C` " —~-=~.,Aa 4kF'w f'4^-~~~~~~~~~~R/ -j —wlo -0 __1 9 75 kmv AN DICT-I0O1 Y OF THE ENGLISH L'ANGUAGEt BY JOSEPH E. WORCESTER, LL.D. A NEW EDITION, REVISED A.N-D ENLARGED. BO-STON SWAN, BREWER, AND TILESTON. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by JOSEPH E. WORCESTER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Joaurt of the District of Massachusetts. ELECTROTYPED AT THE BOSTON STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. P R E F ACE. Tins Dictionary was first stereotyped and published in 1835; many impressions of it have since been issued; and it has now been carefully revised, and considerably enlarged. The " Comprehensive, Pronouncing, and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language," a work designed for- the use of schools, academies, families, and individuals, contains not only a very full vocabulary of common English words, but also many words of rare occurrence, numerous technical terms used in the various arts and sciences, and a considerable number of such words from foreign languages as are often found in English books; and with respect to words'of various, doubtful, or disputed pronunciation, the different modes in which they are pronounced by all the most eminent English orthoepists are exhibited, with the respective authorities annexed; and it also contains a notice of the p'rincipal synonymes of the language. But a Dictionary is used, in common schools, for purposes in relation to which a more select vocabulary is preferable; and although the method adopted in the 1" Comprehensive Dictionary," with respect to words variously pronounced, adds much to the value of the work for teachers and the more advanced scholars, yet it may tend rather to embarrass than assist such pupils as are little accustomed to the use of a Dictionary. (3) 4 PREFACE. This work is substantially a reduced form of the " Comprehensive Dictionary," and it has been brought to its. present size by abridging a part of the deninitions, by not retaining the notices of synonymes, and the various modes of pronunciation of words differently pronounced with their authorities annexed, and by the omission of most of such words as are obsolete or very rarely used, of many technical terms, and of some words from foreign languages. But notwithstanding these omissions, it contains a very full vocabu~lary of the common and well-authorized words of the language, which, together with the several vocabularies comprised in the volume, will, it is believed, render it a work well adapted to the use of common schools. Active or transitive, and neuter or intransitive verbs are distinguished, irregular verbs are conjugated, and the plural forms of irregular nouns are exhibited. Great care has been taken to give the pronunciation of the common words of the language, and also of the proper names contained in the several vocabularies, in accordance with the best usage and the most approved authorities. With respect to orthography, the purpose has been to give that which is supported',by the best usage in the United States and in England. Innovations which have no sanction from English usage, or the prevailing and best usage of this country, have been avoided as corruptions of the language. This small work, in its present state, will be found better adapted than heretofore to the use for which it was designed. CAMBRIDGE, Novemzber, 1860. CONTENTS. PAGE PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION........................ 7 Key to the Sounds of the Marked Letters..7.................. 7 Remarks on the Key............................... 10 Sounds of the Vowels................................... 10 Sounds of the Diphthongs and Triphthongs................... 12 Sounds of the Consonants...................... 15 Accent..................................... 17 RULES OF ORTHOGRAPHY............................. 19 VOCABULARY OF WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY..... 21 DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE...... 31 APPENDIX. WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES.......... 305 PRONUNCIATION OF GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES........ 317 Preface and Remarks...................... 317 Rules of Pronunciation....................... 318 VOCABULARY OF GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES..............319 PRONUNCIATION OF SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES............. 359 Rules of Pronunciation.............................. 359 VOCABULARY OF SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES................... 359 PRONUNCIATION OF MODERN GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES....... 375 Remarks..............,.......... 375 Pronunciation of several European Languages.................. 376 VOCABULARY OF MODERN GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES............... 378 SIGNS OF PLANETS, ASPECTS, ZODIAC, &C................. 394 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN WRITING AND PRINTING............ 395 1 * () PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION. TO THE SOUNDS OF THE MARKED LETTERS. VOWVEL S. Examp les. Examples. 1. A long...... FATE, LACE, PLAYER. 1. 1 long...... NTE, FOAL, TOW. 2. X short..... FXT, MiN, LAD, CARRY. 2. 6 short...... N. T, DON, BORROW. 3. A long before R. FARE, PAIR, BEAR. 3. 6 long and close.. MVE, PROVE, FOOD. 4. X Italian or grave FAR, FATHER, FARTHER. 4. 6 broad, like broad A NOR, FORM, SORT. 5. A intermediate.. FAST, BRANCHI, GRASP. 5. 6 like short i.... SON, D6NE, COiME. 6. A broad..... FALL, HAUL, WARM. 6. Q slight or obscure. ACTQR, CONFESS. 7. A slight or obscure LIAR, PALACE, ABBACY. 1. u long......TUBE, TUNE, PURE. 1. E long..... METE, FRAR,-KREP. 2. 0 short....... TUB, TUN, HiURRY. 2. P short..... MT, SELL, FERRY. 3. 0 nmiddle or obtuse. POLL, FOLL, POSH. 3. e like k..... HEAIR, TEI RE, WHeRE. 4. ij short and obtuse. FUR, TURN, MURMUR. 4. E short and obtuse HER, HERD, FERVID. 5. 0 like 6 in MOVE. ROLE, RUDE, BRITE. 5. E slight or obscure BRIEIR, FU. L, CELE. RY. 6. U slight or obscure. SULPHUR, FAMOVS. 1. I long...... PINE, FILE, FIND. 1. Y long..... TYPE, STYLE, LYRE. 2. I short..... PI.N, FILL, MIItROR. 2. Y short...... SLVAN, SVtIBOL. 3. i like long E.. I. MEN, FIELD, MARINE. 3. Y short and obtuse. MiRRH, MYRTLE. 4. I short and obtuse SIR, FIR, BIRD, VIRTUE. 4. Y slight or obscure. TRULY, MARTYR. 5. I slight or obscure ELIXIR, RUIN, ABILITY. OI and 6 V........ BOWL, TIL, BMI, T5O. 0f and 6i.W..N..... BOUND, TOWN, NO6r. EWT like long...... FEWr, NEWV, DEW. CONSONANTS. Exasmples. Ezamples. V,, soft, like s... AqID, PLACID. CE AN like SH4N.. OCEAN. 0, ~, hard, like K..... FLANCID, S EPTIC. CIAN OPTICIAN. OH, eh, hard, like K.. 0HORUS, 9HASM. CIAL COMMERCIAL. sH, eh, soft, like H.. HAISE, HAGRIN. SIL like SHAL... CONTROVERSIAL. CH (unmarked) like TSH CHARM, CHURCH. TIAL Z PARTIAL,MARTIAL. r, g, hard..... R GET, RGIVE, RGIFT. CEOUS FARINACEOUS. o,,, soft, like J.... QENDER, 9IANT. CIOUS ~ like SHUS.. CAPACIOUS. ~, q, soft, like z.. MU~E, DI~MAL. TIOUS ) SENTENTIOUS. ~, ~, soft or flat, like GZ EI;AMPLE, EYIST. 4EOUS like JUS O COURAQEOUS. TH, th, soft, flat, or vocal THIS, THEE, THEN. {IOYS J RELIqIOUS. TH, th, (unmarked) sharp THIN, THINK, PITH. QU (unrnarked) like KW. QUEEN, QUILL. TIQN like ooSHUN. NATIQN, NOTION. WH (unmarked) like HW. WHEN, WHILE. SIQN PENSIQN, MISSIQN. PH (unmarked) like F.. PHANTOM,SERAPH. *IQN like ZHUX.... CoNFU~I9N, VIIQN. (7 8 PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION. REMARKS ON THE KEY. 1. The words which are used in the preced- tation, that it distinguishes the syllables which ing Key as examples for illustrating the several receive a secondary accent, or are pronounced sounds, exhibit accurately, when pronounced by with a distinct sound of the vowels, fromn those correct speakers, the different sounds of the re- which are but slightly or indistinctly sounded. spective letters. Some distinctions are here A great part of the words of the English tanmade which are not found in other systems of guage that have more than -two syllables, have notation; they are, however, not intended to more than one syllable in some degree accented, introduce any new sounds, but merely to dis- or pronounced more distinctly than the rest; criminate such as are now heard from all who yet this difference in distinctness is not made speak the language with propriety. apparent by the usual modes of marking the 2. When the marks of pronunciation are words. In this notation, the vowels in the sylaffixed to words in their proper orthography, in lables which have either the primary or secondthis Dictionary, without respelling them, the ary accent, have a mark placed over them, devowels which are not marked are silent: thus, noting a distinct sound; while those which are a in beat, heear; e in able, give, harden; i in pain, more feebly uttered, have a dot placed under h1efer; o in mason, famous; iZ in thouRgh; and them. Take, for example, the following words, ws in follew, are not sounded. - To this rule which are thus noted: s'tshZlne, pd'per, atecthere is an exception with respect to the first dote, cir-a-vdn', lttt'e-al, mad-i-fes-ta'tiqm, in7-divowel in those proper diphthongs which are vis-i-bilti-ty. In these words, it will be readily called semi-consonant diphthongs, as in ocean, na- perceived that all the vowels which have a mark tion, assuage. (See Sounds of the Diphthongs, placed over them, have a distinct sound, or are No. 28, p. 12.) more or less accented, while those which have a 3. The system of notation which is here dot under them are but slightly or indistinctly used, while it makes a very exact discrimina- sounded; and that the pronunciation is as cleartion of the different sounds of the letters, will ly represented to the eye in their proper orthogbe readily understood and easily applied to prac- raphy, as it is, in other methods of notation, by tice; and it will also be much more easily re- respelling the words. membered than a system in which the vowels 5. There are many cases in which the voware marked with figures. By applying the marks els are pronounced with so slight a degree of disto the letters of the words in their proper orthog- tinctness, that it may be a matter of indifference raphy, the necessity of respelling most of them whether they are marked with the distinct or has been avoided; and in this way considerable indistinct sound; thus, for example, the last sylspace has been saved, while the pronunciation lable of the words consonant, difference, dijIden7t, is fixed with as much exactness as if the spell- feebleness, and obvious, might, with nearly equal ing of every word had been repeated. propriety, have the vowel marked with a short 4. It is an advantage of this method of no- or an indistinct sound. SOUNDS OF THE VOWELS. 0. The first, or long, sound of' each of the nant; as in fate, mete, pine, note, tube, type. The vowels, marked thus, a, e, a, 5, it, is styled its following words, however, are exceptions; alphabetic or name sound, being the sound which namely, have, are, and bade, the preterite of to is heard in naming the letter. The sound of the bid. T'he vowels have regularly the long sound letter y, when used as a vowel, is the same as if final in an accented syllable; as in batsis, that of i; but as a vowel it begins no properly le'fal, trieal, sonorous, cu'bic, ty'rant. English word now in common use. 8. The second, or short, sound of the vowels 7. The long sound of the vowels is gener- is generally indicated, in monosyllables, by the ally indicated, in monosyllables, by a silent e at absence of mute e at the end of the word; as in the end of the word, preceded by a single conso- fat, met, pin, not, tub, hyp. It is also tlhe usual SOUNDS:OF THE VOWELS. sound of.a vowel in an accented syllable which: el; as in tenable, mental, travel, p eril, idol, foends with a consonant; as in aba'ldon, atten'- rum, carry; but in many cases it indicates:a tire, ex-hib'it, laconic, relucltant, lyrical. slight or unaccented long sound; as ill carbon9. The fourth sound of the vowels, a, e, i, nate, sulphate, emerge, obey, ebony, follower, duo, and u, and the third sound of y, (called., with plicity, educate, regulate, congratulate. The letrespect to e, i, u, and y, short and obtuse,) ter u, in the last three words, is pronounced like marked thus, a, e, i,, ii, y, are the short sounds yu slightly articulated. The vowels with this of these several vowels when followed by r in mark have, in some situations, particularly in a monosyllable or in an accented syllable; as, the last syllable of words ending with r, no perfar, hard; her, herd; fir, firkin; north, wormal.; ceptible difference of sound; as in friar, speaker, fur, burden; myrrh, myrtle.: but when the suc- nadir, actor, sulphur, zephyr. As Mr. Smart justceeding syllable begins with -r, or the sound of ly remarks, " the last syllables of robber, nadir, r, as in perry, paril, the vowel has the proper author, sulphur,. and satyr, are quite undistinshort sound. Some orthoepists make no dis- guishable in pronunciation." tinction between the sound indicated by this o, unaccented, at the end of a word, apmark and the proper short sound of these vow- proaches the Italian sound of a in father; as in els; others make a distinction in relation to a tile words algebra, comma, idea; and ah, final, part of them only. The vowels having this partakes still more of the Italian sound, as in mark are pronounced with as short a sound as Jehovah, JMessiah. they can readily receive when thus situated. The peculiar character of this sound, which dis- A. tinguishes it from the proper short sound of the 11. The third sound of the letter a, marked vowels, is caused by the letter r; and this let- thus A&, is its long sound qualified by being folter, thus situated, has an influence peculiar to lowed by the letter r; as in care, pare, fare. itself on the sound of all the vowels. The dif- The diphthong ai, followed by r, has precisely ference between the sound of the vowels when the same sound, as in fair, pair; so also, in some thus situated, and their proper short sound, will cases, has the diphthong ea, as in bear, pear. be readily perceived by the following examples: This sound of the letter a is the same as that man, mirrow; mnir, mSrket; — mhn, mrry; hei, of the letter e in heir, there, where. Thlere is merchant; -fin, mrror; f ir, circle; - not, bor- obviously a difference between the sound of a in row; nor, bUtrder;-tin, hziirry; fir, hrdle, these words, as they are pronounced by good There is little or no difference in the sounds of speakers, and its sound in pain and fate. There the vowels e, i, si, and y, when under this mark; is the same difference between the sound of a as, hyr, f'ir, fiir, myrrh; but their proper short in the word pair, and its sound in the word paysounds are widely different'from each other, er, one who pays; also in the. word prayer, a when they are followed by the sound of r, or petition, and in the word prayer, one who prays. by other consonants; as in merry, peril, mirror, 12. The fifth sound of a, marked thus, AL, is hurry. -See remarks on the sound of the letter an intermediate sound of this letter, between its PR, page 16. short sound, as in-fat, masn, and its Italian sound, 10. Vowels marked with'the dot underneath, as in far, father; this sound being somewhat thus, a, e,.i, Q, u, y, are found only in syllables shorter than the Italian sound of a. With:rewhich are not accented, and over which the or- spect to the class of words which, in this Dicgans of speech pass slightly and hastily in pro- tionary, have this mark, there is much diversinouncing the words in which they are found. ty among orthoepists. Most of these words are It is to be observed that this mark is employed marked by Nares, Jones, and Perry, with the to indicate a slight stress of voice in uttering Italian' sound of a, as in Afdr and father; but the appropriate sound of the vowel, rather than Walker, Jameson, Smart, Reid, and Craig, mark to note any particular quiality of sound. If the them, or most of them, with the short sound, as syllables on which the primary and secondary a in fdt, main; Fulton and Knight mark them as accents fall, are uttered with a proper stress of being intermediate between the short and the voice, these comparatively indistinct syllables Italian sound; and Smart, though he gives to a will naturally be pronounced right. In a ma- mn most of these words the short mark, says, jority of cases, this mark may be regarded as in relation to it, -' that when a is followed by indicating an indistinct short sound of the vow- f, s, or me, there is, in many words, a dispositionl 10 PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION.. to broadness in the vowel, not quite in unison pronounce these words, more in accordance with with the mode of indication, as may be per- their orthography, clerk and sirgeant. ceived in an unaffected pronunciation of grass, 14. When e precedes l or n in an unaccented graft, command. This broadness is a decided final syllable, in some words it has an indisvulgarism, when it identifies the sound with a. tinct short sound, and in some it is entirely supThile exact sound lies between the one indicated pressed. In most of the words ending in el, the and the vulgar corruption." e is sounded; as,flannel, travel, vessel, &c. The The following list includes a considerable part following words are exceptions, and in these the of the class of words in which, in this Diction- sound of e before 1 is suppressed: drivel, grovel, ary, a is marked thus, Ai; and in which, ac- hazel, mantel, navel, ousel, ravel, rivel, shekel, cording to Nares, Jones, and Perry, a has the shovel, shrivel, snivel, weasel. Italian sound, as in father; according to Walker, In most of the words ending in en, the sound Jamneson, Reid, and Craig, the short sound of a, of e is suppressed; as, harden, heaven, oft.e, &c. as in fat, man; and according to Fulton and The following words are exceptions: abdomen, Knight, an intermediate sound between these two - acumevn, aspen, bitumeen, catechumen, cerumnel, sounds. This inltermediate sound, marked thus, chicken, flamen, hymen, hyphen, kitchen, latten, le4, is in accordance with the remark of Mr. Smar't, gumen, linen, marten, maitten, mynchea, oment, patwho says, that when this sound is identified teen, platen, pollen, regrsimen, siren, sloven, specim en, with the Italian sound of di, it "' is a decided sudden, ticken, wooollen, women. vulgarism." 15. The sound of the letter e is generally supabaft cast glance pastor pressed in the preterites of verbs, and in particiadvance castle glass pasture pIes in ed, when the e is not preceded by d or aft chaff graff pilaster t; as,feared, praised, admired, tossed, suppressed, after chance graft plaster pronounced feard, praisd, admird, tost, supprest. aghast chandler grant prance alas chant grasp quaff But adjectives ending in ed, unless they are paramass clasp grass raff ticiples as well as adjectives, commonly preserve answer class haft raft the sound of e before d, as in naked, ragged, ant contrast hasp rafter ask craft lance rasp striped, wicked, wretched, &c. In the following asp dance lass repast words, beloved, blessed, cursed, learned, picked, ass dastard last sample and winvelged, the sound of e before d is suppressed bask disaster mask shaft basket draff mass slander basket draff mass slander when the words are used as verbs or participles, bastard draft mast slant and it is sounded when they are used as adjecblanch drauglht mastiff staff lives; as, He was much beloved; he blessed the blast enchant mischance serpass occasion; he cursed tile day; he learned to read, bombast enhance nasty task branch fast pant trance he picked his men; he winged his flight: —A brass flask pass vast belov'ed son, a blessted day; a curs'ed thing; a casket gasp past waft learnted man, a pickted point; a wingled fowl. c- Picked, however, used as a participial adjecThere is a considerable number of words in live, in the sense of selected, as, "picked men," which a has the sound of short o, as in ncot, is pronounced in one syllable. called by Walker " the short sound of broad a." This sound occurs chiefly in words in which a I. is preceded by qu, w, or wh,; as, quadran:g le (qubd- 16. The lonll sound of the letter i is heard tangle), quality (quolity), swvallowv (swSllow), wad not only en mnonosyllables ending with a mute e, (wod), wan (won), what (whot); also, scallop as in file, tivee, &c., but also in the word pint, (scallop), chaps (chops). and in the words child, mild, vwild; also in bind, blind, find, hiad, kind, mind, rind, &c. I:. 17. There is a class of words, mostly derived 13. The letter e has, in several words, the from the French and Italian languages, in which same sound as a in fare; as in heir, there, where; i retains the sound of long e; as, ambergris, anbut were is properly pronounced wer. In clerk tique, unique, bombazine, Brazil, capivi, cap2tchin, and sergeant, it has, according to all the Eng- caprice, chagrin, chevaux-de-frise, critique, frize, lish orthoepists, the sound of a in dark and mar- gabardine, haberdine, quarantine, ravine, routine, gin; yet in this country it is not uncommon to fascine, fatigue, intrigue, invalid, machine, maga SOUNDS OF THE VOWELS. 11 zine, marine, palanquin, pique, police, recitative, play, biography, divaricate, librarian, primeval, tritabourine, tambourine, tontine, transmarine, ultra- bnal, vitality, and many others, in which the i marine, verdigris. In the Word shire, i common- is pronounced long. There is also a considerable ly has the same sound; and some orthoepists number of words with regard to which there is a also give it the same in oblige and oblique. diversity, in relation to the pronunciation 6f the 18. In words which terminate in ile and inl, i, among orthoepists and in usage; as, dilate, diwith the accent on the penultimate syllable, the verge, virago, &c. i in the final syllable is generally short; as, fer- 0. tile, hostile, adamantine, intestine, &c. The fol- 21. Tihere is a class of monosyllables ending lowing are exceptions: edile,.eile, gentile, pen- inf, ft, ss, st, and th, in which o is mairked with tile,feline,ferine, confine, and a few others. Al- the short sound in most pronouncing dictionaso when the accent is on the antepenult, words ries, though some orthoepists give it the sound ending in ile generally have the i short; as, ju- of broad a, as in fall. Mr. Nares gives the sound venile, puerile, &c.; but it is long in camomile, of broad a to o in the following words (as some reconcile, eolipile. others do in a part of them): off, often, offer, 19. With respect to words ending in ine, and coffee, scoff, aloft, loft, soft, cross, loss, toss, cost, having the accent on the antepenultimate, there frost, lost, test, broth, cloth, firoth, cough, and is much uncertainty as to the quantity of the i; trough. To these some others might, witll equal and, in relation to a number of such words, propriety, be added; as,'offspring, dross, gloss, there is much disagreement among orthoepists; moss, moth, wroth. Mr. Smart remarks, " that yet the general rule inclines to the long sound of before ss, st, and thi, the letter o is frequently i in the termination of this class of words. In sounded to; as. in moss, gloss, &c., lost, cost, the following words, i, in the last syllable, is &c., broth, cloth, &c. This practice is analogous generally pronounced long: adulterine, alman- to the broad utterance which the letter a [short] dine, armentine, asinine, belluine, bizantine, brig- is liable to receive before certain consonants [see antine, cannabine, celandine, colubrine, columbine, A, No. 12]; and the same remarks will apply in concubine, countermine, crystalline, legatine, leo- the present case, as to the one referred to, namenine, metalline, muscadine, porcupine, saccharinLe, ly, that, though the broad sound is vulgar, there saturnine, serpentine, turpentine, vespertine, vitu- is an affectation in a palpable effort to avoid it in line. - In the following words, i, in the last syl- words where its use seems at one time to have lable, is short: discipline, feminine, genuine, her- been general. In such cases, a medium between oine, hyaline, jessamine, libertine, masculine, mead- the extremes is the practice of the best speakicine, nectarine, palatine. With respect to alta- ers." The sound of o is somewhat prolonged line, aquiline, coralline, sapphirine, uterine, viper- also in gone and begone, and in some words endine, and some others, the orthoepists, as well as ing in ng; as, long, along, prong, song, strong, usage, are divided. In the termination ince in a thong, throng, wrong. class of chemical words, the i is short; as, flu- There are a few words in which o has the mark orine, iodine, nepheline, &c. In the termination of the long sound in all the pronouncing dictionite, the i is sometimes short, as in respite, gran- aries, although it is in these words, by many, if ite, favorite, infinite, &c.; and sometimes long, not by most speakers in this country, somewhat as in expedite, appetite, satellite, &c. In a class shortened. Thus we hear the sound o, in the of gentile nouns, and appellatives formed from words coat, home, hope, spoke, stone, whole, wholly, proper names, it is long; as, Hivite, Wicliffite; and wholesome, pronounced with a sound a little also, generally, in names of minerals; as, auc- shorter than its proper long sound, as heard in gite, steatite, tremolite. In verbs which end in goat, note, dome, hole, sole, holy, and dolesome. ise, the i is long; as, advertise, exercise, &c.; but 22. There are some words in which o has the divertise, franchise, mortise, practise, and their same sound as it in bull, or oo in good; namecompounds, are exceptions; also, promise. ly, bosom, wolf, woman, Wolsey, Wolverhampton. 20. When i ends an initial syllable without It has the sound of short u in done, son, &c.; the accent, and the succeeding syllable begins and the sound of u as in hurt in word, work, with a consonant, the i is generally short or in- worth, &c. distinct, as if written e; as in civility, divine, 23. In many words ending in on, the sound finance: but the exceptions to this rule are nu- of o is suppressed, as in bacon, pardon, sweapon, merous, among which are biquadrate, chirogra- reason, cotton, &c. 12 PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION. U. may be noted by yu, slightly articulated. — 24. U, at the beginning of words, when long, Walker remarks, with respect to the pronunciahas the sound yu, as in use. - With respect to tion of nature, 1" There is a vulgar pronunciation the manner of designating the sound of the vow- of this word as if written natter, which cannot el u when it comes immediately after the accent, be too carefully avoided. Some critics have conas in the words educate, nature, natural, &c., tended that it ought to be pronounced as if writthere is much diversity among orthoepists. By ten nate-yure; but this pronunciation comes so Walker, the pronunciation of EDUCATE is thus near to that here adopted [na'chfdr], as scarcely noted - jd'j-7-kt; by Sheridan, Jones, Enfield, to be distinguishable from it." Fulton, and Jameson, thus- edlii-kdt; and by lWhen u is preceded by r in the same syllable, Perry, Knowles, Smart, and Reid, thus - bd'u- it has the sound of oo in fool, and it is thus kat. NATURE, by Walker, thus -nalchir; by marked, as in rule, true. This sound is given to Sheridan and Jones, thus - na'chiir; by Perry, u thus situated, by Walker, Smart, and all the Enfield, and Reid, thus - nCitur; by Jameson other principal English orthoepists. and Knowles, thus -natlyj7r; by Smart, thus In busy and business, u has the sound of short -naftibr or natch'8r. NATURAL, by Walker i; and in bury, the sound of short e. and Jones, thus - ntt'chuf-rdl; by Sheridan, thus -natlclhiir-l; by Fulton, Enfield, and Jameson, Y. thus-ndtt'i-rdl; by Perry and Reid, thus — 25. Y, at the end of a word, preceded by a' nritlu-rdl; by Knowles, thus-nnatyiir-dl; by consonant, is commonly pronounced short and Smart, thus -ndtitchi-ral. indistinct, like indistinct e; as, policy, palpably, There is a pretty large class of words with lately, colony, &c. The exceptions are monorespect to which there is a similar diversity in syllables; as, by, cry, dry, fly, fry, sty, ply, try, the manner in which the pronunciation of u and wry, with their compounds, awry, hereby, wheretu is noted by the different orthoepists; but the by, &c.: also, verbs ending in fy; as, fortify, difference is greater in appearance than in reality. magnify, testify, &c.: also, ally, apply, comply, The u thus situated may properly be regarded as imply, supply, multiply, reply, occupy, and propshhaving the slight sound of long u; and the sound esy; in all which it has the long sound. SOUNDS OF THE DIPHTHONGS AND TRIPHTHONGS. 26. A diphthong is the union of two vow- diphthongs;" being pronounced as if y consoels, pronounced by a single impulse of the voice; nant was substituted in place of e or i; as, ocean as, oi in voice, ou in sound. (oselyan), poniard (pon'yard), question (questt27. A t-riphthong is the union of three vow- yon); and as if w consonant were substituted els, pronounced by a single impulse of the voice; in place of u; as, assuage (as-swage'), languid as, ieu in adieu, iew in view. (lantgwid), &c. 28. A proper diphthong is one in which both 29. An improper diphthong has only one of vowels are sounded; as, oi in voice, on in sound, the vowels sounded; as, ea in heat, oa in coal. ow in now. IMPROPER DIPIITHONGS. PROPER DIPHTHONGS. ae or ae in Caesar; ea in beat * ie in friend ea in ocean; io in nation; - ua in assuage; rai in Osar ea inbeat; e infriend; eu " feud; oi "voice; ue " desuetude;seed; oa boat; CCjewel; on ",sound; ni languid, ao " gaol; ei " either; ce " (esophagus; ew" jewel; ou " sound; ui C languid au " haul; eon' people; oo " soon; ia " poniard; ow" now; uo " quote. they; ow crow. aw " law; ey" they; ow" crow, ie " spaniel; oy " boy; ay bay; The diphthongs which begin with e, i, or u, i-. namely, ea, eu, ew, ia, ie, io, ua, ue, ui, and uo, 30. This is a Latin diphthong, and is always differ from the rest; and they may, as Walker pronounced like e in Latin. In English, it is says, "not improperly be called semi-consonant used only in words of Latin origin or forma SOUNDS OF THE DIPHTHONGS AND TRIPHTHONGS. 13 tion; as, aqua-vita, minutia, estlhetics; and it is- EA. commonly long, as in paan, but sometimes short, 36. The regular sound of this diphthong is as in Deedalus. that of long e, as in beat, hear, pronounced like AI. beet, here; but there are many words in which 31. The usual sound of this diphthong is the it has the sound of short e; as, head, dead, ready, same as long a; as in pail, pain, pronounced like &c. In some words it has the sound of short pale, pane. The following are the principal and obtuse e, as in earn, heard, pearl, &c. In exceptions. It has the sound of short e in said a few words it has the sound of long a; as in and saith, and in again and against; that of break, steak, great, bear, bearer, forbear, forswear, short a in plaid and raillery; that of long iin pear, swear, tear, wear. In some words it has aisle; and, in a final unaccented syllable, it has the sound of a in far; as in heart, hearten, hearty, the obscure sound of the indistinct short i, as in hearth, hearken; and, when unaccented, it has fountain, mountain, curtain, &c. only an obscure sound, as in veugeaonce, sergeant. The proper diphthong ea is found in a very AO. few words; as, ocean, cetacean, testacean. 32. This diphthong occurs only in the word gaol, pronounced, as well as very often written,.EAU. jail. 37. This triphthong is used only in words AUT. derived from the French. In beauty it has, the 33. The common sound of this diphthong sound of long u; but its regular sound is that is the same as that of broad a, or aw, - caul and of long o, as in beau, bureau, flambeau, &c. haul being pronounced exactly like call and hall. But when these letters are followed by n and BEE. another consonant, the sound is changed, in a 38. This diphthong is almost always pronumber of words, to that of the Italian a in far nounced like long e; the principal exceptions and farther; as, by most of the orthoepists, in are been and breeches, pronounlced bin and the following words: aunt, crausch, daunet,flaunt, brItches. The poetical contractions e'er and gaunt, gauntlet, hausnch, haunt, jaunt, jaunsdice, sne'er, for ever and never, are pronounced as if laueglh, lasunlch, laundress, laLeundry, maunzd, paunch, written air and nais. saunter, staunch. Some orthoepists pronounce a part of these words with the sound of broad a, EI. as most of them do the word vaune2t, and many 39. This diphthong has most commonly the of them the word taunt. In the word draught, sound either of long a or of long e. It has the this diphthong has, according to some orthoe- sounid of long a, as in deign, eight, feign, feint, pists, the sound of a in far, and according to fieight, heinous, inveigho', neigh, neighbor, reinothers the short sound of a in fat; in galuge, the deer, skein, veil, vein, weeigh, oeeight, heir, their, sound of long a (as in page); in hauetboy, the &c. It has the sound of long e in ceil, ceiling, sound of long o; and in cauzliflower, lauda7enum,, conceit, conceive, deceit, deceive, inveigle, perceive, and laurel, it is, by some orthoepists, pronounced receipt, receive, seize, seizin, seignior, seigniory, with the sound of short o, and by others with seine; commllonly also in either, neither, and leithe sound of broad a; as, co6lifl'ower or c&u'li- sure. It has the sound of long i in height, height-:flower, &c. en, and sleight; of short e in heifer and nonpareil; and, in an unaccented syllable, an indisAW. tinct sound of i, as in foreign, foreigner, forfeit, 34. This diphthong has the sound of broad forfeit,,lre, sovereign, sovereignty, susfeit. a, - bawl and ball being pronounced exactly alike.'EO.. AY- 40. This diphthong is pronounced like long 35. This diphthong has the sound of long o in yeoman and yeomanry, and like long e in peoa, as in pay, hay, &c.; except in quay, which is ple; like short e in jeopard, jeopardy, leopard, pronounced ke. It has the sound of short e in feoffee, feoifer, feoffment t; like broad o (as in osor) says; and in Sunday, JMonday, &c., the last syl- in georgic; like long u in feod, feodal, feodary lable is pronounced as if written Sundy, JMon- (which are now commonly written feud,feudal, dy, &c. and feudary);and, when unaccented, it has the o 14 PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION. indistinct sound of ot or o, as in bludgoeon, cur- OA. mudgreon, dudgeon, dungeon, gudgeon, luntcheon, 46. The regular sound of this diphthong is puncheon, truncheon, surg'eon, sturgeonl, scutcheon, that of long o, as in boat, coat, coal, foal, loaf, escutcheon, and the indistinct sound of i or o, as moat, &c.; but in broad, abroad, and groat, it in pigeon, widreosn. has the sound of broad a. EgU.' l. 41. This diphthong is always sounded like 47.' This diphthong is derived from the Latin; long ut, as in feud, deuce. and it is retained in but very few words used in English. It is found in assafiatida, where it is ptononnced like short e; and in tedema, cesoph42. This diphthong is almost always sound- agses, asntee, also in fretus (often written fetus), ed like long u, or eu, as in feow, hew, new; but in which it has the sound of long e. if r precedes it, it takes the sound of oo, or of uz in rule, as in brew, clew, drew. In the words (MU. shew and stew (written.also show and strow), 48. This triphthong is found only in the this diphthong has the sound of long o, as it also word manaleuvre, and it has the sound of oo in has in the verb to sew, and commonly also in the moon, or of u in stle. word sewer, a drain. OI, OY. EY. 49. The sound of these diphthongs is the 43. This diphthong has the sound of long a, same; and it is noted ins this Dictionary, as it as in bey, dey, grey, hey, prey, they, whey, coenvey, is in that of Walker, and in various other proobey, purvey, survses e, ye, eTry. In key and ley, nouncing dictionaries, by the combined sound of it has the sound of long e; and, when unaccent- broad o (as in snas) and short i or y, as bill, bboy. ed, it has the slight sound of e, as in galley, valley, &c. 00. 50. The regular sound of this diphthong is 44. This diphthong, in the terminations ial, heard in moon, food, stoop; and it is the sanme ian, and iard, often forms but one syllable, the i as that of single o in move, prove. being sounded like consonant y; as, Christian, 51. This diphthong has a shorter sound (the filial,poniard, pronounced as if written Christ'- salme as the sound of su in bull, or of single o yat, fil'yal, pon'yard. In some words it has the in wolf) in the words ending in ook, as book, obscure sound of indistinct short i, as in car- broolk, cook, crook, look, rook, stook, took; also riage, marriage, pas-liament. in foot, good, hood, stood, wood, wool, and their conmponnds. IE, IO, I'EIU, IEW. 52. This diphthong has the sound of long o 45. The regular sound of the diphthong ie in door, floor, and brooch; and of short u in is that of lonlg e, as In chief, fief, field, fiend, goren- blood and flood. adiser, rief, gorieve, lief, liege, mien, thief, &c. It OU. has the sound of long i in die, hie, lie, pie, vie, 53. This-is the most irregular diphthong in &c.; and tihe sound of short e ill friend. - The the language. Its most common or regular diphthong io occurs in many-words in the termi- sould is that in which both letters are heard, as nation ion. When i, in this termination, is pre- in bousnd, sound, cloud, loued, our, shout, south, &c. ceded by a liquid, ion is pronounced like lyun, as 54. This diphthong has the sound of short u millionr, minion. The terminations sions and tlon in cosuntry, cousin, couple, accouple, doueble, trosuble, are pronounced like shun, as version, natiosn; but southern, courage, esncourage, floZurish, nourish, when the t is preceded by s or x, ion is pro- noturishmnent, enouegh, ch0ousih,?rough, tosugh, touch, nounced yuen, as question, mixtion. touchy, yousng, youngster, &c. It has the sound The triphthong ieu is found only in a few of o in move, or oo in moon, in accoulte, agwords, which are derived from the French, as, group, group, croup, bouge, amour, paramour, adieu, lieu, purlieu; and it has the sound of long bouse, bousy, caposuch, cartouch, srouLge, soeup, suru. - The trlphthong iew occurs only in view, in- tout, tour, contour, detour, tourney, tournament, terview, and purview. through, uncouth, you, your, youth, and also in SOUNDS OF THE CONSONANTS. 15 various other words derived from the French. thong are sounded, they have the power of wa, It has the sound of long o in couert, accosrt, as in equal, language, perssuade, suavity. In some courtier, course, concourse, recourse, discourse, words the u is silent, as in guard, guardian, soource, resource, four, fourth, pour, though, al- guarantee, piquant; and in victuals and victualthough, dough, mould, mooult, mourn, shoulder., ling both the letters are silent. smoulder, poult, poultice, poultry, soul. It has the sound of broad a, as in ball, or o, as in nor, in UE. bought, brought, fought, ought, nought, sought, 58. When these letters are united in a diphbesonught, tlhought, wrought. It has the sound of thong, and are both sounded, they have the it in bull, or of oo in good, in could, should, power of we, as in consuetude, desuetude, manslsewould. It has the sound of short o in hough; tude, conquest. In some words the st is silent, as also (or, according to some orthloepists, of broad in gulerdon, guess, guest. When this diphthong a) in couzgh and trough, rhymling with off and is final, the e is in' many words silent, as in doze, scoff. hue, pursue, value, &c.; and in some words OVIW. both letters are silent, as in leagzue, fatigue, 55. The regular sound of this diphthong, the harangue, tongue, plague, vagfsue, figotue, brogue, same as the regular sound of oun, is heard in antique, obliqoue, decalogule, demagogue, dialoguLe, hows, stow, down, town, tower, &c. It has the &c. -In the termination ogue, the o is short sound of long o itn below, bestow, blow, crow, when preceded by g or 1; as demagogue,' diaflow, flown, grow, grownn,growth, glow, knlow, ldgue; except collogue: but when any other conknown, owe, ownu, owner, show, snow, sown, streow, sonant precedes o, it is long; as, brogue, rbgue, throw, throon; also in the following words, in vogue, prorogue. some of their senses: bow, low, lower, mow, shozoer, sow. UI. 56. When this diphthong forms an unac-'59. These letters, when they are united in a cented syllable, it'has the slight sound of long diphthong, and both are sounded, have the power o, as in borrow,fallow,follower of zi, as In angsuish, languid, vanquish. In some words the u is silent, as in guide, guile, build, UA. guisnea; and in others the i is silent, as in juice, 57. When both of the letters of this diph- pursZit, fruoit, &c. SOUNDS OF THE CONSONANTS. 60. The consonants are divided into mutes j are called nasals, being sounded through the and semi-vowels. The mutes cannot be sounded nose; and k, q, and c and g hard, are called at all without the aid of a vowel. They are b, gutturals, being soulnded by the throat. d, k, p, t, and c and r hard. 64. The consonants b, d, f, j, k, 1, un, p, v, 61. Tllhesemi-vowels have an imperfect sound also wo and y when used as consonants, have of themselves. They are f, 1, eo, n, r, s, v, x, each one uniform sound, except d, which in the z, and c and g soft. termination ed, in many preterites and partici62. The four seni-vowels, 1, m, n, and r, are ples, takes the sound of t, as in mixed, proalso called liquids, because they readily unite nounced mixt, and f in the preposition of, in with other consonants, flowing, as it were, into which it has the sound of v. their sounds. 63. The following consonants are styled den- C. tals, namely, d, j, s, t, z, and g soft, being pro- 65. This letter is hard, and sounds like k, nounced chiefly by the aid of the teeth d, g, I, before a, o, and u: and it is soft, and sounds I, 1, n, and q are called palatals, from the use like s, before e, i, and Vy; except in sceptic and made of the palate in pronouncing them; b, p, scirrhAs and their derivatives, in which it is f, v, and m are called labials, being pronounced hard, like k. chiefly by the lips; m, a, and the digraph ng, When c comes after the accent, and is fol .16 PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION. lowed by ea, ian, io, and eous, it takes, like s hour, &c. In hospital, humble, humor, humorous, and t, under the same circumstances, the sound humorsome, herb, herbage, &c., according to some of sh; as, ocean, social, tenacious, cetaceous. orthoepists, it is silent, and according to others, In the words discern, sacrftice, and suffice, and it is sounded. It is always silent after r; as in in several words derived from them, and also rheum, rhetoric, rhapsody, &c. in the word sice, c has the sound of z. N. CH. 71. JV has two sounds, one simple and pure, 66. The regular English sound of this di- as in man, not; the other compound and mixed, graph is the same as that of tch, or tslh; as in or nasal, called also by Walker its " ringing chair, child, rich, church. sound;" which is heard in king, angle, thank, In words derived from the Greek and Latin concord, banquet, anzious. This sound is given languages, the digraph ch is generally hard like to n in many words, when this letter precedes k, k; as in anchor, character, chasm; and in words c or g hard, qua, or x. It is accurately expressed derived from the French, it has the sound of sh, as it is written, when g follows n at the end as in chaise, machine. of a word, as king, hang; but in other cases the G. sound of g is interposed between the n and the 67e G, like c, has two sounds, one hard, and succeeding letter; as, angle (ang'gle), thank the other soft, It is hard before a, o, and u; and (thangk), concord (cong cord), banqusoet (bangtbefore e,i, and y, it is sometilnes hard and some- quet). In many words in which a syllable endtimes soft. It is generally soft before words de- ing with g hard is followed by another syllable, rived from the Greek, Latin, and French, and the sound of g is given to the two syllables; as, hard before words from the Saxon; and these stronger (strong'ger), (see No. 67), anger (angtlast, being much the smaller number of the ger), finger (fing'ger). But in bringer, hanger, words of this sort, may be regarded as ex- ringer, singer, slisnger, springer, and stringer, g CGptions. is sounded only in the first syllable. The g in longer (the comparative of long), stronger, yocng er, lonlgest, strougest, and qJousosg- Q. est must articulate the e; and these words are 72. Q is always followed by u, and the dipronounced as if written withl gg. Thus longer, graph qu has colnmosly the sound of hwo, as in the comparative of long, is pronounced long'ger; queen, quill, quart; but in many words, mostly and longer, one who longs, losglter. derived from the French, it lhas the sound of., as in coqtet, etiquette, mosque, liquor, &c. 68. In this digraph, at the beginning of a R. word, the h is silent, as in ghost, ghastly, Aher- 73. The letter r has a jarring or trilling effect kin; in burgh, h is silent at the end of the on the tongue, and is never silent. It has a peword; at the end of words, both letters are com- culiar influence both on the long and on the mollly silent, as in high, nigh, &c. In some short sound of the vowels. It has the effect, words this digraph has the sound off, as in under certain circumstances, to change the short enouosgh, rough; in some, the sound of k, as in sound of a, as in man, into its Italian sound, as hough, shsough, lough. In slough it is sometimes in far, and the short sounid of o, as in soot, into silent, and sometimes has the sound off. its broad sound, like broad a, as in nor; and it has a corresponding effect on the short sound of GIT. the other vowels. (See page 9.) Wlen r is preo69. In this termination, the letters gh are al- ceded by a long vowel, it has sometimes the ways silent; as, fight, r'ight, height, &c., except effect of blending the syllables. Thus the mnonoin draught, which is pronounced, and in some syllables hire, lore, more, roar, sore, and flour are of its senses usually written, draft. pronounced precisely like the dissyllables higher, lower, mower, rower, sower, and flower. These latter words, and also bower, cower, dower, power, 70. This letter is a note of aspiration, and it tower, and some others, are regarded as dissyllais silent at the beginning of a number of words; bles in prose, but are all commonly pronounced as, heir, heiress, honor, honesty, honorable, hostler, as monosyllables in poetry. ACCENT. 17 "6 R is a decided consonant when it begins a the termination ure, as in measure, pleasure, &c.; syllable with or without another consonant, as also in several words ending in sier, as crosier, in ray, pray; and also when it ends a syllable, osier, &c.; also in ambrosia, ambrosial, elysium, if it should be so circumstanced that, ending elysian; also in the words abscission, scission,. one, it also begins the next, as in arid, ta;ry,t, and rescission. peril, berry, spirit, florid, hurry. Here the r has T. the same effect on the previous vowel that any other consonant would have; that is to say, it 75. T, like s and c, is aspirated when it It, o e r h o i sr comes immediately after the accent, and is folstops, or renders the vowel esseniltially short. oed by the vowels a But, under other circumstances, final r is not a the ie or, tariag the sound, in these cases, of Shb; as ill par~tial, padecided consonant; and therefore the syllables ar, er, ir, or, ur are not coincident, as to the vowel sound in each, with at, et, it, ot, ut; TH. neither do the vowel sounds in fare, me}re, ire, 76. This digraph has two sounds; one hard, ore, sre, poor, ou0r, quite identify with those in sharp, or aspirate, as in thino, think, earth, breath, fate, mete, ide, ode, cube,pool, owl." Smart. &c.; the other flat, soft, or vocal, as in this, the, then, breathe, &c. S. In some nouns, it is sharp in the singulari as 74. The regular or genuine sound of s is its ill bath, lath, path, oath, mouth; and flat in the sharp, sibilant, or hlissing sound, like c soft, as plural, as baths, laths, paths, oaths, mouths. In in son, this. It has also a flat or soft sound some words the h is silent, as in Thomlas, thyme. (called by some its vocal sound), the srnole as that of the letter z, as in wise, his. In the prefix. dis, s, in some cases, has its flat, soft, or vocal 77. The regular sound of x is its sharp sound, sound; as, disarm, disdain, dismal, &c. like kso; as, excellent, execute, expect, tax. S takes the sound of sh in words ending in It has a flat or soft sound, like gz, when the sionl, preceded by a consonant, as in diversion, next syllable following begins with an accented expulsion, dimnen.sion, passion, &c.; also in cen- vowel, as in exalt, example, &c. sure,. pressure, soure, nauseate, sensual, &c. S has the sound of zh in the termination sion, Z., preceded by a vowel, as in evasion, explosion, 78. Z has the same sound as flat or soft s. &c.; also in a number of words in which s is It is aspirated, taking the sound of zhi, in a few preceded by an accented vowel, and followed by words; as, glazier, azure, seizure. ACCENT. 79. All the words of the English language, language into the English without any change of more than one syllable, loave one accented of orthography, generally retain the Latin acsyllable; and most polysyllabic words have not cent, especially if they are terms of the arts and only a syllable with a primary accent, but also sciences, or words somewhat removed from one with a secondary accent. common use. The following words have the 80. It is the general tendency of the language accent on the penultimate syllable, both ill to place the accent on the first syllable of dissyl- Latin and in English: abdomen, acumen, asyloum, lables, and on the antepenultimate of polj"sylla- bitumen, curator, decorum, delator, dictator, hori bles. The exceptions, however, are so numer- zon, spectator, testator. ous, that this is not to be regarded as a rule, 82. Some words, which have the accent ofO but only as a general tendency of the language. the penult in Latin, are conformed to the EngWith respect, however, to verbs of two sylla.. lish analogy, and have the accent on the antes bles, the tendency is to place the accent on the penult; as, auditor, character, orator, &c. second syllable. 83. Simple words of two syllables have only 81. Words which are adopted from the Latin one syllable accented, except the word amen. 2* 18 PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION. Many compound words of two syllables have as, ru'bric, lufbric. The following words, which both syllables more or less accented; as, back- are exceptions to this rule, have the accent on slide, downfall, gainsay, hencefortlh, ma?kind, highl- the antepenultimate syllable: ar'senic (as a way, waylay, windmill, almost, &c. noun), dritht'metic, bish'opric, cathlolic, chol'eric, 84. Many words of three and of four syllables ephem'eric, her'etzc, lunatic, pol'itic, rhetloric, and have only one accented syllable; as, sensible, turfmeric. The following words, climacteric, emoccurrence, republic, celebrity, &c. But some piric, phlegmatic, plethoric, splenetic, according have a secondary accent almost as strong as the to some orthoepists, are conformed to the rule, primary; as, advertise, artisan, caravan, animad- and, accordin'g to others, they are exceptions vert, &c. to it. 85. Almost all words of more than four syl- 91. Words of three or more syllables, ending lables have both a primary and a secondary ac- in eal, have their accent on the antepenultimate cent, and some words of seven or eight sylla- syllable; as, bolreal, corpotreal, incorpotreal, cu'bles have one primary and two secondary neal, empyrteal, ethe'real, fune'real, homogetneal, accents; as, indivisibility, incomprehensibility. heteroge'neal, lac'teal, linz'eal, or'deal; except hy86. There is a considerable number of dis- mene'al, which has the penultimate accent. syllables, which, when used as nouns or ad- 92. Of words ending in ean, the following, jectives, have the accent on the first syllable, being conformed to the English analogy, have and when used as verbs, on the second; as, con'-'the accent on the antepenultimate syllable: cerduct, con-duct'; pres' ent, pre-sent', &c. be'rean, ceru'lean, hyperbo'rean, Hercu'lean, mar87. All words ending in sion and tion have motrean, mediterra'nean, subterra'nean, Tarta'the accent on the penultimate syllable; as, dis- rean; but the following are pronounced by the sen'sion, declaration, meditation, &c. principal orthoepists, in accordance with the 88. Words endingin ia, icc, ial, ian, eous, and best usage, with the accent on the penultimate: ious have the accent on the preceding syllable; adamante'an, antipodelan,.,tlante'an, colosseran, as, rega'lia, demotniac, impe'rial, merid'ian, spon- Epicurelan, Europelan, hymenelan, pygme'an. talneous, melo'dious. If c, g, s, t, or x precedes 93. Words ending in tude, efy, ify, ety, ity, the vowels e or i, in these terminations, these graphy, logy, loquy, athy, metry, tomy, meter, vowels are generally blended with the vowel gonal, fluous, fluent, and parous, have their acor vowels which follow, being pronounced with cent on the antepenultimate; as,for'titude, rartthem in one syllable; as, benefi'cial, magi'cian, efy, diver'sify, vari'ety, liberal'ity, geog'raphLy, farinatceous, loqua'cious, dissen'sious, courae- geolo'gy, solil'oquy, sym'pathy, geom'etry, anat'geous, contagious, conaten'tious, anxtious. The omy, barom'eter, diag'onal, super'fluous, af tfluent, only exception to this rule, in relation to placing.oviparous. the accent, is the word elegiac, which is com- 94. Words of three or more syllables, ending monly pronounced elegi'ac, though some pro- in ulous, inous, erous, and orous, have the acnounce it, in accordance with the rule, ele'giac. cent on the antepenultimate; as, sed'tulous, 89. Words ending in acal and ical have the volu'minous, vocif'erous, carniv'orous; except accent on the antepenultimate syllable; as, he- canoarous and sono/rous. li'acal, alphabet'ical, fanat'ical, geographi'ical, 95. Words of three or more syllables, ending poet'ical, &c.. In words of this termination, the in ative, have the accent on the antepenultimate, vowels in the accented syllables, if followed by or on the preceding syllable; as rel'ative, appel'a consonant, are short, except u, which is long; lative, commu'nicative, spectulative. The excepas, cu'bical, musical, scorbuztical. tions are crea'tive, collattive, dila'tive. 90. Words ending in ie generally have the 96. There is a class of words ending in or, accent on the penultimate syllable; as, alge- which, when used, in law language, in connecbra'ic, metal'lic, epidemric, scientif'ic, harmon'ic, tion with their correlative terms, have the acparalyt'ic. If a consonant immediately precedes cent on the last syllable. The following words, the i, the vowels in the accented syllable are with their correlatives, are of this class: - short, except the vowel u, which is long, if it is Appellor appellee Grantor grantee followed by a single consonant; as, cheru'bic, Assignor assignee Guarantor guarantee scorbu'tic, sulphu'ric, tellu'ric, &c. But if u is Bargainor bargainee Legator legatee Consignor consignee Mortgageor mortgagee followed by two consonants, it is sometimes. Devisor devisee obligor obligee short.;. as-,fusrtic, rus!tic; and sometimies long; Donor donee Recognizor recognizee RULES OF ORTHOGRAPHY. 19 RULES OF ORTHOGRAPHY. 1. A numerous class of words formerly writ- though it better accords with the analogy of the ten with the termination ick, as nmusick, publick, language, yet the prevailing usage is to double are now written, both in England and the United the 1. States, with the termination i; as, music, pub- 3. Some words, having a secondary accent on lic. But the verbs to frolic, to mimic, to physic, the last syllable, double the last letter on assurnto traffic, to bivouac, though written without the ing an additional syllable. The verb to kidnap k in the present tense, yet on assuming another always doubles the p on assuming an additional syllable, in forming the past tense and parti- syllable; as, kidnap, kidnapped, kitdlapping, kidciples, the k must be used in order to keep the c napper;- also the following words ~ compromit, hard; as, trafficked,a trafficking. compromitted; carburet, carburetted; sulphuret, 2. Verbs of one syllable, ending with a single sulphuretted;- also various compound words; consonant, preceded by a single vowel (as plan), as, half-wit, half-witted; hare-lip, hare-lipped, &c. and verbs of two or more syllables, ending in 4. The verb to bias commonly doubles the s the same manner, and having the accent on the on assuming an additional syllable, as, biasslast syllable (as regret), double the final conso- ing, biassed, biasser; as also the verb to wosrship, nant of the verb on assuming an additional syl- in like manner, commonly doubles the p; as, lable-; as, plan, planned; regret, regretted. But worship, worshipping, worshipped, worshipper. if a diphthong precedes the last consonant (as 5. Most of the words in the English language in join), or the accent is not on the last syllable which end in ise, and almost all which end in (as in suffer), the consonant is not doubled; as, ize, are verbs; and with regard to a number of join, joined; suffer, suffered. these verbs there is a diversity in the English There is an exception to the last clause of dictionaries, as well as in common usage, in rethe preceding rule, with respect to most of the lation to this termination, the same verbs someverbs ending in the letter 1, which, on assuming times ending in ize and sometimes in ise. With an additional syllable, are allowed, by general regard to this termination, the following rule is usage, to double the 1, though the accent is not generally, though not invariably, observed:on the last syllable; as travel, travelling, trav- Verbs derived from Greek verbs ending in mgw, elled, traveller; libel, libelling, libelled, libeller, li- and others formed after the same analogy, have bellous. But the derivatives of parallel are writ- the termination ize; as, agonize, characterize;ten without doubling the final 1; as, paralleled, but words derived from the French prendre, unparalleled. —The nouns petal, peril, novel, dial, have the termination ise; as, apprise, surprise, and viol, on assuming an additional syllable, do enterprise. not double the 1; as, petalous, perilous, novelist, The following list comprises most of the Engdialist, violist. lish verbs which are generally written with the The following list comprises the verbs ending termination ise:in 1, which, though they have not the accent advise compromise emprise misprise on the last syllable, yet commonly double the advertise demise enfranchise premise final I:- affranchise despise enterprise revise apprise devise exercise supervise apparel dishevel handsel model rival chastise disfranchise exorcise surmise bevel drivel hatchel panel rowel circumcise disguise franchise surprise bowel duel. imperil parcel shovel comprise divertise merchandise cancel embowel jewel pencil shrivel carol enamel kennel peril snivel In relation to the following words, catechise or cavil. empanel label. pistol tassel catechize, criticise or criticize, patronise or patronchannel equal level pommel' trammel ec chisel gambol libel quarrel travel ize, recognise or recognize, the dictionaries and counsel gravel marshal ravel tunnel usage are divided, though the most of the dlccudgel grovel marvel revel unravel tionaries give the termination ise to these verbs. The derivatives of these verbs are spelt, in the -There are other words with regard to which Dictionaries of Perry and Webster,.with a single there is a want of uniformity in usage; as, civI.; and this mode is also more: or less favored by ilize, disseize, epitomize, &c. the lexicographemi. Ash: and Walker; and al- 6. There are a few verbs which are derived 20 RULES OF ORTHOGRAPHY. from nouns ending in th hard or sharp, as in thin, all,, commonly retain tile double 1; as, appall, be. and which have e added to th, making the sound fall, bethrall, downfall, forestall, fuzzball, headstall, of thi soft or vocal, as in this. Such are the fol- install, inthrall, laystall, miscall, overfall, recall, lowing: from bath, bathe; from breath, breathe; saveall, thumbstall, wate7fall, windfall; but some from cloth, clothe; from loath, loathe; from sheath, of these words are very often, if not more coinsheathe; from sooth, soothe; from swath, swathe; monly, seen with a single I; as, appal, befal, from wreath, wreathe and ienwreathe; but the fol- bethral, inthral, &c.- Withal, therewithlal, and lowing verbs are commonly written without a wherewithal end with a single 1. final e, viz., to bequeath, to mouth, and to smooth. 15. A class of other compound words com7. Verbs ending in ie change the ie into y, on monly retain the final double I which is found in adding ing; as, die, dying; lie, lyisng; tie, tying; the simple words; as, bridewell, downhill, uphill, vie, vying. molehill, watermill, windmill, handmill. - With re8. Verbs ending with a single e omit the e spect to foretel, enrol, and unrol, or foretell, enroll, when ing is added; as, place, placing; relate, re- and unroll, the authorities and usage are divided. lating. 16. Nouns of the singular number ending in The following words are exceptions: dye (to ey form their plural by adding s only to the sincolor), dyeing; hoe, hoeing; shoe, shoeing:- and gular; as, attorney, attorneys; mocney, moneys; when ing is added to the verbs singe, swinge, valley, valleys. These plurals are often erroand tinge, the e is properly retained, as, singeing, neously written attornies, monies, and vallies. swingeing, and tingeing, in order to distinguish 17. Nouns ending in o, preceded by another these participles from singinsg, swinginlg, and vowel, form their plural by the addition of s;'as, tinging. cameo, cameos; folio, folios; but if the final o is 9. All verbs ending in y, preceded by a con- preceded by a consonant, the plural is commonly sonant, retain the y on adding ing; as, spy, spy- formed by adding es; as, cargo, carfgoes. The ing; deeny, denying;- but when ed is added, the following nouns, however, canto, cento, grotto, y is changed into i; as, spy, spied; deny, denied; junto, portico, rotundo, salvo, solo, tyro, duodeciand when s is added, y is changed into ie m as, mo, octavoe, quarto, and some others, commonly spy, spies; deny, denies. have their plural formed by the addition of s only 10. Verbs ending in y, preceded by another to the singular; as, canto, cantos. Yet, with revowel, on adding ing, ed, or s, do not change y spect to the plural of some of these words, usage into i; as, delay, delaying, delayed, delays. is not uniform; as the plural of quarto, for exThe following words are exceptions: lay, laid; ample, is sometimes seen written quartos, and pay, paid; say, said; stay, stayed or staid. sometimes quartoes. 11. The greater part of verbal nouns end in er, 18. There is a class of words which have, in as from advertise, advertiser; but many of them their derivation, a twofold origin, from the Latin end in or, as from imitate, imitator; from instruct, and French languages, and are indifferently writiustructor; and some are-seen in both forms, as ten with the first syllable en or in, the former visitor, visiter. — The verbal nouns from beg and being derived from the French, and the latter lie are irregularly formed beggar and liar. From from the Latin. With respect to some of these, peddle the regular verbal noun would be peddler; it is difficilt to determine which form is best but the noun is commonly written pedler, and supported by usage; as, for example, inquire or sometimes pedlar. enqtire, insure or ensure. A few of this class of 12. There is a class of words, ending in tre, words are found in the following Vocabulary. as centre, metre, &c., which are by some written 19. There is a small class of words ending incenter, meter, &c.; but the former mode is sup- ped, or pede (L. pes, foot); as, biped, centiped, ported by the best usage. milleped, mueltiped, palmiped, plumiped, quadruped, 13. Derivative adjectives ending in able are soliped, and a few others. Of these words, biped written without an e before a; as, blamable, and quadruped are always written without the movable, not blameable, moveable; except those final e, but with respect to the others, the dicof which the primitive word ends in ce or ge; tionaries and usage are divided; and although it in such the e is retained to soften the preceding has heretofore been the more common mode to consonant; as, peaceable, changeable. write most of these words with a final e, yet 14. Compound words, formed by prefixing a there seems to be no good reason why they word or a syllable to a monosyllable ending in should not all be conformed to the same rule. WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. 21 20. There is a class of chemical terms many them with it, —abridgement, acknowledgement, of which signify that which contains the essence and judgement, - as Jollnson and other levicogof the kind, as an extract, and which are vari- raphers spell losdgemesnt. ously written with the termination ine or in; as, 922. Icc solne cases, words are so variously afasparagifne, chlorine, olivine, or asparagrit, chlorin, fected by etymology, analogy, and general usage, oliosin; but the prevailing usage, with respect to that it is difficult to determine what orthogmost of these words, favors the use of the final e; raphy is best supported; as, for example, colomecas, asparafine, chlorine; but tannin is written tion or conlezion, despatch or dispatch, /hinderance without a final e. or hindrance, jail or gaol, marquis or marquess, 21. The following words are generally writ- preterite or preterit, recogsnizance or recognisance, ten without an e after g: abridgment, acknowl- show or shewj sceptic or skeptic, sergeant or ser edgment, and judgmelnt; though many write jeant, th7rash or thresh, and various others. VOCABULARY OF WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. The following Vocabulary contains only a few that in the right-hand column, there is a great of the words which belong to the several classes diversity. In some cases it is nearly or quite as referred to in the preceding remarks; but, with well authorized as that on the left hand, and in the exception of these classes, it comprises nearly some it has but a very feeble support. Both orall the English words with regard to which a thographies of some of thle words are right, the diversity of orthography is now often met words being differently spelt when used in differwith. ent senses; as, draught or draft, forte or fort, subThe orthography in the left-hand column is tle or subtile, abetter or abettor, canvass or canvas, deemed to be well authorized, and in most cases caliber or calibre, caster or castor, controller or preferable; but with respect to the authority of comptroller, sneat or net, plain or plane, &c. A. IEsthetics Esthetics Amiability Amability A. Jo s Etiology; see Etiology Amice Amess Affector Affecter Amortise Amortize Abbey " Abby Affiliate Adfiliate Anademe Anadem Abettor, and Abettor Affiliation Adfiliation Ananas Anana Abnormal Anormal Afraid Afriaid Anapest Anapvest Abreuvoir Abbreuvoir Agllast Agast Anapesfic Anapestic Abridgment Abridgement Agricullturist Agricultulralist Anbury Ambury Accessary, and Accessory Aide-de-camp Aid-de-camp Ancestral Ancestrel Accountant Accomptant Aisle, church Isle Ancient Antient Acetimeter Acetometer Ajutage Adjutage Ancientry Asichentry Acle Ake Alchemical Alchymical Andiron Handiron Achieve Atchieve Alchemist Alchymist Anemone Anemony Aclknowledg- Acknowledge- Alchemy Alchymy Angiography Angeiography ment ment Alcoran Alkoran Angiology Angeiology Acroycal Aconychal Alexipharmic Alexipharmac Ansgiotomy Angeiotomy c Acronical Alkahest Alcalhest Ankle Ancle Addible Addable Alkali Alcali Annotto Annotta Adipocere Adipocire Allege Alledge Arnotto Arnlotta Adjudgment Adjsudgemenrt Alloy Allay Antechamber Anticllamnber Admittible Admittable Almacantar Alnucantar Antelope Antilope Adscititious Ascititious Almanac Almanack Antiemnetic Antemetic Adulteress Adultress Almonry Almry, Ambry Apostasy Apostacy Advertise Advertize AAlnagar,Aulna- Aposteme Apostume Advoutry Avoutry n ger Apothegm Apophthegm Advowee Avowee Alum Alluen Appall Appal Advowson Advowzen Amassment nlasmnent. Appalment Appalemenlt Adze Adz, Addice Ambassador FJmbassador Appanage Appenage 2Eolipile; see Eolipile Ambergris Asmbergrise Apanage Aerie Ayry, Eyry Ambs-ace Anmes-ace Appraise Apprize Esthetic Esthetic Amercement Americiament Appraisement Apprizement 22 WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. Appraiser Apprizer Bellflower Belflower Burganet Burgonet Apprise Apprize Belligerent Belligerant Burin Burine Appurtenance Appertenance Bellman Belman Burlesque Burlesk Apricot Apurcock Bellmietal Belnietal Burr Bur Arbitrament Arbitrement Bellwether Belwether Buzz Buz Archteolo- Archeological Benumb Benum By, n. Bye gical Arcllaiological Bequeath Bequeathe lo i Archeology Bergamot Burgamot Archaiology Bergander Birgander Arclhduchess Archdutchess Berth, in ship Birth Argol A rgal Bestrew Bestrow Cabob Kabob A rquebus Betel Betle Cacique Cazique Arquebuse arquebuse Bevel Bevil C esura Cesura, Cesure Arrack Arack Bezant Byzant Cag, o~ Keg Artisan Artizan Biassed Biased Calcareous Calcarious Asbestos, or Asbestus * Biestings Beastings Caldron Cauldron Ascendency, or Ascendancy Beestings Calendar Kalendar Ascendent, or Ascendant Bigoted Bigotted Calends Kalends Askance Askaunce Bilge Bulge Caliber, or Calibre Askant Askaunt Billiards Balliards Calipers Callipers Askew Askue Billingsgate Bilingsgate [cle Caliph Calif, Kaliph Assafrtida Asafcetida Binnacle Binacle, Bitta- Calk Caulk Assize Assise Bistre Bister Calligraphy Caligraphy Assizer Assiser Bivouac Biovac Calotte Callot Assuage Asswage Bizantine Byzantine Caloyer Kaloyer Atheneum Atheneum Blanch Blench' Caltrop Calthrop Auger Augre ltlende, (Jlfin.) Blend Calyx Calix Aught Ought Bltthely Blithly Cameo Camaieu [let Autocracy Autocrasy Blitheness Blithness Camlet Camblet,CameAvoirdupois Averdupois Blithesome Blithsome Camomile Chanmomile Awkward Aukward Blomary Bloomary Camphor Calnphire Awn Ane Blouse, Blowze Blowse Canal, Cannel Candle, Kennel Axe Ax Bodice Boddice Cannoneer Cannonier Boil, a tuimor Bile Canoe Canoa Bolt Boult Cantiliver B. Bombard Bumbard Cantilever Cantaliver Bombast Bumbast Canteliver Baccalaureate l Baccalaureat Bombazette Bombazet Canvas, and Canvass Bachelor Batchelor Bombazine Bombasin Capriole Cabriole Bade, froim bid Bad Bombasine Car Carr Balance Ball ance Borage Burrage Carabine Carbine Baldrick Bawd rick BBourgeois Burgeois Carabineer Carbineer Balk Baulk, Baulk Bourn Borne Carat Caract, Carrat Ballister Balister Bourse Burse Caravansera Baluster Banister Bouse Boose Caravansary Caravanserai Baltdanna Bandana Bousy Boosy, Boozy Caravel Carvel Bandoleer Bandolier Bowlder Boulder Caraway Carraway Bandore Pandore Bowsprit Boltsprit Carcass Carcase Bandrol i Bannerol ryan Brakeman Breakman Carle Carl Banian Bannian, an- Bramin Brachman Carnelion Banns Bans Brahmin Brahman Carneian Caornelian Barbacan Barbican Brawl Broil Carolytic Carolitic Barbecue Barbacue Brazen Brasen Cartel Chartel Barberry Berberry Brazier Brasier Cartridge Cartrage Bark Barque Brazil Brasil Cassada Casava Barouche Barouch Brier Briar [cage. Cassava Cassavi Baryta Baryte Brokerage Brokage,. Bro- Cassimere Kerseymere''Barytone Baritone Bronze Bronz Cassowary Cassiowary Basin Bason Brooch Broach, Broche Caste, class Cast Bass, JMus. Base Brunette Brunet Castellan Castellain Bass-viol Base-viol Bryony Briony Caster Castor Bastinado Bastinade Buccaneer Buccanier Castlery Castelry Bateau Batteau Buffalo Buffaloe Catchpoll Catchpole [up Battledoor Battledore Buhrstone Burrstone Catchup Catsup, KetchBawble Bauble Bulimy Boulimy Catechise Catechize Bazaar Bazar Bumblebee Humblebee Cauliflower Colliflower Beadle Beadel Bunn Bun Causeway, or Causey Beaver Bever Bunyon Bunion Cavazion Cavation Befall Befal Burden Burthen Caviare Caviar, Cavier Behoove Behove Burdensome Burthensome Caw Kaw WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. 23 Cayman Caiman Commandery Commandry Daisied iDazied Cedilla Cerilla Commissariat Commissariate Damaskeen, v. Damaskin Ceiling Cieling Compatible Competible Damson Damascene Celt Kelt Coomplete Cornpleat Dandruff Dandriff Celtic Keltic Concordat Concordate Danegelt Dangelt Centiped Centipede Confectionery Confectionary Daub Dawb Cess Sess Confidant, n. Confident Dawdle Daudle Chalcedony Calcedony Congealable Congelable Dearn Dern Chaldron Chalder Connection Connexion Debarkation Debarcation Chalice Calice Connective Connexive Dlebonair Debonnair Chameleon Cameleon Consecrator Consecrater Decoy Duckoy Chamois Shamois Contemporary Cotemporary Decrepit Decrepid Champaign Champain Contra-dance Country-dance Defence Defense Champerty Chamnparty Contributory Contributary Defier Defyer Chant Chaunrt Control Controul Deflection Deflexion Chap Chop Controller Comptroller Deflour Deflower Chaps Chops Conversable Conversible Delft Delf, Delph Char, or Chare, Chore Cony Coney Delphine Delphin Chase Cillace Coomb,'4 ushs. Comb Deltoid Deltoied Chastely Chlastly Copier Copyer Demain D Check, or Cheque Coping Caping Demesne emean Checker Cheq uer Copse:Coppice Demarcation Demarkation Cheer Chear Coquette, n. Coquet Dependant, n. Dependent Chemical Chymical Coranac Coronacllh Dependence Dependance Chemist Chynistanac Coranich Dependent, a. Dependant Chemistry Chymrnistry Corbel Corbeil Deposit Deposite Cem y hirnistry Cordovan Cordwain Desert, n. Desart Chestnut Clhenlut Corpse Corse Desolater Desolator Chiliahedron Chiliaedron Correlative Corelative Despatch, or Dispatch Chillness Chilness Cosey Cosy, Cozey Dessert, or Desert Chimb, or Chine, Chime Cot Cott Detecter Detector Chintz - Chints Cotillon Cotillion Detorsion Detortion Chloride Chlorid Counsellor, and Councillor [to Detractor Detracter Choir Quire Courant Corant, Couran- Develop Develope Choke Choa - Courtesan Courtezan Development Developement Choose Chuse Courtesy Curtesy Devest, or Divest Chorister Quirister Covin Covine Dexterous Dextrous Chyle Chile Covinous Covenous Diadromn Diadrome Chylifactive Chilifactive Cozen; Cosen Diueresis Dieresis Cider Cyder, Sider Cozenage Cosenage Diarrhcea Diarrhea Cigar Segar Craunch Cranch Dike, or Dyke Cniter Crawfish Crayfish Dirimene Disne Cicmeter Cymetar Creak, v. Creek Diocese Diocess Scymitar Scymetar Crier Cryer Disburden Disburthen Cion; see Scion Croslet Crosslet Disfranchise Diffranchise Cipher Cypher Crowd Croud Dishabille Deshabille Clam, v. Clamm Crowfoot, or Crow's-foot Disinthrall Disentlrall Clarinet Clarionet Cruet Crewet Disinthral Cleat Cleet Crumb Crum Disk, or Disc Clew Clue Crusade Croisade Dispatch, or Despatch Clinch Clench Cruse, cruet Cruise Disseize Disseise Cloak Cloke Crystal Chrystal Disseizin Disseisin Clodpoll Clodpole Cucurbit Cucurbite Disseizor Disseisor Cloff, or Clough Cue Queue Dissolvable Dissolvible Clothe Cloathe Cuerpo Querpo Distention Distension Clothes Cloaths Cuish Cuisse Distil Distill Cluck Clock Cuneiform Cuniform Distrainor Distrainer Clyster Glister, Glyster Cupel Cuppel, Coppel Diversely Diversly Cobbler Cobler Curb Kerb Divest, or Devest Cocoa Cacao Curb-stone Kerb-stone Doclret'Doquet Coddle Codle Curtain Courtine. octress Doctoress Cceliac Celiac Cutlass Cutlas Dodecahedron Dodecaedron Coif Quoif Cyclopaedia Cyclopedia Doga'erel Doggrel Coiffure Quoiffure Cyst Cist Domicile Domicil Coke Coak Czar Tzar, Tsar Dory, Doree Dorey etlander Cullender Dote Doat Colic Cholic n Doubloon Doublon Colliery Coalery. Dowry Dowery Colter Coulter, Culter Dactyl Dactyle Downfall Downfal Comfrey Cumnfrey Daily Dayly Drachm, or Dram 24 WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. Da a Drogoman Endamage Indam age. Dragoman Druggerman Endict; see Indict ~ Draught, or Draft Endite; see Indite Dreadnaught Dreadnought Endorse, or Indorse Faeces Feces Driblet Dribblet Endow Indow Fagot Faggot Drier Dryer Endue, or Indue Fairy Faery Drought Drouth Enfeeble Infeeble Faquir Dryly Drily Enfeoff Infeoff Faqueer Dryness Driness Enfranchise Infranchise Falchion Faulchion Duchess Dutchess- Engender Ingender Falcon Faulcon Duchy Dutchy Engorge Ingorge Fantasy Phantasy Dulness Dullness Engrain Ingrain Farther, or Further Dungeon.Donjon Enhance Inllance Farthest, or Furthest Dunghill Dunghil Enigma AEnigma Farthingale Fardingale Duress Duresse Enjoin Injoin Fattener Fatner Dye, color Die Enlard Inlard Fearnaught Fearnought Dyeing,coloring Dying Enlarge Inlarge Fecal Freecal Enlighten Inlighten Felly Felloe Enlist Inlist Felon Fellonr E. Enquire, or Inquire Felspar Feldspar Enquiry, or Inquiry Ferrulle, or Fertile Eavesdropper Evesdropper Enroll Enrol Feud Feod Eccentric Excentric Inrol Feudal Feodal Echelon Echellon Enrolment Inrolment Feudality Feodality Economics (Economics Enshrine Inshrine Feudatory Feodatory Ecstasy Ecstacy,Extasy Ensnare, or Insnare Fenillemorte Fueillemorte Ecstatic Extatic Ensure, or Insure Fie Fy Ecumenical (Ecumsenical Entail Intail Filanders Felanders Edile' Adile Entangle Intangle Filbert Filberd Eke Eek Enterprise Enterprize (Filligrane Embalm Imbalm Enthrone Inthrone Fili grane Filagree Embank, or Imbank Enthymeme Enthymem Filigree Filligree Emnbanlkment Imbankment Entice Intice Fillibeg Filibeg,Philibeg Embargo Imbargo Entire Intire Filly Filley Embark Imbark Entirety Entierty Finery, aforge Finary Embarkation Embarcation Entitle Intitle Firmaun Embase Irmbase Intitule F Phirman Embassy Ambassy Entomb Intomb Fizgio Fishgig Embed, or Imbed Entrance, v. Intrance Flageolet Flagelet Embedded or Imbedded Entrap Intrap Fleamn Phleme, Flem Embezzle Imnbezzle Entreat Intreat Flier Flyer Embezzlement Imbezzlement Envelop, v. Envelope Flotage Floatage Emblazon Imblazon Envelopment Envelopement Flotsam Floatsam Embody Imbody Eolipile ZEolipile Flour, meal Flower Embolden Imbolden Epaulet Epaulette Fleur-de-lis, or Flower-de-luce Emborder Imborder Epigraph Epigraphe lugeman Flugleeman Embosk Imboskc Equerry Equery Flugelman Frelnan Embosoon, or In hbosom Equiangular Equangular Fluke Flook, Flowk Emboss h Imboss Equivoke Equivoque Fluoride Fluorid Embowel Imub:)wel Era iEra Fetus Fetus Embower Iml)ower Eremite Heremite Forestall Forestal Embrasure Embrazure Escalade Scalade Foretell Foretel Elnpale Impale Shalot Shallot Forray Foray Empanel, or I Empannel Eschalot S Forte,strongszdeFort P IImpanel Escuttcheon Scutcheon Fosse Foss Empoison Irnpoison Estafette Estafet Foundery, or Foundry Empoverish, or Impoverish Esthetics, or 2Esthetics Franc. coin Frankc Enmpower Impower Estoppel Estopple Frenetic Phrenetic Empress Emperess Etiology _Etiology Frenzy Plhrensy Encage, or Incage Exactor Exacter Frieze Frize Encenia Encrenia Expense Expence Frigate Frigat Enchant Inchant Exsanguious Exangstous Frit Fritt Enchase Inchase Exsect Exect Frizzle Frizle Encircle Incircle Exsiccate Exiccate Frowzy Frouzy Enclose, or Inclose Exsiccation Exiccation Frum;Ientaceous Frumentacious Enclosure Inclosure Exsiccative Exiccative I Furmenty Encroach Incroach Exsuccous Exuccous Fment Furmety Encumber Incumber Extrinsical Extrinsecal Frustum Frustrum Encumbrance Incumibrance Exudation Exsudation Fuel Fewel Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Eyry,Erie Fulfil Fulfill WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. 25 Fulfilment Fulfillment Greyhound Grayhound Holster Holdster Fulness Fullness Griffin, Griffon Gryphon. Hornony Furlough Furlow Grizzled Grisled Hominy Hommony Further, or Farther Grocer Grosser Homonyme, or Homonym Furthest, or Farthest Grotesque Grotesk Hone Hoane Fusee Fusil Groundsill Groundsel Honeyed Honled Fusileer Fusilier Group Groupe Hoop, or Whoop Fuze, n., or Fuse Guarantee, or Guaranty Hooping- WhoopingGuild, or Gild cough cough Guilder, or Gilder Hoot Whoot G. Guillotine Guillotin Horde Heord Gulf Gulplh Horehound Hoarhound Gabardine Gaberdine Gunwale Gunnel. Hornblende Hornblend Galiot Galliot Gurnet Gournet Hostler Ostler Gallipot Galipot Gypsy Gypsey, Gipsey Household Houshold Galoche Goloche Gyre Gire Housewife Huswife Gamut Gammut Gyve Give Howlet Houlet Gangue, in ore Gang Hub, or Hob Gantlet Gantelope TT Hurrah Hurra Gaol, or Jail Hydrangea Hydrangia Garish Gairlh Hypothenuse Hypotenuse Garreteer Garretteer Haggard Hagard Gauge, or Gage Haggess Haggis Gauger Gager Ha-ha Haw-haw Gault Galt; Golt Hake Haick Gatlntlet, glove Gantlet Halberd Halbert Icicle Isicle Gayety Gaiety Hale, healthy Hail Illness Ilness Gayly Gaily Hatibut Holibut Imbank; see.Embank Gazelle Gazel Halyards Halliards Imbitter Embitter Gear. Geer Halloo Hollo, Holloa Imbody, or Embody Gelatine -Gelatin. Hame, or Haum Imborder Emborder Gelly; see Jelly Handiwork Handywork, Imbosom Embosom Genet Ginnet, Jennet Hards Ilurds h inbound Embound Gerfal con I Gyrfalcon Harebell Hairbell Imbrue Embrue GJerfalkon Harebrained Hairbrained Impanel Empanel Gern Germe Harem Haram Imparlance Emparlance Ghastly Gastly Harrier Harier Impassion'Empassion Ghibelline Gibelline Harslet Haslet Implead Emplead Ghyll, ravine Gill Hatchel I Hetchel, Imposthume Impostume Gibberish Geberish Hackle Heckle Impoverish, or Empoverish Gibe Gybe, Jibe Haul, to drag Hale Incage Encage Giglot Giglet Haum Halm, Hawm Incase Encase Gimnlet Gimblet Haunch Hanch Inclasp Enclasp Gimmal Jymold Haust, cough Hoast Incloister Encloister Gingle; see Jingle Hautboy Hoboy Inclose, or Enclose Girasole Girasol Havoc Havock Inclosure, or Enclosure Girth, or Girt Hawser Halser Incondensable Incondensible Glair Glaire Hazel Hazle Indefeasible Indefeisible Glave Glaive Headache Headach Indelible Indeleble Glazier Glasier' Hearse Herse Indict Endict Glede Glead Heartache Heartach Indictment Endictment Gloar Glour Height Hight Indite Endite Gloze Glose Heighten Highten Inditer Enditer Glue Glew Heinous Hainous Indocile Indocil Gluey Gluly, GIewy Hemistich Hemistick Indorsable Endorsable Gnarled Knarled Hemorrhoids Emneroids Indorse Endorse Gneiss Gneis Heptamerede Heptameride Indorsement Endorsement Good-by Good-bye Herpetology Erpetology Indorser Endorser Gore Goar Hexahedron Hexaedron Indue, or Endue Gourmand, or Gormand Hibernate Hybernate Inferrible Inferable Gormandize Gourmandize Hibernation Hybernation Inflection Inflexion Governante Governant Hiccough, or Hickup Infold Enfold Graft Graff Hinderance, or Hindrance Infoliate Enfoliate Grandam Granam Hip, v. Hyp Ingraft Engraft Granddaughter Grandaughter Hip, n. Hep Ingrain Engrain Granite Granit Hippocras Hippocrass Ingulf Engulf Grasshopper Grashopper Hodge-podge Hotch-potch Innuendo I nuendo Gray, or Grey Hoiden Hoyden Inquire, or Enquire Grenade Granade Holiday, or Holyday Inquirer, or Enquirer Grenadier Granadier Holloo, Halloo Holloa, Hollow Inquiry, or Enquiry 3 26 WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. Insnare, or Ensnare T Marquee Markee Install, or Instal 1J Marquis, or Marquess Instalment Installment Marshal Marshall Instil Instill Lackey Laquey Marten, or Martin Instructor Instructer Lacquer Lacker Martingale Martingal Insurance Ensurance Lair Lare Mask Masque Insure Ensure Lambdoidal Lamdoidal Maslin, Meslin Mastlin, Mislin Insurer Ensurer Lance Launce Mastic Mastich Intenable, or Intenible Landscape Landskip Matins Mattins Interlace Enterlace Landsran Landman Mattress Matres, MatInterplead Enterplead Lantern Lanthorn a Meagre Meager [trass Interpleader Enterpleader Lanyard Laniard Mediaeval Medieval Inthrall Inthral,Enthral Launch Lanch Menagerie Menagery Intrinsical Intrinsecal Laundress Landress Merchandise Merchandize Intrust Entrust. Laureate Laureat Mere, a pool Meer Intwine Entwine Lavender Lavendar Metre. and Meter Inure Enure Lea, a plain Lee, Ley, Lay Mew Meaw Inurement Enurement Leach, or Leech, Letch Mewl Meawl Invalid, n. Invalide Leaven Leven Mileage Milage Inveigle Enveigle Ledger Leger Milleped Millepede Inventor Inventer Legging Leggin Millrea e Millree, Millreis Inwheel Enwheel Lettuce Lettice Miscall Miscal Inwrap, or Enwrap License Licence Misle, Mizzle Mistle Inwreathe Enwreathe Lickerish Liquorish Misspell Mispell Isle Ile Licorice Liquorice Misspend Mispend Lief Lieve, Leef Misy Missy Lilac Lilach Misletoe Mistletoe Lily Lilly Missaltoe Linguiform Lingueform Mitre Miter Jackal Jackall Liniment, and- Linament Mizzen Mizen Jacobin Jacobine Lintstock Linstock Moccasin Jag Jagg Litharge Litherage occason oggason Japghery Jagary Llama, animal Lama Mocha-stone Mocho-stone Jail, or Gaol Loadstar Lodestar Modillion Modillon Jailer, or Gaoler Loadstone Lodestone Molasses Melasses Jalap Jalop Loath, a. Loth Molosses Jamb, n. Jam, Jaunr Loathe, v. Lothe Moneyed Monied JanizaryL Janissary Lode, a vein Load Mongrel Mungrel Janty Jaunty Lodgement Lodgment Monodrame Monodram Jasmine Jessamnine Lower Lour Mood, or Mode Jaunt Jant Luff Loof Moresque Moresk Jelly Gelly Luke Leuke Morion Murrion Jenneting 5Geniting Lustring, or Lutestring Mortgageor Mortgagor Juneating Lye, fi-om ashes Lie, Ley Mosque Mosk Jettee, Jetty Jetta, Jutty Moscheto Jewellery, or Jewelry M1 Mosquito Mosqueto Jiffy Giffy squito Mseto Jingle Gingle i Musqueto Joiutress Jointuress Maggoty *Maggotty [hem Mulsquitto Jole, or Jowl Maim, or Mayhem, Ma' Mould Mold Jonquille Jonquil Maize Maiz Moult Molt Judgment Judgement Maleadrninis- Maladminis- Mulch Mulsh Julep Julap tration, or tration Mullein Mullin Junket, or Juncate Malecontent Malcontent Multiped Multipede Just, n. Joust Malefeasance Malfeasance Mummery Mommelry Justle, or Jostle Malepractice Malpractice Murder Murther Maltreat Maletreat Murderous Murtherous Malkin Maukin Murky Mirky fK- Mall Maul Murrhine Myrrhine Malanders Mallenders Muscle, and Mussel Kale Kail, Call Mamleluke Mamaluke Musket Musquet Kayle Keel Mandarin Mandarine Mustache, or Moustache Keelhaul Keellhale Mandatary Mandatory Keelson Kelson Mandrel, and Mandril Keg, or Cag Manifestable Manifestible N Kerseymere, or Cassimere Manikin Mannikin Klhar Kan, Kann Manceuvre Maneuver Nankeen Nankin Knapsack Snapsack Mantle, or Mantel Naught Nought Knarled, or Gnarled Mark Marc Negotiate Negociate Knell Klnel Marque, license Mark Net, a., clear Neat WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOU$ ORTHOGRAPHY. 27 Nib Neb Phantasm Fantasm Nobless Noblesse Phantom Fantom Nombles Numbles Phenomenon Phienomenon Novitiate Noviciate Phial, or Vial Quarantine Quarantain Nozle Nozzle, Nosle Philibeg; see Fillibeg Carentane Nuisance Nusance Philter Philtre Quartet Quartett Phlegm Flegm Quatercousin Catercousin Phmenix Phenix Quay, a mole Key Phthisic Tisic Quinsey Picked, or Piked Quinsy Squinancy Oblique Oblike Picket, and Piquet Quintain Quintin Octahedron Octaedron Picturesque Picturesk Quintal Kental, Kentle CEconomics; seeEconomics Pie Pye Quoit Coilt (Ecumenical Ecumenical Piebald Pyebald Offence Offense Pilnento Pimenta Offuscate Obfuscate Pincers Pinchers Pt Olio Oglio Placard Placart Opaque Opake Plain, and Plane Raccoon Racoon, RacOraco Orache Plane-sailing Plain-sailin'g Raillery Rallery [koon Orison Oraison Plaster Plaister' Ransom Ransome Osier Ozier Plat, or Plot Rarefy Rarify Osmazome Ozmazome Plethora Plethory Raspberry Rasberry Osprey Ospray Pleurisy Plurisy Ratafia Ratifia, Ratafee Ottar Otto Pliers Plyers Rattan Ratan Oxidate Oxydate Plough Plow Raven, prey Ravin Oxidation Oxydation Ploughman Plowman Raze Rase Oxide Oxyde, Oxyd Ploughshare Plowshare Razure Rasure Oxidize Oxydize Plumber Plummer Real, coin Rial, Ryal Oyes Oyez Plumiped Plumipede Rear Rere Pluviameter Pluviometer Rearmouse Reremouse Poise Poize Rearward Rereward rp Poltroon Poltron Recall Recal Polyanthus Polyanthos Recognizable Recognisable Pacha Pasha, Bashaw Polyhedral Polyedral Recognizance Recognisance Packet Paquet Polyhedron Polyedron Recognize, or Recognise Painim Paynim Pomade Pommade Recognizee Recognisee Palanquin Palankeen Pommel Pummel Recognizor Recognisor Palette, or Pallet Pontoon, and Ponton Recompense Recompence Palmiped Palmipede Pony Poney Reconnoitre Reconnoiter Pandore, or Bandore Porpus Redoubt Redout PandorePanel Iannel Perpoise u Panel Pannel orpoise Porpess Redoubtable Redoutable Pansy Pancy Portray PourTray Reenforcement Reinforcement Pantagraphll Portress Porteress Referable Referible Pantograpl Pentagrap Postilion Postillion Referrible Pappoose I Papoos Potato Potatoe Reflection Reflexion Papoose Pottage Potage Reflective Reflexive Parallelopiped Parallelepiped Practise, v. Practice Reglet Riglet Paralyze Paralyse Priernunire Premunire Reindeer Raindeer Parcenary Parcenery Premise Premiss Ranedeer Parol, a. Parole Pretence Pretense Reinstall, or Reinstal Paroquet Parrakeet Preterite, or Preterit Relic Relique Parral Parrel Pretor Praetor Renard, or Reynard Parsnip Parsnep Prison-base Prison-bars Rennet, or Runnet Partisan Partizan Probate Probat Reposit Reposite Patin Patine Profane Prophane Resin, or Rosin Patrol Patroll, Patrole Protector Protecter Resistance Resistence Paver Pavier, Pavior Protractor Protracter Respite Respit Pawl Paul' Prunfello Prunella Restive, or Restiff Pedler Peddler, Pedlar Pomepion Restiveness Restiffness Pedlery Peddlery umpkin Pumpion Retch, to vomit Reach Peep Piep Puny, and Puisne Reverie, or Revery Penance Pennance Pupillary Pupilary Reversible Reversable Penniless Pennyless Purblind Poreblind Rhomnb, and Rhumb Pentahedral Pentaedral Purlin Purline Ribbon Riband Pentahedron Pentaedron Purr Pur Rbbon Iibband Pentile Pantile Purslain. Purslane Rider Ryder Peony Piony Putrefy Putrify Rinse Rince Perch Pearch Pygmean Pigmean Risk Risque Persistence Persistance Pygmy Pigmy Robbin Robin Pewit Pewet Pyx Pix Rodomontade Rhodomontade 28 WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. Roquelaure Roquelo Shad Chad Spongy Spungy Route, course Rout Shard Sherd Spright Sprite Rummage Romage Shark, or Shirk Sprightful Spriteful Runnet, or Rennet Shawm Shalm Spunk Sponk Rye Rie Sheathe, v. Sheath Spurt, or Spirt Sheer, pure Shear Stable Stabile Sheik Sheikh, Sheick Staddle Stadlo *S Shemitic, or Semitic Stanch Staunch Sherbet Scherbet Stationery, n. Stationary Sag, or Swag Sherry Sherris Steadfast Stedfast Saic Saik Shorling Shoreling Steelyard Stillyard Sainfoin Saintfoin Show Shew Sterile Steril Salic Salique Showbread Shewbread Stillness Stilness Saltcellar Saltseller Shrillness Shrilness Stockade Stoccade Sandarach Sandarac Shroud Shrowd Strait, n. Streight Sandiver Sandever Shuttlecock Shittlecock Strake Straik Sanitary Sanatory Shyly Shily Strap, or Strop Sarcenet Sarsenet Shyness Shiness Strengthener Strengthner Sat Sate Sienite Syenite Strew Straw, Stravw Satchel Sachel Silicious, or Siliceous Stupefy Stupify. Satinet Satinett Sill Cill Sty Stye Savin Saviiie, Sabine Sillabub Syllabub Style Stile Saviour, or Savior Simar Chimere,Cymar Subtile, thin Subtle Scallop Scollop Siphon Syphon Subtle, sly Subtile Scath Scathe Siren Syren Subtract Substract Scenery Scenary Sirloin, or Surloin Subtraction Substraction Sceptic Skeptic Sirocco Scirocco Suit, or Suite Sceptical Skeptical Sirup Syrup, Sirop Suitor Suiter Scepticism Skepticism Sit, to incubate Set Sulky, n. Sulkey Schist Shist Site Scits Sulphuretted Sulphureted Schistose Shistose Sizar Sizer Sumach Sumac,Shumac Scholium Scholion Size, glue Cize, Cise Suretyship Suretiship Schorl Shorl Skate Scate Surloin, or Sirloin Sciagraphy, or Sciography Skein Skain Surname Sirname Sciomachy, or Sciamachy Skeptic; see Sceptic' Surprise Surprize Scion Cion Skilful Skillful Surreptitious Subreptitious Scirrhosity Skirrhosty Skulk Sculk Survivor Surviver Scirrhous Skirrhous Skull Scull Survivorship Survivership Scir*hus I Schirrhus. Slabber Slobber Swag, or Sag Skirrhus Slake, to quench Slack Swale Sweale (Cissors Sleight, n. Slight Sward Sord Scissors. Cizars Sley, a reed Slay, Slaie Swath, n. Swarth Scissars Sluice Sluce, Sluse Sweepstakes Sweepstake Sconce Skonce Slyly Slily Swipple Swiple Scotfree Shotfree Slyness Sliness Swop, or Swap Scow Skow Smallness Smalness Sylvan Silvan Screen Skreen Smirk - Smerk Synonyme, or Synonym Scrofula Scrophula Smooth, v. Smoothe Syphilis Siphilis Scymitar; see Cimeter Soap Sope Systematize Systemize Scythe Sithe, Sythe Socage Soccage Seamstress Sempstress Socle Sokle, Zocle Semstress Solan Soland, Solund Sear. Sere Solder, or Soder Searce Sarse Soldier Souldier Tabard Taberd Secretaryship Secretariship Soliped Solipede Taffety Taffeta, Taffata Seethe Seeth Solitaire Solitair Taffrail Tafferel Seignior Signior, Signor Solvable Solvible. Taillage Tallage Seine, a net Sein, Seen Somerset Somersault Talc, a stone Talk, Talck Seisin Seizin Summerset Summersault Tallness Talness Sellenders Sellanders Sonneteer Sonnetteer Talmud Thalmud Selvage Selvedge Soothe, v. Sooth, Tambour Tambor Sentinel Centinel Sorrel Sorel Tambourine Tambourin Sentry Sentery, Centry Souse Sowse Tarpuling Tarpawling Cqi Chequin Spa Spaw arpaulng Tarpaulin n Zechin Spew Spule Tartan Tartane Sergeant, or Serjeant Spicknel Spignel Tassel Tossel Sergeantry, or Serjeantry Spinach Spinage Tawny Tawiey Sess, or Cess Spinel Spinelle,Spinell Tease Teaze Sesspool, or Cesspool Splice Splise Teazle, Tease] Tassel, Tazel Sevennight. Sennight Sponge Spunge Tenable Tenible WORDS OF DOUBTFUL OR VARIOUS ORTHOGRAPHY. 29 Terrier Tarrier Waul Wawl Tether Tedder U. Wear, v. Ware Tetrastich Tetrastick Wear, n. Weir, Wier Theodolite Theodolet Umbles Humbles Wesand Thraldom Thralldom Unbiassed Unbiased easan Wezand Thrash, or Thresh Unbigoted Unbigotted Welsh Welch Threshold Threshhold Unroll Unrol Whang Wang Throe, a pang Throw Until Untill Whelk I Welk Thyine,'wood Thine Whippletree Whiffletree Thyme Thime -- Whippoorwill Whippowill Ticking, or Ticken Whiskey Whisky Tidbit Titbit Whitleather Whiteleather Tie Tye Vaivode Waiwode Whoop Hoop Tier, a roZ Tire Vales, money Vails Whooping- HoopingTierce Terce Valise Vallise cough cough Tincal Tinkal Vantbrace Vanbrass Widgeon Wigeon Tint Teint Vat, a vessel Fat Wilful Willful Tiny Tyny Vaudevil Vaudeville Windl Windlace Tippler Tipler Veil, cover Vail Windlas Tithe Tythe Vender, or Vendor Wintry Wintery Toilet Toilette Veneer Fineer Wiry Wiery Toll, to allure Tole Venomous Venemous Witch-elm Weech-elm Tollbooth Tolbooth V Verdigrise With, n. Withe Ton, or Tun V Verdigrease Withal Withall Tonnage Tunnage Vermilion Vermillion Wizard Wizzard, Tormentor Tormenter Vermilion Virmilion Wisard Toutchy, or Techy Vernlin Vermine Woe Wo Tourmnaline Tourmalin Verst Berst, Werst Woful Woeful Trance Transe Vertebre, or Vertebra Wondrous Wonderous Tranquillity Tranquility Vervain Vervane Woodbine Woodbind Tranquillize Tranquilize Vial, or Phial Woodchuck Woodchuk Transferable Transferrible Vice, a screw Vise Woollen Woolen Transferrence Transference Vicious Vitious Wreathe, v. Wreath Treadle Treddle Villain, and Villein, Villan Wreck Wrack Treenail Trenail, Villanous Villainous Wriggle Riggle Trunnel Villany Villainy Trellis Trellice Visitatorial Visitorial Trentals Trigintals Visitor Visiter ye Tressel Visor Vizor Trussel Vitiate Viciate Yawl Yaul Trivet Vizter Vizir,Visier Yearn Yern Trevet, or Trevit Volcano Vulcano Yeast Yest Trousers Trowsers Yelk, or Yolk Truckle-bed, or Trundle-bed Yerk Yark Tumbrel, and Tumbril w e Yew Eugh Turkey Turky Turkois Turquoise Wagon, or Waggon Turnip Turnep Waif Waift Z Turnsole Turnsol Waive, to defer Wave Tutenag Tutenague Wale Weal Zaffre Zaffir Twibil Twibill Walrus Walruss Zechin; see Sequin Tymbal Timbal Warranter, and Warrantor Zinc Zink Tyro Tiro War-whoop War-hoop Zymology Zumology 3* ABBREVIATIONS. a. stands for..... Adjective. p. a........ Participial Adjective. ad..........Adverb. p.. Plural. comp..... Comparative. prep,...Preposition. conj...... Conjunction. pron.......... Pronoun. imp. t,....... Imperfect Tense. sing........... Singular. interj...... Interjection. superl.......... Superlative. n.......Noun. v... No un. v. Verb. p.... i...... Participle. v. a.......... Verb Active. pp.......... Perfect Participle. v.n.. Verb Neuter. (30) A DICTIONARY OF THEENGLISH LANGUAGE. A ABLACTATE A..(pronounced a as a letter, but e as a word.) AB-BRtEVI-A-TURE, a. Al abridgment. The indefinite article, put before nouns of AB'DI-CXNT, a. Abdicating; renouncing. the singular number; as, u man, a tree. Be- Xa'DI-CKTE, v. a. To resign; to relinquish. fore words beginning with a vowel and Ith A'DI-CATE, v. n. To relinquish or abandon mute, it is written an; as, an ox, ast hour. Aq an office; to resign. is placed before a participle, or participial AnB-D-CA'TTON,n. Act of abdicating; resignanoun, and is considered as a contraction of at AB'DI-CA —TIVE, a. Implying abdication. [tion. or on; as, I am a walking. R., prefixed to AB-DBO S'EN, n. The lower venter or belly. many or few, implies one whole number. A AB-DOmi.tI-.NAL, a. Relating to the abdomen. has also the signification of each, e'very; as A3-DUCE1, v. a. To draw from; to separate. " The landlord has a hundred a year." AB-DU'CENT, a. Drawing away; pulling back..A-BAXCK, ad. Backwards; pressed against tile B-DrICTV, V. a. To take away by force or mast by the wind, as a sail. [land.'fraud, as a person;'to kidnap. XnF'A-COT, it. A cap of state once used in Eng- AB -DUCTION, at. A wrongful taking away. XB'.A-cts, n. A counting instrument or table. AB-DUCTIOR, n. A muscle which draws back. 4-BAFT', prep. Towards the stern of a vessel. A.-BE:-CE-DAiRI-AN,?t. A teacher or learner of' AB-AL;IEN- ATE, V. a. To transfer the title of A-BD', ad. In bed; on the bed. [the alphabet. to another, as of property; to alienate. ABE-:R'RANCE, n. Deviation from the right way. AB —AL-IEN-AtTIQN (ab-al-yen-atshtun), n. Act AnB-ERtRANT, a. Deviating from the right way. of transferring the title of property to another. XB-ER-RA!TIQN, n. The act of deviating. A-BANIDON, v. a. To give up, desert, forsake. A-RET, v. a. To assist; to set on; to incite. A-BAN'DONED (a-bhn'dund), p. a. Given up; A-BETSIMENT, a. The act of abetting. corrupted in a high degree; very wicked. A-BETTOcR, n. One who abets; an accomplice. A-BAN/DON-M5tNT, cf. The act of abandoning. A-BEYIANCE (a-baa'ns), c. Expectation of law. A-BASE', v. a. To humble, depress, bring low. AB-HOR', v. a. To detest; to abominate. A-BASE'MENT, cc. State of being brought low. AB-HORjIRENCE, n. Hatred; detestation. A BASHI, V. a. To make ashanled; to confuse. AB-HORRENT, a. Odious; inconsistent. A-BASHtMIENT, ci. Great shame or confusion. AB-HORt'RENT-LY, ad. In an abhorrent manner. A- BATA-BLE, a. That may be abated. AB-HiRWRER, n. One who abhors; a detester. A- BATE, V. a. To lessen; to diminish. A'BIB, n. First month of the Jewish year. A-RBATE1 v. cm. To grow less, to decrease. A-BIDEt, v.a. (imp. t. and pp. abode.) To stay 4-BATE'MENT, n. The act of abating; decrease. in a place: to dwell; to remain; to continue. A-BAT'tER, n. One who, or that which, abates. A-BIDEI, v. a. To wait for; to expect; to attend. Ann, n. The yarn of a weaver's warp. 4-BID'ER, n. One who abides or stays by. ~ XBA, n. A Syriac word, signifying father. A-BILt-TY, n. Power; skill; capacity; talent. XBn'n1A-Cy, n. Rights and privileges of an abbot. ABJE.CT, a. Mean; low; despicable; vile. XB'BV, n. An abbot; an ecclesiastical title. AB-JC'tTION, n. VVant of spirit; baseness. XB'nB.SS,?1. The governess of a nunnery. AB'JECT-LY, ad. Meanly; basely; vilely. XB'BEY, n. A priory; a monastery; a convent. _ABtJECT-NESS, n. Abjection; meanness. XBB.OT, n. The chief of an abbey or convent. AB-JU-D!-CA'TION, it. Rejection. 4B-BREnI'V-ATE, v. a. To abridge; to shorten. AB-JU-RA'TION, n. The act of abjuring. AB-BRE-R-vI-A'TIQN, n. A shortening; one or AB-JUREf, V. a. To recant; to renounce. more letters oif a w 1rd standing for the whole. AB-JURtEr, a. One who abjures or recants. AB-BRE'VI-A-TQR, a. One who abbreviates. 4B-LXC/TATE, V. a. To wean from the breast..A,:,I,O,U1,1, lolng; _X,t,YA~,,-,Vi short;A,,!,Q,V,~, obscure. —FkRE,FXRt,FST,Fi.LL; H-IR,HR; MXIEN, h i; Mt VE, NOR, S6N, BtLL, BiiR, RtLE.-4i of, soi,; g,., hard; as z; T as gZ; UIs. (3~1) ABLACTATION 32 ACADEMY XB-L.AC-TA'TIQN, a. Act of weaning from the AB-S NT', a. a. To keep away; to withldraw. breast:- a method of grafting. AB-SIN-TiiTEl, st. One absent from hisstation. AB-L-ATIQN, n. The act of taking away. AB-SlINTHI-AN, a. Of the nature of wormwood. AtBLA-TIVE, a. Noting the sixth case in Latin. AB-SlNI TIII-AT-ED,p.a. Containing wormtwood. A-BLAZE, ad. In a blaze; on fire. XB'SSQ-LUTE, a. Complete; not limited;positive. A'BLE, a. Having strength, power, or skill. AB'SO-LUTE-LY, ad. Fully; unconditionally..A-BLE-BOD-IED (.'bl-bid-id), a. Strong of body. AB'SQ-LUTE-NESS,n. Completeness:; despotism. A'BLE-NaiSS, a. Ability; vigor;. force. AlB-SO-LU0TIQN,n. Actof absolving; acquittal. AB'LU-E.INT, a. Washing clean; purifying. AlB-S6L.U-ToQ-y, a. That absolves. AB-LUFTIQN, n. Act of cleansing or washing..AB-SO)LVA-TQ-RY, a. Relating to pardon. A'BLY, ad. fn an able manner; with ability. AB- oLVE', v. a. To clear; to acquit; to pardon. AB-NE.-GA'TTQON, n Denial; renunciation. 4B-~OLVtI:R, n. One who absolves. AB-NORtM.L, a. Irregular; anomalous. AB-soRBt, v. a. To imbibe; to swallow up..A-BOARD'tB-bard'), ad. In a ship or vessel. AB-SoR/ BErNT, n. Medicine that dries up. A-BOARD', prep. On board of. AB-SOR'tBENT, a. Having power to absorb. A-BODEI, n. IHabitation; dwelling; stay. AB-SORPLTION, n. The act of absorbing..A-BO:DE, imp. t. and pp. from abide.'.AB-STAIN', v. n. To keep from; to forbear. A-BODEM'MENT, n. A secret anticipation. AlB-STftM.I-olS, a. Temperate; abstinent. A-BOL'ISH, V. a. To annul; to destroy. AB-STEtM.1-O0S-LY, ad. Temperately; soberly. A-BIOLtSH-.A-BLE, a. That may be abolished. AB-STE.MI-OVs-NISS, mn. The being abstemious. A-BOL'tSH-ER, n. One who abolishes. AB-STERGE1, v. a. To wipe; to cleanse. A-BlOL'ISH-MB-NT, n. The act of abolishing. AB-STbERIQENT a. Having a cleansingquality. XB-Q-Lt'TIQN (ab-9-1lsh'un), a. The state of AB-STERlSItON, n. The act of cleansing. being abolished; the act of abolishing. AB-STER'SIVE, a. Cleansing. XB-Q-Li"TIQN7-ST, n. Promoter of abolition. ABlSTI-Nki NcE, n. Forbearance of food or drink. A-BOtM'I-NA-BLE, a. Hateful; detestable. AB'STI- NNT, a. Practising abstinence. A-B6OM'I-NA-BLE-NiESS, 7t. Hatefulniess. AB'STI-NhJNT-LY, ad. In an abstinent manner. Al-BOM'I-NA-BLY, ad. Hatefully; detestably. AB-STRACT', v. a. To draw from; to abridge. A-BOM I-NA.TE, V. a. To detest; to hate utterly. AB'STRACT, a. Separate; refined; pure. A-BoMt-I-NA'TIQNen. Hatred; object of hatred.:XB'STRACT,?. Concentration or essence:B-O-RIQtI-NAL, a. Original; primitive; first. an abridgment; an epitome; a sunmary. XB-Q-RIT-t.i-N.AL, n. An original inhabitant. AB-STRACT/ED, p. a. Separated; inattentive. AB-Q-R91.I-NE~, n. pl. The earliest inhabitants. AB-STRACT'ED-Ly,ad. In an abstracted manner. A.,-BORITIo N a. Miscarriage; untimely birth. AB-STRACT'E.D-NSS, a1. Tihe being abstracted. A-BOR'TIVE, a. Imllmature; unsuccessful. An-STRA;TIIR, n. One who abstracts. Al-BOR!TIVE-LY ad. Immaturely; untimely. AB-STRACITIQN, n. Act of abstracting. A-BORtTIVE-NRSS, n. The state of abortion. AB-STRACtTIVE, a. Having power to abstract. A-B" OND', v. n. To be in great plenty. AlB-STRtSE', a. Hidden; obscure; difficult. A -BO0T, prep. Around; near to i concerning. AB-STROSE'LLy, ad. Obscurely; not plainly. 4-BbOT', ad. Circularly; nearly; around..AB-STROSEt'NiESS, n. Difficulty; obscurity. A-bo vE' (a-byiv), prep. Higher than; more AB-StjRD', a. Unreasonable; inconsistent. than; greater than; beyond; too proud for. AB-SURDII-TY, n. Inconsitsency; folly. A-B5VE' (,abiivt), ad. Overhead; before. AB-SUIRD'LY, ad. Unreasonably; injudiciously.'.A-ll6VE'BOARD, ad. In open sight; openly. Al-SURD'N.ESS, n. The quality of being absurd. AB-RA-CA-DXB'RA, n. A superstitious charm. A-BtiN'DANCE, n. Great plenty; exuberance. 4-BRA.DE', v. a. To wear away; to rub off. A-BrUN'DANT, a. Plentiful; exuberant; ample. 4A-lRA1iQN (.-br5'zhhun), a. Act of rubbing off. A-BNti'DANT-Ly, ad. In plenty; amply. A-BREASTI (a-brbst'), ad. Side by side. A-BU-E3 v. a. To makre an ill use of; to revile. 4-BR!DqE', v.a. To make shorter; to contract. A-BUSE1, na. Ill use; injury; reproach. 4-BlRD. ER, n. One who abridges; a shortener. A-sU'ER, a. One who uses ill or reproaches. A-RIteDq'MEINT, n. A work abridged. A- B'SIVE, a. Containing abuse; deceitful. 4-BR6ACH', ad. In a position to let the con- A-BU'/SIE-Ly, ad. By a wrong use; rudely. tents run out, as a cask; broached. A-BUl'SIVE-NESS, n. Quality of being abusive, A-BROiD' (a-briwd'), ad. At large; from home. 4-BsiT', v. a. To end at; border upon; meet. XBIRQ-GATE, v. a. To repeal; to annul, abolish. A-BDT'MENT, n. That which joins another; AlB-RQ-GA'TIQN, n. The act of abrogating. mass of masonry at the end of a bridge. /tB-RVJPTF, a. Broken; sudden; unconnected. 4-BWTrTAL, n. The butting or boundary of land. ~.B-RiPt'TIQN, n. A violent or sudden separation. A-BZS6M' (t-blzm'), n. A gulf; an abyss. AB-RZtPT'LY, ad. Hastily; suddenly; ruggedly. 4-Bllss', n. A depth without bottom; a gulf. AB-R1tPTNEiSS, n. An abrupt manner. 4-CA'CI-A (a-ka'she-;t), n. A plant; a drug. ABXscdss, n. A tumor containing matter. AC-A-DE'MI-AN, n. A member of an academy. sl-SCINDr (ab-slind), v. a. To cut or pare off. AC-A-DEMt'C, a. An academic philosopher. AB-SC~SI'IQN (ab-sizh'un), n. A cutting off. AC-A-DM'IC, I a. Belonging to an academy, An-scC'ND', v.n. To hide or conceal one's self; XC-A-DEM. I-CAL, ~ or to the Platonic philosophy. to withdraw secretly; to steal away. AC-A-DE.-MIV'CTAN (Sk-t-de-mlsh'an), n. A AB-lSCoNDIER, n. One who absconds6 member of an academy; a man of science. AB'SENCE, a. The state of being absent; want. A-CAD'E-MY, n. A school of arts and sciences; ABlsa.NT, a. Not present; inattentive in mind. a school or seminary of learning. i,li,L.,isU long t AY,,,I,51t,, short; 4,E,,O,JY, obscure.-FARE,F;RFAST FALL; iftIR,HtR; ACANACEOUS 33 ACHROMATIC X.C-A-NA.tCEOVS (Sk-a-nafshus), a. Prickly. AC-CoRDING TS, prep. Agreeably to; suiting.-CXN'THUS, n. The herb bear's breech. AC-COPRD'ING-LY, ad. Agreeably; conformably. 4-CAT-A-LEC'TIC, n. A complete verse. AC-COSTt, v. a. To speak to; to address. A-CXT-A-LGEP'TIC, a. Not discoverable. AC-COSTVA-BLE, a. Easy of access; familiar. AC-CEDEf, v. n. To comply; to assent. AC-CUONT', n. A computation; reason; re4C-CGLtER-ATE, v.a. To hasten; to quicken. gard; rank; estimation; profit; narration. 4C-CEL-R-A'ITION,.n. A quickening. AC-COUNT', v. a. To esteem, reckon, compute. 4C-CL'riR-.A-Tv'E, a. Increasing velocity. Ac-cODNT', v. n. To reckon; to give an account. AC-CENISIQN, n. The act of kindling. AC-COUNT-A-BIL'.I-TY, n. Accountableness. AC'CENT, n. Modulation or stress of voice; a AC-COUNT'A-BLE, a. Amenable. [countable. mark on a syllable directing modulation or AC-COUNT'A-BLE-NESS, -n. State of being acstress of voice; language; words. AC-CO6INT'ANT, n. One who keeps accounts. AC-CENTf, v. a. To express the accent of. AC-COUPILE (ak-kflp!pl), v. a. To link together. AC-CENT'U-AL, a. Relating to accent. AC-COUiP'LE-1-MfNT, n. A junction; a tie. AC-ChNT'1U-ATE, v, a. To place the accent on. AC-COUtTRE (ak-ks'tur), v. a. To dress; to AC-C:NT-U-A'TION, n. Act of placing accent. equip. [arms; equipage; equipments. AC-CEPT','v. a. To take; to receive; to admit. AC-COU'TRE-LENTS,. pl. p. Military dress and AC-CEPT-A-B!L'I-TY, W. Acceptableness. AC-CRED'IT, v. a. To give or procure credit to. AC-Ch PTIA-BLE, a. Likely to be accepted; AC-CRED'IT-,D, p. a. Intrusted; empowered. grateful; pleasing; welcome. AC-CRESCEgNT, a. Increasing; growing to. AC-ChiPT'A-BLE-NESS, a?. A being acceptable. AC-CRE'TIQN, a. Act of growing to another. AC-CEPTIA-BLY, ad. In an acceptable manner. AC-CRETIVE, a. Increasing by growth. AC-CIPTIANCE, n. Reception; acceptation. AC-CRUE' (ik-kru), v. n. To be added; to XC-CEP-TA/TION, a. Acceptance; meaning. arise, as profits; to follow, as loss. 4C-CEPT/ER, n. One who accepts. AC-CRKtMENT, n. Addition; increase. 4C-cEss1 oraXc/Css,n. Approach; admission. XC-CU-BA1'TIQN, n. Act of lying or reclining. XC'CE S-SA-RY, n. (Law.) One who is guilty of AC-CuMtBEgN-CY, n. State of being'accumbent. a crime, not principally, but by participation. AC-CUBI'BENT, a. Leaning; reclining. XC'CES-SA-RY,a. Contributing.See ACCESSORY. AC-CU.MV-LATE, v. a. To heap up; to pile up. AC-CiES-Si-BIL'.I-Ty, n. State of being accessible. AC-CU1MV-LATE, v. n. To increase; to amass. iC-CptslSI-BLE, a. That may be approached. AC-CU —IV1-LATIQN, n. The act of accumulatAC-CES'SIQN (ak-sgsh'un), n. Addition; en- ing; increase; addition; augmentation. largement; augmentation; approach; arrival. AC-CU'MU-LA TIVE, a. That accumulates. C'CEgs-SQ-RY, n. An accomplice; accessary. AC- CUM'lV-LA-TQR, n. One who accumulates. 3XC'CiS-so-Ry, a. Joined; contributing. ACICV-RA-C~, n. Exactness; correctness. XC'CI-DtNCE, n. Book of rudiments of gram- XCfCU-RATE, a. Exact; correct; precise. XC'CI-DENT, n. Casualty; chance; hap. [mar. XCIC -RATE-LY, ad. Exactly; correctly. XC-C'I-DNT.AL, a. Non-essential; casual. AC'CV-RATE-NESS, n. Exactness; accuracy. XC-CI-D:NT'tAL-L~, ad. Casually; fortuitously. AC-CURSEt, v. a. To doom to misery; to curse. 4C-CLA~.IMt',. A shoutof praise; acclamation, AC-CURS'ED, p. a. Cursed; execrable; hateful. XC-CLA-MAtTIQN, n. A shout of applause. AC-CUt1A-BLE (ak-kl'za-bl), a. Blamable. 4C-CLkM'tA-TQ-RY, a. Pertaining to acclama- AC-CU -ATITQN, n. The act of accusing; that AC-CL'MiATE, v. a. To inure to a climate. [tion. of which one is accused; charge. 4C-CLIV'I-TY,n. Steepnessreckoned upwards. AC-CUF'A-TIVE, a. Noting the fourth case of 4C-CLI!VO ts, a. Rising with a slope. Greek and Latin nouns. XC-CO-LADE', n. A blow given in knighting. AC-CFUYA-TQ-RY, a. Containing an accusation. AC-COMSMtMQ-DA-BLE, a. That maybe adapted. AC-CE', v. a. To charge; to blame. AC-COM'MQ-DXTE, v.a. To supply, fit, or adjust AC-CIUFER, n. One who accuses. 4C-COM-MIO-DA'TION, n. Provision of conven- AC-CS'TTOM, av. a. To habituate; to inure. iences; fitness; reconciliation. [dates. AC-CUSTQoM-A.-RY, a. Usual; customary. AC-C6ot'MIo-DA-TOR, n. One who accommo- AC-CS'TOQMED (ak-kus'tiumd), a. Usual. J4C-COM1PA4-NI-M4tNT, n. That which attends. ACE, n. A unit on cards or dice: — an atom. AC-COMt'PA-NY, v. a. To attend; to go with. A-CrEjPH'A-LOS (a-sf'.a-lhs), a. Without ahead. AC-C6OMPL.CE, n. An associate in crime. A-CERBt, a. Acid and astringent..C-CoM'PLISH, v. a. To complete; to execute. A-CERfBATE, v. a. To make sour. AC-COMIPLISHED (.ak-ktrnlplisht), p. a. Com- A-CERfBI-TYn. Sour taste; severityof temper. plete in some qualification; refined; elegant. A-CSt1CENT, a. Tending to sourness or acidity. AC-COMtPLISH-ER, n. One who accomplishes. A'E -TATE, a. (Clemnt.) Neutral salt..AC-CoM'PLISH-MINT, n1. Completion; full XC-E-TOSE', a. Sour; sharp; acetous. performance:-ornament of mind or body. A CX'VTOUS, a. Having the quality of vinegar. AC-COMPTf (gk-kfount'), n. See ACCOUNT. XAHE (ak), n. A continued pain. AC-CORD', a. a. To make agree; to adjust. ABHE (ak), v. n. To be in continued pain. AC-CORDI, v. n. To agree; to harmonize. A-CHIE VA-BLE, a. Possible to be achieved. AC-CoRD', n. A compact; agreement; union. A-CHIEVE', v. a. To perform; to finish; to gain. AC-CORD'ANCE, a. Agreement; conformity. A-CHIrVEtMENT, n. Performance; an exploit. AC-CORD'ANT, a. Consonant; corresponding. A-CHIVtER, n. One who achieves. AC-CORD'ANT-LY, ad. Inan accordantmanner. AH'aING (ak'ing), n. Pain; uneasiness. 4C-CoRD'ER, n. An assistant; helper; favorer. XCH -RQ-MaXT';C, a. Destitute of color. MIEN, SiR; MOVE, NUPR, SON-; BOLL, BiR, RtLE. —,, sojft;, a, hard; h: as z.;: as gz; THIS. ACID 34 ADHESIVELY X91tD, a. Sour; sharp; like vinegar in taste. XCOT-V-XLf1I-TY, n. The state of being actual. A.ILD, n. An acid substance. ACT'V-JAL-Ly, ad. In act; really; in fact. A-CID'T-PI-F -BLE, a. That may be acidified. ACT'V-A-Ry, n. A clerk; a managing officer. A-CID-I-F!-C!ATION, n. The act of acidifying. ACT1V-JATE,v. a. To pllt into action; to excite. 4-CID.I-FY, v. a. To convert into an acid. XC'U-A.TE, v. a. To sharpen; to point..A-CD'I-TY, n. An acid taste; sourness. A-CU'LE-ATE, a. Having a point; prickly. XAi'ID-NkSS, n. Acidity; sourness. A-CUIMEN, n. Sharpness; quick perception. A-CID'V-L]ATE, v. a. To tinge with acids. A-CUtM.I-NAT-ED, p. a. Sharp-pointed. A-CID'V-LOrs, a. Sourish; somewhat acid. A-ClU-Mt-NA'TIQN, n. The act of sharpening. 4C-KNOWL'E.DqiE (ak-nDl'gj), v. a. To own; A-CITE1, a. Sharp; keen; penetrating. to confess; to admit to be true; to grant. A-CUTEILY, ad. Sharply; ingeniously; keenly. AC-KN6WLI.Do-4-MENT (ak-n6lej-mdnt), n. A-CUTE'/NESS, n. Sharpness; penetration. Concession; recognition gratitude. AD'A9E (ad'j), n. A maxim; a proverb. [clrmi, n. The highest point; the summit. A-DA'q-O, a. (MJus.) A slow time. iXCtO-N!TE,sn. The poisonous plant wolf's-bane. XADA-MANT, n. A very hard stone; diamond. A/CORN, n. The seed or fruit of the oak. XD-A-MAN-TE'AN, a. Hard as adamant..A-COS'T.IC, a. Relating to hearing. AD-A-MAN'T.INE, a. Made of adanmant; hard. A-C6SCs'TICS, n. p1. The science of sounds. A-DAPT', v. a. To fit; to suit; to accommodate. AC-QUKINT', v. a. To make familiar; to inform. A-DAPT-A-BEI LI-TY, n. Capability of adaptation. AC-QU.AINT/'.NCE,n. Familiarity; knowledge;.A-DXPT'A-BLE, a. That may be adapted. a person with whom one is acquainted. AD-AP-TAtT1ION, a. Act of adapting; fitness. AC-QUAINTtED, a. Familiar; well known. ADD, v. a. To join; to unite; to suljoin. AC-QUrESTt, n. Acquisition; thing gained. AD-D9';I-FiATE, v. a. To take tithes of. XC-QUI-tscE' (ak-we-s'), v. n. To remain sat- AD'DER, n. A viper; a venomous reptile. isfied; to comply; to assent; to agree. XD'DER'~-GRASS, n. A species of plant. XC-QU.I-ES'CEgNCE, n. Compliance; assent. AD'DE[R'-TONGUE (adlderz-tting), n. A plant. AC-QUI-s'CIE.NT, a. Easy; complying. XD-DER' -WORT (-wiirt), n. Snake-weed. 4C-QUIR'A-BLE, a. That may be acquired. AD-D -BIL'I-Ty, a. Possibility of being added. 4C-QU1RE', V. a. To gain; to conme to; to attain. AD'DI-BLE, a. That may be added. AC-QUIR/ER,?1. One who acquires. ADDICE, n. A cutting tool. See ADZE. AC-QUIRE1MENT, a. Acquisition; attainment. AD-DICTf, v. a. To devote; to apply.. AC-QUI-~i. TION (ak-we-zish'un), n. The act AD-DICT'ED-NtSS, 1. State of being addicted. of acquiring or gaining; thing gained. AD-DIC'TIQN, n. The act of devoting; habit. 4C-QU'./I -TiVrE, a. Disposed to acquire. AD-DIT'A-MRNT, n. Addition; thing added. AC-QUIT', v. a. To set free; to discharge. AD-DI51TION (ad-dlsh'un), n. The act of add4C-QUITtT.AL, n. A judicial discharge. ing; increase:- a branch of arithmetic. AC-QUIT'TANCE, Sn. A discharge from a debt. AD-D'ITION-AL (ad-dishl'n-al), a. Being added. A'CRE (a'kur), ns. 160 square rods of land. AD-DI'/TION-AL-LY, ad. In addition. ACtRID, a. Of a hot, biting taste; pungent. AD'DI.-TQ-Ry, a. Having the power of adding. AC-RI-MO'NI-OtS, a. Abounding with acrimony. AD'DLE, a. Barren; unfruitful. [Foolish. AC-Rt-MOtNI'-OJs-NEss,?i. Acrimony. AD'DLE-HiIAD/ED, or XD'DLE-PAT'ED, a. XC-Ri-MVo'tNI-OiJS-LY, ad. With acrimony. AD-DRCSS, v. a. To speak, apply, or direct to. AC'RI-MO-Ny, ni. Sharpness; severity of temper. AD-DRi SSI, n. A speech; petition; courtship; C'.RI-TUDE; n. An acrid quality or taste. skill; dexterity; direction, as of a letter. AC-RO-A-MXT'.C, or AC-RO-A-MXT'J-CAL, a. AD-DRESS].ER, n. The person who addresses. Pertaining to deep learning; abstruse.. AD-DUCE., v. a. To bring forward; to allege. XC'RO-BATE sa. rope- ancer, agyms. 1i D-U)-DCI-BLE, a. That may be adduced. A-CRON'Y-CAL, a. Rising when the sun sets, AD-DUCTIOQN, n. The act of adducing. and setting when the sun rises. AD-DUIC'TIVE, a. That brings forward. AXCRO-SPIRE, n. A shoot from the end of seeds. A-D TMP'TION, n. A taking away; privation. A-CRbSS', ad. Athwart; transversely. AD- L-N NG'RA-PHY, s1. A treatise on the glands. A-CROSS TIC, n. A poem in which the first or A-D:PT', sn. One well versed in any art. first and last letters of the lines spell some A-DEPT', a. Skilful; thoroughly versed. A-CROS'TI-CAL, a. Relating to acrostics. [name. ADtF-QUA-CY, Si. Sufficiency; enough. ACT, v. n. To be in action; not to rest. XD!EP-QUATE, a. Equal; proportionate. ACT, v. a. To perform; to feign; to imitate. AD'E QUATE-Ly, ad. In an adequate manner. ACT, n. A deed; an exploit; a part of a play. ADIE-QUATE-NSS,.n. State of being adequate. XCT'ING, n. Action; act of performing. AD-HiRE/, v. n. To stick; to remain fixed. AC'TIQN, n. Deed; battle; gesture; lawsuit. AD-HLR/ENCE, I n. The quality of adhering; AC'TIQN-A-BLE, a. That admits an action. AD-H. RIEN-CY, a attachment; tenacity; fidelACWTIVE, a. Busy; ninible; agile; quick. AD-HE, ttENT, a. Sticking; adhering. [ity. AC'TIVE-LY, ad. In an active manner; busily. ADO-HERIRENT, i. One who adheres; a disciXC'TIVE-NESS,1 n. The quality of being ac- AD-HER5ER, ple; a follower. AC-TiV'l-TY, [ tive;nimbleness; liveliness..D-HERt'ENT-Ly, ad. In an adherent manner. ACT'OR, n. One who acts; a stage-player. AD-H1,tSION (ad-hetzhun), n. Act of adhering. XC'TRESS, n. A woman that plays on the stage. AD-H-'ESIVE, a. Sticking; tenacious; viscous. XCT'T.-4L, a. Real; true; effective; certain..AD-HES.VE-LY, ad. In an adhesive manner.:,j,~,1.^i~, long; X,[Y,,6,t,t, short; A,,, 9,Y obscure.-FAIR:E,XAR,FSTAT,FLL; HtIR,HER; ADHESIVENESS 35 ADVANTAGEOUS AD-HE'SIVE-NPSS, n. Tenacity; viscosity. AD-Ma'Xt, v. a. To mingle; to mix; to blend..XD-HQR-TAtTION, n. Advice; act of advising. AD-tXT'rION (ad-mlks'chun), at. A mingling. AD-I-XPH'O.-RO0S, a. Neutral; indifferent. AD-IIXT'tURE (ad-mikst'yur), n. Mixture. 4-DIEOU (a-di'), ad. Farewell; good-by. AD-ItON'ISt, v. a. To warn, reprove, advise. A-DIEUrt (a-dit), n. A farewell; a valediction. AD-i6oNIIs H-Erit, n. One who admonishes. XDII-POsE, or XD'I-POrS, a. Fat; fatty. AD-.10 -N11HTION (dd-mQ-lo-nishlu), a. The hint XD'IT,?l. A passage for water under ground. of a fault or duty; gentle reproof or reprimand. AD-JA'C-E.N-CY, a. The state of lying close to. AD-MONtI-TIVE, a. Giving admonition. AD-JACE.NT, a. Lying near; contiguous. AD-MloNIi-TQ-Ry, a. That admonishes. XD'JeIC-TIV-AL, a. Pertaining to an adjective; A4D-NASICENT, a. Growing to something else. partaking of the nature of an adjective. A-DOt, i1. Trouble; difficulty; bustle; tumult..XD'JI.C-TIVE, n. A word added to a noun, to XD-o-LaStCENCE', I. The age between childexpress some quality; as, good, bad, &c. XD-Q-LtS/Cl.N-CY, hood and manhood. D'JjEC-TIVE -LY, ad. As an adjective. AD-Q-LLS'CE.NT, a. Relating to adolescence. AD-JOIN', v. a. To join; to unite or put to. A-DOPTt, v. a. To take as one's own. AD-JQ1Nt, v. n. To be contiguous; to lie near. A-DOPT'rER, n. One who adopts:-a distilling 4D-JOURN' (ad-jiirn'),v.a. To put off, postpone. A-DOP1TION, n. The act of adopting. [vessel..AD-JOUJRN' NT (ad-jiirn'ment), n. A putting A-DOP/TIVE, a. That adopts or is adopted. off till another time; postponement; delay. A-DOR1A-BLE, a. Worthy of adoration; divine..D-JsiD'E, a.a. To award; to decree; to deem. A-D6R1A -BLE-N.SS, an. Worthiness of adoration. AD-Jj'uI-CATE, v. n. To pass judgmnent. A-DoR'A-BLY. ad. In an adorable manner. aD-JU'DI-CATE,a. a. To adjudge; to sentence. XD-O-RitTIQN, n. Divine worship; homage. AD-JU-DI-CA./TION, a. The act of adjudicating. A-DORPF, v. a. To worship; to reverence; to XDo'JrNCJT, n. Something joined; addition. A-oR'ERE, n. One who adores; a lover. [love. XD'J[PNCT, a. United; joined; adjoined. A-DoRtN' v. a. To dress, decorate, embellish. 4D-J[rNC'TIN, an. Act of adjoining; addition. A-DRIFT', ad. Floating at random, as a ship. AD-JJNC'TIVE, n. That which is joined. A-DROIT', a. Dexterous; active; skilful. AD-Ji'NC'TIVE, a. That joins; joining. A-DROITTLY, ad. Dexterously; skilfully. XD-Ji-RA'TIQN, n. The act of adjuring. A-DROITlNr.SS, n. Dexterity; skill; activity. AD-JURE't,. a. To charge on oath or earnestly. A-DRY/, a. Thirsty; in want of drink. AD-JtrST', v. a. To regulate; to put in order. S.D-scI-TiflTIOVS (ad-se-tish'us), a. Additional. AD-JJrSTaIMENT, n. Regulation; settlement. AD-.U-LA'TION, n. Excessive flatteryor praise. XD'JU-TAN-CY, a. The office of ain adjutant. XD'U-LA-TO-RY, a. Flattering; comnplimental. XD'JJU-TXNT,n. Amilitaryofficer; an assistant.A-DULT/, a. Grown up; of mature age. XD/'J-VXNT, a. Helpful; assisting; useful. A-DULT, it. A person grown to maturity. AD-1t1 A~'URE-MtNT (ad-mslezhltur-mtnt),n. The A-DULTNESS, n. - The state of being adult. act or result of measuring; ileasure. A-DrJLTTE- ANT, n. That which adulterates. AD-MiVtN-SU.-RATION, n. The act of measuring. A-DULtTER-ATE, v. a. To corrupt; to debase..D-MINtIS-TER, v. a. To supply; to afford; to A-DULtTER-ATE, a. Corrupted; spurious. direct; to tender: - to act as administrator of. A-DrIftTER-ATE-LY, ad. In an adulterate manAD-MINtIS-TER, v. n. To contribute; to con- A-DULtTER-ATE-NESS, n. Spuriousness. [ner. duce; to act as administrator of an estate. [tion. A-DL-TER-A.TIQN, n. Act of adulterating. AD-M'IN1IS-TRA-BLE, a. Capable of adlinistra- A-D(ILtTER-IER, n. A person guilty of adultery. XD-MIN-JS-TRA'TIQN, nt. Act of administering; A-DiJLTIT R-ESS, n. She who commits adultery. the executive part of government; cabinet. A DIL'tTIgR-INE, n. A child of an adulteress. AD-MIN'IS- TRA-TIVE, a. That administers. A-DULtTER-INE, a. Spurious; adulterous. XD-MtN-IS-TR&A'TQR, n. He who has the charge A-DJLtTiER-O[0s, a. Guilty of, or tainted by, of the estate of a man dying intestate. [trator. adultery; spurious; corrupt; adulterate. AD-MIN-IS-TRA1TOR-SHiP, n. Office of adminis- A-DL'T R-Y, n. Violation of the marriage bed. XiD-MIN-.S-TRAI TRIIX, i. She who administers. AD-UM'tBRANT, a. Giving a slight resemblance. AD-MI-RA-BILtI1-TY, n. Admirableness. AD-IJM1BRATE, v. a. To shadow out faintly..XD/MI-RtA-BLE, a. Worthy of being adinired. AD-iM-BRA tTIQNT n. A faint sketch; a shadow. XDtMI-RA-BLRE-NJtSS, n. Admirable quality. A-DUNCI-TY, n. Crookedness; form of a hook. XDtMI-RA-BLY, ad. So as to raise wonder. A-DUST', or A-DSTtE.D, a. Scorched. DtMI.-R.AL, n. The chief commander of a fleet. A-DTS'TION, n. Act of burning sp or drying. XDRMI-R4L-SHiP, n. The office of an admiral. AD-V~INCE:, v. a. To bring forward; to raise; XD'M.I-R.AL-TY, n. The court or persons ap- to heighten; to propose; to pay beforehand. pointed for the administration of naval affairs. AD-VANiCE', v. n. To go forward; to rise. XD-MI-RAXfTION, n. Act of admiring; wonder. AD-VANCE', n. A going forvard; progression; AD-MIRE,, v. a. To regard with wonder or love. improvement; rise; anticipation of time. AD-MiRt5].R, n. One who admires; a lover. AD-VANCE/E'lNT, n. Improvement; promotion. iD-MIS'SI-BLE, a. That may be admitted. kD-VXN/C'ER, n. One who advances. AD-MISSSI-BLY, ad. In an admissible manner. AD-VAN'TAgE, n. Superiority; benefit; gain. AoD-litsISION (1d-mtsh'un), n. The act of ad- AD-VXNW'TAiE, v. a. To benefit; to promote. rnitting; admittance; entrance. [permit. AD-VAN'TA4E-GROND,, n. Ground or position AD-MiT', v. a. To suffer to enter; to grant; to that. gives superiority; vantage-ground. AD-MIYTTI-BLE, a. Capable of being admitted. XD-VAN-TA'XEOUS (Aid-vanm-t.'jus), a. Afford4D-MiTTA'TNCE,in. Act of admitting entrance. ing advantages; beneficial; profitable; useful. MIEN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, S6N; BftLL, BtR, ROLE. —, 9, soft; ~, r, hard; S as Z; * as gz; THIIS. ADVANTAGEOUSLY 36 AFIELD A D-VAN-TAt'EOUS-LVY ad. Profitably. A-I:-ROS-TXATIQN, n. The art or the science of XD-V~AN-TXAQEOUS- NESS,?1. Profitableness. weighing air - aronautics. AD-VINEV, v. n. To accede; to come. ZES-THLTIICS (es-thEtijks), n. The science 9AD'VENT, n. A coming; the coming of Christ; which treats of the beautiful, or of the fine arts. the four weeks before Christmas. [dental. A-FXART, ad. At a great distance; remotely; far. AD-VEN-TI"TIOUS (ad-ven-tishl.us), a. Acci- AF-FA-s BL'TI-rTY.. The quality of being affable. AD-VE.N-TSIfTIOUS-L, ad; Accidentally. AF1FA-BLE, a. Easy of access; courteous. AD-VhN'TIVE, a. Adventitious; coining to. AFfFA-BLE-NE SS, a. Courtesy; affability. [ly. AD-VENT1U-AL, a. Relating to the advent. AF1FA-BLY, ad. In all affable manner; courteousAD-VLNT'URE (ad-ventyur), n. An accident; 4F-FAIRI,n. Business; concern; transaction. a chance a hazard; enterprise; speculation. AF-FrCT', v. a. To act upon; to move. AD-VENTfUR. E, v. n. To try the chance; to dare. AF-FE.C-TAITIQN, n. False pretence or show. AD-VLNT/URE, v. a. To risk; to hazard. AF-FECT'ED,p a. Moved:-full of affectation. AD VENT/UR-ER, n. One who adventures. AF-ECT'IED-LY, ad. In an affected manner. AD-V:NTIUVE'-SSIE, a. Adventurous; bold. AF-FFCTr'ED-NESS,,. Quality of being affected. AD-ViENT'UR- OtiS a. Bold; daring; courageous. AF-FECTIERI, l. One who practises affectation. AD-V:LNT1UR-OTS- LrY, ad. Boldly; daringly. AF-FECTtING, p. a. Moving the passions. AD')VERB an. (Gram.) A word joined to a verb AF-FtFCTtING-LY, ad. In an affecting manner. or adjectivb to modify its sense. AF-FPC1TIQN,n. Desire; love; tenderness. [kind. AD-VER'BI-AL, a. Pertaining to an adverb. AF-FL:CITIQN-ATE, a. Warm; fond; tender; AD-VER1i BI-AL-L~, ad. In an adverbial manner. AF-FP ECTION-ATE-Ly, ad. Kindly; tenderly. iXDIVE.R-SA-Ry, n. An opponent; enemy..AF-FECfTIQN-ATE-NESS, n. Foiidness; tenderADtVnR-SA-R,, a. Opposite to; adverse. AF-FCtTIVE,a. That affects; nioving. [ness. AD-VVER'SA-TIVE, a. Noting opposition. AF-Fij CT.IVE-LY, ad. In an impressive manner. _nD/VERSE, a. Contrary; calamitous; opposite. Alr-FIANCE, n. A marriage contract; trust. AD-VERISI-TY,?. Affliction; misfortune. AF-FItANCE, v. a. To betroth; to pledge. ADV'VERSE-Ly, ad. Oppositely; unfortunately. AF-F11AN-CE R, n. One who affiances. AD-V RTT, v. n. To turn or attend; to regard. X F-FI-DA.VIT,1n. A written declaration on oath. AD-VERtTENCE,o?r AD-VER'TEN-CY, n. Regard. AF-FILTI-&ATE, v. a. To adopt; to associate with. AD-VER1TE.NT, a. Attentive; heedful. |AF-FIL-I-A.tTIQN, 7n. The adoption of a son. AD-VIR-TTI~Et, v. a. To inform; to give notice i.FTFI-N.AlE, n. Refining of metals by the cupel. to; to inform; to announce; to offer for sale. I AF-FINIS.-TY, sn. Relation by marriage; likeness. AD-VtR'.TI E-Mi NT or AD-V.R-TInE'MNT, a. A F-IYRt, F. n. To declare positively; to assert. Information; admonition; public notice.. AF-FIRM, v. a. To ratify; to assert; to allege. AD-vEiR-TI1'ER, a. One who advertises. ANF-Fi'RMA-BLE, a. Capable of being affirmed. AD-VICEI, n. Counsel; instruction; notice. AF-FIRMIANCE, 7L. Confirmation; declaration. AD-VI/SA-BLE, a. Prudent; expedient; fit. AF-FIR-A-M TIQN, n. A solemn declaration. AD-VIS'/A-BLE-NPSS, n. Propriety; fitness. AF-FNIRIMA-TIVE, a. That affirms; positive. AD-vlJE'l v. a. To counsel, inform, consult. AF-NFNIRMIA-TIVE-LY, ad. In an affirmative mnan4D-VISET, v. n. To consult; to deliberate. ANF-IRImtE.iR,n. The person who affirnis. [ner. AD-VIi:D-LY, ad. Deliberately; heedfully. AF-FIXIX, v. a. To unite; to subjoin; to fix. AD-VI'/ED-N3SS, n. Deliberation. AFlFIX, n. Something added to a word. AD-VIS'E/mENT, ne. Counsel; information. AF-FLA.tTIQON, n. The act of breathing upon. 4D-VIS/ ER, n. One who advises; a counsellor. AF-FLA1TUS, n. Divine inspiration. AD'VO-CATE, v. a. To plead for; to defend. 4F-FLICTi, v. a. To put to pain; to grieve. AD'VQ-CATE, at. One who pleads for another. AF-FL~CTIED-NEt:SS, n. Tile state of aftlliction. AD-VQ-C ATIQN, n. Act of pleading; defence. AF-FLICT1ER, n. One who afflicts. [grief. Ani-vo'WY-E, n. He that has advowson. rF-FLICITION, n. Calamity; sorrow; distress; AD-V-i5*'fON (.d-vif'ztLn), n. A right to pre- AF-FLLCITIVE, a. Painful; calamitous. sent to a church or ecclesiastical benefice. AF-FLICITIJVE-LY, ad. In an afflicting manner. ADZE, or AD/DICE, n. A tool to cut surfaces. AFfFLU-E.NCEna. Riches; plenty;. abundance..IMDILE (IdIl), mL. A Roman magistrate. AFNFLU-E.NT a. Abundant; wealthy; rich. 3t.QqL-OPS (I'jil-ops), n. An abscess; a plant. AFIFLVX, or AF-FLJUX.ION, n. A flowing to..iM~.S (;ljis), n. A shield:- affection of the eye. AF-FORD Iv. a. To yield or produce; to grant. xE-O'LI-AN-HIARP, n. A stringed musical in- AF-FOR tEST, V. a. To turn into forest. [free. strument played upon by the wind. AF-FRXNICHITE (af-fran'chiz), v. a. To make A-E'RI-AL, a. Belonging to the air; high; lofty. AF-FRXN'CHI.E'MENT, n. Act of making free. A:tRII (eireor- e-re), n. Anestofeagles, &c. AF-FRAY1, n. A quarrel; disturbance; tumult..AE-RI-FORM, a. Having the form of air. AF-FRIGHTT (af-frit'), v. a. To alarm; to terrify. A-E-ROGIRA-PHY, n. A description of th~qair. AF-FRIGHT' (af-frit'), n. Terror; fear; fright. AIE-RQ-LITE, n. A meteoric stone; meteorite. AF-rRONTI (af-frunt), v.a. To insult; to offend. A-E-R6L'O-9~Y, a. The science of the air. Ar-FR6NT1 (af-frintl), n. Insult; outrage..A'E-RO-Mi- N-CY, n. Divination by the air. AF-FRONT/IER (af-friunt'er),Iz. One who afironts. A-E-RoSi'E-T EREn. A machine for weighing air. AF-FRONT1IVE, a. Causing affront; abusive. A-E-RSoM'-TRY, n. The art of measuring the AF-USET, v. a. To pour upon; to sprinkle. Aig.-RQ-NAVUT, n. One who sails in the air. air. Ar-rFJISIN (af-fufzhlln),n. Act ofpouringupon. A-.E-r9Q-N.UT'ICS, n. Sailing in air; ballooning. AF-FrY v a. To betothll; to bind; to join. A-i —RQ-NrAuT', a. Pertaining to atronautics. A-FIELD (-feld'), ad. To the field; in the field. A,,E6i,TJl, longi;,Ri, shorit;,1,I,QV,~ obscure.- FARE:FAilFASTF- LL; IIRi Rl-I1; AFLOAT 37 ALAMODE A-FLOAT/ (a-flat'), ad. In a floating state. AG-NOiMIEN, an. An additional name given to a A FOOT1 (a-sft'), ad. On foot; in motion. person flomn somte event or illustrious action..A-FRPEt, ad. In time past; before; in front. AG-NOM-I-NA'TION, n. An additiional name. A-FOREtSAID (.a-fartsed), a. Said before. A-Got, ad In time past; since; past..A-FORTETIME, ad. In time past; formerly..A-GOGt, ad. In a state of desire. [J loaw word.] A-PRAIDt (a-frad'), a. Struck with fear. A-GO1ING, p. a. Being in action; moving. EA-FRS:tSH, ad. Anew; over again; newly. AGIO-Nli1t (agfo-nizm), n?. Contention for a prize. AFT, ad. Towards the stern of a vessel. [to. AG-O-NISWTIC, a. Relating to prize-figlht AF1ITER, prep. Later than; behind; according AGC —NISTI-CAL, - ing. [agony. AF'TER, ad. In succeedingtime.-a. Succeeding. G~O -NIZE, v. a. & n. To afflict with, or be in, AFITER-CLAP, n. A subsequent event. KGOQ-NY, n. Violent pain; suffering; anguish. AFPTER-CROP, n. The second crop. A-GRAIRI-AN, a. Relating to fields or groundts. AF'TER-SAITH, n. Second crop of grass. A-cGRuEE, v. n. To be in concord; to concur. AXFTER-NOON n. Time from noon to evening. A-GRELE/A-BLE, a. Suitable; pleasing. AFPTER-PIECE (afrter-pes),ia. A farce. [thought. A-GREE-IA-BLE-NLOSS, n. Quality of pleasing.:F'TER-TH5OUGHT (af'te.-th.awt), n. Later A-GREEA-BLY, ad. Consistently; pleasingly.AF/TER-WARD (affter-wurd), ad. In succeed- A -GREED, p.a. Settled by consent; in concord. AF/T.R-W4iRDq (affter-w.urdz)j l ing time. A-GREEiMENT,s1. Conicord; compact; bargain. AF'TER-WiT, n. Contrivance too late; after- -A GRESITIC or A-GRES/TI-CAL, a. Rustic.'GA, n. A Turkish title of dignity. [thought. AG-RI-CULTTU-RAL, a. Relating to agriculture. A-GAIN (a-ganf), ad. Asecond time; once more. A.IRI-CUOLT-URE (agll'e-kilt-yur), n. Tihe art A-GAINSTI (a-genst'), prep. In opposition to; of cultivating the ground; husbandry. in contradiction to resting or leaning on. AG-RI-CULT/U-RIST, A. One skilled in agriculA-GXPE (.a-gap%), ad. Staring with eagerness. AG1RI-MQ-Y, a. A perennial herb. [ture. AGIATE, st. A precious stone of a low class. A-GROlUNDt, ad. Ont the ground, as a vessel. AGA-TY, a. Pertaining to, or resembling, agate. AGIUE (a'gu), n. An intermitting fever, with A-GAVE, at. American aloe; century-plant. 3AtlU-fSH, a. Partaking of ague. [cold fits. At-E, n. A period of time; a generation of Imen; XA/Gi-IsH-Ns SS, n. Reseimblance to an ague. a number of years; century; maturity; old age. XHS (A), int. Noting dislike, surprise, or pity. A1OQD (a'jed), a. Old; stricken in years. X-rLIX, int. Expressing triumph and contempt. AGE N-CY, n. Action; action for another. A-HkAD', ad. Farther on; onward; on. AgIENT, n.,One who acts; a deputy; a factor. AID (ad), v. a. To help; to assist; to relieve. A-E. -QLA_&TION, as. Concretion into ice. AID (ad), n. Help; support; a-helper. AG-G;Lo5rtER-ATE, v.a. To gather up in a ball. AIDE-DE-CAP (addde-kvwng), n1.; pl. AIDESAG-CGLO.I- E.R-A/TION, n. A close gathering. DE-CAMP. A military officer employed n ler AG-GLU'TI-NANT, a. Uniting parts together. AIDILESS (addles), a. Helpless. [a general. AG-GLU1TI-NATE, v. a. To cause to adhere. AI'GR-ET (a/gret), s?. The egret or heron. AG-GLU-TI-NAITIQN, n. Union; cohesion. KIAtGU-LET, si. A tag at the end of fringe..IG/GRAN-DIZE, v. a. To make great; to exalt. AIL (al), v. a. To pain; to trouble; to annoy. XG-'GRAN-DIZE-MEiNT or AG-GRANIDIZE- AIL (al), v. t. To be in pain or trouble. MfNT, n. Act of aggrandizing; exaltation. AIL'ING (al'ing), p. a. Sickly; morbid. A'GR.AN-DI-ZEPI, n. One who aggrandizes. KIL/MENT (al'lment), 1. Pain; disease. AG'GRA-VATE, v. a. To make worse; to enhance. XAIi (am), v. a. q o direct; to strive; to point. XG-GRA-VA1TIQN, n. The act of aggravating. AIM (am), v. a. To direct, as a missile weapon. AGt'CRE-GATE, a. Formed of parts collected. AII (am), n. Direction; endeavor; design. AGIGRE-GATE, n. The sum of parts collected. AIUMLEss (aln/les), a. Without aim or object. AGIGRE-GATE, v. a. To accumulate. [ing. AIR (a),. Thle element in whiclh we breathe; AG-GRgI-GA,/TION,?1. Collection; act of collect- elltle wild:-mien of a person; aspect:-tune. AGIGRE-GA-TIVE, a. Taken together. [olence. AIR (air), v. a. To expose to the air; to warm AG-GRSSt, v. n. To commit the first act of vi- AIR'-BiAL-LOON, n. See BALLOON. 4G-GREs'SIOQN(ag-grislltull),I?. The firstinjury. AIR'BUILT (&rlbilt), a. Constructed in the air. AG-GRdCS'SIVrE,a. Making the first attack. AIRtDRAWN, a. Drawn in air; visionary. AG-GRkS:SORsa. One who commences hlostility. AIR'GU N, n. A gun discharged by air. AG-GRIEIVANCE (ag-gr'vagns),?t. Injury. i AIR/1-NPSS,?t. Exposure to the air; gayety. AG-GRIVE, v. a. To give sorrow; to vex. AIRIING, n. Exposure to, or admission of, tie air..AG —GR6UP (ag-gr8p'), v. a. To bring together. AIR'Pitrp, n. An apparatus by which the air is A-GHAST', a. Struck with horror; amazed. exhausted from closed vessels. ACQTLE, a. Active; nimble; ready; brisk. AUI'SIrIAFT, n. A passage for the air into mines. XA'iLE-NPSS, as. Nimbleness; agility. AIR'Y, a. Relating to the air; gay; sprightly..A-q-iLI-TY, n. Nimbleness;quickness; activity. AISIET (l), n. A walk or passage in a church. A GI-o or AXqT-6, n. The difference between AC, V. s. See AcHE. the bank notes and current coin of any place. A-KINT' a. Related; allied by nature; kindred. A9QI-TA-BLE, a. That may be agitated. AL.A-BAS-T1R, sn. A kind of soft, white stone. Ai'tI-TATE, v. a. To put in motion; to discuss. ALXA-BAS-TER, a. Made of alabaster. A-.-I-TAtTIQN, no. Disturbance; violent motions A- LACK, int. Alas; noting sorrow. [choly. AQ9I-TA-TQR, n. One who agitates; disturber. A-LsCiIA-DAY, i nt. Noting sorrow and melanAG'NATE, a. Allied; akin from the father..A-LAC(RI-TY, 21. Cheerfillness; liveliness. 4G-NA'TIQN, n. Descent from the same father. AL-A-MODE, ad. According to the fashion. MIEN, SfR; MVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BiUR, RtLE.-, t, soft;, o;, hard;; as Z; X as gz; THIS. 4 ALA1MODE 38 ALLOWABLE XL'A-IMODE, n. A thin silk stuff. as do not measure it exactly, or without a re. A-LARWI','t. A cry of danger; sudden terror. mainder; as, 3 is an aliquant part of 10. A-LARItf, v. a. To call to arms; to excite fear in. AL'I-QU6T, a. Noting such parts of a number A-LiARM'-BiLL,?a. A bell rung noting danger. as will exactly measure it. A-LiAR?'IING, p. a. Terrifying; giving alarm. A-LIVEl, a. Not dead; active; sprightly. A-LXttM1.IST, a. One who excites an alarm. XLIKA-HEST, at. A universal solvent. A-LAtsR3.m, n. An alarm clock; alarm. ALtKA-LI or XLtKA-LI, n. (Chem.) A substance.A-LAS, iet. Expressing lamentation or pity. forming neutral salts with acids. ALB,?1. A Roman Catholic priest's surplice. ALIK.A-LINE, a. Having qualities of alkali. AL/BA-TRoSS, n. A large web-footed bird. AL-KER/'ME~, n. Confection made of kermes. -AL-IL.IT, ad. Although; notwithstanding. ALL, a. The whole; every one; every part..AL-BItNO, at. A person unnaturally white. ALL,. Thewhole; everything. [.ll is miuch -L-BU-1TiN/E-OiS,, a. Like the white of an egg. used in composition: it adds force to the word; ALBUsi M, n. A book for inserting autographs, &c. as, all-hlonored, all-conquering, &c.] AL-Bt'IMEIN, n. The white Of an egg. [wood. ILL, ad. Quite; completely; wholly; entirely. AL-BiUR'NVI, it. The white or softer part of..LL-FO6L'-DAYI, n. The first of April. AL-CAID', n. An officer in Barbary and Spain. A.LL-FOUR~! (l-forz'), n. A game at cards. 4L-H-IEtI'I-CAL, a. Relating to alchemy. ALL-HAIL' (a1-hal'), int. All health; a salutation. XL'IHEI-SIIST,n. One versed in alchemy. [mist. _LL-HAL'LOW~ (al-hial'loz), c?. All-saints-day. XL-fIf —MISITI-CCAL, a. Acting like an alchle- &LL-HXALLOW-MASS, ALL-HXALLQW-TIDE,?1. AXL'HE.-NyL, n. Occult ciermistty;the pretended All-saints-day, or the timne near it. art of chasiging nietats into gold and silver. ALL'-HiAL (Mal/lh1),?t. A species oif plant. XL'CQO-HSL,?. Pure or highlyv-rectified spirit. ALL-SAINTT-D~AY (al-santz-dla), n. The day AL-CQ-HOL/IC, a. Relating to alcohol. for celelbrati g the saints; the first of Novenmber. ALICO-HO-LIZE, v. a. To convert into alcohol. ALL-SOUL -D.AY, n. The second of November. AL'CO-RAN, n. The Mahometan book of faith. ALL-WIE', a. Possessed of infinite wisdom. AL-CO-RANtIC, a. Relating to the Alcoran. AL-LAYr (l-la), v. a. To quiet; to pacify. AL-COVE', n. A recess; a niche; an arbor. AL-LAYt. See ALLOY. AL'DE.R, n. A tree resembling the hazel. AL-LAY/ER,n. The person or thing that allays. ALtDE. R-MXN, n. A magistrate in a corporation. AL-LE-GAtT1QN, n. Affirmation; a plea. AILE, a. A fermented mialt liquor. AL-LPEE',v. a. To affirm to declare; to plead. 4-L: C'TRY-Q-MAN-CY, n. Divination by a cock. AL-LEGE'A-BLE, a. That may be alleged. ALEIHOOF, a'. A species of ground-ivy. UAL-LE. PER (al-lij'ur), n. One who alleges. ALEI:IMOiSE, n. A house where ale is sold. AL-LE 9IANCE (al-letjans),n. Duty of a subject. A-LDEIBaIC, n. A vessel used in distilling. AL-Lr-GOR'TC, a. Isstle mannerof a alleA-LERT, a. On guard; watchful; brisk; pert. AL-LE-GOR'I-CAL,, gory; typical; figurative.:A-LERT/NESS, n. Sprightliness; pertness. XL-LE-GORIJ-C AL-LY, ad. In an allegorical ALEtWIFE, i. A fish; a species of herring. [bles. mannter; figuratively; typically. AL-EX-AN'DRINE, n. A verse of twelve sylla- AL-LE'-CGRI-CAL-NtiSS, 7. State of being alleA-LEX-I-PHXIAR'MIC, a. Counteracting poison. gorical. A-LLX-I-TER'IC, a. Antidotal; counteract- AL'- -Go-RIZE, v. a. To turn into allegory. -A LtX I T-R' -C.AL, ing poison. AL!LE.-Go-RtZE, v. n. To speak allegorically. AL'tE-BItA, n. A peculiar kind of arithmetic..AL'LE-GQ-Ry, n. A figurative discourse, imAL-Ti-B.RA'TC, a. Relating to algebra, plyingr something not literally expressed. A.L-C1-BRA'I-CAL, performed by algebra. AL-LLGTR&. A sprightly motion in music. AL1IE-BRA-iST, n. One versed in algebra. AL-L,-LUtJ.AH (al-le-l'tya), nt. A word of spirAXLGQt-Ri*T, I in. The art of computation by itual exultation, signifying praise God. [lay. XLtGQ-R ITHM, J nuisueral figures. AL-LEV'I-ATE, v. a. To ease; to soften; to alXAtLI-AS, ad. [L.] Otherwise.-a. A kind of writ. AL-LL-VI.-A'TION, n. Act of alleviating. XL'I-BI, n. [L.] (Law.) In another place. ALILEY ('l'le), in. A walk; a inarrow passage. ALTIEN (a.lt'en), a. Foreign; estranged. AL-LItANCE, n. A unionr by treaty or marriage. AL1IEN (al'yQn), n. A foreigner; a stranger. ALtLt-GATE, v. a. To join; to unite; to tie. XLtIEN-A-BL' E (al'yen-a-bl), a. Transferable. AL-LI-G aTTION, n. A rule of arithmetic. ALtIEN-ATE (altyen-at), v. a. To transfer or AL'LI-GA-TOR, at. The American crocodile. deliver to another, as property; to estrange. AL-LI'tIQON (al-lizhtun), n. A striking against. AL-IEN-XtTIQN (al-yen-a'shun), n. The act of AL-LiT-E R-ATIQN, an. The beginning of sevalienating; transfer: - mental derangement. eral connected words with the same letter. AL'IE.N-A-TQR,n. One who transfers or alienates. AL-LIT'EIR-A-TIVE a. Relating to alliteration. A-LIGHT' (i-lit'), v. n. To descend; to dismount. iL-LQO-A'TI.N, n. Act of placing or adding to. A-LIKE', a. & ad. With resemblance; equally. AL-LO-CU!TIQN, n. Act of speaking to; address..XLt'g-MiNT, n. Nourishment; food; nutriment. AL-LOtDI-AL, a. Independent of any superior. AL-i-MEiNTtAL, a. Nutritious; nourishing. AL-LO'DI-tMH, n. [L.] (Law.) A free manor. XL-T-MtPNT'A-RY, a. Belonging to aliment. AL-LONGEt (al-lunj'), n. A thrust with a rapier. AL-I-MEN-TAtTIQN, n. Act of nourishing. AL-Lo /t, v. a. To set on, as a dog; to incite. AL-.I-MH'N.-OtS, a. Nourishing; supporting. AL-LOTt v. a. To distribute; to parcel out. XLtI-MO-NY., n. Allowance to a married woman, AL-LOTtIENT, n. A share; part appropriated. on a legal separation from her husband. AL-LOWt, v. a. To admit; to grant; to abate. XL'-QUANT, a. Noting such parts of a number AL-LO'Ot.A-BLE, a. Capable of being allowed. A,.,I5,~,O,, long; X,~,I,6,i, short; 4,El,Q,,V,Y, obscitre. —FArE,FiR,FAST,FALL; HIRHER; ALLOWABLENESS 39 AMBIDEXTROUSNESS AL-L5~r'AA-BLE-NrSS,n1. State of being allowed. ALITER-CATE, v. na To wrangle; to contend AL-LOWtA-BLY, ad. With claim of allowance. AL-TER-CAtTIQN, a. Angry debate; wrangle. AL-LOWtANCE, ni. License; abatement; a grant. ALTTETR-NA-C,, n. Action perfrmed by turns. AL-LOT',?t. Baser metal mixed in coinage. AL-TER'NATE, a. One after another; reciprocal. AL-L LtO, v. a. To debase by mixing, as metals. AL-TERINATE, wn. What happens alternately. ILL'SPICE, n. Jamaica pepper or pimenta. AL-TtER NATE, or ALtTE R-NATE, v. a. To perAL-LUDEI, v. n. To refer; to hint; to insinuate. form alternately; to cliange reciprocally. AL-LU1MI-NQR, n. A colorer or painter on paper. AL-TERINATE-LY, ad. II reciprocal succession. AL-LURE, v. n. To.entice; to decoy; to lure. L-TERNATE-NrSS, a. Tile being alternate. AL-LUREtMENT, n. An enticement; temptation. AL-TER-NAiTI.ON, l. Reciprocal succession. AL-LURfe'R n. One who allures; an enticer. AL-TERlNA-TIVE, n. Choice given of two things. AL-LUjRILNG, a. Tempting; seducing; enticing. AL-TER1RNA-TI VE, a. Implying alternation. AL-LUJRIING-LY, ad. In an alluring manner. AL-TERINA-TIVE-LY, ad. By turns; reciprocalAL-LURIIING-NE, SS, n. Enticement; seduction. AL-TEi RNA-TIVE-NESS, n. Reciprocation. [ly. AL-LUJ1IQN (al-lfizhtun), n. A reference to AL-TErt'NI-TY, n. Reciprocal succession. something known; a hint; an implication. AL-TEtAf', n. A genus of flowering shrubs. AL-LUtSIVE, a. Hinting at something. AL-THOUGH't (l-thl'), conj. Though; be it so. AL-LU'VI-AL, a. Pertaining to alluvion. AL-TIL'Q-QUUNC E, at. Pompous language. AL-LUVi -Q, na. Alluviumrn; alluvial land. 4L-TTME.-TRY, n. Measurement of heights. AL-LUIrV.I-ua5,. Ass accession of earth, gravel, AL-TIStQO-NANT, a. Pompous or lofty in sound. &c., washed to the shore by rivers, &c. AL'TI-TUDE, as. Height; elevation; loftiness. AL-LyTi v.a. To unite by kindred or friendship. AL-TQ-G.TH1E,R, ad. Completely; without exAL-LVt, n. One allied; a confederate. XL'V/-DEL, n. A chemical vessel. [ception. ALtiMA, or XL'ME, n. A dancing girl in the East. AL'UM, n. Anl astringent mineral salt. ALtISAA-NXC, n. An annual register; a calendar. A-LUt'iI-NA, n. (Cheem.) The oxide of aluminum. AL-MIGH/TIc-NESS, n1.. Unlimited power. A-LU1tmI-NUM,?i. Metallic base of alumina. AL-MIG'ItT (l-mi'tte), a. Omnipotent. A-LUMIT-NOtSS, a. Resembling alum:-clayey. AL-.MIGH'TY4 (il-mi'te), Cn. The divine Being. ALIVINE, a. Relating to the belly or intestines. AL'MOND ('uimund), a. Nut of the almond tree. ALWA.~Y (.l'waz), ad. Perpetually; constantly. XLt'I3JND ('limt.ndz), n. pl. Two round glands XM. The first person of the verb to be. at the base of the tongue; the tonsils. XM-.A-BILII-Ty, n. Loveliness; amiability. XL'M.ION-ER, n. A distributer of alms. A-MAtNI, ad. With vehemence; with vigor. XAL'MN-IY,*. Place for distributing alms. A-iXtAL'GAM, n. (Chem.) A combination of merALtMOST ors iL-MOST', ad. Nearly; well nigh. cury with another metal.:LMA (amnz), n. A gift or benefaction to the poor. A-MAXLGA-MiTE, v. a. To combine or unite, as XiLM~'DEED (amzlded), n. An act of charity. metals; to Fliix; to mingle. XLM~'IGIV-1ER (aInz'iTv-er), n. A giver of allns. A-MXL-GA-KI/TIQN, n. The act of amalgamatXLMtHSOUSE (Arnz'hlis), n. A house devoted ing; mixture. [another dictates. to the reception and support of the poor. A-MAN-U — UNVSIS, n. A person who writes what XLM/'MAN, It. A man living upon alms. AM'A-RKANTIt, n. A plant the flower of which XL'MG-TR]EI,?t. A tree mentioned in Scrip- long retains its color; a purplish color. XLINA'E, Si. Measurement by the ell. [ture. AM-A-RAN'THINE, a. Consisting of amaranths; XL'N-A-ERS, n. A measurer by the ell. undying; imperishable; undecaying. XL'/OE (Al'Sz), n. A tree; a cathartic juice. AM-i-RALtLLIS, 7. (Bot.) A genus of plants. AL-Q-RT'JC, a. Consisting of aloes; re- A-MASSI, v. a. To collect together; to heap up. AL-Q-ET'I-CGAL, 5 lating to, or obtained from, A-MASSrMENT, n. A heap; an accumulation. A-LOFT', ad. On high; above; in the air.[aloes. AM-A-TEURit, n. A lover of any art or science. A-LONE1 a. Single; without company; solitary. Amt-A-TO1RI-AL, a. Relating to love; causing, A-LONG1, ad. At length; forward; onward. Mi'A.-TO-RY, or inciting to, love. A-LONG- SIDE', ad. By the side of, as of a ship. A-iXAZEi, v. a. To astonish, perplex, confuse. A-LOSF', ad. At a distance; cautiously. A-MAZErME. NT, 7n. Confusion; astonishment. A-LoUD, ad. Loudly; with a great noise..A-MAZING, p. a. Wonderfull; astonishing. AL'PHA, n. The first letter in the Greek alpha- AMIA-ZON, C. A warlike woman; a virago. AL'PHMA-BET, 7n. The letters of a language. [bet. XM-A-ZO1NI-AN, a. Warlike; relating to amaXL-PHA-BRT'IC, a. In the order or nature AM-/ AGEU C^. Windings; circumlocution.[zons. XL-PLA-B ET-I-CAL,, of the alphabet. [manner. AM-BAIGI-O S, a. Circumlocutory; tedious. XL-PHA-B ET.I-C.AL-LY, ad. In an alphabetical AMI-BAS/SA-DQR, n. A person sent on public XALPINE o0? L'PINE, a. Relating to the Alps. business from one sovereign power to another. AL-RLEAD!Y (kl-red'de), ad. Now; at this time. AM-BXASSA-DRESS, at. The wife of an ambasAL'SO, ad. In the same manner; likewise. aM'BER, a. A fossil vegetable juice. [sador. AL'TAR, n. A structure where offerings are AMItaBsER-GRiS, n. A fragrant, grayish sublaid: -the communion table in churches. stance obtained from the spermaceti whale..LTAR-PIar CE, n. A painting over the altar. AM-B. -DEX'TER, n. One that can use both L'ITIR, v. a. To change; to make otherwise. hands with equal facility; a double-dealer. LITE]R, v. n. To suffer change; to vary. XM-BI-DEX-TERJIT-TY, n. State of being able AL/TiLR-A-BLE, a. That may be changed. equally to use both hands; double-dealing. A[L-TER-A'TIQN, a. The act of altering; change. AM-BI-DRX'TROUS, a. Using either hand. AL'TELR-A-TiVE, a. Producing a change. AXI-BI-DERxtTRo uS-NRSS, n. Ambidexterity. MIiEN, SYR; M6VE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR: R1LE. —, 9, soft; ~,C, hard; as Z; $ as gz; -THIS. AMBIENT 40 ANALOGOUS iBtIII-ENT, a. Surrounding; encompassing. XA-MO-NIt'A-CAL, a. Containing ammonia. XWMBI-GU, n. [Fr.] A medley of dishes. AM-MU-NIITION (am-mu-nishtun), n. Military XM-BI-G'II-TY, n. Uncertainty of signification. XM'NEs-T~, n. A general pardon. [stores..AM-Bi1G/U-O[S, a. Of doubtfill meaning. A-MONGt, 1 prep. Mingled with; in the AM-BiG1U-O0S-L~Y, ad. Doubtfully; uncertainly. A-MONGST, midst of; making a part of. AM-BiG1U.-OUS-NtSS, n. Ambiguity. [sions. AMr o-Ros, a. Loving; inclined to love. AM-BIL'O-QUOtS, a. Using ambiguous expres- AM'O-ROUS-L~, ad. Fondly; lovingly. AM-BiLt'Q-QUY,n. Use of doubtful expressions. AMO -ROUS-NESS, n. Fondness; lovingness. AM'BIT, n. Compass or circuit; circumference A-MO6RPHOIJS, a. Shapeless; without form. 4M-Bsf"TIQN (am-bishu'n), n., Eager desire of 4-MOR-TI-ZAITIQN, sn. (Lawo.) The right, or superiority, preferment, honor, or power. A- MoRITIZE-MRNT, I the act, of transferring AM-BVITIOUS (am-bIshlus), a. Filled with am- lands to mortmain to a corporation. bition; aspiring; eager after advancement. A-MOR/TI~E, v. a. To transfer in mortmain. AM-BVI1TIOUS-NRSS, n. The being ambitious. A- V.TOUNTr, v.. To rise to; to come to. KAMIBLE, n. A pace of a horse; pacing. A-MOUNTt, na The aggregate or sum total. AM/BLE. v. n. To move upon an amble. A-MOUR/ (a-m8r'), n. Affair of love; intrigue. AMI1BLER, n. A horse that amnbles. AM -PHiB1I.-OtS, a. Living in two elements. AA-BRo'SI-A (arn-brt'zhe-a), a. The imaginary AM1-PHIB.I'-OVTS-NESS (.am-fib.e-us-ngs), n. Ca. food of tile gods: - the name of a plant. pability of living in two different elements. AM-sBRO'.I-.AL (am-brt'zhe-.al), a. Of the na- AX-PJI-Bo6LOQ-sY~, n. Ambiguous discourse. J:M-BRO~'I-,AN(aimn-brtzhe-an), ture of ambro- AMI-PIBIOsQ-LOUS, a. Tossed from one to another. AMBlRY, n. An alnionry. [sia; delicious. A2.M/P}HI-BRIAiH, n. A foot of three syllables. AiMB'-ACE' (amz-as), n. A double ace. AI-PIII-THEIfA-TRE (ilm-fe-thll'-ter) n a. A cirAlt'B1.-LANCE, n. A moving army hospital. cular building for public amusements, &c. XAM-BU-LxATIQN, n. Act of walking; a walk. KA-PIt-THp.-ATtR.-CAL, a. Relating to exhiXit'B1U-LA-TQ-RY, a. Walking; movable. bitions in, or to the form of, an amphitheatre. XM'/BU-LA-TQ-R., n. A place for walking. XMIPLE, a. Large; wide; extended; diffusive. AMIBs-RY, n. A bloody wart on a horse..AMX -PLI-FI-C-ATIQN, n. Enlargement; diffuseAKM-BUS-CADlE', it. A private station in which XAIPLI -FI-R,. One who amplifies. [ness. men lie to surprise others; an ambush. XItPLI-FY, V.a. To enlarge; to exaggerate. AMrB'iSH, n. The place or act of lying in wait. AMI5PLI-Fr, v. n. To speak largely; to enlarge. MIBOSsHED (am'basht), p. a. Placed in ambush. AXtmPLi-TUDE, n. Largeness; copiousness. 4-M'LIOQ-RATE (.-ml'y9-~-tt), v. a. To im- AMX'PLy, ad. Largely; liberally; copiously. prove; to make better; to meliorate. AM/PU-TATE, v. a. To cut off, as a linmb. A-ME-I Q-IRtTION (t-mel yo-rlashun), n. The AMI-PU-TA1TION, n. The act of cutting off a limb. act of making better; improvement.. AM/.UU-LET, n. A charm worn about the person. AM Nt', ad. A term of assent; so be it. A-MUStIE v. a. To entertain; to divert. A-IE tNA-BLE, a. Responsible; liable to account. A-MUS-I E[MNTo n. Recreation; diversion. A-MEND', v. a. To correct; to reform, restore. A-MU.gJI;R, nL. One who ainuses; a diverter. A-MENDI, V. n. To grow better; to reform. A-AmUS'INi, t a. Affording amusement; pleasA-MENDUA-BLE, a. Reparable; corrigible. A-MU'SJVE, ing; entertaining; diverting. A-LNDMqkENT, n. Reformation; recovery. t4-MOG'DA-LATE, a. Made of alhonds. A-IMENDSt, i.. Recompense; compensation. A-MiYG'DA-LINE. a. Resembling almonds. A-MLN'I-TY, n. Pleasantness; agreeableness. AN. The same with the article a; denoting one. JA-MERC:Ef, v. a. To punish by fine; to Innlct. The article a must be used before all words A-Mi'RC'4A-BLE, a. Liable to anlercement. beginning with a consonant, and before the A-MERCE1ME NT, sn. Pecuniary punishment; vowel us when long; and the article an must A-MERtCrR, n. One who amerces. [fine. be used before all words beginning with a A-iVER'I-CAN, a.' Pertaining to America, or to vowel, except long u, before words beginning the United States. [word, phrase, &c. with Ih mute, as, an hlso'r, an heir, &c., or before A-ME1RI l-CAN-iAM,. An American idiom, words where the h is not mute, if the accent AMtE-THirsT, s. A purple colored precious stone. be on the second syllable, as, an lheroic action, AMI-E.-TIISTt'INE, a. Resembling an amethyst. air histoical acconzLt, &c. - See A. [tizing. A-MI-A-BILtI-TY, n. Loveliness; amiableness. XN-A-BAP'tTIST, n. One who holds to re-bap-.MI-.A-BLE, a. Lovely; worthy to be loved. A-tAGII'RO-NI nM,?a. An error in chronology. 1AM;I-A-BLE -Nt SS, n. Loveliness; agreeableness. AN-A-CLAS'TICS, a. The doctrine of refractA'MI-A-BLY, ad. In an amiable manner. AXh-A-C6N'DA, n. A very large serpent. [ed light. XAIM-A3NTI-, or AM-.I-AXNTI-US,. Earth-flax. XNt.A-GLIPH, n. An ornament by sculpture. I MII-C.A-BL, 7a. Friendly; kind; obliging. AN'A-GRXRAI, n. The transposition of the letters AMlI-C-BL0E- -NEss, as. Friendliness; good will. of a word, as Rmor into Roma. AM'tI-CA-BLX, ad. in an amicable manner. AN-A-GR.AM-MATt'-CAL, a. Like an anagram. XAM'ICE, n. Part of a priest's habit. XN-A-GR AMtMA-TiST, n. A malker of anagrams. A-MTIDt, prep. In the midst; mingled with; AN-A-LEP'TIC, a. Restorative; strengthening., -MI~DSTtI amongst; surrounded by. AN-A-L 6qI-CAL, a. Having analogy; analogous. A-MMIss t, ad. Faultily; wrong; improperly. AN-A-LOftJI-CAL-LY, ad. In an analogical or AaI'I-TY, n. Frienldship; love; harmony. analogous manner. [analogical. A4M-M~ONI-A, n. A gaseous volatile alkali. XN-A-Lo tI'-C.AL-NESS, n. The state of being AM-MDo'N.T-C, n. A drug or gum-resin. A-NALIQ-GOfrS, a. Having analogy; analogical. A,,I,o,lus, gQng; g,E I,;i,,,, shslt'; 4, IQ sy,,, obscure.-FARE,FAR, FAST,FiLL; HeIR,HiR-t; ANALOGY 41 ANNUL.4-NILt)-9Y, n1. Resemblance, similarity, corn- A -NEIMI'Q-N, a. A plant; the wind-flower. parisoneor proportion of one thing to another. A-N]rM9Q-SCOePE, 1t. A weather vane; weatherA-N_.Y-SS, na.; pl. 4-NAXL'-SE,. The sepa- ANEI-V-RHpi, a. Lesion of an artery. [cock. ration or solution of a thing into its elements. A-NEWr! (a-nft), ad. Over again; afresh. AN- AL TtIC,. 1 a. Pertaining to analysis; re- AN L, n. A celestial spirit:-a gold coin. XN-A'-LTII-CAL, J solving into first principles. AN1M1EL, a. Resembling angels; angelic. XN-A-LIT!I-CAL-LY, ad. In an analytical man- AN-qEL!IC, a. Belonging to angels'partakner; by means of analysis. AN- G-fLII-CAL, ing of the nature of angels. N!e-LYZE, V. a. To resolve into first princi- AN'(tE-LOT, n. A musical instrument. ples or elementary parts; to decompose. AN1EFR (anglgur), n. Resentment; rage; ire. AN.tA-LYZ-ER, XNIA-LIST,?a. One who an- XANER a,V. a. To make angry; to enrage. alyzes; that which has power of analyzing. AN-GINA, 1t. Inflammation in the throat. XN-A-MOR-P1r0's1s, n. A distorted representa- AN!GLE (ang/gl), n. A point where two lines tion of an object; change of form. meet; a corner; a fish fig-rod. [hook. A-NAtNAS, a. Plant producing the pineapple. XNIGLE (tng'gl), v. n. To fish with a rod and AN'A-PkST, n. A metrical foot, containing two XN'GLER (ang'gler),?t. One who angles. short syllables and one long one. XANGLI-CIiq, i1. An English idiom or phrase. XN-A-PhS!'TIC, a. Relating to the anapest. XN/GLI-CIzZE, V. a. To make English. AN'!RBH, n. Author of confusion; anarchist. AiNGLING, a. Act or art of fishing with a rod. A-N'R'EHIC, e a. Confused; without rule, AN/GQRO, a?. Acute bodily pain. [ner. 4-NARt1HI-CAL, ~ order, or government. XN'GRI-LY (flngfgre-le), ad. In an angry mnanXN/AR:-HIST,?1. Author or favorer of anarchy. _N'/RY, a. Provoked; affected with anger. XNrAR-0Ioy,?1. Want of governnment; disorder. AN'GUISHt (ang'gwish), a. Great pain or grief. XN-4-SRiRICOIts, a. Pertaining to a general drop- XNfGIJ-LAR, a. Having angles or corners. XN-A-STQO-MAT!IC, a. Aperient; opening. [sy. AN-GV-LAIAt.-TY, n. Quality of being angular. 4-NASfTRQ-PHI`, Ba. (Rlhet.) Inversion. XN'GV-LAT-JED, a. Formed with angles. A-NATHE-r-MA, n. An ecclesiastical curse. iN-HE -LATIQN, a. The act of panting. XN-A-THI.-MAT'I-CAL, a. Containing anathema. A-NILI-TY, n. The stateof being an old woman. A-NATH-E.-MA-TIYZE, v. a. To pronounce ac- AN-I-MAD-VtR'SIQN, n. Reproof; censure. cursed; to exconimunicate. [matizes. AN-I-iMAD-OERTT, V.. To perceive; to censure. A-NXTIlr-tMA-TIZ-ER,?a. One who anathe- AN —tItAD-VERT!E.R, n. One who anlinadverts. XN-A-ToMItI-CAL, a. Belonging to anatomy. XNtI-MAL, n. A living corporeal creature. XN-A-T6OMIT-CAL-LY, ad. In an anatomical AN1I-MAL, a. Tihat belongs to animals. manner; according to anatomy. AN-I-MAL!CfLE, n. A minute animal. A-NXTIO-MIfST, n. One skilled in anatomy. ANI-lM.TE, v. a.. To quicken; to make alive. A-N.XT'Q-MIZE, v. a. To dissect, as an animal. ANI-MATE, a. Alive; possessing animal life. A-NXT'Q-My, a. The art of dissecting an ani- ANtI-MAT-ED, p. a. Lively; having life. mal body; science of the structure of the body. AN-I-MAITIQN, n. Act of animating; life; spirit. ANI'CS-TOR, n. A progenitor; a forefather. ANtI-MA-TQRt; a. One that gives life. XNtCEis-TRAL, a. Relating to ancestors. XN-I-MSII'-TY, n. Extreme hatred; malignity. XN!Cags-TRY, n. Lineage; a series of ancestors. AN'ISE, t. A plant with medicinal seeds. [lons. ANH'Q OR (anglk.r), n. An instrument for XNKIER, n. A liquid measure of about 10 galholding ships, &8c., made generally of iron. AN!KLE?1. The joint between the foot and leg. XNEH'QR (anlg'kur), v. n. & a. To cast anchor; XNINAL-aST, a. A writer of annals; historian. to place at anchor; to fix; to fasten. AN'NALY, n. pl. History digested into years. ANZHIQR-SM9ITH, a1. A maker of anchors. AN-N]NAL!, V. a. To temper, as glass, &c. [&c. ANEHfQR-AEa, n. Ground for anchoring on. AN-NEAL.ING,?7. The art of tempering glass, ANZM'Q-RtSS (atn-gko-res),n. A female recluse. AN-NX'!, v. a. To unite to at the end; to join. ANHsr~Q-RJIT, 0o ANIEHtO-RITE, n. A hermit. AN-NEX-ATTIQN, t. Conjunction; addition. 4N-CHo!VY, at. A little sea-fish, used for sauce. AN-NIMHI-LA-BLE, a. Capable of annihilation. ANtC1ENT (ani'shent), a. Old; of old time. AN-NIH1-LATE, v. a. To reduce to nothing. AN/CIENTS (an'shents), i. pl. Old men; men AN-NI-II-LA'TTIQN, n. A reducing to nothing. who lived in old time; — opposed to moderns..AN-NI-VERS.A-RY, n. A stated day, on the anAN'CIENT-LY (aiinshent-le), ad. In old times. nual recurrence of which an event is celeXN'CIL-LA-RY, a. Serving, as a handmaid. XN-NI —V:RI/SA-RY, a. Annual; yearly. [brated. AND, con). A word which joins sentences. XN'NQ-TATE, a. 11. To make annotations. AN-DAN TE, a. [It.] (JMua.) Equable; exact. XN-NQ-TA'TION, n. A note; comment; remark. AND'IR-ON (in dli-urn), n. An iron utensil to XN-NQ-TATQOR, n. A commentator. support the ends of a spit or of wood. AN-NOUNCE, v. a. To publish; to proclaim. AN-DRWOY-NAL,? a. Having two sexes; her- AN-N6ONCErMENT, n. Declaration; notice..N-DRO9!y-Nofs, maphroditical.. AN-NoftN'!ER, n. A declarer; a proclaimer. AN-TiROi'DEf, n. A machine in human shape. AN-N 1tI, v. a. To incommode; to vex. XNIEC-DOTE, n. A biographical fragment, in- 4N-NOt1ANCE, n. That which annoys or incident, or fact; a short story or narration. ANINV-AL, a. Yearly; living a year. [jures. XN_-%C-DOT/I-C4L, a. Relating to anecdotes. AN'NU.AL-Ly, ad. Yearly; every year. AN-,-M6GIRA-PHIY, I?. Description of winds. AN-Nt.I-TANT, n. One who has an annuity. AN-E-MOiMytE- TER, n. An instrument to meas- AN-N'Ut-Ty, n. A yearly rent or allowance. ure the force and velocity of the wind. AN-NiL', v. a. To abolish; to abrogate; repeal. MIEN, SiR ) M6VE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, ROLE.-9,, s, ft;,, hard; as Z; 8 gz;- THIS. 4*, ANNULAR 42 ANTISPASMODIC XNtNU-L4AR, a. Having the form of a ring. kNTt-HILL, n. A hillock formed by ants. XNtNU-LA-R~, a. Having the form of a ring. XN-THO-L6'TI-CAL,a. Relating to an anthology. XNINU-L~.T, it. A little ring: — a square mould- AN-THiLfO-t'Y, n. Collection of flowers or AN-NUL/IMENT, n. Act of annulling. [ing. N/TH RiA-CITE,n. A hard mineral coal.[poerns. 4N-No'0IE.R-ATE, v. a. To add to a former XN-THRQ-POL/O-qY, a. The doctrine of anatnumber, or to something before mentioned. omy:- a discourse on man or human nature. AN-NU —Mt R-AtTIQN, n. Addition to a number. AN-THRO-POQ-ROPIPHITE, n. One who believes AN-NCNICI-XATE (an-niin'she-at), v. a. To bring that God has the form of a human being. tidings of; to report; to announce..AN-THRO-POPHI.A-9i, n. pl. Cannibals. AN-NUN-CI-A'TIQN (an-nihn-sh2e-Vasht.n), n. The XN-THRO-POPHI.A-Y, n. Cannibalism. act of announcing: - the 25th of March. INT-HYS-TERRIC, a. Good against hysterics. AN/'O-DYNE,n. Medicine which assuages pain. ANITI, in compound words, signifies afainst. XAN'-DyNE, a. Mitigating or relieving pain. ANtTIC, a. Odd;ridiculously wild; grotesque. A.i-NiNT v. a. To rub With oil; to consecrate. NfTI.C, n. A buffoon; trick; odd appearance..A-NOINTtER, n. One who anoints. XANTv1-HIRIST, n. An enemy to Christ. A-NOINTMiENT, n. The act of anointing. XN-Ti-,EHRnSTI'AN (6n-te-krist'yan), -a. Op-' A-NO)M-A-LISTICC, a. Irregular; deviating posed to Christianity. [of, Christianity..A-rNOi-'A-LISITI-CAL, from established rule. AN-T.;-kHRiSTIIAN, n. An enemy to, or opposer.A-NitoA-Los Ot, a. Irregular; out of rule. AN-TIVfI-PATE, v. a. To take before; to foreA-NOMtA-LY, n. Irregularity; deviation from AN-TI9-I-PAUTION,in. Act Of antiCipatig.[taste. A-NON5, ad. Quickly; soon; shortly. [rule. AN-TI9 I-PA-TOR, n. One who anticipates. A-NoNtY-MooS, a. Wapting a name; unknown. AN-TIf' -PA-TO-RY, a. That anticipates. A-NoNtY-IMOS -LY, ad. Without a name. A'N-Tj-CLImiiAX, si. A sentence in which the AN1.o-.xEX-Y, n. Want of appetite. last part expresses something lower than the AN-OTH1,R, a. Not the same; one more. XANTIC-LY,~ad. In an antic manner; drolly.Ffirst. ANtswvER (nt'ser), v. i. To speak in return. XN-TI-CQS-MTI1C, a. Destructive of beauty. AN'swEn (Bn'ser), v. a. To reply to; to suit. ANITI-DO-TAL, a. Acting as an antidote. AN'SWER (an'tsr), n. A reply; confutation. XN'TI-DOTE, n. A remedy for poison.:ANswgR-a-sALE (Ianser-a-bl), a. Admitting XN-Ti-E-PiS/CO-PAL,, a. Adverse to episcopacy. an answer; responsible; amenable; suitable. AN-Ti-iFB'RJLE, a. Good against fevers. [istry. Nt'SWER-A-BLE-Niss,n. The being answerable. XN-Ti.-IIN I.S- TE'RI-.AL, a. Opposing the mimAN'SWIR-A-BLY, ad. In proportion; suitably. XN-TI-Mo- NAXRHII-C.AL, a. Against monarchy. ANT, n. A small insect; an elrmet; a pismire. AN-T.I-MNONIAR-EItIST, n. One who is opposed AN-TAXGQ-NI~I, 2 a. Opposition; contest. to monarchy; a democrat; a republican. AN-TAG.O-NIST, n. A contender; an opponent. IN-TI-Ot'NI-AL, a. Pertaining to, or resemAN-TAG'Q-NIZE, V. n. To contend; to oppose. bling, antimony; containing antimony. AN-TA:L'.IC, a. Softening pain; anodyne. XN'TI -MO-NY, n. A bluish-white, brittle metal. ANT-ARCtTIC, a. Relating to the south pole. iN -TI- NOf.MI-AN, n. One of a religious sect ANT-AR-TsHRITIIC, a. Counteracting the gout. who denied the obligation of the moral law. XN'TI, A Latin particle signifying before. AN-TI-NO'MI-AN, a. Relating to the antinomians. AN-TiE-CEDEr,, v. n. To precede; to go before. AN-TI-NOaMI-AN-I~M, n. Antinomnian tenets. XN-TE.-C'DENCE, n. A going before. XN'TI-NO-MY, in. Opposition of two laws. AN-TE-CtDr'INNT, a. Going before; preceding. AN-TI-PA'PAL, a. Opposing tle pope or papacy. XN-TEi-CB'DI.NT, n. That which goes before. XN-TI-PAR-A-LT'.IC, a. Curing the palsy. XN-TI.-CRnDi: NT-LY, ad. Previously; before. AN-TIP'A-THY:, n. Natural hatred; aversion. XN-Tvi-CbS'SQR, a. One who goes before. AN-T.I-PS-TI-LsENTI.AL, a. Good against pesXNTEi-CHI tt-BERP, n. A chamber or room that tilence or plague. leads to a chief apartment; anteroom. XN-T.-PHLQ —ISfTvC, a. Counteracting or alXN-TE-CUJR/SQR, n. A forerunner; precursor. laying inflammation. XN/TE.-DATE, v. a. To date before the true time. AN-TP'.O-DAL, a. Relating to the antipodes. XN-TE.-DI-L'/VI-.AN, a. Existing before the AN-T!P'Q-DE~, n. pl. Those people who live flood or deluge. [the flood. on the opposite side of the globe. XN-TE-DI.-LIVI-.AN, n. One that lived before XNITI-POPE, it. One who usurps the popedom. XANIT-LDPPE, n. An animal resembling deer. XN-TI-QUAIRI-AN, a. Relating to antiquity. XN-T~-LfJICAN, a. Before daylight or dawn. AN-TI-QUA/RI-AN Ln. An antiquary. AN-TE-ME-RIDtI-AN, a. Being before noon. XN-TI-QOUARI-A.N-ISMI, n. Love of antiquities. XN-Ti-MPN1DAINE, a. Before the creation. XANTJ-QUA —RY, n. A man studious of antiquity. AN-TE-PAS'tHAL, a. Before Easter. ANITI-QUAtTE, v. a. To make old or obsolete. XNIfTv-PAST, n. A foretaste; anticipation. XN-TI-QAv'XTiED-NtSS, n. The being obsolete. AN-TE-PE-N-vLT/, n. The last syllable but two. AN-TiQUEI (an-tek'), a. Ancient; very old. XN-Ti-PEi-NtLtTI-TMIATTE, a. Relating to the IAN-TiQUE' (an-tak'), n. A piece of antiquity. last syllable of a word but two. AN-TiQiUE.NESS, n. Quality of being ancient. AN-TEVR-OQR, a. Going before; prior. AN-TIQrUI-TY (.an-tikiwe-te), n. Old times; the AN-TE-RTI-OR'I-TY, n. Priority in time. people of old times; remains of old times.[vy. AN/Tr-R''66m ni.' A room before another. XN-TI-SCOR-BaITIC, a. Efficacious against scurXN-THEL-MIN'TIC, a. Destroying worms. XN-TI-S' PITIC, a. Counteracting putrefaction. ANtTHEM, n. A sacred song or hymn. AN-T.I-StICIAL, a. Adverse to civil society. XNrTHER, n. (Bot.) The part containing pollen. XN-T.-sPA'-X6ODtIC, a. Good against spasms. I,,Is~sU bi~,:ogy; i ~X~,2 stV, Shot; 4,HtjSR,y,Y obscure. WARS jEXRXFtS ~F K; IR, Hk R; ANTI-SPLENETIC 43 APPLAUSE XN-TI-SPLENIE-TIC, a, Efficacious in diseases A-P6S'TATE, a. False; traitorous; recreant. of the spleen, as a medicine. [strophe. A-PS1'TA-TTIZE, v. n. To forsake or renounce AN-TYSITRO-PHE, n. The stanza opposed to the one's profession or principles. [aposteme. AN-TITHtE- SIS, n.; pl. AN-TITHtE-SE:. (Rhet.) A-PTS-TrE-SATION, n. The formation of an Opposition of words or sentiments; contrast. XP'to-STsME, n. An abscess; an imposthume. XN-TI-THE-ITTI-C.AL a. Relating to antithesis..A-POSTTLE (a-pos'sl), n. A person sent; applied AsNTI-TYPE, n. The original, or that of which to those sent by our Saviour to preachl the gospel. the type is the representation or prefiguration. A-POSITLE-SHIP, n. The office of an apostle. XN-TI —TYPTI-CAL, a. That relates to an antitype. _TP-OS-TOLIC, a. Relating to, or taught ANTtLER,n. A branch of a stag's horn. XP-OS-T6L'-C.AL, by, the apostles of Christ. AN'VIL, n. The iron block which smiths use. XP-OS-TOLf-C.AL —NPSS, n. Apostolic quality..AN:,-I'E-TY (ang-zile-te), n. Trouble of mind A-POSITRO-PHE, n. A digressive address; a about the future; concern; solicitude; care. mark thus ('), showing that a word is conAXNX'IOVS (angk'shtus), a. Solicitous; concerned. tracted: the sign of tile possessive case. XNX'IOVS-LY (uinglshulls-le), ad. With anxiety. XP-OS-TRsPH/IC, a. Denoting an apostrophe. }[NXIIOVS-NtEdSS (ingk'shlus-nts), n. Solicitude..A-Pos'TRQ-PHIZE, v. a. To address by an apos-0 AN/y (ent'ne), a. Every; whoever; whatsoever. trophe. [of medicines. A'O-RIST, n. An indefinite tense in the Greek. A-P6THtE-CA-RY, n. A compounder or vender A-oitRTA, n. The great artery or vessel which JXPTO-THEGM (ap'o-thtm), n. A sententious or rises out of the left ventricle of the heart. remarkable saying; a maxim; a proverb. A-PACE', ad. Quickly; hastily; with speed. XP-O-THEG-MAT'T-CAL, a. Containing apoA-trTt, ad. Separately; distinctly; aside. XP-Q-THEZ'QO-ss, n. Deification. [thegms. A-PXRTt'IE.NT, n. A part of a house; a room. AP-PALLt, v. a. To frighten; to terrify.,LP-A-TIIT'tIC, a. Without feeling; passionless. AP'PA-NA(E, s. Lands for younger children, Apt.A-THY, n. Want of sensibility or feeling.. AP-P.A-RA TUS, n. Tools, furniture, or necesAPE, 1s. A kind of monkey:- an imitator. sary instruments for any trade or art; utensils., APE, v. a. To imitate, as an ape; mimic. rular. AP-PXR'EL, n. Dress; clothing; vesture. 4-PTAKt, ad. In a posture to pierce; perpendic- AP-PXRI1E L, V. a. To dress; to clothe; to adorn. A-PEtR.-VINT, a. Gently purgative; laxative. AP-PTARtNT, a. Plain; seeming; visible; open. TiP'IER-TUREs, n. An opening; a passage; a hole. AP-PARIENT-LY, ad. Evidenttly; seemingly. A-PTETfA-LOUs. a. Without petals or corolla. AP-PA-RItTIOiQN #(ap-p.a-rlshhln), n. AppearA'Ptx, n.; pl. APT/-CE and ATPEX-E.i. The ance,e; visibility; the thing appearing; spectre. summit or highest point, as of a cone; tip. AP-PXTAR-TOR, n. Messenger of a spiritual court. -PHEB'LI-QN, n. That part of a planet's orbit AP-PEALt, v. n. To refer to another tribunal. in which it is most remote from the sun. AP-PTALt, n. Application for justice to a supeAPH'O-RYQM, n. A maxim; an adage; a proverb. rior tribunal; recourse; entreaty; petition. APH't-RIST, n. A writer of aphorisms. AP-PEALtA-BLE, a. That may be appealed. XPH-O-RQSTf.1-CAL, a. Relating to aphorisms. AP-PrARA;s v. n. To be in sight; to be evident. APTH-Q-RIST'!-CAL-LY, ad. With aphorisms. AP-PEAR'tNCE, n. Act of coming into sight; ATP.I-A-Ry, n. A place where bees are kept. semblance; not reality; show; probability. 4-PI:ECE', ad. To the part or share of each. AP-PEARtER, n. One who appears. AfPTSH, a. Likesan ape; foppish; imitative. AP-PTEAA-BLE (ap-pt'za-bl), a. Reconcilable. KAPISH-NtSS, n. Mimicry; imitation; foppery. AP-P At'A-BLE-N-SSf n. Reconcilableness. 4-P6C0.A-LSPSE, 1t. Disclosure; Revelation. AP-PEAASE, v. a. To quiet; to pacify; to still. A-POC-A-LVP'TIC, e a. Relating to the Apoc- AP-PtEAER, S5. One who appeases..-POC-.-LPTT-CAL, alypse or Revelation. AP-PEL'LNT, a. Relating to appeals;having 4A-Po Qo-PE, n. (Gram.) The cutting offor omis- AP-PTEL'LTE, cognizance of appeals. sion of the last letter or syllable of a word..AP-PELfLANT, s. One who appeals. A-P6iCRY-PHA, n. Books appended to the Old AP-PEL-LA5TION n. Name; title; style; term. Testament, but of doubtful authority. AP-PEL'LA-TiVE, n. A title; a common noun. A-POC'RV-PHAL, a. Not canonical; uncertain. AP-P ELLA-TVE, a. Common to many. pkr9 —Q:9EE, n. That point in the moon's orbit AP-PEL-L2EE, n. One against whom an appeal which is at the greatest distance from the earth. in law has been made; respondent. [pellant. A-P6L-.O-C:ITIC, C a. Of the nature of an XP-PEL-LORt, n. The person appealing; ap4-P6L-OQ-q T'/I-C.L, apology; excusing. AP-PEND', V. a. To hang or join; to add..A-PtLQ-CIST, n. One who makes an apology. AP-PTN'DAOE, n. Something added or joined. A-P6L/O-(I1ZEV. n. To make an apology. P-PtEN/DANT, a. Hanging; annexed. XPIO-L6OUE (ap'9-lg), n. A fabulous story. ATP-PENDANT, n. An adventitious part. A-P6L'/o-uYY, n. A pleaded defence; an excuse. 4P-PEN'DIX, n.; pl. AP-PTN'D.-CE~ and APAP'-Q-PHLtoGIA-TIC. a. Drawing away phlegm. PtRN'DDX-E.. Something appended; an adAP'OPH-THtEGM (apto-them), n. A sententious junct; a concomitant; a supplement. saying; a maxim. See APOTHEGM. AP-PER-TAIN', v. n. To belong; to pertain. XP-OT-PLC'TIC, a. Relating to an apoplexy. XPtPE-TENCE, AP'PE.-TJ1N-CY, n. Desire. XP'9r-PLtX-Y- n. A disorder which suddenly XIrrP-TITE, n. Desire of food or of sensual takes away all sensation and voluntary motion. pleasure; longing; hunger: - object of desire. A-POSTTA-SY, n. A- departure from the princi- AP-PLAUD', v. a. To praise; to extol; commend. ples which a man has professed; defection. AP-PLAUD'EiR, n. One who applauds. 4-POS'TATE, n. One who has apostatized. 4P-PLtU~E'i, n. Approbation loudly expressed. MIENy, SIR;:MVE, NOR, SfN; BOLIt, alBUl, RIOLa;.-,o,?. et, loon; V a-;; T as gi; -t TIS. APPLE 44 ARCHIVES XPIPLE (1p'pl), n. A fruit: -pupil of the eye. A-QUAT'IC, a. Pertaining to, or living in, water. XP'PLE-TREE, n. The tree producing apples. iAQtUE.-DOCT (ak'we-dqkt), n. An artificial AP-PL-C.A-BILtI-TY, n. Fitness to be applied. channel for conducting water; conduit; canal. iP'PLI-CA-BLE, a. Fit to be applied; suitable. XrQUE-oTs (atkwe-us), a. Watery; of water. XP'PLi-CA-BLE-NRss, n. Fitness to be applied. AQtUI LINE (ak'we-lin), a. Like an eagle. XP'/PL-CA-BLY, ad. Fitly; so as to be applied. ARtA- BESQUE (iartf-btsk), a. Arabic; Arabian. IXP'PLI-CANT, a. One who applies; a suitor. A-RAtB.I-AN, a. Pertaining to Arabia; Arabic. AP-PLI-CAtTION, n. The act of applying; so- XAR'A-BIC,n. LanguageofArabia.-a. Arabian. licitation; intense study; close attention. ARIA-BLE, a. Fit for the plough or tillage. UPVPLit; v a. To put; to address; to busy. AE-RAtNE-O0S, a. Resembling a spider's web. P-PLYt', v. n. To suit; to have recourse. ARIBI-TER, n. A judge; an umpire. [choice. 4P-POINT',v.a. To fix; to settle; to establish. AR-BIT/RA-M]NT, n. Will; determination; AP-PofNT'ER, n. One who appoints. ARtBI-TRA-RI-LY, ad. Absolutely; despotically. AP-POINTMtI.NT, 7. Act of appointing; of- ARIBI-TRA-RI-NtSS, n. Despoticalness; tyranny. fice; order; equipment; part assigned. XARtBI-TRA-RY, a. Despotic; absolute; unlimited.. P-POR'TIQN, v. a. To divide in just parts. ARtBI-TRATE, v. a. To decide; to determine. AP-PORSTION-ER, a. One who apportions.[tions. ARrIB-TRATE, v. n. To give judgment decide. 4P-PORtTIQN-MtiNT, n. A dividing into por- AR-B3I-TRA'TIQN, n. Reference of a cause to XP1PQ-~ITE, a. Proper; fit; well adapted to. persons mutually agreed on by the parties. XP'PQ-i1TE-LY, ad. Properly; suitably; fitly. iXR'I-TRA-TQR, n. An umpire; a judge. iPOPQ-~ITE-Ni:ss, n. Fitness; adaptation. XR'BI-TRA-TRIX,n. A female judge; an arbitress. IrP-PQ-i,,TIQN (hp-pp-zlshtun),n. Addition: — i&RBI-TRESS, 7. A female arbiter; arbitratrix. the putting of two nouns in the same case. XRtBQR, n. A bowel: - spindle or axis. Ito trees. AP-PR.I~Et,. a. To set a price upon. AR-sBOtRE-Ois, -or XRtB.O-ROhS, a. Belonging AP-PRt.I~EtMENT, n. The act of appraising. XRtBQ -RET, n. A small tree or shrub. AP-PRIttE.R, n. One who appraises. [mate. AiR-BO-RjStCENT, a. Growing like a tree. AP-PRLECI ATE (.p-prt'she.-at), v. a. To esti- AR5BQO-RIST, n. One who makes trees his study. AP-PRE-CI-XATIQN (ap-prt-she-a'sl.un), n. Val- XR]'BIS-CLE (arrbis-sl), n. A little shrub. nation; estimation. [ceive; to fear. ARC, n. A segment of a circle; an arch. AP-PRE-HEND', v. a. To lay hold on; to con- AR-CADET, n. A walk arched over; an arch. XP-PRE-LtsEN.S- BLE, a. Con`eivable.. R-CA'NNtM, n.; pl. AR-CA'NA. A secret. AP-PRE-HE NfSIQNi,n. Actofapprehending; fear. XARCH, n. Part of a circle or ellipse; a vault. XP-PRE.-HENtSIYVE, a. Sensible; fearfiul. XRCH, v. a. To cover with an arch or arches: AP-PRtNITICE, n. One bound by indenture. - to form into an arch or arches; to vault. AP-PRN1T.ICEE, v. a. Toput out as an apprentice. ARCH, a. Waggish; mirthful; shrewd; princiAP-PRhNtTICE-SHIIP, a. State or term of service. pal; chief. In commposition it signifies c1ief. [ogy. AP-PRITE', V. a. To inform; to give notice. AR-tHAtE-O Lt'Q-SIST, n. One versed in archaolAP-PRoACH' (tp-prch'),v. t. &a. To drawnear. XR-HHE-OL'tQ-qY (ar-ke-bl'o-je), n. The sciAP-PROACH', a7. Act of drawing near; access. ence or doctrine which treats of antiquities. AP-PROACH'A-BLE, a. Accessible. AR-fHHAi'C, a. Old; ancient; antique. P-PRQ-BA'tTION, n. Act of approving; approval. XARkH'A-1Ms, n. An ancient phrase or idiom. AP-PRO1PRPR-ATE, v. a. To set apart; to annex to. XAREH-A.NtE. L (Ark-dntjel), n. -A chief angel. #P-PROtPRJI-TE, a. Peculiar; fit; suitable. ARREH-AN-EL/C, a. Belonging to archangels. JrP-PREoPRI-ATE-Nmss, n. Fitness; propriety. ARCH-BISH QP, n. The principal of the bishops. AP-PRO-PRI-A'TIQN, n. Application to a par- XRCH-BISH'QP-RIC,n. Province ofan archbishop. ticular purpose; that which is appropriated. XRCH-DRA'tCON (arch-dt'kn), n. Chief deacon. AP-PRotPR.-A-TQR, n. One who appropriates. ARCH-DEAtCON-RY, n. Office of an archdeacon. 4P-PROV'A-BLE, a. Meriting approbation. ARCH-DUtiCAL, a. Belonging to an archduke. 4P-PRVA'.L, n. Approbation; commendation. AcRCII-DCHtE.SS, n. Wife of an archduke. 4P-PRfVE', v. a. To like; to commend. ARCH-DftKRE, n. A sovereign prince of Austria. AP-PREVvrER,n. One who approves; commender. ARCH-DUKED9OM, a. The territory of an archAP-PROX't-MATE, v. a. & n. To draw near. XRJCHE.D,p. a. Formed like an arch. [duke. 4P-PR6X-I-MA'TIQN, n. Approach to any thing. ARCHtER, a. One who shoots with a bow. XPPpLSE sE, n. The act of striking against. XARCHt]R-Y, a. The use of the bow. [fiends.' AP-PURtTE.-NANCE, n. That which appertains. XRCH-FI;NDt (Erch-fend'), n. The chief of AP-PUR'tTE-NANT, a. Joined or belonging to. XR-HHE-Ti'PAL, a. Belonging to the original. AIPRI-COT, in. A fruit resembling a peach. XR0EHH-TPE, n. The original; pattern. AtPRIL, n. The fourth month of the year. AiR-EHI-DI-XCIO-NAL. a. Belonging to an archA'PRON (Vapuirn), n. A part of dress; a cover. deacon, or to an archdeaconry. [hishop. APT, a. Suitable; ready; quick; dexterous. XR-:HI-E —PIStCQ-PAL, a. Belonging to an archAXPTE.-ROiS, a. Having no wings. AiR-EHI-PPLtA-Go, n. A sea abounding in islXP'TI-TUDE, n. Fitness; tendency; disposition. AR'gHI-TrCT,n. A builder; a chiefbuilder.lands. iPT'Ly, ad. Properly; justly; readily; acutely. AR'HHI-TRCT-URE (lrtker-tkt-yur), n. lie art APTINESS, na. Fitness; quick of apprehension. or science of building; that which is built. lure. XP'T6TE, ns. (Gram.) An indeclinable noun, AR-0H!-TtCTtV-RAL, a. Relating to architectA-QUA-FORTIS, n. (Chem.) Nitric acid. XR'IHI-TRAVE, n. That part of the entablature A-QUJA'Ri-ris, n. The 11th sign in the zodiac. which lies immediately upon the capital. A-QU.A-TIN'TA, n. A species of engraving. XiR1'HIVE~, n.pl. Records; a place for records. ig,,ij,,,long; X,,6,tj,t, sahort; 4 1,, V,,y,obacurs. —ARE,FtAR,FST,FLL I; H.IR, HIR; ARCHLY 46 ARTHRITICAL 1RCHILY, ad. Jocosely; slyly; shrewdly. XiRMI'HLE, n. Armpit; hole of a sleeve. XARCHINif:SS,n. Sllrewdnless sly humor. ARtMI-ER, n. An armor-bearer; an esquire. AR/PHON (ar'lkn), n. A chief magistrate in AR-'i g:ER-OJS, a. Bearing arms or weapons. XRCITIC, a. Northern; lying far north. [Greece. AR/MIL-LA-RY, a. Resembling a bracelet. AiRCITIC-CIROCLE, n. The circle which forms ARIpriL-LAT-:'D, a. Having bracelets. [minius. the southern limit of the frigid zone. AR-MItNI.AN (gr-nmln'yan), n. A follower of ArAR/CU-ATE.a. Bent in the form ofa bow; curved. AR-i'I1N/IAN, a. Relating to the sect of Arminiius. AR-Cit-BA-LS/TA S, R n. A crossbow-man. AR I-iN'IAN-irM, n. The doctrine of Arminius. XitIDEN-CY, n.. Ardor; eagerness; heat. AR-MIPIQ-TE-NT, a. Powerful in arms. ARTIDrNT, a. Hoti fervid; fierce; vehement. XAR1MIS-TICE an. Acessation fromarms; atruce. AR'DoR, n. Heat; heat of affection; zeal. XRXt'Lr.T, n. A little arm; a bracelet. AR'Dut-oUs, a. High: —laborious; difiicutt. AR1X R. n. Defensive arms for the body. XR/IDU-Ou-NEss, a. Height; difficulty. XRiMQoR-BEAR/ER (Ur'mnur-bArler), n. He who XRE (ar). The indicative mode, present tense, carries the armor of another; an esquire. plural number of the verb to be. ARxlMQOR-.R, in. One who makes or sells arms. 3URE -A, n. Superficial content; open surface. 4R-td'.RI-.AL, a. Belonging to armor; heraldic. A.R-.-FAC/TIQN, n. The state of growing dry. AR'MO-RY,. A repository of arms; armor. A-RE,/NA, n. An open space for combat. ARMIPIT, n. The hollow under the shoulder. AR-E.-NAICEOUS (ar-e-nlashtus), a. Sandy. ARaM, n. pl. Weapons; ensigns armorial. A-RI'O-LA, n. A colored circle round the nipple. AR'My, n. A large body of troops:- multitude. XR-E-6OPA-QITE, n. A judge in the Areopagus. A-RofrTA, a. The odorant principle of plants. 6R-E-OPTGr0S, n. The highest court at Athens. AR-QO-AATIgC, a. Containing aroma; spicy; XR'/.NT, a. Silvery; white, like silver. AR-Q-MIAT'I-CAL, fragrant; high-scented. AR'Q-ENT, n. White color in coats of arms. XR-Q-mTAT'ICS, at. pl. Spices; fragrant drugs. XR-r.N-TAN TIQN, n. An overlaying with silver. AR'Q-M.A-TIZE, v. a. To scent with spices. XR'EN N-TINE, a. Pertaining to, or like, silver. A-RObE', imp. t. of the verb arise. XR/q'IL, a. Potter's clay; white clay; alumina. A-RbOND', ad. In a circle; on every side. AR-qIL-LAtCEOUS (ar-jil-tilshus), a. Clayey. A-RoONDt,prep. About; encircling; round. AR1GUrE (artgu), v. n. To reason; to dispute. A-RoOE't, v. a. To wake from sleep; to rouse. XR'GVE, v. a. To prove; to reason; to debate. ARfQUE —_BOsE, n. A sort of hand-gun. AR'mGU-ER, a. A reasoner; a debater. [discourse. A-RXRCKi', a. Spirit from the cocoa-nut, &c. AR'ItGV-M:NT, n. A reason alleged; subject of AR-RAIGNt (ar-ran'), v. a. To call to answer to AR-GV-ieNT'AL, a. Belonging to an argument. an indictment; to charge; to accuse. XiR-GtV-et-N-TA'TION, n. The act of reasoning. 4R-RXIGNtMINT,.n. The act of arraigning. AR-GI-MTI1NTtA-TIVE, a. Consisting of argu- AR-RAXNqEt, v. a. To put in order; toadjust. AR-GUTE/, a. Subtle; witty:- shrill. [ment. AR-RANQE tMENT, n. Order; a putting in order. AtRI-AN, n. One of the sect of Arius, wNho be- AR. PANT, a. Bad in a-high degree; very vile. lieved Christ to be noblest of created beings. XRtRAs, n. Tapestry or hangings for rooms. XaRI-AN-IvM, n. The doctrine of the Arians..AR-R AY1, n. Order of battle; dress; attire. XRiTD, a. Dry; dried up; parched with heat. AR-RAY' (ar-rt) v.a. To put in order; to deck. A-RiD/I-TY, n. State of being arid; dryness. AR-REAR/ AR-REARt', n.'That which is unAt'R-E., n. The Ram; a sign of the zodiac. AR-RERARtAqE, n. Sum unpaid; arrears. [paid. A-RIGHTr (.-ritt), ad. Rightly; correctly. AR-RtCTt, a. Erected; upright; attentive. A-RiVE', v. n. [imp. t. arose; pp. arisen.] To AR-RL"ST',n. Seizure under legal process; stop. mount upward; to ascend; to get up; to rise. AR -REST/, v. a. To seize; to stay; to obstruct. XR-IS-Toc'R4.A —, n. A government by nobles; 4AR-RtETt, n. Decision of a court, &c.; arrest. the principal persons of a state or town, &c. AR-RtIVAL, n. The act of arriving; a coming. A-RSf'T O-CRAT or ARPIS-TQ-CRXT, a. One AR-RIvEt, v. n. To come to a place; to happen. who favors aristocracy; one of the aristocracy. AR/RO-GANCE, n. Haughtiness; insolence. A.R-IS-TQ-CiRXTtIc, or A-I;S-TO-CRAXTtI-CAL., a. XARRO -GANT,a. Containing arrogance; haughty. Relating to, or partaking of, aristocracy. XRIRQ-GANT-LY, ad. In an arrogant manner. XR-IS-TQ-TViLI~AN, a. Relating to Aristotle. XR'Ro —GATE, v. a. To claim proudly; to assume. XR-IS-T)-TEr:tLI-AN n.. A follower of Aristotle. XARROW, n. A weapon shot from a bow. A-RITHIME -TIC, a. The science of numbers. AR'RQW-y (r'rgo-e), a. Of, or resembling, arrows. AR-ITH-MR;TI1-CAL, a. According to arithmetic. ARPS.-NAL, n. A magazine of arms, &c. A-RITH-MEi-TIICI AN (a-ritll-me-tlsh.an), n. One AR-SkN'I-CAL, a. Conltaining arsenic. skilled in the art of numbers, or arithmetic. iR'SE-N C, n. A very poisonous substance. XRK, n. A chest; a coffer: —a ship; a vessel. AR/SON (ar'sn), a. The crime of house-burning. XRM, n. A limb, as of the body; inlet; weapon. ART, Qd person singular of the verb to be. XRM, v. a. To furnish with arms; to fortify. XRT, n. A science; a trade; skill; cunning. ARM, v. n. To take arms; to arm one's self. AR-TV'RI-AL, a. Relating to an artery. XR-M'DAme, n. An armament for sea; a fleet. _XRfTE.-RY, n. A canal or tube conveying the AiR-1MA-DILtL6, n. A small South American blood from the heart to all parts of the body. quadruped covered with small bony plates. XRT'FOL, a. Cunning; dexterous; crafty. XR'MIA-,tIdNT, n. A force equipped for war. XRT'FOL-LY, ad. With art; skilfully; craftily. iARI4A-TURE, n. Armor: - a piece of soft iron XRT'FOL-NhSS, a. Skill; cunning; craftiness. applied to the opposite poles of magnets. AR-THRrITI, } a. Relating. to joints: - reARMIFOL, n. As much as the arms can enfold. AR-THRITI-CGAL, f rating to the gout; gouty. MIEN, SYR; MavE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, RLUEL.-9,t,A soft; P A, hard;as z; as Z as gz; TtIS. ARTICHOKE 46 ASSIGNEE AR/TI-CHIBKE, n. An esculent plant. A-SLOPEt, a. With declivity; obliquely. XRIT1-CLE, n. A part' of speech; a clause; ASP, or ASIPIc, n. A poisonous serpent. terin; stipulation; a division; a substance. AS-PXARA-Gf0S, n. An esculent plant. XR/T.I-CLE, v. n. & a. To bind by stipulation. ASIPECT, n. Look; countenance; air; view. AR-TICIU-LAR, a. Belonging to the joints. XAStPN, n. A poplar having trembling leaves. AR -TICIV-LATER a. Distinct; plain; jointed. ASfPER, n. A small Turkish coin. [ness. AR-TIC/U-L.ATE, v. a. To utter; to speak. AS-PtR.I-TY, n. Roughness; harshness; sharpAR-TIC1U-LATE, v. n. To speak distinctly. AS-PERSE/, v. a. To slander; to calumniate. AR-TiCIU-LATE-LY, ad. In an articulate voice. AS-PERISIQON, n. Detraction; censure;calumny. AR TIC-U.-LATIQN, n. Act of articulating; dis- AS-PHXALTIC, a. Pertaining to asphaltum. tinct utterance:-connection of bones by joints. AS-PHAL'TU.M, a. Compact native bitumen. AR/TI-FICE, n. Trick; fraud; cunning; deceit. XASPHQ-DEL, n. A genus of plants. AR-T1iF.I-CER-, n, An artist; a manufacturer. XASPIC, n. A venomous serpent. See AsP. iIR-T.-F11tCI.AL (ar-te-fish'al), a. Made by art, AS-PIRtANT or AStPI-RANT, n. An aspirer. not natural; fictitious; not genuine. ASIPI-RATE, v.a. To roughen in pronunciation. AXP-TI-Ft/i"CIAL-Ly, ad. By art; not naturally. AS'PI-RATE, n. A markof aspiration. AR-T'1LfLE: R-Y, n. Weapons of war; ordnance. XS-PI-RATITON, n. A breathing after; longing:; ARTfI-XAN, n. A mechanic; handicraftsman. pronunciation of a letter with rough breathing. XiRTtIST, n. One skilled in the arts; an adept. AS-PIRE!I, v. n. To long; to desire eagerly. ART'LESS, a. Unskilful; void of fraud; simple. AS-PIRtER, n. One who aspires; aspirant. ARTtLiSS-LY, ad. In an artless manner. A-SQUINTt, ad. Obliquely; not in a right line. ARTtLESS-NBSS, n. Want of art; simplicity. Aiss, n. An animal of burden:- a dull fellow. A-RrIN-DI-NAtCEOU.S (a-ruln-de-nEtshlus), or XR- AS-SAIL', v. a. To attack; to fall upon. UN-DINtE-O0S, a. Of, or resembling, reeds. AS-SAILA-BLE, a. That may be assailed. A-RUSfPE., XX n. A soothsayer; a diviner by AS-SAIL.ANT, n. One who assails or attacks; A-RiStrPICE, the entrails of victims. AS-SAIL'ER, an aggressor; an assaulter.,SX, conj. In the same manner; like; equally. AS-SAXSSIN, n. A secret or private murderer. AS-A-F(ET'I-DA (ks-a-ftt'e-da),?1. A fetid gum. AS-SXSASI-NAT:E, v. a. To murder in secret. AS -BS'TINE, a. Pertaining to asbestos. [stance. AS-SAS-SI-NA'TION, n. The act of assassinating. Aij-BCSTOS, n. A fibrous incombustible sub- -AS-Xs tSI-NA —TQR, n. One who assassinates..AS-CEiNDt, v. n. & a. To rise; to move upwards. AS-SAULT1, n Attack; storm; hostile violence. AS-CEND1A-BLE, a. Capable of being ascended. AS-SAULTt, v.a. Toattack; fall upon violently. AS-CPND.AqNT, n. Height; superiority. AS-SAULTtA-BLE, a. Capable of being assaulted. AS-CirND6ANT, a. Superior; above the horizon. AS-SAULT.ER, n. One who assaults; assailer. AS-C:Nt1DN-CY, n. Influence; power; sway,.AS-SAY', n. A trial; attempt; examination. AS-CENISION (.s-sentshtun), n. Act of ascending. AS-SXAY, v.a. To try or prove, as metals; to test. AS-CENtSION-DAY~, n. The day on which the AS-SiAYf v. n. To try; to endeavor; to attempt. ascension of our Saviour is commemorated. AS-SAY'EIR, n. One who assays metals, &c. AS-CENT1, n. Rise; an eminence, or high place. AS-SLl MBLA4EE, n. A collection; a group. XS-CER-TXINt, v. a. To make certain; to estab- AS-SEMI1BLE, V. a. & s. To bring or meet tolish; to determine; to settle; to fix. [tained. gether; to collect; to convene; to convoke. XS-CE.R-TAINA —BLE, a. That may be ascer- AS-SM1EBLY, n. A company; congregation. AS-CER-TJAINME,:NT n. Act of ascertaining. AS-sNTt, n. The act of agreeing; consent. AS-C{TIr;C, a. Employed in devout exercises. AS-SENTt, v. n. To concede; to consent. AS-C:Tt'IC, n. A devout recluse; a hermit. AS-SERTs, v. a. To maintain; to affirm; to claim. AS-CET'I-Ci~sM, n. The state of an ascetic. AS-SERtTION, n. Act of asserting; affirmation. S-CiTt'IC, or AS-CIT'I-CAL, a. Dropsical. AS-SER/TIVE, a. That asserts; positive. AS-CR11BA4-BLE, a. That may be ascribed. AS-SERT.OR, n. A maintainer; a vindicator. AS-CRIsBE', sv. a. To attribute; to assign. As-sIsst, v. a. To charge with any certain sum. 4S-CRIPITION, n. The act of ascribing, AS-StS.SA-BLE, a. That may be assessed. ASH, n. A tree; wood of the tree. [with shame. AS-SESS'MiNT,n. A sum levied; act of assessing. A-SHAMIEtD (a-shamdl or a-sham.ed), a. Touched AS-SRSS'tR, n. One who assesses for taxes. XSH'E., n. pl. The remains of any thing burnt..AS'/STS, n. pl. Property or effects applicable to A-SHORE', ad. On shore; on land; aground. the discharge of debts, legacies, &c. ASHt-WEDNES tDAY, n. The first day of Lent. AS-StiV':ER-ATE, sv. a. To affirm; to aver. XsHIty, a. Ash-colored; turned into ashes. AS-SV-lER-A'TION, sn. Solemn affirmation. A-SI-AiTIC (a-she-iat'jk), a. Pertaining to Asia. Diligence; close application. A'SI;-ATIC (a-shpe-itik), n. A native of Asia. AS-SIDtU-OViS, a. Constant in application. A-SIDE/, ad. To one side; apart from the rest. AS-SJD'U-OtS-LY, ad. Diligently; industriously. AS'I-NINE, a. Belonging to, or like, an ass. AS-SID/nV-OUS-NPSS, n. Diligence; assiduity. ASK, v. a. To beg; to request; to question. AS-SIGNt (as-sint), v. a. To mark out; to fix; ASi, v. n. To petition; to make inquiry. to appropriate; to make over; to transfer. AS-sKANCE', ad. Sideways; obliquely. AS-SIGNI, n. One to whom an assignment in AS-IKANT', law is made; an assignee. [assigned. SK ErR,n. One who asks; apetitioner;inquirer. AS-SIGNtA-BLE (as-slt'a-bl), a. That may be A-SKEW', ad. Obliquely; askance; askant. AS-SIG-N'TIO N, n. An appointment to meet. A-SLXNT' ad. In aslanting manner; obliquely. XS-SIGN-EtV (as-se-net), n. One to whom any A-SLEPt', a. & ad. Sleeping; at rest:- dead. assignment is made; an assign; an executor. AEIOUY, long; A,gIX,6,ti,1, short; Ai,,QY obscure.-FARE,FAR,FAST,FALL; H-IIR,HER; ASSIGNER 47 ATTENDANT As-sIGNrE.R (.as-siner), s. One who ap- AS-TR6NfQ-VM E R, nZ. One versed in astronomy. S-SIGN-OR~ (6s-se-ndr'), ~ points or assigns. AS-TRO-Nd6I-C-C AL, a. Belongingto astronomy. AS-SIGNfMVE.NT (as-slnfment), n. The act of as- AS-TRo-N6OM'I-CAL-LY, ad. By astronomy. signing; transfer of any property or right. AS-TRONtQ-ity,n. Tie science which treats of.AS-SIMtI-LATE, v. a. & n. To make or grow like. theheavenlybodies,their motions,distances,&c..AS-SiTi-I-LA'TIQN, n. The act of assimilating. AS-TOTE1, a. Cunning; shrewd; clever. AS-SlSTi, v. a. To help; to aid; to succor. A-SUNIDEVR, ad. Apart; in two parts. AS-SiSTtANCE, n. Help; aid; succor; support. A-SYtL~It, n. A sanctuary; a refuge; a shelter. AS-SIST1ANT, n. One who assists; a coadjutor. AT, prep. Denoting nearness or presence; by. AS-SIZEt, n. A court, or the sitting of a court. AT.A-B AL, n. A kind of tabor used by the Moors. AS-SiZEtr,v.a. Toadjust,asweights,measures,&c. ATE. Inep. t. from the verb cat. As-sIzEgR, n. An officer who has the care of ATH-A-NA/SIAN, a. Relating to Atlianasius. weights and measures: —in Scotlamed,ajuryinan. A/THE.-IS, Ln. Disbelief in the being of a God. AS-S61CI-A-BLE (as-sS'she-a-bl), a. Capable of AiTHIEIST, n. One who denies God's existence. being associated; sociable; companionable. A-TH.-8st1T., a Pertaining to atheism; AS-S0OCI-ATrE (as-selshe-at), v.. To join as A-THE1- 5TI-CAL, partaking of atheism. follower, confederate, or companion; to unite. A-THE-ISTI-CAL -L, ad. In n atheistical manAS-Sd1CI-XATE, v. n. To unite in company. ner; with atheism. [brary. AS-SOtCI-ATE (as-so'she-at), a. Confederate. ATII-E -NSE11IuJ, n. A public institution or iiAS-S5SCI-ATE, SL. A partner; a companion. A-THIST, ad. ora. Thirsty; in want of drink. AS-SO-CI-AtTION (as-so-shie-ashun), ni. Union; ATHI-LETIC, a. Strong of body; vigorous; percoinfecleracy; connection; a society or body. taining to wrestling or bodily exercise. aS-SORTt, v. a. To arrange in order; to class. A-TFIWART1,prep. Across; Sralisverse; through. AS-SORTIMENT, n. The act of assorting or A-TILT/' ad. In a tilted position. [gigantic. classifying; a quantity selected or arranged. AT-LAN-TE'A N, a. Resembling tile giant Atlas; AS-SUA9,E/ (.as-swij') v. a. To soften; to ease. AT-LXANTIC, a. Pertaining to the ocean which AS-SUUAq-E. rNT, n. Mitigation; abatenient. lies east of America. - n. Atlantic ocean. AS-SUXAtE'R,n. One who assuages; an appeaser. AT'L.AS, n. A collection of maps; a large folio. AS-SUAtSIVE (as-swV/siv), a. Mitigating. ATtVIOS-PHERE (atimQns-fer), z.. The air or elasAS-SOSI E', v. a. To take; to claim; to arrogate. tic fluid which encompasses the earth. AS-SUIE',1 v. n. To claim more than is due. XT-iHOs-PIR~'RC,? a. Pertaining to, or conAS-sU'ItNG, p. a. Arrogant; haughty; proud. ATH-MO-PHRI-CAL, sisting of, the atniosAS-SUlMPTION (as-sumtnshun), a. The act of AT'oir, n. An extremely small particle. [phere. assuming; supposition; the thing supposed. A-TOM1ITC, or A-TOt11I-CAL, a. Relating to atoms. AS-SUR'ANCE (a-shlir'ans), n. Certain expecta-T A N', v. TNE To expiate; to make satisfaction. tlion; confidence; courage; security; boldness. A-TONErMENT, n. Reconciliation; expiation. AS-SURE' (a-shir'), v. a. To make sure. A-T(ON1ER, n. One who atones or reconciles. AS-S R/E.D-LY (a-shfir'ed-le), ad. Certainly. AT-R.-ElH;N'TAL, AT-RA-HrN'tTOUS, a. Blaclk. AS-SUR'tED-NESS (a-shur'ted-nds), n. Certainty. A-TRotCIOUS (a-tre'slius), a. Wicked in a high 4S-SUR1.IR (a-shr'fer), an. One who assures. degree; villanous; outrageous; flagitous. Xs'T3l:R-ISK, L. A star or mark in printing; as,*. A-TRO6CIOUS-LY, ad. In an atrocious manner. AsITER-1a/i, n. A constellation; an asterisk. A-TRO'cIois-NESS, an Enormous criminality. A-STaENt., ad. Behind a ship; backward. A-TR6OyqI-TY, e. Great wickedness; enormity. ASTErg-R-oID, n. A small planet.. AT'RO-PHY, n. Emaciation; a wasting. [seize. ASTHtMA (ist'ma), n. Difficulty of breathing. AT-TXCHv. a. To fasten; to bind; to take; to ASTIH —MAXTIC, ASTH-MXTII-CAL, a. Relating AT-TACH1MENT, Si. Adherence; liking; bond to, or afflicted with, the asthma. of affection.- (Law.) An apprehension. AS-TON.ISH, v. a. To amaze; to surprise. AT-TACKt v. a. To"'assault; to assail. AS-TONtISH-ING, a. Amazing; surprising. AT-TACIt, i1. An assault; invasion; onset. AS-TONI tSH-MENT, S. Amazement; great sur- AT-TAIN, v. a. To gain; to obtain; to come to. AS-TOUND', v. a. To astonish; to amaze. [priseo AT-TAIN', v. n. To reach; to arrive. A-STRXADDLE, ad. With the legs across or open. AT-TXAINtA-BLE, a. That may be attained. AS'TRA-GiXL, n. An ornament in architecture. AT-TAIN'A- BLE-NISS,sn. The being attainable. XS'TRAL, a. Starry; relating to the stars. AT-TAIND1ER, n. Act of attainting; taint. A-STRAY', ad. Out of the right way. AT-TAIN/IIENT, n. Acquisition; thing attaineid..AS-TRiCT-, V. a. To contract; to astringe. AT-TAINT1,. a. To disgrace; to taint, corrupt. A.S-TRICOTION, n. Restraint: —contraction. AT-TAINT1, n. A stain; a spot; a kind of writ. A-STRIDE', ad. With the legs apart; across. AT-TAINTI1M NT,n?. The state of being attainted. AS-TRIN.E1 v. a. To draw together to bind. AT-ThPERg v.a To temper; to mingle; to adapt. AS-TRIrN EN-CY,n. The power ofcontracting. AT-TESCIPT1 (at-timt').v. a. To try; to endeav-.AS-TRC1N'ENT, a. Biiiding; contracting. [tract. or; to essay; to make experiment; to tempt. AS-TRIN lENTS, Si. pl. Medicines which con- AT-TEIMPT', n. An essay; a trial; endeavor. AS-TROL Q-EER, n. One versed in astrology. AT-TEMPT.A-BLE, a. That may be attempted. AS-TRO-LOGf IC~, a. Professing or relating AT-TEMPT1/1R, n. One who attempts. XS-TRO-LOtI'-CAL. to astrology. [trology. AT-TND, v. a. To wait on; to accompany. AS-TRQ-L6qi-CAiL-L Y, ad. According to as- AT-TEND, v. n. To listen; to wait; to be near. AS-TRoL.O-QY, a.. The foretelling future events AT-TtND'4NCE, n. Act of waiting on; a train. by the position of the heavenly bodies. AT-T TNDIANTa. Accompanying as subordinate. I[ENlV, siR;. IOVE, NOR, S6N 3 BULL, BUR, RtLIE. --,, soft; _, -, hard i ~ as Z; Y as gz; THIS. ATTENDANT 48 AVERSE AT-TNDtANT, a. One who attends. AU-Rr'/EmR-OtS, a. Producing or yielding gold. AT-TLN1TIQN,?. The act of attending; civility. AU'R.IST, n. One who treats diseases of the ear. AT-TENWTIVE, a. Heedful; regardful; mindful. AU-OPRA, n. The dawn of day; morning. AT-T N'TIVTE-,LY, ad. Heedfully; carefully. Au-ROI'RA-B6-RE-A/LIS,n. The northern lights. AT-TEN'T.IVE-NiSS, n. Stateofbeing attentive. AUS-CU.L-T:ATIQN, n. Act of listening. AT-TENIU-ATE, v. a. To make thin or slender. AUISPICE, n. Omen; protection; influence. lTT-TEN-I-A1TION, a. Act of attenuating. Ku-sPrP1cIoOUS (aw-splshl'us), a. Having omens AT-TEST', v. a. To bear witness to; to invoke. of success; prosperous; propitious; fortunate. AT-TE.S-TXATION,n. Testimony; formal witness. AU-SPItCIO.US-LY, ad. Prosperously; happily. TfT.IC, a. Relating to Attica; elegant; upper. -AU-SPaIICIOs S-N1SS, an. Prosperous appearance. AT'TIC, n. A native of Attica:- a garret. AU-STERE', a. Severe; harsh; rigid; stern. AT'TI-CIQM, n. An Attic idiom or phrase. _U-STERENESS, n. Severity; rigor; sternness. AT-TIREr, v. a. To dress; to clothe; to array. AIU-STER'I-TY, n. Severity; rigor; mortified life. AT-TIRE', n. Clothes; dress; the head-dress. AUS'TRAL, a. Southern; towards the south. AT'TI-Tfj'DE, n. Posture; position; gesture. AU-T-H3N'TItC, a. Notfictitious; genuine; true. AT-TO6RNEY (at-tiir'ne),n. One who is author- XU-TIItNITI-CAL-LY, ad. In an authentic manized to act for another, as in matters of law. -AU-THEN'TI-CAL-N:ISS, n. Authenticity. [ner. AT-TRXCT{, v. a. To draw; to allure; to win. AU-THrEN'T-CATE, v. a. To prove authentic. 4T-TRXACTIQONn. The power or act of drawing. A.U-THE.N-TTItI-TY, n. Authority; genuinelness..T-TRXC/TIVE, a. Drawing;alluring; inviting. AUtTHQtR, n. The first beginner or mover; the AT-TRXC'TIVE, n. That which draws or incites. efficient; the writer or composer of a book. 4T-TRXCITIVE-LY, ad. In an attracting manner. AU'THOR-tSS, n. A female author. [itive. 4T-TRAXC/TIVE-N:SS, n. The being attractive. AU-THOR.I-TA-TIVE, a. Having authority; poesAT-TRACT'QR, n. One that attracts. A.U-THOR.I-TY, n. Legal power; influence; AT-TRIBIU-TA-BLE, a. Ascribable; imputable. power; rule, support; testimony; credibility. AT-TRIIBUTE, v. a. To ascribe; to impute. AUTHQR-IZE,. a. To give authority to; to jlsXT'TRI-BUTE, n. A quality; a thing inherent. U1'TITOR-SHaiP,n. Stateofbeing an author. [tify. 4T-TRIB'V-TIVE, a. Expressing an attribute. AU-To-sz-6G'RA-PHY, a. The biography or AT-TRI"tTION (at-trish'tn), a. Act of wearing. life of a person written by himself. AT-TUJNE', v. a. To make musical; to tune. UtTO-CRT, nt. An absolute sovereign or ruler. AU'tBRN, a. Reddish-brown; chestnut color. UtTO-GRA.PH, n. One's own handwriting. AUC'TION ('wk'shun), n. Public sale by bidding..AU-TO-GRAPH'I-CAL, a. Relating to autography.:KUC-TION-EER', n One who sells by auction. AU-ToicRA-PHY, n. A person's own writing. AU-DArcIOUS ('w-da'shus), a. Bold; inpudent. AU-TQ-iXTtI-CCAL,a. Belonging to an automaton. AU-DA'CIOUS-LY, ad. Boldly; impudently. AU-TOMt.A-TON, n.; pl. AU-T6OIW'A-TA. A maAtU-DXACIOVS-NESS, n. The being audacious. chine so constructed as to appear to be selfAU-DX. I-TY,.n. Effrontery; spirit; boldness. moving; a self-moving machine. AU'DI-BLE,'a. Capable of being heard. AU'TYMVtN (awttum),?. The season of the year AU'DI-BLE-NLSS, n. Capability of being heard. between summer and winter; fall of the year. XU'DI-BLY, ad. In anaudible manner. XU-T U/T'NAL, a. Belonging to autumn. AtU'DI —NCE, n. A hearing; auditory; assembly. AUY-ILtIA-RIE. (.wg-zillty-rez), t. pl. Foreign AU'DIT, n. The settling of accounts - hearing. troops in the service of a nation at war. AUIDIT, v. a. To adjust, as an account. AU3-iLWIA-RY (Lwg-zillya-re), a. Assisting. AU'DI-TOR, n. A hearer; a person employed AUY-ILt1IA-RY (9wg-zll'ya-re), n. A helper. and authorized to adjust an account. A-VAILt, v. a. To profit; to benefit; to assist. AUlDI-TOR-SHIP, n. The office of an auditor. A-vAIL', v.s. To be of use or advantage. AU'DI-TQ-RY, a. Relating to hearing. A-vAIL', n. Profit; advantage; benefit. XU'DI-TQ-Ry, n. An audience; an assembly. A-VALt'A-BLE, a. Profitable; powerfuil; useful. iurl.v.R, a. A tool to bore holes with. A-VAILtA-BLE-NE SS, n. Power; legal force..UGHHT (Lwt), n. Any thing; any part. A-VAIL'A-BLY, ad. Powerfully; validly..UG-MENT', v. a. To increase. -v. n. To grow. XV-A-LANCIE',,. A body of sliding snow, &c..UGtMVENT, n. Increase; state of increase. A-VANTt-GUXRD (a-vlnt'gard), n. Van of an arAUG-MEN-TA'TION, n. The act of increasing. AVtA-RICE,n. Inordinate desire of gain. [my. AUtGTVR, n. One who predicts by omens. Av-.A-RIltcIous (iv-.a-fish'us), a. Greedy of gain. XAU'GVR, v.. To guess; to conjecture by signs. XV-A- tt'CIOUS-ILY,ad. In an avaricious manner. UtIGUR, v. a. To foretell; to predict. XV-A-RIt"CIOUS-NESS, Sn. Covetousness. XU-GU'RI-AL, a. Relatinfg to augury. A-VAST',intenj. Hold, stop, stay;-a sea term. AU'GV-RY, n. Prognostication by omens. A-VAUNTf, interj. Expressing abhorrence; beAU'GUST, n. The eighth month in the year. A-vENEq, v. a. To revenge; to punish. [gone. AU-4tSTI, a. Great; grand; awful; majestic. A-VNqEtMENT, a. Vengeance; punishmnent. U-GisT'NagSS,an. Dignity; majesty; grandeur. A-vENTtrURE (a-vlnt'ure),ni. (Law.) Mischance..1U'LTC, a. Belonging to an imperial court. AVIE-NUE (ev e-ni), n. A passage; an entrance. XuINT (ant), n. A father's or mother's sister. A-VERf, v. a. To declare positively; to assert..JWRA, n. A gentle current of air: —a vapor. AVrER-.AE, n. A medium; a mean proportion. AiU-R'LLI-A, a. The chrysalis of an insect. VI'ER-A-E, v. a. To reduce to a medium. XAU-Rio-L'A, n. A circle of rays; halo of glory. AVIER-A.TE, a. Medial; having a mediulm. AUtJRI-CLE, a. (.nat.) The external ear. [cret. A-VER'MNT, a. Affirmation; declaration. AU-RiC'TU-LAR, a. Within hearing; told in se- A-VERSE1, a. Disinclined; not favorable. AE,I>OUY lozsg;. AEI,Oi,,, short; o.,,,Q,V,Y, obscure.-FARE,EXiR,FAST,FXLL; HE:IR,It RR; AVERSELY 49 BAILIWICK A-VSEn /Lyy, ad. Unwillingly; backwardly. IA-WAREL, a. Observant; mindful; cognizant..A-VRSlEtN N SS, n. Unwillingness; dislike. A-WWA', ad. At a distance. -interj. Begone. A-vERaSION, n. flated; dislike; abhorrence. _AWE (aw), s. Reverential fear; dread. A-VE~RT, v. a. To turn aside; to put away. AWE (aw), v. a. To strike with reverence. A-VEPRT1 v. n. To turn away; to turn aside. AWE -STRUCK, p. a. Inplressed witll awe. A'VI-A-rRY, n. A place to keep birds in. AWtFUL, a. That strikes wvith awe or dread. A-VI~DI-TY, n. Eagerness; greediness; voracity. AW'FOL-LY, ad. In anl awful manner..AV-Q-0CA' TION, 7. Business that calls aside. AW/FUL-NESS, s. Quality of being awful. A-VoID',. a. To shun; to escape from; to an- A-WHiLEI, ad. For some time; for a tille. A-VOID/A-BLE, a. That mnay be avoided. [nul. A.WK'rWARD, a. Unhandy; clumsy; unpolite. A-VOiiD)'ANCE, n. Act of avoiding or annulling. A.WKRWAitD-N-SS, n. Clulmsiness ruideness. AV-OIR-DV-POI~f (iv-er-du-pilz'), a. & a. A iWL (al), 71. An instrument to bore holes with. kind of weight of which a pound contains 16 AWN/ING, 7. Canvas spread over a boat, &c. A-VOUCH', V. a. To affirm m; to declare. [ounces. A-WOKi{Ef, i7,). t. froni awale. [verscly; rruong. A-vow', v. a. To declare openly; to affirin. A-WRI~' (a-ri'), ad. Obliquely; asquit; perA-VYOWVA-BLE, a. That may be avowed. AXE, n. An instrusment writh a sharp edge. A-VWIAL, n. Positive or open declaration. AXtIOM (akstyu) as. A self-evidnt truilh. JA-V6VtVID-Ly, ad. In an open manner. Xx'ts, n2.; pl. Ax'E_. Thle line, real or iniagijv- ow-sL',t n. One withl right of advowson. nary, on which any thing revolves. A-VOWrlER, it. One who avows or justifies. XX'LE (akfsl), an. Piece of timber on A-VULSSQON, n. The act of tearing away. [for. AX'LE-TREE (altsl-tre), 5 hich wheels turn. A-WAIT/, v. 71. -To expect; to attend; to wait AY (ae), ad. Yes;- a ord e::priessiAr asseet. A-WAIErt, v. a. [imp. t. awoke or awaked; pp. AYE1 (ae), ad. Alwrays; forever; to eternity. awaked.] To rouse from sleep; to excite. AZ'OTE, 1t. A kilnd of gas; nitiogen. A-WAiKE, v. n. To break from sleep; to wake. A-Z6OTtC, a. Relating to or containing azote. A-WAK1t, a. Not sleeping; not being asleep. AtZURE (a1zhr or izli'ur), a. Blue; faint blue;.A-WAX'KEN (a-wa'kn), v. a. & it. To awake. sky-colored; cerulean. A_-WARD, v. a. & n. To adjudge; to decree. A/ZURE (s'zhur), n. Color of the sky; the sky;'A-WjARDT. n. Judgment; sentence. a blue pigment. B the second letter of the English alphabet, BXcIr'PIECE, n. Armor to cover the back. is a mzute and a labial. BACK-SIDEI, n. The hinder part of a thing. BAA (ba), n. The cry of a sheep or lamb. BXCI-SLID3E', v. st. To fall off; to apostatize. BAA (bla), a. si. To cry like a sheep or lamb. BAXCK-SLID'rR, a. An apostate. BAtAL, n. An ancient idol, representing the sun. BXCKtISTAFF, n. A kind of quadrant. BAXB'BLE, av. n. To prattle like a child; to talk BACK'ISTAY, n. Rope to support a ship's masts. BAtBBLtOC n. Idle talk; senseless prattle. [idly. BXCK'SW6itD (bfk'sord), n. A one-edged sword. BABtBLER. R,?. Al idle talker; a tellerof secrets. BAXC'tWARD, or BXCItWARD~, ad. With the BABL3, n. An infant; a baby; a young child. back forwards; towards the back; revelsely. BA.tBB-IEY, 71. Finery to please a babe. BACK/'WARD, a. Unwilling; sluggish; dull-; BA-BiOONi, n. A large kind of monkey. BXCK'WVARD'-NJSSn. Dulness; tardiness. [late. BA'BY, n. A young chlild; anl itnfant. [hood. BA'CON (ba'kn),n. Hog's flesh salted and dried. BA'BY-HOOD (batbe-lihd), n. Infancy; child- BAD, a. Ill; not good; vicious; hurtful. BA.tBY-ISH, or BA'BIsH, a. Infantine; childish. BADE (bad), ismp. t. from bid. BAC-CA-L.AU'R:-AT'E, n. First degree in arts. BXDq(E, it. A mark or token of distinction. BXC' /sIA-NXL, or BAC-EHA-NX'LT-AN, a. BAD'fIjqR, n. A quadruped. —v. a. To tease. Drunken; noisy; revelling. [drunkard. BAXD'Ly, ad. In a bad manner; not well. BXCtIHIA-NAL, or BIAC-I-IA-NA'LI —AN,. A BXD'tNISS, n. Want of good qualities. [feat. BXC'IIh-NNAL,, z. pl. DrunIken feasts or revels. BXF'FLE, v. a. To elude; to confound; to doBAC-CFiE.R'ous, a. Berry-bearing. BAG, n. A sack; a pouch; a purse; an udder. BACItE'-LOR, at. An unmarried man:- onewho BAG, v. a. & n. To put into a bag; to load with has taken his first degree in the liberal arts. a bag; to swell like a bag; to puff out.:BCHt~ 3-LQR-SHYP, t1. State of a bachelor. BXG-A-TELLE't (_bg-a-tel'), n. A trifle; a toy. BXCk, n. The hinder part of the body in man, BXGIGA4CE,, st. Luggage; a worthless woman. and the upper part in animals; the rear. BXGN'IO (binlyy), n. A bath: - a brothel. BACK, ad. To the place left; behind; again. BXAGPIPE, n. A musical wind instrument. BXCK, v. a. To mount; to justify; to second. BXG/'P-PER, n. One who plays on a bagpipe. BXCK'BITE, v. a. To censure when absent. BAIL, n. Surety given for another's appearance. BXiCKr'BT-ER, n.- A privy calumniator. BAIL, V. a. To give bail for; to admit to bail. BACK'BONE, n. The bone of the backl. BAILtA-BLE, a. Capable of being bailed. BXCIK'DOR, at. A door on the back side of a BXI'L.FF, n. A sheriffs deputy; a steward. BXCK-GXtM'MON,n. A game with dice. [house. BRAIL'I-WICK, n. The jurisdiction of a bailiff. MiEN, SYi'; mlOVE, NR, SO6N; BtLL, BR it.lOLE. —4t, 1,soft; &),, hard; ~ as Z as gz; as gz; HIS. 5 BAILMENT 50 BARK BXILi'MENT, n. A delivery of things in trust. BXN'ISH-M,,NT, n. The act of banishing; exile. BAIRN, or BARN,?t. A child. [Scottish.] BATN'IS-TER, an. A corruption of baluster. BAIT, v. a. To put a bait on; to refresh; to BANK, n. Any steep acclivity; a shoal; heap; BAIT, v. nv. To take refreshment. [attack. a seat; a place where mloney is laid up. BAIT, n. A lure; a temptation; a refreshlment. BANK, v. a. To enclose with banks; to embank. BAIZE, a. A kind of coarse woollen stuff. BNKIr-BILL, or BARNK-NO)TE s n. A promisBAKE, v. a. To hardenll; to cook, as in an oven. sory note issued by a banking company. BAKE, v. n. To be parched, heated, or baked. BXNKI/R, a. One who carries on banking. BAKRE'H65SE, n. A place for baking bread. BANK'RtUPT, a. Unable to pay; insolvent. BAKIsER, It. One whose-trade is to bake. BANK'RVPT, r. A trader unable to pay his debts. BAKlI~ it-y, n. Place for baking; bakehouse. BANKIRUPT-CY, at. The state of a bankrupt. BL'tANCE,?a. A pair of scales; difference of BANK'-STuCK, n. Stock or capital in a bank. an account; equipoise; a sign in the zodiac. BANINER, n. A military standard or flag. BALt'NCE, v. a. To weigh; to make equal. BANI'NER-T,n. A knight made in battle-field. BALIANCE, v. n. To hesitate; to fluctuate. BANtNQCK, It. A cake made of meal. BAL'CQ-Ny, or BAL-CO'NY,?t. A frame pro- BXNIrQUET, n. A feast; a grand entertainment. jecting from a wall; a projecting gallery. BANIQU T, v. a. & n. To feast; to give a feast. BALD, a. Wanting hair; bare: plain; mean. BANrQU].T-fING, a. The act of feasting. BAL/DER-DASH, n. A rude mixture; jargon. BAN'TAM, n. A species of dunghill fowl. BALDINE SS, n. Want of hair or of ornament. BXNITER, V. a. To play upon; to rally; to jeer. BALD'PATE, sn. A head without hair. BAN'tTI R, 71. Light ridicule; raillery. BILD'RIC, n. A girdle; a belt; the zodiac. BXNT'LING, n. A little child; an infant. BALE, b. A bundle or package of goods; mis- BiP'TI~M, n. A rite of the Christian cilurch. BALE, v. a. To lade out; to pack up. [ery. BAP-Tsi'MAL, a. Pertaining to baptism. BALEW'FL, a. Full of misery; sorrow, or gief. BAPtTIST, n. One of a Christian denomination. BALtIS-TiER, n. A sort of crossbow. [ment. BXAPTIS-T]R-Y, n. A font or place for baptism. BiLK (bVwk), n. A great beam: -disappoint- BAP-TIZEt, v. a. To administer baptism to. BALK (bawk), v. a. To disappoint; to heap. BAR, a1. What is laid across a passage to hinBALL, an. A round body; a bullet: - a dance. der entrance; a bank of sand or sunken rocks; BAL'LAD, 7t.. A song; a small, light poem. a shoal:- a tribunal; body of lawyers: - an BAL'LAST, an. Heavy matter to steady a ship. enclosed place in an inn, court-roomii, &c. BAL'LAST, v. a. To keep steady, as by ballast. BAR, a. a. To fasten; to hinder; to shut out. BAL'LETa n. A kind of pantomimic dance. BARB, n. Beard; point: -a Barbary horse. BAL-LOONt, a. A large round vessel; a ball; BiBRtBA-CAN, it. An outward fortification. a large hollow ball or bag filled with gas. BAR-BA'RI —.AN, n. A rude or uncivilized person. BAL'LQT, n. A ball; a ticket used in voting. BXR-BA'RI-AN, a. Uncivilized; savage. BAL'LQT, v. 1.'To vote by ballot. BAR-BARtIC, a. Foreign; uncivilized; rude. BALM (bam), ai. A fragrant resin; a plant. BAR'BA-RI~M, a1. Inhumanity; ignorance of BALMt' (bhmtle), a. Having qualities of balm; arts; briltality; cruelty; impropriety of speech. soothing; fragrant; odoriferous; aromatic. BAR-BAR'I-TY, n. Savageness; cruelty. BAL'SAM, n. A resinous liquid; a tree. BAR'BAR-IZE, v. a. To render barbarous. BAL-S-AM'IC, BAL-SAM/I-CCAL, a. Like balsani. BARI'BAR-Ots, a. Rude; uncivilized; cruel. BALtVS-TER, a. A small column or pilaster, as BSR QBuAR-QU S-NSS, an. State of being barbarous. of a rail to a fflght of stairs. [rail. BAXRBE-CUE, it. A hog, &c., dressed whole. BAL'tVS-TRADE, at. A row of balusters, with a BXARtB.-cuE, v. a. To dress, as a hog. BAm-B6t', n. A plant of the reed kind. BAIt'BED,p. a. Having barbs; bearded. B'AM-B66'ZLE, v. a. To deceive: a low word. BXRBEL (bar'bl), a. A river fish; fleshy knot. BAN, n. Public notice; a curse; interdiction. BARtBER, s1. One whose trade is to shave. B-A-NA/'NA,or. BA-NAXNA, n. A plant, and its fruit. B~satBDR-Ry, n. A shrub and its fruit. BAND, n. Bandage; cord; ornament; company. BARD, n. A poet; a minstrel:-caparison. BAND, v. a. & n. To unite; to bind; to associate. BARDtIC, a. Relating to bards or poets. BANDtAqE, n. A fillet; a cloth for binding. BARE, a. Naked; plain; simnple; poor; mere. BAN.DANNA, n. A spotted silk handkerchief. BARE, v. a. To strip; to uncover; to divest. BXND'B6X, n. A slight box used far bands, &c. BAREtFAyCED (t,&rtfast), n. Shanmeless; bold. BXANDE-L.T, n. A flat moulding or fillet. BAREfFOOT (bAr'ftfit), a. Having bare feet. BXANDIT, sn.; pl. BANX-DITtTi. A robber. BARE.FOOT (bAr'fft), ad. With bare feet. BAN-D!IT'TI (ban —it'te), n.'A band of robbers. BARREHtAD-ED (bhrt'hd-ed), a. With the head XAN-DQ-LEER, n.' A small case for powder. BARE'LY, ad. Nakedly; only; merely. [bare. BA.NDtR6L, n.' A little flag or streamer. BARE'NlEss, n. Nakedness; leanness; poverty. BAN'DY, n. A club for striking a ball. BARtGAIN (biar'gin),n. A contract; agreement. BXND, v. a. T beat to and fro; to exchange. BARtGAIN (.bar'in), v.n. To make a contract. BXN'DY-LatGGED(-iegd),a.Having crooked legs. BAR-GAIN-EBa, a. One who accepts a bargain. BANE, at. Poison that which destroys or ruins. BAXRGAIN-ER, 1. One who makes a bargain. BAINE'FOL, a. Poisonous; destructive. BARQE, n. A boat for pleasure or for burden. BANG(, V. a. To beait; to tlump. -n. A blow. BAiRqEtMANS, n. The mnanagerof a barge. BAN-IAN' (ban-yan') n. A tree of India:-a BiRqEt'MAS-TER, i. The owner of a barge. Hindoo class: -a morning gown. BAiRK, n. The'rind of a tree:- a small ship. BXN'ISH- v. a. To exile; to drive away. BARK, v. a. To strip of their bark, as trees.,LS, f long; X,,,, short; ng;,9~ obscure.