Literary Ensign....W. 1,576 & St. Louis MR., 46 m. E. of Logansport. Herald.................. W. 1,6 15 HOPE, Bartholomew Co. Independent............. 1,577 KENDALLVILLE, Noble Co., 2,800tp. on Air Line diyision of Lake Shore & HUNTINGBURG, Dubois Co., 2,663 p., Michigan Rd., it intersection of Grand 7 m. S. W. of Jasper. Engaged in agri- Rapids & Indiana Rd., 26 m. from Fort culture and coal mining. Wayne and 91 from Toledo. Signal...................W. 1,578 Standard...............W. 1,616 HUNTINGTON, c. h., Hnntington Co., KENTLAND, c. h. Newton Co., 802 p., 2,925 p., on Wabash r., and the Toledo, on third division of iittsburg-, Cincinnutl Wabash & Western Rd. and the Wabash & St. Louis Rd., 57 m. V. ofLogansport, 4 & Erie Canal, 24 m. from Fort Wayne. E. of Illinois State line, 90 from Chicago Actively engaged in manufactures; has and 80 from Indianapolis. Surrounded by 48 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. INDIANA. INDIANA. a rich agricultural district and extensively Chronicle....V. 1,637 engagedin manufactures of various kinds. Herald.......... W. 1,638 Gazette.................W. 1,617 LAUREL, Franklin Co.. 1,000t p., on the People's Press....... W. 1,618 White Water Valley Rd., 10 m. from ConKNIGHTSTOWN, Henry Co., 1,528 p., nersville and 58 from Cincinnati. A limeon Blue r. and the Pittsburgh, Indianapolis stone mart. & St. Louis Rd., 32 m. from Indianapolis. Ties...............W. 1,639 Engaged in agriculture and manufactures, LAWRENCEBURGH, c. h., Dearborn Does a thriving trade. Co., 3,159 p., on Ohio r., 22 m. from CincinBanner....... W. 1,619 nati. The Ohio & Mississippi and the InCity Chronicle...........W. 1,620 dianapolis & Cincinnati Rds. pass through KNOX, Starke Co., 1,500 p., on Yellow r., here. The terminus of the White Water about 10 m. from English Lake, about 10 E. Canal, which fishes abundant wter of Kankakee r., at crossing of Pittsburgh, power, which is largely employed in maluChicago & St. Louis Rd. A new county cturng, particularly furniture. and rich in mineral wealth, in the shape of Democratic negister..W....W. 1,640 iron ore. One of the finest districts for the Press....................W. 1,641 cultivation of corn, tobacco and the raising LEAVENWORTH, c. h., Crawford Co., of stock in the State. 1,000 p., on Ohio r., about 60 m. belowLouStark Co. Ledger........W. 1,621 isville, Ky. It is the shipping point for conKOKOMO, c. h., Howard Co., 6.000t p. siderable country. Coal mines are under on Wildcat r., at the intersection of the operation in the micinity. Indianapolis, Penn. & Chicago with the Crawford Co. Democrat..W. 1,642 Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Rd., 54 LEBANON, c. h., Boone Co., 3,100t p., on m. from Indianapolis. Engaged in agri- Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette Rd.. culture and stock raising; lumbering and 28 m. from Indianapolis. manufactures carried on. Patriot................ 1,643 Dispatch.................W. 1,622 Pioneer..................W. 1,644 Saturday Evening Tri- LIBERTY, c. h., Union Co., 1,095 p., on bune..... W..... W. 1,623 Cincinnati & IndianapolisJunction Rd., 50 LADOGA, Montgomery Co.,- 1,500 p., on m. from Cincinnati, 70 fiom Indianapolis Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Rd., II and 15 from Richmond. Manufacturing. m. S. E. of Crawfordsville, 40 from Indian- trading, agriculture and stock raising ex' apolis and Lafayette. Mercantile and tensively carried on. manufacturing interests well represented. Herald.............. W. 1,645 Joural.................W. 1,624 LIGONIER, Noble Co., 2,160t p., on ElkLAFAYETTE, c. h., Tippecanoe Co. hart r. and Air Line division of Lake Shore 21,0001 p., on Wabash r. and 2abash & Erie 6& Michigan Southern Rd., 25 m. from ElkCanal, and. Toledo, Wabash & Western hat a 108 from Toledo. Engaged i Rd., at intersection of Louisville, New Al- agriculture and various manufactures. An bany & Chicago Rd. The Cincinnati, La- excellent shipping point for wheat and probany & Chicago Rd. The Cincinnati, La- duce. fayette & Chicago, the Indianapolis, Cin. ol B er-. cinnati & Lafayette and Lafayette, Mun- Naional Banner.........W. 1,646 cie & Bloomington Rds. terminate here. LOGANSPORT, c. h., Cass Co., 15,00(0 The railroad connections make it a center- p., on Wabash r. and Wabash & Erie Canal, ing point for the rich and populous agricul- at the junction of the Middleport, Peoria & tural districts surrounding it. Has fine Burlington with the Toledo, Wabash & steam and water power, which is exten- Western Rd. Cincinnati & Chicago Rd. sively employed in manufactories. intersects the Toledo, Wabash & Western Bee................... D1,625 at this place, making it an important railBee and Tipp ecan o e road centre and a place of large and active Teacher...............W. 1,626 trade. Courier... —-...- D. 1,627 Journal.......-..... D. 1,647 --................W. 1,628'.................W. 1,648 Dispatch....D.............. 1,629 Pharos.....-...-....... D. 1,649.................W. 1,630................ W. 1,650 Journal..................D. 1,631 Star......- I...... D. 1,651 -"................W. 1,632 "...................W. 1,652 Sunday Morning Leader.W. 1,633 "...................Sund. 1,653 Western Granger and Post....................W. 1,654 Home Journal.......... 1,634 Sunday Chronicle..... W. 1,655 LA GRANGE, c. h., LaGrange Co., 1,500t inge. M. 1,656 p., on Grand Rapids & Indiana Rd., 46 m. LOOGOOTEE, Martin Co., 875 p., near i. of Fort Wayne and 100 W. of Toledo, E. fork of White r., and on Ohio & Mis94 S. of Grand Rapids and 130 E. of Chi- sissippi Rd., 34 m. E. of Vincennes. Surcago. Engaged in agriculture and manu- rounded by a fine agricultural district, eago. Engaged'agriculture and manufacturingae. - W.4krcutr 1,63 mn from which large quantities of wheat are Stndar......... W. 135 exported....... -iW. 1635 mes..... ---—......-........ —-- W. 1,657 LA-PORTE, e. h., La Porte Co., 9,015t LOWELL, Lake Co., 640 p., about 10 m. p., on Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, at S. of Crown Point. crossing of Cincinnati, Peru & Chicago Star -.............. 1,658 Rd., 58 m. from Chicago. Extensively engaged in manufactures. Railroad repair MADISON, c. h., Jefferson Co., 14,560t p., shops located here. on Ohio r., at terminus of Jeffersonville, Arguss..................W. 1,636 Madison & Indianapolis Rd., midway be. CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 49 INDIANA. INDIANA. tween Cincinnati and Louisville. Steam- Democrat............... W. 1,681 boats make regular trips from here to Cin- Republican..............W. cinnati, Louisville, and other ports on the Wochenblatt............W. 1,683 Ohio and Mississippi rs. Engaged in MUNCIE, c. h., Delaware Co., 4,754t p., on manufacturing, and a shipping point for White r., at the intersection of the Indianimmense quantities of farm produce. Cen- apolis division of the Cleveland, Columbus, tre of a large and increasing trade. Cincinnati & Indianapolis Rd. with the Courier.................D. 1,659 Fort Wayne, Muncie-& Cincinnati Rd., 54 "..................W 1,660. m. from Indianapolis, 100 from Cincinnati Herald..-............S. W. 1,661 and 65 from Fort Wayne. Engaged in.................. W. 1,662 milling, pork packing and agricultural pro. City Commercial. duce. An excellent point for all kinds of Spirit of the Age........W. 1,664 manufactures. Household Treasures. Courier-Democrat.......W. 1,684 MARION, c. h., Grant Co., 1,658 p., on ws................. 1,685 Mississinewa r. and Pittsburgh, Cincinnati Times.W.,686 & St. Louis Rd., 41 m. from Logansport. A NASHVILLE, c. h., Brown Co., 500 p., g& St. ultural, 4 an fruitgrowng count. about 35 m. S. of Indianapolis and20. of great agricultural and fruit-growing county. Columbus. Chronicle................ 1,667 JacksonianW. 67 Jacksonian.............W. 1,68 7 M oARTtNSVILLE, c. h., Morgan Co., NEW ALBANY, c. h., Floyd Co., 18,205 s *po,,.e*'p,, on Ohio r... 3 m. below Louisville, at the 2,500t p., on White r., and Indianapolis & p, on Ohio r.. 3 m. below Louisville, at the Vincennes and Cincinnati Rds., 30 m. from mus heLouisv ew Albany & Indianapolis. Surrounded by a fine agri- Chicago Rd. One of the leading commercial towns in the State. Extensively encultural country. Engaged in manufacturing.cultural country. Engaged in manufactures. The largest plate 1,66 glass factory in the U. S. located here. Republic~an -.W. 1,6698 Deutsche Zeitung.........D. 1,688 Republcan............. W. 1,669 Ledger-Standard.......... D1,689 MARTZ, Clay Co. i W....W. 1,690 Eaglet..................W. 1,670 NEW CASTLE, c. h., Henry Co., 2,000t MICHIGAN CITY, La Porte Co., 6,000t p., on Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis p., on Lake Michigan and Michigan Cen- Rd., at the intersection of the Fort Wayne, tral Rd., at northern terminus of Louisville, Muncie & Cincinnati Rd., 83 m. from Fort New Albany & Chicago Rd., 91 m. from Wayne and 26 from Connersville. EnLafayette. Extensively engaged in lake gaged in agriculture and manufacturing. commerce and the lumber trade. Courier................W. 1,6.91 Enterprise...............W. 1,671 Mercury............... W. 1,692 News.................... 1,672 Clipper...............S.M. 1,693 MILFORD, Kosciusko Co. Knights of Pythias ReNews -- — W........... W. 1,673 cord..................M. 1,694 MISHA WAKA, St. Joseph Co., 3,500s NEW HARMONY, Posey Co., 1,000 p., p., on St. Joseph r., and Lake Shore & Register Michigan Southern and Peninsula Rds.,. 1,695 4 m. from South Bend and 89 from NEW HAVEN, Allen Co. Chicago. Engaged in manufacturing. Palladiumn........... W. 1,696 Enterprise...............W. 1,6 4 NEWPORT, c. h., Vermillion Co., 600t p., MITCHELL, Lawrence Co., 1,5iOt p., at 2 m. from the Wabash r. and on the Evansintersection of Ohio & Mississippi Rd. with ville, Terre Haute & Chicago Rd.,:0o m. Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Rd., 61 N. of Terre Haute, 75 W. of Indianapolis. m. from New Albany, 127W. of Cincinnati. Coal in abundance and of fine quality. Commercial....... W. 1,675 Surrounded by a well-timbered district. Enterprise. Hoosier State............W. 1,697 MONROEVILLE, Allen Co., 1,050tp., NOBLESVILLE, c. h., Hamilton Co., on Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Rd., 1,435 p., on White r. and the Indianapolis, 14 m. S. E. of Fort Wayne. Peru & Chicago Rd., 22 m. from IndianDemocrat r Wan. 1,677 ye. apolis. Surrounded by an agricultural dis--—........ —-— __.... 1,677 trict and the centre of considerable trade. MONTICELLO, c. h., White Co., 887 p. Idependent W.,698 on Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Rd. Ledger-W 1,699 and Tippecanoe r., 25 m. N. of Lafayette NORT..... and 21 W. of Logansport. Has fine water NORTH JUDSON, Starke Co. power, which is extensively employed in Courier................W. 1,700 manufactures. NORTH MANCHE STER, Wabash Co., Constitutionalist.........W. 1,678 1,869t p., on Eel r. and Detroit, Eel r. Herald..................W. 1,679 & Illinois Rd., at the intersection of the Cincinnati, Wabash & Michigan Rd., 15 M dOORESVILLE, Morgan Co., 1.000 p., im. from Wabash and 19 from Columbia on Indianapolis & Vincennes Rd., 16 m. City. Engaged in manufacturing and from Indianapolis. In a fertile agricul- farming. tural section. Journal......W.,701 He- J^ -vrr 1 i* ournal..................WW. 1,68O01 Herald.......... W. 1,680 Manchester Republican... 1W.,7 0 MOUNT VERNON, c. h.. Posey Co.. NORTH VERNON, Jennings Co., 2,441t 4,500 p., on Ohio r., 12 m. above the mouth p., on Ohio & Mississippi Rd., at junction of Wabash r. and about 23 below Evans- of Louisville branch; also at intersection ville. A place of considerable trade [and of Madison division of Jeffersonville, Madiriver commerce. son & Indianapolis Rd., 73 m. from Cin 50 CENTENIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. INDIANA. INDIANA. cinnati, 53 N. of Louisville, 61 S. of Indian- RENSSELAER, c. h., Jasper Co., 650 p., apolis. Stone quarries ofdolomite andlime- on Iroquois r., 100 m. from Indianapolis stone are located here. and 40 N. by W. of Lafayette. Plain Dealer............W. 1,703 Union and Jasper RepubSun..............W. 1,70 lica.................. W. 1,729 NOTRE DAME, St. Joseph Co. REYNOLDS, White Co., 580 p., on LouisAve Maria............W. 1,705 ville, New Albany & Chicago Rd., at the Scholastic...............W. 14706 intersection of Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. OSGOOD, Ripley Co, Louis Rd., 27 m. from Logansport and 23 Itemn..................W. 1,707 from Lafayette..Im.e C W 1,707 from Lafayette. Ripley (o. Journal....... W. 1,708 White Co. Register.......W. 1,730 OWENSBURG, Greene Co. RICHMOND, Wayne Co., 15,000t p., on Register W. 1709 Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Rd., at the junction of several other railroads, 69 OXFORD, c. h., Benton 0o., 1,300t p., 70 m. from Indianapolis and 15 from Camm. N. W. of Indianapolis, on the Lafayette bridge City. Extensively engaged in vari&Bloomington branch of the Toledo, Wa- ous kinds of manufactures and a place of bash & Western Rd. Centre of afine agri- active trade. cultural and stock-raising region. Rapidly Free Press...............D. 1,731 filling up with settlers. The great centre W. 173 of trade for a radius of 80 m.. Independent...........D. 1,733 Tribune..................W. 1,710 W. 1,734 PAOLI, c. h., Orange Co., 2,207 p., 40 m. Palladium...............D. 1,735 N. W. of New Albany and 8 from Louis- ".............W. 1,736 ville, New Albany & Chicago Rd. Volkszeitung..........S. W. 1,737 News....................W. 1,711 Telegram................W. 1,738 Republican.............W. 1,712 Earlhamite..............M. 1,739 PENDLETON, Madison Co., 900t p., on Mill Stone...............M. 1,740 C., C., C. & I. Rd., 28 m. from Indian Rapids RISING SUN, c. h., Ohio Co., 1,760 p., on and 7 from Anderson. Ohio r., 36 m. below Cincinnati, 65 above Dollar Register.........W. 1,713 Louisville, Ky. Engaged in variousmanuPERU, c. h., Miami Co., 3,617 p., on factures and a place of active trade. SurWabash r., Wabash & Erie Canal, and rounded by an agricultural country. Toledo, Wabash & Western Rd., at inter- Recorder...............W. 1,741 section of Indianapolis, Peru & Chicago Saturday News..........W. 1,742 Rd., 75 m. from Indianapolis and 56 from ROANOKE, Huntington Co. Fort Wayne. Surrounded by an agricul- Register...............W. 1,743 tural district, and a trade centre. Engaged ROCHESTER, c. h., Fulton Co., 2,500f extensively in manufacturing. p., on the Indianapolis, Peru & Chicago Miami Co. Sentinel......w. 1,714:., 98 m. from Indianapolis and 20 from Republican..............W. 1,715 Plymouth Times...................W. 1,716 Sentinel................W. 1,744 PETERSBURGH, c. h., Pike Co., 1,200t Union Spy..........-..W. 1,745 p., near White r., and on Wabash and Erie R Canal, 35 m. from Evansville. Flour, pork, OCKPORT, c. h., Spencer Co., 2,900t stock raising, tobacco, coal mining, and on Ohio r., 50 m. above Evansville and the manufacture of woolen goods are the 1 beow ouse A arket for the principal branches of industry. tobacco, pork and produce of the surroundPike Co. Democrat......W. 1,717 ing district. Pries W....W... 1718 Dfemocrat............... W. 1,746 Press....................W..* 1~i,71S. Republican Journal......W. 1,747 PLAINFIELD, Hendricks Co. Citizen.............. W..1,719 ROCKVILLE, c. h., Parke Co., 1,187 p., Reform School Record....M. 1,720 on Logansport, Crawfordsville & SouthPORTLAND, c. h., Jay Co., 1,700t p., on western Rd., 23 m. from Terre Haute and Sallamonie r. andCincinnati, Richmond & 30 fom Crawfordsville. A rich farming 49 district. Fort Wayne Rd., 49 m. from Fort Wayne. district. Engaged in manufacturing. Does a large Rdiaa Patrt......... 1,4 lumber trade. Republican................W. 1,749 Democrat..............W. 1,721 RUSHVILLE, c. h., Rush Co., 1,800 p., Marshall Co. Republican.W. 1,722 on Cincinnati & Indianapolis Junction Restitution..............W. 1,723 Rd., at intersection of Cambridge City Commercial...........W. 1,724 branch of Jeffersonville, Madison & InJay Co. Granger.......W. 1,725 dianapolis Rd., 39 m. from Indianapolis. A PRINCETON, c. h., Gibson Co., 2,700 p., fertile district and has considerable trade. on the Evansville & Crawfordsville Rd., 27 Jacksonian..............W. 1,750 m. from Evansville and 24 from Vincennes. Republican..............W. 1,751 In a rich and populous agricultural district.c.h., Washington Co., 2,000 Clarion.................,6 SALEM, c. h., Washington Co., 2,000 p., Democrat............ 72 on Great Blue r., Louisville, New Albany Democrat............. and Chicago Rd., 35 m. from New Albany, REMINGTON, Jasper Co., 1,200tp., on in an agricultural district. One of the Indianapolis and Chicago division of Pitts- most important manufacturing points in burgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Rd., 40 m. Southern Indiana. Has a large and thrifty from Logansport. In an agricultural trade. section. Democrat................ 1,752 Record...................W 1,782 Independent............W. 1,753 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 51 INDIANA. INDIANA. SCOTTSBURG, c. h., Scott Co. THORNTOWN, Boone Co., 2,000t p., on Scott Co. Democrat.......W. 1,754 the Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette SEYMOUR, Jackson Co., 4,000 p., at in- Rd., 38 m. from Indianapolis. tersection of Ohio & Mississippi with Jef- Messenger............. W. 1,785 fersonville & Indianapolis Rd., 50 m. from TIPTON, c. h., Tipton Co., 2,000t p., on InLouisville. dianapolis, Peru & Chicago Rd., 38 m. fromn Democrat.............W. 1,755 Indianapolis. Surrounded by a fine agriTimes.................... 1,756 cultural district. Extensively engaged in SHELBYVILLE, c. h., Shelby Co., 3,500 shipping timber and staves. p., on Blue r., and Indianapolis, Cincin- Advance...........W. 1,786 nati & Lafayette Rd., at intersection of Times............. W..... 1,787 Cambridge City branch of Jeffersonville, UNION CITY, Randolph Co., 4,000t p., at Madison & Indianapolis Rd., 26 m. from the northern terminus of Dayton & Union Indianapolis. Rd., 45 m. from Dayton. The Cleveland, Shelby Republican.......W. 1,757 Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis interVolunteer............W. 1,758 sects the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis SHOALS, Martin Co. Rd. at this point, 84 m. from Indianapolis. Martin Co. Herald.....W. 1,759 Engaged in manufacturing and centre of SOUTH BEND, c. h., St. Joseph Co., acle. W 1,788 10,706t p., on St. Joseph r., and Lake Shore aes........... W. 1,789 & Mici gan Southern Rd., 85 m. from Chi-., ago.'The river furnishes water power, VALPARAISO, c. h., Porter Co., 3,500t which is employed in various manufactures. on Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Agricultural implements and wagons are Rd., 42 m. from Chicago, in an agricultural manufactured on a large scale. district. Paper and wool are manufactured Morning Herald.........D. 1,760 here to some extent. Herald..................W. 1,761 Haeraldn....-. W. 1,761 Messenger...............W. 1,790 Register....D...........D. 1,762 Porter Co. Vdette.....W. 1,791 St. Joseph Valley Register.W. 1,763 VEEDERSBURG, Fountain Co. Tribune.................D. 1,764: Review..................W. 1,792 "...........W. 1,765 Indiana Courier.......W. 1,76 VERNON, c. h., Jennings Co., 1,000t p., on Northern Indiana Teach- Jefferson, Madison & Indianapolis Rd., 71 er... M. 1,767 m. from Indianapolis and 72 from CincinSPE R, h., Owen o., 1,517 p., on nati. Extensively engaged in various west branch of White r. and Indianapolis manufactures. Quarries of lime and mag& Vincennes Rd., 53 m. S. E. of Indianap- nesia stone of fine quality, which is shipped olis. It is surrounded by a fine agricultu- from here in large quantities. ral district. Stock-raising and lumber trade Banner...............W. 1,793 the principalbranches of industry. VERSAILLES, c. h., Ripley Co., 600 p., Owen Co. Journal........W. 1,768 on Laughrey Creek, 5 m. from Ohio & MisRepublican.....W.......W. 1,769 sissippi Rd., 70 m. S. E. of Indianapolis and SPICELAND, Henry Co. 56 from Cincinnati. It is situated in a rich Reporter.................W. 1,770 farming region and has considerable trade. SULLIVAN, c. h., Sullivan Co., 2,700t p., Ripley Inde..........W. 1,794 on Evansville & Crawfordsville Rd., 26 m. VEVAY, c. h., Switzerland Co., 2,000t p., from Terre Haute. County seat of a com- on Ohio r., 75 m. below Cincinnati A paratively new and growing county, in place of active trade and a large hay marwhich are newly discovered coal mines of ket. considerable extent. Democrat.............W. 1,795 Democrat................W. 1,771 Reveille..............W. 1,796 Sullivan Co. Union..-...W. 1,772 TELI CITY, Perry Co., 3,000t p., on Ohio VINCNNES, c. h., nox Co., 5,440 p., r., about 3 m. below Cannelton, 125 from on Wbash r, at intersection of Ohio& Louisville and 75 from Evansville. Exten- Mississppi wth Evansvlle & Crawfords sively engaged in various manufactures. llle Rd. and at terminus ofIndianapolis & Anzeiger.- -- W. 1,773 Vincennes Rd., 116 m. from Indianapolis, Commercial.. W. 1,774 58 from Terre Haute and 51 from Evansommercl............ h.1,7 ville. Engaged in manufacturing, and a TERRE HAUTE, c. h., Vi'o Co., 25,000t shipping point for large quantities of grain. p., on Wabash r., 73 m. W. of Indianapolis. Located within 20 m. of Daviess county One of the most important shipping points coal mines. on the Wabash & Erie Canal.. rich and Western Sun.........S. W. 1,797 highly cultivated agricultural district. Im- ".............W. 1,798 mense coal mines are worked in this vicin- Reporter W. 1,799 ity. Engaged in manufactures of various Times...................W. 1,800 kinds. Wochenblatt........... W. 1,801 Evening Gazette.........D. 1,775 Gazette..............W. 1,776 WABASH, c. h., Wabash Co., 4,923t p., on lxpress. —.............D. 1,777 Wabash r. and Toledo, Wabash & WestDollar Express..........W. 1,778 emn Rd., at the southern terminus of CinJournal............D. 1,779 cinnati, Wabash & Michigan Rd., 42 m. ".................W. 1,780 from Fort Wayne. Place of active trade, Republican...............D. 1,781 surrounded by a fertile agricultural disBanner.............T. W. 1,782 trict. Extensively engaged in various Indiana Post............W. 1,783 manufactures. Seat of Wabash Female Saturday Evening Mail..W. 1,784 Seminary. 52 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. INDIANA. IN-DIANA. Free Trader............W. 1,802' XENIA, Miami Co., 1,000t p., near line of Plain Dealer.-..... W. 1,803 Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Rd., WAKARUSA, Elkhart Co. about 30 m. from Logansport. Sun.................. 1,804: Gazette..................W. 1,823 WALKERTON, St. Joseph Co. ZIONSVILLE, Boone Co. Visitor... 1,805 Tes................W. 1,8 24 WARSAW, c. h., Kosciusko Co., 3,500t p., on Tippecanoe r. and Pittsburgh, Fort IOWA. Wayne & Chicago Rd., at intersection of Cincinnati, Wabash & Michigan Rd., 40 m. ACKLEY, Hardin Co., 2,000t p., on Iowa from Fort Wayne. Engaged in agricul- division of Illinois Central Rd., at interturb and lumber trade. Several manufac- section of Central Rd. of Iowa, 43 m. from tures are located here. Marshalltown. Centre of a thriving trade, National Union..........W. 1,806 and extensively engaged in shipping grain Northern Indianian...W. 1,807 and live stock. Saturday Northern Indi- Der Deutscher Fortscritt..W. 1,825 aian i.................W. 1,808 Enterprise..............W. 1,826 WASHINGTON, c. h., Daviess Co., 2,900 ADEL, c. h., Dallas Co., 1,000t p., on Coon p., on the Ohio & Mississippi Rd., 20 m. E. r., 25 m. W. of Des Moines. Surounded ofVincennes and 173 from St. Louis and by a wealthy farming district and centre Cincinnati. Engaged in mining and man- of a large trade. ufacturing. A large number of coal mines Dallas Co. Gazette.....W. 1,827 in the vicinity. Dallas Co. News.........W. 1,828 Cook's Real Estate GazetteW. Daviess nCo. Democrat. -.W. 1,810s AlFTON, c. h., Union Co., 1,500 p., on Burazette.. 1,811 lington & Missouri River Rd., 50 m. S. W. azetl.................... >B1....,of Des Moines and 180 W. of Burlington. WATERLOO, De Kalb Co., 2,000t p., on Manufactures of various kinds are successCedar Creek, at the intersection of the flly carried on. The centre of a good Lake Shore & Michigan Southern with the trade and the principal shipping point for Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Rd., 78 two counties. m. from Toledo. A trade centre for alarge News................W. 1,829 agricultural district. Largest town in and Tribune...... W. 1,830 principal shipping point for the counties of e Kalb and Steuben. GENCY CITY, Wapello Co., 630 p., on Preass. W. 1,812 Burlington & Missouri River Rd., 6 m. ress........, from Ottumwa and 70 from Burlington. WEST LEBANON, Warren Co., 700 p., Centre of a large trade. on Toledo, Wabash & Western Rd., 30 m. Agency Independent..... 1,831 from Laiayette. A large market for the fromLafayette. A large market for the ALBIA, c. h., Monroe Co., 2,0001 p., at inshipment of grain and stock. Engaged in tersection of Burlington & Missoui River inanunfnncntur tersection of Burlington & Missouri River mantuferactures.. W 1813 Rd. with Central Rd. of Iowa, 100 m. from Enterprise.W.-.-.-.......W. 1,813 Burlington. Surrounded by immense coal WILLIAMSPORT, c. h., Warren Co., mines. 1,200t p., on Wabash r. and Toledo, Wa- Industrial Era...........W. 1,8 3 bash & Western Rd., 24 m. below Lafay- Union.................. 1,833 ette, 64 from Indianapolis and 120 from AL, H in Chicago. Engagedin agriculture andstock A, H....... 1 834 raising. Warren Republican......W. 1,814 ALGONA, c. h., Kossuth Co.. 860 p., on WINAMAC, c. h., Pulaski Co., 906 p., on Ds Moines r., and Iowa and Dakota diviTippecanoe r. and Pittsburgh, Cincmnati sion of Milwaukee & St. Paul Rd., 126 m. & St. Louis Rd., 92 m. fiom Chicago and from McGregor, 120 N. by W. of Des 25 from Logansport. Moines. Engaged in milling, the river Democat.W 181. furnishing abundant power. Surrounded Repbicran... 1,816.by an agricultural and stock-raising disepubl........... —-.., trict. WINCHESTER, c. h., Randolph Co., Republican.............W. 1,835 2,000t p., on White r., at intersection of Upper Des Moines.......W. 1,836 Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indian- ALLERTON, Wayne Co. apolis by the Cincinnati, Richmond & Fort Wayne Co. News.........W. 1,837 Wayne Rd., 75 m. from Indianapolis and Wayne Co. Republican..W. 1,838 68 from Fort Wayne. A rich farming dis- in the raising and shipment of grain., of Chicago & Northwestern Rd., about 5 Herald W. 1,817 im. W. of Nevada. Journal.............. 188 Intelligencer.... W. 1,839 ANAMOSA, c. h., Jones Co., 2,083 p., on WOLCOTTVILLE, La Grange Co. Wapsipinicon r., and on Dubuque & SouthRegister.................W. 1,819 western Rd., at junction and western terWORTHINGTON, Greene Co., 1,600t p., minus of Iowa Midland Rd., 54 m. from on the Indianapolis & Vincerlnes Rd., near Dubuque and 71 from Clinton. Centre of the confluence of Eel r. with the W. a large farming region, having an active fork of the White r. An important busi- trae. ness point, engaged in manufacturina. Eureka..........W... 1,840 Journai... 1,8X 0 -J-ourna l.8..W. 1,841 Times...................W. 1,821 ATLANTIC, Cass Co., 3,0001 p., on ChiOur Little Folks..........M. 1,8822 cago, Rock Island & Pacific Rd., 52 m. E. CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 53 IOWA. IOWA. of Council Bluffs and 82 W. of Des Moines. on southwestern division of Chicago, Rock Engaged in manufacturing. Island & Pacific Rd., 13 m. S. W. of CAss Co. Messenger......W. 1,842 Washington. North Western Journal..W. 1,843 Star................... W. 1,863 Telegraph............. W. 1,844 BROOKLYN, Poweshiek Co., 1,300 p., AVOCA, Pottawattamie Co., 1,500t p., situ- on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ra., ated on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific 105 m. from Davenport and 75 E. of Des Rd., 40 m. from Council Bluffs. Surround- Moines. Situated in a rich prairie. Is the ed by an agricultural country. Centre of a centre of a large grain trade. good trade. Chronicle...........W. 1,864 Delta...................W. BRUSH CREEK, Fayette Co. BEDFORD, c. h., Taylor. Co., 1,000p., on News..................W. 1,865 Creston and Bedford branch of Burlington BURLINGTON, c. h., Des Moines Co. & Missouri River Rd., 65 m. from St. 26,000t p., on Mississippi r., and Chicago, Joseph and about 100 from Des Moines. Burlington & Quincy Rd., at junction of It is situated in a fine agricultural district. several important railroads. 180 m. from Argus............. 1,846 Chicago. Considerable manufacturing done Iowa South West........W. 1,847 here. The centre of a large and flourishBELLE PLAINE, Benton Co., 1,488 p., ing trade, and has considerable river cornon Iowa division of Chicago & Northwest- merce. erri Rd., 34 m. W. of Cedar Rapids and 25 Evening Gazette..........D. 1,866 S. W. of Vinton. Gazette..................W. 1,867 Review......-.. —-..... W. 1,848 Hawk ye.........D. 1,868 Union............. W. 1,849 "............S.W. 1,869 BELLEVUE, Jackson Co., 1,800t p., on "........... W. 1,870 Mississippi r., 25 m. below Dubuque, 12 S. Free Presse.......T. W. 1,871 E. of Galena, Ill. It has a fine steamer.... -......W. landing, and large amounts of produce are Iowa Tribune.. T. W. 1,873 shipped from the surrounding agricultural..... W. 1,874 districts. CARROLL CITY, Carroll Co.. 1,000t p., Leader...W...........W. 1,850 on Iowa division of Chicago & NorthwestBELMOND, Wright Co. ern Rd., 92 m. from Council Bluffs. Berald......... W 1,851 Carroll Herald..........W. 1,875 a.............. - Democrat........... W. 1,8 76 BELOIT, Lyon Co. Der CarrollDemocrat... W. 1,877 Times and Canton EclipseW. 1,852 Der Carroll DemocratW. 1,8 BIRMINGH AT, Vaat n Buren Co., 800., CASEY, Guthrie Co., 800t p., a station on BIRMING 1HAM, Van Buren Co., 800t p.,C rChicago, Rock Island. & Pacific Rd., 51 m. about 12 m. N. of Keosauqua, 9 from Fair- from Des Moines. field Station, on Burlington & Missouri Clarion.......W. 1,878 River, at intersection of Chicago & Northwestern Rds. The Des Moines r. runs CEDAR FALLS, Black Hawk Co., 3,450t through the county. Considerable manu- p., on Cedar r., and on Iowa division of the factures carried on. Illinois Central, at the intersection of the Bnterprise. — - W 1 853 Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Minnesota..........- * Rds., 162 m. from Burlington and 99 from BLAIRSTOVWN, Benton Co. Dubuque. A first-class manufacturing Advocate............... W. 1,854 town, possessing excellent water power BLOOMFIELD, c. h., Davis Co., 1,553p., Gazette...............W. 1,879 near Fox r., at the junction of the North Iowa Advocate...........W. 1,880 Missouri and Burlington & Southwestern Recorder..............W. 1,881 Rds., 70 m. W. N. W. of Keokuk and 85 CEDAR RAPIDS, Linn Co., 10,00t p., from Burlington. The centre of a fertile on Red Cedar r., and Burlington, Cedar and thriving agricultural region, and the Rapids & Minnesota Rd:, at intersection trade centre for a large section. of Iowa divison of Chicago & NorthwestCommonwealth....-....W. 1,8 55 ern Rd., and junction of Dubuque & SouthDavis Co. Republican....W. 1,856 western Rd., 79 m. from Dubuque and 100 Democrat..............W. 1,857 from Burlington. It has good water power Odd Fellow's Banner....W. 1,858 which is employed in a number ofmills. BONAPARTE, Van Buren Co., 1,000t p., Republican............... D. 1,882 on Des Moines River and Des Moines "..............W. 1,883 Valley Rd., 35 m. N. W. of Keokuk. An Standard...............W. 1,8 84 extensive grain and stock market, and en- Times.................... 1,885 gaged in manufacturing. Farmer's Stock Journal. M. 1,886 Van Buren Desmocrat. -...W. 1,8 59 Progressive Farmer......M. 1,8 87 BOONE, Boone Co., 3,500t p., on Iowa CENTERVILLE, c. h., Appanoose Co., division of Chicago & Northwestern Rd., 2,500t p., about 80 m. S. S. E. of Des Moines, 340 m. from Chicago and 121 W. of Cedar on the southwestern division of the ChiRapids. There are various kinds of mills cago, Rock Island & Pacific Rd., 137 m. here, and coal mining is extensively carried from Davenport. Engaged in manufacturon, the beds being about 90 feet below the ing and milling. The country is well timsurface. It is surrounded by a fine farm- bered and rich in mineral resources. ing country. Appanoose Times....... W. 1,888 Boone Co. Democrat.....W. 1,860 Citizen..................W. 1,889 Boone Co. Republican..W. 1,861 Journal.................W. 1,890 Standard.........W...W. 1,862 CENTREPOINTLin Co. BRIGHTON, Washington Co., 1,200t p., Lotus................ W. 1,891 54 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. IOWA. IOWA. CHARITON, c. h., LucasCo., 2,500 p., on lington & Missouri R Rd., 90 m. from Chariton r. and Burlington & MissouriRiver Council Bluffs. A place of active trade; Rd., 55 m. from Ottumwa, at junction ot rapidly increasing in wealth and populaChariton branch. It is the central trad- tion. ing point between the Mississippi and Mis- Adams Co. Gazette......W. 1,914 sours rs. Adams Co. Union........W. 1915 Leader..........W. 1,89 CORYDON, c. h., Wayne Co., 750t p., 65 LIucas Co. Republican......W. 1,893 mi. S. by E. of Des Moines and about 4 N. Patriot............... W. 1,894 of southwestern division of Chicago, Rock CHARLES CITY, c. h., Floyd Co., 2,270t Island & Pacific Rd. Engaged in agrip., on Cedar r., and Iowa division of Illi- culture and stock raising. nois Central Rd., at intersection of Iowa Times..................W. 1,916 & Dakota division of Milwaukee & St. COUNCIL BLUFFS, c. h., PottawattaPaul Rd., 139 mi. from Dubuqiue and 90 from mie Co., 11,000t p., on Missouri r., opposite McGregor. It possesses good water power. Omaha, Neb., at terminus of Chicago, Floyd Co. Advocate......W. 1,895 Rock Island & Pacific, Chicago & NorthIntelligencer -. —-........W. 1,896 western, and Kansas City, St. Joseph & Western Patriarch.......W. 1,897 Council Bluffs Rds., 120 m. W. of Des CHELSEA, Tama Co. Moines. A place of great business activBugle.................W. 1,898 ity. CHEROKEE, c. h., Cherokee Co., 790 Globe..........D... 1,917 p., on Little Sioux r., and on the division of ". —. ——...........W. 1,918 the Illinois Central Rd., 59 m. from Sioux Nonpareil...............D. 1,919 City. Surrounded by fine farming lands...............W. 1,920 Leader. W. 1,899 Bugle.W. 1,921 Leader.................. W. 1,899 Bugle...... 1,9 Times................. Christian Expositor..S. M. 1,922 CLARINDA, c. h., Page Co., 1,022., on CRESCO, Howard Co., 1,500t p., on MilNodaway r., 75 m. S. E. of Council Bluffs. waukee & St. Paul Rd., 260 m. from MilEngaged in agriculture, stock raising and waukeeand62from McGregor. Enaged manufacturing min manufactures of various kinds. Has a Herald'-.... - -...- W. 1,901 large grain trade. Page Co. Democrat.. W. 1,902 Howard Co. Times......W. 1,923 *-Co.,'^ iowa Plain Dealer.......W. 1,924 CLARION, c. h., Wright Co., 200 p., in in C. W,o central part -of State, and about 25 m. N. CRESTON, Union Co., 2,800t p., on BrE. of Fort Dodge. In a fine farming dis- lington & Missouri R. Rd., and junction trict. of Creston branch. The largest stock yards Wright Co. Monitor.....W; 1,903 on the road are located here. The railroad CLARKSVILLEC, Butler Co.,o. 1, W., 1round house, machine shop and coal shoots CLARKSVILLE, Butler Co., 1,500p, are also located here. on Shell Pock r. and Burlington, Cear Democrat...... W. 1,925 Rapids & Minnesota Rd., 186 m. from Bur- GazetteW. 1,96 lington. Engaged in manufacturing and a Union Co. Independent. trade centre. Star...... 1904 DAKOTA, City, Humboldt Co., 600 p., on Sr.................W. 1,904. P. Des Moines r., about 80 m. from Des Moines CLEAR LAKE, Cerro Gordo Co., 945 p., and 18 N. of Fort Dodge, in an agricultural on lake of same name, and on the Iowa & district. The river furnishes excellent Dakota division of the Milwaukee & St. water power Paul Rd., 10. from Mason City. Humboldt Co. In d e penObserver.................. 1,905 dent.................. W. 1,928 CLERMONT, Fayette Co., 650t p., on DALLAS CENTER, Dallas Co. Turkey r., 36 m. from Lansing, 80 N. W. Globe W. 1929 of Dubuque and 30 W. of McGregor. It has water power, which is employed in DAVENPORT, c. h., Scott Co., 25,612t manutacturing.p., on Mississippi r., at the foot of the People's Paper...........W. 1,906 ipper Rapids, 183 m. from Chicago and CLINTON, Clinton Co.. 9,026t p., on Mis- 220 from St. Louis; at the junction of six sissippi r., 42 m. above Davenport, on the important railroads. It s engaged in Chicago & Northwestern Rd., at the junc- various kinds of manufactures, principally tion of several other railroads. Exten- agricultural implements, and has a arge sively engaged in lumber and various other and increasing grain and lumber business. manufactures. The railroad repair shops Opposite the island of Rock Island, the loare located here. It has a large and rap- cation of the central armory of the United idly growing trade. States, and connected therewith by a vast Herald —--—. -.- D. 1,907 iron railway and carriage bridge.......w4..'..:W. 1,908 Democrat...............D. 1,930 Age................ 1,909.............W. 1,931 low'a Volks Zeitung'..'...W. 1,910 Der Demokrat........D. 1,932 Iowa ".......W....910 —----— W. 1,933 COLUMIBUS CITY, Louisa Co., 900t p., Gazette. D.D 1,934 on Iowa r., 20 m. from Muscatine. In the......... W. 1,935 oentre of a fine agricultural region. Iowa Commercial.....W. 1,936 Columbus Nonpareil.....W.... 1,911 COLUMBUS JUNCTION, Louisa Co. Church Missionary. Columbus Safeguard... W. 1,912 Common School.......M. 1,9 39 Herald W.................. 1,913 DECORAH, c. h., Winneshiek Co., 3,000 CORNING, Adams Co., 1,000p.,onBur- p., on branch of Milwaukee & St. Paul CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 55 IOWA. IOWA. Rd., 56 m. W. of McGregor. The county 47 m. E. of Council Bluffs. Engaged in seat and centre of a large trade. Con- agricultural pursuits. siderable manufacturing and milling done Reporter.................W. 1,975 Lhere. T DYERSVILLE, Dubuque Co. Bee... 1,0 Commercial..............W. 1,976 Saturday Bee...........W. 1,941 Independent Register... W. 1,942 EARLVILLE, Delaware Co. Posten.,..............W. 1,943 Gazette..................W. 1,977 Republican..............W. 1,944 EDDYVILLE, Wapello Co., 1,550t p., on DELHI, c. h., Delaware Co., 800t p., on Des Moines r. and Des Moines Valley Davenport & St. Paul Rd., 85 m. from Rd., at crossingof Central Rd. ofIowa, 89m. Davenport and near Maquoketa r. from Keokuk and 75 from Des Moines. Monitor............W. 1,945 Excellent manufacturing advantages. Fine DELM~ AR, Clinton Co. water power. Located in the midst of a DELMAR, Clinton Co. Journal............W. 1,946 dvance..............W. 1,978 DENISON, c. h., Crawford Co., 749 p., on Advertisr.........W. 1,979 Boyer r. and Chicago & Northwestern Rd., ELDON, apello Co. 64m. from Council Bluffs. Agriculture is Di.apeoCo. 1 the principal branch of industry.......- Crawford Co. Bulletin. W. 1,947 ELDORA, c. h., Hardin Co., 2,100t p., on Review....... W. 1,948 Iowa r., and Iowa Central Rd., 27 m. from.D........OT^I^^ n~ Marshalltown and 70 N. N. E. of Des DES MOINES, c. h., State capital, Polk Moines. Surrounded bygafinea cultura Moines. Surrounded byla fine agricultural Co., 17,600t p., on Des Moines r., at mouth region. Coal found here in a undance. of Raccoon r., and on Chicago, Rock Island Au excellent shipping point for coal, live & Pacific Rd., at intersection of Des Moines stock and grain. Valley Rd., 176 m. from Davenport and 161 Herald W. 1,98 1 from Keokuk. A place of active trade. Lera.................W. 1,982 Engaged in agriculture and manufacturing. G, Fyette Co. Coal mining and shipping. ELGIN, Fayette Co. Iowa State Leader........D. 1,949 Times...................W. 1,983 -..........W. 1,950 ELKADER, c. h., Clayton Co., 1,150t p., Iowa State Register.......D. 1,951 on Turkey r., 60 m. N. W. of Dubuque..." "...... W. 1,952 Centre of a large grain and pork-raising Herald of Liberty....... W. 1,953 district. Terminus of the Iowa Eastern Homestead and Western Rd..Farm Journal.........W. 1,954 Clayton Co. Journal....W. 1,984 Iowa Staats Anzeiger....W. 1,955 Nord Iowa Herold.......W. 1,985 Plain Talk..W —-—...-'. W. 1,956 EMMETISBURG, c. h., Palo Alto Co., State Journal............ W. 1,957 400 p., about 140 m. N. W. of Des Moines. Western Farmer and Patron's Helper... 1and 1958 The centre of an excellent trade; also a PaIndtrian's Hel r....... M. 1,9598 fine stock-raising country. Inutrowa Gazetteor.........M. 1,90 Palo Alto Pilot- - W. 1,986 Western Jurist...........M. 1,961 Palo Alto Reporter...... W. 1,987 DE WITT, Clinton Co., 2,000 p., on the ESTHERVILLE, c. h., Emmett Co., Chicago & Northwestern Rd., at the inter- 600 p., 175 mi. from Sioux City, on W. fork of Des Moines r., 166 m. (nmail route) section of the Maquoketa branch of the N. W. of Des Moines. Engaged in agriDavenport & St. Paul Rd., 19 m. from culture and manufactures Clinton and 25 from Davenport. Northern Vindicator. W. 1,988 Observer................W. 1,962 EXIRA, c. h., Audubon Co., 540 p., on DEXTER, Dallas Co., 800t p., an Chicago, Nishnabatona r., 70 m. W. of Des Moines. Rock Island & Pacific Rd., 35 m. from Des The centre of a fine agricultural region. Moines. Rapidly growing in population Audubon Co. Defender...W. 1,9,9 and wealth. FAIRFIELD, c. h., Jefferson Co., 3,000t Herald-..-.. -............... W. 1,963 p., at intersection of Burlington & Missouri DUBULUE, c. h., Dubuque Co., 24,000t p., River Rd. with S. W. division Chicago, on Mississippi r. and Illinois Central Rock Island & Pacific Rd., 50 m. from Rd., at junction of several important Rds. Burlington. An important trade centre. Immense quantities of lead are mined in this Iowa Democrat..........W. 1,990 vicinity. Extensively engaged in river.Ledger..................W. 1,991 commerce, and surrounded by a rich and FARMINGTON, Van Buren Co. highly cultivated agricultural district. Gazette...-............W. 1,992 Herald..-.... —..-.. D. 1,964 FAYETTE, Fayette Co. ".............. W. 1,965 News..... W. 1,993 News.....................D. 1,966 Telegraph.......D. 1,96 7 FONDA, Pocahontas Co..W..9......... W. 1,968 North Western Hawk Eye.WV. 1,994 Times.................... D. 1,969 FOREST CITY, c. h., Winnebago Co., -...................W. 1,970 800 p., in the northern part of the State, Der Presbyterianer.......W. 1,971 130 m. W. of Mississippi r. at Lansing, and Iowa -..................W. 1,972 about 30 m. W. by N. of Mason City. Luxemburger Gazette.....W. 1',973 Located on Lime r. Centre of a thriving National Demokrat......W. 1,974 trade. DUNLAP, Harrison Co., 1,000 p., on Iowa Winebago Summit.....W. 1,995 division of Chicago & Northwestern Rd., FORT DODGE, c. h., Webster Co., 3,7001 56 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. IOWA. IOWA. p., on Des Moines r., 90 m. N. from Des Franklin Recorder.......W. 2,014 Moines, at junction of Des Moines Valley Magnet..................W. 2,015 Rd. with Iowa division of Illinois Central HARLAN, c. h., Shelby Co., 540 p., on Rd., 192 m. W. of Dubuque. The country Rd., 1922 m. W. of lubuque. The country Nishnabotona r., 10 m. N. of Chicago, Rock abounds in coal, gypsum, sandstone, lime- Island & Pacific Rd. 40 m. from Council stone and cement. Bluffs. Surrounded by a good agricultural limes............... W. 1,996 district. Messenger. W. 1,997 Herald.W. 2,016 Messenger. ------------ Wm. 1,997 Herald.................... W. 2,016 PORT MADISON, c. h., Lee Co., 5,000t Record............. W. 2,017, on Mississippi r., and Burlington & HUMBOLDT, Humboldt Co. eokuk branch of Chicago, Burlington & osmos. W. 2,01 Quincy Rd., 24 m. above Keokuk and 19. o.pe W. a, 0 below Burlington. Considerable manufac- IDA, Ida Co., 450t p., on Maple r., about 50 turing done here, and large quantities of m. E. by S. of Sioux City and 25 N. of Chiproduce shipped from the surrounding cao & Northwestern Rd., and 25m. S. of farming district. Ilinois Central Rd. Democrat..............W. 1,998 Ida Co. Pioneer..........W. 2,019 Plain Dealer...........W. 1,999 INDEPENDENCE, c. h., Buchanan Co., GARDEN GROVE, Decatur Co., 1,200t 3,600t p., on Wapsipinicon r. and the Iowa p., on Chariton branch of Burlington & division of the Illinois Central Rd., 69 m. Missouri R. Rd., 24 m. from Chariton. from Dubuque and 24 from Waterloo. Iowa Express............W. 2,000 Buchanan Co. Bulletin..W. 2,020 Conservative..............W. 2,021 GARNER, Hancock Co., on Iowa & Da- ConervativeW. 2,021 kota division of Milwaukee & St. Paul Rd., IDIANOLA, Warren Co., 2,000t p., on 31 m. from Algona and 138 from McGregor. Indianola branch of Chicago, Rock Island Principal town in the county. In the & Pacific Rd., 21 m. from Des Moines. centre of a good farming country and Surrounded by a rich agricultural and stock growing rapidly. raising country. Hancock Signal..........W. 2,001 Herald................. W. 2,022 Tribune....W.............. 2,023 GLENWOOD, c. h., Mills Co., 1,500 p., ren Record. - W. 2,024 on Keg Creek, and the Burlington Mis- Simpso ian.W. 2, 25 souri R. Rd., 20 m. S. by E. of Council...... Bluffs and 271 W. of Burlington. IOWA CITY, c. h., Johnson Co., 5,914 p., Mills Co. Journal....... W. 2,002 on Iowa r. and on Chicago, Rock Island & Opinion..............W. 2,003 Pacific Rd., 54 m. from Davenport. Seat of State University and Historical Society. GRAND JUNCTION, Greene Co., 779 Engaged in manufacturing. p., on Chicago & Northwestern Rd., at Press.D. 2,026 intersection of Des Moines Valley Rd., Iowa State Press..W. 2,02 50 m. from Des Moines, 39 from Fort Republican......,02 Dodge and 125 from CouncilBluffs. Does Slovan mericky W. 2,029 a heavy trade in grain. VolLksfreund.............W. 2,030 Head Light............W. 2,004 University Reporter..M. 2,031 GREENE, Butler Co. Annals of Iowa......... Butler Co. Press.........W. 2,005 IOWA FALLS, Hardin Co., 1,600 p., on GREENFIELD, Adair Co. Iowar. and Iowa division of Illinois CenReporter..............W. 2,006 tral Rd., 143 m. from Dubuque and 40 from Transcript..............W. 2,007 Cedar Falls. GRINNELL, Poweshiek Co., 1,500 p., Sentinel.................W. 2,033 situated in rich prairie country, at inter- JEFFERSON, c. h., Greene Co., 1,5001 p. section of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Bee....................W. 2,034 Rd. with Central Rd. of Iowa, 54 m. E. of JESUP, Buchanan Co. Des Moines and about 16 N. W. of Mon- Vindicator............W. 035 tezuma. It is the seat of Iowa College. erald................W. 2,008 KELLOGG, Jasper Co. GRUNDY CENTER, c. h., Grundy Co., Reporter.................,036 500 p., on Black Hawk Creek, a branch of KEOKUK, Lee Co., 12,766 p., on MissisCedar r., about 70 m., air line. N. E. of Des sippi r., near mouth of Des Moines r., at Moines and about 25 S. W. of Waterloo. head of navigation for the large class of Centre of trade, principally agricultural. river steamboats. Terminus of several imGrundy Co. Atlas.....W. W.2,009 portant railroads. The river commerce is New Century.............W. 2,010 very extensive. One of the principal grain and produce markets in Iowa. GUTHRIE CENTER, c. h., Guthrie Co. Constitution.marke.D. 2,037 Beacon Light............W. 2,011..... W. 2,038 HAMBURG, Fremont Co., 2,554f p., near Gate City................D. 2,039 Missouri r., and on Kansas City, St. Joseph.............W. 2,040 & Council Bluffs Rd., at junction of Ne- Post......... W. 2,041 braska City branch of Burlington & Mis- KEOSAUQUA, c. h., Van Buren Co., souri R. Rd., 51 m. S. of Council Bluffs 1,200t p.,on Des Moines r., 48m. from Keoand 79 from St. Joseph, Mo. kuk. It has excellent water power. SurDemocrat...............W. 2,012 rounded by a rich farming district, and Fremont Times...........W. 2,013 centre of a large trade. Republican.............. W.2,04:2 HAMPTON, c. h.. Franklin Co., 1,100t p., Rep n..,04 on Central Rd. of Iowa, 59 m. from Mar- KEOTA, Keokuk Co. shalltown and 29 from Mason City. Eagle...................W. 2,043..... CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 57 IOWA. IOWA. KNOXVILLE, c. h., Marion Co.. 2,500t and Dakota division, 61 m. above Dubuque p., about 8 m. S. W. of'Des Moines r. and and 190 from Milwaukee. The railroad 45 S. S. E. of Des Moines. Surrounded by car and repair shops are located here. Cena rich coal and agricultural district. tre of an active trade. Water power, timber and stone in abun- News.-................W. 2,065 dance. North Iowa Times.......W. 2,066 Journal.................W. 2,044 MALVERN, Mills Co., 700 p., on BurlingMarion Co. Democrat....W. 0,045 ton & Missouri R. Rd., 35 m. from Oma — LAKE CITY, c. h., Calhoun Co., 420 p., ha and 30 from Council Bluffs. Centre of a 25 m. S. W. of Fort Dodge and 75 N. W. thriving trade. Extensively engaged in of Des Moines. stock raising. Journal................. 2,046 Leader.... W.,067 LAKE MILLS, Winnebago Co., 435 p., Mills Co. Chronicle.......W. 2,068 about 15 m. N. of Forest City and 18 W. MANCHESTER, Delaware Co., 2,500 of Northwood. p., on Maquoketa r. and Illinois Central Independent Herald.....W. 2,047 Rd., 47 m. from Dubuque. Engaged in manLANSING, Allamakee Co., 2,000t p., on ufacturing. Mississippi r. and on Chicago, Dubue & Democrat............... Minnesota Rd., 50 m. above Praiie du Press.............W. 2,070 Chien and 100 from Dubuque. An exten- MAUOKETA, c. h., Jackson Co., 2,469f sive grain market and place of active trade. p., on Iowa Midland Rd. at intersection of Strictly an agricultural county. Davenport & St. Paul RiA., 38 m. from ClinDie Nord Iowa Post....W. 2,048 ton and 45from Davenport. Mirror................W. 2,049 Excelsior................W. 2,071 North Iowa Journal.....W. 2,05 0 Jackson Sentinel........ W. 2,072 LA PORTE CITY, Black Hawk Co.. MARBLE ROCK, Floyd Co. 1,200t p., on Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Weekly..................W. 2,073 Minnesota Rd., 16 m. from Waterloo and MARENGO, c. h., Iowa Co., 1,693 p., on 140 from Burlington. Centre of a large Iowa division of Chicago, Rock Island & and fertile district of country. Pacific Rd., 85 m. from Davenport. EnProgress.... -............ 2,051 gaged in agricultural pursuits. LAWLER, Chickasaw Co. Democrat................W. 2,074 Chickasaw Co. Times....W. 2,052 Republican.............-W. 2,075 LE MARS, c. ti., Plymouth Co., 1,000t p., MARION, c. h., Linn Co., 2,700t p., on on Iowa division of Illinois Central Rd., 24 Dubuque & Southwestern Rd., 6 m. from m. from Sioux City. One of the principal Cedar Rapids and 70 from Dubuque. grain, stock and lumber markets of north- Linn Co. Pilot...........W. 2,076 western Iowa. Register................W. 2,077 Iowa Liberal........... W. 2,053 Advent and Sabbath AdvoSentinel.................W. 2,054 cate........... S. 2,0T8 LENOX, Taylor Co. MARSHALLTOWN, c. h., Marshall Co. Time Table..............W. 2,055 4,500t p., on Iowa division of Chicago & LEON, c. h., Decatur Co., 1,200 p., 65 m. S. Northwestern Rd., at crossing of Central of Des Moines, 40 from Chariton. Situat- Rd. of Iowa, 70 m. W. of Cedar Rapids. ed in the midst of an agricultural reion. Surounded by a fine agricultural country. Decatur Co. Journa...W.,086 Centre of a thriving trade. Considerable Reporter........,057 manufacturing carried on. reporter............... W. 2,057 LINEILLE, Wayne Co. Marshall Times..........D. 2,079 LINEVILLtE, Wayne Co. Marshall Co. Times...W. 2,080 Tribune.................. W. 2,058 Republican....... W. 2,081 LISBON, Linn Co..............W. 2,082 Harvey's Courier........ 2,059 Marshall Statesman.....W. 2,083 Sun.................... W. 2,060 Ladies' Bureau........S. M. 2,084 LOGAN, Harrison Co., 500t p., on Boyer MARYSVILLE, Marion Co. r., and Iowa division of Chicago & North- Miner...................W. 2,085 western Rd., 29 m. from Council Bluffs. It MASON CITY, c. h., Cerro Gordo Co., is the centre of a rich agricultural district, 3,000t p., on the Iowa & Dakota division from which it derives an active trade. of theMilwaukee & St. Paul Rd., at the 2 stone quarries here. junction of the Mason City & Austin Harrison Co. Courier....W. 2,061 branch, 74 m. from McGregor and 115N. LONE TREE, Johnson Co. of Des Moines. In a fine agricultural disSentinel...............W. 2,062 trict. LYONS, Clinton Co., 4,500t p., on Mis- Crro Gordo Republican.W. 2,086 sissippi r., and the Iowa Midland and Clin- Express................. 2,08 ton, Dubuque and Minn. Rds., 3 m. MECHANICSVILLE, Cedar Co., 800t above Clinton and opposite Fulton, Ill., p., on Iowa division of Chicago & Northand 136 m. from Chicago. Considerable western Rd., 12 m. W. of Clarence and 26 lumber is cut here. It has a large and from Cedar Rapids. Surrounded by an agflourishing business. ricultural country. Clinton Co. Advertiser.:.. W. 2,063 Press.................-. W2,088 Mirror.................. W. 2,064 MEDIAPOLIS, Des Moines Co. McGREGOR, Clayton Co., 4,000t p., on Enterprise............W. 2,089 Mississippi r., opposite Prairie du Chien, and on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul MISSOURI VALLEY, Harrison Co., Rd.. at the eastern terminus of the Iowa 1,200 p., the southern terminus of Sioux 58 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. IOWA. IOWA. City & Pacific Rd., at its junction with Chicago & Northwestern Rd., 99 m. W. of Iowa division of Chicago & Northwestern Cedar Rapids, 35 N. N. E. of Des Moines Rd., 20 m. N. of Council Bluffs and 6 from and 180 W. of Mississippi r. Surrounded Missouri r. by an agricultural district. The Iowa AgTimes............- W. 2,090 ricultural College is located in this county. MONROE, Jasper Co., 1,600t p., on Des Reprsentative........... 2,111 Moines Valley Rd., 32 m. from Des Moines Watchman..........W.,112 and 29 from Oskaloosa. Noted for its ex- NEW ALBIN, Allamakee Co. cellent coal. Spectator................W. 2,,113 Mirror..................W. 2,091 NEWELL, Buena Vista Co., 400t p., on MONTEZUMA, c. h., Poweshiek Co., the Iowa division of the Illinois Central 1,555 p., about 20 m. N. of Oskaloosa and Rd., 43 m. W. of Fort Dodge. 10 S. of the line the Chicago, Rock Island Mirror................W. 2,114 & Pacific Rd. Coal fields in the vicinity. NEW HAMPTON, ChickasawCo., 1,000 Republicwan....-.........W. 2,09X2..p., on the Iowa & Dakota division of the MONTICELLO, Jones Co., 2,587t p., on Milwaukee & St. Paul Rd., 70 m. from MeDubuque & Southwestern Rd., at intersec- Gregor and 15 N. E. of Nashua. tion of Davenport & St. Paul Rd., 43 m. Courier..............W. 2,115 from Dubuque and 70 from Davenport. NEW SHARON, MahaskaCo Express............ W. 2,093 Star..W.,116 Jones Co. Liberal........W.,094 NEWTON, c. h., Jasper Co., 1,983 p., on MORNING SUN, Louisa Co., 1,000t p., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rd., 139 Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Minnesota m. from Davenport and 25 from Des Rd., 23 m. from Burlington and 7 from Moines. Surrounded by a fine agricultural Wapello. Shipping point for grain and district produce.. reePress & RepublicanW. W2,117 Reporter................W. 2,095 Japer Co. Head Light...W. 2,118 MlOULTON, Appanoose Co., 1,100t p., on Jasper Co. Independent..W. 2,119 the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern NORA SPRINGS, Floyd Co., 900tp., o Rd., at the intersection of the Burlngton Shell Rok r. and Burlington, Cedar Rap& Southwestern Rd., 100 m. from Burling- ids & Minnesota Rd. at intersection of ton and 35 from Ottumwa. Milling, wool- Iowa & Dakota division of Milwaukee & en factories and general trade is carried on. St. Paul Rd., 119 m. from Cedar Rapids Record........... W. 2,096 and 107 from McGregor. It is a fine marMOUNT AYR, c. h., Ringgold Co., 640 p., ket for grain and stock. about 75m. S. S. W. of Des Moines and Floyd Co. Press.........W. 2,120 about 20 from the line of the Burlington & NORTHWOOD, c. h., Worth Co., 650 p. Missouri R. Rd. at Afton. on Shell Rock r. and northern terminus of Journal.W.-. —..-... W. 2,097 Central Rd. of Iowa, about 20 m. from MaRinggold Record.........W. 2,098 son City. Surrounded by a rich grazing MIOUNT PLEASANT, c. h., Henry Co., and farming region. The county seat and 4,563t p., on Burlington & Missouri R. centre of considerable trade. Rd., 28 m. from Burlington. Centre of Pioneer................. W. 2,121 trade for a fertile county. There are sev- OGDEN, Boone Co. eral educational institutions located here. Reporter................. W. 2,122 Free Press. W......... X,099 re Pss.............. 2,0 ONAWA, c. h., Monona Co., 850t p., on Joural............... 2.,100....svSioux City & Pacific Rd., 7 m. from MisMOUNT VERNON, Linn Co., 1,200 p., souri r., 37 from Sioux City and 55 N. of on Iowa division of Chicago & North- Council Bluffs. Centre of a rich agriculwestein Rd., 16 m. E. of Cedar Rapids. tural region. Cornell College is located here. Monsna Co. Gazette.....W. 2,123 Hawk-Eye.............. 2,101 People's Press.......W. 2,124 Collegian................ W. 2,1 0 2 oegan..... W. 2,102 ORANGE CITY, Sioux Co., 300 p., about MUSCATINE, c. h., Muscatine Co., 7,5371 45 m. N. of Sioux City. In an agorcultural p., on Mississippi r. and southwestern di- district. vision of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Sioux Co. Herald........W. Rd., 300 m. above St. Louis. The center- Volksvriend...........W. 2,126 ing point of a very large trade. Extensively engaged in manufacturing lumber OSAGE, Mitchell Co., 2,000t p., on Red and other articles and the lumber trade. Cedar r. and northern branch of Iowa diVarious manufactories and several large vision of Illinois Central Rd., 60 m. above pork packing establishments located here. Cedar Falls. It is the county seat and Journal................D. 2,103 centre of trade for a large and growing.............T. W. 2,104: section of agricultural country. Manu-..............W. 2,105 factures carried on to a considerable extent. Tribune.............. 2,106 Mitchell Co. News.......W. 2,127 "...............W. 2,107 Mitchell Co. Press........W. 2,128 Duetsche Zeitung... W. 2,108 OSCEOLA, c. h., Clarke Co., 1,701t p., on EHunmminq Bird ---—. —W. 2,109 the Burlington & Missouri R. Rd., 156 NASHUA, Chickasaw Co., 3,000 p., on Red m. from Burlington. In an agricultural Cedar r. and the Cedar alls & Minnesota and stock-raising district, and the centre Rd., 35 m. from Waterloo and 30 above of considerable trade. Cedar Falls. Beacon...........W. 2,129 Post 2..........ew E.............W. 2,130 NEVADA, c. h., Story Co., 1,200t p. on Sentinel.................W. 2,131 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 59 IOWA. IOWA. OSKALOOSA, c. h., Mahaska Co., 5,000 New Era...W............W. 2,156 p., on Des Moines Valley Rd., atintersection Record.................W. 2,157 of the Central Rd. of Iowa, 62 m. from Des RICHLAND, Keokuk Co. Moines and 24 from Ottumwa. Pleasantly Mail..... —.-W. 2 158 situated and centre of an active trade. Surrounded by a fine agricultural district. RIVERSIDE, Washington Co. Extensively engaged in coal and iron min- New.............W. 2,159 ing and manufacturing. RIVERTON, Fremont Co., 600t p., on Herald......... W......W. 2,132 Nebraska City branch of Burlington & MisRecord and Evangelist..W. 2,133 souri R. Rd., about 20 m. from Nebraska Standard............ W. 2,134 City. Its present importance is derived Welch's Reform Leader. W. 2,135 from immense shipments of grain and live Christian Sunday School stock. Teacher............... M. 2,136 Advocate...............W. 2,160 " Gem..................M. 2,137 ROCKFORD, Floyd Co., 732 p., on Shell OSSIAN, Winneshiek Co. Rock r., and Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Enterprise............W. 2,138 Minnesota Rd., 49m. from Cedar Falls. OTTUIMWA, c. h., Wapello Co., 10,000t Reveie................. 2,161 p., on Des Moines r. and Burlington & ROCK RAPIDS, Lyon Co., 290 p., on Missouri R. Rd., at intersection of Des Rock r., in N. W. corner of the State Moines Valley Rd; also northern termi- about 60 m. N. of Sioux City. Engaged nus of St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern in agriculture. Surrounded by a fertile Rd., 75 m. from Burlington and 86 from country. Des Moines. Largely engaged in mann- Review................W. 2,162 factures, and the centre of an extensive SABULA, Jackson Co., 1,200fp., on MisJrtrade. sissippi r., 58 m. below Dubuque, and at Courier..........D.. 2,139 eastern terminus of Sabula, Ackley & Da-................ 2,140 kota Rd., and connected with Savanna, on Democrat...... W..... 2,141 Western Union Rd., by a ferry transfer. Spiritof the Times.......-W. 2,143 GAze - Spirit Aof hte uti nes.. n2,143 A*0 p 44SAC CITY, c. h., Sac Co., 475 p., on Coon PANORA, c. h., Guthrie Co., 1,000 p., t Dodge. -^? W. by N. of Des. Moines and 14 frm r., 45 m. W. of Fort Dodge. It has fine m. W. by N. of Des Moines and 14 from water power. County especially adapted Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rd. In to stock raising and dairy purposes. an agricultural section. Some manufac- Sac Sun.... -..W. 2,164 turing carried on. Sac Sun.............. Guthrie Vedette.......W. 2,144 SCRANTON, Greene Co. Gazette...................W. 2,165 PARKERSBURG, Butler Co., 700 p., on tte.W.,165 the Iowa division of the Illinois Central SEYMOUR, Wayne Co. Rd., 119 m. W. of Dubuque and 19 from Head Light.............W. 2,166 CedarFalls. In the midst of an agricul- Reporter...............W. 2,167 tural country. SHELDON, O'Brien Co. Eclipse................. W. 2,145 Mail....................W. 2,168 PELLA, Marion Co., 3,000 p., on Des SHELL ROCK, Butler Co., 1,142 p., on Moines Valley Rd., 47 m. from Des Moines, the Shell Rock r. and the Burlington, Cedar 115 from Keokuk. Surrounded by a fine Rapids & Minnesota Rd., 22 m. from agricultural region and largely engaged in Waterloo. manufacturing. News...................W.,169 Baptt Beacon......... W. 2,146 SHELLSBURG, Benton Co., 700t p., on Blade................ 2W,147 the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Weekbdlad.............W. 2,148 Rd., 15 m: from Cedar Rapids. Centre of a PERRY, Dallas Co. good trade. Chief...................W. 2,149 Benton Co. Record.......W. 2,170 POSTVILLE, Allamakee Co. SHENANDOAH, Page Co.. 950t p., on the Review..................W. 2,150 Nebraska City branch of Burlington & PRAIRIE CITY, Jasper Co., 1,000t p., Missouri R. Rd., half wsay between Hamburg on Des Moines Valley Rd., 24 m. from Des and Red Oak. Centre of a thriving trade. Moines and about 20 S. W. of Newton, in Engaged in agricultural piursuits. an agricultural district. It is a principal Reporter............... W. 2,171 shipping point for live stock and produce. SIBLEY, Osceola Co., 600t p., on Iowa News.............. W. 2,151 division of Sioux City & St. Paul Rd. PRESTON, Jackson Co. Gazette..................W. 2,17 Clipper...............W. 2,152 SIDNEY, c. h., Fremont Co., 1,500., 40 PRIMGHAR, c. h., O'Brien Co. m. S. of Council Bluffs and 10 N. of HamO'Brien Pioneer........W. 2,153 burg. RAYMOND, Black Hawk Co. nn............ W. 2,173 Burroughs' Journal......W. 2,154 SIGOURNEY, c. h., Keokuk Co., 2,000t p., on Skunk r., and Sigourney branch of RED OAK, c. h., -Montgomery Co., 3,000 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rd., about p., on Nishnabatona r., and on the line of 75 m. N. W. of Burlington. the Burlington & Missouri R. Rd., about News W. 2,174 40 m. S. E. of Council Bluffs and 241 from Review.'...... W. 2,175 Burlington. Is a rapidly-growing town.. Considerable manufacturing carried on SIOUX CITY, c. h., Woodbury Co., 5,100t Express.................W. 2,155 p., on Missouri r., and on Sioux City & 60 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. IOWA. IOWA. Pacific Rd., at the terminus of Iowa divi- VILLISCA, Montgomery Co., 1,000 p., ox sion of Illinois Central Rd., 96 m. above Burlington & Missouri R. Rd., 65 m. E. Council Bluffs. Centre of an agricultural from Courcil Bluffs. Noted principally for region, and outfitting point for upper its extensive trade in grain and live siock. Missouri. Review.............. W. 2,197 Journal..... D........ 2,176 VINTON, c. h., Benton Co., 2,500t p., on - -- -—. —.. ——. —-- W. 2,177R Red Cedar r., and Burlington, Cedar RapTimes..-...............W. 2,178. ids & Minnesota Rd., 25 m. N. W. of Cedar SIOUX RAPIDS, c. h., Buena Vista Co. Rapids, 244 W. of Chicago. Surrounded Echo....................W. 2,179 by a fine agricultural district and a trade SOUTH ENGLISH, Keokuk Co. centre. Has a small manufacturing interest. Western Herald.......... W. 2,180 Eagle...................W. 2,198 People'sJournal.........W. 2,199 SPENCER, Clay Co., 400t p., on the Lit- People' J ournal azette. 2,199 tie Sioux r., 40 m. N. E. of Cherokee and 80 Reforw issioary. M. 2,201 N. W. of Fort Dodge. The centre of a eformd iss ary.... fine agricultural region. WAPELLO, c. h., Louisa Co., 1,200 p., on News................W. 2,181 Iowa r. and Burlington, Cedar Rapids & IRIT LAKE^,, h Minnesota Rd., about 30 m. from BurlingSPIRIT? LAKE, c. h., Dickinson Co., ton. Engagfed in milling, manufacturing 350 p., near lake of same name, surround- an generatrade ed by several other beautiful lakes, 90 m. Louisa o.Record.. W. 2, from Fort Dodge. One of the richest por- Repiblican........W. 2,203 tions of Northwestern Iowa for agricul- tural purposes. Fast becoming celebrated WASHINGTON, c. h., Washington Co., as a summer resort. 4,000 p., on the Chicago, Rock Island & Beacon....... W. 2 182 Pacific Rd., at junction of Southwestern crT~r................. rw-F " 1 n division with the main line, 75 m. S. W. STATE CENTRE, Marshall Co., 900t p., from Davenport. Engaged in manufacon the Chicago & Northwestern Rd. Geo- tures and a place of active trade graphical centre of State. Surrounded by Gazette........... W. 2,204one of the richest agricultural countries in Weshinqton Co. Press...W. 2,205 the West. Enterprise..............W. 2,183 WATERLOO, c. h., Black Hawk Co., 5,600t p., on the Cedar r. and the BurlingSTORM LAIKE, Buena Vista Co., 8001 ton, Cedar Rapids & Minnesota, and the p., on Storm Lake and the Iowa division of Iowa division of the Illinois Central Rds.. the Illinois Central Rd., 245 m. from Du- 93 m. from Dubuque and 156 from Burbuque and 81 from Sioux City. A fine agri- lington. Surrounded by a fine agricultural cultural region surrounding it. district. Engaged in manufactures of variPilot.................. W. 2,184 ous kinds. The Illinois Central Rd. repair STRAWBERRY POINT, Clayton Co. shops are here. Free Press...............W. 2,185 Courier..................W. 2,206 STUART, Adair Co., 2,000t p., on Chicago, Deutsch-Amerikaner....W. 2,207 Rock Island & Pacific Rd., 40 m. from Des Iowa State Reporter......W. 2,208 Moines and 110 from Council Bluffs. Situ- WAUKON, c. h., Allamakee Co., 1,800 p., ated in the centre of a rich agricultural in a rich farming and fruit-growing district, country. Several locomotive and machine 18 m. W. of Mississippi r. and 30 N. W. of shops in successful operation. McGregor. Surrounded by a fine farming Locomotive............W. 2,186 country; a large live stock market. Register................ W. 2,187 Standard................W. 2,209 TAMA CITY, TamaCo., 1,500 p., onIowa WAVERLY, c. h., Bremer Co., 2,291 p., division of Chicago & Northwestern Rd., on Red Cedar r. and Iowa division of Ili51 m. W. of Cedar Rapids. nois Central Rd., 18 m. from Waterloo. Tama Herald...........W. 2,18 8 Considerable manufacturing carried on. Tama Press.............W. 2,189 Bremer Co. Independent..W. 2,210 TIPTON, c. h., Cedar Co., 1,650t p., 5 m. Deutsch Volks-Zeitung...W. 2,211 from Cedar r. and 25 N. of Muscatine Republican.......... 2,212 and the Mississippi r. The centre of a fine, WEBSTER CITY, c. h., Hamilton Co., rich agricultural region. 2,200t p., on Boone r. and Iowa division of Advertiser...............W. 2,190 Illinois Central Rd., 20 m. from Fort Dodge, Conservative.............W. 2,191 80 N. of Des Moines and 172 W. of DuTOLEDO, c. h., Tama Co., 1,100t p., near bnque. In a coal mining and agricultural Iowa division of Chicago & Northwestern section. Rd., about 20 m. E. of Marshalltown and Argus Fem........ W. 2,213 50 W. of Cedar Rapids. The centre of a Bamilton Freeman....W. 2,214 thriving local trade. WEST BRANCH, Cedar Co. Chronicle.............W. 2,192 Times...................W. 2,215. Tama Co. Independent...W. 2,193 WEST LIBERTY, Muscatine Co., 1,500t TRAER, Tama C., on Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific'Clipper...... W 2 194 Rd., at intersection of Burlington, Cedar Clipper...W. 2,194:.............. Rapids & Minnesota Rd., 62 m. from BurUNION, Hardin Co. lington, 39 W. of Davenport and 26 N W. Star. -....................W. 2,195 of Muscatine. An agricultural and stockraising district. VICTOR, Iowa Co., 800t p., on Chicago, nterprise...........W. 2,216. Rock Island & Pacific Rd., 96 m. from Davenport and 78 from Des Moines. WEST UNION, c. h., Fayette Co., 1,489 Index...................W. 2,196 p. 80 m. N. W. of Dubuque and 80 from CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 61 IOWA. KANSAS. Cedar Rapids. Engaged in agriculture and about 75 m. N. W. of Jnction City. A stock raising. mining district. Fayette Co. Union........W.. 2,217 Republic.................W. 2,236 Republican Gazette.......W. 2,218 Telescope.............. W. 2,237 WHEATLAND, Clinton Co. BELOIT, Mitchell Co., 600t p., on Solomon News......-............W. 2,219 r., 130 m. W. by N. of Topeka. Situated WILLIAMS, Hamilton Co. in one of the best agricultural counties in Press. W 2 220 the State. A fine water power within the r.* —-—'-'-' corporate limits of the city, with a flouring WILTON, Muscatine Co., 1,317 p., at junc- andsaw mill. tion of Southwestern division of Chicago, Gazette......... W. 2,238 Rock Island & Pacific Rd. with the main B RAPIDS, M l C, road, 25 m. W. of Davenport and 12 N. of BLUE RAPIDS, Marshall Co., 700 p. M 2uscatine-. 2 on Blue r., at junction of the Big and the dponmnd........... W. 2.~~W 2.~21 Little Blues. Has improved water power HeraldW " 2" 222 of 1,600 horse power. Has largest flourHeral...... W. 2,22. 2 ing, woolen, paper, gypsum and oil mills in WINTERSET, c. h., Madison Co., 3,000t the State. Is reached by the Central p. Surrounded by a fine agricultural re- branch Union Pacific Rd., Is 95 m. due W. gion; also one of the principal stone fields of Atchison. Surrounded by excellent of Iowa; 42 m. S. W. of Des Moines, con- farming lands, with abundance of water nected with it by Rd. branch of the C., R., and building stone. 1. & P. Rd., and is the present terminus. Times.. 2,239 Madisonian.............W. 2,223 Neaws oni- —.- - B-. W. 2,22143 BURLINGTON, c. h., Coffey Co., 1,200f p., on Neosho r. and Missouri, Kansas & WYOMING, Jones Co., 1,733 p., on Da- Texas Rd., 68 m. from Parsons and 89 from venport & St. Paul Rd., 54 m. from Daven- Junction City. Centre of trade. Has port. Engaged in agriculture and stock water power, which is employed in manuraising. facturing. Principal business stock-raisJournal.................W. 2,225 m.._..______________________________ Independent.........W. 2,240 Patriot................W. 2,241 K__ ANSAS. CAWKER CITY, Mitchell Co. Echo.. -.............W. 2,242 ABILENE, c. h., Dickinson Co., 1,000 p., CHANUTE, Neosho Co., 1,200 p. junction on Kansas Pacific Rd., 163 m. W. oof ofMissouri, Kansas & Texas and LeavenLeavenworth. A place of active business. worth, Lawrence & Galveston Rds. It is Dickinson Co. Chronicle.W. 2,226 a railroad centre and a place of considerALMA, c. h., Wabaunsee Co., 450* p., on able trade. Mill creek, 14 m. from Wamego and 40 Times..-.............W. 2,243 from Topeka. Engaged in agriculture and CHEROKEE, Crawford Co. stock raising.Index... W 2,244 Wabaunsee Co. News...W.. 2,227 Ine.W..2, abaune Co. ews W. 2,27 CHETOPA, LabetteCo., 1,200tp., on MisARKANSAS CITY, Crowley Co., 500 p., sori, Kansas & Texas Rd., on the southern on Arkansas r., 80 m. from Florence, on line of the State and on the west bank of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rd. Stock the Neosho r. raising and grain growing the principal Herald...... W. 2,245 branch of business. Southern Kansas AdvanceW. 2,246 Traveler.................W. 2,228 CLAY CENTER, c. h., Clay Co., 600t p., ATCHISON, c. h., Atchison Co., 13,600t p., on Republican r., 40 m. from Junction on Missouri r. It is the eastern terminus City and L20 from Leavenworth. In an of central branch of Union Pacific, the agricultural section. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and Atchi- Clay Co. Dispatch..... W. 2,247 son & Nebraska Rds. The western terminus of Missouri Pacific Rd. COFFEYVILLE, Montgomery Co. Champion............... D.. 2,229 Journal...-............W. 2,248............... W. 2,230 Patriot. 2 —-, —1 — C —— D. 23 COLUiMBUS, c. h., Cherokee Co., 1,000 - W... 2,232 p., on Missouri R., Fort Scott & Gulf Rd.,.Der Co.ri..er..W.. 2233 11 m. from Baxter Springs and. 150 from r courier. ^ Kansas City. Surrounded by an agriculAUGUSTA, Butler Co., 798t p., 150 in. S. tural district. Coal found in the vicinity. W. of Topeka. Lies in the celebrated Courier. --............W. W 2,2249 Walnut Valley, the most fertile in the Democrat................W. 2,250 State; the average wheat crop in the val- CONCORDA, c h, Cloud Co 600 p., ley in 1875 being 33 bushels to the acre O OR c.h., Cloud o., t., Southern Kansas Gazette.W. 2,234.54 m. from Waterville, 175 from Leavenworth and ]54 from Atchison A normal BAXTER SPRINGS, Cherokee Co., school and U. S. land office located here. 1,500t p., on Spring r. and Missouri R.. Produces coal and stone for building purFort Scott & Gulf Rd., 60 m. from Fort poses. Scott. Engaged in cattle trade, lead min- Empire.. —.........W. 2,251 ing and manufacturing, and a place of Expositor................W. 2,252 active business. Reublicaess....... COTTONWOOD FALLS, c. h., Chase epublican. - W. 2,235 Co., 459 p., on Cottonwood r., and AtchiBELLEVILLE, c. h., Republic Co., 3501 son, Topeka & Santa Fe Rd., 81 m. from p., inthe central part of the county, and Topeka. Has fine water power, and sur 62 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. KANSAS. KANSAS. rounded by " t agricultural and stock- HAYS CITY, c. h., Ellis Co. raising country. Hays Sentinel......... W. 2,274 Chase Go. Courant.....W. 2,253 HIAWATHA, c. h., Brown Co., 1,000 p, Chase Go. Leader........W. 2,254 on St. Joseph & Denver City Rd., 42 m. COUNCIL GROVE, c. h., Morris Co., W. of St. Joseph. Engaged in agriculture 1,000t p., on the Neosho division of Mis- and stock raising. souri, Kansas & Texas Rd., 37 from June- Dispatch............ W. 2,275 tion City. Surrounded by an agricultural Kansas Herald..........W. 2,276 and stock-raising district. HOLTON, c. h., Jackson Co., 426 p., on Democrat...............W. 2,255 Kansas Central Rd., 56 m. from LeavenMorris Co. Republican...W. 2,256 worth and 30 N. of Topeka. ELDORADO, c. h., Butler Co., 950t p., on Recorder and Express. -.W. 2,277 Walnut r. Surrounded by an agricultural HO ARD CITY, c. h., Elk Co., 250 p. and stock-raising district, which is rapidly situated in a mineral, agricultural and filling up with immigrants. stock growing region. Walnut VaUey Times. W.2,25 7 Courant................W. 2,27S ELK FALLS, ElkCo.,300 p.,onElk r., HUMBOLDT, Allen Co.,,500 p., on 35 m. N. W. of Independence. Surround- Neosho r., at junction of Leavenworth, ed by an agricultural and stock-raising Lawrence & Galveston Rd. with Missouri, reKon. Kansas & Texas Rd., 44 m. from Fort lk Co. Ledger.........-.. W. 2,258 Scott and 86 from Lawrence. Surrounded ELLSWORTH, c. h., Ellsworth Co., 800 by an agricultural district and centre of p., on Kansas Pacific Rd., 1.56 m. W. of trade. The river furnishes water power Topeka. Stock raising and wheat grow- for manufacturing. ing. Union...................W. 2,279 Reporter.............. W. 2,259 HUTTCHINSON, c. h., Reno Co. EMPORIA, c. h., Lyon Co., 2,400t p., News................ W. 2,280 near Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rd., at Reno Co. Independent...W. 2,281 crossing of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rd., INDEPENDENCE, Montgomery Co., between Cottonwood and Neosho rs., 65 2,500t p., on Verdigris r., 65 m. from Fort m. S. W. of Lawrence. Commercial trade Scott. Terminus of the L., L. &G. Rd. centre. Manufacturing interests of im- It is the centre of an agricultural disportance and rapidly improving. trict and a shipping point. A United Ledger... —..... —... -.W. 2,260 States Land Office is located here. News...................W. 2,251 Evening Courier..... D. 2,282 EUREKA, c. h., Greenwood Co., 1,040 p., Courier. —-........ —...W. 2,283 on Fall r., 40 m. S. of Emporia. Centre of Kansan............ W. 2,284 trade for a rapidly growing agricultural South.iKansas Tribune...W. 2,285 district. IOLA, c. h., Allen Co., 1,759 p., on LeavenCensorial..............W. 2,262 worth, Lawrence & Galveston Rd., 70 m. Herald.................W. 2,263 from Lawrence, 104 from Kansas City. FORT SCOTT, c. h., Bourbon Co., 6,000t The Neosho r. supplies water power for p., on Marmaton r. and Mission R., manufactures, and surrounding country Fort Scott & Gulf Rd., and at intersection is agricultural. Several machine shops for of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rd., 100 m. manufacture of stoves, agricultural implefrom Kansas City and about 120 S. of ments, etc., are located here. Has a minLeavenworth. Engaged in agriculture, eral well. manufacturing and coal mining. A place Register.................. W. 2,286 of active trade. IRVING, Marshall Co., 900t p., on Central Monitor.................. D. 2,264 branch of Union Pacific Rd., 91 m. from ----...........W.a 2,265 Atchison. Pioneer............W....... 2,266 Blue Valley Gazette......W. 2,287 FREDONIA, c. h., Wilson Co. JEWELL CENTER, Jewell Co. Wilsonz Co. Citizen. - -.W. 2,267 Jewell Co. Monitor.....W. 2,288 GARNETT, c. h., Anderson Co., 1,500t p., JEWELL CITY, Jewell Co., 360 p., on 51 m. S. of Lawrence, on Leavenworth, Buffalo Creek, 30 m. N. W. of Concordia. Lawrence & Galveston Rd. Surrounded Situate in the midst of a stock raising and by an agricultural district. farm growing country. Journal................W. 2,268 Jewell Co. Diamond. W. 2,28 9 Plain Dealer............W. 2,269 JUNCTION CITY, c. h., Davis Co., 2,000 GIRARD, c. h., Crawford Co., 1,000 p., on p, on Smoy ill frk of Kansas r. at Missouri R., Fort Scott & Gulf Rd., 26 m. junction ofMissori, Kansas & Texas Rd. from Fort Scott and 160 S. E. of Topeka. with Kansas Pacfic Rd., 71 m. from ToLocated in an agricultural district with peka. Engaged in manufacturing and heavy deposits of coal. centre of a large trade. Railroad repair Crawford Co. News....W. 2,270 shops located here. pre. W. 2,27 71 Tribune.. —--—.......... —.. — W. 2,290 Union..................W. 2,291 GR.EAT BEND, c. h., Barton Co. KINSLEY, Edwards Co. Register................W. 2,272 Reporter.................W. 2,292 HANOVER, Washington Co., 350 p., on KIRWIN, Philips Co. Little Blue r. and St. Joseph & Denver Chief...W.....-........... W2293 City Rd., 127 m. W. of St. Joseph. iWestern Independent....W 2,273 1A CYGNE, Linn Co., 694 p., on Osage CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 63 KANSAS. KANSAS. r. and Missouri R., Fort Scott & Gulf Rd., Fort Scott and 120 from Lawrence. A 37 m. N. of Fort Scott. young town, rapidly rising, with large waJournal.............W. 2,294 ter power and coal mines. LARNED, c. h., Pawnee Co. Free Press............... W. 2,326 Press................W. 2,295 NEOSHO FALLS, c. h., Woodson Co., LAWRENCE, c. h., Douglas Co., 8,320p. 1,500 p., cn Neosho r. and the Missouri, on Kansas r., 38 m. from State line of Mo. Knsas & Texas Rd., 18 m. from BurlingThe Kansas Pacific, Atchison, Topeka & ton and 100 from Kansas Citv. Santa Fe and several other Rds. intersect Woodson Co. Post........-.. 2,327 here. NEWTON, c. h., Harvey Co., 1,200t p., on Evening Standard........D. 2,296 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rds., at the Standard of Reform.....W. 2,297 junction of Wichita branch, and 134 m. Republican Journal......-. 2,298 from Topeka... "....T.W. 2,299 Harvey Co. News........W. 2,328 Western Home Journal..W. 2,300 Kansan.................W. 2,329 Tribu ne.........2........ D. 2,301 OLATHE, c. h., Johnson Co., 2,300t p.. Kansas Tribune......... W. 2,302 on Missouri R., Fort Scott & Gulf Rd., at Spirit of S ansti as l.. W... 2W.,304 junction of Kansa. City division of LearStaite Sentinel............W. 2,304 enworth, Lawrence & Galveston Rd., 21 m. LEAVENWORTH, c. h., Leavenworth from Kansas City and 32 from Ottawa. Co., 22,000 p., on Missouri r. Themetropo Condenser..............W. 2,330 lis of Kansas. Its railroad connections and Mirror and News Letter.. W. 2,331 river trade make it a point of commercial Western Progress.... W. 2,332 importance. Engaged in various manufac- OSAGE CITY, Osage Co., 1.000 p., on tures. Coal mines in the vicinity. Site of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rd., 35 m. Fort Leavenworth. Sof Topeka. Coal fields and quarries of Appeal.................. D. 2,305 stone flagging located here. Commercial...............D. 2,306 Free Press.. W. 2,333. Kansas 1Frete Presse.-....D. 2,307 -..... ~....W. 2,308 OSAGE MISSION, Neosho Co., 1,230t Times...................D 2,309 on Sedalia division of Missouri, Kansas &............W. 2,310 Texas Rd., 14 m. from Parsons and 35 from Herald.................. W. 2,311 Fort Scott. Home Record........M. 2,312 Neosho Co. Journal.....W. 2,334 Western World...........M. 2,313 OSBORNE CITY, c. h., Osborne Co. LINCOLN CENTER, c. h., Lincoln Co. Osborne Co. Farmer.....W. 2,335 Saline Valey Register...W. 2,314 OSKALOOSA, c. h., Jefferson Co., 800 p., LOUISVILLE, c. h., Pottawatomie Co., 22 m. N. by W. of Lawrence, 25 from Lear500t p., 40 m. W. of Topeka and 3 N. of enworth, 25 from Topeka, 28 from Atchison. Kansas Pacific Rd. at Wamego. Rock Engaged in agriculture, stock raising and creek furnishes water power. fruit culture. Kansas Reporter.........W. 2,315 Independent.............W. 2,336 LYNDON, Osage Co. Sickle and Sheaf........ W. 2,337 Osage Co. Chronicle......W.,316 OSWEGO, c.h., Labette Co., l,200t p., on inmes............W..... W. 2,317 Neosho r., and Missouri, Kansas & Texas lMcPHERSON, c. h., McPherson Co. Rd., 16 m. from Parsons. The river furIndependent.............W. 2,3'18 nishes good power, which is employed in MANHATTAN, c. h., Riley Co., 1,173 p., manufacturing flour and breadstuffs. at junction of Big Blue with Kansas r., and Independent.............W. 2,338 on Kansas Pacific Rd., 80 m. from Law- OTTAWA, c. h., Franklin Co., 2,941 p. rence. Surrounded by an agricultural and on Osage r. and Leavenworth, Lawrence & stock-raising district. Galveston Rd., at junction of Kansas Citv Nationalist..............W. 2,319 branch, 25 m. S. of Lawrence and 53 from MARION CENTRE, c. h., Marion Co., Kansas City. Centre of a flourishing trade. 500 p., on Cottonwood r., 10 m. from Atchi- Railroad machine shops located here. son, Texas & Santa Fe Rd., and 50 from Republican............W. 2,339 Junction City. Surrounded by an agricul- Triumph...............W. 2,340 tural and stock-raising region. PAOLA, c. h., Miami Co., 1,811 p., on MisMarion Co. Record......W. 2,320 souri R., Fort Scott & Gulf R., at interMARYSVILLE, c. h., Marshall Co. section of Osage division of Missouri, KanMarshall Co. News.......W. 2,321 sas & Texas Rd., 45 m. S. by W. of KanMINNEAPOLIS, c. h., Ottawa Co., 700t sas City. It is the centre of a district of p., on Solomon r. It has water power. An agricultural country. agricultural and sheep-raising country. Mami Republian....W. 2,341 Independent............. W,322 Western Spirit.......... 2,342 Sentinel.................. 2,323 PARSONS, Labette Co.. 2,500t p., at.uncOUD CITY, c h Lin Co 635 tion of Sedalia, Cherokee and Neosho divis24 m. N. by W. of Fort Scott, 95 S. of ions of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rd., 49 Leavenworth and 6S W. of the Missouri m.from Fort Scott. R., Fort Scott & Gulf Rd. Sun...-....W. 2,343 Linn Co. Clarion....... W. 2,324 PEABODY, Marion Co. Western Enterprise.....W. 2,325 Gazette.....-........... 2,344 NEODESHA, Wilson Co., 800t p., at junc- PEACE, Rice Co. tion of Verdigris and Fall rs., 65 m. from Rice Co. Gazette........W.,345 '64 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. KANSAS. KANSAS. PERU, c. h., Miami Co. p., on Delaware r., and Atchison, Topeka ~Chautauqua News — W... 2,346 & Santa Fe Rd., at intersection of Kansas PLEASANTON, Linn Co., 1200 p., on Central Rd., 25 m. from Topeka and 35 Missouri R., Fort Scott & Gulf Rd., 74 m. from Leavenworth It has fine water from Kansas City and 24 from Fort Scott. power, which is employed in manufacturCentre of a thriving coal and stock trade. ing. Surrounded by ap agricultural reObserver................W. 2,34 gion. Kansas New Era........W. 3,371 RUSSELL, c. h., Russell Co. Kansas New Bra W. 2,371 Kansas Plainsman......W. 2,34:8 WAMEGO, Pottawatomie Co., 1,000 p., Russell Co. Record....... W. 2,349 on Kansas r. and Kansas Pacific Rd., 37 m. from Topeka. Engaged principally in SABETHA, Nemaha -Co. agricultural pursuits. Advance.....5..... W..,350 Blade.................W. 2,372 ST. MARY'S, Pottawatomie Co., 1,205 p., WASHINGTON, c. h., Washington Co., on Kansas Pacific Rd., 23 m. from Topeka 400t p., on Mill Creek, 100 m. W. of Atchiand 48 from Junction City. son and 100 S. W. of Hanover. An agriJimes...............W. 2,351 cultural district. SALINA, c. h., Saline Co., 2,500t p.,.on Republican.............W. 2,373 Smoky Hill, and on Kansas Pacific Rd., WATERVILLE, Marshall Co. 1,584 p., 185 m. W. by S. of Leavenworth, the same on Central branch Union Pacific Rd., 100 W. of Kansas City and 118 W. of the cap- m. W. of Atchison and 5 from Blue Rapids. ital of the State. Telegraph...............W. 2,374 Farmer's Advocate....W. 2,352' HFrerald. d........ 2,353.. WAT IHENA, Doniphan Co., 1,200t p., on Saline Co. Journal.. W. 2,354 Missouri r. and St. Joseph & Denver City ansas Central Land Rdt., 5 m. from St. Joseph. Journal.... M. 2,3 55 Reporter............. W. 2,375 SEDAN, c. h., Chautauqua Co. WELLINGTON, Sumner Co. Ohautauqua Journal..W. W,356 Sumner Co. Press........W. 2,376 SENECA, c. h., Nemaha Co., 1,000t p., on WICHITA, c. h., Sedgwick Co., 3,700t p., Nemaha r. and St. Joseph & Denver City at the mouth of Great Arkansas r.,and on Rd., 77 m. from St. Joseph. Surrounde the Wichita branch of Atchison, Topeka by an agricultural and stock raising dis- & Sata Fe Rd., 160 m. S. W. of Topeka. trict. Engaged in stock raising and wheat growCourier.. W.... 5....7 ing. An important shipping point for Texas cattle and grain. SMITH CENTRE, c. h., Smith Co. Beacon............ W. 2,377 Smith Co. Pionee......W. 2,358 City Eagle..............W. 2,378 SOLOMON CITY, Saline Co., 581 p., on WINFIELD, c. h., Cowley Co., 9601 p., Solomon r., near its junction with Smoky on Walnit r., 43 m. S. E. of Wichita, 75 Hill r., and on Kansas Pacific Rd., 104 m. W. of Independence. W. of Topeka. Courier..................W. 2,379 Solomon Reporter......W. 2,359 Cowley (o. Democrat...W. 2,380 STOCKTON, c. h., Rooks Co. Cowley Co. Telegram....W. 2,381 News....................W. 2,360 WYANDOTTE, c. h., Wyandotte Co., THAYER, Neosho Co., 500 p., on Leaven- 4,000 p., on Missouri r., near the mouth of worth, Lawrence & Galveston Rd., 108 m. Kansas r., and 3 m. above Kansas City, from Lawrence. Surrounded by coal fields. Mo. A place of active trade. Head Light.............W. 2,361 Gazette.................W. 2,382 Herald..................W. 2,383 TOPEKA, Shawnee Co., State capital,... 