-FAkRE,FiR,FAST,iFALL; HR:IR,Hi.R; BARK 51 BEAMY B-.RK, v. n. To make the noise of a dog. BAS-S6ONt, n. A musical wind instrument. BARrLEY (bar'le), n. A kind of grain. BASS-RE,-LIFt1, n. Sculpture, the figures of BXRTLEY-CORN', n. A kernel of barley; third which do not stand out far frotn the ground. BXRM, n. Yeast; a leaven. [part of an inch. BASSt-VItQL, n. A musical stringed instrument. BXRIMY, a. Containing barm; yeasty. BASITARD, n. A child born out of wedlock. BARNi, n. A storehouse for hay, corn, &c. BISTTARD, a. Illegitimate; spurious. BARtNA-CLE,n. Ashell-fish; a kind ofgoose: BAS'TARD-ZE, vv. a. To prove to be a bastard. - instrument for holding a horse by the nose. BAStTAR-DY, n. The state of being a bastard. BA-ROM'E-TER, n. An instrument to measure BASTE, v. a. To beat; to drip; to sew slightly. pressure of the atmosphere; weather-glass. BXS-TILE1, n. Formerly a state prison in France. BXR-O-MiiETRlI-C.AL, a. Relating to a barometer. BXS-TI-NADE', n. Act of beating on the soles BXRIQN, n. A degree of nobility in England. BXS-TI-NNAIDO, of the feet with a cudgel. BXR'ON-A(E, n. Dignity or estate of a baron. BAS-TI -NADE1, v. a. To treat or punish with BAR'oN-Ess, n. A baron's wife or lady. BXS-TI-NA'DO, the bastinado. BXRrQN-ET, n. The lowest degree of nobility BAS'TIQN (basfchun), n. A huge mass of earth, that is hereditary in England. [nets. standing out from a rampart; a bulwark. BXR1ON-ET-ACrtE, n. The whole body of baro- BXT, n. A heavy stick: — a small animal. BA-RO'NI-AL, a. Relating to a baron or barony. BXTCH, n. Quantity of bread baked at once. BAR'O-NYX, n. The lordship or fee of a baron. BJATE... a. To lessen; to abate; to diminish. BXRtRA4Ci, n. A building to lodge soldiers in. BAT-EAU' (bat-l'), it. A long, light boat. BAR'RA-TOR, na. One guilty of barratry. BAiTH, n.; pl. BATH$. A place to bathe in; BAR'RA-TRY, n. Foul practice in law; bribery. act of bathing: — a Hebrew measure. BARtREL,.n A cask; a tube; a cylinder. BATHE, v. a. & n?. To wash in a bath; to soften. BXR/REL, v. a. To put into a barrel or barrels. BATTING, prep. Excepting; except; without. BARtREN, a. Not prolific; unfruitful; dull. BXT'L.T,,i. A piece of wood for beating linen. BXR'REN-NESS, a. Unfruitfulness; sterility. BA-TON' (ba-tongt), n. A marshal's staff. BXR-RI-CAt)E1, n. Fortification made of trees, BA-TOON, n. A marshal's staff; a baton. BAR-Ri-CXADo, $ eatth, &c.; an obstruction. BAT-TAL'IQN (bat-taWlyun), n. Body of troops. BAR-Rt-CADo, v. a. To fortify; to obstruct BAT'TEN (bat'tn), v. a. & n. To grow fat. BAXi-RI-CtADE', with fortification; to block up. BATrTER, v. a. To beat down; to wear out. BAR'RI-ER (bir're-er or bar'yer), in. A de- BXTITER, n. A mixture of several ingredients. fence; a barricade; a stop; a bar; obstruction. BATtT.R-ING-RXM, n. Ancient military engine. BXR'R1S-T]ER, n. A counsellor at law. [hog. BXT'TE.R-Y, n. A parapet; line of cannon; a BAR'tw,'n. A hand-carriage; a hillockl; a violent assault: - ai electrical apparatus. BARt-SH6T, n. Two half bullets joined by a bar. BXT'TLE, n. A fight; a combat; an engagement. BXR'TER, v. n. & a. To traffic by exchanging. BXT'TLE, v. n. To contend in battle. BAR'TER, n. Traffic by exchanging wares. BXTtTLE-AR-RAY', n. Order of battle. BA-RY1TA, n. A heavy alkaline earth. BXATTLE-AXE, n. A weapon of war,likean axe.BARt.Y-TONE, a. Noting a low pitch of voice. BXT'TLE-DOOR,n. An instrument, like a bat, BA-S.LT', n. A species of volcanic rock. to strike a shuttlecock with in playing. B4-SALT'IC, a. Pertaining to, or like, basalt. BXTITLE-MENT, n. A wall; a breastwork. BASE, n. The bottom; foundation; pedestal; BAWIBLE, n. A gewgaw; a trinket; a trifle. the lowest part in music. See BASS. BAWD, n. A procurer or a procuress. BASE, a. Mean; vile; contemptible; of low BWWD.Y, a. Filthy; obscene; lewd. [aloud. station or value. - (JIus.) Grave; deep. BAWL, v. n. & a. To hoot; to shout; to cry BASE, v. a. To found; to lay the base of. BAY, a. Inclining to a chestnut color; reddish. BASEI-BORN, a. Of illegitimate or low birth. BAY, n. An arm of the sea: — the laurel tree. BAsSEILESS, a. Without a base or foundation. BAY, v. n. To bark, as a dog at his game. BASE'LY, ad. In a base or unworthy manner. BAY'O-NET, n. A short dagger fixed to a musket. BA.SE.MENT, n. Ground floor of a building. BAY'-SALT, n. Salt made from sea-water. BASE/NESS, n. Meanness; vileness; badness. BA-ZXAR', n. An Eastern market; a market. BA-SHIAW', n. A Turkish viceroy; a pacha. BE, v. n. [imp. t. was; pp. been.] To have BASH'FOL, a. Modest; shamefaced; shy; coy. some certain state; to exist; to remain. BXSH'FfiL-LY, ad. Modestly; in a shy manner. BEACH (bech), n. The shore; the strand. BASHRFPL-NESS, a. Modesty; rustic shyness. BEA'CON (btekn), n. Something raised on an BA'tIL, n. The angle of the edge of a tool. eminence for giving notice; a signal-fire. BX~'IL, v. a. To grind to an angle. [church. BEAD, n. A small globe; globule; a moulding. BA- ILII-CA, n. A large hall; a magnificent BEA'DLE (bt'dl), n. A petty officer of a court. B.I -LISK, in. A serpent; a species of cannon. BEAD'/RLL, a. List of persons to be prayed for. BA'SIN (batsn), n. A vessel; a pond; bay; dock. BEAtGLE (bt'gl), n. A small dog to hunt hares. BAtSIS, n. pl. BA'tSE.' The base or foundation. BEAK, n. The bill of a bird; a thing pointed. BASK, v. n. & a. To lie in the warmth to warm. BEAK'ED (be'ked or bekt), a. Having a beak. BASI'ERT, n. A vessel made of twigs, &c. - BEAK'ER (bt'kur), n. A drinking-cup. BAS'KET-HILT, n. A hilt covering the hand. BEAM, n. Piece of timber; a part of a balBXSS, n. A kind of fish: - a tree and its wood. ance; the pole of a carriage: - a ray of light: BAss, n. The lowest part in music. - the main horn of a stag: width of a ship. BASs, a. (AMus.) Grave; deep; low. See BASE. BEAM, v. n. To shine forth; to emit rays. BASrSE. T, n. A kind of game at cards. BEAM'Y, a. Radiant; shining; having horns. MIEN, SIR; MbVE, NO5R, 8iN, BOtLL, Bl %t, B RP LE.-A-, e, soft; j, G, hard; * as Z; Z as gz; IHIS.1 BEAN 52 BEHOOVE B3AN, n. A species of pulse, of many varieties. R B:D'LAM, n. A hospital for lunatics. BEAR (bAr), v.a. & n. [inzp. t. bore e;pp. borue.] B3:DtLAM-ITE, is. A madman; a lunatic. To carry; to convey; to endure; to suffer. BRDIPOST, 1n. The post of a bedstead. BEAR, v. a. [imp. t. bore 07r bare; pp. born.] BE.-DRAG'GLE, v. a. To soil illn the dirt. To bring forth, as a child; to produce. BiE-DRtiNCHt, v. a. To drench; to soak. BEAR, n. A savage animal; a constellation. BtDIRlID, BED'RI!D-DEN, a. Confined to the bed. BE AR'-BXIT-ING, n. Baiting bears with dogs. Bi D/R66,, n. An apartment for a bed. BEARD (bhrd), n. Hair: on the chin, &c.; a barb. BtD1STEAD (bed'stld), n. The frame of a bed. BEARD (berd), v. a. To take by the beard; to op- BtDfTIMES, n. The time to go to bed. BEARDIED, a. Having a beard. [pose. BE:, 1. An insect that makes honey and wax. BEARDtLESS. a. Without beard; youthful. BEDI'IVE, n. A box or case for holding bees. BEARI'Rt (brt'er), n. A carrier; a supporter. BE CI-I, nz. A well-known forest tree. BEAR'tNG, si. Gesture; mien; situation. BEICHREN (betchn), a. Pertaining to beech. BEAST, n. An irrational animal; a brutal man. BEEr, n. The flesh of an ox, bull, or cow. BEASTtLY, a. Like a beast; brutal; brutish.:BEEF:iErAT-1.R, n. Yeoman of the guard.[Engt.] B:EAT, v. a. [imp. t. beat; pp. beaten or beat.] BEEN (bIn), pp. from the verb be. To strike; to bruise; to tread; to conquer. BEER, a. Liquor made of malt and hops. BEAT, v. n. To throb; to dash, as a storm. BEET, na. A garden vegetable. [let. BEAT, n. A stroke; a pulsation; striking. BER'TLE,?i. An insect:-a heavy wooden malBEAT'EN (bt'tn), pp. fromn beat. BEitTLE-II-HAD-EI D,a. Wooden-headed; stupid. BE-A-TIF'IC, a. Affording heavenly bliss; B:-ETLE-ST6CK, n. The handle of a beetle. BEi-A-TiFI-CAL, nmaking completely happy. B:i:EvE fb8vz), n.pl. of beefJ Cattle; oxen. BrE-AT-I-FI-CA.TIQN, n. The act-of beatifying. BE-FALL, a. a. & n.: [imp. t. befell; pp. beBi-ATTi-FY, v. a. To bless; to make happy. fallen.] To happen to; to happen; to occur. BEATIING,?. Correction by blows; a drubbing. BE-FT', v. a. To suit; to become. B-XrT'I-TUDE; n. Blessedness; perfect felicity. MB-F65Lt, v. a. To make a fool of. [to. BEAU (bS), n.; pl. BEAUX. A mall of dress. BE-F6RE', prep. In front of; prior to; superior BEAUISH (bjish), a. Like a beau; foppish. B}-FOREt, ad. Sooner; ill tilnepast; previously. BEAUITE-oTS (bfi'te-is), a. Fair; beautiful. BEI-F6RE tIAND, ad. Before; previously. BEAfSfTE.-OUs-NESss (bii'te-us-nis), il. Beauty. BI.-rFOfL',v. a. To soil; to pollute; to foul. BE AfTI-F0L (bfite-fil), a. Possessed of beauty. Bi.-FRIEND' (be-frBnd), v. a. To be a friend to. BEAUtTI-FOL-LY, ad. In a beautifil] manner. BEG, v. a1. To live upon allns; to ask alms. BEAFi'TI-FY, v. a. To adorn; to embellish. BEG, v. a. To ask; to crave; to entreat for. BEAC'TY (bhite), n. Pleasing assemblage of Blr,.-HTt v. a. [imp. t. begot, begat; pp. begraces; grace; a beautiful person or thing. gotten, begot.] To generate; to procreate. BEAU'TY-SPOT, n. A patch to heighten beauty. BEtG' GAR, 7. One who lives by begging. [haust. BEAIVER, n.'A quadruped and his fur; a hat. BEt GGAR, v. a. To reduce to beggary; to exBEC-A-FiCoS, n. A bird, the fig-pecker. BEGqG-.RA-LY, a. Mean; poor. - ad. Meanly. BE-CXLM' (be-kmr'), v. a. To still; to calm. EBiGG4.AR-Y, n. Indigence; great want; poverty. BE-CAMEf, imp. t. from become. BE-FINt', v. n. [imp. t. began; pp. begun.] To BE-CAUSsE', conj. For this reason; for this cause. enter upon something new; to commence. BE-CHANCE', v. n. To befall; to happen. BE-,ItN', v. a. To enter upon; to commence. BE-CHXRRMt, v. a. To captivate; to charm. BEi-rNt.NING, n. The first original or source; BECit, v. n. To make a sign by a nod; to beckon. the first part; the rudiments, or first grounds. BE CK, n. A sign with the head; a nod. BEg-PIRD!, v. a. [imp. t. begirded, begirt; pp. BECKION (belkkn), v. n. & a. To malke a sign. begirt.] To gird: to bind round; to surround. BECKtON (blTlkkl), n. A sign by a motion. BE-GONEt (be-gs'i), insteij. Exclamation of BE-CeLODt', v. a. To cloud; to dim; to obscure. command go away; haste away. [beget. BE-COMEt (be-klmt), v.. [imnp. t. became; pp. BE-GOT', BE-GOTITEN (be-gltftn), pp. frorn become.] To enter into some state; to be. BE-oRuDGEt, v.a. To envy the possession of. BE-CIrE7, v. a. To add grace to; to befit. BE, -GUILEt (be-Dll), v. a. To impose upon; to BE-CIMtING, p. a. Graceful; fit; proper. Bs- ilN' pp. fi'om begiii. [deceive; to amuse. BED, n. A couch to sleep on; a bank-of earth; B-EIAXLF1 (be-haft), 1. Favor; cause; account. bottom of a channel; a layer; stratum. BEH-EIAVE, v; n. & a. To conduct; to demean. BiED, v. a. To place in bed; to sow, plant, lay. BE-HAv'IOR (be.-bavtyur), n. Manner; conduct. BE-DiBtBLE, v. a. To bespatter; to besprikle. BE-HEAD (be-hed') v. a. To decapitate. BE.-DiSHt, v. a. To besprinkle; to bespatter. BE-HELD', imp. t. & pp. from behold. E.-DXUB', v. a. To smear; to daub over. BEIIE-MOTH, n. An animal described in Job. BE-DAZtZLE, v. a. To make dim by lustre. BE-HEST,nt. A command; precept; injunction. BEDICHAiM-BER, n. A chamber for a bed. BE-HIND', prep. At the back of; inferior to. BEDtDING-, n. The materials of a bed. BE-HINDt, ad. In the rear; backwards. [tardy. BE-DECK, v. a. To deck; to ornament. [dew. BE -HIND'HXND, ad. In arrears; backward; BE-DE W'V (be-d'%), v. a. To moisten, as with BE-HOLD1t v. a. [imp. t. & pp. beheld.] To BED'FEL-LOW, n. One who lies in the same BE-HOLDI, interj. See; lo. [view; to see. BEDtHXNG-ING, n.pl. Curtains of a bed. [bed. BE-HOLDIEN (be-hbld'dn),p. a. Bound; obliged. BE-DIGHTt (be-dit'), prep. Adorned; decked. BE-HOLD/ER, n;. One who beholds or sees. BE-DHi', v. a. To make dim; to darken... - BE,-HO6F!, n. Profit; advantage; benefit. BlE-DitZEN (be-dt'zn), v. a. To'dress gaudily. BE-H6v:E', v. a. & n. To be fit for; to become. A,n,i,,Oi,1,, long; A,E,A,6,io,, short; A,E,,9Q V,Y, obscure.-FARE,FXR,FXST,FAxLL; HEIR,HER; BEING 53 BETRAY BErING,?1. Existence; a person or thing existing. BE-NIGHTr (be-nItt),v.a.To involve in darkness. BE-LA'BOQR v. a. To beat soundly; to thamp. BE-NIGN' (be-In'), a. Kind; generous; gentle. BE-LXAT1D, a. Benighted; too late. [fasten. BE-NIGINANT, a. Kind; gracious; benign. BE-LAYf, v. a. To block up; to besiege; to BE.-NIGNI -TY, n. Graciousness; kindness. BELCH, v. n. & a. To eject wind from the BE-NIGN'LY (be-nilnle), ad. Favorably; kindly. BLtIDAM, n. An old woman; a hag. [stomach. BENT, imp. t. & pp. from bend. B.-LEAG/UER (be-laf'er), v. a. To besiege. BENT, n. Flexure; inclination; tendency. BREL/'FRY, n The place where a bell is hung. BE-NUMB1 (be-nrm'), v. a. To make numb. BE-LIE' (be-lh'), v. a. To slander; to falsify. BEN-ZOIN, is. A resinous substance. BE:-LIEFf (be-left), n. Persuasion; creed; faith. B:-QUEATH',V. a. To leave by will to another. BE-LI:EVIA-BLE, a. That may be believed. BE-QUtEST/ (be-kwest'), n. A legacy. BE-LIEVE' (be-lav'), v. a. To credit; to trust. BE-REAVE1, v. a. [imp. t. bereaved, bereft; pp. BE-LIEVE1, v. n. To have belief or faith. [tian. bereaved, bereft.] To strip; to deprive; to BE-LIV IER, n. One who believes: - a Chris- BE-REAYVEMEI.NT, n. Deprivation. [take from. BELL, 1l. A hollow, sounding vessel of metal. BE-RtIEFT', imp. t. & pp. from bereave. BELLE (bSl), n. A handsorme, gay, young lady. BER'GA- MOT, n. A sort of pear:-a perfume. BELLES-LETTRES (bil-lt'tr), i. Polite lit- BER-LiN', n. A coach of a particular form. erature; rhetoric, poetry, criticism, &c. BER'RY, n. Any small fruit, with seeds. BhLLtFLOWi-ER, n. A plant and its flower. BERTH, n. Station of a ship; a box to sleep in. BfiLLFOOND-ER,.n. One who casts bells. BERIYL (blr/ril). n. A precious stone. BEL-LYrIER-IENT, a. Waging war. B.-SEEiCH, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. besought.] To BELLfMAN, n. One who rings a bell. entreat; to beg; to implore; to solicit; to pray. BELL'-MfiT-AL (bl-mrt'tl), i. An alloy of cop- BE-SEEMt, v. a. To become; to befit. per and tin of which bells are made. BE-St T', v. a. [imp. t. & pp. beset.] To beBtL/LOW (b61l16), v. n. To roar, as a bull. siege; to waylay; to embarrass; to attack. BkL'LOW, n. A loud, roaring noise; a roar. BE-sHREW' (be-shrl'), v. a.'To call a curse on. B1L/LOWS (bgllus), n. A machine for blowing. E-SIDE', prep. At the side of; over and BELL/-RING-ER, i. One who rings bells. BE SIDE~t, above; distinct from; out of. Bi:L'LU-INE, a. Like a beast; beastly; brutal. BE-SIDE', ad. More than that; moreover; BELL'-WETH-EtR, n. A sheep which carries a BE-SIDE', not in this number; out of. BqL'LY, i. Part containing the bowels. [bell. BE-SIE9-E' (be-sej'), v. a. To lay siege to; to,BL'LY-ABHE, n. Pain in the bowels; colic. BE-SSt_/ER, n. One who besieges. [beset. BEL'Ly-Fr tL, n. As much as fills the belly. BE-SMEAR', v. a. To bedaub; to soil. BE-LONG', v. n. To be property; to pertain. BE' /OM (be!zum), n. A broom of twigs. BELOVED, p. a. (be-lhvd'). Loved.- a. be BE-SOTt, v a. To infatuate; to stupefy. liived). Much loved; dear. [t. BE-SOUGHT' (be-sAwt'),imp.t.&pp. from beseech, BiE-Low' (be-l'),prsp. Under in place or digni- BE -SPAN'GLE, v. a. To adorn with spangles. BE-LOW', ad. In a lower place; on earth. BE-SPXT'TE.R, v. a. To soil by spattering. BELT, n. A girdle; a cincture; a sash; a band. BEi-SPEAK!, v. a. [imp. t. bespoke; pp. beBE-mIREI, v. a. To drag or befoul in mire. spoken.] To speak for beforehand; to betoken. BE-MOAN' (be-mon'), v. a. To lament; to bewail. Bit-SPRtEAD' (be-sprld'), v. a. To spread over. BkNCH, n. A long seat; a tribunal; the court. Bs'-SPRN'IKLE, v. a. To sprinkle over. BENCH'It, n. A senior in the inns of court. BEST, a. The superlative of good; most good. BtND, v. a. [imp. t. bent, bended; pp. bent, BEST, ad. In the highest degree of goodness. bended.] To make crooked; to direct, incline. BEST'IAL (bgsttyal), a. Like a beast; brutal. B ND, v. an. To be incurvated:- to yield. BES-TI-_XLI-TY (bNst-ye-al'e-te),n.. Beastliness. Bh ND, n. A curve; a crook; a flexure. [nity. BE-STiR', v. a. To put into vigorous action. BEi-NEATH'I,prep. Lower in place, rank, or dig- BE-ST-OW' (be-stow'), v. a. To put; to give. Bi-NEATI'H, ad. In a lower place; below. BE-STOWtMIENT, n. The act of bestowing. B-iN-I-i-DiC'.TIQN, n. A blessing; invocation BE-STRE*W (be-strt' or be-strS'), v. a. [imp. t. of happiness; expression of good wishes. [gift. bestrewed; pp. bestrewed, bestrewn.] To BsN-E-F.AC'TION, n. A good deed; a benefit; a scatter; to strew; to sprinkle over. BtPN —FAXCITQOR, n. One who confers a benefit. BE-STRIDE1, v. a. [imp. t. bestrid, bestrode; pp. BtLN-E.-FXC'TRE:SS, n. A female benefactor. bestridden.] To stride over; to ride on. BRNE N'-FICE, n. An ecclesiastical living. BE.-STTDt, v. a. To set or adorn with studs. BiNILV-FICED (bln'e-flst), a. Having a benefice.: BET, n. A wager. —v. a. To lay, as a wager. BE-NPEF'I-CrNCE,n. Active goodness; bounty. BE-TAKE', v. a. [imp. t. betook; pp. betaken.] B1E-NiFtI-CNT, a. Kind; doing good. To have recourse to; to apply; to resort. BL N-E-F lCIAL (bln-e-fish'al), a. Conferring BEITEL, or BE'TLE (beltl), n. Indian pepper. benefits; advantageous; useful; helpful. BE-THINK, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. bethought.] BE.N-E-VF~IC.IAL-LY, ad. Advantageously. To recall to memory or reflection; o10 remind. BLEN-E-F-VtCIAL-NEiSS, n. Usefutlness. BE-TIDE', v. n. & a. To happen; o happen to. BLN —ErrI"C!-'-Ry (bln-e-fish.e-a-re), n. One Bit-TIMWE', BE-TIMES/, ad. Seasonably; early. possessed of a benefice:'- a person'benefited. BE,-TO'IEN (be-totkn), v. a. To signify; to BEiN.E-FIT, n. A kindness; advantage; gain. B:T'O-NY, n. A genus of plants. [foreshow. BI3N/E-FIT, v. a., To do good to; to advantage. BEt-TOOK' (be-tuk'), imp. t. from betake. BE.-NiYv o O-LtNCE:, n. Good will; kindness. BE-TRAY', v. a. To give up or disclose treach. BE-NLV'O-LP:NT, a. Kind; having good will. er6usly; to divulge; to discover; to entrap. MIEN, SYIR j M6VE, NOR, SON; IBOLL, BUR, ROLE.-9-, A, soft; *1, &, hard'; as Z; * as gxz; TIIS. 5* BETRAYER 54 BISECTION BE-TRaY1ER,?t. One who betrays; a traitor. BGI-IT (bit), n. A small bay; a coil of a rope. B.-TROTH/, V. a. To give or receive a con- BIGcrNrSS, n. Bulk; size; dimensions. tract of marriage; to affiance; to pledge. BIGQfT, n. One unduly devoted to some party. BE-TR6TH'MENT, i. The act of betrothing. BSIGtT-ED, a. Unreasonably zealous. BETIT.R, a. The comparative of good; more good. BIG1OT-RY, n. Blind zeal; great prejudice. BIT'TE.R, ad. More; rather; in a higher de- BIL'BER-RY, n. A small shrub and its fruit. BT'iTEIR, v. a. To improve; to advance. [gree. BILIBO, n. A rapier; a sword. [the feet. BkET/TE.R-MkNT, n. Improvement. BILfBOiE (bll/boz), n. pl. A sort of stocks for BEhTTrQR, a. One who bets, or lays wagers. BILE, n. A thick, yellow, bitter liquor, sepaBE-TWEENl, prep. In the intermediate space rated in the liver:- a boil. See BOIL. of; from one to another; in the middle of. BILgE, n. The broadest part of a ship's botBE-TWIXTf, prep. In the middle of; between. tom; the protuberant part of a cask. BVIEL, or BVEY IL, n. A kind of square rule. BILlE, V. n. To spring a leak; to let in water. BEIE.L, or BEV'IL, v. a. To cut to a bevel BILtIA-R~ (billtya-re), a. Belonging to the bile. BVt'ER-.A4E, n. Liquor to be drunk. [angle. BILWLINGL -GATE, n. Ribaldry; foul language. Bsv'y, n. A flock of birds; a company. [plore. BI-LiNIGUAL, a. Having two tongues. BE-WAILf, v. a. To bemoan; to lament; to de- BsLIOU.S (bllyuis), a. Partaking of bile. BE-WARE', v. in. To be cautious; to take heed. BILL, n. A written paper; an account of monBE-WIL'DER, v. a. To perplex; to-entangle. ey; beak of a fowl; a pickaxe; a battle-axe. BJ-WITCH', v. a. To charm; to fascinate. BILL, v. n. To caress, as doves, by joining bills. BEY (ba), n. A governor of a Turkish province. BILLE. T, n. A note; a letter; a piece of wood. BE-YOND', prep. On the farther side of; past. BIL/LET, V. a. To place or quarter, as soldiers. BE-Y6ND', ad. At a distance; yonder. BILL'IARD9 (bll'yardz), n. pl. A game played B1E-ZXNTI, n. A coin made at Byzantium. on a table with balls and cues or rods. BtZ'EL or Bt Z'EL,.n. That part'of a ring in BILL'IQN (bil'ytn), n. A thousand millions. which the stone is set. BIL1LOW (billol), n. A wave; a surge. BsitZOAR (bI'zlr), n. A sort of stone found in BILtLQW-Y (bl'lfo-e), a. Swelling; turgid. the stomach, &c., of ruminant animals. BIN, n. A repository for corn, bread, or wine. BIIAS, n. Partiality; bent; inclination. [dice. BIN'NA-CLE, n. The compass-box of a ship. BI'AS, v. a. To incline to some side; to preju- BI1NA-RY, a. Two; dual; double; twofold. BIB, n. A piece of linen put on a child's breast. BIND, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. bound.] To confine BI-BIX'CIOVS (bi-batshus), a. Addicted to drink- with cords; to gird; to fasten; to tie; oblige. BIB'BtR, n. A tipplers; a toper; a sot. [ing. BIND, v. n; To contract its own parts together. si'BLE,n. The volume of the sacred Scriptures. BINDE.R, n. One who binds; a fillet. BIBlLI-CAL, a. In, or according to, the Bible. BIND'ING, n. A bandage; the cover of a book. BIB-LI-6G'RA-PHER, n. One skilled in books. BI-NOC'U-L.AR, a. Having or using two eyes. BIB-LI-O-GRXPPH'IC a. Relating to the BI-N~OMI-4L, a. Composed of two parts. BSI-L'-Q-GRRXPf.I-CA L, knowledge of books. BI-G'RA.-PHIIR, a. A writer of biography. BiB-L.I-GRA.-PHy, n. Knowledge of books. BI-Q-a.9 XrPH.I-cAL, a. Relating to biography. BiB-LI-Q-MX'N!-AC, n. One who has a rage BI-oGt'RA-PHY9 n. A history or account of lives. BrB'V-LotS, a. Absorbing; spongy. [for books. BSPtA-RoiS, a. Bringing forth two at a birth. BICKtER-ING, n. A quarrel; skirmish. BIP.tAR-TITE, a. Having two correspondent BI'CORN, Bi-CiRtNOUs, a. Having two horns. BsIPED, a. An animal with two feet. [parts. BID, v. a. [imp. t. bid, bade; pp. bidden, bid.] BIP1E-DAL, a. Two feet in length, or having To command; to offer; to invite; to pronounce.' BI-PIhNN.ATE, a. Having two wings. [two feet. BID'DEN (bld'dn), pp. from bid; commanded. Bi-PET'A-LOrS, a. Having two petals. BID!DER, a. One who bids, or makes an offer. BI-QUAkD'RATE, n. The fourth power, arising sID'DING, n. Colnmand; order;offer of price. from the multiplication of a square. by itself. BI-DENTtAL, a. Having two teeth. BI-QUAD-RXTtIC, a. Relating to the fourth BI-DtTl, n. A little horse: - an article of chain- BRCH, n. A well-known tree. [power. ber furniture for washing the person. BIRCH'EN (bir'chn), a. Made of birch BI-RNtNI-AL, a. Occurring once in two years; BIRD, n. An animal of the feathered kind. living or continuing two years. BIRD'-CAQE, n. An enclosure for birds. BI-SN'NI-AL-LY, ad. At the return of two years. -BYRDt-CULL, n. A pipe for imitating the notes BIER, n. A frame for conveying the dead. BYRD'LIME, n. A glutinous substance.[of birds. BIEST'INGS, n. First milk of acowaftercalving. BIRDI'$-EiVE (bi'rdz'l), a. Seen from above, as BI-FArRI-OUS, a. Twofold; having two parts. by a bird; a word applied to pictures of places. BIFIER-ODS, a. Bearing fruit twice a year. BIRD'-'-NtST, n. The place where birds deposit Bs'FID, a. Divided into two; opening their eggs and hatch their young. BYFII-DAT-ED, $ with a cleft, as a leaf. BIRTH, n. Act of coming into life; extraction; B1TFOLD, a. Twofold; double; duplicate. rank by descent; lineage. See BERTH. BI'FORM, a. Having a double form. BYRTHDAY, n. The day on which one is born. BI-FUR'CAT-EID,a. Having two forks or prongs. BtIRTHIPLACE, n. Place where one is born. BIG, a. Great.; large; huge; pregnant; swollen. BYRTH'RIGHT (bYrthirlt), n. T'he right or privBIGCA-liST, n. One who commits bigamy. ilege to which one is entitled by birth. BIGA4-MY, n. The offence of having two wives BISICUIT (bls'kit), n. A small cake of bread. or two husbands at once. [en vessel. BI-SCT1, v. a. To divide into two equal parts. BIGITGIN, n. A child's cap; a can or small wood- BI-S-C/TIQN, a. Division into two equal parts. AEIA,0U6,, lonag*;,,s,fs,, short; 4iXQY, obscure.-FAREF; AiR,FAST,F ALL; HIIIRIIEtR; BISEGMENT 55 BLOCKHEADED BI-SEtGI MENT, n. A part of a bisected line. BLAS-PHEiE!, v. a. To speak evil of; to curse. BISH' OP, n. A prelate; head of a diocese. BL.S-PHEMIEt, V. n. To speak blasphemy. BISHIQP,V. a.To confirm; to admit to the church. BLAS-PHEt/]ER, n. One who blasphemes. BisHIfoP-RIc, n. The diocese of a bishop. BLAS'PIPHE-Mo0s, a. Containing blasphemy. BiS1HUTH, S. A metal of a reddish-white color. BLAStPHE-MY, n. Indignity offered to God. BItSON (bl'sn), n. A kind of wild ox. BLAST, n. A gust of wind; a sound; a blight. BIS-SEXfTILE, in. Leap year; every fourth year. BLJiST, v. a. To wither; to blight; to blow up. BI-SUL'COVS (b-sillUkus), a. Cloven-footed. BLAZE, is. A flame; a streami of light; a mark. BIT, n. Tie iron of a bridle:- a smlall piece. BLAZE, v. n. & a. To flame; to publish. [claim. BIT, v. a. To put the bit in the mouth of. BL.AZON (bla'zn), v. a. To explain; to proBITCH, n. The female of the canine kind. BLA1ZON (bladzn), n. Blazonry; proclamation. BITE, v. a. [imp. t. bit; pp. bitten, bit.] To BLA/ZON-RY, i. Art of drawing coats of arms. seize or crush with the teeth: - to cheat. BLEA (ble), sn. The part of the wood of a tree BITE, n. Seizure by the teeth; a cheat; a trick. which lies immediately under the bark. BITIE.R, s1. One that bites; a cheat; a deceiver. BLEACH, v. a. & n. To make white; to grow BIT/TEN (bitttn), pp. from bite. BLEACHIlER-Y,n. A place for bleaching.[white. BITITER, a. Acrid; sharp; cruel; painful. BLEAK, a. Exposed to the wid; cold: chill. BIT/TER-LY, ad. In a bitter manner; sharply. BLEAK'NESS, tn. State of being bleak; coldness. BITtTE.RN, n. A bird with long legs. BLEAR, a. Dim with rheuln or water, as eyes. BIT/T]R-NhSS, n. A bitter taste:- malice. BLEAR (bler), v.'a. To make dil, as eyes. BITtTE R-SWEET, n. An apple sweet and bitter. BLEARIEYED (bltrlid), a. Having sore eyes. BI-TU'IMEN, n. An inilammable mineral sub- BLEAT (blit), v. n.. To cry as a slieep. [Lamnb. Bj-T'TMI-NOrS,a. Containing bitumen.[stance. BLEAT, BLEATIING, n. The cry of a sheep or Bl'VALVE, a. Having two valves or shells. BLEED, v.n. [im. p. t. & pp. bled.] To lose blood. BIv'l-o0s, a. That leads different ways. BLEED, v. a. To draw or let blood from. BIvTouAC (bivtwgak),n.A watch of an armuy at BLSI'.ISH, v. a. To mark; to tarnish; to defame. BIZfAN-TINE, t. A great piece of gold. [night. BLkEIt.ISH, n. A mark of deformlity; taint. BLAB, v. a. & n. To tell, as secrets; to tell tales. BLEND, v. a. To mingle togethler; to mix. BLAB, n. A telltale; a babbler; a tattler. BLENDE, n. An ore of zinc; blackjack. BLACK, a. Dark; cloudy; mournful; dismal. BLESS, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. blessed, blest.] To BLACK, in. A black color; a blackmoor; a negro. make happy; to wish happiness to. BLAC' K, v. a. To blacken; to make black. BLESS'/Io, p. a. Happy; enjoying felicity; holy. BLACK'BIBR-RY, n. A plalit and its fruit. BLESS/'ED-NESS, ii. Happiness; divine favor. BLACK'BItRD, l. A sniall, black, singing bird. BLESS'.NG, n. Benediction; divine favor. BLACK'CAT-TLE, n.pl. Oxen, cows, and bulls. BLEST, imnp. t. & pp. from bless. BLXClKCOCK,in. The heath-cock. [darken. BLEWv (blid), imp. t. from blow. BLACK'EN (blkt'kn), v. a. To make black; to BLIGHT (bllt), n. A blasting; a mildew. BLACK/'EN (bla[k'kn), v. n. To grow black. BLIGHT, v. a. To injure by blight; to blast. BLACKIGUARD (bliglgard), n. A coarse fellow. BLIND, a. Destitute of sight; not seeing. BLACKIiSH, a. Solewhat black. [blende. BLIND, v. a. To make blind; to darken. BLA;CKIJ, CK, a. A leatlern cup: -a mineral; a BLIND, n. Something to obscure the light. BLXACK-LkAD' (blak-led'),n. Mineral for pencil., BLIND FOLD, v. a. To hinder from seeing. BLACKITAILX, 7. A certain rate anciently paid BLINDtFOLD, a. Having the eyes covered. to men allied with robbers for protection. [day. BLINDfLY, ad. Without sight; implicitly. BLAClK/-iION~'DtAY (-rllinlda),? l. Easter-MIon- BLIND/NE.SS, n. Want of sight; ignorance. BLACKTivIRooR, or BLACKI/A-MHOOKR, s. A negro. BLIND/SIDE, n. A weakness; a wealk part. BLACK'NI.SSS, n. The quality of being black. BLINDIWORi (blind'wiirm), n. A small viper. BLACIK'S.IiTH, n. A sinith that works in iron. BLINK;, V. n. To wink; to see obscurely. BLACK1THoRN, z. Thle sloe, used for hedes. BLNINK, n. A glimpse; a glance; slight view. BLXD/DER, n. Ti-e vessel which cortains urine. BLiNK/ARD, n. One who blinks or squints. BLADE, n. A spire, as of grass; sharp part. BLISS, n. The highest happiness; felicity. BLADiED, a. Having blades, or spires. BTiSStFOL, a. Happy in the highest degree. BLAIN,?Z. A pustule; a sore; a blotch. [sible. BLISS'tFL-LY, ad. In a blissful manner. BLAXistA-BLE, a. Faulty; culpable; reprehen- BLISS'FOL-NESS, n. Exalted happiness. BLA- 1~E, v. a. To censulre; to charge with fault. BLIS1TEa, in. A ptstule; i vesicle; a plaster. BLAIES, ii. Imlputtation of a fault; censure. BLiStTiR, v.. n. a.'I'O rise in,or raise, blisters. BLhAfIEtLESS, a. Guiltless; innocent. [ness. BLITHE, a. Gay; airy; joyous; mnirthful. BL;A.iE.'LESS-NdSS, 7. tnnocenice; guiltless- BLITIHENENSS, or BLITHII/SQIME-NEISS,st. GayeBLAmIiE/V1WO-TO-UtY (blani'wiir-the), a. Culpable. BLITIIESQoIME, a. Gay; cheerful; merry. [ty. BLNCtCH, v. a. To whiten:-to strip or peel off. BLOAT, v. a. & n. To siwell.; to make or grow BLANCH, V. iL. To groI white; to shrink. BLOAT/E D, a. Grown turgid; inflated. [turgid. BLAND, a. Soft; ilild; gentle; pleasant. BLOB'BER-LIPPED (-lTpt), a. Having thick lips. BLANtDISH, v. a. To soothe; to flatter. BLocK, 1i. A heavy piece of wood, &c.; pulley. BLJANVD.ISI1-MiENT, n. Soft words; caresses. BLOCK, v. a. To shut up; to obstruct. BLA NK, a. White; without writing; pale. BLOCK-ADE', n. A siege by shutting up a place. BLANK, i7. A void space; a paper unwritten. BLOCK-ADE', iv. a. To shut up by obstruction. BLANK, v. a. To confuse; to efface; to annul. BLOCKI'HtAD (blik'bhd), n. A stupid fellow. BLANK1ET, n. A woollen cover for a bed, &c. BL6CKt'HAD-I.D (-lhd-ed), a. Stupid; (lull. IlEN,, SIKR; t6 ErV, NORX, SON; BOLL, BUiR, ROLE. —, 9,soft; C, G, hard; 9 as Z;: as gz TBI.4. BLOCK-HOUSE 56 BOND BLOCKI-HotSE, n. A military fortress. BOARDIER, n. One who boards; a tabler. BL6OCK-TINt, n. Tin in blocks; pure tin. BOARDtlNG-SCHOOL6L (btrd'jng-sk6l), n. A BL6Oo1A-RY, n. The first forge of iron. school where scholars live with the teacher. BL6OD (blid), n. Red fluid tllat circuliates in BOAR'SPlEAR, In. A spear used in hunting boars. animals:- kindred; descenlt; birth. [der. BOAST (bost), v. n. To brag; to vaunt one's self. BLOOD'G-UILT-I- NESS (bluid'ilt-e-nes), n. Mur- BOAST, v. a. To brag of; to Iflagnify; to exalt. BLOODtIHOUND, ii. A fierce species of hound. BOAST, t. Vaunling speech; cause of boasting. BLOOD/I-NESS (bluid'e-nls), n. A being bloody. BOAST'ER, n. One who boasts; a bragger. BLOOD'LE:SS (blnd'les),a. Without blood; dead. BOAST/'FL, a. Ostentatious; boasting; vain. BL6OD/SHED, 1. ilir'der; slaughter. BnAT(bot),?s. A small vessel:-steam-packet. BLOOI)DSHOT (blidsllht), ~ a. Filled with BOATt1I4AN, no. One who manages a boat. BLODISHST-TEN (-shot-tin), blood red. BOAT'SWAIN (bit/swan otr bS'sn), t. An offiBLOOD)'SUCK-ER, i. A leech; a cruel man. cer who has charge of a ship's rigging, boats, BLOODTHIIRS-TY, a. Desirous to shed blood. BOB'BIN, n. A thing to wind thread upon. [&c. BLOOD'V~S-SEL, 7i. A vein or an artery. BOBITAIL, n. A short tail; a tail cut short. BL6ODty (bled'e), a. Stained with blood; cruel. BOB1/TAILED (bbohltld), a. Having a short tail. BLjOOIDt~-FLUX/ (blud/de-flfkst), se. Dyse ntery. oB WIOVr, n. A wig made of short hair. BLOOM,?n. A blossom; the opening of flowers; B6DE, v. a. To portend; to foreshow, presage. prinme of life; native flush on the cheek. BOD/ICE (bd/ijs), si. Short stays for women. BLOOM, v.n s. To produce blossoms; to flower. BOD'tisE (btdt'd), a. }laving a body. BLO66M'ING' a. Flourishing with blossoms. BODjI.-LLSS, a. Incorporeal; without a body. BL6stsQim, n1. The flower of a plant. BODt1i-LY, a. Corporeal; relating to the body. BLOSeSQM, v. n. To put forth blossoms..[stain. BODS.l-LY, ad. Corporeally; completely. BL OT, v. ia. To efface; to spot; to disgrace; to BOD'tIIN, ci. A dagger:- an inistruLment to bore BLOT, n. Obliteration; a blur; a spot; a stain. holes iu cloth with:- a printer's tool. BLOTCHr, n. A spot uponl the skin; a pustule. BOD/iiS, s. The material substance of an aniBLOW (blS),n. Astroke; caiamity:-eggof a fly. rnal; matter; a person; main part; a system. BLoW (blb), v.?s.. [imp. t. blew; pp. blown.] B:DX Y-GUARD (bed'de-gard), n. A life-guard. To umake a current of air; to pant; to flower. BOG, n. A marsh; a morass; a qulagmlire. BLOW (bl), v. a. To drive or impel by wind. BOG/GLE, v. n. To start back; to hesitate. BLOW'5rI (bit'er), n. One who, or tliat which, BOG-',; a. Full of bogs; mnarshy; swampy. BLOWN (blan), pp. from blow. [blows. BO'OL:E, os BGtGL:E, 7. A bugbear; a spectre. BLOWPIPE, n. A tube used to produce flame. B0GtTROCT- TER, n. One living in a boggy counBL6OZE, sn. A ruddy, fat-faced wench. BO-HIA' (be-hel),n. A species of black tea. [try. BLOVi'.ZY, a. Sunburnt; tanned; high-colored. BOIL, v. n. To be agitated by heat; to bubble. BLOB'BtBn, n. The fat of whales. [cheeks. BOIL, v. a. To coolk in boiling water. BLUB'B'R, v. n. To weep so as to swell the BOIL, n. A painfuil or sore tumor. [boiled. BLtD'EQiTQN (blhdt'jun), n. A cudgel; a weapon. BOiL'SI,?z. A vessel in which any tlhing is BLUE: (blu), a. Skly-colored. -n. An original BoSLt:R-Y, n. A place where salt is boiled. color. -pl. Low spirits; melancholy. [belly. BOS'TTER -OrS, a. Loud; noisy; stornmy; furious.:BLUEI'BOT-TLE, n. A flower; a fly with a blue BMiStTER-OUS-NS SS,. -. Turbulence; noise. BLOUE'NSS5, S. The quality of being blue. BO'LA-RY, a. Peltainilng to bole or clay. BLiUFF, Sl. A high, steep bank or shore. BOLD, a. Daring; brave; confident; imlpudent. BLUFF, a. Pompous; blustering; surly. BOLDt-FACED (b5ldlfast), a. Impudent; bold. BLIU/'ISH, a. Somewhat blue; inclining to blue. BOLDIL'Y, ad. In a bold manner; bravely. BLVN'IDEIR, v. n. To neistake grossly. BOLDtNESS, 71. Courage; confidence; impll BIJANfDER, n. A gross or hasty nlistake. BOLE, S. A kind of earth; a measure. [dencoe BLUN/DER-BUfSS, 7t. A gun with a large bore. BROLL, n. ihe pod or capsule of a plant. BLTJNIDDER- R, 3n. One who commits blunders. BOL/STIE Rn. A long pillow or cushion; a pad. BLNt'DE R-i)kAD, 51. A stuplid, careless fellow. BOL'STER, v. a. To support; to swell out. BLUNT, a. Dull; rough; rude; unlcivil; abrupt. BLT,?In An arrow; a pin or bar for fastening. BLPJNT, v. a. To dull the edge of; to repress. BOLT, v. a. To fasten: - to blurt out: - to sift. BLONT'N'ESS,. Want of edge; coarseness. BOLT, v. n. To spring out suddenly; to start. BLIR, n. A blot; a stain:- disgrace; reproach. BOLTI1KR, n. One who bolts; a sieve; a kind BLUIR, v5. a. To blot; to stain; to obscure. BO'Lus, n. (JIMed.) A very large pill. [of net. BLURT, v. a To utter inadvertently. BOMB (b5m), n. A hollow iron ball or shell. BLssH, v. n.; To redden in the face; to color. BoiMB'ItTCH (bim'kbtch), B10sBIV'es-sEL BLUSSH, n. A reddish color; a glance; glilnfpse. (bbin'vvs-sel), Si. Vessel for throwing bomlbs. BLUS'TEIR, v. n. To roar as a storm; to iully. BOOM-BXRD', v. a. To attack with bombs. BLrUS'T/TR;, sn. Harsh noise; roar; boastitng. BOSI-BAR-DIER!, Sz. Engineer who bombards. BLJUS'TIr R-'R, n. A swaggererer; a bully. BOQt-BXsAi D'3tNT, n. An attack with bombs. Ba, itlterj. A wordi of terror to frighten children. BOa-BA-ziNE', E. A slight twilled fabric. BOAR (b1)r), en. The male of the swine. BOTA-B'ASTt, oe- B6StlB;AsT, n. Fustian; inflated rOA5rD (bard), n. A flat piece of wood; a table: BOiSI-BiST', a. Higll-sounding; inflated. [style. -- deck of a ship:- a council; a court; food. BO3M-BAS'TIC, a. Of great sound with little BoARD, v. a. To enter by force, as a ship; to mleaning; turgid; inflated; high-soulnding. lay with boards; to furnisl with food. BO-NA/SU.S, n. A kind of wild ox; tie bison. BtOARD,. n. To live at a certain rate foreating. BOND, a. Cord, or chain; ligament; union. Ai,l,Otti,4, long; A,,,OO,, shsrt; mcItyT, obsqcure. —FARE,FiR,FASTF.LL; eItIRy-iR BONDAGE 57 BOWLING-GREEN BOND'AqES,n. Captivity; servitude; slavery. BO-TXNIIC, a. Relating to botany; eonBOND/MAID, n. A young female slave. BO-TANt.I-C AL, tainina plants or herbs. BoNDiqVAN, sn. A man or male slave. [slave. BsT'A-NIST, 7n. One skilled ill botany. BOND1-SHiR-VANT, or BONDt-SLAVE, At. A BOT'A-NY, n. The science of plants. BOND'li-MAN, sn. A person bound or giving se- BOTCH, n.. A swelling on the skin; pustule.; curity for another; a surety. ill-finished work; a part clumsily added. Bo6NDBWOi-AN (-wfnl'.tn), sn. A female slave. BOTCH, v. a. To Inend awkwardly; to patch. BONE, nz. Hard substance in an animal body. BOTCH'E.R,?1. One who botches; a bungler. BONEtLXCIE,'a. Lace woven with bobbins. BOTH, a. & pron. The two. - conj. As well. BONr'-SET-TE.R, xn. One who sets bones. BOTHtER, v. a. To perplex; to confound. BoN'tFRE, n. A fire made for joy or triumph. BOTS,. Small wornms in the entrails of horses. BONINE. T, n. A womnan's covering for the head. BOTtTLE, sn. A vessel to put liquor in. EBON'Ny, a. Handsome; beautiful; gay; Inerry. BOTtTLE, v. a. To enclose in bottles. BOOtNus, n. A premium given for a privilege. BOT'TLE-SCRtEW (skrd), n. A corkscrew. BOINy, a. Consisting of bones; fill of bones. B6OTTOM, sA. The lowest part; ground; a ship. BINtZZE, n. A priest of Japan, China, &c. B6T'tTOM, v. a. To found or establish. B366B0Y, n. A dull, stupid fellow: - a bird. BOT'TQM-LhSS, a. Being without a bottom. BOOK (bik), n. A volume for reading. BOT'TOQ-I-RY, n. A borrowing of money by BOOS (bfik), v. a. To register in a book; to re- pledging the ship as security for payment. BOOKtBIND-ER, n. A binder of books. [cord. BfOascH (bodu), n. An arm or branch of a tree. BooR0-CAsE (blk'tkas), n. A case for books. BOUGHT (biwt), imp. t. &pp. from buy. BOOK300lSH (bik'ish), a. Given to books; studious. BOONCE, v. ns. To spring; to leap; to rebound. BOOK/ ISI-NgSS, n?. Devotion to books. BOONCE, n. A heavy blow or thrust; a bound. BOO0KERi~EP-ER (bfk'kep-er), n. A keeper of BON'CE.R,sn. A boaster; a bully: a lie; a a book of accounts; an accountant. falsehood:- any thing very large of its kind. BooiKt'rE-EP-ING, n. Art of keeping accounts. BOOND,n. A limit boundary:- a leap; a jump. BOOKt'LtARN-~ED (bik'llrn-ed), a. Versed in BOOND, v. a. & n. To limit; to restrain; to reBooKishLL-ER, n. A seller of books. [books. BOND, imnp. t. & pp. from bind. [bound. BOOSItWORM (biktwiirm), n. A close student. BOOND, a. Destined; intending; tending. BO66, n. A long pole used to. spread a sail; BOUND.A-RY, n. A limit; a bound; a mark. a bar or chain laid across a harbor, &c. BOONDqEN, pp. of bind. Obliged; beholden to. BOOM6, v. is. To make a roaring noise, as the B6OOND'L:SS, a. Without bound unlimited. waves; to rush with violence, as a ship. Bo ND'LLEss s-NEss, n. Exemption from limits. BOON, 1n. A gift; a grant; a favor; a present. BOON'TTEg us, a. Liberal; kind; bountiful. BOON, a. Gay; merry; kind; bountiful. BO0N'TE.-OUS-Ly, ad. Liberally; bountifully. BOO5R, no. A lout; a clown; a rustic; a peasant. BO6N'TE-OUS-NESS, n. Munificence; bounty. B6ORlISIH, a. Clownish; rude; rustic. BOI N'TI-FUL, a. Liberal; generous; kind. B66OR'isH -NEss,. Clownishness; rusticity. B0UN'TI-FUL-LY, ad. Liberally; bounteously. BOOT, v.a. To profit; to put boots on. sBUN'TY, n. Liberality; munificence; a preBOOT, n. Profit; gain:- covering for the legs. BOUQUET (be-ka'), nt. A nosegay. [mium. BOOTHS, n7. A house for temporary purposes. BOURN (born or born), n. A bound; a limit; a B66T'IoSE, s. Stockings to serve for boots. B6UsE (boz), v. n. To drink sottishly. [brook. B16T'LESS, a. Useless; without success. BOutsy (b6bze), a. Drunken; intoxicated. BO6TITREE, n. An instrument for stretching BOT, ln. A tourn; a trial; a contest; a fight. BOO'TY, n. Plunder; pillage; spoil. [boots. BOOS (biJu), v. a. To bend; to curve; to depress. BS-PE, Pt, n. A play among children. BW, V. n. To bend; to incline in respect. BO'RAX, n. A salt of soda, used as a flux. BOW6, n. An act of reverence or respect: —the BOR/'D.R, n. The outer part or edge; verge. rounding part of a vessel's side forward. BORS'DER, v. n. To be ill contact; to approach. BOW (bS), n. An instrument for shooting arBOR'DBR, v. a. To adorn with a border; touch. rows; a curve; an instrument to play on a viol. BsR'D'R-:.R, n. One who dwells on the BO/VIEL, v. a. To take out the bowels of. borders; one who approaches another. BOTV'ELS, n. pl. The intestines: - compassion. BORE, v,. a. & n. To mnake a hole; to perforate. BOVvtER, n. An arbor; an anchor at the bow. BORE, n. A hole; the size of any hole; a borer: BO'WT'.R-y, a. Shady; having bowers. — rapid influx of the tide:a tiresome person. BOWL (bel), n. A vessel; hollow part; basin. BO1RE, irop. t. from bear. [or north pole. IIBOWL (bbl or bofil), n. A round mass or ball BO'RE-AL, a. Northern; tending to the north, which may be rolled along, as in play. BO'RE-ANS, to. The north wind. IIBOWL or BOWL, v. a. To roll as a bowl; to BORN, pp. from bear-. Brought forth. IIBOWL or BO*L, v. n. To play at bowls. [pelt. B6RNE, pp. from bear. Carried; conveyed. BOWL'DER, n. A large round stone; an abraded BoR'OrJGEsc (birfrn), n. A corporate town. fragment broken off a rock or cliff. [legs. B6R/Row (bWrSra), v. a. To take on credit. BsW'L:P.GED (b'tlBgd), a. Having crooked BsR'RQw-ER (br'tro-er), n. One who borrows. S1BOWL'ER or BOwLtE'R, n. One who bowls. JIBosOM (bliztom ofe bo'zum), n. The breast; BOWfLINE or BOWt'LINE, n. A ship's rope. any close or secret receptacle; enclosure. IJIBWL'INGC or BOWL/ING, n. The rolling of, 1lBOgoQI, v. a. To enclose in the bosom. or playing at, bowls. [at bowls, or tenpins. BOSS, n. A stud; a knob; a raised work. BOWVL'.LIN-.XL.Ey, n. A building for playing BOSSED (bbst), BOStSy, a. Prominent; studded. BsO, LtL'NG-GREEN, n.Level ground for bowlers. MiEN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BURt, RiLE. —, (J, soft; i,s, hard; G as Z; a as gz;-THI-S. BOWMAN 58 -BRICK-DUST BoWIMAN (bS'man), n. An archer. [carry sails. BRAY, n. The noise of an ass; a harsh sound. BOW;SPRIT (bo'sprit), n. A boom or spar to BRAZE, v. a. To solder with brass; to harden. BOW-WIN'DOW, n. A projecting window. BRA'ZEN (bratzn), a. Made of brass; impudent. B6x, 1. A case or chest made of wood, &c.; a BRAjZEN-FA.CE, n. An impudent person. blow; an evergreen plant; a driver's seat. BRXtZEN-FACED (brR'zen-fist), a. Impudent. BOX, v. a. & n. To enclose in a box; to strike. BRAZ/IER (bratzher), n. An artificer who B6XIEN (btk'sn), a. Of, or pertaining to, box. works in brass: -a pan to hold coals. B6x'ER, n. One who boxes; a pugilist. BRA-ZLI, n. A kind of wood for dyeing. BOY (bitt), n. A-male child; a youth. BREACH (brech), n. The act of breaking; a BOVIHOOD (bit'hfid), n. The state of a boy. gap; difference; quarrel; infraction. BOfISH, a. Belonging to a boy; childish; tri- BRitAD (bred), n. Food made of ground grain. BO61fSH-NESS, n. Childishness. [fling. BREADTII (brtdth),n. Measure from side to side. Bs'V/IqM, a. Puerility; the state of a boy. BREA (brak), v. a. [imp. t. broke; pp. broken.] BRXB/BLE, v. n. To clamor. - n. A clamor. To burst by force; to rend; to infringe. BR.ACE, v. a. To bind; to tie up; to strain up. BREAK, v.n. To part in two; to burst; to open, BRACE, a. Bandage; a timber; a rope; a pair. as the morning; to become bankrupt. BRACEfL.FT, n. An ornament for the arm. BREAK, n. A breach; a pause; the dawn. BIRA)H'IAL (brAk'fyal), a. Belonging to the arm. BREAKWER, n. One that breaks; a wave. BRXCH'MAN (bra'man), n. See BRAMIN. BREAK'FAST (brktfk'fst), an. The first meal in BRA-,HG/R'A-PYHY, 1. Short-hand writing. the day.-v. n. To eat or take breakfast. BRiCKIr'T, a. A support for a shelf, &c. BREAKK'WA-TER (brak'wa-ter),?z. A wall or BRXCK/ISH, a. Saltisht; somewhat salt. other obstacle raised at the entrance of a harbor. BRACK'lSHI-N.SS,?e. Saltness in a small degree. BREAM (brem), n. A small fresh-water fish. BR.AD, n. A sort of nail without a head. BREAST (brest), n. Part of the body; the heart. BRAG, v. n. To boast; to vaunt. [.d low word.] BREAST (brest), v. a. To meet in front; to face. BRXG, n. A boast; a game at cards. BRlAST'KNOT, n. A knot worn on the breast. BRAG-GA-Do'C1-o (brtg-ga-dt'she-),an. A boast- BRIAST'PLATE, n. Armor for the breast.'BRXAGGART, or BRAiGER, n. A boaster. [er. BREASTtWORK (-wiirk), n. A kind of parapet. BRAID, v. a. To weave together; to plait. BRikATH (brOth), at. Air drawn in and expelled BRAID, a. A texture; something braided. by the lungs; life; respite; pause; breeze. BRAIN, n. A soft whitish substance in the skull; BREATHE, v. n. To respire; to take breath. the seat of'sensation and reflection. BREATr'lNG, n. Aspiration vent; an aspirate. BRAIN'LESS, a. Silly; foolish; thoughtless. BRILATH'LE.SS, a. Out of breath; dead. BRAIN/PAN n. The skull,containing the brain. RBtC.CIA (brtt'cha), n. A rock composed of BRAINt'SICK, a. Diseased in the understanding. angular fragments cemented together. BRARiE,n. An instrument for dressing flax -- BRt D, imp. t. & pp. fromn breed. fern: -. a machine for retarding wheels. BREECH, n. The lower part of the body:- the BRX/IBLE, n. A prickly or thorny shrub; a solid part of a gun behind the bore. [men. BRAItMiN, n. A Hindoo priest. [bird. BREECHIES (britch'ez), n. pl. A garment for SRA4-MIN'I-CAL, a. Relating to the Bramins. BREED, v.. a[izlp. t. & pp. bred.] To procreBRAN, n. The husk or outer coat of grain. ate; to give birth to; to educate: to bring up. BRANCH, n. A bough; a shoot; offspring. -BREED v..n. To be with young; to produce. BRANCH, v. a. & n. To divide into branches. BRLED, at. A race; a kind;a family; progeny. BRANCHIER, n. One that forms branches. BRLEDtWER, a. The person or thing that breeds. BRXND, n. A piece of wood partly burnt; a mark. BREELDING, a. Education; manners; nurture. BRXND, v. a. To mark with a!biand or stigma. BRELEZE, n. A gentle gale; a soft wind. BRAND'IR —N(brmndf'-urn),n. Iron to brandwith. BREE zy, a. Fanned with gales; full of gales. BRXN/DISH, v. a. To flourish, as a weapon. BP-R:EEH!t RN, n. The plural of brother. [nsinims. BRAXN'Dy, n. A strong spirituous liquor. BREVE, n. (Muis.) A note of time equal'to 4 BRXN/GLE, v. n. To wrangle. - n. A wrangle. BRE-VETI or BR /VIE.T,?t. A commission to an BRXNK, n. Buckwheat:-a bridle or halter. officer in the army which entitles himl to a BRXSS, n. An alloy of copper and zinc; impu- rankl above that for which pay is received. BRAss'y,a.Partaking of brass;impudent.[dence. BREV.I-A-RY, n. An abridgment; an epitome; BRAT, n. A child;- so called in contempt. a book in the Roman Catholic church. BR.A-V~ADO6, n. A boast; ain arrogant menace. BRE-VIER' (bre-vr'), n. A small printing-type. BRAVE, a. Courageous; gallant noble; fine. BRtV'I-TY, n.. Conciseness; shortness. BRAVE, v. a. To defy; to set at dclance. BREW (bru), v. a. & n. To make liquor; to BR.AVE'LY, ad. In a brave manner; finely. BREW'.ER (brufer), nt. One who brews. [foiment. BR.XAtVE —R, n. Courage; intrepidity; heroism. BREW'B-RY (brt1'er-e), n. A place for brewing. BRXVO a, n. A daring villain; a murderer. BREW1.IS (brui's), n. Bread soaked in pottage. BR.vWL v.. To quarrel noisily; to roar. BRIBE,on. Reward given to corrupt the conduct. BRAWL, n. A noisy quarrel; uproar. BRIBE, v. a. To give, or gain by, bribes. BRAWL'RE, n. A wrangler; a noisy fellow. BRIB'tER, n. One who gives bribes. [bribes. BRAWN, n. Flesh of a boar; muscular patt. BRIRIBER-, n. The crime of taking or giving BRAWN't-NESS, n, Strength; hardiness. BRICK, n, A mass of burnt clay; a small loaf. BRAWN'Y, a. Muscular; fleshy; unfeeling. BRICK, v. a. To lay or cover with bricks. BRAY (bra), v. a. To pound or grind small. BRICIKr-BXT, n. A piece of a brick. BRAY, v. n. To make a noise like an ass. BRICKt-DtST, n. Dust made by pounding bricks. i,,,,,, long; Y,E,,t,,, shor,,I,,V, obscure.-F-ARE,XR, FAST,FALL; HtPIR,Ht.R; BRICK-KILN 59 BTRUSH BRICK'-KYLN (-kil), n. A kiln to burn bricks. BROACH, v, a. To spit; to tap; to let out. BRiCK/-L.A~-ER, n. A mason who lays bricks. BROACHtER, n. A spit; an opener; first althor. BR1CK'i-MXK-E it, n. One who makes bricks. BROAD (brawd), a. Wide; large; open; gross. BRICK'-WOiKE (brlkt'wirk), n. Laying of BROiD'CLOTH, n. A fine kind of woollen cloth. bricks; work or structure formed of bricks. BRoAb'EN (braw'dn), v. n. To grow broad. BRI'DAL, a. Belonging to a wedding; nuptial. BROADfLY (brawdfle), ad. In a broad manner. BRIDE, 71. A woman newly rarried. BRO:D/'NESS, n. Breadth; width: — grossness.'BRIsDE-CAIrE,?L. Cake odistributed at a wedding. BROkD'SIDE, n. The side of a ship; a discharge BRID:E/-CHII-BER?,.. The nuptial chamber. of all the guns, at. once, from the side of a ship. BRIDEt'GR)OOM, a. A newly married man. BROADISWORD (brawd'ssrd), n. A cutting BRIiEirAtID, D?. lShe who attends on the bride. sword with a broad blade. [breadth. BRIDEtMAN,'. He vlwho attends tile bride and BROADt'VIwE, ad. In the direction of the bridegroom at the nu1ptidl ceremrony. BRo-cADEt, z. A kind of embroidered stuff. BRIDE/'W:_ELL, n. A house of correction. BICO-CAD'iED, a. Dressed in, or covered with, BRsDiDE, a.. A structure raised over water, &c., BROICAIE, W7. See BROKERAGr.E. [brocade. for pas.sae:- part of tlhe nose, of a violin, &c. BROCICo-LI (brkl'kgo-le), 1. A kind of cabbage. BRI'DLE, n'. Harness for tile head and mouth BROCK, an. A badger; a hart; a brocket. of a horse; a restraint; a curb; a check. BROCI'ET, n. A hart two years old; a brock. BRI'DLE, v. a. To put a bridle on; to restrain. BRo'GAN, a. A thick, heavy, coarse shoe. BRlIEF (bref), a. Short; concise; contracted. BPOGUE (brag), n. A brogan:-corrupt dialect. BRIEF (braf), n. A short writing; a writ. BROIL, n. A turnult; a quarrel; a disturbance. BRFt'LY, ad. In few words; concisely; quickly. BROIL, v. a. To cook by laying on coals, as BRI:iF/NE SS, i. Conciseness; shortness. BROIL, V. n. To be broiled or heated. [meat. BRi'ilt, n. A prickly shrub; the bramble. BROIKE, snip. t. from break. BRI'gR-y, a. Roughl; full of briers; thorny. BROKEN (brotkn). pp. from break. [grief. BRI'IER-Y, n. A pIl;ce where briers grow. BROtKEN —HEART/ED (bre'kn-),a. Crushed by EBRIG, n. A vessel witll two masts. BRO/K1KER.. A factor; a commercial agent. BRI-GADEt, n. A small division of troops. BROKl:.R-ACE, n. The percentage of a broker. BRi'G-A-DIERt, n. Commander of a brigade. BRO6NZE or BRONZE, n. A factitious metal BRIGAND, n. A robber; a freebooter; a high- compounded chiefly of copper and tin. BRIG4AN-DINE, n A coat of Inail. [wayman. BROOCH (brich),?n. Ajewelled ornamentwith BRIG'AN-TINE,?1. A light vessel. [dent; witty. a pin or clasp, to fasten a dress, &c. BRIGHT (brlt), a. Shining; clear; resplen- BROOD, v.n. To sit on eggs; to watch anxiously. BRIGHT'EN (bri'tn), v. a. To make bright. BROOD, n. Offspring; progeny; breed. BRIGHTt/EN (britn), v. n. To grow bright. BROOK (brfik), n. A running water; a rivulet. BRIGHTILY (brit'le), ad. In a briglit manner. BROOK (brfuk), v. a. To bear; to endure. BRIGHTINESS (brittnes), n. Lustre; acuteness. BROOM, n. A. shrub; instrument to sweep with. sBRILLI.ZAN-cy (bril'yan-se),n. Lustre; splendor. BR66M'STICK, n. The handle of a broom. BRILL'IANT (brillyant), a. Shining; sparkling. BR66M'Y, a. Full of, or consisting of, broom. BRILL'IANT, ii. A diamond cut into angles. BROTH, a. Liquor in which flesh is boiled. BRILL7, n. pl. Hair on the eyelids of a horse. BROTH'EL, n. A house for lewdness. BRIM, n. The upper edge of a vessel; brink. BgRfTHi1/R, n.; pl. BR6THE.Rq and BR]THIBRIM'FOL, a. Full to the top; quite full. REN. A male born of the'same parents; an BRI/MEMIR, n. A bowl full to the top. associate; a companion; a fellow-creature. BRIM'MING-, a. Full to the brim; brimful. BROTH'ER-HOOD (bruth'er-hfid), n. Fraternity. -BRIM'STONE, n. Sulphur; a yellowv mineral. BROTH/'iR-LY, a. Like a brother; affectionate. BR)IN'DrED, a. Of a varied color; streaked. BROUGHT (brbut), imp. t. & pp. from bring. BRIN'DLED, a. Spotted; brinded; streaked. BRO\W, n. The ridge of hair over the eye; the BRINE, n. Water impregnated with salt; the sea. forehead:- the edge of any high place. BRINEtPIT, n. A pit of brine or salt water. BR6C'v/sBEAT, v. a. To bear down;to intimidate. BRING, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. brought.] To fetch; BR6OtW, n. & a. The name of a color. to convey or carry to; to lead; to conduct. BRiOW/NIE'(briatne), n. A spirit formerly supBRIN'ISH, or BRI'NY, a. Saltish; like brine. posed to haunt old houses in Scotland. BRINi, n. The edge, as of a precipice; a border. BROWN'ISH, a. Tending to brown; somewhat BRISK, a. Lively; active; qullick; sprightly. BRoWNrINlss, n. Brown color. [brown. BRtIs TT, n. The breast of an animal.' BROrN'-STBD-Y~ n. Pensive musing; revery. BRISIK1LY, ad. Actively; vigorously; nimbly. BRO6SE, v. a. & n. To eat branches or shrubs. BRISKtNISS,n. Liveliness; activity; nimbleness. BROWI6E, n. Tender branches or shrubs. BRIS'TL:E (bris'sl), n. The stiff hair of a swine. BROIqE, V. a. To crush or injure, as by a blow. BRIS/TLE (brls'sl), v. a. To erect in or fix bristles. BRVItE, n. A hurt from a blow; contusion. BRIS'TLE (brs'1sl), v. n. To stand erect, as bris- BROI~'ER, n. One who bruises; a boxer. BRIST/L. (brlstle), a. Set with bristles. [tles. BRfIT. T. Rumor; report. -v. a. To report. BRITTISH, a. Relating to Britain; English. BR/V'MAL, a. Relating to the winter. i[plexion. BRIT9ON, n. A native of Britain; an Englisluhman. BRI-NkTTEt, n. A woman of a brown comBRITtTLE, a. Easily broken; fragile; *ieak. BRUNT, n. Shock; violence; blow; stroke. BRIT'TLE-NkSS, n. Aptness to break; fragility. BRUSH, n. An instrument to sweep or clean BRIZE, n. The gadfly: - land long uncultivated. any thing; a pencil: - assault: - a thicket. BRsACH (broch), n. A spit; a bodkin or awl. BRitSH, v. a. To rub with a brush; to skim. MIEN, SIR; MOVE, NORt, S5N; BOLL, BUR, ROLE. —-', q, soft;,e,,hard; ~ as z; Tas gz;-T I3. BRUSH 60 BURLESQUE etsIT, v. 1. To move with haste; to fly over. BOL'LACE, 1Z. A sort of sour, wild plum. BUL1SH/wOOD (brsishwuad),?. Smnall bushes. BJLr'LA-LY., n. A collection of papal bulls. Btt.St/Y~, a. Rough or shaggy like a brush. BuLL'- BAIT/IN, n. A fight of bulls with doga BRIt/TAL; a. Like a brite; savage; cruel. BIJLL —DO(G, n. A dog remarkable for courage. BRU-TAXL'T-TY, tL. Savageness brutishness. BUL'LET, in. A round ball of metal; shot.. B3RUtTAL-IZE,V.?1. & a.'o grow or ilmake brutal. BUOLLLET-iN, 7. Official account of public news. BRTI'TAL-LY, ad. In a brutal manner; cruelly. BiJLL/-FACED (bhl'fast), a. lHaving alarge face. BIITE, a. Senseless; savage; bestial; rude, BULLt'-FIGHT, 1t. A conmbat with a bull. BRUTE, n. An irrational animal; a beast. BUTLIrFINCH, n. A bird of the sparrow kind. Blft/TI-FTY v. Pa. To make or render brutish. B[/LL/FR6G, n. A large species of frog. BRIJTtISH, a..Bestial; savage; ferocious; gross. BULL1HCIAD, n. A fish: — a stupid fellow. BRfJTtiSH-N.SS, n. Brutality; beastliness. BULL1ION (bfiltyun),a. Gold or silver in mass. BRtQ'-NY, n. A plant; the wild hop. BULL/TROUT, n. A large kind of trout. BUBnBLE, n. A water-bladder; a cheat; a hoax. BUL/LOCK, n. An ox; a castrated bull. BEUB1BLE, v. n. & a. To rise in bubbles; to cheat. BUL/LY, n. A noisy, quarrelsonle fellow. BUBtBLER, in. A cheat; a deceiver; ani imposter. BLILY, v. a. & n. To overbear; to bluster. BUBIBLY, a. Consisting of, or like, bubbles. BOL/RfUSI-I, n. A large rush growing by water, BU'tBO, a. A tumor in the groin, arnipit, &c. BUL'TLgL,L 1. Bran of meal; a bolter-cloth. BU-BBON.O-CELE,?i. Rupture in the groin. BULiWRtK, n. A fortification; a security. BbC-CA -NELER;, o?' B0C1CA-NIER, a1. A pirate. BEUIBIBLL-BEE, n. Humble-bee; a large bee. BsCKc, n. Lye in which clothes are washed; the BU3IP, n. A knocki; a protuberance. [strike. nuale of deer, goats, &c.:- a dashing fellow. BUSAIP, v. n. & a. To make a loud noise; to BUCKt-BAS-KLET,'t. Blasket for carrying clothes. BUT'IPtR, n. A cup or glass filled to %he brim. RBUCIE'r, n. A vessel for drawing Gr carrying BrUPTrIN (bhmni'kin), n. A clown; a rustic. B13CKllNG-STOOL, vt. A 3 washing block. [water. BUJNC-I,'Vt. A cluster; a collection; a lumnp. BUC/IKLE, n. An instrument for fastening dress, BUNCH, v. in. To swell out in a bunch. &c.:- a curl of hair; hair curled. BJNCH'Y, a. Growing in, or full of, bunches. BiCtIKLE (bZk'kl), v. a. To fasten with a buckle. BSiNIDLE, n. A parcel bound together; a roll. BPCK'/LRE, i. A kinid of shield for the arm. BsJNIDLE, v. a. To tie, or form, in a bundle. B3CnT1stAST, n1. The fiuit of the beech-tree. B 4NG, n. A stopper for a barrel or cask. BuCI/R'.RAM, nt. A sort of stiffened linen cloth. BUNG, v. a. To stop or close with a bung. BtICK/SI'IN, n. Ti'e skin of a bucik. BUNG'-HOLE, n. The hole at which a barrel is BUCKITHORN,,z. A thorn; a prickly bush. BANtIGLE, v. n. & a. To perform clunisily.[filled. BsCKt'WTrTIAT, s?. A plant; a kind of grain. B/JNG/LE R, n. A bad or awkward workinan. BV-CL/'IC, BU-COL/I-CAL, a. Pastoral. BrUNG'LING,a. Clumsy; awkward; unhandy. BU-COL/IC,?1. A pastoral poem or poet. BrNN, n. A kind of swveet bread; a calke. B'JD, a1. The first.shoot of a plant; a germ. BONT'ING, ii. A bird:- a thin cloth or stuff. BJD, V.?Z. & a. To put forth buds; to inoculate. BUIOY (bwiby or boy), n. A piece of cortk or BiUDq-E, v. t1. To stir; to wag; to move off. wood floating on the water, tied to a weight; BBUDIqET (bdt'jet), n. A bag; store, or stock. an object for stlpporting any thing in water. BUFiF, n. A sort of leather; a light yellow. BUo, v. a. To keep afloat.-v. n. To float. BUF/FA-LO, 1. A kind of wild ox in India; in BUOVIAN-CY (bwti'an-se),in. Quality offloating. the U. S., a naine given to the bison. BUi1'.ANT (bwbit'ant), a. Floating; light. BFtF'FET,?1. Blow with the hand:- cupboard. BinJ, n. A rough, prickly head of a plant. BfjF'F. T, v. a. & a. To strike with the land. Bit'DEN, or BiURITHEN, n. A load; what is BJt1FLfFE-HIAAD'EDg,. aHaving a large head. borne or carried; cargo; freighlt; a grievance. BUF-F66OON, n. A low jester; a droll; a mimic. BURIDEN (buriIin), v. a. To load; to encumber. BUF-F66ON/R-Y, n. Low jests; drollery. BUt'DEN-SOirE, a. Heavy; grievous; severe. 1BG, n. An insect of various linds. BsR'DDoCK, n. A kind of plant with burs. IBiUGIBEAR, i1. A frighlltful object; a false terror. BU-REAU' (ba-r/'), a2. A chest of drawers: - an BrIG'EY, a. Abounding with bugs. office; departiment of government. [towns. BtfG-~ty,, n. A liglht four-wheeled carriage. BVRItGA-E, n. A tenure proper to cities and Bi'GLE, n. A shuinlg bead of glass; a plant. BURtG~'A-.OT6 T,. A species of pear; a perfume. BUtGLE, BUtGLE-HORPN, i. A musical wind BiJR-Teis IS (bur-jdis'),?. A kind of type. instrumnent; a hunting or military lorn. BURI1.SSL. Citizen, representative, magistrate. BUILD (bIld), v. a. & n. [inp. t. & pp. built, BURGII (blirs), n. A corporate town or bd'ough. builded.] To make an edifice; to erect; con- BURH111P'R (bur!Aer), z. Alember of a borough. BUILD'RK (bhldter),n. One who builds. [struct. BURGIOLAR,'l. One guilty of burglary. BUILDIJING (bildling), in. A fabric; an edifice. BUR-GLAX.I-oiss, a. Relating to housebreaking. BfJLB, n. A round body or root, as of the onion. BURItLA-RY, i. The crime of housebreaking BtILBouIS, a. Having bulbs; protuberant. by night, with an intent to steal. BtL(jEE, n. Bilge; protuberance; broad part. BURIGO-MAS-TER, n. A mardistrate in a city. -BfuLQE, v. n. To take in water; to jut out. BTK1'rITAVE, n. A governor of a castle or town. BiLiR, n. Magnitude; size; mass; a bench. BUURK. N-DY, n. Wine made in Burgundy. B-irLKIH:AD (bt.lk'hed), n. Partition in a ship. BUR.I-AL (ber're-al), n. Act of burying; a funeral. BfsLKtI-NiSs,n. Greatness in bull or size. BUVRIN, n. An engraver's tool; a graver. BtLif'Y, a. Large; of great size. [- a blunder. BURL, v. a. To dress, as cloth. [comic. BOJILL,?1. The male of cattle; edict of the hiope: BUR-LEts QUE (b.r-lesk'), a. Jocular; ludicrous;,Eii,,.?Z, lon, g; ioI,,,, short; A,EI,9,V,Y, obscure. —FARIE,FXRK,FAST,FALL; HTIR, RER,; BURLESQUE 61 CACKLE BUR-L SQU:Et, i. A ludicrous representation. BPTt-/ ND, n. The blunt end-of any thing. BuR-Lf.SQUE., v. a. To turn to ridicule. BUTCHfEtR, n. One who kills animals to sell. BURftL, a. Great in size; bulky'; tumid: —loud. BUTCH'ER, v. a. To kill; to slaughter; to InurBiURN, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. burned, burnt.] To BTJTCHIER-LY, a. Cruel; bloody. [der. consume or aff'ect with fire; to scorch. BUTCH'tE-Y'n. Trade of a butcher; slaughter. BURN, v. n. To be on fire; to be inflamed. BUTrLE Rn. Servant intrusted with liquors, &c. BURN, is. A hurt or effect caused by fire. BUTT, n. A niark to be shot at:-a push or blow: BURN1ER, t n. A person or thing that burns. -object of ridicule: —a cask:-a kind of hinge. BURINE. T, n. A plant of several species. BUTT v. a. To strike with the head, as a rain. BsRNt'INNG, n. Act of burning; inflammation. BUT1TE.lnRB An oily substaince made from cream. BUItNING:, a. Flaming; vehement; powerful. BUTtTER, v. a. To slear or spread with butter. BUtRN1ING-GLASS, n. A glass which collects BUT'TE.TR-CUeP,. The crow-foot, a yellow flower. the rays of the sun, and produces intense heat. BUTTE.R FLy, n1. A beautiful winged insect. BUatNISi,, v.a. Topolish.-v n. Togrowbright. B0TITTER-iILK, I n. Whey of churned cream. BUR/NnISH, n. A gloss; brightness; lustre. BUT-TE R-PRiNTn. A stamp to mark butter. B-URt1N!SH-iR,a n. A person or thing that bur- BUTTl R-T66Tt, en. A large, broad fore tooth. BUfRNT, imp. t. & pp. of bur-n. [nishes. BUT1TER-Y, a. Having the appearance of b:tter. BURR, an. The lobe or lap of the ear. [&c. BSTrTE-, a-n. Rooim where provisions are kept. BURt1Rw, n. A hole in the ground for rabbits, BUTi TQOCK,. The runsip. [ing dIress, &c. BR'tR6W, v. n. To lodge in holes in the ground. BIT1TON (but'tn), a. A knob or ball for fastenBUR'SAR, n. A treasurer in universities, &c. BUT/TON (bt'tn),v. a. To fasten with buttons. BUiRSE, n. An exchange where merchants meet. BUJTtTON-HRLE, n. A hole to admit a button. BURST, v. n. & a. [imnp. t. &pp. burst.] Tobreak BUT'TON- Ilt KER,n. Oe whorn makes buttons. BURST, n7. A disruption; a rupture. [or fly open. BTITRESS, n. A prop; a support.-v. a. To prop. B-:RfltH'EN (biirfthn), n. A load. See BURDEN. BFU-TY-RAKCEOUS (ba-te-ra'silhs), a. Like butter. BUR1' (bbrtre), v. a. To put into a grave; to hide. BUOxtom, a. Gay; lively; brisk; wanton; jolly. BUR'Y-ING (berrle-4ng), n. Burial; sepulture. B0XtQ1-LY, ad. Wantonly; amorously; briskly. BOSH, n. A young tree; a bough; a thicket. BUX/QOM-NESS, n. Gayety; amlorousness. BPSH/EL, n. A dry measure containinog4pecks. BUY (bi), v. a. [imp. t. & pp. bought.] To purBiJStt51-N SS, n. The quality of being bushy. chase; to acquire by paying a price. BOsH'Y, a. Thiclk like a bush; full of bushes. BUY (bi), v. n. To treat about a purchase. BUSILY (biz'ze-le), ad. In a busy manner. BU-tEtR (bluer),n. One who buys; a purchaser. BUSINESS (blz'ines), n. Employment; trade; an BU z, v. si. & a. To hu lilike bees; to whisper. BJsuK,?n. A piece of steel or whalebone. [affair. BrZZ, n. The noise of bees; a whisper. Bj0S'KIN, n. A kind of half boot; a high shoe. BOtZ.ARD, n. A species of hawkc:- a dunce. BIrS'/rIND (bhs'kijnd), a. Dressed in buskins. BY, prep. At;in; near; for.-It denotes the means. BOSS, n. A kiss:- a fishing-boat.-v. a. To kiss. BY, ad. Near; beside; passing; in presence. BUST, n. The upper part of a statue represent- BY, BYE, n. Somethling not direct or immediate. ing a person down to the bottom of the breast. BY, iv composition, imlpiies something out of the B/SrTA4RD, n. A large bird of the turkey kind. direct way, irregular, collateral, or private; BrJS'TLE (bhs'sl), v. n. To be busy or active. as, a by-lane, a by-road, a b,-pat.h, a by-corner. BrOS'TLE (bais'sl), n. A tumult; hurry; stir. BY'-AND-Bk/ (bI'and-bi'), ad. In a short time. BriSITLER (b'stsler), in. One who bustles. BYIE'ND,?1. Private advanitage or interest. BUSY (blz'ze), a. Much employed; active; offi- SBY-LAW, n. A private law or regulation. BUSY (biz'ze), v.a. To employ constantly. [cious. BYt-PRiTH, n. A private or obscure path. BUSYBODY(biztze-bd-de),n?.A Inedd ling person. BYI-STXND-EiR, n. A looker-on; a spectator. BDT, co07. Except; except that; besides; only; BYt-VIE:W (bil'v), n. Self-interested purpose. unless; yet.-ad. No more than. —prep. Except. BY-WA.Y, in. A private and obscure way. BfT, n1. A boundary; a limit; end of a thing. BY1-WORD (bi'wUrd),n. A saying; aproverb. C. C the third letter of the alphabet, has two I CXBIIN, n. A room in a ship; a cottage. Cy sounds-one like k, before a, o,,,or a con- CXABIN- BOY, n. A waiting boy in a ship. sonant; the other like s, before e, i, and y. CABII-NET, n,. A closet; a room;a set of drawcX-n, 1. A Hebrew measure:- kind of carriage. ers: a collective body of ministers of state. CA-[B XL, s. A junto a set:- a plot; intrigue. CAB, -NET-MAK ER,5. Maker offine woodwork. CA-BPL, v. an. To form intrigues; to plot. CAtBLE, t. A rope or chain to hold a ship at anCAB!A-LA,st. pl. Jewish traditions; secret science. CA-B1OSEIt, n. The cook-room of a ship. [chor. CADB/A-LIST, n. One slkilled in Jewish traditions. CABRIOLET (kaib're-o-a), n.. An open carriage. C.iB-A-LS&TIC, CiB-A-LISITT-CAL, a. Secret CA-C. EC5TIC CA-.CI-E:CtTI-CAL, a. Ill in body. C-BSDLiLERL, n. An intriguer; plotter. [occult. CA-.CITiXyy CnAE'I:X-Y, is. Ill state of body. CAXBBACE, n. A genus of edible plants. C C1cLE, v. n. To make a noise likle a lien. CAB'BAq-E, V. a. To steal in cutting clothes. CACtIKLE, n. The noise of a fowl: idle talk. MiEN SYR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, RtLE. —, 9, soft; 0,,, hard;, as Z; iT as gz; THIS. 6 CACKLER. 62 CANCERATION CAXCK'LE.R, n. A fowl that cackles: - a tattler. CALK (kSwk), v. a. To stop or stuff with CA-CoPIHtO-NY, n. A bad or harsh sound. oakum and tar, as seams between planks of a CA-DXV'ER-OrUS,, a. Like a dead body; ghastly. CLKtE R (kAwkter),a. One who calks. [ship. C.D'DIS, n. A kind of tape: — a worml or grub. CILL, V. a. To name; to summon; to convoke. CXDtDY, n. A vessel for holding tea. CALL, V. la. To cry out; to make a short visit. CADE, a. Talme; bred by hand; as, a cade lamib. CALL, n. An address; a demand; a short visit. CXADE.NCE, an. The fall of the voice: —a tone. CXL'LE.T, n. A trull; a prostitute: —a scold. C4-DET1, 7t. A younger brother:-a volunteer C4AL-LID'I-TY, CXLtLID-NESS, n. Craftiness. in the army; a pupil in a military school. CAL-LIG/RA-PHY, n. Fine penmanship. CA/DT (Ikiade), n. A judge anmong the Tulrks. CALLIING, n. Vocation; profession; trade. CA-DU CI-TY, n. Frailty; tendency to fall. CAL-LOS!I-TY, n. A hard swelling without pain. CA_ -SURA (se'zitra), n. A pause in verse. CALtLOus, a. Hard; indurated; insensible. CmE-UfRALu, a. Relatitn to the pause oftlie voice. CXLILOUS-NESS, n. Hardness; insensibility. CAF'TXN, n. A Persian or Turkish garment. CXL'LfOW (kiil'll), a. Unfledged; naked. CAG, n. A small barrel or cask; a keg. C.AL/LS, n. An induration; a hardness. CAqE, n. An enclosure for birds or beasts. CALM (kAm), a. Quiet; serene; undisturbed. CAI/MAN (kalnoan), a. The Anerican crocodile. CALM (kam), n. Serenity; quiet; repose. CAIs-SON1 (ka-s6n'), z. A chest of bombs or CXLM (klm), v.a. To still; topacify; to soothe. CATITtFF,. A mean villain; aknave. [powder. CALM'LY (kAm'le), ad. Serenely; quietly. CA-JOLE/, v. a. To flatter; to soothe; to coax. CXLMtNE.SS (km'nlles),an.Tranquillity; mildness. CA-JOLIER, a7. One who cajoles; a flatterer. CXL'QO-ML, n. A compound of chlorine and C.A-JOL/iE.R-Y an. Flattery; wheedling; deceit. mercury,used in medicine; chloride of mercury. CAKis, n. A kind of delicate bread: - a mass. CA-L6ORIC, n. Principle or matter of heat; heat. CAKE, V. a. To form into cake.-v. n. To harden. C.L-O-RIFrIC, a. Causing heat; heating. CAL'A-BASH, n. A species of large gourd. CXL'TRQP, n. An instrumlent with four spikes. CXL-A-MAN1CO, n. A kind of woollen stuff. CXL'U-MET, n. Tfie Indian pipe of peace. CAL/A-MINE, n. An ore of zinc:-a mineral. CA-LfJTi'N.I-_ATE, V. a. To accuse falsely. CA-LAM'I-TOiS, a. Full of calamity or misery. CA-LUM/NI-A-TOR, n. A slanderer. [derous. CA-LXM1I-TY, n. Misfortune; misery; disaster. CA-LfIM'NI-A-TO-RY, CA-L[iM1NI-OirS, a. SlanCXLA-MbIS, n. A sort of reed or flag. CXL'tM-NY, n. Slander; false accusation. CA-LASHt, n. An open carriage':- ahead-dress. CALVE (kav), v. n. To bring forth a calf. CA4L-CA'RE-OSC, a. Partaking of chalk or lime. CAXLVIN-ISIM, n. The doctrine of Calvin.,:AXL'CE.K-T-EID (kallshe-at-ed), a. Shod. CXLt'vN-IST, n. A follower of Calvin. CALtcE-DQ-NY, n. A stone. See CHALCEDONY. CXL-VIN-ISTIC, a. Relating-or adhering, to cAL'CI-NA-BLE, a. That may be calcined. CA.L-VIN-IS'TI-CAL,, Calvin or to Calvinisg, to. CAL'CI-NATE, V. a. To calcine; to powder. CAXLX, n.; pl. CXL/C2~. Residue of burnt linte. CXL-CI-NAtTION, n. Act of pulverizing by fire. CAtLIX, n. (Bot.) A flower-cup:-shell of a shellCA.L-CINA-TQ-RY, n. Vessel used in calcination, CAX'tBST, n. One skilled in exchanges. [fish. CAL-CINE:t. v. a. To burn to powder or ashes. CAMTBRIC, n. A fine, thin -linen or cotton fabCALtCV-LA-BLE, a. That may be computed. CAME, imp. t. from come. [ric. CAL/CU-LATE, V. a. To compute; to reckon. CAM1EL, n. A large animal common in Arabia. CALICy-LXTE, v. n. To make a computation. CA-MEL'Q-PXRD, at. A tall African animal. CAL-CU-LA'TIQN, n. A computation; reckoning. CAM E-O6, n. An engraved stone or shell. cXL'CU-LA-TQR,n. A computer; a reckoner. CAXS1E-RA-QB-SCU/R'A,. An optical machine. CAXL-Cv-L6SEr3;, CALtCV-LODS, a. Stony; gritty. CAM-I,-sADO, an. An attack made at night. CALXCU-LNS, it.; p1. CXL'CU-LI. The stone in CAXM1LET, a. A thin kind of cloth or stuff. the bladder: - a method of computation. CAMOQ-MILE, n. A genus of flowering plants. CALtDRON, n. A pot; a boiler; a large kettle. CAMP, n. The order of tents of an army. CAL-E-FAXC'TION, n. The act of heating. CAM-P.AIGNI (kam-pan'), n. The time an army CAL-..-FAC'TIVE, a. That makes any thing hot. keeps the field in one year:-open level ground. CXL-E-FAXCTQ-RY, a. That heats; heating. C.AM-PAIGN/, V. X. To serve in a campaign. CXLE.-FY, v.. n. & a. To grow or make hot. CAM-PAXN'I-FORM, a. in the shape of a bell. CXL'EN-DAR, n. A yearly register; an almanac. CAM1PHoQR, n. A fragrant concrete juice. CXL'.EN-DER, v. a. To dress smooth, as cloth. CAMIPHQ-RAT-1E.D, a. Impregnated with camCXL'EN-DER, n. Hot press; an engine to calender. CXMIPH. QR-TREE, n. An evergreen tree.[phor. CALE.ND~, n. pl. The first day of each month CAN, 1t. A metal cup or vessel for liquors. in the ancient Roman calendar. [climates. CAN, v. n. [imp. t. could.] To be able. [rabble. CAL/EN-TURE, n. A febrile distemper in hot CA-NAILLE' (kat-nalt),an. Thelowrestpeoplej the CALF (kAf),n. p1. CALVES (kavz). The young CA-NXLI, n. A watercourse made by art; pasof a cow:- a dolt:- the thick part of the leg. CANAL-C(OAL, n. Cannel-coal. [sage. CXL'I-BE, R, n. The bore of a gun; capacity. - CA-NAtRY, n. Wine from the Canaries:- a bird. CAL.I-CO, n. A kind of printed cotton cloth. CA-NA/RY-BIRD, n. A sinall singing bird. CALl-D[iCT, n. A pipe to convey heat. CANtCE L, v. a. To blot oult; to exilmnge; to anCA-Lin/I-NOtUS, a. Obscure; dim; dark. CXNtCEL-LAT-ED, a. Cross-barred. [nul. CAL'I-PE. R,n.pl. Compasses withbowed shanks. CAN/CER, n. The Crab; the sign of the summer CAjtLIPH, n. A successor of Mahomet; a vicar. solstice: — a tumor terminating in anl ulcer. CXL'I-PHATE, n. The government of a caliph. CANtCER-ATE, v. n. To become a cancer. CAL.I-V]ER, n. A hand-gun; an arquebuse. CXN-CER-AtTIQN, n. A growing cancerous. AiIO,0,, long; X,l,e,5,0,, short; 4,E,h QgV}, obscure. —XRtE,FArX,lAST,FALL; HHIR, HtRti CANCEROUS 63 CAPUCHIN CXNIcERg-OSs, a. Having the qualities of a can- CAN'fvAS, n. Coarse cloth for sails, tents, &c. CAN'Ct.I-FORS, a. Formed like a cancer. [cer. cANtVASS, v. a. To examine; to debate; to soCXNIDENT, a. White with heat; glowing. CAN'VASS, v. n. To solicit votes. [licit votes from. CAN'DID, a. Fair; open; frank; ingenuous. CXN'VASS, 1. Solicitation ofvotes: —discussion. CANtDI-DATE, n. A competitor; one who pro- CA'NY, a. Full of canes; consisting of canes. poses hiniself, or is proposed, for some office. CAN-ZQ-Nt.Tt, n. (JMus.) A little song. CXNDDID-LY, ad. Fairly; openly; frankly. CAOUT1CHOUC (k'chlfik), n. India rubber. CAN'DLE, n. A light made of tallow, &c.; a CAP, n. A covering for the head: —the top. CAN'DLE-LIGI1T,nI. Light ofa candle. [light. CAP, v. a. To cover the top or end of.; to top. CAN'DLE-1iAS, a.. The feast of the purification CA-PA-BILtI-TY, n. Capableness; capacity. of the Blessed Virgin, February 2. CA'PA.-BLE, a. Able to receive; able; equal. CAN/DLE-STICK, n. Instrument to hold candles. CX'PA-BLLE-NtSS, n. The state of being capable. CAN'DoQR,. Franklness; openness; fairness. CA-PA'CIOUS (ka-pd'shus), a. Wide; large; vast. CXN'DY, v. a. To conserve with sugar. rserve. CA-PACIOUS-LY, ad. In a capacious manner. CAXN'D, v. n. To grow congealed. —. A con- CA-PA1CIOUS-Nsss, n. The power of holding. CAINE,. A reed;Dsugar-cane; a walking staf. CA-PKA'I-TATE, v. a. To make capable. CANE, v. a. To beat with a cane. [of reeds. CA-PAQ'I-TY, n. Room; ability; character. CANE'BRISAtE, n. Athicket of canes:-a genus CAP-A-PIEI, ad. From head to foot; all over. CA-N IC/U-LAR, a. Belonging to the dog-star. CA-PAR'I-SON, n. Ornamental dress for a hQrse. CA4-NINE,;a'.J Having the qualities of a dog. CAPAR'I-S ON, v.a. To dress showily, as a horse. CAN'IS T.1 Ri. Box for tea, &c.; a small basket. CAPE, n. A headland; neck-piece of a coat, &c. CANKl'ER,?. An eating hlumor; a disease in trees. CAtPIE R, n. A leap; a skip:-a bud; a pickle. CANItER, v. n. To grow corrupt; to decay. CAtPER, V. n. To dance; to leap; to skip. CANKIER, v. a. To corrupt; to corrode; to infect. CA-PIL'LA-MP:NT, n. A fine thread or fibre. CANIttED (kdIng'kerd), a. Crabbed; morose. CAPIIL-LA-RY, a. Like hair; small and slender. C.ANKtE.R-O)S, a. Corroding like a canker. CAP'IL-LA-RY, n. A small tube or vein. CXNKt'ER-WRIt, n. A worl that injures trees. CAPt'-TAL, a. Principal:-punishable by death. CANtNE. L-C()AL, n. A hard, bituminous coal. CAPt1I-TAL, n. The upper part of a colulnn; chief CeXN'NI-BAL, n. A man-eater; anthropophagite. city; city or town in which a legislature meets: CX3N'NI-BAL-SIM, n. The eating of human flesh. -stock invested:-a large letter. CANNQIN, n. A great gun, as for a battery. CAPt.-TAL-IST, n. One who has capital stock. CAN-NQN-ADE', a. a. To attack with cannon. C.'Pt-TAL-LY, ad. In a capital manner. [tax. CAN-NON-ADEt, n. An attack by cannon. CXP-t-TAITION, n. Numeration by heads; pollCAN'NON-BALL, n. A ball for a cannon. CAPtI-TOL, n. A temple; a public edifice. [ter. CXNtNQN-PR6OF, a. Proof against cannon. CA-PSiT.U-LAR,an. Astatute; mnemberof a chapCAN-NQN-fEER', n. One who manages cannon. CA-PIT'U-LATE, v. n. To surrender by treaty. CAN'N6T, a. a1. Can and not, noting inability. CA-P'iT-YV-LATiQN, ni. The act of capitulating. CA-N6Et (ka-nt'), n. A small boat, paddled. CA.-P'VI (ka-petve), n. A tree and balsam. CXN'ON, a. A rule; a law:-the books of Holy CAtPON (katpn), n. A castrated cock. Scripture:-a dignitary in catlsedrals. CA-POUCHr (ka-pach'), n. A monk's hood. Ci.NQON-: SS, n. A woman possessed ofa prebend. CAP/-PA_-PER, n. A coarse brown paper. CA-NON'I-CAL, a. According to canon; regular. CA-PRE O-LATE, a. Having tendrils; cirrous. C4-NONtI-CAL-LY, ad. In a canonical manner. CA-PRSicE, n. A freak; fancy; whim. CA-N6ONI-CAL-NESS, L. The being canonical. CA-PR5t'CIouS (ka-prish'us), a. Fickle; fanciful. CA-NONq'-CAL~, n. p1. Full dress ofa clergyman. CA-PRYtrCIOs-LY, ad. WhimsicalJy; fancifully. CiN'QON-iST, n. A man versed in canon law. CA-PRI"CCIOUS-Nlsss (-prish'tus-nes), n. Caprice. C.N-QN-I-ZA.TIQN, n. Act of making a saint. CXPTRI-CORN, n. Thle Goat; a sign of the zodiac. CAN'QN-IZE, v. a. To declare a saint. C74P-R1-FI-CXATION, n. The ripening of figs. CXN'ON-RY, I n. A benefice in some cathedral CAP'RI-OLE, a. A leap without advancing. GCAN'ON-sHIP, or collegiate church. CAP-SIZE', v. a. To upset. [A nautical word.] CXN'Q-Py,n. A covering over a throne, bed,&c. CAP/STAN, n. A machine for drawing. [chest. C.XN'O-PY, v. a. To cover with a canopy. CXPtSU-LAR, CAXPtS,-LA-RY, a. Hollow. as a CA-N1EROVS, a. Musical; tuneful; sonorous. CAPISULE, az. The seed-vessel of a plant. [&c. CXNT, n. Whining tone; hypocritical speech; CXAPTAIN (k.p'tijn), n. Commander, as ofaship, slang; dialect:-a throw; a turn; a jerk. CAP'TAIN-CY, CXAPTAIN-SH'iP, n. Office of capCAINT, v. n. To speak with a whining tone. CAP'TION, n. Arrest; a preamble or head. [tain. CAN-TA'TA, n. (JMus.) A poem set to music. CAP'TIOUS (kap'shus),a. Cavilling; insnaring. CAN-TlifNt, n. A vessel for carrying liquors. CAP'TIOUS-Ly, ad. In a captions mranner. CAN'TER, n. An easy gallop:-a hypocrite. CXPrTIOUS-NRESS, n. Inclination to find fault. CXNIT. R, v. n. To gallop easily or gently. CAXPTI-VATE, v. a. To take prisoner; to charm. C4N-TIHAR.-I-D-, -n. pl. Spanish flies. CAP-T-vA'TIOQN, n. The act of captivating. CXiN'TI-CLE, n. A song; canto; Song of Solo- CAP'TIVE, n. A prisoner; one charmed. CXNTLET, n. A piece; a fragment. [mon. CAP'TIVE, a. Made prisoner; enslaved. CXN'TO, n.; pl. CXNtT6O. A section of a poem. CAP-TIV'I-TY, a. Subjection; bondage; slavery. CAN'TON, n. A division of a country; a clan. CP'TQOR, n. A taker of prisoners or prizes. CXNtTQN, v. a. To divide into little parts. CAPT'URE (kUptyutmr), n. Act of taking; prize. CXN'TO.N-IZE, v. a. To divide into cantons. CXPT'URE (kdptlyur), v. a. To take as a prize. CA;NtTQN-itrNT, n. Quarters for soldiers. CXP-JV-HIN', n. A monk; garment; pigeon. MIEN, SYRt; 16VE, NOR, S6N HBOLL, BUtR, RtZLE.-9, 9, soeft; $,,t,hard; ~ as z j as gz; THIS. CAR 64 CASTANET cAR, n. A chariot; cart; a railway carriage. CARP, v. n. To censure; to cavil.-n. A fish. CAiR.A-BINE, an. A cavalry fire-arm; a petronel. CAIR'PEN-TER,n. A builder of houses, ships, &c. CAR-A-BIN-t1E',, n. A light-horseman. ClR'tPEN-TRy, n. The art of a carpenter. CAR'AT, n. A weight of four grains. CiAR'P3 T, n. A covering for a floor. CAR-A-VANI, n. A company of travelling mer- CAXRPE.T, v. a. To spread with carpets. clhants,as in the East:-a travelling menagerie. CXR'PET-ING,n. Materials for carpets:-carpets. CAR-A-VXANSA-Ry, 7. A kind of inn in the East. CARP'ING, p. a. Captious; censorious. CAR'A-WKAY, n. A plant and its spicy seed. CARP'ING, n. Cavil; censure; fault-finding. CARtBINNE, n. A smnall fire-armn; carabine. CA'RIRIAeE (krtrjij), n. The act of carrying; a CARttiON, n. (Chem.) Pure charcoal. vehicle; behavior; conduct; manners. CXR-BO-NA/CEOVS (-shus), a. Having carbon. CARI-I-ER, n. One who carries; a sort of pigeon. CAR'BO-NAT:E, n. A chemical salt. [bon. CAR'RI-ON, n. Putrefying, dead flesh. CAR-BoN/IC, a. Relating to or containing car- CAR'RI-ON, a. Relating to, or feeding on, carrion. CAR'BUN-CLE, n. A gem; a hard tumor. CXAR'RON-ADE,n. Averyshort pieceof cannon. CAR-BuN'CV-LAR, a. Like a carbuncle. CAR/ROT, n. An esculent plant or root. [low. CAR'CA~-NYT, n. A necklace or bracelet. CAR'ROT-y, a. Resembling carrots; reddish yelCXr/CASS, n. A dead body; corpse:-a bomb. CARtRY, v. a. & n. To convey; transport, behave. CArD, n. A note; a message of civility; a CART, n. A carriage with two wheels. painted paper:-a large comb for wool, &c. CART, v. a. & n. To carry or place in a cart. CARD, v. a. To comb, as wool, &c. CXRTACQE, n. Act of carting, or charge for it. CAit/DA- IN, n. The plant l;ady's-smock. CARTf-IH6RSE, a. A horse that draws a cart. CAR'DA-MQOiT, a. An aromatic seed. CART'-LOAD,n.Quantitysufficient to load a cart. CAR/DI-NAL, n. A dignitary in the Roman CAR-TEL'In. An agreernentbetween twostates Catholic church, next in rank to the pope. at war, relating to exchange of prisoners. CARiDI-NAL, a. Chief; principal; first. CAiRTER,.7t A man who drives a cart. [stance. CARD'-TA-BLE, n7. A table for playing cards. CAR/T1-LAE,, n. Gristle; a tough, elastic subCAkE, 71. Solicitude; anxiety; caution; charge. CAR-TI-LAC-'lI-NOUS, a. Consisting of cartilage. CARE, v. n. To be anxious; to be inclined. CAR- TOONt, n. A painting on strong paper. CA-RIENt, v. a. To lay on one side, as a vessel. CAR-TOUCH/, n. A case for balls and cartridges. CA-REER/, n. A course; race; procedure. CARiTRIDqE, n. A paper case for gunpowder,&c. CA-REER', v. n. To run with'swift motion. CART'-ROPE, n. A strong cord, for carts; CARE'FOL, a. Anxious; provident; watchful. CAiRTt-ROT, a. Track made by a cart-wheel. CARE'FtL-Ly, ad. Heedfully; providently. CARTtWRIGHT (kart'rit), n. A maker of carts. CARE'FOL-NOSS, na. Vigilance; anxiety. CAR/UN-CLE, n. A fleshy protuberance. CARE'LESSs, a. Having no care; heedless. CA.RVE, v. a. & n. To cut wood, stone, or meat. CAREt'LtSS -Ly, ad. In a careless manner. CARVYER, 71. One who carves; a sculptor. cAkRE'tLSS-NESS,. HIeedlessness; remissness. CAS-CADE', n. A small cataract; a waterfall. CA-ROSS', v. a. To treat with fondness; to fondle. CASE, n. A box; a sheath; a cover:-condition; CA-RiSS', n. An act of endearment. state:-a cause in court t:-inflection of nouns. CA rET,n. This marl [A ], noting an omission. CASE,v.a. Toputinacase; tocover. [outside. CAR'OC-, n. The lading orfreight of a ship. CASEtHARD-EN (kcs'hiir-dn), v. a. To harden the CARI.-CA-TfRE, n. A ludicrous likleness. CASEf-KNIrE (kas'nif), n. A large knife. CAR-I-cA-TURE', v. a. To make a caricature of. CASEtMATE, n1. (Fort.) A vault in a bastion. CAR-:-CA-TVJ'R.ST, s. One who caricatres. CASEI/MENT, n. Window opening upon hinges. CAtRI-ES, n. (JMed.) Rottenness of a bone. CA'SE.-oUs, a. Resembling cheese. CA.RI-ois, a. Rotten; ulcerated, as a bone. CA'.gRN, n. Small barracks for soldiers. CARLE, n. A rude man: —a kind of hemp. CASH, n. Money; ready money; coin; specie. CAR'.MAN, n. A man who drives a cart. CASH, v. a. To pay money for. [money. CAIR'liEL-ITE, n. A mendicant friar; a pear. CA -SHIER' (ka-sher'), 1. One having charge of CAR'rItINE, n. A bright red color or lake. cA-sItER, v. a. To dismliss from an office. CAR'NAGE, n. Slaughter; havoc; massacre. cASIto66, n. An aromatic drug of Hindostan. CARINAI-, a. Fleshly-; not spiritual; lustful. CAS'ING, n. The covering of any tlhing. CAR-N.ALI-T., in. Fleshly lust; sensuality. cASIt, n. A barrel; a woodetl vessel. CARtNAL-Ly, ad. In a carnal manner. CASIKET, n. A small box for jewels, &c. CAR-NA`TION, n. A flesh color; a fine flower. CAiSQUE (kAsls),n. A helmet; armor for the head. CAR-NELIIA.N (-nhl'yan), n. A precious stone. CAS-SXATION, n. The act of annulling.. CARNE.-OhS, CARtNOUS, a. Fleshy; like flesh. C4A-SA'vA, n. Nutritious starch from a plant. CARtNI FYP, v. n. To form flesh from nutriment. CAS'SI-A (kilsh'e-a), n. A spice; evergreen shrub. CARtNI-VAL, n. A Catholic feast held before CAS'S;-DO-NY, n. A plant:-chalcedony. CAR-NIVOQ-ROUS, a. Flesh-eating. [Lent. CAS'SI-S.ERE, n. A sort of woollen cloth. CAR-NOStI-TY, n. A fleshy excrescence. CAStSQCK, n. Under garment of a clergyman. CARIOL, n. A song of exultation or praise. CAisSQ-W.A-RY, n. A large bird of Java. CARQoL, v. n. To sing; to warble. CAST, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. cast.] To throw; to CAR'OL, v.a. To celebrate in song. hurl; to compute; to found; to-bring forth. CA-ROTtID, n. An artery of the neck. CAST, v. n. To be formed in a mould; to warp. CA-R,60!AL, an. A festival; a revelling. CAST, n. A throw; a mould; a shade; mien. CA-RoS~EI' v. n. To drink hard;to revel. CAS'TA-NOT, n. A small piece of ivory or hard CA-RotSi~R, n. A noisy, hard drinker. wood, used as an accompaniment to dances,&c. A,EIOiBU,, long;,E,,i,6ti,, short; A,I,Q,t,Y, obscure.-FARrt,FAXR,FAST,FALL; HIR,HRR; CASTAWAY 65 CAVEAT C:ST.A-WAY, n. A person lost or abandoned. CATE R-fR~, n. A provider; a purveyor. CASTE, ii. An order or class of people. C-ATER-. aSS, i. A womnan who provides food. CXSITEL-LAN, ne. The governor of a castle. CAT/IR-PIL-LAR,?1. Grub of all insect; a plant. CAS/Tr. L-LA-NY, n. The lordship of a castle, CAT'ER-WAUL, v. ni. To make a noise as cats. CXS'T/.L-LAT-:E.D, a. Having battlements. CAT'risf, n. A sort of fish; the horned-pout. CXSTtE.R, n. One who casts; a phial; a wheel. CXT'GTT, n. A string for musical instruments. CXS'TI-GATE, v. a. To chastise; to punish. CA-TTHAI- TIC, n. A purging medicine. CAS-TI-GAITION, is. Punishment; chastisement. CA-THAR'/TIC, CA-THIARIT.I-CAL, a. Purgative. CXS'TI-GOA-TQR, n. One who castigates. CATIH:tAD, n. A piece of timber: - an apple. CAST'1NG, n. Act of casting: - a thing cast. c A-TH:E'DRAL, A. The head church of a diocese. CAST'ING-N,TT?a. A net to be thrown. CATHI'E-TER, n. Instrument to draw off urine. ClSITLE (kas'sl), n. A fortress or fortified house. CATH.O-/IC, a. Universal; general; liberal. CXS'TLED (khs'sld), a. Filrnished with castles. CATH'O-LlC, n. A Roman Catholic. CASITQR, n. A beaver:- one of the Geminii. CA-THOLII-CICSit n. Adherence to the Catholic CASITOR-oIL, i?. A vegetable oil. church: iiiiiversality:- largeness of mind. CX.S-TR.A-Mr-TTA1TION, at. The act or the art CA-THOLI.I-CIZaE, V.?1. To become a Catholic. of planning or tracing an encampment. CAU_-:OL-l-oS. Ni. A universal remedy; a CXsT'riATE, v. a. To geld; to emasculate. CXATIKIN, i. A kinid of infiorescence. [panacea. CAS-TRApTION, ii. Act of gelding or castrating. CAT'ASNTV, or CXT'tNIP, n. A perennial plant. C:'tu-AL (kazh'u-al), a. Accidental; fortuitous. CXT-O'- INEL'TAILS,9t. A whip with nine lashes. CAS'U-AL-LY (kazhllu-a-le), ad. Accidentally. C.A-TOP TrON, in. A kind of optic glass. CX~'U-AL-TY (kizl'u -al-t)e), n. An accident. CAT'S'-PAW, n. A dupe used by another. CA.~'U-LST (kazh'i-ist),?t. One who studies CATtSUrP,. A sauce. See CATCHUP. and resolves cases of conscience. [to casuistry. CITI'TLE, n. Beasts of pasture not wild. CA!.U-IS'TI-CAL (kclzh-u-s'te-kgl) a. Relating ciu5cus, it. A meeting for political purposes. CAS -lS-TRY (klazlitu-is-trej, n. Science of a CAU/DAL, a. Relsting to the tail of an aninal. CAT, nt. A domestic aimal: -- a ship. [casuist. CAU'ATE, CXU:DAT-:D, a. Having a tail. CAT-A-IIPR:E/SIS, n. A harsh metaphor. CAUIDLF, at. A mixture of wine, gruel, &c. CAT/A-COMIBS, 1. pl. Caverns for the dead. CAUGHT (kIat), imp. t. & pp. from catch. CAT-A7COUS'TIcs,ia. Science of reflected sounds. CAUL, n. A membrane covering the intestines. CATtA-LEP-SY, n. A kind of apoplexy. CAU-LFtr] R-U,s, a. Having a stalk. CXTA -L6GUE (kiat'.a-lg),. A list or register. CAtJuLI-FL6i~"-ER, in. A fine species of cabbage. CA-TAL.PA, n. A large flowering tree. CAU/LIS, n. Stalk of herbaceouis plants. CAT/A-VMO0NT, 7. The North American tiger. CAU'SAL, a. Relating to or expressing a cause. CATt1A-PlHRXCT, I. A horseman in complete. CAU-;ALt-TY, n. The agency of a cause. CXTA-PLAXI), n. A poultice; a plaster. [armor. CAU-SA1TION, n. The act of causing. CAT'A-PULT, i. An ancient military engine. CAU'I;A-TIVE, a. That expresses a cause. CTA-R1AACT,?. A waterfall: —a disease in the CAU'.A-TiVE-LY, ad. In a causative manner. CA-T'ARRtI' (ka-tar'), n. Cold in the head. [eye. CAU-SkA'TOR, n. One who ciauses; a causer. C4-TAr'RRCIAL (k.a-tiar/ral), a. Relating to a CAUIE, n. That which produces an effect; CA-TXiRRItO'iJVs (tka-tri'rus), ~ catarrh or cold. reason; rotive; suit; object'; side; party. CA-TAS/TRQ-PSIHE. n. A final event; calamity. CUE, v. a. To efuect, as an agent; to produce. CAT'CILL., n. A small squeaking instrument. CAUEt'LSS, a. Having no cause or reason. CXTCH, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. caught, catched.] C-UStEI'R, n. One who causes; an agent. To.lay hold on; to seize; to stop; to insnare. CAU':Y,, or CAUSEWAY, n. A raised road. CXTCH, v.?1. To be contagious; to lay hold. CAUS'TIC, n. A corroding application. CXTCI, n. Seizure; a clasp; a snatch; a song. CAUSTICC CAUSITI-CAL, a. Burning; corroding. CXTCH/'rR,?t. The person or thing that catches. CAUS-TI/tI-TYI n. Caustic quality; causticness. CXTCTI'POLE, n. A sergeant; a policeman. CLUS'TIC-NE:SS, n. Quality of being caustic. CXTCH'tIP, 0?' CXTISUP, n. A sauc'e made from CIU'TER, in. A searing Itot iron. mushroomls, tomatoes, walnuts, &c.[of a page. CAU'tTiR-Ir,?. The application of caustics. CXTCHtWORD, i?. A word under the last line CLU-TR.:R-I-ZAITION, t. Act of cauterizing. XCAT-.-RHET'II-C4AL; a. Consisting of questions CU'TE R-IZE, v. a. To burn with a cautery. and answers; catechistical. [answers. CAU'TE-RY, n. An iron for burning; a caustic. C)CI-kIBHkT'I-CAL-LY, ad. By question and CkU'TIQN,'n. Provident care; advice; warning. CXTi/ - HIE;, v. a. To instruct by questions CAU'TION, v. a. To give notice of danger to. and answers; to question; to interrogate. CAU'TION-A-RY, a. Given as a pledge; warning. *CXTtI'E-~ISM,?n.. A form or book of instruc- CAU'TIovUS (kO w'shus), a. Wary; watchful. tion by questions and answers. [chism. CLUtTIOUS-LY, ad. In a cautious manner. CXT't-JrHiST, 71. One who teaches the cate- CaUrTIOuS-Nakss, is. Waatchfultness; vigilance. CXT-E-RHIST'I-CAL, a. By question and answer. CAV-AL-CADEI, n. A processionI on horseback. CAT-E-CHiUMrN, n. One yet in the rudiments CXV-A-LIER', a. A horse-soldier; a knight. of Christianity, or who is little advanced. CXV-A-LIEt,R, a. Gay; brave: - disdainfill. CAT-E-GoRtI-C.AL, a. Absolute; positive. CAV-A-LIER'LY (kiv-a-ler'le), ad. I-aughltily. CXT-E-GORt'I-CAL-LY, ed. Directly; positively. CXV'AL-RY, a. Soldiers or troops on horses. CAT't-GO-RY, n. Anl order of ideas; predica- CAVE, n. A cavern; a grotto; a den. CAT-E-NA'TION, n. Regular connection. [nient. CAVE, v. a. To imake hollow. -v. 1. To fall in. CA5tTR, v. an. To procure or provide food. CAKVE-XT, n. (Law.) Process to stop proceedings. IEIEN, SYR j M()VE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, RiLE. —S, (, soft; I, F, har?d; as Z; Z as gz; TrHIS. 6* CAVERN 66 CHAISE OXV'I.RN, n. A hollow place in the ground. Ct;N'TI'PtD, i t. A poisonous insect. [authors. CXV/ERN-OdS, a. Full of caverns; hollow. CENiTT0, n. A collection oft scraps fromi various CA-VIARE' (ka-ver'), n. The roe of the sturgeon. CEiN\TRAL, a.'RelttinRf to tle ce)ltre; middle. CAV/'L, V. n. To raise captious objections. C(EN'TRAL-LY, ad. With regard to tile centre. CiXV'tL, n. A false or frivolous objection. CENITRrE (sernter), n. The exact middle. cXV.IL-LE.R, n. A captious disputant. CLN1TRE (sen'ter), v. a. To place on a centre. CXV'I-TY., n. Hollowness; a hollow place. CLENTRE (sienter), v. n. To be in the Centre. CAW, v. n. To cry as the rook or crow. CLtNITRIC, CiN/1TRI-CAL, a. In the centre. CAY-ENNE', n. A pungent red pepper. CENITRI-CA-L Y, ad. in a centrical situation. cA-ZiQUEl (kFa-zgk'), n. An Indian chief. CE N-TRIFU.-GAL, a. Flying from the centre. CEASE (ses), v. n. To leave off; to fail; to stop. CIN TRIP9E TAL a Teiding to the centre. CEASELE.SS, a. Without stop; incessant. CENtTRY, n. A sentinel; a sentry. CE/DAR, n. An evergreen tree. CtN'TU-PLE, a. Hundred fold. CE:DE, v. a. To yield; to resign; to give up. CEN-TUR.I-QN, n. A Ronlaun military officer, CE.-DIL/LA, n. This mark [,] under the letter who commanded a undlred ren. c, denoting that it sounds like s. CLNTtU-Ry, n. A period cf oate iLndredl ye;ars. CR/DRINE or CEIDRINE, a. Belonging to cedar. CE-PHAILtIC, a. Relating to tile liead. CEIL (sel), v. a. To overlay the inner roof CIRATE, i. A cormposition of wa x, oil, &c. CEIL/ING, n. The covering of the inner roof. CEtRAT-ED, a. Covered with wax. CrL'.AN-DINE, n. A plant; swallow-wort. CERE, v. a. To cover with wax - to wax. CtL1'A-TURE, n. The art of engraving on metals. CERE, ns. Naked slrin on the bill of some bir(is. CPLI.-BRATE, v. a. To praise; to extol, honor. CEREt -BR.AL, a. Relating to the brain. CEL-J.-BRA.TIQN, nI. Act of celebrating; praise. CERE'CLITH:, ns. Cloth smnearel with melted CE.-L-EB/RI-TY,n. Fame; renow n; distinction. CiEREfIENT, wax or with bitumen. CE-LRtRI-TY, n. Swiftness; rapidity; speed. CiR-iE-lVt'NJ-AL, a. Relating to ceremony.[rite. CtL'ER-Y, n. A species of parsley for salad. CER-E.'-A~Ni-:., n2. C)utward form; external CE-LrESTIAL (se-lestiyal),a. Heavenly; ethereal. CER —L -MONI-OU s, a. Civil; formlial; precise. CE.-LESTtIAL-L', ad. In a heavenly manner. CLPR-E -MiONI.-OUS- LY, ad. Formally; precisely. CrL'I-B.A-Cy, n. Unmarried state; single life. CER-E-mitoINI-OUS-NESS. n. Great forinmality. CRLL, n. A small, close room; a cavity; a cave. CERtE.-Io-NY, n. Outward rite; external form. CtL'LAR, n. A room under a house. CE-RIL'LA, 2. Cedilla. See CEDILLA. CtL'LAR-AQE, n. Room of a cellar; a cellar. C'RtTAIN (serutin), a. Sure; indubitable; some. CfL'LU-LAR, a. Having cells or cavities. CEtRTAtN-ILY, ad. Indubitably; without fail. CRL'T.IC, a. Relating to the Celts, or Gauls. CER",'AIN-TY, in. Assurance; real state; trutlt. CMIvEiNT, n. That which unites; mortar. CER-TIFT-ClAT:E, n. A testiniony in writing. C~-MENTt, v. a. To unite by sonletlling inter- CER1-TFtI-CAlTE,V. a. To give a certificate to. C-MixNTf, v. n. To cohere; to unite. [posed. CE —TI-Fl-CA'TION, a. Tile act of certifying. CEir[-igN-TXITIQN, n.. The act of cementing. CERt.TI-FY, v. a. To give certain information to C:-MINTIVR, in. The person or thing that ce- CER'TI-TUDE, n. Freedom from doubt; cerCtTVI'E-T-ER-Y, n. A burial-place. [ilents. tainty; real state; tfact; truth. C.NI6-TrXPH, nt. A monument erected to the CE-Rt'LEg.4Nra. Sky-colored; blue; azure. memory of one buried elsewhere. cI-RD'HMEN, ii. The wax in the ear. CgNISgR, n. Vessel in mwhich incense is burnt. C]EtRtSE, n. White lead; carbonate of lead. CRNfSQOR, n. An officer of Rome; a censurer. CRIt'VI.-CAL, a. Belonging to the neck. CEN-SO'RI-AN, a. Relating to a censor. CE-SA/'TIQN, n. A stop; a rest; an armistice. CE N-sS1RI-O6tS, a. Addicted to censure; severe. cEssisrON (sdshlun), n. Act of ceding; surrender. C]N-SO6IR -o0S-LY, ad. In a severe manner. Cts'TiS, n. The girdle or zone of Venus. C].N-ST'Rj.-OUS-NESS, n. Disposition to censure. C.-TAiCEOUS (se-tIshius),a. Of thle whalekrind. C:,NISOR-SHIP, n. The office of a censor. CHAFE, V. a. & i2. To rub; to fret; to be CtNISSV-RA-BLE (sen'sllu-ra-bl), a. Culpable. rubbed or fretted; to be angry; to rage. CEN'Stu-RA-BLE-NP. SS, n. Blamableness. CHIAFE, n. A fret; passion; a heat; a rage. CUNNISTs-RA-BLY (sintshui-ra-ble), ad. Culpably. CIiAVF'R, n. One who chafes:- an insect. CVN'SURE (s6n'shur), n. Blame; reproach. CIAF'IrR-Y, a. A forge in an iron mill. CN'S'URE (sln'shur), v. a. T'o blame; to con- CHAFrF, n. Tlie husks of grain; refuse.demn; to reproach; to reprehend; to reprove. CI tA.'FER, an. &. a. To treat about a bargain,. CrNISUR-ER (sen'shiur-er), n. One who blames. CHXFtFINCIH,?. A small singing bird. ct:Nts's, n. An enumeration of inhabitants. CIi[i.FF'r, a. Full of chaff; light; worthless. CENT,n?.A hundred:- an American copper coin. Ctj-A.FPIING — DSI-, n. A portable grate for coalS. CEN'TAUR (s1n'ttwr), n. A fabulous being, CIA- CTIEN1, n. A tough-grained leather. half man and half horse:-a southern constel- *(HA-GRIN1, na. Ill humor; nortification. CtN'/TAU-RY, n. A kind of shrub. [lation. SIiA-CGRIN', V. a. To vex; to mortify. CEN-TE-NA'.RI-AN, n. A person 100 years old. C-TAIN, n. A series of links; a fetter; a bond. CN'ITE-N.A-RY, n. The number of a hundred. Cl-TAIN, 7. a. To fasten with a chain:- to enCEN-TNN'NI-AL, a. Completing a hundred CHAIN1-PriJIP, n. A pllump with a chain. [slave. years; occurring once in a hundred years. CIAiTN/-SIHI6T, n. Bullets cinnected by a chain. CEIN-TS'I-iMAL, a. Hundredth. cAITR (ch&r), n. A movabhle seat; sedan. CBN-TI-FO'LI-OU0S, a. Having a hundred leaves. CIIAIR/'TAN, n. The president of an assembly. C:NTTIj-GRAADE, a. Hlaving a hundred degrees. CIIhISE sheaz), ai. A kind of light carriage. RRi,5,d,OY, sagL`; j>,1 short;A,>,,o,,xy a obsci e. -riE,FAR,AST,FALL; H ItR,IIiR; CHALCEDONY 67 CHASTISE.HAL-CDtOQ-NY,?. A kind of precious stone. CIHP'EL, n. Place of worship; meeting-hou0.. BHAL-COGCR'A-PH'IrR, n. An engraver in brass. CHXP'E.L-RY, n. The jurisdiction of a chapel. EHAL-COG.RA-PH-Y, s. Ellgravig in.brass. [dea. HAXP'].R-ON, n. A kind of hood or cap. [lic. ~H.AL-DA'IC, 0EIHAL'D:E, a. Relating to Chal- _H API'ER-6N, v. a. To attend, as a lady, in pubCHAL/DRON or CIiL/DRON, n. 36 bushels. CHAPtFALLEN (ch6p'faln), a. Depressed; dejectCHL'CE, n. A cup; a communion cup. CHAP!I-TER, -in. Capital of a column. [ed. CHXLICED (challjst), a. Having a cell or cup. CHTAPILAIN, n. One who performs divine service. CHALK (chawk), n. A white fossil substance. CHXP'LAIN-CY, s n. The office of a chaplain; CHALIt (chawk), v. a. To mark with chalk. CHAPtLAIN-SHIP, 5 the revenue of a chapel. CHALK'Y (chawk'e), a. Consisting of chalk. CHiiAP'L. T, n. A garland or wreath for the head. CHALf'LENE, v. a. To call to answer; to defy. CHAP'ISAN, n. A cheapener; dealer; seller. CHALILNE, - n. A summons to combat. CHAPS (ch6ps), n. pl. The mouth, as of a beast. CHALfLENq-ER, n. One who challenges. CHXAPTER, it. A division of a book:-an asPHA-LYBsE-ATE, a. Impregnated with iron. semlbly of the clergy of a cathedral or collegiate RHAI, O?' KHAN, t1. Sovereign of Tartary. church: — branch of a society or fraternity. QHA-MIAXDE/, n. Beat of the drum for a parley. CHXR, v. a. To burn to a black cinder, as wood. CHAM'BER, n. An upper room:- a cavity. CHAR, n. A small job; in Jtne-ica, called chore. CHA.1/11BER, v. n. & a. To be wanton; to shut up. HAR/IAC-TE. R, n. A mark; a stamp; a letter: CHAM'BE.R-C6ONtsg L,. A counsellor who -a personage; personal qualities; reputation. gives his opinion or advice, but does not plead. EHAR-AC-TER-iS'TIC, n. A mark of character. CH.AMIBER-ING, n. Intrigue; wantonness. EHtAR-AC-TE'R-ISTIC, a. Constituting or CHXMt'BER-LAIN, n. An English officer of state. 0HAR-AC-TonR-IS'TI-CL C distingsishing the CHAMtIBER-MAID, n. A female servant who character; noting or indicating character. takes care of chambers or bedrooms. [kind. EHXA'AC-Ti.R-IZE~, v.a. To give a claracterof. HA4-Mi'LE-ON, n. An animal of the lizard 9HA-RADEI (slha-rad'), n. A species of riddle. CHXm'FER, v. a. To channel; to flute. [groove. CHAVRtCuAL, n. Coal made by burning wood. CHA'PFEIR, or CHXMF'PtRET, n. A furrow; a CHARIE,V. a. To load; to impute; to accuse; HXM'Ois (sham'ine), n. A kind of antelope. to enjoin; to commission; to attack; to assail. CHAMP, v. a. &; n. To bite frequently; to chew. CHXRIE, v. n. To make a charge or onset. 1H.XM-PAGNE' (shain-pan), n. A kind of wine. CHXARQE, n. Care; precept: - cost: - onset. HXHAI —PAIGN1 (shLmn-plan'),n.Flat,open country. CHXRqE/A-BLE, a. lixpensive; costly; imputa-:HAF1t-PAIGN/, HAiM-PAIN', a. Open; level. CHAR'e, IEn. A large dish:-a war-horse. [ble. VHAtM-PIGN'QN (sham-pin'yun),n. Amushroom. CHAR.1-OT, n. A carriage of pleasure or state. CH.MIPI-ON,s n. A single combatant;defender. CH-ARI-OT-ER, 71. One who drives a chariot, CHANCE, n. Fortuitous event; accident; fortune. CHAR'I-TA-BLE, a. Kind; bountiful; liberal. CHANCE, v. n. To happen; to fall out; to occur. CHAX1t/I-TA-BLE-NESS, n. Disposition to charity, CHAN'CEL, n. The eastern part of a church. CHIiAR'-TA-BLY, ad. Kindly; benevolently. CHitNICEL-LOR, ni. A high judicial office; a CHAR'I-TY, n. Benevolence; love: —alms. judge of a court of chancery or other court. cHXR'LA-TAN, n. A quack; a mountebank. CHAiNCEL-LOR-SHiP, n. Office of chancellor. QHXiR-LA-TAN't-CAL, a. Quackish; empirical. CHkN'CCER-Y, n. A high court of equity. cHtRf'LA-T.AN-RY, n. Quackery; deceit. [tion.,HXAN-D,-LERt, n. A framne for candles. CHARLEL'~-WAI1N, n. Great Bear, a constellaCHANDI'LER, n. A seller of candles; a dealer. CHAR'LOCK, n. A weed; a species of mustard. CHAN'DL].R-Y.n. Articles sold by a chandler. CHARM,n. A philter; a spell; enchantment. CHANqE, a. a. To make different; to exchange. CHaRM, v. a. To bewitch; to delight; to subCHANE, v. n. To undergo change; to alter. CHARM, v. n. To act as a charm. [due. CHANCE, a. Alteratioi; variety; snall money. CHXRMER, Sn. One who charms; an enchanter. CHAXNQEA-BLE, a. Subject to change; incon- CHXRMRING, p. a. Pleasing in a high degree. CIIANqEtA-BLE-NJtSS, n. Instability. [stant. CHAXRMHING-LY, ad. Delightfully; pleasingly. CHXANqErL.NG, n. A child changed; an idiot: CHAXRM'rNG-NEirSS, n. Delightfulness. -one apt to change; an inconstant person. CHAR'NEL, a. Containing flesh or carcasses. CHANI'ER, n. One who clianges. CHArsNr.L-HiajSE,ns.Place for bones of the dead. CHANNE'NL, at. The bed of running waters; a CHIART, n. Adelineation of coasts, &c.; a map. strait or narrow sea; a groove; a furrow. CHXARTE.R, a. a. To let or hire, as a sea vessel. CHANI'NEL, v. a. To cut in channels. [service. CtIXR/'TER, n. A writing bestowing privileges CHANT, v. n. & a. To sing, as in the church CHARtY, a. Careful; cautious; shy. [or rights. CHANT, n. A song; part of the church service. CHASE, a. a. To hunt; to pursue; to drive. CHANT'ER,?. One who chants; a singer. CHASE, n. Hunting; pursuit: —that part of a CHXrTI-CLEER, n. A cock; a loud crower. gun in which the bore is:- frame for types in CHANT/RESS, n. A woman who chants. [in. CHKAS/'R,?. One who chases; a hunter.[pages. CHAN'TRY, n. A chapel for priests to sing mass Lrcsser, n. A cleft; an opening; a vaculty. HtA'OS, n. A confused mass of matter; con- CHASTE, a. Virtuous; pure; uncorrupt. pHA-OTtlC, a. Like cllaos; confused. [fusion. CHIASTE/LY, ad. In a chaste manner; purely. CHAP (ch6p), v. a. To cleave; to split; to crack. CFIASTfEN (chastsn), v. a. To correct; to punish. CHAP (chop), n1. A cleft; an aperture. CIAiST/E:N-1IR (chlas'sn-er), n. One who chastCHAP (ch15p), n. A part of a beast's mouth. CHASTE/'NSS, n. Chastity; purity. [ens. CHAP, it. A boy; a dealer; a chlapmlan. CHAS-TIS A-BLE, a. That may be chastised. VHAP'EAU (shdp'pS), n. A hat; a cap or coronet. CHAS-TISE], v. a. To punish; to chasten. IMIEN, SIR; MO6VE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BEUR, ROL~E —,9G, sqft;,. ta hard; S as Z; Y as gz; - TIIIS. CHASTISEMENT 68 CHIT CHXS'TIlEE-MtNT,n. Correction; punighment. CHEW (ch), v. a. To crush with the teeth. CHAS-TI/:ER 71. One who chastises; a punisher. CHEW (chi), v. n. To ruminate: to meditate. CHASI'TI-Ty, 1. Purity of the body; purity. cH.I-CANEI, n. Sophistry; chicanery. [try. CHAT, v. 7n. To prate; to converse at ease. - cH-I-CANE R-.Y, n. Mean arts; trickery; sophisC;HAT, nA. Idle or familiar talk; prate. [seat. CHICK, CICKIt'N s. Tle young of a fowl. EI-iXT/EAU (shllt't), n. A castle; a country- CHTICKtEN-I-HEART-ED a. Cowardly; timorous. ItXATIEL-LA-Nk, as. Lordship of a castle. CHiCItI N-P6X, n. A mild, eruptive disease. CHATIT L, a1. Any movable property. CHICKtPE A (chikpet), n. A kind of pea. CHATTITER, v. n. To make a noise like a mag- CHICKIWEEID, n. A small annual plant or weed. pie; to chat; to prate; to talk idly. [talk. CHIDE, v. a. [imp. t. chid; pp. chidden, chid.] CHXTIT-RK, n. A noise, as of a magpie; idle To reprove; to reprimand; to censure; to reCHAT'TE.R-BO X, 71. An incessant talker. CHIDE, v. n. To find fault; to scold. [buke. CHIIAT'T.R-ER,?1. One who chatters. CHIDIING, a1. Rebuke; scolding; noise; clamor. CHXTITY, a. Chattering; conversing freely. CHIEF (chef), a. Principal; most important. CHATI'WOOD (ch'ft'wCid),n. Little sticks; fuel. cH-IIF, n. A commander; head; leader. CHIAw, v.a. To chew. See CHEW. CHIEFfLY, ad. Principally; eminently. CHEAP (chp), a. Bearing a lowprice; common. CHIEFITAIN, n. Aleader; a commander; chief. CHEAPIEN (chetpn), v. a. To attempt to buy; CHIEFITAIN-SHIP, n. State of a chieftain. to ask the price of; to lessen the value of. CHILIBLAIN, n. A sore made by cold. CHEAP/LY, ad. At a smnall price. CHILD, n.; pl. CHIL'DREN. An infant or very CHIIAP'NESS, 1s. Lowness of price. young person; offspring; progeny; issue. CHEAT, v. a. To defraud; to impose upon. CHILD'BEKAR-ING, n. Act of bearing children. CHEiAT, n. A fraud; a trick; a deceiver. CHILDtBED, n. State of a woman in labor. CHEATt ER, 7s. One who cheats; a cheat. CHILDIBIRTH, n. The act of bearing children. CHECK, v. a. To repress; to curb; to reprove. CSIILD'HOOD (chlld'hfid), n. State of a child. CHE CK,.is. Stop; a reproof; order for money. CHILDIISH, a. Like a child; trifling; puerile. CHCciiEtK, v. a. To vary; to diversify. CHILD'ISH-Ly, ad. In a childish, trifling way. CHECItCLtATE,n. A movementonaclhess-board. CHILDISIH-NESS, n. Puerility; triflingness. CHSEiK, n. The side of the face below the eye. CHILD'LESS, a. Without children or offspring. CHEEK/BONNE, i. The bone of the cheek. CHILD-LIE E, a. Like or becoming a child. CHEER,an. Entertainment; gayety; shout ofjoy. CHILL, a. Cold; depressed; not affectionate. CHEEER,. a. To incite; to encourage; to applaud. CHILL, n. Chilliness; cold; coolness. [ject. CHEeRiER, n. One who, or that which, cheers. C HILL, v. a. To makre cold; to depress; to deCIIHEERIKFL, a. Animated; lively; joyful. CHILL'.I-NSS, n. A sensation of cold. CHIiEER/FL-LY, ad. In a cheerful manner. CHILL'NEss, n. Chilliness; coldness. CHEn EtFUL-NESS, n. Alacrity; animation. CHILIqY~, a. Somewhat cold. —ad. Coldly. CHIEER/LESS, a. Without gayety or gladness. CH-lIMB, or CHIME, n. Edge of a cask. CHEIErtLY, CHEEERty, a. Brisk; gay; cheerful. cHIME, n. A sound of bells; concord of sound. CHEEr.E, n. Food made of the curd of milk. cHIME, v. n. To sound in harmony; to agree. CHEEEt —CA.KE, n. A cake of curds, sugar, &c. CHIME,. a. To move, strike, or sound in liarCH:EEtE'MI6N-SER, n. One who deals in cheese. CHIM/ER, n. One who chimes. [mony. CHEES~E-PRPESS, n. Engine for pressing curds. iHeI-MEIRA, n. A fabled monster; an odd fancy. PIe-CIk'I-CAL, a. Pertaining to chemistry. 9HI-MERE', n. Robe of a bishop. See SIMAR. HI-IEM/I-CAL-LY, ad. In a chemical mariner..III-MERfI-CAL, a. Imaginary; fanciful; unreal.'Hi-IE-EIXE' (she-mrrz'),n. Under-garment of awo- IH.I-IMR/I-CAL-LY, ad. In a chimerical manner. 0I-IEM It.ST, n. One versed in chemistry. [man. CHIItN.NEY (chmtnne), n. A passage through CHE,/IS-TRY, n. A science which investigates which smoke ascends; a fireplace; fireside. the nature and properties of substances. CHIN, n. The lowest part of the face. CHEQUER (chek'er). See CHECKER. CHI/NA, n. China ware; porcelain. CHERI'IS5H,a. a. To support; tofoster; tonurse. CHINtCOUGH (chinulktf), s. Hooping-cough. CTIIK'IS-EgR, a. One who cherishes; a nurse. CHINE,. Backbone or spine:- edge of a cask. CHr'P.KRY, n. A tree and its fruit. CHI-NESE, a. Language and people of China. CHKR'RY, a. Red; ruddy, like a cherry. CHINK, n. A small aperture; an opening. CHEIIRS'-NisSE (kdr'so-nes), n. A peninsula. CHINK,. a. To shake so as to make a sound. CHERT, n. A kind of flint; rock-flint. CHINK, v. n. To sound by striking each other. CHI'tRUB, n.; pl. CHtR'I.UB and CHERt'U-BIM. CHINTZ, n. Printed cotton cloth. [crack. A celestial spirit; an angel; a figure. CHIP, v. a. & n.. To cut into small pieces; to CHE-RII.BIC, CHEI-ROIBI-CAL, a. Angelic. CHIP, n. A small piece cut or broken off. CIHIRIU-BIt,?n. The Hebrew plural of c/herub. iHI-RA'GRA, n.'11The gout in the hands. CHRUR' P, a.n. To chirp; to use a cheerful voice. HI-ROGIR.A-PHEI R, n. A writer; a penman. CHESS, n. A scientific gamnie: —a kind of grass. HI-ROG'R.A-PHY~, n. Handwriting. [hand. CHESS'-BOARD, s. A board for playing chess on. CH-ItRO-MXN-CY, n. Art of foretelling by the CHeSSItiiMAN, is. A piece or man used in chess. CHIRP, v. n. To makre a cheerful noise, as birds CHEIST,?a. A large box; the breast; the thorax. CHYIP, CIHYRPtING, n. Voice of birds or insects. CHIESTINUT (chis'nlut), n. Nut of a tree. HnI-Ii-UR/tI-Y-Ry, n. Art of a surgeon; surgery. CHEISTINIT, a. Brown; colored like a chestnut. CHISIlE1L, a; A tool for cutting wood or stone. CHItV-A-LIER/ 7n. A knight; a cavalier. CHMISEL, v. a. - To cut or carve with a chisel. ctIVE. VR-IL, n. Leather from the skin of the kid. CHIT, si. A child; a baby: - a sprout of corn. XE,I,O,Ur, long; g,:,iO, short; AE,Q,VY obscure.-F8REFXRFFsTFALL; HiIKHHKR:; CHITCHAT 69 CINERITIOUS CI-IITfCHXT, n. Prattle; idle talk or conversation. 0HRON.I-CLE, n. A register; a record; a history. IlyH.I-VXL'RIC, a. Chivalrous; gallant. OHRONII-CLE, V. a. To record; to register. [rian. 11CIr-I'iv'L-ROOS, a. Relating to chivalry; gallant. HaKRON'I-CLER,n. A recorder of events; an histoJYII51V1AL-RY or CHIV'AL-RY., n. Knighthood. HLIRON'o-GRXxI,?7. An inscription in which CHtIVE. (chivz), n. pl. Threads in flowers. the date is expressed by numersal letters. gHLOR.INE, 1n. A heavy, greenish-yellow gas. 0HRQ-NOLtQ-gER, IHRQ-, O-NOL'OQ-VfIST,?t. A.HLORQ -FORM:?t. An anasthetic liquid. teacher of, or one versed in, chronology. Ct-IOCICt-FfLL, a. Entirely full; choke-full. ]HRON- Q-L 0'IC, I a. Denotisg, or relating CHOCIQ-LATE, n. A preparation of cocoa. JHERON-O-LoqII'-CAL, to, chlonolo y. CHO'CE, n. Act of choosing; the thing chosen. 0HRON-O-LOII'I-CAL-LY, ad. By chronology. CHOICE, a. Select; precious; excellent. BHIOR-NOL'O-Ty, at. The science of comiputing C-IOIGCE'LY, ad. Carefully; excellently. or ascertaining dates of events. CHIOIR (kwir), n. Band of singers:-part of a HE-RO-Nor'i rE-TER, 7. An instrument, oi kilnd of C H-KE, V. a. To suffocate; to stop up. [church. watclh,for measuring time With great exactnesa. CHOKE, v. n. To be choked or obstructed. BtHRYS.A-LIS, n. Aure!ia, or the last apparent CHOItKE-FrILL, a. As full as possible; chockful. change of the.larvsa of insects; pupa. CHOIs6Y, a. Tending to choke; suffocating. HHRYS-XN'THI-I-.- 51AI, an. A genus of plants. HWtOLE.R, n. The bile: —anger; rage; wrath. E5-IRSI'tQ-LITE, n. A yellowish precious stoiie. H-OL/-ERA, n. A dangerous disease., I-IH So'-PRpAI, aI. A green precious stone. CHOLht:-R A-q6:R'BUS, n. A painful disease. CHIOB,?. A river fish; the cheven. HIIOLERE-IC, a. Full otcholer; angry; irascible. CHUBiBI3D, CHUjB1BY, a. Short and thick. CIIOOSE, v. a. [impt. t. chose; pp. chosen.] To CHrCK, v. n. To a-Aake a noise like a li hen. prefer; to pick out; to select; to elect. CHfCIs, v. a. To call as a hen:-to pat; to pitch. CHOOa E, v.n. To have power of choice. CHOCK, n. The voice of a hen:-a pat or blow. CIH6OO6'R, nt. One who chooses; an elector. CHnCK'-FAt-THING, s. A kind of play. CHOP,u. a. To cut with a quick blow; to mince. CHrJCIKLE,av.?s. Tolaugh inwardly with triumph. CHOP, v. n. To do anly thing with a quick mo- CHiC'IKLE, V. a. To call as a hen:-to fonrdle. c5IOP,n. A piece cut off; a slice.; a cleft. [tion. CHIrOFF, n. A coarse, burly fellow; a clown. CHIOPFALLEN,a. Dejected. See CHAPFALLEN. CHUFF/Y, a. Blunt; fat; surly; clownish. CHOPI-H:1OSE, at. An eating or dining house. CHUiM, at. A chamber-fellow in a college, &c. CIIOP/IN, CHQ-PiNf, n. A sort of clog or patten. CH.IHP, n. A thick, short piece of wood. CHOPIP.PER, n. One who chops:-a cleaver. CHuRCI, n. The collective bodyof Cliristians; cHOPS, n. pl. The mouth of a beast. See CHAPS. a place of worship; ecclesiastical authority. HHO'RAL, a. Belonging to, or singing in, a choir. CHURCH, v. a. To return thanks in church for.,HORD, n. Tle string of a musical instrument; CHURCHIIAN, n. An ecclesiastic; Episcopalian. a certain combination of notes; a line. CHURCHI-WXR'DEN, as. Officer of a church. CIOKRE, n. A small job of work. See CIAR. CHURCH'YARD, n. A burial-place near a church. 0HORttIS-TER (korjis-ter), as. A singer in a CHURL, n. A surly man; a rustic; a niggard. choir or concert: —a leader of a choir. CHURLISH, a. Rude; brutal; selfish; avaricious. HHQ-ROGtRA-PIHERR,at. Describerofa country. CHURLTiSI-NESS, n. Rudeness; niggardlinesa. HHO-Ro-GRAXPHI-C.AL,a. Descriptive of regioIls. CHURN,?t. A vessel used in making butter. HI-IQ-ROG/RA-PI-IY, n. Description of a place or CHURN, V. a. To agitate; to make butter of. district, or the art of constructing maps of it. CHURN'-STXFF, n. A staff used in churning. 0HOItRUS, n. A number of singers; a choir; CEUISE. See CHOOSE. [chyle. verses of a song in whvlich all join the singer. HsaY-Lt'CEO.US (kl-lItsllus), a. Belonging to CH6OE, imp. t. from choose. OHHLrE, n. A milky juice forned in digestion. CHO(,EN (ch.azn), pp. from choose BHHY-LI-FXACTIQN, n. Process of making chyle. CHOUGH (chif), n. A kind of sea-bird. oHInmE, as. Food digested in the stomach. CHiOSE,v. a. To cheat; to trick; to defraud. ~ItiTITIS-TRY. See CHEaMISTRY. CH6WtDsiR, n. Fish boiled with biscuit, &c. C-BAtKRI-oCs, a. Relating to food; eatable. tIIRaiYM, n. - Oil used in sacred ceremonies. CIC'A-TRICE, n. A scar or mark left by a wound. BHRIS/TEN (krls'sn), v. a. To baptize and name. CIC-A-TRI-ZAtTION, n. The power of healing, HRBisTTENr-DOM (Ikrls'sn-diim),st. Regionls in- or skinning over, as in a wound. [wound. lalbited by Christians; whole body of Chris- CICtA-TRIZE, v. a. To heal or skin over, as a,HEIS'fTE N-ING (krIs'sn-Ing),n. Baptism. rtians. C'I-E-RONI-4AN, a. Relating to Cicero. OHRISITIAN (krlst'tyan), n. A disciple of Christ. CIrDER, n. The juice of apples fermented. IHRKISfTIAN (krlsttysan), a. Pertaining to Christ. CI-rAEt, n. A little roll of tobacco for smoking. -HRIS'TITAN-NXLE, as. A name given in baptism. CIL-IA-RY (siltya-re),a. Relating to the eyelashes. ieAtRIS-TI-ANt.I-TY (krlst-yQ-ante-te), n.. The re- CI-Li'tCIOUS (si-lishtus), a. Made of hlair. ligion taught by Christ; religion of Christians. CIMfIE-TER, SCHMII-TAR, n. A short Turkish H tHRIS'TIAN-IZE,v.a. Toconvertto Christianity. CIM —EL'RI-AN, a. Extremely dark. [sword. 6,HHRiSTrMAs (kristmas), n. The festival of CIN-HHO1NA,n. Peruvian or Jesuit's bark. [dle. Christ's nativity, Dec. 25. [presents. CINCT'URE (sinkt'yr.r), t. A belt; a band; a gir-:H{RIST'MAs-so-xX, as. A box for Christmas CINtDER, n. A small piece of matter remaining HHRQ-MXTIIC, a. Relating to colors:-relating after ignition or partial combustion; ashes. to the-scale of seinitones in music. CIN-E-RAtTION, an. Act of reducing to ashes. Hi-ROE, n. Awhitish, brittle, infusible metal. CI-NERE.-Otis, a. Like ashes; ash-colored; gray.,IIRoN.IC, HiHRONII-CAL, a. Of long duration. CIN-E-RIttTIOUS (sin-e-rishtus), a. Like ashes. ZMIEN, SYR; MoVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, ROLE. —, 9, soft; H, G, hard; $ as z; T as gz; THIS. CINGLE 70 CLARION CYN'GLE (sing'gl), n. See SURCINGLE. CYRrCUS, n. An area for sports, with seats round. CIN'NA-BAR, na. Red sulphuret of mercury. CIS-AL'PINE,a. On this [Roman] side ofthe Alps. -CINIINA-M5N, n. The spicy bark of a tree. CIST,n. A chest; place of burial. See CYST. CINQUE (stngk), n. The number five in dice. CISITE. RN, n. A vessel to hold water; a reservoir. CINQUEt-FOIL (singk'tfil),a.Five-leaved clover. CISrTys, n. A genus of plants; the rockrose. CIIQN, n. A sprout; a shoot ingrafted; scion. CIT, n. A citizen, in contempt or disparagrenent. Ci'PHIEIR, a. The arithmetical character [0]; a CIT(A-DtL, n. A fortress in or near a city. character or symbol:-a secret character. cIrTAL, n. The act of citing; summons. CIPIPE. R, v. n. To practise arithmetic. cI-TA/XITION, n. Sumrmons to appear:-quotation. CIR'CLE, n. A round figure; ring:-compass. CI'TA-TQ-RY, a. In the form of a summons. CIR/CLE, V.a. & n. To move round; to enclose. CITE, v. a. To summon to answer:-to quote. CIKRCLET (s'irklet), n. A little circle or ring. CiTHIERN, n. A kind of harp or guitar. CIRtCU1T (sir'kit), n. A circular space; a district. CIT'I-ZEN, a. An inhabitant ofa city; a freeman. CIR-C0'I-TOUS, a. Round about; not direct. CITtI-ZEN-SHP, na. The rights of a citizen. CjIR-CUIJ-TO0S-LY, ad. In a circuitous manner CITIRINE, a. Like a citron or lemon; dark-yelCIRICU-LAR, a. Having the form of a circle. CITRQON, n. A fruit of the lemon kind. [low. ciR-C -LAR.I-TY, a. State of being circular. CIT1Y, n. A large town; a town corporate. CYRICV-LAR-LY, ad. In form of a circle. [spread. CITrY, a. Relating to a city; (of a city. CiRt'C.J-LATE, v. n. & a. To move round; to CIVE~, n. pl. A small species of leek or onion. CIRt-CI -LA1TION,n. Act of circulating; currency. CIYVIT, n. A perfume from the civet cat. CYIRcV-LA-TQ-RY, a. Circular; moving round. CIv'IC, a. Relating to a city or to citizens. CIR-CVM-AXa'BI-a.N-Cy,n. Actofencompassing. CIV'IL, a. Municipal; relating to society; inCIR-CVM-XMt BI-E.-NT, a. Surrounding. [about. testine; political:-complaisant; well-bred. CYR —CIM-AMtBU'-LATE, v. n. To walk round CI-VILtIAN (se-vil'yan), n. One versed in the cYI.tCVM-CIE, v. a. To perform circumcision on. civil law:-one employed in a civil capacity. CYRtCtUlt-CI -]R, n. Olle who circumcises. [rite. C.-VIL'I-TY, n. Refinement; politeness. [state. cYIR-tc M-Ci-ttION(sir-kumm-sizlhturn),n. AJewish CIV-IL-.I-ZATIQN, a. Act of civilizing; civilized CYR-CUM-DlJCT',v. a. To contravene; to nullify. CIV.IL-IZE, v. a. To reclaim from savageness. CIt-CftMIFER-ENCE, n. A line bounding a circle. CIVI1L-LY, ad. In a civil manner; politely. CIRtCIVM-FLEX, an. An accent denoting a long CLXcK, n. Sharp, abrupt noise; click:-prate. syllable, marked in Greek [-], in Latin [^]. CLACK, v. n. To make a sudden, sharp noise. CIR-CUMftFLU-ENCE, a. Anll enclosure of waters. CLAD, pp. from clotle; clothed; dressel. CIR-CtaMIFL-U- INT, a. Flowing round, as water. CLAIM, v. a. To demand of right; to require. CIR-CfM-FO-RXA'N.-OPS, a. Wandering about. CLAIb, n. A demand as of right; right; a title. CYR-CYMa-FU Ef, V. a. To pour or spread round. CLAMA'-BLE, a. That may be claimed: CYRa-CsU-FP0 iILE, a. That may be poured rotund. CLAIMIANT, CLAIMIEPR, n. One who claims. CIR-C1MT-F'~tIoN, n. A pouring round. [ing. CLAM, n. A small bivalve shell-fish. CYR-CVm-JAX1C.NT, a. Lyilng round; surround- CLAM, v. a. To clog with any glutinous matter. CIR-CtUM-LQ-CU'TION, a. A circuit or compass CLAMt'B R, V. To climb with difficulty. of words; periphrasis; indirect expression. CLAii'M -NESS, n. Viscosity; viscidity. CIR-CtM-LOCIV-TQ-RY, a. Periphrastical. CL MfImY, a. Viscous; glutinous; adhesive. CIR-CUM-NAV.I-GA- BLE, a. That may be sailed CLIM'IQR, n. An outcry; noise; vociferation. CYIR-CU-NeAv'I-GGATE,v.a.To sail round.[round. CLAM'tR, v. n. To make outcries; to vociferate. CIR-CU.M-NXV-i-GAVTIQN, a. A sailing round. CLAM'OR-OfIS, a. Vociferous; noisy; boisterous. CYI-CIJM-NXAvI-GA.-TQR,n.One who sails round. CLAMtQR-O0S-LY, ad. In a noisy manner. [other. CIR1-C..M -POTLAR, a. Round or near the pole. CLAMP, n. A piece of wood or iron fixed to anCYR-CIM-1-R-TTATION, a. Circumvolution. CLAMP, v. al To bind or strengthen by a clamp. CI'R-CUM-RIOTA-TQ-RY, a. Whirling round. CLAN, n. A family; a race; a tribe:-cabal. CIR-CUM-SCICtBE, V. a. To enclose; to bound. CLAN-DES'T!NE, a. Secret; hidden; private. CIR-CVM-SCRIP'TIQN,s?. Limitation; restriction. CLANG, a. A shlarp, ringing noise. [strike. CIR-cVJM-scRIPtTIvE,a. Marking the outline. CLANG, V. n. & a. To make a shrill notse; to CIYR'CIv-SPI:CT,a. Cautious; watchful; discreet. CLAN'GOR, n. A loud, shrill, ringing sound. CIR-CYIM-SPIEC/TIQN, a. Watchfuliness; caution. CLANK, n. A shrill noise, as of a chain. CIRCtIrM-SPE:CT-LY, ad. Vigilantly; cautiously. CLAN'SIHIP, n. An association of persons. [plaud. CYRICCIty-SPECT-NS, S it. Vigilance; caution. CLAP, v. a. To strike; to pat; to put; to apCYRICuM-STANCE, n. An adjunct of a fact; CLAP1 v. n. To make a noise by striking:-to incident; event; condition; state of affairs. strike the hands together in applause. C IJVCVM-STANCE, V. a. To place in situation. CLXP, n. A lould explosion:-act of applause. CIY-CtlJ-STANtTIAL, a. Incidental; particular. CLAPtBOAARD6,. A narrow board to cover houses. CYR-CVM-STAN-TI- AL'-TY (sir-kum-stan-shle- CLAP'PER,n. Onewhoclaps:-tongue ofa bell. l'te-te), an. The state of being circumstantial. CLAPtPER-CLWW, v. a. To scold:-to revile. CYt-CUM-V. L-LAtTION, n. A kind of fortifica- CLIRE-QB-SCCKE', n. Light and shade in paintcYR-cUCM-v~:NTf, v. a. To deceive; to cheat.[tion. CLAXRET,n. A reddish kind of Frenrch wine.Fing. CYR-Ct.JM-VatN'TION,n. Fraud; deceit; imposture. CL ARtI-HORD, n. A musical instrument. CIY-CUM-VkNIT.IVE, a. Deluding; cheating. CLAKR-I-FI-CA'TIQN, a. The act of making clear. CY —CUM-VYRST', V. a. To cover round; to sur- CLYR'.I-Fy',v.a.&n. Topturify; tobecome clear. CYR-CUM-V- -LItTIN, na. Rolling round. [round. CLXR-I-NT'I, n. A reed instrument of music. CIR-CuIt-VOLVEI, v. a. To roll round; to whirl. CLAR'I-QN, n. A kind of shrill trumpet. A.,E,],k,0,, long; X,t,1,6,V,1, short; 4,9,J,Q,V,y, obscures.-F-RE,FXR,FAST,FXLL; HIRtHiR; CLASH 71 CLOISTER CLXSH, a. nt. To make a noise by collision:-to CLPFT, it. A space made by the separation of act irnopposition; to interfere; to disagree. parts; a crevice:-a disease in horses. CL'SH, v. a. To strike against sometlling. CLiEMtEN-CO, n. Miercy; inildness; leniency. CLASI-I, n. A noisy collision of two bodies. CLE'1IW]ENT, a. Mild; compassionate; Inerciful. CLASP, n. A kind of hook:-al embrace. CLERRCY, a. The body or order of divines. CLASP, v. a. To shut with a clasp:-to embrace. CLEREI~- A-BLE, a. Admitting benefit of clergy. CLiSPiE'R, n. One who clasps; a tendril. CLEitR'i(Y-.AN, n. A Iman ill holy orders; a CLASP/KNIFE, St. A knife wlich folds into the divine: —an ordained Cllristiai minister. CLASS, n. A rank; an order; a division.[handle. CLLtR'IC, CLERtI-CAL, a. Relatimng to the clergy. CLASS, v. a. To arrange in a class; to classity. CLERK (klark or klerk), n. A secretary or bookCLAS'SIC, e a. Relating to authors of the keeper; a clergyman; a reader; a scholar. CL'SISI-CAL, first ranuk; of the first order or CLLERtISHIP, n. The state or office of a clerk. ranlk in literature; Greektor Latiil; elegant. CLIVt1ER t, a. Dexterous; skilful; fit; proper. CLXStSIC, n. An author of the first rank. CLiVlER-Ly, ad. Dexterously; ingeniously. CLAXStS-C.-L-LY, ad. In a classical anitnner. CIs Vt1R'r-NESS n. Dexterity; skill; ingenuity. CLAS-SI-FIl-CA.'TION, t. Act of ranging into CLEWV: (kli), a?. A ball of thread; that which CLXStSI-FY, V. a. To arrange in classes. [classes. guides or directs; a guide:-corner of a sail. CLXTITER, v. n. To Inake a rattling noise. CLE \V (klu), v. a. To direct; to truss tip, as sails.CLAT'TER, i. A rattling,-confused noise. CLICK. v. n. To make a sharp, salill noise. CLAU~E, n. Part of a sentence; a stipulation. CLIfCKS n. The latch of a door:-sharp sound. CLXUS'TRAL, a. Relating to a cloister. CLICWtER, n. A servant to invite in customners. CLA.U~t'IRE (kl.wtzhur), n. Confinement. CLItENT, n. A dependant; one who employs CLAVE, imp. t. from cleave. CLIVENT-SHiIP, a. State of a client. [a lawyer. CLAVI'-CLE, n. A slender bone, the collar-bone. CLIFF, n. A steep rock; a precipice; a crag. CLAW, at. The foot of a beast or of a bird. CLIS-AC-TtR'IC or CLI-AiXC'/TER-IC, n. A CLIW, v. a. To tear with claws; to scratch. critical period in human life; the 63d year. CLAWED (kllwd), a. Furnished with claws. CLItVIATE, n. A zone or belt of the globe; a CLAY (kla), ni. A tenacious kind of earth. region or tract of land; temperature, wind, &c. CLAY, v. a. To cover or mix with clay. CL'I-MA-TOLtQ-qY, n. Science which treats of CIlAY-PIT, n. A pit where clay is dug. clinates, or of the causes of a climate. CLAYtEY (klate), a. Consisting of clay; like CLI'IAX, n. (Rhet.) A gradual rising in a disCLAYt-IARLX, 1n. A whitish, chalky clay. [clay. - course to that which is more impressive. CLAY/MMORE, n. A large, two-handed sword. CLIMB (klinr), v. n. & a. To ascend with labor. CLAYt-STONE, t. An argillaceous limestone. CLISBtIER (klimtner), n1. One who climbs:-a CLEAN (klen), a. Free from dirt andlimpurity; plant that creeps on some support, as ivy. neat; elegant; dexterous; entire; innocent. CLIsCE, n. Climate; region; country. [to fix. CLEAN, ad. Quite; perfectly; comlupletely. CLINCHI, V. a. To grasp; to contract; to rivet; CL"EAN, v.-a. To free from dirt; to purify. CLINCH, n; A pun:-holdfast:-part of a cable. CLE AN'LI-LY (klen'le-le), ad. In a cleanly man- CLINCH/ER, n. One that clinches; a clinch; CLtAN'tL-NtSS (klijrfleie-ns), n7. Neatness. [ner. a holdfast:-a conclusive argument. CLPiAN'LY (klenlle), a. Clean; neat; p!4'e CLING, v.n..[ip. t. & pp. clung.] To adhere. CLEANILY (klenlle), ad. In a clean manner. CLIN'IC, CLIN I-CAL, a. Pertaining to a bed. CLE ANtNESS, 7t. Neatness; purity; innocence. CLN'tIC, n. One confined on a bed of sickness. CLPiAN4A-BLE, a. That nay be cleansed. [fy. CLINK, v. a.&n. To make a sharp ringing noisae CLhANQE (klenz), v. a. To make clean; to purli- CLINK, n. A sharp, successive noise; -clank. CLhANtE. R (kln'zer), n. One that cleanses. CLIP, v. a. To cut, as with shears; to curtail. CLEAR (kler), a. Bright; serene; pure; per- CLIP'PEIR,. One who clips; a barber; avessel. spicuous; indisputable; manifest; innocent. CLIP.PING, n. A part cut off, as with shears. CLEAR, Sn. Space from one wAll to another. CLOAK (klok), n. An outer garment; a cover. CLEAR, v. a. To explain; to justify, to cleanse. CLOAK, v. a. To cover with a cloq*r; to hide. CLEAR, v. n. To grow bright or fair: —to sail CLOCSK, n. An instrilnent for meashl'iing and infrom a port with a permit, as a vessel. dicating time:-an insect; a sort of beetle. CLEAR.ANCE, n. The act of clearing g; a certifi- CLOCK'-MA.K-ER, n. One who makles clocks. cate of a ship given by the collector of a port. CLOCKtWORK, n. The machinery sof a clock. CLEAR'ER, n. One who clears; a purlfi,er. CL6D, n. A luhrmp of earth or clay; dolt; clown. CLEAR/LY, ad. Brightly; plainly; evidently. CLOD, v. Sn. To gather into a mass; to clot. CLEAR'tNSS, n. Transparency; distinctness. CLODIDY, a. Consisting of, or resemnblimng, clods. CLEAR'-SIGIIT-ED (lU&rtsi-ted), a. Discerning. CL6ODt'OP-PER, n. A ploughman; a clown. CLE ARISTARCII, v. a. To stiffen with starch. CLOD'P-ATE, CLODtPOLL, n. A stupil fellow. CLEAT, n. A piece of wood for fastening. CLiODIPAT-ED, a. Stupid; dull; doltish obtuse. CLEAVE (klev), v. s?. [imp. t. cleaved; pp. CL6FF,n.An allowance of weight.See CLOUGH. cleaved.] To adhere; to be attached orunited. CL6G, v. a. & n. To encumber with a weight; CLEAVE (klev), v. a. [inip. t. clove, cleft; pp. to obstruct; to impede; to be encumbered. cloven, cleft.] To split; to divide; to part. CLOG, n. An impediment:-a wooden shoe. CLEAVE, v. n. To part asunder; to separate. CLOG1CI-NtSS, n. The state of being clogged CLEAVtER, n. A butcher's instrument. C-LG4'y, a. Having the power of clogging up. CLEF, n. A character on the staff in music. CLOS'/TE.R, n. A monastery; a nunnery. CLEFT, imp. t. & Bp. from cleave. Divided. CLiStTER, v. a. To shut up in a cloister. MiEPI SIR; tOI6VE, NOLR, StN; BOfLL, BUR, RtLE. —, q, soft; E, &, hard; as Z; T as gz; THI9S CLOISTERAL 72 COCKLE C(LOISTER-.AL, a. Solitary; recluse; secluded. CLUTCH, v. a. To gripe; to grasp; to hold fast. CLOiStT].PR-gR, cn. One belonging to a cloister. CLPTCH, n. Grasp;-pl. The paws; the hands. CLOsE ) v. a. To shut, conclude, enclose, join. CLCTTITER, n. A clatter; a confused mass. CL OE, v. n. To coalesce; to unite:-to end. CLOT1TER, v. a. To scatter things over; to litter. CLO6E, n. Conclussion; end ~ ause; cessation. CLUTfTER, v. 71. To make a noise or bustle. CLOSE,1n. An enclosed place;'a field; a passage. CLISrTEgR, cz. A liquid for injection. [state. CLOSE, a. Shult fast; compact; solid; secret; COACH (kOch), n. A carriage of pleasure or trusty; sly; retired; near; penurious. CACHI-I-BOx, 1. Seat of tlle driver of a coach. CLOSEI-FIST-ED, QLO(SE/-HAXND-ED, a. Pe- COACHI-II-TIIRE,,. Money for the use of a coach. nurious; miserly; stingy; niggardly. CbACHItMAN, n. The driver of a coach. CLOSEILY, ad. In a close manner; secretly. COACH'MAN-SHIP, n. The skill of a coachman. CLOSENE.SS, cn. State of being close; secrecy. CO-XCITIVE, a. Compulsory; acting in conCLOSEISTOOL, n. A chamber convenience. CO-XD'JU-TANT,a. Helping; assisting.[cucrrence. CLOSE.T, cn. A small private room; cupboard. CO-AD-JUtTQOR, n. A helper; an assistant. CL6O)ET, V. a. To shut up in a closet; to conceal. CO-AG/U-LA-BLE, a. Capable of concretion. CLOSING, nt. Period; conclusion; end. CO-A/u.-LATE, v. a. & nc. To run into concreCL6o/1.URE (klofzhulr), n. Act of closing or shut- tions; to curdle; to clot. [cretion. ting up; that which shuts; enclosure; end. CO-A —U-LAITION, n. Act of coagulatiing; conCLOT, n. Any thing clotted; coagulation. co-XAt-L.A-TIVE, a. Causing coagulation. CLOT, v. a. To form into clots; to coagulate. CO-AG.U-LA-TQR, n. That causes coagulation. CLOT, v. n. To forml clots; to coagulate. [&c. COAL (kel), n. A common fossil fuel; charcIal: CLOTIH,tc.; pl. CLOmTH. Fabrics woven for dress, -a combustible substance ignited or charred. CLOTIHE, V. a. [imp. t. clothed * pp. clothed, COAL, v. a. To burn to charcoal, as wood. clad.j To cover with garments; to dress. COAL-3BLACK, a. Black as coal; very black. CLOTI-IE~ (klothz or kloz), 1. pl. Garments for COALtER-Y, n7. A place where coals are dug. the body; raiment; dress; vesture. CO-A-LE:SCEr (ko-a-lstI), v. n. To unite; to join. CLoTI-ctIEIR (iloth'yer), n. A mrlaker or seller CO-.A-LdS1CENCE, 7t. Union; concretion. of clothl; a seller of clothes:-a fuller. CO-A-LI1tTION (-lish'un), n. Union; junction. CLOTH'ING, c. Dtess; vesture; garments; attire. COAL'-MiNEr, n. A mine in which coals are dug. CLOOD, n. A collection of vapors in tile air; COALt-PIT, n. A pit wherein coals are dug. that which obscures; obscurity:-a multitucde. COAL'Y (kotle), a. Containing coal; like coal. CLo0D, v. a. & n. To cover or darken with CoARSE (kors), a. Not soft or fine; rude; gross. clouds; to grow cloudy; to obscure; to sully; COArSE.LY, ad. In a coarse manner. [ness. CLOD'CXAPT, a. Topped with clouds. [to dim; COARSEINgss, cc. Rudeness; roughness; grossCLhOfD'I-Nt SS, n. State of being cloudy: dark- COAST (kost), cn. An edge; shore; side; frontier.CLOD'LESS, a. Free from clouds; clear. [ness. COAST, v. n. & a.' To sail close by the coast. CLOfD'iY,a. Covered with clouds; dark; obscure. COASTtER (kos'tter), n. One that sails near thle CLOUGH (kluif or klof), cc. A cliff; a cleft; a shore; a small coasting or trading vessel. glen: —an allowance of weight. See CLOFF. COAT (kot), n. An outside garment; alcovering. CLOUT, cc. A cloth for any mean use; a patch. COAT, v. a. To cover with a coat; to invest. CLo0T, v. a. To patch; to cover with a cloth. CbAT'-CXaRD, cz. A pictured card, as the king, CLOVE, inmp. t. from cleave. COAX e(oks), v. a. To wheedle; to flatter. [&c. CLOVE, n. A spice:-a weight: —a small bulb. COAXrER (kOkster), n. One who coaxes. CLO1VEN (k1lrvn), pp. from cleave. C OB, n. A pony:-a coin:-a spike of mnaize. CLO'VEN-FOOT1ED (klS'vn-fut'ed), a. Hav- C6oBtLT~ or COBIALT, n.. A reddish-gray rmetal. CLOEVEN-HOOFED (kl'1vn-hift), ing the COBtBLE, v. a. I'o mnend or make coarsely. foot or hoof divided into two parts. rfoil. COB'BLE, n. A fishing-boat:-a large pebble. CLOWVP R, n.c A kind of grass; a species of tre- C0o'BLIRR. n. A mender of old shoes. CLOW5N, n. A.rustic; an ill-bred man; a buffoon. COB'NtiT, n. A childishl game; a large nut. CLOWN'tSH, a. Coarse; ill-bred; clumsy. COBtIWB, n. The web of a spider; a trap. CL*Nt.sIHr-NESS, n. Rusticity; incivility. COB'WtB, a. Fine, slight, or flimsy. CLOY, v.a. To satiate; to fill to loathing; to CQC-CIF'ErR-ois, a. Bearing berries. glut:-to pierce; to gore.[ciation suit of cards. COCHtI-NEAL, n. An insect used to dye red. CLBc, i1. A heavy stick; a society; an asso- COkI'tLE-.A-RY, a. In the form of a screw. CLB,. v.. & a. To join in a common expense. COCK, n. The male of birds; a vane; a spout; CLtB'-L&W, n. The law of rude force; compul- conical heap of hay; part of a gun-lock. CLJBt-MHXN, in. One who carries a club. [sion. COCK, v. a. To set erect; to fix tlle cock of. CLOtJB!-RPOaM, n. Room in which a club assemr- CoCK-Ct-ADE, n. A knot worn on the hat. CLUCK, v. n. To call chickens, as a hen. [bles. COCiK-A-T66', n. A bird Of the parrot kind. CLUCi, v. a. To call, as a hen calls chickens. C6CK'A-TRICE, n. A kind of fabled serpent. CLUIP, n. A shapeless mass; a cluster of trees. CoCK1t-B)AT,n.A small boat belonging to a ship. CLIT'JiI-Ly, ad. In a clumsy manner. C6CKt-CROW-ING,n.Time at which cocks crow. CLUMtII-NESS, n. Awkwardness; unlhandiness. C6CltigR, cn. A coclk-fighiter:-a spatterdasli. CLfMH'Y, a. Awkward; heavy; unhandy. C6CKIER-.L, i. A young cock or rooster. CLONG, imp. t. & pp. from clinf. [a crowd. COCKE. T, n. A ticket froln the custom-house. CLtS'TrgK, n. A bunch; a collection; a body; COCKEFIGHT, C6CK'FIGHT-.NG, ic. A battle CLUSITE.R, V. a. & n. To collect, or unite, in or nmatch between game-cocks. clusters; to form or grow into clusters. COC'tLE (kok'kl), n. A small testaceous fish. X,A,,,-J,,,, long;,Ii,O,t, short; i,EQVY obscure.-FARE,Fi,FAST,FA.LL; HKIR,Rt.; COCKLE 73 COLLEGIAL CiOC/KLE, v. a. & n. To contract into wrinkles. CO6G-NI —zbRt, n. One who acknowledges a fine. COCRKL6FT,?a. The top loft; the garret; attic. COG-NO1tMEN, n. A family nanle; a surname. C6CKrNE Y (kok/ne), n. A Londoner, in contempt. COG-NOM.I-NAL, a. Belonging to the surname. COCKRPIT, n. The area where cocks fight:- COG-NOSICI-BLE, a. That may be known. part of, or apartment in, a ship of war. COGt-WIE eL, n. A wheel flurnished with cogs. COCKtROACH, n. A troublesome insect. CO-HAB'IT, v. t. To dwell or live together. C6CK'S'tCMB (ktkstklm), n. A plant; a flower. CO-HANB —TAXTIQN, n. The act of coshabiting. C6CCKtPuR, n. A species of hawthorn. CO -HEIRt (kS'art), n. A joint heir with others. C6CKrSfiRE (kkt'shiur), a. Confidently certain. CO-HEIRtESS (koS-Ares), n. A joint heiress. COCKtSWAIN (klktsn), n. The officer who has CO-HERE; v. n. To stick together; to a'dhere. the command of a boat and its crew. CO-HEtRENCEX or CO-HtIR. EN-CY, n. Cohesion. COtCOA (kSr'k),?n. A species of palm-tree and CO-HEt'RNT, a. Sticking together; consistent. its fruit:-a beverage made of the cocoa-nut. CO-HE'1ION (ko-hetzhun), n. State of cohering. CO-C6ONt, n. A ball made by the silk-worm. CO-HEtSIVE, a. Havinig the power of sticking. C OCTILE, a. Made by baking, as a brick. CO-HEtSviE-Nt SS, n. Quality of being cohesive. COCITIoN, n. The act of boiling or digesting. COtHO-BATE, v. a. To distil again; to re-distil. COD, n. A fish:-a case containing seeds; pod. CO-IHO-BATIQN, n. Repeated distillation. COD/DLE, v. a. To parboil; to boil slightly. COt'HRT, n. Body of soldiers, in number about CODtLING, n. A species of cookinrg apple. corF, n. A head-dress; a cap. [five hundred, CODE. n. A collection or digest of laws. COIPFtFRE, n. A head-dress; a coif. C6OD1ER, n. A miser:-a queer old man. [will. COIL, v. a. To gather into a circular form. C6DtI-CIL, n. An appendage or supplement to a COIL, n. A rope wound into a ring; convolution. CO6-EFFI-CA-CY, n. Joint efficacy. [operation. CoN, n. Metallic money bearing a legal stamp. CO-EF-pICIEDN-Cy (k-ef-fishllen-se),?1. Co- CoIN, v. a. To stamp Imoney; to make; to invent. CO-EF-FI"CI:ENT (-ef-fish'ent),a. Codperating. COIN'ATE, n. Act of coining; coin; inVention. CO-EF-FIttCIENT, n. That which c(oiperates CO-IN-cIDE, v. n.. To agree; to concuit.: with something else:-a factor in algebra. CO-SN1CI-DENC:E, n. Concurrence; agreement. CO-E1'QUAL, a. Jointly equal; of the same rank. CO-INtCI-DENT, a. - Agreeing; concurring. CO- E-QUAL.If-TY (ko-e-kwilte-te), n. Equality. COINtF.R, n. A maker of money:-an inventor. CO-ERCE' (kf-ers/), v. a. To compel; to restrain. CO-I1TION (ko-Ishtun), n. Copulation-. CO6-ERC-1BLE, a. Capable of being coerced. CO-JOIN, v. n. To be united; to conjoin. CO-ER'CION (keo-r'shun), n. Restraint; check. CK/Ite, n. Fuel made by burning mineral coal. C O-E ERCI VE, a. Restraining; forcible; checking. COLt.AN-D.ERiz. A sieve; a strainer; a cullender. CO-ES-SEg.NtTIAL, a. Partaking of the same es- COLD, a. Not warm or hot; chill; frigid. sence; having the same essence. [ner. COLD, n. Privation of heat:-a disease. CO-E.S-SiNITIAL-LY, ad. In a coessential man- COLD1-BLOOD-J.D (kSld'blud-ed), a. Having CO-E.-TXANE-OdS, a. Of tle same age; coeval. cold blood: —hard-hearted; unfeeling. [sion. CO-E-TFRItNAL, a. Equally eternal. COLD'-LEXART-ED, a. Wanting feeling or pasCO6-EVAL, a. Of the same age with another. COLD'LY, ad. Without heat; without concern. CO-EVAL,n.OiiO e of the same age; contemporary. COLDfNrE.SS, n. Want of heat; frigidity; chillCO-FX-ISTt (kl-eg-zist'), v. n. To exist together. ness:-want of ardor or affection; indifference. CO-E -ISTE. NCE, n. Existence at the same time. COLE, n. A general name for all sorts of cabbage. CO-E -ISTtE'NT, a. Existing at the same time. C OLE'WORT (kl'wiirt),n. A species of cabbage. CO.-EX-TLNDf, v. a. To extend to the same space. C6OLIC, n. A disorder of the bowels or abdomen. CO-EX-TNtSION, n. Joint or equal extension. COL-LAPSE1, n. A falling together of the sides CO-EX-TEN1S.IVE, a. Having the same extent. of a hollow vessel: —complete prostration..COF'PFEE n. A berry, and drink made from it. COL-LXPSEf (kol-lapst), v. a. To fall together. COFfFEE-HOfSE, n. House of entertainment. COL-LXPSEDt (kol-ldpstl), a. Withered; closed. COPFr EE-P6T, n. A pot in which to boil coffee. COL'LAR, n. A ringround the neck; neck-band. COP1PFrR, n. A chest; a money-chest; treasure. COiL'LAR,v.a. To bind with, or seize by, a collar. CO6FFpN, n. A box in which a corpse is buried. CQL-LATEt, v. a, To compare, examine, collect. COFPIN, v. a. To enclose in a coffin. [cogs in. CQL-LXT'ER-AL, a. From, at, or on, the side; COG, v. a. & n. To flatter; to wheedle:-to fix indirect; subordinate; connected; conjoined. COG, n. The tooth of a wheel; a little boat. CQL-LXTIE.R-AL-Ly,ad. Side by side; indirectly. CO'9QEN-CY, n. Force; strength; power. CQL-LAtTIQN, n. Act of collating:-a repast. CO''IENT, a. Forcible; powerful; convincing. CQL-L'TOQR, n. One who collates or compares. COiI -TA-BLE, a. Capable of being thought on. COLtLEAGUE (k1l'leg), n. A partner; associate. C0oIf-TATE, v. n. To think; to meditate. COL-LECTt, v. a. To gather; to bring together. COQ(-I-TTATIQN, n. Meditation; contemplation. C6LJLECT, n. A short, comprehensive prayer. CO9I'T-T-TlVE, a. Thinking; given to thought. CQL-LhCTtED-NESS, n. State of being collected. COG1NATE, a. Allied by blood; akin; kindred. COL-LIECtTION,n.Act of collecting; assemblage. CQG7NA'TION, n. Relationship; kindred. CQL-LtCtTTVE, a. Tending to collect; gathered..CQG-NIT1TIQN (kog-nishtun), n. Knowledge. CQL-LECtTIVE-LY, ad.- In a general mass. COG NI-ZA-BLE,a.Cognoscible; liable to be tried. COL-LRCTtOR, n. One who collects or gathers. COGtNI-ZANCE (kog'ni-zans), n. Observation; COL-LECTtOR-SHIP, n. The office of a collector. knowledge; judicial notice; trial:-badge. COLtLE.E, n. A society of men set apart for COG-NI-ZxEEt, n. (Law.) One to whom a-fine in learning, religion, &c.; a seminary of learning. lands is acknowledged; —opposed to cognizor. CQLLE'QTI-A-L, a. Of a college; collegiate. MIEN, eSR; M6VE, NRt, S6N; BOLL, BJR, RtLE. —, q, soft; 0,,, hard; 8 as Z; T as gz; THIS 7 COLLEGIAN 74 COMMENDABLE CQL-L'qtI-.AN, 71. A student of a college. CatMA, n. A morbid disposition to sleep. CQL-L'C-I-.ATE, a. Pertaining to a college. CO-M-ATE1,n. A companion; a mate. COL-LEtq1-ATE,?7. A member of a college. COM-A-TbSE', a, Lethargic; drowsy; dozing. COLIL:ET, n. Tile part of a ring in which the C6MB (kfm), n. An instrument for the hair, &c.: stone is set:-part of the axis of a plant. -the crest ofa cock:-cavities for honey.[hair. CQL-LIDEt, v.?i. To strike against each other. COMB (kom),v. a. To divide and adjust, as the COLL'IER. (kl'fyer), i. A digger of coals: IIC6Mt'BAT or COMIB.AT, v. n. & a. To fight; -a dealer in coals:-a coal-ship. [trade. to contend; to contest; to oppose; to conflict. COLLVIE R-Y (kol'yer-e),n. A coal mine:-coal fIC6M'BAT, n. Contest; battle; fight; duel. C OLI.;-QUATE, v. a. & n. To melt; to dissolve. IICMI'BAT-ANT, n. One who combats; a chainCQL-LIQ-UE-FACcrTION, n. A melting together. IIC6OM'BT-i.R, n. One who combats. [pion. CQL-LltSION (-lizli'un), n. A striking together. CoMB51R (ktmter), i?. One that combs. COLfLQ-CATE, v. a. To place; to put; to arrange. cOM-BIINA-BLE, a. Capable of being combined. COL-LO-CA'TIQN, n. Act of placing; disposition. COM-BI-NA'TIQN, n. Union; association. COL1LOP, an.'A small slice of meat; a rasher. COM-BINEt, v. a. & n. To unite, join, or agree. CQL-LOtQUI-AL, a. Relating to, or used in, CQM-BtYs-TI-BsL'I-TY, n. Quality of taking fire. conmmon conversation; conversational. CQM-SB1S'TI-BLE, a. Susceptible of comnbustion. COL'LQ-QUIST, n. A speaker in a dialogue. COQ-BSItTI-BLE, n. A combustible material. COL'LQ-QUY, -it. A dialogue; a conversation. CQM-BfJUSTI-BLE-N:ESS, n. Aptness to take fire. CQL-LUDEI, V. n. To conspire or combine in a CQM-BvS1TIQN, n. Conflagration; a burning. fraud; to play into each other's hands. [ment. COME (kilm), v. n. [imp. t. came; pp. come.] To CQL-LUF'tON (kol-li'zhun), n. Deceitful agree- draw near; to arrive; to happen; to fall out. COL-LU'SIVE, a. Fraudulently concerted. CQ-MVEDI-AN, n.An actor,or writer,of comedies. CQL-LUtSIVE7LY, ad. In a collusive manner. C6otE-DY,n.An amusing dramatic piece or play. CQL-LUtSIVE-Nt:SS, n. Fraudulent agreement. CtiME:L-NkeSS, n. Grace; beauty; dignity. CQL.LU5SQ-RY, a. Containing collusion; collu- C6ME'LY, a. Graceful; becoming; decent. CO'LQN, n. A point [:] denoting a pause. [sive. C6M'ET, n. A heavenly body with a tail or COLONEL (kiir'nel), n. A commander of a regi- train of light, and having eccentric motion. ment; officer below a brigadier-general. CO6ME-TA-RY, CO-MhT.IC. a. Relating to a COLONELCY (kiir'nel-se), n. Colonelship. coimet, or to the science of comets. COLONELSHIP (kiir'nel-), In. Office of colonel. COareFIT, C0mr.FI-TURE, n.. A dry sweetmeat. CO-LO'NI-AL, a. Relating to a colony or colo- CoMIFORT, v. a. To cheer; to solace, console. COL'Q-NIST, n. An inhabitant of a colony. [nies. C6M'FORT, n. Support; relief; consolation. COL-O-NI-ZAITI.ON, n. The act of colonizing. Ci M'FQRT-A-BLE, a. Having comfort; cheerful. COLtO-NIZE, v. a. To establish a colony in. C6M.FORT-A-BLY,ad. In a comfortable manner. COL-ON-NIADE',,n. Range of pillars or columns. CM'tOFQRT-ER, st. One who administers consoC6L'O-Ny, n. A body of people drawn from the C0'FQ)RT-LESS, a. Wanting comfort. [lation. mother country to inhabit, or settle in, a for- coMfrc, a. Relating to comedy; raising. mirth. eignl country:-the country colonized. C FM'i-CAL, a. Diverting; sportive; droll; odd. C6L'Q-PH6N, n. The conclusion of a book, CM.Im-CAL-LY, ad. In a comical manner. where any device,or the printer's name,occurs. COI'.-CAL-NSSS, n. Quality of being comical. CQL:-LPHtO-NY, n. A dark-colored resin. COM'!NG (kimting), n. Act of coming; arrival. CdL'QR. (kul'lur), n. Hue or appearance of COM'JNG,p. a. Future; being about to come. bodies to the eye; pretence.-pl. A standard. C6M'I-Ty, n. Courtesy; civility; good breeding. CiL'QQR, v. a. & n. To paint; to tinge; to dye: C6M'.MA, n. A point [,] noting a pause. -to palliate; to excuse:-to blush. [sible. CQ M-MAND', v. a. To govern; to order; to lead. CdLOR-A-BLE, a. Specious; plausible; osten- CQM-MAINDt',.n. To have the supreme authority. COLIOR-A-BLY, ad. Speciously; plausibly. COQM-MAND', n. Act of commanding; order. C6L-OR-Ir'IC, a. Able to give or produce color. CoM-MAN-DXNT1, n. [Fr.] A commander. COL'QiR-ING, n. An art in painting; an excuse. CQM-MAND'ER, n. One who commands. CL'oR-IST, n. One who excels in coloring. CQOM-MND'ER-Y, n. A district attached to a CL'rQR-LESS, a. Without color; transparent. manor or chief messuage. [erful. CO-L6SISAL, or C6L-QS-SE'AN, a. Like a colos- CQM-MANDING, a. Ordering; directing; powsus; gigantic; huge; stupendous. [statue. CQM-MAND.MENT, n. A mandate; a command. CO-L6SISVS, n.; pi. C(-LOSfS!. A gigantic CQM-MANDRE.SS, n. A female who commands. COLT, n. A young horse; inexperienced person. COM-MA-TEtRI-AL, a. Being of the same matter. COLTSI-FOOT (k6lts'-fit), n.A medicinal plant. CQM-IEA'/U.-RA-BLE (km-mezh'u-ra-bl), a. C6LITER, n. The cutting-iron of a plough. Of the same measure; commensurable.,cQLT/.ISe, a. Like a colt; frolicsome; frisiky. CQOM-MiMBIO-RA-BLE, a. Memorable; signal. COL'U-BRINE, a. Relating to a serpent; cunning. CQM-Mit~.O-RATE,?. a. To preserve in memCOI.VUM-BA-RY or CO-LMIV'BA-RY, n. A cot or ory; to celebrate publicly; to solemnize. house for doves or pigeons; a dove-house. coM —e:L-A-RA'TIo N,sn.Act of commemorating. CoLU.tM-BINE, n. A genus of perennial plants. CQM-iMEM.o -RA-TivE,.a. Preserving in memory. C6LIurvN (klllulm), n. A cylindrical pillar or CQM-hiNCE', v. a.&-. To begin; to originate. body; a body of troops in files; part of a page. COM-MENCE'MENT, n. Beginning:-the time.CO-LJNt!NAR, a. Resemnbling columns in form. when students in colleges receive degrees. CQ-LURE', i?. One of two imaginary great cir- CQM-M1EtND/, v. a. To applaud; to praise, extol. cles of the sphere, intersecting each other. COM-iMEND1A-B'LE, a. Praiseworthy; laudable. A,P:,Fi,O,U, long; short,; 4,E,I,Q,i,Y, obscare. —ekRE,FXRI,FAST,FALL; HEIlt,Hi tR; COMMENDABLENESS 7,5 COMPATIBLENESS CQ1M-M:NDft-BLE-N:ESSS, n. Laudableness. C5MlMQXN-PLCE, n. Usual or ordinary topic. CQM-MEND'4A-BLY,ad.Laudably; praiseworthy. C6oiMQN-PLXCE r-BOOK (-bik), n. A book in CQOM-MENfD4M, n. [L.] A vacant benefice. which things are ranged under general heads. CQoM-MEN'DA-TA-RY, a. Holder of a commen- c6O'mON~, n.pl. Tile common people; the lowCiM-MitN-DA.'TIQN, a1. Recommendation.[dam. er house of parliament:-food on equal pay. CQM-MEN'DA-TQ-RY, a. Serving to commend. COM-1MQN-WEAL/, n. The public good. [state. CQM-KMNS-iJ-R.A-BLt.I-TY, aIt. Capacity of C6OMMQN-WEALTH (-mon-wclth), n. A free CQM-M-:NSt'-R.A-BLE-NhSS, having a cornm- Qot- f6TI1Qon.Tunurlt; disturbance; sedition. mon measure, or of being measured by another. CQM-MOtTIiQN-ER, at. One causing commotions. CQM-MENSt'U-RA-BLE, a. Having a common CQM-MUNE, v. n. To converse; to confer. measure; reducible to the same measure. cOM-tCIN.I-CA-BLE, a. Thatn ay be imparted. COQIM-MIENSt.J-RATE, a. Equal; coextensive. CQM-MUtN.CI-A-BLE-NtSS, n. The state of beCQaM-MtNS-U.-RATl QN, n. The state of hav- ing communicable. [ment. ing a common measure; proportion. CQM-MUtNI-CANT, a. A partaker of the sacraCivmatrE.NT or CQM-MiNT', v. n. To annotate; COtM-MItNi-CATE, V. a. To impart; to reveal. to make remarks; to write notes or comments. COM-MUtN.I-CATE, v. n. To partake of the sacC6i'ME. NT, a. Note; explanation; a remark. ranent:-to have connection or intercourse. C01t'ME.tN-TA-RY, n. Book of commnents; anno- COM-ull —NI-CA I TI.ON,n.Conference; intercourse. tations:-a familiar narrative; a memoir. CQiM-MUtNI-CA-TIVE, a. Ready to impart; open. C6iIOM'MEN-TA-TQR,n. An expositor; annotator. COM-iMTUtNI-CA-TIVE-NSS, n. Readiness to c6lmrtM.RcE, n. Trade; traffic; intercourse. impart; inclination to give information. CQM-iMEcRtCIAL, a. Relating to commerce. COM-Mt Nt1ION (kom-mfin'yun), n. Intercourse; CQM-MERtCIAL-Ly, ad. In a commercial view. fellowship:-celebration of the Lord's supper. COialM-Mi-NA.TISQN, n. Threat; a denunciation. CQM-MUt'N.I-TY,n. Common possession; society. CQRN-MlINtA-TQ-RY, a. Denunciatory; threaten- CQM-iMU-TA-BILt.I-TYY n. Interchangeableness. CQM-iMINt'GLE, v. a. To Iinix into one mass.[ing. CQI-MUJ1TA-BLE, a. That may be commuted. CQM-MINtIGLE,. a. To unite one with another. CO-M.U-TAtTIQN, an. Interchange; alteration. CMIM'.I-NUTE, v. a. To grind; to pulverize. COM-MtUTA-TIVE, a. Relating to exchange. ClMv-iv.I-NUTTIQN, a. Grinding; puilverization. CQSI-MUTEr, v. a. To exchange; to change. CQM-MIE.:'R-A-BLE, a. Worthy of compassion. COQ-MUTE', v. n. To bargain for exemption. CQI-MSti'R-ATE, v. a. To pity; to compassion- CQ I-MUTtU-AL, a. Jointly mutual; reciprocal. CQM-MSIi-ER-AtTIQN, n. Pity; compassion.[ate. COISPA.CT, n. A contract; a mutual agreement. CQM-MfEgR-t-A-TQR,n.lOnewhohascornpassion. CQM-PtACTt, v. a. To join together with firmCoi6Mls-sA-RI-SHIP, na. Office of a commissary. ness; to unite closely; to consolidate. c6Nt'MIS-S4-RY, n. A commissioner; an officer. COM-PXcTt, a. Firm; solid; close; connected. COM-MIStSIQN (kom-mishtun), n. A trust; a CQT-PACTLY, ad. In acompact manner; closewarrant of office; charge; employment; office. CQM-P.XCT'N]ESS, n. Firmness; closeness. [ly. CQM-MlStSIQN, v. a. To empower; to depute. CQtM-PXANION (k9m-pln'ypn), n. A partner; a CQM-MStfSIQN-1-ER, a. One empowered to act, comrade; an associate; a fellow; a mate. cQM-MIss'tvR E (kem-mnshtyur),an. Seam;joint- CQM-PANIOQN-A-BLE, n. Social; agreeable. CQM-MiTT, v. a. To intrust; to consign; to put; cOa C-PXNtIQN-A-BLE-NJtSs, n. Sociableness. to deposit:-to imprison:-to perpetrate; to do. CQtM-PANtIQN-SHiP, n. Company; fellowship. Co)a-tiTITAL, n. Commitment; a pledge. C6iM'PA-N~, n. Persons assembled together; felCOTM-TITtME. NT, n. The act of committing. lowship; a band; a firm; a body corporate. CQoM-MTtTE.E, n. A body of persons selected COMt-PA-RtA-BLE, a. Worthy to be compared. to examine or manage any matter. CQoI-PXR'A-TIVE, a. Estimated by comparison. COM-MItTtTTER, n. One who commits. [mix. C.O -PARtA-TIVE-Ly, ad. In a comparatiVe state. CatL-atix, v. a. & n. To mingle; to blend; to CQOM-PAREi v. a. To measure one thing by anCQI-NIiXTtIQN:, orCQOM-MIXt'ION, n. A mixture other; to illustrate; to liken:-to form ill CQl-IITXT'VRE (-mxkst'yur), n. A compound. degrees of comparison, as an adjective, CQM-SMODEt, n. An article of furniture. CQM-PkAREt, n, Comparison; similitude; likeCQM-tMO1tD.I-OS, a. Convenient; suitable. CQ, BUR, Re4amt.-9, ~tsqft~;,:, fhard; * as Z; i as gz; THIS. COMPATIBLY 76 COMPURGATOR CQat-PXTt.I-BLLY ad. Suitably; accordantly. CaM-PLI-MENT'AL, a. Implying compliments. co.NI-PA'TRI-QT, n. One of the same country. C6M-PLI-MtNTt'-RY, a. Making compliments. coQ-PA'TRI-QT, a. Being of the same country. COM'PLOT, n. A confederacy or union in a plot. caom-PlnR, n. An equal; a companion; mnate. Co-PLOTt, v. n. To form a plot; to conspire. CQM-PELt, v. a. To force; to oblige;to constrain. CQM-PLV', v.n. To yield; to accede; to assent. CQOiv-P:hELLA-BLE, a. That may be compelled. c OM-PONENT, a. Constituting; composing CoMI-PEL-LAtTION, n. The style of address. COM-PORT', v. n. To agree; to suit; to bear. COM-PELILER, st. One who compels. COaM-Pt RT', v. a.To bear; to endure; to behave. con-PaEN'DI-Oi'S, a. Short; brief; summary. coM-rPORTA-BLE, a. Consistent; suitable. CQoiM-PENriDI-OUS-LY, ad. Shortly; in epitome.. COM-PORT'I.NT, n. Behavior; mien. COM-PENDI-OUS-~NTeSS,?t. Shortness; brevity. CoiaM-POEt, v. a. To form; to put together; to CQoa-PPEN'DI-rSuI, n.. An abridgment; summary. write, as an author; to quiet; to adjust. COitI-PEN'SATE. a. Torecoinpense;to requite. COM-POSED' (koin-pazd'), p. a. Calm; serious. COM-PEN-SK'TIOQN n. Recompense; amends. COaM —PO'sERP,s. One who composes; aii author. CQM-P Nt'SA-TIVE a. Of a compensating nature. CQ M-PoS/1T,a. Made up of parts; compounded. COQ.-P-EN'SA-TQ-RY, a. Making compensation. COMa-PrO-~StTION (kem-ps-ztsh'un), n. A mixCQOt-PTE'ra v. n. To carry on competition. ture; a written work; adjustment; compact. Ciit'PE -TENCE, COmIPE-TBN-CY, is. Suita- COst-POStI-TOR,. One w\ho adjusts types. bleness; ability; sufflciency; enough. COaI'POS Am:N'TIS. [L.] Being of sound mind. CdX'PE -TENT, a. Suitable; able; fit; sufficient. COt'POST, n. sA manure; any mixture. [der. CAMI'PE-TENT-LY, ad. Adequately; sufficiently. coM-pbStU'RE (kom-pt'zhur), n. Calmness; orCOatI-P.-TI/TIOQN, n. Rivalry; rivalship; conr- CM-PQ-TrATIQN, n. A drinking together. CQia-PET'I-TOR, t. A rival; an opponent. [test. Coim'PO-TA-TOR,n. A drinker with another. CaM-PI-L.tTIQN, n. Act of compiling; a col- COM-POUND', v. a. To miingle; to combine. lection from various authors; assemblage. CoM-POUND1, v. n. To make an agreement. CQM-PILE', v. a. To form by collecting parts COMIP5oND, a. Formed of different ingredients. or passages from-variofs authors. CO5A'PbUND, a. Mass of several ingredients. COM-PILEt'MENT n. The act of compiling. COIM-POUNDtER, an. One who compounds. COM.-PIL'-ER n. One who compiles. COM-PRE-HENDt v. a. To include; to emCQMO-PLA'CrENCE, sn. Gratification; pleasure; brace; to understand; to apprehend. cQOM-PLA'C.N-CY, I civility; suavity. COMt-P-RE.-HtEN'SI-BLE, a. That mlay be comCQi[-PLA'CENT, a. Civil; affable; courteous. prelhended; intelligible; conceivable. CQII-PLA CENT-LY, ad. With complacency. CoiM-PRE-HEN's.I-BLE-Nl;SS,n. Intelligibleness. CQ0M-PLAN'IN v. n. To murmur; to find fault. Ci-a-PRE. —HENtSIONt. A comprising; capacity. COM-PLAIN'ANT, n. A complainer:-a plaintiff. C6aa-PRl T-HNtSNIVE, a. Extensive; capacious. COM-PLAINtERt an. One who complains. C OM-PRE-HE-NtSlV ELy, ad. In a comprehenCQM -PLAINT, n. A lamentation; accusation; sive manner; with comprehension. an allegation; a malady; a disease. COMV-PRE-Hat aSIVat-NESS, n. Comprehension. COM-PLAI-AaNCEt, n. Civility; courteousness. cQMa-PRt.ss',v. a. To press together; to condense. COMiv-PLAI-kANTI, a. Civil; courteous; urbane. CQM-PRtS-S I-BILtI-TYV a. The state or quality COM-PLAI-_ANTtLY, ad. Civilly; politely. of being compressible. [sion. COM-PLAI-SANTNESS, n. Civility; politeness. COQI-PRES'SI-BLE, a. Susceptible of compresCOSMLPLE-MtENT, n. A full quantity or number. cQoM-PREsts.oN (keom-prtsh'un), n. Act of coinCOa-PLE-aENTIAL, a. Filling up; completing. pressing; forcible contraction; condensation. CQM-PLETEt. a. Perfect; full; finished; ended. COIa-PRlStSIVE, a. Having power-to compress. CQOM-PLETEt; v. a. To perfect; to finish; to end. caQM-pRsstibJRE; (kom-prdsh'ur),n.Compression. CQM-PLETEILY, ad. Fully; perfectly; entirely. cQa-PRISE', va a. To contain; to include. CQMI-PLETEItNSS, a. Perfection; entireness. CoM'PRn -MISE, n. An agreement; a compact CQM-PLEtTION, n. Accomplishment; end. in which mutual concessions are made. COM'PLEX, a. Complicated; of many parts. c6OMPRO-M1S E, v. a. To compound; to adjust CQM-PLXt'E I-NESS?t. State of being complex.. by mutual concessions; to put to hazard. CQM-PLEX1QON (kom-pltk'shun), n. The color COr'PRo- T-R, n. One who compromises. of the skin or face; temperament of the body coMr PRQ-aiT, v. a. To pledge; to put to hazard. CQM-PLEX'ION-.AL a.Pertaining to complexion. COMP-TRSOL (kon-trol), v. a. See CONTROL. CQM-PLX'I.-TY, n. State of being complex. CaMP-TROL'LE. (kon-tr6l'ler), n. An examCO6IrPLEX-LY, ad. In a complex manner. iner of accounts. See CONTROLLE R. COMIPLEX-NESS, n. State of being complex. COM-POLtS.A-TO-RY, a. Compulsory; forcing. COM-PLI-IANCE,n.Act of yielding; acquiescence. COaI-PULtSIQN, n. Act of compelling; force. CQOMPL~.'ANT, a. Yielding; complacent; civil. CoM-P UL'SIVE, a. Compelling; forcing; urging. COM-PLi.ANT-LYT, ad. In a compliant manner. COM-PtULSIVE-LY, ad. By force; by violence. COM'PL.-CXTE, V. a. To entangle;to involve. COM-PULtS.IVE-NhSS, n. Force; compulsion. COaMtPLI-CATE, a. Compounded of many parts. COM-POL'SQ-RY, a. Compelling; constraining. C6oM'PLI-CATE-LYad. In a complicated manner. COM-PriNC'TIQN, n. Act of pricking:-remorse. COMIPLI-CATE-NESS, n. Intricacy; perplexity. CoOM-PUNCITIOUS, a. Repentant; sorrowful. CaOM-PLI-CAUTION, n. A.mixture of many things. CoM-PUR-G/ATI.ON, n. Act of establishing any COMItPLI-MENT, n. An act of civility; flattery. man's veracity by the testimony of others. COMrPLI-MENT, v. a. To flatter; to praise. c COM'PUR-GA-TOR, n. One who bears his testiCOMrPLi-MENT, v.n. To use compliment. mony to the credibility or innocence of another. COMPUTABLE - 77 CONDISCIPLE CQM-PUTIA-BLE, a. Capable of being computed. CON-CIt1SION (kcn-sizhfun), n. A cutting off; COMi-PiU-TA'TIQN,n. Act of reckoning; estimate. CON-CI-TA.TION, a. Act of exciting. [excision. CQ.OM-PUTE', v. a. To reckon; to calculate. C6iN-CLA —MirTIQN, n. A general outcry or shout. Com-PUT'E R, n. A reckoner; a calculator. CONICLAVE, n. An assembly of cardinals, &c. CM'tPU-TiST, n. A computer; a calculator. CON-CLFDE, v. a. & n To determine, end, infer. COM'RBADE or C6OMRADE, n. A companion. CON-CLJS1IQN (kon-klf'zhun), n. DeterminaCON, ad., from the Latin contra. Against; as, tion; final result or decision; inference; the end. to dispute pro and con,for and against. CQN-CLUISIVE, a. Decisive; ending debate or CON, v. a. To study; to commit to memory. discussion:-having due logical form. CON-CAMI/E-RATE v. a. To arch over; to vault. CON-CLfUSIVE-LY, ad. In a conclusive manner. CON-CXT'E.-NXTE, v. a. To link together. CON-CLUtSIVE-NiSS, n. The being conclusive. CON-C:XT-E-NA'TIQN, n. A series of links. CQN-COCTi,v.a. To'digest;tomature; todevise. CON'CAVE, a. Hollow Without angles,.as the CON-COCITIQN, n. Digestion; maturation. inner surface of a bowl;-opposed to convex. CQN-C6C'TIVE, a. Having power to concoct. C6N'CA-VE, n. Hollow place; cavity. CQN-C nftI.-TANCE, n. Accompaniment. CQN-CAV'I-TY, n. A being concave; hollowness. CQN-COMr'.-TXNT, a. Accompanying; attending. CON-CAtVQ-C ONI/CVE,a. Concave on both sides CQN-COX lI'-TXNT, n. An attendant; companion. CoN-cJ'vO-C6N'o vx, a. Concave ononeside CiN'CSRD, n. Agreement; union- harmony. and convex on the other side. [angles. CQN-C6RD'ANCE, n. Index to the Scriptulres,&c. CQN-CA.VOUs, a. Concave; hollow without CQN-CORDIANT, a. Harmonious; agreeing. CON-CEALf (kon-sal'), v. a. To hide; to secrete. CQN-CORDWANT-LY, ad. In an accordant manner. CON-CEALtA-BLE, a. That may be concealed. CQN-COR'DT, n. A compact; a convention. CON-CEAL'MENT, n. Secrecy:-hiding-place. CQN-CORPQ6-RATE, v. a. & n. To unite in one CQON-CEDEf, v. a. & n. To yield; to grant. CONCOtURSRE,n. An assembly; meeting. [body. CQN-CEIT' (kon-stt'), n. Fancy; imagination; C6ONCRE-MtENT, n. Mass formed by concretion. whim; opinion; idea:-vanity; pride. CQN-CRStCE.NCE, a. Growth by.union of parCON-CEIT, v. a. To conceive; to inagine. ticles, or by spontaneous union. [mass. CON-CEITIED,p. a. Proud; opinionative; vain. CQN-CRETE', V. n. & a. To unite into one CQN-CEITTED-NESS, n. Pride;opinionativeness. CONICRETEn. A mass formed by concretion. CQN-CEiVIA-BLE, a. That may be conceived. C6ONCRETE or CON-CRETEt, a. Formed by CON-CE.IV~A-BLE-NESS, n. The state of being concretion:-in logic, not abstract. conceivable; imaginableiess. [ner. CQN-CRETE'LY, ad. In a concrete manner. CQN-CEIV'A-BLY, ad. In a conceivable man- CQN-CREfTION, n. Act of concreting; a mass. CQN-CEiVE' (kon-sev'), v. a. To admit into CON-CRE'TIVE, a. CaLsing concretion. the womb:-to form in the mind; to imagine. CON-Cf1TBX-NAQE, n. The act of living with a CON-CEIVE,v.n. To think:-to become pregnant. woman as a wife, though not married. CQN-C13N'TRATE, v. a. To bring together. CN'CcU-BINE,n. A woman kept in fornication. CON-CEN-TRA'TION, a. Act of concentrating. CON-CU/PIS-CEiNCE, a. Carnal appetite; lust. CQN-CiEN'TRE (kon-sen'ter), v. n. & a. To tend CON-CUI'PS-CENT, a. Libidinous; lecherous. or bring to one common centre; to concentrate. CON-CU/PIS-CI-BLE, a. Concupiscent; lustful. CON-CN/'TRIC, a. Having one common centre. CON-CURP, v. n. To come together; to agree. CON-CP'TTA-CLE, n. A receptacle:-a follicle. CON-CR'RENCE,n. Conjuncture;agreement;aid. CQN-CPP'fTIQN, at. The act of conceiving; idea. CQN-CJR(RE]NT, a. Acting in conjunction or CON-cEPr'TIV, a. Capable of conceiving. agreement; associate; concomitant. [ner. CON-CbRN', v. a. To belong to; to affect to CON-CURRE. NT-LY, ad. In a concurrent maninterest; to make anxious or uneasy. CQN-cUsWsIQN (kon-kiish'un),n. Act of shakCQN-CERN1t a. Business; affair; interest; care. ing; a shock; agitation; state of being shaken. CQN-CERN'ING, prep. Relating to; respecting. CON-CiJSfSIVE, a. Having the power of shaking. CQN-CERNMEINT, n. Concern; care; business. CON-C0SUSY, a. Noting certain kinds of knots CON-CERTI, v. a. & n. To settle; to contrive. on timber-trees. [Local, U. S.] C6NtCE RT,n. Harmion musicalentertainment CQN-DtxN' (kon-d6m), v. a. To find guilty; CON-CtS'SION (kon-sesh'un), n. Act of granting. to doom to punishment; to censure; to blame. CON-CRiSISION-A-RY, a. Given by allowance. CON-DEMtNA-BLE, a. Blamable; censurable. CO6NH (kingk), n. A marine shell. [conch. CON-DEM.-NAXTION, n. A sentence of punishCONf'HITE (kinglkit), n. A petrified shell or ment; blame; censure; cause of blame. CON1SHOID (king'k6id), n. A kind of curve. CON-DEM'NA-TQ-Ry. a. Imrplying condemnaCON-H6OIDIAL, a. Resembling the conch shell. CON-DEMNEIER, n. One who condemns. [tion. CoN- IttOL1O-'Y, n. The science of shells. CQN-DEN'SA-BLE,a. Capable of condensation. CON-CIL.I-ATE, v. a. To gain; to win; to CON-DEN-SA1TIQN, n. Act of condensing. reconcile; to make satisfied; to pacify. CON-DENSE, v. a. & n. To makeor grow dense. CQN-C1L-A-'TTION, n. Act of conciliating; peace. CON-DEN/SER, n. One who, or that which, CON-CIL'I —TOR, n. One who conciliates. condenses:-a vessel for condensing. CON-C'IL'I-A-TO-RY, a. Tending to conciliate. C6N-DE-SCtND/, v. n. To yield, submit, stoop. CQON-CiN'N-TY', n. Decency; fitness; neatness. CON-DE-SC: NISION,.n. Descent from superiority. CON-CLN'NOVSS a. Becoming; agreeable; fit. CON-DIGN' (kon-din'), a. Suitable; merited. CON-CISE/, a. Brief; short; compendious, curt. C(N-DiGN'NESS (kon-dinlnes),n. Suitableness. CQN-CiSE'LY, ad. Briefly; shortly; summarily. CoN'DI-, NT7. A seasoning, as salt,pepper,&c. CON-CISE'NESS, n. Brevity; shortness. C6N-DDIS-CI1PLE, n. A schoolfellow. xI1EN, Silt; iIOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, RULE-. —(S,, soft; f,, had,; ~ as z; as gz TltIS, CONDITE 78 CONGRATULATOR CQN-DITS,:t. a. To pickle; to preserve. CQN-F'IRiRM7D-NSS, n. State of being confirmed. CQN-DftfTIQN (kgn-dtshlun), n. Quality; state; CQN-FYRItiER, n. One that confirms. rank:-stipulation; article of agreement. CQN-FIS'CA-BLE, a. Liable to confiscation. CQN-DI"/TIQN, V. n. To contract; to stipulate. CQN-FIS'CATE, v. a. To transfer to the govCoN-DIt"TIoN-AL, a. Containing conditions. ernment, as private property, for an offence. CON~-DIr/TION-AL-LY, ad. With limitations. CQON-FiSCATE, a. Forfeited to the public. CO.N-DIITI.ONED;(kon-d-shlund), a. Having ciN-FIs-Cs ATIoN,nt. Actof confiscating; transconditions, qualities, or properties, good or bad. fer of-private property to public use.:[ing. CON-DOLE1, v. n. & a. To lament with others. C6N-FLA-GRA'TIQN, n. A general fire or burnCoN-DOLElMENT, st. Lamentation with otllers. CO N-FLICT', a. n. To strive; to contend; to fight. CON-DoLE NCE,n,. Grief for another's sorrows. CON'FLICT, n. Collision; contest; struggle. CON'DQt, n. The great vulture of the Andes. coNtFL-ENCE,n. Aflowing together; concourse CON-D:UCEt, v. n. To tend; to contribute. CoNt'FL-ENT, a. Flowing together; meeting. CQN-DVrCI-BLE, a. Promoting; conducive. coNtFLiX,n. Union of several currents; a crowd. CON-Dur'CIVE, a, That may forward or promote. coN-sFORM5, v. a. & n. To make like; to comply. CON-DfUt'C1EV —NEs ss, n.'Quality of conducing. CQN-FOR1i1A-isLE, a. Agreeable; consistent. C'6ONrDCT, n. Management;economy;behavior. coN-FoRM -BL, ad. Agreeably; suitably. CON-D1ICTf v.-a. To lead todirect; tomanage. CON-F.OR-MAtT1ION, n. Actofcolfotming; form; CQN-DIICT'OQR, n. A leader; chief; manager. CON-FrORMtER,n. One who conforms. [structure. CON-D0C'TREESS, n. A woman who directs. CQN~FORMtIST, n. One who complies with the CO6NDUIT (kun'dft), n. A water-pipe; a canal. worship of the Church'of England. CONEX, n. A solid body in the form ofa sugar-loaf. CON-,FO RMI-TY, n. Accordance; resemblance. ON-FB -LATE,V. n. Totalk together; to chat. CON-FND, v.a. To mingle, perplex, astonish. CON-FXB-U-LATI'ON n. Talk; conversation. CON-FRA RNI-TNI-TYn. A religious brotherhood. CO6NFA-Lo6N, n. One of a fraternity of seculars CON-FRI-CATION, e. Rubbing against; friction. in the Romn Catholic church. CQN-FRONT' or CON-FRONTt, v. a.'To face; to C'O'N-FCT',v. a. To make up into sweetmeats. oppose openly or to the face:-to compare. Cf'iNt'ECT, n. A sweetmeat; a confection. CON FR.ON-TA'TiQN, n. Act of confronting. CQN-F:Ct'TIQN, n. A sweetmeat:-a mixture. CQN-FUEt, v. a. To confound; to perplex. CQN-F:C'tTIQN- ERR, n. A maker of sweetmeats. CQN-FUS D-Ly, ad. Indistinctly; not clearly. CQN-FJkCTtQN -E-RY,n. Sweetmeats; comfits; CQN-FUf r.ON (kon-fd'zhun),n. Tumult; disorder. the making of sweetmeats, or a place for'them. CQN-FU5TA-BLE, a.'That may be confuted. CQN-F D'It:R-.A-CY, n. League; federal compact. C ON-FV-TA/TIQN,. Act of'confuting; refutation. CQN-FIEDE:R-.TE, v. a. & i. To join in a league. CON-FUTEf, V. a.. To convict of error; to disprove. CON-FtD.ER-ATE, a. United in aleague; allied. CON-FUTtER, a.'One who confiltes; a refuter. CoN-FrD'1ER -ATE, n. An ally; an accomplice. COIN5IfE, n. Act of reverence; a bow; courtesy. CQN-FfD-R-XATIOQN,n. League;-confederacy. CONNIE, n. (Arch.) A moulding. [solid state. CON-iFER,' v n. To discourse; to consult. CON-qfSAL5', v. a. & n. To freeze or turn to a CQN-FiiR', v. a. To give; to bestow; to grant. CON-qEAL'A-BLE,a.TTh at maybe frozen.[gealed. C6NtFtFR-ErNcE, a. Formal discourse; convet- CONi-EAL'MENT, n. Congelation; a mass consation; a meeting for discussion on some sub- CON-i-E-LXATION, n. Act or process of freezing. CON-Fissf, v. a. To acknowledge; to own. [ject. CQN- E-NtER-OS, a. Of the same kind. CQN-FtSS5, v. n. *To make confession. llcON- N'NI-AL or C.ON-qiIENAL, a. Of the CQN-FEss tED-LY, ad. Avowedly; indisputably. same nature similar; kindred. [genial. CQN-FESt'SIQN (kon-ftsh'un), a. The acknowl-IiCOtNifE-NI-LI-Ty, n. State *of being conedgment of a crime or a fault; avowal.:CQN-..N'I-TAL, a. Originating or existing at CON-FP.:SSIQN-.AL, n. A seat for confession. the time of birth; born with another; connate. C6N'FE SS-QR -or:ON-FiESSt'QR, n. One who'CONtFER (kong'ger), n. A fish; the sea-eel. confesses: —a priest who hears confessions,!CON-:ERI-ER, n. A mass of small bodies. C6N-FI-DXNT, -a. One trusted with secrets. CQN- ES'TIoN, n.'Collection of matter or fluid. CeN-FIDE', v. n. To trust. —v. a. To intrust.'CON-ELACII- ATE (kon-gla'she-at), v.n. To conCONFyI-Di2Nc,,.Firin belief; reliance; boldness. COQN- GLOStBATE, v. a: To gather into a ball. [geal. CdrtFI-DEN'T, a. Positive; trusting; bold-; rash. CQON-GLO'BATE, a. Moulded into a firm ball. CON'FI-DENT,n. A confidant. See CONFIDANT.'CON-GLO-BiATIQN, n. Collection into a ball. CON-FI-DtNhtITIAL, a. Private; trusty;, faithful. CON-GLOBEt, v. a. & n. To gather into a ball. C6N'FI-DENT-Ly, ad. Without doubt or fear. CON-GLOMIER-ATE, v. a. To gather into a ball. CONm-FiG-U-RAXTION, a. External form'; figure. CON-GLotE.R —ATE, a. Gathered into a round CQN-FIGtURE, v. a. To dispose into any form. mass:-crowded together; clustered. [ball. CQN-FI'NA-BLE, a. Capable of being confided. CQN-GLOI -ER i-TI.ON, n. Collection into a C'ON'FINE, n. Common boundary; edge. [limit. CON-GLU'TI-NATE, v. a. & n. To cement; to CQN-FINEI, v. n. To border; to have the same unite; to glue; to coalesce. [reunion. CQN-FINEt, v. a. To limit; to shut up; to restrain. CQN-GLU -Ti-NA1TIQN, n. Junction; union; CQN-FINE IME.NT, n. Imprisonment; restraint. CQN-GLUtTI-NA-TIVE,a. Tending tounite.[tion. CON-FIRMi, V. a. To put past doubt; to establish. CON-GRAT'U-LANT, a. Rejoicing in participaCON-FIRM.A-BLE,a. Capable ofbeing confirmed. CON-GRATIU-LATE, V. a. To vwish joy to; to C6N-FIR-MtA'TION, n. Act ofestablishing; proof. felicitate upon any happy event. CON-FYRM'A,-TYvE, a. Having power to confirm. CON-GRAT-U -LBATION, n. A wishingjoy. [lates. CQN-FiRMtA-TO-RY,a. That serves to confirm. CON-GRXTtU-LA- TQR n. One who congratu[,6,r],,-i,, long; XK,i:, O,~zt, short;.,IQV,Y, obscure.-FkRE,Fi FAST,Fi.LL;:Ei"[RtHRR; CONGRATULATORY 79 CONSOCIATE CQN-GRXT'U-LA-TQ-RY, a.'Wislhing joy. C.6N-SCI-ENtTIOUS (kbn-shge-gn'shlus), a. ScruCNGRE-GATE, v. a. & n. To collect together; pulous; upright; regulated by conscience. to meet; to gather; to assemble. [bly. C6N-SCI-.EN'TIOUS-LY, ad. In a conscientious CON-GRE -GAtTONN n. A collection; an assem- manner; according to conscience. C6N-GRE-GJT1ON- AL, a. Pertaining to a con- COiN-SC1-EN1TIOUS-NESS, a1. Scrupulousness. gregation or to Congregationalists; general. C6ONSCION-A-BLE (kantsh.n-a-b), a. ReasonaCON-GRE-GAITION-.AL-iST, n. One of a religious C6N'SC' ON-a-BLY, ad. Reasonably; justly. [ble. sect maintaining independence of churches. CONtsctojs (k'nishlus), a. Knowing one's own CiN!GRESS (kelngigres), n. A meeting; an as- thougllts; knowilig by mental perception. sembly:-the legislature of the United States. c6N'scious-LY, ad. In a conscious manner. CON-GRStSItON-AL (kcoei-grishun-.al), a. Re- C6N'scoOUys-NEss (konfsshqs-nts),'a. The perlating to congress; parliamentary. [assembling. ception of what passes in one's own rind. CQN-GRES1SIVE,a. Comingtogether; meeting; CON'SCRLPT, a. WVritten; registered; enrolled. CQN-GRtE' (kpng-gru'), v. n. To agree; to suit. C6N'SCRiPT, n. One enrolled for the army. CON1GRU-E NCcE,n.Agreement; fitness; harmony. CON- SCRIPtTION, n. An enrolling or registering. CON/'GRU-E NT,a. Agreeing; correspondent.[ness. CON'SE -CRATEv.a. To make sacred; to dedicate. CON-GR'I-TY, n. Suitableness; consistency; fit- CONSE -CRATE,a. Consecrated; sacred; devoted. CS6N'GRIT- -ois,a. Agreeable; suitable; fit; meet. CON-SE-CRA'TI.ON, n. The act of consecrating. C6N'GR.U-O05-LY, ad. Suitably; consistently. CONfSE.-CRA-TQR, L. One who consecrates. CN'.IC, CON't-CAL a. Of the form of a cone. CQN-SECtU -TIVVEa. Following in order; succesCONt'-CA-LY, ad. In the form of a cone. [tured. coN-sU'U-TIfVE- LY, ad. By consequence [sive. CON-JtCTt.-R.A-BLE, a. Possible to beconjec- CON-SENTz, n. Concord; agreement; comlpliance. CON-J-CTrt'i-RAL,a. Depending on conjecture. CON-SENTtr v.. To yield to agree; to assent. CON-JECT'URE. (kon-jekt'yur),sn. A guess;idea. CON-SEN -TAtNE-OUS, a. Agreeable; consistent. CON-JICTtiRiE, v. a. To guess; to surmise. CON-SE N-TX'NE-OUS- LY, ad. Agreeably. CON-JkCTUGR-E.R(konjn-jkt'yur-er),sl. A guesser. CON-SEN-TAtNE.-OUs-NSS, I1. Agreeilsent. CQN-JOiN, v. a. & n. To unite; to associate. CON-SENtTIENT (keon-sn'shent), a. Agreeing. coN-JONTt, a. Associated; connected. CON'SE-QUENCE, n. Event; effect; importance. CON-JONT'LY, ad. Inunion; togetlher;jointly. CONISE.-QUE:NT, a. Following naturally. C6ONUJ-G -AL, a. Matrimonial; cotnubial. [verb. CON-SE-QUJ:ENTIAL a. Following; irrportant. C6N'JU-GATE. v. a. To decline or inflect, as a CON'SE.-QUtNT-LY, ad. By consequence. C6N-JU-Gt'TIQN, n. Form of inflecting verbs. CON-SER -VA1TION, n. The act of preserving. CON-JONCT', a. Conjoined; concurrent; united.,CQN-SERVIA-TIVE, a. Having power to preCON-JfNCTItON, It. Union:-a connecting word. serve:adhering to existing institutions, &c. CON-JONC/T.IVE, a. Closely united; uniting. CON'SER-VA-T.OG, n. One who preserves. CQN-JbNC'TIVE-LVY CQN-JUNCT'LY, ad. In CON-SERV'tA-TO-RY n. A place for preserving. conjunction or union; jointly; together. CON-SEiRVA-TO-RY, a. Preservative; preserving. CQN-J0NCT.utGE (ko.n-jinktfyur), n. Combina- Nor -sEtvEt,v..a. ToprBserve; tocandy. tion of circumstances; occasion; critlcal time. C6ONStERVE, n. A sweetmeat; a preserve. C4ON-JU-RAtTIQN, a.- Incantationll enchantment. CON-SID'ER, v. a. To think upon; to ponder. CON-JUEt,v. a. Tosummon orenjoin soleinliy. CON-SIDER v. n. To reflect; to deliberate. CN5.IJURE (kltnfjur),v.n.& a. To practise charms. CON-SSiD'ER-A-BLE, a. Respectable; important..CONJ.UR-E R (kun'ju.r-er), n. An enchanter. CON-SIDtE. -A —BLE- NESS, n. Illportance; value. CON-NATEt, a. Ijorn with another; kindred. CON-SCD'E. R-A-BLY ad. In a considerable degree. CQN-NXTJV-RAL,'. Participant of the same na- CON-SID'E.R-.ATE, a. Thoughtful; prudent..CON-NXT-T-RiAXLI-TY,n. Union by nature. [ture. CON-SID'ER-ATE-LY, ad. Calmly; prudently. CQ)N-NECT',v.a. To join; to combine; to unite. coN-s1DtER-ATE.-NtSS, i?. Calmn deliberation. CON-N.C1TIQON, s. Union; junction; arelation. C(ON-SD- ER-UATION, n. Act of considering; CQN-NtC.TIVE, a. Having power to connect. prudence:-importance:-comipensation. CON-N-C'TIVE. n. (Gram.) A conjunction..CON-SIDtER-ER, n. One who considers. CQN-N-XtIQN, n. Union. See CONNECTION. CON-SlDtER-INCG,prep. If allowance be madefor. CON-NI'VANCE,n. Voluntary blindness to an act. CON-SIGN' kon-sin), v. a. To give; to comlmit. CON-NIVEt,V.n. To wink;to pretend not to see. CoN-SIGN-EEf (Ikn-se-nSe'), n. A person to CQN-NIV/E R, n. One who connives. whom merchandise, or a vessel, is consigned. CON-NOIS-SE6Rf', n. A critical-judge; a critic. CON-SIGN'tMEBNT (klon-siinnment), n. The act CON-NcasS-SEiR'SHiP, n. Skill ofa connoisseur. of consigning; delivery; thing consigned. CON-Ni'BI-4L, a. Nuptial; matrimonial. CON-STGN-OR' (kon-se-nor)or CON-S GN'ER, n. COtNOiD, n. A figure resembling a cone. One who consigns or makes a consignment. CON'QUER (kng'tker), v. a. To gain by con- CQN-SIST', v. n. To subsist; to be composed. quest; to overcome; to vanquish; to subdue. CON-SIST'ENCE, n. Natural state, degree of CON'QUER-A-BLE, a. Possible to be overcome. CON-SISTEN-CY, ) density; fsrm; congruity. C6N'QUER-OR, in. One who conquers; victor. CON-SIST'ENT, a. Conformable; firm; not fluid. CoN'QUEST (kong'kwest), n. The act of con- CQN-SISt'ENr-LY ad. In agreemlent; agreeably. quiering; victory; acquisition by victory. CON-SIS-T&tRI-AL, a. Relating to a consistory. CON-sAN-GUiN'Rt-roS, a. Of the same blood. CN'SIS-TO-RY, i. A spiritual court; assembly. CON-SAN-GUIN'I-TY, n. Relationsllip by blood. CON-SOtCI ATE (kon-so'she-at), n. A p artner. CON'SCIENCE (kn'slhens), n. The sense of CQN-SOtCA-XTE (kon-soslhe- at), v. a. & n. To right anld wrong; moral sense; moral faculty. unite; to join; to connect; to coalesce. MIEN, SiR MOVE, NOR, SSN; BOLL, BUlR, RtLE.-,, q, soft; C, F, hard;, as z; Y as;gz isrs. CONSOCIATION 80 CONTENT C0N6-SS-C.I-AITTIQ N (ktn-s5-she-alshun), n. Al- C6N-S.EB-STXNtTI-ATE, v. a. To unite in one liance; union; intimacy; association. common substance or nature. CQN-SoL'A-BLE, a. That may be consoled. [ace. CON-StuB-STAN-TI-A'TIQN (kdn-sub-stan-she-a'CON-SO-LAtTIQN, n. Comfort; alleviation; sol- shun), n. Substantial presence of the body of CQN-S6iLtA-TC -RY, a. Tending to give comfort. our Saviour with the sacramental elements. CQN-SOLE a va. To comfort; to cheer; to solace. C6N'SUL, n. A magistrate:-coinmercial agent. C6N'SOLE,no. (sirech.) Akind of trussorbracket. C6N'SU-LAR, a. Relating to a consul. CQN-SoL'ER, a. One that gives comfort. [solld. C6N'SU-LATE, n. The state, jurisdiction, or CON-SOL'f-DATE, V. a. & n. To make or grow office of a consul; consulship. [sulate. CQN-soL-.I-DA'TIONn. Uniting into asolid mass C6N'SUL-SH IP, n. The office of consul; conCQN-SO6L', or CiNISO6L,n. pl. A sort of trans- cON-SOLTr, v. n. To take counsel together. ferabtd stocks; consolidated annuities. CQN-SOLT', V. a. To ask advice of:-to regard. CfN/SQO-NANCE, n. Accord of sound; concord. CON'SStLT,n. The actofconsulting; a council. C6N1SQ-NANTa.Agreeable; consistent; agreeing. C6N-SS.L-TAtTION, n. A consulting; dellberaCOiN'SQ-N.NT, n. A letter not sounded by itself. CON-SULTtER, in. One who consults. [tion. CON'ISO-NANT-Ly, ad. Consistently; agreeably. CON-SUMI.A-BLE, a. That may be consumed. CONISORT, n. A companion; a wife or husband. CON-SUiME, v. a. To waste; to spend; to deCQN-soRTf',. n.&a. To associate:-to marry. CON-SUNi5IIER, n. One who consumes. [stroy. CQN-SPic'U-oCS, a. Obvious to the sight; em- CON-SMINMATE, v. a. To complete; to perfect. inent; distinguished; remarkable; noted. [bly. CON-SMtiMATE a. Complete; perfect; finished. CQN-SspiC't-Ois-LY,ad. Eminently; remarka- CON-SM /I.MATE-LY, ad. Perfectly; completely. CQN-sPic't-O1s -NRss, n. Eminence; celebrity. CON-SUM-MAN TIQN,n. Completion; perfection. CQN-SPIRt'-C, n. Combination for an ill design, CON-SNMP'TION, n. Act of consuming; a disease. a plotting:-concurrence; tendency. CON-SUMPTITVXE, a. Destructive; wasting. CON-SPI-RrA.TION, n. A conspiracy. [acy. CON-SMPtTiTVE-LY, ad. In a consumptive way. CON-SPIRtA-TQR, n. One engaged in a conspir- CON-SUiNiP/TIVE-NE SS, n. Consumptive state. CON-SPIREt, v. a. To plot:-to concur; to tend. CONtTiiCT, n. Touch; juncture; close union. CONtSTA-BL E (kuntsta-bl), n. A peace officer. CON-T.AtqION (kon-ta'jnn), n. Infection; pesCONIST.A-BLE-SHIP, n. Office of a constable. tilence; propagation of any thing evil. CON5STAN-CY, n. Firmness; lasting affection. CON-TAX'GIOUS (kon-taIjus), a. Infectious; foul. CONISTANT, a. Fixed; faithful; unchanging. CON-TAi/tIo yS-NEss, n. The state or the qualCON'STANT-Ly, ad. Perpetually; faithfully. ity of being contagious; infection. [strain. CON-STEL-LAiTION,?. A cluster of fixed stars. CQN-TAIN', v. a. To hold; to comprise; to reCbON-STER-NA'TIOQN, n. Astonishment; alarml. CON-TA.IN' V. in. To live in continence. CONtSTI-PATEV.a. To crowd:-to make costive. CQN-TAIN/A-BLE, a. Possible to be contained. CON-ST1-PAtTION,n. Condensation; costiveness. CON-TAM'T.- ATE, v. a. To defile; to pollute. CON-STIT't-E. NT, a., Elementary; constituting. CQN-TXM-I-N.ATION, n. Pollution; defilement. CON-ST T'U-ENT, n. He who deputes; elector. CON-TEitMN' (kon-tm'),v.a. To despise; to slight. CoN',r.i-TUTE,v. a. To make, depute, appoint. CON-TEMtNER, a. One who contemns; scorner. CoN —STI-TUtTIQN, n. The frame of body or CON-TEXPE.R, v. a. To moderate;. to temper. mind:-laws of a state; form of government. CQN-TEMItP1.R-A-MtNT, n. Temperament. + CON-STI-TSJTIJON-AL, a. Relating to the con- CON-TEN -PR-A'T9QN, in. Act of moderating. stitution i according to the constitution. ICON-T EMIPLATE, v. a. To consider attentively. CON-STJ-TU-TIQN-ALt'I-Ty,n. Accordance with CQON-TEM'PLA TE, v. n. To muse; to meditate. the conlstitution or fundamental laws. coN-TEN 5%-PLAi'ToIN,,n. M0lditation; study. C6N-STI-TU'TION-AL-LY, ad. In a constitu- CON-TEIqPLA-TIVE, a.'Studious; thoughtful. tional manner; agreeably to the constitution. CQN-T.EMfPLA-TQR,?1. One who contemplates. CONtSTI-TU-TIVE, a. Constituent; enacting. CON-TiM'PO-RA-RY, a Living at the CON-STRAIN', v. a. To compel; to force; to press. CON-TLM-P -RA'Ns- otiS same point of CQN-STRAINt A —BLE,a. That may be constrained. time, or in the same age; born at the same time. CQN-STRAINT', n. Compulsion; confinement. CON-TENMIPO-RYA-R, 7i. One who lives at the CQN-STRIC'TIQNn. Contraction; compression. same time with another. CQN-STRICTQIT, a. That which constricts:- CON-TEMPT' (kon-tnmt'), n. Act of despising; a muscle that closes an orifice:-a very large scorn; disdain; disregard; disgrace. [vile. serpent; the boa-constrictor. CON-TiMPT.I-BLE, a. Worthy of contempt; CON-STRINqE', v. a. To compress; to contract. CON-TiM[PT'I-BL3E-N/sSS, n. Vileness; baseness. CON-STRLN t;qINT, a. Binding or compressing. CCON-TREPT'I-BLY, ad; Meanly; basely; vilely. CON-STRtJCT1, v. a. To build; to form; to devise. c ON-TENMPTtU.-~6S, a. Scornful; apt to despise. CO.N-STRrCTiE.R, a. One who forms or makes. CON-TEMPT'tU-OriS-LY,ad. In ascornful manner. CON-STRriC'TIOQN, n. Act of building; fabrica- CQN-TiNIPT.tU-O.US-N SS, 1. Quality of being tioni; structure:-meaning; interpretation:- contemptuous; disposition to contemnpt. [vie. disposition of words according to syntax. CON-TEND1, v. n. To strive; to struggle; to CQN-STR5C'T.IVE, a. Relating to construction. CON-TENDtER, n. One who contends. CON-STRUC1TIVE-LY, ad. By way-of construe- CON-TE:N'E- MNT, n. (Law.) That which is CONISTRUE,v. a. To interpret; to translate. [tion. held with a tenement, as its credit, lands, &c. CON-STU-PRA'TIN,.n. Violation; defilement. CON-TENTT, a. Satisfied; quiet; contented. C6N-SU.B-STAN'TIAL, a. Having the same sub- CON-TENT1,v. a. To satisfy; to please;to gratify. stance or essence; being of the same nature. CON-Th NTI, n. Satisfaction; rest:-capacity. AXI Y leog; RXititg, s/sort; A,;,,u,1 obs1cure.-AtREFilAtFASTRiLL;;IR, uItR CONTENTED 81 CONVENTICLE CON:TtNT'E D, p..a. Satisfied; not repining. C6Ol-TR.A-DICfTIOIJS) a. Inclined to contradict. CQN-T:NTtED-LY, ad. In a quiet manner. CON-TRA-DICTQO-RI-LY,ad.With contradiction, CQN-TENT'IED-NISS, n. State of being content- CON-TRA-DIC'tT-RI-NiESS, n. Entire opposition. CQN-Tt NITIQN, n. Strife; contest; debate. [ed. CON-TRA-DICITO-RY, a. Opposite; contrary. CON-TEN'TIO.US (kon-t6n'shus),a.QQuarrelsome. ItON-TRA-DIS-TINC'TIQN, n. Distinction by CON-TNITIO1VS-LY, ad. Quarrelsomely. opposite qualities; opposition; difference. CON-TENtTIOU.S-NkSS, n. Proneness to contest. CON-TR.A-DIS-TIN'GUISH (-dis-ting'gwish),v. a. CQN-TRNTtME.NT, n. Satisfaction; content. To distinguish by oppQsite qualities. [cy. CQN-T TNTS1 or CiN'TE. NTS, n. pl. Heads of a CON-TRA-RI'E-TY, it. Opposition; incoi:istenbook; index: that which is contained.[bounds. CONtTRA-RI-LY, ad. In a contrarymanner. CON-TERtMI-NA-BLE, a. Capable of the same CON1TRA —RI-WI~E, ad. Conversely; oppositely. CQN-TERtMI-NATE, a. Having the same bounds. C6NTRA-RY, a. Opposite; inconsistent; adCQN-TERIMI-NOBS, a. Bordering upon:-allied. verse; contradictory; different:-refractory. CQN-TESTf, v. a. & n. To dispute; to strive; CON'TRA-RY, n. A thing of opposite qualities. to vie; to contend:-to call in question. CoNtTRtST, n. Opposition of things; difference. CONTTE.ST, n. Disputte; debate; quarrel; fight. CON-TRIST', V. a. To place in opposition. CQN-TtiST.A-BLE,a. Disputable; controvertible. CON-TRA-TEN/OR, n. (JMus.) Counter-tenor. CON-TES-TAiTIONn.. Actofcontesting; debate. CNt'TRATE-WHEEL, n. A wheel moved by C6NtTtXT, n. The series of a discourse. [ure. teeth or cogs which are parallel to its axis. CQN-TkXTIVRE (-tnxt'yur),a. Structure; text- CON-TRA-VAL-LAtTI0N, n. A counter-fortificaC6N-TIG-NXtTION, n. A frame of beams joined. CON-TRAi-v ENE/,v. a. To oppose; to bafile.[tion. CON-TJ-GU'-TY~, a. Actual contact; a touching. CON-TRA-VkN'TIQN,n.Opposition; obstruction. CQN-TI5t'iU-o0S, a. Meeting so as to touch. CON-TRIBIUTE, v. a. To give to a common CON-TGItU-OtlS-LY, ad. IIn a manner to touch. stock; to bestow, as a part or share. [levy. CON-TIGf't-OUS-NtSS, n. Close connection. C6N-TRI-BfUtTION, n. Act of contributing; a C6ON/TI-NENCE, n. Restraint; chastity. CQN-TRIBtU-TIVE, a. Tending to contribute. CONtTI-NENT,a.Chaste; abstemious; moderate. CON-TRIBtU-TOR, n. One who contributes. CONtTI-NENT, n. A great extent of land. CON-TRIBtU-TQ-.Y, a. Contributing; helping. CON-TI-NtN/TAL, a. Relating to a continent. CONtTRITE, a. Broken-hearted for sin; penitent. CONITI-NENT-LY, ad.. In a continent manner. CONtTRITE-LY, ad. In a penitent manner. CON-TINt' iENCE, n. The quality of being CON1TRITEr-NESS, a. Contrition. [remorse. CQN-TINt EN-CY, i casual or contingent. CQN-TRI"tTIQN (kon-trish'un), n. Penitence; CON-TIN't:ENT,a. Happeningby chance; casual. CON-TRIV.A-BLE, a. Possible to be planned. CON-TINtqENT, n. Chance:-proportion; quota. CON-TRIV.ANCE, n. Scheme; plan; plot; art. CON-TINItE NT-LY,ad. Accidentally; casually. CON-TRIVE',v. a. & n. To plan out; to devise. CON-TINIU-AL, a. Incessant; uninterrupted. CON-TRIVtER, n. An inventor; a schemer. COQN-TYNt-AL-LY, ad. Without interruption. CON-TROLt, n. Restraint; power; command. CON-TIN/U-ANCE, n. Duration; permanence. CON-TROL, V. a. To govern; to restrain; to CQN-TIN —tA'TIQN,n. Uninterrupted succession. CQN-TROL'LA-BLE,a.Subject to control.[check. CQN-TINtU'-A-TOR, n. One who continues. CON-TROL1LER, A. One who controls or directs. C5N-TNftUE (-tin'yu), v. n. To remain; to last. CQN-TROLtLER-SHIP, n. Office of a controller. C.FN-TINIUE, v. a. To protract; to extend. CON-TROLM.IENTn.Superintendence; restraint. C6N-T1-Nt.I-TY, n. Uninterrupted connection. CON-TRO-VERtSIAL, a. Relating to controversy. CQN-TINt'-O0S, a. Closely joined together; un- CON-TRQ-VER'tSI.AL —ST n. A disputant. interrupted; connected; continued. CoNtTRO-VER-SY, n. Dispute; debate; quarrel. CQN-ThRTt, V. a. To twist; to writhe; to distort. CONfTRO-VERT, v. a. To debate; to dispute. CQN-TORtTIQN, n. Twist; wry notion; distor- CON1TRO-VERT-IST, n, A controversialist. CQN-T&UR', n. Outline of a figure. [tion. CON-TV-M'1CIOUS (ken-tu-maS'shus), a. ObC6N'TR.A. A Latin preposition used in compo- stinate; stubborn; intractable.. [bornly. sition, and signifying against, or in opposition. CON-TV-MAtCIOIS-LY, ad. Obstinately; stubCONtTRA-BXND, a. Prohibited bylaw; illegal. C6NtTU-MA-CV, n. Obstinacy; perverseness. C(iNtTRA-BAXND, n. Illegal traffic:-articles the CON-TU-MEtL.I-OUIS, a. Reproachful; insolent. exportation or importation of which is illegal. CON-TU-MELt-tiOUS- LY, ad. Insolently; rudely. CQN-TRXCT', v. a. To lessen; to narrow; to CONTUIt-ME-LY, n. Rudeness; insolence; reabridge; to diminish:-to get:-to bargain. proach; contemptuousness; abusiveness. CON-TRICTt, v. n. To shrink up:-to bargain. CON-TUgEf, v. a. To beat together; to bruise. C6NtTRXCT, n. A covenant; a bargain; a CON:TUf'ION (-ti'zhun), n. Beating; a bruise. compact; a uniting with terms of a bargain. CO-NJN/DRUM, n. A sort of riddle; a quibble. CQN-TRACTt.-BLE, a. Capable of contraction. CON-VA-LES'CE. NCE, n. Recovery of health. CQN-TRXC'TILE, a. That may contract. CON-VA-LtSICE.NT, a. Recovering health. CON-TRAC-TLt.I-TY, n. Quality of contracting. CON-VENEt, v.n. To.come together; to assemble. CQN-TRAXCTION, n. A shrinking; a shortening. CON-VENEt, v. a. To call together; to assemble. CQN-TRXCTfQR, n. Onle who contracts or bar- CQN-VENIE.NCE, an. Fitness; propriety; ease; gains; a bargainer to perform any work. [deny. accommodation; that which is convenient. CON-TRA-DICT', v. a. To oppose verbally; to CON-VENtIENT, a. Fit; suitable; commodious. CON-TRA-DICT1tER, na. One who contradicts. CON-VEN'IENT-LY, ad. Commodiously; fitly. CON-TR.A-DIC'TION, n. A gainsaying; opposi- CONVENT,'n. An abbey; monastery; nunnery. tion; inconsistency; incongruity; contrariety. CON-VENtTI-CLE, n. An assembly; a meeting, MiEN., SYR; MOVE, NOR, S N; BOLL, BIR, ROLE.-Q, q, soft; i., hard; ias Z; T as gz,; TIIS CONVENTICLER 82 CORDIALITY 4QN-VRN'TI-CLER, n. Frequenter of conventi- c66LtEIt, n. That which cools; a cooling vesseL CON-V~NtTION, n. Assembly:-contract. [cles. c6tl.NES ss, n. Gentle cold:-want of affection. CQN-VhNtTION-.AL, a. Stipulated; agreed on. co6M, n. Soot collected over an oven's mouth. CQN-VrtNItTION-IST, n. One who makes a C6OOMB (kdm),n. A corn measure of 4bushels. contract, agreement, or convention. l c66P, n. A barrel; a cage; a pen for animals. CQN-VENT1U-AL, a. Belonging to a convent. co6oP v. a. To shut up; to confine * to cage. CON-VERqE', v. n. To tend to one point. C66PrER, a. One who makes barrels, &c. CQN-yER'/q1NT, a. Tending to one point from C6OP1i~R-AqE, n. The work or pay of a cooper. di10eniit places; converging; coming together. CO-OP'ER-ATE, v. n. To labor for the same end. CQN-V~iR'SA-BLE, a. Free to converse; sociable. CO-OP-E. R-A/TIQN, n. Joint labor or operation. CNVYE.R-SANT, a. Acquainted; familiar. Co-OPtER-A-TiVE, a. Promoting the same end. C6N-VER-SAITION, n. Familiar discourse; talk. C6-aPtER-X-TQR, n. One who cooperates; a CON-VRSEt, v a. To associate; to discourse. joint operator; fellow-laborer; coadjutor. CON'VgRSE, n. Conversation; acquaintance. CQ-OR'D-NATE, a. Holding the same rank. CON/VE.RSE, a. Opposite; reciprocal. CO-oRtDI-NATE-LY, ad. In the same rank. CONtVE.RSE-LY or CQN-VERSEILY, ad. By COOT, n. A small water-fowl:-a simpleton. change of order; reciprocally; oppositely. CO-PA1iBA, n. A balsam used in medicine. CQN-VJiR1SI9N, n. Act of converting; change of COtPAL, n. A resin used in varnishes. disposition, character, principles, or religion. CO-PXRtc-NA-Ry, n. Joint inheritance. EQN-VERT', v. a. To change; to turn; to apply. CO-PARICE-NiER, n. A joint heir; -a coheir. C6N'VVERT, n. A person who is converted. CO-PXRtCE -NY, n. Equal share of an inheritance. CCQN-VEiRT'E.R, a. One who makes converts. CO-PXRT'NER, n. A joint partner; a partaker. CON/V - -RT-I-BILtI-TY, n. The being convertible. CZO-PXRT'NE R-SHIP, n. Joint partnership. CQN-VERT'I-BLE, a. Susceptible of change. CO-PAY!~vA (ko-pa'va), n. See COPAIBA. C6NtV'VX, a. Rising in a spherical form. COPE, n. A priest's cloak:-a concave arch. CON-VEXtI-TY, n. A spherical form; rotundity. COPE, v. n. To contend; to struggle; to strive. C6N'IVX-Ly, ad. In a convex form. CQO-PiRtNI-CAN, a. Relating to Copernicus. C6NfV:iX-NrSS, a. The state of being convex. CbPfI-ER, n. One who copies;a transcriber. CQN-V~.X'Q-CON'CAVE, a. Convex on one side C6tlpiNG, n. The top or covering of a wall. and concave on the other side. cOtPI-otCs, a. Plentiful; abundant; ample. CON-VEYW (kon-v'a), v. a. To carry. to send; CO'Pi-OS-LY, ad. Plentifully; abundantly. to transport; to bear; to transfer; to impart. Co'PI-oys-NEss, n. Plenty; abundance. CQN-VEYr.~NCE (kn,-Val'ans), h. Act of con- Cr6PPE.D (kptpe.d or kbpt), n. Rising to a top. veying; a vehicle; a carriage; transmission; C6PPrEL, a. Instrument for purifying gold, &c. a deed for transferring property. C6P'P.R, n. A metal; a vessel made of copper. CQN-VEY'AN-CE R (kon-vatan-ser), n. A lawyer C6PiP.R-AS, n. Sulphate of iron; green vitriol. who draws writings for transferring property. CPtrP1R-PLA.TE,, n. A plate on which designs CQN-VEY'ANC-ING (kon-vafans-!ng), a. The are engraved:-an impression from the plate. business of a conveyancer; transfer of property. C PP'PE.R-SMITH, n. One who works in copper. CQN-VEYtER (kon-va'er), na. One who conveys. COPIP1ER-Y, a. Containing or like copper. CON-VICT', v. a. To prove guilty; to detect. COPrPIdE, COPSE, n. A wood of small treed. CON'VICT, a. One legally proved guilty. [tion. C6PtU-L.ATE, v. a. & n. To unite; to embrace. CON-:VICTION, n. Detection of guilt; confuta- C6P-pV-LAtTION, n. The act of copulating. CQN-VIC'TIVE, a. Having the power to convict. C OPUt-LA-TIVE, a. Tending to connect or unite. CQN-VINCEI, v. a. To satisfy by proof; to force cPt'y, n. A manuscript; an imitation; pattern. to acknowledge; to subdue by argument. CoP't, v. a. To transcribe; to imitate; to mimic. CQN-V!iNCI-BLE, a. Capable of conviction. CaP'Y-1BOOK (kopf'e-bfk), n. A book of copies. CON-VIVI-AL or CON-VIV/IAL, a. Pertainilg, C6OPY-HOLD, n. A kind of tenure in England. or inclined, to festivity; festive; social. C6P/'Y-IST, a One who-copies; a copier. CQN-ViVI —ALl-TY, n. Convivial disposition. C P'Y-RIGHT, n. The sole right to print a book. C6N-VO-CAXTIQN,n?. An ecclesiastical assembly. CQ-QUh T/ (k-ket'), v. a. & a. To jilt; to trifle. CQN-VOKE', v. a. To call together; to-summon. CQ-QULT'TRY (ko-kett're), a. Deceit in love. C6N-VQ-LUtTIQN, n. A rolling together. CQ-QUETTE! (ko —ket'), a. A gay, airy girl; a jilt. CQN-V6LVE' (kon-vlV'), v. a. To roll together. cO-QUETtTISH, a. Having the manners of a coCQN-V6L'VU-LfUS, n. A genus of plants. CORIA-CLE, n. A boat used by fishers. [quette. CQN-V6f', v. a. To accompany for defence, CR'tAL, n. A hard, calcareous substance, C6N'VOS, n. An attendance for defence; defence. growing in the sea like a plant:-a child's toy. CQN-VriLSEE, V. a. To give violent motion to. C6R'AL-LINE, a. Consisting of, or like, coral. CON-VrLtSION,an. Violent spasm; disturbance. cORB, n. An ornament in building; a basket. CON-VL'tSIVE, a. Producing convulsion. coR'sAN, n. An alms-basket; a gift; an alms. C6N.YV (ktln'e), n. A rabbit:-a simpleton. CORD, n. A rope; a sinew; a measure of wood. co6, v. n. To cry as a dove or pigeon. CORD, v. a. To tie or fasten with cords; to pile. COOKI (kfik), n. One who dresses victuals. CiRD. A(QE, n. A qulantity of cords; ropes.[friar. COOK (kik), v.a. To dress or prepare,as victuals. COR-DE-LIERt (kir-de-lort), n. A Franciscan CO:OK'ER-Y (kfikf-), n. Art of dressing victuals. [IC6RDtIAL (klurd'yal or ktir'de-al), n. Medicine. COOL, a. Somewhat cold;;not ardent or fond. IICORD'IAL, a. Reviving; sincere; hearty. CO6L, n. A moderate degree or state of cold. IICORD —AXL'I-TY (kard-ye-ilte-te), a. SinceriCO6L, v. a. & n. To make or:grow cool; to quiet. ty; affection; heartiness; warmth of feeling.:~,E,i,5,iJs, long; ~:,J~,],g),~T, short;,SI,QV,~, obscure.-FkRE,FAR,FSAT,F≪ HfIR,H$R; CORDIALLY 83 COSTAL tCORD'IAL-LY, ad. Sincerely:; heartily. COR-RtCT1QR, n. One that corrects. COR'D6N, n. A ribbon or:badge:-series of CoQR-REtI-D6R, n. A Spanish mayor. military posts to prevent egress oringress. CQR-RREL'A-TIVE, a. Having a reciprocal re. CbR'DQ-VXN, n. Spanish leather from Cordova. lation; reciprocal. [ciprocal relation. COR-DIV-ROt', n. A thick, ribbed, cotton stuff. COR-RELtA-TiVE, na. One that stands in a reCORDIWAIN-]R, CbRD'I-NER, an. A shoemaker. COR-RE-SPONDt, v. n. To suit, write, answer. CORE, a. The heart:-the inner part of a thing. COR-RE-SPONDIENCE, a. Suitableness; fitting CO-RI-AXCEOVS (k6-re-adshus), a. Consisting relation:-friendship; intercourse. [fit. of leather; resembling leather; leathery. COR-RE-SPOND'ENT, a. Suitable; adapted;;CO-RI-XNtDP:R, a. A plant, and its spicy seed. COR-RE-SPONDI]ENT, n. One that corresponds. CORK, n. A tree and its bark:-a stopple. CORR.I-D6R, n. Gallery or passage in a building..CORK, v. a. To stop with a cork, as a bottle. C(OR1RI-I-BLE, a. Capable of being corrected. C.ORKIING-PIN n. A pin ofthe largest size. CQR-ROB'O-RANT,a.Strengthening; confirming. CORK'SCREW, n. A screw for drawing corks. CQR-ROB'O-RATE,v.a. To confirm;to establish. CORKY,,a. Consisting of, or resembling, cork. coR-RoB-0-RA'TtQN, n. The act of confirming. CORtMIQ-R.ANT,Tn. A voracious bird:-a glutton. coR-RoB'O-RA-TivE, a. Confirming. CORN, n. Grain of wheat, &c.; maize:-a tumor. COR-RODE', v. a. To prey upon; to eat away. CORN, v. a. To preserve with salt: —to granulate. COR-RO'DI-BLE, a. That may be corroded. CORN'CHAND-LER, n; One who deals in corn. CQR-ROI'q1N (k9r-rlzhtun), n. Act of corroding. CORINE-A, n. The horny membrane of the eye. COR-Rs'SIyE, a. Corroding; consuming. CQR-NELtIAN, n. A stone. See CARNELIAN. COR-RO'SIVE-LY, ad. In a corrosive manner, COR'NE-OffS, a. Horny; resembling horn. CQR-RO'StIVE-NESS, n. Quality of corroding. CORtNgERn. An angle:-a secret or remote place. COR5RU-GATE, a. a. To contract into wrinkles. CO6RtNIR-STONE, n. The principal stone. COR-RU-G tGTION, n. Contraction into wrinkles. COR'tNT,n. A musical instrunment:-an officer. COR-RUPT5, v. a. To infect; to defile; to bribe. C6RtNET-CY, n. The commission of a cornet. CQOR-RPTI,v. n. To become putrid or vitiated. CORtNICE, an. Upper projecting moulding. COR-RUPT', a. Spoiled; tainted; putrid; vicious. CoRN' —MILL, n. A mill for grinding corn. CQR-RUPTE R, n. One that corrupts. [rupted. COR-NV-Co'PI-A, n. Horn ofplenty:-a plant. CQR-RUPT-I-BsLt.f-TY, n. Possibility to be corCOR-NUTftED, a. Having horns:-cuckolded. COR-RUPT'I-BLE, a. Susceptible of corruption. iCORN'Y, a. Horny; producing grain or corn. COR-RUP'TIQN, n. Putrescence:-deterioration: CORfOL, CO-R)LtfLA, n.The inner flower-leaves. — wickedness; depravity:-bribery. C6oRtL-LA-RY, an A consequence; conclusion. COQ-RiRP'TIVE, a. Having the quality to taint. IICQ-R&oNAL or CORQO-NAL, n. A crowil; a gar- CQR-RUPTtLY, ad. With corruption; viciously. land;.a chaplet. —(dnat.) Tlie frontal bone. CQR-RUiPTt1NESS, n. Putrescence; corruption. CQ-ROfN.AL,a. Belonging to the top of the head. COR'sAIR (kir'sAr), n. A pirate; a piratical C6R'Q-NA-RY~, A. Relating to, or like, a crown.:CORSE n. A dead human body; a corpse.[vessel. CbR.O-tA!tTION, a. The act of crowning. CORSE'LET, n. A light armor for the breast. COR1Q-N:ER, n. An officer whose duty it is to in- CORfSET, n. A woman's bodice; stays. quire, by a jury, and a view of the body, how Cor5TE., n. The legislative body of Spain. any violent or casual death was occasioned. CORfTI-CAL, a. Belonging to the bark or rind. CORIQ-NP:T, n. A crown worn by the nobility. CQ-RiJS'CANT, a. Glittering by flashes; flashing. CORtPO-RAL, a. The lowest officer of infantry. CQ-RiJS'CATE, v. n. To glitter; to flash, Shine. COR!tP-R.AL, a. Relating to the body; material. COR-US-ClArTIQN, n. A quick vibration of light. COR-PQ-RAtLE, n. Linen on which the sacra- COR-VETTE', n. An advice-boat: —a sloop mental elements are laid; communion-cloth. of war, with less than ten guns. [morant. CuRtPQ-RAL-LY, ad. Bodily; in the body. COR.VQ-RANT, n. A voracious bird; the corCOR'PO-RATE,a.Incorporated; united; general. COR-~-PHE'VS, n. The chief of a company. CORtPO-RATE-LY, ad. In a corporate capacity. CQq-MtT5.IC, n. A wash to improve the skin. COR1PQ-RATE-NESS, a. The quality or state CQo-METtIC, a. Increasing beauty; beautifying. of a body corporate. [porate. CO'MIi-CAL, a. Rising or setting with the sun. COR-Po-RATIQN, n. A body politic, or cor- COQ-MOG'O-NIST, a. One versed in cosmogony. CQR-POTRE-AL, a. Having abody; notspiritual. CQ(-MOiG'O-NY, a. The science which treats COR-POtRE.-AL-LY, ad. In a bodily manner. of the origin of the world or universe. CORPS (khr; pl. korz), n. sing. & pl. A body of COQ-M6G'RA-PHE.R, n. A describer of the world. CORPSE, n. A dead human body; a corse.[forces. Co6S-MO-GRAPHtI-CAL, a. Describing the world. COR'P.U-Lh NCE, n.Fatness; fleshiness; obesity. C6o-Mo-GRXPHR'-C4L-LY, ad. With cosmogCOR!PIT-LTENT, a. Fleshy; very fat; bulky. raphy; in a cosminographical manner. CoR'PUS-CLE (kbr'pus-sl), n. A particle; atom. COq-ir6G'RA-PEIY, a. The science which treats CO6R-PtJS'CV-LAR, a. Relating to corpuscles. of the construction, figure, &c., of the-world. COR-RECTt, v. a. To amend; to rectify, punish. coQ-I6OL'oQ-Q,, n. The science of the world. CQR-RtiCT', a. Free from faults; right; accurate. C)-16OPQO-LITE, w. A citizen of the world; CQR-R~:CITIQN, n. The act of correcting; one who is at home in every place. amendment; improvement:-punishment. C6SfSE.T, n. A pet lamb:-a pet of any kind..CQR-REC'TIVE,a. Having the power to correct. IICOST (kSst or kaust), n. Price; charge; exCOR-RkC'TIVE, n. That which corrects. pense:-loss; damage; detriment. [for. CQR-RPCTfLY, ad. Accurately; without faults. IIC6ST, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. cost.] To be bought CQR-R:CTNi.SS, n. Accuracy; exactness. C6StTTL, a. Belonging to the ribs or side. MriEN, SYR i MOSVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BiJR, RtILE.-9,,.soft;,, A, hard; ~ as z i as gz; THIS. COSTAIRD 84 COVENANT C6StTARD, n.:A head:-a large kind of apple. C0N-TER-P6r1E', v. a. To counterbalance. C6S'TlVE, a. Bound in the body; constipated. CoN'TEIR-POISE, n. Equivalence of weight. C6S'TIVE-NSS, n. State of being costive.[ness. CO0N-TER-PO61'ON, n. An antidote to poison. JIICSTiLI-NESS, n. Sumptuousness; expensive- Co0Nt'TE.R-REV-O-LU1TIQN, n. A revolution IICOST'LY, a. Expensive; dear; of great price. succeeding another, and opposite to it. CQS-TUME1, a. Style or mode of dress. CON'TLER-SCARP, n. A slope next the camp. COT,n. Asmall house; acottage:-a small bed. CUON-TER-SEAL, v. a. To seal with another. COTE, n. A cottage; a cot:-a sheep-fold. CO5fN-TER-SIGN' (kiun-ter-sin'), v.'a. To sign, CO-T.:MIPQ-RA-RY, a. See CONTEMPORARY. as an order of a superior,in quality of secretary. CO-TE-RIlt (kS-te-re'),n. A society; assembly. C0UNTETR- SIGN (-sin), n. Military watchword. CO-T!LILON (ko-til'yun), n. A brisk, lively CO50N'TER-SiG-NAL, n. A responsive signal. dance, usually for eight persons. COUN-TER-SINRK, v. a. To take off the edge COT'TAgQE, n. A hut; a cot; a small dwelling. of, as of a hole to receive the head of a screw. C6'TTA-.9ER, n. One who lives in a cottage. COUNTE. R-SINK, n. A hole to receive the head COTITER, C6TrTIER (kit'ter), ni. A cottager. of a screw:-a kind of carpenter's bit. C6T'TON (kbt'tn), n. A plant, and its down:- CoaN-TER-T:N.OR, n. (JMus.:) Second or concloth made of the down of the plant. tralto part when sung by a male voice. [ance. COUCH, v. n. To lie down;to stoopor bend. ChON-TER-VAIL', v. a. To be equal to; to balCOCHi, v. a. To lay down; to hide:-to in- CMOa-'TsiR-VIEW (kiantter-vii), n. Contrast. clude:-to remove, as cataracts from the eye. CoftN-TE.R-WOR'K, v. a. To counteract. COfCH, n. A seat for reclining on; a bed. COUN.T'ESS, n. The wife of an earl or count. C10CIItANT, a. Lying down; squatting. Co0fNT'tNG-HtISE, n. A room for accounts. [ICOUGH (ktf or kbuf), n. Convulsion of the CU0NTtLESS, a. Innumerable; numberless. lungs, with noise. [vulsed. COiN'TR!-FIED (ktin'tre-ftd), a. Rustic; rude. IICoUGH (k1f), v. n. To have the lungs con- COUNI'TRY (ktin tre), n. A region; native COULD (kid), imp. t. from can. Was able. soil:-inhabitants; people:-rural parts. COULTERIR (kSl'ter), a. See COLTER. COtN'TRY (ktin'tre), a. Rustic; rural; rude. COfNICIL, n. Asn assembly for consultation. COtN'TRy-MAN (kcn'tre-man), n. One born CONtSEiL, n. Advice; direction:-a counsellor. in the same country; a rustic; a farmer. COtN'SE.L, v. a. To give advice to; to advise. COfiN'TY, n. A shire; a circuit, or district. COiN/SEL-LOR, n. One who gives advice:- COtPt'LE (kip'pl), n. Two; a pair; man and a lawyer who advises a client. COtuP'LE (kip'pl),v.a. Tojoin; to marry. [wife. CO5NtSE.L-L.R-SHIP, a. Office of a counsellor. COP'tLE (kiip'pl), v. n. To join in embraces. COUNT, v. a. & n. To number; to compute; to COPtI.E T (kip'let), a. Two verses; a pair. COUNT, n. Number; charge:-a title. [judge. COuRRIAE (knr'.a),n. Bravery; valor; boldness. CO0N'TE-NANCE, n. The face; air; aspect; couR-UA Eo us (kur-ra'jus), a. Brave; daring. look: —support i encouragement. [age. CO.R-Aq'EOUS-LY (kur-ra'jus-le), ad. Bravely. Cia6NTE-NANCE, v.a. To support; to encour- COUR-.AXiEOUS-NSS, na. Bravery; boldness. CUON'TE-NAN-CEIR, n. One who countenances. COU-RANTt (kb-rant), n. A nimble dance:-any CO5NtTIER, em. Base money:-a shop-table. thing that spreads quick, as a newspaper. COONTrER, ad. Contrary; in a wrong way. cOURI:ER (krtrer), n. A messenger sent in haste. COON-TER-XCTt, v. a. To act contrary to; to COURSE (ktrs), n. Race; career; progress; orhinder; to frustrate; to defeat. [action. der; conduct; service of food; ship's track. CO5N-TER-AC1TION, a. Contrary or opposite COURSE (ksrs), v. a. & n. To hunt; to make CoUN-TER- BAL.ANCE, V. a. To weigh against. to run; to pursue; to run; to rove about. CO0N'1TER-BAL-ANCE, 1. Opposite weight. CSOURS.ER (ksrster), n. A race-horse:-a hunter. COUN-TER-CH]ARM1, v. a. To disenchant. COURS'ING, n. Sport of hunting with hounds. CONtTER-CHECICK, n. A stop; rebuke; reproof. COURT (kort), n. Residence of a prince; a hall; COtTN'.TER —tV~I-DENCE, n. Opposite evidence. a narrow street; seat of justice; jurisdiction. *COUNTTER-FEIT, V. a. To forge, imitate, copy. COURT (kbrtQ, v.a. To woo; to solicit; to seek. CO0NITER-FEIT,a. Forged;fictitious; deceitful. 1ICOUJR'TET-OUS (kiir'te-iis or ktrt'yus), a. Po-' CofNtT'R-FLIT, st. All imposture.; a forgery. litb; well-bred; affable; civil; respectful. COIN'TE.-FrET-.ER, a. A forger; an impostor. [ICOtVR'TE-OPS-LY, ad. Politely; respectfully. CON-T-TER-MAND', v. a. To revoke or recall, IlcOiR'TTi-ots-Ntss,?. Civility; complaisance. as a command previously given. [der. COUR-TE.-S XN' (kiir-te-zan'), n. A prostitute. CON/TELR-MAND, n. A repeal of a former or- COUR'TE-SY (kiir'te-se), n. Civility; politeness. COfIN-TER-MXRCHi, v. n. To march back. COIURTE'SY (kiirt'se),n. Act of civility made CoNtT'TR-iMARCH, n. A marching back. by women by gently bending the body. [tesy. CO0NtTER-MXRIt, n. An aftermark on goods. COURTE'SY (kiirt'se), v. n. To make a courCON —TER-MINE, v. a. To frustrate; to defeat. COURT'-IiXND, n. Writing used in records, &c. C5ON'TE.R-MOVE.MENT,n.Oppositemovement. COURT'IER Sksrt'yer),n. An attendant on a CODNtTE R-MURE, n. A wall behind another. COURTtLI-NESS, n. Elegance of manners.[court. COON'TER-PANE, n. A coverlet for a bed. COURT/Ly, a. Relating to a court; courteous. CON/'TER-PXRT, n. Correspondent part; copy. COURT'-MXR!TIAL, n. A military tribunal. COUN'TERI-PLEA, n. (Laui.) A replication. COURTtSHIP, n. A making of love to a woman. CO0N-TER-PLOTtI,v.a. To oppose byanother plot. COJSt'IN (kbz'zn), n. One collaterally related. COONtTER-PLoT,n. A plot opposed to another. cove, n. A small creek or bay; a shelter. CO0N'TTER-Poi NT,n.A coverlet; opposite point. C6SV'I-N4NT, n. A contract; agreement; deed. A ), I,O,U,v, lg71,o A i,6,f,,5,, short A,],I,,V,Y, obscure.-FARPE,F~R, FAST,FiLL j HEIiRJIER; COVENANT 85 CREED C~VIE-NANT, v. n. To bargain; to contract. crAXmP, n. A spasm:-restraint:-a crampiron. C6V-i3-NAN T-EE:f, n. A party to a covenant. CRAMP, v. a. To restrain; to confine; to bind. CoV/E-NANT-E.R,n. One who makes a covenant, CRAMIIP-FISHII, n. A kind of fishll; the torpedo. CoV1~-Nois,a. Fraudulent; collusive; trickish. CRTitP'IiR-ON, n. A piece of iron, bent at the COV'ER,v.a. To overspread; to conceal; to hide. ends, for tastening thilgs together. cOvEPR, n. A concealment; a screen; defence. CRAit'PIT,?. A thin plate or piece of metal. at COWV1ER-ING, 1. Cover; dress; vesture. the bottom of the scabbard of a broadsword. cov'Er -LikT, n. The upper covering of a bed. CRANB'.i- R-RY n. A red berry used for sauce. CovERT, n. A shelter; a defence; a thicket. CRANE, n. A bird: —a machine:-t- bent tube. COVE RT, a. Sheltered; private; insidious. CRAN-I-O-LoQTfI-CAL, a. Relating to craniology. COV~ERT-LY, ad. Secretly; closely; privately. CRXN-I-OL'O- y'~, i. Phrenology. [to turn it. CoV1ERT- URE,n. Shelter:-the state of a wife. CRANK, n. TIhe end of an iron axis bent so as Co6VET, V. a. & n. To desire eagerly or inor- CRXNK,, a. Liable to lean over, as a ship:-jolly. Cov'/ET-OOs, a. Avaricious; greedy. [dinately. CRAN/NIED (kran'nid), a. Full of chinks. C6v'E.T-OOS-LY, ad. Avariciously; eagerly. CRANtNY, in. A chink; a fissure; a crevice. C6v'/T-OUS-NPiSS, n. State of being covet- CRAPE, 1s. A thin stuff used in mourning, &c. ouis; avarice: -eagerness of desire. CRAP/1U-LE NCE, n. Sickness by intemperance. CWVE'y (ktvfve), n. A hatch or brood of birds. CRASH, v. ni. To make a loud, complicated noise. COVt/N, n. (Law.) A fraudulent agreement.- CRASH, in. A loud, mixed sould:-coarse cloth. Cv'/ING, n. Exterior projection in a building. CRAtS.SI-TUDE, m. Grossness; coarseness. corV, in.; pl. cOWu or tKINE. T#e female of CRXTCH, n. A frame for hay; a mnanger; a crib. the bull, or of bovine animals. [awe. CRATE, n. A sort of basket or wicker pannier. cboW (kiji), v. a. To depress with fear; to over- CRtTE R, n. The vent or monuth of a volcano. CovWARD, ss. A poltroon; one wanting courage. CRXUNCtH (krinclh), v.a. To crush ii the moutl. C6o&'l.RD-ICE, n. Fear; habitual timidity. CRA-VATt, 7i. A cloth worn about the neck. C5tWrARD-LI-NRSS,?n. Timidity; cowardice. CRAVE, v. a. To ask earnestly for; to long for. CoT'RD-LLY, a. Fearfulf; timorous; mean. CRAXfvEN (kra'vn), u. A cock conquered:-a CO*'Rt, v. it. To sink by bendling the knees. CRA' VEN (kratvn), a. Cowardly; base.[coward. COWIPISERD, in. One who tends cows. CRAW, n. The crop or first stomach of birds. C oVL, cn. A monk's hood:-a vessel for water. CiRtWtFrSH, CRAY~FItSH, t. A crustaceous fish. C6X3rLt-STAFF, n. Tle staff on which a cowl CRPAWL, v. n. To creep; to move as a worm. por vessel is supported between two men. CRAY1ON (krrtaun), n. A kind of pencil; a decow6 -r6x, n. The vaccine disease; kine-pox. sign or drawing executed with a crayon. C6strSLIP, n. A plant; a species of prilmrose. CRAZE, v. a. To break:-to impair in intellect. cOx'CboB (kolks'km),?1. A fop:-cockscomb. CRA/ZI-NESS, n. Shattered state:-insanity. CdX'CoMsB-RY (ktks'kIm-re), is. Foppishness. CRtt'zY, a. Broken; disordered in mind; insane. COX-GOM/I-CAL, a. Fopi'iseh; conceited; vain. CRtEAK, v. n. To make a harsh, grating noise. co', a. Modest; reserved; not accessible. CREAMi, n. The oily part of milk:-best part. C6'sISH, a. Somewhat coy; reserved; shy. CRaEAM, v. n. & a. To be covered with someCori5LY, ad. With reserve; modestly; shyly. thing on the surface:-to take the best of. Cbit'NiSS, in. Reserve; shyness; modesty. CIRAM'Y, a.' Havin7 the nature of cream. CoZ'EN (kzt'zn), 7; a. To cheat; to defraud. CREASE, n. A mark mriade by doubling a thing. COZtEN-AQE (kIztzn-aj), n. Fraud; deceit. CRElASE, v. a. To marks by doubling. CoZIEN-E.R (kiz'lzn-er), un. One who cheats. CRE -iTif, v. a. To make; to cause; toproduce.,CRAXB,. A crustacean:-a wild apple:-a churl. CRE A —'TItON, n. Act of creating; the universe. CRAB13BED, (a.Peevish; morose; harsh; difficult. CR.E-YATIVE, a. Having the power to create. CRAXBtBf. D-NESS, et. Sourness of taste; asperity. CRE —AtTOQR, n. One who creates; a maker:CRXCK, n. A sudden noise; a fissure; a boast. Supreme Being; the Author of all things. CRACK, v. a. &?1. To break into chinks; to split. CREATtURE (lkrcttylr),m. A created being; man. CRACiYt-BRAINED (kraktbraned), a. Crazy. CRE'DENCE, n. iBelief; credit; reputation. XCRAC1KtER, n. A charge of gunpowder, in a CRE.-D:EN'DA, n p1. Things to be believed. roll:-a boaster:-a hard kind of biscuit. CREIDENT, a. Believing; credulous:-deservCRXC'KLEE, v. n. To make small, sharp, ex- ing belief or credit; not to questioned. plosive sounds; to decrepitate; to snap. CRF-D:N'TIAL,ss. That which entitles to credit. CRACKSLTING, n. A sharp and frequent noise. CRED-I-BIL.I-TY, ns. Claim to credit or belief. CRItIDLE, n. A movable bed for infants:-a CREDIi-BLE, a. Worthy of credit or belief. kind of scythe for mowing grain. CRE DII-BLy, ad. In a manner that claimis belief: CRAKDLE, v. a. To lay or rock in a cradle. [sel. CRIEDtIT, n. Belief; honor; reputation; trust. CRAFT, n. Trade; art; cunning:-sailing ves- CRLDTIT,. v. a. To believe, trust, confide in. CR-ArPT'.I-LY, ad. Cunningly; artfully; skilfully. CRDIIIT-A-BLE, a. Reputable; hlonorable.[tion. CRArFT/I-N: SS, n. Cunning; stratagem; craft. CRtD'IT-A-BL[E-NE SS, c. Reputation; estimaCRAFTS'MAN, n. An artificer; a mechanic. CRED.IT-OR, n. One to whomn a debt is owed. CRAPFTY, a. Cunning; artful; sly; shrewd. CRE-DU'LI-TY, n. Easiness of belief; readiCRAGn,. A rough, steep roc-the neck. ness to believe; credulousness. [ceived. CRXGAEIgD, a. Rough; fuill of prominences. CREDfU-LOUS, a. Apt to bIelieve; easily deCRAGITy, a. Rugged; full of prominences. CRED13U-LOUS-LY, ad. In a credulous mnannler. CRAWM, v. a. & n. To stuff; to eat greedily. CRLDtU-LOUS-NtSS, 1. Credulity. [of belief. CRAXmrB, n. A sort of play:-a rhyme. CREED, n. A summary or statemrent of aruticles iEN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BtLL, BUR, ROLE.-9, (, soft; 0, P, hard; ~ as z; y as gZ; Tr'ltS. * t3 -.~~~ CREEK 86 CROW'SFOOT cRiER, r. n. To creak. See CREAK. CRITtIC, n. One skilled in criticism; a judge. CREKIi, n. A small inlet or river; a bay; a cove. CRIT1I-CAL, a. Exact;nice;judicious; decisive. CRERKfY. a. Full of, or having, creeks; winding. CRITI.-CAL-LY, ad. In a critical manner. CREEP, v. n. [itmp. t. and pp. crept.] To move CR1TtI-CAL-NESS, n. Quality of being critical; slowly, or as a worm or insect:-to fawn. exactness; accuracy; nicety. [juige. CREEPIER, i. A plant; an insect:-a grapnel. CRYT'I-C1IE, V. n. & a. To act the critic; to CREEP/-iijOLE, n. A retreat; a subterfuge; ex- CRITII-CIM, n. Art or act of judging; critique. CRE'NAT-E:D, a: Notched; indented. [cuse. CRI-TiQUEA (kre-tek'), ri. A critical examinaCRtEtOLL,. A person born in Spanish Amer- tion; critical remarks; criticism; review. ica or the West Indies,but of European descent. CROAK, t. n. To make a hoarse noise:-to mourCREIO-SOTE, i. An antiseptic, oily liquid. CROAK (kr k), n. The cry of a frog, &c. [rmur. CREP/I-TATE, v. ss. To mnake a crackling noise. CRbAK/IER, n. One who croaks; a murmurer. CREP-I-TA'TION, n. A snlall, crackling noise. aCRa'CEOVS (krSfshus), a. Consisting of saffron. CREPT, imp. t. & pp. from creep. [inering. CROCK, n. A cup or vessel made of earth; soot. CRE-PiJS1CU-LAr, a. Relating to twilight; glim- CRC)CIIcER-Y, n. Earthen ware or vessels. CREStCE NT, a. lncreasing; growing; enlarging. CROC'Q-DILE or CROC/5O-DILE, n. A large anCR:ESICENT, n.The nmoon in her state of increase. imal of the lizard tribe. [spring. CREss, at. A name given to Various planlts. CROtCVs, n. A plant which flowers early in CRkStSET, n. A beacon:-a cooper's frame. CROFT, n. A little field adjoining a house. CRkST, n. A plume of feathers; conib; a tuft. CRONE, n. An old ewe:-an old woman. CRiST/'ED, a. Adorned with a plume or crest. CROtNY, is., A bosom companion; an associate. CRkST'-FXLLEN (krist'-faln), a. Dejected. CROOK (krfik),n. A shepherd's hook:-a curve. CRE-TA'CBEOUS (kre-tislihs), a. Having the CROOK (krfik), v. a. & n. To bend; to pervert. qualities of chalk; like chalk; chalky. CROOK1IED (krfikked), a. *Bent; not straight. CRVIJ.CE,si. A crack; a cleft; a fissure; a gap. CROOIrED-N-ESS (krfik'ed-nes), n. Curvity. CREW (kl'i), n. A company; a ship's comnpany. CROP, n. Harvest:-the first stomach of birds. CREW (ckru), im?. t. from crow. [on a ball. CROP, v.a. To lop; to gather, as fruit; to plant. CREW1EL (kr'el), 1. Yarn or worsted wound CR(O~I'-R (krazlhur), n. A bishop's staff. CRIB, ni. A manger; a stall; a bin; a clild's bed. IlCROSS (krbs or kraus), n. A figure thus [-] CRIB, v. a. To steal for a petty purpose: —to ensign of Christianity; trial; misfortune. CRIB'BACEI, v. A game at cards. [cage. [ICROSS, a. Transverse; peevish; fretftl. CRICK, n. Creaking:-cranmp, as in the neck. IICROSS, v. a. To lay athwart; to thwart; to vex. CRICKt'T, n. An insect:-a stool: —a game. I[CR(SS'-BXR, ni. A transverse bar: —a lever. CRiIER,'n. One who cries goods for sale, &c. IICROSS'-BILL, n. Bill of a defendant:-a bird. CRIME, n. An offence: a great fault; a felony. IJ[cRss'BOW, n. A weapon for shooting. CRIMfI-NAL, a. Faulty; contrary to law; guilty. l CROSSS'-E: —XMIr'NE, v. a. To examine, as an CRIMTI-NAL, n. One guilty of a crime; a felon. opposite party; to cross-question. CRIM-I-N.XLI-TY, n. State of being criminal. IhCR)SSt-. - -XM-.-NAtTION, n. Examinatione of CRIMatI-NAL-LY, ad. Wickedly; guiltily.[crime. a witness of one party by the opposite party. CRlIM'i-NATE, V. a. To accuse; to charge with IICROSS'-GRAXNED (krostgrand), a. Having the CRIM-I-NA5TIQN, n. Accusation; censure. fibres transverse:-ill-natured:-troulblesome. CRsitI1-NA-TQ-RY, a. Accusing; censorious. IICROSS'-LEGGED (-legd), a. Having the legs CR1;IP, a. Friable; brittle; easily crumbled. crossed. [adversely; peevishly. CRIMP, n. An agent for coal-merchants. (plait. [ICROSS'L~, ad. In a cross manner:-athwart; CRIMP, V. a. To curl, or crisp, as the hair; to IICROSS'-PtUR-POSE, a?. A kind of eniglla. CRIM'PLE, v. a. To contract; to corrugate. IICR63S'-QUES-TION, va. To cross-examine. CRIM/'ON (krmt'zn), n. A deep red color. IICROSSS-ROAD, n. A road across the country. CRIpt/t$ON (krlm'zn), a. Of a deep red; dark red. I[CRoss'-WAY, a. A path crossing the chief road. CRM5I/ON (krlm'zn), v. a. To dye with crimson. IICRI6SS'-WIND, n. Vind blowing across. CRYN~QE, n. A servile bow; mean civility. CR6TCH, n. A hook:-the fork of a tree. CRN(qE, V. n. To bow servilely; to fawn. CROTCHtET, n. A note in music; —pl. Marks CRINtEgR, n. One who cringes; a fawner. [lsl; hooks:-calledalso brackets. CRIN'KLE, v. n. & a. To run in flexures; to CROUCH,7.an. To stoop low; to fawn; to cringe. CRIN'IKLE, n. A wrinkle; a sinuosity.[wrinkle. CRO6UP (krdp), n. A disease affecting the throat. CRTINO-LINE, n. Stiff cloth for women's skirts: CROW (krS), v. n. [imp. t. crew, crowed; pp. -an expansive skirt worn by women. crowed.] To cry as a cock; to boast; to vaunt. CRYP'PLE, n. A lame person. [disable. CROW, n. A bird:-iron lever:-cock's voice. CRIP'PLE, v. a. To lame; to make lame: —to CROWD, n. A confused multitude; populace. CRIS.IS, n.; pl. CRVlSE.. A critical time or turn: CR6ISiD, v. a. To press close; to urge; to swarm. -decisive point or period of a disease. [brisk. CROWN, n. A royal diadem:-top of the head: CRISP, a. Curled:-brittle * friable:-hlivey; -regal power; honor:-a coin:-a garland. CRISP, v. a. To curl; to twist; to malke brittle. CROrN,v.a. To invest with a crown; to reward. CRSPVING-IR-ON, a. An iron for crisping or CROrN't-GLASS, n.A fine sort of window-glass. CRISPtNESS,n. Quality of being crisped.[curlin g. CPR6VtN-IM-P1ERI-AL, n. A plant and its flower. CRISP'Y, a. Curled; frizzled; short and brittle. CR6WNfiNG,, n. Thie finishing of any decoration. CRI-TE/RI-QN, a.; pl. CRI-TEIRI-A. A standard CROTiWN -WHEEL, n. A wheel of a watch. or mark by which any thing is judged of; a CROW'6'-FR.ET, n. pl. Wrinkles under the eyes. test; a measure. CR6W'1'FOOT (krbz'fit), n. A sort-of plant. A!L2,6fIOUJ,, 10ng; Xi,15jX,1,t short; -4J A;ViiYj obscure.-FARE,FXR,FAST,FALL; HIR, HER; CRUCIBLE 87 CUPlREOUS CR!C.I-RBLE, n. A chemist's melting-pot. CVCKtING-ST66L,n. Engine to punish scolds. CRY'CI-F1X, n. A representation, in painting CUTCKtOLD, n. The husband of an adulteress. or sculpture, of our Saviour on the cross. CUCJK'QL-DoTi,a. State ofa cuckold; adultery. CRt-C-I-FiXtION (kru-se-fik'shun), n. Mode of c0cIst'oo n. A well-known passerine bird. putting to death by nailing to a cross. CU.-CtLfLATE, or CV-C:L'tLAT-l.D, a. Hooded. CRrtC1-FORM, a. Having the form of a cross. CU'CVM-BER (kl'ikum-ber), n. A plant, and fruit. crft'cI-FP,v.a. To nail or fasten to a cross:- CUCU R-BIT, n. A chemical distilling vessel. to overcome byinfluenceofChristianprinciples, CID, n. Food reposited in the first stomachl of CROnDE, a. Raw; harsh; unripe; undigested. an animal in order to chew it again. [hug. CRODEfLY, ad. In a crude manner; unripely. CUD/DLLE v. n. & a. To lie close or snug; to ~CRODE/NESS, a. Rawness;unripeness;crudity. CUDt'EL, n. A short stick to strike with;a club. CRO'DI-TY, n. Indigestion; unripeness. CUDrgEL, v. a. To beat or punishl with a cudgel. clI:tEL, a. Inhuman; hardhearted; savage. CUE (ka), n..The tail or end of any thing:-a CRirEL-L~, ad.:In a cruel manner; savagely, hint:-a straight rod used in playing billiards. CRiFr'L-NRss, n. Inhumanity; cruelty. [ness. COFF, n. A blow; a stroke:-part of a sleeve. CROtEL-TY, n. Inhumanity; barbarity; savage- COFF, v n. To fight; to box.-v. a. To strike. CPO'gT, n. A sort of vial for vinegar or oil,&c. cuI-RXssf (kwe-ras'), n. A breastplate. CRUISE (krds), n. A small bottle; a cruet. Fsel. CUi-RAS-SIER/, n. A soldier with a cuirass. CRCISE (krdz), n. A voyage, as of an armedves- CUissE, CUISIH (kwis), n. Armor for the thigh. CR1I~E, a.?t. To rove over the sea. CU'.L1-NA-RY,a. Relating to the kitchen or cookery CRLIS'E1R n. A person, or vessel, that cruises. CULL, v. a. To select from others; to pick out. CRfJMB, CRrIx, 7z. A snall particle, as of bread. CULL/ER, n. One who picks or chooses. CROMIB,. a. To break into small pieces. COLL'ION (kilty'yn), n. A scoundrel; awretch. CRAtUM'BLE: v. a. To break into small pieces. C0L/LY, n. A mean dupe.-v. a. To befool, cheat. CR'am~Y, a. Soft; consisting of crumbs. COLM, L. A kind of fossircoal:-stem of grass. CR0M'PLE, v. a. & ua. To wrinkle; to rumple. CVL-LtiFE.1R-OUs,a. Produciiigculms orstalks. CRP0PI'PER, n. A strap to keep a saddle right. CJUL'MI-NATE, V. n. To be in the meridian. Clt'tR.L, a. Belonging to the leg; like a leg. CUL-MI-NAiTI.ON, u. A coming to the meridian. CRU-SADE', tn. Expedition against infidels:-a CrUL-PA-BCLI.-TY, n. Blaenableness; faultiness. romantic enterprise:-a Portuguese coin. CiULtPA-BLE, a. Criminal; guilty; blamable. CR.-S.AD1ER, n. One employed in a crusade. CULtPA-BLE-NESS, n. Blamableness; guilt. CROSE.T, a. A goldsmith's melting-pot. [due. CULIP.A- BLY, ad. Blamably; faultily; guiltily. CRUSH, v. a. To squeeze; to bruise:-to sub- CUL/PRIT, n. A man arraigned; a criminal. CROUSH, n. A collision; act of rushing together. CULrTTI-VA-BLE, a. Capable of cultivation. CRJST, n. External coat; outer part of bread, &c. CUL1TI-VATE, Va a. To till; to labor; to improve. CRtST, v. a. & n. To envelop; to incrust. CIL-TI-VA.TION, n. Act of improving soils, &c. CRVlS-T-A'CEO;S (krus-ta'shus), a. Shelly, with CGULTi-VA-TOR, a1. One that cultivates. joints, as a lobster, &c. [jointed shells. CGJLT.URE (kuittyyur), n. Cultivation; tillage. CRUS-TA.CEO.US-N:SS, n. The state of having CUOLVER. n. A sort of pigeon or dove. CRUS-TAtTION, n. An incrustation. CGL'VER-IN, n. A long kind of cannon. CRST'I-LY, ad. Peevishly; snappishly; testily. CatwnBER, v. a. To embarrass; to entangle. CJIOST.I-NRSS, n. Quality ofcrust; peevishness. CMirBEs, 1. Vexation; burdensomeness. CROsTIy, a. Covered with a crust:-morose. CUMIBLlR-SOJIE, a. Troublesome; burdensome. CROTCH, n. A support or staff used by cripples. CJR1:BRANCE, n. Encumbrance; hinderance. CROTCH, v. a. To support on crutches, as a cuMi'BRous, a. Troublesome; burdensome. cripple; to give support to. [claim. C M.IN, n. A plant with aromatic seeds. [mulate. CRY, v. n. & a. To call:-to weep:-to pro- CU'tiJU-LATE, v. a. Toheap together; to accuCRnV, n. Outcry; shriek:-weeping:-clamor. Cu-MiU-LAtTIQN, n. Act of heaping together. CRIPT,n. A subterranean cell or cave; a tomb. CU'aMU-LA-TIVE, a. Consisting of parts heaped CRYP-T6Gf'RA-PHY,n. Art of writing in cipher. CU'NE-AL, a. Relating to, or like, a wedge. [iup. CRtSfT.AL, a. A regular, solid, inorganic body: CUNE -AT-rD, a. Made in form of a wedge. -a superior kind of glass:-a watcll-glass. CU -NEtI-F ORM, a. Having the form of awedge. CRtS'STAL, a. Consisting of, or resem- CJN'NING, a. Skilfill; artful; sly; subtle; crafty. CRIS[TAL-LINE, f bling, crystal; bright; pel- CUNtNING, n. Artifice; slyness; art; knowledge. lucid; transparent; clear. [liZing. CtNINING-LY, ad.- Artfully; slyly; skilfully. CRtS-TAL-LI-ZAtTION, n. The act of crystal- CONtNING-NP:SS, n. Artifice; slyness;craftiness. CRS'TTAL-LIZE, v. a. To form into crystals. COP, n. A drinking vessel:-a part of a flower. CRIS/TAL-LIZE, v. n. To be converted into ctP, v. a. To draw blood from by scarification. crystals. [lization, or of crystals. CrP'-BEkR-E.R (kuptbpr-er), n. An officer of a CRIS-TAL-LOGfRA-PHY,. Science of crystal- king's household:-an attendant at a feast. cOB, n. Young of a beast, as of a bear or fox. COPt'BOARD (kUb'bhurd), n. A case with shelves. COB, v. n. To bring forth cubs, as a bear. CUiPEL, n. A cup used in assaying metals. CUltBA-TURE,n. Measurementofcubic contents. CU-PEL-LA',TIQN, n. The assaying of metals, CUBE, n. A square, solid body of six equal sides. CU-PiD.I-TY, n. Strong desire; avarice. CUO'BE, n. -A smallj spicy berry; Java pepper. CU'PQO-L.A, n. A dome; an arched roof; a small CUtIC, CCUtBJI-CAL,a. Having the form ofa cube. structure raised on a dome or on a roof. CUWBIT, n. A measure from 18 to 22 inches. CUP'PE.R, n. One who cups; a scarifier. Cfu'B-TAL, a. Containing the length of a cubit. cftPRE-OoSsa. Coppery; consisting of copper, MIEN, SiR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, Rt LE.-9, I9, s$;, G, hard;: as z; as.gz;:TaiS. CUR 88 DACE CUR, n. A dog:-a snappish, mean person. CURVE (kiirv), v. a. To bend; to crook. CURt.A-ELE, a. Admitting a remedy or cure. CVR-VrTtv, v.n. To leap; to bound; to frisk. CUIR.A-C,. Office or employment of a curate. CVR-VfT',n. A leap; abound; a frolic; aprank. CUFR.ATE,n. A parish priest or minister. [cure. CUR-VI-LINtE'-AR, a. Consisting of a curved line. CftRA-TIVE, a. Relating to cure; tending to COSHtI.ON (kushlun), n. Pillow or pad for a seat. CV-RIATOQR, n. Superintendent; a guardian. CUSH/IONED (kfish/und), a. Seated on a cushion. CURB, Ia. Part of a bridle:-restraint; inhibition. cUsP, n. The point or horn of the moon, &c. CURB, v. a. To restrain; to check; to bridle. CiUStPI-DATE, CUS'PI-D.AT-ED, a. Pointed. [&c. CURD, an. The coagulated part of milk. [agulate. CJUS'TARD, n. Food made of eggs, milk, sugar, CUR'DLEv.n.& a. Tochangeintocurd; toco- CUS'TQ-DY, n. Imprisonment; care; security. CURE, n. Remedy; a healing:-curate's office. CrUs'TQO, n. Habit; habitual practice; usage; CURE, v. a. To lleal; to restore to health:-to salt. fashion:- duty; impost; toll; tax; tribute. CURE'LESS,a. Withoutcure; without remedy. CUS'TTIM-A-BLE, a. Common; habitual, freCURfER a,. One who cures; a healer. quent:-chargeable with duties or impost. CUR/FEWr, n. An evening bell:-a fireplate. CUSITQM-A-R.I-L, ad. Habitually; conmmonly. CU-RI-OS'I-TY, n. Inquisitiveness:-a rarity. CUs'fT.o -A-R.I-N.Ess,n.Frequency; commonness. CU'RI-OoUS, a. Inquisitive:-rare:-accurate. CUSTOIM-A-RY,a. Conformable to custom; usual. CU'RI-o uS-LY, ad. In a curious manner; exactly. CUSfTOvo-E.R, n. One in the habit of purchasing. CU/RI-OIS-NhESS, n. Inquisitiveness:-nicety. CtSITO MI-HOSE, n. A house where the taxes CURL, n. A ringlet of hair:-wave; flexure. on goods imported or exported are collected. CURL, v. a. & xt. To turn in ringlets; to twist. CUT, v. a. & n. [imp. t. & pp. cut.] To make an CURaLEW (kiirllu), ai. A kind of water-fowl. incision;, to divide; to hew; to carve. [shape. CiURL.I-NEiSS,. The state of being curled. cuT, s. Gash or wound: —a printed picture:CURL~Y, a. Having curls; tending to curl. CU-TA'NE.-OUs, a. Relating to the skin. CUR-MrDt'FE.ON (kur-mndd'jgu), at. A miser. CU T.-CLL, a. Thin, dry skin; the scarf-skin. CURRRANT, n. Name of a shrub and its fruit. Cu-TIC'U-L-R, a. Belonging to the skin. CtR'RRN-CY, n. Circulation; flow: —money. CUTILASS, n. A slightly curved cutting-sword. CURIIRENT, a. Circulating; common; passing. CUT'LER, a. One who makes or sells knives, &c. CiORRIENT, n. A running stream; course. CUT/LE~R-v, n. A cutler's business or wares. Cr1R1REINT-LY, ad. In a current manner. [tion. CUT'LET, n. A slice or small piece of meat. CtRi'RENT-NSSS, n. Circulation; general recep- CUTTIPURS,: Xn. One who steals by cutting purses. CUiRRIR.-CLE, at. An open chaise with two wheels. CUTrTE.R, a. One who cuts:-a fiast-sailing vesCUtR.R-.R, in. One who dresses leather. [pish. CiJT/THROAT,,. A murderer; an assassin. [sel. CURIRISH, a. Like a cur; brutal; sour; snap- CU0TTING.7. A piece cut off; a chop; a branch. CUR'RY, v. a. To dress, as leather; to beat; to CrTtTrLE, n. A mnollusk:-a foul-mouthed fellow. CalRRY, n. A highly-spiced Indian mixture.[rub. Cv'CLE, n. A circle: —a periodical space of time. CRp'RY-COStB (kdr're-koln),n. An iron comb. CYtCLOD, ni. A kind of geometrical curve. CURSE, v. a. To wish evil to; to execrate. CYV-CLO-PtE'DI-A -(si-lulo-pe'de-a), n. A circle CURSE,n. A malediction; affliction; torment. of the arts and sciences; an encyclopaedia. CUR'SED, a. Deserving a curse; hateful; unholy. CvStNET, n. A young swan. CURtSED-LY, ad. Miserably; shamefully. CILrIN-D:R, n. A long, round body; a roller. CURSE.R, n. One who titters curses. CY-LN/DRILC, CY-LfNIDRI-CAL, a. Like a cylinCURtsr -To R, n. A clerk in the court of chancery. der; long and round, as a cylinder. CURtS-R'I-LY, ad. Hastily; slightly. CY-ciAR', n. A loose, light gown. See SIMiAR. CURfSQ-RY, a. Hasty; quick; slight; careless; C- itt'BAL, n. A sort of musical instrument. desultory; done rapidly. [abridge. cMIE, C'I.MA, n. A kind of infiorescence. CtJR-TAILt, v. a. To cut off; to shorten; to CY-NAN/1HI:., n. A disease of the throat. CUR-TAILtER, n. One whdcurtails; an abridger. C~Nt.C, n. A follower of Diogenes; a snarler. CUR'TAIN (kiirttin), n. A cloth hanging round cVN'jC, CIN'I-CAL, a. Snarling; satirical. a bed, at a window, or in a theatre, &c. Cik'NQ-SURE or CtN'O-SfRE,n1. The star near CURITAIN, v. a. To furnish with curtains. the north pole, by which mariners are guided. CUitRtLE, a. Belonginglto a chair; magisterial. CV1PRiSs, n. A tree; an emblem of mourning. CUiRVAT-ED, a. Bent; crooked; curved. CVtPRUS, n. A thin, transparent, black stuff. CVR-VJATIQN, n. Act of bending or crooking. CIST, n. A sac containing morbid matter. CUR'VA-TURE, n. Crookedness; bent form. CZXR (zar), n. Title of the emperor of Russia. CURVE, a. Crooked; bent.-n. Any thing bent. c Z-RitN4A (za-rS'na), a. The empress of Russia. D. 1A is a consonant nearly approaching in sound DXB'BLE, V. n. To play in water:-to tamper. I to t, but formed by a stronger appulse of DAB/BLER, a. One who dabbles or meddles: the tongue to the upper part of the mouth. a Imaker of slight and superficial essays. DAB, v. a. To strike suddenly:-to touch gently. DAB'caHic]i, n. A small water-fowl. DAB, n. A lump:-a gentle blow:-an adept. DACE, in. A small river-fish of the carp kind.:,i,5,', lowng; A,,Pi,6,U,R, short; A,I,,o,V,Y, obscure.-FAREl,FiRX,FAST,FALL; HitIR,HE:R; DACTYL 89 DAY-WORK DXCf'TL (d&ak'tl), n. A poetical foot consist- DXAPPLE, a. Of various colors; variegated. ing of one long syllable and two short ones. DARE, V. n.. [imp. t. durst; pp. dared.] To have DAD, DXADDY, n. A childish term for father. courage or boldness; not to be afraid. DAFIFO-DIL, DAFfFA4-DIL-LY, n. A plant and DARE, V. a. [imp. t. & pp. dared.] To defy. flower; a species of narcissus. [mark [t]. DARfER, n. One who dares or defies. DAG'MG.R, n. A short sword; a poniard:- DARfING, a. Bold; adventurous; fearless. DAG/P.R~-DRAW'ING,?n. A drawing of dag- DkAR'NG-LY, ad. Boldly; bravely; courageousDAGI, GLE,v. n. To pass through wetordirt.[gers. DAR'ING-NEaSS, n. Boldness; fearlessness. [ly. DAHLI'.A,?7. A plant and beautiful flower. DARK, a. Wanting light; opaque; obscure. DAIILY (da'le), a. Happening every day; diurnal. DARK, n. Darkness; obscurity; want of light. DKA'LY, ad. Every day; very often. [ly. DXRK'EN (dkr'kn),v. a.& n. To make or grow DAINITI-LY,ad. Delicately; nicely; fastidious- DARK'LY, ad. Obscurely; blindly. [dark. DAINfTI-N:SS, n. Delicacy; fastidiousness. DXRK'NE.SS, n. Absence of light; obscurity. DAINfTY, a. Delicious:-nice; squeamish. DXRKtSomE (d.rklsuim),a. Gloomy; obscure. DAINITY, n. Something nice or delicate. DAR'LING, a. Favo'ite; dear; much beloved. DA1fRy, a. A place for milk:-a milk-farm. DAR!LING, n. A favorite; one much beloved. DAIRY-l-iAID, n. A female who manages a dairy. DARN, V. a. To mend, as a rent or hole. DAIfSY (da'ze), n. A plant and its flower. DARPNE.L, n. A genus of grasses; ray-grass. DALE, 71. A space between hills; a vale. DART,?z. A weapon thrown by the hand. DALXLI-ANCE, n. Mutual caresses; fondling. DART, v. a. & n. To throw or hurl rapidly; to DALfLI-.-R, 7e. One wvho dailies; a trifler. shoot; to fly rapidly, as a dart. DAL/LY,. n. To trifle; to sport; to delay. DASH, v. a. To strike:-to mix:-to ruin. [idly. DAM, n. A bank to confine water:-a mother. DASH,V. n. To rush impetuously:-to sketch rapDXM, V. a. To confine or shut up, as water. DASH, n. A collision; a stroke; small admixDAXM'.AqE, n. Mischief; hurt; detriment; loss. ture:-mark of punctuation, thus [-]. DAM'.A-E, V. a. To injure; to impair; to hurt. DASH'ING, a. Precipitate; rushing carelessly. DAM'/A4E-A-BLE, a. Susceptible of being hurt. DASITARD, n. A mean coward; apoltroon. [ery. DAMIASCEENE (daimntzn), n. A plum; damson. DIS'TARD-LI-NESS, n. Cowardliness; poltroonDXAMASK, n. Cloth with flowers or figures. DKS'TARD-LY, a. Cowardly; meanly fearful. DXAMIS-KEE N, v. a. To ornament or inlay, as DAS'TARD-Y, n. Cowardliness; poltrooneiry. iron., with gold and silver. [rose. DA'TA, n. pl. Truths admitted. See DATUM. DAMIASIK-RBOE,?i. Rose of Damascus; a red DATE, n. The time of an event, or of some DAME, sn. A lady; a mistress of a family.. writing: —a fruit of Arabia, &c. [begin. DAMN (dam),v. a. To doom to eternal torments. DATE, v. a. To note with the time.-u. n. To DXAM'NA-BLE, a. Most wicked; pernicious. DATE. LESS, a. Without any fixed term. D4M-NAtTIQN, n. Exclusion from divile mercy. DAtTIVE, a. (Crama.) The case that signifies DAM/IfNA-TO-RY, a. Containing condemnation. the person to whom any thing is given. DAJI'NI-FY, v. a. To endamage; to injure. DA'TUiM,n.; pl. D.ATA. [L.] A truth admitted. DAMP, a. Moist; wet; foggy; dejected; sunk. DAUB, v. a. To smear; to paint coarsely. DAMiP,?i. Fog; moisture; vapor:-dejection. DA.UBIER,In. A coarse, low painter:-a flatterer. DAMP, v. a. To wet; to mnoisten:-to depress. DAUB'ING, n. Plaster; coarse painting:-flattery. DAMPfER, in. That which damps or checks. DAUB'Y, a. Viscous; glutinous; slneary. DXAMP.ISH, a. Somewhat damp; inclining to wet. D.AUGH'TER (dhw'ter), n. k female child. [ter. DAiMPINESS, 11. Moisture; slight humidity. DAUUGH'TER.-LY (daw'ter-le), a. Like a daughDAMIS~EL, n. A young maiden; a girl. DAUNT (dant), v. a. To discourage; to fright. DAM5ION (dam'zn), n. A small black plum. DXUNT'LESS (dant'les), a. Fearless; bold. DANCE, V. ni. To ilnove with measured steps; DAUNT'Lr.SS-N, SS, n. Fearlessness. [France. DANCE, n. A motion of one or more in concert. DAUtPHIN, n. The heir-apparent to the crown of DAiNtCER, is. One who practises dancing. DAU'PHIN-ESS, n. The wife of a dauphin. DAN'CING, n. A moving with steps to music. DAWDLIER, no. A trifler; a dallier; an idler. DANtCING-XMAS'T.R, n. A teacher of dancing. DAWN, v. n. To grow light; to glimmer; to open. DAN-DE.-Li ON, n. The name of a plant. DXWN, n. Break of day; beginning; rise. DXN'DI-PRXT, n. A conceited little fellow. DAWN'ING, n. Break of day:-beginning. DAN'DLE,v. n. To fondle; to treat like a child. DAY (da), n. The time between the rising and DANtDLER, n. One who dandies children. setting of the sun; a24 hours:-life:-light. DANIDRUFF, n. Scurf on the head. DAYI-BOOR (da'bfk),n. Atradesman'sjournal. DAN/DY, n. A worthless coxcomb; a fo p DiAY-BREAK, n. Dawn;first appearance of dy. DANTISH, a. Relating to the Danes or to Den- DAY'DRAiAM, n. A vision to the waking senses. DANCErVR, n. Risk; hazard; peril. [mark. DAYi-LA-BQR,s n. Labor by, or in, the day. DANIQER-OUS, a. Full of danger; perilous. [ger. DA.'Y-LA-BOR-E.R, n. A worker by the day. DAN'15:R-OUS-LY, ad. Hazardously; with dan- DXAYLGOHT (da'lit), n. The light of the day. DAN'QER-OVS-NESS, n. Danger; peril; hazard. DAYI'-LIL-Y, n. A kind of plant and its flower, DXNIGLE, v. n. To hang loose; to foliow. DAY/I[MAN, n. An umpire; an arbitrator. DANfGLER, n. One who dangles, or hangs about. DAY SPRING, n. Rise of the day; the dawn. DANK, a. Damp; humnid; moist; wet. DAY'-STAR, n. The morning star; Venus. DANK, n. Damp; moisture; humidity. DAYtTIM'IE, n. Tinme in which there is light. DAPH'NE, n. A genus of diminutive shrubs. DAYT-WORK, n. Work performed or imposed DAP'PErR, a. Little and active; spruce; trim. by the day; day-labor. MiEN, SYIR; MOVE, NiR, SoSN; BULL, BijR, ROLE. —, 9, soft; fj, s, hard; ~ as z; * as gz z THIS; DAZZLE 90 DE CLARATION DXZ'ZLE, v.a. Tooverpowerwithlight;todim. DECtADE, n. Tile sum or number of ten. DEA'CON (detkn), n. An ecclesiastical officer. DEC'A-G6N, n. A plane figure having ten sides. DEAICON-ESS (dE'kn-6s),n. A female deacon. DECtA-LOGUE (-a-16g), a. Ten commandments, DEA'CON-RY,IDEA'CON-SHIP,?.Office of deacon. DE-CAMXt-RON, n. A volume having ten books DEAD (ddd), a. Deprived of life; inanimate. DECAMXP;, v. a. To shift a camp; to move off. DEAD (did), n. -Dead persons:-still time. DE-CAMP/AIENT, n. The act of decarnping. DhADI-DRUNK, p. a. Drunk and motionless. DE-CANTf, v. a. To pour off gently, as liquor. DADIEN (didldn), v. a. To deprive of vigor. DEC-AN-TAtTION, n. The act of decanting. DP.AD'-LIFT, n. A lift with main strength. [dow. DE-CAN'TER, x7. Glass vessel for holding liquor. DPAD'LIGHtT, n. A wooden port for a cabin win- DE -CAPti-TATE, v. a. To cut off the head of. DhAD'LY (did'le), a. Causing death; fatal. [ity. DE-CAP-I-TXtTIQN, n. The act of beheading. DhADfNESS (diednes),n. Lifelessness; inactiv- DE-CXY, v. n7. To lose excellence; to waste DhADI-RECRKON-ING (did'rIk'kn-lng), n. Esti- DE-CAYt, n. A decline; gradual failure. [away. mlation of the place where a ship is, by the log. D]-CEASE, na. Death; departure froom life. DEAF (dif), a. Wanting the sense of hearing. DE-CEASEt (deassts'), v. n. To die; to expire. DEAFfEN (dif'fn), v. a. To make deaf; to stun. De.-CEIT' (de-sitt), 1n. Fraud; cheat; artifice. DhAF'LY (dif'le), ad. In a deaf manner. DE-CEITIFUL, a. Fraudulent; full of deceit. DEAF'NESS (def'nes), a. Want of hearing. DE-CEIT'FFL-LY, ad. Fraudulently; with deceit. DEAL (del), n. Part; quantity:-fir or pine wood. DE-CEIT'Ft4L-NESS, n. State of being deceitful. DEAL, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. dealt, dealed.] To I1E-CEIVyA-BLE, a. Liable to be deceived. distribute; to divide; to bestow; to throw Dg-CEIVA4-BLE-NtSS, a. Liableness to be deDEAL, v. n. To-traffic; to transact; to act. [about. ceived; ability to deceive or delude. DEAL'tR,n. One who deals; atrader,tradesman. DE-CEIVE1 (de-sEvt), v. a. To cause to misDEALVING, n. Practice; intercourse; traffic. take; to delude; to impose on; to beguile. DEAN, n. An ecclesiastical dignitary:-a clerk D.-CEIV'ER, n. One who deceives; a cheat. or secretary of a faculty of a college, &c. DE-C.EMfBER, n. The last month of the year. DEAN'ER-Y, Iz. The office or house of a dean. DIE-CEMiVI-RAL,a. Belongingto adecemvirate. DEANtSHIP, a. The office or dignity of a dean. DE-CEMIVI-R.ATE, n. Governnient by ten rulers. DEItR (der), a. Beloved; precious; costly. DE-CTEIItVI-R, n. [L.] The ten magistrates of DEAR, n. A darling; a person beloved, ancient Rome having the whole government. DEARIBOUGHT (dir'bawt),~a. Purchased at a DECEN.-CY, n. Propriety; decorulni, modesty. high price; costly; expensive. [high price. DEI-CENtNA-RY, n. Tithing:-period of tell years. DEAR1LY (derfle), ad. In a dear manner; at a DE-CENtNI-.AL, a. Continuing for ten years:DE ARI'NSS, n. Fondness; love:-costliness. happening every ten years. [comely. DEARTH (dbrth), n. Scarcity; want; famine. DEtCENT, a. Becoming'; fit; suitable; modest; DEATH (dith),sn. Extinction of life; mnortality. DtCECNT-LY, ad. In a decent or proper manner. DEATHI-BED, n. Bed on which a person dies. DE-CEpT-I-BILLI-TY,n.Liablenesstobedeceived. DEATHtLEss, a. Immortal; never-dying. D.-CEPT'I-BLE, a. Liable to be deceived. DEATHt-LIKE (d6thtllk), a. Resembling death. DE-CEPtTION, n. The act of deceiving; fraud. DEATH'S'-DOOR, a. A near approach to death. DE-CEP'T-IVE, a. Having the power of deceiving. DEATHst'MAN (dthst'ian),n. An executioner. DL-CHARMt, v. a. To counteract by a charm. DEATIHWATCH (dithll'ich), n. A sort of insect. DE -CI DA-BLE, a. Capable of being determined. DE-BARt, v.a. To exclude; to hinder; to prevent. DE-CiDE~, v. a. & n. To determine, end, settle. DE-BA SEt, v. a. To degrade:-to adulterate. DE-I-CID1ED-Ly, ad. In a determined manner. DE:-BASEIMENT, n. Actof debasinig; degrada- DEQII4-DENCE, n. The act of falling off. Dg-BASt ER, a. One who debases; degrader. [tion. DE-CIDtE R, n. One who decides or determines. DE-B ATtA-BLE, a. Disputable; contestable. D.-CIDU.'-OIJS a. Falling off; not evergreen. DE-BsATE., n. A dispute; a quarrel; a contest. DEVt.-M.AL, a. Numbered by ten; pertaining D5.-BXATE, v. a. & n. To controvert; to dispute. to a system of tenfold increase or decrease. DE-BA TtER, n. One who debates; a disputant. D-:tI-MAXTrE v. a. To tithe:-to take the tenth. D-.-BAUCH1, v.a. To corrupt; tovitiate; to ruin DE-I-MATIQN, A selection of every tenth. DE-BAUCH,n a. Drunkenness; excess; lewdness. DE:1 -MA~-TOR, n. One who decimates. DEB-AU-9HEE (db-9-sht'), n. A rake; a drunk- DE-CI'PHt.R, v. a. To explain, unfold, unravel. ard; a libertine. [rupter. DE-CCPH]iR-E R, n. One who deciphers. DE-BIUCHtER, n. One who debauches; a cor- DE-CItIItQN (de-slzh'un), n. Determination. Di-BAUCH'tR-y, n. Intemperance; lewdness. DE-CItSIVE, a. Conciusive; final; positive. Di.-BA.UCH'M'.E NT, a. The act of debauching. DE-,ItSIVE-Ly, ad. In a conclusive manner. DE-BPENT'JRE (de-bint'yur), n. A certificate. DE-CI'SIVE-NE SS, n. State of being decisive. DE-BIL'-TATE, v.a. To weaken: to make faint. DE-CtSQ-Ry, a. Able to determine. [adorn. DE-BIL-I-TA'.TIQN, n. The act of weakenling. DECK, v. a. To cover; to dress; to array; to D.-BILtI-Ty, n. Weakness; feebleness; languor. DECK, n. The floor of a ship: —a pack of cards. DEB'tT,n. Money due for goods sold on credit. DECKtRER, n. One who decks; a dresser. DEB'IT, v. a. To charge or register with debt. DE-CLAIMI,,v.. To speak rhetorically, harangue. DEB-Q-NAIR', a. Courteous; affable; gentle. DE-CLAI/I1ER,n. One who declaims; haranguer. DEI-BOUCHt (de-hchl), v. an. To march out. DEPC-LA-MTfiTIQN, n. The art of declainiing;* DEBRIS (da-bre'), a. [Fr.] Fragments; ruins. a declamatory speech; an harangue. [tion. DEBT (dit),n. What one man owes to another. DE-CLXI'A-TO -RY, a. Pertaining to declalsaDEBTtQR (dit'or), n. One that owes money, &c. DhC-LA-RA'tT'QN,. A proclamation; assertion. DECLARATIVE 91 DEFILE iE -ClLXR'.A TYVE, a. Proclaiming; explanatory. DE-DICE'ME. NT, n. Inference; thing deduced. DE:-CLARfA- TQO-RY, a. Affirmative; expressive. DE.-DUFCI-BLE, a. Inferrible; consequential. DE CLARE/, v. a. & n. To make known; to DE-IDCT, v. a. To subtract; to take away. proclaim; to assert; to announce; to utter. DE-DUC'TION, n. A deducting; inference. DE -CLEN'SION, na. Descent; deterioration; de- DEM-DUC1TIVE, a. Deducible; inferrible. gellneracy:-grammatical inflection of nouns, DEED, n. Action; act; exploit:-fact.-(Lawz.) DE-CLi'NA-BLE, a. That may be declined. [&c. An instrument between parties able to contract. DE:C-L I-NATION, a. Descent; deviation. [&c. DEEM, v. a. & n. To judge; to think. I)C-LI- NA'TOR, n. An instrument in dialinlg, DEEP, a. Descending far; profound:-artful: DE.-CLINE, v. ni. To lean:-to shun; to refuse: -absorbed; swallowed up.; engrossed:-dark. -to decay; to decrease; to diminish. DEEP, n. The'sea; the main; the ocean. DE-CLINEI, v. a. To refuse:-to vary r inflect. DEEPIEN (depn), v. a. & n. To make or grow DE-CLINE/, it. A falling off; diminution; decay. deep; to make more dark, as colors. DI)-CL'V'I-TY, n. A slope; gradual descent. DEjPrLy, ad. To a great-depth; profoundly, DE-CLIlVOUs,'a. Gradually descending;sloping. DEEPINE.sS, n. Depth; profundity; sagacity. DEI-C CT', v. a. To boil; to digest; to inflame. DEER, n. A forest animal hunted for venison. DEi-C6CTIQN, n, Act of boiling; matter boiled. DE-FACE, v. a. To mar; to efface; to disfigure. DE C-QL-LAtITQN, in. The act of beheading. Dg-FACE'MENT, n. Marring; razure; injury. D. —'COL-'QR-.ATIQN, n. Absence or privation DE-FA-CER,n. Onewho defaces; a disfigurer. of color. [pound; to resolve. DE-FALtCXATE, v. a. To cut off; to lop; to DE-COM-PSEt, v. a. To dissolve; to decom- take away a part of, as of public accounts. DIE-CQM-PO6'ITE,a. Compounded a second time. DEF-AL-CAt.TON, n. Diminution; abatement; DiE-C0M-POQ-"lttIN, n. A separation of parts. breach of trust by one having charge of money. DE-COM-PO0ND't, v. a. To compound anew. DtF-.A-MXtTIO N,n;.Slander; calunsny;detraction. )DE-COM-P610D't, a. Compounded a second time. DE-FXMtA-TO-Ry, a. Calumnious; libellous. DETClO-RATE, v. a. To adorn; to embellish. DEv-FAME',. a.' To slander; to calumniate. DEC-O-A'TiON, n. Ornament; embellishment. DWE-FAMtER, n. One who defames; a slanderer. I]DE-C6OROUS or DfCt'-'ROSS,:a. Decent; suit- DOE-FATtI'GA-BLE, a.'Liable to be weary. able to a character; becoming; proper; fit. DTE-FAULT',n. Omission; failure; fault; defect. -IDE-CtRo0Us-LY, ad. In a becoming manner. DE-FAULTt, v. n. To fail in performing a conDE'-CoR'TS-CATE, v. a. To divest of the bark. tract, or to appear in court; failure. DTI-COR-TI-CA'TION, A. The act of peeling. DE.-FXULT'ER, n. One that makes default. DE-'CoR'VM, n. Decency; order; propriety. DE-FEA'9ANCE (de-ft'zans), n. Actofannulling. DE-C:ot, v. a. To lure; to entrap; to inshare. DE-FEA~1I-BLE, a. Capable of being annulled. TDE-cy, n. Allurement; a lure; a snare. DE-FEATr, n. An overthrow; frustration.[trate. DE.-COY't-DCK, n. A duck that lures others. DE-FEATt, v. a. To conquer; to undo; to frusTDE CREASEt, v. n. & a. To grow or make less. DEFtE-CATE, V. a. To clarify; to refine;to clear. DI-CREASEt, A. Decay; state of growing less. DEF't-CATE, a. Purged from lees or foulness. DiE-CREEl, v. a. To doom oriassign by a decree, Dh F-E-CA TION, i. Purification; clarification. DIE-CRE', n. An edict a law:-determination. DE-F:CT', n. A fault; imperfection; a blemish. ECt'RE.-E PNT, n. Decrease; waste;diminution. DE-FECT1I-BLE, a. Imperfect; deficient. DEr-CREP tT,i a. Wasted and worn with age. DE-FEC'TION, n. Want; failure; apostasy; DTI-CREP I-TATE, v. a. To cracikle in the fire. revolt from duty or allegiance. [faulty. DE.-CREP-T-TA'TION, n. iA crackling noise. DE-FECtTIVE, a. Full of defects; imperfect; DTEICRF, PI-TUDE, n. The last stage of old age. IE-FCtTIVE-LY, ad. In a defective manner. DE-CRisrcE NT, a. Growing less; decreasing. DE -FECITIVE-NhSS, In. State of being imperfect. DI-CaRETAL, a. Appertaining to a decretal. DE:-F:NCE, sn. Guard; vindication; resistance. DE-CREfTAL, n. A book of decrees or edicts. DE.-FENCE'LESS, a. Unarmed; unguarded; Di CRE-T:Q-RY, a. Judicial; definitive; deciding. weak; exposed. [unprotected manner. DE-CRt.AL, il. Clamorous censure; condemna- DE-FENCEtLESS-LY, ad. Ih a defenceless or TDE-CRIE'R, n. One who decries. [tion. IE-FENCE'LEsSS-NYgSS, n. Unprotected state. TDE-CRY1 v. a. To censure; to clamor against. DE-FEND', v. a. To protect; to vindicate. DE-CUMiiBENCE, DE-CUMIBE N-Cy, n. The act DE -FENDIANT, n. A person accused or sued. or posture of lying down; prostration. DE -FEND'ER, RiI. One who defends; an advocate. D1E-CfMl'BENT, a. Lying down; recumbent. DE-F-NtS-LE, a, That may be defended. DI1-CTM'BI-TURE, n. Confinement to the bed. DO.-FENSIVE, a. Serving to defend; resisting. DIC'tU-PLE (ddk'u-pl), a. Repeated ten times. DE-FEN'SIVE, n. A safeguard; state of defence. DE-CU'RI —ON, n. A commander over ten men. DE-FFNtSIVE-LY, ad. In a defensive manner. DE-CUR'SION, n. The act of running down. DI-F.R', v. a. To put off; to delay; to refer. DE-CtfS5sATE, v. a. To intersect at acute angles. DrtFER-ENCE, n. Regard; respect; submission. DtIC US-SA1TIQN, n. The act of crossing. TiE-FFiANCE: n. A challenge; contempt of IDtlI-CATE,s. a. To consecrate; to inscribe. opposition or danger; a setting at nought. Dt D/II-CA TE a. Consecrate; devoted; sacred. DE-FItANT, a. Biddling defiance; challenging. DEtD-i-CA'TTON, n. Consecration,; an address. DE -FIT"CIN-CY (-fislie'n-se), n. Want; defect. DTID'~l-CA-TQR, n. One who dedicates. DIE -FI1CIE NT (-fish'ent), a. Failing; wanting.:DPDTi-C.A-TQ-RY, a. Relating to a dedication. DEF'I-C1T. n. [L.] Want.; deficiency; lack. DE-Dl11TIQN (de-dish'un), n. A surrender. DE-FFIER, n. A challenger; a contemner. DEI-DUCE', v. a. To draw; to infer; to gather. DE-FILE', v. a. To make foul; to pollute. MIEN., aIR; MbVE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, RCLE. —Q, A,soft; E,, hard; as z as as gz; fTi'It. DEFILE 92 DEMANDABLE DE-FILE/, n. A narrow passage or way. DE -LVYt, v. a. & n. To put off; to. hinder; to DE-FILEtME.NT, i. Corruption; pollution. DE-LAYt, n. A deferring; stay; stop. [linger. DE-FIL'ER, at. One who defiles; a polluter. D'LE, v. a. Blot out; erase. DEL-FIN.A-BLE, a. Capable of being defined. DELtE-BLE, a. Capable of being effaced. DE-FINE', v. a. To explain; to describe, limit. DE.-L C'TA-BLE, a. Pleasing; delightful. D.-FINIE R, n. One who defines or describes. DEL'E-GATE, v. a. To send on an embassy DiF 1I-NITE, a. Certain; limited; exact; precise. to depute; to commission:-to intrust. DEt.I-NYTE-Ly, ad. In a definite manner. DELE -GATE, n. A deputy; a commissioner. DEF/I-NITE-NESS, n. Certainty; exactness. DEL-E.-G.ATIQN, n. A sending away; deputaDYF -I-NIt1TIQN (dtf-e-nlsh'un), n. The act of tion: —persons delegated. [face. defining; meaning; description; explication. DE-LETEf, v. a. To blot out; to erase; to efDE-FINtI-TIVE, a. Determinate; positive. DiL-E-TE'RI-OfS, a. Deadly; destructive. DE-FIN'i-TIVE, n. That which defines; final. DE-LETION, n. Act.of erasing or blotting out. DE-FIN'I-TIVE-LY, ad. Positively; decisively. DELFT, n. Earthen ware resembling porcelain. DE-FIN'I-TIVE-N:ISS, n. Decisiveness; conclu- DE-LIBE. R-ATE, v. a. & n. To weigh; to conDE-FLA'GRA-BLE, a. Combustible. [siveness. sider any thing; to ponder; to reflect. D:BF'LA-GRATE, v. a. (Cholem.) To set fire to; DE-LIB'ER-ATE, a. Circumspect; wary; slow. to cause to burn suddenly. [bustion. DE-LB'ER-ATE-LY,ad. In a deliberate manner, DPF-LA-GRA/TION, n. Rapid or sudden corn- DE-LIB'ER- ATE-NSS, n. Circumspection. DE-FLECTt, v. a. To turn aside; to bend. DE-LIB-ER-'TION, n. Act of deliberating. DE-FLfEC'TIQN, n. Deviation; a turning aside. DE-LntiER-.A-TlVrE, a. Containing deliberation. DdiF-LQ-RA'TION, a. Act of deflquring; rape. DlL'I-CA-CY, 1. Daintiness; nicety; refineDE-FLOUR/, v. a. To ravish; to destroy beauty. ment; a dainty:-gentle treatment; tenderness. DE-FL0URaE.R,. Onewhodeflours; aravisher. DELL'I-CATE, a. Nice; dainty; fine; refined. DE-FLrXtlQON, n. A flowing downward. I LtLI-CATE-LY, ad. In a delicate manner. DE-rORCEi, v. a. To keep out of possession. DFLIG-CATE-NESS, n. Tenderness; softness. D:E-FORMI, v. a. To disfigure; to deface. DlE-LIlCIOVS (de-lish.us), a. Highly pleasing; DiEF-OR-MATON, n. A defacing; a disfiguring. very grateful; sweet; agreeable; charming. DE-FORMED' (-firmd'), p. a. Ugly: disfigured. DE-LItCIOVS-LY, ad. In a delicious manner. DE-FORM'E.D-NtYSS, n. Ugliness; deformity. DE-LLCIOUS-NI SS,n. Quality ofbeing delicious. DE-FORM/EiR, n. One who defaces or deforms. DE-LIGHTI (de-lit'), n. Great pleasure or joy. DE-FORM'I-TY, Xl. Ugliness; defect; distortion. DE-LIGHTf (de-lt'), v. a. To please greatly. DE-FRAUD', V. a. To rob by trick; to cheat. DE-LIGHT1 (de-llt'), v. n. To have delight. DE-FRAUVD/ER, n. One who defrauds; a cheater. DE-LIGHT1FUL (de-lit'ffil), a. Highly pleasing. DE-FRAY1, v. a. To bear, as charges; to pay. DE-LIGHT/FUL-LY, ad. In a delightful manner. DE.-FRA*Y~ER, n. One who defrays. [person. DE-LIGHTfF0L-NESS, n. Great pleasure; joy. DE-FONCT', a. Dead; deceased.-n. A dead DE-LIN/E-ATE, v.a. To design; to sketch; to DE-FY', v. a. To challenge; to dare; to brave. draw; to represent; to describe; to portray. DE:-qNfER-A-CY, n a. A growing worse; dete- DE-LIN-E -XTION, al. Outline; sketch; drawing. rioration; inferiority; poorness. [teriorate. DE-LIN1QUEN-Cy, ln. A fault; a nmisdeed; crime. DE-YNfER-ATE, V. n. To grow worse; to de- DLE-LINQUENT (de-ling'kwent), n. An offender. DE —GN'ER-RATE a. Grown worse; base. DLL-I-QUESCE! (-kwesl), v. n. To melt in air. DE-5'-EN'ER-ATE-LY, ad. In a degenerate man- DLL-I-QUIES1CENCE, n. A liquefying in the air. DE-QEPN'ER-.ATE-NE SS, n. Degeneracy. [ner. DEL-.-QUES'CE.NT, a. Liquefying in the air. DE,-EN-ER- ATIQN, a1. Act of degenerating. DE-L IRI- S, a. Light-headed; raving; insane. DEG~-LU-TIT.TION (deg-lu-tlsh'un), n. A swal- DLE-LR I-OUS-NESS, n. The state of one raving. lowing; the power of swallowing. [ness. DE-LIR1I-.M, n. Alienation of mind; insanity. DdG-RA-DAITION, n. Act of degrading; base- DE-IIV'ER, v. a. To set free; to release, utter. DE-GRAADEF, v. a. To place lower; to lower. DE-VER. -ANCE,n. Release; rescue;utterance. DE-GREE', n. Quality; rank; station; step; DE-LIVLER- ER, n. One who delivers. [rescue. proportion:-360th part of a circle; 691 miles. DE-LIV1ER-Y, n. Act of delivering; release; D]E-HORTT, v. a. To dissuade earnestly. DELL, n. A little dale or valley; a dingle. DE-HOR-TAtTION, n. Earnest dissuasion. DE-LUDtA-BLE, a. Liable to be deceived. DE-HO R'TA-TO-RY,a. Tending to dissuade; dis- DnE-LDE', v. a. To impose upon; to cheat. DE-I-FZ-CA'TIQN, a. Act of deifying. [suading. DE-LUDIER, n. One who deludes; a deceiver. DE'I-FI-ER, n. One who deifies. DELL UQE (dMtl'lj), n. A general inundation. D'!-FORM, a. Of a godlike form. D2 LIU1E, v. a. To drown; to overwhelm. D.'I-aY, v.a. To make a god of; to extol. DEI-L U'ION (de-lit'zhun), n. Error; deceit. DEIGN (dan), v. n. To condescend; to vouch- DE-LU'SIVE, DE.-LJSIOQ-RY, a. Deceptive; falsafe; to think fit or proper. [low. lacious; deceitful; fraudulent; deluding. DEIGN (dan), v. a. To grant; to permit; to al- DELVE, v. a. & n. To dig; to open with a spade. D'IISM, n. The doctrine or creed of a deist. DMI'A -G6GUE (dtm'a-glg), n. A ringleader DERIST, at. One who believes in the existence of a faction; a popular and factious orator. of God, but disbelieves revealed religion. DE-MAINt, or DEi-MESNE' (do-man', de-lnent), DE-ISWTI-CAL, a. Belonging to deism or deists. n. A freehold; an estate in land; a manor. D:Ei'-Ty, n. The Divine Being; divine nature. DE-MANDf, v. a. To claim with authority. DE.-JGCTI, v. a. To cast down; to depress. DE-MitND', n. A claim; a question; exaction. DE-JY:C'TIQN,n. Lowness ofspirits;depression. DE-MitND'A-BLE, a. That may be demanded. A,E,],OStii, long; X,,,i,6,,t1,, skort;,EI,O,UQ,V, obscure.-FAREFR,F.ASTFLL; H:eIR,HER; DEMANDANT 93 DEPOSER DE-MANDtANT, n. A plaintiff in a real action. DE-NW5tNCV',MENT, n. Denunciation. DE-MANDE.R, n. One who demands; claimant. Di-NioONt'ER, 11. One who denounces. DE-MAR-CA'TION, n. Division; boundary. DENSE. a. Close; compact; thick; condensed DE-MrANS, v. a. To behave-; to carry or con- DENtSI-TTY, at. Closeness; compactness. duct one's self:-to debase; to disgrace. DENT, n. A mark. —v. a. To make a dent in; DE -MVEAN'OR, n. Carriage; behavior; conduct. DEN'TAL, a. Belonging to the teeth. [to indent. DE-MtER IT, n. Desert of ill or blame; ill desert. DEN1TAL,?n. A letter pronounced by the teeth. DE- MER SION (de-mnlrfshun), n. A drowning. DENT1ED, a. Notched; indented. [point. Dr —MIESNEt (de-men'), n. See DEMAIN. DLN TI-CLE, n. (Aitch.) A small projecting DEt.M I (dm'e e). A prefix signifying half. DEN-TIC1U-LXT- E D, a. Set with small teeth. DBlt.I-JOHN,?s. A large glass vessel or bottle. DEN-TIC-J-LA'TIQN,. The state of being set DE-MI~Ef, n. Death; decease:-lease; transfer. with teeth, or with prominences like teeth. DE,-HIME, v. a. To grant at one's death; to will. DENtTI-FRICE, ns. A powder for the teeth. DE-MOCRA-CY, 1.. Government by the people. DENITIST, n. A tooth-surgeon or tooth —doctor. DLEI/Q-CRHXT,. One devoted to democracy. DEN-TI1TIOQN, n. The breeding of teeth; teethDEM-O-CRXAT1IC, a. Pertaining to democ- ing:-the time of teething. [n aked. DEM-6-CRATt'I-CAL, racy, or government by DEN-U-DAXTIQN, n. A stripping or snaking the people; republican; popular. [manner. DE-NUDE, V. a. To strip; to make naked. DLM-9-CRAT'I-CAL-LY, ad. In a democratical DE-NDNtCI-ATE (-she-at),v. a. To denounce. DE-MOLtISII, V. a. To throw down; to destroy. DE-NUN-CI-X/TIQN (de-nin-she.-atshgn), n. The DE-MOLmISH-ER, n. Onie who demolishes. act of denouncing; menace; arraignment. DEM-Q-LIt1TIQN (dUm-o-lislfu'n),n.Destruction. DL -NUN'CI-AX-TOR (de-nun-she-a'tqr), n. One DE'MON, n. A spirit; an evil spirit; a devil. who denounces:-a threatener. [owvn. DE-MHONI-Xc, a. Belonging to evil spir- DE N,. a. To contradict; to refuse; to disDE.M-Q-N1LA-CAL, C its; devilish; infernal. DE-OB1STRU-ENT, a. Removing obstructions. DE-AtO1NI-XC, n. One possessed by a demon. DE.O-DAND, s;. A thing given or forfeited to God. DE-Mn N-0Loo-gy, n.'A treatise on evil spirits. DE-PXRTt, v. n. To go away; to leave:-to DE-M)ONTSTRA-BLE, a. That may be demon- decease; to die. [division. strated; that may be proved. [monstrable. DE-PART'MENT, n. Separate office, part, or DE-M6ON'TRA-BLE-N33SS, n. The being de- DE-PART'UR'E (de-parttyur), n. A going away; DE-MON'STRA-BLY, ad. Evidently; clearly. abandonment; desertion:-death; decease. DE-MONISTRATE,V. a. To prove with certainty. DE-PASTftURE (de-past'yur), v. an. To feed. DEM-QN-STRAXTION, a. Indubitable proof. DE-PIUtPER-AiTE, v. a. To make poor. DVE-ION1STRA-TIVE, a. Invincibly conclusive. DE-PEND, V..n. To hang; to rely; to adhere. DE-MON/STRA- TYVE- LY, ad. Clearly. D.-PLND1ANT, n. A subordinate; a relier. DEMIQN-STRA-TQR or DE.-MiNISTRX-TQR, n. DE-PEINDE.NCE, n. Connection; trust; reliOne who demonstrates. [als. ance:-something hanging from a support:D:E-MOR-AL-1I-zZfTION n. Destruction of mor- connection:-an adjunct; a subject province. DE-MHORAL-1ZE, V. a. To destroy the morals of. DE-PEND'ENT, a. Hanging down; subordinate. D]E-MHL;CENT, a. Softening; mollifying. DE-PENDIENT, n. One subordinate; dependant. DE.-MUR', v. in. To doubt; to pause; to hesitate. DE-PYCT1, v. a. To paint; to portray; to describe. D1-rMUR, n. Doubt; hesitation; pause. DIP-I-LATIO N, n. A pulling off the hair. DE —MURE1, a. Sober; grave; downcast; modest. DE-PIL.A-TO-RY, a. Taking away the hair. DE-I-mUREfLY, ad. In a demure manner; gravely. DE.-PLE1TION, n. An emptying:-blood-letting. DI-MURE1N1.SS, n. Affected modesty or gravity. D-PLORIA-BLE, a. Lamentable; calamitous. DE-MrORIRA9E, n. Delay of ships:-an allow- DE:-PLOR'A-BLE-N:IESS, n. The being deplorable. ance for delaying ships. Fa lawsuit. DE-PLORIA-BLY, ad. Lamentably; miserably. DE-M0tRRIER, n. One who demurs:-stop in DE-PLORE', v. a. To lament; to bewail; to DE-MYa, n. A particular size of paper. - mourn to bemoan. [bewailer. Dk3N, n. A cavern; the cave of a wild beast. DE-PLOR1E.R, n. A lamenter; a mourner; a DE-NXtTI.ON-AL-IZE (de-nashtun-l-Iz), v.. a. DE-PLOY1, v. a. To unfold, as a body of troops. To take away national rights from. DEP-LU-MA'TIQN, n. A plucking off feathers: DEN-DRDLtO-iY, n. Natural history of trees. -a disease or swelling of the eyelids. DE-NI.A-BLE, a. Capable of being denied. DE-PLUMEt, v. a. To strip of feathers. DE-NI'AL, n. Negation; refusal; abjuration. DE-P(ONENT, n. One who makes oath to a DE-NIt.R, n. One who denies; a refuser. written statement. [ple. DEiN'I-GIRATE, v. a. To blacken; to make black. DE-POPU -LATE, v. a.- To dispeople; to unpeoDEN-I-Z.ATIQN, 7a. The act of enfranchising. DE.-POP-U-LXtTIQN, n. Act of depopulating. DEN/I-ZEN, n. A citizen; one enfranchised.[to. DE.-POPU -LAT-QR, n. One who depopulates. DE-NOMfl-NXATE, V. a. To name; to give nanie DE-PORT1, v. a. To carry; to demean; to act. D].-NOM-I-NXATIQN, n. A name given to a thing. DEP-OR-TA1TION,?1. Removal; transportation; DE-NOMl.-NA-TIVE, a. That gives a name. banishment; exile. [meanor. DE-NOMIt-NX-TQR, n. The giver of a name: DE.-PORTIM.NT, n. Conduct; bearing; de-term of a fraction denoting the number of DL-PO/SA-BLE, a. Capable of being deposed. DirN-Q-TA.TION, n. The act of denoting. [parts. DE-PO;'AL, n. The act of divesting of office. DE-NO'TA-TiVE, a. Having power to denote. DE-POSE1,. a. To degrade; to dismiss. DE-NOTE/, a. a. To mark; to sow,betol en. DE-POEt, v. n. To bear witness; to testify. DE -N ONCEI, V. a. To threfiten; to accuse. DFi-PO'ER, an. One who deposes; a deponent. MIEN, sYR; M6VE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, ROLE. —A, 9, soft;,,, hard; ~ as z; y as gz; THIS DEPOSIT Do DESPATCH DE-PO6qIT, v. a. To lay up; to drop; to intrust. DE-SCPND' (de-snd%), v. n. To come down. DE-P6O'/lT, n. Any thing deposited; a pledge. Di;-SCENDIANT, 7n. Offspring of an ancestor. D/!-POtI-TA ~RY, n. One to whom a thing is DE-SCEND'JNT, a. Falling; descending. intrusted.-(Law.)Receiver of another's goods, D -SCEND-I-BiLI-TY, n. The being descendible. DEP-Q-~tTIOQN (ddp-o-zish'un), n. The act of DE-SCENDfI-BLE, a. Capable of being degiving testimony on oath; testimony in writ- scended: —that may descend. [sion. ing under oath:-dethronement. [thing. DE-SCEN'SIrQN,n. A going downward; declenDE.-PO6'I-TO-RY, n. A place for lodging any DRi-SChlNtSTQN-A.L, a. Relating to descent. Di-POT' (de-po'), n. A depository; a store- DE-SCEN'SIVE, a. Descending; having power house; a warehouse:-railway station. to descend; tending downward. DkeP-.RA-VA'TIQN n. Corruption; depravity. DE-SCENT1, n. Declivity; invasion; extraction. DE-PRAVE', v. a. To vitiate; to corrupt; to spoil. DE-SCRIBEt, v. a. To delineate; to represent DE.-PRXV'I-TY, a. Corruption; a vitiated state. Di.-SCRIBER, an. One who describes.[by words. DP'itRE-CATE, v. a. To beg off; to pray against. DE-sCRIE.R, n. A discoverer; a detecter. DE.P-RlE.-CAtTIQN, a. Prayer against evil. DE-SCRIPtTION, n. Act of describing; delinD:iP'RE.-CA-TQ-RY, a. That serves to deprecate. eation; relation; account; representation. DEP'RE.-CA-TQR, n. One who deprecates. DE-SCRIP'TIVE, a. Containing description. DE.-PRE1CI-XTE (de-pre'she-it), v. a. To un- DE-SCRY, v. a. To spy; to detect; to discover. dervalue; to disparage; to decry; to malign. DES'E-CRATE, v. a. To divest of sacredness; D1-PRE-CI-A'TIQN (de-pre-shle-ashun), n. Act to profane:-to divest of sacred office. of lessening the worth or value of any thing. DiS-E -CRA'TION, n. The act of desecrating. DiP'rRE-DATE, v. a. To rob; to pillage; to spoil. Di'~ERT n. A wilderness; a solitude; waste. DEP-RE-DA'TION, sn. A robbing; a spoiling. D E'LRT, a. Wild; waste; solitary; void. DEPtRE.-DA-TOR n. A robber; a devourer. DE-baRT', v. a. To forsake; to abandon. DE-PRESS', v. a. To cast down, humble, deject. DEL-~ERTt, v. n. To run away clandestinely.. DE.-pR:SI'SION (de-prtsh'.n), n. Dejection; de- D -ERT', a. Claim to reward merit or despondency; melancholy:-a hollow. [down. D-:EbRT':ER, n. One who deserts. [merit.DE-PRESS'QR, t. One that keeps or presses DE-RERtTIQN, n. Act of deserting; dereliction. DEP-RI-V.ATIQN, n. The act of depriving; loss. DE-ERVEi, v. n. To be worthy of good or ill. DE-PRIVE1, v. a. To take from, bereave, debar. D E-sRVEt', v. a. To be worthy of; to merit. DE-PRIVE. R, n. He who, or that which,deprives. DE- RV'ING, a. WYorthy; meritorious. DEPTH, n. Deepness; profundity; sagacity. D -SIC'CANT, n. An application that dries up. DE-POL'SION, n. A driving or thrusting away. D)E-SIC1CATE, v. a. & n. To dry up. DkP'IV-RATE, v. a. To purify; to cleanse. DE-sC'cC.A-TIVE, a. Having the power of drying.. DtP-V-RAtTIQN, n. The act of cleansing, DE -SiDE.R-ATE, v. a. To want; to desire. DRjP-J-TAlTIQN, n. Act of deputing:-vice- DE-SID-EIR-ATUM, n.; pl. DE-S1D-ER-X/TA. gerency conimmission:-persons deputed. Something not possessed, but wanted. DE-PUTEt, v. a. To send; to empower to act. {IDE-SiGNt (de-sin' or de-zInt), v. a. To purDtP'5V-TY, n. A delegate; a substitute, any pose; to intend; to plan; to project. [a sketch. one that transacts business for another. iDE-SIGN' (-sTin), a. Intention; purpose; plan; Di-RA.Il-NATE, v. a. Tc pluck up by the roots. JIID-SIGN!A-BLE (-sint), a. Capable of being DE-RANQEI, v. a. To.disorder; to embarrass. designed; that nmay be marked'out. DE-RANqERMENT, n. Disorder: —disorder of DES'IG-N-ATE, sv. a. To point out; to mark. hnind; delirium; insanity. [saken. DLS-IG-NAtTIQN,n. Appointment; direction. Di-RiE-LICT, a. Purposely relinquished; for- IIDE-SIGN'ED-LY (de-sin'ed-le), ad. Purposely. DEIR-.-LIC'TIQN, n. Act of forsaking; desertion. [IDE-SIGNIER (de-slnter), n. One who designs. DR-R'J-LCT, n. (Law.) Any thing purposely (DE.-SGN'.ING (de-slnting),p. a. Insidious. relinquished or forsaken. [scorn. D E-ItRA-BLE, a. Worthy of desire; pleasing. DEg-RIDEf, V. a. To laugh at; to mock; to DE- IRt'A-BL-E-NSS, n. Quality of being deDE-RID'E R, n. One who derides; a scoffer. sirable; needfulness; eligibility. [joy. DE-Ra"[tIQN (de-rizh'un), n. The act of derid- DE-~RIRE', na. Wish; eagerness to obtain or ening or laughing at; contempt; scorn; mockery. DE-bIRE', v. a. To wish or long for; to covet. DE-RISIVE, a. Containing derision; mocking. DE- IRE']R, n. One who desires; a wisher. DE-RI'SQ-RY, a. Mocking; ridiculing; derisive. DER-~IRIOUS, a. Full of desire; eager; coveting.: DE.-RIVIA-BLE, a. Coining by derivation. DE.-SIST, v n. To cease; to stop; to forbear. D]tR-I-VXATIQN, n. Act of deriving; a tracing. DE-SIST.ANCE, n. The act of desisting; cessaDI:E-R1V.A-TIVE, a. Derived from another o tion; forbearance; aleaving off;? stopping. DE.-RIV.A-TiVE, n. The thing or word derived. DESK, n. An inclined table to write on; a pulDE-RI:VRE, v. a. To deduce; to draw; to obtain. DES'O-LATE, a. Laid waste; solitary. [pit. DE-RIVIER, n. One that derives or draws. DEStO-LATE, v. nt. To depopulate; to lay waste. DERNIER (dersn-yAr' or dtrfne-er)., a. Last; DtS'Oi-LA-TrER, n. One who causes desolation. final;-used only in the phrase, dernier resort. DES-O-LA'tTIQN, n. Devastation; sadness. DRR'Q-GAXTE, a. a. & n. To disparage; to detract. DE-SPAIR', n. Hopeless state; despondence. DER-Q-GAtTIQN, n. A defamation; detraction. DE-sPAIR', v. n. To be without hope; to deDE-R6G'4-TO-Ry, a. Detracting; dishonoring. DE-SPARtEr.R, n. One without hope.. [spond. DIERVIS, n. A Turkish or Asiatic monk. [tion. DE-SPAiR'ING-LY, ad. In a despairing.mauner, DkS'CANT, n. A song;-a discourse; a disputa- DE-SPXTCH', or DIS-PATCH', v. a. To send: DE.S-CXNT', v. n. To sing; to discourse, expatiate. away hastily:-to expedite:-to kill. AZJIOOYC 10, long;. XA,1,6,t tashort; AjIXQY, obscure.-FABL )IFAIRXltFAFA F.LL; Hfit-IRH;R; DESPATCH 95 DEVOUTNESS Dr.-SPXTCH',?. Speed: —an express:-message. DE-TtRtSION, n. The act of cleansing a sore. DE-SPXTCHIER, i. One who despatches, DE-TERlSIVE, a. Having the power to cleanse. DES-PE-RA'DO6, n., p1. DES-PE.-R-A'DOE~. One DE —TESTt, v. a. To hate; to abhor, abominate. who is desperate; a reckless man; a robber. DE.-TSST A-BLE, a. Hateful,; abominable. DESPE.R-ATE, a. Without hope; rash; reckless. DE-TESTI.A-PLY, ad. Hatefully; abominably. DES-PE.R-AAITION, n. Hopelessness; despair.' DE T-E:S-TAt'TIQN, n. Hatred; abhorrence. DEStPI-CA-lBLE, a. Contemptible; vile., DE-TEST!ER, a. One who hates or abhors. DEStPI-CA-ISLE- NE SS, sn. Meanness; vileness. D-THRONEr, v. a. To divest: of sovereignty. DES'PI-CA-BLY, ad. Contemptibly; 16meanly. DE-TRCoNEsMENT, s. The act of detlroning. DR-SPlE', v. i10 To scorn;to coulteiin;:tospurn.* D:E-THRONIE R, n. One who dethrones. DE~-SPi;'LR, n. A contemne, scorner. DT-'TI-NUE or DE.-TiNUEne.:A kind of writ. DE-SPITE', n. Malice; mal-lirty; defiance DiT!' O-NATE, DkT.O-NIJZE, v. n. & a. To exDE-SPITE'FftL, a. Malicious; full of spleen. plode or cause to explode with a loud report. Dl-SPOiLt, v. a. To rob; to deprive; to divest. DEtT-Q-N'TToN,.n. An explosion with noise. DE-SPO-LI-ATIQON, n. The act of despoiling. DE-TORT/ v. a. To wrest from the design. DE-SPONND', V. n. To despair; to lose hope. 6D-TO tSION, n. A perversion; a wresting. DL-SPoNDIEN-CY, i1. Despair; hopelessness. DE-TACT, v. a. & ni. To derogate; to deDE-SPOND'E NT, a. Despairing; hopeless. fane; to slander; to depreciate; to take away. DE-SPOND'ER,n. One who is without hope. DE-TRACITION, ts. A taking away; slander. DESIPQT, n. An absolute ruler; a tyrant. DE-TRACITIVE, a. Tending to detract. DES-PoTtIC, DE S-POTf.-C4L, a. Absolute. DEL-TRXCT'Qit, n. One who detracts; a defamer. DES-PoT.I-CAL-LY, ad. In an arbitrary manner. DBETRI-MENT, n. Loss; damage; mischief. DESPOT-im, n. Absolute power; tyranny. DLET~R-1IENITAL, a. Mischievous; causing DE-SPU'STAXTEv. n. To foam; tofrotlh; to work. DE-TRODE', V.a. To thrust down. [loss. DES-PV-MIAtTIQN, n. Sclm; frothiness. DE-TRUNtCATE, V. a. To lop; to cut off.L DES-QUA-SIAtTIQN, n. Act of scaling bones'. DELT-RUN-CAtT1QN, n. The act of cutting off. DEE ~ilRT, n. Service of fruits, &c., at table. DE-TRO'I.ON, n. The act of thrusting down. DESTI-NATE, v. a. To design for any end. DEiUCE (dos), n. The two in cards or dice. DkS-T1-NA/TIQN, i. End or ultimate design. DE USE (dfs), n. A cant name for the devil. Dts'TiNE, v. a. To doom; to appoint; to devote. DEUJ-TER-OGrA-MY, is. A second marriage. DtS'TI-NY, n. Fate; invincible necessity; doom. DEIJ-TER-O0Nlo-mY, n. The second law; the DtS'TI-TFTE, a. Forsaken; friendless; in want. fifth and last book of Moses. [waste. D;S-T1-TUITiQN, a. Utter want; indigence. DE-VAS'TATE or DEVIAS-TATE, V. a. To lay DE- STROYi, v. a. To lay waste; to ruir; to kill. r:EV-AS-TATTIQN, a. Waste; havoc; desolation. DE-STROtER, a. One who destroys or ruins. DE-VELQP, V. a. To unfold, unravel, disclose. DE-STRUC/TI-.BLE, a. Liable to be destroyed. DE-VEL/OP-MINT,n.A disclosure; an unfolding. DE-STRUtC! TION, n. A killing; ruin; overthrow. DE-VPST, v.a. To strip. See DIVEST. DE-STRUC1TiVE, a. That destroys; ruinous. DE-VEX1I.-Ty, n. A bending down; declivity. DE.-STRUC'TIVE-LYrad. Witl destruction. DEVI-ATE, V. n. To wander; to go astray. DE.-STR0CITIVE-NESS, n. Quality of destroying. DL VI-/ATION, n. Act of deviating; offence. DES-U-DX'TION, n. A profuse sweating. BE-VICE1, n. A contrivance; design; emblem. DES'Ut E-TUDO (destwe-tid), n. Cessation of DLV~_L_ (dev'vl), n. A fallen angel; evil spirit. use; disuse, discontinuance. [ical. DhV1IL-ISH (ddv'vl-!sh), a. Diabolical; wicked. DESVYL-TQ-Ry, a. Loose; unsettled; immethod- DEVI-OUS, a. Out of the common way; erring. DE -TXCH', v. a. To sever; to send off, as a party. DL-VI~'A-BLE, a. That may be devised. DE -TACHtRIENT, n. A body of troops detached. D-VI lr' v. a. To contrive; to invent:-to. DE-TAILt- v. a. To relate particularly. bequeath; to grant or give ty will. [plan. DL.-TAIL, ne. A minute account or narration. DE-VIE', v. To consider; to contrive; to DE-TAILER- n. One who relates particulars. D E-VIEt, n. A gift of lands by will; a bequest. D-TAXINt, v. a. To withhold; to keep back. DLV-I-E E n. One to whom a thing is beDE-TAINDER, n. Writ to detain one in custody. queatlhed;-the correlative of devisor. DE-TAINtER,ts. One who, or that which,detains. DE-VI;ER, n. A contriver. [queaths. DER-TECCT5v. a. To discover; to find out. DtLV-I-~OR or DE-VI'OQR, a. One who beDE -T:C TION, n. Discovery, as of guilt or fraud. DE-VOIDt, a. Empty; vacant; void; free from. DE-TENfTIQN, n. Act of keeping; restraint. DE VOIR (dcv-wir%), n. [Fr.] An act of civility. DE-TEER' v. n. To discourage; to hinder. DLV-Q-LUfTIQN, n. The act of rolling down. DE-TERt'qENT, a. Having power of cleansing. DE-VoLVE, v. a. & n. To roll down; to fall. Dl -TERIQSENT, a. A substance that cleanses. DR-VOTE', v. a. To dedicate; to consecrate. DE-TEtRI-O-RAOTE, i. a. To impair; to make DE-VOT'ED-NESS, n.. State of being devoted. worse.-v. n. To grow or become worse. DEV-Q-TEE/, an. One entirely devoted; a bigot. DE-TE-RI-Q-RA.TIQN. a. Act of malking worse. DE-.VO1TION, n. Piety; worship; prayer; ardor. DE-TBRR/iI-NA-BLE, a. That may be determined. DE-VOtTION-AL, a. Pertaining to devotion. DE-TER1II-NATE, a. Definite; decisive; fixed. D_-VOOR, av.a. To eat up ravenously:; to conDR -TER1MI-NATE-LY, ad. Definitely; certainly. DRVOURItEPR, n. One who devours. [sume. DE-TEi-MI-NA1tTIO1N, an. Resolution; decision. D:E-VOOT' a. Pious; religious; earnest; sincere. DL-TERfMII-NA-TOR, n. One who determines. E -VOfTtLY, ad. In a devout manner; piousDI-TERIMINE, v. a. & n. To fix; to settle; tol ly, religiously; sincerely. [piety. adjust; to decide; to purpose; to influence. DE-VOTtNE. SS,' n. Quality of being devout; MiEN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, SN; BOLL, BUl, rILtE. —Q q, soft,;,, hard; ~ as z; ~ as gz; WHIS. DEW 96 DIKE DErW (dfi), n. Moisture deposited at night. DICtTXT}E,v. a. To tell what to write; to order. DEWIDROP (dfi'drdp), n. A drop of dew. DIC'TATE, n. A precept; maxim; order; rule. DEW-/VLAP, n. A melnbranous, fleshy substance DIC-TA'TION, n. The act of dictating; order. hanging down from the throat of an ox, &c. DIC-TAXTQR, n. A ruler; a Roman magistrate. DEiW)'Y, a. Like dew; partaking of dew. DiC-TA-T6'R.I-AL, a. Authoritative;overbearing. DEXITE.R, a. [L.] The right; —used in heraldry. DIC-TAtTOR-SHIP, n. The office of dictator. DEX-T t.R'I-TY,an. Readiness; activity; expert- DICITION, n. Style; language; expression. DiYX'TT. R-Ots, a. Ready; expert; skilful. [ness. DC'TTION-.-RY, n. A book in which words are DEX'TE R-OUS-NESS (dek'ster-), n. Dexterity. explained in alphabetical order; aqlexicon. DEXITRAL, a. The right;-opposed to the left. DID, imp. t. from do. [givinginstruction. DEY (da), n. Title of the governor of Algiers. DI-DXC'TIC, DI-DACrTI-CAL, a. Preceptive; Di-A-BE'tTE~, n. A morbid secretion of urine. DID'AP-PER, n. A kind of aquatic bird. DI-A-B6LtIC, DI-A-BOiL'I-CAL, a. Devilish; DIE (di), v. n. To lose life; to expire; to perish, atrocious; impious; outrageous; wicked. DIE, n.; pl. DICE. A small cube to play with. DIT-A-LBOLI-CAL-LY, ad. In a diabolical manner. DIE (di), n.; pl. DIE~. A stamp for coin. DI A-Bo6LI-CAIs-NssSS,.Devilislness; atrocity. DI'ET, n. Food; victuals:-an assembly. DIJ.XCO-NAL, a. Pertaining to a deacon. DI'ET, v. a. To supply with food; to feed. DI-A-CoUS'TIcs, n. Science of refracted sounds. DItET, v. n. To eat by rule; to eat sparingly. DltA-DaM, n. A crown; the mark of royalty. DI'ET-DRNIt, n. A medicated liquor. [diet. DI'A-DhMED (dlf'-dlmd), a. Crowned. DI-E-TETtIC, Di-E-TETTI-CAL, a. Relating to DI-jERtE-SIS (dI-erte-sls), n.; pl. DI-AERtE-S:E. DiFIFER, v. n. To be unlike; to vary; to disagree. The mark [.. i, used to separate syllables. DIF'FER-IYNCE, n. Dissimilarity; dispute. DI-.AG-NO6StTC, n. A distinguishing symptom. DIFtFER-ENT, a. Distinct; unlike; dissimilar. DI-XG'Q-NAL, a. Reaching from angle to angle. DIF-FE.R-hNtTIAL, a. Infinitely small. DI-XG.O-N.AL, n. A line from angle to angle. DiF'FER-ENT-Ly, ad. In a different manner. D-iXG'O-NAL-LY, ad. In a diagonal direction. DIYF'PI-CrLTa. Hard;not easy; vexatious. [ty. DI'A-GRXM, n. A geometrical figure; a sketch. DiFF.I-CUL-T, n. Hardness; distress; perplexiDI'AL, n. An instrument for measuring time. DIFtFI-DiENCE, n. Distrust; want of confidence. DItA-LECT, n. Peculiar form of a language. DIF'FI-DPNT, a. Distrustful; not confident. DI-A-LEC'T1C, DI-A-LEC'TI-CAL, a. Logical. DIFtFI-DENT-LY, ad. In a diffident manner. DI-A-LEC-TItCIAN (-lek-tish'un), a. Logician. DFIF/ORM, a. Unlike; of two forms; irregular. DI-A-LECtTICS, n. pl. Logic; art of reasoning. DIF-FU E, v. a. To pour out, spread, scatter. DI/AL-ING, n. The art of constructing dials. DIF-FUSE1, a. Widely spread; copiotis; prolix. DITAL-iST, n. One who constructs dials. DIF-FUSE'LY, ad. Extensively; copiously. DI-XLT'Q-Q-IST, n. A speaker or writer of dia- DIF-FUlI-B.LE, a. Capable of being diffused. logue; an interlocutor. [logue. DIF-FU~ION (dif-ffitzhun), n. Dispersion. DI-AL-O-qIS'TIC, a. Having the form of a dia- IiF-F U'SIVE, a. Scattered dispersed; diffuse. DII.A-LGGUE (diVt-l6g),n. A conference; a con- DIF-FUSIVE-LY, ad. Widely; extensively.versation between two or more; a colloquy. DIF-FUtSIVE-NESS, n. Extension; dispersion. DIAL-PLATE, n. Tileplateof a dial onwhich DIG,v.a. &. [imp. t.&pp. dug, digged.] To the hours are marked; face of a clock or watch. turn up or cultivate lanld; to excavate. DI-XMtE-TER, n. A line which, passing through DI'9tgST, n. A body of civil laws; a pandect. the centre of a circle,divides it into equal parts. DT-QEST', v. a. To arrange; to dissolve, as food. DI-A-MlVtTRI-CAL, a. Describing a diameter; DiI-CiSTtER, a. Hewho, or that which, digests. ili the direction of a diameter; direct.[rection. DgI-ESTT'I-BLE, a. Capable of being digested. DI-A-MPiT'RI-CA L-L.Y ad. In a diametrical di- DJI-EiStTION, na. Act of digesting; concoction. DItA-OMND or DIA'MIQND, na. A precious gem. DI-qEStTIVE,a. Causing digestion; dissolving. DI-A-PA' O.N, na. (Mlus.) An octave; compass. DiG'E R, n. One who digs or opens the ground. DI't-PER, n. Linen woven in flowers or figures. ]iuG':.oaP, n. Place where ore is dug. DI-A-PHA-NEtI-TY, ni. Transparency. [lucid. DfGHT (dit), v. a. To dress; to deck; to adorn. DI-AiPH'A-NotUS, a. Transparent; clear; pel- Di.QIIT, a. Three fourths of an inch: —twelfth DI-APH-Q-RriTt'IC, or DI-APH-O-RhTTI'-CAL, a. part of the diameter of the sun or moon:Causing profuse perspiration; sudorific. one of the ten arithmetical symbols or figures. DI'A-PHRXGM (dI't.-fram), n. A large separat- DIICtI-TAL, a. Pertaining to a digit or finger. ing muscle; the midlriff. Dliq-I-TAtLIS, n. Foxglove; a genus of plants. DI'A-RIST, n. One who keeps a diary or journal. DIcIJ-TAT-ED, a. Branched out like fingers. DI-.AR-RHCE'A (dI-ar-reta), n. A flux; a purging. DIG.NI-FIED (dlgfne-fid), a. Invested with DI-AR-RH(ET1IC (dl-.r-rtt'jk), a. Purgative. dignity; exalted; honored; noble; stately. DI.A-RY, n. A daily account; a journal. DIGtNI-FiY, v. a. To advance; to exalt; to honor. DItA-STtEhM, n. (JIius.) A simple interval. DIG'NI-TA-RY, n. A clergyman of sonle rank. DI-XStTQ-LE, n. (Rhe.) A figure by which a D~GtNj.-TY, na. True honor; rank; grandeur. short syllable is made long. [to tone. DI'GRXPH, n. A union of two vowels, or of Di-A-T6NtIC, a. (JMus.) Proceeding from tone two consonants, representing a single sound. DItA-TRIBE Or Di-XTRIg-BE, n. A disputation. DI-GRESS', v. n. To turn aside; to wander. DYB'BLE, n. A gardener's plantingtool. DI-GRttstsIQN (de-greshtun),n. Act of digressDICE, n. pl. of die.-v. n. To game with dice. ing; a turning aside; an excursion. [ing. DICE'-B6X,- n. Box from which dice are thrown. DI-GREStSIVE, a. Tending to digress; deviatDI;. R, n. A player at dice; one who dices. DIIE, n. A channel; a ditch; a bank; a mound. i,,,6I,D,Ot, lohng; X,,l,j,j, short; A,,,J,Q,oVY, obscure. —FAkE,FXR,FXST,FiLL; HeIR, HER; DILACERATE 97 DISAPPROVAL DI-LX[tER-ATE, v. a. To tear apart; to rend. -Ii-PET'A-LOtS, a. Having two flower-leaves. DI-LX-EitR-XA'T.IN,n. Act of rending in two. DIPH'TH6NG (dlpfthbng), n. A union of two DI-LXPtI-DATE, v. t'. To go to ruin; to fall. vowels in one sound; as in vain, Cssar, brow. DI-LAJP-I-DAtTIQN, a. State of being dilapidat- DIPH-THONtGAL, a. Belonging to a diphlthong. ed; waste; decay; destruction. [dation. DI-PLOTMA,n. A writing conferring a privilege. DI-LXP'I-DA-TQR, n. One who- causes dilapi- DI-PLOtM.A-CY, n. The art or practice of making DI-LA-TA-BiL'I-TY,n. Qualityofbeing dilatable. negotiations between nations:-body of enDI-LA'TA-BLE, a.. That may be dilated or ex- voys:-political or artful management. [voys. tended; capable of extension; extensible. DIP-LQ-Mi ATtIC, a. Respecting diplomacy or enDIL-4-TAtTIQN, n. Expansion; extension. DI-PL6'tMA-TIST, n. One versed in diplomacy. DI-LXTE, v. a. & n. To extend,papread; enlarge. D PIPER, n. One that dips:-vessel to dip with. DI-LA/TQR,?t. That which widens or extends. DIPIP.ING-NEEtDLE, n. A magnetic needle. DIL'A-TO-RI-Ly, ad. In a dilatory manner. DIPtT6TE, n. A noun having two cases only. DiLt.A- TQ- RI-NkSS,.'Slowness; sluggishness. DIRE, a. Dreadful; dismal; evil; horrible. DILtA-TO-RY, a. Tarfy; late; slow; loitering. DI-RECTt, a; Straight; right; open; express. DI-LiEMMA, n. A diffillt, vexatious alternative. DI-RE CT, v. a. - To aim; to regulate; to order. DIL'tI-(FtNCE, n. Industry; assiduity; activity. DI-REiCT'1R, na. One who, or that which, diDiLtfi-qENT, a. Assiduous; not idle; sedulous. rects -a superintendent; a director. DILVI-qENT-LY, ad. With assiduity; sedulously. DI-RLCITION, n. Aim; order; superscription. DILL, n. An annual aromatic plant. DI-RECtTIVE, a. Informing; showing the way. DILIV-.ENT, a. Making thin or more fluid. DI -RICT'LY, ad. In a straight line; immnediately. I*LI/-ENT, n. That whichlthins other matter. DI-R.aCTIN.,ss, sn. Straightness;straightcourse. DI-LUTE', V. a. To make thin; to make weak. DI-RICT'OR, a. A superintendent; a guide. DI.-LUTE,a. Thin; attenuated; weak; diluted. DI-RECTO T-R, n. Form of prayer: —a rule; a DI-LUTtER, n. -He who, or that which, dilutes. guide:-a book with addresses of individuals. DI-LU'TIQN, a. Act of making thin or weak. Di-REC'TO-PRY, a.'Guiding; commanding. DI-LUtVI-AL, DI-LU'VI-AN, a. Relating to the DIRE'FUL, a. Dire'; dreadful; dismal; horrible. deluge:-caused by a deluge or flood. DiREra'FIL-N SS, n. Dreadfulness; direness. DiM, a. Not seeing clearly: —obscure:-dull. DIRE'N.SS, 1. Dismalness; horror; direfulness. DIM, v. a. To cloud; to darken; to obtscure. DIRIE, ai. A mournful ditty; a funeral song. DIME, n. A silver coin, value of ten cents. DYRK, n. A kind of danger or poniard. DIJ-Mv NtsIQN, n. Space; bulk;extent; measure. DYRT, n. Mud; filth; mire; dust; earth. [didly. DTIME-TER, a. Having two poetical measures. DIRTtI-LY, ad. Nastily; foully; filthily; sorDI-MIN/ISH, v. a. To lessen; to decrease. DIRTI.-NESS, a. Filth; meanness; sordidness. DI-MIN'ISH, v.n. To grow less; to be impaired. DIRTY, a. Foul; nasty; filthy; sullied; mean. DIM-I-NUTION, n. Act of making less; discredit. DIRTY, v. a. To foul; to soil; to disgrace. DI-MINtU-TIVE, a. Small; little; minute. DIS-A-BILtI-T, an. Want of power; weakness. DI-ifNt1U-TiVE, n. A thing little of the kind. DI-IA'BLE,v. a. To depriveof force; to weaken. DI-MlIN'I-TIVE-Ly, ad. In a diminutive manner. DIS-A-BUEt', v. a. To undeceive; to set right. DI-MIiN'It-T.IVE-NESS, n. Smallness; littleness. DIs-AC-CoM-IoQ-DDA'TIoN,n.Stateofbeingunfit. D2IIt.-Ty, n. A cotton cloth of thick texture. DIS-AC-CUStTOM, v. a. To destroy habit in. DIlItLy, ad. In a dim mLanner; obscurely. DiS-.AD-VANtTA4E, a. Loss; injury to interest. DJIqN]RSS, nt. Dulness of sight; obscurity. DiS-AD-VANtTA7E,,V. a. To injure in interest. DIM'PLE, n. A hollow'in the cheek or chin. DIS-AD — AN- TA TEO:O U.S,a. Injurious; hurtful. DIIM'PLE, V. n. To sink in small cavities. DIS-XD-VAN-TA.Q-EOTS-LY, ad. With injury. DIN, n. A loud noise-v. a. To stun with noise. DIS-AD-VAN-TAtqEO VS-NESS, n. Injury;'loss. DINE, v. n. & a. To eat or give a dinner. DIS-AF-FECTt, v. a. To alienate; to disorder. DING, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. dinged, dung.] Tt DIS-AF-FPiCT'ED,p. a. Alienated; unfriendly. dash with' violence; to impress with force. DIS-AF-FEC'TIQN, n. Dislike; want of affection. DING'-DNG, n. A word expressing the sound of DIS-AF-FIYRIANCE, n. Confitation; negation. DIN'tI-NESS, n. Quality of being dingy. [bells. DIS-A-GRBEEV, v. n. To differ in opinion; to DIN'GLE, n. A hollow between hills; a dale. dissent; to vary; to quarrel. [unfit. DINt~'-,a. Dark brown; dun; dusky; soiled. DIS-A-GREE.A-BLE, a. Unpleasing; offensive; DIIN'ING-R,6M, n. A room for dining in. DIS-A-GrREEtA- BL-NE:NSS, n. Unpleasantness. DINNI.R, n. The chief meal of the, day. DS-.A- GREE. 4-BLY, ad. In a disagreeable manDINT, n.'A blow; armark:-power; force. ner'; unpleasantly; offensively. [ tude. DINT, v. a. To indent or mark by a blow. DIS-A-GRkE1tiMS NT, n. Difference; dissimiliDI-NU-MEDR-AtTIQN, i. A numbering oneby one. DiS-AL-LO', v;.a. To deny; to refuse; to cenuIDi-6YtE.-SXN or DI-9-CE'SS.AN n. A bishop, sure; to set aside; to reject. J[bation. as he, stands related to his own clergy or flock. DiS-AL-LO*t1ANCE, n. Prohibition; dmsapproIIDI-6Y'rE-SXN, a. Pertaining to a diocese. [ric. DI-ANt.-MXATE, v.a. To deprive of life; to deDIO-C ESE, n. A bishop's jurisdiction; a bishop- DIS-AN-NUL!, v. a. To annul; to mnake void. [ject. DI-OPtTRICS, a. pl. Science of refracted light. DIS-AP-PIiARt, V.n. -To be lost to view;;to vanDI-Q-R3A.M4, n. A kind of optical machine. DIS-AP-PLEARtANCE,n. Removal from sight. [ish. DI-Q-RXw IIc, a.a Relating to, or like, a diorama. DS-AP-POINTi, v. a. To defeat of expectation. DIP, v. a. & n. [imp. t. & pp. dipped, dipt.] To D:S-?AP-PONTtM]ENT,n. Failure ofexpectation. immerse; to put into any liquid; to wet. DIS-XP-PRQ-BA.'TIQN, n. A disapproval. DIP, n. Depression; inclination downward. DIS-AP-PRoVt'L, n. Disapprobation; censure. HIfENSit; M6IvR NiR, 86N; BItiL, BtiR, R(tLtE,qSft; il,, hard; ~asz; 4asgz; sIlS. DISAPPROVE 98 DISENCUMBRANCE DYs-AP-Pro6vr', v. a. To dislike; to censure. DIS-CON-TYN'UE, v. a. & n. To break off; to cease. DC;-iAR~t, v. a. To spoil or divest of arms. DIS-CON-Tl-NU'I-TY, Ct. Want of contact. DiS-AR-RAN(qEr, V. a. To put out of order. [ment. D1S-CQN-T1Niy-ous, a. Interrupted; broken off. DIS-AR-RAN1E3xrUTE NT, n. Disorder; derange- DiStCORD, n. Disagreement; dissonance. D1S-R-RAYv. a. To undress:-to overthrow. DIS-CORDIANCE, n. Disagreement; discord. DiS-.AR-RAY1,n. Disorder; confusion; undress. DIS-CORDIANT, a. Inconsistent; inharmonious. D.S-ASITER, n, Misfortune; grief; calamity. DIS'COtNT, ni. A deduction; an allowance. Di-AS'CTROUS, a. Unlucky; calamitous; gloomy. DI'S-COUNT',V. a. To pay back again; to deduct. D)i-AS'TROUS-LY, ad. In a disastrous manner. DIS-COUNITE-NANCE,c V. a. To abash; to disDI-:is TRO S-N2SS,in. Unluckiness; misfortune. courage; to show disapprobation of. DiS-A-Vo', v. a. To disown; to deny; to dis- DIS-COUR.AQE (dis-kir'.aj), v. a. To depress; DIS-A-VOWtAL,n. A disowning; a denial. [claim. to deprive of confidence; to deter; to dissuade. Dil-BAND', v. a. & n. To dismiss or retire from DCs-coUR/AE -Mi.T,n.Determent;cause offear. service; to unbind; to break uip; to separate. DIS-COURSE' (dis-kors'),. Conversation; a serDIS-BE.-LICJF! (dls-be-lfF), ni. Want of belief. mon; a speech; a trea~te; a dissertation. DCS-BE-LIEVE' (dis-be-lEv'), v. a. Not to believe. DIS-CCOURSE/,v. n.& a. To converse,talk,discuss. DIS-BE.-LTEV'ER, Ct. One who refuses belief. DCS-COUR1TE.-OuS (dis-kuiir'te-is), a. Uncivil. DI~-BijR'DEN (diz-biirdn), v. a. To unload. DIS-COURtTE-SY (dis-kiirte-se), n. Incivility. DI~-BURSE', v. a. To pay out, as money. DIS-COVIER, v. a. To show, disclose, reveal. Dl-BiURSE'M1NDT,n. A disbursing; sum spent. DIS-C5V'ER-A-BLE,a. That may be discovered. D-I -BURSEiR,'n.. One who disburses. [off. DIS-COVIE.R-ER, n. One who discovers. X DIS-CARD' v. a. To dismiss from service; to cast DIS-vCOVER-Y,n. The act of finding; disclosure. DIS-CASE', v. a* To strip * to undress; to divest. DIS-CRED1IT, ni. Ignonliny;reproach; disgrace. D!~-CEhRN' (diz-zdrn'),v. a. To descry; to see; DIS-CRD/IT, v.a. To disgrace,distrust. [ful. to judge.-v. n. To inake distinction; to judge. DCS-CRED)CIT-. A-BLE, a. Disgraceful; reproachD.I-CERN'E. R (diz-zmr!ner),n. One who discerns. DIS-CRUET', a. Prudent; circumspect; cautious. DI.~-CERN1I-BLE (diz-ztr'lle-bl), a. Perceptible. DIS-CREEIT'LY, ad. Prudently; cautiously. DIS -CERN',ING (diz-zir'iijng), p. a. Judlicious. Dls-CREET'NECSS, n. Discretion; prudence. D.I-CiERNIME.NT(diz-zdrn'me.net),n. Judgment. DS/1CRLE-PXNCE, n. Difference; contrariety. DCS-CiARiR1, cig. a. To unload, pay, execute. DIS'CRE:-P'NT, a. Different;disagreeing;unlike. DIS-CHXARiE',. i. To deliver a charge; to fire. DIS-CRLETEt, a. Distinct; disjoined; separate. DIS-CHAXI,-E-,7A. Release; payment;execution. DIS-UREL."TION (dis-kresh'un), xn. Prudence.; D.S-CItPLE, n. A follower-:-a pupil; a scholar. wise management; liberty of acting at pleasure. DCS-CC1PLE-SCHCP, n. The state of a disciple' DCIS-CREt1TICON-AL (-kresh.fun-al), a. Unlimited. DIStCI-PLIN-A-BLE, a. Capable of instruction. DCS-CRtlTICON-A-R (dis-lrkrsll'un-a-re), a Left DIS-CI-PLI-NA'RI-AN, n. One strict in discipline, at large; unlimited; unrestrained; discretional. DIS'CI-PLI-NA-RY, a. Pertaining to discipline. DIS-CRE'TCV'E, a. Separate; disjunctive. DIS/Ci-PLINE, n. Instruction; government. DIS-CIURII-NrATE, v. a. To distinguish, separate. DIStCI-PLiNE, v. a. To educate, regulate, punish. DIS-CRIIM —NAT TI.ON, n. Act of distinguishing. DIS-CLAIM', v. a. To disown; to renounce. DS-CRiMr'I-NA-TIv E, a. Marking distinction. DIS-CLAIM1ER, 1. One who disclaims; a denial. DCS-C0CI'BE.N Cy,n. Recumbent posture at Ineals. DiS-CLO6E' v. a. To uncover; to reveal; to tell. DIS-C MIBER v. a. To unburden; to disengage. DiS-CLOSIVRE (dius-lkl'zhlur),n. Discovery. Lof. DlS-CUR1SIVE, a. Desultory; argunmentative. DIS-CCLt'OR,v. a. To stain, or change the color DIS-CUR'SIVE-LY, ad. In a discursive manner. DiS-COL-0-iRAITIQN?. Change of color; stain. DIsCcVs, n. A quoit; a circular piece of iron. DIS-COCFIClFT, v. a. To defeat; to vanquish. DIS-CiSS1, v. a. To examine, debate, disperse. DS- COl FT/iT-URE,n. Defeat; overthrow; rout. IS-CCCStSIQCN (dis-kush'un), en. Disquisition. DIS-CCO11FORT, n. Uneasiness; sorrow; grief. DIS-C0SCSIVE, a. Discussing; dissolving. DIS-CoM1FORT, V. aa. To disquiet; to sadden. DI~-DAIN1,v.a. & n. To scorn; to think unwo(rthy. DIS-COtM-MEND', v.a. To blame; to censure. DCI DAiIN, nt. Contempt; scorn; indignation. D~S-CCON-TiWVND'A-BLE, a. Blamable. DCI-DAIN'F0L, a. Contemptuous; scornful. DIS-CColt-iEN- DATICON, a Blame; censure. DI -DAIN'FtFULLYL ad. With haughty scorn. DIS-CQC-MODE1, v. a. To put to inconvenience. DI-IXANfrFUL-NESS, n. Contemptuousnless. DiS-COM-MCoDI-OUS, a. Inconvenient. DCI-ASE'!,(diz-z/), 1. A distemper; a malady. DCS-cOMI-POiE', v. a. To disorder; to disturb. DIS- ACE1, v. a. To afflict with disease; to inDiS-COM-POS1URE- (-kom-p'zhyur),cn. Disorder. DiS-E I-BARIXRK,v.a.&n. To land from aship.[fect. DIS-CON-CERT!, v. a. To frustrate; to disturb. DCS-E:t-BAR'RASS, v. a. To free from embarDIS-C.N-FORMtI-TY, cn. Want of conformity. rassment; to disengage; to extricate. [dom. DiS-CQONLNiCT!, v. a. To separate; to disjoin. DIs-C 1-PAR.RJASS-MRNT, n. LiberationT; freeD[S-CQN-NlC'TIQON, n. Disunion; separation. DIS-El i-BYiT'rTiR v. a. To free from bitterness, DIS-CONtSQ-LATE, a. Comfortless; sorrowful. DIS-LE.,t-BoD'IED, a.. Divested of the body. DlS-CiNfSQ-LATE-LY, ad. In a disconsolate DiS-CEVI-BsODy, v. a. To divest of the body. umanner; sorrowfully; sadly. isolate. DCs-C Mio-Bn GUE', v,.a. To pour out at tile moutlh. DIS-C6N'SQ-LATE-NRPCSS, n. The being discon- Dis-aC-BotO'iS, v. a. To disclose, as secrets. DIS-CQN-TAiNT', ci. Want of content; uineasiness. DCS-EI1-Bo'fiLEL, v. a. To take out the bowels of. DIS-CON-ThNTtE D, p. a. Uneasy; dissatisfied. DIS-EN-C IANT1, v. a. To free fromenchantlment. DIs-CoN-T.NT:ECNTT,n..Inquietmide; discontent. DISC EN-CU'Ji1BElR, v. a. To disburden; to free. DiS-CQN-TiN'IU-ANCE,n. Cessation;intermission DS-CEN-CUIM'BRANCE, n. Freedoam; release. AEIOOZ, long; At,i,O, 0,Y, shorte; 4lg,,oUY eb CCIe1Z AREPiRFASTFiLL; HeCIR,1E5R; DISENGAGE 99 DISPLAY D[S-EN-GAXE', v. a. To extricate, clear, free. DY-LIKE', V. a. To disapprove; to disrelish. DfS-IEN-GA(E'/IxENT, n. Release from an obli- Di~-LIKE1NESS, n. Dissimilitude; unlikeness. gation; freedom; vacancy. [list. DIS'LQ-CATE, v.a. To put out of joint; to disDIS-E. N-ROLLt, v. a. To remove from a roll or joint, to luxate:-to disarrange; to disorder. DiS-EN-TXN'GLE,v.a. To unravel; to set free. DIS-LO-CA'TIQN,n. Actofdisplacing; luxation. DIS-E. N-T-XN'GLE-i:mE NT,n. Act of disentangling. DIS-LODqE1, v. a. & a. To remove, or drive from. DIS-E N-THRONEt, v. a. To depose;;.to dethrone. Dni-LOY'AL a. Not true to allegiance; faithless. DiS-EN-TRANCEI,v. a. To awaken from a trance. DI~-LOYiAL'-LY, ad. Faithlessly; treacherously. DiS-FArVQR, a. Discbuntenance; disesteem. DI -LOY AL-TY, n. Want of allegiance or fidelDis-rAtVOtR, v. a. To discountenance; to oppose. DIMAL, a. Sorrowful; gloomy; dire; dark. [ity. DIS-FXAVOR-ER, n. One who disfavors. D5itMAL-LY, ad. In a dismal manner; horribly. D1S-FIG-U-RATIOQN, n. The act of disfiguring; D~- MAN1TLE, V. a. To divest: —to unrig. injury to appearance; deformity. Df -MASK', v. a. To divest of a mask; to uncover. DIS-FTGiURE, v. a. To deform; to deface. DCI-MAST, a. a. To deprive of masts, as a ship. DIS-FiGtURE-WM NT, P. Defacement; marring. DI-MAYY',v. a. To terrify; to affright; to daunt. D1S-FRXN'cHISE, v. a. To deprive of privileges. DIS-MAY5, n. Affright; alarm; terror; fear. DCs-CrE AN'CH5IE- ~NT,?,Actofdisfraichisin. DIS-MEM'BER, A. a. To divide limb from limb. D/-GaORQE5, v. a. To vomit; to eject; to give DI~-MEM'BER-MhNT, n. Division; partition. DfS-GtcE t, n. Ignominy; dishonor; shame. [up. Din-MRss', v. a. To send away; to discard. DiS-GRACaE1,v.a. To dishonor; to bring to shame. DIS-AMS'SAL, n. Dismission; discharge. Di-G RACEFUL;a. Shameful, ignominious; vile. D{~-MiS'SION (diz-mishfun), an. The act of sendDI-G.CRACEFr0L- LY, ad. In a disgraceful man- ing away; leave to depart; discharge. [horse. nIer; ignonminiously; shamefully; basely. DIs-MONT', v. a. To throw off a horse; to unDI~-,UI~E1 (diz-glz') v. a. To conceal by an Di~-MO0NT, v. n. To alight from a horse. unusual dress: —t feign; to dissemble. DIS-O-BE.rDI-ENCE, n. Neglect or refusal to obey. DI-D UI~E' (diz-Iz'), n. A counterfeit dress. DiS-Q-BEJDI-ENT,a. Not observant of authority. DI-UIE. R (diz-giz'er), n.' One who disgui ses. DIS-Q-BEY' (dis-o-ba'), v. a. To refuse to obey. DI-GUST1, n. Aversion; dislike; disrelish. [in. lIDiS-Q-BL(Et, v. a. To treat with unkindness; DiS-GtST% v. a. To offend; to produce aversion to displease; to give offence to; to offend. D!i~-GUST1FrL, a. Nauseous; catsing aversion. IIDiS-O-BL1iOER, a. One who disobliges. DI-GU0ST1INC, p. a. Offensive; nauseous. IJDIS-O-BLI-I'NG, p. a. Unfriendly; unkind. DISH n. A vessel for serving up food:-food. DiL-61a1BED' (diz-drbd'), a. Thrown out of its DISH, v. a. To serve or put in a dish: —to cheat. orbit, as a star. [turbance:-sickness. DiS-HA-BILLE' (dls-f-bilt), n. Undress; loose DI-ORrDER, n.' Irregularity; confusion; disdress. [to depress; to dispirit.'Di~-ORSDER v. a. To disturb, ruffle, make sick. DIS-HEAtRITEN (dis-har'tn),v. a. To discourage; DI~-OR'DERED (diz-ar'derd), a. Irregular:-ill. DI-s HEI VE L(de-shivivel),v.a. To spreadloosely. DI-O R'DER-Ly, a. Confused; irregular; lawless. DI?-HONtEST (diz-an'est), a. Void of honesty; Di~-OR'DER-LY, ad. Without rule; confusedly. faithless; wicked; fraudulent: —unchaste. DiS-oR-GAN-I-ZX'TIoN, n. Act of disorganizing..D~-HoNrEST-.LY (diz-ontest-le), ad. Wickedly. Di -ORtGAN-IZE, v. a. To destroy the orgauiDI-HONtElS- TY(diz en'es te),n.Want of probity. zation of; to derange; to disorder; to disarrange. D-I-HON'OR (diz-nlnl'r), n. Disgrace; shame. DIS-OWN' (diz-Snt, v. a. To deny; to renounce. DIi-HON.OtR (disz:en'ur), v. a. To disgrace; to DIS-PXRr'AE, v.a.To match unequally; to decry. shamie; to treat with indignity:-to violate. DIS-PXR'tACE-MENT, n. Detraction; indignity. D1-[IO6NrQR-A-BLE (diz-on'ur-.i-bl), a. Shame- DIS-PXRH'A-(E R, n. One who disparages. [ness. fill, reproachful; void of faith; ignominious. DIS-PXR1I-TY, n. Inequality; difference; unlikeDI~-tION1OR-A-BLY, ad. Ignominiously. D'S-PXRTt,v. a. To divide in two; to separate. DiS-IN-CLI-NAtT'ON, 7I. Want of inclination. DIS-PAXS'SIQN-ATE, a. Cool; calm; impartial. DIS-IN-CLINE'a v. a. To excite aversion in. [sly. DiS-PXS'SION-ATE-LY, ad. In a calm manner. DIS-1N-RN'1U-O[S, a. Unfair; meanly artful; DIS-PXTCH', DES-PXTCH', v.a. Tosend away. DS-.IN-qNt.U-OU S-Ly, ad. Unfairly; artfully. DIS-PATCH', i. Speed:-an express; message. DIS-IN-O EN'1- OUS-NESs, n. Unfairness; craft. DiS-PiLt, v. a. To drive away; to dissipate. DiS-IN-HRl'.I-~QN, n. The act of disinheriting. DIS-PENtSA-BLE,a. Tliat may be dispensed with. DIS-IN-HER'{T., v. a. To deprive of an inherit- DiS-PRN1SA-RY, n. A place for medicines. ance;,to cut off from hereditary right. [ cles. DIS-PEN-St'TIQN, n. Distribution:-exemption. DIS-iNtTT-GRATE, v.a. To separate into parti- DIS-PRN'SA-TQ-RY, a. A book-or directory for DYS-IN-TE-GRM'TION, n. Separation into parti- making medicines; a pharmacopoeia. [direct. DiS-IN-TEIRt, v. a. To take out of the grave. [cles. DIS-PtNSEt, v. a. To deal out; to distribute; to DI-IN'TE.R-dRST-ED, a. Free fromself-interest. DIS-PRNS'ER, n. One who dispenses; a distrib. DIS-IN-TER1tME NT, n. The act of unburying. Dis PRO'PLE (-pe'pl), v. a. To depopulate. [uter. DIS-IN-THRAIL', V. a. To set free; to liberate. DIS-PERSEE, v. a. To scatter; to drive away. D~i-Jo1N',v. a. To separate;topart; tosunder. DIS-PiRS1ER, n.a A scatterer; a spreader. DI~-JOINT1, v. a. To put out of joint; to break.' I4S-PER'SIQN, in. Act of dispersing; distribution. DI~-JTrNCT', a. Disjoined; separate,; apart. DIS-PIRtIT, v. a. To discourage; to depress.[pose. DI~-Ji]NC'TION, a. Disunion; separation. DIS-PLACEt, v. a. To put out of place:-to deDI)-J$iNCr T{v E, a. Separating; disjoining. DIS-PLANT, v. a. To pluck up; to drye awvay.' DISK, n. The face of the sun, &c,.:-a quoit. DIS-PLAN-TA'TION, n. The act of displanting. Dio-LIKEe, n. Disinclination; aversion; distaste. DIS-PLAY', v. a. To spread wide:-to exhibit. MIEN, SCR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUlR ROLE..-, q, soft;,, ihard; ~ as z; Y as gz; FHIS. DISMPLAY 100 DISTILLABLE DIS-'PL'A.Yt'n. aEx~hibition ofany-tiing to view. D.IS-SMt.I-NATEv. a. To-scatter, as-seed; to sow. DIS-PL: EfAE,' a. —) To offend; to make angry. DIs-sEMt-I-NNATIO.N,. Ascattering; a sowing. D'fs —PL,:Al'~UlREC(- plezhtur), n. Offence; anger. DIS-SPEM!I -NA-TQR,n. One who disseminates. DIs-PiLSoDE', v. a. To discharge with violence. DIS:StN/SIQN, n. Disagreement; strife; qularrel. DIS-PLns$IQN (djs-plotzhuln),-n. An explosion. DIS-SLN'SIOUS (dis-sen'shus), a. Quarrelsome. DIS-PORT:, i. Play; sport; pastime. DIs-sENTl, v.n. To disagree in opinion, todiffer. DIS-:POirT,,v.a. -To divert; to atnuse:-to re- DIS-SENTl, n. Disagreement; dissension.,move from a port.-v. n. To play; to frolic.:DIS-SeNT1ER, n. One who dissents-or disagrees. DIS-PO:S A-BLE, a. Capable of being disposed. IDIS-SENtTIENT, a. Dissenting; not agreeiIlg. D-S PO~'A;L, n. Regulation; management. DDIS-SER-TA'TIQN, n. A discourse; a:treatise. 1Ds-rioE'I, v. a. To bestow, incline, adjusti sell. DIs-sERVE1, v. a. To do injury to:; to hurt. DIS-PO',5ER, n. Adistributer; agiver;'director. DIS-SER!VICE, n. Injury; mischief-; harm. D'iS-PQ:-i1T TIQN (dis-po-zish'un), n. Order; DiS-SER VICE-A-BLE a. Injurious; mischievous.:method, fitness,; quality:-temper of mind.:DIS-StVE~, v. a. -To part in two; to divide. DYs-Prs-~itss', v.:a. To put out of possession. DS SI-DENT, a. Varying; not agreeing. [der. D)S-PQs- ES'SIQN,-t. A putting out of posses- DIS-SiLI1ENT (dis-sil'yent), a.'Startiing asunDYis-PIlAIi ~,an Blame; censure; dishonor. [sion. IDIS-SIMtI-LAR, a. Unlike; heterogeneous..tude. DisPSRAIE1, v.a. aTo blame; to censure. DiS-S1Is-I-LXR. I -TY, n. Unlikeness; dissnlmiliDIS-PRNOOF', -. Confutation; refutation. [ity. DiS-SS-MI LtI-T' UDE, n. Want of resemblance. DIS-PRQ POR/TIQN,. Want of symmetry; dispar- DIS-SIfM-V-1A1TION,n. A dissembling; hyp ocrisy. D1IS P'EQ-PORiQPOJTIQN, v.-a. Tojoin or uniteuufitly. DIS1SI-PATEr v. a. To disperse; to scatter; to D'iS-PRQ-PORTI5QN-AL,.a. -Without proportion. dispel:-to spendlavishly; to squander. [ing. DIS-PRQ PONR'TIQN:. ATE, a. Without:proportionl DIS-SI-'PA'TIQN an. Dispersion:-dissolute livor sym-metry; unsuitable; unsymmetrical. DIS-SOtCIAL, a. Disinclined to society;, unsocial. D1s+PROVE', v.,a. To confute; to prove false. DIS-SO'CI-ATE (dis-so'she-at), v. a. To separate..DIS-PVtNI.ISI-.A-BLE, a. Withoutpenal restrint. DS'-SS-CIA-XTIQN (-she-a'sllrln), n. Division. DsisPV-TA-B L'E, a. That'may be disputed; DIS-SOL-1-BIL'.I-TY n. Liableness to dissolve.,doubtful; controvertible; debatable, DIStQ-LU-BLE, a. Capable of being dissolved. DIStP.I TANT, n. A controvertist; an arguer. D]IStSO-LUTE,a. Loose; unrestrained; debauched. DIS —PU —TAt.TIQ-N, n. Argumentation; contro- DiStSQ-LUTE-L, ad. Loosely; without restraint. veisy; debate; ~dispute. [illinlg. DIS'SQ-LUTE- NESS,an. Debauchery;dissipation. DIS-PIV-TAXTIOUS, a. Inclined to'dispute; cav- DIS SQ-LUJTION, n. Liquefaction:-death:DlS-PUTE I, v. n. & a. To contend,, argue, discuss. destruction; disorganization; ruin. DIS-PUiEtE',. Contest in words; controversy. DI~-~OLV.A-BLE, a -Capable of dissolution. PIS-PUTTER Rn. -One who disputes; a disputant. DINSOLVE, v. a.a Tomaelt; to separate. JIS-QUALI-F ICATI.ON (-kwi)-e-fe-ka'shun), n. DI-OLVE1, v. n. To be liquefied; to sink away. That.which disqualifies:; incapacity. [unfit. DI~ —OLV1ENT, a. Tending to dissolve or melt. D]S-QUAL'..I-FY (dis-kwol.e-fi), v. a. -To make D-~- OLV1E: NT,an. That which dissolves.[solves. DIS-QiItEI.T, n. Uneasiness; vexation;.anxiety. Dl-IOLV1ENR,. He who, or that which, diss-QfUI'ET,. va.a Todisturb; to make uneasy. DiSSO- NANC-E. n. Discord; disagreement. DIS-QUItET-ENR in. A- disturber;,-aharasser..D1iS1SQ-NANT, a. Unharmonious; incongruous. D!S-QUIt;E:TEDE,':n.'Uneasiness.; anxiety. DiS-SUADE (dis-swad'), a. a.' To advise against. DIs-QUIT.t/TIQN(-,kwe-zish'ltn),an. Discussion. DIS-SA1TJION (dms-swa'zhun),an. Dehortation. DS-INE-GARDt,:n. Slight; nieglect;:contemlpt. DIs-SUAiStVE (dis-swa'sv), a. Dissua'ding. DISi-:-'G5itRDt,,v v a. To slight, neglect, contemn. DiS-SU.ASIVE, n. An argument or reason emDiRS-NR'-GAXRDt'FILj a. Negligent, contemptuous, ployed to dissuade; a dehortation. DIS,~-NRLISHs'n.a Dislike, distaste, aversion. DIS-SYL-LAB1tIC, a. Consisting of two syllables. DSl-Ra L'ISSHI v.aa. To-makenauseous;to dislike. DIS-SVL'LA-BLE or'DIssYL-LA-BLE, n. A Dt1-N:IPt1U-TAL-BLE, a.'.Dishonorable,; disgrace- word of two syllables. DTS-RE.'PUTE', n. Discredit~; dishonor.![ful. DIS'TArE, n. The staff from. which the flax is PYS,-tEiSP]CT', an. Incivility; wanit of respect. drawn off in spinning. [tarnish; to soil. DIs-RE- SPJCT'tFL, a. Irreverent; uncivil.[ill, DIS-TAINt v.a. To stain to blot; to suJly; to. DiS-RE.-SPkICTt'FtL-LVY rd. Irreverently unciv- DISITANCE, n.. Remoteness in place or time:DI$-RosBE, v. a. -To undress; *to-uncover- strip, ceremonious reserve.-aversion; dislike. DI.:tRfiPTIQN,,n. Breach; rent; separation.'DS!TANCE,- v. a. To leave behind:-to outdo. DIS-SAXT-1.S-XC'TI.ON,n. Uneasiness; discontent, DIStTANT, Z. Remote in time or place:-sliy.; DiS-SXT-JS-FXC1TQ-RY,'a. Unable.to content. DIS-TASTEe, n. Aversion; disrelish; dislike [cold. DIS-SXTtIS —F3,Yv. a. To discontent; to-displease. DIS-TASTE', v. a. Tod'isrelish; to dislike. [some. D1s-St:CTt',v.'a. Tocutinmpieces; to anatomize. DiS-TASTrEFIYL- a.:Nauseous; offensive; loathDIS-SECITION,:n. Act of dissecting; anatomy. I DIS-TMPER, n. -A diisease; ainalady; ill huDIS-SECTIO-R, n. Onle'who:dissects. [fully. DiS-TEM:PIlR,v;,z. To'disease; to disorder. [moor. DIS-SEIZEi (dis-sezt), v. a. To dispossess:wrong- DIS-TirPER:A-P TUEE, n. Bad temperature; illDIS-SEit-SIN, or DIS-SEIt ZN- (dis-stzinn), n. — Un-'DISTE NDt, v. a. To stretch out in breadth. [ness. lawful.'dispossessing of lad,:tenement, &c. DcIS-TJ;NtT1QN,,n. -Act of stretching; breadth. DIS-SElIZo R, n. He who wrongfully dispossess-[ DIS'TS EH, ni. A couplet;.a couple of lines. DIs-s- MiLE;I..a. Todisguise; to pretend. [es iDIS-TIL,.n.:a.To drop; tO fall in drops. [solve. DIS-StM: BLE. a. n. To play the hypocrite; to DIS-TILt, v. a. To draw by distillation; to disD.S-SiMf'BLER, n. Onewho dissembles, [feigln. D.IS-T.iiLIL-BLE, a.: Capable of being distilled. Ai kj' O6UfY Idng; t; i'-},iQtV,Yi obseurs.-F:Eg4iRgs T jE&LL j H:1RsHE-R i DISTILLATION 101 D ODGE_ D][S TIL-LA1TION, n. Act or process. of distil- DI-VER/qENCE, n. A receding from:. each other. ling:;-that wliicl drops; a dropping. [tion. DI-VER'r(:ENT, a. Separating from each other. DIS-TiL'LA-TO-R:Y, a. Belonging to distilla- D'VE.R (difverz), a. Several; sundry; many. DIS-TIL'LER,' n. One who distils:. [tilled. DIIVERSE, a. Different;; unlike; multiform. D.l$-T IL1E:.R-,, n. Place where spirits are dis, DI!VE. RSE-LY, ad. In different-ways; variously. DISt-TiNCTt, a. Different; separate,; unconfused. DI -viR-SIFtI- CATION, n. Variegation; change. DIS-TINCITION, n.. Difference; eminence; note. DI-VEiRtSI-FY, v.a. To make.different; to vary. DIs-TIN: t'TIVE, a.: Marking a.distinction. D.i-VERtSION, n. A. turning aside; sport; game. DIS-TiNOTL~Y. ad. Not confusedly.; plainly. DI- VE-RSI- TY n. Difference;:unlileliness. DIS-TiNCTINE:SS, n. Clearness, nice observation. DI-VERT;, v. a. To turn aside.; to. amuse. DIS-TIN'f4U.tSH, v. a. To discern, divide,, mark.:DI-VERTtE.R, n. Onewho, or that which, diverts. DIS-T1INT:UISH,.v. n. To make distilnction. DI-VERiTITE -MtNT, ni.Diversion; amusement.. DIS-TiN'IGUISLH —-B LE:, a, Discernible; notable. D.-IVE:R1TIVE-, a. Recreative; amusing. DIS-TIN/GUISHED (dis-tnllgwisht),p.a.Eminent. DI VESTt, v. T. To strip; to make: naked. [ible, DIS-TORTs, v. a. To. wri.the;, to twist; to wrest.. DI-VIDt.A-BLE, a. That may. be divided; divis-. DIS-TORtTIOQN, n; Act:of distorting; perversion.. DI-VIDE! iv. a. & n. To. part; separate, sunder DIS- TRXCT', v. a. To separate; to divide; to; DIV~ I-DEND) n. Share;; number to:be divided. vex., to disturb:-to make, mad. [-madness. DI-VIDIER, n. One who, or that which, divides, DfS-TR-XCtTION, na. Confusion; -perplexity:: D.-VID1ER,.n. pl. A:pair:ofcompasses, DiS-TRXCtTriVE, a.. Causing perplexity. DIV- I-NATION, n. A foretelling of future. events. DiS-TRi.IN!, v.: a. To seize for debt, as: goods. DI.-VINEl', a. Godl:ike; heavenly.; not:human, DIS-TRAINT', an A:seizure of goods,.&c. [ure. DI: ViNr.t, n. A priest:; a clergyman:; theologian. DIS-TRESS:, na Misery; misfortune.; pain:-seiz- DI-VINE!, v. a. To.foretell.-. vn. To conjecture. DISS-TRESS-, v. a. To harass; to. make miser- DI-VINEfLY, ad In a-divine manner. [conjurer. ablei toafflict,; to trouble. rdistressing. Di VIN.'ER, n. One that- practises divination, a: DJS-TRitSS'FPL, a. Miserable;: ful of trouble;: DI-VIN/I.TVY, n. The Deity; divine nature; god-. DIS-TRESSt.I:NG, a; Harassing; afflicting. head: —science of divine things:; theology. DiTs-TriiB;VTE, v. a. To -divide among many; tao DIV!Vi I Bs LtL-T Y, n. Quality of being divisible. DSTRtiBtU-~TER, na. One.who distributes.[allot. Di —V II BLE, a. Capable of being divided. DiS TRI-Bu'TI'QNA,nAdealing out; dispensation. Di-vI'Io.:N (-de-vizh'.un), n. The act of! divid-. DIS-TR'BHiV-TIVE, a. That.distributes.; divid- ing; partition; apart; discord, difference, DIs-TRii1U. TiVrE-LY,.ad. By distribution. [ingl D-wV,1.OR, na A number which di.vides. [wife, WIS!TRICT, n, A circuit;. provinc, territory. DI:VSORaCEl, n. Legal separation of.husband and:; DIS-TRUSTf, v. a. Not to: trust — to disbelieve. DI-VORCE!, v. a. To;separate- to put away. DlS-TRlrSTf, n. Discredits; mistrust; suspicion. DI-VORCE1rMtE-NT, n. Divorce; separation. D1S- TkRST'FtL, a. Apt to distrust;. diffident. DI-ViVL-AGTXION, n. A- publishing abroad.. DIS-TURBI, v. a. To perplex, molest, interrupt. DI VUL-E' v. a. To publish; to reveal. 3IS-TURB!ANCE,.n. Perplexity! confusion tu- DI-VuL:EMR, is. A publisher,- a proclaimer. DIS-TURB.IE, n. One who molests,. [mult, DI-VUL1SION, n. A plucking away,-laceration. DiS-UN'IQN: (dis-yun'yun), n. Separation,; dis- DIZ'ZI NhSS, n. Giddiness; whirl in the-head. junction:; breach of concord. [arate. DIZfZY, a. Giddy; vertiginous.; thoughtless. DiS-U-NTItE (dis-yu-nit'), va. a &. n. To sep- DO, v. a. [thou dost,'he does- or doth.; imp. t. DiS-itJNI.TY, n;. Want-of unity; separation. did;pp. done.] To practise, perform, execute. DIS-I!.Aq.E, n. Cessation of use or custom.. DO.,. n. To act in.any;manner; to conclude.; DIS-USE', n. Cessation of use.; desuetude. D6t I-BLE, a. Tractable; docile. [to:succeed. DIS-UsE', v. a, To. cease to use, to disaccustom,. IDOi.ILE, a. Teachable; easily taught. [ness. DI-VALt.:E (diz-vil!yu)- v..a. To:umdervalue. Dq.CCILt.I-TY, n. Aptnessto.be taught;'teacliable-. DfTCH, n. A trench cut in the-ground..a moat. DOCK, n. A plant:-yard or: place for ships. DI.TCH, v. n. & a. To make a ditch; to sur- DCK, v. a. To cut short,: —t put:in a dock-. round, with a ditch,; to, make a ditch in. DO.CKt-E:T, n. A label; alist of cases in court. DITCHtER:,.n. One who digs ditches, [elmus.. DoCKrT v. a. Toimark with the titles, DITH-Y-RXItB:IC, n.. A. song in honor of Bac- DOCK't-YiRD, n. A yard fornaval-stores, &c. DITI-Y-RAMT BI.C, a. Wild; %nthulsiastic.. [said.. DiOCTOQR, n. A title in divinity, law, physic, &c. DIT'TO, n. The same thing repeated:-as afore- DOCITQR-.AL, a: Relating to the degree of docDIT'TY, n. A poem to be sung.; a song; a lay.. DOiCfTQR-ATE, n. The degree of a doctor. [toyr DI-v-RET'h.C, a. Provoking discharge of urine. DOC'TOR'?-C6MXtQN1, n. College of civilians, DI-U-RkT'IC, n. A medicine which increases, DOCTTO)R-SHiP, n. Rank of doctor; doctorate. the secretion of urine. [formed in a day. DOCITRE.SS, n. A female doctor or physician. DI-UR'NAL, a. Relating to the day; daily; per- DoCtTRI-NAL, a. Containing doctrine. DI-UR'NAL, n. A journal;'a day-book; a diary. DOC'TRI-NAL, n. A matter or part of doctrine. DI-URjINAL-LY, ad. Daily; every day. DOC'TRI-NAL-LY, ad. In. a doctrinal manner, DI-VXN', n. The grand council of Turkey:-a DoC'TRINE, n. A principle; precept; teaching. hall; a seat:-collection of poemls. [into two. DOC1UMtiENT, n. A written evidence; record. DI-VXiRI-CATE, v. n. & a. To divide or open DOCIJ VIENT, v. a. Toteach; to direct, instruct. DI-VXR-I-CA'TION, n. Partition; division. DOC-U-MENTtA-RY, a. Consisting of documents. DIVE, v. n. To plunge into water; to penetrate. D)D'!DER, -i. A twining, parasitical plant. DIV'ER, n. One who dives. [one point. DO-DiECA-GON,,. A figure of twelvesides. DIV-YVERqE, v. n. To tend various ways from DODqE, vo.. To start aside; to shift place. Mi1aN, SiR.; MVE,. NOR, SON; BfLL, BUR, IRLLE.-. q, soft,; i, G,:lhard; s as, z;.T as gz;: THIS. 9* DODGE 102 DOVE DObrtE, v. a. To evade by starting aside. DOMtsI1-NO,,n. A kind of hood:-a long dress: DOE (dl), n. A she deer; the female of a buck. -a piece of bon'e or ivory for playing with. D cEiR, l. One who does a thing; actor; agent. DON, c. A title of honor in Spain. [with. D6E (dtiz). The third person singular from do. DN, v. a. To put on, as garments; to invest D6FF, v. a. To put off; to strip; to put away. DO-NAXTION, n. Act of giving; a gift; a present. DOG, n. A domestic animal: —an andiron; a DON'A-TIVE, n. A gift; a largess; a present. DiG, c. a. To hunt as a dog; to follow. [hook. DONE (dun), pp. from the verb do. DoG'-CHEAP, a. Cheap as dog's meat; cheap. DO-NER', n. One to whom any thing is given. DOGtDXY~ (dtg'daz),n.pl.' The days in which DON'JON (dun'jun), n. The strongest tower of the dog-star rises and sets with the sun. a castle; a keep. See DUNGEON. DOt(E, n. ~ The chief magistrate of Venice and DON1tEY, n. A name for an ass or mule. Do-G'tfED, a. Sullen; sour; morose. [Genoa. DO'NOR, n. One who gives; a giver; a bestower. DOG'trED-LY, ad. Sullenly; gloomily; sourly. D6OODLE, n. A trifler; a simple fellow; idler. DOG'sED-iNESSs,72. Gloominess, sullenness. DOO6, v. a. To judge; to condemn; to destine. DOG'tER, n. A small kind of fishing vessel. DO66, n. Judicial sentence; judgment; ruin. D0G0 EREL (dfg grel), a. Vile; despicable. DO6M~DAYX, n. The day of final judgment. DOG'/E:EREL (dogtgrel), n. Mean poetry. DOOR (dor), n. The gate of a house; entrance. DOG/-KEtN-NEL, n. A little hut for dogs. DOOR'CASE, n.- A frame which encloses a door. DOGIMA, n.; pl. D6Gt'MA or' i6DOG'M. -T4. DOOR/IiEEP-ER (dorlkep-er), n. One who hlas Established principle; a tenet; a maxim. charge of a door or entrance; a porter. DQG-MXATIC, DOGG-MATIT-CAL, a. Authorita- DOORIPOST (durlpest), n, Post of a door. live; positive; magisterial. [tively.: DQ-RA5DO, n. A southern constellation. DQG-MATtI-CAL-LY, ad. Magisterally; ppsi- DO-REDt, n. A fish, called John Dory. D6G'MA —TIM, n. Positiveness' in-,opinion.:- DRtllIC, a. Noting an order of architecture. DOG.MA-TIST, n. A dogmatical teathe Rtively. DOtI-CIMi. n. A phrase of the Doric dialect. DOG'tM4-TIZE, v. n. To assert or decliae ptosi-: DiOR'tMANT, a. Sleeping; not public; concealed. DOGIMA4-TIZ-.R, n. One who dogmiatizesi, DOR/Ml-TO-RY, n. A place or room to sleep in. D6G'Ro OE, n. Wild brier that bears thie hlip. DORPMlISE0r-s, n.;, A small animal, resembling DOG''!-EAR, n. Folded corner of a leat;f:i the squirrel and mouse,that remains torpid in OGt'-STXiR, n. The star Sirius, brightesti of: DRiS.AL, a. Relating to, or in, the back.[winter. the fixed stars, giving name to the dog-days DOrsE, n.a Enough of medicine, &c., for once. DOGt-T6OTH, n. A tooth next to the'grinders. DOSE, v. a.'To propoition; to give in doses. D)OG'-TRICK, n. An ill turn; surly treatment. DOStSIL, n. A pledget, or lump of lint for a sore. DoG'TROT, n. A gentle trot, like that of a dog. fDOST. The second person singular from do. DOI.NG, n. pl. Things done; transactions; acts. D6T, n. A small point or spot in a writing. &c. DOIT, n. A small piece of money:-a trifle. DOT, v. a. To mark.-v. n. To make dots. DOLE, n. Any thing dealt out; a share; a lot. Dt'TAqE, n. Inbecility of mind; silly fondness. DOLEIFOL, a. Sorrowful; dismal; melancholy. DtT'AL, a. Relating to the portion of a woman. DOLE'FOL-LY, ad. In a doleful manner. DOtTARD, n. One whose mind is impaired by DOLE'SOME (dlt'sum), a. Melancholy; gloomry. DOTE, V. n. To love greatly or foolishly. [age. DOLL, n. A childis puppet or baby. DOTtER, n. One who dotes; a dotard; driveller. DOL'LAR, n. A silver coin of Germany, Hol- DOTH. Third per. sing. from do. Same asdoes. land, Spain, and of the United States. DOT1TARD, n. A tree kept low by cutting. DO'LQR, n. Grief; sorrow; complaint; pain. DOTI'TT R-EL, n. A bird; a kind of plover. DOL-QR-IF1IC, DOL-OR-IF/.-CAL, a. Causing DOuBILE (dib'bl), a. Twofold; two of a sort. pain; inducing- grief. [painfil; dolorific. DOfuBtLE (duib'bl), v. a. To add as much more DOLtQR-OriS, a. Sorrowful; doleful; dtismal; to; to repeat; to fold; to pass round, as a cape. DOL'PHIN, n. A fish:-a constellation. DOMB/LE, V. n. To increase to twice the quantity. DOLT, n. A heavy, stupid fellow; a-blockhead. DOUBI/LE, n. T'wice as much; a fold; a turn. DSLT/ISH, a. Stupid; foolish; blockish; dull. DOtiB'LE-DEALtER (-delter), sn. A deceiver. DQ-MAINt, ni. Dominion; enlpire; an estate. DOrsoILE-DEALt'ING (dib'bl-delt-), n. Artifice. DOME,n. Abuilding; a cupola; an arched roof. DOlBiLET (dtib'let), n. A waistcoat:-a pair. DO-MhStTIC, a. Belonging to the house; pri- DOOB/LE-TONGUEDt (-thingd'), a. Deceitful. vate; tame; not wild; not foreign; intestine. DOfEBILING (dmbtling), n. An artifice; a fold. D)Q-MiStTJC, n. One kept in the house; a ser- DO-UB-LOON' (dibh-lBn), n. A Spanish gold coin. vant; a menial.-pl. Domestic manufactures. DOIBt'LY (dtuble), ad. In twice the quantity. DQ-M2S'TI-CATE, v. a. To make domestic. DoOSBT -(diat), v. a. & n1. To suspect; to hesitate. DOM';-CILE, n. A house; a residence; a home. DiOBT (diOut), n. Hesitation; suspense; scruple. D6M-I-CILtI-A-RY, a. Relating toprivatehouses. DOnBT1ER (diutt'er), n. One who doubts. DOM-.-CILtI-ATE, v. a. To render domestic. DiO3BT'FOL (dout'ffil), a. Dubious; uncertain. DOM'I-NANT, a. Predominant; prevailing. DOOBT'FTOL-LY (dfitt'tfil-le), ad. Uncertainly. DOM-I-NA'TIQN, n. Power; dominion; tyranny. DOUnBTLESS (d1it'les), ad. Without doubt. Doi6M-i-N ER~, v. n. To rule with insolence. D6U-CEUR' (do-suir'), c. [Fr.] A brie; a lure. DQ-MiN.I-C.4L, a. Relating to the Lord, or DOUGH (dS), n. Unbaked paste; kneaded floulr. Lord's day; —noting the Lord's prayer. rinic. DOOGHITY (diiatte), a. Brave; valiant; noble. DO-MINtI-CAN, n. One of the' order of St. Doin- DOUSGHI (d'le), a. Soft like dough. DO-MIN1IQiN (do-mlntyun), n. Sovereign au- DO.SE, v. a. -& n. To plunge or fall illto water. thority; power; predominance:-region. DOVE (dfiv), n. A tame or domesticated pieoeon.,E:,IOuY, lon'; X,1[,5 shoest; EI3,,V,~ obscurse. —FAREFXRFA.ST,'iLt csiR, uuiit; DOVECOT 103 DRILL-BOX D6VE'C6T, DOVEEtH6oSE, a. House for doves. DRAtPER-Y, n. Clothwork; curtains; hangings. D6VEI-LITIE, a. Resembling a dove; gentle. DRXSfTIC, a. Powerful; efficacious; vigorous. DOVE1TAIL, n. A form of joining two pieces. DRAUGHT (drAft), n. A quantity drunkl at once; D6VE/TAILED (-tald), a. Joined by dovetail. act of drawing; sketch; a bill. See DRAFT. DOr'A — ER, n. A widow having a dower. DRAUGHTS (drafts), n. pl. A game - checkers. DOWV1Y~, n. An awkward, ill-dressed woman. DRAUGHTS'MAN (drafts'lntn), n. One who DOS1)*tR, or DOWtE.R-y, n. Endowment; gift: draws writings, pictures, plans, or maps. -a wife's or widow's portion; a dowry. DRAW, v. a. [imp. t. drew; pp. drawn.] To DOWT/ER-LE SS, a. Wanting a fortune or dower. pull; to attract; to win; to extract; to slcetch. DbOW'LAs, n. A coarse and strong linen cloth. DRAW, v. n. To pull; to shrink; to move. D;S3N, n. Soft feathers or hair:-an open plain. DRAW, n. Act of drawing:-the lot drawn. DOwN, prep. Along a descent.-ad. On thie. DRAWBACKR, n. Loss of advantage: —money DOi6rNfCAST, a. Bent down; dejected. [ground. repaid:-repayment or remission of a duty. D6V'N/FXLL, n. Ruin; calamity; sudden fall. DRAW'BRiD9E, n. A bridge imade to be drawn. DOiVNTFALL-EN (dfitn'lfln), a. Ruined; fallen. DRAW-E:t, a. One on whom a bill is drawn. DOVlN'tIILL,?. A declivity; a descent. DRAW'E]R, n. One who draws:-a sliding box. D6PZN'HILL, a. Declivons;.descending. DRAW/'IR1, nsp.. Under-garment for the legs. D6WN'TRIGHT (dd/rIt), a. Plain; open; direct. DRWfING, an. Delineation; representation. DO-N'IRIs HT (douanlrt), ad. Plainly; truly. DRAW1NG-o6OM, a. A roon for company. DO&NIWARD, DO6~N/WARD~, ad. To a lower DRAWL, V. n. & a. To speak slowly and teDbWN/WARD, a. Descending; dejected. [place. diously. [tone of voice. D6ON/y, a. Covered with down; soft; tender. DaAWL, n. A protracted utterance; lingering D.oiW/R'y, n. A woman's portion; a dower. DRAWN, pp. front draw. [for heavy loads. Dbo-Q-L)tCI-CAL, a. Pertaining to doxology. DRAY, DRAY/-CART, n. A low cart or carriage DQX-OLtQ-:Y, n. A form of giving praise to DRAY/-HORSEan. A horse which draws a dray. DOX'y, n. A prostitute; a vile woman. [God. DRAY'IAN, n. A man who drives a dray. DOZE, v. n. To slumlYber; to sleep lightly. DREAD (dred), n. Great fear; terror; awe. D6Z'EN (daz'zn), a?. Tile number of twelve. DREAD (dricid), a. Terrible; awful; venerable. DS/ ZI-Ni5ss, n. Drowsiness; sleepinees. DREAD (dred), v. a. To fear: to be afraid of. Do'zy, a. Sleepy; drowsy; sluggish. DRdPAD, V. n. To be in great fear. fill. DRXAB, n. A strumpet; a slut: —a thick cloth. DREAD'FOL (dredtffil), a. Terrible;.awful; direDRXB, a. Of a dun color, like fuller's earth. DRi3AD'FOL-LY (drd(iffl-le), ad. Terribly. DRAXCIM (dram), or DRXtAriIMA, n A coin. 1)RtAD'LESS, (drdd'les), a. Fearless; intrepid. DRAXCO, a. [L.] The Dragon; a constellation. DREAM, a. Thoughts in sleep:-idle.fancy. DR1AFF, an. Refulse; lees; dregs; sweepings. DREAM, v. n. [imp. t. & pp. dreamt, dreamed.] DRXFF'Y, a. Worthless; dreggy; mean; vile. To have ideas in sleep; to imagine; to idle. DRAFT, n. A bill; a drawing. See DRAUGHT. DREAM (drem), v. a. To see in a dream. DRAX, v. a. & n. To pull or draw along. DRE AMIER, n. One who dreams; an idler. DRXA, en. A net:-a kind of sledge. [dragging. DREAM'LESS, a. Free from dreams. DRAGtGLE, V. a. & en. To make or grow dirty by DREAR, a. Mournful; dismal; dreary; gloomy. DRAG'MAN, n. A fisherman who uses a drag- DREARtI-LY, ad. Gloomily; dismally; horridly. net. [along the bottom. DREAR'I-NESS, a. Disrdalness; gloominess. DRAG'-NEPT, n. A net to takle fish, to be drawn DREARtVa. Gloomy; disma.l; horrid; mournful. DRAG'O-MiN, n. All interpreter ini Turkey, &c. DREDQE, n. An oyster net:-a machine for DRAGtON, n. A large fabulous animllal; a con- clearing canals and rivers:-mixture of grain. stellation:-a small, inoffensive lizard. DRLDG-E, V. a. To scatter flour on:nto gather. DRAG.QN-t T, 7. A little dragon; a kind of fish. DRP1t-.'E R, n. User of a dredge; dredging-box. DRAGtON-FLY, mn. A ferocious stinging fly. DRL DtrNG-BOX, n. A box for dredging meat, DRAGf ON'~-BLO OD (-uniz-bltid) n. A red resin. E tfl.'Y, a. Containing dregs; feculent. [&c. DRA-G66ON, n. A soldier riding on horseback. DRGS, n. pl. Sedimnent of liquors; lees; refuse. DR.-G6OON, V. a. To give up to the rage of sol- DRENCH, V. a. To wash; to soak; to physic. diers:-to compel to submit; to reduce. [dry. DRENCH, n. A draught; liquid potion or dose. DRAIN, v. a. To draw off gradually; to make DRLSS, v. a. [im;p. t. & pp. dressed, drest.] To DRAIN, n. A channel for water or other liquid clothe; to decc: —-to prepare or fit, as leather, to flow off; a watercourse; a sink. lamps, &c.; to trimm:-to cover, as a wound. DRAINtA-BLE, a. Capable of being drained. DRESS, en. Clothes; garment; habit; finery. I)RAIKE,?. The male of the duck:-a fly. DRtSStIER, n. OiOne who dresses; kitchen table, DRAM. n. Eighth or sixteenth of an ounce:-a I)atSStNINGC-ROOM, n. A room to dress in. small quantity: —a glass of spirit.. DuR SSty, a. Showy in dress; attentive to dress, DRA'tMA, n. A composition accommodated to DRIBfBLE, v. 7n. To fall in drops; to slaver. action, either tragedy or comedy. [the drama. DRYB'LET,...A Sdnall quantity; a small sum. DRA-iMATIC, DRA-MATI'-CAL, a. Pertaining to DRI/ER, n. That which absorbs moisture. DR.-M-T'I-CAL-LY, ad. in a dramatic nlanner. DRIFT, a. Design; aim; scope: —body of.snow. DRAMIA-TIST, n. A writer of plays or dramas. DRIFT, v. a. & en. To throw or form into heaps. DRAiMIA-TIZE, v. a. To represent in a drama. DRILL, V.a. To bore; to train;to sow in rows. DRANK, imp. t. from drink. [or drapery. DRILL, n. All instrument for making holes:DRAPE, V. a. e To cover or ornament with cloth furrow for seed:-military exercise. [seed. DRAXPE.R, n. One who sells or deals in cloth. DRILLI-B6X, nm. A box for holding and sowing I. EN, SYR; MOVE, NOR, SON j BOLL, BiR, RTLE.-A-, 9, soft; J G,l hPard; a as z;; as gZ; THIS, DR IK 104 DUMPLING DRINK. v. a. & n. [imp. t. drank; pp. drunk.] DROMtSTICK, n. A stick for beating a drum. To swallow, as any liquid; to quench thirst. DRiONK, a. Intoxicated with liquor; inebriated. DRINK, n. Liquor to be swallowed; beverage. DR[NK, pp. from drink. [ety. DRINKtA-BLE, a. Capable of being drunk. DRONK'ARD, n.. One addicted to habitualebriDRiNKtER, n. One that drinks; a drunkard. DRUNK'EN (drnglkn), a. Intoxicated; drunk. DRIP, v. n. To fall in drops.-v. a. To let fall. DRtONXEN-NESS (dringtkn-nds), n. The state DRIP, n. That which falls in drops; dripping. of being drunken; intoxication; inebriety. DRIP'PING, n. Fat gathered from roast meat. DRY, a. Arid; not wet; thirsty:-barren:-keen. DRIVE, v. a. [imp. t. drove; pp. driven.] To DRY, v. a. & n. To free from moisture; to grow force along; to urge; to compel; to send. DRY.AD, n. (JIyth.) A wood-nymph. [dry. DRIVE, v.n. To rush with violence; to tend. DRY'LY, ad. In a dry manner; coldly; wittily. DRIVE, n. A course for, or ride in, a carriage. )DRPitNESS, n. Want of moisture; aridity. DAirV'EL (drlvtvl), v. n. To slaver; to dote. DRY'-NRSE, na. A nurse who does not suckle. DRIV'EL, n. Slaver; moisture from the mouth. DRY?-ROT, n. A disease incident to timber. DRIV/EL-LER (driv'vl-ler), n. A dotard; an DRYt-SHOD, a. Having the feet dry; with dry DRIV'EN (drlvtvn), pp. from drive. [idiot. DftUAL, a. Expressing the number two. [feet. DRiVtE.R, n. One that drives; a charioteer. DU-iLtI-TY, n. Tle state of being two. DRIZ1ZLE, v. n. & a. To fall in small drops. DuB, v. a. To confer knighthood on; to entitle. DRIZ'ZLE (drlztzl), n. A small rain; mist. DUJB, n. A blow; a knock:-a pool; a puddle. DRIZ'ZLY, a. Shedding small rain; drizzling. DUtBI-otis, a. Doubtful; uncertain; not clear. IDROLL, a. Comical; odd; strange; queer. DU'tBI-O S-LY, ad. Uncertainly; doubtfully. DROLL, n. A jester; a buffoon:-a farce. DU'CAL, a. Pertaining to a duke or dukedom. DROLL'E.R-Y, n. Idle jokes; buffoonery; a show. DUC'AT, n. A European coin struck by dukes. DR6M1E'-DA-RY, n. Sort of one-humped camel. DC-A-T6Nt', an. A silver coin of Holland, &c. DRONE, n. The male bee:-an idler:-a hum. DUCHtrE SS, n. The consort or wife of a duke. DRONE, v. n.. To live in idleness; to-dream. DiCat'y, a. Territory of a duke; a dukedom. DIRON1ISH, a. Idle; indolent; sluggish; lazy. DiCK, n. A web-footed water-fowli:-bow of DR6OP, v. n. To sink or hang down; to de- the head:-a word of endearment:-a linen cline:-to wither; to languish; to faint. fabric lighter than canvas, for sails, &c. DROP, n. A globule of liquid:-an ear-ring. DOCK, v. n. & a. To dive or put under water; DR6P, v. a. To pour in drops; to let fall; to quit. DOICKIING-STOOL n. A stool to duck scolds. DR6P, v. n. To fall in drops; to fall; to die. DOCKR'-LtGED (d1iklllgd), a. Short-legged. DR6OPLET, n. A little drop:-a small ear-ring. DOCK/LING, n. A young or small duck. DROP'PING, a. That which falls in drops. DUCT, n. Guidance;a tube; a canal; passage. nR6PSI-CAL, a. Diseased with, or like, dropsy. DiCtTILE, a. Docile; pliable; easily extended. DR6P'SY, n. A collection of water in the body. DUO-TIL'I-T, an. Quality of being ductile; caDROSS, n. The scum of metals; rust; refuse. pacity of extension; flexibility:-docility. DR6s'SY, a. Full of dross; worthless; foul. D[D'tEON (diid'jpun, n. Anger; resentment. DROOGHT (droiat), a. Dry weather; thirst. DUE (di), a. Owed;* proper; fit; exact. DRO0GHITy (drifitte), a. Wanting rain; dry. DUE (df), ad. Exactly; directly, fitly; duly. DROVE, n. A numbersf cattle driven:-crowd; DiUE, n. A debt; right; just title; tribute;.toll. -DROVE, imp. t. from drive. [a collection.. DUtEL, n. A combat between two individuals.. DRO5VER, n. One that drives cattle to market. DfUEL, v. n. To fight a single combat. DRO*N, v). a. To kill or suffocate in water. DUtEL-LER, a. Fighter of a duel; a duellist. DROW*N v. n. To be suffocated in the water. DU1EL-LING, n. The custom of fighting duels. DRoN'rNER, n. He who, or thaf which, drowns. DUtEL-LIST, n. One who fights a duel. DRaTEs va. n. To slumber; to grow heavy. DTJ-i tNNA, n. An old woman guarding a youngDRMi6r WI-LY, ad. Sleepily; heavily; sluggishly. er:-a waiting-woman of the Queen of Spain. DRWt*Ii-NESS, n. Sleepiness; sluggishness. DUV-T', a. (JIus.) An air for two performers. DROWt'~Y, a. Sleepy; heavy; lethargic; dull. DUG, n. A pap or teat of a beast; a breast. DROiB, v. a. To thrash; to beat; to whip. DtOG, imp. t. & pp. from dig. [in England. DROtB, n. A thump; a knock; a blow. DUKE, n. One of the highelt order of nobility DRB'tBIN, n. A beating; a thumping, floing ng. DUEJDOM, n. Possessions or quality of a duke, DROD E, v. n. To work hard; to slave. DULICET, a. Sweet; luscious; harmonious. DRDIDqE, n. One who works hard; a slave. DLI-CI-FI-C!tTION, n. The act of sweetening, DRIDItER-Y. a. Mean labor; servile occupation. Di0L'CI-F', D[L'CO-RATE, va. To sweeten. )DROG, n. A substance used in medicine, dye- DrOLC1i-Mt R, n. A kind of musical instrument. ing, &c.:-thing unsalable. [ister drugs to. DOLL, a. Stupid; blunt; obtuse; sad; slow. DROG, v. a. To season with drugs; to admin- DOrLL, v. a. To stupefy; to blunt; to sadden. DROG'tET, n. A coarse kind of woollen stuff. DOL'NESS, n. Stupidity;: dimness; bluntness. DROSGt'.IST, n. A dealer in drugs or medicines. D'tLy, ad. Properly; fitly; in due manner. DRtImD, n. A priest of the ancient Britons. DUMB (dilm), a. Mute; incapable ofspeech. DR-IDlDI-CAL, a. Pertaining to the Drufids. DMMBtLY, (dimt'le), ad. Mutely; silently. DRI/'ID-I~M, n. The doctrines of the Druids. DOsMB'NESS (dtirn'nes), n. Incapacity to speak, DRAOM, n. An instrumentof military music. DUMPS, n. pl. Sorrow; melancholy; sadness. DR0M, v. n. & a. To beat a drum; to beat. DrMPfIsH, a. Sad; dejected'; melancholy. DRM'-tt-M'JQOR,n. Chief drummer ofaregimnent. DVViMP'ISH-N~SS, n. Sadness; melancholy. DRMIMMtER, an. One who beats a drum. Dr0lMPiJ.NG, n. A sort of paste or pudding. DUN 105 EASTER DrJN, a. Of a dark color; brownish-black; ful- DIJST'.ER, n That which frees fromdust; a sifter. vous brown:-dark; gloomy; obscure. DUST1I-NESS, n. State of being covered with dust. DON, v. a. To ask.often for a debt. [a- debt. DUSTIMAN, n. One who carries away dust. DrIN, n. An importunate creditor:-demand for DUsTIY, a.- Filled or covered with dust.' DVNCE, n. A thickskull; a dullard; a dolt. DUTCH,?z. The people and language-of Holland. DONG, n. The excrement of animals, DUTCI-I'ESS, D)f'CH'Y. See DUcHEss, DucHY. DON'EQN (diin'jun), n. A close, dark prison. DU0fTl- OUS, a. Obedient; obsequious; dutiful. DNCNG'HILL, n. A heap or accumulation of dung. DUITI-A-BLE, a. Subject to duty or impost. DtNG'HILL, a. Sprung from the dunghill; mean. DUTI-FL, a. Obedient; submissive; reverent. DtN'NE.R, n. One employed in soliciting debts. DUITI-FOL-LY, ad. Obediently; submissively. Di-Q-DFEI'I-toM, n.; pl. DU-O-DE'TI-MOEO. A'DU/TI-FUL-NESS, a. Obedience; submission. book having 12 leaves to a sheet:-also adj. DTY an. Whatever one is bound to perform: DUPE, n. A person cheated or imposed on. -service:-tax; impost; custom; toll. DUPE, v. a. To trick; to cheat; to deceive. DUV-M'/VI-RATE, n. A government by two, DUPPL.-CATE, V. a. To double; to fold. DWARF, a. One below the usual size. [stunt. DU'PLI-CATE, a. Double.; twofold; in, pairs. DWARF, v. a. To hinder from full growth; to DUIJPL1-CATE, n. A\second thing of the same DWARFISnH, a. Below the natural bulk; small. kind; a copy; a transcript; a counterpart. DWARF'ISH-NESS, n. Littleness of stature. DJ-PLI-CA'TIQN, n. Act of doubling:-a fold. DWELL, v. a. [imp. t. & pp, dw6lt, dwlled.] DU'PLI-C4-TURE,n. A fold; any thing doubled. To remain; to inhabit; to live in a place. DU-PL'STI-TY, n. Deceit; dissimulation; artifice. DWELLIER, n. One who dwells; an inhabitant. DU-R4-BIL.'-TY, a. The power of lasting, DWELL1ING,n. Habitation; place ofresidence. DUR'A-BLE a. Lasting; having long existence. DWE:LLfIN4-H5OSE, a. A house in which one DUR'A-BLE-N SS, n. Power of lasting; continu- DWtLL'ING-PLACE,n. Place of residence.[lives. DuRtANCE,n.' Endurance;imprisonment.[ance. DWIN'DLE, v. n. & a. To grow or make less. DVT-RAITIQN, n. Continuance; length of time. DYE, v. a. TO tinge; to color.; to-stain. DUI'RSS, n. Constraint; imprisonment. [of. D:yE, n. Color; coloring matter; tinge; stain. DUR'ING, prep. For the time of the continuance DYE'ING, n. The art of coloring cloth, &c. DURST-, pp. from dare. [darkish; dusky. DYE.R, n. One who dyes cloth, &c. DiJSi, a. Tending to darkness; dark-colored; DVYING, pres. part. of die. Expiring; losing life. DfIsK, na. Tendency to darkness; dark color. DY1KE, n. A mound; a, bank.' See DIKE. DDSKII-LY, ad. With a tendency to darkness. DY-NAM'_CS, n. p1. Science of moving powers. DVSSK/I-NESS, n. Incipientdarknessor obscurity. DY'NAS-TY or D1NtAS-TY,tn. A race of princes. DtSKR'SH, a. Inclining to darkness or blackness. DgS-]iN-TER'IC, a. Relating to dysentery. D3SKey, a. Somewhat dark:-gloomy; sad. DWS'EN-TER-Y, n. A looseness; bloody flux. DtST an. Earth,&c., reduced to powder; earth. DIISPE.P-SY or DYS-PEP'Sy, n. Indigestion. DtlST, v.a. To free from, or sprinkle with, dust. DyS-PEP'TIC, a. Having bad digestion. E. V i the most frequent vowel in the English lan- iAR'PYCR, n. An instrument for cleaning ears. E1 guage, has two principal sounds - long, as EARtRING (ertrlng), n. Ornament for the ear. in mete, and short, as in met. EARTH (6rth), n. Soil; ground; earthy matEACH (ech), proe. Either or one of two or more. ter:-the terraqueous globe; the world. [bury. EA'GE R (Ve'er), a. Keenly desirous; ardent. EARTH (irth), v. a. & n. To hide in earth; to:EAIPER-LY (e'ger-le), ad. Ardently; keenly. EARTH'BsARD, n. The board of a plough. EA/aGER-NESS (e'ger-nis), n. Strong desire, EARTH/-Bi5ORN (iirth'born), a. Born-of the earth. EAtGLE (e'gl), n. A bird of prey; a standard. tARTH'EN (&irtthn), a. Made of earth or clay. EA'GLE-EiED (etgl-Id), a. Very sharp-sighted. EARTH'tL-NESS (1irthtle-nts), n. Worldliness. EAtGLET (elglet), n. A young eagle. [corn. EARTHLY (Srthllle) a. Belonging to earth; vile. E:AR (er), a. The organ of hearing:-a spike of EARTH'NDT (Srthniit), n. A pignut; a root. EAR (er), v. n. To shoot into ears, as corn. EARTH'QUAXKE, n. A convulsion of the earth. EARL (erl), n. A title of English nobility. EARTH'Y (irthe3),a. Consisting'ofearth; terrene. EARt'LAP (gr'llp), n.' The tip of the ear. [earl. EARIWXX (er'wAks), a. Cerumen of the ear. EARLtDQM (&rlIdumn), n. The seigniory of an ARItWls (erwig), n. An insect: —awhisperer. EARfLESS (er'les), a. Destitute of ears:-deaf. EA~E (ez), 7' Quiet; rest after labor:-facility. atAR'LI-NPSS (er'le-nds),r,. Stateof beingearly. EAE (Cez), v. a. To free fromn pain; to relieve. EAR'LY. (rrle), a. Being in season.-ad. Betimes. EAt'EL (e'zl), n. Frame far a painter's canvas. EARN (rn), v. a. To gain by labor; to obtain. EAE/ME.NT (ez'ment), a. Ease; support; relief. EAR'NEST (Srfnest), d. Ardent; zealous; eager. EA~I.-LY (e ze-le),ad.Without difficulty; readily. EAR/NEST,n. Seriousness:-pledge;money ad- EAt.-NESS (aet-s),n. Readiness; ease rest. iAR'NEST-LY ("rtnest-le),ad. Warmly.[vanced. EAST (est), a. The quarter where the sun rises. EAR'NEST-NESS (irfngest-nus), n. Eagerness. EAST, a, Being from, or towards, the rising sun. RARNI.N G (mrnijng), n. That which is earned. EAST!ER5 n. The feast of Christ's resurrection. MIEN, SYR; I6vER, NIOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, ROLE.-Q, q soft; X, A, hard; - as z; T: as gz; THIS. EASTERLY 106 EFFULGENCE jASTrER-LY (ist'er-le), a. & ad. Coming from EiDICT, n. A proclamation; an order. the east:-towards the east. [ental. ED —I —I-CXATION, n. Instruction; improvement. EASTIE'RN (estlern), a. Being in the east; ori- EDlI-FICE (d'ge-fis), n. A structure; a building. EAST'WARD (est'ward), ad. Towards the east. IEDtI-FI-ER, n. One who edifies or enlightens. EA~'Y (e'ze), a. Not difficult; quiet; complying. ED t-FX (ed'e-fi), v. a. To instruct; to improve. EAT (6t), v. a. & n. [imp. t. ate, eat; pp. eaten.] E/DILE, n. An ancient Roman magistrate. To devour:-to corrode:-to take food. EDIIT, v. a. To superintend for publication. EAT'A-BLE (tt'-bl),a. Capable ofbeingeaten. E.-DIITION, n. The impression or publication EAT'A-BLE, n. Any thing that may be eaten. ED.L -TOR, n. One who edits. [of a bool, &c. EATIEN ('ftn), pp. from eat. [corrodes. ED-I-TO'RI-4L, a. Belonging to an.editor. [tor. EATIER (et'er), n. One that eats:-that which E DII-TOR-SHIP, n. Office or function of an ediEAVES, a. pi. The edges of the roof of a house. ED IT-CATE, v. a. To bring tip; to instruct. [tor. lAVEIfDR6oP-PERn. A listener under windows. ED-U-CAITION, n. A: bringing up; instruction. aBB, n. The reflux of the tide:-decline. ED-U-CAi/TION-AL, a. Relating to education. tEaB,v.n. To flow bacl towardsthesea: —to de- EDU-CA-TQOR, n. One who gives instruotion. EB'QN, a. Dark; black:-made of ebony. [cay. E-DUCEt' v.a. To bring or draw out; to extract. kB'Q-NY, n. A hard, black, valuable wood. E-DUCITION, n. The act of bringing out. E-BRI'E.-TY, n. Drunkenness; intoxication. E-DULtCO-RATE, v. a. To sweeten; to purify. BBt'-TIDE, n. The reflux of the tide;.the ebb. E.-DUL-CO-IRATIO.N, n. The act of edulcorating. E-BaLL'IENT (e-biilyent),a. Boiling over. [ing. EEL (81), n. A serpentine, sliny fish. E:B-UL-LI"TIOQN (ib-ul-lish.un), n. Act of boil- E'RN (en),ad. Contractedfrom even. See EVEN. EC-CCENTRJIC, a. Deviating from the cen- E'E R (r). Contracted froml ever. See EVER..C-CEN/TRI-CAL, tre, or from ehe true line EF-FACETq. a. To blot out, erase, obliterate. of a circle: —irregular; anomalous; odd.'F-FECTr, s1. Result; issue; consequence:tC-CEN-TRI'/I-TY, n. Stateofbeing eccentric. meaning; reality.-pl. Goods Inovables. RC-CL E-I-XStTE, n. AbookofHoly Scripture. EF-FrECT, v. a. To bring to pass; to produce. tC-CLE-I-XAS1TIC, n. A clrgyman; a priest. EF-FECTTl-BLE, a. Feasible; practicable. C-CLI1-~I-XAS1TIC, a. Relating to the E-FrecTION, n. Performance:-a problem. EC-CL]-~.~-AS/T.I-CAL, 5 church; not civil; *EF-FECfTIVE, a. Efficacious; efficient; active, not secular. [the Apocrypha. ErF-FECTItVE-L, aLd. Powerfully; with effect. EC-CLE-~.I-XSITaI-CS,,n. One of the books of:E-FFECTR, an. Hewho,orthatwhich,effects. EII'.I-N.ATE, EEHt.I-NAT-E D,a. Bristled; cov- EF-FEOCTi.J-AL,a. Producingeffect; efficacious. ered with sharp points or spines. [sound. EF-FCTU-.AL-LY, ad. In an effectual manner. ESH1O, n.; pl. SH'OE~. Reverberation of a EF-FiCT.U-AL-NESS,n. Stateofbeingeffectmal. R:9H'O (ek/ko), v. a. & n. To send back a sound. F-FECT'U-ATE- v. a. To bring to pass; to effect. E-CLA.IRICISE-MENT (e-klir'siz-ment),n. Ex- EF-FiMTI-NA-CY, n. Womanish delicacy. planation; the act of clearing up an affair. EF-FEM1I -NATE, a. Womanish; soft; feminine. E-CLXT' (e-kla), n. Splendor; show; lustre. EF-FLM1t-NATE:, v. a. T make womanislh. EC-LTC'TIC, a. Selecting; choosing; culling. EF-FiE'MI-NATE-LY, ad. In an effeminate or E-CLiPSE' (e-klipsl), n. Obscuration; darkness. unmanly manner. [effeminacy. E-CLIPSE/, v. a. To darken, as a luiminary; to EF-FiM'I-NATE-NESSS, n. Unmanly softness; obscure; to cloud; to veil:-to degrade. EF-F;NIDIl (ef-fen'de), n. A Turkish officer. E-CLiP'T.IC, a. A great circle of the sphere. EF-FER-VESCEs (ef-fer-ves'), v. n. To work, as ROC'L,5GUE (ik'lig), n. A pastoral poem. a liquid when fermenting; to ferment. [tion. l]iPC-Q-N6M.'-CAL or R-CQ-N6Mt.I-CAL, a. Fru- Fr-FrEE-vErESCENCEn. A bubbling; fermentagal; thrifty; sparing; saving.:F-FE R-VES1CdENT, a. Effervescing; bubbling. IlPiC-Q-NAomI'CS, np1. Household management. EF-rFETE, a. Barren; wornoutwithage. [fect. E-CONNIQ-MiST, n. One who is thrifty or frugal. EF-F-CA/CIOCUS (-fe-ka'shus), a. Producing efE-C6ON'.-MIZE,v.a. To employ with economy. EF-FI-CAtCIOVS-LY, ad. Effectually; with effect. E-CON/Q-MY,n. Thrifty management; frugality. EFF.t-CA-Cy,, n. Ability to produce effects. iC'STA-SY,n. Excessive joy; rapture; a trance. EF-FI'TCI:EINL-Cy,. Power of producing effects. EC-STAT'IC, EC-STXT'I-CAL, a. Ravished; EF-FrI~CIENT (ef-fish'yent),a. Causing effects. rapturous; filling witli ecstasy; transporting. EF-F1TCIECNT-L, f-fish/yent-le), ad. Effectively. tC-U-MtNI.-CAL, a. General; universal.:rFIF- Y, n. a inage; likeness; representation. t C'V-RI. (ek'ku-re), n A stable for horses. IF-FLO-RESCE' (ef-flo-res'), v. n. To form, or E -DxCIOU.s (e-dE'~sh-s), a. Eating; voracious. be covered with, dust or powder on the surface. E-D.KAI-T, n. Voracity; ravenousness. itF-FLO-RkS'iCENCE, n. Act of efflorescinfg:DI'DER, n. Twigs binding hedge-stakes. eruption on the skin:-flowering of plants.[&c. ED'DISH:,n. A second crop of grass; aftermath. L:F-FLOQ-RS.'CE. NT, a. Shooting out in flowers, tDIDY, n. A contrary current; a whirlpool. Ft'FLU-EINCE, n. A flowing out; efflux; enmaiDtDy, v. n. To move in an eddy or whirl. tF'FLU-I.NT, a.'Flowinlgout; issuing. [nation. EDqIE (ej), n. Sharp part of a blade:-brink. F-LU'OVI-f3M, an.; pl. EF-FLTUIVI-A. Invisible tEDQE (ej), v. a. To sharpenl; to give an edge to. vapor, as fromn putrefying matter. tEDqED (ejd or 6d'jed), p. a. Sharp; not blunt. iFiFLUX, n. The act of flowing out; effuision. 9DqE't-TOOL,.. A tool with an edge; cutting- EF-FLUXtION (-fiik'shun), n. Act offlowing out. EDIE W~IwE,ad. In the direction ofthe edge.[tool. EF'FORT, n. A struggle; exertion; endeavor.'EDING, n. A border; frimnge; narrow lace-work. EF-FRON'TER-Y, n. Implidence;shamelessness. D.I-BLE, a. Fit to be eaten; eatable, EF-FUL'QT. NCE, n. Lustre; brilliancy. i,,gi;,i,,Y, long; A,,i,R,b,), short; A,,I,Q,U,Y, obscure. —FkRE,FiiR,FAST,FALL; HtIIR,Ht R, EFFULGENT 107 ELUCIDATION F-FtLL'(rE.NT, a. Shining; bright; luminous. E-LPCITIVE, a. Having, or regulated by, choice. E.F-FUSEI, v. a. To pour out; to spill; to shed. E-LECTOLR, n. He who elects, or gives a vote. EF-FUtIOQN (-f'fzhun), n. Apouringout; waste. E-LhC'TQ-RAL, a. Pertaining to an elector or EF-FfUtSIVlE, a. Pouring out; dispersing. to an election. [an elector, LFT, n. A species of salamander or newt. E-LkC!TO-RATE, a. Territory or the office of EGG (eg), n. A body produced by the feathered.-LC'TRIC,' ~a. Relating to, containing, tribe, and also by some other animals. ]i-LECtTRI-CAL, or capable of, electricity. tGILAN-TINE, a. A species of rose; sweetbrier. E-LEC-TRVltCIAN, n. One versed ill electricity. E.:GQ. -T5lv, n. Self-commendation; frequent E-LEC-TRI'.I-TY, n. That property of bodies, use of the word I; speaking much of one's self. first observed in amber, of attracting or repel. EtGO.-TIST, n. One who talks much of himself. ling light bodies when excited by friction. E-GO-TISTt-CAL, a. Addicted to egotism; vain. E-LtC'TR.I-FY, v. a. To communicate electrici, EGQ-TIZE, v. n. To talk much of one's self. - ty to:-to thrill; to charm; to enchant. [ment; lE-GRE5tIOUS (e-grt'jus), a. Extraordinary. L -LECE-ROi/-TE.R, n. An electrical instruE-GRE TIOUS-LY, ad. Eminently; remarkably. E.-LECT.U-A-Ry, n. A soft compound medicine. l'GREgss, n. A going out; departure;egression..L-EE-MO6~Y-NA-1R Y (l-e-mlz'e-na-re), a. Re)E-GRs'ISIQON (e-grtshfun), n. Act-of going out. lating to alms or charity:-living on alms. E GR]ET, n. A fowl of the heron kind:-down. EL-EE- i tofy-NA-Ry, n. One living upon alms. EIIDFR, n. A large kind of northern duck. EL'E-GANCE, n. Beauty, propriety, grace, or EIGHT (at), a. Twice four; seven and one. symmnetry, without grandeur; refinement. EIGH'TEEN (iaten), a. Twice nine. ELfE-GANT, a. Having elegance; pleasing. EIGH1TPENTH (Ltegnth), n. The next in order ELE -GANT-LY, ad. With elegance; gracefully. to the seventeenth; ordinal of eighteen. EL-,E-IIAC, a. Pertaining to, or like, elegy. EIGHTH (dtth), a. Next in order to the seventli. ELE -Y, n. A mouriiful song or poem; a dirge. E.IGHTHILY (attlile), ad. In the eighth place. ELEI-MgNT, n. Fiist or constituent principle EIGHtTIT-ETH (a'te-itlh), a. The ordinal of eighty. of any thing:-suitable state or habitation. EIGUItTY (V'te), a: Eight times ten; fourscore. fL-E-NIENT'AL,a. Pertainingtoelements;rude. EIrTHERt (etther),.prep. One or the other. [that. EL-E-MINT'4A-RY, a. Primary; uncompounded. EIfTHER [(ither), conj,. Or; as, either this or LtE -PHANT n.' The largest of quadrupeds. ].-JXC'U-LATE, v. a. To throw; to hurl; to EL-E-PHAN-TI'A-SIS, n. A species of leprosy. cast:-to utter suddenly. [pression. fL-E.-PFHAN'TINE, a. Pertaining to the eleC.-JXC-U-LATIQQN, n. A darting: —a quick ex- pliant; huge; gigantic; colossal. [Ceres.:-JiXC'V-LA-TQ-RY,a. Darted out; sudden; hasty. tL-EU-SIN.I-AN, a. Relating to the rites of E-JECT', v. a. To throw out; to cast forth, ex- EL'E-VXATE,v. a. To raise up; to exalt, dignify. E-J9CITIQON, n. A casting out; expulsion. [pel. EL-E-VAtTIQN, n. A raising up; exaltation:E-JECTIrm'NT, n. Expulsioni:-an action for the E.-LEV'EN (e-lvtvn), a. Ten and one. [height. recovery of the possession of real property. E-LVI'ENTH (e-ltv'vnth), a. The next in oreKtE, or EEl, (ek), v. a. To supply; to protract. der to the tenth; ordinal of eleven. [fairy. EKE, ad. Also; likewise; beside; moreover. E:LF, nl.; pl. ELVES. A wandering spirit; a E-LAB.O-RATE, V. a. To produce with labor. ELF'LOCK, n. A knot of hair twisted, as by elves. E.-LXABO RATE, a. Finished with great labor, E-LC IT, v. a. To draw out; to educe, extract. and care; much labored or studied. [rate. EL-I-q1-BILI -TY, n. Worthiness to be chosen. E-LtXBnQ-RATE-NESS, sn. State of being elabo- E:LI-QtI-BLE, a. Fit to be chosen; preferable. -LAB-O-RA/TI.ON, a. The act of elaborating.:EL1I-iI-BLE-NE SS, n. Worthiness to be chosen. E -LAPSE/, v.. n. To pass away; to glide away. E-LI/t'IQN.(e9-lzh.un), n. Act of cutting off a E-LAS'1TIC, a. Springing back; rebounding. vowel or syllable, as at the end of a word. EL-L4s. 794T:t. Y, n. A property in bodies, by E-LIX'IR,,n. A medicine; quintessence; cordial. which they restore themselves to their original ELK, n. A quadruped of the stag kind. form; tendency to rebound. [spirit:. LL, n. A measure of length varying in differK.7LA-TE', a. Flushed with success; high in EL-LIPSE', n. An ellipsis. [ent countries. E-LATEf1 v. a. To elevate; to puff up; to exalt. EL-LIP/SIS, n.i; pl. EL-LIPfSPE. An oval figKE-LA'TION, n. High spirits from success. ure:-an omission; a defect. [an ellipsis; oval.:Lt/BOW (ailb),n. Curvature of the arm; angle. E1.-LYPTIC, EL-LIVPTI-C.L, a. Pertaining to:ELIBsw (ellbS), v. a. & n. To push with the,LM, ns. laThe name of a large forest-tree. elbow; to crowd; to press. [chair. EL-O-Ct'TIQN, n. Pronunciation; utterance. ELIBOS3W-CHIR, n. A chair with arms; arm- PEL1O-Y~,n. Panegyric; praise. See EULOGY. EL'BO-W-R MIVa, s. Roorm to extend the elbows. E-L GATE, v.. To lengthen; to draw out. -Lt'DER, a. Surpassing another in years. EL-QN-GAAtTIQN, n. Act of lengthening; distance. Ei LIDiR.R, m. A senior:-a ruler:-a tree or shrub. E-LOPE, v. n. To run away, as a woman to be ELIDIR-LY, a. Bordering upon old age; old. married; to escape privately. [parture. EL'DE.R-SHiP, n. Seniority; primnogeniture. IE-LOPEMENTNT, n. Private or unlicensed deEL'DEST, a. Oldest; most aged. L'tQ-QUENCE,s. Oratory; art of speaking well. tL-E-CAMI-PANE Y, n. A large, herbaceous plant: ELQ.O-QUhNT, a. Having.,the power of oratory. -a sweetmeat of the root of the plant. -EL'O-QUENT-LY, ad. In an eloquent manner. E-LSCT, v. a. To choose for office; to select..LSE, pron. Other;onebesides.-ad. Otherwise..-LECT', a. Chosen; taken by preference.,LSE/WHERE (1lsihwAr), ad. In another place. E-LECtTIOQN, n. Act of choosing; choice. [tion. ]E-LU1CI-DATE, v. a. To explain; to clear. -L EC-TIQN-EERI, v. n. To use arts for an elec- E.'-LU-CI-DA1TIQN, n. Explanation; exposition. ME N,, SI'R; M6VE, NO5R, S6N; BOLL, BUR, RtLE.-e, A, so0ft; h, A, hard; q as z; i as gz; THrts. ELUCIDATOR 108 EMPOISON E-LVtC-DX-TQR, n. An explainer; expounder. EMBRASURE (em-bra-zhirf or em-br'7hu.r), n. E)-LUDE1, v. a. To escape by stratagem; to evade. An opening made in a wall or parapet. g-LU'DI-BLE, a. That may be eluded. [sion. M1BROQ-CA.TE, v. a. To moisten and rub, as a:-LfU1ION (e-l-izhun), n. Act of eluding;, eva- part diseased, with a liquid substance. E-LO'SIVE, a., Practising elusion; evasive. EM-BRQ-CA/TIQN, n. Act of embrocating.[work. i-LU'SQ-RY, a. Tending to elude; elusive. EM-BROID'ER, V. a. To adorn with figured.-LUfTRI-ArTE, V. a. To purify by straining. EM-BROID'ER-ER, n. One who embroiders. ELVES (elvz), n. The pl. of elf. See ELF. EM-BRODI'ER-Y, a. Embroidered needle-work. *:-L'S1TI-AN (e-llzh'e-an), a. Very delightful. EM-BROILI, v a. To disturb, confuse, distract. 3E-Lt/TI-~JM (e-lzh'e-um), n. The place assigned EM-BROILLMENT, n. Confusion; disturbance. by the heathens to'happy souls after death. EM-BRtE, v. a. To soak. See IMBRUE.'-M-I'CjI-TE (e-mL'she-at), v. a. & n. To make EM1BRY-0, n. pl. kEMIBRY-6~. Offspring not lean; to waste; to deprive of flesh, attenuate. distinctly formed:-rudiments of any thing. E.-MA-CI-.ATIQN, n. The act of making lean. E-MENDt, v.a. To mend; to amend; to correct. EM'A-NANT, a. Issuing or flowing; emanating. E -MEND'A-BLE, a. Capable of emendation. iIt'A-NATE, V. n. To issue or flow; to spring. EM-EN-DA'TIQN, n. Correction; improvement. tM-A-NAtTION, n. Act of issuing; efflux. EM1EN-DJA-TQR, n. A corrector; an improver. tMtA-NA-TIVE, a. Issuing from; emanant. E-MEND1A-T —RY, a. Contributing emendation..-MXN/CI-PA1'E, V. a. To set free from servi- EMtER-ALD, n. A green precious stone..j-MXN:Ci-PA'TIQN, n. Act of setting free. [tude. E-MER-E 1, v. n. To emanate; to rise; to issue. E-MXN'CI-PA-TQR, a. One who emancipates. E-MER'qENCE, n. A rising out:-sudden 1-MXs'CU-LATE, v. a. To deprive of virility. RE-MIERQi N-CY, occasion; exig ency. ~-MXXS'CI-LATE, a. Unmanned; vitiated. E-MER'qENT, a. Rising into view: —sudden; E-MAS-iCU-L!ATIQN, n. Castration; effeminacy. EMI!ER-6OID~,.n.Pl. Hemorrhoids; piles. [casual. gM-BXLM. (em-b'am'), v.a. To impregnate with E-MER1SION, n. Act of rising out or into view. aromatics to prevent putrefaction. [balms. EM'R-y, n. A variety of sapphire, used for poiIsM-BiLM'ER (em-blamfer), n. One who em- ishing, and for cutting gems. [ing.:M-BXRGiRGO n.. pl. EM-BXR'GoE,. Prohibi- E-MiT'IC. E-MT'tI-CAL, a. Producing vomittion to sail; detention in port. [board. E-METTIC, n. A medicine producing vomits. VM-BXRK', v. a. &; n. To put or go on ship — EMI-GRANT, n. One who emigrates. YMI-BAR-K~A!TIQN, a. The act of embarking. EM/I-GRATE, v. n. To leave one's native counEM-BXR1RASS, v. a. To perplex; to entangle. try to reside in another; to change residence. ViM-BAR'RASS-MENT, n. Perplexity; trouble. EM-I-GRAtTIQN, n. The act of emigrating..M-BXSS.SA-DQR, n. An ambassador; a pleni- EMtI-NPNCE, n. Height; summit:-celebrity potentiary. [bassador: —legation. kEMIN-NENT, a. High.; exalted; conspicuous. tM'BAS-S,Y an. Message or function of an am- ETMI-NENT-LY, ad. Highly; conspicuously. IM-BKTITLE, v.a. To range in order of battle. E'MIR, n. A title of dignity among the'Turks. E M-BAY1 (em-bat), v.a. To enclose in a bay. kEMIS-SA-RY, n. One sent on a mission:-a spy..EM-BiELLISH, v. a. To adorn; to beautify. E -MISS.IQN (e-msh'un),.n, Act of emitting.. J.:M-BiL1LISH-MENT, n. Ornament; decoration. EtMrTI; ".. a. To send forth; to vent; to let fly. kM'BgER, n. pl. Hot cinders or ashes. -EM'mllT, n. An insect; an ant; a pismire. 3M-aIz7zLE,v. a. To steal by breach of trust. E-ML'rLIENT, a. Softening,making supple. IM-BsZ'ZLE-MtNT, n. Act of embezzling. E-M6OLTJU-.M- NT, n.. Profit; advantage; gain..M-BIJA'ZON (em-bla'zn),v. a. To adorn with E-MO'TIQN, n. A moving of the mind; passion. figures of heraldry:-to deck glaringly. EM-PAL-Et, v. a. To enclose: —to fix on a stake. 3lM-BLX'ZON-ER (em-blafzn-.er), n. A blazoner. 4M-PALEM. NT, a. Act of empaling:-calyx. gM-BLAtZON-RY, n. Blazonry; heraldic or- E.-PXN'E.L, v. a. To form, as a jury; to enroll. naments; pictures on shields. [inlaid work. EM-PXRKl, v. a. To enclose in a park. tM'BLEM,n. A device; a type; a symbol: —. MIPE-RQR, n. The sovereign of an einmpire. tM-BLiM-XTFIC, a. Pertaining to, or coi- EM'IPHA-StS, n.; pl. kM'PH.A-SEf. Particular iM-IBLE M-XTTJI-C.AL, prising, an emblem; stress laid on a word or sentence; impressive allusive; figurative; representative. [emblems. utterance:-impressiveness; significance. ijM-BLEM-XT1I-CAL.LY, ad. In the manner of tMFPHA-SZE, v. a. To place emphasis on..M-BsOD)r, v. a.' form into a bOdy; to im- EM-PHXTIC, E.M-PHXT'I-CAL, a. Forcible; body: —to draw into one company or mass. impressive; significant; striking; strong. 1M-BsGUTING (em-bog'jng), n. A river's mouth. EM-PHXTtI-CAL-LY, ad. Strongly;. forcibly. EM-BOLDiEN, IM-BOLDtEN, v. a. To make bold. kEMPIRE, n. Power:-dominion of an emperor. tM'IBQ-LISM, n. Intercalation; insertion of days. EMF-PIRIIC or.M'PmR-,IC, n. A pretending or.M-B6SSt, v. a. To engrave with rising work. ignorant physician; a quack; a charlatan..M-BOSSItMENT, n. A prominence; jut; relief. EM-PIRrC, EM-PIR'I-CAL, a. Relating to exEM-B6/EiL, v. a. To take out the entrails of. periments; relying on experience:-charlatanic.:M-BOWrER, v. n. To lodge or rest in a bower. EM-PIR1I-Ct~M, n. Quackery; charlatanism. ]~M-BRACE', v. a..To hold fondly in the arms: IEM-PLiSTEgR, v. a. To cover with a plaster. -to enclose; to comprise; to contain; to in- EM-PLOt1, v. a. To occupy; to exercise; to use. EM-BRACE,' v.n. Tojoin inan embrace. [elude. EM-PLot, n. Occupation; employment.:1.M-BRACE',n. Clasp; fondpressure in the arms. EM-PLO3tER, n. One who employs; a user. IM-BRACEME.NT, n. Clasp; hug; embrace. EM-P'LO.MENT, n. Business; occupation; of-M-BRA'CStR-y, n. Attempt to corrupt a court. EM-POI'oON, v. a. To poison, envenom. [fice., big,;,Ii, long; X, i,,6,rC,1, short; k,V,j,Q',~y,9 obscure.-FARE,FrXR,FAiST,FiLL; HdIIR,'tER; EMPORIUM 109 ENFEOFFMENT EM-P)'tRI-itM, n. A place of commerce; a mart. E.N-C6OtPASS, v. a. To encircle; to surround, EM-P6OV'iR-iSH,v. a. To nake poor; to exhaust. EN-CoMtPASS-MhNT, n. Act of encompassing iEM-PfV' ER-ISH-ER, n1, One who empoverishes. EN-CORE1 (ang-kar'), ad. [Fr.] Again; once EM-P6V'E R-.ISH-MhtNT, n.Act of enpoverishing. moe; a word asking repetition. [tion of. EM-PSW'ER, v. a. To authorize; to enable. EN-CORE (ang-kor'), v. a. To call for repetiiM'PR:ESS, n. Wife or consort of an emperor. EN-COUNfTER, n. Battle; fight; duel; meeting. E.M-PRI~E,n. Attempt of danger; enterprise. EN-COtN/TE.R, v. a. To meet.; to confront:-to I.MP1TI-NESS, (6m'te-nts), n. Vacuity; vacuum. attack; to resist; to oppose. [meet. REIPtTY (lnmte), a. Void; not full; unfurnished. EN-CONtTE'T R, v. n. To engage; to fight.; to SIMPtTY (em'te), v. a. To evacuate; to exhaust. EN-COUr.AqE (qn-kiir'aj), v. a. To incite; to I2 PtTy (em'te), v. n. To become empty or void. give courage to; to stimulate; to support. EXM-PR'tPLE, v. a. To make of a purple color. EN-COtUR'4AE-htgNT, n. Incitement; support.'Mi-PRER'E.-L, a. Formed of fire or light; highly.N'ICR.I-NITE, W. A fossil animal; a species of refined:-relating to the highest heaven. star-fislh with a lily-shaped disk; stone-lily. tM-PY-REIAN or E.iV-PRtIE-AN, n. The highest 1EN-CROACHt (en-krdch'), v. n. To make invaheaven, of pure fire. rheavenly. sion; to advance by stealth; to infringe. Pt.-PY-RE'.AN or EM-PRR'IE-AN, a. Empyreal; EN-CROACHIMENT, n. An unlawful intrusion. EatU.-LATE, v. a. To rival; to vie with:-to Ei.N-CtMl'B.R, v. a. To clog; to load; to impede. imitate; to copy; to resemble. [tion. E.N-CriM'BRANCE, n. Clog; load; impediment. IM-UV-LA'TIQN, n. Rivalry; contest; conten- 1EN-CY —CLO-PE!fDI-A (en-si-klQ-p'de-a.), it. A:M'1V-L4-TIVE, a. Inclined to emulation. complete circle of sciences; a cycloptadia. tMaU'-LA-TOR,?. A rival; a competitor. EN-Ck-CLQ-PE'DIST,?a. Onu who compiles, or JE-Mt6L -NT,. -a. Milking or draining out. assists in compiling, an encyclopadia. M'IU-LOUS, a. Rivalling; desirous to excel. EN-CYST'ED, a. Enclosed in a vesicle or bag. E-MTLtSIQN, n. An oily, lubricating medicine. END, n. Conclusion; termination; period; point: iE-MIfNC'TO-RY, n. (Anat.) An organ giving -death; fate:-limit; purpose; design. issue to matters; ain excretory duct.: ND, v. a. To terminate; to conclude; to finish. RN, a prefix to many English words, identical LND, v.n. To come to an end; to cease; to die. with em, im, and in, chiefly borrowed from the EN-DAMtA qE,v. a. To injure; to daniage. French, and coinciding with the Latin in. EN-D.AN'qER, v. a. To expose to danger; to EN-AIBLE, v. a. To make able; to empower. put to hazard; to hazard; to imperil. EN-XCT/, v.a. To perform; to establish; to de- EN-DEAR, v. a. To make dear; to make beloved. 1EN-XCT'OR, n. One who enacts or decrees. [cree. EN-DEAR'MENT, n. Cause of love; afiection.;N-XCTME. NT, n. The passing of a bill into a EN-DEAVQPR (en-dev'ur), n. Effort; attempt. law:-a law enacted; a decree; an act. EN-])tAV.OR, v. n. To strive; to exert one's self.:N-l4T'.L, v. a. To lay enamel on; to inlay. EN-DEAVO1R, v. a. To.attempt; to essay. EN-XM'EL, v. n. To practise the use of enamel. EN-DECA1-G6ON, n. A figure of eleven sides. EN-XMI13L, n. A sort of semi-transparent glass: EN-DFIc'T1C, a. Pointing out; showing. -hard, exterior surface of the teeth, &c. EN-DEim'IC, a. Peculiar to a country. [ApEN-XIMtE.L-LER, a. One who enamels. EN-D MtI-CAL, plied chiefly to diseases.] N-XMiE.L-LING, a. The art or practice of an EN-DE:Mt.C, n. An endemic disease. enameller; the covering surfaces with enamel. EN-DiN't-ZEN (-dente-zn),.v. a. To naturalize. ElN-XM-Q-RX/'Do, a. One deeply in love.:ENDfING, n. Conclusion; termination. [INDICT..N-XM'OTVR, v. a. To inflame With love. EN-DITE', v. n; To compose. See INDITE and EN-CAqE', v. a. To shut up; to coop up; to cage. ENIDIVE, n. A plant used as a winter salad. iN-CX.MP, v. n. & a. To pitch tents; to halt. ENDXLESS, a. Without end; perpetual; incessant. EN-CIMP'ME. NT, n. Act of encamping; camp. ENDILESS-LY, ad. Perpetually; without end. EN-CASEt, v. a. To enclose or hide, as in a case. EN-~DORSEt, v. a. To superscribe; to sign by i.N-cHAFE', v. a. To chafe; to enrage; to irri- writing onithe back of; to indorse. [ance. tate; to fret. [bind; to fascinate. EN-DORSE/MENT, n. Superscription; acceptJN-CHAIN1, v. a. To fasten with a chain:-to EN-DOW1, v. a. To furnish with a portion, &c. J.N-CHANTt, v. a. To charm; to bewitch; to EN-DO1rME.NT, n. Any thing bestowed; a gift. delight; to captivate; to enrapture. EN-DUEt, v. n. To supply; to invest; to endow. EN-CHANT'ER, n. A magician; a sorcerer. IN-DUR'A-BLE, a. Tolerable; sufferable. EN-CHANTfMENT,n. Magic;- charm;fascination. EN-DIR'.ANCE, n. Continuance; sufferance. EN-CHANTR. SS, n. A woman who enchants..N-DURE1, v: a. To bear; to sustain; to suffer EN-CHASEI, v. a. To infix; to adorn; to engrave. without complaint; to support; to undergo. a N-~0HI-RIDD'-QN, n. A little book; a manual. EN-DUREI, v. n. To last; to remain; to bear. EN-CYR1CLE, v. a. To surround; to environ. ND'WI~E, ad. Erectly; uprightly; on end. ~EN-CLOS6E, v. a. To surround; to inclose; to rN/~-Mmy, n. A foe; an adversary; an opponent. EN-CLOS'ER, n. One who encloses. [wrap. EN-ER-qETTC, a. Forcible; strong aciN-CLO'UVRE (einkllzhlhur), n. Act of enclos- N-E.R-iTI-C.AL, t rive; vigorous. ing —the thing enclosed, or which encloses. N'iER-qY, n. Power; force; vigor; efficacy. EaN-COtMI-AST, n. A panegyrist a praiser. E-NER'VATE, v. a. To weaken; to enfeeble. EN-CO-MI-AS'TIC, a. Laudatory; panegyr- ERN-E.R-'VATION, n. The act of weaken:ing. EN N-CO-Mi-XStTT-CAL, ical; eulogistic. EN-FEEtBLE, v. a. To weaken; to enervate. EN-VCtMi-tM, us.; pl..E N-CO'MI-IoJM'or. N-CO- EN-FPo0FF' (en-fef'), v. a. To invest with. tag A-. Panegyric; praise; commendation. EN-FrOFF'MENT, n. An instrument or deed. MIEN, SYR'; MOVE, N6R, SON; BOLL, BUR, lRtfLE.-b-, b, soft; i, G, haXrd; * as i;: as gz; THIS. 10 ENFILADE 110 ENTREATY TN-FI-LXDE', n. [Fr.] (JMil.) Concatenation: EN-RX~QE, v. a. To irritate; to make furious. -a direct fire raking the whole length. EN-RXPT'VRE (egn-ript'yir), v. a. To transport tN-FI-LLADE', v. a. (J3il.) To rake in a right line. with pleasure; to delight highly, to enchant. 3.N-FORCE1, v. a. To incite; to urge; to cor- EN-RICHt, v a. To make rich: —to fertilize. pel:-to put in force, as a law; to execute. EN-RICH'tIENT, z. The act of making rich. EN-FORCEtIMENT, n. Compulsion; sanction. EN-ROBE', v. a. To dress; to clothe; to invest. ZEN-FRAN.tCIIJSE, v. a. To make free. iEN-ROLLt, v. a. To register; to record; to enlist. EN-FRXAN CR-IiE-kIENT,-. Actofenfranchising. EN-ROL'lMENT, n. A register; writing; record. E:N-GGAE', a. a. To enlist; to gain; to bind. E N-ROT', v. a. To fix by the root; to implant. EN!GAK1Ef, v. t. To conflict; to fight:-to em- E N-SXANGUINE (en-sangtgwin), v. a. To smear bark in any business:-to pronlise. with blood or gore; to suffuse with blood. EN-G:AqE:M 1E.NT, n. Act of engaging; obliga- ENN-SCONCE, v. a. To cover as with a fort. tion; employment:-fight conflict; battle. EN-SHILLD1 (-shlld'), v. a. To shield; to cover. EN-GA.t'ING, a. Winning; attractive; attaching.'FN-SHRINEt, v. a; To preserve as a thing sacred. ~N-qiiN'DErt, v. a. To beget; to produce; to EN'SIGN (6n'sin), n. National flag; standard; form; to generate; to cause. [ment. the officer who carries it:-a signal:-badge. tN'QINE (en'jin), n. A machine; an instru-:EN'SIGN-CY (en'sin-se), n. The officeof ensigni.'~_N-tI-NEERt', s. Onle who manages engines. EN-SLAVE', v. a. To reduce to slavery or bondtlN-;I-Ni_:E:I:NG, n. Business of an engineer, age; to deprive of liberty. [age. ":N/CINE-R~YX. Engines of war; artillery. EN-SLAVE'MENT, n. Servitude; slavery; bond-EN- IRDI, V. a. [imp. t. & pp. engirt, engirded.] EN-SLAV'ER.. One who enslaves. To encircle; tosuniround; to environ; to gird. i.N-SUE' (en-su'), v. n. To follow; to succeed. ENGtLISH (Ing'glish), a. Belonging to England. IEIN-SVRE'(en-shur'),v. a. To secure. See INSUIi1E. EN-RORVEI, a., a. To swallow; to devour.'!~N-TXBtLA-TURE, n. (.q'cjL.) The whole of alt EN-GRAIL1, v. a. (Her.) To indent in curve lines. order which is above the columns. EN-GRAINt, v. a. To dye deep; to dye in grain. EN-TAIL,-n. An estate limited in its descent. EN-G'RXFPPLE, v. a. To grapple; to close with. EN-TAIL' V. a. To settle the descent of a;' esgN-GRAISPF, v. a. To seize hold of; to gripe. tate, so that it cannot be bequeathed at pleasure.:N-GRAVEt, v. a. [imp. t. engraved; pp. en- EN-TAIL'MENT, n. The act of entailing. graved, engraven.] To mark by incisions, as EN-TXN'tGLE (-tngl g1),v. a. To inwrap; to twist, metal, wood, &c.:-to impress; to imprint. or confise; to involve; to perplex; to puzzle. EN-GRAVE. R, n. One who engraves metals, &c. EN-TAN'GLE-M1i NT, l. Involution; perplexity. EN-GRAV.ING,?a. The work of an engraver. EN'TER, v. a. To go into; to insert; to record. 3:N-GRi'SSi, v. a. To swallow utp; to monopo- iLN/'TE. R, v. n. To come in to go inll; to penetrate. lize: —to copy in -a large, fair lhand. iNITER -PFRIE, n. A bold undertaking; energy. EN-GROSS'E R, t. One who engrosses; rmonopo- LENTTER-i'Ri]E, v. a. To undertake; to attemnpt, iEN-GROSS'M ENT, n. Act of engrossing. [lizer. EN' T1R-PRI1~-lN-, a. Having enterprise; advelEN-nGLF'f, v. a. To throw or absorb in a gulf. turous; energetic; bold; efficient. ]N-H.NCE1, v. a. To raise, advance, heighten. N —TER-TAINt, v. a. To treat hospitably:-to EN-HMNCE/ME.]NT, n. Increase; augmentation. treat at table:-to hold:-to amuse; to divert. E-NiG'JtA, ta. A riddle; an obscure question. EN-TEIR-TINING, a. Amusing; diverting. -NIG-MXATIC' a. Obscure; dark; ainbig- EN-TER-TAIN/iENT, n. Treatment at table; I-_NIG-MAT't-C.AL, uous; doubtful. hospitable reception; amusement; diversion. E-NiGtI'A-TIST, I.7 One who deals iil enigmas. EN-HRII NE/R v. a. To place on a throne; to EN-J'OiN 1,v. a. To direct; to order; to prescribe. invest with sovereign authority; to exalt. EN-JOYt, v. a. To possess:-to delight in. iESh-Ur':.T-gl, n. Heat or ardor of mind; zeal. EN-JOYtMiENT, n. Pleasure; happiness; fruition. EN-THU'~I-AST, a. One possessed of enthusiasm. EN-KYN!DLE, v. a. To set on fire; to inflame. EN-THU-.I-XS'TIC, j a. Havingenthusiasm; EN-LiRnEi v. a. To make greater; to extend. ENT THUI-SI-AisTI-AAL, very zealous; ardent. EN-L.AR2Ef, v. a. To expatiate to be diffuse. EN-TICEf V. a. To allure; to tempt; to seduce. 1N-L LR?-E'IMENT, a. Increase; release; expan- EN-TICE'MENT, n. Blandishment; allurement. EN-LiOHTtEN:(-littn),. a. Tomnakelight. [sion. LN-TItCER, l. One who entices or allures. EN-LIGHTfE'N-ER (-lI'tn-er), n. An illuminator. EN-TiRLE, a. Whole; undivided; complete; full. EN-LiSTI, v. a. To enroll or register, as troops. EN-TIREtLY, ad. In whole; completely; fully. EN-LISTMIEiNT, a. Act of enlisting; enrolment. EiN-TIRE'NESS, n. State or quality of being enI.N-L~IVEN (en-l'vn), v. a. To make alive; to tire; totality; completeness; fulness. quicken; to animate; to exhilarate; to cheer. EN-TIREtTY, n. Completeness; wholeness. N'.MI-TY, a. Malevolence; hatred; malice. EN-TI1TLE, v. a. To give a title or a right to. F:N-NO'BLE,v. a. To dignify; to exalt; to elevate. EN'TIT-T, T. Something which is; a real being. EN-No'stBE-M:NT, a. Exaltation; elevation. EN-ToHBN (en-t6a'), v. a. To put into a tomb. E-NOR'MI-TY, n. Depravity; atrocious crime. EN-TO-OL'OQ-(Y, n. Natural history of insects. J.-No R'MOiJS, a. Irregular; excessive; prodi- ENTRA IL9 (en'tralz)''n. pl. Intestines; bowels. glnos:-atrocious; flagitious. [sively. N'TRANCE, n. Act of entering; avenue; ingress. 4 —N6R'MOUS-LY, ad. Beyond measure; exces- EN-TRANCE', V. a. To. put into a trance; to.-NOfiGH' (e-nfiff,) a. Sufficient; satisfying. charm; to enchant; to fascinate; to enrapture. i-NOilGHt (e-niif'), n. A sufficiency; a plenty. EN-TRXP', m. a. To insnare; to catch in a trap. g-NOltGH' (e-niff), ad. In a sufficient degree. E;N-TREAT, v.a. To beg earnestly; to importune. LN-QUIRE1, v. a.'& n. To ask. See INQUIRE. EN-TREAITY (en-trt'te),n. Apetition; aprayer. AEIOUi, sabng; -,sihVshoirt;,TOttXv, obscure-FARE,FXAR,FAST,FALL; HIR,t HER; ENTRY 111 EQUIVALENT tNtTRY, n. Passage; act of entrance; ingress: RP-rI-S6D'IC,- a. Pertaining to, or resem-act of registering or recording; record. EP-I-SOD1I-CAL, L bling,anepisode; digressing. EN-TWiNEt, v. a. To twist round. See INTWINE. E-PIS'TL] (e-pTs sl), n. A letter; a writing sent. 3E-NU'1ME.R-ATE, v. a. To reckon up singly; to E. -PISTQO-LA-RY, a. Relating to, or consisting count; to nlumber; to compute; to relate. of, letters:-having the form of letters. E-NU-MER-AtTIQN, a. Act of numbering. iPI/f-TAPH, n. An inscription on a monument. E3-NYN'C.I-jATE (e-ntin'she-at), v. a. To declare; EPII-Ti5T, Tn. An adjective denoting a quality. to utter; to pronounce; to express; to relate. E -PIT/0-ME, n. An-abridgment; a compendium..-NUJN-C.I- tTIO N (e-ntn-shle-asshlun), n. Decla- r -PiT'O-IiST,E-PITQ-MIZ-E.R,n. An abridger. ration; expression:-manner of utterance. E-PIT'O-MIZE, v. a. To abstract; to abridge. E-NfNtCIC-A-T'IVE (-she-a-ttv), a. Declarative. EPt'ojiHorR'Pi t, n. The time or period from.N-VEL'OP (-veltl.'p), v. a. To inwrap; to cover. which dates are numbered; era; period; date. EN-VE-LOPE' (ang-ve-16p'), n. A wrapper. EPtODE, n. The third or last part of an ode. EN-VIEN'OM, v. a. To taint; to poison:-to make P-Q-PEErIP t 1n. An epic poem:-epic poetry. odious or hateful: —to enrage; to exasperate.:EP1I-LA-RY, a. Belonging to feasts or banquets. rN'VI-A-BLE, a. Exciting envy; desirable. E-QUA-BIL/I-TY, it. Evenness; uniformity. ENIVI-E. Ra n. One wfho envies; a grudger. t'QUA-BLE, a. Equal to itself; even uniform. ENtVI-OUS, a.'Full of envy; jealous.'iQU.A-BLY, ad. Uniformly; evenly; steadily.:RNtvI-O[S-Ly, ad. With envy-; with jealousy. HRQUAL, a. Like another; even; uniform; just. E N-VIRQN, v. a. To surround; to encompass.'QUA.L, n. One of the same age, rank, or merit. EN-VItRON* or rNtVI-RONS, n. pl. Places near. EIQUAL, v. a. To make equal; to be equal to.:INVOY I,'n. A minister to a foreign government. E-QUALI-TY (-kwil'-) n. Likeitess; uniformity.:N/VY, v. a. To grieve at another's good; to E-QUAL:-I-ZA'TIQN, n. State of equality. dislike for success or excellence; to grudge. LUQUAL-ZE,v. a. To make even; to make equal. ENtVY, n. Pain or vexation at another's good. VIQUAL-LY, ad. In the same degree; uniformly. Et'PXCT, n. Thei excess of the solar month or f-QUA-NIfIt.I-TY, s. Evenness of mind. year above the lunar month or year. E-QUAITION;,n. Reduction to an equalitl:~:P-AU-LITt, or RP-AUU-L!ETTEt, a. (JMil.) An statement of the equality of two quantities. ornament for the shoulder; a shoulder-knot. E-QUA'TQOR,.. A great circle which divides the EtPHA, n. A Hebrew dry measure, containing world into two equat partsoiortll and south. about one and one ninth English bushels. _ -QUA-TORI-AL, a. Pertaining to the equator. El-PHIER'E-RA, n. Insect that lives only one day. hQ'tUR-aY (ek'we-re), a. A stable for horses::-PHgiMtE-RAL, a. Beginning and ending in a -an officer who has care of horses. [knigtt. day; continuing only a day: —short-lived. E-QUES'TRI-AN, a. Relating to a horseman or E-PIIEME.-RIS, t.; p1. tPH-Et.'ltER'I-DE. An E-QUI-ANGU-LAR, a. Having equal angles. account of the daily motions of the planets. 1z-QUI-CRV/RAL, a. Having the legs equal. RPH'OD, n. Ornamental part of Hebrew dress. E-QUI-DiStTANT, a. Being at the same distance. EPtIC, a. Narrative; not dramatic. H-QUOI-LAXE.R-AL, a. Having all sides equal. tvI-CR:NE,, a. (Gram.) Common to both sexes. U-QUI-LI-BRAtTIONs,. Equlipoise; even balance. IPtI-CURE, tm. One given to luxury, especially HE-QUI-LIB'Rl-Ty,n. Equality of weight.[weight. in eating; a luxurious eater; a voluptuary. E-QUI-LIBtII-rJit, n. Equipoise; equality of:RP-I-CU-IIREAN,n. One of the sect of Epicurus..-QUINAL, E'QUINE, a. Relating to horses. HP-I-CU-RI'AN, a. Luxurious; of Epicuarus. E-QUI-NoC'TIAL, a. Pertaining to the equinox. UpP-I-CU-REt.AN- SIt, mm. The doctrine of Epicurus. H-QUI-NOCtTI.AL, ai. An imaginary great circle:Pt'I-CU-RIisM?, a. Luxury; voluptuousness. of the heavens, under which the equiator.movei tP-I-DEMit.IC, n. A popular or general disease. in its diurnal course; equinoctial line. H:P- I-DDE MIC, a. Generally prevailing; af- QU NOX, O. Tihe precise time in which the I:P-I-DOMI'I-CAL, fecting great numbers. sun enters into the first point of Aries or of:P-.I-DERItmIS, an. The scarf-skin o'f the body. Libra, making the nights and days equal. P'tI-GRXM, z. A pointed couplet or small poem. H.-QuiP', v. a. To furnish; to accoutre; to dress. RP-I-GRAM-MAT'IC, a.. Dealing in or wrrit-:Q'UI-PA5E (6klkwe-pij), n. Furniture for a:P-I-GRAAM-IIMXTII-GAL, ing epigrams:-of horsemnan; carriage; retinue:-habiliments. the nature of an epigram; pointed. E-QUIYPtISENT, n. Act ofequippilg:-furniture. RP-1-GRXMMt'aMA-TIST, n. A writer of epigrams. H5Qivi-PoIr, xs. The state of being balanced; Pt'I-GRAPH, n. A citation placed at the com- equality of weight; equilibrium, mencement of a work:-an inscription. E-QUI-POLtLE.NCE, n. Equality of power. itP I-LtP-SY, n. A convulsion; falling sickness. E-QUI-PoL'tLE.NT, a. Having equal power. rP-i-LPtPT1C, a. Affected with, pertaining E -QUI-PONIDE.R. ANCE, n. Equality of weight. RP-I-LR:PrtTI-CAL, to, or like, epilepsy. F-QUI-PONt'oR- ANT, a. Of'the same weight.:PtI-LOGUE (pt'e-1ig), n. A concluding speech. E-QUI-PONtiDER-ATE,V. n.To beof equal weight.:-PIPH'.A-NY, n. Tile 12th day after Christmas rEQUII-TA-BLE (klc'we-ta-bl), a. Just; right; imE-PrS'CQ-PA-CY, n. A government by bishops. E:Q1UI-TA-BLE-NESS, an. Justness. [partial; fair. E,-PIS'CQ-PAL, a. Relating to episcopacy. HQ1UI-TA-BLY, ad. Justly; impartially; fairly.:E-PIS-CQ-PA'LI-AN, n. An adherent to episco- RQ'UI-TY (ek'we-te), im. Natural justice; natural pacy; a church-man. Lmanner. right; impartiality. ling, or worth..-PIStCQ-PAL-LY, ad. (Eccl.) In an episcopal E-QUYV'A-LENCE, n. Equality of power, meanE.-PIS'CQ-PATE, a. The office orranlk of bishop. E-QUYVItA-LRNT, a. Equal in value, merit, or tPt'I-SODE, n. Incidental narrative; a digression. power.: —of the same import or meaning. MIIE:N, SipR; MOVE, N'OR, SON; B ULL, IjR,iLE. —, 9, soft.,;0, hard; as z; as gz; THIS. EQUIVALENT 112 ETHICALLY 4-QUlV'A-LRtNT, n. A thing of the same value. ES-CORTl, V. a. To attend as a guard by land. E-QUIV'Q-CAL, a. Ambiguous; uncertain; doubt- ESCOT (skot), n. A tax; a reckoning. See SCOT. E-QUIV'Q-C4L-LY, ad. Ambiguously. [ful. tS-CRI-TOIRE! (6s-kre-twirt), n. A writing ap3-QuiV'IQ-CATE, v. a. To use equivocal ex- tS'CU-LENT,a. Good for food; eatable.[paratus. pressions; to prevaricate. fevasion. ES-CUiTCH'EON (es-kiich'un) n. Armorial en-.-QUIV-Q-CJATIOQN, it. Ambiguity of speech; signs;,shield or arms of a family. E-QUlvIo-CA-TQR, a. One who equivocates. rES-Q-TER'iC, a. Secret;-opposed to exoteric. EQ'U;I-VORKE, n. Ambiguous expression; quibble. ES-PALIER (es-plfye.r), n. A tree on a lattice.'IRA,n. An epoch; a period of time. [diate. ES-PE"fCIAL (es-ptsh'l), a. Princilfal; chief. p-RA'DI-ATE, V. n. To shoot like a ray; to ra- ES-PE/'CIAL-LY (es-ptsh'al-le), ad. Principally. E-RlA-DF-A'TIQN, n. Emission of radiance. SsPI -O-NA`rE, n. The practice of a spy; spying. 3i-RXD'I-CJATE, v. a. To pull up by the roots; S-PLA-NADE:, n. Open space between the forto extirpate; to exterminate; to annihilate. tifications of a citadel and those of a town. E-RXD-I-CA!TION, n. Act of eradicating. E s-PO$.'AL, b, pl. Contract to marry; mutual ]:-RXSE', v. a. To expunge; to rub out; to efface. promise to marry; betrothal. [defend. E-RASEIMENT, n. Destruction; erasure. ES-P=OSE', v. a. To betroth; to marry:-to i E -RA'*IQN (e-raEzhun), n. Act of erasing; ra- S-PY:, v. a. & n. To see at a distance; to watch. E-RA'y1uRE (e-ralzhur), 5 sure; obliteration. ES-QUIRE', n. A title of a magistrate, &c, ERE (Ar), ad. Before; sooner than.-prep. Before. ES-QUIREI, v.a. To attend; to wait on. ERE-LONGt (ar-l1ng'), ad. Before long; soon| Es-s.AY~, v. a. To attempt i to try; to endeavor. ERE-NOw' (Ar-nita'), ad. Before this tine. ESS.AY, n. An attempt; a trial:-a shoit treatise. ERE-WHILE! (Ar-hwil'), ad. Some time ago. ES-SAYtER (es-sa'er), n. One who essays. E-RECTT, v. a. To place upright, raise, build..S1SAY -ST or ES-SAY'tIST, n. A writer of essays..-RkcTT a. Upright:-firrmx; intent; bold. ESSE.NCE,, n. Substance of a thing: —perfume. 3-RtC/TIQN, n. The act of raising; elevation. LSSE.NCE, v. a. To perfinle; to scent. l-RpT N]ESS, n. Uprightness of posture. ES-SEN/TIAr, a. Necessary; vital; important. VWR'GQT, a. A morbid excrescence in grain; spur. ]ES-SENITI.AL-LY, ad. In an essential manner. tRfMuINE, a1. A species of animal, or its fuir. ES-TABILISH, v. a. To settle firmly: —to ratify. R,'MINED (r'mind), a. Clothed with ermine. Es-TAaB'LIsIH-MIENT, n. Settlement; fixed state. E-RODE1, v. a. Feat away; to corrode. ES-TA-FETTE/, n. [Fr.] A military courier.'-RO1TIQON (-zhun), n. The act of eating away. ES-TATE', n. Condition; fortune; possession; E-ROT'IC, E-ROT'I-CAL, a. Relating to love. rank.-pl. Classes of people. [to think, ERR, v. n. To miss the right way; to mistake; E.S-T:EEMI, V. a. To value; to prize; to rate; to depart or deviate from rectitude; to sin. ES-TEELM', n. -Ettimation; high regard. tiR'RAND, n, A message; mandate; mission. fS1TI-MA-BLE, a. Valuable; worthy of esteem. ER1RANT, a. Wandering; roving:-vile; bad. tSITI-MATE, v. a. To rate; to set a value on. IR-RAT'IC, a. Wandering; irregular; in- RlS'TI -MATE, n. Computation; calculation; ER-RATT'I-CAL, constant; abnormal.. value; valuation; estimation. [ation. it-RAXTUVm, n.; pl.:R-RA'TA. [L.] An er- LS-TI-MA'TI)N, n.'Opinion; esteem: —valufor in printing or in writing. [untrue. ESfTI-. A-TOR, n. One who estimates; a valuer. EB-RIENE.-OdS, a. Being in error; incorrect;:StTI-VAL, a. Pertaining to the summer. E;R-ROtNE.-OS-LY, ad. By mistake; not rightly. ES-TOP/, v. a. (Law.) To stop; to bar. E R-AO'NE.O US-NEss, n. Inconforinity to truth. ES-TOP'PEL, n. An act that bais a legaj process. BRRROR, n. A mistake; blunder; sin; offence. ES-TO'V]ER%, n. pl. Necessaries allowed by law. tR'Rok-YST, n. One who is in error. ES-TRANQE1, v. a. To withdraw; to withhold: EiRST, ad. First; at first; formerly; till now. -to disaffect; to alienate in affection. ER-V-BEtsCENcE, a. Redness; a blush. ES-TRAANqE'IENT, az. Alienation; removal. ER-Vy-BtiS'CENT, a. Reddish; somewhat red. ES-TRAY1,nz, A beast lost or wandering; a stray. ]E-RJCT', E'-RJCITATE, v. a. To belch; to vomnit. ESTy-V A-RY, n. An arm of the sea; a frith. BR-UC-TA.TIQN,n. The actof belching; a belch. hESTU-ATE, V. a. To swell'and rage; to boil. kRIRI-DITE orRRtIU-DiTE,a.Learned; instructed. ES-Tr-iATIoQN, an. The act of boiling; agitation. tR-1V-DI"TIQN (-dish'un), n. Learning; lore. ET CATERA (et sttfe-ra), [L.] also the contracE-R'I.I-NO0rS,a. Partaking of copper; coppery. tion etc. or 4c. denote tCle 7est or so forth. E-RtP TIQN, n. A breaking forth; emission, RTCH, v. a. To engrave by nitric acid; to sketch. explosion; burst:-pimples; pustules, &c. ETCH'ING,. An llengraving etch ed. [lasting. E-RtPPTIVE, a. Bursting forth; having eruption. E-TERdNAL, a. Without beginningor end; ever-. iR-Y-SIPt'-LAS, n. A disease affecting the skin. E-TERINAL, n. An appellation of God. RR-Y-SI-PELIA-TOrs,a. Pertaining to erysipelas. Ei-TER'NAL-LY, ad. Without beginning or end. Rs-c A-JLDE', n. The act of scaling walls. E-TERtNI-TY, n. Duration or existence without ESCAL'LQP (skl'/lup), n. Shellfish:-indenture. beginning or end:-durationl without end. JES-CAPEI,v. a. & n. To shun; to flee from; to fly. E.-TER/NIZE, v. a. To make eternal or endless. E.S-CAPE', n. Flight; a getting out of danger. E-T:E'1I-AN (-zhe-gn), a. Periodical, as winds. ESqHA-L6OT (sh?-), n. A small onion; a shallot. E1THER, a. An element purer than air:-a fluid. ES-CHEAT', n. A forfeiture by want of heirs. E-THEIRE-AL, a. Formed of ether:-celestial. ES-CHEATI,V. n. To be forfeited by want of heirs. E -TIHERE-OfIS, a. Formed of ether:-heavenly. iES-CHEWI, v. a. To flee from; to avoid; to shun. rTHIIC, ETH'I-CAL- a. Moral; relating to morES'CORT, n. A guard from place to place; a: als; treating of morals or moral philosophy. convoy; safe conduct; protection; guard. PTHI.-CAL-Ly, ad. In an ethical manner. ~,:,I,5,Ui,, long; X,I,f,P,r, short;,,IQ,,,, obscure,-rFAPRE,FX;R,FAST,FA.LL; HEIR, HIE-g; ETHICS 113 EXAMINATION ETH'ICS, n. p1. The doctrine or system of mo-:EIVEN-ING (e'vn-ng), an. The close of the day. rality; moral philosophy; morals. EIVEN-LY (t'vn-le), ad. Equally; uniformly. tTHtNIC, - a. Heathen; pagan:-relating E'VEN-NESS (6tvIi-nes), n. State of being even. RtTH'Ni-CAL, to races of mankind. E'VEN-SONG, n. Song for the evening.:TH'NI-CIIt, n. Heathenism; paganism. E -VPNT', i. Issue; end; incident; consequence. T:TH-NQ)-GR:XPHI'-CAL, a. Relating to ethnog- E.-VENT'F0L, a. Full of events; momentous. raphy, or races of nlankind. [or races. E'VEN TIDE (t%'vn-tid), n. The time of evening. ].TH-N6G'RA-PHtY, n. A description of nations E-VENTIU -AL, a. Consequential; ultimate; final. iT:.T-I-QUTTE'(It-e-kt'), n. Ceretonial code of E.tE ER, ad, At any time; at all times; always. polite life; usages of good society; ceremony.:EVIE R-GREEN, a. Verdant throughout the year. ETUI (a-tw%'), ni. [Fr.] A case for tweezers, &c. PEv1ER-GREEN, n. A plant green all the year. R:T-Y-MO-LOq'I-CAL, a. Relating to etymology. EV-ER-LiST'ING, a. Having no end; eternal. tT-Y-MOL'QO-IST, n. One versed in etymology. E:V-:ER-LASTING,,?,. Eternity:-God:-a plant. VT-Y-MiL'QO-qY, n. The derivation of words. v-EY.R-MoRE/, ad. Always; perpetually. Tt~Y-sON, n. An original oY primitive word. EvrElt-y, a. Eachlone of all; all taken sepaE.UWOHA-RIST (l'kta-rist), n. The act of giving rately.-Every where, in all places: [day. thanks:-the sacrament of the Lord's supper. V.ER i-Y-DAY, a. Common; occurring on any EU-'sHA-RiStTIC,? a. Relating to the eu- E-VCT, v. a. To dispossess by legal.process. EU-k~ 4-RIS'TL-CAL, charist or sacrament E:V5I-DENC,, n. Testimony; proof:-a witness. of the Lord's supper. [condition of body - EVS-DNCE,v. a. To prove; to evince; to show. E, tWRA-SY, n. Good temperament, or healthy EVI.-DDNT, a, Plain; apparent; notorious. EF-DI-6OM'i-TE.R (yu-de-6m'e-ter), n. An in- EV-i-DPN'T1TAL, a.a Affording evidence or prooL strument to determine the purity of air-or gas. tV/I- DENT -Ly, ad. Apparently; certainly. EU'/LQ-QiST, n. One who eulogizes; a lauder. RlIViL (e'vl), a. Not good,; wicked; bad; corrupt. EV-LO'I.-Cit, n. An encomium; a eulogy. mvtIL (evl), i. Wickedness; injury; calamity. E:1'LQ-(Y, n. An encomium; praise;panegyric. RIEVIL (e'vl), ad. Not well, injuriously. -' EI'LO-qIZE, v. a. To commend; to praise. R-vIL-D6']:R (e-vl-(l8'e.r), n. A doer of evil; a EU'NU.CeH (yu'nuk), i. A man castrated. malefactor; a criminal.. [look. EU-PEP'TICt (y-u peptik), a. Easy of digestion. W'VIL-EYED (etvl-id), a. Having a malignant E:'PHrE-i~m (yu'fem-Izm), n. Description of' V1VIL-MIND'ED (e'vl-mindred), a. Malicious. an offensive thing iy an inoffensive expression. E-VIL-SPEAK'ING (t-vl-spek'jng), n. Slander. ~Et-PHON'tIC, a. Sounding agreeably; hay- 1-VINCEI, v. a.To prove; to show; to manifest. Ei-PnHN'I-CAL, x ing euphony; euphonious. E-VYN'CI-BLE, a. Capable of being proved. EU-PHONt-o-US, a. Harmonious; euphonic..-vYiS'CER-ATE, v. a. To take out the entrailsof. E UJPHO-N~v (yu'fo-ne), n. Agreeable sound. EVYI-TA-BLE, a. Capable of being shunned. EU-RO-PEIAN, d. Belonging to Europe, or to its EV-0-CA'TIQON, n. The act of evoking. inhliabitants; living or found in Europe. E-VOKE', v. a. To call forth:-to remove. EU'RVS, a. [L.] The east wind. ~V-O0-LA'TION, n. The act of flying away. EUi-TiAAN- I-,tA i. An easy death; euthanasy. YV-o-L UJTIONN, n. Act of unfolding; a displayESJ-TIHINA-SY,'n.- An easy death. [thartics. ing:-series of movements:-branch of arith-Y-VAC-'U-.A TS, n. pl. Purgative medicines, ca- metic; extraction of the roots of powers. E-VXC'V-ATE, v.a. To void; to eject; to quit. E -VOLVYE (e-v1lv'), v. a. To unfold; to open, ]-VXC-V-AtTIO N, n,. Discharge; a withdrawing. to unroll; to disclose; to develop; to detect. E-VYADE', v. a. & n. To elude; to escape; to E.-VULtSION, n. Act of plucking or tearing out. equivocate; to avoid by artifice or sophistry. EmWE (yui), n. A female-sheep. V -A-GAtTION, a. Act of wanderiig; excursion. EWE.R (yfier), n. A kind'of pitcher for water. I:V-A-NESICINCE, it. The act of vanishing. x, a Latin preposition, often prefixed to colnIV-A-NhiS'CENT, a. Vanishing:-imiiperceptible. pounded words; sometimes meaning out; as,!jE-VAN-qAELI-CAL ori V-.AN-CLtI-CAL, a. a ez-minister, a minister out of office. [voke. Agreeable to thie gospel; relating to, or con-~ - E:-XQ'ER-SBATE, v. a. To exasperate; to protained in, the gospel. [gospel. E). i-Xi-1~.R-BX/TIQN, n. Exasperation:-a parIIE-VAN-q:L'I-C.AL-LY, ad. According to the oxysm; increase in symptoms of disease. -VYXN'qI.-LIiM', n. Promulgation of the gospel E~. -XCT/, a. Nice; accurate; methodical..-VYN'IQE-LIST, n. A preacher of the gospel, ET-XCTI,' a To require; to demand of right. i-VYAN'ti-LIZE, v. a. To instruct in the gospel. Ei-.AC'TION, n. The act of exacting; extortion..-VXPrQ-R4A-B-LE, a. Easily dissipated in vapor. E.A-XCTI-TUDE,?1. Exactness; nicety..-VXPrQ-RATE, v. a1. To fly away in vapors...-XCT/LY, ad. Accurately; nicely; precisely. E-VXPtO-RATE, v. a. To disperse in vapors; to E~-XCTr'NSS, n, Accuracy; nicety; regularity. convert into vapor; to vaporize. [vapor.. E-XCT'oQR, n. One who exacts; an extortioner. ~E-VYX-_-RAtTiON, A. Conversion of fluid into E~-XgqRE.R-ATE, v. a. QTo accumulate; to E-VA'~IQN (e-va'zhun), n. Subterfulge; artifice. heighten; to overstate; to overstrain. [hole. E,-VYASIVE, a. Practising evasion; elusive.: F-AqA-iqER-A'TIQN, n. Amplification; hyperE-VA'SiVE-LY, ad. By evasion; elusively. f~7-AIq ER-A-TQ-RY, a. Tending to exaggerEYVE, or E'VEN (e'vn),n. Close of day; evening. ate, containing exaggerations. [-to praise. E'VEN ('vn), a. Level; uniform, equal; flat. E.-ALT, v. a. To raise; to elevate; to heiuhten: E'VEN (6'vn), v. a. To make even; to level. EL-.AL-TAITION, A. Act of raising; elevation. i'/vEN, ad Verily; likewise; so much as. E -AMY'N-A-BLE, a Capable ofbeieugexamilned.:'VEN-HAND'ItD, a. Impartial, equitable; just. fE.-XAM-.-NiA'TIQN n. The act of examining. X1IEN, SiR; M6VE, Nn5R, sN; BOLL, BUiR, ROiRLE.-, e, soft;, ~a, hard; uas z; i as gz; TjHIS EXAMINE 114 EXERCISE I.~-XMt.NE (.egz-), v. a. To try; to question; EX-CLIYrSIVE-LY, ad. In an exclusive manner. to search into; to scrutinize; to investigate. EX-CO 0 I-TATE, v.a. aTo inveent; to contrive. t~-AitI'N-tlR,?n. One who examines; inquirer. X-CX00-I-TK'T1AON, n. Invention; thought. F,-A1M'IPLE, n. A pattern; model; precedent; X-CO.-MlcUtNI-C ATE, v. a. To eject from the case illustrating a general rule; an instance. communion of the church. [church. ]E.-ANt.I-5MATE, a.. Lifeless; dead; spiritless. EX-CQM-MUtNI-CATE, a. Ejected front the 9E-AjN-I-MA_'TIQN, n. Deprivation of life. X-COQM-MU-NI-C A'TIQN, n. Interdict; exclusion 15Y-AN-THEM'A-TA, n. pl. Eruptions; pustules. from fellowship of the church. [skin. kri-A.N-TrLM'AM-TOUS a. Efflorescent; eruptive. EX-CO1tRI-ATE, v. a. To flay; to strip off the kXxXREH (eksiark), n. A viceroy; a prefect. EX-CO-RI-A'TION, n. Act offlaying:-robbery. EX.AR-EHXTE, t. The office of an exarch. E.X-COR-T.I-CAtTION, n. A pulling off the bark. ET-s'ASPE R-ATE, v. a. To provoke; to enrage. EXCRE.-M NT, an. Alvine discharges; dung.:.-AS-PE R-AfTION,n. Great provocation; anger. EX-CRE.-MI:NT'AL, a. Relating to excrement..X'CA-VATE orI EX-CAi'VATE, v. a. To hollow. EX-CRE.-MEN-TlTIO0VJS a. Containing, or conkX-CA-VA!'TIQN, n. Act of excavating; cavity. sisting of, excrement. [berance.:X'CA-VA-TOR, n. One who excavates. EX-CRrEStCENC:;'n. Morbid growth or prottl]EX-CEED', v. a. & n. To excel; to surpass. EX-CREstCENT, a. Growing out of something. EX-CZE-ED'ING, p. a. Great in quantity,extent,&c. EX-CRIETEt, v. a. To pass or eject by excretion. EX-CE~EDtlING-LY, ad. To a great degree.. X-CRltTION, n. Ejection of animal-substance. j4X-COL', v. a. & n. To outdo in excellence; tXXICRE-TIVE, a. Able to eject excrements. to surpass; to go beyond, exceed, transcend. EXtCRE-TO-RY, a. Having power to excrete. tX'CgL-LENCX, 7a. Good quality; preemi- EX-CRU'C- ATX(eks-krU slie-at),v.a. To torture. -tXICE L-LEN-CY, nence; dignity; purity; XX-CRIU-CCI-ATi'N, It. Torment; torture; vexgoodhess:-title of honor of a governor, &c. ation; that which excruciates. [cuse. XI'CEL-Lt NT. a. Eminent in any good quality. EX-CLtPA.TE, v. a. To clear from fault; to ex-.X'tCEL-LhINTLYY, ad. Very well; in a high:X-CUL-PA'TION, n. Vindication; excuse. degree; extremely; surpassingly. [reject. EX-CL'tPA-TO-RY, a. That exculpates; clearEX-CgPT', v. a. To leave out; to exclude; to ing fromn imputed fault. [ney. E.X-cOPTt prep. Exclusively of; without in- EX-CURtSIQN, n. A ramble; digression; joureluding; excepting. [excluding. E.X-CUR'SIVE, a. Rambling; wandering; roving. EX-ChPT'ING, prep. With exception of; except; E.X-CtU'A-BLE,a. Admitting excuse; pardonable. EX-CEPtTiQN, n. Exclusion:-objection; cavil.:xX- CU A-TQ-Ry, a. Excusing; apologetical. EX-CEP'TION-.A-BIE, a. Liable to objection. EX-CUE't, v. a. To extenuate, exculpate, pardon..X-CRP1TIVE, a, Including an exception.. X-CUSE', n. Plea; apology; pardon; pretext. i.X-CERPTt,n. An extyact from an author. lXEE-CRA-BLE, a. Hateful; detestable; accursed. Ex-cgEss',n.Superfluity;surplus:-itntemperaltce. EXTE-CRATE, v. a.- To curse; to imprecate ill EX-C:s'ISvE, a. Beyond due bounds; vehement. upon; to abominate; to detest; to abhor..X-CEStS.[VE-Ly, ad. Exceedingly; extrava- EiX-E-CRA'TIQN, n. Curse; imprecationofevil. gantly; immoderately. [change. EX'iE. CUTE, v. a. To perform: —to put to death. EX-CHANEj', V. a. To give for another; to EX1E1-CUT-E.R, n. One who performs or executes. 1iX-CHANEX', n. Act of bartering; barter: — X-E-CU'TION, s. Performanice: —seizure; balance of money:-a place where merchants punishment; death inflicted by forms of law. meet for the transaction of business. PX-E-CUtTION-ER, n. A person who inflicts.X-CHKNGqEA-BLE, a. That may be exchanged. capital punishment by law. [ecuting..X-CHuQw'U.ER (eks-chek'er), n. The court to E.g-EC'J-TIvE, a. Having the power to act; exwhich the public revenue in England is paid..-E.CUC'U-TIVE, n. Executive power or officer. 1X-ClI'A-BLE, a. Liable to the duty of excise. Eg-EcUt-ToR, n. He who is appointed by a tesEX-CI]Er, n; A tax levied upon commodities. tator to execute his will. [utor. iX-CIxEt, v. a. To levy a tax or excise. Et.- C.U-TQR-SHiP. n. The office of an execEX-CIE/MAN, n. An inspector of excised goods.:T-hC'U-TQ-RY, a. Relating to execution; that /x-c- CV'XIO (ek-sizh'un), n. Extirpation; ruin. E:-PC U-TRIX,n. A female executor. [executes. I~X-CI-TA'-L'BtI-TY, in. Capability of being ex- EX —:Esis, n. Explanation; interpretation. cited; proneness to excitement; irritability X-E-ETJC,RX-E -ET'l-CAL, a. Explanatory. ]. X-C'T4A-BLE, a. Susceptible of being excited. ME. -ESM PLAR, n. A pattern; an example; a copy. RX-CI-TA'TION, n. Act of exciting or rousing. tE;EM-PLA-RI-LY,,ad. In an exemplary manEX-CITEI, v. a. To rouse; to animate; to stir up. ner; in a worthy manner. [monitory. iX-CiTE/mrgNT, n. Motive; that which ex- E:~~E-rPLi-R~, a. Worthy of imitation: — cites:-agitation; commotion; sensation. E.Y-EfM-PLI-FI-CAiTIQN, n. Illustration; copy..EX-CITTRi, n. One who excites or animates. E -EM1PLI-FI-rt, n. One who exemplifies..X-CAI;XIM1, v. n. To cry out; to make an outcry. E.L-ESr'PLI-FY, v. a. To illustrate by example: EX-CLA.IiM'ER, si.W- One who exclaims. -to nake a certified transcript or copy of. hX-CLA-MAt'TIQN, si. Vehement outcry; clam- EI:t-E XIPTt. a. To exonerate; to free from. or: —mark ['] indicating emotion or surprise. E. I-EiPTt, a. Free by privilege; not liable. EX-CLXAM1A-TO-RY, a. Containing exclamation. g -EMiPT', ni. A person exempted from duty. ].X-CLYUDE', v. a. To shut out, debar, prohibit. EY -EtPtTIQN (egz-m'lsht.n), n. Immunity. gX-CLU'IIoN(eks-klfllzhun), n. A shutting out.:X'E-QUIE~, n7. pl. Fiuneral rites or ceremlonies.:X-CLfUS.IVE, a. Excluding; debarring:-ex- XXE R-CI9E, sn. Labor; practice; performnmance: cepting;' not comprehending:-selfish. -a task or lesson required of a student. iX,Efi,i,,, -long; A,,I,E,[,fF, short;,,QoV,Y, obscurs. —F.lIE,FtR,F.AST,F.iLL; HPIR, HR it -EXERCISE 115 EXPLICATIVE tX1ER-CI~E, V. a. To employ, train, practise. EX-PATRI-XTE, v. a. To banish or remove x'E.R -CISE, v. n. To use exercise; to labor. from one's country; to exile. [tion. B -ER -CI-TAtTIQON,. Exercise; practice; use. EX-PA-TR.I-XATIoN, n. Banishment, or emigraE.-iERGUEt (egz-irg'), n. A space on a coin, &c. E X-PECTt, v. a. To look for; to wait for. E: -ERTI, v. a. To use or urge. with effort. EX-PEC'TAN-CY, n. Act or state of expecting. Ey-iER'TION4 n. Act of exerting; effort.. X-PitC'TANT,'a. Waiting il expectation. EX-FOtLI-A'TE, v. n. To. shell off; to peel off. EX-P:C'TANT, n. One who waits in expectation. EX-FO-LI- ACTIQN, n. The act of shelling off. Ex-PrC-TATrTIQN, n. Act of expecting:-pros-,. Y-HALtA-BLE, a. Capable of being exhaled. pect:-object expected:-promising state. EX-HA-LAtTION,n.Act ofexhaling; evaporation. E X-PCITO-RANT, a. Promnoting expectoration R1 -HALEr, v. To send or draw otlt in vapors. EX-PLCf'TO-RANT, n. A medicine to promote E1fY-HALLE'IXENT, n., Matter exhaled; vapor. expectoration. [chest or lungs.:E:-H.AUSTt,v. a. To drain; to draw out totally. EX-P CITO-RATE, v. a. To eject from the E:-IIUSTT'E R,. One that exhausts. EX-PEC-TO-R'TION, n. The act of expectoR1F-HAUST1I-BLE, a. Capable of being exhausted. rating:-discharge by coughing, &c. [tion. E T-HAUSrTIQN (egz-hlws'chun), n. An empty-. X-PG.CTO-t.A-TA VR, a. Promoting expectoraEB-HAUST'LJSS, a. Inexhaustible. [ing. EX-PE'DI-ENCE, Fitness; suitableness to ~)T-HIBIT, v. a. To offer to view; to show;:EX-P, DI-EN-CY, a good end; convenience. to display:-to present to a court.E X-PDTI-3ENT, a. Proper; fit; suitable; useful. E. -HiB'IT, n. A paper exhibited;a statement. E X-P2 IDI-ENT, V. Means to an end; resource. 3:-HIBtIT-IE.R, n. One who exhibits or offers..EXPR.DI-ENT-LY, ad. Suitably;conveniently. EX-lHI-BI1tTION (Eks-e-blshtun), i. Act of ex- EXPE.-DITE, v. a. To faciliate; to hasten. hibiting-; display:-public show:-a pension. AX-PE -DI/TION. (eks-pe-d1sh'tun), n. Haste; E.:T-HiL/A-RATE, v. a. To make merry or cheer- speed; activity: —an enterprise; undertaking. ful; to enliven; to animate; to inspire. RX-PE-DI"tTIOUS (eks-pe-dishlus), a. Quick; El-HiL-A-RA~TTION, 7s. Act of exhilarating. nimble; prompt; ready; punctual; diligent. El-HORTt, v. a. To incite to any good action. EX-PE -DI'TIOUS-LY, ad. Speedily; nlimbly.:EX-HoR-TAtTIQQN,. Incitement to good; advice. EX-PEL, v. a. To drive out; to eject, banish. iEf-HORITA-TQ-RY, a. Tending to exhort. E.X-P:END, v. a. To lay out; to spend. EgY-HORTt-.R, n. One who exhorts. [terment. REX-PNDI-TUTRE, a. Expense; disbursement. kEX-HU-MAtTIQN, n. Act of unburying; disin- EX-PNSE', n. Cost; charges; money exgEl-HUMEr, v. a. To dig out of the earth. pended; expenditure, price. [costly; dear. ExSI-qENCE, n. Demand; want; need; press- E x-PiN'sIRVE, a.' Given to expense; lavish:-'I-X -ANGCY, ing necessity; occasion. EX-PEN/SIVE-LY, ad. Witl great expense. EXE'ii'-NT, n. (Law.) Writ preparatory to an E RX-PtNSIVE-NESS, n. State of being expenoutlawry,when the defendant is not to be found. sive; extravagance:-costliness. [edge. t'IWLE, n. Banishment:-the person banished. E.X-PE.RI-NCEN, n. Trial; practical knowlEl-fLEt, v. a. To banish from a country. Ex-PRtRI-ENCE, v. a. To try; to know. E-I~L:Et, a. Small; slendei; thin. [Little used.] EX-PR:tRI-ENCED (ek-sp~ere-enst), p. a. Made El-fSTt, v. n. To be.; to have a being; to live. skilful or wise by experience tried. R:-ISTtENCE, n. State of being; a being; life. E X-PERr'-MENT, n. Trial or proof of any thing. EYf-IST'ENT, a. Having existence or being. REX-PtRIi-MENT, v. n. To make experiment. RXEiT, n. Departure; a going:-passage out. RE X-PER-I-MENtTAL, a. Founded on experiment. ExEO-Drs, n. Departure: —2d book of Moses. E X-PR-I-M5 ENtTAL-IST, n. An experimenter. El9-ONt1ER-ATE, v, a. To unload:-to exculpate., X-PAR-I-iMENtTAL-LY, ad. By experiment. E- ON-] R-A/TIQN, n. Act of exonerating. EX-P:R1I-MNT-ER, n. One who makes exiX/Q-RA-BLE, a, That nmay be moved by en- periment. [pert; scientific witness. treaty, or made to relent. [travagance. E -PERT', a. Skilful; dexterous. —. One ex~E-OR BI-TTANCE, E,-ORtBI-TAN-CY, n. Ex- EX-PERTtLy, ad. In a skilful, ready manner. 1E-R. tB.I-TANT, a. Enormous; excessive. EX-PERTtNESS, n. Skill; readiness; dexterity..T-fORtBi-TANT-LY, ad. Beyond all bounds. EX/PI-A-BLE, a. Capable of being expiated. 9EX.OR-CI:E, v. a. To drive away, as evil spirits. X1PI -ATE, v. a. To make atonement for. rEX'OR-ClGt-ER, n. One who exorcises; an exor- EX-PI-tATION, in. Act of expiating; atonement. EXt.OR-CIYH, n. Expulsion of evil spirits. [cist. EXEPI-A -TO-RY, a. Relating to expiation. XO.QR-CiST, n.. A caster out of evil spirits. tX-Pr-RA:TION, n. A breathing out:-end;:S-oR' DI-ivH, n. Opening part of a speech, &c. termination; close:-death. [evaporate.:X-O-TERtJIC, a. Public exterior; not se- EX-PIRRt,v, a. To breathe out; to exhale; to X-o-TR.I-C.AL, cret; —opposed to esoteric. EX-PIRRE, v. n. To emit the last breath; to die. aEl-6T'IC, a. Foreign: not native or indige- EX-PLAIN', v. a. To expound; to illustrate. t~-6Vt'IC, n. A foreign plant or word. [nous. REX-PLAN'A-BLE, a. Capable of explanation.:X-PXANDt, v.a. To spread; to open; to dilate. EX-PLA-N A!TIOQN,. Act of explaining. EX-PXNSE, n. Wide extent:-the firmament, EX-PLANtA-TO-RY, a. Illustrative.'EX-PAN-SI-BILt-TY,?Z. Capacity of extension. EXtPLE-TIVE, n. A word used to fill a space. EX-PANtsT-BLE, a. Capable of being extended. A XtPLE-TQ-RY, a. Filling up; taking up room. E.X-PXNtSION, n. Act of spreading out:-extent. ~X'PLI-CGArBLE, a. That may be explained. 1EX-PAN'tSVE, a. Spreading; being expanded. RXPLI -CATE, v.a. To explain; to clear. EX-PA'TrI- TE (ek-spalshe-at), v.'n. To range E X-PLI-CXtTION, n. Explanation; sense. at large; to enlarge in. language; to descant. EXtPLI-CA-TIVE, a. Tending to explain. IrIEN, SYtR; MovE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUi, ROLE, —, i9, soft; E. -, hard; ~ as z; * as gz; TI-I!S, EXPLICIT 116 EXTRINSICALLY EX-PLfII'!T, a. Plain; clear; direct; express. EX-TEN-sI-BIL1I-TY, n. The being extensible. ElX-PL9'!IT-LY, ad. Plainly; expressly; directly. E.X-T1'1S5t-BELE, a. Capable of being extended. ]EX-PLI'IIT-N. RSS, a. State of being explicit. EX-TrN'SIQN,.n. Act of-extending; dilatation; EXI-PL6DE/,' v. a. & n. To drive out:-to burst, E.X-TEN/SIVE, a. Wide; large; having great ex4X-PLOIT1, n. A great action; achievement. E:X-TENtSIVE-.LY,, ad.' Widely; largely. [tent. hX-PLQ-RA'TIQN, n. Search; examination. EX-T-TN'SIv E-Ns SS,n. Largeness; diffusiveness. gX-PLOREt, v. a. To search or pry into; to EX-TiS'tSQR0, a. A muscle which extends; examine by trial; to inspect carefully. EX-TENTl, n. Space; bulk; compass'; length. E.X-PLOS'IQO N (eks-pl6izhun), n. A sudden E.X-TN1-ATE', v. a, To lessen; to palliate. bursting with noise and violence; a discharge. VEX-TreN-u-X/TI.rc; n. Palliation; mitigation. EX-PLO'SIVE, a. Bursting; causing explosion. EX-T3RRI-QR, a. Outward; external; extrinsic. EX-POrNiNT, n. A term in algebra; an index.:x-T'R.I- R, an. Outward surface or appearance. RX-PQ-NhNtTI4L, a. Relating to an exponent. aX-TER'MI —NAITE, v. a. To root out; to destroy.;:.X-PORT1, v. a. To carry or send out of a EX-TEit-Mt-N-ATIQN, n. Destruction; ruin. country, as merchandise. [market. EX-TERtM.I'-NX-TOQR n. One who exterminates. t.X'PORT, n.a Commodity sent to a foreign:X-TE'R.1M-NA-TQ-RY, a. Causing exterminaIX-PORTtA-BLEa. Capable of being exported. aX-TERNt, a. External; exterior. [tion. kX-POR-TA'TION, n. The act of exporting. EX-TTERNt, n. A day-scholar:-exterior form..X-PORTt, ER. at. One who exports commodities. aX-TERNA.L, a. Outward; exterior':-visible. EX-PO~Et, v. a. To lay open:-to endanger. aEX-TERItNAL-L~Y ad. In anexternal manner. Rix-Po-saE (6ks-p.-zia), n. [Fr.] An exposition, aX-TIL-LA;TIOQN, a. The act of falling in drops. I.X-PO-qitTI.QN (els-pq-zlshtiun), a. Explana- EX-TINCT1, a. Extinguished:-dead. [tion. tion; interpretation:-exhibition; show. EX-TINCTIQN, n. Act of'quenching; destrucgX-P6O~1-TiVE, a. Explanatory; disclosing. E X-TIN'GUSH, v.'a'. Toput out; to destroy. Ex-Por.~I-TOR, n.,An explainer; interpreter. X-TIN/GU!SH-.A-BLE,a. That may be quenched..X-P6!Is-TQ-RY, a. Explanatory; illustrative. aX-TINIGUISH-iR, n. One that extinguishes. EX-P6STtV-LXTE,v. n. To reason, remonstrate. EX-TINtGUaISI-MEINT, a. Act of extinguishing. gX-POST-V-LXTTION, n. Debate; remonstrance, a X-TRtPIR1TE, v. a. To root out; to eradicate. gX-PoSTfIT-L4-TQ-Ry, a. Containing expos- EX-TIR-P'TTQN, n. Eradication; destruction. tulation, earnestly remonstrating. aX-TPIR1PA-TQR, n. One who roots out. EX-P.O'aVRE (-pt'zhur), n. Act of exposing. X-T6L, v. a. To praise; to magnify; to laud. ~X-POOND', v. a. To explain; to interpret. aIX-TOL/LERn. A praiser; a magnifier; a pan-.gX-PUONDVER, n. An explainer; an interpreter; aX-T0RoSiVE, a. Serving to extort. [egyrist. E.X-PRaSS/,; v. a. To represent; to utter; to iX-TORT1,v. a. To force away; towring from. declare; to designate: —to squeeze out. aX-TORITIQN, n; Illegal exaction. Ctortion. E X-PRtSS, -a. Plain; manifest; in direct terms. X-ToRTIQN-ER, n. One who practises ex]x-PR. Ess', n. A messenger or message sent. iXfTRA. [L.] A word often used in composilX-PREStSI-BLE, a. That may be expressed. tion, meaning over and above, extraordinary; gX-PR:EStSIQN. (eks-prtsh'un), n. A phrase; as extra-pay, &c.; orbeyond, as eztra-judicial. mode of speech; representation:-a pressing. EX-TRXCT', v. a. To draw out; to abstract..X-PRESaSISVE, a. Serving to express; lively. X'TRXCT, n. That which is extracted-; sub]X-PRSStLY, ad. In direct terms; plainly. stance obtained by evaporation:-quotation, EX-PRROBRiA-TIVE, a. Upbraiding; reproaching.. EX-TRXCfTIQN,n.Act of drawingout:-lineage. EX-PRO-PRI-'ATIQN, n. The act of discarding. EX-TRXCT'QR, n. One that extracts. Ex-PJGCN' (leks-punt),v. a. To conquer'; to take. VX-TR4-JTV-DItCcIAL (dks-tra-ju-dlshlal), a. Bet X-PUG-NATIQN, na. Act of taking by assault. ing out of the regular course of legal procedure. 1EX-PLt'SIQN, n. Act of expelling or driving out. rX-TRA-MTiN'DAN:E, a. Beyond the world. jX-PtL'SIVE, a. Having power of expulsion. EX-TRVANE-OUS, a. Foreign; disconnected' EX-PuN Eqt, v. a. To blot out; to rub out, efface. EX-TRAORrDI-NA-RI-Ly, ad. Uncommonly; EX-PURGATE, v. a. To purify; to cleanse. eminently; remarkably; unusually. RX-PVR-GA'XTIQN, n. Act of expurgating or ].X-TRA6RfD.-N4-rY, a. Not ordinary; emicleansing; purification. [rifying. nent; remarkable; uncommon; unusual. EX-PtiRt4A-TO-Rs, a. Used for cleansing; pu- Jx-TRA-Pr4-Rot6'H.- AL, a. Not within a parish. JRX'QUI-ITEa, a. Excellent; consummate; nice. EX-TRXVtA-G(ANCEn. Irregularity; prodigality. -XFQUu-~ITEa-LY, ad. Completely; consum- EX-TRXV' —GANT,, a. Irregulat-; wild-; wasteEX-SCINDt, v. a. To cut off: separate. [mately. VX-TRXYAV-GANT-LY, ad. Wastefully. [fitl. EiX-SIcc.ANT, a. Drying; having power to dry. EX-TRANVIA-SsTE, v. a. To force out of ducts..X-SCICcATE,v. a. To dry; to exhaust of moist- EX-TRXV-4-SAtTtON; n. Act of forcing out of EX-SIC-Cx'TIQN, n. The act of drying. [ture, EX-TRMitaE, a. Greatest; utmost;last. [ducts. tXtT.'NT, a. Standing in view:-now in being. aX-TREi Ea, n. Utmost point; extremity; end, EX-TEM-PO-RAT'NE-OtS, a. Not studied; un- Ex-TREEtLy, ad. In the utmost degree. EX-TEMtPQR-RA-RY, premeditated. aX-TREMt.1-TY, n. Utmost point; necessity. EX-T.MIPQO-RE, ad. Without premeditation. Xt'TRI-CA-BLE, a. Capable of being extricated' ).X-T'MtPQ-RE, a. Extemporaneous; unstudied. XITRI-CATE, v. a. To disembarrass; to free. EX-TrEMIPO-RiZE, v. n. To speak extempore. a:X-TRI-CA'TIQN, a. The act of extricating. tX-T:NDf, v. a. To;stretch out; to enlarge..X-TR'INSIC,. a. External; outward; exEX-TkNDt, V. n. To reach to any distance. EX-TRIN'SI-CAL, E traneous. [wardly. IJX-TtN'DI.-BLE, a. Capable of extension. EX-TRINfSI-CAL-LY, ad. From without; outitaEXTo,~a long;i AL3alX5XtVX~,~f short; j-+EXIXQ~V1O I 6obscure.-F-RE..,FiRX,FASTFiLL X HAIR% HIjR; EXTRUDE 117 FALL E.-T tRPDE,, v. a. To thrust off; to drive off.- EVEtBRIIGHT (ltbrit), n. Thename of a plant. EX-TRVl' ION, n. Act of-thrusting out. EIYEfBROWS (I'brafi), n. Hairy arch over the eye. E:X-TUIBE R-ANCE, n. A swelligr protuberance,:E:E'L.XSH (i'llsh), n. Hair that edges the eyelid. X-Tu'BER-ANT, a. Swelled; standing out. EiYErLET (Vilet), n. A hole, as for the light, &c. L,:-TV-MES'CENCE,. n. A swelling; a rising up. EiEILID (dd), t. The membrane over the eye. 1:-fU'BER- ANCE,, i. Overgrowth; luxuriance. EYrESHIOT -T'sh6t), n. A glance;transient view. Ef —U'BE-R-ANT (egz-yiiber-. Lnt), a. Abundant. E7ES1-IGHT (I'slt), n. Sight of the eye. [sight. Elf fJsER ANT-Li, ad. Abundantly. [outd.ElE' SO6RE (i'sor), n. Something offensive to the.X UDXIE' (ek-sidl), v. n. & a. To. sweat or force EYE'TOOTH, n. The tooth next to the grinders. iNX-U-DXAT1ON- (k-ssu-daishun), n. A sweating.:.E'E1WiT-Nj.SS (I'wttnes), 7t. An ocular wit-:-0ULT' (.egz-tilt'), v. n. To rejoice;to triumph. ness or evldence; one who sees a transaction. R1-VL-TLA1TIQN, n. Joy; triumph;- rapture. E YRE (6r), n. (Law.) A court of itinerant jusEYE (i), n. The organ of vision: —aspect, sight. tices:-circuit of the king's justices. EYE (), v. a. To watch; to view; to observe. EYR(-~ ( irs.e), n. The place where birds of prey ErYE1BSLL (i'biwl), i. The apple of the eye. build their nests and hatch; an aerie. T has, in English, one invariable sound, ex- FXG, v. n. &a. To grow weary: —to beat.! cept in the preposition of. FXG-VND,. n. End of a web of cloth:-refuse. A, n. (Jius.) The fourth syllable of the scale. FlXG'QT,:n. A bundle of sticks for fuel. FA'BLE (falbl), n. A feigned story; a fiction. FA,G'OT, v.a. To tie up; to bundle together. A'AtBLE, v. a. & n. To feign; to tell falsely. FATIL, v. n. To be deficient or insolvent; to FAXBR.C, n. A building; an edifice:-texture. perish; to.decay; to decline:-to miss. FXBtRI-CATE, i,. a. To build; to construct; FAIL, v. a. To desert; to disappoint; to deceive. to make:-to forge; to feign; to invent [tion. FFAILtING, n. Deficiency; imperfection; lapse. FAB-RI-CA'TIQN, n. Act of building.; construc- FAILtIRE (fal'yur), n. Deficiency; cessation; FAisBRI-cA-TOR, I. One who fabricates; forger. omission; non-performance: —bankruptcy. FABt.U-LIST, n. A writer or author of fables. FAxN, a. Glad; pleased.-ad. Gladly. F.AB'Is-LO S,: a. Feigned; fYull of fables; forged. FAINT, v. n. To decay; to sink motionless. FABtU-LOftS-Ly, ad. In a fabulous manner. FAINT, a. Languid; weak; cowardly; dejected. P.A-( ADE', n. [Fr.] The front of an edifice. FAINTI-HEART-ED (faint'hlArt-ed), a. Cowardly. FACE, in. Visage countenance:-front; fore FAINT1ISH, a. Somewhat or slightly faint. FACE,v. a. & in To meet or come iin front. [part. FAINTtISH-NESS, n. A slight degree of faintness. PFVET, n. A little face;;a small surface. FAINTTLY, ad. Feebly; languidly; timorously. FA-CE.TIOVS (fat seshus), a. Lively; gay;'witty. FAINTINESS, n. Languor; want of vigor. FA-:CEIRTIOUS- LY, ad. Gayly; wittily; merrily. FAIR (far), a. Beautiful; white; clear; not -FA-CE1TIOU.S-NEhSS, n. The quality of being ~foul:-favorable; equal; just; open; candid. facetious; cheerfiul wit; mirth;,gayety. FAIR, n. The female sex:-a stated market. A1ClAXL (fa'shal), a. Relating to the face. FA-IR!LY, ad..Justly;plainly,; openly; candidly. T-A'ILE (fastil), a. Easy; pliant; flexible. FAIRINESS, n. Beauty; honesty; clearness. FA-CIL.ITATE, v. a. To make easy or easier. FAtit-SPO-KEN (firtspS-kn), a. Courteous. PA -CIL-I-TXATIQN,n. The act of making easy. FAIRY, n. A fabled spirit; a fay; an elf. FA.-CIL!:iTy, i. Easiness; readiness; dexterity. FAIR'Y, a. Given by, or belonging to, fairies..P'CING, n. A covering;, ornamental covering. FAITH (fath), n. Trust in God;belief; docPXC-SIMt.I-LE, n. Anl,exact copy orlikeness. trine believed:-fidelity; faithfulness; honor;.FACT, n. A thing.done;reality; action; deed. confidence; sincerity. [right; true..PXC'TIQN, n. -Portion of a:party:-dissension..AITHFItL, a. Firm to the truth; loyal; upPFC'TIOVS (fakfshus), a. Given to faction; fur- FAITH'FfL-LY, ad. In a faithful manner. AXC'TIOIVS-LY,ad. In a factious manner.rbulent. *FAITH1FOL-'NESlS, n. Fidelity; honesty; loyalty. FXcITIOUVs-N:SS, n. Inclination to faction. FAITHtLlSS, a. Without faith; perfidious. FAC-Tt!TIO.US (fk-ttshl',us), a. Made My art; FAITH'LESS-NESS, n. Want of faith; perfidy. artificial; not natural. ~ [of a quantity. FARE, n. A coil, as. of a rope or cable. PXCITQR, n. A merchant's agent:-a divisor FASiRt or rFAt'IR,n.A Mahometan monk. [hook. XAC'TQR-A4E,nis. Commission allowed a factor. FALC.AT-ED, a. Hooked; bent like a reapingPFACITO-R, - n. House of factors:-manufactory. FAL-CA'T'ON, n. Crookedness; abending form. FAC-TO'T-VIM'n. A servant, employed alike in FAL'UCHIQN (Mfl'hun or fal'shun),.n. A broad all kinds of business; a doer ofall work. sword with a curved point. [sport:-a cannon. PXC'ILh-Ty, n. Ability;:power of mind or fiLrCON (faw'kn), n..A -hawk trained for body;, dexterity: —abody of:professional.men FAL!CON-ER (fawtkn-), n. A trainer-of:falcons. F.A-C tnDI-T, is, Eloquence; easiness of speech. FXLC.O-NTT, n. A sortof ordnance. [hawks. FXADkDLE, v..n. To trifle; to toy;:to play. [Low.] FAL'CON-RY (faw'kn-re), in. Art, of training FXDE, V. a. To loseicolor:-to wither; to decay. FALL, -, i.. [imp. t. fel;l,pp. fallen,]' To drop P'CE:C~ (fe'sez), n. pl. [L.] Excrement;.dregs, down; to die;.to declipe; to ebb; to,happen. MiEN, SiR-; MIuVEsINOiRSN; BUtLL, BUNNR, E.-.9; Q,'s.oft; 8, s, haJrd i: asdz; 6 as ga; IHg5. FALL 118 FATALITY FILL,n. Act of falling; overthrow:-autumn. i FiNTA-Y~, n. Fancy; imagination. See FANFAL-LKACIOVS (fal-la'shlus), a. Producing mis- FA'QUIR, or FA-QUEERt, a. See FAKIR. [CY. take; nmisleading; delusive; false. FAR, ad. Remotely; at a distance: —very much. FAL-LAtCIOUS-LY, ad. In a fallacious manner. FAR, a. Distant; remote; remoter of tile two. FAL-LAJCIOU S-NETSS, n. Tendend/oto deceive. FXRCE, n. A ludicrous dramatic represenltation. FAL'LA-C.Y, 7.o Sophism; deceitful argument; FARCE v. a. To stuff; to cram; to swell out. FA.LL'EN (fa.lln), pp. fromfall. [craft. FAR'CI-CAL, a. Belonging to a farce; ludicrous. FAL-LI-BILI-TY, n. Liableness to be deceived FARX'CI-CAL-Ly, ad. In a farcical manner. or to err; uncertainty; frailty. [imperfect. FAR'DEL, n. A bundle; a pack; a burden.[feed. FALfL.-BLE a. Liable to error; frail; uncertain; FARE, v. aa. To pass; to happen well or ill; to FALtLI-BLY, ad. In a fallible manner; uncer- FARE, 1t. Price of passage: —food; provisions. FALL'ING-SICKtNESS, n. The epilepsy. [tainly. FARE-WkLL' or FAREt'WELL, ad. Adieu. FALILoW (failel), a. Pale red:-not tilled. FARE-ViELL' or FAR:E'WELL, n.. Departure. FALSE, a. Not true; perfidious: —counterfeit. FAR -FtTCuIED (far'-f6cht), a. Brought from FALSE-H.EART'ED (fals-hLrtted), a. Perfidious. a distance; studiously sought: —strained. FALSEIHOOD (-lfid), n. Wailt of truth; a lie. FA-RI'NA, n. Pollen:-starch of the potato, &c. FALSE'LY~ ad. In a false manner; perfidiously. FAR-I-NA'CEOUS (far-e-na'shus), a. Mealy. FALsEI/NESS, n. Want of truth; deceit; perfidy. FXRM, n. Ground cultivated by a farmer. FIL-SI-FI-CAITI.ON, n. Act of falsifying. [feits. FXRM, v. a.To lease or let:-to cultivate, as land. FAL'SI-FI-1ER, n. One who falsifies or counter- FARmtl'lR,sn. One who cultivates a farm. FAL'SI-FYS, v. a. & n. To counterfeit:-to lie. FXARM/1NG, n. Husbandry; tillage:-a renting. FAL'SI-TY, n Contrariety to truth; a lie; error. FARt'MOST, a. Most distant; remlotest; farthest. FAL'TETR, V.?t To hesitate in speech:-to fail. FAR/N SS, n. Distance; remoteness. FATL'TR-ING, n Feebleness; deficiency. FAR-RA'GO, n. A confused mass; a medley. FAL'TigR-ING-LY, ad. With hesitation.. FAR RI-ER, n. A shoer of horses:-horse-doctor. FAME, n. Celebrity; renown:-report; rumor. FAR1RI-ER-Y, n. The art of the firrier. FAMED (fnmd), p. a. Renowned; celebrated. FARi~OW, n. A litter of plgs.-v. a. & ns. To F-M`IL'AR. (fh-mll'yysr), a. Doinestic' affable; bring torth young; —used only of swine. easy; unceremonious; free: —well known. FAREROW, a. Not producing young, as a cow,. FAI-M'ILIIAR,. An intimiate; an associate. FAR'THE.iR, ad. More remotely - further. FA-M[L-I-AnXR-TY (f~-nmil-ye-ar'-te e), n.a Inti- FXAR'TIIER, a. comp. More remote; further. mate acquaintance; easy intercourse. FXR THER, V. a. To further. See FURTHER. FA-MIL'IAR-IZE (fa-millyar-!z), v. a. To make FAR'TIIEST, a. sup. Most distant; furthest. familiar; to accustom; to habituate. [sily. FAR'TIIEST, ad. Most remote; furthest. FA-MIL'IAR-LY, ad. In a familiar manner; ea- FARt'TIIING, 7. The fourth part of a penny.[coat. FAsMtI-LY, n. Household; race; generation; FAR'TIIIN-GALE, n. A hoop to spread the pettiFAXt'NE, ni. Scarcity of food; dearth. [class. FXS'CI-A (fishte-a), n. [L.] A fillet; a bandage: FAXItISH, v. n. To starve; to die of hunger.. —belt of a planet:-expansion of a muscle. FAXM'ISNI-MNT, n. Extreme hunger or thirst. FAS-CIt'y-LAR, a. Of or belonging to a bundle. FAXmoVs, a. Renowned; celebrated; noted. FAS'CI-NATE, v. a. To bewitch; to enchaot. FAVIMOVS-LY, ad. In a famous manner. FAS-CI-NJATION, n. Enchantment; witchcraft. FAJN, n. An instrument used by ladies to cool FASH'IQN (fashtun), In. Form; make, way themselves:-a utensil to winnow grain. custom; general practice; habit; mode; rank. FAN, v. a. To cool with a fan:-to winnow. FASH'ION (f&slhtun), v. a. To form, mould, fit. FA-NATtIC, n. A wild enthusiast; a visionary. FASH'IQN-A-BLE (fish'l/un-g-bl), a. Approved or FA.-NXAT/C, a. Excessively enitfiusiaktic; establishel by custom; modish; genteel. FA-NATI'-CAL, f wild; mad; visionary. FASHIQN-.A-BLE-N:SS,SSn.Modishness; elegance. FNA.NTII-CAL-Ly, ad. In a fanatical manner. FASH'I1N-A-BLY, ad. In a fashionable manner. FA-NAT'I-C1~M, n. Wild enthusiasms; frenzy. FASH'IQN-ER, n. One who fashions or makes. FAN:CI-F9L, a. Imaginative; visionary. FAST, v. n. To abstain.from food. FXNCI.-FUL-LY, ad. In a fanciful manner. FAST, n?. Abstinence from food:-time of fasting. FAN'CY, sn. Imagination; taste; idea; image; FAST, a. Firm; strong; fixed:-quick; swift. thought:-inclination; fondness; whim. FAST, ad. Firmly; closely; nearly:-swiftly. FAN'CY, v. a. To imagine; to be pleased with. FASTIEN (fasfsn), v. a.' To make fast or firm. FXN'Cy, v. n. To imagine; to figulre to one's self. FAST'EN-ING (fts'sn-Ing),n. That which fhstens. FAN-DANtGo, n. [Sp.] A lively Spanish dance. FtST'tR, n. One who abstains from food. FANE, n. A temple: —a weathercock; a vane. FAST'-HAND-ED, a. Avaricious; closi-htnded. FAN'FA-RON, n. Fr.] A bully; a blusterer. FAS-TID'I-OrS, a. Disdainful; squeamish; nice. FAN-FA-RQ-NXDE r a1. A bluster; parade; boast. FAS-TIDt'I-orS-LY, ad. In a fastidious manner. FANG, n. Tusk of an animal; a talon; a claw. FAS-TfDtI-OvS-NitSS, n. Squeamisllness. [place. FANGED (fmangd), a. Furnished with fangs. rFSTt'N1ss, s. Firmness; strength:-a strong FAN'GLED (fang'gld), a.Gaudy; showy; trifling. FAT, n. The oily part of animal bodies:-a vat. rFNtN.EL, n. Apriest's ornament, like a scarf. FAT, a. Plump; fleshy; coarse; gross; rich. FAN-TAS'TIC a. Irrational; imaginary; FAT, v. a. & n. To liake or grow fat; to fatten. FAN-TXSrT.I-C.AL, whimsical; fanciful; ca- FAtTAL, a. Mortal; destructive; inevitable. pricious; indulging vagaries of the imagination. F'rTAL-IhM, n. Doctrine of inevitable necessity. FAN-TXST.I-CAL-LY, ad. In a fantastic manner. FAt'TAL-YST, n. An adherent of fatalism. F.AN-TAS'TI-CAL- NEsS,-n. Whimsicalness. FA-TXL'I-TY, n. Decree of fate; cause of ill. AE,,B,, long; iiY,,t, sihort; A,g,9,V,,yS obscure.-FAEA,FRXFASTFLL; HEIR,HER; FATALLY 119 FELT FAXTAL-LY, ad. Mortally; destructively. FB'RTI-FUiFE, n. Medicine serviceable in fevers. FATE, a. Destiny; destruction; cause of death. F_'BRILE or' FEB'RILE, a. Pertaining to flever. FATE D, a. Decreed or ordered by fate. FE B'RV-A-RY, 71. The second month in the year. F'THgER, n. The male parent; ancestor; sire. FE-CAL, a. Relating to excrement, dregs, or lees. FXA'THE'R4N-LAW, n.; pl. FAX'TrHER-IN-LAW. FEr CL, n. pl.. Dregs. See F EcEs. Cdregs. Tile father of one's husband or wife.' FC'V-LENCE, n. Muddiiess; lees; sedlment;1:FXITHER, v. a. To take; to adopt as a child. FEC/.U-LENT, a. Foul; dreggy; excrementitious. FX'THl.R-LSS, a. Wanting a father; destitute. FEC/'yND,.t. Fruitful; prolific; productive. FAITHER-LI-N:ESS, S?. The tendernessof aftllther. FI.-CUiN'DATE, v. a. To Inake prolific. FiTH.ER-LY, a. Like a father; tender; paternal. FEC- UN-DA'TION, 7i. The act of making prolific. FAXtTHER-LY, ad. In the iimanner of a father. FE-CUN'I.I-TY,?. Fruitfulness; prolificness. FATH'QM, n. A measure of six feet in length. FED, imp. t. & pp. fiomfeed. FXAHtH.OVI, v. a. To sound; to find the bottom of. FEDtIE R-AL, a. Relating to a league or compact; FATIHt'OM-Q-R,. One employed ill fathoming. confederate. [eracy; banded. FAT1OivQIR-LtSS, a. That cannot be fathorned; FEDE R-ATE, a. Leagued; joined in conlfedbottomless. [toil; labor. FL"D- BR-A-TION, n. A league; a confederacy. FA-TiGUE' (fa-tagr),?n. Weariness; lassitude; FEPD'IER-A-TIVE, a. Uniting;joining in a league. FA-TiGUE1 (fat-tg'),. a. To tire; to weary. FrET, n. Reward; recompense:-a tenure. FAT'LINGO,si. A young animal, fed for slaughter. FrE, v. a. To reward; to pay; to bribe; to hire. FA.T'NESS, n.. Quality of being fat; plumpness. FL,'BLE, a. Weak; debilitated; sickly; infirm. FAXT'TEN, v. a. & n. To make or grow fat. FE /BLE- -MIND-ED, a. Weak of mind; imbeFXTITY, a. Unctuous; oleaginous; greasy. cile:-irresolute; wavering. [firmity. FA-TUt1I-TY, n. Foolishness; weakness of mind. F NEEBLE7NESS, n. Weakness; imbecility; inFAT'U-oUs, a. Foolish; stupid; imbecile. FEE'BLY, ad. Weakly; without strength. FAU'CET, n. A pipe-for drawing liquor. FEED,. a. &-n. [imp. t. & pp. fed.] To supply FAULT, 7t. Offelmce; niistake; defect; want. with food; to furnish; to take food; to eat. FAULT'I-LY, ad. Wrongly; defectively. FEED, n. Food; that which is eaten; pasture. FAULT I-NESS, n. Badness; viciousness; defect. FED'E R, s1. One who feeds or gives food. FAULT'LESS, a. Exempt from fault; perfect. FEEL, v. a. & n. [imrp. t. & pp. felt.] To have FAULTIV, a. Having faults; wrong; defective. perception by the touch; to totouch; to handle: FAUN, n.i A kind of dernigod or rural deity. -to pa'ceive mentally; to be affected. FA'QR, v. a. To support, assist, or resembnle. FLELL, n? The sense of feeling; the touch. FAI'vOR, n. Kindness; regard; support; lenity. FPELLER, 1. One who, or that which, feels. FA/VOR-A-BLE, a. Kind; propitious; friendly. EL L'I.NG, p. a. EIxpressive of sensibility; tenFA'VQR-A-BLY, ad. Kindly; with favor. der; sensitive. [sibility. FA~VQRED (fa'vurd), p. a. Aided:-featured. F-EL'ING, n. Sense of touch; perception; senFA'VOR-ER, ER. One who favors; a'friend. -FiELtI.NG-LY, ad. In a feeling manner;-sensiFA'YVOR-ST:E, n. A person or thing beloved. F:EET, n. The plural of foot. [tively. FA'VQR-iTE, a. Beloved; regarded with favor. FEIGN (fan), v. a. &n. To invent; to dissemble. FA1VQR-I.T-1 V, sn. Act of favoring; partiality. FEINT (faint), n. False appearance:-mock asFAXrWN, i rThle young of the fallow deer.' sault:-a pretended thrust in fencing. FAWN, v. n. To court servilely; to cringe. FELDTSPAR, n. A mineral. See FELSPAR. FAY, V. n. To fit; to suit; to join. FE. -LICt-TATE, v. a. To make happy; to conFAY, r.i A fairy; an elf:-faitlh; troth. rE-LS-I-TAtTIoN, n.Congratulation.f[gratulate. FE_'AL-TY,-n. Duty to a superior lord; logyalty. FE-LiC1i-TOUS, a. Happy; skilful; ingenious; FE:AR (fetr), n. Dread; terror; awe; anxiety. prosperous; successful. [success. FEAR, V. a. & n.. To dread; to be afraid. FEI-LI'I-TY, n. Happiness; prosperity; bliss; FEAR'FOL, a. Timorous; afraid; apprehensive; FL'LINE, a. Like a cat; pertaining to a cat. timid: —awful -; dreadfull; venerable. FE LL, a. Cruel; inhumnan; savage; bloody. FEAR'FOL-LY, ad. In,a fearful manner. FLLL, n. The skin; hide:-a hill; a mount. FEAR'FUL-NESS, n. Timorousness; awe; dread. EILL, o v. a. To knock down; to cut or hew FEAR'LESS, a. Free from fear; intrepid; bold. FfLL, imp. t. from fall. [down. FEAR'LESS-LY, ad. Without terror; initrepidly. FEL'LOW (fl'/l17, n. A companion; an associFEAR'LSS-NESSS, n. Courage; intrepidity. ate:-an equal; peer:-a mean person. FEAR'NiUGHT (fr'lnauit) n. A thick wvoonlen FrEL'LOW-FEEL'NG,Sn. Sympathy; agreement. stuff, used for warm garments, &c. [ity. FEL'LOW-SHIP, 1r. Companionship; society; FEA-r-sBIL'I-TY (fe-ze-bll'e-te) n. Practicabil- association:-establishment in a college. FEA'~I-BLE (fetze-bl), a. That may be nr!e. FV.L'LY, ad. Cruelly; savagely; barbarously. FEAST (fest), sn. A sumptuous treat; a festival. FEL'LY,FEL'LOE,n. Partoftherinofawheel. FEAsT (feast), v. s. & a. To eat or entertain FEfLQ-DE-sE', n. (Ldwu.) He who commits felosumptuously:-to delight; to gladden. ny by murdering himself; a self-murderer. FEAT, r. An act; deed; action; exploit. FEL'ON, n. One guilty of a crime:-a whitlow. FEATFH'ER (feth'er), n. The plume of birds. rE-LO'NI-Ot-rs,a.Wicked; villanous; malignant. FEATH'.R (flth'er), v. a. To dress in feathers. FE-LO'NI-Oi0S-LY, ad. In a felonious way. FEATH'.'ERE D(fith'e.rd),a.Clethed with feathers. FELt'Q-Ny, n. A capital, or punishable, crime. FtEATH.E R-Y, a. Clothed with, or like, feathers. FEL'SPriR, n, A silicious mineral in granite, &c. FEATIViE (fttyyur),n. Form or part of the face. rFLT, imp. t. & pp. from feel. [hide.FEATIVRED (fitty'yrd), a. Having features. FFELT,'11. Woollen cloth or stuff for hats:-a MIEN, SIR; I M6VE, NiR, S6N; BOLL, BJUR, ROLE,- G ", soft; C, S, haird; ~ as z; T as gz; THIS. FELUCCA 120 FIERCELY Fg —LCtCAL, n. [It.] A small vessel with two FEStTEIR, V. n. To rankle, corrupt, grow virulent. masts, and propelled by oars and sails. FES TI-VAL', n. A day of feasting and joy. FEItMALE, n. One of the sex producing young. FES'T1-VAL, a. Relating to a feast; festive. FEIMALE, a. Not male; feminine; soft. [cate. i SsfT.yVE, a. Relating to feasts; joyous; gay. FhM'.I-NINE, a. Relating to females; soft; deli- FES-TI-TIV'-TY,?. Social joy; gayety; joyfulness. FEM'Q-RAIL, a. Belonging to the thigh. FE. S-T6OON, n. A garland; a carved ornament. F aEN, n. A marsh; a moor; a bog; a swamp. FETCH, v.a. To go and bring; to derive,draw. FNCE, n. A guard; defence; hedge, wall, &c. FETCH, n. A stratagem; an artifice; a trick. FENCE, v. a. To enclose; to secire; to guard: FETCHtER, n. One that fetches any thing, FRNCE,,v. n. To practise the art of fencing. FETE (fat), n. [Fr.] A feast; a festival day. FENCErL:E.SS, a. Without enclosure; open. FET'. D, a. Stinking; rancid; strong-smelling. FEN'CCrR, n. One wlio teaches or practises fen- FETL)6CK, at. Hair behind the pastern of horses. FEN.CI-BLE, a. Capable of defence. [cing. FEITOR, n. A stench; a strong, offensive smell. FRNICI-BLE~, n. pl. Soldiers raised for defence. FETtT]rR, n. A chain for the feet:-a restraint. F N'CING, a. The art of using the sword. FPTITR, v. a. To bind; to enchain; to shackle. FrN'CING-MAS'TSER, n. A teacher of fencing. FEtTUS, n. An animal in tle womb. See FOETUS. FEND, V. a. & n. To exclude, confine, dispute. FEUD (ffid), n. A tenure:-a quarrel; contention. F:NDIE.R, n. A guard before the fire, &c. FEU'DAL, a. Held by tenure, or of a superior. FPNINEL, n. A plant used in medicine. FEUr'DAL-1it(ffi/dal-izm),n. The feudal system. FtrNIN.Y, a. Marshy; boggy; moorish. [DAL. FErU'D4-RY, a. Holding tenure under a superior. FEO/DAL (ffi'dl), a. Held by tenure. See FEU- FEU DA-TO-RY, n. A feudal tenant; a vassal. FROFF (fef), v. a. To invest with right or with FE~VER, n. A disease characterized by an aca fee; to enfeoff. —n. A fief. [session. celerated pulse, increased heat, and thirst. FrOF/FEE or FrOF-FEE', n. One put in pos- FE'VER-ISHi, a. Diseased with a fever: —hot. FOFrF'F.R (feff-), n. One who gives possession. FE'V:R-ISH-NRESS, n. State of being feverish. FROFFtMENT (fef'-), n. Grant of a possession. FEWr (fi), a. Not Ilany; ndt in a great number. FERtE -TO-R~, n. A shrine or bier for relics. FE,'r E L, n. Combustible matter. See FUEL. Fr.R-M:EtNT', v. a. & n. To work; to effervesce. FEWr'NESS (fa/nes), n. Smallness of number. FEhRME NT,n. Intestine motion; tumult:-yeast. FI'AT, n. [L.] A peremptory order or decree. FR-M1 INT'A-IB LE, a. Capable of fermentation. FBS, Ln. A lie a falsehood:-v. n. To lie. FR:-R-MrEN-TA1TIQON, n. Working, as df liquors. FIB'1BER, n. A teller of fibs; a liar. FRI-MENWTA-TIVE, a. Causing fermentation. F1BIRE (fi'ber), n. A small thread-like subFERN, n. A plant of several species; a brake. stance, as of wood; filament of vegetables, &c. FERN'Y, a. Overgrown, or abounding, with fern. FIuBROUS (fillrus), a. Composed of fibres, FE-Ro'CIoVs (fe-rS'shl.s), a.'Savage; fierce. FIBIV-L.A, t. The outer and lesser bone of the leg. FE-ROtCIOUS-LY, ad. In a savage mlanner. Fic!KLE, a. Changeable; inconstant; wavering. F]-Roi.I-TY, na Savageness; fierceness; wild- FfC'ItLE-NESS, n. Inconstancy; unsteadiness. ness; barbarity. [nade of iron. FIC'TILE, a. Moulded into form by art. FiRtRRE-OUS, a. Containing iron; like iron; FIC1TION, t.' An invented story; a fabrication; FhR'RET, n. A kind of weasel:-a narrow tape. a tale; thing feigned. [tion. FEtRIRT, v. a. To drive out of lurking places. FIC-TI!TIOUS (fik-ttsh.us), a. Partaking of ficFR'RIRET-E.R, n. One who ferrets or hunts out. FIC-TIrTIOUS-LY, ad. Falsely; counterfeitly. FkRtRI-AqE, n. Fare for passage over a ferry. FrIDDLE, n. An instrument of music; a violin. FR-RU'QTI-NOiS, a. Partaking of iron. FIDfDLE, v.'n. To play upon a fiddle; to trifle. FER'RVLE', n. A ring put round any thing to FIDfDLE-F.DtDLE, at. A trifle. [A cant word.] keep it from splitting. [boat. F!D1DLER, n. One who plays upon a fiddle. F;RRtRY, v. a. & n. To carry or pass over in a FIDIDLE-STICK, n. A bow used by a fiddler. F R'RY, n. Passage over which ferry-boats pass. FIr'DLE-STRING, n. The string of a fiddle. FRiRtY-BOAT, ni. A boat for conveying passen- FI-DL.I'-TY, n. Honesty; veracity; faithfulness. gers over a ferry. [ferry. FIDqr/T, v. n. To move abonit uneasily. FRRIRY —MAN, Sn. One who keeps or tends a FiD(j'ET, n. Restless agitation; restlessness. FRt'TILE, a. Fruitful; abundant; productive. FiDr)E.T-y, a. Restless; impatient. [Low.] FERtR'TILE-LY, ad. Fruitfully - abundantly. FI-DutCIAL (fe-dfi'shal), a. Confident; firm. FJER-TILI.-TY, n. Fecundity; abundance; fruit- FI-DU'CI-A-RY, n. One who holds in trust. fulness; plenteousness. [ductive. FIE (ft), interj. Expressing blame or contempt. FRfrTIL-YzE, v. a. To make fruitful, or pro- FIEF (fef), n. A fee; a manor; a possession. FRR'JVLE, or FrR'Y-LA,. n. An instrument or FIELD (fSld), n. A tract of ground:-space. stick with which scholars are beaten on the FIELDIEARE, n. A bird; -the gray thrush. hand for punishment. FiLntD XaR-SH.AL, n. A high military title. F:R'IILE, v. a. To chastise with the ferule. FIELD'-MlOfiSE,n. A mouse living in fields, and FiR1VEN-Cy,n. Heatof mind; ardor; eagerness. burrowing in banks, &c. [tain. FRRVE.NT,a. Hot; boiling; vehement; ardent. FIELD'-OF-FI-CE Rt, n. An officer above:a capFR'V.VENT-LY, ad. In a burning degree; eagerly. FIELD/-PIECE, n. A small cannon. [&c. FiERt'VID, a. Hot; vehement; eager; zealous. FIELD!-SPOSRTS, n.'pl. Diversions of hunting, FER'VID-N.SSn n.. Ardor of mind; zeal; passion. FIEND (fend), n. An-enemy; a demon or devil. FERIVQO, n. Heat; warmth; zeal; ardor. FIJERCE:(fers), a. Savage; ravenous; eager; Frs cCE, n. A pin or wire to point with. violent; passionate; angry; furious. FES'T.AL, a. Relating to feasts; festive. FIERCEELy, ad. Violently; furiously; angrily. 49JAD'S long;.li.rt;. obscu r. e.....-....; FIElRCENESS 121 FIRM FIERCENE.SS, at. Ferocity; savageness; fury. FYTNAL, a. Ultimate; last; conclusive:-mortal. Fi'ER-I-N.SS, n. Great heat; heat of temper. FI-NA'LE, n. (12ius.) The close; the last piece. FFE.-Y~, a. Consisting of fire; vehement; ar- FI'NAL-LY, ad. Ultimately; lastly; decisively. FIFE, n. A shrill martial instrument. [dent. FI-NANCE", n. Income; public revenue. FIFIER, a. One who plays on the fife. FI- NNtCIAL (-shld), a. Respecting finance. FIF'TEEN, a. Five and ten, or nine and six. FIN-AN-CIER.RW. One skilled in finance. FIF'TEENTH, a. & n. The ordinal of fifteen:- FINrA-RY, n.A sort of forge. See FINERY. one of fifteen equal parts of a thing. FINCH, n. A small bird of three kinds. FIFTH, a. & a. Ordinal of five:-one of five FIND, V. a. [imp. t. & pp. found.] To obtain by FIFTHILY, ad. In the fifth place. [equal parts. searching; to discover:-to furnish. FIF'TI-ETH, a. The ordinal of fifty. FIND'ER, n. One who finds; a discoverer. FIF'TY, a. Five times ten; five tens. FIND.ING, n. Discovery:-verdict of a jury. FIG, n. The fruit of the fig-tree:-a fig-tree. FINE, a. Not coarse; thin; clear; nice; gay. FIGHT (fit), v. n. & a. [imp. t. & pp. fought.] FINE, n. A mulct; amercement; forfeit:-end. To contend in battle; to make war; to comblat.: FIN,. a. To refine:-to amerce; to mulct. FIGHT (fit), n. A battle; a combat; a conflict. FINE'DRAWl, v. a. To sew up with great nicety. FIGZHT'ER (fitter), n. A warrior; a combatant. FINE'LY, ad. Beautifully; elegantly; nicely. FIG'-LEAF, n. A leaf of the fig-tree; a flimsy FINEINE:SS, n. Elegance; beauty; delicacy. FIGt rENT, n. An invention a fiction.[covering. FINrER, n. One who purifies or refines. FIG'-TRRE, n. Tree that bears figs. [ly formed. FINfE.R-Y, n. Show; splendor; gayety in dress; FIG'U-R4A-BLE, a. Capable of being permanent- trinkets:-a furnace in ironworks. FIGtU-RATE, a. Having a certain form. FINE'SPUN, a. Ingeniously contrived; minute. FIG'U-RA-TIVE, a. Full of figures; metaphori- FI-NEsSIE t(-nest), n. LFr.] Artifice; stratagem. cal; typical; tropical:-ornate; flowery. FIN-FOOT-E. D (ffn'fft-ed), a. Web-footed. FIG'U-RA-TIVE-LY, ad. In a figurative manner. FiN'1ER, (flng'get), n. A member of the hand. FIGURE (fig'yur), an. Shape; splendor; a statue: FIN'EtER, v. a. To touch lightly, handle, pilfer. -a character denoting a number:-a type. FIN'G.ERED (fing'ferd), a. Having fingers. FIG'URE (fig'yur), v. a. To form; to represent. FYNri-CAL, a. Nice; foppish; slowy; affected. FI-LA'CEOUS (-shus), a. Consisting of threads. FIN'I-CAL-LY, ad. In a finical manner; showily. FIL'A-CE.R, n. An officer in an English court. FIN'I-CAL-NhSS, n. Superfluous nicety; foppery. FIL'A-MRNT, n. A slender thread; a fibre. FIN'ING-PoT, na. A vessel for refining metals. FIL-A-MENtTOVS, a. Like a slender thread. FrINI', n. [L.] The end; the conclusion. FILBE.RT, n. The nut of a species of hazel. FINfISH, v.a. To complete; to perfect; to end FILCH, a. a. To steal; to take by theft; to pilfer. FINIISH, n. The last touch; last polish; end. FILCHtlER, n. A thief; a petty robber; a pilferer. FINfISH- ER, n. One who finishes or perfects. FILE, n. A line;'a roll; a series; a catalogue: FINIISH-ING, n. Completion; the last touch. -an instrument to rub down prominences. FINITE, a. Limited; bounded; not infinite.' FILE, v. a. To string; to smooth; to polis. FI'NITE -LY, ad. Only within certain limits. FILE, v. n. To march in a file or line. FI'NITE-NESS, n. Limitation; confinement. F'IL1AL (-yal), a. Relating to, or befitting, a son. FIN'NI-KIN, n.'A pigeon with a sort of mane. FIL-I-A'TIQN, a. Relation of a son to a father. FrINr'N, a. Furnished with or having fins.' FILI-GRAINE, n. Delicate work, as of gold or FYR, n. A tree of several kinds for timber, &c. FIL'A-GRiE, silver, in manner of threads. FIRE, n. The igneous element; flame; ardor. FIL.ING~, n. pl. Particles rubbed off by a file. FIRE, v. a. To'set on fire; to inflame; to aniFILL, V. a. To make full; to satisfy; to surfeit. mate; to kindle:-to discharge, as firearms. FILL, v. n. To give to drink; to grow full. FIRE, v. n. To take fire; to discharge firearms. FILL, n. Fulness; satiety:-thill of a carriage. FIREIXR~M, a. pl. Guns, muskets, pistols, &c. FILtLET, n. A band; bandage:-a chine of meat. FIRE'BIALL, n. A ball filled with combustibles. FIL'LET, v. a. To bind with a bandage or fillet. FIRE'BRaND, n'. Wood on fire:-an incendiary. FIL'LI-BtG, n. A loose dress. See PHLItsEG. FIRr'-EN-qIle?, n. An hydraulic machine for FILILIP, v.a. To strike with the nail of the throwing water to extinguish fire. finger; thrown out from the ballof the thumb. FIREILbCK, n. A flint-lock gun; a musket. F[LtL.IP, n. A jerk oftlhe finger from the thumb. FIREI'IAN, n. An extinguisher of burning FIL'Ly, n. A young mare, opposed to a colt, or houses:-a tender of the fire of a furnace, &c. FIL, na. A thin pellicle or skin. [young horse. FIREtI-oF-FICE, n. An office of insurance from FILtMY, a. Composed of membranes or pellicles. FIRE'PXN, n. A pan for holding fire. [fire. FIL'T1R, v. a. To filtrate; to strain; to percolate. FIRE/PLACE, n. A place for fire in a house. FILTEilR, n. A strainer for defecating liquors. FiRE'-SHIP, n. A shlip filled with combustible FILTH, n. Dirt; nastiness; grossness; pollution. matter to set fire to an enemy's ships. FILT'II-LY, ad. Nastily; foully; grossly. FIRE'-SHOV-E L (firtshiv-vl), n. An instrument FILTHt'-Nss,,sn. Nastiness; foulness; dirtiness. with which hot ashes and coals are taken up. FILTHtY, a. Nasty; foul; dirty; gross; polluted. FIREISIDE, n. The hearth; chimney:-home. FILtTRATE,. a. To strain; to filter. FIRE'-WOOD (firtwfd), n. Wood used for fuiel. F.L-TRA'TIQN, n. The act of filtering liquors. FiRE'WORKS (fir'wiirks), n. pl. Shows of fire. FTifBRI-ATE, V. a. To fringe. FIRtlNG, a. Fuel:-discharge of firearms. FIM'BRI-ATE, a. Fimbriated; fringed. FIYRI'N, A. A vessel: —measure of nine gallons. FIN, n. Organ of a fish by which it swims. FiRM, a. Strong; fast; hard; constant; solid. FIN'A-BLE,a. Admitting a fine; deserving afine. FIRM, n. A partnership carrying on business. IIYEN,siR MR`; E,,s6i, sN; BtLL, BtTR,:R LE.-O,, sft; bsTd as z g;; asg;}IB. 9V 8X BL1r 9 H8 FIRMAMENT 122 FLEABITE FYR'MA-MENT, an. Region of the air; the heav- FLA'GRANT-LY, ad. Ardently; notoriously. FYR-MIA-MIIENT'AL, a. Celestial; ethereal. [ens. FLAXG-SHIP, n. The ship which bears the ad FIRfMAN,n. Alicense or passport inulTurkey,&c. miral or commander of a fleet. F'IRMLY, ad. With firmness; strongly. FLAG'STAFF, n. Staff on which a flag is fixed. FYRM'NE SS, n. Solidity; stabili y; steadiness. FLAGI-STT NE, n. A flat stone for paving. FIRST, a. Earliest in titme; forel ost; chief. FLAIL, n. An instrument for threshing grain. FIRST, ad. Before any thing else-; primarily. FLAKE, n. A stratum; layer; film; lamina. FlRSTt-FRbITS, n. pl. First profits of any thing. FLAKE, v. a. & n. To form or break into flakes. FIRSTT'LING, n. The first produce or offspring. FLAtKy, a. Consisting of flakes or layers. FIRSTt-RATE, a. Preeminent; superior; best. FLiM, n. A falsehood; a lie; illusory pretext. FIStCAL, a. Belonging to a public treasury. FLAMtBEAU (fliam'b), n.; pl. FLAMBEAUX FIS'CAL, n. Public revenue:-a treasurer. (flam'bSz). [Fr.] A lighted torch; a flame. FISH, n. An anilnal that inhabits the water. FLAME, n. Fire; blaze; heat; violence. FISH, v. n. & a. To catch fish:-to seek by art. FLAME,. an. To shine as fire; to blaze. FISHitR, n. One employed in catching fish. FLAtMEN, n. [L.] A priest among the ancients. FISH'.IR-MAN,Ln. One employed in catching fish. FLAMIrNG, a. Brilliant; resplendent; gaudy. FiSRIlER-Y, n. The business of fishing:-a place FLA-MINtGO, n.; pl. FLA-MiNfGOSE. A bird where fishes are taken. [with. with very long legs and neck, and reddish pluFrISI'HOOK (fish'hfik), n. A hook to catch fish FLAM-.A-BIL'I-T,,.. Inflammability. [mage. FISH'ING, n. The art or practice of fishing. FLAIMy, a. Inflamed; burning; blazing. FlSH'-1i6N-P.ER, n. A dealer in fish. FLANK, n. Part of the side:-part of a bastion. FISH'-POND, a1. A pond in which fish are kept. FLANK, v. a. To attack the flank:-to secure on FISH1-SPEAR, n. A dart or spear for striking fish. FLAN'NE.L, n. A soft woollen cloth. [the side. FISH'y, a. Consisting of fish; like fish. FLAP, n. A piece that hangs:-a blow. FiSt'SLE, a. That may be split or cleft. FLAP, v. a. & n. To beat:-to ply the wings. FIS-SILtI-TY,n. Quality of admitting to be cleft. FLAP'DR.AG-ON, n. A play with sweetmeats. FISt'SRE (fishtyur),n. A cleft; a narrow chasm. FLAXP'-iARED (-rd), a. Having pendent ears. FIST, n. The hand clinched or closed. [fist. FLXP'PER, n. One who, or that which, flaps. FIS'TI-CtFFS, n. pl. Blows or combat with the FLARE, v. n. To give a glaring or unsteady light. FISTtU-LA, n. A sinuous tilcer callous within. FLXSH, n. A sudden blaze:-burst, as of wit. FIST't-LAR, a. Relating to, or like, a fistula or FLASH, v. n. To burst into flame; to blaze. pipe; fistulous;. hollow. [fistular. FLASH, v. a. To burst suddenly, as light, &c. FYST't-LOS,, a. Having the nature of a fistula; FLASH, a. Vile; low; as, flash language. FIT, n. A paroxysm; convulsion:-interval. FLASH'y, a. Showy, but enipty; dashing. FIT, a. Qualified; proper; convenient; meet. FLASK, n. A bottle; a vessel; a powder-horn. FIT, v. a. To accommodate; to suit; to adapt. FLAS'KEIT, n. A vessel in which viands are FITtFOL, a. Varied by paroxysms; full of fits. served:-a sort of long, shallow basket. FIT'LY, ad. Properly; justly; suitably. FLXT, a. Level; smooth: —insipid: —absolute. FIT'NFSS, n. Propriety; meetness; suitableness. FLXT,an. A level; a plain: —a shoal:-a dunce. FIT/TER, n. One who, or that which, fits. FLAT'-B6T-TQOMED, a. Having a flat bottom. FITZ, na. A son; used in names, as Fitzherbert. FLATtLy, ad. In a flat manner; peremptorily. FIVE, a. Four and one; half of ten. FLAT'NESS, n. Evenness; insipidity; dulness. FiVEfFOLD, a. Having five times as much. FLATtTEN (flitftn), v. a. To make flat or level. FIVEr, n. A play with a ball:-disease of horses. FLATfTEN (flat'tn), v. n. To grow even or dull. FIx,v. a.& n. To make fast or stable; to settle. FLATtTER, v. a. To soothe with praises; to FIX-A'TIQN, n. Act of fixing; stability; firmness. compliment; to praise falsely:-to encourage. FiXtEl-LY, ad. Certainly; firmly; steadfastly. FLAT'TER- R, n. One who flatters; a fawner. Frx'ED-NjiSS, n. Stability; firmness; solidity. FLAT'TE.R-ING, a. Artful; obsequious; pleasing. FIX'-TY, n. Coherence of parts~fixedness. FLAT'TER-Y, n. False, venal praise; adulation. FIXT5IaRE (fixt'yur), n. A thing fixed to a place. FLAT't-LINCE, an. Windiness; emptiness. FIZ'&IG, n. A harpoon:-a kind of firework. FLAT'IJ-LhNT, a. Turgid with air; windy; FLXABBY, a. Soft; not firm; shaking. puffed out:-geneyating air or wind:-vain. FLABTBI-NkSS, n. A soft, limber state.. FL.tTUS, n. [L.] Wind; flatulence; a breath. FLAE'tID, a. Weak; limber; not stiff. FLAUNT (flant), v. n. To make much display. FL.A-yIDtI-TY, n. Laxity; limberness. [vigor. FLXUNT, n. An ostentatious display or show. FLAG, v. n. To grow dejected or feeble; to lose FLAfVQRL, n. Relish; taste; odor; fragrance. FLAG, v. a. To let fall; to coverwith flat stones. FLAtVQRED (-vyrd), a. Having a fine taste. FLAG, n. -A water plant; colors of a ship, &c. FLAfvQR-OiiS, a. Delightful to the palate. FLYXtE0-LtT, n. A small wooden wind in- FLAW, n. A crack; a breach; a fault; a defect. - trulment, played with a mouth-piece. FLAW, v. a. To break; to crack; to violate. FLAq-EIL-LA'TTIQN, n. A whipping or scourging. FLAW't, a. Full of flaws or cracks; defective. ~FLAG'~Y, a. Weak; lax; limber; not tense. FLAX, n. A plant, and its fibres. [flax. FLA-q!'tTIOyVS (-jishtus), a. Wicked; atrocious. FLAX'EN (fiak'sn), a. Made of flax:-resembling FLA-Q:"TIOpS-NlSS (-jlshtus-nts), n. Villanly. FLAX'Y, a. Like flax; flaxen; fair. [of. FLGGt-O6F1F-CER,n. Commanderofasquadron. FLAY (fla), v. a. To skin; to strip off the skin FLAG'ON, n. A,sort of drinking vessel. FLAY'I R (flat-), n. One who strips off the skin. FLArGRAN-CY,n. Burning; lieat; fire; enormity. FLEA (fli), n. A small blood-sucking insect. FLAKGRiNT, a. Ardent; burning; notorious. FLEAI'BTE (fli'bit), n. The sting of a flea. AlEsIboXUY lonsg; -',EXiO,;it short; 14l9 VQYg obscure.