8,000t p., on Kansas r. and on Kansas Pacific Rd., and Atchison, Topeka & Santa KEINTUCKY. Fe Rd., 29 m. from Lawrence and 60 NW. of Kansas City. Engaged in milling and ASHLAND, Boyd Co., 3,500t p., on Ohio manufacturing and the centre of an active r., 150 m. from Cincinnati, 40 from Portstrade. Agricultural district surrounding. mouth. Terminus of Lexington & Big Coalmines and stone quarries in the vicin- Sandy Rd. Engaged in the manufacture ity. Several institutions of learning are of pig iron; and coal and iron mining. located here. Some forty furnaces are located within a Blade.................D. 2,362 radius of 10 miles. Commonwealth.......... D. 2,363 Journal............W. 2,384 ".........W. 2,364 AUGUSTA, Bracken Co., 2,000t p., on Ohio Times -.................D. 2,365 r., 45 m. above Cincinnati and 18 below ". —-—...................W. 2,366 Maysville. The centre of trade, and enKansas Democrat.......W. 2,367 gaged in manufactures of various kinds. Kansas Farmer....... -W. 2,36 8 Engaged in tobacco growing. American Young Folks.W. 2,369 Bracken Co. Chronicle..W. 2,385 TROY, c. h., Doniphan Co., 1,1001 p., on BARDSTOWN, c. h., Nelson Co. St. Joseph & Denver City Rd., at the in- Nelson Co. Record.-... W. 2,386 tersection of the Atchison & Nebraska BLANDVILLE, c. h., Ballard Co. Rd., 14 m. W. of St. Joseph, Mo., and 16 Ballard News.-.W. 2,387 from Atchison. Coal abounds in the vicin- BOWLING GREEN, c. h., Warren Co., KZansas Chief. W.,37r0 5,250 p., on Big Barren r., at the head of Kansas Chif. W. e,370 navigation, and on Louisville & Nashville VALLEY FALLS, Jefferson Co., 1,000 Rd., 113 m. from Louisville. CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 65 KENTUCKY. KENTUCKY. Democrat............... W. 2,388 Paducah & Southwestern Rd., 42 m. from Green River Pantagraph.W. 2,3 8 9 Louisville. BURKSVILLE, c. h., Cumberland Co. News...................W. 2,409 Oumberland Courier....W. 2,390 ELKTON, c. h., Todd Co. BURLINGTON, c. h., Boone Co. Witness..............W. 2,410 Boone Co. Recorder......W. 2,391 EMINENCE, Henry Co., 1,650t p., on CADIZ, c. h., Trigg Co., 1,200 p., on Little Lexington branch of Louisville, Cincinnati r.. about 10 m. from its entrance into tie & Lexington Rd., 40 m. from Louisville. Cumberland r., and about T5 S. of Hender- Constitutionalist........W. 2,411 son. FALMOUTH, c. h., Pendleton Co., 1,000'Trigg Co. Democrat......W. 2,392 p., on Licking r. and Kentucky Central CALHOUN, c. h., McLean Co. Rd., 40 m. from Cincinnati. McLean Co. Progress....W. 2,393 Independent.............W. 2,412 CARLISLE, c. h., Nicholas Co., 1,350f p., FLEMINGSBURGH, c. h., Fleming on Maysville & Lexington Rd., about 25 m. Co., 1,050 p., 17 m. S. of Ohio r. at Maysof Lexington. Considerable tobacco raised ville. and bought and manufactured in the Democrat...............W. 2,413 county. Rambler.......W.......... 2,414 Mercury.................W. 2,394 FRANKFORT, c. h., Franklin Co., State CARROLLTON, c. h., Carroll Co., 1,800t capital, 5,396 p., on Kentucky r., 60 m. p., on Ohio r., near the mouth of Ken- from its mouth, on Louisville & Lexington tucky r., 45 m. N. by W. of Frankfort, 82 Rd., 28 m. from Lexington and 65 rom from Cincinnati and 62 from Louisville. Louisville. Engaged in lumber, whisky Shipping point for stock, tobacco and and other manufactures. Has an extensive grain. Engaged in manufactures. coal trade. Democrat..............W. 2,395 Kentucky Yeoman....T. W. 2,415 CARRSVILLE, Livingston Co.......W. 2,416 Livingston Era..........W. 2,396 FRANKLIN, c. h., Simpson Co., 1,808 p., CATLETTSBURG, c. h., Boyd C on Louisville & Nashville Rd., 134 m. from Ohiorat the monthof 1 Louisville and 85 from Nashville. Situated 1,250 p., on Ohio r., at the mouth of Big in an agricultural and stock raising region. Sandy r., 150 inm. E. by N. of Frankfort. Some manufacturing carried on. This is the shipping point for the surplus Patriot.W. 2,417 timber, lumber and produce shipped an-...-. ually from the Big Sandy Valley. FULTON, Fulton Co. Central Methodist...... W.,397 State Line News.........W. 2,418 Sentinel................W. 2,398 GEORGETOWN, c. h., Scott Co., 1,800 COLUMBUS, Hickman Co., 1,574 p., on p., about 12 m. N. of Lexington and 18 E. Mississipi r., about 15 m. below Cairo of Frankfort. Engaged in agriculture and lI., at junction of Mobile & Ohio and St. stock raising. College and seminary loLouis & Iron Mountain Rds., at an equal cated here. distance between Memphis and St. Louis. Times..................W. 2,419 Engaged in lumber business and agiicul- GLASGOW, c. h., Barren Co., 2,050t p., ture. near the line of Louisville & Nashville Rd., Messenger...............W. 2,399 connected with it by a branch, 90 m. S. of COVINGTON, c. h., Kenton Co., 28,574[ Louisville. Large uantities of petroleum p., on Ohio r., opposite Cincinnati. with and tobacco shipped from this place. Exwhich it is connected by a bridge, and at tensive coal oil wells located two miles from terminus of Kentucky Central Rd. One of Glasgow. the largest manufacturing and commercial Times.................W. 2,420 cities of the West. GREENUP, c. h., Greenup Co., 1,100 p., Ticket................T. W. 2,400 on Ohio r., 10 m. from Ironton, 20 from................W. 2,401 Portsmouthand 235 from Cincinnati. In Commonwealth..........W. 2,402 the centre of the mineral region of KenJournal.................W. 2,403 tucky. Extensively engaged m iron and Church News............ coal mining Kentucky Presbyterian...M. 2,405 Independent.............. 2,421 CYNTHIANA, c. h., Harrison Co., 1,800 HARRODSBURG, c. h., Mercer Co., p., on South Licking r. and Kentucky Cen- 2,205 p., about 30 m. S. of Frankfort. Surtral Rd., 66 m. from Covington and 37 N. rounded by an agricultural section. E. of Frankfort. Observer and Reporter... W. 2,422 Democrat................ W. 2,406 Democrat..s...,..,... W. 2,406.HARTFORD, c. h., Ohio Co. News....................W. 2,407 erald...... W. 2,423 Herald.W'. 2,423 DANVILLE, c. h. Boyle Co., 3,000t p., 5 HAWESVILLE, c. h., Hancoc Co. m. from Knoxville Branch Rd., and 42 S. of Plaindealer....... W. 424 Frankfort. Is the educational centre of Kentucky; two large male and one female HENDERSON, - c. h., Henderson Co., college. The Theological Seminary and 12,000t p., on Ohio r., and St. Louis, EvansInstitution for the Deaf and Dumb are lo- ville, enderson & Nashville Pd., about catedhere. It is surrounded by an agri- 12 m. below Evansville, Ill., and 170 W. of cultural district. Frankfort. Engaged in manufacturing Kentucky Advocate......W. 2,408 tobacco, whisky and flour. A place of considerable river commerce. ELIZABETHTOWN, c. h., Hardin Co., Chronicle. 1,700t p.. on Valley Creek and Louisville News.............. W. 2426 & Nashville Rd., at junction of Louisville, Reporter.............W. 2,427 66 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. KENTUCKY. KENTUCKY. HICKMAN, c. h., Fulton Co., 2,000t p., on Christian Observer and Free Mississippi r., at terminus of Nashville & Christ'n CommonwealthW. 2,463 Northwestern Rd., 170 m. from Nashville Farmer's Home Journal. W. 2,464 and 35 below the mouth of Ohio r. A trade Jeffersonian Democrat.. -W. 2,465 centre and shipping point. Katholischer GlaubensboteW. 2,466 Courier..................W. 2,428 National Granger......... 2,467 HOPKINSVILLE, c. h., Christian Co., Omnibus -—..........W. 2,468 4,500t p., on St. Louis & S. E. Rd., 73 m. Price Current........... from Nashville, 204 S. W. of Frankfort. Riverside Weekly........W.,470 Engaged in the cultivation of tobacco and Saturday Review.......W. 2,471 wheat. Southern Agriculturist..%W. 2,472 Democrat..............W. 2,429 Western Recorder........W. 2,473 Kentucky New Era......W. 2,430 Manufacturers' and Merchants Advertiser.....S. M.. 2,474 LA GRANGE, c. h., Oldham Co. American Practitioner.. M. 2,475 Oldham Era............. 2,431 Home and School.tit....M. 2,4765 LANCASTER, c. h.. Garrard Co., 1,340 Kentucky Freemason...M. 2,477 p., on Richmond branch of Louisville, Richmond and Louisville Nashville & Great Southern Rd., 113 m. Medical Journal........M. 2,478 from Louisville and about 30 S. of Lexing-MADISONVILLE, c. h., Hopkns Co., ton. t 602 p., on Evansville, Henderson & NashLetter. -..............W. 2,432 ville Rd., 38 m. S. of Henderson. Franklin Educator....B. M. 2,433 South West.............. W. 2,479 LEBANON, Marion Co., 3,000 p., on Knox- Times...............W. 2,48 0 ville branch of Louisville & Nashville Rd., MAYFIELD, c. h., Graves Co., 1,500t p. 67m. from Louisville. Centre of a thriv- on Paducah & Memphis Rd., 30 m. from ing trade and shipping point for several Paducah, 24 from Ohio, 26 from Mississippi counties. and 25 from Tennessee rs. Surrounded by Standard.W....3........ WV. 2,43 4: a region engaged in growing cotton, tobacTimes and Kentuckian...W. 2,435 co, wheat and oats. LEXINGTON, c. h., Fayette Co., 22,700t Democrat................W. 2,481 p., on Kentucky Central Rd., at junction Monitor..............W. 2,482 of three other railroads, 29 m. from Frank- MAYSVILLE, c. h., Mason Co., 5,000t p., fort and 100 from Cincinnati. Located on Ohio r., 61 m. above Cnicinnati, Maysin the centre of the famous Blue Grass ville & Lexington Rd. A place of active region of Kentucky, which is noted for the trade. Heavy manufacturing interests and wealth and liberality of its people and the an important shipping point for the profertility of its soil. One of the finest stock- ducts of the surrounding country. raising sections of the country. Consider- Bulletin.................W. 2,483 able manufacturing done here. Eagle....................W. 2,484 Press............... D. 2.,436 Republican..............W. 2,48 5 "................W. 2,437 Methodist Times.......M. 2,486 Dispatch........T.. W. 2,438 MIDWAY, Woodford Co. Sun............ W..... 2,48 7 Kentucky Gazette........W 2,440 American Citizen.. —-..W. 2,441 MOUNT OLIVET, c. h., Robertson Co. Apostolic Times.........-W. 2,442 Robertson Co. Tribune...W. 2,48 8 Kentucky Live Stock Rec- MOUNT STERLING, c. h., Montgomery ord.......... —....W. 2,443 Co., 1,040 p., on Western division of ElizaChildren's Friend.....S. M. 2,444 bethtown, Lexington & Big Sandy Rd., 33 Good Words for the Chil- m. E. of Lexington. dren..-..S...... — S. MS.. 2,445 Kentucky Sentinel........W. 2,48 9 LITCHFIELD, c. h., Grayson Co. MURRAY, c. h., Calloway Co., 600t p., Grayson Journal........W. 2,446 near Clarks r., 40 m. S. by E. of Paducah. Gazette......;....W. X,490 LONDON, c. h., Laurel Co. Gazette.. 249 Mountain Bcho..........W. 2,447 NEWPORT, Campbell Co., 2,0001 p., on. Ohio r., at the mouth of Licking r. and opLOUISVILLE, c. h., Jefferson Co., 155,- posite Cincinnati. Engaged in manufac000t p., on Ohio r., 130 m. below Cincin- turing. nati. Extensively engaged in commerce Leader.........W........ 2,491 and manufactures; nine railroads centreNICHOLASVILLE,. h., Jessamine Co. h ere. e. 2 448 Jessamine Journal....... W. 2,492.............S. W. 2,449 OWENSBORO, c. h., Daviess Co., 8,500f "................W. 2,450 p., on Ohio r. and Owensboro & RussellCommercial.........D... 2,451 ville Rd., 40 m. above Evansville, Ind., and ".............W. 2,452 250 below Louisville. It has a steamboat Courier-Journal......... D. 2,453 landing and is the principal shipping point.........W. 2,454 for the county. Globe.................... D. 2,455 Examiner..............W. 2,493 Ledger.........D....... —-. 2,456 Monitor.............W.. 2,494..................,457 OWENTON, c. h., Owen Co., 800t p., 77 m. Volksblatt........ 2....,458 from Louisville and 60 from Cincinnati, and.......... S. W. 2,45 9 about 10 from the Kentucky r.."~''"'''. n~w..............W. 2,4-.,495 American Medical WeeklyW. 2,461 Catholic Advocate....... W. 2,462 OWINGSVILLE, c. 1i., lBh Co.,.1,050 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 67 KENTUCKY. KENTUCKY. p., about 5 m. from Licking r. and 30 S. of Engaged in manufacturing, and surrounded Maysville. by an agricultural and stock-raising region. Bath Co. News......... W. 2,496 Woodobrd Weekly........W. 2,519 PADUCAH, c. h., McCracken Co., 7,560 p., WARSAW, c. h., Gallatin Co., 1,125 p., on on Ohio r., 50 m. above Cairo, andjust below Ohio r., 50 m. from Cincinnati and Louisthe mouth of the Tennessee r., and at ter- ville, 25 from Madison and 8 from Cincinminus of Paducah & Memphis and Eliza- nati & Louisville Rd. Corn, wheat, tobacbethtown & Paducah Rds. Engaged in co, &c., are shipped from here. The shipmanufacturing and has a large river trade. ping point for Owen County. News...................... 2,49 7 Gallatin News..- ----...8......-.....-. 8 WILLIAMSTOWN, c. h., Grant Co. Tr vibune Se tiel................. el.... W.,51 Herald........... W. 2,500 Sentinel.'...... W. 2,501 WINCHESTER, c. h., Clark Co., 2,500t Bantist Herald M. —...- M. 2,502 p., on the line of Lexington & Big Sandy att H...... Rd., about 20 m. E. of Lexington. There PARIS, c. h., Bourbon Co., 5,000t p., on the are two academies here Principally enKentucky Central and Maysville & Lexing- gaged in stock-raising. ton Rds., 80 m. from Covington. Fine lark Co. Democrat.....W. 2 522 stock market. Bourbon whisky largely manufactured. Saturday Night.........W. 2,503 LOUISIANA. True Kentuckian.........W. 2,504 Western Citizen..........W. 2,505 ABBEVILLE, c. h., Vermillion Co., 545 PRINCETON, c. h., Caldwell Co., 1,650 p., on Bayou Vermillion, 55 m. W. by S. of p., on Louisville, Paducah & Southwestern Baton Rouge and 160 W. of New Orleans. Rd., about 45 m. E. of Paducah. Sur- Meridional. rounded by an extensive coal region and engaged in manufactures. ALEXANDRIA, c. h., Rapides Co., 2,496t Banner................W. 2,506 p., on Red r., about 130 m. N. W. of Baton RICHMOND, c. h., Madison Co., 3,000t Rouge. Engaged n the cultivation of p., on Richmond branch of Louisville & sugar cane, corn andcotton ashville Rd., 125 m. E. of Louisville and Rpides Gazette — W. nbcouisvillana Deocrat..W. 2,524 125 E. of Cincinnati, 50 S. by E. of Frank- apesazette........W.,525 fort. In the centre of the celebrated Blue AMITE CITY, c. h., Tangipahoa Co., Grass region. An agricultural district. 900 p., on New Orleans, Jackson & Great Large quantities of fine stock raised and Northern Rd., 68 m. from New Orleans. shipped to the Southern and Eastern mar- Democrat...............W. 2,526 kets. Independent............W. 2,5 2 Kentucky Register...-...W. 2,507 BASTROP, c. h., Morehouse Co., 500 p. RUSSELLVILLE, c. h., Logan Co., about 60 m. N. by W. of Vicksburg, Miss. 4,000t p., on Louisville, Nashville & Great In a cotton-growing section. Southern Rd., 143 m. from Louisville. Morehouse Clarion.......W. 2,528 Herald......... -—..W. 2,508 Republican..............W. 2,529 SCOTTSVILLE, c. h., Allen Co. BATON ROUGE, East Baton Rouge Co., Argus.................W. 2,509 6,498 p., on the Mississippi r., 129 m. above SHELBYVILLE, c. h., Shelby Co., 3,000t New Orleans. Extensive sugar and cotton p., on the Shelbyville division of Louisville, lantations in the parish. Cincinnati & Lexington Rd., 30 m. from vocate 2,53 Louisville. Seat of Shelby College............. 2,53 Shelby Republican....... 2,510and ra........,532 Shelby Sentinel........W. 2,511 BELLEVUE, c. h., Bossier Parish, 200 SOMERSET, c. h., Pulaski Co. p., on Lake Bodeau, 20 m. N. E. of ShreveReporter......W 2..,5 12 port. Cottonis the chief product. Children's Star....M..,513 Bosser.1Banner.,......W.,533 Church Advocate....S. M. 2,514 Bossier Sentinel. STANFORD, c. h., Lincoln Co., 1,500t p., CLINTON, c h., East Feliciana Co., 1.300f on Knoxville branch of Louisville, Nash-., on Clinton and Port Hudson Rd., 32 m. ville & Great Southern Rd., 104 m. from rom Baton Rouge. Centre of cotton trade. Louisville. Patriot Democrat........W. 2,535 Interior Journal........ W. 2,515 COLUMBIA, c. h., Caldwell Co. TAYLORSVILLE, c. h., Spencer Co., Herald.................W. 2,536 500t p., on E. fork Salt r., about 32 m. S. CONVENT, c. h., St. James Co., 520 p., E. of Louisville and on Cumberland & on Mississippi r., 65 m. above New Orleans. Ohio Rd. The river affords water power Sugar cane, corn and rice are the chief prohere. ducts Spencer Journal...-...W. 2,516 St. James Sentinel..W. 2,537 UNIONTOWN, Union Co. COUSHATTA, Red River Parish, 650t p. Union Local............. W. 2,517 on Red r., and about 60 m. S. E. of ShreveVANCEBURG, c. h., Lewis Co., 1,545 p., port. on Ohio r., 40 m. above Maysville. Citizen..................W. 2,538 Kentuckian. —.........W. 2,518 COVINGTON, c. h., St. Tammany Co., VERSAILLES, Woodford Co., 2,300t p., 585 p., on Bayou Phalia, in the central part a few miles E. of Kentucky r., and about of the parish, and 60 m. E. of Baton Rouge. midway between Frankfort and Lexington. St. Tammany Farmer...W. 2,53V 68 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA. DELTA, c. h., Madison Co., 400t p., on Louisiana Intelligencer.-W. 2,555 Vicksburg, Shreveport & Texas Rd., oppo- Ouachita Telegraph......W. 2,556 site Vicksburg. Engaged in the produc- MORGAN CITY, Parish of St. Mary. tion of cotton. Attakapas Register.......W. 2,557 Madison Journal -.....W. 2,540 Brashear News..........W. 2,558 DONALDSONVILLE, c. h., Ascension NATCHITOCHES, c. h., Natchitoches Co., 2,218t p., on Mississippi r. and Louis- 2,000 p., on Cane r., 80 m. S. E of iaaa division of the New Orleans, Mobile Sheveport has a good steamboat landand Texas Rd., 63 m. above New Orleans. Sheveport. It g sm and Texas dpoint. New Orleans. ing, and is the centre of trade in corn and A shipping point. cotton. cotton. Chief.................. W. 2,541 People's Vindicator......W. 2,559 EDGAR, c. h., St. John Baptist Co., 1,000t Republican............. W. 2,560 p., on Mississippi r., about 40 m. above New Orleans. Engaged in the cultivation of NEW IBERIA, c. h., Iberia Co., 2,000 gar leans.e, rice anEngaged in the cultivation o p., near Bayou Teche and 150 m. W. of Meschacebe.W... 54ao. New Orleans. Engaged in sugar planting. eshacebe......... W., Centre of cotton trade for surrounding FARMERVILLE, c. h., Union Co., 416t country. p., near Bayou d' Arbonne, 30 m. N. W. of Iberia Progress..........W.,561 Monroe and 95 W. by N. of Vicksburg, Louisiana Sugar Bowl.. W. 2,562 Miss. Union Record...W. 2,543 NEW ORLEANS, c. h., Orleans Co., Union Reord......... W.,543 191,000 p., on Mississippi r., 110 m. from its GRETTNA, Jefferson Parish. mouth. The centre of several railroads. Jefferson Sentinel.......W. 2,54:4 The great commercial emporium of the HAHNVILLE, St. Charles Parish. South and largest cotton market in the St. Charles Herald.......W. 2,545 world. The foreign and domestic comHARRISONBURG, c. h., Catahoula merce is immense. Steamboats make reguParish, 350t p., on Ouchita r., about 100 m. lar trips to all points on the Mississippi and N. by W. of Baton Rouge and about 30 N. its tributaries. The largest city in the W. of Natchez. South. Catahoula News.........W. 2,546 Bulletin................D. 2,563 Deutsche Zeitung......... I). 2,564 HOMER, c. h., Claiborne Co., 1,560 p., 200 " "..... W 2,56 m. N. W. of Baton Rouge and 50 from Sonntags latt....Suud 2 566 Shreveport. Engaged in the cultivation of L'Abeile........ D. 2,567 cotton and corn.., W.,568 Blackburn's Homer Iliad. Picayune.......... D. 2,569 HOUMA, c. h., TerreBonne Co., 593 p., 50...............W. 2,570 m. W. by S. of New Orleans. An agricul- Republican.............. D. 2,571 tural district, which produces sugar, mo-..............,57 lasses, rice and corn. Times....................D. 2,573 Terrebonne Republican...W. 2,5 48 "..................W. 2,574 JACKSON, East Feliciana Co., 934 p., Prie Current, Commerabout 30 m. N. of Baton Rouge and 10. cial Inteligencer and of Clinton. Shipping List.......S. W. 2,575 Feliciana Leader. udget.................W. 2,576 Christian Advocate...... -W. 2,5 77 LAKE CHARLES, c. h., Calcasieu Co., Co-operative News....... W. 2,578 520t p., on Calcasieu r., in the S. W. part of Ion Preacher......W. 2,579 the State. Le Dimanche...........W. 2W,580 Echo..................W. 2,550 Louisiana State Register. W. 2,581 LAKE PROVIDENCE, c. h., Carroll Louisianian -...........W. 2,5 8 2 Parish. Morning Star and CathoTrue Republican........ W. 2,551 lic Messenger..........W. 2,583 MANSFIELD, c. h., De Soto Co, 600t p., Orleanian.... W. 2,584 about 15 m. from Bayou Pierre and about Our Home Journal and 40S. of Shreveport. Cotton and corn large- Rural Southland......W. 2,585 Over the Country........W. 2,586 lyeporter du..... W. 2,552 Propagateur Catholique..W. 2,587 p —T- -. —- W- 2* 5S Son of the Soil.........- W. 2,588 MARKSVILLE, c. h., Avoyelles Co., South-Western Granger...W. 2,589 600 p., about 3 m. from Red r. and about South-Western Presbyter30 W. of the Mississippi r. Cotton, corn, ian......,590 sugar cane and sweet potatoes are the chief Familienfreund.. B. W. 2,591 productions. South- Western AdvoAvoyelles Republican.... W. 2,553 cate............B. W. 2,592 MINDEN, Claiborne Co., 1,200 p., on Bayou Kinderfreund............M. 2,593 Dorcheat, about 30 m. E. by N. of Shreve- Medical, and Surgical port. Journal.............B. M. 2,594 Democrat........... W. 2,554 OPELOUSAS, c. h., St. Landry Parish, MONROE, c. h., Ouachita Co., 5,000t p., 2,000 p., 45 m. W. by S. of Baton Rouge on Ouachita and Eldorado rs., at crossing and 175 W. by N. of New Orleans. Enof North Louisiana & Texas Rd., 75 m gaged in agriculture and stock raising; W. of Vicksburg, Miss. Steamboats make chief productions cotton, corn and sweet regular landings in passing up and down potatoes. the river. An agricultural and cotton-grow- Courier..................W. 2,595 ing country. Journal...............W. 2,596 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 6 LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA. PLAQUEMINE, c. h., Iberville Co,, ],460 m. W. by N. of New Orleans and 60 W. by p., on the Mississippi r., at the outlet of S. of Baton Rouge. Plaquemine Bayou, 20 m. below Baton La Fayette Advertiser....W. 2,614 Rouge and 112 above New Orleans. En- Louisiana Cotton Boll...W. 2,615 gaged in agriculture and lumber trade. VIDALIA, c. h., Concordia Co., 300 p., on Sugar and molasses very largely produced. Mississippi r., opposite Natchez, 147 m. Iberville Republican....W. 2,597 above Baton Rouge. A large cotton growPOINT COUPEE, c. h., Point Coupee Co. ing district. Echo. Concordia Eagle.........W. 2,616 POINTE A LA HACHE, c. h., Plaque- VIENNA, c. h., Lincoln Co. mine Co., 500 p., on Mississippi r., about Sentinel................. 2,617 40 m. below New Orleans. Sugar, rice, WASHINGTON, St. Landry Co. oranges and garden products are raised Enterprise..............,618 here in abundance. Observer. n.........,599 WEST BATON ROUGE, West Baton Rouge Co., 300 p., on Mississippi r., oppoPORT VINCENT, Livingston Co., 280 site Baton Rouge. Engaged in the cultip., on Lake Ponchartrain, about 20 m. N. vation of sugar cane and cotton. of New Orleans. Sugar Planter...........W. 2,619 Triune................W. 2,600 WINNSBOROUGH, c. h., Franklin Co., RAYVILLE, c. h., Richland Co., 350 p., 540 p., on Turkey Creek, about 40 m. N. by on Vicksburg, Shreveport & Texas Rd., W of Natchez, Miss. 51 m. W. of Vicksburg, Miss. Franklin Sun............W. 2,620 Richland Beacon.......W. 2,6001 ST. FRANCISVILLE, West Feliciana MAITE. Co., 1,100 p., beautifully situated on an el-___ evation one-half mile from Mississippi r., at Bayou Sara, 165 m. above New Orleans. AUBURN, c. h., Androscoggin Co. The West Feliciana, Woodville & Bayou Maine Reformer........ W. 2,621 Sara Rd. runs past this place. A cotton si.pinm.- ^.. ^ AUGUSTA, c. h., Kennebec Co., State capielinintaLedger... W ital, 0,000 p., on Portland & Xennebec Rd. and on Kennebec r., at head of sloop naviST. JOSEPH, Tensas Parish, 500 p., on gation. Engaged in commerce and manuMississippi r., 370 m. from New Orleans factures. and 30 above Natchez, Miss. In a cotton Kennebec Journal.......D. 2,622 district, and a shipping point for that sta-.......W. 2,623 ple. Gospel Banner..........W. 2,624 NorthLouisiana Journal.W. 2,603 Maine Farmer.........W.' 2,625 ST. MARTINSVILLE, c. h., St. Ma ar- e d...... W. 2,626 tins Co., 750 p., on Bayou Teche, 125 m. OurFireside Journal....W. 2,6 W. of Baton Rouge. "..M. 2,628 Echo........... W. 2604 People'sLiterary Compankapas..........,605 Vickery's Fireside Visitor.M. 2,630 kaps.............W. 2,6 05 ST. SOPHIE, Plaquemines Co. BANGOR, c. h., Penobscot Co., 19,380 p., Sentinel.......... 2,606 on Penobsoot r., at eastern terminus of Maine Central and western terminus of SHREVEPORT, c. h., Caddo Co., 7,500t European & North American Rd. Enp., on Red r. The initial point of the gaged in the lumber trade, and the centre Southern Pacific Rd., 300 m. N. W. of Ba- of supplies for a large portion of the centon Rouge and 700 above New Orleans. tral part of the State. Largest city in Situated at the head of steamboat navi- Maine excepting Portland. gation, in the centre of cotton growing dis- Commercial..............D. 2,631 trict. It has an extensive trade and river Democrat................W. 2,632 commerce. Whig and Courier........D. 2,633 Evening Telegram........D. 2,607" ".......W. 2,634 South Western Telegram.W. 2,608 Dirigo Rural............W. 2,635 Times.................... D.,609 Northern Border.........W. 2,636........ 2.,610 BATH, c. h., Sagadahoc Co., 10,000t p., on SPARTA, c. h., Bienville Co., 500t p., Maine Central Rd. and Kennebec r., 12 about 40 m. S. E. of Shreveport and 60 m. from its mouth. Engaged in ship buildfrom Monroe. A trade centre for a very ing and the lumber trade, and enjoys sularge section. perior advantages for navigation. A line Rural Times.............W. 2,611 of steamers connect with Boston. THIBODAUX, c. h., La Fourche Co., Times...-..D....... 2,637 2,600t p., on Bayou La Fourche, 3 m. from American Sentinel......W. 9,638 Morgans, Louisiana & Texas Rd. and 55 BELFAST, c. h., Waldo Co., 5,278 p., at from New Orleans. The largest town in head of Penobscot Bay, possessing a fine the parish and the centre of a thriving harbor, and is the terminus of'the Belfast trade. Surrounded by an agricultural and branch of Maine Central Rd., 132 m. from rice and sugar cane growing district. Portland. Engaged in ship building and Lafourche Republican.. W. 2,612 foreign and domestic commerce. Sentinel.................W.,613 Progressive Age...........W. 2,639 VEII3ILIONVILLE, c. h., La Fav- Republican Journal.....W. 2,640 ette Co., 2,000t p., on Vermilion Bayou, 180 BIDDEFORD, York Co., 12,000t p., on 70 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MAINE. MAINE. Saco r., opposite Saco. and on Portland, ed by an agricultural region. Terminus of Saco & Portsmouth Rd., 15 m. from Port- N. B. Rd. Centre of a large lumber trade. land. A thriving cotton-manufacturing Aurora................W. 2,656 andcommercial city. GARDINER, Kennebec Co., 5,000 p., on Maine Dem~nocrat- W 2W...X,41 Maine Central Rd., and at the head of Union and Journal.. -...W. 2,0642 steamboat and ship navigation on the BRIDGTON, Cumberland Co., 3,000t p., Kennebec r., 7 m S. of Augusta. Has ex40 m. from Portland, on Sebago Lake. A tensive water power and is largely engaged steamboat line, known as Sebago Lake in manufactures, commerce and lumber Route, touches here. Engaged in woolen trade. and other manufactures. Home Journal -........W. 2,657 News....................W. 2,643 Kennebec Reporter.......W. 2,65 8 BRUNSWICK, Cumberland Co., 3,000 p., HALLOWELL, Kennebec Co. on Androscoggin r. and Maine Central Eastern Examiner......W. 2,659 Rd., at the junction of branch railroads HOULTON, c. h., Aroostook Co., 2,850 p., running to Bath, Lewiston and Farmington, on European & North American Rd., 190 26 m. from Portland and Augusta. En- m. N. E. of Augusta. Terminus of the gaged in lumber trade, ship building and New Brunswick & Canada Rd. Engaged manufacturing, and the centre of an in- in farming and manufactures. creasing country trade. Seat of Bowdoin Aroostook Pioneer......W. 2,660 College and the Medical School of Maine. Aroostook Times.........W. 2,661 Telegraph..............W. 2,644:t LEWISTON, Androscoggin Co., 20,000t Bowdoin Orient.....-..B. W. 2,645 p., on Androscoggin r., and Maine CenCALAIS, Washington Co., 6,500t p., at tral and Androscoggin Rds. -AUBURN, head of navigation on St. Croix r., and op- c. h., on the opposite bank of the Androsposite St. Stephens, N. B. The market of coggin, is a city of oer 10,000 p. The two all the up-river counties and of the Prov- cities are connected by 4 bridges, and arc ince of New Brunswick. Engaged in ship practically one city. The river furnishes building and lumber trade. water power, which is employed in manuAdvertiser.............W. 2,646 facturing. Cotton, woolen, lumber, machiTimes. ---.W. 2,647 nery and boots and shoes are the chief articles manufactured. CAMDEN, Knox Co., 4.514 p., on Penob- articles man ur....D. scot Bay, 8 m. N. of Rockland and 48 from ouarnll -. W663 Bangor. Ship building and the production Christian Mirror-... W. 2,664 of lime are carried on. Gazettei W. 2,66 Herald - ------— W. 2,648 Gazette -.........-.....W. 2,665 erald............ 2,64:8 Bates' Student..........M. 2,666 CHASE'S MILLS, Androscoggin Co. MACHIAS, c. h., Washington Co., 2,525 Chase's Chronicle......W. 2,649 p., on Machias r. Engaged in ship buildDEXTER, Penobscot Co.. 3.100 p., the ing and coast and lumber trade. terminus of Dexter & Newport branch of Republican.............W. 2,667 Maine Central Rd., 30 m. N. W. of Ban- Union.-......-.........W. 2,668 gor. is on a branch of Sebasticookr., which MECHANIC FALLS, Androscoggin Co. furnishes good water power for woolen Androscoggin Herald....W. 2,669 mills and other manufactories located here. NORTH ANSON, Somerset Co., 1,745 p., Gazette...-..... W. 2,650 on Kennebec r., 10 m. from Skowhegan. DOVER, c. h., Piscataquis Co.. 2,000 p., on Engaged in agriculture, manufactures and Piscataquis r., 12 m. N.'of Dexter, the lumber trade. Piscataquis Observer.....W. 2,651 Union Advocate.........W. 2,670 EASTPORT, Washington Co., 4.000., NORWAY, Oxford Co., 1,958 p., 1 m. from on Moose Island. Great fish depot. En- Grand Trunk Rd. and 48 fiom Portland. gaged in foreign and domestic commerce. Has an extensive water power and is enSentinel.......W —---. 2,652 gaged in manufactures. Oxford Register.........W. 2,67 1 EpLLSWORTH, c. h., Hancock Co., 6,000t PARIS, c. h., Oxford Co., 2,765 p.. on the p., on Union r., 26 lm. from Bandgor p - Grand Trunk Rd., 48 m. from Portland. gaged in the lumber trade and ship build- The shire town of the county and centre of Ameria. 2,653-' trade. Engaged in manufactures. Auerican-. —-.. -..... -.W. 2,6O3 Oxford Delocrat........W. 2,672 FAIRFIELD, Somerset Co., 850 p., on PORTLAND, c. h., Cumberland Co., Kennebec r. and Maine Central Rd., at 31,418 p., on Casco Bay. Has one of the junction of Lewiston division, 83 m. from finest harbors on the coast. Connected by Portland. Engaged in manufacturing. rail and steamer with all parts of Maine Chronicle.............. W. 2,654 and the British Provinces. Two lines of FARMINGTON, c.w h., Franklin Co., railroad and a daily steamer connect with 3,251 p., on Sandy r. The terminus of the Boton, Mass. as a new line of railroad Androscoggin Rd.,54 i. from Lawiston, reaching into New Hampshire, and is the 36nfrom Augusta and 93 from Portlaond winter port of the Allan line of steamers 36fo Auutan9 ftmPrln.from AugustaLiverpool. Has a large trade fro m Surrounded by an agricultural district. ie s e te Some manufactures carried on. te West dies... Advertiser................D. 2,673 Chronicle -—.............W. W,655 "...............W. 2,674 FORT FAIRFIELD, Aroostook Co., Eastern Argtus........... D. 2,675 2.000t p., on south side of Aroostook r.,......T. W. 2,6X6 150 m. N. E. by N. of Bangor. Surround- ".........W. 2,677 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 71 MAINE.' MARYLAND. Press.................. 2,78 important branch of business is its oyster Maine State Press.......W. 2,6 79 trade. American Citizen........W. 2,680 Anne ArundelAdvertiser.W. 2,704 Home and Fireside......W. 2,681 Gazette -......-....-...W. 2,705.." " "......M. 2,68 2 Maryland Republican and Sunday Times...........W. 2,683 State Capital AdvertiserW. 2,706 Transcript..............W. 2,684: Maryland Ploughman & Zion's Advocate..-......W. 2,685 Chesapeake Granger...M. 2,707 Helping Hand. —.....-.M. 2,686 BALTIMORE, Baltimore Co.. 302,893t p. North East. -................,6 287 on Patapsco r., near Chesapeake Bay. The nion Bible Teacher. - M. 2,688 metropolis of Maryland, on Philadelphia, Masonic Token.......... Qr. 2,689 Wilimngton & Baltimore Rd., and terminus PRESQUE ISLE, Aroostook Co., 1,200t of Baltimore& Ohio, Northern Central and p., on Presque r., having a fine water power, Baltimore & Potomac Rds.. 98 m. from 150 m. from Bangor, 42 from Houlton and ]7 Philadelphia and 38 from Washington. Enfrom steamboat navigation, on the St. gaged in foreign and domestic commerce Johns r. Terminus of New Brunswick Rd. and manufactures. Great oyster and tobacEngaged in agriculture and the lumber co market; also celebrated fr canned fruits trade. and vegetables of all descriptions. North Star............W. 2,690 American and CommerSunrise.................W. 2,691 cial Advertiser..........D. 2,708 ROCKLAND, c. h., Knox Co., 8,000 p., on American...............W. 2709 Penobscot Bay, at eastern terminus of Bee.....................D. 2,710 Knox & Lincoln Rd., 49 m. from Bath. Deutsche Correspondent...D. 2,711 Engaged in ship building and foreign and. W. 2,712 domestic commerce. Has extensive lime- Gazette..................D. 2,713 stone quarries. -... 7.. 14 Courier............... W. 2,692 Nws.....................D. 2,715 Free Press..............W. 2,693 Sunday News...........W. 2,716 Gazette.................. W. 2,694: -un..................D. 2,717 Opinion................. 2,695 "................2.W. 2718 Knox Co. Journal.......W. 2,696 Wecker...................D. 2,719 SACO, York Co., 5,755 p., opposite Bidde- alioren.2, Baltimorean..-..........W. 2,721 ford, on Saco r., 6 m. from its mouth. and Bulltim an........,7 on Portland, Saco & Portsmouth Rd., 13 m. Catholic irror.... 2,723 S. W. of Portland. A large amount of Commercial.W. 2, capital is invested in lumber, cotton, iron Die Biene von Baltimore WV. 2,72f and other manufactures. irr 72 York Co. Indepen dent... 2,697 Epsnquor ethodist.. 2726 Episcopal Methodist....W. 2,727 SKOWHEGAN, c. h., Somerset Co., Jewish Chronicle.........W. 2,728 5,000t p., on Kennebec r., terminus of Journal of Commerce and Skowhegan branch of Maine Central Rd., Price Current.........W. 2,729 30 m. from Augusta and 100 from Portland. Katholische Volks-Zeitung W. 2,730 Engaged in lumbering, farming and manu- Methodist Protestant.. 2,731 facturing. Our Church Work..... 2., 732 Somerset Reporter.......W. 2,698 Presbyterian Weekly...V. 2,733 SPRINGVALE, York Co. Sunday Herald..........X. 2,734 Reporter..-.....W. 2,699 Sunday Telegram........W. 2,735 v- *.. * F Unzderwriter............W. 2,736 WALDOBORRO, Lincoln Co. Cnservative Ch W.rc 2 Lincoln Co. News........W. 2,700 man.......S.. 2,737 WATERVILLE, Kennebec Co., 4,852 p., Grocer and Provision on Kennebec r., 18 m. from Augusta, at Dealer.............,738 junction of Maine Central and Portland & American Engineer.. - M. M. 2,739 Kennebec Rds. Ticonic Falls furnish American Farmer.......M. 2,740 water power, which is partially developed. American Journal of DenMail....-... —.........WV. 2,701 tal Scienpe. WISCASSET, c. h., Lincoln Co., 2,100t p., Batit Vtrmer.. M. 43 port of entry, with fine harbor, on Sheep- Miiaryland Farmr.... M. 2,744 scot r. and Knox & Lincoln Rd., 10 m. E. Mi Ba'ltimore.....M. 2,745 ofBmPortland. IDevoted to North Baltimore.........M. 2,745 of Bath a,nd 50 from Portland. Devoted to Phi Kappa Psi Monthly..M. 2,746 coast and fishing trade, ship building and Physician and Surgeon. M. 2,747 manufacturing of lumber. Suday School Can rgeaonM. 2,748 Eclectic Miscellany. Sunday School CompanionMf. 2,748 Eclectic Miscellany. Seas de Oracle.......... W. 2,703 BEL AIR, c. h., Harford Co., 1,300t p., 22 m. from Baltimore and 9 from Philadel- phia, Wilmington & Baltimore Rd. Centre MARYLAND. of considerable trade and an agricultural region of country. Aegis and Intelligencer... W. 2,749 ANNAPOLIS, c. h., Anne Arundel Co., Harford Democrat.......W. 2,750 State capital, 5,744 p., on Severn r., 2 m. BOONSORO, Washington Co., 1,050 p., from Chesapeake Bay and 30 from Balti- m. from Hagerstown. more. The Annapolis & Elk Ridge Rd. Odd Ferow.... W.,51 connects it with Baltimore & Washington, Rd. The seat of St. John's College and of CAMBRIDGE, c. h., Dorchester Co., United States Naval Academy. The most 1,983 p., on Choptank r., 20 m. from Chesa 72 GENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MARYLAND. MARYLAWND. peake Bay. Terminus of Dorchester & Delaware Rd., 100 m. from Baltimore or Delaware Rd., and engaged in the oyster Philadelphia. and lumber trade, also in agriculture and Maryland Courier.....W. 2,776 fruit growing. FREDERICK, c. h., Frederick Co., 9,000 Chronicle.......... W. 2,752 p., 44 m. from Washington and 61 from Demorat and News...W. 2,753 Baltimore. Connected with Baltimore & CENTREVILLE, c. h., Queen Anne Ohio Rd. by a branch 3 m. long. Engaged Co., 975 p.. on Chester r., at terminus of in manufactures and a place of active Queen Anne & Kent Rd. Steamers connect trade. with Baltimore. Examiner.......... W. 2,777 Maryland Citizen.......W. 2,754 Maryland Union........W. 2,778 Observer...............W. 2,755 Republican Citizen.......W. 2,779 Record...-............W. 2,756 Times 2....... W.. 2,780 CHESTERTOWN, c. h., Kent Co., 1,871 FROSTBURGH, Alleghany Co. p., on Chester r., 30 m. from its entrance Mining Journal.........W. 2,781 into Chesapeake Bay, terminus of steam- National Relief Journal W. 2,782 boat navigation and about 45 m. N. E. of IHAGERSTOWN, c. h., Washington Co., Annapolis. The Kent County Rd. termi- 5,799 p., near Antietam r.. at terminus of nates here. Washington College, founded Cumberland Valley Rd., 86 m. from Baltiin 1783, is located here. Engaged in ag- more. A place of active trade. riculture. Has a large canning factory. Free Press. Conference Advocate....W. 2,7 5 7 News................... Kent News.... W. 2,758 "............. W. 2,785 Transcript.............W. 2,759 Twice a Week....S. W. 2,786 CRISFIELD, Somerset Co., 780 p.. on Herald and Torch Light W. 2,787 Chesapeake Bay, at terminus of Fistern Mail....................W. 2,788 Shore Rd. Engaged in oyster fishery. HAVRE DE GRACE, Harford Co., Leader.......-...... W. 2,760 2,900t p., on Phila., Wilmington & BaltiCUMBERLAND, c. h., Alleghany Co., more Rd., 36 m. N. E. of Baltimore and 13,00, on P c r ad B e southern terminus of Tidewater Canal. It 13,000t p., on Potomac r. and Baltimore & Ohio Rd., at junction of Pittsburgh, Wash- has a large coal and lumber trade. The ington & Baltimore and Cnmbierland & Susquehanna r. empties into Chesapeake Bay at this point. Pennsylvania Rds., and on Chesapeake & Bay at this point. Ohio Canal, 178 m. from Baltimore, 149 from Pittsburgh. Engaged in trade, coal LEONARDTOWN, c. h., St. Mary's Co., mining. 568 p., on Britton r., 55 m. S. of Annapolis. Allegan an............D. 2,761 St. Mary's.Beacon......W. 2,790.............W. 2,762 LIBERTYTOWN, Frederick Co., 700t Neews....................D. 2,763 p., 12 m. from Frederick and 18 from Times............... D. 2,764 Westminster. Surrounded by an agriculMountain City Times....W. 2,765 tural district. Civilian..............W. 2,766 Banner of Liberty.......W. 2,791 DENTON, c. h., Caroline Co., 675 p., on LONACONING, Alleghany Co. Choptank r., 65 m. from Annapolis and George's Creek Press....W. 2,792 25 S. W. of Dover, Del. MECHANICSTOWN, Frederick Co., American'Union......- W...2,767 850 p., on Western Maryland Rd., near Journal.................W. 2,768 Monocacy r., 20 m. from Frederick and 60 EASTON, c. h., Talbot Co., 3,000tp., on from Baltimore. Iron and copper mining Maryland & Delaware Rd., 109 m. from carried on. Within a short distance of St. Philadelphia and 60 from Baltimore. En- Mary's College and St. Joseph's Sistergaged in raising grain and fruit. Has a hood. large mercantile trade. Some manufac- Catoctin Clarion.........W. 2,793 tures carried on. One of the most impor- MIDDLETOWN, Frederick Co., 9001 p., tant business centres in the State. on the National Turnpike, 8 m. W. of Gazette --...........W. 2,769 Frederick, 53 from Baltimore and WashLedger.........W........ 2,770 ington. Surrounded by an agricultural Star..............W.. 2,771 district. ELKTON, c. h., Cecil Co., 2,000t p.. on Elk Valley Register..........W. 2,794 r., and Philadelphia, Wilmington & Balti- NEWTOWN, Worcester Co., 1,700t p., more Rd., 50 m. from Baltimore and 46 on Pocomoke r., 150 m. from Philadelphia. from Philadelphia. The Elk r. furnishes Engaged in agriculture, fruit growing and fine water power, which is employed in the lumber trade. various manufactures. Record and Gazette......W. 2,795 Cecil Democrat --—.- W. 2,772 OAKLAND, c. h., Garrett Co. Cecil Whig. --—. —-. —-. 2,773 Garrett Co. Gazette..... 2,796 ELLICOTT CITY, c. h., Howard Co., Garrett Co. Herald....W. 2,797 2,100t p., a narrow gorge on both sides of Republican Ensign......W. 2,798 Patapsco r., which furnishes excellent wa- PORT TOBACCO, c. h., Charles Co., 350 ter power. The Baltimore & Ohio Rd. ter power. The Baltimore& Ohio Rd. p., at the head of Port Tobacco Bay on conectrs it with Baltsmore, 1s 3.. 27E. Potomac r., 30 m. below Washington. EnAmerican Progress......W. e?.?4 mescan.....-..ogress..- W. 2,775 gaged in agriculture. mes.............. W2,77 Maryland Independent..W. 2,799 FEDERAISBURG, Dorchester Co.. Times and Charles Co. 800t p., on Nanticoke r., and Dorchester & Advertiser.............W, 2,8 00 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 73 MARYLAND: MASSACHUSETTS. PRINCE FREDERICK, Calvert Co., AMESBURY, Essex Co., 5,581 p., on 456 p., 35 m. S. of Annapolis, and about 5 Amesbury branch of Eastern Rd., 27 m. W. of Chesapeake Bay and 6 E of Patux- N.of Salem, 42- from Boston and 5 from ent r. Newburyport. Devoted to woolen and Calvert Journal..-.....W. 2,O801 carriage manufacturing. PRINCESS ANNE, Somerset Co., 1,0001 Merrimac Journal.......W. 2,822 p., on Manokin r., 10 m. from its mouth, Villger......... W. 2,3 and the Eastern Shore Rd., 19 m. from AMHERST, Hampshire Co., 4,035 p., on Crisfield. New London Northern Rd., 20 m. from Somerset Herald....... W.,802 Palmer, 23 from Springfield and 100 from True Marylander.........W. 2,803 Bostofi. Seat of Amherst College and ROCKVILLE, c. h., Montgomery Co. State Agricultural College of MassachuMontgomery Advocate.... W,804 setts. Recird..... —.....W. 2,824 ST. MICHAELS, Talbot Co., 2,000t p., Student.... ---- B. W. 2,825 12 m. from Easton, 60 from Baltimore and Summerland Messenger..M. 2,826 e from Maryland & Delaware Rd. Engaged in shipbuilding, farming, fish and ANDOVER, Essex Co., 5,097 on Bosoyster trade. ton & Maine Rd., 26 m. from Boston and 3 Comet and Advertiser... W. 2,805 from Lawrence. Bibliotheca Sacra and SALISBURY, c. h., Wicomico Co., 2,500 Theogical Eclctic... Qr. 2,827 p., on Wicomico r. and eastern Shore Rd., at junction of Wicomico and Pocomoke ARLINGTON, Middlesex Co. Rd., 95 m. S. E. of Annapolis. Engaged Advocate..........W. 2,828 in wood and lumber trade and the pro- ASHLAND, Middlesex Co., 2,186' p, on duction of grain. Sudbury r. and Boston & Albany Rd., 25 Advertiser...............W. 2,806 m. from Boston, 20 from Worcester. EnEastern Shoreman.......W. 2,807 gagedin boot and shoe and cotton manuSMITHSBURG, Washington Co. factures. People's Guide..........W. 2,808 Advertiser.............W. 2,829 SNOW HILL, c. h., Worcester Co., 1,195 ATHOL, Worcester Co., 4,134t p., on Milp., on Pocomoke r., 20 m. from Pembroke r's r., and Vermont & Massachusetts Rd., Sound, at the head of steamboat navigation terminus of Athol & Enfield Rd., 33 m. and terminus of Worcester Rd. Engagedl. of Fitchburg. inthelumber, oyster, fruit and trucking Transcript.............. 2,830 trade, supplying Philadelphia and New Worcester West Cronicle..W. 2,831 York markets. ATTLEBORO, Bristol Co., 9.238t p., on Democratic Messenger...W. 2,809 Boston & Providence Rd., 12 m. from Worcester Co. Shield.....V., 810 Providence and 31 from Boston. ManufacTOWNSONTOWN, c. b., Baltimore Co., ture of jewelry the principal business. 2,000 p., 7m. N. of Baltimore and near the Advocate.............W. 2,832 line of Northern Central Rd. Chronicle...............W. 2,833 Baltimore Co. Herald..W. 2,811 AYER, Middlesex Co., 1,850t p., on the Baltimore Co. Union.....W. 2,812 Boston & Fitchburg Rd., Worcester & Maryland Journal. Nashua Rd., Peterboro & Shirley and UNION BRIDGE, Carroll Co. Lowell & Ayer Rds., 17 m. to Nashua, 28 People's Voice..........,814 to Worcester, 30 to Boston and 15 to Lowell, 12 to Fitchburg. Engaged in manuUPPER MARLBOROUGH, Prince factures and a place of active trade. George's Co., 492 p., 17 m. from Washing- Public Spirit...........W. 28 34 ton City, on the Baltimore & Potomac Rd. B Patucent r. steamers within 2 miles. En- BARNSTABE,. h., Barnstable Co., gaged principally in farminig. Tobacco P5,000 p., on Barnstable Bay and Cape Cod and gran the principal crops. Rd., 73 m. from Boston. Engaged in fishing Marlborough Gazette....W. 2,815 ad coast trade. Prince Georgian........W. 2,816 Patriot.......... W.,835 WESTMINSTER, c. h., Carroll Co., BARRE, Worcester Co., 2,500t p., on 3,000 p., on Western Maryland Rd., 58 m. Ware r., about 23 m. N. E. of Palmer. from Annapolis and 29 from Baltimore. Surrounded by an agricultural district. An Engaged in manufactures. active trade centre. Engaged in manufacAmerican Sentinel....... W. 2,817 tures. Democratic Advocate. Gazette..................W. 2,836 WILLIAMSPORT, Washington Co. BEVERLY, Essex Co., 6,507 p., on Ann 1,500 p., on Potomac r., Chesapeake & Harbor, 2 m. from Salem and 18 from BosOhio Canal, 9 m. from Hagerstown. A ton. Engaged in commerce, fishery and place of considerable business importance. shoe manufactuing. Pilot................. 2.,819 Citizen................. 2,83T WOODBERRY, Baltimore Co. BOSTON, c. h., Suffolk Co., State capital, News......... W. w2 820 341,919t p., on Mesachusetts Bay. The commercial metropolis of New England, the "Athens of America." Second city in MASSACHUSETTS. the United States in commercial impor_______ tance. Engaged in trade with all parts of the world. Depot for New England manuABINGTON, Plymouth Co. factories,of every nature. Plymouth Co. Journal....!. 2,821 Advertiser...............D. 2,838 74 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MASSACHUSETTS. MASSACHUSETTS. Advertiser............S. W. 2,839 South Boston Enquirer.. W. 2,905.............W. 2,840 Spiritua Sentist....... W.,906 Evening Transcript..... D. 2,841 Suffolk Co. Journal..... 2,907.....W. a,842 Times...............W. 2,908 Evening Traveller.........D. 2,843 Trade Record........... 2,909....S. W. 2,844 True Fag..............W. 2,910 American Traveller......W. 2,845 Universalist.............. 2,911 Globe.....................D. 2,846 Watchman..............W. 2,912 "....................W. 2,84:7 Waverley Magazine..... W. 2,913 Berald................... 2,848 West Roxbury Gazette..W. 2,914 Sunday Herald..-......W. 2,849 Woman's Journal....... W.,915 Hotel Reporter............D. 2,850 World's Crisis and Second Journal..................D. 2,851 Advent Messenger....... 2,916..............S. W. 2,852 Youth's Companiwn....... 2,917 "................ W. 2,853 Zion'sHerald........... W. 2,918 Post.....................D. 2,854 Dwight's Journal of Press and Post........ S. W. 2,855 Music...............B. W. 2,919 Statesman and Post......W. 2,856 Temperance Album....S. M. 2,920 Commercial and Shipping Young Pilgrim........S. M. 2,921 L~ist.............S. W. 2,857 Advocate of Peace........M. 2,922 American Architect and American Naturalist.... 2,923 Building News.........W. 2,858 Angel of Peace...........M. 2,924 American Cabinet Maker.W. 2,8 59 Atlantic Monthly... M.. M. 2,925 American Canadian.....W. 2,860 Ballou's Monthly MagaAnerican Justifier. zine................... 2,926 American Protestant..... W. 2,862 Baptist Missionary MagaAmerican Union.........W. 2,863 zine.-...-............ M. 2,927 Apples of Gold....... W. 2,864 Child at Home........ M. 2,928 Banner of Light.........W. 2,865 Christian................M. 2,929 Beacon and Dorchester Christian Banner........M. 2,930 News.Gatherer........W. 2,866 Contributor.......M. 2,931 Brighton Messenger..... 2,8 67 Cottage Hearth..........M. 2,932 Bunker Hill Times...... W. 2,868 Day Spring............M. 2,933 Charlestown Advertiser W. 2,869 Dexter Smith's Paper. Christian Register.......W. 2,870 Firemen's Monthly......I. 2,935 Commercial Bulletin....W. 2,871 Folio..................M. 2,936 Commonwealth... W...... 2,872 Gleason's Monthly CornCongregationalist and Re- panion................ 2,937 corder................W. 2,873 Gray's New England Real Courier.................. W. 2,874 Estate Journal.........M. 2,938 Cultivator.............. W. 2,875 Herald of the Age to Come M. 2,939 Der Pionier.............W. 2,876 Home Guardian.......... 2,940 East Boston Advocate... W. 2,877 Rowe's Musical Monthly.M. Golden Rule.............W. 2,878 Illustrated Home Guest...M. 2,942 Harry Hazel's Yankee Index. Blade.................W. 2,879 Journal of Chemistry....M. 2,944 Home Circle...........W. 2, 88 0 Laboratory............-.M. 2,945 Illustrated Police News...W.,881 Literary World.......... M. Independent............W. 2,882 Little Christian........M. 2,947 Index..W...........W. 2, 883 Little Wanderer's AdvoInvestigator....... W.... W. 2,884 * cate.. —--—......... M. 2,948 Journal of Commerce...W. 2,8 85 Macedonian and Helping Littell's Living Age......W. 2,8 86 Hand.................M. 2,949 Massachusetts Ptou g h- Missionary Herald.......M. 2,950 man....2......... 2,887 Musician and Artist......M. 2,951 Medical and Surgical New England Insurance Journal...........W. 2,888 Gazette.........M... 2,952 Messiah's Herald......W. 2,8 89 New England Medical GaMyrtle...................W. 2,890 zette................... 2,953 Neu England Journal...W. 2,891 Nursery.................M. 2,954 New Age.............. W. 2,89 Old Curiosity Shop. New England Dial....W. 2,893 Our Dumb Animals. -... 2,956 Dial Express List........ Qr. 2,894 Pastor and People........M. 2,957 Ne'w England Farmer...W. 2,895 Patent Star and Journal New England Journal of ofProgressive Industry M. 2,958 Education...........W. 2,896 Pathfinder Railway Guide.M. 2,959 New England Pythian Scientific Farmer.........M. 2,960 Record......... W. 2,897 Sunday School Helper...M. 2,961 New England Rural Times of Refreshing......M. 2,962 Home.................W. 2,898 Unitarian Review and RePeople's Ledger..... W.... 2,899 ligious Magazine. Pilot............ W. 2,900 Wide Awake.............M. 2,964 Railway and Steamship Young Crusader.........M. 2,965 Chronicle.............W. 2,901 tna...................Q.,-66 Roxbury Gazette........W. 2,902 American Journal of NuSaturday Evening Ex- mismatics.............Qr. 2,967 presss.............. 2,903 American Law Review. Saturday Evening GazetteW. 2,904 Congregational Quarterly.r..,969 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 75 MASSACHUSETTS. MASSACHUSETTS. New England Historical dence and Boston, Hartford & Erie Rds. and Genealogical Regis- pass through the town. Centre of an agriter................Qr. 2,970 cultural district. Engaged in the manuNorth American Review. facture of woolen goods, brushes, furniture, United States Offical Post- piano fortes and iron wares. al Guide...............Qr. 2,972 Transcript.......... -W. 2,992 Universalist Quarterly... Qr. 2,973 EAST HAMPTON, Hampshire Co. BRIDGEWATER, Plymouth Co., 3,950 Leader............ W. 2,993., on Old Colony & Newport Rd., 27 m. EDGARTOWN, c. h., Duke's Co., 1,516 from Boston. Engaged in manufacturing p.. 30 m. from New Bedford. Engaged in cotton gins, boots and shoes, and other ar- the whale fishery and domestic commerce. tides. Location of a State Normal School The famous Martha's Vineyard camp and several educational institutions, meeting held annually at this place in Banner....... W. 2,974 August. BROCKTON, Plymouth Co., 10,576t p., Vineyard Gazette........W. 2,994 on Old Colony & Newport Rd., 20 m. from ESSEX, Essex Co. Boston. Engaged in manufacture of boots Enterprise...............W. 2,995 and shoes. Centre of a local trade. EVERET, Middlesex Co., 3,53t p., on Gazette.................. EVERETT, Middlesex Co., 3,653t p., on B GROazetteL.W W e. e,9........E. Eastern Rd., 3 m. from Boston. BROOKFIELD, Worcester Co. Free Press..............W. 2,996 News....................W. 2,976 News........ W.,96 FALL RIVER, 45,3601 p., on Old Colony BROOKLINE, Norfolk Co., 7,500t p., on & Newport Rd. and Taunton r., near its en N. Y. & N. E. branch of Boston & Alb trance to Mt. Hope Bay. Has a good Rd., 4 m. from Boston. A place of resi- harbor, and is one of the largest cotton dence for persons doing business in Boston. manufacturing cities in New England. Chronicle................W. 2,977 The commerce, both foreign and domestic, CAMBRIDGE, Middlesex Co., 50,000t p., is quite extensive. A daily line of steamers on Charles r., connected with Boston by two run between this point and New York bridges. Engaged in various manufac- city. Contains a granite quarry. tures. Seat of Harvard College. Border City Herald......D. 2,997 Chronicle..............W. 2,978 EveningNews...........,998 Press....................W. 2,979 News................ W. 2,999 Harvard Advocate......W. 2,980 Labor Journal..........W. 3,000 Psyche.............M. 2,981 La Republique....-..W. 3,001 CAMBRIDGEPORT, Middlesex Co. Le'Protecteur Canadien.W. 3,002 Fox Humana........ W. 2,982 Monitor............... W. 3,003 CHATIIAM, Barnstable Co., 2,411 p., at S. Saturday orning ulle- 3,00 tin - W. 3,004 E. extremity of Cape Cod, 80 m.. E. of TC...................t Boston. Cod and mackerel fishing are FITCHBURG, Worcester Co., 12,300f p., carried on, but the people are more largely at junction of five important Rds., 50 m. fromBoston and 25 N. of Worcester. The engaged in the coasting and foreign carry- from Boston and 25 N. of Worcester. The ing trade. The harbor on the ocean si tce ing trade. The harbor on the ocan sie manufactures of Fitchburg are extensive, of the town is subject to constant changes, the principal being chairs engines, nmacaused by the action of the waves, especial- chinery, cotton and woolen gods, paper, ly during easterly storms accompanied by mowing machines, edgctools, &c. Most mowing machines, edge tools, &c. Most high tides. important place in North Worcester Co. Monitor........... W. 2,983 ess............... D. 3,005 or..............Revlle. W.D'.. * 7 " 3,006 CHELSEA, Suffolk Co., 22,000t p., on Sentinel — I-'.'.. — D. 3,007 Eastern Rd., 3 m. from Boston. An im-.- "............ 3,008 portant suburb of Boston, and residence of.3 a large number doing business there. Con- FOXBORO, Norfolk Co. nected with Boston by a ferry, and to Journal —............. 3,009 Charlestown and East Boston by bridges. Times...... —-............ 3,010 Public............-... W. 2,984 FRANILIN, Norfolk Co., 2,986t p., on Record................W. 2,985 N. Y. & N. E: Rd., 27 m. from Boston. Telegraph and Pioneer...W. 2,986 Register and Norfolk Co. CLINTON, Worcester Co., 6.780 p., on Journal..W. 3,011 Nashua r., at intersection of Nasitua & GARDNER, Worcester Co., 3,730t p., on Worcester and Boston, Clinton & Fitch- Vt. & Mass. and Worcester & Gardner burg Rds., 45 m. from Boston and 16 from Rds., 15 m. from Fitchburg and 27 from Worcester. Engaged in manufactures. Worcester. Engaged in the manufacture Courant...-..... W.. 2,9 8 7 of chairs. CONCORD, c. h., Middlesex Co.....0 Freeman................W. 2,9 8 8 GEORGETOWN, Essex Co. Advocate...........W.... 3,013 DANVERS, Essex Co.,G,500 p.,on a branch dvocateW. of Boston & Maine Rd., about 5 m. from GLOUCESTER, Essex Co., 17,000 p., on Salem and 16 from Boston. Engaged in Cape Ann and branch of Eastern Rd., 32 shoe and leather manufacturing. m. from Boston. The largest fishing port Advance.............W. 2,989 in the United States. The foreign and Mirror............ W. 2,990 domestic commerce is quite extensive. Monitor......'...'......W. 2,991 Cape Ann Advertiser....W. 3,014 Monitor...............elegra h.........9......W. 3,015 DEDHAM, c. h., Norfolk Co., 7,342 p., on Telegraph..... 3,015 Charles r., at terminus of Dedham Branch GRAFTON, Worcester Co. Rd., 10 m. from Boston. Boston & Provi- Herald................ 3,016 76 CENTENNIAL NEWPAPER EXHIBITION. MASSACHUSETTS. MASSACHUSETTS. GREAT BARRINGTON, Berkshire LEE, Berkshire Co., 3,866 p., on HousaCo., 4,320 p.. on Housatonic Rd., nearjunc. tonic Rd., 50 m. from Albany and Springtion of State Line branch, 85 m. from field and 99 from Bridgeport. Engaged Bridgeport. Ct. Engaged in various manu- in various manufactures and quarrying factures. It has quarries of variegated marble. marble. Valley Gleaner and BerkBerkshire Courier.......W. 3,017 shire Farmer's AdvoGREENFIELD, c. h., Franklin Co., cate............ W. 3,043 3,589 p., on Connecticut r., Vermont and LEOMINSTER, Worcester Co. Massachusetts, Troy & Greenfield Rds., Enterprise...........W. 3,044 36 m. from Springfield. Engaged inmanu LEXINGTON, Middlesex Co., 2,277p., LOWELL, Middlesex Co., 49,688t p., on Merrimac r. and the Bosto& Maine Rd., thousands of operatives. The largest cot32 m. from Boston. Engaged in various ton manufacturing city of the United manufactures, of which boots and shoes are States. the principal. Citizen and News......... 3,046 Bulletin............ D. 3,0 American Citizen...... 3, 047.............. W,3,0a22 Courier............... D. 3,048 Publisher...... —.T. W. 3,023 Journal....W. 3,049 Gazette....-..-..... S. W. 3,024 Times................D. 3,050 Essex Banner..........W. 3,05................... 051 HINGHAIM, Plymouth Co., 4,654t p., on Vox Populi..............W. 3,05 S. E. side of Boston Harbor, and on South Saturday Vox Populi...W. 3,053 Shore Rd., 17 m. from Boston. A summer LYNN, Essex Co., 28,233 p., on MassachuCresort setts Bay and Eastern Rd., 1 m. from BosJournal andc'South Shore ton. The great centre of shoe manufacAdvertiser.............W. 3,026 turing of the United States. Annual sales, HOLLISTON, Middlesex Co. $20,000,000. Rapidly increasing in wealth Transcript............. W. 3,027 and population, the valuation havingdouHOLYOKEI, Hampden Co., 16,260t p., o bled durin, las w segven years. t on Connecticut r., and Coon nectict R. R. thou s of opetem Wrs. Te 3,05l t 8 m. from Springfield. Engaged in maniu- Recity nfteW. 3,05 facturesin, the falls inthe river affording raenscript.W. 3,05 nith edn p rinc a l. Everett Monthly..M.... W. 3,058 -I~t~endepent Journal W'. 3,0 20: New England Staaten Zei- MALDEN, Middlesex Co., 10,0001 p., 5 m. tunglleti............ 3,09 from Boston, on Boston &. Maine d., and ranscript...............W. 3,030 Eastern Saugus branch. Several large HOPKINT'ON, Middlesex Co. manufactories are located here. _Publisher..W..3,..3.Journal. W. 3,0459 Newstt.................. 3,031 ro..3,05 HUDSON, Middlesex Co., 2,500p., onMarl- Beetle and edge.. 3,060 boro branch of Fitchburg Rd., and about -- 3,060 in the manufactnre of shoes. News............ 3.. 3,061 -INGHA1I Plymouth Co., 4,54t p., on............... W. 3,053 SPio. side of Boson H, 303 MARBLEHEAD, Essex Co., 8,000 p.- on reformer. S. M. 3033 Marblehead branch of Eastern Rd.. about HYDE PARK, Norfolk Co. 4 m. S. E. of Salem. Shoe manufacturing Norfolk Co. Gazette......W. 3,034 and fishing. Centre of a large trade in IPSWICH, Essex Co., 3,8002 p., on East- shoe ern d. and Ipswich r., 27 m. from Boston. essenger. 3,06 Engaged in the manufacturing of woolen MARLBORO, Middlesex Co., 8446t p., and cotton hosiery. on Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg Rd., 3 Chronicle....... W. 3,035 m. from Boston. Engaged in shoe manurence Rds., 26 m. from Boston, having im- Journal.................W. 3,064..nlimited.ower. Some mnse water power, and one of the largest MEDORD, Middlesex Co., 6,6270 p., on cotton and woolen manufacturing cities in Mystic r. and Boston & Maine and Bosto AmerUniedStan es. ID.& i owell Rds., 5 m: from Boston. Some Sertinel.-..............W. 3,041 & Erie d. 25 m. from Boston Sand 13 fro New England Odd... el.. ow.M...... 3,0 Woonsocket. HUDSON, Eaglesex Co., 2,500 p., onMarl27 m. W. of Boston. Engaged principally 1MANSIEILD, Bristol Co. in the manufacture of shoes. News.......W. 3,06 W New.England Odd F'ellow. M. 3,04:2 Woonsocket. CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 77 MASSACHUSETTS. MASSACHUSETTS. Gazette..................W. 3,066 Journal and Free Press.. W. 3,089 Journal.................W. 3,06 7 e Jean Baptiste..........W. 3,090 MELROSE, Middlesex Co., 4,000t p., on NORTHBORO, Worcester Co. Boston & Maine Rd., 7 m. from Boston. Farmer.......-......T W. 3,091 Journal....... —-. ——.. W. 3,068 NORTH EASTON, Bristol Co., 2,500 p., Record....W...... —...W. 3,069 on Old Colony & Newport Rd., 24 m. from MIDDLEBOROUGH, Plymouth Co., Boston. Tributaries of the Taunton r. flow 5,500t p., on Old Colony & Newport Rd., at through the township, furnishing an abunjunction of Cape Cod Branch Rd., 34 m. dant motive power, which is employed in from Boston. Engaged in manufactures. various manufactures. Gazette.-...............W. 3,070 Easton Journal..........W. 3,092 MILFORD, Worcester Co., 9,890 p., on PALMER, Hampden Co., 4,553t p., at Charles r. and Milford branch Boston & junction of Boston & Albany with New Albany Rd., 35 m. from Boston and 14 London, Northern, Ware R. Rds., 16 m. from South Framingham. Engaged in from Springfield. Engaged in manufacboot and shoe manufacturing. Several tan- turing. neries here. Journal.................W. 3,093 Journal............ W. 3,071 PEABODY, Essex Co., 8,060t p., about 5 NANTUCKET, c. h., Nantucket Co., m. from Salem and near the line of Salem 3,200t p., on Nantucket Island. Engaged & Lowell Rd. Engaged in tanning and in whale, cod and mackerel fishery and shoe manufacturing. coast trade. A summer resort. Press....................W. 3,094 Island Review..........W. 3,072 PITTSFIELD, c. h., Berkshire Co., Inquirer and Mirror....W. 3,073 12,278t p.. on Boston & Albany Rd., and at NIATICK, Middlesex Co., 7,500t p.. on Bos- junction of the Housatonic and Pittsfield & ton & Albany Rd., 17 m. from Boston. North Adams Rds., 53 m. from Springfield Engaged in the manufacture of boots and and 50 from Albany. Engaged in manushoes. facturing and the centre of a large trade. Bulletin.................W. 3,074: Berkshire Co. Eagle......W. 3,095 NEEDHAM, Norfolk Co. Sun....................W. 3,096 Chronicle and Wellesley PLYMOUTH, c. h., Plymouth Co., 6,328t Advertiser........ W. 3,075 p., on Plymouth Bay and E. branch of Old NEW BEDFORD, Bristol Co., 25,876t ColonyRd., 37 m. from Boston. Engaged p. on Buzzard's Bay and New Bedford in manufacturing, commerce and fishery. Rd., about 55 m. S. of Boston. It is more Old Colony Memorial...W. 3,097 extensively engaged in whale fishery than Press...................W. 3,098 all the rest of the world combined. En- PRINCETON, Worcester Co. gaged in manufactures and commerce. Word....................M. 3,099 ERvening Standard.....D. 3,076 PROVINCETOWN, Barnstable Co., Repubcan Standard..... 3,077 4,400tp., on northern extremity of Cape::............... D 3,078................ 3,0 Cod, 120 m. from Boston. Terminus of Old -T-ha.. —.-emen's Shipping WColony Rd. Has the most commodious Whaleime's. Sh p pi 3ng 080 and accessible harbor on the Atlantic coast. Engaged in mackerel, cod and whale fishNEWBURYPORT, Essex Co. 12,976t eries and ship building. Is considerable of p., on Merrimac r. and Eastern Rd., 36 m. a summer resort, Celebrated as the first from Boston. Engaged in commerce and landing place of the pilgrims in America. fishery. The cotton and woolen manufac- Advocate................W. 3,100 turing is also important. tri i also important. QUINCY, Norfolk Co., 7,442 p., on Quincy ta[erald.................. I. 3,081 "................ 3, Bay and r. and 01d Colon Rd., 8 m. from M c. Ve Ris-.W. 3,0832 Boston. Celebrated for its granite quarMerrimac Valley lReglsterW. 3,083 ries, from which large quantties are shipNEWTON, Middlesex Co., 18,000t p., com- ped to all parts of the United States. prising ten villages, on the Boston & Al- Patriot..................W. 3,101 any d., 7 m. from Boston. Engaged in RANDOLPH, Norfolk Co., 6,000 p., on paper and other manufactures. It is the Old Colony Rd., 12. S. of Boston Enresidence of a large number of persons doeinde business in Boston. umberesIts the gaged in the manufacture of boots and in gbusiness in Boston. shoes. Journal..W. 3,084 shoes. pJublcan ~. W. 3,08l Norfolk Co. Register.....W. 3,102 Republican.............. oW3,085 READING, Middlesex Co. NORTH ADAMS, Berkshire Co., 15,000t Chroni... Middle W. 3,103 p., on Troy & Boston and Pittsfield & Reorter.... W 3 104 North Adams Rds. Engaged in cotton, ep r.W. 3, woolen, shoes and other manufactures ROCKLAND, Plymouth Co., 4,278t p., on The west entrance of Hoosac tunnel]is 1 Old Colony Rd., 8 m. from Boston. Enm. from the town centre. gaged in the manufacture of boots and Adams Transcript........ 3,086 shoes. One of the most prominent shoe Hoosac Valley ews.. W. 3,08 7 manufacturing towns in the State. htandard.........W. 3,105 NORTHAMPTON, c. h., Hampshire Co., r Es 11,000t p., on Connecticut r. and Connecti- ROCKPORT, Esse Co. cut R. Rd., at the junction of New Haven Gleaner.................M 3,106 l& Northampton Rd., 17 m. from Spring- SALEM, c. h., 25,958t p., on Eastern Rd., field. A farming district. There are sev- 16 m. from Boston. One of the oldest cities eral manufactories here. in New England, having a fine and wellHampshire Gazette....W. 3,088 protected harbor. 78 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MASSACHUSETTS. MASSACHUSETTS. Gazette............... S. W. 3,107 Gazette................... D. 3,136 Essex Co. Mercury.......W. 3,108 "...-........... W. 3,137 Register..............S. W. 3,109 Bristol Co. Republican...W. 3,138 Observer......... —---- W. 3,110 TURNER'S FALLS, Franklin Co., 2,500 PostW - -.;-..... W.....' W. 3,111 p., on Connecticut r. and a branch of the Fireside tavorite........ M. 3,112 Vermont & Massachusetts Rd., 3 m. from SANDWICH, Barnstable Co., 3,417 p., on Greenfield. The river affords power, an arm of Cape Cod Bay and on Cape Cod which is employed in manufacturing. Rd., 56 m. S. E. of Boston. Engaged in Reporter...... W. 3,139 glass and other manufactures. UXBRIDGE, Worcester Co. Seaside Press -..........W. 3,113 Torcester South CompenSHREWSBURY, Worcester Co. dium................W. 3,140 N.ews.-............... W. 3,114 - WAKEFIELD, Middlesex Co., 5,649t p., SOMERVILLE, Middlesex Co., 21,000t on Boston & Maine Rd., 10 m. from Boston. p., a suburb of Boston, on Mystic r., inter- Engaged in the manufacture of iron castsected by the Eastern, Boston & Maine, ings,o rattan goods, paper collars and Boston & Lowell and Fitchburg Rds., 2 m. shoes. from Boston. Citizen and Banner......W. 3,141 Journal..................W. 3,115 Local News..3..........W. 3,142 SOUTH ABINGTON, Plymouth Co. WALPOLE, Norfolk Co., 2,137 p., on Times...................W. 3,116 Boston, Hartford & Erie Rd., at intersecSOUTH ACTON, Middlesex Co. tion of Framingham & Mansfield division Acton Patriot.............W. 3,117 of Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg Rd., 19 m. from Boston. SOUTH ADAMS, Berkshire Co. t. Saturday Freeman......W. 3,118 tndd..... 3,143 SOUTHORO, Worcester Co. WALTHAM, Middlesex Co., 9,065 p., on Press. —------------------ W. 3,'1119 ^Charles r. and Fitchburg Rd., 9 m. from Press....................11.9v. d, Boston. Engaged in manufacturing. WalSOUTHBRIDGE, Worcester Co., 5,721t tham watches are made here. p., on Quinnebaug r. and a branch of Bos- Free Press............W. 3,144 ton, Hartford & Erie Rd., 70 m. from Bos- Sentinel......... W. 3,145 ton and 20 S. W. from Worcester. En- WAR, ampsire Co. 4,300 p., on Ware gaged in manufacturing. Business centre R. Rd., 10 m. from Palmer and about 21 for most of the towns in the S. part of Springeld. Engagedin woolen and Worcerst tve^ from Springfield. Engaged in woolen and Worcester County. other manufactures. Journal............W. 3,10 manufacture146s Temple Star....3........d..M. 3,1 47 SOUTH FRAIINGHAM, Middlesex SOUTH FRAMINGHAM, Middlesex WAREHAM, Plymouth Co., 3,000 p., on Fra.minham Gazette and Buzzard's Bay and Cape Cod Rd., 48 m. Framinqnghacn Gazette and from Boston. Enterprise. W. 3,122 from Boston. Enterprise.............W. 3,12....... News.. W. 3,148 SPENCER, Worcester Co. SPuNCI, Worcester Co. 3 WEBSTER, Worcester Co., 5,059t p., n.................... on Norwich & Worcester Rd., 15 m. from SPRINGFIELD, c. h., Hampden Co., Worcester. 26,703 p., on Connecticut r., at the junction Times............ W. 3,149 of Boston & Albany, Hartford & New Evenings at orme. Haven and Connecticut R. Rds., and WESTBOROUGH, WorcesterCo., 51411 largest city in western Massachusetts. Manufactures various and extensive. p., on Boston & lbany d. 3 m. Republican u fctre v a....... D. 3,124 Boston. Engaged in manufacturing boots. Republcan................ 3,124 and shoes and various other articles. State Union.......... 3,126.....-..3 Reform School for boys located here. Chronotype.. W. 3,151..................W. 3127 hronotype.............. W. 3,151 Herald of Life..........W. 3,128 WESTFIELD, Haihpden Co., 8,429t p., New England Homestead.W. 3,129 on Westfield r. and Boston & Albany, New Sunday Telegram....-'.. W. 3,130 Haven & Northampton, Holyoke & WestSTONEHAM, Middlesex Co., 4,984~ p., on field Rds., 10 m. from Springfield. Engaged in manufacturing steam heaters, xhipa Stoneham branch of Boston & Lowell Rd., d in manufacturing steam heaters, whips 12 m. N. of Boston. Extensive shoe and nd cigars. leather manufactories here. Western Hampd Times ndepen nt. W. 3,131 and News Letter..W. 3,152 Independent............... W. 3,131.... National Sovereign....W. 3,132 WEYMOUTH, Norfolk Co., 10,000t p., Sentinel.,-..-...- W. 3,133 on South Shore Rd. Comprises several STOUGHTON, Nor-folk Co., 4,841t p., on........villages, engaged in various manufactures. STOUGHTON, Norfolk' Co., 4,841t p., on ^ ttnT ^ ^ ^ Old Colony and a branch of Boston & Gzette ad Brantree Providence Rd., 19 m. from Boston. En- eporter...........W. 3,13 gaged in boot and shoe making. WILLIAMSTOWN, Berkshire Co., Sentinel.................W. 3,134 3,679t p., on Troy & Boston Rd., 20 m. N. SWAMPSCOTT, Essex Co. rof Pittsfield, 40 from Troy and in the N. Enterprise.....W. 3,135 W. extremity of the State. The manufacEnterpse..........,135 tures comprise woolen goods, boots and TAUNTON, c. h., Bristol Co., 18,629 p., on shoes, carriages, hardware, etc. Seat of Taunton r. and Old Colony Rd., 34 m. Williams College, founded in 1793, one of from Boston and at junction of Taunton & the most renowned institutions of learning New Bedford Rd. Engaged in manufac- in the country. turing locomotives and other machinery. Williams.Athenceum.B. W. 3,154 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 79 MASSACHUSETTS. MICHIGAN. WINCHENDON, Worcester Co., 3,776t business done here. Nineteen large steam p., on Cheshire Rd., at junction of Monad- saw and shingle mills. nook Rd. Miller's r. crosses the town lpena Co. Pioneer......W. 3,17 and affords water power, which is partially Argus...................W. 3,179 developed for manufacturing purposes. ANN ARBOR, Washtenaw Co., 7,363 p., Journal....W.......... 3,155 on Huron r. and Michigan Central Rd., WOBURN, Middlesex Co., 10,000t p. on 38m. from Detroit. In a farming district the Woburn branch of the Boston & Lowell and contains several manufactories. The Rd., 10 m. from Boston. Engaged in State University is located here. leather and other manufactures. Michigan Argus..... W. 3,180 Advertiser...............W. 3,156 Peninsular Courr........ 3,181 Journal............ 3,157 Register....... Jourl.............. 3,157 Chronicle............. B. W. 3,1 83 WORCESTER, c. h., Worcester Co.,B. W. 3,83 50,000t p., in the centre of the State, at BALDWIN, Lake Co. junction of six important railroads and 40 Lake Co. Star...- -..W. 3,184 m. from Boston. Manufactories of various BANGOR, Van Buren Co. kinds located here. Reflector...............W. 3,185 Evening Gazette.......... D. 3,158 BATTLE CREEK, Calhoun Co., 5,838 Aegis and Gazette........W. 3,159 p., at junction of Battle Creek with KalaPress........ D. 3,160 mazoo r., on Michigan Central, at inter-....................W. 3,161 section of Peninsular Rd., 23 m. from KalaSpy.?.................... D. 3,162 mazoo. River furnishes water power, Massachusetts Spy......W. 3,163 which is employed in various manufactures. Le Travailleur..........W, 3,164 It is surrounded by a fruit and farming WRENTHAM, Norfolk Co., 2,397t p., country, and noted for its flourishing about 12 m. from Woonsocket and about 25 schools. S. W. of Boston. Journal..................D. 3,186 Recorder..........W. 3,165...............W. 3,187 YARMOUTH PORT, Barnstable Co., Advent Review and Sab2,425 p., on Old Colony Rd., 75 m. from bath Herald... W. 3,188 Boston. Engaged in coast trade and Micigan ibne... 3,189 mackerel fishing. Advent Tidende.........M. 3,190 Port Yarmouth Register. W. 3,166 Health Reformer -... M. 3,191 Svensk Advent Harold.-...M. 3,192 Youth's Instructor.......M. 3,193 MICHIGAN. BAY CITY, c. h., Bay Co., 16,000t p., on Saginaw r., 6 m. from its mouth, and Flint & Pere Marquette and Jackson, Lansing ADRIAN, c. h., Lenawee Co., 9,000t p., on & Saginaw Rds., and 15 m. below SagiRaisin r. and Lake Shore & Michigan na. Engaged in the lumber trade and Southern Rd., 37 m. from Monroe, 210 E. lake fishery, and also in extensive salt of Chicago, 70 from Detroit and 32 from iorks Toledo. Rich and populous agricultural Tribune..D.3,194 district and centre of active trade. En- Chronicle.....W 3,195 gaged in manufactures of various kinds. Lumberman's Gazette.... W. 3,196 Press..................-.D. 3,167 Michigan Odd Fellow....W. 3,197 "..................W. 3,168 Timesand Expositor. D.. 3,169 BELLEVUE, Eaton Co., 800tp., on Bat"......W. 3,170 tie Creek and the PeninsularRd., 32m. from Journal._ W. 3,771 Lansing. Surrounded by a rich agriculCollege Recorder......... 3,172. tural district. Produces a.very fine quality of quick-lime. Engagedin shipping proALBION, Calhoun Co., 3,500t p., on Kala- duce. mazoo r. and Michigan Central Rd., at Gazette...W. 3,198 junction of Lansing division of Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rd., 20 m. from BENTON HARBOR, Perrien Co., 1,500t Jackson, 40 from Lansing. An active patthe moth oftheSt.JosephandPaw business place. Paw rs., and on Chicago & Michigan Lake Mirror.......... W 3,173 Shore Rd., 60 m. from Chicago by lake, Recorder............ W. 3,174 103 by rail. The river furnishes goodwater power, which is employed in manufacturALLEGAN, c. h., Allegan Co., 3,500t p., mg. Surrounded by a fnefruit-gowing on Kalamazoo r. and junction of Kalama- ing. Surrou nded by a fine fruit-growing on Kalamazoo r. and junction of Kalama- district. A large lumber interest centres zoo division of Lake Shore & Michigan here. Shipping point fora ine wheatSouthern and Michigan Lake Shore Rds., growing country. 20 m. from Lake Michigan and 23 from Kal- Palladiu..............W. 3,199 amazoo, 23 from Paw Paw and 40 from Times.............. W. 3,200 Grand Rapids. Engaged in lumber trade BENZONIA, c h. BenzieCo. 235t p. on and various manufactures. Excellent water BEZONIA,. h., Benzie Co., 235 p., on power furnished by the Kalamazoo r. N. of Grand Rapids. power furnished by the Kalamazoo r. Betsie r., 7 m. from Lake Michigan, 130 m. Allegan Co. Democrat...' W. 3,175 Journal............. W3,. 01 ALMONT, Lapeer Co., 2,056p. BERRIEN SPRINGS, c. h., Berrien Herald.................W. 3,177 Co., 1,381 p. *' ^; ~ Berrien Co. Journal.....W. 3,208 ALPENA, c. h., Alpena Co.. 4,5001 p., on Berrin.... oal.....W. 3,203 Thunder Bay, at the mouth of Thunder Bay r., 250 m. N. of Detroit 100 from Bay BIG RAPIDS, c. h., Mecosta Co., 3,500t City. Has a fine harbor. Large lumber p., on Muskegon r. and Grand Rapids & 80 CENTENNIAL.NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION MICHIGAN. MICHIGAN. Indiana Rd., 56 m. from Grand Rapids. Creek andAir Line division of Michigan Engaged in lumbering and general manu- Central Rd., 16 m. from Three Rivers. facturing. Has excellent water power and Enterprise..... W. 3,224 surrounded by a rich farming country. Magnet................... 3,204 CONCORD, Jackson Co., 1,465 p., on Air Pioneer.................W. 3,205 Line division of Michigan Central Rd., 55 BLISSFIELD, Lenawee Co., 2,048 p. m. rom Three Rivers. Advance.................W. 3,206 News............ W. 3,225 BLOOMINGDALE, Van Buren Co., CONSTANTINE, St. Joseph Co., 3,200t 1,690 p.p., on St. Joseph r. and Michigan division Tidings......... W. 3,207 of Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rd. Engaged in various manufactures. ProBRIGHTON, c. h., Livingston Co., 1,OOOt duce shipping point. p.. on Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan. Joseph Co. Advertiser W 3226 Rd., 9 m. from Howell and 43 from Detroit. Citizen.............W. 3,208 COOPERSVILLE, Ottawa Co. BUCHANAN, Berrien Co., 3,200tp., on Courier..................W. 3,227 St. Joseph r. and the Michigan Central CORUNNA, c. h., Shiawassee Co., 1,408 p., Rd., 53 m. from Kalamazoo, 90from Chica- on Shiawassee r. and Detroit & Milwaukee go. Engaged in lumber manufactures. Rd., 75 m. from Detroit. The river furSurrounded by an agricultural and fruit- nishes power, which is employed in manugrowing region. factures. It has recently developed coal Berrien Co. Record......W. 3,209 mines, which are being successfully workCARO, c. h., Tuscola Co., 500 p., on Cass ed. Fire clay is also found. r., near Vassar, 30 m. from East Saginaw. Shiawassee Co. American.W. 3,228 The centre of an agricultural district. DECATUR, Van uren Co., 2,200 p., on Tuscola Advertiser.......W. 3,210 Michigan Central Rd., 24 m. from KalamaCARSON CITY, Montcalm Co. zoo and 23 from Niles. In an agricultural Commercial..............W. 3,211 district. CASSOPOLIS, c. h. Cass Co., 1,100 p., VanBuren Co. Republion Stone and Diamond Lakes, at crossing of can................ W. 3,229 Air Line and Chicago & Lake Huron Rds. DETROI, c. h., Wayne Co., 105,000t p. National Democrat......W. 3,212 and the great emporium of Michigan, on Vigilant................W. 3,213 Detroit r., 18 m. from Lake Erie, having CEDAR SPRINGS, Kent Co., 1,500t p., one of the finest harbors on the Lakes. A 20 m. from Grand Rapids. city of great commercial importance, being Clipper.................W. 3,214 connected by railroads with the principal f'~E~K^T-^f~^ II 4points west, and by means of the Lakes CENTREVILLE, St. Joseph Co., 793 p., and railroas with the east. Immense on Prairie r. and Michigan Air Line Rd., quantities of grain, pork, wool and copper 30 m. from Kalamazoo, in a productive ore are shipped from here to eastern marsection. T kets. The manufactures are extensive and St. Joseph Co. Repub- various; fine cut tobacco and segars lican..............W. 3,215.among the most important. CHARLEVOIX, c. h., Charlevoix Co., Abend Post............ D. 3,230 600 p., on Greener., 2 m. from Lake Mich- Famillien Blaetter........W. 3,231 igan and 50 N. E. of Traverse Citv. Evening News..........D. 3,232 Sentinel.................W. 3,216 Detroit Free Press........D. 3,233....T.W. 3,234 CHARLOTTE, c. h., Eaton Co., 3,200t p.,......W. 3,235 on Grand R. Valley division of Michigan ichigan Journal.D. 3,36 Central Rd., at crossing of Peninsular Rd....... 3,37 20 m. from Lansing. Good agricultural Michign Vol-lat. region. Fine ash and walnut lumber re- W.ol....... 3,239 gion. A rapidly growing place. Post.....D........ 3,240 Leader.W......... 3.............W.. 17 3,241 Republican..............W. 3,218... W. 3,242 CHEBOYGAN, c. h., Cheboygan Co. Sun...................D. 3,243 Northern Tribune.. -.....W. 3,219.............. W. 3,344 CHELSEA, Washtenaw Co., 1,500 p., on Tr7iune.......... 3,245 Michigan Central Rd., midway between T. T" W. 3,246 Jackson and Ann Arbor. Commerdal Advertiser Herald..................W. 3,220 and Michigan Home CLAM LAKE, Wexford Co., 1,500t p., Journal.............W. 3,248 on Grand Rapids & Indiana Rd., 96 m. Die Stimme der Wahrheit.W. 3,249 from Grand Rapids. Herald and Torchlight...W. 3,250 News............W. 3,221 Journal of Commerce. -. W. 3,251 Michigan Christian AdvoCOLDWATER, c.h., Branch Co., 4,500 Michigan - hrist. 3, p., on Cold Water r. and the Lake Shore & ~i' W. 32 Michigan Southern Rd., 115 m. from De- MSttgan Farmer and State Journal of Agritroit. The centre of a large and flourish. ulture W. 3,253 in 1trade...... S. W. 3,222 National Granger.....W. 3,254 R^epublican........... 32. W. 3,2p2 Price Current............ W. 3,255 Reporter................W. 3,23 Public Leader....... W. 3,256 COLON, St. Joseph Co., 1,340 p., on Swan Truth for the People......W, 3,257 CENTENNIAL:NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 81 MICHIGAN. MICHIGAN. Western Home Jo arnel.W. 3,258 wasseer., and the Detroit & Milwaukee American Observer......W. 3,259 Rd., 52 m. from Detroit. The river furAmphion................W. 3,260 nishes power, which is employed in various Military Gazette..........M. 3,261 manufactures. Centre of a fine agriculOur Diocees...........M. 3,26, tural district. Peninsular Journal of Medi - Gazette.W...............,.T 3,2 8 3 cine..................... 3,263 Independent.............. W. 3,l284 Review of Medicine nd FLINT, c. h., Genesee Co., 10,000t p,, on Pharmacy.......M. 3,24 the Flint & Pere Marquette Rd., at juncScientific Manufacturer..M. 3,265 tion of Port Huron & Lake Michigan Rd., Song Journal............M. 3,266 64m. from Detroit. The Flint river furSunday uest...........M. 3,267 nishes extensive water power, which is Mayhew College Journal.Qr. 3,268. employed in mills and'manutlctories. A DEXTER, Washtenaw Co., 2,000 p., at place of active trade and centre of a fertile junction of Mill Creek with Huron r., on agricultural district. Michigan Central Rd., 9 m. W. of Ann Genesee Democrat. -..W.... 3,285 Arbor. There is abundant water power Globe....... W. 3,286 for several mills located here. Wolverine Citizen........W. 3,,28 7 Leader.................. 3,269 FOWLERVILLE, Livingston Co., DOWAGIAC, Cass Co., 2,500t p., on the 1,200t p., on Detroit, Lansfig & Lake Michigan Central Rd., 35 m. from Kala- Michigan Rd., 9 m. from Howell and 24 mazoo, 107 E. of Chicago and 177 W. of from Lansing. Detroit. Large grain and produce market. Review........... W. 3,a88 Engaged in general manufactures. FRANKFORT, Benzie Co., 1200t p., on Cass. Co. Republicans. -.W. 3,270 ass o. Repubcan..... 3,270 Lake Michigan, 30 m. N. of Muskegon. DUNDEE, Monroe Co., 2,384 p., on Rai- Has a good harbor, and is engaged iniron sin r., about 12 m. W. of Monroe. and lumber manufacturing, and surrounded Enterprise...............W. 3,271 by an agricultural region. EAST SAGINAW, Saginaw Co., 17,500t Express.................W. 3,289 p., on Saginaw r., at junction of Flint & FREMIONT CENTRE, Shiawasse Co. Pere Marquette and Jackson, Lansing & Fremont Times..........W. 3,290 Saginaw Rds. Business centre, having a large and lourishing trade. Saginaw Val- GRAND HAVEN, c. h., Ottawa Co., ley is noted for its manufactories of lumber 4,500t p., at mouth of Grand r., on Lake and salt, annual shipments of hiich' reach Michigan. Has a fine harbor. Chicago 700,000,000 feet of lumber and 80,00 0 tand Milwaukee steamers touch here daily. barrels of salt. For 20 miles the bank of Terminus of Detroit & Milwaukee Rd., and the Saginaw r. is occupied by over 100 saw junction with Michigan Lake Shore PRd., mills and an equal number of salt works; 189 m. from Detroit. Engaged in lumber Republican......... D. 3,272 manufcturing. Saginaw Republican.....W. 3,273 Herald...........W.' 3,291 Saginaw Courier.................. 3,393e Saginaw Courier...... D. 3,274 NewsW.3,292 ".......W. 3,275 GRAND LEDGE, Eaton Co., 1,200 p., Saginaw Zeitung.....,- W. 3,276 a few miles from Charlotte. Important for EATON RAPIDS, Eaton Co., 2,500t p., its deposits of stone and coal. Has an exon Grand r. and Grand R. Valley division cellent water power. of the Central Michigan Rd., 25 m. N. W. Independent..........W. 3,293 from Jackson and 20 from Lansing. Noted GRAND RAPIDS, c. h. Kent Co. 33.000 for its magnetic springs, which. are visited., on Grand r., 40 m. from its mouth, 30 yearly by invalids.', from Lake Michigan, and on Detroit & Saturday Journal...... W. 3,277 Milwaukee Rd., at intersection of Grand EDWARDSBURGH, Cass Co. Rapids & Indiana Rd. Grand Rapids diArgus..-N............. - W. 3,278 vision of Lake Shore & Michigan Southern ELK RAPIDS, c. h., Antrim Co., 500t p., Rd. and Grand River Valley division of on E. arm of Grand Traverse Bay, 17 Michigan Central Rd. terminate here. m. from Grand Traverse City. Principal Steamboats run to Grand Haven, at mouth business manufacturing iron, lumber and of river, where they connect with Lake flour. steamers. River furnishes unlimited power, Traverse Bay Progress.. W. 3,279 which is employed in a large number of SCANABA,, D a C 301 factories. There are several gypsum beds ESCANABA, c. h., Delta Co., 3,120 p., on locatedhere. UnitedStates Courtsfor W. Little Bay'de Noquet, at the mouth of located here. United States Courts for W. Little Bay de -Noquet, at the mouth of district of Michigan are held here Escanaba r., and Peninsular division ofD. 3, 29 Chicago & Northwestern Rd., 75 m. S. of.age.. -....-:..-... 3,29 Marquette, 486 N. W. of Lansing and 100 Morning Democrat. D. 3,96 from Green Bay, Wis. Engaged in farm-..... ing and lumber trade. Important shipping ]Morning Times......D. 3,298 point for iron ore. W. 3,99 Tribune..................3,3870... Tribulne. - - -- -.. - - -. W., 3,f 280'De Standard.........W. 3;300 EVART, Osceola Co., 713 p. Michigan Staats Zeitung. W. 3,301 Review. -.......-. W. 3,281 Saturday Evening Post.. W. 3,302 FARWELL, Clare Co., 700 p., on Flint Vrijheids Banier........W. 3,303 & Pere Marquette Rd., 55 m. from East GREENVILLE, Montcalm Co., 3,500 p. Saginaw. on Flat r., a good lumbering stream, 28 m. Register.... W. 3,28 N.E. of Grand Rapids, and on Detroit, LanEENTON, Genesee Co., 3,806t p., on Shia- sing &.Lake Michigan Rd. Base of sup. 82 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MICHIGAN. MICHIGAN. plies for a lumbering region, and a fine Lansing & Lake Michigan Rds. Engaged agricultural district. in manufacturing lumber for the southern Democrat...............W. 3,304 markets. Independent............. 3,305 H.oward Record........W. 3,325 HANCOCKl Houghton Co., 2,068 p. HOWELL4,. h., Livingston Co., 3.000f Northestern Mi ning' p., on Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan Journal...-.......... W. 3,306 JRd.; 50 in. from Detroit and 33 from LanHART, c. h., Oceana Co., 1,004 p., 8 m. sing. Suriomined by an agricultural refrom Pentwaiter. gidn. Manitifacturing carried on. One of Oceanca C.o. Journal..w..-...W.3,307 the best markets in the State. Livingston Democrat. HARTFORD, Van Buren Co., 1,000t p., Livingston Republican...W. 3,327 on Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore Rd., 78HU, ia C., 51 p, m. from Grand Rapids. Surrounded by an mariculturanl aps.redgbiony. from Detroit & Milwaukee Rd., at Pew&niDay.rig..3,308 mo. Base of supplies for large section of Day 4r~g~l..............W. 3,308 T c.. h., Ba' Co., 2,519 P. on couhtry:' Engaged in lumberink and manHASTINGS, c. h., Barry Co., 2,519 p., on ufaeturing. Thornapple r. and Grand R. Valley division 4dvertiser............. W. 3,328 of Michigan Central Rd., 42 m. from Lan- sing, 32 from Grand Rapids, 62 from Jack- HDSO, Leawee o., 2,65 n ake son and 138 from Detroit. Surrounded by Sh Michigan Southernd., 17 m. a wheat-growing district. The river fur- from Adrian. nishes extensive water power, which isem- Gzette.......... 