-FIRE,FXRPFAST,-FALL; HEIR, HER;j FLEABITTEN 123 FLUIDITY FLEAt'BT-TEN (flt'blt-tn), a. Stung orbitten by FLOAT (fl6t), v. a. To swim; to-move easily. fleas:-mean; worthless. [-a grate or hurdle. FLOAT (flit), v. a. To cover with water. FL-EAK (flak), n. A small lock, thread, or twist: FL6AT, n. A body swimming upon the water. FLEAM,?a. An instrument used to bleed horses. FL6CK, n. A company of birds or sheep:-lock. FLC'TIQN, a. The act or power of bending. FLOCK, v. n. To gather in crowds or companies. FLEC'TQR, n. Amuscle, commonlycalledflexor. FLOG, v.-a. To lash; to whip; to beat, chasten. FLED, imp. t. & pp. from flee. [ets. FLOG'I.NG, a. A whipping; chastisement. FL:kDmE, v. a. To furnish with wings or feath- FL6OD (flud), n. The sea; deluge; inundation. FLEE, v...[imp. t. & pp. fled.] To-run from FLOOD (flid), v. a. To deluge; to overwhelm. danger; to have recourse to shelter. FLOD'GATE (flidlgat), n. A gate to stop or let FLEECE, n. The wool shorn from one sheep. out water:-a passage; an avenue; vent. FLEECE, v. a. To shear off; to strip; to plunder. FL6OR (flir), n. The bottom of a room or buildFLEETCIR, a. One who strips or plunders. ing; a platform; a story in a building. FLEE'CY, a. Woolly; resembling a fleece. FLOOR (flir), v. a. To lay with a floor. FLEER, v. n. To mock; to gibe; to jest; to leer. FLOOR'ING, n. Bottom; materials for floors. FLEER, a. Mockery; a deceitful grin; a gibe. FLOP, v. a. To clap the wings with noise. FLEET, n. A company of ships; a navy. FL1ORA, n. The botany, or various kinds of FLEiET, a. Swift of pace; quick; nimble; active. plants and trees, belonging to a country. FL.,T, v. a. & n. To skim the water; to hasten. FLOtRAL, a. Relating to or consisting of flowers. FLEET'Ly, ad. Swiftly; nimbly; with swift pace. FL6OR'EN-TINE, a. A sort of silk. FLEET'NiSSna. Swiftness; nimbleness; celerity. FLOtRET, n. A diminutive flower. [red. FLkM ISH, a. Relating to Flanders, or Flemings. FLoR!.D, a. Abounding in flowers; flushed with FLESH, n. The muscular part of the body:-an- FLQ'RID'I-Ty, n. Freshness of color; floridness. imal food:-human race:-carnal state. FL6RI.D-LY, ad. In a florid manner; showily. FLlESH, v. a. To initiate; to satiate. [tion. FLOR.ID-NiSS, a. Freshness of color; floridity. FLtSHt'-C5L-QR, n. The color of flesh; carna- FLQ-R~IF'rR.ofs, a. Productive of flowers. FLESItI'-NkSS, a. Plumpness; fulness; fatness. FLOR'IN, n. A coin first made at Florence. FLSH'LY, a. Carnal; lascivious; not spiritual. FL6ORIST, n. Cultivator of flowers. FLt:SH'-MtEAT, n. Animal food; flesh of ani- FLOS'CUVLOrYS, a. Composed of many florets. mals used for food. [pimp. FL6OTtA(E, n. That which floats on water. LESHIItMION-ER, n. A dealer in flesh:-a FLQ-TIL'L4A n. A number of small vessels. FLESH'-POT, n. A vessel in which flesh is FLOYNCE, n. A sudden jerk or throw:-a frill cooked:-diet of flesh:-abundance of flesh. or ruffle on a gown, and hanging loose. FLPSHIY, a. Full of flesh; fat; plump. FLONCE, v. n. & a. To move with violence; FLETCH'ER, n. A maker of bows and arrows. to be uneasy:-to trim with flounces. FLEW (flu), imp. t. from fly. FLON'IDER, n. A small, flat sea-fish. FLtX-I-BIL'I-TY, n. Flexibleness; pliancy. FLjONtDER, v.- n. To struggle or move with FLtX'I-BLRE, a. That may be bent; pliant. violent and irregular motions. [meal. FLEXI-BaLE-NESS, sn. Possibility to be bent. FLO0R, a. The edible part of wheat, &c.:FLX'ILE, a. Pliant; easily bent:-obsequious. FLOBR'ISH (fliir'-), v. n. To prosper; to thrive, FLEX'ION (flik'shun), n. Act of bending; turn. FLOiRISH (fliir'-),v.a. To adorn:-to brandish. FLE X'QR, n. A muscle which bends a part. FLOtIR'SH (fltir'-), n. A parade of words: — FLEXt'-oCs (flk'shu-ts), a. Winding; bending. embellishment:-a musical prelude:-grace. FL:XtI'RE (flik'shur), n. A bending; a joint. FLOOT, v. a. & n. To mock; to insult; to sneer. FLICK'tER, v. a. To waver:-to flap the wings. FL6OT, n. A mock; an insult; a sneer; a taunt. FLIVER, n. One who flies; part of a machine. FLOW (flo), v. n. To run as water, melt, issue. FLIGHT (flit), n. Act of flying or fleeing; escape. FLOW (flu), v. a. To overflow; to deluge. FLIGHT'I-N SS (fli'te-nis), n. Flighty state. FLOW (fli), n. The rise of water:-fluency. FLIGHTt'Y a. Wild; of disordered imagination. FLW'E. R (fidfiter), n. The blossom of a plant: FLIM'tY, a. Weak; feeble; mean; slight. -an ornament:-the most excellent part. FLINCH, v. n. To shrink; to wince. FL6'tER, v. a. To be in flower; to bloom, blosFLING, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. flung.] To cast from -FLOWER, v. a. To adorn with flowers. [som. the hand; to throw; to dart; to cast with force. FL6O'ER-DE-LJCE'/, n. A plant; yellow flag. FLING, V. n. To flounce; to wince; to sneer. FLOWtER-ET, n. A diminutive flower; a floret. FLING, n. A throw; a cast:-a gibe * a sneer. FLO*'t:R-I-NRtSS, n. Floridness, as of speech. FLINT, n. A hard stone; a stone for striking fire. FL*'tiR-Y, a. Adorned with, or full of, flowers. FLINTty, a. Made of flint:-hard; cruel. FLOWN (flin), pp. from fly. Gone away. FLIP, n. Liquor made of beer, spirits, and sugar. FLU.ATE, n. (Chem.) A kind of salt. FLIP'PAN-Cy, n. Loquacity; pertness of talk. FLUICT'I-AXTE, V. n. To wave; to be wavering. FLIPfPANT, a. Talkative; loquacious; pert. FLtidT-iV-XATIQN, n. The act of fluctuating; FLIPrP.ANT-LY, ad. In a flippant manner. alternate motion:-uncertainty; doubt. FLYRT, v. a.& n. To toss:-to act with levity. FLUE (flu), n. Pipe of a chimney; down or fur. FLYIRT, n. Quick motion:-a pert girl; coquette. FLUIEN-CY, n. Flowing speech; copiousness. FLIR-T3ATION, n. The act of flirting; coquetry; FLUtENT, a. Liquid; flowing; copious; voluble. desire or effort to attract notice dr attention. FLUENT-Ly, ad. With ready flow; volubly. FLYRT.I-HIG, n. A wanton, pert girl; coquette. FLU'ID, a. Running as water; not solid; liquid. FLIT, v. n. To fly away; to remove; to flutter. FLU/ID, n. Any thing not solid; a liquid; juice. FLITCH, n. The side of a hog salted and cured. FLV-ID'I-TY, n. The quality of flowing readily. Mif EN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, SIN; BCOLL, BtiU, RtLE.-9, is; soft; J, o, hard; as i z; as gz; T xn8. FLUIDNEES 124 FORD FLiY.ID-N-tSS, n. The quality of.being fluid.- F6LL6OW, v. a. To gorafter, pursue, imitate. FLUKE., n. The broad part or arm of an anchor, FOL'LOW, v. n' To'be posterior; *to result. FLUME, in. A channel for water of a mill. FOL1LOW-ER,,n.'One who follows;.a disciple. FLtM'M. R-Y,.i. Food made of flour, &c:- FOL LY, n. Foolishness; weakness; depravity. FLUNG, imp. t. & pp. from fling..[flattery. F.O-MiNT, iv. a. To cherish with heat; toexcite. FLU1QOR, n. A fluid state:-fluate of lime. F.O-MEN-TAtTIQN,;n. Act-of fomenting. FLUORIRRY, n. A gust or storm of wind:-bustle. FQ-MENTER, n. One who foments; * encourager. -FLtR'IRY, v. a. To keep in agitation:-to alarm. FOND, a. Jndulgent;,weakly.tender; doting. FLtSH, va. n. To flow suddenly; to start; to glow. FOrNDLE,. oa. Totreat with-fondness; to caress. FLUiSH, v. a. To color; to redden; to elate. FO)NIDLING, n. A person or thing much fondled. FL0SH, a. Fresh,; glowing; affluent;.conceited. FOND'LY,ad. Dotingly; withextremetenderness. FLUSH, n.'Flow;bloom; growth;'.abundance. FONDt.NESS, n. Foolish tenderness; affection. FL'StT]ER, v. a. To confound, heat, make rosy. FONT, an. A baptismal vessel:: —a set of types. FLIS'TE]R, n. Sudden impulse; agitation; bustle. FO6D, s. Victuals; any thing that nourishes. FLtSITS.ERED (fluis'terd), a. Agitated;.confused. F66L, n. An idiot; a changeling; a buffoon. FLUTE, n. A-musical pipe:-channel in a pillar. FOOL, v. n. To trifle; to toy; to play; to idle. FLUTE, v. n. &a. To play on a flute, cut hollows. FOOLIE. -Y, n. Habitual folly;,an act of folly. FLT;TITER, v. n. To fly or move quickly. FOOLtAiR-DtI- NSS, ii. Couragewithoutsense. FLPT'TER, v. a. To drive in disorder; to agitate. Fi6L'HXAR-DY, a. Madly adventurous. FLfttTITRB, n. Hurry; quickmotion;.confusion. Fo6LqISH,.a. Void ofunderstanding; indiscreet. FLTj-VI-ITtIC, a. Belonging to a river or rivers. FOObLISH-LY, ad. Without understanding. FLX, n. Act of flowing; dysentery; fusion. FO66OLISH-NF ss, i. Folly,; foolish practice. LfIXO'ION (fluktsh.un), n. The act of flowing:- FO.L'ICXP,. A kind of paper.of small size. an infinitely small, variable quantity. FOOT (fat), n.; pl. FE- T. The part upon which FLY, iv. n. [imp. t. flew; pp. flown.] To,move:an;animal or thing stands:-twelve inches. with wings; to pass swiftly; to run away. FOOT (fut), v..n. To dance; to trip; to walk. FLY:,.. a. To.shun; to quit:-to cause-to fly. FOOT.BALL (fit-),. A ball driven -by the foot. ELY, n. A small winged insect:-balance of -a FOOTBrtsY (fuittbi), n. A menial; a runner. jack, &c.:-part of a vane:-pa-rt of a flag.'EOOT-GUAiRD (fftt'gardz), n. p. lFoot soldiers. FL?'BLOW (flt'blW), n. The egg of a fly. FOOT'HROLD (futthold), n. Place for the foot. FLYt'BLOWvW,. a. To taint with the eggs of flies. EOOT'lNeIN (futting), n Ground for the foot:FL-YFISH, v. -n. To.angle by baiting with a fly. support,; foutdation, state; condition. FOAL (fol), n. Offspring of aamare or she-ass. FOOT1MAN (futtnjmn),,. Amenial servant. FOAL.(,fI),,. -n. To bring forth a foalor colt. FOOTr-P-AcE, (ffutpas). n. Aslow.pace; footstep. FOAM (fom), n. Froth; spume;, bubbles. FOO.TrPAD (fut!pad), n. A.highwayman on foot. FOAM, v. n. To froth;:to gather foam;to rage. FOOT'-PATH, n. A way for foot-passengers. FOAMING (fo'me), a. Covered withfoam;ifrothy. FooT-_POST (fiut-), n. A post travelling on foot. FoB, n.'A small pocket for a watch:-a tap. FOOTI-SOL-D1IE. I (faut'sl-jgr),n. Soldier on foot. FO5CAL, a. Belonging to the focus. FoO.TST -P (fiutstep), n. A mark of the foot. F.OCVs, n.; pl. FOCI. [L.] (Opt.) The point FOOT1STOOL.(ffittstl1),:n. A stool-for the feet. where.rays arecollected by a lens or mirror. iFop, n. A beau; a dandy-; a coxcomb. FODDDER, a. Dry food stored up for -cattle.,FOPPER-Y,,n. Coxcombry;,showy folly. FOD'DER, v.a. To feed-withldry food. IFOPfPISH, a. Vain in show; ostentatious. FOE ( nf), n. An enemy; adversary;persecutor. FPFPiTSH-NtSS,,n. Showy or ostentatious vanity. FoEtIAN (fitman),, n. An enemy in war. F:R, prep. Because of:-with respect-to; with F'EtTTS (flt(us),n. a[L.,] A child in the womb. regard to:-in place.of; for thesake of. FOG, n.. Thick mist; moist vapor:-aftergrass. FOR, conj. Because; onthis account thlat. FOGTI,NENSS, t. The state-of-being foggy. FOR'AqE, n. Food for-horses and cattle. Fo6G!Y,a. -Filled with fog; misty. - FOR'tAgE, v.n. To wander in search-of forage. FOtMY,n. A dull man: —,person averse tochange. FOR-AS-MVtCH', sonj. -In regard that; in conFoE,- intej. Expressing contempt orabhorrence. sideration of; -because that; inasmuch. FbItBLE, n..A weakness; a failing; a-fault.:FR-.oE-E-t (for-bAr'), v.n. [imp.:t. forbore,; pp. FO8L, v.' a. To defeat; to blunt; -to dull,-puzzle.- forborne.] To. cease; to pause; to abstain. FOIL, n. A defeat:-leaf,; Igilding::-a -bluat E.QR-BE kR, v.:a. To decline; to avoid;-to-omit. sword:-a coat-of tin on a looking-glass. FOR-E ARIANCE:,n.Command of temper; lenity. FOiST, v. a. To insert wronlgfullly, interpolate. FrOQR-BiD, iv. a. [imp. t. forbade, forbid;*pp. forFOLD, n. -A penfor sheep:-a,plait,-or double.' bidden (fgr-bid dn)]. To prohibit; to interdict. FOLD, v. a. To-shut in a fold:-to double. FQR-BD1-DING,;p. a. Causinguaversion; austere.:FOLD, v.. n. To closeover another-of the-same FOR-BoRNEt,:pp. from forbear. [efficacy. FOLDtER, n. One-that-folds any,thing. [.kind. FORCE,. Strength; vigor; power; might; Fo-LI-A'cEous (fo-le-tshus),a. Leafy.'FORCE, V. a. To compel, press, urge, ravish. F'LI,-AqE, na. Leaves:; tufts or cluster-of leaves.;FORC-E'FOL, a. Violent; strong; -impetuous. FOtL.-ATEE,is. a. To beat into plates or leaves.- -FRC:GPSan. -A.surgical instrument;,pincers. FO-L.-A1TIQN, n. Act of beating:into leaves. - F'RtC-]iRX n.:He,who, or that which, forces. FOtLI-b or FoLtian.; pl. FO'L.9;ore FFOLtIOl. FtKICE-BIE, a. Strong;mighty;.violent;'valid.:A leaf or page:-book:of two leaves to a sheet.'FdRtC.I-BLY, ad. Stron;gly; powerfully; by force. FOLK (fo-k); mnodermn, FOLKS (foks),-n. pl. People.:FORD,,t. A shallow part of a river:-current. FOLtI;.-CLE (f1l1le-kl), X.- A little-bag-or cyst.;:FORD,,. To wade across or through. A,,loJ3 Ag 7.I f,,y,,tk.4X,P,1si$.,jF F;IB FX L,Vms samn.-Ft,AtF lT1FHAL>; I, Ht Mrl; FORlDABLE: 125 FORTUITOUS FBRDIA-BLE, a. Tliat may be forded. FOR'FTEIT-URE (fdrffit-yfr), n. The act of fbor FPRE, a. Anterior; not behind; comling first. feiting: —the thing forfeited; a mulct; a fine. FORE, ad. Anteriorly; ill the fore part. FOR-GAVEf, imp. t. from forgive. [smithy. FORE-ARM', V. d. To arm beforehand. FORqE, n. A place where iron is worked; a FORRE-BODEt, v. a. To prognosticate; to foretell. FORqE, v. &. To form; to beat:-to counterfeit. FhRkE-CASTf,v.n. To fornschemes; tocontrive. FORGE]R, a. One who forges or forms. [ing. FOREWCAtsT, n. Contrivance beforehand; fore- FORt1ER-Y, n. The act of forging or counterfeitsight; plan. [sel before the foremast. FQRE-ETT, v. a. [imp. t. forgot; pp. forgotten, FORERCtS-TLE (fhr'kts-si), n. A part of a ves- forgot.] To lose the memory of; to disregard. FO5RE-CLOEt, V. a. To shut up; to preclude. FOR- ETI'FL, a. Apt to forget; heedless. Fh&REtD CKi, n. Anterior part of a ship's deck. F.OR-i T1FOL-NtESS, a. Loss of memory; failFhRE-)S-DS f, v. a. To doom beforehand; to ure to remember:-remission; neglect. predetermine; to predestine; to foreordain. FQR-]VEt', v. a. [rimp. t. forgave;' pp. forgiven.] FOREtNND, na. The anterior part;. fore part. To pardon; not to punish; to absolve. FrREIFtX-THIR,n. An ancestor; a progenitor. FQR-iVYNEIN.SS, a. The act of forgiving; parF6RE-FEND', v. a. To prohibit; to avert. FQR-G6Tt, imp; t. t& pp. fromforget. [don. FORE1-FtN-:ER, n. The finger next the thumb. FQR-6ITtTEN (for-git'ttn), pp. fromforget. FoRE'F.OOT (fertfat), n. The anterior foot. FoRr, n. An instrument with prongs:-branch. FORtE-GO', v.. To quit; to resign. [figures. FORK, av n. To shoot into blades:-to divide. FBREktGRUND, n. Part of a picture before the: FRItE.IDj a. Opening into two or more parts. -3RiE'HXND-ED, a. Early; timely prosperous. FORRf~, a. Forked; opening into parts. FOREHEAD (for'red or for'htd), n. The upper FQR-LhRNt, a. Forsaken; helpless; destitute. part of the face: —impudence'; confidence. FQR-L/6RN'NESS5 a. Destitution; misery.FORtE'IGN (f6rtrin), a. Not of this country; FiRMH, n. Shape; figure:; beauty; order; sihow. alien; remote: —not to the point or purpose. FdRM or FORM, n. A long seat:-a class. FR'RtElGrN-1R (frt'rin-er), an. One from another FORM, v. a. T faslhion, model, plan, arrange. country; not a native; a stranger; an alien. FORTM4L, a. Ceremonious; precise; external. F6R'IE!IN-NtiSS (ftr'rin-nes), n. Remoteness. oR'.MAL-isT, n. An observer of forms. [der. FORE-Jl-DItEI, v.a. To prejudge. [to foresee. FQ.RtXLr-TV, a. Ceremony; preciseness; orr6RE-KNOWi (-ni'),. a. Toknow beforelhand; *FORtMAL-LY, ad. In a formal manner. FORE-KROWL'I tIDqtE (fhr-niollj), a. Prescience; FOR-MA'TiorN, n. The act of forming; creation.!knowledge of what has not yet happened. F6R'M4A-TvYE, d. Giving form; plastic. tORE'LXND, n. A promontory; a cape. - FiRtMin.R, n, One who forms; maker; author. F6RE-LAY', v. a. To lay wait for; to entrap. F6R'MERt, a. Before in time; preceding; past. F6ORE'LOtk, si. Lock of hair oi the forehead. FOR'M1mit-Ly, ad. In times past; of old. FOREMA4N, na. The chief person: —overseer. FrR MI-D.A-BLE, a. Terrible; dreadful; terrific. F6tE'MAST, n. The forward mast of a ship. F'R'MI-DA-BLE-NSS, n. Dreadfulness. FOaR'MOST, a. First in place, time, or dignity. FOR'tMI-D.A-BLY, ad. In a terrible manner. FORE'NAXME (fhrfnamd), a. Named before. F6iirMi.SS, a. Shapeless; having no form. FOREINOON, n. The time from dawn to midday. F6R/'M-LA, n. pl. FORtMIy-LAE. [L,.] A form; FO-RtNiSfIC, a. Belonginlg to courts of law. a ritual; arule:-algebraioexpression. [forms. FORk-O.R-DA.i N1, v. a. To ordain beforehand. FORtMUt-LA-RY, n.. A book containing stated FOR.E'PXRT, in. The anterior or previous part. F6R1MV-LA-RY, a. Ritual; prescribed; stated. FRELt:XNK, ai. The first rank; the front; van. FOR-N.I-C/T.'ioQ, n. Incontinence or lewdness. FORE-RON',. a. To come before; to precede. FQR-.AY' or' FORtR.AY, n. An act of ravaging F6RE-RON'~NER, n. A harbinger; a predecessor. or pillaging; hostile incursion; invasion. FOR:'SAID (fro'sd d), p. a. Spoken of before. FQR-SAKE', v. n. [imp. t. forsook; pp. forsakFOREisAXI., A. The lower sail of the foremast. en.] To leave to quit; to desert; to neglect. FORUE-SEEV,v.d. To see beforehand:; to foreknow. FQR-SAtKEN (for-satkn), pp. from forsake. IORE-SItOWw',. a. To show before it' happens. QR-SOOK' (fr-saki), imp. t. fromforsake. FORE'SIiOHT'(fhor'it), a. Foreknowledge, FQR-S0oTHEt, ad. In truth; indeed; certainly. FRtEgST, n. A tract of land covered witltrees. FOR-SWIEAti (for-swkrf), v. a. [imp. t. forswore FORE-STALL', V. a. To anticipate:-to buy up. pp. forsworn.] To deny upon oath; to abjure. FVRE-STALLiER, a. One wlho forestalls. FOR-SWEAR' (-swAr), v. n. To swear falsely. FORIEST-E.R, n. A keeper, or inhabitant, of a FORT, n. A fortified post; a castle; a fortress. forest:-a tree growing in a forest. [pate. -FORTE, n. That in which one excels; a strong iORE-TAXSTE, V. a. To taste before; to antici FORTH, ad. Forward; abroad; out. [side. F6RE'TASTE,n. Taste beforehand; anticipation. FORTH-CiMi'ING, a. Ready or about to appear. FORE:-TELL', a.-a. [imp. t. & pp. foretold.] To FORTH-WITITH, ad. Immediately; without delay. FORE-TELLER; a. One who foretells. [predict. F6RiTI-i3:TH, a. Ordinal of forty; fourth tenth: rFORE(THOUGVHT (fhr'thawt),n. Provident care. -noting one of forty equal parts of a thing. FORE-TO/KEN (fer-ti'kn), v. a. To foreshow. F6R-TI-FI-CA'TIQN, a1. The act or the science FORE'TO, an. The upper part in front. of fortifying:-fortified place; a fort. FOR-k:VfER, ad. Eternally; without end. FORhTI-FY,v. a. To strengthen; to make strong. FO6RE-WARNI, v. a. To admonish beforehand. R1TbiT-TtDEi, n. Courage *strength to endure. F6R'FEIT (flir'fit), n. A fine; forfeiture; mulct. FORT'NIGHT (fdrt'nit or firt'nit), n.Two weeks. FOR'rFEIT (fdr'ft), v. a. To lose by offence. FVRITR SS, n. A stronghold; a fortified place. FOR'FEIT-A-BLE (fdr'fit-), a. That may be lost. FQR-TFJtI-TOUS, a. Accidental; casual. MIEN, SIR; M6VE, NR, Sl N; BbLL, BUR, RPOL]. —,, seoft; 0, ~, hard; ~ as z; z as gza; THIs. FORTUITOUSLY 126 FREECOST FQR-TfitI-TOIS-Ly, ad. Accidentally; casually. F6XfCnsHSE, n. Pursuit of the fox with hounds. FQR-Tfl.I- OVs —NESS, n. Accident; chance. FOXIGLOVE (fTksigl~v), n. A plant; Digitalis. FORT'U-NATE, a. Lucky; happy; successful. F6X'HOOND, n. A hound for chasing foxes. FORTtTJ-NATE-LY, ad. Happily; successfully. FX'HUiNT-ER, n. One who hunts foxes. FORTTU.-NATE-NeSS, n. Good luck4 success. FOXtTAIL, n. A genus of grass of several species. IIFORT'VNE (fdrt'yun), n. The good or ill that F6OXTRKP, n. A trap or snare to catch foxes. befalls man; chance; hap:-estate; riches. FRA'CAS, n. A noisy quarrel; a disturbance. []FORT'IYNE-HtNT'ER, n. One who seeks to FRAC'TION, n. A breaking:-part of an integer. marry a woman with a fortune or portion. FRAC'TIQN-AL, a. Belonging to a broken numIIF6RT'VNE-TE LL/E. R, n. A teller of fortunes. FRAC'TIO.JS (frakslsus), a. Cross; peevish.rber. FOR'Ty, a. Four times ten, or five times eight. FRXCT'JRE (frakt'yUr), n. A breach; a rupture. FO'RvM, n. [L.] Roman market-place, in which FRACT'URE (frakt'yur), v.a. To break, as a bone. discussions and courts were held:-a court. FRXAqILE, a. Brittle; easily broken:-weak. FOR'WARD, ad. Onward; progressively. [rior. FR.A-ILtI-TY, n. Brittleness; weakness;frailty. FbR'WARD, a. Warm:-bold:-early:-ante- FRAGIME.NT, n. A part broken off; a piece. 6ORIWARD, V. a. To hasien; to quicken: —to FRXGtMEN-T'T-RY, a. Composed of fragments. promote; to further, help:-to send, transmit. FRXAGQR, n. A noise; a crack; a crash. F6RIW.ARD-NrSS, n. Eagerness:-earliness. FRA'GRANCE, n. Sweetness of smell; grateful rOSSE, n. A ditch; a moat; an intrenchment. FRA'GRANT, a. Odorous; sweet of sm'ell. [odor. F6bSSIL, n. A substance dug out of the earth. FRAIL, a. Weak; infirm; feeble:-liable to err. FOS'SIL, a. Dug out of the earth, as shells. FRAL'tNESS, n. Weakness; instability. [tion. F6SSIL-iST, n. One who is versed in fossils. FRAIL'TY, n. Weakness; infirmity; irresoluFOS.TER, v. a. To nurse; to feed; to support; FRAME, V. a. To form, make, compose, plan. to rear:-to cherish; to encourage. [breast. FRAME, n. A fabric; a structure composed of P6SITER-BR6TH-ER, n. One fed at the same timbers or parts united: —order; form. pFSITER-CHILD, n. A child nivrsed or bred by FRANC, n. A French coin, value about 20 cents. one who is not its mother or father. FRXN'CHI~E, n. Privilege; immunityy; right. F6S'TTER-FiX-TeHR, na. One who brings up FRAN'CHIlE, v. a. To enfranchise; to free. another man's child. [of a foster-child. FRAN'CH.JE-MENT, n. Release; freedom. FOS'TER-MAIOH-E]R, FOS1TER-D.AM,n. Nurse FRAN-.I-BILtI-TY, n. State of being frangible. F6s/TER-S6N, n. One fed and educated as ason. FRAN'GI-BLE, a. Fragile; brittle; easily broken. F6TH'ER, n. A weight or load of lead. FRANK, a. Liberal; open; ingenuous; candid. FOUGHT (fawt), imp. t. & pp. from fight. FRXNK, n. A free letter:-a coin, See FRANC. Fr6L, a. Not clean; not clear; not fair; filthy; FRXNK,:V. a.-To exempt from postage, as letters. dirty:-hatefulf; ugly; coarse; gross. FRXNK'IN-C-NSE, n. An odoriferous resin. FbfOL, v. a. To daub; to bemnire; to make filthy. FRANK'LJN, n. A freeholder. FfOiL'LY, ad. Filthily; odiously: —not fairly. FRANK'LY, ad. Liberally; freely; openly; readily. FO0L'Mi5OTHED (fufil'm6fithd), a. Scurrilous. FRANK'NESS, n. Openness; liberality; candor. FfJiL'NE.SS,n. Filthiness;impurity; ugliness. FRXANsPLrDqE, n. Pledge or surety for freeFPYL'SPO -KEN (ffill'spb-kn), a. Contumelious. men:-a decennary or tithing. [geous. FUfiND, imp. t. & pp. from find. [cast. FRANITIC, a. Mad; raving; furious; outraFO0ND, v.a. To lay; to build; to establish; to FRAN'TIC-Ly, ad. In a frantic manner; madly. bOfTN-DA'TION, n. The basis of an edifice: — FRANTIC-NESS,n. Madness; fury - distraction. first principles or grounds; rise; establishment. FRA-TERNA4L, a. Brotherly; becoming brothers. FO0ND'ER, n. One who founds; a builder. FRA-TER1NAL-LY, ad. In a brotherly manner. F60NtDER, v. a. To cause great soreness, &c. FRA-TERINI-Ty, n. A society; a brotherhood. FOUNIDER, v.n. To sink to the bottom; to fail. FRA-TER'NiZE, V. n. To agree, as brothers. FOUNIDgR-Y, n. A casting-house; place where FRART'RI-CIDE, n. The iurder ofa brother. founding is carried on:-art of casting. FR.AUD, n. Deceit; a cheat; a trick; artifice. FlOND'LIN, n. A child abandoned by its par- FRAUD'FiL, a. Treacherous; artful; trickish. F6ONtIDRESS, n. A woman that founds. [ents. FRAUDI)t-LkNCE, n. Deceitfulness; trickery. F6UNT, FfOIN'TAIN, n. A well; a spring:-a FRAUD'I-L NT, a. Full of artifice; treacherjet; a spout of water:-first principles; source. owls; deceitful; fallacious; trickish. FOUR (for), a. Twice two. FRAUDIJ-LE:NT-LY, ad. By fraud; by artifice. FOURTFOLD (forff5ld), a. Four times told. FRAUGHT (frawt), pp. fromfreiglt. Laden. FOURfFOOT-ED (for'fit-ed), a. Having four feet. FRAY, n. A battle; a fight; a quarrel; a riot. FOURlSCORE, a. Four times twenty; eighty.. FREAK, n. A sudden fancy; a humnlor; a whim, FOUR'SQUARE (for'skwar), a. Quadrangular. FREAK (frek), v. a. To variegate; to checker. FOUR'TEEN (for'ten), a. Four and ten. FREAKIISH, a. Capricious; whimsical. FOUR'TEENTH, a. The ordinal of fourteen. FRkC'KLE (frkk'kl), n. A spot on the skin. FOURTH (forth), a. The ordinal of four. FREC'KLE (frktlkl), a. Spotted; maculated. FOURTHtLY (forth'le), ad. In the fourths place. FRhRC'LY (frdk'kle), a. Full of freckles. FOWrL, n. A winged animal; a bird. FREE, a. Being at liberty; nbt enslaved; open; FbWL, v. n. To kill birds for food or game. ingenuous; frank; liberal:-innocent. FVWL.L'ER, n. A sportsman who pursues birds. FRE, v. a. To set at liberty; to rescue; to clear. FOWL'IING, n. The act of fowlng; falconry. FRE's.66T-E.R, n. A robber; a pillager. FO'/L'JNG-PIfECE, n. A gun for shooting birds. FRFs.B6RN, a. Not a slave; inheriting liberty. F6X, n. An animal remarkable for cunning. FRE:/'COST, n. Freedom from expense. iE, X bagF; ASE;,6,ttiPshort; 4,B,,,VY, obscure.-FARE;FAR, FAST,F.ALL; B~IR,HhR; FREEDMAN 127 FROSTED FREEIDMivN, n. A man freed from servitude. FRIEZE (frez), n. A coarse woollen cloth:-a FREE'DOQM, n. Liberty; privileges; license. term for a part in ornamental architecture. FR.E'f-HEiRT1ED (-hlart'ed), a. Open;' liberal. FRIG'ATE, n. A ship of war with one covered FREE.1rHOLD, n. An estate held in free tenure. FRIGHT (fart), n. A sudden terror. [gun-deck. FREEHiFILD-E.R, n. One who has a freehold. FRIGHT (frit), v. a. To terrify; to daunt. FREEILY, ad. With freedom; frankly; liberal- FRIGHT'EN (frl'tn), v.a. To terrify; to daunt. FR]EE1iRA N, n. One who enjoys freedom. [ly. FRIGHT'FOL (frit'fil), a. Terrible; dreadfiul. FREE'-HMA-SON (frr'mR-sn), n. One of the FRIGHT'FOL-LY (frit'fal-le), ad. Dreadfully. secret fraternity of masons. See MASON. FRIGHTt'FfL-NESS (frlt'ffl-nls); n. Dread. FREE/NESS, n. The state of being free; liberty FRIGID, a. Cold:-dull; lifeless; impotent. freedom; openness; candor. [pay. FRI-IDrI-TY, n. Coldness; want of warmth. FR:EE-SH66OL, n. A school attended without FR'IQID-LY, ad. Coldly; dully; without affecFREE'STONE, n. Sandstone used in building. FRI( ID-NESS, n. Frigidity; Coldness. [tion. FREEr-THINK-ER, n. An unbeliever; a sceptic. FRIG-9-RYF'IC, a. Causing or producing cold. FREE-WILLf, n. Powerof acting at pleasure. FRILL, V. n. To quake or shiver with cold. FREEZE, v. n. & a. [imp. t. froze; pp. frozen.] FRILL, n. A border or edging of linen or cotTo be congealed by cold; to congeal by cold. ton, as on the bosom of a shirt; ruffle. [margin. FREIGHT (frat), v. a. [imp. t. freighted; pp. FRIN5E, n. Ornamental trimming; edge; fraught, freighted.] To load, as a ship, &c. FRINQE, v. a. To adorn, or fit, with fringes. FREIGHT (frat), n. The cargo or lading of a FRIN'Y, a. Adorned with fringes; like fringe. ship:-money due for transportation of goods. FRIPIPER-Y, n. Old clothes:-trumpery; trifles. FRENCH, n. The people and language of France. FRISK, v. n. To leap; to skip; to dance in frolic. FRENCH, a. Belonging to the French or France. FRISK, n. A frolic; a fit of wanton gayety. FRENCH'-IIORN, n. A wind instrument. FRISKI'ER, n. One who frisks; a wanton. [ing. FRENCtII-FY, v. a. To make or render French. FRISK1E'IT, n. A frame to confine paper in printFR1E-NET'IC, a. Mad: distracted; frantic. FRISIKt.I-NsSSn.Gayety; liveliness; playfulness. FREN1ZY, n. Madness; distraction of mind. FRiSK'Y, a. Gay; airy; frolicsome; wanton. FRE'QUEN-CY, a. Occurrence often repeated. FRIT, n. The matter of which glass is made. FRE5IQU. NT, a. Often done, seen, or occurring. FRITH, n. A strait of the sea; an estuary. FRE-QUieNT', V. a. To visit often; to resort to. FRIT'TE R, n. A kind of fried cake:-a fragmrent. FRE-QUE.N-TAK'TIQN, n. Resort; act of visiting. FRITTE.'R, v. a. To cut or break into pieces. FRE.-QUINT'A-TIVE-, a. (Grasm.) Denoting rep- FRI-VOLtI-Ty, n. Triflingness; frivolousness. FRE-QUENTtE R, n. One who frequents. [etition. FRIVQ-LOUIS, a. Slight; trifling; of no moment. FREIQUENT-Ly, ad. Often; sometimes. FRIvro-LOUs -LY,ad.Triflin gly; without weight. FRESfCO, sn. [It.] Painting on fresh plaster. FRiV'Q-LOVS-NESS, n. Triflingness; vanity. FRESH, a. Cool; not salt: —new:-ruddy. FRIZZ, FRIZ/ZLE, v. a. To curl short; to crisp. FRESHiEN (frtsh'shl), v. a, & n. To make or FRIZ1ZLE, n. A curl; a lock of hair crisped. grow fresh; to refresh:-to increase, as wind. FRIZ/ZLER, in. One who frizzles hair. [fro. FR'SHIE.T, n. A flood of water or inundation FRO, ad. From:-contraction offi-om as, to and caused by rains or melting snow. fruddily. FRoCK, n. A dress; a coat:-gown for children. FRESHILY, ad. Coolly:-newly; re6ently:- FROG, n. A small amphibious animal. FRESHI.MAN, n. A student of the first year. FR6L'1C, a. Gay; fiill of levity; frolicsome. FREISH-/N]iSS, t. The being fresh; newness. FRpOLIC, n. A wild prank:-a scene of mirth. FRET, n. Agitation of liquors:-irritation. FROL6 C, v. n. [imp. t. & pp. frolicked.] To play FRET, V. a. To vex:-to corrode; to variegate. wild pranks; to be merry; to act merrily. FRPET, V. n. To be irritated:-to be corroded. FRfL.,'IC-S6ME, a. Full of wild gayety; sportive. FRET'Ff0L, a. Angry; peevish; ill-humored. FRo6, prep. Away; out of; noting distance. FRET'TER, n. One who, or that which, frets. FROND, n. A stem and leaf combined. FRETTTY, a. Adorned with raised or fretwork. FRQON-DATION, n. A lopping of trees. FRET'WORK, n. Masonry with protuberances. FRQN-DJEStCENCE, n. The time or the process FRI-A-BILtI-TY, FRItA-BLE3-NESS, n. The sus- of unfolding of leaves of plants. [fore part. ceptibility of being easily reduced to powder. FRiNT., n. The forehead; the brow; face:-van; FRI.A-BLE, a. Easily reduced to powder. FRONT, v. a. & n. To oppose; to stand foremost. FRItAR, n. A religious brother of some order. FR6NT.AL, a. Relating to, or of, the forehead. FRVIA-RY, n. A monastery or convent of friars. FRONT/AL, n. A little pediment:-a frontlet. FRIBaBLE, v. n. To trifle: —to totter. FRON1TIER (frln'ttr), n. The utmost verge of FRIB/BLE, FRIBIBLE.R, n. A frivolous person; ally territory; a border; confine; limit. a trifler; a coxcomb; a beau; a fop. PRON1TIER, a. Bordering; conterminous.[.wine. FRIC-AS-S:EE, n. A fowl, &c., fried in sauce. FR6N-TIN-IACt (frln-tin-yalk), n. [Fr.] A rich FRIc-'s-sSEE, v. a. To dress in fricasee. FR6N'T.S-PIECE,n. Aprintorengravingwhich FRIC/TION, n. The act of rubbing; attrition. faces the title-page of a book. [bold. FRI'DAY (fritda), n. The sixth day of the week. FR6NT'LESS, a. Unblushing; wanting shame; FRIEND (fr6nd), n. One joined to another by FR6NT'LET,?i. A band worn on the forehead. affection; an intimate; a confidant:-favorer. I1FROST (frost or. frust), n. The act or the FRIENDILESS (frund'les), a. Wanting friends. process of the congelation of water or vapor: FRItsND'LI-NESS (frtnd'le-nes), n. Good will. -frozen dew; hoar-frost. [affected by frost. FRIEND/LY, a. Kind; favorable; amicable. IJFR6STs3YT-TEN (frstfblit-tn), a. Nipped or FRIEND'SHIP,n. Intimacy united with affection. IIFRiST1E. D, a. Covered with frost. MIEN, S'IR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, RYLE. —, t, soft; 0, H., hard; as z; as gz; THIS. FROSTILY 128 FURIOUSLY IIFPR5STI-LY, ad. With frost or freezing; with FVL'tQr.D, a. Shining; glittering; dazzling. excessive cold; coldly. [cold. FPL-q9D'I-TY, n. Splendor; dazzling glitter. IIFRoST'i-Ntss, a. Cold; frosty state; freezing FrL'IGQR, n. Splendor; dazzling brightness. IIFROST1-NAIL, at. A nail driven into a horse's FU-LI.I'-NOhS, a. Smoky; sooty. shoe to prevent his slipping on the ice. FILL, a. Replete; without vacuity; saturated; jIFRST'y, a. Very cold; hoary; like frost. impregnated; large; complete; strong. JIFROTH (froth or frauth), n. Spume; foam. F'0LL, n. Complete measure; the whole. IIFR TH, v. n. To foam; to throw out spume. FOLL, ad. Fully; quite; exactly; directly. IIFR6THIY, a. Full of froth or spume; empty. FOLL, v. a. To thicken and cleanse, as cloth. FROONCE, v. a. To curl; to frizzle.-n. A curl. FrLL'AgE, i. Money paid for fulling cloth. FRO0'ZY. a. Fetid; ill-scented; dirty. [Low.] F0LL'tER, n. One whose trade is to full cloth. FRTOWARD, a. Peevish; ungovernable; angry. F LL].Rtt',-EARTH (ffil'lerz-trth), n. A kind FR&OWiRD-LY, ad. Peevishly; perversely. of marl used for cleansing or fulling cloth. FRO'WARD-NESS, an. Peevishness; perverseness. FOLL'ER-y, n. The place where cloth is fulled. FROWN, V. n. To express displeasure; to look FOLL'ING -MiLL, n. A mill for fulling cloth. FROWN, n. A wrinkled or stern look. [stern. F0L/LY, ad. Completely; without lack or deFROZE, imp. t. from fieeze. FiLa MI-NXNT, a. Thundering; noisy. [fect. FROlZEN (frotzn),pp. from freeze. Congealed. FJUL'Mi-NATE, V. n. To thunder:-to explode; FRUC-TS'CENCE, a.n. The ripening of fruit. to detonate:-to utter censure. [plode. FRtVC-TiFIER-OtiS, a. Bearing fruit. FUL!MI-NATE, v. a. To utter; to Callse to exFROC-TI-FI-CUATIQN, n. Act or process of fruc- FU L-MI-NATION, n. A thundering; explosion. tifying; fecundation. [fruitful. FULaMI-NA-TQ-RY, a. Thundering; striking FROCITI-FB, v, a. & n. To make or become FUL1NESS, n. Completeness; satiety. [hiorror. FRrJC/TU -Ots, a. Fruitful; fertile; productive. FL'S.OME, a. Nauseous; offensive; disgusting.:FR'GAL, a. Thrifty; sparing; economical. F[UL'S.oME-NSSS (fiilspum-nis),n. Nauseousness. FRU.-GXL'I-Ty, n. Thrift; prudent economy. FrUL'VID, FtJL'VOVS, a. Of a dull yellow color. FRtI'GAL-LY, ad. Economically; thriftily. FrMBELE, v. n. & a. To attempt or do awkFRPtGMt.lN, n. An oven fork or pole for stirring wardly; to act bunglingly:-to falter. FRV-QIF'IER-o's, a. Bearing fruit. [ashes. Frk1'BLER, n. One who acts awkwardly. BRtIIT (fr(ut), a. Product of the earth, trees, FUME, n. Smoke; vapor:-rage:-conceit. and plants; profit; effect: —offspring; young. FUME, v. n. & a. To smoke:-to be il a rage. FRtIT'AqE (frdtt'aj), n. Fruit collectively. FUrtMID, a. Smoky; vaporous; fuliginous. FROlITt-BE. R-jNG, a. Producing fruit; fruitery. FV.u-MiDt.I-TY, n. Smokiness; tendency to smoke. FRtiTtER-ER,,. One who trades in fruit. FUtMI-GATE, v. a. To smoke; to perfume. FROITtE.R-y, n. Fruit:-a repository for fruit. FU-MI-GA'TIQN, n. Act of fumigating; vapor. FRtOITFtL, a. Productive; bearing fruit; pro- FrU'MOVS, FUtMy,.a. Producing fumes. FRitIT'FfL-LY, ad. il a fruitful manner. [lific. PFUN, n. Sport; low merriment. [Cblloquziia.] FRtOIT'FfL-Nhss;n. Fertility; productiveness. FU-NAiM'BJ-L1ST, n. A rope-dancer. FRV-I"rTIQN (fru-~shtun), a. Enjoyment; use. FONC'rTIQN, n. Employment; office; power. FRtIT'LESS, a.Barrei; vain; idle; unprofitable. FtPNCITION-AL, a. Relating to some office. FROtITfLESS-LY, ad. Vainly; idly; unprofitably. FONC'TIQN-A-RY, n. One Who has an office. FRVIT'LESS-NEaSS, i. Unfruitfulness; vanity. FUND, n. An established stock; capital. FRtIT'-TREE, n. A tree that produces fruit. FUND, v. a. To invest in funds, as money. FRt1ME.N-Ty, n. Food of wheat boiled in milk. FUtNDA-MiNT, n. The lower part of the body. FRtSTRXTE, v. a. To defeat; to disappoint. FUN-DA-KMSNT'.L, a. Relating to the foundaFRUS-TRAtTION, n. Disappoiritment; defeat. tion or basis; essential; important; radical. FRPS'TRA-TIVE, a. Fallacious; disappointing. FUN-DA MENT'tAL-LY, ad. Essentially; origiFRiSITU.M, n. [L.] A piece of a solid cut off. FU-NE'BRI-AL,a. Belonging to funerals. [nally. FRY, n. A swarm of little fishes:-a dish fried. FUtNER A-AL, n. Burial; interment:-obsequies. FR/i, v. a. To cook in a pan on the fire. FU/NER-AL, a. Relating to burial; mourning. FR',v. n. To be cooked in a pan; to cook. [&c. FU-NE5RE-AL, a. Suiting a funeral; dismral. FRR'kING-PXN, n. A pan used for frying meat, FrN5Goos, a. Like a fungus; excrescent. FDDIDLE, v. a. To make drunk; to intoxicate; FUNIGIS, a.pl. F[N'(I or FUN'GUS —Ei. A to inebriate; to muddle.-v. n. To tipple. mushroomi, toadstool, &c.; an excrescence. FUD(IE, interj. An expression of contempt. FU.NI-CLE, n. A small cord — stalk of a seed. FUE.L, a. T'he matter or aliment of fire. FU-NICtU-LAR, a. Consisting of cord or fibre. Fr-GAtCIoVs (fu-gatshus), a. Volatile; flying. FDN'NEL, n. A pipe or passage of communicaFu-GAXVi-TY, n..Volatility; a flying away. FUtN'Ny, a. Comical; droll.'[Colloquial.] [tion. FtItqT-TIVE, a. Flying away; volatile:-per- FUR, n. Soft hair, or a skin with soft hair. FU/It-TIVE, n. A runaway; a deserter. [ishable. FUR, v. a. To line or cover with fur, &c. FjGUE (ffig), n. (Jf1us.) A repetition of parts. FUR'BI.-L6W (fiir'tbe-l), n. A puckered flounce FFruUIST (fdfigist),n. One who composes fugues. for ornamenting a woman's dress. FrOLC.I-M2NT,' n. A prop; point of suspension. UiiEtBE-LOW, v. a. To adorn with flrbelows. FtLICRUt.ri, n. [L.] Support of a lever. FURIBRisH, v. a. To burnish; to polish. FOL-FIL', v. a. To accolnplish; to perform. FUtRBSISH-ER, n. One who polishes any thing. FOL-Fint'.MiNT, n. Completion; performance. FUR-CAtTION, n. State of being branched. FUJiLtiEN-Cy, n. Splendor; glitter; effulgence. FtRi-ois, a. Mad; frantic; raging; violent. FPL'iNT, a. Shliiing; dazzling; bright. FUit-Ot S -LY, ad. Madly; Violently; ragiigly. A,Rij,6,',t long; Xb,,,br,;, short; AIOQ, obscure. —AREk,FrXR,FiST,PFLL; HtIR,tEtR; FURIOUSNESS 129 GALLIPOT rFPRi-ovS-NRSS, i. Frenzy i madness; rage. FSE, V. a. &. To melt; to liquefy by heat. piURL, v. a. To draw up, as sails; to contract. F-gEE, n. A part of a watch, &c.; a pipe for FijRLO6NG, n, The eighth part of a mile. firing a bomb; a musket;-written alsofusit. FijURLOUGH (fdiirl), n. A leave of absence for f.J-i-BiL'.I-TY, n. Susceptibility of being melto a limited time froin military service. FU'i.I-BLLE, a. Susceptible of being melted. [ed. FUR'NACE, n. A place for producing great heat. tf'0ITL, a. That may be melted; fusible. FiRtNISII, v. a. To supply; to fit up; to equip. FY't.IL (fizil or fu-zet), n. A musket; fusee. FUriTN.sI-I.R, n. One who furnishes or fits out. FU-_I-LEE.R., n. A soldier armed with a musket. FURiNI-TURE, an. Movables; goods in a house FU'iOQ N (fM'zhun), n. Act of melting; fluidity. for use or ornament; appendages; equipage. FUiSS, n. A tumult; bustle; noise. [l Zetow ord.] FURIRI-ER, n. One who deals in furs. FrST, n. The shaft of a column:-mustiness. rihtRIRWw (fuir'rt), n. A long trench or hollow. F rsT'I!N (-yin), n. A kind of cloth:-bombast. F(RtROW (furtrI), v. a. To cut in furrows. FUST'IAN, a. Made of fustian; pompous. rURSRY, a. Covered with, or made of, fur. FtStTlC, ii. A sort of wood tsed in dyeing yellow. FUR'THER, a. At a greater distance; farther. FisT1Y, a. Ill-smelling; mouldy; musty. FUJRTiHEiR, ad. To a greater distance. [assist. FU"IILE, a. Trifling; worthless; of no weight. FURITHER, v. a. To forward; to promote; to FU-TILtI-TY, a. Want of effect; uselessness. FUR'THEIR-ANCE, n. Promotion; advancement. FUFTXjRE (ffit'yur), a. That is to be hereafter. FUR'tiHER-ER, i. A promoter; an advancer. FUT'URE (ftltyur), n. Time to come. FURiTHER-MORE, ad. Moreover; besides. FU-TUIRI-TY, n'. Future time or event. FijR'THEST, FRITiRHER-MlOST, a. Most distant. FrjZE, or FUSE, n. A tube for blasting, &c. FUR'T.IVE, a. Stolen, got by theft:-thievish. Frzz, v. n. To fly out in small particles. FUitRY, n. Madness; rage; passion; frenzy. FrZZ'B.LL, n. A kind of fungus; a puff. FURZE, n. A flowering evergreen shrub; gorse. F, FIEt, ittej. A word of blame and contempt. FURiazy, a. Overgrown with furze; full of furze. FYiKE, n. Bow-net used for catching shad. G has two sounds; one hard, as in go, gun; GAXIT'eR., n. pl. A kind of spatterdashes. the other soft, likej, as in gem, ginger. Gt'L.A, n. [Sp.] A festival; festivity. GXB, na. Idle talk; loquacity. [ Vulgar.] GALAX-Y, n. The milky way; luminous tract. GXB-AR-DINEI (gab-ar-dzn%), n. A loose frock. GXL'BA-NXM, n. [L.] A resinous gum. GXBaBLE, v. n. To prate without meaning. GALE, n. A strong wind; a blast; a gust. GXBtBLE, n. Loud talk without meaning. GAXLE-AT-ED, a. Covered as with a helmet. GXAB/LE R, n. A prater; a chattering person. G.A-LEN.A, n. Native sulphuret of lead. GA'BLE, n. The triangular end of a house. GLtJQT or GXLtI-QT, n. A small Dutch vessel. GXD, n. An ingot of steel or iron: — a boss. GXALL, a. The bile; a bitter animal juice:-a GxD v. n. To ramble about; to rove idly. hurt:-rancor; malignity; bitterness of mind. )GAD DER, n. One who gads or runs abroad. GALL, V. a. & n. To rub off the skin of:-to GXIDFLY, n. A fly that stings cattle and horses. tease; to fret; to irritate:-to be vexed. [fine. GAE'LIC (gatlik), n. A Celtic dialect. GAL'LANT, a. -Brave; high spirited; daring; XGAFF, n. A harpoon, or large hook:-a spar. GAL-LANT', a. Polite and attentive to ladies. G-AFFtrE.R, n. An old word of respect for an old GAL-LANTt, n. A gay, sprightly man; a w-oer. man. [when he is set to fight. GAL-LANTt, V. a. To pay attention to, as ladies. GAF'FLE, n. An artificial spur put upon a cock GAL'LANT-LY, ad. Bravely; nobly; generously. GX, v. a. To stop the mouth of. [der speech. G4L-LANT'LY, ad. In the manner of a wooer. GAG, a. Something put into the mouth to hin- GAL'LANT-Ry, n. Valor; bravery; magnanimGAgE,/n. A pledge; a pawn:-a measure, rule. ity:-courtship; refined address to women. G6Aqle v. a. To engage; to measure. SeeGAuGE. GAL'Le-OQN, n. A large armed ship. GXAG'ER, n. One who gags or stops the nlouth. GXAL'LER-Y, n. A passage leading to several GXtG4'LE, v. n. To make a noise like a goose. apartments; a balcony or railed projection. GAiIl-TY,n. Mirth. See GAYETY. GXAL'L.Y (gal'le), n. A vessel with sails and GAIN (gan), n. Profit; advantage; interest. oars:-a printer's frame for receiving types. GAINi.v. a. To obtain; to win; to procure. GAL/LEY-SL.AVE, an. One condemned tothe galGAIN,:V,. n. To grow rich:-to advance. GALL/IARD,A n. A gay man:-a dance. [leys. GAINt'F L, a. Profitable; lucrative; productive. G:4LLIC, GALTLI-CAN, a. Relating to Gaul. GAIN/FOL-LY, ad. Profitably; advantageously. GAXLILI-CISt, n. A French idiom or phrase. GAI*ILESS, a. Unprofitable; of no advantage. GiL-LI-GXSfKIN~, n. p1. Large, open hose. GAIN-SAYt or GAIN/SAY, v. a. To contradict. GAL-LI-MiA/TI-A (gal-le-ma'she-.a), n. Nonsense. GAIN-SAtYIER or GAINSAiY-ER, n. Contradictor. GXL-Li-MAU'FRy, n. A hash; an oglio; a GAIN-SAYIING or GAIN'SAY-ING, n. Opposition. ridiculous medley; a confused heap. GAIR.ISH, a. Gaudy; gay; fine; splendid. GXL-Li-NA5CEOIS (gal-le-natshus), a. Denoting GAIRtISH-NEiSS, n. Gaudiness; showy finery. an order of birds including the common hen. GAIT, n. Marclr; walk or manner of walking. GALL.I-POT, n. An earthen, glazed pot:-resin. MIEN, SIR; MO~VE, NO5R, SiS; BOLL, BUAi, LE. —, q, Soft; 0, h, hard; z as z; Fs gZ; ITIS. GALLNUT 130 GELD QXLLtNT T, A. Excrescence growing on an oak. GXiRTNrI-TURE, n. Embellishment; ornament. GXL'LQN, n. A liquid measure of four quarts. GAR'RFT, n. The uppermost room of a house. GALL-L66NI n. A kind of lace for binding, &c. GXR-RET-EERR, n. One who lives in a garret. GXLILQP, v. n. To move by leaps, or very fast. GXARR.-SON (gar're-sn), n. Soldiers for the deGXL'LOP, n. The motion of a galloping horse. fence of a town or castle:-a fortified place. GXL'LQ-WAY, n. A species of horse of small size. GXR'RI-SON, v. a. To secure by a garrison. GXLtLQWS, n.; pl. GXLLQOWS-1:r. A beam G4R-Rb'LI-Ty, n. Loquacity; talkativeness. laid over two posts, on which malefactors are GXR'RtU-LOfis, a. Prattling; prating; talkative. hanged-:-suspenders for pantaloons; braces. GARITER, n. A band to hold up a stocking. GAILL'STONE, n. A concretion in the gall-blad- GXAR'TPR, v. a. To bind with a garter. der. GAXS, n. A permanently elastic aeriform fluid. G4-LH(gEt'(ga-l16sh), n., pI. GA-LO'sHE..[Fr.] GAS-CQN-ADE', n. A boast; a bravado; a vaunt. A shoe worn over a boot or other shoe. GAS-CQN-ADE1, V. n. To boast; to brag, bluster. GAL-VXAN/C, a. Relating to galvanism. GAX'E-O0S, a. Having the form or state of gas. GALIVAN-IlM, n. A species of electricity. GASI, v. a. To cut deep; to make a gash in. GJXLtVN-IZE,av. a. To affect with galvanism. G)[SH, n. A deep cut; a gaping wound. GAMt-iBDs.OE (-dfz), n. pl. Spatterdashes. GAS'KE TS,n,pl. Small cords to fasten sails with. GAM'BLE, v. n. To play or game for money. GAS'K.Ng, n. pl. Wide. open hose; galligaskins. GXM'BLE.Rt, i. One addicted to gambling. GAS'-LIGHT (-lit), n. The light produced by gas. GAM-BOQE', n. A concreted gum-resin. GASI-XiE —TER, n. A gasometer; a gas-holder. GAMTBQiL, v. n. To dance; to skip; to frisk. G.A-6M'E.-TER, n. Instrument to measure gas. GAMIBQL, n. A skip; a hop; a leap for joy; a GAsP, v. n. To pant for breath:-to long, desire. GAMtBR]EL, n. The hind leg of a horse. [frolic. GASP, n. Convulsive catch of breath. [stomach. GAiME, n. Sport; merriment; a play; a natch: GAStTRTC, a. Belonging to, or contained in, the -animals hunted:-a spectacular contest. G4S-TRiL.O-QU1ST, n. A ventriloquist. GAME, V. in. To play for money; to gamlble. GAS-TRIL'Q-QUY, an. Ventriloquism. [passage. GAME/-COtCK, s. A cock bred to fight. GATE, n. The door of a city, building, &c.:GAME'ItEEP-E.R,n. A person who protects game. GXTE'WAY, in. A way through a gate; a gate. GAMEISQME (gamtsum), a. Frolicsome; gay. GATH'ER, v. a. To collect; to pick up; to glean. GAl.MESTER, n. One who games; a gamblei. GATHtER, v. n. To be collected; to assemble. GAKMItNG, n. The practice of gamnesters. GATH'ER, n. A pucker; a fold; a wrinkle. GXMtMQN. 1. The buttock of a hog salted and GATU'IER-ER, n. One who gathers; a collector. dried:-a play with dice:-humbug; a hoax. GXTH'ER-ING, ns. An assembly; a collection. GXK'UT, n. The scale or series of musical notes. GUtD'DI-LY, ad. In a gaudy mnanner; showily; GXN'DER, n. The male of the goose. G.U'DI-NESS, n. Showiness; finery. [finically. GANG, v. n. To go; to walk. [aln old word.] GAUDY, a. Showy; ostentatiously fine. GXNG, n. A troop; a company; a ship's crew. GAUQE (gaj), v. a. To measure with respect to GAN'GRENE(gagng'grtn),n. (JMed.) Mortification. the contents, as a vessel:-to estinmate. GAN'GRENE, v. n. To become mortified; to. GAUQE (gij), n. A measure; a standard:-caliGXNGsRE-NOrls, a. Mortified; putrefied.[mortify. GAUt'ERI (gaijer), n. One who gauges. [bre. GANG'WAY, a. A passage, particularly In a ship. GAUNT (gint), a. Thin; slender; lean; meagre. GXNTLEIT, n. A military punishment. GAiUNT'LE.T, n. An iron glove formerly wori. qAOL (jdl), na. A prison;-often written jail. GAUZE, n. A kind of thin, transparent stuff. A.OL/-DE.-LlV1E.R-Y,, a. Delivery or release of GAVE. The imp. t. of give. prisoners from a gaol; jail-delivery. GAV'OT, n. A kind of lively dance. qAOLt'ER (jailer), n. A keeper of a prison; jail. GAWK, n. A cuckoo:-a foolish fellow. [clown. GXP, n. An opening; a breach; a passage. GAWKtY, n. A stupid or awkward person; a GAPE, v. n. To open the mouth; to yawn. GAWIt'y. a. Awkward; ungainly; clownish. GARB, n. Dress; clothes:-exterior appearance. GAY, a. Airy; cheerful; merry; fine; showy. GXR'BA-E, n. The bowels; refuse; offal. GAYtE-TY, n. Cheerfulness; mirth; finery. GAR'BLE, V. a. To part; to pick out; to mutilate. GAY1LY, ad. With gayety; merrily; finely GiXRDEN (gar'dn or gtrtden), n. A piece of GAY'NEa.SS, n. Gayety; showiness; finery. ground appropriated to plants, flowers, or fruits. GAZE, v. n. To look intently and earnestly. GXR'DEN-,R (-dn-er),n. Cultivator of a garden. GAZE, n. Intent; regard; look of wonder, &c. G;XR'DEN-ING (garidn-Ing), n. Horticulture. GA-ZELLE', n?. Small, swift species of antelope. GIR'GAR-IYM, n. A gargle; a liquid medicine. GA-Z;TTE' (ga-ztt'), n. A newspaper. [zette. GXR'GtAR-IZE,v.a. To wash or rinse with gargle. GA-ZETTE', v. a. To insert or publish in a gaGXRtS'ET, n. A disease in the udders of cows. GAZ-ET:-TEiRE, n. A geographical dictionary. GAXRtGLE, v. a. To wash the throat and mouth. GAZ/ING-ST6CK, n. A person gazed at with GRRI'GLE, n. Liquor for washing the throat, &c. scorn:-an object gazed at. [ness. GiXRtLAND, n. A wreath of branches or flowers. WEAR (ger), n. Furniture; dress; goods; tharGiXRltLIC, n. A strong-scented, edible plant. i)EEsE (ges), n. The plural of goose. GAaRsMENT,?t. Covering for the body; dress. ELt'A-BLE, a. That may be congealed. GARtNEaR, n. A place for grain; a granary. 9PJL1A-TINE, n. A gelatinous substance. GA;iRNET, n. A reddish mineral or genm. ( L'tA-TINE, a. Of ithe nature of gelatine GXR'NISH, v. a. To decorate with appendages. CE.-LXT'.I-NOS, or jelly; viscous; sticky. GASRUN.SH, n. Decoration:-fetters. [garniture. P.LD, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. gelded, or gelt.] GXR/N.ISH-MiNT, n. Ornament; embellishment; To castrate; to emasculate. A,IJ,iJ,O,$,, long; X,:9,,i1,t,, short; A,E,I,Q,V,y, obscure.-FARE,FXsR,FAST,FALL j HkIR,H.ER; GELDING 131 GHERKIN P]VLD'rNG, n. Castration:-castrated horse, &c. -ENITLE, a. Soft; mild; meek:-well-bred. tE L/ID (jel'jd), a. Extremely cold; frigid. QtENTLE-FOLKSt (j6n'tl-folks), n. pl. Persons QiL'jLY, n. Viscous substance; viscidity; glue. distinguished from the vulgar. See FOLKS. MELT. The imp. t. & pp. of geld. [a bud. 0EN'TLE-MIAN, n. A man raised above the vulQkRM (jem), n. A jewel; a precious stone:- gar; a man of refined manners. QM,. a. To adorn, as with jewels or buds. qEN'TLE-MAN-LIKE J a. Honorable; becoming EIEM-I-NATIQN, n. Repetition; reduplication. qEN'TLE-MAN-LY, 5 a gentleman; polite. atM'I-NI, n. pl. Twins, a sign in the zodiac. (EN'TLE-MAN-LI-NESS, n. Behavior of a geniRt'mi-NOils, a. Double; existing in pairs. tleman; breeding of a gentleman. [ness. iMti'E-o[ls, a. Pertaining to, or like, gems. REN'TLE-NESS, n. Softness of manners; mildVEM'MY, a. Resembling, or full of, gems. (iEN'TLE-WOM-AN (jen'tl-wim-un), n. A womnqENDEIR, i7. Sex:-distinction of sex in words. an above the vulgar; refined woman; a lady. tNItDER, v. a. To beget; to produce; to cause. QEN'TLY, ad. Softly; meekly; tenderly; kindly. q NIDER, v. ai. To copulate; to-breed. EN-TOO66, n. An aboriginal of Hindostan. QEN-E-A-LOqI.-CAL, a. Pertaining to genealogy. V(EN/TRY, n. A class of people above the vulgar. qEN EN-E-XL'0-q1ST, n. One who traces descents. QE-NU-FLtEC/TION, n. Act of bending the knee. ELN-E- ALO -QY, 71. Succession of families. ENtNU-INE, a. Not spurious; pure; real; true. qt N'ER-A,n. [L.] The plural of genus. QERN'IT-iNE-LY, ad. Really; truly; naturally. RENtER —AL, a. Relating to the whole; public; ENIU.-INE-NESS, a. Freedomi from adulteration. extensive; common; usual; compendious.'VENUS, (je'nus), n.i pi. esEN'tR-A. Aclass of (ONIE R-AL,n. Whole:-commanderof an army. beings or things comprehending species. [tre. ~ELN-I:R-AL-St'SI —MO, n.; pl. GENERALISSI- QE-O-CiENTRIC, a. Having the earth for the cenMOES. The supreme commander of an army. E. -OG'NO-SY, n. Geology, or a branch of it. q1E:N-ER-XLI'-T,,n. The main body; the bulk. QE-OG'RA-PHER, a. One versed in geography. E9RLN-ERI- tLI-ZA'TIQN, n. Act of generalizing. 7E-O0-GRIAPH/'-CAL, a. Relating to geography. qEN'ER-AL-IZE, v. a. To render general. qE- Q-GRXPH'I-CAL-LY, ad. In a geographical 33EN ER-AL-LY, ad. In general; commonly; manner. [book describing the earth. usually, but not universally. [general. (E-)OG'RA-PHY, n. A description of the earth: qRtN'ER-AL-SHIP, n. The conduct or office of a QE-Q-LO6qf-CAL, a. Relating to geology. t.ENtER-ATE, v. a. To beget; to produce, cause. q9L;-OL IO-IST, n. One versed in geology. IEN-ER —A'TION, n. Act of begetting:-a race: rE -OnLo.-eY, n. The science of the structure of offspring:-a single succession,; an age. the earth, as to its rocks, strata, minerals, &c. qENt'ER-A-TIVE, a. Producing; prolific; fruitful. QE1/Q-M-AN-C.R, i. A practiser of geomancy. VEN'ER-A -TQR, n. One that generates; causer. t /1O-iMN-CY, a. Divination by casting figures. E-NERg'C,' a. Embracing the genus; not- q: -Q-MAN'TIc, a. Pertaining to geomancy. E-'NERRtI-CAL, oing the kind or sort. lE-tM'E-TER, a. One skilled in geometry. qE-NNRi- CAiL-LY, ad. With regard to the genus. QE-o-0MiT',RIC, a, Pertaining to geometry; q:EN-ER-OS' -TY, n. Magnanimity; liberality, L-Q-M.ItT'RI-CAL, consistent with geometry. QN'nER-O0S, a. Magnanimous; liberal; noble. (E-Q-MET IRI-CAL-LY, ad. According to geomq:NtfER-OtS-Ly, ad. In a generous manner. etry; in a geometrical manner. [etry. qEN']ER-OUS-NESS,n. Quality of beinggenerous. nE-OM-E-TRaltCIAN, a. One skilled in geomQE'TNi'-SIs, n. The first book of Scripture. -E-o6M'-TRIZE, V. n. To act geometrically. QOtN']T, n. A small-sized Spanish horse: —a CJE-6MNE-TRy, a. The science whichl teaches gray animal of the weasel kind. [gin. the dimensions of lines, surfaces, solids, &c. qi-Nf:EVA, n. A distilled spirit, contracted to.EOR'qIC (jirtjlk), a. Relating to agriculture. QE'NI-AL4 a. Causing production:-cheerful; gay. EOR'IC (jirtjjk), n. A poem on husbandry. QE'NI-AL-LY, ad. Naturally; gayly; cheerfully.?E.-RA'N.I-NM, n. A genus of plants; cranes-bill. QE.-NYC-V-LAtTIN, n. KInottiness:-a kneeling. riER'FL-CON (jIr'tfl-kn), n. A bird of prey. qOENI-6, n.; pl. qE'Nt-6~. A genius. ERMX, n. A sprout; a shoot: a bud:-origin. O]ENtIT-lNG,n. An early apple. SeeJENNETINGo. qERIM.N, a. Akiin:-cousingerman, first cousin. 4QN'I-TIVE, a. Noting the second case of Lat- q.ERtMrAN-DnER oi ~ER —MAN'DEPR, It. A plant. in and Greek nouns; possessive.. EI R'MAN-I$5, is, Idiom of the German language. qENI -TQR, n. A sire; a father; a progenitor. QERt'MI-NAL, a. Relating to a germ. gENl'sS or 9KEtNI —S, n.; pl. Eq.NI-t-S-E.. RR'.MI-NATE, V. n. To sprout; to shoot; to bud. Inborn bent of mind:-extraordinary mental qER-MI-NAtTIQN, n. Act of sprouting; growth. power:-a person endowed with superior qGR'fUND,n. A kind of verbal noun. [pregnancy. faculties: —peculiar character. [or evil. 9ES-TAKTION, n. Bearing of young in the womb; gE'aNI-fS, n.; pi. 9E'Nt-i. [L.] A spirit, good QEiS-TIC'U-L ATE,v.n?.&a. To use gestures; to act. QEN-TE.ELt, a. Polite; elegant; civil; graceful. p]iS-TIC-U-LAtTIsN, n. Act of gesticulating. 9EN-TEEBL'Ly,ad.Elegantly;politely;gracefully. q:ST'VRE (jEst'yur), n. Action or posture exQE:N-TE::L/'NSS, n. Gracefulness; politeness. pressive of sentiment; movement of the body. QEN.TIA:N, n. A plant of several varieties. MET, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. got:-imp. t. gat, obsoeEN'ITiLE, n. A pagan; a heathen. [or to a race. lete; pp. gotten, obsolescent.] To procure; to MEN'TILE, a. Belonging to pagans or heathens, DET, v. n. To attain; to become. [obtain. q9N'TIL-M, a.n. Heathenism; paganism. sEW'GaW, a. Showy; without value. QtN-TI-Lti"TIOUS (jin-te-lishlus), a. Peculiar HXAST'LI-NESS (IAst'le-nes), it. Deathlike look, to a nation or people; national:-hereditary..HAST'LY, a. Like a ghost; pale/ dismal. Q9rN-TILJ'-TY, n. Refinement; politeness. sHER'KIN (%arfkjn), n. A pickled cucumber. MIEN-, SIYR; M6VE, NOR, SiN; BOLL, BUR, RbLE. —, q, soft; 5 M, hard; E as z;. asgz; THIS. GHOST 132 GLEAN 1HOSsT (gast), n. The spirit:-spectre; phantom. ~IRIDLE-BALT, n. A belt encircling the tvaist. &OHOST'LY, a. Spiritual; relating to ghosts. -GIRL, n. A young woman; a female child. JGHVLL (Ril), n. A mountain torrent:-ravine. GIRLfHOOD (girl'hld), n. The state of a. girl. VA'4NT, n. A man of extraordinary size. GIRL/ISH, a. Suiting a girl, or girlhood; like a VI&ANT-4SS, n. A female giant; a huge woman. PIRT, imp. t. & pp. from gird. [girl. rQI'ANT-LIIE, qVIANT-LY, a. Huge; gigantic. JI'RT, ~SIRTH, n. A band by which the saddle GIAOUR (jfir), n. [Turkish.] A dog; an infidel. is fixed upon a horse:-a bandage:-compass. BI'/BE R, v.n. To speak inarticulately. ~YRT, G'RTH, v. a. To bind with a girth; to gird.. iBI'BER-iSH, n. Unmeaning talk; jargon. qIST (j!st), n. Main point; essence; substance. sIB'BER-ISH, a. Canting; unintelligible; fustian. GIVE (giv), v. a. [imp. t. gave; pp. given.] To R]BIB.ET, n. A gallows.-v. a. To hang. bestow; to confer; to yield; to grant..GsI-B6s'1-TY, n. Convexity; protuberance. ~ IVE,v.n. To relent:-to yield:-to melt, thaw. SIB'BOVS, a. Convex; protuberant; swelling. ~IV'ER, n. One who gives; a donor; bestower. iBtovBs-NEss S, n. Gibbosity; protuberance. IYVE*, n. pl. Fetters. See GYvEi. BC_'.cAXT, n. A male cat; a tom-cat. PsIzz ARD,n. The musculous stomach of a fowl. iBlE, v. a. & n. To scoff at; to deride; to taunt. GLA'CIAL (glashlal), a. Pertaining to ice; icy. AiE, n. A sneer; a hint of contempt; a taunt. GLA'CI-ATE (gla'she-at), v. n. To turn into ice. B'ILETS, na. pl. Gizzard, &c., of a goose, &c. GLA-CI-XATION (gl-'she-VashUn), n. Ice formed. iB'STAFF, n. A staff to gauge water, &c. GL.tJ.I-ER (gles'e-er), n. A field of ice and sIDnD.I-LY, ad. Inconstantly; unsteadily. snow in the elevated valleys of the Alps, &c. ID'DDI-Nh SS, a. State of being giddy; vertigo. GLXACIOUS (gla'shus), a. Icy; resembling ice. of4iDDY, a. Vertiginous; whirling; wild. GLAiCIS, n. [Fr.] (Fort.) A sloping bank. sID'DY-BRAtNED (ild'de-brand), a. Thought- GLAXD, a. Cheerful; gay; elevated with joy.:IE R' A-GLE, n. A kind of eagle. [less; volatile. GLAD, v. a. To make glad to exhilarate..IFT, n. A thing given:-power; faculty. GLXDDEN (gliaddn), v. a. To make glad. A:iFT'ED, a. Endowed with eminent powers. GLXDE, n. A lawn or opening in a wood. aG, n. Any thing whirled round:-light chaise. GLAD.I-X-TQR, n. A sword-player; prize-fighter. qI-GAN-TEfAN, a. Like a giant; gigantic. GL:XD-I-A-TO'RI-AL,a. Relating to prize-fighters. WI.-GAN'T.C, a. Like a giant; huge; enormous. GLXADLY, ad. Joyfully; with gladness or joy.;IGtGLE:, n. A half-suppressed laugh; a titter. GLAD'NESS, n. Cheerfulness; joy; exultation..IG'GLE, v. n. To laugh sillily; to titter. GLAD'SQME (glad/sum), a. Gay; delighted.:IGIGLER, a. One who giggles; a titterer. GaLA.DSQME-NESS, n. Gayety; delight; joy. qiGIQT, n. A leg, or a slice, of mutton. GLAIR (gltr),, n. White of an egg:-a halberd. GILD, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. gilded, gilt.] To over- GLAIR,v.a. To smear with the white of an egg. lay with thin gold: —to adorn with lustre. [ER. GLANCE, n. A shoot of light:-a quick view. sYLD tDR, a. One who gilds:- a coin. See GUILD- GLANCE, v. n. To look with a quick cast of the FILD.ING, a. Act of one who gilds:-gold eye:-to glitter:-to fly off obliquely. [&c. leaf laid on a surface, for ornament. GL-AND, n. An organ composed of blood-vessels, I[LL, n. The fourth part of a pint:- a plant. GLAN/DI:R, n. pl. A disease in horses. GILL, n. A mountain torrent. See GHYLL. GL4N-DIF'ER-O0S, a. Bearing mast or acorns. a.-LL*, n. pl. The apertures of a fish's head. 4GLAN/DV-L`AR, a. Pertaining to the glands. q IL1LY-FLo*-iE.R, a. A garden flower; stock. GLAN1DV-LOUis,a. Relatingto, orhaving,glands. /-ILT, n. Gold laid on the surface of any thing. GLARE, v. n. To shine so as to dazzle the eyes. GiALT, imp. t. & pp. of gild. [pass. GLARE, n. Dazzling light, lustre, or splendor. qIM IBAL~, a. pl. Rings to suspend a sea-com- GLAR'ING, a. Blazing out:- notorious. qiMtCRXACK, n. A trivial mechanism; a trifle. GLASS, n. A transparent substance:-a vessel: fiYIILET, I-VI'BLET, n. An instrument for GL.ASS, a. Vitreous; made of glass. [-a mirror. boring with a screw or worm at its point. GLASS, v. a. To cover with glass; to glaze. 4tIMP, n. A kind of edging of silk twist. GLASSI-BLOW-ER, n. One who blows glass. aIN, n. A trap:-a machine:-a distilled spirit. GLASSIFOL, a. As much as a glass will hold. gIN, v. a. To catch in a trap:-to clear, as cotton. GLASSf-HO0SE, n. A house where glass is made. 9INtgER, n. A plant or root of a hot taste. GLASSt-MIT-AL (-mdt-tl), a. Glass in fusion. qiN'fQ7ER-BRVAD (jln'jer-brdd), n. Sweet cake. GLA1AS'-WORK (-wiirk), an. Manufacture of glass. -iNG'HAM, a. A checkered cotton cloth. 4GLA~ssf, a. Made of glass; vitreouS; crystal. Q9NIGLE, v. n. To utter a sharp, tinkling noise. GLAU'fBER-ITE, n. A sulphate of lime and soda. fNt'GLE, v. a. To cause a shrill, tinkling sound. LAuiBr.'ER'A -sXLT, n. Sulphate of soda. QINtGLE, n. A shrill, resounding noise; tinkle. GLAU-CO1MA, n. A fault or disease in the eye. qIN1SENG, n. Aromatic root of a plant. GLAU'coVs, a. Of a dull green color. (QPfsy, n. See GYPSY. [found in Africa. GLAVE, GLAIVE, n. A broadsword. QI-RXFFE1, n. The camelopard, a quadruped GLAZE, v. a. To furnish with glass or win9qRIAN-DOLE, n. A branched chandelier. dows:-to cover with a vitreous substance. 1R.Ar-SOLE, n. A plant; turnsole:-a mineral. GLAZIERt (gla'zher), n. One who glazes. i'IRD, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. girded or girt.] To GLAZ'iNG, n. Vitreous substance on potters' bind round; to invest;, to surround:-to gibe. ware:-the art or process of setting glass. 9iRD'ER, n. A person who girds; a binder:- GLEAM, n. Sudden shoot of light:-lustre. the largest piece of timber in a floor. GLEAM, v. n. To shine; to glitter; to flash. E'iRIDLE, n. A band; a belt:-an enclosure. GLEAM.Y, a. Flashing; darting light or gleams. SYRIDLE, v.a. To bind:-to cut round, as a tree. GLEAN, v. a. & n. To gather after the reapers.,F.,i,?,O,, leo'g; X,E,/,(5,Ci,i, short; A,,I,Q,V,~, obscure.-FARE, FiR,FAST,FALL; HEIR, HER; GLEANER 133 GOLF GLEANIER, ns. One who gleans or gathers. GLI'Ey (giieg), a. Having the nature of glue. GLE BE, n. Turf; soil:-land belonging to a GLiU, a. Sullen; frowning; stubbornly grave. church:-pi'ece of earth containing ore. GLUME, n. The calyx or husk of corn, grass, &c. GLEE n. Joy; merriment; gayety; mirth. GLOT, v. a. To swallow:-to cloy; to satiate. GLEE'FUL, a. Full of glee; gay; merry. GLDT, n. More than enough; superabundance. GLEET, n. A thin matter running from a sore. GL'TTEN, n. An adhesive, elastic substance GLEN, n. A valley; a dale; a vale; a dingle. extracted from vegetable substances. GLENE, n. The cavity or socket of the eye. GLU-T.I-NAiTIQN, n. Act of joining with glue. GLIB, a. Smooth; slippery:-voluble; fluent. GLU'T.I-NOUS, a. Gluey; viscous; tenacious. GLIBILY, ad. Smoothly:-volubly; fluently. GLrUT'TON (glit'tn), n. One who eats to excess. GLIB'NESS, in. SInoothness:-volubility. GLUT'TON-OIS, a. Given to excessive eating. GLIDE,. n. To flow gently; to move smoothly. GLPTITOIN-Y, i. Excess in eating; voracity. GLIDE, n. Lapse:-act of passing smoothly. GLrPH (glif), n. (A.rch.) An engraved channel. GLIDIER, n. One who, or that which, glides. GLYPtTIC, n. The art of engraving figures on GLAMqIUMER, v. n. To shine or appear faintly. GNXRL'ED (nirlted), a. Knotty; twisted. [gems. GLItM5S'VR, n. Faint light; gleam; ray. GNASH (nash), v. a. To strike together; to clash. GLIMt.MER-ING, n. A glimmer: —faint view. GNASH (nash),.v. n. To grind the teetlh; to fume. GLIMPSE, n. A gleam:-a glance; short view. GNAT (nat), n. A small, winged, stinging insect. GLIS'TEN (glis'sn), v. n. To shine; to sparkle. GNAW (naw), v. a. & n. To bite off; to corrode. GLiSfTER, v. in. To shine; to glitter; to glisten. GNOME (nomn), n. An imaginary being. GLIS'TERn. Glitter.' See CLYSTER. GNO1OmQN (nb'mon), n. The hand or pin of a dial. GLITfTER, V. n. To shine; to exhibit lustre. GNQ-MON./CS (no-mn'jiks),n.pl. Artofdialing. GTLITTER, sn. Lustre; bright show; splendor. Go, v. n. [impt. t. went; p. gone.] To walk; GLOAMING, n. Morning or evening twvilight. to move; to travel; to proceed; to pass. GLOAT (glIt), iv. n. To stare with desire. GOAD (god), 7Z. A pointed stick to drive oxen. GLbo'BAT-ED, a. Spherical; globular. [world. GOAD, v. a. To prick with a goad:-to incite. GLOBE, n. A sphere; a ball:-the earth; the GOAL (gel), n. The end of a race:-end. GLO-BOSEt, a. Globular; splihrical; round. GOAR, n. A triangular slip of cloth. See GORE. GLO-BOS1I-TY, n. Sphericity; sphericalness. G6AT (got), i. A well known ruminant animal. GLOtBOUS, a. Spherical; round; globose. GOATGHERD, in. Ohe who tends goats. GLOB'IU-LAR, a. In form of a globe or sphlere; GOAT1ISH, a. Resembling a goat: —raihk:-lustround; spherical. [ter; a little globe. GOB, GOBBE.T, n. A mouthful; a lump. [ful. GL6OBULE, in. A small round particle of mat- GOBZBLE, v. a. To swallow hastily with noise. GLOBI,-LO[iS, a. In form of a sphere; round. GOBtBLE, v. n. To make a noise, as a turkey. GL-OIME, n. A roundish head of flowers. G-OBETWEEN, n. One between two parties. GLOMtER-A-TE, v. a. To gather into a ball. GOB1LET, n. A bowl, cup, or drinking vessel. GL6M-ER-AtTION, n. Formation into a ball. GOB'LIN, n. An evil spirit; a phantom; fairy. GL6OOM, n. Dismalness; obscurity; diinness: GO5-BY, n. Evasion; a passing by; omission. -melailcholy; despondency. [fully. GO5 —CXRT, n. A small frame with wheels, by GL66MtI-LY, ad. Dimly; dismally; not cheer- which to teach children to walk. [idol. GLO6Mt'I-NEss,n. Want of light:-melancholy. GOD, n. The Supreme Being; the Creator:GL660My, a. Almost dark; dismal; melan- GOD'CHILD, n. One for whoin one becomes GLO-R-FI-CA/TION,nn. Elevation toglory.[choly. G6DIDESS, n. A female divinity. [sponsor. GLO1RI_-F, v. a. To honor; to exalt to glory. GOD'FA-THER, n. A male sponsor in baptism. GLO'RI-Oris, a. Noble; illustrious conspicu- G6D'tIIAD (gld'h6d), n. Deity; divine nature. ous; resplendent; very excellent. [triously. GOD'LESS, a. Atlieistical; wicked; impious. GLO6RI-OtJS- LY, ad. Nobly; splendidly; illus- GOD'LIRKE, a. Divine; supremlely excellent. GLBORY, n. High honor; praise, renown; lustre. GOD'IL-NESS, i7. Piety; a religious life.;LO6R, v.n. To boast; to exult; to be proud. GOD/L, a. Pious towards God; good; religious. GLOSS,'n. Comment:-superficial lustre. [liate. GoDt'MTH- R (g6d'intth-er),niz. A female sponGLOSS, a. a. To explain by comiment:-to pal- GOD'SHIP, n. Rank or character of a god. [sor. GLQS-SA'RI-AL, a. Relating to, or like,a glossary. GODtSON, is. He for whom one has become sponGLOSISA-RISST n. Writer of a gloss or glossary. GtE.IR, n. Onewho goes. [sor in baptism. GLoStSA-Ry, n. Dictionary of uncommon words. GOFF, n. A foolish clowh:-a gane. See GOLP. GLOst'SI-NSS, n. Polish:-superficial lustre. G6G'GLE, v.'n. To strain or roll the eyes; to GLOS Y.: a. Smooth and shining, polished. look asquint. [of glasses for the eyes. GL6T'TIS, n. An oblong opening in the larynx. GbGGL:E, n. pl. Bliafis for liorses:-a Ikind GLOUT, u. in. To pout; to look sullen. GOG'GLE-EYED (goglg —d), a. Large-eyed. GLOVE (gl-v), it. A covering for the hand. GOIJNG, n. The act of walking:-departure. GLOVE (glav), iv. a. To cover, as with a glove. GOITRE (gbIl'tr), i. [Fr.] Tunor oh the thriat. GLoVI.ER, n. One who makes or sells gloves. GOC'TRO.US, a. Partaking of, or iike, the goitre. GLOW (gl),v.n. To shine with heat; to burn. GOLD, ni. A precious metal: —loney. GLOW (giB), n. Shining heat; incandescence: GOLD1BEAT-ER, iz. A beater of gold. -vehemence of passion:-brightness. GOLD'EN (gblidn), a. Of gold:-bright; happy. GLOW'-WORiM (gl'wiiurm),n. A shining insect. GOLD'FINCH, n. A small singing bird. GLOZE, v.n. T. o flatter, wheedle.-?-. Flattery. GOLD'LEAF, I. Gold beaten into thin leaf. GLUE (glU), n. A viscous substance; a cement. GOLD/Si ITH, n. Oiie Who manufactures gold. GLUE, v. a. To join with glue; to cement. GPLF, n. A gamie played Withl a ball and bat. M5tEN, SgIR; M6VE, NO1, SON; BOLL, BUlR, RsLE.-,, Soft; 0,, 1si; asiz; it as'THIS. 12 GONDOLA 134 GRANITIC G6NfDQ-LA, n. A boat used in Venice:-a shell. GOVtERN-QR, n. One who governs; a ruler. GON-DO-LI:ER,?l. One who rows a gondola. GOWN, n. A long garment; a loose robe. GONE,,pp. from go. Advanced; past. GOWNED (gbrind), a. Dressed in a gown. GON'FA-LON, 1. An ellsign; standard; colors. GO6rNfMN, in. A man of letters; a student. GON-FA-LQ-NIER1, n. A chief standard-bearer. GRXB, v. a. To seize suddenly. [Vulgar.] GONG, n. A sort of Chinese drum or cymbal. GRAB'BLE, v. n. To grope; to lie prostrate. GO-N.I-OM'-TE.R, n. An instrument for meas- GRXACE,n. Favor; kindness; virtue:-pardon; uring angles, as of crystals. mercy: —beauty:-a title: —a short prayer. GOOD (gid), a. [comp. better; sup. best.] Not GRACE. v. a. To adorn; to dignify, embellish. bad; not ill:-proper; fit; useful:-sound. GRACEiFrL, a. Beautiful with dignity; comely. GOOD (gid), n. The contrary to evil; benefit. GR.CE'FOL-LY, ad. In a graceful manner. GOOD (guid), ad. Well; not ill; not amiss. GRACE1FUL-NiESS, a. Elegance of manner. GOOD-BI (gfd-bi'), interj. Farewell; adieu. GRACEtLESS, a. Void of grace; abandoned. GOOD-HUt'MQR (gad-yfi'tmir), n. Cheerfulness. GRAXcCE], n. pl. Elegant manners:-favor. GOOD'LI-N:ESS (gfid'le-nts), n. Beauty; grace. GRAICIOUS (graTshts), a. Merciful; kind; good. GOODfLY (gid'le),a. Beautiful; graceful; fine. GRAtCIOUS-LY (gra'shgs-lle), ad. Mercifilly. GOOD-NATyIJRE (gfid-nat'yur), n. Benevolence. GRXACIOVS-NESS (-shus-nfs), n. Mercifulness. GOOD-NA,/T'JRED (gafd-ndt'y.urd),a. Benevolent. GRA-DAtTION, n. Regular progress; order; series. GOODfNESS (gd'necs), n. Excellence; kindness. GRAD'A-TO-RY, n. Flight of steps fronm cloisters. GOOD-WILL' (gad-wIll), n. Benevolence. GRADE, n. Rank; degree:-rise and descent. GOODS (gfidz), n. pl. Movables; merchandise. GRXDE, v. a. To reduce to proper degrees of GOOSE, n,; pl. GEESE. A large, web-footed ascent and descent, as the bed of a railroad. waterfowl:-a tailor's iron. [fruit. GRAIDI-E NT, a. Walking; moving by steps. G6OSE'B]ER-RY, n. A prickly shrub and its GRXD'VU-AL (grad'yu-al), a. Proceeding by deGO6SEIQUILL, n. A quill of a goose. [obese. grees; advancing or moving step by step. _GOPRBR L-LIED (gir'bil-lid), a. Fat; big-bellied; GRXD'V-AL-LY, ad. By degrees; step by step. GOR1DI-AN, a. Relating to Gordius; intricate. GRXDIV-ATE, v. a. To dignify with a degree or GORE, n. Blood clotted:-piece of cloth or land. diploma:-to divide into degrees; to proportion. GORE, v. a. To stab; to pierce; to penetrate. GR.ADI-A.TE, v. n. To receive a degree:-to GO6RE, n. Thle throat; the swallow; the gullet. proceed regularly or by degrees. [gree. GORq:E, v.a. To glut; to satiate: —to swallow. GRAXD'U-ATE, n. A man dignified with a deGoR'qEOUSs(gbr'jus), a. Fine;splendid;showy. GRXD-u-A'TIQN, n. Regular progression:-the GOR't.EOVS-LY (giir'jus-le), ad. Splendidly. act of conferring academical degrees. GOR'GEOusS-Nss (gir'jus-nes), n. Splendor. GR:AFT, n. A small shoot or scion of a tree. GOR'QErT, n. Armor worn around the throat. GRAFT, v. a. To insert, as a scion in another tree. GORtGQN, n. A monster; any thing ugly. GRAIN, n. All kinds of corn, as wheat, &c.; a GO3RMAND; GORt'MAND-ER, n. A greedy eater. seed:-a minute particle:-a weight:-temGORtMAN-DIZE, v. n. To eat greedily or to ex- per; disposition:-fibre:-dye; stain. cess; to feed ravenously. rglutton. GRAINED (grand), a. Rough; dyed in grain. GORt/MAN-DIZ-ER, n. A voracious eater a GR.AIN(granz)nn pl. Husksoflnaltilibrewing. GORSE, n. Furze; a leguiminous shrub. GRAL'LIC, a. Having long legs; stilted. GOR1y, a. Covered with clotted blood; bloody. GRA-.MINtE-AL, GR.A-IMIN.-OS,, a. Grassy. G6StHAXWK, n. A hawk used in hunting. GRAM-I-NIV'Q-ROftS, a. Living upon grass. GO~'LING, n. A young goose not full grown. GRAMVI'MAR, n. Art of speaking or writing corGOStPE.L, n. History of Christ; Christianity. rectly:-book of grammatical principles. GOStSA-ME. R, n. A fine film spun by spiders. [tialM GRAM MAtRI-AN, n. One versed in grammar. GOStS.A-MRR-Y, a. Light; flimsy; unsubstan- GRAM-MATI.-CAL, a. Belonging to grammar. GOS'SIP,n?. Anidletattler:-tattle; trifling talk. GRAM-MXTtI-C4L-LY, ad. According to gramG6StSIP, a. n. To chat; to prate; to be merry. GRXAMPIJS, n. A large cetaceous animal. [mar. G6T, imp. t. & pp. from get. [barian. GRXANA-RY, n. A storehouse for grain. G6TH'lC, a. Relating to the Goths; rude; bar- GRAND, a. Great; splendid; magnificent. GOTHtI-CI M, n. A Gothic idiom; barbarism. GRAN.DAM, n. Grandmother:-an old woman. GOT'TEN (gottn), pp. of get. [ Obsolescent. GRXND'CHIID, n. Child of a son or daughter. GO(:E (giiioj or goj), n. A sort of chisel. GRXNDfD.AUGH-TER (grand'dhw-ter), n. The GFSOqE or GOUGE, v. a. To scoop out. daughter of a son or daughter. [a nobleman. GOURD (gord or gdrd), n. A plant and its fruit. GRAN —DEE', n. A man of great power or dignity; G6oUR1MAND,n. [Fr.] Aglutton. SeeGORMAND. GRANDEEIUR (grand'yur), n. State-; splendor; GOOT, n. A drop: —an inflammatory disease. magnificence; greatness; majesty; pomp. GOUT (gO), n. [Fr.] A taste; relish. GRXND!FX-TIHER, n. A father's or nlother's GiOtTI-NtSS, n. State of being gouty. [gout. GRANDt-Ji'ROR, n. One of a grand jury. [father. GOOTt', a. Diseased with, or relating to, the GRXND'-JOURY, -t. A jury to decide on indictGVE'. JRN, v. a. To rule; to direct; to manage. ments. [ther's or mother's mother. G6VIERN-A-BLE, a. That may be governed. GRXND'M6TH-ER (grand'miith-er), n. A faG6'ER-NANCE, n. Government; rule; control. GRXND'SIRE, -n. A grandfather; an ancestor. GV'IER-NXNT, GiV-ER-NXNTE',n. A govern- GRXND'S6N, n. The son of a son or daughter. G6OV'iRN-ss, n. A tutoress; instructress. [ess. GRANE E, n. A farm; a farm-house:-granary. GiV'E.RN-MiNT, n. Direction; exercise of an- GRXN'ITE, n. A common hard rock. lite. thority; executive power; management. GR4-NiTI.C, a, Containing granite; like gran-,,,O,,Y, hlong;,, l,O,,, short; A4,i,,Q,V,~, obscure, —FARE,FXR,)FiST,FP.LL; HIR,HER; GIANIVORO US 135 GRIN GRA-NV'.Q-RaOIIS, a. Eating or living upon grain; GRAYIBEARD (gra'berd), n. An old man. GRANT, v. a. To admit; to allow; to yield. GRAY1ISH, a. Approaching to a gray color. GRANT, a. Any thing granted; a gift; a boon. GRAZE, v. n. To eat grass; to supply grass. GRANT'A-BLE, a. That may be granted. GRAZE, v. a. To supply with grass:-to touch GRAN-TEEt, a. One to whom a grant is made. GRAZ'ER, n. One that feeds on grass. [lightly. GRANT'.R, n. One who grants. GRAZIIER (gratzllur), 7. One who grazes cattle. GRANT-OR' or GRANT'QR, n. (Law.) One who GREASE (gres), n. Animal fat in a soft state. makes a grant; —correlative to grantee. GREA~E, n. A disease in the legs of horses. GRAN'V-LAR, GRAN'U-LA-RY,a. Having grains. GREAE, v. a. To smear or anoint with grease. GRAN'`I-LATE, v. a. &; n. To form into grains. GREAg/I-NESS, n. Oiliness; fatness; unctuosity. GRAN-U-LXATIQN, a. Act of forming into grais. GREAI~Y (grefze), a. Oily; fat; unctuous; gross. GRXN'ULE (gran'yil), n. A smallparticle. - GREArT (grat), a. Large:-chief; principal:GRXANi'-LOIS (grantyu-lqs), a. Full of grains. illustrious; emi3ent; noble; magnanimous. GRAPE, n. The fruit or berry of the vine. GREAT/LY (grat'le), ad. In a great degree. GRAPEt-SHoT, n. A combination of small shot. GREATtNESS,an. Largeness; dignity; power; state. GRAPEtSTONE, n. The stone or seed of a grape. GREAVEE (grevz), n. p1. Ancient armor for the GRAPHIIC, GRXPH'I-CAL, a. Well delineated. GRE'CIAN (greshlin),a. Relating to Greece.[legs. GRXPH'I-CAL-LY, ad. In a graphical manner. GRE/CISSE, n. An idiom of the Greek language. GRAPHIITE,an Black lead, a mineral substance. GRE D'I-LY, ad. Ravenously; voraciously. GRA-PH6OiVm'-Tf R, n. A surveying instrument. GREED.I-NhSS, n. Ravenousness; voracity. GRAPtNE.L, n. A small anchor for a boat, &c. GREED'Y, a. Ravenous; voracious:-eager. GRXPtPLE, v. a.& an. To seize; to lay fast hold. GREEN, a. Verdant; flourishing; fresh; undeGRXP'PLE, an. Close fight: —iron instrument. cayed; new; not dry; unripe: —ignorant. GRASP, v. a. To seize and hold; to gripe. GR2EEN, n. Green color:-a grassy plain.-pl. GRASP, a. Gripe or seizure of the hand; hold. Leaves and stalks used for food. GRASS, n. The common herbage of the field. GREENIGAE,s n. A species of green plum. GRASS, v. a. & n. To cover with, or breed, grass. GREE N'GRO-CER, n. A retailer of vegetables. GRASS'H OP-PE R, n. An insect that hops or leaps. GRERN/HI6N, n. A raw, unpractised youth. GRASS'-PL OT, n. A level spot covered with grass. GREEZN'HOUSE, n. House for preserving plants. GRAsst', a. Covered with,orcontaining, grass. GRENt!'SH, a. Somewhat green; tending to GRATE, n. A partition or frame made with bars. green. [ness:-ignorance; inexperience. GRATE, v. a. & n. To rub;to make a harsh sound. GREENtNESS, n. Viridity; unripeness; freshGRAT'ED, a. Having bars like a grate. GREENRO66M, n. A room of a theatre. [men. GRATEtFOL, a. Thankfll:-pleasing; accepta- GREEN'SICK-NESS, n. A disease of young woGRiATEIFOL-Ly, ad. In a grateful manner. [ble. GREEN'STALL, n. A stall to place greens on. GRATE'FOL-NhSS, n. Gratitude; thankfulness. GREENISWARPD, a. Turf on which grass grows. GRAT'Et,n. A rough instrument tograte with. GREET, v. a. To address, salute, congratulate. GRAT-I-FI-CtTIQON, n. Pleasure:-recoinpense. GREET, V. n. To meet and salute:-to weep. GRATfI-FY, v. a. To indulge; to please; to de- GREETtING, n. A friendly salutation at meetGRAT'ING, n. A partition made with bars. [light. GRE-GA'RJI-OUS, a. Going in flocks or herds. [ing. GRAtTIS, ad. [L.] For nothing; without pay. GRE-GA'RI-ous —LY, ad. In a flock or company. GRATtI-TODE, n. Duty to benefactors; thank- GRE-G'RI- OUS-NdSS, n. State of being in herds. fulness for favors; sense of kindness. [ry. GRE-NADE', GRE-NA'DO, n. Ball of iron filled GRA-TU/I-ToIS, a. Bestowed freely; volunta- with gunpowder, and thrown by the hand. GRA-TU'I-TOfJS-LY, ad. In agratuitous manner. GR N-A-DIER', n. A foot-soldier:-a fowl. GRA-TU'I-TY, n. A present; recompense; gift. GREW (grfi), imp. t. of grow. GRATI.U-LATE (grit'y.t-lat), v. a. To congratu- GR3EY (gra), a. See GRAY. [used in the chase. late; to felicitate. [tion. GREY'HOUND (grda'hiand), n. A tall, fleet dog, GRXT-U-LA'TIQN, na. Congratulation; felicita- GRIDfDLE, n. An iron pan for baking cakes. GRAT/I-LA-TQ-Ry, a. Expressing congratula- GRIDE, V. n. To cut or prick; to smite. tion; congratulatory. [posited. GRID'tiR-ON (grld't-urn), n. A portable grate GRAVE, n. A place in which the dead are re- on which meat is laid to be broiled. GRAVE, v. a. [imp. t. graved; pp. graven, graved.] GRIEF (gref), n. Sorrow; trouble:-grievance. To carve; to cut; to form; to shape. GRIEV/ANCE,-n. A wrong suffered; an injury. GRAVE, a. Solemn; serious; important; deep. GRIEVE, v. a. & n. To afflict:-to feel sorrow. GRAJVIEL, n. Hard,roughsand: —adisease.[zle. GRIEVO.US, a. Afflictive; painful; heavy. GRAVYEL,v.a. To cover with gravel:-to paz- GRIEVTOUS-LY, ad. Painfully; calamitously. GRAVE1LESS, a. Wanting a tomb; unburied. GRIF'FIN, GRIF'FQN, a. A fabled animal. GRAV'EL-Ly,a. Abounding with, or like, gravel. aGRIG, n. A small eel; sand-eel:-health. GRAVE'LY, ad. Solemnly; seriously; soberly. GRILL.. V.a. To broil on a gridiron:-to scare. GRAVIER, n. One who engraves:-graving tool. GRIM, a. Horrible; hideous; frightful; ugly. GRAVE/STONE, a. A stone placed over a grave. GRI-MACE', n. A distortion of the countenance. GRA.VE/YARD, n. Place for burying the dead. GRI-MAL/KIN, n. A name for an old cat. GRAVI'-TATE, V. n. To tend to a centre. [tre. GRIME, V. a. To dirt; to sully deeply; to daiub GRAV-i-TA'TION, n. Act of tending to the cen- GRIME, n. Dirt deeply insinuated. [with filth. GRKV'I-Ty, n. Weight; heaviness:-serious- GRIMILY, ad. Horribly; hideously; sourly. GR.AVY, n. Juice of roasted meat, &c. [ness. GRIM'Nl SS, n. Horror; frightful visage. GRAY, a. White mixed with black:-hoary. GRIN, i. n. To show the teeth set together. MIFEN, SiR; OVE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, R1LE.-9 q, soft;,., hard; ~ as z; * as gz; THIS. GRIN 136 GUINEA GRIN, ni. The act of one who grins. GRZ5VL, n. A murmur, as of an angry dog. GRIND, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. ground.] To reduce GRBWN (grin), pp. from groow. Advanced. to powder:-to sharpen:-to oppress. GROWTH (gruth), n. The act or the process of GRIND, v. n. To perform the act of grinding. growing; vegetation:-product; thing proGRINDIER, n. One that grinds — double tooth. duCed:-increase of stature:-advanemrnent. GRINDtSTONE, n. A stone for grinding tools. GRfrB, v. a. To dig up; to root out, extirpate. GRIPE, v. a. To hold hard; to pinch. squeeze. GRiB, n. A kind of Worm:-a dwarf. [ingly. GRIPE, n. A grasp; hold.-pl. The colic. GRDTDQE,v. a. To envy; to give or take unwillGRIPtER, n. An oppressor; an extortioner. GRaODrE, v. ii. To murmlur; to he envious. GRISf'KIR, n. The backbone of a hog. [ful. GRtDTIE, n. An old quarrel: —ill will; envy. GR t'LY, a. Dreadful; boirible; hideous; fright- GRWI/EL, I. Food made by boiling meal in water. GRIST,n. Corn to be ground:-supply, provision. GRuFF, a. Sour 6f aspect; harsh of manners. GRYS'TLE (gris'sl), n. A cartilage; a tough, GRAi FP'LY, ad. Harshly; ruggedly; sourly. elastic, and compressible substance. [tie. GRdFVPNESS, n. Harshness of manner or look. GRISTfLY (gris'sle), a. Of, or containing, gris- GraiM, a. Sour; surly; severe; harsh. GRIT, n. Coarse part of meal: —sand; gravel. GRJM'BLE, v.n. To murmur with discontent. G-RITTI-NYESS, n. State of being gritty;. sadi- GRwtMfBLERL n. One thatgrumbles; murmnnurer. GRITTY, a. Full of grit; consisting of grit. [ness. GRfVI'BLIN4, it. A murmuring; hoarse noise. GRIZ/ZLE, n. "Mixture of white and black; gray. GREiMEi, i. A thick,viscid consistence of a fluid. GRIZ'ZLED (grlz'zld),a. Interspersed with gray. GRtIWiLY, ad. In a grunm manner; morosely. GRIZIZLY (grlz'zle), a. Somewhat gray. [pain. GROHMOJS, a. Thick; clotted:-clubbed; knotGROAN (gron), v. n. To breathe or sigh as in GRUNT, v. it. To murmur like a hog. [ted. GROAN, n. A deep sigh from sorrow or pain. GRUNT, a. The boise of a hog:-a kind of fish. GRoAT (gtawt), i. A coin worth four pence. GUA'I.A-CCu (gwayva-kitn),L. A medicinalwood. GROBCER, n. A dealer in tea, sugar, spices, &c. GUAR-AN-TEE' (gar-ran-tet), n. Onme who unGROtCE.R-Y, a. Commodities sold by grocers. dertakes to see stipulations performed:-surety, GR.OG, n. A beverage of spirit and water. GUARtAN-TEE, o0- GUARlA4N-Ty (gairtran-tt), n. GR6G'RRAM, n. A kind of stuff with a rough Surety for performance. [for performance. GRO5N na. The-part next above the thigh. [pile. GUIXR'tAN-TEE,or GUARtAN-TY,v.a. To answer GR66S,.n. One who tends horses; a servant. GUXRD (grard), v. a. To protect; to defend. GROOVE v.a. To cut into channels or hollows. GUXRD (gird), n. A watch; protection; care. GROOVE n. A furrow; channel cut with a tool. GUXR'DI-AN (glirtde-an), n. One who has the GROiiPE, v. n. To feel Where one cannot see. care of an orphan; a protector; a warden. [or. GROSS, a. Thick; bulky; indelicate; coarse; GUXRR'DI-AN, a. Performing the office of protectpalpable; impure; uilrefined; stupid; fat. GUXR'DI-AN-SHIP, n. The office of a guardian. GROSS, n. Bulk or main body:-twelve dozen. GUARD/-R66M (gairdt'rn), it. A room in Which GROSStLY, ad. Bulkily; coarsely; without art. those who are appointed to watch assemble. GROSS/NSS iSSt. Coarseness; density; fatness. GUXRDISHIP, n. A ship to guard the coast. [or. GrROT, n. A cave; a grotto; a cavern. [odd. GU —BER-NA-TOtRI-AL, a. Relating to a governGRQ-TESQUEt (-tiskl),a. Distorted; fantastic; GPrDIqEQN (gtid'jni), n. A fish: —a man easily GRO-T.ESQUEtiLjY, ad. In a fantastical manner. chleated:-a pin on which a wheel turns. GR6TITO, n.; pl. GROTtTO~. A cave; a cavern. -ss (Is), v. n. & a. To conjecture; tojudge. GRiOND, n. Earth; land; terjitory:-floor; GUEss (ges), n. A conjecture; a supposition. bottom:-first hint; first principle.-pl. Lees. GUi ST (iest), n. One entertained by another. GRUOND, v. a. To place on the ground:-to GULST'-cHAHM-BER,an. A chamber of entertainGRUOND, imp. t. & pp. from griped. [found. ment for guests. [ment; conduct. GRUOND'-ASH, n. A sapling of ash, taken from GUIDtANCE (gidlans), i,. Direction; governthe ground; young shoot of an ash-tree. GUIDE. (gid), v. a. To direct; to regulate. GROND' —BAi T, 1. A bait allowed to sink. GUIDE (lid), n. One who directs; a director. GRUoNDt-FLOOR (-flir), n. The lower floor. GUiDELLESS (aidiles), a. Having no guide. GRUONDtLESS, a. Void of reason; unfounded; GUIDEtPO6ST (idt'p6st), n. A direiting post. ungrounded; wanting ground. [nut. GUILD (gild), n. A society; a corporation. GROONDtNtT, n. A plant and its fruit; pig- GUILD/ER (;ld'er), n. A Dutch coin. GRO0ND'-PLOT, n. Ground occupied by a build- GUILDt-HILL (Aild'hil), i. A town-hall. GRo0ND'-RENT,n. Rent paid for ground. [ing. GUILE (ml), It Deceitful Cunnlling;artifice; craft. GROONDtSE L,n. A plant; raigwort:-a ground- GUILEFUL (giltfCul), a. Wily; insidious; artful. GRofND'WoRii, n. Ground; first principle. [sill. GUILE/L SS'(ilt-),;a. Free from deceit; honest. GROUP (grsp), n. A cluster; a collection. GUILEtLESS-NESS (gillies-n0s), n. Honesty. GROUP (gr~p), v. a. To form into a group. GUILLE-MHOT, n. An Ar'Ctic aquatic fowl. GRoUSE, n. A kind of fowl; a heathcock. GUIL-LQ-TiNEt (1l-lo-tenf),'n. [Fr.] A maGROVE, n. A small wood; place set with trees. chine used for beheading in France. GRoVfEL (grlvtvl), v. n. To lie prone; to be base. GUIL-LQ-TiNE, v. a. To decapitate by the guiltGR6VfEL-LER (grlv'vl-er), n. A mean person. GUILT (gilt), n. Criminality:-a crime. [lotine. GROW (gri),v. n. [imp. t. grew; pp. grown.] To GUILTIJ-LY (glltte-le), ad. In a criminal manvegetate:-to increase; to extend; to become. GUILTtI-NESS, a. State of being guilty. [ner. GROW (gr),v. a. Tocausetogrow; toproduce. GUILTtLESS, a. Innocent; free from crime. GRObW. R (grloer), n. An increaser:-farmer. GUILTY (glt'e), a. Crimihal;wicked; coirupt. GROWL, v. n. To sna'rl; to murinlr; to grumble. GUINrE' (intn'e), n. A gold coin; 21s. sterling.' Xi,:lBB,', log aX,Y,O,, tslhort; E IQ'i,~, obs'cure. FARE,FAiR,kFT,FALL; Ht2iRm iR; GUINEA-HEN 137 HAIRCLOTH GU1N'EA-HktN (Rgn'ne-hhn),n. Species of fowl. GOS'SE.:T, A. An angular piece of cloth. GU1NtEA-PIG (ginlne-plg), n. A small animal. GOST, n. The sense of tasting:-blast of wind. GUigE (glz), n. Manner; mien; habit; dress. GOfSTfA-BLE, a. Pleasant to the-taste. GUI-TARI (git-tr'), n. An instrument of mnsic. GUS-TAKTION, n. The act of tasting. GULEg (gilz), a. Red. [J term of heraldry.] G'USTTO, n. [It.] The relish of anything; liking. G tLF,n. A bay; an opening into land:-abyss. GUCSTIY, a. Stormy; tempestuous; windy. GtLF'.Y, a. Fuli of gulfs or whirlpools. GUT. a. Internal passage for food:-a passage. GtLL, v. a. To trick; to cheat; to defraud. GUJT, v. a. To eviscerate-; to draw; to exenter. GtLL, n. A sea-fowl:-a trick:-one easily ate. [eye; diop-serene; amaurosis. GtOLIL:T, n. The throat; oesophagus. [cheated. GUTIT.A-S.-RE'N.A, n. [L.] A disease of the GtL'LY, n. A ravine formed by running water. GUTrTER, n. A passage for water; a channel. GtL'LY, v. a. To wear away by water or friction. GtTITER, V. a. To cut in small hollows. GOTLP, v.a. To swallow eagerly; to suclk down. G[UTTU-LoUS, a. tfl theform of a small drop. GOLP, n. As much as can be swallowed at once. GUT'TUT-RAL, a. Belongihng to the throat; deep. G'aM, n. A substance exuding from trees':-the GUY (Ai), n. /A rope used for lifting in a ship. hard, fleshy covering of the jaws. GUZIZLE, v. ni. & a. To swallow any thing GMat, v. a. To close, or smear, with gum. greedily; to feed raveinously; to gormandize. GMrM'I-N-SS, in. The state of being gummy. z L.. An immoderate eter dor driinker. GJttMOVS, GtMItmY, a Of the nature of gum. (Y~-NXASI- ARSH, n. A master of a gymnasium. G _N, n. The general name for fire-arms. mY~-NA.I-[MU (jim-ni'zie-im), n.; pl. YM-I G[N'-BOAT, n. A small vessel of war. NA'I-A, or ~qYMt-NA/.jI-O. [L.] A place GrN/N]R, ai. A cannoneer; one who shoots. for athletic exercises:-a school; a seminary. G[N'NE]tR-Y, n. The art of managing guns. qYtM-NAS'TiC, a. Pertaining to athletic exercises. GONt'NY, n. A coarse kind of sack-cloth. 1YV-NXS TICS, n. pl. Gymnastic artor exercise. GJONPOW-DER, n. Powder for firing guns, &c. QvsPSE-oOUS, iP'SINEr,a. Relating to gypsum. GUONSHOT, n.'rhe reachor range of a gun. q'avPfsvM, n. Plaster stone,; suiplpate of lime. GrON'SHoT, a. Made by the shot of a gun. gqP'sY, n. One of a wandering race of people. GNItSMTITH, n. A maker of guns. it -RAtTIQN, n. Act of turning about. GtONSToSCK, n. The wooden part of a gun. q YRE,U. A circle described by any thing movGUNtWALE, GON'NEL (gfntnel),n. The upper ing in an orbit; a circuit. [GERFALCON. part of a ship's side, from the half deck to the q:YR'FAL-CON (jir'faw-kn), n. A falcon. See GURWE, n. A whirlpool; a gulf. [forecastle. qY'RQ —MAN-CY, n. A sort of divination. GiUR'GLE, v. n. To gush, as water from a bottle. YtrRON, n. (Her.) One of the ordinaries. GsrsH, v. no To flow or rush out with Violence. qVE, v. a. To fetter; to shackle. GOSH, n. An emission of liquor with force. YTVES, n. pl. Fetters; chains for the legs. H. is a note of aspiratioi, and is, by many gram- HXCtNEY-cAcAs, n. A carriage let for hire. marians, accounted no letter..HXCcINEYED (hak'nid), p. a. Much used; worn HiX, inteij. Expressing wonder, joy, or grief. HAD, imp. &t. pp. of have. [out. HABIER-DA[SH-ER, n. A dealer in smallwares. HADIDCCK, n. A sea-fish of the cod kind. HA*B'ER-DAsH-E.R-y, n. Small wares or goods. HAFT, n. A handle.-v. a. To set in a haft. HA-BE Ra'E-QN,?n. Armior for the neck and breast. HnAG, n. A witch; a fury:-an old, ugly woman. H.A-B1L'.I-M:NT, n. Dress; clothes; garment. HAG, v. a. To vex; to harass with vain terror. HA.BI[Tin. Dress.; garb:-custom;inveterate use. HXAGGARD, a. Lean; rugged; pale; deformed. HXBIIT, v. a. To dress; to accoutre; to array. HXAG'GRD, n. A species of hawk not easily HAB'I-TA-BLE, a. Capable of being dwelt in. HAGWGLE, v. a. To chop; to mangle. [tamed. HAaBI-TA-BLE-Nt:ss, n. Capacity of being dwelt HXAGGLE, v. n. To be difficult in a bargain. HABI.-TANT, n. A dweller; an inhabitant. [in. HAGUEBEUT (hgt'but), n. An arqfebuse. HAB-I-T ATIQN, n. A place of abode; dwelling. HXH (ha), interj. Expressing surprise or effort. HA3BIT-E D, a. Clothed; accustomed:-usual. HX-HA', n. A sunk fence. HA-B'iT't-AL (hg-blttyu-.al), a. Customary. HAIL (hal), ni. Drops of rain frozen in falling. HA-B1TIT-AL-LY, ad. Customarily; by habit. HAIL, v. n. To pour down hail.-v. a. To pour. H.A-BT'VI-ATE, v. a. To accustom; to familiarize. HAIL, interj. A term of reverential salutation. HAB'I-TUDE, n. Long custom; habit:-state. HAIL, v. a. To salute; to call to; to greet. -HACK, v. a. To cut; to chop; to cut clanmsily. HAILtSHOT, n. Small shot scattered like hail. HACK, n. A notch:-horse: —a hackney-coach. HAILSTONE, n. A particle or single biail of hail. -HACiKLE, v. a. To dress flax: —to separate. HAILIY, a. Consisting of hail; full of hail. HACIKLE, n. A comb for dressing flax. HAIR (har), n. Dry, elastic filaments arising BiACK/NEY, n. A hired horse -a hireling. from the skin of animals:-a single hair. IIACK'NEY, a. Much usetd: —let out for hire. HAIR'BREEADTH (hhr'brdtlh), a1. A very small HXCKtNEY, V. a. To use much; to accustom; distance; diameter of a hair.-a. Very narrow. to habituate; to make common. HAIRICLOTH, n. Stuffmadeof hair, very rough. MlEN, SIR; M6OVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, RtLE. —,, seft;,.H, hard; as z; ~ as gz; TreIis 12* HAIRINESS 138 HARDINESS HAIR't-NjSS, n. The state of being hairy. HIXNDIGVN, n. A gun wielded by the hand. HAIR'LESS, a. Wanting hair; bald. HXND'I-CRAFT, n1. Work performed by hand. HAIR'y, a. Covered with, or consisting of, hair. HXND'I-CRAFTS-MAN, n. A manufacturer. [sily. HAKIE, n. A kind of fish resembling the cod. HAND'I-LY, ad. -With skill; with dexterity; eaHXL/BERD, n. A kind of spear:-a cross-bar. HAND'I-NEtSS, i. Readiness; dexterity. [facture. HAL-BER,-DI.Rt, n. One armed with a halberd. HANDtI-WORK, nt. Work of the hand; nlanuXAL'cy-ON (hal'she-un), ns. A sea-bird; king- HAND'KER-CHIEF (hang'ker-chlf), n. A piece HXTL'CY-ON (Ilil'she-,n), a. Placid; quiet.[fisher. of clotlh to wipe the face, or to cover the Ineck. HALE, a. Healthy; sound; hearty; uninjured. HAN'DLE, v. a. To touch; to manage; to treat of. HALE or HALE, V.a. To drag. See HAUL. HANtDLE, n. Part of a thing held in the hand. HXLF (hf), n.; pi. HALVEE. A moiety. HXNDMAID, it. A maid that waits at hand. HALF (haf), ad. In part; equally. [parent. HXND'MAtD-EN (hand'ind-dn),n A handmaid. tiALF'-BLOOD (hlafblad), n. Relation by one HANDIMILL, n. A mill moved by the hand. HXLFMOO6N, n. The moon half illuminated. HXND'SAW, n. Saw used by one hand. [thing. HALF/-PEN-NY (ha'pen-ne, hlptpeQn-ne, or'haf'- HAND'SEL (hin'fsel), n. The first use of any ptn-ne), n.; pl. HALFPENCE. A copper coin. HAND/SEL, v.a. To use or do for the first time. HXLFI-WAY, a. Equidistant.-ad. In the mid- HAND'SQME (hantsum), a. Beautiful with digH;LF/-WIT (aiftwit), n. A foolish fellow. [dle. nity; graceful; elegant:-ample; liberal. HALFt-WIT-TED (haffwlt-ted), a. Foolish. HAND'SOME-LY, ad. Beautifully:-generously. HAL'I-BUT (hil'e-biut), n. A large, flat sea-fish. HAND'SQME-NESS, n. Beauty; grace; elegance. HALL, n. A court of justice: —a imanor-house: HAND'SPIRKE, n. A kind of wooden lever. -a public room.:-a large room:-a collegiate HAND'-VICE, n. A vice to hold small work in. body:-entrance of a dwelling-house. HAND'WRiT-fNG (lhKndrit-ing), it. A form of HiL-LE -LU'JAH (hal-le-ll'ya), it. [Heb., praise writing peculiar to each hand; chirography. ye Jehovah.] A songofthanksgivingor praise. HA-ND'y, a. Ready; dexterous:-convenient. tIAL-L66', interj. Expressing encouragement or HANG, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. hung.] To suspend. HAL-LO6, tv.n.& a. Tocrvout; to call to. [call. IIANG, v. n. To be suspended; to depend. HXL/LOW (hidl'l), v. a. To consecrate or make HANG, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. hanged.] To suspend holy; to dedicate; to sanctify. [Souls. by the neck in order to put to death. [sword. HAL'LOW —MAS (hLl'lo-mins), n. Feast of All- HANG'ER,l s. One that hangs:-a sort oh broadHAL-LJ-CI-N.AVTION, si. Error; delusion. HXNG-E.R-6ON, n. Servile dependant, parasite. HA'L6, n.; pl. HA/LOEE. A circle round the HANG'tNG, n. Drapery hung or fastened to the sun or moon:-a circle round a nipple. walls of rooms; tapestry:-suspension. HIL'SE R (hhw'ser), n. A rope. See HAWSER. HANGIMAN, n. A public executioner. HALT, v. n. To limp; to stop; to hesitate; to HANK (hangk), n. Two or more skeins; a tie. HALT, a. Lame; crippled; limping. [falter. HANK (htngk), v. is. To form into hanks. HALT, n. Act of limping:-stop in a march. HANK'IER (haingk'er), v. n. To long importuHALT'ER, i. One who halts:-a rope:-a bridle. HXNKRER-ING,n. Strong desire; longing.[nately. HiALTtER, v. a. To bind or tie with a halter. HAN-SE-AT/IC, a. Relating to the Hanse towns. HALVE (hiiv), v. a. To divide into two parts. HAP, n. Chance; fortune.-v. n. To happen. HALVES (havz), n. The plural of half. HXP-HAZ'ARD, n. Chance; accident. HAM, n. Thigh:-the thigh of a hiog salted. HAIP'LESS, a. Unhappy; unfortunate; luckless. HAMtA-DRt-.AD, n. A wood-nymph. [village. HAP'Ly, ad. Perhaps; peradventure; by chance. HA'Mt'LT, n. A small village, or portion of a HAP'PEN (hap'pn),v.n. To fall out; to chance. HAMME IR, n. An instrument for driving niails. HAP'PI-LY, ad. Fortunately; luckily:-skilfully. HAMIMER,v. a. Tobeat or fborn with ahamimer. HXPFPI-NESS, n. Felicity; good fortune. [ful. HAM'MER-CL6TH, n. Cloth covering a coach- HA'PPY, a. Felicitous; lucky; fortunate:-skilHAMRMQCK, n. Swinging bed, for sailors. [box. HA-RANGUE' (ha-rdngt),n. Declamnatory speech. HAXM'PER, n. A large basket:-a kind of fetter. HA-RANGUE' (hta-fing'), v. ti. To make a speech. HAX'PER, v. a. To shackle; to entangle; to HA-RANGUEt, v. a. To address by a speech. HAiM'STRING, n. Tendon of the ham. [insnare. H4-RANGU'ER (ha-ralgler), n. A noisy speaker. H)AMtSTRING, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. hamstrung.] HAR.ASS, v. a. To vex; to weary; to fatigue. To lame by cutting the tendon of the ham. HXRtBIN-ER, n.- A forerunner; a precursor. HXN.A-PER,' n. A hamper: —treasury. HXiR'to3R, a. A port or haven: —asylum; shelAIXNtCE~, n. pl. The ends of elliptical arches. ter:-chest in glass-making. [to shelter. HAND, i. The palm, with the fingers:-meas- HARIBOR, v. n. & a. To lodge; to sojourn: — ure of four inches:-side:-person employed. HXRD, a. Firm; not soft:-difficult; laborious; HAND, v. a. To give or transmit; to. guide or rigorous:-severe; unkind; obdurate. HANDt-BiALL, a. Game played with a ball. [lead. HARD, ad. Close; near:-diligently; laboriously. HAiND'-BAR-ROW, nI. A frame carried by hand. HARD'EN (har'dn),Lv. A. & a. To grow or make HAND'-BAS-KET, n. A portable basket. [bell. hard; to indurate:-to make unfeeling. HXND-BhiLL, n. A bell rung by the hand; table- HARS$-FIST-ED, a. Covetous; close-handed. HAND'-BRStADTH, n. Breadth of the hand; palm. HXARD'-FOUGEMT (lhardlffwt), a. Sharply orveHXND'CiFF, n. A fetter for the hand or wrist. hemently contested. [verity. HAND'C[FF, V. a. To manacle. [a handcuff. HXRD'-HAND-ED, a. Coarse:-aexercising soHAND'-FI:T-TER, n. A manacle for the hands; HXRDtHE ART-ED (hlrd'hirt-ed), a. Cruel; obHXND'tFL, n. As much as the hand can grasp. HAXRDI.HOOD(har'de-hid),n. Audacity.[durate, HAIND'-GAL-LQP, n. A gentle, easy gallop. HXiR!DI-NhSS,?z. Firmness; stoutness; courage., h,g,;,-,1, long; A,:,i,,,, short; a,,Q,%V,Y, obsctre.-FiRtE,FAtR,rAST,FA.LL i HfIR,HiR; HAiRDLY 139 HAWK-EYED IIXRDILY, ad. Not easily; scarcely; barely:- HXRSHtNE.SS, n. Roughness; severity; rigor. harshly; rigorously; painfiully; not tenderly. HARSLE]T, or HVASLET, n?. Liver, lights, &c., HARD'-Mr oTHED (hardfmniathd), a. Disobe- HART, n. A stag or male deer. [of a hog. dient to the rein; not sensible to the bit. HXRTSIHORN, n. Horn of harts, and a drug HARD'NESS, n. Quality of being hard; solidity. from it; salt of ammonia:-a plant or herb. HARDD, n. pl. The refuse of flax or hetnp; tow. HAR'VEST 7z. The season of reaping, &c.; HARD SHIP, n. Severe labor; want; oppression. corn ripened and gathered:-product of labor. HAXRD'WARE, a.n. Manufactures of metal. HTAR'VEST, V. a. To gather in, as grain, &c. HARD'WARE-MAN, n. A dealer in hardware. HARtVEST-HOMSE, n. Song, or time, of harvest. HARDY~, a. Bold; brave; stout; strong; firm. HAR'VEST-MOON, n. The lunation at harvestHARE, n. A small, swift, timid quadruped. time or near tile autumnal equinox. HA.REIBtLL, n. A plant bearing blue flowers. HA_. The third person sing. of the verb have. HARE a-BRAINED (hir'brand), a. Volatile; wild. HASH, v. a. To mince; to chop into small pieces. HAREIFOOT (hlr'fiht), n. An herb:-a bird. HASH, n. Minced meat:-a mixture; farrago, HARE1-HO0ND, n. A hound for hunting hares. HASP, n. A clasp folded over a staple; a spindle. HARE'LiP, n. A divided lip, like that of a hare. HASP, v. a. To shut or fasten with a hasp. HARE'LIPPRED (hUrllipt), a. Having a harelip. HA*SSQCK, n. A thick mat for kneeling upon. HA'REM or HXiREM, n. The apartment for HAST. The second person singular of have. women in a seraglio in Turkey, &c. HASTE, n. Hurry; speed; precipitation. HARtI-COT (hirte-k5), n. [Fr.] A kind of ragout. HASTE, HASITEN (ha'sn), v. n. To make haste. HARt'I-R, n. A dog for hunting hares; harrier. HASITEN (h'snu), v. a. To urge on, precipitate. HARK, v. n. To listen; to give ear; to hearken. HASITI-VLY, ad. With haste; speedily; quickly. HARK, interj.j imperative of hark. List! hear. H IASS'T-N.SS, a. Haste; speed; hurry. [fruit. IHiRL, n. The filaments of flax:-inist; fog. H.AST'ING, n. pl. Peas that come early; early HAR'LE-QUIN, n. A buffoon; a merrry-andrew. H1ASTly, a. Quick; speedy; vehement:-rash. HAR-LE-QU1IN-ADE', n. A feat of buffoonery. HAST'Y-P'DIDING, n. A pudding made by boilHAR'LQT, n. A prostitute; a strumpet. [tion. HAT, n. A cover for the head. [ing meal, &c. HAR'LQT-RY, n. Trade of a harlot; prostitu- HXT'BAND, n. A string tied round the hat. HXRM, n. Injury; mischief; hurt:-crimne. HAT' BSX, HAT/CASE, n. A box or case for a hat. HARM, V. a. To hurt; to injure; to damage. HATCH, v. a. To produce young from eggs. HARM'FOL, a. Hurtful; mischievous; injurious. HATCH, n. A brood:-door or opening in a deck, HXRM'LESS, a. Innocent; not hurtful:-unhurt. HATCH'EL (hchl'el), n. A flax comb. [&c. HARMJ'LESS-LY. ad. Innocently; without hurt. HATCH/EL, v. a. To clean or dress, as flax:HARM'LESS-NhSS, n. A harmless quality. HATCH'ET, n. A small axe. [to tease. H.R-MON'IC, f a. Relating to music or har- HATCH]IET-FACE, n. A prominent, ill-formed HAR-oM 6N-CAL, ~ mony; concordant; musical. face; a thin face. [deck. H~RAR-MON/I-CA, n. A collection of musical HXTCH'WAY, n. The large opening in a ship's glasses resembling goblets. [ner. HATE, v. a. To detest; to abhor; to abominate. HAR-MO6Nt-CAL-Ly, ad. In a harmonical man- IIATE, n. Hatred; malignity; detestation. HAR-MOrN'CS, n. p. Science of musical sounds. HATEFf0L, a. Detestable; odious:-malignant. HAR-MO'NI-OUS, a. Concordant; musical. IIATE'FiL-LY, ad. Detestably; malignantly. HAR-MO'NI-Of0S-LY, ad. With harmony. HATIER, n. One who hates; an abhorrer. H.AR-MO'NI-OVS-NESssn.Concord; musicalness. H*ATRE.D, n. Etmity; hate; ill will; maligHAR'MQ-NIST, n. A musician; a harmonizer. HXTrTER, n. One who makes hats. [nity. HARrMO-NIZE, 4. a. To make harmonious. HAUGHTtI-LY, ad. Proudly; arrogantly; disHXARtMo-NIZE, v. n. To agree; to correspond. HAUGHT't-Nh SS,n. Pride; arrogance.[dainfully. HAR'MQ-NY, n. Musical concord; agreement. IIAUGHT/Y (hlw'te), a. Proud; arrogant; disHARINESS, a. Armor:-furniture for horses. dainful; supercilious; assuming. [to tug. HXRINESS, v. a. To put harness on; to equip. HAUL, v. a. To pull; to draw; to drag by force; HXRP, n. A stringed instrument: —constellation. HAUL, n. A pull; act of hauling:-draught. HXRP, V. n. To play upon the harp:-to dwell. HAUNCH (hknsh), n. The thigh; a hip; rear. HARP'tER, n. A player on the harp. HAUNT (hant), v. a. To resort to; to frequent. HAXRP'ING-IR-ON (harp'ng-!-urn), n. A beard- HAUNT (hhnt), n. A place much frequented. ed dart; a harpoon. [with. HAUNT'ER (hantler), n. One who haunts. HAR-P6ONI, n. A barbed dart to strike whales HAUTtBOY (hh'bite), n. A wind instrument. HAR-POON, V. a. To strike with the harpoon. HAVE: (haiv), v. a. [imp. t.,& pp. had; ind. H'XR-PooN-EERRt, HAR-P6N']ER, n. One who present, I have, thou hast, he has; we, you, throws the harpoon in whale-fishing. they have.] To possess; to enjoy; to hold. HXRP'SI-EHObRD, n. A musical instrument. HA'VE N (hatvn), n. A port; a harbor:-shelter. HARtPY, n. A fabulous winged monster:-ex- HAVIOC,?n. Waste; devastation; destruction. HXR'RI-DXN, n. A decayed strumpet.[tortioner. HAW, n. Berry of the hawthorn:-stnammering. HARtRI-.R, n. A dog for hunting hares; harier. H-A, v. n. To speak slowly, with hesitation. HAXRROW, n. A frame of timber set with teeth. HAWK, n. A voracious bird of prey. HIXR'RRW (hartrS), v. a. To break or cover HAWK, i. n. To fly hawks at fowls:-to force with the harrow:-to tear up; to disturb. up phlegm.-v. a. To cry and sell, as goods. HXRIROW-E1R, n. One who harrows:-a hawk. HAWK'ER., n. A pedler; news-carrier:-one HXRSH, a. Austere; rough; crabbed; morose. who flies hawks; a falconer. [eye. HIiRSH'LY, ad. Sourly; austerely; severely. HAWiK'-EYED (hawk'id), a. Having a keen MIEN, sIRI; lMiVE, NOR, S N; BfLL, BUR, RtLE.-a-, a, soft; E,, hard; a as z; 3 cas gz; am'1 s. HAWKING i40 HEEDFULNESS HAWKtrING, n. The diversion of flying hawks. HEXRT'-BiRtN-ING, n. Heartburn -di'scontenk HAWSi/]R, n. A rope or cable. See H&ALSER. HEART'FELT (h.rtlfflt), a. Felt at heart. HIWITHORN, n. A thorn that bears liaws. HEARTH (harth), n. A place for fire: —a lhome. HAY (1ha), n. Grass dried for fodde: —a kind of HEXRITI-LY (harlte-le), ad. Cordially; sincereHA.YCOCK, n. A heap of fresh hay. [net. HEXRTTI-NESS, n. Cordiality; sincerity. [ly. HAYrLOFT, n. A loft to put hay in. HEARTTLtss, a. Void of affection; spiritless. HAY'-MAK-ER, n. One employed in making hay. HEXARTtLESS-LY, ad. Without coirage; faintly. HA'MOW6 (hamndia), n. A mow or mass of hay. HEXRT/LE.Ss-N-SSy,n. Want of affection. HAYIR]CK (h/'rik), n. A rick of hay. HE.XRTI'-MEND-.ING, a. Causing deep anguish. HAY'STACK (ha'stak), n. A stack of hay. HEXRT'ST'-EA~E (hartstez), n. A plant:-quiet. HAZ fARD, n. Chance; danger:-a game at dice. HEART'-SICK, a. Pained in mind or heart. HAZ'tRD, v. a. To expose to chance; to risk. HEARVTt-STRYiNG, n. A tendon of the heart. IIAZ.XARD-OuS, a. Dangerous; exposed to haz- HEXRT'Y (harte), a. Cordial; sincere; zealous. HAZE, n. Fog; mist; watery vapor. [ard. HItAT (hat), n. Tlie sensation caused by fire: HA'ZEL (ha'zl), n. A shrub bearing a nut. -caloric:-course at a race:-flush; ardor. HAiZEI, (ha'zl), a. Light brown; like hazel. HEAT, v. a. To make hot; to warm:-to rouse. HAiZE.L-NOT, n. The nut or fruit of the hazel. HEAT'.R (hetfer), n. One that heats. IA'ZY (hHaze), a. Dark; foggy; misty. HEAT'H (heth), n. A low shrubi:-a wild tract. HE, pron. The man; the person:-sometimes HEATH'-C6CIZ, A. A species of grouse. used adjectively for male; as, a he goat. HEAtFHEN (he'thni), n. A gentile; a pagan. HErAD (hid), n. The part of an animal thliat HEATHEN (hi'thin), a. Gentile; *pagan; savage. contains the brain:-chief; fore part: —topic. HEA'THEN-1SH (hfttfni-lsh), a. Pagan; savage. HEAD (hld), a. Chief; principal; highest. HIEA/THEN-I'IM (hIethn-izm), n.- Paganism. HEAD (hid), v. a. To lead; to direct; to govern. HEATHiT (hith'e), a. Covered with heath. HEAD/IA*HE (hd'ldk), n. Pain in the head. HTEAVE (hev), v. a. [imp. t. heaved or hove; pp. HEADIBAND (hid'band), n. A fillet; a topknot. heaved.] To lift; to raise; to' throw; to cast. EtAD'DRkiss (hd'tdres), n. Dress of the head. IIAVE, v. n. To breathe with pain'; to pant: HEAD'I-NEsS (hidlde-), n. Hurry; rashness. -to eswell or toss:-to labor; to struggle. HEAD LAND (hid'llld), n. A promontory; cape. HEAVE (hiv), n. A throw:-an effort to vomit. HkAD'LESS (hd'1les), a. Having no lhead:-rash. ItiAV'E]N (hev'vn), n. Expanse of the ky:_ HEAD'LONG (hid'ling), a. Steep: —toughtiess. habitation of the blessed:-Supreme Power. HEAD'L:6NG (h1d'l6ng),'ad. Rashly; hastily. HEAVrEN-sBORN, a. Descended from heaven. HIEAD'PIEOE (Mhdtpes), n. Armnor for the head. HtAVEfr-L.-NESss, a. Supreme excellence. HIrADt-QUAR-TE. R, n. pl.A general rendeivous. HEAV'EN-LY (hev'vn-le), a. Angelic; celestial. HEAD STALL (hdt'st5ql), n. Part of a bridle. IHEAvrEN-WARD, ad. Towa-rds heaven. kEADrSTR6NG (hed'strong), a. Ungovernable. HEAVEI'-EF-'ER-iNG, n. An offering tmade HktAD/WAY n. (JVaut.) Motion of advancing. among the Je'ws. [oppressively. HtADY~ (hidtde), a. Rash; hasty; violent. HhAV'I-LY (hiv'e-le), ad. With weight ot grief; HEAL, v. a. & n. To cure; reconcile, grow well. HAVI.I-NhtS (hivtg-n6s),n.Weight; depression. SREALtA4-LE, a. Capable of being healed. HP.AvtY (hivvve), a. Ponderous:-sorrowful; HEALIiNG,p. a. Tending to cure; mild; gentle. dejected; depressed:-grievous:-sluggish. HkALTH (helth), n. Freedom from bodily pain HEB-D6,V.A-DAL, or HE.B-DOMfA-DA-RY, a. or sickness; a sound state; purity; goodness. Weekly; occurring every week. [pefy. HtitALTnrTL (hlthbffll), a. Sound; salubrious. HIkBE.-TA:TE, v. a. To duill; to blunt; to stuHEALTHtFOL-Ly, tad. In a healthful manner. HhBnE1-TUDE, n. Duluess; obtuseness; bluntHIALTHTFtrL-Nass, n. State of being healthlfuil. HE,. A Hebrew idiom or plrase.[ness. HtIALTH!I-LY, ad. Without sickness or pain. HE'tR.A-ISt, A. A mtan versed in Hebrew. HEhALTHtI-N:SS, n. The s'tate of health. [fikm. HiEBRE W (hetbrd), a. A Jew:-Hebrew tongue. HEALTH'LESS (Mhlthfles), a. Weak; sickly; in- Htr-sBRVicIAN (he-brishl'an), n. A EHebraist. HitALTH'y (hIlthte), a. Enjoying health; hale; HEC'A-T 6n (h(k.a-tSm), n. A sacrifice of a sound: —conducive to health; wholesome. HtICk, n. A rack:-a latch. [hundred cattle. HEAP (lep), n. A pile; accumulation; cluster. HtcrTIC, a. Habitual; constitutional; HEAP, v. a. To throw; to pile; to accumulate. HhC'TI-C4L, protracted:-aflected with conHEAPty (h'pbe), a. Lying in heaps or masses. stitutional fever. [tlreaten. HEAR (hir), v. n. & a. [imp. t. & pp. heard.] HcC'To R, v. a. & n. To bully; to tease; to To perceive by tlie ear; to listen; to hearken. HEC'TOR, a. A bully; one who teases. [&c. HEARD (hbrd), imp. t. & pp. froin hear. HEDQE,. A fence made oftthorhs, slrubs, HEARIER (lier'er), n. One who hears; listener. HtDeQE, v. a. to enclose With a heldge:-to HEAR'ING, n. The sense of perceiving sounds. obstruct:-tor eicircle for defence. HEXR'KEN (har'kn), v. n.To listen; to attend to. HkDCE'HOG, n. An anirmal het with prickles. HEXR' KEN-ER(har'kn-),n. One who heaikens. HhD(qE!ROW, n. A hedge of bushes in a row. HEAR'SAY (her'sa), n. Report t; rumor. [dead. Ht:VD:E'-SPAR-ROW (hidjtspar-ri), a. A bird. HEARSE (hirs), n. A carriage to convey the HElD,v. a. & n. To mind; to regard; to attend, RHEXRT (hart), n. Primary organ of the blood's HEED, n. Care; attefition; caution; regard. motion:-vital part; courage; spirit; affec- HEED'FCL, a. Watchful; cautious; careful. HEXRT-XAiHE (hart'-ak),n.Sorrow;pang.[tion. HEED'FPOL-LY, ad. Attentively; carefully. HEXRT'-BRo-KEN (hirt'-bro-kn), a. Very sor- HEZiDiFYL-NhSS, a. Thie quality of being heedHEXRT'BUtRN, n. Pain in the stomach. [rowful. ful; cautionr; vigilance attention. A,),I,fl,f) 1na; X,,6,56,ti,1, short: A,,1.',U,Y, obsclre.-. kRE',vFAI%~SrivALL; I-t[ai HikR; HiEEDLESS'141 HERMAPHRODITICAL!IEEDLIEtSS, a. Negligent; inattentive; careless. H1tM-QR-RHo6D'AL, a. Relating to the hemorHEEt'LE SS- Ly, ad. Carelessly; inattentively. rhoids or piles. [disease; the piles. HEED LENSS-N SS, n. Carelessness; negligence. HhM'Qo-RHOIDO (hmt'or-rdids),n.pl. A painful HEEL,.a The hind part of the foot:-the foot. HSerP, n. A plant, and its dressed fibres. HEEL, v. n. To dance:-to lean on one side. HEMP'EN (h6mtpn), a. Made of hemp. HE2EL, v.a. To arm- a cock:-to add a heel to. HEN, n. The female of the cock, or of any bird. HEEL1-PIECE, n. A piece fixed upon the heel. ttNIBA.NE, n. A plant poisonous to poultry. HEFT, n. A handle; a haft:-weight; heaviness. HENCE, ad. From this place, time, or cause. IE9-QTiRA or Hi:'It!RA, n. The Mahometan HENCEtFORTH, ad. From this time forward. epoch or era, -reckoned from July 16, A.D. 622. HENCE-Fot'WARD, ad. From this time forward. HEIFIER (hef'fer), n. A young cow. HiRNCH'MAN, t. A page; an attendant. [kept. HEIGHt-,ito (hlih),interj. Expressing languor. HEN'-C'OOP, n. A cage in which poultry are HE IGHT (hit), a. Elevation; altitude; highness. HEN-DECtA-G6N,:n. A figure of eleven sides. IIEIGT'EN (hittn),v. a. To raise: —to improve. HEN-HEXRT-ED (h6nthart-ed), a. Cowardly. nIEINOVS (hatnus), a. Atrocious; very wicked. HENtPECKED (hintptkt), a. Governed by a wife. HEItNOVS-LY (hi/nus-le), ad. Atrociously. H:EN-ROOST, n. A place where poultry roost. ItEI'NO0VS-Ntss (hatnus-ns), an. Atrociousness. rEP, n. The fruit of the wild brier. See HiP.:HIR (Ar), n. One who inherits; an inheritor. IE-PATIC, a. Relating to the liver:-of a iHIR'tEss (artes), n. A woman who inherits. HE-PATI -CAL, liver-brown color. HdIR'LESS (hrtles), a. Without an heir. HEP'TA H6ItR, an. A system of seven sounds. lHEIR'LO6M (artlom), an. Any furniture or HEP1TA-GON, n. A figure with seven sides. movablewhich descends by inheritance. HEP-TXiG'O-NAL, a. Having seven angles. HfIRt'SIIP (Artshllp), n. The state or privileges HEP1TAXR EHY, n. A government by seven perHELD, imp. t. & pp. from hold. [of an heir. HER, prep. Belonging toea female. [sons. HE'tLI- AC, a. Pertaining to the sun; rising HERtALD, n. An officer who adjusts coats of Hgl-LITA-CAL, or setting in the sun's rays. arms, &c.:-a harbinger:-a proclaimer, crier. HitLl-CAL, a. Spiral; having circumvolutions. HE-RXL'DIC,,a. Relating to heraldry or blazonry. HE-LI-Q-CiNtTR.IC, a. Relating to the sun's HERtALD-RY, n. The art or office of a herald. E_'Lt-Q-TROPE, n. A plant; turnsole. [centre. HERB (6rb), n. A plant without a woody stem. HEtbLX, n. Any thing spiral; a coil. HER-BAiCEOUS (leur-b5'shus), a. Relating to HiLL, a. The place of the devil and wicked HERB'tAqE (Wr'baj), n. Herbs; grass. [herbs. souls:-place of the dead; the grave. [plant. HERB'AL, HER-BAtRI-tM, n. A book of plants. H.L'LE-BORE, n. The Christmas flower; a HERB'AL-IST, n. Oneskilled in herbs; botanist.. EL'LEN-INM, 1 n. A Greek idiom; a Grecism. HER-BIVt'-ROCS, a. Feeding on plants, &c. HIi:L'Lg.-NIsT, an. One skilled in the Greek HAiRB'Y (trbte), a. Like herbs; fill of herbs. language. [or to the Greek tongue. H. R-CPUL.-.N, a. Like Hercules; very strong. H.L-L}:-NSI'TIC, a. Relating to the Hellellists, HERD, n. A number of beasts together; a drove. HRLL'-HSOND, n. A dog of hell:-an agent EHERD, V. n.& a. To run or put in herds; to of hell:-a recreant;.a profligate. [able. associate; to become one of a number. HrLL.ISH, a. Relating to hell; infernal; detesta- HERD'IMAN, n. One employed in tending herds. HELLtI.SH-NSe,,. Extreme wickedness. HERE, ad. In this place:-in the present state. HEiLM, n,. The apparatus by which a ship is HEREt'A-BOTS, ad. About or near this place. steered: —place of direction: —ahelmet. HERtE~~F/TE R, ad. In time to come; in some HEL!MET, n. Armor for the head; head-piece. future time; insome future state or time. HELQT, n. A Spartan slave; a slave.' HERE-AFITE:R, n. A future state. ELP, va. a. To assist; to support:-to avoid. HERE-BYt, ad. By this. [ed; inheritable. HELP, n. Assistance; aid; support; succor. HE-RDI.D'-TA-BLE, a. Capable of being inheritHELP1ER, n. One who helps; an assistant. HiR-E-DIT'.A-ME NT, n. (Law.) An inheritance. IIELPrFOL, a. Giving help; useful; salutary. HE -RE D'I-TA-RI-L.Y ad. By inheritance. HELP'LFftL-Nss, in. Assistance; usefulness. HE.:REDt.I-T.A-Ry, a. Descending by inheritance.; HELPtLESS, a. Wanting help orsupport; feeble. HE:RE-INI, ad. In this. [transmissible. HELPILESS-LY, ad. Without help or succor. H:ERE-INtT, ad. Into this. HELPILES S-NEsS, n. Want of ability. HERE-OFt, ad. From this; of this. HELfTER-SKltTL'T.R, ad. Confusedly.[ Vulgar.] HEREONt, HERE-tuP-6N', ad. Upon this. [esy. HELVE (helv), n. Handle of an axe. [zerland. HE-RE'Y~I-A;XRH (-zhe-iark), n. A leader in herHIL-VITrIC, a. Relating to;Helvetia or Swit- HERtE-sY, n. An opinion not orthodox:-sect. HtEM,n. The edge of a garment:-margin. HERI'E-TIC, n. One who is given to heresy. HEMs, v.a. To form a hem on:-to border, skirt. HE-R /T.I-CAL, a. Containing heresy; heterodox. HiE, v.,n. To utter a noise expressed by hem. HE-RE:TI.-CAL-LY, ad. In an heretical manner. HItMfI:(hem'e). in composition, signifies half. HERE-TO-FOREt, ad. Formerly; before this H.EMIi-PLE.f-Y, n. Paralysis of one side. HERE-TO', HERE-TN-TO', ad. To this. [time. HkXII-SPHERE (hem'e-sfer), n. Half of a globe. HERhEWITH, ad. With this;accompanying tliis. HEM-I-SPIHPER'tI, a. Halfround; contain- H.E:R1.-QT, n. A fine paid to the lord of a manor. HtEM-I-SPHiR.tI-CiL, 5 ing half asphere. HER'I-TAIE, n. An inheritance; an estate. HEhMIiS-T[Et or HE-MiStTIZH, n. Half a verse. HER-MXPHtIRO-DITE, a. One who is of both IHtMtLOCK, n. A tree:-a poisonous plant. HER-MAPHIRO-DITE, a. Of both sexes. [sexes. HItMOR-RH.HAE (htmQor-rraj), n. A flux of blood. HER-MXPH-RQ-DITIjC, a. Partaking of HEM-QR-R HiXt.'C, a. Relating to hemorrhage. HER-MXPH-RQ-DITfT-CAL, ~ both sexes. tMIEN, SIHR; MCV)E,;NKO, SilN; BOLL, BiUiR, IRtLE.-,, so, ft.,, G,kard; ~ as z; O asgz;: HIS. HERMENEUTIC — 142 HIPPOGRIFF HE R-M;.-NEUFTIC,? a. Explaining; inter- HYD't.-OtS-Ly, ad. Horribly; dreadfully. HIER-ME-NU'TI-CAL, preting; exegetical. HiDE -OUS -NESS, n. Horribleness; dreadfulness. Hni-aIE-NEU'TICS,; 7. pl. Science of interpre- HiiE (hi), v. n. To hasten; to go in haste. tation; exegesis; interpretation. HI'E-iARE.H, n. The chief of a sacred order. HEtR-MHETIIC, a. Chemical:-completely HI-E-RARHAL, a. Relating to a hieH. R-MHETtI-CAL, closing; air-tight. HI-L-RARHtI' CAL,! rarch, or a hierarchy. HEIR-Mt.T'I-C.AL-LY, ad. Chemically:-closely. =-xif'R-4K-~, n. Ecqlesiastical government. HER'MIT, n. An anchoret; a devout recluse. HItE. R-O-GLYPH, n. A syinbolical characHIRtMlT-AqE, n. A hermit's habitation:-a HI-E R-O-GLY'PH"IC, ter:-tlhe art of writingin HER'MiT-:SS, n. A female hermit. [wine. picture; sculpture-writing or picture-writing. HIER-MiT'i-CAL, a. Relating or suitable to a I1R-ER-O-GLYPHtIC, a. Emblenmatical; reHERtNI-A, n. [L. (JIed.) A rupture. [hermit. HI-ER-Q-GLYPHrI-CAL, lating o, or consistHEt0R, n.; pl. HEIROE.. A brave man. ing of, hieroglyphics. [ly. HEl-RTIC, ~ a. Relating to, or like, a hero; HI-E.R-O-GLPH'I-CAL-LY, ad. EmblematicalHE-ROt.I-CAL, brave; noble; illustrious. HI-E-ROG'RA-PHY, n. Hloly or sacred writing. HEl-RO'.I-C.L-LY, HE-RO6'IC-LY, ad. With her- HIE-RO-MHAN-CY, 1. Diviuation by sacrifices. oism or valor; bravely; nobly. HI1-RIO -PH NT, a. Expounder of sacred things. HRR'tO-NE or HEIRO-INE, n. A female hero. HIGIGLE, v. a. To chaffer; to haggle:-to peddle. HkR'O-i~~ or HVERO-IHM, n. Bravery; valor. HIG'GLE-D~Y-PIGGLE-D DY ad. Confusedly. H-RIOQN, n. A bird that feeds on fish, frogs, &c. HIG1GLER, n. One who hawks or higgles. RHIRRING, n. A small sea-fish; white-bait, &c. HIGH (Il), a. Elevated; exalted; lofty:-dear. HEiR7, pron. Possessive of she; belonging to her. HIGH (li), ad. Aloft:-aloud:-profoundly. HER SCHEL (-shlel), n. A planet. See URANUS. HiGHt-BLOWN (hl'blen), a. Swelled with wind. BERSE, n. (Fort.) A kind of lattice or portcullis. HiGH't-BRN (hi'born), a. Of noble extraction. HER-SELF', pron. A female individual. HIGII'-FLI-ER, n. One extravagant in opinion. Ht.~II-TAN-CY, n. Uncertainty; suspense. HIGH'-FLOWN (hitflen), a. Proud; extravagant. HE_'I-TATE, v. n. To be doubtful; to pause. HIIGtHLAND (hi'land), n. A mountainous region. HER-I-TkATIQN,n.Doubt:-a stopping in speech. HIG-H'LAND-PER (h'land er), n. A mountaineer. HIES-PV'RI-AN, a. Western; being in the west. HIGHI'LY(h'le), ad. Aloft:-in a great degree. HETTER-O-CLITE, n. An irregular noun. HIGH'-MIND-ED, a. Magnanilnous:-proud. HtT-EIR-Q-CLITtlC, a. Irregular; deviat- HIGHtNNI.SS (hitnes), n. Elevation; dignity. HET-ER-o-CLlT/I-CAL, ing from the coin- HGH'-SEA-SONED (h1se-znd), a. Piquant. mon rule. [unsound in doctrine. HIGH1-SPIRfIT-ND, a. Bold; daring; insolent. HET/E.R-o-DOX, a. Heretical; not orthodox; HIGHt-WA-T'ERRn. The utmostflow of the tide. HkiTtgR-OQ-D6X-Y,n.Quality of being heterodox. HIGH -WAY (hli-wa'), n. Great road; public road. HtT-E'-Ro-(E-NtitI-TY,n. Opposition of nature. HIGHtWAY-MAN (hi'wa-man), n. A robber. HitT-E-RQ-EtI'NE-O DS, a. Dissimilar in nature. HIGH1-WROUGHT (himrlwt),a. Highly-finished. HEW (hui), v. a. [imip. t. hewed; pp., hewn or HI -LARI-TY, n. Mirth; merriment; gayety. hewed.] To cut with an axe; to chop; to form. HILL, n. An elevation of ground less than a HEW'ER (Ihaier), n. One who hews wood, &c. HILtLOCK, n. A little hill; a knoll. [mountain. HkX'4-IHORD, n. (JMus.) Scale of six notes. HIL1LY, a. Full of hills; unequal in surface. HEX'A-GON, n. A figure of six sides or angles. HILT, n. The handle of a sword, dagger, &c. HE.-XAG'O-NAL, a. Having six sides or corners. HIM, pron. The objective case of he. HtX-A-HE'DR.AL, a. Relating to a hexahedron. HIM'SELF, pron. (einpliatical). He or him. HEX-A-HE'DRQN, in. (Geom.) A cube. HIN, n. A Jewish measure often pints. [ward. IH:-.XM'E-TER, n. A verse or line of six feet. HIND, a. [comp. hinder; sup. hindmost.] BackHEtX-XNtG —LAR, a. Having six angles. HIND, n. The female of the red deer:-a boor. HiXtA-STYLE, n. A building with six columns HINfDER, v. a. To obstruct; to stop; to impede. HEY (ha), interj. An expression of joy.[in front. HIN'DEIR, v. n. To cause impediment. HEYrDXY (ha'da),interj. Expressingexultation. HIN'DER-4NCE, n. That which hinders; an HI-A/TVS,n. [L.] An aperture; a gaping breach. HYN'DRANCE, impediment; an obstruction. HI-BR'NNAL, a. Belonging to winter; wintry. HINDIER-MOST, a. Last. See HINDHOST. HI-BsER'NI-AN, a. Relating to Ireland. HINDtMOST, a. Last; that comes in the rear. HI-BiER'NI-CIlsM, n. An Irish idiom; a bull. HIN:D66f, n. An aboriginal of Hindostan. HI-BISTCVs, n. A genus of showy plants. HINq:E, n. A joint on which a door, &c., turns. i1HICtCOUGH, HICKRVP (hlk'kup or hik'kof), n. HIN:E,v. a. To fulrnish with hinges:-to bend. A spasmodic affection of the diaphragm and HIN(E, V. n. To turn, as on a hinge; to hang. glottis. [coughl. HINT, v. a. & n. To bring to mind; to allude. IIHICtCOUGH, HICtIVP, v. n. To utter a hic- HINT, n. A remote suggestion; an intimation. HIiCK'O-RY, n. A large North American tree. HIP, n. Joint of the thigh:-fruit of the brier. HID, HIDIDEN (hid'dn). See HIDE., [man. HIPPED (11lpt), a. [Corruption of hypochondriHI-DXL'GO, n. [Sp.] A kind of Spanish noble- HIP'PISH, ac.] Low in spirits; much HIDE, v. a. & n. [imp. t. hid; pp. hid or hidden.] HIP'PQ-CXAMP, n. A sea-horse. [dejected. To conceal; to cover; to protect; to lie hid. HIP-PO-CtNITIUR, n. A fabulous monster, HIDE, n. Skin of an animal:-measure of land. half horse and half man. HIDEt-AND-SIEKt, n. A play among children. nHPIPo-CRaXs, n. A medicated or spiced wine. HIDEJ'-IoND, a. Having the skin close. HBPIPQ-DROME, n. A course for horse-races. HID'.-O[9S, a. Horrible; dreadful; shocking. HIPrPQ-GRIFF, n. A fabulous'winged horse. LE~l~oief v. aong; i,.YiSf.~. slieort; AE.I.O.U.Y. obscure.-FAREFXiRFtST,FALL; HtIR,t HiER; HIPPOPOTAMUS 143 HOMOGENEAL HIP-PO-P6TTtA-MiS, n. The river-horse. ItOE (he), n. A tool used in gardening, &c. HIPtSHa6T, a. Sprained or dislocated in the hip. 1IoE (h1), v. a. To cut or dig with a hoe. HIRE, v. a. To engage for pay: —to let; to bribe. HOGn, n. The general name of swine:-a broom., HIRE, n. Reward; recompense; wages. HOG'COTE, n. A house for hogs; a hogsty. HIlRELI.Nf,rn. One who is hired; a mercenary. HOG-FTt-E.L, HOG'E.T, n. A two-year-old HIREILING, a. Serving for hire; mercenary. Hato)ISH, a. Like a hog; brutish; selfish.[ewe. HIR-SUTE', a. Rough; hairy; rugged; shaggy. HlGt.sIaSH-NhSS, n. Brutality; selfishness. HIt (hi.z), proa.; possessive of he. Of him. Ho'GtHERD, n. A person who tends hogs. HIIS'PD, a. Having stiff hairs or bristles. HoG'ItLAD (hSgz'hed), n. A large barrel or HISS, v. n. To utter a noise as a serpent. cask:-sixty-three gatllons, or half a pipe. HISS, v. a. To condemn by hissing; to disgrace. HOG'-SHEAR-ING, an. Much ado about nothing. HISS, n. The voice of a serpent, &c.:-censure. HOGISTv, Ifo6GPtN,'s?. An enclosure for hogs. HlSS.ING, n. The noise of a serpent, &c. HOG/WASH (htgfwtsh), n. Draft given to swine. HIST, interj. Exclaniation commanding silence. HOiDEN (hilTdn), an. A rude, awkward girl. HIS-TO'RI-AN, n. A writer of facts and events. HI1ST, v. a. To raise or lift up; to heave. HIS-T(iRIc;C, _ a. Relating to, consisting of, HOIST, n. A lift; the act of raising; a lifting. HIS-TdR'I-CAL, j or contained in, history. HO'TYT'-TOiTY, interj. Noting surprise. HIS-TOR1IJ-CAL-LY, ad. In the manner of history. HOLD, v. a. [imnp. t. & pp. held or holden.] HIS-TO-RI-OGtRA-PIER,, it. Writerof history. To grasp; to keep; to retain; to contain. HJS-T6-RI-OGitRA-PHY, n. Business of an histori- HOLD, v.n. To stand; to last; to refrain. HIS'TQ-Ry, n. A narrative of past events. [an. H-OILD, a. A grasp; support; power:-custodty. HIS-TRI-iON'IC, HtIS-TR.I-6N'I-CAL, a. Relating HOLD'BXCK, n. A let; a hinderance; obstacle. to the stage; theatrical; dramatic. HO)LD'tER, n. One that holds:-a tenant. HIS'TRI-Q-NiMi, n. Theatrical representation. HOiLD'FAST, a7. A catch; hook; support; hold. HIT, v. a. & n. [imp. t. & pp. hit.] To strike; HOLE, n. A cavity; a perforation; a cell. to touch; not to miss; to reach; to attain, suit. H6OL'I-DAY, a. Anniversary celebration:-day HIT; 7t. A-stroke; a chance; a lucky chance. for amusement. See HOLYDAY. [title. HITCH, v. a. & n. To catch; to move by jerks. HO'LI-NaSS, n. Sanctity; piety:-the pope's HITCA, n. A catch; any thing that holds. HQL-LOt, HQL-LOA' (hul-l6'), interj. Noting a HITH:ER, ad. To this place:-to this end. call; a word used in calling. [Holland. HITtE.ER, a. Nearer; towards this part. HOLtLAND, a. A fine sort of linen, made in HIT HER-MOST, a. Nearest on this side. HOL'LOW (h1l'l), a. Excavated; having a HITH'ER-TO, ad. To this time; yet; till now. void within; not solid:-noisy:-not faithful. HITH1ER-WARD, HITHi'ER-WARD~, ad. This HOLLOW (bh11S1), n. Acavity; cavern; hole; way towards this place. [-a society. HOL1LOW (hdl'l]), v. a. To make hollow. [pit. HIVE, n. A box or artificial receptacle of bees: H6L'LQW-NhISS (hol'lg-ngs), n. A cavity:_ HIVE, v. a. & an. To put into hives:-to reside. I6lOLLY, n. An evergreen tree. [deceit. HivEs, n. pl. The disease called croup. HOL'LY-H6CK, n. Atall, flowering garden-plant. HO, interj. Commanding attention; attend! HOLM (hmrn), n. A river isle:-evergreen oak. HOAR (her), a. White or gray with age or frost. HO6L'Q-CXUST, n. A whole burnt sacrifice. HO1ARD (hard), n. A store laid up; a treasure. 1tOLISTER, n. A case for a horseman's pistol. HOARD., V. a. & 71. To store; to lay in hoards. HO'LY, a. Religious; pure; immaculate; sacred. HOAR'-FRiOST (htrffrist), n. A white frost. IIOL'Y-DAY, a. A festival day. See HOLIDAY.!IOARtHoiND, n. A plant. See HOREHOUND. HOS'LY-GHOST (h6'le.-b st), n. The Holy Spirit. HOAAR'I-NdSS, a. The state of being hoary. H6OM'AqE, as. Service; fealty; duty; respect. HOARSE (hors), a. Having the voice rough. HO5ItAqE, v. a. To reverence;to pay honor to. HOARSEtLY (hirs'Ie), ad. With a rough voice. HOME, n. One's house, dwelling, or country. HOARSE'NEss, a. Roughness of voice. HOME, a. Domnestic:-close:-direct; severe. HOAR1y (hltre), a. White; gray with age; hoar. HOME, ad. To one's home:-to the point or HOAX (heks), n. An imposition; a deception. person; pointedly; directly; closely. HOAX (111ks), v. a. To deceive; to impose upon. HOMEr'BsRN, a. Native; domestic; not foreign. HOB, as. A clown:-a fairy:-part of a grate: HOSME:BRiD,a.Native; plain; artless; domestic. -nave of a wheel; a hub.-See HUB. HS6MErtFLT, a. Felt within; inward; private. IIOB'BLE, v. n. To walk lamely; to limp. HOME'LESS, a. Wanting a home. HOBFBLE,n. Uneven,awkward gait:-difficulty. HOME'LI-NASSS, n. Plainness; coarseness. HOB'BY, na. A hawk; a nag:-a favorite object. HIOME'LY, a. Plain; not elegant; coarse; rude. H6BIBY-HORSE, n. A stick on which boys HOMr3'MADE,a. Made at home; plain. ride astride:-a favorite object or pursuit. HSOE1mR, n. A Hebrew measure of 11 bushels. HOB-GOBILIN, n. A frightful apparition. HOME'SPtN, a. Made at home; plain; homely. HOBtNAIL, n. A nail used in shoeing a horse: HOMEtSTtAD, n. A house with its buildings. -a clownish person, used in contempt. HOMEtWARD, HOME'WARD ad. Towards HOB'NOB, ad. A familiar call in drinking. H6M-I-CItDAL, a. Murderous; bloody. [home. H6CK,n. The joint above the fetlock: —a wine. HOItM'-CIDE, n. Murder; manslaughter:-one HnOcCVS-PO'cU S, n. A juggler:-a cheat:-trick. who kills a man; a man-slayer. [tion. IlOD, n. A trough used for carrying mortar. HI6MtI'-LY, n. A discourse read to a congregaH6DrE'I-PODfE, n. A mixed mass; hotchpotch. HoIt/.I-NY, HOMtMQO-NY,i?. Food made of maize. tIO-DI-ER'NAL, a. Of this day; of to-day. HO-MQ-CtN'TRIC, a. Having the same centre. HDMYIAN, n. A laborer that carries a hod. HO-MQ-q1'NE.-.AL, a. Homogeneous; cognate. MIEN, SiR; M6VYJE NOR, StN; BOLL, BUjR, RtLE. —, A, soft; ~, &, hard; ~ as z -: as gz; THIS. IOMOGENEOUS 144 - HOSPITAL HO-MrQ-G:ENE-OPs, a. Having the same nature. ICORINET, n. A very large sort of wasp. HQ-MOL1Q-GOiS, a. Proportional to each other. H6RN'PIPE, n. A British dance:-a wind inHtQ-MO6NY~-MOJS, a. Equivocal; ambiguous. strument; a sort of pipe:-a tune. IQ-M6NIY-MY, n. An equivocation; ambiguity. HtRNfST6NE, n. A kind of blue stone. HO-Mi6TIO-No0S, a. Having the same sound. HORNIY, a. Made of horn: —hard; callous. H6NE, n. A stone for whetting razors,&c. [just. HQ-ROGtRA-PHY, -. An account of the hours. H6NtEST (on'est), a. Upright; true; chaste; H6R.QO-L6QE, n. A clock; a timepiece. Ho6N/' ST-LY (en'est-le), ad. Uprightly; justly. HQ-R6OL1oQ-y, n. Art of constructinlg timepieces. HONIES-TY (en'es-te), n. Justice; virtue; purity. HOQ-ROtt'E-TRY, n. Art of measuring tinme. 6ON'EY (htin'ne),n. Sweet produceof bees, &c. HORtO-SCOPE, n. The aspect of the heavenly HONrIE -BAG, n. The stomach of the honey-bee. bodies at the hour of one's birth. H6NfEY-CCOMB (hin'ne-k6m), n. Cells for hon- HRItBI-BLE, a. Dreadful; terrible; shocking. HoN'EY- DEW (-du),n. A sweet substance. [ey. H6ORRI-BLE-NESS, n. Dreadfulness; terribleHON'EY-MOON, n. The first month after mar- Ho6R'R-BLY, ad. In a horrible manner. [ness. riage. [woodbine; a fragrant flower. H6OR'RID, a. Terrible; dreadful; shocking. H6N'EY-SUC-KLE, n. An ornamental plant; I(iR'/RID-LY, ad. Terrifically; shockingly. HONIEYED (huln'nid), a. Covered with honey. H6RtRID-NESS, n. Hideousness; enormity. HON'QR (en'nur), a. Dignity; high rank; repu- HOR-RIFIIC, a. Causing horror; terrific. tation; fame; magnanimity; respect; a title. HIRtR'OR, n. Terror mixed with hatred; dread. H6ON'OR (oninur), v. a. To reverence; to dignify. HORSE, n. A quadruped:-a wooden machine. H6NI.OR-A- BLE (en'nur-a-bl),a. Having honor; HOSRSE'rBXCK, n. The back of a horse. illustrious; noble; magnanimous; generous. I{ORS1E'BEAN, n. A sort of bean given to horses. HiO N R-A-BLY (on'nur- -ble), ad. With honor. HORSE/BL IK, n. A block, foot-stone, or step, H6NQ)-RA-RY (onio-ra-re), a. Conferring honor. used in mounting a horse. HOOD (hod), n. A covering for the head. [hide. HORStE'BOAT, n. A boat moved by horses. [nut. HOO:D'WINK (hfddwink), v. a. To blind; to HoRsE'tCHEtT-NVT, n. A flowering tree, and its H66F, n. The horny part of a beast's foot. HMRSE'FLY, n. Fly that stings horses; gadfly. HOO6FED (h6ft), a. Furnished with hoofs. HORSE'GUXRDS (hlrs'gardz), n. pl. Cavalry. HooKt (hfik), n. Any thing bent so as to catch. HORSE'HAIR (hirs'lhar), n. The hair of horses. HooR (hfik), v. a. To catch; to insnare. HORSE'LXUGH (hibrstlf), n. A loud, rude lagh. HOOK (hflk), v. n. To bend; to have a curve. HORSEtLEECH, n. A leech that bites horses. HOOKED (hk'ted or hflkt), a. Bent; curvated. HORSE/LlT-TER, n. A carriage hung upon HOOP (hfp or h16p), n. A band of wood or metal. poles, and borne by and between two horses. HOOP (hbp or h6p), v. a. To bind with hoops. H6RSE'LoAD, n. As much as a horse can carry. HOOP, v. n. To shout; to make an outcry.. HORSE/MAN, n. One skilled in horses; a rider. HOOP, n. A shout:-measure containing a peck. HORSEtMAN-SHIP, n. Art of managing horses. HOOPIING-C6UGH' (h6p'ing-k6f'), n. A con- HORSE'MXR-TEN, n. A large kind of bee. vulsive cough, so called from its noise; HORSEfMILL, n. A mill turned by a horse. whooping-cough. [as an owl. H6RSrE1PLAY (hdrstpla),n. Coarse, rough play. HOOT, v. n. To shout, as in contempt; to cry H6RSEtPOND, n. A pond for horses. HIOOT, V. a. To drive with noise and shouts. HbRSEtRACE, n. A race between horses. HOOT, n. A clamor; a loud shout; a noise. HORSE'RAD-SH, n. A plant, and acrid root. H6P,v. n. Tojump; to skip; to leap on one leg. HORSEtSHOE (hiirs'shu), n. A shoe for horses. HiP, n. A plant:-a dance:-jump on one leg. HbRSE'STEAL-ER, n. A thief who steals horses. HOP1-BIND, n. The stem of the hop plant. HORSEtWAY, n. A way for horses. HOPE, n. Desire united with expectation. HORSE1WHIP, n. A whip to strike a horse with. HOPE, v. n. To live in expectation of some good. HORSE'WHIP,v. a. To strike with a horsewhip. HOPE, v. a. To expect with desire;.to long for. HOR-TAtTIQN, n. Exhortation; act of exhortinlg. HoPE'FOL, a. Full of hope; promising. [hope. HOR'TA-TiYE, a. Encouraging; advising; HOPE'FIL-LY, ad. In a hopeful manner; with HORT'TA-TO-RY, containing or expressing exHOPE'F0L-NhSS, n. Promise or prospect of good. hortation; persuasive. [ure. HOPE!LE.SS, a. Wanting hope; despairing. HOR-TI-CtLT't-RAL, a. Relating to horticultHOPEtLi.SS-LY, ad. In a hopeless manner. H6R'T.-CULT-iVRE (hir'te.-klt-yur), n. The HiOPtpE.R, In. One who hops:-a box; a basket. art of cultivating gardens; art of gardening. HO'RAL, HO'.A-RY, a. Relating to an hour. HOR-TI-CriLTtI-RIST, n. One skilled in hortiHORDUE, n. A clan; a migratory crew; a gang. culture; a gardener. [garden. HO-RI'ZQN, n. The line that bounds the view. HORT'V —LAN (hirt'yu-lan), a. Relating to a. HOR-.-Z6N'TAL, a. Parallel to the horizon; H*OR'TVS sic'cus, n. Specimens of plants dried. level:-near the horizon. [net. Hop-XN'NA, n. An exclamation of praise to God. HO6R-I-Z6NtTAL-LY, ad. In a horizontal man- HOVE, n. Stockings; covering for the legs:-a HORN, n. A' hard substance growing on the tube or pipe for conducting water. heads of some quadrupeds:-awind instrument Hb'tIER (h6'zher), n. Maker or seller of hose. HiRN'BEAtt,n. A tree. [of nusic. HOStPI-TA-BLE, a. Attentive or kind to stranHORN'BLOW-.R, n. One who blows a horn. getrs; entertaining strangers gratuitously. HORN'BOOK (hlrnbaki), n. A child's first book HMSIPI-T.A-BLE-NhESS, n. Kindness to strangers. of instruction; a primer. HoStPI-TA-BLY, ad. With kindness to strangers. H6RNtED, a. Having horns:-like a horn. H6SIPI-TAL (hts'pe-tal or os'pe9-tal), n. A buildHORN5IE-R, n. One who works or deals in horn. ing for the sick, lunatics, the wounded, &c.',dS,Ol, gtg; X,R,n,6i4,;,9, short; A,,l,Q,V,Y, obscurs.-FARE,FXR,XAST,FsLL; H:IR, HER; HOSPITALITY 145 HUNCH HtS-PI-TXLTI-T Y, n. Quality of being hospitable. HO1*L, v. n. To cryt as a wolf, or as one in disIIQS-P"T.I-rtm (hgs-pishl'e-m), n. A monastery tress:-to make a loud noise, as the wind. serving as an inn for entertaining travellers. H6OrL,n. The cry of a wolf or dog:-ery of dis IHiST, n. One who entertains anotlher:-a land- H6T*VL'NG, n. The cry of one that howls. [tress. lord:-army:-multitrlde:-co nsecrated waler. Hovv-so-i v'E R, ad. Although; however. 6HOS'TA4E, n. One given in pledge as security HOV, n. A small vessel, usually rigged as asloop. for the performance of conditions; surety. HOB, n. The nave of a wheel:-a mark; target. HOST1.SS, n. A female host:-a landlady. HiUBB0iB, n. A confusion; a tutnult. [Vulgar. HOS'TILE, a. Adverse; opposite; inimnical. HJCIKLE —BACKED (hblu'kl-b6akt), a. Crooked HOS'TiLE-LY, ad. In a hostile manner. in the shoulders or baclk; crook-backed. HQS-TILTI-TY, a. The practice of war, open war: HOC KS'T R, n. A retailer of small wares; pedler. -enmity; animosity; hatred; ill-will. HOD'DLE, v.. n. & a. To crowd or press together. HiOS'TLER. (6slgr), n. One who has the care qf HI(DIDLE, ai. A crowd; a tumlult; confqsion. horses at an inn or stable. [eager. HUE (hu), n. Color; tint: —a clainor; shouting. IOT, a. Having heat; fiery:-furious; ardent; HUFF,?. Swell of anger or arrogance:-a bully. HOT1BE.D, n. A bed of earth made hot, by the HOFF, v. n. & a. To bluster; to storm; to swell. fermentation of dung, for rearing early plants. iHtFFI'ISH, a. Arrogant; insolent; petulant. HOTIBRAINED (hdt'brand),a. Violent; furious. HtFF'ISH-NESS, n. Petulance; arrogance. HI6T!-CCC-KLE,. pl. A kind of play or game. HiG, v. a. To embrace fondly:-to hold fast. HQ-TELt, n. A genteel inn; a public house. HuG, n. Close embrace; a gripe in wrestling. HOTt'HIAD-ED, a. Violent; passionate. HUEE, a. Vast; very great; enormous. HOITtHOdSE3, n. An enclosure kept warm for HUtEt'LY, ad. Inmensely; enormously; greatly. rearing tender plants, and ripening fruits. HU E'NESS, n. Enormous bulk; vast extent. HOTtLY, ad. With heat; not coldly; violently. IIut UE.-NOT (hl'lge-ndt), n. A French Calvinist. HOT'SPUR, a. A violent, passionate man: — HOLK, n. The body of a ship:-an old vessel. a kind of pea of speedy growth. HOLI., n. A husk.; a covering:-body of a ship. HOUGH (hok), n. The ankle joint of a horse. HIULL, v. a. To peel:-to pierce the hull of. HOUGH (hlak), v. a. To hainstring: —to cut up. HULL'Y, a. Having hulls; husky. [mock. HO1 ND, n. A sort of dog used in the chase. HUM, v. n. a; a. To sing low:-to buzz: —tr HOOND, v. a. To set on the chase -to hunt. HM, n. A buzzing noise:-a jest; a hoax. aHRa (oar), n. The 24th part of a natural day; HUM, iatesj. Implying doubt arnd deliberation. 60 minutes: —particular time:-a goddess. HUlMAN, a. Belonging to man or mankind. HiOOR'tGL.S (ioartglhs), n. A glass to show time. HV-iMANE1, a. Kind; civil; benevolent; tender. Hi6RtHtND (ar'hdand), n. The hand of a clock HU-MzrANE:LY, ad. Kindly; with good nature. or watch whichl points out the hour. [adise. IIs- iMAN.I-Ty, n. The nature of man: —manHO0'RI (hUt're), n. A Mahometan nymph of par- kind:-benevolence; pllilology:-polite liter. UOjRa'LY (uartle), a. Happening every hour. HUIBmAN-IZE, v. a. To render humang. [ature. HOR'LY (Oiar'le ), ad. Every hour; frequently. HU-MAN-KINDf, n. Theraceofman; nankind. Hai0sE, n. A place of human abode:-a family; *HUIMAN-LY, ad. After the manner of men. a race: —a household:-a legislative body. IIHUM'BLE (hlmtbl or m'rbl), a. Not proud; HOUSE, v. a. To harbor; to shelter; to cover. modest; submissive; lowly of spirit; low. HOSBEITBREAK-.R (hifis'brahk-er), n. A burglar. IHNa1'BLE, v. a. To make humble; to crush. HOOSE'BREAK-ING, Ia. Crime of breaking into IHlOM'BLE-BEE, n. A large, buzzing, wild bee. a house for unlawful purposes by daylight. ItItsH/BLy, ad. Without pride; with humility. H6O0SE'HOLD, n. A family living together. H01MtBOG-, n. An imposition. [Low.] HIOUSEtHOLD-ER, n. An occupier of a house. H1t6MBt'G, v. a. To cheat; to impose upon. H6OSEtHIOLD-ST0FF, a. Furniture of a house. HM/'DRr0~, n. A stupid person; a drone. HOi5SE'K:EP-E.R, n. One who keeps a house. HUtME-RAL, a. Belonging to the shoulder. H-OSE'K1r EP-ING, n. Management of a house. H)msa.-ROs, n. Cylindrical bone of the arm. HUOSEtLEEK, n. A plant tenacious of life. HtiOj.i, a. Wet; moist; damp; watery. HOOSEtL.ESS, a. Wanting an abode or a house. IHI-MIDoI-TY, n. Moisture; dampness; wetness. HUOSEtkMAD, n. A female menial servant. HY-MIL-I-r'TIoQN n. Act of humbling; descent HO5SE'ROOM, n. Space in a house. [houlse. from -greatness; abasement; mortification.. H6OSE'WARM-.NG, n. A feast on entering a new H.U-TML.-Ty, n. Freedom from pride; lowliness. 1IHOUSEIWIFE (hiiztwf or hiihs'wif), n. The HtMVI.INNG-BYRD, n. A very small bird. mistress of a family; a female economist. IItI'tMOQR (y'mpur or hfi'mur), n. Moisture: —. JHOUSE'WIFE -RV (htiztwif-re), n. Domestic -disposition; turn of mind:-whimn; fancy: or fenlale management or economy. -facetiousness; wit:-cutaneous eruption. HOJ'.ING, n. Houses collectively:-a saddle IHOUMOR (yaimrur),v. a. To gratify; to indulge. HOVE, imp. t. of heave. [cloth; horse-cloth. I H'.MO-RAL (yinmo-ral), a. Relating to humors. H6OVEL, n. A shed: —mean habitation; cottage. HUT-MO-RIST (y'inmo-rst), n. A jester; a'wag. itOV'ER or HOV'tER, v. n. To hang in the air:- HqMOQ-RODS (yu'mo-rus), a. Jocose; pleasanrt. HOW (hiu), ad. In what manner. [to wander. HO'.MQ-aROS-LY (yfumo-rus-le), ad. Jocosely. tHO*-BEtIT, ad. Nevertheless; notwithstanding. HUOMQR-SOHE (ya'mur-surn), a. Petulant; odd. HO*-v'-'ER, ad. IIn whatsoever manner, at all [IDMP, n. Protuberance of a crooked back. events; at least; nevertheless; yet. HtHMPIBACK, n. A crooked or hunched back. HOtIT'TZ, HaO*/IT-ZER, n. A piece of ord- HONCH, v. a. To jostle:-to croolk, as the back. nance of larger calibre than a cannon. HONCH, n. A hump; a bunch:-a push. MWIEN, siRt; M6VE, N6R, SiSN; BL, BsR, JLE. -,, sift; 0,, hard; i as z; X as gz; THIs. 13 HUND RED 146 HYPOCRISY HitNtNDRD, a. Ten multiplied by ten. [county. 17-A-CYNTHINE, a. Of, or resembling, hyaHJNIDRI.D, n. The number 100:-a part of a cinths. [the Sevea Stars. HiJNfDRE DTH, a. The ordinal of a hundred. HY.A-DE, HrADX, n. pl. A cluster of stars; HUNG, imp. t. &pp. of hag. Suspended. HY. A-LINE, a. Glassy; crystalline. HUN ER R(hlng1'&er), n. An eager desire or want HY/BR.ID, a. Mongrel; of different species. of food; a craving appetite:-violent desire. HiBIRi-DOUS, a. Of different species; hybrid. HrUNI.:R (hlng'ger), v. an. To feel hunger. HYtDRA, n. [L.] A monster withi many heads. HIN'Aa:ERE D (hiing'erd), a. Famished; starved. HY-DRAN1tQl-A, n. A plant and its flower. HUNIGtR1-LY (hlnlg'gre-le), ad. With hunger. HYDR.ANT, n. A pipe for discharging water. HUN'GRY (hling'gre), a. Being in want of food. HY-DRAUILIC, a. Relating to hydraulics. HUNKS, n. A covetous, sordid wretch; a miser. HY-DRU!LiS, n. pl.. The science of the motion H11NT, v. a. & n. To chase; to pursue; to search. of liquids and of the effects they produce. HUNT, n. A pack of hounds:-cchase.; pursuit. HY'DRO-C ELE, n. (JMed.) Watery collection. HUNT'tR, n. One that hunts animals; huntsman. HY-DRO-CEPHI/A-LtS, n. Dropsy of the brain. HUNTtING, n. The diversion of the chase; hunt. HV'DRQ-tEN, n'. A colorless gas, which, comHUNT'ING-HORN, n. A horn used in hunting. bined with oxygen, produces water. [raphy. HUNT'RE SS, n1. A woman that follows the chase. HY-DROG!RA.A-PHERP, n. One versed in: lydrogHUNTS'IMAN,?. One who practises hunting. HY-DRO-GRAPHI'ICAL, a. Relating to, or parHURtDLE, n. A texture of sticks; a crate. taking of, hydrography. [earth. HIURDLE, v. a. To hedge or close with hurdles. HY-DRG!PRA-PHY, n. Science of waters; of the HURD~, Hi:RD:, n. pl. The refuse of flax. HY-DROL'-. ~y, n. The science of water. HURL, v. a. To throw with violence; to cast. HY'DR.Q-ML, n. A liquor of honey and water. HURL, n. Tile act ofthrowing,:-tumult; riot. IaY-DROMIEt-T]ER, n. An instrument to measHURLY —BUR'L Y, n, Tumult; commotion; bustle. ure the specific gravity, density, &c., of liquids. HItR-RXH' (hb-rai), interj. A shout noting joy, aHY-DROMrE.-TRY,. Art of measuring liquids. applause, encouragement, or triumph. HY-DRQ-PHO'BI-A, n. Canine madness. HiYR'RI-CANE, L. A violent storml; a tornado. HY-DROiPt'C, HY-DROPIt-CAL, a. Dropsical; HIUR'RY,?. a. & n. To hasten; to move hastily. diseased with dropsy; resembling dropsy. HtUiRY, n. Tumult; precipitation; commotion. HY-DRQ-STAT'IC, a. Relating or accordHURT, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. hurt.] To harm; to HY.-DRQ-STATTI-CAL, ing to hydrostatics. wound; to Injure; to damage; to chafe, fret. HY-DRo-STXT'ICS, n. pl. The science which HURT, n. Harml; mischief; a wound; injury, treats of the equilibrium and pressure of liquids. IIURT'FOL, a. Mischievous; injurious; noxious. HYIDRU S, n. A water-snake:-a constellation. HURT'tFL-L.Y ad. Injuriously; mischievously. HY-E:E'MAL or HY-E-MAL, a. Belonging to, or HURT'FTL-NESS, n. Injuriousness; pernicious- coming in, winter. [ter. HUR'TLE-B.R-Ry, n. A whortleberry. [ness. HY-E-MA'TIQN, n. Shelter from the cold of winHURTTLESS, a. Indecent; harmless; innoxious. HY-:/ NA, n. A fierce animal, resembling a wolf. HfiB.IAND, n. Correlative to wife; a man mar- HiY-EIAN, HY-CIiE:tAN, a. Relating to healtllh. ried to a woman:-economist:-farmer. HY-GRO5mE.-TER, n. An instrument to measHtUitBAND, v. a.. To manage frugally; to till. ure the degrees of moisture of the atmosphere. IHiU'nIAND-MAN, n. A farmer; a cultivator. Haf.xi rEN, n. God of marriae: —a membrane. HUS!BAND-RY, n. Tillage:-thrift; frugality; HY-MEi;-Nt'.AL, HlY-ME.-N'1AN, n. A marriage HUrSH, interj. Silence! be still! no noise! [care. song. [marriage. HUSH, a. Still; silent; quiet. [calm. H-ME.-NE'AL, HW-i-'/-N:.AN, a. Pertaining to HUSH, V. a. To still; to silence; to quiet; to HtMIN (him), n. A song of praise. HftSH'MiN-Ey (llish'm in-e), n. A bribe to in- HViMN (him), v. a. To praise in song; to sing. duce silence, or to hinder information. HnP, a. a. To make hypochondriacal. [Vulgar.]. HtSK, n, The integument of fruits or seeds., Hi-PER!BO-LA, n. One of the conic sections. HrSK, v. a, To strip off the integument of. Hn-Pt.tRBO.-Li, n. A rhetorical figure which HtSK'I-NtSS, n. The state of being husky. expresses more than; the exact truth. HS'KY,, a. Abounding in husks: —hoarse. HY-PRi-BOLt'IC, HY-PI.R-BOL.I-CAL, a. PerHUG'sO, n. A large species of sturgeon. taining, to, or like, an hyperbole or an hyperHtf-~XiRt (hdz-zart), n. A kind of horse-soldier. bola;* exaggerating or extenuating. Htf~~Y, n. A sorry or worthless woman. HY-PER-HOL5I-CAL-LY, ad. With hyperbole. HtST'tlNG~, n. A court:-place of meeting for HtY-PER-BOtRE -AN, a. Far north; cold; frigid. electing. a member of parliament in England. HY-PER-CRIT5IC, n. Captious or nncandid critic. HUS'TLE (lis's), va a. To shake; to jostle. HY-PP;ER-CRITI-CAL, a. Critical beyond reason. HrU[W.IFE (hiuz'zif),n A femaleeconomist; a HYVPnTrEN,n. A,nark of conjunction, thus [-]. thrifty womanor wife. See HOUSE:WIFE. [RY. HYP-NOTIC, n. A medi:cine that induces sleep.. HUW.IFE:-RY(lhazuzif-re), n. See.HouSEwIFE- HIYP O-HION!DRI-A, n. Melancholy; dejection. HUT, n. A poor cottage:-temporary building. HYP-o -0HoN!DRIAC, a. Hypochondriacal. HUTCH, n. A chest:-a rabbit-box:-a rat-trap. hiP!O-OH6NfDR.I-AC, n. One afflicted with IHtiZ-ZX' or HCU-z-K, interj. An exclamation hypochondria; onle morbidly melancholy. noting joy or triumph;, hurrah. -H.P- -9ERON-DRItA-CAAL, a. Melancholy; disOaHz-z;4!, n. A shout; acry- ofacclamation. pirited; affected with hypochondria; gloomy. HZ-ZX/ v. n. To utter acclamation. [mation. HYP-O-ZHON- DnA-CI., n. Melancholy.[tion. HU.Z-ZX, v. a. To receive or attend with accla- HYP- O-HN-laDRlA-SIS,n. Hypochondriac affecHI4Y-CINTH, n. A flower:-a gem or mineral. HY-P OC'RI-S Y, n.s issimulation; falsepretence. A ),,iiit,O yo Xn,,Zr,, slhort; 4IJ,,OTV, obsclse.-r FARE,F R,FAsT,FLL; HIR, HitR; HYPOCRITE 147 ILLEGIBILITY It9P'OR-1tTE', a.: A dissembler in religion, Rc; HY-P6THtIE.-SYS, na.; pl. HY-P'THItE'-St' A' H~P-.Q-CRITtICX, - a. Dissembling; false; in- supposition:-system assumed but not proved. ]HVP-Q-CRiTI-.CAL, sincere; counterfeit. iY-PQ-THSETtIC, I a. Including an hypotheH-P-Q —CRITtI-CAL-L, ad. With dissimulation. HY-PQ-T1HTt'I-CAL, j sis or supposition; imHy-P6StTA-SIS, n.; pl. HY-P6StTA-SE~. Per- plying supposition; conditional. [supposition. sonality-; person:-substance or subsistence: HY-PQ-THETtI-CAL-LY, ad. Conditionally; by.-elerent;; principle. [ent; personal. HiYtSON, n. An excellent species of green tea. HY-PQ-STXT'I-CASi, a. Constitutive; constitu- HR2'QP or HYStSQP, a., A plant or herb. [fits. HY-POTHRE.-NUSE, na. Longest side of a right- HYS-TER'IC, HYS-TERtI-CAL, a. Troubled with angled triangle, or line opposite the right-angle. rYS-TRt}'cs, ii. pi. Fits peculiar to women. I. a vowel, has: two principal sounds; one ItDLE-NPSS, n. Laziness,; sloth; trivialness. long, as in fine e; the other short, as in fin. ItDLER, n. A lazy or idle person; a sluggard. a, pron. of the first person; one's self. IfDLY ad. Without employment; lazily. I-iXMtBIC, a.. Having a short and a long syllable. ItDOL, n. An image worshipped as a god. I-AMtB!C, n. A verse composed of iambic feet. I-DOLtA-TER, n. A worshipperof idols; apagan. i1BIs, n;. An Egyptian bird like the stork. [sugar. I-DOL6A-TRESS, n. A female idolater. ICE, n. Water congealed by cold-: —concreteo I-DOLtA-TRIZE, a. a& nia. To worship idols; to ICE, v. a. To cover with ice:-to freeze, chill. practise idolatry; to adore-; to idolize. ICE'BERG, A mountain or great mass of ice. I-DOL'A-TROiS, a. Parta-king of idolatry. ICE'BLINKI n. A dazzling whiteness, caused by I-DOLtA-TROUS-LY, ad. In an idolatrous manner. the reflection:of light from a field of ice. [ited. 1-D6L/A-TRY, n. The worship-of idols-or images. ICE'Ho0SE, n. A house in which ice is repos- I'DQL-ZE,. a. To deify; to love to adoration. 0H-SN QEUtMON (ik-natmon), n. A- small animial.'tDYL ( tdil), n. A short descriptive poem. IeH -NOGR.A- PHY, n. A ground plan; a section. IF, coti Used as a sign of condition; suppose. i'FHOR; (itkor), n (.led.) A thin, watery humor. IGlNErobs, a. Containing fire; fiery. [that. It'eHQR-O0S (ikor-us), a. Serous; sanious; thin. IGtNISs FATtV-ts, n.; pi. GI-tNE~ FATtI-I. [L.] IfiE;THY-o6LQ,.Qv,~, n The science of fishes. A luminous meteor, called also WillU-with-alEtI-THY-oPIHt' —, n. Practice of eating- fish. wisp, and Jack-with-a-lantern. [fire. t1CI-CLE (i'sik-kl), n. A pendent shoot of ice. IG-NITEt, v. a. & n. To kindle; to set-or be on; itCi-NEgSS- (isenes), n. The state of being icy. IG-NIT't-BLE, d. Capable of being ignited. t'CON, n. A picture; an image; a figure. isG-N51"TOQN (ig-nlsh'un),n. The act of igniting. -coNtO-CLXST, n. A breaker of images. [&c. IGa-NOr BLE, a; Of low birth;* not noble; mean. I-CQ-NO GtRA-PHY, n. A description of pictures, IG-NOt'BLE-NtSS-, n. Want of dignity or splendor. I-CQONOLt.OQ-Y~ n. The doctrine of images, &c. IG-NOt BLY, ad. Ignominiously; meanly.; basely. IC-TERtI-CA.L, a. Good against the jaundice. iG;-NO -MINIT-OtS, a. Mean; shameful. itCY, a. Full'of ice:-cold; frosty; frigid. iG-NQ-MNS.I-O0S-LY, ad. Meanly; scandalously. I-DE:A, n, A' mental image; thought; notion. IiGt'N-MYN-, an. Disgrace; reproach; shame. I-DE1AL, a. Mental; intellectual; imagined. IG-NQ-RXAiVS, n. A vain pretender to knowl1-DEtA~L, n. Something imaginary; idea. edge- an ignorantperson. [ence. I-DE;AL-4iM, n. The doctrine of ideal existence, lGINNO-RANCE, n. Want of knowledge-; nesciI-DEt.AL-L:- ad. Intellectually; mnentally. IG'NO-RANT, a. Wanting knowledge; unlearned. I-D'ENtT.IC, t-DNtTI-C.AL, a. The same; not TGrtNO-RANT-LY, ad. Without knowledge. different.; one and the same.; self-same. [tity. ILE, n.. A- walk in a church;-properly-aisle. I-DENIT.I-CAL- LY ad. With sameness or iden ILEX, n. [L.] A genus of plants or trees. I-D:ENtT.I-CAL-NEbSS, n. Sameness; identity. ILtI-C, a; Relating to the lower bowels. [colic. I-DLigEN.TI-FY, v. a. To prove or make the same. ILI-AC PXS'SIQN (Il'e-ak pash'un), na. Nervous I-DENtTI-T;, n. Sameness:; not diversity, iLL, a. Bad; not good; evil:-sick; not in health. DE,-n;. The 15th:day of March, May, July, and: ILL, n, Wickedness; misfortune; misery. October, and the 13tth of the other months. ILL, ad. Not well; not rightly:-with difficulty. IDI-6C/RA-SY na-. Peculiarity of constitution. IL-LAPSE' (il-laps'), n. A gliding or:falling in. ID.-I-Q-CRXT!-C CAL, a. Peculiar-in constitution. IL-Lt1QtUE. ATE, v. a. To entangle; to insnare. ID'.-Q-CY~, n State of an idiot. [guage. IL-LA'tTQN, n. Inference; conclusion. ID'I-Qr;, n; Mode of speech peculiar to a lan- tLL A-TIVE, a. Relating1to0illation or conclusion. ID-I-9-M XT'IC, a. Peculiar to a language, IL-L.AUDA-BLE-, a. Not laudable; censurable. ID-I-9- SNCRA-s y, a. Peculiar temperament. IL-LUAIUDA-BBLY, ad. Without deserving praise. IDtI-Q.T, n. One devoid: of understanding from ILLIBREDi,: a; Not wellbred; impolite;-uncivil. birth:; a:natural fool. [stupid; foolish. IL-LDEGAL, a; Contrary-to law; not legal; unID-I-STtIC, ID-1-6T'I-CAL, a. Like- an idiot; IL-LE-OGXLr'ITY,n, Contrariety to-law. [lawful. YD'I-OT-TiSM, U. An idiom:-folly; idiocy. iLL-L'GAL- LY, ad. In a-manner contrary to law. i'DLE, a Lazy-; not employed-; useless; trifling. IL-LEftGAL-NEkSS, n. The state of being illegal. I'DLE, u. a. —& a. To lose time:-to waste.; YLL-LtQ- -BILfI-Ty, a. Inicapability of being read. MBaISNil,'iRE;E, NitRi 86SN,:; OLL, BUR-i RttE. —, q, soft;,, hard; aszi z:.; asgz; IHs.; ILLEGIBLE 148 IMMIGRANT it -Lj I —B LE, a. That cannot be read. 1M-tB6D.Y, v. a. To form into a body; to collect, IL-LiChTI'-BLY, ad. In a manner not to be read. IM-BOLD'EN (im-b5l'dn), v. a. To embolden. IL-LE-fT'fI-MA-CY, n. State of bastardy. IM_-BORIDER,'. a. To furnish with a border. IL-LE-CITfI-MATE, a. Contrary to law; born IM-BO'OM, v. a. To hold in the bosom. out of Wedlock: —uauthorized:-erroneous. IM-BSOW or IM-B "l, v. a. To arch; to vault. iL-LE-iTT-. I-I TE, v. a. To render illegitimate. IN-BOW ER, v. a. To shelter. See EMBOWER. iL-LEV'I-A-BLE, a. That cannot be levied. IM-BREEDI, v. a. To inbreed. See INBREED. ILL'FA.CED (Il'fast), a. Having an ugly face. IIBRsI-CATE, a. Laid one under another, as ILL-FA'VORED (lI-fa'vurd), a. Deformed; ugly. tiles bent and hollowed like a roof. IL-LiB'ER-AL, a. Not liberal; niggardly; mean. IM1BRI-CAT-E D, a. Indented with concavities. IL-LIB-ER-ALfI-TY, n. Want of liberality. 1M-BRI-CATIQN, n. A concave indenture. IL-LIB'ER-AL-LY, ad. Disingenuously; meanly. IMBROGLIO (im-brl'ye-5), n. [It.] A perIL-L!yIqT (l-lis'sit), a. Unlawful; illegal; pro- plexed and complicated plot, as of a drama. IL-L!JICT-NtESS, n. Unlawfulness. [hibited. IM-BROWN1, v. a. To make brown; to darken. IL-LIM'IT-A-BLE, a. That cannot be limited. iM-sBRiE' (im-bru'), v. a. To steep; to soak. IL-LiT'i:R-A-Cy,n. Wantof learning; ignorance. iMBRtTEI, v. a. To degrade to brutality. IL-LfTf'R-ATE, a. Ignorant; untaught; unlearn- IM-BRt TE', v. n. To sink down to brutality. IL-LIT'E.R-ATE-NEISS,. Wait oflearning. [ed. M-BUE' (ijm-b'), v. a. To tincture deeply; to, YLL-NAUT'URE (-nat'yur), n. Malevolence; crab- tinge; to cause to imbibe. [itable. bedness; moroseness; sullenness. [morose. IM-I-TA-BIL'I-TY, n. The quality of being imILL-NAT'URED (l-nat'yurd), a. Cross; peevish; iM'.I-TA-BLE, a. Worthy or deserving to be imiILL/NE.SS, n. Sickness; a mlalady; a disorder. rated; capable of being imitated. IL-L6m'.I-CAL, a. Contrary to the rules of logic. IM1t-TATE, v. a. To follow the manner, way, or IL-LOqI-CAL-Ly, ad. In an illogical manner. action of; to copy; to counterfeit. ILL'-STARRED (Ilstird), a. Unlucky; unfortu- IM-SI-TXATIQN, n. Act of imitating or copying: IL-LGDE', v. a. To deceivd; to mock. [nate. -copy, likeness; resemblance. IL-LUMEt, v. a. To enlighten; to illuminate. TM-I-TATIOQN-AL, a. Implying imitation. IL-LU'MI-NATE,V.a. To, enlighten; to adorn. M'I-Tli-TIVE, a. Inclined or tending to copy. IL-LIJ-MI-N.ATIQN, n. Act of giving light:- IMri-TA-TOR, n. One who imitates or copies. lights hung out as a token of joy: —brightness. IIM-MACU-LATE, a. Spotless; pure; undefiled. IL-LU'MII-NA-TIVE, a. Affording illuminaiion. IMMA-NEN-Y C, n. Quality of being immanent. jL-LU'M!-NA-TQR, n, One that illuminat IM'MA-NNT, a. Intrinsic; inherent; internal. IL-LUIMINE, V. a. To enlighiten: —to decorate. IM-MAN'SI-TY, 1. Barbarity; savageness. iL-LUJ'IQN (il-litzhun), sn. False show; decep- 1M-IXAR'TIAL (In-miartslhl), a. Not warlike. tion; deceptive appearance. [deception. SM-MA-TER.I-AL, a. Incorporeal:-unimportant..I-LfUSIVE, a. Deceiving by false appearance S IM-MMA-To1R-AL-I~M, n. Spiritual existence. IL-LUtSIVE-LY, ad. In a deceptive manner. SIM-MA-TLRfI-.ALIST, n. A believer in imma-. IL-LU'SQ-RY, a. Deceiving; fraudulent. [clear. teriality. IL-LJSt'TRATE, v. a. To brighten; to explain; to iM-.MA-TE-RI-t.L'I-T-V, n. Distinctness from IL-LT]S-TRA'TIQN, n. An explanation; elucida- matter; spirituality. IL-LtStTRA-TIVE, a. Tendingto illustrate.[tion. IM-M.A-TUREr, a. Not mature; notripe; crude; IL-LtSITR.I-OtS, a. Conspicuous; noble; emi- not perfect:-hasty; early; premature. nent; distinguished; famous. [nently. IM-MiA-TUJRE'LY, ad. Too soon; too early. IL-Li0S'TR.I-OUS-LY, ad. Conspicuously; emi- IM-MA-TURE'NESS, I-I-MA-TUtRI-TY, n. Un-!L-LV4s'TRI-OIJS-NESS, n. Eminence; nobility. ripeness; incompleteness; crudeness. ILL'-WILL', n. Disposition to envy or hatred. IM-ME.-A-BIL'I- TY, a. Want of power to pass. IMt.AqE,n. A statue; a picture;an idol:-idea. IjIM-MtIA'.U-RA-BLE (Im-mezhtu-ra-bl), a. ImMlAtE, v. a. To copy by the fancy;,to imagine. mense; not to be measured; indefinitely exM.IA-:ER-Y or I'I4/AqE-RY, n. Sensible repre- IIM-ElA~'U -RA BLY, ad. Immensely. [tensive. sentation; pictures; show, &c.:-lively de- IM-MIEIDI-ATE, a. Proximate:-acting without scription; figurative writing or language. a medium:-instant; present. [stantly. IM-X'/I-NA-BLE, a. Possible to be conceived. IM-MEDI-ATE-LY, ad. Without a medium:-iniM-Xti'-NA.-RY, a. Fancied; visionary;ideal. IM-MED'.I-CA-BLE, a. That cannot be healed IM-X/q-I-NA/TION, n. Power of forming ideal or cured; incurable. [not remembered. pictures:-image in the mind;.idea; fancy. IM-Mi.-M6'RI-AL, a. Past the time of memory; IM7iXt.I'-NA-TIVE, a. Fantastic; full of imagi- IM-MS-M6tRI-AL-LY, ad. Beyond memory. nation; forming mental images; fancying. IM-ME NSE', a. Unlimited; unbounded; infinite. IM-Xt'rINE, v. a. To fancy, conceive, contrive. IM-M1 NSE'LY, ad. Infinitely; without measure. IM-XfI1NE, bv. n. To suppose; to think. IM-MENISI-TY, n. Unbounded greatness; infiniIM-BX-NKf, v. a. To enclose or defend with a IM-MENS'V-RA-BLE, a. Not to be measured. [ty. bank; to embank. [formation of a bank. IM-MERqEtf, v'. a. To put under water; to dip. IM-BANKiMENT, n. A bank; an ba ebankment; IM-MRSEI, v. a. To put under water; to sink. IM-lB(S3'/ILE or IM-BE-CLE', a. Weak; feeble. IM-MERtSION (im-mrt'shun), a. The act of putiM-BE-CIL'I-Ty, n. Weakness; feebleness. ting, or the state of being below the surface. TM-BiDtDEiD, a. Laid in a bed. See EMBED. YIM-ME-THODI-CAL, a. Not methodical; coniM-BIBE', v. a. To drink in; to draw in; to fused; unsystematic; irregular; desultory. admit or receive into the mind. [to madden. IM-M]E-TH6D'I-CAL-LY, ad. Without method. TM-BIT'TE. R,. a. To make bitter; to exasperate; IMM.I-GRXNT, n. One who immigrates.:,TE4OU, lOtg; tb,,iSt 2 short;.AF,!Q,Y,, Sbsure. — iRRE,FiR,FAST,FILL; MltIR, HtR; IMMIGRATE 149 IMPERVIOUS IMIMp-GRATE, V. a. To go into some country IMI-PXTIENCE (~m-pitshens),n. Want of pain order to dwell in it. tience; vehemence of temper; eagerness. YTM-MI-GRAXTIQN, n. The act of immigrating. IM-PA1TIENT (Im-pa'shent), a. Not able to enlMIMI-N2ENT, a. Impending; threatening; near. dure; uneasy; hot; eager; ardently desirous. IM-MIN'GLE (im-ming/gl), v. a. To mingle. 1IM-PA/TIENT-LY (im-palshent-le), ad. Eagerly. IM-M~S'CI-BLE, a. Not capable of being mingled. TM-PAWN, v a. To pawn; to give as a pledge.!M-MIS'SiON (im-mish'un), n. Act of sending In; IM-PEACH1 (im-pach'),v.a.To accuse; to arraign. IM-MIT',v. a. To send in; to inject. [injection. IM-PEACH'A-BLE, a. Accusable; chargeable. IM-MiT'I-GA-BLE, a. Not to be mitigated. IM-PEACH'MEgNT,n. Public accusation; censure. Il-MO-BILTI-TY, n. Unmovableness. [ordinate. IM-PEARL' (im-perl'), v. a. To form in resemIH-MOD'/ R-ATE, a. Excessive; extravagant; in- blance of pearls:-to adorn as with pearls. IM-iMODi'R-ATE-LY, ad. In an excessive degree. IM-PEC-CA -BILI-TY, n. Exemption from sin. MI-MOD-E.R- AITIQN, n. Want of moderation. IM-PCt'CA-BLE, a. Not liable to sip. MI-MODIEST, a. Wanting modesty or delicacy. IM-PEDE/I, v. a. To hinder; to let; to obstruct. IM-MODt.ST-LY, ad. In an immodest manner. IM-PEDt1I-MNT, a. An obstruction; hinderance. YM-MODIE T-y, n. Want of modesty or delicacy. IM-PELl v. a. To urge forward; to press on. MIMtIMQ-LATE, v. a. To sacrifice:-to offer up. Im-PELILENT, a. Impelling; urging onwards. lMI-MQ-LA'TIQN, n. Act of sacrificing; sacrifice. IM-PEL/LE NT, n. A power that drives forward. IM1MQ-LA-TQR, n. One who imlmolates. IM-PEND, v. n. To hang over; to be at hand. IM-MOR'AL, a. Not moral; dishonest; vicious. IM-PENDfENCE, n. The state of hanging over..hI-MO-RAL'I-TY, n. Dishonesty: want of virtue. IM-PEND'ENT; a. Imminent; hanging over. IM-MOR'TAL, a. Exempt from death; perpetual. IM-PEND.ING, a. Hanging over; near at hand. -M-MOQR-TXL/I-TY, n. Exemption from death; IM-PEN-E-TRA-BIL1TY.,na. The state of being endless life:-exemption from oblivion. impenetrable. [trated. TM-MOR/TAL-IZE, v. a. To make immortal. 1iM-PENIE-TRA-BLE, a. -That cannot be peneIM-MOV-A'BIL/I1TY, ai. Immovableness. SM-PEN1E.- TRA-BLy, ad.With impenetrableness. IM-MOV1A-BLE, a. That cannot be moved. [able. IM-PE N.-TENCE, n. Want of penitence. i-M-6v'A-BLE-NrSS, n. State of being immov- MI-PENfI.-TENT, a. Not penitent; obdurate. IM-MOV'A-BLY, ad. In a state not to be shaken. iM-PEN1I.-TkNT, n. An obdurate sinner. M-MfU'NI-TY, a. Privilege; exemption or free- M-PEN/I —TEiNT-Ly, ad. Without penitence. dom from service or performance. [in. M -PER1A-TIVE, a. Commanding; authoritative. IM-MURE', v. a. To enclose; to confine; to shut M-PER't.A-TIVE-LY, ad. In a commanding style. IM-MU-TA-BiLtI-TY. n. Exemption from change. SIM-PER-CrEP'Tl-BLE, a. Not to be perceived. IM-MUITA-BLE, a. Unchangeable; unalterable. IM-PE.R-CEP'TI-BLE-NJ1SS, n. Imperceptibility. iM-MU'T.A-BLE-NESS, n.- Unchangeablesess. IM-PER-CEPrTI-BLY, ad. Without being perIM-MU'TA-BLY, ad. Unalterably; unchangeably. ceived; so as not to be perceived. IMP, n. A subaltern or puny devil; a sprite. SM-PERFL.'ECT,a. Not perfect; defective; frail. IMP, v. a. To lengthen; to enlarge:-to graft. IM-PE.R-rEC'TION, n. A defect; a failure, fault.!M'PXCT, n. Communicated force; impulse. JM-PERPFE CT-LY, ad. Not completely; not fully. jM-PXCT, v. a. To drive close or hard. [worse. IM-PER'FECT-NESS, n. A failure; a defect. IM-PAIR' (im-phr'), v. a. To injure; to mnake 1-M-PRa'F.O-RA-BLE,a. Not to bebored through. IM-PXLEt, v. a. To enclose. See EMPALE. IM-PERFO-RAT-. D, a. Not pierced through. IM-PXL-PA-BIL'I-TY, Si. State of being impal- SM-PER-FO-R!ATIQN, n. State of being closed. pable. [intangible; delicate. IM-PETRI-AL, a. Relating to an empire or to an [IM-PXLPA-BLE, a. Not to be perceived by touch emperor, royal; regal; monarchical. 1M-PA-NA'TIQN, n. Consubstantiation. IM-PEtR I-AL-IST, n. An adherent of an emperor. IM-PAN'EL, vt. a. To enroll. See EMPANEL. IM-P1t/RI-AL-LY, ad. In an imperial manner. IM-PXARA-DISE, v. a. To put in a state of felicity. M-PE1RI-ouS, a. Authoritative; haughty. IM-PXARI-TY, n. Inequagty; disproportion. IM-PE1RRI-OUS-LY, ad. In an imperious manner. IM-PARK', v. a. To enclose in, or for, a park. SM-PE'RI-o vs-NEss, n. Authority; arrogance. JM-PXR'LANCE, n. (Law.) Delay of a cause. ITM-P.R'ISH-.A-BLE, a. Not liable to perish. IM-PXRT', v. a. To grant; to give; to confer. IM-PE RME-A-BLE, a. Not to be passed through. IM-PXR'TISAL (-pAr'shal), a. Not partial; equi- I-PERISON-AL,a. (-Gram.) Noting verbs used table; free from regard to party. [bleness. only in the 3d person, with it for a nominative. lM-PXR-T).-XL'.-TY (-par-she-6l1e-te), a. Equita- tM-PER-SON-XL'S-TY, n. Want of personality. iM-PXRITIAL-LY, ad. With impartiality; justly. M-PER{SON —AL LY, ad. Without personality. lM-PXR'TI-BLE,a. Communicable; not partible. SM-PER-s PI-CU/I-TY, n. Want of perspicuity. IM-PAS'SA-BALE, a. Not to be passed; not ad- SM-PE-R-SPIC'u-OUS, a. Wanting clearness. mitting passage; impervious. [sage. IM-PER-SUuX'SI-BLE, a. Not to be persuaded. ~Ms-PAS'SA-BLE-NiSS, n. Incapability of pas- IM-PER-ITI-NNCE, n. Trifle:-irrelevance:IM-PAs-SI-BIL'I-TY, n. Exemption from suffer- intrusion; rudeness; insolence; impudence. IM-PXASSI-BLE, a. Incapable of suffering. [ing. IM-PaR'vTI.-NNT, a. Intrusive; trifling; rude. IM-PXS/S!-BLE-N:SS, n. Impassibility. IM-PbiR'T.-NIENT, n. A nieddler; an intruder. IM-PXSISIQN (-pish'un), v. a. To move with IM-PERiTI-NENT-LY, ad. Intrusively; rudely. passion; to affect stongly:-to excite. IM-PER-TURBIA-BLE, a. That cannot be disIM-PXSISIONED (jm-phsh'und), p. a. Animated. turbted; composed. [lity; quietude. iM-PXS'SIvE, a. Exempt from suffering. [on. iMi-PER-TUR-BX'!TIQN, n. Calmness; tranquilIM-PASTEI, v. a. To knead; to paste:-to lay lM-PERIVI-o-S, a. Impenetrable; impassable. XiEN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BIjR, RULE. —, A, soft;.P,, hard; * as z; Y as gz; THIS. 13 * I IPERVIOUSLY 150 IMPROVE.iM-tPiERvT-OhiS-LY, ad. Impenetrably..IM-POS.A-BLE, a. That may be imposed. SM-PERtVQI-OuSa-NSS, n. The being impervious. ISM-POEL, v. a. To enjoin as a duty;to lay;on. WMIPE-TR&ATE, v. a. To obtainiby entreaty. IM-POS'ING, p. a. Exacting; enjoining: —deIM-PE r-TRAITI.TN,on.Actofobtainingbyentreatvy. ceivilg:-commanding; impressive; august. IM-PET-UV-OS'.ITY, n. Violence; *vehemence. iM-PO-IfrTSIQN,(ni-po-zshl'un), n. Act of.lay-!M-PETTU-O0S (-pet'yu-us), a. Violent; *forci- ing on;.constraint:-cheat; imposture. -ble; fierce.; vehement of mind; passionate. IM-P0S-SI-BILtI-TY, n. That which cannot be. SIM- PETV!VOihS-L~Y, ad. Violently;vellemently. SM-POS'SI-BLE,;a. That cannot be; notpossible. SIM — PETtrl-O! S-NESS, n. Violence.; filry. IM'POST, n. A -tax a toll:-part of a pillar. ]IM'P:E-TUS,?n.:[L.] Momentum; force. hI1IM-POS.TH.-M ATE (im-post.u-mat), v. n. To iM-PIERCE.'A-BLE, a. Not to be pierced, form an:abscess or cyst; to gather. [abscess. IM-P1E.-rTv,,.,V Want of piety; irreligion.. IM-P6ST-IU-MMAtTI.ON, n. Act of.forming an IM-PiGtNQO-RATE;, V. a. To~pawn; to,pledge. SIIM-POST'rliUME (iljn-pesttum),,n. An abscess. IM -P.NErt' va a. To.strike against; to clash.,IM-POStTOR,-,. A false.pretenider; a deceiver. IMPI -Ous, a. Irreligious.; wicked; profane. SM POS-T'URE (Im-post'yur), n. Deception;fraud. IM'PSioUs-L~, ad. Profanely;; wickedly. iMIPo-TENCE, an. Inability; weakness.; defect. TrM'P.IOUSNsss s, n. Imipiety; irreligion. IMTPOTrENT,a. Weak;-feeble; wanting power. iM-PLA-CA,-BILTS-T:Y, an. Irreconcilable enmity. IMTPO-TNT-LLY,, ad. VTithout power; feebly. IX-PL.A'Ce BLE,,.a. Not to be appeased. [cable. IM-PoNit,., a. To enclose as in -a pound. IM-PLAC.A-BLE-NhsS, SS. State of being Impla- 1M-P6OV. R-ISH, v. a. To make poor,;.to exhaust. SYM-PLAC.A-BLY, ad. VWVith matice.; inexorably. IM-POV'ER-ISiH MLNT.,.Reduction topovertiy. IM-PLANT,. aa. To.plant.; to insert; to ingraft. IM-PRAC-TI-CA-BiL.I-TL',nT.:State of being imIM-P.LAN-TAXTION, n. The act of implanting. ipracticable. [to be performed. ]M-.PLAU'tI-BLE, a. Not plausible or specious. IM-PRACt.TI CA-BLE, a..Not practicable; not IM-PLAXU:.SIBLY, ad. Without show of proba- MtPRE.-CATE,:v.a. Toinvoke evil; to curse. bility. a[dict,; to arraign. IM-PRE-CXA'TION, n. Invocation of evil.;,curse. IM-PLEAD' (im-pld'f),;v. a. To accuse.; to in- IMPRE-CA-TQ-RY, a. Containing imprecation. IM-:PL.L-A.D1'R,- a. One whoindicts another..1M-PRiEGNA-BLE,- a. Not tobe taken; -unmoved. IM'PLE.-MENT,. An instrument; a:tool;:a yes- IM-PR:ERNA-BLY,ad. In an impregnable manIM-PLETION, n..Act of-filling;,fulness. [sel. ner; inv.incibly. [lific. ]M'PLEX, a. Intricate.;.complicated.;.complex..Ma PREG'NATE,Iv.:a.'To make pregnant or proM'PLS.I-CATM,.v. a. To en.tangle,,infold,,involve. IM-PR;BG-NATTTIQN,Nn. Act -of impregnating. YM-PI;-ICA'TI.OQN,n. Involution.; entanglement: sM-,PRE SCRIPT!I-SLE, a. Not toibe alienated. -:tacitor imnplied inference. IM-,RtSS/, v. a. To stamp, to fixdeep;:to force. JM-PL'.IT,,,a.'Inferred; tacitly:comprised; IMPRESS, n. aA mark.; stamp; figuie; device. founded upon the:authority of another. IM-PRetS-SSI-SIL-T:Y, n. The beingsimpressible. ItM-PLI9'IT-LY, ad. In an implicit manner. SM-PARS!SS-BLE, a. That may be impressed..M-PLt_-!.4T-NE:SS, zn. State of being:implicit. IM-rPRSSSIOQN (im-pres'huan:), n.'A mark made.M-PLOQRE', aV.a. Tosupplicate; to entreat;- to by pressure;,a stamp; effet:-an edition. IM-PL'ORTER, a?. One who implores. [beg. IM-PRS'SIVE,,a. Earnest; making-impression. IM-,PL-fUMED (im1 plumd'), a. Without feathers. M.I-PRESS.SIVE-LY, ad. In an impressive manner. IM-PLFW,:V..a. To involve by implication. IM-PRESSrME NT, n.,4ct of forcing into service.'SI-:Pot1r-oN (im-paiIlzn), v. a. To poison; to cor- IM-PRE5ssttRtE (im-presh'ur),. An irpression. IM-rPOL.I-c,, at.:Imprudence:; indiscretion.[rupt. IM-PR:iEV1A- L:EN-CY, n. Incapability of.prevailTM-PQ-LITE', a. Not polite, rude.; uncivil. SIM-PEtI-MA1TUR, n. [L.] License:to print. [ing. ]M-PQo-LrITENE. SS,.n. W-ant of politeness. IM-PRIMIS,ad. [L.] In the first place. IM-P:L I-T~SC,.a. JImprudent.;,indiscreet.[creetly. IM -PRNTz,. a. To print.:-to fix on the mind. 1M-P6LI'-TiC-LY, ad.,Without forecast,.ndis- i'IPRINT, n. The designation of a place -where ~M-P6N'DER-.A-BLrE, a. That cannot be weighed. and by;wvhom a w o7 is printed. [to confine. M.,N~Ponf'D:.R-ous,0. aVoid of.perceptibleweight. ISM-P.RI N (im-praz zn), v. a. To ishut up,; ]M-PQ-RS'I-TY asn.WVWant of porosity; c;loseness. SM- PR~ILON-MENT, n. Confinement,; duress. 1A-PO6ROj.S, a;:Free from pores,; close:;, solid. IM-PROIRB-A-B1L.I-TY, an. Want ofprobability. IM-PORT',, v.;a. To ibring from abroad, as -mer-.IM-PROBS1AA-BLE, a. Unlikely; hardly credible. chandise.:-to imply; to;signify. [ported. IM-PROBtA-EBLY,.ad. Without probability. iM'SPORT, n. Moment.; meanitg:.'-thling im-.rM-PROB,.I-TY,n. Want of honesty; dishonesty. IM-PORT/,A-,BLE, a. That may be imported. IM-PRO-MPITU, ad. Without previous study. IM-P6R'TANCE,.n.:Consequence-: moment. IM-PROP. ER a. Not proper.; unqualified;:unfit. YM-POR'TANT, a. Momentous; weighty; great. M-PROPTR-LY, ad. Not fitly; notproperly. IM-PiPR'TANT-LY, ad. Weightily; forcibly. IM-PRO/PRI-ATE, v. a. To put into the hands IM-POR-TATTIQ.N, n. The act-of importing. of laymen, as the possessions of the church. IM-rP6;RTE.R,an. One who imports. [pressing..IM-PRO-,P;RR.T-/TION,, t1. Act of impropropriting. IM-P6RETU-NATE, a. Incessant in solicitation; IM —PR'PRPR.I —TOR, n. A layman that has posIM-PORT'It-NAT~E-LY, ad. With importunity sessin of the property of the chtiurch. [priety. or urgent solicita tion. [tion. -PRO-PRIE-TY, n. Unfitness; want of proIM-P6RT'U-NATE-:NESS, an. Incessant solicita- IM-PROV-A-1BL1tI-TY, n. The being improvable. IM-PQR-TUNE',, V. a. To tease.; to solicit ear- IM-PROV/A-BLE, a. Capable of improvement. nestly; to entreat. [pertinacity. M-PR6VEt, Va a To make better:-to increase. ]M-PQR-TfiN.I-TY,.n. Incessant solicitation.; IM-P.R6v5E', v.n. To advance in goodness. * A,i,6,ii.,tlan ag.; X,2 1jA5,0,,, /siort;.A6,IIQ.V.Ylebscrir a FARE PA.P ST.,F LL; SEIS, H IRS IMPROVEM:ENT 151 INCENTIVE JIM -PR6VE.MENT, n. Act of improving; prog- IN-XP-PLI-CXtTION, n. Indolence; negligence. ress from good to better; melioration; amend- N A-PtPO-iTE, a. Not apposite;unsuitable. IM-PROVtER, n. One thatimproves. [ment. IN-.AP-PRE'CI-A-BLE, a. That cannot be apYM-PR6OV'I-DtENCE, la. Want of forethought.:preciated or estimated. [coriprehensible. [YM-PRfOVIt-DENT, a. Wanting forecast;careless. IN-iAP-PRE.-HEN'SI-BLE, a. Not intelligible; iniM-PROV1I-IDEfNT-LY, ad. Without forethoughlt. IN-AP-PRE HENtSIVE, a. Not apprellensive. iM-PRt'DENCE, n.'Want of prudence; rashness. N.-AP-PR O'PtI-ATE, a. Not appropriate; unfit. IM-PRftD.E NT, a. Wanting prudence;'indiscreet. 1NA-XP.T'I-TUDE., e?.. Unfitness;:unsuitableness. ifVI-P RfIDENT-Ly,ad. Without prudence; raslhly. tN ARC Ht, v.a. To graft by approach. IMt'PU-D:iNCE, n. Shamelessness; immodesty. iN~r-.AR-TfC1iU-LATEr, a. Not distinlct; indistinct. Mt'PU-DE NT, a. Shameless.; immodest;:saucy. SN-AR-TIC1U-LATE-L, ad. Not distinctly.[ness.:MIPtU-DkiNT-LY, ad. Witllout modesty; saucily. SN-AR-TiC'U-LATE-NESS, n. Want of distinctIM-PVt-ItD1CQ-T, 7n. Immodesty; shamelesessss. IN-AR-TIC-U-LA1TION, n..'Indistinct utterance.:IM-PUGN n(im-pfn'), v. a. To attack; to oppose. IN-A'R-T.I-FI"C. AL (t.e-fishTl), a. Plain;-artless. IM-PUGNIER (im-puinfer), n. One who impugns.'IN-A.l-MUCHlI, ad.:Seeing; seeing that. [lect.:IM-PFUIS-S-ANCE, n. Impotence; wealkness. IN-:AT-TIrNTION, n. Want of attention; negIMPOJLSE, n. Communicated force; imapression. -Nr A-T T:N/TIVE, a. Heedless; careless. IM-PUL'SION, n. Act of impelling; impulse. IN- AT-T:ENtTIVE LY, ad. Without attention. IM-I-PJLtSIvE, a. Impelling; moving; impellent. SN-.&Ut1DI-BL, a. Tlhat cannot be heard.:'I-PUNI-:TY, n. Exemption from punishment. IN- AUGU-RAL, a. Relating to inauguration. MI-PORE5, a. Not pure; unholy; foul; lewd. IN-AU'GU-RATE, v.a. To consecrate; to indust. IN-PURELY, ad. With impurity.; foully; lewdly. IN-U-GT- RA'TI.ON, O n. tInvestiture by solemn YM-PORE1tNE:SS n.a Want of purity or:sancti- rites; installation. [tion; inaugural. IM-PufRI-TY, I ty; lewdness; filthiness. IN- Ut1-U-RA-TORY, a. Respecting inaugura-.IM-iPURtPLE, v. a. To color as witll purple. IN-AU-RJAIT.ON n. Act of covering with gold. IM-PUJTA-BLE, a. That may be imrputed. IN-A.U-SPIlttCO.s (In-w-spIsh'tus), a. UnfbrtuSM-PiUTA —BLE-NtSS, n. Quality of being im- nate; unfavorable; unlucky. [ill omens. M-PU-TA'TIQN, n. Act of imputing. [putable. IN-:AU-SPitCIOUS-Ly (4-w-splshllUS-), ad. With SIM-PUtTA-TIVrE, a. That may impute. c IN-BE'.IN', a. Inheren-ce; inseparableness. -SM-VPUTjTt, V. a. To charge;:to attribute; to as- INtBO:RN, a. Innate; implanted by nature. Mi-PU-TRiStCS!-BLE, a. Not to be putrefied. -N'tBRtiD, a. Produced within; innate. IN, prep. Noting presenlce in place, timne, or IN-BREEiRD1, P. a. To prodluce; to cherish. state:; within; hot without:-accordintg to. INtCA, it. An ancient Peruvian'ing or prince. IN-A-B'fL'I-TY:, n. Impotence; want of power. IN-C:AEt,I v. a. To coop; to:sihut up.; to confine. IN-AC-CES-S.I-BrLt.I-TY,.. State of being in- IN -CAXLtC-LA-BLE, a. That cainot be calcuaccessible. [unattainable. IN-CA LtESC1ENCE, n. State'ofwarmtl. [lated. IN-AC-C,StSI-BLE a. Not to be approached S IN-CAN-DPStCE NCE, a. A'white,glowing leat. lN-iC-Ct S'sISIBLY, ad. So:as not'to *be ap- IN-CAN DIStCiENT, a. White with heat. proached. [incorreetness.'IN-CAN-TA.'TIQN, It. Acharm; an enchantment. IN-AC'CU-RA-CY, n. Want offaccuracy;:error; SIN C sN/'TA-T.O- RN, a. Enchanting; magical. IN-AC/CU-RATE, a. Not exact; not accurate. IN-CA-PA-BNIL'S-Ty, N-CA'.PA-BLE-NtSS, n.. InIN-XACCV-RATE-LY, ad. Notcorrectly. capacity; inability. [unqualified. IN-KC'TIQN, n. Want of action; idleness. IN-C:APA-BLE, a. Not capable; unable; unfit. IN-IXCTIVE, a. Not active; indolent; sluggish. IN-CA-PA'CIOVS (n-i-ka-pashl.us), a. Narrow. lN-XCtTIVE-LY, ad. Without labor; sluggishly. IN-CA-PAS /-TATE, v. a. To disable; to weaken. IN-AC-TIV.I-TY, n. Idleness; rest;slu'ggishness. IN-CA-PAQ -S-T ATIA N, n.'Disqualification. IN-XD'E-QUA-C. n. Insufficiency; defective- IN-CA-P -I-TY, n. Inability:; want of capacity. IN-XD'E-QUATE, a. Not adequate. [ness. IN-CA:rtCER-ATE, v. a. To:imprison;;to confine. IN-XDBE-QUATE-LY, ad. Defectively; insuffi- IN-CXR-CEEt-XATIQN, n. Imprisonment. [flesh. IN-XD/E,2QUATE -NtSS, t. Inadequacy.:[ciency. IN-C'ARtNNTE, v.a. To clothe or imbody with IN-AD-MIS ssI-BLE, a. Not to be admittedl. IN-CXRNATTE, a. Clothed or iinbodied in flesh. IN -AD-VE:R5E.NCEn. Negligence; inattention. IN-CAR-NA'rTION, n. Act of assuming body or IN-AD-VER'TENT, a. Negligent'; careless. SN-CAX ENA-TI13r, a. Generating Ilesh. [flesh. SN-AD-.It'RTE.NT-LY,'ad. Carelessly; negligent- iN-cXsEt,'v. a. To cover; to enclose. [less. IN-AF1;A1-BL'E, a.'Notaiffable; reserved. [ly. IN-CAUfTIOVS (In-kliw'shus), a. Unwary; heed-' IN-XLtIEN-A-BLE (In-al yen-a-bl), a. That can- IN-CUTU'TIOUS-LY (-klIwwshus-le), ad. Unwarily. not be alienated or granted to another. IN-CENtDI —A-RY, n. One who maliciously sets IN-:XM-i-RX'TA, n. A female in love; mistress. houses or towns'on fire:-a fomenter of strife. IN-.XM-O-Rt'TO, n. A man in love; a lover. IN-CEN'DI-.A-RY, a. Enkindling strife, &c. IN-ANEI, a. Empty; void; useless. INtCENSE, a. Perfume exhaled by fire. [fume. IN-XNtI-MATE, j a. Void of life; lifeless;.IN-CENSEt, v. a. Toenrage; to provoke:-to perIN-XNtI-MAT-ED, dead; inert; extinct.'IN-CLNSETMMENT, n. Rage; heat; fury. [Rare.] IN-A-Ni"tTIQN (In-a-nlsl'fun), n. Emptiness. SIN-CN'SQ.ON, n. Act of kindling; a burning. IN-XN'I-TY, n. Emptiness; void space:-varnity.:IN-CLN'SIVE, a. That incites; inflammatory. IN-P'/PE.-TiNCEn. Want of appetence or ap- INtCErN-SO-RY or IN-CdN'SQ-R.Y, n. A vessel in petite. [purpose; unsuitableness. which incense is burnt and offered; censer. IN-XP-PLI-C.A-BTL.I-TY, n. Unfitness for the IN-CEN'T.IVE, n. An incitement; motive; spur. IN-XPItPLI-C.A-BLE,'a. Not applicable; unfit. IN-CNITIJVE, a. Inciting:; encouraging.. MIEN, SIR; M;CVE, NaR, SN.; i'BOLL, BUnR,'R OL.-Y, q, soft; P, -, hard;: as z; as gz; THle. INCEPTIVE 152 INCONSCIONABLE IN-CtP'tTIVE, a. Beginning; noting beginning. iN-CQOM-IMXNSt.U-R.-BLE (-kgmn-mens'u-ra-bl), IN-C RrtTI-TUDE,n. Uncertainty; doubtfulness. a. Having no comminon measure. IN-CtS'SINT,a. Unceasing; continual; constant. IN-C.Q'I-:NS'U-R.ATE (in-kgm-mens'u-rat), aJN-CS'SANT-LY, ad. Without intermission. Not having a common measure.[discommode. IN'C.S5T, n. Unnatural and criminal conjunction IN-CQM-MiDE/, V. a. To be inconvenient to; to of persons related within degrees prohibited. IN-COM-MSiDF-OfS, a. Inconvenient. IN-CrCSTtU-OiJS (-slst'/yu-s), a. Guilty of incest. IN-CQM-M6tDID-OUS-LY, ad. Inconveniently. IN-CESTtu-OUS-LY, ad. In an incestuous man- iN-CQM-O-I'D.-OUV-N.SS, n. Inconvenience. INCH, n. A measure; twelfth part of a tbot.[ner. sN-co0Q1-ai-NI-c.A-CBL'.I-TY, n. Impossibility IN'tHO-ATE, a. Begun; commenced; entered of being communicated. communicated. IN-0HQ~-AfTI.N, n. Inception; beginning.[upon. 1N-COM-MVijNI-CA-BLE, a. Ihiat cannot be IN-EHO'A-TIVE,a. Inceptive;notingbeginning. YN-CQvM-M'NI-C.A-ELE-NESS, n. aState of not IN'CI-Di;NCE, n. The direction with which one being impartible; incommunicability. body falls upon or strikes another. IN-CoM-MU'NI-CA-BLY, ad. In a manner not INICI-DENT, a. Casual; fortuitous; occasional. to be imparted. [incommutable. IN'CI-Dt NT, n. Event; occurrence; casualty. YN-COM-MUT-T A-BLf.I-T~Y,n. The state of being IN-CI-DTNITAL,a. Casual; happeningby chance. 1N-C.On-A:IUT'A-BLE, a. Not subject to change. IN-CI-DBNT'AL-LY, ad. Inan incidental manner. IN-CO i.-PACT' 5N-COS.-PACTtED, a. Not comIN-CIN'ER-ATE, v. a. To burn to ashes. pact; not dense loose. [less..N-CIN-ER-A'TIQN, n. Act of buniing to ashes. IN-CO6M'PA-RA-BLE, a. Very excellent; matchIN-CIP/I- ENT, a. Beginning; comnmencing. IN-CoM/PA-RA-BLE-NESS, nj. Great excellence. iN-CIYR-CVM-SP.C'TIQN, a. Want of cattion. IN-COMt'PA-RA-BLY, ad. Beyond comparison. IN-CIE/', v. a. To cut; to carve; to engrave.!N-COM-PAS'SION-ATE, a. Void of pity. IN-C I"oIQN (in-slzhun), n. A cut; a gash. IN-CQM-PXS'SIQN-.ATE-LY, ad. Without pity. IN-CI'SIVE, a. Having the quality of cutting. IN-CQM-PXS'SIQN- ATE-NESS, a. WATant of pity. IN-CI1'QP,S n. A cutter; a fore tooth that cuts. IN-CQM-PAT-I-BsL'I-TYV, n. Inconsistency. SN-CItSQ-Ry, a. Having the quality of cutting. IN-CQM-PATSI-BLE, a. Inconsistent with aniN-CtIVlRE (in-slzh'ur), n. A cut; an aperture. iN-COM-PAT'I-BLY, ad. Inconsistently. [other. iN-CI-TBATIQN, 71. Incitemlent; motive; impulse. IN-COM)PE-TENCE, IN-CCOiN1'P-TEN-CY, n. InIN-CITEt, v. a. To stir up; to animate, urge on. ability; incapability. [quate. IN-CITEIlENNT, n. Motive; incentive; impulse. IN-C&OM/pE.-TtNT, a. Not competent or adeSN-CT/E.iR, n. One that incites; an encourager. IN-COMIPE-TENT-LY, ad. Inadequately. IN-CI-VILtI-Ty, n. Want of courtesy; rudeness. IN-CQM-PLETE', a. Not perfect; inot finished. IN-CLEIttEN-CY,n. Rigor; severity; roughness. IN-CQM-PLETEINE.SS, n. Unfinished state. IN-CLEM]tENT, a. Severe; rough; storiiy; harsh. IN-COSM-PLEXt, a. Not complex; simple. IN-CLIN.A-BLE, a. Willing; having a tendency. N- COM-PLI.ANCE,n. Want of compliance. IN-CLI-NAtTIQN, n. Tendency to a point; a IN-CQM-PSO'ITE. a Uncomlpounded; simple. leaning; affection; regard:-disposition. IN-CONM-PRE-HIIN-SI-BILtI-TY, a.- InconceivIN-CLNE:t, v. v. To bend; to lean; to be disposed. ableness; incomprehensibleness. [ceived. IN-CLINEt, v. a. To turn towards; to bend. IN-COSM-TPRE-H-ENtsI-sLE, a. Not to be conIN-CLINE, n. Regular ascent or descent. SN-CCOS-PTRE-HIN/SI-BsLE-NESS, n. InconceivIN-CLINIfER, n. (Dialing.) An inclined dial. ableness; incomlprehensibility. IN-CLOIS'TER, V. a. To shut up in a cloister. SN-COSM-PRE-IINtS I-B LY, ad. Inconceivably. IN-CL6OE', av. a. To surround. See ENCLOSE. IN-COST-PRtESS-I-SBILI-TY, n. The quality of IN-CLO' sR, n. One thlat incloses; encloser. being incompressible. iN-CLO6'tYRE (in-klt'zhur),n. Act of inclosing: IN-CO'I-PRESS'1-BLE, a. Not to be compressed. -space inclosed; enclosure. [prise. IN-CON-CLAL'A-BLE, a. Not to be concealed. IN-CLSDEt, v. a. To inclose; to shut; to com- IN-CON-CEIV.A-BLE, a. Not to be conceived. IN-CLU'tIQN (in-klO'zh.un), n. Act of including. IN-C QN-C IVtA-B L E-NESS, it. The state of be. IN-CLU'SIvE, a. Inclosing; comprehended. ing inconceivable; inconiprehensibleness. IN-CLUJSIVYE-L.Y ad. In an inclusive manner. IN-CON-C:IEIYIA-BLLY, ad. Beyond conception. YN-CQ-XGIU-LA-BLE, a. Incapable of concretion. IN-CON-CLU'SIVE, a. Not conclusive; indeIN-COGf, ad. [Corrupted from incogntito.] In cisive; not convincing. [ness. IN-C6.II-T.AN-CY,n. Want of thought. [private. IN-CQN-CLU'S.IVE-LY, ad. With inconclusiveIN-C6OI.-TANT, a. Inconsiderate; thoughtless. IN-CQN-CLUtSIVE-NiSS, n. Want of rational IN-C6q'I-TI-TVA-TE, a. Wanting thought. force or cogency. [gested. IN-C6G'N.-TO, ad. In a state of concealment. IN-CON-COCT'/D, a. Immature; not fully diIN-CO-HE'RgNCE, n. Want of coherence or IN-CON-COCtTIQN, n. State of being indigested. IN-COQ-HTRE N-CY, connection; incongruity. IN'CQN-DITE 0r jN-CON/DITE, a. Irregular; IN-CQO-IHE'RNT, a. Inconsequential; incon- IN-CQN-F6RM.I-T'Y, n. Non-conformity. [rude. sistent; incongruous. [ner. IN-CQN-qEALIA-BLE, a. Not to be frozen. IN-CQ-Hi'RE. NT-LY, ad. In an incoherent man- IN-CON-GR'tI-TY, n. Unsuitableness. IN-CQM-BUS-TI-SBIL'I-Ty, n. Want of-combus- IN-CON'GRU-OftS (Sn-kingigrsu-is), a. Unsulttibility. [fire; inconsumable. able; not fitting; inconsistent; absurd.. IN-CQM-BIS'TTI-BLE, a. Not to be consumed by IN-CONtGRU-OUS-LY, ad. Improperly; unfitly. IN'COME (nl'tknm), n. Revenue; profit. IN-CQN-NPC'TIQN, n. Want of connection. TN-CQM-Mt.NS-U.t-RA-B. LI~-TY, n. State of be- iN-CONtSCION-A-BLE (In-kon'sllli-.a-bl), a.Void ing incommensurable. of conscience, or of the sense of good and evil.,E,,,5,,, long; ki,A,,,I,6O,l, short; 4,,t,Q,V,y, obscure.-PkARE,FXR, FjiST,F.ALL; HLIR, HER; INCONSEQUENCE 153 INDELICACY YN-CS6N'SE-QUtNCE, n. Want of just inference. TN-CRE-DVILI-TY, n. Indisposition to believe. ~N-CONfSE-QUrNT, a. Not consequent illogical. IN-CRED'I-LOiS (ln-krdd'u-l1s), a. Flard of 1N-C6N-SE-QUEN'TI.AL, a. Not inportant. belief; refusing credit; unbelieving; sceptical. IN-CQN-SiD/ER-A-BLE, a. Unimportant; trivial. IN-CRED1U-LOU.S-N~SS, n. Hardness of belief. IN-CQN-SID/ER-A-BLE-NESS, n. Small account. N1CRE-MENT, n. Increase; matter added. IN-CQN-S1D'ER- ATE, a. Careless; thoughtless. IN-CRE-PAt1TION, n. Reprehension; a chiding. IN -CON-SiD'ER-ATE-LY, ad. Thoughtlessly. IN-CRESfCENT, a. Increasing; growing. IN-CQN-SlDE.R-ATE- NESS n. Thoughtlessness. IN-CRUST', v. a. To cover with a crust or coat. IN-CON-SID-ER-XATION, n. Want of thought. IN-CRUS-TA1TIQN, n. Adherent covering; crust. IN-CQN-SISTE N-C Y,n. Contrariety; incongruity. iN'CU-BATE, v. n. To sit upon eggs; to hatch. IN-CON-SiSfTE.NT,a. Incompatible;incongruous. IN-CU-BA'TIQN, n. Act of sitting upon eggs. IN-CQN-SIStTENT- LY, ad. Absurdly; incongru- INtCU-BUS, n. The nightmare:-fiend; demon. IN-CON-SoL/A-BLE, a. Not consolable. [ously. IN CULtCXTE, v. a. To impress by admonition. IN-CON'SQ-N4NCE, n. Discordance of sounds. iN-CUL-CA'TION, n. The act of inculcating. IN-CQN-SP]C'I-OfJS, a. Not conspicuous. IN-CUL'PA-BLE, a. Unblamable; irreproachable. ]N-C6N'STAN-CY, n. Unsteadiness; mutability. IN-CUmstBEN-CY, n. The keeping of an office. IN-C6N'STANT, a. Not firm; changeable. IN-CiM'ttBENT,a. Lying upon; imposed as duty. IN-C6N/STANT-LY, ad. Unsteadily; changeably. IN-CitM1BENT, n. One who possesses an office. IN-CQN-SUIM'.A-BLE, a. Not to be consumed. IN-CIUMBER, v. a. To embarrass; to encum~N-CQN-T:ST'A-BLE, a. Not to be disputed. ber. See ENCUMBER. YN-CON-TEST'A-BLY, ad. Indisputably. IN-CUR1, v. a. To become liable to; to bring on. IN-CON'TI-NEtN CEI, N-C ONtT!i-NErN-CY, n. Un- IN-CU-RA-BILt'-TY, n. Impossibility of cure. chastity; lewdness. [lascivious. IN-CUtRA-BLE, a. Not to be cured; irremediable. YN-CONfTI-NtiNT,a. Lewd; licentious; uinchaste; IN-C'RA-BLE-Nt SS an. State of being incurable. IN-C6N'TI-N:NT-LY-,ad. Unchastely; lewdly. IN-CURA-BLY, ad. Without remedy; hopelessly. IN-CQN-TRoLtLA-BLE, a. Not to be controlled. IN -CUtRI.-o 0S, a. Negligent; inattentive. IN-CQN-TROLILA-BLY, ad. Without control. IN-CUR'SION, n. An invasion; inroad; ravage. IN-CoN-TRQ-VE~RTtI-BLE, a. Indisputable. IN-CUR'VATE, v. a. To bend; to crook. IN-CoN-TRQ-ViRT.I-BLY, ad. Indisputably. IfN-CUR-VA1TIQN, n. Act of bending; curvity. IIN-CQN-VENIIENCEY, na. Unfitness; disad- IN- CURVE, v. a. To bow; to bend, incurvate. JIN-CQN-VEN1IEN-CY, _ vantage; annoyance. IN-CUR'VI-TY, n. Crookedness; a bending inIJiN-CQN-VEPN'I.NT or IN-CQN-VEN.I-ENT, a. IN-DXRT, v. a. To dart or throw in. [ward. Incommodious; disadvantageous; annoying. IN-DEBT1ED (in-dttfed), p. a. Being in debt. 1IN-CON-VEN'IENT-LY, ad. Incommodiously. IN-DEBTtMENT (in-dttrment), n. State of be1N-CQN-ViRS'A-BLE, a. Unsocial; stiff; formal.'ing in debt; indebtedness. [decorum. IN-CQN-ViRT/I-BLE, a. Incapable of change. YN-DEfCEN-CY, n. Any thing unbecoming; inIN-CQN-VIN'C.-BLE, a. Not to be convinced. IN-DECENT, a. Unbecoming; unseenily; imIN-CORIPO-RAL, a. Incorporeal; immaterial. tN-DECE.NT-LY, ad. Without decency.[modest. IN-COR'PO-R.L-LY, ad; Without matter. IN-DE-CiD'VU-OS, a. Not falling yearly, as IN-COR'PQ-RATE, V.a. To form into a bodyor leaves of trees; evergreen. [inconstancy. corporation; to unite; to associate; to embody. IN-DE-C-1*ION (in-de-sizh'un), n. Irresolution; IN-C6R'PO-ATE, a. n. To unite or coalesce. iN-DE]-CIISIVE, a. Not determining; inconcluJN-COR-PQ-RA'TIQN, n. Act of incorporating. sive. [tions. IN-CQR-P&'RE-AL, a. Immaterial; unbodied. IN-DE-CLINtA-BLE, a. Not varied by terminaIN-CQR-PO6RE.-AL-LY, ad. Without body. IN -DE-CLINtA-BLY, ad. Without variation. TN-COR-PO-R}'/-TY, n. Distinctness from body. JJ1N-DE-C6COROUS or IN-DtC'Q-ROiS, a. IndeIN-CQR-RECT', a. Not correct; inaccurate. cent; unbeconing; shameless; disreputable. IN-CQR-R:CTtLY, ad. Inaccurately; not exactly. ItIN-DE-C'ROUS-LY, ad. In an indecorous ~N-CQR-RP.CT'N1SS, n. Inaccuracy; error. manner; indecently. [duct. IN-COR'R1I-tI-BLE,a. That cannot be corrected. JIN-DE- COROUS-NERSS, n. Impropriety of conIN-C6OR'R!-I —BLE:-NESS, n. Hopeless depravity. IN-DE.-CO1RVM, n. Indecency; a thing unbeIN-C6OR'RI-I-BLy, ad. Beyond amendment. coming; indecorousness. [truly. IN-CQR-RPPT', a. Not corrupt; pure; good. IN-DEED', ad. In reality; in truth; in verity; 1N-CQR-RriPT-I-sBL'I-Ty, n. Insusceptibility IN-DE-FAXTI-GA-BLE, a. Unwearied; untired. IN-CQR-RtPT.I-BLE'-NhSS, 5 of corruption. IN-DE -FXTtI-GA-BLE-NP:SS, at. Unweariness. IN-CQR-RVPT'I-BLE, a. Incapable of corruption. IN-DE-FXTt.I-G4-BLy, ad. Without weariness. IN-CQR-RJPtTION,n.Exemiption from corruption IN-DE-FEA'tI-B LE, a. That cannot be defeated. iN-CoQ-RROPT'NE.SS, n. Integrity; incorruption. 1N-DE-FrCT-i-BLtIf-TY, n. Exemption from deIN-CRXS'SATE, v. a. To -thicken; to make thick. IN-D:E-FrCT'I-BLE, a. Not liable to decay.[cay. IN-CRAS-SA.TION, a. The act of thickening. iN-D1.-Fr N'SI-n LE, a. That cannot be defended. IN-CREASE' (in-krst'), v. n. To grow, advance. IN-DE-FIN'A-BLE, a. Not to be defined. JN-CREASE1,'V. a. To make more; to augmnent. IN-DRF'I-NITE,,a. Not determined; not limited. IN'CREASE or IN-CRERASE', n. Augmentation. IN-DFtI-NITE-LY, ad. To a degree indefinite. INICRE-ATE, IN-CREJ-3T'ED, a. Not created. IN-DtF'I-NITE-NtiSS, n. The state of being in[N-CR D-i-BILtI-TY, a n. Quality of being in- IN-DE-LIB'.R-ATE,a.Unpremeditated.[definite. ]N-CR3D'I-BLE-NE'SS, i credible. [credited. IN-DLtI- BLE, a. Not to be effaced; ineffaceIN-CRtD'I-BLE, a. Surpassing belief; not to be IN-DiL'I-BLY, ad. So as not to be effaced.fable. IN-CRhD'r-BLY, ad. In an incredible manner. IN-DEL'I-CA-CY, n. Want of delicacy or decency. MIEN, SIR; M6VE, NOR, SON; BOLL, SiUR;, RILE.-y, q, soft; *1, r, hard; e as z;: as gz; THIS. INDELICATE 154 INDUBITABlUE [N-DL'.-CATE, a. Wanting delicacy; indecent. IN-DI-Rt CTtLY, ad. Not directly; lnfairly. TN-DEM-NI-FI-CXAt'TIQN, n. Reimbursement of IN-DI-RHECT1NESS,n.:Obliquity; un:fairness. IN-DtMt.NI-FY, v.a. To exempt from loss. [loss. IN -D-I CERNt IBLE (in-diz-zr'ne-'bl),:a. -Not [N-DIM'NI-TY, n. Security; exemption from loss. perceptible; not discoverable. [parts. XN-DE-MON'STRA-BLE, a. That cannot be de- IN-DTIS-CERP TI-BLE, a. Notto beseparated into monstrated. [to naturalize. IN-DISSCI-PLIN,-A-LE, a. Incapable of disciTN-DEN'I-ZEN (-dente-zn), v. a. To make free; pline;:undisciplinable. [covered..IN-DbNT, v. a. To notch:-to bind by contract. iN-DIS-CO V1ER-A-BLE, a. That cannot be disIN-DENTt, n. An incision; indentation; stamp. IN-DIS-CREETt, a. Imprudent;:incautious unIN-DEN-DEr-TATIQN, a. Act of indenting; a notch. IN-DIS-CREET/LY, ad. Without prudence. [wise. IN-DENTtIVRE (jin-dnt'yur), n. A covenant,; a IN-DIS-CRETE, a. Not discrete or separated. writing containing a contract or conveyance. IN-DIS-CRE1tTION (-kresh'un), n. tmpFudence. IN-D.-P.N'NtDE..NCx,, n. Freedom; exemption YN-DIs-CRIt.I-NA.T:E, a. Proimiscuous:; onfilsed. from control or reliance. [respective. IN-DIS-C-RIMtrI-NATE-LY, ad. Without discrimIN-DE-PVNtDENT,,a. Not dependent; free.; ir- ination or distinction;:[nation. IN-DE-:PEN1DENT-LY, ad. Without dependence. YN-DIS-CRIM —I-NA/1TION,?t. Want of dlscrimniIN-DE:,P'RE.-CA-BLE, a. That cannot be entreated. YN-DIS-PE N'SA-BL E, a. Not to be dispensed with. IN-DE-SCRIB'A-BLE, a. That cannot be de- IN-DIS-PE. NtS'-BLY, ad. Necessarily. scribed or defined. [ill-desert. IN-DIS-P~E1', v. a. To make unfit; to:disinrline. IN-DE-_iERVT (in-de-zert't) n. Want of merit; IN-DIS-PO:EDf (in-dis-pazd'), p. a. Disinclined; IN-DE-STRUiCT/I-BR'3. a. Not to be destroyed. averse:-disordered; unwell; ill.:[ness. ~N-D-:-TERtMIk-NA-BLE, a. Not determinable; IN-DIS-Pol'ED-NSS, n. Indisposition; uunfit~not to be:defined or fixed. IN-)IS-PO-S'tTION (in-dis-po-zlshtuln), n. Dis-'N-Di.-TitRMI-NATE, a. Not defined; indefinite. orderof health; slight disease:-disinclination. IN-D].-TER'MI-NAT.E-LY, ad. Indefinitely. IN-DIs'PUv-TA-BLE., a. Not to be disputed. YN-Di:-TRIMI-INATE;-NIESS, n. Indefiniteness. N-DIDSt'PVy-TA-BL-E-NESS,n. Certainty; evidence. lN-DE.-TjEfR- MI-NA/TI.NO, us. Want of determi- YN-DISrPJ-TA-BLY, ad. Without controversy. nation or of fixed direction. YN-DI-SSO -LU -BIL.I -TY, s. Firmnless; stableness. IN-,DE-VrOTION n. Want of devotion; irreligion. YN-DYS'SO-LU-BL EE,. Firm; stable; -binding.TN-DE-VO5Ti, a. Not devout; irreligious. forever,;:nseparable; indestructible. INfDiEX, n.; pl. IN'DI-CES or IN~Di:X-E...A ItN-DIS';SO-LU-BLE-NESS., 1. Indlssolubilify. pointer out:-a ha~nd tliat points: —table of IN-DISSO-LV-BLY, ad. In a manner inot to be contents:-exponent in mathematics. brokenl inseparably.;[solved. YN-DEX-TER/I-TY, n. Want of dexterity. TN-DIS-~SLVfA-BLE, a. That cannot be dis-:NIDI'AN (ind'yan or intdi-an), a. Relating to IN-DIS-TINCTi, a. Not plainly marked; confused. India or to the Indians. [cating. IN-DIS-TINC'TION, n. Confusion:; uncertainty., N'/DI-CXNT. a. Showing; pointing out; indi- IN-DIS-TINCTtLY, ad. Confusedly; uncertainly. iN'D;-CATE,.a. To show; to point'out. ID-IDS-TiNCT'tN1SS, n.:Confusion; uncertainty. IN-DI-CAX'TION,n. Mark; sign; note; symptom. IN-DIS-TIN/'GU. s-4A-BLE,a. Not plainly marked. IN-DICIA-TIVE, a. Showing; pointing out. IN-DITE', v. a. To compose:; to write:-to dicIN-DIC'A-TIVE-LY, ad. In;such a manner as tate or direct. [one. indicates. [of the fore-arm. IIN-DI-VIDltVAL (In-de-vld'yu-.l), a. Single; INtDI-CA-TOR, n. One that shiows:-a muscle jIN-DI-VID'U-AL, n. A single person or being. IN-DICTI (in-dit'), v. a. To im:peach;.to accuse.!IINN-DI-VID'i-AL-LSJ Mi n. State of being indiIN-DICT'A-BLE (in-ditt'abl), a. Liable to be in- vidual; individuality: —selfishness. dicted, or to be presented by a grand jury. JIIN-D'I-~VD-tU-XL'I-TY, n. Distinct existence. IN-DiCT'rR (in-dit'er), n. One who indicts. IIIN-DTI-VYID'-AL-IZ'E, V. a. To distinguish; to IN-DYCITIQN, n. Declaration: —cycle of 15 years. separate; to consider individually; [ence. IN-DICTVtMENT (in-dit'ment), n. An accusation. [IN-DI-VID1V-AL-LY, ad. With distinct existYN-DYt*FER-g:NCE,n. Neutrality; apathy. IIN -DI-VID'tV-TTE.. a. To distingulsihor rmake IN-DIFiFr-R-rNT, a. Neutral; unconcerned; in- single; to indivldualize. [gle. attentive; regardless; impartial.-passable. IlYN-DI-v D-U-X ATIQN, n. The act of maling sinIN-DIPF'ER-ENT-LY, ad. Impartially; passably. SN-DI-V1-I-BIL-'TY, it. The state or quality YN'P.-q2ENCE, n. Want; penury: poverty. IN-IDI-VI'I-BLE NESS of being indivisible. lN-D)i9E-NovtS, a. Native; born in a country. IN-)i-VYO!I-EBLE, a. That cannot be divided. IN'DI-:QENT, a. Poor; needy; necessitous. -N-D-vII-Vs-BLY, ad. So as not to be divided. IN-DIJ-gST!' D, a. Notdigested; not concocted; aN-D'qSI-aLrE,a. Unteachable:; not docible. IN-Di-hSkS'TI.-BLE, a. Not digestible. [crude. iN-D6~'InLE, a. Unteachable; not docile. IN-DI-.SiiTiQON (In-de-jtst'yun), n. Want of IN-DO-CIL-TY, n. Unteachableness; dulness. digestive power; dyspepsia. [dain. IN-DOC'TR.IN-ATE, V. a. To Instruct in prinIN-DIG'NANT, a. Inflamed with anger and dis- ciples; to teach; to educate. [ples. IN-DIl/NANT-LY, ad. Witlh indignation. [tempt. IN-D6C-TR1-NA.tTION, na. Instruction in princiiN-DIG-NATI.QN, n. Anger mixed with con- IN'DQ-LENCE, 71. Laziness; idleness. IN-DiGI-rNI-TY, un. Contumely; contemptuous in- IN'DO-LENT, a. Careless; lazy; idle; listless. iNrtD.IG6, n.' A drug used in dyeing blue. [jury. IN'DQ-L_:NT-LY, ad. Carelessly; lazily; listlessly. INtDINE, n. A substance from indigo. IN-DttSE/, v.a. To write upon; to endorse. IN-D. —Ri:CT', a. Not direct; improper; not fair. iNDtBI-I TA-BLE, a. Undoubted; unquestionIN-DI-RiECtTIQN, n. Oblique course or means. able; indisputable. 1i,],5,, lobag; X,i,~,i,6,t~, short; 4,,IQ,V,~y1 obscure.-rkXE,FXRR,riST,FLL; HItIR, HtR; INDUBITABLENESS 155 INFECT IN-Det1.I-TTA-BLE -Niss,sn.Thebeingindu bitabie. IN;-E.-XCT' (-egz-), a. Not exact; incorrect. IN-DU1BI-TA-BLY, ad. Undoubtedly; certainly. IN-EX-CiTtA-BLE, a. Not excitable; passionless. IN-DUCEt, v. a. To influence, persuade, produce. IN-EX-CiJU'A-BLE, a. Not to be excused or palIN- DUCE'I11MENT, n. Motive, that which induces. liated; not excusable. [excuse.'IN-DfUCE R, n. One who induces; a persuader. IN-EX-Cjt-.A-BLE-NESS, n. Enormity beyond IN-DiJCTt, v. a. To introduce; to bring in. IN-EX-CUJ.A-BLY, ad. To a degree beyond exIN-DtjCtTIQN, n. Entrance:-inference or con- IN-.EX-E-CUrTIQoN, a. Non-performance. [cuse. clusion drawn from a number of facts. [tion. INIEx-HALA-sLE, a. That cannot be exhaled I-N-DOctTfIVE, a. Leading; proceeding by induc- or evaporated. [emptied. iN D0CtTiVE-LY:, ad.'By induction; by infer- IN-EX-AUSTtED, a. Unemptied; not to be IN-DiCT'iR, n. The person who inducts. [ence. IN-XX-HIAUSTTI-BLE, a. Not to be exhausted or IN —DUE' (in-dit), v. a. To invest; to clothe. spent; unfailing; exhaustless. [isting. IN-DUEt'MENT T(in-d u'ment), a. InvestmTent, IN-E.-IST ENT, a. Not having being; not exIN-DUDLq'E', V. a. To encourage by compliance;;IN-XX-Q-R.A-BILtI-TY,,?. The being inexorable. to humor; to gratify; to cherish; to favor. INN- EXO-RA-BLE, a. Not to be moved by entreaty.;IN-ijL EF, a. a7. To give indulgence. IN-tXtO-RA-BLY, ad. In an inexorable manner. iN-DUTL% r.NCE, a. Fondness; kindness; for- IN-rEX-VPEDI -jNCE, an. Want of fitness, probearance; favor; compliance; gratification. IN E.X-2PEDI-:9EN-CY, priety, or expedience. IN-DVtL'/E NT, a. Kind; gentle; mild*; favorable. IN-EX-PEt DI- ENT, a. Not expedient; unsuitable. IN-DrJL'tlNT-LY, ad. Without severity; mildly. IN-EX-PEI-2NCE, n. Want of experience. INIDV)-RATE, v. n. & a. To grow or make hard. IN-. X-PE1Ri-. ENCED O(ln-eks-petre-6nst), a. Not 3IN-DU-RA.TIQN, a. Act of hardening; obduracy. experienced * not having experience. [ward. I[N-DrJS'TRI-OfUS, a. Practising industry; dili N- IX-EPERTT, a. Unskilful; unskilled; awkgent; laborious; assiduous. [uously. IN- EX'PI-A-aBLE, a. Admitting no satisfaction. IN-DiJS'TRI-OtSS-LY, ad. Laboriously; assid- -N iN.XPI-A-BLY, ad. In an inexpiable manner. N'IDVS-TRY, n. -Habitual diligence; assiduity. IN- X'PLI.-CA-iBLE, a. Incapable of being exIN1DWhELLING, a. Dwelling within; internal. plained; unaccountable. [plicable. IN-E'BR-XiATE:, a. a. & n. To make drunk. IN-EXrPLI-CA-BLE-NESS, n. The being inexiN-E -BRI -A'TI ON, n. Drunkenness; i ntoxication. IN-E X'P.PLI-CA-B-BLY,ad. So as not to be explained. IN- DITI-ED, a. Ntt published; not edited. IN- xX-PLORiA-BLE, a. That cannot be explored. IN-:EFrFAIILE, a. Unspeakable; unutterable. IN-EX-PRESStI-'BLE, a. Not to be told; unspeakIN-IF RFA-BLY, ad. In an ineffable manner. able, unutterable. [ably. IN- _F-FitC'TIVE. a. Produfdng no effect; in- IN-EX-PRESSfI-BLY, ad. Unutterably; unspeak-,effectual; not effective. [fectual; weak. IN-EX-PfGNNA~-BLE, a. Not to be taken by asIN-EFN- FECTtU.-AL (nm-ef-f6kt'yud)1), a. Not ef- sault; impregnable; unconquerable. IN-EF-FE:CT't-AL-LY, ad. Without effect. XN-EX-TINtGUISH-A-BLE, a. Unquenchable.:iN-sF-FI-CTC I6'otS (in-Df-fe-katsht.is),a. Unable IN-iX'TRI-CAA- BLE, a. Not to be disentangled. to produce effects; weak; inefficient. [fect, IN-'EXTTRI-CA-B LE-NSS, n. The state of being iN- IF/FI-CA-CY, n. Want of power; want of ef- inextricable. IN-EF-FriCTtIE.N-CY (in-ef-fishten-se), it. Want.IN-EYE' (init'), v. a. To inoculate, as a plant. of efficiency; weakness. iN-FAL-LI-BIL'I-TY, n. State of being infal]N-sEF-Fit~CIENT (in-ef-fishtent), a. Ineffective. IN-FXL'LI- BLENEss, lible; inerrability; IN-t LLt-GANCE,a n. Want of'elegance or beauty. exemption from error or failure. IN-tL'E-GANT, a. Not elegant; not beautiful. IN-FiL'LI-BLE, a. Not fallible; certain; sure. IN-R:LE-GANT-LY, ad. Not beautifully; coarsely. IN-FAXLLI-BLY, ad. Without failure; certainly. IN-gRL-.I-SI.it~TI-TY, an. The being ineligible. IN'FA-MOiS, a. Notoriously bad; shameless. YN-L'/I;-'T-BLE, a. Incapable of being elected. IN'FA-MOrJS-LY, ad. With infamy; shamefully. IN-4ItL- O-QU'E.: NT, a. Not persuasive; not ora- N'FA-MOVS-NESS, n. Infamy; shamefulness. torical; not eloquent. INtFA-M~, n. Public reproach or disgrace. IN-iPT', a. Trifling; foolish; useless; unapt. INtFAN-CY, n. The first part of life:-beginning. IN-E-QUAL'r-TY (In-e-kwvl'e-te), n. Difference INrFANT, al. A babe; a child under7 years of age. of quantity, degree, or quality; unevenness. iN'FANT, a. Pertaining to infancy; young. N-rEQ/UI-TA-BLE,i, a. Not equitable; unjust. IN-FXN'TA, n. In Spain and Portugal, the title IN-_R-RA-BIL'IJ-TY, n.. Exemption from error. of a princess of the royal blood. IN-,R'RA-BLSE, a. Exempt from error; unerring. IN-FXN'TE, n. In Spain and Portugal, the title IN-ERTt; a. Inactive; sluggish. [want of action. given to all the king's sons, except the eldest, IN-ERr'TI-A(jin-Brshe-:), n. [L.] Inactivity; or heir apparent. [infants. IN-kiRT'LY, ad. Inactively.; sluggishly; dully. JN-FXNtTI-CIDE, n. Tle murder, or a slayer, of IN-ERT'tNis S, a. Want of motion or activity., INtFAN-TILE, a. Relating to infants; childish. TN-sf'tTI-MiA-BL:,E, a. Above all price; too val- IN'FAN-TINE, a. Childish; young; infantile. uable to be estimated; invaluable.. INtFAN-TRY, n. The foot soldiers of an army. IN-SB'TI'-MA-3BLY, ad. So as not to be estimated. IN-rAT/'I-ATE (in-f.tt'yu-at), v. a. To strike with IN-R~V-.I-T4A-B-LI-TY, n. State-of being inevita- folly; to deprive of understanding; to besot. ble; impossibility of avoiding. [caped. IN-FXT-U-A'TION. n. A deprivation of reason..IN-EV'I-TA-BLE, a. Unavoidable; not to be es- IN-F:EA'tI-BL (in-felze-bl), a. Not to be done. IN-Rv'TI-TA-BLE-NRSS, n. Quality of being in- IN-FEA-~I-BIL'I-TY, n. State of being infeaevitable, certainty; inevitability. [cape. IN-F:AIJ-ILE-NESS, sible; impracticability. IN-4RVtI-TA-BLY, ad. Without possibility of es- IN-FRCT'I,. a. To taint; to corrupt; to pollute. MiEN, SYR; M6VE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BtR, RtLEE. —f, 9., soft; E, X,'hard; j as z; F as gz; THIS. INFECTION 156 INGIRESSION IN-FPC'TIQN, n. Contagion; taint; poison. IN-FLQ-RSt'CECE E, n. Mode of flowering in IN- ECITIOVS (in-fek'shus), a. Contagious. [ly. plants. [power. iN-FC'TIOU.S-L y (-frekshus-le),ad. Contagious- INtFLUV-ENCE, n. An impulsive or directing jN-FtC1TIOUS-NstSS, n. Quality of being in- IN'FLV-.NCE, v. a. To act upon, bias, modify. fectious, or of communicating disease. [gion. IN-FLU-. NTIAL, a. Exerting influence or pow-!N-FrCITIXVE, a. Having the quality of conta- IN-FLUJ-EN'TIAL-Ly, ad. With influence. [er. IN-FrC'IUND, a. Unfruitful; infertile; sterile. IN-FLIU-NtZA,n. As epidemic formof catarrh. IN-FE-CUND'I-TY, n. Want of fecundity. iN'FLt3X, n. Act of flowing in; infusion; power. IN-FE-Li'/I-TY, n. Unhappiness; misery. [sions. IN-F6LD', v. a. To involve; to inwarp, enclose. IN-FER', V. a. To deduce; to draw, as conclu- IN-FORIM, v. a. To instruct; to acquaint; to tell. IN-FERI'A-BLE, IN-FER'RI-BLE, a. Deducible. iN-FiORIMAL, a. Not in the usual form; irregular. INtFER-ENCE, n. A conclusion drawn from IN-FQR-M0VXL'I-TY, n. Want of regular form. premises; a deduction; a corollary. [value. lFOR'IMAL-LY, ad. Without attention to form. IN-F'RI-IOR a. Lower in place, station, or IN-F'tRMtANT, n. One who informs or accuses. IN-FE1tR-.OR, n. One lower in rank or station. IN-FOR-XAlTIoN,an. Intelligence; notice given. IN-FE-RI-6ORI-TY, n. A lower state or quality. IN-FORM't., n. One who informs or accuses. IN-FER1NAL, a. Hellish; Tartarean; detestable. IN-FOR'MIr-DA-BL:E, a. Not to be dreaded or iN-FERITILE, a. Unfruitful; no-t productive. IN —FORIIOUs, a. Shapeless; irregular. [feared. IN-FER-TIL.I-TY, n. Unfruitfulness; want of IN-FRXCTt, v.a. Tobreak; toviolate, infringe. fertility; unproductiveness; sterility. IN-FRAC!TION,n. The act of breaking; violation. IN-FE ST', v. a. To harass; to disturb; to plague. IN-FRXCT'OR, n. One wolio infracts;a violator. IN-FES-TAtTION, si. Molestation; annoyance. IN-FRXN'II-BLE, a. Not to bebroken or violated. IN-FES'TERED (in-fes'terd), a. Rankling. IN-FRE'QUIN-CY,n. Uncommonness; rareness. IN-FES-TIV'I-TY, n. Want of cheerfulness. IN-FREtQUENT, a. Rare; uncommon; unusual. NN-FE:U-DA'TI.N (in-fu-dashun), n. The act of IN-FRINqE (in-frlnj'), a. a. To violate; to break. putting one in possession of a fee or estate. IN-FRINfE'MENT, n. A'breach; a violation. IN'FI-DitL, n. A disbeliever of Christianity. IN-FRtINrIER, n. A breakes; a violator. INtFI-DiL, a. Unbelieving; wanting belief. iN-FRI-ATE, a. Enraged; raging; furious. IN-FI-DiLtI-TY, n. Disbelief of Christianity; IN-FUtRI-ATE, v. a. To render furious or insane. want of fidelity; perfidy. IN-FfJS'C'XTE, v. a. To darken; to'obscure. IN-FIL'TRXATE, v. n. To enter by the pores. iN-FUS-CA'TIQN, n. The act of darkening. IN'FI-NITEr, a. Boundless; unlimited; immense. IN-FU tE5, v. a. To pour in; to instil; to inspire. IN'F:I-NITE-LY, ad. Without limits; immensely. IN-Fu-UI-BIL'I-T., a. The being infusible _INtFI-NITE-NESS, 1. Immensity; infinity. IN-F5 ~I-BLE, a.SThat may be infused:-notfuIN-FIN-I-TtStI-MMAL, a. SO small as to be less sible; that cannot be melted. than any assignable quantity. [ited. IN-FUt~ION (in-fiifzhun), n. The act of infusing; IN-FIN'I-TIVE, a. (Gram.) Undefined; not lim- instillation; liquor made by infusion. [vest. IN-FIN'I-TUDE, n. Infinity; immensity. IN-GXTHIE. R-ING, n. Act of getting in the harIN-FINtI-TY, n. Immensity; endless number. [N- -SELA-BLE, a. That cannot be congealed. iN-FYRM/i, a. Not firm; weak; feeble; irresolute. IN-GEM1I-IN ATE, v.a. To double; to repeat. [in. IN-FIRM'A-RY, n. A residence for the sick. INUE NE'ER-ATEX v. a. To beget; to produce wlthIN-FIRMtI-TY, n. Weakness; failing; fault; dis- IN-qiNtER-ATE, a. Inborn; innate; inherent. ]N-FYRMtNI~.ss, n. Weakness; feebleness. [ease. IIIN-QE:NIIOVS or IN-GEtNI-OttS, a. Skilful; inIN-FIX', v. a. To drive in; to set; to fasten. ventive; possessed of ingenuity or genius. IN-FLAME',v.a. To set on fire, provoke, irritate. IIIN -EQN'IOUS-LY, ad. With ingenuity; with IN-FLAME, v. n. To grow hot, angry, or painful. skill; cleverly; skilfully. 4N-FLAAtER, n. He who or that which inflames. jI[N- ENfIO.S-N:ESS, n. Ingenuity; wittiness. JN-FLAM-Mi.A-BIL'I-TY, n. Quality of being in- IN-ETN'ITE or IN'QEN-ITE, a. Innate inborn. flamrable; inflammableness. IN-QE-NU1I-TY, n. Power of invention; genius. IN-FLXMI1tMA-BLVE, a. Easy tobe set on fire. fire. IN-QAN'U-OrS (in-jen'yg-us), a. Open; frank; IN-FLXMrMAk-BLE-NtESS, a. Quality of catching fair; candid; generous; noble:-freeborn. [ly. IN-FLAMI-MAiTION, n. State ofbeingin a flame: IN-qtEN.U-OtS- L, ad. Openly; fairly; candid- a swelling and redness attended by heat. IN-qNr U-OUtS- NESS, n. Frankness; candor. IN-FLXtlM'IA-TIVE, a. That inflames. IN-fESTI, v. a. To throw into the stomach. IN-FLXtMMA-TQ-RY, a. Tending to inflame. IN- St/TIQN (in-jesttyun), n. Act of ingesting. IN-FLXTEI, a. a. To swell with wind; to puff up. IN-GLO.RI-O S, a. Dishonorable; ignominious. IN-FLXATIQN, n. Act of inflating; flatulence. IN-GL~ORI-O[tS-LY, ad. With ignominy; meanly. IN-FLECT', v. a. To bend, turn:-to vary a noun, INfGOT, n. A mass or bar of gold, silver, &c. IN-FLrECTION, n. Act of inflecting. [&c. IN-GRXFT', v. a. To plant, as the sprig or scion IN-FL:EC'TIVE, a. Having the power of bending. of one tree in the stock of another; to fix deep. IN-FL:EX-I-BILT.I-TY, N-FL.EXtI-BLE-NitSS, a. IN-GRAFTtMENT, na. Act of ingrafting a scion. Quality of being inflexible; stiffness.'IN-GRA TE', or IN-GRATE'FCL, a. Ungrateful. IN-FLtX/I-BLE, a.' Not to be bent; stiff; firm. IN-GRXATI-ATE (in-gratshe-at), v. a. To put in IN-FLtX'I-BLY, ad. With firmness; invariably. favor; to recommend to kindness. IN-FLICT', v. a. To lay on; to apply; to impose. IN-GRXT'I-TUDE, n. Want of a sense of favors. IN-FLICTfE.R, n. One who inflicts or punishes. IN-GREtDt-ENT, n. A part of any compound. IN-FLYC'TIQN, n. Act of inflicting; punishment. iN'GRtSS,?a. Entrance or power of entrance. IN-FLICITIVE, a. Tending to inflict; imposing. IN-GRItS'SIQN (-gr!sh'un),n. Entrance. A,g,,0, ltong; a,tE,,5,t,C, short; A,1,I;,9, y, obscure. —FlRE,FAR,FAiT,FALL; HitIR,HtR; INGUINAL 157 INQUEST IN'GUI-N4L (Tnhg'gw-nal), a. Belonging to, or INK (Ingk), v. a. To black or daub with ink. situated in, tile groin. INKI'HORN, 1. A vessel for ink,; an inkstand, IN-GOiLFf, v. a. To swallow up, as in a gulf; INK'I-NtSS, n. The quality of being inky. to cast into a gulf. [ingulf. iNILE, n. A sort of broad linemo tape. [sire. IN-GURI I-TATE, v. a. To swallow down; to NKI'LING, n. Hint; whisper; intimation:-de1N-GUR-qjI-TA1TION, n. An intemperate swal- INKISTXND, n. A vessel for holding ink. lowing. [apt; unqualified INKfY, a. Consisting of ink: —black as ink. IN-HAB'ILE, or IN-HA-BILE1, a. Unskilful; un- IN-LACE', v. a. To embellish, as with lace. IN-HAIXBIT, v. a. & n. To dwell or reside in; to ~NILAND, a. Interior; renlote from the sea occupy; to hold; to live; to abide.!N/LXND, n. Interior or midland parts. IN-IAB'IT-A-BLE, a. That may be inhabited. IN-LAY' (in-la'), v. a. [imp. t. & pp. inlaid.] To IN-H-IAB'1T-4NCE, IN-HXB'IT-4N-CY, n. Resi- diversify by insertion; to variegate. dence: habitance. INIL AY, n. Matter inlaid; matter cut to be inlaid. IN-IAXB/IT-ANT, n. One who resides in a place. iNfLtT, n. Passage; place of ingress; entrance. IN-HNKB-I-TAtTION, n. Abode; act of inhabiting. IN-LIST/, v. a. To enroll. See ENLIST. [other. IN-HXBtIT-ER, n. One who inhabits; a dweller. iN'IMATE, n. One who dwells jointly with anIN-HALE', v. a. To draw in with air; to inspire. INMOST, a. Deepest within; most interior. IN-HARI-MOINt-OUS, a. Unmusical; discordant. INN, n. A house of entertainment for travellers. IN-HERE', v. n. To exist in something else. IN-NATE1t a. Inborn; ingenerate; natural. IN-HEtRENCE, n. Inseparable existence in IN-NATEtLY, ad. Ingenerately; naturally. IN-H IE.tRN-Cv, $ sonlething else; inhesion. IN-NATE'NrSS, n. The quality of being innate. IN-HE'RENT, a. Existing in sornething:-innate. IN-NXVl-GA4 e-BLE, a. Not to be passed by sailing. IN-HI~tRENT-LY, ad. In an inherent manner. iN'NER, a. Interior; not outward; internal. IN-HER/IT,. a. To receive by inheritance. IN'NIR-lIOST, a. Inmost; deepest within. [er. IN-HER'IT-A-BLE, a. That may be inherited. INN1HOLD-E R, n. A keeper of an inn; inn-keepIN-HEiR/IT-A-BLY, ad. By inheritance. [session. INN'ING, n. The irngathering of corn or grain. IN-1HttRIT- ANCEn. Patrimony; hereditary pos- INNtING-, n. p1. Lands recovered from the sea. 1N-HER'IT-QR, n. An heir; one who inherits. INN'Ki:EP-ER, n. One who keeps an inn. [ness. IN-HER!ITr-RSS, IN HERIIR'-TRIX, n. An heiress. NtNOQ-CENCE, n. Purity; integrity; harmlessIN-H1/~'ION (in-he'zhun), n. Inherence. 1NtNOQ-cENT, a. Pure; without guilt; harmless. IN-IIIB'IT, v. a. To hinder, repress, prohibit. INtNQ-C:NT-LY, ad. Without guilt or harm. IN-HI.-BI'1TION (in-hlle-bll'un), n. Prohibition. IN-NOCtV-OfS, a. Harmless; safe; innoxious. IN-HOSIPI-TA-BLE, a. No.t hospitable; unkind. iNtNO-VATE, v. a. & ln. To introduce novelties. IN-1OS'PI-TA-BLY, ad. Unkindly to *rangers. IN-NO-VA~TION, n. The introduction of novelty. N HON-HOS-P.I:TA.I- Ty, n. Want of hospitality. IN'NO-VA-TOR, n. An introducer of novelties. IN-HtJMAN', a. Barbarous; savage; cruel. JJIN-NO6XIOUS (In-nlk'shus), a. Harmless; pure. IN-HU-IItANI-TY, n. Cruelty; barbarity. iN-NOX/IOUS-LY, ad. Harmlessly; without IN-HU/MAN-LY, ad. Cruelly;,barbarously. IN-NOXtIOIJS-N2SS, n. Harmlessness. [harm. IN-HifilMA[TE, IN-HUME/, v. a. To bury; to inter. iN-NU-EN'DO, n.; pi. IN-NU-iNINDOE~. An obLN-HU-tXA'TIQN, n. A burying; sepulture. lique hint; indirect allusion; an insinuation. _N-iM.I'-CAL, or IN-I-MI'CAL, a. Hostile; ad- IN-NU-MER-A —BL'I~-Ty, n. The state or quality verse; unfriendly; hurtful. [tated. of being innumerable. IN-IsM I-TA-BIL1I-TY, n. Incapacity to be imi- IN-NutJIER-A-BLE,a. That cannotbenumbered. IN-ItM/-TA-BLE, a. That cannot be imitated. IN-NU1MER-A-BLY,, ad. Without number. IN-IMtI-TA-BALY, ad. In an inimitable manlner. IN-QB-~.RVIANT, a. Not observant; careless. IN-IQtUI-TOUS (-ik'we-tls), a. Unjust; wicked. IN-OC'V-LATE, v. a. To bud, as a plant:-to IN-IQ'UI-TY (in-iktwe-te), n. Injustice; sin. infect with a disease, as the small-pox..N-I"TIAL (in-ish'tl), a. Beginning; incipient. IN-OC-U-L~ATION, n. A grafting in the budl:IN-I//TT-ATE ( sh'e-at), v. a. To enter, intro- ametlod of conmunicating adisease; vaccinaduce; to instruct in the rudiments:-to begin. IN-OC'U-LA-TOR. n. One who inoculates. [tion. IN-I-TI-AtTION (in-ish-e —atshun), n. Admission. IN-O'DQR-OUS, a. Wanting scent or slell. IN-]1"TI-4-TIVE (in-ish'e-a-tiv), n. The right IN-OF-FN'tSIVE, a. Giving no offence; harmless. or act of introducing or proposing measures. IN-QF-FNtSNIVE-Ly, ad. Without offence or IN-t'TI-4.A-TQ-RY (-ish'e-p-tur e.),a. Introductory. IN-OF-F:NtSIVE -NkESS, a. Harmlessness. [hlarnm. lN-JeCT', v. a. To throw in; to dart in. [ter. IN-OF-FIt/CIAL (nII-of-fishtal), a. Not official. 1N-JC'ITION, n. The act of throwing in; a clys- i ON-FF-FrFCIOS (in of-fish'ls), a. Not officious. IN-JS-D'ftCIoyS (-dlsh'ns), a. Not judicious; IN-OPtER-A-TIVE, a. Not operative; inactive. IN-JV-DI"/CIOVS-Ly, ad. Not wisely. [unwise. IN-OP-PFOR TUNE', a. Unseasonable; inconvenIN-JU-Dl"ICIOVS-Nkss, n. Want of judgment. IN-OP-POR-TTONEfLY, ad. Unseasonably. Lient. IN-J9NC'TION, n. A conmmandl;' order; precept. IN-ORIDI-NA-CY, n. Irregularity; disorder. INIJVRE (In'juir), v. a. To hurt; to svrong., IN-ORDI-NATE, a. Irregular; immoderate. INtJIJ, R-. R,?. One who iIljures; a wronger. IN-ORTDI-NATE-LY, ad. Irregularly; excessively. iN-JUJR.I-OEtS, a. Utnjust; mischievous; hurtful. IN-OR!DI-N.NATE-NISS, n. Irregularity; excess. IN-JUTRI-O$S-LY, ad. Wrongfully; hurtfully. IN-OR-GAN'IC, IN-OR-GAN/I-C4L, a. Void or IN-JUtRI.-OUS-NtSS, n. Hurtfulness. destitute of organs. [tact. N'tJU-RY, n. Hurt; wrong; mischief; detriment. IN-oS'CU-CLATE, V. a. To insert; to join by. conIN-JOS'TTCE, n. Iniquity; wrong. IN-OS-CV-LAITIQON,?. Union by conjunction.. iNK, n. A liquid for writing, printing, &c. IN'QUC ST, n. A udicial inquiry or examination. MIEN, SIRg; MOVE, NOR, SON BOLL, BUR, ROLE. —, q, soft; g,G, hard; ~ as z; l as gz; iHlS. 14 INQUIETUDE 158 INSTAURATION IN-QUItE.-TBfDE, n. Want of quiet; disquietude. IN'tSIGHT (Inrsit), n. Introspection; deep view. IN-QIJiRtA-BLE, a. That may be inquired into. IN-Sit'N.I-A, n. pl. [L.] Badges of office or honor. JN-QUIREt, v. n. To ask questions; to make IN-SIG-NIF'I-CANCE, ns. Want of imnportance. search; to enquire;-written indifferently in- IN-SIG-NIF'I-CANT, a. Unimportant; trifling. quzire or enquire. [enquire. IN-SIG-NIFII-CANT-L, ad. Without importance. IN-QUIREt, V. a. To ask about; to seek out,; to IN-SIN-CB:RE,' a. Not sincere; not hearty; false. IN-QUIRtER. t, n One who inquires; enquirer. IN-SIN-CRER LY, ad. Without sincerity; falsely. IN-QUIr~,Y n. Art of inquiry; enquiry. IN-SIN-CERtI-TY,n. Dissimulation; want of truth. IN-QU:I-~i'TION (ln-kwe-zislh'un), n. Judicial IN-SINtU-TE,v. a. To introduce gently; to hint. inquiry; search:-an ecclesiastical tribunal. iN-SINU-kATE, v. 1. To creep or wind in. IN-QUI-Si'rTION-AL, a. Busy in making inquiry iN-SIN-U-A1TJ.ON,n. Act of insinuating; ah int. INr-QUif -TVE, a. Curious; busy in search..N-SiN'-A-TOR, n. One that insinuates. IN-qU'I l-TiVE-LY, ad. In an inquisitive manner. IN-S1PID, a. Tasteless; vapid; flat; dull. iN- QUitI -TIE-NESS, 1. Busy curiosity. [tion. IN-Si-PDtI-T'Y,',. Want of taste or spirit; IN-QUi~'I-TOR, n. Officer in the court of inquisi- iN-SIP'ID-NESS, tastelessness; dulness. IN- QUI-I-T0tRI-AL, a. Relating to inquisition. iN-SIPtID-LY, ad. Without taste; without spirit. IN-QUri~-I-TIORJI-OuS, a. Maklting rigid inquiry. IN-SIST1 v. n. To persist in; to press; to urge. IN-RAILt (in-rrt), v. a. To enclose within rails. IN-SISTtENT, a. Resting upon any thiing. INtROAD) (ntrSd), a. Inclursion; invasion. IN-SI'tTIQN (inl-slshtun),n. A graft; insertion. iN-SA-LU1BRIs-OS, a. Unhealtly; unwholesome, IN-SNARE':, v. a. To entrap; to ensnare. [ety. IN-SA-IAU'BIRI-TY, is. Unwholesomeness. IN-SO-BRI/E-TY,I. Drunkenness; wantofsohbriiN-SSANIA- BLE, a. Incurable; irremediable. N1SO6-LATE, v. a. To dry or expose in the sun. IN-SXNE't a. Mad; distracted; delirious. IN-So0-LA.TIQN, n. Exposure to the sun's rays. IN-S;AN.I-TY,n. Want ofsound mind; madness. IN'SO-LENCE, n. tHaughtiness or pride mixed IN-SAtTI-A-BLE (in-sa'she-g-bl), a. Incapable of with contempt; impudence; implertinellce. being satisfied; greedy beyond measure. IN'SO-LLNTa. Contemptuous of others; hallghty. IN-SA'TI-A-BLE-NkSS (In-sa'she-Q-bl-nts), n. IN'/S-LENT-LY, ad. With insolence; haugltily. Greediness not to be appeased. [greedily. iN-S-LID'I-TY, n. Want of solidity; weakness. IN-SA/TI-A-BLY, ad. In anl insatiable manner; IN-SQL-V-BIL'I-T~, a. State of being insoluble. IN-SK'Ti-ATE (-sa'she-at), a. Insatiable;greedy. IN-SOL'U-BLE, a. Not to be dissolved or cleared. IN-SA-TItE'-TY, n. Insatiableiess; greediness. IN-SOLV'A-BLE, a. Not to be solved or explained. IN-SXTtV-RA-BLE,a. Notto be saturated or filled. IN-soLt'vN-cy, n. Inability to pay all debts. IN-SCRIBEt, i. a. To write on, address, assign. IN-SOL'VENT, a. Unable to pay all debts. [less. IN-SCRIPtTION, n. A title, name, character, or IN-SOAitNI-O0S, a. Troubled with dreams; restaddress, either written or engraved. IN-SQ-O iuCHt, coa1j. So that; to such a degree that. IN-SCRV-TA-sBLtI-TY, R n. Incapability of dis- iN-SPECTt, v. a. To look into for examination. IN-SCRUITA-BLE-NE:SS, covery; unsearcha- IN-sPEC'TIQN,n Close examination; oversight. bleness. [den; undiscoverable IN-SSPLCT'tR,n. An examiner; a superintendeint. IN-SCR'lT.A-SLE, a. Unsearchable; deeply hid- IN-SPHERE', v.a. To place in an ori or sphere. IN-SCRIY'TA-BLY, ad. So as not to be traced out. IN-SPIR'A-BLE, a. That may be inspired. IN-SCtLP/, v. a. To engrave; to cut or carve. IN-SPI-RtA'TIQN, n. Act of drawing in'the IN-SCCLPTt'IRE (in-skfilpttyur), n. Sculpture. breath: inhalation:-infusion of supernatural lN-SEAMt (in-sgm'), v. a. To mark by a seam. ideas into the mind. [hale the air. INtSECT-, n. A small creeping or flying animal. IN-SPIREt, v. n. To draw in'the breathe; to inIN-StiCtTILE, a. Having the nature of insects. IN-SPIREt, v. a. To breathe into; to infuse into IN-SECt'TIQN, n. An incision; a cutting in. IN-SPiR'ER, n. One that inspires. [the mind. IN-SEC-TIV'Q-ROJIS, a. Feeding on insects.. N-SPiR1IT, v. a. To animate, excite, enliven. IN-SE-CURE', a. Notsecure; notsafe; dangerous. IN-SPIS'SATE,V,. a, To thicken; to male thicir. IN-SE_-CfUjRE'LY, ad. Without certainty. [ard.'IN-SPIS-SA/TIQN, n. The act of making thick. IN-S:E.-CURI-TY, n. Want of safety; danger; haz- 1N-ST.A-BI3L'T-TY, n. Inconstancy; fickleness. YN-ShiN'SATE, a. Stupid; foolish; wanting sense. IN-STAtBLE, a. Inconstant; not stable; fickle. IN-SRaN-SI-BiL.I-Ty,n.Want ofsensibility; torpor. IN-ST.LLt, v. a. To place in office; to instate. IN-SNtSNI-BLE, a. Imperceptible; not discover- iN-STAL-LA'TIQN, n. Act of installing; act of able by the senses; void of feeling; stupid. investing with an office, IN-S]2NtSI-BLE-N/tSS, n. Want of sensibility. IN-STAL'ME.NT, n. Installation.:-part of a sum IN-SENtSI-BLY, -ad. Imperceptibly; torpidly. of money to be paid at a particular time. IN-SEN'TI-ENT (-stn'she-ent), a. Not sentient. Nt'STANCE, n. Importunity; urgency; soliciIN-SiP-.A-RA-BILtI-TY, is. The quality of not tation:-example; time; occasion; act. [N-StPtA-R.A-BLE-NESS, being separable. INtSTANCE, v. a. To give or offer as an example. IN-SP'tA-RA-BLE, a. Not to be separated. IN'tSTa NT a. Urgent; immediate; present, IN-SP'-IA-R.A-BLY, ad. With indissoluble union. YN'STANT, n. A moment:-the presenit month. IN-StRT,v. a. To place or set inoramong. [ed. IN-STAN-TXANE-O0S, a. Done in an instant; IN-SERlTION, n. Act of inserting; thing insert- speedy; immediate. [mediately. IN-SHRINE, V. a. To enclose. See ENSHRINE. IN-STAN-TXtNE.-OfS-LY, ad. In an instant; imINISIDE, n. Interior part;-opposed tothe outside. IN-STAN'TER, ad. [L.] (Law.) Instantly. IN-SIDtI-OtS, a. Sly; crafty; diligent to entrap. IN'STANT-L, ad. At the moment; immediately. IN-SiDtI-OSS-LY, ad. In an insidious manner. IN-STkTE', v. a. To place or establish; to install. IN-1sD'.I-OyV-NRSS,n,. Quality of being insidious. IN-STfU-RAtTIQN, n. A restoration; renewal.;.,'i-,O., long X,2B.,i,io,t~,, short; i A,,I,Q9,t:,Y, obscure.-FARE,FR-;iSTiFSTALL; i IIR,HitR; INSTAURATOR 159 INTERCESSOR IN-STtJu-RXATQR, n. A renewer; a restorer. IN-TXCTtIJ-BLE, a. Not perceptible tothe touch. IN-ST]-ADI (-sted'), ad. In the place; in room. IN-TXGLLI6 (i.n-tailyS), n.; pl. IN-TXGL1IOS. IN-sT'REP', v. -. To soak; to macerate in water. [[t.] A precious stone, having a figure eniN'STEP, n. The upper part of the foot. [to ill. graved on it. [impalpable. INISTI-GATE, v. a. To urge, provoke, or incite IN-TXN,~qI-BLE, a. That cannot be touched; IN-ST:I-G-.!TI.ON, n. An1 incitement or imrpulse IN'tT:-E-R, n. A whole; a whdle number. [al. IN'STI-GA -TOP, n. One who instigates. [to ill. IN/T.I-GRAL, a. Whole; complete; not fractionIN-STiLl, v. a, To infuse by drops; to insinuate. IN-TkGRRI-TY, n, Honesty; uprightness; entireIN-STIL-L AtTIONn. Act of instilling or infuising. IN-Ti: G'V-MENT, n. Any thing that covers.[ness. IN1STiNCT, n. A natural aptitude or facullty in INtT]EL-LkCT, n. Intelligent mind; understalndanimlals, operating wi:thoult instruction. iN-TE L-LLE CTIQN,n. Act of understanding.[ing. IN-STINCfTIVE, a. Prompted by instinct; natural. lN-TEL-LkE.C'TIVE,,a. Understanding;perceiving. IN-ST'[NCITIV'E-LY, ad. By force of instinct. IN-T1L-LEtCT1V-.iA L (-llCkt'yu —l), a. Relating to NSTI-TUT'E,.;a. To fix; to establish, found. thernind or understanding; mental; ideal. IN'STI-TUTE, a. An established law; precept; IN-TtELIL -q:JNCEn. Information; notice; skill. maxim,; principle:-a scientific body. SN-T:EL1L~- - E N-CERP., n. A conveyer of intelliYN-STI-Tu'TIQN, n. An establishment: —alaw: geince or news.'[instructed; skilful. -education:-the act of investing a clerk. IN-TEL'LI-QtENT, a. Knowing; understanding; IN'STI-TU -TQR, n. A -establisher:-instructor. IN-TEL-Ll —C E N'TI4L,a.Intellectual; intelligent. IN-STRrUCT', v. a. To teachl; to direct, educate. IN-TtL-LL-qI-sBL'I-TY, n. State of being uit]N-STRIUC'TIOQN, n. The act of teaching; infor- IN-TEL/LI-qI.-BLE-NiSSS derstood; compremation:-a precept:-direction; mandate. hensibility: [comprehensible; plain. IN-STR[iC'TIvE, a. Conveying knowledge. IN-TEL'LI-S(I-BLE, a. That mnay be understood; IN-STRUC'TIVE-Ly,ad. So as toconvey instruc- IN-TEL'LI-QTI-BLY, ad. So as to be understood. IN-STRIJCTQIR, n. One who instructs. [tion. IN-TE:5PER-iANiCE, n. Want of temperance; TN-STRtCTaRESS, n. A female who instructs. excess,; excessive indulgence of appetite. INtSTRU-MEtNT, n. Tool:-agcent:-a writing. IN-TMI'PE-.R- ATE, a. Immoderate in drink; YN-STRtU-M. INT.AL, a. Conducive to some end. drunken; gluttonous:-passionate; excessive. IN-STRui-U M.N-TkL1- TY, n. Subordinate agency. SN-TEMIPER- 4TE-LY, ad. Immoderately; exIN-STRyI-MSEN'.T.AL-L-Y ad. By way of an instru- cessively,; with intemperance. [ance. IN-SUgn-JECTION, n. Disobediefice. [mnent. IN-TEm PrER-ATEr-NkPSS, n. Want of temperIN-SUB-O-R-DI1-NAtTIQN, n. Disobedience. IN-TtI MZPER-4-TUPE, n. Excess of some quality. IN-SUB-STANiTIA L, a. Not real; unsubstantial. IN-TEN/A-BLE, a. Indefensible; untenable. IN-SrF'FE R-A-BL.E, a. Intolerable; insupporta- IN-TENND, v.a. Topurpose; to mean; to design. IN-SUFtFER-A-BLY, ad. Beyond endurance. [ble. IN-TPNtDANT, n. An officer who superintends. IN-SUF-FIIICI'N-Cy (-fish'ten-se),in. Deficiency. IN-TEND1IMENT, n. (Lawo.) Intention; design. IN-STF-Fit'CI.NT (In-suf-fishl'ent), a. Not suf- IN-TEN-ER-A1TIQN, n. Act of making soft or ficient; inadequate; incapable; unfit. [ly. tender. [very attentive. NW-suF5F-FI"CIENT-LY (-fishtent-le), ad. Unfit- IN-TENSE', a. Vehement; excessive; ardent; SN'ST'-LAR, a. Belonging to, or like, an island. IN-TENSE'LY, ad. To a great degree; earnestly. 1N/:S-LATrE, V.a. To make an island; to detach. IN-TENSEtNESS,n. Vehemence; great attention. IN'SU-L.AT-.ED.na. Not contiguous on any side. IN-TENtSION, n. A straining or forcing. LN-SU-LA.tTIQN n. The state of being insulated. IN-TEN'SI-TY, n. State of being:intense; excess. IN'SU-LA-TQR, n. One that insulates. [affront. IN-TENNSiVE, a. Intent; assiduous; adding force. NIN'ISLT, n. An act of insolenlce; a gross abuse; IN-TEN/SIVE-LY, ad. In a manner to give force. IN-StLTr, v. a. To treat with insolence or abuse. IN-TE, NTt a. Anxiously diligent; eager; earnest. iN-SCLT/ER, n. One who insults; ain abuser. IN-TINTI ni. A design; a purpose; meaning. IN-Ss-PER-A-BLL'I-TY, 1n. The being insuperable. IN-TENRTIQN, n. Deep design; purpose; end; aim. TN-S'UtP:R-A-BLE, a. Invincible; insurmounta- IN-TPN'TION-AL, a. Designed; done by design. IN-S'P5R-.A-BLsE —NkSS, n. Invinciblehiess. [ble. IN-TE NtTION-AL-LY, ad. By design; with choice. IN-SJ'PE-R-A-BLY, ad. Invincibly. IN-TLN'TIVE, a. Diligently applied; attentive. IN-SVP-P6RT4A-BLE,a. Intolerable; insufferable. IN-TPNT'LY,ad. With close attention; eagerly..N-SU.P-P6.RT'A-BLE-NkESS, n. Insufferableness. IN-TENT'NESS, n. The state of being intent. IN-SUP-PORTtA-BLY, ad. Beyond endurance. IN-TERI, v a. To cover under ground; to bury. IN-SU.P-PRE.tS11-3-LE, a. Not to be suppressed. SiNTER R-XCT, n. A short piece between others. IN-SJUR.ANCE (in-sllur'tns), n. Act of insuring. IN-TER-A'NrI-AN, a. Situated between rivers. IN-SURE' (in-shur'), v. a. To secure; to make IN-TERICA-LAR, IN-TEPRCA-LAL-RY, a. Inserted. sure orsecure;-written bothinsureand ensure. SN-TEhRICA-LATE, v. a. To insert into the calIN-SURrER'(jn-shlar'er), n. One who insures. endar, as an extraordinary day. IN-SijR.ENT, n. One who rises in open rebel- IN-TEE-CA-LXtTI.ON, n.. Insertion of,odd days. lion against the established government; rebel, IN-TER-CEDE', v. n. To interpose; to mediate. IN-SjR't-ENT, a. Rising in rebellion; rebellious. YN-TER-CED'E.NT, a. Mediating; going between. iN-SEUR-MO6NT'.A-BLE, a. Insuperable; inlvin- IN-TER-CEDIE.R, n. One that intercedes. cible; unsconquerable. [perably. IN-TER-CEPTi,. a. To stop; to seize, obstruct. IN-SVR-MMOUNT'A-BLY, ad. Invincibly; insu- IN-TEER-CEPTER, n. One who intercepts. IN-SUR-REC'TI.ON, n. A sedition; a rebellion. SN-TER-CEP1TION, n. A stoppage; obstruction. IN-SVS-CPTIL;-BLE, a. That cannot admit or IN-TER-CES1SION (-ter-sdsli'un), in. Mediation. receive; not susceptible; not capable. IN-4r R-CES1SQR, n. A mediator; an agent. ImfEN, SIR; MOVE, NO.R, S6N; BOLL, BUR, ROLR.-i., q; soft.; -. d, hard; ~ as z;. as gxZ; THIS. INTERCESSORY 160 INTERROGATORY IN-TER-CStSO-RY, a. Containing Intercessions. IN-TER-LVtNAR, j a. Belonging to the time 1N-TE.'R-CHAINJ, v. a. To chain; to link together. IN-TER-LUIN,-R, 5 when the moon is invisible. IN-TyER-CHANqE', v. a. To give and take mu- IN-T.,uR-MARtRIAeE, n. Marriage between two TN/TtR-CHANQE, nE, Mutual exchange. [tually. families, where each takes one and gives anIN-TgR-CHANEt.-fA-LLE a. Given and taken IN-T. R-MXR'Ry,v.n. To marry mutually. [other. mutually, reciprocal. [alternately. IN-TER-Mi.D'DLE, V. n. To interpose officiously. [N-TER-CHANqEtA-BL~, ad. By interchange; IN-T]rR-Mi tDIDLE R, n. One who intermeddles. IN-TERt-cHKAN tEMIENT,n. Mutualtralsferrence. iN-TER-IV'DI-AL, a. Lying between. IN-T5.R-CP.IE. NT, a. Obstructing; stopping. IN-TER-ME'DI-ATE, a. Intervening; interposed. IN-TER-CIPt.I-ENT, n. An intercepting power. IN-TER-MEt'DI-ATE-LY, ad. In an interimediate 1N-TER-CLUDE', V. na. To shut fronm; to intercept. manner; by way of intervention. [tion. ]N-TER-CLU'tQON (-klutzhun), i. Obstruction. IN-TERtMENT, n. Burial; sepulture; inhumaIN-TE.R-Co-LUV-NI-A'TIO. N, n. Space between IN-TER'MI.I-NA-BLE, a. Immense; boundless. two columns or pillars. [table. IN-TERtMI-N4TE, a. Unbounded; unlimited. IN-T.ER-C6MMQON, v. n. To feed at the same IN-TER.R-MINGLE, v. a. To mingle; to mix.!N-TER-CQ-I-MUNtI'O N,n. Mutual-communion. IN-TE.R-MINIGLE, v. n. To be mixed or incoriN-TE.RP-CQHM-MtJNI-Ty,n.A mutual community. porated; to mingle; to combine. IN-TER-COS'TAL, a. Placed between the ribs. IN-T TR-IStISIQN (-mtsh'.un), n. A cessation for IN/TEsR-COURSE,n.Commerce; mutual exchange. a time; a pause; intervenient time; rest. IN-T]ER-CiRJRE.NCE, n. A passage between. IN-TER-MStSIVE, a. Coming by fits; alternat1N-TER-C0Rt.RENT, a. Running or happening ing; not continual. [a time. between; intervening. IN-TER-MITf, v. a. & n. To forbear or cease for 1N-TRPR-CV-TA'NE.-OiS, a. Within the skin. IN-'ER-MITTET. NT, a. Ceasing at intervals. IN-TER-DICT, v. a. To prohibit; to inhibit: t TN-T R-MIX', v.a. To mingle; to put together. to forbid conmmunion. [sacrament. IN-TER t-MXt, v. n. To be n-mingled together. INTTER-DICT, a. A papal prohibition of the IN-TE:R-IVicXT'VRE (-mikst'ylsr), n. Mixture. IN-TER-DIC'T1QN, n. Prohibition:-a curse. IN-TER-M0N'D.ANE, a. Being between worlds or IN-TER-DiC'TQ-Ry, a. Serving to prohibit. [cite. IN-T]ER-BuntRL, a. Lying between walls. [orbs. NITER-:ST, v. a. To concern; to affect; to ex- IN-TbRINAL, a. Inward; interior; not external.'NtTE.sR-'EST, n. Concern: influence; share; IN-TER'NAL-LY, ad. Inwardly: —mentally. feeling:-a premium for tlie use of money. IN-TER-NXtTIQN-AL (In-ter-nash'un-gl), a. ReiNtTENR-ST-E. D,p.a. Having interest or concern. lating to the mutual intercourse between dif-!N-TER-FERE, v.n. To interpose, intermeddle. ferent nations; common to nations. IN-TEiR-FER].iNCYE, n. Al interposition; a IN'tTIt-Nt)DE, a. Space between knots. clashing. [tween. IN-TER-N-ONtCI-6 (nl-ter-iuntshlle —), n. A mesTN-TER-F!UtEDt (~n-ter-ffizdt), a. Poured *be- senger between two parties. [point.!NtTE'R-IM,n. Thelneantine;interveningtimne. IN-T}.R-PLEAD/,. n. To discuss a previous JN-TE'/RI-R, a. Internal; inner; not outward. tN-TER-PLEAD.BI, n. Title of a bill in equity. IN-TEfRI-QR, n. That which is within; inside. IN-TvER-PLED teEi, v. a. To pledge nmutually. IN-TE'RI-OR-LY, ad. Inwardly; internally. IN-Ti:RtPO-LATE, v. a. To insert; to foist in. IN-TER-JA'CENCE, IN-TER-JAXCyN-CY, at. A IN-TE t-PO-LA/TION, n. Act of interpolating. lying between. [tween. IN-TrERtPQ-LA-TOQR, n. One who interpolates. IN-TER-JAIC]NT, a. Intervening; lying be- IN-TEN -POS'AL,n. Interposition; intervention. YN-TER-J$ CT', v. a. To put between; to throw in. IN-TER-PoEt, v. a. To place between; to thrust TN-TER-JECtTIQN, n. An exclamation; a word IN-TER-POQE' v. n. To mediate; to interfere.[in. or part of speech expressing some emotion. IN-TER-PO5~ER, n. One who interposes; a 1N-T. R-LACE', v. a. To intermix, put together. mediator; an interceder. IN-TER-LACEMIENT, a. Act of interlacing. IN-TERy PO-~ITIQN (in-ter-po-zshl'ln), a. MeIN-TER-LXA Dt, v. a. To lay lard between:- diation; agency between parties; intervention. to interpose; to insert between. IN-TER'PRET, v. a. To explain; to decipher. IN-TER-LEAVE, v. a. To insert leaves between. IN-TERtPRET-A-BLE, a. That may be inter[N-TER-L1NE, v. a. To write between lines. preted or translated. [sition. IN-TER-LINPE-ARS,1 a. Written or inserted IN-T TNR-PRE-TATION, a. Explanation; expotN-TiER-LINtE'-A-Ry, between lines. IN-TaERPRiE-TA-TIVE, a. Collected by interpreIN-TER-L'N-E-AtTIQN, a. Act of interlining. tation; explanatory; expositive. [tor. lN-T:ER-LI NK', v. a. To connect by links. [other. IN-TERI'PR.T-ER, n. An explainer; a translaIN-TiR-LOCK', v.n. To communicate with each IN-TEIt-NEGtNVM, 1. Time between the death IN-TER-LQ-CUfTIO N, a. Interchange of speech. of one prince and the accession of another. IN-TER-LOC/'-TQR, n. One that talks with IN-TEPR-REIGN' (In-ter-ran'), sn. Interregnum. another, or in dialogue. [logue. ]IN'TER-Ri.X, n. A regent during an interregnum. IN-TER-LfmC.U-TQ-Ry, a. Consisting of dia- IN-TtRtRRQ-GATE, v. a. To examine; to question. IN-TER-LOPEt,. n. To run between parties;.IN-TtER-tQ-GAXTION, n. Act of interrogating; to intrude; to intermeddle' a question: —this point [?]. YN-TE R-LOP/ER, a. Unauthorized intruder. IN-TE R-ROGrA-TIVE, a. Denoting a question. IN-TE R-LU-CA'TION, n. A thinning of a wood. IN-T1.R-RGt'A-TIVE-LY, ad. In an interrogative IN-TER-LU/CENT, a. Shining between. manner; in form of a question. IN'TER-LUDE, n. A piece played in intervals IN-ThRtRQ-GA-TQR, n. An asker of questions. of a play, or between stanzas of a hymn. IN-TE.R-ROOt.A-TQ-Ry, an. A question; inquiry. XEBI,5,0,f, long; X,t,,6,i,,,t short; 4,,.,QVY, obscure. —ARiE,FAIR, AST,FALL; HIIR,Ht Rt; INTERROGATOR0Y 161 INVALUABLE tN-TglR-R6'.A-TQ-RY, a. Containing a question. IN-TRXNfSI-TiVE-LY, ad. Without an object IN-TER-R[IPT', v. a. To hinder, obstruct, divide. following, as a verb. [stance. YN-TER-RVtPT'ER, n. One who interrupts. [stop. IN-TRANS-M1U'TA-BLE,a. Unchangeablein subXN-TEIR-RPUP'TION,7n. Intervention; hinderance IN-TRENCH, v. a. To furrow; to fortify. IN-TiER- SCT',Vv.a. Tocut; todividemutually. IN-TRkENCH1, v. n. To invade; to encroach. YN-TE R-SECTf,v.?z. To meetand cross each other. iN-TRENCHIMENT, in. A fortification with a IN-TE R-S:C'TIQN, n. A point where lines cross. IN-TREP/ID, a. Fearless; daring; brave. [trench. INtTEIR-SPACE, i. An intervening space; inter- IN-TRE-PiD't-TY, n. Fearlessness; courage IN-TER-SPERSE, v. a. To scatter among. [val. boldness; invincible resolution. IN-T:R-SPER'SIQN,n. The act of intersperSing. IN-TREP'ID-LY, ad. Fearlessly; daringly. IN-TER-SThL'L4/R, a. Intervening between the iN/TRI —CACY, in. Perplexity; complication. stars. [between things; an interval. 1N'TRI-C CATE,a. Perplexed; complicated; obscure. NI'TER-STICE or IN-TER/STICE, n. A space IN/TRI CATE-LY, ad. With intricacy;obscurely. IN-TiR-STI"TIAL (Yn-ter-stishltl), a. Contain- INTRI -CATE-NESS, n. Perplexity; involution. ing interstices; intermediate. IN-TRIGUE' (in-trg'l), n. A plot; an amour. IN-TE:R-TEXTfURE (In-ter-tikstfyur), n. A di- iN-TRiGUE1 (in-trgt'), v. n. To form plots. versification of things woven one among an- IN-TRIGU/ER (in-tregler),n. One who intrigues. other. [tropics. IN-TRIN/SIC, a. Internal; solid; natural; iN-TER-TR6P't-CAL, a. Being between. the IN-TRiN1SI CAL, 3 real; true; not accidental. IN-TER-TWiNE/, v. a. To unite by twisting IN-TRIN'/S-CAL-LY, ad. Naturally; really. YN-T R-TWIST', one in another. IN-TRIN/SI-CATE, a. Perplexed; entangled. [in.!N'TER- VAL, t, An interstice; vacant space: IN-TRO-DUCEI, v. a. To bring, conduct, or usher -the time between two points: —low land. IN-TRO -DUt'CR, n. One who introduces. IN-TE R —viNE't,. n. To come between interpose. IN-TRQO-DUC1TIQN, n. A bringing in:-presentaYN-TE. -VVitNI-E. NT, a. Being or passing between. tion:-a preface; a proemn. IN-TER-VEN'/TIQN, n. An interposition; medi- iN-TRO-DUC'TTIVE, a. Serving to introduce. ation; interference. [ference. IN-TRO-DUUC'TQ-Ry, a. Serving to introduce. INtTE. R-VIEW (ln'ter-vii), n. A meeting or con-'iN-TRQ-G-RLSSIQON, n. Act of entering. [psalm. IN-TTER-V'LVE', v. a. To involve together. IN-TRO6IT or IN-TROIT', n. An introductory IN-TER-WEiAVE., v. a. [imp. t. iilterwove or in- IN-TRO-MIS'SIQN (ln-tro-mlsh'un), n. The act terweaved; pp. interwoven.] To weave one of sending in. [admit. with another; to interminele; to intertwine. IN-TRO-MITt, v. a. To send in; to let in; to YN-TRST'A-BLE, a. Disqualified to make a will. IN-TRO-SPEC/TIQN, n. A view of the inside. IN-TE:S/TATE, a. Dying without having made IN-TRO-VER'SION,'n. The act ofintroverting. a will, without a'will. [will. IN-TRO-vERT, v,. a. To turn inwards.!N-TES'TATE, a. One dying without leaving a IN-TRUDE', v. n. To come uninvited; to interIN-TES'TI-NAL, a. Belonging to the intestines. lope; to encroach. [to dart in. IN-TES'ITIN], a. Inlternal; inuward: —dorrestic. IN-TRUDEt, v. a. To force or thrust in rudely; iN-TrS'TiNE~, l. pl. The bowels; the entrails. iN TROD'ER, n. One wllo intrudes; interloper. IN-THRILL, v. a. To enslave; to shackle. IN-TRu'.ION (-trti'zhun), n. Act of intruding. iN-THIRALt'RENT n. Servitude; slavery. IN-TR0tSIVE, a. Intruding; apt to intrude. iN'TI —MA-C.Y,n. Close familiarity or fellowship. IN-TRUST' v. a. To deliver in trust; to commit, IN'TI-MATE, a. Inmost: —familiar; near. IN-TU -I"TION (In-tu-lsh'un), n. Intuitive perNtTI- MATE, n. A familiar friend; a confidant. ception imnediate knowledge. [ly; distinct. IN'TI-MATE, v.a. To hint; tosuggest obscurely. IN-TfUtI TIVE, a. Seen by the mind imnmediateIN1TI- HATE-TLY,ad. Closely; nearly; familiarly. N- TtI -TIVE-Ly, ad. By immediate perception. IN-TI-MtA'TIQON, n. A hint; obscure suggestion. IN-TV-Mt ES'CE.NCE, n. A swelling; a tumor. IN TIMI -IATE,. a. To mnake fearful, overawe. IN-TUR —qSEcENCE n. Actor state of swelling. IN-TIM I-DAITIQN, n. The act of intimidating. IN-TWINE', v. a. To twist or wreathe together. iN'T6,prep. Noting entrance:-noting inclusion. IN- UMIBRATE, V. a. To cover with shades. iN TOL)E.R-A-BLE, a. That cannot be tolerated; IN-rJNC'TION, n. Act of smearing or anointing. not to be endured. IN-UNfDATE, v. a. To overflow with water. IN —TOLtER-A-BLE-NESS, n. Insufferableness. IN-UN-DATION, n. Overflow of water; deluge. tN-TOL'ER-A-BLY, ad. Insupportably. iN-UR B-N'I-Ty, n. Incivility; rudeness. [tom. IN-TOLtER-ANCE, n. Want of toleration. IN-URE! (in-yfr'),v. a. To habituate; to accusIN-T6L'ER-ANT, a. Not enduring; not tolerant. IN- REIME.NT, n. Practice; habit; use; custom. IN-TQ-NAtTION, n. Manner of sounding. IN-ijRNt, v a. To intomb; to bury; to inhume. IN-TONE/, v. a. To chant; to sing. IN-US'TION (in-is'chun), n. Act of burning. IN-TORT', v. a. To twist; to wreathe; to wring. IN- U —TILI -Ty, n. Uselessness; unprofitableness. IN-TOX'I-!CA.TE, v.a. To inebriate,make drunk. IN-VADE', v. a. To attack; to enter hostilely. IN-TOX-I-CA TIQN, n. Inebriation; drunklennless. 1N-VAnDER, n. One who invades; an assailant. IN-TRACT-A-BIL'I-TY, 7a. Uhlgovernableness. IN-VXL'1D, a. Weak; of no weighlt or cogency. IN-TRXCTfA-BLE, a. Stubborn; unmanageable. IN-VA-LiD' (ln-va-ledl), n. A soldier or other IN-TRACT'A-BLE-NESS, n. Obstinacy; perverse- person disabled by sickness or wounds. ness; stubbornness. Lbornly. IN-VALI-DATE, v. a. To weaken; to mnake void. IN-TRXCTtA-BLY, ad. Unmanageably; stub- IN-VAL-I-DA1TIQN, n. The-act of weakening. IN-TRXN'SI-TIVE, a. (Gram.) Not transitive; IN-VA-L'D'I-Ty, n. Weakness; want of force. not passing over to an object. IN-VAL'I/-A-BLE (-viillyu-.a-bl), a. Inestimable. MIEN, SIR; M6E, NOR, SiSN; BOLL, BUR, ROLE.-y-, Q, soft; ~, ~, hard;. as z; Y as gz; WHIS. 14* IN~VAR:IABILE 162 IRRECONCILABLY:N-VMX'RI-.A4BLE, a. Unchan-geable:; constant..IN VOIKE', -. a. To call upon; -to supplicate; IN-VA'RI-A-BLE-N]2SS, n. Immutability:; -con- to entreat; to implore; to pray to. stancy unuchangeableness. Lly. IN-V~L'I.JN-T.A-RI-LY, ad. Not by choice or will. YN-VfA'R.I-A-BLY, ad. Unchangeably; constant- IN-voL'UN-TA —R-I- NEs,n. Waa n of choiceorwill IN-VA',iON (on-va'zhun),n. A hostile entrance. iN-VOL'iN-TA-RY,a. Not voluntary; not willing. IN-V.ASIVE,:a. Enteling hostilely; aggressive. IN-VQ-LUt'TIQN,. Act of involving. iN-VC1'TION, n. A railing;.invective; abuse. IN-V6LVE', v. a. To inwrap, comprise, blend. jNV-EC'TIVrE,'n. A harshcensure:; angry abuse. IN-ViLtN.:R-.A-BLE, a. Not to be wounded. IN-VEC'TIVE, a.:Satirical; abusive; censuring. IN-VLtNE. R-A-BLE-NESS, n. The state of being IN-VACrT.IVE-LY, ad. Satirically; absusively. invulnerable. [wall. IN-VEtIGHt (jn-va'), v. n. To utter censure. IN-WALL', v. a. To enclose or fortify with a iN-VEIGHtE'iR (in-vater), n. A vellement railer. iNtWARD, INIWARD~, ad. Towards the inside.!N-vEItGLE a(n-iv6gl), v. a. To wheedle, seduce. IN'WARRD, a. Internal; interior; placed within..IN-V:EIt('LE-X.ENT (-vPIgl-mnnt), n.:Seduction. IN'WjtRD-LY, ad. in tthe heart; internally. IN-VEItGLER(-ve-ggle r) n. A seducer; deceiver. iN'tWARD, n. pl. The bowels; inner parts. iN-V.NTT, v. a. To discover; to forge; to feign. [imp. t. inwove; pp,:IN-VEN'TIQN, n. Act or-faculty of inventing; a inwoven.] To mix in weaving; to iitertwine. thing invented:; contrivance; forgery; fiction.:IN-WRAP/ (in-rap'), a. a. To infold; to involve. IN-VENTtIVE, a. Apt to invent; ingenious. iN-WRdEATI-E (in-rtht'), v. a. To surround. IN-VENT'QR, a1. One who invents:-a forger. IN-WROUGHT' (-rlwt'), a. Adorned or wvroughl IN-VEN-TO'RI-AL, a. Relating to an inventory. in the texture. [ans. IN.VEN-TQ-RY, n. An account or list ofgoods. i-6NtiC, a. Belonging to Ionia, or to the IoniiNtViN-TO-RY,v. a. To register; to make-a list i-b'TA, n. A tittle; a jot; tle sirtallest particle. IN-VtN'TRRESS, n. A female who invents. [of. IP-E-CXC-lU-AN'HA (lp-e-klak-.-in'ta), t. Aplaui IN-VERSE', a. Inverted; reciprocal; not direct. and its root. used in medicine. IN-VERSE'LY, ad. In an inverted order. [&c. I-RXS-CI-BiLI'-TY, n. Propensity or disposition;N-VER'SIQN, n. Chalnge of order. time. place, to anger; irritability. [sionate.:.IN-VERTt, v.. a. To turn upside dowi-; to change. I-RAS'CI-BLE, a. Prone to anger; irritable; pas. IN-VE STI, v. a. To dress, clothe, array, vest. i RAS'CI-BLE-NtSS, n. State of being angry. IN-vt:StT-I-GA-BLE: a. That m ay be searched out. IRE, an. Anger; rage; passionate hatred; choler,'IN-VES'TI-GATE, v. a. To search out, find out. IREIFUL, a. Angry; raging; furi'ous. IN-VES-TI-GATI.ON, n. A searching into. iR-I-DES'tcC.NT, a. Colored like the rainbow. IN-VSSr'TI-GA-TQR, n. One who searches out. iIR.IS,n. [L.] The rainbow:-the circle round.IN-V:sT.I-TJREa, n. Act of giving:possession. the pupil of the eye:-the flower-de-luce. IN-vt STI'MENTn. Actofinvesting;dress;clothles. SRIISH, a. Relating to Ireland.'IN-YVT'IR-.A;CY, n.:Long continuance; con- IRtISH-iMt an. An Irishword, phrase, or idiom'firmed obstinacy. [nate. IRi, v. a. To weary; —used impersonally. IN-VdET.i1R-ATt~, a. Old; deep-rooted.; obsti- IRK'SOME (iirk'sum), a. Wearisome; tedious. tiN-V:dT']ER-AT.E-Ni:Nss, n. Obstinacy:formed by ~RKtiSOttE-LY (iirk'sum-le), ad. VVearisomely. IN-VID'I -OUS,a. Envious; exciting envy. [time. iRK'sQo:-N:SS (uirk'sum-nes),n. Tediousness IN-ViD:)t-OrUS-LY, ad. Malignantly; enviously. IRtON (iturn), n. A common, useful:metal. IjN-VID'I-GUS-NtSS,71. Quality offprovokingenvy. IRION (li.rn), a. Made of iron:-harshl; hard..IN-VIG'OR -ATE, -v. a. To strengthehn; to ani- IRION (iurn), v. a. To smooth with'an iron..IN-VI-.OR-.Ag'TI.O.,-n. Act ofinvigoratilng. mate. IRtON1ED (Iturnd), a. Armed; dressed in iron. IN-vrN-CI-BsL'I-TY, n. Invincibleness. I-RON/IC, a. Expressing one thing, anm IN-VIN'Ct-BLEL a. Insuperable; uncomnquerable. I-RON'I-CALj meaning another; containint ~N-VIN'CI-BL;E-NtSS, n. Unconquerableness. I-RON'I-CAL-LY, ad. By use of irony. [irony IN-VIN'CI-BLY,ad. Insuperably; unconquerably. IR'ON-M6N-MN-ER (i'urn-mullg-er), n. A dealel IN-VI-O-LA- B1Lt I-T, aY1. Quality of being invi- iin iron or'hardware. [rust of iron olable; inviolableness.;[ken. IR'ON-MOtULD, n. A spot on linen made by thl IN-VI'O-LA-EBLE, a, Not:to be profaned or bro- IRtON-WOOD (lturn-w6d), n.,A very liard wood 1N-VIaSOLA BLE,-Ns,:Sa. The state or the qual- IRtON-Y ('turn-e), a. Made of, or like, iron. ity of being inviolable,; inviolability. t1RQN-Y ('run-e), n. A mode of speech in whicl IN-Vit'O-LA-BLY, ad. Without breach orfailure. the meaning is contrary to the words. IN-VItO-L.ATE, a. UIhhurt-; unprofaned; unbro- IR-R&tDI-ANCE, n. Beams of light emitted. N'NtvI-ois, a. Impassable; not tobe passed.[ken. IR-RAiDI-ATE v. a. To brighten; to iltluminate.IN-VSSrCATE,V.a. To lime; to daubwith glue. IR-RX'Di-ATE, v. n. To shine; to grow bright IN-VI-I-"BILI —TY, as. Stateof b-eing invisible. YR-RA-DI-AtTION,?1. Illumination; light. ~N-VI~'I-BLE,;a. Not perceptible; not'tobe seen. IR-RAX"TION-AL (Lr-rishtumi-l), a. Notrational lN-VI~'I-B*LY, ad. Imperceptibly to the sight. contrary to reason; absurd. of:reason IN-VI-TA'TION,n. Act of-inviting; solicitation. IR-RX-TION-XL'I-TY (-rish-.un-al'e-te),t a. Wan IN-VITtA-To-RY, a.'Containing invitation. IR-RAXfTIo N-AL-LY (-rash'un-al-), ad. Absurdly IN-VITE], v. a. To bid, call, allure, persuade. IR-RE-CLAIM/A-BLE, a. Not to be reclaimled. IN-VTI.ING, p. a. Alluring; tempting; attr:c- IR-RE-CLXaIMtA-BLY, ad. So as lnot to be re iNIvo-cATE], na. To invoke. [tive. claimed; irrecoverably. IN-VQ-CA'TQN, na. Act of calling upon in prayer.;iR-REC-ON-CIL'.A-BLE, a. Not to be reconciled IN'/VOICE., n. A list of goods with prices, &c., IR-RhC-QN-CIL'A-BLY, ad. In an irreconcilabh sent or shipped by a merchant. manner; so as not to be reconciled. ALsIOsUY) long; Xjt,0),16,;, short,; j4E, TXQsY, ObSCure.-FiR:E;FXRFAST,FALL; HWE IR,~I;hR IRRECONCILIATION 163 IVY [R-RtC-QN-CIL-I-XtTIQN, n. Want of recon- IR-REV'ER-tNCE, n. Want of reverence or venciliation; hostility. [irreparable. erationi; disregard. [respect. 1R-RE-CV'tERi-A-BLE, a. Not to be regained-; IR-REV1ER-ENT, a.'Wanting in reverence or TR-RE-CV1E'R-.A-BLE-NE-SS, n. State beyond IR-RE.VlER-_ENT-LY, ad. Without due respect. recovery; irreparableness. iR-RE-VE.RS'I-BLE, a. Not to be recalled or YR-RE-C6V~E'R-A-BLY, ad. Beyond recovery. changed. [reversible. YR-RE-D. EEM'A-'BLE., a. Not to be redeemed. [R-RE.-VRRS.I-BLE-NESS, n. State of being -iri[R-;RE-DUCJI BLE., a. Not to be brought or re- IR-RE.-VERSII-BLY, ad. Without change. duced.:[futation. IR-RrEVIO-C4-BLE, a. Not to be recalled or reIItR-R!RF- RA GA-B'EL!LI-TY,, n. Incapacity of con- versed. - [revocable. tiR-;REFFRA-GA-BLE or iR-RE-FRXAGIA-BLE, a. CR-REVQ-:CA-BLE-NtSS, a. State of being irNot to be'refuted-; indisputable; indubitable. R-REV1OQ-CA- BLY, ad. So as not to be recalled. lI{R-R.EF RA-GA-BLY, ad. Above confutation. IR.RI-GATZE, v. a. To wet; to moisten; to water. IR-RRE-Fu.T1A4sLE:o. R-tREFU.-T4A-BLE, a. Not IR-t.I GA'TION,,. Act of irrigating or watering.,to be, overthrown by argument; irrefragable.:R-PRIG'U-OiJs, a.'Watery; watered; dewy; moist. iR-RtGtU-LAR, a. Not regular; immethodical. SIR-I.-TA-B:iL'I-Ty, n. State of being irritable. YR-RGC-U- LU R'I.-TY. at. Deviation from rule. IR1R.I-TA-BLE, a. Easily provoked or irritated.;RP:REG:;U-L:AR-LY, ad. Without rule or method.:IRRIR-TATE, v. a. To provoke; to tease; to fret. Y:R-Ri:L'A TI~VE,, a. Not relative; unconnected. IR-RI-TjATION, n. Aprovocation; exasperation. YR —IEEL'A- TSV:E- L.Y ad. Unconnectedly. IR1RITA-TQO-RY, a. Stimulating,; irritating. YR- RELE-.VAN-CY A,. State of being irrelevant. C:R-RtP1TION, n. An entrance by force; inroad..~R-RLR:L1-E -VANT, a. Not applicable.; not relevant. IR-RiUPT.IVE, a. Bursting forth; rushing in. IR-RE-:LIEY',A-BLE, a. Not adnmitting relief. (-iz). The tlird person singular of to be. YR- RE-LIt:IQON (Cr-re-ld'jun), n. Want of relig- I.IN-GLtSS (i'zing-glbs), in. A kind of glue ion,; impiety ungodliness.,prepared from the intestines of certain fish:YR-RE:LiqIOvUS (-llid'jus), a. Impious,; wicked. I'LAM-IM, nn. aMahometaism. [mica.:R-:RE -Li.IO:US-LY.,, ad. With irreligion. ISL'AND (i'land), n. A tract of landentirely surYR-RE-M;E' DI-A-BL.E #a. Not to be cured.; incura- rounded by water. [island. 1R-RE-:IMEtDI-A-BLY, lad. Without cure, [ble. ISLIAND-E.R (Iland-er), n. An inhabitant of an YR-R-RIEStiS'Si —LE, vL. Not to:be-pardoned. ISLE (il), n. An island. YR-RE-MIsSIJ-B LY, ad. So as not tobe pardoned. ISLETr (i'let), n. A little isle or island. R-RE-i;-MOV'.AA-BLE, a. aNot to be moved. i-SoH'IRQo NAL, a. Having equal times. R-REi.-Mt'NER -A-isLE,: a.:Not to be rewarded. I-SoeHRO.-NIM, n. Equality of time. [time. R-IREP A. RA;R 4-BILI-T, n. State of being irrep- I-SOsHIRQ-NO:uS, a. Having tlie same length of;arable, i[ediless. i'O -LATE, v..a. To detach; to insulate. [R-REP'A-RAI BLE,a. Not to be repaired;- rem- I-Q0-LYATIONr, n. Detached state; separation. iR-RRE&P!A RA-EBL:Y, ad.:Without recovery. S-SOSSC:E-LEU, a. Having two legs or sides equal. iR-R'E-PLE~VI-.IA-BLE, a. Not to be redeemed. IS-O-TEt'ER AL., a. Having equal temperature.:R-rtEP-RE-HE:NS: I-B LE~'a. AExempt from blame. tSU-A-BLLE (sshuln-a-),a. That'may be issued. iR- R E -R -H!E Nt'SI-BLY,'ad. Without:blame. ISrSUE (isl'shsl), ia. Exit; egress:-event:R -RE-PRESS'1-BLE, a. Not to be repressed. termination:-progeny; offspring:-a vent. iR-RE-PROACEHA-BLE, a. Free from blame. is's0E (ish'shu), v. n. To comeout; to proceed. dR-R.E-PROApCH'A —BLY, ad. Without blame or CS'SUE (ishlshu), v.a. To send out, send forth. reproach;;blamelessly. [right. Is'sUE-LESS (1sh'shu-les), a. Having no issue. YR-RRE-PROV'A -'BLE, a. Not to be blamned;,up- ISTH'M:ti-S (ist'nus), n. A neck of land. YR- RE-PROVA:BLY,,ad. Beyondxreproach.[tion. I, pr. of the neuter:gender, used for thi,.g. Y-R-RE-iST- S.I-BsSL';.I-TY, n. Force above opposi- I-TXL'AN (i-ttalyan), a. Relating to Italy. [ian. IR-R!E STti.sL-BLE, a. Superior to qpposition. I-TAL'IAN-;ZE (i-ttl'yan-iz).v.a. To make ltalIR-RrE-.tST.I-iBLY, ad. So as not to be opposed. I -TAL'IC, a. Denoting a kind of leaning letters. YR- RS.,9 - LUVBYLE, BEa.:Not to be broken:or dis- I-TXL';i-CIE, v.a. To represent in Italic letters. YR-P.REt'O-;LUTE,a. Not firm;in,purpose.[solved. i-TXLtiCS, n. p1. Letters inciining orsloping to YiR-RE;1tQ-LUTE-LY, ad. Without firmness:of the riht, first used in Italy. IR- RE:0- LOUTE-NPfSS,c.Want of decision mind. ITCH, n. A cutaneous disease:-teasing desire.:R-RE 0-o -LU/TI.QON,, n. Want of firmness of mind. ITCH,v. n. To feel irritationin the skin: —to long. 1R- RE SPC'fTIVE -a.;Rlegardlessof:circumstances I'TEM,n. A new article; single entry: —a hint. *Y.R —RE.-SPEC1T.IVE-L,~, ad. In an irrespective iTtE.R-ATE,'v.a. Torepeat; toutterordo again.;manner. [bility. iT-ER-A/TION, n. Repetition; recital again. IR-:RE SPO.N SI-BYL'I-TY,, n. Want of responsi- I'-TIN:ER-ANT, a. Travelling; wandering. IR-RE-SPON'SI-BLE, a. Not responsible or an- I-TIN'ER-A-RY,n. A book or account of travels. swerable:; not accountable. I-TIN' E. R-.ATE,v. n. To travel from place to place. tIR-RE-TLN'TIVE, a. Not able to:retain. IT-SELFt, pr. A neutral reciprocal pronoun. IR-RE-TRI.EV'.A-BLE,,:a. Not to be retrieved; I'Vo-RY, n. The tusk of the elephant, &c. irrecoverable; irreparable. [arably. i1Vo-RY (iveo-re), a. Made of, or like, ivory. YR-RE- TRIEVV'A-ELY ad. Irrecoverably; irrep- I'VY (i've), n. An evergreen creeping plant. Mi EN. S'IR -: OVE, N1.R1,SON.; -BOLL, BUjR, IRLE. —Y, (, soft;, aG, hard; q as z;:E as gz; THIS. J 164 JINGLE J. T a consonant, has invariably the same sound JiiR'GN, n. Unintelligible talk; gibberish. with that of g in Xiant; as, jet, just. JAS'MINE, JtSA-MINE, n. A plant and flower. J.AB'BER, v. n. To talk idly; to chatter. JXStPER, n. A stone used in jewellery. JAB'BIR, n. Idle, unmeaning talk; prate. JAUNIDICE (jan'd!s), n. A disease by whict JAB'BiR-ER, n. One who talks inarticulately. the body becomes yellow. [-prejudiced, JA/CENT, a. Lying at length; extended. JXUN'DICED (jbnldjst), a. Having the jaundice: JAUCINTH, n. A precious gem:-a plant. JAUNT (jant),. v.. To ramble. See JANT. JACK,.n. An instrument to pull off boots:-an JXVE'LIN ( javljin), n. A spear or half-pike. angine to turn a spit, &c.:-a young pike. [low. JAw, n. The bone of the mouth in which the JAcCK'-A-D[N'1DY, 7. A little, impertinent fel- teeth are fixed:-the mouth:-abuse. JACK'AL, n. A small animal of the dog kind. JAY (ji), n. A bird with gaudy feathers.[color. JACKfA-NAPES, n. A monkey; an ape:-a cox- JAXZEL (jatzl), n. A gem of an azure or blu( JAcK1Ass, n. The male of the ass. [comb; fop. JtALtOUS, a. Suspicious; emulous; cautious, JACi'-B6OOTS, n. pl. Boots which serve as ar- J:AL'OUS-y (jel'us-e),n. Suspicion in love; fear, JAc KDAW, n. A species of crow;the dav. [mor. JL:.R, v. n. & a. To scoff; to flout; to mock. JACKIET, n. A short coat; a close waistcoat. JEZR, n. A scoff; taunt; biting jest; flout; gibe, JACK'-PODID;NG,n. Azany; a merry-andrew. JRtER R, n. A scoffer; a scorner; a mocker. JACKISMnTIs, n. A maker of the engine jack. JEl:RtING-LY, ad. Scornfully; contemptuously. JACK1-WIT-.-A-LAN, TERN, n. An ignis fatuus. JE-H]i)VAH, n. The Hebrew proper name of JAc'Q-BiN, n. A gray or white friar:-a mem- J:. -JiNE', a. Empty; vacant; dry; barren.LGod, ber of a French faction:-a sort of pigeon. JE-JONEN. SS, n. Penury; barrenness; dryness, JXC-O-BiNlC, a. Partaking of the princi- JEiL'LY, n. A kind of sweetmeat; gelly. JAC-o-BN'/I-cAL, ples of Jacobins. JLENNET, n. A Spanish horse. See GENET. JAC'Q-BIN-iiM, n. The principles of Jacobins. JN'NWNET-ING, n. An apple ripe in June. JAC'O-BITE, n. A partisan of James II., Eng- JEOP5ARD (jeptpard),v. a. To hazard; to risk, JAC-Q-NT',.n. A kind of coarse muslin. [land. JEOP'ARD-Y (jpptpar-de), n. Hazard; danger. JXC-TI-T.'iTION, n. A tossing:-vain boasting. JERK, v. a. & n. To thrust out; to throw; to pull JAC-ty-LATIQN, n. Act of throwing weapons. JERK, n. A lash; a sudden spring; a throw. JAC'V-LA-TQ-RY, a. Throwing out; darting. JERKI.N, n. A jacket; a short coat, or close JADE, n. A worthless horse:-a sorry woman..waistcoat:-a species of hawk. JADE, v. a. To tire; to weary; to ride down. JERSErY (jWr'ze), n. Fine wool, or yarn of wool. JAD'ISH, a. Vicious; bad:-unchaste. JkS'SA-MNE,. n. A fragrant flower. See JAS JAG, v. a. To cut into indentures or teeth. J~2ST, V. n. To divert; to make sport. [MINE JAG, JXGG, n. A denticulation:-a small load. J:kST, n. Any thing ludicrous; laughing-stock JAXG'ED-N-NSS, n. State of being denticu!ated. JEST'EIR, n. One given to jesting or sport. JAGI'.Y, a. Uneven; denticulated; notched. J$ST'ING, n. Utterance of jests; sport. JAG-V-AR', n. The American tiger or panther. JA~.U'IT, n. One of the Society of Jesus. JAIL, n. Prison, place of confinement; gaol;- J- -U-iT1lC, a. Belonging to a Jesuit:written both jail and gaol. See GAOL. J:E~-U-ITII-CAL, ( crafty; artful; deceitful. JAILtBIYRD, n. One who is or has been in jail. JS:-sV-rTTI-CAL-LY, ad. Like a Jesuit. JAILWER, n., A keeper of a jail or prison. J:E'U-IT-I~M, n. The principles of the Jesuits, JAL'AP. n. A root used as a medicine. JET, n. A fine black fossil:-spout of water. JXM,an. Conserve:-bed of stone:-child's frock. JAT, v. n. To shoot forward; to project, to jut.'JAM, v. a. To squeeze closely; to press. JET'SAM, n. Goods cast overboard in a storm. JAMB (jam), n. A side-piece of a fireplace, &c. JET'TY, a.. Made of jet; black as jet. JANE, n. A kind of fustian:-a coin of Genoa. JE'W (ju), n. A Hebrew; an Israelite:-a cheat, JXN'GLE,v. n. To prate; to quarrel; to bicker. JEWtE.L (jitel), n. An ornament worn by laJANtGLE,n. Prate:-discordant sound; dispute. dies; a precious stone; a gem:-any thing JAN'I-T.OR, n. A door-keeper; a porter. JEW/'EL-LER, n. A dearer in jewels. [precious. JAN'I-ZA-RY, n. One of the Turkish guards. JEW'EL-LER-Y, n. Jewels collectively: JANT, JiUNT, n. A ramble; excursion; flight. JEWrEL-RY, trade in jewels. [man. JANT, v. n. To walk or ramble about. - [tion. JEW':.ss (jfi'es), n. A Hebrew or Jewish wo-. JANT'I-Niss,.n. Airiness flutter; self-satisfac- JEW/IjSH (jfl'sh), a. Relating to the Jews. JAN'TY, a. Showy; airy; fluttering finical. JEW~-HMARP (juz'harp), n. A musical instru-.JXANU-A-RY, n. The first month of the year. JIB, n. The foremrnost sail of a ship. [ment, JA-PXN', n. A varnish, or work varnished. JIB'-BsOM, n. A spar on a bowsprit. JA-PAN', v. a. To varnish and embellish. JIG, n. A light, careless dance or tune:-a trick. JA-PANtNER,n. One who japans. JYG/GER, n. A machine to hold on a cable. JA-PAN'NING, n. Act or process of varnishing.. JfLL1-FLiRT, n. A giddy or waiton woman. JAR, v. n. & a. To clash; to quarrel; to shake. JILT, n. A woman who deceives her lover. JAR, n. A vibration:-discord:-a vessel. JILT, v. a. & n. To trick or deceive in love. JARDE~ (jlrdz), n.pl. Callous turnors in horses. JINfGLE, v. n. To sound with a sharp rattle. I,;,EI,i,,,, long e; A,,i,',o,,, short;,.EIQIy, obscure. —FARE,FAR,FAST,FILL; HMIR, HimR; JINGLE 165 JURISDICTIONAL YYNIGLE,v. a. To cause to give a.sharp sound. JI'FFLL, a. Full of joy; glad; exulting. J.IN'GLE; n. A rattling or clinking sound. JOY'FOL-LY ad. With joy; gladly; exultingly. JSB, n. A piece of chance work; piece of labor. JoYtFfL-NESS, n. Gladness; joy; exultation. JOB, v. a. To strike or stab with a sharp instru- JoYaLESSs a. Void of joy; giving no pleasure. JOB, b. n7. To buy and sell, as a broker. [ment. JoV'oVs, a. Glad; gay; merry; giving joy. JOTB3BE1R, n. One who does chance work, &c. J UBI-LANT, a. Rejoicing; shouting for joy. JOCKIEY, n. One who rides or deals in horses. JfUIBI-LEE,. A public festivity; season of joy. JOCKIEY (j6k'ke), v. a. To cheat; to trick. Jy-CUNIDI-TY, n. Pleasantness; agreeableness. JQ-COSE', a. Merry; waggish; given to jest. J.-DKAI-CAL, a. Jewish; belonging to Jews. JO-COSEtLY, ad. WVaggishly; in jest; in game. JODA-iMl, n. The religious rites of the Jews. J(oc'U-LAR, a. Sportive; merry; jocose. JUifDA-IZE, v. n. To conform to the Jewish rites. Jr6C-U-LARt'-TY, n. Merriment; disposition to JUDQE, n. An officer who presides in a court JOC/'i-LAR-LY, ad. In a jocose way. [jest. of judicature:-one authorized to decide. )JOC1UND, a. Merry;gay; airy; lively; joyous. JUD(tE, v. n. & a. To discern; to decide; to JQ-CNtDI-T.Y, n. Gayety; mirth; joy. determine: —to pass sentence as a judge. JOGa v. a. To push; to give notice by a push. J$DnEISHaP, n. Office or dignity of a judge. JG,. v n. To move by jogs; to travel leisurely. JUDGtMENT, n. Act of judging; decision; senJiOG n. A push; a slight shake; a hint; a stop. tence; discernment; criticisls; doom. iJz,.WERa n. One who moves heavily and dully. JIJDI-CA-TO-RY, n. A court of justice; tribunal. J0G/GLE,v. a. To push. —v. n. To shake. JUt'DI-CA-TURE, a. Powerof distribluting justice. JQ-H.XN'INZE, n. A Portuguese gold coin of the Ji-DIttCIAL (ju-dIshtal), a. Pertaining to courts value of 8 dollars;-often contracted into joe. of law, or the distribution of public justice. JOIN, v. a. To couple; to combine; to unite. JV-Di"CIAL-LY (ju-dishl'al-e),ad. In form of law. JIiN, v.. To adhere; to close; to unite with. J.-Dicc.-A-Ry (ju-dishre-_-r.e), a. Relating to JOINtDER, n. A conjunction; act of joining. courts of judicature; passing judgment upon. JOiN'ERi, a. One who joins:-a carpenter. Jl.t-DittCI —RY,n. The power which dispenses JOiNtER-Y, n. Wood work; carpentry. justice; judiciary power; judicature. JNINT, n. An articulation of limbs:-a juncture. JV-DtI"cIoys (ju-dlshfus), a. Prudent; wise. JOINT, a. Shared by two or more; united. JV-DIt1CIOvS-LY (ju-dislhus-le), ad. Wisely. JOiNT, v. a. To unite; to divide a joint. [sures. JtJG, n. A vessel with a swelling belly. [tifice. JOINTtED, a. Full of joints, knots, or commnis- JOGrGLE, v. n. To play tricks; to practise arJOiNT'ER,n. A sort of long plane:-a masonl's JiG/'GLE, n. A trick; an imposture; deception. JOINT'-Ht2tR (jdilnt'tr), n. A co-heir. [tool. JtiG'GLER, n. One who practises sleight of hand. JOINTILY, ad. Together; not separately. JOtGIGLING, n. Deception; imposture; trick. JOINTRrESSs, n. A woman having a jointure. J'GYV-LAR, a. Belonging to the throat. JOINT'-STOCK, an. Stock held in company. JUICE (jUs), n. The sap in vegetables; the JOiNTt-TkNt.AN-CY, n. A tenure by unity of title. water of fruit; the fluid in animals. J6INT'VRE (jidlnttyur), n. An estate settled on JUICELS. ss (jus'les), a. Dry; without moisture. a wife, to be enjoyed after her husband's death. Jtt'cI-NiiSS (jfseg-nts), a. Plenty of juice. JOINTYVRE, v. a. To endow with a jointure. JOIf'Cc (jalse), a. Moist; abounding with juice. JOIST, n. A small timber, as of a floor. JO/JOBE, n. A plant:-a kind of sweetmeat. JOKE, n. A jest; something not serious; fun. JUILEP, n. A pleasant liquid medicine. JOKE, V. n. To jest.-v. a. To caft jokes at. JU-LkY, a. The seventh month in the year. JOLE, n. The face or cheek:-head of a fish. JU'mXRT, n. The offspring of a bull and a mare. JOL'LI-NtSS, J6L'LI-TY,. Gayety; merriment. JfJMiBLE, v. a. To mix confusedly together. JOLfLY, a. Gay; merry; airy; cheerful: —plump. JrJMR BLE, n. A confitsed mass or mixture. J6L'LY-BSAT (jil'le-bit),n. A ship's small boat. Jas'BLE.R,n. One who mixes things confusedly. JOLT, v. in. & a. To shake one, as a carriage. JUrMP, v. n. To leap; to skip; to bound. JOLT, n. A shock; a shake; a violent agitation. JtimP, n. A leap; a skip; a bound: —hazard. JoLT'-HIAD (jblt'hld), n. A great head; dunce. JONCITTON, n. Union; a joining; a coalition. JONQU.IL, J6N-QUILLEt, n. A kind of daffodil. JUNCT!V.RE (jungkttyur),n. A joint; an articuJOStTLE (jistsl), v. a. To shake; to justle. lation; union; unity; a critical point of time. JOT, n. A point; a tittle:-the least quantity. JUNE,?s. The sixth month of the year. JOUR'NAL (jiirnal), n. A diary; a daily register. JONIGLE, n. A thick cluster of shrubs or rushes. JOUR'NAL-IST (jur'nal-), n. Awriter of journals. II JUN.IOR (juntyiur or jatne-or), a. Younger. JOURtNAL-IZE, v. a. To record in a journal. JIJCNtIOR, n. A person younger than another. JOiJURNEy (jiirtng), n. Travel by land; a pas- JU'N.I-PER, n. A plant which bears a berry. sage; a tour; an excursion. JONK, n. Pieces of old cable:-salt beef. JOURtNEY, V. n. To travel from place to place. JtiNKSET, n. A sweetmeat:-a stolen repast. JOfR/tNEY-MAN, n. A hired workman. JONK'ET, v. n. To feast secretly or by stealth. JOiJST (jufst), n. A tournament; a mock fight. JONITO, n.; pl. J$INITOT. A cabal; a faction. JOVE, n. Jupiter, an ancient heathen deity. JU'PI-TER, n. Jove, a heathen deity:-a planet. JO'1VI-L, a. Gay; airy; merry; cheerful; JU-RIDtI-CAL, a. Used in courts of justice. JOVTI-AL-LY, ad. Merrily; gayly; cheerfully. J$t-RIDtI-CAL-LY, ad. With legal authority. JOWL (jl), an. The cheek; jole. See JOLE. JU-RIS-CON'SVLT, n.A counsellor at law; jurist. JOWLER or JOr, LIER, n. A hunting dog. JU-R.IS-DIC'TION, n. Authority; extent of power. J at, n. Gladness; exultation; festivity. [den. JU-RIS-DIC'TIQN-AL. a. Relating or according Joi, v. n. & a. To rejoice; to be glad; to glad- to jurisdidtion or legal authority. MIEN, SYR; M6VE, NOR, 8SN; BOLL, BtjR, ROLL.-Q,, soft; i, o, hard; ~ as z;' as gz; THIS. JURISPRUDENCE 166 KINGOUP J-R.IS-PRtDE. NCE, n. The science of law. JtS!T-I-F.A-BLE-NE SS, n. The being Justifiable. JUTJ'IST, a. One versed in civil law; a civilian. JiS'T.I-Fi-A-BLY, ad. So as to be justified. JUF'QR, n. One that serves on a jury; juryman. JtS-TI-FI-CGATIQN, n. A defence; vindication. fJ0'RY, n. A number of men sworn to inquire J0US'TI-FI-E.R, n. One who justifies. [dicate. into and try any matter, and: declare the truth JUSITIFYT, v. a. To absolve; todefend; to vinon such evidence as may be delivered them. JUTSTLE: (jZS'sl), v. a. To joggle; to push; to JUB1RY-MAN, n. One who is irmpanelled on ajury. shake; to clash; to jostle. [to sliake. JU/RY-MIST, n. A mast erected to supply the JCS'TLE (jis'sl), v. n. To encounter; to clash; place of one lost in a tempest, &c. JUJSTLE (jUs/sl), a. A-shock; slight encounter. JtST, a. Upright; equitable; honest; exact. JfSTI'LY, ad. Uprightly; honestly; properly. JOST, ad. Exactly; merely; barely; almost. JiSTfNi.SS, n. Justice; equity-; accuracy. JrsT, n. Amock fight; tournament. SeeJousT. JOT, v. n. To push or shoot out.; to butt; JOSa'TICE, n. Equity; right; law: —an-officer. JOTfTy, n. A projection; a pier.; a mole. JOSiTICE-SHIP, t. Rank or office of justice. JUtVE-NIL;E, a. Young; youthful; frolicsome. JVS-Ti"CI-4-RY (j.s-tsllhe-.-rge), n. An admin- JU-VE.-NILJ-TY, an. Youthfulness; light manner. istrator of justice; a chief-justice. rson. JSX-T.A-PQ-TiTI.QQ N (jdks-te-po-zlsliupn), n. A Jts'T;I-FI-4-BLE, a. Defensible by law or ea- placingor being placed together; apposition. has, before-all the vowels, one invariable KERN, V. n. To take-the form of grains, K sound, as in keen, kill. KER'NE-L, n. The edible substance in a: shell. KALE. or KAIL, n. A kind of:cabbage.. KERt EY, n. A kind of coarse cloth or stuff. KA-LEIrDQ-SCOPE (k-ll'td9-sklp), n. An opti- t-R!DEy-~rMtERE,nA thin,twilled woollen cloth. cal instrument exhibiting-fine forms and colors. KkS'TR. L, a. A species of falcon; windhover. SXALtEN-DAR, n. An account of time. See CAL- KIiTC1H, n. A sea vessel with two masts. KAtLi, a. A marine plant. [ENDAR. I KrIT'TLE,n. A:vessel: in which liquor is boiled. KXL'MI-A, n. An American- evergreen shrub. K-ET'TLE-DRMt, na. A drumn with a body of KIXN-G4-R'66 (k1n-gt-rWD), n. A quadruped' of KET/TLE-PIN, n. pl. Ninepins!; skittles.[brass. New Holland, having short fore legs, KfY (ke) n. An instrument to fasten and open KxW, v. n. To cry as a raven, crow, or rook,. a-lock, &c.:-a notei n music:-index:-qliay. KAw, a. The cry of a raven or crow. KEYt.A(E (ke'.j), n. Money paid for wharfage. KAYLE (kal), n. A ninepin:-a kind of:play. KEY'HOILE (klhil),n. A hole to put a key in. RiECK, v. n. To heave the stomach; to retch. KE'YSTONE, n. The middle stone of an arch. K-ECkI:LE-,V. a. To defend: with- arope, as a ca- KHIAN or KH-IN:, n. In Asia- a ruler: —a sort of KcEcKISy, n. A plant; poisonous henmlock. [ble, KIBE, n. A chilblain; a chap in the heel. [inn. KItDqE-, vw a. To move with the tide, as a ship. KCK, v. a. & n. To strike or, knock with the RKEED:E, KtDq'ER, n. A small anchor. KICK, m. A blow with the foot. [foot. KE:EL, n. Th:e lower timber of a ship. KICKISHW, i. Something fantastical,; bawole. KE L'H-XUL, v. a. To drag under the keel. KID, n. The young of a. goat: —bundle of heath. KE.L'CING, n. A name for the common, codfish. KID'NXP, V. a. To steal, as a human being. KtrEL'SQN (ktl'sun), n. The piece of:timber KfD!-NA-PPE'R,n. One:who steals human beings. next above a ship's keel. KID'NEY (kidne), n. One;of two glands which KEEN, a, Sharp-; acute; severe-; piercing; eager. secrete the urine:-kind,; humor; habit; [ure. REEN!LY, ad. Sharply-; eagerly-; bitterly. KILlDE.t-KIN, n, A small barrel:-liquid measKEE NINES&S,. Sharpness-; asperity; eagerness. KILL, v. a. To deprive of life; to destroy. KEEP, v. a, [imp. t. & pp. kept.1 To retain; KILN (kil),n. An oven for burning bricks, &c. to preserve, to hold: —to protect; to guard. KILN DRKY (kmldri)v, av. n To dry in a, kiln. KEEP, v. n, To remain.; to stay; to last:; to-lodge. KILT, n.. A kind of short; petticoat. KEEP, n. Strongest part of a castle:-guard-. KiM'BO, a. Crooked; bent; arched,; a-kimbo, KEEP.ER-, n. A defender:-one who- keeps. KIN, n. A relation; kindred; relatives,: KE:PI.l-NG, n. Charge; custody, guard; support. KIND, a. Benevolent; good; favorable KEEPI/SAKE, n, A:giftin token of regard. KIND, n. Race,; generical clays; sort:; nature. KR:G, n. A-small cask- or:barrel. See CAn. KINDf-HEART-.ED (-hart-ed), a. Benevolent.; KEILP, n. Seaweed-:-a salt from- seaweed. KIN-'DLE, v:. a.& n To set: on fire.; to inflame.KiLTII.R, n. Order; good condition. [know. KIND5LI-NESS, n, Favor,; affection,; good will.KEN, V. a.- To see at a distance; to descry*; to KIND!LY, a, Congenial,; proper; bland i; mild. KEN, n. - View; sight:-the reach of the sight. K1NDJLY, ad. Benevolently; favorably; fitly. KNt'NEL, n. A cot for dogs:-a: watercourse. KINDlNE ss s Benevolence; gbod-will; favor.: INtNEL:, a.; n. To-lie; to dwell, as beasts. - KIN/rDRE. D n. Relation:; affinity:; relatives. KEPT, imp. t. & pp. from keep. [a woman. KINIDRIEE.D a. Congenial-; related-; cognate. KER1CHIEF (khar'chif)i n. A head-dress, as for KINE, n. The plural of cow. [Obsolescent.] KEIRXMEE, n. pl. A substanceused in dyeing. KING, n. A monarch; a sovereign; chief ruler. BERN, n. An Irish foot-soldier:-a hand-mill. KING'CUP, n.i A plant and flower; crowfoot....,EIiJ,6 V'f ng_;7 i-, 1 —6 t. It $t A short;-. A I-,gQ, ry- obscUre;-gr6-FAiRzi:RFiA LL j ]IibIRH; KINGDOM 167 LACEM-AN KYG'DOM., n. The dominion of a king: —class. KNIFE (kninf), n.; pl. KNIVE. A sharp instruKINGIFISH-E-R, 2. A bird living on fishes, &;c. ment used for cutting. [a combatant KiNG'LY, a. Royal; nlonarchical; noble; au-' KNIGHT (nit), n. A man of rank; a champion; KiNG'~'- -VIL (kingz'1-vl), a1. Scrofula. [gust. KiNItGHT (nit), v. a. To create a knight. KiNG'SHIP, it. The office of a king; royalty. KNiGHTt-EI'tRANT (nit'-), n.; pl. KNIGHTStK6N;t'FOLK (kinz!fdk), n. Kindred; relations. ltR'RANT. A wandering knight, KINtMlAN, n. A mlan of the same race or family. KNOiGH'-.'fRtR.ANT-RY (niit-dr'r.ant-re), at. The KiNiwbvoM-AN (kinzwvfil-.an), n. A feinale character, manners, or featssof a knight-errant. KIRK, n. A church, in Scotland. [relation. KNiGHT'IHOOD (nit'hfld), 1. Dignity of a knight. KYRRTTL.E (l:irttl), n. An outer petticoat. IKNIGHT'LY (nitlle), a. Pertaining- to a knight. KIss, v. a. To touch with the lips; to touch KNIT (Ilt), C. a. & n. [imnp. t. & pp, knit or YiSS n. A salute g-iven by joining. lips. [gently. knitted.] To weave without a loom; to unite. KiSS.ING-C6ir'FIT, n. A, perfumed sugar-plum. KNIT'TI.R, n. One-whoweaves or knits. KIT, st. A small fiddle::-fish-tib:-a milk-pail. KNIT'TINGC-NE'DLE (nlit'ting-naedl), n. A KIlTCHIfE N, n. A room for cooking provisions. wire which is used in knitting. [a boss. KITCHiE.N-DieXID, n. A maid employed in a KNIOB (nib), n. A protuberance; a hard bunch; kitchen. [paper plaything. KNOBBIED (nobd), a. Having, protuberances, KITE, n. A bird of prey of the hawk kind:-a KNOBtBY (nobtlbe), a. Full of knobs; hard. [IT'LING, 22. A whelp:-a young cat; ikitten. KN)CK (nik), v. a. & n. To strike, clash, beat. KITtTENT(kltttnl, 22. A young cat. [click. KNOCGK (nik), n; A suddemn stroke; a blow. KLICIK, v. n, To make a small, sharp.noise; to KN6CKILIR. n. A striker:-a door-hammer. KLICK, KLICKI.ING, t. A small, starp noise. KNOLL (nol), v. a. & n. To ring, as a bell. KNAB. (nat), v. a. To bite; to catch; to nab. KNOLl; (n61), n. A little round hill; top of a hill. KNACK (nal), n. A toy:-readiness; dexterity. KN16T (not), n. A tie;- a joint:-a knurl in KNAG (nag), n. A knot in wood; a peg; a shoot. wood:-difficulty:-a confederacy; a cluster. KNXP (nap), n. A prot/uberance; a swelling. KNOT (not), v. a. & 22. To tie; to form knots; KNAP (nap), v. a. To bite; to break short. KNOT'GRiASS (not'grAs), n., A plant. [to tangle. KNXP'sACIK (niptssk), n. A soldier's bag or sack. iNOTtTfED (n6ttted), a. Full of knots; uneven. KNARi (nar), na. A hard krnot in wood; al knurl. KN6T'TI-NtSS (nott-), 22. Fulness:of knots. KNAXRLED (nlrld), a. Knotted; gnarled. KNOT/TY (nIlttte), a. Full of knots; difficult. KNAYVE (nlav), n. A rascal; a scoundrel:-card. KNO0T (niot), az. A Russian punishment. INAVErla-Y (nlavter-e), n. Dishonesty; villany. KNOW (n0), v. a. [imp. t. knew; pp. known.] iNAV'_ISH (knavijsh), a. Dishonest; fraudulent. To perceive with certainty; to recognize. iNAv'Stt-LY (nav'jsh-le), ad. Dishonestly. KNOW (n6), v. n. To have certain perception..NA.V'lSH-NIESS (imdv.ish-nds), a. Knavery. KN2.WtING (noting), a. Skilful; intelligent. iNEAD (ned), v. a. To work into a mass, KN6OWING-LY (niting-le), ad. With knowledge. KNE.E (ne), n. The joint of the leg and thigh. KNOWLIEDq-E~ (n61'lej), n. Certain perception; CNEED nd), a. Having knees-; having joints. science; learning; skill; information.' INEEtIDEEP (neddep), a. Rising to the knees. KNriC'KLE (nlktkl), n. A joint of the-finger. KNEEL (2nl), v. n. [imp. t. & pp. kneeled or KNDC'RLE (nilktkl), v. n. To submit; knelt.] To bend or rest on the knee. [kpee. KNUR (niir), KNURL (niirl), n. A knlot in wood. iNEE tPAN (ni'pan), n. A round bone on the IKNURL'1D, KNURLfY, a. Full of knurls or KNP.,L, (nel), 21. The sound of a funeral bell. KOt'PlCK, n. A Russian copper coin. [knots. rNErW (na), imp. t. from knoow. [a gewgaw. KO'RAN, n. Mahometan bible, See ALCORAN. ENICKlKNACK (nikt'nk), n. Any trifle or toy; KOtMIiSS, K6ut'MSn. Liquor from mares' milk. L. L a liquid consonant, preserves always the LAXBQR, v. n. To toil:; to do work:-to be In I saime sound in English; as in like-,fall. travail:-to move with difficulty. A., n. A monosyllable or note, inmusic. LABQR, v. a. To-work at;tobeat; to belabor. _A (law), interj. See! look behold.! [dard. LXBtQ-KR4T-Q —Y-, n. A chemist's work-roomn.'XB'A-RU0M,n. [L.] The Roman imperialstan- LABOR-iRg, n. One who labors or does work.;X/DA-NtiM, n. A. resin of a strong smell. L4A-BO'RI-0O, a. Diligent; assiduous; tiresome. AtBnEL, n. A name or title fixed to any thing; LA-BOStRI-OiUS-LY, ad. With labor; with toil. a small slip or scrip of writing: —a brass-rule. L4A-BOstRI-OVS-NkSS, n.Toilsomeness;diffiiculty. A'XBEL, v.. a. To affix a label on. L4. BiR'N-U.i n. A shrub of the cytisus genus. A.'BENT, a. Sliding; gliding; slippi;ng. LXB'Y-RKINTH, n: Akmaze; a- place-full of windA./BI-AL, a. Uttered by, or relating to, the lips. ings; perplexity; intricacy. [rinth.'AXtB-ii, n. A letter pronounced by the lips.. LXB-Y-R.INItTHI-4N, a. Winding; like: a laby-;A'BI-ATE., LI,-!B:-AT-E:D, a.. Formed with lips. LACc, n. A:concrete substance. See LACK.,A 4-Bliv. -TTE R, n. A surgical instrumnenlt. LACE, n. Plaited cord; ornaments of thread, &c. A -BI-.O-DNtTAL, a. Formed by the lips and LACE-, v. a. To bind, as with a cord; to adorn. i.AJtBQR, an. Pains;j toil; work; travail. [teeth. LlCE'M.AN, n. One who deals in lace. VliEN,S1Rj -MO6VE, N5RSN:; B0.LiL, Bij Rly.Ei-:9.,-Asqftg;-~,.Gsardl; asz;:Wasgz; WIHtIS. LACERABLE 168 LAPFUL LAXgER-A-BLE, a. That may be torn or rent. LA-MtNTt, n. Lamentation; expression of sorLAX'(ERt-ATE,v. a. To tear; to rend; to mangle. row; a moaning. [ful; deplorable. LA i-ER-AtTIQN, n. The act of tearing; breach. L XI1E NT-A-BLE, a. To be lamented; mournLAty]ER-A-TIVE, a. Tearing; having power to. LAMIENT-A-BL~, ad. Mournfully; pitifully. LAiSHfRY-MAL, a. Generating tears. [tear. L-M-ELN-TA/TI.ON,?. An expression of sorrow. LABHIR'Y-MA-RY, a. Used for containing tears. LA-MENT'ER, n. One who mourns or laments. LABH/RY —IA-TQ-RY, h. Vessel to preserve tears. LXAStI-NA, n. pl. LAMIJII-NE. [L.] A thin plate. LACK, v. a. Tl'o want; to need; to be without. LAMII-N`AT-ED, a. Plated; consisting of plates. LACK, v. si. To be in want; to be wanting. LAMIMMAS, n. The first day of August. LACK, n. Want; need:-100,000 rupees, &c. LAMP, n. A vessel for producing light. LACK-A-DAY' (ldk-a-dtL), initerj. Implying alas. LXAM:PASS, n. A swelling in a horse's mouth. LACKIBRA.IN (lak'brdn), n. One that lacks wit. LAMP'BLACK, n. A fine soot from turpentine. LACUFER., n. One who lacks:-a varnish. LAM-Po6N', n. Personal satire; ridicule; abuse. LACK'IE R, v. a. To smear over with lacker. LAM-PoN', v. a. To abuse with personal satire. LACK'tE (lak'ke), n. A servant; a foot-boy. LAM-P6ONtER, n. A scribbler of personal satire. LA-CoN'IC, LA-CNt'I-CAL, a. Short; concise; L /MIPREY (lrampre), n. A fish like the eel. LA-C6N/I-CAL-LY, ad. Briefly; concisely. [brief. LANCE, n. A long spear; a weapon of war. LA-CoN/'-Citp, ) n. A concise style:-a brief, LANCE, v. a. To pierce; to open with a lancet. LACtQ-NIS, I pithy phrase or expression. LANtCE-Q-LATE, a. Shaped like a lance-head. LAC'QUEIR, n. A varnish. See LACKER. LAN tER, n. One armed with a lance. [ment. LAC'TTA-R~, a. Milky; full of juice like milk. LANCET, n. A small, pointed surgical instruLAC'TE-AL, a. Milky; conveying chyle. LANCH, v. a. To dart; to throw. See LAUNCH. LAC'TE-.AL, sn. The vessel that conveys chyle. LAND, n. A country; a region; earth; ground. LAC'TE-OnS, a. Milky; lacteal; conveying LAND, v.a. & n. To set on shore; to come ashore. LAC-Tits'CENCE, n. Tendency to milk. [chyle. LAN-DU', n. A coach or pleasure-carriage. LbC-Tk:StCENT, a. Producing milk. LXND'ED, a. Consisting of, or having, land. LAC'TIC, a. Applied to the acid of sour milk. LXND'-FLOOD (land'flud), n. An inundation. LAC-TIFtER-OPS, a. That conveys or brings LAND'-FRR-CE,.n. pl. Troops serving o land. LAD, n. A boy; a young man; stripling. [milk. LAND'RA.VE, n. A German title of dominion. LAD'DE. R, a. A frame with steps for climbing. LAND-GRAV.I-ATE, n. Territory of a landgrave. LADE, v. a. [imp. t. laded; pp. laden or laded.] LANDtHOLD-ER,?. One who holds lands. To load; to freight:-to heave out. LAND'INGt, i. A place to land at:-stair-top. LA'DEN (latdn), pp. from lade and load. LAND'J6B-BE.R, tn. One who buys and sells land. LADIING, n. Freight; weight; burden. [dle. LANDILA-DY, It. Mistress of an inn; a hostess. LAfDLE, n. A large spoon; a vessel with a han- LAND'LESS, a. Having no property in land. LA'DY,n. A well-bred woman; a title of respect. LAND'LOCKED (laind'ltkt), a. Enclosed with LA'tDY-BIRD, LADY-FLY, n. A kind of insect. LAND5LOR D, n. Master of an inn; a host. [land. LA/'DY-DAY, n.'5tli March; the Annunciation. LAND.MAN, n. One who lives or serves on LA.tDY-LIKE, a. Becoming a lady; soft; elegant. LAND/AitARK, n. A mark of boundaries. [land. LAVDY-LOvE, n. A female sweetheart. LAND'-OF-FICE, n. An office for the sale of land. LA'DY-SHIP, a. The title or state of a lady. LAND'SCAPE, a. Prospect of a country; picture. LAG, a. Comingbehind; sluggish; slow; tardy. LAND't-TX, n. A tax assessed upon land. LAG, v. n. To loiter; to stay behind. LANDf-WArIT-ER, n. An officer of the customs. LA-G66N!, n. A large, shallow pond or lake. LAND'WARD, ad. Towards the land. LAIC, LAtI-CAL, a. Belonging to the laity. LANE, n. A narrow street; an alley; a passage. LA'IC, n. A layman; —opposed to clergyman. LANtGUA2gE (lang'gwyj), n. Human speech: LAID (lad), imp. t. & pp. from lay. -speech peculiar to a nation:-style. LAIN (ian), pp. from lie. [beast. LANIGUID (ling'gwid), a. Faint; weak; feeble. LAIR (lir), n. The couch of a boar or other wild LKN'GUID-LY (lnglgwid-le), ad. Weakly; feeLAIRD (lard), n. the lord of a manor. [Scot.] LXN'GUiD-N:SS, n. Weakness; feebleness.[bly. LA.1I-TY, n. The people, distinct from the clergy. LXN'GUISH (lang'gwish), v. n. To grow feeble. LAKE, in. A large extent of inland water:-a LAN'GUISSH-E.R, n. One who pines or languishes. pigment of a reddish color. [See LLAMA. LAN'GUISH-MhNT, n. State of pining; softness. LAMMA, n. The Read of the Buddhist religion. LANGUQR' (laIlnggwur),n. Faintness; weakness. LA-MA.NtTINE, n. An animal; manatee or sea- LA/NI-ATE, v. a. To tear in pieces; to lacerate. LAMB (lm) n. The young of a sheep. [cow. LA-NI1qER-otS, a. Bearing wool, as sheep. LAME (!am),av.a. Toyean; to bring forth lambs. LANK, a. Loose; lax; spare; slender; faint. LAMB'A-TIVE,n.& a. Medicine taken by licking. LANK'NESS, a. Want of plumpness; leanness. LAMtBENT, a. Playing about; gliding lightly' LANITERN, n. A case for a candle.-a. Thin. LAMB'KIN (lim'kjin), n. A little lamb. [over. LA-Ni:m!lI-NOtVS, a. Downy; covered with soft LXMB'-LIKE (lam'lIk), a. Mild; innocent. LAN'YARD,n. A small rope or piece of cord.[hair. LAME, a. Crippled; disabled:-imperfect. LAP, n. That part of a person sitting which LAME, v. a. To make lame; to cripple. reaches from the waist to the knees. LAME.iL-LAR, a. Composed of scales or flakes. LXP, v. a. To wrap or twist round:-to lick up. LAMIEL-LAT-ED, a. Formed of plates; lamellar. LAP, v. n. To be spread or turned over any thing. LAMEL.Y, ad. Like a cripple:-imperfectly. LXP'D6G, n. A little dog fondled by ladies. LAME'NESS, n. State of a cripple; weakness. LA-PRL', n. A part of a coat folding over. LA-MkNTI, v. To bewail; to mourn; to grieve. LAP'FOL, n. As much as the lap can contain. A i oo~urPaOng; L,,X,k57tshort; 4,1s,Q,E,,FAriST,FALL; HIR-t-, HiR; MEASURE 181 MEND thing is measured; proportion; degree; quan- MERI~, a. Mild; not proud; soft; gentle; hum. tity:-musical time:-n-oderation; limit:- MIEEEKIEN (nlS'kn), v. a. To inake nleek. [ble. metre.-pl. Proceedings. MELEKLY, ad. Mildly; gently; iumnbly. 1IMEAS/URE (meSzhur), v. a. To compute -by Mt, E:stNss, n. Gentleness; mildness; humility. rule; to adjust; to proportion; to markout; Mo;T, a. Fit; proper; qualified; seemly. to allot. [ble. M3ET,. a. [imp. t. & pp. met.] T'o come toEL.'A~tURE-LESS (mezhtur-leS), a. Immeasura- gether; to joinl; to encounter; to find; to light MBIAS'URE-MrENT (mizhtur-m6nt), n. Act of MlEET, v. n. To encounter; to assemble. lon. measuring; mensuration. [ures. MEET'INGI,n. An assenbly; interview; a con ilux. MEASUR-. ERP (mezhfur-er), n. One that meas- MEET/INGC-HMOSE, i. A house of public worMEAT, n. Flesh to be eaten; food in general. tMEET'LY, ad. Fitly; properly; suitably. [ship. ME-EHANNIC, n. A manufacturer; an aitificer. MtEETI.NESS, in. Fitness; propriety; suitableness. ME- HANIC Ic, j a. Relating to mechanism ME':GRIM, n. Disorder of the head.-pl. Whims. ME-~HANIt-CAL, or to mechanics; servile. MIELAN-H6OL-IC, a. Dejected; gloomy; dismal. ME-HXAN.I-CAL-LY, ad. According to mechan- MILtAN- SHuiOL-I-NESS, 7. Melancholy. ism. MSL AN-EHOL- Y, n. Gloom of mind; sadness. ME-0HAiN'I-CAL-INRESS, n. Mechanical state. iLtL AN-EHOL-~, a. Gloomy; dismal; dejected. MECH- A-NItCI.AN (miklr —nish'tan), n. A mech- MELLT-LOT, n. A plant; a species of trifolium. anist; a mechanical philosopher. [motion. IMCLII'QO-RAT1E (mnltyo-rat or mnt'le-o-rdt), v. a. ME:-HIINtICS, n. pl. A science treating of To make better; to ameliorate. [melnt. M E.HIAN-YrM, n. Construction of a nlachine. IIMiEL-IO-RA'TION (mel-ys-ratshun), n. ImplroveME:MH'AN-IST, n. A malker of machines. MEL-LIF/ErO-O iS, a. Productive of honey. MErI:ILI N, a. Noting lace made at Mechlin. MEL-L.tFI-ICA'TIQN, n. Production of honey. MEDI/AL, n. An ancient coin:-a piece stamlped MEL-LIFLU.-ENCE, 71. A flow of sweetness. in honor of some person or event. iMEL-LIFtLU-JLNT, MEL-LrIF'LU-OifSI a, SweetME-DXL'LIC, a. Pertaining to medals. ly flowing, as with honey. ME-DALL.ON (me-dAl'yun), n. A large medal MEL/LOW (mnell), a. Soft; fully ripe:-drunk. or stamip:-a circular tablet. MELfLOW (millos), v. a. & i. To ripen; to soften. MEDtAL-LIST, n. A manl skilled in medals. MLL'LOW-NESS, n. Maturity; ripeness; softness. MIEDDLE I. n. To have to do; to interpose. ME-LODI-OUS, a. Musical; harmlonious. [ly. MLDuDLER, n. One who meddles; a busybody. ME-LO'DI-OUiS-LY, ad. Musically; harmoniousMDIDnLE-SOME, a. Intermeddling; officious. ME-LO1D!-OU.S-NESS, n. Sweetness of sound. MtD-I-_EIVAL, a. Relating to the middle ages. ME L-Q-DRA-CmXTI.C, a. Relating to a nleloM:E'DI-AL, a. Mean; noting an average. [ties. drame. MEtDI-ATE,.n. To interpose between two par- MELIO-DRAI ME, 1. A dramatic performance ME DI-ATE, a. Interposed; intervening; middle. witlh songs or music. ME IDI-ATE-LY, ad. By a secondary cause. MEL'O-DY, n. Musio; sweetness of sound. ME -DI-tA/TIQN, n. Interposition; intercession. MELtON, n. A well-known plant and its fruit. M:E't)I-A-TOR, at. An interposer; an intercessor. MELT, v. a. & n. To dissolve; to becenme liquid. ME -Di-A-TOtR-AL, a. Belonging to amediator. MtELTtING, n. Act of softening; intelneration. SX. DI-DA'TOR-SHIP, n. The office of a mediator. MlEM1BEltR, i. A limb; a part; a clause.,1':D1-iA-TRiX, n. A female mediator. MEVIBER-SHlIP,?. State of a member; union. ILtD't-CA-BLE, a. That may be healed; curable. MILM-BRA-NACE:OU.S (-shus), MEM-BRA'NEtMED't-CAL, a. Relating to the art of healing. oUS, AMSilMtBRA-NOUS? a. Consisting of mnemSISEDtI-CAL-LY, ad. Physically; medicinally. M-]3IBRANNE, n. A supple, elastic web. [branes. MEDSI-CA-MMNT, n. Any thing used in healing. ME-lENIT6, in.; pl. ME-IS2EN1TOES. A memlloMEDtI-CATE, V. a. To tinctulre with medicine. rial; a notice; a hint. MEr-Dri)I-NAL, a. Healing; belonging to physic. MiE-mOitR (me-mor' or meml'wAr), n. A history iE-WDylt-NAL-LY, ad. In a medicinal manner. familiarly written; a writtenl account. [bered. MIED.'I-CINE, it. PlIysic; a remledy; a drug. Ii M-0-RA-BtIL/I-tA, l. pi. Things to be rememMEDI-O —CRE (me'de-a-ki.r), a. Minddling. MLIItQ-RA-BLE, a. - Worthy of remembrance. ME- DI-OCJtRI-T Y n. Moderate degree; middle IMtLM'O-RA -BLY, ad. In a menlorable manner. rate, state, or degree. [on. MESI — PXNr Dtii, n.; pl. MESI-9-RXANDA anld MEIPD'I-TATE,v. a. To plan; to scheme; to think MtEM-o-RAXNr)DUTi. [L.] A note to help the MiD'T-TATE, V. n. To think; to contemplate. IE-MOlRI-AL, a. Preserving memory. [memory. MILD-I-TA'TION, n. Act of meditating; deep MlSE-IO'tRI-.AL, n. A monument; record; meinthouglht; contemplation. [flectinsg. orandum: —a written address. MEDl1I-TA-TIVE, a. Given to meditation; re- ME.-MiOtRI-AL-IST, n. Presenter of a memorial. ILD-I-TTRR-iRANE.-AN, a. Encircled with land. MIEIO.-RY yt. The faculty of retaniing or recolMIEDI-i Mit n.; pl. MEIDI-Ui-I or MErDI-A. lecting things past; retention; reminiscence. Space passed through; middle state; mean's. MEN, n. The plural of man. nEr'SLAir, n. A tree, and tlle.fruit of tlhe tree. MLEN.ACE, v. a. To threaten; to threat; to defy. MtLE'LEY(mndrle),n.AAmixture; nuingled mass. MEN'ACE, a. Threat; denunciation. IL" DLriEY (mid'le), a. Mingled; confused. MtENtA —CER, a. One who threatens. aanimals. MLr-DULLAa, a. The same as medullary. ME -NAE1' (me-nazh'), n. [Fr.] A collection of MELDUL-L A-RY, a. Pertaining to the marrow. MEN-~A'iE-RIE (me-ntt'zhe-rS), MI:N-;'Gi: -RY, MEI-DJULL.INE, n. The pith of the sunflower, &c. n. A collection of, or place for, animals. MEED, n. A reward; recompense:-desert. MjiND, v, a. To repair; to correct; to improve. MiEN, SIRt M6VE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BRUR, ILE. —Q, Q, sqft; e, P, hard; as z; j as gz; THIS. 16 MEND 182 METEWAND MhND, v. n. To grow better; to improve. MtRIRY-THOUGHT (mer're-thkwt),n. A forked MkEND'A-BLE, a. Capable of being mended. bone between the neck and breast of fowls. ME N-.)ACIOU. s (men-da'shus), a. False; lying. ME-SEEMS', impersonal verb. It seems to me. ElgN-DAq11-T y n. A falsehood; want of truth. MS-ENN-TER'IC, a. Relating to the mresentery. MiN'DI-CAN-C Y, n. Beggary; mendicity. ME'.EN-TkR-y, n. A membrane in the pelvis. MIiENIDI-CANT, a. Begging.-L. A beggar. MtSH, n. Space between the threads of a net. MEN-D~I.I-TY, n. The life or state of a beggar. MESi, v. a. To catch in a net; to insnare. MtILNI-AL, a. Belonging to servants; low; servilet.MESH'y, a. Reticulated; like network. MI1NI-AL,?n. A domestic or low servant. M/E'LIN,n. A mixture ofdifferent kinds of grain. ME.-NOLIQ-.Y, n. A register of months. MESNE (min), a. Middle; intermediate. MN'SAL, a. Belonging to, or done at, the table. E -sOi E-L.Xs, n. A veined precious stone. MENt'STRI-AL, a. Monthly; lasting a month. MES, n. A dish:-a medley:-a set or company. MVLN1STRU-M, n.; p l. MtN!STRU-A. A sol- MESS, v. n. To eat:-to feed together. vent; a dissolving fluid. [mensurable. MEStSAiCE, n. An errand; notice or advice sent. MENS-U-RA-SIL'I-TY, n. The state of being MEStSEN- ER, n. One who carries a message. MLNSIU-RA-BLE, a. That may be measured. MES-SI'AH, 1.. Christ; the Saviour of the world. MENS-V-REA1TIQN, a. Act or art of measuring. MES-SIIAH-SHIP, n. The office of Messiah. MEN'TAL, a. Intellectual; relating to the mind. MESSIEURS (mtsh'urz or mbs'yers), n. pl. [Fr.] MIVWN~TSL-Ly,,ad. Intellectually; in the mind. Sirs; gentlemen. Mk:N'TION, n. A recital, oral or written; a hint. LMESS'tATE, a7. One who eats at the same table. MtNITIQN, v. a. To name; to state; to express. MES1SUAqE (mes'swaj), n. A dwelling-house ME-PHIT/IC, ME-PHITIT-CAL, a. Foul; noxious. MET, isrp. t. & pp. from meet. [with land, &c. MER1CAN-TILEX a. Trading; commercial. ME-TXAB'Q-LA,n. Achangeof time,air,or disease. iVERICE-rNA-RI-NESS, n. Venality. [hireling. ME-TXEH'R.O-NISM, n. A date too late in time. MER/CE:-NA-RYSa. Venal;hired; sold for money; ME'TAQE, n. iMeasurement of coals. MERiCE'-NA-RYi, n. A hireling; one serving for MRET/AL (met'tl os. met'al), n. A heavy, hard MBIPCE.R, n. One who deals in silks. [pay. substance, shining, opaque, and fusible by MER'CER-Y, n. The trade or wares of mercers. heat:-glass in a state of fusion. [imetal. MiEt1CHAN-DI~E, n. Commerce; trade; wares. ME-TAL/L.C~ a. Relating to, or containing, MERICHAN-DISE, t. n. To trade; to traffic. ME:T-AL-LIFrER-OUS, a. Producing metals. MERcI.HANT,n. A trader or dealerby wholesale. MET'AL-LINE, a. Consisting of metal; metalMEil/CHIANT-A-BLE, a. Fit to be bought and sold. MET'AL- LIST, n. A worker in metals. [lic. MERtCH.ANT-MAN, z. A ship of trade. MET-AL-LOG'RA-PHY, n. Description of metals. MnRtCI-FUfL, a. Compassionate; tender; kind. M1i:TtAL-LUR- CIST, n. A worker in metals. MERtCI-FOL-LY, ad. Tenderly; with pity. M]ETtAL-LUR-(,Y. n. The art of working metals. MER/CI-FOL-NESS, n. Tenderness; pity. MLeT-A-MHORPPHOSE, v. a. Tochange the form of. MERiCI-LESS, a. Void of mercy; pitiless; cruel. MET-4-7o0R/P J1P1-S1S,In. pl. MET-A-MOR'PHnOMEV:RCI-LEtSS-LY, ad. In a manner void of pity. stS. Change of form or shape; transformation. MERtCI-LE.SS - NitSS, 7. Want of mercy or pity. MET'.A-PH.OR, a. A figure of speech, a compariMEt-CUiRI-AL, a. Containing mercury; active. son, or simile comprised in a word. hRf'CU.-RY, n. A deity; a planet; quicksilver. MET-A-PHOR/IC, a. Partaking of metaMERtCY i n. Tenderness; clemency; mildness. MET-.A-PHOR'I-CAL, phor; figurative. MiRtCY-SEAT, n. The propitiatory of the Jews. MET-A-PHRR'I-C AL-LY, ad. Figuratively. ME RE, a. This or that only; absolute; bare. METIA-PHRAE, n. A mere verbal translation. M:RE, n. A pool; a lake; a boundary; a ridge. METtA-PHRAST, n. A verbal or literal translator. MERE'LY, ad. Simply; only; solely; absolutely. MET-A-PHIRXSTIC, a. Literal in interpretation. MhR-E-TRYt"CIOUS (mir-e-trish'us), a. Allur- MET-A-P.YIC, a. Versed in metaphysics; nlug by false show; lewd; false. [sink. MET-A-PIr-YS'I-CAL, relating to mnetaphysics. MEI'RCE, v. a. & n. To immerse; to plunge; to MET-A-PHYS'I-CAL-LY, ad. By metaphysics..l-RIlD'I-AN,. Noon; midday; a great circle MET-A-PHY-~i "CIAN (met-4-fe-zlshliltn), n. One which the sun crosses at noon; highest point. versed in metaphysics. [psychology. ME-RDtf!-AN, a. Relating to midday; highest. MET-A-PHVY~ICS, n. pl. The science of mind; MEi-RID'I-O-NAL, a. Southern; southerly. MET'A-PLXA'M, n. Alteration of letters. Mt.R'IT, n. Desert; due reward; claim; right. ME-TAS'TA-SiS, n. Change in seat of disease. MtR'IT, v. a. To deserve; to have a right to; to MiE, -TXTH'Ei-SIS,n. A transposition of letters,&c. MtR-I-TcOtRI-OtSs, a. Deserving reward. [earn. METE, V. a. To measure; to reduce to measure. NRtR-.I-T6OR.I-OS-L,, ad. In a deserving manner. METE,n. A measure; a limit; a bound. [souls. MkR-I-T(oRI-oVs-NkSS, n. State of deserving ME-TkMP-SY —tHO'SIS, n. Transmigration of MERtLIN, n. A kind of hawk or falcon. [well. ME'TITE;-QR,. A luminous transient body rapidMERMAXID, n. A sea woman; an animal fabled ly moving in the atmosphere. to have a woman's head and a fish's tail. ME-T.E-oR'JC,a. Relating to meteors or aerolites. MERIRI-LY, ad. Gayly; cheerfully; with mirth. ME-TE-O-RO-L6ItIC, a. Relating to meteMRR.RI!-MENT, n. Mirth; gayety; cheerfulness. ME-TE-:-R0-L)q11-CAL orology. Tteors. MERWRI-NESS, 7n. Mirth; merry disposition. ME-TE-Q-ROLtO-qIST, n. A man skilled in meMER'RY, a. Gay; jovial; cheerful; laughing. ME-TE-O-R6OL'O-~Y, n. The doctrine of meteors. MRIRRY-AN'DREW (mertre-an'dru), n. A buf- ME,-TE'Q-RQ-SCOPE, n. Al astronomical instrufoon; a zany. [ing. METER, n. A measurer; as, a coal-meter. [ment. M.R'RY-MAK'ING, n. A festival; a jovial meet- METE'WAND (mtt'wond), n. A measuring staff. AX,,I,O,U, long'; 2X,,5,,t, short;,,AI,,q,V,Y, obscure.-FARE,FrXa,FAST,FLL; HItIR,HjR; METHEGLIN 183: MILLINER Mt-T GItL.INI n. Drink made of honey and MIDST, prep. Poetically used for amidst. water fermented; mead. MIDtSTREAM, n. The middle of the stream. ME-THI-NKS1, V. impers. I think; it seems to me. MIDISUM-ME. R, n. The summer solstice, June 21. MiTH!OD,?. A regular order; a manner; way. MIDrlWAY, n. The middle of the way. ME -THOD'IC, a. iRelating to method; ex- MID'WAY, ad. In the middle of the passage. ME-THODt.I-C4L, act; regular. MID/WIFE, n. A woman who assists women MI-THODST-CAL-Ly, ad. According to method. in childbirth. [ing women in childbirth. MTttOIQD-I tM, n. The principles of Methodists. MID'WIFE-RY (mldtwif-rge),. The art of assistMlVTHtOD-IST, n. One of a sect of Christians. MID'WIN-TER, na. The winter solstice, Dec. 21. MITH-O-DISITIC, a. Relating to the Meth- MIEN (men), n. Air; look; manner; aspect. MLTH-O-DIS'TI-CAL, odists. [order. MIFF, n. A slight resentment. [Colloquial.] METH!Q-DIZE, v. a. To regulate; to dispose in MIGHT (mIt), imp. t. from may. ME-THOUGHT. (ime-th'wt'), imp. t. from me- MIGHT (mIt), n. Power; strength; force; ability. thinks. I thought; it appeared to me. MIGHTII-LY (mI'te-le), ad. Powerfully; strongly. MRT-Q-NVM.I-CAL, a. Put for something else. MIGHT'I-N:SS (milte-nes), n. Power; greatness. ME-TOYNt'-MYI n. A rhetorical figure by which MIGHTIY (mItte), a. Strong; powerful; great. one word is put for another. [my. MIGN-O-NETTE1 (mln-yo-nett), n. An annual MtiT-Q-P6SCQ-PY, n. The study of physiogno- plant and its flower. ME'TRE (me'ter), n. Verse; measure; numbers. Mx1GRATE, v. n. To remove; to change place. MiTt.RI-CAL, a. Pertaining to metre or numbers. MI-GRAXTION, n. Change of place; removal. ME.-TROPiQ-LiS, n. The chief city of a country. MI'GRA-TQ-RY, a. Changing residence; wanMtT-KQ-PoL'r-TAN, n. An archbishop. LyH (mllsh), a. Giving milk. [dering. MRT-RO-POLrI-TAN,a.Belongingto a metropolis. MILD, a. Kind; tender; soft; gentle; not acrid. MIET'TLE (mlettl), n. Substance; metal:- MrIL'EW (mil1du), n. A disease in plants. spirit; sprightliness; courage. [dor. MILtDEW (mlld u), v. a. To taint with mildew. Mr TTLED (ment'tld), a. Courageous; full of ar- MILDILY, ad. Tenderly; kindly; gently. M?,T'TLE-SOiME (mntttl-sum), a. Lively; brisk. MILDINESS, n. Gentleness; tenderness; mercy. MEW (mui), n. A cage; an enclosure: —a sea- MILE, n. A measure of distance; 320 rods. fowl:-pl. Buildings for horses; stables. MILEISTONE, n. A stone set to mark the miles. MEW (mu), v. a. To shut up; to confine; to shed. MIL1FOIL, n. An herbaceous plant. MEWV (mu), v. n. To change; to cry as a cat. MML1IA-RY (miltya-re), a. Small; like millet seed. MEL (mill), v. n. To squall as a child. MIL1I-TANT, a. Fighting; engaged in warfare. MEWLt'R (mtl'er),n.One who squalls ormewls. MLISI-TA-RY, a. Relating to war; warlike. M$i-ZZtRE.-ON, n. A flowering shrub. MILtI-TA-RY, n. The soldiery; the army. MOZ-ZQ-TiN'TO (met-so-tln'tS), n. A kind of MILtI-TATE v. n. To oppose; to operate against. engraving on copper. [miasma. MI-L'ITIA (mi-lishtya), n. The enrolled soldiers. MIWAIa, na. Noxious exhalation or effluvium; MILK, n. Liquor with which females feed their MI-AnIA, a.; pl. MI-4~tMA-TA. Noxious exha- young from the breast:-juice of plants. lations or effluvia. MILK, v. a. To draw milk by the hand. MI-.A —MXT'IC, a. Noxious; infectious; tainted. MILK/I-NtSS, n. Resemblance of milk; softness. MICA, n. A shining mineral substance. MILKIMAID, n. A woman employed in the dairy. MI-CA'CEOioV (mi-ka'shus), a. Relating to mica. MILK'MXN, n. A man who sells milk. ii MICE, n. The plural of moluse. [chael, Sept. 29. MILK'PAIL, a7. A pail for containing milk. MIRHfAE4L-MXS (mlk'el-mas), n. Feast of St. Mi- MILK'PXN, n. A vessel in which milk is kept. MICtKLE (miltkl), a.'Much; great. [Scotland.] MILK-PORR'IDqE, s. Food, made by boiling MI'CRO-COMM, n. A little world; man's body. MILIc-P6T'TAqE, milk with water and MI-CRQ-CO;' MIC, ~ a. Relating to a micro- meal or flour. MI-CR0-CO1MI-CAL, 5 cosm. [jects. MILKt-SCORE, n. An account of milk owed for. Mi-CRSGIRA-PKY, n. Description of minute Ob- MILK'S6P, n. A soft, simple, effeminate man. MIICRKQ-SCOPE, n. An optical instrument for MILKt-TOO6TH, n. The first foretooth of a foal. viewing and examining the smallest objects. MILKI-WHITE, a. White as milk. [tenler. MI-CRQ-SCOP.IC, a. Relating to a micro- MILK'Y, a. Made of, or like, milk:-soft; gentle; MI-CRQ-SCOP'I-CAL, 5 scope:-very minute. MILKtY-WAY (milk'e-wa), n. The galaxy. MID, a. Middle; equally between two extremes. MILL, n. An engine for grinding corn, &c. MIDtDAY (mldfda), n. Noon; meridian. MILL, v. a. To grind; to cornminute; to stamp. MID'DLE (mldtdl), a. Equally distant from the MILLt-C6G, n. The tooth of a mill-wheel. two extremes; intermediate; intervening. MILL'-DXM, n. A dam for turning a mill. MID'DLE, a. The part equidistant from two ex- MILILE-N4A-RY, a. Consisting of a thousand. tremes; centre; midst. [the middle of life. MIIL-LN'NI-AL, a. Pertaining to the millennium.'MIDDLE-AqED (mldtdl-ajd), a. Being about MIL-LtN'NI-tIM, n. Christ's reign of 1000 years. MID'DLING, a. Of middle rank; moderate. MIILtLE-PED, n. An insect; the wood-louse. MID'LXND, a. Surrounded by land; interior. MILLE.-PORE, n. An animal that forms coral. MID/LE G, n. The middle of the leg. [night. MYL'LER, n. One who attends a mill:-awinged MID'NIGHT (mldnlit), n. Twelve o'clock at MIL-LISII-MAL, a. Thousandth. [insect. MIDINIGHT, a. Being in the middle of the night. MILILET, n. A plant and grain; a kind of fish. MID'RIFF, n. The diaphragm. [ship of war. MILL'-HORSE, n. A horse that turns a mill. MID/SHMIP-MrAN, n. An under officer on board a MIL'LI-NE.R, n. One who makes bonnets for MIDST, n. The middle. —a Midmost. women. MIEN, SiiR:; MOVE, NOR, SN N; BOLL, BUR, ROLE.-9, A, soft; ~, A, hard;? as z; $ as gz; THIS. MILLINERY 184 MISCALCULATE MfL'LI-NtR-Y, n. Work or wares of milliners. MINISTER, n. A monastery; a cathedral church. MIL LION (mllypun), n. Ten hundred thousand. MIN1STREL, n. A singer; a musician. MYL'LIONTH (millyunth),a.Ordinal of a million. MIN'STRgL-SY, n. Music; a band of musicians, MI~LL-IREAI MIILL-REEt', n. A Portuguese coin. MINT, n. A place for coining money:-a plant. MILLISTONE,n.A stone by which corn is ground. MINT, v. a. To coin; to stamp; to invent. MILLt-TOOTH, n. A grinder; a double tooth. MINTIAQgE, n.Coinage; the duty paid for coining. MILT, n. The sperm of the male fish: —spleen. MINT'IER, MINTIMAN, n. A maker of coins. MILT'ER, a. The male of any fish. ~MINT'-MaS-TglR,n.One who presides in coinage, MI-MET'IC, MI-METtI-CAL, a. Imitative; apish. MINIU.4-T, n. A stately, regular dance. MIM'IC, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. mimicked.] To imi- S'I-NUTE', a. Very small; exact; trifling. tate for sport; to ape; to mock. MIN'UTE, n. The 60th part of an hour: —a note. MIm'iC, n. A ludicrous imitator; a buffoon. MINfUTE, v. a. To set down in short hints. MIM'IC, MIM'I-CAL, a. Imitative; apish. MIN'UTE-BOOIt (-bikr), n. A book of short hints. MIMItIC-RY, a. Burlesque or playful imitation. MINtU. TE-GLSS, n. A glass measuring minutes. MI-NAtClOUS (mi-nalshus), a. Full of threats. Mt;N/UTE-GtiN,n.A gun discharged every minute. MINtA-RT, n. Slender turret of a mosque. MIN'UTE-HXND, n. A hand pointing to minutes. MIN'A-TO-RY, a. Threatening; menacing. MIN'UTE-Ly. a. Happening every minute. MINCE, v. a. To cut into small parts; to palliate. MI-NUTEtLY, ad. To a small point; exactly; MINCE, v. n. To walk or speak with affectation MI-NuTEtNESS, n. Extreme smallness. [nicely. or affected nicety. MI-NU.,TI- 7E (me-nfi'she-e), n. pl. [L.] Minute M'iNCE-PIEr (mlns-pit), n. A pie made of things; the smnallest particulars. MINCw ED-PIE' (mlnst-pit), minced meat, &c. MINx, n. A pert, wanton girl:-a she puppy. MINtCING-LY, ad. In small parts; affectedly. MIiNY, a. Relating to mines; subterraneous. MIND, n. The intelligent or intellectual faculty MIR'A-CL, n. A wonder; a supernatural event. in man; the understanding; choice; opinion. MI-RAC'U-LOUS, a. Done by miracle; supernatMIND, v. a. To mark; to attend; to regard. ural; xwonderfiul. [ner. MIND'ED, a. Disposed; ifclined; affected. MI-RXCrU-LOUS-LY, ad. In a mirqculous manMIND'FtL, a. Attentive; heedful; observant. 51 -RXACU-LOUS-NELSS, n. State of being miracuMIND'FUL-Ly, ad. Attentively; heedfully. MIR-A-D R',. [Sp.] A balcony or gallery. [lous. MINDFOL- NESS, n. Attention; regard. MII-RAQ'E (me-razh), n. [Fr.] An optical illuMINE, pr. poss. from I. Belonging to me. MIRE, n. Muld; soft, wet earth. [sion. MINEi, n. A place in the earth containing min- MIRE, v. a. To whelm in the mud; to soil. erals or ores:-a cavern under a fortification. IIRvtI-NEsSS,?z. Dirtiness; fulitess of mire. MINE, v. a. & n1. To sap; to ruin by mines; to MIRIt~y, a. Dark; wanting light; gloomy. MIIN'tIR, n. One that digs in mines. [dig. Am'IRiOR, n. A looking-glass:-a pattern. MlN1I.R-AL, 7V. Matter dug out of mines; a fossil. M15iRRQR, v. a. To exhibit by use of a imirror. MIN'ER-AL, a. Consisting of fossil bodies. - MIRTH, n. Merriment;jollity; gayety. MIN'ER-AL-IST, n. One skilled in minerals. IYRTEIFOtL, a. Merry; gay; joyful; cheerful. MIN'R-.AL-IZE,v. a.To conbine with a mineral. {I RTHIFfL-LV, ad. Ini a merry manner; cheerMIN-ER-A-Lo'.I-CAL,a.Relatin g to mineralogy. MIRTIHLESS, a. Joyless; cheerless. [fully. MiN- IR-XL'Q-q'IST, n. One versed in minieralogy. MIR'Y, a. Deep in mud; muddy; full of mire. M'IN-ER-XL'OQ —~Y, n. The science of minerals. MIS. A prefix, denoting privation, or an ill sense. MIN'GLE, v. a. &?z. To mix; to join; to be mixed. MIS-XC-CEP-TAiTIQN, n. A misunderstanding. MIN'IA-TURE or MIN'I-A-TURE, 1. A picture or MIS-AD-v iNT/tRE (mis-.d-ventltyur), n. A misrepresentation in a small compass. fortune; mischance; mishap. MIN'IM, n. A dwarf:-a short note in music. MIS- AlMLED5 (mis-amd'), a. Not aimed rightly. MINII-MUrM, n. [L.] The smallest quantity. MIS-AL-LE QE', v. a. To cite falsely as a proof. MINfIQN (mint'yun), n. A favorite; a low, mean MIS-AL-LIfANCE. az. An improper association.; dependant:-a small printing type. MiIS'AN-THROPE, n. A hater of mankind. MIN!IS-TER: n. An officer of the state or church; MIS-AN-THROPtIC, a. Relatin, to misanan ambassador; a delegate; an agent. MIS-AN-THROPlI-CAL, tropy. MINIIS-TER, v. a. To give; to supply; to afford. MIS-ANITHRQ-PIST, n. A hater of mankind. MIN/IS-T]ER, v. n. To serve in any office. MIS-XNITHRQ-PY, n7. Hatred of mankind. MI]N-IS-TE'IRI-A L, a. Relating to the ministry. MIS-AP-PLI-CAX/TIQN,n. Wrong application. MIN-IS-TEI'RI-AL-LY, ad. In a ministerial man- MIS-AP-PLY/, v. a. To apply to wrong purposes. ner. [mand. I'S-AP-PRE~-HEND', v. a. To misunderstand. MINIIS-TRXNT, a. Attendant; acting at com- MIS-AP-PRE-HEN/SION, I. A mistake. MIN-IS-TRAtTION, n. Agency; service; office. MIS- as-CRIBE, v. a. To ascribe falsely. [wrong. MIN/IS-TRY, n. Office; service; agency:-eccle- Mts-.As-sIN' (mis-as-sin'), a. a. To assign siastical function: —the body of ministers. nIS-IrE -c6oME (mls-be-kmii), v. a. To suit ill. MIN'IUM or MIN'tf-r:S, W. [L;] Red lead. MIs-BE,-:HAVE, v. n. To act ill or improperly. MINK, n. A small animal valued for its fur. IIs-5Bl-HIXvE, v. a. To conduct ill or impropMIN5NOW (mln'n6), n. A very small fish; a pink. erly. [duct. MI/NOR, a. Inferior; less; smaller; lower. MIS-BE-ISAV'IOR (mls-be-hav'yur), n. ll conMIlNOR, n. One under age:-tlle second prop- MIS-B -LiES (mls —be-lf0), n. A wrong belief. osition in a syllogism. [the less number. MIS-:BE-LIEV':ER, 1. One that believes wrong. MI-N6R'I-TY, n. The state of being under age; MIS-BEs-STOW', v. a. To bestow wrong. MIN/Q-TiUR, n. A fabulous monster. MIS-CXLCUI-LATE, v. a. To reckon wrong.,: a;, >,si,/a, long X,:,i,6it,,, short;,,I,Q, VY,obsce. —FAR,FXl,: ASTLL; HIt, HIia; MISCALCULATION 185 MISTAKE MYS-CXL-CTJ-L.tTIQN, n. A wrong computation. MIS-IN-STRtCtTIQN, f. Ill instruction. MIS-CALL', v. a. To name improperly. [tion. MIS-IN-TER'PRE T, v. a. To explain wrong. IMfS-CAR'tRIAfE (mls-kfiarrij), n. Failure; abor- MIS-iN-TER-PR.-TXATIQN, n. A wrong interMiS-CAR'RY, v. n. To fail; to have an abortion. pretation or explanation. MIS-CASTt, v. a. To take a wrong account of. MiS-JOiNt, v. a. To join unfitly or improperly. MIS-CgL-LAI'NE-OfS, a. Composed of various MiS-JDDQEt1, v. a. & n. To judge wrong. kinds; diversified; various. MIS-LAY, v. a. To lay in a wrong place. [place. MiS/CEL-LA-NY, n. A mixture of various kinds. MiS-LAY1ER, in. One that puts in the wrolng MIrS-CHciNCE', n. Ill luck; misfortune; mishap. MIS'LE (mizlzl), v. n. To rain in minute drops. MIS'CHIEF (misfchif), n. Harm; hurt; injury. MIS-LEAD/, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. misled.] To guide MIS'CHIEF-MAK'ER, n. One who causes mis- MIS-LEADE. R, n. One that leads to ill. [wrong. MiStCHIEF-MAItI'NG, a. Causing harm. [chief. MI/LE-TOE (mlztzl-tS), is. See MISTLETOE. MISICHIE.-VOPS (mlstche-vfis), a. Harmful; MIS-LItEt, v. a. & n. To disapprove; to dishurtful; injurious; wicked; noxious. [fully. MIS-LIKE', in. Disapprobation; dislike. [like. MIStCHIE-V00S-LY (mis'che-vis-le) ad. Hurt- MIs-MAN'AQE,. v. a. To manage ill. [conduct. MIS'CI-LE, a. Possible to l)e mingled. [tion. MIS-MAN'AE-MENT, n. Ill management; misMIS-CI-TA'TION, n. An unfair or.false quota- MIS-mXARK1, v. a. To mark wrongly. MIS-CITEt, v. a. To cite or quote wrong. MIS-.MATCHI, v. a. To match unsuitably. MIS-CLAIM{, n. A mistaken claim. MIS-NKmE1r, v. a. To call by the wrong name. MIS-COvI-PU-TTATI.ONn,. A false reckoning. MIS-NO'MER, n. A wrong name; a misnaining. MIS-CON-CEITt, ariS-CON-CEP'TIQN,?1. False MIS-OB-~ERvEr, v. a. Not to observe accurately. opinion, notion, or conception. (judge. MI-SOG'A-MIST, n. A hater of marriage. MIS-CON-CEIVEI (mils-lonl-sev), v. a. To mis - IS 6-soQtY-NY, n. Hatred of women. [mislay. MIYS-CONtDUCT,?. Ill behavior; ill manage- MIS-PLACEt, v. a. To put in a wrong place; to MIS-CON-DUCT', v. a. To nmanage amiss. [ment. MIS-POINTt, v. a. To punctuate incorrectly. MIS-CON-J:ECT'u. RE (-kQn-jikttytyr),n. A wrong MIS-PRiNT, v. a. To print wrong. [press. conjecture or guess. MIS-PRINTt, n. Error in printing; error of the MIS-CON -JECT'URE, v. In. To guess wrong. MIS-PRiY~ION (mis-prizhtun),ii. (Law.) Neglect. MIS-CON-STRr C'tTIo N, n. A wrong interpreta- MISPRO-NO'I NCEt, v. a. & n. To pronounce MiS-CONISTRftE, V. a. To interpret wrong.[tion. improperly or incorrectly. [metry. MIS-COUN'SEL, v. a. To advise wrong. MIS-PRQ-PORtTIQN, v. a. To join without symMIS-COiNT', v. a. & n. To reckon wrong. MIS-QUOTE' (mls-kwott), v. a. To quote falsely. MISCRE. -ANT,?i. An infidel:-a vile wretch.I MIS-RE-CI/TAL, n. A wrong or incorrect recital. IIS-IDATEr, v. a. To date erroneously. MIS-RE-CITE', v. a. To recite erroneously. MIS-DEEDt, n. An evil action; a fault. MIS-RECK'ON (-rek~kn),v. a. To reckon wrong. MIs-DEES', v. a. To judge ill of; to mistake. MIS-RE-LATE', v. a. To relate inaccurately. MIS-DE -MEAN/, v. a. To demean or'behave ill. MIS-RE-LA.TION, n. An inaccurate narrative. MIS-DE-MLAN'OR (-de-metnur), ni. An offence. MIS-RE-PORTI, v. a. To give a false account of. MiS-DI-RECT', v. a. To lead or guide amiss. MIs-RE-PORT1, n. A false account or rumor. MIS-DO', v. a. & n. To do wrong; to commit. MfS-RE~:P-RIE-ENT', v. a. To represent wrong. MIS-DO' ER, in. An offender; a malefactor.[right. MIS-R KIP- RE-I N-TAX'TION, n. A false account. MIS-DO6ING-, n. An offence; deviation from MIS-RPP-REK-~ENT/ER, ii. One who misrepreMIS-E M-PLOS:, v. a. To use to wrong purposes. sents. MIS-EI S-PLo'VMENT, n. Improper application. MIS-ROLE, n. Tumult; confusion; disorder. MIS-EN"TRY,?2. A wrong entry. MISS, n. The title of a young unmarried woman. MI'ER, n. A person excessively penurious. [less. Miss, n. Loss; want; mistake; omission. M tER-A-BLE, a. Unhappy; wretched; worth- MiSS, v. a. Not to hit; to mistake e; to omit. MI /ER -A-BLY, ad. Unhappily; wretchedly. MIss, v. 71. Not to succeed; to fail; to mistake. MI'/ER-LY, a. Very avaricious; niggardly. MIS/SAL, n. The Roman Catholic mass-book. Ml;'E-RY, n. Wretchedness; misfortune. NIIS-SERVE, v. a. To serve unfaithfully. MIS-FXSHMION (-fashtun), v. a. To form wrong. MIS-SHMAP]E, v. a. [imp. t. misshaped; pp. misMIS-FPRMt, v. a. To put in an ill form. [luck. shaped or misshapen.] To shape ill; to deMIS-FORTtUNE (mls-firt'yun), n. Calamity; ill MIS'SILE, a. That may be thrown. [form. MIS-ITVE', v. a. To fill with doubt; to fail. MIS'SION (mlsh'un), in. A commission; tlme act MIS-iv'.ING, n. Doubt; distrust; hesitation. of sending; a delegation; persons sent. [gion. MIS-GOVi-RN (-giv'ern), v. a. To govern ill.' MIStSION-A-RY, 71. One sent to propagate reliMIS-GoVE.RN-MENT; i. Ill administration. MIS'SIVE, a. Such as is sent; sent abroad. MIS-GRIOND', v. a. To found falsely. IStSISVE, i. Letter sent: —messenger. [wrong. MfS-GUID'ANCE (-gidtans), n7. False direction. MIS-SPEAK' (mts-spekt), v. a. & n. To speak MIS-GUIDE/ (mls-gid'), v. a. To direct ill. MIS-SPELL, v. a. To spell wrong. [waste. MiS-HAP', n. Ill chance; ill luck; a calamity. MIS-SPt-NDt, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. misspent.] To IISH/NMASH, n. A mixture; a hotchpotoh. MIST, n. A small, thin rain; a fog; a haze. MISH/NA, n. A collection of Jewish traditions. MIST, v. a. To cloud; to cover with a vapor. M'iS-IN-FORI', v. a. To inform wrong; to de- ItS-TASK E', v. a. [imp. t. mistook; pp. llistaceive by false accounts. ken.] To conceive wrongly; to misapprehend.. MIS-4N-FOR-MAITIQN,?n. False intelligence. MIS-TAKE', v. n. To err; not to judge riglmt.MIS-IN-F-ORMI tER, a. One who misinforms. To be mistaken (mis-tatkn), to err; to misconMIS-IN-STRf1CT', v. a. To instruct improperly. MIS-T3AKE', i. A misconception; an error. [ceive. MIEN, SI R; MrVE, NOR, SON; BUiLL, BijR, KRLE. —~, 1, ssoft; H, H, hard; i as z; Y as gz; TMIS. 16' MISSTATE 186 MOLLIFICATION MI'S-STX TEIt, a. To state wrong. M6CK'.NGt, a. Scorn; derision; an insult. MIS-STATE/lMENT, n. A wrong statement. MOCK.ING-BIRD, n. A bird which imitates othMIS-TEACHt (mls-t6ch'), v. a. To teach wrong. MO'DAL, a. Relating to the form or mode. [ers. MIS-TtILL!, V. a. [imp. t. & pp. mistold.] To tell MO-DXLI1-TY, a. Difference in mode or form. MIS-TERMS, V. a. To term erroneously. [wrong. MODE, n. Method; form; fashion; state:-a silk. MiS-THINKi, v. a. To think ill; to think wrong. MOD'E L, n. A copy; mould; pattern; standard. MIST.I-LY, ad. Darkly; obscurely; unintelligi- M6DIE.L, V. a. To plan; to shape, mould, form. MIS-TIME1, av.a. & n. To time wrong. [bly. MOD'EL-LER, n. Planner.; contriver; former. MIST/I-NEiSS, n. The state of being misty. MOD'ER-ATE, a. Not extreme; middling; temMISfTIQN, n. A mixture; state of being mingled. perate; not excessive; mild. [still. MiN'TLE (miztzl), v. n. To rain. See MIZZLE. MODEgR-ATE, V. a. To regulate; to restrain; to ~MitTLE-TOE (mlztzl-te), n. A plant growing MODr. R-ATE, v. n. To become quiet; to preside. MIS-TOLDI, imp. t. & pp. of mistell. [on trees.' M6D'ER-ATE-LY, ad. Temperately; mildly. MIS-TOOK' (mis-tfik'), imp. t. of mistake. M)OD/ER-ATE-NESS, a. Moderation. [gality. MIS-TRAINI, v. a. To educate or train wrong. M0D-ER-A/TION, n. Calmness; restraint; fiuMIS-TRANS-LATEI, V. a. To translate incor- M6DIER-A TQR, n. One who moderates or prerectly. [tion. M6DE1.RN, a. Late; recent; not ancient. [sides. MIS-TRANS-LAITION, n. An incorrect transla- MODItERN-I.M, n. A modern practice or idiom. MIS/TRESS, n. A woman who governs. MID'tERN-IZE, V. a. To render modern. MIS-TR0STI, n. Suspicion; want of confidence. M6D'!iRN-NESS, n. Novelty; recentness, MIS-TRiJST', v. a. To suspect; to doubt. M6D'/ERN, n. pl. Those who have lived lately. MiS-TRtiST'FOL, a. Diffident; doubting. M6D'iEST, a. Not arrogant; diffident; chaste. MIS-TR0JST!FOL-NtSS, a. Diffidence; doubt. MbD'EST-LY, ad. Not arrogantly; chastely. MIS-TUNE., V. a. To tune amiss; to put out of MOD'.S-TY, n. Moderation; decency; chastity. tune. [scure. M6D'I-CBM, n. [L.] A small portion; a pittance. MIST'Y, a. Clouded; filled with mists,; ob- MOD'I-F-A-BLE, a. That may be modified. MIS-ifN-DER-STXNDt, v. a. To misconceive. MOD-I-FI-CA'TION, n. The act of modifying; MIS-riN-DER-STXND'tNG, a. Erroneous under- MDtI-FI-ER, an. One that modifies. [lorm. standing; an error:-dissension. M6DtI-F-Y, v. a. To qualify; to shape; to soften. MtS-Ut.'AE, n. Abuse; ill use; bad treatment. MO-DL'LIOQN (me-dlt'yuln), n. (Arch.) An enMIS-UfiSE1, v. a. To use improperly; to abuse. riched block or horizontal bracket. [mode. MiS-fsSE', a. Wrong or erroneous use; abuse. MO1DISH, a. Fashionable; conformed to the MIS-WRITEI, (-ritt), v. a. To write incorrectly. MOfDISH-LY, ad. Fashionably; stylishly. MIS-WROUGHT/ (-rkwt'), pp. Badly worked. M6ODISH-NiSS, n. An affectation of the fashion. MITE, n. A small insect:-any thing small. M6ODU-LXTE (med'yu-:lat), v. a. To inflect or MIT/I-GXNT, a. Lenient; lenitive. [assuage. adapt, as the voice or sounds; to tune. MYTtI-GATE, F. a. To temper; to alleviate; to MOD-U -LA/TION, n. Act of modulating; melody. MIT-I-GA!TION, n. Alleviation; an assuaging. MOD1U1-LA-TQR, n. One who modulates; tuner. MiTURE (mi'ter), n. A kind of episcopal crown. MODI'LE (medtyul), n. A model; a measure. MIVTRED (mi'terd), a. Adorned with a mitre. MO1DUS, n. [L.] A compensation for tithes. MITITETN,n. A cover worn on the hand. [on. MO-GJL', n. The title of the chief of the Moguls. MiTfTI.MJS,. n. Warrant for committing to pris- MOtHAkIR, n. Stuff made of Angora wool. MIX, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. mixed or mixt.] To MO-HAMIME-DAN, a. See MAHOMETAN. unite to something else; to join; to mingle. MI)'DORE or MOI-DORE!, n. A Portuguese MIYX'N, tn. A dunghill; a laystall; a compost- coin, rated at about ~1 7s. sterling. rfiXTliQN (mlx'chun), n. A mixture. [heap. MotI'g-Ty, n. Half; one of two equal parts. MIXTtVRE (minxttyur), n. A mixing; a mixed MOlL, v. n. To labor; to toil; to drudge. MiZtyXMAZE, n. A labyrinth; a maze. [mass. MSIST, a. Moderately wet; damp; juicy. [wet. MIZ'ZEN (mlz'zn), n. The after mast of a ship. MOSS'TEN (mli'sn), v. a. To make damp; to M'IZ!ZLE, v. n. To omisle; to mistle; drizzle. MOIST'NESS, n. Dampness; moderate wetness. MIZ/ZLE, n. Small rain; mist; dazzle. MOISTtUR. (milst'yur), n. Moderate wetness; MNE-5I6N!IC (ne-mnn'ik), I a. Assisting M6'LAR, a. Having power to grind. [dampness. MNJi-M6oN!-CAL (ne-mn'e-kal), J the memory. MO-LXkSISE, n. A sirup which drains from suMNI-M6Nt~'CS (-mnt'iks), a. pl. Art of memory. MOLD, n. A form; a matrix. See MOULD. [gar. MOAN (men), v. a. & n. To lament; to grieve. MOLE, n. A spot; a mark; a mound; an animal. MOAN, n. Lamentation; audible sorrow. [ful. MOLErCAST, n. A hillock cast up by a mole. MOANtFtL, a. Sorrowful; lamentable; mourn- M6LIE-CULE,?. A small mass; minute particle. MOAT (moet), n. A canal round a house or castle. MOLE'HIILL, 71. A hillock thrown up by moles. MOAT (mot), v. a. To surround with a moat. MQ-LtST', v. a. To disturb; to trouble; to vex. MOB, is. A crowd; a rabble: —woman's cap. MOL-ES-TAtTIQN, n. Act of molesting; a disM6B, v. a. To harass; to overbear by tumult. turbance; a vexation. MQO-BIL'I-TY, n. Activity; fickleness. MO-LrSTERI, n. One who molests; disturber. M6C'CA-SON (mok'ka-sn), n. An Indian shoe. MOLE'-TRACK, n. The course of a mole under MOCi, v. a. To deride; to ridicule; to mimic. ground. Cening. MOCKi, n. Ridicule; a fleer; a sneer; mimicry. aIaLLI.NT (myl'yent or mol'le-ent), a. SoftMSOCK, a. False; counterfeit; not real. MLL.I-i-.A —BL-E, a. That may be softened. M KCItCER, n. One who mocks; a scoffer.[show. I6oL-LI-II-CAtTIO9N n. A softening; mitiga MOCKt'.R-Y, n. Scorn; ridicule; sport; vain tion. sXiiIZd, long; XII,6,C, short; XeQt Yobsrare.-FARE,FKR, FAST,F.LL; HlIRHMilt; MOLLIFIER 187 MORAL IEL.LI-FI-]:R, zn. He or that which softens. MO-N6P'.O-LIZ-EIR, n. One who monopolizes. MOL/L.-FV, v. a. To soften; to assuage; to quiet. MO-NOPfO-LY, n,. An exclusive possession of a MOL-LSt'CA, n. A class of vermes or fishes. thing; sole privilege of selling. MoLLLUSK, n. One of the mollusca. MON!OP-T6TE or MQ-NOPtTOTE, n. A noun M (LT'EN, (mlttn),p. a. Melted; made ofmetal. used only in one case. [seed; one-seeded. M6L-YB-DE'NVM, —n. A sort of brittle metal. MON-O-SPER'MOUS, a. (Bot.) Having only one MTOME.NT, n. Importance; force; an instant. MONtO-STIRH, n. A composition of one verse. MO'MEN-TA-RI-LY, ad. Every moment. MN-o-SYL-LLAB'I-CAL, a. Of one syllable. MO'MEN-TA-RY, a. Lasting for a moment. MON-O-SYLILA-BBLE, a. A word of only one sylMO-MENT'OUS, a. Important; weighty. lable. MQO-M.NfTUM, n.; pl. MQ-MEN'TA. The force MON!O-THE-I~M, n. A belief in only one God. possessed by matter in motion; impetus. MIONO-TONE, n. Uniformity of sound. MON'A —0HI!M, n. State of monks; monastic life. MON-O-TONtI-CAL, a. Having an unvaried MON.AD, n. An atom; an indivisible particle. sound. [dence. MO-NX Dt1C, a. Relating to, or composed of, MO-NOTtO-NOrJS, a. Wanting variety in caMQ-NAD'I-CAL, 5 monads. [king. *MO-NfTImQ-NY, a. Uniformity of sound or tone. M6iNfAR~H, n. A sovereign: an emperor; a MQN-SOO66N', n. A periodical trade-wind. MQ-N eRsH/.AL, a. Suiting a monarch; regal. MON'STE R, n. Something unnatural or horrible. MO-NXROHftIHC, a. Relating to monarchy; MQN-STR6OSI-TY, n. State of being monstrous. MQ-NXRtH'.I-CAL, vested in a single ruler. M6NtSTROU.S, a. Unnatural; strange; shocking. M6N'AROH-IST, n. An advocate for monarchy. M6ONST-ROUS-LY, ad. Shockingly; horribly. MON'AROH-IZE, v. n. To play the monarch. MON'STROUS-NE:SS, n. Monstrosity; enormity. M6ON.ARH-Y, n. A kingly government; empire. MONtTETH, n. A vessel to wash glasses in. MONt.AS-TER-Y, n. A convent; -a cloister. M6NTH (minth), n. One of the 12 divisions of MQ.-NiSfTIC, a. Religiously recluse.; per- the year; the space of four weeks. MQ-NXS/TI-CAL taining to monks or nuns. MdNT'tLY, a. Happening every month. MQ-NAS'TI-CAL-Ly, ad. In a monastic manner. M6NTH'LY, ad. Once in a month; every month. MQ-NS'TI-CI1M, n. Monastic:life or state. MoN'U-MkNT, n. A memorial; a tomb; a pillar. M6NtDAY (mun'de), n. The 2d day of the week. M6iN-U-MhENT'AL, a. Memorial; commemoraMONt.E-TA-Ry, a.' Relating to money. live:; sepulchral. M6N'EY (miin'ne), n. Metal coined for traffic; MOO6D, n. Temper; disposition; form; mode. coin; bank-notes exchangeable for coin. Mf6D.I-N:SS, n. Peevishness; vexation. [sive. MiN'E Y-BCXG (mUntne-bag), n. A large purse. M6DrY, a. Out of humnor; peevish; sad; pen-.MXN EY-BRO-KER, n. A nioney-changer. Mg 6N, n. The luminary of the night:-a month. MbN'EY-CHIANq-EgR, a. A broker in money..M&6NW-BlEAM, n. A ray of lunar light. M6N'YED (mannnid), a. Ricl in money. MO6Nt-CALF (mdnfkAf), n. A monster:-a dolt. M6N'E.Y-LASS, a. Wanting money; penniless. M66N'-EYED (mbn'id), a. Dim-eyed; purblind. MoN'.E~Y-WORTH (-wOrth), n. Full value. M6I6NLESS, a. Not enlightened by the moon. MON'E.R (muing'ger), n. A dealer; a seller. M66N'LIGHT (-lit), n. The light of the moon. MoNtGR:EL (mung'grel), a. Of a mixed breed. M66NtLIGYHT, a. Illuminated by the moon. MbN'GREL,n. Any thing of a mixed breed. [tion. MW6NtSHINE, n. The lustre of the moon. MQ-Nt'mTIQN (mo-ntsh'un), n. A hint; admoni- MI6N'NtSHsN-Y, a. Illuminated by the moon. MoNtI-TOR, n. One who admonishes or warns. eMOON'STRtICK, a. Affected by the moon. MON-.I-TOtRTI-AL, a. Relating to a monitor. M66N'Y, a. Lunated; having a crescent. MION.I-TQ-RY, a. Giving admonition or instruc- M66OR n. A tract of low land:-an African. MNK, an. One living in a monastery. [lion. M6OR, v. a. & n. To fasten by anchors; to be MONK'ER-Y, n. The life and state of monks. Mr66tc 6CK, n. The male of the moorhen.[fixed. MONIKEY (miing'ke), n. An ape; -a baboon. M6ORGAMXE, n. Red game; grouse. M6NKtISH, a. Monastic; pertaininglto monks. MI)R/HtN, n. A fowl that feeds in the fens. MN.N'O-HOiRD, n. An instrument of one string. MO66RtING, n. Anchors, chains, &c., for securing MQ-Noct,6C-LAR, MQ-N6Ct'l-LOfSs a. One-eyed. a ship:-place for securing a ship by anchors; M-O6NO-DIST, n. A writer of monodies. M6R'XIsH, a. Marshy:-relating to Moors. M6oNtO-DON, a. The sea-unicorn; narwhal. M66R'LAND, n. A marsh; a fen:-low ground. M6ONQ-DY, n. A poem sung by one person only. M66ORY, a. Marshy; fenny; watery. MQ-NOGt'A-MIST, n. An adherent to monogamy. MOOSE, n. A large animal of the deer kind..MO-N6G'A-MY, n. Marriage of one wife only. MSOT, v. a. To discuss; to plead in a mock cause. MONt'-GRiAM, n. A cipher; a character. MOOT, a. Disputable; unsettled; as, a moot MON'O-GRAPu, n. An account of a single thing. MOOT'ER, n. A disputer.of moot points. [case. MO-NOGt'RA-PHY, n. A description or represen- MOP, n. A utensil for cleaning floors, &c. tation drawn in lines without colors. MOP, v. a. To clean or rub with a mop. MONlO-LOGUE (min'o-l1g), n. A soliloquy. MOPE, v.t. To be stupid or dull; to drowse. MOM-NOM'.A-EHY, n. A duel; a single combat. MOPE, n. A drone; a stupid, spiritless person. MON-9-MIA'aNI-A, n. Insanity on one subject. MOtPISH, a. Spiritless; inattentive; dejected. M6N-.O-MIA'N.I-C, n. One having monomania. MS'PISH-NESS, n. Dejection; inactivity. [girl. MON-Q-PET'A-LO[S, a. Having but one leaf. M6P'PET, MOP'SEY, n. A puppet; a doll:-a MO-NOP'O-LiST, n. One who monopolizes. MR'tAL, a. Relating to rational beings, and MO-NoPfQ-LIZE, v.a. To engross so as to have their duties to each other, as righteor wrong; the sole power of vending any commodity. subject to a moral law:-probable:-virtuous. MIEN, SI'R; M6VE, NOR, S6fN; BOLL, BRa, ROLE. —, q, soft;, M., hard; *.as z; *.as gz; THIS MORAL 188 MOUNTING MWR'AL, a. The instruction of a fable, &c. Mo-AXIC, M.O-S~'-CAL, a. Noting painting in IORt'L-IST, n. A teacher of morals; a moral small pebbles, cockles,&c.:-relating to Moses. philosopher; a moral man. [ics. MQ-~Aq;AC-WORK (-wiirk), n. An imitation of a MQ-RXL'-TY, an. Doctrine of human duty; eth- painting in pebbles, marbles, tiles, or shells. MaRIAL-t-ZE, v. a. To apply in a moral sense. M6sQuF(:(mo sk), n. A Mahometan temple. MR'AL-IZE, v. n. To discourse on moral sub- MQs-QU'TO (-ke'-), n. A troublesome insect. MiR'AL-IZ: ER, a. One who moralizes. [jects. mds, n. A plant growing on trees, &c. M6R'AL-LY, ad. In an ethical or moral manner. M6ss, v. a. To cover with moss. MOBtAL~, n.pl. The practice of the duties of life. MOSS/-GROWN (miis'grn), a. Overgrown or MQ-RASS/, n. A fen; a bog; a moor; a marsh. covered with moss. rmoss. MO-RXSS/Y, a. Moorish; marshy; fenny. M6rs/S-NE SS, n. State of being covered with MO-RA'VI-AN, at. One of the United Brethren. 6dS/'sY, a. Overgrown or covered with moss. MORIBID, a. Diseased; sickly; unsound. MOST, a. [the superlative of many and much.] _MOR'BID-NEss, n. The state of being diseased. Greatest in number or quantity. ItIOR-BaIFIC, MQR-aBIF'I-CAL, a. Causing dis- MaDST, ad. In the greatest or highest degree. MOR-BOSE', a. Proceeding from disease. [ease. MOST, n. The greatest number or quantity. IORlt-DAtCIOUS (-da'shus), a. Biting; acrid. [ity. sMOST'LY, ad. For the greatest part; chiefly. MOQR-DnAy I-TY, MOR'D AN-,y-,a. Biting qual MdTE, n. A small particle of matter; a spot. MOR'DANT, n. A substance to fix colors in cloth. MQ-TvhT,a n. A kind of sacred air; a hymn. MIbRtDI-CANT, a. Biting; acrid; corrosive. MOTH, n.a; pl. MdTH~. A small winged insect MOtt-DI-CAtTIQN, a. The act of corroding. which eats cloth and furs. MoRn6, a. [the comparative of many and mucak.] IOTH'-nAT-EN (-E-tn), a. Eaten of moths. Greater in number or quantity. [ond time. m'6BHtE.R (mithler), n. A female parent:-a MORE, ad. To a greater degree; again; a sec- slimy substance in liquors. [mother;. MORE, n. A greater quantity or degree. MOTH' R-HOOD (mtitl'er-hfd), an. State of a MO-REF N', n. A kind of stuff for curtains, &c. MOTH'1ER-IN-L.AW', n. The mother of a husMQ-RELt, n. A plant:-a kind of cherry. [try. band or wife. _MIOR:EtLAND, n. A mountainous or hilly coun- MTrH'ER-LgsS, a. Destitute of a mother. MO-REL'LO, It. An acid, juicy cherry. MTrHtE. R-LY, a. Relating to a mother; tender. MDRE-''VE.R, ad. Besides; over and above. M6OTHER.-OF —PEARL, n. The internal layer of MO-RhSQUE', a. After the manner of the Moors. some shells, particularly of the pearl oyster. MOtRi-QN, n. A helmet; armor for the head. MO'tE R-WIT, n. Native wit; common sense. MQ-RIS'CO, n. A Moorish dance or dancer. M6TIV'Y, a. Full, of or containing moths. MORN, n. The first part of the day;.morning. MO'TION (mt'shun), n. The act of changing MbRN'ING, n. First part of the day:-early part. place; gait;.action; movement:-a proposal MORN'ING, a. Being in the early part of the day. or proposition made. MORNtING-STXR, n. The planet Venus; Luci- MOiTION, v. n. To advise; to make proposal. MQo-ROC'CO, n. A fine sort of leather. [fer. MOeTION-L~SS, a. Being without motion. MqO-ROsEl, a. Sour of temper; peevish; sullen. MOtTIVE, a. Causing motion; tending to move. MQ-ROSEtLY, ad. Sourly; peevishly; sullenly. MotTivE, in. That which determines the choice. MQ-ROSEINESS,n. Sourness; peevishness. MTt'LEY (mottle), a. Mingled of various colors. aORtp'PHEW (mir'ftu), n. A scurf on the face. MOtTO-RY, a. Giving motion; moving. MOR'ROW (mhr'rs), n. The day after the pres- MdT6Td, n.; pl. M6T'TdEq. A sentence preMORSE, n. The sea-horse; the walrus. [ent. fixed to a work, essay, &c. MbR'S L, n. A mouthful; a small quantity. 6OULD (mold), n. Concreted matter; a spot; MORT, n. A tune at the death of game. earth; soil:-a matrix; a cast; a form. MOR'TAL, a. Subject to death; deadly; human. MOULD (mold), v. n. To gather mould; to rot, M6ORtTAL, n. A man; a human being. MOULD (mold), v. a. To form; to shape. MQR-TXLtI-TY, n. Subjection to death; death. MOULD'ER, v. n. To be turned to dust; to waste. MOR'TAL-LY, ad. Irrecoverably; hopelessly. MbULDI.-NRSS, n. The state of being mouldy. MOR'TAR, n. Cement for building:-a vessel in MbULD'ING (mtldting), n. Ornament in wood, which substances are pounded: —a cannon. MOULD'WA.RP, n. A mole; a small animal. [&c. M6RTtG.AqE (mir'tg.j), n. A pledge; an estate. M6ULD~y, a. Overgrown with concretions. M6RT'GAqEE (mirtg.aj), v. a. To pledge. MOULT (melt), v. n. To shed the feathers, hair, MORT-GA -REtI (mor-ga-je), n. One who takes &c.; to mew. [earth. or receives a mortgage. MOUND, n. A rampart; a fence; a bank of MORT-GAqE-ORt, 0e MORT-GAq-OR', n. (Law.) MOONT, n. A mountain; an artificial hill. One who gives a mortgage. [a mortgage. M6oNT, v. a. & n. To raise aloft, ascend, climb. MORT'GA-Q]ER (mrr'ga-jge), n. One who gives MoONT'A-BLE, a. That may be ascended. MQR-TIF'ER-ous, a. Fatal; deadly. [tion. MOuNtTAIN (mfin'tin), n. A very large hill. M6R-TI-F-CAtTION, n. A gangrene; humilia- MOdNtTAIN, a. Relating to mountains. [tain. MORtTI-FI-ER, n. One who mortifies. MOUN-TAIN-EERt, n. An inhabitant of a mounMORtTI-F, v. a. To subdue, humble, depress. MiOIN'TAIN-OVUS (mfin;tin-is), a. B Hilly; full MOR'TI-FY, v. n. To gangrene:-to be subdued. of mountains; large as mountains; huge. MOR1TISE, n. A hole in wood for a tenon. M~~NfTA1N-OUS-NESS, n. The state of being XBR1TISE, v. a. To cut or make a mortise in. mountainous. [tender. MORT'MTAIN,n. An unalienable estate. [church. MjON'TE-BsNK, n. A quack; a boastful preMoR1tTV-A-Ry, n. A burial-place:-gift left to a MOdNTIT'NG, n. An ascent; an embellishment. A35[,df Y),, long; i S,,i,ti,, sort; 4,E,,Q,V,y, obscure. —FRE,F:iR,]itUiST,ILL; aI:I, ti; MOURN 189 MUNDIFY MOURNe (mLrn),v.a. & n. To grieve for; to lament. MWsPsY, MiGItfISH, a. Moist; damp; close. MOURN1E]R, n. One who mourns; a lamenter. MU-LAT'TO, n.; pl. MV-LXATTOE~. One born MaiURNtF'L, a. Causing sorrow; sorrowful. of parents of whom one is white and the MIORNtFOL-LY, ad. Sorrowfully; with sorrow. other black. MOURN'FOL-NE SS, it. Sorrow; show of grief.; MULfBE.R-RY, n. A tree, and the fruit of the tree. MOURN'ING, n1. Sorrow; the dress of sorrow. MiJLCT, a. A penalty; a pecuniary fine. MORISE, n.; pl. MICE. A little animal. M[TLCT, v. a. To punish with fine or forfeiture. MOUSE (lnoaz), v. n. To catch mice, as a cat. MUJLC/TU-A-RY, a. Punishing with fine. MbOSE'-HS6LE,,a. A small hole made by mice. MULE, n. An animal generated between a heMOlOr'iR, n. One that catches mice. ass and a mare, or a horse and a she-ass. MoSE'f-TRXiP, n. A trap for catching mice. MU-LE-TEE'R1, n. A mule-driver. [feminalitv. MOUS-TXACHE, n. Mustache. See MUSTACHE. MU-LI-PEB'RI-TY, n. Womanhood; softness; MOOTH, n.; pl. MOaTHS Aperture in the head MUL'ISH, a. Like a mule; obstinate as a mule. at which the food is received: —an opening. MuLL, v. a. To soften and dispirit, as wine. MOUTH, v. a. & n. To speak big or loud. MUL'LER, n. A stone orinstrument for grinding. MOTHED (mdfithd),a. Furnished with a mouth. MPLtLfT, n. A sek-fish having large scales. MOTHltFOL, n. What the month can hold. MUL LI.-GRiUB,n.pl. A twisting of the intestines. MOfTIt-IPIZCE, n. Part of an instrument for MUL'LIQN (minlyun),n. Partof a window-frame. the mouth:-one who speaks for others. MULSE, n. Wine boiled with honey. [nal. M;VA-BLE, a. That may be moved; not fixed. MIULT-ANG'U-LAR, a. Many-cornered; polygoMOV'A-BLE-NESS, n. Possibility to be Inoved. MiJL-TI-CXPiSV-LAR, a. Having manyr cells. M6VI'A-BLE~, n. pl. Personal goods; furniture. Mi0L-TI-CA'VOtS, a. Full of holes or cavities. MOVtA-BLY, ad. So as it may be moved. [cite. M[UL-TI-FXt'RI-OtrS,a. Having great multiplicity. M6VE, v. a. To put in motion; to propose; to in- MUiL-TI-FA'RJ-OirS-LY, ad. With multiplicity. MOVE, v. n. To change place; to wallk; to stir. aOL-Ti-FA'RI-OUS-NESS,?1. Multiplied diversity. MOVE, n. The act of moving, as in chess. MUL-TIFI.-DOS, n. Divided into many parts. MOVE1t-MENT, n. A motion; a march; excitement. MvULTI-FO Rm,a.Having various shapes or forms. MOV1EtR, n. The person or thing that moves. MUL-T.I-FRM1t.- TY, n. Diversity of shapes. MOV'CNG, p. a. Pathetic; touching; affecting. MuL-TI-LT'/ER-AL, a. Having many sides. Moiir n. A heap or mass of hay or corn. VUDL-TI-LiN'E-.AL, a. Having many lines. MOW (rnl), v. a. [imp. t. mowed; pp. mowed or MiTL-TI-NO'MI-AL, MiL-TI-NitM'I-NAL, MUtLmown.] To cut with a scythe; to cut down. TI-N6OYI.-NOriS, a. Having mnany names. MOW'-BURN, v. n. To ferment in the mow. MUL-TIP.A-ROIJS, a. Bringing many at a birth. MO/wE1R (moter), n. One who Cuts with a scythe. MUL-TIP AR- TITE, a. Divided into many parts. MOW.ING, n. Act of cutting; land to be mowed. MOLITI-PED, n. An insect with many feet. MOWN (mon), pp. from mowD. [gout, &c. MrULtTI-PLE, n. A number which exactly conMOX'A, n. A cottony substance used for the tains another number several times or terms. MUiCH, a. Large in quantity; long in time. MUL'TI-PLI-A-BLE, a. Capable to be multiplied. MiCH, ad. Iii or to a great degree; by far; often. MUL-TI-PL.I-CAND', n. The number to be nlulMUtCH, n. A great deal; abundance. tiplied. [one. MU'CID, a. Slimy; musty; motuldy. MVJL-TIPLI-CATE, a. Consisting of more than MUB'CD-iNhSS, n. Slininess; mustiness. MU(JL-TI-PLI-CATION, n. Act of multiplying. MUItCL-4AtE, sn. A slimy or viscous mass or body. MUL'TIT-PLI-CA-TQR, n. Number multiplied by. MU-CI-L('tI-NOrJS, a. Slimy; viscous; ropy. MUL-TI-PLI qI-TY,n. Many; stateofbeing many. MUCK, n. Substance for manure; manure. MUL1TI-PL- ER, n. One that multiplies. MtOCK, v. a. To manure with muck; to dung. MiULtTI-PLY, V. a. & n. To increase in number. MiCK'WORMI (-wirm), n. A worm bred indung. MUL-TIP'9O-TENT, a. Having manifold power. SMICK/y, a. Nasty; filthy; dirty; foul. MuUL-TTSfO-NOiS,, a. Having many sounds. M/ifcous (mi'ckus), a. Slimy; viscous. MrLtTI-TUnDE, n. Many; a crowd; the populace. MYtICRQ-NAT-ED, a. Narrowed to a sharp point. MiL-TI-TIUDI-NOUrS, a. Numlerous;manifold. MUf'CU-LIINT, a. Viscous; slimy; mucous. MUL-TIV'I-otis, a. Having many ways. MU'CvS, n. [L.] Any slimy liquor or moisture. MUL-To6C'U-LAR, a. Having more eyes than two. MrD, n. Dirt mixed with water; mire. MULT'URE (m5ilt'yur),n. A grist; toll for grindMOD, v. a. Tobiry in mud; to pollute witl dirt. MUI, intesj. Silence; hush.-a. Silent. [ing. MID'DI-LY, ad. Turbidly; with foul nixture. MUM, n. Ale brewed with mneat. [mutter. MirDIDI-N.SS, a. The state of being muddy. MUnMtBLE, v. n. & a. To speak inwardly; to MriDfDLE, V. a. To make turbid; to foul; stupefy. MtMfI3BLE.R, a. One who mumbles; a mutterer. MtiD'DY, a. Turbid; foul with mud; dull. MirMM, v. a. To mask; to frolic in disguise. MrD'DY, v. a. To make muddy; to cloud. MiM'MrER, n. A masker; a jester; a player. MJD'WALL, n. A wall built with mud. M-M'mrE.R-Y, n. A masking; farcical show. MFE (mn), v. a. To moult; to mew. See MEW. MOM'MY, n. A dead body embalmed. MOJFF, n, A soft, warm cover for the hands. MiOMP, v. a. To nibble; to bite quick; to beg. MF'.FIN, n. A kind of light, spongy cake. MrMP'ISH, a. Sullen; obstinate. MtF'FLE, v. a. To conceal; to wrap; to cover. MrMPS, n. p1. Sullenness - a sort of quinsy. [ly. MDFFLE, n.'A cover of a test or copper; a ves- MINCH, a. a. & n. To chew eagerly and greediMFP'rFLER, n. A covering for the face. [sel. MOrN'DANE, a. Belonging to this world. MFT.rr (mnm ftte. ), an. A Mahometan high-priest. MIfrN-DI-F.-cA'TIQN, n. The act of cleansing. M/G, n: A cup or vessel to drink from. MfiN'D.-FY, v. a. To cleanse; to make clean. MIEN, SIR; M6VE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, RtILE. —, A, sgft;,.G, hard i as z; T as gz; THIS. MUNICIPAL 190 MYTHOLOGY M -NYI;I-P.AL, a. Belonging to a municipality, Xr0ST, n. New wine unfermented: —mustiness. city, or corporation. MVS-TXCIHE! (mlus-tMshl or mus-tdsh'), n. Hair MV-NIl-I-PAL/I-TY, n. A district or its people: suffered to grow on the upper lip:-moustache. -the government of a city, &c. Mfs'TARD, n. A plant and its seeds. MV-NIFI'-CkNCE,n. Liberality; the actof giving. MOSITR, v. a.. &. To review; to assemble. MlI-NiFII-CENT, a. Liberal; generous; bountiful. MOSITER, n. A review or a register of forces. MU-NIFtI-Ct.NT-Ly, ad. Liberally; generously. MiSITE. R-ROLL, n. A register of forces. MU'NI-MkNT, n. A fortification; a support. MSITI-NEiSS, a. Mould; damp foulness. MU-NIttTIQN (-nlsh'un), a. Materials for war. MSITY., a. Mouldy; spoiled with damp or age. MUIRAL, a. Pertaining to, or like, a wall. MU-TA-BILII-TY, n. Changeableness; inconMUiRfDER, n. The act of killing a man unlaw- stancy: —mutableness. fully, and with premeditated malice. MU'TA-BLE, a. Subject to change; inconstant. MUiR'DE., v. a. To kill unlawfully, as a man. MO'TA-BLE-NESS, a. Changeableness; instaMtR'DER-ERnst. Onewhois guiltyofmurder. MI-TAtTIQN,n. Change; alteration. [bility. MUPRIDER-OSs, a. Bloody; guilty of murder. MUTE, a. Silent; not speaking; not vocal. MUR'Di.R-OS-Ly, ad. In a bloody manner: MUITE, n. A dumb person:-a letter not vocal. MUIRI-ATE, n. A salt containing muriatic acid. MUTE, v. n. To dung, as birds.-n. Dung of M-RITT.-XT.IC, a. Noting a kind of acid. MUTEfLY, ad. Silently; not vocally. [birds. MUtRINE, a. Of, or relating to, mice. MUTEtNESS, n. Silence; aversion to speak. MURK'Y, a. Dark; cloudy; wanting light. MU/TI-LATEv. a. To deprive of an essential part. MURt'MR, n. A low, shrill noise; a complaint. MU-TI-LAtTIQN, n. The deprivation of a limb, MURMVR, v. n. To make a shrill noise; to grun- MU1TI-LA- TOR, na. One who mutilates. [&c. MUjR'IMUR-ER,n. A grumbler; a repiner. [ble. MU-TI-NEER1, a. One guilty of mutiny. MiIR'MVR-ING, n. A low sound; a murmur. MU TI- NO-rsia. Seditious; busy in insurrection. MIRt'RAIN, n. A plague among cattle. MUCTI-NOfiS-LY, ad. Seditiously; turbulently. MIStCA4-DEL, a n. A kind of sweet grape; a MUiTI-NY, va n. To rise against authority. MStC'C-DINE,' sweet wine:-a sweet pear. M(TiI-Ny, n. An insurrection among seamlen,&c. MCs'VLE (mis'sl), n. A fleshy fibre:-a mollusk. MUTTE.R, v.n. Tomurmur.-v.a. ToutterinMVS-CQ-VVtDO, n. A sort of unrefined sugar. MUTtTER-ER, n. A murmurer. [distinctly. M0StCV-LAR', a. Relating to muscles; strong. MUTtTON (mrtttn), n. Flesh of sheep; a sheep. MPS-CV-L-ARI-Ty, n. State of being muscular. IIMIT'tU-AL (mitty.l-al), a. Reciprocal; each MiSti'CU-LOSS, a. Full of muscles; brawny. acting in return to the other; interchanged. MUFE, n. One of nine ancient sister goddesses: I(MUT-U- ALI-TY, L,. Reciprocation;, interchange. -the power of poetry:-deep thought. IMUT'I/-AL-LY, ad. Reciprocally; in return. MUIOE, v. n Tothink-v.a. To think.-on. MaUZLE,a. The motth:-a fastening for the MfTr'ER,n. One who muses; one absentofmind. MiVZ'ZLE, v. a. To bind the mouth. [mouth. VIy-'tU.M, n.; pl. MU-. E'VM~, or MV-~lE.A. A MvY or My, pron. poss. Belonging to me. repository of curiosities. MY-OG'RA-PHY,n. A description of the muscles. aISH, n. Maize meal and water boiled. M?-OLtO-~Y, n. The doctrine of the muscles. MriSH'RO6M, n. A spongy plant:-an upstart. MiYQ-PY, n. Shortness or nearness of sight. MUi:Ic, a. The science of sounds; harmony. MRI.I-ADID,n. Ten thousand:-a great number. M'rJi-CAL, a. Harmonious; melodious. MYRtMI-DQN, n. A rough soldier:-a ruffian. MftjSI-CAL-Ly, ad.- Harmoniously. rmusic. MY-ROBA.-L.N, n. A kind of dried fruit or plum. MIV-hItCIAN (mu-zishtan), n. One skilled in M/RRH, n. A strong aromatic gum-resin. MXu'8C-MitS'TEIt, a. One who teaches music. MYRPTLE, n. A plant of many species. MtISK, nt. A strong perfume; a flower. MY-SpLF1, pron. I myself, not another. MtSK, v. a. To perfume with musk. MYS-TEtRI-O0S, a. Full of mystery; obscure. MtiSKt-CXT, n. The animal from which musk is MYS-TE'tR-I-oJS-LY,ad.Obscurely;enigmnatically. obtained. MYS-TERRI-OVS-TN SS, n. Obscurity; perplexity. MtSKrKET, a. A soldier's hand-gun:-a hawk. MYSITE -RY,n. Something secret or unexplained. XMVS-KET-~EERt, n. A soldier armed with a mus- MIStTIC, n. One of a sect or class of Christians. MfS-K]1-Tr66N, n. A small musket. [ket. MYS'TIC, MISITi-CAL, a. Obscure; secret; dark. MSt'K.I-Ntss, n. The scent of musk. MYSTI.-CAL-Ly, ad. In a mystical manner. Mt0SKf'ML-QN, n. A species of melon. [mal. MYXSTI-CAL-Nk SSS, n. Quality of being mystical. MtSSKI-RXT, MfisftQUlSt, n. An aquatic maim- VStTI-CISM,n. The doctrine of the Mystics. MirSKtY, a. Having the perfiume of musk. MVS-TI-FI-CA1TION, n. Act of rendering mysMtJrLIN, n. Fine stuff made of cotton. terious. MVJt*LIN-E T, n. A kind of muslin. MVTH-O-LOt,1I-CAL, a. Relating to mythology. MUS-QUJ'ITO (mus-ke'tS), n. An insect. See MY-THOL'IO- IsT, n. One versed in mythology. MS'tSU.L-M1XN,n. A Mahometan. [MoSQUITO. MY-THOLt-qIZEE, v. n. To explain mythology. MOST, v. auxiliary, & imp. To be obliged. MY-THOL'Q-(Y, n. A system of fables; the fabMtiST, v. a. & n. To make or grow mnouldy. ulous history of the gods of the heathens. X,2,i,XT,,, along; A,,5,5,,t, shiort;,I,o,,Y, obscure. —FRrl,FAR R,FAST,FA LLj HEIR, tHIR; 1fi 191 NEATLY N. a semivowel, and a nasal letter, has in Eng- NAtT. VE, a. Produced by nature; natural; origiN, lish an invariable sound; as, no, name, net. NA1TIVE, n. One born in any place. [nal. NAB, V. a. To catch suddenly; to seize. NA'TIVE -LY, ad. Naturally; not artificially. NA'BOB, n. The title of an Indian prince. NA-TIV.I-TY, ns Birth; time or place of birth. NA'DIR, n. The point opposite to the zenith. NA'TRQN, n. A native carbonate of soda. NiG, n. A small horse; a horse. INAT'yV-1RAL (nait'yu-ral), a. Produced by nature; NA'IAD (nalyad), n. A water-nymph. tender; unaffected; illegitimate. NAIL,?1. A horny substance on the ends of the NATI.Vy-RAL, n. An idiot; a fool; a simpleton. fingers and toes; a claw:-an iron spike; a INATIV-RAL-ISM, n. Mere state of nature. [ence. stud or boss:-two inches and a quarter. JNAT'TV-RAL-IST, n. One versed in natural sci. NAIL (nal), v. a. To fasten or stud with nails. INAXT-yr-RA.L-1-Z.ATI QN-,s. Act of naturalizing, NAIL'ERn. A nail maker. INATTIV-R4AL-IZE, V. a. To adopt.; to invest NAILrER-Y, n. A manufactory for nails. with the privileges of a native citizen. [ly. NAIVETE (naev-ta'), n. [Fr.] Native simplicity. ]lNAT/'U-RAL-LY, ad. Unaffectedly; spontaneousNA~KE D; a. Uncovered; bare; open; plain. IINXTT'V-R.AL —NSS, n. State of being natural. NAXKED-LY, ad. Without covering; simply. NATtURE (nat'yur), t. The system of the world; NAi'EO D-NtSS, n. Nudity; want of covering. the universe; visible creation; natural affecNAME, n. An appellation; reputation; f:rne. tion; disposition; constitution; sort; birth. NAME, v. a. To give a name to; to mention. NAIJGHT (nawt), a. Bad; corrupt; worthless. NAMEtLESS, a. Destitute of a namne; obscure. NAUGHT (nawt),n. Nothing; erroneously nought. NAME.ILY, ad. Particularly; to mention by name. NAUGHTI'-LY (IInw'te-le), ad. Corruptly; badly. NAMEISAKE, n. One that has the same name. NIUGHT'I-NtiSS (n'w'te-nll s), n. Wickedness. NAN-KEEN'I, n. A buff-colorod cotton cloth. NAUGHT1y (naw'te), a. Bad; wicked; corrupt. NAP, n. Slumber; a short sleep:-down on cloth. NAUiremA-vHY, n. A mock sea-fight. [stomach. NAXP, v. n. To sleep; to be drowsy or secure. NAUtSE-A (nkW'she-a), n. [L.] Sickness at the NAPE, nr. The joint of the neck behind. NAU'SE-ATE (naw'shle-t), v. n. To feel disgust. NXPH'THA (ndp'tha), n. A bituminous fluid. NAU'SE'-ATE (naw'she-at), v. a. To loathe. [ful.. NAP'KIN, n. A cloth to wipe the hands, &c. NAUtSEOVS (na.w/shbs), a. Loathsome; disgustNXP'L1.SS, a. Wanting nap; threadbare. NAUtSEOVS-LY (nlaWshus-le), ad. Loathsomely. NAP'PI-NESS, n. The quality of having a nap. N-U5srEOyS-NESS (naw'shus-nns), n. Disgust. NkiP'P, a. Frothy; spumy; hairy; full of down. NAU'TIC, NAU'TI-CAL, a. Relating to ships, NIR-CIStSUS, n1. [L.] A daffodil; a flower. sailors, navy, or navigation - naval. N4R.-COT'IC, n. A drug producing sleep. NAU'TI-L-S, n.; pl. NAU'TI-LT. [L.] A shell-fish NAlt-CfTfIC, NAR-C)T'I-CAL, a. Causing sleep. furnished with something like oars and a sail. NARD, n. An aromatic plant; an ointment. NA&'VAL,a. Consisting of ships; relating to ships. NA[tRRA-BLE, a. Capable of being told or related. NAVE, n. Middle part of a wheel or of a church. NABRRATTE, v. a. To relate; to tell; to recite. NA'VEL (naovl),n. Middle point of the belly. NAR-Rt/'TION, n. An account; a relation; history. NA-VICIV-LAR, a. Relating to boats or vessels. NAR'RA-TV1r. a. Relating; apt to relate or tell. NAVII-GA-BLE, a. That may be navigated. NAg.RA-TIVE, oc. A relation; an account; a story. NNXAVI-CG-LEaN-ESS, n. Capacity of navigation. N4AR-RA'TQR, n. A teller; a relator. NA VI-GATE, V. a. & n. To pass by ships or.boats. NKRfROW (nlartr), a. Not wide; near; covetous. NAV-I- GATION, sn. The act or art of navigating. NX'R/OW (ndr'cr), v. a. To contract; to limit. NAVI'I-GA-TOR,n. One who navigates; a seaman. NARIROw, NXR/RAtOW, n. A strait; a sound. NAVY, n. An assemblage of ships; a fleet. NXI'tRQW-LY, ad. Contractedly; nearly. NAY (nu), ad. No:-not only so, but more. NXR/RQW-MIND'ED, a. Illiberal; avaricious. NAZ-A-RRENEt, n. One of Nazareth; a Christian. NAR'RQW-NESS, it. Want of extent; poverty. NAZ.AI-RITE, n. One devoted to religious duties. NA,.AL, a. Belonging to the nose. NEAL, v.a. To temper by heat. See ANNEAL. NASICENT, a. Beginning to grow; increasing. NEAP (nep), a. Low;-used only of the tide. NAS'TI-LY, ad. Dirtily; filthily; nauseously. NEAP, n. Draught-pole of a cart, &c. [U. S.] NAS'Ti-NESS, n. Dirt; filth; grossness. NEAP, a. Noting the lowest tides. NASITY, a. Dirty; filthy; sordid; nauseous. NE-A-PoLtI-TAN (nE-a-pl'lle-tan), a. Relatingto NA'T.AL, a. Native; relating to nativity. NEAR-(ner), prep. Close to; nigh. [Naples. NXT-A-L"TIOVS (nat-a-lish'us), a. Relating to NEAR, ad. Almost; not far off; within a little. NAY'TANT, a. Swimming; floating. [a birthday. NEAR, a. Not distant; close; dear; intimate. NA-T.A'TIQN, c. The act of swimning. NEAR, v. a. & n. To approach; to draw near. NA'TA-TQ-RY, a. Enabling to swim; swimming. NEARBLY, ad. At no great distance; closely. NA'TION, n. A people distinct from others. NEARINESS, n. Closeness; alliance:-avarice. NAI'TIQN-AL (nash'un-pl), a. Relating to a na- NEAT,. Oxen, cows, &c.; a cow' or ox. tion; general; public; not private. NEAT, a. Very clean; cleanly; nice; pure. NX-TIQN-XL'I-TY (nash-un-fl'e-te), n. National NEAT'HIIRD, n. One who has the care of cattle. character; national bias or partiality. NEATtLY, ad. With neatness; cleanlily. MIEN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BURt, UtLE.-,9,,soft3; 0, a, hard;.asz;:$ as gz; THIS. NEATNESS 192 NEWFASHIONED NEAT'NESS, nM Cleanliness; pureness. NE-G6'TI-X-TQR (ne-gS'shlle- -tur), n. One who NEB, sn. Nose; mouth; bill of a bird. See NIB. negotiates. NEBIV-LA, n.; pl. NEBU.-LE. [L.] A misty N5tGRE]ss, n. A female of the black race of or cloudy appearance:-a film; a spot. Africa; a female negro. [black race. NIEBWU-LLOiS, a. Misty; cloudy. NEtGRO, it.; pl. NE'GROE:. One of the African NEg E,-S- s'5a-A N, I n. A n advocate for the NrGVys,?n. A mixture of wine, water, sugar, &c. NEC-C S-S.I-TA'I.I-AN, A doctrine of philosoph- NEIGH (na), v. n. To utter the voice of a horse. ical necessity. [necessary or needful. NEIGH (na), n. The voice of a horse. NiC'E S-SA-RIE$ (e~s es-sa-rez), n. pl. Things NEIGH'BOR (natbur), n. One who lives near. NL( l9S-SA-RI-LY, ad. Inevitably; by necessity. NErIGHa'BQR (natbur), v. a. To adjoin; to confine NE.'ts-sC-ARY, a. Needful; essential; inevitable. NEIGH'BOR-HOOD (na'bur-hlfd),n.Vicinity.[on. N.-CES'SI-TATE, v. a. To niake necessary. NEIGHIt/BOR-ING (nlabur-lng), a. Being near. N -CES'SI.-To0s,a. Pressed with poverty; needy. NEIGH/BQR-LI-NRSS (na'bur-le-nts),?n. Civility. NE-CEs'SI-T.r, n. Compulsion; fatality; state NEIGH'BOR-LY (natbur-le), a. Kind; civil. of being necessary:-want; need; poverty. NfItTHER, coij. hot either; nor. NECK, n. The part between the head and body. NEIIHER, pron. Not either; nor one nor other. N CK'CLOTH, i7. A cloth worn on the neck. NE -O-LOitI-CAL, a. Relating to neology. NECK'ER-CHIEF (nektker-chmf), n. A cravat. NE-OL'0 -iM, n. New words, terms, or docNLCKEtLAcCE, n. An ornament for the neck. irines; neology. [&c. NEC-RQ-L6OII-CAL, a. Relating to necrology. NE-OLtQO-TIST,?i. An introducer of new ternms, NE-CROL'0- -ya,n.An obituary; register of deaths. NE, -6L.-YY, ni. A system of new words or docNE:C1-RO-SIAN-CER, n. A conjurer; an enchanter. NEg9-PHYTE, n. A nlew convert; tyro. [trines. NEC'RO-,XN-CY, C?. Enchantment; conjuration. NE — TERIJ1C, n. DOne of modern times. [novel. NEc- RO-MAN'TIC, a. Relating to necromancy. NE-O-TER'iC, NE-O-T1R'.I-CAL, a. Modern; NEC-RO-TIXANtTI-CAL-LYV ad. By conjuration. NEPIElpt- (nlv'vf), n. Son of a brother or sister. N.EC/TA4R, n. The feigned drink of the gods. NE -PHRI'TIC, n. A medicine for the gravel. NE1C-TArRE-ANN a. Like nectar; nectareous. NE, -PHRITIlC, i a. Pertaining to the kidneys: NRC'TARED (nek'tard), a. Imbued with nectar, NE-PHRiTI-CAL, -relieving disorders of the NEC-TA'Rr -o us,a. Resenlbling nectar; delicious. NE P'O-Ti.-1r, n. Fondness for nephews.[kidneys. NLCtT.A-liNE, a. Sweet as nectar. NEP-TTUNI-.AN, a. Relating to the ocean. NECtTA-RINE, n. A fruit of the peach kind. NEtRl-ID, n. A sea-nymph. [force; courage. NEC'TAR-OUS, a. Sweet as nectar; nectareous. NERVE (neirv), n. An organ of sensation:NRCITA-RY, n. The melliferous part of a flower. Ni.RVE (nerv), v. a. To strengthen. NEED, mn. Exigency; necessity; want; poverty. NERVEILE.SS (nervqles), a. Without strength. -NZEED, V. a. To want. —v. n. To be in want. NER'VOyS, a. Relating to the nerves:-strong; NEEDtFOL. a. Necessary; requisite; needed. vigorous:-having weak nerves. NEEDtI-LY, ad. In poverty; poorly. NER'VOJS-LY, ad. With strength;with force. NEE:DtI-NESS, n. Want; poverty; need. NER/VOUUS-IN:SS i. State of being nervous. NEErDLE, n. A small instrument for sewing:-a NlStCI-ClENCE (nesh'e-lens), n. Ignorance. steel pointer in the mariner's comnpass. [once. NEST, n. A bed of birds:-number of boxes, &c. NiEtDLE-FUL, n. Thread put into a needle at NEST'-:_GG, n. An egg left in the nest. NEED/LESS, a. Unnecessary; not requisite. NkS'TLE (nds'sl), v. n. To settle; to lie close. NEIED'LESS-Ly,ad.Uninecessarily; without need. NiSTLI.NG, n. A young bird in the nest. NEEDtILESS-N CSS, i1. Unnecessariness. NtiT, st. A texture woven with meshes; a snare. NELD,, ad. Necessarily; indispensably. NET, a. Clear after deductions; as, net weight. NE EDt'y, a. Poor; necessitous; indigent. NtT, v. a. & n. To bring as clear produce; to knit. NE'ER (nlr), ad. A contraction for never. NETHIER, a. Lower; not upper; infernal. RNE-FA.RI-OOS, a. Wicked; abominable; vile. NETH'rR-MOST, a. Lowest. [work. NE-FA./Ri-OS-LY, ad. Abominably; wickedly. NrT'TING, in. A reticulated piece of work; netNE-GA'TIQN, n. A denial; an exclusion. NET'TLE, n. A well-known stinging herb. NEG.A-TIVE, a. Denying; implying denial. NET'TLE, v. a. To sting; to irritate; to provoke. NEGrA-TIVE, n. A proposition or word that de- NErTITLER, n. One that nettles. [netting. NEG/A-TIVE, v. a. To reject by negation. [nies. NTIWORK (nt'wiOrk), n. Reticulated work; NEG'A-TIVE-LY, ad. With or by denial. NE, T-R6OLIoQ-y, n. A description of the nerves. NEG-LECTf, V. a. To omit; not to do; to slight. NEfi-R6OTO-MY, n. The anatomy of the nerves. NiG-L CTI, n. Inattention; slight; negligence. NEutTER (nalter), a. Of neither party; neutral. NEG-LECTIF0L, a. Heedless; careless; inat- NEUITER, Is. One indifferent and unengaged. tentive; negligent. [attention. NEUtTRAL, a. Indifferent; not on either side. NEG-LtCTIFOL-Ly, ad. With heedless in- NEUITRAL, n. One who is not on either side. NEG-LI-qEE', n. A sort of old-fashioned gown. NEU-TR.XL/I-TY (nii-tralle-te), 1t. A neutral state. NEG'L.-CrQ:NCE, n. Inattention; carelessness. NEUitTRAL-iZE,. a. To render neutral. NtGtLI-qi:NT, a. Careless; heedless; inattentive. NEUITRAL-LY, ad. Indifferently; on neither part. NEGILI-qRNT-LY, ad. Carelessly. [negotiated. N1V'IER, ad. Not ever; at no time; in-no degree. NEI-GO'TI-A-BLE (-she-a-bl), a. That may be NrEVtER-THE-Lt SS', ad. & c. However; yet. NE-GO'TI-ATE (-she-at), v. a. & n. To manage; NEW (nuI), a. Not old; fresh; novel; mnodern. to traffic; to conclude by treaty or agreement. NEWr.-FrN'GLED (nf-fCang'gld), a. New-made. NI.-GO-T.I-A'TIQN (ne-g-slhe-a'shun), n. Act of' NEV-FXSH'IONED (nai-fishtund), a. Recently negotiating; a treaty of business. ~ come into fashion. A,,,,,,/ long'; X,,I,6,,, short;,E,9,,, obscure. —ArXFXR,FAST,FILL i HIR, HERI NEWISH 193 NOISOMPELY NEVr'sH (nfiqsh), a. Rather new. NINEtPI:NCE, n. A small silver coin. [wood. NEW'LY (nfl'le), ad. Freshly; lately; recently. NINE'PIN~, n. A play with nine or ten pieces of NEWrNE SS, n. Freshness; recentness; novelty. NINE'TEEN, a. Nine and ten. NE Wr, n. sing. & pl. Fresh accounts; tidings. NINTTEE NTH, a. The ordinal of nineteen. NEW~r'-M6N-1ER, a. One who deals in news. NINE'TI-~TH, a. The ordinal of ninety. NEiw'PA-PER, n. A print that conveys news. NiNEITY, a. Nine times ten. [pleton. NEWT (nat), n. An eft; a species of lizard. NIN'NY, NINtNY —HAIM'ME R, n. A fool; a simNEXT, a. Nearest in place, time, or order. NiNTH, a. First after the 8th; the ordinal of 9. NEXT, ad. At the time or turn nearest. NINTH/LY, ad. In the ninth place. [to destroy. NIB, n; The bill of a bird:-point of a pen. NIP, v. a. To cut; to pinch; to bite; to blast; NIBBED (nibd), a. Having a nib. [bite as a fish. NIP, n. A pinch; a small cut; a blast. NIBtBLE, V. a. To eat slowly, or by nips; to NIP'PER~ (nlptperz), n. pi. Small pincers. NIB'BLE, v. n. To bite at by nips:-to carp. NPIPLE, n. A teat; a dug; pap; an orifice. NIB'BLE, n. An act of a fish trying the bait. NISfAN, n. A Jewish month of spring. NIB'BLER, n. One that nibbles; a carper. NiT, n. The egg of a louse or small insect. NICE, a. Exact; precise; delicate; fastidious. NI'TEN-CY, n. Lustre; brightness; an endeavor. NICE'LY, ad. Exactly; precisely; delicately. NIT'ID, a. Bright; shining; gay; spruce. NICE'NiSS, n. Minute exactness; delicacy. NI'TRATE, n. A chemical salt. NI'CE-TY, i. Minuteness; accuracy; delicacy. NI'TRE (nouter), n. Saltpetre; nitrate of potassa. NICHE (nich), n. A hollow for a statue, &c. NI1TRIC, a. Relating to, or containing, nitre. NiCK, n. Exact point of time; a notch; a score. NI'TR.O- iEN, n. A kind of gas; azote. NICK, v; a. To hit; to cut in notches; to cozen. Ni TROUS, a. Impregnated with nitre.-JXitr-dus NICK1EL, n. A metal of a whitish color. oxide, an exhilarating gas. NICKINAME, n. A namle given in derision. Ni1TRY, a; Nitrous; relating to nitre. NICK/NAAME, v. a. To call by an opprobrious NITITY, a. Abounding with the eggs of lice. NJ-C6OTIAN, a. Relating to tobacco. [name. Ni'VAL, a. Abounding with snow; snowy. NICTATEI, N[C/TI-TATE, V. n. To wink. NIV'E -OS, a. Snowy; resembling snow. NIC-TAtTION, n. A winking of the eye. NO, ad. The word of refusal or denial. NIDE, n. A brood; as, a aide of pheasants. N, a. Not any; none.-JV'o one, not any one. NID-I-Fr-C!ATION, sn. The act of building nests. N -sBIL-T ATE, v. a. To ennoble; to make noble. NI'DQR-OUS, a. Smelling like roasted meat. No-sBIL-.ITA'TQIN, i. The act of ennobling. NID-V-LA'TIQON, n. Time of remaining in the NQ-O IL'-TY, n. Dignity; rank; people of rank. NI'DVS, n. [L.] A nest of birds, &c. [nest. NOtBLE, a. Exalted in rank; illustrious; liberal. NIECE (nes), a7. Daughter of a brother or sister. -NOtBLE, n. One of high rank:-an ancient coin. NIG'GARD, n. A miser; a sordid fellow. NO'BLE-MAN, n. One who is ennobled. NYGIGARD, a. Sordid; miserly. [mony. NOtBLE-NESS, a. Greatness; worth; dignity. NIGfGiRD-L-NEI3S, a. Avarice; sordid parsi- NO -BLESSt n. Nobility; noblemen collectively. NIG'G4RD-LY,a. Avaricious; parsimonious. N6'BLY, ad. Greatly; illustriously; liberally. NIGH (ni), prep. At no great distance from. NO'BOD-Y, n. No one; not any one. NIGH (ni), ad. Not far off; almost; nearly. NO'CENT, a. Guilty; hurtful; mischievous. NIGH (ni), a. Near; not distant; not remote. NOC-TAM-BU-LAtTION, n. Act of walking in NlGH'NE SS (nIines), n. Nearness; proximity. sleep; sominambulism; noctambulisin. NIGHT (nit), n. The time from sunset to sunrise N.OC-TXMivBU-LIST, a. One who walks in sleep. NIGHTtBORN (nit'blrn),a.Produced in darkness. NOC-TLV'A-GANT, a. Wandering in the night. NIGCHTCAXP (nit'fkap), n. A cap worn in bed. NOCtTU —A RY, n. Account of what passes by NIGHTtDEw (nIttdi), is. Dew falling by night. night:-opposed to diary. NIGHTIDRt SS, n. The dress worn at night. NQC-TURINAL, a. Nightly; relating to night. NIGITtFILL, n. The close of day; evening. NQC-TURtNAL, n. An instrument formerly used NIGHT'FIRE, n. An ignis fatuus. [for undress. to view the stars. NIGHT/G5*rN: n. A loose gown used in bed, or NOD, v. n. To bend the head; to be drowsy. NIGHTIHXG, n. A witch wandering in tie night. NOD, n. A quick bend of the head: command. NSGHTIIN-GALE, n. A bird that sings at night. NODtDER, n. One who nods; a drowsy person. NIGHT'LY, a. Done by night; acting by night. NODtDLE, n. The head; —i contempt. NIGHTtLY (nit'le), ad. By night; every night. NOrDDY, n. A simpleton; an idiot; a fool. NIGHTtMAN, n. One who removes filthl by night. NODE, n. A knob; a swelling; an intersection. NIGHT/MiJkRE,n. Morbid oppression during sleep. NOQ-DSE1, NOtDOVS, a. Knotty; full of knots. NIGHTTPIEcE,n. A picture seen by candle-light. NO-DOStI-TY, n. Complication; knottiness. NIGHTISHADE, n. A plant: —darkness of night. NOD't-L.AR, a. Having the form of a nodule. NIG5HT'WATCH(nIltfwch),n. A watch by night. NiOD5ULE (nldtyul), n. A small lunip or knot. NI-GRtS'CERNT, a. Growing black; blackish. NODtULED (nldtyu ld), a. Havinrnodules. NI-HIL'I-TY, n. Nothingness; non-existence. N.G'GIN, n. A small mug or cup:-a gill. NILL, v. n. Not to will; to refuse; to reject. NOSE, E n. Any kind of sound; outcry; clamor. NIM'BLE, a. QOuick; active; ready; speedy. NOIgE, v. a. To spread by rumor or report. NIMs'BLE-NESS, n. Q- uickness; activity. NOISEr'FL, a. Loud; clamorous; noisy. NMitBLY, ad. Quickly; speedily; actively; NOII ELESS, a. Silent;' without sound; still. NINE, a. One more than eight. [briskly. N6I'SI-NRSS, n. Loudness of sound; clamor. NINETFOLD, a. Repeated nine times. NOi.SOME (niil'sm), a. Noxious; offensive. NINEtHOLE~., a. A game requiring nine holes. NOI'SQME-L~ (nii'sum-le.), ad. Offensively. MIEN, SYR; M6VE, NOR, S6N; BfLL, Bie, RlE. — -,, softf; i,, hard; ~ai z; a t as gz; it.IS. 17 NOISOMENESS 194 NOVELIST NI'rSQME-NtSS (ndilsum-ness), n. Offensive- NORTH-EASTT, n. The point between the north NSf~Y, a. Sounding loud; clamorous. [ness. and east. [point. NQ-LItTI.ON (no-lsh'un), n. Unwillingness. NORTH-E AST', a. Pertaining to the north-east N6M'AD, n. Oine who leads a wandering life. NORFTH'ER-LY, a. Being towards or from the NQ-iX1ADfIC, a. Pastoral; rude; wandering. NORTH/ERN. a. Being in thenorth. [north. NOM'BLE[ (nurn'blz), n. The entrails of a deer. NORTH'-STAR, n. The polestar; the loadstar. NOM'li1E N-CLA-TQR, 7a. One who names. NORTH'WARD, a. Being towards the north. NO'MirN-CL.AT-URE (nt'men-kllt-yur), n. A NORT AD, d. Towards the north. glossary; a dictionary; a vocabulary. NORTH'WiRD~, T NOM/I-NAL, a. Only in name; not real; titular. NORTH-W'ESTI, n. Point between the north NfimI'.-N4AL-iST, n. One of a school of philoso- and west. NOMII-NAL-LY, ad. By name; in name.[phers. NORTH'-WIND, n. The wind from the north. NOrMII-NATE, v. a. To propose by name; to NO~E, n. The prominence on the face:-scent. name; to mention; to appoint. isNOE, v. a. To scent; to smell:-to face. NOM-I.-NAtTIQN, n. The act of nominating. NOl~E/GAY (noz'gd), n. A bunch of flowers. N)A~ITT-NA-TIVE, a. Applied to the first case of NO6EtLESS, a. Destitute of a nose. N t.1I-N A-TQR, n. One that names. [nouns. NOS-O-LiQIe-CAL, a. Relating to nosology. NfiM-I-NE:L, n. A person nominated to an office. NQ-SOL'Q-Y., n. The science of diseases. NON, ad. In composition, not. NOS'TRIL, n. An aperture of the nose. NON'AqEE, n. Minority in age; immaturity. NObSTRVM, n. [L.] A quack medicine. NON-AT-Tr~ND'ANCE,:n. Want of attendance. NOT, ad. A particle of negation or refusal. NON-VHA-LiNCE', n. [Fr.] Indifference; cool- NOTtA-BLE, a. Industrious; careftil; bustling. ness; carelessness. NOTIA-BLE, a. Remarkable; memorable. NON-COQM-PLtANCE, n. A refusal to comply. NOT'A-BLE-NtSS, n. Carefulness; industry NON-CQN-FORIVt'lST, at. One who does not NOTtA-BLE-arSS, n.. Remarkableness. conform to the established religion. NOT'A-BLY, ad. Carefully; with bustle. NON-CQN-FORM'I-TY, n. Want of conformity. NOT'AI-BLY, ad. Memorably; remarkably. NON'tlDE-CRIPT, a. Not yet described. NQ-TAtRI-AL, a. Relating to, or by, a notary. NON'IIE-SCRIPT, n. A thing not yet described. NO'TA-RY,n. An officer who attests contracts, N6iNE (nun), a. Not one; not any. NQ-TA T'TION, n. Act of noting or marking. [&c. NrN-EN'TI-TY, n. Non-existence; an ideal NOTCH, n. A nick; a hollow cut in any thing. thing; nothing. N OTCH, v. a. To cut in small hollows. NONE1tSUCH,?t. An unequalled thing. NOTE, n. A mark; a notice; a remark; an acNON-E. -IsT'i.NCE, n. State of not existing. count:-a tune; a symbol: —a written paper. NON-JUR'ING, a. Not swearing allegiance. RNOTE, v. a. To observe; to remark; to set down. NONI-JUtRQR, n. One who refiised to swear alle- N6TE'iBOOR (-bfik), 7. A book containing notes. giance to the successors of James II. NOT'ID, p. a. Remarkable; eminent; famous. N6N-PA-REILr (ndn-pa-rel'), n. A kind of ap- NiOT'ED-LY, ad. With observation; with notice. ple:-a printer's letter of a small size. NOT'ED-NESS, 1. State of being noted; celebNI6N'PLfis, n. A puzzle; a great difficulty. N6Tt1ER, n. One who takes notice.. [rity. N6N'PLiUS, v. a. To confound; to puzzle. NOTH'ING (ntithjing), n. Nonentity; negation. NON-RiStI-DhNCE, n. A failure of residence. NOTH'ING-NSS,' n. Nihility; non-existence. NON-REP't-DPNT, n. One who does not reside NO'TICE, n. A remark; heed; observation; in the place of his official duty. information. NWN-RE:StI-DENT, a. Not residing; absent. NO'TICE, v. a. To note; to heed; to observe. NON-R.E-SlST'ANCE, n. Ready obedience. No'TICE-A-BLE, a. Worthy of observation. NON-RE-~1ST'ANT,a. Not resisting; unopposing. NO-TI-FI-CA/TIQN, a. The act of notifying. N6NtSENNSE, n. Unmeaning language; folly. N`ItTI-FY, v. a. To declare; to make known. N~6N-StNSI-CAL, a. Unmeaning; foolish. N&tTION, n. Thought; idea; image; opinion. NqN-SREN'SI-CAL-LY, ad. Foolishly; ridiculous- N6'TIQN-AL, a. Imaginary; ideal; visionary. 1NON-SN'.SI-CAL-N]tSS, n. Absurdity; folly. [ly. NO-TQ-R (E-TY, n. Public knowledge or exhXON'SfIT (ntn'sft), n. Stoppage of a lawsuit. posure; notoriousness. 1XONtSUIT, v. a. To quash in a legal process. NO-T6'tR-OIrS, a. Publicly known; infamous. N5OO'DLE, n. A fool; a simpleton. [ ulgar.] NO-TO'RI-OPS-LY, ad. Publicly; evidently. ~XOOK, n. A corner; a narrow place; a retreat. NQ-TO/RI-OUS-NESS, n. Public fame; notoriety. NO6N, n. Midday; twelve o'clock. [noon. N'tTUS, n. [L.] The south wind. N66N'DXY, N6ON'TIDE, n. Midday; time of N6T-WjTH-STXND'ING, C0oij. Nevertheless; NOON'ING, n. Repose or a repast at noon. however; although. No60E or NOOsE, n. A running knot. [entrap. N`OT-WITH-STXND'ING, prep. In spite of. N6obE, v. a. To tie in a noose; to catch; to NOCTGHT (n'wt), n. Nothing. See NAUGHT. NO'PAL, n. A plant; Indian fig. [neither or not. NOON, n. (Gram..) The name of any thing. NSR, conj. A negative particle; correlative to NotritISH (ndr'rish), v. a. To support by food. eORI'MAL, a. Perpendicular; regular. —Jormal NOfRt'iSH-A-BLE, a. Susceptive of nourishment. school, a school for training school teachers. NOOR'.ISH-ER, n. One that nourishes. lNOR'M4AN a. Relating to Normandy, or to Nor- NO0R'ISH-Mt-NT, n. Food; sustenance; nutrimans. NOV:'EL, a. New; not ancient; unusual. [tion. NORTH, n. The point opposite to the south. NOV'EL, n. A fictitious tale in prose; romance. NORTH, a. Northern; being in the north. NOv/EL-IST, il. A writer of novels. A?,,I,O,O,Y, lon~g;.,R,:I,O,O,l, short; 4,Ei,Q,VY,y obscure.-FARE,FXR,FAST,F.iLL; HRIR, HEPR; NOVELTY 195 OBDUCTION NSV'EL-TY, a. Newness; innovation. NIV-MI.Rt.I-CAL-LY, ad. With respect to number. NQ-VEMIBER, n. The 11th month of the -year. Nut'MER-OUS, a. Many; not few:-musical. NOVfE-N4-Ry, n. & a. Nine collectively. NU.IMTER-OvS-NhSS, n. The being numerous. NQ-V.N'NI-AL, a. Done every ninth year. NU-MIS-MAT'I-CAL, a. Relating to numismatics. NQ-VhRIC.AL, a. Relating to a step-mother.. NU-MIS-MXTtICS, n. The science of coins and NlV'ICE, n. One unskilled:-a probationer. medals; numismatology. NQ-VI"TI-ATE (no-vish'e-5t), n. State of a nov- NU-i I-IMA- T fL'QO-Cr, a. The science of coins. NOW (niu), ad. At this time; at one time. [ice. NMM-R a Relatingo coinormoney NOW, n. The present time or moment. NMMU-. LA, coin or money. No5r*A-DAY*, ad. In the pIresent age; now. NUM/'SKILL, n. A dunce; a dolt; a blockhead. NOtWAY, NO'WXAY, ad. Not in any manner. NtN, n. A woman who lives in a nunnery. NO'WHi RE, ad. Not in any place. [gree. NtN'C.I-o (nun'she-5), n.; pl. NUNICI-O~. The NO'WI4E, ad. Not in any manner, or in ally de- pope's ambassador at a royal court. NOXt1OVs (ntk'shus), a. Hurtful; harmfuil. NVN-CU'PA-TIVE, a. Verbal; verbally proNSX'IOVS-LY (nkfskhus-le), ad. Hurtfully. NVN-CU'tP-TQ-RY, nounced; not written. N6OX'IOUS-NiiSS (nkt'shus-nes), n. Hurtfulness. NtNINE. R-Y, n. A house or convent of nuns. NOZ'LE, or NOZ'ZLE (ntz'zl), n. The nose. NrP'TIAL (nfptshal), a. Relating to marriage. NU-BIFI'IR-OtS, a. Bringing or forming clouds. NtP'TTI4AL (nup'shalz), n. pt. Marriage. NUtBILE, a. Marriageable; of an age fit for NiRSE, n. A woman that nurses or takes care NU-CIFt.R-O-tS, a. Bearing nuts. [marriage. of a child or a sick person. NU'CLE-tOS, n.; pl. NU'CL.-I. [L.] That about NURSE, v. a. To bring up a child; to feed. which matter is accumulated. [naked. NURStER, n. One that nurses; a fornenter. NV-DA1TION, n. The act of making bare or NURS'ER-Y, n. A plantation of young trees:NUDE, a. Bare; naked:-without force; void. place where young children are nursed, taken NUtDI-T,n. Naked parts; nakedness. care of, and brought up. NUt1G4tTQ-RY, a. Trifling; futile; insignificant. NiURS'LING, n. One nursed up; a fondling. NIt'S.ANCE (ni'sans), n. Something offensive. NUiRS'TLE, NBS'TLE, v.a. To cherish; to fondle. NU0LL, a. Void; of no force; ineffectual. NUiRTtURE (niirtfyur), n. Food; diet; education. NrIL'LI-Fi, v. a. To annul; to make void. NURTI, RE (niirt'yur), v. a. To educate, train. NtCLILI-TY, n. Want of force, or of existence. NUT, n. A fruit:-a cylinder with teeth. NUiMB (niim), a. Torpid-; chill; motionless. NV-TA.'TQO N, n. A kind of tremulous motion. NUiMB (num), v. a. To make torpid; to stupefy. NiiTR-BRSO*N a. Brown like a nut. [nuts. NM/BEnLR, V. a. To count; to tell; to reckon. NfJT'-CRtCK-IERn, n.pl. Aninstrument to break NiM'B Rt, n. Any aggregate of units; many:- NT'GALIL, an. A hard excrescence of an oak. a figure.-pl. Harmony; verses; poetry. NiT'IMrG, n. A valuable species of spice. NI'MtMBER-ER, n. One who numbers. NF'TRI-MENT, n. Nourishment; food; aliment. NrOM'EH R-LESS, a. More than can be counted. NU-TRI-MhNT.AL, a. Nourishing; alitnental. NOiM3B1Ra, n. The fourth book in the Bible. NU-TRItTION (inu-trlsh'un), n. Act of nourishNUMB'NE. SS (niim'nes), n. Torpor; deadness. NU-TRI'tTIOVS (nu-trish'us),a. Nourishing.[ing. NUMtE.R-A-BLE, a. Capable of being numbered. NiU'TRI-TIVE, a. Nourishing; nutrimental. NU'MEIR-AL, a. Relating to number. NiT'-StHELL, n. The shell of a nut. NUTME R-AL, n. A numerical character or letter. NOT'-TREE, n. A tree that bears nuts. [nurstle. NU'ME. R-AL-LY ad. According to number. NtZtZLE, v. a. To hide the head; to nestle; to NU'ME.IR-i-RY, a. Relating to a certain number. NIC'TA-LSPS, n. One who sees best at night. Nti'MER-ATE, v. n. To reckon; to calculate. NfCtTA-LO-PY, n. The seeing best in the night. NU-MER-A.jTIQN, n. Art of numbering; notation. NIMPH, n. A female deity:-pupa; nympha. Nt'ME.R-.A-TQR, n. One who numbers a num- NM'rPHA, n. [L.] The chrysalis of an insect. berer:-one of the terms of a fraction. NrIMPH'-LIKE, a. Resembling a nymph. INV-MER'.-C4L, a. Numeral; denoting number. NIsIs.4, n. A plant; sour gum-tree. 0. aan English vowel, has several different SARaY, a. Having the form or use of oars. sounds, as in note, not, more, nar, come. A-SIS, n.; pl. t' A-SE~. A fertile spot in an 5, interj. Expressing a wish or exclamation. arid desert. [ral. OAF (af), n. A foolish child:-an idiot; a dolt. OAT (ot), n. A grain;-chiefly used in the pluOArISHt (Sftish), a. Stupid; dull; doltish. OATCAXKE, n. A cake made of the meal of oats. OAF:'ISH-NiSS, n. Stupidity; dulness; idiocy. OAT'EN (t'tn), a. Made of oats; bearing oats. OAK (ok), n. A forest tree and its wood. [oak. OATH (6th), n. A solemn declaration, made OAKI-AP-PLE, n. A spongy excrescence on the with an appeal to God as a witness of its truth. OAK'EN (6tkn), a. Made of oak. [hemp. 6AT'MEAL, n. Flour made by grinding oats. OAKfUM, n. Cords untwisted and reduced to OATS (1ts), n. pl. A kind of grain for horses. OAR (or), n. An instrument to row with. QB-DuCE', v. a. To draw over, as a covering. OAR, v. a. To impel by rowing.-v. n. To row. QB-DJCt'TIQN, n. The act of covering. MIEN, SIR; M6VE,-NOR6, SiN; BOLL, BUR, RdLE. —9,, soft; 0, i, hard; asz; I asgz; THIS, OBDURACY 196 OBTUSELY J[6B'DVt-RA-CY or QB-Dft1R.A-cy, n. Inflexible WB6oLEn. (Pharmacy.) Twelve or ten grains. wickedness; impenitence; hardness of heart. OB-6OVATE, a. Having the shape of an egg. ||OB'DI -RATE or OB-DU'RATE, a. Hard of OB-REPTI.ON, n. The act of creeping secretly. heart; obstinate; stubborn: harsh; unfeeling. OB-SCENE1, a. Immodest; offensive; disgustIIDB'DU-RATE-Ly, ad. Stubbornly. OB-SCENEILY, ad. In an obscene manner. [ing. 116B'DU-RATE-NtSS or QB-DU1RATE-NESS, n. QB-SC, NE1NESS, n. Quality of being obStubbornness; inflexibility; obduracy. oB-SCE N'I-TYy, scene; impurity; lewdness. Q-BE'DI-ENCE, n. Act of obeying; submission OB-SCU-RAITIQN, n. Act of darkening. to authority. OB-SCUREt, a. Dark; gloomy; abstruse; unO-B 1EDI-ENT, a. Submissive to authority. OB-SCURE, v. a. To darken; to conceal.[knlown. 9Q-BE-DI-ENITIAL, a. Relating to obedience. OB-SCURE'LY, ad. Not brightly; darkly; dimly. Q-B1'DI-E:NT-LY, ad. With obedience. OB-SCU1RI-TY, n. Darkness; privacy; perplexity.'Q-BEI'SANCE (9-ba'sans or o-b6t'sns), t. A OB!SE-CRATE,?1. a. To beseech; to entreat. bow; a courtesy; an act of reverence. B-SE -CRA'TION, n. An entreaty; supplication. 6B'E-LISK, n. A narrow column:-a mark [t]. oB'IS —QUIE, n. pl. Funeral solemnities, Q-BnESE', a. Corpulent; very fat. oB-sE'QUI-ofis, a. Obedient; compliant; sub9-BE1SEINESS, Q-BPStI-TY, n. Corpulence. missive; meanly complying; servile. O-BEY1 (o'bal), v. a..To submit to; to comply oB-SE/QU.I-OJS-LY, ad. Submissively. Q-BEytE R (9-birer), n. One who obeys. [with. QB-s1'tQuI-oUs -NtSN,n. Obedience; compliance. OIBIT or OB)IT, n. Decease: —funeral solemni- OB-ERV'A-BLE,a. That may be observed.[note. 9-BIT't-A-RY, a. Relating to deaths. [ty. On-~ERV'A-BLY, ad. In a manner worthy of Q-BiTI'V —RY, n. A register or list of the dead. OB-nERVANCE, n. Respect; reverence. OBfJrJCT, n. Design; end; ultimate purpose. OB-nERV_'vNT,a.Attentive; watchful; respectful. QB-JECT', v. a. To oppose; to urge against. OB-SEyR-~VA1TTQN, n. Observance; note; remark. QB-JiC'TIQN, n. An adverse argument or rea- oB-ER-VATOR, n. An observer. - son,; opposition; fault found. QB- ERVIA-TO-Ry, n. A place for astronomiQB-JAECTION-A-BLE, a. Liable to objection. cal observations, &c. QB-JiC'ITIVE, a. Relating to the object, or to QOB-EREVE v. a. To watch, regard, note, obey. the object of thought;-opposed to subjective. QB-~1ERVE/, A.. To be attentive; to remark. 91B-JrCfTIVE-Ly, ad. In an objective manner. Qon-~ERVE1.R, n. One who observes; a remarker. QB-JCrCT'QR, a. One who offers objections. OB-StS'SIQN (ob-stsh'un), n. Act of besieging. QB-JiJURiGATE, V. a. To chide; to reprove. OB-SIDI.-AN, n. A dark-colored mineral. OB-JUR-GA3TION, n. A reproof; reprehension. QB-SID.I-O-N.AL, a. Belonging to a siege. QB-JUR/'GA-TQ-RY, a. Reprehensive; chiding. oB-SO-LES'CgNT, a. Growing out of use. QB-LATEt, a. Flattened at the poles. OEBSO-LETE, a. Gone out of use; disused. OB-LAITIQN, n. An offering; a sacrifice:-alms. OB'sQ-LETE-NSsS, n. State of being out of use. OB-LEC-TA'TIQN, n. Delight; pleasure. Bt'STA-CLE, n. A hinderance; an obstruction. 6OBtLI-GATE, v. a. To bind by contract or duty. OB-STT'TtRIC, a. Relating to obstetrics. [wifery. OB-L-GA'TION, n. That which obligates; bind- o.B-STET'RICS, n. pl. Science or art of miding power of an oath, vow, or duty; contract. OBtSTI-NA-CY, n. Stubbornness; contumacy. 6B1L-GA-T9-R~Y, a. Imposing an obligation. OBfSTI-NATE, a. Stubborn; contumacious. 9-BsLirE'., v. a. To -bind; to impose obliga- OnBSTi-N4TE-LY, ad. Stubbornly; inflexibly. tions on; to gratify; to accommodate. oB1ST.I-NATE-NkSS, n. Stubbornness; obstina6B-L.I-qEE1, n. The person to whomn another, OB-STI-PATION, n. Act of stopping up. [cy. called the obligeor, is bound by a contract. OB-STREtP'ER —O5s, a. Loud; clamorous; noisy. Q-BLIt9ER, n. One who obliges. nB-STRtEP1ER-OJUS-LY, ad. Loudly; clamorousQ-BL(I'fNG, p. a. Accommodating; friendly. On-STRIC'TION, an. An obligation;, a bond.[ly. 1OB-LI-GOR', A. (Law.) One who binds himself B-STR[UCTf, v. a. To block up; to bar, hinder. to another; —opposed to obliees. OB-STRUCTtER, n. One that hinders or opposes.?SB-LI-QUATIaON, n. Declination; obliquity., OB-STR[iC'TIQN, n. A hinderance; an obstacle. 11QB-LIQUEI or OB-LIQUE', a. Not direct; not QB-STRPIC'TIVE, a. Causing rinpediment. perpendicular; not parallel; indirect. on-STREUC'TVE, n. An impediment; an obstaIIQB-LIQUE.'L or OB-LIQUE/'Ly,ad.Not-directly. 0B'STRU-ENT, a. Hindering; blocking up. [cle. IOB-LiQUE'NESS, n. Obliquity. QB-TAINf, v. a. To gain; to acquire; to procure. IQB-LIQ'UI-TY (ob-llk'we-te), n. A deviation QB-TAIN, 0v. n. To get intouse, prevail, succeed. from a right line, or from rectitude. [destroy. OB-TXIN'A-BLE, a. That may be obtained. QB-LITt3-R-XATE, V. a. To efface,; to rub out; to QB-TEND', v. a. To oppose; to continue against. QB-LIT-ER-AtTIQN, n. Effacement; extinction. QB-TEN-:-BR.tTIOQN, n. Darkness; cloudiness. QB-LV'I -ON,n. Forgetfulness; amnesty; pardon. QB-TST', v. a. To beseech; to supplicate. QB-LYV'I-0-OS, a. Causing forgetfulness; for- OB-TES-TXAtTQN, n. A supplication; entreaty. 6B'L6NG, a. Longer than broad. [getful. OB-TRODE', v. a. To thrust into; to urge upon. 6OB'LQ-QUY, n. Censorious speech; slander. QB-TRVDEtFR, n, One that obtrudes. 6B-MV-TES'CENCE, n. Silence; loss of speech. QB-TRP'1I.ON (-trd'zhun), n. Act of obtruding. QB-N6OXIOUS (Qb-nbk'shus), a. Subject; liable QB-TRY.'SIVE., a. Inclined to obtrude. to punishment; exposed:-unpopular; odious. OB-TtrNDi, v. a. To blunt; to dull; to deaden. QB-NiXfIOTUS-LY (pb-uk'shus-lye), ad. Liably. 61B-TiS-.aNGU-LAR, a. Having obtuse angles. QB-N6/xaIous -Ntss (ob-nbk'shus-nes), n. Li- QB-TUSE1, a. Not pointed; not acute: —dull. ableiess; liability:-unpopularity. QB-TUfSEILY, ad. Without a point:-stupidly.,~,iSii~,,, long; X,RY,6,1,1t, short; A:,iQ,V,Y obscure. —F Xt,FXR,FAST,FALL; HEIR, HitR; OBTUSENESS 197 0GLER QB-TUSEVNE.SS, n. Bluntness:-dulness. 6DDINESS, a. State of being odd; strangeness. QB-TU'UfIQN (ob-tfi'zhun), an. The act of dulling. O6DD (6dz), n. sing. & pl. Inequality; dispute. QB-UMiBR-ATE', v. a. To shade; to cloud. ODE, a. A short song; a lyric poem. OB-UtM-BRATTIQN, n. The act of darkening. 116oDIOUS (odlyus or t'de-us), a. Hateful; deQB-VERSEI, n. The face of a coin; —opposed to testable; abolninable; invidious. [vidiously. QB-VERT', v. a. To turn towards. [reverse. 6/DIOIJS-LY or O'DI-OUS-LY, ad. Hatefully; in6B'VI-XTE, v. a. To remove; to prevent. 16'DIOUS-NEss, n. Hatefulness. 6BIVI-otis, a. Open; exposed;plain; evident. oDIII'yM or 5'D.I-4M, n. Invidiousness; hatred. OB'VI-OtS-LY, ad. Evidently; apparently. Q-D)Mt'E-TER, n. An instrument attached to OQBVI-OUS-NESS, 7a. The state of being evident. a carriage-wheel for measuring distances. QC-CXt'ION (ok-katzhlun), n. An occurrence; 6-DQN-TXL'qIC,c a. Pertaining to the toothache. a casualty; opportunity; need; exigence. OtDOR, n. -Scent; fragrance; perfume. OC-CA1tIQN, v. a. To cause; to produce, effect. O1DOR-ATE, a. Scented; having a strong scent. QC-CA'SIQN-4L, a. Incidental; casual; acci- O-DQR-IF/1ER-o0ss, a. Giving scent; fragrant. dental; produced by some occurrence. 61)DOR-OilS, a. Fragrant; sweet of scent. QC-CA'tIQN-AL-LY, ad. Incidentally; at times. (a-cQ-NlMr.Iics, n. Household affairs. See EcoQC-CA tIQN-ER, an. One that causes or occasions. (E-DVEMA (e-dtmLa), n. A tumor. [NOMaCS. OCICI-DENT, an. The west. [posed to oriental. (E-iL'IAD (e-iltyad), n. A glance; a wink. OC-CI-DENT'AL, a. In the west; western;-op- O'ER (or), ad. Contracted from over. QC-CIP'I-TAL; a. Relating to the occiput. (E-SOPH'A-GiS (e-sdf'fa-gis), na. The gullet. 6OC'C.-PT, an. The hinder part of the head. 6F (v), prep. From; concerning; -noting the QC-CLUtSIQNN, a. The act of shutting up. source, cause, or motion. QC-CtSLT, a. Secret; hidden; unknown. 6FF (of or iuf), ad. Noting departure or disOC-CUL-TA'TION,'i. The act of concealment. FF, interj. Away! begone; depart! [tance. occVrC-PN-CY, n. A holding; a possession. 1oFF, prep. Not on:-distant from. [refuse. OC'CV-PANT, n. One who takes or has posses- otFAL, n. Waste meat; carrion; coarse flesh; sion; an occupier. [trade. QF-FFENCE, a. Anything that offends; crime; OC-CU-PA1TION, n. Possession; business; injury; anger; displeasure. [ure. OC'IC-Pri-ER, n. One who occupies. QF-FENCEI'FIL, a. Injurious; giving displeas6OICU-Pk', v. a. To possess; to keep; to employ. OF-FENCEILE SS, a. Unoffending; innocent. Q9-CURt, v. n. To come; to appear; to happen. OF-FEND1, v. a. To displease; to transgress. QC-CURRE:NCE, n. Any thing that occurs; an oF-FEND1,v. n. To be criminal; to cause anger. incident; accidental event. OF-FEND'ER, n. A criminal a transgressor. 6CEA4N (orshan), n. The vast body of salt wa- OF-FNISSIrE, a. Displeasing; makinginvasion. ter on the globe; the great sea. OQF-rFNIS. VE-LY, ad. Injuriously; with offelce. o-CE-XANI.C (5-she-in'ik), a. Relating to the 0F-tENISIVE-NtSS, n. Mischief; cause of ofocean. fence or disgust. [pose. 9-C:L'LAT-E.D, a. Having, or like, little eyes. OF'FER, v. a. To present; to sacrifice; to proCoH1.;-my, n. A mixed, base metal. 6O-FFER., v. n. To be present; to be at hand. QEH-LsCrRA-CY, n. Government by the mul- OFtFER, at. A proposal; price bid; proffer. titude; mob-rule; mobocracy. 6 FFER-ER, n. One who offers or sacrifices. OI'HRE (Stker), n. A species of colored earth. OFrFER-IN, n. A sacrifice; any thing offered,. 6t!HRtn-olSa (akre-tis), a. Consisting of ochre. OFF-ICE,n. A public charge; agency; peculiar 6'tttHRE-y (a'ker-e), a. Partaking of ochre. use; business; a place of business; a room. OC'TA-taHORD, n: A musical instrument. OF1FI-CER, n. A man in office; a commander. 6CT4A-GON,n. A planefigure of eight sides and OF'FI-CERED ('frfe-serd), a. Commanded. eight angles. [sides. OF-PY"CiAL. (9f-fishl.al), a. Pertaining to office. OC-TXG'O-NAL, a. Having- eight angles and OF- FI1CIAL-LY (of-fish'lI-e), ad. By authority. QC-TXNGIV-LAR, a. Having eight angles. QF-FVtCIt ATE (of-fistlle-at), v. n. To discharge 6OCTTAVE, n. An interval of eight sounds. an office to perform an office for another. QC-TA'VO, n.; pl. OC-TX'V6O. A book hav- OF-FI-CINAL, a. Used in, or relating to, shops. ing eight leaves to a sheet; —used also as an.oF-tmICItOUS (of-fish!us), a. Kind; busy;. foradjective. ward; meddling; meddlesome; obtrusive. QC-T-NtNI-AL, a. Happening every eighth year. OF-FI"CIOUS-Ly (of-fishtlus-le), ad. Busily. QC-TOB].R, n. The tenth month of the year. 6F-F1ir"CIo s-Nhiss (-fish'us-), n. Forwardness. OC-TOQ-qE5-NA.RI-AN, n. A person 80 years old. OFF'ING, n. Deep wateroff te shore. QC-T56qr'E-NA-Ry or 6CITTO-E-NA-RY, a. Of 6,OFFr'SCOR-ING, n. Rejected matter; refuse. eighty years of age;-used also as a noun. o6FFSCjM, n,. Refuse; offscouring. OC-TQ-PETirA-LO[~S, a. Having eight petals. 6FF'ShT, n. A sprout:-a counterbalance. OCTQo-STYTLE, n. A teumple with eight columns. 6FF'SPRING, n. Propagation; a child; children. OC-TQ-S1L'LA-BLE, a. Word of eight syllables.. OF-FtSt'CATE, v. a. To dim; to cloud, darken. 6c'J-LAR, a. Relating to, or known by, the eye. OFT (oft or'uft), ad. Often; frequently. 6Oc' t-LAR-LY, ad. To the observation of the eye. 6FT'EN (6f'fn), ad. Oft; frequently; many times. oc'y-LIST, Ai. A surgeon skilled in diseases of OFT'EN-TIMEq (of/fn-timz), 6FT'TIME~, ad. the -eyes. [strange. Often. ODD, a. Not. even:-particular:-Simgular; -O-QuiE', n. A sort of moulding in architecture. oDDI'-TY, n. Singularity:-an odd person or'GLE (ogl), v. a. To view with side glances. 6DD'LY, ad. Not evenly:-strangely. [thing. O6'GLER, at. A sly gazer; one who ogles. MIEN, aR; MO VE, NOR, siO N; BaLL, BiUR, ROLE. —9, A, soft; 0, X, lard;j as z; T as gz; THIS. 17* OHI 198 OPPOSITENESS OH (5), interj. Noting pain, sorrow, or surprise. ON'LY (an'le), a. Single; one and no more. 6OL, n. A volatile or unctuous matter. 6N1LY,, ad. Simply; singly; merely; barely. OiL, va. To smear or lubricate with oil. ONSE.T, n. An attack; an assault. o1L'-C6L-OR (iilrkhl-lur), n. Color made by 6ON-TO-LOfqIC, I. Relating to ontologygrinding coloring substances in oil. 6N-TQ-LO/i -CAL, metaphysical. OILJ-NPESS, n. Unctuousness; greasiness. O.N-ToL'O-qIST, a. One versed in ontology. iIL'A4N, n. One who trades in oils, pickles, &c. QN-TOL'O-9Y, n. The science of existence; metabiL'y, a. Like oil; containing oil; greasy. ON'WARD, ON'WARDS, ad. Forward. [physics. bONT'MENT, n. An unguent; unctuous matter. 6N'WARD, a. Advanced; increased. bfKRA, n. A tropical plant. FiNt~Y-HA, n. An odoriferous shell:-the onyx. OLD, a. Not young; not new or fresh; ancient; 6'Nyx (6'niks), n. A semipellucid gem. OLD'EN (1ld'dn), a. Old; ancient. [stale. 66ZE, n. Soft mud; mire; slime:-soft flow. OLD'-FiSH-IQNED (-pnd), a. Out of fashion. O6zE, v.; n. To flow gently; to percolate. OLDINESS, n. Age; antiquity; not newness. 66zy (6'ze), a. Miry; muddy; slimy. o-LE-AqI-NOdS (-S d'jjn-tis), a. Oily; unctuous. 9-P.AI-TY, n. A state inlpervious to light. o-LE-XS'TER, n. A plant bearing soft fruit.. 9-PA'COUs, a. Dark; obscure; not transparent. OL-FAXC' TORY, a. Having the sense of smell. 0-PX'COUS-NRss, n. The state of being opaque. OL-It-GXRtHI-CAL, a. Relating to an oligarchy. OrPAL, n. A beautiful, precious stone. [opal. O I.21-GAxRl — m, n. A species of aristocracy. 0-PAL- sE'CE;NCE, n. A shining like that of u'L-0 (o1le-o or 1'y5), n.; pl. O'L.-O6. A medley. 5,PAL-INE, a. Relating to, or like, opal. OL'i-TQ-RY, a. Belonging to a kitchen-garden. o-PAQUEE (Q-pakt), a. Dark; not transparent. OL-I-vAXCEojs (6l-e-va'shus),a. Relating tool- O-PAQUE'NESS (o-pak'nes), n. Darkness. OL'IVE, n. Ai evergreen tree, and its fruit.[ives. OPE, v. a. & n. To open; —used in poetry. 9-LMIP.I-AAD, a. A space of four years, from one S1PEN (e'pn), v. a. To unclose, unlock, show. celebration of the Olympic games to another. O'PEN ('pn), v.n. To unclose itself; to begin. 9-Ia.MIPic, a. Relating to games in Greece. 0'PEN (o'pn), a. Unclosed; plain; clear; artless. 6M'tBRE (bm'bur), n. A game of cards. [bet. OTPEN-E.R (/'pn-er), n. One that opens. O-ME'GA,n.'ihe last letter of theGreek alpha- o'PEN-Er.ED (S'pn-id), a. Vigilant; watchful. 16ME'L. T (m'-), n. A pancake made with eggs. OtPEN —HANDE D (S'pn-hand'ed), a. Liberal. OiMEN, n. A sign, good or bad; a prognostic. O'PEN-1HEART'IED ('pn-hart'ed), a. Generous. 6'M.NED (0'mend), a. Containing prognostics. O1PEN-ING ('l)n-), n. An aperture; a breach. Q-MENtTVM, n. [L.] (/nat.) The call. OTPEN-LY ('lpn-le), ad. Publicly; plainly.'tMER, n. A Hebrew measure. 5'PEN-NESS (5'pn-nes), n. Plainness; clearness. 6Mti-No0s, a. Foreboding; inauspicious. PE- RA,. [It.] A musical entertainmeint. 6(li-N6OtS-LY, ad. With good or bad omens. OP'gR- ATE, v. n. To act; to produce effects. 9-MIS'SIoN (o-mlslVun), n. Neglect; a failure. OP-ER-3/TION, n. Agency; influence; action.9-MlTt, v. a. To leave out: to pass by; to neglect. OP'ER-A-TIVE, a. Active; vigorous; efficacious. 6aMN_-BntrS, n. A long public carriage. OP'Et;-A-TIVE, n. Mechanic laborer. 6M-NI-F.A'RI-o ios, a. Of all varieties or kinds. OP1EtR-A-TOR,. One that operates or performs. oM-NIF'Ic, a. All-creating. [figure. oP-.-ROSE,, a. Laborious; fullof labor; tedious. OM6'N-FOR M, a. Having every shape, form, or O-PHI-OL'/O-iST, n. One versed in ophiology. oM-N;-PER-CIP'I-ENT,a.Perceiving every thing. o-PHI-OL'O-rY, n. The science of serpents. QM-NIP'O-TP.NCE, I. Almighty power; un- o.QPH-THiXL'IM C (Qp-thbl'mik or Qf-thdl'mik), a.:OM-N1P1Q-TkN-CY, limited, infinite power. Relating to the eye. [mation of the eyes. OM-NIP'O-TRNT, a. Almighty; all-powerful. O16PH'THAL-MY (6p'thgl-me), n. (,Med.) InflamQOM-NIP'Q-TENT, n. The Almighty; one of the O'PI-ATE, a. Soporiferous; causing sleep. appellations of God. [limit. O'PI-ATE, n. A medicine that causes sleep. Q)M-NIPIO-TENT-LY, ad. Powerfully; without o-PINE, v.n. Tothink; tobe of opinion. [ion. 6M-N-PRR'E NCE, n. Presence in every place. O-PIN' I-A-TIVE (o-pin'ye-a-tiv), a. Stiff in opin6M-NI-PRkE'ENT, a. Present in every place. Q-PINtION (Q-p1n1'y.n), n. Judgment; notion. IQOM-NI"SCI-ENCE (om-nish'e-ens or om-nish'- 9-PINI1ON-AT-D, a. Obstinate in opinion. ens), n. Boundless knowledge. [ing. 9-PINI.ON-A-TIYE (-yun-a-tiv), a. Stubborn. IIQM-NIf"SCI-ENT (gm-nlshte-elnt), a. All-know- O-PIN IQNED (-yund), a. Attached to opinion. OM'NIJ-X, n. Aggregate of public stocks. o-PINIION-1ST, n. One fond of his own notions. OM.-NV'rQ-ROtS, a. All-devouring. [upon. 6PI-M, an. The juice of the white poppy. ON, prep. Noting nearness of place or time; OP-9Q-DELIDOC, n. A plaster:-a liniment. ON, ad. Forward; onward; in succession.. -Pos'su, n. An American quadruped. ON, interj. Onward, expressing incitement. QP-POINENT, n. An antagonist; an adversary. ONCE (wuns), ad. One time; formerly. OP-POTNENT, a. Opposite; adverse; rival. ONE (wan), a. Noting a single thing; any. OP-PQR-TUTNE1, a. Seasonable; convenient; fit. ONE (W5ll), an. A. single person or thing. oP-POS;-TCUNErLY, ad. Seasonably; coveniently. Q-NEI-RO-CR]TIC6, n. An interpreter of dreams.{ OP-POR-TUMN s-TY, n. A fit place; time; occasion. 6-NEi-R9-CRITt'.IC, a.' Interpretative of OP-POSEtv.a. To act against; to hinder; to resist. O-NEI-RO-CRITf:-CAL, dreams. QP-PoE, v. a. To act adversely:-to object. O-NE1NESS (wvfn'nus), n. Unity; singleness. OP-PoErR, n. One that opposes; ant antagonist. 6NIEN-RA-RY,a.Relatiisg to burdens; burdensome, OPiPO-ITE, a. Placed in front; facing; adverse. 6Ni,:R-btS, a. Burdensome; oppressive. OP PO- iTE-LY, ad. In an opposite mainer. iNIo.N (fint'yn), si. A bulbous plant and root, oPaPo -~ITE-NESS, a. State of being opposite. AEIO?,UY, long; X,:k,1,o6,,T, short; #+E 1IXkY)Yobscure.-FARE,FtPR,FAST,FPLL; HtIR, HtR; OPPOSITION 199 ORRERY 6P-POQ-fttlTIQN (bp-po-zlshhrn), n. Resistance; ORtDI-NAL, a. Noting order; as, second, third, &c. contrariety:-party opposing. [due. ORtDI-NAL, n. A ritual; a number noting order. QP-PRtss', v.a. To crush by hardsip; to sub- ORfDI-NANCE,n. Alaw; a rule; anappointinent. QP-PR:S'SIQN (op-prdslhtun), n. Act of oppress- OR/DI-NA-RI-LY, ad. Commonly; usually. ing; extortion; cruelty; severity; misery. ioRDI1-NA-R, a. Common; usual: —mean; plain. OP-PR S'SIVE, a. Cruel; inhuman; heavy. ORLiI-NA-RY, n. A judge: —a place of eating; QP-PRtStS.IVE-LY, ad. In an oppressive manner. — i the latter sense, also, pronouncediirdl'n1a-re. QP-PRtss'oR, n. One who oppresses or harasses. ORD.I-NATE, a. Regular; methodical; orderly. QP-PRotBRI-OrS, a.- Reproachful; scurrilous. ORDI-NATE, n. A geometrical distance-or line. QP-PRo'sBRI-OTS-LYad.Scurrilously; abusively. ORIDI- NATE-LY, ad. In a regular manner. QP-PRO'BRjI-OJS-NESS, n. Reproachfulness. OR-DI-NA'TIQN, n. The act of ordaining; instituQP-PRO'BRjI-ftM, st. Disgrace; infamy. ORtD'NANCE, n. Cannon; heavy artillery. [tion. QP-PUiOGN (op-pun'), v. a. To oppose; to attack. ORDIRE (ird'yur), n. Dung; filth; excrement. OP-PitJGNAN-CY, n. Opposition; resistance. OREI, n. Metal yet in its mineral state. QP-PUGNiER (op-pin'er), n. An assailer. O1RE-AD, n. A nymph of the mountains. 6P'TA-TIVE, a. Expressive of desire. ORG.AN, n. A natural or musical instrument. OPITIC, s1. An instrument or organ of sight. QR-GNfIC, a. Instrumental; acting as an OPfTIC, 6PtTI-CAL, a. Relating to vision. QR-GXNI l-CAL, instrument; respecting organs. OP-TrI/CIAN (-tish'an), n. One skilled in optics. OR-GANtI-CAL-LY, ad. By means of organs. OPtTICS, n. The science of light and vision. OR-G NtI-CAL-N,SS, n. State of being organical. OP'TI-MA-Cy, n. Nobility; the body of nobles. ORIGAN-IMn, n. Organical structure. *P'TPTM-fqM,. The doctrine that every thing in ORIGAN-IST, n. One who plays on the organ. nature is created and ordered for the best. R- SAN-.I-ZX'TI QN,n.Stateofanorganized body. OP'TiTI-IST,?1. One who believes in optimism. ORtG.AN-IZE, 2. a. To construct; to form. OPfTION, n. Choice; tile power of choosing. OR'GAN-LOFT, n. Loft where an organ stands. OPITION-AL, a. Depending upon choice. OR'GtN-PPIPE, n. The pipe of a musical organ. OP/U-LENCE, n. Great wealth; affluence. 6RtGASMA, n. Immoderate exciternesnt. OPtU-LtNT, a. Rich; wealthy; affluent. O6RtCGEAT (irtzhat), n. Emulsion of almonds, &C. OP'V-LENT-Ly, ad. Richly; affluently. [native. OR1(E o, n. pl. The rites of Bacchus; frantic revOR5, c7mj. A disjunctive word, marking an alter-'R5I-EL, n. A sort of recess or window. [els. OR., n. [Fr.] Gold; a metal used in blazonry. OtRI-jNT, a. Rising, as the sun; eastern; bright. OR.A-CLE3, s. Something delivered by supernat- 0.RI-1 NT, z. The east; the part where the sun ural wisdom:-one famed for wisdom. [cles. rises. O-RCt.IU-LAR, Q-RXC'tU-LO irs, a. Uttering ora- -RI.-EN'TAL, a. - Eastern; placed in the east. O-R.CU.J-LAR-LY, ad. In the manner of an oracle. O-RI-,NtTAL, n. An inhabitant of the East. OtRAL, a, Delivered by mnouth; not written. o-RI- NITAL-1M,tn. An Eastern mode of speech. O'R.L-LY, ad.. By mouth; without writing. 0-RI- ENtTAL-IST, n. An inhabitant of the East: OR'1ANE,, n. A kind of tree, and its fruit. -one versed in Oriental learning. oR/ANqE, a. Relating to an orange,or to its color. 6OR'I-FiCE, n. Any opening or perforation. 6ORAN-QR-V, n. A plantation of orange-trees. 6jRtI-FLXWMB, ) (-e-ffim), n. Ancient regal O-RXNG'/-6U-TXNG/', n. A large species of ape. OR6I-FLAMXE, standarl of France. Q-RAi.TIQN, n. A public speech; a declamation. oRS l-qNa n. A beginning; a source. oR'A-TOR, n. An eloquent speaker:-petitioner. O-RL9'tI-NAL, n. Origin; first copy; an archetype. OR-A-ToR'I-CAL, a. Rhetorical; eloquent. O-RqqtI-NAL, a. Pristine; first; having new ideas. 6R-A-ToSRtI-CAL-LY, ad. In a rhetorical manner. 0.-R1IA-i-NiALI-TY, n. State of being original. 6R-A-TO'RI-O, n. [It.] A sacred musical drama. O-Rlt.'I-NAL-Ly, ad. Primarily; at first. 6Rt'-TO-RY,n. Eloquence:-place for worship. O-RIfT1i-NAL-NESS, n. State of being original. ORB, n. A sphere; a wheel; a circle; a globe. O-RtI- W-NATE, v. a. To bring into existence. oRBtED (Sirbted or birbd), a. Round; circular. O-RIOP' -NATE, v. n. To take existence. QR-BIC't-LAR, a. Spherical; circular; globular. O-RI-I-NAtTION, n. The act of originating. QR-BICC'I'-L4R-L,, ad. Spherically; circularly. 0o-RLr ON, n. One of the southern constellations. OR-BICtU-LAR-NPLSS, n. State of being orbicular. ORtI-SON, n. A prayer; a supplication. QR-BIC'tU-LAT-ED, a. Formed into an orb. ORINA - IENT, n. An embellishment; decoration. 6RtBIT, n. A line described by a revolving planet. OR'N4-M:ENT, v. a. To embellish; to adorn. bR'BI-TY, s. Want or loss of parents or of 6R-NA-MI NTtAL, a. Giving embellishment. RItBI-TUDE, children. 5R-NA-MPkNT'AL-Ly, ad. In an ornamental manoRBst, a. Resembling an orb. [trees. 6RtNATE, a. Bedecked; decorated; fine. [ner. OR'CHARD, n. A garden or enclosure of fruit- OR5NATE-LY, ad. Finely; v*l decoration. 6R'EIPIE.S-TRA or OR-,HuIS'TRA, n. [Gr.] A OR-NI-THQ-LOQIj-CAL, a. Relating to orniplace for musicians; a band of musiciamns. thology. [.lology. 6R't:HE S-TRE (-ter), sn. A place for musicians; OR-NI-THIL'O-9ITST, n. One versed in ornia band of musicians; orchestra. OR-NI-Tu6OLtO-jY., n. The science of birds. OR-DXIN', v. a. To appoint, decree, establish, oR'PIHAN,on. Achild bereft ofparents. [phan. OR'tDE-AL, n. A trial by fire or water:-test. R A-APHAN-AQE, SR'PHAN-ISM,.. State of an orOR/DER, nl. A method; rule; mandate; class. ObRtPHBNED (ir'ffand), a. Bereft of parents. OR'D]i'R, v. a. To regulate; to manage; to direct. oR'PI-MEhNT, n. Yellow sulphuret of arsenic. OR'DER-LI-NSS, n. Regularity; method. 6lR'RE.-RY, n. An instrument which represents oR'tDR-LY, a. Methodical; regular; quiet. the revolutions of the heavenly bodies. MIIEN, SIR; 16VE, NOR, SON; BtLL, BURE, ROLE. —, A, soft; P-, P, hard; ~ as z; T as gz; THIS. ORTHODOX 200 OVATE RITH4O-D6X, a. Sound in opinion and doctrine. OiT-BIDt, v. a. To overpower by bidding. 5ORTHQ-DOX-LY, ad.With soundness ofopinion. OT'/BREArK, a. A breaking out; an eruption. 6RfTHQ-DX-Y,.n. Soundness in doctrine. 6OTTtBRs-AK-ING, n. That which breaks forth. 5R-THQ-Pt.I-CAL, a. Relating to orthoepy. OfT'CA$ST, p. a. Thrown away; cast out. ORITHBO-.-PIST, a. One versed in orthoepy. bOTrCAST, n. An exile; one rejected or expelled. OR1THO-t:-PY, n. Art of pronouncing properly. tOfT'CRV, n. A cry of distress; clamor; noise. QR-TH6G'RA-.PH]R, n. One who is versed in OiT-DARE', v. a. To venture beyond. [surpass. orthography. UOT —DO, v. a. [imp. t. outdid; pp. outdone.] To OR-THQ-GR.PH'I-CAL, a. Relating to spelling. oiTTtER, a. Being without; opposed to inner,. OR-THQ-GRXPH't-CA L-LY,ad.According to rule. iJOTt'R-MrST, a. Remotest from the midst. QR-THOG'RA-PHy,n. Art ormode of spelling. itT-FACEf, v. a. To brave; to stare down. QR-TH6L'.O-y, 7e. A right description of things. OTI'rIT, n. The equipment of a person or ship. ORITiVE, a. Rising; eastern. OAn outlet; a passage outwards. 6R'TO-LAN, n. A bird much esteemed for food. iOT —EN'ER-AL, v. a. To excel in military skill. aORTS, n. pl. Fragments; refuse; things left. 6tT-siVE, a. a. To surpass in giving. )SIC.L-LATE, v. n. To move backward and for- iOT-GO', v. a. [imp. t. outwent; pp. outgone.] ward, as a pendulum; to vibrate. [dulunt. To surpass; to go beyond; to circumvent. OS-CIL-LAT1TIQN, a. The moving like a pen- 6OT-GOTING, a. Egress; expenditure. OStC;L-LA-TO-RY, a. Moving like a pendulum. hOT-GROWt (-grZ'), v. a. To surpass in growth. 6S'CI-TXN-CY, n. Act of yawning; sleepiness. 50Tt'-HftSE, n. A barn, stable, coach-house,&c. OStCI-TXANT,a. Yawning; sleepy; sluggish. ofiT-LXND'SSH, a. Not native; foreign. OS-CI-TA!TIQN, n. The act of yawning. htT-LAST', v. a. To surpass in duration. O'IIER (o/zlter), n. A plant of the willow kind. OOT'LAW, n. - One deprived of the benefit of law. ODINA-BURG, n. A coarse kind of linen. fIOTL.&W, v. a. To deprive of the benefit of law. OS/PREY, n. A large bird of prey. [knee. OTtL'aW-Ry,n. An act of depriving of benefit OStSE.-LET, n. A hard substance on a horse's OT'LA~, n. Expense; expenditure. [of law. 5s'sE-ous, a. Bony; resembling a bone. OOT'LET, n. A passage outwards; an egress. OS'SI-CLE (ts'se-kl), n. A small bone. O0TtL]NE, n. Contour; an exterior line; a sketch. Qs-siFi'c, a. Having power to ossify. [stance. OOT-LIVE/, V. a. To live beyond; to survive. oS-SI-FI-CVTI9ON, a7. Change into bony sub- OT/'MSST, a. Remotest from the middle. 05SI-FRAWE, n. A name of the sea-eagle. O0T-INUMI'BER, v. a. To exceed in number. os'sT-ry, v. a. & n. To change to bone. -OT/PRT, n. A port at a distance from a city. o0S/SV-A-RY (6sh'.t-a-re), n. A charnel-house. 8OTTPOST, n. A station at a distance from the 9s-sIV'Q-Ros, a. Devouring bones. [specious. hOT-POUR', V.aa. To effuse; to emit. [army. QS-TN'S.I-BLE, a. Held forth to view; apparent; iTT'.RAGE, n. Open violence; wanton abuse. 5S-TEN-T-TTIQN, a. Show; ambitious display. UOT'RA2CE, v. a. To injure violently; to abuse. 5S-T.EN-TA'TIOVS, a. Boastful; fond of show. fO'T-RtA CEO.US (iait-ra'jus), a. Violent; furious. O5S-T:N-TATTIOUS-LY, ad. Vainly; boastfully. OOT-RAA'EOVS-LY (bfit-ra'jgs-le), ad.Violently. is-TEN-TA'TIO;US-NsSS, n.Vanity;boastfulness. hOT-RiDE', v. a. & a. To pass by riding; to OS-TE-6OL~Q-QER, n. One versed in osteol- ride about. [once. 6S-TE-O-L'9-Q1ST, ogy. ZO5T-RIGIIT' (oft-ritf), ad. Immediately; at OS-TE-OL1'9-qY, n. A description of the bones. hOT-RON', v. a. Toqleave behind; to exceed. OS'TI-A-R, n. Moutll of a river. [HOSTLER. oiT-SAtIL, v. a. To leave behind in sailing. OST'LER,;. A man who takes care of horses. See 5OT-SELL', v. a. To sell at a higher rate. OS'TRA-CLOM,a. A mode of banishment by ballot. hOT!SET, n. An opening; a beginning. 6S'TRA-CITE, n. An oyster-shell in the fossil hOT-SHINEI, v. a. To excel in lustre. OS'TRA-CIZE, V. a. To banish; to expel. [state. hOTt'SiDl,n. Surface; external part; the utmost. OS!TRICH, n. Avery large African bird. [ing. O0T'SKIRT, n. A suburb, border, outpost. 6T-A-COOs'TIC, n. An instrument to assist hear- hOT-STkREt, v. a. To face down; to browbeat. 6TH/ER (tthier), pron. & a. Not the same. oOT-STRIP', v. a. To outgo; to leave behind. ITHIE]R-W!IE (iith'er-wtz), ad. In a different hOT-TALK' (tfit-tQwk'), v. a. To exceed by talk. manner. 0OT-VXALtjE, v. a. To transcend in price. 6TITAR, OTITO, n. The essential oil of roses. h0T-viE' (ifit-vi'), v. a. To exceed; to surpass. OT'TER, n. An amphibious animal. [seat. 5OT-VOTE', v. a. To conquer by suffrages. [ing. T'TTO-xtN, n. A Turk:-a kind of mat: —a hOT-WALK' (-Wkwk'), v. a. To exceed in walkOUGHT (PWt), an. Any thing. See AUGHT. hOT'WALL, n. An exterior wall. [eign. OUGHT (&wt), verb defective. To be obliged. 60T'WARD, a. External; exterior; visible; forOfNCE, n. A Bight: — a kind of animal. O0TTWARD, 6OT'WARDS, ad. To foreign parts. 6OtR, hOR S, pron. poss. Belonging to us. OT'WtWARD-Ly, ad. Externally; in appearance. OUR-S3IFr, pson. recip. Used in the regal style. o0T-WEIGH' (-War), v. a. To exceed in gravity. iOR-SiLvEt' (-sl1vz'), pron. pl. We, not others. hOT-wIT', v. a. To overcome by stratagemn. u'tSEL, o6U ZEL (t'zl), a. A blackbird. OOT'WORKS, n. pl. External parts of a fortificahitSTv,. a. To vacate; to deprive; to eject. OU'ZEL, n. A water-fowl; a blackbird. [tion. OsTV'ERa,. A dispossession; ejection. O)VAL, a. Oblong; shaped like an egg. OfT, ad. Not within; not at home; loudly. O'VAL, n. A figure in the shape of an egg. O0T, interj. Expressing abhorrence or expulsion. O-vA'R.I-O0S, a. Consisting of eggs. 5OT-XCTi, 7). a. To do or perform beyond. O'VA-RR, n. The seat of eggs or impregnation. OT-BHALtANCE, v. a. To outweigh. O'VATE, a. Of an oval figure; egg-shaped. A,E,I,O,,~Y, long; i,kE,t, shoi t at;,,.o~ obarscre.-=FARE,FARi,FST,FAILL; HtIRt,H R; OVATION, 201 OZONE Q-VA'TIQN,n. In ancient Rome, a lesser triumph. o1VER-SiGHT (o'ver-sit), a. Superintendence; flV'EN (iuvvn), n. An arched cavity to bake in. a mistake; an error:-inattention. o'VE]R, prep. Above; across; upon; through. o-VER-SPREAD1 (-sprd'f), v. a. To cover over.!VER]a, ad. Above the top; more; throughout. 0-VER-ST6CK1, v. a. To fill too full; to crowd. O-VE.R-A-BSOND', v. n. To abound too much. O-VER-STRAIN/, v. a. & n. To strain too far. 6-VER-ACT', v. a. & n. To act more than enough. OtVERT, a. Open; public; apparent; manifest. OtVER-tfLLq, n. pl. A kind of loose trousers. O-V~ER-TAxKE, v. a. To catch; to come up with. O-VER-ARCHt, v.a. To cov'er as with an arch. O-VER-THROW1, v.a. To overturn, to ruin; to O-VER-AWE', v. a. To keep in awe; to terrify, OVEILR-THROW (-thrn), n. Ruin; defeat. [defeat. O-VER~-BXL'ANCE, v. a. To preponderate. Ot'VERT-LY, ad. Openly; manifestly. O-VER-BE.AR (o-ver-bar'), v. a. To bear down; 0-VEIR-T6P/, v. a. To-rise above; to surpass.'V]R6-BOARD, ad. Off the ship; out of the ship. o1VER-TURE, n. A proposal; a flourish of music. O-VER-BURFDEN (-bUir'dn), v. a.. To overload. 0-VER-TtURN',v. a. To subvert; tooverpower. O-VER-CAST', v. a. [imp. t. & pp. overcast.] To o'VER-TURN, n. A subversion; an overthrow. cloud; to darken; to rate too high. [high. -VER- VALIVE, v. a. To rate at too high a price. O-VER-CHARqE', v. a. To oppress; to rate too O-VER-W EEN', v. n. To think too highly. 0-VER-CLOD', av. a. To cover with clouds. o-VE.R-WEENtING, a. Vain; conceited; arrogant. O-V/ER-CHMEt, v.a. [imp. t. overcame-; pp. over- o-VER-WEIGHI (-wa.), v. a. To preponderate. cone.] To conquer; to surmount; to excel. 0VEILR-WEGHT (olver-wat), n. Preponderance. O-VERt-DO', v. a. & n. To do more than enough. -VER-WHELM1, v. a. To immerse; to overcome. O-VER-FLLOWf, v. a. & n. To deluge; to inundate. o-VE -WORtIt (-wUrk), v. h. To work too much. TlViR-FPLOW, n. Anl inundation; deluge. 0-VE R-WROUG:HT' (a-ver rawtf), pp. from overO-VER-FLOWTING, A. Exuberance;. copiousness. wosrk. Labored too much; worked all over. O-VER-FREIGHT' (6-ver-frat'),v.a. To overload. 01VIDUCT, n. Tube which conducts the ovum. O-VER-GROWt (e-ver-grd'), v. a. & n. To cover O-VIFIER —OUS, Q-Vt'ER -olUS, a. Bearing-eggs; with growth; to grow beyond; to rise above. 6OVI-FORM, a. Having the shape of an egg. otV-ER-GROWTH, n. Exuberant growth. [over. o-VIPtA-RO0S, a. Producing eggs. O-VER-LHANG, v. a. & n. Tojut over; to impend O'VOID, Q-VOiDfAL, a. Egg-shaped. O-VER-FIHAUL:,v. a. To spread over; to examine. O1VULE, a. A rudimentary seed:. O-VER-HEADW (6-ver-hld'), ad. Aloft; above. O'V~M, n.; pl. O/VA. [L.] An egg. O-VER-HEARI, V. a. To hear, privately or by OWE (e), u. a. To be indebted to or for. [ble to. O-VE R-HEIAT', v. a. To heat too much. [chance. OW.ING (Wi'ng), p. a. Due, as a debt; —imputaO-VER-JOt, v. a.. To transport; to ravish. oWL, O5rLIET, n. A bird that flies by night. O-VEIR-LADE/,.v. a. To overload; to overburden. O6VLtER, n. One who carries contraband goods. O-VER-LAY',t,v. a. To smother; to crush, cover. OTL'.ING, n. An offence against public trade. O-VEIR-LEAP1, v. a. To pass over by a jump. O6'L'iSH, a. Somewhat resembling an owl. O-VER-LOADt, v. a. To burden with too much. 6WN (tn), a. Belonging to; as, my own. O-VE R-LOOKt (5-ver-lfk'), v. a. To oversee:-to OWN (on), v. a. To possess by right: —to confess. inspect:-to peruse:-to excuse:-to neglect. OWNtER (5'ner), n. The rightful proprietor. O-V~JR-MKTCH', v. a. To be too powerful for. OWN'tR-SHIP (W'ner-), n. Rightful possession. O1VE:R-MATCH, n. One of superior-powers. ox, n.; pl. 6OXEN. An animal of the bovine O-VER-MIEAItURE (-mezh'tur), n. A surplus. tribe; specifically, the castrated male. O-VI.-MiCHt, a.- Too much; more than enough. 6xt'EE (xt'I), n. A plant-of different genera. j-VER-MftCH', ad. In too great a degree. OXtSTALL, n. A stand for oxen. O-vER. PAss!, v. a. To cross; to overlook; to omit. OXtI-DATE, v. a. To convert into anl oxide. 6O'VER-Prts, n. A surplus; what remains. 6Xt'DE (6ksl'd), n. A combination, not acid, O1VER-POI~E, n. A preponderant weight. of a simple body with oxygen. O-VER-POWIER, v. a. To be too powerful for. 6Xt'y-yEN, n. A gas which generates acids, O-VER-PREsst, v. a. To overwhelm; to crush. and forms the respirable or vital part of air. O-VER-RLATEI, v. a. To rate at too much. 6X.Y-CEN-ATE, v. a. To combine or impregO-VEIR-REACH', v. a. To deceive; to go beyond. 6XtY-.EN-IZE, nate with oxygen. O-V. R-RIDE1, v.a. To ride over; to ride too much. OXt1y-GON, n. An acute-angled triangle. O-VER-R~tLEt, v. a. To control; to supersede. OXtY-MEL, n. A mixture of vinegar and honey. O-VER-RDN', v. a. To ravage; to overspread. OX'Y-TONEn. Acute acent'on thelast syllable. O-VER-SEEt, v. a. To superintend; to overlook. OYVER, n. Oyer and ter'miner, in' Eng., the aso-VER-sE'E R,n. One who oversees; a supervisor. sizes; in the U. S., the highest criminal courts. O-V]ER-StTf, v. a. & n. To turn bottom upwards. o-yEs1 [Fr. oyez.] Hear ye;-used by a sheriff O-VVER-SHADE1, v. a. To cover with darkness. rr crier as an introduction to aproclamation. O'-VER-SHXD'OW (6-ver-shadt'd), v. a. To throw OTS1TER, n. A bivalve testaceous mollusk. a shade over; to shelter; to protect. [mark. O-ZE1NA (o-zr'ny), n. An ulcer in the nostrils. O-VER-SH6Ttf, v. a. & n. To shoot beyond the OtZO6NE; n A gaseous substance. MIEN, SYR; M6VE, N6R, SOiN; BOLL, BVR, RILE. —, 9, soft; 0, SI, hard; d as z; ~ as gz; TRHIS. P 202 PALMETTO P. is a labial consonant, and has one uniform PAIN'F0L-NESS, t. Affliction; suffering; distress. sound, as in pelt, pull, cap, &c. [ment. PAIN/LESS, a. Free from pain; void of trouble. PiAB't-LAR, PAXB'-LO[s, a. Relating to ali- PAN,. sing. orpl. Laboror care; trouble. PAB/'V-LPM, n. [L.] Food; aliment; support. PAIN'TAK-ER, n. One who takes pains or care. PACE, n. A step:-gait:-a measure varying PAINaTAaK-ING, a. Laborious; careful. from 21 to 5 feet: — of a rod:-degree of speed. PAINT, v. a. To represent; to describe; to color. PACE, v. n. To move with a particular gait; to PAINT (pant), v. n. To lay colors on the face, &c. PACE, v. a. To measure by paces or steps. [go. PAINT, n. Color; a coloring substance. [rope. PACED (past), a. Having a particular gait. PAINTtER, a. One who practices painting-a PAI tER, n. One that paces; a horse that paces. PAINT'.NG, n. The art of representing objects PA-:HA', n. A Turkish governor; a bashaw. by delineation and colors; a picture. PA-CHA.LIC, a. The jurisdiction of a pacha. PAIR (pAr), a. Two things suited to each other-; PA-CIFI1C, a. Promoting peace; mild; gentle. two of a sort; a couple; a brace. PAQ-.I-FI-CAXTIQN, n. The act of making peace. PAIR (pAr), v. n. To bejoined in pairs; to couple. PAY-I-FI-CA'TQR, no A peacemaker. PAIR, V. a. To join in couples; to unite. PA-CIF.I-CA-TQ-RY, a. Tending to make peace. PAL.ACE, n. A royal or splendid house. [army. PAXI-Fl, v. a. To appease; to quiet; to compose. PAL'A-DIN, n. A chieftain in Charlemagne's PACK, n. A bundle:-number of cards or hounds. PAL-AN-QUIN' (pal-.an-ken%), n. A covered carPACK, v. a. To bind up:-to send:-to sort. riage in the East, borne by men. PACKtA(E, n. A bale; goods packed:-a charge. PA.LtA-T4-BLE, a. Pleasing to the taste. PACKfCL6TH, n. A cloth for packing goods in. PAL'ATE, a. The organ of taste:-mental relish. PXCK'ET, n. A small pack; a mfail of letters: PA-LA'TI4AL, a. Like a palace; magnificent. -a vessel for despatches or passengers. PAL.A-TINE, n. One invested with regal rights. PXCKH6ORSE, n. A horse of burden. PALtA-TINE a. Possessing royal privileges. PXCKR'-SAD-DLE, n. A saddle to carry burdens. P.A-LA/VER, a. Superfluous talk; flattery. PACK'STAFF, n. A staff to support a pack. PALE, a. Not ruddy; wan; whitish; pallid; dim. PAXCKtTHRAD (pak'thrdd), n. Thread to tie up PALE, n. A pointed stake:-an enclosure; a packs. PALE., v. a. To enclose with pales. [district. PACT, PAXCITIQN, n. A bargain; a covenant. PALEtE.ED (pallid), a. Having dim eyes. PXD, n. An easy-paced horse:-a robber:-a PALE/FACED (pal'fist), a. Having the face wan. sort of cushion or saddle. PALE1LY, ad. Wanly; not freshly; not ruddily. PXD, v. n. To travel gently:-to rob on foot. PALa.N.ISN, an. Wanness; sickly whiteness. PiD, v.a. To walk in or on:-to stuff. PA-LE-oGIRA-PHY, n. An ancient mode of writPADtDLE, V. n. To row; to play in the water. ing; ancient writings collectively. PADtDLE v. a. To touch gently:-to row. PA-LE-OL)Q-(jIST, n. A writer on antiquity. PXDtDLE, n. A short oar with a broad blade. PA-LE.-6L/Q-TY, n. The science of antiquities. PXDtDQCK n. A toad:-a small enclosure. PAVLl.-OfS, a. Husky; chaffy. PAD'L6CK, n. A pendent or hanging lock. PA-LESITRIC, a. Belonging to the exercise PAD-UA-Sb:' (pad-u-sli'), n. A kind of silk. PA-LRS'TRi-CAL, of wrestling. Pi'rAN (petan), n. A song of triumph or praise. PAL'IETTE (pal'let), n. A painter's board. PAtG.AN, n. A heathen; one not a Christian. PA.LtFRE. Y, n. A gentle horse for ladies. PAi'GAN, a. Relating to pagans; heathenish. PALVING, a. A fence made of pales. IPA'XAN-Itma, n. Pagan worship; heathenism. PAL-I-SADEt, a. A fence or enclosure by pales. PA1GAIN-IZE, v. a. To render heathenish. PAL-I-SADEt, v. a. To enclose with palisades. PAiN5E, n. One side of a leaf:-a boy-servant. PALL, n. A cloak; a covering for the dead. PAE E, v. a. To mark the pages of a book. PALL, v. a. & n. To cloak; to cloy; to grow vapid. PA-E'.EANT or PAtleEANT, n. A statue in a PAL-LA'DI-Mla, n. [L.] Statue of Pallas:-safeshow:-showy exhibition; a pompous show; guard; protection:-a whitish metal. a spectacle. PXLtLET, n. A small bed:-part of a watch, &c. IPXA1tEANT, a. Showy; pompous; ostentatious. PALLI -ATE,v.a.To extenuate; to soften; to ease. IAPXE.'ANT-Ry, n. Pomp; show a spectacle. PAL-LI-A'TIQN, n. An extenuation; a mitigation. PA'GQOD, n. An East Indian idol. PAL/LI-A-TIVE, n. Something mitigating. P4A-SO'DA, n. An East Indian idol and its term- PXLLID, a. Pale; not high-colored; not bright. pIe:-an Indian coin. PXtLfLID-NESS, PALt'LOR, n. Paleness. [mallet. PAID (pad), imp. t. & pp. from pay. PALL-AIIALL'(ptl-m l'), n. A play with a ball and PAIL (pal), n. An open vessel with a bail. PALM (pam), n. A tree:-victory; triumph:-the PAILIFOL, n. The quantity that a pail will hold. inner part of the hand; a measure of 3 inches. PAIN, a. Penalty: -uneasy sensation: -pl. PALM (pim), v. a. To conceal; to impose. Travail; throes of childbirth. PAL'tMAT-ED,a.Having the feet broad or webbed. PAIN, v. a. To afflict, torment, or make uneasy. PALM/ER (pam'ter), a. A pilgrim; a crusader. PXIN/Ft0L, a. Full of pain; afflictive; difficult. PALMtER-WORml (pim'er-wiuirm), n. A worm. PAIN'FtOL-LY, ad. With great pain or affliction. PAL-MRT/TO, n. A species of tile palm-tree. AEIX~fUiYitosag; AsIfoV~skort; AIEQXVY~obscaue.-FAREFXR, FiST, FTLL'; IIfRIRHIR; PALMIPED 203 PARALLEL PXL'MII-PiD, a. Web-footed; fin-footed. PXN-TQ-MlItITC, a. Representing only by PXLtMIS-TER, n. One who deals in palmistry. PAN-TQ-MIM/V'-CAL, gesture or dumb show. PXL/MIS-TR.Y, 1. Fortune-telling by the palm. PXNITRY, n. An apartment for provisions. PALfIY (patime), a. Bearing palms; flourishing. PAP, n. A nipple:-food for infants:-pulp. PXL-PA-BIL1 -TY, i7. Quality of being palpable. PA-PAX, t. A fond name forfatlher. PALfP.A-BLE, a. That may be felt; gross; plain. PAY1PA-Cy, n. The popedom; papal authority. PAL'PA-BLE-NESS, at. Quality of being palpable. PA'PAL, a. Pertaining to the pope. PL/PAP-BLY, ad. In a palpable manner. PA-PXAVf1Rt-OS, a. Pertaining to poppies. PYALfPI-TA.TE,v. a.To beat as the heart; to flutter. PA-PAW, n. A tropical tree and its fruit. PAL-PI-TA'TIQN, at. A throbbing of the heart. PAfPrER, a?. A thin substance to write on, &c. PAL GRAVE, n. A count of the palace. [ic. PAXPER a. Made of paper; slight or thin. PAL ~I-CAL, a. Afflicted with the palsy; paralyt- PA1PER, v. a. To cover with paper. [of rooms. PIALlIED (pl'zid), a. Diseased with palsy. PAPEnR-HXNG'INGtte.pl.Coloredpaperforwalls ~PALYy, 1t. A privation of motion; paralysis. PA'PE R-MXKIER, it. One who makes paper. PiLtTER v. a,. To shift; to dodge; to play tricks. PA/PE R-MILL, n. A mill for making paper. PAL'TTER-E.R, n. One who patters; a shifter. PAPER-MtON/EY, n. Bank notes, or bills, &c. PALtTRI-NESS, n. The state of being paltry. PA1PER-STAINIE.R, n. One who colors paper. PAL'TRY, a. Sorry; worthless; despicable; mean. PA-PESI'CE NT, a. Containing pap; like pap. PA.M, n. The knave of clubs. PA-PIL-IQ-NA1CE OUS (pa-pIl-y.-nSfshus),a. RePAX'PER, v. a. To glut; to feed luxuriously. sembling a butterfly; butterfly-shaped. PKMIPHLET (pam'flet), n. A small stitched book. P.AP/IL-LA-RY, a. Having, or pertaining to, PAiM-PHIILT-EER', n. A writer of small books. PA-PiIL6OVS, a. Papillary. [nipples. PXN, n. A vessel broad and shallow; a hollow. PA1PIST, n. An adherent to the Catholic religion. PAN-A-CEt'A, a1. A universal remedy; an herb. PA-PISfTIC, PA-PiSITI-CAL, a. Roman Catholic. PA-NAfDA, PA-NAtDOi, n. Bread boiled in water. PAlPIS-TRY, a. Roman Catholic doctrine. PAN'CAKE, n. A cake fried in a pan. PAP-POOSE1, n. An Indian word for a child. PAN-CRATt.I-CAL, a. Very strong; athletic. PAPrPO5s, a. Having soft, light down. PAN'CR —XA (pAng/kre-as), n. The sweetbread. PAPfPY, a. Soft; succulent; resembling pap..PAN-CRE-ATT'IC a. Relating to the pancreas. PAP-.U-LOSE/, PAP'V-LOttS, a. Having pimples. PXNIDECT, na. A treatise; a digest of law. PA-PTR:.S, n. A rush, formerly used for paper..PAN-D-E.tI'C, a. Incident to a whole people. PAR, n. The state of equality; equal value. PANIDIER, n A pimp; a male bawd; a procurer. P.AR'A-BLE, n. A similitude; an allegorical fable. PAN'DER, v. n. To be subservient to vice. PA-RAB1.O-LA, n. [L.] One of the conic sections. PXN-DIC-V-LATIQN,?1. Restlessness; uneasi- P-ARA-B.OLIC, a. Relating to a parable, ness. [dore. PAR-A-BOLI-CAL, i or to a parabola. [ner. PAN-DORE1, n. A musical instrument; a ban- PAR-.A-BOLI-CAL-LY, ad. In a parabolical manPANE, n. A square of glass; a piece. [astic. PAR-.A-BOL'-PRRM, a. Formed like a parabola. PAN-E-CYRtIC, PAN-:E-:-VR'I-CAL, a. Encomi- PAR-A-CtNtTRJC, a. Deviating from cirPXN-E-Q-R1'IC, n. A eulogy; encomiastic piece. PXR-A-CE:N'TRI-CAL, 5 cularity. PAN-E-QCVRIST, n. A eulogist; an enconliast. PA-RXAH/'RQ-N'IS, n. An errorin chronology, PAN]:-q(YR-IZE, v. a. To commend highly. by placing an event later than it should be. PAN'tL, a1. A square of wainscot:-a jury-roll. PXAR'A-QHUTE, sn. A machine to enable an aeroPXN'EL, a. a. To form into or with panels. naut to descend from his balloon. PANG, n. Extreme pain; sudden anguish. PAR'-CL ETE, n. An advocate; the Holy Spirit. PAXN1.C, n. A sudden fright; an alarm; a plant. PA-RADEt, n. Show; ostentation; procession; PAN'lC, a. Extreme; sudden:-applied to fear. military order; a place where troops assemble. PXN'NE.L, n. A kind of rustic saddle. PA-RADEt, v. a. & n. To assemble; to exhibit. PAN'NIER (pknlyer or pLn'nj-er), n. A basket PAR'.A-DIGr(para.-dm)),n.An example; a model. carried on a horse, &c. PAR/.A-DISE, n. Garden of Eden; heaven. PXNIQ-PLY, n. Complete armor for defence. PXR-A-DI-SI'A-CAL, a. Suiting, or like, paradise. PXN-Q-RAiiMA or PXN-Q-RAtVMA, n. A large PRR'A-DOX, n. An opinion or assertion apparPXNt~y, n. A flower; garden-violet. [painting. ently false or absurd, but not really so. PANT, v. sn. To beat as the heart; to long. PXR-A-DOx/I-CAL, a. Partaking of paradox. PANT, n. Palpitation; a motion of the heart. PAR-.A-DOX'I-CAL-LY, ad. By way of paradox. PXN-TA-L(ON,,n. A man's garment:-a buffoon. PXRfA-DROlME, n. An open gallery or space. PXAN'/TrE-S'~M, n. The doctrine that nature orthe PAR-.A-GSIE, nso A figure whereby a letter or universe is God. syllable is added at the end of a word. PXN'THE.-IST, n. A believer in pantheism. PXR'A-GON, n. A perfect model; a pattern. PXN-THE-IS'TIC, a. Relating to pantheism. PAXRA-GRXaA, n. A pun; a play upon words. PAN-TIE-tON, n. A temple dedicated to all the PA 4RA-ORAPH, n. A distinct part of a discourse. PNTNITHER, n. A spotted wild beast. [gods. PAR-A-GRXPH'I-CAL, a. Relating to paragraphs. PANtTILE, n. A tile with a hollow or incur- PAR-A-GRAPHt.Ir -CAL-LY, ad. By paragraphs. vated surface; pentile. See PENTILE. PAR-AL-LACTIC,1 a. Relating to a paralPAN-T6OFLE (pgn-tb'fl), n. A slipper for the foot. PXR-AL-LXACTICCAL, lax. PAN'TO-GRAIPH, n. A maclhine for copying. PXAR'L-LXX, a. Change of place or aspect; PAN-TM'1iE-TER, n. A measuring instrument. the distance between the true and apparent PANITQ-MI1ME, n. A buffoon:-show:-9-drama place of the sun, or any star. exhibited only in gesture and dumb show. PXR.AL-LkL, a. In the same direction; like. MIiEN, SYR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BI5LL, BUjR, RLE.-9-, A soft; I?, $$, hard; ~ as z; $ as gz; THI!, PARALLEL 204 PARTICULARITY PARtAL-L:L, n. A line equidistant throughout P.A-RItE-TAL, a. Of, or pertaining to, a wall. from another line;a line of latitude; likeness. PARtING, n. That which is pared off; the rind. PAR'AL-LEL,V. a.To make parallel; to compare. PARI.SH, n. An ecclesiastical district. PAR/AL-LgEL-IaM, n. The state of being parallel. PXR'ISH, a. Belonging to a parish; parochial. PAR-AL-LELt.-GRAiM, n. A quadrilateral figure PA-RISHtIQN-ER, n. One that belongs to a parish. whose opposite sides are parallel and equal. PAaR-.-SYL-LABtIc, a. Having equal syllaPAR-AL-LkL-Q-P1/PED, n. A prism whose PAR-I-SL-LLXBtI-CAL, bles. PAR-AL-Lt L-Q-PEIP'E-DON, ~base is a paral- PARI.-TOR, n. A beadle; a summoner. lelogram. PARtI-TrY, n. Equality; resemblance; likeness. PA-R.AL/.O-qGI, a. False reasoning; paralogy. PARR, n. An enclosure of pasture or woodland. PA-RXL!O9-.Y, a. False reasoning. [feeling. PRK, v. a. To enclose as in a park. PA-RXALY-SIS, n. A palsy; loss of motion and PARRItIER, n. A keeper of a park. PAR-A-LTt.IC, sn. One struck by palsy. PXRtLANCE, a. Conversation; discourse; talk. PAR-A-LYT'1C Pertaining to, or af PraRILEY, V. n. To converse, discourse; to talk. PAR-4A-LkT!i-CAL, fected with, palsy. -PXR1LEY an. Oral treaty; talk; conference. PAXR'A-LZZE, v. a. To affect as with palsy. PXAR1LIA-MtrNT (pirlle-ment), n. The British PAR'A-MiOtNT, a. Superior.-n. The chief. legislative assembly of lords and commons. PARIA-M&UR (piar'/-mdr), na. A lover; a wooer. PXR-LIA-MtRNT.A-RY, a. Relating to parliament. PAR.A-NYMPH, n. A brideman:-a supporter. PXARLQR, n. A room; a drawing-rocm. PAR4A-PEGM (parla-ptm), n. An ancient table. PA-R tO/-fHI-AL, a. Belonging to a parish. PARX.'-PrT, n. (Fo?t.) A breastwork. PAR'O.-Dv, n. A caricature of another's words. PAR-A-t]H.RR-NA'tLJ-A,. pl. Goods at the wife's PXR.O-DY, V. a. To copy by way of parody. disposal:-ornaments; appendages; trappings. PAR'COL, a. Oral; by word of mouth; verbal. PAR!'A-PIHRAE, n. A free and amplified trans- PA-ROLEt, n. Word given as an assurance. lation; a wordy or more ample explanation. PAR1.O-QUT (parlo.-ktt), n. A small kind of parPAR4A-P-IRA~E, v. a. To explain in many words. PA-ROT/.ID, a. Relating to the parotis. [rot. PARIA-PHR AST, a. One who paraphrases. PA-ROTtID, PA-RO/TIS, n. A salivary gland. PAR-A-PHRAS'TIC, a. Relating to para- PAR.OX-K.M, n. Exacerbation of a disease; fit. AR-'-PHIRAS'TTI-C AL, phrase; diffuse. PAR-RI-CIDAL, a. Relating to parricide. [parent. PAR-A-PHRAXSTI-CAL-LY, ad. By paraphrase. PARtRI-CIDE, a. The murder, or murderer, of a PXRtA-SANG, n. A Persian measure of length. PiAR'RQT, n. A well-known bird. [to fence. PXR-A-SE-LtE'NE, n. [Gr.] A mock moon. PAR'RY, v. a. & n. To ward off thrusts or blows; PARtA-SIT',n.A flattererofrich men;hanger-on. PARSE, v. a. To resolve by grammatical rules. PXR-A-S1T'/C, a. Flattering:-growing on PAR-SI-M'tN.I-otis, a. Covetous; frugal; sparing. PAR-A-S!TI'-CAL another tree, as plants. PXR-s.l-mStNl-ous-Ly,ad.Covetously; sparingly. PAR-A-SYTt'-CAL-LY, ad. In a flattering manner. PAR-si-a6'/N-ois-N: ss,n.A disposition to save. PXRIA-SIT-,M-, n. The behavior of a parasite. PAR'sI-XM-Ny, a. Covetousness; niggardliness. PARIA-SoL, n. A small canopy or umbrella. PA{RSILEy (pirrslle), n. A species of garden plant. PAXREBOIL, v. a. To half boil; to boil in part. P;IRS'NIP, n. A garden vegetable. PXAtR'CrL, n. A small bundle or quantity. PAXRsor. (par'sn), n. A priest;a clergyman. PXRC]EL, v. a. To divide into portions. PXARSON-AgE(partsn-aj),n.Aparson'shouse,&c. PAR'CE.N-A-RY, n. Joint inheritance. PART, n. A portion; a member; a division; share; PAtCERN-ER, n. A coparcener. concern; side.-pl. Faculties:-regions. [rate. AXRCH, v. a. To burn slightly, scorch, dry up. PART, v. a. & n. To divide; to share; to sepaPARGC1'1EMNT, n. Slin dressed for writing on. PAR-TXAE, V. n. &.a. [imp. t. partook; pp. PARD, a. The leopard; a spotted animal. partaken.] To take part in; to participate. PAXRDON (par'dn), v. a. To forgive; to remit. PXR-TEZRREft'(p!!r-tlr'), n. [Fr.] A flower-garden. PAR!DON (par'dn), a. Forgiveness; remission. P1R'TIAL (par'shal), a. Biassed to one party; not PAR'tDON-A-BLE (partdn-.a-bl), a. That may be impartial:-not total; not general. [bias. pardoned; venial; excusable. PAR-T.I-Lt.I-TY (pir-she-ile-te), n. An undue PXRtDON-A-BLY (par'dn-a-ble), ad. Venially. PXARTIAL-LY, ad. With partiality:-in part. P'ARDON-3-ER (pir'dn-er), n. One who pardons. PXR-TI-BIL1'-TY, n. Divisibility; separability. PARE, v. a. To cut off the surface of; to dimin- PAR'TI-BLE, a. Divisible; separable. PXR-E-GoRtIC, a. Mollifying; assuaging. [ish. PAR-TI~,.I-PA-BLE, a. That may be participated. PAR-i:-G6R1/IC, n. An assuaging medicine. PAR-TIt.I-PXNT, a. Sharing; having part. PXR-E.-NiTt'IC, PXR-E.-NkitT.-CAL, a. Hortatory. P.AR-TII-PIXNT, a. One who participates; PARI'ENT (portent), a. A father or mother. PAR-T1CI-PA-TQR, a partaker. [share. PAREN' T-AqE or PXR'rENT-LAqE, a. Birth ex- PAR-T9I-PATE, v. n. & a. To partake; to have traction; descent. PAR-TIV-I-PA'TION, n. Act of sharing; division. PA-RRNT'AL, a. Pertaining to parents; tender. PAR-TI-ClPtI-AL, a. Of the nature of a participle. PA-RtNTHEIi-SIS, n., p1. P.A-RENTITHE-Sf*.. A PXAR-TI-CIP!f-AL-LY, ad. In manner of a parclause included in a sentence:-the mark ticiple. thus ( ) 1 PAXRTI-CI-PLE, n. One of the parts of speech. PAR-EN-TII- T'IC, I a. Pertaining to, or in- PXR'lTI.-CLE, n. A minute part; an atom; a jot; PAR-EN-TH:Tti-CAL, J cluded in,a parenthesis. a mote:-a word unvaried. [odd. PAR-IEN-THtT!I-CAL-LY, ad. By parenthesis. PAR-TYCtV-LAR, a. Not general; individual; PARtieR, n. One that pares. [sun. PAt- CIU-LAR, n. A single instance or point. P4AR.-ItL.I-QN, a.; pl. PAR-H-I'LI-A. A mock PAR-TIC-IJ-LXR'I-Ty, n. Something particular. A,E,i,O,?,,lEong; Ai,i,6,,t,,,short; A,1:,I,Q,u,y,obscurse.-FARE, FTXR, FIST, FALL; IttIR,HtiR; PARTICULARIZE 205 PATTY PAR-T'tC U-L AR-IZE, v. a.To mention distinctly. PitST1IR-AQ3E,n. Feed for cattle; grazing lands. P4iR-TiC'U1l-LAR-Ly, ad. Distinctly; singly. PASTIURE, n. Land on which cattle feed. PiRT/ING, an. A division; separation. PASTU. RE (ptst'yyr), v. a. & n. To feed on grass. PA.RTgI-~AN, n. An adherent to a:party:-a pike. PAS'TY or PXSITY, n. A pie of meat without a PAR-Tf'WTION (par-tlshft'n),n. Adivision.; apart. PXT, a. Fit; convenient.-ad. Fitly. [dish. PAR-TVI'TIQN, v. a. To divide into distinct parts. PAT, v. a. To strike lightly.-n. A light blow. PXRITIT-TIVE, a. (Gram.) Noting a part; distribu- PXTCH, n. A piece; a small spot; a parcel. PART/Ly, ad. In some measure; in part. [tive. PATCH, v. a. To put patches on; to mend PART/NER, n. A partaker; a sharer; an associate. PATCH/ER-Y, n. Botchery; bungling work. PART'NEtR-SHIP, n. A joint interest or property. PATCHIWORK (pkatchtwiirk), n. Work composed PAR-TOOKI (par-tik'), imp. t. from partake. PATE, n. The head. [of pieces. P'ARITRIDiE, n. A bird of game. PA:T-E-FXACTIoQN, n. Act of opening; a declaraPAR-TU'Rt-RNT, a. Bringing forth, or about to tion; revelation. bring forth, young. [forth. P.A-TfLtLA, n. Knee-pan:-a species of mollusk. PAiR-TU-RIITION (pir-tu-rlshlun),n. Abringing jIPATIENT or P-A'TENT, a. Open; public. PAXR/T, n. A number of persons confederated; a IIPAT'ENT, n. An exclusive right or privilege. faction; cause; a set:-one of two litigants. PAT-. EN-TE, n. Onewho has a patent. PARI'T-CiLf.QRED, a. Having different colors. PA-TERINAL, a. Fatherly; kind; hereditary. PAXRTY-MAN, n. A man zealous for a party. PA-TERfNI-TY, n. The relation of a father. PAR/IT-WALL,,n A wall separating two houses. PiATER-N SSoTHP, n. [L.] The Lord's prayer. PASEHIHAL (pas'kal), a. Relating to the passover. PATH, n.; pl. PXTIHI. A way; a road; a track. PA-SH1A', n. A Turkish governor. See PACHA. PATH, V. a. To go over; to make way for. PXS-QUIN-ADEI, PASQUIN, sz. A lampoon. PAITHT, a. Affecting the passions; PXS-QUIN-ADE', V. a. TO latnpoon. PA-THETI.-CAL, tender; touching; moving. Pitss, v. n. -To go; to proceed; to vanish; to PA-THETI.-CAL-LY, ad. In an affecting manner. occur; to be current; to be enacted. PA-TIIT'TI-C.AL- NESS, n. The being pathetic. PAss, v. a. To go beyond: —to spend:-to omit: PATHLE.SS, a., Untrodden; having nlo path. -to enact:-to utter; to deliver:-to palm off. PATH-O-LO('I-CAL, a. Reiating to pathology. PASS, n. A passage; license to go; push; state. PA-THOLfQ-QCT, a. That part of medicine which PA:SSA-BLLE, a. That may be passed; tolerable. relates to diseases, their causes; nature, &c. P]SS'A-BLY, ad. Tolerably; moderately. PA'TIHSS,n. [Gr.] Passion; vehemence; warmth. PAXSIS:E, n. Act of passing; journey; road; PATH'WAY, n. A road; a narrow foot-way. way; occurrence; incident; part of a book. PAtTIE.NCE (pa'shens), n. A suffering without PXS/SEN-E-R, n. A traveller; a wayfarer. complaint; calln endurance; perseverance. PASS/ER, a1. One who passes; a passenger. PA'TIENT (patshent), a. Calm; not hasty; diliPXS-SI-BIL'I-TY, n. The quality of suffering. PA'TIyE.NT (pa'shent), n. A sick person. [gellt. PASSI-BLE, a. That may feel or suffer. PAXTIENT-LY (pa'shent-le), ad. With patience. PASS'ING, p. a. Surpassing.-ad. Exceedingly. P3ATR.I-ARHH, n. A head of a family or church. PASS/.ING-BELL, i. The death-bell for a person. PA-TRjI-ARHIt.AL, a. Belongiing to patriarchs. PAStSION (pashtun), n. Anger; ardor; suffering. PA-Trt.-:iRCHHATE, an. The office, rank, or PAS'SIQN-ATE (pash'un-.t), a. Moved by pas- PAT1TI-XARH-SHP, jurisdiction of a patinsion; irascible; angry; hasty. [sion. arch; patriarchy. [arch. PXSISION-ATE-LY (pash'un-at-le), ad. With pas- PA'TRI-XRPH-Y, n. The jurisdiction of a patriPAS/SION-ATE-NEiSS7 n. Vehlemence of mind. PA-TRI"CI.AN (pJa-trlsh'an), a. Noble; not plebePSISION-L ASS, a. Cool; undisturbed; calm. PA-TRI/CIAN (pa-trlshan), n. A nobleman. [ian. PXS'SION-WfIn, n. The week before Easter. PXT-RI-MO'NI-AL a. Possessed by inheritance. PXsSIVE, a. Unresisting; suffering; not active. PXT-RI-MtN.I-AL-LY, ad. By inheritance. PXS/SIVE-LY, ad. In a passive manner; inactive- PAT/RI-MQ-NY, nY. A patrimonial, paternal, or PAXSSIVE-NESS, n. Passibility; patience. [ly. hereditary estate:-a church-estate. PISStO-VER, i. A solemn festival of the Jews. IIPA/TRI-OT, n. A lover of his country. PASSIPORT,?71. A permission of passage. I[PA -TR-OTt'IC Or PAT-RI-O Tt'C, a. Relating PAST, p. a. from pass. Not present; gone by. to, or actuated by, patriotism. PAST, n. The time gone by; past time. IPAX'TRoI-0T-SIa, n. Love of one's country. PAST, prep. Beyond or above; as, past age. -PA-TROL/, n. A guard; a night watch; a round. PASTE, n. A viscous, tenacious mixture; cement. PA-TROL/, V. n. To go the rounds in a calrip, &c. PASTE, v. a. To cement or fasten with paste. PArTRON, n. A supporter; a guardian:; protector. PASTE'BOAHRD (past'bhrd),?t A thick,stiffpaper. PXT1RON-AQE, n. Support; protection'; favor. PX.SITEIRN,?t. The lowest part of a horse's leg. PAT/RO -NAL, a. Protecting; supporting; guardPXS'TIL, an. [Fr. pastille.] A roll of paste for PA1TRON-ESS, n. A female patron. [ing. crayons or for fumigation:-a lozenge. PATRQON-ZZE,,v.a. To protect; to support; to PAS!TIME, n. Sport; amusemenit; diversion. defend;.to encourage. [porter. PAiSTOR, n. A shepherd:-a clergyman. PATIRON-IZ-1VR, n. One who patronizes; a supPAS'TQ-RAL, a. Rural; relating to a pastor. PA1TRON-LUSS, a. Without a patron. PAs!TQ-RHAL,n. Arllral poem; anidyl; abucolic. PKT-RO-NYM/H'IC, n. A name from a father, &c. PXS'TQR-SI-IP, n. The office or rank of a pastor. PAT1TEN, n. A shoe of wood with an iron rinlg. PASITRY, n. Pies or baked paste. [pies, &c. PATfTE. Rv. n. To make a noise like hail, &c. PAsTR.Y-C OOK (pas!tre-kfik), n. One who makes PXTtTE.RN, n. An archetype; exemplar; specip:STlvR-A-BLE:(past'yur-.-bl),a.Fit for pasture. PXTIT;Y~ n. A pasty; as, a veal-patty. [men. MIEN, SI-R; M6VE, NOR, S9N; BOLL, BUR,RtLE-.- -, q, soft; i, sa, hard;. as z; i as gz; THIS. 18 PATTY-PAN 206 PELICAN PXT'TY-PXN, n. A pan to bake patties in. PtC-CA-BTLrIL-Ty, n. State of being subject to PiXUtCI-TY, at. Smallness of number or quantity. PEC/CA-BLE, a. Liable to sin. [sin. PAUNCH or P.UNCH, n. The belly. PEC-CA.-DILLO, a1.; pl. PtC-CA-DIL'LoE. A P.UIPE.R, n. A poor person who receives alms. petty fault; i slight crime. Pru'PcE.R-i m, n. The state of poverty. PECIC.AN-Cy, n. A bad quality; an offence. PiUSE, n. A stop; suspense; doubt; break. PECICANT, a. Guilty; criminal; corrupt; bad. PAUSE, v. n. To wait; to stop; to deliberate. PLiCK, it. The fourth part of a bushel. PAVE, v. a. To lay with stone, brick, &c. PECK, v. a. To strike with the beak, as a bird. PAVElMENT, i?. A floor of stone, brick, &c. PECKIER, n. One that pecks:-a bird; the woodPAV'ER, PAvlIER (pav'yer), n. One who paves. PEC'TI-NAL,?1. A fish.-a. Like a conmb. [pecker. PA-VIL/IQN (pa-villyun), t. A tent; a house. PEC'TI-NAT-ED, a. Formed like a comb. PAW, a1. The foot of a beast:-the hand. PEC1TO-RKAL, a. Belonging to the breast. PAW, v.?n. To draw the foot along the ground. PEC5TO-RAL, n. A medicine:-a.breastplate. PAW, v. a. To handle roughly; to fawn. PH CSV-LATE, u. n. To rob or defraud the puLlic. PAwN, a1. Something given as security: pledge. PEC-V-LA'TION, n. The theft of public money. PA.WN, v. a. To pledge; to give in pledge. PPCIt-LA-TQR, n. A robber of the public. PXWNnBRO-KER, n. One who lends money on IPE.-CL'I.AR or PE-CVULI-AR, a. Belonging to P'W-NEE, tL. The receiver of a pawn. [pawns. one only; particular; singular; appropriate. PAY (pa), v. a. [imp. t. & pp. paid.] To dis- IPE-CfIL/AR, n. The exclusive property. charge, as a debt; to reward. —v. n. To suffer. IPPE-CUL-I-AXRI-TY (pe-kal-yeQ-are-te), n. SomePAY (pa), 1. Wages; hire; money for service. thing peculiar; particularity. PAYIA-BLE, a. Due; that is to be paid. IIPE-C.TL'IAR-IZE, v. a. To make peculiar. PAY'DAY (paf'd), a. The day for payment. IP-CfLTI.AR-LY, ad. Particularly; singularly. PAY-EES, s. One to whon money is due. IIPE-CUNIIA-RY, a. Relating to, or consisting of, PAYM.~AS-TIER, a. One who is to pay. nloney. [master. PAY~"MIENT, t. Act of paying; money paid. PSiD-A -G61i-CAL, a. Belonging to a schoolPEA (pe), n.; pl. PEAS, or PEA~E. A plant and PED'A-G OUE (ped'da-geg), a. A schoolnaster. its fruit; a kind of pulse. PE.DAL, PED'AL, a. Belonging to a foot. [fbot. PEACE (pes), n. A respite from war; quiet; rest. PED'AL, c1. A key of an organ, &c., moved by the PEACE (pas), interj. Commanding silence. PED'ANT, n. A vain pretender to learning. PEACE'A-BLE, a. Free from war; quiet; mild. PE-DAN!TIC, a. Full of pedantry; ostenPEACE'A-BLE-NESS, n. Quietness;tranquillity. PE-DANTI-CAL, tatious of learning. PEACE.A-BLY, ad. Without war or tumult. PE-DNtTI-CAL-LY, ad. With pedantry. PEACE/BREXAK-ER, n. A disturber of the peace. PLEDAN-TRY, n. Vain ostentation of learning. PEAhCEHFOL, a. Quiet; pacific; mild; still. PhDIDLE, V. n. & a. To sell as a pedler. PEACE'FOL-LY, ad. Without war; quietly. PEDIES-TAL, an. The basis of a pillar or statue. PEACEtFOL-NhSS, n. Quiet; freedom from war. PH.-DEiSTIEI-.AN, a. Going on foot:-prosy. PEACEIMA-KER, n. A promoter of peace. PE-D.S'TR.I-AN, n. One who journeys on foot. PEACE'-6FIFER-ING, n. An offering to procure PE-DEStTRI-ouS, a. Going on foot; pedestrian. peace. [peace. PE D/I-CLE, n. The footstalk of a flower. PEACE'-6SF'FI-CER, n. An officer to keep the PEDt-GR EE,? 1. Genealogy; lineage; descent. PEACH (pech), n. A kind of tree and its fruit. PEDt.I-MNT, n. (l.drcl.) A triangular ornament. PRACHf-COL-QRED (pechitkil-lerd), a. Of a PDI'LE.R, na. One who peddles; a travelling color like a peach-blossom; of a rich pink color. trader;-written also peddler and pedlar. PEAtcCHICK(ptchlk), n. The chick of a peacock. PEDtLER-Y, n. The business, or the wares, of PEAtCOCK (petktk), n. A beautiful fowl. PEH-DO-13AP'TIM, n. Infant baptism. [pedlers. P)AIHtN, n. The female of the peacock. PE-DO-BXAP'TST, c1. One that holds to infant PEAt-JACK-ET, n. A seaman's loose jacket. baptism. [ment. PEAK, n. Top of a hill or mountain:-a point. PE-Do E.-TER, n. A' mathematical InstruPEAL, n. A loud sound, as of bells, thunder, &c. PEEL, v. a. To decorticate; to flay; to plunder. PEAL, v. n. To play loud.-v. a. To assail. PEEL, ct. A rind:-a baker's shovel. PEAR (par), n. A fruit of many varieties. PELL.ER, n. One who peels; a plunderer. PEARL (perl), n. A precious substance; a film. PEEP, v. n. To begin to appear; to look slyly. PtARL'ASH, n.. Purified potash. PEEP, n. The first appearance; a sly look. PEARLED (pbrld), a. Adorned or set with pearls. PEEPIER, n. One that peeps; a young chickecn. PtARLY (perl'e), a. Abounding with pearls. PEER, n. An equal; an associate; a nobleman. PEAR-MAIN', n. A variety of the apple. PfEER'/AE, cn. The state, rank, or dignity of a PERt'-TRE: (pbr'tre), n. A tree that bears pears. peer; body of peers. PEASIANT (pz'.ant),n. A laboring man; a rustic. PEERt ESS, n. The lady of a peer; a noble lady. PSA'.ANT-RY (pez'rtnt-re), n. Peasants; rustics. PERILE SS, a. Unequalled; having no peer. P5EA*C6D or PEAS'COD, n. A pea-shell; a pea- PSRH'LESS-LY, ad. Without an equal. PEA~E (ptz), n. pl. Peas collectively. [pod. PEER'L]ESS-NSSS, n. Universal superiority. [ful. P:EA-SHELL, n. The husk that contains peas. PEiv'ISH, a. Petulant; easily offended; fretPEAT (Ptt), n. A species of turf used for fire. PEEYVtISH-LY, ad. Petulantly; fretfiully. PtB13BLE, or PVBIBLE-STONE, n. A small stone. PEEV'.ISH-NESS, n. Querulousness; fretfulness. PtBfBLED (pgb'bld),a. Abounding with pebbles. PtG, n. A wooden pin.-v. a. To fasten with a PBIBLY, a. Full of, or resembling, pebbles. P:cLF, n. Money; riches: in a bad sense. [peg. P.-CXNi, n. An American tree and its nut. PELI.-CXN, n. A large bird:-chemical vessel.,,],5u,D,$,0o g;,IA, 6X,6,itY,,short; A,J,,Q,V,yobscure.. —ARE, FiR, FAST, BA.LL; HtIR, HtR; PELISSE 207 PERDITION PE-LiSsEt (pe-I6s'), n. [Fr.] A kind of coat or PtNfSIQN, v. a. To support by an allowance. PErILELT, n. A little ball:-a bullet. [robe. PEN'SION-A-RY, a. Maintained by a pension. PrL'LI-CLE, n. A thin skin:-a saline crust. PEN'SIQrN-ER, n. One who receives a pension. PELL-MN:LLt, ad. Confusedly; tumultuously. PErNSIiVE, a. Sorrowfully thoughtful; serious. PELLg, n. pl. Parchment rolls of receipts and PtN'SIVE-Ly, ad. With melancholy; seriously. disbursements. PE N'SIVE-N,SS, s1. Melancholy; sorrowfulness. PE L-LU'CID, a. Clear; transparent; not opaque. PEN'sST6C, n. A sort of trough; a sluice. PEL-LU'-CID'I-TY,. Transparency; translu- PtNT, imp. t. &;pp. from pen. Shut up. PEL-LUC.ID-NESS, cency. PEN-TA-CAPtSU-LAR, a. Having five capsules. PELT, v. a. To strike with something thrown. PENtTA-HlHORD), a. A musical instrument with PELT, n. A skin; a hide: —a blow; a stroke. five strings. PELT'-IMfiN-ER, n. A dealer in pelts or skins. PEN/TA-GaN,, a. A figure with five angles. PfiLtTRY, n. Pelts or skins in general. PEN-TAG'O-NAL, a. Having five angles. PEL'VIS, 7. The lower part of the belly. [sure. PEN'TA-GRAPH, n. See PANTOGRAPH. PN, n. An instrument of writing: —an enclo- P.N-TXM'E-TER, n. A verse of five feet. PEN, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. penned.] To write. PiN-TXNfG6-LAR, a. Having five angles. PiEN, v. a. [imp.-t. & pp. pent 0- penned.] To shut PrN-TA-PrT'A-LOOS, a. Having five petals. up; to incage. [ment. PREN'T-STYLE, n. A portico or building with PE'NAL, a. Denouncing or incurring punish- five columns in front. [Moses. PENI'AL-TY an. Punishment; censure; forfeiture. PEN'TA-TEU~H (-tfk), n. The five books of PEN/ANCE, n. An infliction suffered for sin. PEN'TE-CoST, n. A feast among the Jews. PENCE, 7. The plural of'peny. PEN-TE-COSTtAL, a. Belonging to pentecost. PENICIL, 1. A tool for painting, drawing, &c. PtNTIHOOSE, i;. A sloping shed; a lean-to. PENICIL v. a. To paint; to draw; to write. PEN/TILE, n. A tile with a hollow surface. PEN DANT, n. An earring; an ornament; a flag. PEt'NiLT, n. The last syllable of a word PENnDENCE, n. Slopeness; inclination. PE-NiL'tTI-MAj, but one. [a word but one. PE:N1DEN -CY, n. Suspense; delay of decision. PE-NOL'TI-M.ATE, a. Noting the last syllableof PhN'DENT, a. Hanging; projecting; jutting PE -NIMBRRA, n. An irnperfect shadow. PLND1ING a. Depending; yet undecided. [over. PE-NU'RI-OVS, a. Niggardly; not liberal; scant. PiN-DnU-LOStI-Ty, atn. The state of hanging; PE -NURI-OtUS-Ly, ad. Sparingly; parsimoniPiN'nDU-LOUS-NEsS, r suspension. [ed. ously. [nmony. PEiNt'DU-LOUS, a. Hanging; pendent; suspend- PE -rJ0RI-OUS-NESS, n. Niggardliness; parsiPNt1DV-L M, n. A suspended, vibrating body. PEN'U-RY, n. Extreme poverty; indigence. PEN-E-TRA-BtL'/I-TY, a. The being penetrable. PE'O-NY, n. A plant with showy flowers. PENtE-TRA-BLE, a. That may be penetrated. PEOtPLE (pe'pl), n. A nation; bodyof persons. PEN'E-TRAN-CY, n. The power ofpsnetrating. PEOPLE, v. a. To stock with inhabitants. P'N/E.-TRANT, a. Penetrating; sharp; subtile. PEP1PER, n. An aromatic, pungent spice. PEtNtE-TRATE, v. a. To pierce; to perforate: — P:ElpPER, v.a. To sprinkle with pepper; to beat. to discern; to understaind. PEPIPER-BOX, n. A box for holding pepper. PENiN-TRATE, v. n. To imake way; to pass. PnPpPER-CORN, n. Any thing of trifling value. PEN-E-TRA'TIQN, n. The act of entering:- PEP'PE.R-MINT, n. An aromatic, pungent plant. discernment; sagacity. [cious. PEP5TIC, a. Promoting digestion. Pi.NE.