3,329 Post................W. 3,330 ployedin manufacturing. 3,330 I' -_eJ, Journal............ 3,309 IMLAY CITi, Lapeer Co., 1,880 p., iica n Bean-ner......W. 3,310.. Advance.....-......... 3,331 HERSEY, c. h., Osceoia Co., 700t p., on IONIA, Ionia Co., 4,000t p., on Grand r., and Muskegon r. and Flint & Pere Marquette on Detroit & Milwaukee and Detroit, LanRd., about 4 m.'from junction with Grand sing & Lake Michigan Rds., 124 m. from Rapids & Indiana Rd. Lumbering carried Detroit and 35 E. of Grand Rapids. A rion. An agricultural district.' cultural and lumber region. Osceola Outline..........W. 3,311 Sentinel...-...... W. 3,332 HESPERIA, Oceana Co. Standard................ W. 3,333 Hesperian........ W. 3,312 ISUPEMING, Marquette Co., 4.692 p., on HILLSDALE, c. h., H'illsdale Co., 3,518 Peninsular division of Chicago & Northp., on Lake Shore & Michigan Southern western Rd. Iron, silver, copper and lead xd., at junction of Detrit, Hillsdale & mines located within limits, which furnish South Western Rd. Hillsdale derives its nealy one-half aggregate product of disname from the undulating country in centre trict. of which it is located. Iron.ome..............W. 3,334 Business............ W. 3,313 ITHACA, c. h., Gratiot Co., 600t p., 42 m. Dem.ocrat..............W. 3,314 N. of Lansing and 100 N. W. of Detroit. Standard................W. 3,315 Situatedin the centre of an agricultural HOLLAND, Ottawa Co., 3,000 p., at mouth district. of Black r., on Michigan, Lake Shore and Gratiot o. Journal.....W. 3,335 Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore Rds., 21 JACKSON, c. h., Jackson Co., 15,000t p., on m. from Grand Haven. A'gricultural, fruit Michigan Central lid.. 76 m. from Detroit. and lumbering district. Tanning carried Besides the Michigan Central it possesses on. the following railroad facilities-viz: City News............W. 3,316 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern branch De Hollander..........W. 3,317 to Toledo; Jackson Lansing & Saginaw De Hope...........- W. 3,318 Rd.; Michigan Air Line to Niles; Grand Grondwet........... 3,319 River Valley to Grand Rapids; Fort De Wachter..........B. W. 3,320 Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Rd. The HOLLY, OaklandCo., 2,437 p., on Shia- Mihigan State Prison is located here. wassee r. and Detroiu & Milwaukee Rd., Citizen........... 3,336 at terminus of Flint & Holly Rd., 47 m.. --. —--- - W. 3,337 from Detroit. Agricultural market for Patriot...... D. 3,338 surrounding country.., Register................. 3,321 JONESVILLE,H illsdale Co., 2,000t p., Times........... 3,322 on Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rd., HOMER, Calhoun Co., 1,575 p., on Air crossg of Fort ne Jcson & Line division of Michigan Central Rd., at Saginaw Rd., 37 m. from Adrian, 73 from crossing of Lansing division of Lake Shore Toledo, Ohio, 110from Detroit,,Mich, 75 & Michigan Southern Rd. from Fort Wayne, Ind., 50 from Lansing, nde....... W 3,323 171 from Chicago. Surrounded by an agInd........ ricultural district. Manufacturing carried HOUGHTON, c. h., Houghton Co., 3,000t on. p., on Portage Lake, about 90 m. N. W. Independent -...........W. 3,340 of Marquette and about 300 N. of Fond du KALAMAZOO, c. h., Kalamazoo Co., Lao, Wis. Copper mined in this vicinity. p, on Kalamazoo r. and Michigan Portage. Lake Mining Central, Lake Shore &-Michigan Southern, Gazette............... W. 3,324 Grand Rapids & Indiana, South Haven & HOWARD CITY, Montcalm Co., 950t p., Kalamazoo Rds., 144 m. from Detroit aid 33m. N. of Grand Rapids, at intersection 141 E. of Chicago. Engaged in various of Grand Rapids & Indiana with Detroit, manufactures. as a large andflourishing CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 83 MICHIGAN, MICHIGAN. trade. Seat of Kalamazoo College and MARINE CITY, St. Clair Co. several other institutions of learning. Gazette................W. 3,368 Teg, aph................ D. 3,41: MARQUETTE, c. h., Marquette Co......... —.... W. 3,342 5,242t~p., on Lake Superior, at terminus of Gazette...........-^3,343 Peninsular Rd., which extends to yEscanTimes..... W. 3,344 aba on Lake.Michigan. E. terminus MarMichtigan'Freemason.-. Bs. 3o345 quette, Houghton & Ontonagon Rd., 200 m. Michigan Teacher.........M. 3,346 N. of Green Bay and 400 N. of Chicago. IALIKASKA, c. h., Kalkaska Co., 207.p. Iron mines, blast ifrnaces, rolling mills and Kalkaskaian.............W. 3,347; other manufacturing are chief industries. LAKEVIElW, Montealm Co. Mining Journal........W. 3,369 Citizen..................W. 3,348 MARSHALL, c..h., Calhoun Co., 5,228t p., L'ANSE, Houghton Co., 1,466 p. on Kalamazoo r. and Michigan Central and News.3,3.............W 3,349 Cold Water, Marshall & Mackanac Rds., 108 m. from Detroit and: 176 from Chicago. LANOING, State capital, Ingham Co., Place o ve business. Several manu7,500t p., on Grand r., 87m. N. W. of fatories are locatedere. Surrounded b factories are located here. Surrounded by Detroit. Jackgon, Lansin g & Sinaw, an arilturl region. Excellent wate Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan, Chicago & Lake Huron and Lansing division benocratic ETpounder W. 3,370 of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern t W 337 Rds. centre here. River furnishes water power, which is employed in:mills and MASON,'. h., Ingham Co., 2,100t p., on manufactories. Jackson. Lansing & Saginaw Rd., 12 m. S. Republican............ S. W. 3,35,0 of Lansing and.25 N. of Jackson. Sur-.............W. 3,351 rounded by an agricultural district. Journal...............W. 3,352 Ingham Co. News........ W3,372 LAPEER, c. h., Lapeer Co.,3,200t p., on MENDON, St. Joseph Co., 1,000t p., on Flint r., and Port Huron & Lake Michigan Grand apids & Indiana Rd., 21 m. from Rd., 46. n. from Port Huron and 60 from Kalamazoo. Surrounded by an agricultu Detroit. Agriculturaland lumber country. ral country. Possessed of water power Clarion.................W. 3,353 Centreoftrade. Democrat.............. W. 3,354....Tes.... W...... W. 3,373 LAWRENCE, Van Buren Co., 1,726 p MENOMINEE, c. h., Menominee Co.. Advertiser............ 3,3556 1,500 p., on W. shore of Green Bay, at ESLIE, Tgham Co., 600 p., on Jackson, mouth of Menominee r. and on Chicago & Lansin. aw., ngm 22 m. S. of Lan Northwestern Rd., about 50 m.. E. of sing. Location' of magnetic wells.' Insing. Location of magnetic wells. In- Green Bay City. Extensive lumber mills creasing in population and business. here. Outlet of large iron.ore mines and Herald _.........W. 3,356 marble quarries, which are in course of development. LEXINGTON, e. h., Sanilac Co., 2,500 p., Heral...W. 3,374 en Lake Huron, about 85 m. from Detroit. Journal............ W. 3,375 Sanilac Jeffersonian. -..W. 3,35 7 Lumberman and Miner. LITCHFIELD, Hillsdale Co., 1,836p. MIDDLEVILLE, Barry Co., 1,000 p.,on Giazette...................W' 5 MIDDLEVILLE, Barry Co., 1,000t p.,on Gaze tte.W ~~...~. -. ~. 3,35. Thornapple r. and Grand R. Valley division LOWELL, Kent Co., 1,800t p., on Grand of Michigan Central Rd., 22m. from Grand r., and on Detroit & Milwaukee Rd., about Rapids. Surrounded by an agricultural 18 m. E. of Grand Rapids. district, and possessing fine water power. Journal:............. W. 3,359 Barry Co. Republican...W. 3,377 LUDINGTON, Mason Co., 2500t p., on MIDLAND, c. h., Midland Co., 2,500 p., on Lake Michigan, about'70 m. N. of Grand Tittawassee r., and the Flint & Pere Haven and 110 from Milwaukee. Engaged Marquette Rd., 20 m. from Saginaw. Enin the lumber business and raising fruit. gaged in lumber and other manufactures. Appeal.................W. 3,360 Times......... 3378 Mcon Co. Record......W. 3,361 MANCHESTER, Washtenlw Co* 2516 MILFORD, Oakland Co., 1,767 p., on HolJaCkSon diisionoLake SCo2,516 & ly, Wayne & Monroe Rd., 40 m. from Dep., on Jackson division of Lake Shore & 3Pc., on Southern Rdivision intersectionreo troit. In a farming country, possessing Michigan Southern Rd., at intersection of water power. Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Rd., 25 m wate p o wt from Adrian. In an agricultural district e..... Has several manufactories. Town growing MONROE, c. h., Monroe Co., 6,500t p., on rapidly. Raisin r., a port of entry on Lake Erie, and Enterprise...... W. 3,362 at junction of Holly, Wayne & Monroe and MANISTEE, R. h., Manistee Co., 5,000 P., Detroit & Toledo and Detroit & Chicago MANISaEE, cih, Manistee Co., 5,000 pC., divisions of Lake Shore & Michigan Southon Lake Michigan, at mouthof Manistee r e Rd, 40 m from Detroit. Depot for the aboult 100 m. from Grand Haven. Milling ern Rd., 40 m. from Detroit. D epot for the and lumber manufacturing carried on. shipment of grain. Manufacturing done Advocate............... 3,363. ercial....380 BRmes............. W. 3,364. Monitor...............,.,. 33 8 1 Times and Standard.......W. 3,365 MAPLE RAPIDS, Clinton Co. MONTAGUE, Muskegon Co., 500 p., on esenger................ 3366 N. bank of White Lake, navigab e for steamers, and on Chicago, Michigan & MARCELLUS, Cass Co., 1,55~ p. Lake Shore Rd., 17 m. irom Muskegon. Messenger....W. 3,367 Lumberman.........W. 3,382 84 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MICHIGAN. MICHIGAN. MORENCI, Lenawee Co., i,500 p., about point for copper mines which are, worked 20 m. S. W. of Adrian, on the C. & C. Rd., in vicinity. 70 froi Detroit. Miner...................W. 3,404 State Line Observer.....W. 3,383' OTSEGO, Aegan Co., 2,118 p. MOUNT CLEMTENS, c. h., Macomb Co., Union...................W. 3,405 3,500t p., on Grand Trunk Rd., 25 m. from OTSIGO LAKE, Otsego Co. Detroit, at head of navigation on Clinton r.W. 3,406 Engaged in ship building and lumber trade. OVID, Clinton' Co., 2,553 p., on Detrioit& Monitor...............W. 3,384 Milwaukee Rd., 88 m. from Detroit. EnPress.................. W. 3,385 gaged in agriculture, with a large lumber Reporter......... W. 3,3 86 trade Register.................W. 3,407? MT. PLEASANT, c. h., Isabella Co., 1500t p., on Chippewa r., 12 m. S. of Clare. OWOSSO, Shiawassee Co., 1,500t p., on Centre of agricultural and lumber cpuntry. Shiawassee r., 79 m. from.Detroit, -at Isabella Co. Enterprise..W. 3,387 intersection of Jackson, Lansing & SagMorgan's Watchtower....W. 3,388 inaw with Detroit & Milwaukee R14. EnUIR, onia Co., 500 p., on Mgaged,in manufacturing and has a large MUIR, Ionia Co., 1,500t p., on Maple R., trade in wool. Detroit & Milwaukee Rd., 6 m. from Ionia. New a.. W. 3,408 Engaged in manufacturing. ress --. W. 3,409 Grand River Herald:..W.. 3,3,89. ress........ W. Grand RTiver Herld.. IT i ^ OXFORD, Oakland Co., 1,342p. MUSKEGON, c. h., Muskegon Co., 9,000t OXFOrnD, Oaland Co., 1,342p p. on Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore Rd., near mouth of Muskegon r., 15 m. PAW PAW, c. h., Van Buren Co., 2,000t from Grand Haven, 6 from Lake Michigan, p., on Paw Paw r. and Paw Paw branch 100 from Chicago.and 80 from Milwaukee. of'Michigan Central Rd., 9 m. from DecaManufacturing annually about 400,000,000 tur. Engaged in farming, lumber and feet of lumber; capacity of mills, 600,000,- general trade. 000. Centre of great fruit belt of State. Courier......... W. 3,41.1 News and Reporter... S. W. 3,390 True Northerner........W. 3,412 Chronicle................W. 3,30.1 Van Buren Co.. Press.. -.W. 3,413 Lakeside Register......:.W. 3,392 Pythian Journal and Re. cord. lNASHVILLE, Barry Co., l42 p., on Grand H. Valley division of Michigan PENTWATER, Oceana Co., 1,370 p., on Central Rd., 12 m. from Hastings. Lake Michigan, at mouth of Pentwater r., News..................W. 3,393 about 60 m. from Grand'Haven, and terminus of Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore NEGAUNEE, Marquette Co. Rd. Engaged in manufacture of lumber Iron Hera~ld...............W. 39394 and shingles. Centre of thriving trade. NEWAYGO, c. h., Newaygo Co., 1,121t News..................W. 3,415 p., on Muskegon r., 36 m. from Grand rapids. River furnishes water power, PETOSKEY,Emmett Co. which is employed in lumbering andnmanu- emmett Co. Democrat...W. 3,416 facturing. PLAINWELIBL, Allegan Co., 1,600t p., on Republican..............W. 3,395 Kalamazoo r., at junction of Lake Shore & Tribune.....W...........W. 3,396 Michigan Southern, and Grand Rapids & NEW BUFFALO, Berrien Co., 1,444 p. Indiana, Rds. Surrounded by an agriculIndependent............W. 3,397 tural district. Possesses water power, w~nch is employed in manufacturing. NILES, Berrien Co., 4,630 p., on St. Jos- whihegan Co.d in manufacturingpublic.. eph's r. and Michigan Central, Michigan Air Line and Niles & South Bend Rds., PLYWUOUTH, Wayne Co., 3,009 p. 90 m. from Chicago and 47 from Kalama- Chronicle.....W.......... W. 3,418 zoo. River is navigable for small steamPONTIAC, c. h., Oakland Co., 4,864 p., on boats to this point, and affords water pow- Clinton r. -and Detroit & Milwaukee Rd., er, Which is employed in severalmills. Cen- 26-i. from Detroit. One of the principal tre of a good agricultural district, wool and produce markets in the State, and Democrat...W...... -... 3,398 a place of active trade. Republican............. W.3,399 Bill Poster............. W. 3,419 NTORRIS, Wayne Co. Gazette.................W. 3,420 Suburban. -............ 3,400 PORT AUSTIN, c. h., Huron Co., 778 p., WORTH BRANCH, Lapeer Co., 937 p. on Lake Huron, at head of Saginaw Bay, Observer.................W. 3,401 100 m. from Bay City. Principal indusNORTHPORTr, c. h., Lelenaw Co. Ttries are quarrying grind stones, building LeelORHPOR, c. h, Leelena Co. stone, and manufacturing salt and lumber. Leelanau ~iPbune.......W. 3,40 ~. ^.......W. 3,4R1 Huron Co. News.........W. 3,421 NORTHVILLE, Wayne Co., 800 p., on PORT HURON, St. Clair Co., 5,973 p., W. branch Rouge r.,'and Flint & Pere on Lake Huron & Grand Trunk and Port Marquette Rd., 27 m. N. W. of Detroit. Huron & Lake Michigan Rds., 62m. from Several mills and factories here are run by Detroit. Engaged n lumbering, ship the water power of the river. School and building repaag and lake commerce. church furniture manufactured htre. building, repairing and lake commerce. Tchurch furniture manufactured h ere. Times................... D 3,4:22 Record........... S. M. 3,403'....... W. 3,4243 ONTONAGON, c. h., Ontonagon Co., 800 Commercial.............. D. 3,424 p., on Lake Superior, at mouth of Ontona- Sunday Commercial.... -W. 3,4325 gon r., 45 m.; from Houghton. Shipping Journal.. W. 3,426. CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXRIBITIJON. 85 MICHIGAN. MICHIGAA. PORTLAND, Ionia Co., 1,800t p., on De- Manistee r., about 30 m. above:Maistee. troit, Lansing & Lake Michigan Rd., at Lumber business and farming the chief junction of Grand and Looking Qlass rs., industries. 12 m. S. E. of Ionia. Has water power, Wexford Co. Pioneer.....W. 3,445 whichis.being improved by various manu- SOUTH HAVEN, Van Buren Co., 1.500 facturing enterprises.. on Lake Michigan and South Haven Observer..........W. 3,427 division of Michigan Central Rd., 39 m. QUINYCY, Branch Co., 1,116t p., on Lake from Kalamazoo, about 25N. of.St. Joseph. Shore & Michigan Southern Ed., 6 m. E.. Sentinel.............3,446 of Coldwater. Engaged in agriculture and SPRING LAKE, Ottawa Co.,' 1,156 p., stock raising. on Grand r., opposite Grand Haven, in Times.................. W. 3,428. heart of great fruit belt of Michigan. CenREADING, Hillsdale Co., 1,657 p., on tre of thriving trade. Engaged in panuFort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Rd., 36 facture of pine lumber. m. from Jackson. Independent..............3,447 Press....................W. 3,429 STANTON, c. h., Montcalm Co., 1,500t p., REED CITY, Osceola Co. near centre of the county, and 15 m. N. E Clarion.................W. 3,430 of Greenville. ROCHESTER, Oakland Co. Montcalm Co.. Journal...W. 3,448 Era........ W. 3,431 Montcalm Herald.,.... W. 3,449 ROCKFORD, Kent Co. STURGIS, St. Joseph Co., 300~ p., on Register............ 3,43'2 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, and 3.. ~ Grand Rapids & Indiana Rds., 79 m. from SAGINAW, c. h., Saginaw Co., 10,064t p., Adrian. ngage in agriculture and on Saginaw r.. 22 m. from its mouth. manufactures. River navigable to this point. Also on Journal and Times..... W. 3,450 Jackson. Lansing & Saginaw and 2 m. St. Joseph Co. Democrat.W. 3,451 from East Saginaw Rds. En d TAWAS CITY, c. h., Iosco Co., 700t p., lmSaqiertawiande.......... W. - 3,43 3 on Tawas Bay, about 30 mi. N. by E. of Bay Saginawian............. W. 3,43 3 ~ Vao;lley Newst a.......W. 3,434 City. Has a fine harbor. E]ngaged in N'.......... -. 3 lumbering, and increasing in population ST. CLAIR, c. h.. St. Clair Co., 2,000t p., and business. on St..Clair r., at mouth of Pine r., 50 m. losco Co. Gazette........W 3,452 from Detroit. Surrounded by agricultural, district. Engaged in manufactures. TECUMSEH, Lenawee Co., 2,500 p., on Republican............ 3,435 Jackson division of Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rd., 33 m. from Jackson and ST. JOHNS, c.h., Clinton Co., 2,200 p., on 13 from Adria, 40. N. of Toledo. the Detroit & Milwaukee Rd., 98 m. from Agricultural district. Engaged in manuDetroit. -pfacturing. Clinton Independent....W. 3,436 Herald... W. 3,4 3 Clinton Republican.....W. 3,43T Rai Vaey ecord... 37,45 ST. JOSEPH, Berrien Co., 2,994 p., at THREE OAKS, Berrien Co., 1,316 p. mouth of St. Joseph's r., and on Chicago & E O B, Michigan Lake Shore Rd., 60 m. from Chi-.... cago. Engaged in the lumber trade. THREE RIVERS, St. Joseph's Co., Centre of the celebrated peach region of the 2,600 p., on St. Joseph's r. The Lake Shore Northwest. & Michigan Southern and Michigan CenRepublican............. W. 3,43 8 tral Air Line Rds. pass through here. Has Traveler and Herald.....W. 3,439 water power, which is employed in various ST. LOUIS, Gratiot Co., 868 p., on Pine r., kinds of manufacture. 8 m. N. of Ithaca, 30 W. of Saginaw and Heald................ W.3,456 60 N. of Lansing. Surrounded by au ex- Reporter............ W. 3,457 tensive lumber region. The celebrated TRAVERSE CITY, c. h., Grand Tramagnetic springs ofthe State are located verse Co., 1,500t p., on the west arm of here., Grand Traverse Bay, 125 m. N. of Grand Herald..............W. 3,440 Rapids. SALINE, Washtenaw Co., 1 802 p. Grand Traverse Herald..W. 3,458 Oracle............ W....... 3,441 Traverse Bay Eagle......W. 3,459 SARANAC, Ionia Co. UNION CITY, Branch Co., 2,123 p., on Reporter.... W.......... 3,442 St. Joseph's r. and Air Line division of the Michigan Central Rd., at head of naviga-' SAUGATUCK, Allegan Co., 1,575 p., on tion, 115 mn. from Detroit. A manufacturLake Michigan, at mouth of Kalamazoo r., ing town. Business centre for a large 25 imn. N..W. of Allegan. Engaged in tract of rich farming country. manufacturing lumber, and the wood and R ste. W 3,460 bark trade. Surrounded by a fruit-growing e......... district. VASSAR, Tuscola Co., 1,500t p., on Cass r. Lake Shore ommnereial..W. 3,443 18 m. from Saginaw and 22 from Bay City. SCHOOCRAT, Kalamazoo C 000 Enaged in agriculture, manufacturing SCHOOLCRAFT, Kalamazoo Co., ],000 afflumbering. p., at junction of Lake Shore & Michi aanr.W. 46 Southern, Chicago and Lake Huron R(s., Tusola Co. Pioneer...... about 15 m. S. of Kalamazoo. Agricul- VER1IOONTVILLE, Eaton Co., 1,718 p. tural region. Enterprise..............W. 3,462 Dispatch and News....... 3,444 VICICSBURG, Kalamazoo Co. SHERMAN, Wexford Co., 300 p., on Monitor.................W. 3,463 86 CNENTNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MICHIGAN. MINNESOTA. WAYNE, Wayne Co. McGregor, and about 40 S. W. of RoohesPilot..................W. 3,464 ter. Centre of trade for an agrioulturea WENONA,. Bay Co., 3,000t p., on the community. southern shore of Saginaw Bay immedi- Mower and Fillmore Co. ately opposite Bay City, 79 m. N. E. of Republian............W. 3,481 Lansing. The northern terminus of Jack- Mower Co. Transcript....W. 3,482 son, Lansing & SaginawRd. One of the Register...............W. 3,483 most important shipping points on Lake BEAVER FALLS, c. h., enville Co. Huron. Engaged inlumber and salt bus- 150t p., 2 m. from Minnesota r. and 37 from iness. New Ulm. Herald.................W. 3,465 Renvile Times.........W. 3,484 WHITEHALL, Muskegon Co., 1,323 p., BENSON, c. h., Swift Co. on White Lake and Chicago & Michigan Times......... W. 3,485 Lake Shore Rd., 16 m. from Muskegon. BLVE EARTH CITY, c. h., Faribault Engagedn lumberig and fruit grwg. Co., 1,956t p., on Blue Earth r., about 10 m. Has 16 mills, which clt 500,000 feetof lum from Southern Minnesota Rd.,, 40 S. of ber daily, and manufacture 200,000 shingles Mankato. Count seat and centre of trade daily. of a prairie region. Forum............. W. 3,466 Bee................W. 3,486 WHITE PIGEON, St. Joseph Co., Post.................W. 3,487 1,713 p. BRAINERD, Crow Wing Co., 750 p., on Argus................., J,4b Mississippi R. & Northern Pacific R., 115 WILLIAMSTON, Ingham Co. m. fromDuluth. Enterprise.... W..W... 3,468 Tribune.................W. 3,488 WYANDOTTE, Wayne Co., 3,375t p., on CALEDONIA, c. h., Houston Co., 1,000t Detroit r. and Lake Shore & Michigan p., 14 m. from Brownsville and 18 S. W. of SouthernRd., 17 m. from Detroit. The LaCrosse. Wis. location of extensive furnaces, rolling mills Houston Co. Journal....W. 3,489 and various manufactures. and van ious manufactures. a CAMBRIDGE, c. h., Isanti Co. WayneCo. Courier.W.... 6Isanti Co. Press.........W. 3,490 YPSILANTI, Washtenaw Co., 6,300p., CARVER CarverCo. on Huron r. and Michigan Central Rd(, at arver o. ee Press...W. 391 junction of Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Rd., 30 m. from Detroit. In an agricul- CHASKA, c. h. Carver Co., 1,200 p., on tural district. The river furnishes water Minnesota r. and Northern Pacific Rd., at power, which is emploved in various man- junction of Hastings & Dakota Rd., 5 m. ufactures. Seatof State Normal School. above Chakopee and about 28 from St. Commercial.............W. 3,470 Paul. Sentinel.................W. 3,471 Valley Herald.........W. 3,492 School.........M...... 3,472 CHATFIELD, Fillmore Co., 1,600t p., Good Templar...........Qr. 3,473 about 60 m. from La Crosse, Wis. Democrat................ W. 3,493 MINNESOTA. CROOKSTON, c. h., Polk Co. ________MI__E__OA._____________ Independent............. W. 3.,494 DELANO, Wright Co., 600t p., on Crow ALBERT LEA, c. h., Freeborn Co., r. and St. Paul & Pacific Rd. 1,500t p., on two small lakes and Southern Wright Co. Eagle........W. 3,495 Minnesota Rd., 128 m. from La Crosse. DETROIT, Becker Co., 280 p., on Detroit Enterprise............ W. 3,474 Lake and Northern Pacific Rd., 206 m. Freeborn Co. Standard....W. 3,475 from Dluth. ALEXANDRIA, c. h., Douglas Co., 800t Becker Co. Banner.......W. 3,4:96 p., in a region of lakes, 65 m. N. W. of St. Record.................W. 3,497 Cloud, with which it is connected by DODGE CENTRE, Dodge Co. stages. In a farming community, staple Press......W. 3498 products, wheat, oats and raising of stock. UL h. St.Louis Co 4 p., on Post.-......... i.........W. 3,476 DULUTH, c. h., St. Louis Co, 4,500 p., on st..............,extreme western shore of Lake Superior, ANOKA, c. h., Anoka Co., 2,500 p., on and terminus of Lake Superior & MissisMississippi r., at mouth of Rum r. and St. sippi Rd., and lake terminus of Northern Paul & Pacific Rd., about 15 m. above Pacific Rd., 170 m. N. E. of St. Paul. EnMinneapolis. The river furnishes good gaged in commerce, manufacturing and water power, which is employed to con- general trade. Large grain market. siderable extent in manufactures. Lum- Minnesotian-Herald....W. 3,499 bering is its principal branch of industry. Tribune....-.........W. 3,500 Surrounded by an agricultural district. ELK RIVER, Sherburne Co., 900t p., on Anoka Co. Repub an... W. 3,477 Mississippi r. and Mississippi R. branch of Anokd Co. UTnion -....... 3,478 St. Paul & Pacific Rd., 40 m. N. W. of St. Journal................. 3,479 Paul. Several mills and manufactories AUDUBON, Becker Co. here. Journal...-.............. 3W 480. News....-W...-.......... 3,501 Sherburne Co. Star......W. 3,502 AUSTIN, c. h., Mower Co., 3,000t p., on Shue C O. S W. 3 Cedar r. and Milwaukee & St. Paul Rd.. at ELYSIAN, Le Sueur Co. junction of Austin & Mason City branch, Messenger-..............W. 3,503 and Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Minne- EYOTA, Olmstead Co., 600t p., on Winona sota Rds., 104 m. from St. Paul, l11 from & St. Peter Rd., 13 m. E. of Rochester and CENTE ENIAt NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 87 MINNESOTA. MINNESOTA. 37 W. of Winona. Centre of a wheat- & St. PeterRd., 65 m. W. of Winona. In growing district. an agricultural region. Advertiser.............W. 3,504 Dodge Co. Republican...W. 3,522 FAIRMONT, c. h., Martin Co.. 750t p., 20 LAC QUI PARLE, c. h., Lac Qui Parle m. from Winnebago City and 40 S. by W. of Co. Mankato. The county seat of an agricul- Lac Qui Parle Co. Press.W. 3,523 tural county. Centre of a thriving trade. LAKE CITY, Wabasha Co., 3,000t p., on Martin Co. Sentinel..... 3.,505 Lake Pepin, an expansion of Mississippi PARtIBAULT, c. h., Rice Co., 5,534t p., on r.,and St. Paul and Chicago division of Iowa & Minnesota division of Milwaukee & Milwaukee & St. Paul Rd., 72 m. below St. Paul Rd., 65 m. from St. Paul and 15 St. Paul. Centre of an agriculturalregion. from Owatonna. Seat of several institu- Manufactures carried on. Summer resort. tions of learning, and the Asylum for the Leader................ W. 3,524 Deaf, Dumb and Blind. Surrounded by an Wabashaw Co. Sentinel...W. 3,525 agricultural region. Manufacturing carried SBORO, moreCo., p., LANESBORO, Fillmore Co., 1,1.75t p., on on Has seVen flouring mills. Southern Minnesota Rd., 51 m. W. of La De -nocrat..W. 3,506 Cre, W epcan.............. 3. d oaCrosse, Wis. Republican-...... -.. W. 3,507....... W. 356 -.. -..W 3,..JTournal.............W.3,526 FARMINGTON, Dakota Co., 2,400 p., on LE, Mower Co. Hastings & Dakota division at crossing ROY, Mower Co. of Iowa & Minnesota division of Mil- ndpendent..... 3,5 waukee & St. Paul Rd. Surrounded by a LE SUEUR, c. h., Le Sueur Co., 1,500 p., farming country. on Minnesota T., and St. Paul & Sioux City Press................W. 3,508 Rd., 63 m. from St. Paul. FERGUS FALLS, Otter Tail Co., 700t Sentinel.................W. 3,588 p., on Otter Tail r.. 200 m. N. W. of Min. LITCHFIELD, c. h., Meeker Co., 1,200 neapolis. It has a fine water power, and p.. on Lake Ripley, and St. Paul & Pacific is surrounded by forests of pine and hard- Rd., 78 m. W. of St. Paul. wood lumber. Engaged principally in News-Ledger.........W. 3,529 lumber manufacturing. Advocate............. W. 3,509 LITTLE FALLS, c. h., Morrison Co. Journal..... W. 3,510 Courier......... W. 3,530 GLENCOE, c. h., McLeod Co., 1,000t p., LONG PRAIRIE, c. h., Todd Co. terminus of Hastings & Dakota division of Todd Co. Argus..........W. 3,531 Milwaukee & St. Paul Rd., 74 m. from LUVERNE, c. h., Rock Co Hastings and 59 W. of St. Paul, 50 W. of o o. Herald...W. 3,53 Minneapolis. Register...........W. 3,511 MADELIA, c. h., Watonwa.n Co., 675p., TrGLENWOOD, cil. T~h., Pope Co., 2 on St. Paul & Sioux City Rd., 23 im. from GLElaNWOOD<, c. h., Pope Co., 200t p., Mankato and 110 from St. Paul. Sursituated at the head of White Bear Lake, nded by an d 110 f rom St. Paul. Surabout 75 m. W. of St. Cloud. Fine water TimesW. 3,533 Times............W. 3,533 power for manufacturing purposes... Ror d...'' 3534 Pope Co. Press...W. 3,5128 Watonwan Co. Record.. W. 3,534 Pope Co. Pres's...........W. 3,5 1. GRANITI E FALLS, c. h., Yellow Medi- RMANKATO, c. h., Blue Earth Co., 5,750t cine Co. p., at junction of Minnesota and Blue Earth Journal. - W.........' 3,513 rs. Centre of an agricultural district. Has considerable trade and manufacturing in. HASTINGS, c. h., Dakota Co., 3,455 p., terest. on Mississippi r., at eastern terminus of Minnesota Beobachter.... W.3,535 Hastings & Dakota division of Milwau- Record............... W. 3536 kee & St. Paul Rd., also a station on Chi- Review... W. 3,537 cago division, 25 m. below St. Paul. En- UnIon W 3538 gaged in milling and manufacturing, and a shipping point or grain. MANTORVILLE, c. h., Dodge Co., 760 Gazette............W....W. 3,514 p., about 2k m. from Kasson and 17 W. of Union...................W. 3,515 Rochester. HENDERSON, c. h., Sibley Co., ot' p., Express............... 3,539 on Minnesota r., and St. Paul& Sioux City MARSHALL, c. h., Lyon Co. Rd., 60 m. S. W. of St. Paul. Messenger............. W. 3,540 Sibley Co. Independent...W. 3,516 MINNEAPOLIS, c. h., Hennepin Co., HOKAH, Houston Go. 33,747t p., on Mississippi r., at junction of Blade...................W. 3,517 Milwaukee, St. Paul & Minneapolis, St. HOMER, Winona Co. Paul & Pacific. Minneapolis & St. Louis Novelty Press........W.. 3,518 and Minneapolis & Duluth Rds., 10 m. ~UTCHINTf^SON, MLeod Co. /from St. Paul. The river furnishes power, Enterp.rise3.......5... which is employed in milling and manutrre...... W. 3,519 facturing. JACKSON, c. h., Jackson Co., 450t p., on Evening Mail..........D.3,41 Des Moines r., 164 m. S. W. of St. Paul and Dollar Mail............... 3,548'75 from Mankato. The centre of a thriv- Tribune............... 3,3;543 ing trade and growing rapidly. "................W... 3,544 epublic.,.............W 3,520 Business Mirror...... S. W. 3,545 JAI SVILLE, Waseca Co. Budstikken,..........W. 3,546 Ar~>ncs.W.3,1 ~C/ wo *itizen.............. W.3,547 rgus................... W.,5 Farmers' UInion..........W. 3,548 KASSON, Dodge Co., 1,500t p., on Winona Freie Presse........ W. 3,549 88 OENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITIWN. MINNESOTA. MINNESOTA. Liberty'Blade and Mon- ST. CHARLES, Winona Co.,, 1,500t p. day Morning News.....W. 3,5 50 on Winona & St. Peter Rd., 28 m. w. of Rural.imes.........S. S.. 3,551 Winona. Centre of an agricultural disMINNESOTA FALLS, Yellow Medicine trict. Co. Times -—........ W. 3,5 72 Sentinel...............W. 3,552 ST. CLOUD, c. h., Stearns Co., 3,300t p., MONTICELLO, Wright Co., 1,200t p, on Mississippi r. and St. Paul & Pacific on Mississippi r., 48 m. N. W. ofSt. Paul Rd., 80. from St. Paul. Largest place in Surrounded by a rich farming country. N. part of State, and centre Qf manufacturWriht Co. Tirnes......W. 3,553 ing trade. Agricultural district sur~t m.. W3 rounding. MQOOHEAD, Clay Co., 420 p., on Red rounding Journal.................. W. 3,573 r. and Northern Pacific Rd., 252 m. from 3 Duluth. es 3 7 Red River Star.. W. 3,554. r..... Beat River Star.W...........e..W. 3,575 ST. P~AJL, c. h., Ramsey Co., State capiNEW ULM, c. h., Brown Co., 2,200t p., Ramsey Co.,,State capiNEW ULM, c. h., Bown Co., 2,200t p. tal, 33,175t p., on Mississippi r., 9 m. below on Minnesota r. and Winona & St. Peter the falls.of St. Anthony and at the head of Rd., about 25 m. above Mankato. Centre navigation. Engaged in milling,.manufac of trade. Considerable manufacturing car- and t. ecentre. Herald................. 3,55 Dispatch.D. 3,576 _Po~'t~Di~ath...,,........,.:...... 3,D.576 Post -.................... T. W. 3,577 NORJTHFIELD, Rice Co., 2,278 p., on "....W. 3,578 Iowa & Minnesota division of Milwaukee Pioneer Press....... D. 3,579 & St. Paul Rd., 37 m. from St. Paul and 14 "....... T. W. 3,580 from Faribaillt. Centre of an agricultural "...... 3,581 region. Seat of Carleton College. Minnesota Staats ZeiRice Co. Journal........W. 3,557 tung.............. T. W. 3,582 OWATONNA, c. h., Steele Co., 2,873 p., on Minnesota Staats Zeitung.W. 3,583 Straight r., at intersection of Winona & Anti-Monopolist..........W. 3,584 St. Peter Rd. with Iowa and Minnesota Der Wanderer........W. 3,585 division of Milwaukee & St. Paul Rd., 67 m. L'Etoile du Nord........W. 3,5 86 from St. Paul and 90 from Winona. Wheat Minnesota Volcsblatt....W. 3,587 and produce market for surrounding coun- North- Western Chronicle. W. 3,588 try. Shipping and manufacturing point. Svenska Nybyggaren...W. 3,589 A vichy water spring located here. ST. PETER, c. h., Nicollet Co., 3,3001 p., Journal...............W. 3,558 on Minnesota r., on St. Paul & Sioux City People's Press...........W. 3,559 and Winona & St. Peter Rds., 70 m. from PERHAM, Otter Tail Co. St. Paul. Engaged in manufacturing. N ews...-.-... W. 3,560 Commercial Advertiser.. W..3,590 PRESTON, c. h., Fillmore Co., 1,500t p., Tribune............. W. 3,591 44 m. W. by S. of La Crosse, Wis. Sur- SAUK CENTRE, Stearns Co., 1,200t p., rounded by an agricultural district. on Sauk r., on,the St. Vincent branch of Republican..............W. 3,561 the N. P. Rd., about 45 m. W. N. W. of St. Cloud. PRINCETON, c. h., Mille Lacs Co. erad... 3,5.9 Appeal..................WHerald -. 3,5926 RED WING, c. h., Goodhue Co., 5,630t p.SA RAPIS, c. h., Benono. Sentinel.................. W. 3,593 on W. bank of Mississippi r. and St. Paul en....W. 3,593 & Chicago Rd., about 41 m. from St. Paul. SHAKOPEE, c: h., Scott Co., 2,000 p., on Argus...W..............W. 3,563 Minnesota r., 28 m. from St. Paul, at juncGoodhue Co. Republican W. 3,564 tion of St. Paul & Sioux City, Hastings & Grange Advance..........W. 3,565 Dakota and Minneapolis & St. Louis Rds. REDWOOD FALLS, c. h., Redwood Surrounded by a farming district and centre of an active trade. Lime kilns and Co., 700t p., on Redwood r., 40 m. from New Vim and 45 from Wilimar. Engae railroad machine shop located here. New Ulm and: 45 from Willmar. Engaged Argus. W. 3 594 in farming and manufactures. U. S. Local Land Offie. SPRING VALLEY, Fillmore Co., 1,400t Redwood Gazette.......W. 3,566 p., on Southern Minnesota Rd., 75 m. W. REED'S LANDING, Wabasha Co.s. E d manufacturing Press.................. W35and ariculture. Western Progress......W. 3,59 5 ROCHESTER, c. h.. Olmstead Co., 5,000 eTILLWATER, r. h., Washinton Co. p., on Wiona & t. Petr Rd.,50.from TYLLWATER, c. h., Washington Co.,., on Winona & St. Peter Rd., 50 m. from 5,000 p., head of Lake St. Croix and termiWinona. The most important place on nus of Stillwater branch of Lake Superior this railroad. Surrounded by an agricultu- & Mississippi division of Northern Pacific ral district and centre of an active trade. Rd. also o twater branch of Northern'Post. ---;7't -' W.' 3,568 Wisconsin Rd., 20 m. from Mississippi r. Record and Union....... W 3,569...and 18 from St. Paul. Engaged in lumber RUSH CITY, Chisago Co. trade. Surrounded by an agricultural -reChisago Co. Post..... W. 3,570 gion. Steamer runs daily to Taylor's Falls. RUSHFORD, Fillmore Co., 1,750 p., on Gazette.................W. 3,596 Root R. & Southern Minnesota Rd., 30 m. Lumberman............ 3,597 from La Crosse. Water power furnished Messenger............. 3,598 by the river and Rush Creek, which is used TAYLOR" S FALLS, Chisago Co., 1,003 in manufactures of various kinds. p., on St. Croix r., about 47 m. N. E. of St. Str...,...............W. 3,5 71 Paul. Engaged in lumber, manufawtrie CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 89 MINNESOTA. MISSISSIPPI. andagriculture. Waterpower. Steamers ASHLAND, c. h., Benton-Co. make daily trips between this point and Benton Co Argus........W. 3,618 Stillwater. AUSTIN, c:h., Tunica Co., 500 p., on MisJozurnatl................9. 3,599 sissippi r., 70 m. below Memphis and 35 N. WABASHA, c. h., Wabasha Co., 3,000t p., W. of Sardis. Cotton-shippng point. on Mississippi r., 3 m. below Lake Pepin, Cotton Plant.........W.,S19 30 above Winona. Grain market and ten- AY ST. LOUIS, c. h, Hancock Co., tre of trade. Termination of the Midland 3,000 p., on Bay St. Louis and New Orleans, Rd. Mobile & Texas Rd., 50 m. from New OrHerald........... W... W. 3,600 leans and 212 S. by E. of Jackson. A WASECA, Waseca Co., 1,875t p., on Win- watering place, and doing considerable ona & St. Peter Rd., 105 m. W. of Winona. trade in lumber, naval stores, cattle and Minnesota Radical......W. 3,601 cotton. WATERVILLE, Le Sueur Co. Herald.......... 3,620 Echo.................W. 3,602 Sea Coast Republican....W. 3,621 WELLS, Faribault Co., 1,000 p., on South- BILOXI, Harrison Co. ern Minnesota Rd., 40 m. S. E. of Mankato Mirror.............W. 3,622 and 25 E of Blue Earth City. The centre BOLTON, Hinds Co. of an agricultural district. The railroad Weekly................W. 3,623 repair shops are located here. BOONEVILLE, c. h., Prentiss Co. 1,100 Gazette.............W. 3,603 p., on Mobile & Ohio Rd.. 21 m. from WILLMIAR, c. h., Kandiyohi Co., 800t p., Corinth and 173 from Meridian. In a coton Foot Lake and St. Paul & Pacific Rd., ton-growingdistrict.. 104 m. from St. Paul and 95 from Minne- Prentiss Pleader........ W,3,624 apolis. An agricultural district. One of BRANDON, c. h., Rankin Co., 756 p., on the best wheat markets on the road. The Vicksburg & Meridian Rd., 14 m..from railroad machine shops are located here. Jackson, 60 from Vicksburg and 80 from Gazette...........W. 3,604 Meridian. In a cotton district. Republican....... W. 3,605 Republican...... W. 3,625 WINDOM, Cottonwood Co., 500 p., on BROOKHAVEN,. h., Lincoln Co., 2,030 Sioux City & St. Paul Rd., 145 m. from p.,on New Orleans, Jackson & Great St. Paul and 120 from Sioux City., Doinga Northern Rd., 95 m. from Jackson. Enconsiderable trade. An agricultural dis- gage in lumber business and a manufactrict. turng town. Reporter.............. W. 3,606 zen......... W. 3,6 WINNEBAGO CITY, Faribault Co., 900 Ledger..................W. 3,627 p., on Blue Earth r. and Southern Minne- CANTON, c. h., Madison Co., 2,465 p., on sota Rd., 33 m. S. of Mankato and market New Orleans, St. Louis & Chicago Rd., 23 for an agricultural country. m. from Jackson. Cotton mart. Press................. W. 3,607 American Citizen.......W. 3,628 WINONA, c. h., Winona Co., 11,00Ot p., on Mail.................. W. 3,629 Mississippi r. and Chicago & St. PauI Rd., CARROLLTON, c. h., Carroll Co., 700t about 25 m. above La Crosse. E. terminus p., about 96 m. N. of Jackson and 20 W. of Winona & St. Peter Rd. Large quanti- y S. of Grenada. ties of gTain are shipped from this point. Mississippi Conservative. W. 3,630 Principal exporting point for wheat in the CARTHAGE, c. h., Leake Co. 6001 p., State. RepublicaD. 3,68 about 40 m. N. E. of Jackson. Replc......W.. 3,609 Carthaginian...........W. 3,631 Adler.................W. 3,610 CHARLESTON, c. h., Tallahatchee Co., Herald. —.............. W. 3,611 800 p., 10 m. W. of Mississippi & Tennessee Parish Messenger.........M. 3,612 Rd. at Oakland, 144 N. of Jackson. WORTHINGTON, Nobles Co., 350 p., TaUahatchee News.. 3,632 on Okabena Lake and St. Paul & Sioux COLUMBUS, Lowndes Co., 6,000t p., on City Rd., 178 m. from St. Paul. An agri- Tombigbee r., 140 m. from Jackson. A cultural and stock-raising section. branch railroad connects with Mobile & Advance.................W. 3,613 Ohio Rd. at Artesia. The river is naviZTUMBROTA, Goodhue Co. ^gable for steamboats to this point, making it an important shipping point for. cotton, Independent....... W. 3,614 which is cultivated in the vicinity. _ Democrat........... W. 3,633 MISSISSIPPI. Index-. —-----— W. 3,634 ~XfTC:SC!TCOTOCTTT Index...................W. 3,6 34 ____________ Lowndes Independent..W. 3,635 Press....W. 3,636 ABERIDEEN, c. h., Monroe Co., 5,000t p., Patron of Husbandry.... 3,637 on Tombigbee r. and branch of Mobile & Ohio Rd., 232 m. from Mobile and about the COR H, o. h., lcorn Co., 1,512te ti of Mobile & Ohio Rd., at intersection of same distance fromm Columbus, Ky. The Memphis & Charleston Rd., 94 m. from river is navigable to this point a large por- Memphis. Engaged in cotton manufactur Memphis. Engaged in cotton manufacturtion of the year, and large quantities of cotton are shipped down the river to Mo- News.-. 3,638 bile., e xamni r. T. W. 3,615 Sub-Soiler and Democrat.W. 3,639 Examiner.......... T. W. 3,615 ".............W. 3,616 CRYSTAL SPRINGS, Copiah Co. True Republican.........W. 3,617 Monitor..............W. 3,640 90 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MISSISSIPPI. MISISSISSIPPI. DRY GROVE,. Hinds Co. Mississippi Pilot.......... 3,665 Diocesan Record of Missis- People's Defense....... W. 3,666 sippi................ M. 3,641 Mississippi Teacher......M. 3,667 EDWARDS, Hinds Co. KOSCIUSKO, c. h., Attala Co., 2,000 p. Courier................W. 3,642 15 m. E. of Net Orleans, St. Louis &'C&iENTERPRISE, c. h., Clark Co., 2,000 cago d., 18 from Mississippi Central Rd., p., at junction of Chunky and Oakabilla rs., an 70'N. by E. of Jackson. Eigaged forming the Chickasaha, on Mobile & Ohio principally in agriculture. Rd., 120 m. from Mobile and 95 E. by S. of Central Star.............W. 3,668 Jackson. An agricultural and lumber LEXINGTON, c. h., Holmes Co. 1,300p. district. about 60 m. N. of Jackson and 12 from line Courier. ofNew Orleans, Jackson & Great'NorthFAYETTE, c. h., Jefferson Co., 780 p., ern Rd. 30' n. E. by N. of Natchez. Advertiser...........W.;, 3,6i69 Chronicle...............W. 3,644 Holmes Co. Aegis........W. 3,670 Vindicator. LBERTY, c. h., Amite Co., 300t p. FOREST, Scott Co., 560 p., on Vicksburg about 25 m. from line of New Orleans, t. & Meridian Rd., 45 m. E. of Jackson.' Louis & Chicago Rd. and 100 S. by W. of Register...............W. 3,646 Jackson. FRIARS POINT, c. h., Coahoma Co., Advocate.........W. 3,671 270m.above Southern Herald. W.... 3,672 2,000t p., on Mississippi r., 270 m. above SUthern Herald........W. 3,67 Vicksburg. LOUISVILLE, c. h., Winston Co., 450t Delta.......W..........W. 3,647 P., 26 m. W. of Mobile & Ohio Rd., at MaGREENWOOD, c. h., Le. iplore Co. esn, 113 N. E. of Jackson. Centreof trade Valley Sentinel...... W. 3648 an gaged agriculture. GRENADA, c. h., Grenada Co., 2,000. MeCOMB CITY, Pike Co. junction Mississippi' Central and Missis- Y Piko. sippi & Tennessee Rds., head of navigation Inteigencer............ 3,74 on Yalabusho r., 112 m. from Jackson, 100 MACON, c. h., Noxubee Co., 975 p., on from Memphis. A cotton-growingregion. Mobile & Ohio Rd., 35 m. from Columbus, Republican..............W. 3,649 198 from Mobile. Railroad repair shops Sentinel.................W. 3,65 0 are located here. Engaged in agriculture. Southern Rural Gent le- A shipping point for cotton. man................W. 3,651 Beacon..................W. 3,675 HAiNDSBORO, Harrison Co., 650 p., near Misissippi Sun.........W. 3,676 New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Rd., about MAGNOLIA, Pike Co., 530 p., on New 2 m. N. of Mississippi City, on Mississippi Orleans, St. Louis & Chicago d., 85 m. S. Sound, and 60 W. of Mobile. Engaged in of Jackson and 98 from New Orleans. lumber, milling and manufacturing. Herald............. W. 3,677 Democrat..............W. 3,652 MERIDIAN, Lauderdale Co., 6,000 p., on HAZELHURST, Copiah Co., 1,700 p., on Mobile & Ohio Rd., 135 m. from Mobile, at'New Orleans, St. Louls & Chicago Rd., 34 junction of Vicksburg & Meridian and m.' from Jackson and 149 from New Alabama & Chattanooga Rds. Has an Orleans. excellent trade and is growing rapidly. 1Jopiahan................W. 3,653 Mercury..............T. w. 3,678 Qopiah Herald -........W. 3,654 "............ W. 3,679 Miissssippi Democrat....W. 3,655 Gazette.................W. 3,680 HERNANDO, c. h., De Soto Co., 1,200 p., Southern Baptist.......W. 3,681 on Mississippi & Tennessee Rd., 22 m. from Southern Homestead...W. 3,6 8 Memphis and 78 from Grenada. MONTICELLO, c. h., Lawrence Co. Press and Times.........W. 3,656' Sunny South............W. 3,683 HOLLY SPRINGS, c. h., Marshall Co., MORTON, Scott Co. 3,000 p., on Mississippi Central division of Scott Co. Democrat.......W. 3,684 New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern Rd., 50 m. from Memphis and 180 from NATCHEZ, c. h., Adams Co., 9,057 p., on Mississippi r., 279 in. above New Orileans Mississippi Tribune. Jackson, engaged in cotton trade. and 100 below Vicksburg. River trade is Re porte.W 3658 important, steamboats making regular Reporter -----------------..W. 3,658 imp I Knt pSouth.............. 