-TRA-TrIVE, a. Piercing; acute; saga- PER-AD-VENTtURE (-yur), ad. Perhaps. [survey. PEN'GUIN (-gwin), a. A large bird:-a fruit. PER- AM'BU-LATE, v. a. To walk through; to PEN-YN/'Sl-L4, a. Land almost surrounded by PER-AM-BU-LK'TIQN, n. A travelling survey. PEhNtI-TE NCE, n. Sorrow; contrition. [water. PER-AmI/IU'-LA-TOR, n. A nleasuring.wheel. PtNII-TENT, a. Repentant; contrite for sin. PER-CEIV'A-BLE (per-sevta-bl), a. Perceptible. PNt'-TENT, n. One contrite or sorrowfull for PER-CEIV'A-BLY (-sev'a-ble), ad. Perceptibly. P:N-I-T:N'TIAL, a. Expressing penitence. [sin. PER-C IVE1 (per-sev'), v. a. To see; to know. PEN-i-TEN'T.-'A-RY (ptn-e-ttn'she-a-re), n. One PErR-CtP-TI-BiL'I-Ty,t5. The being perceptible. who does penance:-a house of correction. PER -CP-TITi.-BLE, a. That may be perceived. PtN-I-TEN'TI-A-RY, a. Relating to penance. PER-CEPtTI-BLY, ad. Inl a perceptible manner. PrNt'I-TENT-LYjad. With repentance or sorrow. PER-CEPITION, n. The power of perceiving; PtrN'INIFE (ptn'nlf), n. A knife to cut pens. discernment; understanding; idea. [ing. PrN'M.AN, n. One who writes:-an author. PER-CPtT'TVE, a. Able, to perceive; perceivPENtMAN-SHIPM, a. The act or art of writing. PERCH, t. A measure of 5k yards; a pole:PEN'NANT, n. A small flag, ensign, or colors. something on which birds roost; a small fish. PENtNATE, PkN'NAT-ED, a. Winged. PERCH, v. a. & n. To roost or place on a perch. PrNINi-LESS, a. Moneyless; poor; destitute. PER-CHINCE', ad. Perhaps; peradventure. PENtNON, n. A flag; a banner; a streamer. PE' R-CPtIP-ENT, a. Perceiving; perceptive. PrNINY, n.; pl. PENCE. One 12th of a shilling. PER-CIPt'I- NT, n. One who is able to perceive. PhN-NY-RiOY.'AL, a. A well-known herb. PEtRCO-LATE, v. To strain through; to filter. PEN'NY-WEIGHT (ptn'ne-wat), n. A weight PER-CQ-LA.TION, n. The act of percolating or containing twenty-four grains troy. [gardly. straining; filtration. [stroke. PENtNY-WaIE, a. Saving small sums; nig- PER-CUS'StIoN (per-kiisl'un), n. A striking; PtNtNY-WORTH, n. A good bargain:-smaV Pl.R-Cris'soQN-CAP, n. A detonating copper PrN/SILE, a. Hanging; suspended. [quantity. cap, used with a percussion-lock. PrNtSIQN (pen'shun), n. A yearly allowance. PER-DltITIQN, n. Destruction; ruin; death. MIEN, SYR; MVE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, RtLE. —, q, soft;, Zc, hard; ~ as z; * as gz; TIHIS. PEREGRINATE 208 PERSONALITY P RRE. -GORI-NATE,Tv.n. To travel; to live abroad. Pt R-I-PLE-MtNt!-.A, ~ n. Inflamimation of the PhER-E-GRI-NA'TION, a. Travel; foreign abode. PEIt-.IP-NEu'19Q-Ny, lugs. PER'E-GRINE, a. Foreign; not native. [ly. PER.ISIi, v. n. To die; to be destroyed; to decay. P11R].EMP-TO- RI-LY, ad. Absolutely; positive- PPR1iSH-A-BLE, a. Liable to perish or decay. P.ER/EMP-TQ-Ri-NESSn. Positiveness; decision. PER-I-STAL'TIC, a. Wormlike; spiral. PtR'tEMP-TQ-.Y, a. Absolute; decisive. PER1.-STYLE, n. A circular range of pillars. PER-1N'NrI-AL, a. Lasting through the year:- PERI-WIG, n. A wig; a covering for the head. PEIR-i N'NI-AL, n. A durable plant. [perpetual. PrtLI-WIS, v. a. To dress in false hair. wrR-:ENNI-TY,n1. Quality of lasting;perpetuity. PER.I-WIN-KLE, n. A small shell-fish. PER'FECT, a. Possessing perfection; faultless. PER'JURE, V. a. To forswear; to swear falsely, PERitFCT, v. a. To make perfect; to finish. PE;RJUV-R.ER, n. One who swears falsely. PhiR/FECT-ER, n. One that makes perfect. PER/JV-Ray, a. The crime of swearing falsely. PER-FjiCT-I.-Bi1LI-Ty, n. Capacity of becoming PERK, V. 71. & a. To hold up the head; to dress. perfect. [fect. PEr'tMA-NENCE, n. State of being permanent; P]E.R-FhCTf.-BLE, a. That may be made per- PtRIAjS-NtN-Cv, durability; duration. PE. R-FEGCTION, n. The state of being perfect. PRiMlA-NENT, a. Durable; lasting; not decayPEiR-FE:C'TION-IST, n. One who, holds to the PERRMA-NDNT-Lv, ad. Durably; lastingly. [mng. possibility of attaining perfection. PER-MI -.A-BIL/I-TY, n. The being permeable. PER-FEC/'TVE, a. Conducing to perfection. [ly. PERME -A-BLE, a. That may be passed through. PERfFECT-LY, ad. Totally; completely; exact- PER-MIS1SI-BLE, a. That may be permitted. PERIFECT-NISS, na. Completeness; perfection. PER.u-MIs'soN (-mishtun), a. Allowance; leave. j[PER-rFID'-O0S or PER-FIDIOU.S, a. Guilty or PiR -MIISSIVE, a. Granting liberty; allowing. partaking of perfidy; treacherous. PER-MIS'SIVE-LY, ad. By bare allowance. IIPER-FiD'T-OCS-LY, ad. By breach of faith. PER-MITR, v. a. To allow; to suffer; to give up. [IP R-1PD'I-Oy0S-NESS,?. The being perfidious. PiERMIT or PER-MrTI, n. License; permission. PEC'PFI-DY, n. Treachery; breach of faith. PER-1Y1T'TANCE,. Allowance; permission. P.R-FLA.TTION, n. The act of blowing through. PER-IU-T.AtTIOQN, ea. Exchange; change. PEtRFO-RATE, v.a. To pierce tllrough; to bore. PER-NIq/CIOSU.S (-nish'us), a. Very mrischlievous. PtR-FOP-RATION, i,. The act of piercing; a hole. PER-N!CIOUS-LY (-nlshllus-le), ad. Ruinously. PtR'FQO-RA-TQR, nt. An instrument for boring. PER -Ni"cIOUS-Ne.SS, a. The being pernicious. PER-FoRCE/, ad. By violence; violently. PER- O-RAT'TIQN, n. The conclusion of an oraP'R-FORM1, v. a. To execute; to do; to ac- PER-P:tND1, v. a. To consider attentively. [tion. complish; to effect; to discharge. PtER-PEN-D!C'U.-LAR, a. Being at right angles. PER-FOr5RMA-BLE, a. That may be done. [tion. PER-PEN-DIGC'U-LAR, n. A line crossing the PER-FORM.fANCE, a. Execution; a work; an ac- plane of the horizon at right angles; a plumbPE R-FORM/ER, a. One that performs; an actor. line. [pendicular. PER'FUME or PER-FUME/, a1. Sweet odori fra- PER-PEN-1IC-U-LXR'I —Ty, n. The being pergrance. PER-PPEN-D'CtI-LAR-LY, ad. At right angles. PE.iR-FIjMEt, v. a. To impregnate with odor. PERtPE-TRATE, v. a. To do or commit, as a PEIR-PFMIMER, n. One who deals in perfuimes. crime. [crime. PER-Ftljt'ER-Y, n. Perfumes in general. [ent. PER-PERTRA/TION, a. The commission of a PER-FPNCiTQORY, a. Slight; careless; indiffer- [IPER- -PETU-AL (-Yu-), a. Never ceasing. [ally. PE1R-FUSE, v. a. To tincture; to overspread. [IPER -PET U-AL-LY, ad. Constantly/; continuPER-HXiAP, ad. Peradventure; it may be. I[PrR-PETTUVATE, V. a. To make perpetual; PERtI-XNTN, n. The leaves of a flower. [heart. I[PER-PET-jU-ATIJON, n. Incessant continuance. PE:R-i CRt'D.I-M,'n. A membrane enclosing the PEOr-PE-TUI-TV, an Duration to all futurity. PiiR'I-CXRP, a. The seed-vessel of a plant. PE R-PLaEX, v. a. To make anxious; to embarPtER-I-CRAf'N.I-tVm, n. A membrane covering the rass; to distract; to distress. [lution. skull. [et wherein it is nearest the earth. PER-PLEXtED-LY, ad. Intricately; with invoPER'I-qE', n. That point in the orbit of a plan- PEiR-PLLX1ED - NSS, n. Anxiety; difficulty. PtER-1-HELIO-QN, n. That point of a planet's PER-PLKXfI-TY, n. Anxiety; distraction of orbit wherein it is nearest the sun. [tin. mind; disturbance; confusion. PER'IL, n. Danger; hazard; risk; denuncia- PEP'Q'UI-SITE, n. A fee or gift of office, &c. P:R'.IL-OiS, a. Dangerous; hazardous. PER'RY, a. A drink made of pears. [malice. P1:R1IL-OJS-LY,ad. Dangerously. [plane figure. PE RSE-CUTE, V. a. To harass; to pursue with PE-RIMIE-TER, n. The line which bounds a PER-SE-CVUTIQN, n. The act of persecuting. P'R.I-OD, a. A circuit; epoch; series of years; PERSE- CU-TOR, n. One who persecutes. full stop; end:-complete sentence. [periods. PER-sFE-v:ER'ANCE,,a. Persistence; constancy. PE-RI-6ODI-CAL, a. Stated regular; re lating to PER-SE -VEREt, a. n. To persist; to be steadPE-RI-OD'I-CAL-LY, ad. At stated periods. PER-SIMIMQN, n. A tree and its fruit. [fast. PrR-1-PA-T1T'.IC, n. A follower of Aristotle. PER-SIST', u. n. To persevere; to continue firm. PEiR-I-P.A-TETTC, a. Belonging to the Peripa- PER-SIST'ENCE, n. Perseverance; constancy. tetics. [&c. PER'SON (ptr'sn), n. An individual; a human PE-RIPHIE-RY, n. Circumference of a circle, being; one:-the body; exterior appearance. PiR'I-PHRIAE, v. a. To express by circumlocu- PERrSON-A-BLE, a. Handsome; graceful. PE-RIPH'RA-SS, n. A circumlocution. [tion. PiERSON-AQtE, n. A person of distinction. P:ER-I-PHRIXS'TI-CAL, a. Using many words. PER'sN-AL, a. Relating to a person; peculiar. PA:R-I-PHRXS'T.-CAL-LY, ad. By periphrasis. PER-SON-XIL/I-Ty, n. Individuality; reflection. A,E,I,rO,U,~',,rra, slcet; 4, I,Q,lIu, aobscug e,. —rknr,iis,FA:sTr,FALL; i IaR, HIR ER; PERSONALLY 209 PHARISEE PER'SON-AL-Ly, ad. In person; in presence. PIRtVI-OtS, a. Admitting passage; permeable. PRtfSQN-AL-TY, a1. Personal property. [feit. PR'tVi-OJS-NtSS, n. The quality of being perPERISON-ATE, v. a. To represent; to counter- PtST,n. A plague; pestilence; mischief. [vious. PE R-SON-A'TION, a. The act of personating. PS'TERR, v. a. To disturb; to perplex; to PERSQON-A-TQR, i. One who personates. harass; to annoy. [sons. PER-SO(N-!-FI-AITIQN, n. (Rhet.) The change PST!HOUSrE, n. A hospital for infected perof things to persons; prosopopweia. [a person. PIE.S-TiFIEit-otS, a. Destructive; pestilential. PIR-SON'.I-f, v. a. To change from a thing to PEST.I-LRNCE, n. A contagious or infectious PER-SP.CtTIVE, n. A prospect:-the art of rep- distemper; plague; a pest. [nant. resenting things on a plane surface; repre- PtS'TI-LksNT, a. Producing plagues; maligsentation. PES-TI-LEN!TIAL, a. Pestilent; destructive. PER-SPEC'tTVE, a. Relating to vision; optical. PES-Tj-LiiN'TI.AL-LY, ad. By or with pestiPER-SPECTTIVE-LY, ad. Optically. lence. tively. PER-sptI-cA'cIoUs (ptr-spe-ka'shus), a. Sharp PESITI-LENT-Ly, ad. Mischievously; destrucof sight; quick-sighted; discerning; acute. PESfTLE (pes'sl), n. A tool to beat in a mortar. PE R-SPI-CAXCIOUS-NEss n. Quickness of sight. PET, n. Slight anger:-a favorite; a fondling. PER-SPI-C.A'I-T~Y, a. Quickness of sight. PET, v. a. To treat as a pet; to fondle; to inPER-SPt-CY'I-TY, 7. Easiness to be understood. PETtAL or PETAL, n. A flower-leaf. [dulge. PER-SPic'v-oUs, a. Clear; easily understood. PET/AL-OuS, a. Having petals. [mortar. PER I-SPCU-OUs-LY, ad. Clearly; not obscurely. PE-TAR/, PE-TXRDt, n. A kind of bell-shaped PE.R-SPSiCUI-OUS-NESS, 71. Perspicuity. PE-TEtHI-.AL, a. Pestilentially spotted. PER-SPIRtA-BLE, a. That may be perspired. PEITER-PENCE., n. A tax paid to the pope.[leaf. PER-SP-RAtTIQON. n. Excretion by the pores. PETt1-SOLE,n. A leaf-stock; a foot-stock of a PER-SPi'RA-TIVE, a. - Performing perspiration. PET1IT (pet'te), a. [Fr.] Small; little; petty. PER-SPsRE, v. t. & a. To emit by the pores. Pg-T115TION (-tislshun),n. A request; entreaty. PER-SUAD1A-BLE (-swatda-bl), a. Persuasible. PE-TIttTION, v. a. To solicit; to supplicate. PER-SUADoEI (per-swad'), v. a. To bring to a PE-TI11TION-A-RY,a. Supplicatory; petitioning. particular opinion; to influence by argument. PE-TI"TION-ER, n. One who ofiers a petition. PER-SUA-SI-13ILtI-T.Y n. The being persuasible. PEtTRE (peter), n. Nitre; saltpetre. PE.R-SUAtSI-BLE, a. That may hbe persuaded. PE-TRESICENCE, n. The act of becoming stone. PiER-SUAt1SON (-swatzhun), n. The act or art of PEI-TRESICE.NT, a. Turning to stone; petrifypersuading:-opinion; creed; belief. ing; hardening. Lstone. PER-suAssivr., a. Having power to persuade. PtET RI-FAC'TIQN, a. The act of turning to PER-SUA tSIVE, n. Exhortation; argument. PET-RI-FAC1TIVE, a. Able to form stone.[stone. PE:.R-SUA!iSIVE -LY, ad. In a persuasive manner. PE-TRIFtIC, a. Having power to change to PER-SUitASIVE-NESS, n. Persuasive quality; ex- PETTRI-FY,.a. To change to stone, to harden. PERT, a, Lively; saucy; impudent. [lhortation. PET'RI-FY, v.n. To become stone. [rock oil. PE. -TArINt, v.n. To belong; to relate. PE'TROL, PE -TRO'f-L —t1M, n. A brown bitunlen; PER-TI-NAtCIOVS (-te-na'shus), a. Perversely PETtRO-NEL, n. A horseman's pistol. resolute; stubborn; obstinate. PETfTI-COAT, n. A woman's under garment. iPER-TI-NAtCIo5U.S-L~, ad. Obstinately. PETtIT-FOG-IO R, n. A petty, small-rate lawPER-Tj-NKX_'I-TY, n. Obstinacy; constancy. yer. [ger. PiIR'T.-NENC;E, in. Appositeness; fitness; PET,'TI-FOG-_E.R-Y, n. Practice of a pettifogP2RiTI-NEN-CY, propriety; relevancy. PET'TI-NESS, is. Smallness; littleness. PER'TI-NtENT, a. Apt to the purpose; apposite; PYiT/TISH, a. Fretful; peevish; testy. appropriate; relevant. PETTITSH-LY, ad. In a pet; fretfullly. PER'TI-NENT-LY, ad. To the purpose. PET'TISH-NESS, n. Fretfulness; peevishness. PERT'LY, ad. Smartly; saucily; petulantly. PET'TI-TOE, n. pl. The toes or feet of a pig. PERTNrEISS, n. Smartness; sauciness. PET'TO, n. [It.] The breast: —figuratively, priPER-TUJRB', v. a. To disquiet, disturb. PiTtT's, a. Small; inconsiderable; little. [vacy. PiIR-TVR-BA'TI4.N, n. Disquiet of mind; disor- PET'TV-LANCE, n. Peevishness; fretfulness.'PER-Tfu1IQN (-tt'zhun), n. Perforation. [der. PET'TU-LANT, a. Fretfill; saucy; peevish; froPlR'tRE, na. A cap of false hair; a periwig. PiTtU-LANT-LY, ad. With petulance. [ward. PE.-Rf SAL, n. The act of perusing or reading PEW (pu), n. A seat enclosed in a church. examination. [ine. PE'WIT, a. A bird; the lapwing. PE-Rl3E', v. a. To read; to observe; to exam- PEWtTER (ppi'ter), n. A compound metal. PR-VADE', v. a. To pass through; to permeate. PEWt.TER-ER, n. A smitlh who wortks in pewPIR-VA1~ION (-zhun), n. Act of pervading. P Pt1E -TON (fate-tn), it. A sort of carriage. [ter. PER-VERSEt, a. Obstinate; ill-disposed. PHA'LANX 0oa PHi-XL'ANX, n. A troop of men. PER-VERSELY~, ad. Stubbornly; vexatiously. PH.XN'T4AiM, PHAN-T.A~MA, n. A spectre; PER-VERSE'NE. SS, n. Obstinacy; petulance. vision. [vision. PI.R-VER/SIQN, n. The act of perverting. PHAN'TQM, n. A spectre; an apparition; a PIER-VERtSI-TY, n. Perverseness; ill disposi- PIHXR-I-SAt'C, a. Relating to the Pllarisees; tion; frowardness. [right. PHIXR-I-STA'-CAL, externally religious; rituPIER-VERTt, v. a. To distort; to turn from the PII-TR-I-SAI'-CAL-NESS, n. Pllarisaical show.[al. PERt'VRT, n. One who is perverted. - PH.i'I-SA- tlaa n. The conduct of-a Pharisee. PER-.VEiRTrR, n. One who perverts or distorts. PHIR-I-SEtAN, a. Resembling the Pharisees. PE.R-ViIRTI'-BLE, a. That may be perverted. PHIXR.I-SaE', n. One of a strict Jewish sect. MIEN, SIR; M6VE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, ROLE. —, q, soft; 0, &, hard; ~ as z; y as gz; TilIs. PHAURMACEUTIC 210 PICTURE PIHXR-M.A-9EUtTIC, a. Relating to pharmacy. PHRASE, V. a. To style; to call to term. PHAIR-MA-C6OL'O-TIST,?. A writer upon drugs. PHRA-E:.-Q-LoGII-CAL, a. Relating to a phrase. PHXR-MA-C6L'O —Y, n. The knowledge of PIRX-SE- -L't- -V,?. Manner of expression; drugs; pharmacy. [pensatory for medicines. style; diction; pllrase-book. [tic. PHXR-tIA-CO-PCEtIA (fir-ma-kQ-pI'ya), n. A dis- PIIRE. N-ST'IC, a. Inflamed in the brain; franPHXR'MA-CY, n. The trade of an apothecary or nHRE-?GTt.IC, n. A madman; a frantic person. druggist. PHRE-NVIT-.s, n. Inflammation of the brain. PHA'ROS, n. A light-house; a watch-tower. PHREN-O-J()0-I-CAL, a. Relating to phrenology. PHRAE (faz), n. Appearance, as of a planet. PHRE-NOLtO-qST, n. One versed in phrenology. PHEASBANT (fez'tant), n. A sort of fowl. PHRE-TNOL'.O-9Y, n. The science which professPHEItIX, PH(E'NIX, n. A bird which is sup- es to determine the disposition and qualities of posed to rise again from its own ashes. the mind by the form of the skull; craniology. PHE-NOM'E-NON, n.; pl. PHE-N6M'E-NA. Ap- PHRsN'~Y, n. Madness. See FRENZY. pearance; any thing remarkable. PHTHnI'IC (tlz'ik), n. A difficulty in breathing. PHW1AL, n. A small bottle; a vial. PHTHIS'I-CAL (tlz'e-kal), a. Breathing hard. RE.HIL-AN-TRROP.IC, 1 a. Loving mankind. PHY-LAC'T.R-y, n. A bandage on which was PHIL-.AN-THROPtI-CAL, - [kind. inscribed some memorable sentence.l liedicine. PHI-LAXN'TTHR-PIST n. One who loves man- PHY~'IC, n. The science of healing; a purgiilg PHI-LNNt'THRQ-PY, n. Love of mankind. [kilt. PHYt1C, v. a. To purge; to treat with physic. PHILtI-BEG, n. A kind of short petticoat:-a PHVti'-CAL, a. Natural; not moral; medicinal. PHI-LIPrPIC, n. A discourse full of invective. PHY1 tI-CAL-LY, ad. According to nature. [ic. PHj-LOL -ER n. One versed in philology. PHY-I-IAN (fe-zlsh'an), n. Professor ofphysPHi-LOL-IST, n. One versed PH —CO-THE-OL'O-Y, n. Natural theology. PHIL-Q-L6otIC, a. Relating to philology; PHYI.ICS, n. pl. Natural philosophy. PHIL-0-Lo6qI-CAL, grammatical. PHsV-i-6GNQO-MEIt, n. One who is versed in PHI-LOLrO-IZE, v. n. To make criticisms. PHrt-i-6G'N-OaISTT, physiognomy. Fnomy. PHI-LoL'.O-GY, n. The critical lkowledge of PII-I- OG-NNMWI-CAL, a. Relating to physioglanguages; criticism; grammatical learniig. PHYSS-I-OG'N.O-MY, a. The art of discovering PHIL'O —MATH, n. A lover of learning. [gale. the temper by the features of the face; the face. PHL'0O-MtL, PHIL-O-ME'LA, n. The nightin- PHYV-I-Ot/O-TER,. A physiologist. PHI-LOSIQ-PHER, n. A man versed in philos- PHY~-I-0-LOQCIC a. Relating to physiolophy. PHS I-0-Lo6 l-CAL, 0gy. [ogy. PH'iL-Q-soPRt.IC, ~ a. Relating to philoso- PHvII —OL.-qiST, n. One versed in physiolPHIL- -SPHtI-CAL, phy; rational; calmn. PHY-.I-OLO-.Y, z. The science which treats of PHIL-O-S PHtI-CAL-LY, ad. Rationally. the life and organization of animals and plants. PHI-LOS'Q-PHIM, n. Sophistry; false philoso- PHY-TCIV/O-ROS, a. That eats vegetables. phy or reasonig. [phy. PHY-TOGtRA-PHY, n. A description of plants. PHI-LOS'Q-PHIST, a. A pretender to philoso- PHRY-TOL1O-qiST, n. One skilled in phytology. PHI-LOSIO-PHIZE, v. n. To rpason; to moralize. PHaY-T6Lto-GY, n. The doctrine of plants. PHI-LOSO.-PHY, n. Knowledge, natural or PI-XACU-LAR, a. Expiatory; criminal. moral; an explanation of the reason of things, PI'A-NET, n. A bird; the lesser woodpecker. PHhILTE R, n. A love potion or charm. PI-.INIST, n. A performer on the piano-forte. PHILtTER, v. a. To charm to love. PI-XANQ-FPRTE or PI-ANfQ-FORTE, n. A muPHIZ, n. The face; the visage: in contempt. sical stringed instrument. PHLE-BOTtO-MIST, n. One that lets blood. PI-XS'TER, n. A silver coin of variable vals. PHLE -BOT'Q-MY, n. The act or art of blood-let- PI-XZ'ZA,n. A portico or covered walk. ting; venesection. [uiess. PI'CA, n. A sort of printing type:-a bird. PHLi GM (11fm), n. A watery humor: —cool- PIC-A-R6OON, n. A robber; a plunderer. PHLEG-MXAT'C or PHLG'MMA-TIC, a. Abound- PICK, V. a. To cull, select, glean, clean, open. ing ini, or generating, phlegm:-dull; cold; PICK, v. n. To eat slowly and by morsels. PHLtG'MON, n. An iinflamned tumor. [frigid. PICK, n. A sharp-pointed, iron tool. PHLQO-QIS'TIC, a. Partaking of phlogiston. [ity. PICKrAX E, n. An axe with a sharp point. PHLQ-qISITQN, n. The principle of inflammabil- PICKE. D, a. Pointed; sharp; smart; spruce. PH6NtICS, n. pl. The doctrine of sounds. PICKEiD-NESS, n. The state of being picked. PHQO-NGR.A-PIHY, n. Kind of short-hand writ- PICK'EiR, n. One who picks or culls; a pickaxe. PHO-N6L'O-.Y, n. The doctrine of sounds.[ing. PICK/E.R-EL, n. A kind of fresh-water fish. PHOS/PHQ-RAT-EiD, a. Combined with phos- PiCKIET, n. A sharp stake:-a guard. phorus. PICKEi T, V. a. To fasten to a picket. [condition. PHRS-PHQ-R,,SCE1 (fos-fo-res), v. n. To shine PIC'KLE, n. A salt liquor; a thing picked; state; as phosphorus; to emit phosphoric light. PICIKLE,V. a. To preserve in pickle; to season. PHOS-PHO-RES1CE.NCE, n. A faint light with- PlCIIt'LCK, n. One that picks locks. [pocket. out heat. PiCKiPoCK-s.T, n. One who steals from thle PHI6S-PI-lo-RYis'CENT, a. Shining; luminous. PICK'TI-IHNK, ns. A flatterer; a parasite. [teetl. PHOS'PHO-RrtS,?z. A very comIbustible sub- PICKI'T66TH, em. Instrument for cleaning thle stance. [light. PWC'NIC, n. A sort ow assembly or entertainPHO-TO6ME-TER, n. An instrument to measure PICT, n?. A painted person. [ment. PHO-T6MF'E-TRY, n. Measurement of light. PIC-TO'RI-AL, a. Relating to pictures or painters. PHRA~E, n. An expression; a mode of speech. PICT'URE (pikt'yur), n. A resemblance in colors, wEfS~isi lolag; Xti, SriY,, shlt; Al,Q,lY, obscUee.-FARE:,F R,FAST,FXLL; HEIR, HE1-t; PICTURE 211 PISTOL PICT1URE' (plkt'yur), v. a.To represent; to paint. PIMtPLED (plTmpld), a. Full of pimples. PICT-V-RPSQUEt (pikt-yu-resk'), a. Like a pic- PIN, n. A short, pointed wire; a peg; a bolt. ture; graphic; wild and beautiful; inartificial. PIN, v, a. To make fast; to join; to fix; to fasten. PIDIDLE, V. n. To trifle:-to feed squeamishly. PiNtA-FORE, n. A child's apron; an apron. PfD'DLE.R,?. One who is busy about trifles. PYN'CXSE, n. A case for pins. PIE (pi) n. An article of food:-a magpie. PIN'CER.,n.pl. Aninstrumentto draw nails, &c. PIEr'BXLD (pil/bld), a. Of various colors. PINCH, v. a. To squeeze; to gripe; to straiten. PIECE, n. A patch; a part; composition; a gun. PINCH, v. n. To bear hard upon; to be frugal. PIECE: (pes), v. a. &: n. To patch; to join. PINCH, n. A gripe; difficulty; distress. PIECEtMLEAL, ad. In pieces in fragments. PINCH'/BfCK, n. A mixed, gold-colored metal. PIECEtMEAL, a. Single; separate; divided. PINCHtERt, n. pl. Pincers. See PINCERS. PIED (pid), a. Variegated; party-colored. PINtCOSH-ION (pln'kfish-un), n. A pad for pins. PIED'NESS (pid'nes), n. Diversity of color. PIN-DXRIC, a.Afterthe nannerofPindar;lofty. PIER, n. A column to support an arch; a mole. PINE, n. An evergreen tree:-pineapple. PIERCE, v.a. To penetrate; to enter:-to aflect. PINE, v. n. To languish; to waste away. PIERCE, V.n. To make way by force; to enter. PINEt. 1P-PLE cn. The ananas, a fruit. PIERCEtA-BLE, a. That may be penetrated. PIN/ER-Y, n. A place where pineapples are raised. PIERTCER, n. One that pierces. PiNtFEATRH-,.R, n. Feather not fully grown. PIERICRING, a. Penetrating; keen; affecting. PINIFLD, n. A place for confining beasts. PItE-TTIM, n. Strict devotion or piety. PINtHOLE, n. A small hole or perforation. PItE-TIST, n. One who professes great purity. PINIQON (plnfyun),n. A wing:-a toothed wheel. PItE-TY, n. Duty to God; duty to parents. PINtION (plntyfn), v. a. To bind to shackle. PIG, c. The young of swine:-a mass of metal. PINK, ia. A small, fragrant flower:-any thing PIGa V. n. To farrow; to bring forth pigs. supremely excellent: —a color: —a fish. PIEQEON (pidtjun), n. A well-known bird. PINIi, v. a. To work in eyelet-holes; to pierce. PITqEON-HOLE (pld'junl-hl/l), n. A cavity; a PINIMA-I.ER, n. One who makes pins. compartment for papers, &c. PIN1MON-EY, n. A wife's pocket money. PIG'.IN, n. A small wooden vessel. PINtNACE, n. A small vessel:-a barge. PIG'CErNT, n. Paint; color for painting. PIN'NA-CLE, n. A pointed turret:-summit..PIG'MY, n. A dwarf. See PYGMY. P1NfNATE, PIN1tNT-ED, a. Formed like a wing. PIG'NdjT, n. An earth nut; a hog-nut. PIN1NER,Tn. Part of a head-dress:-a pinmlaker. PIG'TAIL, n, A cue; tie of hair; twisted tobacco. PINT, n. Half a quart; one-eighth of a gallon. PIKE, n. A fish:-a lance:-a peak:-za fork. PINITTLE, n. A long iron pin:-a bolt. IKrgED, a. Sharp; pointed. See PICKED. PINY, a. Abounding with pine-trees. PIKE'MIAN, n. A soldier armed with a pike. PI-9-NEER', n. A soldier who clears roads, &c. PIKE'sTXPF, n. The staff or shaft of a pike. PItO-NY, n. A large flower. See PEONY. P.I-LXS'TgR, n. A square projecting pillar. P'ovs, a. Revering God; godly; religious. PILCHIARD, n. A fish resembling a herring. PItOUS-LY, ad. In a pious manner; religiously. PILE, Xn. A piece of wood driven into the ground: PIP, n. A disease of fowls:-a seed of an apple. -a heap:-an edifice.-pl. Hemorrhoids., PIP,. n. To chirp or cry as a bird; to peep. PILE, V. al To heap; to accumulate. [theft. PIPE, n. A tube -:a tube for smoking:-an inPILfFER, v. a. & n. To steal; to practise petty strument of music:-a cask for liquids. PIL'FER-ER, c. One who steals petty things. PIPE, v. n. & a. To play on the pipe: to whistle. PlItGRaIM, n. One who travels to holy places. tIP'ER, n. One who plays on the pipe. PIL'GRRIM-A(QE, n. A journey to a holy place. PIP'ING, a. Weak; feeble:-lhot; boiling. PILL, n. A small ball or'mass of medicine. PIrP'IN, n. A vessel; a small earthen boiler. PILL, V. a. To strip; to rob; to plunder; to peel. PIPt'PN, n. A kind of tart apple. PIL'LAqE,.n. Plunder. —v. a. To plunder; to PIQU'AN-CY (pikt'n-se), n. Sharpness; tartness. PILtLA-(E.R, n. A plunderer; a spoiler. [spoil. PIQU'ANT (piklent), a. Sharp; pungent; severe. PILLAt, n. A column; a supporter; a maintainer. PIQU.ANT-LY (plk'tnt-le), ad. Sharply; tartly. PILILAR:ED (pIl'lard), a. Supported by columns. PiQUE (pek), n. Ill-will; slight anger; grudge. PIL-LAXUt n. A Turkish dish of boiled rice, &c. PiQuE (pek), v. a. To offend, irritate:-to value. PILLI.ON (plltyun), n. A woman's saddle; a pad. PI-qUETt (pe-kltt), n. A game at cards. PILILO-RY, n. An instrument of punishment. PItRA-CY, n. Robbery on the sea:-literary theft. PI'ILO-RY, v. a. To punish with the pillory. PItRATE, n. A sea-robber:-a literary robber. PILtLOW (pWilal), n. A bag of feathers to sleep on. PI/RATE, v. a. & n. To rob; to take by robbery. PILtLOW (p1llal), v. a. To place on a pillow. PI-RXTtI-CAL, a. Predatory; practising robbery. PIL',LOW-BEIR, n. The case or cover of a PI-ROGUE1 (pe-rog'), n; Canoe made of a tree. P ILL6W-CXSE, pillow. PIR-6U- TTE', n. A kind of step in dancing. PI'LQT, 7c. One who steers a ship:-a guide. PIStCA-TO-RY, a. Relating to fishes. [zodiac. PI'LQT, v. a. To steer; to direct in the course. PIS'CE*,:n. pi. [L.] Fishes; 12th sign in the PI'LOT-AeEW, n. The office or the pay of a pilot. PIS-CIVtO-RO[JS, a. Fish-eating; living on fish. PI'LOUS, PI-LOSE1, a. Hairy; full of hairs. PISH, Interj. A contemptuous exclamation. pl-MiRNtT4A, P!-XM:NtT, n. A kind of spice; all- PIStMIRE or' PIStMIRIE, /x. An ant; an emllmet. PIMP, n. A procurer; a pander. [spice. P1/S-TA'1HIO (pis-t'shl/S), n. An oblong nut. PIMP, v. n. To pander; to act the pimp. PIS-TA-REEN', n. A silver coin, value 17 cents. PIiMPER-N:L, n. A trailing or herbaceous plant. PIS'TIL, n. Seed-organ of a flower. PrIMPLE, n. A small red pustule; a blotch. PIS'TOL, n. A small fire-arm for the hand. MIIEN, S'iR; MOVEBN,, SN; BOLL, BUR, ROtLE. —, 9, so0ft;,, hard; ~ as z; i as gz; WI/s. PISTOLE 212 PLAY PIS-TOLEt, n. A gold coin of Spain, France, &c. PLAINF-SPO6K-EN, a. Speaking frankly. PS'T.ON, n. A cylinder used in pumps, &c. PLAINT, n. Lamentation complaint; lament. PIT, n. A hole, abyss; the grave; hollow part. PLAIN/TIFF, n. One who commences a lawsuit. PIT, v. a. To indent; to press into hollows. PLAINITIVE, a. Lamenting; complaining. PiT!A-PAiT, n. A flutter.-ad. In a flutter. PLAIN{TIVE-LY, ad. In a plaintive manner. PITCH, a?. Residuum from boiling tar:-turpen- PLAIN'TIVE-NkSS, n. Quality of being plaintive. tine: —height:-angle of a roof. PLAIT, n. A fold; a double; a tress. PITCH, v. a. To' fix; to plant; to cast; to smear. PLAIT, V. a. To fold; to double; to braid. PITCH, a. n. To light; to drop; to fall headlong. PLAN. n. A draught; a representation; a sketch; PITCH'IER, n. A vessel for liquids. [&c. a scheme, a form; a model; a plot. PITCHIFOIRK,n;. A fork for pitching hay, corn, PLAN, v. a. To scheme; to form in design. PITCIt-PIPE, n. An instrument to give the key. PLANE, n. A level surface:-a joiner's tool. PITCHtY, a. Smeared with pitch; black; dark. PLAN E, v. a. To level; to make smooth. PIT OALn a.s Mineral coal. [ate; tender. PLANIER, tn. One who smooths with a plane. PIT.E-Ous, a. Sorrowful; mournful; compassion- PLXN'EyT, as. A celestial body that revolves PITE-OuiS-LY, ad. In a piteous manner. about another and larger body. PIT!E-OUS-NtSS, n. Sorrowfulness; tenderness. PLANIE-TA-RY, a. Pertaining to the planets. PiTliALL, n. A covered or concealed pit. PLANrE-TR'E., n. A sort of tree. [blasted. PITH, n. A soft substance in plants; marrow: — PLXANT-STRtiCK, a. Affected by a planet; chief part; force; energy; strength. PLXN-I-PF'LI-OtCS, a. Consisting of plain leaves, PITH1I-LY, ad. With strength; with force. PLAN-I-MET1RI-CAL, a. Relating to planimetry. PITH'I-NtSS, n. Energy; strength; force. PLA-NIMt'.-TR~Y, n. Mensuration of plane surPITH'LESS, a. Wanting pith; wanting force. faces. [leaves. PITH'Y, a. Abounding with pith; strong. PLAN-I-PtrT'A-LOTS, a. Having flat petals or PITTI-A-BLE, o. Deserving pity; pitiful. PLANtISH, v. a. To polish; to smooth. [plane. PITI-A- BLE- NEss, n.The state of deserving pity. PLXN'!-SPHERE, n. A sphere projected on a PIT'i-FrIL, a. Tender; pitiable:-mean; paltry. PLANK, n. A thick, strong sort of board. PIT I-FtL-LY, ad. With pity:-contemptibly. PLANK, A. a. To cover or lay with planks. PiT'-i-FL-N: SS, n. Compassion:-despicable- PLA;N'NgER, n. One who forms any plan. PIT'I-LrSS, a. Wanting pity; merciless. [less. PLA-NO-C6).NtI-CAL, a. Flat on the one side PIT'I-LaSS-Ly, ad. Without pity; mercilessly. PLA-N)-CON;:EX, and convex on the other. PITIMIAN, n. One who works in a pit. PLANT, n. Any vegetable production. [tle. PIT'sA'W, n. A large saw used by two men. PLANT,,V. a. To set; to cultivate; to fix; to setP!TfTANCE, n. An allowance; a small portion. PLANT, V. n. To perform the act of planting. PI-TUII-TA-RY, a. Conducting phlegm or mucus. PLANtTAIN (plan'/in), n. An herb:-a tree, PI-TUt'I_-Tos, a. Consisting of phlegm. PLAN-TAiTQ.ON, n. A planting; a large farm:PITIY, n. Compassion; sympathy with misery. a settlement; a colony. PiT'Y, v. a. & n. To compassionate, sympathize. PLXNT'ER., n. One who plants; a cultivator. PIV.OT, n. A pin on which any thing turns. PLASH, na. A small lake or puddle; a branch. Pix, n. A box for the consecrated host; pyx. PLASH, V. a. To-dash with water; to interweave. PLA-CA-BIL'I-TY, n. The quality of being placa- PLASH/Y, a. Watery; filled with puddles. PLA1CA-BLE, a. That may be appeased. [ble. PLASM, n. A mould; a matrix. [cement; stucco, PLA-CARD!, n. A paper posted up; a card. PL:ANSTER, a. Lime to cover walls; mortar; PLA-CARDt, v. a. To publish by posting; to post. PLAS'TER, v. a. To overlay as with plaster. PLACE, n. Space; locality; room; rank; office. PLXS'TER-:ER, A. One who plasters. PLACE, v. a, To put in place; to fix; to settle. PLAST.Ear JNG, n. Work done in plaster. PLACE1MAN, n. One who fills a public stations. PLASTITC, a- Giving form; fictile; soft. PLAI.I)D, a. Gentle; quiet; soft; kind; mild. PLAStTRPQN, n. A piece of leather stuffed. PL.A-CID'I-TY,PLAXCID-NESS,n.Mildness quiet. PLAT, v. a. To weave, to plait; to braid. PLAI.ID-Ly, ad. Mildly; gently; with quietness. PLAT, PLAT'TING, a. Work done by platting, IIPLAQTI-A-RI~M, a. Act of purloining the writ- PLAT, n. A small piece of ground, a plain. ings of another; literary theft. PLXTIANE (plat'an), a. The plane tree. iPLA9'I-A-RIST, n. A thief in-literature. PLATE, n. Wrought silver or gold: —a dish. PLAtI-A-RY or PLAftIA-RY, an. One who PLATE, V. a. To cover with a coat of metal. commits plagiarism:-plagiarism.- [ble. PLX-TEAU' (pla-tS!), n. [Fr.] An elevated plain. PLAGUE (plig), n. Pestilence; a disease; trou- PLXT!EN, n. The flat part of a printing-press. PLAGUE (plag),v. a. To infest; to tease; to vex. PLAT'FORM, n. A horizontal plain; a scheme. PLA LGUY (plar e), a. Vexatious. [CVulgar.] PLXATI-NA, PLXT.I-NSijM, n. A very heavy, hard PLAICE (plUs), n. A species of flat-fish. PLA-TiN'IC, a. Relating to Plato; pure. [metal. PLAID (plad), n. A striped or variegated cloth. PLA-T66N', n. A body of soldiers. PLAIN, a. Smooth.; flat; clear; artless; hornely. PLAT'TER, n. A large dish:-one who. plats. PLAIN, ad. Not obscurely; distinctly; simply. PLAU'DIT, n. Applause; loud praise. PLAIN, n. Level ground; an open orflat expanse. PLAU!-I-BISL'-TY, a1. Appearance of right. PLAIN, v. a. Tolevel;to make plain. See PLANE. PLKUSfI-BLE, a. Specious; right In appearance. PLAIN'-DERAL-ING, n. Management void of art. PLAU~'I-BLE-Ni:SS, n. Appearance of right. PLAIN'-HEX;iT-E D, a. Frank; sincere; candid. PLAU~'-BLY, ad. With fair show; speciously. PLAINILY, ad. Levelly; evidently; clearly. PLAY (pla), v. n. To sport; to game; to act. PLAININESS, a. Flatness; want of show. PLAY, V. a. To use; to perform; to exhibit; tolact. iEA,jI,52, ) long; J,Yi,6,O,,J shoe-t; 4,E,Q,V,~yobscure.-F-RE,iE,FrAsT,FALL; HPIR, nIti i PLAY 2-13 PNEUMATOLOGY PLAY, a. Amusement; sport; game; a drama. PLI.ANT-NYSS, n. Flexibility; toughness. PLAY'-DAY, n. Aday exempt from tasks or work. PLI/CA, n. [L.] A Polish disease of the hair. PLAYfIERt it. One who plays; an actor. PLI-CAtTIQN, PLIC'A-TURE,a. A fold; a double. PLAYtFEL-LOW, n. A companion in amusement. PIrIERt, n. pl. Pincers for bending wire, &c. PLAY1FUJL, a. Sportive; full of play or levity. PLIGHT (plit), v. a. To pledge. —t. Condition. PLAY'FtL-NSS, n. Sportiveness; levity. PLIGHTrER (plitfer), n. One that plights. PLAY'GAXIME, n. Amusement of children. PLINTH, n. The lowermost part of a pillar. PLXYtH6IfStE, n. A house for dramatic per- pLOD, V. a. To toil; to drudge; to study closely. formances; a theatre. PLODDE.ER, n. A dull, heavy, laborious person. PLAY'MA.TE, n. A companion in amusement. PLOT, n. A small extent of ground; a plat:-a PLXY'THING, n. A toy; a thing to play with. scheme; a plan; a conspiracy; an intrigue. PLAY~WRIGHT (plat'rt), n. A maker of plays. PLOT, v. n. To devise mischief; to contrive. PLEA (ple), n. A form of pleading; an apology. PLT'TER., n. A conspirator; a contriver.. PLEAD (pled), v. n. To argue; to urge. PLOUGH (plibu), n. An instrument of husbandry. ]PLEAD, v, a. To discuss; to allege in pleading. PLOGH (plia), v. n. & a. To turn up the ground. PLEADtA-BLE, a. Capable of being alleged in PLO0GH'BOtS (ploa'bol), n. A boy that ploughs. PLEADIER, n. One who pleads or argues. [plea. PLOTGH'MIAN (pliufiman), n. One who ploughs. PLEADING, n. The act or form of pleading. PLnOiGHISHARE (plii&fshtr), n. The iron of a PLEA~'4NT, a. That pleases; giving pleasure; PLOV'ER, n. A lapwing; a bird. [plough. delightful; grateful; gay; lively. [merrily. PLUCK, v. a. To snatch; to pull; to draw; to PLi.A~tANT-LY, ad. In a pleasant manner; PLUCK,. A pull:-the liver, lights, &c. [strip. PLEA~tANT-NESS, n. Delightfulness; gayety. PLCG, n. A stopple.-v. a. To stop with a plug. PLEAt'ANT-RY, n. Gayety; merriment; humor. PLUM, n. A fruit; a raisin:-sum of ~100,000i PL0ASE, v. a. To delight; to gratify; to humtor. PLUt4.MAE, n. Feathers; suit of feathers. PLEA~E, v. n. To choose; to like; to comply. InPLTIqB (pldm)j n. A plummet; a leaden weight. PLEA~SING, a. Giving pleasure; agreeable. PLUMB (plum), ad. Perpendicularly; directly. PLA'A~U.R-A-BLE (plezhtur-a-bl), a. Delightful. IPLiMB (plu m), v. a. To sound: —to adjust. PLkAS~'UR-.A-BLY, ad. With delight. PLVM-BA'GO, a. Graphite, or black lead; an ore. PLt At'JRE (plbzh'ur), n. Delight; gYatification. IIPL tMIB'ER, n. One who works in lead. PL3:.-BiEI.AN (ple-be'yan), a. Vulgar; common. [PLiaTBtER-Y (plim'mer-e), n. Works in lead. IIPLE-BEtIAN, n. One of the lower people. PLtIM'-CAiKE, n. Cake made with raisins. PLti: DQE, n. A pawn; a gage; a surety; a bail. PLUME, n. A feather:-pride:-a token of honor. PL, DtE, v. a. To pawn; to give as security. PLUME, v. a. To strip; to feather, adorn, value. PL-iEDq-RER, n. One to whom a pledge is made. PLU'MtI-P:aD,a.Having feet covered with feathers. PLDq'tER, n. One who offers a pledge. [&c. PLUM'MET, n. A weight of lead attached to a PLtDq'1ET, ai. Small umass of lint for wounds, line:-pencil of lead. PLEILA-DE~, n. pl. The cluster of Seven Stars i PLU'MOvS, a. Feathery; resembling feathers. the same as pleiads. PLIjMP, a. Somewhat fat; not lean; sleek. PLE'IAD~ (ple'yadz), n. pl. The Seven Stars. PLUMP, v. a. To fatten; to swell; to make large. lPLLN'A-R.T-LY, ad. Fully; completely. PLTMP, ad. With a sudden or heavy fall. IPLEN/'A-RI-NESS, n.- Fulness; completeness. PLUMPIER, n. Something to dilate the cheeks. IPLEN'A-RY or PL5 NA-RY, a. Full; complete. PL rMP/LY, ad. Roundly; fully; unreservedly. PLEN-I-'LUN.A-Ry, a. Relating to the full moon. PLfjrqtP'NESS, n. Fulness; distention. PL.-NrIP'O-TENCE, n. Fulness of power. PL7M?'-POD-DING, n. Pudding made with plums. PLE-.NIP1Q-TENT, a. Invested with full power. PLtM'-TREE, n. A tree that bears plums. PLt N-I-P -TtN'T.-A-RY (plen-e-pg-tnt'she-a- PL fiMy, a. Feathered; covered with feathers. re), n. A negotiator invested with full power. PLtNrD]R, v. a. To pillage; to rob; to strip. PLEN'tI-TUDE,n. Fulness; repletion; abundance. PLN/DiDE't, n. Pillage; spoils obtained in war. PLtN'TE-OtiS, a. Copious; abundant; fertile. PLDN'D]ER-E.R, n. A hostile pillager; a robber. PLPN1T.-OrSJSLY, ad. Copiously; abundantly. PLINGEQ, V. a. To thrust or immerse. PLtNtTI-FOL, a. Copious; abundant; exuberant. PLiUNpE, v. n. To sink suddenly; to rush. PLVrN'TI-F0L- LY, ad. Copiously; abundantly. PLtiNiE, a. Act of plugining; a strait; distress. PLiEN'TY, n. Abundance; exuberance. PLUR.AL, a. Implying more than one. PLEtQ-NX~M, n. A redundancy of words. PLU'RRAL-IST, n. A clergyman who holds more PLE-Q-NXSrT.IC, a. Partaking of pleonasm; than one benefice, with cure of souls. PLE-O-NSITI.-CAL,, redundant. [blood. PLIi-R.tL'I-TY, n. A number more than one: PLTH'Q.-RA, PPLETHIO-R-;, a. A fulness of -more cures of souls than one:-the greater' PLE-THORtIC or PLtTH'OQRIC, a. Of full habit. PLU'R4L-LY. ad. In a plural sense. [number. PLEU'RA, n. [L.] A membrane within the thorax. PLOSH, n. A kind of cloth with a nap or shag. PLEU'Ri-SY, n. An inflammation of the pleura. PL'IVI-:AL, a. Rainy; relating to rain. PLE U-RIT'IC,C a. tRelating to, or diseased PLU-VIT-M'!-T.R,j n. A rain-gauge. [plait. PLEfU-RIT'.-CAL, with, pleurisy. i[PL, n. Bent; turn; bias; cast; formi; fold; PLEfU-RQ-PNEUJ-MON1-A., n. Inflamlniation of PLY, v. a. & n. To work; to employ; to bend. the pleura and the lungs. PNEr-MKXT'C (nf-m ttik ), a. Relating PLI —B-1iLI-TY, n. Flexibility; pliableness. PNE i-MXTTI-CL.rL (nii-matte-kal), 5 to air. [air. PLI'.-BLE, a. Easy to be bent; flexible; pliant. PNEfU-MXT'iCS (ni-mAtjiks), 7. pl. Science of the PLI'AN-CY, PLIIA-BLE-NESs n.a Flexibility. PINEtU-tA-T6L'9-q~ (n a-ma-tblo-je), n. The PLI'aNTr,a.Bend/ing;flexile; flexible; complying. doctrine of spiritual existence. Mt1EN, eslt; xM6VE, NxiR, s6N; RBOLL, RBR, BOLE' qr, qseft; b Ofc, -art; A C5 a; I as go; 1HIS. POACH 214 PONDEROUS P6ACH (p5ch), v. a. & n. To boil slightly:-to POLISHH-ERn.One who, or that which, polishes. steal, as game. PQ-LITEI, a. Refined or polished in manners; POACHtER (pch'te.r), n. One who steals game. well-bred; civil; courteous; genteel. POCi, n. A pustule of the small-pox, &c. PQ-LITEtLY, ad. With refinement; genteelly. POCK'ET, n. A sinall bag or pouch in a garment. PQ-LITEtNESS, n. Gentility; good breeding. PbCKt'T, v. a. To put in the pocket. P6L.I-TIC, a. Wise; prudent; artful; political. P6CK1E.T-BOOK (-bdk), n. A book for the pocket. PQ-LITfI-CAL, a. Relating to politics; civil. POCK'EIT-GLASS, n. A glass for the pocket. PQ-LiT'I-CAL-L~, ad. With relation to politics. POCK/H1LOE, n. A scar made by the small-pox. POL-I-TI"tCIAN (ptl-le-ttsh'an), sm. One ski lled In POCKt~, a. Covered with pqcks. POLVr-TIC-LY, ad. Artfully; cunningly. [politics. P6D, n. A capsule of legumes; a case of seeds. POL'I-TICS, n. pl. The science of government. PO-DAXG'RI-CAL, a. Relating to the gout. POL6I-TY, n. A form of-government; policy. p6f'Em, n. The work of a poet; a metrical POLtKA, n. A Hungarian dance. composition; a piece of poetry. POLL, n.The head; a list of persons; an election. PO1E -s, n. The art of writing poems; poetry. POLL, v. a. To lop the top of trees; to clip short; PO1ET, n. An author of poetry; a writer of po- to shear; to crop: —to take a list of. POl1.T-XS-T.Rt, n. A vile, petty poet. [ems. P6L'LARD, n. A tree lopped:-a sort of bran. POSiE T-Ess, n. A female poet. POLtLEN, n. (Bot.) A prolific farina or dust of PQ-ET TIC, I a. Pertaining to, or expressed POLLIER, n. One who votes or polls. [a flower. PQ-0_TtI-CAL, in, or partaking of; poetry. P6LL9CK, P)L/LACK,1 n. Afislh of the cod kind. PQ-:TtI-CAL-LY, ad. In the manner of poetry. POLL'TXX, n. A tax levied on heads. PQ-i:Tt.ICS, n. pl. The doctrine or theory of poetry., P.L-LUTEt, v. a. To defile; to taint; to corrupt. POtET-LAUtR'I- -TE,: n. Court-poet of England. PQL-LUT'IER,. A defiler; a corrupter. P6'ET-RY, n. Composition uniting fiction and POL-LUtTI.QN, n. Act of defiling; defilement. metre; metrical composition; verse; poems. PO-LO-NJAIiE! (pS-lo-naz'), n. A robe:-a dance. POG'fNAN-CY (pii'nan-se), in. Point; asperity. PQL-TROO6N',-. A coward; a scoundrel. POIi;tNANT (piJ'nant), a. Sharp.:severe; keen. PoL'Y, in compound words, signifies maney. POGI'NANT-LY (piol'nynt-le). ad. Sharply. POL-Y-XANtTNUS, an. A plant; a flower. POINT, n. -A sharp end: —a sting of an epigram: PQ-LYGtA-MiST, n. An advocate for polygamy. -state; a stop an aim; a degree:-a cape. PO-L15G'A-MY, L. A plurality of wives. [guages. POINT, v. a. To sharpen; to direct; to distin- POLtY-GLOT, n. A book containing miany languish; to punctuate. [cate. POLY-GON, n. A figure of many angles. PWINT, v. n. To note with the finger; to indi- PO-LYGtO-NAL, a. Having many angles. [plhers. P61NT'AL, n. The pistil of a plant. [cal; aimed. PQ-LYGR.A-piiY, n. The art of writing in ciPbINT'ID,p. a. Sharp; poignant; epigrammati- POL-Y-HEIDR.ON, n. A figure having many sides. P6iNT'tD-Ly, ad. In a pointed manner. [ness. POL'Y-PE or P6OLYPE, nt. A radiate animal. PbiNTtED-NtlSSn. Sharpness;smartness;keen- POL-Y-PET'A-LOUS, a. Having many petals. POINT'EL, n. Something on a point:-a pencil. PO-LYPH!'Q-N~M, tn. A multiplicity of sound. P6INT'ER, n. Any thing that points:-a dog. POLt~ -PUS, n.; pl. POLtY-PI. A disease or swellPV6NTtLESS, a. Blunt; not sharp; obtuse. ing in the nostrils, &c.:-an animal; a polype. POISE, n. Weight; balance; equipoise. POL'y-SCOPlE, n. A multiplying glass. POISE, v. a. To balance; to weigh; to examine. PL-Y-SPERktMaOUS. a. Having many seeds. POt SoN (piltzn), n. What destroys life; venom. POL-Y-SYL-LAI'C, a. Having many syllables. PiSt'ON (pitlzn), v. a. To infect; to corrupt. P(oL'Y-SL-LA-BLE,n.A word ofmanysyllables. Pi6jtON-ER (pIt'zn-er), n. One who poisons. PoL-Y~-T:k HNIC,a. Compreliendingmany arts. POIt'~oN-o0i (poltzntis), a. Containing poison. P6L1Y -THE-.Do,n..Doc trine ofa plurality ofgods. POi'!ON-OUS-Ly (pUl'zn-Uis-le), ad.Venomously. P6L'Y-THE-IST,n. Believer in a plurality of gods. PI'VON-OYs-NEss, n. The quality of being poi- POL-Y-THE-IS'TIC, a. Relating to polytheism. POKE, n. A bag; a sack; a pouch. [sonous. POiMtACE, n. The substance of apples ground. POKE,v.a.To feel in the dark:-to push or thrust. PQ MACEOIuS (p-o matshus), a. Consisting of apPOtKEtR, n. An iron bar to stir the fire with. PQ-iMADET, n. An ointment; pomatum. [ples. PQ-LX'CRaE (p9-laker), n. A Levantine vessel. PO-MtATVM,, n. [L.] An ointment for the hair. POtLAR, a. Relating to, or near, the pole. POME-CrTItRN, n. A fruit like a lemon. PQ-LaXR1-TYY n. Tendency to the pole. POtME-GRXNiATE, n. A tree and its fruit. POLE, n. The extremity of the earth's axis; a PiMr MEL, n. A knob on a sword or saddle. staff; a slender piece of wood; 5I yards; a PlMIMEL, v. a. To beat; to bruise; to punch. POLE, v. a. To furnish with poles. [rod. PO-M6LtO-qY, n. A treatise on fruit. POLE'XXE, n. An axe fixed to a long pole. POMP, n. A grand procession; show; parade. POLE'CXT, n. An animal; the minx or fitchet. PiTiMIP.-QN (pum'pe-un), n. A pumnpkin. PQ-LEM'IC, n. A disputant; a controvertist. PoMu-P6os'i-T, n. Ostentation; boastfulness. PO-LtM'IC, PO-LEM/I-CAL, a. Controversial. POMIPoUS, a. Splendid; magnificent; showy. POILESTiR, n. A star near the pole:-any guide. P6MtPOVS-LY, ad. Magnificently; splendidly. PO-LiCE', n. The government of a city, &c. PSM/POIs-NEss, n. Magnificence; splendor. PL'-tI-CY, n. Art of government; art; prudence: P6ND, n. A small pool or lake; a basin. -agarrant for money,&c.; a ticket; awriting. PON'DE.R, v. a. To weigh mentally; to consider. POL'ISH, v. a. To smooth; to brighten; to refine. P6NtDEIR-A-BLE, a. Capable of being weiglhed. P6LtISH, n. Artificial gloss;eleganceofmanners. P6N-Ds.R —StI-TY, n. Weight; heaviness. P iLt.ISH-A-BLE, a. Capable of being polished. PfN'D.ER-Orts, a. Heavy; weighty; important. AR,I,o,u,1, long; A X, 8,t,6,,, short J~,FIO9,~~y, obscure. —FARE,FXRi,FAST,FXLL; HtIR,IHEa1R; PONDEROUSLY 215 POSTILION PRONDER-OUS-LY, ad. With great weight. [ity. PORTTAI4E, n. Carriage; a carrying-place. PON'DER-OUS-N: ess,n.Heaviness; weight; grav- PORITAL, n. A gate; the arch of a gate; a door. PONIIARD (pon'y rd), n. A dagger. —.a.To stab. PORT-C ULfLIS, n. A movable frame over a gatePON'TAqE, n. A duty for repairing bridges. way, to be let down at pleasure. PON'TIrF, n. A priest; a high priest; the pope. PORT-CUL/L1S, v. a. To bar; to shut up. PQN-TF/'ICF a. Relating to a high priest, PORTE, n. The Turkish or Ottoman court. PON-TIFtI-CAL, pontiff, or pope; popish. PQR-TLNDt, v. a. To foretoken; to foreshow. PQN-TIfI-C AL, n. A book of ecclesiastical rites. POR-TENT',n.An omen of ill; ill-boding prodigy. -pl. The dress of a bishop or priest. POR-TENITOUS, a. Foretokening ill; omiinous. PON-TIFII-CAL-LY, ad. In a pontifical manner. PORtTER, n. A door-keeper; carrier:-a liquor. PQN-TIF'i-CATE, n. The dignity of high priest, POR'TER-A ~ E, n. The hire of a porter; carriage. pontiff. or pope; papacy. [bridge. pORT-FP6'LI- or PORT-FOLtIo, n.; pl. P6RTPQN-TON1, PON-T6ON', n. A floating vessel or F6oLI-SS. Case like a book,for loose papers,&c. PO'NY, n. A small horse:-a translation. [ Cant.] PORFTIHOLE, nb. A hole to point cannon through. P66sD, n. A Russian wveight of 36 pounds. POR'TI-co, n. pI. POR'TI-COS. A covered walk. POOL, n. A small collection of water; a pond. POR1TIQON n. A part; allotment; a wife's fortune. POap, n.. The hindmost part of a ship. pOR'TION, v. a. To divide; to parcel; to endow. POOR, a. Not rich; indigent; paltry; lean. poRTIL'-1NESS, n. Dignity of mien; corpulency. P6oR'LY, ad. Without wealth or spirit; meanly. p,RTILY, a. Grand of mien; bulky; swelling. PftR/NE SS,?1. Poverty; meanness; sterility. PORT-IAXNITEAU (-ts), n. A bag for clothes. POOR-SPrRlIT-E D, a. Mean; cowardly; base. pORfTRAIT, n. A picture drawn from the life. POP, n. A small, smart, qiuick sound. POR'TRAT-TURE (por'tra-tfir), n. A picture; porPOP, v. n. To mnove or enter quickly or slyly. pOst-TRAYt, v. a. To paint; to describe. [trait. POP, v. a. To put out or in suddenly; to shift. poRTRESS, n. A temllale guardian of a gate. POP, ad. Suddenly; unexpectedly. [liSh. pORT'REEVE, n. The bailiff of a port-town. POPE, n. The bishop of Rome: —a fresh-water por'Y, a. Full of pores; porous. POPE'DQiM, si. The papacy'; papal jurisdiction. poSE, v. a. To puzzle; to perplex; to stop. POPE-JOANt, (pip jon'), n. A game at cards. PO-ER, n. One who poses; an examiner. PtP/E.R-Y ne. The religion of the church of Rome. PO-S'5"TION (po-zish'un), n. Situation; attitude. POPE'SEYRE (popstl), en. A. gland in the thigh. po6I-TIVE, a.'-eal; absolute; direct; certain. POPtGUJN, n. A tube for shooting pellets. pO'I-TIVE-LY, ad. Absolutely; certainly. POP'rN-JXAY n. A parrot; a woodpecker; a fop. po'5I-TiVE-NESS, n. Actualness; confidence. POPtISII, a. Relating to the pope or popery. po Qs-~ss', v. a. To have; to enjoy; to obtain. POP'ISH-LY, ad. In a popish manner. poQ- sItsION (poz-zlshlun), n. The state of posPOPtLAR, n. A tree; tulip-tree or whitewood. sessing or having in one's power; property. POPLSIN, n. A stuff made of silk and worsted. Po;-:P_:StSIVE, a. Having or denoting possession. POP'P., n. A soporiferous plant and flower. POQ~ —iESS'OR,n. An owner; a master; a propriePOP/U-LACE, n. The vulgar; the multitude. PoQ-~ts'so-Ry, a. Having possession. [tor. POP'U-LAR, a. Beloved by the people; pleasing POSfSET, n. Milk curdled with wine, &c. to the people; familiar; not critical; plain. PoS-SI-BsL'.-TY, n. The power of being or doing. POP-U-L'R/I-TY, n. The favor of the people. PoS'SI-BLE, a. That may be, or be done. PouP U-LAR-Ly, id. In a popular manner. POS'I-BLY, ad. By any power existing; perhaps. POPIU-LATE, v. a. To furnish with people. POST, n. A messenger; a courier:-station; ofPOP- U-LA TIQON, 1. Inhllabitants ofa couintry, &c. fice:-a piece of timber:-a French measure. POP'.-LOCS, a. Full of inhabitants or people. POST, v. n. To travel with speed. [to put. POPtlJ-LOUS-NESS, n. State of being populous. PoST, v. a. To fix on a post-; to place; to station; PORICE-LAIN or PORtCE1-LAIN, n. Fine earth- P6ST'tAE, n. Money paid for conveying letters. en-ware; cllina-ware-; china. POST'BOV, n. A courier; a boy that rides post. PORCH, n. An entrance with a roof; a portico. POST'I-IHAIE, n. A travelling carriage. PORICVJ-PINEE, n. A kind of large hedgehog. POST'DATE, v. a.To datelaterthan the real time. PORE, n. A spiracle of the skin; a small hole. POST-DI-LU'VI-AN, a. Posterior to tbheflood. PORE, v. n. To look or examine carefully. POST-DI-LUtVI-AN, n. One living, or one who P6RII-NESS, n. Fulness of pores. lived since the flood. PORK, n. Swine's flesh used for food. POST'ER, n. A courier; one who travels hastily. PORKtE T, PORK'LING, n. A young hog. POS-TER.I-.OR, a. Subsequent; later; placed after. PO-ROS'I-TY, n. The quality of having pores. POS-TE-RTI-6RI-TY, n. The state of being after. P'OS'ous, a. Having small spiracles or passages. POS-TEtRI-QOR, n. pl. The hinder parts. P1'ROUS-NE SS, n. The quality of having pores. POS-TER/I-Ty, n. Succeeding generations; dePOR-PHY-RIT.IC, a. Relating to porphyry. P6S'TERN, n. A small gate or door. [scendants. POR'PHY-Ry, n. A hard stone or mineral. POSTIFIX, n. A suffix; a letter or syllable added. POR/P1PSE (pdr'pg.s), POR/Pus, n. The sea-hog. POST-FIXt, v. a. To add or annex attthe end. PORfRID(i-E, n. A kind of broth. [in. POST-HASTE1, n. Haste like that of a courier. POR'R.IDqE-P6T, n. A pot for boiling porridge POSTt-HORSE, n. A horse for the use of couriers. PO6RRIN-qE.R, n. A vessel in which children eat. POST'-HOtSE, n. A house with a post-office. PORT, n. A harbor; a haven:-a -gate:-car- P6SSTtUH-MOOS, a. Being after one's death. riage; air; mien:-a red wine. P6STtHU-MOrS-Ly, ad. After one's death. PORT'A-BLE, a. That may be carried. POS-TILiION (pSs-tilypun), n. One who guides PORT'4-BLE-NIISS, n. Quality of being portable. the first pair of a set of horses in a coach. IjIEN, SIR;-l MOVE, N5OR, SiN; BOLL, Bijl, ROLE.-9, q, soft;, a, lhard; ~ as z; * as gz; THIS. POSTMAN 21(6 PRECARIOUS POSTtIMAN, n. A courier; a letter-carrier. Pr6VtER-TY, n. Indigence; barrenness; defect. POSTI-DlitiRK, n. The mark or stamp of a post- POW'DER, n. Dust; gunpowder; hair-powder. office. [of a post-office. POWIDER, v. a. To reduce to dust; to sprinkle. PbSTitMAS-TEtR, -n. An officer who has charge POWrDE.R-sBOX, n. A box for powder. POST-ME-RIDII-AN, a. Being in the afternoon. P'DWDER-FRLASK, n. A case in which gunPOST'-NOTE, n. A bank-note payable to order. POWtDER-HORN, powder is kept or carried. POSTt-6F-FICE, n. Office for letters; post-house. POWIfDE.R-MILL, n. A mill to make gunpowder POSTrPAID, a. Having the postage paid. POWr'DER-y, a. Like powd-er; dusty; friable. [in. POST-PONE1, v. a. To put off; to delay; to defer. POWItrER, n. Command; authority; dominion; POST-PONE'MENT, n. A delay; act of putting off. ability; force; strength; army; ruler; state. POST'SCRIPT, n. A paragraph added to a letter. POir'1ER-FOL, a. Having power; strong; potent; POST1-T6OXN, n. A town having a post-office. mighty; forcible; efficacious. P6ST'J-L.ATE (post'yu-lat), v. a. To beg; to in- PiW*'ER-FtL-LY, ad. Mightily; forcibly. vite. [proof. rER-F tL-NESS, it. Power; efficacy; might. P6ST'tU-LATE, a. Position assumed without POW'ER-LSf SS,a. Weak; impotent; feeble. P0ST-tt-LKATIoN, n. Supposition without proof. PO IE R-L COOM, n. A loom worked by steam,&c. P6ST/'-L.A-TO-RY, a. Assumed without proof. PhiwbVw6 (pau'wfui), n. An Indian dance or POST'VRE (ptstflyr), i. State; attitude. POX, n. An eruptive disease; syphilis. [priest. POSTrVRE-xMAS'T]R, n. One who teaches post- PRtAC-TI-c.CA sILI-T, T a. Possibility to be perures or attitudes. PR/ACt TI-CA-sBLE - NESS S, formed; feasibility. P aT5~, n. A motto on a ring:-a nosegay. PrIACtTI-CA-nLE,a.Thatmaybe doneor effected. P6T, n. A vessel to hold meat or liquids; a cup. PRACrTI-CA-BLY, ad. In a practicable manner. P6T; v. a. To preserve or enclose in pots. XRAC'TI-CAL, a. Relating to practice or use. PO1TA-BLE, a. Such as may be drunk; drinkable. PRACtTI-CAL-LY, ad. By practice; in real fact. PfiT'ASH, n. A fixed alkali from wood. PRIiC'Ti-CAL-NI:SS,n.Qtuality of being practical. PQ-TA'T QN, n. A drinking-bout; a draught. PRAC'TICE,n.Habit; use;performance;method. PO-TAtTO, n. A plant and tuber. [belly. PRXCITISE, v. a. To do habitually; to exercise. PiTt'-BsL-LIED (pot'btl-lid), a. Having a large PRXACTISE, v.a.. To act,to exercise a profession. PO'TEN-CY, n. Power; efficacy; strength. PRAC-TI'"TION-ER, n.i A practiser of any art. PO'T1.NT, a. Powerful; forcible; strong. PR.E-T701RI-tlv, it. [L.] General's tent; palace. PoTE.Na-TATE, n. A monarch; a sovereign. PtRAG-MATIC, a. Impertinently busy; inPQ-TkEN'TIAL (po-ttnlshal), a. Existing in possi- PRAG-MXAT'-CAL, termeddling; pedantic. bility, not in act: —implying possibility, liber- PRAG-MATtI-CAL- LY, ad. Imnpertinently. ty, power, or obligation. PRAG-MATt.I-CAL-NE:SS, n. Quality of meddling. PO-TEN-Tj-A'XL1-TY, n. Possibility. PRAtfRLE (pratre), n. [Fr.] A large natural PO-TENITIAL-LY, ad. In possibility; in efficacy. meadow, or tract of country, bare of trees. PotTENT-LY, ad. Powerfully; forcibly. PRAI-Eri;. Renown; commendation; honor. P6T'HXNG-EgR, n. A hook to haing a poton. PRAISE (praz), v. a. To commend; to applaud. POTSEIIR or PfiTHItER, n. Bustle; tumult. PRAI~E1LESS, a. Wantingpraise. [praise. P6TrHE:RB (pbt'trb)i n. An herb fit for the pot. PRAI.E'WOR-THY (praztwiir-the), a. Deserving POTfHOOK (pbtt'hak), n. A hook to hang pots on. PRANCE, v. n. To spring or bound, as a horse. PO'ToIQN,. A draught; a medical draught. PRANK, v. a. To decorate; to dress showily. P6TtLD, a. The lid or cover of a pot. PRXN, n. A frolic; a wild flight; a trick. POTISHERD, n. A fragment of a broken pot. PRATE, V. n. To talk carelessly; to chatter. POT'TAQE, n. Any thing boiled for food. PRATE, n. Tattle; idle talk; loquacity. POT'TER, in. A maker of earthen vessels. PR.ATIER, n. An idle talker; a chatterer. P6T'TER-y, n. Work, or wares, of a potter. PRATATLE, v. n. To talk lightly; to chatter. POTITLE, n. A measure of four pints:-a basket. PRAT'TLE, n. Empty talk; trifling loquacity. POT-VALI'IANT, a. Valiant by drink. PRXT'TLE R, n. Trifling talker; a chatterer. P2OCH, n. A purse; a pocket.-v. a. To pocket. PRAV'I-TY, n. Corruption; badness; malignity. POU-(HO6IGt, n. A species of black tea. PRAWN, n. A small crustaceous fish. POULITER-1ER (pbl'ter-er), n. One who sells PRXXtIS, n. [L.] Use; practice: —example. PBUL'TICE (pal'tis),.. A cataplasm. [fowls. PR.AY (pra), v.n. To make petitions; to entreat. POULITICE (plrti.s), v. a. To apply a poultice to. PRAY, v. a. To supplicate; to implore. POUL'TRY (p1l'tre), n. Domestic fowls. PRAY'1ER (pri'er), a. A petition to God; entreaty. PbUNCE, a. The talon of a bird:-a powder. PRAY~ER-BOOK (-bfik), n. Book of devotion. P'INCE, v. To pierce; to sprinkle; to seize. PREACH, v. n. To discourse oil the gospel, &c. PboNIcET-B96X, n. A small box perforated. PREACH, V. a. To proclaim or publish; to teach. POiND,n. A weight of 16 ounces avoirdupois, PREACH'ER, n. One who preaches. or of 12 ounces troy:-in money, 20 shillings: PREACH:ING, n. A public, religious discourse. -a pinfold. PRE-AD-MONNISH, v. a.To admonish beforehand. P6OND, V. a. To beat:; to grind:-to shut up. pREtAM-BLE, n. An introduction; a preface. PONbND'A;E, n. A sum deducted from a pound. PpRE.-AMsBV-LA-TO-RY, a. Going before. P6OND!ER, n. A gun of a certain bore; a pestle. PR].i-AU'DI-ENCE, n. Previous audience. POUR (pbr), v. a. To send forth; to let out. PREB/END, n. A stipend in cathedral churches. POUR (pbr), v. n. To stream; to flow; to rush. PRI-BNsEIDAL, a. Of or belonging to a prebend. P6OT, v. n. To look sullen; to shloot out. PR.EBIE N-DA-Ry, n. A stipendiary of a cathedral. POiT, a. A fit of sullenness:-a fish:-a- bird. PRE-CA.'tRI-OuS, a. Dependent; uncertain. 1,1j,6,tY,(51esg; A5,lI,5t,asft; 4,,,,Y,od0 sre.-pBihEt FJt, FAST, FALL; HIr, Rjikt; PRECARIOUSLY 217 PREGNANT PRE-CARIR-OUJS-LY, ad. Uncertainly. PREt-DPS-TI-NAfRI-AN, n. A believer in prePRE-CA1RI-OUs —NESS, n. Doubt; dependence. destination. [tination. PRkC.A-TIVE, PREtC'A-TQ-Ry, a. Suppliant. PRE -DES-TI -NARI-AN, a. Relating to predes- - PRE-CAU'TIQN, n. A preservative caution. PRE DjSI1TI-NlATE, V. a. To predetermine; to PREE-CXTJTIQN-4-RY, a. Partaking of precau- loreordain; to predestine. tion; preservative; preventive. PRE.-DS-TI-NATIQN, n. Preordination. PRE-CE DEI, v. a. To go before in rank or time. PRE -DitS. TI-NA- TOE, 7?. One who predestinates. PRE-CE'DE'NCE, n. Act of going before; pri- PRE-DES'TINE, v. a. To decree beforehand. PRE-CEtDEN-CY, ority:-the foremost place. PItE-DE -TEi-M.I-N'TI ON, n.A previous decree. PRE-CE/DENT, a. Former; going before. PREE-DE -TEERt1IINE, v. a. To determine beforePREEV'E-DENT, n. Something done which is an hand. [farms. example to be followed; an example; thing Pr1RDI-AL, a. Consisting of, or relating to, done before. PRED-I-CA-SBIL1-TY, n. Tle being predicable. PR:E'tE-DENT-E1D, a. Having a precedent. PREED'I-C.A-BLE, a. That may be predicated. PRE-CE/DENT-LY, ad. Beforehand. [er. PREE-DIC'A-MENT,?. A class; state; condition. PREE-CEN1TOR, n. A leader of a choir; a chant- PREED'I-CATE,V. a. & n. To affirmn; to declare. PREtCEPT, n. A command; order; a imandate. PRED/I-CATE, n. What is affirnmed or denied. PREE-C3PITIVE, a. Containing or giving pre- PRED-I-CATI.ON, n. An affirmation; a declaracepts; preceptory; instructive. PRE-DiCT5, V. a. To foretell; to foreshow. [tion. PRE-CEPITQR, n. A head master:-a tutor. PRE-DICrTION, a. Prophecy; a foretelling. PREE-EP-TOtRI-AL, a. Relating to a preceptor. PIE-DIC/TIVE, a. Prophetic; foretelling. PRE CYEEP-TO-RtY, a. Giving precepts; preceptive. PRE-DICTfOR, n. Onle who predicts; foreteller. PRE-C. PITRESS, n. A female preceptor or PRE-DI-LEC'TION, n. A liking beforehand. teacher. PRE-DIS-POSE, V-. a. To dispose previously. PRE-CES'SIQN (pre-sesh'tn),n. A going before. PIE -DiS-Po-0IITION (pr8-dIs-pq-zlshlt.n), n. PRiEtCINCT or PRE-CINCTI, n. A limit; a Previous inclination or adaptation. bounidary: —a district. PRE-DOMII-NANCE, n. Prevalence; ascendency. PRE'CItOVS (preshl'is), a. Of great price or PEE.-DOi'.I-NANT, a. Prevalent; ascendent. value; very valuable; costly. PRE-DOMSSI-NANT-LY, ad. With superior influPREI1CIOV.S-NESS (prslhtsus-), n. Great worth. ence; prevailingly. PRhEE.'I-PICE, a. A headlong steep; a cliff. PRE-DOIt.lI-NATE, v. sU. To prevail; to abound. PRE CIP'I-TANCE, an. Rash haste; precipita- PRE,-D(O)-l-NA1TIQN, n. Superior influence. PREE-CIPrI-TAN-CY, tion; rashness. [rash. PRE-EMIt-N NENCE, n. Superiority; precedence. PRE-CiPri-TANT, a. Falling headlong; hasty; PRE-PEMfI-NENT, a. Excellent above others. PRE -CIP/I-TANT-LY,, ad. In headlong haste. PRE- EMI-NENT-LY, ad. In a preeminent manPRE-CIP'I-TATE, a. a. To throwdownqmasten. ner. [others. PRE-cIP'I-TATE, a. Steep; hasty; rash;*iolent. PRE-EIMPtTION, n. Right of buying before PrE-CIP'I-T ATE, a.. A term in chemistry. PREEN,?. A forked instrument of clothiers. PRE-CIP.I-TATE-LY, ad. Headlong; rashly. PiE-EN-GCA(E', v. a. To engage betorehand. PRE.-CIP-I-TA'TIQN, n. Rashness; rash haste. PRE-EN-iA Et'lMENT,n. Previous engagement. PRE-cIP'I-TOIjS, a. Headlong; steep; hasty. PRE-ES-TXB'LISH V. a. To settle beforehand. P:E -CIPt.I-TOUrS-LY, ad. In a tumultuous hurry. PRE-E.S-TXB'LISH-MtNT, n. Settlement bePRE-CISEI, a. Exact; strict; -nice; formal. forehand. PRE -CISE/LY, ad. Exactly; with precision. PRE —E-.-iST, v. n. To exist beforehand. PREE-CISEtNESS,. Exactness; rigid nicety. PRE-E.F-IST1ENCE, n. Previous existence. PRE -C11'TIAN (pre-slzh'aur), n. One very exact. PRE-E.Y-IST'ENT, a. Existing beforehand. PREE'-C0tION (pre.izh'ugn), n. State of being PREIFACE, n. An introduction to a book, &c. precise; exactnes's; nicety. PRtiF'tACE, v. a. To introduce by something. PRE.-CI'SIVE, a. Cutting off; exactly limiting. PREiFtA-CER, n. The writer of a preface. PRE-CLUDE1, V. a. To shut out by anticipation. PREiF'A-TO-RY, a. Introductory. [mander. PRE-CLUOICON (pre-kll'tzhun), n. Hinderance. PRE'FECT, an. An officer; a governor; a comnPRE-CLU'SIVE, a. Hindering by some antici- PREFfi.C-TURE, n. Command; office of prefect. pation; shutting out. PRE-PFER, v. a. To regard more; to choose: PRE-CO'CIOUS (pre-kt'shus), a. Early ripe. -to promote; to advance; to raise. PRE-CO'COIOUS-Ni:SS (pre-kt'shus-n6s), PRE- PREiIER-A-BLE, a. Worthy of being preferred. COCYI-TY, n. Ripeness before the usual time. PRiF'FER-A-BLE-NtSS, n. State of being prefPRE-COG-NI"TION, n. Previous knowledge. PRE:F'ER-A-BLY, ad. In preference. [erable. PRZE-CQN-CEIVE', v. a. To inmagine beforehand. PREPFER-:NCE, n. Act of preferring; choice. PRE-CON-CEP'TIQN, n. Opinion previously PRE-FP RI'rE.NT.n. Advancement; highler place. formed; previous conception. PREE-FIG-U-RAi/TIQN, n. Act of prefiguring; PRE-CON-CERT', V. a. To settle beforehand. antecedent representation. [ures. PRE-CONfTRACT, n. A previous contract. PRE-FrG'U-RA-TIVE, a. Foreshowing by figPRE-CURESOR, n. A forerunner; a harbinger. PRE-FIGIVRE (pre-figtyur), v. a. To exhibit PRE-CURi'SQ-RY, a. Introductory; previous. by antecedent representation. [before. PRE-DA'CEouS (pre-da'shus), a. Living by prey. PRE-FIXt, v. a. To appoint; to settle; to put PREtDAL, a. Robbing; practising plunder. PRE'FiX, n. A particle placed before a word. PRED'I-TQ-RY, a. Practising rapine; rapa- PREtSiNAN-CY, n. State of being with young. PRl:D-E-C2stSQlt n. One going before. [cious. PRi.G/NANT, a. Being with young; fruitful; full. MIEN, SiR; StVE, NOR, SlN; rBLL, BiL, aR LE.-4 —,, soft; I, ~, ha~rd f as z; I as gz; sTEHs. 19 PREGNANTLY 218 PRESS PRJM tNANT-LY, ad. Fruitfully; fully. PRrV-P6N-DMR-X'TION, n. Act of outweighing. PRES-H2NTS.ILE, a. Coiling around; grasp- PRLgP-0-SItTTON (prtp-o-zlsh'in), n. (Gram.)PRE-H N'SQ-RY, 5 ing; taking hold. A particle governing a noun or pronoun. PRE-JUDtCE', V. a. To determine beforehand. PRE-POStI-TQR, ni. A nlonitor; an inspector. PRE-JiTJDQMENT, n. Previous judgment. PRE-Po~Q-'~SS', v. a. To0 preoccupy, prejudice. PR'E-JfJtDI-CATE, v. a. & t. To prejudge. PRE-POQ-S SI'sIQN (pre-poz-ztsh'un), n. PrePRE'-JU-DI-CATION, n. The act of prejudging. occupation; prejudice; preconceived opinion. PREJ'U-DICE (predtju-dis), n. Prepossession; PRE-POS-S ESSO QR, n. One that prepossesses. previous bias of the mind; mischief; injury. PRE-PlOSITER-EOris. a. Distorted; reversed; perPREJ'V-DICE, v. a. To fill with prejudice; to vetrted; wrong; absurd; foolish. hurt; to bias. [injurious. PRE, -POSTE.R-O iS-LY, ad. Absurdly; foolishly. PRtJ-U-DIt'CIAL (pred- u-dshfal), a. Hurtful; PRE.-POS'TER-o0TS-NkSS, n. Absurdity. PR2J-u.-Dr"CIAL-NItSS n. Mischievousness. PR:EtPC:E, in. The foreskin. PREL'A-CY,n. The dignity or office of a prelate. PRE-REQtU.I-ITE (pre-rtk'we-ztt), n. SomePR-Lt.ATE, n. A bishop; a high ecclesiastic. thing previously required; requirement. PRE-LAT'IC, a. Relating to prelacy or pnRE-i Q'uI-ITE a. Previously necessary. PRE.-L'Tt'I-C.AL, prelates; haughty. PRE-ROtA-TIVE, n. An exclusive privilege. PRiD-LXT'I-CAL-LY, ad. With reference to prel- PRES'AqE, n. Something that foreshows. PRVL'A-TIST; n. An advocate for prelacy. [ates. PR-sXGAEt v. a. To fiorebode; to foreshow. PRL.-LPC'TIQN, n. A reading; a lecture; a dis- PR:i~:BY~-TER, n. A member of a presbytery; PRE-LECtTOR, n. A reader a lecturer. [course. a priest; an elder. [rinfism. PRt-LI-BA'TIQN,n. A previoustaste; foretaste. PRPE-BY-TEtRI-AN, a. Relating to P resbytePRE-LIMFI-NA-RY, a. Previous; introductory. PRE,~-BY -TERI-AN, n. One who holds to PRE.-LiM'I-NA-RY, n. First step; condition. church government by presbyteries. PRE2L'UDE, in Flight or flourish of music be- PRE-B~Y-TE'RI-AN- iM, na. Ecclesiastical govfore a full concert:-something introductory. ermnlent conducted by presbyters. PRI. LODE', v. n. & a. To be previous; to in- PRE'BY-TER-y, n. A body of presbyters. troduce; to precede. PRE SCI- lINCE (pretshe-ens), i. Foreknowledge. PRE-LUtSIVE, PRE -LUtSQ-R~, a. Introductory. PREtSCI-ENT (preSshle-ent), a. Foreknowing. PRE-MA-TUREt, a. Ripe too soon; too early. PRE-SCRIBE,,v. a. &it. To set down; to direct. PRE-MA-TURE'LY, ad. Too early; too soon. PRE ESCRYPT, n. A direction; a precept; order. PRE-M4A-TURLEINEsS, an. Too great haste; un- PRE-SCRIPtT1QON, s. A custom long continued PRE-MA-TUtRI-T.'rt seasonable earliness. till it has the force of law: —medical receipt. PRE-MiEDt-TATE, v. a, To contrive beforehand. PRE-SCRIP'TTVE, a. Established by custom. PRE-MIED/I-TATE, v. t. To think beforehand. PRt[ E~NCE, n. State of being present; port; air. PRE —MED-I-TA1TION n. Act of premeditating. PRhE~S T, a. Now at hand; not absent; now PREM'IER or PREtM.I- R, n. A prime minister. existiWg; not past; not future. PRE-MIE', tv. a. To explain previously. [tions. PRLitENT, n. A gift; donative; present time. PR. —MI~E', v. n. To make previous proposi- PRE-tIENT', v. a. To exhibit, offer, give, prefer. PRtM I-SE., n. pl. (Logic.) The first two prop- PIRE-E~ NT'A- BLE, a. That may be presented. ositions ^0f a syllogism.-(Law.) Houses or PRk:-EN-TA'N:E-OuS, a. Ready; quick. lands:-statements before made. PREl- N-TX'TIQN, n. Act of presentiing; show. PRiElMI-tJM, n. A bounty; recompense; reward. PREE -EN'TA-TIVE, a. Admitting presentations. PRE-MONIISH, v. a. To admonish beforehand. PR3 E- EN- T i'/, n. One presented to a benefice. PRE-MQ-NItrTIQN, n. Previous intelligence. PRE-SENTIER, n. One that presents. [idea. PRE-M6Nt'-TQ-RY, a. Previously advising. PREl-SNTt.I-MENT, n. A previous notion or PR:M-V-NVIRE., n. [L.1 A writ; a penalty. PREJt'ENT-LY, ad. Immediately; soon after. PRE-MV-NPIfTION, n. Previous defence. PRE-SENT'MENT, n. The act of presenting. PRE-NO'TIQN, n. Foreknowledge; prescience. PRE- ERV'A-BLE, a. Capable of preservation. PRE-OiCCIJ-PAN-CY, n. Previous possession. PREE-ER-VA'TION, n. The act of preserving. PRE-OiC-CU-PXtTION, n. Prior occupation. PRE-bERV'A-TT VE, n. That which preserves. TPRE-OCCCU-P?, v. a. To occupy previously. PRE-SERV1A-TIVE, a. Tending to preserve. PRE-OR-DAINt, a. a. To ordain beforehand. PRE-iERV'A-TO-RY, a. Tending to preserve. PRE-ORtDI-NANCE, n. An antecedent decree. PRE-SERVE1, v. a. To shelter from hlarm; to PRE-OR Di-NA'TIQN. n. Act of preordaining. save to keep:-to season, as fruit. PRikP-A-RATIQN, n. Act of preparing; state PRE-SERVEI, n. Fruit preserved in sugar. of being prepared; readiness. [ting. PRE-siERViER, n. One who preserves. PRE-PXR'A-TIVE, a. Tending to prepare; fit- PRE-SIDE', v. n. To be set over; to direct. PRE-PXR'A-TIVE, n. That which prepares. PRE2'I-DEN-CY, n. The office of president; PRF-PX R'A-TO-RY, a.Introductory; antecedent. superintendence; direction. [or state. PR.-PikREt v a. To make ready, qualify, form. PREt'I-DENT, n. One at the head of a society PRE-PAREt, v. n. To take previous measures. PREE-I-DENtIAL, a. Relating to a president. PRE-PAR'ED-NESS, n. State of being prepared. PRt~1t-DENT-SHIP,X n. The office of president. PRE-Pi: NSE, a. Preconceived; premeditated. PRE-~tD/I-AL, a. Relating to a garrison. [son. PRE-P6NfDER-ANCE,. Superiority of weight. PRE- IDI-A-RY, a. Of, or relating to, a garriPRE-PON'DER-ANT- a. Outweighing. PRESS, v. a. To squeeze; to distress; to urge. PR- PON'DERt-ATE, v. a. & n. To exceed in PRESS, v.n. To urge; to encroach; to crowd. weight; to outweigh. PRess, n. An instrument for pressing or printAEIOUY long; XIty fS, short; AEIQyY obscurte. — FREE,FiR,PASTBILL; HLIR, EIRER PRESSBED 219 PRINCIPLE ing:-the business of printing:-a crowd; a PRYV-'-OUs, a. Antecedent; going before; prior. throng:-case or frame for clothes. PRiEIVI-OfiS-LY, ad. Beforehand; antecedently. PRESS'B-shD, n.- A bed to be shut up in a case. PRE'v.I-OS-N'-SS, n. State of being previous. PRtSSI'GNG, n. A crew that impress men. PREY (pra), n. Rapine; plunder; ravage. PRESS/MlAN, n. A printer who works at the PREY (pra), v. n. To plunder; to rob; to waste. press. PRLEY13E:R (prater), n. A robber; a devourer. PRiSS'-M6N-Ey (pr6s'mtin-e), n. Money given PRICE, n. Value; estimation; rate; reward. to a sailor when lie is forced into the service. PRICK, v. a. To pierce, spur, mark, make acid. PRd. SStURE (pr6shfur), n. Actof pressing; force. PRicK, n. A point; a spur; a puncture; pain. PRE-MIMt'A-BLE, a. That may be presumed. PRICKrER, n. A sharp-pointed instrument. PRE-UME1,E. v. n. To suppose, affirm, venture. PRICKEtT, n. A buck in his second year. PR.E-UiMP'TION (pre-ziumshun), n. Supposi- PRICIt'NG, n. The sensation of being pricked. tion; strong probability; arrogance; boldness. PRICIKLE, n. A small, sharp point. PRE-~i MPTIYE, a. Probable; supposed. PRICK/LI-NESS, n. Fulness of sharp points. IPRE ~-0MPT'U-ots (pre-ztmntfyu-tis), a. Ar- PRICKILY, a. Full of sharp points. [loftiness. rogant; unreasonably confident; bold. [dence. PRIDE, n. Self-esteem; vanity; haughtiness; IIPRE-UM1IPT1U-O0rS-LY, ad. With vain confi- PRIDE, v. a. To make proud; to rate high. IPRE- iSJMPTT'-ovs - NESs, n. Vain confidence. PRlER, n. One who inquires narrowly. PEE SUP-Po1- AL, n. Previous supposition. PRIEST (prest), n. One who officiates in sacred PRE-SUP-PO6EI, v. a. To suppose beforehand. offices; a clergyman; a minister. [priests. PRE -SP'PO-IP0I.OTIN, n. Previous supposition. PRIEST'CRAFT, a1. Religious fraud; fraud of PR:E-SUR-MI1E1, a. A surmise previously formed. PRIESTTESS, n. A female priest. [of priests. PRE-TENCE,?1. A pretext; assumption; show. PRIEST'HOOD (prest'hlfd), n. Office and order PRE-T1.NDI, v. a. &; n. To hold out an appear- PRIf STtLI-N.SS, n. The manner of a priest. ance of; to simulate; to allege falsely. PRIESTILY, a. Becoming a priest; sacerdotal. PREE.-TtND1tElD-LY, ad. By false appearance. PRIEST'-RID-DEN, a. Governed by priests. PRE-TENDtER, a. One who pretends or claims. PRIG, n. A pert, conceited little fellow. PREE-TLN!SION, n. A claim; a false appearance. PRiGP'I SH, a. Conceited; pert. [Colloquial.] PREITER. A particle from. the Latin, which PRIM, a. Formal; precise; affectedly nice. signifies beside or beyond. PRIM, v. a. To deck up or form precisely. PRE-TER-. -PER1FECT, a. Not perfectly past. PRI1MA-CY, n. The office or dignity of primate. PRiETE LR-ITE, a. (Gram.) Past or perfect. PRI'MAG(E, tL. Charge in addition to freight. PREE-TER-MitS1IQN an. The act of omitting. PRI'MA-R.I-LY, ad. Originally; in the first place. PRE-TER-MITt av.a. To pass by; to neglect. PRI1MA-RI —NtSS, n. The state of being first. PRE-TER-NXTtU-RAL (prz-ter-ntttyyu-ral), a. PRIIAM.-RY, a. First; original; chief; principal. Different from what is natural; unnatural. PRItMATE, n. The chief ecclesiastic in a church. PRE-TER-PER1F:CT, a. (Gra7n.) Absolutely PRitMATE-SHIP, n. Dignity or office of primate. or perfectly past. PRIME, n. The dawn:-the best part:-spring. PRE-TERPL-PL-PEPR'F.CT, a. Past before an- PRIME, a. Early; principal; first-rate; excellent, other event. [false show. PRIME, v.a. To put powder in the'pan of a PRE-TEXT' or PRE'tTBXT, n. A pretence; a gun:-to lay the ground on a canvas for PRETQOR, n. A chief judge in ancient Rome. painting. [lence. PRE-TO1RI-AL L, a. Relating to a pretor; ju- PRIME.NESS, n. State of being first; excelPRE-TO'RI-4N, ~ dicial. PRIMIER, n. A small book for children. P-RE.TOR-SHIP, a. The office of pretor. 1IRI-ME1VAL, a. Original; first; primitive. PRET'TI-LY (prlt'te-le), ad. Neatly; pleasingly. PRIMING, n. Powder in the pan of a gun:PRET'TI-NRiSS (prlt'te-nes), n. Beauty without the first coat in painting. dignity; neatness; neat elegance. PRYIM.I-TIVE, a. Original; first; primary. P~,ET1TY (prlt'te), a. Neat; elegant; pleasing. PRIMl.-TIVE, a. A primitive or original word, PRETITY (prit'te), ad. In some degree; mod- PRIIM'I-TIVE-Lyad. Originally; at first. erately; considerably. PRYIMNESS, n. Affected niceness or formality. PRE-VAIL/, v. n. To be prevalent; to overcome. PRI-MO- CtENI-AL, a. First-born; primary. PRE-VAILtING, a. Predominant; efficacious. PRI-MQ -PENT'I-TOR, n. A forefather; ancestor. PREVIA-LNCE, n. Superiority; influence;force. PRI-MQ-_ENI-TURE, a. State of being firstPR.EV A-LtNT, a. Predominant; efficacious. PRI-MPr'DI-AL, a.Original; first in order.[born. PRtV'A-LENT-LY, ad. Powerfully; forcibly. PR-MOR1DI-AL, na. Origin; first principle. PRE-VXRtI-CATE, v.n. To evade the truth;to PRIMEROaE, n. A plant, and its flower. equivocate; to quibble; to shuffle. PRINCE, n. A sovereign; a ruler; a king's son. PRE-VAR-I-CAtTION, n. A quibble; a cavil. PRINCEIDIM, n. State and power ofa prince. PRE-VAR'I-CA-rTQR,an. A caviller; a quibbler. PRYNCE'LI-NESS,n. State or dignityof a prince. PRE-VLENI-ENT, a. Preceding; preventive. PRINCE'LY, a. Beconming a prince; grand. PRE-VNT1, v. a. To hinder; to obviate; to stop. PRIN'CE~'-FEATH'Er R, n. A plant and flower. PRiE-V?,NTfA-BLE, a. That may be prevented. PRINfCESS, n. A sovereign or royal lady. PR -vENT'r R, n. One that hinders. PRINtCI-PAL, a. Chief; first; capital; essential. PRE -VENfTIQN, n. Hinderance; obstruction. PRINtCI-PAL, n. A head; a chief; a capital PRiE-VEN TSVE, a. Preservative; hindering. PRIN-CI-PALtI-TY, n. A prince's domain. [sum. PRE-VENtTIVE, n. A preservative; an antidote. PRINICI-PAL-LY, ad. Chiefly; above the rest. PRE-VENtTIVE-LY, ad. In a preventive manner. PRIN'CI-PLE, n. Constituent part; cause:-a MIEN, SYR; MtVE, NOiR, 65N; BOLL, BUR, REOLE. —, q, soft; $,:, hard; V as z;'T as gz; THIS. PRINCIPLE 220 PRODUCER fundamental truth; an axiom:-ground of ac- PRiOBrLEM, a. A question proposed for solution. tiou; motive:-doctrine; tenet. PROB-LEM-AT'I-CAL, a. Uncertain; disputable. PRIN'CI-PLE, v. a. To establish in principles. PROB-L.iM-ATXTI-C.AL-LY, ad. Uncertainly. PRINK, v. a. & ii. To dress for show. PR.O-BsS'CIS, n. The trunk of an elephant, &c. PRINT, v. a. & n. To mark any thing; to im- PRO-CEDIU.RE (pro-std'yur), n. Act of proceedprint; to impress words. [paper. ing; conduct; process. [arisePRINT, in. A mark made by pressure:-a news- PRQ-C D!, V.n v. To go on;to advance, issue, PRiNTtER, n. One who prints books, &c.[raphy. PRQ-CEED/5:R, n. One who proceeds. PRINTIINB, n. Business of a printer; typog- PRO-CEElDfING, n. A transaction; a procedure. PRINTtING-PRESS, n. A press used for printing. PR.OCEE2D ors PRQ-CEED~', n. pl. Produce; PRITOR, a. Former; antecedent; anterior. income; receipts; rent. PRIOQR, n. The head of a priory of monks. PRQ-CPERJI-TY, n. Tallness; height of stature. PRItQR-BESS,n. A superior of a convent of nuns. PROEISS, n. A progress; an order; operation; PRI-ORt.-TY, n. State of being first; precedence. conduct:-course of law; a suit. PRItOR-Y, n. A convent inferior to an abbey. PRQ-CBS'SIQN (pro-stslfun), n. A train marchPRIH~M, n. A sort of solid:-a sort of glass. ing in ceremonious solemnity:-act of issuing. PRIM-tXT';IC, a. Formed as a prism. PRQ-CES'SIQN-AL, PRQ-CSt'SION-A-RY (prQPRIR-iMXTtI-CAL-LY, ad. In the form of a prism. sis'shun-a-re), a. Relating to procession.. PRYI'MOiD, n. A body somewhat like a prism. PRO6'HRO-NI~M, n. The act of antedating, or PRIS~ON (przlzn), n. Place of confinement jail. of dating of a thing too early. PRI~tON (priztzn), v. a. To imprison; to confine. PRO-CLAIMI, v. a. To promulgate; to publish. PRI~tON-BASE (prlz'zn-bas), n. A rural play. PRO-CLAIM'ER, n. One who proclaims. PR'8oN-]R (prlz'zn-er), n. One who is con- PROC-LA-Mi.ATIOQN n. A public, official notice. fined in prison; a captive; one taken by an PRO-CLIVII-TY, n. Tendency; inclination. enemy. [hold. PRo-CLIVOU.tS, a. Inclined; tending by nature. PRI'tON-H6OSE (prizezn-hbids), n. A jail; a PRQ-CO6NSVL, na. A Roman governor. PRISrTINE, a. First; ancient; original; pri- PRQ-CoNSU-LLAR, a. Belonging to a proconsul. PRITHiEE. A corruption of Ipray thee. [mary. PRQ-C6NtSU-LATE, n. The office of proconsul. PRIC'VA-CY, n. Secrecy; retirement; privity. PRQ-C6ONSU.L-SHIP, n. Office of a proconsul. PRI'VATE, a. Not open; secret; alone; not PRQ-CRAS'TI-NATE, v. a. & ia. To put off from PRI'VATE, it. A common soldier. [public. time to time; to postpone, to defer; to delay. PRI-VA-TEER,t n. A private armed vessel. PRO-CRXS-TI-NAtTION, n. Delay; dilatoriness. PRI-VA-TEERI, v. n. To fit out, or cruise in, PRQ-CRAStTI-NA-TOR, n. A dilatory person. privateers. PRO'tCRE-ANT, a. Productive; pregnant.' PRIVATE-LY,. ad. Secretly; not openly. [ment. PRO'CRE-ATE, v. a. To generate; to produce. PRIIV.TE-N.SS, n. Secrecy; privacy; retire- PRO-CRE-O ATION, n. Generation; production. PRI-VAfTION, n. The loss of any thing; absence. PRO'CRRE-A-TIVE, a. Generative; productive. PRIV.A-TIVE, a. Causing privation; not posi- PRo'CREi —A —TIVE-NESS i. Power of generation. PRIVSA-TYVE, n. A negative property. [tive. PROtCRE-A-TOR, n. A generator; a begetter. PRIV'A-TIVE-LY, ad. By privation; negatively. PROCITOQ, n. An advocate; an attorney in a PRIVY.A-TIVE-NESS, n. Notation of absence. spiritual court:-an officer in a university. PRtIVrE T, n. A plant or shrub. [prerogative. PROCITOR-SHIP, n. Office or dignity of a procPRIVI-L]EQE, n. A peculiar benefit; immunity; PRQ-CU3IJBE.NT, a. Lying down; stooping.[tor. PRIV'I-LE.E,v.a. To grant a privilege; to free. PRQ-CfRt.A-BLE, a. Obtainable; acquirable. PRIV'I-LY, ad. Secretly; privately; clandestine- PR6C'U-RA-CY, a. The management of a thing. PRWIVI-TY, n. Private concurrence; privacy. [ly. PR6C-i-RATI1ON, n. Procurement; managePRIV'Y, a. Secret private; privately knowing. PROCrIU-RA-TOR, n. A manager; agent. [ment. PRiv't, n. A partaker:-a necessary house. PR6C-U-RA-TO)RI-AL, a. Relating to, or done PRIZE, n. A reward gained by contest; plunder. by, a procurator. [urator. PRIZE, v. a. To raise with a lever. See PRY. PROC-U-R.ATOR-SHIP, n. The office of a procPRIZE, v. a. To rate; to esteem; to value highly. PRQ-CU'R.A-TQ-RY, a. Tending to procuration. PRIZE'-FIGHT-ER, n. One that fights for a re- PRQ-CURE, v. a. To manage; to obtain; to PRIZ1EiR, n. One who prizes or values. [ward. acquire; to gain; to win; to furnish. PRO. [L.J For; pro and con, for and against. PRQOCUREBMENT, n. The act of procuring. PROB-.A-BIL.I-TY, na State of being probable; PRQ-CUJR1ER, n. One who procures; obtainer. likelihood; appearance of truth. PRO-CURESS, n. A bawd; a seducing woman. PR)BtA-BLE, a. Likely; liaving some evidence. PRiOD'-GAL, a. Profuse; wasteful; expensive. PROB'A-BLY, ad. Likely; in likelihood.[proved. PROD/II-GAL, n. A waster; a spendthrift. PR6'BATE, n. Proof of a will: —copy of a will PROD-I-GAL.I-TY, n. Extravagance; profusion. PRQ-BXKTTIN, n. Proof; trial; novitiate. PROD.I-CGAL-Ly, ad. Profusely; wastefully. PRQ-BX'TI.CN-.-RY, a. Serving for trial. PRQ-DiQ'IOUS (pro-dij'us), a. Amazing; monPRO-BA.tTION-]ER, n. One upon probation. strous; astonishing; extraordinary. PRO'B.A-T9-RY, a. Serving for trial or proof. PRQ-DtiQ'IOUS-LY (pro-dlj'us-le), ad. AmazingPROBE, n. A surgeon's instrument. PRQ-DIrIIOUS. NESS, a. Enormousness. [ly. PROBE, v,. a. To search; to try by a probe. PR6D'I-mY,n. A monster; any thing astonishing. PROBE'-SCYi~-QR, n. pl. A surgeon's scissors PRO-DUCEf, v. a. To bring forth, exhibit, cause. to open woundls. PROD'UCE (pradfdus), a. Product; production. PR.B'I-TY, n. Honesty; uprightness; veracity. PRQ-D5tJCER, n.' One that generates or-produces. Ags,xo,,long; XRX,,ltyl, sihort; b,iJr,QVIY, obscure.-FAREARtaFTFA LL; lHIR, H5t; PRODUCIBLE 221 PROMPT PRO-DU-iCI-BLE, a. That may be produced. PROG-NOS-T.I-CXATION, n. Act of foretelling. PR6OD'CT, n., A thing produced; produce; re- PROG-NOS1TI-CA-TOR,. One who foretells. PRO-DiCItTILE, a. That may be drawn out.[sult. PROGRAAM, n. An outline or sketch of exPRO-DJC'TI.ON,n. The act of producing; product. PRO1GRAtMME, 3 ercises. PRQ-DC1TI1VE, a. That produces; fertile; gen- PROGtRESS, n. A course; advancement. erative; efficient. [ductive. PRO-GRESSt, v. n. To proceed; to advance. PRO-DtC'TIVE-NESS, n. State of being pro- PRoQ-GRE'SIQON(-grish'un),b. Advance; course. PRO'EM, n. A preface; an introduction. PRQ-GRES'SIQN-AL,a. Advancing; increasing. PRO-E'tM!-AL, a. Introductory; prefatory. PRO-GREStSIVE,a. Going forward; advancing. PROF-A-NXATIQN, n. Violation of things sacred. PR(-GR:E slsiVE-LY,ad. By regular course.[cing. PRO-FANEt, a. Irreverent to things sacred; ir- PRQ-GREtSSIVE-NSSS, n. The state of advanreligious; impure; secular; not sacred. PRO-HIB'IT, v. a. To forbid, interdict, hinder. PRQ-FANE,v. a. To violate; to desecrate; to PRO-HIBsIT-ER, n. A forbidder; an interdicter. put to wrong use. [edly. PRo-HI-BI"tTIo N (-he-blshtun), n. An interdict. PRO-FANE'LY, ad. With irreverence; wick- PR.O-IBtI-TO-RY, a. Forbidding; prohibiting. PRO-FANENE, SS, a. Irreverence of what is sa- PRoQ-JECTI, v. a. To throw, scheme, contrive. cred; profanity. PRQ-JiCT', v. n. To jut out; to shoot forward. PRO-FA.NtEI.R, a. One who profanes or pollutes. PRO6JECT, n. A scheme; a design; a contrivPRO-FPXN'.-TY, n. Quality of being profane; ance:-plan; device. profaneness. [avow. PRO-JiCcTILE, n. A body projected in space. PR.Fo iSSt, v. a. & n. To declare openly; to PRO-JRCITILE, a. Impelling forward. [plan. PRO-FPSStED-LY, ad. With open declaration. PRO-JEC'TIQN, n. The act of projecting: —a PRQ-FrS'SION (-fish'un), n. A calling; a voca- PRQ-JECT'QR, n. One who projects or designs. tioni; an employment requiring a learned edu- PRQ-JdCT'tIRE (pro-jiktyVur), n. A jutting out. cation:-a declaration. PROiTLATE, a. Extended beyond an exact sphere. PRQ-FES'SIQN-AL, a. Relating to a profession. PRQ-L'TIQN, na. Pronunciation; utterance. PRO-Fts'SIQN-AL-Ly, ad. By profession. PRQ-LEP'SIS, n. An anticipation; an anachroPRO-FttSSQOR, n. One who professes or teaches. nism; prochronism. PRO-FES-SO'R.I-AL, a. Relating to a professor. PRQ-LPt'TIC, PRQ-LhP'TI-C.AL, a. Antecedent. PRO-FESS/QR-SH1P, n. The office of a professor. PRO-LIF.IC, a. Fruitful; productive; fertile. PROF'FE.R, v.a. To offer for acceptance; to pro- pRO-LrF-I-CXtTION, n. Generation; production. pose; -to attempt. PRO.-LF'.IC-NESS, n. The state of being prolific, PR6OFtFER, n. An offer made; a proposal. PRQ-L'IX, a. Long; tedious; diffuse; wordy. PR6F/FEiR-ER, n. One who proffers; offerer. PRPQ-LIX.I-TY, n. Tediousness; tiresome length. PRP-F "CIIEN-CY (-fishten-se),n. Advancement. PRQ-LIX'NESS, An. Tediousness; prolixity. PR6-FI"CIE.NT (pro-fislhtent), n. One who has IIPROL-O-CUfTQR Or PRQ-LOCtU-TQR, n. A made advances in any study or business. spokesman; the speaker of a convocation. PRO'FILE or PRIO-FALEt, n. The side-face; a |IPRoL-Q-CTUTQR-SHIP, n. The office of prolohalf face:-outline of a building. cutor. [tion. PROF'IT, n. Gain; advantage; advancement. PROL1QGU.E (proltog), n. A preface; introducPROF1IT, v. a. To benefit, advantage, advance. PRO-LO NGt, v. a. To lengthen out; to continue. PROF'iT, v. n. To gaill advantage; to improve. PRO-LON-GA'TIQN, n. Act of lengthening; dePROFtIT-A-BLE, a. Gainful; lucrative; useful. PRO-L6NGER,n a. One that prolongs..[lay. PR6F'tT-A-BLE-NB9SS, a. Gainfulness; useful- PR6MVt-E-NXiDE, n. [Fr.] A walk for pleasure; ness. [ly. a place of walking. PROF'IT-A-BLY, ad. Gainfully; advantageous- PRSM-E-NXDEt, v.n. To take a walk. PROF'/LI-GA-C:Y, a. Profligate or shameless con- PRO6)t.I-NRNCE, PRalt.r-NEN-CY, n. State of duct or vice; depravity. [ed. being prominent; protuberance. PR6FtL.-GATE, a. Abandoned to vice; wick- PROMtI-NRNT, a. Conspicuous; protuberant. PRFItLI-G4TE, n. An abandoned wretch. PR6MII-Nt:NT-LY, ad. With prominence. PR6F'LI-GATE-Ly, ad. With profligacy. [ness. PRO-MIStC'-ois, a. Mingled; confused; mixed. PROF1LI-GATE-NESS, a. Profligacy;'dissolute- PR-M1IStCV-OiUS-LY, ad. With confused mixPRO-FrONDI, a. Deep; thorough; low; humble. ture. [cuous. PRO)-FPOND', n. The deep; the sea; the abyss. PRO-MIStCJV-OUs-NSSS, n. The being promisPRO -F3ONDtLY, ad. Deeply; thoroughly. PROM'ISE, n. An engagement to do some parPRO-FO0NDtNESS,t n. Profundity; depth. ticular thing; a binding declaration; hopes. PRO-FJNtDI.-TY, n. Depth of place or knowledge. PROM'ISE, v. a. & n. To assure by a promise. PRO-FUSE/, a. Lavish;prodigal; overabounding. PR6M-I-S-EE1, n. One to whom a promise is PRQ-FUSEtLY, ad. Lavishly; with exuberance. P6RSils-IR, an. One who promises. [made. PRO-FUSEtNESS, n. Lavishness; prodigality. PROMTIS-SO-RY, a. Containing a promise. [sea. PRO-Fl'o1ON (pro-fti'zhun), n. Lavishness; PROMSO.N-TO-RY,, n. High land jutting into the piodigality; extravagance; abundance. PRO-MOTEt, v. a. To forward; advance; exalt. PR O-EN'I-TORp, n. A forefather; an ancestor. PR.i-MIT'ER, a. One who promotes. PROQE -NY, n. Offspring; descendants,; race. PRQ-MO'TION, n. Advancement; preferment. PR.OGNOSTtIC, a. Foretokening; foreshowing. PRO-MO1TIVE, a. Tending to promote; proPROG-NOS1TIC, n. That which foreshows; a moting. [easy. sign; a token; prediction. [show. PRMrPT (prlmt), a. Quick; ready; acute; PROG-NOS1TI-CATE, v. a. To foretell; to fore- PROMPT (prlmt), v. a. To assist; to incite. MIEN, SIR; M6OVE, NOR, SON; BtLL, BUiR, ROLE. —q, t, soft; 0I, Pt, hard; ~ as z; F as gz; TaHIS. 19* PROMPTER 222 PROSPEROUTSLY pR6MPTIE.R (promt'er),,. One who prompts. PRQ-PORfTION, n.. The comparative relation of PROMPITI-TUDE, n. Readiness; quickness. one thing to another; symmetry; size; part. PRE6MPTtLY (pr6mt'le), ad. Readily; quickly. PRO-PORITION, v. a. To adjust by comparative PRO6aPTNE.SS (prlmt'nes), n. Readiness. relation; to form symmetrically. PRO-MtL'GATTE, v. a. To publish; to make PRQ-PoRITTlQN-A-BLE, a. That may be proporknown; to announce. tioned; proportional. [ble state. PR6M-u-L-GAtTIQN, n. Act of promulgating; PRQ-POR/TI.N-A-BLE-N~ss, a. Proportionapublication; exhibition. PRO-POR'TION-A-BLY, ad. By proportion. PROMIUL-GX-TQR, n. A publisher. PRQ-POR'TIQN-AL, a. Having due proportion. PRQ-nMVLQEI, V. a. To promulgate; to publish. PRQ-POR-TIoN-LA.L'I-Ty, n. The quality of be..PRQ-MOLt'IE.R, n. A publisher; a promulgator. ing proportional. PRONE, a. Bending downward; inclined. PRO-POR'TION-AL-LY, ad. In a stated degree. PRLNE'NESS, n. The being prone; inclination. PRO-POR'TIQN-ATE,a. Proportional. PRONG, n. A spike or tine of a fork, &c. PRO-POR1TI.ON-ATE,. a. To make proportionPRO-NOM.I'-NAL, a. Relating to a pronoun. al; to equalize; to proportion. PR5ItNOtN, n. A word used instead of a noun. PRO-POR'TION-ATE-LY, ad. Proportionally. PRQ-NOf5NCE', v. a. & n. To speak; to articu- PRQ-POR'TIQN-ATE-NSSS, n. Proportionality. late; to utter; to declare. [nounced. PRO-PO.AL, n. An offer; a proposition. PRQ-N&ONCE'A-BLE, a. That may be pro- PRO-PrE', V. a. To offer for consideration. PRQ-NOtNV9ER, n. One who pronounces. PRQ-PO ER, n. One that proposes or offers. PRQ-N0tN-CI-A'TIQN (pro-niin-she-a'shun), n; PROP-Q-VItTION (-zislb'un), n. A thing proThe act or mode of pronouncing. posed or affirmed; a proposal. [ing. PRn6F, n. Evidence; test; trial; impenetrabil- PROp-Q-I"TI.QN-.AL (-zlsh'un-al), a. Proposity:-a rough sheet of print to be corrected. PRO-POUNDI, v. a. To offer; to propose; to exPR6OF, a. Impenetrable; able to resist. PRO-P&ONDtER, n. One who propounds. [hibit. PROP, v. a. To support; to sustain; to keep up. PRO-PRI'E-TA-RY, n. A proprietor; an owner. PROP, n. A support; that which sustains. PRQ-PRI'F-TA-Ry, a. Belonging to a certain PROP/IA-GA-BLE, a. That may be propagated. owner or proprietor. [right. PRPt1A-GXATE, v. a. To extend, increase, spread. PRQ-PRIIE-TQR, ni A possessor in his own PROP-A-GA'TIQN, n. Act of propagating; gen- PRQ-PRIVE-TRESS, n. A female proprietor. eration; extension. PRO-PRItE-TY, n. Fitness; justness; proper state. PROPIA:GA-'-QR, ia. One who propagates. PRQ-PtiLtSION, n. The act of driving forward. PRQ-PELI, v. a. To drive or urge forward. [lean. PRO-RQ-GAtTION, n. Act of propagating; conPRQ-PENDt, V. n. To incline to any part; to tinuance; prolongation. [put off. PRO-PBNtDEN-Cy, n. Inclination or tendency. PRO-ROGUEt (pro-rg'), v. a. To protract; to PRQ-Pi:NSE', a. Leaning; inclined; disposed. PRO-Xt'C, a. Belonging to prose; like prose. PRQ-PrNSEtNSS, na. A natural tendency. PRO-SCRIBEt, v. a. To censure capitally; to PROQ-PRN'SIQN, na. Natural tendency, bent, or condemn; to denounce; to interdict; to outPRO-PtNtSI-TY, inclination; bias. PRO-SCRIBtER, n.* One who proscribes. [law. *PROPER,, a. Peculiar; one's own; natural; fit. PR.-SCRIP'TIQN, n. Condemnation; outlawry. PROP'ER-LY, ad. Fitly; in a strict sense. PRO-SCRIPITIVE, a. Proscribing. [ic measure. PROP'].R-TY, n. A peculiar quality:-a posses- PR6OE, n. Discourse or language without poetsion; what one possesses; an estate; goods. PROSI6-CiJTE, v. a. To pursue; to continue; to PR6PH/E-CY, n. A foretelling; a prediction. carry on; to pursue by law; to sue. [suit. PRbPH'1-SI-'R, n. One who prophesies. PR6S-E-CITI.ON, n. A pursuit; a criminal PROPH'E-SY, v. a. & n. To predict; to foretell. PRS1s-GcU —TQRn. One who prosecutes. PR6PHtET, n. One who foretells; a predictor. PROSIE.-LYTE, n. A convert to a new opinion. PR6PH'ET-tSS, n. A female prophet. PRO6S/-LYTE, v. a. To make proselytes of; to PRQ-PHETI.C, a. Relating to a prophet; convert. PRQ-PHIT1.I-CAL, foretelling. - [ecy. PRSIE-LYT-ItMn. Act of making proselytes. PRQ-PHET'I-CAL-LY, ad. In manner ofa proph- PRB~IER,i n. A writer of prose; a dull relater. PROPH-i-LXC/'TIC, n. A preventive medicine. PRO-SIO'D-AN. n. One skilled in prosody. PR6PH-V-LXC/TIC, a. Preventing disease; PRO-SODt.-CAL, a. Of or relating to prosody. PRPH-.Y'LXC1TI-CAL, - preventive. PROSSO-DIST,n. One who understands prosody. PRQ-PIN'QUI-TY, n. Nearness; kindred. PROS'O-DY, n. The laws of versification. PRQ-PI'TTI-A-BLE (-pishte-a-bl),a. Placable. PROS-O-PQ-PE'-tIA (prts-so-po-pt'ya), n. PerPRO-PIf1TI-ATE (.pltsh'e-5t), v. a. To induce to sonification. [of expectation. favor; to conciliate; to make propitious. PR6SIPE CT, n. A view; object of view; ground pRQ-PI-T!-A'TIQN (-plsh-e-h'shun), n. The act PRQ-SPECtTI9N, n. A looking forward..of making propitious; atonement. [peaser. PRO-SPrC'TIVE, a. Looking forward; future. PRO-PI1rTI-A-TQR (-plsh'e-a-tur), n. An ap- PRO-SPEC'tUs, a. Tile plan or outline of a litPRO-Pl'iTI-A-TO-RY (-plshl'e-a-tur-e), a. Hav- erary work, &c. [vor. ing the power to make propitious. [seat. PRS'PE.R, v. a. To make prosperous; to faPRQ-P7T.TI-A-TQ-RY, n. Jrmonet the Jews, mercy- PROsl'PiR, v. ls. To be prosperous; to thrive. PRO.-PIttTIOVS (-plsl'fus), a. Favorable; kind. PROS-PRaI.-TY, na. State of being prosperous; PRO-Pr/TIO1OUS-Ly (ptsh'us-le), ad. Favorably. success; good fortune; welfare. PRO'PQ-LISi n. A red, resinous substance. PR6sS'PER-OrS,a. Successful; fortunate; lucky. PRQ-POINENT, n. One that makes a proposal. PRS'P:ER-OtS-LY,ad. Successfully; fortunately. RRIsoPloc bug; a,$,I,6,P,R, short; A,:,IsQ,yXY, obscure.-FiREFARFPSTFALL; H IR,E5tHR; PROSPEROUSNESS 223 PTOLEMAIC PPROtr'PR-Ovs-Ntss, n. Prosperity; success. PRQ-VYfN'CIAL-YSM, n. A provincial idiom. PROStTI-TUTE, V. a. To sell to vile purposes. PRQ-Vf'!SION (-vizh'un), n. Act of providing; PROSSTI-TUiTE, a. Vicious for hire; sold to vice. preparation; measures taken:-victuals; food. PROS'TI-TUTE, a. A base hireling:-a public PRO-Vi11ION,. a. To supply with provisions. strumpet; courtesan; harlot. [ness. PRO-V"lt;IQN-AL,a. Temporarily established. PR6S-TI-TUi'TION, n. Act of prostituting; lewd- PRO-Vitf'IQN-AL-LY, ad. By way of provision. PROStTI-TU-TQR, n. One who prostitutes. PRo-VItSIQON-A-RY, a. Making provision. PROS'TRATE, a. Lying at mercy; thrown down. PRO-Vi'o0, n.'[L' Caution; provisional condiPR6S1TRATE,v. a. To lay flat; to throw down. PRO-VI o~, n. A purveyor; a steward. [tion. PROS-TRA1TIQN, n. Act of prostrating; depres- PROi-V'I~o-RY, a. Conditional; including a proPRO1STYLE,In. A range of pillars in front. [sion. viso:-provisional. [ment. PRQ-TGCTt, v. a. To defend; to cover from evil. PRO V-o-CATIQN, n. A cause of anger; incitePRQ-TEC'TION, n. Defence; a shelter; a pass- PRO-V~OCA-T1VE, a. Stimulating; inciting. PRO-TEC1rTIVE, a. Defensive; sheltering. [port. PRQSVO'CA-TIVE, n. Any thing that provokes PRO-T:ECTQR, 1n. One who protects; a defend- or excites; a stimulant. [tive. er; supporter; guardian. [tector. PR.o-vOC.A-TIVE-NESS, ii. The being provocaPRQ-ThCT1Q-RATrE, a. A government by a pro- PRO-VoKE,,v.a. To rouse, incite, enrage, offend. PRO-TrECT'OR-SHIP, n. The office of a protector. PRO-VOK'E R, n. One who provokes; an ilciter. PRO -TiE:CTR SS, sn. A woman who protects. PRoV'QST, n. Chief of any body, as of a college. PRQ-Tt ND't v. a. To hold out; to stretch forth. PRO-VOST' (-vS'), n. Executioner of an army. PRO-TEST, v. sn. To affirm with solemnity. PROVQOST-SHIP, n. The office of a provost. PRO-TSTt, v. a. To call as witness; to affirm; PROWS, n. The bead or forepart of a ship. rto assert:-to disown. PROW'Et.SS, n. Bravery; valor; intrepidity. PROtTEST or PRfT'tST,n. A solemn declara- PROWL, v. n. To rove about; to wander for tion of opinion, as against something. PRO*L,,n. A ramble for plunder. [prey. PROT'ES-TXNT, a. Belonging to Protestants. PROIArL]ERR n. One that roves about for prey. PROTt.S-TANT, sn. One of tlhe reformed religion. PROXII-MATE, a. Next; nearest; inmmediate. PROTtES-TANT-I~M, n. The reformed religion. PROX/I MATE-LY, ad. Immediately; next, PROT-ES-TATI QN,n. A solemn declaration. PRQX-iMtI-TY, 21. Immediate nearness. [tute. PRQ-TESTtE R, n. One who protests. PROx'Y,n The agency of another; a substiPRO-THON'Q-TA-RY, n. The head register or PRnDE,n. A woman over-nice and scrupulous. clhief notary:-a chief clerk. ling. PRU'DENCE, n. Wisdom applied to practice; PRoSTO-COL, n. The original copy of any writ- caution; discretion; carefulness. PRO-To-1iARfTYR, n. The first martyr. [emplar. PRUDENT, a. Practically wise; discreet. PROTOQ-TYPE,n. The original of a copy; an ex- PRU-DENfTIAL, a. Proceeding from prudence. PRO-TRXCT', v. a. To draw out; delay,; lengthen. PRV-DENtTIAL-LY, ad. According to prudence. PRO -TRAXCtTIoQN n. The act of protracting. PRU-DEN'TIAL n.ppl. Maxims of prudence. PRO-TRPXC'TIVE, a. Dilatory; prolonging. PRfIDENT-LY, ad. Discreetly; judiciously. PRO-TRD:Et, v. a. & n. To thrust or extend PRtD/iER-Y, n. Excessive nicety in conduct. forward; to jut out. [ward. PROD!ISH, a. Affectedly precise or grave. PRO-TRUO/IOQN, n. The act of thrusting for- PRPNE, v. a. To lop or cut off; to trim. PRQ-TRt'SIVE,a. Thrusting orpushing forward. PRPNE, n. A dried plum. [stuff:-a plum. PRo-Ti!JBER-N-EANCE, Aprominience; a bunch. PRV-NtL'LO, n. A kind of woollen or mixed PRQ-TU'BE R-ANTa. Swelling; prominent.[out. PRJON'ER, n. One that prunes or crops trees. PRQ-TU'BEgR-ATE, v. n. To bulge out; to swell PRIJ-NIF/E'R-OS, a. Plum-bearing. PRQ-TUJ- rER-AtTION,n. The act ofswelling out. PRNJNG-ROOR (-hak),. A hook or knife PRO)D, a. Possessing pride; haughty; high. PRJNtlNG-KNIFE (-nlf), used in pruning. PROJDtLY, ad. Arroganilly; in a proud manner. PRit'Ri-,N-cY, n.. An itching desire. PR6V'A-BLE, a. That may be proved. [dulre. PRV!RI-ENT, a. Itching; uneasy with desire. PR6vEr, v. a. To evince; to show; to try; to en- PRY or PRiZE, v. a. To raise with a lever. PROVE, v. n. To make trial; to succeed. [corn. PRY, v. n. To inspect officiously or curiously. PROVtEN-DIRI n. Food for brutes; hay and PSXLM (sam), n. A sacred song or hymn. PRVt'ERB, n. A common saying; a maxim. IIPSXL'MIST (sal'mist or saln'st), n. A writer PRo-va.tBI-4AL, a. Mentioned in a proverb. of psalms. [psalms. PRO-VER'BI-AL-IST, n. One who uses proverbs. IIPS.XL'IO-DYST (sal'mno-dlst), n. A singer of PRQ-VER'BI-AL-LY, ad. In a proverb. [ply. IPsXL'AMQ-DY (sslmlno-de), n. The practice or PRO-VIDE', v. a. To procure; to prepare; to sup- art of singing psalms. PRO-VID'ED, conj. On condition that; if. PSAL'TER (skwl'ter),?1. The book of Psalms. PRi(V'.-DdNCE,n. The divine superintendence PSiL'TER-Y (skwl'ter-e), n. A kind of harp. or government:-timely care; foresight. PSEUtDO (sdtdS). A prefix, signifyingfalse. [ing. PRV' I-DENT,a. Forecasting; cautious -prudent. PSEfi-DOC,'RA-PHY (su-dkg'ra-fe), n. False writPROV-I-DEN'TIAL, a. Effected by providence. PSHXW (shsw), itesj. Expressing contempt. PROV-i-D)N'TI4L-LY, ad. By providence. PSI'-RHO1L'Q-~Y (si-kolt-je), n. The doctrine PR6v'r-D:DNT-LY, ad. With wise precaution. of the mind or soul; intellectual philosophy. PRO-VIDtER, n. One who provides or procures. PTXR'M.-GXN (trt'me-), n. A bird; the grouse. P.Ro6v'INCE,ni. Asubject country; region; office. PTIS-XAN (tiz-zxn!), n. A decoction of barley. PRQ-VIN'CIAL, a. Relating to a province; rude. PToL-E.-MAIC (tkl-e-maqik), a. Belonging to PR.O-VNCI.AL, n. A spiritual or chief governor. the system of Ptolemy, the astronomer. iIEN, SIR; M6vIV, NR, S6N; BOfLL, BUR, RtLE. —Q, 9, soft; 1, sG, hard; as z; T as gz; WSHIso PTYALISM 224 PUIRGE PTVtA-LYIM (ti'ta-lzm), n. Salivation. PftM.ICE or PrMt'ICE, n. Scoria from volca. Pt'BER-TY, n. The ripe age in mankind. noes; slug or cinder of a fossil. P.V-BtSElCE.NCE, n. State of puberty:-down. PUMP, n. Engine for drawing water:-a shoe. PV-Bst'C. NT, a. Arriving at puberty:-downy. PItmP, v. n. To throw out water by a pump. PaBtL.IC, a. Belonging to a state or nation; not PrMP, v. a. To raise out:-to examine artfully. private; comlon; general; open; notorious. PfirMPtKIN, n. The ponlpion, a plant and its fruit. PB'ILIC, n. The body of a nation; the people. PrN, n. A quibble; a play upon words. [pun. PJBI'LI-CAN, n. A Roman officer who was a PtN,.n. To quibble.-v. a. To persuade by a collector of toll or tribute. PrNCH, v. a. To bore or perforate; to push. 1POB-LI-CA'TION, n. The act of publishing; a PriNCH, n. An instrument; a liquor; a buffoon. literary work. [and of nations. PrONCHt-BsWL, n. A bowl to hold punch. PIB'LI-CIST, n. A writer on the laws of nature PONCH'EQN (pfinch'tn), n. A tool; a cask. PUB-LIVIY-TY, n. Notoriety. PUNCHE R, n. One who punches; a tool. P`BtLIC-LY, ad. In a public manner; openly. PiN-C.I-NiELr LO,n. A sort of buffoon; a punch. PItB'LISH, v. a. To make public; to put forth. PUNC-TILIaO (pungk-til'yS), n.; pl. PUNC-TILtPB'tLlsH-ER, n. One who publishes books, &c. IE. A small nicety of behavior; a nice point. PJBtLISH-IMENT, va. Public notice; publication. PUNC-TIL/IOtJS (p.mngk-tiltyus), a. Nice; exact. PUtCE'-RON, n. The vine-fretter; an insect. PVNC-TiLlIOUS-LY (pl.ngk-tillyus-le), ad. ExPtCK'aER, v. a. To gather into plaits or folds. actly; scrupulously. [cing. PrtCKtER, n. A small fold or wrinkle. [nIult. PUNCtTO, n.; pl. PUNC'ToE9. A point in fenPODtDDER, n. A tumult.-v. n. To make a tu- PNCTtV.-AL (piingkt'yu-gl), a. Exact; nice; PrDtD.ING, n. A kind of food, baked or boiled. punctilious:-done at the precise time; prompt. PtD'IDLE, n. A small, muddy pool; a dirty PUNCT-U-AL'I-TY, ns. Scrupulous exactness. PU-D1VI.-TY, n. Modesty; chastity. [plash. PUNCTtU-AL-LY, ad. Exactly; nicely. ling. PtE.-RILtE, a. Childish; boyish; trifling. PUNCTtU-ATE, v. a. To distinguish by pointPU-E-RIL/I-TY, n. Childishness; boyishness. PUNCT-i-.tATIQN, n. Act or method of pointing. PU-ER 1PE -RAL, a. Relating to childbirth. PUNCTtURE (pungkttyur), n. A small prick; a PVFF, n. A blast of wind; a fungous ball; praise. PUNCT'tURE (ptingkt'yur), v. a. To pierce. [point. PUFF, v. n. To swell with wind, blow, pant. PUNIDIT, n. A learned Brahmin. [nancy. PrFF, v. a. To inflate; to swell: —to praise. PitN'tEN-CY, n. A pricking; sharpness; poigPOF'F.N, n. A water-fowl:-a kind of fish. PUN' 1ENT, a. Pricking; sharp; acrid; piercing. P'rFFY, a; Windy; flatulent; tumid; turgid. PUtN-NESS, an. Pettiness; smallness. PtG, n. A fondled dog:-a monkey. PruNtISH,v. a. Tochastise; to afflict with pain. PUGH (p6), intesj. Expressing contempt. PUNtISH-A-BLE, a. That may be punished. PUtIJL, n. A small handful. [the fist; boxing. PUNTISH-ER, a. One who punishes. PftJ'QIL-~Ma n. Art or practice of fighting with PUNIiSH-sM5 NT, n. Pain inflicted for a crime. PU'IfL-ST, n. A fighter; a boxer; a prize- PUNI-TIVE, a. Pertaining to punishment. PU-qIL-~ST1tC, a. Relating to pugilism. [fighter. PU'NI-TQ-Ry, a. Punishing; tending to punish. PVG-NXACIOVs (-nashbus), a. Fighting;quarrel- PrNK, n. A common prostitute; a strumpet. PTG-NX9t'-T, a. Inclination to fight. [some. PUN'STER, n. One skilled in punning. PJOISNE (pi'ne), a. Younger; inferior; small. PONT, n. A flat-bottomed boat. [rate. PUtIS-SANCE, v, Power; strength; force. PUNY~, a. Petty; inferior; weak; inferior in P'TiS-SANT, a. Powerful; strong; forcible. PUP, v. n. To bring forth puppies. PusRE, n. An emetic; a medicine causing vomit. PtiJP, n. A puppy:-a young seal. [ward. PfitE, v. n. To spew; to vomit. [ness. PUtPFL, n. Apple of the eye:-a scholar:-a PtL10HRI-TUDE, n. Beauty; grace; comeli- PU'PIL-AQE, n. State of a scholar; wardship. PULE, v. n. To cry; to whine; to whimper. Pi'PiL-LA-RY, a. Pegtaining to a pupil. POLL, v. a. To draw forcibly; to pluck; to tear. PtPPEFT, n. A small'image to be moved. POLL, n. The act of pulling; a contest; a pluck. Pmrp'tP, n. A whelp; the progeny of a bitch, PffLLtER, a. One that pulls; an inciter. PrPrPY-I~M, n. Extreme affectation. POLtLET, n. A young hen. [elevating. PUR, PURR, n. A gentle noise made by a cat. POL'LEY, n. A wheel turning on a pivot, for PUR, v. n. To murmur as a cat or leopard. PiL'MQO-NA-R, a. Belonging to, or affecting, PURtBLIND, a. Near-sighted; short-sighted. PUL-M6NtIC, the lungs. PURtCHAS-A-BLE, a. That may be purchased. PilL P, n. Any soft mass:-soft part of fruit. PURtCH.ASE, V. a. To buy for a price; to obtain. POL'PIT, n. An elevated place to speak in. PUR'CHASE,n. Any thing bought; act of buying. PrLPtOUS, PitLP'Y, a. Soft; pappy; like pulp. PURICHAS-ER, n. A buydr; one that purchases. PiLtSIA-TILE, a. That may be struck or beaten. PURE, a. Clear; genuine; uncorrupt; chaste. PUL-SAtTIOQN, n. The act of beating; a throb- PUREILY, ad. In a pure manner; merely. PUL-SAtTOR,n. One who strikes; a beater. [bing. PURE.NaSS, n. Clearnless; genuineness; purity. PmLtSA-TQ-Ry, a. Beating like the pulse. PVR-GAtTION, n. The act of cleansing or purifyPOLSE, n. The motion of an artery as the blood PUR'GA-T!V'E, a. Cathartic; cleansing. [ing. is driven through it; a throb:-beans, &c. PURtGA-TIVE, n. A cathartic medicine. P1L'VE.R-A-BLE, a.' That may be pulverized; PiR-GA-TOtRI-AL, a. Relating to purgatory. possible to be reduced to dust. PijR'GA-TO-RY, n. A place in which, according PmL-VER-I-ZAtTIQN, n. The act of pulverizing. to Roman Catholics, souls are purged from imPLt'EvR-IZE, a. a. & n. To reduce or fall to purities. POLV.IL, n. Sweet-scented powder. [powder. I PURSE, v. a. & n. To cleanse, clear, evacuate.,2Jl,,a,i lkong; X,E-,,[ag,, short;,Es,,y~ obscurs. —AKREXaR, FAST,FALL; tHIR,iHtiit PURGE 225 PYX PURIE, n. A cathartic medicine; a purgative. PU-SIL-LXN'I-MOtTS-LY,nd. With pusillanimity. PUiRQ ER, it. One who purges:-a cathartic. PU-SIL-LN'tI-MOVUS-N.ESS,n. Meanness of spirit. PU-RI-FI-CAtTIQNn. Act ofmaking pure; arite. Pss, n. A term for a cat, or for a hare. P -FRI-FI-ER, n. A cleanser; a refiner. l'UST'tLE (pisttyil or pis'til), n. A pimple. PUtRI-FY, v. a. To make pure; to cleanse. P[iSTU.-LOUjS, PUST't-LAR, a. Full of pustules. PUtRIM, n. The Jewish feast of lots. POT, v. a. [in. t. & pp. put.] To lay; to place; POR.IST, n. One over nice in the use of words. to apply; to propose; to state; to offer. PUPR.-TAN, n. An advocate for purity of religion. POT, V. sn. To shoot or germinate; to bud. PijORI-TAN, a. Puritanical; strict; rigid. PUT, n. A rustic; a clown:-a game at cards. PU-RI-TXN.IC, a. Relating to the Puritans; POT'-OFF, n. A shift; an evasion; an excuse. PO-RI-TXNfI-CAL, f strict; rigid. PUtTA-TIVE, a. Supposed; reputed; not real. PU-RI-TAN'I-CAL-LY, ad. Strictly; precisely. PO'TRE.-F.XC/TIQN, n. A growing rotten; rottenPOtRI-TAN-I[ M, n The notions of the Puritans. PU-TR.-FXC/T.IVE, a. Making rotten. [ness. PU'RI-TY, n. Cleanness; innocence; chastity. PU1TRE.-F, v. a. To make rotten.-v.. n. o rot. PURL, n. A flow; a malt liquor; a lace. PU-TRESICENCE, n?. The state of rotting. PURL, v. n. To murmur; to flow gently. PU-TRES1C]ENT, a.- Growing rotten or putrid. PUR'LIEU (puiir'l),n. Border; enclosure; district. PUTPRID, a. Rotten; corrupt; putrefied. PUERLING, n. The gentle noise of a stream. PU'TRID-NESS, PU-TRIDQI-TY, n. Rottenness. PUR'LINS, s. pl. The inside braces to rafters. PU-TRI-FI-CXATIQN, S?. State of becoming rotten. PI'R-LOIN', v. a. To steal; to take by theft. PUT'T.', n. A kind of cement used by glaziers. PVR-LOIN'ER, n. One that steals clandestinely. PUZ/ZLE, v. a. To perplex; to confound. PUR'PLE, a. Red tinctured with blue. PiUZtZLE, n. Embarrassment; perplexity:-a PUR'PLE, n. The purple color; a purple dress. PUZZLE R, n. One who puzzles. [riddle. PURIPLE, a. To make red; to color with purple. PYE, Cn.- Printing types mixed; pi., See PIE. PUR'PLISH, a Somewhat purple; like purple. PYGA.RG, n. A kind of eagle with a white tail. PURfPOSRT, n. Design; meaning; tendency; aim. PYG-ME AN, a. Belonging to, or like, a pygmy. PURIPO6RT, v. n. To intend; to tend to show. PGctmY, n. A dwarf.-a. Small, little. PUR'PQSE, n. Intention; design; aim; effect. PY-LO'RUS,. The lower orifice of the stomach. PURIPOSE, v. a. & n. To intend; to design. PYR'A-CANTH, n. A plant'; a kind of thorn. PURtPQSE-LY, ad. By design; by intention. PYR'MA-MID, n. A solid figure ending in a point. PURSE, n. A small bag for money. PY-RiMII-DAL, a. Having the form of a pyramid. PURSE; v. a. To put into a purse, contract. [er. PYR-A- M6' IC, a. Relating to, or formed PUjRSE'tNT,n. A net with a mouth drawn togeth- PYR A M'I-L like, a pyramid. PURSEt-PRIDE, n. Pride or insolence of wealth. PYR-.A-MID.I-CAL-LY, ad. In form of a pyramid. PURSEt-PRUOD, a. Puffed up with riches. PYRE, n. A funeral pile; a pile to be burnt. PURiSErR, n. The paymaster of a ship. PV-RITTE2, n. A crystalline mineral;-written PUjRSI-Nt:SS, a. Shortness of breath. also pyr iete. PUR-SU'A-BLE, a. That may be pursued. PY-RITSIC, PVRtI-TOiS, a. Relating to pyrites. PUR-SUtANCE, n. A prosecution; a process. PIREO-LItGNE-(OS, t a. Obtained by the distilPUtR-St'ANT, a. Done in consequence. PYR-O-LIGNIC, lation of wood in iron PUR-SUE' (pur-sti'), v. a. To chase; to follow. PvRtQ-MXN-CY, n. Divination by fire. [retorts. PVR-S1tE.R, n. One who pursues or follows. PYR-Q-MXNfTIC, a. Divining by means of fire. PURSUOITt (pur-sftt), n. A following; a chase. PY-ROMitE-TER, -n. An instrument to measure PU-RtSUI-VXNT (-swe-vant), n. A messenger: — very high degrees of heat. PUR'sY, a. Fat and short-breathed. [attendant. PVR-o-Ti0HtN'NC, a. Relating to firePUR.TET-NANCE, n. Appurtenance:-pluck. P~R-O-T Ht.NI-CAL, works. P'UtJRU-LtNCE, n. Pus;-or the generation of pus. PtR-O-TEH/'NICS,. pi. Art of fireworks. PUtRU.-LNT, a. Consisting of pus. [procure. PVR-Q-TE0HtINST, n. One skilful in pyroPIR-vEYt (pur-vat), v. a. & n. To provide; to technics. PVR-VEYtANCE (pur-vat'ns),n. Act of purvey- PRt.Q-Ti:OH-NY, n. The art of making fireing; procurement; provision. works for amusement or war. PUR-VEYtQR (pur-vatur), n. One that purveys. PR'tRHO-NIqM (pirt9-nlzm), n. Scepticism. PURiVIEW (puiirfv), n. Sphere; limit; scope. PR'RHOQ-NIST, n. A sceptic; a follower of PUS, n. A yellowish-white secretion; matter. Pyrrho. [oras. POSH, v. a. To thrust; to press forward. PY-THXG-(-REtAN, n. A follower of PythagPOSH, v. n. To make a thrust; to burst out. PY-THXG-Q-RVtAN, a. Relating to Pythagoras. POSH, n. A thrust; an impulse; assault; attack. PY-THXG/Q-RI~M, n. The doctrine of PythagPOSHtPIN, n. A child's play with pins. oras. PU-SIL-LA-NIM/I-TY, in. Cowardice; timidity. PITH'ON-rSS, n. A sort of witch. [host. PU-SIL-LIN.I-MOb S, a. Cowardly; faint-hearted. Prx, n. The box in which Catholics keep the MIEN, SYR; MOVE, NOR, SONI; BLL, BUeR, ROLE. —, -, soft; ~, X, hard; ~ as z; Y, as gz; THIS. Q 226 QUELL Q. f is a consonant followed by u. Qu is corn- IIQUXL (kwam or kw.m), n. Sudden seizure monly pronounced like kw, as in quail. of sickly languor:-nausea:-scruple. QUiXCK, v. n. To cry like a duck:-to boast. IIiQUiALM/IISH (kwrm'jsh),a. Seized with languor. QUACKK, n. A vain pretender to the science of QUAN-DA'RY (kwon-da're or kwon'dq-re), na. A medicine; a charlatan; an empiric. doubt; a difficulty; a dilemma. QUXCK, a. Falsely pretending to cure diseases. QUANITI-TY (kwtn'te-te), a. Bulk; weight:-a QUXCKI'E R-y, n. Act or pretensions of a quack. portion:-the measure of a syllable. QUACK'.ISH, a. Boasting like a quack; trickish. QUAN/TUtMI (kwtn'tum), n. Quantity; amount; QUAD-RA-qtS'/I-MAL (kwtd-), a. Lenten. QUAR-AN-TINEI (kwtr-an-ttn'), n. Prohibition QUADIRXN-GLE (kwtd'ra!g-gl), n. A figure from intercourse and commerce, imposed on with four angles:-a rectangular space. vessels. QUA-DRAXNGU-LAR, a. Having four angles. QUARIREL (kwr/'rel), n. A dispute; a contest. QUAD'RA4NT (kwod'rant), n. A quarter of a cir- QUARaREL (kwir'rel), v. n. To fight, disagree. cle:-an instrument for measuring angles. QUARRE. L-LER, n. One who quarrels. [tious. QUA-DRtANTIAL, a. In the fourth part of a circle. QUAR/REL-Somrn (kwbr'rel-shm), a. ContenJIQUAD'RAT (kwtd'rat), n. (Printing.) Piece of QUARIRE.L-SorIiE-nNSS (kwtr'-), a. Petulance. metal, used to fill up a space. QUAR'RY (kwerfre), n. A stone-pit: —prey. IIQUA'DRATE,a. Square; having four equal sides. QUAR'RY (kwor're), v. a. To dig out of a quarry. IHQUAIDRATE (kwddtrat), n. A square:-math- QU.&RT, n; The fourth part of a gallon; a vessel. ematical instrument. [square. QU.!R'T-AN, n. A fourth-day fever or ague. IIQUA'DR.TE,V. n. To suit; to correspond; to QU.r/TiR, n. A fou'th part:-a region:-mercy QUJA-DRAT'IC, a. Pertain'ing to a square. granted:-8 bushels.-pl. Stations for soldiers. QUAD'RA4-TURE (kwod'tra-tflr), n. The act of QUAJLTER,. a. To divide into four parts:-to squaring:-a quadrate; a square. station, as soldiers:-to lodge; to diet. QUAD-RWN'NI-AL, a. Happening every 4 years. QUITER-AqE, n. A quarterly allowance. QUAD-RI-LXTtER-AIL (kwtd-), a. Having4 sides. QUR'TE R-DAY, n. A day on which rent, &c., is QUA-DRILLEt (ka-dr'il), n. A game at cards:- QU1R'TE R-DI: CI, n. Part of a ship's deck. [paid. QUA-DRIPIAR-TITE, a. Having 4 parts.[a dance. QU-ART~.R-LY, a. Occurring four times a year. QUADIRI-REtME (kwtd're-rem), n. A Greek QUXR'TE]R-LY,ad. Once in a quarterofa year. and Roman galley with four banks of oars. QUAR'TER-MA AS-TER,n. An officer in an army. QUAD-RI-SL'LA.-BLE (kwbd-dre-sillla-bl), n. A QULRI'TERN,n. The fourth part of a pint. [law. word of four syllables. [in a point. QUR'Tn.R-S SI'siONN, n. pl. A kind of court of QUA-DRIYVI-AL, a. Having four ways meeting QU.R'TER-ST.AFF, n. A staff of defence. QUADfRU.-PsE-D (kwvd'-), n. A four-footed ani- QUAR'TILE, n. An aspect of two planets, when QUADIRP.-PLE: (kwld'ru-pl), a. Fourfold. [mal. they are 90 degrees distant from each other. QUAD-Rst'PLI-CATE, V: a. To double twice. QUAR'TO, n.; pI. QUIR'TOT or QUXR'TOES. A QUAD-Rb-PLI-CA.TION (kwSd-rd-ple-ka'shun), book in which every leaf is a quarter of a n. The taking of a thing four times. sheet.-a. Having four leaves in a sheet, as a QUZ/RI. (kwi're),v. [L.] Inquire. See QUERY. QUTARTZ, a. A hard, silicious stone. [book. QUXFF, v. a. & n. To drink; to swallow. QU.ART'ZOSE, a. Containing, or like, quartz. QUXG's~Y, a. Boggy; soft; marshy. [ing bog. QUAS, n. A mean fermented liquor in Russia. QUXG/MIRE, n. A shaking marsh; a soft, yield- QUASH (kwvsh), v. a. To crush:-to annul. QUAIL (kwal), n. A bird of game. [to quake. QUAS'SI-A (kwoshfe-a), n. A tropical tree. QUAIL, v. n. To languish; to sink into dejection; QUXATE.t1-CO ft'IN' (ki/ter-kiiztznz), n. pl. QUAIL, v. a. To crush; to quell; to depress. Those within the first four degrees of kindred. QUAINT, a. Pretty; fine-spun; oid; affected. QUA-TER'NA-RY, a. Consisting of four. QUAINT'LY, ad. With petty elegance; oddly. QUA-TER'NI-QN, n. Four; a set of four. QUAINTINi.SS, a. Petty elegance; oddness. QUA-TER.NI-TY, a. The number four. QUAKE, v. n. To shake with cold or fear, tremble. QUA'TRAIN, n. Four lines rhiyming alternately. QUAKE, n. A shudder; tremulous agitation. QUAVE.R, v. a.. To shake the voice; to vibrate. QUA/KE R,, n. One of the Society of Friends. QUAV1S R, n. A shake of the voice; musical note. QUA'KE R-I~M, n. The principles of Quakers. QUAY (ke), 1n. A key; a mole; a wharf. QUlAK'ING, n. Trepidation. [be qualified. QUiACI-/', a. Shaking; quaggy; yielding. QUALtI-FI-A-BLE (kwl/'le-fi-a-bl), a. That may QU WAN (kwcn), n. A worthless woman. QUAL-I-FI-CATIOQN (kwtl-le-fe-ka'shun), n. QUFvAS'-NtESS, n. Sickness of the stomach. Accomplishment; fitness:-abatement. [fies. QUEA'.Y (kwe/'ze), a. Sick with nausea; QUAL'/-FI-ER (kwtl'e-fi-ex), n. One that quali- squeamish; fastidious. [ereign. QUAL1'-FY (kwil'e-fi), v. a. To fit:-to abate; QU:EEN, n. The wife of a king:-a female sovtosoften; to modify:-to regulate; totemppr. QU&E R, a. Odd; droll; strange. QUALtI-TY (kwl'1e-te), n. The nature of things QUETERLY, ad. Strangely; oddly; singularly. relatively considered; attribute; property; QUEaR'NESS, n. Oddness; singularity. [kill. disposition; temper; rank. QUELL, v. a. To crush; to subdue; to still; to Aa,I, g;O,,, long; A ~,~,,ij,O,b, short; o,s)!,e,V,y, obscure.-F-ARE,IiR,FAST,FILL; jieIR,HE.R; QUELLER 227 QUOTIENT QU.LrLtER, a. One that quells or subdues. QUIE T-NtSS, n. State of being quiet; tranquilQUENCH, v. a. To extinguish; to still; to allay. lity; stillness; calmness. QU:ENCH'A-BLE, a. That may be quenched. QUItE-TUDE, n. Rest; repose; tranquillity. QU NCHtE IR, n. One that quenches. QUI-r1TTS,n. rL.] Final discharge; acquittance. QUtER-I-MO'N.I-OIS, a. Querulous; complaining. QUILL, si. Alarge feather of a goose, &c. QUEtltIST,n. One who inquires or asksquestions. QUILL, Vo. a. To plait; to form in plaits, like QUEIRN, n. A hand-mill; mill for grinding grain. QUILT, sn. A cover of a bed, &c. [quills. QUJERtPO, n. A close garment. QUILT, v. a. To stitch one cloth upon another. QUtR'I,-LOiS, a. Repining; complaining. (QUI'NA-Py, a. Consisting of five. QUiRt'-LOtS-LY, ad. In a complaining manner. QUINCE, n. A species of small tree and its fruit. QUERtU.-LOIJs-Nhss, n. A habit of complaining. QUIN'tCNX, n. Trees, or any thing, formed with QUEt'R, n. A question; an inquiry. [doubts. four in a square and one in the middle. QUtER.Y, v. n. To ask questions; to express QUINtI-, QUI-NINE., n. Medicinal substance. QUE'RY, v. a. To examine by questions. QUiN-QUA-qRSt.I-1. A, n. Shrove Sunday. QUEST, n. A search; the act of seeking. QUlIN-QUXN'GII-LAR, a. Having five corners. QUS'TIQON (kwest/yun), n. An interrogatory; QUIN-QUiNtN.I-AL,a.Happening every five years. an inquiry; a dispute; a doubt; a trial. QUIN/'Y, n. An inflammation in the throat. QUES'TIQN (kwest'yun), v. a. & n. To examine QUINT, n. A set of five, as of cards. one by questions; to doubt; to inquire. QUINtTAIN, n. A post set up for tilters. QUaS/TIQN-A-3LE (kwest'yun-a-bl),a. Doubtful. QUIN!TAL, n. A hundred pounds avoirdupois. QUESt'TIQN-A-RY (kwest'yul-a-re),a. Inquiring. QUIN-TES'SENCE orQUIN'TES-SaNCE,n. The QU.s'1TIQN-L:SS, ad. Certainly; doubtless. virtue or best part of any thing; essential'part. QUiS'TQR,n. A publictreasurerin ancient Rome. QUIN'TILE, n. A certain aspect of the planets. QUtSITQPR-SHIP, n. The office of a questor. QUYN'TII-PLE, a. Fivefold. [jeer; to mock. QUIB'BLE, n. A cavil; a low conceit; sort of pun. QUiP, n. A taunt; a sarcasm. —v. a. To taunt; to QUIB'BLE,v.n. Tocavil; to equivocate; topun. QUIRE, n. A chorus; a clloir:-24 sheets of paper. QUIB'BLE R, n. One who quibbles; a punster. QUIRtIS-TER, n. A chorister; leader of a choir. QUICK, a. Living:-swift; nimble; speedy. QUIRK, n. A smart taunt; a conceit; a quibble. QUICK, ad. Nimbly; speedily; readily. QUIRKtISH, a. Consisting of quirks, conceits,&c. QUICK, n. The living flesh; the sensible part. QUIT, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. quit or quitted.] To QUICKI'EN (kwkt'kn), v. a. To make alive:-to leave; to forsake; to discharge; to repay. hasten; to accelerate; to excite. [ens. QUIT, a. Free; clear; discharged from. QUICK'EN-ER (kwik'kn-er), n. One who quick- QUIT/CLAIM, n. A release of claim by deed. QUICKt1LIME, n. Fresh-burnt lime. QUITE, ad. Completely; perfectly; totally. QUICK/LY, ad. Soon; speedily; without delay. QUIT/RENT, n. A small rent reserved. QUiCK'NEss, n.. Speed; activity; sharpness. QUIT'TANCE, n. A discharge;'an acquittance. QUICK'SAND, n. Moving sand; unsolid ground. QUIV~ER, n. A case or sheath for arrows. QUICK'SCi;NT-ED, a. Discovering by the smell. QUIV/ER, v. n. To quake; to shiver; to shudder. QUICK'tS2T, v. a. To plant with living plants. QUIX-OTt'IC, a. Like Don Quixote; absurd. QUICK'tSt T,. A living plant set to grow. QUIXtOT-iSM, n. Romantic and absurd notions. QUICKt-SIGHT-ED, a. Having a sharp sight. Quiz, n. A hoax.-u. a. To puzzle; to hoax. QUICKft-SI:HTT/: D-N1PSS, n. Sharpness of sight. QUoD'LI-BET, n. A nice point; a subtilty. QUiCKSIL-VE.R, n. Mercury; a fluid metal. QUOIF, n. A'cap for the head. See COIF. QUID, n. Something chewed; a cud. [Low.] QUOIN, n. A corner stone or brick; a corner. QUID'DI-Ty, n. Essence; a trifling nicety; a cavil. QuOIT,n. An iron, or flat stone, to pitch at a mark. QUID'DLE, v.. To busy one's self about trifles. QUiN'DAM, a. Having been formerly; former. QUIDrNrINC, n. One curious to know every thing. -QUOtRyv, n. A bench of justices; such a numQUI-ESCE.NCE, n. Rest; repose; quiet. ber of any persons as is Sufficient to do busiQU~T-StCE.NT, a. Resting; not being in motion. QUOtTA, n. A share; a proportion. [ness. QUitET, a. Still; peaceable; smooth; not ruffled. QUO-TAtTIQN, n. Citation; passage cited; price. QUI'T,. n. Rest; repose; peace; stillness. QUOTE, v. a. To cite, as an author; to adduce. QUI'ET, v. a. To calm; to lull; to pacify; to still. QUOTH (kweth or kwith), v. def. Used only in QUItE.T-ERI, n. The person or thing that quiets. the imperfect tense; as, "Quoth I," said I. QUItET-I~M, n. Tranquillity; system of the QUQ-TIDtI-AN, a. Daily; happening every day. QUl/E'T-IST, n. One of a sect. [Quietists. QUQ-TID'.I-AN, xn. A fever which returns daily. QUI/E'T-LY, ad. Calmly; peaceably; at rest. QUbOTIENT, n. The result of dividing a number. MIEN, SYR; MI6VE, NOR, SOON; BELL, BUR, RtLE. —, Q, soft; c, ~, hard; q as z; as gz; ~THIS. f1i 228 EANSQOM R. fa consonant, liquid, and semi-vowel, has a RAILtLER-y (rkaller-e),n. Slight satire; banter. 1it rough sound, as in red, rose. [other. RAILtiROAD, A n. A road constructed with rails RABtBET, V. a. To fit pieces of wood to each RiAILWAY_, i or tracks for the carriage-wheels. tKB'BInT, n. A groove in the edge of a board. R.AII'MENT, n. Vesture; vestment; dress. RAB' BI or RXBIBI, RIB'BIN, n. A Jewish doctor. RAIN, v. n. To fall in drops.-v. a. To pour down. R4B-BIN/I-CAL, a. Relating to the rabbins. RAIN, n, Water falling from the clouds; shower. RXBIBIT, n. A small quadruped. [ulace. RXIN1BOW (rlan'b), n. An arch formed by the RXBIBLE, n. A tumultuous crowd; a mob; pop- refraction and reflection of the sun's rays. RAB'ID, a. Fierce; furious; mad; raging. RAIN/GAUGE, n. An instrument for measuring RXBAID-NOSS, n.. Fierceness; furiousness. RAXIN.I-NtSS, n. The state of being rainy. [rain. RXB'I-NET, n. A kind of small ordnance. RAIN'Y, a. Abounding in rain; showery; wet. RACAL, n. [Syriac.] A miscreant; a wretch. RAItE, v.a. To lift; to erect; to exalt:-to levy; RAC-CO6N/, n. An animal valued for its fur. RAXItIN (riazn), n. A dried grape. [to collect. RACE, n. A family; breed:-contest in running. RX'J4H, n. A Hindoo chief or prince. RACE, v. n. To run swiftly, as in a race. RAIKE,n. A tool with teeth:-a dissolute man. RACE'-HORSrE, n. A horse bred to ran for prizes. RARE, v. a. To gather with a rake; to scour. RA -E-MA'TIQN, n. A cluster, like that of grapes. RXAKISH, a. Loose; lewd; dissolute. RA —:-MIFP. R-OUS, a. Bearing clusters. RAL'LY, v. a. To reunite; to treat jocosely. RA. c.ER, n. One that races; a horse that races. RALtLY, v. n. To come into order:-to banter. RA'CI-NhSS, n. The quality of being racy. RAXLLy~, n. A bringing to order:-a banter. RiCK, n. An engine of torture; extreme pain; RAM, n. A male sheep:-Aries, the vernal sign. a frame for hay; a grate; a liquor; a distaff. RlM, v. a. To drive with violence; to force in. RXCK, v. n. To stream or fly, as vapor or clouds. RAMt'A-DAN, n. The Mahonmedan lent or fast. RACK, v. a. To torment; to harass; to strain: RXIM'BLE, v. n. To rove loosely; to wander. -to draw off from the lees, as liquor. R.AMIRLE], n. A roving; an irregular excursion. RACK'Etin. A noise: —a thing to strike aball. R.AMIBLER, n. A rover; a wanderer. RACK'-R.iNT, n. Rent raised to the utmost. RAM-I-FI-CAXTIQN, n. A branching:-a branch. RACK'-REkNT-ER, 7t. Onewhopaysthe rack-rent. RKni.'-FY, v. a. To separate into branches. RAY'C, a. Strong; flavorous; tasting of the soil. RIt'MI-FYr, v. n. -To be parted into branches. RA'DI-4NCE, RA'DI-AN-CY,sn. Sparkling lustre. RIMImER, a. One that rams:-a ramrod. RAXD.-AN4T, a. Shining; emitting rays. RXAMM.SH, a. Strong-scented; like a ram. RA'DI-ANT-LY, ad. With sparkling lustre. RPAMOTS, a. Branchy; consisting of branches. RA'DI-ATE, v. n. To emit rays; to shine. RAMP, v.. To sport; to play; to romp. RAIDI-ATE, v. a. To enlighten; to irradiate. RXAP, n. A leap; a spring; a bound. RA-.DI-A'TIQN, n. Lustre; an emission of rays. RAM'PAN-CY, n. Prevalence; exuberance. RADfI-CAL, n. Primitive word or letter; root. RAM'PANT, a. Exuberant; frisky; wanton. RD'ri-CAL, a. Relating to the root; thorough; RXAXPART,n. A bank round a fortified place. primitive; implanted by nature. RAiMiROD, n. The rammer of a gun. RXADI,-CAL-LY, ad. Originally; primitively. RAN, imp. t. from run. RAD'I-CAL-NtESS, n. The stateof being radical. RAN'CHO, n. [Sp.] Hut:-hamlet:-farm. RXDtI-CT oE, v. a.,To root; to plant deeply. RXAN'CD, a. Having a rank or strong smell; sour. RAD-I-CA'TIQN, n. The act of taking root. RAN/CID-NESS, RAN-CIDII-TY, n. Rank scent. RA)DIsH, n. A root commonly eaten raw. [cle. R tAN'CQR (ranglkur), n. Malice; virulence. [ful. RA'Di-tS, n.; pl. RXADI-I. Semi-diameter of a cir- RXN'C QR-oiUS (rang'kur-is),a. Malignant; spiteRA'.DIX, n.; pl. RA-DI'CES. [L.] The root. RXANCQR-OUS-LY, ad. Malignantly. [range. RXFP, -. A confused heap.-Riff-raff, the mob. RAN'D91Q, n. Want of rule; chance; hazard:RXAPFFLE, n. A species of game or lottery. RAN'DQM, a. Done at hazard; chance. RXF'FLE, v. n. To cast dice for a prize. RXNG, intp. t. from ring. [rove over. RAFT, n. A frame or float made of timber. RANqE, v. a. To place in order; to arrange; to RAtTEIR, n. One of the timbers of a roof. RNSE, v. an. To rove:-to be placed in order. RAG, n. A piece; a tatter. —pl. Worn-out clothes. RANCGE, n. A rank; excursion; room:-a RXG-A-,-MP'FlN, n. A paltry, mean fellow. cooking apparatus or stove. RASSE, n. Violent anger; vehement fury. RXNK, a. Strong; luxuriant; rancid; gross. RAQE, v. n. To be in anger; to exercise fury. RANK, n. A row; class; order; degree; dignity. RAXG1aED, a. Dressed in rags; torn; rugged. RAiNK, v. a. To place abreast; to arrange. RAG'MA-N, n. One who deals in rags. [dish. RANK, v. n. To be ranged; to be placed. RA-G6UT' (r'-gd'), 7n. [Fr.] A highly-seasoned RANKIEtR, n. One who places or arranges. RAIL, n. A bar of wood or iron: —a bird. RAN'ILE, v. n. To fester; to be inflamed. RAIL, v. a. To enclose with rails:-to range. RAiNKtLY, ad. Luxuriantly; rancidly; grossly. RAIL, v. n. To reproach; to utter reproaches. RXNKtNESS, n. Exuberance; strong scent. RKILE.R, n. One who rails or defames. RANIS.XCK, v. a. To plunder; to search narrowly. RAILtING, n. Reproachful language:-a fence. RXNIS'QM,n. A price paid for redemption; release. 1 J,I,5,E, laong; ~,~,],5, 3, short; A,e,I,Q,y,y, obsoure.-FARE,F4R,FAST,FYLL; HtkIR,HEBR; RANSOM 229 READILY RXN'SQM, v. a. To redeem from captivity, &c. RX-TI-6Q-I.-NX'TIQN (rash-e-Ss-e-nl'shun), nRAN'SQv-EgR, z. One who ransoms or redeems. The act, or the process, of reasoning. RANT, v. n. To rave in violent language. RA'TION, n. A certain allowance of food, &c. RANT, n. Extravagant declamation. RAiITIQN-AL (rirsh'un-al), a. Endowed with reaRANTIER, n. One who rants; a noisy talker. son: —agreeable to reason; wise. [reasons. RANTII-POLE, a. Wild; roving; rakish. RX-TI-O-NA'LE (rlasl -e-o-na.le), nz. A detail with RA-NfN'CUV-L0S, n.; pi. RA-NN'tCU.-Li. A IIRA"ITIQN-.AL-1M (rash'tun.al-lzm), n. Adherplant and its flower; crow's-foot. ence to reason, as opposed to supesr aturalis7n. RAP, n. A quick, smart blow:-counterfeit coin. IIRAX/ITION-AL-IST, i. Adherent to rationalism. RAP, v. n. To strike with a quick, smart blow. [IRK-TI-Q-NAL'I-TY (rasll-e-o-nal'e-te), n. State RAP, v. a. To strike; to transport; to seize. of being rational. [son. RA-PAICIOUS (rA-pa'shus), a. Given to plunder. RAi"TIQN-AL-LY (rdsh'un-al-le), ad. With reaRA-PAICIOUS-LY (ra-pa'shus-le), ad. By rapine. RAXITION-AL-NESS (rdshltun-al-nes),?. RationalRA-PAtCIOyS-NE:SS (-shus-ns), n. Rapacity. RATSiBANE, n. A poison for rats; arsenic. [ity. RA-PAXII-TY, n. Addictedness to plunder. RAT-TAN', n. A small East Indian cane. RAPE, n. A violent deflorationi:-a plant. RAT-TEN'I, n. A kind of woollen stuff. [scold. RAPtID, a. Quick; swift; moving fast. RATITLE, v. n. & a. To mnake a sharp noise:-to R.t ID, RXAP'ID, n. Rapid currents in a river. R ST'TLEn. A quick noise; a plaything. —pl.The RA-PiDIC-TY, n. Celerity; velocity; swiftness. R NTTLE-SNAKE, n. A kind of serpent. [croup. RAP1ID-LY, ad. Swiftly; with quick motion. RATITLING, X1. A noise produced by wheels, &c. RAPtiD-NESS,?1. Celerity; swiftness; speed. RA5UICI-TV, n. Hoarseness; a loud, rough noise. RA/PI-ER, n. A sword used in thrusting. RAVIAqE, v. a. To lay waste; to'sack; to pillage. RAPINE, n. Act of plundering; violence; force. RAV/'AE, n. Spoil; ruin; waste; desolation. ~RAP-PEE,, n. A coarse sort of black snuff. RXViA- ER, n. A plunlderer; a spoiler. RAP'PER, n. A striker; knocker of a door. RAVE, V. n. To be fhrious or rmad; to rage. RAPT, p. a. Transported; being in a trance. IAV'IEL (rav'vl), v. a. To entangle; to untwist. RAPT'URE (rkpt'yur), n.. Ecstasy; transport. RXAVIEL (rav'vl), v. i.'To be unwoven. RXPT'UR-OS,. a. Ecstatic; transporting. RXV:ELN (rav'lin), n. Part of a fortification. RARE, a. Scarce; excellent:-thin; subtile:-raw...RA'VEN (ratvn), n. A large black bird. RAR'tE E-SHaOW, n. A show carried in a box. RAVE N (rdv'vn), v. a. & n. To plunder; to prey. RAR —:-FXCTIOQN, n. The act of rarefying. RAVIENN-ER (rayv'vn-er), n. One that plunders. RARt'-FI-A-BLE, a. That may be rarefied. RAV'EN-oUS (ravvn- us),a. Furiously voracious. RARt'i-F,v.a.&i?.To make or become less dense. R.AV'EN-OLIS-LY (-vn-us-le), ad. With voracity. RARE'LY, ad. Seldom; not often; finely. RAV/EN-OUS-NESS (rav'vn us-nes), is. Voracity. REAiE'NESS, s. Uncommonness:-thinness. RAV'IN, RAVY'EN, n. Prey; plunder. [low pass. RIRE'-RIPE, n. An early fruit; a peach. [iess. RA-VINE', orRAVtINEI.,e [Fr.] A hollow; a holRARtI-TY, i. Thinness; subtilty: —uncommon- RAV'ING, n. Madness.-a. Mad; furious. RAS'CAL, n. A scoundrel; a knave; wretch. RAV(ISH, v.a. To deflower by violence; to take RAS-CAL.I-TY, as. Petty villany; knavery. away by violence:-to delighllt; to transport. RAS-CALL/IQN (ras-kal'yun), n. A vile wretch. RAV/ISH-ER, n. One wxvo ravishes. [transport. RtStCAL-LY, a. Mean; sorry; base; worthless. RAYVISH-MENT,n. Violatioii:-rapture; ecstasy; RAtE, v. a. To graze; to erase. See RAZE. RW, a. Not subdued by the fire; criude:-sore; RASH, a. Hasty; violent; precipitate. immature; unripe; new:-bleak; chill. RASH, n. Al efflorescence; a breaking out. RAW'BONED (raw'bond), a. Having little flesh. RASHt, v. a. To cut into pieces; to divide. RIW'tI-lAD (rawv'hed),:. The name of a spectre. RXsHI-ER, n. A thin slice of pork or bacon. RAWfLy, ad. Ini a raw manner; unskilfully. RASIt'Ly, ad. Hastily; without reflection. RAW/NESS, m. The state of being raw. RAXSHI/NESS, 7i. Inconsiderate haste; temerity. RAY (ra),n. A beam of liglt:-a fish:-an herb. RASP, in. A large, coarse, rough file. RAY, v. a. To streak; to shoot forth:-to stripe. RASP, v. a. To rub or abrade with a rasp. RAXYLESs, a. Dark; without rays of light. RXS'PA-TO-RY, ni. A surgeon's instrument. RAZE, v. a. To overthrow; to efface; to extirpate. RASP/BER-RY (rLstber-e), in. A kind of berry. RA-zE't, n. A ship of war made smaller. RAT, n. An animal of the mouse kind. [value. RA-ZEEi, v. a. To cut down, as a ship. R-TTIA-BLLE, a. That may be set at a certain RA1ZQR, n. A tool used in shaving:-a tusk. RAT'A-BLY, ad. By rate or proportion; propor- RAKZURE (ratzhr), n.;he act of erasing. RN r-.A-PAit, iL. A cordial liquor. [tionably. RE. A prefix denoting itration or return. R iTCH, s. A sort of wheel; ratchet. REACH, v. a. To arrive at; to attain; to extend to. tXrrTCHltT, s. Ann of a ratchet-wheel. REACH, v. n. To be extended; to penetrate. RATCtII'ET-WI-IHEEL, n. A wheel with teeth. REACH, n. Power; limit; extent:-fetch. RATE, n. A price; degree; a portion; a tax. RE-ACT', v. a. & in. To act or do again. RATE, v.a. To value at a price:-to chide, scold. RE- -ACTION, n. A counteraction; resistance. RXTIER, A t. One who rates or estimates. READ, V. a. [imp. t. & pp. read (rtd).] To peruse; R-STH'ER, ad. More willingly; preferably. to learn; to know or understand fully. RHT-I-FI-CA'TION, em. The act of ratifying. READ, v. ns. To peruse books; to tell; to declare. RAT/I-FI-tER,n. Theperson or thing that ratifies. READIA-ELE, a. That may be read; legible. R. XTtI-FY,v. a. To confirm; to settle; to establish. READ1ER, e. One who reads or is studious. RA.T.I- (-shle-A), n.; pl. RA'tTI-O. The relation RRADftER-S1IP, n. The office of readimng prayers. which one thing has to another; proportion. READ'I-LY (red'de-le), ad. With speed; quiclUy. iEtEN, SiR; M6VE, NOR, SbN; BOLL, BUR, ROLE.-9, 9s, soft-;, X, hard; as z; as gz; TRIS. 20 READINESS 230 RECOGNIZABLE RP ADII-Niss S (rtd'de-nts), n. Promptitude. REnBVS, n. A sort of riddle or enigma. READ'tING, /. Perusal of books; a lecture; a pre- RE-BUTt, v. a. To beat back; to repel. lection; public recital:-a variation of copies. RE-BUTJTER, n. An answer to a rejoinder. Rb-ADD-MIS'SIQN, n. Act of admitting again. RE-CALLf, v. a. To call back; to revoke. RE-AD-IMiT1, v-. a. To admit or let in again. RE -CALLl, n. A revocation; act of calling back. Rb-iA-MiTITArNCE, n. Act of readmitting; an RE-CANT1, v. a. To retract an opinion; to recall. allowance to enter again. RE.-CANT7, v. n. To revoke what has been said. R1I) V'Y (rsd'de), a. Prompt; prepared; willing. RE-CAN-TA'TIQN, n. A recanting; a retraction. RE-AF-FIRItRANCE, as. A second confirmation. RE -CANTTER,. One who recants. [stance of. Rb'.AL, a. Relating to things; true; actual. RE-CA-PiT!IJ-LATE, v. a. To repeat the subRb'AL~ n. A Spanish and Mexican coin. RE-CA-PST-.U-LA7TIQN~ n. A distinct repetition. RL'AL-Igt, n7. The doctrine of the realists;- RL-CA-PTITtU-LA-TQ-RY, a. Repeating again. opposed to nominalism. RbE-CAP/TI.ON, n. Act of retaiking; reprisal. REf.AL-4ST, n. One of a school of philosophers. RE-CXPTIVRE (re-ktpt'yur), v. a. To retake. RE -AL'.I-TY,. Truth; fact; real existence. R-I-C. 3Tf, v. a. To cast or throw again. REE-AL-I-ZAfTIOQN n. The act of realizing. RE-CEDEt, v. n. To retreat; to relax ally claimn RE'AL-IZE, v. a. To bring into being or act. RE -CEIPT! (re-st'), n. A reception:-a written REIAL-LY, ad. With reality; in truth; truly. acknowledgment of money, &c., received. REAILM (rilm), n. A kingdom; an empire. RE.-CEIPT! (re-st'), v. a. To give a receipt for. R-'AL-TY, n. Reality.-(Law.) Imnlobility. RE-CEIV'A-BLrE, a. Capable of being rece isved. REAM, n. Twenty quires of paper:-a strap. RIE-CEIVE7, v. a. To take; to allow; to admit. R"i-AN.N/I-MAiTE, v. a.To revive; to restore to life. RE:-CEIV1E.R, n. One that receives. RIE-AN-NL Xi, v. a. To annex again. RE!CIEN-CY, ln. Newness; new state. REAP, v. a. -To cut, as grain:-to obtain. RE-CLNtSIQN, n. An enumeration; a review. REAP, v. n. To cut grain; to harvest. RE1Cl NT, a. New; late; not antique; fresh. REAPIER, a. One that cuts grain at harvest. R'iC ENT-LY, ad. Lately; newly; freshly. RE-AP-PEARtANCE, n. Act of appearing again. RL'CE.NT-NSS, n. Newness; freshness. REAR, n. The hinder troop, class, or part. RE.-CPITA-CLE. n. A vessel or place into REAR, v. a. To raise up; to educate; to breed. which any thing is received; a recipient. REAR'-AD-MII-RAL, n. In the English navy, an RE-CEnP-TI-sBLI'- TY, TV. Possibility of receiving. officer next in rank below a vice-admiral. REt-CtEPfTION, n. Act of receiving; admission. REARI-GUARD,?a. The guard that marches last. RE-CEPfTIVE,a.Having the quality of admitting. REARf-RANK, a. The last rank of a battalion. RE t'EP-TQ-RY 0or RE-CEPITO-Ry, a. Received. REARtWARD, n. Rear-guard:-end; latter part. RE-CESS, n. Retiremen't; remission: —cavity. RE-AS-CEND', v. a. & a.To climb or mount again. RE-CESRSION (re-seshl'n), n. Act of retreating. REA', ON (retzn), n. The rational faculty: —ab- RE-CHiRQlt 5E, v. a. To charge or attack anew. solute right; cause; motive; argument. RL'CjI-PR (rresse-pa), n. A medical prescription. REAi'ON (re'zn), v. n. To argue rationally. RE-CIPI-'NT,?1. A receiver; a vessel to receive. REA!ION (retzn), v. a. To examine rationally. RE-CIPRQO-CAL, a. Alternate; interchangeable. REAt'ON-A-BLE (rI'zn-a-bl), a. Endued with RE-CIP/RO-CAL-LY, ad. Interchangeably. reason:-just; rational; agreeable to reason. RE-CIPIRO-CAL-NESS, n. Mutual return. REA1qON-A-BLE-NESS (re'zn-a-bl-nes), n. Ra- RE.-CIPRO-CATE, v. n. To act interchangeably. tionality; agreeableness to reason. RE-CIP-Re-CA'TIQN, n. Action interchanged. REAI~ON-A-BLY (retzn-a-ble), ad. With reason. RE(-I-PrO(f5I-TY, ln. Reciprocal obligation. RgEA'fON-ER (rS'zn-er), n. One who reasons. RE-CS" ION (re-sizh'un), n. Act of cutting off. REA/'ON-'NG (rW'zn-ing), n. Argumentation. RE-CI1TAL, n. A rehearsal; a narration. RE-IS-StM[/BLE, v. a. To assemble again. RE1S-I-TAITIQN, n. A repetition; a rehearsal. RE-ks5-sERT', a. a. To assert anew. R~- 7i- TA-TiVE', a n. A kind of musical declaRE-AS-SUSIEI, v. a. To resume; to take again. RE7-I-TA-Ti1VO. mation used in operas. RaE-S-SVRE' (rS-.a-shur'), v. a. To assure again. RE-CITIb, v. a. To rehearse; to repeat; tell over. RE-BATEtMEN.T, n. A diminution. RECKRLE SS, a. Careless; heedless; mindless. REBRE.C,n. A three-stringed instrument or fiddle. RLECKfLESS-NESS, a. Carelessness; negligence. RkBE.L, n. One who resists lawful authority; RLtCK'ON (rek'kn), v. a. To number; to esteem. REB'EiL, a. Rebellious. [a revolter. RECK/ON (rek'kn), v. n. To compute, calculate. R1.-BEL', v. n. To rise against lawful authority. RECR'ON-.R (rtk'kn-er), n. One who reckons. RE-BtLLIOQN (re-blt'yun), n. An insurrection. RECKtON-ING (r6k'kn-'ng), n. Computation. RE-BtLL'/IOs (re-beltyuis), a. Resisting au- RE.-CLAIM', v. a. To reform; to recall; to tame. thority; revolting; disobedient. [bellion. RE-CLAIMA A-BLE, a.Capableof being reclaimed. RE-BsLLOO VS-Ly (re-btl'yus-le), ad. By re- RE-CLA.IMiANT, n. One who reclaims. RE-Bo0ND', v. n. To spring or bound back. REC-LI-Nt'TION, n. Act of leaning or reclining. RE-BOPND, va. a. To reverberate; to beat back. RV-CLINE', v. a. & n. To lean back; to repose. REi-BsfoND', n. Act of flying back; resilience. RE.-CLUiSEl, n. One shut up; a retired person. Ra.-BSFF', p. A repercussion:-sudden check. RV-CLUiSEr, a. Shut up; retired. RE-BrPFFf, v. a. To beat back; to repel. [struct. R.-CLP SiON (re-klaftzhun), n. State of arecluse. RE-BUYLD' (re-bild'), v. a. To reedify; to recon- REC-OG-NIITIQ.ON (rtk-og-nish'un), n. A renovaRE-BUKE7, v. a. To chide; to reprehend. tion of knowledge; an acknowledgment. RE-BUKatE1, n. A reprehension; an objurgation. RE-C6GtNI-ZA-BLE or REC'OQG-Ni-ZA-BLE, a. R1:-BUR'Y (re-bNr'e), v. a. To inter again. That may be acknowledged. A,El,iii,U,,long; X,t,,6,,Y,R,1,short; E 4,.o,V,y,~obscure.-FIRE, FXR, FAST, FALL; HIIR, HMtR; RECOGNIZANCE 231 REEKY RE-COGtNI-ZANCE, n. An acknowledgment; RPCITQR, n. A ruler:-a pastor; a clergyman. recognition:-obligation of record. [edge. R.EC-TOR.I-AL, a. Belonging to a rector. REC'QG-NIZE,v. a. To know again; to acknowl- REC'ITQR-SHIP, n. The rank or office of rector. RE-COG-NI-ZEEt, n.One bound by recognizance. RCrTQ9-Ry, nz. A parish church, parsonage, &c. RE-COG-NI-ZiR', n. Giver of a recognizance. RE-CO'BENCE,, n. Act or posture of leanRE.-COIL, v. n. To rush back; to fall back. RE-CiM/BE.N-CY, ing; rest; repose. RE-COIL', RE OTL'lNG, a. A falling back. RE-CiIBE]iNT, a. Lying; leaning; reposing. RE-CWiNt, v.'a. To coin over again.-A- T Rb COIN' r. To coin over again. RE-CUPER-A-TIVE, f a. Restorative; restorRE.-COIN.AQE, n. The act of coining anew. RE-CU'PER-A-TQ-RY, ing. REC-OL-LECT', v. a. To recall to mind; to re- Ri-CiJURt,,. To. comle back; to return. cover to memory; to remember. RE-CCrtRIENCE, RE.-CJR'/REN-Cy, n. A return. REC-OL-LEC1TION, n. Recovery to memory. RE-CURIRE NT, a. Returning from time to time. RE-C.OM-BINE, V. a. To unite together again. RE-CIR-V'tTIQN, Jn. A bending or flexure RE-COM-MENCE1, V. a. To begin anew. REI-CURfVI-TY, J backwards. RIC-OM-i-E:ND1, V. a. To commend to another. RJ.-CiJURVOyS, a. Bent backwards. REC-Q M-MENDfA-BLrE, a. Worthy of praise. I RE-CU'fAN-Cy, Y. Non-collformity. [formist. REC-OR-MEN-D ifTION,n. Actofrecommending. IRE.-CU'.ANT or RECICtU-ANT, n. A non-conREC-'O-MiStLN'DA-TQ-RY, a. Conveying praise. R ED, a. Of the color of blood; crimson. RE-CORI-IIITI, v. a. To commit anew. RED, n. One of the primitive colors.-pl. Menses. RECI/Oi-PENSE, V. a. To repay; to requite. RED'IBREAST (rdd'/brst), n. A kind of bird. RLCQOM- PENSE, n. A reward; a compensation. RED-CHALK (-chawk), n. A red ore; reddle. RE-C(OM-POE1, v. a. To form or quiet anew. REDIDEN, v. a. & n. To make or grow red. REC-ON-CIL'A-BLE, a. That may be reconciled. RED-DV'ITIQN (red-dish'un), n. A restitution. RLrC.ON-CILE, V. a. To conciliate; to adjust. RED/DI-TIVE, a. Returning an answer. RECtQN-CILE-MENT, a. Reconciliation.- RPD'DLE, n. Red-chalk. See RED-CHALK. RtC'QN-CIL- FRM, n. One who reconciles. [ship. RE.-DiEiI, v. a. To deliver from captivity or REC-QN-CIL-.I-ATIQN, nt. A renewal of friend- punishment; to ransom; to rescue. RECQON-DITE, a. Hidden; secret; abstruse. RE-DE_-'VA-BLE, a. Capable of redemption. RE-CON-D0CT1, V. a. To conduct again. RE-DEL7IlER, n. A ransomer:-Saviour of men. RiEC-ON-NoitTRE (rlck-on-nl j'tur), v. a. To ex- RE-DE-DLIYER, v. a. To deliver back. amine; to view, as for military purposes. REI-DE -LIV'R-Y, n. The act of delivering back. RE-CON-SIDIER, v. a. To consider again. RE-DiEP'TION, n. Act of redeeming; ransom. RE-CQN-VEYt (r-l(on-vat), v. a.To convey again. ~RE -DEMP'TION-E R,n.One who redeems himself RE -CRDf, v. a. To register:-to celebrate. RED-H6OT, a. Heated to redness. [by labor. RECtORD, 1. A register; a memorial; account. RE-DINITE-GRATE, a. To restore. [tion. RE-CORD'ER, a. One who records; a registrar. RE-DIN-TE-G-RATION, n. Renovation; restoraRE-CO0NTi, v. a. To relate in detail; to tell. RE:D-LVADI (rdd-ld'), n. Minium; red oxide of RE -COURSEI (re-kers'), n. Application; access. REDtNESS, 7. Quality of being red. [lead. RE-COV'ER, V. a. To restore; to repair; to regain. RED.O-LE.NCE, RiDIQ-LEN-CY, 71. Sweet scent. REF-COVtER, v. a7. To grow well from a disease. RED.O-LtNT, a. Diffusing fragrance; fragrant. RE-COV'ER-A-BLE, a. That may be recovered. RE-DOIJB1LE (re-dUb'bl), v. To double again. RE-COV1ER-Y, n. A restoration; a regaining. RE-DOUBTt (re-ddAtl), n. (Fort.) An outwork. RECIRE-ANT, a; Cowardly; mean-spirited; false. RE:-DOUBT'A-BLE (re-diat'a-bl), a. Formidable. RE-CRE-ATE, v. a. To create anew. RE-DOUND, v. n. To conduce in the consequence. REC RE -ATE, v. a. To refresh; to relieve:-to RE.-DRSS'W. v. a. To set right; to amend; to ease. amuse; to entertain; to divert. [sion. RE-DRtss t, n. Amendment; relief; remedy. RC-RE-XtTION, n. Relief; refreshment; diver- R -DRdSSERE n. One who affords relief. RE -CRE-A1TION, t. The act of creating anew. RiED/STREAK, n. A species of apple. [subdue. REC1REA-.-TIVE,a.Refreshing; amusing;divert- RE-DUCE, 7. a. To restore; to subjugate; to RECRE-ME NT, n. Dross; spume; dregs. [ing. RE-DUCEIMENT, n. A bringing back; a reducREC-RE-MiTENTALI, a. Consisting of rec- RE-D/C I-ALE, a. Possible to be reduced. [tion. REC-RE-MEN-T'TIOU.S, el rement; drossy. RE-DUCtTION, n. Act of reducing; conquest. RE-CRIMII-NNATE, v. V. To return an accusation. RE-DfJCITIVE, a. Having the power of reducing. RE-CRIMfI-NATE, V. a. To accuse in return. RE-DUN'DANCE, 71. State of being redundant; RE-CRIE - I-NA/TION, n. Act of recriminating. RE-DUNIDAN-CY, exuberance. RE.-CR IM/tI-NA-TOR, n. One who recriminates. RE-DIN'DANT, a. Superabundant; superfluous. RE-CRIMIV-NA-TQ-RY, a. Retorting accusation. IRE-DiNIDAN'T-LY, ad. Superabundantly. RE:CRifIT' (re-krt't), v. a. To repair; to supply. RE-Df'PL.-CATE, v. a. To redouble; to repeat. RE-CRUIT' (re-krut'), v. n. To raise new soldiers. RE-DU-PLI-CA'TION, n. The act of doubling. RE-CREIITI (re-kraft'), n. A supply: —new soldier. RE-lCH'O, v. n. To echo back; to reverberate. RECITXN-GLE, n. A right-angled parallelogram. REED, n. A hollow, knotted stalk: —a pipe. REC-TAXNGU-LAR, a. Having right angles. REE-D'.I-FY, v. a. To rebuild; to build again. RECITI-FI-A-BLE, a. Capable of being rectified. REEDIY, a. Abounding with, or like, reeds. REC-TI-F.I-CIATION, ns. The act of rectifying. REEF, n. A portion of a sail: —.a chain of rocks. REC1TI-FI-ER, n. One that rectifies. REEF, v. a. To reduce the surface of a sail. RC'TI-FY, v. a. To make right, reform, refine. REEK, n. Smoke; steam; vapor:-a rick. REC-TI-LINtE-AR, a. Right-lined; straight. REEK, V. n. To smoke; to steam; to emit vapor. IRC'tTI-TUDE, n. Uprightness; equity;rightness. REEK.Y, a. Smoky; tanned; black; dark. MIEN, SYR; aVIE, N6R, SOiN; BtLL, BUR, RtLE. —9, soft; 0,, hard; * as z;: as gz; THIS. REEL 232 REGULATOR REEL, n. A turning frame for yarn; a dance. RFEF-V-Us1', a. One who flies for protection. REEL, v. a. To gather yarn off the spindle. RE-FitL/LE.NCE,RiE-FfJLtEN-c~Y,st.Brightness, REEL, v. na. To stagger; to totter in walking. RE-FTLENT, a. Bright; shllining; glittering. RE-EN-F6RCE,v. a. To strengthen anew. [help. RE-FL'tJqE NT-LY, ad. In a shining manner. RE-F,;,-FORCEr.M NT n. Fresh assistance new RE —FuNDt, a. a. To pour back; to repay; to reRE-'tTE].R, v. a. To enter again; to enter anew. RE-FUFtJA-BLE, a. That may be refused. [store. RE -ES-TXBItISH, v. a. To establish anew. RE-FUSTAL, n. A denial; right of choice; option. RE:-ES-TXB'LISH -ME NT,n. Act of rebstablishing. RE -FVU'I,. a. To deny; to decline; to reject. IRE-IE. -.AMNE, v. a. To examine anew. RE-FUET, v.n. Not to accept; not to comply. RE-FPEC'TION, n. Refreshment; repast. REFTUSE (rtf'fus), a. Left when the rest is taken. RE FECtTO-Ry, n. An eating-room. [to ascribe. R FfUSE, n. What remains; worthless matterd; RE. FERt, v. a. To direct to another; to submit; RE -FUT'A-BLE, a. That may be refuted. [dross, RE.-F:Rt, v. n. To respect; to have relation. RE -FTtAL, REF-U-TA'TIQN, n. Act ofreftiting. R:F'ER-A-BLE, a. That may be referred. RE-FUTET, v. a. To prove false or erroneous. R:EF-:ER-EI t, n. One to whom some matter in RE-GAINT, v. a. To recover; to gain anew. dispute is referred. [tion. REIGAL, a. Pertaining to a king; royal; kingly. RtFIE.R- E.NCE, n. Relation; respect; an arbitra- RE -GALEt, v. a. To refresh; to entertain; to feast. RE-FINEt, v. a. To purify; to clear from dross. RE.-GALET, n. A sumptuous entertainment. RE-FINEt, v. n. To improve in accuracy, &c. RE -GA.LE'MENT,n.Refreshmenit; entertainment. RE.-F1NEt-MIENT, n. Purity; polish; elegance. RE-GAX'L-A,n.pl. [I,.] Ensigilsofroyalty;badges, RE-FIN'ER, n. A purifier; one who refines. RE-GAL'I-TY, n. Royalty; sovereignty. [&c. RE,-FIT, v. a. To repair; to restore after damage. Rtl'cGAL-LY, ad. In a regal manner; royally. RE -FLCTt, v. a. To throw back; to cast back. RE.-GARDT, v. a. To value; to observe; to respect. RE-FLECTt, v. n. To throw back light; cast RI- GARDf, n. Attention; respect; reverence. censure; to consider attentively;* think. RE -G-ARD A-BLE,a.Observable;worthy of notice. R].-FLEC'TIQN,;. The act of throwing back: RE-GARD'FOL, a. Attentive; taking notice of. -thought; attentive consideration; censure. RE.-GARDtIFL-LY, ad. Attentively; respectfully. RE.-FLPC'TIVTE, a. Considering things past. RE -GARDtLESS, a. Heedless; negligent; inattenRE-FLECT'OR, a. One who, or that which, re- RE-GARD'LESS-LY ad. Without heed. [tive. aects:-a reflecting surface. [ble. RiE'GEN-CY, n. Government by a regent; rule. RE-FLEX-I-BIL.I-TY, n. Quality of being refiexi- RE-_-EN ERi-A-CY, a. State of being regenerate. RE.-LEXX'.I-BLE, a. Capable of being reflected, RE-1N'tER-ATE,. a. To cause to be born anew. or thrown back. RE-C-l"NfE R-ATE, a. Reproduced; born anew. RE-FLtX'IVE, a. Having respect to the past. RE-tEN/ER-ATE-NERSS, l. Regeneracy. RktFILu-aN-CY, a. Quality of flowing back. RE-LEN-IER-A!TION, s. Act of regenerating; REFtL.U-ENT, a. Running back; flowing back. renovation; new birth, birth by grace. RE:FLUX, n. The backward course of water. RE}tCi NT, a. Governing; exercising authority. RE-FORMt, v. a. To form anew. REi-ENT, n. A governor; a vicarious ruler. RE.-F6RM, v. a. & n. To change from worse to RE'pZNT-SHIP. n. The office of a regent. better; to correct; to restore; to amend. REE-ER.- IeMI-NATTION, n. Act of sprouting anew. RE-FORMt, n. A reformation; an amendment. REiGII-CIDE, n. A iturderer or murder of a king. RRF-OR-MRtTION. n. A change from worse to REq'I -MEN, n. Regulation of diet; government. better: —change in religion begun by Luther. REqi-MPI NT.?. A body of soldiers or troops RIE-FORII'A-TQ-RY, a. Tending to reform. commanded by a colonel. R:.-Fo RW'ER, sn. One who reforms. RtEq —IiELNT'AL, a. Belonging to a regiment. RI.-F6RMtIST, n. An adherent to reform. RE?-I-MENT'AL, n. pl. Military uniform. R -FRXCTV, v. a. To tireak the course of rays R.E/.TON (re'jun),?. A country; a tract; a place. RE-FRXC'TIQN, n. Deviation of rays of light. RE.qIS-TER, n. A list; a record:-a registrar. RE-FrACr TIVE, a. Having the power of refrac- REG-Is-TER,v.a.To record in a register; to enroll. tion; refracting. [nacy. RE-q/S-T:1R-SHIP, n. The office of register. RE-FRXC'T.O-RI-NESS, n. Stubbornness; obsti- RE9qIS-TRXRi, n. A writer or keeper of records. RE-FRAC'To-RY, a. Obstinate; contumacious. RE9-iS-TrIATION, 7a. The act of recording. RkF'RA- A-BLE, a. Capable of refutation. REGIiS-TRY, n. Act of recording:-a record. RE-FRAINT, v. a. To hold back; to keep from. REG'LE T, n. Piece of wood used by printers, &c. Rl.-FRXAIN, v. n. To forbear; to abstain. RLGINANT, a. Reigning; ruling; prevalent. R -FtRAINt, n. The burden of a song; repetition. RE-GRATET, V. a. To engross; to forestall. RE-FRAIEt, v. a. ~o put together again. [ble. RtIGRESS, n. A passage back; a return. RE.-FR RN-qII-BIL'I-TY, n. State of being refrangi- RE-GREStSION (re-greshtun), n. Act of returning. RE-FRI.XNTI-B.LE, a. Capable of being refracted. RE-GttETT, i. Grief for the pa1st; sorrow. RE.-FRESHT, v. a. To relieve; to revive; to cool. RE-GRETT, v. a. To grieve at; to mourn for. RE-FRhSHR'ER, n. One that refreshes. RE-LGRET'FOL, a. Full ofregret.; sorrowful. R].-FRESH'MErNT,n.Relief after-pain; food; rest. REGtU-LAR, a. Agreeable to rule; orderly; exact. RJ:-FRI9t'ER-ANT, a. Cooling; mitigating heat. RE GtU-LAR, n. A priest:-a permanent soldier. RE-FRY9qtE'R-ATB, v. a. To cool; to allay heat of. REG-U-LXR'1-TY, n. Conformity to rule. RE-FRI-l-ER-XtTION, I?. The act of cooling. RFGTU-LAR-LY, ad. In a regular manner. RI:,-FRq?-rTR-!-TOR, t n. A coolinlg vessel or REGtU.-LTE, v. a. To adjust by rule; to direct. REI-FR-I9tER-A-TO-RY, 5 apparatus. REG-U-LAtTIQN, n. Act of regulating; method. RIhF/9E (rhEf'fij), n.' Shelter from danger. REG/U-LA-TQR, a. One that regulates. AiE,6,U,yP long; X,%1,0.,%1, short; Q.E.I.O.U.Y obscUre.,FkR}:F, SR*,FSTF,&LL; H:IR,HtR. REGURGITATE 238 - REMUNERABLE RE-GlRI'.I-TATE, v. a. To throw or pour back. RtL'I-QUA-RY, n. A casket to keep relics in. RE-HEARt, v. a. To hear again. [narration. RELt'ISI, n. Taste; liking; delight; flavor. RE-HEARS'AL(re-her'sal),n.A repetition; recital: REL'ISH, v. a. To have a liking for; to taste of. RE.-IEARSEI (re'-hrs'), v. a. To repeat; to recite. REL'ISH, v. n. To have a pleasing taste or flavor. RElGLE, n. A groove for any thing to run in. REL'ISH-I-BLE, a. Gustable; that may be relREIGN. (ran), v. n. To rule as a king; to prevail. RE -LI'CENT, a. Shining; transparent. [ished. REIGN (ran), n. Royal authority; sovereignty. RE -L0C'TANCE, a. Unwillingness; repugnance. RE-IM-BURSEI, v. a. To repay; to repair loss. RE.-LUC'TANT, a. Striving against; unwilling REt-IM-BURSE'MENTn. Reparation; repayment. RE-LUC1TANT-LY, ad. With unwillingness. REIN (ran), n. The strap of a bridle. [strain. RE-LUME', RE-LUtMINE, v. a. To light anew. RE IN (ran), v.a. To govern by a bridle; to re- RE-LVX, v.. To trust; to confide; to depend. REINIDtEER (ran'dtr), n. A northern deer. RE-MAINf, v. a. To continue, endure, be left. REIN~ (ranz), n. p1. The kidneys:-the heart. RE-M.AINDE.R, n. What is left; a remnant. RE-IN-STILL1, v. a. To install anew. RE-MAIN~t, an. pl. Relics:-dead body. [anew. RE-IN-STXTEt, v. a. To put again in possession. RE-MARE', v. a. [imtp. t. & pp. remade.] To make REI-N-viEST1, a. a. To invest anew. RE-MAND', v. a. To send or order back. RE-TIE R- ATE, v. a. To repeat again and again. RE-MAXRKR n. Observation; note; notice taken. RE-IT-ER-A'TION, n. A repetition. [to repol. RE- -MRIAr, v. a. To note; to observe; to mark. RE-JEC'Tt, v. a. To cast off; to refuse; to discard; RRE-iMARR'A-BLE,a. Observable; worthy of note. RE-JEcCT'ER,?a. One who rejects; a refuser. RE-MAiRKA-BLY, ad. Observably; uncommonly. RE-JE CITION, n. Act of casting off; a refusal. RE -MXRK'ER,n. An observer; one that remarks. RE'-JoCE, v..n. To be glad; to joy; to exult. RE.-MXR'RY, v. a. To marry a second time. RE-JOICE1; v. a. To exhilarate; to make joyful. RE-ME1/DI-A-BLE, a. Capable of remedy; curable. RE'-Jo1CING, n. Anl expression or cause of joy. RE-MREDIi-AL, a. Affobrding. remedy. RE-JON, v. a. To join again; to meet one again. R:EME -DI-LSS, a. Not adimitting remedy. RE-JIN'1, v. n. To answer to a reply. REM1Et-Dy, n. A medicine; a cure; reparation. RE-JOlNIDER, n. An answer to a reply. RiMlE. -DY, v. a. To cure; to heal; to repair. RE-KIN'DLE, v. a. To set on fire again. RE-MEMBE R, v. a. To bear in, or call to, mind. RE-LAPSE: v. n. To slide or fall back. [ness. R-MMBE'ER-ER, n. One who remembers. RE-L'.PSE1,n. A falling back, asintovice orsick- RE.-MRM'BRANCE, n. Retention in memory. RE-LATE/ v. a. To tell; to recite; to unfold. RE-MEtBRAN-CER, na. One that reminds. RE-LATEt' v. n. To have reference or relation. REtl'-IGRATE, v. n. To remove back again. RE -LATER,?t. One who relates; a narrator. RiM-I-GRA/TIQON n. Removal back again. RE-LA1TION, n. Reference; kindred; narrative. RE-MIND', v. a. To put in, or bring to, mind. RE-LA/TION-SHIP, n. The state of being related. REM -I-NISCE.NCE, n. Recollection. RELt'A-TIVE, a. Having relation; respecting. REiM-I-NIS'/CENT, n. One who calls to mind. REL.'A-TIVE, n. A person related; a relation: RE-MISS1, a. Slack; careless; negligent. -a pronoun answering to an antecedent. RE:-MIS'SI-BL, a. That may be remitted. [don. RELIA-TIVE-LY, ad. In relation to something. RE-MIS'SIQN (re-mish'un), n. Abatement; parRE-LAX', v. a. To slacken; to remit, ease, divert. RE.-MISS'LY, ad. Carelessly; negligently. RE-LAx', v. n. To be remiss; to be not rigorous. RE-MISS'NESS, n. Carelessness; negligence. REL-AX-A'TION, n. Act of relaxing; remission. RE-MT1, v. a. To relax; to forgive; to pardon. RE-LAY1, n. Horses kept to relieve others. RE-MITt, v. n. To slacken; to grow less intense. RE-LEASEt, v. a. To set free; to quit; to let go. RE.-MITfTANCE, n. A sum sent or remitted. RE -LASEIn. Liberation; discharge; remnission. RLEMINANT, n. The residue; that which is left. RE-LEASE/ME.NT,?n. The act of releasing. RE-MODIEL, v. a. To model anew. RE-LENT',v.n.To yield; to soften; to grow tender. RE-MONWSTRANCE, n. A strong representation RE -LENTLE.SS, a. Unpitying; unmoved by pity. against something; expostulation. REL'tE-VAN-cY, a. The state of being relevant. RE -MONSTRANT, n. One who remonstrates. RLtE.-VANT, a. Lending aid:-pertinent. RE-iMONSTRATE, v. n. To show reasons RE-LI'A-BLE,a. Trustworthy. [JlModern.] against something; to expostulate. RE-LI'ANCE, a. Trust; dependence; confidence. RE.-MON'STR4-TQ0R n. One who remonstrates. REL1IC, n.'That which remains:-a corpse. REMtQ-RA, n. [L.] A hinderance:-a fish. REL'ICT, n. A woman whose husband is dead. RE-MORSE1, n. The pain of guilt; compunction. RE-LIEF' (re-left),n. Alleviation; succor; re- RE-MORSE'ftL, a. Full of a sense of guilt. dress:-the prominence of a figure. RE-MORSEILESS, a. Unpitying; cruel; savage. RE -LIE:V.A-BLE (re-lev'a-bl),a. Capableof relief. RE-MORSE'tLSS-LY, ad. Without remorse. RE-LIEVE1 (re-lEvy), v. a. To ease; to succor. RE- MORSEtLE.SS-NESS, n. Savageness; cruelty. RE -LIE'VS,n. [It.] Prominenceofa figure;relief. RE-MOTE', a. Distant; not near; foreign; alien. Ri -LIVtION (re-lid'jun), n. Duty to God; practi- RE-MOTE'LY, ad. Not nearly; at a distance. cal piety:-a system of faith and worship. RE-MOTEtN:ESS, n. The state of being remote; RE-LI' ION-ISTi n. A devotee to any religion. RE-MOUNT1, v. n. To mount again. [distance. RE-LqTIOUS (re-lTd'jus), a. Pious; holy; strict. RE-M6VRA-BLE, a. That may be removed. REE -LqIOU0S-LLY (re-lid'jps-le), ad. Piously. RE -M6VAL, n. Act of moving; a displacing. RE LIN'QUISH (re-ling'kwish),v. a. To forsake; RE-MOVE', v. a. To cause to change place. to abandon; to leave; to quit; to give up. R.-6tVEI, v. n. To change place. [distance. RE-LINtQUISH-E.R, n. One who relinquishes. RE-M6VE', n. A change of place; a remnoval; RE-LiN' QU.ISH-tItNT, 1i. The act of forsaking. RE.-MU'NER-A-BLE, a. Rewardable. MIEN, SIR MOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, RULE.-A-, q, soft; 0, fi, hard; g as z; If as gz; THIS. REMUNERATE 234 REPROACHFULLY RlF-MVINER-ATE, v. a. To reward for service; RE-PiLt, V. a. To drive back; to resist. to recomlpense; to requite. [pense. RE-PLL'LENT, n. A repelling medicine. R-.-MU-NI:R-AfTIQN, n. A reward; a recom- RE-PL'LE.NT, a. Having poNwer to repel. RE.-MIUNE.R-A-TIVE, a. Rewarding; profitable. RE-PENT', v. n. To have or exercise repentance. IREINAL, a. Belonging to the reins or kidneys. RE-PENTIANCE, n. Sorrow for sin; penitence. R N'IARD, n. The name of a fox in fable: rey- RE-PENT'ANT, a. Sorrowful for sin; penitent. RE-NAs'CENT, a. Rising again into being.[nard. RE-PEO'PLE (re-pe'pl), v. a. To people anew. RE-NAVY.I-GATE, v. a. & n. To navigate again. RE-PER-CUS'SIQN, n. Rebound; reverberation. REN-COONT'ER, n. A personal opposition; a RE-PER-C'SfSlVE, a. Driving back; repellent. combat; an attack; an encounter. RPI'ER-TO-RY, n. A treasury; book of records. RedN-COUNT'ER, v. a. To attack hand to hand. REP-E-TI'TIQON (-tishtuni), n. Act of repeating. R]~N-COUNTI'R, v. n. To encounter; to figlht. REP-E.-TItTlQN-AL, a. Containing repetitions. REND, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. rent.] To tear or sever RE-PINEI, V. n. To fret; to be discontented. with violence; to sunder; to lacerate. [late. RE-PIN1ER, n. One that repines or murmurs. RENDE.R, V. a. To return; to make; to trans- RE.-PLtN/'ISHt, V. a. To stock; to fill; to supply. fiRiiN-DrEZ-~VAU' (r6ende-v8 0r rin-de-vz'), a. RI-PLETE', a. Full; completely filled. [lfit. A place for the assembly of troops, &c. RE-PLLETION, n. The state of being fill; surIIRr:N-DEZ-VoU',v.. a.&;n. To meet. [sion. RE-PLLVt-1A-BLE, a. That may be replevied. R]EN-DItVTION (-dishtun), n. Surrender:-ver- RE-PLLE VIN, n. (Law.) A recovery of goods. RNI'E-GADE, ). An apostate; one who de- RE-PLEVYIN, RE-PLVYVY, v. a. To take lbaclk by RhN-E —GAtD, f serts to the enemy; deserter. writ. [the defendant's plea. RE-NEW', v. a. To renovate; to begin again. REP-LI-CA'TION, n.. The plaintiff's answer to RE-NEW.A-BLE, a. That may be renewed. REI-PLItER, n. One who replies or answers. RE-NEWrAL, an. Act of renewing; renovation. RE- PL', v. n. To answer; to make a return. RE-N1TETN-CY, n. Resistance to pressure. RE-PLV{, n. An answer; a return to an answer. REI-NIfTENT, a. Acting against impulse. RE-PORT', v. a. To relate; to give account ofL REN'NEgT, n. The prepared membrane of a RE-PORTt, n. A rumor:-account:-loud noise. calf's stomach; runnet. RE-PORT'ER, n. One who reports; a relater. RE-NOONCEt, v. a. To disown; to disclaim. RE-PO'~AL, n. The act of reposing. [posit. RE-NOUNCE'RtM ENT, n. Renunciation. RE-POSEI', v. a. To lay to rest; to lodge, to reR-S-NOUN'C. R, n. One who renounces or denies. RE-POSE', v. n. To sleep; to be at rest; to rest. RtN'O-VAATE, v. a. To renew; to restore. RE-POSEt n. Sleep; rest; quiet; tranqulillity. REN-Q-VAtTIQN, A. Renewal; act of renewing. RE-PO'IT,v. a.To lay up; to lodge as for safety. RE-NOWN', n. Fame; celebrity; distinction. REl-P iti-TQ-RY, n. A place for laying tip things. REl-NOWNED' (re-nioutd'), p. a. Famous, em- RE-PQ -~ES1', v. a. To possess again. [again. RENT, imp. t. & pp. from rend. [inient. RE-POQ-*StSIQN, n. The act of possessing BRNT, n. Money paid for something held from REP-RE-HEND', v. a. To reprove; to chide; another; income:-a laceration; fissure. to blamne; to reproach; to reprimand. RRNT, a. a. To lease:-to hold by lease. REP-RE-HIINDtER, n. A blamer; a censurer. RtNT'A-BLE, a. That may be rented. RLP-RE-HEN'tSI-BLE, a. Blamable; culpable. RENTTAL, n. A schedule or account of rent; a REP-RIE-HNtS'I-BLE-NE:SS, n. Blamableness. RENT'tR, n. One who rents. [rent-roll. REP-RE.-HENtSI-BLY, ad. Blamably; culpably. RitNT/-ROLL, n. An account or roll of rents. R 1P-RE I-HE NSIQN, n. Reproof; open, blame. Er-N-iN-CI-A1TION (re-ifin-she-a'shlun), 71. The RLP-RE-HEN1SIVE a. Containing reproof; act of renouncing; abnegation; recantation. RUP-R E-ItNI/SQ-R.Y, reproving. Rl.-PAID', iip. t. & pp. from repay. RtP-RE- yENTt, v. a. To describe:-to act for. Rg,-PAIRm (re-pAr'), v. a. To restore; to alnend. R:P-RE-: EN-TA'TI.ON, n. The act of repreRE-PklRt, n. Reparation; restoration; amends. senting; exhibition:-body of representatives. RiL-PAIR, v. it. To go; to betake one's self. REP-RE-:ENITA-TIVE. a. Bearing likeness. R]-PAIR/A-BLE, a. That may be repaired. REP-RE —tE:N1TA.- TIVE, n. One who represents; RE-PAIRI'R, n. One who repairs; a restorer. a deputy; a substitute; agent. Ltive. R:P'AR-4A-BLE, a. That may be repaired. REP-RE-~ENITA-TIVE-LY, ad. By a representaRkP/.A-RA-BLY, ad. In a reparable manner. REP-REI-NT'IER, n. One who represents. RIP-A-RA'TION, n. Act of repairing; amends. RE-PrPEss,v. a. To crush; to quell; to subdue. REP-AR-TEE', n. A smart, witty reply. RE-PRS/sSIQN (re-prtsh'.un), n. Act of repressRE-PASS', v. a. & n. To pass again; to travel RE-PRS_'SIVYE,a. Having power to repress.[ing. RE-PASTI, n. A meal:-food; victuals. [back. RE-PRIE:VEI (re-prlv'), v. a. To respite. RE —PXAY, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. repaid.] To pay RE-PRIEVEI, n. Arespiteaftersentence ofdeath. back; to recompense; to reimburse. R P-RI-MAND', v. a. To chide, check, reprove. RE-PAY/MENT, an. Tie act of repaying. [voke. REP'RI-MAND, n. A reproof; a reprehension. RE-PEAL', v. a. To recall; to abrogate; to re- RE-PRINT', V. a. To print a new edition of. RE-PEAL', A. A revocation; an abrogation. RE'PRINT, n. A new impression. [tion. RE-PfAL'A-BLE, a. That may be repealed. RE-PRtISAL, n. A seizure by way of retaliaRi-PirAL/1R, a. One who repeals or abrogates. RE-PROACH' (re-prach'), v. a. To censure. R13-PEAT', V. a. To do again; to rehearse. RE-PROACHt (re-proch'), n. Censure; shame. RE-PEATI, n. A repetition; a mark in mrnsic. RE-PRoACHA-BLE, a. Worthy of reproach, RE-PEATIED-LY, ad. More than once. [watch. RE-PROACH/FLrL, a. Scurrilous; shameful vile. RE-PEAT'I~R, n. One who repeats: —a kind of RE-PROACH'FPL-LY, ad. With reproach. A,RP,fr,C,O, long;i,ti,6,O,[, short; A,,I,QU,y, obscure.-FARE,PXR,FAST,PFiLL; HEIR, HER; REPROBATE 235 RESPECTIVELY RtP'RO -BATE, a. Lost to virtue; abandoned. RE-ihRVEt, n. A store kept untouched; an exREPIRQ-BATE, n. A man lost to virtue. ception:-prohibition:-n-modesty; caution. REPtPIRO-BATE, v. a. To disallow; to reject; RE-~ERVED1 (re-z6rvd'), a. Modest; not frank. to censure:-to abandon to hopeless ruin. RE -ERVIED-NESS, n. Want of frankness. REP-RO-BrTIQON, n. The act of reprobating. RE-ER -VOIR! (rdz-er-vwir'), n. A place where RE-PRO-DUCEt, v. a. To produce again or anew. any thing is kept in store: a cistern; a tank. REP-PROQ-DC1'TIOQN. Act of producing anew. RE-SET' v. a. To set again, as a jewel. RE.-PROOF1. n. Blame to the face; a rebuke. RE-SET/TLE, v. a. To settle again. RE-PROV1A-BLE,a. Deserving reproof or blame. RE-SE-S TTLE-MIENT, n. Act ofsettling again. RE-PROVE1,v. a. To blame; to chide; to rep- RE-SDEt, v. n. To live in a place; to dwell. REPtTILE, a. Creeping on the belly. [rehend. RhE:I-DENCE, n. A place of abode; a dwelling. REP'TILE, n. A creeping animal; a serpent, &c. REI?-DENT, a. Having abode in a place; fixed. RE-PiJB'LIC, n. A commonwealth; a free state. REjtI-DENT, n. One who resides; an agent. PR]-PfBtLIJ-CAN, a. Relating to a republic. RES-I-DENTTI-A-RY (-den'she-), a. Residing.< RE-PriBtLI-CAN, n. An advocate for republican RE- D'fU-AL, a. Relating to the residue. government; a democrat. RE-IfD1rI-A-RY, a. Pertaining to the residue. RE-PuOBLI-CAN-1~IM, n. Republican principles. RE.1I-DOE (r6z'e-di), n. That which is left. RE-PuTB-LI-CA'TIQN, n. A second publication. RE-ID1U- UH, n. [L.] The residue; remainder. Rfl-PrB'LSH, v. a. To publish anew. RE-~IGN' (re-zint), v. a. To give up; to confide. RE-Pt'DI-ATE, v. a. To divorce; to reject. RES-IG-NAJ'TION, n. Act of resigning:-state RE-PU- DI-AtTION, n. A divorce; a rejection. of being resigned; patience; submission. RE-PCrGINANCE, RE.-PUG'NAN-CY, n. State of RE-SIL/I-ENCEX RE-I1LtI-EN-CY, lt. A reboundbeing repugnant; aversion; opposition. RE-SiLtI- ENT, a. Rebounding. [ing. RE-PrGINANT, a. Contrary; inconsistent. RrE-I-LItTION (rez-e-ltsh'un), n. Resilience. RE-PPG'NANT-LY, ad. Contradictorily. RhtIN, n. An inspissated juice of the pine, &c. BE-PrLSEI, n. A rejection; a driving off. RE~IiN-OOS, a. Containing resin; like resin. RE-PrLSEt, v. a. To beat back; to drive off. RE-SST1,v.a. & n. To oppose; to act against. RIE-POLtSION, n. The act or power of driving RE- ISTtANCE, n. Act of resisting; opposition. REi-PJL'SIVE,a. Driving off; repelling. [off. RE- sT-I-sBL'I-Ty, a. Quality of being resistiRE-PURICHASE, v. a. To purchase again. RE.-*tST1i-BLE, a. That may be resisted. [ble. RhP'i1-TA-BLE, a. Honorable; of good repute. BE- ISTtLESS, a. That cannot be resisted or RkPtUJ-TA-B1LE-N:SS n. Quality of being rep- opposed; irresistible. [solved. RkP'U-TA-BLY, ad. With good repute. [utable. REhq -LU-BLE, a. That may be melted or disR.P-U-T ATION, n. Good repute; credit; honor. R'10-LUTE, a. Determined; steady; firm; bold. RE-PUTEt, v. a. To hold; to account; to think. RE1'O-LUTE-LY, ad. Firmly; constantly. RE-PUTE1. n. Character; reputation; credit. RE'tO-LUTE-NNESS, a. Unshaken firmness. R,-QUEST, n. A petition; an entreaty, demand. RE -Q-LU1TIQN, n. Act of resolving; decisRE-QUESTt, v. a. To ask; to solicit; to entreat. ion; constancy; firmness:-analysis. REi'QU.I-E.M or REQtUI-E.M, n. A hymn for the RE- (oLV'A-BLE, a. That may be resolved. RE-QUIR'A-BLE,a. That may be required.[dead. RE-SOLVEt (re-zSlv'), v. a. To informn: —to RE-QUIRE, v. a. To demand; to claim; to need. solve; to clear; to melt; to dissolve, analyze. RE-QUIREtMENT, n. A demand:-a thing re- RE -OLVE1,. n. To determine; to decree. quired; requisition. [ful. RE -OLVE, n. Resolution; fixed determination. RPQtIUI- ITE (rhk'we-zlt), a. Necessary; need- RE-SOLtVENT, n. That which Causes solution. RrQtUI-~iTE (r6ktwe-zit),. A thing necessary. RE-$OLVIE. R,. One that resolves. REQtUI-~ITE-NE SS, n. Necessity. RES/O-NXNCE, n. Sound; a return of sound. Ri:Q-UI-ItV"TLON (rhk-we-zish'un), n. Demand. RE, -NANT, a. Resounding; returning sound. RE-QUI1TAL, n. A return; reward; recompense. RE.-SORBE.NT, a. Swallowing up. [apply. RE-QU!TEt, v. a. To repay good or ill; to recom- RE- ORT, v. n. To have recourse; to repair; to RE-SALEt, n. A sale at second hand. [pense. RE-~iORT1, n. An assembly; a place of meeting. RE-SCINDt, v. a. To cut off; to abrogate a law. RE.-SoRTtER., n. One that frequents or visits. RE-SC I$.ION (re-sizh.un), n. An abrogation. RE-SOfND, v. a. To echo; to reverberate; to REtSCRIPT, n. An edict, or a public answer sound; to celebrate. [turned. of an emperor or a pope. RE-SIfNDt, v. n. To be echoed back or reRts'CVE (rstktu), v. a. To set free; to deliver. R:E-SOURCE1t (re-surs'), n. A resort; expedient. RiSt'CUE (rhesku), n. A deliverance; liberation. RE-SPECT,V. a. To regard; to have relation RE-SEARCHr (re-strch'), sn. An inquiry; search. to; to think highly of; to esteem. RB-SEIZtIRE (ro-s'tzhur), n. Repeated seizure. RE-SPECTt, n. Attention; honor; relation. RE-qaMItBLANCE, n. A likeness; a similitude. RE -SPEIC-TA-BILtI-TY, n. The being respectable. RE-8MR:'BLE, v. a. To compare:-to be like. RE-SPECT.A-BLE, a. Worthy of respect; repRE-~-NTt, v. a. To take ill or as an affront. utable; estimable; honorable. RE-~ENT'FrL, a. Malignant; easily provolced. RE-SPEC{TA-BLY, ad. So as to merit respect. RrI-~EtNT1MENT, a. Deep sense of injury; anger. RE-SPECTFtOL, X Ceremonious;full of respect. RE-E.R-VAtTIQN, n. Act of reserving: —re- RE-SPECTIFOL-LY, ad. In a respectful manner. serve; custody:-something held back. RE-SPECT'FUL-N.SS, n. Quality of being reRE —ERV'A-TO-RY, n. A repository. spectful; civility; courtesy. RE-EitRVE', v. a. To keep or hold back; to RE-SPrCfTIVE, a. Belonging to each; relative. keep in store; to retain; to lay up. RE-SPrECTIVE-LY, ad. As relating to each. XIEN, SYIR; MOVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, RtLE. —, A, soft; P, A, hard; ~ as z;, as gz; THIS. RESPIRABLE 236 REVENGE RE1-SPIRtA-BLE, a. That can respire:-that can RE-TAL'-AA-TE, v. a. & n. To return like for be respired. like; to repay; to revenge. RkS-PI-RAXTIQN, n. Act of breathing:-respite. RE-TAL-I-A'TIQN, n. The return of like for like. RE-SPIREt, v. n. To breathe:-to rest from toil. RE-TALI.-A-TO-RY, a. Returning like for like. RE-SPIRE', v. a. To breathe out; to send out. RE -TXRD, V. a. To hinder; to obstruct; to deRES'PITE, n. Reprieve; delay; pause; interval. RETCH or RRTCH, v. n. To try to vomit. [lay. RES'PITE, v. a. To relieve; to suspend; to de- RE-TEN'TIQN, n. Act of retaining:-memory. RE.-SPLkNIDENCE,n. Lustre; brightness. [lay. RE-TEN'TIVE, a. Having power to retain. Ctive. RE-SPL:EN'DE NT, a. Bright; shining; having RE:-TEN'TIVE]-NESS, n. Quality of being retenlustre; brilliant; splendid. RET'I-CLE (rbt'e-kl), n. A small net; reticule. RE-SPL:NtDENT-Ly,ad. With lustre; brightly. RE-TIC1U-LAR, a. Having the form of a net. RE-SPONDt, v. n. To answer; to correspond. RE-TICtV-LAT-E D, a. Like net-work; reticular. Ri-SPOND', n. A short anthem:-half-column. RETII-CJLE, n. A hand work-bag or case. RI-SPONh'DrENT) n. An answerer in a suit. RET'I-F6ORM, a. Having the form of a net. Ri-SPONSE', n. An alternate answer; a reply. Ri2T.I-NA, n. [L.] A membrane of the eye. RE-sPPoN-SI-sILtI-Ty,, i. The state of being re- RET'I-NiE, n. A train of attendants; a suite. sponsible; accountability; responsibleness. RE-TIRE', v. n. To retreat; to withdraw. RE-SPiONSI-BLE, a. Answerable; accountable. RE-TI.REDt (re-tird'),p. a. Private; secluded. Rg-SPN'aSI-BLE-NESS, n. Responsibility. RE:-TIRE'ME:NT, n. Private abode or way of life. R]-SPON'SIVE, a. Answering; making answer. RE -TORTT, v. a. & n. To throw back; to return. REST, n. Sleep; repose; support:-remainder. RE-TORT1, n. Censure returned:-a glass vessel. REST, v. n. To sleep, die, be still, lean, remain. RE-TOUCH1, v. a. To improve by new touches. REST, v. a. To lay or place, as on a support. REr -TRACE', v. a. To trace back; to trace again. RtS-TIU-RATIOQN, n. The act of recovering. RE-TRXCT', v. a. & n. To recall; to recant. RkS'TIFF, a. Unwilling to stir; obstinate; res- RE-TRAC-TA'TION, n. A recantation; retraction. RESITIFF-NESS, n. Obstinate reluctance. [tive. R.-TRXCITION, n. Act of retracting or withRiST'ING-PLACE, n. A place of rest. drawing; recantation. RES-T!-TIUTIQN, n. The act of restoring. RE-TRXCtTIVE, a. Retracting; withdrawing. RBS'TIVE, a. Unwilling to stir or go forward; RE-TRWATIn. Act of retreating:-retirement. obstinate; stubborni; restiff. REi-TRE ATt, v. n. To go back, retire, withdraw. RtST'LE.SS. a. Being without rest; unquiet. RE-TRENCH, v, a. To cut off; to lessen, reduce. RESTtLE.SS-LY, ad. Without rest; unquietly. RE.-TRENCHtMiNT, n. A reduction of expense. RESTILE.SS-NESS, n. Want of rest or quiet. RE.-TRIB'UTE, V. a. To pay back; to repay. RE-STTORIA-BLE, a. Capable of being restored. RT T-RI-BUtTIQN, n. Repayment; reward. RES-TQ-RA'TION, n. The act of restoring. RE-TRIBU'-TIVE a. Making retribution; RE-STO'RA-TIVE, a. Having power to restore. RE-TRIBt/y-TO-Ry, repaying. - Ri.-sTo'R.-TIVE, n. A medicine that restores. RE-TRIEV/.A-BLE, a. That may be retrieved. RE-STToRE1, v. a. To give back; to return, as REi-TRIEVrtrer-trev'), v.a. To recover; to repair. a thing taken; to reinstate;.to cure; to recover. RE-TRO-CES SION (rS-tro-sesh'un), n. A going RE-S56RtE R, n. One that restores or recovers. RET-R.O-GRA-DA'TIQN, ni. Retrogression. [back. RE-STRAINt, v. a. To withhold; to repress; RETTRQ-GRADE, a. Going backward; contrary. to hold back; to curb; to check; to limit. RETRQO-GRADE, v. n. To go backward. RE-STRXIN/A-BLE, a. Capable of being re- RLT-RO-GR'StSIQN, n. Act of going backwards. RE-STRAIN'S.R, n:. One that restrains.[strained. RET1RO-SP.CT, n. A review of things past. RE-STRAINT1, n. A holding back; restriction. RET-R.O-SPECTION, n. Act of looking back, RE-STRICT', v. a. To limit; to confine, restrain. or on things past. RE-STRIC'TIQN, n. Confinement; limitation. RET-RO-SPC'TITIVE, a. Looking backwards. RE-STRIC'TIVE, a. Causing restraint or limita- RE-TURNt, v. n. To come or go back; to respond. RE$-STR.C'fTIVE-Ly, ad. With limitation. [tion. RE-TURN', v. a. To repay; to give or send back. REi-STRAINtE, v. a. To contract; to astringe. RE-TURNt, a. The act of coming back:-repayRE-STRIN1q]EN-CY, a. Power of contracting. ment; profit; restitution; relapse: —account. RE-STRINt(IENT, n. A restringent medicine. RE-TURN'A-BLE, a. That may be returned. Ri-iLT', v. n. To arise or proceed from. RE-TURNtER, n. One who pays or remits money. RE-~itLT', n. Consequence; effect; decision. R-IfJNItON (re-yfin'yun), n. A second union. RE-UMlMtA-BLE, a. That may be taken back. RE-U-NlTE', v. a. & n. To unite again. RE-~UME', a. a. To take back; to begin again. RE-VEALI, v. a. To show; to discover; to disREt-~MPtITION, n. The act of resuming. RE-VEALtER, n. One who reveals. [close. Rit-U.R-R:tC'TIQN, tn. Act of rising again, after REVEILLE (re-val' or re-val'ya), n. A beat of death; a revival from the dead. drums for awaking soldiers. [ment. RE-SiStCIC-T.TE, v. a. To stir up anew, revive. RtVIr.L, v. n. To feast with clamorous merriRl.-SiS!C.I-TATE, v. n1. To awaken; to revive. REV'EL, n. A feast with loose and noisy jollity. REi-SriS-CI-TA'TIo N, n. Act of resuscitating. REV-1.-LAXTION, n. Act of revealing; discov. RE-TAIL', v. a. To sell in small quantities. ery:-comnmunication of sacred truths by a REtTAIL, n. Sale by small quantities. teacher from heaven:-Apocalypse. RE.-TAIL't.R, n. One who retails. [to hire. RtVE.L-L1.R, n. One who revels. RE-TAIN1, v. a. To keep; to hold; to preserve; RtV'IEL-RY, a. Loose jollity; festive mirth. RE.-TXIN$ER, n. One who retains:-a depend- RE-VkNGE'I (re-vtnj'), v. a. To return an injury. ant: —a fee to retain a counsel. REi-VENqE', n. Return of an injury or affront. ~,E,5,0,Y, long; obX,R,o,O,l, short,E,,Q,,~, obscure.-FARE,FXRi,FST,FALL; HEIR,HI:R; REVENGEFUL 237 RIDER RE.:-VtNQEtFWL,.a. Vindictive; full of revenge. RaV-Q-Lrfj TIQNV-IZE, V. a. To cause a revoluRE-VtENqEFOL-LY, ad. Vindictively. tion in; to remodel. [sider. nt-VENiQE'FftL-NkSS, n. Vindictiveness. RE.-VLVE, v. n. & a. To roll round; to conR:E-VENT/ER, i. One who revenges. [profits. RE.-VULfSIQN, n. A turning or drawing back. REVI -NUE or RE-VENIUE, n. Income; annual RE-VULtSIVE, a. Having the power of revulsion. RE-VERIBER-ANT, a. Resounding. [resound. RE-WARD, v. a. To give in return; to repay. RtE-VERfBERi-ATE, v. a. & n. To beat back; to RE-WiRDr, n. A recompense; a compensation. RE-VER-.BE R-ATIQON, n. Act of reverberating. RE-WARD'ER, n. One that rewards. [ed. RE.-vERtfBER-A-TQ-RY, a. Returning; beating RHAP-S0DtI-CAL (rap-sod'e-kal), a. Unconnectback; reverberating. [nace. RHIAPtSO-DST (rap'so-dist),a.. One who writes, RE.-VER'BER-A-TIQ.-RY, n. A reverberating fur- recites, or sings rhapsodies. [position. RE.-VitRE' v. a. To reverence, honor, venerate. RHAP'SO-DY (rap's-de), n. An irregular coinRVIE. R-ENCE, n. Veneration; respect:-bow. RHTtOQ-RiC (r6tto-rlk), n. The art of prose REVIE R-E NCE, v. a. To regard with reverence. composition:-oratory; eloquence. RrVT'R- EN-CER, n. One who reverences. RHE-TORt'I-CAL (re-), a. Pertaining to rhetoric. RtVIER -ND, a. Deserving reverence; a title. RHE-T6Rt'I-CAL-LY,ad. In a rhetorical manner. REVi.ER-ENT,a. Humble; expressing veneration. RHiET-O-RI"CIAN (ret o-rish'tn), n. One who RV-EV R-ENtTIAL, a. Expressing reverence. teaches the science of rhetoric:-an orator. REV-ERL-ENTIAL-LY, ad. With show of rev- RHEOM5 (rum), n. A thin, watery humor. erence; reverently. [ence. RHEO-MaXT'C (ri-mr ttik), a. Relating to, or REV IE.R- ENT-LY, ad. With awe; with rever- affected with, rheumatism. RE-VER'SAL, na. A change of sentence; change. RHE/.MA-TYIM (ru'ma -tlzm), n. A painfill disRE-VERSEt, v. a. To overturn; to subvert. temper affecting the muscles,joints, or limbs. RE-VERSE1 n. Change acontrary; an opposite. RHEI'MY (r'me), a. Affected with rheum. RE-:-VERS'I-BLE, a. Capable of being reversed. RHI'NO (ri'na), n. A cant word for money. R/-VER'SIQN, n. Act of reverting; succession; RHI-NO9'1E-RoS (ri-ns'le-ros), n. A quadruped. right of succession. cession. RHOD-O-D2N'DRON (rld-o-dten'drun),n.A plant. RE_-VER'sSIQN-4A-RY, a. To be enjoyed in seic- RHOMB (rumb), az. A quadrilateral figure. RE-V~ERtSION-ER, a. One who has a reversion. RH6M'BIC (rutn'bik), a. Shaped like a rhomb. RE-VERT', v. a. & n. To return; to fall back. RHOM1'BOID (rmibibId), n. An oblique-angled RE-VERTtI-BLE, a. That may revert. parallelogram. R VIE-RY, or Rt V-E-RIEt, n. A loose, wan- RHoiM-BsID'AL-(rum-b61d'al),a. Like a rhomb. dering, or deep musing; a wild fancy. RfitSBP.RB (rMibarb), n. A plant or root. R$-VIEW' (re-vd'), v. a. To see again:-to con- RHYME (rIm), n. An harmonical succession or sider again — to survey; to examine, inspect. correspondence of sounds; poetry; a poenm. RE-VIEW' (re-vi'), n. Act of reviewing; a re- RHYME (rim), v. n. To agree in sound; to vervision:-analysis of a book; critique:-a pe- RHIME (rim), v. a. To put into rhyme. [sify. riodical publication:-an inspection. -R HYMtEtR, RHYME'STE R, n.A naker of rhymes. RE-VIEWrAL, n. A critical notice; a review. RHYTHM (rIthm), n. Metre; verse; numbers. RE-VIEWrVER (re-vt'er), n. One who reviews. RHVTHIfM-CAL (rlth'me-kld), a. Harmonical. RE-VILE, av. a. To reproach; to vilify; to abuse. RitAL, n. A Spanish coin. See REAL. RE-VIL'ER, n.. One who reviles. [guage. RIB, n. A bone:-a piece of tinber:-a strip. RE-VHIi'TNGc n. Reproachful, contumelious lan- RIB, v. a. To firnish with ribs; to enclose. RE-V!I5AL, n. A review; a reixamination. RIB'ALD,n. A low, mean wretch.-a. Vile. RE-VIE', v. a. To review; to reexamine. RIB'ALD-RY, n. Mean, lewd, or brutal language. RE_-VISE, n. A review:-a second proof-sheet. RIB'BON, n. A strip or fillet of silk; a slip of RE -VI$ER, n. An examiner; a superintenldent. silk;-written also riband. RE-VI'HION (re-vtzh'un), n. A review; revisal. RIB'BON, V. a. To adorn with ribbons. RE-V.IT,. a. To visit again. [awakening. RIBBED (ribd), a. Furnished with ribs. RE-VIV.AL, n. A renewed life or activity; an RIB'tRAST (rlb'rost), v. a.To beat soundly.[BurRE-VIIVAL-IST, a. A promoter of revivals. RICE, n. A cereal plant and its grain. [lesque.] RE.-VIVE, v. n. To return to life or vigor. RICH, a. Wealthy; opulent; fertile; fruitful. RE.-VIVE, v. a. To bring to life, renew, rouse. RiCH'E. ~, n. pl. Wealth; opulence; affluence. RE-VIV'E R, n. He who, or that which, revives. RICH'LY, ad. With riches:-abundantly. RE-VIV-I-FI-CA'tTION, n. The act of recalling RICH'tNESS, n. Opulence; abundance; fertility. R]-VIVtI-FY, v. a. To recall to life. [to life. RICK, n. A pile of grain or hay. RVIQO-CA-BLE, a. That may be revoked. RICK'tTS, n. pl. A disease in children. Ru V-Q-CA'TION, n. Act of recalling; a repeal. RICK'EiT-Y, a. Diseased with the rickets. RE.-.OKE', a. a. To repeal; to reverse; to recall. RID, v, a. [imp. t. & pp. rid.] To free; to clear. IIRE-VOLT' or RE-V6LT', v. n.'To fall off; to RiD5DANCE,n. Deliverance; disencumbrance. renounce allegiance; to desert; to rebel. RID'DEN (rldfdn), pp. from ride. IIRE-VOLT', n. A desertion; a change of sides. RIDtDLE, n.An enigma; problem:-coarse sieve. IR.-VOLT.ER, n. One who revolts; a deserter. RID'DLE, v. a. To solve; to clear by a sieve. Ri:V-O-LUTTIQN, n. Rotation; circular mo- RIDE, v. n. [imp. t. rode; pp. rode, ridden.] To tion:-a change of a government in a country. travel on horseback or in a vehicle; to be RtV-Q-LfJ'TION-A-RY, a. Relating to or pro- RIDE, v.a. To sit on; to manage at will.[borne. moting a revolution. RIDE, n. An excursion in a vehicle, &c. REV-Q-LUtTIQN-IST, n. A favorer of revolutions. RID'ER, a. One who rides:-a clause annexed. MIEN, SIR; M6VE, NOR, SNiN; BfOLL, BUIR, RJtLE.-}-9,, sftj; 0,., hard; a as z; as gz; THIS. RIDGE 23& ROBIN RlDqE, n. The top of the back, or of a slope. RINGIL.T, n. A small ring:-a curl of hair. RIDCrE, U. a. To form, as a ridge; to wrinkle. RiNG'STREAKED, a. Having circular streaks. RIDGlY, a. Rising in, or consisting of, ridges. RING'TAIL n. A kind of bird:-a sail. RID.-CULE, n. Wit that provokes laughter; RING{WORM, n. A disease; a circular tetter. derision; mockery. [deride. RINSE, v. a. To wash; to cleanse by washing. RIDI-COULE, v. a. To expose to laughter; to RIrQT, n. Noisy festivity:-a sedition; uproar. RI-DIC't-LOfJS, a. Worthy of being laughed at. RI'QT, V. n. To revel, banquet, raise an uproar. RI-DICtU-LOPS-LY, ad. In a ridiculous manner. RI'OT-ER, n. One who raises an uproar or riot. RID'ING-COAT, n. A coat used in riding. RI'OT-OiS, a.. Wanton; seditious; turbulent. RID'ING-HXB-IT, n. A riding dress for women. RI'OT-OiS-LY, ad. Seditiously; turbulently. RIDfING-HOOD (-hfid), n. A hood for riding. RI'QT-OVS-NBSS, n. The state of being riotous. RI-DOT1T6i, n. [It.] A musical entertainment. RIP, v. a. To tear; to lacerate:-to disclose. RiFE, a. Prevalent; prevailing, as a disease. RIP, n. A laceration:-a wicker fish-basket. RIFEfLy, ad. Prevalently; abundantly. RIPE, a. Mature; finished; complete; ready. RIFEINE.SS, a. Prevalence; abundance. RIPE'LY, ad. Maturely; at the fit time. RIFFIRAFF, na. The refuse; sweepings; rabble. RIP'EN (r'tpn), v. n. & a. To grow or make ripe. RifFLE, v. a. To rob; to pillage; to plunder. RIPEINEss, n. State of being ripe; maturity. RItFLE, n. A sort of gun, grooved within. RIPfPLE, v. n. To fret on the surface, as water. RIPFLE-MAN, n. One armed with a rifle. RIP'PLE, n. Agitation of water; a little wave; RI'FLER, n. A robber; a plunderer; a pillager. a rimple:-a large flax-comnb. RIFT, n. A cleft a breach; an opening. RIP'PLING, n. Ripples dashing on the shore. RIG, n. A ridge; dress:-a frolic. RIpEr, v. n. [imp. t. rose; pp. risen.] To get RIG, v. a. To dress; to fit with tackling. up; to arise; to grow; to ascend; to increase. RIG-A-DOONI, n. A kind of gay, brisk dance. RISE, n. Ascent; increase; beginning; elevaRIG1GER, n. One that rigs or dresses. RIb'EN (rzt'zn), pp. from rise. [tion. R!Qk.I'NG, n. The sails or tackling of a ship. RlG'SITNG, naE. Tue sails or tack ling of a shipu. IRI-I-BILl-TY, n. The quality of being risible. RIGIGLE, v.n. To move backward and forward. IIRtI;I-BLE, a. Exciting laughter; laughable. RIGHT (rtt), a. True; not wrong; just; direct. RI'5ING, n. The act of getting up; insurrection. RIGIT (rlt), ad. Properly; justly; truly; very. RISK, n. Hazard; danger; a chance of harm. RIGHT (ret), n. Conformity to the law of God, RISK, v. a. To hazard; to expose to danger. or; of man; freedom from error or fault; equi- RITE, n. A solemn act or ceremony of religion. ty!; justice; just clainm:-privilege. IRST/'V-AL (rit'yu-.al), a. Ceremonial. RIGHT (rit), v. a. To free from wrong; rectify. RITTU-AL, n. A book of religious ceremonies. RIGiIT (rit), v. at. To rise with masts erect. RTtU-AL-L-L, ad. According to the ritual. RTGIGHTtEOS (rI'chus), a. Just; virtuous; up- RIIVAL, n. A competitor; an antagonist. RIGHTtEOUS-LY (ri'clihus-le), ad. Justly. [right. RI1VAL, a. Standing in competition; emulous. RIGHIT'EOuS-NESS (rI'chyus-nes),.. Jutstice. RI'VAL, v. a. To strive to excel; to emulate. *RIGsCT'FtL (rlt'ffl), a. Hlaving right; lawful. RI'VAL-RY, n. Competition; emulation. RIGHT'PFIL-Ly (rit'ffil-e),ad.According to right. R1VAL-SHIP, n. State or character of a rival. RIGHT'/FL-N.SS.(rtfq'fl-nes), n. Rectitude. RaVE, v, a. [imp. t. rived; pp. riven.] To split; RIGIHT'-HXND (rIt'hand), n. Not thle left hand. RIV'EN (rlv'vn), pp. from rive. [to cleave. RIGHT'Ly (rlt'le), ad. Properly; uprightly. RIV'gR, n. A large stream of water. RIGHT1NESS (ritt-), n. Correctness; rectitude. RIV/ER, 21. One who splits or cleaves. RICr'D, a. Stiff; severe; strict; sharp; cruel. RIVIER-DRXAGION, n. A crocodile. [enids. RI-IID.I-TY,n. Stiffness; severity; inflexibility. RIVfiTT,ns. A fastening pin clinched at both RIG'ID-LY, tad. Stiffly; severely; inflexibly. [ty. RIV'ET, v. a. To fasten strongly or with rivets. RIt.ID-NESS, n. Stiffness; severity; inflexibili- RIV'ty-LtT, n. A small river; a brook. RIG'LET, n. A thin piece of wood. See REGLET. RIXI-D6L-LAR, n. A coin from 60 to 108 cents. RIGIMA-ROLE, n. A repetition of idle words. RPACH (rech), sn. A fresh-water fish. RIG!OR, n. Stiffness; severity; austerity. ROAD (red), n. A broad way or passage; a path. RIGQOR-O-iS, a. Severe; stern; harsh; exact. ROAD STkAD, n.' A place for ships to anchor in. RIGIQR-OUS-LY, ad. Severely; sternly; exactly. ROAM, v. n. To wander; to ramble; to rove. RIGfQR-OVS-NESS, t. Severity; sternness. R6AMHER, n. A rover; a rambler; a vagrant. RILL, at. A small brook; a streamlet. ROAN (ron), a. Bay or sorrel:-black,with spots. RIM, n. A border; a margin; an edge. ROAR (rlr), v. n. To cry; to make a loud noise. RIME, a. Hoar frost; a hole; a chink. ROAR, n. The cry of a wild beast; a loud noise. R.I-MOSE', or RIfMOUS, a. Full of chink ROAR'ING,a. The cry of a lion, &c.; loud noise. RiMtPLE, n. A wrinkle; a fold; a ripple. ROAST (rlst), v. a. To cook, as meat; to heat. RlMfRPLE,v. a. To pucker; to wrinkle. [tion. ROAST,p.a. [For roasted.] Roasted, as meat. RIM'PLING, n. An uneven motion; an undula- ROAST, n. That which is roasted:-a banter. RI/MY, a.- Steamy; foggy; full of frozen mist. ROASTfER, no One who, or that which. roasts. RIND, n. Bark; husk; skin; coat; peel. ROB, v. a. To take without right; to plunder. RING, n. A circle; a circle of metal:-a sound. ROBIBER, n. One that plunders by force; a thief. RING, 2i. a. & n. [imp. t. rung or rang; pp. R6OB1B1R-Y, n. Theftby force or with privacy. rung.] To strike bells, &c.; to sound; to en- ROBE, n. A gown of state; a dress of dignity. RING:'DOVE, n. A kind of pigeon. [circle. ROBE, v. a. To dress pompously; to invest. RING/LEAD-ER, a. The head or leader of a ROB'IN, R6B.IN-RrEDIBRiAST, a. An insesring or riotous body. sorial singing-bird.,:ER,i,dJI, loetgg i XK,B,,6t,,, short;-I 4,4I,9,tQ,y, obscure.-FkRE,PFXR,F)ST,F1LL; HRIR,HiER; ROBIN-GOOD-FELLOW 239 ROUNDELAY Rn6BIN-GOOD-FVL'LOW (-guid-), it. A goblin. ROOT, v. a. To fix deep; to radicate; to extirRQ-BUSTl, a. Strong; sinewy; vigorous; sturdy. R6ooT', a. Full of, or having, roots.' [pate. RO-BUJSTINESS,'a. Strength; vigor. ROPE, n. A cord; a string; a halter; a cable. ROCI, n. A large mass of' tone:-a defence. ROPE'-DAiN-CER, n. One who dances on a rope. ROCK, v. a. & n. To shak; to move; to reel. ROPE1-MAIA-ER, n. One who makes ropes. ROCK'-CRYS-TAL, cn. A silicious stone; quartz. ROPE'WILK (rop'wAk), n. A place or building ROCItER, n. One who, or that which, rocks. where ropes are made. ROCKIET. n. An artificial firework:-a plant. R OP'I-N tSS, n. Viscosity; glutinousness. ROCK1I-NESS, n. The state of being rocky.:oP'1Y, a. Viscous; tenacious; glutinous. ROCKt- Rf-BY, n. A dark-red variety of garnet. O g-UF. -LAUREf (rok-e-lor'), RQ'CUE-LO (roktROCKt-S.LT, a. Native comminon salt. e-), nt. A kind of cloak or surtout. ROCKtY, a. Full of rocks; hard; stony. RO-RIlF'ER -OrS, a. Producing dew. ROD, 7. A twig; an instrument of correctio'n; oRStCID, a. Dewy; abounding with dew. a switch; a wand:-sixteen and a half feet. ROSE, 7t. A plant and flower:-lknot of ribbons. RODE, inp. t. & pp. froln ride. RO~)E-A-CA CI-A, cn. A flowering shrub. ROD-Q-MON-TADE', n. Empty bluster; a rant. IO5'AK-RY, n. A series of prayers:-a chaplet: ROE (o), n. Feinale of the hart: —eggs of fish.. -a string of beads. ROEBUCiJ,?i. A small species of deer. ROSE, imp. t. from rise. RO-G/AcTION, i7. Litany; supplication. RO'/SE-ATE (ro'zhe-at), a. Rosy; fragrant. ROQ-GA. TIN-WEEK, 71. The second week be- ROS,1 MIA-RY, it. A sweet-smelling plant. fore Whitsuntide. ROr'ET, c'. A red color used by painters. ROGUE (ro), it. A knave; a villain:-a wag. ROSE'-W.A-TER, n. Water distilled froum roses. ROGUIER-Y (rl'gur-g), 7z. Villany: —waggery. RO'.ItN, n. Inspissated turpentine. See RESIN. ROCGU'ISt (roa'ish), a. Knavish; waggish. ROStN, v. a. To rub with rosin. ROGU1iSIt-LY (r o'ish-le), ad. Like a rogue. ROIfI-NESS, n. State or qcality of being rosy. RO~uuTss-NLSS (reo'ish-nies), n. Knavery. ROS'IN-Y, a. Resembling rosin; like rosin. ROiST,' ROlST'El;, v.'. To bully; to bluster. ROS'TRAL, a. Resembling a beak. [ship. ROLL, v. a. Ti move in a circle; to inwrap. ROS1TRAT-EID, a. Adorned with a beak, as a ROLL. n. To run on wheels; to move round; ROS'TRTUM, 7,. [L.] The beak, of a bird or of a to revolve; to rotate. ship:-scaffold whence orators harangued. ROLL, cj. Act of rolling: —a imass made round; RO6~y, a. Resembling a rose; blooming; red. a roller; a register; a catalogue; a chronicle. ROT, v. nL. To putrefy.-v. a. To make putrid. ROLLcERi?n. A thing turning on its axis; fillet. ROT, n. Distemper among sheep:-putrefaction. ROLL/'ING-PINc n,. A cylinder of wood. ROTTA-RY, a. Turning on its axis, as a wheel. ROLL'ING-PRESS, n. A sort of press, RO-TA'TION,ct. A turning round; a successionc. ROtMAN, a. Relating to Romree:-Romcan Cath- RI'tTA-TQ-RY, a. Turning on its axis; whirlR.O-IMANCE', n. A fable; a fiction. [olic. ROTE:, n. A mere repetition of words. [ing. RQ-mA;NCE, v. cn. To lie; to forge stories, &c. ROTE, o. n. To go out by turn. RQ-MAN'CER, ct. A writer of romances or fables. RoT'TEN (rOtrtn), a. Putrid; not firm or sound. RO'MAN-IB~M, n. The tenets of the church of RPfTcTEN-N-SS (rotftn-ns), n. Putridness. ROZLMAN-IST, n. A Roman Catholic. [Ronme. RQ-TrND', a. Round;.circular; spherical. RO1MAN-IZE, V. a. To change to the iRoman RO-TN'D4A, n. A circular building. language, or to Romanism. RQ-TUN-DI-FOtL.I-OtS, a. Having round leaves. ROQ-XAN'TIC, a. Wild:-improbable; fancifill. RO-TUNrDI-TY, n. Roundness; spilericity. ROQMAN'TI-CAL-LY, ad. Wildly; extravagantly. RQ-TON'DO, n. A circular building. RQO-IAN'TIC-NPiSS, n. State of being romantic. ROUGE (r8zh), n. [Fr.] Red paint for the face. RO1MISH, a. Relating to the church of Rome. ROUGE (rhzh), v. a. & n7. To paint with rouge. ROMP, 1n. A rude, awkward girl: —rude play. ROUeGH (rhf), a. Not smooth; harsh; rude. ROIP, v. n. To play rudely and boisterously. ROiGHtCA- ST (rflf'ckst), v. a. To form rudely. ROMPtISH, a. Inclined to rude or rough play. ROPCGH1CAST (rtif'ktst), n. A rude model. RONDEAU (ron-dor), n. [Fr.] A kind of poetry; ROfJC5HlDRXW (rof'draw), v. a. To trace coarseac air ending with the first straitl repeated. RO1JGH'EN (rfifffn), v. a. To make rough. [ly. ROOD, c1. Fourth part of an acre; a pole; a cross. ROtUGHIEN (riiffn), v. n. To grow rough. ROOF, cn. The cover of a house:-the palate. ROUGCH-HEWt/ (ruf-ha'), v. a. To hew coarsely. ROOF Vs. a. To cover with a roof: —to enclose. ROsGII-HtETrVN' (rfif-hiin'), p. a. Unpolished. ROOF'LESS, a. Wanting a roof; uncovered. ROiJGHt'LY (rhf'le), ad. With roughness. ROO66K ('rok or rfik), cn. A bird allied to the ROrtGHfu'NgSS (riiftnes), n. Ruggedness. crow:-a piece at chess:-a cheat. ROtiGH'-RID-ER (rff'rld-er), n. One that ROOK, v. a. & n. To cheat; to plunder. breaks refiactory horses. {IROO6tER-Y, n. A collection of rooks' nests. ROttGHat-SHOD (rfif'shod), a. Having the feet RCOOM,?i. Space; extent; stead; an apartment. fitted with calked or roughened shoes. R&5M'I-NhSS, n. Space; quantity of extent. ROfOND, a. Circular; spherical; fuill; plump. Ro66oIY, a. Spacious; wide; large. ROtND, n. A circle; a sphere; a rundle; course. ROOST, n. That on which a bird sits to sleep. RUOND, ad. Every way; on all sides. ROOST, v. n. To sleep as a bird:-to lodge. ROOND,prep. On every side of; about; all over. ROOT, n. That part of a plant which rests in ROOND, v. a. & n. To malke or go round. the ground: —bottom; original; first cause. ROUND'A-Bo0T, a. Circuitous; indirect. ROOT, v. n. To take root; to sink deep. ROfN'DEi-LXY, n. A rondeau; a kind of poem. MIEN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BIJR, RtLE.-9, c, soft; *, as, hard; ~ as z;: as gz; THIS. ROUNDHEAD 240 RYE R6OND'tHAD, ct. A term applied to a Puritan. ROLE, v. a. To govern; to control; to manage. RO0ND'IOtSE, n. A constable's prison:-cabin. ROLE, v. n. To have power or command. ROUNDtISH, a. Approaching to roundness. RPLtER, n. A governor:-an instrument. ROOND'LY, ad. In a round form:-plainly. RUi, n. A spirit distilled from molasses. RoONDINEsS,n. Rotundity; openness. [a circle. RUM'IBLE, v.n. To iake a hoarse, low noise. ROuND'-RIB-RN,n. A writing signed by names in RJMtBLERtn. A person or thing that rumbles. ROIOE, v. a. & n. To wake from rest; to excite. RUrIIEBLING, n. A hoarse, low, continued noise. RO0T, n. A multitude; a rabble; a-crowd; corn- R'MI-NANT, a. Chewing the cud. pany:-confusion of an army defeated. Rt'III-NNANT, n.. A ruminant animal. ROOT, V. a. To put into confusion by defeat. RU1ctNi-NATE,v. c. To chew the cud; to muse.[on. ROUTE or ROI TE, n. [Fr.] A journey; a way. RVtMI.-NATE v. a. To chew over again; to muse ROU-TINE', cL. [Fr.] Regular course; custom, RU-MI-N.ATIQN, n. Act of ruminating; musing. ROVE, v. n. To ramble; to range; to wander. RUMrm.MAQE, v. a. & cn. To search; to examine. RO6tVE, n. A wanderer; a ranger:-a robber. RrOtS'MAG-E, n. A search; a bustle; a tumult. ROW (r6), n. A range of men or things; a rank. RO'M.OR, n. A flying or popular report; fame. RoW, n. A riotous disturbance; brawl. RMORti's, v. a. To report abroad; to bruit. ROW (ro), v. n. & a. To impel a vessel by oars..ROMP, a. End of the backbone; the buttock. ROAWEL, a. The point of a spur:-a seton. R[M!PLE, n. A wrinkle; a rude plait. Ro'tEL, v. a. To pierce by a rowel. ROM'PLE, v. a. To wrinkle; to make uneven. ROW'ER (rSier), n. One that manages an oar. RaN, v.?. [imp. t. ran; pp. run.] To move swiftROIA4L, a. Kingly; regal:-noble; illustrious. ly; to flee; to go away; to flow; to melt. RO1'AL, n. A kind of paper:-a light sail. RON, v. a. To pierce; to fulse; to incur. RO'tAL-IST, n. An adherent to a king or royalty. RiON, n. Course; motion; flow; way; stream. RO.'AL-Ly, ad. Regally; as becomes a king. RONt.A-GATE, in. A fugitive; rebel; renegade. RSt.AL-TY, cn. The office or state of a king. RUNtA-WAY, n. One who deserts; a fugitive. RUB, v. a. To scour; to wipe; to chafe. RtNI/DLE, n. A round; a step of a ladder. RUB, v. n. To fret; to make a friction. RJNG, imp. t. & pp. fiom ring. [of water. ROUB, n. Friction; collision; difficulty:-joke. RONtLEJT, RiNDILET, n. Asmallcaskorstream ROB'BER, n. One that rubs:-a game. ROIN'NEL, n. A rivulet; runlet. Rn.BIsBISH, n. Ruins; refuse; fragments. RON!Ni.R, n. One that runs; a racer. Ri-BEs1CE NT, a. Tending to a red color.[white. RUNINET, n. A liquor used to change milk to RC'BI-CAN, a. Bay, sorrel, or black, with some curds and whey. See RENNET. RO'BI-FRMce, a. Having the form of red. [&c. RONNIQON (riin'yt.n), a. A paltry, scurvy wretch. R0'BRIC, n. Directions printed in books of law, RUtNT, n. A small, stunted animal. ReiBY, n. A precious stone of a red color. RU-PE:E', n. A coin in British India. RigBY, a. Of a red color; like a ruby. RUPT'URE (rupttyur), n. A breach:-hernia. RVC-TA'TIQN,' n. The act of belching wind. ROPTtIVRE (rlpttyur), v. a. To break; to burst. RjDIrDER, Rn. The instrument which steers a ship. RVItRAL, a. Relating to the country; pastoral. RO'D1DI-NP:SS, n. The quality of being ruddy. RUSH, n. A plant: —any thing worthless. RODIDLE, n. A species of chalk or red earth. RISH, v. n. To move with violence or rapidity. RODIDy, a. Approaching to redness;. florid. R,SH, n. A violent motion or course. RnDE, a. Rough; coarse; harsh; ignorant; raw. RrTSHtI-NESS, n. The state of being full of rushes. RODEtLy, ad. In a rude manner; coarsely. RtSHI-LIGHT, n. A small taper or candle. RODEtNSS, an. Coarseness; incivility. ROSHy~, a. Abounding with, or made of, rushes. RfUtDJ-MENT, n. A first principle or element. RO-SK, n. A light, hard cake or bread. RO-DI-MENT'AL, a. Relating to first principles. R0s'SET, a. Reddishly brown:-coarse; rustic. RtE (rd), v.a. To grieve for.-n. A plant. RVSIgET, R0LS'Sm T-ING, n. A rough-skinned apROEtF0L (ru'fil), a. Mournful; woful; sorrowful. RtST, n. A red crust on iron, &c. [ple. ROEtF'FL-Ly, ad. Mournfully; sorrowfully. ROST, v. To make or become rusty. [clown. ROEIFOL-NESS,n. Sorrowfulness; mournfulness. ROSs'TIc, n. An inhabitant of the country; a ROFF, n. A painted ornamnent; a ruffle:-a bird. RtS!'TIC, R[S!TIg-CAL, a. Rude; rural; plain. ROFF'IAN (rif'ypan),n. A brutal fellow; a rascal. ROStTgI-CAL-Ly, ad. Rudely; inelegantly. RrJFFIi4N (rtiff'yn), a. Brutal; barbarous. RrS'TI-CAL-NESS, cn. Quality of being rustical. ROF!FLE,. a. To disorder, disturb: —to plait. RtSrTI-CATE, v. n. To reside in the country. RIOFIFLE, v. n. To grow rough; to flutter; tojar. RtSITI-CXTE, V. a. To banish into the country. ROF'FLE, n. A linen ornament:-contention; a ROS-TI-CA'TION, n. Exile into the country. ROs, n. A coarse, nappy, woollen cloth. [jar. RUS-TI9q'-TY, n. Rudeness; rural appearance. ROGtVED, a. Rough; uneven; harsh; rude. RbSTt.-NTSS, n. The state of being rusty. R SjIE. D-LY, ad. In a rugged manner. [ness. ROSITLE (rtis'sl), v.n. Tonmake a low noise. RrIG'I.ED-Nhiss, n. Roughness; asperity; rude- ROS'TLING, n. A succession of small sounds. ROI. NE (rf'jin), n. A surgeon's rasp. ROtSTry, a. Covered Wiith rust:-impaired. RV-GOSEt, RtfGOOS, a. Full of wrinkles. ROT, n. Copulation of deer:-track of a wheel. RO'IN, n. Destruction; overthrow:-remains. ROT, v. n. To desire to copulate, as a deer. ROtIN, v. a. To subvert, demolish, destroy. RUTH'LEss, a. Cruel; pitiless; barbarous. RO'IN-OrS, a. Fallen to ruin:-pernicious. RPTHt'LESS-LY, ad. Without pity; cruelly. RtIJN-OSU-Ly, ad. In a ruinous manner. RTH'L1.SS-NESS, n. Want of pity; cruelty. R OL:E,n. Government; sway:-a standard; a RV'DER, n. A clause to a bill. See RIDER. canon; a principle; a mode: —an instrument. RYE (ri), n. An esculent grain. A,216)irO V Ilong; IX, rX short; J,9,V,Y, ohscure.-FARE,FXRtFAST,FALL; HRIRHtR; S a 241 SALMON-TROUT S. has, in IEnglish, two sounds; first, its gen- SA-GA'CIOtVS (sa-gl'shus), a. Discerning; acute. uine sibilant or hissing sound, as in son; SA-GtICIOVS-LY (-sh.ls-le), ad. With sagacity. secondly, the sound of z, as in wise. SA-GA-tCIOUS-Ntss,n.aQualityofbeing sagacious. SA-BAOQTH or SXB'A-OTI-H, n. Hosts; armies. SA-Gr:;yI-T Y, n. Quick discernment; acuteness. s/AB'BATH,n.Thedayofrest;Sunday;Lord's day. S.tG.A-ni6sE, nO. A chief of an Indian tribe. SXB'BATH-BREAK-ER, n. A violator of the SAQE, a. Wise; grave; prudent; sagacious. Sabbath. SA(E, n. A man of gravity and wisdoin:-a pl ant SAB-BXTtI-CAL, a. Belonging to the Sabbath. SAE.LY, ad. Wisely; prudently. Lor herb. SAB'BA-TIp~t-,n. Rest; observance of the Sabbath. SAKE'NESS, n. Gravity; prudence. SAnBI-AN-Is, n. The worship of the sun, moon, SAtIT-TAL, a. Belonging to an arrow. [zodiac. SAB'INE, n. A plant; savin. [and stars. SAq-IT-TAK'RI-iS, n. [L.] Oneofthe signsof the SAkBLE, n. An animal and its fur.-a. Black. sAi5T-TA-RY,a. Belonging to an arrow. SA1BRE (satber), n. A' cimeter; a falchion. SA c., n. A nutricious, granulated fecula or SAtBRE; (-ber), v. a. To strike, or kill, with a sa- starch of East Indian plants. SAC-:-HA-RYFt:E R-Orls, a. Producing sugar. [bre. SAID (sid), imp. t. & pp. from say. Mentioned. SXc'EHA-RiNE, a. Having the qualities of sugar. SAIL, n. An expanded sheet: —a ship; a vessel. sXA-gR-DROT.AL, a. Belonging to the priesthood. SAIL, v. n. To move with sails; to pass by sea. SA'CHIEg, n. An American Indian chief. SAIL'ER, a. A ship or vessel that sails. SAXCK, n. A bag: —a robe: —pillage:-a kind of SAILtOR, n. A seaman; a mariner. [tended. sXcK, v. a. To put in bags; to pillage. [wine. SXIL'-YARD, n. A pole on which a yard is exSACKftAqE, SXCK'ING, n. Act of plundering; SAINtFrsN o0? SXINstFON, n. A sort of plant. sAoCtBsUT, n. A kind of trumpet. [pillaging. SAINT, n. A person eminent for piety. [canonize. SxCtlCLOiTH, n. Cloth of which sacks are made. SAINT, v. a. To number among the saints; to SACK'tFOL, n. As much as a sack will lhold. SAINTtED, a. Holy; pious; virtuous; sacred. sAcK —Posts.T, a. Drink made of rilk,sa:ck,&c. SAINTLSTLy, SAINT'-LIKE, a. Like a saint; pious. SXCtRA-iMENT, 71. Eucharist or Lord's s!pper. SAwE, st. Final cause; end; account; regard..SXC-R6-MENT'AL, a. Pertaining to a sacrament. SXL, a. [L.] Salt; —a term used in chemistry. SAC-RA-iMPtNT'tL-LY,ad. In a sacramental man- SALr'A-BLE, a. Fit for sale; marketable. SAtCRg.D, a. Holy; consecrated; inviolable. [ner. SAL'.A-BLE-NESS, n. State of being salable. SAXCRe D-Ly, ad. Inviolably; religiously. SA-LXA'CIOUS (sa-ltsht.s), a. Lustful; lecherous. SA'CRtD-NtSS, n. The state of being sacred. SAL'AD, n. Food of raw llerbs, as lettuce. SAC'R.-FIcE (sak're-fiz),v.a. To offer to Heaven; SALTA-MXN-DE.R, n. A batrachian reptile, fato immolate:-to destroy:-to devote. bled to live in fire. [der. SAc'RI-FIlCE (sak're-ftz), n. An offering to God. SXL-A-MAXNDRINE, a. Resembling a salamanSXtCRI-Ft-CI-. t(saik'rre-fi-zer),n. One who sac- SAL'A-R~, n. A periodical payment for services. rifices. [or performing, sacrifice. SALE, n. Act of selling; vent; market; auction. SXC-RI-Fit'CIAL (sak-re-fish'al), a. Relating to, SXL-E, -RAtTS, n. A sort of refined pearlash. SXC-RI-Lt], n. A violation of things sacred. SALEti'MAN, n. One employed in selling. SAC-RtI-LE/'tOUS (sak-re-ltjus), a. Violating SALE'WORR, n. WVork made for sale. things sacred; impious; irreverent. SALtIC, a. Excluding females from the throne. SAC-RI-LEt'fIO.US-LY, ad. With sacrilege. SA'tLI-E. NT, a. Leaping; bounding; darting. SXC'RIs-TY, n. The vestry-room of a church. SALtI-FtI-A-BLE, a. Capable of being salified. SXD, a. Sorrowful; heavy; gloolmy; grave; bad. SXLt-F's, v. a. To change or form into salt. SADrDEN (sad'dn),v.a. To make sad orsorrowfiil. SXL-I-NA.TIOQN n. A washing with salt liquor. SXD'DLE, n. A seat to put on a horse's back. SA-LINEt, a. Consisting of, or like, salt; briny. SAD'DLE, v. a. To cover with a saddle:-to load. SA-LtV VA,n. [L.] That which is spit up; spittle. SAD'DLE-BOW (said'dl-ba), n. A bow' of a saddle. SA-LI'VAL, a. Relating to saliva; salivary. SADfDLER, 7. One who makes saddles. SAL.;I-VA-Ry, a. -Relating to saliva. [glands. SAD'DIJ-C:Ei, n. One ofanancientJewish sect. SALI-VAirE, v. a.- To purge by the salivary SXD'Ly, ad. Sorrowfully; mournfully; gravely. SXL-I-VXATION, n. The act of salivating. SADrNEss, is. Sorrowfulness; mournfulness. SA-LI/VOUS, a. Consisting of spittle; salivary. SAFE, a. Free from danger, hurt, or injury. SAL'LfLW (sAillS), n. A tree of the willow genus. sAFr, n. A buttery; a place of safety. [pass. SXL'tLW (scllS), a. Sickly; yellow; pale. SKFE-C)CN'DUCT, n. Convoy; guard; warrant to SAL'LQW-NiSS,n. Yellowness; sickly paleness. SAFEIGUXRD (saFgiard), n. A defence; a pass. SAL'Ly, n. A quick egress; a flight:-a frolic. SAFE'LY, ad. In a safe manner; without hurt. SXL'LY, v. n. To make an eruption; to issue out. SAFE'NESS, n. Exemption from danger. SXL'LY-P6ORT, n. A gate at which sallies are SAXFE'TY, n. Freedom from danger; security. made; a postern gate. SAFE TY-VXYLVE, n. A valve opening outwards SXL-MA-GrJN'DI, n. A mixture of chopped meat, SAF'FRON (saf'furn), n; A plant. [from a boiler. oil, vinegar, onions, &c.:-a medley. SAF'FRoN (sAiffurn), a. Yellow; like saffron. SXLLtHON (samlmun), n. A delicious fish. SXG, v. n. To sink or hang down; to settle. SAL-MQN-TR50T' (sam-mun-trifit), n. A fish. MiEN, SiR;: M6VE, NOR, S6N; BOLL, BUR, ROLE. —I, q, soft;.0, ~$ hard;:as z; $ as gZ; THIlS. 21 SALOON 242 SATINET SA-LoNt,?n. A spacious hall; a drawing-room. SXNt.I-XC, SXN'JAK, n. A Turkish governor. SAL-SU'tI NOtiS, a. Saltish; somewhat salt. SAN-GUIFtER-OVS, a. Conveying blood. SALT, n. A substance used for seasoning:-a SAN-GUI-F.I-CA'TIQN,n.The production ofblood. salt-cellar:-savor; relish:-wit; pungency. SXN'GUI-Fy, v. n. To produce blood. SALT, a. Having the taste of salt; briny. SANtGUI-NA-RY, a. Cruel; bloody; murderous. SALT, v. a. To season or sprinkle with salt. SAN1GUINE (sdng'gwin), a. Full of blood: —confiSAL-TA'TIQN,n. A jumping; abeat; palpitation. SAN'GUINE-LY, ad. With sanguineness. [dent. sALT'-CEL-L.ARn.Small vessel for holding salt. SANtIGUINE-NtSS, n.. Ardor; confidence. S.LTtE.R, n. One wfio salts; one who sells salt. SAN-GUiN'E.-OtS, a. Full of blood; bloody. SXLT'ERN, n. A salt-work; a place for makinig SANtHE-DREYM, U1. Chief council of the Jews. SALTISI-I, a. Somewhat salt. [salt. SA~tNI-E, n. [L.] Thin discharge from sores, &c. SALTtNESS, n. The state of being salt. salt. SNI-0 S,a.Retatin g tosanies;serous;ichorous. SALT-PI'TRE (salt-pe'ter),n. Nitre; a mineral SAN1I-TY, n. Soundness of mind. SALT'-PiT, n1. A pit wihere salt is procured. SANK, imsp. t. from sinok. [ Obsolescent.] SA.LT-RHEtIl, n. A disease in the skin; herpes. tSAN~, prep. [Fr.] Without. SA-LB RI-O US,a.Wholesome; promoting health. SANtSCRIT, 71. The ancient language of India. SA?-LUtBR.-OUS-LY, ad. So as to promote health. SAP, nt. The vital juice of plants:-a trench. SA-LU'nBRI-TY,n. W holesomeness; healthfulness. SAP, v. a. To undermine; to subvert by digging. SAL'U-TA-RI-N SS, n. Wholesomeness. [geous. SAP, v. n. To proceed invisibly or by mine. SXL'V-TA-RY, a. Healthful; beneficial; advanta- SAP'ID, a. Tasteful; palatable; savory. SAL-V-T.A'TION, n.'Act of saluting; a greeting. SAtPI-ENCE,n. Wisdom; sageness; knowledge. SA-LUT.A-TQ-R.Y, a. Containing salutations. SAtPI-IENT, a. Wise; sage; discerning. SA-LUTEr t,. a. To greet; to lail: —to kiss. SAPLLE]SS, a. Wanting sap; dry; old; husky. SA-LUTE, n. A salutation; a greeting:-a kiss. SAPILING, n.. A young tree full of sap. SXL-U-TIF'E;R-OUS, a. Wholesome i bringing SAP-Q-NIA'CEOVS (-shus), a. Soapy; resemhealth. SAP'Q-NA-RY, 5 bting soap. [ate. sAL-VA-BILtI-Ty, n. Possibility of being saved. SA'PoQR, 71. [L.] Taste; power of affectirng the palSAL'/VA-BLE, a. That may be saved. SAP-O-RIF1'C, a. Having power to prod uce taste. SALIVAGE, n. A recompenise for saving goods. SAPIPE R, n. A kind of liner; one who saps. SAL-VA'TION, cn. A deliverance from any evil. SXP'PHIC (stf'fik), a. Relating to Sappho:-deSXALVA-TO-RY, n. A repository; a conservatory. noting a kind of verse. SXLVE (sav or salv), n. An ointment; a remedy. SAPIPHI.RE (saf'fir), cn. A precious stone or gem. SXLVE (sav or salv), v. a. To cure; to remedy. SAPtPHIR-INE (saf'fir-in), a. Made of sapphire. SXL'LVER, n. A plate to present any thing on. SAPPrI-NoESS, cn. Succulence; juiciness. sXLI'v, n. An exception; a reservation; excuse. SAP/Pr, a. Abounding in sap; juicy; succulent. SAME, a. Identical; not different or other. SAR/A-B-AND, n. A Spanish dance. [the Saracens. sAMEt'NSS, sn. Identity; state of being the same. SAR-A-Ce NIC, SAR-A-CkN'.I-CAL, a. Relating to SA'M.-ML, n. A destructive wind. See SIxmooe. SAR'CASM, n. A keen reproach; a scornful exSAMP, n. Food made of maize broken. pression; a gibe; a taunt; biting jest. [vere. SXMPUTIRE, n. A plant used as a pickle, &c. SAR-CAs'TIC, SAR-CAS'TI-CAL, a. Keen; seSXM'PLE, n. A specimen; a part to be shown. SAR-CASITI-CAL-LY, ad. Tauntingly; severely. SXM'PLER, n. A piece of girl's needlework. SARCEINET, n. A fine, thin-woven silk. SXN'A-TIVE, a. Powerful to cure; healing. SAR-C6PHa'A-GO;S, a. Feeding on flesh. SXNC-TI.FI-CA~'TIQN, n. Act of making holy. SAR-CoPH'A-G0S, n.; pl. SAR-CfPH'.A-q1. [L.] SANC'TI-FI-ER, n. One that sanctifies. A sort of stone coffin. SANC'TI-Fi, v. a. To make holy; to purify. SAR-CiOPH'A-(,Y, n. The practice. of eating flesh. 8XNC-TI-MSfI'NI-O[S,a. Saintly; appearing holy. SXRtDINE or SAR'PDINE, n. A kind of small SXNC-TI-MtI'NI-OCS-LY, ad. With sanctimony. SARXDO-NiX, n. A precious stone. [fish. SXNC'TT-eQ-NY, n. Holiness; austerity. SXR-SA-PA-RIKL'LA,n. A plant and its root; smiSXNC'TIQN, cn. Confirmation; ratification. [firm. SASH, n. A belt; a scarf:-a window-frame.[lax. SXNC'TIQN, v. a. To give a sanction to; to con- SAStSA-FRAS, n. A tree with aromatic bark. SANC'TI-TUDE, n. Holiness; saintliness. SAT, imp. t. & pp. from sit. SXNC'TI-TY, n. Holiness; purity; godliness. SAtTAN, n. The devil; the arch-enemy. SXNCTtU-A-RY (sangkttyu-aY-re),n. A holy place; A. -TANtIC, SA-TXN'I-CAL, a. Devilish; infernal. a temple; a sacred asylum; protection. SA-TAN'I-CAL-LY, ad. With malice; diabolically. SAND, n. Particles of stone.-pl. Barren land. SATCH'EL,n. A littlebag used by schoolboys,&c. SXND, c. a. To spricnkle or strew with sand. SATE, v. a. To satiate; to glut; to pall. SAXN'DAL, n. A sort of slipper or loose shoe. SXTtlEL- LITE (snt'tel-ltt), n. A small planet reSANtDAL-WOOD (-wfld), n. An aromatic wood. volving round a larger:-a follower. SXN'DA-RXAH, n.- A mineral:-a yellow resin. SAT- E.L-LI"tTIOUS (sat-tel-llsh'us), a. ConsistSAND'ED, a. Covered with sand; barren. ing of satellites. SXND'-EE1IL, n. A kind of eel found in the sand. SA1'tTI-ATE (satshe-at), v. a. To satisfy, fill, glut. SANtDI-VE.R, n. Dross separated from glass. SA'TI-ATE (satshe-at), a. Glutted; full to satiety. SArNDII-NktSS, in. The state of being sandy. A-TI-A'TION (so-slie-ashun),. Fulness. SANDfST6NE, n. A loose and friable stone. SA-TOIE-TY, n. State of being satiated; repleSXND Y, a. Ahbounding with sand; unsolid. tion; fulness beyond desire; excess. SANE, a. Soiond in mind; whole; healthy. SXT'IN, n. A thick, close, and shining silk. SANG, imp. t. froli sing. SAT-I-NEiTI,T n. Thin satin:-a twilled stuff. A,,Yf,h,iO,U, long; A,I:,IS,t,', short;. A,JI,b9Q,,y, obscurse.-FARE,FXiR,FfAST,FtLL; HIRj HOER'; SATIRE 243 SCARCE SAT'IRE, SXT'lIRE, or SXATIRE, n. A poem cen- SXX'QN-YM, n. An idiom of the Saxonlanguage. suring vice, folly, &c.; a lampoon; sarcasm. SAY (sa), v. a. & n. [imp. t. & pp. said (std).] To SA-7TIPRIC, SA-TIR'I-CAL, a. Belonging to satire. speak; to utter; to tell; to allege; to declare. SA-TIRI-CCAL- Ly, ad. With invective or satire. sAY (sa), n. A speech; what one has to say. SAT'IR-tST, n. One who writes or uses satire. SAY.INGn. An expression; opinion; proverb. SAT.IR- ZE, v. a. To censure as in a satire. SCAB, n. An incrustation over a sore; mange. SAT-IS-FACfTIQN, n. Act of satisfying; content. SCAB/BARD, n. The sheath of a.word. [try. SXT-.IS-FXCTQ-Rj-LY, ad. So as to content. SC*ABBED (skab'bed or skabd), a. Scabby; palSAT-.IS-FXC'T-ORi.-NkSS, n. Power of satisfying. SCABfBE D NESS, n. The state of being scabbed. SAT-IS-FAiCITQ-RY, a. Giving satisfaction. SCXABBI-NESS, in. The quality of being scabby. SATIlS-FI-ER, n. One who makes satisfaction. SCABBY~, a. Diseased with scabs; scabbed. SXT'tIS-F,v.a. To content; to please; to convince. SCA.BI-OUS, a; Itchy; leprous. [cal. SA'TRAP, n. A Persian governor or viceroy. SC3ABROUS, a. Rough; rugged; harsh; unmusiSAT'RA-PY, n. The governor of a satrap. SCAF/FQLD', n. A temporary gallery or stage. SAT'tU-RA-BLE, a. That may be saturated. SCXF'FOLD,v.a.Tdofurnish with frames oftimber. SXTI's-RATE, v. a. To impregnate filly. SC.AFIFOLD-ING, n. A temporary frame or stage. SXT-V-R.ATIo N, n. The act of saturating. SCAL'A-BLEa. That may be scaled with a ladder. SATtUR-DAY, I. The last day of the week. SCA-LADE', n. An assault of a place, made by SAT'VRN, n. A planet.-(.Alchemny.) Lead. SCA-LJAtDO, raising ladders against the walls. SA-TUR'NI-AN, a. Relating to Saturn:-happy. SCALD, v. a. To burn with hot liquor. SATVUR-NINE, a. Gloomy; grave; melancholy. SCALD,. Scurf on the head; a burn:-a poet. SA.TYR or SXTtYR, a. A sylvan demigod. SCALDtHPAD, n. A disease of the scalp. SAUCE, n. Something to give relish to food. SCALD'.C, a. Relating to the poets called scalds. sAucE, v. a. To gratify with rich tastes. SCALE, ie. A balance; sign Libra: —small shell sXucE'Bx, n. An impertinent fellow. of a fish; a lamina:-a ladder: —gradation; SAUCE'PAN, n. A small skillet, or pall for sauce. SCALE, v. a. To climb; to strip off scales. [gamut. SAU/CE. R, n. A small platter for a tea-cup, &c. SCALE, v. n. To peel off in thin particles. SAU'CI-LY, ad. Impudently; impertinently. SCLE D (skald), a. Squamous; having scales. sAUtCI-NhSS, n. Impudence; impertinence. SCA-LENE', a. Having unequal sides; oblique. sAU'cy, a. Insolent; impudent; impertinent. SCAt'L-NESS, n. The state of being scaly. IISXUNiTER or SAUNtTER, v. n. To wander SCALL, n. A scab; leprosy; morbid baldness. about idly; to loiter; to linger. [idler. SCALL'IQN (skl'ygun), n. A kind of onion. [tion. -IISAUN'TIR-EiR (san'ter-Qr), n. A rambler; an SCAL'LQP (sk1l'lQp), n. A shell-fish:-indemtaSAU'S4ATE, n. A composition of meat, spice, &c. SCALLQOP (skOl1lup), v. a. To indent; to notch. SAVI.A-BLE, a. Capable of being saved. SCALP, n. The skin of the top of the head. SXVt'AqE, a. Cruel; uncivilized; barbarous; wild. SCiLP, v. a. To deprive of the scalp. SXV'.AE, n. A man untaught and uncivilized. SC.AL'tPEL, n. A surgical instrument. SXV'rAqrE-NPSS, n. Barbarousness; cruelty. SCA.LY, a. Covered with scales. [scramble. SXV'tAqE-RY,in.Cruelty; barbarity; wild growth. SCAI'tBLE, V. a. & n. To mangle;, to stir; to SA-ViN'NA., n. Anopen meadow without wood. scXi'tM9-NY, sn. A plant:-a gum resin. SAVANT (s'a-vyang), n. [Fr.] A learned man. SCAIMP, n. A cheat; a knave. SAVE, v. a. To preserve from danger or death. SCA.IM'PER, v. n. To run with speed and fear. SAVE, prep. Except; not including. SCAN, V. a. To examine nicely; to measure. SAVEtiLL, n. A pan to save the ends of candles. SCAN'DAL, n. An offence; a reproach; a censure. SXV'IN, n. An evergreen tree; red-cedar. SC AN'DAL-IZE,v.a. To offend, reproach,.defame. SA'VING, a. Frugal; parsimonious; not lavish. SCAN'DAL-OVS, a. Opprobrious; shameful; vile. SAVlrNG, prep. With exception in favor of. SCAXNtDAL-Ods-Ly,ad. Shamefully; opprobriousSAV'ING, n. Any thing saved; exception. SCAN'DAL-OUS-NtSS, n. Public offence. [ly. SAVJINGS-BXNK, n. A bank in which small SCANRSIQN, n. The act of scanning a verse. sums or savings are deposited. SCANT, a. Not plentiful; scarce; not liberal. SAV'IOYR, or SAVtIQR (sav'yur), n. One who SCXNT'I-LY, ad. Not plentifully; sparingly. saves; deliverer:-the Redeemer. SCXNTtI-N:iSS, n. Want of space, compass, &c. SA'VQR, n. A scent; odor; taste. [taste. SCANT'L.ING, n. Timber cut to aismall size. SA'VQR, V. n. & a. To have a smell or taste; to SCXNT'LY, ad. Narrowly; sparingly. SA'VQ-RI-NESS, n. A pleasing taste or smell. SCANT'NlE.SS, n. Narrowness; smallness. SA'VQ-Ry, a. Pleasing to the smell or taste. SCANT'Y, a. Narrow; small; poor; not ample. sA-voVt, n. A variety of the common cabbage. SCAPE, n. An escape; a flight; evasion; freak. SAW, imp. t. from see. [a proverb. SCAPE'-G6AT (skap'gat), n. A goat set at liberty sAw, n. An instrument for cutting;-a saying; by the Jews on the day of solemn expiation. SAW, v. a. [imp. t. sawed; pp. sawed or sawn.] SCAPLU-LA, n. [L.] (ginat.) The shoulder-blade. To cut timber, or other matter, with a saw. SCAXP't-LA-RY, a. Relating to the shoulders. SDwr'DrST, n. Dust arising from sawing. SCXP'U-LA-RY, n. Part of the habit of a friar. sRWIE.R, or SAW'YER,1 n. One who saws. [horn. scAR, n. A mark of a wound; a cicatrix. SAW'FISH, n. A fish with a sort of dentated sCXR, v. a. To mark as with a sore or wound. sAwWP'fT, n. A pit where wood is sawed. SCAXR'A-BEE, n. A kind of beetle; an insect. SAX'I-FRA. E, n. An Alpine, medicinal plant. SCXAR'-MOc}CH, n. A buffoon in motley dress. SAX-F'R.A-GOfS, a. Dissolving the stone. SCARC'E, a. Not copious; rare; not common. SAX'QN, a. Belonging to the Saxons. SCARCE, SCARcE'Ly,ad.Hardly; with difficulty. MIE.N, SYR; M6rVE, NR, 86sN; BOiLL, BUR, RhLE.-9,, sejI; i, 0,ieard; ~ as z; } as gz; sTHIS. SCARCENESS 244 SCOUR scARcE'NISS, SCARtCI-TY, n. Want of plenty. S0HO6L'-HbISE, n. A house of instruction. sciAtrE, v. a. To frighten; to affright; to terrify. SC)HOOLING, n. Instruction:-a reprimand. SCAREfCROW, n. An image to frighten birds. Sc )LrMOL.AN, n. A scholastic divine. SCXRF, n. A garment worn on the shoulders. SHOOLVIMAS-TE1R, n. One who teaches a school. scXRF, U. a. To dress in loose vesture, bind. S uoLLt'MIs-TRESS, n. A female teacher. SCXRFIING, n. A junction of pieces of timber. SHtOONIER, n. A small vessel with two masts. SCXRFfSKI'iN, n. The outer skin of the body. SCI-A-Ttii R/.I-CAL, a. Belonging to a sun-dial. SCAR —FI-CAI'TIO.N, ii. An incision of the skin. SCT-AT.IC, SCI-XT'I-CA, n. Neuralgia in the hip. SCXR'I-I1-CA_-TQR, n. An instrument for scari- SCI-ATI-CAL, a. Afflicting the hip. SCXRtI.-FI-ER,?i1. One that scarifies. [fying. SC'lENCE, n. Knowledge:-a liberal art. scXR'I-rY, v. a. To let blood by cutting the skin. SCt-EN-iTIF'IC,a.Relating to,or versed in, science. SCAR-LA-TI/NA, n. The scarlet fever. SCI-] N-TiFrI-C.L-L Yad. In ascientificmanner. SCXR/LET, n. A brilliant red color. [red. SCIM'l-TAR, n. A sword. See CInIETER. SCAXRLET, a. Of the color of scarlet; brilliant SCIN'T.IL-LANT, a. Sparkling; emitting sparks. SCXRP,'t. The interior slope of a ditch; escarp. SCINITIL-LA.TE, v. n. Tosparkle; to emitsparks. SCATE, n. A fish. See SKATE. [to destroy. SCIN-TIL-LA/TI.ON an. Act of sparkling a spark. IISCXTH, or SCATHE, v. a. To waste; to damage sCI'o-LiSiM, n. Superficial knowledge. ItSCAXTH, n. Waste; damage; mischief. SCI!Q-LIST, n. One of superficial knowledge. SCATIT]:R, v. a. To disperse; to spread thinly. SCI-O6M I.A-~HY, n. A battle with a shadow. SCXTITER, V. n. To be dissipated or dispersed. SCI/Q-MAN-CY, n. Divination by shadows. SCXv'ESN-GER, n. A cleaner of the streets. SB.IR-RHOS1I-T, tn. Induration, as-of a gland. SCENE, (sen), t. A stage; an appearance: —part SCIRtIIRHOUS (skirtris), a. Indurated. of a play:-a curtain:-place of exhibition. SHS1RRHUS (skr'rrs),, nt. Induration of a gland. SC:ENE.-RY, n. Appearance: a representation. SCtS'SI-BLE, SCIS!SILE, a. Capable of being cut. SCEN'lC, SC:N'I-CAL, a. Dramatic; theatrical. sCI~tIQN (slzhiun), n. The act of cutting. SCtN-Q-GRAPH/I-CAL, a. Drawn in perspective. sc I osR (siz'zurz), n. pl. Small shears. SCEN-Q-GRKXPH'j-CAL-LY, ad. In perspective. SC~I/VRE (s1zh!yur), t.. A crack; a fissure. SCE-NOG'RA-PHY, n. The'art of perspective. SELi- ROT1Ic, nt. A medicine which hardens. SCkENT, n. Smell; odor:-chase by the smell. SCOFF, v. n. & a. To mock; to deride; ridicule; SCENT, v. a. To perceive by the nose; to perfume. scorF, n. Derision; mockery; ridicule. SCE NTtLESS, a. Inodorous; having no smell. SCOFFER, n. One who scoffs; a scorner. 