3,659 trips between here and other points on the river. Noted for its healthful climate. HOUSTON, Chickasaw Co., 720 p., on Democrat and Courier...). 3,685 Vicksburg & Nashville Rd., about 40 m....W. 3,686 N. W. of Columbus. New South................W. 3,687 Chickacsaw Messenger.... W. 3,660 ic w Messenger.W. 3,660 NEW ALBANY, c. h., Union Co. JACKSON, c. h., Hinds Co., State capital, Union..................W. 3,688 5,850t p., on Pearl r., and New Orleans, N St. Louis & Chicago Rd., at intersection of N n o, 4 Vicksburg & Meridian Rd., 183 mi. from burg & Meridian Rd., 60 m. E, of Jackson New Orleans and 45.E. of Vicksburg. In and 1 from Meridian. Centre of a corn a fertile and populous cotton-growing dis-. d coton gwing section. trict, and place of active trade. Bulletin................ 3,689 Times..................D. 3,661 OKOLONA, Chickasaw Co., 1,620 p., on Times and Republican....W. 3,662 Mobile & Ohio Rd., 28 m. from Columbus. Clarion........... W. 3,66 3 Prairie News.............W. 3,690 Farmer's Vindicator.....W. 3,664 Southern States..........W. 3,691 C1ENTENIAI NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 91 MISSISSIPPI. MISSISSIPPI. OXFORD, c. h., La Fayette Co., 1,422 p., New Orleans, St. Louis & Chicago Rd, on New Orleans, Jackson & Great North- about 40 m. S. E. of Jackson. ern Rd., 167 m. from Jackson. News --.-. —-. -.W. 3,718 Falcon............ W. 3,692 WIrNONA, Montgomery Co., 1,800t p., on Ricochet...............W. 3,69 3 Mississippi Central division of Great JackPASCAGOULA, Jackson Co. sonRd., 89 m. from Jackson. Star of Pascagoula.......W. 3,694 Advance............W. 3,719 PITTSBORO, c. h., Calhoun Co. WOODVIIIa, c. h., Wilkinson Co. Calhoun Democrat...W... 3,695 000 p., 3''fn. S. of Natches. Railroad Calhoun Times.........W. connecait with Bayou Sara, La. EnPORT GIBSON, c. h., ClaiborneCo. gage in raising corn, cotton and fruits. 1,900t p., on Little Bayou Pierre, about 7 T e centre. m. from Mississippi r., 35 from Vicksburg epublan......... 3,7 and 68 S. W. of Jackson. A cotton-grow- Y ZOO CITY, c. h., YazooCo. 2,500 p., ing district. i Yazoo r., 50 m. N. by W. of Jackson, Southern Reveille........W. 3,697 and about 25 W. of line of New Orleans, Standard................W. 3,698 ackson &Great Northern Rd. A shipRAYMOND, c. h., Hids Co., 500 p., about ping point for cotton, which is cultivated 16 m. W. by S. of Jackson. Engaged m in large quantities in the vicinity. the cotton trhde. Banner.....W......... W. 3,721 Hinds Co. Gazette......W. 3,699 Democrat....... 3,722 Herald...................W. 3,723 RIPLEY, c. h., Tippah Co., 1,000tp.,. about 30 m. W. by S. of Corinth and 30 E. of Holly Springs. MISSOURI. Advertiser..............W. 3,700 SARDIS, c. h., Panola Co., 2,500 p., on ALBANY, c. h., Gentry Co., 1,000 p., about Memphis and Tennessee Rd., 50 M. from 50 mi. N. E. of St. Joseph. Centre of a Grenada and 50 from Memphis. Grenada Sad a from Memps. 3 1 farming and stock-raising country. Panola Star............... W. 3,701 ameanFeema.... 3 4 American Freeman..... W. 3,724 SATARTIA, Yazoo. Democrat.. -..W..... 3,725 Sentinel............. W. 3,702 Ledge................ W. 3,726 SENATOBIA, c. h., Tate Co. ALEXANDRIA, Clark Co.,,000t p., on Republican Signet....... W.3,703 Mississippi r., at mouth of Des Moines r. Tidal Wave............ 3,704 E. terminus of Missouri, Iowa & Nebraska STARKVILLE, c. h., Oktibbeha Co., 850 Rd., opposite Warsaw, Ill., and 4 m. from p., 25 m. W. of Columbus and 125 from Keokuk, Iowa. Jackson. Commercial.........W. 3,727 East Mississippi Tines..W. 3,705 ALTON, c. h., Oregon Co. News...................W. 3,706 South Missourian........W. 3,728 Whig. APPLETON CITY, St. Clair Co., 1,000( SUMMIT, Pike Co., 1,000 p., on New Or- p., on Sedalia division of Missouri, Kansas leans and Chicago Rd., 75 m. from Jack- & Texas Rd., 60 m. S. W. of Sedalia. A son. farming district. Shipping point for St. Sentinel................W. 3,708 Clair and Bates counties. Coal mines in Times...................W. 3,709 operation inthe vicinity. TUPELO, Lee Co., 1,500t p., on Mobile & Appleton Democrat......W. 3,729 Ohio Rd., 45 m. from Corinth and 74 from Pilot....................W. 3,730 Columbus. BELTON, Cass Co. Journal................W. 3,710 Progress.................W. 3,731 VAIDEN, Carroll Co. BETHANY, c. h., Harrison Co., 1,200 p., Record...........W. 3,711 on a branch of Big Creek, 60m i. N. E. of St. VICKSBURG, c. h., Warren Co., 15,000t Joseph, 26 m. east of C. R. I. & P. Rd. Cenp., on Mississippi r., at WX. terminus of tre of trade. Vicksburg & Meridian Rd., 45 m. from Harrison Co. Herald...W. 3,732 Jackson and 400 N. from New Orleans. Harrison Co. Republican. W. 3,733 Engaged in river trade. Large quantities BILLINGS, Christian Co. of cotton are shipped from this point. Reformer................ 3,734 Some manufacturing carried on. BLOOMFIELD, c. h., Stoddard Co., 750 Herald.....-............D. 3,712 p. Herald..............D. 3,71 p., 280 m. S. E. of Jefferson City, 30 W. of e........... ~........ 3,714 Charleston and 160 from St. Louis. CotSentinel.................W. 3,714c ton, corn and tobacco are the chief proWATER VALLEY, Yallabusha Co., ducts. 3,5001 p., on New Orleans, St. Louis & Chi- Stoddard Co. Messenger..W. 3,735 cago rd., 28 i. from Grenada. BOLIVAR, c. h., Polk Co., 1,000 p., 110 m. -Courier.W.... --. 3,7-r15 S. W. of Jefferson City, 240 S. W. from St. Misstisppi Central..W... 3,716 TLouis, 30 N. of Springfield and 80 E. of WEST POINT, Lowndes Co., 1.392 p., on Fort Scott. Farming and stock-raising Mobile & Ohio Rd., 97 m. from Meridian, country, with largeminieral resources, but 230 from Mobile and about 15 N. E. of Col- little developed. umbus. Engaged in agricultural pursuits. Free Press...............W. 3,736 Cotton the principal production. Herald................W. 3,737 Southern Advertiser..... W. 3,717 Southern Advertiser W. 3,717 BOONEVILLE, c. h., Cooper Co., 6,500t WESTVILLE, c. h., Simpson Co., on p., on Missouri r., and Booneville branchof 92 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION MISSOURI..MISSORI Pacific Rd. of Missouri, 48 m. N. W. of the Southeast Missouri State Normal Jefferson City. Engaged in trade and river School. Noted for its fine flour. commerce. The grape is cultivated in this News............. W. 3,758 vicinity. Mines of iron, lead, marble and Western Press......-. W. 3,759 stone coal are found here. Westliche Presse.........W. 3,760 Advertiser................ D.3,738 College Message..........M. 3,761 -~"...W. 3,739 ~" ~ CARROLLTON, c. h., Carroll Co., 2,500 Central Missourier..-...W. 3,740 p., on St. Louis, Kansas City & Northen Eagle............... W. 3,741 Rd. about 6 m. from Missouri r., 66 from BOWLING GREEN, c. h., Pike Co., 600 Kansas City and 124 N. W. of Jefferson p., on Louisiana division of Chicago & City. Acton Rd.. 10 m. from Louisiana and 92 Carroll Journal..........W. 3,762 from Jefferson City. Democrat...............W. 3,763 Post-Observer............W. 3,742 Wakanda Record.......W., 764 BRECKENBRIDGE, Caldwell Co. CARTHAGE, c. h., Jasper Co., 6,000t p., Bulletin.................W. 3,743 near Spring r., 220 m. S. W. of Jefferson BROO F D, Lin Co 2500 p on City and 60 W. of Springfield. Engaged Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd., 102 m. from St. n manufactures. Centreof rade Joseph. Centre of agricultural district. Advance............... 3,765 Railroad machine shops located here. Banner......... 3,766 Chronicler-. 3,74- Patriot...W.....7..... W. 3,767 Chronie —-----------—.~3974 People's Press............W. 3,768 Gazette............... 3,745 People's Press.....,768 BROW SVILE, Saline Co., 2,200 CASSVILLE, c. h., Barry Co., 400 p., on Black r., about 20 m W. of Sedalia. W. c o tte 55 m. S. Herald................. 374 W. of Springfield. Missouri Temperance Democrat..............W. 3,769 Companion. -....... W. 3,747. CEDAR CITY, Callaway Co., 1,657 p., on Saline Co. Messenger.....W. 3,748 Missouri r., opposite Jefferson City, and BRUNSWICK, Chariton Co., 2,500t p., on terminu ofLo division of Chicago Missouri r., at mouth of Grand r.. and on Alt. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Rd., at azette........ W. junction of Brunswick & Chillicothe CENTRALIA, Boone Co., 500t p., -,n St. branch, 185 m. from St. Louis and 90 from Louis, Kansas City & Northern Rd., at Kansas City. Engaged in manufacturing, junction of Columbia branch. 121. m. from river commerce. St.Louis and 22 fom Columbia. Centre of Brunswicker..........W. 3,749 a grazing and agricultural district. PrinNews..................W. 3,75 0 cipal stock shipping point for four counties. Place of active trade in produce and grain. BUFFALO, c. h., Dallas Co., 600 p., 32 m. Our Firesmde Guard. W. 3,771 N. of Springfield, 220 from St. Louis and 100 from Fort Scott. Lead and coal mines CHAIMOIS, Osage o. located here. Osage Co. Leader.......W. 3,772 Dallas Co. Courier.......W. 3,751 CHARLESTON, c. h., Mississippi Co., Reflex............. W. 3,752 1,100t p., on Iron Mountain Rd., 179 m. BUTLER, c. h. Bates Co. 10 p from St. Louis and 12 from Mississippi r. KBUTmLE c. h., Bates Co., 1,200 abou ~ p and Cairo, Ill. In a lumber region, with 65in. S. of Kansas City and 30 N. E. of ric Cai? Ill. rich soil for general agricultural purFort Scott, Kansas. Centre of an agricul- agri l tural and grazing country. CO e W 37 Bates, Oo. Democrat ----- W. 3,75 a3 Courier..................W. 3,773 Bates Co. Democrat........ 3,753 Bates Co. Record - W. 3,754 Gazette.............W. 3,774 CHILLICOTHE, c. h., Livingston Co., CALI^FORNIA, c. h., Moniteau Co., 5,000 p., on Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd., at 2,000t p., on Missouri & Pacific Rd., 25 m. crossing of St. Louis Council Bluffs & frop Jefferson City. County rich in min- Omahabranch of St. Louis, Kansas City eral resources; lead and coal predominate. & Northern Rd., and Grand r., 130 m. Democrat................W. 3,755 from Hannibal. An agricultural and CAMERON, Clinton Co., 2,000t p., at in- stock-raising region. Important trade tersection of Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd. centre. Manufactures of various kinds and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rds., carried on. and junction of Kansas City division of Constitution.............-W. 3,775 former, 35 m. E. of St. Joseph and 53 from Tribune..-............. 3,776 Kansas City. Engaged in manufacturing CLARENCE, Shelby Co., 800t p., on Hanand surrounded by an agricultural district. nibal & St. Joseph Rd., 59 m. fiom HanObserver —...........W. 3,756 nibal. CANTON, Lewis Co., 3,000 p., on Missis- Tibune..............W. 3,777 sippi r. and St. Louis, Keokuk & North- CLARKSVILLE, Pike Co., 1,800 p., on western Rd., 22 m. below Keokuk and 200 Mississippi r., 100 m. above St. Louis. Enabove St. Louis. Shipping point for pro- gaged in agriculture and river commerce. duce of surrounding country. Sentinel.................W. 3,778 Press............ W. 3,757 CCLINTON, c. h., Henry Co., 3,000 p., on CAPE GIRARDEAU, Cape Girardeau Sedalia division of Missouri, Kansas & Co., 5,500t p., on Mississippi r., 50 m. above Texas Rd., 40 m. from Sedalia, 175 W. Cairo, Il., 150 below St. Louis. Has a from St. Louis. Engaged in agriculture, landing and river commerce. Surrounded manufacturing and stock raising. by an agricultural country. Minerals found Advocate................W. 3,779 here. Seat of St. Vincent College and Henry Co. Democrat.....W. 3,780 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 93 MISSOURI. MISSOURI. COLUMBIA, c. h., Boone Co., 3,200 p., 35 Democrat............... 3,804 m. from Jefferson City and 10 from Mis- North Missourian-.......W. 3 805 souri r., on Columbia branch of St. Louis, GAYOSO, c. h., Pemiscot Co., 700 p. Kansas City & Northern Rd. Place of near Mississippi r., at Walker's bend, 40 active trade and seat of State University. by water below New Madrid and 310 Also seat of "Christian Female College" E. of Jefferson City. and "Stephens' Female College." South-East Missouri ate Golden Age-...... W. 3,781 man..................W. 3,806 Missouri Herald........W. 3,782 Missouri Statesman....... 3,83 GLASGOW, Howard Co., 2,000t p., on U7niversityMsa..... Missouria. Msouri r., 75 m. from Jefferson. City and 12 from Fayette. Shipping point for COMMERCE, c. h., Scott Co., 1,267 p., on produce of county. Large quantities of Mississippir., about 170 m. below St. Louis tobacco are raised. Engaged in manufacand 35 above Cairo, Ill. turing. Dispatch................W. 3,785 Journal........ W. 3,807 CUBA CITY, Crawford Co. GLENWOOD, Schuyler Co., 680 p., on Crawford Mirror........W. 3,786....northern division of St. Louis, Kansas CURRYVILLE, Pike Co. City & Northern Rd., 227 m. from St. Pike Co. Fxpress.........W. 3,787 Louis and 50 from Ottumwa, Iowa. CenIDE SOTO, Jefferson Co. tre of an agricultural district. Coal found Phoenix.....W...........W. 3,788 here. DEXTER CITY, Stoddard Co. Criterion....... 3,808 Enterprise............W 3,789 GRAHAM, Nodaway Co. Headlight...............W. 3,809 DONIPHAN, c. h., Ripley Co. Prospect..W..........W. 3,790 GRANBY, Newton Co. e -Miner ---—. —. —.... —--- W. 3,81 O EASTON, Buchanan Co. Miner. W. 3,810 EASTrON, Bichan and Co. GRANT'CITY, c. h., Worth Co., 700 p., Banner, T.imes -and Observer..Wlimes.n W. 3,791 21 m. (mail route) N. W. of Jefferson City, 60 N. of St. Joseph a:d 6 from Iowa line. EDINA, o. h., K]nox Co., 807 p, about 35 N-A thriving place in the centre of an agrim. S. W. of Keokuk, Iowa, on Quincy, cultural and stock raising district. Missouri & Pacific Rd., 47 m. W. by N. of Str...... 811 Quincy, Ill. Engaged in agriculture and Worth Co. Times..... W. 3,812 stock raising. Centre of trade. Knox Co. Demrocrat.. — W. 3,792 GREENFIELD, c. h., Dade Co., 650 p., Sentinel.W. -........ W. 3,793 on Big Sac r., 35 m. N. W. of Springfield. EMINENCE, c.. h., Shannon In an agricultural and stock raising disEMINENCE, c. h., Shannon Co. trict. Current Wave.. -......W. 3,794. dvocate..... 38 Dade Co. Advocate......W. 3,8!.3 FARMINGTON, c. h., St. Francois Co., Vedette..................W. 3,814 900t p., about 10 m. E. of the Iron Moun. HAMILTON, Caldwell Co., 1,250 p., on tain Rd. and 60 S. of St. Louis. tain eRd. and 60 S. of St. Lonis. Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd., 50 m..from St. TNew Era39......W......... 3,795 Joseph Mo. A shipping point for counties Times.............. WN. and S. Engaged in agriculture and FAYETTE, c. h., Howard Co., 1,200t p., manufacturing. about 12 m. from Missouri r., 60 N. W. of News................. W. 3,815 Jefferson City and 100 from St. Louis. In HANNIBAL,Marion Co., 15,000tp., o a farming district. AdverMississippi r., 153 m. above St. Louis and Howard Co. Advertiser..,7 20 below Quincy, ll., and on Hannibal & FORSYTH, c. h., Taney Co., 560 p., St. Joseph and other Rds. Engaged in on White r., 45 m. S. of Springfield. En- trade and river commerce. One of the gaged in agriculture, fruit growing, stock most important shipping points i the State. raising and lumber manufacturing. Considerable manufacturing done here. Pioneer Farmer.........W. 3,798 Clipper................. 3,816 Times....... —... — W. 3,799 ".................W. 3,817 FREDERICKTOWN, c. h., Madison Courier.............D. 3,818 Co., 2,000t p., on St. Francis r. and Iron......... -----..-W. 3,819 Mountain Rd., 155 m. from St. Louis. Monitor....... W. 3,8 0 Lead and iron found in this vicinity. HARRISONVILLE, c. h., Cass Co., Farmer and Miner......W. 3,800 1,032 p., on Osage division of Missouri, Plain Dealer........-..W. 3,801 Kansas & Texas Rd., 22 m. from Holden FULTON, c. h., Callaway Co., 2,500t p., and 32 from Paola, Kansas. In an agrion Louisiana division of Chicago & Alton cultural and coal district. Rd., 20 m. from Jefferson City. State Lu- Cass Co. Courier.......... 3,8 1 natic and Deaf and Dumb Asylums and HARTVILLE, c. h., Wright Co., on Westminster College located here. Earth- Gasconade r., 150 m. (mail route) S. of Jefenware manufactured. Centre of a stock- ferson City and 20 E. by S. of Springfield. growing country. Lead, copper and iron ore are found in the Enterprise..............W. 3,80 2 vicinity. Telegraph.......-.....W. 3,803 News................W. 3,822 GALLATIN, c. h., Daviess Co., 1,600t p., HERMANN, c. h., Gasconade Co., 1,5001 near Grand r. and on Chillicothe & Omaha p., on Missouri r. and Missouri Pacific Rd., division of St. Louis, Kansas City and 81 m. from St. Louis. Northern Rd., about 50 m. E. of St. Joseph. Advertiser............W. 3,823 Surrounded by a well watered agricultural Gasconade Co. Courier.. W. 3,8 24 district. Hermanner Volksblatt... W. 3,825 94 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MISSOURI. MISSURI. HERMITAGE, c. h., Hickory Co., 300f Journal of Commerce....W 3,849 p.,-onPomme de la Terre r., 90 m. from Kansas Courier..........D. 3,850 Jefferson City. News...................... 3,851 New Era....... —..... W. 3,826:.............. W. 3,852 HILLSBORO, c. h., Jefferson Co., 500 p., Post and ribune.. D. 3,853 41 m. from St. Louis & Iron Mountain Rd. Westlche Volkszeitung...W 3,854 and 40 from St. Louis. Engaged in horti- mes...... 3,855 eultural pursuits. Milling and manufac- "-.......... W. 3,856 turing also carried on. Also a mining re rr.. 3,858 centre. centre Current.............v. 3,858 Jefferson Democrat....... W. 3,827 CmCoin and Stamp Journal M. 3,85 9 HOLDEN, Johnson Co., 2,027 p., on Mis- KENNETT, c. h., Dunklin Co. souri Pacific Rd., at junction of Osage di- South-East Advertiser....W. 3,860 vision of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rd., KEYTESVILLE, Chariton Co., 529 p., 50 m. S. E. of Kansas City and 14 W. of on'Chariton r. and St. Louis, Kansas City Warrensburg. Agricultural district and & Northern Rd., 174 m. from St. Louis. centre oftrade. Herald..... -........... 3,861 Enterprise.................W. 3,8 28 Enterprise... N.' W. 3,828 KINGSTON, c. h., Caldwell Co., 700 p., HOPKINS, Nodaway Co. about 8 m. from Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd. Journal......... W. 3,829 and 50 E. of St. Joseph. Surroundedby an HOUSTON, c. h., Texas Co., 350 p., 100 agricultural district. Engaged in milling m. S. of Jefferson City, 116 from St. Louis and manufacturing. and 55 from Rolla, the county seat. Caldwell Citizen.... W.W. 3,8'62 Democrat..........W. 3,830 Caldwell Co. Sentinel...W. 3,863 Texas Co. Pioneer.....:W. 3,831 KIRKSVILLE, c. h., Adair Co., 2,200 HUNTSVILLE, c. h., Randolph Co., p., on Quincy, Missouri & Pacific Rd., at 2,5001 p., on St. Louis & Northern Rd., 153 crossing of St. Louis, Kansas City: & m. from St. Louis and 119 from Kansas Northern Rd., 70 m. W. of Quincy, Ill. An City. Centre of trade. Engaged in man- agriculltural district. A point of considerufactures. Surrounding country contains able trade. State Normal School located deposits of stone coal Seat of Mount here. Pleasant College. Journal..............W. 3,864 Herald...-..............W. 3,8 3 North Missouri Register..W. 3,865 INDEPENDENCE, c. b., Jackson Co., KNOB-NOSTER, Johnson Co., 1,600 p. 3,500t p., on Missouri Pacifc Rd., 10m. on Missouri Pacific Rd., 207 m. W. of St. from Kansas City. Louis and 20 from Sedalia. Herald.... W......V. 3,8 33 Taylor's Local. W. Sentinel............... W. 3,8 34 SentOirne.c. Wh..Tn 3,83 4Kon en. LACLEDE, Linn Co., 1,000t p., on HanIRONTON, c. h., Iron Co., 1,500 p., on St.t. J h and ton Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Rd., 90 Sothwestern Rds., 109 m. from annibal Southwestern Rds., 109 m. from Hannibal m. from St. Louis. Ariculture and mann- and 21 from Chillicothe. In the midst of facturing are the chief ihdustries. Iron Co. Regqster. —..... 5 an agricultural country. South-East M En- Centennial.............. —---. 3,867 South-East fissouri En-. terprise. LA GRANGE, Lewis Co., 1,825 p., on JACKSON, Cape Girardeau Co., 750 p. Mississippi r. and Mississippi Valley & 10 m. W. of Cape Girardean and 10 Western Rd., 12m. from Quncy, Ill., and from line of St. Louis & Iro Mountain 28 below Keokuk. Engaged in trade and Rd. Centre of an agricultural region. river commerce. Missouri Cash Booc...W. 3,837 Baptist Battle Plag and Church Historian....W. 3,868 JAMESPORT, Daviess Co.' Democrat.......... W. 3869 Independent......... W. 3,838.. independn TtW. 8h o LAMAR, c. h., Barton Co., 1,050 p., 150 m. JE iFERSON CITY, c. h., Cole Co., S. W. of Jefferson City and 40 from Fort State capital, 6,000t p., on Missouri r. and an d Pacific Rd. of Missouri, and terminus of Sott, Kana. W 8 Louisiana division of Chicago & Alton Rd., Independent.. W. 3 871 125 m. from St. Louis. Surrounded by an inde t. W., agricultural and mining district. LANCASTER, c. h., Schuyler Co., 800 p., State Journal............ D. 3,839 on Missouri, Iowa & Nebraska Rd., 60 m.............W. 3,840 W. by N. of Keokuk, Iowa, and 140 N. by Missouri Volksfreund....W. 3,841 E. of Jefferson City. Engaged in agriPeople's Tribune.........W. 3,842 culture, stock raising and manufacturing. JOPLIN, Jasper Co. Wood, coal and water in abundance. Bulletin..............W. 3,843 Excelsior...........W. 3,8 7 Mining News..........W. 3,844 LA PLATA, Macon Co., 546 p., on NorthKAHOKA, Clark Co. ern division of St. Louis, Kansas City & Gazette..................W. 3,845 Northern Rd., 43 m. from Moberly and 88 KANSAS CITY, Jackson Co., 42,000t p., Afom Ottumwa,. W 3,8T3 on Missouri r., near mouth of Kansas r., v...... and centering point of 11 railroads. En- LATHROP, Clinton Co., 780 p., on Kan' gaged in manufactures and commerce. sas City division of Hannibal & St. JosEvening Mail.......I.. D. 3,846 eph Rd., at crossing of Lexington and St. Journal of Commerce- -..D. 3,847 Joseph branch of St. Louis, Kansas City. T. W. 3,848 & Northern Rd., 38 m. N. of Kansas City CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 95 &ISSOUTRI. MISSOURI. and about 10 from Plattsburg. A trading of St. Joseph. A farming region, suitable point, in centre of an agricultural county. for grain, hogs and cattle. Monitor............. W. 3,8 74 Nodaway Co. Republican. W.3,895 LEBANON, c. h., Laclede Co., 1,500t., Nodaway Democrat....W. 3,896 on Atlantic & Pacific Rd., 185'm. from t. MAYSViLLE, c. h., De Kalb Co., 600 p., Louis and about 85 frorit Jefferson City. 30 m. E. by N, of St. Joseph. Engaged in Engaged in agriculture and manufactur- stock-raising and agriculture. ing. A trade centre. Register..........W, 3,897 Anti-Monidipolist.......W..W. 3,8 5 MEMPHIS, c. h., Scotland Co., 1,500t p., Journal..............W. 3,876 on Missouri, Iowa & Nebraska Rd., about LEXINGTON, c. h., La Fayette Co., 4,373 40 m. W. of Keokuk and 140 N. of Jefferp., on Missouri r. and LeXington branch of son City. Ships large quantities of wool, Missouri Pacific Rdid 120 m. from Jefferson and is surrounded by a farming and stockCity: Engaged in agriculture, manufac- raising district. turing and river commerce. Coal beds in Conservdtive............. W. 3,898 vicinit. Reveille.....;........ W. 3,899 Inteligencer.......... W.W... 3,877 Scotland Co. News...... 3,900 Misouri rhalbote........W. 3,878 MEXICO, c. h., Audrain Co., 4,5d(t p., on gister.................W. 3,879 Salt r. and St. Louis, Kansas City & LIBERTY, c. h., Clay Co., 1,710 p., on Northern Rd., at crossing of Louisiana diviKansas City division of Hannibal & St. sion of Chicago & Alton Rd., 108 m. from Joseph Rd., 15 m. from Kansas City. Ag- St. Louis and 52 from Jefferson City. riculture the chief industry., Manufactur- Intelligencer..............W. 3,901 ing done here. Missouri Messenger......W. 3,902 Advance............... W. 3,880 MIAMI, Carroll Co. Tribune........... W. 3,881.3 1 Index................... 3,903 LANN, c. h., Osage Co., 300tp., 21 m. E. of MILAN, c. h., Sullivan Co., 1,000 p., 31 m. Jefferson City and 12 from Missouri Pacific N. of Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd., at La Rd. Centre of'an agricultural country le, and 35N. E. of Chillicothe. Osage Co. News........W. 3,88 i ep6ublican:............... 3,904 LINNEUS, c. h., Linn Co., 2,000 p., about Sullivan Standard....- W. 3,905 10 m. N. W. of Brookfield. In an agri- MOBERLY, Randolph Co. cultural section. Daily...D. 3,906 Bulletin....,........ W. 3,883 Enterprise-Monitor..... 3,907 LO ISIANA, Pike Co., 4,509 p., on Mis-......W. 3,908 sissippi r., 27 m. below Hannibal and 115 Headlight.......... W. 3,909 N. of St. Louis. On Louisiana division of MONROE CITY, Monroe Co., 400 p., on Chicago & Alton Rd. Shipping point for Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd., 30 m. W. of the produce from surrounding agricultural Hannibal and 20 N. E. of Paris. district. Engaged in' nanufacturing. ews................ 3,910 Journal.W. 8N..................84 liberside Plress -..-.. 3,84 MONTGOMERY CITY, Montgomery Ri^erstae~rek!s.........W. <~,~~ Co., 1,800t p., on St. Louis, Kansas City & MACON, c. h., Macon Co., 4,000p.,on Northern Rd., 80 m.'from St. Louis. Centro Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd., at crossing of of trade. Best business point in county. St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Rd., 70 Montgomery Standard...W. 3,911 m. from Hannibal, 136 from St. Joseph and Rdy W. 3912 169 fr6m St. Louis. Centre of an agricultural district. Engaged in manufacturing MORLEY, Scott Co. and trade. Transcript...............W. 3,913 Examiner:.......... 3,866 MOUND CITY, Holt Co. Missouri Granger...... W. 3,887 Globe........W. 3,914 Republican........... W. 3,888 bessenger of Peace....B. W 3,889 MOUNT VERNON, c. h., Lawrence Co., MARBLE, HILL, a. h., Bollinger Co., 1,200 p., about 8 m. from Atlantic & Pacific IMARBLIE- ULITL, C. h., ~1llinger CO., Rd and 32 W. of Springfield. Its indus800 p., on St. Louis & Iron Mountain Rd., tries are agriculture, stock-raisig and 134 m. S. of St. Louis. Agriculture, min- i ing and lumber business are the chief in- ontaiand Journal.W. 3,915 dustries., Lawrence Chieftain....W. 3,916 Herald..-.-.-.....W. 3,8i90 MARSHALL, Saline Co., 1,8001 p., about NEOSHO, c. h., Newton Co., 1,100 p., on MARSHALL, SalineCo., 1,800i p., about 15 m. from Missourir., attwo almost oppo- Atlantic & Pacific Rd., 73 m.S. w. of Atlantic & Pacific Rd., 73 m. S. Pw. of 1 in. from Missouri r., at two almost op- Springfield. In the newly-discovered lead site points, and about 87 W. by N. of Jeffer- Springfield. the ly-discovred lead son City regions of southwest Missouri. SurroundSaline Co. Democrat... W. 3,891 ed by an agricultural district and engaged Saline Co. Progress.. 3,892 in manufacturing and trade. Salineo. ogress ---—.W. 3,892 Journal. —-—.. —-----— W. 3,917. MARSHFIELID,. c. h., Webster Co., es...................W. 3,918 1,000 p., on Atlantic & Pacific Rd., 24 m. N. E. of Springfield and 217 S. W. of St. NEVADA, c. h., 2,000 p., on Sedalia diviLouis. Surrounded by an agricultural and sion of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rd,, 90 mineral country. m. from Sedalia, 90 S. of Kansas City and Demora t.......... W. 3,893 20 E. of Fort Scott, Kan. Farmer's Friend.........W. 3,894 Ledger...............W. 3,919 MARYVILLE, c. h, Nodaway Co., 3,000t L ngDemocrat.W. 3,90 p. on Maryville branch of Kansas City, NEW CAMBRIA, Macon Co. St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Rd., 45 m. N. Enterprise..............3,921 96 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MISSOURI. MISSOURI. NEW LONDON, c. h., Rails Co., 410 p., PLATTSBUIBG, c. h., Clinton'Co., 1,700 on Salt r.. 10 m. S. of Hannibal. Surround- p., on S. W. division of Chicago, Rock Ised by a fertile agricultural district and and & Pacific Rd., at intersection of Lexrapidly increasing in population. ington & St. Joseph branch df St. Louis, Rals Co.Record........W. 3,922 Kansas City & Northern RKd., 28 m. S. E. NEW MADRIDs c. h., New Madrid Co., of St. Joseph, 33 from Kansas City and 37 855 p., on Missiasippi r., about 40 m. S. by from Leavenworth. W. of Cairo, Ill. Has considerable river Clinton Co. Register....W. 3,942 commerce. Lever........... W. 3,943 Record..........W. 3,923 PLEASANT HILL, Cass Co., 1,554 p., NORBORNE, Carroll Co. on Missouri Pacific Rd., 37 m. S. E. of Independent......W. 3,9 24 Kansas City and 248 from St. Louis. EnNORTH SPRINGFIELD, Greene Co. gad in manufacturing. South- West..............W..3 5' ~ ~ Sotuth-West. —------------ W. 3,9MPS2 g CoReview............. W. 3,945 OAK RIDGE, Cape Girardeau Co. Western Dispatch.......W. 3,946 School World...........M. 3,926 POPLAR BLUFF, c. h., Butler Co. OREGON, c. h., Holt. Co., 1,200;p., 21 m. Bluff Citizen.......... W. 3,947 from Missouri r., and about 25 in a direct New Era.............W. 3,948 line from St. Joseph, 2 from Kansas City, St. POOSI, c. h., Washington Co., 1,000 p. Joseph & Council Bluffs Rd., and 100 from on Potoi bran of Iron Mountain Rd 65 Omaha, Agricultural region and trade Omana. Agricultural region and trade m. from St. Louis. Extensivelv engaged in centre. Some manufacturing done. the lumber trade. Rich minei of iron and Holt Co. Sentinel. W,,,,, W. 3,9527 lead are worked in the vicinity. Missouri Valley Times. W. 3,928 Independent W. 3 949 OSCEOLA, c. h., St. Clair Co., 800t p., on Washington Co. Journal W. (sage r., 132 m. from Jefferson City and Osage r., 132 m. from Jefferson City and PRINCETON, c. h., Miecer Co., 600 p., 60 S. by W. of Sedalia. The Osage r. is on Grand r and on the line of theSouthnavigablefor boats Lo on Grand r. and on the line of the'Southnavigalefor boats o this point. 3 western branch of Chicago Rock Island Sentn....... 39 & Pacific Rd., about 45 m. N. of Chilli. OZARK, Christian Co., 500 p., 15 m. S. E. cothe. of Springfield. Surrounded by a fruit and Advance.......... W. 3,951 tobacco growing and farming country. Telegraph.................W. 3,952 Monitor and Leader......W. 3,930 UEEN CITY, Schuyler Co. PACIFIC, Franklin Co., 1,500 p., at junc. Globe................W. 3,953 tion of Atlantic & Pacific with Pacific Rd. RICHLAND, Pulaski Co. of Missouri, 37 nm. from St. Louis. A cen- Sentinel. W. 3,954 tre of business. MFranklin Co. Democrat..W. 3,931 RICHMOND, c. h., Ray Co., 2,500 p., about 7 m. from Missouri r. and 40 E. by N. PALMYRA, c. h., Marion Co., 4,000 p., of Kansas City, on branch of St. Louis, on Hannibal & St. Joseph Rd., at junction Kansas City & Northern Rd., 68 m, from of Quincy branch, 12 m. from Quincy. Ag- St. Joseph. Surrounded by an agricultural riculture, manufacture and trade car- district. It has fine mercantile and manuried on. facturing interests. Marion Co. Democrat...W. 3,932 Conservator............W. 3,955 Spectator................W. 3,933 Ray Co. Chronicle.......W. 3,956 PARIS, c. h., Monroe Co., 1,450t p., on ROCK PORT, c. h., Atchison Co., 1,000 Hannibal & Central Missouri division of p., about 8 m. E. of Missouri r., 60 N. W. Toledo, Wabash & Western Rd., 40 m. of St. Joseph, and 4 from Kansas City, St. W. S. W. of Hannibal. Surrounded by a Joseph & Council Bluffs Rd. Centre of an farming district. agricultural region. Mercury................W. 3,934 Atchison Co. Journal...W. 3,957 Monroe Co. Appeal......W. 3,935 ROLLA, c. h.. Phelps Co., 2,500 p., on AtPEIRCE CITY, Lawrence Co., 1,500t p.. lantic & Pacific Rd., 113 m. W. S. W. of on Atlantic & Pacific Rd., at junction of St. Louis. Situated in an iron mining disMemphis, Carthage & Northwestern Rd., trict. Several smelting furnaces in the vi50 m. from Springfield and *27 from Car- cinity. State mining school located here. thage. Eagle................... 3,958 Record..................W. 3,936 Herald.. W. 3,959 PERRYVILLE, c. h., Perry Co., 1,000 Phelps Co. New ra W. 3,960 p., about 12m. from Mississippi r. and 85 ST. CHARLES, c. h., St. Charles Co.,. of St. Louis. 7.000 p., on Missouri r. at crossing of St. People's Forum........ 3937 Louis, Kansas City & Northern Rd., 20 m. Union............ W. 3938 from St. Louis. Engaged in woolen and other manufactures and a place of active PIEDMONT, Wayne Co., 1,000t p., on the business. Mines of coal are worked in Iron Mountain Rd., 112 m. from St. Louis. the vicinity. A' trade centre. Engaged in- agriculture Cosmos..............W. 3,961 and lumber trade. Demokrat...............W. 3,962 Times...................W. 3,939 News...................W. 3,963 PLATTE CITY, c. h., Platte Co., 650 p., Zeitung.............W. 3,964 on Platte r., 7 m. from Missouri r. and 20 Goss........ 3,965 N. by W. of Kansas City. ST. GENEVIEVE, c. h., St. Genevieve Landmark...............W. 3,940 Co., 1,521 p., on Mississippi r., 60 m. below Platte Co. Advocate......W. 3,941 St. Louis. Shipping point for the products CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 97 MISSOURI. MISSOURI. of the iron works at Iron Mountain. Large Presbyterian.............W. 4,018 quantities of white sand are exported from Price Current........... W. 4,019 here to be used in the manufacture of glass. Trade Journal......... W. 4,020 Fruit culture and wine making carried on Western Watchman......W. 4,021 to a considerable extent. Der Lutheraner.......S. M. 4 022 FairPlay...............W. 3,966 Hardware, Stove and Tin Free Press. Trade Journal.......S. M. 4,023 American Journal of EdST. JOSEPH, c. h., Buchanan Co., 19,565 ucation..............M 4,024 p., on Missouri r., at terminus of several American Medical Jourimportant Rds., 206 m. from Hannibal and nal..... M. 4,025 275 from St. Louis. American Sunday School Das Westliche Volksblatt..D. 3,968 Worker.......... M. 4,026 A.. " " -.W. 3,969 Central Magazine...... M. 4,027 Gazette................... D. 3.970 Christian News......M. 4,028 -... —..-.... —.... W. 3,971. Church News.............M. 4,029 Herald.............D. 3,972 Clinical Record..........M. 4,030 "...............W. 3,973 Evangelist.............M. 4,031 Saturday Chronicle......W. 3,974 Fireside Visitor......... 4,03 ST. LOUIS, c. h., St. Louis Co., 310,864 p., Ford's Christian Reposion Mississippi r., about 20 m. below the tory.-..4,033 mouth of Missouri r. The great metrop Inland Maazne........ 4,034 olis of the West, and centre of trade Irving Unon...... M. 4,035 and commerce of the two great rivers and Medical and Surgical their tributaries. Steamboats ply between Journal................. 4,036 St. Louis and almost all of the cities and Medical Brief...........M. 4,037 towns in the West and Northwest that can Mercantile Circulator..M. be reached by water communication. Midland Farmer......M. 4,039 Railroads connect, east and west, with all Mississippi Valley Prothe principal cities in the United States. gress.............. M. 4,040 Apnerika.D. 3,975.iMissouri Dental Journal.M. 4,041............. 3,976 Post Oice Bulletin.......M. 4,042 Amerika $ofn nn'tags- "''Truth..................... M. 4 043 blatte —-..-t. —--- Sund. 3,977 Ware's Valley Monthly...M. 4,044 Anzeiger des Westens.....D. 3,978 Western.......M. 4,045. " W. 3,979 Western Insurance ReDispatch.............D.. 3,980 view...............M. 4,046............... 3,981 Printers' Register.....B. M. 4,047 Globe-Democrat.......... D. 3,982 Journal of Speculative ".. S. W. 3,983 Philosophy......... r. 4,048' " —. W..... 3,984 Southern Law Review.... Qr. 4,049 Journal................. D. 3,985 Southern Review........Qr. 4,050 ".............W. 3,W986 SALEM, c. h., DentCo., 1,500t p., 25mn. S. Republican...............D. 3,987 E. of Atlantic & Pacific Rd., at Rolla, and.,.........T. W. 3,988 120 S. W. of St. Louis. Centre of an agMissouri Republican..... W. 3,989 ricultural region. Times.................... D. 3,990 Monitor...........W. 4,051 -...............T. W. 3,991 Western Success........W. 4,052 "...................W. 3,992 Westliche Post........I.. D. 3,993 SALISBURY, Chariton Co., 1,500t p., on.l.t.......... 3,994..St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Rd., 18 South St. Louis News..S. W. 3,995 m. E. of Brunswick. Tobacco raised here. Carondelet Review.......W. 3,996 Press...................W. 4,053 Central Baptist.........W. 3,997 SAVANNAH, c. h., Andrew Co., 1,600t p. Central Christian Advo- on Hopkins branch of Kansas City, St. cate...............W. 3,998 Joseph & Council Bluffs Rd., 15 m. from Central Law Journal....W. 3,999 St. Joseph. Engaged in agriculture and Christian................W. 4,000 stock raising. Christian Advocate......W. 4,001 Andrew Co. Republican..W. 4,054 Coleman's Rural World..W. 4,002 Mason's and Odd Fellow's Commercial.............W. 4,003 Reporter..............W. 4,055 Commercial Advocate....W. 4,004 Patron of Husbandry....W. 4,056 Commercial Gazette.......W. 4,005 Der Herold des Glaubens.W. 4,006 SEDALIA, c. h., Pettis Co., 5,800 p., on Die Abendschule.........W. 4,007 Missouri Pacific Rd., at junction of LexBieblatt...............M. 4,008 ington branch and terminus of Sedalia diDry Goods and Grocery vision of Missouri, Kansas & Texais Rd., Reporter..............W. 4,009 64 m. from Jefferson City. Surrounded by Journal of Agriculture an agricultural region. Coal in abundance. and Farmer...........W. 4,010 Engaged in manufacturing. Journal of Commerce....W. 4,011 Bazoo.................- D. 4,057 "..S.M. 4,012...................W. 4,058 " "..... M. 4,013 Sunday Morning Bazoo.. V. 4,059 Little Watchman.........W. 4,014 Democrat................ D. 4,060...... M. 4,015 "...............W. 1,061 Live Stock and Corn- Opinion............... W. 4,062 mercial Record........W. 4,016 Times...................W. 4,063 Mines, Metals and Arts..W. 4,017 Great South-West...... M. 4,064 98 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. MISSOURI. MISSOURI. SHELBINA, Shelby Co., 1,500 p., on Han- m.S. W. of Jefferson City and 160 W. of nibal & St. Joseph Rd., 47 m. W. of Han- St. Louis. Engaged in lead mining. Coal, nibal. Engaged in tobacco and stock iron and copper are found here. raising. Gazette...............W. 4,086 Democrat..............W. 4,065 VIENNA, c. h., Maries Co. SHELBYVILLE, c. h., Shelby Co., 900 Courier................W. 4,087 p., 8 m. from the Hannibal & St. Joseph WARRENSBURG, c. h., Johnson Co., Rd. and 90 N. N. E. of Jefferson City. 5,000t p., on Missouri Pacific Rd., 218 m. Shelby Co. Herald........W. 4,066 from St. Louis and 70 from Kansas City. SPRINGFIELD, c. h., Greene Co., Centre of a fertile and productive farming 8,5001 p., on Atlantic & Pacific Rd., 130 m. district. Engaged in manufactures. S. W, of Jefferson City, 241 S. W. of St. News....................D. 4,088 Louis. The most important place in this Standard................ 4,089 section of the State and centre of an ag-...............W. 4,090 ricultural district. Democrat...............W. 4,091 Advertiser..............W. 4,067 Journal................W. 4,092 Leader -.................W. 4,068 WTARRENTON, c. h., Warren Co., 800 Missouri Patriot....... W. 4,069 p., on St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Times..-..-........W. 4,070 Rd., 58 m. from St. Louis and about 15 STEELVILLE, c. h., Crawford Co., 400 from Missouri r. A place of active trade, p., about 10 m. S. of line of Atlantic & Pa- surrounded by an agricultural district. cific Rd., 95 m. S. W. of St. Louis. En- MissouriBanner........W. 4,093 gaged in agriculture, coal and iron mining. Warren Co. Citizen......W. 4,094 Register.................W. 4,071 WARSAW, c. h., Benton Co., 1,000 p., on STOCKTON, c. h., Cedar Co., 500p., 50 Osage r., 80 m. S. W. of Jefferson City. m. N. W. of Springfield. Engaged in Engaged in agriculture, mining and managriculture and stock raising. ufacturing lumber. Journal.-...............W. 4,072 Democratic Press........W. 4,095 STOUTLAND, Camden Co. Times - W. 4,096 Country Standard.-.W. 4,073 WASHINGTON, Franklin Co., 5,64 p., DRustic........... W. 4,074 on Missouri r. and on Pacific Rd. of MisSTURGcE.O.o. ne....... 0-00., onSt. *souri, 54 m. from St. Louis. A shipping STURGEON, Boone Co., ],000 p., on St. &' ^ Northern Rd.,1 129. point for produce of surrounding country. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Rd., 129 Die Washingtoner Post...W. 4,097 m. from St. Louis. Centre of a thriving Franklin Co. Observer. -_W. 4,098 trade. In the midst of an agricultural and stock-raising section. WAVYNESVILLE, c. h., Pulaski Co., Leader.......... 4,075 850 p., 65 m S. of Jefferson City and 10 from the Atlantic & Pacific Rd. TRENTON, c. h., Grundy Co., 4,000t p., Gasconade Valley Plainnear Grand r., and on S. W. division of Dealer W. 4099 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rd., 100 m. from St. Joseph and 26 N. W. of Chilli- WESTON, Platte Co.; 2,200 p., on Miscothe. Engaged in agriculture and man- souri r. and Kansas City, St. Joseph & facturing. Railroad machine shops located Council Bluffs Rd., 7 m. above Leavenhere. worth, Kansas, and 30 direct from St. Grundy Co. Times......W. 4,076 Joseph. An important commercial point. Republican.-. W. 4,077 Engaged in milling, pork packing, distiling and manufacturing furniture. TROY, c. h., Lincoln Co., 800 p., about 15 Commercialnuact-u. 4,100 min. W. of Mississippi r., 15 N. E. of War-........... renton and 55 N. WV. of St. Louis. Prin- EST PLAINS, c. h., Howell Co., 1,000t cipally engaged in agriculture. A coal p., about 130 m. S. of Jefferson City. Enmme within six miles of town. gaged in agriculture and lumber trade. Herald..................W. 4,078 Journal -..W...... 4, 101 TUSCUMBIA, c. h., Miller Co., 540 p., on Osage r., 35 m. S. by W. of Jefferson City. NEBRASKA. Principal branch of industry is mining lead and iron. Possesses water power. LBION, c. h., Boone Co. Timber in great abundance in the vicinity. Review............... W. 4,102 Helmet -.......W. 4:,079 MilerCo. Vidette. -—.. 4,080 ASHLAND, c. h., Saunders Co., 653 p., on "r Co,... Wn. Saline r. and Burlington & Missouri R. UNION, c. h., Franklin Co., 600t p., about Rd., 21 m. E. of Lincoln. Trade centre. 8 m. S. of Washington, 55W. of St. Louis. Saunders Co. Republican.W. 4,103 Franklin Co. Record....W. 4,081 AURORA, Hamilton Co. UNIOVVILLE, c. h., Putnam Co., 1,2001 Republicanw 41........... 04 p. about 150 m. N. by W. of Jefferson.ity, on Burlington & Southwestern Rd. BEATRICE, c. h., Gage Co., 1,500t p., on 13 m. from Burlington. Anl agricultural Big Blue r. and Beatrice branch of Burcounty. lington & Missouri R. Rd., 51 m. from Putnan Co. Ledger......W. 4,082 Lincoln and about 128 S. W. of Omaha. Republican. —- -... W. 4,08 3 Has water power, which is employed in UTICA. Lvnso. W, manufacture of flour and lumber. UTICA, -Livingston Co. W Courier.................W. 4,105 Herald...........W.......W. 4,0-...4,106 VANDALIA, Audrain Co. Nebraska Teacher........M. 4,107 Leader.0........... —-W. 4,085 BEAVER CITY, c. h., Furnas Co. VERSAILLES, Morgan Co., 600 p., 46 Western Leader..........W. 4,108 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 99 NEBRANEBRASKA. BELL CREEK, Washington Co. Herald................ 4,132 Sentinel................... 4,109 Tribune...............W. 4,133 BLAIR, c. h., Washington Co., 850 p., 3 GRAND ISLAND, c. h., Hall Co., 1,700t m. from' Missouri r., at crossing of Sioux p., on Union Pacific Rd., 1n m. from City & Pacific & Omaha and Northwestern Platte r., and 154 from Omaha. Engaged Rds., 26 m. N. of Omaha and 3 from Mis- in agriculture, fruit growing and lumber souri r. A corn and wheat-producing trade. section. Platte Valley IndependentW. 4,134 Pilot............... W. 4,110 Times....................W. 4,135 Times................... W. 4H,111 Timnes...........W. 4, 111 HARVARD, Clay Co. BLOOMINGTON, c. h., Franklin Co. Advocate............W. 4,136 Guard... ——..-.-... —— W. 4,112 Guard....... 4, HASTINGS, Adams Co. BROWNVILLE,, c. h., Nemaha Co., Journal.W.....W. 4,137 2,386 p., on Missouri r., in an agricultural HEBRON, c. h., Thayer Co., 400 p., on CALAMUES, Valley Co. h. Sentinel...W. 4,139 Valley Go. Herald.......W. 4,__5 JUNIATA, c. h., Adams Co., 275t p., 100 CENTRAL CITY, c. h., Merrick Co., m. W. of Lincoln, on B. &M. Rd. 500t p., near Platte r. and on Union Pa- Adams Co. Gazette.......W. 4,140 cific Rd., 132 m. W. of Omaha. A manu- KEARNEY, Buffalo Co. facturing place and trade centre. P res an agricultl D. 4,14t Courer.................W.,116 Central Nebraska Press W. 4,14 COLUMBUS, C. h., Platte Co., 600 p., on Times.- D. 4,143 Platte r., at junction of Loup r. and Union -....-..-..........W. 4,144 Pacific Rd., 92 m. from Omaha. Business LA PORTE, c. h., Wayne Co. entre of a farming and grazing distrit. Wayne Co. Review.....W. 4,145 Era......... 4,117:_ Journal -.'..'.....'. W. LINCOLNT, Lancaster Co., 7,000t p., State Republican.......... W. 4,119 capital, on Salt Creek, 89 m. S. W. of CRETE, Sae CoT, n 1,2t p., onrick Co, Omaha, on Burlington & Missouri R. and 5., near Plattin e or. and l on Union B Midland Pacific and Atchison & Nebraska r., at crossing of Burligton & Missouri R. Rds State buildings located here, also d., and unction. of Beatrie branh,20m. seve institutions of learning. Some Sactlring place Co. ro centrte. 4,120 Eei Star. Sal IineCo.Pos f...........W.I.,10carried on Sentinel................. W. 4,121 Farmers' Blade. DAKOTA CITY, c. h., a a., ata Co. 500 State Journal... —-.. D. 4,148 p., on Missouri r., 5 m. from Sioux City, Nebraska State Journal..W. 4,149 Iowa, and 90 from Omaha. Engaged in Nebraska Staats-Zeitung.W.4,150 agriculture, commerce, manufactures and Spy. mercantile pursuits. Hesperian Student....M. 4,1 52 Mail............ W. 4,122 LOWELL, KeaneyCo. DAVID CITY, c. h., Butler Co. Register.......W. 4,153 Butler Co. Press......W. 4,123 MADISON, Madison Co. DEl WITT, Saline Co. Review......... W. 4,154 Opposition.............W. 4W,124 NEcBRASKA CITY, c. h., Otoe Co., 8,000 EODGAR, Clay Co. p., on Missouri r., at junction of Kansas Exponent......4,125 City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs, BurlingAIRBURY. c. h., Jefferson Co 640 p. ton & Missouri R., andeastern terminus of on St. Joseph & Denver City Rd. 65 m Nebraska Rds., 46 m. S. by E. of Omaha. Lincoln.. W. manufactur ing carried o ntrade. aline Co. Post..........W. 44,16 Bulletinel...............W. 4,12 W. 4,15 DAKIRMOTA CITY, c. h., ako ta Co., 500 State Jour-nale ws --—. —--. 4,1457 lgp., on & Missouri r. d., 5 m. W.from Sioux City, ebraka tate Joura.W. 4,149 Li~cn. Journal -------------— f~LO —ELL, Keaxney Co. nDAVID CI.Y, c. —......egis4,ter.................W. 4,153 lmore Co. Review......W. 4,128 NELON, c. h., Nuckolls Co. I^E 7TWTT, Saline CNckollso. Re Inter-Oc...an..W. 4,159 FALLS CITY, c. h., Richardson Co., 607 Nckolls Co. inter-Ocean. W. 4,1 p.,onAtchis.on& NebrasRka Rd., 5 5 m. omNIOBRARS, c. h., Knox Co., on Missouri Atchison, 102 from Lincoln, 125 below r., 40 m. above Yankton, Dakota, the terOmaha and about 20 W. of Missouri r. at iu on e Dakota Southen Ruo. Centre of an agricultural district. Pioneer. & Counc........ W. 4,160 Fall wheat and corn the principal products. NORTH PLATTE, c. h., Lincoln Co., Engaged in stock-raising. 1,200t p., near junction of North and South Globe Journal......-....W. 4,129 Platte rs., and on nion Pacific Rd., 29m. Press.......... 130 from Omaha. Devoted to agriculture and Place of trade. FREMONT, a. h., Dodge Co., 2,500f p., 3 Bu Replican.....-... -- W. 4,161 m. from Platte r., oR Union Pacific Rd. 47 m eputerNebra... 4. o 16 N. W. of Omaha and at junction of Sious.. W.,1 Cit & Pacific Rd. OMAHA, c. h., Douglas Co., 16,083 p., on aer'ald.................. 4,131 Missouri r., opposite Council Bluffs. EastHteradld:........-.........I). 4;~131 Missour~i r., opposite Counci lfs at 100 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA. ern terminus of Union Pacific Rd. West- SIDNEY, c. h., Cheyenne Co. ern terminus of Chicago & Northwestern Telegraph............... W. 4,192 Rd., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, STANTON, c. h., Stanton Co. Chicago, Burlington & Missouri R., Kansas g......... W. 4,193 City, Council Bluffs & St. Joseph Rds. -T Important place for trade and manufac- SEELE CITY, Jefferson Co. tures. Repair shops of Union Pacific Rd. News....................W. 4,194 located here. Largest city in the State. SUTTTON, c. h., Clay Co. Bee.........D..... D. 4,163 Globe............ W. 4,195 ".................W. 4,164 Times...................W. 4,196 Herald...................D. 4,165 SYRACUSE, Otoe Co...................W. 4,166 Reporter................W. 4,197 Republican —.... —.. ——.- D. 4,167 Republican............... 4,1 TECUMSEH, c. h., Johnson Co., 850 p., ter -TUnio.Wn Aricutur-' 6 28 m. W. of Missouri r., at Brownsville, on eist. --- --------- --. 4,169- Atchison & Nebraska Rd., 57 m. E. of LinDen Daske Pioneer....... 41 con. Big Nemaha r. affords water power Folkets Tidning.......... W.4,171 for mills here. Pokrok Zapadu...-....W. 4,172 Chieftain............W. 4,198 Post and Beobachter. W. 4,173 Herald.............W. 4,199 High School.............M. 4,174 TEKAMAH, c. h., Burt Co., 650t p., 45 Nebraska Journal of Corn- m. N. of Omaha. Place of general trade. merce.................. 4,175 Burtonian...............W. 4,200 Railroad Conductors' Bro- WAUHOO, c. h., Saunders Co. therhood Magazine.....M. 4,176 Independent............. W. 4,01 OSCEOLA, c. h., Polk Co. Nebraska Reveille....... W. 4,202 Record.................. W. 4,177 WEEPING WATER, Cass Co. PAPILLION, c. h., Sarpy Co., 600t p., on Nebraska Register........W. 4,203 Union Pacific Rd., 15 m. from Omaha. WEST POINT, c. h., Cuming Co., 1,200t Times W.......... 4,178 p., on Elkhorn r. and Fremont & Elkhorn PAWNEE CITY, c. h., Pawnee Co., Valley Rd., 90 m. from Omaha. Has wa1,200p., about 40m. S. W. of Missouri r., ter power, which is employed in various at Brownsville, 70 m. from St. Joseph and manufactories. Centre of trade for a large 85 from Atchison, Kansas. In an agricul- district. tural and stock raising district. Republican..............W. 4,204 Pawnee Republican......W. 4,179 WISNER, Cuming Co. PLATTSMOUTIH, Cass Co., 4,000 p., at Times..................W. 4,205 the confluence of the Platte and Missouri rs. YORK, York Co., 350 p., about 36 m. W. The initial point of Burlington & Missouri by N. of Lincoln. Rd., and on Kansas City and St. Joseph & Sentinel................W. 4,206 Council Bluffs and the Nebraska Trunk Rds., about 20 m. direct S. of Omaha. It has a steamboat landing and does a large NEVADA. grain, cattle and lumber trade. Nebraska Herald.........W. 4,180 Nebraska eatchmranld....-W. 4,181 AUSTIN, c. h., Lander Co., 4,000 p., near Nebraska atchma. Reese r., 165 m. E. of Virginia City, 90 S. PLEASANT HILL, c. h., Saline Co. of Central Pacific Rd. at Battle MounNews -—..-...........W. 4,182 tain. Several quartz mills are here and PLUM CREEK, Dawson Co. large quantities of silver produced annuDawson Co. Pioneer.....W. 4,183 ally. Silver mining the chief industrial pursuit. PONCA, c. h., Dixon Co. Reese River Reveille......W. 4,207 Northern Nebraska Jour- BELMONT, c. h., Nye Co nal....... W. 4,184: Courier..................W. 4,208 RED CLOUD, c. h., Webster Co. CARSON CITY, c. h., Ormsby Co., State Chief................... W. 415 capital, 3,042 p., on Virginia & Truckee REPUBLICAN CITY, Harlan Co. Rd., 4 m. from Carson r. and 170 in a diNews............. -.W. 4,186 rect line from San Francisco. The city ~ niE TNA, Cedar Co.~ derives its support from State business and ST. HELENA, Cedar Co. 48.W 7 lumber trade from Sierra Nevada MounCedar Co. Advocate......W. 4,187 tains. ST. PAUL, Howard Co. Appeal. Howard Co. Advocate...W. 4,188 Nevada Tribune..........D. 4,210 SARPY CENTRE, Sarpy Co. COLUMBUS, Esmeralda Co. Sarpy Co. Sentinel.......W. 4,189 Borax Miner. SCHUYLER, c. h., Colfax Co., 600 p., on ELKO, o. h., Elko Co., 1,500t p., on HumUnion Pacific Rd., 75 m. from Omaha. boldt r. and Central Pacific Rd., 460 m. Centre of trade for four counties. N. E. of Sacramento, Cal., and 275 W. of Sun................W. 4,190 Ogden. Some manufacturing done here. SEWARD, Seward Co., 1,600t p., about 25. Independent............D.. 4,2 12 m. W. by N. of Lincoln. Centre of an ag- Pot. 4,21 ricultural district. Has water power and.. 4,2 a trade from surrounding counties. EUREKA, Lander Co., 6,000t p., 85 m. Nebraska Reporter......W. 4,191 from Central. Pacific Rd. and 80 E. of Aus CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 101 NEVADA. NEW HAMPSHIRIE. tin. Terminus of E. P. Rd. Engaged in Connecticut r. and Southern division of mining and smelting silver ores and refin- Vermont Central Rd., 7 m. from Windsor ing silver, and 42 from Brattleboro. Considerable Sentinel............. 4,215 manufacturing done here. GENOA, c. h., Douglas Co. GraniteState Journal.W. 4,233 Carson Valley News.....W. 4,21633 National Eagle.......... 4,234 GOLD HILL, Storey Co., 6,000 p., 14 m. Northern Advocate......W. 4,235 N, by E. of Carson City, and connected to COLEBROOK, Coos Co., 1,600t p., on it by a railroad. In the mountains and Connecticut r., 140 m. from Concord. Sursurrounded by rich mines of gold and sil- rounded by an agricultural district. Enver, which are extensively worked, produc- gaged in manufacturing. ing large quantities of precious metal annu- Northern Sentinel........W. 4.236 ally. aes....... 4,17 CONCORD, State capital, Merrimack Co., ews................. 13,000 p., on Merrimac r., and at junction HAMILTON, c. h., White Pine Co., 1,825 of four railroads, near centre of State, 75 p., in a rich silver mining district, about m. from Boston and 48 from Lowell. Cen200 m. E. of Carson City. The Treasure tre of trade and engaged in manufacturing. Hill mining districts are among the richest Monitor...................D. 4,237 in the State. Large and comprehensive Independent Statesman..W. 4,238 reduction works are located here. Stage Patriot..................D. 4,239 lines connect with all the town and mining New Hampshire Patriot.. W. 4,240 districts in this section of the route, mak- People........ W....... 4,241 ing it a trade centre. New England Monthly....M. 4,242 White Pine News........ W. 4,218 DOVER, c. h., Strafford Co., 10,112t p., on PIOCHE, Lincoln Co., 3,000t p., about 100 Cocheco r., Boston & Maine and Portsm. S. E. of Hamilton, and near Utah line. mouth & Dover Rds., 12 m. from PortsRich mines found here, which are being de- mouth and 67 from Boston. Centre of busveloped in a rapid and quite satisfactory iness for this part of State. Engaged in manner. Machinery and appliances for re- manufacturing. duction of ore are being put in operation on Foster's Democrat........D. 4,243 an extensive scale, making it a place of.........W. 4,244 activity and rapid growth. Democratic Press.........D. 4,245 Journal.................D. 4,219 Enquirer........... W. 4,246 Record...................D. 4,220 Morning Star...........W. 4,247 RENO, Washoe Co., 2,500t p., on Truckee EAST CANAAN, Grafton Co., 1,877 p., on r. and Central Pacific Rd., 11 m. from E. Northern Rd., 51 m. N. of Concord and 120 base of Sierra Nevada mountains and 22 from Boston. Railroad station for four adfrom Virginia City. Centre of trade. The joiningtowns. Engaged in lumbering river furnishes water power, which is par- Canaan Reporter........W. 4,248 tially developed. Ntilly devada Ste Ju 4,221 EXETER, c. h., Rockingham Co., 4,000 Nevada State Journal....D. 4:,~ ^ 1 Ned State Journa....W. 4,222 p., on Exeter r. and Boston & Maine Rd., 50 m. from Boston. Engaged in cotton and SILVER CITY, Lyon Co. other manufactures. Lyon Co. Times..........W. 4,223 News Letter.............W. 4,249 SUTTRO, Lyon Co. FISHERSVILLE, Merrimack Co. Independent..............W. 4,224 Rays of Light...........W. 4,250 VIRGINIA CITY, c. h., Storey Co., 7,008 FRANKLIN FALLS, Merrimack Co., p., 15 m. N. E. of Carson City and 20 from 3,000t p., on Merrimac r. and Northern Reno. Metropolis of the State. A city of Rd., at junction of Bristol branch, 19 m. N. active trade. Rich mines of gold and sil- of Concord. Engaged in manufacturing. ver in the vicinity. Machinery for hoisting Merrimack Journal......W. 4,251 and reduction of ore is brought into use, GREAT FALLS, Strafford Co., 4,504 p.. giving employment to large amount of cap- on Salmon Falls r., Boston & Maine and ital and labor. itaand labor... 4 Portland. Great Falls & Conway Rds., 74 TCirorial Entel. rise...D. 4,225 m. from Boston. One of the largest cotton emtora Enteprise...D.. 4,227 and woolen manufacturing places in the State. WINNEIMUCCA, Humboldt Co., 1,500t p., Journal............. W. 4,252 on Humboldt r. and Central Pacific Rd., HANOVER, Grafton Co., 2,085 p., 60 m.:324 m. N. E. of Sacramento, Cal., and 420 from Concord, on Connecticut r. Dartfrom Ogden. Centre of trade, and sur- h Collee locatehere. rounded by - farming and mining country. Dartmou th...........W. 4, 5 3 Humboldt Register.......... D,28 Granite State Journal....W. 4 54......W. 4,229 Silver State......D.... 4,230. HILLSBORO' BRIDGE, Hillsborough Co., 1,595 p., at terminus of Contoocook R. Rd., 26 m. from Concord. Centre of trade, NEW HAMPSHIRE. and engaged in manufacturing and lumber business. Hilsboro' Messenger....W. 4,255 AMHERST, c. h., Hillsborough Co., 1,500 HINSDALE, Cheshire Co., 1,342 p.. on Connecticut and Ashuelot rs. and Ashuelot p., on Souhegan r., 18 min. S. of Concord and Connecticut and Ashuelot rs. and Ashuelot 10 S. W. of Manchester. 10 S. W. of Manchester. W Rd.. 60 m. from Concord, 55 N. of SpringFarmners' Cabinet.......W. 4,f231 field, Mass., and 70 from Boston. Engaged CLAREMONT, Sullivan Co., 4,200 p., on in manufacturing. 102 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Star Spangled Banner....M. 4,256 NEWPORT, c. h., Sullivan Co., 2,500 p., Mirror.................r. 4,25 7 on Sugar r., 35 m. N. W. by W. of ConKEENE, c. h., Cheshire Co., 6,500t p., at cord. Engaged in manufactures. junction. of Cheshire and Ashuelot Rds. New Hampshire Argus and Engaged in trade and manufactures. Spectator...... W. 4,284 Cheshire Republican.....W. 4,258 PETERBORO, Hillsborough Co., 2,236 Granite State Journal.....W. 4,25 9 p., on Monadnock Rd., Contoocook r., 60 New Hampshire Sentinel. W. 4,26'0 m. from Boston, 30 from Nashua and ManUnited States............M. 4,261 chester, and 50 from Concord. Cotton, LACONIA, c. h., Belknap Co., 2,309 p., on woolen and general manufacturing done Boston, Concord & Montreal Rd., 27 m. here. from Concord. Engaged in manufacturing. Transcript............. W. 4,285 Democrat............... W. 4,262 PLYMOUTH, c. h., Grafton Co. LAKE VILLAGE, Belknap Co., 3,361 Grafton Co. Journal.....W. 4,286 p., at outlet of Winnipiseogee Lake, on PORTSMOUTH, c. h., Rockingham Co., Boston, Concord & Montreal Rd., 29 m. 10,000t p., and commercial metropolis of from Concord. Engaged in woolen and the State, on Piscataqua r., and only seahosiery manufactures, and has several port in the State. Engaged in manufaclarge machine shops. turing and ship building. A United Times........... W. 4,263 States Navy Yard is located on the opLANCASTER, c. h., Coos Co., 2,548 p., posite side of the river. on Israel's r., near junction with Connecti- Chronicle........... D. D. 4,28 7 cut, and on Boston, Concord & Montreal Nesw Hampshire Gazette. W. 4,288 Rd., 135 m. N. of Concord, 25 from White Evening Times...........D. 4,289 Mountains. Centre of trade for Southern States and Union........W. 4,290 Coos. Journal............W. 4,291 Coos Republican...... W. 4,264 ROCHESTER, Strafford Co., 6,000t on Independent Gazette.....W. 4,265 Dover & Winnipiseogee Rd., 10 m. N. of LEBANON, Grafton Co., 3,094 on Dover. A manufacturing place. Northern Rd., 65 m. from Concord. Centre Courier and Farmington of considerable trade. Engaged in manu- Advertiser.............W. 4,292 factures. SUNCOOK, Merrimack Co. Granite State Free Press.W. 4,266 Journal...............W. 4,293 New Hampshire News...W. 4,267 WILTON, Hillsborough Co. LITTLETON, Grafton Co., 2,446 p., on Journal.................W. 4,294 Boston, Concord & Montreal Rd., 113 m. WOLFBOROUGH, Carroll Co., 1,995 p., N. of Concord. Engaged in manufactures on Winnipiseogee Lake, 40 m. from Conand centre of trade. A summer resort. cord, 80 from Boston, and in direct comConnected by stages with all the principal munication with all of the thoroughfares points in the White and Franconia Moun- inthe Stte. Asummerresort. Engaged tains. in te manufacturieng. Argus...................W. 4,268 in manufacturing. Argus....................W. ^4,68 Granite State News.. —-- W. 4,295 White Mountain RepublicW. 4,269 LOUDON RIDGE, Merrimack Co., 1,282 p., on Soucook r., 12 m. from Concord. NEW JERSEY. Engaged in agriculture and manufactures. __ Household Messenger..-M. 4,270 ARLINGTON, Hudson Co. MANCHESTER, Hillsborough Co., Journal and Saturday 23,536 p., on Merrimac r., at junction of Gazette...............W. 4,296 several Rds. The river furnishes water ASHBURY PARK, Monmouth Co. power, which is very largely employed in Journal.-... 4,297 cotton, woolen and other manufactures. a.r I. An Mirror and American....D. 4,271 LAN C Y, tlantic Co. Mirror and Farmer....W. 4,272 Atlantic Co. Review......W...,298 Union...................D. 4,273 BAYONNE CITY, Hudson Co., 3.834 p., Union Democrat.........W. 4,274 on New Jersey Central Rd., about 4 m. S. New Hampshire Sunday W. of Jersey City. Place of residence for Globe...................W. 4,275 merchants and others doing business in the Saturday Night Disatch.W. 4,276 city. Whitney's New Hampshire Bayonne Herald and GreenJournal of Music...M. 4,277 ville Register...........W. 4,299 MILFORD, Hillsborough Co. Huson. Ties.......W. 4,300 Enterprise..............- W. 4,278 BELLEVILLE, Essex Co. NASHUA, Hillsborough Co., 12,000t p., on Record.W. 4,301 Nashua r., near its junction with Merri. BELVIDERE, G. h., Warren Co., 1,800 mac r. A manufacturing place and ter- p., on Pequest r., near its junction with minus of six Rds. the Delaware, 50 m. above Philadelphia, Gazette........ D.. D. 4,279 and on Belvidere, Delaware & Flemington " -...............W. 4,280 Rd. The falls in the river furnish water Telegraph................ 4,281 power, which is employed in manufactures. "'............... W.4,282 Apollo..........W. 4,302 NEW MARKET, Rockingham Co. Warr Journal W. 4,303 Rockingham Co. Adver- BEVERLY, Burlington Co., 1,418 p., on tiser............ W. 4,283 Delaware r,, above the outlet of Rancocas CENTENNIAL'NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 103 NEW JERSEY. NEEW JERSEY. Creek, and on Amboy division of Pennsyl- sev City. Several mills here obtain water vania Rd., 15 m. N. E. of Philadelphia. power from a branch of Raritan r. Engaged in fruit and truck-raising and Democrat................4,325 canning. Visitor. 40......... CRANFORD, Union Co. Visitor ---— ~ — -.. —— VW. 4:,304: Courier —................. 4W,326 BLOO-MFIELD, Essex Co., 6.000 p., on DECKERTOWN, Sussex Co. Bloomfield branch of Morris & Essex Rd. Sussex Co. Independent.. 4,327 and Morris Canal. Engaged in manufacturing. Residence of persons doing business DOV R,orrisCo. 44 p., on or in Newark and New York. & Essex division of Delaware, LackaRecord........ W. 4,305 - wanna & Western Rd. Chester,lud Hibernia Rds. form a junction at this place BOONTON, Morris Co., 4,000t p., on Rock- with Delaware. Lackawanna & Western away r., Morris Canal and Boonton branch Rd. Surrounded by an agricultural disof Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rd., trict and engaged in manufactures. 32 m. from New York. Index..............W. 4,328 Bulletin.................W. 4,306 Iron Era............W. 4,3 29 BORDENTOWN, Burlington Co., 6,041 EAST ORANGE, Essex Co. p., at month of Delaware and Raritan Gazette..W —..... 4,330 Canal, on Amboy division of Pennsylvania EGG HARBOR, Atlantic Co., 1,503t p., Rd., 57 m. from New York and 28 from on Mullica r. at its entrance into Swan Philadelphia. Connected by rail with Bay, 42 m. from Philadelphia, on Camden Trenton. Engagedin manufactures. & Atlantic Rd. Cigar and cloth and shoe Register........W..-...... 4,307 factories located here. BRICKSBURG, Ocean Co 3,000t p., on Atlantic Democrat......W. 4,331 New Jersey Southern Rd., 22 m, from Long Atlantic Journal........W. 4,332 Branch. Der Pilot....... W. 4,333 Times and Journal......W. 4,308 Der Zeitgeist:............W. 4,334 BRIDGETON, c. h., Cumberland Co., ELIZABETH, c. h., Union Co., 25,800t 7,000t p.. on Cohansy r., at terminus of West P. On Staten Island Sound, at intersection Jersey Rd., at its junction with New Jer- of New Jersey and Central Rds., 11 m. sey Southern Rd., 38 m. from Philadelphia. from New York. Engaged in manufacHas manufactories of glass, iron and nails. tures and domestic commerce. Surrounded by a farming country. Herald......... 4,335 Daily..D......... 4,309 Central New Jersey Chronicle........ ——. —.W. 4,310 Herald...............W. 4,336 Advertiser and Review...W. 4,311 Journal................. D. 4,337 New Jersey Patriot.....W. 4,312 New Jersey Journal.....W. 4,338 WestJersey Pioneer....W. 4.313 Monitor............... D.. 4,339 American Favorite.......M. 4,314 Freie Presse.......S. W. 4,340 Freie Zeitung............W. 4,341 BURLINGTON, Burlington Co., 6,842 p., ELIZABE3THPORT,,nion Co., 8,000 p. on Delaware r. and Amboy division of BETHPO Pennsylvania Rd., 18 m. from Philadelphia. eister.......... 4,3 Engaged in commerce and manufactures. ENGLEWOOD, Bergen Co., 5,000t p., on Seat of Burlington College. Connected by Northern Rd. of New Jersey. 15 m. from daily line of steamers with Philadelphia. New York. Thriving village and home of New Jersey Enterprise...W. 4,315 a large number of New York business men. New Jersey Gazette and Times...........W. 4,343 Burlington Co. Adver-. uriser.... t. -. Adver 6 FLEMINGTON, c. h., Hunterdon Co., ser........, i 1,800 p., on Flemington and New Jersey CAMDEN, c. h., Camden Co., 20,045 p., on Central Rds., 50 m. from Philadelphia. Delaware r., opposite Philadelphia, 87 m. Centre of a large mercantile trade. from New York. Engaged in commerce Hunterdon Co. DemocratW. 4,344 and manufactures and an important suburb Hunterdon Republican..W. 4,345 of Philadelphia, to which it is connected REHOLD, c. Monouth Co. by ferries. Several railroads centre here. 4,8t., on Jamesbrg branch of Pennsyl 4,800t'p., on Jamesburg branch of PennsylPost..... -D-...........4,317 vania Rd. Engaged in agriculture and Democrat.......... 4,318 centre of trad$. New Republic....W... 4,319 Monmouth Democrat W. 4,346 Snday Argus... 4,30Monmouth Inquirer..W. 4,347 West Jersey Press ----—.. W. 4,321 FRENCHTOWN, Hunterdon Co., 912 CAPE MAY CITY, Cape May Co., 1,300t p., on Delaware r. and on Belvidere & Delp., on Atlantic Ocean, at southern point of aware Rd., 32 m. N.. of Trenton and 18 New Jersey, terminus of Millville & Cape from Easton, Pa. Engaged in milling of May Rd., 81 m. S. of Philadelphia. Fash- various kinds. ionable summer resort. Hunterdon Independent.W. 4,348 Star of the Cape.........W. 4,322 Press.......... W. 4,349 Wave.W...... 4..-...... 4,323 GLOUCESTER CITY, Camden Co., CARLSTADT, Bergen Co., 2,500t p., on 2,710 p., on West Jersey Rd. opposite Hackensack branch of Erie Rd., 10 m. Philadelphia and adjoining Camden. Enfrom New York. gaged in manufactures. Freie Presse..-.....W... 4,324 Reporter............ W. 4,350 CLINTON, Hunterdon Co., 1,000 p., on HACKENSACK, c. h., Bergen Co., 7,000 New Jersey Central Rd., 52 m. W. of Jer- p., on Hackensack r. and Rd., 13 m. from 104 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. NEW JERSEY. NEW JERSEY. New York. Residence of a large number MATAWAN, Monmouth Co., 1,500t p., on of New York business men. Raritan Bay, near Keyport. New Jersey Citizen....S. W. 4,351 Journal.................W. 4,380 Bergen Co. Democrat and MIILLVILLE, Cumberland Co., 8,000tfp., New Jersey State Reg- on Maurice r. and Millville & Cape May ister...............W... 4,352 Rd., 40 m. from Philadelphia. Engaged in Bergen Index.........-.. 353,manufactures of cotton, iron and glass. NTew Jersey Republican Herald................... 4,381 and Bergen Co. Watch- Republican.............. 4,381 ma................... W. 4,354 MORRISTOWN, c. h., Morris Co., 5,737t HACPKETTSTOWN,E Warren Co., 2,202 p., on Delaware, Lackawanna & Western p., on Morris & Essex division of Dela- Rd., 32 m. from New York. Centre of an ware, Lackawanna & Western Rd., 62 m. agricultural district. from New York. An agricultural district. Jersema.......W. 4,383 Engaged in manufactures. Morris Republican.....W. 4,384 Gazette..............W. 4,355 -~True Democratic Banner.W. 4,385 Herald-........-.. —. W. 4,356 MOUNT HOLLY, Burlington Co., 4,100t HADDONF'IELD, Camden Co. p., on Rancocas r., 7 m. from Burlington, Basket..-...............- W. 4,d -357 g18 from Camden, and connected thereto by HAMMONTON, Atlantic Co., 2,000 p., on railroad. Railroad also connects with the Camden & Atlantic and New Jersey Medford. Engaged in agriculture and Southern Rds., 28 m. from Camden, 30from manufacturing. Philadelphia and 90 from New York. En- Herald..................W. 4,386 gaged in fruit growing and shoe and other New Jersey Mirror.......W. 4,38 7 manufactures. NEWARK, c. h., Essex Co., 123,000t p., Item......W.........W. 4,35 8 on Passaic r., 9 m. from New York, on New SouthJersey Republican.W. 4,359 Jersey and Morris & Essex and Newark & HARRISON, Gloucester Co. New York Rds. Engaged in manufactures Dispatch............ 4,360 amounting to about $25,000,000 annually. East Newark Record......W. 4,36 X Domestic commerce is quite extensive. HIGHTSTOWN, Mercer Co., 1,500 p., Large number of persons living here have in East Windsor township, on Amboy di- business in New York. vision of Pennsylvania Rd., 49 m. from Advertiser.. -D.......D. 4,388 New York. Branch railroad radiates from Sentinel of Freedom.....W. 4,3 89 this point, extending to Pemberton and Mt. Evening Courier.........D 4,390 THoll'y. W.4......... 4,391 HolGazette. W. 4362 Journal..................D. 4,392 Gazette................ W. 4,362................. W. 4,393 HOPEWELL, Mercer Co. MorningRegister.. D. 4,394 Herald. -...............-W. 4,363 y..New Jersey Freie Zeitung.D. 4,395 JERSEY CITY, c. h., Hudson Co., Der Erzaehler..........- W. 4,396 12,000t p., on Hudson r., opposite New Catholic Citizen.........W. 4,397 York and 1 m. distant, connected by lines Essex Co. Press........W. 4,398 of ferry boats. Commerce and manufac- Helvetia................W. 4,399 tures are extensive. Thousands reside New Jersey Hausfreund W. 4,400 here who do business in New York. Sunday Call............W. 4,401 Argus.................... D. 4,364 Die Gegenwart....... M. 4,402 Evening Journal.........D. 4,365' Artisan...............M. 4,403 Hudson Co. Volksblatt....D. 4,366 New Jersey PharmaceutiDie Wacht am Hudson..W. 4,367 cal Record.............M. 4,404 Press....................D. 4,36.8 Young Men's Advocate.. M. 4,405 Herald.............W. 4,369 New Jersey Eclectic MediHudson Co. Democrat...W. 4,370 cal and Surgical JourHudson Co. Journal.....W. 4,371 nal.................B. M. 4,406. ".." (Ger.) W. 4,372 American Church Review.Qr. 4,407 Jersey Times and Bergen NEW BRUNSWICK, c. h., Middlesex Index............... W. 433 Co., 18,000t p., on Raritan r. and PennsylSociety Courier........... 4,374 vania Rd., 30 m. from New York. EnStandard............... W. 4,375 gaged in manufactures. KEYPORT, Monmouth Co., 2,613t p., on redonian................D. 4,408 Raritan Bay, 24 m. from New York. Does ".............W. 4,409 shipping trade. Oysters, clams, canned Times.....................D. 4,410 fruits, trucking and fruit growing in sur-............ W. 4,411 rounding country. Home Advocate..........M. 4,412 Weekly..................W. 4,376 Targum.................M. 4,413 LAMBERTVILLE, Hunterdon Co., NEWFIELD, Gloucester Co., 500 p., on 4,500f p., on Delaware r. and Belvidere & West Jersey Rd., 30 m. S. of Philadelphia. Delaware Rd., at junction of Flemington Engaged in manufacturing and fruit-growRd., 446 m. from Philadelphia. Engaged in manufacturing. Rural Banner. Beaco..d. W. 4,37 NEW MONMOUTH, Monmouth Co. Record..................W. 4:,37 NEW MONMOUTH, Monmouth Coo. LONG BRANCH, Monmouth Co., 3,800 Spr ge. p., on Long Branch & Seashore Rd., 33 m. NEWTON, c. h., Sussex Co., 2,600t p., on from New York. A fashionable summer Sussex Rd., 60 m. from New York. Trade resort. centre. Engaged in agriculture and minNews.................. W. 4,379 ing. CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 105 NEW JERSEY. NEW JERSEY. New Jersey Herald and SALEM, c. h., Salem Co., 4,555 p., on SaSussex Co. Democrat. -..W. 4,416 lem r., 21 m. from Delaware r., at terminus Sussex Register.........W. 4,417 of Salem Rd., 34 m. from Philadelphia. OCEAN GROVE, Monmouth Co. Centre of an agricultural district and place Record.....W. 4141 8 AS of active trade. Glass manufactories locat-................. ed here. ORANGE, Essex Co., 10,919t p., on Morris Natonal Standard... W. 4,440 & Essex Rd., 12 m. from New York. En- Sunbeam......... W. 4,441 gaged in manufacturing. Chronicle............. W. 4,419 SMITHVILLE, Burlington Co., on RanJournal... W. 4,420 cocas r. and Camden & Burlington Co. Rd., Volksbote.............. W. 4,42 i 2 m. E. of Mt. Holly. Engaged in manu-............. facturing all kinds of wood working maPASSAIC, Passaic Co., 3,200 p., on Passaic chiner. r. and Erie & Boonton branch of Dela- Nev Jersey Mechanic...W. 4,44. ware, Lackawanna & Western Rds., 5 m. from Paterson, 13 from New York city. SOMERVILLE, c. h., Somerset Co., Engaged in manufacturing. 3,243t p., on Raritan r. and New Jersey Herald................W. 4,422 Central Rd., 36 m. from New York. In Item -................ W. 4,423 the midst of a prosperous agricultural district. PATERSON, c. h., Passaic Co., 39,000t p., Somerset Gazette......... W. 4,443 on Passaic r. and Morris canal, and Erie, Somerset Messenger...W. 4,444 Boonton branch of Delaware, Lackawanna Somerset Unionist.-..W. 4,445 & Western, New Jersey Midland and Paterson & Newark Rds., 16 m. from New SOUTH AMBOY, Middlesex Co. York and 13 from Newark. The falls in Argus............... W. 4,446 the river furnish waterpower, which is em- SOUTH ORANGE, Essex Co., 2,963 p.,. ployed in manufactures. on Morris & Essex Rd., 8 m. from Newark Guardian.............D. 4,424 and 16 from New York. Prosperous town, "...............W. 4,425 rapidly increasing in importance. Press..... -.............D. 4,426 Bulletin...........W. 4,447................... W. 4,47 SWEDESBORO, Gloucester Co., 1,200 Volksfreund...........S. W. 4,4538 p., on the Swedesboro & West Jersey Rd., NAew Jersey Staats Zei-tungW. 4,4289 17 m. from Philadelphia. Manufacturing, PERTH AMBOY, Middlesex Co., 3,755t farming and fruit-growing are the princip., at head of Raritan Bay, 25 m. from New pal industrial pursuits. York. Engaged in domestic commerce. Times.................W. 4,448 At terminus of Perth Amboy & Wood- TOM'S RIVER, Ocean Co., 3,062 p., at bridge branch of Pennsylvania Rd., oppo- head of Tom's r. Bay and terminus of site Tottenville, at southern terminus of Tom's R. branch Rd. Engaged in coastStaten Island Rd., and connected with it ing trade and cranberry culture. by steamer. Also on the line of the New New Jersey Courier.....W. 4,449 York & Long Branch Rd. New Jersey Good TernGazette.. ——.... —.W. 4,430 plar.W....... W. 4,450 lfiddlesex Co. Democrat..W. 4,431 I IdLS o ret, C TRENTON, c. h., Mercer Co., State capiPHILLIPSBURG, Warren Co., 7,328t p., tal, 30,000t p., on Delaware r., at head of on Delaware r. and New Jersey Central steamboat navigation, 30 im. from PhilaRd., opposite Easton, Penn., and 74 m. delphia and 60 from New York, and on from New York. Engaged in manufac- mai branch of Camden & Amboy Rd. tures. and Delaware & Raritan Canal. PosWarren Democrat..-..W.. 4.,432 sesses abundant water power. Several PLAINFIELD, Union Co., 11,000t p., on potteries located here. New Jersey Central Rd., 24 m. from New Emporium...-.........D. 4,451 York. An agricultural district. Evening Star............ D. 4,452 Central New Jersey TimesW. 4,433 Free Press.-.......... D. 4,453 Constitutionalist.........W. 4,434 "..........W. 4,454 PRINCETON, Mercer Co., 4,000 p., at State Gazette.....-.-D. 4,455 the terminus of Princeton branch of Penn- r........... sylvania Rd., and on Delaware and Rari- Amer.... 4,458 tan Canal,-49 m. from New York. Seat of ^ald 4,45 Princeton College. Heald ---- ----. 4,459 Press-... W. 4,435 New Jersey Staats Journal. - -------- W. 4,460 RAHWAY, c. h., Union Co., 8,000t p., on Public Opinion.........W. 4,461 Rahway r. and New Jersey Rd., 20 m. TUCKERTON, Burlington Co. from New York, and at jnction of Wood- Ne Jersey Coast News...W 4,462 bridge & Perth Amboy Rd. Engaged inrl C,,, manufactures. VINELAND, Cumberland Co., 7,077 p., Advocate and ies.T.i.....W. 4,436 on West Jersey & Vineland Rd., 35 m. National Democrat....W. 4,437 from Philadelphia. Rapidly increasing in population. Engaged in fruit-growing and RED BANK, Monmouth Co., 5,447 p., on general farming. Neversink r., and Port Monmouth branch Journal..................D. 4,463 of New Jersey Southern Rd., 26 m. from Advertiser.....W... 4,464 New York. Independent.............W. 4,465 New Jersey Standard....W. 4,438 Weekly.................W. 4,466 RUTHERFORD, Bergen Co. Bible Banner............M. 4,46 Bergen Co. Herald.....W, 44,439 WASHINGTON, Warren Co., 2,280 p., 106 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. on Morris & Essex and Delaware, Lacka- Morning Express.........D. 4,487 wanna & Western Rds., 65 m. W. of Jer- Cultivator and Country sey City. A branch railroad connects with Gentleman............ 4,488 the Central Rd. at Hampton Junction. Law Journal......... W. 4,489 Farming interests centre here. Cabinet Presa and Legislative organs and canal boats are made here. Journal.......... W. 4490 Star....................W. 4,468 Sunday Press....... W. 4,491 WEST HOBOKEN, Hudson Co., 4,132 ALBION, c. h., Orleans Co., 3,322 p., on p.. on Palisades, W. of and adjoining Hobo- Erie Canal and New York Central Rd., 30 ken City, J m. from Hudson r. Residence of m. from Rochester. A trade centre, and many business men from New York. En- contains several mills and manufactories. gaged in manufactures. Orleans American.....W. 4,49 Palisade News...........W. 4,469 Orleans Republican.......W. 4,493 WHITE HOUSE, Hunterdon Co., 500t ALFRED CENTER, Allegany Co., p., i m. from New Jersey Central Rd., 45 2,500 p., near line of Erie Rd., 340 m. from m. W. of Jersey City. New York and 11 W. of Hornellsville. Family Casket.......W. 4,470 Sabbath Recorder...... W. 4,494 WOODBURY, c.h., Gloucester Co., 2,028t ALLEGANY, Cattaraugus Co. p., on West Jersey Rd., 8 m. from Phila- Journal..-...-. - W. 4,495 delphia, 7 from Camden and 3 from Dela- AMENIA, Iutc7ess Co., 1,250 p.. on New ware r., Centre of agricultural region, York & Harlem Rd., 88 m. from New York. supplying New York and Philadelphia mW. 4496 markets. mes W. 4,496 Constitution and Farmers' AMSTERDAMI, Montgomery Co., 5,426 and Mechanics' Adver- p., on Mohawk r., 33 m. from Albany and tiser...................W. 4,471 on New York Central Rd. Engaged in the WOODSTOWN, Salem Co., 1,914 p. 10 m. manufacture of knit goods and other artifrom the Delaware r. and 25 from Philadel- cles, which creates an active business in all branches of trade. phia. Stage lines connect daily with trains Demcrates. 4,49 on'Salem and West Jersey & Swedesport Recorder....,W. 4,498 Rds.; also steamboat landing for Phila. order................W. 4 98 delphia. Marl deposits and limestone ANDES, Delaware Co., 2,840 p., 12 m. from quarries are located here. Surrounded by Rondout & Oswego Rd. and 60 from an agricultural region. Kingston, in a farming and lumbering disRegister...........W. 4,4:72 trict. Recorder................W. 4,499 ANDOVER, Allegany Co., 2,000 p., on NEW YORK. Erie Rd., 18 m. S. W. of Hornellsville. Centre of a farming region. ADAMS, Jefferson Co., 1,352 p., on Rome, Citizen...........W. 4,500 Watertown & Ogdensburgh Rd., 14 m. from ANGELICA, c. h., Allegany Co., 1,708 p., Watertown and 59 from Rome. Situated on Geneva Valley Canal and r., and Erie in an agricultural region, and containing Rd. In a lumbering district and possessseveral mills and manufactories. Central ing mills and manufactories. business point for the southern portion of Republican...-......W. 4,501 the count Co. Journal.... ANTWERP, Jefferson Co. Je2fferson Co. Journal. —-W. 4,473 from New York, 150 from Buffalo. Dairy. hia d 5 ffalo ing and lumber manufacturing carried on. Philade ianRd., 35 m. from Buffaloi CenA iron foundry and woolen factoarried on. tre of a dairy country, doing a thriving cated here. Centre of an agricultural dis. of 15 miles. trict. Advertiser..............W. 4,474 Leader........ W. 4,503 ALBANY, c. h., Albany Co., State capital, ATTICA, Wyoming Co., 2,200t p., on Tonawanda r. and Hornellsville branch of Erie 86,013t p., on Hudson r., 142 m. from Ne d., 31 m. from Buffalo. A branch railYork. Centre of an immense trade; at road connects with the New York Central junction of several railroads, and at the at Batavia. entrance of Erie Canal to the Hudson. Connected by river and canals to Lake News....-......... 4,04 Erie, Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain. AUBURN, c. h., Cayuga. Co., 20,000t p., at Engaged in lumber trade. outlet of Owasco Lake, and on New York Argus............ D. 4,475 Central and Southern Central, Midland &..............S. W. 4,476 Auburn and Homer Rds., 326 m. from "........ W. 4,477 New York. Possesses water power, and Evening Journal... -..... 4,478 engaged in manufacturing and agriculture. "....S. W. 4,479 One of the State Prisonsis located here. - " "... W. 4,480 Advertiser............. D. 4,505 Evening Post....:..... -.D. 4,481 Journal...............W. 4,506 Evening Times..........D. 4,48 Buletin........... 4,507.........W. 4,483 ~ Morning News........... D. 4,508 Freie Blaetter...........D. 4,484 News and Democrat..-...W. 4,5,09 flerold.................D. 4,485 Cayuga Co. Independent. W. 4,510.Knickerbocker.....'. 4.,486 True Press............W. 451 Knickerbo~~~~~~~~~~~'. A,4.6W. 4,511~ CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 107 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. AVON SPRINGS, Livingston Co. the Erie Canal and New York Central Rd., Avonian...-......., 4,512 17 m. W. of Rochester. Engaged in manBABYLON, Suffolk Co., 1,500t p., on ufacturing agricultural implements and Southern, also on the Flushing, North Side other articles. & Central Rd., and on Great South Side Democrat.......... W. 4,533 Bay, 35 m. E. of Brooklyn. Agricultural Repubic...... W.4,34 country surrounding. BROOKLYN, c. h., Kings Co., 484,616t South Side Signal..-...W. 4,513 p., on W. end of Long Island. Separated BAINBRIDGE, Chenango Co., 1,000 p., from New York by East r. Engaged in on Susquehanna r. and Albany & Susque- commerce and manufactures, and the hanna Rd., 31 m. from Binghamton. dwelling place of many business men of Republican and Review.. W. 4,514: New York. The United States have a BALDWINSVILLE, Onondaga Co., Navy Yard here. 2,220t p., on Seneca r. and Oswego & Syra- Brooklyner Presse.....D. 4,535 cuse Rd., 12 m. from Syracuse and con- Times............... 4,536 nected with it by canal.'Engaged in man- Gazette.................W. 4,537 ufactures. Triangle..............S. M. 4,538 Onondaga Gazette.......W. 4,515 Argus................... 4,539.....~.. ^Brooklyner Freie Presse..). 4,540 BALLSTON SPA, c. h., Saratoga Co., Brooklaner e...e.. eund. 4,:541 2,970 p., on Rensselaer & Saratoga Rd., 30 ELong..I....... D. 4,541 m. from Albany, 25 from Troy and 7 from Poramme........... D. 4,543 Saratoga Springs. Engaged in manufac- Jnzon........ D. 4,544 tures and is a place of summer resort. Anzeer............ 4,545 Ballston Democrat.......W. 4,516 Friden's Harold......... V. 4,546 Ballston Journal........W. 4,517 Leader and New Lots BATAVIA, c. h., Genesee Co., 5,000t p., Journal. on Tonawanda Creek and Erie, New York Reform..................W. 4,548 Central & Hudson R. Rds., at junction of Review..................W. 4,549 Canandaigua, Tonawanda & Attica South Brooklyn News..W. 4,550 branches, 37 m. from Buffalo, 32 from Ro- Sunday Sun............. W. 4,551 chester. Surrounded by an agricultural National Monitor.....B. W. 4,552 district. Centre of trade. Several manu- Church Magazine........ 4,553 factories are located here. Progressive Blatavian...W. 4,518 BUFFALO, c. h., Erie Co., 152,000 p., at Repblican Advocate...-.. 4,519 eastern extremit of Lake Erie, and conSpirit of the Tines.... W. 4,520 nected with Albany by Erie Canal and o New York Central Rd. Lake commerce BATH, c. h., Steuben Co., 6,236 p., on is extensive, centering here from all points Rochester division of Erie Rd., 75 m. West. Manufactures are various and imfrom Rochester. Surrounded by an agfrom itochester. Surrounded by an ag- portant, embracing iron, leather, agriculricultural district.and centre of trade. tural implements, machinery, distilled Some manufacturing done here. spirits &c Steuben Courier-.-.... W. 4,521 Commercial Advertiser...D. 4.554 Steuben Farmers' Advo- T. W. 4,555 cate...................... 4,522 Commercial Patriot and cate... —--- - W. 4,522 iCommercial Patriot and BELMIONT, c. h., Allegany Co., 860t p., Journal...............W. 4,556 on Genesee r. and on Erie Rd. Has wa- Courier..................D. 4,557 ter power, which is employed in manufac- Evening Republic........D. 4,558 turing. Centre of lumber and wool-grow- Courier............. W. W.,559 ing district. Demokrat................D. 4,560 Alleganian.............W. 4,523 Weltbuerger............. 4,561 BINGHAMTJON, c. h., Broome Co., Express..................D. 4,562 16,000t p., at junction of Chenango andW. 4563 Susquehanna rs. and on Erie Rd., terminus Freie Presse............D. 4,564 of, Albany & Susquehanna, Syracuse & " ". - W.....W. 4,565 Binghamton and Valley Rds. The water Post.................. 4,566 power is very good. Manufacturing and Taglicher Republikaner.. 4,567 mercantile business done here. Volk's-Freund...... D.4,568 Democrat............... 4,54 "... 4,569 "............W. 4,525 Aurora. W..........W. 4,570 Republican... D. 4,5 2 6 Catholic ITnion........ W.4,571 Broome Republican....... 4,5 2 7 Christian Advocate......- W: 4,5 72 Times. -........ D. 4,528 Le Phare des Lacs.....W.4,573 " m............... 4,529 Scientific Commercial... W. 4,5 74 Democratic Leader.'.-..W. 5,530 Sonntags-Herold.......W. 4,575 Sunday Indepe n de nt BOONVILLE,Oneida Co., 1,700t p., on LSunday I det 56 Black R. Canal and Utica & Black R. Rd., Sunday News..........W. 4,577 31 m. from Utica. Tribune..............4,5T8 Herald..................W. 4,531 Globe....... 4,579 BREWSTER, Putnam Co., 1,110 p., on Medical and Surgical New York & Harlem Rd., 55 m. Nof Journal.....I. 4,580 New York. Centre of a milk producing Our Record..............M. 4,5 81 country. Two iron mines are located here. Our Young Men's'Paper. M. 4,5 8 Second village in size on Harlem Rd. Homoeopathic Quarterly. Putnam Co. Standard.. W. 4,5 3 k2nowlton's Hand-Book of BROCKPORT, Monroe Co., 2,847 p., on Business Education... Qr. 4,584 108 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. CAMBRIDGE, Washington Co., 1,850. Cazenovia, Canastota & DeRuyter Rd., p., on White Creek and Rensselaer & Sara- also Syracuse & Chenango Rd. Agricultoga Rd., 33 m. from Albany. ture and the manufacture of cheese comWashington Co. Post.....W. 4,585 prise the principal industrial pursuits. CAMDEN, Oneida Co., 1,703 p., on Rome, Favorite summer resort. Watertown & Ogdensburgh Rd., 8 m. from Republican..............W. 4,6 04 Rome. CENTRAL SQUARE, Oswego Co. Advance................ W. 4,586 Union..................W. 4,605 Journal -...-........