11StkPrTIC (sklp'tik), n. A doubter; an infidel; SCOF1t.ING-LY, ad. In contempt.; in ridicule. a freethlinker; -written also skeptic. SCOLD, V. n. & a. To quarrel, brawl, chide, rate. S0P:r'TI-CAL, a. Doubting; not believing. SCOLD, n. A clamorous, rude, vulgar woman. ISCPfTI-CA'L-Ly, ad. In a sceptical manner. SCSLD7ING, n. Clamorous, rude language. S0EP'TI-CSIM, n. Doubt; incredulity. SCOLLQP, n. A shell-fish. See SCALLOP. SC P'TRE (sep'ter), it. An ensign of royalty. SCOL-Q-PENtDRA, n. A sort of insect:-an herb. SCkPITRE (septter), v. a. To invest with royalty. SCONCE, n. A branched candlestick:-a fixed SCtP'TRED (sepfterd), a. Bearing a sceptre. seat:-the head; sense:-a mulct or fine. SEH Dt'iLE (ssked'yul, shtd'yiil, or std'yiil), n. SCo5P, n. A kind of large ladle; a sweep. A small scroll; an inventory; a list. scooP, v. a. To lade out; to empty; to cut hollow. SCHEME, n. A plan; a project; a contrivance. SCOPE, n. Aim; intention; drift; room; space. S HEME, v. a. & n, To plan; to contrive. SCQR-BUtT' C, a. Relating to, or diseased S0HEMH ER, S0H~istLMfIST, n. A projector. SCQR-BT'TI -CAL,) with, the scurvy. SEHIIR'RUS (skir/rus), n. See SciRRHus. SCORCH, v. a. To burn superficially. SCHIqM (slzm), n. A division, as in the church. SC5RE, n. A notch; a long incision; a line SCHYI~MA-TIC (slz'ma-tlk ora siz-mat'lk), n. One drawn:-account; reason; sake:-twenty. who promotes schism. [schism. SCORE, v. a. To cut; to engrave; to mark by a SCH.I-MAAXTI.-CAL (sjz-mt'fe-kal), a. Implying line:-to note; to change. [ment. SCHYST (shlst), n. A slaty rock. sco'tRI-A, n.; pl. sc6itRI-At. [L.] Dross; recreSCHISrTOSE (shls/tss), a. Relating to schist. SCO-Ri —F-CAiTIOQN, n.. Reduction into scoria. SEIIOLAR,?. A pupil:-a man of letters. SCOtRI-FY, v. a. To reduce to scotia or dross. SjEHOLt.AR-LIKE, a:. Like or becoming a sco'Rroit0s, a. Drossy; recrernentitious. S0HSOLtAR-L~, scholar, SCORN, v. a. To despise; to revile; to contemn. SBHOL'A-SHIIIP,,n. Learning; literature, SCORN, n. Contempt; scoff; high disdain. SRHQo-LAStTIC, n. An adherent of the schools. SCoRN'ER, n. A contemner; a despiser; a scoffer. S0H.O-LASTITC, a. Belonging to a scholar SCORNrFtL, a. Contemptuous; disdainful. St0HQ-LXS'TI-C.AL, or the schools; pedantic. SCORNtFiL-LY, ad. Contemptuously; insolently. SPCHQ-LXS'TICAL-LY,;ad. As a. scholastic. SCoR'PrI-ON,.n. A reptile:-a sign of the zodiac. S0IHoLI-ASTi, n. A writer of explanatory notes. SCRIT.A-TQ-RY, a.: Relating to lewdness. S0E1H-Ll-ASITIC, a. Pertaining to a scholiast. SCOT,,n. A tax; a;payment; a share. S0HO/'L-JMT (sk'le-tim), na.; pl. SHHOCLI-4. SC6TCH, v.a. To cut.-sn. A slight cut. [L.] An annotation; an explanatory note. ScoTCH.v. a. To stop a wheel by a stone, &c. SOHOSL, n. A-place of education;, a seminary. SC6TI-FRHE, a. Without payment; untaxed. S5H866L, v. a. To instruct; to train; to teach. SC6TITJ-CIaM, ni. A Scottish word or idiom. s0H66LBis61,n. A boy that attends-school, SCUoN!DREL, n. A mean rascal; a petty villain. SOGlH6LtDXAIE, n. A schoolmistress. [dent. SCO5DNDREL, a. Base; disgraceful.; mean. SHHOOL'Fi:gL-LoW (skkl'fel-l1), n. A fellow-stu- scOUR, v. a. To purge, cleanse:-to range over. A,EI,O-,,,,,long,-;g A,,,,,, short:; iA;,I,9,V,~Yj obscure —FrA IzE,FXR,FAST,FA.LL; HMI, HE R; SCOUR 245 SEAM srcfaR, V. n. To be purged:-to rove; to scamper. SCR'TI-NY, ni. A strict search; an examination. SCoalR].,R, n. One that scours:-a purge. SCRi-TOIREI (skrd-twrIr), n. A case for writing. SCOURtgE (skiirj), na. A whip; a punishment. scmD, V. an. To flee; to run away with speed. scoUREr., v. a. To whip; to punish. scUD, n. A cloud swiftly driven by the wind. SCHOT, n. One who is sent privily to observe SCtD'DLE, v. n. To run with affected haste. the motions or state of an enemy. SCOUFILE, n. A confused quarrel; a broil. SCOUT, v. n. & a. To act as a scout; to ridicule. SCUFIFLE, v. n. To strive or struggle roughly. SCOWL, v. n. To look angry, sour, or sullen. SCOLK, V. n. To lurk secretly; to lie close. SCOWL, n. A look of sullenness or discontent. SCULKEa..R, n. A lurker; one who sculks. SCRABBRLE, V. n. To make irregular lines; to SCULL, n. A small boat:-an oar:-the brainscribble:-to struggle; to scramble. pan; the cranium. See SKULL. SCRAG, n. Any thling thin or lean:-the neck. SCriLLIE.R, n. A cockboat: —one who sculls. SCRAGrGfE.D, a. Rough; uneven; full of points. SCPLLIE.R-Y, n. A place to keep arid clean dishes. SCR'G/f.I-LY, ad. Meagrely; leanly; roughly. SCULLIQON (skiilfyun), n. A kitchen servant. SCRXAG/GY, a. Lean; thin; rough; rugged. SCULPT.OQR, n. A carver of stone or wood. SCRAMIBLE, v. n. To catch eagerly; to struggle. SCULPTt'yRE (skt:lptfyur), n. The art of carvSCRAMtMBLE, n, Eager contest; act of climbing. ing and of engraving; carved work. SCRAMIBLE R, n. One who scrambles. SCOLPTtURE (skillpt'yur), v. a. To carve. SCRANCII, V. a. To crush between the teeth. SCUMa:, na. What rises to the top of any liquor. SCRAP, an. A particle; a piece; a fragment. scUm, v. -a. To clear off the scum of; to skim. SCRAPE, v. a. - To pare lightly; to rub; to bow. SCthVatMER, n. A vessel. See SKIMMER. SCRAPE, n. Difficulty; perplexity; distress. SCrUM~IING~, n.pl. Matter skimmed off. SCR.APPER, n. An instrument; a fiddler; a miser. SCCrP:PER~, a. pl. Small holes in a ship's sides. SCRATCH, v. a. To wound; to tear with nails. SCURF. n. A kir.l of dry, miliary scab. SCRATCH, n. A slight wound; a rent:-a wig. SCURF'I-NESS, n. The state of bring scurfy. pl. A disease in horses' feet. SCURFly, a. Having scurfs or scabs. SCRAWL, v. a. & n. To draw or write clumsily. SCIR-RILI-TY, n. Vulgar or abusive language. SCRAWL, n. Unskilful and inelegant writing. SCfUR'RI-LOUS, a. Grossly opprobrious; vile. SCREiAK, V. n. To make a shrill or loud noise. SCURTR.I-LOUS-LY, ad. With gross reproach. SCREAK (skrek), n. A screech; a shrill noise. SCUR'RT-LOIS-NESS, a. Scurrility; vulgarity. SCREAM, v. n. To cry out with a shrill voice. SCURIVI-L~v ad. Vilely; basely; coarsely. SCREAM, n. A shrill, quick, loud cry. SCUR'VI-NESS, a. The state of being scurvy. SCREECH, v. n. To cry out as in terror. SCUR'VY, a. Scabbed; vile; bad; worthless. SCREECH, a. A cry of horror and anguish. SCUR'VY, n. A disease incident to seamen, &c. SCREECH'-OIL, n. An owl that hoots by night. SCURVY-GR aSS, n. A plant; spoonwort. SCREEN, a. Any thing that affords shelter. SCUT, n. The tail of a hare, rabbit, &c. SCREEN, v. a. To shelter; to hide; to conceal. SCUJTCH'tEQN (skuchrun), n. See ESCUTCHEON. SCREW (skrd), n. A cylinder grooved spirally. SCUITI-FORM, a. Shaped like a buckler. SCREW (skrd), v. a. To turn by a screw; to press. SC0T'rTLE, n. A basket; a grate; a hole in a SCRIB'BLE, n. Worthless, careless writing. ship's deck, &c.:-a quick pace; a short run. SCRIB5BLE, v. a. & n. To write carelessly. SCOT'TLE, v. a. To sink a ship by cutting holes SCRIBJBLE R, n. A worthless author or writer. in the bottom. SCRIBE, n. A writer; notary:-Jewish teacher. SCDTITLE, v. n. To run with haste. [grass. SCRIP,. A small bag:-a schedule; a small SCYTHE.(seth), n. An instrument for mowing writing:-a certificate of stock. [cal. SEA (s6), n. The ocean; a body of water; surge. SCRIPTUV-R4L, a. Contained in the Bible; bibli- SEAt-BEAT (s'btt), a a. Dashed by the SCRIPTfVRE (skrlpt'yur), a. The Bible. SEAt-BEAT-EN (s6tb~-tn), waves of the sea. SCRIPTtU-RIST, n. One versed in the Scriptures. SEAF-BORN, a. Produced on, or by, the sea. SCRIVE INE R, a. One who draws contracts, &c. SEA'-BREACH (s6'brtch), n. Irruption of the sea. SCROFUy-LA, n. A disease; the king's evil. SEA'-BRoEEZE, n. A wind blowing from the sea. SCROrP6Ft-LO-S, a. Diseased with the scrofiala. StEA-BUILT (seblilt), a. Built for, or on, the sea. SCROLL, n. A writing formed into a roll. SEAf-CXLF (sekf), a.n. The common seal. SCRUB, v. a. To rub hard with something coarse. SEAI-COAL (sI'kdl), n. Coal brought by sea. SCRUB, n. A mean drudge:-a worn-out broom. SEA'-COAST (sa'ktst), n. Shore; edge of the sea. SCRiJBBY~, a. Mean; vile; worthless; dirty. SEA'-Cob, n. A bulky animal; the walrus. SCRUIPLE, n. A doubt:-a weight of 20 grains. SEA'FAR-ER (s'fiUr-er), n. A mariner. SCRV1PLE, v. n. To doubt; to hesitate. SEA'FAR-.IN (set'fr-ing), a. Travelling by sea. SCt UR-PY-L OSII-TY, n. Doubt; conscientiousness. SEA'-FIGHT (s'ftt), n. A battle on the sea. SCr~'PvI-LO5s, a. Nicely doubtful; careful; SAt'-FoVfL (stffdbil), n. A bird that lives at sea. cautious; exact; conscientious. SEA/'-ERT (s'eSYrt), a. Encircled by the sea. SCRi'PU.-LOUS-LY, ad. Carefully; anxiously. SEA'-GR~Er N, a. Having the color of sea-water. sCRU'PU-LO.SU-NESS, a. State of being scrupu- SEAI-GULL, n. A bird common on sea-coasts. lolls; scrupulosity. SEA7-HOG (sethtg), a. The porpoise. SCaRP/TA-BIE, a. That may be searched out. SEA'-.HORSE (Setihrs), a. The walrus. [tion. SCRlJ-TATQOR, n. A searcher; an examiner. SEAL,?. A marine animal:-a stamp; confirmaSC Rtt~-TI-N1E3ERI,?t. A searcher; an examiner. SEAL, v. a. To fasten with a seal, confirm, close. SCRtYrTI-NIZE, v. a. To search; to examine. StALtING-WAX,ia.A wax used to seal letters,&c. SCItu/TI-NOUS, a. Captious; full of inquiries. StEAM, n. The suture of two edges:-a scar. MiEN, SYR; MGbvE, N6R, S8N; BEfLL, BUR, RULE. —V, q, soft; ~C, Xm, hard; g as z; as gz T THIS. 21 * SEAM 246 SEEMING SAAM, v. a. To join together:-to mark;to scar. StCIRE -TA-R.Y-SHIP,n. The office of a secretary. SEAf-MIAD, n. A mermaid; a water-nymph. SE-CRETE1, v. a.To hide; to conceal; to separate. SAIAMA4N (serman), n. A sailor; a mariner. SE-CREITIQN, n. Act of secreting; separation. SEAI4MAN-SHIP, n. The skill of a good seaman. SEC-RE-TI/ITIOUS (sCk-re-tishlus), a. Parted or SE:Al-MARK, n. A point or beacon at sea. separated by animal secretion. SEAI-MEEW, n. A fo*tl that frequents the sea. SRECRET-Ly, ad. Privately; privily; not openly. SEArMILsSS, a. Having no seam. SVECRET-NE:SS'n.State of being hidden; privacy. SEAI-M()N-STER, n. A strange animal of the sea. SE-CRE' TO-Ry or SE CRE -TO-RY, a. PerformSRAMtSTRESS or SEAM/STRE.SS, n. A woman ing secretion; secreting. whose occupation it is to sew; sempstress. SECT, n. A body of men united in tenets. SEAM'y, a. Having a seam; showing seams. SEC-TIARI-AN, n. One of a sect or party. StAf-NVRMPH (selnlmf), n. A goddess of the sea. SEC-T.ARI-AN, a. Relating or adhering to a sect. SEA/-PIECE, i. Representation of any thing at SEC-TAIRI-AN-ItRM, n. Devotion to a sect. SE A/PORT, n. A harbor or port for ships. [sea. SECITA-RY, n. A follower of a particular sect. SEAR, a.. Dry; withered; no longer green. SPECITION, n. The act of cutting; part; division. SEAR, v. a. To burn, cauterize, wither, dry. SECfTORR,n. A mathematical instrument. SiARCH (siirch), v. a. To examine, try, explore. SECU -LAR, a. Not spiritual; worldly. SiARCH (sierch), 2. Inquiry; quest; pursuit. SC/'U-LAR, n. A church officer; a layman. SEARCH'tR, n. An examiner; seeker; inquirer. SEC-Vl-LXAR'-TY, n. Worldliness. SEAR/CLOTIH, n. A plaster to cover a sore. SEC/U-LAR-IZE, V. a. To convert to secular use. SEARt'ED-NESS, si. The state of being seared. SEC.U-LAR-LY, ad. In a worldly manner. SEAt-ROOMi, n. Open sea; spacious main. SiCtU.N-DINE, n. The afterbirth; placenta. SAt'-SER-VICE (se'tsr-vis), 21. Naval service. SE -CUREI, a. Free from fear or danger; safe. StA'-SH-~LL, n. A shell fou:d in the sea. SE-CfURE1? v. a. To make safe; protect; to insure. SEAt-SHORE (sWtshtr), n. Tit' coast of the sea. SE-cURE'LY, ad. Without fearor danger; safely. StEASICK, a. Sick, as new voyagers on the sea. SE-CURE/'NESS, n. Want of vigilance or fear. SEAt-SIDE (s6'sld), n. The edge of the sea. SE-CC'RI-T, n. Protection; safety; certainty. S:EAION (sWtzn), n. One of the four parts of the SE -DAN/, n. A portable chair for carriage. [rene. year:-a fit time. [imbue, dry, inure, fit. SE-DATEI, a., Calm; quiet; still; unruffled; seSkA'tON (sP'zn), v. a. To give a relish to; to SE -DATE'LY, ad. Calmly; without disturbance. S:EA!ON (se'zn), v. n. To become mature or fit. SE-DATE:NESS, n. Calmness; serenity. StAt~ON-A-BLE (sI'zn-a-bl), a. Done at the SED'A-TtVE, a. Assuaging; composing. proper time; opportune; timely. [time. SE DtEN-TA-RJI-NlSS,n. State of being sedentary. SEA1~ON-A-BLE-NESS, n. Opportuneness of SED'EN-TA-RY, a. Sitting muchl:-inactive. SEA'ION-A-2BLY (s'zn-p-ble), ad. Opportunely. SEDSDE, n. A growth of narrow flags; a flag. SEA'tON-ING (setzn-lng), n. A condiment. sEDt~lv, a. Overgrown with narrow flags. SEAT, n2. A chair; mansion; abode; situation. sED I-MRE NT, n. That which settles atthe bottom. SEAT, v. a. To place on seats; to fix; to settle. SE:-DtrTION (se-dlshtun), n. Tumult; rebellion. SEA'-TiRM, n. A term used by seamen. SE-DIt'TtIOS (se-dlsh'us),a.Factious; turbulent. SAt'-T6ST (s'ttbst), a. Tossed by the sea. SE-DItlTIOUS-LY (se-dishtus-le), ad. Factiously. SEAtWARD, a. Directed towards the sea. SE-DUCEt, v. a. To entice; to corrupt; to mislead. SEA'WARD (s'twBrd), ad. Towards the sea. SE-DUCE'MJ:NT, n. Practice of seduction. SEA/-Wa-TE.R, na. The salt water of the sea. SE-DfUCER, n. One who seduces; a corrupter. SEA/-WEED (serwEd), n. A marine plant. SE-DiUCI-BLE, a. That may be seduced. SEA1WOR-THY (sWtwiir-the), a. Fit to go to sea. SE-DJC1TION, n. Act of seducing; corruption. SE1-BA'CEOVS (se-ba'shus), a. Relating to tallow. SE-DUCtTIVE, a. Tending to seduce or mislead. SEtCANTn. A line cutting another.-a. Cutting. SE -DUtLI-Ty,n. Assiduity; industry; application. SE-C:DEt, v. n. To withdraw from fellowship. SDIU.-LOuS,a. Assiduous; industrious; diligent. SE -CEDI/ER, n. One who secedes. SE D'U-L OUS-LY,ad. Assidulously; industriously. SE-CStS1SION (se-s6sh!un), n. Act of seceding. SED1U-LOUS-NtSS, n. Assiduity; assiduousness. SEi-CLUDEI, v. a. To shut up apart; to separate. sEE,. The seat or diocese of a bishop. SI-CLUt/ION, n. A shutting out; separation. sEE, v. a. [imp. t. saw; pp. seen.] To perceive SECI'QND, a. Next in order to the first; inferior. by the eye; to observe; to descry; to discern. SlCIOND, n. One who attends another in a duel: SEED, n. The substance from which plants and -a supporter:-a 60th part of a minute. animals are generated:-offspring; race. SPIc'OND, v. a. To support, assist, follow next. SEED, v. n. To bring forth seed; to shed the seed. StiC/OND-A-RI-LY, ad. In the second order. SZEDCARKE, n. A sweet cake containing seeds. S.C/OND-A-RI-N-.SSn. State of being secondary. SEEDtE D, a. Covered with, or bearing, seed. SlIC'OND-A-RY, a. Not primary; subordinate. SLED'LING, n. A plant or fruit from the seed. StCfOND-HXND, a. Not original; not new. SEED'PLOT, n. Ground on which seeds are sown. SOtC1QND-LY, ad. In the second place. SEEgDtMAN, n. A sower:-one that sells seeds. S:iCtOND-RATE, n.Thesecond inorder or worth. SEED1TIME, n. The season of sowing. SiCtIOND-RATE, a. Second in order or worth. SEt'ING, n. Sight; vision.-ad. Since that. sEcto.ND-SIGHT,n.Powerofseeingthingsfuture, SELK, v. a. & n. [imp. t. & pp. sought.] To look SECRlE-CY, n. Privacy; solitude; close silence. for; to search for; to solicit; to endeavor. Si~'CRT, a. Kept hidden; concealed; private. SEDKIER, a. One that seeks; an inquirer. sEtCRET,n.Athingunknownorhidden;privacy. siEM, v. n. To appear; to have semblance. Sk.CtnE.-TA-RY, n. An officer; a writer; a scribe. SEi1SMING, n. Appearance; semblance. AX17I7~UtYi, loens; r,],I,6,,0V, short; oi,E,.,,obscure.-FAR,FXFItST,FALL; iiI,,IR,1]itR; SEEMINGLY.247 SEPARATION SEt:'MNG-LY, ad. In appearance; in show. SiM-PI-T E:RIN.I-TY, n. Future endless duration. iErI'ING-tNESS, n. Plausibility; appearance. StEMPtSTRESS, n. ee SEAMSTRESS. SEEMI'ILI-NESS, n. Decency; comeliness; grace. SEN'A-RY, a. Belonging to, or containing, six. SEEMSLY, a. Decent; becoming; proper; fit. SEN1tATE, 11. An assembly or a body of senators. SEEN, pp. from see. Perceived; beheld. SENtATE-HOOSE, n. lihe house of the senate. SEER, n. One who sees:-a prophet; a foreteller. SEN1A-TOR, n. A counsellor; a legislator. stEs.w, i1. Reciprocating motion:-a play. SEN-A-TO'RI-AL, a. Belonging to a senator. sEE'sAw, v. n. To move with a reciprocating SENtA-TQR-SHiP, n. The office of a senator. motion up and down or to and fro. SEND, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. sent.] To transmrit; to SEETHE, v. a. [imp. t. seethed or sod; pp. sod- cause to go; to throw; to impel: —to bestow. den.] To boil; to decoct in hot liquor. SE-NESWCE NCE, n. The state of growing old. SE-GXAR, n. A little roll of tobacco. See CiGAR. SLNt'S-PIHAL or SEN5ES- HXL,. n. A steward. SBGI/MENT, n. A part cut off; a section. SELNILE, n. Belonging to old age. [dotage. Stl-Rli-GATE, v. a. To set apart; to separate. SE-NIL/I-T', n. Oid age; weakness of age; SEG-RE-GATTION, n. Separation from others. SE:N1IOR (sen'yur), n. One older than another. SEIG-NEUIR.I-AL (se-nfarge-al), a. Invested with SENIQOR (senlyur), a. Elder; older in office. large powers; manorial; independent. SEN-I N11-TY (sen-yorte-te), n. Priority of birth. SBEIGNtIQR (sen'yur), n. A lord; a title. [iory. SEN/NA, it. A species of the cassia. [NIGHIT. SEIGN1IQR-A.AIE (stn'yurr-aj),7n.Authority; seign- SEN1NIGHT (se6n'nt), n. A week. See SEVENSEIGNIQOR-Y (sen'ypr-e), n. A lordship; a manor. SEN-SAKTIQN, n. Feeling: —excitement. SEINE (sen), i?. A kind of large fishing net. SENSE, n. Faculty by whiclh external objects SEI~fIN, or SEIZ'IN (selzin), n. Possession. are perceived:-understanding: —meaning. SEIZE (sez), V. a. To grasp; to gripe; to take. SENSLE ss SS, a. Wanting sense; stupid; foolish. SEIZISRE (st'zhur), ni. The act of seizing; gripe. SENSEILESS-LY, ad. In a senseless manner. SL'LXH. [Heb.] A word occurring in the Psalms. SENSE1LESS-NiESSn. Folly; stupidity; absurdity. SEL5DOM, ad. Rarely; not frequently. Si;N-SI-BIL'I-TY, i. Quick or delicate feeling. SE-LECTI, v. a. To choose in preference to others. SEN'SI-BLE, a. Perceiving by, or perceptible by, SE-LECT', a. Nicely chosen; choice; culled. the mind or senses:-discerning; judicious. SE.-LtEC'TIO.-, n. The act of selecting; choice.. StNStI-BLE-NhiSS, n. The quality of being sensisE.-LECTTN.ss, n. The state of being select. ShNtSI-N1 LY, ad. In a sensible manner. [ble. SE-LECT/OR,?7. One who selects; a chooser. SENfSJ-TIVEg a. Having sense or quick feeling. s8EL-E-NOi'RA-PHY,ui. (osstron.) A description SENtSI-TIVE-LY, ad. In a sensitive manner. of the moon. SEN-SOt-r1i., S:ENSO-RY,. Seat. of sensation. SLLF, a. or pron.; pl. SPLVEI. Of one's own. SENStU-AL (senlshy-al), a. Consisting in sense: SitLF-iVt.I-DENT, a. Evident without proof. -pleasing to the senses:-carnal. [appetite. S:LF -E)-iST'ENCE, n. Existence in its own SENStU-AL-YiM (sen'shu-al-Yzm),,. sensual nature; underived existence. SE NS'U-AL-iST (sen'shu-al-ist), n,. One devoted.SVLF-E -IST'E NT,a. Existing in its own nature. to sensual pleasures; a voluptuary. SELFtISsr, a. Void of due regard for others. SiNS-.1-AKLI-TY(sen-sheu-ale-te), n. Devotedness SELF'ISH-LY, ad. In a selfish manner.' to sensual pleasures. [sensual; to carnalize. SE;LF'ISH-NESS, a7. The quality of being selfish. SENS'U-AL-IZE (sen'shu-l1-lz), v. a. To make SrLF'SANX-E, a. Exactly the same; identical. SENStU-AL-LY, ad. In a sensual manner. SE:LL, v. a. & na. [imp. t. & pp sold.] To part ithl sENRT, imp. t. & pp. from send. [-a period. for a price; to vend; to exchange for money. S:EN1TENCE, n. Decision:-judgment; doom: n,.tL'/VAE,n. Tle edgeof cloth: —akind of rope. SEN'TE.NCE,,. a. To judge; to condemn. SERLVE (selvz). The plural of self. See S:ELF. SE.N-TEN'TIAL,, a. Pertaining to sentences. SBM'BLANCE, n. Likeness; resemblance; show. SEN-TFENTIOls, a. Pithy; pointed; terse. sEmrfi (semte). [L.] A word used as a prefix, SE.N-TtNITIOUS-LY, ad. Expressively; pithily. signifying half. SEN-TtNtTIOUN S-NESS, n. Brevity with strength. eSt:'I-gIN-NU-AL, a. Happening every half year. SEN'TI- ENT (sen'she-e nt), a. Having sensation. SEtM/-BRE.VE, n. (al3is.) A note; half a breve. St N' TI-ENT (sen'slhe-ent),. Onethatperceives. SEa IM-CYR-CLE, n. A half of a circle. SEN'TI-MENT, n. Thought; opinion:-feeling. SEM-I-CYR'CU.-LAR, a. Half round or circular. SEN-TI'-MEN1TAL,a. Having sentimentor feeling. SitM-I-CotLQN, a1. A point made thus [; ]. SLN-TI-MEN'TAL-IST, n. One who affects feeling. SEtM-I-DI-XAME-TER, n. Half of a diameter. StN-TI-MIEN-TAL'.I-TY, n. Affectation of feeling. SEM-.I-D.-.XPH. A-NOUYs, a. Half transparent. SEN/TI-NEL, n. A soldier on guard; a watch. SEM-I-FLU.ID, a. Inlperfectly fluid. SEN/TRY, n. A watclh; a guard; a sentinel. EtM-I-LJtNAR, a. Resembling half a moon. SENtTRY-BOX, n. A shelter for a sentinel. SEt-1I-MtETTAL (stm-e-met'tl), a. A half metal. SE/PAL, 71.. (Bot.) A leaf of a calyx. StM.I-NAL, a. Belonging to seed:-.-original. SEP-A-RA-BIL'-Ty, n. State of heing separable. Si9M'i-N4-RIST, n. A Roman Catholic priest. SE PA-RNA-BLE, a. That may be separated. SEti'i-NA-RY, n. A school; a place of education. SEPr.-RNA-BLE-NESS, a. Capacity of separation. StM-I-PE.L-LU'CID, a. Imperfectly transparent. StEPIA-RATE, v. a. To divide; to disunite; to disst.m'I-QuA-VER, n. (RJn us.) A note;halfa quaver. SLP' IA-RATE,. n..To part; to be disunited. [join. SE'JfI-TONE, n. (JMus.) Half a tone. SEP.A- RATE, a. Divided; disjoined; disunited. StMaIt-V6O~ r-s.L, n. A consonant which makes an SPI.A-'RATE-LY, ad. Apart; singly, distinctly. imperfect sound, as,f, h, I, m, n, r, s, py e,, &c. SPtA-RATE-NESS, n. State of being. separate. SSM-P.I-ThER1N4L, a. Eternal in futurity. SEP-A-RA!TIQN, n. Act of separating; disunion. MIEN, SiR; 6VE, NOR, SON BtLL, B, ROLEo —(, C soft$; o,, hard; ~ as z; JT as gZ; Tt. .SEPARATIST 248 SEXANGULAAR StP'A-RA-TIST, n. One who separates; a seceder. SER-P]fTI-NOt5S, a. Diseased with serpigo. SP'.A-RA-TQR, n. One who divides; a divider. SE R-PI GO or SE.R-PIGQO, n. A tetter; ringworm. SBP'A-RA-TQ-RY, a. Separating.-n. A vessel. SEIt/RATE, SSkRRAT-ED, a. Jagged like a saw. s. POr, n1. An East Indian native foot-soldier. SE'RRUT I, n. The watery part of the blood, &c. S:PT, n. A clan; a family. [Ireland.] SERtVANT, n. One who serves another. Sl.PT-XNIGV-L4R, a. Having seven angles. sERvE, v. a. To attend at command, obey, assist. SE]P-TitMIBER, n. The ninth month of the year. SrERvE, v. n. To be a servant; to answer; to suit. 8SPTTEr-NA-Ry, a. Consisting of seven. siERiVCE, n. Office; duty; use;favor; course. SkPITT-NA-RY, n. The number seven. SERIViCE-A-BLE, a. Active; diligent; useful. SE.P-TEtNII-AL, a. Lasting seven years. SER'VICE-A-BLE-NESS, n. Activity; usefulness. S.P-TkNITRI-ON, n. The north:- the Great SERrVICE-A-BLY, ad. So as to be serviceable. Bear, or Charles's Wain. SERIVILE, a. Slavish; dependent; fawning. Sg:P-T;NtTRI-ON-AL, a. Northern. SERtVILE-LY, ad. Meanly; slavishly. StPITIC, SEPtT.-C'AL, a. Psoducingputrefaction. sraR-ViL.I-TY, n. Meanness; slavery. SEP?-TI-LXT'ER-AL, a. Having seven sides. SEhRVI-TQRt, n. A servant.-[ Oxford, Eng.] A SEP-TIN'SV-LAR, a. Consisting of seven islands. kind of student. SiP-TU-AqE.-NA-RY, a. Consisting of seventy. SER'Iv.-TUDE, n. The state of a slave. srP-TV-A-qits'I-tA, n. 3d Sunday before Lent. SEStA-Iat,M SEStA-ME, na. East Indian oily plant. S:EP-TV-.A-ItES.I-.AL, a. Consisting of seventy. SES-QUIPE-DAL a. Containing, or measS;PTTUlJ-A- lNT,. TheversionoftheOld Tes- SES-QUI-PE-DA'LI-AN, uring.afootandahalf. tament from Hebrew into Greek. SEs'sIoSN (ssh'iun), n. A sitting of a court, &c. S3-P[iLICHRAL, a. Relating to burial. SaSS'-POOL, n. A receptacle. See CESS-POOL. SEP/'tL-CHRE (septul-ker), n. A grave; a tomb. StS'TERCE,n. A Roman coin,value about 4 cents. SkPItL-CHRE (sep'ul-ker), v. a. To bury. SET, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. set.] To place; to fix; to SrEP'UL-TURE, n. Interment; burial. [ant. plant; to frame; to regulate; to adjust. sE.-QuA'ciovs (se-kwa'shus), a. Following; pli- SET, v. n. To go down, as the sun; to be fixed. SE'QUEL, n. Conclusion; succeedingpart. SET, p. a. Regular; not lax; firm; stiff; fixed. SE'QUENCE, n. Order of succession; succession. SkT, n. A complete suit or assortment. [hairs. SE'QUENT, a. Following; succeeding. [apart. S.-TXrC:EO~S (se-ta'shlus), a. Bristly; set with SE-QUEStTE.R, v. a. To seize and retain; to set SA.TI-6Fr, n. A decoration:-counter claiim. Si.-QUS TSITRA-BLE, a. That may be sequestered. StErTON (sttn), n. A rowel:-an issue. SE-QUkStTR.ATEv..n. To sequester; to separate. SET-TEErf1, n. A large, long seat with a back. IISkQ-Ua.S-TRx.'TIQN, n. Deprivation of profits; StITTER, n. One who sets:-a kind of dog. the act of sequestering. SkTITINs, n. The apparent fall of the sun, &c. 11S:KQ-UES-TRATQR or S:E-QUES-TRA.TQR, 7. SETITLE, n. A seat; a bench with a high back. One who sequesters. StT'TLE, z. a. To fix; to establish; to determine. SE-RAGLIIO (se-raIiyt), n.; pl. SE-RAGL'IIS. ST'/TLE, v. a. To subside; to sink; to take rest. The palace of the Turkish sultan:-a house S:T'TLE,-MtNT, n. Act of settling; adjustment: for concubines in the East; a harem. -a jointure; subsidence; a place settled. SkR'4APH, n.; pl. SkR'.APHS, or SER'A-PHIM. StT'TLER, n. One who settles in a place. An angel of the highest rank. SEV'EN (sv'vn), a. Four and three. SE1-RAPHIIC, SE-RAPH'I-CAL, a. Angelic; pure. StEVEN-F'6LD (sev'vn-f6ld), a. Repeated 7 times. S1-RS'aKIaER or St;R-AS-lIt.R/, n. A Turkish SEVIEN-eIaGHT (stn'nit), n. A week;-congeneralissimo. tracted to sealnig-lt. See SENNIGHT. SERE, a. Dry; withered; sear. See SEAR. SkV'EN-TfEN (sV'tvn-tEn), a. Seven and ten. SkR-E-NADE1, an. Entertainment of music. SEV~EN-TkE.NTH, a. The ordinal of seventeen. StR-E-NXiDE(, V. a. To entertain with a serenade. SEVIENTH (sev'vnth), a. The ordinal of seven. SER-E-NADEI, v. n. To perform a serenade. Sv'EaNTH-LY (sev'vnth-le), ad. In the7th place. SE-RENE:, a. Calm; placid; quiet; unruffled. SvE:'EN-T-E. TH, a. The ordinal of seventy. SiE-RENE'LY, ad. Calmly; quietly; coolly. StEV'N-TY (sEv'vn-te), a. & n. Seven times ten. S].-RENE'N:E]SS, n. Serenity; calmness. SvraaR, v. a. To force asunder; to disjoin. SE-RE.N'I-TY, n. Calmness; peace; quietness. SEvE' R-AL, a. Divers; many; distinct; different. St"RF, n. A slave attached to the soil. Stv''R-AL-LY, ad. Distinctly; separately. SERtEs, n. A kind of twilled cloth. SEV'ER-AL-TY, ns. A state of separation. SER'.qEANT (sir'je.nt or serrjent), n. A petty StVER ANCE,na. Separation; partition. [ful. officer in the army: —in England, a lawyer of SE.-VEREt, a. Sharp; hard; rigid; austere; painhigh rank;-written also serjeant. SE -vERE'Ly. ad. Painfully; strictly; rigorously. SVR-ai-Ef, n. A connected order or succession. SE-V2itR1-Ty, a. - Strictness; rigor; austerity. S:f'Ri-OiS, a. Grave; solemn; earnest; impor- SEt (so), v. n. & a. To join with a needle. S./RI-OiSt-LY, ad. Gravely; in earnest. [tant. SEWIER (soter), n. One who sews. S1RI-OUS-NE:SS, no. Gravity; solemnity. SEWER (sle'r or shlr), n. A drain for water. SERI.mON, nz. A discourse of a preacher. SEW'aR-ACaE (se'er-aj), n. Drainage by sewers. SI:R/MON-iZE, v. n. To preach or write a sermon. six, n. The distinction of male or female; woSi-RPS'I-TY, n. The state of being serous. SEX —AQ'E-NA-RY, a. Threescore. [mankind. s /oUs,, a. Thin; watery; like serum. StX-A-qtS/I-MA,.n. Second Sunday before Lent. SEt rPENT, n. A snake:-a musical instrument. Si:X-A-tE'Si-M.L, a. Sixtieth; pertainin.o 60. StIt/PEtN-TINE, a. Resembling a serpent; wind- SEX-XNIGLED, i a. Having six iangles; hexSiERIPEN-TINE, n. A magnesian stonen [ing. S X-ANIGt-LAR, angular. A, wtou,,tnso; X, fE-f-i,4,k-shsvrt; A4,1,l3,Qtrjyoss.-FARl E, FXR, FAST, FiLL; Ti KTRiIR;R SEXENNIAL 249 SHEEPSHEARING SEX-NtNN-.- AL, a. Lasting six yeari. SMHrEt'SS-NtsS, n. Impudence; immodesty. SIPXITAIN (sex1tan), n. A stanza of six lines. sHMA'ois, SHXMIrM (shim'e),n. Wash-leather. SEX'TANT, a. The sixth part of a circle:-in- SHA.I-P6OO, v.a. To rub and press the limbs strument for measuring angles. [grees apart. and muscles after warm bathing, &c.:-to rub SbXtTILE, n. Aspect of two planets sixty de- SHXiMA'ROCK, at. White clover. [the head. SBXtTON, n. An under officer of the church. SIXNK, n. The leg from the knee to the ankle; SEX'TQN-SH1P, n. The office of a sexton. large bone of the leg; long part of a thing. StXtTU-PLE, a. Sixfold; six times told. [sex. SHXNIZED (shangkt), a. Having a shank.[house. SEXtU-.AL (stk'shu-al), a. Distinguishing the SHXN'TYT, SHXANTE.E, n. A tent, cabin, or mean SHXB, v.n. To play mean tricks. [Low.] SHAPE, v. a. [imp. t. shaped; pp. shaped or SHXsB'BI-LY,ad. Meanly; despicably; basely. slhapen.] To form; to mould; to adjust. SHXBsBS-N. SS, n. Meanness; paltriness. SHAPE. n. Form; appearance; make; idea. SHXBnBy, a. Mean; paltry; ragged; slovenly. SHAPEILESS, a. Wanting regularity of form. SHXCtKLE, V. a. To chain; to fetter; to bind. SHTAPE'LL-N:SS, a. Beauty or proportion of form. SHC'ItKLE (shtk'klz), n. p. Fetters; gyves. SH.APELy, a. Symmetrical; well formed. SnXD, n. A well-known fish, allied to the her- SHARD, n. A fragment of an earthen vessel. sHiIDtDQCK, n. A fruit like an orange. [ring. SHARE, v. a. To divide; to partake with others. SHADE, n. An interception of light; obscurity; SHARE, v. n. To have part; to have a dividend. a screen;.a shelter:-color:-shadow; a ghost. SHARE, n. Part; allotment; dividend obtained. SHADE, v. a. To cover from light or heat. SHUAR'ER, n. One who shares; a partaker. S8HIXDI-NhSS, it. The state of being shady. SHARK, ni. A voracious sea-fish; a sharper. SHnXD'OW (shaidtdd), n. A faint representation; SHARK, v. n. & a. To cheat; to pick up slyly. a shade; a shelter:-a ghost; a spirit. [sent. SHXRP, a. Keen; piercing; acute; quick; sour. SHXIDt'W, v. a. To cloud; to darken; to repre- SHXRP, v. a. To make keen; to render quick. SHfD'Qo W-y (shad'do-e), a. Full of shade; dark. SHAR'PEN (shartpn), v. a. To make sharp; to SHXAID, a. Secure from light or heat; cool. SIIARXPEN (shar'pn), v. n. To grow sharp. [edge. SHAFT, n. An arrow; deep pit; spire; handle. SHXlRP'ER, n. A tricking fellow; a cheat.[fully. SHXG, n. Rough, woolly hair:-a kind of cloth; SHI-RPtLY, ad. Severely; keenly; acutely; painsHXG, v. a. To make shaggy or rough. [nap. SHArPt'NrESS, n. Keenness; severity; ingenuity. SHXGIBXRK, n. A kind of tree and its nut. SHXRPI'S:T, a. Hungry; ravenous; eager. SHXGt'E.D, or SHXG't.Y, a. Rugged; hairy; SHARPt-SIGHT-:ED (-si'ted), a. Seeing quick. rough with hair or wool. [ged. SHXRP/-WIT-TED,a. Having an acute mind. SHaXG'sED-mN-SS, n. The state of being shag- SHAS'TER, n. A Hindoo sacred book. [impair, SHA-GREENt, n. A dried animal skin. SHXT'TER, v. a. & n. To break into pieces:-to SHAKE, v. a. [imp. t. shook; pp. shaken.] To agi- SHXATTERq, n. pl. Fragments; pieces. tate; to make to totter; to depress. [ble. SHXT'TER-y, a. Not compact; loose of texture. SHXAKE,. n. To be agitated; to totter; to trem- SHAVE, v. a. [imp. t. shaved; pp. shaved or SHAKE, n. A concussion; a vibratory motion. shaven.] To pare off; to cut: —to fleece. SHAKER, na. The person or thing that shakes: SHAVEILING, n. A man shaved; a friar. -one of a religious denomination, called SHfAVtER, n. One who shaves; a sharper.[thing. "The United Society." SHAVt.ING, n. A thin slice pared off from any SHAKt'ING n. A vibratory motion; concussion. SHAIWL, n. A part of female dress. SHsAK~, a. Having fissures; unsound. SHAWM, or SHiLMH (sh~wm), i. A hautboy. SHAXLE, n. A husk; a pod:-indurated clay. SHE, pron. pers. fem. The female. SHXLL, v. auxiliary and defective. It is used to SHEAF, n.; pl. SHEAVEq. A bundle of grain. form the future tense. SHEAF (shAf), v. n. To make sheaves. BHAL-L6)N', -It. A slight woollen stuff. SHEAR, v. a. [imp. t. sheared; pp. shOrn or SHXL'LQP, n. A large boat with two masts. sheared.] To clip or cut off with shears. SHAL-L6Tt, n. A plant. See ESCHALOT. SHEARtER, n. One who shears; a reaper. SBHtLLOW (-15), a. Not deep:-futile; silly. SHEAR, an.pl. An instrument with two blades. SHXL'L6W (-15), n. A sand; a flat; a shoal. SHEATH (shath), n. A case; a scabbard. SHXL'LOW (-lo), v.a. To make shallow. [ish. SHEATHE, v. a. To put into a sheath. SBHLJILQW-BRAINE D (shal'lQ-brand), a. Fool- SHEATH/Y (shothte), a. Forming a sheath. BH.Lt'LOW-NtSS, s. Want of depth or thought. SHEAVE, n. The wheel of a block or pulley. SHXLT. The second person singular of Shall. SH:D, V.. a. [imp. t. & pp. shed.] To spill; to SHXM, v. a. To trick; to cheat; to delude. SH:ED, n. A slight building or covering. [let fall. SHXM, n. A trick; false pretence; imposture. SHEEN, a. Bright; shiny. —n Brightness. SHiXM, a. False; counterfeit; fictitious. sHEEP, n. sing. & pl. An animal bearing wool. SHXM'BLEq, n.pl. A flesh-market; a butchery. SHEERPt'C6T,n. An enclosure for sheep. [closed. SHXMtBLING, a. The act ofmoving awkwardly. SHEIEPtFSLD, n. A place where sheep are enSHAM'BLING, a. Moving awkwardly. [famny. SHEEP'HOOK (shepthfik), n. Shepherd's crook. SHAME, n. Disgrace; ignominy; reproach; iln- sHEEPt'ISHi, a. Bashful; meanly diffident. SHAME, v. a. To make ashamed; to disgrace. SHIE P'ISH-LY, ad. With mean diffidence.[ness. SHXME'tFACED (shamtfiast), a. Modest; bash- SHEEP'iSH-NESS, n. Mean diffidence; bashfulSHiA -rEtrFL, a. Disgraceful; ignominious. [ful. SHEEP'0'S-VE E (shEpsti),?. A loving, sly look. SHAMEtFOL-LY, ad. Disgracefully. SHEEP'SI-HiEAD, n. A kind of fish:-a dunce. SHAMEtLE.SS, a. Wanting shame; impudent. SHREEP'SHEAR-E.R,.n. One who shears sheep. SHAMEtLESS-Ly, ad. Without shame. SH~EPtSHEAR-ING, na. The shearing of sheep. MIEN, SYR; M6VE, NORb, S6N; BOLL, BiRL, RltILE. —, q, soft; 0, Xa, hard; *as z; ~ as gz; THIS. SHEEPWALK 250 SHOULDER-KNOT sHIErP'WALK (shep'wkwk),n. A sheep pasture. SHYPfWRIGHT (shlptrlt), n. A builder or maker SHEER, a. Pure; clear; unmingled:-thin. SHiRE or SHIRE, n. A county. [of ships. SHEER, ad. Clean; quick; at once. SHIRK, v. a. & n. To procure by mean tricks; SHEER, v. n. To deviate; to turn aside. to shift.-n-. A sharper; a shark. SHEET, n. Piece of linen or cotton for a bed: — SHiRT, a. The under garment of a man. any thing expanded:-rope of a sail. [like. SHIRT, v. a. To cover; to clothe as in a shirt. SHEET, v. a. To cover as with a sheet or the SHIVE, n. A splinter or lamina:-piece. SHEETt-XN —CH.OR, n. The largest anchor: — SHVIER, v. a. & n. To break into many parts. SHEET'ING, a. Cloth for sheets. [chief support. SHiv't.R, v. n. To quake; to tremble; to shudSHEIK, n. A chief of a tribe of Arabs. [coin. SHIV/ER, n. A little piece:-a shalking fit. [der. SHEK'EL (shtklkl), n. A Jewish weight and ShNIVI'R-ING,?. The actoftrembling; division. SHELIDRAIKE, n. A species of wild duck. SHIV'ER-Y, a. Loose of coherence; incompact. SHE LF, n.; pl. SHELVER. A board fixed against SHIAL, n. A crowd; a shallow; a sandbank. a supporter:-a bank or rock in the sea. SHOAL, v.n. To crowd; to throng; to grow shalSHtLF/Y. a. Full of shelves; shelvy. SHOAL, a. Shallow; obstructed by banks. [low. SHELL, n. The hard covering of any thing. SHOAL/I-NESS, n. Frequency of shallow places. SHELL, v. a. & n. To strip off or cast the shell. SHOAL't, a. Full of shoals or shallows. SHELL'FISH, n. A fish invested with a shell. SHOCIi, n. Conflict; concussion; offence; imSHELLIWORK (shl'wiiUrk), n. Work made of pression of disgust:-pile of sheaves of grain. SHtLL'Y, a. Abounding with shells. [shells. SHIOCr, v. a. To shake; to offend; to disgust. SIIELfTER, n. A cover; a harbor; protection. SH6ICK'ING, a. That shocks; dreadful. [ly. SHtLtTE.R, v. a. To cover; to defend; to pro- SHSCt'ING-LY, ad. So as to disgust; offensiveSHtL/TER-LtSS, a. Destitute of shelter. [tect. SH6E (sl), n. A cover of the foot. [with shoes. SHELVE, v.. a. To overhang as a shelf; to slope. SH6E (shS), v. a. [imp. t. & pp. shod.] To furnish SHELV'ING, a. Sloping; having declivity. SHOE'tLXCK, a. One who cleans shoes. SHELV'Y, a. Full of shelves; shelfy. SIIOEiMHA-KER, 1. One who makes shoes. SHE-MHIT'IC, a. Relating to Shem; semitic. SHIOE'STRING, it. A string to tie a shoe with, SH:PtHERD (-erd), n. One who tends shleep. SH6NE or SHONE, imp. t. & pp. front shine. SHkPtH.RD-E:SS, an. A female shepherd. SHOOK (shfk), imp. t. & pp. from shake. SHERtEB]T or SHER-BETt, n. A drink of wa- S6OOT, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. shot.] To discharge, ter, raisins, lemons, rose-water, &c. as a gun, &c.; to let off; to strike; to emit. SHER)D, n. An earthen fragment. See SHARD. SH66T, V. a. To discharge a gun; to sprout. SHPRI'FF, n. An executive county officer. SHOOT, n. A discharge; a young branch. SHPER'IFF-AL-TY, a. The office of a sheriff. SHIP, at. A place or a room for sale or for work. SHIRtRY, SHER.RIS, n. A rich, dry wine. snrP, v. n., To frequent shops; to purchase. SHEW (shS), v. a. [imp. t. shewed; pp. shewn.] SH6OP'KEP-E R, n. A trader who sells ill a shop. To exhibit; to prove; to direct. See SHOW. SH6OPILFT-ER, n. One who steals out of a shop. SHEWN (sh1n), pp. from shew. See SHOWN. SHI6P'LIFT-ING, n. The crime of a shoplifter. SHIB'BQ-LETH,n. The criterion of a party; test. SHORE, n. Coast of the sea:-a prop; a supSHIELD (sheld), n. A buckler:-protection. SHIIRE, v. a. To prop; to support. [port. SHIELD, v a. To defend; to protect; to secure. SHORL, n. A species of mineral. See SCHORL. SHIFT, v. n. To change; to find means. SHORN, pp. from shear. [brittle. SHIFT, v. a. To change; to alter; to transfer. SHORT, a. Not long; brief; concise; scanty; SHIFT, n. An expedient; last resource:-fraud; SHORT/EN (shir'tn),v.a. To make short; to lop. artifice: —a woman's under garment or linen. SHORT'HXND, n. Short writing; stenography. SHIFTIE R, n. One who shifts or changes. SHObRTLIvED (shdrt'llvd), a. Not living long. SHIFTILESS, a. Not using means to act or live. SH6RT'LY, ad. Quickly; soon; concisely; briefSHIL'LING, n. A silver coin; twelve pence. SHORT'NESS, n. The quality of being short. [ly. SHItLy,.ad. Not familiarly. See SHYLY. SHORTI-SIGHT-E D (-sI-ted), a. Not seeing tar. SHIN, n. The fore part of the leg. SHORTS-SIG HT-ED-Nl:SS, l. A defect of sight. SHINE, v. n. [imp. t. & pp. shone or shined.] To SmHRT'-WAIST-ED, a. Having a short body. glisten; to be bright, gay, or splendid. SHORTI-WIND-ED,a. Short-breathed;asthmatic. SHINE, n. Fair weather:-brightness; lustre. SHiT, imp. t. & pp. from shoot. [let:-balls. SHIN'GLE (shlng'gl), n. A thin board to cover SHOT, n. The act of shooting:-a ball or bulhouses: —pt. a disease; a kind of tetter. [gles. SHOTE, n. A young hog:-a species of fish. SHIN'tGLE (shing'gl), v. a. To cover with shin- SII6T'TEN (shlt'tn), a. Having ejected spawn. SHIlNy, a. Bright; splendid; luminous. [ship. SHOUGH (shlk), SHbCK, n. A shaggy dog. SHIP. A termination, noting office, &c., as, lord- SHOUGH (shl), interj. Used in driving fowls. SHIP, n. A large sea vessel with three masts. SHOOLD (sufid), v. atxiliary ancd defective. UsuSHIP, v. a. To put into a ship; to transport. ally denoting obligation or duty.: SHIP'BOARD, ad. On board or in a ship. [ship. SHOULtDER (shSalder), n. The joint which conSHIP-MAS-TEIR, n. A master or captain of a nects the arm to the body:-a prominence. SHIPtMHATE,n. One who serves inthe same ship. SHOULtDER, v. a. To push i to take or put on SHIP'MENT, n. Act of shipping; goods shipped. the shoulder. [shoulder. SHIPPItNG, n. Vessels of navigation; a fleet. SH6UL'DE.R-BsiLT, n. A belt crossing the SHIP'WRkCK (shlp'rtk), n. The loss of a ship. SHOUL:DER-BLADE (sh5l/der-blad), n. The SHIPfWR:CK (shlp'rek), v. a. To destroy, as a scapula, a bone of the shoulder. [let. ship, by dashing on rocks or shallows, &c. SH1OUL'DER-KN6T (shlo'der-nlt); n. An epauA,B,I,O,~U,Y, long;,,,,,, sshort; ~,4,1,,QVy, obscure. —FiRE,FiXR,FST,FILL; HtIR, HiIR; SHOUT 251 SILENCE SHOTT,n1. A loud, vehement cry of triumph,&c. sHV, a. Reserved; coy; cautious; suspicious. SIIOfT, v. n. To cry vehemently; to exclaim. SHYvLY, ad. With shyness; not familiarly. SH6VE (shtiv), v. a. To push; to rush against. SHv'NESS, n. Reservedness; coyness. SH6VE: (shftv), n. The act of shoving; a push. SIB'I-LANT, a. Hissing.-n. A hissing letter. SHOV'EL (shtiv'vl), n. A tool for digging, &c. SiB-I-L.ATION, n. A hissing sound. SH6V'EL (shiiv'vl), v.a. To throw with a shovel. SIB'SL, n. A prophetess among the pagans. SHOW (she), v. a. [imp. t. showed; pp. shown.] SIBlYL-LINE, a. Of or belonging to a sibyl. To exhibit; to make known; to prove; to SIc'I.-TY, n. Dryness; want of moisture. teach; to direct; —often written sheo. SiCE (siz), n. The number six at dice. sH-6w (she), v. n. To appear; to look; to seem. SICK, a. Afflicted with disease; ill; disgusted. show, n. A spectacle; display; exhibition. SICK'EN (slk'kn), v. n. & a. To become or make SHOWfBRtAD (shS'brdd), n. 12 loaves of un- SICKI'SH. a. Somewhat sick; nauseating. [sick. leavened bread, representing the 12 tribes of SICIKLE, n. A hook with which grain is.cut. Israel;-written also shew-bkread. SICK'LI-NESS, n. The state of being sickly. SHOW1ER (sh5e r), n. One who shows. [sion. SYCI'LY, a. Not healthy; not sound; weak. SHOrIFER (shiut'er), n. A fall of rain:-profu- sICK'NE.ss,n. Disease; illness; malady; nausea. SIHOWT'ER (shiiOler), v. a. & n. To pour down. SIDE, n. The part of an animal fortified by the SHodrTER-Y (sloufer-e), a. Raining in showers. ribs; a part; margin; edge; party; interest. SHOW-I-NkSS, n. State of being showy. SIDE, a. Lateral; oblique; indirect; long; large. SH6WN (shen), pp. from show. Exhibited. [tious. SIDir,v.n. To lean on one side; to take a party. ssswt~Y (sh'.e), a. Splendid; gay; ostenta- SIDB'E6ARD, n. A piece of furniture. SHRANK, iamp. t. from shrink. r[Obs.l [small pieces. SIDE'-IBiX, n. A seat on the side of a theatre. SHR D, v. a. [imp. t. &pp. shred.I To cut into SIDEtL6NG, a. Lateral; oblique; not direct. SHERPD, n. A small piece cut off; a strip. SIDE'L6NG, ad. Laterally; on the side. SHREW (shr), an. A peevish, brawling woman. SID'ER-AL, S-DE'RE.-AL, a. Starry; relating to SHREWD (shrfid), a. Sly; cunning; discerning. SID'E.-ITE, n. A mineral:-a plant. [the stars. SHREWDILY (shrid'le), ad. Cunningly; slyly. SID-]ER-Q-GRXPH']C,? a. Relating to-siderSHREWD'NE.SS (shriUd'nes), a. Sly cunning. SID-ER-O-GRXiPI'I-CAL, ography. [on steel. SHREW'ISH (shlrdish), a. Froward; clamnorous. SID-ER-OG'RA-PHY, n. The art of engraving SHREW'moOSE (silrf'm6iis), n. A small ani- sIDE'-SXD-DLE, n. A woman's riding-saddle. SHRIt K (shrek), v. n. To utter a sharp cry.[mal. SIDE OMAN, na. An assistant to a churchwarden. SHRIEK. (shrek), n. A sharp cry; a scream. SIDE'WA-Y, SIDE/'WIE, ad. On one side. SHRILL, a. Sharp, piercing, tremulous, as sound. SI'DLE, v. n. To go side foremost:-to saunter. SHRILL'NESS, n. The quality of being shrill. sieTE (sej), n. Act of besetting a fortified place. SHRIMP, n. A small crustacean: —a dwarf. SI-iSITA, n. [Sp.] An afternoon's nap. SHRINE, n. A case or box to hold things sacred. SIEVE (siv), n. A utensil for sifting. SHRINK, V. n. [imp. t. & pp. shrunk.] To con- SIFT, v. a. To separate by a sieve; to examine. tract itself; to shrivel:-to fall back; to recoil. SIGH (si), v. n. To emit the breath audibly. SHRINK, n. A corrugation:-a recoiling. SIGH (si), n. A violent emission of the breath. SHRIV~EL (shrlv'vl), v. a. & n. To contract or SIGHT (sit), n. The sense of seeing; a show. be contracted into wrinkles; to wither. SIGHTILE SS (slt'ies), a. Wanting sight; blind. SHRWOD, n. Dress of the dead. SIGHTtL.I-NitSS (slt'le-nts), n. Comeliness. [ly. SHRUOD, v. a. To shelter; to cover: to dress. SIGHT5LY (sit'le), a. Pleasing to the eye; comeSHRO1DS, n. pl. Large ropes of a ship. SIGN (sin), n. A token; an indication; a mark: SHROVE TIDE, SHROVE1-TUES-DAY,:. Day -a miracle:-30 degrees in the zodiac. before Lent, preceding Ash-Wednesday. SIGN (sIn), v. a. To mark; to show; to ratify. SHRUJB, n. A bush:-spirit with acid and sugar. STG'NAL, n. A sign that gives notice; a mark. SHRrJB'BS.R-Y, n. A plantation of shrubs. SIG'N.L, a. Eminent; memorable; remarkable. SHRiJBIBY, a. Full of, or like, shrubs; bushy. SGINAL-IZE, v. a. To make remarkable. SHR1iG, v. a. & n.'To draw up the shoulders, &c. SIG'NAL-LY, ad. Remarkably; memorably. SHRuG, n. A contraction of the shoulders. SYG'N4-TURE, n. A sign; mark:-a figure or SHRINK, imap. t. & pp. from shrink. letter: —name of a person written. SHRirNK'EN (shruink'kn), pp. from shrink. SIGN'ER (sin'er), n. One that signs. SHtD'DDER, V. n. To quake with fear, &c. SIG'NE.T, n.'A seal; particularly a king's seal. SHiD'DDER, n. A tremor; state of trembling. SIG-NrIFI-CANCE, a. Power of signifying; SHirF'FLE, v. a. & n. To throw into disorder:- SIG-NIFI-CAN-CY, meaning; force; energy. to play mean tricks:-to shove the feet. SIG-NIF.I-CANT, a. Expressive; important. SHFIFFLE, n. The act of shuffling; a trick. SIG-NIFt.-CANT-LY, ad. With significance. SH~tF'FLER, a. One who shuffles or plays tricks. SIG-NI-FI-CX'TION, n. Art of signifying; exSHIYFtFLING, n. Disorder:-artifice~ trick:- pression:-meaning; import; sense. an irregular gait. [clear of. SIG-NIFfI-CA-TiVE, a. Strongly expressive. SHriN, v. a. To avoid; to decline; to keep SiGCNI.-FY,Va. a. To declare; to mean; to import. SH-tT, v. a. & n. [insp. t. & pp. shut.] To close; SIG'NI-FY, v. n. To express meaning with force. to confine; to bar; to exclude; to contract. SIGN'IOR (sn'yujr), n. A title. See SEIGNIOR. SHT'TER, an. One that shuts; a cover; a door. SIGNt-MXNIU-AL (sPn'-), n. The signature of a SHCTtTLE, n. An instrument used in weaving. king, written with his own hand. [hangs. SHiYTtTLE-COCK, n. A cork stuck with feath- SIGN/P6ST (sin'-), n. A post on which a sign ers, and beaten backward and forward. SI'LENCE, n. Taciturnity; secrecy; stillness. MIEN, SIR; MC1VE, NOR, 86N; BOLL, BJUR, RtLE. —V,, (soft; $ 0, hard; as z; azs gz; nHIS. SILENCE 252 SITE SI/LNCE, interj. Commanding silence. SI1NE-CfJRE, n. An office without employment. SI1L NCE, v. a. To forbid to speak:-to still. SIINE.-CU-RIST, n. One who holds a sinecure. SI/LENT, a. Not speaking; mute; still; quiet. SINIEW (sln'tnu), n. A tendon; muscle; nerve. SILE NT-LY. ad. Without speech or noise. SYIN'EWED (slnlnfd), a. Having sinews; firm. SIILENT-NtSS, n. State of being silent. SINIEW-LtSS (sin'nu-16s), a. Having no sinews. SIILEXX, n. Pure quartz or flint; silica. SIN'E W-Y (sininu-e), a. Strong; nervous. SIL'I-CA, n. An earth of silex or flint. SINtFUL, a. Partaking of sin; unholy; iniquiS.-Ll"CIOUS (se-lish'us), a. Relating to silica. tous; impious; wicked. [ly. SIL-I-QUoSE', StL'I-QUOrtS, a. Having a pod. SIN'FfL-Ly, ad. In a sinful manner; wickedSILK, n. A fine, soft thread spun by silk-worms; SINtFfL-NESS, n. Iniquity; wickedness. stuff made of the thread: —style of maize. SING, v. n. [imp. t. sung or sang; pp. sung.] To sILK'EN (silk'kn), a. Made of silk; soft. form the voice to melody; to carol. [brate. SILK'I-NESS, a. Softness; smoothness. SING, v. a. To relate in poetry or song; to celeSILK't-iER-cER, n. A dealer in silk. SINq E, v. a. To scorch; to burn slightly. SILK'-WEAV-E.R, n. One who weaves silk. SINGaE.R, n. One who is skilled in singing. SILK'-WORM (-wiirm), n. A worm that spins SING/IcNG, n. Art of one who sings; the utterSILKtY, a. Made of silk:-soft; tender. [silk. ance of melodious sounds, [sing. SILL, n. A bottom piece of timber. [cider,&c. SINGIING-MAs-T:., a. One who teaches to SIL'LA —BIB, n. A liquor made of milk, wine, SINIGLE (slng'gl), a.- One; not double:-parSYLILI-NESS, n. Weakness; harmless folly. ticular; individual; pure:-unmarried. SIL'Ly, a. Stupid; weak; foolish; witless. S!N'GLE, v. a. To select; to choose from. SILtV4AN,a. Woody; full of woods. See SYL- SNIGLE-NESS, n. Not duplicity; sincerity. SIL'V/ R,n. Awhite,hard metal: —money.[VAN. SiNIGLy, ad. Individually; only; by himself. SILtVYER, a. Made of, or like, silver; white; SiNG'S6NG, n. Bad singing; bad intonation. SILtVER, v. a. To cover with silver. [soft. SIN'GU.-LAR (sing'gVu-lar), a. Single; only one; SIL'V]ER-SMITH, n. One that works in silver. not plural; particular; rare; unusual; odd. SIL'VE R-Y, a. Besprinkled with, or like, silver. SIN-GU-LARtI-TY, n. Peculiarity; a curiosity. sI-MXii, n. A kind of long gown or robe. SIN'GUJ-LAR-LYS ad. Particularly; strangely. SlMII-LAR a. Having resemblance; like. SIN'.S-TI R, a. Left; corrupt; unfair; unlucky. SI:M-i-L AR'l-TY, n. Likeness; resemblance. SIN.IS-TROUS, a. Perverse; absurd; wrong. S:M'I-LAR-Ly, ad. With resemblance. SINK, V. a. [isnp. t. sunk or sank; pp. sunk.] To SIMI'-LE, n. A comparison for illustration. fall gradually; not to swim; to decline. 5I-MIL'J-TUDE, a. Resemblance; comparison. SINK, v. a. To immerse; to delve; to depress. SIM/ME'R, V. n. To boil gently with a hissing. SINK, n. A drain:-a jakes; a place of filth. SI-MO'NI-XC, n. One who practises simony. SINK'ING-FIUND, n. A fund to reduce a debt. SIM-Q-NI'A-C4L, a. Relating to simony. SINtLE.ss, a. Exempt from sin; innocent. SIMtQ-Ny, n. The crime of buying or selling sIN'LESS-NtSS, n. Exemption from sin. church preferment. [wind in Africa, &c. SIN'NiR, n. One who sins or is irreligious. S!-oOMS', or SI-OSBN-, n. A hot, suffocating sIN'-6F-FER-ING, n. A sacrifice for sin. SIM/PER, v. n,. To smile; to smile foolishly. SIN'O-PER, SIN'O-PLE, a. A species of quartz. SIM/PrR, n. A smile; a foolish smile. SINIU-XTE (sin'yt-at), v. a. To bend in and SIMPL:E, a. Plain; artless; unmingled:-silly. SIN-U-A'TI.ON, n. A bending in and out. [out. SIIMPLE, n. Something unmixed:-plant. SIN-U-oS/I-Ty, n. The quality of being sinuous. SIAM'PLE-NSS, na. The quality of being simple. slrNi-oits, a. Bending in and out; winding. SI.'/PLE-TQN, n. A silly person; a trifler. siP, v. a. & n. To drink by small draughts. SIM-PLI'JI-TY, n. State of being simple; plain- sip, n. A small draught with the lips. [liquid. ness; artlessness:-folly. SIt'PHQN, n. A bent tube for decanting a SIM-PL —FI-CAtTIQN, n. The act of simplifying. sfP'PET, n. A small sop; a sip. SIMrPLI-Fr?, V. a. To render simple or plain. sIR, n. A word of respect; a title of a knight, SYMtPLIST;, n. One skilled in simples or plants. SIRE, n. A father; a word of respect to a king. SIMtPLy, ad. Plainly; artlessly; merely; fool- SI1R].N, n. A goddess or a sea-monster. ishly. S1'r1N, a. Alluring; bewitching like a siren. SIllMtI-L.ATE,. a. To feign; to counterfeit. SI-RI'A-SIS, iL. (Med.) A stroke of the sun. SIM-V-LA'TIQN, n. A dissembling; a feigning. sIRli-fs, a. [L.] A bright star; the dogstar, SI-MVL-TA'NE.-OtiS, a. Acting or existing to- SIR LOIN, SJRt'LOIN, a. The loin of beef. gether or at the same time. S.I-ROC'Cc, n. [It.] A periodical, relaxing south SI-Ui.L-TAINE -OVtS-LY, ad. At the same time. wind in the south of Italy, Sicily, &c. SIN, n. A violation of the laws of God; iniqui- SIRuRAH (sar'ra or sir'rpa), interj. A term of resN, v. n. To violate the laws of God. [ty. proach or insult. SIN.A-PIaM, n. A poultice of mustard-seed,&c. sYR'TP (sir'rup or stir'rup), n, Vegetable juice SINCE, conj. Because that; from the time that. boiled with sugar. [ents. SINCE, ad. Ago; before this:-fromu that time. SIS'tTER, n, A woman born of the same parSINCE, prep. After; from some time past. SIS'TER-HOOD (-hufd), n. A society of women. SIN-CEREf, a. Honest; not feigned; real; pure. SiS'TER-IN-L.W, n. A sister'by marriage. [ter. SIN-CEREILY, ad. Honestly; without hypocrisy. SIStTE.R-Ly, a. Like a sister; becoming a sisSIN-CERE'NESS, 1n. Quality of being sincere; SIT, v. n. [imnp. t. & pp. sat.] To repose on a SIN-CtRt.I-TY, candor; honesty; purity. seat:-to hold a session:-:to incubate. SINE, n. A sort of trigonometrical line. SITE, n. Situation; local position; locality. ilI,-lOsloag; XMRl,6,,oetshart; s.s,!,Qpyo bscrsre.-FAtur, F ka, FAST, FiLL;: Iti tRttLtt; SITHE 253 SLED sITHE, a1. A scythe. See SCYTHE. SKLL, an. The cranium; the brain-pan. SiT'TING, a?. Act of one that sits:-a session. SKULL'-CXaP, n. A head-piece:-a plant. SITIU-ATE, SITIV-1T-E.D, p. a. Placed; seated. SKUNK, na. A fetid animal. [firmament. SIT-YJ-!ATIQN, n. A position; condition; state. SKi-, n. The heavens; the aerial region; the six, a. & a. Twice three; one more than five. SKY1-COL-OR, a1. The color of the sky, azure. SXIFtFLD, a. Six times told or repeated. SKYt1-CL-ORED (skiltkl-urd), a. Blue; azure. SIX'PENCE, n. An English coin; half a shilling. SKYtE (skite), a. Ethereal; like the sky. SIXtPEN-Ny, a. Worth or costing sixpence. SKYILAIRK, n. A lark that mounts and sings. SIX1TEEN (slks'ten), a. Six and ten; twice SKYILIGIT (skIllt), n. A window in a roof. SIXWTEENTH, a. The ordinal of sixteen. [eight. SKYt-ROCK-ET,n. A kind of rising firework. SIxTH, a. Next after the fifth. —i. A sixth part. SLAB, n. A plane of stone:-an outside plank. SIXTH'LY, ad. In the sixth place. SLAB/BER, V. a. To smear with spittle. SIXtT-I-ETH, a. The tenth six times repeated; SLAB'BE.RV. n. To drivel; to slaver. ordinal of sixty. SLAXB'BY, a. Thick; viscous; wet; floody. SIX1TY, a. & no Six times ten. [large. SLCK, a. Not tense; loose; remiss, not diligent. SIZA -BLE, a. Of considerable or proper bulk; SLACK, v. a. & n. To loosen; to relax; to flag. SIZAR, n. A student of a low rank; a servitor. SLACK, a. Coal broken in small pieces. SIZE, nt. Bulk; bigness:-a kind of glue. SLACK'EN (slaklfkn), v. a. & a?. To slack; to SIZE, v. a. To adjust:-to cover with size. relax; to abate; to flag; to be loosened. sl' zI-NEss, n. Glutinousness; viscosity. SLCKI'LY, ad. Loosely; negligently i remissly. sIzy, a. Viscous; glutinous. SLACK'IN.SS, n. Looseness; remissness. SKATE,n. An iron to slide with on ice:-a fish. SLAG,'a. The dross or recrement of metal. SKXTE, v. n. To slide with skates on ice. SLAIN (slan), pp. from slay. [lay. SKEIN (skan), n. A knot of thread, yarn, &c. SLAKiE, v. a. To quench; to extinguish; to alSKELE -TTN, it. The bones of the body in their SLXI, v. a. To shut hard; to crush. —n.A bang. natural situation:-sketch; outline. [del. SLAN'DE.R, V. a. To censure falsely; to defame. SKtP'tTIC, or SBEPITIC, a?. A doubter; an infi- SLAN'DER, a1. Defamation; reproach; ill name. SKEP'Ti-C.AL, a. Doubting; not believing; seep- SLAN'Dig R-.ER, a. One who slanders. [ons. tical. See SCEPTICAL. [cism1. SLAN'DnR-OruS, a. Falsely abusive; calumniSKEP'TI-C1iMV, n. Doubt; infidelity; scepti- SLAN1DR-Of0S-LY, ad. With false reproach. SK!TCH, v. a. To trace the outlines of; to plan. SLANG, n. Low, vulgar language; ribaldry. SKETCH, n. An outline; a rough draught; plan. SLXNG, imp. t. from sling. [Obsolete.] SKEWTER, n. Awooden or iron pin for meat. SLANT, SLANTTING, a. Oblique; sloping. SKEWItR, v. a. To fasten with skewers. SLANT, v. a. To turn aslant or aside; to slope. SKID, n. A piece of timber; a slider. SLAP, n. A blow, as with the hand open. SKIFF, n. A small, light boat; a wherry. SLAP, ad. With a sudden and violent blow. SKYL'FPL, a. Knowing;lwell versed; able. SLAP, v. a. To strike with the open hand. SK.ILBFOL-LY, ad. With skill or dexterity. SLXP'XSSH, ad. All at once; with hurry. SKILFOL-NEzSS, n. Art; ability; dexterity. SLASH, v. a. & n. To cut long cuts; to lash. SKILL, n. Knowledge; experience; dexterity. SLASH, ni. A cut; a wound; a cut in cloth. SKILLED (skild), a. Knowing; versed. SLXT, l1. A narrow piece of timber; sloat. SK tILI.T, n. A small kettle or boiler. SLATE, 72. A kind of stone; a thin plate of slate. SKIM, v. a.. To clear off:-to brush slightly. SLATE, a. a. To cover withl slate, as a roof. SKIM, v. n. To pass lightly; to glide along. SLAT'T1. RN, n. A negligent, careless woman. SKIMtMER,n. A shallow vessel; one who skims. SLAT'TEIRN-LY, a. Not clean; slovenly. SKIMI-MILKn, na. Milk deprived of the cream. SLATTY, a. Having the nature of slate. [ery. SKIN, n. The natural covering of the flesh. SLAUGH'TEa (slgw'ter), 1i. Destruction; butchSKIN, v. a. To flay; to cover.-v. n. To become SLAUGH'TE:R (slBlv'ter), v. a. To slay; to kill. SKiNIFLNT,?s. A miser. [skinned over. SLAUGCII'TER-TfHSE, n. A house for killing SKINt'N]R, a. A dealer inl skins or peltry. or butchering beasts. SKIN'NY, a. Consisting of skin; wanting flesh. SL.AUGtITE R-OlTS (slaw'ter-Zis), a. Destructive. SKIP, v. n. To pass by quick leaps.-v. a. TLo SLAVE, a. One deprived pf freedom; a drudge. SItP, m. A light leap or bound; a spring. [miss. SLAVE, v. n. To drudge; to moil; to toil. SsKIPt-JXCK, a. An upstart:-a child's toy. SLXV'tE.R, n. A slave-ship. [drivel. SKIP'-KtN-NE.L,?t. A lackey; a footboy. SLAV'E.R, at. Spittle running from the mouth; SKIPIPEIR, t. One that skips:-a ship-master. SLV/E'R, v. n. & a. To emit spittle; to slabber. SKIRtlIISIH, it. A slight fight in war; a contest. SLXVtE'. -ER, n. A driveller; an idiot. SlKtRit/MISt, v. a. To fight loosely or in parties. SLAV'E.R-Y, a. Servitude; the state of a slave. SKiIR'fiIMSH-ER, n.. One who skirmishes. SLAYVE'-TRAD)E, n. The traffic in slaves. S1IRT, s. A loose edge; a margin; a border. SL, V'ISH, a. Servile; mean; base; dependent. SKIRT, V. a. To border; to run along the edge. SLAVIISH-Ly, ad. Servilely; meanly; basely. SKIT, n. A wanton wench:-a gibe; a jeer. SLAVISHr-NiESS, n. Servility; meanness. SKTTITSH,, a. Shy; easily frighted.-fickle. SL.A-VON/IC, a. Relating to Slavonia. SKIT/TTISH-LY, ad. Shyly; wantonly; fickly. SLAY (sla), v. a. [imp. t. slew; pp. slain.] To SKITrTISH-NESS, n. Shyness; fickleness. kill; to destroy; to butcher; to slaughter. SKITITLE (skitttlz), an. pl. Ninepins. SLAYYER (slater), n. A killer; a destroyer. SI PVE.R, n. A split sheepskin. SLEAVE, n. Raw, untwisted silk. SKISLK, v. n. To hide; to lurk in fear or malice. SL-D, an. A carriage drawn on runners. MiEN, SIR 1 i MVE, N1R, SON, BOLL, BUR, RILE:.-A-, t9, soft;,, P, hard, a as z; i as gz; THIS. 2.2 SLEDGE 254 SMACK SL1tDSfE, n. A large, heavy hammer:-a sled. SLIT, n. A long cut or narrow opening. SLEEK, a. Smooth; glossy; not rough. SLITITING-MILL, n, A mill where iron plates SLEEK, v. a. To render sleek, smooth, or glos- or bars are cut into narrow rods. SLEEKILY, ad. Smoothly; glossily. [sy. SLIVE, SLIrVER, v. a. To split; to tear off. SLEERKNE.SS, n. Smoothness; glossiness. SLI'VER or SLIV'ER, a. A piece cut or torn off. SLEEP, v. n. [imp. t. & pp. slept.] To take rest; SLOAT, n. A narrow piece of timber, a slat. to slumber; to nap; to repose. SLOB'BER, v. a. To spill upon; to slabber. SLEEP, n. Repose; rest; slumber. [ber. SLOE (sib), n. A thorny shrub, and its fruit. SLEEPtER, n. One who sleeps:-a bottom timl- SL6OP, n. A small vessel with one mast. SLEE P.IILy, ad. Drowsily; lazily; stupidly. SLOP, xv. a. To drink hastily; to dash with water. SLEEPt'I-NtiSS, n. Drowsiness; desire to sleep. SLOP, n. Mean liquor; liquid spilt.-pl. ReadySLEEP'LESS, a. Wanting sleep; always awake. made clothing. SLE:EPILESS-NESS, n. State of being sleepless. SLOPE, a. Oblique; not perpendicular. SLEEP'-W WLKtER, n. A somnambulist. SLOPE, a. An oblique direction; a declivity. SLEEEP'Y, a. Drowsy; disposed to sleep; dull. SLOPE, v. a. To form to obliquity or declivity. SLEET, a1. Rain mixed with hail or snow. SLOPE, v. n. nTo take an oblique direction. SLEET,-V. n. To snow with a mixture of rain. SI,OPE'INESS, n. Obliquity;..declivity; descent. SLEET~Y, a. Bringing, or consisting of, sleet. SLOPE'IWIE, ad. Obliquely; not perpendicuSLEEVE, n. The dress that covers the arm. SLOP'PY, a. Miry and wet; splashy. [larly. SLE~EVELELSS, a. Having no sleeves. SLOP/SHOP, a. A shop for ready-made clothes. SLEID (slad), v. a. To prepare for the sley. SLOT, n. Track of a deer:-slit in a machine. SLEIGH (sla),?s. A vehicle drawn on runners. SLOTH, n. Laziness:-an animal. SLEIGHfING (slating), n. The act of travelling SLTHII'FfIL a. Idle; lazy; sluggish; indolent. or riding in a sleigh. SLOTH'tFLL-LY, ad. Idly; lazily; with sloth. SLEIGHT (slIt), n. Art; trick; dexterity. SLOTII'1FL-NPESS, n. Laziness; sluggishness. SLGN'DER, a. Thin; not bulky; slight; weak. SLOOCH, n. A clown:-clownishl gait or manner. SLNNIDER-LY, ad. Without bulk; slightly. SLUoCH, v. n. To have a clownish sianner. SLkNtDE.nR-N:ESS, n. Quality of being slender: SLOruG:F (sliif), sn. The cast skin of a serpent. SLEPT, tn.imp. & pp. from sleep. [-littleness. SLOJGtH (slU), v. n. To separate and come off. SLEW (slit), imp. t. from slay. SLUOGH (slfi), n. A deep, miry place; morass. SLEY (sla), n. A weaver's reed. [weavers. SL-OUGH' (sloite), a. Miry; boggy; munddy. SLEY (sia), v. n. To part or twist; to sleid, as SLOV'EN, n. One carelessly or dirtily dressed. SLICE, V. a. To cut into thin pieces; to divide. SLOVE.N-LI-NESS, n. Negligence of dress, &c. SLiCE, n. A thin, broad piece cut off:-a fire- SL&V'Y.N-LY, a. Indecently negligent of dress. SL'D, imp. t. & pp. from slide. [shovel. SLOW' (sl), a. Not swift; late; dull; tardy. SLID'DEN (slId'dn), pp. from slide. SLOW/LY (sl'lle), ad. Not swiftly; not rashly. SLIDE, v. n. & a. [imp. t. slid; pp. slidden or SL6WNTE. SS, n. Want of velocity; delay. slid.] To pass along smoothly; to slip, glide. SLOW'-WORMI (sl'vwiirm),n. Tile blind worm. SLiDE, n. A smooth passage; flow; even course. SLUB'BEiR, v. a. To stain; to slobber; to slaver; SLIDtEIR, n. One who, or that which, slides. to smear:-to do coarsely. SLIGHT (slit), a. Small; worthless; weak. SLDD(-E, Xn. Mire; dirt mixed with water. SLIGHT (Slit), n. Neglect; contempt; scorn. SLUE (slt), v. a. To turn about its axis; to turn. SLIGHT (slit), v. a. To neglect; to disregard. sLOG, n. A drone:-a hinderance:-a snail. SLIGHTILY (slit'le),ad.Without regard;weakly. SLiIG'ARDn, it. An idler; an inactive, lazy, SLIGHTINEiSS (slit'nes), sn. Weakness; neglect. idle drone; a lounger. SLI'LY, ad. Cunningly; with art. See SLYLY. SLOUGISmH, a. Dull; lazy; slothful; idle; slow. SLIM, a. WVeak; slight; slender; thin of shape. SLtG1'TISH-LY, ad. Dully; lazily; idly; slowly. SLIME, n. A viscous mire; glutinous substance. SLUG_1ISH-NESS, n. Dulness; sloth; laziness. SLI/M.-NESS, n. Viscosity; glutinous matter. SLUICE (sits), n. A watergate; a floodgate. SLIMtN~iSS, n. State or quality of being slim. SLit'cY (sli'se), a. Pouring as from a sluice. SLIM'Y, a. Overspread with slime; glutinous. SLeM'BER, v. n. To sleep; to repose; to doze. SLING, n. A missive weapon for throwing SLiar'J.ER,n. Light sleep; sleep; repose. stones:-a throw; a stroke. SL tMIBE.R-OtiS, SLUM'BEItR-y, a. Sleepy; dozy. SLING, v. a. To throw by a sling; to cast. SLMP -P,. it. To sink in treading through snow, SLING'ER.,n. One who slings, or uses the sling. SLUNG, imp. t. & pp. from slinsg. [ice, &c. SLINK,... [imp. t. & pp. slunk.] To sneak; SLUNK, imp. t. & pp. from sliak. [revile. to steal away.-v. a. To miscarry, as a mare. SLUR, v. a. To sully; to soil; to reproach; to SLIP, v. n. To slide; to glide; to escape. sLUia, n. A slight reproach; a trick:-a mark SLIP, v. a. To convey secretly:-to let loose. in music. [soft mud; slosh. SLIP, n. Act of slipping; a slide; a false step; SLuSH, n. Snow ill a state of liquefaction; a mistake:-a twig:-an escape. [tied. SLOT, n. A dirty woman. SLIPFKNOT, n. A bowknot; a knot easily un- SLOT'TER-Y, n. The practice of a slut. SLIP'PER, n. A light, loose shoe. [uncertainty. SLOtTTISH, a. Nasty; not nice; not cleanly. SLIP'PEiR-I-NkSS, n. Smoothness, as of ice:- SL'tTISH-NESS, n. Nastiness; dirtiness. SLIPIPE.R-y, a. Glib; hard to hold; uncertain. SLY, a. Meanly artful; insidious; cunning. SLIP'SHOD, a. Having the shoes not pulled up. SL'-PLY, ad. With secret artifice; insidiously. SLIT, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. slit or slitted.] To cut SL'aINESS, n. Artful secrecy; art; cunning. lengthwise; to divide by cutting; to sunder. SMXCK, v. n. & a. To kiss:-to have a taste. A,E,,i5,f,c, long; A,,I,6J,D,Y, short; E iA,QI,,,y, obscure. —FARE,F)R,PFRST,FALL; HIRIHtIR; SMACK 255 SNUBNOSED SMXCK, a. Taste; savor; tincture:-a loud SMtIGfGLE, v. a. To import or export secretly kiss:-a small sailing-vessel. or without paying the duties. SMALL, a. Little; not great; slender; minute. SMPGIGLER, n. One who smuggles. SMiLL, a. The small or narrow part of any SMIJG1GLING, n. A secret importation of goods. SMALL'-BE E:R, a?. Beer of little strength.[thing. SMUiT, n. Spot with soot; mildew:-obscenity. SMALLI-CRAFT, n. A vessel or vessels smaller SMUT, v. a. To mark with soot; to taint with than ships or brigs. SM[TT, v. n. To gather smut. [mildew. SMALL'NESS, n. Littleness; want of greatness. SMIJTCH, v. a. To blacken with smoke or soot. SMALL-POX', n. An eruptive, malignant dis- SIMVTITI-LY, ad. Blackly; smokily; obscenely. SM.LT, n. A beautiful blue substance. [temper. SMJTITTI-NESS, n. State of being smutty. SMA-RAGtDINE, a. Made-of, or like, emerald. SMUT'TY, a. Black with smoke:-obscene. SMXRT, n. A quick, pungent, lively pain. SNACK, n. A share; a part taken by compact. SMART, v. n. To feel quick, lively pain. SNXAFFLE, n. A bridle which crosses the nose. SMART., a. Pungent; sharp; quick;brisk; expert. SNXFIFLE, v. a. To bridle; to hold in a bridle. SMARIPT'Ly, ad. Sharply; briskly; vigorously. SNAG, n. A protuberance:-a tooth:-a branch: SMART'NEiSS, n. Quickness; vigor; briskness. -a tree at the bottom of a river. SMASH, v. a. To break or dash in pieces.[rantly. SNiGI'f.ED, SNXGG y, a. Full of snags; knotty. SMAT'TER, V. n. To talk superficially or igno- SNAIL, n. A slimy, testaceous aninmal. SMAXTTE. R, n. Superficial or slight knowledge. SNAKE, n. A serpent of the oviparous kind. SMXT:.ITR-ER, ns. Otle who has a slight knowl- SNAKE'RO6T, n. A medicinal plant. SMrAT'T.IR-ING,n. Superficial knowledge.[edge. SNAKIy, a. Serpentine; belonging to a snake. SMEAR, V. a. To besmear; to soil; to daub. SNAP, V. a. To break short; to strike *to bite. S~MEAR, n. An ointment or any fat substance. SNAP,. n. To break short; to try to bite. SMEAR.Y, a. Dauby; adhesive. sNAXP, n. A quick breaking or bite; catch: —theft. SMPELL, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. smtelt.] To per- SNXAPDRAG-QN, n. A kind of play:-a plant. ceive by the nose. [smack. SNXAP'PISH, a.- Eager to bite; peevish; tart. SMELL, V. n. To perceive or emit smell; to SNAPfP!SH-NESS, n. Peevishness; tartness. SMELL, n. The sense or power of smelling or SNARE, n. A gin; a net; a noose; a trap. perceiving by the nose:-scent; odor. SNARE, V. a. To entrap; to ensnare. SMELT, imp. t. & pp. from smell. [food. SNARL, v. n. To growl; to speak roughly. SMELT, n. A small fish much esteemed for SNXRL, v. a. To entangle; to embarrass. SMELT, v. a. To extract metal from, as from SNARLER, n. One who snarls; a surly fellow. SMELT'ER, n. One who melts ore. [ores. SNARI, a. Entangling; insidious. [catch. SME.RK, v... To smile pertly. See SMIRK. SNXTCH, v. a. & n. To seize hastily.; to bite or SMERK, SMERIKtY, a. Nice; smart; janty. SNXTCH, n. A hasty catch; a broken part; a fit. SMICHl.R, v. n. To smirk; to look amorously. SNATH, nt. The handle or pole of a scythe. SMILE, v. ns. To express pleasure by the coun- SNEAK, v. n. To creep or withdraw slyly or tenance:-to look gay:-to be propitious. SNEAK, n. A sneaking, mean fellow. [meanly. SMILE, n. A look of pleasure orkindness. SNEAKtING, p. a. Servile; mean; low. SM1L.NG-LY, ad. With a look of pleasure. sNEER, v. 1n. To show contempt by looks, &c. SMIRCH, v. a. To cloud; to dusk; to soil. SNEER, n. A look of contempt.; scorn; derision. SMIRK, V. n. To smile affectedly; to smnicker. SNEER'ING-LY, ad. With a look of ludicrous SMITE, v. a. [imp. t. smote; pp. smitten.] To scorn. [ntose. strike; to kill; to destroy; to afflict; to blast. SNEEZE, V. n. To emit wind audibly by the SMITE, v. n. To strike; to collide. [man. SNEEZE, n. An emission of wind by the nose. SMITH, n. One who works in metals:-a work- SNICK'ER, SNIGpsa-1R, V. n. To laugh slyly. SMITH'ER-Y, n. The shop, or work, of a smith. SNIP, v. a. To cut at once, as with scissors. SMITHR', n. The shop of a smith; smithery. SNIP, n. A chip; a shred; a share; a snack. SMiVTTEN (smit'tn), pp. from smite. Struck. SNIPE, n. A small fen fowl with a long bill. SMITtTLE, v. a. To infect.-a. Infectious. SNIP'SNXP, n. A tart dialogue, with quick reSM6CK, n. A woman's under garment; a shift. SNIYVEL (sntv'vl), t. Mucus from the nose.[plies. SMOCKIFR6OCK, n. A gabardine; a coarse frock. SNIVtEL (snivfvl), v. n. To run at the nose:SMOKE, n. - Sooty exhalation; sooty vapor. to cry; to weep; to whine. SMOKE,V. n. To emit smoke:-to use tobacco. SNIV'EL-LING (sntv1vl-), a. Whining; pitiful. SMOKE, v. a. To scent or dry by smoke:-to SNORE, v. n. To breathe with noise in sleep. SM6OKi-ER,n. One that smokes. [find out. SNORE, n. A noise through the nose in sleep. SMIK'Y, a. Emitting smoke; fumid:-obscure. SNORT, v. n. To blow hard through the nose. SMOOTH, a. Even; glossy; soft; bland; mild. SNOT, n. The mucus of the nose. M866~Ti, v. a. To level; to make easy; to soften. SN6TITY, a. Full of snot; foul; dirty. SMOOTH'LY, ad. Not roughly; evenly; mildly. SNOUT, n. The nose of a beast:-the nozzle. SMO6aRTHNESS, a. Evenness of surface; softness. SNOW (sn6), n. Vapor in flakes:-a vessel. SMOTE, imp. t. from smite. [suppress. SNOW (sn), V. n. To fall in flakes or snow. SMOTH/ ER, v. a. To suffocate; to stifle; to SNOW'BALL, n. A round lump of snow. SM6TarHER, v. n. To be suffocated; to smoke. SNOWIDROP, n. An early white flower. SMi5TH1EtR, n. Suppression; smoke; thick dust. SNOWY~ (snt'e), a. White like snow; pure. SMOUL/lDER-YNG, a. Burning and smok- SNfIB, n. A snag; a knot in wood: —a rebuke. SMOULtDRY (smtl'dre), ing without vent. SNUB, v. a. To check; to reprimand; to nip. sM[rG, a. Nice; spruce; dressed with niceness. SNtB'NO6~ED (sniuhtnzd), a. Having a flat nose. MIEN, SIR M X6VE, NOR, 86N; BOLL, BUJR, RCLE. —, (c, soft; i, G, hard; as z; * as gz; THIS. SNUFF 256 SOLVENCY SNOFF, n. Burnt candle-wick:-inhalation by SIL, v. a. To foul; to dirty; to pollute. the nose:-powdered tobacco. [snuffl SOIL, n. Ground; earth; dirt; dung; conlpost. SNUjFF, v. a. To inhale; to smell; to crop the s'lJouRN, v. n. To dwell a while in a place. SN1iFF, v. n. To draw breath by the nose. s'tJoVRN (si'jurn), n. A temporary residence. SNrFFtBOX, n. A box in which snuff is carried. SOJOURN-ER, n. A temporary dweller. SNrFFltER, n. pl. A utensil to snuff candles. SOL, n. A French copper coin. See Sou. SNtJFrFLE, v. n. To speak through the nose. SOL, n. A note in music. [to soothe. SNUTG, a. Close; concealed; convenient; neat. SOL/ACE, V. a. To comfort; to cheer; to amuse; SNUG, SNiGt'GLE, a. n. To lie close, snug, or S)LtACE, n. Colnfort; pleasure; alleviation. SNUG'LY, ad. Safely; closely; cosily. [warin. SsoL.AND-G6S E, SO/L4N-G6OSE, n. An SNi4G'mNESS, n. Retiredness; closeness. aquatic fowl; the gannet. sD, ad. In like manner; thus; therefore. SQ-LX'No, n. A hot Mediterranean wind. SOAK (sik), v. a. To steep.-v. n. To be steeped. Sd'LAR, a. Relating to the sun; sunny. SOAK1.R, n. One that soaks:-a great drinker. SOLD, i7np. t. & pp. from sell. SOAP (sip), n. A substance used in washing. S6L/DER, v. a. To unite or fasten surfaces of SOAP'-BOIL-sR, n. One who makes soap. metals with metallic cement; to soder. SOAP'STONE,?. A mineral; a variety ofsteatite. SOL'DER, n. A metallic cement; soder. SOAP'Y, a. Resembling, or pertaining to, soap; IIS6LD'1ER (sl'jger), n. A member of a military SOAR (sir), n. A towering flight. [soft, company; a warrior. [warlike. SOAR, v. n. To fly aloft; to tower; to mount. [SOLD'IER-LIKE, SOLIDtRIE-Ly, a. Martial; SOB, v. n. To sigh with sorrow convulsively. SObLD'IER-SHIP, n. Martial qualities or skill. SOB, n.*A convulsive sigh; audible grief. ISaLDII. R-Y (sl'0jer-e), n. A body of soldiers. sn.BER, a. Temperate; regular; calm; serious. SOLE, t.; Bottom of the foot or shoe:-a fish. S(StBER,'v. a. To make sober or grave. SOLE, v. a. To furnish with sales, as shoes. S6'BE.R-LY, ad. Temperately; calmly; seriously. SOLE, a. Single; only.-(Law.) Not married. S6'BER-M`INDEgD, a. Calm; regular; temperate. SoL'E-CIi~M, n. Impropriety in language. Sb/BStR-N aSS, n. Temperance; calmness. SOLE'LY, ad. Singly; only; separately. SQ-BRJ/E.-TY, n. Tem.perance; soberness; calm- S6Lt'EMN (sl'em), a. Anniversary: —religiousSOcC/AE, n. An ancient tenure of lands. [ness. ly grave; awftl; formal; ritual; serious. SO-CI-A-BILI-T,. Tihe quality of being SO-LELMINI-TY, n. A ceremony; a rite:-gravity. Sd'CI-A-BLE:'Nm'SS, ~ sociable. SOL-Ei.-N.-ZA1TIQN, n. Act of solemnizing. Sd'cI-A-BLE (satshe-a-bl), a. Familiar; con- SOL'tM-Nt Z:E, v. a. To celebrate in due form; versable; inclined to company; social. to perform religiously:-to make solemn. SOC.I-A-BLE (so she-a-bl), n. A kind of phaeton. SOLIEMN-LY, ad. In a solemn manner. Sb/CI-A-BLY (setshe-a-ble), ad. Companionably. SOL-FAt, v. n. To pronounce the musical notes. Ss/CIA4L (soshial), a. Relating to society; com- SO-LtY/IT, v.a. To importune; to entreat; to ask. panionable; familiar; sociable. SO-Lt-I-TA1TIQN, n. Importunity; invitation. SO/CIAL-LY (sa'shal-le), ad. In a social manner. SO-L1VtiT-QR. n. Oine who solicits:-a lawyer. St'caAL-NtSS (stshal-nus), n. The being social. SO-Lit'IT-OiS, a. Anxious; careful; concerned. SQ-CI/.-TY an. Union of many in one interest; SO-Lt(i'T-OiIJS-Ly, ad. Anxiously; carefully. a cornmmunity; a company; partnership. so-LlsC'.IT-R iSS, n. A woman who solicits. SQ-CINtI-AN, a. A follower of Socinus. SQO-Lt/.I-TUDE, n. Mental disquietude; anxiSo-ClNtI-AN, a. Of, or belonging to, Socinianism. ety; carefulness; concern. [grave. SO-CdiN'I-AN-iM, n. The doctrines of Socinus. SoLtID, a. Not fluid; compact; firm; real; SOCK, n. Something put between the foot and SoLITD, n. A solid or compact body or substance. shoe: —shoe of the ancient comic actors. SQ-LIDSI-Ty,sm. Firmness; compactness; density. ScCI'ET, n. A hollow; the receptacle of the eye. SOL'ID-Ly, ad. Firmly; densely; compactly. SOD, n. A turf; a clod.-a. Made of turf. SoL/ID-NESS, it. Solidity; firmness; density. SOD, imp. t. from seethe. Seethed. SOL-I-DuiNt'GI-Lofs,, a. Whole hoofed, as a S'u.A, n. (Chrcm.) A fixed mineral alkali. horse, not cloven-footed. [alone. SQ-DXL'/I-TY n. A fellowship; a fraternity. SOL-aI-FDt'I-AN, n. One who rests on faith SD'IDEN (sid'dn), pp. from seethe. Seethed. SO-LILtQ-QUY, n. A discourse to one's self. SoDnDy, a. Turfy; covered with sods. [DER. SOL1I-PgED,s. An animal with hoofs not cloven. SdD'.ER, o. a. To cement; to solder. See SOL- SOL-I-TAIEPE' (sel-e-tir'), n. A recluse; hermit. SSDERa n. Metallic cement. See SOLDER. SOL'I-TARt-I-LY,ad. In solitude; with loneliness. SOtD.I-'i-, n. The metallic base of soda. SoL'r-TA-R4-N:SSS, n. Solitude; retirement. SDn.o-MY~, a. An unnatural crime; buggery. S6L'I-TA-RY, a. Living alone; retired; single. SQ9-EV'R, ad. A word properly joined with a SOL.I-TUDE, n. A lonely life or place; a desert. pronoun or adverb, as whosoever, howsoever. Sd'Lo, n.; pl. S5tLO6. A tune for one peison. S'F4A, n. A long, easy, covered seat. SOL'STICE, n. The time when the sun is farSOFrFIT, n. A sort of timber-ceiling.. thest from the equator either north or south. S6FT (sift or sauft), a. Not hard; yielding. SQL-STI"TIAL, a. Relating to the solstice. SOFTtEN (s6f'fn), v. a. & me. To make or grow SOL-U-BhIL'I-T,.n. Susceptiveness of separation. SOFTt-HEART-ED,a. Kind-hearted;gentle.[soft SOLtU-BLLE, a. Capable of dissolution; relaxing. SOFT'LY, ad. Without hardness; gently. SO-IUt'TIQN, n. A separation; an explanation. ISdFT'N SS, n. Quality of being soft; mildness. SOLV'A-BLE, a. That may be solved or paid. SacGtY~, a. Moist; damp; soaked with water. SOLVE (solv), v. a. To clear; to explain, resolve. SQ-Hit, interj. A form of calling from a distance. sOLVtEN-CY, n. Ability to pay all debts. A,2lJI,0,0~Yk long; X,k,1,6,V,1, short; 4,,I YQP,,Y, obscur.e.-FARtE,FXR,FASTFILL; HeIR, HI R; SOLVEND 257 SOUTH-WEST SOLtV1END, n. A substance to be dissolved. SORE, a. Tender to the touch; painful; easily SOLV'E]NT, a. Able to pay debts:-dissolving. SORE, ad. Intensely; in a great degree. [vexed. S6LVf'NT, n. A fluid that dissolves. S)RE/Ly, ad. With great pain or distress. SOLV1ERI, n. Whoever, or whatever, solves. S6RE'NEgSS, n. The tenderness of a hurt. SoxsBRE (somtber), a. Dark; gloomy. SQ-RO6RtI-CIDE, n. The murder of a sister. SOMI/BROIS or SOMI/BROUS, a. Dark; sombre. SOR'REL, n. A plant having an acid taste. SOME (sum), a. More or less; certain; any. SOR'REL, a. Reddish; somewhat red. [ly. S6IE'IB6D-Y, n. One; a person indeterminate. S,I rRI-LY, ad. Meanly; despicably; wretchedSoME'HOXT, ad. In one way or other. SORPRIJ-NE:SS, n. Meanness; wretchedness. SMtE.R-SET, n. A leap with heels over head. S)Ri'RoW (srfrtr), v. n. To grieve; to be sad. SimtEITHING, n. A thing indeterminate. S6R/ROW (srtr'r), n. Grief; sadness; regret. S6MEt'TIME, ad. Once; formerly; at one time. SOR'RQW-F'UL, a. Sad; mournful; grieving. SOVME'TIlmES,, ad. Not never; now and then. SOR'ROW —FOL-LY, ad. In a sorrowful manner. SiMEIWHAT (sum'hwet), n. Something; pa rt. S0/RQRoW-FOL-N RSS,n. State of being sorrowful. S6mrE/WHAT (sumthwOt), ad. Ini sore degree. s~ORaRY, a. Grieved; melancholy; dismal; vile. SIME'WHiRE (sumthwAr), ad. In some place. sO c.r, it. A kind; species; nmanner; class; rank. StOM-N.XMIBU-L'ISMX, ti. A walking in sleep. s'ot.tw, v. a. To separate; to conjoin; to cull. SoM-NXMtBU.-LLT, sn. Onewhowi lks in sle:lp. [S L-TEI, n [Fr.] A sudden attack; atsally. SOi1I-NIFtER-OtS, a. Causing slecp; soporifbr- suittTI-LgfE,a. The act of drawing lots. SOQiI-NYFtIC, a. Causing sleep; soporific. [olus. SOR9-TI/TItON (sor-tislh'un), ns. Selection by lot. SiVt'N.O-LNCE, S01S NO-LPN-CY,V,.SleepiilesS. SOT, na. An habitual druunlard:-a blockhead. SON, n. Male child: —a tative:-a maleldescend- sOT, v. a. Po stupefy; to besot.-v. n. To tipple. SO-NX'TA, n. [It.] Musical composition. [aint. SOT'T.SH, a. Doltish; dull with intemperance. SONG, n. A ballad; a poem; a lay; a strain. SOTTISH-LY,ad. Stupidly; dully; senselessly. SONtGSTER, n. A singer:-a singing bird. SOTtT.ISII-NESS, i. Dulness; drunken stupidity. SONG'STRE1Ss, n. A female singer. sou (s), in.; pl. s6u~. [Fr.] A Frenlch copptr SQ-NiFr'R-O0s, a. Givina or bringing sound. SOU-HSONGt (sS-shng'), in. A black tea. [coin. SON'-.IN-L.W,n. The husband of a daughter. soUIGH (sf), si. A drain:-a whistling. S6N'NET, n. A poem consisting of 14 lines. i SOUGIT (sawt), imp. t. & pp. from seek. SON-NE T-EER1, n. A small poet:-writer of son- SOUL (sel), n. Immortal spirit of man; life; spirit. SON-QO-R1IFIC, a. Producing sound. [nets. SOUL'ILESS (s1l'les),a.Without soul; mean; low. SQ-NOtROUS, a. Loud; shrill; high-sounding. SOUND, a. Healthy; hearty; right; stotit. SQ-NOtROUS-LY, ad. With high sound. S6oND, nt. Noise; tone:-strait or narrow pi;sSO-N(RoVs-NiiSS, n. Quality of being sonorous. sage of the sea:-air-bladder of a fish. SdN'SHIP, n. The relationship of a son. SO0ND, v. a. To try depth; to examine; to cause S66N, ad. Before long; shortly; early. to make a noise.-v. n. To emit a noise. SOOT (sot or sfit), s. Condensed smoke. SOtND'BOARD, nm. Board which propagates SOOTH, n. Truth; reality; prognostication. SOUNDtINGt a. Sonorous;having sound. [souimdl. SO6TIHE, v. a. To flatter; to calm; to mollify. S6fND'iNG*, n. pl. Places fathomable at sea. S6OTHtSXY, v. n. To predict; to foretell. SO0ND'LY, ad. Heartily; stoutly; rightly; fast. S6ATHlSXY-ERn. A foreteller; a predicter. SOoNDrNE.SS, n. Health; heartiness; solidity. SOOTHtSAY-ING, n. Prediction; a foretelling. s6ur (sop), n. A decoction of flesh for food. soOT'I-Ns:S, n. State of being sooty. aSOUR, a. Acid; crabbed; peevish; morose. sooTry (s8t'e), a. Consisting of soot; black. SOfR, v. a. To make acid: —to make morose. soP, n. Any thing steeped in liquor. SOtR, v. n. To become acid or peevish. SOP, v. a. To steep or soak in liquor. SOURCE (sirs), n. A spring; fountain; origin. srnPHI (sotfe), n. [Pers.] Monarch of Persia. SSOR'CRUOT, n. A German dish of cabbage. Sa0PItISMI, n. A fallacious argument:-a fallacy. SO5R'Ly, ad. With acidity; with acrimony. SPHI.IST, n. A captious or fallacious reasoner. S5dRtNlEss, n. Acidity; austereness; asperity. S6nPHt'S-TER, n.'A sophist:-a sophomore. SOUSE, n. A plunge; pickle:-pigs'feet pickled. SO-PHIS'TICT, a. Logically; deceitfully sSOSE (sois), v. a. To pickle:-to plffnge. SO-PHISTi-CAL fallacious. [tilty sSOfSE, v. n. To fall, as a bird on its prey. SQ-PHItSTI-CAL-Lr, ad. With fallacious sub- SfOtTH, n. The part where the sun is to-us at SO-PHIS/TI-CXTE,v.a. To adulterate; to pervert. SUoTH, a. Southern; meridional. [noon. So-PHIS-TI-CXtTION, n. Act of sophisticating. si5fTl, ad. Towards the south; from the south. SQ-PH.ISTI-C A-TOR, n. One who sophisticates. SOUTa-EASTI, tn. Point between east and south. SPt/ItS-TRYi, n. Fallacious reasoning. [ond year. SOITH'EER-LY, a. Lying towards the south. [nal. SOPH'Q-MORE, n. A student in college in hi'sec- SOdTIIt'.RN, a. Belonging to the south; meridioS)P-Q-RIFt'R-O tIS, a. Causing sleep; somnifer- SOlTHi'ERN-LY,ad.Towards, or from, the south. SOP-o-RIFrIC, a. Causing sleep; narcotic. [ous. SOdTHtEIRN-MOST, a. Furthest towards the SORtCER-:ER, n. A conjurer; a magician; wizard. south. SORfcE.R-ESS,n.A female magician; enchantress. SF0'THjN~'G, n. Course or distance south. SOR'CER-Y,n. Magic; enchantment; witchcraft. So0THt'MOST, a. Furthest towards the south. SORDIDD, a. Vile; base; covetous,; niggardly. SiOTH'WARD oa SOViTH'WARD, n. Southern SORtDID-Ly, ad. Meanly; poorly; covetously. parts or regions. [the south. SORt'DD-NhSS, n. Baseness; niggardliness. SO.TH'WARD or SOjOTIHn'WARD, ad. Towards soR-DiNEr n. A small damper in a trumpet. SbOTH-Wt..sT1,i. Point between south and west. SORE, n. A place tender and painful; an ulcer. SdSTH-WkViSTt, a. Between the south and west. MtIEN, SIR t; MOVIE, NbiR, SiN; BOLL, BUR, ROLE.-CC, q, soft;, P, hard; ~ as z; T as gz; THtiS, SOUVENIR 258 SPENDTHRIFT SOUVEINMR, n. [Fr.] A remembrancer.'SPEAR, v. a. To kill or pierce.-v. n. To sprout. SbV'EtR-EIGN (suv'er-in), a. Supreme in power. SPRAR'MAN, n. Soldier armed with a spear. s6v'ER-EiGN (sv'/er-In), n. A supreme ruler. SPIAR'M1iNT, n. A species of mint. [chief. S6V'I from the juice of which sugar is made. StN'BURNT, p. a. Tanned; scorched by the sun. S0.A'R-PLiM (shfg'ar-pluim), n. A sweatmeat. SON'DAy (stin'de), n. The Christian Sabbath. StG'aR-Y (shig'.r-e), a. Sweet; tasting of sugar. SrJN'DE R, v. a. To part; to separate; to divide. SVsG-qPi.ST, v. a. To hint; to intimate. S0NfDrR, n. Two; two parts, as in sunder. SIG-q:IST'ER, an. One that suggests or hints. SuNDI-;AL, 1. A plate which shows the time. sVG-q-s'TIr N, a. Private hint; intimation. StN'-DRIE D (sunldrid),p. a. Dried by the sun. SU-I-Ci'DAL, a. Relating to suicide. SNOR.IDRES, n.pl. Sundry or several things. SCfi-CIDE, n. Self-murder; a self-murderer. SfYNIDRY, a. Several; various; more than one. SUIT (Sit), n. A set of the same kind, as clothes: S!N'aFLOW —ER, n. A plant and flower. a petition:-courtship:-prosecution:-retinue. saNG, imp. t.& pp. from sing. See SING. SUIT, v. a. & n. To fit; to adapt to; to agree. SUNK, imp. t. & pp. from sink. See SINK. SuIT.A-BLrL (sftta-bl),a.Fitting; according with. SJNI'LESS, a. Wanting sun; wanting warmth. suITT'A-BLE-NIss, a. Fitness; agreeableness. S4N'1LIGHT (sin'lit), n. The light of the sun. sUIT't-BLY, ad. Agreeably; according to. SrxN'NY, a. Bright; clear; exposed to the sun. SUiTE (swat), n. [Fr.] Retinue; train; a suit. S0N'RIE, S0N'RI~-ING, n. Morning; the east.'iUITtQR (sft'iur), n. One that sues: —a wooer. Sr0N1SPeT,n. Close of the day; evening:-the west. SJL'rCATE, SMLGCGAT-ED, a. Furrowed; grooved. S1tNtSHINE, n. The radiant light of the sun. S:JLKrI-Ly, ad. In the sulks; morosely. SNNtSHINE, StNISHIN-Y, a. Bright with the sun. SfJLK.I-NtJSS, a. Sullenness; moroseness. saP, v. a. To drink by sups.-v.?. To eat supper. S;PLKt~y, a. Silently sullen; morose; sour; dull. stir, n. A small draught of liquor; a sip. StiLKtY, n. A carriage for one person. SUIPE R, in composition, notes excess or over. SrLtLE.IN, a. Solitary; sour; gloomy; obstinate. sU'PER-A-BLE, a. That may be conquered. SiLLE'LN-LY, ad. Gloomily; intractably. suF-PER-.1-Ba6ONDtf, v. n. To be exuberant. S:LE'LiN-NtSS,?a. Moroseness; sluggish anger. SU-PE'R-Ai-BR N'tDANCE, n. More than enough. StL.LY, v. a. To soil; to tarnish; to spot. SU-Pr:'R-.A-BaN'DANT, a. More than enough. St4L'PHATE, n. A substance formed of sulphuric SJ-PE.R-A-BN'DANT-LY, ad. Exuberantly. acid and some other substance as a base. SJ-PER-XDD', a. a. To add over and above. StLt'PHUR, n. A mineral substance; brimstone. SU-PER-AD-DtfITIQN, n. Act of superadding. SfJLtPHVtR-ATE, a. Of, or belonging to, sulphur. SU-PER-AN-qL'/IC, a. Superior to the angels. StOL-PHVR-.tATIQN, a. Act of dressing or com- SC-PER-XN'NV-ATE, v. a. To impair by age.. bining with sulphur. SJ-PE. R-XNIN N-XT-ED,p. a.,Disqualified by age. SVL-PHFi'RE-oS, a. Containing, or impreg- SO-PER-XN-NI-AXTIQN, n. State of being suStLtrPHVR-O0SS, nated with, sulphur. perannuated; disqualification by age. SdL'fPH-RET,n. A combination of sulphurwith SV-PERBt, a. Grand; pompous; august; stately. an alkali, earth, or metal. SUI-PERBtLY, ad. In a superb manner; grandly. SIL-PHCtRIC, a. Relating to, or derived from, s-PE1R-CXR't5, a. Anofficer in a merchant vessulphur.-Sulphunmc acid, a combination of sul- sel who manages the commercial transactions. phur and oxygen; oil of vitriol. suF-PER-C1L'.I-OtS, a. Haughty; dictatorial. SaJLfPHUR-Y, a. Partaking of sulphur. SU-PER-CIL'tI-OdS-LY, ad. Haughtily. StrL'TAN, n. The Turkish sovereign. SU-PE.R-CiL'.I-OUS-Nhss, n. Haughtiness. SUL-TXANA, n. The wife or consort of a sultan. SO-PER-:M'I.-NENCE, n. Superior eminence. StL'TA-NJ SS, a. The same as sultana. SU-PEsR-itMI'-NrNT, a. Eminent in a high degree. SJL'TRJ-N]SS, n. State of being sultry. rmoist. SJ-PER-4M.I-NPNT-LY, ad. Very eminently. SrtL'TRY, a. Hot and close; hot, clo, and SU-PER-tR-Q-GA'TIQN, n. Performance of more SM, n. The whole amount; quantity of money. than duty or necessity requires. Stm, v. a. To compute; to cast up. SU-PER-J}RtQ-GA-TQ-RY, a. Exceeding duty. MiEN, SYR; M6IVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, RKLE.-9, soft;,, hard; q as z; T as gz; THIS. SUPEREXCELLENT 268 SURIMOUNT Sf-PER-ExtCEL-LENT,a. Very excellent. SUPIPLI-.ANT, a. Entreating; beseeching. SU-PE.R-F-TAfTION, a. A second conception. SUPtPLI-ANT, n. A petitioner; a supplicant. SUJIP.E.R-FICE,?. The outside; superficies. SUP1PLI-ANT-LY, ad. In a submissive manner. SU-PER-Fi'tCIAL (su-per-fishlal),a. Being on the SUP'PLI-CANT, n. One who supplicates. surface; shallow; not profound. [surface. StPIPLI-CXNT, a. Entreating; petitioning. Su-PER-FI1fCIAL-LY (-fishtal-le), ad. On the SUP'PLI-CG TE, v. n. To implore; to entreat. SU-PER-FPI"CIAL-NESS, a. Shallowness. [face. sUP-PLI-C-ATIoN,n.A humble petition; entreaty. SU-P;R-FI!'CIE. (-fYsh'ez), a. Outside; sur- SUP/PLI-CA-TQO-R, a. Petitionary; humble. SU-PER-FiNE!, a. Eminently fine; excellent. SVP-PLiER, n. One who supplies. SU-P.R-FLU'I-TTY n. More than enough; excess. SUP-PLY', v. a. To fill up; to afford; to furnish. SV-PhERPFLU-OSS, a. Exuberant; unnecessary. SVP-PL-y,n. Reliefofwant; sufficiency. [dure. SU-PER-HU'IMAN1 a. Above what is human. SUP-PORT, v. a. To sustain; to bear up; to enSU-PER-.IN-CIM'BE NT, a. Lying or resting on. SUP-PPORTt, n. A prop; a maintenance; a supply. SU-PER-iN-DUCEt,v.a. To bring in as an addition. SlJP-PORT/A-BLE, a. Endurable; tolerable. SU-PER-IIN-Duc TIQN, n. Act of superinducing. SUTP-PORTE. R,. One that supports; a sustainer. SU-PER-IN-TEND', v. a. Tp oversee; to manage. SVP-Po'.A-BLE, a. That may be supposed. SU-PER-IN-TYENDENCE,n. Oversight;direction. STP-PO)Et, v. a. To assume or admit without SU-PER-IN-TLN'DENT n. A director; overseer, proof; to imagine; to believe; to think. SV-P.E'R-oR, a. Higher; greater; preferable. SitP-PO-i'"TIQN (-zlshtun), n. An hypothesis. SiJ-PE1RI-OR,'On. One who is above another. SVP-POf-I.-T'1TIOflos (sup-poz-e-tlsh'us), a. Not SV-PE-R.I-ORg-TrY,n. Prebminenca higherrank. genuine; counterfeit; not real; spurious. SU-PER'LA-TIVE,a. Implying the highest degree. svP-PoS.'I-TVEr., a. Implying supposition. Si-PERtLA-TIVE-LY, ad. In the highest degree. SVP-POS'I-TiVE-LY, ad. Upon supposition. SV-PER5LA -T.IVE-NESS, n. Superlative quality. syP PREss', v. a. To crush, subdue, conceal. SU —PER-LU'NAR, a. Above the moon; not SVP-PRP'SsIQN (sup-prtsh.un), n. The act of SU-PER-LUtNA-RY, of this world. suppressing; concealment. SU-PtERtNAL, a. Placed above celestial. SUP-PRhSS'OR, I. One that suppresses. [ter. SU-PER-NATANT, a. Swimming on the top. SUPfPI,-RRATE, v. a. & n. To generate pus or matSO-PER-NXT'U-RAL, a. Being above nature. SUP-PU-RA.TION, a. The act of supprating. SU-PER-NX TUly-RAL-Ly,ad.Above nature's pow- SPIPU -RA-TIVE, a. Promoting suppuration. SU-PE R-NUttER -A-RY, a. More thian enough. (er. SFuPRA, in composition, signifies above or before. SU-PE'R.-NU'MER-A- RY, n. A person or thing SU-PREIA-CY, it. Highest authority or power. above the stated, required, or usual number. SU-PRPExs', a. Highest in dignity and power. 0U-PER-SCRIBE,v. a. To write on the outsideof. SU-PREME'LY, ad. In the highest degree. SU-PE R-SCRIPITION,n. A writing on the outside. SiUR1BASE, n. Cornice above a pedestal. SU-PE.R-SDE, 1 v. a. To make void; to set aside. SUR-CEASE', v. n. To be at an end; to cease. SU-PE, R-STt"'TION (so-per-stishhun), a. Spurious SUR CHI;iRQ EIs, v. a. To overload; to overburden. religion; false worship or devotion. SUR-cCHXRqrE, n. An excessive load or charge. SU-PER-STSt"TIOVS (so-per-stlshius), a. Ad- SVR-CHXRq'iER, a. One that overburdens. dicted to superstition:-weakly scrupulous. SiiRtCIN-GLE, n. A girth:-girdle of a cassock. SU-PER-STIFtTIOUS-LY, ad. With superstition. SURt'CLE, n. A shoot; a twig; a sucker. SU-PE.R-STRUCITIQN, n. An edifice raised on SURTCOAT, n. A coat worn over the dress. any thing. SURD, a. Incommensurable, as a number. SU-PE.R-sTRUCTtURE (-striukt'yur), n. That SijRD, n. An incommensurable number. which is raised or built upon something else. SVRE (shUr), a. Certain; unfailing; infallible; SU-P.R -VE~NE/, v. n. To come in unexpectedly. confident; undoubting; safe; firm. sfU-p]ER-vrNI- ENT, a. Added; additional. SORE (shdr), ad. Certainly; without doubt. SU-PER-VgENrTIO N, at. The act of supervening. StRE'FOOT-E D (shdr'tft-ed), a. Not stumbling. SU-PER-ViEt v a. To overlook; to superintend. StREtLY (shir'le), ad. Certainly; without SU-PER-Vit' ION (-vlzhtun), n. Inspection. SORE'NESS (shurt'nes), n. Certainty. [doubt. SU —PER-VIoQR, n. An overseer; an inspector. StRE'Ty (shulrtte), 1. Security, or one who SU-PI-N'tTION, an. The state of being supine. gives security against loss or damage. SVy-pNE1, a. Lying with the face upward: — SRE'TY-SHIP,n. The office or state of a surety. negligent; careless; indolent; drowsy. SURF, n. The swell or dashing of the sea. sURPINE, n. (Graam.) A kind of verbal noun. SRtrFACE, n. The superficies; the outside. suI-PINELy~, ad.With the face upward; drowsily. SURtFEIT (siirrft), v. a. To feed to excess. sU-PiNE'NESS, a. The state of being supine. SURtFEIT (siirtfit), n. Excess in eating. OtPRPER, na The evening repast. SURQE, n. A swelling sea; a wave; a billow. sOtP'PE.R-LSS, a. Destitute of supper. SUR(E, v. n. To swell; to rise high, as waves. ~VP-PLXNT', v. a. To displace by stratagem. SijRtqEON (siir'jln), n. A professor of surgery. SVP-PLXNTt'R, n. One that supplants. SUR't/g. R-y, n. Art of curing external injuries. SitP'PLE,a. Pliant; yielding; soft:-fawning. SiUR'tI-CAL, a. Pertaining to surgery. StP'PLr,, v. n. To grow soft; to grow pliant. SURytgy, a. Rising in billows; full of surges. SiP'PLE.-MINT,n. An addition to supply defects. SUR'LI-NtSS, I1. Moroseness; sour anger. s5P-PLE-MItNT'tAL' a. Added for a supply; SijR'LY, a. Morose; rough; uncivil; sour. SOP-PLE-MtNT/A-RY, 5 additional. XSTR-MIYE/,,v. a. To suspect; to conjecture. StOP'PLE-Nr:SS, n. Pliantness; flexibility. SVR-MIE:', a. An imperfect notion; a suspicion. SOP'rPL.-TQ-RY, a. Supplying deficiencies. SIR-MOUNT', v. a. To conquer, surpass, exceed.,i,I,6,o,,, long;,,E]5,],6,1,, short;,$,I,QV,~,- obscure.-FARE,FXR,FTST,FALL; HAIR,HR; SURMOUNTABLE 269 SWELL sVR-MtObNTtA-BLE, a. Conquerable; superable. SWADfDLE (swodtdl), v. a, To swathe; to-bind. SiN.t'rMEt,. A family name; an appellation. SWADIDLE (swtd'dl),n. Clothes bound tight.,SVR-N-'MEE, v. a. To name by an appellation. SWAD'DLING-BXAND, SWADtDLING-CLOTH SVR-PASS', v. a. To excel; to exceed; to tran- (swtd-), n. Cloth wrapped round an infant. scend; to go beyond. swX?4, v. n. To sink down by its weight.; to sag. SVR-PiSStFA-BLE, a. That may be excelled. SWXG1EaR,v. n. To bluster; to bully; to brag. SVR-PASS'ING,p. a. Excellent in a high degree. SWAXG'tER-.R, n. A blusterer; a turbulent felSUR/PLICE, n. A clergyman's vestment. swXGq'~y, a. Hanging by its weight. [low. SURtPL]S, SiURPPLU.S-AqE, n. An overplus. SWAIN, n. A young man; a pastoral youth. St]R-PRIt/AL, n. The act of taking unawares. SWALE, v. n. & a. To waste; to melt; to sweal. SVR-PRI~EJa n. Act of surprising; sudden con- SWALIL6W (swl'lfi), n. A bird:-the throat. fusion; astonishment; wonder. [ish. SWAL'LOW (swil'lS), v. a. To take down the SyR-PRItE', v. a. To take unawares; to aston- sweM, imp. t. from swim. [throat; to absorb. SUR-PRIt'NG, p. a. Wonderful; astonishing. SWAMP (swtmp), a. A marsh; a bog; a fen. SIVR-PRIIjNG-LY, ad. In a surprising manner. SWAM.PtY (swtmpe), a. Boggy; fenny. SUR-RE.-BtTITJER, n. (Law.) A plaintiffs an- SWAN (sw6n), n. A handsome water-fowl. swer to a defendant's rebutter. [der. SWAN'SKiN (swon'skln), n. A soft flannel. StR-R]-JOIN'DER, n. An answer to a rejoin- SWiRD, n. The surface of the ground; turf. SVR-REN RDER, v. a. & n. To render or deliver tswARE, the old pret. from swear. up; to relinquish; to yield. SWARM, n. A multitude of bees, &c.; a crowd. SVR-RN'rDE.R, n. Act of yielding. SW.R-tt, v. n. & a. To raise as bees; to crowd. SUR-RtPtTION, n. A sudden invasion. SW&RT, SWARrH, a. Black; brown; tawny, SDR-REP-TI"TIOUS (-rep-tlsh'us), a. Done by SWAR&THt'-LY, ad. Blackly; duskily; tawnily. stealth; obtained or produced fraudulently. SWARTHI-NESS, a.n. Darkness of complexion. SttR-RE.P-TI'TIO.US-Ly, ad. By stealth; by SWIRTH'y, a. Dark of complexion; black; tawstR'RO-GATE, n. A deputy; a delegate. [fraud. SWASH (swish), n. A splashing of water. [ny. SyR-ROftND', v.a. To encompass; to enclose. s.&tTH, n. A line of grass cut down by a mower. STJR-SOL ID, n. The fifth power of any number. swXATHE, V. a. To bind with bands; to confine. S5.R-ToUT' (sur-tat'),-n. An outside coat. SWAY, v. a. & n. To wield; to bias; to govern. sVR-vEY' (sur-val), v. a. To view; to oversee. swAY, n. Power; rule; influence; direction. siJt'VEY (siur'va), n. View; prospect; retro- SWEAL, v. a. To melt; to swale. See SWALE. spect:-inspection:-mensuration. [ing land. SWEAR (sWAr), v. n. [imp. t. swore; pp. sworn.] SVR-VEY'ING (sur-val-), n. The art of measur- To declare or promise upon oath. STVRI-VEY.OR (-vauar), n. An overseer:-a meas- SWEAR (swar), v. a. To bind by an oath. urer of land. [of a surveyor. swEAR'.R (swar'er), a. One who swears. STJR-VEY'iR-SHtIP (-v'tur-shlp), n. The office SWEARtNG, n. The act of declaring upon oath. SVR-VIVE, va. a. & n. To live longer than to SWEAT (swt), na. Fluid evacuated; labor; toil. outlive; to remain alive. SWEAT (swet), v. n. [imp. t. & pp. sweat, swet, SU.R-VIVtOR, n. One who outlives another. or sweated.] To emit moisture, perspire, toil. SVR-VIV1OR-sHiP, n. State of outliving another. SWEAT (swUt), v. a. To emit; to make to sweat. sus-Ci;PT-t-BnILJ~-T, n. The quality of admit- SWEAT'I-NESS, t. The state of being sweaty. ting or being susceptible. [der. SWEAT'Y (swet'e), a. Covered or moist with SVS-CirPT'I-BLE, a. Capable of admitting; ten- SW:E'IISH, a. Respecting the Swedes. [sweat. SuS-CrP'TJIVE, a. Susceptible; admitting. SWEEP, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. swept.] To clean SUS-CIP.I-ENT, a. Receiving; admitting. with a broom; to brush:-to drive off at once. SVS-PitCT', v. a. To mistrust; to think guilty. sWEPH, v. n. To pass with violence or pomp. SVs-PiND', a. a. To hang; to interrupt - to de- swttP, It. The act of sweeping:-one who SVS-PhNDtR, n. One that suspends. [lay. SWP3EPgRk, a. One that sweeps. [sweeps. SVS-PkNSE', n. Uncertainty; indecision; a stop. SWEEP'fNG, n. pl. Things swept away. SVtS-PtNSIQN, n. A hanging up; a cessation, SWEEPtSTAKES, n. One who wins all:-prize SVS-PEkNSo-Ry, a. Suspending; doubtful. in a race, made up of several stakes. SVS-PI/'CIQN (-plshtun), n. Act of suspecting. SWRIET, a. Pleasing to any sense; not sour; sacsVs-Pit'cIous (-pish'.us), a. Inclined to suspect; charine; luscious; fragrant; mild; grateful. distrustful; jealous; causing suspicion. SWEET, n. Sweetness; something pleasing. SUVS-PI'RAL, n. A breathing hole; a ventiduct. SWE:ETBRRAD, n. The pancreas of a calf,&c. SdS-PI-RA'TION, n. A sigh; the act of sighing. SWERTIBRI-ER, n. A fragrant shrub. SVS-PIREf, v. a. To sigh; to fetch a deep breath. SWE. TEN (swettln), v. a. & n. To make or SUS-TXINI, v. a. To bear, support, maintain, help. grow sweet. [ens. SVS-TXAIN.A-BLE, a. Capable of being sustained. SWEETIEN-E R (swtrtn-er), n. Whatever sweetSUS-TAINER,.n. One that sustains or supports. SWeFET'HiEXRT, n. A lover or mistress. SS'TE.-NANcE,An. Maintenance; food; victuals. SWEET'ING, a. A sweet apple:-a darling. SPS-TEN-TA'TION, n. Support; maintenance. SWET'LY, ad. In a sweet manner;-gently. SOT/LE.R, n. A seller of victuals, &c., in a camp. SWEETitMEAT, W. Fruit preserved with sugar. SVT-TtEE, n. Self-immolation of a widow on SWEET/NE.SS, n. The quality of being sweet. the funeral pile of her deceased husband. SWEET/WIL-ITAM, n. A garden flower. SUT'URE (siIt'yur), n. A sewing:-a seam. SWEET'WIL-LOW (swtt'wIl-1), n. A shrub. SWAB (swhb), n. A kind of mop to clean floors. SWELL, v. n. [imp. t. swelled; pp. swelled or SWAB (swtb), v. a. To clean with a swab. swollen.] To grow larger or turgid to tumefy. MIEN, SYR; MO6VE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, ROLE. —q,; soft;,, A, hard; ~ as z; ~ as gz; THIS. 23 * SWELL 270 SYNTACTICAL SWELL, V. a. To make tumid; to heighten. SLtILA-1BLE, n. As much of a word as is uttered SWt:LL, n. An extension of bulk; an increase. by the help of one vowel, or one articulation. SWRLLtING, n. Inflation:-a morbid tumor; a SYtLLA-BitB, 7. Milk mixed with wine or cider. protuberance. [heat. StL/L.A-B[S, n. An abstract; a compendium. SWRL'TE. R, v. a. & tn. To melt or dry up with StLILO-qixM, n. All argument or form of reaSWELITRY, a. Suffocating with heat; sultry. soning consisting of three propositions. SWEPT, imnp. t. & pp. from sweep. [to yield. S~L-LO-QIS'TIC, a. Relating to, or conSWERVE,v.n. To wander; to deviate; to bend; S1L-LO-QTISTT-CAL, sisting of, a syllogism. SWET, imp. t. & pp. from sweat. [ready. SILtLQ-qIZE, v.n. To reason by syllogism. SWIFT, a. Quick; fleet: fast; nimble; rapid; SYLPH, n. A fabled being of the air. SWIFT, n. A bird:-a newt:-a machine. SiL'VA, n. [L.] A collection of poetical pieces: SWIFT'LY, ad. Fleetly; rapidly; nimbly. -trees of a country collectively. SWIFTIN]SS, n. Speed; nimbleness; celerity. SPL1VAN, a. Woody; shady; relating to woods. swIG, v. n. & a. To drink by large draughts. SLt'VAN, n. A fabled deity of the woods; a SWILL, v. a. To drink grossly; to intoxicate. satyr; a fawn. [creed. SWILL, n. Liquid food given to swine. SM1B.OL, n. Type; emblem; abstract:-a SWILL' I R, n. A drunkard; one who swills. aYIM-BOLjC, a. Serving as a symbol; typSWIM, v. n. [imp. t. swam or swum; pp. swum.] SY M-BOL'-CAL, ical; emblematical. To float on water; to glide:-to be dizzy. SYM-BiOL'I-CAL-LY, ad. By representation. SWIM, v, a. To pass by swimming. sMrIBOQL-SZE, v. n. To have a resemblance. SWIMt'MER, n.; One who swims. [vertigo. SlvtBOL-IZE, v.a. To cause to represent. SWil'MlNG, n. Act of floating on the water: — SYM-MitTRI-CAL, a. Proportional in parts. SWIMtMING-LY, ad. Without obstruction. SiMYME.T-TRIZE, v. a. To make proportionate. SWiNtDLE, v. a. To cheat; to defraud, cozen. SxIMIME-TRY, n. A due proportion; harmony. SWINtDLER, n. A sharper; a cheat; a rogue. StM-PA-THET' lC, a. Having mutual senlSWINE, n. sing. & pl. A hog; a pig. SIM-PA-THT'I.-CAL, sation; having a feelSWINEHiERD, n. A keeper of hogs. ing in common. SWINE'-STY, n. A sty or pen for swine. S-M-PA-THJ2TtI-CAL-~LY, ad. With sympathy. SWING, v. n. [imp. t. & pp. swung.] To wave SImIPA-TTHIZE, v. n. To feel with or for. anothto and fro, hanging loosely; to vibrate. er; to have sympathy. SWING, v. a. To make to play loosely. StMI'P.A-THY- n. Fellow-feeling; mutual sensiSWING, n. A waving motion:-free course. [ish. bility; condolence; tenderness. SWINE, v. a. To whip; to bastinade; to pun- Sym-PHNO'NI-ODS, a. Harmonious; musical. SWiN(E L,Xn. The part of a flail which swings. SYMtPHQ-NY, n. Harmony of mingled sounds. SWIN'GLE, v. a. To beat and dress, as flax.- StMP1TOQM, n. A sign; a token; an indication. v. n. To dangle. S$MP-TQM-XT'jC, i a. Relating to sympSWIN'GLE, n... A wooden instrument for beat- SVMP-TQM-XT't-CAL, toms; indicating. ing and dressing flax. SiMP —TOI-XT1'-CAL-LY, ad. By symptom. SWIN'ISH, a. Befitting swine; gross; brutal. St.NIA-G6GUE (slnt'a-gig), n. An assembly of SWISS, a. Of, or belonging to, Switzerland. Jews for worship; a Jewish house of worship. SWITCH, n. A small, flexible twig-:-a con- SYN-.A-L(EPHAi, n. Contraction ofa syllable. trivance on railroads. [track to another. StNt'HRQ-N.L, a. Happening at the same timeSWITCH, v. a. To lash:-to transfer from one SYN-SHRONt'-CAL, a. Happening together. SWIVtEL (swlvtvl), n. A ring which turns upon StN!1HRQ-NItM, n. A concurrence of events. a staple; a small cannon, turning on a pivot. SN.IHR.O-NIZE, v. n. To agree in regard to SWOLLEN (sw1ln), pp. from swell. time; to happen simultaneously. [time. swOON, v.n. To faint.-a. A fainting fit. SVNt'HRO-NOfS, a. Happening at the same SWOoP, v. a. To seize at once; to catch up. s!NfCO-PATE, SlN'CO-PIZE, v.a. To contract. swooP, n. A seizing upon, as a bird of prey. SVN.CO-PE, n. A contraction of a word; fainting. swOP, v. a. To exchange; to barter. [Low.] SN'DTIC, n. A magistrate; an agent; a deputy. SWORD (ssrd), n. A military weapon. SVNfDRQ-ME, n. Concurrence; concourse. SWoRDIED (sardted), a. Girt with a sword. Sy-NtC'DQ-0HE, n. A figure by which a part is SWORDt-KN6T (sord'nbt), n. A ribbon tied to taken for the whole, or the whole for a part. the hilt of a sword. SIN'QD, n.~ An ecclesiastical assembly, meetSWORD'-PLAY-ER (sard'pla-er), n. A fencer. ing, or council. [synod. SWORDiMIAN (sardz'mtan),n a. One who uses a SV-N6ODIC, SY-N6D'j-CAL, a. Relating to a SWORE, imp. t. from swear. [sword. SY-NON'y-MA, n.pl. [L.] Synonymes. SWORN, pp. from swear. SNt'Q-NitME, n. One of two or more words of swilM, imp. t. & pp. from swim. the same language which have the same or SWDNG, imp. t. & pp. from swing. similar meaning. SC'A-MORE,n a. A speciesof tree; theplane-tree. SY-NiON'Y-MIZE, v. a. To express or interpret SC'tO-PHAN-CY, n. Mean flattery; servility. by words of similar signification. SJCIt-P.HANT, n. A parasite; a flatterer. SY-N6Nl~y-MotS, a. Having the same meaning. S QC-O-PHN'TI.C, Q a. Flattering; fawning SY-NONrY-awy, n. The quality of expressing by SC-O-PHXNt'TI-CAL, obsequiously. different words the same thing. [an epitome. SYL-LAB'IC, a. Relating to syllables. SY-N6PfSjS,n.; pl. sY-Na6PtsfE. A general view; SyL-LXIBtI-C4l-LY, ad. In a syllabical manner. SY-NOPtT'I-CAL, a. Affording a general view. SYL-LXB-I-CA'TION, a. Formation of syllables. SYN-TXC'TI-CAL, a. Pertaining to syntax. iR,i,5,0,$, long; X,f,1i,6,0,1, short;,I,Q,V,Y, obscure. —FARE,FXR,FAST,FALL; HtIR, HRR; SYNTAX 271 TALMUDIST SIN'TXX, a. The construction of sentences. SrS'ITEM, n. A combination; a method; scheme. s~N~aT'f-SIS,-n. Composition, or a putting to- SIS-TEIM-XTtIC, a. Partaking of system; gether;-opposed to analysis. [ing. S(S-TyEM-XTfi-CAL, methodical. SYN-THTt'IC, SYN-THlT'I-CAL, a. Compound- SY'-TEM-AT/i-CAL-LY, ad. In form of a system. SYN/THiTt.I-CAL-Ly, ad. By synthesis. s'TI M-4-TiST,?. One iho reduces to SPH.II-LiS, n. The venereal disease. SS'TE M-A-TIZ-EiR, system. StPH-I-LiT.IC, a. Contaminated with syphilis. SVS'TEIMI-A-TIZE, v. a. To reduce to a system. Si'PHON, n. A tube. See SIPHON. SVStTQ-LE, n. The contraction of the heart — sR/.I-AC, SR'.I-AN, a. Relating to Syria. the shortening of a long syllable. S2R'"INqE, n. -A pipe to squirt liquor with. [inge. sIztY-rqy, n. Place of the moon or a planet, when SKIR'N(E, v. a. To spout or wash with a syr- in conjunction with, or opposition to, the sun. T. Tl a mute consonant, at the beginning and end TA'EN (tin). A poetical contraction of taken. l of words, has always the same sound. TAFIrF-TY, n. A thin, smooth, glossy silk. TXBtBY, n. A rich, watered silk. TXFF'RAIL, n. Upper part of the stern of a ship. TXB'BsY, a. Brinded; brindled; varied in color. TXG, n. A metal, &c., at the end of a string. TXB-E-FXC'TION, n. The act of wasting away. TAG, v.a. To fit any thing with an end; to join. TXAB'-F?, v. n. To waste; to emaciate..[ship. TAG, an. A play: —a slight touch. See TIG. T~XB'ER-NA-CLE, n&. A tent; a place of wor- TAGLIA (tal'ye-ay)- n [It.] A petuliar combiTXBt'ER-NA-CLE, w. n. To dwell; to house. nation of pulleys. TXB'iD, a. Wasted by disease; consumptive. TAIL, n. The hinder or lower part; the end. TAB'D-NC. SS, n. Emaciation. TAImLQR (taIlur), n. One who makes clothes. TXB'LA-TURE, n. Painting on walls or ceilings. TAIfLQR-ING, n. The business of a tailor. TAaBJE, n. Any flat or level surface; a board; TAI'LOR-. SS, n. A female tailor. [corrupt. an index; a collection of heads; a catalogue. TAINT, v. a. To sully; to infect; to poison; to TA'BLE, v. n. To board.-v. a. To set down. TAINT, n. A stain; infection, corruption, soil. TABLEAU (tab-1'),.; p. TABLEAUX (MKb-lz'). TAKE, v, a. [imp. t. took; pp. taken.] To re[Fr.] A picture:-a list; a table. ceive; to seize; to catch; to Copy; to bear; to TA'BLE-BEER, n, Beer for the table. admit; to suppose; to hirem TA'BLE-CLI)TH, n. Linen spread on a table. TAIKE, v. n. To incline: —to gain reception. TAtBLE-LAND, a. Level, elevated-land. TA'KEN (ta'kn), pp. from take. ling. TAtBLES,. pl. Draughlts:-a tablet. TAIt'ING, n. A seizure:-vexation.-a. AllurTYB'LET T,na. A small table; surface written on. T&ALBQT, n. A sort of hunting dog. TA'BLE-TLiLK (ta'bl-tIwvk), n. Discourse at ta- TXL'BQ-TYPE, n. A photographic picture. TA-B36f, v. a. To interdict; to prohibit. [ble. TXLC, n. A magnesian mineral. TA'BOR, n. A drum beaten with one stick. TAL-COSE', TALCKt', a. Of the nature of talc. TA'BOR-ER, a. One who beats the tabor. TALE, U. A narrative:-reckoning. [tale. TA'BQOR-T, TXABRET, n. A small tabor. TALE'BEAK-EIR, n. An officious informer; tellTABtO-RiNE, n. A tabor, a small drum. [ses. TALE'BEAR-.NG, n. The act of telling tales. TKB'T-LAR, a. In the form of tables or synop- TXL'ENT, n. A weight; sum:-a faculty; gift. TABIU-LATE, v. a. To reduce to tables; to flat- TXL'tENT-ED, a. Possessing talents or abilities. TAB'V-LAT-ED, a. Having a flat surface. [ten. TXL'i*-1isAN, n. A magical character or figure; TA-HIGtR4A-PHY, n. The art of quick writing. TXL-~-MXANIC,. a. Magical. [a charm. TrT, a. Silent: —implied; not expressed. TALK (tawk), v. n. To speak; to converse. TA'QIT-LY, ad. Silently; without words. TALK (twlvk),. Oral conversation:-rumor. TXti-TURN, a. Silent; uttering little. [serve. TiLKtA-TIVE (tkwk't-tiv), a. Loquacious. TXQ-j-TUtRN'I-TY, n. Habitual silence or re- TALKtA-TIVE-NSSS (tawk'-),?a. Loquacity. TACK, v. a. To join; to unite; to fasten. TILKER (tAwk'-), n. One whotalks; a pratTACK, v. n. To turn about, as a ship. [ship. TALL, a. High in stature; high; lofty. [tler. TACK, n. A small nail:-rope:-turn of a TALILAL E, TAIL'Ay-E, n. An ancient impost. TiCKLrLE, n. A machine; rigging; an arrow. TALLINESS, n. Height of stature; loftiness. TXCK'LE, v. a. To supply with tackle. TXAL'LOMW (ta1l'l), a. A sort of animal fat. TACKtLING, n. Furniture of a mast, &c. TALtLOW, v. a. To smear with tallow. TXCT, n. Skill; nice discernment; expertness. TXLtLQW-CHANDLlEKR, n. Maker of, or dealer TXCtTIC, TAC'TI-CAL, a. Relating to tactics. in, tallow candles T.AC-TI"CIAN (tak-tishtan), n. One skilled in TAXL'tLW-1SI, TALLQoW-Y, a. Like tallow. tactics; an adroit manager. [battle. TAL'LY, n. A stick notched to keep accounts: TXC'TICS, n. pl. The art of ranging men for -any thing made to suit another. [ble. TXACTILLE, a. Tangible; susceptible of touch. TALILY, v. a. & n. To fit; to suit, to be suitaTAC-TILtl-TY, n. Perceptibility by the touch. TXL'LY-KIAN, n. A dealer: —a keeper of a tally. TACITIQN, n. The act of touching. TXLtMV.D, n. A book of Jewish laws. TXDt'PLE, n. A young unformed frog, &c. TXLMttVD-ST, n1. One versed in the Talmud MIEN, SIR; MSVE, NtR, SON; BOLL, BUJt, ROLE; 9, o, soft; g H,, hard; ~ as z; $ as gz; THIs. TALON 272 TAXIDERMIST TXL'ON, n. The claw of a bird of prey. TAR-PIUL'ING, n. Tarred canvas:-a sailor. TA'LVS, n. [L.] The ankle-bone:-a slope in a TXRPRY, v.. To stay; to delay; to wait. rampart or wall:-a heap of fragments at the TXRIRY, a. Consisting of tar; resembling tar. foot of a great rock. TART, a. Sour; acid; sharp:-harsh; severe. TAM.A-BLE, a. That may be tamed. TXRT, n. A small pie of fruit or jelly. TXA'A-R ND, n. A tree and its fruit. TXRfTAN, n. A checked cloth:-a vessel. TitM'A-RSK, n. A flowering shrub. TXAR'TAR, n. A concrete salt:-a native of Tar-. TAMiBOUR, n. [Fr.] A tambourine:-a frame. tary:-a person of irritable temper. TAM-B6U-RiNEI (-bM-rEnt), n. A kind of drum. TAR-TAt!RE-AN, TAR-TX/RE-OIS, a. Infernal. TAXIE, a. Not wild; domestic; subdued; dull. T.AR-TAKRE-OUS, a. Consisting of tartar. TKME, v. a. To make gentle; subdue; crush. TAR-TARKIC, a. Noting an acid from tartar. TAMEtLY, ad. Notwildly; meanly; spiritless- TXR'TAR-IZE, V. a. To impregnate with tartar. TAXME'NSS, n. Th6 qualfity of being tame. [ly. TRIT.ART-OtS, a. Consisting of, or like, tartar. TXMt'-NY, TXMIMX, a. A thin, woollen stuff. TXRT'LY, ad. Sharply; sourly; with acidity. TAiMtPER, V. n. To meddle; to practise secretly. TXaRTTNESS, n. Sharpness; sourness; severity. TXN, v.a. To prepare skins:-to imbrown. TXR-TtFFE', n. A hypocrite. TXN, n. The ground bark of the oak, &c. TASK, 1. Employment; business imposed. TANG, n. A strong taste; smack:-a sea-weed. TASIK, v. a. To impose or burden as with a task. TAXN'ENT, n. A right line touching a curve. TASKMAS-T]3R, n. One who imposes tasks. TAN- I —BIL/F-TY, n. The quality of being tangi- TAS'SEL, n. An ornamental bunch of silk, &c. TANi'9-BLE, a. Perceptible by the touch. [ble. XstS'ELLED (-seld), a. Adorned with tassels. TANiGLE (tAng'gl), v. a. & n. To interweave; TXSI's., n. pl. Armor for the thighs. to snarl; to entangle; to entrap. TAXST'iA-BLE, a. That may be tasted; savory. TANtGLE, n. Any thing complicated; a snarl. T ASTE, v.a. To perceive by the palate; to relish. TXNK, n. A large cistern or basin. TASTE, v. n. To have a relish or taste; to eat. TANK'.ARD, n. A drinking vessel, with a cover. TASTE, n. The act of tasting; relish; nice perTXN'NER, n. One whose trade is to tan leath- ception:-intellectual discernment or relish. TAN'NtER-y, n. A place for tanning hides. [er. TASTEIFftL, a. High relished; savory:-tasty. TAN'rNIN, a. Substance which tans leather. TASTEItL.SS, a. Having no taste; insipid. TAN'NING, n. The process of preparing leather. TASTEtLESS-tNESS, n. Insipidity; want of taste. TKNt'-PIT,n. A pit where leather is impregnated. TISTtlR, n. One who tastes:-a dram-cup. TANt~Y, n. An odorous plant. [tion. TASTt., a. Having taste; nice; fine. TAN'TA-LI~M, n. Act of tantalizing; tantaliza- TAT'TR, v. a. To tear; to rend.-n. A rag. TXN-TA-LI-Z'tTION, n. Act of tantalizing. TAT-Ti.R-DI.-M AL'QN (-ypn), n. A ragged felTANtTA-LIZE, v. a. To torment; to torture. TATtTLE, v. n. To prate; to talk idly. [low. TXN'T.A-1VOfNT, a. Equivalent; equal. TXATTLE, n. Prate; idle chat; trifling talk. T4AN-TIV'Y or TAN'TI-VY, ad. Swiftly. TAT'TLElt,n. An idle talker; a prater. TA NfTRU.M, n. pl. Freaks; bursts of ill humor. T.T-T66', n. A beat of drum:-a figure formed. TAP,v.a. Totouchlightly:-to pierce;tobroach. by punctures on the body. [tures and stains. TAP, n. A gentle blow:-a pipe; a spigot. TAT-TOO66, v. a. To form figures on by puncTAPE, n. A narrow fillet or band of linen, &c. TAUGHT (tbtmt), imp. t. &pp. from teach. tPER, n. A wax candle; a small light. IITAUNT (tant or t'wnt),v. a. To reproach; to TA'PER, a. Regularly narrowed; conical. insult; to revile; to ridicule; to upbraid.'TAIPER, v..& a. To grow or make taper or TAUNT (tant), n. Insult; sarcastic reproach. gradually smaller. TAXUNT'ING-LY (tant'ing-le), ad. With insult. TA'PER-NESS, n. The state of being taper. T:U'RVs, n. [L.] The Bull; the 2d sign in the TAP'ES-TRY, n. An ornamental cloth. [tailed. zodiac. [thing. TXPH6OfSE., n. House where liquors are re- TAU-TQ-L6qt-C -AL, a. Repeating the same TAP-.I-6OCA, n. A glutinous and nutritious sub- T1U-TOLtQ-qIST, a. One who uses tautology. stance from the root of the manloc plant. TAU-TO6LQo-lZE, v.n. To repeat the same TAXPIR, n. An animal resembling the hog. thing in different words. TAPIS (tap't), n. [Fr.] Acarpet:-atable-cloth. TIU-TOLO-Y~, n. A repetition of the same TArXP-R6OT, n. The principal stem of a root. words, or of the same sense in different words. TXPISTER, n. One who draws beer, &c. TAU-T6PHI Q-NY, n. A repetition of the same TAiR, n. A dark liquid pitch:-a sailor. TAVt'ERN, n. A public-house; an inns [sound. TAR, V. a. To smear over with tar. TAXV'IRN-ER a. One who keeps a TA-RXN'TTU-LA, sn. A venomous sort of spider. TXv'ERN-KUfiP-E.R, tavern. TAR'DI-LY, ad. Slowly; sluggishly. [ness. TAW, v. a. To dress white or alum leather. TARD'i-NaSS, n. Slowness; lateness; dilatori- TAW'DRI-LY, ad. In a tawdry manner. TARtDY, a. Slow; sluggish; dilatory; late. TXWtDR -NrSS, n. Gaudy or ostentatious finery. TAKRE, n. A weed:-an allowance in weight. TAWfDRY, a. Very showy without elegance. STARE, imp. t. from tear. Tore. T1w'ER-Yq,n. The manufacture of white leather. TAnR's.T, n. A shield:-a mark to be shot at. TAWrNey, a. Dusky yellow, like things tanned. TAKR-I-ET-IERI, n. One armed with a shield. Tix. n. An impost; a tribute; charge; censure. TARIGUrM, n. A Scripture paraphrase in Chal- TAXv. a. To load with imposts; to charge:-to TXRIIFF, n. A table of duties on goods. [dee. TiXtA-BLE, a. That may hbe taxed. [censure. TXR'tNIS-, v. a. To sully; to soil; to stain. TAX-A1TIOQN, n. The act of taxing; impost; tax. TXRtNISH, v. an. To lose lustre; to be soiled. TXXtI-DIR-MIST, n. One versed in taxidermy.,d,5,,?,d, long;,g,f,,i,~, short; A,T,[,,y,, obscure. —FktE,KFXR,FAST,FALL; HAIR,HR R; TAXIDERMY 273 TENET TXXI'-DER-MY, n. Art of preserving skins. TE-Mi$RI -TY, n. Rashness; extreme boldness. TEA (te), n. A Chinese plant, or evergreen TEMPER, v. a. Tomingle; to modify; to soften. shrub:-a drink or liquor made of it. TEMtPE. Rn. Due mixture of contrary qualities:TEACH (tech), v. a. [imp. t. & pp. taught.] To disposition of mind; moderation:-irritation. instruct; to inform; to show; to indicate. TEMIPER-A-MENT, U. Constitution; medium. TEACH'A-BLE, a. Willing or aptto learn; docile. TEMIPER-iANCE, n. Moderation; sobriety. TEACH'A-BLE-NhSSn.Docility; aptness to learn. TEMIPER-ATE a. Not excessive; moderate; calm. TEACH'ER, a. One who teaches; an instructor. TEM'PER-ATE-Ly, ad. Moderately; calmly. TEA'tCP, n. A cup to drink tea from. TEIMItPER-ATE-Ni SS, n. Freedom from excess. TEAK, n. A timber tree and its wood. TiMtPE.R-A-TURE, n. State of the air as to TEAL, n. A wild fowl of theduck kind. [ing. heat and cold; degree of heat. TEAM, n. A number of horses or oxen for draw- TEM5PEST, n. A violent wind; a commotion. TEAMfSTER, n. A driver of a team. TEMt'P.ST-T6ST, a. Driven about by storms. TEA'P6T, n. A vessel in which tea is made. TEiM-PEST'tV-OuS (tem-pisttyu-us), a. Stormy. TEAR (tgr), n. Water from the eves:-a drop. T~M-PESTqI-OVS-LY, ad. Turbulently. [ous. TEAR (tIr), v. a. [imp. t. tore; pp. torn.] To pull TEM-P.sT'U-OVs-Nhss, n. The being tempestuin pieces; to rend; to laniate; to lacerate. TEM5PLAR, n. A student in the law:-knight. TEAR (tar), v. n. To fume; to rave; to rant. T tM'PLE, n. An edifice:-side of the head. TEAR (tar), n. A rent; a fissure; laceration. TE1M'PLET, n. A piece of timber in a building. TEARIER (tUrter), n. One who rends or tears. TEM'Po-RAL, a. Measured by time; not eternal; TEARr'PfL (ter'fil), a. Weeping; full of tears. secular; not spiritual; placed at the temples. TEAR'LE]SS, a. Destitute of tears. TEM-PQ-R.XLtI-TY, TM'PO-R.ALq, a. Secular TErIAE (ttz), v. a. To comb; to scratch; to vex. rights or possessions. TEAr EL (ta'zl), n. A plant and its burr. T1M'PQ-RAL-LY, ad. With respect to this life. TEAT (tet), n. A dug; a pap; a nipple. TESrtPQ-4RAL-NtSS,n. Secularity; worldliness. TEA'ZLE, v. a. To raise a nap on cloth. TEMIPQ-RAL-TY, n. Temporality. [porary. TEAIZLE, n. A prickly plant; teasel. TEM.Po-RA-RI-NESS, a. State of being temT7CHIl-L, ad. Peevishly; fretfully; frowardly. TEM'POR-R-RY, a. Lasting only for a limited TP:CHII-NfSS, a. Peevishness; fretfulness. time; not permanent. T HtN.NI-C4AL, a. Belonging to the arts. TEMfPO-RiZE,v. n. To comply with the times. TEHt'NI-CAL-LY, ad. In atechnicalmanner. TEMtPO-RIZ-ER,n. A time-server; a trimmer. TR0H-NQ-L6Of'-C.AL, a. Relating to the arts. TEMPT (tamt), v. a. To entice to ill; to try. TEiEH-NOL/Q-qY, n. A description of the arts. TEMPTtA-BLE, a. Liable to temptation. TECIIY, a. Peevish; fretful; irritable; touchy. TEMP-TAlTIQN (tem-ta'shun),n. Act of temptTEC-T6N'tC, a. Pertaining to building. ing; state of being tempted; enticement. TRD, v. a. To spread abroad new-mown grass. TtEMPTTER (tam'ter), n. One who entices to ill. TrDIDDR, n. & v. a. See TETHER. TEN, a. & n. Twice five; the decimal number. TE DESyM,n. rL.] A hymn sung in the church. TEN'A-BLE, a. That may be held; defensible. ITtDIOVS (teadyus or tede-us), a. Wearisome; TE.-NXACIOVS (te-na'shus), a. Grasping hard; ITEDIOVS-Ly,dd. In a tedious manner.[irksome. holding fast; retentive:-cohesive. [fast. TEVDIOVS-N:SS, a.- Wearisomeness; prolixity. TE-NAJCIOVS-LY, ad. With disposition to hold TEtDI-tiM, n. Irksomeness; weariness. TE'-NT'CIOU.S-NESS (-sh-us-nes), n. Tenacity. TEEM, v. n. To bring young; to be pregnant. TE-N-A(X.-TY, n. The quality of being tenacious. TEEM, v. a. To bring forth; to produce. TEN'AN-C,' an. The state of a tenant. [other. TEEN~, n. pi. The years from 12 to 20. T.ENfANT, n. One that holds land, &c.. of an, TEETH, n. The plural of tooth. TEc.'ANT, v. a. To hold on certain conditions. TEETH, v. n. To breed teeth. TNt.ANT-A-BLE, a. Fit to be tenanted. TEE-T&OTAL-ER, n. Advocate of teetotalism. TEN'ANT-RY, n. A body of tenants. TEE-TO'TAL-i[M, sit. Total abstinence. TENCH, n. A fish allied to the carp. TEE-TO'T/M/, n. Sort of small top. TEND, a. a. To watch; to guard; to attend. TRG'tU-M:NT, n. A cover; an envelope. TEND, V. n. To move towards; to incline. TE5HEE, v. n. To laugh.-n. A laugh. TPENDEN-CY, n. Direction; course; drift. [cate. TEIL, n. The lime or linden tree. TBN'DER, a. Soft; kind; easily pained; deliTE'LA-RY, a. Spinning webs, as a spider. TEN1DE.R, v. a. To offer; to exhibit; to propose. TLtE'-GRXM, n. A telegraphic message. TENrD].R, n. An offer; a proposal:-a vessel. TREL'E-GRXPH, n. A machine or instrument to TEN'DE.R-HEXRT'ED,a. Compassionate; gentle. convey intelligence to a distance. T:EN'IE.R-LING, n. First horn ofa deer:-fondTiEL/'E-GRXPaij v. a. To convey by telegraph. TPENDER-LOIN, n. A tender part of beef. [ling. T:L-E-GRXPH'IC, a. Relating to a telegraph. TtNrD1.R-Ly, ad. In a tender manner; gently. TkLIE-SCOPE, n. A glass used for distant views. T:EN'DER-NrtSS, n. The being tender; kindness. Tr:L —SCC6P'.C, a. Belonging to a telescope. TtN'DI-NOiS, a. Sinewy; containing tendons. TEPLL, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. told.] To utter; to ex- Th N'DQN, n. A sinew; a ligature of joints. press; to relate; to inform:-to count. TtiN'DRIL, a. The clasper of a vine, &c. T7ELL, v. n. To give an account; to speak. TE-NEtBRI-OrJS,TRNtE-BROtJS,a.Dark; gloomy. TULL. R, n. One who tells, counts, or pays. NtE.N'-MNT, n. A house; a habitation:-any TELL'TALE, n. An officious tale-bearer. thing held by a tenant, as a house, land, &c. TEL-LU'RI-iM, n. A kind of white metal. TdN-E-MENT'AL, a. To be held by tenants. TiP1M-E-RXARI-OtiS,a. Rash; heady; adventurous. TPN1ET, n. A position; a principle; opinion. MIEN, S'IR; NMVE, NOtR, SON; BOLL, BUR, RTILE.-i-, A, soft; i, &, hard; ~ as zE;: as gz; THIS. TENFOLD 274 THANKLESSNESS TYNtFOLD, a. Ten times increased. TiRSEtILY, ad. With terseness; neatly. TEN'NIS, n. A play with a racket and ball. TERSEINESS, n. Smoothness or neatness of style. TiENION, n. End of a timber fitted to a mortise. TER'TIAN, a. Occurring every other day. TEN.OR, n. Mode; purport; drift:-the mean TER[TIAN, 71. An ague intermitting but one day. or middle part in music. TERTI'-A-RY (tir'she-a-re), a. Third. [time. TENSE, n. A variation of the verb to denote time. TER'TI-ATE (trlshe-at), v. a. To do for the third TENSE, a. Stretched; stiff; tight; not lax. TES'SEL-LAT-ED, a. Variegated by squares. TENSE/NE.SS, n. State of being tense; tension. TEST, n. Examination; trial; a standard. TEN'SI-BLE, TEEN'SILE, a. Capableofextension. TEST, v. a. To try by a test; to prove. TEN'SIQN, n. The act of stretching; distention. TE.S-TA'CEAN (tes-ta'shun), n. A shell-fish. TEN'SIVE, a. Giving a sensation of stiffness. T. S-TATCEOYS (tes-ttlsUhS), a. Having a shell. TiNT, n. A soldier's movable lodge or pavilion: TES'TA-MENT, n. A will:-name of each of -a roll of lint:-a species of red wine. the general divisions of the Holy Scriptures. TENT, V. n. To lodge.-v. a. To probe. TES-TA-MEINT'A-RY, a. Relating to, or given by, TEN'TA-TIVE,a. Trying; essaying; attempting. TESSTATE, a. Having made a will. [will. TENT1'ED, a. Covered with tents. TE S-TAtTQR, 7. One who makes or leaves a will. TENT'ER, n. Frame of hooks for stretching. TES-TA'TRIX, n. A woman who leaves a will. TENTtER, v. a. To stretch or hang on tenters. TEST1ED, p. a. Tried by a test; witnessed. TENTH, a. First after the ninth; ordinal of ten. TESTfER, as. A coin:-a cover of a bed. TE NTH, a. The tenth part:-a tithe. TES'TI-CLE, n. An organ of seed in aninials. TENTHILY, ad. In the tenth place. [ness. TESITI-Fi-ER, a. One who testifies. [certify. TE-NUtI-TY, n. Thinness; slenderness; minute- TEStTI-FY, v. n. & a. To witness; to prove; to TEN'VU-oDs, a. Thin; small; minute; slim. TES'TI-LY, ad. Fretfully; peevishly; morosely. TrEN'tRE (tgnfyur or ttlndr), n. The manner TkS-TI MO{NI-AL, n. A certificate; attestation. or mode of holding lands or tenements. TESfTTI1MQ-NY, n. Evidence; proof; attestation. TEP-E-FXCtTIQN, ai. The act of making tepid. TEST1I-NESS, n. Moroseness; peevishness. TEP'ID, a. Lukewarm; warm in small degree. TES-TU-DI NtE-ots,a. Like the shell ofa tortoise. TE'POR, n. Lukewarmness; gentle heat. TES-TJ1DOQ, n. [L.] A tortoise: —arched roof. T'ERA-PHIM, is. [Heb.] Idols, or lunar amulets. TESTI', a. Fretful; peevish; apt to be angry. TERCE, n. A vessel. See TIERCE. TE-TAUGj, n. A fish. See TAUTOG. TERRE-BINTH, a. The turpentine tree. TE TE-A-TETE (tdt't-tlt'), ad. [Fr.] Face to face. TER-E-BIN'THINE, a. Relating to turpentine. TETHTER, n. A restraint for horses, &c., at pasTER-2ttII-NOiS, a. Threefold. [change. TTir'ER, v. a. To confine with a tether. [ture. TEiR-q!V-E1.R-SA'TION, s7. A shift; evasion; TETTRA-G6iN,n. A square; a four-sided figure. TERM, 1i. A-limit;'a boundary; a limited time: TE -TRG'/Q-NAL, a. Having four angles. -a woird; an expression.-pl. Conditions. TEr'TRXM-E-TiER, a Having four metrical feet. TiRM, v. a. To name; to call; to denominate. TET-RA-PET.A-LOCS, a. Having four petals. TIR'M4A-GXN-CY, n. Turbulence; furiousness. TEITRgXRH, n.; A Roman governor or prince. TtERtMA-GXNT, a. Turbulent; scolding; furious. TE-TRARH'1ATE, n. Fourth part of a province. TtR'MA-GXNT,n. A scolding, brawling woman. TE-TRARH tIj-C.AL, a. Belonging to a tetrarchy. TERIMItE.R, n. One that holds for a term of years. TETg.RAR-,HY, n. A tetrarchate. [verses. TERM.I-N.A-BLEa.Lim.itable; admitting bounds. TE-TRXSTIj.H, n. An epigram or stanza of four TzR'iRI-NATE,v. a. To limit; to put an end to. TET'RA-STYLE, n. A building with four colTER'MI-NATE, v. n. To be limited; to end. umns or pillars in front. [lables. TER-.II-NA1TION, n. A bound; a limit; end. TET-RA-stL'LLA-BLE, it. A word of four sylTER-M.I-NAITION-.AL, a. Relatingto termination. TET'TER, n. A cutaneous disease; fret. TiR-MI-N6LOQ-iY, n. The explanation of terms. TEJ-ToN'IC, a. Relating to the Teutones. TER.II-NtSS, an.; pi. TER'MI-NI. [L.] A colunmn; TEV' (t), v. a. lTo tease; to beat:-to pull. TEtRMITE, it. The white ant. [a bound. TEW'EL (ttae'l), 7. An iron pipe in a forge. TERINA-RY, a. Relating to three. TEXT, n. An original writing; that on which TiRN.A-RY, TiR'NI-ON, na. The number three. a conlinent is written:-passage of Scripture. TeR'RACE, n. Platform of earth:-balcony. T:XT'-BOOKa (ttkstfbfil), n. A book, or manTERIR'.A-PIN, it. A fresh-water tortoise. ual, of general principles used by students. TER'RA-COT1TAt,?s. [It.] Baked earth or clay. T:XT'-HA-ND, n. A kind of large handwriting. TER-RAVQUE-O IS, a. Composed of land and wa- TkEXTILE, a. Woven; capable of being woven. WER-RENE1, a. Earthy; earthly; terrestrial. [ter. TtXTI'U-A-RY, TExXTiV-4L, a. Serving as a text. TER-RES'TRI-AL, a. Earthly; mundane. [ner. TtXTV-.A-RY, n. One well versed in Scripture. TER-RtSITR1-AL-LY, ad. After an earthly man- TEXT'1U.RE (tekstlyur), v,. A web: —manner of TI:R/RI-BLE,a. Dreadfil; formidable; frightful. weaving:-combination of parts. [year. T tR.RI-BLE —Nr9SS, n. Formidableness; dreadful- THXMIMUZ, n. 10th month of the Jewish civil TERtRI-BLY, ad. Dreadfully; formidably. [ness. THAIN, on71j. A particle used in comparison. TERfRI-1R, n. A dog:-a survey of lands. THANE, as. An old English title of honor. TE.R-RiFIIC, a. Dreadful; causing terror. THANK, v. a. To express gratitude for a favor. Ti-R'RI-FY,vv.a. To fright; to shock with fear. THXNKFO0L,.a. Full of gratitude; grateful. TrER-RI-TbORI -AL, a. Belonging to a territory. THXNK'FOL-LY, ad. With gratitude; gratefully. TR'R.I-T.O-RY, n. Land; country; a district. THXNK'FOL-NESS, n. Gratitude. TERIRtOR,n. Great fear; dread; thecauseof fear. THXNK/LE.SS, a. Unthankful; ungrateful. TERSE, a. Cleanly written; neat; sehtentious. THXNKtLE.SS-NESS, n. Ingratitude. AEIO,I,,, long; X,h,1,6,[,,, slshort; 4,,I,Q,v,Y, obscure. —FARE,FXR,FkST,FALL t HRIR,HER; THANKS 275 THORAL THXNKS, n. pl. Expression of gratitude. THPRE-6Ft, ad. Of that; of this. THANIKS'IEV-ER, n. A giver of thanks. [thanks. THERE-O6N, ad. On that; on this. THANKSG'IV-ING, a. Act, or day, of giving THERE-O0T', ad. Out of that; therefrom. THAKNK'WR-TH~Y, a. Meritorious. TH:RE-TO5, THERRE-VN-T6O, ad. To or unto THAT, pron. a. Not this, but the other.-pron. TrHtRE-fiN'DER, ad. Under that. [that. rel. Who or which, relating to an antecedent. TH:RE-UP-6ON, ad. Upon that; upon this. THAT, conj. Because; noting a consequence. THERE-WITHf, ad. With that; with this.'THXTCH, n. Straw, &c., laid upon the top of a THE'RI-AC, THE-RItA-CAL, a. Medicinal. THATCH, v, a. To cover with thatch. [house. THER'MAL, a. Relating to warm baths;warm. THATCHfER, n. One who thatches. THE.Ri-MII'M-E.-TER., n. An instrument to measTHAW, v. n. & a. To grow liquid; to melt. ure the variations of heat. [mometer. THAW,.n. Liquefaction; a melting. [or thing. THER-Q-M:Q-TfRT.I-CAL, a. Relating to a therTHE or THE, article, noting a particular person THE~E, pron. The plural of this. [theme. THE'A-TRE (-ter), n. A house for dramatic rep- THE'SIS, n.; pl. THEISt~. A proposition; resentations, shows, &c.; a play-house. THE-iUR/'.IC, THE-tJR'CI-CAL, a. Magical. THE-T'tRIC, THE-AT/RI-CAL, a. Relating to a THE'U.R-~Y, n. Supernatural power; magic. theatre; dramatic. [ner. THEY (tha), pron. The plural of he, or she, or it. THE-ATTRI-CAL-Ly, ad. In a theatrical man- THICK, a. Not thin; dense; gross; muddy; THEE, proi. Objective case singular of thou. THICK, n. The thickest part. [deep. THEFT. The act of stealing; the thing stolen. THICK, ad. Frequently; fast; closely. [thick. THE.IR (thir), pron. a. Belonging to them. THICK/EN (thik'kn),v. a. &n. To make or grow ~ TH:IRS (thArz), pron. pos. from they. THICef-.T, n. A close knot or cluster of trees. TH TII, n. The belief in a God; deism; THICKLY, ad. Densely; deeply; closely. THE'IST, n. One who believes in a God. THICK'NESS, n. State of being thick; density. THE-IS'TIC, a. Belonging to theism or THICK1-SrT, a. Close planted; thick. THE-ISfTI-CAL, theists. THICK'-SKfiLL, nc. A dolt; a blockhead; a fool. HHEM, pron. The objective case of they. [tion. THICK'-SIK)LJLED (-skiild), a. Dull; stupid. THEME, n. A subject; a topic; a short disserta- THIEF (thef), n.; pi. TnIEVEI. One guilty of THRM-ShiLVEt1, pron. The very persons. [case. THIEVE, V. n. To practise theft. [theft. THIN, ad. At that time; afterwards; in that THIEV'ER-Y, n. The practice of stealing; theft. THENCE, ad. From that place; for that reason. THIEV/'SH, a. Given to stealing; secret; sly. THENCE-FORTH', ad. From that time. THIEV:ISH-L (thev'ish-le), ad. Like a thief. THRNCZE-FORtWVARD, ad. On from that time. THIEVIISI-NESS, n. Disposition to steal. THE-6CtRA-CY, n. Government immediately THIGH (thi), n. The leg above the knee. directed by God. ling to a theocracy. THILL, n. Shaft of a wagon, &c. THE-Q-CRATI.C, THE-O-CRKT/I-CAL, a. Relat- THIMB3LE, n. A cap for the needle finger. THE-6D.Q-LITE, n. A mathematical instru- THIN, a. Not thick; rare; lean; slim; slender. ment, used for heights and distances, &c. [gods. THIIN,. a. To make thin; to attenuate. THE-.iGO0-NY, n. The generation of heathen THINE, prosn. pos. Belonging or relating to thee. THE -O-LO'QI-AN, a. One versed in divinity. THING, n. Whatever is not a person. THE-0-Lo6T.IC, a. Relating to theology; THINK, V.. [imp. t. &pp. thought.] To employ THE E-Q-LO(t.I-CAL, divine; sacred. [ogy. the mind; to reason; to cogitate; to esteem. THE-Q-LOQ'I-CAL-LY, ad. According to theol- THINK,v.a. To imagine; to conceive; to believe. THE-OLtQ-~IZE, v. a. To render theological. THINK/ER, n. One who thinks; cogitator, TH:E.-Lt. —q.y, a. The science of divinity. THIN/LY, ad. Not thickly; not closely. IHy, n. A fight against the gods. THIINtNESS, n. Tenuity; scarcity; rareness. KRtBO, n. A musical instrument. THIRD, a. The first after the second. [ond. T QL5-R0ElM, n. A position proposed to be THIRD, n. A third part:-60th part of a secproved; a proposition. THIRD'LY, ad. In the third place. THEQ-RtTKICTJ, a. Relating to theory; THIRDS, n. pl. (Ladw.) A widow's portion of THEE-Q-RRKT.I-CAL, ~ speculative. her deceased husband's estate. [sire. THE-Q-RETtI-CAL-LY, ad. Speculatively. THIRST, n. A painful want of drink; eager deTHE'Q-RIST, n. One who forms theories. THYRST, v. n. To feel want of drink; to be dry. THEtO-RIZE, v. n. To form theories. [tem. THIYRST.I-NiSS, n. The state of being thirsty. THE'Q-RY, n. A speculation; a scheme; a sys- THYIRSTY-Y a. Suffering want of drink; dry. THER-A-PEUtTIC, a. Relating to'thera- THYIR'TEN, a. Ten and three. THER-A-PEUtTI-CAL, J peutics. [eases. THIRITEENTH, a. The third after the tenth. THER-A-PE VITICS, n. pl. The art of curing dis- THIR1TI-ETH, a. The ordinal of thirty. THERE (thlAr), ad. In that place. [that place. THIYR'TY, a. Thrice ten; five times six. THIVKRE IA-B6OT, THiEREIA-BSOTS, ad. Near TH~IS pron. The one which is present; not that. THfRE-AtTE. R, ad. After that. THIS a's (thIs'sl), n. A prickly weed or plant. THeRE-A.Tt, ad. At that; at that place. THISSTy (tlis' le), a. Overgrown with thistles. THtRE-BY', ad. By that; near by. THITHItE', ad. To th4$ place or point. THERE'FORE (thier'ffr or thlrtffr), ad. For THiTHtER-WARD, ad. Towards that place. that; for this reason; consequently; for that THOLEf-PIN, n. A pin set in a gunwale. TIHERE-FROMt, ad. From that. [purpose. THONG, n. A strap or string of leather. THIRE-INt, ad. In that; in this. THO-RKXAIC, a. Pertaining to the thorax or THERPE-IN-T6f, ad. Into that. THOtLRAL, a. Relating to a bed. [chest. MIEN, SIR; MOVE, NOR, SbN; BOLL, iBUil, RtLE.-9, A, softe; i, a, hard; ~ as z; J as gz; THIS. THORAX 276 TIE THOr RX, n. [L.] The breast; the chest. THROifGH (thrid),ad. From end to end; to the end. THORN, n. A prickly plant; a spine:-trouble. THROPGH/LY (thrd'le), ad. Thoroughly. [ Obs.] THORN1Y, a. Spiny; prickly:-perplexing.[fect. THROtGH-bOT' (tlhrd-), prep. Quite through. TH6R'UGH (thiirtrb), a. Complete.; full; per- THROiGH-O0T/ (thrfi-), ad. In every part. THRII.OUGH-BASS, n. Science of harmony. THROVE, imp. t. from thrive. THOR'QUGH-FARE (thir'tr-fAr), n. A passage THROW (thrn), v. a. [imp. t. threw; pp. thrown.] through; a place much passed through. To fling; to cast; to send-; to toss; to drive. THORfOUGII-LY (thir'rgo-le), ad. Completely. THROW (thrt), v. n. To make a cast. TH6R OQUGH-PAkCED (thirQ —p.pst),a. Complete. THROW (thrn),n. A cast:-a pang. See THROE. TH6R'.OUGH-WORT, n. A medicinal plant. THROWr. R, a.. One that throws; a throwster. THO)E, pron. The plural of that; not these. THROWN (thran), pp. from throw. THRO. The second pronoun personal. THROWISTER, a. One who twists silk. THOUGH (tMh), conj. Although; in case that. THRUM, n. The end of weavers' threads. [play. THOUGHT (thAwt), imp. t. & pp. from think. THRUM, v. a. To weave; to knot; to grate; to THOUGHT (thhwt), in. Act of thinking; idea. THRUSH, n. A small singing bird. [drive. THOUGHT'FOL (thlawtffil), a. Full of thought. THRUOST, V. a. [imp. t. & pp. thrust.] To push; to THOUGHT/FUL-LY (th.wtfffil-lg), ad. With THRUST, v. n. To make a push; to press. thought. [ful. THRJST, n. A hostile attack; an assault. THbUGHT'FIL-NESS, a. State of being thought- THiUMB (thuim), n. The short, thick finger. THOUGHTtLESS (thhwt'les), a. Gay; careless. THUMB (thum), v. a. To handle awkwardly. THOUGHTTLESS-LY, ad. Carelessly. THUMP, in. A hard, heavy, dead, dull blow. THOUGHTLE.SS-NESS, n. Want of thought. THtMP, v. a. & n. To beat with heavy blows. THWOfiAND, a. or n. Ten hundred. THIIMP'ING, a; Great; huge. [Vulgar.] [air. THIbOtSANDTH, a. The ordinal of a thousand. THUNTDER, n. A loud rumbling noise in the THRAL'DOM, n. Slavery; servitude; bondage. THCrN1DER, V. n. To discharge the electric fluTHRASH, V. a. To beat, as grain; to drub: — id; to make a loud or terrible noise. written also thresh. THrNt1DEP.R-BSLT, n. Lightning; fulmination. THRA-SON.I-CAL, a. Boastful; bragging. THCN1DE.R-CLXP, n. An explosion of thunder. THRkPAD (thrtd), n. A small twist of flax, silk, THUNIDER-ER, n. One that thunders. wool, &c.; any thing continued in a course. THJN'1DER-ING, a. Loud; noisy; terrible. THRA AD (thred), v.a. To pass through; to pierce. TH-6N'DER-SH0W_-ER, ns. A rain with thunder. T~HRkAD'BARE, a. Deprived of the nap; trite. THVtNIDER-STRtCCK,p. a. Astonished; amazed. THRtAT (thrtt),n. Menace; denunciation of ill. THU-RIFiER-OrS, a. Bearing frankincense. THRtATIEN (thretllt), v. a. To menace; to de- TIHURQDAY, n. The fifth day of the week. THREE, a. Two and one. [nounce evil upon. THiS, ad. In this manner; to this degree. THREE/FOLD, a. Consisting of three. THWACK, v. a. To strike; to thresh; to bang. THREEPErNCE (thretpens or thrp'.ens), n. The THWACK, n. A heavy, hard blow. [ient. sum of three pennies or pence. [pence. THWART, a. Transverse; perverse; inconvenTHREErPE;N-NY (thrp'oen-ne), a. Worth three- THWART, v. a. To cross; to oppose; to traverse. THREER/SCORE,a. Thrice twenty; sixty. THY, pron. Of thee; belonging to thee. THRESH, v. a. To beat, as grain; to thrash. THYME (tim), n. A fragrant herb. THRESH'ER, n. One who threshes:-a shark. THIiY/MY (time), a. Abounding with thyme. THRhSH'QLD, n. A door-sill; an entrance; a THHY-S'LF1, pr:on. recip. Used for emphasis. THREW (thrif), imp. t. from throz. [door. TI-A'RA or TI-AR'A, ns. High cap; mitre. THRICE, ad. Three times. TIB'I-A, n. [L.] A pipe; bone of the leg. THRIFT, n. Profit; frugality; good husbandry. TIB'I-AL, a. Relating to a pipe or the tibia. THRIFT'I-LY, ad. Frugally; prosperously. TICK, n. A minute insect:-trust; score:THRIFTII-NESS, n?. Frugality; good husbandry. noise:-a case for a bed of feathers, &c. THRIFTtLESS, a. Profuse; extravagant. TYCK,v. n. To run on score; to trust; to beat. THRIFT.Y, a. Frugal; sparing:-thriving. TICK, n. The sound made in ticking. THRILL, V. a. To pierce; to bore; to penetrate. TICK'EN, TYCK/ING, n. Cloth for a bed-case. THRILL, v.n. To feel a sharp,tingling sensation. TICK'ET, n. A token of a right or privilege. THRILL, n. A breathing-hole; a, sharp sound. TICK'ET, v. a. To distinguish by a ticket. THRIVE, v. n. [imp. t. throve; pp. thriven.] To TICtKLE, v. a. To cause to laugh; to please. prosper; to flourish; to grow rich. TICKILISH, a. Easily tickled:-tottering. THROAT (throt), n. The fore part of the neck. TICK'4ISrH-NESS, n. State of being ticklish. THROB, V. n. To heave; to beat; to palpitate. TItDAL, a. Relating to the tides. THR6B, as. A beat; a strong pulsation. TIDIBIT, n. A dainty; a delicate piece. THROE (thri), n. The pain of travail; a pang. TIDE, n. The ebb and flow of the sea; course. THRONE, ns. The seat of a king or of a bishop;. TIDE, v. n. To pour a flood; to be agitated. THRONE, vn. a. To enthrone. TIDEt-GATE, n. A gate for the tide to pass. THRONG, n. A crowd; a great multitude. TIDESIMAN, TIDE'-WAIT-ER, n?. A customTHRONG, v. n. To cpwd; to come in multi- TIDI.-LY;, ad. Neatly; readily. [house officer. THR6NG,v. a. To oppress with crowds. [tudes. TI'D-NtSS, n. Neatness; readiness. THRfoS!,_, _ (th1rtS'IS), n. The thrush; a bird. TI'DING~, n. pi. News; intelligence. THRU.TtrLE, n. The windpipe; the larynx. TIfDY, a. Neat; nice; spruce; ready. THROTITLE, V. a. To choke; to suffocate. TIE (ti), v. a. To bind; to fasten; to confine. THROOGH (thrUf), prep. From end to end of. TIE (ti), n. A knot; a fastening; a bond. A,EJ,i,I,,, long; X,Rf,I6,t,,, short;,~.I,,V, obscure. —ARE,BAR, FAST,F4,L; HEIR,HER; TIER 277 TOIL TItR (ter), n. A row; a rank. [-a thrust. TINtSEL, v. a. To adorn with showy lustre. ITIERCE (ttrs or ters), it. A third part of a pipe: TINT, n. A dye; a color.-v. a. To tinge; to color. ITIitER'CT (ttrtset), n. A triplet; three lines. TInNy, a. Little; small; puny. TIFF, n. Liquor; drink:-a fit of peevishness. TIP, nt. The top; end; point; extremity. TIFIF4-NY, n. Gauzy or very thin silk. TIP, v. a. To top:-to cant:-to tap. TIG, sn. A play of children; —called also tag. TIP/PET, n. Something worn about the neck. TI/IP.R, n. A fierce animal of the feline genus. TIPrPLE,v. n. & a.To drink to excess. —n. Drink. TIGHT (tIt), a.Tense; close; not loose; not leaky. TIPIPLER, n7. A drunkard; a sot; a toper. TIGHT'EN (tI'tn), v. a. To make tight. [ly. TIPrSTAFF, n. An officer and his staff of justice. TTGIHITLY (tit'le), ad. Closely; not loosely; neat- TIP/sy, a. Drunk; overpowered with drink. TIGHT/NESS (titines), n. Closeness; neatness. TIP'T-OE (tip'tS), n. The end of the toe. TI'GRE. SS, n. The female of the tiger. TIFTOP6, n. The highest point. [sure. TIKE, 1n. A dog; a cur:-a clown. [&c. TI-RADE0, n. [Fr.] A strain of invective:-cenTILE, n. A plate of burnt clay used for roofing, TIRE, n. Attire:-furniture:-hoop of a wheel. TILE, v. a. To cover with tiles; to cover as tiles. TIRE, v. a. To fatigue; to make weary. TILtING. n. Tiles:-roof covered with tiles. TIRE, v. n. To fail with weariness. TILL,,s. A money-box in a shop, &c. TIREISOTME (tir'suml), a. Wearisome; tedious. TILL, prep. To the time of; to; until. TIRE'tiWOM-.AN (trtwfim-an), n. A milliner:TILL, ad. or conj. To the time when; until. a dressing-woman of a theatre. TILL, v. a. To cultivate; to husband; to prepare.'TI* (tlz). Contracted for it is. [or silver. TIL'LA-BLE, a. Arable; fit for the plouglh. TIS'SuE (tlshlu), n. Cloth interwoven with gold'TiLLAq(iE, at. The art of tilling; culture. TIT, l1. A small horse:-a titmouse; tomtit. TIL'LER, n. A ploughman:-handle of a rudder. TI-T.A1NI-tM, n. A dark-colored metal. TILT, n. Canvas covering:-a military game. TIT'nIT, sn. A nice bit; nice food; tidbit. TILT, v. a. To cover:-to point:-to turn up. TI-HtABLE, a. Subject to the payment of tithes. TILT, v. n. To fight; to rush as in combat. TITHE, n. A tenth:-a small part:-the tenth TILT.ER, n. One who tilts; one who fights. part of produce paid to the clergy. TILTH, n. Tilled land: —tillage. [hammer. TITHE, v. a. To tax; to levy the tenth part. TILT'-HXiM-MER, 71. A large hammer; trip- TITI-Er-FRREE.,a.Exenmpt from payment of tithes. TIM'BER, n. Wood fit for building:-a beam. TITHIING, n. A decennary: —part of a parish. TIftB.R, v. a. To furnish with timber. TITHING-1-5IN, as. A parish or peace officer. TiMIfBREL, n. A kind of musical instrument. TIT'L-LATE, v. To tickle. [pleasure. TIME, n. The measure of duration; a space of TIT-IL-L.ATIQN, an. Act of tickling; slight time; season; age; interval:-repetition. TitTLE, n. An appellation of honor:-a name; TIME, v.a. To adapt to the time; to regulate. an inscription:-a claim of right. TIME,IKEEP-ER, n. A watch or clock; a aTIVTLE, v. a. To entitle; to name; to call. TImE'PIECE, chronometer. TITTLE-PA(qE, n. The page of a book containTIRIE'LESS, a. Unseasonable:-endless. TIT'Mo SE, n. A small lrid. [ing the title. TImEf'LY, a. Seasonable; sufficiently early. TiTsTER, v. n. To laugh with restraint. TIME'SaRV-1R, n. One who complies with the TiT'TER, n. A restrained laugh. TItE'SERV-iNG, a. Servile'; selfish. [times. TITfTLE, n. A small particle; a point; a dot. TIitID, a. Fearful; timorous; not bold. TIT'TLE-TXATTLE, an. Idle talk; prattle; gabble. TI-MID'I-TY, 15. Fearfulness; timorousness. TIT/U-LAR, a. Existing only in name; nominal. T'It'QR-O S, a. Fearful; full of fear and scruple. TITt'i-L'AR-Ly, ad. Nominally; by title only. TIMt'IOR-OUS-Ly, ad. Fearfully; with much fear. TITrU-LA-Ry, a. Relating to a title. [mode. TIMt. R-otS-Nkss, n.. Fearfulness; timidity. TO, ad.'A particle used before the infinitive T'IN, n. A common, whitish metal:-tinned iron. TO, prep. Noting motion towards; in direction TIN, v. a. To cover or overlay with tin. of;-opposed to from. —To-day, to-night, this TIN/CAL (tlnglcral), n. A mineral; borax. *day, this night. TINCT'vRE (tlnglkt'y!ir), n. Color or taste super- TOAD (ted), ss. An animal resembling a frog. added:-essence,; extract of drugs. TOADIEAT-ER, n. A servile sycophant. TINCT'URE (trlglktlyur), v. a. To imbue, tinge. TOAD'ST66L, n1. A plant like a mushroom. [to. TiNIDER, as. An inflammable substance. TOAST, v. a. To dry at the fire:-to wish health TN'DERR-1SX, nt. A box for holding tinder. TOAST (tMst), n. Bread toasted:-health proTINE, a. The spike of a fork, larrow, &c. posed:-a female toasted or complimented. TIN'FOIL, t. Tin formed into a thin-leaf. TO-BAC'CO, n. A plant used for smoking, &c. TING, n. A sharp sound, as of a bell. TO-BXCtCO-NIST, n. A dealer in tobacco. TINOIL, v. a. To impregnate or imbue. TOC'sIN, n. An alarm-bell. TiNGLEr (tingtgl), v. n. To feel a quick pain. T6D, a. Twenty-eight pounds of wool:-a fox. TIN'GLING, l5. A sharp, thrilling sensation. TOD0DLE, a. n. To walk feebly; to tottle. TINKE R, 1. A mender of old metal ware. TOD'DY, n. A juice:-a mixture of spirits and TINK, TIN'KLE, v. n. To make a sharp noise. ThE (to), n. An extremity of the foot. [water. TINKILING, u. A small, quick, sharp noise. TOFT, n. A place where a messuage has stood. TIN'MAN, nt. A manufacturer of, or dealer in, tin. TOtGA-TED, TO5.ED (t5'ed ortagd),a. Gowned. TININER, n. One who works in tin mines. TOG/GLE (tig'gl), n. A pin:-a button. TININY, a. Abounding with, or like, tin. T.O-hT WIHER, ad. In company; not apart. TiNISJL, n. Any thing showy and of little value. TOIL, v. an. To labor; to work. TIN'SEL, a. Specious; showy; superficial. TOIL, an. Labor; fatigue: —a net; a snare. MIEN,' SIR; MOVE, NOR, SiN; BOLL, BifR, ROLE. —, 2,4 soft; 0, G, hayrd; n as z; 2 as gz; iTHIS. 1-,!4 TOILET 278 TOTTERING TWIr/LT, n. [Fr. toilette.] Dressing-table:-dress. TOPE, u. n. To drink hard; to drink to excess. TO6LtSOxE, a. Laborious; weary.. TO'P.R, n. A drunkard; a tippler. [mast. TOILtSQM E-NitSS, n. Wearisomeness. T6P'GXL-L4NT, a. Third above, as a sail or TOISE, n. [Fr.] A measure of 6 French feet. TOP'-HtAV-Y (tip'hiv-e), a. Heavy at the top. TQ-KAYt (to-ka'), n. A kind of Hungarian wine. TO1PHET, n. A polluted, unclean place near TOIKEN (t0/kn),?n. A sign; a mark; a memorial; Jerusalem;-metLaphorically, hell. TOLD, i. & p. from tell. [a souvenir. TOP'IC, n. A general head; a subject; matter. TOLE, V. a. To draw or allure. See TOLL. TOP1i-CAL, a. Relating to a place; local. TQ-LR/DO, an. A sword of fine temper. [ble. ToPII-CAL-LY, ad. In a topical manner. TOLtER-A-BL:E, a. That may be endured; passa- TOP1KNOT (topnd6t). I. A knot worn by women. T6L/'.PR-A-BLY, atd. Supportably; passably. T6PIMXtST, n. The 2d mast above the deck. TOL'E R-ANCEr,n. The power or act of enduring. TOP/MiOST, a. Uppermost; highest. T6Lt.R-ANT, a. Enduring; favoring toleration. TQ-PSGtRA-PHER, n. One versed in topography. TOL' tR-ATE, v. a. To suffer; to permit; to allow. TOP-Q-GR APH'lC, a. Relating to topograT6L-ER-AtTIQN, i. Act oftolerating; allowance. ToP-O-GRXPIIt'-C4L, 5 phy. [townls, &c. TOLL, a. An excise of goods:-a sound. TQ-POG/Rt-PHY, n. A description of cities, TOLL, v. n. To pay or take toll; to sound as a bell. TOP'SAIL, n. A sail extended on the topmast. TOLL, v. a. To ring; to take toll of:-t5 allure. TOP'SY-TijURtVy, ad. With the bottom upwards. TOLL'/B6TH, n. A prison; a jail. TORCH, n. A flambean; a blazing brand. TOLLDISH, n. A vessel in which toll is taken. TO6RCHIt-BEAR-ER, it. One who carries a torch. TOLLt-GXT-H-].R-. R, n. A receiver of tolls. ToRCHfL GHT (tiirch'lt), n. The light of a torch. TlM/A-HIWK, n. An Indian hatchet. TftE, i. from tear. [vex, agonizes TQ-iMAAfT or TQ-MXtTO, n. A plant and fruit. TOR-MENT', V. a. To put to pain, excruciate, T6MB (tim), n. A monument; a grave. TOR1/MENT, n. Pain; misery; anguish;torture. TsMB (t1m), v. a.'To bury; to entomb. TOQ-MiNTtQR, n. One who torments. T6MBtLE'ss (tam'les), a. Wanting a tomb. TORN, pp. from tear. T6nBt'S, n. A wild, coarse, romping girl. TQR-NXASO, n. A hurricane; a whirlwind. T6MBtSToNE (tomastin), n. A monument. TOR-PiDt'-NAL, a. Relating to the torpedo. TOMTE, n. [Fr.] One volume of many:-a book. TOR-PEtDO, a.; pl. TQR-PEiDOEEB. A fish TO-SI6R'ROW,?s. The day after the present. whose touch benumbs: —a machine for blowTQ-MOR'ROw, ad. On the next day coming. ing up ships:-a small fire-work. TOMhRIG, n. A rude, wanton girl; a tomboy. TQR-P.S'CENT, a. Becoming torpid. TOH-TITt, n. A titmouse; a small bird. TWRtPID, a. Numbed; motionless; sluggish. TSN, ii. The weight of 20 hundred gross. TQR-PID'I-TY, a. Torpor; state of being torpid. T6N (tong), n. [Fr.] The prevailing fashion.. R'SPID-NNESS, n. The state of being torpid. TONE,s n. A note; sound ofthevoice:-strength *0R.PI-TUDE, 1i. Numbness; torpidness. TONED (tend), a. Having tone. [elasticity. TORIPOR, a. Numbness; inability to move. T6NG~, n. pl. A utensil to take up fire, &c. T6R-RE-FAC'TIQN,?t. Act of drying by the fire. TONGUE (tuing),ni.The organ of speech: —speech; TOR'RSE-FI:, v. a. To dry by the fire; to roast. a language:-point:-catch of a buckle, &c. T/RER. NT, It. A rapid stream; a violent current. TiNGUED (tingd), a. Having a tongue. TSt'RENT, a. Rolling in a rapid stream. t6NG:UEtTIED (ttingtltd), a. Unable to speak. TORtRID, a. Parched; burning; violently hot. TJN/C, a. Increasing strength; elastic:- TORSEL, n. Any thing in a twisted form. ThNfl-CAL, relating to tones or sound. TORSIQON, n. The act of twisting; a flexure. T6N'ICS, n. pl. Medicines which strengthen. TORtSO, n. [It.] The trunk of a statue. TWN'NAqE, n. The number of tons burden of TORT, n1. (Law.) A wrong; mischief; injury. a ship: —duty by the ton. TOR'TILE, TORITIVE, a. Twisted; wreathed. T6NfSIL, n. An oblong, subova! gland, situated TORITIOUS (tiJrshtus),a. Injurious; doing wrong. at the base of the tongue. TORSTOISE ( tir'tjs), n. An animal covered with T~ NStURE (tintshur), n. Act of clipping the hair. a hard shell, and of the genus testudo. TON-TINE', n. An annuity on survivorship. TORTtV-OhS, a. Twisted; wreathed; winding. TOO, ad. Over; overmuch:-likewise; also. TORT'URE (tirtlyur), a. Torment; anguish. TOOK (tik), imp. t. from take. T6ORTIVRE (tiJrtlyur), v. a. To vex; to torment. TOOL, n. Any instrument:-a hireling. [tine. TORTIVR-I.R (tjrttyu.r-er), a. One who tortures. TOOTH, n.; pl. TIE TH. A bone in the jaw; a TORY, Sn. An EnIglish political partisan, opposed TOOTH, v. a. To furnish with teeth; to indent. TO'RY-YiM, a. The notions of a Tory. [to Whig. ToTITHA.BHE, n. Ache or pain in the teeth. Toss, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. tossed or tost.] To T66TTH'DRiW-ER, n. One who extracts teeth. throw; to fling; to agitate; to disquiet. TOOTHED (titht), a. Having teeth; sharp. TOSS, V. n. To fling; to winch; to be tossed. T66THt.L1.SS, a. Wanting teeth; deprived of TOSS, a.. The act of tossing; a cast; a jerk. teeth. [teeth. T6SaSEL, n. A knot of ribbon. See TASSEL. TOOTH'PICK, n. An instrument for cleaning the T6SS!PO6T, n. A toper; a tippler. TOOTHSOQME (tblth'sum), a. Palatable. TOtTAL, a. Whole; complete; full; not divided. TOP, n. The highest part; the summit; surface. TO-TiLII-TY, n. The whole quantity or sum. TiP, v. n. & a. To rise aloft; to be eminent; to TO&TAL-LY, ad. Wholly; fully; completely. excel; to coveron the top; to rise above; to crop. TOTE, v. a. To carry. [Southern States.] TO'PXR0H, n. Chief ruler in a small state. T6T'TER, v. n. To shake so as to threaten a fall. TOtPXZ, n. A precious stone; a gem. TOT'Tit.R-ING, a. Shaking; threatening to fall. i,:,1,i,V,,o, long,; t short; A,I,,9Q,V,y, obscure.-FARE,FXiRFAST,FALL; Hk IR, HUER; TOTTLE 279 TRAM-ROAD T6T'TLE, v. n. To totter; to toddle, as a child. TRXCTtA-BLY, ad. In a tractable manner. TOitCH (tuich), v. a. To perceive by the sense of TRXC'TATE, n. A treatise; a tract; an essay. feeling; to handle; to join; to affect. [a hint. TRXC'TILE, a. That may be drawn out; ductile. TOUCH (tich), n. Contact; the sense of feeling; TRAC-TIL.I-TY, n. The quality of being tractile. TO(0CIHIH6LE (tich'hul), n. A hole in a gun. TRXC'TIQN, n. Tlie act of drawing; attraction. TOPiCHtI-NESS (tiichte-ns), n. Peevishness. TRADE, n. Traffic; commerce; occupation. TOPCH'INsG (tuch'ing), prep. With respect to. TRADE, v. n. To traffic; to deal; to barter. TOrICH'ING (tiuchfing), a. Pathetic; affecting. TRAI/DER, n. One engaged in trade or commerce. TOrCHfING-LY (tichfing-le), ad. With emotion. TRA.DE'-S.KLE, n. A sale or auction by and for TO0CHn'-ME-NOT (tuclh'me-nlt), n. A plant. any particular trade, as that of booksellers. TO CH'sToNE (tiichfstln), n. Atest;;acriterion. TRXDE~ltM.AN, n. A shopkeeper; a trader.. TOfCH'WOOD (tuchf'wid), a. Rotten wood used TRADEI-WiND, n. Monsoon; a periodical wind. to catch the fire struck from a flint. TRA-Dt1/TIQN (tra-dlsh'un), n. An oral account TOtYCH'Y (tiich'e), a. Peevish; irritable; techy. from age to age: —the act of giving up. TOUtGH (tUf), a. Not brittle; strong; firm; stiff. TRA-DIf'TIQN-4L (tra-dsh'llun-tl), a. ReTOCIGH'EN (tUf'fn), v. n. & a. To grow or make TRA-DV"TIQN-A-RY (tra-dIsh'.mln —r.e), lating TOtIGHINESS (tif'nes), n. Tenacity. [tough. to, or delivered by, tradition. T6U-PEf' (t6-p'), ni. A curl; a toupet. TRXDII-TIVE, a. Transmitted from age to age. ToU-PET' (to-pa', t6-pe', or ti-pit'), n. [Fr.] TRA-DUCE', v. a. To cbensure; to calumniate. Artificial lock of hair; a curl. TRA-DUCE.IENT, n. Censure; obloquy. TOUR (tir), n. A ramble; a roving journey. TRA-DU. CER, n. A false censurer; a calumniator. TOURIIST (tir'ist), n. One who makes a tour. TRA-DPjC/TIQN, n. Propagation; conveyance. TOUR1MA-LiNE (tir'ma-lln), n. A mineral. TR.A-DTC'TIVE, a. Derivable; deducible. TOUR'Na.-Mt-NT (tar'na-ment), n. A tilt; a TRXF.FIC, n. Commerce; trade; barter. just; an equestrian mock encounter. TRAF.FIC, v. n.& a. [imp. t. & pp. trafficked.] TOURtNEY or TOUJR'NEY, n. A tournament. To practise commerce; to trade; to exchange. TOSjRINI-QUET (tuiirfe-klt), n. A bandage. TREXF'F.C-E.R, i7. A trader; a merchant. TOUIE, v. a. To pull; to tear; to haul; to drag. TRAG'A-CANTH, n. A concrete juice or gum. Ti'~LE (Wtiifzl), iv. a. To tumble;* to tangle. TR.A-fED/DI-AN, n. A writer or actor of tragedy. TOW (to), a. The coarse part of flax or hemp. TRXAqE.-DY, n. A dramatic representation of TOW (to), v. a. To draw by a rope. [towing. human passion and suffering:-dreadful event. TOWA(eE, at. Act of towing:-money paid for TRX1IC,. Relatingtotragedy;mnournful; TOW5ARD, TOW'ARD~, prep. In a direction to. TRX('I-CAL, I calamitous; sorrowful; dreadful. TOW'ARD, a. Docile; apt; towardly. TRAQ'iI-CAL-LY, ad. In a tragical manner. TOW'_RD-LI-NkSS (ti'ard-le-nes), n. Docility. TRQJ'I-CAL-NESS, n. State of being tragical. T6W'ARD-LY (ti'ard-le), a. Ready to do or learn. TRAq-I-CO6tE-DY. a. A drama partaking both ToWtARD-NESS (tO'ard-ines), i. Docility. of tragedy and comedy. TOi'1 L, n. Cloth for wiping the hands, &c. TRX9t-.-ClMfIC, a. Relating to, or partakTb'WVER, n. A high building:-a fortress. TRXq-1-COM'I-CAL, ing of, tragicomedy. TWiER.' v. n. To soar; to fly or rise high. TRAIL, v. a. To hunt by track: —to draw along. TOWiTERED (ti'terd), a. Adorned by towers. TRAIL, v. n. To-be drawn out or along. T6*viER-Y, a. Adorned or guarded with towers. TRAIL, n. A track:-any thing drawn behind. TOW1-LINE, a7. A rope or chain used in towing. TRAIN, v. a. To draw; to educate; to exercise. To*N, n. Any large collection of houses, or the TRAIN, n. Artifice:-part of a gown drawn be- inhabitants; a large village:-a city. [town. hind:-a process; method:-retinue; line. T~*NI.-CLERK (tiiin'klArk), n. A register of a TRTAIN'BXND, in. A trained band; militia. T*OrNl-CRII-ER, n. A public crier of a town. TRAINtBEAR-E R, n. One that holds up a train. TOdTN'-HIOOSE, a. A hall for public business. TRAINtING, n. Act of forming to any exercise. TOWN'SHIP, n. Corporation or district of a town. TRAIN1-OIL, n. Oil from the fat of whales. TOT*N$_MAN, ns. One of the same town. TRAIPSE, v. it. To walk sluttishly or carelessly. TOW'-ROPE,. n. A rope for towing; a tow-line. TRAIT (trat or tra), a/. A stroke; touch; feature. T6X-I-CoL'.O-qy, n. Science of poisons. TRAItTQR, n. One who, being trusted, betrays. TOYf, n. A trifle; a plaything; a bawble; sport. TRAI'TQR-OUS, a. Treacherous; perfidious. [ly. T6ou, v. n. To trifle; to daily; to play, sport. TRAI'TQR-OtS-LY,sad. Perfidiously; treacherousTO.iSslH, a. Trifling; wanton; sportive. TRAITOQR-OUS-NE.SS, n. Perfidiousness; treachTO65.AN, n. One who deals in toys. TRi'TRE. SS, n. A woman who betrays. [ery. TO'tSHOP, n. A shop where toys are sold. TRA-JhCT', v. a. To cast through; to throw. TRAiCE,n. Amark;footstep;track:-pl. Harness, TRA-JtCITIQN, n. A throwing; emission. TRXCE, v. a. To follow by the footsteps; to mark. TRA-JEC'TO-RY, n. The path or orbit of a comet. TRACEtA-BLE, a. That may be traced. TRAL-A-TIt-'TIOJVs, a. Metaphorical; not literal. TRICE R-Y, n. Ornamental stone-work. [path. TR*iM, is. A small coal-wagon. TRXCK, n. A mark left by the foot; a road; a TRXMXMI.EL, n. A net; shackle:-an iron hook. TRXCK, v. a. To follow by footsteps left. TRXM'E.L, v. a. To catch; to shackle. TRXCK'LE. SS a. Untrodden; pathless. TRA-MiON/TANE, a. Beyond the mountains or TRACT, 7i. A region; a course:-a small book. Alps; ultramontane; foreign; barbarous. TRXCT-A-BILII-TY, is. Manageableness. [ant. TRXIMP, v. a. To tread. —a. n. To travel on foot. TRXCTfA-BLE, a. Manageable; docile,; compli- TRXVMtPLE, v. a. & n. To tread under foot. TRaXCTtA-BLE-N:SS, n. Compliance; docility. TRXM'-ROAD, TRliMt-WAY,n. Aroadfortrams. MIEN, SYR MaVE, NOR, SON; BOLL, BUR, ROLE. —-, ~, Soft; P, A, hard; ~ as z; as gz; THIS. TRANCE 280 TRAUMATIC TRitNCE, n. - A temporary view of the spiritual TRXNS'MI-GRATE, v. n.To pass to another place. world; an ecstasy; a rapture. TRXINS-MI-GRAiTIQN, n. Passage from one state TRXNIQUIL, a. Quiet; peaceful; undisturbed. or place into another:-metempsychosis. TRAN-QUIL'LI-TY, n. Quietness; peace of mind. TRXNStM.I-GRA-TOR, n. One who transmigrates. TRXNIQUIL-LIZE, v. a. To render tranquil; to TRXNS-MtiSaI[-BLE, a. That may be transmitted. compose; to render calm. [ner. TRXNS-MIs'SIQN (tr.ns-mlshtun), n. A sending. TR)iNTtQUIL-LY, ad. In a tranquil state or man- TRANS-MIS'SiVE, a. Transmitted; sent. TRXN'QUIL-NTSS, n. The state of being tranquil. TRXNS-M1T', v. a. To send from one to another. TRXNS-XCT', V. a. To manage; to conduct; to do. TRXNS-MiTrTAL, n. The act of transmitting. TR3XNS-XCTt, v. n. To conduct matters; to treat. TRXNS —MITITTI-BLE a. Transmissible. TRXNS-XC'TIQN, n. Dealing; management. TRANS-MIiUT'A-BLE, a. Capable of change. TRAINS-XCT'QR, n. One who transacts. TRlXNS-iTUT'A-BLY, ad.With capacity of change. TRXNS-AL'PINE, a. Situated beyond the Alps. TRXNS-MU-TtATIQN, n. A change; alteration. TRXNS-A-T-LiXN'TIC, a. Being beyond the At- TRXNS-MIUTEt, v. a. To change from one nature, lantic. [ceed. form, or substance, to another. TRXN-SCtiND/, V. a. To pass; to surpass; to ex- TRANISQM, n. A beam:-a lintel over a door. TRXN-SCiND'ENCE, ) a. Preiminence; high TRXNS-PARtEN-CY, n. Clearness; translucence. TRXN-SCtNDI.N-CY, f excellence. TRANS-PARE.iNT, a. Pervious to the light; clear; TRAXN-SCPNND'ENT a. Excellent; preieminent. pellucid; diaphanous; translucent; open. ~TRAN-SCEN-D:NTT AL, a. Supereminent; very TRXiNS-PAR'ENT-LY, ad. With transparency. high:-beyond the bounds of experience. TRXNS-PkRtENT-Ni.SS, n. Transparency. TRXN-SCCEN-DVNtTAL-I~M, n. Transcendental TRXN-SPICt't-JOrS, a. Transparent; pellucid. or abstruse metaphysics. TRXNS-PIRRCE! (trtns-pers'), v. n. To pierce TRXN-SCRND'tENT-Ly, ad. Supereminently. through; to transfix; to penetrate. TRXN-SCi:ND'ENT-NEss, a. Supereminence. TRitN-SPI-RAtTIQN, n. An emission in vapor. TRIAN-SCRIBEt, v. a. To copy; to write a copy of. TRXN-SPIREI, v. n. To be emitted, as vapor:TRXN-SCRIBIER, n. One who transcribes. to escape from secrecy to notice. TRXNtSCRiPT, n. A copy from an original. TRXNS-PLACE', v. a. To put in a new place. TRXN-SCRIPtTIQN, n. Act of copying. [copy. TRANS-PLANT, v. a. To plant in a new place. TRXN-SCRllPTIVE —LY, ad. In the manner of a TRANS-PLAN-TAtTIQN, n. Act of transplanting. TRAN'SE1PT, i. The cross part of a church. TRXNS-PLXNT'tR, t1. One that transplants. TRANS-FERit,. a. To convey; to make over. TRXNS-PORT/, v. a. To convey from place to TRXNS'tFER, n. A change of property. place; to banish:- to affect with passion or TRANS-FiERIA-BLE, a. That may be transferred. ecstasy; to enrapture. TRA NS-FhRPtR'RR, n. One who transfers. TRANS'PORT, n. Conveyance; a vessel; ecstasy. TRANS-FIG-V-RA'TIQN, n. Change of form. TRXNS-PQR-TAtTIQN, na. Conveyance; banishTRAXNS-FiGty RE (trans-figtygur), v. a. To trans- TR[NS-PORT/'R, n. One that transports. [ment. TRXNS-FYXt, v. a. To pierce through. [form. TRANS-POStAL, n. A transposition. TR)XNS-PORM', v. a. To change the form of. TRINS-POIE', v. a. To put each in the place of TRANS-FOR-MItATIQN, n. Change of form. [er. the other; to put out of place; totemove. TRXNS-FUE', v. a.To pour out of one into anoth- TRANS-POQ-"/TIQN (trans-po-zTslh'un), n. Act TRANS-FUtI-BLE, a. That may be transfused. of putting one thing in the place of another. TRANS-FU';IQN, n. Act of transfusing. [break. TRNS-PQ-~tiTtQN-.AL, a. Relating to transpoTRANS-GRE.SS, v. a. To pass over; to violate; to sition; reciprocally changing. TRANS-GRtSSt, v.n.To offend by violating a law. TRXN-SUB —TANtTI-ATE (tran-sub-stianshe-at), TRXNS-GRES'SION (trans-grgshl'un), n. Act of v. a. To change to another substance. transgressing; violation; offence. TRXN-SUB-STXN-T.I-A'TIQN (tran-stub-stan-sheTRANS-GaRiSS'OR, n. One who transgresses. atshLt.t), n. The change of bread and wine, in the TRANI'SIENT (trantshent), a. Short; momentary. eucharist-, into the body and blood of Christ. TRAN'SIENT-LY (tran'shent-le), ad. In passage. TRAN-SV-DX'TION, n. The act of-transuding. TRAN'SIE.NT-Nh:SS, n. Short continuance. TRAN-S[JDEt, v. n. To pass: through in vapor. TRXNIS.IT, n. Act of passing, as of a planet TRANS-VjPR'iSLt, a. Transverse; crosswise. across the sun's disk, or as of goods through a TRiXNS-VERSE, V. a. To change; to overturn. country. TRANS-VERSE', a. Being in a cross direction. TRXN-SI"TION (tran-slzhtun), a. Passage from TRANS-VrRSE'LY, ad. In a cross direction. one state to another; change. TRAP, n. A snare; a stratagem:-a kind of rock. TRXN'SI-TIVE, a. Passing. —(Gram.) Active. TRXP, v. a. To insnare; to entrap. TRANtSI-TQ-RI-LY, ad. With short continuance. TRA-PAN', v. a.To insnare. —n. A cheat; a snare. TRANtSI-TQ-RI-NfESS, n. Speedy evanescence. TRXP't-DOOR (trdp'ddr), n. A door in a floor, &c. TRAN'S-TO-R.Y, a. Fleeting; quickly vanishing. TRAPE, v. n. To run about idly; to traipse. TR)ANS-LATE',. v. a. To remove; to transfer:-to TRAPrES, n. An idle, slatternly woman. interpret; to change into another language. TRA-PEtZI-tMY (tra-pt'zhe-iim), n. A quadriTRANS-LA;TION, n. Act of translating; version. lateral figure with no parallel sides. TRANS-LA'TOR, n. One who translates. TRXP-E.-ZiDt' or TRA-PEtZOID, n. A quadriTRXNS-LO-CA'TION, n. A removal. lateral figure with two parallel sides. [tion. TRINS-LUJCEN-CY. an. Diaphaneity. TRAP/PINGq, n. pl. Ornaments; dress; decoraTRANS-LUCE NT, a. Transparent; pellucid. TR*iSHt'Y, a. Worthless; vile; useless. TRA.NS-M.A-RINE', a. Lying or found beyond sea. TRIJU-MATt'IC, a. Tending to, heal wounds. IiBIP,,,,lonag; I,,lj,tRshlsert; -e,ll,9mY, ys bre.-sP, FiAR, BRAT, AILL; PaiRn HER; TRAVAIL s 281 TRIGONOMETRICALLY TRXV'AIL (tiv'jl),. n. To toil; to be in labor. TR'MIXV-LOnS-LY, ad. With trepidation. TRXV'AIL, a. Toil:-labor in childbirth. TR[MIU-LO1S-NkESS, n. The state of quivering. TRXVIEL, v. n. To make a journey; to pass; to TRENCH, v. a. To cut; to ditch:-to fortify. TRAVIEL, v. a. To pass; to journey over. [go. TRENCH, V.n. To encroach; to intrench. TRXV'E.L,n.Ajourney.-pl. An account of travel. TRENCH, n. A ditch; a defence for soldiers. TRXV'ELLED (trav'eld), a. Having been abroad. TRENCH'ANT, a. Cutting; sharp. TRXVtE.L-LgR, n. One who travels. TRENCHER, n. A wooden plate; a platter:TRXV'ERS-A4-BLE, a. (Law.) Liable to objection. TRENCH'/R-MAN, n. A feeder; an eater.[table. TRXVIERSE, ad. Crosswise; athwart. TREND, v. n. To run; to tend; to stretch. TRXVItERSE, prep. Through crosswise. TRE-PXN', n. A surgeon's instrument. TRXV'PERSE, a. Lying across.-Traverse jury, TREI-PANt, v. a. To perforate with the trepan. a jury for trying a disputed point. TRE-PH1NEI or TRE-PHINEr, n. Sort of trepan. TRAX/YE RSE,n. Any thing that thwarts or crosses. TREP-I-DAI'TIQON, n. State of trembling; terror. TRXV/E.]RSrE, v. a. To cross; to survey; to oppose. TRESIPASS, v. n. To transgress, offend, intrude. TRXvr.RSE, v. n. To makeoppositioninfencing. TREkSPASs, n. An offence; an unlawful enTRXVIES-TY, n. A burlesque translation. TREISPASS-ER, n. One who trespasses. [trance. TRXV/ES-TY, v. a. To turn into burlesque. TR:SS, n. A lock; a ringlet; a curl of hair. TRtAWLI-NET, n. A kind of net dragged. TRESS'ED, a. Knotted; curled; having tresses. TRAY (tra), n. A shallow wooden vessel. TRESITLE (tles'sl), na. The frame of a table:TRPiACHtER-OUS (ttrtch'er-us), a. Partaking a support:-a three-legged stool. of treachlery; faithless;'perfidious. TRET, n. An allowance in weight for waste. TRPACH'E-R-OVS-Ly, ad. Faithlessly; perfidious- TREV'ET, n. An iron stool with three legs; TRPiAcH'E R-oVs -NEss S, i. Perfidiousness. [ly. TREY (tra), n. A three at cards or dice. [trivet. TRh ACHtIR-Y (trtchlir-e), n. Perfidy; deceit. TRI/A-BLE, aa. Capable of trial or examination. TRIEA'CLE (trt'kl), n. Molasses; a sirup. TRItAD, n. Three united; union of three. TREAD (trOd), v. n. [imp. t. trod; pp. trodden.] TRItAL, n. A test; an examination; experiment. To set the foot; to walk; to trample. TRI'AN-GLE (trlfang-gl), n. A figure of 3 angles. TRitADt(tred), v. a.To walk on; to press; to beat. TRI-AN1GU-LAR, a. After the form of a triangle. TR-E AD (trd), n. A stepping; a step with the foot. TRIBE, n. A distinct body of people; a family. TRAD[L'LE (trtd'dl), n. A part of a lathe, &c. TRiBr'L.T,ns. A tool for making rings with. TREAD'-MILL (tr6d'mll), n. A mill kept in TRIB-U.-LAtTION, n. Distress; severe affliction. motion by persons treading on a wheel. TRI-BU/NAL, n. A judge's seat; a court ofjusTREAIAON (trt'zn), n. The highest offence TR[YBfiNE, n. An officer of ancient Rome. [tice. against a state or government; rebellion. TRIBItNE-SHIP, n. Office of a tribune. [tribune. TREA'SON-A-BLE (trS'zn-a-bl), a. Having the TRIB-.U-NIt/TIAL (-ntsh'.l), a. Relating to a nature of treason; rebellious. [riches. TRIIB'.-TA-RY, a. Paying tribute; subject.' TRP.EA'vURE (trezh'fur), n. Wealth hoarded; TRIB.uJ-T4-RY, ns. One who pays tribute. TRAI/UIRE (trezh'ur), v. a. To hoard; to lay up. TRIBIUTE, n. A tax, or stated sum, paid in acTREAS.'URE-HOUSE, n. A treasury. knowledgment of subjection. TR AgtU. R-ER (trdzhtur-er), n. One who has the TRICE,n. A short time; an instant; a moment. care of the money of.a state, corporation,:&c. TRICK, n. A sly fraud; artifice; juggle; habit. TRAqiUJ-RY (trzlzht.-re), n. A place for money. TRICK v. a. To cheat; to defraud; to dress. TREAT (trt), v. a. To use; to handle; to manage. TRICKgE R-, n. The act of dressing up; artifice. TREAT, V. n. To discourse:-to make terms. TRICKI.SH, a. Knavishly artful; cunning; subTREAT, n. An entertainment given; pleasure. TRICRKLE, v. n. To fall or run in drops. [tle. TRAt'TI~E, n. A discourse; dissertation. TRICKRSTER, n. One who practises tricks. TREAT/IENT, n. Usage; the manner of using. TRI-CORtPO-;RAL, a. Having three bodies. TREAtTY (trette), n. A negotiation; a compact. TRI'DENT, n. Three-forked sceptre of Neptune. TRrBILE (trdb'bl), a. Triple; threefold. TRTI- NtNI-AL, a. Happening every third year. TRtBfLE (trlbibl), v. a. To multiply by three. TRItER, n. One who tries; an attempter. TRiB/LE (trbt'bl), v. n. To become threefold. TR/FITD, a. Cut or divided into three parts. TnRBtLE (trbt'bl), n. (JrMus.) The highest part. TRItFLE, V. n. To act with levity or folly. TRFBtLY (trtbtble), ad. In a threefold degree. TRI'FLE, v. a. To waste away; to dissipate. TRBtv-(HETT, m n. A cucking-stool; a duck- TRItFLE, n. A thing of no moment or value. TRE~tBUCK-ET~ 5 ing-stool; a tumbrel. TRI'FLE R, n. One who trifles or acts withlevity. TREE, n. The largest kind of vegetable. TRI'FLING, a. Wanting worth; unimportant. TREE1NXAI L (often triin'nel), n. A wooden pin. TRI'FLING-LY, ad. Without weight or imporTREtFO L, n. A three-leaved plant; clover. TRI-FO'LI-ATE, a. Having three leaves. [tance. TRitIL'LAqrE (trtl'yaj), n. [Fr.] A sort of rail- TRI'FORM, a. Having a triple shape. TRtiL'LS, n. [Fr.] Asortof lattice-work. [work. TRIG.A-~INY, n. The state of being thrice marTREL'LISED (tr1l'list), a. Having trellises. [der. ried, or of having three husbands or wives. TRRIIIB'LE, V. n. To shake; to quake; to shud- TRIGI PER, n. A catch of a gun or wheel. TRRtMIBLING-Ly, ad. So as to shake or quiver. TRIGL.YPIH, n. An ornament in a Doric frieze. TR~-MENtDOUS, a. Dreadful; horrible; terrible. TRIGtO-NAL, a. Triangular; having three corTRE-M3t~N!DOUS-LY, ad. Horribly; dreadfully. ners or angles. [onometry. TRi-M5tN'tDOis-Niss, n. Dread; horror. TRIG-o-N.O-]tT'RI-C.AL, a. Relating to trigTREIR QOR, n. State of trembling; a quivering. TRIG-Q-NO-METtRI-C-A6L-LY, ad. By, or acTRaMt'V-LO0iS, a. Trembling; fearful; quivering. cording to, trigonometry. EIn, SiR; MO2VE, NbR,S6N; BOLL, BUR, R L E.-s, 9, soft; Z,, eald; ~ as z;, as gz; TAIs. W*LI TRIGONOMETRY 282 TRUCE-BREAKER TRIG-Q-NOMIE.-TRY,n. Artof measuring trian- TRI-tMPH.ANT, a. Celebrating victory;, vic-'TRFIGRXPH, n. Three letters in one sound.[gles. torious; exulting. [ner. TRI-LXTtER-4L, a. Having three sides. TR1i-uM'PI4ANT-LY, ad. In a triumphant mlanTRI-LITItR-4L, a. Having three letters. TRIIUMPH-1.R, n. One who triumnphs. TRILL, n. A quaver; a tremulousness of music. TRI-UM'VIR, n.; pl. TRI-JUMVI-RI. [L.] One TRILL,.V. a. To utter quavering; to shake. of three men united in the same office. TRYLL, v. To trickle; to quaver. TRI-fiMIVI-RATE, n. Government by three men. TRILL1IQN (triltyun), n. A million of millions. TRIfUNE, a. Being at once three and one. TRIM, a. Nice; snug; dressed up; spruce. TRI-fU'NI-TY, n. The state of being triune. TRIM, n. Dress; gear; ornaments; trimming. TRIVYET, n. A stool with three legs; trevet. TRIM, v. a. To dress; to shave; to clip; to ad- See TREVET. TRIM, V. n. To fluctuate between parties. [just. TRIV'I-4L or TRYIVIAL, a. Vile; light; trifling. TRIMlIE-TER, a. Consisting of three poetical TRIVtI-AL-Ly, ad. Vulgarly; lightly. TRIMILY,ad.Nicely; neatly; sprucely.[measures. TRIVlI-AL-NESS, a. Worthlessness. TRIM'MER, at. One who trims; a timeserver. TR&OCAR, n. A surgical instrument. TRIM/MING, n. Appendages to a coat, gown, TRO-RHA'TC, a. Relating to, or consisting TRlIMNESS, n. Neatness; petty elegance. [&c. TRO-RHA'I-CAL, of, troches. TRIfNAL, a. Threefold; trine. TROfHE., n. A kind of lozenge, or solid mediTRINE, n. A certain aspect of planets. cine;-written also troch. TRINE, a. Threefold; thrice repeated. TROtfHE B, n. In prosody, a foot, consisting TRIN-I-TA/R.I-N, n. A believer of the doctrine of a long and a short syllable. [motion. of the Trinity. [the Godhead. TRO-EHiLt.ICS, n. p1. The science of rotary TRIN'I-TY, n. The doctrine of three persons in TROD, imp. t. & pp. from tread. TRiNIKET, n. A toy; ornament of dress; jewel. TRoDtDEN (trod'dn), pp. from tread. TRI-NO'MI-AL, a. Containing three terms. TR6G'LO-DYTE, n. One who inhabits caves. TRaiO, n. A piece of music for three voices or TROLL, v. a. & n. To move circularly; to roll. three instruments:-three united. TR6L'LQP, n. A slattern; a slovenly woman. TRIP, v. a. To supplant; to throw:-to detect. TROM-BO/NE or TROSI/BEONE, n. A long, very TRIP, v.?. -To sturnble:-to err:-to run. sonorous, brass musical instrument. TRIP, n. A stumble; error:-a short voyage. TROOP, n. A company; a body of soldiers. TRIPtAR-TITE, a. Divided into three parts. TROOP, v. n. To march in a body, or in haste. TRIP-AR-TI"TION, n.A division into three parts. TROP'.ER, n. A horse soldier; a horseman. TRIPE, n. The entrails or stomach of the ox, TROPE, n. A figure of speech which changes a TRIPtE-DAL, a. Having three feet. [&c. word from its original signification. TRI-PERtSON-AL, a. Consisting of three persons. TRO'PHTIED (trf'fid), a. Adorned with trophies. TRI-P TI.AL-ObS, a. Having three flower-leaves. TRO'PHY, n. Something taken in battle. TRIP'1-HXM-MER, n. A tilt-hammer. TR6P'IC, n. A line at which the sun turns back. TR~IPHITHONNG (trip'thhng),n. A union of three TR6P'I-CAL, a. Figurative:-within the tropics. TRIPtLE, a. Threefold; treble. [vowels. TR6.P'I-CAL-LY, ad. Figuratively; not literally. TRIP'LE, v. a. To treble; to make threefold. TRoP-O-L)'Ct-CAL, a. Varied by tropes. TRTP!LET, n. Three of a kind; three lines TRO-POL'Q-~y, n. A tropical mode of speech. rhyming together. TROT, v.n. To move with a high,jolting pace. TRIPtLI-CATE, a. Made thrice as much. TR6T, n. The jolting, high pace of a horse, &c. TRIP1LI-CATE, n. A third of the same kind. TRO6TH, n. Faith; fidelity; truth; verity. TRIP-LI-CA5TION, n. The act of trebling. TR6OTH'PLIGHT (troth'plt), n. A betrothing. TRI-PLII.I-TY, n. The state of being threefold. TR6TfTER, n. One that trots:-a sheep's foot. TRItPOD, n. A seat, &c., with three feet. TRUtt'A-D6UR, n. [Fr.] An early poet of TRIPINP!N, a. Quick; nirnble:-stumbling. Provence, or the south of France. [vex. TRIP'PING,?t. A stumbling:-a light dance. TROBBtLE (tribfbl), v. a. To disturb, afflict, TRIP'PING-LY, ad. With agility. TROBtLaLE (trTibbl),-. Disturbance; affliction. TRIPtTOTE, n. A noun used but in three cases. TROBtL'LER (truib'bler), n. A disturber. TRI/RE ME, n. A galley with three tiers of oars. TROiiB'LE-SfiME (trub'ble-sfim), a. Vexatious; TRi-StCtTIQN, n. A division into three equal teasing; tiresome; harassing; perplexing. parts. [lables. TR0OtJBLOttS (trtb'blus), a. Confused; disorTRIS-YL-LXBtI-CAL, a. Consisting of three syl- TROUGH (trhf), n. A long, hollow vessel. [dered. TRIS'YL-L,-BLE, n. A word of three syllables. TR-ONCE, v. a. To punish; to beat severely. TRITE, a. Worn out; stale; common; not new. TRO'0E.R*, n. pl. Long, loose pantaloons. TRITE]LY, ad. In a trite or comrnnmon way. TRO0T, n. A delicate, spotted fish. TRITE'NESS, n. Staleness; commonness. TRSoVER,;n. (Law.) An action for goods found TRI'THI-IE-II, n. The doctrine of three Gods. and not delivered to the owner on demand. TRI'TH.-IYST, n. A believer in tritheism. tTaROw, v. n.. To think; to believe. TRI-THEm-SITIC, a. Relating to tritheismn. TRO*r'EL, n. A tool used by bricklayers. TRIT'U-RA-BLE, a, That may be triturated. TROit-WEIGHT (trly'wat), n. A kind of TRITtt-RATE, v. a. To pulverize; to pound. weight with twelve ounces in a pound. [duty. TRIT-V-RAtTIQN, n. Reduction to powder. TRtIANT, n. An idler; one who neglects his TRItUMP1, n. Pomp for victory; conquest; joy. TR/'ANT, a. Idle; wandering from school, &c. TRI'tVMPH, v.n. To rejoice at victory; to exult. TROCE, n. A temporary peace; a short quiet. TRI-rMIPHAL, a. Used in celebrating victory. TRtCE'-BREAK-E.R, n. Aviolator of a covenant. AF..,Ti,6,tt, fnag; X, Ii,OJ short;,ld,9IVYm obscure.-PFAR.ESR.,iSTFiLL;iTlEIR, Hartm; TRUCK 283 TURKOIS rltRCK, a. n. & a. To traffic, exchange, barter. TUFT, n. A cluster of hair, grass, ribbons, &c. TRrJCK, a. Traffic by exchange:-sort of cart. TOFT, v. a. To form into or adorn with a tuft. TRUCKR'R, n. One who traffics by exchange. TUFTr ED, a. Growing in tufts or clusters. TROCtKLE, V.?. To be in subjection; to yield. TOFT'Y, a. Adorned with tufts. TRtiC'KLE-Bk D, n. A bed that runs on wheels. TOGt, v..To pull with great effort; to draw. TRP'CV-Lt:NCE,TRO'iCV-LEN-cy,n.Fierceness. TUG, n. A long, hard pull; a great effort. TRUOCV-LENT, a. Savage; barbarous; cruel. TOGI-G-ER, n. One that tugs or pulls hard. TRODqE,v. n. To travel laboriously; to jog on. TU-i"/TION (tP-hlslgn), n. Guardianship; inTROE (trf), a. Not false; veracious; genuine; TU'LIP, n. A plant and its flower. [struction. real; faithful; steady; honest; exact. TOM'BLE, v. n. To fall suddenly; to roll about. TRtEt-BORN, a. Having a right by birth; gen- TUJMtBLE, v. a. To turn over; to throw about. TRtOE-HEXRT-ED, a. Honest; faithful. [uine. TIM'BLE, n. Act of tunbling; a fall. TR1OE-LYVE-KN(OT, n. Particularkind ofknot. TiM/BLER, n. One who tumbles, or who TROE'NESs, a. Sincerity; faithfulness. shows feats of activity:-a drinking glass. TREtP':Na-NY, n. An honest person or fellow. T'tMtBREL, n. A dung cart:-a ducking-stool. TRtFtFLE (trufl), n. A subterraneous fungus. TU-ME-FACrTION, n. A swelling; a tumor. TROG, n. A hod for coals, mortar, &c. TfU5ME.-FY, v. a. To swell; to make to swell. TRVII'M, n. A self-evident and undeniable truth. TUtMID, a. Swelled; puffed up; pompous. TROLL, n. A wench; a vagrant strumpet. TUtMOR, n. A morbid swelling; affected pomp. TRO'LY, ad. According to truth; really; exact- TJtMrOR-ORS, a. Swelling; protuberant. TROMIP, n. A trumpet:-a winning card. [ly. TU-MV-LOSEr a. Formed in heaps; full of TROIMP,v. a. To win with a trump; to devise. TU'MV-LOS, heaps or mounds. TROMP, v. n. To play a trump card; to sound. TUTMyU-LUS, n. pl. TU'MU-LI. [L.] A mound. TRUMP'iER-Y, a?. Empty talk; worthless trash. TUtIMULT, n. A wild comrnotion, a stir; bustle. TROMtPE.T, n. An instrument of martial music. TU-MULT/U-A-RI-LY, ad. In a tumultuary manTROM'PE T, v. a. To publish aloud; to proclaim. TV-MULT'T-A —RY, a. Disorderly; confused.[ner. TRtOMIPE.T-ER, n. One who trumpets. TU-MOLT'V-OuS (tu-mblt'ypu-is),a. Disorderly; TRON'CATE, v. a. To maim; to lop; tocut short. turbulent; violent; full of tumults. [violence. TRyN-CA1TIQN, n. Act of lopping or maiming. TV-MULT'v-Otrs-L.Y, ad. With confusion and TRONt/'HEON (triin'shun),n. A staff; a cudgel. TV-M(LTtV-OVs-NPass, n. Disorder; violence. TRONtDLE, v. n. & a. To roll; to bowl along. TON, n. A large cask:-20 cwt. See TON. TRtTN'DLE, n. Any round, rolling thing. TUN'A-BLE, a. That may be tuned; harmonious. TRRON'DLE-BPhD, n. A bed on trundles; truc- riNtN-BLE-NtSS, n. Harmony; melodiousness. kle-bed. See TRUCKLE-BED. TUN'A-BLY, ad. Harmoniously; melodiously. TRtNK, n. The body of any thing:-a chest TUNE, n. A series of notes; harmony; order. for clothes:-proboscis of an elephant, &c. TUNE, v. a. To put into a musical state; to TRNKIt'-HOSE,n.Large breeches formerly worn. TONE'FOL, a. Musical; harmonious. [sing. TRO.NN'IQNS (-yunz), n. p1. Knobs of cannon. TONG'STEN, n. A hard, brittle metal. [nicle. TRO'lIQN (tra'zhiun), n. The act of thrusting. T0 NIC n. A Roman garment:-a covering; tuTROSS, n. A bandage for ruptures: —a bundle. TU'NI-CLE, n. A natural covering; integument. TROSS, v. a. To pack up close together. TUNtINC;, n. Act of singing in concert. TROST, n. Confidence; reliance; charge; credit. TONtNEL. n. A shaft of a chimney, &c.; a finTR0ST, v. a. To confide in; to believe; to credit. nel:-a conical vessel with a wide mouth:TROST, v. n. To have confidence, rely, expect. a subterranean passage for a canal or a road. TRVS-TEE t, n. One intrusted with any thing. TUR'BAN, n. The Turkish cover for the head. TROSTrI-Ly, ad. Honestly; faithfully. [ness. TUR1tsBNED (tiirtband), a. Wearing a turban. TROSTtI-N:SS, n. Honesty; fidelity; faithful- TURtBIO, a. Thlick; muddy; not clear. TROSTIY, a. Honest; faithful; fit to be trusted. TURIBID-N9SS, n. Muddiness; thickness. TRITH, n. Conformity to fact or reality; ve- TURiBI-NAT-ED, a. Twisted; spiral; conical. racity; fidelity; honesty; virtue; integrity. TUR-BI-NAtTION, a. Act of spinning like a top. TRi, v.-a. To examine; to prove, essay. attempt. TURtBOT, n. A delicate flat fish. [der. TRY, v, n. To endeavor; to make an essay. TUR/BV-LtNCE, a. Tumult; confusion; dlsorTR./ING, p. a. Bringing to trial; severe.. TUR/BUy-LENT, a. Disorderly; tumultuous. TOB, n. A large, open vessel of wood. TURtBV-LiNT-LY, ad. Tumultuously; violentTUBE, n. A pipe; a siphon; a long, hollow body. TUR'CiM, a. The religion of the Turks. [ly. TU'BE1R, n. A vegetable root, as a potato. TU-REEN', n. A deep vessel for soups, &c. TUtBEiR-CLE, n. Tumor in an organ; a pimple. TURF, n. A clod covered with grass; peat:-a TU-BER'CV-LAR, a. Full of tubercles. TiRF, v. a. To cover with turfs. [race-ground. TUBEIRO4E or TUO'BER-f6E, a. A tulberous TURF'I-NESS, n. State of abounding with turfs. TViBER-OS, a. Full of tubers or knobs. [plant. TURFtY, a. Full of turfs; covered with turf. TU'BU-LAR, a. Long and hollow; fistumlar. TURRtI9ENT, a. Swelling; tumid; pompous. TOUBV-LAT-ED, TOUB'V-LOOS, a. Long and hol- TVR-Q(ISCSICNCE,. Act of swelling; turTOCK, n. A small sword; a net:-a fold. [low. TyR-ES-CE.N-CY, c gidity. [mid. TOUCK, v. a. To compress; to enclose under. TUR!I'.D, a. Swelling; bloated; pompous;4tuTtCKI'ER, n. A piece of linen for the breast. TUR-tQIDtI-TY, n. The state of being swollen. TUEVtDAY (tiz'de), n. Third day of the week. TijR'qID-NESS, ni. State of being turgid. TUrFA, TOFF, n. A volcanic earth. TiRtKEY (tiirke), n. A large domestic fowl. TVF-F6oN', n. A tempest. See TYPHOON. TURtIKOI or TVR-KbI', n. A mineral. MIEN, SYR; M6VE, N6R, SON; BOLL, BUR, IOLE. —, a, soft; ~, X, hard; as z; T. as gz; THIS. TURMERIC 284 TZAR TVfRqlItM-RIC, n. An Indian plant or root. TWIN, n. One of two children born at the same TURtMrSiL, n. Trouble; disturbance. birth. —pl. The Gemini, a sign of the zodiac. TyJR-lIL', v. a. To harass; to weary. TWIN{-BORN, a. Born at the same birth. TVR-MiOiL', v. n. To be in a state of commotion. TWINE, v. a. To twist; to wind; to cding to. TURN, v. a. & n. To move round; to revolve; TWINE, v. n. To convolve itself; to wind. to change; to transform; to alter; to return. TWINE, n. A twisted thread; twist:-embrace. TURN, n. Act of turning; change; vicissitude. TWINqE, V. a. To torment; to pinch; to tweak. TJRN'COAT (-kot), n. A renegade; an apostate. TWINiE, n. A short, sudden, sharp pain; pinch. TURN]SR, n. One who turns in a lathe. TWIN'ILE, v. n. To sparkle; to flash; to quiver. TURN/ER-Y, n. Art of turning; things turned. TWINIKLE, n. A sparkling light; a motion TUtRNIING, n. A flexure; a winding; a mean- TWiN rLING, t of the eye-:-a moment. TUR'NIP, a. A white esculent root. [der. TWIN/LING, n. A twin lamb. [whirl TiRNfKEY (-ke), n. A keeper of prison-doors. TWIRL, V. a. & n. To turn round; to revolve; to TURNIPIKE, n. A gate on a road; a toll-gate. TWIRL, n. Rotation; a circular motion; twist. TURN/PIKE-ROAD, a. A road on which turn- TWIST, V. a. To form by complication; to wind. pikes are erected and tolls are paid. TWIST, v. n. To be contorted or convolved. TURN'SSOLE, i. The heliotrope; a plant. TWIST, n. A sewing silk; cord:-contortion. TtjRN'SPIT, n. One that turns the spit; a dog. TWIT, v. a. To upbraid; to flout; to reproach. TiURNSTILE, n. A turnpike in a footpath. TWITCH, v. a. To pluck forcibly; to snatch. TUR'PEN-TINE, n. Resin from the pine, &c. TWITCH, n. A quick pull; a sudden contraction. TtijRPPI-TUDE, n. Inherent vileness; wicked- TWITTE.R, v. n. To make a noise, as swallows. TURRI.T, n. A small tower or eminence. [ness. TWITTE.R, n. A small noise:-sort of laughter. TUrR'R.T-ED, a. Furnished with turrets. TWO (St), a. One and one;-used in composition. TiR'TLE,n. A species of dove:-a sea-tortoise. TW6o-rDQrED (ta'Idjd), a. Having two edges. TUSICAN, a. Noting an order of architecture. TWOvFOFLD (t6fold),a.Double; two.-ad.Doiubly. rTUSH, TUT, interj. Expressing check or rebuke. TWO'-HAND-E Da.Employing both hands; large. TUsK, n. A long, pointed tooth; a fang. TWO1PENCE (tO'pens or tip'pens), n. Two TUSKtE D, TVSKRy, a. Having tusks. pennies:-a small coin. TU[S SLE (tistsl), n. A struggle. [Vulgar.] IITWOPENNY (tO'pgn-e or tiip'pen-e), a. Worth TUITE.-LAqE, n. Guardianship; protection; care. twopence. TUtTE-L4R, t a Pro ~ TIV'BAL, n. A kind of kettle-drum. TUTE-LA-RY, n TMr'PAN, n. A drum; tympanum: —a panel: TUTTQR, a. One who instructs; a preceptor. -the frame of a printing-press. T;utTOR,v.a.To instruct; to teach; to discipline. TIIt'PA-NrIH, n. [L.] Drum of the ear. TU1TQR-AqE, a. The office of tutor; instruction. TiVM'P-Ny, n. A flatulence; the wind dropsy. TIuTQR-tRSS, n. An instructress; a governess. TiPE, n. A symbol, figure, or emblem:-a TT'TTY, n. An impure oxide of zinc. model; a pattern:-a metallic printing letter. TWAD'DLE (twMd'dl), n. Idle talk; nonsense. TY-PHO6NI, n. A violent wind; hurricane. TWAIN, a. & a. Two; twice one. [noise. T-rPH1US, n. A debilitating or nervous fever. TWANG, v. n. To sound with a quick, sharp TYVPHOID, a. Relating to, or like, a typhus. TWANG, v. a. To make to sound sharply. TV1P'.IC, TPI'I-CAL, a. Emblematical; figuraTWANG, n. A sharp, quick sound; a relish. T~P'I-CAL-LY, ad. In a typical manner. t[ive. TWATITLE (twlt'tl),v. n. To prate; to chatter. T1P1I-CAL-NESS, a. State of being typical. TWREEDLE, v. a. To handle lightly or softly. TIP'I-Fl, v. a. To figure; to show in emblem. TWE'EZER3, n.pl. Small pincers to pluck with. ITY-P6GfRA-PHER, n. A printer. TWELFTH, a. Second after the tenth. [[TY-PQ-GRXPHSIC, a. Relating to printing. TWRLFTHITIDE, n. Twelfth day after Christ- Tr-PQ-GRXPH'I-CAL or TrP-O-GRXPH'I-CAtL, TWRLVE, a. Two and ten; twice six. [mas. a. Relating to printing:-emblematical. TWk:LVE/MtiNTH (or twiltmlunth), I. A year. jIT?-PQ-GRAPHI.-CAL-LYYad.By means of types. TWPtLVE'PRNCE, n. A shilling. JTYk-POG5RA-PHY, n. The art of printing. TW:LVEt-P2.N-NY, a. Sold for a shilling. [ty. TtS-RXNtNIC, a. Relating to, or like, a tyTWRN'TI-ETH, a. Twice tenth; ordinal oftwen- TY-RAN/NI-CAL, 5 rant; cruel; despotic. TWRN'TY, a.& n. Twice ten; a score. TtY-RANtNI-CAL-LY, ad. In the manner of a TWI'BILL, n. A halberd:-a pavier's tool. tyrant; despotically. TWICE, ad. Two times; doubly. TY7-RXNNI-CIDE, na. Act of killing a tyrant. TWIG, n. A small shoot; a little branch. [twigs. TR'4AN-NIZE, V. n. To play or act the tyrant. _ETWIWQ-JtN, TWIGItY, a. Made of or full of TR'.AN-NY, n. The government of a tyrant; TWITLIGIIT (twi'lit), n. The faint light before cruel government; rigor; severity. sunrise and after sunset; obscure light. Ti4RANT, n. A cruel, despotic ruler or master. TWItLIGHT (twi'tlt), a. Obscure; shaded. TY'RO, n.; pl. TYtRO5. A beginner; a student. TWILL, v. a. To weave in ribs; to quilt. TZXR (zkr), n. The czar. See CZAR. AEI,,U,, laong; X,,,U,, short; A,,,QV, obscure.-FAREPXFAR, FAST, ALL; HEIR, IiER; U 285 UNBROKEN U. IT the fifth English vowel, was formerly the tN-.A-DORNEDr (-dUrndt), a. Not decorated. same letter as the consonant V. But the UN-AD-~vI/A-BLE, a. Not to be advised. consonant and vowel are now different char- UN-AD-VIStED' (-vizdl), a. Indiscreet; rash. acters. UN-AD-VtIED-LY (-vilzed-le), ad. Indiscreetly. u'BER-OtS (ytilber-iis), a. Fruitful; abundant. UiN-iAD-VI1tED-NNss, n. Imprudence. UFBEIR-TY, n. Abundance; fruitfulness. UJN-AF-FiFCT1ED, a. Real; sincere; not moved. tU-BIE.-TY, n. Existence in some place. UN-AF-FECTtED-Ly, ad. Really; sincerely. fU-BIQ1UI-TA-Ry (yd-blktwe-t-t-re), a. Existing tN-A.IDE.D, a, Not assisted; not helped. [ble. every where. UN-AL1TER-A-BLE, a. Unchangeable; immutaJ-SB1QU1-TY (yG-blklwe-te), n. Omnipresence. UN- ALrTER-A-BLy, ad. Unchangeably. DD'rDER n. The breast or dugs of a cow, &c. UJN-A1MiVII-A-BLE, a. Not amiable; not lovely. tGILI-LyY, ad. With deformity or vileness. U4-NAM-NM'.I-T (yt-na-nitmn'-te),?i. State of beitG'L.I-NESS, n. Deformity; turpitude. ing unanimous; harmony; agreement. G!'LY, a. Deformned; offensive to the sight. U-NXN'I-MOttS (yi-nan'e-mts), a. Being of one U-KASE1, n. It Russia, a proclamation or edict. mind; agreeing in design or opinion. tL'CER, n. A running sore of continuance. J-N*XN1I-tOSs-LY, ad. With one mind. [mous. VL'CE.R-XTE, v.n.& a. To turn to an ulcer. U-NXN!I-0-tOUS-NtsS, n. State of being unaniVL-CER-A'TIQN, i1. The act of ulcerating; a SN-AitNSWER-A-BLE (Zin-an'ser-.a-bl), a. Not to UL'CERED (-serd), a. Grown to an ulcer. [sore. be answered or refuted; irrefutable. tLrC].R-OUS, a. Afflicted with ulcers. [ons. SN-tNISWER-A-BLY, ad. Beyond confutation. tLICEPR-OVS-NtSS, n. The state of being ulcer- tN-Nt'SWiRE`D (-serd), a. Not answered. U-LEiftA, n. College of the Turkish hierarchy. UN-XPT', a. Not apt; dull; unfit; improper. U-LIQ'I-NOSS, a. Slimy; niuddy; oozy. UN-APT'NESS, na. Unfitness: —dulness. UL'L4AtE, n. What a cask wants of being full. SN-XRMED/ (-armd'), a. Having no arms. SL-TE RI-OR, a. Lying beyond; further. tN-AR-RAYED' (-rad'), a. Not arrayed.. tL'TTI-MATE, a. Last; final; furthest; extreme. UN-2SK:ED' (-slikt), a. Not asked or sought. SL'TI-MATE-LY, ad. In the last consequence. SN-AS-SAIL'A-BLE, a. Exempt from assault. iTL-TI-Mi.A'TM; n. [L.] Last offer; the final tN-AT-TAIN'A-BLE, a. Not to be attained. proposition. iN-AT-TEMPTIED, a. Untried; not assayed. SL-TR.A-MA-RiNEt, n. A very beautiful blue. tN-AT-TtND/ED, a. Having no attendants. tL-TR4-Ml-RINE', a. Being beyond sea; for- UN-AU'THQR-IZED (-awtthur-Izd), a. Not aueign. [tains. VN-A-VAIL'A-BLE, a. Useless; vain. [thorized. tL-TRA-MIoNITANE, a. Being beyond the moun- tN-A-VILtL'NG, a. Ineffectual. [ble. StL-TR4-MSN/DANE,a. Beingbeyondthe world. SN-A-VOID'A-BLE, a. Inevitable; not avoidaL'~V-LATE, v. n. To howl; to wail. SN —-WARE', a. Without thought; inattentive. tM/BEL, n. A form of inflorescence. [liferous. tN-A-WARES', ad. When not thought of; sudSIatBEL-LATE, iMIBEL-LAT- E D, a. Umbel- denly; unexpectedly.:M-BEL-LF tR-O -t0S, a. Bearing umbels. UN-XWED! (-&wd'), a. Unrestrained by fear. OMtBER, n. A brown ore. used as a pigment. tjN-BAP-TIZED' (-ttzdt), a. Not baptized. UJ-BTL'I-CAL, a. Belonging to the navel. N-BiRt, v. a. To remove a bar from. [fit. VUMIBLE: (-blz), n. pl. A deer's entrails. UYN-BE-COM!'ING, a. Indecent; indecorous; unMI/BR.An4E, n. Shade; resentment; an affront. SN-BE-COMttING-LY, ad. Not becomingly. SaM-BRA.qE-ofs, a. Shady; yielding shade. UN-BE.-LI:~F', n. Incredulity; infidelity. JtM-BREL'LA, a. A screen from the sun or rain. UN-BE-LIEVlER, n. An infidel; a sceptic. tiM'tPi-RAE, n. Arbi'ration; friendly decision. UN-BEND', v. a. To straighten; to relax; to reMItPIRE, n. One who settles disputes. tN-BE ND'ING, a. Notyielding; resolute. [mit. UN. A prefix implying negation. It is prefixed -UN-BE:NT1t a. Unshrunk; unsubdued; relaxed. chiefly to adjectives, participles, and adverbs, UN-BE.-SEEt MtING, a. Unbecoming; unfit. and almost at pleasure. Un and in are, in tN-BE-wAXLED! (-wald'), a. Not lamented. many cases, used indifferently; as, unexpert SN-BsIAS, v. a. To free from bias or prejudice. or inexpert; unconstant, or inconstant. tN-1BDI'DEN (Zin-bidtdn), a. Not invited. tSN-AXBLE, a. Not able; not having ability.[ble. UN-BIND, v. a. To loose; to untie. SN-AC-CtPT'A-BLE,a. Not pleasing; disagreea- N BITT, V. a. To free the bit from. tN-AC-CtOM'P —NIED (iun-.ak-kimtp.a-nid), a. UN-BLAvM!A-BLE, a. Not culpable; innocent. Alone; solitary. [complete. SN-BL~rM'IsHtED (-Ysht), a. Not stained. iSN-AC-COM'PLISHED (-g.k-ktm'plisht), a. In- SN-BOLTF, V. a. To set open; to unbar. lSN-AC-CbSNT'A-B3LE, a. Not accountable; SN-BORN', a. Not yet brought into life; future. tN-AC-COtNT'A-BLY, ad. Strangely. [strange. tN-BO'QtQM (-bfz'.um), v. a. To reveal, disclose. ISN-oC-CiSaTQO iED (-ak-kiis'tumd), a. Not ac- StN-BOUGHT' (-baWtf), a. Not purchased. customed; not usual; new. [owned. UN-BiOSNi'ED, a. Unlimited; unrestrained. ftN-AC-KEN6WL'EDqED (iin-.k-nbl'ejd), a. Not SN-BRI'DLED (-dld), a. Loose; licentious. StN-AC-QUXINT'ED, a. Not known; unusual. tjN-BRO'KEN (-bre'kn), a. Not broken or tamed. MIEN, SYR; MbIVE, NOR, S6N; BELL, BIUR, RtILE.-9, a, soft;, 0_, hard;; as z; T as gz-; THIS. UNBUCKLE 2'-6 UNDERTAKERI VN-BWOCtLE, v. a. To loose from buckles. ItNC'TV-OVS-NSS,.n. Oiliness; greasiness. rON-BiJR'DEN (-bir'dn), v. a. To rid of a load. tN-COtLIT1-VAT-ED, a. Not cultivated;'untN-BURIEED (in-bir'rijd), a. Not interred. tilled:-rude; rough. [lets. tN-CALLL:ED (-kawldi), a. Not summoned. OiN-CURL', v. a. & n. To loose or fall from ringtN-CA-NONIJ-CAL, a. Not agreeable to the can- UN-DXUNT1ED (-dant'fd), a. Not daunted. OtN-CAUGHT' (-kiwt'), a. Not yet taken. [ons. SN-DECIA-GON, n. A figure of eleven angles. fiN-ckR-$3-mo6'NI-OOS, a. Not ceremonious. UN-DE-CAYED1 (-kad'), a. Not impaired. I4N-CERfTA1N, a. Doubtful; unsettled. UN-DE-CEIVEI, V. a. To free from deception. VJN-CER'TAIN-TY, n. Want of certainty; doubt. UN-DE-C!IDE D, a. Not determined; not settled. OtN-CHAXIN, v. a. To free from chains. - IN-DECK:, v. a. To deprive of ornaments. ON-CHIANQEtA-BLE, a. Not subject to change. OtN-DE.-FILED (-ftld'), a. Not polluted. tN-CHXANq-ING, a. Suffering no alteration. OaN-DE-FINED/ (-find'), a. Not explained. ON-CHARt'-TA-BLE, a. Wanting charity. OJN-DE-NI'A-BLE, a. That cannot be denied. irN-CHAR'I-TA-BLE-N2SS, n. Want of charity. VN-DE-Ni'.A-BLY, ad. Indisputably; plainly. ON-CHiARI.-TA-BLY, ad. Without charity. iN-DE-PRAVED' (-pravd'), a. Not corrupted. tON-CHASTE', a. Lewd; not chaste; not pure. ft5NDER, prep. Not over; below; beneath. tN-CHtJCKED' (-chikt'), a. Unrestrained. ONIDE R, ad. Below; not above; less; not more. tN-OHRIS'TIAN, (-krlst'ytan), a. Not Christian. iNI'D.R, a. Inferior; subject; subordinate. trN-FHiRCII', v. a. To deprive of the rights or tN-D].R-iC'TION, n. A subordinate action. privileges of a church. [in ancient MSS. tN-DE R-Ar.ENT, n. A subordinate agent. ONtCIAL, a. Noting letters of large size, used ON-DER-BIDi,v. a. To bid or offer less for. ON-CYkr'CM-CIED (in-sdr'kkum-sIzd), a. Not ON'DE'R-BROSH, n. Undergrowth. circumcised. [want of circumcision. iON-DER-G6', v. a. [imp. t. underwent; pp. untN-CYR-CX-CV-CIt"IQN (-str-kum-slzh'un), n. A dergone.] To suffer; to sustain; to endure. tN-CuIv'IL, a. Unpolite; rude; not courteous. ONtDIE.R-GRKXD't-ATE, n. A student, in a coltON-CIV'IL-IZED (un-sv'jil-izd), a. Barbarous. lege or university, not graduated. tN-CLASPt, v. a. To open the clasp of. ON-DER-GROUND/, n. Subterraneous space.OtjN-CLAXSSIC, [N-CLXStSI-CAL, a. Not classic. a. Being below the surface. [derbrush. tN':LE (ungRkl), n. A father's or mother's broth- tNDE.R-GROWTH, n. Shrubs under trees; unVTN-CLEAN', a. Foul; dirty; filthy:-lewd. [er. VN-DE.R-HXNDf, a. Secret; clandestine; sly. tN-CLkAN'LY (-klen'le), a. Foul; filthy. tiN-DiR-LXAY, v. a. To lay under; to support. OtN-CL]NCHI, v. a. To open, as the closed hand. ON-DER-LiT', v. a. To let below the value: — tN-CLOG', v. a. To free from impediment. to let, as a tenant or lessee. itN-CL6~E', v. a. To open; to disclose. ON-DI R-LINE', v. a. To draw a line under.[low. OtN-CLOTHER, v. a. To strip; to make naked. iNIDER-LING, n. An inferior agent; a sorry feltN-CLO0D, v. a. To unveil; to clear from obscu- ON'DE'R-MASfTE.R, n. A subordinate mnaster. ON-C6OL'QRED (-ktillpurd), a. Not colored. [rity. ON-D.R-MINE',v.a. To sap:-to injure secretly. tN-COME'LY, a. Not comely; wanting grace. tN-DER-M1INER., n. One who undermines. tN-C6M1FQRT-A-BLE, a. Not comfortable; *itNODER- MST, a. Lowest in-place or condition. wanting comfort; dismal. ON-DER-NdEATH', ad. In the lower place.-prep.:'_N-CM'FORT-TA-BL~y, ad. Without comfort. VN-DER-PIN', v. a. To prop; to support. [Under. tN-C6OMS'N, a. Not frequent; rare; unusual. ON-DER-PiN'NNG, a. Stones under a building. ON-C6o-PL.A4-*XNT', a. Not civil; not obliging. ONf'D.R-PL6T, n1. A plot subservient to the VN-CQ~I-POUND'ED, a. Simple; not mixed. main plot; a secret plot. OtN-CQN-CrivED' (-kon-sevd'), a. Not thought.,N-DIER-PR6P', v. a. To support; to sustain. tN-CON-CERN', n. Want of concern. [lute. N-DER.-RATE', v. a. To rate or value too low. tN-CQN-DIVTIOQN-AL (-kon-dish'un-), a. Abso- VJN-DrR-sc6RE', v. a. To line or mark under. tN-CQN-NECT'ED, a. Not coherent; lax; loose. tNIDER-StC'RE.-TA-RY, n. A subordinate or VN-C6NtQUER-A-BLE (-kong'ker-.-bl), a. Insu- inferior secretary. perable; not to be overcome; invincible. iN-DER-SELL', v. a. Togell cheaper than. t5N-CON'SCION-A-BLE (On-kin'shun-a-bl), a. JNt'DE.R-SER'VANT, n. a servant of the lower Unreasonable; unjust; enormous; vast. class; one under another servant. tN-CON'SCION-A-BLY, ad. Unreasonably. tON.DER-SHR/I.FF, n. The deputy of a sheriff. tN-C6N'SCIoVs (-kln'shus), a. Not conscious. ON-DER-STXND', v. a. [imp. t. &pp. understood.] TN-CQN-TROL'L.A-nBLE, a. Not to be controlled. To comprehend; to know the meaning of. tN-CON-TROLL:EDi (-kpn-tr5ld'), a. Not con- tJN-DER-STXND', v. n. To have understanding. trolled or restrained. IN-DER-STXND1'NG, n. The faculties of the OJN-COR-ROPT', a. Honest; upright; incorrupt. mind; skill; sense; intelligence; agreement. tN-COrJP'LE (-kip'pl), v. a. /To set loose. tN-DER-STXND'ING, a. Knowing; skilful. TN-C6UTHI' (-kith'), a. Odd; strange. UN-DE. R-STOOD' (-stid'), i. & p. from understand. tN-C6UTH'LY (-kdth'le),.ad. Oddly*; strangely. See UNDERSTAND. [person. VN-COUTH'NE.SS (-kith'nes), n. Strangeness. ON1DER-STRXP-PE R, n. An inferior agent or UN-Ct VIER, v. a. To divest of a covering. ON-DE.R-TArKE, v. a. [imp. t. undertook; pp. untN-CROA;N', v. a. To deprive of a crown. dertakenj To attempt; to engage in.:'tNC'TIQN (tingklshun), n. Ointment; warmth tN-DER-TAKE', v.n. To assume any business. of devotion; that which melts to devotion. ON-DER-TA'KEN (-tR'kn), pp. from undertake. tNC-T1V-6SS'-TY, n. Fatness; oiliness. ON-D1.R-TAXK'ER, n. One who undertakes:tNCTV-OOfS, a. Fat; clammy; oily; greasy. one who manages funerals. EX,fi,6,V,f,, long; A,;,X,6,tY,,, short; 4,$,I,@Q,1,Y, obscure.-FARE,;AR,FAST,FiLL; HAIRS HER UNDERTAKING 287 UNLUCKY PN-DER-TAXtING, n. An enterprise. ON-GRA'CIOJS (-shus), a. Odious; offensive. tIN-DER-TOOK' (-tukt), imp. t. fronl undertake. UN-GRATE/FOL, a. Unthankful; unacceptable. iN-DER-VXL-TJ-A'TIQN, n. Act of undervalu- itN'GUE.rNT (ung'gwent), n. An ointment. ing; a rate below the worth. UN-HAL'LOW (-halFI1), v. a. To profane. tN-DE.R-VAL'tlE (-val'yg), v. a. To rate low. OrN-HAND'SQIE (-han'sum), a. Not handsome. UN-DER-WtNT', imp. t. from undergo. [shrubs. UN-HXP'PtI-NESSs, n. Infelicity; misfortune. tNI'DER-WOOD (uin'der-wud), n. Small trees or UN-H/AP'PY, a. Miserable; unfortunate; unlucky. tN-D1ER-WORK' (-wiirk'), v. a. & n. [imp. t. & tN-Hi-ALTH'Y, a. Sickly; wanting health. pp. underworked or underwrought.] To labor UN-HYNqE', v. a. To take from hinges; to loose. or polish less than enough:-work for less UN-HOTLYI a. Not holy; profane; impious. than others. ON-HOOP' (-hup'), V. a. To divest of hoops. N-DDE R-WORK'I.AN, n. A subordinate laborer. rJN-HORSE, v. a. To throw from a horse. tN-DgiR-WRITEl' (-rat'), v. a. To write under; U'NI-CORN (yu'ne-lkirn), n. A beast or quadruto subscribe:-to insure. ped that has only one horn: —a bird:-a fish. O'N-DER-WRITt'ER, 1. One who underwrites.'N-FORM (yS'ne-fdrm), a. Unvaried in form OiN-DtV.I-XT-tNG, a. Not deviating; regular. alike; equable; even; regular; constant. N-DID, imp. t. fron undo.'NI-FORM (yfi'ne-fdrm), s. A like dress; the tN-DIS-COVIERED (-erd), a. Not discovered. regimental dress of a soldier. ON-DIS-TINtUGU.ISHED (-ting'gwisht), a. Not dis- TJ-NI-FOR'MI-Ty, n. The state of being uniform. tinguished; not discriminated. Ut'N.-FORMI-LY, ad. Without variation. tN-6DO, v. a. [imp. t. undid; pp. undone.] To U_-NI-cQENtI-TURE, n. Singleness of birth. ruin; to destroy:-to loose:-to reverse. ON-irI-P6OR'TTANT, a. Not important; trifling. ON-DOtING, n. Ruin; destruction:-reversal. uN-N-TL-T'LI-iTI-BLE, a. Not to be understood. 0N-DONE1, pp. from undo; not done:-ruined. ON-fNtTER-I:ST-gED, a. Not having interest. tN-DO1sTtIED-LY (-d.iatted-le),ad. Itidubitably. UN-INr'Ti.R- JST-ING, a. Exciting no interest. tJN-DRESS', V. a. To divest of clothes; -to strip. JNtIQN (yfinty'n), n. Act of joining; concord: ONrDRPSS, n. A loose or negligent dress. -upper inner corner of an ensign. tN-D UE', a. Not due; unfit; excessive. U-NIQUE' (yii-nkl'), a. [Fr.] Sole; without an iUN1Dy-LA-R~, a. Playing like waves. [as waves. equal or another of the same kind. OINtDI-LATE v. a. & n. To play or make to play, U/NI-SON, n. Accordance of sounds; agreement. JN'DtD-LLAT-I D, a.,Having undulations. Ij'NIT (yu'nit), n. One; the least number. OTN-D]-LLA'TIQN, n. A notion like that of waves. U-NI-TA'RI-AN, n. A believer in God as exist-.N'/DU.-LA-TO-RY, a. Moving like waves. ing in one person only; an anti-Trinitarian. tN-DUILY, ad. Not properly; not duly. U-N1-TARI-AN-I1M,ni. The doctrines of UnitaritJN-DUt'TI-FOL, a. Not dutiful; disobedient. J-NITE' (yii-nit'), v. a. To join together. [ans. ON-f A'~Y (un-etze), a. Not easy; disturbed. U-NITE', v. n. To join; to concur; to coalesce. OtN-' QUAL, a. Not equal; not just; inferior. U-NI'"TION (yi-nlshtun), sn. The act of uniting. tSN-r:X-CEPtTITo N —BLE, a. Not liable to objec- fJNI-TY, n. The state of being one:-concord. ON-FAIRT' a. Disingenuous; not honest. [tion.'tNI-VXLVE, ns. A shell with but one valve. tN-FATTHtIFL, a. Not faithful.; treacherous. U-NI-VER! SAL. a. Total; whole; comprising all. -NN-;FASH!IQN-.A-BLE (Un-fash'tln-a-bl), a. Not fU-NI-VER.SAL, n. The whole:-a general propfashionable; not according to fashion. osition in logic. [salvation of all men. tjN-FAS'TEN (-fms'sn), v. a. To loose; to unifix. U-NI-VVER'SAL-TST, n. One who believes in the O.N-FX'VOR-A-BLE, a. Not favorable; unkind. U-NI-VER-SAL'I-TY, n. Extension to the whole. OJN-FE:ELtING, a. Insensible; void of feeling. U-NI-ViERISAL-LYY ad. Throughout the whole. tJN-FEIGNED' (un-fand'), a. Real; sincere. UItNi-VERSE, n. The whole creation. ViN-FrTI'TER, v. a. To free from sllaclkles. U-NI-VERtSI-TY, n. A school where all the arts tfN-FiT', a. Unsuitable.-v. a. To disqualify. and sciences are taught and studied. [certain. tN-FIXt, v. a. To loosen; to make less fast. J-NIV'O-CAL, a. Having only one meaning:tN-FLtODQ9ED' (-flijdl), a. Without feathers. UN-JUJST', a. Iniquitous; contrary to justice. tN-FOLD', v. a. To expand, discover, display. OIN-KENtNEL, v. a. To drive from a kennel. tN-FORT'tIV-NATE, a. Not fortunate; unhappy. tN-KIND/, a. Not favorable; not benevolent. tN-FOOND'E.D, a. Void of foundation; false. tN- KNIT' (-net'), v. a. To unweave; to open. O/N-FRIiNRD'LY, a. Not friendly; hostile. ON-LXCEt, v. a. To loosen the laces of. [sel. OTN-FROITtFOL, a. Not fruitful; not prolific. ON-LADEt, v. a. To empty or remove from a vesOtN-FURLt, v. a. To expand; to unfold; to open. ON-LATCH', v. a. To open by lifting up the tN-FijR'NISH,V. a. To deprive; to strip; to di- ON-L.W'FfL, a. Contrary to law; illegal.[latch. vest. [pert. ON-LiARN', v.a. To forget or lose what has O6N-GAINILY, a. Awkward; uncouth.; not ex- been learned. OtN-q:NtIER'-O0s, a. Not noble; illiberal. [ture. tN-LtAV rENED (-lev'vnd), a. Not leavened. J'N-QFRNI-AL, a. Not kind or favorable to na- tN-LESS!, conj. Except; if not; supposing not. *N-4qiNtTLE-MAN-L1KE, ~ a. Illiberal; -not be- UN-LIKEt, a. Dissimilar; having no likeness. ON-q1Nt'TLE-M4N-LY, 5 coming a gentle- tN-LIKE'LY, a. Improbable.-ad. Improbably. tN-GCRDt, v. a. To loose from a girdle. [man. ITN-L6AD' (-ld'), v. a. To free from load. ON-GLOEt, v. a. To loosen any thing glued. OJN-L6CKI' V. a. To open or unfasten what is IrN-G6D'L.-NPISS, n. Impiety; wickedness. shut:-to solve. [pieces. ON-GODI'LY, a. Wicked; impious; profane. ON-LoosE', v. a. To loose.-v. n. To fall in [N-GRACE'FOL, a. Not graceful; awkward. tiN-LTICKlY, a. Unfortunate; not successful. MIEN, SYR; M6VE, NOR,-SiN; BOLL, BORs RtLE.-A-, qsoft; m, G, hard; ~ as z; Y as gz; TtHIS. UNMAKE 288 UNTOWARDLY UN-MAKEt, v. a. To deprive of qualities; to ruin. tN-RPC-QN-CIL A-BLE, a. Not to be reconciled. tN-MXN', V. a. To deprive of manly qualities. tiN-RRE —qNIER-A-CY, I. An unregenerate state. tN-M;INtNER-LY, a. Ill-bred; not complaisant. UN-Rt-,QEN/ER-ATE, a. Not regenerate. UN-MtAR'RY, v. a. To separate-; to divorce. UN-RE-LENT'ING,a. Hard;cruel; feeling no pity. tIN-MASK', v. a. & n. To strip of a mask or dis- UN-RE-LIEVEDI (tin-re-levd'), a. Not relieved. UON-MEAN'ING, a. Having no meaning. [guise. UN-RE-MEfDI-A-BLE, a. Admitting no remedy. tUN-MERtCI-FOL, a. Not merciful; cruel; severe. UN-RE- ERVEDt (un-re-zdrvd'), a. Open; frank. UrN-MIND'FJL, a. Careless; inattentive. rUN-RiD'DLE, v. a. - To solve; to explain. UN-MINfGLE, v. a. To separate things mixed. UN-RG1t, v. a. To strip off the rigging of. VN-MOOR', v. a. To loose from anchorage. UN-RIGHT'EOUS (tin-ri'chus), a.Unjust; wicked. UN-MtirFFLE, v. a. To remove a muffle from. UN-RIPEI, a. Not ripe; green; immature. tN-MtZtZLE, v. a. To loose from a muzzle. UN-RI1VALLED (un-rt'vald), a. Having no rival. UN-NATtU-RAL, a. Contrary to nature; affected. UN-RIVtE. T, v. a. To unfasten the rivets of. tN-NXT'U.-RAL-IZE, v. a. To divest of nature. fN-ROBEI, v. a. To undress; to disrobe. UN-Nh(t'E. S-SA-RY, a. Not necessary; needless. UN-R6LLI, v. a. To open what is rolled or conUtN-NERVEt, v. a. To weaken; to enfeeble. UN-R66Ft, v. a. To strip off the roof of. [volved. tiN-QB-JICC TIQN-A-BLE, a. Not liable to objec- IN-ROOTt', v. a. To tear from roots; to extirpate. tion; unexceptionable. UN-RUF'FLE, v. n. To cease from commotion. VtN-QF-VFNDtING, a. Harmless; innocent; pure. IUN-RTILY, a. Turbulent; ungovernable. OtN-dS-TEN-TiATIOUS, a. Not boastful; modest. UN-SD1DLE, V. a. To take off the saddle from. UjN-PACEK, v. a. To open, as things packed. UN-SAFEt, a. Not safe; hazardous; dangerous. UN-PAL4AT-A-BLE, a. Not palatable; nauseous. tiN-S.XT-IS-FAC'TQ-Ry,a. Not giving satisfaction. tN-P.AR'AL-LtLE D (iin-partal-lld), a. Having tUN-SAfVo R-Y, a. Tasteless; insipid; disgusting. no parallel or equal; unequalled. UN-SAY', v. a. [imp. t. & pp. unsaid.] To retract. UIN-PXRIDON-A-BLE, a. Not to be pardoned. UN-SCREW' (un-skrf'), v. a. To loosen, unfasten. UN-PAR-LIA-MENT'A-RY (utn-piar-le-linnt'a-re), tIN-SCRIPTUII-RAL, a. Not agreeable to Scripture. a. Contrary to the rules of parliament. UN-sCRtIPU-LOUS, a. Not scrupulous. UjN-PGt, v. a. To loose from pegs. UN-SEALI,. a. To open, as any thing sealed. tN-PEO'PLE (Un-petpl), v. a. To depopulate UN-SEAM, V. a. To rip; to cut open. [ble. UN-PE R-PLXx, av. a. To relieve from perplexity. rUN-SEARCHtA-B-LE (un-s6rch'a-bl), a. InscrutaitN-PHIL-QO-~PH'I-CAL, a. Not philosophical. UEN-S:EA'fON-A-BLE (5in-s6ezn-.a-bl), a. Ill-timed. tN-PNt, v. a.To open what is fastened with apin. UN-SEAT, v. a. To throw from the seat. IIN-PLkAt'ANT (un-pltz'ant), a. Disagreeable. UN-SEEMILY, a. Indecent; uncomely; improper.. tN-PLuDqEDt (un-pl6jdt), a. Not bound; free. UN-SET'TLE,. a. To make unsettled. tN-PLUMEI, v. a. To strip of plumes; to degrade. UN-SXt, v. a. To deprive of sex. tN-PQ-T'TIC, IN-PO-kT'I-CAL, a. Not poetical. UN-SHACfKLE, v. a. To loose from bonds. tN-PoL'LsHED (qn-p6ti'sht), a. Not polished. EN-SHEATHEf, v. a. To draw from the scabbard. tIN-PQL-L- ITtE. D, a. Not corrupted; not defiled. UN-SHIP', v. a. To take out of a ship. JN-POPtU-LAR, a. Not having the public favor. ON-SIGHnTtL (iin-siltle), a. Ugly; deformed. UN-P6P-U-LXRI —TS, n. Want of popularity. tN-SRILIFOL, a. Wanting skill or knowledge. tiN-PR:CtE DNT-ED, a. Unexampled. tjN-SKILIFtFL-LY; ad. Without knowledge. tN-PR J'U-DICED (un-prid'jV.dist),a. Free from tN-S'C.I-4-BLE (un-sStshe-a-bl), a. Not sociable. prejudice; free from prepossession. UN-Sb'C.-A-BLy, ad. With reserve. UN-PRE.-TEND'ING, a. Not pretending; modest. tIN-SQ-PH1S'TI-CjAT-ED, a. Not sophisticated. TN-PRINCEtLY, a. Unsuitable to a prince. tIN-SPEAK/A-BLE, a. Not to be expressed; inexUJN-PRNtC.I-PLED (nn-prlnlse-pld), a. Devoid pressible; unutterable; ineffable. of principle; wicked:-not settled in tenets. UN-SPAEAKRA-BLY, ad.' Inexpressibly; ineffably. UIN-PROF'IT-A- BLE, a. Affording no profit; use- tN-SPHIERE',v. a. To remove froni a sphere. [ity. tN-PRF/IT- A-BLE-NESS, n. Uselessness. [less. UN-SPIRtIT-VU-L-IZE,v.a.To depriveofspiritualUN-PR6OF'T-A-BLY, ad. Without advantage. sN-s POTtTE.D, a. Not spotted; immaculate. iN-PROM'IS-ING, a. Not promising good. UN-STAtBLE, a. Not fixed; inconstant. [ble. tN-PtRO-PI"TIOUS (nfn-pro-ptsh'us), a. Not pro- tIN-STt.ADIY (ttn-stdd'de), a. Inconstant; mutapitious; inauspicious.'N-STIDtIED (tin-sttiid'd), a. Not premeditated. iUN-PPBtL.ISHED (un-ptib'lisht), a. Not published. VN-SVUIT'A-BLE, a.Unfit; not adapted; not equal. UN-QUALtI-FIED (un-kwilte-fld), a. Not quali- tN-StrLILIED (un-sul'lid), a. Not stained; pure. fled; not fit:-not softened; not abated. tN-TEACH', v. a. To cause to forget. UN-QUtNCH.A-BLE, a. Not to be extinguished. UtN-TPN'A-BLE, a. Not capable of defence. tN-QUuS'TIQN-A-BLE, a. Not to be doubted. tJN-THANKrFPL, a. Not thankful; ungrateful. UJN-QUSt'TIQN-A-BLY, ad. Without doubt. UN-THIANKItFL-NUtSS, n. Ingratitude. SN-RXV'EL (un-rav'vl), v. a. To disentangle; to tN-TInINt'ING, a. Thoughtless; inconsiderate. unknit; to ravel:-to clear; to explain. r;N-THRONEI, v. a. To pull down from a throne. U5N-RXV['EL (in-rav'vl), v. n. To be unfolded. tN-TIEt, v. a. To unbind; to loose, as a knot. tN-Rit'AL a. Not real; vain; unsubstantial. UN-TIL, ad. To the time that; till. UN-REA'tON-ArBLE (un-retzn-t-bl), a. Not IN-TILt, prep. To; till;-used of time. agreeable to reason; irrational:-exorbitant.'N-TIME'LY, a. Premature; unseasonable. iN-RtA'fON-A-BLE-NtSS (un-r6tzn-a-bl-nes),n. uNtT6, prep. To. "Come unlto me." Inconsistency with reason:-exorbitance. tN-TW.AR'D, a. Froward; perverse; awkward. UN-REA'tON-A-B3LY, ad. Without reason. -iN-T~W'4ARD-LY, ad. Awkwardly; perversely. iEI~5,P,~, long; xP,t,1,,, short; A4,,IQ,V,Y, obscure. —FPRE,FXR,FASTFILL; JiIR, HEitR; UNTRACTABLE 289 UTMOST tN-TRXCTt A-BLE, a. Not governable; not docile. 0P'ISTiRT, a. One suddenly raised to power, &c. UN-TRtE!' a. Not true; false; not faithful. IJP'ST'RT, a. Suddenly.raised; insolent. 0N-TRitTH', n. A falsehood; a false assertion. UP-T URNI, v. a. To throw up; to furrow. tN-TUNE1, v.a. To put out of tune; to disorder. UPtWARD, a. Directed to a higher part. JN-TWINEt, v. a.. To untwist; to unwind. UP'WARD, ad. Towards a higher place; — 0UN-TWIST' v. a. To untwine; to disentangle. 0P'WARDS, opposed to doswnweards. SN-iU0U-AL (un-ySfzlup-.l), a. Not common. rP-WIND1, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. upwound.] To SN-VAIL1, v. a. To uncover; to unveil. wind up; to convolve. UN-VA'RJIED (un-vatrid), a. Not diversified. U-RAttNI-iUM, s7. A sort of metal. [ens. SN-VARt1NISHED (tin-vartnisht), a. Not adorned. U-RAN-0LIQO-QY, n1. The description of the heavtN-VAYRY -NG, a. Not liable to change. U RA-NUS, n. A planet;-once called Herschel and SN-VEIL ( un-val'), v. a. To uncover; to divest. Georgiu7n Sidus; discovered by Dr. Herschel in tN-VOTE, v. a. To annul, as a former vote. UR'BAN, a. Of, or pertaining to, a city. [1781. tN-WARPP, v. a. To reduce from a warped state. UR-BANEs1 a. Civil; courteous; elegant. rTN-WARPRANT-A-BLE (in-wtrTrant-a-bl), a. Not IJR-BIANI-TY, n. Civility; elegance; politeness. defensible - not to be Justified; not allowed. URtCHIN, n. A hedgehog — a brat; a child. SN-WARIt, a. Wanting caution; imprudent.'REr-TER (yu're-ter), n. A urinary tube. [der. JN-Wi-A/RIED (un-wt'rid), a. Indefatigable. U-RETITHRA, an. Passage for urine from the bladSN-WEAVE' (tin-wtv'), v. a. [imp. t. unwove; URtE, v. a, Toincite;to plsh;to press;to solicit. pp. unwoven.] To unfold; to undo. [ceived. UR'tqE.N-Cy, n. Pressure of difficulty; entreaty. %SN-WhLCCQwIE, a. Not pleasing; not well re- UR1E.NT, a. Cogent; pressing; importunate. iSN-WALLt, a. Not well; slightly indisposed. UR'tqENT- LY ad. Cogently; importunately. itN-WIELDtY, a. Unmanageable; bulky; weighty. UR~q5ER, n. One who presses; an importuner. VJN-WILL'ING, a. Not inclined; not willing. UtRtM, n.a An ornament in the breastplate of tN-WINDt, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. unwound.] To the Jewish high-priest. N-WINDt, v. a. To be unwound. [untwist. UfqRI-NAL, n. A vessel for holding urine. tN-WI~E?, a. Weak; defective in wisdom. U/RI-NA-RY (yUtre-n~i-re), a. Relating to urine. TN-WITtTING-LY, ad. Without knowledge. U1RTI-NA-TQOR, n. One who searches under water. 7N-WORtTHI-N1SS, a. Want of worth or merit. UtRINE (yu'trin), n. Water from animals. tN-WORtTHY (tin-wiir'the), a. Not deserving; UtR.-NOUS (yu're-nfis), a. Partaking of urine. wanting merit; mean; worthless;contelllptible. URN, n. A vase:-a water-pot:-a vessel in itN-W6OND', pp. from unwind. Untwisted. which the ashes of burnt bodies were put. SN-Y6KE', v. a. To loose from the yoke. URtSA, n. [L.] The Bear; a constellation. tP, ad. Aloft; above; not down:-out of bed. URSINE, a. Relating to, or like, a bear. tiP, prep. From a lower to a higher part. URISU-LYNE, a. Denoting an order of nunL. tP-BEARI (ip-bar'), v. a. [imp. t. upbore; pp. up- URU.RS, n. European wild ox. borne.] To sustain aloft; to raise; to support ts, prot. pl. The objective case of we. tP-BR.ID, v. a. To chide; to reproach. U/'AG:E (yuzt'aj), n.Treatment; custom; practice. tJP-BRAtID'tR, n. One that reproaches. NUANcE, s. Use; usury; interest for money. hP-CtST',p. a. Thrown upwards. UsE (yus), n. The act of using; need; usefultP'CI;ST, n. A throw;-a term of bowling. ness; usage; habit; custom; profit. tPiHER, sn. A pole used in scaffolding. UIE (yuz), v. a. To employ, accustom, treat. SPtHILL, a. Difficult; laborious:-ascending. VUE, Vs. n. To be accustomed; to frequent. UP-HOLDT, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. upheld.] To lift USErFOL (yus'ffil), a. Serviceable; profitable. on high; to support; to sustain; to defend. USE'FOL-LYL ad. In a useful manner. UP-HOLDE. R, n. A supporter; an undertaker. USE aFsL-NESS, n. The quality of being useful. UtP-HOLtSTER-.lR, a. One who furnishes houses. UjSE'/LE. SS a. Answering no purpose or end. [IP-HOLtSTER-Y, n. Furniture for houses. USEtLEPSS-NESS,?2. Unfitness to any end. SP'LAND,~] High land.-a. High; lofty. OsHItER, n. An under-teacher:-an introducer. SP-LIFT1, v. a. To raise aloft; to elevate. SSI'tER, v. a. To introduce; to forerun. [spirit. UP-'ON1, prep. Not under; on; relating to. UiS-QUE -BAUGH1 (iis-kwe-bIw'), n. A distilled tP1PER.R, a. Higher in place. [power. ISU-AL (yulzhu-al), a. Common; customary. SPIPER-MOST, a. Highest in place, rank, or UISU-AL-LY (yaizhu-al-le), ad. Commonly. tP1Pr'SH, a. Proud; pettish. [Lowz.] U1~U-AL-NESS (yatzhu-al-nds), n. Commonness. SP-RAIiEt', v. a. To raise up; to exalt. U U.-FRUCT (yti'zht.-frikt), a. Temporary use. TP-REAR', v. a. To rear or raise on high. U-~U-FRUCtTU-4A-RY, a. One that has usufruct. tP'RItGHT (5pfrit), a. Straight up; perpendicu- Ut1U-RE. R(yu'zhu-rer),n. One who receives usury. lar:-equitable; honest; just. U-iU1RtI-oUS, a. Giveni to the practice of usury. 0SP'RIGHT (iplrit), n. Something erect. U i[URPt, v. a. To seize or possess without right. SP'RIGHBT-LY (tip'rit-le), ad. With uprightness. U-~UR-PA'TION, n. Illegal seizure or possession. tSPIRIGHT-NhSS (uptrit-nes), n. Honesty. [rise. U-'U[RP'ER (yl-zurpter), n. One who usurps. tP-RI~E!, v. n. [imp. t. uprose; pp. uprisen.] To Ut'g-RY (ytzhu-re), a. Illegal interest. TPIROAR, n. A tumult; bustle; confusion. U-TENtSIL or Ut'TEN-SIL, n. An instrument. tP-ROOTt, v. a. To tear up by the root. UtTER-INE (ytiter-in), a. Belonging to the, SP-SETt, v. a. To overturn; to overthrow. womb:-born of the same mother. tP'ISHiT, n. Conclusion; the end; fina.l event. VUTE-RUIS, n. rL.] The womb. VSPtSIDE, n. The upper side; upper part. U-TILtI-TY, in. Usefulness; profit; convenience. SPfSIDE-DrD*Tr N', ad. In complete disorder. ITtIMOST, a. Extreme; furthest; highest. M.IEN, SIR; M6,V,. NOR., SON; BSLL, BUR, Rt1.-, s, sof2 g i,,ltard; 8 as z;; as gz; fiTHS. 25; UTMOST 290 VARIEGATE tTIMOST, n. The greatest quantity or degree. VtiTT.R-Ly, ad. Fully; completely; perfectly. U-TO'PI-AN, a. Fanciful; chimerical; ideal. dT'TER-MOST, a. Extreme; most remote. t'TITER, a. Extreme; excessive; complete. iPT'Tia.i-MOST, n. The greatest degree. fT'TTER, v. a. To speak; to publish; to sell. fI'v-ofis, a. Resembling a grape. tTITE. R-A-BLE, a. That may be told or uttered.:dl-Ot'R-oiS, a. Submissively fond of a wife. tTIT].tR-ANCE, n. Pronunciation; delivery. t.-SOfR.i-OVS-Ntss, n. Fond submission to a wife. V. T an English consonant, has but one sound, VAL-LATITI.ON. n. An intrenchment; a rampart. V and is nearly allied tof. VALILEY (valle), n. A hollow between hills. VA~1C.N-CY, n. Empty space; vacuity; a chasm. VAL'QR, 7n. Personal bravery; prowess; courage. VAICANT, a. Empty; void; free; disengaged. VAL'oR-ooS, a. Brave; stout; valiant. VA'CATE, v. a. To annul; to make vacant. VALI:QR-OdS-Ly, ad. In a brave manner. [value. VA-CATIQON, n. A suspension of studies,, &c.; VAL'V-.A-BLE (val'yu-.