- W. 4,58 7 CHAMPLAIN, Clinton Co., 5,080 p., at CANAJOHARIE, Montgomery Co., head of Lake Champlain, on Chazy r. and 1,882p., on Mohawk r. and Erie Canal, western division of Vermont Central Rd., and New York Central Rd., 55 m. from 114 m. from Ogdensburgh. Albany and 40 E. of Utica. Centre of a Journal................W. 4,606 large farming and dairy section and en- CHATEAUGAY, Franklin Co., 3,000 p. gaged in manufactures. on Chateaugay r. and Western division of Radii and Tax Payer's Vermont Central Rd., 72 m. from OgdensJournal......... W. 4,5 88 burgh and 12 from Malone. CANANDAIGUA, c. h., Ontario Co., 4,862 Star.....................W. 4,607 p., at outlet of Canandaigua Lake, and on CHATHAM VILLAGE, Columbia Co., Auburn branch of New York Central Rd., 2,000 p., on New York & Harlem Rd., at 29 m. E. of Rochester and at intersection its intersection with Boston & Albany Rd. of Northern Central Rd. Centre of trade, 128 m. from New ork and 24 from bany surrounded by an agricultural district. Manufacture of paper is carried on. Ontario Co. Journal. W. 4,589 hatham Courier......... 4,608 Ontario Co. Times.......W. 4,590 Ontario Repository and Mes- CHERRY VALLEY, Otsego Co., 844t sener............. 4,591 p.. at terminus of Cherry Valley branch of CANASERAGA, Allegany Co., 800 p., Albany & Susquehanna Rd., 23 m. from CA.NASERAGl3A,'Allegany C. 0, Co., p. Cobleskill. on Buffalo division of Erie Rd., 79 m. S. Gazette........ 4609 E. of Buffalo and 12 from Hornellsville. Temperance Investigator W. 4,610 Centre of trade. mes........ W. 4592 CHITTENANGO, Madison Co., 1,500 p., CANAS TA, M n C, 1 on on Chittenango Creek and New York CAIASITOTA, Madison Co., 1,418t p., on Central Pd.. 14 m. E. of Syracuse. New York Central Rd. and Erie Canal, C adison Rd. 14 mes. of Syrae. and the terminus of the Canastota & Caze- T. novia Rd., 20 m. E. of Syracuse. CLAYTON, Jefferson Co. Herald.................W. 4,53 Independent............. 4,612 CANTON, c. h., St. Lawrence Co., 2,540 CLEVELAND, Oswego Co., 900t p., on p., on Grasse r., and a branch of Rome, Oneida Lake, and New York & Oswego Watertown & Ogdensburgh Rd., about 18 Midland Rd., 41 m. from Oswego. 30 from m. from Ogdensburgh. Several manufac- Fulton. tories are located here. Lake-Side Press..........W. 4,613 St. Lawrence PlaindealerW. 4,594 CLINTON, Oneida Co., 1,640 p., in KirkCAPE VINCENT, Jefferson Co., 1,200'p., land township, 9 m. from Utica, on Cheon the St. Lawrence r., 25 m. from Water- nango Canal and Utica, Clinton & Bingtown, and connected with it by railroad hamton Rd. Engaged in cotton, lumber, A steam ferry connects with Kingston, iron and other manufactures. Several Out institutions of learning are located here, Eagle... W. 4,595 Courier....-........ W. 4,614 agle.................... Hamilton Literary Month. CARMEL, c. h., Putnam Co., 500t p., 4 m. ailton Lit y 4M 61 from New York & Harlem Rd., and 55....................... from New York. Devoted to farming and CLYDE, Wayne Co., 3,200 p., in Galen dairying. township, on Clyde r., Erie Canal and Putnam, Co. Courier.. -. W. 4,596 Central Rd., 8 m. from Lyons and 38 W. Putnam Co. Monitor...... 4,597 of Syracuse, 45 E. of Rochester. Engaged CA HAGE, Jefferson Co.,,860 p., n manufacturing and a place of active CARTHAGE, Jefferson Co., 2,860 p., on Black r., 16 m. from Watertown, on Utica Times.... W. 4,616 & Black R. Rd., 17 from Watertown. Surrounded by an agricultural district COBLESKILL, Schoharie Co., ],700tp., and largely engaged in manufacturing. on Albany & Susquehanna Rd., 45 m. from Farmer's Journal........W. 4,598 Albany. A branch railroad connects with Northern New Yorker....W. 4,599 Cherry Valley. Agricultural works here. Republican...........W. 4,600 Index.................. W. 4,617 CASTILE, Wyoming Co. COEYMANS, Albany Co., 850t p., on Castilian...............W. 4,601 Hudson r., 12 m. from Albany, 1 from Athens & Schenectady Rd. and 1 from CATSKILL, c. h., Greene Co., 6,000t p., Hudson R. Rd. Engaged in manufactures. on Hudson r.. ill in. from New York. Blue stone quarrying carried on. The passage-way through which thousands Herald..-..... W. 4,618 of pleasure seekers proceed to the wonderful natural scenery of the Catskill Moun- COHOCTON, Steuben Co. tains. Engaged in manufactures. Valley Times.........W. 4,619 Examiner...............W. 4,602 COHOES, Albany Co., 17,516t p., on MoRecorder..............W. 4,603 hawk r., New York Central and RensCAZENOVIA, Madison Co., 1,821t p., on selaer & Saratoga Rds., and Erie and CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 109 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. Champlain Canals, 9 m. from Albany and 3 DE RUYTER, Madison Co., 625t p., on from Troy. Has water power, which is a branch of the New York & Oswego employed in manufacturing. Midland Rd. Eagle......)........... D. 4,620 New Era.............W. 4,648 News................... D. 4,61 DOW SVLLE, Delaware Co. Cataract............. W. 4,6 News............W. 4,649 Democrat..-...........W. 4,623 L'Avenir National......W. 4,624 DRYDEN, Tompkins, Co., 1,250 p., on La Patrie Nouvele......W. 4,625 Southern Central Rd., 36 m. from Auburn and 34 from Owego. Centre of an agriCOLD SPRING, Putnam Co., 2,379t p., on cultural district. Hudson r. and Rd., 52 m. from New York. Herald......... 4650 Recorder..................W. 4,626 Recor der. W. 4,66 DUNDEE, Yates Co., 1,500 p., in Starkey COLLEGE POINT, Queens Co. township, near Seneca Lake and Northern Long Island Central Z Centr Rd. Centre of an agricultural distung...-....W.......W. 4,67 trict. COOPERSTOWN, c. h., Otsego Co., Record..................W. 4,651 2,300 p., at outlet of Otsego Lake, on Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley Rd. DUNKIRK, Chautauqua Co. 7,000p., a connected with Albany & Susquehanna port of entry on Lake Erie, at junction of Erie and Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rd., 75 m. from Albany. Business place riedan. The Dkirke arren &gPittsburgh and centre of trade. Rds. The Dunkirk. Warren &-Pittsburgh and centre of trade. Freeman's Journal....W. 4,628 Rd. also forms a junction here, opening a Republican and DemnocratW. 4,629 direct route to the oil, coal and iron region of Pennsylvania. A commercial centre CORNING, Steuben Co., 5,300t p., on Che- and place of active trade. mung r. and Erie Rd., at the junction of Advertiser and Union....W. 4,652 Rochester branch. Corning & Blossburg Journal............... 4,65 3 Rd. here forms a junction with Erie. Engaged in manufacture and lumber trade. EAST ALBANY, Albany Co. jemocrat...............W. 4,630 News....................W. 4,654 Independent........... W. 4,631 EAST AURORA, Erie Co. Journal..............W. 4,632 Erie Co. Advertiser..... W. 4,655 CORNWALL, Orange Co. EAST NEW YORK, Kings Co. 12,300t imes....................W. 4,633 p., just E. of Brooklyn, with which it is CORTLAND, c. h., Cortland Co., 4,100 p., connected by horse cars. The Brooklyn on Tioughnioga r., and Syracuse, Bing- Central & Jamaica Rd. runs E. from here. hamton & New York Rd., at its junction Long Island Record......W. 4,656 with Ithaca & Cortland Rd., 36 m. from Sentinel..................W 4,657 Syracuse. Coyracus Co. Deoat W 4,634 EDGEWATER, Richmond Co., E. side orStandard and Joural.. W. 4,635 of Staten Island. Connected to New York Standard and Journal.. W. 4,635 city by a ferry. city by a ferry. COXSACKIE, Greene Co., 4,000 p., on Staten Island Leader... W. 4,658 Hudson r. and Athens & Schenectady Rd., 22 m. from Albany. Engaged in brick ELIZABETHTOWN, c. h., Essex Co., making and back country trade. 1,488 p., on Bouquet r., 9 m. from Lake News.......... W. 4,636 Champlain and 126 from Albany. Surrounded by a district containing immense CUBA, Allegany Co., 2,500 p., on Erie Rd., oune a istit ontainin iense 50 m. W. of Hornellsville. Surrounded by qPotities of iron ore. an agricultural district. Noted for its dairy products. ELLENVILLE, Ulster Co., 3,300t p., on Herald..............W. 4,6 3 7 Ellenville branch of Oswego & Midland Patriot..................W. 4,638 Rd., and on Delaware & Hudson Canal, DANSVILLE, Livingston Co., 3,387 p., 75 m. from New York. Centre of trade. on Canaseraga Creek, at the terminus of Considerable manufacturing donehere. the Dansville & Mt. Morris branch of the Banner o Lbert....... W. 4660 Erie Rd., 49 m. from Rochester. Engaged Journal..............W. 4,661 in milling and various manufactures, and Press...................W. 4,662 the centre of an agricultural district. ELLICOTTVILLE, c. h., Cattaraugus Advertiser...........W. 4,639 Co., 1,000 p., in an agricultural district. Express..............W. 4,640 12 m. from Erie Rd. at Salamanca. Laws of Life and Journal Cattaraugus Union......W. 4,66 3 of Health..............M. 4,641 National Record........M. 4,642 ELMIRA, c. h., Chemung Co., 20,500t p.,....... -ron Chemung r. and Canal, and Erie, DELHI, c. h., Delaware Co., 1,530t p., on Lehigh Valley and Northern Central Rds west branchof Delaware r. Terminus of a Engaged i manufacturing. Seat of the branch of Midland Rd., and the centre of a new State Reformatory. fine grazing and butter producing country. dvertiser.........D. 4,664 Delaware Express.......W. 4,643..... W. 4,665 Delaware Gazette.......W. 4,644 Gazette —. 4,666 Delaware Republican....W; 4,645. 4,66 DEPOSIT, Broome Co., 2,000 p., on Erie (hemung Co. Journal....W. 4,668 Rd., 175 m. from New York. Located Husbandman...........W. 4,669 partly in Delaware Co. Freight houses of Leader............. W. 4,670 company located here. Sunday Morning Herald.W. 4,671 Courier.................W. 4,646 Weed.................M. 4,672 Times and Democrat.....W. 4,647 Bistoury.........Q.....r. 4,673 110 CEGNTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. FAIRPORT, Monroe Co. Patriot and Gazette...... W. 4,691 Herald...........W......W. 4,674: Timees..................W. 4,692 FAYETTEVILLE, Onondaga Co., FULTONVILLE, Montgomery Co., 1,500 1,800f p., near Erie Canal, 71 m. from Syra- p., in Glen township, on Mohawk r., and cuse. Engaged in milling, lime and plas- Eric Canal and Central Rd., 44 m. from ter, with one of the best water powers in Albany. Coal, grain, cheese and produce the county. depot. Recorder............. W. 4,675 2M1ontgymery Co. RepubFISHKILL, Dutchess Co., 795t p., on lican -.............W... 4,693 Fishkill Creek and Dutchess & Columbia GENESEO, c. h., Livingston Co., 2,500 Rd. Centre of an agricultural district, 5 p., on Genesee r. and Danville & Mt. Morm. from Fislikill Landing. ris branch of Erie Rd., 28 m. from RochJournal........... W. 4,676 ester. FISHKILL LANDING, Dutchess Co., Livingston Republican...W. 4,694 2,500 p., on Hudson r. and Hudson R. Rd., GENEVA, Ontario Co., 6,027t p., on Senat junction of Dutchess & Columbia Rd., eca Lake. and Cayuga & Seneca Canal opposite Newburgh, 60 m. from New York. and New York Central Rd. Interested in Centre of trade and engaged in various nursery business. Connected by steamer manufactures. with Watkins, on Canandaigua & ElmiFishkill Standard........W. 4,6 7 ra Rd. FLATBUSH, Kings Co., 6,309 p., 3 m. S. Courier................W. 4,695 of Brooklyn. Gazette...........W.. W. 4,696 Kings 6o. Rural Gazette.W. 4,678 GLEN COVE, Queens Co., on Hempstead FLUSHING, Queens Co., 8,000t p., situat- Harbor, on a branch of Long Island Rd., ed on Flushing Bay, Long Island, Flushing 28 m. N. E. of Brooklyn & North Side Rd., 8 m. from New York. Echo................W. 4,697 Times.................... 4,679 Gazette..................W. 4,698 Long Island Times......W. 4,680 GLEN'S FALLS, Warren Co., 6,500t p., Journal.................. W. 4,681 on Hudson r. and connecting with RensFONDA, c. h., Montgomery Co., 1,750 p., selaer & Saratoga Rd. by a branch to Fort on Mohawk r. and New York Central Rd., Edward, 50 m. above Albany. at junction of Johnstown & Gloversville Messenger........W...... 4,699 branch, 42 m. from Albany. Republican..............W. 4,700 Mohawk Valley DemocratW. 4,682 GLOVERSVILLE, Fulton Co., 7,500t FORESTVILLE, Chautauqua Co., 722 p., 8 m. from Fonda and Erie Canal, 50 p., on Erie Rd., 8 m. E. of Dunkirk from Albany, and on Fonda, Johnstown & Chautauqua Farmer.....W. 4,683 Gloversville Rd. Engaged in manufacturing gloves and mittens. Does a thriving FORT COVINGTON, Franklin Co. wholesale trade with the northern counties. St. Lawrence Valley Re- Advertiser............. -cord...................W. 4,6 84. Century..............W. 4,70 FORT EDWARD, Washington Co., Intelligencer and Repuba,i26t p., on Hudson R. & Rensselaer & lican..W.. —--.......W. 4,703 Saratoga Rd., at junction of Glens Falls Standard.............W. 4,704 branch, 49 m. from Troy. Engaged in GOSHEN, c. h., Orange Co., 3,000 p., on paper and other manufactures. Erie Rd., 58 m. from New York. An agriGazette................W. 4,685 cultural district. FORT PLAIN, Montgomery Co., 1,797 Democrat..............W. 4,705 p., in Minden township. on Mohawk r. and Independent.............W. 4,706 Erie Canal, 58 m. from Albany. GOUVERNEUR, St. Lawrence Co., 1,627 Mohawk Valley Register.W. 4,686 p., on Oswegatchie r., and Rome, Water FRANKLIN, Delaware Co., 1,150 p., on town & Ogdensburgh Rd.. 34 m. from OgOuleout Creek, 3 m. S. of Albany & Sus- densburgh. Manufacturing done here, the quehanna Rd. at Otego. An agricultural river furnishing abundant power. Centre community and seat of Delaware Literary of a thriving trade. Institute. Herald................ W. 4,707 Register.................W. 4,6 S 7 Times.................W. 4,708 FRANKLINVILLE, Cattaraugus Co. GOWANDA, Cattaraugus Co., 1,290 p., on Argus..................W. 4,68 8 Buffalo & Jamestown Rd., 32 m. from BufFREDONIA, Chautauqua Co., 300t p., falo on the north and 24 from Jamestown on Dunkirk, Warren & Pittsburgh Rd. on the south. State Normal School is located and manu- Gazette....................,70 9 facturing done here. GRANVILLE, Washington Co., 850 p., Censor......... W... W. 4,689 on Albany & Rutland and Rensselaer & FRIENDSHIP, Allegany Co., 1,5001 p. Saratoga Rds., and Methawee r., 68 m. n Erie Rd., 42 m. W. of Hornellsville, 84 from Alany. Engaged in manufactures E. of Dunkirk. Dairying and farming are of various kinds. Slate quarries are workthe principal industries. e in this vicinity. Register......... W. 4,690 S.. entinel................W. 4,710 FULTON, Oswego Co., 5,000t p., on Oswe- GREENBUSH, Rensselaer Co., 7.000t p., go r. and Delaware, Lackawanna & West- on Hudson R. and Boston, Harlem & Alern Rd., and New York & Oswego Mid- bany Rds. Engaged in pork packing, land Rd., 25 m. from Syracuse and 12 from flour mills and general manufacturing. Oswego. Has water power, which is em- Evening Star............W. 4,711 ployed in manufactories. Rensselaer Co, Gazette.. W. 4;,71 CENTENNIALNZWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 111 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. GREENE, Chenango Co., 1,025 p., on Che- HIGHLAND, Ulster Co. nango r., Chenango Canal and Utica divi- Journal..................W. 4,732 sion of Delaware, Lackawanna & Western HIGHLAND FALLS, Orange Co. Rd., 56 m. from Syracuse and 20 from Journal...........W. 4,733 Binghamton. A thriving place, in an agri-HOLLEY Orleans Co. 1200 p. on Erie cultural district. Chenaigo iAmerican...... W. 4,713 Canal and New York Central Rd., 22 m from Rochester. Engaged in general GREENPORT, Suffolk Co., 2,000t p., at trade and manufacturing. E. terminus of Long Island Rd., 95 m. from Standard...... W. 4,734 New York. Engaged in foreign and do- HOMER, Cortland Co., 2,008 p., on Syramestic commerce and agriculture. Flood and Field...... 4,714 cuse & Binghamton Rd., 34 m. from SyraRepublican Watchman...W. 4,71 cuse and 3 from Cortland. Some manufacSuffolk Times........ W. 4,716 turing done here. GREENWICH, Wasington Co., 2,000 Cortland Co. Republican.W. 4,735 GREENWICH, Washington Co., 2,000 p., in Greenwich township, on Battenkill HONEOYE IALLS, Monroe Co., 921 r., 8 m. N. W. of Cambridge. Engaged in p., on Honeoye Creek, and on Canandaimanufactnlring. gua branch of New York Central Rd., 19 Peoples Journal. 4717 m. from Canandaigua and 16 S. of Rocheseople's........W. 4,717 ter. Engagedin a variety of manufactures. GROTON, Tompkins Co., 1,560 p., on Free Press. Owasco Inlet, in N. E. part of county, on HOOSICK FALLS, Rensselaer Co. Southern Central Rd., 15 m. from Ithaca and 27 from Auburn. N. Y. Centre of a Rensselaer Go. Standard.W. 4,737 dairying country. Engaged in manufac- HOPE, Hamilton Co. turing carriages, agricultural implements Hamilton Co. Press......W. 4,738 and other articles, HORNELLSVILLE, Steuben Co., Journal...................W. 4,718 8,000t. p., on Canisteo r. and Erie Rd. HAMBURG, Erie Co. Buffalo branch of Erie Rd. radiates from Erie Co. Independent... W. 4,719 this point. A place of business and centre of trade. HAMILTON, Madison Co., 1,548t p., 28 Canisteo Valley Times....W. 4,739 m. from Utica, on the Utica. Clinton & Herald................W. 4,740 Binghamton Rd. and Chenango Canal. Tribune........ W. 4,741 Seat of Madison University, Theological HORSEHEADS, Chemung Co., 3,400t p., Seminary and several other, schools, also 6 m. from Elmira, on Chemng Canal and Colgate Academy. cn Northern Central Rd. Engaged in farmDemnocratic Republican.W. 4, 7 20 Democratic pVolubner....W. 4,721 ing, milling and general manufacturing. Democratic Volunteer.r. ---—... —---—. W. 4,74 Madisonensis..........S. M. 4,722 Journal -. —--—. — W. 4,743 HAMMONDSPORT, Steuben Co., 1,000 HUDSON, c. h., Columbia Co., 8,615 p., on p., on Crooked Lake, 8 m. from Bath. En- E bank of Hudson r. and on Hudson R. gaged in grape-growing and manufactur- Rd., at terminus of Hudson branch ofBosing wine. ton & Albany Rd., 116 m. from New York. Herald.....-...... W. 4,*723 Engaged in commerce and manufactures. HANCOCK, Delaware Co., 3,069 p., on Register...I.............. 4,744 Erie Rd., 164 m. N. W. of New York. En- Gazette......W.........W. 4,745 gaged in tanning and lumber manufac- Star..........D. 4,746 tures. Colmbia Republican and Herald........W. 4,724 Star...................W. 4,747 Columbia Co. Farmer....W. 4,74:8 HANNIBAL, Oswego Co., 840 p., about 12 Helping Hand. M.4,749 m. S. of Oswego. eveille.......... W 4, 725 HUNTINGTON, Suffolk Co., 2,500t p., on................ Huntington Bay and Syosset branch of HAVANA, Schuyler Co., 1.500t p., on Long Island Rd., 35 m. from New York. Northern Central Rd., 3 m. from Watkins Long Islander..........W. 4,750 and 18 from Elmira. Suffolk Bulletin.........W. 4,751 Enterprise.......... 4,726 ILION, Herkimer Co., 4,500t p., on Molawk Joutrnal.....7........... r., New York Central Rd. and Erie Canal, HAVERSTRAW, Rockland Co., 6,412 11m. from Utica. Engaged in manufac-.on Hudson r., 37 m. from New York. turing arms, sewing machines, agricultu-al Engaged in manufacturing brick. implements and other articles. Rockland Co. Messenger..W. 4,728 Citizen.............W. 4,752 HEMPSTEAD, Queens Co., 2,316 p., on athwordW. 4,753 South Side Rd., 20 m. from New York. IRVINGTON, Westchester Co. Rockaway Beach, noted as a summer re- Courier and Tarrytown sort, is in this township. Engaged in News.................W. 4,754 manufacturing, agriculture and the oyster ITHACA, c. h., Tompkins Co., 9,658tp., at trade. the head of Cayuga Lake, at junction of Inquirer..Se..........W 4,7329 Cayuga division of Delaware, Lackawanna Queens Co. Sentinel....,73 & Western with Ithaca & Cortland Rd. HERKIMER, c. h., Herkimer Co., 2;250f Cayuga Lake steamboat line touches here. p., on Mohawk r., New York Central Rd. Engaged in manufactures. Seat of Corand Erie Canal, 78 m. from Albany. In a nell University. great cheese and dairy district. Journal...............D. 4,755 Derocrat and Gazette....W. 4,731 "............ W. 4,756 112 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. Cornell Era..............W. 4:,757 ieeman................W. 4,781 Democrat................W. 4,758 Argus...................W. 4,782 Ithacan................ W. 4,759 Courier................W. 4,783 Poultry Organ of Central Journal................. W. 4,784 New York.............M. 4,760 Press...................W. 4,785 JAMAICA, c. h., Queens Co., 3,791 p., on LANSINGBURLH, Rensselaer Co.. 7,000 Long Island & South Side and Brooklyn p., on Hudson R. & Bennington Rd. A Central Rds., 12 m. from Brooklyn. Resi- suburb of the city of Troy and 10 m. above dence of merchants doing business in New Albany. Engaged in manufacturing York city. Engaged in market garden- brushes and oil-cloth. ing. Courier...............W. 4,786 Katholische Kirchen Zei- Gazette................W. 4,?787 tung.................W. 4,761 LE ROY, Genesee Co., 2,634 p., on Oatka Long Island Democrat...W. 4,762 Creek and New York Central Rd., 46 m. Long Island Farmer....W. 4,763 from Buffalo and 28 S. W. of Rochester. Standard................W. 4,764 Location of Ingham University; largest JAMESTOWN, Chantauqua Co., 7,500t female university in western New York. p., at outlet of Chautauqua Lake, on At- Gazette.................W. 4,7S 8 lantic & Great Western Rd., connected by Genesee Courner...........W. 4,789 steamers with various points on the lake. LIBERTY, Sullivan Co., 700 p., on New Engaged in manufacturing. York & Oswego Midland Rd., 100 m. from Democrat............. D. 4,765 New York. In an agricultural district. Chatauqua Democrat....W. 4,766 Local Echo.............. 4,790 Journal.... B....D.. 4,767 LIMA, Livingston Co., 2,915t p., 7 m. E. of "..............W. 4,768 Erie Rd. at Avon and 4 S. of Honeoye PFolket's Rost..........W. 4, 769:Falls. The seat of Genesee College and the Grange.............. W. 4,770 Wesleyan Seminary. JEFFERSON, Schoharie Co., 1,712 p., Recorder......... W. 4,791 in the southern part of the county, about 12 LISLE, Broome Co., 3,443t p., on Tioughnim. from the line of Albany & Susquehanna oga r. and Syracuse & Binghamton Rd. 23 Rdeersoian............W.4,771 ~~~~Rd~. 4:71m. from Binghamton. Lumber district. Jeffersonian.............. W. 4,771...Large quantities of butter shipped from JEFFERSONVILLE, Sullivan Co., 700 here. p., on Callicoons Creek, about 10 m. from Gleaner................ W. 4,79 Erie and the same distance from Midland LITTLE FALLS, Herkimer Co., 5,989t LITTLE FALLS, Herkimer Co., 5,9891 Rd., about 16 N. W. of Monticello.., on Mohawk r. and New York Central Sullivan Co. Record.....W. 4,772 d., 20 m. from Utica. The falls in the JOHNSTOWN, c. h., Fulton Co., 4,600t river furnish immense power. Considerp., in Johnstown township, on Cayadutta able manufacturing done here. Engaged Creek and Fonda, Johnstown & Glovers- in dairying and the manufacture of cheese. ville Rd., 4 m. from Fonda. Engaged in Herkimer Co. News......W. 4,793 mercantile pursuits, manufacturing, &c. Journal and Courier.....W. 4,794 A large number of glove and mitten fac- Central New Yorker...... 4,795 tories are located here. Fulton Co. Democrat..ae..W.4 3 LIVERPOOL, Onondaga Co., 1,555 p., in Fulton Co. DRepubican...W. 4,774 central part of State, on Syracuse NorthJournaltn Co. R.....4,74 ern Rd. and Oswego Canal, 5 m. from Journal........... W. 4,775 Syracuse. Large manufacturing interests JORDAN, Onondaga Co., 1,500t p., on and market gardening. Principal branch Erie Canal and New York Central Rd., 17 of industry is manufacture of salt. m. froni Syracuse.. Engaged in manufac- Gazette.............. 4,796 tures. Transcript.............. 4,6 LIVONIA, Livingston Co. ATranscript.......... 6 Gazette —--..................W. 4,797 KATONAH, Westchester Co. Recorder...............W. 4,777 LOCKPORT, c. h., Niagara Co., 15,000t KEESEVILLE, Essex Co., 2,500 p., on d.,on Erie Canal from and ewar allork ThCetral An Sable r., 4m.r LkCmaad d1 m. from Niagara Falls. The locks Au1 Sable r., 4 m. firom Lake Champlain and in the canal furnish water power, which is 14 from Burlington, Vt. Some manufa- usedin manufac tone quarrying turing done here. i"^ui used in manufacturing. Stone quarrying EexCRturing done here. pbis done here and it is in the centre of an Essex Co. Republican....W. 4,778 agricultural district. KINDERHOOK, Columbia Co., 4,060t Journal.............. D 4,798., on Boston & Albany Rd., 5 m. from Niagara Journal....... W. 4,799 Hudson r. at Stuyvesant Landing, 16 from Times................. 4,800 Albany. Engaged in cotton warp and pa- ".-............... 4801 per manufacture.'Union..................... 4,802 Rough Notes.............W. 4,779 Niagara Democrat.......W. 4,803 KINGSTON, c. h., Ulster Co., 20,000 p. Catholic Visitor.........W. 4,804 on Hudson r. at the mouth of Rondout Niagara Poner.........W.4,805 Creek, 91 m. from New York, at terminus LONG ISLAND CITY, Queens Co., of Hudson & Delaware Canal and Rondout 10,000 p., on East r., N. of Brooklyn, and at & OswegoRd. Engaged in manufactures. W. terminus of Long Island & FlushHas a large river commerce. The amoun: ing and North Side Rds. An important of business transacted here is as large as at suburb of New York city. Engaged in any point on the Hudson between New manufactures. York and Albany. Courier..................W. 4,806.FrOman................. D 4,780 Star.................W. 4,807 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. 113 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. LOWVILLE, c. h., Lewis Co., 2,000 p., Orange Co. Press........W. 4,829 on Utica & Black R. Rd., 59 m. from Utica, Mercury........ —......W. 4,830 1 from Black r. and Caaal, and 26 from Signs of the limes....S. M. 4,831 Watertown. Centre of a dairy and agri. MOHAWK, HerkimerCo. cultural district. Independent.-........ W. 4,832 Journal and Republicasn. W. 4,8 08 Prohibitionist. W... 4,833 Lewis Co. Democrat......W. 4,8 09. LYONS, c. h., Wayne Co., 5,200t p., on Erie M, Franklin Co. 834 Canal and Central Rd., 36 m. from Roches- ter MONTGOMERY, Orange Co., 4,000 p., Renpblican..-...-..-....W. 4,810 on Walkill r. and Montgomery & Walkill Wayne Democratic Press.W. 4,811 Valley branch of Erie Rd., 69 m. from New York city and 10 from Goshen. A farming ADRID, 4Frankin Co.. region, faving some manufactures. News.......... W. 4, 81 2 Republican and StandardW. 4, 8 35 MALONE, c. h., Franklin Co., 7,186 p., on ONTICELLO, c. h., Sullivan Co., 1200 Salmon r. and Western -division of Ver- onticelloand Jerv an mont Central Rd., 60 m. from Ogdensburgh. p., on Monticello and Port Jervis branch of mont Central Rd., 60 m. from Ogdensburgh. New ork & Erie Rd., 90 m from Ne Equal distance from Rouse's Point. An Yo, near centre of Sullivan Co. agricultural district and centre of trade. lepzblican Watchman..v. 4,836 Engaged in manufacturing.- Sullivan Co. Republican.W. 4,8 3 7 FIranklin Gazette...... W. 4, 13 Palladiumr......-...... 4,814 MORAVIA, Cayuga Co., 2,350t p., on ARATHON Cortland C, 8t, Owasco Lake and Southern Central Rd., 18 MARATHON, Cortland Co., 896+ p., on m S E of Auburn. Surrounded by a Sracuse & Binghamton Rd. and Tiough- farming district, making it a market for nioga r., 50 m. from Syracuse and 30 from the sale of agricultural produce. Manu. Binghamton. A farming district, pro- facturing donehere. ducing butter and other produce. Valley Register...... W. 4,838 Independent...........W. 4, $15 Independent..............W. 4,815 ^ MORRIS, Otsego Co., 2,550 p., on ButterMARGARETVILLE, Delaware Co., nut's Creek, in a thickly settled farming 500t p., on E. branch of Delaware r., 23 country. Hops and wool, butter and ^ ^^" S. E. of Delhi.country. Hops and wool, butter and m. S. E. of Delhi. cheese are the principal products. Utilitarian..............W. 4, 816 Chronicle.............W. 4,8 39 MATTEAWAN, Dutchess Co., 4,106t p., MORRISVILLE, c. h., Madison Co., on Fishkill Creek, 1 m. above Fishkill 850 p., 3 m. from New York & Oswego Landing, and on Dutchess & Columbia Rd. Midland Rd., and 12 S. of Oneida. Engaged in manufactures. ^ Madison Observer.. 4,840 Gould's Household CornGanionu's Hous d MOUNT KISCO, Westchester Co. MATTITIUCK, Suffolk:Co. Weekly.W. 4,841 Fancier's Herald.....,818 MOUNT 1MIORRIS, Livingston Co., 2,500 Fancier's Herald —-----— M. 4I,8 18 p., on Genesee Valley Canal, at terminus of MAYVILLE, a. h., Chattauu a nCo., 1,300Bf a Dansville & Mt. Morris branch of Erie Rd. p., on Chautauqua Lake and Buffalo, Engaged in manufacturing and agriculCorry & Pittsburgh Rd., 20 m. from James- ture. town, to which it is connected by steamer. Enterprise.......... 4,84 An agricultural district. Union and Constitution..W. 4,843 Sentinel. -------- -.W. 4,819 MIOUNT VERNON, Westchester- Co., MEDINA, Orleans Co., 3,732t p., on Orch- 4200 p., on lem & New Haven., 17 ard r., Erie Canal and New York Central. N. of New York. Rd., 40 m. from Rochester and 50 from Chronicle........W. 4,844 Buffalo. Centre of trade. Has water Eastchester Independent..W. 4,845 power, which is used in various manufac- Westchester Co. Anzeiger.W. 4,846 tures. Orleans Democrat....W. 4,820 NAPLES, Ontario Co., 1,200t p., on CananTribune W 4, 821 daigua inlet, 4 m. from Lake and about 20 S. of Canandaigua. MIEXICO, Oswego Co., 1,300 p., on Salmon Record....... 4847 Creek, near Lake Ontario and Rome & W Oswego Rd. Agricultural implements and NEWARK, Wayne Co., 2,00tp., in Arcaother articles manufactured here. A dia township, on Erie Canal and on the dicentre of trade, rect branch of N. Y. C. & H. R. Rd. and Deaf-Mutes' Journal... W. 4,822 the Ontario Southern Rd., 30 m. E. of Independent......W.... W. 4,823 Rochester and 50 W. of Syracuse. Courier................W. 4,848 MIDDLEBURGH, Schoharie Co., 1,000 Union...... W. 4,849 p., on Middleburgh & Schoharie Valley Rd., NEWARK VALLEY, Tioga Co. 5 m. from Schoharie, 38 W. of Albanye., Gazette. ----.. —-—...-...W. 4,824 g Co. Herald W. 4,850 MIDDLEPORT, Niagara Co. NEW BALTIMORE, Greene Co. Mail......25...................W. 4, 851 MIDDLETOWN, Orange Co., 6,049 p. NEW BERLIN, Chenango Co., 2,460 on Erie Rd., at intersection of New York p-on Bnadilla r. and Sidney Plains & I me Mln d m r New Berlin branch of New York & Oswe& Oswego Midland Rd., 67 m. from New go Midland Rd., 20 m. from Sidney Plains. York. A trade centre. YoAr. A trade centre Gazette.................. W. 4,852 Argus ----------------—.-D. 4:,826 ". W............. 4,827 NEWBURGHI, c. h., Orange-Co., 17.014 Evening Press........D. 4,828 p., TdaiW. bank of -Hudsin.r.,i,6. m. frOm 114 CENTENNIAL NEWSPAPER EXHIBITION. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. New York. A branch railroad connects it New Yorker Presse....... D. 4,901 with Erie Rd. at Goshen. Engaged in......W. 4,902 cotton, woolen and other manufactures New Yorker Tages-Nachand centre of trade. Surrounded by an richten..D............. 4,903 agricultural district. Sonntags Nachrichten....W. 4,904 Journal..................D. 4,853 Register.................D. 4,905 ".................W. 4,854: Skandinavisk Post....... D. 4,906 Telegraph.... —. —....D. 4,855 " ".......W. 4,907'".-........... W. 4,856 " "....Sund. 4,908 Home, Farm and Or- Staats-Zeitung............D. 4,909 chard..............W. 4,857 "...........W. 4,910 Our Friend............M. 4,858 " ".........Sund. 4,911 NEW LEBANON, Columbia Co., 2,086i Stage............. D. 4,912 p., on Harlem Extension Rd., 18 m. from Star ----—....-...-.....D. 4,913 Chatham Four Corners. Some manufac- Sunday Star............W. 4,914 turing done here. Sun......-.... D. 4,915 Druggist. --—... -M. 4,859'................ 4,916 Journal ofMateria.MedicaM. 4,860.................. Sund. 4,917 Times.................... D. 4,918 NEW PALTZ, Ulster Co., 950 p., on Wal- mes.............. 4,91 kill r. and Montgomery & Walkill Valley - W 4,920 Rd., 37 m. from Goshen and 12 from Kings- Tribune.........D. 4,921 ton. Country agricultural. " S. W. 4,922 Independent...-....... W.4,861 i W 4,923 Times....................W. 4, 86a ----------------- ~Times. W-.-..-~-..~....W. 4, 862 Witness.............. D. 4,924 NEW ROCHELLE, Westchester Co., " ----—............ W. 4,925 4,678t p., on New York & New Haven Rd., World. -I.......... D. 4,926 20 m. from New York. "........ S.W. 4,927 Pioneer..............W. 4,863 "................... W.4,928 Press. —.... —.. W..4W.,864 El Cronista..........S. W. 4,929 NEWTOWN, Queens Co. La Independencia....S. W. 4,930 Long Island Journal and Reporter and Harlem LoVolks-Blatt.........W. 4,865 cal.S. W. 4,931 Queens Co. Safeguard W. 4,8 Shipping and Commercial List and Price-Cur the city of New York; another checks those in States 0 l t<' i IL' i near by; one has Canada, one the South, and another C"-, -- I\ -____ V tbe, Territories and Pacific Coast. ________~ — ^ ^ ^ advertisements, one or more, are maSked with a crayon so as to be easily found or seen at a glance when the advertises comes to make.is examination before With his book spread out before him to show the actual nbe of insertions f examinsertion ad checking clek, guided by is.- Every paper in which an the advertisemen t is running is opened a ut and the or see/ wrong position.at a glance when the advertiser comes to make his insertionsexamination before. sos mrk harethel pecinal things, and the check- I.Y o \first rin. ing cl:rnerk, guided by instruccorrec i insertion*tions, produces a page which v~ will show the advertiser at a.............................. ga the plan is made plain, as In use for a weekly paper. The name of the advertiser, the space, position, style and length of time an advertisement mus appear are all indicated. The various marks have theirmeanhig-all easily understood and not reaminin.Tf4tal:en j/ will show the advertiser at a.!~:~',ol IX' omsin By th acopaniga 300 WVHAT IS DONE WITH THE NEWSPAPERS? If a paper fails to come to hand, the checking book reveals the fact, and it is sent for. It may not be of much importance, but the clerk in charge is instructed not to consider that, but to GET THE PAPER and keepfiles complete. If an advertisement is materially wrong, is out of position, has important typographical errors, or for any reason is not what the advertiser is entitled to expect, notice is dispatched to the publisher at once, and the error is made good by another insertion or a reduction from the bill. This system is carried to great perfection. The checking books are kept permanently for inspection by advertisers. The papers themselves are kept three months from date of issue, after that time the Agency does not guarantee to exhibit them. After the examination and mark. I ing, the paper is again folded, and; receives a heavy mark on its upper i;..1 right hand corner to indicate that it has passed through the requisite examination, and is ready to be placed 1 y12&l ^ EliRlU~tupon flle. It is then taken and placed in the space ~accorded to it. Every t weekly paper is assigned a pigeonhole, 8 inches by 10 1-2, and one foot deep, while to a daily is accorded three such.. These spaces are all designated by a label, having printed hir1 A. upon it the name of the paper to which the space is accorded. These being placed in tiers or cases placed back to back and set up to form galleries, so as to permit of i\\ the whole being arranged alphabetic- _G""PH -s.','N ally by States, the name of each State being designated on the cases and! again over the entrance to each sepa- l/ rate gallery. A stranger is thus enabled to search out the depository for his own local paper, or any other that he may desire to see, with as much readiness ".: as hlie finds a word in a dictionary or' a name in a directory. These galleries being arranged one -s, story above another and as compactly ~-.'" — as possible, occupying portions of the same rooms where all the work upon P the papers is performed, leave nothing to be desired in the way of convenience. jill I I An advertiser whose rule it is to pay no bills until he sees all thepapers il can here be accommodated, and a business amounting to $20,000 per an-'!J[11~ i~~ I ~~num in cheap country papers can be looked after (every copy of every paper examined) by the advertiser, or his representative, who will devote three days' time to the examination four times a year. The time required for examining pa-' —~-`: — pers is mainly used ill looking after the adv-ertisemen4 -hich is not there. This work has all been done beforehand, and qeih a(tL-eirtisesimint mnarkled plainly with a black crayon. If it is so marked the WHAT IS DONE WITH THE NEWSPAPERS? 301 examiner takes in its appearance, style, position, everything in an instant, and if it is not marked he need go no farther; it is not there, and he is en- - -== —-. titled to one other insertion or an -- - sallowance. An important use of having coml)lete files of papers so conveniently arranged consists in being able to produce for large advertisers samples of all the papers in which they wish to insert their announcements, that they may see for themselves what each paper looks like, and judge what style of advertising will: be most effective in each. When the papers have accumulated until their alloted spaces assume a crowded appearance, then oomes the final solution of the problem of _" What do you do with them? " Boys go through the galleries, extract the superfluous papers from each of' the spaces (being careful to leave a &XX - iM -r complete file for at least three months), throw them into one great heap; after which a dealer in paper stock sends men who cart them all away, and in another month they may be found in the store of the paper dealer, made into new bundles, upon which may again be printed other papers to repeat the same round of experiences. _s a display of sample copies of eight thousand newspapers, the Centennial Exhibition in the Newspaper Pavilion at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, attracts well-merited attention. It is substantially a reproduction of Geo. P. Rowell & Co's Advertising Agency in the city of New York, except that as the latter has been established many years, and conducted upon a carefully-arranged system, it is more complete in its arrangements than would be possible to make such an exhibition elsewhere in a few weeks or months. AMERICAN Newspaper Reporter AND PRINTERS' GAZETTE. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Has a considerable subscription list among printers. Goes weekly to more than 6,000 newspaper offices. Receives a magnificent advertising patronage from dealers in printing materials. Contains weekly reports of the establishment of new newspapers (now averaging six daily, or thirty-six every week). Suspensions, consolidations, enlargements, and improvements. Is relied upon by advertising agencies and all others whose business interests require them to keep informed upon newspaper changes. Advertisers who wish to make proposals to publishers-offering some book or other article in exchange for advertising-do well to make a trial of its advertising columns. Those wishing to embark in journalism, either by the purchase of an established paper, or the selection of a location, will come in direct communication, through the REPORTER, with retiring publishers or communities eager to have a home paper in their midst. Publishers retiring from active business find no medium equal to the REPORTER in assisting them to find a purchaser for their offices and printing material. Every printer looks to it for advertisements of " Bargains," and not a copy is sent out that does not contain something choice in that line. Through its columns manufacturers of new machinery for printers can have a full descriptive article placed in every newspaper office in the country at a reasonable price. Offers an opportunity to the general advertiser who wishes to barter goods for advertising space. He can make his proposal to publishers through its columns. ADVERTISING RATES: TWENTY-FIVE CENTS a line, each insertion. ONE PAGE is counted as two hundred lines, and ONE-FOURTH PAGE is counted as fifty-three lines, costs $0 each insertion. and costs $13.25 each insertion. FOUR CONSECUTIVE PAGES inserted once for $10". ONE-HALF PAGE is counted as one hundred EIGHT CONSECUTIVE PAGES inserted once, $150. lines, and costs $25 each insertion. SIXTEEN CONSECUTIVE PAGES inserted once, $250. INSERTS. Inserts of a single leaf. furnished by the advertiser and printed in accordance with requirements made known on application, will be taken for $50; two leaves (four pages) $75; any number of pages more than four, $100. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $4.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. PUBLISHED BY cGo. p. F0 w 4 CO., J.p YVTJISIG A CG7S, (Necso-tape'r Pavilion, Cenennnial Grounds, Philadelphia.) PRiNCIPAiL OFFICE: 41 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. flow;; CgMsJJAJ. Cor. 3d 4 Chestnut Sts., St. JLouis, JYo., Give special attention to the insertion of Notices in the Local and Advertising Columns of the Papers in the Mississippi Valley and South-West, and act as agents for the Leading Papers in all parts of the United States and Ganadas, It is a most natural result, in a country of such magnificent distances as ours, that the leading inland metropolis should have a Newspaper Advertising Agency that enjoys the confidence both of publishers and advertisers. To establish such an one, the only requisites were to associate men of established financial responsibility and thorough knowledge of the business. Such a combination at once commands the respect of advertisers and secures for them, through the agency, the publishers' most favorable terms. Taking this view of the matter (which is a most natural one), it is not surprising that the Agency of ROWELL & CHESMAN has secured a liberal patronage from the best advertisers at home and in other parts of the country, and built up a prosperous business when advertising generally has been depressed. Located at the trade center of the country it seeks specially to represent, this agency has the benefit of quick communication with publishers, which enables it to secure prompt insertion to orders, and to correct any errors that may occur, much sooner than would be possible for an agency at a distance. It is the earnest effort of this agency to serve its patrois in a prompt and intelligent manner, and all who seek patronage through newspaper advertising are invited to give it a trial. S. Louzs. THE BURLINGTON, IOWA, "HAWK-EYE." A METROPOLITAN EIGHT-PAGE DAILY. HAWK-EYE PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, This bright Western paper, under the able management of its young chief, M.r Frank Hatton, hardly yet thirty years of age, has, within the two years of his proprietorship, earned a national reputation for its terse and vigorous handling of all live topics, and for its sparkling and original humor. It is quoted and circulated from ocean to ocean,'from-Maine to Texas and the mountains, being universally acknowledged one of the best of its class. THE HAWK-EYE occupies the ground floor, 30x130 feet, and five floors 30x80 feet-undoubtedly "one of the finest newspaper buildings in the West. On the great transcontinental line, well known as the " Burlington Route," in the very centre of the richest portion of the country, in a town of 30,000 people, why should it'not grow and prosper? The first paper in Iowa to require and use for its circulation a double cylinder press, It leads in all things and follows in nothing. Republican and Radical in politics, it fearlessly and independently criticises Republicans as it sees their errors. While its daily has a general circulation unequaled by any other; daily, in a territory at least 350 miles in diameter, it also has a large and growing weekly circulation unparalleled in its immediate locality, and a very warm and admiring support in city and country round.; Besides a regular city and mail circulation of 2,500 copies daily it has a metropolitan circulation, by news-dealers and train dealers, reaching often 1,000 and frequently 1,500 copies per day. MDealers declare that within 100 miles east and 150 miles west of Burlington they sell more of HAWK-EYES than any other except Chicago papers, and ten to twenty times as many as of all other Iowa papers. Jealous of its supremacy as a newspaper, welcome to people of all parties for its editorials literature, and wit, and the fullness of its press and market reports, it does not wish to make itself a cheap circulating advertiser; but to those who choose to pay its rates it offersdone of the best mediums in the country for reaching a large and excellent portion of the.people. The local patronage of THE HAWK-EYE is the best we have ever seen and shows the faith the people of the Hawk-Eye State have in TEE HAWK-EYE new spaper. 304