-bl), a. Precious; llaving an intermission; a recess; leisure. VAL- V-ATIQN, n. An appraisement; a set value. VAC'tC-NATE, v. a. To inoculate with vaccine VAL'U-A-TQR, n. One who sets a price. matter for the cow-pox. V~ALIVE (val'yu), in. Price; worth; rate. [mate. VAC-CI-NA'TIQN, si. Inoculation for the cow-pox. VAL'UVE, v. a. To rate highly; to appraise; to estiVAC'CINE or VAC'CINE, a. Belonging to a vAL'UE- L-ss (vil'yyu-les), a. Being of no value. cow:-relating to vaccination. V. LtU-ER (vail'yv-er), n. One that values. VA(,pIL-LAN-CY, ns. A wavering; inconstancy. VALVE, n. A folding door; a lid; a cover; a VA(fI.L-LATE, v. n. To waver; to be inconstant. VAL'VUdLE, n. A small valve. [shell. VAp-jL-LA'TIQN, si. A reeling; a staggering. VAMP, n. The upper leather of a shoe. VAc'u-CiT, 7t. One who holds to a vacuum. VAMP, v. a. To mend, as with a vamp. VA-CfJ'I-Ty, 1. Emptiness; space unfilled; inan- VAM'PIRE, n. A pretended demon:-a large bat. VACfIV-oiUS, it. Empty; unfilled; vacant. [ity. VAN,n.Front of an army:-a fan: —a light wagon. vAC'I-oos-NEss, n. The state of being empty. VAN-COU'RIER (van-kb]trer), in. Avant-courier. VAc'u-uiM, ns. Space unoccupied by matter. VANIDAL2-I M, n. Barbarity; ferocity. [neck. VA5DE -'rE'CtM, n. [L.] A book to be carried VAN-DYKE, n. A kind of handkerchief or the VAGIA-noND, a. Wandering; vagrant. [about. VANE, n. A weathercock. VAG'A-B6ND, n. A vagrant; a wanderer; a beg- VANG, n. (JVlaut.) A steadying rope. [army. VAG'A-B6ND-RY, 7z. Beggary; knavery. [ga. VAN'GUARLD (van'gard), si. The first line of an VA-GA`tRV, 7t. A wild freak or fanlcy; a whim. VA-NIL'LA, n. A climbiiig, fragrant plant. VX-'I.NAL orVA —I'!NAL, a. Relating to a sheath. VAN'ISHI, v. cn. To disappear; to pass away. VA'GRAN-CY, n. A state of wandering. VAN'I-TY, n. Emptiness; inanity; falsehood; VA'GRANT, a. Wandering; unsettled; vagabond. arrogance; idle show; empty, vain pride. VA'GRANT, ni. A beggar; wanlderer; a vagabond. VAN'QU.SH (vang'kwish), v. a. To conquer. VAGUE (vdg), a. Unfixed; unsettled; uncertain. VAN!QUiSH-A-BLE, a. That may be overcome. VAIL, n. A curtain; a cover; veil. See VEIL. VAN'QUISH-IR, n. A conqueror; a subduer. VAIL~, n; pl. Money given to servants; vales. VAN'T.AE, n. Superiority; advantageous state. VXAIN, a. Fruitless; unreal; meanly proud; VAN'TA~TE-G-ROND, n. Superiority of state. conceited:-idle.-In vaian, to no purpose. [it. VAP'ID, a. Dead; spiritless; mawkish; fiat. VA.iN-GLb'RI. -os, a.Vain or proud without mer- VAP'ID-NkSS, n?. State of being vapid orpiritless. VAIN-GLO/RY, n. Empty pride; vain boasting. VA/PQR, n. An exhalation; fume; steamn; wind. VAINtLY, ad. Without effect; idly; foolishly. -pl. Hysteric fits; whims;spleen. VAItVODE, n. A prince in the Dacian provinces. VA1PQR, v. 7t. To emit vapor:.-to bully, brag. VAL'ANCE, n. Drapery hanging round a bedstead. VAP-O-RPAtTIQN, n. Evaporation. VAL'ANCE, V. a. To decorate with drapery. VAPQOR-BATH, n. A bath of vapor or steam. VALE, n. A space between hills; a valley. ~VAPPOR-E.R, n. A boaster; a braggart. VXL-E-DIYCTION, n. A farewell; an adieu. VA'POR-ING-LV, ad. In a boasting manner. VAL-.-D'fCtTTO-ty, a. Bidding farewell. VA'POR-ISHi, a. Vaporous:-peevish. VAL'EN-TINE,?1. A sweetheart chosen on Valen- VAP-O-RI-ZA'TIQN, i. Conversion into vapor. VA-L-'TRI-AN, n. A plant. [tine's Day; a letter. VAPO- RIZE, v. a. To convert into vapor. VL'/ET i'n. A waiting-servant. VA'POR-OiSs, a. Full of vapors; windy. VAL-E-TU- DI-NAt'RI-AN, n. One who is sickly. VA'POR-Y a. Vaporous:-peevish; spleletic. VAL-E-TU-DI-NAR.I-.AN, a. Weakly; sickly; VARI.-.A-BLE, a. Liable to vary or change; VAiL-E-TU'DI-NA-~RY, infirm of health. changeable; mutable; inconstant. VALI'ANT (val'yant), a. Stout; heroic; brave. VAR.I-A-BLE-NtSS, n. Mutability; inconstancy. VAL'IANT-LY (vl'y.ant-le), ad. Stoutly; bravely. VAVRI-A-BLY, ad. Changeably; inconstantly. VAL'IANT-N.:SS (vyl'yant-nts).?. Valor. VAURI-ANCE,ci. Discord; difference; dissension. VAL'ID, a. Efficacious weighty; conclusive. VA-RI-_A1TION,?1. A change; difference; deviaVA-LDtI'-TY,?c. Force to convince; strength. VARiI-COSE, n. Swelled, as a vein. [tion. V:-LitE' or VA-LiSE', n. A bag for clothes. I VARI-E-GATE, v. a. To diversify with colors. XARIlo g?Y A;, ho;',d,*esot; lo,ng 9I,V,sobscu:e.-FIRE1FCiR, FAST, FALL j HPIR,HER; VARIEGATION 291 VERATRIA VA-RI-E-GArTIQN, a. Act of variegating. VrL-LI-CAtTIQN, n. A twitching; stimulatiorL VA-RI1E-TY, n. Change;intermixture; diversity. VkEL/LV, n. A fine kind of parchment. VA'RI-O-LOID or VA-RIOQ-LOID, n. All eruptive VE-Lo6'I-TY,n. Speed; swiftness; quick motion. disease; small-pox modified by vaccination. VEL'VET, n. A stuff with a nap or pile upon it. VA-RItQ-LO0S, a. Relating to the small-pox. VrELv ET, a. Made of velvet; soft; velvety. VARt.I-OUs, a. Different; manifold; changeable. V~ELVE. T- LEN, n. A kind of stuff like velvet. VAtRI-OitS-LY, ad. In a various manner. VELYVE.T-Y, a. Made of, or like, velvet. VARtLET, n. A scoundrel:-anciently, a valet. VR'NAL, a. Mercenary; base:-venous. VAXRtN.ISI,n. A shining liquid substance:-cover. VE.-NXL'I-TY, n. Mercenariness; prostitution. VARfNISH, v. a. To cover with varnish. V. -NAr TIQN, n. The veining of leaves. VARt'NISHI-ER, n. One who varnishes. VEND, v. a. To sell; to transfer for money. VARIVELQ, a1. pl. Silver rings on a hawk's leg. VEN-D Er', n. One to whom any thing is sold. VAXRY, v. a. To change, diversify, variegate. VENDE.R, n. One who vends; a seller. VA.fRy, v. n. To be unlike; to deviate, disagree. VYEND.I-BLE, a. Salable; that may be sold. ViXS'cu-LAR, a. Relating to, or full of, vessels. VEND.I-ELE- ESS, n. State of being salable. VASE or VASE, n. A vessel:-an ornament. VEN-DTI'TIQN, n. Sale; the act of selling. VXS'SAL, n. A subject; a feudatory; a slave. VEN-DDUE, n. An auction; a public sale. VAS'SAL, v. a. To subject; to enslave. VE-NEER', n. A thin piece of wood. VXs'SAL-.A4E, n. State of a vassal; slavery. VE-NTERE, v. a. To cover with thin wood, &c. VAST, a. Very large; great; enormous. VYN-E.-FI"CIAL (vln-e-fish'al), a. Acting by poiVAS-TAITIQON, s. Waste; devastation. VYiNfER-A-BLE, a. Worthy of reverence. [son. VAST'LY, ad. Greatly; to a great degree. VREN'ER-A-BLE-NkSS,n. State of being venerable. VASTINI SS, n. Immensity; enormous greatness. VLN'E.R-A-BLY, ad. With veneration. ViST'Y, a. Large; enormously great. ViNt ER- Ai TE,. a. To treat with veneration. VAT, n. A cistern of tanners, brewers, &c. VtN-OER-AiTIQN, n. Reverence; awful respect. VXT'I-CXN, n. A palace of the pope at Rome. VENTE.R-A-TQR, n. A reverencer; a reverer. VXT.I-CIDE, n. The murder of a prophet. VE-NE1tRE-AL, a. Relating to lust; syphilitic. V4-TCr'I-NAL, a. Containing predictions. VEN'E-RY, n. Hunting: —sexual intercourse. VA-TI9tI-NATE, v. n. To prophesy; to foretell. VE-NE-S ECrTIQN, n. Blood-letting; phlebotomy. V4-TIq-I-NA'TITON, a. Prediction; prophecy. VENT'EANCE (ven'jtsns), n. Penal retribution. VAUDE'V~LLE, VAUDEtVfL (vldvlil), n. A VENqTE5FUOL, a. Vindictive; revengeful. light song:-comic drama with songs. V~ENI-AL, a. Pardonable; excusable; allowed. VAULT, n. An arch; a cave:-tomb:-leap. VETN.I-AL-NTESS, n. The state of being venial. VAXULT, v. a. To arch; to shape to a vault. VNIIqTON (ven'zn or ven'e-zn), a. The flesh of VAULT, v. n. To leap; to jump; to tumble. VtNTOM, n. Poison; poisonous matter. [deer. V'ULTtER, n. A leaper; a jumper; a tumbler. VEtoNIM, v. a. To infect; to poison; to envenom. VAUNT or VAUNT, v. a. & n. To boast; to brag. VYEN!QOiI-OUS, a. Poisonous; malignant. VAUNT or V;iUNT, n. A brag; a boast. VTENIOQM-OUS-Ly, ad. Poisonously; malignantly. VAUNTIER or VXUNTtER, n. One who vaunts. VT NtM-O US-NEss,n.Poisonousness; malignity. VAUNTt.ING-TLyorViOUNT'OING-LY,ad.Boastfully. VEINOUS, a. Relating to the veins:-veined. VEAL (vel), n. The flesh of a calf for the table. VPNT,n. An aperture; a hole:-discharge:-sale. VE'DA or VE.-DA', n. A Hindoo sacred book. VENT, v. a. To let out; to emit, publish, sell. VE-DETTEt, n. [Fr.] A sentinel on horseback. VENITAIL (ven'tal). n. Visor of a helmet. VEER, v. a. & n. To turn; to change direction. VENTER, n. [L.] The abdomen:-the womb. VEERIT.NG, n. The act of turning or changing. VENtTI-DUCT, it. A passage for the wind or air. VE fE-TA-BLE,n. A plant:-an esculent plant. VENtTI-LATE, v. a. To fan, refresh, or purify Viit(E-TA-BLE, a. Belonging to plants. with wind:-to fan, as grain; to winnow. VE OE-TTAL, a. Vital, as common to plants and VEN-TI-LA'TION, n. Act of fanning or ventilatanimals. VENTI.-LA-TQR, n. A ventilating machine. [ing. VtqS-E-TA'RI-AN,bn.One who lives on vegetables. YVN'TRAL, a. Belonging to the venter or belly. Vq( E.-TATE, v. nl. To grow, as plants; to shoot. VtENTRI-CLE, n. A small cavity in an animal VEQ-E-TTlATION, n. The growth of plants. body, particularly of the heart. VEtaE.-TA-TIVE, a. Growing, as plants. VE.N-TRYLtO-QU]3SI, n. The act or art of V TEAE-TX-TIVE-NTSS, n. Vegetative quality. VEN-TRILQ'-QUY spealing inwardly. VEH.E-MhENCE, n.Violence; force; ardor; fervor. VEN-TRIL'Q-QUIST, n. One who speaks so that VE'IIE -MiNT, a.Violent; ardent; eager; fervent. the sound seems not to issue from himself. VEI'H-E -TNT-Ly,ad.Eagerly; ardently; urgently. VIEN-TRIL'Q-QUOUS, a. Like a ventriloquist. VE1HI-CLE (ve'lie-kl),n. A carriage; conveyance. VdENTI.tRE (vent'yur), n. A hazard; chance; hap. VE.-HICU-LAR, a. Belonging to a vehicle. VRNT'URE (vent'yur), v. n. & a.To dare; to risk. VEIL (val), n. A cover; a curtain:-a disguise. vENT'UR-:ER (vlnt'yur-er), a. One who ventures. VEIL (val), v. a. To cover; to hide; to conceal. VTONT'IRE —s SME(vnt'yuir-stim),a.Bold; daring. VEIN (van), n. A tube conveying blood:-course VYNTT'UR-OOS (vhnt'yur-4is), a. Daring; bold. of metal in mines:-turn of mind:-humor; VEN'IVE (ven'u), n. (Law.) A neighborhood. propensity:-a streak:-a current. VEfNUS, n. [L.] Goddess of love:-a planet. VEINE D (vand), VEINY (vaine), a. Full of veins. VE-RAICIOUS (ve-ra'shus), a. Observant of truth. VE-LIFIER-OtfS, a. Carrying sails. VE-RA9tj-TY, n. Truth; observance of truth. VEL-LEI'-TY, n. The lowest degree of desire. VE-RXN'DA, n. A kind of open portico. VtLIL'L-C.ATE, v. a. To twitch, pluck, stimulate. VE-RAtTR.-A, n. A vegetable alkaloid. MEfEN,' SiRt. MOV, NOR, S6N; BDLL, BiUR RtLE]. —Q, i soft tX, a,- hard;.-as z; i as gz; tHIS. VERB 292 VICE VERB, n. (Gram.) A part of speech which sig- VERtTtX, n., pl. Vp RtiTI-CB E. [L.] The ze-'nifies to be, td'act, oi to'be acted:upon.' nith:- the top or summit of any thing.:: [ular. VERtBAL,'d. Oral, uttered by the mouth; literal. VER1TI-CAL' a; Placed in the vertex; perpendicV1R'BBAL-LY, ad. In orby words; orally. ~ VEP1TI-CAL-L, ad. In a vertical: manner.: VER-BAITIAi' ad. [L.] Word' for Word. — [ing. VEbRTI-CAL-NL SS, n.- State of being vertical. VER-B1R-.A'TION,n. Infliction of blows; a beat- VER-TtI'IL-LATE' or V'VR-TI-CIL'LATE, a. VkR'BI -Ai,' ci. Verbosity; empty discourse. Having leaves'in a circle;on ole joint of a stem. VtER-BOSE1 a. Exuberant-in-words; prolix. VIER-TI9'I-TY, n.:Power of turning; rotation. VDR-nOS'I-TY, i.' Exuberance of words. VERT'I-CLE, n. An axis; alhinge; a joint.ViERDANT, a. Green; fresh; flourishing. VE.R-TI' —rNo S, a. Turning round; giddy. VRt'D.ER- ER, n. An officer of the forest. VEVRtTI-GO VE R-T'GO, o0r VER-TGO,?7i. GidviERDlDCT, n. The decision of a jury;-judgment. VEP'rVAIN or VtirVAXIN, n. A plant. [diness. VERitDI-GIRS, n. The greenish rust of copper. VRty', a.:True; real.-ad. In a great degree. VERDIURE (verdyeur), is. Greenness or fresh- VEStI-CATE, v. a. To raise blisters on. - ness of;grass; green. V' vs-I-CJATIQN, n. The act of blistering. viiRD'tU tR-ouS (verdyuir-Us), a. Green; fresh. v-sIc' A-TQ-RY, n.' A: blistering plaster. V~RqE, n. A rod; a mace:-brink;-edge; border. vEtS'I-CLE.; i; A small elevation of the cuticle VERIE, v. 71. To tend:-to incline; to slope. containing lymph:-a little cell or bladder. VER-tER, n. A mace-bearer in cathedrals, &c. VE-SIC'/I-LAR, a. Hollow; containing vesicles. VIRt'I-FI-A-BLE, a. That may be verified. V~StPER,' n. [L.] The' evening star; Venus. VtER-I-FI-CA'TIQN, n. Confirmation; proof. V: s'PER~,; n. p. Catholic eveningservice. v3E'lI-FI-.i, n. One who verifies.' [fulfil. VESrPEtR-TIN', a. Pertaining to the evening. VERi'-FY, v. a. To confirm;' to prove true; to vEs/sEL, n. A cask or utensilfor holding liquids, VkR/.-LY, ad. In truth; certainly; really. - &c.;:- a ship;:a bark:-a tube; a pipe. VRIl, —SIMl/I-LAR- a.' Probable; likely. VEST, n. An outet garment':-a waistcoat. V:R-i-S.IIiiL'-fL-TUDE,?. Probability; likelihood. VEST, v. a.: To dress; to clothe; to invest with. VEItRI-TA-BLE, a. True; agreeable to fact. VES'TAL, n.'A virgin consecrated to Vesta. VitI-TA-BLV, ad. In:a true manner;'truly. V~ESTAL, a. Denoting virginity; pure; cliaste. VERtI-TY, n. Truth, reali'ty:-a true assertion. V~STV:D, a. Fixed established; not:contingent. VER'JfSICE, n. -Liquor from crab apples, &c. vEsrTi-IsULE,n. Theporch orentrance of ahouse. VERtMEviE, n. p [L.] (Ent.) Worms.' VESITI:E, n.' A footstep; a trace; a maik. VEiR-Mt.-C CLfL (ver-me-chbl'e), n. [It.] A paste -VESTMME NT, n.:' A garnient; part of dress. in the form of worms or silall pipes. Vs; rSTR, 7i.'A rmolrl in or adjoining:a church: VEiR-MIC't ZLAR, a. Acting like a Worm; spiral. -a'ssembly for parocliial purposes. VER-.MICt-AIJLTE, v. a.- To inlay so; as: to re- VtSTtVRE (vest'yur), n. A garment; robe; dress.'semble the track of worms....'' VLTCH:, n. A leguminous, climbing plant.,' VER1MI-CULE, n. A hlittle'grub or worm. [grubs. VETCH'y, a. Made of, or abounding in,"vetches. VER-MiCtU-LOUS, a. Full of grubs; aesemblilng VETtrR-AN,n. An old soldier'; one long practised. VER'IMI-FORM, a. Haaving the shape of a wornm. VETtER-AN,' a.: Long practised or-experienced. VER'M-FU:'E', n. Medicine that expels worms. VET-ER-i-NA/RI-AN, z. Onle skilled in; the dis-V~R-iMYILtQN (v~ertmll'yui),'n. The red sul- eases of horses'and cattle'; a horse-doctor.'. phuret of mercury:-a beautiful red color. VET'ER I-NA RY'V,d. Pertaining to farriery, or VEI:rMIN n. Any small, noxibtis animal.' to the healing of diseases of horses'and cattle. VER-MI -NXTION, n.:Generation of vermin. VElTO, na; [L.] A prohibition. - [disquiet. VitRMtN-Ots, a. Tending tor breed versin. vx,. a. To plague;-to torment; to harass;to VER-MIPtA- ROUS, a. ~Producing worms'. VEX-A/TION, n. Act of vexing; trouble; plague. V'-E R-MlIVQO-RoUS, a. Feeding on worms. [try. VEX-'A/TIOtS, a.' Afflictive; troublesome. VER-N:AC'U-LAR, a. Native; of on'e's own coun- VEX-A'TIOVS-LY, ad. Troublesomely; uneasily. VERtNAL, a. Belonging to the spring. VIA.'L., a way.] By the way of. VER'NI-ER, n. Movable-scale of a'quadrant, &c. ViSA- DZiCT, n. Elevated construction of arches,. VE-RONfI-CA, n. -AA napkin with the figure of VItAL, n. A small bottle;'a phial. [&c. Christ's face:-speedwell, a plant' [able. VI/AND, n. Food; victuals; —commonly in pl. VERfSA-TILE, a. Turning round; changing; vari- V.I-XTI-ctD, n.' [L.] Provision for a journey. VERtSA-TILE-NISS, n. Quality of being ver- BVIBRAT;E, V. a. &-n. Tobrandish; to move to VyR-S.A-TSL.I-TY, satile;';variableness; —. and fro, as a pendulum;' to oscillate. VERSE,w. -A measured line; poetry; a paragraph. VT-sBRX'TIQN, n;. A ni'ving with quick return. VERSED (erst); p. a. Skilled in; knowing. VIt'BR'A:-TO-RY, a. Vibiating; causing to vibrate. VER-S.:-FI.-CAtTIO; n. Art of making verses. VIC1'AR,'. The priest ofa parish':-a substitute. VERtSI-Fi-R, nER. A-maker of Verses.'''VIC'AR-A4jE,n. Benefice Or residence of a vicar. VER'SI-F?, k. bn. & a. To make or relate in verse. VI-CA'RI-AL, a. Belonging to a vicar; vicarious. VR/'SION, a.' A' translation; act of translatirig.'VI-CA'Rj-OUS, a. Delegated -; substituted, VERST, n. A-Russian measure; 3501 feet. VI.-CAtRi-OtS-LY, ad. In the place of another. VERStS, prep. [L.]: (Lawo.)Against. ViC'AR-SHIP, n. The office of a vicar. VERT, n.'Any green tree:-green color.'VICE'. [L.]' In room of; instead of. VERfTE.- BR. Aa n:;, pVl. VE~RtT.1'BR.E. [L.] A VICE. A prefix denoting acting'instead or secjoint of the spine; vertebre.''' [spine.,'.ofid ini rank,'as vice-president;. VEt'TE-BlRAL, d.' Relating to the joints'of the VICE, n. Depravity; wickedness; immorality:VERITE -B-iEE (ver'te-ber);, n.'Joint of'the- spine. agriping orholdingi machine....,R,I,o,f,i, long;hAa,gt,,,, lhort;,E IQyv obscure.-FiRE,FX)R,FtsT,YfALL; H-IR,HiR; VICE-ADMIRAL 293 VISAGE vicE-XD'M1I-RAL, n. An English naval officer VIN-DE'fMI-AL, a. Belonging to a vintage. in rank next below the admiral. - VINDI-CATE,v. a. To jastify;to support, clear. ViCE-XDM1I-RAL-TY, n. Office of a vice-admi- VIN-DI-CA.1TIQN, n. A defence; a justification. VICE-A'qErNT, n. An assistant agent. [ral. VINtD[-CA-TIVE or VIN-DICtA-TIVE,:a. TendVICE-CHiN.CEiL-LOR,a. Ajudgeina chancery ing to vindicate or justify; vinldicatory.'court: —2d magistrate of an English university. ViNtDI-CA-TQR, n. One who vindicates. VICE-(RIEtREiN-CY, n. t Office of a vicegerent. VINtDI-C.A-TQ-Ry, a. Exculpatory:; defensory. VICE-Et1R.ENT, n. A lieutenant; a deputy. VIN -DICITIVE, a. Given to revenge; revengevlCE1'RoP,a.One who governs in place of a king. VIN-DIC'tTIE-LY, ad. Revengefully. [ful. VICE-ROStAL-TY, n. The dignity of a viceroy. VIN-DICtTIVE-NtSS, n. A revengefultemper, VICE1tRiO-SHIP,'n The office of a viceroy., vINE, n, The plant that bears the grape:-stem. VIut;N-AE, it. A neighborhood -a vicinity. VINEt-DR:SS-ERi, n. One, who cultivates vines. VItII-NAL or VI-CItNAL, a. Neighlboring.. VINE:t-FRRi:TTETR, n.. The plant-louse; ai inVI-CIN't-TY, n. Nearness;, a neighborhood. VIN!E.-GAR, n. An acid liquor.-.: [sect. vIt'cIo-us (vlshtus), a. Devoted to vice; wicked. vINE!4ARD, n,.- A ground planted: with grapeVItfClOts-LY (vishtus-), ad. Corruptly; sinfully. VItNOVs, a. Having the qualities of wine. [vines. VitCIous-Ntss (vlsh'us-nes), n. Corruptness.. VINT!AqE, n. The time of making wine;grapes, VI-C1StSI-TUDE, n. A regular change; recipro- VINtTA-,ER, n.. One who gathers the vintage. cal:succession; interchange; revolution. VINTINIR, n. - One who sells wine, VICITIM, n. A sacrifice,:-something destroyed. VINTR.Y, n; A place where wine is sold. VICtTQOR, n. A conqueror; a vanquisher. VINY, a. Belonging to,or yielding, vines. V'Yc'TQIR-1s,; n. A female that conquers..VI'.OL,. A stringed instrument of music. VIC-TO'R.I-OtS, a. Conquering; triumphant. VItQ-LA-BLE, a. That may be violated or hurt. VIC-TO'RI-O[iS-LY, ad.. With victory. [rious. VI-0-LA1CEOUS (vi-o-lashus), a. Like violets, VlC-TOtRI-oYS-NSS S, n. State of being victo- VIOQ-LATE,V,. a.. To injure, to break; toravish, VIC'TQ-RY,n. Conquest; success; -a triumph. V-Q-LA'TION, n. Infringement:; a deflowering. VICTtUAL (vIt'tl), v. a. To supply with food. V'O-LA-TOR, n. One who violates or injures. VICTIUAL-LER, n. A provider of ictuals6., V~1O-LENCE, n. Force; outrage; vehemen ce. VICT'UAL~ (vtlttlz), n. pl. Food; provision. Vi10-L ENT, a. Forcible; vehement; extorted. VI-CtlNA (ve-kdn'tya), n. A sort of llama.. Vt'.O-LENT-LY~ ad. With force;, vehemently. VID'V-AL, a. Belonging to the state of a widow. V0-LLET, n. A plant and flower,:-a color. VIE (vI), v. n. To contest; to contend; to strive. VI-O-LIN!, n.:A fiddle; a stringed instrument. VIEWv (vu), v. a. To survey; to look on; to see. VI-Q-LIN'IST, VItOLIST, n. A player oni tle;viol. VIEWr (vu), n. Prospect; sight; survey; show. vi-.o-LON-CLtfLo (v6-o-lon-chdl'l6.oor ve-9-1onVIE WtER (vfie r), n. One who views.::... selli), n. It.l,! A kind of bass violin. VIEr'LEss S (vules ), a. Unseen; not discernible. VIrPER, n. A venomous serpent....._,;., Vlq'IL, n. A watch;:-devotion: —a fast. i VIrPER-INE, a. Belonging to a viper; viperous. V~q'I-LANCEn. Watchfulness; care; guard. VI-PER-OiS, a. Having the qualities of a viper, Vi'tl-LANT, a. Watchful; diligent;attentive. VI-RX'GO or VI-RA'.GO, n. A female.warrior: ~ V'IqI-LANT-LY, ad. Watchfully; attentively. -a termagant:-a turbulent woman,. VIG-N-iETTE' (vin-ytt' or vlntytt), n.. An or- VYrriTIN, n. A maid. a wolan not a mother.: namental carving; a picture of leaves and V'IRItiN, a. Befitting a virgin; maidenly.; pure. flowers:-print on the title-page of a book. VIRt.I(IN-AL, a. Maidenly; relating to a virgin. VIGtOR, n. - Force; strength;'energy -; efficacy. V~Rt.IN-AL, n. A:musical instrument,. [gin. VIGcOR-o is, a. Strong; full of strength and life. VR-qINtI-TY, n. Maidenhood;; state of a virV-iGo.R-OtS-Ly, ad. With force or strength. VIRGO, n.. [L.]:The Virgin; sixth sign in the'VIGtQR-Ots.-NSS, n.~ Force; strength, VI-RID1I-TY, n. Greenness..... [zodiac. VILE, a. Base; mean;. worthless; sordid; wick- VItRILE, a. Belonging to man.; manly; bold. VILELLy, ad.- Basely; meanly; shamefully.[ed. VI-RIL.I-TYY, n.,Manhood; character of man.: VILE'NESS, n. Baseness; meanness. VIRTU (vir-ti0), n. [It.] A love of the fine arts VIL'k-F~IER, n. One that vilifies; a defamer. -objects of art; curiosities, &c.. ViLIl-Fr, v. a. To debase; to defane; to abuse. ViRTTIU-AL (v'irttyu-al), a. Being in essense or VIL'LA n. ~A country-seat; a manor. effect, though not in fact; efficacious. VIL'LA(E, n. A small collection of houses. VYRT'U-AL-LY, ad. mIn effect, or efficacioulsly. ViL'LA-GER, n. An inhabitant of a village. VIRTIUE (virtfyu), n. Moral goodness; efficacy. VILt'LAIN (v l'ljn), n. One who held by a base VIR-TU-6oso, n. LIt.] It. pl. ViR-TU-5S.I;. tenure; a villein:-a vile person; a knave. Eng. VIYR:-TU- sog. One skilled in paintVIL/LA-NAq-E, n. State ofa villain; baseness. ings, medals, antiques, curiosities, &c.;:: VIL'LA-NOUS, a. Base; vile; wicked; sorry. VIRT'U-OUS (vYrt'tyauZs), a. Morally good; upVIL'LA-NOPS-LY, ad. Wickedly; basely. right; honest:-efficacious; poswerful. VIL'LA-NOUS-NSS, s, n. Baseness; wickedness. VYRTT'U-OS-LY, ad. In a virtuous manner. VfL'LA-NY,n. Wickedness; baseness; a crine. vIRT!'U-o0US-NESS, n. State of being virtuous. VIL-LOSE', VILfLOU s, a. Shaggy; rough. VRItU-LENCE, n. Quality of being virulent; VINt.I-NAL, a. Relating to, or producing, twigs. malignity; acrimony; bitterness. VI-M N'E-OiS, a.' Made of twigs., [winy. ViRtU-L NT, a, Venomous; bitter; malignant. Vi-NACEOys (vi-na/shus), a. Relating to wine; VYRtU-LtNT-LYV ad. Malignantly; with bitterVINICI-BLE, a. Conquerable; superable.- vtRUS,n. [L.] Purulent matter; poison. [ness. VINt'i-BLE-N:SS,n. Liableness to be overcome. VI'.AeE, n. The face; the countenance; look. MIEN, SYIR; MOVE, NOR, S6N BILL,oBUR, ROLE. —q9, soft; 0, G, hard; as Z; z as gz; witIso 25 ~. VISAGED 294 VOLUTE VtrIAqED (vlz'.ajd), a. Having a face or visage. vYz'IER (vz'yer or or vzryr), n. A Turkish minVIS-A-VIS (viz'a-vet), n. [Fr.] A carriage which VOtCA-BLE, n. A word; a name; a term. [ister. holds only two persons, who sit face to face. VQ-CAB.U-LA-RY, n. A dictionary; list of words. VIs'Cg-RA, 5. I1. p..] The entrails or intes- VO1CAL, a. Having a voice; uttered by the voice. VyS'C)IR-AL, a. Relating to the viscera. [tines. VQ-CALI.-T~, n. The state of being vocal. visCl'D, a. Glutinous; viscous. [tenacity. V'CAL-IZE, v. a. To make vocal. VIS-CID'I-TY, VIS-C6OS.I-TY, a. GlutinousnesO; VO'CAL,-LV, ad. In words; articulately. VIS'COUNT (v'ltkiint), n. A degree of nobility VO.-CA/TION, n. A calling; trade; employment. next below an earl. [a viscount. VOC.A-TIVE, a. Denoting a grammatical case. YIS'COONT-E.SS (vi'kltunt-es), n. The lady of VO-CIF/ER-A-TE, v. n. To cry out loudly; to vis/coVs, a. Glutinous; sticky; tenacious. clamor; to make outcries. VISE, n. A griping machine. See VICE. VO-CfF-ER- A'TWQN, n. A clamor; an outcry. V~SHINV, n. The name of a Hindoo deity. VQ-CIFIER-oUs, a. Clamorous; noisy. VIh-I-BiLtI-Ty, n. The quality of being visible. VOGUE (vog), n. Fashion; mode; custom. VI~'I-BLE, a. Perceptible by theeye; apparent. VOICE (vis),n. Sound emitted by the mouth: Vi'.I-BLE-NhSS, n. The state of being visible. -a vote; suffrage; opinion expressed. VlI'I-BLV, ad. In a perceptible manner. VOICED (vOlst), a. Furnished with a voice. V IttION (vtzh'un), n. Sight; phantom; dream. vI6D, a. Empty; vain; null; free; destitute. VtVrIQN-.A-RY (vIzh'un-a-re), a. Fanciful; not VOID, n. An empty space; vacuum; vacancy. real; ideal; imaginative; fantastic. VoiID, v. a. To emit; to vacate; to annul. VI"/~IQN-A-RY, n. A dreamer; a wild schemer. VID.A-BLE, a. That may be voided. VI'IT, v. a. To go to see; to attend; to inflict. VWID'.ANCE,n. An emptying; ejection; vacancy. VI~'jT, n. The act of going to see another. VODIE'r, n. One who voids:-a basket or tray. VIf~IT-A-BLE, a. Liable to be visited. VOiDINE.SS, n. Emptiness; vacuity; inefficacy. VItI-TANT, n. One who visits; a visitor. VOLtA-TILE, a. Flying; fickle; evaporating. VI-I-TA'TIQN, n. Act of visiting:-infliction V6OL A-TILE-NtSS, n. The quality of being -a judicial examination. [visitor. VOL-A-TIL'T-TY, ~ volatile, or of flying VIrYI-TA-TOT1I-AL, a. Relating to a judicial away by evaporation: -levity. rvolatile. V.I lT-QR, n. One who visits:-an inspector. VOL-A-TIL-J-Z/'T1ION, n. The act of making Vi'1QR, n. A mask:-a part of a helmet. VOL'A-TiL-IZE, v. a. To make volatile; to subVIS'Q0RED (vlz'urd), a. Masked. [avenue. tilize to a high degree. VISITA, n. [It.] A view; prospect through an VOL-CXN'IC, a. Relating to a volcano; pro. ViS1U-4AL (vizh'u-al), a. Used in or aiding sight. duced by, or issuing from, a volcano. VI'T4L, a. Necessary to life; having life; liv- VOL'C4-NIST, n. One versed in volcanoes. ing; indispensable; essential. VOL-CXINO, n.; pl. VQL-CA.NOEQ. A mounVI-TXL'I-TY, n. The power of subsisting in life. tain ejecting fire, smoke, and lava; a burning Vl'TAL-LY, ad. In such a manner as to give life. mountain. VI/TAL, n.pl. The parts essential to life. VOL —TA'TION, a. The act or power of flying. VIt"T-ATE (vlshl'e-it), v. a. To make vicious; VO-LI51TION (v9-lsh'un), a. The act of willto corrupt; to deprave; to spoil. ing; the power of willing or choosing. VI-TI-AtTION (vlsh-e-aishun), n. Depravation. VWOL'I-TIVE, a. Having the power to will. Vi-TI-OS/I-TY (vsh-l-e-os'ete), n. Depravity. V6L/LEY (vi1lle), n. A flight of shot:-a burst. VIttTIO S (vlshtus), a. Corrupt. See VICIOUS. ViOLLEY, v. a. & n. To throw out at once. ViT'RE-o[Is, a. Glassy; resembling glass. VQL-T.AIfC, a. Relating to Volta or voltaism. ViTfRE:-OJS-Ne:SS, n. State of being vitreous V6OLTA-4IM, n. A branch of electricity. [bility. VIT-RI-FACTIQN, a?. Act ofvitrifying. VOL-t.-BSILt'-TY, n. Fluency of speech; mutaVIT-R.I-rI-CA'TIQN, n. Vitrifaction. VL'U-IBLE, a. Rolling; active; fluent ofwords. VIT/RI-FY, v. a. & n. To convert into glass. VOLt'U-BLy, ad. In a voluble manner. [pass. ViTrRI-QL, n. A compound mineral salt. VOLtU.IE (vollyum), n. A book; a roll; comVIT-RI-OLtIC, a. Containing vitriol. VQ-LUtM'I-NOtS, a. Consisting of many volumes. VIT.UJ-LINE, a. Relating to a calf or to veal. VQ-L[IfiJ.-NOiUS-LY, ad. In many volumes. VI-TUt'PI.R-A.TE, A. a. To blame; to censure. VQ-LfJial-.-NO.S-NESS, n. State of being voluVI-TU-PER-A/TIQN, n. Blame; censure. minous, VI-TUr'P]ER-A-TIVE, a. Containing censure. VOLIUN-TA-R.I-LY, ad. Of one's own accord. VI-VKAcIO US (vi-va'shlus), a. Gay; active; live- VOLl rN-TA-Rti-NhEss,n. State of being voluntary. VI-VX9qI-TY, n. Liveliness; sprightliness. [ly. VbOLtN-TA-RY, a. Acting without compulsion. VIIvIA-ty~, n. A place for keeping live fish, &c. or by choice; spontaneous. [will. Vlv'ID, a. Lively; quick; sprightly:-clear. VOL'UN-TA RY, n. An air or music played at VIVIID-Ly, ad. With life; with quickness. VOL-UN-TEER', n. A person, as a soldier, who VIV.ID-NtSS, n. Life; vigor; quickness. serves of his own accord. VI-VIF'IC, VI-VIFtI-CAL, a. Giving life. VOL-N-TEERt, v. n. & a. To engage in serVI-VIF'I-CATE, v. a. To make alive; to ani- vice voluntarily; to act or offer voluntarily. ViV-i-rFI-CATION, n.. Act of giving life. [mate. VO-LIPtTU-A4-RY, n. A man given up to pleasVIVtI-FY, v. a. To make alive; to animate. ure; a sensualist; an epicure. [rios. VI-VIP.A-ROtS, a. Bringing forth young alive. VQ-LPtT-OP'T-0s, a. Given to pleasure; luxiiVIXIEN (vlk'sn), n. A scolding woman. VQ-LiP'TV-o0S-Ly, ad. In a voluptuous manVIXtEN-LY, a. Having the qualities of a vixen. VQ-LtlP'TTU-OIs-NESS, n. Love of pleasure.[ner. VIZ, ad. [A contraction ofvidelicet.] Namely. VQ-LUTE', n. A member of a column, ^ is;SB,~,P EOg Krlong; X'k 4' V,* VQY, obseure.-Flk k FXDTA,F1ST,rP. ILL H TIR,HE OT VOMIT 295 WALLOW v6otIT,v. a. & n. To throw up from the stomach. V6OCH-SXFEt, v. a. & n. To condescend; to V6M1tT, n. Matter thrown up: —an emetic. vow, n. A solemn, religious pronlise. [grant. VQ-X'ItTION (vo-mlshhun), n. Act of vomiting. vWr, v. a. To consecrate; to devote. VOMII-TIV:E, a. Emetic; causing vomits. vowv, v. n. To make vows or solemln promises. v6O'I-TO.-Ry, a. Procuring vomits; emetic. VOVIrL, n. A letter which can be uttered by VQ-RACIOOus (vo-ra'slsus), a. Greedy; ravenous. itself alone; as a, e, i, o, a. VQ-RAtCIOUs-Ly, ad. Greedily; ravenously. VOrI:/ELLED (vioield), a. Furnished with vowV Q-R.ACIOUS-XE1SS, VQ-RAt.I-Ty, n. Greedi- Vi'.AQ'E, n. A passing or journey by sea. [els. ness. VOZ4ACE, In. n. To travel by sea. vo-RAqcI-No~rs, a, Full of gulfs or whirlpools. vMSJI-:r-sR, n. One who travels by sea. VOR''Tx, n. [L.] pl. V6rITI-CE~. A whlirl-,VLICAN-ZE, v. a. To combine with sulphur pool; a whirl: —a whirlwind. by heat, as caoutchouc. V6o'TI-CAL, a, Having a whirling motion. V~LItAR,, a. Co!rnon; mean; low; rustic; Vo'tTA-RESs, n. A female votary. VULtGARt, n. The corninon people. [rude. Vo1TA-RY, sn. One devoted to any service, &c. V~OLOGrK-Slm, n. A vulgar phrase or expression. VO~tTA-RY, a. Consequent to a vow; devoted. VUL-GAR'R-TY, n. Grossness; rudeness of manVOTE, n. A suffrage; a ballot; a voice given. VUL'GAR-Ly, ad. Commonly; rudely. [ners. VOTE, v. a. & n. To choose by suffrage; to ballot. VrUL'GATE, n. Ancient Latin version of the BiVOTIER, n. One who votes or has a right to vote. VuL'N]iR-A-BLE, a. That may-be wounded. [blo. VO'TIVE, a. Given by vow. ViLNE.R-A-RYY, a. Useful in the cure of wounds. VOUCH, v. a. To obtest; to attest; to declare. VOULPINE, a. Belonging to it fox; crafty. VOUCH, v. n. To bear witness; to testify. VriLT'URE (vilt'tyr), n. A large bird of prey. VOSCH, n. A warrant; an attestation. VrJLTtU-RINE, a. Belonging to a vulture. VfOCHE'RI,n. One who, or that which, vouches. VULTIVy-ROtis, a. Like a vulture; rapacious. We is sometimes used in diphthongs as a vow- WAIL, v. a. & n. To lament; to grieve. el, for u, as in view, strew. The sound of WAIL, WXIL'ING,?z. Audible sorrow; lamenw consonant is uniform. [side. WAIL'FOL, a.' Sorrowful; mournful. [tation. WAB3BLE (wtb'bl), v. n. To move from side to WAIN,?c. A carriage; a sort of wagon. WACKE (wakt'e or wak), sn. A kind of rock. WAINtROPE, n. A large cord; a cart-rope. WA-D (wod), n. A little mass of tow, paper, &c. wArN'scQT, n. The inner covering of a room. WAD (wtd), v. a.To stiff with a wad or wadding. WA.INtSCOT, v. a. To line walls with boards. WAD/DING (wad'ding), n. A soft stuffing for WAIST, n. The middle part of the body. [&c. garments:-any tihing stuffed in; wad. WAIST/B'AN, n. Tle upper part of the breeches, WAD'DLE (w6dtdl), v. n. To walk like a duck. WirASTCQAT (wastkot or wst'kot), ni. An iuWADE, v. n. To walk, as through water. ser garment; a part of a man's dress; a vest. WA'FE. R, n. A thin cake: —a paste for sealing WAIT, v. n. & aL. To expect, stay, attend, watch. WAFIFLE (wOf'fl), n. A sort ofthincake.[letters. WAIT, n. Ambush; as, to lie in wait. WAFT, v. a. To carry through; to buoy. WXITtI.R, n. An attendant; a servant:-a tray. WArT, v. n. To float; to swim; to fly. WAIT/ING-MAID, n. A female attendant. wArT, n. A floating body:-motion of a flag. WAIVE., v. a. To put off; to defer; to forego. WXFTtE.R, n. A passage-boat:-one who wafts. WAKE, v. n. To watch i to cease to sleep. WAG, v. a. To move lightly; to shake slightly. WAKE, V. a. To rouse from sleep; to excite. WAG, v. n. To be in motion; to go; to pack off. WAKE, n. A feast; watch; vigils:-track in -wXo, n, One full of low humor; a humorist. WAKE' FL, a. Not sleeping; vigilant. [water. WAVE, v. a. To make; to carry on; to stake. WAKIE:'F0L-Ntss, n. Forbearance of sleep. WA I-1qER, n. A bet; pledge; any thing pledged: WAi:KEN (wa'kn), v. a. & n. To rouse; to wake. -an offer to make oath. WALE, n. A ridge; streak; mark of a stripe. WXt:I-ER, v. a. &?c. To lay; to pledge as a bet. WALK (waLWk),:. n. To go on foot; to move. WAftqirIR-ElR, n. Olie who bets; one who wagers. WALK (wwAk), v. a. To pass through; to lead. wA'fqEs, s?.pl. Hire or reward paid for services. WALK (wawk), n. Act of walking; gait; way. WAGcsI. R-y, si. Mischievous merriment; sport. WALK'ItER (wlwkter), n. One that walks. WAG!LEKSH, a. Merrily mischievous; frolicsome. WALL, n. A series of brick or stone raised up W.XG'ISH-LY, ad. In a waggish mann er. for an enclosure:-side of a rootm. WXGtIiSH-N-ESS, n. Merry mischief. WALL, v.ta. To emnclose with a wall; to defend. WAGCGLE, v. n. To move from side to side. WAL'LrEfT (w6l1let), n. A bag:-a knapsack. [IWXGA.oN, or WAGIGQN, n. A four-wheeled car- WXLL'-EYE (waitl), n. A disease of the eye. riage or vehlicle.r WALL'-E: ED (wall'd), a. Having white eyes, IIWXCAGON-.AE, n. Money paid for carriage. WALL'-FLO6r-R, n. An ornamental plant. IIWXGOQN-ER, n. One who drives a wagon. WILLt-FRVIT,a. Fruit planted against a wall. WIXG'TAIL, n. A sort of bird. [owner. WAL1LOP (wil'lup), v.n. To boil:-to beat. WAIF, n. Any thing found astray without an WAL'LOW (w61'lo),v. cm. & a. To roll in mire, &c. MIEN, SIR; MOVE;, NblRt S6N; BOLL, BUR, RKLE.-V-, 5, soft; $, s, hard; ~ as z; 2 as gz; THIS, WALLOW 296 WATER-GORUEL WALILOW (W5lrls), n. A kind of rolling walk. WARIRAN-Ty (w6r'rgln-te), n. Deed of security. WALLtWORT (wbltwiirt), n. The dwarf elder. WARtRi.N (w`rtren), 1. An enclosure for rabbits. WAL'NTT, n. A tree, and its fruit. WARtREN-1ER (w6r'ren-er), n. The keeper of a wAL'RVS, n. The morse or sea-horse. warren. [man. WALTZ (w5ltz), n. A sort of German dance. WiR'RIQR. (wr'tyur), n. A soldier; a military WAMfBLE (wom'bl), v. n. To roll with nausea. WART, n. A small protuberance on the flesh. WiM'PVM, n. Shells or strings of shells used WARTfY, a. Grown over with, or like, warts. by the American Indians for money. WARI-WHOO6P, n. An Indian yell of war. WAN (won), a. Pale and sickly; languid of look. WAR'WORN, a. Worn with war; WAND (wond), n. A stick; a long rod; a staff. wAR'Y or WA'RY, a. Cautious; scrupulous; WANIDER (wlntder), v. n. To rove; to ramble. WA~ (woz), i. from be. [prudent. WANtDER-ER (won'der-), n. A rover; rambler. WASH (WOsh), a. a. To cleanse with water, WANrDER-ING (w6n1der-Ing), a. Aberration. &c.:-to moisten:-to color superficially. WANE, v. n. To grow less; to decrease. WASH (wosh), v. n. To perform ablution. WANE, n. The decrease of the moon; decline. WASH (wosh), n. Alluvion; a marsh; a fen; a WAN'NESS (wln'nes), n. Paleness; languor. lotion:-feed of hogs:-the act of washing. WANT (wont), v. a. Not to.have; to need, wish. WASHIBA.LL (wosh'bal), n. A ball of soap. WANT (wont), v. n. To lack; to be deficient. WASH'ER (wosh'er), a. One that washes:-a WANT (wont), n. Need; deficiency; poverty. movable ring on the axis of a wheel. WANtTON (wlnttun), a. Licentious; gay; airy. WASH'ER-WOr'AN (wshlter-wufin'an), n. A WANfTQN (wnl'tun), n. A strumpet:-a trifler. woman who washes clothes. WANITQN (won'tun), v. n. To play; to revel. WASHIP6T (wlsh'plt),n. A vessel for washing. WAN'TQN-Ly (won'tun-le), ad. In a wanton WASHIY (wlshte), a. Watery; damp; weak. manner; gayly; sportively. [ness. WASP (wosp), n. A stinging insect. WAN/TQN-NhSS- (wiinttun-n1s), n. Sportive- WASP'ISH (wlsptish), a. Peevish; petulant. WAR, n. Open hostility between nations. WASPtISH-LY (wS!p'ish-le), ad. Peevishly. WAR, v. n. To make war; to contend. [sing. WASPIISH-NitSS (Wosp'iSh-lleS), n. Peevishness. WARIBLE, v. a. & n. To quaver; to carol; to WAS'SAIL (wos'sil), v. n. To drink; to carouse. WARtBLE, na. A song; the singing of birds:- WAStSAIL (W estsil), n. Liquor made of apples a tumor in the hide of oxen, &c. and ale:-a carousal:-a song. WARtBLER, n. A singer; a songster. WASISAIL-ER (ws'ssil-er), n. A carouser. WARD, v. a. To guard; to watch; to defend. WAST (wlst). Second person singular of was. WARD, v.n. To be vigilant; to keep guard. WASTEr,. a. To diminish; to squander. WARD, n. A garrison; a fortress; a district of WASTE, v. n. To dwindle; to be'consumed. a town:-custody:-one under a guardian. WASTE, a. Desolate; uncultivated; worthless. WARtD' N (wbr'dn), n. A keeper; a guardian. WASTE, n. Loss; useless expense; desolate tract. WAR'DEN-SHIP, n. The office of a warden. WASTEtFOL, a. Destructive; lavish; prodigal.,WARD'tJR, n. A keeper; a guard:-truncheon. WASTE'FOL-LY, ad.With useless consumption. WAtRD'ROBE, n. A room where clothes are WASTErPfTL-Ni:SSn. Prodigality; extravagance. kept:-clothes; garments; wearing apparel. WATCH (wlch), n. Attention; guard:-a peWARDt-R66OM, n. A room in ships of war. riod of the night:-a pocket timepiece. WIRD'SHIP, n. Guardianship; pupilage. WATCH (woch), v. n. To wake; to keep guard. wARE, n. Commodity; something to be sold. WATCH (wbch), v. a. To guard; to observe. WARE'tHOSSE, n. A storehouse for merchandise. WATCHItER (wch'er), n. One who watches. WARtF/RE, n. Military service; strife. [dently. WATCHtFiL (w6ch'fil),a. Vigilant; attentive. WAR'I-LY or WAtRI-Ly, ad. Cautiously; pru- WATCHIF0L-LY (wlchtfal-le), ad. Vigilantly. WAR'LIRE, a. Military; relating to war. WATCHFFfIL-NkSS (wch'fal-nes),n. Vigilance. WARM, a. Not cold; zealous; ardent; keen. WATCHR-IHOtfSE (wochl'hdis), n. A place where WARM, v. a. & n. To heat moderately. a watch or guard is set:-a lock-up. WIRMlING-PXN, an. A pan for warming a bed. WATCH'-MAK-ER (wlch'tmak-er), n. A maker WIRM LY, ad. With gentle heat; ardently. of watches:-a repairer of watches. WARMTH, na. Gentle heat; ardor; zeal. WATCIICMAN (wch'mban), n. A guard; sentinel. WARN, v. a. To caution; to admonish.-T6W-. R (wlchttlf1-er), a. A tower WARN'ING, n. A caution; a previous notice. on which a sentinel is placed to keep guard. WARP, n. Thread tliat crosses the woof:-a rope. WATCHtWORD (wochtwiird), n. The word WARP, v. a. & n. To contract; to shrivel:-to given to sentinels to know their friends.[ mond. WARP'-PR66F, n. Valor proved by war. [turn. WI'tT.R, n. A fluid; the sea:-lustre of a diaWARfRANT (wlr'rant), v. n. To support; to WA'TE R, v.a. To irrigate; tosupply witllh water. authorize; to justi fy; to secure. WAT,. Tov. n. o shed moisture; to take in waWAR'RANT (wlr'rant), n. A comnmission; a WA'TER-BEAR'IR, n. The sign.dquarius. [ter. grant; authority:-a writ for arrest. WA'TIR-COLtQR, n. Color mixed with gumWAR'RANT-A-BLE (wor'rant-.a-bl),a. Justifiable. WA'tT R-COURSEi, n. Channel for water.[water. WAR/RANT-.A-BLE-NtSS, n. Justifiableness. WAITER-CRtSS, n. A plant used as a salad. WAR'RANT-4-BLY (wor'rant-a-ble), ad. Justi- WA'tTR-FALL, n. A cataract; a cascade. fiably. [a warranty is given. WAITE R-Fi*iL,n. A fowl that frequents water. WAR-RANT-E't (wr-rPant-e'), n. One to whom WA'TER-GAUqE, n. An instrument to measure WARfRANT-I R (wortrinat-er), WAR-RANT-bRt, water. [in water. n. One who warrants. W.AtTER-GR/tEL, n.. Food made of meal boiled,,ia,g,, C tlong; A',J,,61,r, short; 42,,o,TV,Y, obscure.-FARE,PFXR,FAST,FiLL; Hj IR,HikR; WTATEtI~NESS'297 WELCOME WA'T1L-,.IN~iss, an.;, Humidity; L.moisture,.:,,;', WtIAP'ON.,(wTcptpn), n.. An. instrument of ofwl:aTE.R-ING-S., s A placej resortd, to:: fence or defence:; a sword,,musket, &_c. ona.ccount of mineral water or for pleasure. WtAP'ON-LX.SS (wdp'pn-ls),.a. Unarmed. WItTEJR-ISH, a. Resembling water; watery.. wEAR (wiSr),,v. a. [imp. t.- wore; pp.: worn.] WAXTE.R-LINE, n. A line, distinguishing that. To waste:; to.consume:-to. carry.opn the body. part of a ship under water from that which is WE AR (wAlr),- v. n. To be:wasted.or consumed.: above....... wE AR (wAr), n.. Act of wearing:-a dam; anet. WXtTI.R-L6GGED (-l1gd), a..(3Vaut.),Noting WA'R.I-NtSS (wef're-ns), n. Lassitude; fatigue. a vessel when leaky and dnmanageable., WEA'RT-SoMIE (l w're-sim), a. Tedious; tireWtITER,-MAN, t?.. A ferryman;. a boatman.::. some;. troublesome.. ly. WA'TTER —MXRK, n. Mark of the rise of water: W-EA'RI-SOM]E-LY (wt're-sim-le), ad...Tedious-a manufacturer's mark, on paper.,.,WEA'R..S.it:E-.NkSS,, n.-, Tiresomeness. WA'tT:R:Mi: L-,QN n a. A.plant, and:its. fruit. WEAtRY (wtrPe), a. Subdued by fatigue.; tired. Wi.'T.R-WxILL, n. A mill turned by water... WEA(RY (.wiere), v. a.. To tire,; to fatigue. Wil'TiER-RAI, n. A machine. forraising water. WEA!~AND (W6tznd), n, The:windpipe. W1TER-SHEI;D, n.i An elevated line or ridge of WE'AtEL: (we'zl), n. An animal that kills mice. land between two river-basins.,,:., WEATHER,: (wlth!er),-n.: The-:,state of the air WkXTER-SPAtT, n; An aqueous meteor.., ter.:. with respect to heat, cold, dryness, rain, &c. W.TITiR-TIGIIT (wa'ter-.tt), a.., Excluding wa- WEATH'FtER, v, a.- To pass through; to endure. WYATETR-WEI-I EfL,?. A wheel turned by water. WiATHIE.R-BEATIEN (wlthler-be'tn), a. HarW'ITE. R-W6fiRKS, n. pl.:Hydraulic engines or. assed:, seasoned, or, tarnished by, hard weather. structures:-artificial spouts of water.:, W: ATHH/E R.Q-. OCK, n. A vane:-a fickle person. W1tTE.R-Y, a. -Thin; liquid; like water; wet. WATH!.EIR-GAqEE, n. The advantage of the WATrTLE (wit'tl), W. A barb; a twig; a hurdle. wind:-advantage of position. [mometer. WATITLE (wotttl), v. a. To bind with twigs.. WEATH'ER-GLASS, n. A barometer aa therWAVE, n. A billow:; swell of water; inequality. WtATH'IER-WISE, a.. Skilful in the weather. WA1VE, V. n. To play loosely; to float, undulate. WEAVE, v.:a. [imp. t, wove or weaved.; pp. WAVE, v.:a. To make uneven; to waft; to put woven or weaved.] To form by texture; to inWAVE'tL.ss, a. Smooth; without..waves. [off. WEAVE,.v.. n. To work with a loom. [sert. WAtE R, av.. To be unsettled;.to fluctuate. WEAV!ER, n., One who weaves. WX'VE R-ER,, a. One. who wavers.. EB, n. Any thing woven:-a,film; a memWAtVxY., a.,Rising in waves; playing to and fro. WhBBED (wibd), a. Joined:hby a web.. [brane. WAWL, WAUL, V. n. To cry; to howl. WhBt-FOOT-1.D (wtb'tft-gd)', a., Palmiped. wix, n_... A thick, tenacious substance. WED,;v. a..: & n. To marry, to jon in. marwXx, v. a.. To smear or,to join with wax.:.. WPD'DD, a. Belonging to.matrimony. [riage. WAXx. v. n.:. [imp.: t.,waxed; pp. waxen or WDrDIDNG, n. A, marriage; nuptial ceremony...waxed.];To grow; to increase; to become. W DqE, n....A body with an..edge,:-a, mass... WXxEr (wlk'sn),- a... Made of wax... WEDW E,/ a. a.: To fasten by: wedges.:-to force. WXXtWORK:(-wiirk), n.:; Figures formed of wax. WE.D LOCK, n -. State of marriage;matrimony. wgxty., a. i Soft:like wax i yielding.. WEDNE~rDAY:(w.nztde), n. 4th day of the week. WAY, n.,A.,road;, a passage:- course; direc- WEED, n. A noxious plant: —mourning dress. tion:-room:-manner: —neans; method. WEED D v. a. To rid of weeds:-to root out. WXyAFAR-:gER, a. A passenger; a traveller.[ney. WE.D'Y, a. Abounding with or.having weeds. WAiVrYAR-ING, a. Travelling; being on a jour- WEEK, n. The space of seven days. WAYtL7AY or WAY-LAYt, v. a.. To beset by the WE, EKDAY, n.-. Any day not: Sunday. WAYtLE.SS, a. Pathless; untracked..:[way. WEEK'LY, a. Happening ordone once a week. WAYtWARD, a. Froward; likingonle's own way. WEEKtLY, ad. Once:a week,.... WAY'tW4RD-LY, ad. Frowardly; perversely. WEEN, v.an. To think; to imagine; to fancy. WAY/WARD-NESS, n.; Frowardness; perverse- WEEP, v. n. [imp. t. & pp. wept.] To shed WE, pron. The plural of L [ness. tears; to lament; to bewail; to bemoan. WEAK, a. Having little strength; feeble; not WEEP, v. a. To lament; to bemoan., strong; infirm; 1gliant; indiscreet; simple. WEEPtER, an. One who weeps.. WEAXI'EN (we6kn), v. a. To make weak. WE EtVI~L (wetvl),. n. An insect injurious to W.EAK'EN (wetkn), v. n. To become weak. WEFT, n.:The woof of cloth. [grain. WEAKtEN-ER (we'kn-er), n. One that weakens. WEIGH (wE), v. a. To examine by balance; to WEAK'LING, n. A feeble creature. raise.; to balance:-to ponder; to consider.. W-AK'LY, ad. Feebly; faintly:-indiscreetly. WEIGH (wa), v. n, To haveweight; to press. WEAKtLY, a. Not strong; not healthy; feeble. WEIGHE.R (w/er), n. One who weighs. WEAKtNESS,n. Feebleness; infirmity; defect. WEIGHT (wet), n. The.heaviness of any thing; WEAKt-SIDE, n.. A foible; failing; infirmity. a ponderous mass; gravity; importance. WEAL,.n. Happiness; prosperity; welfare:- WEIGHTtI-LY (wa'te-le), ad. With.weight. a mark; a stripe; wale. WEIGHTTI-Nss S.(wa'te-n1s), n.. Ponderosity. WEALTH (wdlth), n. Riches.; opulence. WEIGHTt' (wa/te), a. Heavy:-important. WEALTH'I-LY (wtlthle-le), ad. Richly. WEIRD (werd), a, Skilled in witchdraft. WEALTH'I-N'ESS.(whIthte'-nes), n. Richness. W:EL/COME (w6llkum), a. Admitted willingly. WEALTHI', a.:Rich;: opulent; abundant.. i:. WL'CQHE, iinterj. A form of salutation. WEAN, v.,a. To putfrom the breast.; to detach. WALrCQMIE, n. Kind reception of a guest... WEAN/L.ING, n. A child newly weaned. -WELCQ.ME, v. a. To salute wijt kindnes#. kIEN, SYR; MOVE, NoR, S6N; BtLL, BUR3tIYLE.-9, ie Pb, 44,r i 4atS Z a'a as gz TAISI WELCOMER 298 WHIPPER WtL'CQM-ER, n. One who welcomes. WHEEZE, v. n. To breathe with noise. WELD, v. a. To beat into firm union. WHELK, n. A stripe; a pustule: —a mollusk. WEtL'FARE, n. Happiness; success; prosperity. WHELM, v. a. To cover with water; to immerse. WEL/'IN, s. The visible regions of the air. WHELP, n. The young of a dog, lion, &c. WEtLL, n1. A deep, narrow pit of water:-foun- WHELP, v. n. To bring young, as beasts. WELL, v. n. To spring; to issue forth. [tain. WHEN, ad. At the time that; at what time. WELL, a. Being in health; fortunate; happy. WHENCE, ad. From what place, source, &c. WELL, ad. Not ill; properly; not amiss. WHENCE-sQ-E Vf.R,ad. From what place soever. WELL'A-DAY, intej. Expressing grief; alas! WHEN-EV'/.R,?ad At WELL/-BE-I-ING, n. Happiness; prosperity. WHEN-SQ-iEVtER a. Atwhatever time. WELL-BjIORN, a. Not meanly descended. WHERE (hwkr), ad. At which or what place. WELL-BREID, a. Elegant of manners; polite. WHERE'A-B5iOT, ad. Near what or which WELL-DONE',inter.Denoti ng praise or surprise. WHERE'A-BO6TS, place. WE.LL-FAXVORED (Wvl-fatvurd), a. Beautiful. WHERE-Xt, ad. The thing being so that. WE LL-MEANIING, a. Having a good intention. WHERE-XAT, ad. At which; at what. WELL-METT, interj. A term of salutation. WHERE-BYt, ad. By which; by what. WELL'-NIGH (weltni), ad. Almost; nearly. WHEREtFORE, ad. Por which reason; why. WELL/-SPENT, a. Passed with virtue or benefit. WHERE-IN/, ad. In which; in what. WELL-SPO'KEN (wl1-sp6'kn), a. Speaking well. WHE RE-.IN-T6, ad. Into which. WELLISPRING, n. A fountain; a source. WHERE-iF', ad. Of which; of what. [upon. WELL-WISH'/ER, n. One who wishes good. WHEtRE-ON', ad. On which; on what; whereWELSH, a. Relating to Wales or the people of WHEiRE-SO-VE'R, ad. In what place soever. Wales. rpeople of Wales. WHERE-To', WHERE-UN-TN6, ad. To which. WtLSH, sn. The language of Wales.-pl. The WHEtRE —UP-ON, ad. Upon which; whereon. WELT, n. A border; a guard; an edging. WHER-EVIER, ad. At whatever place. [which. WELT, v. a. To sew any thing with a border. WHERE-WrTH', WHERE-WITH-AL', ad. With WEL'TER, v. n. To roll in blood, water, or mire. WHEIR'tR, n. A light boat used on rivers, &c. W-EN, n. A fleshy or callous excrescence. WHET, v. a. To sharpen; to edge; to provoke. WENCH, n. A young woman:-a strumpet. WHET, n. Act of sharpening; what makes hunWENCH, v. n. To frequent loose women. waeHHrT-I -i.R,eonj. A particle answered by or.[gry. WEN/NY, a. Having the nature of a wen. w-AHjn.IE R, pron. Which of two. WENT, imp. t. from go. WHETtSTONE, n. A sharpening stone. WEPT, imp. t. & pp. from weep. WHEY (hwa), n. The thin part of milk. [whey. WERE (wer), imp. t. pl. from be. WHEYIEY (hwa'e), WHEmYISH (hwa'-), a. Like WERT, the second person singular of the sub- WIICH, pron. rel. Relating to things. [er. junctive imperfect from be. WHICH-SQ-:EV VER,pron. Whether one or the othWEST, n. The region where the sun sets. WHIFF, n. A blast; a puff of wind or smoke. WEST, a. Being towards or. coming from the WH'Ir'FLE,v.n.To moveinconstantly;to shuffle. WEST'E.R-Ly, a. Being towards the west. [west. WHIYFFLE-TREE, n. See WHIPPLETREE. WEST'. RN, a. Being in or towards the west. WHIs, n. One of the party opposed to Tory. WEST'WARD, ad. Towards the west. WHIGI'E.R-Y, n. The principles of the Whigs. WE STIWARD-LY, ad. With tendency to the west. WHIGtI.SH, a. Relating to the whigs. WET', n. Water; humidity:-rainy weather. WHIRl'GiM, n. Whiggery. WET, a. Humid; moist; rainy; watery. WHILE, n. A time; a space of time. WET, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. wet or wetted.] To WHILE, v; n. To loiter.-v. a. To draw out. WETHIER, n. A castrated ram. [moisten. WHILE, WHILST, ad. During the time. WETTNESS, n. The state of being wet; humidity. tWHI/LOM, ad. Formerly; once; of old. WHALE, n. The largest of marine animals. WHIM, n. A freak; an odd fancy; a caprice. WH.ALE'BoNE (hwdl'bin), s. The horny, elastic WHIMIPi.R, v. n. To cry without any loud noise. substance in the jaw of the whale. [large. WHIMTPER-ING, on. A small cry; a squeak. WHAP'PER (hwtp'peQr), it. Something very wvHIMt~E (hwim'ze), n. A freak; a whim. WH.RF, n.; pl. WHARFS or WHARVES. A WHIM'I-CAL, a. Freakish; oddly fanciful. place to land goods at; a sort of quay. WHIMISI-C4AL-LY, ad. So as,to be oddly fanciful. WHARF'4AE, n. Fee for landing at a wharf. WHIMt I-CAL-NESS,n. State of being whimsical. WH.ARF'IN-QER,,. One who attends a wharf. WHIm1WHAM, n. A gewgaw; a trifle; a freak. WHAT (hwt), piron. That which; which part. WHiN, n. Furze; gorse:-whinstone. WHAT-EV'.ER (hwot-), piron. Being this WHINE, V. s. To lament plaintively; to moan. WHAT-SQO-tVIER, J or that. WHINE, n.' A plaintive noise; mean complaint. WHEAL, n. A pustule; a pimple. WHIN'tE R, n. One who whines; a grumbler. WHE:AT, n. The finest kind of grain. WTrtNfNY, v. n. To make a noise like a horse. WHiEATIEN (hwt'tn), a. Made of wheat. [ter. WHIN1STONE, n. Trap-rock. WHE.IDLE,v. a. To entice by soft words; to flat- WHIP, v. a. To strike with a lash:-to sew. WHEEL, n. A circular body; a circle. WHIP, v. n. To move nimbly; to rrun. WHE.EL,v. n. To move on wheels; to turn round. WHIP, n. An instrument of correction; a lash. WHEELL sv. a. To move on wheels; to roll. WHYIPCORD, n. Cord of which lashes are made. WVH.EEL BsAR-ROW, n. Carriage with one wheel. WHIP'HKND, n. An advantage over another. WHEELIWRIGHT (-rit), n. A maker of wheels. WHIPfLASH, n. The lash or small end of a whip. WHEEL'y, a. Circular; suitable to rotation. WHIP'PER., n.One who punishes with whipping. A,,FE,iiUY,U,, long; Xit,E,,I,tio,, short;,,Q,V,, obscure. —AE,Alt,rBAT,EAL;LHIRE,Hii; WHIPPING 299 WIMBLE WHIPIPING, n. Correction with a whip. [inals. WHOLtLY (hal'le), ad. Completely; totally. WHIP'PING-POST, n. A post for whipping crim- WHSOM (h6m). The objective case of who. [ever. WHIPtPLE-TREE,,n. A bar to which the traces WH6M-SQ-PVIER, pron. The objective of whosoof a harness are fastened. WIH66P (hhp), n. A shout of pursuit. WHIPtP6ORt-WILL, n. A species of bird. WH66T (hat), v. a. To insult. See HOOT. WHIP'tsw, n. A large saw used by two persons. IIWHORE (h6r), n. A prostitute; a strumpet. WHIPtSTER, n. A nimble fellow; a sharper. IIwHORE (hlr), v. n. To practise whoredom. WHIPISTOCK, n. The handle ofa whip. [hurry. IWHORE'DOQ (har'dum), n. Fornication. WHIR, a. n. To fly or turn rapidly.-v. a. To IWHOREiVtIkS-TER, WHORE'M6N-G.gR, n. A WHIRL, v. a. && n. To turn round rapidly. lewd or licentious man; a fornicator. WHIRL, n. A quick rotation; a circular motion. IIWHORIISH (harljsh), a. Unchaste; incontinent. WHIRLBONE, a. The patella; the kneepan. WHSR/TLE-BER-RY, n. A shrub and its fruit. WHIRL'J-HIG, n. A toy which children spin WHOpE (haz),pron. Possessive of who and which. round. [vortex. WH6-sQo-Ev'ER (h8-so-iv'er), pronl. Whoever. WHIRLPO66L, n. Water moving circularly; WHitR, v. n. To pronounce the letter r roughly. WHIRL'WIND,ns. Stormy wind, moving circular- WHEI (hwi), ad. For what reason; for which. WHR'tRING, n. Noise made by a bird's wing. [ly. WICK, n. The cotton of a candle or lamp. WHISK, n. A small brush or broom:-a sweep- WICK'ED, a. Given to vice; sinful; flagitious. ing motion:-a cooper's plane. WICKtEl D-LY, ad. Criminally; corruptly; badly. WHISK, V. a. &?z. To sweep; to move nimbly. WICeKED-N-ESS, n. Sinl; vice; guilt; nmoral ill. WHIS/KE:ER,?z. Hair growing on the cheek. WICKER,' a. Made of small twigs or sticks. WHIS'RERED (hwls'kerd), a. Having whiskers. WICK'/T, n. A small gate; door in a gate. WHIS'KEY, n. A spirit distilled from grain. WIDE, a. Broad; extended far each way; remote. WHis'PERa, v.n. To speak with a low voice. WIDE, ad. At a distance; with great extent. WHIS/PE R, v. a. To utter in a low voice. WIDE'L~, ad. With great extent; remotely; far. WHiStPER, n. A low voice; cautious speech. WIIDEN (-dn), v. a. & n. To make or grow wide. WHIStPER-ER, a. One that whispers; a tattlei. WIDE'NE SS, n. Breadth; extent each way. WHISPERit-iNG, n. A backbiting; speaking low. WIDt'EON (widj'in), n. A water-fowl. WHIST, n. A gahle at cards.-a. Silent. —interj. WID'OW, in. A woman whose husband is dead. Be still. [sical sound by the breath; to blow. WIDtOW (wId'e), v. a. "To deprive of a husband. WIIS'TLE (hwlsvsl), v. n. To form a kind of mu- WID/6W-ER, n., A man whose wife is dead. WHIS'TLE (hwis'sl), n. A sound made by the WID'QW-H1OOD (-o-hfd), n, State of a widow. breath, &c.:-a small wind instrument. WID.QW-WAIL,?. A low, yellowish shrub. WHISITLER (hwls'sler), n. One who whistles. WIDTH, a. Breadth; wideness; broadness. WHIT, n. A point; a jot; a small part. WIELD (weld), v. a. To use with full power. WHITE, a. Having the color of snow; pale; pure. WIELtY~ (wel'de), a. Manageable. WHITE, n. Whiteness; any thing white. WIFE, n.; pl. WIVES. A married woman. WIIITE-L:ADI (hwit-ld'), n. Carbonate of lead. WIG, n. False hair worn on the head:-a cake. WHITE'-LIV-ERED (hwit'liv-erd),a. Cowardly. WIGHT (Wit), n. A person; a being. WHITEI/MEAT, n. Food of milk, butter, eggs, &c. wiGtw ix, n. An Indian's cabin or hut. WHI'TEN (hwlttn), v. a. To make white. WILD, a. Not tame; desert; loose; disorderly. WHI'TEN (hwi'tn), v. n. To grow white. WILD, n. A desert; a tract uncultivated. WHI/TEN-ER (hwI'tn er), n. One who whitens. WILIDER, V. a. To lose or puzzle; to bewilder. WHITEINESS, n. State of being white; purity. WILtDER-NSS, n. A desert; a tract of solitude. WHITEtSMITH, n. A worker in white iron. WILDIFIRE, ni. An inflammnnable composition. WHITE'THORN, n. Common hawthorn. WILDmtF(OVL, n. A fowl or bird of the forest. WHITE'WASRH(-wosh), n. A wash for whitening. WILDIGO6SE-CHASEt, n. A vain, foolish purWHITEIWASH (hwit'twsh), v. a. To cover with WILDtING, n. A wild, sour apple. [suit. WHITHI/ER, ad. To what place. [whitewash. WILD'LY, ad. In a wild manner; disorderly. WHITII-ElR-SO-V'lE R,ad. To whatsoever place. WILDINESS, n. State of being wild; rudeness. WIIIT'ING,,n. A sea-fish:-a soft chalk. WILE, n. A deceit; fraud; trick; stratagem. WHITIISH, a. Somewhat white. [um. WILIFOL, a. Stubborn; obstinate; perverse. WHtITILATH-E R, n. Leather dressed with al- WIL'FtL-LY, ad. Obstinately; by design. WHITt1LOW, n. A tumor on a finger or toe. WtILFtL-N-ESS, n. Obstinacy; perverseness. WHIT'StiN-DAY~ n. The 7th Sunday after WI'LI-LY, ad. By stratagem; fradulently. WHITISVN-TIDE, Easter, answering to Pen- WI'LI-NESS, n. Cunning; guile; craftiness. WHIT/TLE, n. A sort of knife. [tecost. WILL, n. Faculty of choosing to do or forbear WH'ITTLE, v. a. To cut with a knife. an action; choice:-command: —a testament. WHIZ, v. n. To make a loud, hiissiig noise. WILL, V. a. To desire; to direct; to enjoin. WHIZ, n. A loud humming or hissing noise. WILL, v. auxiliary. Used to form the fuiture tense. WH6 (h5), pron. sel. Applied to persons. WYLLIING, a. Inclined to any thing; desirous. WH6-:V'IER (h-ivtegr), pon. Any one. WILL'ING-LY, ad. With one's own consent. WHOLE (hl1), a. All; total; complete; sound. WILL'N-NEG-SS, n. Consent;ready compliance. WHOLE (hol), n. The total; all of a thing. WIL/LOW (wIl'l), n. A species of tree. [lows. WHOLE SALE. n. Sale in large quantities. WIL'LQW-y (willlo-e), a. Abounding with wilWHOLE'SA.LE, a. Buying or selling in the lump. WILT, v.n. To wither; to droop. [tle. WHOLEISOME (hsl'sum), a. Sound; salutary. wi'Ly, a. Cunning; sly; insidious; artful; subWHOLEtSQME-LY, ad. Salubriously. WIMr'BLE, n. An instrument to bore holes. MIEN1, SIR; DOVE, NOR, S6N; BtLL, BiR, ttlLE. —, 9, soft;i,,, hard; ~ as z;: as gz; TIIs, WIN 300 WONDROUSLY WIN, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. won.] To gain by con- WiT, n. Intellect; humor; invention; quickquest, play, &c.; to obtain; to procure. [back. ness of fancy:-a man of humor or genius. WINCE, WINCH, v. a. & n. To shrink or start WITCH, n. A woman who practises sorcery. WINCH, 75. A handle to turn a nut or screw. WITCII, v. a. To bewitch; to enchant. WIND, an. Air ill motion:-breatls. WITCH'CRAFT, n. The practice of witches: WIND, v. a. [imp. t. &pp. winded.] To ventilate. WITCH' —BLM, n. A species of elm. [sorcery, WIND, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. wound.] To turn; to WITCHIER-Y, n. Enchantment; sorcery. twist: —to regulate in motion:-to embrace. WITH, prep. By; noting cause or means. WIND, v. n. To turn; to change; to move round. WITH-AL', ad. Along with the rest; likewise. WINDAFE, n. The difference between the diam- WITH-DRAW', V. a. & n. To take back; to retire. eter of the bore of a gun and that of the ball. WITH-DRW'.ING-Rbov,n.Room for retirement. WIND)'B5OND, a. Confined by contrary winds. WITH, WITHE, n. A twig; an osier. [stroy. wIND'-iG~G, n. An egg not impregnated. WITH'R,v. n. & a. To fade; to dry up; to deWIND'R, n. He or that which winds. [tree. WIHt]ER-Bs-ND, n. An iron under a saddle. WIND/'FLL, n. Fruit blown down from the WITH'ER., n. pl. The elevated ridge near the W'IND)FLOf-1R, 1n. The anemone; a flower. bottom of a horse's neck. WINDGAILL, n. A tumor on a horse's leg. WITH-HoLD/, V. a. [imp. t. & pp. withheld.] To WIND-G[iN,an. A gun discharged by air; air-gun. restrain; to hold back; to hinder; to reffuse. WiND'I-NiaSS, n. The state of being full of wind. WITH-HOLtDEN, pp. from withhold. [Rare.] WINDIING, n. A flexure; a meander. WITH-IN',prep. In the inner part of; not beyond. WINDtING-SHEET, n. A shroud for the dead. WITH-IN', ad. In the inner parts; inwardly. WIND'LASS, n. A machine for raising, &c. wITH-hOT',prep. Not within; not with. WLNDIHILL, n. A mill turned by the wind. WITH-O0T', ad. Not on the inside; out of doors. WIN'DOW, n. An aperture in a building by which WITH-U6T', conj. Unless; if not; except. air and light are admitted. [the breath. WITH-ST-ND', v. a. [imp. t. & pp. withstood.] WINDIPIPE or WIND/PIPE, n. The passage for To oppose; to resist; to stand against. WIND'WARD, a. Lying towards the wind. WITH'Y, n. A willow tree.-a. Made of withes. WINDIWARD, a. The point towards the wind. WIT'tLESS, a. Wanting wit or understanding. WfND'y, a. Consisting-of wind; stormy; airy. WITIL.NG, n. A pretty pretender to wit. WINE, n. The fermented juice of the grape. WITNrNESs, n. Testimony; a bearer of testimony. WINEt-BYB-BERt, n. A great drinker of wine. WITrNE SS, v. a. & n. To attest; to see. WING, n. The limb of a bird used in flying:-a WIT'-SNXP-PER, n. One who affects repartee. fan to winnow:-flight; side of an army. WITITED, a. Having wit;-used in composition. WING, v. a. To furnish with wings; to fly. WITITI-CIMH, n. Attempt at wit; a conceit, WINGED (wlngd or wtng'ed), a. Having wings. WIT'TI-L, ad. Ingeniously; cunningly; artfully. WINGt-SHtLL, n. A shell covering the wings of WIT'Ti-NESS, a. The quality of being witty. WINS~y, a. Having wings; swift. [insects. WIT'TY, a. Ingenious; full of wit; sarcastic. WINK, v. n. To shut the eyes; to connive. WIVE, v. a. & n. To match to a wife; to marry, WINKI,. The act of closing the eye: —a hint. WIVED, n. The plural of wife. [as a man. WIN'NER, n. One who wins. WiZt.ARD, n. A conjurer; a sorcerer; enchanter. WINr'NNG, p. a. Attractive; charming. WIZ'ARD, a. Enchanting; haunted by wizards. WINfN6W (wlntnS), v. a. To fan:-to separate. WIZIEN (wlz'zn), v. n. To wither; to become WIN'TTER, n. The cold season of the year. WOAD (wld), n. A plant used in dyeing. [dry. WINITgR, v. n. To pass the winter. WOE (w6), n. Grief; sorrow; misery; calamity. WINITNTR, v. a. To feed or keep in the winter. W6'FfL, a. Sorrowful; calamitous; wretched. WINtTER-KILL, v. a. To kill by cold of winter. WO/'FL-LY, ad. Sorrowfully; wretchedly. WIN'TER-Ly, a. Suitable to winter; wintry. WOLF (wfif), n.; pl. WOLVE:. A beast of prey. W]NIT'Ry, a. Brumal; cold; suitable to winter. WOLF/DfiG (walf'dtg), n. A species of dog. WItFNY,, Having the taste or qualities of wine. WOLF'ISI (wflffis hll), a. Resembling a wolf. WIPE, v. a. To cleanse by rubbing; to clear. WOLF'sIsANIE (wfilfs'ban), n. Poisonous plant. WIPE, n. Act of wiping:-a blow:-a jeer. WOM'AN (wfim.an), n.; pl. WOMEN. An adult WIRE, n. Metal drawn into a thread. female of the human race. [woman. WIREDRtAW, v. a. To spin or draw into wire. WO7I'AN-HOOD (wfim'an-llfd), n. State of WIR~y, a. Made of wire; like wire. WOXtIIAN-lSH (wfln'an-lsh), a. Like a woman. twIS, v. a. [imp. t. & pp. wist.] To think. WOt'AN-KIND (wail'an-kind), a. Female sex. W$IDQOM, n. Quality of being wise; knowledge WOMIAN-LY (wfim',n-le),a.Becomling a woman. rightly used; sapience; prudence; sagacity. woMB (wdm),.. Place of the fcetus:-a cavity. WI~E, a. Having wisdom; judicious; prudent. WOM/EN (wlm'men), n. Thile plural of woman. WIFE, n. Manner; the way of being or acting. WON (wtin), i. & p. from win?. WI~E/A-CRE (wiz't-ker), n. A fool; a dunce. W6NIDER, v. n. To be surprised or astonished. WIpEtLy, ad.- With wisdom; prudently. WWNtDiR, n. Admiration; amazement; surprise. WIfsH, v. a. & n. To desire; to long for; to long. WN/DER-ER,. Onlle who wonders. [ishing. WISH, n. A longing desire; a thing desired. WNtDEiR-FOL, a. Admirable; strange; aston. WISH'F'OL, a. Longing; showing desire; eager. WiN'DEiR-FfL-Ly, ad. In a wonderful manner. WISP, n. A small bundle, as of hay or straw. W6NI'DR-MtNT,n. Astonishment; amazement. -31wsTrFtL, a. Attentive; full of thought; eager. WoNt'DR.t-WORK'ING, a. Doing wonders.,WIT, v. n. To know; to be known;-now only WN'/DROVJS, a. Admirable; marvellous; strange. "used in the phrase to wit; that is to say. WdN'DROVS-LY, ~d. In a wonderful manner. A, - -; x lii is T short i',lkRASo 7wA A i AdT *#, BUTSR,H WONT 30-1 WRISTBAND W6NT, v. n. To be accustomed; to use. WOR'SHIP (wUir'sh'p), n. Dignity; honor; a WON'T or WiN'T.A contraction used for will not. title of honor:-adoration; religious reverence. W6NiT/D, p. a. Accustomed; used; usual. WOR'SHIP (wiir'ship), v. a. To adore; to honor. woo, v. a. & n. To court; to sue; to make love. WORfSHIP (wiirship), v. n.To perform adoration. WOOD (wid), n. A large collection of trees; a WOR'SHIP-F0L (Uiir'ship-fal), a. Claiming reforest:-the substance of trees; timber. spect; entitled to respect; venerable. WOOD'BINE (wfd'bin), n. The honeysuckle. WORtSHIP-PER (wiirship-per), n. An adorer. WOODtCH[JCK (wfid'-), n. A quadruped of the WORST (wiirst), a.; superlative of bad. Nlost bad. marmot family; ground-hog. WORST (wiirst), v. a. To defeat; to overthrow. WOODfC6CK (wftd'kkk), n. A kind of bird. WORs'TE D (w6rs'ted),n. A kind ofwoollen yarn. WOOD'CPT, n. An engraving on wood. WORT (wiirt), n. An herb:-new beer or ale. WOOD/'D (wid'ed), a. Supplied with wood.. tWORTH (wiirth), v. a. To betide. WOODfEN (wfiddn)), a. Ligneous; madeof wood. WORTH (wiirth), n. Price; value; importance. WOODIFRET-TERI (wfVddfret-er), n. An insect. WORTH (wiirth), a. Equal in value to; deserving. WOOD'LXND (wvad'land), n. Woods; a forest. WORITHI-LY (wiir'the-le), ad. Suitably; justly. WOOD'LAND (wad'-), a. Belonging to woods. WORaTTHI —NESS (wiir'the-nds), n. Desert; merit. WOOD'-LotSSE (whdf-), n. An insect. [cutter. WORTHILESS (wuiirth'les), a. Having no value. WOOD'MAN (waud-), n. A sportsman:-timber- WORfTHY (wiir'the),a. Deserving; meritorious. WOOD'-NOTE (wdd'nnt),n.Wild music.[woods. WORT'HY (wiir'the), n. A man of merit. WOODI-NIMPH (wad'nimf), n. A nymph of the tWoT, tWOTE, v. n. To know; to be aware. WOODIrPE:cK-R (wfd'ppk-ker), n. A bird. WOOLD (wad), v. auxilia-y of will. WOOD/'Plq-EQ:ON (wfid'pid-jun), al. Ring-dove. WOUND (wind or wifind), n. A hurt; an injury. WOODIWORM (wad'wiirm),n. A worm in wood. WOUND or WOUND, v. a. To hurt by violence. WOOD'~ (wfide), a. Abounding with wood. WoUND (wufind), imp. t. & pp. from wind. w61ER.,n. One who courts a woman. W6oE, imp. t. from weave. WOOF, n. Threads that cross the warp; weft. WO1VEN (wb'vn), pp. from weave. WOOL (wull), n. Fleece of sheep:-short hair. WRXCK(rak), n. Ruin; destruction. See WRECK. WOOL'-CO B-ER(-ktm-er),n.A comber of wool. WRXN'GLE (rtng'gl), v. n.To dispute; to quarrel. WOOLIFEL (wal'fel),n. A skin with the wool on WRANtGLE (ragnggl), n. A quarrel; a dispute. WOOLMLEN (wil'len), a. Made of wool. [it. WRXNfGLER (rang'gler), a. An angry disputant. WOOLfL:N (wal'len), n. Cloth made of wool. WRAP (rap), v. a. [imp. t. & pp. wrapped, wrapt.] WOOLILEiN-DRA.PE.R, n. A dealer in woollen To roll together; to involve; to cover. goods. [wool. WRXP/PER, n. One that wraps: —a cover. WOOLILY (wfl'le), a. Consisting of, or like, WRXP'PING, n. A covering; a wrapper. WOOzLsXCK (wfil'sak), n. A sack of wool. WRXP'RAS-CAL, n. A kind of coarse upper coat, WOOLt-STA-PLE R (wfll'-), n. A dealer in wool. WRATH (raths), n. Anger; fury; rage. WORD (wiird), n. A single part of speech; an ar- WRXTH'FfL, a. Angry; furious; raging. [heed. ticulate sound:-a promise:-token:-message. WREAK (rek), v. a. To execute; to inflict; to WORD (wiird), v. a. To express in words. WREATH (reth), n.; pl. WREATH-. A garland. WORD'I-NESS (wurd'e-nes), n. Verbosity. WREATHE (reth), v. a. [imp. t. wreathed; pp. WORDIY (wiird'e), a. Verbose; full of words. wreathed, wreathen.] To twist; to interweave. WORE, imp. t. from wear. See WEAR. WREATHE (reth), v. n. To be interwoven. WORK (wiirk), v. n. [imp. t. & pp. wrought or WREATHf~ (rWtthe), a. Spiral; curled; twisted. worked.] To labor; to toil; to act:-to ferment. WRECK (rek), n. Destruction by sea:-ruin. WORtK (wurk), v. a. To form by labor; to effect. WRECK (rtk), v. a. To strand:-to ruin. WORK (wiirk), n. Toil; labor; a-performance. WRtCIKIER, n. A plunderer of wrecked vessels. WORK'FdtL-LOW, n. A fellow-laborer. WR N (rbn), n. A small bird. WORKtHOI0SE (wUrk'hlQs), at. A poor-house. WRENCH (rtnch), v. a. To pull; to sprain. WORK'MAN (wurk'man), n. An artificer. WRItNCH (rbnch), n. A pull; a sprain. WORKIMAN-LIKE (wurktmnan-1Ik), a. Skilful. WRtST (rest), v. a. To extort; to distort; to force. WORKf'AN-SHIP (wiirk'man-ship), a. Skill; art. WREST (rest), n. Distortion; violence. WORK'SH6P (wiirkfsh6p), n. A place for work. WRtS1TLE (res'sl), v. n.To contend; to struggle. WORLD (wUrld), n. The system of beings; earth; wRItSTLER (rbs'ler), n. One who wrestles. terraqueous globe:-a secular life:-mankind. WR ST'L.ING(resljng),n.An exercise; a struggle. WORLD'LI-NkSS (wiirld'-), n. Worldly state. WRETCH (rech), n. A miserable mortal; knave. WORLDILING (wirldling), n. One devoted to WR2TCH1E.D (rach.ed), a. Miserable; worthless. worldly gain and pleasure. [earthly. WRJITCH[E D-LY, ad. Miserably; despicably. WORLD1LY (wurld'le), a. Relating to this world; WRIG GLE (rig'gl), v. an. To move to and fro. WORMI (wurm), n. An insect; any thinilg spiral. WRIG'GLE (rig'gl), v. a. To make to wriggle. WORM (wurm), v. n. To work imperceptibly. WRIGHT (rit), n. A workman; an artificer. WORM (wUirm), v. a. To force by secret means. WRING (ring), v. a. [imp. t. & pp. wrung or WORPM'-EAT-rEN(wiirmte-tn),a.Eatenbyworms. wringed.] To twist, turn, press, extort, harass. WORM/WOOD (wiirm'wfd), n. A bitter plant. WRINIKLE (ring'kl), n. A corrugation; a crease. WORMRY (wiirm'e), a. Full of worms:-grov- WRIN'KLE (ring'kl), v. a. To make uneven. WORN, pp. fiom wear. [elling. WRIST (rest),?. The joint or part between the W6RtRY, V. a. To tear; to harass; to tease. fore-arm and the hand, WORSE (wiirs), a.; compar. of bad. More bad. WRYST'BAND (rist'btnd), n. A band or fastenWORSE-(wiirs), ad. In a manner more bad. ing about the wrist. MIEN, SYiR; I.SVE, NOR, S6N; BftLL, BjR, RtLE. —, A, soft; ~,M, hard; g as z; ~ as gz; THIS. 26 WRIT 302 YOU WRIT (rit), n. Scripture:-a judicial instrument. WR6NG (ring), v. a. To injure; to use unjustly. fWRIT (rit), imp. t. & pp. from write. WR:6NG1-DO-ER, n. An injurious person. WRITE (rit), v. a. [imp. t. wrote; pp. written.] WRNGIF'fL (ringlffil), a. Injurious; unjust. To express by letters; to engrave. WRONGI-HE:AD-ED (ringbhed-ed), a. Perverse. WRITE (rit), v. n. To perform tile act of writing. WRONG'LY (rongfle), ad. Unjustly; amiss. WRITrE.R (rit'er), n. One who writes; an author. WRONGtNl.SS (ring'nes), z. Error; evil. WRITrHE (rlti), v. a. To distort; to twist. WROTE (rot), imp. t. firom write. [irate. WRiTHE (rith), v. n. To be distorted with agony. WROTH (rawth or reth), a. Angry; exasperated; WRIT.ING (rit'ing), n. Any thing written. WROUGHT (rawt), imp. t. & pp. from moork. PerWRIT.ING-M.SATER, n. One who teaches to formed; labored; manufactured. WRIT/T:EN (rlt'tn), pp. from write. [write. WRENG (rung), imp. t. & pp. from w ring. WRONG (ring), a. An injury; injustice; error. WRY (rI), a. Crooked; distorted; wrested. WR6NG (rong), a. Not right; not just; unfit. WRY'NrCek, c. A distorted neck:-a bird. WRONG (ring), ad. Not rightly; amiss. WR1NE.SS (ri'nes), n. The state of being wry. X. y is a letter which begins no word purely XE-ROTE~ (ze-ro'tez), n. A dry habit of body. A English. In the middle and end of words, it XIPHII-AS (zlf'e-.s), n. The sword-fish. sounds like ks. and at the beginning like z. X.-PH}6IDE: (ze-fil'diz), n.The pointed, swordXXN/THIC, a. Of a yellowish color. like cartilage or gristle of the breast-bone. x:/BOc, n. A small three-masted vessel. XY-LoQ-iL/SA-YMt, n.Wood of the balsam-tree. XE-RQ-COL-LVRt.-UiM, it. A salve for sore eyes. X?-L6G'RA4-PHy, n. Art of engraving on wood. XE-R) DESS (ze-rotdz), m. A dry tumor. XY-L6PH.A-GXN, n. A wood-eating insect. XlER-Q-MIYRVy (zir-o-mi'rum), n. An ointment. XSITER.a (zls'ter), n. A surgeon's instrument. Y. y at the beginning of words is a consonant; YfLLOW (yl'lO), a. Being of a gold color. at the end of words, and when it follows a YL'LOW, n. Yellow color. consonant, it is a vowel, and has the sound ofi. YrL'LOW-E IVEIR, n. A malignant fever. YACHT (y,.t), n. A vessel of state or pleasure. YiL'LQoW-IXI_ SiE. R (yel'lo-hlamler), Ii. A bird. YXm, n. A large esculent root. YL/LOW-ISH (yil'lo-lsh), a. Approaching to YANNKEE (yang'ke), n. A native or an inhab- yellow. [jaundice. itant of New England. [ Cant.] Y~L'LLOW (yil'lfz), n. pl. A disease In horses; YARD, n. Enclosure:-measure of three feet. YELP, v. nt. To bark as a dog. YXARD'-iRM, sn. End of a ship's yard. YE~3'MAN (yln'man), n. A farnmer; a freeholder. YXRD')STIcK, n. A stick a yard long. YE6'tIAN-RY(yitman-re),n.TThe body ofyeomen. YXRD'trAND (yaird'wond), n. Measure of a yard.- YiRK, v. a. To throw out; to kick; to strike. YXRN, n. Spun wool; thread of wool. &c. ~vs (yis or yis), ad. Yea; truly; opposed to no. YXiRtROW (yrftrr), n. A plant; the milfoil. YtST, in. The foam of beer; barm; yeast. Y&WL, n. A boat belonging to a ship. Y~S/TErR, a. Being before the present day. YAWN, v. n. To gape; to open wide.-n. A gape. Y~S'ITER-DAY, n. The day next before to-day. tY-CLEPED' (e-klipt), pp. Called; termed. YET, conj. Nevertheless; notwithstanding. YEI, pron. The nominative plural of thou; you. Y~T, ad. Beside; still; at least; hitherto. YEA (ya or ye), ad. Yes; a particle of affirma- YE~w (yA), n. A tree of tough wood. YEAN, v. n. To bring young, as sheep. [tion. YEW/'N (yd'en), a. Made of the wood of yew. YEANtLING, n. The young of sheep. Y~X, v. Sn. To hiccough.-n. Tlhe hiccough. YEAR, n. Twelve calendar months; 365 days. YIELD (yeld), v. a. To produce, give, afford. YEAR'-BOOK (yert'bk), n. A book of annual re- YIELD (yeld), v. n. To give up; to submit. YEAR'tLNG, a. Being a year old. [ports. YOSE, n. A bandage for the neck; a mark of serYEARILING, n. An animal one year old. vitude:-a chain; a bond:-a couple; a pair. YEARLY~, a. Annual.-ad. Annually. YOKE, v. a. To bind by a yoke; to couple. YEARN (yirn), v. it. To feel pain, desire, or pity. Y~OKE'-FiiL-LoW, n. A companion. YEiARN'ING, n. Longing; strong desire. YOLK (yik), n. Yellow part of an egg; yelk. YEAST, n. Barm used in leavening bread; YON, YONtDER, a. Distant, but within view. leaven; yest. Y6N, YON(DE.R, ad. At a distance within view. YEASTt~, a. Containing yeast; foamy. YORE, ad. Long since; of old time.-In days Y~LK, n. The yellow part of an egg; yolk. of yore, in time past formerly. Y~LL, v. n. To cry out. —n. A cry of horror. Yot (yu), personal pron. Plural of thou. ^2Lb,I,6,fG,`Rilong; 2L,A,I,6,'Ut,1short; i,FA,9,yyobsclrs.AgX, AtST, FALL ji HIR, HRR; YOUNG 303 ZYMOTIC TYOiNG (yiing), a. Not old; youthful:-ignorant. YOtiTH (ydth), n. The part of life succeeding YOiNG (ying), n. The offspring of animals. to childhood:-a young man; young persons. YOYINGISH (yuingfish), a. Somewhat young. YOPITHIFYL (yuitllffil), a. Young; vigorous. YOfiNG'LING (yung'ling), n. A young animal. YOOTHfFOL-LY, ad. In a youthful manner. YOUNGISTE., YO~ONIKIER, n. A young person. kTITRI-A, n. A very rare kind of earth. YOilR (ydr), pron. Belonging to you. YfC'CA, n. An American tree, and its fruit. YOVR-stLF' (yyr-sBlf/), pron. You; even you. YULE, i. Tine of Christmas and of Lamnmas. Z. 7 a consonant, has, in English, the same ZEJGIMA4, n. A figure in grammar; ellipsis. Z sound as the soft or vocal s. ZIG'ZXG, a. Having sharp and quick turns. ZAB,/'H6, n. The lowest part of a pedestal. ZINC, n. A bluish-white metal. ZXFIFREX, ns. An oxide of cobalt; a mineral. ZYRtC6N, n. A crystalline mineral. ZXaMBIS,. Offspring of an Indian and negro. ZO1CLE, n. A sort of stand or pedestal supZA NY, n. A merry-andrewv; a buffoon. porting a column; socle. ZXaRN.ItH, n. Nanme of a kind of minerals. ZdnDI-Xc, n. A broad circle of the heavens, zAx, n. A tool for cutting slates. containing the 12 signs and the sun's path. ZE AL,n. Passionate ardor; earnestness; warmth. ZQ-DItA-CAL, a. Relatin' to the zodiac' ZtALtQT (zil'ut), tn. A person full of zeal. Z6NEr, a. A girdle:-a division of the earth. ZtAL'OUS (zfllus), a. Ardent; passionate. ZONEtLESS, a. Having no zone or girdle. Z:AL'OVS-LY, ad. With passionate ardor. zQO-OG'.A-PHER, i. One who describes animals. ZEtBRA, n. An African animal like an ass. ZOQ-6G'A-PHY, n. A description of animals. ZftBV, n. A species of ox found in India. ZO-O-L6O)IJ-CAL, a. Describing living creatures. ZEt0HIN or ZE-lHiit, n. An Italian gold coin. ZOp-OL'Q-tIST, n. One who is versed in zoilogy. ZLD, n. A name of the letter Z. zo-6L'o-qy, n. The science of animals. Z t -IN-DXR', n. A landholder in India. Z.O-PHYTE, in. A substance which partakes of Z, IM'tN-DA-RY, n. Possession of a zemindar. the nature both of vegetables and animals. ZL5NITH, n. The point overhead, opposite to the Zo-6OTrO-aiST, n. One versed in zobtomy. Z]rQ -SITE, n. A kind of mineral. [nadir. ZO-0TtQ-MY, n. Dissectionof the bodiesof beasts. Z:EPHtYR, n. The west wind:-a soft wind. Zi-Ms6LpO-Q~y, n. The doctrine of fermentation. zr'mIRS, n. The point from which a thermometer Zi —MQ-SIMtE'-TE.R, n. An instrument for measis graduated:-the arithmetical cipher. uring the degree of fermentation. ZEST, n. A relish; a taste added; gusto. ZVKS-MbTITC, a. Applied to epidemic, endemic, ZERTA, n. A Greek letter; a dining room; a closet. and contagious diseases. MIEN, SltR; MOVE, NiR, SON; BOLL, BUR, iOLE.-9, q, soft; $, ~f, hard; ~ as z; I as gz; THIS. WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. In the preceding part of this Dictionary, some words from foreign languages are inserted, which are but partially Anglicized; and most of the words and phrases which here follow are still less Anglicized. ABBREVIATIONS. -L. Latin; Gr. Greek;, It. Italian; Fr. French; Sp. Spanish. sib extra. [L.] From without. be done; a memorandum-book; a ritual or,b incunabulis. [L.] From the cradle. service-book. fib initio. [L.] From the beginning. sginus Dei. [L.] Lamb of God. sAb origine. [L.] From the origin. s grandsfrais. [Fr.] At great expense. 5b ovo. [L.I From the egg. sijutage. [Fr.] A pipe to water-works. Albsence d'esprit. [Fr.] Absence of mind. J1 Ilabandon. [Fr.] At random. Jibsit invidia. [L.] Envy apart. i la banne nheure. [Fr.] At an early hour. sibsque ulla conditione. [L.] Unconditionally. s l'abri. [Fr.] Under shelter. sib urbe conditb. [L.] From the building of the A la ddrobie. [Fr.] By stealth. city, i. e. Rome. si la Fran aise. [Fr.] After the French manner. s capite ad calcem. [L.] From head to heel. silamire. [It.] A note in music. siccessit. [L.] He came nearly up to. i l'slnglaise. [Fr.] After the English manner. sctionnaire. [Fr.] Shareholder. JAlbugo. [L.] A disease in the eye. sid arbitrium. [L.] At discretion. s l'improviste. [Fr.] On a sudden unawares. sid captandum.' [L.] To attract. Allemande. [Fr.] A German dance. sJddendam (pl. addenda), [L.] An addition; an Jllma mater. [L.] Kind or benign mother. appendix. silmacantar. [Ar.] A circle parallel to the hoid euandem. [L.] To the same. rizon. sAdfinem. [L.] To the end. si l'outrance. [Fr.] To the very death. sid hominem. [L.] Personal; to the individual. sAlter ego. rL.] My other self. sld infinitum. [L.] To infinity; without end. Alter idem. [L.] Another exactly similar. sd interim. L.] In the mean while. Alto-rilievo. [It.] That kind of relief in sculpsid libitum. [L.] At pleasure. ture which projects as much as the life. sid nauseam'usque. rL.] To satiety or disgust. s main armie. [Fr. With force of arms. sd quod damnum. rL.] To what damage. simende honorable. [Fr.] An infamous punishsid referendum. [I.] For further considera- ment:- an apology for an injury.. tion.'. mensa et thoro. [L.] From bed and board. JdscAriptus glebie. [L.] Attached to the soil. A merveille. [Fr.] To'a wonder; marvellously. sAd unguem. [L.] To the touch of the nails. smicus curiv. [L.1 A fiiend of the court. id utrumque paratus. [L.] Prepared for either slmi de court. [Fr.] A court friend. event. simo. [L.] Ilove. id valorem. rL.] According to the value. slmor nummi. [L.] Love of money. sidversaria. [L.] A commonplace-bool. simor patrice. [L. Patriotism. Jlidgloga, [L.] An eclogue, idyl, or bucolic. Amour propre. [F.] Self-love; vanity...Equ animiter. [L.] With equanimity. smphiscii. [L.] People who inhabit the torrid-.quo animo. [L.] With equanimity. zone, whose shadows fall both ways. JEtatis sure. [L.] Of his or her age.. Aimuck, or simock. An East Indian terim for siffaire d'amour. [Fr.] A love affair. slaughter. iffaire d'honneur. [Fr.] An affair of honor. sina. [Gr.] A word used in the prescriptions of siffaire du caur. [Fr.] An affair of the heart. physicians, importing in the like quantity,equally. Jtffettuoso. [It.] (Jnusic.) Denoting what is to insa. A termination annexed to the nanmes of be sung or played tenderly. authors to denote a collection of their Inemoiffirmatim. [L.] Affirmatively. rable sayings; as,.Jo-hnsoni-ana. sfin de. [Fr.] To the end that. ilnadiplosis. [Gr.] Repetition of a word. sifortiori. rL.] With stronger reason. slnaphora. [Gr.] (Rhet.) A figure which begins Agapms. [L.'Feasts of charity or love. several clauses of a sentence with the same Agenda. kL. pl., things to be dons.] Business to word. 26 (805) 306 WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Anglic&. [L.] In English. Argumentum ad verecundiaml. [L.] An arguAnguis in herba. rL.L A snake in the grass. ment to modesty. Animo etfide. [L. By courage and faith. Arietta. [It.] A short air, song, or tune. 21nimus. [b.] Mind; intention. Arioso. CIt.J A mlovemnent of a common air. 21nismusfurandi. [L.] The intention of stealing, Arpeg io. [It.] (Music.) The distinct sound RAnimus imnponentis. [L.] The intention of the of the notes of an instrumental chord, accomimposer. panying the voice. Anno Christi. [L.] In the year of Christ. Arrectis auribus. [L.] With attentive ears. sinno Domini. [L.] In the year of our Lord. A1tes honorabit. [L.] iHe will honor the arts..nno mundi. [L.] In the year of the world. 2Arthritis. [Gr.] (Mcd.) The gout. in7nus mirabilis. [L.] The year of wonders. Ascii. [L.] Those people who, at certain times Alntanaclasis. [Gr.] (Rhet.) A figure by which of the year, have no shadow at noon. the same word is repeated in a different sense. Assumpsit. [L.] (Law.) A voluntary promise A1te bellumn. [L.] Before the war. or undertaking; a species of action. Aqnte lucem. [L.] Before daylight. Asymptote. [Gr.] (Geam.) A line which apAnte meridiem. [L.] Before noon. proaches nearer and nearer to some curve, 2Anti. [Gr.] Against. but never meets it. ilutiperistasis. [Gr.] The opposition of a con- oAsyndeton. [Gr.] (Rhet.) A figure which omits trary quality, by which the quality opposed the conjunction; as, veni, vidi, vici. gains strength. A tItons. [Fr.] Groping. 2Antiphrasis. [Gr.] (Rhet.) The use of w6rds A teueris annis. [L.] Frem earliest years. in a sense opposite to their proper meaning. A tort et d travers. [Fr.] At random. Alntiptosis. [Gr.] (Gram.) The putting of one A touteforce. [Fr. WVith all one's might. case for another. Attachd. [Fr.] A person belonging or attached.Antiscii. [L.] The people who, inhabiting on to another person or company. different sides of the equator, at noon have Au bon droit. [Fr.] To the just right. their shadows projected opposite ways. - Audacter et sincerd. [L.] Boldly and sincerely. Aintispasis. [Gr.] (Mied.) Revulsion of a humor. Audax at cautus. [L.] Bold but wary. Anteci. [Gr.] Those inhabitants of the earthll ude sapere. [L.] Dzre to be wise. who live under the same longitude and lati- Au disespoir. [Fr.] In despair. tude, but in different hemispheres. Audi alterampartesm. [L.] Hear the other side..Antonomasia. [Gr.] (Rhet.) A form of speech Aufait. [Fr.] Skifill; expert. in which the name of some office or dignity is AzuJbnd. [Fr.] To the bottomn. used instead of the proper name. AJugur.staa Confessio. [L.] The Augsburg ConqAparithmesis. rGr.] (Rhet.) Enumeration. fession. A parte ante. [L.] Of the preceding part. Au pis aller. [Fr.] At the worst. Apesru. [Fr.] A sketch; sunmary. Aurapopularis. [L.] The popular breeze. A perte de vue. rFr.] Beyond one's view. RAurea mediocritas. [L.1 The golden mean. Aphecresis. [Gr. lThe taking of a letter or Auri sacra fames. [L.] The accursed appetite syllable from the beginning of a word. for gold. Apodizis. [L.] Evident demonstration. Aurumpotabile. [L.] Potable gold. oApodosis. [Gr.] Application of a similitude. Aut CQesar, aiut nulluzs. [L.] Either Cusar, or Aponeurosis. [Gr.] Extension of a nerve. nobody. dApophasis. [Gr.] A figure by which the orator Aluto defe. [Sp., act of faith.] A sentence of seems to waive what he would plainly in- the Inquisition for burning a heretic. sinuate. Autrefois acquit. [Fr.] Formerly acquitted. Apop7lyge. [Gr.] The spring of a columns. Aux armes. [Fr.] To arms. 2A posteriori. [L.] From the latter; from the Auziliium ab alto. [L.] Help is from on high. effect to the cause..Avant-courier. [Fr.] One who is despatched Apparatus belli. [L.] Materials for war. before the rest to notify approach. Jppoggiatura. [It.] (MJusic.) A note directing Ave. [L.]%An address to the Virgini, so called an easy and graceful movement, from the first words, Avc, JMaria. Appui. [Fr.] Point of support; purchase. Averpermission. [Fr.] With permission. A prima vista. [It.] At first sight. A verbis ad verbera. [L.] From words to blows. A priori. [L.] From thecaseto the effect. vinculo matrimoni. L. Fom te bond of Apropos. Fr.] Opportunely. matrimony. Apropos de rien. [ Fr.] Apropos to nothing. Avise lafin. [Fr.] Consider the end. Areana colestia. [L.] Heavenly secrets. A vostra salute. [it.] ] 1Ardentia verbas. [L.] Words that burn. A votre sant6. [Fr.] t To your health. A rez de chaussde. [Fr.] Even with the ground. A vuestra salud. [Sp.] Argent comptazrt. [Fr.] Ready money, Arffgumenthlum ad crumenam. [L.] An argument to the purse. 1rgumentuan ad hominem. [L.] An argument to the man..Arumentum ad ignorantiam. [L.] An argu- Badinage. [Fr.] Light or playful discourse. ment to ignorance, or founded on an adver- Ballista. [L.] An ancient warlike machine sary's ignorance of facts. for throwing heavy stones, &c. Argumentum ad judicium. [L.] An argument Baunco regis. [L.] On the king's bench. to the judgment. Bas bleu. [Fr.] Blue-stocking; a literary woman. WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 307 Basso-ilieuo. [It.] See BASS-RELIEF. Caput mortuumr. [L.] Worthless remains. Beau ideal. [Fr.] A species of beauty created Caret (pl. carent). [L.] It is wanting. by fancy, or existing only in the imagination. Carpe diem. [L.] Improve time; embrace the Beau-monde. [Fr.] The gay world. opportunity. Beaux-esprits. Fr.] Men of wit. Carte blanche. [Fr.] A blank paper to be filled Bel esprit. [Fr.] A brilliant mind. up with such conditions as the person to whom Bella! horrida bella! [L.] War! horrid war! it is sent thinks proper; unconditional terms. Bellurn lethale. [L.] A deadly war. Casus belli.' [L.] A cause for war. Ben trovato. [It.] Well-invented. Catalogue raisonns. [Fr.] A catalogue of boolks Bibliomania. [L.]J Tile rage for possessing arranged according to subjects. scarce or curious books; boolk-madness. Cavatina. [It.] (Mlusic.) A short air. Bijou. [Fr.] A jewel; a trinket. Caveat actor. [L.] Let the doer beware. Billet doux. [Fr.] A love-letter. Caveat emptor. [L.] Let the buyer beware. Bis. [L.] Twice, or repeated. Cavendo tutus. [L.] Safe through caution. Bizarre. [Fr.] Odd; strange; fantastical. Cavin. [Fr.] A hollow, fit to cover troops. Bonafide. [L.] In good faith; really. Centurn. [L,.] A hundred. Ben gr. [Fr.] With a good grace. Centumviri. [L.] The hundred Roman judges. Ben grg, mal eri. [Fr.] With good or ill grace. Certiorari. [L.] To be made more certain. Benhomie. [Fr.1 Good-natured simplicity. Cessor. [L..] (Law.) He that ceases so long to Benis avibus. [L.] With good omens. perform a duty as to incur danger. Ben-met. [Fr.] A jest; a witty repartee. Chanmps Elysges. [Fr.] Elysian fields. Bonne. [Fr.] A governess; a lady's maid. Chapeau de bras. [Fr.] A military cocked hat. Bonne bouche. [Fr.] A delicate bit. Chargi d'affaires. [Fr.] An ambassador or Ben-ten. [Fr.] Fashion. public minister of secondary rank. Boudoir. [Fr.] A small private apartment. Cfhteaux en Espa-ne. [Fr.] Castles in the air. Bouillon. [Fr.] Broth; soup. Chefd'ceuvre. [Fr.] Amasterpiece. Bourse. [Fr.] A exclange Chireantie. [Fr.] Amistress. Boutez en avant. [Fr.] Push forward. Cheval de bataitlle. [Fr.] A war-horse. Brevet d'invenStion. [Fr.] A patent. Chevaux-de-frise. [Fr.] A military fence, or BrevetW. [Fr.] Patented. piece of timber used in defending a passage Brevi manu. [L.] With a short hand; off-hand. a kind of trimming. Brutumfulmen. [L.] A harmless thunderbolt. Chevisance. [Fr.] Enterprise; bargain. Buona mano. [It.] A slight present. Chevron. [Fr.] An honorable ordinary. Burletta. [It.] A comic or farcical opera. Clarum et venerabile niomen. [L.] An illustrious and venerable name. Classes aisles. [Fr.] Classes having a competence. C. Coegnoscente (pl. coffnoscenti). [It.] One who is well versed in any thing; a connoisseur. Cache. [Fr.] A hole dug in the ground for Cognovit. [L.] (Law.) An acknowledgment concealing and preserving goods or luggage. by the defendant of the plaintiff's cause. Cachet. [Fr.] A seal; a private state letter. Comitas intergentes. [L.] Comity betweennaCacoethes.[L.] An evil customn; a bad habit. tions. Cacothes carpendi. [L.] A rage for finding Comitia. [L.] Popular assemblies of the Rofault or carping. mans. Cacosthes loquendi. [L.] A rage for speaking. Comme ilfaut. [Fr.] As it should be. Cacothes scribendi. [L.] A rage for writing. Commissariat. Fr.] A body of officers who Cadenza. [It.] (JMusic.) The fall or modula- provide provisions, &c., for an army. tion of the voice. Commune benurn. [L.] A common good. Caduceus. [L.] Mercury's wand. Communibus annis. [L.] One year with another. Ceca invidia est. [L.] Envy is blind. Conmuni consensus. [L.] By common conseit. Catera desunt. [L.] The remainder is wanting. Componere lites. [L.] To settle disputes. Ceterisparibus. [L.] Other things being equal. Compos mentis. [L.] Of sound mind. Cafi. [Fr.] A coffee-house. Compte rendu. [Fr.] A report or account. Caique. [Fr.] A skiff of a galley. Con amore. [It.] With love or inclination. Calotte. [Fr.] A cap or coif of hair. Concio ad clermm. [L.] A sermon or address Caloyers. Monks of the Greek church. to the clergy. Campus Mlartius. [L.] A place for military Concordia discors. [L.] Discordant concord. exercises. Congi dilire. [Fr.] The iking's permission to Candida pax. [L.] White-robed peace. a dean and chapter to choose a bishop. Cantate Damino. [L.] Sing to the Lord. Coentra bonos nmores. [L.] Against good mariners Capias. [L.] (Law.) A sort of writ or process. or morals. Capitulum, or Caput. [L.] Section; chapter. Conversazione. [It.] A meeting of company. Caponniire. [Fr.] (Fort.) A covered lodgement, Copula. [L.] (Loeic.) The word which unites with a littie parapet. the subject and predicate of a proposition. Capot. [Fr.] A winning at the game of piquet. Coram nobis. [L.] Before us. Capriccio. [It.] (JMlusic.) A loose, irregular Cordon sanitaire. [Fr.] A line of guards against species of composition. contagion or pestilence. Capricciose. [It.] (Music.) A term to express Corus deicti. [L.] The main offence. a fantastic, free style. Corrienda. [L.] Wordsto be altered, 308 WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Corruptio optimi pessima. [L.] The corruption Vejure.. f[L.] By or of right; by law. of the best becomes the worst. Delirium tremens. [L.] The drunkard's madCortege. [Fr.] A train of attendants.: ness.. Cor unum, va una. [L.] One heart, one way. De minimis non curator. [L.] No notice is taken Couleur de rose. [Fr.] Rose color; flattering hue. of trifles. Coup de grace. [Fr.] The mercy-stroke; fin- Ddnouement. [Fr.] The discovery of the plot ishing stroke. of a drama; catastrophe; a finishing. Coup de main. [Fr.] A bold effort or attack.., De novo. [L.] Anew; from the beginning. Coup de plume. [Fr.] A literary attack or contest. Deo favente. [L. Providence favoring. Coup de soleil. [Fr.] Sun-stroke. Des gratias. L. Thanks to God. Coup d'essai. [Fr.] - First attempt. Deo juvante. [L.] With God's help., Coup de thi&tre. [Fr.] Theatrical effect.-.. Deo monente. [L.] Providence warning. Coup d'dtat. [.Fr.] A stroke of policy in state Deo volente. [L.] If God will. affairs.... De profundis. [L.] Out of the depths. Coup d'eil. [Fr.] A slight view;. a glance. Desideratum. [L.J A thing desired. Coupde. [Fr. A motion in dancing. Desunt ettera. [L.] The remainder is wanting, Coupons. [Fr.] Dividend-warrants; papers,:or Detur digniori. [L.] Let it be given to the parts of a commercial instrument bearing in- more worthy. terest, of which a part is cut off as it falls due. Deus vobiscum. rL.] God be with you., Courage sans peur. [Fr.] Courage without fear. Dextro tempore.- L.] At.a propitious time., Coureurs des bois. [Fr.] Forest-runners. Dictum (pl. dicta). [L.] A positive assertion. Co~fte que co~fte. [Fr.] Let it cost what it may. Diesfaustus. [L.] -A lucky day.' Cranium. [L.] The skull.. Dies infaustus. [L.] An unlucky day. Credenda. fL.] Things to be believed. Dies irse. [L.] Day of wrath. Credo quia impossibile est. [L.] I believe because Dies non. [L.] No day in court. it is impossible. Dieu defend le droit. [Fr,.] God defends the right. Crescit eundo. [L.] It increases in its course. Dieu et mon droit., _[Fr.j God and my right,:. Crux criticorum. [L.] The puzzle-of critics. Dii majorum gentium. [L.] The twelve superior Cru; medicorum. [L.] The puzzle of physicians. gods. Crux mathematicoruta. [L.] The puzzle of Dii penates.i [L.]:: Household;gods.. i mathematicians. Dilettante (pl. dilettanti). [It.] One who delights Cuerpo. Sp.] The body. - To be in cuerpo, is in cultivating or promoting the fine arts.:to be without fill dress. Dirigo.; [L.];;I guide. -:; Cui bono? [L.] For whose benefit?. Disjecta membra. [L.] Scattered remains. Cum grano salis. [L.] With a grain of salt; Divide et impera. [L.] Divide and govern. with some allowance. Docendo discimus. [L.] We learn by teaching. Cum privilegio.: [L.] With privilege or-license. Dolce. [It.] Same as:Dolcemente. Curiosafelicitas. [EL.] A felicitous tact.. Dolcemente. [It.] (JMusic.) In a soft, agreeable Curioso. [It.] A curious person; a virtuoso. manner. Currente calamo. [L.] With a rapid pen. Doloroso.::[It.] (JMusic.) Soft and pathetic. Custos morum. [L.] The guardian of morals. Dorer la pilule. [Fr.]. To gild the pill. Custos'rotulorum. [L.] The keeper of the rolls. Dos d'ane.:[Fr.;A shelving ridge. Double entendre. [Fr.] Double meaning.:: Double entente. [Fr.] Double signification. Doux yeux. [Fr.] Soft glances. i.. D L Drasmatis pe~rsonev., [L.] Characters of the dra-; ma; characters represented. Da capo. [It.] (.Music.) Signifying that the Droit des gens. Fr.] The law of nations. first part of a tune should be repeated. Droit et avant. [Fr.e Right and forward D'accord. rFr.] Agreed; in tune. Duello. [It.] The duel; the rule of duelling. Dado. [It.] Plain part of a column; the die. Dulia. [Gr.j. An inferior kind of worship. Dames de la halle.: [Fr.] Market-women. Dum vivimus, vivamus. [L.] While we live, Data.: [L.] Things granted; premises. let us live. De bonne grace. [Fr.] Willingly and kindly.; Dura mater. [L.] A membrane covering the Debouchure. [Fr.] The mouth of a river or brain........... strait. Durante beneplacito. [L.] During our good Debris. [Fr.] Fragments; ruins.. pleasure..... Ddbut. [-Fr. The beginning or opening of a Durante vita. [L.] During life. discourse, or any design; first appearance. Deceptio visfs. [L.] Optical illusion. Decimo-sexto. [L.] A book is a decimo-sexto when a sheet is folded into 16 leaves. El Decrevi. [L.] I have determined. De die in diem. [L.] From day to day. Eau deCologne. [Fr.] Cologne water. De facto. [L.] In fact; in reality.. Eaude vie. [Fr.]:Brandyy. D)e gustibus non disputandum. [L.] There is no Ecce homo.. [L.] Behold the man. disputing about tastes. Ecce signum. [L.] Behold the.sign, or badge. Dejefner. [Fr.] A breakfast... Echelon.; [Fr.] (Mil.) A movement of an army Djefner d a fourchbette. [Fr.] A meat break- in the form of steps.:',:,:' < fast. E contra. [L.] O thetheother hand. WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 309 E conbrario. [L n the cotra. Ecerpta. [L Extracts. Editio princeps. [L.] The first edition. Es concesso. [L;]'From what has been adElapso tempore. [L. The time having elapsed. mitted. Elegit. rLi] A writ of execution. - Excudit. [L.] He fashioned or made it. Eldve. [Fr. A pupil. Ez curia. [L.] Out of court. Elite. [Fr.] The flower of an army. Ex delicto. [L.] From the crime. Eloignevnent. [Fr.] Estrangement. Ex dono. [L.] By the gift of. Enlmbonpoint. [Fr.] Good plight of body; Exempli gratia. IL.] For example; for instance. plumpness.:: Exeunt.: [L.] l'hey go out. Embouchure. [Fr.J The aperture of a flute, Exeunt omnes. [L.] All go out. &c.; the mouth of a river. E: eaint. [Fr.. Requiring too much. Emerituzs. [L.] An epithet applied to one who Ex merbgrati&.i [L.] From mere favor. is discharged from further public: duty. Ex meroe motu. [L.] From a mere motion. Empressesent. [Fr.] Eagerness; haste; zeal. E officio. [L.] By virtue of his office. Enceinte. [Fr.] Ground enclosed;- pregnant; Ex opere operato.: [L.] By external works. being withl child. En prte. [L.] O one part or side. En famillee. - [Fr.] In a family way. Experinentum crucis. [L.] The experiment of Enfanls defamille. [Fr.] Children of the family. the cross:-a decisive experiment. EEnfant gatd. [Fr.i A spoiled child. Expertus. [L.] An experienced person. E'?fant trouvd. [Fr.] A foundling. Ezpost facto. [L. After the deed is done. Enflin. [Fr.] At length; at last. Expressis verbis. [L.] In expressterms. En masse. [Fr.] In a mass or body. Expressivo. - [It.] (Jlusic.) With expression. EsLnui. [Fr.] Wearisomeness; disgust. Ex professo. [L.] By profession.... En;passatit., [Fr.l1 -.In passing; by tlhe:way. Ex:temnpore. [L.] Off-hand; on the spur of En plein jour. [Fr.] In! broad day.:-::: the moment:- extemporaneously. En revanche. [Fr.] In return; as a requital. Exuno disce omnes. [L.] From one learn all. En route. [Fr.] Onthe way or road. Euvi. [L.] Cast skins; cast shells; what-;Ensemble. [Fr.] One with another j a relative,!ever is shed by animals. proportioniof parts to the whole. E~ttre deux vins. [Fr.l Neither drunk nor sober. Entremets. [Fr.]!Dainties between the courses. Entre nous. [Fr.] Between ourselves. F Entresol. [Fr.] A -low-studded story between the basement and second story. Facile princeps. [L.] The admitted chief. Eo.nomine.. [L.] By that name. Fa actotum. [L.] A man of all work. Xpiceditlm. [L. An elegy;:a funeral poem. Ftex populi. [L.]. The dregs of the people. Epigeem, Epigee. That part of. the orbit in Faire bonne mnte. [Fr.] To put a goodfface on. which a planet comes nearest to the earth. Faire mon devoir. [Fr.] To do my duty. Epiglottis. -A cartilage of the larynx. Faire sans dire. [Fr.] To do, not say.:piphoonema. (Rhet.) An exclamation. Fait accompli. [Fr.] A thing already done. Epiploce. (Rhet.) A sort of climax. Falsetto.; [It.] ((Music.) A feigned voice. E- pluribus unum. - [L.] One of many.- The Fama clamosa. [L.] Public scandal. motto of the -United States. - The allusion is Famille, Esn famille. [Fr.] In a family way, to the formation of one federal government out domestically. of several independent States. Fantasia. [It.] (JMusic.) A kind of air. Equanimite.,L; ] With equanimity. Fasces. [L.] Rods anciently carried before the Ergo. [i] Therefore;-a termn in logic. Roman consuls as a mark of authority. Errare humanum est. [L.] To err is human. Fascine. [Fr.] A fagot. Espdrance-et Dieu. [Fr.] Hope and God. Fasti etnefastz dies. [L.] Lucky and unlucky Esprit deorps. [Fr.] Tie h ~spirit of the body. days. -: Esprit fort. [Fr.] A freethinker.; Fata obstant. [L.] The Fates oppose. Essayez. [Fr;] Try; attempt.: Faux pas.: [Fr.] A false step.; Est-modus in rebus. [L.] There is a medium Feme covert. [Fr.] A married woman. in all things. Feme'sole.: [Fr.] A single woman. Esto perpetua. [L.] Let it endure forever. Femme de chambre.: [Fr.] A chamber-maid. Et cetera. [L.] And the rest.: - - - - Femme de chargee [Fr. A housekeeper. Et sequentia.' [L.]:.And what follows. Fere naturte..L.] Of a wild nature. Et sic de caeteris. [L.] And so of the rest. Ferme ornde. [Fr.] An ornamented farm. Et sic de simnilibus. [L.] And so of the:like. Fite,; [Fr.] A feast; a festival day. Et tu,~ Brute. [L.] And even you, Brutus. Fite champitre. [Fr.] A rural feast celebrated Eupliorbium. [.] A medicinal gum resin. out of doors. Ex abrupto. [L.] Abruptly. Feu dujoie. rFr. A bonfire. Ex abundaliti. [L.] Out of the abundance. Feuillemort. -Fr. Color of a faded leaf. Ex animo. [L.] Heartily; sincerely. Feuilleton. [Fr.] A small leaf; a supplement Ex beneplacito. [L.] At pleasure. to, or the bottom of a:page of, a newspaper: Ex cathedra. [L.] From the chair or pulpit; Feuilletoniste. [Fr.] A writer of feuilletons, from high authority. Fiat luxz.- [L.] Let light be. Excelsior. [L.] Higher; more elevated. Fide et amore. rL.] By faith and love. Exceptis ezcipiendis.. [L.] The proper excep- Feds etfidueci. [L.] By fidelity and confidence. tions being made.: Fide etfortitudine. [L.] By faith and fortitude. 310 WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Fidei defensor. [L.] Defender of the faith. Glebsc ascriptus. [L.] A servant belonging to F'idtlis ad urnam. [L.] Faithful unto death. the soil. Fideliter. [L.] Faitllfully. Gloria in excelsis. [L.] Glory to God in the Fide, non armis. [L.J By faith, not arms. highest. Fides Punica. [L.] Punic faith:-treachery. Gloria Patri. [L. Glory be to the Father. Fidus dachates. [L.] Faithful Achates. Gottte d goutte. [Fr.] Drop by drop. Fidlus et audax. [L.] Faithlfill and daring. G algs ad Parnassu.m. [L.] An aid to writing Fierifacias. [L.] (Lawo.) A kind of judicial writ. Latin and Greek poetry. Filius nullius. rL.3 A son of nobody. Grande parure. [Fr.] Full dress. Itilius populi. r[L. A son-of the people. Gratia placendi. [L.] The delight of pleasing. Filius terrce. [.] A son of the earth.- (Ox- Gratis dictum. [L.] Mere assertion. ford, Eng.) a student of low birth. Grezx enalium. [L.1 A venal throng, Fille de chambre. [Fr.] A chamber-maid. Grisette. [Fr.] The wife or daughter of a Fille dejoie. [Fr.] A prostitute. French tradesman. Fineam respice. [L.] Look to the end. Glerra al cuchillo. [Sp.] War to the knife. Finis coroeat opus. [L.] The end crowns the Gluerre d l'outrance. [Fr.] War to the knife. work. Guerre d mort. [Fr.] War to the death. Flagrante bello. [L.] While the war was raging. Flagrante delieto. [L.] In the actual commlission. of the crime. Fblebile ludibrium. [L.] A sad mockery. I. Flota. [Sp.] A fleet of ships. Forma pauperis. [L.] In the character of a Habeas corpus. [L.] A writ for delivering a pauper. person from false imprisonment, &c. Forte. [It.] (J]fusic.) Loudly, with strength Hagiographa. [L.] Sacred writings. and spirit. Hareo. [Fr.] Hue and cry. Fortes fortuna juvat. [L.] Fortune favors the Haudpassibus aequis. [L.] VVith unequal steps. brave. Haut et bon. [Fr.] Lofty and good. Fortissimo. [It.] (JMusic.) Very loud. Hauteur. [Fr.] Haughtiness. Fortiter et recte. [L.] With fortitude and rec- Haut-goslt. [Fr.] A strong relish. titude. Heurteka (EiprlKa). [Gr.] I have found it. Fortiter in-re. [L.] With firmness in-action. Hic et ubique. [L.] Here and every where. Friseur. [Fr.] A hair-dresser. Hicjacet. [L.] Here lies; —sepultus, buried.; Fronat dfront. [Fr.] Face to face. Hinc illte lachrymee. [L.] Hence these tears. Fug-it hera. [L.] The hour flies. Hoc loco. [L.] In this place. Fuit Ilium. [L.] Troy has been. Hoc saxum posuait. [L.] He placed this stone. Fulmen brutum. FL.] A harmless thunderbolt. Hoc tempore. [L.] At thlis time. Functus osicio. [L.] Having discharged his Hoipolloi (ot roc\Aoi). [Gr.] The many. office. Homninis est errare. [L.] To err is human. Furor loquendi. [L.] A rage for speaking. Homme de robe. [Fr.] A man in civil office. Fulror scribendi. ]L.] A rage for writing. Homme des affaires. [Fr.] A man of business, Furor poeticus. [L.] Poetic rage or fire. Heomme d'sprit. [Fr.] A man of wit or talenti Homo sui juris. [L.] One who is his own master. Honor est a.Jilo. [L.] Honor is from the Nile. G'.~.qIn anaeram on " Horatio JN'elson." Hones alit artes. [L.] Honor cherishes the arts,. Galliec. [L.] In French. Hookah. A sort of totacco-pipe in the East. Garde d eheval. [Fr.] A mounted guard. Hora e sempre. [It.] It is always time. Garde de corps. [Fr. A body-guard. Horafugit. [L.] The hour flies. Garde mobile. [Fr..] Guards liable to general Horresco referens. [L.] I shudder as I relate.. service. Heors de combat. rFr.] Not in a condition to fight' Gardez bien. [Fr.] Guard well; take care. Hospitium. [L. An inn. Gendarme. [Fr.] A military man. - The gen- HOteldes Invalides. [Fr.] A hospital in Paris darmes, gens d'armes, or gendarmerie, are a for wounded toldiers, &c. select body of troops in France, employed by HOtel de ville. [Fr.] Town-hall; city-hall. the police. HOtel Dieu. [Fr.] A hospital. Genius loci. [L.] The genius of tlle place. Huissier. [Fr.] Door-keeper; usher. Gens de condition. [Fr.] People of rank. Humanum est e-rare. [L.] To err is human. Gens d'Iglise. [Fr.] Churchmen. Hysteron proteton. A rhetorical figure, when Gens de guerre. [Fr.] The military. that which was done first is last mentioned. Gens de langues. [Fr.] Linguists. Gens de lettres. [Fr.] The literati. Gens depeu. rFr.] The meaner sort. Gens togata. IL.] Gownsmen; civilians. Genus irritabile vatum. [IL.] The irritable race of poets. Ibidem. [L.] In the same place. Georgium Sidus. [L.] A planet, called also Ich dien. [German.] I serve. Herschel and Uranus. Idem. [.] The same. Germanic8. [L.] In German. Idem sonans. [L.] Signifying the same. WORDS AND PHRASES FRX0A FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 311 Id est. [L.] That is. I vit& Minlerva, [L.] Without capacity or genius. Id genus om7ne. [L.] All persons of that de- Ipse dixit. [L.] Ile himself said it. scription. Ipsissina verba. [L.] The very words. Ignis fatlLus. [L.] Will o' the Wisp. Ipsissinis verbis. [L.] In the very words. Illuminati, or liluminees. Members of associa- Ipsofacto. [L.] By the act itself. tions in modern Europe, hostile to the existing Ipso jure. [L.] By the law itself. religious institutions. Italicd. [L.] In Italian. I1 sent lefagot. [Fr.] He smells of the fagot. Item. [L.] Also. Imo pectore. [L[.] From the bottom of the heart. /mnperiuem in imperio. [L.] A state within a state. Inz equilibrio. [L.] In equilibrium. In articulo mortis. [L.] At the point of death. Jo In capite. [L.] In chief. In ctlo quies. [L.] There is rest in heaven. Jacta est alea. [L.] The die is cast. zn commendanm. [L.] In recommendation. Januis clausis. [L.] With closed doors. lit cusrian. [L.] In court. Je ale sais quoi. [Fr.] I know not what. Inde irse. [L.] Hence these resentments. Je suis prat. [Fr.] - I am ready. lndez e.pUzrgatorius. [L.] A purifying index; Jet d'eau. [Fr.] A water pipe or spout. a list of prohibited books. Jeu de smots. [Fr.] A play upon words. Ie dubiis. [L.] In matters of doubt. lJeu d'esprit. [Fr.] A display of wit; a wittiIn equilibrio. [L.] In an even poise. cism. Ia esse. [L.] In actual being. Jeu de thletre. [Fr.] A stage-trick; a claptrap. lie eztenso. [L.] In full; at large. Jubilate Deo. [L.] Be joyful in the Lord. In extremis. [L.] At the point of death. Judicium Dei. [L.] The judgmnelt of God. lefaseta. (Spais anld Portugal.) A princess of Junctajzuvaat. [L.] United, they assist. royal blood. Jsuniores ad labores. [L.] Youlng men for labor. Infaste. (Spains and Portugal.) A prince of the Jsspiter tonans. [L.] Thle Thinnderer, Jove. royal blood. Jeere divineL. [L.] By the divine law. ineform& pauperis. [L.] As a poor man. Jreae 7lmano. [L.] By human law. lilfoio conscientico. [L.]' Before the tribunal of Jsris strisusque doctor. [L.] Doctor of both laws conscience. (civil and canonical). Infiaa dienitatem. [L.] Below one's dignity. Jus civile. [L.] The civil law. le feitas a. L. In future. Jsss divinum. [L.] Divine right. Iez imaine. [. At the threshold. Jus et norma loquendi. [L.] The rule and law of lz loco. [L ] In the proper place. speech. In loco pas entis. [L.] In place of a parent. cJsts oentmism. [L.] The law of nations. In medias res. [L,] Into the midst of affairs. Jes possessionis. [L.] The right of possession. le memoLiab. [L.] In memorv. Jus proprietatis. [L.] The right of property. In nubibus. [L.] In the clouds. Jaste milieu. [Fr.] The golden mean. In partibes iJfidelisum. [L.] In infidel [i. e. not Cathlolic] countries. In petto. [It.] In reserve or secrecy. In posse. [L.] In possible being. L o lie proesenti. [L.] At the present time. Ile props7 pe srsone. [L.] In person. Labore et honore. [L.] By labor and honor. Inpuris nsaturalibus. [L.] Stark naked. Labor ipse voluptas. [L.] Labor itself is a pleasIn re. [L.] In the act; in reality. ure. In ssctzla sceultortsm. [L.] For ages on ages. Labor omnia vincit. [L.] Labor conquers all Isesculpsit. [L.] He engraved it. things. lie situ. [L.] In the natural situation. Laisser faire. [Fr.] To let alone; to leave Inspeximils. [L., we have inspected: the first matters to their natural course. word in ancient charters, &c.] An exemplifi- Laissez nous faire. [Fr.] Let us act for ourselves. cation. La maladie saes smaladie. [Fr.] Hypochondria. Instar oannium. [L.] Asx example which may Lapsus calami. [L.] A slip of the pen. suffice for all. Lapsus linguIa. [L. A slip of the tongue. In statu quo. [L.] In the former state. Lar (pl. lares). [L.] A household god. Intaglio. [It.] A precious stone having a head Lares et penates. L. Household gods: -home. or some figure engraved on it. L'argent. [Fr.] Silver; money. Inter alia. [L.] Among other things. Largo, ~ [It.] (J~ulsic.) Terms denoting a Itater nos. [L.] Between ourselves. Larghetto. I slow movement. Iater pocula. [L.] In his cups. Latind dictum. [L.] Said in Latin. Ale terrorem. [L.] In terror; by way of warning. Latitat. [L.] A writ of summons. Inter se. [L.] Among themselves. Latria. [L.] The highest kind of worship. oInter parietes. rL.] Within walls; in private. Lanudari a viro laudato. [L.] To be praised by Ine toto. [L.] In the whole; entirely. a man who is himself praised. In transitu. [L.] In the passage; in passing. Lats.Deo. [L.] Praise bhe to God. In us.se.. Delphini. [L.] For the use of the Lector benevole. [L.] Gentle reader. Dauphin. Leratus a latere. [L.] Ajpeapal ambassador exIn vacuo. [L.] In a vacuum. traordinary. [i Vsieo veritas. [L.] There is truth in wine. Le grand monarque. [Fr.] The great monarch. 312 WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Le grand teuvre. [Fr.] The great work..Jania a potu. [L.] Madness from drink; deL' enpre des lettres. [Fr.] The republic of letters. lirium tremens. Le point d jour. [Fr.] Daybreak. Jfanuforti. [L.] With a strong hand. Le roi et l'etat. [Fr.] The king and the state..JManupropria. [L.] With one's own hand. Le roi le veut. [Fr.] The king wills it. JMasorah. A Hebrew work on the Bible. Les extremes se touchent. [Fr.] Extremes meet. JMateria medica. [L.] Substance used in medLettre de marque. [Fr.] A letter of marque or icine. reprisal. JMauvais goet. [Fr.] Bad taste. Lettres de cachet. [Fr.] Sealed letters of the.Mauvaise honte. [Fr.] Extreme bashfulness. king, containing private orders. 3Maximus in minimis. [L.] Very great in very Lex loci. [L.] The law of the place. little things. Lex terra. [L.] The law of the land..Iediocria firma. [L.] The middle station is Lex non scripta. [L.] The unwritten law; the safest. common law. MJlemento mori. [L.] Be mindful of death. Lez scripta. [L.] The written or statute law. JMemor etfidelis. [L.] Mindful and faithful. Lex talionis. [L.] The law of retaliation. Memori& in eterna. [L.] In eternal rememLibretto. [It.] A little book; a pamphlet. brance. Licentiavatum [L. Poetical license. JMemoriter. [L.1 By rote. Limwe labor. [L. The labor of the file. - Mens divinior. [L.] Inspired mind of the poet. L'inconnu. [Fr.] The unknown. JMens sana in corore sano. [L.] A sound mind L'incroyable. [Fr.] The incredible. in a sound body. Lis litem generat. [L.] Strife begets strife. JMeo periczno. [L.] At my own risk. Lis subjudice. [L.] A case not yet decided..Meum et tunem. [L.1 Mine and thine:- property. Lite pendente. [L. During the trial. JMezzo termine. [It.] A middle course. Literatim., [L. LeLter by letter; literally..Minutiae. [L.] Trifles; minute points. Littdrateur. [Fr.] A literary man..Mirabile dictu. [L.] Wonderful to relate. Loci communes. [L.] Commonplaces; topics. J.Mirabile visu. [L.] Wonderful to see. Loco citato. [L.] In the place before cited. JMIobile perpetuum. [L.] Perpetual motion. Locrnum tenens. [L.] A substitute; a proxy. MJIodo etformd. [L.] In manner and form. Locus criminis. [L.] The place of the crime..Modus operandi. [L.] The mode of operation. Locus in quo. [L.1 The place in which..Mollia tempora fandi. [L.] The favorable moLocus penitenti.e. {L.] Place for repentance. ments for speaking. Locus sigilli. [L.] The place of the seal..Monsieur. Fr.] Sir: the title of the French Longo intervallo. [L.] With a long interval.: king's eldest brother. Loyal en tout. [Fr.] Loyal in every thing. JMorceau (pl. morceaux). [Fr.] A small piece. Loyauti m'oblige. [Fr.] Loyalty binds me. flore major-eun. [L.] Alter the manner of our Lucidus ordo. [L.1 A lucid arrangement.. ancestors.> Lupus infabul.: [L.] The wolf in the fable. Mot du guet. [Fr.] A watchword. Lusus nature. [L. A freak of nature; a monster. Moto proprio. [L.] Of his own accord...Mots d'usage. IFr.] Phrases in common use. 3reultum in parvo. [L.] Much in a little space. M Jutatismutandis. [L.] The necessary changes 1V1o' being made. Macte virtute. [L.] Go on increasing in virtue. JMademoiselle. [Fr.] A miss; a young girl..Maestosoe [It.- (JMlsic.) iA term directing the N. part to be played with grandeur. J.lfagna charta. [L..] The great charter of Eng- J.atale solum. [L. Natal soil. lish liberty. We cede malis. [L.] Yield not to misfortunes..Magna est veritas, et preevalebit. [L.] Truth is.Necessitas non habet legem. [L.] Necessity has powerful, and will prevail. - no law. JMagnifico. [It.] A grandee of Venice..Nrefasti dies. [L.] Unlucky days. *[agni nominis umbra. [L.] The shadow of a.Nem. con. [L., for nemine contradicente.] No great name. one opposing..Magnum bonum. [L.] A great good..Aenia. [Gr.] A funeral song; an elegy. JMagfnum opus. [L.] A great work. Ne plus ultra. [L.] The utmost limit. JMagenus ipollo. [L.] Great Apollo: —a great.re quid nimis. [Li. Do not take too much of oracle or authority. any thing:-avoid extremes..Maintien le droit. [Fr.] Maintain the right. 3J' e vile velis. [L.] Desire nothing base. JMaison de campagne. [Fr.] A country-house. 3il desperanduem. [L.] Never despair. JMaison de ville. [Fr.] A town-house. JMinmlporte. rFr.] It matters not. JMaitre d'hitel. [Fr.] A steward..Misi prius. [L.] (Law.) A judicial writ..Maladie du pays.. [Fr.] Homesickness. Vbolens volens. [L.] Willing or unwilling..Mald fide. [L.1 In bad faith; treacherously..Joli me tangere. [L.] Touch me not..Mal d propos. [Fr.] Out of place; unseasonable. 3eolle prosequi. [L.] (Law.) An agreement by jlalis avibus. [L.] With bad omens. the plaintiff that he will not further prosecute JMalum in se. [L.] A thing wrong in itself. his suit. Malumi prohibitum. [L; A thing wrong because.Jolo episcopari. [L.] I wish not to be made forbidden. ~ bishop. WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 313.VNom de guerre. [Fr.] A war name; —an as- Outre. [Fr.] Extravagant; out of the comsumed travelling title. mon limits; overstrained. JVom de plume. [Fr.] An assumed name of a Ouvrier. [Fr.] An artisan; workman. writer. JNon assumpsit. [L.] (Law.) He did not assume; - a plea in personal actions. JNon compos mentis. [L.] Not of sound mind. P. Jon constat. [L.] It does not appear. Non est inveletus. [L.] He has not been found. Pacta conventa. [L.] Conditions agreed upon. M.on tibet. [L.] It does not please me. Pallida moas. [L.] Pale death. JVon mi ricordo. [It.] I do not remember. Pandemonium. The great hall or council chamlNon nobis solurnm. [L.] Not to us alone. ber of the fallen angels. Jton obstante. [L.]i Notwithstanding any thing Par excellence. [Fr.] By way of eminence. to the contrary. Pari passu. [L.] With equal pace. Non seaquitur. [L.] It does not follow -an Par nobile fratrum. [L.] A noble pair of' unwarranted conclusionl brothers. JVosce teipsum. [L. Know thyself. Paronomasia. A play upoa words; a pun. ANota bene. [L. Talike notice. Paronmasy.ds;pun Nl'oVubliez pas. Fr.] Forget not. Particeps Crin7inis. [L.] An accomplice in the jsus verrons. [Fr. We shall see. crime. JVsuvellette. [Fr.] A tale; a short novel. Parturiunt montes. [L.] The mountain is in JNovus homo. [L. A new man. labor. JVntdis veris. [L.] In plain words. Passe-partout. [Fr.] A master-key. JVudum pactum. L.] A bare contract. Passim. [L.] Every where. JVeuge canor. [L.] Melodious trifles. Patelfamilias. [L.] The father of a family. JNulliusfilius. [L.] A son of nobody. Pater patriee. [L.] The father of his country..JWunc aut nunquam. [L.] Now or never. Pathopoeia. An address to the passions. Jfunquam non paratus. [L.] Never unprepared. Patois. [Fr.] A corrupt speech or dialect. Patriis virtutibus. [L.] By hereditary virtue. Pencheant. [Fr.] Inclination;- propensity. Pendette lite. [L.] While the suit is pending. 0 Per. [L.] By; as, per day, i. e. by the day. Per annumL. [L.] By the year; yearly. Obiter dictum. [L.] A thing said by the way. Per capita. [L.] By the head; singly. Observanda. [L.] Things to be observed. Per centucn. [L.] By the hundred. Occurrent nubes. [L.] Clouds will intervene. Per diem. [L.] By the day. Odium theologicum. [L.] The hatred of theolo- Pe&e defamille. [Fr.] The father of a family. gians. Perfas et nefas. [L.] Through right and wrong. (Eil de bouef. [Fr.] Bull's eye. Per saltusm. [L.] By a leap: -by fits and starts. Officina gentium. [L. The workshop of nations. Per se. [L.3 By itself; for its own sake. Oble! jam saties. [L. O! there is now enough. Petitio princzpii. [L.] A begging of the question. Olla podrida. [Sp.] A heterogeneous mixture. Petit maitre. fFr.] A fop; a coxcomb. Omnia muttantur, et nos mutamt in' illis. [L.] All Pia mater. [L.] A membrane covering the things change, and we change with them, brain. Omnia vincit labor. [L.] Labor overcomes all Pillau. A Turkish dish made of boiled rice and obstacles. Pillao. mutton fat or juice. On dit. [Fr., it is said.] A loose report. Pis aller. [Fr.] The worst or last shift. Onomatopria. (Rhet.) A figure, when the sound Poco dpoco. [Sp.] Little by little;-softly. of the word corresponds to the thing signified. Point d'appui. [Fr.] Point of'support. Onus probandi. [L.] The burden of proof. Pons asinorum. [L.] The bridge of asses. Opera pretium est. [L.] It is worth while. Posse comitatus. [L.] The power of the coun. Opera illiens mea sunt. [L.] His works are ty; an armed body. mine. Post mortem. [L.] After death. Optimates. [L.] The chief men in a state. Post enuilajubzla. [L.] After sorrow, joy. Opus operatum. [L.] A mere outward work. Post obitum. FL.] After death. Ora e sempre. [It.] Now and always. Postulatum. [L.] A thing required; an asOra et labora. [L.] Pray and labor. sumed position. Oreapro nobis. [L.] Pray for us. Pouerprendre congO. [Fr.] To take leave. Ore rotundo. [L.] With a fill, round voice. Prucipe. (Law.) A kind of writ. Ore tenus. [L.] From the mouth. Pr7scognita. [L.] Things previously known. Origo mali. [L.] The origin of the evil. Prmemonitus, praemuznitus. [L.] Forewarned, foreO, si sic omnia! [L.] O that he had always armed. spoken or acted thus Prima vice. [L.] The first passages. Osrsotunddum. [L.] A round mouth; -a flow- Primafacie. [L.1 On the first face or view. ing and eloquent delivery. Primumz mobile. [L.] First impulse; that which O tempora, 0 mores! [L.] O the times and the puts every thing in motion. manners! Primus inter pares. [L.] The first among equals. Otia daat vitia. [L.] Idleness leads to vice. Principiis obsta. [L.] Resist the first beginnings. Otium cum dignitate. [L.] Leisure with dig- Privatim. [L.] Privately; in secret. nitty. Probatum est. [L.] It is tried and proved. 27 314 WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Pro bono publico. [L.] For the public good. Re infect&. [L.] The business being unfinished, Pro confesso. [L.] As if conceded. Reis cffendi. A Turkish state minister. Pro Deo et ecclesi&. [L.] For God and the Religio loci. [L.] The spirit of the place. church. Bemis velisque. [L.] With oars and sails. Pro et con. [L.] For and against. Renascentur. [L.] They will be born toanProfanum vulges. rL.] The profane vulgar. other life. Pro form&. [L.] For form's sake. Renovate animos. [L.] Renew your courage. Pro hac vice. [rL.] For this time. Rentes. [Fr.] Funds bearing interest; stocks. Proh pudor. [L.] O, for shame! Requiescat inpace. [L.] May he rest in peace. Projet de loi. [Fr.] A legislative bill or draft. Res angusta domi. [L.] Narrow circumstances. Prolegomena. [Gr.] Introductory remarks; a RespiceJinem. [L.] Look to the end. preface. Respublica. [L.] The republic. Procomium. [L.] A preface; an introduction. Resurgam. [L. I shall rise again. Pro rat&. [L.] In proportion. Ride si sapis. [L.] Laugh if you are wise. Pro re nat6. [L.] For a special purpose. Rire sous cape. [Fr.] To laugh in one's sleeve. Pro tanto. [L.] For so much;-as far as it Riornello. [It.] The repeat or burdein of a song. goes. Rota. [L.] A list of persons; a court. Protege. [Fr.] A person protected and patron- Ruat ceelum. [L.] Let the heavens fall. ized. Ruit mole sua. [L.] It falls to ruin by its own Pro tempore. [L.] For the time; temporarily. weight. Proteus. FL.] One who assumes any shape. Ruse. [Fr.] Cunning; artifice; fraud; deceit. Public4. [L.] Publicly; in public. Ruse contre ruse. [Fr.] Trick against trick. Punicajfides. [L.] Punic faith;- treachery. Ruse de guerre. [Fr.] A stratagem of war. Rus in urbe. [L.] The country in the city. S. Qualis rex, talis grex. [L.] Like king, like people. Sal Litticum. rL.] Attic salt; wit. Quamdiu se bene gesserit. [L.] As long as he Salvo jure. [L. Without detriment to the shall conduct himself properly;- during good right. behavior. Salvo piudore. [L.] Without offence to modesty. Quanti est sapere! [L.] flow valuable is wis- Sasnctum sanctoruLm. [L.] The holy of holies. dom! Sag-f- oid. [Fr.] Coolness; indifference; freeQuantum libet. [L.] As much as you please. dom from agitation. Quantum sufficit. FL.] Enough. Sans cirinmo nie. [Fr.] Without ceremony. Quid nunc? [L.] Wlat now? what news? Sans culotte. [Fr.] A man without breeches; Quid pro quo. [L.] One thing for another;- - raganluffin. an equivalent. Sans rime et sans raison. [Fr.] Without rhyme Quid rides? [L.] Why do you laugh? or reason. Qui vive? [Fr.] "Who goes there?" On the Sans souci. rFr.] Without care. alert. Sans tache. [Fr.] Without spot. Quo ad hoc. [L.] As to this; to this extent. Sapere aude. [L.] Dare to be wise. Quo animo. [L.] With what intention. Sartor resartus. [L.] The cobbler mended. Quocunque nonine. [L.] Under whatever name. Satis verborium. [L.] Eiiough of words. Quod avertat Deus. [L.] Which may God avert. Savant (pl. savans). [Fr.] A learned man. Quod erat demonstrandum. [L.] Which was to Savior-vivre. [Fr.] Good breeding, or behavior. be demonstrated. Savoir-faire. [Fr.] Tact; skill; industry. Quod erat faciendum. [L.] Which was to be Scandalumt magnatum. [L.] (Law.) Scandal or done. opprobrium done to any high personage. Quojuire. [L.] By what right. Scire facias. [L.] (Law.) A kind of judicial Quot homines, tot sententice. [L.] Many men, writ. many minds. Secundeum astemr. [L.] According to art. Quo warrasto. [L.] A kind of writ. Secunduem usum. [L.] According to custom Semel et simul. [L.] Once and together. Semperfidelis. [L.] Always faithful. Semper idem. [L.] Always the same, R1t~~~ ~ Semper paratus. [L.] Always prepared. Senatfis-consultum. (L.] A decree of the senate. Raison d'etat. [Fr.] A reason of state. Senex, bis puer. [L.] Once a man, twice a boy. Rara avis. [L.] A rare bird. Separatio a mensa et thoro. [L.] (Law.) SeparaRatione soli. [L.] In respect of the soil. tion from bed and board. Rectd et suasviter. [L.] Justly and mildly. Seriatim. [L.] In regular order. Rectus in curi. [L.] Upright in the court; Servare modum. [L.] To keep within bounds. with clean hands. Sesquipedalia verba. [L.] Words a foot and a Reductio ad absurdum. [L.] A reduction to an half long. absurdity. Sic passim. [L.] So every where. Regatta. [It.] A kind of boat race. Similia similibus curantur. [L.] Like is cured Regiumn donllm. [L.] Royal gift. by like. [The principle of homnceopathy.] WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 315 Simplex munditiis. [L.] Of simple elegance. Tout ensemble. [Fr.] The whole taken together. Sine cure. [L.] Without care. Tria juncta in uno. [L.] Three joined in one. Sine die. [L.] Without naming a day. Trojafuit. [L.] Troy was- [is no more.] Sine invidid. [L.] Without envy. Tuum est. L.] It is thine own. Sine odio. [L.] Without hatred. Sine qu non. [L.] Without which, not; an indispensable condition. Siquis. [L.] A notification. U Siste, viator. [L.] Stop, traveller. Soi-disant. [Fr.] Self-called; pretended. Uberrimafides. [L. A superabundant faith. Soirde. [Fr.] An evening party. Ubi supra. [L.1 Where above mentioned. Soli Deo glomra. [L.] To God alone be glory. Ultima-ratio. [L.] The last reasoning. Solvuntur tabule. [L.] (Law.) The bills are Ultinmus, or ltimo. [L.] The last; -often dismissed: - the defendant is acquitted. contracted to Ult. Sortie. [Fr.1 A sally; a going out. Una voce. [L.] With one voice. Sotto veoe. [It.1 In an under-tone or whisper. Usque ad aras. [L.] To the very altars. Spero melioea. [L.] I hope for better things. Usque ad nauseam. [L.] So as to disgust. Spolia opima. [L.] The richest booty. Usues'loquendi. [L.] Usage in speaking. Status quo. [L.] The state in which. Utile dzlci. [L.] The useful with the agreeable. Stet. [L.] Let it stand. Ut inf-a, [L.] As stated or cited below. Suaviterinmodo, fortiterinre. [L.] Gentlein Utipossidetis. [L.] As you possess: - let each manner, forcible in execution. party keep what is in his possession. Sub colorsejunis. [L.] Under color of law. Ut supra. [L.] As above stated, or cited. Sub judice lis est. [L.] The cause is yet before the judge.. Sub reos. [L.] Under the rose; privately. Sub silentio. [L.] In silence. v Sui generis. [L.] Of a peculiar kind. Summum bonum. [L.] The greatest good. Fade in pace. rL.] Go in peace. Suoe jure. [L.1 By his own right. Vade rnecum. [L.] A book or manual that a Suoe.Marte. [L.] By his own prowess. person always carries with him. Supersedeas. [L.] (Law.) A writ to stay pro- Vrta victis. [L.] Woe to the vanquished. ceedings. Valet anchora virtus. [L.] Virtue is an anchor. Suppressio veri. [L.] The suppression of the Valet de chambre. [Fr.] A valet; a body servant. truth. Yalete et plaudite. [L.] Farewell and applaud. Suum cuique. [L.] Let every one have his own. Varice lectiones. [L.] Various readings. Variorum. [L.] Variorum editions are editions of works in which the notes of various commentators are inserted. 1. Variorum note. [L.] The notes of various editors. Table d'hite. [Fr.] An ordinary. Velis et remis. rL.] With sails and oars. Tedium vite. [L.] Weariness of life. Venirefacias. [L.] You shall cause to come. Tangere vulnus. [L.1 To touch a sore place. Veni, vidi, vici. [L. I came, I saw, I conquered. Tant mieuz. [Fr.] So much the better. Ventis secundis. [L.] With favorable winds. Tant pis. [Fr.] So much the worse. Verbatim et literatim. [L.] Word for word, and Tempora mutantur, et nos mteamur in illis. [L.] letter for letter. Times change, and we change with them. Veritas prrevalebit. [L.] Truth will prevail. Tempus ugit. [L.] Time flies. Veritas vincit. [L.] Truth conquers. Tenax propositi. [L.] Tenacious of his purpose. Vdritd sans peur. rFr.] Truth without fear. Terrafirma. [L.] Solid land; the continent. Vetturino. [It.] An owner or driver of a vetTerra incognita. [L.] An unknown land. tura, an Italian travelling carriage. Tertium quid. [L.] A third something. Vexata quvestio. [L.] A question much disputed; Tic douloureuz. [Fr.] A painful affection of a vexed question. the nerves, mostly in the face. Via media. [L.] A middle way or course. Toga virilis. [L.] The Roman gown of man- Via militaris. [L.] A military way. hood. Vice. [L.] In the room of. To kalon (T Ka)X6v). [Gr.] The beautiful; the Vice verse. [L.] The terms being reversed. chief good. Vide. [L.] See. To prepon (rT rrptrov). [Gr.] The becoming; Videlicet. [L.] To wit; namely; thatis. Tdis the proper. word is generally written viz. Totidem verbis. [L.] In so many words. Vide ut supra. [L.] See the preceding. Toties quoties. [L.] As often as. Vi et armis. [L.- By force of arms; by violence. Totis viribus. [L.] With all his might. Vigilate et orate. [L.] Watch and pray. Toto ceelo. [L.] By the whole heavens. Vigtueur de dessus. [Fr.] Strength is from above. Toujours prat. [Fr.] Always ready. Vin.culum matrimonii. [L.] Bond of matrimony. Toujours propice. rFr.] Always propitious. Virtus sola nobilitat. [L.] Virtue alone ennobles. Tourner casaque. rFr.1 To turn the coat. Virtute etfide. [L. By virtue and faith. Tous frais faits. [Fr.] All expenses paid. Virtute et labore. [L.By virtue and toil. Tout aue contraire. [Fr.] Just the contrary. Pirtute et opera [L. By virtue and industry. 316 WORDS AND PHRASES FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Virtute, non astnti&. [L.] By virtue, not by craft. Five la rdpublique. [Fr.] Long live the republic. Virtute, non verbis. [L.] By virtue, not by words. Vive le roi. [Fr.] Long live the king. Virtute officii. [L.] By virtue of his office. Vive, vale. [L.i Live, and be well. Virtute securus. [L.] Safe through virtue. Viz (a contraction of videlicet). Namely. Virtutis amore. [L.] Through the love of virtue. Volo, non valeo. [L.] I am willing, but not able. Viser d deuz buts. [Fr.J To aim at two marks. Voltigeour. [Fr.] A light horseman. Vis inertiae. [L.] The power of inertness. Vota vita mea. [L.] My life is devoted. Vis medicatei naturee. [L.] The healing power Vox etpreeterea nihil. [L.] Voice and nothing of nature. more; sound without sense. Vis poetica. [L.] Poetic genius. Voxpopuli. [L.] The voice of the people. Vis vitee. [L.] The power or vigor of life. Vulgd. [L.] Commonly. Vita brevis, ars longa. [L.] Life is short, and Vulnus immedicabile. [L.] An incurable wound. art is long. Vitee via virtus. [L.] Virtue is the way of life. Vivoat respublica. [L.] Long live the republic. Vivat regina. [L.] Long live the queen. Vivat rex. [L.] Long live the king. Viv& voce. [L.] By the living voice; by word Zonoamperdidit. [L.] He has lost his purse. of mouth. Zonam solvere. [L.] To unloose the virgin Vive la bagatelle. [Fr.] Success to trifles. zone. PRONUNCIATION OF GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. PREFACE AND REMARKS. NEARLY two thirds of the Proper Names con- 4. An accented vowel in the penultimate syltained in the following Vocabulary have been lable, when followed by a single consonant, by taken from Walker's," Key to the Classical Pro- j or z, or by a mute with I or T, has the long nunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper sound; as, Atbas, cd cra; otherwise, it is short; Names;" and the Names here inserted, which as, qbain'tis. This pronunciation, in cases like are not found in Walker's Key, have been de- the first and last of these examples, is so Jbvirived from the works of various other authors, ous, that it has not been deemed necessary to the principal of which are those of Carr, Sharpe, include such words in the Vocabulary. Trollope, Pauly, and Smith. Exception. - Before gl and tl, the vowel of the penult, unless it be u, has the short sound; as The following rules and observations relating dgle (g'le), Atlas (atlas). to the pronunciation of Greek and Latin Proper 5. The fial e is always sounded as in Names are in general accordance with the prince. This remark, of course, does not apply to Anciples of Walker; but as the system of notation.. glicized forms; as, Proster-pine, for Proserpina. used in this Dictionary is applied to these names 6. In Greek and Latin names, the letter g has in the Vocabulary, and as all the words are diits soft sound before the vowels e, i, and y, and vided into syllables, some of his rules for their before the diphthongs de and cr; but in most pronunciation are here omitted as unnecessary. Scripture names, it has its hard sound before 1. Greek and Latin names introduced into these vowels. modern languages naturally acquire, in sound 7. The digraph ch, in Greek and Latin names, and rhythm, the main characteristics of the and likewise in almost all Hebrew names, is different languages which receive them. That sounded hard, like k. which is chiefly attended to and sought after, 8. Every final i, though unaccented, has its in classical names, is the seat of the accent; and long open sound, as in A2bolani. But when i, or when the seat of the accent and the syllabication its equivalent y, ends an unaccented first syllaare determined, these names are pronounced, in ble of,-a word, it has, in some cases, its long the English language, according to the powers sound, as in Bianor;. in some, it takes the indisof the letters in common English words. tinct sound of e, as in Cilicia; and in some it is 2. In Greek and Latin names, the accent is difficult to determine which of these sounds is always placed on either the second or the third to be preferred, as there is a want of agreement syllable from the end of the word. In words of with respect to them both among orthoepists and more than two syllables, if the penult is long in good speakers. quantity, it is accented; if short, the antepenult 9. The termination es is pronounced like the receives the accent. English word ease; as, Achilles (a-kil'lez). 3. The vowel of the penult before x, z, j, or 10. The terminations aus and ous are always any two consonants except a mute followed by a pronounced in two syllables; as,' JMen-e-la'us, liquid, as I or r, is long by position. In other An-tinfo-us. cases its quantity must be determined by poetic 11. The termination eus in proper names usage, etymology, or the mode in which the word which in Greek end in neg, as Orphezus, Promeis written in Greek. The digraphs ch,ph, rh, and theus, is to be pronounced as one syllable, the eu th1 are to be regarded as single consonants. being a' diphthong. Walker, following Labb#, 27, (317) 318 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. generally separates the vowels in pronunciation. glicized, that it would seem pedantic, in reading But the diphthong is never resolved in Greek; or speaking English, to pronounce them otherand very rarely, if ever, in Latin poetry of the wise than with the antepenultimate accent. But golden or the silver age. But in the termination such of these names as are scarcely at all Anglieus in adjectives, eu is not a diphthong. cized, as.dntiochia, Deidamia, Laomedia, &c., 12. There is a class of proper names ending in may very properly be allowed to retain their ia, which, in their classical pronunciation, have classical accentuation. the accent on the penultimate; as,.Alexandri'a, 13. There are some other classical names Cassandri'a, Deidamifa, Phtiladelpli'ea, Samari'a, which have become more or less Anglicized, and &c. The English analogy strongly favors the which have, in consequence, had their pronunantepenultimate accent in the pronunciation of ciation, in a greater or less degree, changed from this class of words; and Walker countenances the classical standard. Thus, Arius, the name this accent in relation to a part of them, espe- of the celebrated heretic, is pronounced ALrius in cially such as are much used in English, and English, though the penult is long in Greek; and have consequently become, in a measure, Angli- the usage of the English poets has substituted cized. The following words, namely, A.lexzan- Hype'rion for Hyper;i'on. driad,Philadelphia, and Samaria, are so much AnThe following Rules of Pronunciation are referred to by Figures in the following Vocabulary. RULE 1.-The consonants c, s, and t, imme- RULE 3.-In words ending in eia, eii, eium, diately preceded by the accent, and standing be- and eius, with the accent on the e, the i followfore i, followed by another vowel, commonly have ing the accent is to be understood as articulating the sound of sh; as inPho'cion (fo'she-6n),.dctcius the following vowel like y consonant; as, Ele(ak'she-us), A.l'sium (dalshe-bm), Helvettii (hel- getia (el-e-je'ya), Pompetii (pom-pg'yi), Pompetvt'she-i). — C, following an accented syllable, ium(pom-pt'yum), Poepe'ius (pom-petyus). The hlas also the same sound before eu and yo, as in same rule also applies to words ending in ia, Cadutceus (ka-dti'she-tis), Sitlcyon (slshte-on). preceded by a or o having the accent upon it, as Exceptions. - T, when preceded by s or x, has.qchalia (a-katya), Lato'ia (la-tStya), and likewise its hard sound, as in Sestius, Sextius.- When si to words having the accent on a vowel, followed or zi, immediately preceded by an accented vow- by ia, though they may not end the word, as el, is followed by a vowel, the s or z generally Ple'iades (plt'ya-dez). takes the sound of azi; as, Jlls'sia (mt'zhe-a), The digraph yi, followed by a vowel, generIIse'siod (hetzhe-6d), Elylsium (e-lzh'e-tim), Sa- ally represents the Greek diphthong Ai, and bafzius, (sa-bizhe-ius). According to Walker, forms but one syllable; as, Harpyia, pronounced the words sJsia, Sosia, and Theodosia are the only Harpy'ya, or, as some prefer, Har-pzoy'a. exceptions; but to these a few others should per- RULE 4. -The diphthongs e and we, ending a haps be added, as Lysias, Tyjsias. syllable with the accent on it, are pronounced X, ending an accented syllable, and standing like long e, as in Cfesar (sI'zar); but when folbefore i followed by a vowel, has the sound of lowed by a consonant in the same syllable, like ksh; as in Jlezxia (a-lk'she-a). short e, as in Dad'alus (dtd'a-liMs). RULE 2.- In some proper names, t preserves RULE 5.-In Greek and Latin words which its true sound; as,.7tion,.dnphlictyon, lndrotion, begin with uncombinable consonants, the first Eurytion, Gration, farpocration, Hippotion, Iphti- letter is silent; thus, C in Caleus and Ctesiphon, tion, JMetion, Ornytion, Pallantion, Philistion, Po- A in Mneus, P in Psyche and Ptolemay, PA in lytion, Setion, Stration, and a few others; but P/lthia, and T in Tmolus, are not sounded. Hephiestion and Theodotion are Anglicized, the RULE 6.- The termination eus in most Greelk last syllable being pronounced like the last syl- proper nfames corresponds to eOs, and is then to lable in question, commotion. In the words.Esi- be pronounced in one syllable; as, JE'gefs, Ort'on, Dionysion, and lasion, the s takes the sound phei.s, used as nouns; but JE-geius, Or-phtu's, ofz, but not of zh. as adjectives. GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. The figures annexed to the words refer to the Siz Rules of Pronunciation?, on page 318. Thus the figure 1, annexed to.bantias, refers to Rule 1, which shows that the word is pronounced.-bdanshe-is. The words in Italics are the preceding words.lnglicized. Thus the Latin word.ddrianns is changed, in English, into Jddrian. A'ba, and Atbie A-blete'g Ac-a-c'ttes Ach —-m'ni-a At-i-da/li-~ Abta-a Abno-b'a A-ca'tci-us'l Ach-m-men i-deg At —da's8 AXba-ba Ab b-o-brlca Jcla-CS A chaltus A-i-tli s Ab-a-cmneInum A-bo'b.s. c-a-de-mrla, or A-clam'us A-c'ila, W. Ab-a-colne Ab-o-dl'a-corm Ac-a-de'mni-a A-tha'i-a 3 Ac'i-l, S. A-be'ra A-bcctri'-tus 4 Ac-a-dde'nus A-clla'i-as 3 A-cllli-a A -a b-o-'n c-a-de'ra A-cha'C-cus A-cl-i-a ni s A-baga-rs - b'el-1s Ac-a-diira A-cha'is A-i- le-una Abla-la A-Aben-i-.te'chs Ac-a-lantddrus Xchla-ia A-cilli-us absa-lus Ab-o-ra'ca Aca-le A1ha-ria A-cillia A-blin'tet A-baras Ac-a-lnar'chis A-chLarlta-c Ac-in-fdy'nus, and Ab-an-ti'a- de Ab-o-rigti-nne Ac'a-mrns ec-a-rcenh s ~ a e A-cintdy-nhs A-ban'ti-as 1 Abio-t s A-cant thi-ne A -hair/nm A-i-nipo5.A-bantti-das Ab-ria-da'tas, or A-can'thi-o AA-chaltat AXi-ris Ab-ar-ba're- a A-brad'a-tas Acia-ra Ach-e-stsi-deg Atci-urm I bta-r'a r _ KAb-ra-dd'teg A-cari-i Acll-e-o16is Ac-me ne' A-bar'i-mon, or A-br'tha- mns Ac-aY-ana'n6 Ads-e-a'nri-um Ac-mnelni-a Ab -a-rltmon A-breniti-sLis 1 xc-ar-natni-a XAh-e-ltgis Ac-mrnti- el Abth'-ris Ab-ret-t6 tle c- a than'tus A-chse'ls At-me-melttm Abta-rus, or Ab-ret-taetllns Acta-tOn Ach-e -mI n'i -d At-ce-nun-o-eetus A-banrus A -brisc o-la s xctba-rs A-che'ras A-centea' Ab'a-sa, or A-brec'o-meg Actc'ca 1 A-cher'ds Ac-o-leyttl A-batsa A-brnd —i-t'tus Actci-la Acth-e-r al Ac-o'-milnt-tius Ab-a-silttis A-cr i-s ctci-n I 1 ei' Aco-ne ib-sas-sin~a A-brisnly-c hs Ac'ci-tus 1 X4h-e-rntti-a 1 A-csnttge Ab as-senl A -britta ACAcu-a. A-hheir sas A-csnlteas 6 xbta-tOs A-birtlo-nunm XAt-e di'tc Ache-rns in-cOnuti-is 1 Ab-da-lounti-mhs, or A-brt'pq-lis e-la Ach-e-r ti- 1 a c-on-tsbto-li Ab-da-1in'y-mus o-brApto-lis itie-le ich-e-rdtgi-as 1 A-con-to-bu'lAs Ab-de'ra Ab'sa- rus, or A'e-l1m Ach-e -rtisis Ac'o-rus Ab-d eri-a Ab-sa/rgs A-celph'a-l A-9hletus Atcra Ab -de -rilt Ab-sut s A-crla-tis A-ehti'las Ac-ra-di tn Ab-de'rus Ab-slmta-ri s Ac-e-r tnr a A-clll'tlas A-crt'fa Ab-do-1in'i-mus Ab-sinfthi- A-e r-r tn-a Actl-il-leta A-crtapiheds 6 A-be-aitte Xbtso-rus Aq-er-rmsni-us A-hlg-lei- en'teg A-crel'phli-a b-1-ilatn'i Ab-syr'tii-de A -er-s6eco-mi, ich-il-lt is A-criephlii-a 4 Ab-el-litnum Ablu-la' Ai-e-sam e-nsus A-c hil'tle Ac-ria-gsgal-idm A-be'lus Abei'tog At'e-ses Acbltt te-ss i I-il,mn Xct'ra-gas Atbel A b-un-dnti t-us 1 A-ce'gi-a 1 A-chilsles (n.) 6 Ac-ra-toph'o-rhis Ab'e-15x A-butri-us A-c' i- ds1 -- s (a) c-r(a-tsp'o-tel A-bertci-us 1 Ab-u-setna, or At-e-si'nea Xcsh-il-l'deg A-craatus Abgta -ris Ab-,i -esi t Ac-e -snu s A-chil'vi A'cri-i Atbi-a Ab-y-dErdni A'-c si-As 1 Ach-la-di'us A'cri-as k -bi-alnus Ab-y-de'nus A-cs'tet Achhois-la Ac-ri-dhph'a-lI 2'bi-l A-bl'do A-ceslti-um 1 AXh-o-la-i A-crlFon Xb-{-le/ne Ak-b.ydos A-ces-to-dh'rus A-choli-is A-crl/se-tis I A-blsoa-r3 A-bt'h -es- tcr'i- tdd A -chlto-', or A-crls-i-Stne A-bils'a-ris Ab'y-la A'cegtt Xch-o-late A-cris-i —nei'is Ab-i-siiol'tt Ab'y-lon.cich-.a-b.'tts A-chiS'ieos 6 A-crls-i-o-nt'us A-bl-ti-atnus 1 Ab-ys-sitn. A-chiefa A-chhfr s A-crcls-ei —lltra-de.A-blatbi-fis Xc-a-catiihs A -chie ti Atch-ra-ld'na A-crlttsi-is 1 k-blAitvi-iis Ac-a-cti-tim 1 A-ahImi-tim Achtra-dos A-crttias 4-bletn.'cs Ac-a-cet'i-us 1 A-chmrt'e-nIe 4.A-ig-hb'ri-us A-crcta-thon (319) 320. GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Ac-rQ-.e-rlu'nj-ai A-dratnus AE-i-8.-l'ga tfEmrg-nis 4 AE-s'tpus Ac-ro-ce-rLu'nj-i- m Ad-ras-tet'a,or -ti'a jE- i'a-ls orE-myli-. a - -sert ni-.a Ac-rq-ce-re'to _ Ad-rgs-tl'ne E-i lc'o-rge YE-myl-j-a'nus AXs-er-ninus 4 Ac-ro-c-rln'thus A-drt'ne &AEi-da 4 tF-nyntii- *6n 2 A-cro'ma A-dri-an-op'o-hls X-Ailde d-l-myli-tis At-si'ta Ac-ro-pa'tos, or A-dri-danum 4 E-&idi-us -ndntti-n 2 A-sforis A-crop'a-tos A-dri-a'nus IEgfi-la 4 A-na'ri-a mA-sonfi-daU A-crop'o-lls A'di-a li-a naius 1 Es-o-pe'us 4 A-crop-o-listis A-dri-ati-cuum AEg'i-lips 4 E-nela gA-sotpus A-crop-o-l'ta,Ad-ry-,metu m tr - urni-6 -ne'a-de'.E'usQp Ac-ro-ret' a d-u —ati-ca AE- mino-rs.,E-n'a-deg As'/trij- 4 Ac-ro-re Ad-A-itfi-cui _T E-Atlm'f-riis, or A'ne-as, and ATs'tu-i 4 Ac'ro-ta A-dulla, or -le AEg-i-mi'rus 4 At-no'as _Esfu-a 4 A-crotta-tts A-du'las' tEi-mms 4 AJE-netas Ga-zvtus IEs'u-ia 4 Ac-rQ-te-lealti-uml 1 A-daulis AtE-'ina At-nl/.as Ttc'ti-cus IEs'u-lIe 4 AC-ro-tho1in Ad-u-liltua _ E-i-nenta 4 A E-neis ~ E-s3Ye-tes 1 Ac-ro-tho'um Ad-u-lltton Al-i-nW'te 4 T E-neid XE-syine Ac-to'/a A-du'gi-us 1 AE-iTn'i-um A-nes-i-d6'mus Es-ym-ne'tte 4 Ac-tmeln Adlvo-i ang ALE-l'o-chis E-nO'g-ils -n - s 1 s-ym-nt 4 Akc'ti-a 1 A d-y'-mach'i-dae LEl.i-on E-ne'te AE-sym'nus Ac-tVsa-cus iE-a-ctLa -/Eg'i-pan 4 E -n6tus JEtlha-l 4 Ac-tisfa-n, or A.E'a-co Atg-i-pa'/ne 4 E'noeas 6 MEth-a-le'a 4 Ac-ti-sa'noe AE-acqi-das JE-gifra Ag-ni'a, and JE-t i-do Ac'titurm 1 E-ac'i-de AtE-gir-o-es'sa Aii- -tla'l-o Ac/ti-us 1 tE-.a-citum EA -i-rdtsa 4 A,-ni'a-ciis A-thali-ia s Ac-torti-dog _ E'a-cus A-Alshtlius AE-ni-a'neg E-th tri-e Ac-to'ri-on AE-a-metne _ E-Al"fti-um 1 AEn'i-cqs 4 JE-thilceo Ac'to-rs AE-.an-teinm - /tEi-um AE-nildoe AtEth'i-cus 4 Ac-tofri-us A _-anti-deg Atgige 4 AE-nI'o-chi JE-thbl'la Ac-tu-afri-us At-anftis tEg-leOis 4 Atn-o-b'ir'bus 4 IE-thilson A-cftle-io, Eta-tus Eag'le 4 AEn'o-cleg 4 A-thi'.o peg A- catle-nus AE-bitti-us 1 AEg-leteg 4 AtE-nLng _E-thii-o'piqA- c —si-l.a'.us AtE-bF rsa AEg'1.lo-ge 4 AE-nyra /E'thi-ops A-Cefti-cus IE-chion AE-gob b o-ls A'o-leg A-,tl'li-tis 4 iA-cu/ti-us 1 AtEch-magto-ras E-g-olei-a E-tht sa A-cyrus ch'mis 4 Agne _go-noi- JE-thlyfa 3 Ac'y-tus Agc-la'num AEg-9-ne'. 4 Al-oli-da AE'ti-a 1 Adfa-da Atc-u-lanum AE-gotnae AE-ol1i -des A- 2iti-In 2 Xd-.a-iman-ttfa At-d pssus At-goph'a-gqs AtEo-1s A,-ti-9-nq r' Ad-a-man'ti-ius 1 AtE-d'gi-a I sE-gossa-5o. AEto-lns._IE-ti'ts Ad'a-mas s I A -dlgos 1 s Pta-mi, o0 AE-o ni-a A-'ti-us 1 A-da'inus LE-destsa Pot'a-mos AE-Or'a Att'n.a 4 Ad'a-na / Ed'i-la 4 AE-gossthe-na AE-paili-us, Et-nmtus 4 Adta-tlia At-dlleg At-g'sa E-p&a JE-totle' Add-de-phaia t d'i- i-ls 4 / Egty-la 4 gptu-1i 4 t-tO'ii-a Adrdu-a JE-dip'sus AE -y-pa'nig 4 Eply-tils 4 YE-tWol s A-del'phhi-s A-o'don gE-gyp'tss,A-quatna A/E-toOlis A-de/mon A-e-do'nis A yE-ypt'sus, E-quatnus AEx (eks) 4 -A-d6phl'i-giis Adlu-e~ 4 E-, ypttij- 1 E-quicto-la -'Ex-otne Afd&g, or Ha'doE AtEdql-i 4 AZE- yptti-tim LE-quic'o-I A_'fri' Ad-ggn-ds'trni-us oE-pita, A-?yprtus E-quc'O-iUs A-friani-a Ai-d-a-b/'ne -t- na u-qu ctu-li A-fr. n.i-us A-d-atfo-rix AtE-otii-as 1 iEtli-a Eq-ui-mm'li-hm 4 Aftri-ca Xd-i-man'tus A -e-titne At-i-inus A-e'i-a Af-ri-cai'nus Ad-i-mO'te A E-etis 2qi-an A-e'ri-us Af'ri-cum Ad-mntta, or -te A-gatle-os Atl'i-non 4. A-e'-opa Atffri-cis ]d-me'tus AE-ga/le-um AEl'i-nos 4 A-erto-pus Ag'a-bus A-dotni-.a -art AtSs Esali-cis E 4 A-gactly-tds A-do'netis 6, and AE'Se-as, or A-eiigo-pds At-sa.'ge-a A-gag-ri-a/nae A-dotne-us (n.) -A —gOtas At-laT'ts AE-sat'ps Ag-a-listsseo Ad-o-lnu tus (a.) AE -e-a'teug -maithii-. As'a-ra 4 Ag'a-m A-don'i-cus A E-oele-on A,-mlri-.a aE-satrus, and Ag-a-me'de.A-dotnis oE-6tsria A-mtnl-i —anus Ast'a-rlus 4 Ag-a-mt'deg Ad'ra-a A- t t - JE-mil{-us A s'chi-nea 4 Ag-a-memfnon Ad-ra-mintte AEt'eus (n.) 6 iEm-nst'tus 4 Es'chil-nus Ag-a-mem-1nnoitiAd-rpa-mitutiti-um ur-n t ous (a.) Atmto-dto 4 As'chl-rsn 4 deg A-dra'nqa, or t j-aoi, or At-gl'e El mon A1Es-hai'o-dOr'a 4 Ag-i-mem-enb ni-iE Adfra-n a ZE-l'a-le JE-mo'na JE s-chsyiyidog 4 Ag-.a-metor A-dratne JE-ti-a-le'a A E-ma'tn-.a AJstchy-lus 4 A-gam'ma-twe A-dra'nqm n - gA -le s 6 2E-mtn'ti-dea AEts-cu-lalpi-us 4 Ag-.am-ns'ttgo GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 321 Ag'r-mzis A -e-s1m'brq-tiis A-grcettas Al-cae'us A-lt'tum Ag-a-nI'cg,Ag-e-sip'o-lis Ag'ro-ls Al-cam'e-ng A-leat'a-daw Ag-a-nlp'pe A6-e-sis'tr.a-ta A-grottas Al-caltnor A'le-us Ag-an-jp-p'us A_-e-sls'trt-tfis A-grtt'e-ra Al-cth'o-a A -lt'vas Ag-a-nlp'pi-deg A-t'tas A- y'ieus 3 6 Al-cath'o-us Al-ex-amt'e-nus,A-ganza-g3a 4g-geSnus (aj-ta- A-yl-hletus Al-ce-d'ni-.a Al-ex-an'dra Ag'a-pae ntus) A-yl'le Al-cetnor Al-ex-an-dre'a Ag-a-p'tnor Ag-grl'nts A-Ayl'leus 6 Al-ces-i-mar'thus Al-ex-an-dri'a Ag-a-pt'tus Ati-as A- &rt'i-im Al-cesti-mus i'nl-e'x-an'dri-a A-ga'tpi-is A.'i-dam A-gyr'i-us Al-ces'te Al-ex-ian'dri-dg.Ag'ta-ra AXg-i-lalus A-Ayrtrhi-is Al-casttiSs Al-ex-an-dritnfa Ag-a-retnI A-A'ilnnum A- fyr'teg Alce-tas Al-ex-an-dri'nus Agta-ri Ag-la'j-a 4 A- y'rus Al'chi-das Al-ex-all-drapt'-lis Ag-3a-ris't?, Ag-la'ji-e 4 hal-ci-) l'a-d dl-eA x-a'nor A-gaf i-as 1 Ag-la-9-ntCea A-i-d'tneis 6 Al-1cidme Al-ex-4r'hus A-gas'i-cl s Ag-l/go-pa A-s'lta Al-cid'a-mas A-lexti-'a 1 A-gaSso5 Ag-lato-pa A-sinly-lHs Al-ci-da-meta Al-ex-ita-reg A-gasssam Ag-la-.-phe'me A'i-us Lo-cfiti-is 1 Al-cj-dam'i-das Al-ex-scta-cus A-glst'the-ng Agg-lat'-phlsn Al _ a-bantda Al-ci-dt'mus A-lexi- cleg 4,-gasttr9-p hs Ag-la-6s'lthe-neg Al- a-bian'di-cus Al-ci'deg Al'-ex-lc'ra-tae Agt'-sus Ag-lau'ros Al'a-bis lM-cid'i-ce A-lx'i-dda Ag'a-tlha Ag'lia-us, or Ala-bbus Al-cd'o-cais Al-ex-itnus Ag-a-tha-g'lttus A g-latus Ag-lus Al-cIm'a-cliis A-laxti-a 1 Ag-a-thnn'/.e-ls Ag-natli-a A-lme'sus Al-cimte-el A-xl-xp'ppus Ag-a-thaLr'chl i-dLs Ag'ni-s Ak-l mus Al-clmte-ddn Al-ex-lrtho-B Ag-a-thAr'chi-de Ag-niod'li-ca Al-a-go'ni-a Al-cim'e -ng A -lex'i-us 1 Ag-a-thar'chus Ag-no-nL'a A-la'la Al'ci-mnis._J-fa-tta'nna Ag-.a-thni.e'-ruis Ag-no6nti-de Al-aI-camt'e-na n Al-clnto- -f'us Ag-a-tlhi'a Ag-n'tteg A-lal-com-e-na'is AKl'ci-ntr AlTfi-us A-g-afthi-as, or Ag-niithte-t'a Al-al-camae- na Al-cinto-us Al1i'-dus A g —t s g —ntli-a A-lal-co-mCm'nl-. Al-ci'o-pis Al-gt'num Ag-.a-thltnus'A-g6tniM3 A-la/li-a il'ci-phrSn A-li-ac'tmn Ag-a-tho-clt'a.A-g'tnag Al-a-matnag Al-cis'the-ng A-lsi-rttuin A:-gath'o-cla A-gatnis AlI-a-mintni Al-clth'Q- XAl-i-bstda Ag-a-tho-dae'mon A-gotni-us A-ltni Alc-me'oln Ali-cLs Ag't-thon A.-g'tnlns -lnus lc-mae-on'i-dae A-li.enus Aga-than'y-miis Ag'a-ra Xl'a-rag Alc-m nga, or -ne A-lile'f A-gat'ao-pus Xg-o-ra.icri-tais Al-a-r cus Al-cimte-ne Al-i-lmha Ag-.a-thss'thea-na Aag —rt'a lta-rc Al'co-n Al-i-mnt'i-d Ag-a-thotty-ch' is Ag-o-an'nis Al-'a-ra'di Al-cyto-na Al-i-min'tus ag-a-thyrtlna Ag o-ran'o-mT A-las'ta-r sa Al-cyto-ns A-lim'e-nos Ag-a-thlyrtnum Ag-9-ras'to-cleg Al-as-tar'si-d.a Al-cg'o-neas 6 Al-in-do'i-a 3 Ag-a-thyrtn;us A-gr&e'a Al-a-thatus Al-cy-3)n'i-deg 1 A-lilphl'a Ag-a-t hyrsl A-grae's A-latthreuis 6 Al-dfita-bls Al-i-pha'nus A -gau'l A-gretus A-lu'de A'le-a Al-i-php'ra 4-gi've Ag'ra-gas A-l.-tzln A-lebs All-apha'ri-a Ag-blatta-n3 A-grau'le Al-a-za'tng A -l'b i-n Al-i-phs'rus A-Ae-etna A-grau'li-a Al-ba'nl A-l'bus Al-isr-ra'thj-is Ag-e-la'das A-gryau'los Al-bIlni/ a A-lc'try-on Xl —s Soati-a 1 _A-e-la'deg A-grAu-o-nI'tva Al-ba'tns A-l'i-hs Cam'plus 3 A-l'sum Xg-e-last'tus A'gre-ag Allba Syltvi-sus Al-e-mann'n Al-ladsi-us A.-e-liatus A-gre'tn Al-ben sea Al-e-matnus Al'li-a'XB-e-lte'a A'greas 6 Al-be-rilcus A-letmon Al-li-eanus aK-e-l3'is A-grj-i ang Al'bi-a Te-rn'tti-.a 1 Al-e-mon ti-dPg Al-i'faie ARte-lRs A-grslcto-la Al-bl'cl A l-e'-mitg-i 1 Al-li-fatnus A-ent'a-tha. A-gr"ltci-s 1 Al-bi-e'tte A'le-in Al'li-us A-vn'fdj-cim, or Ag-ri- e-tinus Al-bi-gautnum A -le'ri-a Al-labtraQ-g ~-ean-di'cuinm Ag-rsi-a'tum Al-bitna A-letris Al'lo-brax A-gE'nor A-gln'i-tim Al-binti-us A-l'sa. Al-labt'ry-g Ag-e-nirfi-d. A-grt'o-d~is Al-bi-no-va'nus A-le'gi-a 1 Al-lQ-phyllus A-PIp'o-lis A-gri-1'ni-t Al-bnn-te-man'i-im A-l'-iis 1 Al A_-e-ri'nus A-gri'q-pas Al-bitnus A-lEtsus Al-l'lti-us 1 XA-.e —rot'na A-grlt'-pe - Al'bji-n;-l/teg Al-ma'une A -e-san'tdgr A-gri-oplla-gI Al-bLto-nag A-lU'/theg Al-mn'pag XA-e-sant'drj-dis Ag-rip-pu.'m Al-bhici-s u A-l3'thi-.a Al-my-ra'de Ag-e-sit'a-nax Ag-rip-pI'nia Altbu -la A-le'thi-us A-1ata.A-Itgi-as 1 Ag-ri-pltnus. Al-but'ng A-ltt'i-das A-l'oteis 6.A-8s'i-cle A-grfsto-p Akl-bu'ne-a A -lttis Al-a-'tdm A-'es-i-di.mu. Atgri-hs Al-bhtti-us 1 Al-e-tri-na'te~ Al-ao-t'da 6-gIs-i-li/.us 4-grc'ci-Ai s 1 *l-ctn he-tas 4 A-l'tri-im A- l'is 322 GeREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. A-larne A-mnaxti-ta Xm-i-tirnum xm'phj-tiis A-nax-i-datmug A-ltnis Am-ax-bi'i-I Am-m5ilb Am-phl us A-nax-i-lalus AIlo-pe Am-a-ze'nel Xm-mj-anlos 4m-phbot'e-ris Xn-ax-llti-dGe A-lopte-c, 4A-ma'zon Am-mQ-chbs'tos Am-phot-ry-9-nlm- A-nax —man'der A1-.-p'tpe-a Am'ta-zoan Am-mp-m'ltus de An-. ax- mIe-neg A-l1pre-ce A-mraz'o-nb~ Am —m'lnas s.m-phry'sos AUn- %x-lplo-Is A-lo'pi-us nAm' S- an Am-imo -ni-atnus Am-phrysus ~n-.ax-iplpp s,A-lo'rus -.itm-a-zon'i-ces 4Am-mo'nj-I mp'sa-ga, or An-ax-ir'rhloA-l1'ti-.a 1 Anm-a-zoLni-de Alll-mo-nIt'tm Amp-satga An-ca-lIttel Al-pB'nus Am-a-zt'ni-iim An-mio'ni-uis Amp-si-ga'ra An-calri-us Al'ppB Am-a-zB'ni-uis Am-mt'the-a Am-pycti-del An-haires Alps Am-bar-vdalbe Aim-nbm'-nB A-mAn-lis n An-cha'ri-a Al-phme'la 3 Am-biar-vi li-a in'ni-as A-m'clga An-eha'rius Al-phel.a Am-bahtao Am-ni'sus AKm-y-clatus An-1haat't Al-phB'i-as 3 Am'be-niis Am-nl'tet A-my'clas An-chem'o-lsis Al-phetnor Km-bi-.a-1l't8 Am-ce-botus A-mytcle An-cehe-sl'tel kl-ph'anus AIm-bi-afnuin A-mre'beas 6 Am-y-clI'del An-lhes'mus Al-phos-i'b-t'us Am-bi-a-t!inum A_-me'nus Am'y-cis An-hlsta-la Al-phE.u's Am-bi-basr'e-ti Amm- e-meatus Amty-dn An-9hi a-la Al-phl'tn Amn-bi-ga'tts Am m-oi-pharoe- Am-y-m tne An- hi-a-it'a Altphi-us Am-bl'so-rix A-msr'age' Am-y-nem' a-chus An- h'Ia-llas Al-pi'nLus Am'bla-da Am-pe'li-us Am-yn-ttia-del An-chi-ms'li-us Al-pb'nus Am-bo-lo-gtra Am'pe-ios, or -ins A-myn-ti-i anus 1 An- hlln'no-e Al-si-e-t'nuas 1 Am-b'ia'ci-a 1 Am-pe-lna'i-a 1 Am-yn-toi'.i-'del An-chi'sa Al'si-utm 1' Am-bra-ci-ottm 1 Am-phax-Ittis Am-y-rilcus An-chi'ses Al-thee'a Am-bratci-us 1 Am-phlea Am'y-rols An-Ellri"1-a 1 Al-them'le-nl 4, Am-bro'dax Am-plli-a-Ia'us A-my'i-us An- hi-si'a-d-d Al-theim'e-n6e Am-brono. Am-phlia-Mlis Aim-y-tha'on An —chi-so'te Al-thbe'ps Am-bro'lii-s 1 Am-phi4r-rL-elm XAln-y-tha-l'ni-Zis Anf'ho-e Al-ti'num Asntbrorose Am-phij-ar-a- Ides A-nabta-s5s Antclho-ra A-iintti-tim 1 Am-bryl'lis Am-phi-a-r a'is A-f'ab'a-te. An- hlr.rs A-ly-iat'te Aml'bmry-on, or Am-phi-cle'a An-a-cea Ta n-c'le Alry-ba Am-bryton Am-phlcrty-on 2 An.a-cel An-cana Al-y-birdat Am-bry'sus Am-phiic-t tyo -ne An-.a-ceTm, or Aln'cus Marti-Uis 1 Al-y-ctm'a. Am-bu-batj-, or Ali'plhi-cus An-a-ci'um An-ct'le AlI-y-ctetus Aim-bu-bha'je Am-phid'a-ms mao -Aa-char'sis An-cer'a A-ly'mon Am'bu-l. Am-phi-danmus An-a-cl't.us An-cy-ra'nus.A- lypqi-s Amre'-le Am-phldli-cns Ai-nacire-ion, or An-cy'ron A-lyrpus A-me'li.-is Am-plhid'o-l A-na'cre-on An-dab'a-tse Al-yx-bth'o- Anm-e-na'nsus Anm-phi-dre'mi-a A* -ac-totri-a An-da'nna Al-y-zt'a Am-e-ni'dos Am-phii-oe-nit An-ac-to'ri-e An-da'ni-a A-lyfzels 6 A-mnt'o-clel ASn-phAi-o'tni-a An-ac-t'sri-um An-de-ca'o-n11 A-madlo-cl Am-e-no'phls Am-pflilo'ehi-cis A-Wnac'to-s:im An-de-c a'vi-a A-mad'po-cis A-mein- a l m-phi-loh'i-cuim An-.a-dy- mie-ne An-d e-ga'vum A-moe'i-a 1 A-mb'ri-4s Am-phil'y-tus A-niagtni-a An-d'rtL Amrta-be 2Am-eftnus Am-phim'a-chhs n-Aa-gy-ronttum An-do'li-del Am-al-tha'ta Am-e-roso-la Am-phllm'e-ddon A -nag'y- rs An-dlin'ta-tls Am-al-theaa A-ms'oe-lum Am-phlln'-me An-a-l'tis An-drietlmon Am-al-tht'um A-mesftra-ttis Am-phiiq-mins A-naSni-us An-dra-ga'thj-is A-man'i-ca A-mems'trji-s Am-phiton Antn-a-phlys'tus An-drig'a-thuis A-mblli-de A-mi-atnus 4Am-phipla-g'is.A-na'pi-us An-drag'o-rsas A-man'ti -.a 1 Am —cl'p.s Am -phip'o- le l A-Aapus kn-dram'y-t Il Am-an-tIlni A-mi'clas Am-phplp'o-Ils A-ntr'fy-ri An-dria-no-ds'rus A-matnus xAm-ic-t'etus Amn-philpfy -rs n-as-taldi-.a 1 Andre-ias A-maar'a-cis Amnmi-da, or Al-phlli-retus An-.as-ta'i-ois 1 Andrs'ew Am-a-rylhlis A-m5'da. Am-phlr'o-e A-natso-lff An-dre'snon Am-a-ryn'ce ss 6 Am'i-1lbs Am-phl'sa An —a-tolsi-us Andreus 6 Am-a-rjn'thli-a Am-i-mot'le. or Am-phis-be'tna A-nau'chi-das An'dri-a gin-a-ryn'thus Aln-y-mb'ne Am-phis-setne A-nu'tlus An-drilt-ca Am-a-ry"~i-.a 1 A-nlin'i-us Am-phs'th.e-nn A-niall'sis Andri-clus Am-a-so'a A -mlinto-clte Am-phis-ti'tdo An-ax-agto-ris An'dri-on Am-a-sotnlls A-mipsji-bs 1 Am-phs'htra-tIs An- Ax-altder An-dro'bi-us Am-a-silta Xm-i-seina Am-phitsus' An-ax-antdri-dd An-dro -baiIus A-matsis.A-moitti-a 1 AAm-phltlse-a An- x-tr'lch'os An-dro-clel a A-matta A-mtti"i-Us 1 Am-pphi-the-attrum lAn-ax- sre-te An'dro- cl Am-iathtla, Am-i-sdla d-rUs Am-phlth'e-nmis An-ax-tenior An-dro-clitdbe Amfa-thnis A-mItsus Am-phothto-se A-nx'/i-'s 1 An'dro-cluis, or A-mmax-am-p'tus AXm-i-tirtnum Am-plhi-trite nl-ax-lbti-a An-drstclus A-max-an-tita' xm-i-thaton, or Am-phit'tru- [dge An- ax-lbni-uis An-dro-cy ede A-maxti-a 1 Am-y-thatIn.i mphlt ry-s-nst- An-ax-octra-te An-drod'a-mias GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 323 An-dra'dus An-th-1a An-tlpta-ter Aphte-sas X prpi-9 An-dr5'&e-us An'the-mls An-ti-patri-a, or Apht.e-tae A-pri'lis An-drd&y-nus An-thetmi-us An-ti-pa-trIla A-ph'tor Ajprij-is An-drSm'a-che An'the-mtn An-ti-plt'ri-das A-phiTdas A-pri-ni-atnus An-drom'a-das Xn-the-mEnqi-deg An-tlp'a.-tris Aph-netum Ap'sa-rins, or An-dromte-da _ An'the-mis ~ An-tllph'a-tsI Aph- nT'tis Ap-satrus An-drm'te-del, or An-thle-mlnlSi-a 1 An-ti-phefmus aph-ce-bettus Ap-sin'tl1-1 An-dro-me'd6e An-thle'ne An-tlph'i-lis A-phru'ce_ Ap'si-neq An-dro-ni'cus An-the'rus An'ti-phSu Aphi-ro-di"se-us 1 Ap'so-ris An-dronti-das Ann-thes-pho'ri-a An-ttph'o-nus Aplh-ro-dit i-a 1 Ap'te-ra An-droph'la-A an-thes-te'ri-ta An'ti-phis Aph-ro-di-~id-'a'n.lsl Ap-u-dan An-drep'o-lhs An'thens 6 An-tlp'o-da~ Aph-ro-di"Si-as 1 Ap-u-leti-a 3 An-dros'the-n~e An-thl'a An-ti-pce'nus Aph-ro-di"1i-um 1 Ap-u-le'i-us 3 An-droti-tSn 2 An-tlti-vanus An-tip'f-lls Aph-ro-didte. p'u-ln s,n-e-lbontis An'thi-s.An-tirtrhi-im Aph-ri-di-top'o-lis A-pspts'i-us An-e-mo-li'a An'thi-mis An-tir'rho-dts Aph-thi'tet Ap'y-ri An-e-mo-ri'a Ain'thi-ne An-tls'th'e-nea Aph-thS'ni-us A-qua'ri-us An-e-mt'sa Xn'thi-qm An-tlslti-us Aphly-tt, os A-quic'o-1is An-e-mi'ri-um Xn-tho-lt'gi-a An-tithtie-us A-phy'te Aq'ui-la (ak'we-lt) An-e-r-as'tus An-thto're An'ti-_us 1 Aph'y-tIs Aq-ui-latri-a fA-n'etor An-thratci-. a 1 An-timte-nel A-pi-a'nus Aq-ui-leti- 3 Anlga-rI An-thrtpsi-nlus An-tSeni-.a AP-i-c'a Aq-ui-litna An-ge'li-a An-thr6-po-mQr- An-ttni-n A-pl"ci-'s 1 Aq-ui-lit'nus An' e-ls phi't An-to -nlt na A-pI d'a-nus A-qull'l i-a Xin- e-r'tnt An-thro-pphi'a-i ACn-tto-nltnuss A-pid'e-ne Aq'ui-1o An-gi'ttl An-ti'y An-ta -to-ni-po-is Ap' -na Aq-ui-o'tni-a An-g1"ti-a 1 An-ti-a-nitra 1.An-tWnsi-us A- p'- I- Aq-ui-lo-nAte-nt Antgli-a Anntj-as 1 n'to-ny A'pi-on A-qultnas An-gu"tti-g 1 An-ti-btac-chl'us An-totreg Ap-i-saton A-quln's-us A-nI-alnus An-tic'.a-to An-tOSrsi-dZg A-plt"ti-us 1 A-quitnum An-i-cet'tus An-tTchltho-neq A-nu'bis A-pct'o-pa A-qunlsnus A-niT"ci-tm 1 Au n-ti-i-nS~ lis An-u-linus Ap-o-do'ti, or Aq-ui-ta'ni-a A-ni"ci-as G4flus 1 An-ti-cigt'a Anx-a'nuIn A-pod'o-ti A.q-ui-tan'i-cs A'tnj-en AntAnxi —cls I A poeqi-dt Aq-ui-tasnus A-ni-e-nleto-la An-ti-clldge Anxtu-rtls A -pol-i-na'rel Aq'ui-ta(1k'weA-ni-'tnusus -tlctra gus ny -p -nris tez) A-n'lgrus An-tictra-te A'nty-ta, or -te Ap-ol-ln'si-de Ar-.a-barteh An-i-nuitut m An-ty-ra Ainy-t'us A-pel'li-nis Ar'a-bes An-i-ttortgls An-tid'a-mas An-zatbe Ap-ol-lin'e-us A-ra-bi-dtnus A'tni-is An-tid'o-mus A-o-bri'ga A-pil-li-nopto-ls u A-rab'i-cus An'na Com-netna An-ti-do'rus A-il'li- us Ap-o-IoctrIa-te Ai.a-bis An-n'etus An-tlid'-tu s A'-no.A-ppl-lo-dlrdus Ar-'a-bri'ct An-natlis An-tis'e-nge A-o'ni-a Ap-ol-1otni-a Arta-bius An-nipa-de An-ti-ge-nidas, or A- -d A On-pbl-lo-nida-deo d Ar-a-c'li An-nj-atnus An-ti -gn'i das jo-rlis Ap-ol-l1otni-as A-riach'ne Ant ni-bil Ani-tg'fo-nus A-otrus Ap-ol-ls-ni-a-tis Ar-aeh- nt't An'sin-bi An-tigto-nt A-tl AXp-ol-lo6n'i-das Ar-a —chio'bi-t I An-nw'ye-rYs An-tlj-gp-ni'a, or A-'sus Ap-ol-l1n'i-det Ar-a-clh'tIe An-ni-chfiirl An-ti-gt'ni-q A-palme Ap-ol-1t'nis Xr- - tus Antni-us Secap'u-la An-tlg'9-nstis Ap-a-me/a Ap-ol-l5lni-us Ar-~ - silol A-ntilus An-tll'e-on Ap-a-me'ne Ap-ol-1iphta-ntq Ar-.a-c'fii 1 An'o-nhs An-ti-libta-nUs Ap-a-mi'a Ap-ol-lthl'e-mls A-rac'thi as An-si-b'rji- An-tllo'-chis Ap-an-phomte-ne A-pol'ly-on Arta-cus An-tae-p's-l1is Xn-ti-mnach'i-de Ap-a-tu'ri-a Ap-o-my'ios 3 Ar-a-cyntthus An-tag'o-ras An-tfm',i-clus Ap-g-tl'rum A-po-ni-a'n t r.a- dArs, or -dus An-tal'ci-das Ans-tlm'e-ne A-pe-dun'ros.A-plni-is Ar-a-thyrte-a.An-tar'.a-dus An-ti-menti-das A-pe-li-s'tIe Ap'.o-nis Ar a phi''a An-te',a An-tIino-e. A-ptl'eag A&p-qs-trt'phi-a xA'a-ris An tlctca-nls An-tin-.o-tgt Ap-el-l us Ap-.-tro-pmtl A-ra'rgs, or -rvs An-tj-ti-s 3 An-tno'-uis xp-ensl-i-ninlcto-1 Ap-o-the-'osis poet. An-tE'nor An-tin'lum Xp-en-nT-lsii'e-naa )p-Q-thlt'-ss Ar'a-r s, river. Ain-te-norti-dss An-ti-o-chftnus Ap-e.n-nilnus Ap-pi'a-dl AXr-a-tetus An-te-norti-de An-ti-p-chi't Ap-e-ran-tli A p-pi-allus A-ra'ts An-te-rasfti-Iis Anti-1hi Ap-e-ro'pi.- Ap'pi-.an A-rau'ri-cus An-ter-brt'gi-u s An-tl'o-chrs Ap'e-sis Ap'pi-ts A-r a'vus Antte-ros An-til-hitis XApisa-ca Ap'pi-a VIta Ar-ax-etnus An'te-rs. An-tlo'-pa, or -pe Aph-8-ci'tis Ap'pi-i FPorum A-rax'te Ans-thatat Xn-ti-torus Aph-a-rlttuis Ap'tpi-is Artba-ce, or jAnthe-4s An-tlp't'-ros Aph'it-reis 6 - Ap'pu-lia Ar-ba'cte 4n-thledgn An'ti-pas 4-phep'sj —n 1 Ap-pu-leti-Us 3 Aribet-cs 324 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES..Ar-bhela, and Ar-dh'ni-a Ar-gesttra-tis Ar'i-mi rri-.s, or A-ri'us Ar'be-la ir-dax-at'.nus Ar-telus A-rim'i-nts Artme-ne Ar-be'llus Ar'de-a Ar-t'.a Ar-im-phae'l Ar-mhnni-a Ar-btc'a-la, or Ar-de-/'tt Ar'gi-ias Ar'i-mus A r-men-t~ari-hs A r-bo-ca'la Ar-di-,elt Ar-gt"ci-us 1 Ar-in-thmtfus: 4r-mlml-la'tus Ar-hbo'na Ard'di-cu r-Ati-.e-'onis A-ri-o-bar-za'ne Ar-mi-lus'trui-um Ar-botri-us X: ato-n r-i-letunum Ai-ri-o-man'tde Ar-mlllnt'-us Ar-btisicu-la Ar-do'ne-a Ar-tl'.i-us A-ri-o-mar'dous Ar-mart -cr Artca-doe A4r-du -Vne xr'gui-lus A-ri-o-me'del Ar-m soa-ta, or Ar-ea'di-ta Ar-dy-enl'se Ar-it'nus A-r1'01 Al- mo-sa/tt Atr-ca'n'. A a in A YI-0-r-V'stus Ar-mWosto-ta Ar-ca'thi-as A-re-a'i-dae Ar-i'o-pe r- -pe'the Ar-mo'zqn Ar-c'o-phon A're-as' y- -phont ri-phrion Artne-e Ar-ctsii-las A-re'glon Ar-tioth'e-a Ar-is-tent e-tus 4 Xr-nl-en'ssq Ar-ces-j-la'us;k-rg'o-nllls Xr'i-us, and Ar-is-t'us tus Ar-no'bi-us Ar-ce'gi-us 1 A-re-ltht'o-us Ar-'us AXr-is-ttgoo-ra Ar'o-a, or ArtoAr-chie-at'i-dos Ar'e-las Ar-'lrva' r-is-tgg'o-ras A-rotmna, and 4ir-hae -p'ois-ls Ar-t-i'tus Ar-gi'vi Ar-is-tan'der Ar'o-ma.Ar-tlag' s a -th'lis rA-rv-se Ar iS tan'dros A-r om'a-t a Ar- han'der At r-e-morti-ca Ar-goT'da Ar-is-tartche A-rom'a-turm t r-chan-drop'o-lis rea Ar- g A-rea sA- g tis rX-is-'trtch.s Arto-sls Ar- han'drios Ar-e-n acum, or Ar'go-lls Ar-is-ta-ozatne Ar-p'atn Xr-che-bu'lus. A-rntfa-c'tm Ar-go-nautte A-rls'te-as AAr-pitnas Art —hedti-ctus A-'ne Ar-gotus A-rtiste-rwe Ar-qui"ti-us 1 Ar-thie.'e-te A-r r-g'r A-rts'teas 6 Xrtqui-tus Atr-che-lais A-re-iop-a-gItte i Ar-gynnis A-rls'the-ne Xr -ra-bo'tn aXr-the-la'ols A-re-opta-gas A-rsnti-ns Ar ti-as Ar-ra-chiton' Ar-chlll'a-llus A-re'os X'gy-ra Ar-is-ti'bus rr us Ar-temto-s r-ss A 5 r -A y-lr stpi-du d r-As- tu tdee AXr-rhi-dmaeus Ar-chep'o -is A-restt Axr-gy-rni' A A-r-riech:Ar-thep-tol'e,-ms A-re~stha-nas, or Ar-gy-rip'pa, or Ar-is-tp'pus Ar-ret.i-urn 1 Ar-chso'tra-tla A -es-thatnas Ar-gyrti- pa A-rtstti-is Ar-ri-atnus Ar-ches'tra-tus Ar-es -trti -d AXr gy-rop'o-its Ar-is-to-bfu'la?ri-an X r-nc-titms Arss-tb' s r s-t-b us rrius Ar-cllhettiius 1 Ar-t-ta'ds Atri-as orta Ar-i s-to-cle'a Ar-rut'ti us 1 Artc'liha Ar-e'-tteus A-ri-~dfna A-rTstto-clAq Ar-satbe Xtr-thi-bl'a-de Ar-e-taphi-la A i-r-ad'ne Ar-is-to-clltdas Ar'sa-cel, or Ar -chlbti-us A-rette, and A-ri-tAus r-s-to-cltde. Ar-sace Ar-chi-bu'lus Ar' te A-ri -m'te-n& AXr-is-tc'tra-tel Ar-satci-a 1 Ar -itd'a-mmas xrre-te~ A-i-ramne, Ar-is-toctre-on Ar-sai-j-dem Ar-c hi-dami-a, or Art'e-thas A-i-ar-'na Ar-Is-tsctri-tus Ar-same-n X~r-chi-dr-m't a Arr'e-thon A-li-anl, o Atr-is-to-datma Ar-satmie xr-chu-datmrs Ar-e-thal'sa A-ri-'ni Atr-is-to-det'm us Ar-samle-tel Arrhid-das Ar-e-thuf'sis A-ri-a nltas Ar-is-td-cus Ar-sa-loss a-ta, or Ar-thi-dem' i del Ar-e-thliai-us 1 A-ri-anus Ar-is-tol e-nl A Xr-sa-m 0 -sia ft Xr-chli-de'm;s A-retti-As 1 A-riiir-a-theta, or Ar-ts-totgtton Ax-sa-mos'Q-tt Xr-thi-detus Ar-e-ttni -thti ta Ar-is-to-latus Ar-sa'e u' Ar-chldti-c Atr-e-titnUrm A -i-a- a'tthe Atr-is-tolto-chus Ar-atni-as Ar-Chid'i-um Ar-e -titn-us A-ritas Ar-is-toim'a-che Ar-se'na, r-hi -gal'lus A-reti-iis 1 A-ri -aslme-lls Ar-is-tomn'a-ch~hs Ar-se-nafri-.t Ar-cilg'e-ne~ Ar-e-ttul'la Ari1-bie Atr-is-to-me'del Ar-sWnui-us Ar-chtlto-chut us-re'tus Ar — us Ar-is-tomrn e-don Ar-selsa A r-chi-mor tde A'reiis (n.) 6 Ar'i-bie Ar-js-tomfe-ne Air'si-a 1 itr-2hi-me'lu s A-retus (a.) A-r"c 1 r-s-t-nicus Ar-sin'eoAr-ehitnus Arte-va Ar- i-c't A r-s-tntl'i-de Ar-si'te Ar -hi-pelfa-gu.s A-rtvfa-cl Ar-i-citlnus Ar-is-tonVo-us At-ta-bantus Ar-1hip'o-lls Artga-lus rdr-i-dsAlis to-nus Ar-tg-ba-zatnL1 Ar-hitt'e-lel Atr-gan-th'tna A-ri-etnt Ar-is-ton'y-m ms XrAta-b i Ar-chittis iir-gan-thot'r -s A-i-5'nus r ns r-is-tophtfa-ne r-ta-brl'te Ar-htn'i-d ed Ar-girji-ctis Alri- Ar-is-to6plhti-ll Atta-ce Ar-hntt n'te r-Aeta A-r`ie-tts, Fron AXr-is-to-philli-des Xr-to-ct'na rtcthy-lus Ar-ge-atth ee Ar-ig-notus Ar-is-tophl'-lu s At-tatci-a 1 Ar-ch3ttas Ar- gai Ari- o, rA A-r r-is-to-phion'tes Ar-ta'ci-e 1 Ar-cit'e-nenl Ar-Aen'num Ar'i-ma Atr-is-to-phy'i Ar-t t'i tr-co-bri'ca AXr-ten-na'sa Ar-i-ms'pl Ar-is-torti-del Ar-ta- gsra, or -rta Ar-con-nelsus Xr- gen-ta/rij-us Ar-i-masspui-is Ar-is-totte-lle Atr-taimue-ne Arc-titnus Ar-gen'te-iis Ar-i-mas'th~in A l'is-ti-tle tArta-no Arc-ttphty-lax Xr-tgen-titng Xr-t-mta-theta, or Ar-is-to-tifmus Ar-ta'nsE A cr-tu'rus Ar-en-tqo-i'tum -thlit AtXr-ts-t e-nns kr-ttrnus ir'd~-las Atsr-gs/'tta Ar r-i-mna'zs Atr-is-tylrits Xr-ta-tozus GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 325 Xr-ta-pallnus As-cIe-pi-odfo-tis As-ter-o-paelus Athta-nis xt-ti-cllfla Ar-ta-tus As-cli /pi-uis As-tir'o-pe Altlhe-ds At'tiL-cuS Ar-ta-vas'dig As-cle-ta'ri-tn As-ttr-o-pe'a A-thea'na At-tld-i-alttt Ar-t~l:-dsla-t. a As-c'li-a As-te-rnuli-us 1 A-thl'nle Atfti-la Ar-tx.a-t'aa As-cofni-'us LLa'be-6o As-titl iith-e-nlea At-11-i- lnnus -:.r-ta/-erxleg As'cl-lim Astti-lhs Ath-e-nmefum At-tilfi-us Ar-taxti-as 1 As'dru-bl As-tlno-me Ath —ng-rs At —ttnas Ar-t.a-yetet Atse-a As-tllo-chius Ath-e-nalis At'ti-qs ASr-ta-yntete A-s1l'li-o Aslto-ml A-the'ne At-tutda':r*te-mas A-se'us As-tr'abt'a-cs. A-thi-ni-entsis At-taui-sa 1I Ar-temtba-rPs Asj- 1 Astr ea A-the'ni -on At-u-at'i-c Ar-tem-i-dstrus A-si-a4'e-n9e 1 As-tram-psy'hus A-tihen'o-cles Avt'-bI Ar'te-mis A-si-atti'cus 1 Asl'treis 6 A-then-o-doli'us At.u-rins Ar-te-mislfi-a 1 A-sil'd As'tu-ra Ath-e-nlogte-ne~ A-tutsa Ar-te-mt"fli-um 1 A-slllus As/tu-re' Aith'e-sls A4-tya-de A r-te-mi'ta Asi-na As-turi-a Athaii-bis A-tym'ni-uis r'te-m mn As-i-nLari-a As-t'ri-cus Ath'mo-num _u-chlatte Ar-te-monna As-i-na'ri-Us As-tytya- Ae A-th'/us Au-chaf'ta Ar-tWena As'i-n e As-ty-'an i9 Athlri-bis Au-d'ena Airthlmi-us A-sant'i-us As-ty'a-lns Ath-rlulla A_ u-dn'ti-Us Artim'pa-sa~ A-slU/i-um 1 As-ty'a-nax _A-thymtbra Au-d'le-o-n Ar-to-bar-za'n~e Alsi-us 1 As-ty-cira-tea, or Athty-rins Au-fe'i-sa Atqua 3 Ar-to'ce As-natus -tua'-alti-.a 1 Au-fi-d'ngi Ar-toch mel -'spi'a As -tyda-ms At-tidi-us ku-fid'i-a Ar-toWna As-.-ps'a-del As-ty-da-mina A-tllti-a. u-fTd'i —is Ar-tsoni-us A-so'pis As-tylli-del A-til-i-citnus Ru'fi-duis Ar-t'rio-s's A-ss'opi-us AS/ty-los, and A-tllti-i s u -fi-lits.cr-to-tro'tguis A-s'pos As-t.ylos At-i-meptus ku-fi-le'nus Ar-tox'a- re A-sA fpus As-ty-mJe'de A-ti'la' utgt-riis Ar-tftri-ts As-pa-bo'ta As-tym-e-dutqsa A-tlni-.a nu-g'ta Acr ty"ne' As-p'l-a-thi t As-tyn's-mus At-in-tatneg Au-n-'ie Ar-tynti- g As-plila-this As-tynt'o-s Atiti-hs 1 Au-'elts, ald:sr-tys-totna Asrpa-lls Is-thyo-che At-lan-tgea, or- ita lln'.e-as Ar' u-e As-pam'i-thillr As-ty-o-ch'a Ait-lan-teus Au-et-us A-rui'c ss-pa-rCini-num As-ty'o" PUs Ats-to-hli-cs Au-ng'as Ar-u-'eris As-pa/,j-a 1 As-typh'i-lns At-lan-tifa-de _ Au'/i-im Ar-u-l1tnus As-pa-si'russ As'ty-ra At-lain'ti-de Ru-Is'Ius A-ru~nttt-us 1 As-pa'i-us 1 As'ty-rcon At-lann'ti-as 1 Autgu-ree Ar-.u-p'lnum As-pa -tit'ne AXstY-chis AtImo-iU Sku-gg-rl, nus Ar-u-pi'nus As-pa-thlltsis A-sy'i. s At'ra-ce n u-gus-tafii-a A-r-1i-a'nus 1 As-phal-titei t A-syn'cri-tus A-trlcti-d u-g. s-t tll s Ar-u-sitnli As-ple'don A-t-ab'u-lus At'ra-cls Ass-gisn'tine Ar-vln'Ua As-po-re'nub'y-ris y-rs t-ra-mitmn t Au-gts-tisobri'ga Asr-vira-ges As-pr'nas At-.a-by-rite At-r- myt't ti-umn 2 n-gls-to-d'n.Lum Ars-vltti-um 1 As-pur-6i-gani At-.a-byr'i-um Attra-ptCp ru-gus-to-nemleAr -vlisus As-ssi-binnus At'a-ce Xt-ra-tltntss tlm Airxa-tta As-sa-calnli or At-a-citnus, Var'ri A-trebta-tel, or -ti u-gus'tu-l s Ar'y b.s -cbni eAt-n-lnn'ta A t-re-bb'tte Au-1s'ttg A-ry-'tnis As-sa.'e-t t At-a-lan-tia-adel A-tre1tn Xu-li'ttl A-ryx'a-ta As-sars-cus At- a 1'da Aitreus (n.) 6 Au-1o-crenlne Ar-zg-nUlne. As-sersa At-ar-be'ihis A-tre.us (a.) Au-lS'ni-ts As-ba-ma'a As-se-ritni A-tar'gaa-tis A-trit dmi Xu-ra-ni tis Astbo-1is As-se-sus A-t'rtne-.a A-tri'tde Au-ra'i-tis 1 As-bottus As-sorcum A-tr'tneis 6 xt-ro-mettus Au-E'Sl-s Ass-bilt'te As-su-ierus At-.ar-ni'te A-tro-ni-hs Au- -i-aiiVnus As-bylte As-sutra' A-eti-us 3 At-ri-pa-tfni Azs-re'li-ans' As-cal'a-bis As-ta-cenill Ae-tvai, oA r -ne A-trtsopa-t tl u-Arc'li-is As-caila-phus As-tacfi-dPe At-e-no-imatrus At-ro-pa/ti-a 1 Au-reto-lis Asc.a- lon As'ta-cus A-ter'ga-tis A-trop'a-tus Ru-r lga As-calni-a Xs-ta-&eni A-tri-its Atfro -pis Atu —r-n'i-a A.s-can -u AsXlta-pa A-te-rs —antiuss Attta-g s Autri-tts As'ca-rus As-ta'phi-um Ath-a-ma'nel At-taclo-rce, or -ri u-'rora As-chietum Aslta-pus Xth-a-matni-a _At-tia-s'in us Au-rincca Aslche-tos As-tetl'e-b Ath-a-matsnis At-t.a-lia Xu-runtce As'ihe-tus As-tlte-phus Ath-a-man-ti'a-del At-ta-li-asta, or?-til Au-run-cu-et'i- 3 Assi-bnir'i-tm As-teri-,a Ath'a-mias At-ta-li-sota, or -tS Aii-run-cu-lei-uis 3 As'ci-i 1 As-telri-e A-than-.a rilcus At-teg/u-a Xus-chi'sme As-cie-pi-EtL As-tefri-sn.-tthan'a-rsc At-ttei-us Capli-ta Aus'ci As-cle-pi'-d - Xs'te-lis Ath-a-na'gji-us 1 At-ti —a nus Rulse-rls As-cle-pi-o-ditrus Ais-te-rotdi- a A.IAn' -t i hntttt-ca AU-sq-tawni 28 326 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. ust-sItia AXx'y-lis, country. Bag'ra-dy Ba-sBl-i-afnus B1ltij-is Au'so-ne A-y'lus, man. Ba'i-w 3 Ba-slfi-cas' BM'li-as Ru-s6onji-ti -zamto-ra Ba-{-o —es'sn Ba-sll'i-cuts B61'-dge, pl. uqu-slnii-dde A-za'ni Ba'i-us Bas-i-li/de Be-litd, sing. Au-seqIl-SUs A-zetca Bata-cs1ide Be-lis'a-ma A.u'spj-ceu Alzeus 6 B1-.a-natgroe Bas-i-lit Be1-i-satri-us Aus te-Valna A-zildet Balaf-nuS Ba s- -l'na Be-lissti-gha Akus'ter A-zl'ris Bal'a-ri, or Ba-lafri Ba-sil-i-o-potsa -mos Be-lltte kus —tG''si-6n 1 Az'o-nax Baltars Basi-lis Bel-lat'i ne Xus-tralis. A-zoS'tus Blla-tr' Ba-szl'i-us, man. Bel-ll'oo-phl n Aus-trl'nus Bal-bilnus Basil Bel'le-rus Au-tta-ni'tis Bal-bur~a Bas —lth'us, rive. Bel-li- eius Xiui-t- lt-ri-ta 3-e' Bsl-c' la Binsi-s Bel-1to'na tr'-ti-ts ) Bal-du-i'fnus Bas-sani-' a Bel-lo-n tmrii.iu-te-ji-9-dl'rvm 1 B&ldlwin Bassaa-rens 6 Bel-lbvta-ci, or Au-teliB-6n 1 BBa-bltli-us Ba-lie- are Bea's-sa'i-de Bel-lo-vasti Au-to-bjl'ius Bib'i-lis B:a-lIttus Bas'sa-ris Bel —1lv'a-cum, or Au-tc'ta-neP Ba'bri-us Bal-is-bt'ga Bas-si-eanus 1 Bel-lo-valcum Au-t1Ohltho-noG Bab'y-1i Ba'li-us Bas-sitnus Bel-1o-ve'sus utttt-cle Bab'y-15n Btali-i' Bas-tQr'fie Bel-mi'na,u-tct'ra-t0 Bab-y-lb'ni-a Ball-ln'o-ti Bsa te-ta5na Bel phe-gor u-to-Cer6'ne Ba-byt'.a-ce Bl'lasa-men Bas-teet'ne B el-si num Xu-tol'e-mus Bac-a-ba'sus Bal-ven'ti-us 1 Bas'ti-a 1 Be-l htnum Au-totle-on Bac'ca-rag Balty-a Bata-l us Bem-bi'na 4u-tol'9 —lhie Bac'h Bhh Bly-las Bat-a-natchlus Be-na'cus.ku-tolto-l RBac-cha'nal Bam-by'ce Ba-ta'vi, or Been-di-di'a:u-t51'y-cus Baclthac-ncdl Ban-duii- a 1 Bat'a-vs Ben-di-di'um un-tlm'at-ta Bic-chta-na'li-a Ba-ni-'fie', or-r Ba-t'tvi-a Ben-e-ven/tum uiA-t'mte.-dn Bac-Bhin'tt' Ban-s-zm'e.-ng B-a-vo-tdlz'rnm Ben-thes-i-cy'me Xu-to-me-da'sa Bac-che'us Ban'ti-.a 1 Ba-tavuts, or Be-pol-i-tatnus:u-tOm'e-neg Bac- hi'.a-de Ban'ti- 1 Bat'a'vns Be'rlbi-ce Au-tiomfoI - Bac-thitdas Ban-ti'na Ba-teia Ber-e-cyn'thi-a:Au-tOn'o-e Bactchi-ddeg Ban'ti-us 1 BaLth-a-natj —us 1 Ber-e-cyn'tlhus Xu-ton'eo-us Bac-ch-'.mi Ba-nu'ba-r Bathay-cltg Ber-e-cyn-tia -dEg Au-toph -ra-datte Ba c-lch'is, author. Baph'y-rus Ba-tt'a Ber-e-nitce u'trii- cm, or Bact'hi-us (in Hor.) Bar'a-do Ba-ti-a/tus 1 Ber-e-nie'is Au-tritctum Bac-chlyl'i-dt g Bar'a-thrum Ba-ti-e/a 1 Bert'i-ne Anu-trlgt/-oneg Bac'ly-il Ba'y-lba-rE Ba-tini BBer'Ii-an:u-ttrae - Ba-Cenis Ba r-bas/ri-a Bat-ra-chln-my-o- Beir-is-tafni ux-egei-.a 1 Ba-chi-a'ri-lls Bar-ba'ti-o 1 ma'chi-a BMrtgg-mum uXilxi-mon Bacoi-rls Bar-ba'ti-us 1 Bat'ra-hdias Bert'oRu~-uftme Bac-tri-atna Bar-ba'tis Bat'ta-rus Be- r'nte A -var'i-curn, or Btc-tre'I Br-bes.u-la Bat-tfia/-dtg B3er-o-n lce AXv-a rtcum Bac-u-attmt Bar-bs'sthe-neg Batlu-lMim Be-ro'sus A-vari -cUs Bau-culti-tus 1 Bar-bythta-ce Bat'ft-lus Be-rtl'tha Av'a-se' Bad'a-ca Bgr-ce'ti, or Bgr- Ba'vi-eus Bery-as A-ve/i-a 3 Ba-d'la, or Ba'di-a Ite ta Bve-rbtra-ctl Xvte-les Batdi-us Bar'ci-n Bazz-.a-enIttg Be-rytus, alan' A-ve'e ni-o Bad-ul-hintnae Bar-cl'nus Btz-a-irat Brfy-ta s A-venti-ctum Bectu'-la 4 Bar-da'ntg Ba-z'tra Bes-an-tItnus Av-en-tltnus Be'Iy-l1 4. Bar-de-sar'ne Be-a'trix Be'sa-rit A —vi-.anus Bae-th'tron Bar-ditna Betbi-'us Bes'bi-cts A-vld-i-eenus Btt'i-ca 4 Ba're-a, man. Be-brl'a-cum Be-slda'i-te -vidt'i-tus Baet'-cius 4 Ba-rt'a, town. Bebtry-c Be-si'lus A-vi-e'lnus Bwettu-1 Balre —as So-ralinus Beb'ry-cg,? and Beslti-a A-vi'o-la Be-tI'ri-t Bar'g-sa, Be-brytcie Bes'tj-us A-vl-ti-iatnus 1 Baetty-lus 4 B.aBr-gu'gj- 1 Ba-br"tci-a 1 Bes-yn-Wettl A-vi'tus Ba-ga'ctm, or Bar-ffl'i-a Be-bry"Eci- 1 Be-tt'mo-nG A.vi-im Bag'a-ctim Bar'0y-lus Be-chi'reg, or -re Betta-s Axt'e-nus Bag-.a dat'o-ng Ba-rilne Be-ari'a-ctm Be-thl'ron A-'-Ve-rts Ba-ge'sus Barli-s~as B'lta-tel Bet'i-ra Ay-Ito-chis Ba-gls/ta-me Ba'rj-uim Bel-bitna Be-tu'ri-a A/-iton B-isie'ta-na Btr-sisne, and B81-e-mi'naa B i-atnor x-ai-9-ni'cus 1 I a-sitta-nes Bar-siene BElte-nus Bi-bac'u-lis i tx-i-atte I Ba-gisstt-nhs. B'ar-zza-Integ Bil-e-phan'tte Bsib'a-ga Ax-i-'the-a 1 Ba-ge'as Bar-zarne Bilte-sls Babtli-a, and Ax't-nat Ba-gotsas Bas-a-nIlteg Bel-lt'dg Bil'libAx-o'tne, people. Bag-o-dal're Bg-sl'rt Beltgi-ca Blbtli -n AX'o-ne, tablets. Bt-g/Spha't-ne Bs-i-le't B1l1'i-cis Bbt'u-la As — tme Ba-gotus BMs-i-'/t Bbt1ji-6m Bibtfu-lus GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 327 Bi-ciJrr'ni-er Bo-joc'a-l1s Bri-gin'tti-im 1 Bi-normer5l C fb'y-jle Bi-e/phil' Boj'9-rix Brj-setis Ba'tp-lus C Bi-ger-ri-6onig BQ-la/nus Bri'se Bailpha-gus Cac-o-dmem'9-n6g 4 Bil'bi-lis 1-bl'ne B-b Br'seus 6 Bu-photni-a Ca-citthis Bi-matter B6l-bi-tifne Bri-tin'ni-a Bu-pr'Oi'-um 1 Ca-cyp' -rls Bln'Si-um Bl1-bi-ti'num Bri-tan'ni-cUs Bu-rali-cus Ca-detna Bito-neas (n.) Bal'ti-us Brit-o-mrar'tis Biur-dig'a-la Cad-mea'i Bi-o-netus (a.) Bo-le'ri-um Br it-o-ma'rus, or Bur-gun-di-o'tne Cad-me'us Bil'ri-us Bo-lina, o0 -ris, or Bafri-chus Cad-mi'lus Bi-sal'te B it' -na Bri-trm'a-riis Buir- i-1'fnus Cad're-msa Bis'su-la Ba1l-i-nme'us BrStt'o-nas, and Bir'si-a 1 Ca-dutce'-s 1 Bis'tt-nra Bnl-e15nus Bri-t'tnle Bu-siris Ca-da's Bis-to'ni-a Bom-bBr'ci-a Bu-si-ri'tag Ca-du'.i-i 1 Bjs-tanfi-deg Ba-mi-en'ses Brlx'i-.a Bl'ta-doe Cad'y-tls Bis'to-nis, and Barnm-o-nicac Brix's-n5 Bdtte-a Cme-ceti-us 1 Bis-tatnis Bon-i- fa'ci-us 1 Brac-u-be'lus Batte. C'etci-s- 1 Biti'y-e Bo-notni-a Bro-git'a-rus Bd'tho-a Cai-cli-a Bi-thy'nl Bo-nI gi-Rs 1 Br'ri a Bu-thra'tos Cm-crl-i-i'nus Bi-thyn'i-a Bo-na'sus Bron'tas Bu-thrltrum Cae-cil'j-Its Bi-tllyn'i-cs Bo-o-sa'ra Bron-ti'nus Bu-thr'tttis Cert'i-ls 4 Bi-thyn'l-um Bo-o'tag Br5't6 Bu-thyr'e-ts Cme-citnus Bllti-sas 1 Ba-t'tus, and Brtte-as ButtQ-a Cmct'u-bim 4 Bit-u-I'tus, or Bne-attus Brittile-tus Butto-neg Cmecu-bits 4 Bi-tui;-tas Bdr-be-tinm'a-gus BrUc'tae-r Bu-tor'i-dtg Cmectu-lRs 4 Bi-tu'fri-cum are-a Brea Brc'te-rs Bu'tra Cma-drlci-us 1 Bi-tal'ri-ge B-reta-deI Bru-ma'li-a Bu-trt'tus Cmed'i-cis 4 Btttu-rix Bo-re-a'lis Br'sn-d" ui-rm 1 Bu-zetri C -di-ti-/'nus 1 Bi"zi-.a 1 Ba're-as Brun-du',s-um 1 Bu'zy-elg Cwe-di"ti-Us 1 Bi-zoane Ba-rei-astml Brui-ti-atnus 1 By-bas si-a 1 Ca'li-a Bif"zy-a 1 Bo-reton Bru-tid'i-qs Byb-lW'gi-a 1 Csel'i-nts 4 Bla-e'ne Bar-ga'di BruAti-i I Byb'li-a Cm-li-5-m9n-tft nus Bllm'i-i 1 Ba-rilon Brit'ti-i Bybbli-I Cmeli-tus Bian-de-nWtna Bo-ritnus Brht'ti-um Byb'lis Ceamr't-rI 4 Blaia-doWna Bo-rys'the-ng Bru'tu-15s Byb'lus Cae'neas 6 Blan-ditu'i- 1 Bst'pho-rMs BrY-6ntni-us By'ce CT-nl'tdg Bla'gi- 1a Bas'p -ris Bry'6 Byl-.s-z6tra Cme-ni'na Blal'i-uis 1 Bas'pq-ris Brys7e-a Byl-ll'o-neg Cme-not' r-pa Bliis'ta-rq g Bos-tratnus Bryste'e-, and Byr'rhj-a Ca-pai'r.-Us Blis-to-phli-ni ceg Bo-ta-ni-a'tg Bry-sa's By-za'ci-im 1 Cm-pa'gi-us 1 Bla'vi-a- Bo-thra'dus Bd-ba-ce'ne Byz-an-ti'a-crs Cm-ra'tus BIrm'my-Ig Bo-tra'dus Bu-ba'rceg Byz-an-titnus Cae're, or Cme'ri Bletmy-aa Bt'tti-a Bu'ba-rt s By-zan'ti-on 2 Ca -rel'li-a Bl'tmy-i Ba-vi-a'nur BBI-bas-ts'a-cus By-zan'tj-i-m 1 Cmrte-sI 4 Ble-nmtna Braacta-na Ba/ba-sus By-zan'ti-is 1 Cer'i-teg 4 Blebph'a-r6 Brac-ca.tt Bu-bo'tna By-ze'nus Cart'u-l.s 4 BllI"ti-us I Brach-mar'ng Ba/ceg By-ze'rlg Ca'gar Blas'i-uis Brach-mani'I But-ceph-a-lita Byzi-.a 1 Cmas-a-re'a 4 Bifftci-rim 1 Braclrde Bu-ceph'ta-lus Cme-satri-an Bo-id-i-cre', or Brme'gi-a 1 Bu-chcetti-m 1 Cm -sa'ri-us Bo-a-diqte-a Bran-chIr'a-dlg B'chae-ta (. Cms-a-ro-daunum 4 Bi"' t, and zBcelI Branr'hi-dne Biu-l'-i- tnus J Ces-a-raomna-gus 4 Bo-a/gri-us Bran'chus Bu-c1l'i-ca Cw-se'na Blb-e-nita Bran-chyl'li-dle Bu-col's-cam Cabf a-del Ce-santni-as Bo-c~ali-as Bra'i-Ee 1 Bu-cli-an CQabta-la Cm-seati-us 1 Boc'cho-rys Brasti-das Bu'co-lus CQa-bal'a-ca Cte'gi-a I Bo-dh —ag-n'atus Bras- -deta, or-di'a Bu-de'a Cab'a-lIg C'gi-us 1 Bo-du'n tBrasti -las Bfiudi-a Ca-bIli-l C~-sani-a Bce-be'is Brau-rWtni-a Bu-ditnl Cab-a-li'nus Cms-o-nitnus 4 Beetbi-a Bre-ga'tui-im 1 Bu-d'tris Ca-b5ilis Cue-sI'ni-its BM-e-drhtmi-g Bren'nl, and Bu'do-rrim, or Catb-al-li'num Cms-u-le'6us 4 Bce-o-tartcha Breatni Bu-datrum Ca-bgl'li-o Cmt'o-brlx 4 Bce-'tti-a 1 Bris'cji-a I Bu-dt'rus Cabt'a-sa Cw-try'ni-ts Boe-a/ti-iis 1 Bret'ti- 2 B'.te-nea Ca-bsti'-lis Cat'fu-lmt 4 Bce-S'tus Breitcus Bu-l'ag'o-rras Ca-be'leg C(a-gd'c5 Bcer-e-bis'tas 4 Bri-atre-us, or Bu-llm'e-i Ca-bei'sus Ca-i-citnus Bo-'tthi-us Brl'a-reas 6 Bul-lati- us 1 Cab-il-lutInusm Ca-I'cus Bo-aethus Bri-gln'teg Bul-ll'o neg Ca-bltra Ci-i-6Ita Bo-t'ti-its I Bri-gn'tti-a BBu-mridus Ca-birfi-a, C.-i-e-t-inus Bosi-a 3 Bri-glntti-cas Bu-ma'dus Ca-bfitri Ca-'it-l]s Bali-i 3 Brtg-,tn-t'itnus Ba-nltm. Ibtu'-rs Cati-phs GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Cagi-iis, and C4al-l1"ci-js 1 Cga-mn'tni-um 1 Can-tafbri-t Car'ci-nsii Cl'i-a 3 Cullli-clel Cam-a-ra/cum, or Can-ta/bri-ae Car-d'atce Ca'itta CIl-li-co-15'na Ca-mlrfaL-cum Cln-ta-cu-zt'nus Car-da-mefne Cal'a-ber, Qulnt'tus Cal-li-cra-te'a Cam-a-ri'na Can'tha-ra Car-dam'y-le Ca-la'bri-a Cval-llc'ra-te Cam-.a-te'rus Can-tha-rll1e-thlron Car'de-a Cal'a-brls Ca-lIi-cTatfi-ds Cam-bau'le, Can'tha-rus Car-de'sus CU-a-che'ne Cal-lic'ri-tuis CLm'bei Can-the'la Car'di-a Call- c-t'tns, Cal-li-dqm'a-teg Cam-bo-rI'tum Cln'ti-um 1 Car-din'e-a Cil-a-gortris Cal-li-de'mus CQm-bilni Cln-u-le'i-a 3 Car'dau-a CUal-a-6uris Cal-li-dlm'-d-d Cam-by'lus Caril-u-l'i-is 3 Car-du'ch! Cal-a-guir-ri-ta'nI Cal-ld'i-ius Clm-by-se'ne Ca-nu'li-a Car-dy'tus Cal'a-Is Cal-ld'roi-miis Cam-byseag C:a-nq'fi-um 1 Ca-refneg Cil'a-n-mis Cal-hg'e-neg Cam-e-lanli Ca-nil'i-is 1 Car'e-sa C(il- -mi'sa Cal-li-eltus Cam-e-Il'te Ca-nii'ti-us 1 Ca-re'sus Cil-a-mi'tem Cal-li-t'itus Cam-el-o-dfnum Cap'a-neiis (n.) Car-fn'i-.a Cal/a-mus Cal-llm'a-chis Ca-me'na Clp-a-ne'us (a.) Ca'ri-a, Ca'ri-as CLa- l nlus Cal-li-mar'chusus C-me-ni-a'ta Cap'.a-ra Ca-ri-a'te C'l.a-son Cal-li-mi e'd'e Cam'e-ra Ci-pa-ti-L'na 1 Ca-rl'na Ca-la'ph'a-t e Cal-lm'.e-don Cam-e-ra'cum. See Ca-pa'na Carli-na Ca-la'rus Cal-li-nifcum Camaracum Ca-pa'ni Ca-ri'nus Cil'a-teg Cal-li-nl'cus Cam-e-ri'num, and Ca-pe'nus Ca'ri-a Cal-a-thalna Cal-li'nus Ca-mnlri-urm Cap'e-tus Ca-a/.on Ca-la'thi-on Cal-lhn'o-us Cam-e-rl'nus Ca-phia'reua (n.) 6 Ca-rls'sa-iium Cal'tu-tlhCs Ca-li-.o-dfruus Cas C aph-a-rus, or Ca-ris'ti-a Ca-la/ti-a 1 Cal-l'ao-pe Ca-mer'ti-um 1 Ca-pha're-ius(a.) Car-ma'na Cal.-a-tinus C0a-li-i'pi-us Cam'i-cus, or Ca-phe'reus 6 Ctar-ma'nj-l Cal-au-rn a Cal-lI-pi-ti/rt CQa-mi'cus Ca-phe'ris Car-ma'nor Ca-lau'ri-a, or Cal'li-phon Ca-mti'ra Ca-phi'ra Cgar-mei-us 3 Cala-u-rl' a Ca l-lip'.i-de Ca-mairus Ca'phy-2e Car-me'lus Ca-la'vi-i Cal-lip-de Cam Cam-i-sne Ca'plhy-a Cd? rmel Ct-la'Yvi-us Cal'li-pupusm-is-s Cpi- Car-melni-n Callca-gus Cal-li-py'g Ca-mofni-6s C-p-is-sf'ne Car-men-ta'lei Cal-clhe-do'ni-a C5a-li-py'gos Cam-pa'na Lex Capf'-to Cartmi -dej Cal-clinti-a Cal-ir'rho-a Cam-pa'lii-a Cap-i-toQ-I'nus C ar-na'ti-us 1 C.a-le'cas Cal-lis-t'a C-am-palnus Cap-i-to'li-im Catr-noa Ca-ldlfo-n' n Cal-ls'tlhe-nlg CLm'pe-sis Cap-nob'a-tm Car-n'pA-dg Cal- e-do'ni-a Cal-lis-ti'a C.m-po-da'num Cap-plad'o-ceg Car-nelus Ca-la'lQ Cal-lis-to-nl'cus Crm'pups Mar'ti-is I Cap-pa-d'ci-_a 1 Caar-nion Ca-le'nts Cgal-ls'tra-tis C am-.u-lo-6I'nus Cap'pa-dox Car'no-nra Ca-1l'rus Cal-llxfe-na Ca-mduni Ca-pra'ri-a Car-nu'ltS Ca-le1 ui-ts 1 - Cal-lix'e-nus Can'.a-co Ca-pra'gi-a I Car- nntus Caa-e'tie Cal-o-clsfsus Can'a-ch Calpre-Ee, or Car'o-lus Cal'e-ti Cal-o-cy'rus Can-a-huis Ca'pre-a Charlef Ca-leqtor -CM-o-~'rus Cafnae Ca-pre'o-lus Car-os-cefpI Cal'ga-cus Callo-pbs Ca-nafnus Cap-ri-fI-ci-l'lis 1 Car-pa'i-a 1 Cd-lfi-id'ue Cil-pe-ta'nus Ca-nalri-a Ca-pri'ma Car-pagi-um 1 Cll-i-cO'na Cal-pe-ti-ai'ns 1 Ca-na'ri-i Ca-prIina Car-pa'teo, or Ca-lid' i-uis Cl'pe-tns Can'a-tliSs C a-prlp'e-deg Ca'rfpa-tag Cail-i-do'rus Cal-phiir'nii- Can'da-c Ca'pri-us Car-pa'thi-us Cali-diis Cal-phuiirn-us Can-daun'le Cap-ro-ti'ny Car'pta-thus Cal'i-ga Cal-piir'ni-a Can-da'vi-a Cap'sa-9g CLar-po'i-a 3 Ca-lig'fu-la Cal-pur'ni-us Can'di-dis Cap'u-a Car-pe-ta'ni Cal6i-puis Cal-u-coll'nS Can-d'fo-pe Catr-a-bac'tra Car-pliy'li-dag Cal-lEes'thrus4 Cal-u-sld'i- is Can'dy-ba Car'a -bis Car-p! a Cal-lati-cI Ca- lu'gi-nim 1 Can-e-pha'ri-. Cat-a-ca'la Car -plc'ra-teg Cal-lati-nus Cal-v'n Ca-n Ca-n'tus Car-.a-ca'ta, or Car-pophlo-ro CIal-la-t''bus Cal-van'ti-ils 1 Ca-nlcfu-la Ca-ra'ica-tag Car'rae, autd CR,-1a-ti-a'nus 1 Cal'vi-a Ca-nlc-u-l'arlg Carac''ta-c Cus Cirhe Cgl-llatis Cal-vi'na D'ae Car'a-lis Car-ritnas Cal-Ileno.Cal-vit.nLs Ca-nild'i-is Car-a-ma'lus Clr-ri-nalteo Cal-le-to'ri-a Cgl-vi"ai-5us 1 Ca-nln-e-fa'teg Cir-a-nI'tis Car-ru'ca Cal'li-a Caliy-be Ca-nll'i-is Ca-ran'to-tlus. Car-s'9o-l Cal-lo'a-deg ClI-y-bi'ta Ca-nis'ti-us Ctar'a-ns, or Car'su-lae Ca-ll'aa-niax Cl-y-cadinus Ca'ni-iis Ca-ra'nus Car-ta'li-is Ca-li-t.a-ni'ra Cal'y-ce Ca-no'bus Ca- rau'gfj-s 1 Car'ta-re Cal-li'a-ris Ca-lyd'i-um Ca-nop'ji-eim Car-ba'neg Car-t-'j-a 3 Ca''li-as Cl1fy-don Cga-no'pus C'r'bu-la Car'te-niis Cal-lib-tius C6l-y-do'nis Can'ta-ber Car- ihe'don Carfte-ron Ca-li'-c'rl.s CUl-y-do'nti-us Can'ta-bia Carfci-na Clr-thfi-gn-i6.ntsi C~al-lshl'-rlAs Clm- -iQ-dii num Can'tg-brI Car-ci-nit8l Cqr-thl/gI GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 329 Cir'tha.qe Ctt'f-na, or -ne Ce-drd'i-i 1; Cph-.a-l-di-md Cer-rhhaei Cart-1 Cat-a -ni-a Cge.v-1 Cg-lu'sa Ceph'a-lus Cer-so-blep'te Car'tha-s!s Catt-a-phrt'fni- Ce-le'j-a 3 Ce-phe'js Cir'ti-mna Car-thg.t Ca-taphlry-&5~ Cel'a-don Ce-phelne$ Cer-tSfni-qm Car-tll'i-ts Cat-a-rac'ta C6lta-dus Cetpheds (n.) 6 Cer-ttnlius Ca-rfrra Cat-ar-rhdc'tt6 Ce-lael'na Ce-phl/us (a.) Cer-va'ri-us Ca-ru'sa Cia-tlr'rhy-tus Ce-lae'nme Ce-phlit ai-a 1 Cer'vi-us Car-vil'.i-us Ca-t'nia Ce-la'no Ceph-i-si/a-dde Ce-ry,'ce Ca'ry-a Catte-net ( Ce'le-Ee Ce-phi.'i-as 1 Ce-ry"ci-us 1 Ca'ry-ae Ca-thlfea Ce-led'.o-n6e Ce-phlil'i-on 1 Cer-y-mifca Ca-ry-a'te Cathl'a-r! Cel-e-la'teq Ce-philsis Cer-y-ne'a, or -niftl Ca-ry-at'j-doe Calti-a 1 Ce-len'de-ras Ce-phls-o-dotrus Cir-y-n/itel Ca-ry-a'tis Ca-ti-a'/nus 1 Ce-letneus 6 Ceph-i-sod'Q-tUs Ce-sel'li-us Ca-rylo-n6~ Ca-ti-e'na 1 Cel' -re Ce-phi'sus Ce-sen'ni-a Catr-ys-tt'us Ca-ti-e nus 1 Cel-e-rt na Celphren Ces'ti-fs' Ca-rys'ti-tis Cmt-i-linsna Cel-e-rilnus Ce'pi-o Ces-tritna Ca'ry-um Cdt'i-line Cel.e-truim Cr'sa-ca Ces-trln.ous Ca-sadle Ca-thlfi-Ss Ce/le-us Ce-riaca-tM Ce-te'l C'as-cdlili-is CAti-ltis Ce-lot'na Cer'a-meas 6 Ce-the'gus Cas-i-li'num Cat'i-na Celfti-ber C&r-a-milcus Ce'ti-i 1 Cas'-n a Cai'ti-iis 1 Cnl-ti-bf'rta Ce-rd'mi-ti Ce'ti-5s 1 Ca -si'num Ca-ti'zi C61-ti-beril Ctr'a-mus Ce-trotni-us Ca-ti-o'tis I Cat-o-bri'glp C6l-ti-be'ri-a Cs'a-sis Ce/us, aend Caeus Ca u/i-s 1 Ca'trefis 6 Cl1'ti-ca Ce'ra-ta hla -be'r.s Cas'me-na Cstt-ug-na'tus C6l-to-gal'a-tie Ce-ra'thus -hla'bge Cas-pe'ri- - Ca-tu-li-n'. a Cel-ta'ri-i Ce-ra'ton Cha-birnus Cas- perrt-Ia Cat'.u-ls Cel-tts'cy-thae Ce-ra'tus lha-bla'ia-l 1 Cts-pi.a-dae Ca-ta'ri-je6 Cdm'nme-nus Ce-rsau'ni-. Pha-bo'ras Cas-pi-a'nia Cu'ca-sius Cn'ta-buim. See Ce-raun1i-i Pha'bri-a Cas'pi-i C.u-.o-ne'a Genabum. Ce-r-su'.i-us 1 lhalbri-as Cas-psira Cau-c5'sle~ Ce-ne'Ltnm Cer-bt'ri-6n L hl'bry-Is Cas'pi-um Malre CAu-di'nus Cdn'chre-ae Cdrfbe-rss Lha-dl"i-tis 1 Cas-san-da'ne Chu'di-uim Cen-clhre'us Cer'be-rous hie-a-nlitie Cas-sall-dre'a Cau'11uo Cen'chri-uis Cer'caa-phius hliere-a Cas-sain'dreus 6 Cau-lo'ni-a Ce-nes'pQ-lis Cer-ca-s orum Lhai're-as Cas-san-d ri'a Ca.uni-i Ce-ne'ti-um 1 Cer-ce is s ha-ric'ra-tel Cas'si-a 1 Csul'ni-us Cen-i-mag'ngi Cer-ce'ne lhier-.e-de'm.s 4 Cas-si-asllus 1 Cau'nu.s Ce-nl'na Cer-ces'tel hiei-remon Cos'si-can Cau'ros Cen-o-m'nli Ceirce-tt P himre -phlon 4 Cas-si-e-p'i-a 1, 3 Cau'rrus Cen-s'otr' Certci-das hive-yes1tra-ta Cas-si-Q-do'rus 1 Cav'a-rie Cen-so-ri'nus Cerics-de~ ilae-riesftra-tos Cas-si'o-pe Cav-it-rllrlus Cnu-ta-ra'tus Cdrlci-a I Li ar-i-baulus 4 Cas-si-o.-pea 1 Cav-a-rt'sLs Ce.n-tnu'ri-cans Cer-cVnia Lhia-r nlthis Cdas-si-Setis i Civ'.a-rus Cen-tau'rsus Cor-ci-niltis Lhie-,rp'pus Cgas-sitfe-ra Ca'v i-L Cen-te'ni-us Cer-cln'i-um Pllhar-9-ne.a 4 Cas-si-ter'i-del Csa-y'c Ce'n-tlmfa-nus Ceirci-Ss 1 lhisr-o-ni'a 4 Cas'si-is i Csa-y'cus Cen-to-bri'c5a Cir-c-bu'lus Ih-al-ctaea Cas-si-ve-lau'nus Caz'e-ca Cdn'to-re1 Cer-co-n'cus Chal-ci ta Cas-solpe Ce'a des Cen-tirt'i-pa Cer-cotpe'h'al-ce'don Cagslso tis Cbe-talh'nus Cen-tri'tes Certcy-on 1 h ial-ce-doni- a Cas-tabt-s.a Ceb-.a-r en'tst Cen-trt'nel Cer-cy'o-nel Lhal-cet'o- rs Cas'tta-bns Ce-be~n'iae Cen-tr'ni-uis Cer-cyphl'a-iae Lhal-ci-d- isoe Cas-ta'li-a Ce'bren Cen-tiim'vi-ri Cer-cy'ra hal-ci-deln's Cas-tali-d Ce - n Ce-bre'ne Cen-tatri-a Cer-do'us hail'ci-deo s 6 Cas1ta-lis Ce-bre'ni-a Cen-ti'ri-pa Cer-dyl'i-urm ihal-cidsi-ce Cas-ta'li-us Fonl Ce-bretnis Cen-ttI/r-pae Ce-re-a'li-a Jhal-cldti —cis Cas-th Ce-bo-n CebrI'o-nil Cen-td'ri-pe Ce-re-allis Lhial-cid'i-us Cas-ti-.a-nirra Ce-cildes Cepht'a-lIe Ce-rse-ali-us a hal-ci- cius Casrtt-Cus Ce-c111'-us Ceplh'a-las Cere-taie Lhal-ct -pe Cas-tW'lus Ce-citna Ctph-a-ld'na Ce-ret'te-, hal-ci'tis Cas'to-res, pl. Ce-cr'tpi-a Cdph-al-l1'niee Ce'reas 6 Lh.al-cq-cinldy-lei Cas-tra'ti-sus 1 Ce-crpti-dae Ctph-al-le'niu Ct-ri-la'is Bhial-c'ldon Casttri-cus Ce-crbp'i-deS Ceph-al-letni Cetri-i. PlI'con Cas/tu-15 Cectro-pls Ceph-al-lefni-a Ce-rillm a Phal-confdy-les Cat-a -batnus Ctecrtps Cdph'a-lI Cr'i-tel L hal-cos'the-ne1 Cat-.a-ce-cau'me-ne Ce-cryph-.a-l'a Ceph-a-lce'di-as Cer-nimanus Ehltl'ctus Cat-a-clotthel Cetdre-ie, or Cph-.a-lce'djs Ce.r-ne',a.Chal-de'ta Catt-a- e-ltas i-muis Ce-drta'e CUph-l- -lce'dij-m Ctr-o-pas'a-del LhaI-d ael Cat —-man-tMal'e-dat C-dre-a tis C6pha'-l1n Cr'phe-e'P.e Cha-ls'tra Cit- -mentte-ll Ce-drenInus Cdph-.-l5t'p-m! Cgr-rge-taVni hIl'i9-tis 28* 330 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Bhral.e-tuts EhAvro.-ne P ho-r-ag.s C~m-i-nirce Clautsus 13 hal-i-nttis t h.a-Ycl Pho-raslmI Cimfi-nqs Cla-vi-elnus liha-llntus Plha-z'ne Pho-Ir"ci-iis 1 Cim-mtri-I Clavri-ger ihlil-o-niftao Qh6lta' hor-i-nE'ifs Cim'me-rls - Cla-z80nie-nae Clihl —ll-n'ts i hs'l Qhe h6r-.om-nt'i Cim-melri-linm CleIa-dds htaly-be lihe-lifd9n P hor-ze'ne Ci-mo'lus Cle-en'fe-tis 4 BClhtly-b6n 13 lih1-dstni-.a Phossro-e Cinf'a-den Cle-aer'e-ta 4 i hail-y-bo-ni'tis h1l-i-d6n-ai-m hremfe-tes Cln.a-ra Cle-anfdri-das tha/lybg 1hbl-i-doflis Phresfi-phon C4n-artfa-d~as Cle-a'dnor hiha-ma nli Che-lid-o-ni'sum Phres-phpontej Cln.a-ris Cle-fr'elhus h.a-malvvi 3helI-o-naltas l hrIs-ti-a'nus Cintci-a i Cle-4r'-das llhai'on Phe-l'ne CGh& s'ftian Cln-cin-naittus Cle'men IChalo-neg 3h'e-16l'ns IChris-to-do'rus Cin'ci-us 1 Clemtent Iha- ni-'.a Phel-o-niphl.'a-&I Chris-toph'o- as Cin'e- as Cle-mn'ti-a 1 ~ha-o-nI'tis.mhtl-y-d'rge-.a e.hostto-piLer Ci-nee/i-mas I Clem-en-tt'nus hasis' Ehetlys'hro-ma'ti us 1 Cin- gtlo-rix Cle1o-bis lhoir-. c-momba b hit hmmis P hrami-.a Ctn-gu-l ag i Cle-o-b t'la 1har-a-c'tma h' hetna Ohro'mi- us Clnt'gu-liim Cle-ob-u-ll'n BhaIr't-dra, or he'ni-Sn Phro'nii-us Cin-i-a'ta Cle-o-bu'lus ha-raltdra het'ni-tis Ehrya -sus Ci-nlith-i' Cle-echla-res lhlIaria-dros, or Chlo'1 ps lhrysla-l is Clntn'a-dtn Cle-ch-a-rita klha-ra'dros leo hr-e-msc'ra-ti Qhrysa.a-m m CIn'ita-mis Cle-etfri'ttis P haria-drtis he-rls'o-phuis hry-san'tlli-us Ctn-nj-a1n.a Cle-odta-mas ~ ha-rne'g-das 13 herto-phon Phry-sator Ctnx'j-a 1 Cle-ao-dasllnts 3ihar-.an-dme' Ehir-ro-neta Qihry-salo-reas 6 Ci-nutlis Cle-o -d'mius C ha-raxtus 1her'sj-ds i1 Phry-sa'o-rls Ci-no/rus Cle-o-dotra ~Qhadr ij-cli6 Pher-sid'a-mls Ehry-sasipi-deg Cin'y-phiis Cle-ogle-nen Chutr-J-elsdeg ~hier'si-plhra Qhry-se"'s Clnly-rdis Cle-o-lanus ohtr-i-cliltus P her-sotna lirys'e-ris Ctn-y-rfia Cle-om'a- h-is Charti-clo, or 3heir-so-ne'sus hry'sefis 6 Ci-pe'rus Cle- om'bro-tis Qhha-rl'cl Phe-rtslci c hrys —asspi-deg Ci'rlce Cle-o-mI'deq ~halr-i-detmus lhoi-dstrus hrys-o-cephta-ltis Cir-ceti-i 3 Cle-om'e- nE lharti-la C hi't 3 hry-so-'e-ros Cir-ce'li-nm 1 Cle-'n6a -lhir-i-la'us hlll-i-Arllhus hrys-chir Ccr'ci-s 1 Cle-otna: ha-rtni' hilli-tis, a[d Ehry-sochtco-Us Cis-al-p'nna Gal'- Cle- tne hha-ritnts hll.e-ss 1hry-srdi-hm li-a Cle-o-nitca ha11-ri-o-ms i'ru -i5'nis hlns ry-sog'9-nis Clissia-mzis Cle-o-nilcus h.haris J~ hi-mm e'rta Qhrys-o-ll.us Cis-se'is Cle-Snfy-mUs Ciha-rl/ji-.a 1 hhlm'ta-ris - hry-s6l'o-gis Cls'seis 6 Cle'o-pas.la-ri-I'inus 1 Philm.e-r.a cl hrys-o-lo'ras Cls'si-a 1 Cle-op'a-ter Qha-ri' i-ius 1 Ehj-me'ri-im Qhry-sop'o-lks Cls'sji-e 1 Cle-o-pa'tra ~h.t-rls'ti-a 1 hint'a-ldph l 3 hry-sorf'rhl-a CIs'si-dds Cle.-p'a-trts Phtir'i-te hl-rmrla-rga Ehry-srt'rho-is Cis'si-dte Cle-opphla-nll har'i-t~on hl'n Qh n 1hry-ss' to-mtis Cis-so-.lssa Cle'Q-phls Char-m1a'das 1 hl'-n6, hras'Qs-tgQm Cis-st'sa Cle —oph'o-lis h'iartme 13hi-n'j-d6~ l hry-slth' e-mis Cis-telnw Cieo-phon h hartrmi-d as hit'o-nis Chtho'ni-a 5 Cis-thle'ne Cle-o-phyl'lus;lharlmi-dG 1hit'is Chth~oni-tus 5 Cos-to-be'ci Cle-op-t1lle-mEs hltar-mitnus Qhi-risfo-phis Chthlni-o-phyfle 5 Ci-teiri-m s Cll'o-paus Ohhar-mni-o ne Phi'ron EOhyltrnm Ci-thmeron Cle-otra 1 har'tmis ~ Qhi-totne CI-a-gimsi Cith-am-ristta Cle-os'the-ntl h.ar-mos'y-na hitt'ri-uim Ci —anus Cith-a-rls'ti-tim Cle.-6sraa-ta Ohlartmo-tAs hlIe'ne-as Clbta-ie, or -Ils Ci-theflas Cle-os'tra-tus Plar t'm s 1hllide CIb-a-ril'tis C thie-ron C1i-9-ti'mus - Qha-rae'a -del E hlt.e Ci-bo'tus Cl"ti urm 1 Cle-xt'e-nas lha'mron Ohlitreils 6 Clbty-ra Ci-vi'lis Clep'sy-dra, or Pha-ron'das -h6-a-rt'ne Colee-ro Coz'y-c m Clep-s-'dra Ir h or-o-nG'.a h-a-rl'nrf Cic't-noe Clad'a-us C16s'j-d1e. htair-o-nil';m Cl h o-ts'p Ci-cftta Clad e-tis Clt-a-be tn Phdr-9-pltnU.s Ehola-troe, or Clq-y-nG'tihus Cla'ni-is Clibta-nius 3 ha'trops Qi ho -altrae Cil-bi-a'ni Cla-o'anus Cli-de'mus 1Chirlo-ptis Qhe'bus CIl-bi-cCe'nl Cla-ren'ti-ns 1 Clig'e-ne~ Qha-rybfdis lhcer'a-dZl 4 Cltij-ce1 Clas'si-cns Clilma-cns hQattra-mis Chce'rQe-oe Ci-lIl"ci-. 1 Classi-'is 1 Climle-ntis QhCtt-rta-mlitate Phlerti-lis 4 Cil-i-con-ne'sus Clas-tldfi-um Cli-nila-dle haul'bi, and 1liol-on-tI'chus CCl-ni-/la' Cl'i-a Cl as h.u'cI 1ohd-mha-ti-/lius 1 Ciltni-tis Cl.u-di-ainus Cli-nip pi-d6 Qihiau'la 11o-ni-a'tll' Cim-be'ri-tts Clut'dli-an Cli-inmla clits hau-lai'ti-i 1 hlitn'ni.-das Cim'bri-cum Clau-di-op'Q-lls Cihs-i-the'ra h'3.u'rucs' h -nauphis Clm'bri-ctis Cl au'di-is Clistlthe-n0e GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 331 S i-tArfghuqs Cod-o-man'nufs Co-m'da! Cor-a-~i'nus Corfy-don Clf'te Cld'ri-da' Co-mq'teo Cor-9-co-na'sus Corry-lNs Clh-terl'ni-a Cce-cil'i-us Co-minfi-Ss Co-ralle-taU Cor-y-ltO'um Clit'i-pha Ccel-a-le'ta 4 Co-myffti-a 1 Co-ralnus Co-rym'bi-fer Clit-o-detmus Cc1-e-syr'j-a and C'rnmi-us C6r'be-us Cbes Corly-na Cli-tomtra-Oh iis Ccel-9-syr.i-a 4 Com-ma- t'ne Cdr-bl - ane Cor-y-nefta, and ICl tto-phon C -l Coe-t Com-min-i-atnus Cortbu-16 Cr-y-lnte Cli-to'ri-a Cuce'li-a CQm-mr -di-a'nus Cor'cQ-ba Cor-y-pha'fi-um 1 Clo-aRca Cae-li-o-brl'ga Com'mno-dus Corf co-rs Cory-phe C1O-a-cI'n a Coe'li-tis Com-nftnus Cdr'tcu-lum Co-rY'tha Clo'di-.a Ccer'a-nls, or -nus 4 Com-pi-tafli-a Cor-cy'ra Cor-y-thnen'se ClO-di-5'nus Cce-rLat' -das Com-pluttium Cor-da'li-a Crly- thus C1Modi-us C'O1 Comp'sga-tis Csirda-lus Co -rytus Clce'i-a Cces'y-r 4 Com-pu'sa Cor'du-ba Cos-coW'ni-g Cloe'li-is Co-0ae-o'num Con'ca-ni Cor-du-eine Cos-c5ni-us Clon'dli-cus Co6ga-mnis Con'ca-nus Cor-dy'la Cos-se.a and Cltdni-fs C no-i-di1n us Con-cor'di-a Co're Cos'se-a Cl-.a-ci'na C hi-bPs Con-cirodi-6-s Cor'e-sus, man. Cos-sin/i-us Cl.u-enti-hs 1 CoI-a-c-'a Con'da-lus Co-retsus,mouftain Cos'si-a 1 Clti'pe-a Co-ltn'co-rum Con-daite Cg-ro'tas Cos-su-ti-a'nus 1 Cl'a$i-ia 1 Co1'a-phus Con-di-aO'us Co-re'tus Cos-siiti-iis 1 Clou-si'nl Fon'tOe Col'a-pis Coi-do-ch1ate Cor-fid'i-us Cos-syrra Clu-silo-lim Co-lax'.t-s Con-dri'si Cor-fin'i-um Cos-to-bo'cy Clt'i-tis 1 Coo.-lx'e Con-dyl'e-a Co-rita C6ote~, and Cla'vi-a Cl'chI Con'dy-liis Co-rIlcle1 Cot'teo C1i-vi-'ns Co'hi-cusus Chi-s Cn-em-br'ca Co-rin'e-um Co-tho'ne-.a, or, Cla'vi-us Col'chis, and Con-e-to-dftinus Cor-in-th'a-caus Coth-9-noe' Clymie-ne Col'chqs Con-ff'cj-Ss 1 Co-ri-9-la'nus Co-ti-a-e'um 1 Clym-e-ne'i-d&~ Co'li-'as Con-ge'dus, or Co-rIlo-li, and Coti-lis Clyn-e-ne'is Colij-chas Con'e'-ds Co-ri-ol'la Cot-i-na'sk Cl1ymne-nus Cola'nos Cno-l s C gri-o Co-ri'tha CGot/i-so Clyp'e a C61ola-lbus Co-nila-c Cor'i-tss, or Co-to'nis Cly-sun'y-mhs Col-la'ti-a 1 Cotni-4 Cory-tthus Cot'ti-aa Ailf'p Clyt-em-nes'tr C6o-la-ti'nus Con-im-brit'ca Cor'ma-sa Cot-ti-anus Cly"tji-a, or Col-ltlna Co-ns'.a-lus Cor-ne'li-a Cot-ti-us Cloi-ti-t 1 Col-la'ci-a 1 Contni-das, or Cor-no-li-1'nus Cot-to'nis Cly' ti-fs I Col-lt'thus Con'-nitdas Cor-ne'li- Co-ty-a-e'.m 1 Clyt-o-mer'd- C61'ly-tAs Co-n6oneas 6 Cor-nic'tu-1i m Co-ty-a-Iaon 1 ClYt-o-n'tus Col'o-bi Co-n6ope Cor-ni-fi"ci-qs I Cot'y-la Cna-ca'di umr5 Cn1Co-e Con-o-peaum, and Cir/ni-ger C9-tyl'i-us Cndc'a-11s 5 Co-lat'ne, or -ne Co-nsope-um Cor-ndttus Co-ty-oria 1 Cnac'a-ls 5 Co-l'neds 6 Conl-s6en'te Co-ra/bi-us Co-ty-6orus 1 Cne'tus, or Co-loni-a Can-sn'ti-.a 1 Co-ro'n'a C9-t/'to5 Cne'us 5 Co-lon'i-de0 Con-sentti-us 1 Cor-o-nattus C. -tyt'ti-a Cnd'%i-, 5 Co-lt'nis Con-sid'i-us Co-ro'ne C-tyt'to' Cna'pheas, P'- Co-lo'ii9s, or-nus Con-si-li'num Cor-o-neaIt Cram-bi'sat trus 5 Cil-o-poene Con-stan'ti-a 1 Co-rotneas 6 Cran'a-e Cne-mri'de 5 Cotoo-phln Con-stan-ti'a Cor-o-ni'a Cr-anta-I Cnetmus 5 CoQ-ls'se Con-stavn-tinsa [lls Cor-o-nl'dge Cran'ta-Us Cni-din'i-rim 5 Co-ltt'te Con-stan-ti-naplo- Co-rotnis ct'ne Cni'dus 5 Co1-thi'ne Con-stian-tt'nus Corto-pe, or Cra-ne'a, or -nil' Cnotpus 5 Col-u-bra'ri-a Co'n'stan-tine Co -ro'p9 Cra-net'um Cnos'si-j- 1,5 Co-limna HiSrt'- Con-stan'ti-tus 1 Cor rha'i-iim Crap'a-this Cniosrsus 5 c -lis Czon'su-tle Cor-se'a, or -si'fa Vris-pe-di'tOj Co-a-mna'ni Col-u-mel'ta Con-tes-tanlt Cor'si-ae I Si'nus Co-atrxe Co-latthus Con-t.-po-ri' Cior'si-ca Cras-sitnis Cob'a-rle Co-mte'tho Con-ttbji-a Cor-so'te Cras'si-pej Co-clt'i-dej Com-a-getna Con've-na Cor-saura Cras-sTi"ti-ts 1 Coc'a-lus Com-rn-ae'ni Co'on Cor-to'na Cras'ti-nus Coc-ce-i-atnus 3 Co-matni-a Co'os, and Cos Cor-ty/na Cra-tsejis CQ~c-cij-ais 3 Co-mall.us Co-pa'js Cor-.un-cani-nis Cra-tam'.e-n~e Coc-cey0'-as Com'a-r! Cs'phOe Cor-un-ca'nqus Cra-ta'a Co'eclQ Co-ma/ri-.a Co'pi-a Cor-vi'nus Cra'te-ias Coc'li-teo Com'a-ris Co-po'ni-is C6r-y-bnai'tt1 Crat'e-rzis COc-9-sSlteO Co-m-ata Co-prl'toe, or Cor'y-bas Crateo, Coc'ti-e 1 Co-ma'zon Cop'ra-t5e Cor'y-btis Cra-tls-i-cle'a CQ-c'ffsus Com-b'abus Co'preos 6 Co-r"icj-a 1 Crat-e-slp'pj-d6s Co.-ctos, or -tus Com'be Co-prin'y-mrs C0o-ry'i-dee Cra-tea'as Co-dalnus Sil/ns Com-blr' Coir-a-c'ii-nm 1,-or Co-rI'ci —s 1 Cra-t.'vas Cq-dil'nis Cmr'bV.-ttls Cor —cin'sj-um 1 Cor'y-cus Crq-tifnus. 332 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Cra-tusfthe-nel Crini-4 C-ta-thtis Cyn-o-sArfef Dag-~-slra Crat"y-lus Cronfi-dPi Cyb/a-l Cy-nos'pQ-lls Da'S Crau'ji-me 1 Cro-nif'on, and Cy-b'lbe Cyn-os-st'fma Dali-clq Craux'i-das Crt'ni.-n, or -um Cyb'e-la Cyn-o-sa5'ra Da'i-dtQ Cre-me'don Cra'ni-us Cb'e-liis C-ls no-sftre Da-lm'.a-chuis Crim'e-ra Crotta-lis CYb'i-roa, or Cyn'thi-a Da-lm'e-n6~ Crtm-e-ta'on Cro-tWona Cib'y-ra Cy-nu'ii-a Da'i-phrln Crm'mny-on Cro-to-ni-attae Cy-bis'tri-a Cyp- a-rsi'sl Da-itra Cre-ml'na Crot-o-pi.a -de Cy-cesi-iim 1 Cyp-a-rlissi-a. 1 Dal'di-a Cre-maiti-zis 1 Cro-to'pi-as Cy'chreis (n.) 6 Cyph',a-ra DMl'ma-ta Cre-ntaics Cr.o-to'pus Cy-ihrt'.us (a.) Cyp-ri-a'nus DRlVnma-ta Crtn'i-dES Crus-ta'me-ri Cyclla-dUe Cyptr'oi-.o Dal-ma'ti-a 1 CrE-on-tIla-dte Crus-t. -m.roi-a Cy-cll'a-dts Cy'prus Dal-mafti-Ss 1 Cre-oplh'a-g! Crus-tu-me'ri-um Cy-clSb'o-rats Cyp'se-la Dialmi-ium Cre-Sph.i-lis Crus-tu-lnminum Cyc'li-c Cyp-sel' i-de Damn-.a-ettus Crt-9-phy'lus Cru s-tu'mi-um Cy-clotppq Cyp'se-lus Dimt'a-lis Cr.-o-pb'lus Crus-tltnus C.YIclMps Cy-rau'nis Dam-as-cetna Crtp-e-r'i-iis 3 Cris-tur-netni- s Cyd'i-s Cy're Dlam-as-ca'nus Cre-pt'ri-us Cryp-tfaa Cyd'i-mvs Cy-rt'nm D:a-mas'ci-uis 1 Creph-.a-ge-nettus Cte'a-tOs 5 Cyd-o-n'a Cyr-e-nti,-ca Da-maI'i-a 1 CrEs'i-las Ctem'e-no 5 Cy-d6'ne Cyr-e-nati-ci Dam-a-slp'pus Cr'fi-Uts CtAt'i-as 1, 5 Cy-dBt'ni-a Cy-rtn'ne Dam-a-sis'tra-tis Cres-phln'tft Cte-slbqi-us 5 Cy-da'ni-us Cy-res'cha-ta Danm-a-si-thy'mus Cres'sj-us 1 Ctos'i-cl oe 5 Cyd'ra-ra, or Cy-rt'tj-o 1 DMm-a-sl'ton Cres-tt'ne Cte-shl'o-OShus 5 Cy-drarra Cy-ril'a-d~ Dim'ta-sus Cre-tao.us Cts'li-plobon 5 Cy-drt'lus Cy-rl'ilus Da'me-as Cre'te Cte-slp'pus 5 Cyd-ro-lIaus Crilq/ Da'mj-a Crite CtV'Vi-us 5 Cy'drus Cy-rit'nus Da-mi-anus Cre'te-.a Ctlmi e-no 5 Cyl',a-bus Cy-ro-pa3-dt'a Dam-nn'n-'i Cra tta C ut cu-fas Cyl-bi-J ni Cy-roptfo-lls Dam no-rix Cra'teots 6 Cutla-ro Cylti-cta Cyr'rh.a-dae Da-m6Sht.a-rls Creathe-ls Ctilqe-o Cyl-lab a-rrs CyrfrUh Dam.o-claq Crattheas 6 Cul-le'o-lus Cyl/la-rqs Cyr-rhts'ti-ca Da-moc'ra-tOe Cre-th'del Cu-marn'us Cyl-le'ne Cyr-ri-a'la Da-moc'ri-ta Cret.i-chs C.u-nItna COl-1e-in.t~'s C yr'si-lus Da -mocri-tas Croe-u'sa Cu-pa'v5 Cyl-l'noi-us Cyr-tstna Da-mce'tas Crea'sis Cu-pild5 Cyl-letnus' Cyr-tt'ne Da-mog'e-ron Crl'a-sus C6fpid Cyl-lyr'i-l Cy-the'ra Da-mom'e-lOe Cri-mi'soa Ca-pi-enni-'n s CGl-o-ne'us, or Cy-the're Dam-o-nilcus Cri-ml'sus Cur-c'li — Cyl-o-ni'us Cyth-e-re'ta Dam-o-phtln'tus Cri-nag'o-ras Cu'rt' Cytma, or Cy'mme Cvth-e-re'is Da-moph'i-la Cri-ni'sus CI-rWtOt CS'me Cy-thetris Da-moph'i-ltis Cri-nlitus Cu-re'tis Cy-me'lus Cy-thel'r-us Dam'o-phtn Cri-5'a C -retti-Ss 1 Cy-md'.o-ce Cy-the'ron Da-mos'tra-tus Cris-pt'nLa Cu/ri-.a Cy-mtd-o-c'.a Cy-thl'rus Da-mat'e-itg Cris-ptlnus Ca-ri-alti-I 1 Cy-mod-_-cetas Cy-tin'i-um Da-moxte-nus Cri-the'is Cu-ri-a'ti-us 1 Cy-mo'lus, and Cyt-is-st'rus Da-myr'i-as Cr:-thatie Cu-ricttao Ci-mrnlus Cy-to'trs' Dn'.a-e Cri"ti-as I Cuari-a Cym-o-po-la'a Cyz-i-cetnI Dian'a-i Crit-o-bo'lus Cu-ri-olnes Cy-moth'o-a Cyz'i-cs Da-na'i -da Crit-o-detmus Cu-ri-os-o-litte, or Cyn-oe-Ai.rus C-yz'-cum Da-nil'-det Crtt-og-na.tus Ct-ri-os-o-lt'te~ Cy-nae'thi-um Cyz'i-cus Dan. a-la Crt-o-lalo.s Cu-roitis Cy-nEe'thus DUan'a-us Ci.-totni-us Cuari-um Cy-na'ne Dan'dta-ri, and Cr'u Me -ta'pon Cutri-us Cy-na'pe Dan-dar'i-dva Cro-bila- ln Cu-roo-pa-loatto Cyn'a-ra -nbCro-bi'a-liis Ciirti-a 1 Cyn'e-as Din'titbe Croby-ulos Cour/t -us Cy-no66e-tao Da~l, or Da'hm Dafo-chts Cro-by'zi Cu-rud'lis Cyn-e-r'rus Da'ct, and Da'cae Da'9-uit Croct'a-lG Cs'pi-tus Cy-ne'gt-i 1 Dta'ci-a 1 Dap'li-tas, or Cro'ce-m Cu-tllti-e' Cy-n'ltaw Datci-us 1 Da-phit;tas Crtc-o-di'lon Cy-a-mi'tgq Cyn-e-tW'a Dac'ty-ll Daphl'nets 6 Croc-;-d!-lop.o-lHs CY-6m-o-sSfrus Cy-ne'tew Dad-as-tarna Daph-ne-phftrj-a Croc-o-ditlus Cy.a-mus Cyllli-a Didt'i-cte Daph-nopt'-ttA Cro-cotti-um 1 Cy'.a-nl Cyn'i-c6 Da-dii'chus Darta-b;a Crto-y-le'a Cy-a'ne-a Cynti-ci Dred'ta-ia 4 Darl'a-bM Cro-l'tg~ Cy-alne-6 Cynti-c's Dood-a-l'at 4 Dir'a-dix Cr9-mi'tis Cy-a'ne-Ss Cyn-o-ceph'a-li Do-dIali-bn Ddr-an-ta'gi-, 1 Crom'my-o n, or Cy-a-rax'e-, or Cyn-o-plotn'tis Dad'.-lus 4 Dtar-da'ne-I Cra'my-on Cy-axW-rp Cy-nor'tj-on 2 Dtemn'-n6~ 4 DarOdt-ni GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 333 Dgr-da nkt De-C-o-pr'a Den-drt'tis Did'y-mie Di-9-pT'theg Dar-d.nqi-dm De-i-o-piftpq Den-se-d6tm Did-y-ma'on D!-.-poefnus Dar-dan'i-dCq D6-i-ot'.a-rus Den-ta'-tus Didty-me Di-op'o-lhs Dar'd4a-nis De-iph'i-la Den-the-lfttte Did'y-mum D]I-5rg Dar'dia-nuis De-Iph'o-be D-Qo-brif'ga Did'y-mis D~-os-cir'i-dej DIa-re'i-im 3 De-lph'o-bis De-od'a-tiis Di-en'e-c6 Di-6stcso-ram Da-re'tis Defj-phin De-'is Di-fs'pi-ter DI- os'c-rus D~a-r' us De-lp'y-le Dir'bi-cgg, or DCI-Atlna Di-os-ca'r! Dga-rV'a De-ip'y-lis Der-bl'ca~ DI-Adntjti-a 1 Di-os-ca'ri-deg Da-ri'ct.s D6-ip'y-riis Drice Di-Ae'ri Di5-os-cu-rli'um DaS-ri-eice Dej-.a-nifra Der-ce'tbi- Di-i"tti-Uis Di-os'pa -6 Dta-ri'tte DMj'o-ct Dertcfe-t6, and-tis DI-i-pq-it'. D-ostp'o-1is DLa-rl'us De-jitt'a-rUis Der-cyl'li-d&s Di-ittre-ph8g Di-o-tlm'loe Das-cu-'sa D'l1i-a Der'cy-les DI-n'tci-iim 1 DI-o-st'mtts Das-cy-l'ium De-l'ia-deg Drl'cy-nus DI-nar'h. us Di-o-tog'e-nog Das-cyl'i-um Dt'li-iis Der-th'tna Dln'dy-ma Di-oture-pheg Das'cy-luis Dil'fli-us Der-t6'nna Din-dy-ma'ne Di-pte'e Da'se- a Del-mtti-tis 1 Der-to'sia Dln'dy-mis Diph'li-ls Da'gi-us 1 Del-mi!'i-um DMs-i-dd'ri-iis Din'dy-mtlm Diph'i-lis Das-sa-r'eta) Del-phi'o-l-al DMs-i-lal'us Din'dy-mus DI-phirqi-das Das-sa-re'nI DIltpli-chis Destpo-ta Dnti-a Dnph'ri-das Das-sa-rnitle Del-phid'i-us De-saida-b:a DInti-n e Diph'ry-g6~ Das-sa-rirtij- I - Del-phi'tne Dea-ca'li-in Din'fis DI-pce'nce Das-ti'ra Del-phln'i-a t Dea-c't-tius 1 Dini -cho Dip'o-lis Dat'a-meg Del-phlinf'-im Dei'dg-rix Di-nschta-reg Dlp'y-liim Dat-a-plhr'neg Del-phitnus Dea-r'to-pus Di-nSctra-to DI'tra DMu'lis Deltphi-mii Dev'o-na Di-nod'o-chus Di'r'ce DLutni-a Del-ph3y'ne De~-amte-na Di-noRe-'tilfa Di'rce-tls DMutnus Del-tt'ton De-iAmte-nUs Di-nol' o-iihs DYrtphy-g Dgu'ri-fer De-ma'deg De,-ic're-6n Di-nomr'a-hie Dis-cir'ddi-a Dnu'ri-seg De-miente-ttis 4 De.-Ithte-ia Di-nom'a-chli s Distco-rum Dlav'a'-ra De-migt'g-ris Dx x'i-Zis 1 DI-nomte-ne~ Disto-re Dax-i-mo-noitis Dem-a-ra'ta DI-oab'o-lRs Di-nis'the-nte Dith-y-ram'bus Deb'o-rls DMm-a-ra'tus Di-actlo-nls Di-nis'tra-tus DY-ti-6'tne 1 Dec-.a-da'h! De-marte-te DI-acc-s-petng DI-o-cais-'a-rdta Div'i-c" Do-ci'ne us De-mrr'e-teg Di-a-cre!t DD-W'cle-a, town. DIv-i-tl'a-ciis Doe-capt9'los Dltm-i-ris'ts Do'smis Da-ro-cle'a, festival. DYv-o-dutnum De-ceb'a-ls De-manttri-a DI-ac-tor'i-deg Di'q-cles Div-9-da'trum D6-e-le'ea, or-ll'a De'me-a D-ad'ido-huis Di-Q-cll-ti-atnus 1 DIlv'Q-na De6-e-letum De-me'ter Di-a-du-me-nj-atnus DZ-Q-cle'ti-an' Di'vus Fid'-tisDe o-e-li'cum De-mettri-a DI-a-dutme-niis Dl —cll'dit Di-ze'rus DW'e -las De-mt'tri-is Di'a -gsn, and DC-o-dotrus Do-be'reg De-comn'vi-rI Dm'fi-phi Dl'a-gim Di-6d'Q-tiis Dg-be'rus De-cen'ti-us 1 DWm-9-a-nias'sa Di-ageo-ras Di-tg'e-neg Di-'i-lis De-ca'ti-a 1 D nm-o-cg'deg Di-atlis DI-6 -e-n!ta Doq-j-m'tum De-ci-a/nus 1 De-m6Cht'a-rte Di-.a-m/s-ti-gt'sis Di-.- -ni-L'nus D-st'i-mus De-ci-a'teg 1 Diem'o-cltg Di-aina Di-6gfe-nis Ds cle-a D6-ci-a'tum 1 De-moc'Q-on DCi'ta (in poetry) DI-log-nt'tus DQ-ds'na De-cidti'-uis S.x'a De-mct'ra-t~g DI-a'nas DI-Q-mit'a Dod-o.-nieus De-clm'i-As De-mct'ri-tus DI-in'a-sa DI-o-min'dg Do-dot'ne Dqims De-md'-ma-ms Di-a/ni-tim DI-bm-e-deta Do-donti-dtj De-clnte-us Dg-mid'i-ce DI-pph'a-n6g Di-im-e-d' Dso' -- Detcji- i De-mid'g-chs DI-a-pon'ti-iis 1 DI-9-me'dgs Do1-a-bbel'lt Dt'ci-us 1 De-mi'le-in D!-a'i/-a 1 Dito-med D1-i-ochaton Dic'u-la De-mi'tle-is Di-au'lus Di-mte'-din Do1'i1-hhe Dic'u-ma De-m'tnlax Dib'i-' D'o-muis Dol1i-chos Dic-uo-mia'tt Dim-o-ne'sus Dj-bafta-deg, or DI-'one Do-lr'on De-cut'ri-O Dim-o-ni'tca'Db-.-taSdg~ DI-o-nytsi-a 1 Do-li's-neg DMd-i-timtne-np DWm-o-nl'cus DC-c-e-ar-qhifa Di-o-ny-s.'a-d9g Do-lito-nos Dt-!-a-nI'ra 3 Dg-moph',a-ne DI-car'chus Di-o-ny"si-ais 1 DoIli-iis De-icto-in De-miph'i-lus Di'ce DI-o-nys'i-d-g Dol-o-mg'na De-1d-a-mi'a Diemto-phon D!T-e-Ur'thus DI-o-ny-sj-o-d9'rus 1 D6l-o-me'ne De-llte-on De-moph'o-on DI-cetne-tis Di-o-ny"0i'-n 2 D6l1o-p6 De- lhus De-miplo-lhs Dlfe-tas Di-Q-ny-sP'9_-11s Do-lotpj-a De-inm'a-Ehiis Deim-op-til'e-muis DIc'o-mas DI-o-ny"si-iis 1 Di1-o-ptl'on De-it'-ceg De-mis'the-nPg Dic-tiator DC-o-nys-o-dt'ruos Dim-i-datcus De-itQ-Otihs De-mos'tr.a-tis Dic-tid-n-etn's DC-9-ny-sipt'-lC1 DQ-min'i-ca De-,lQ_-nr Dem-Q-tt'mu9 Dic-tltni Di-o-ny'sos Do-mIV"ti-.a 1 Dj-i-dn1 -d6e D-miutdhl-i DDQ-n- s us DDp-m1-tj-i/nus 1 DV-!'g-nedil 6 D/m'y-lsr Dldty-mon DI-6ph't-n~6 DQ-mj"ti-ono 334 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Do-mlf"ti-is 1 Dru-ern'ti-iis 1 Rb-o-racurm, or Eog-na'ti-. 1 El-u-i'tnt Dom-nitnus Dru-gel'r, or E-b6r't-cAm lg-na'ti-tis 1 Rl'ti-sa Dom-not'-uiinm Dr -r bo-rDtg ejg-nat-u-l1ti-us 3 El'y-ce Din'.a-ce Dru'i-de Eb'o-rim -in El-y-ma'js Do-nattus Dru'Zidyf -b'/si-a 1 E-il'o-ns El'y-mi Don-i-lafus Dry'a-del Eb-ro-du'num E-i'o-neus 6 El'y-mus Do-nauca' Dry'iad Eb-ro-i'c6' EI-ze'lus El'y-ris Do-nulsat Dry-adi- a E -bui'de E-lae'us E-ly"tsi-am 1 Do-ny'sta Dry-an-ti'a-deg Ebtu-ra Ei-lie-u-tifehus E-mafthi-a Dor-ceta Dry-an-ti'des Eb-u-ro-di'fium El-a-gab'a-lus, or E-ma'thi-on Dirtceis 6 Dry-mno'del' b-u-r'otn El-a-gBa-ba'lus Emra-thus DiJrlci-rm 1 Dry-mu'sa Eb-u-ro-vcg E.- lais Em'ba-tum Dor'da-lus Dry-maemrne-ttm 4 Eb',t-sus El-a-l'te Elm-b1 ol'-ma D'trie Dr9'o-pe Ec-.a-mr'tda E-la'/i-s 3 Em'bo-lis Dt'ri-as Dry-o-pe'i-t 3 Ec-bt'fa-na l-a-phe-botli- E.-meia'- ta Dir'i-cya Dry'to-pe- E c-dt'mus Elta-phus Emte-ssa Dirti-cus Dr-op'i-da Ec'di-cus El-op-to'ni-mus Emte-sus Dirti-dts Drypte-is, or Rq-e-chlr'i-t ll'a-ra _ m- -setnus D6-ri-An'sej Dry-pe'tts ER'e-tra El'a-sus,, m-me'li-us Dt'ri-eds 6 Dt'bi-us E-cheime tl- -tea.a E. m-menti-dam irrti-las Du-catri-us F-1hi6ctra-te Etl-.a-ti' E. -mr da Dir-i-laf/us Du-cetti-us 1 lch'e-dwe El'a-treus 6 E-mo'di Min'tt6 Do-rim'ta-,huis Du-cor'to-rurm Ejh-e-da-mi'a Elta-tus B-mo'dus Dotri-a Du-l'li-a a Ech —e-detmus E-la'ver or Em-ped'o-clil D'trji-im Dau-il'l,-us Ne'tps Ech-e-do'rus El'a-ver Em'pee-dus Do'ri-iis Du-lIht hr t I-chl'a-ttis E'le-a Em-pe-ralmus Do-ros'to-lim Du-lich'i-urm chl'e-lis E-le-a'te E m-po'clus Do-ros'to-rim Du-lop'o ls E-.chimbro-tus ] -lec'tri-de Em-pa ri-a Do-ri'the-6s Dum-notni-I E-che~rne-n1 E -lec'trj-us F.m-ptri-am Dor-og-a ni-im DUmtno-rix -cheh'mgn,-lecttry-on EFm-porti-cus Do-ry'a-sis Du-ra'ni-us Ech'e-mlis E-lec-try-otne' m-potrj-us Dirty-clus, or Di'ra-nus Ech-e-ne'us Ml-e-geji-a 3 Em-pa'sa Do-ry'clus Du-ra'ti-as 1 Eiche-phron El-e-l a FIm-ppyr'i- um Dir-y-lahetm Dii'ra-to Ech-e-po'lus E -le' E -ntes'i-mos 4 Dr'ty-lis Du'ri-a Eth-e-ti'mus Rl-e-le i-de EFn' -lus Dir-y-latus Dairi-us Ech'e-tra El'e-leus 6 En-a-rephto-rtis Do-ryph'o-ri Di-ro-bri'vte Ech'e-tus E'le-on E -narte-t Do-ryph'o-rUs Df-ro-cortto-rum B-cheiv-e-thenl'se~ El-e-phan-titne, or En-el'si-dus Do-stla-dis Du-rotni-a Ech-i-do'rus El -e-ph.an'ti ne 3 n-cheIle-m Do-slta-deq Du-rotni-us E-chinta-des P-e-lphan'tis En-detis Do-slth'e-is D-ro-vernum ch —i-ne's El -ephan-tph-tphta-g En'de-ra Do-sith.o-9 Du-sa-relni' E-hi'tnos, or -nus El-e-phan-to-thelrw FLn-def'rum Dos-setnus Du-um'vi-ri Ech i-nus'sa El-e-phetnor En'tdi-us Dit'a-das Dy-ar-den'seg E-chl'on El-e-potrus I~n-dym'i-en Di'ti-in 2 D~yme Ech-i-onti-d'g El-e-sy'ce~ Ene -ti Dox-apt'a-ter Dy-namte-nte 1ch-i-otni —is El-eu-achi's n-gI ntga-sl Dox-ip'a-ter Dy-natmi-uis Etchi-us E'leus (n.) - n-gon'sa-sis Dracta-nus Dyr-ratchii-tm Elcho E-le'us (a.) En'gui-on Dra-con'ti-dij Dys-ci-ni'tus o Ecno-mos,' or -mtis El-eu slnfi-a En'fy-um Dra-contti-iis 1 DIyst'c-ls Ec-phantti-de1 El-eu-si'nus B-nmn-ii ophf'a-ni Drac'o-nim Dys-ni-cettus iEd'e-can El-eu-sap'o-las E-nitQ-peos o 6 DrIg'ta-ni Dy-sotryum l -de'ta E -lea'sis J-nitpeus 6 Dra-ht'nus D-sotrus Ed'ga-rus, L. E-leu'ii-aum 1 En-ne-a-cri'tnos Drnt'ce~ Dys-pin'teils 6 Ad'gar E -lefu'the-re En'ni-us Dr-an-gi-i'na Dys-pon'ti- 1 Edri-tha, L. El-eu-the'ri-.a En-no'di-us Dr-atpe -Edith E-leu-the-ro-cl'ai- Entno-mes, or Dripta-na, and i -do'tne, and ce_ Enng-mus Drpta-n-nim d'o-neq E-leu-athe-ro-la-co'- En-ns. i-amf'us Drepta-n E. -do'nus E-leutthe-ros [neQ En'o-p0 Dre-patni-iis E-dit'sa E-li'a-ca' En-o-siht'thon Drlm'fa-ihus t ti-n, or 1.d-vi'nus E -lhaci-nos I -not-o-cetse Dri-idtQ-nei 2 ta-niS dadtwin -li_-ensis E.n-tilri-a Dri-ip'i-d6- f-itinus E-dr'i-us El 1 —meta E-ny-a/li-i s Droti E-.rti'nus- I:-eiti-Sn 2 ]i-li'sa E-nyteius 6 Dro-maieh'e-tos E-ai-tium 1 l-gaile-6s El-is-pha'li-i1 B-nytf Driotmeus 6 tb'do-m - l'.-dis IBlotpa- a' to-nl -ftlfi-dds -ldfpi-dsa o-nP Drom-o-cli'de;, oi-on B-e'ri-a -trus.-Stus Dripti-c'. boq-da. -gis-a-r1'tus El-pe'nor 1E-pmnte-tiis 4 Dralpi-in 1E-bti-nr g:-e-st'ns gl -p-nd'lus -pia'ythis Drit-6nftj-t 1 Itb'q-ry, PI'tg El-pi-nIce v-p'a-a GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 335 E"p-a-man-du-Q-daL- Pp-i-ph~iani-~, woo- ]3-rldta-nUs F-thelus Eiilbe-ne rum [rum mal. E-rit'e-na F-thealmon Ed- ouni-a tp-'a-mAn-t~a-dl:-?p-i-pha-nia, cityJ. Er-ig-datpus. -the-anos Eii-gen i-cus $-paml-!-n' ntdas gp-i-phatni-us Erti-gon' th-o-da/i-a Ea-afii-um Ep-.an-tel-i EF-pipt'o-la i-rig'o-ne E'ti-as 1 Es-genli-ls E-paphl-ro-di'tus tl-pI'rQs E -rIg-9-nCi-us 3 it-inatne-i Eal'e-6n Ep'R- phus K-pirrus Er-i-ga'nus, river. E-trAutri-a Eu-~Ita ]E-pebtu-los E-pIs'the-neg E-rgl'o-nus, painter. E -trati-d6e Ea' i-on.-pe's E-pit'a-deg Fr-i-sylius Et'y-lls Ell'ha-6g E-per'a-tus Ep-i-ta'i-um E.-rsn'des E-tym'o-cleg Ea-hmrn'e-ras Fp-e.-ttl'mi Ep-i-stheiras -rsn'e-os Eua-en'e-tiis 4 Et'ho-dlus -pe'um, or Ep'i-tos E-rin'ny-eg Eu'a- 6g Ell'hy-dra E Pi-um $-pi ty-rus E-ri-u5pis Efu'-gon Et'hy-drum E -pe/.'us: E'pi-sm, u or E.-riph'a-nls Ei-ag9'-ras Eil'hy-us E-phe'bi E -pi um s-riph'i-pdhts Iu1-atgri-ils Eaui-6s E-phali-tus 1 i p o-na Erli-p]lAs Epiha-gros, or El'i-6s, or -uis Eph'e-sos K -pun'y-mus r-i-phylle Eu-a'gros Ell-ip'pe Eph'e0-sas E-po'pe rr-i-sich'tlhon E-annge-ils E-la'li-.a Eph'e-taC EK-p'peups 6 Fr1thus 6 -tos — nr'fi-das El-la'il-us Eph't-rI E-pop'si-us 1 Er'l-thus Edtlba-Aae, or Ea-lImte-na tph'o-rus Ep-o-re/ di-a E-r'Chus E-'h.a-deg EEl-l'ati-U s E'phra-em Ep-o-red'o-rix E -rpifl'i-ils Eal'b-tos Efllq-gtis Eph'r-ta Ep'pj-us E-r sutra-tlas Ed'bi-us Ell-ma'chi-Us Ephly-ra, or -re Ep'u-lo -rtia 1 Ea-bcefa Et'ma-nh lls Eph-y-re-t',a-deu E. -pyti -dae f -r ti-a/nus I Ea ba'i-cus Eu-ma/ras tp-i-cas'te Ep'y-tus -r'ti-un 2 E'bgo-is Ed-mt'ceg pip —cearr'de R-qua-jius'ta E-ratti-um I Ef-bortts E d-metda Ep-i-halsa-das K-quic'o-l1s.sr-ruic Ea-ba'te Eu-m&ade _;-pich'lla-ris r; -quil' a Er'se Elf-bu'teA Ed-m'ljis Ep'i-clo K. -qu!"tti-ius 1 E-rubrus EEl-baule Ea-mt'lus Ep-i-clideg Fqt'ui-tC$ E-rilci -us 1 Ed-butleus 6 Eli'me-neg Ep-ic-ne-mind- i - F-quo-tftti-cts iErx-ias 1 Ell-buq'i-de Ell-me-ni'g, or Ep-I-craneo Er'a-con E-ry'a-lois Ea-buius Eu s-ma'ni-a K-plc'ra-te~ Er-.a-sinti-d6g E-rYb'i-tlm Eu-cam'pj-das Eu-men'i-dte Ep-i-cre'ne Er-a-sitnus Esr-y-ci'na Ea-ce'rus Eu-me'n'lils Rp-ic-t t.tls Er-a-sip'pus F -r"ci-us 1 Ea-che'nor Eu-mul'pi-dse Ep-j-cu-r e' Er-a-sis'tra-tous Er-yg-dutpus E-ld-heri a Eu-mon'i-deg Ep-r-cu- etagnS K -ratfi-dse Er-y-mynathus Ed-cherri-sus Eu-na'pi-us F,p i-cu1rus Ertl-to Ery-m i -de Efihid-nE eos, Homer, Ep-i-c.y'de Er-a-tCsthe-neg E-rym'nae Ei-clle'a, or -cll'. Eutne-os, Strabo. Ep-i-cy-dildeg Er-a-tos'trqa-tos E-ryin'mnes 6.El-clitdea Eu-niC.e Ep-i-dimaitni-sm urrnta-tis Erty-mus E'rtclid Eti-nicus p-i- damt'nus Er-chsta Er-y-the'a Et'cl 1- Eu-notmi-a p-i{-diaphlne Er'e-bufs Er-y-theltum Etl'cra-te Eui-nomi-us Ep-i-dalLurtus Er-ei h-thetum Er-y-thil'a Ei-crAt'i-deg Eu'nlo-mts Ep-i-detli-m F;-regh'theus (n.) Er-y-thitni Ef'tcri-tlus Ea-notne - pld,- cus' F r-e9h-the'us (a.) Erty-thra Eflc-tetmon El-noutchlg K-pldfi-us 0r-ech-thi'tdae;-ryth-ra-bt'ius Eflc-trtsi-l 1 Ellfny-lnos Ep-i-do6te EK -retmus'Erty-thrte El-dam'i-d~s Edfo'-dus E-pld'o-tus Esr-e-n'ea K-ryth'ri-on Efl-dafmus Eu-tonfy-muis e-pi'.e-neg Er'e-sus Er-yx-mt'a-chtis El-detmus Et'o-ras:-pi geaus 6 K-rettri-a E-gati —as Elltdi-cus Ea-pt'Ai-u m Ep-ig- n5'mus E-re't.um Es-quil'i-. Ef-do'ci-a 1 Eft-pal.a-mon -, psigo-nu Er-eu-tha'li-un Es-qui-llEl.us E-dati -p -mts, or E; -pigo'-nss Er-ggamte-neg Es-dra-t'lon El-dt'rus Efl-pl'.a-mtis I; pir', and F -pe' Er'gar-ne E;s-sed'o-neg Ea-dtx'i-a 1 Ell-pali-rum Ep-L-la'Ss Ku r-gan'i-ca Estsu-i Efl-dx'i-ls 1 Ela'pg-tor E-p'ly-cus E r- t 1 tim s-t-n Ea-el-et'a Efl-pa-tt'rijK -psm'a-nag. r-gqtum Esu-la Ert-eltpj-dg Ef-patto-rls Ep-i-me'deg iErti-as EB-sutri-u Eu-e-mr'j-das E l-peilthas fp-s-mel'si-deg Er-gifnus E-tea E-emt'e-rus Efl'phsa-g El -psmte-neq Er'-i-tbtte E. -t9-clg Ei-etni-us El-phetme Ep-i-men'l-doe Er —ca'teg E-teto-clis Ell-ttnor Efi-phe mi-.a fp-i-methieus 6 Er —ce'.a R-te-tounelis 6 Ell-t'nus Ell-phatmus ftp-i-e'this Etr-i-ct'teg E-te-o-nilcus Eli-tphte-ntls El-pht'ri-tn Epp-i-n5ic,3s Er-ich-thu'ni- us E-te-otnus El-etrte Ea-phral'tr E -ps'o-chus Er-i-cinti-num -te'gi-t 1 Efi-dr'e-tMe Eli-phra'ttg E -pi'9-n J -r'tcus E-tha'li-on Ea-es-per'i-d9~ Eu-phrosty-ne Ep-i-ph-ntfl Eric, Hg7tu ry i -the'ilus Eiae —teg EC-pf'theS;-DDhtaL-nez Er-{-cfits, ] g-thetle'um Ei-ga.tneI ERi-pIth'i-ua 336 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Eui-pleta Ei-se-bl'a, cityJ. Ex-qulli-e Fe-rettri-is Frlfi-dis Eu-p1t'e-mus E3-setbj-us Fx-si-pe-rantti-us 1 Fe-rt'ni-a Fri'j-I 1I EfifpQ-is ~ Eu-sem'a-t~a gEx-t-pptri-us Fer-rY'o-lus FrQn-tifn.s Eii-p'hlus Ei-selne Ji-ze-chi-fllus Fes-cen'ni —a Fru'si-no Eu-pre-pg Eu-stalthi-us Fes-cen-nlnus Fu-cina Eu-ri-at-naslsa ii'stace Fes-cenlni-um F'ci-niis E-ript'i-dei Ei-sts'chi-us Fes'u-lze Fuf-ft"ti-tus 1 Eft-r'ppus Efi-stot ii-Us IF Fe-tj-atle~ 1 Fufi-us Efi-rQ-aq'ui-l5 Efi-straitti-us 1 Fi-bretnt. s Fu-ga'l!-a Efi-roctly-dln Eii-tel'j-ds Fa-batri-a Fi-cI'li-ae Ful-cln'i-us Edl-rotmus Ei-thaili-a F-abla-rls Fi-cil'ne-a Ful-Aen'ti-us 1 Efi-rSWni-s Ei-tha~li-us Fa-battus FI-dafna Ful-Ai-n5te Ei-ronfo-tiis Ei-thetnae Fa-bt'ri-iis Fld-e-na'tt Ful- nln'-a:E&-rftpa Et'thy-clte Fiatbi-a Fi-delnti-a I FUl'Fi-num EA-rSfpus Ed-thyctra-te0 Fd-bi-a'nl Fid-en-titnus Ful-iftnus Ef-ro'tas Eu-thlly-dmus - Fa-bi-.tnus Fld Fli-nm EQ4-rl't Eui-thym'i-das Ft'bi-iis FI-dlc'u-la ~ Fil'vi-a Eii-ryla-1I EIl3-th.m'li-is FDb-ra-t'ri-.a Fld'i-us Fnl'vi-us Eti-r3.ya-ls E-th'm.us Fa-brl"cji-s 1 Figtu-liis Fun-dtani-us EFa-r,'a-nax Ea-thy-ns'cus Fib-ul-litnus Flm'bri-a Fal -da'nus Ei-ryb'a-tti EIA-thynlto-s Faq-e-l'na' Fir-main.s Fun'du-uis Ea-ryb'A-tis Eftthy-phrln Fa'di-is Fir-mi-alnus Fn'riEfi-ryb i-a Eu-to'ci-is 1 Fae-sld'i-us FYrtmi-cis' Ff'li-1 Eii-ry-bl1'.a-deg Ea-tii'mi-iis Ftes'u-lIe 4 FYr'mj-us F -ril'na Ei-rybfi-is Ei-trapfe-lis FaI-a-crl'ne, or Flac-ci-nattor Fu'ri-us Ei-ry-bo'tas Ei-trale'ts Fal-a-cri'num Flam'ii-ne' Firtni-us Ei-rYbt'-tus Eu-trI'pi-. Fa-l1a'i-iis Fla-min'j-a Fus-ci-cu-nlenus Efi-ry-cle'. El-trotpi-3s Fal-cld'.i-q Flim-i-ni'nus Fus-ci'na E:'ry-clrs Eflty-chei Fal-c'rn-af Fla-minti-ts Fus-ci'llus Ea-ry-cliltd Ea-tych-i-inus F6lcu-la Fla-natti-cus FWti-. 1 Fu-ryctra-tC$ Ea-tychii-de Fga-liri-'a Fla-nS.na F g'i-hs 1 Ef-ry-cratfi-d as Ea-tycliti-de~ Fa-I6tril Flalv-a Ei-ry-cyWde En-tych'i-us Fal-eri'na Fla-vi-atnus Ei-rd qa-'nas EaU'ty -chs Fianfni-a Flavi-an' E6-ryd'a-me Eux- anthi-us Fan'ni-1 Fla-v'na G. Eji-ry-dam'i-das Eu-ecnin -d Fian'ni-iis Fla-vinf'-us Efi-ryd'i-ce Euxte-nlus F s Fla-vi —bri'ga Gab'a-la Eui-ry-eilus Efi-Ifnus Ponttus Farfsi-nag F1avi-us Gaba-l Ea-ry-ga-nita Eau-Ip'pe' Fas-cl'li-nla Fla-votna Gab'a-ltis EE&-ryle-on Euis-tli'e-us Fas'ci-nths Flo-ra'li- G-ibta-rus Ei-rylto-Ihins E.-Somt'a-tie Fas-tldt.i-us Flo-ren'tj-.a 1 Ga-b5iza Eu-rym'e-de, and Euf-yn'tte-teIs Faulci-us 1 Flor'ence Ga-betne Eii-ry-me'de Ev-. See Eu-. Fau'cu-lIa Flr-en-ti'nus Ga-bi-g'ne Ei-rym'e-ddon FvLa-Ae1 Fau-na'li-a Flo-reln'ti-iis Ga-bi- tnus E&I-rymte-neg I-v6 g'o-ras F.utnI Flo-ri-anius Gafbi-i Eai-ry:m'i-deC E-vtgiri-iis Fau-n~gle-na Flu-e1ni-a Ga-bI'na Eil-rn'ot-me Etv'a-grus, or Fau'nus Foetni-us G.a-bin-i-atnus Efi-ryo-ne ~ E-va'grus Fiu-stI'nl Eili-a Ga-binti-us E -ry-plialmus E -vanf'e-iis Fkus-ti-nlp't-ls Fsn-tatnus Ga-bitnus Ei'ry-phlon Ev-a-norli-d&s Fau-stl'nus FQn-tei-.a 3 Ga-brtlta SIl'vt Eutry-pon E-vanlttheg Fautsti-tUs Fon-teWi-us 3 Ga-bri-e'li-is Ea-ry-pion'ti-dae Ei-vemte-riis, or Fautstu-ls Fon-ti-na'lis Gad'a-ra Ei-ryp-tol'e-mins Eui-hime-ruis F.u'stus Foirmi-me Ga-detnl Ed-ryp'y-ls E-velnor Fa've-a For-mi-alnum G;a-dl'ra E3-r1ys'i-c6 F,-vetnQs, or -nus Fa-ven'ti-al F1 rfmi -o Gad-i-tI'num Frei Ea-rystthe-nne E-veph'e-nUs Fav-en-tI'nus For-na-catli-a tum Ei-rys-thent'i-dm E -ve'r' FaL-vetri-L Far-tudna [el Gad-i-ta'nus Ed-rysfthens (n.) 6 t-vtvrlge-tM Fia-vlnj-uis Foir-tu-na ttee Tnsu- (m-siatt' Ed-rys-thltus (a.) Ev-es-perti-d6l Fgiv —rI'nus Fdir-tu-na-ti-aInus 1.e-tatli:E-ry-tIane1 iI'vI-as Fib'Fru-a Fdr-t6-nattus' e-t'ili-a Eafry-ti E'vj-os, or -is Feb-ru-a/ri-us Frt'u-li e-tfitli-cu Ed-ryt'e-Te, or E-voldi-is Feb'ru-is Frln'tcji-a 1 Ga'i-us Eii-ry-tI'te itvo-dus Fe-ci-atllE 1 Fred-e-r'tcus Ga-i'bri-I Ed-ryt'e-l Rv'9o-rss F61'i-nas Fredter-zc Gal-ac-topht'a-i Ei-rythte-mls t~-atLdi-Zis Fe-litqi-tas Fre-'etnae Gal1A-ta Ea-rytji-on 2 E3-wenTe-tis 4 Fl'tsi-na Fren-t'tni Gal'ta-ta Eii'ry-tls tx-ae-ramtbus Fen-es-til'llA Frid-e-ri'cus GalI-a-t aa Eulry-tuis l- retrthreg Fe-ralj-.a Frdd'er-4c Gal-a-t4et' Eil'se-b/I B~-ag'Q-nims Fgr-en-tI'num Frld-o-lI'nus Ga-l'ttl- 1 Eit-sbibj, wooman.!;-Imt-ts Fgr-n-tl'num Frldt -tin GAl't-ton GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 387 G.a-axj- 1I Gau-rtnus. e-rlsfti-cis Glymlpel Gra-tid'j-is' Gllbu-la Gautrus Ger-gilthNa Glym'pi-cuis Gra'ti-Sn 2 Ga-le1nus Gd'us; or Gi'gs Ver-glth'j-um Gnalphefs, Pe6- Gratti-is 1 a'llen' Galvi-qs er-gb'vi-'t trus 5, 6 Gra'vi-I Ga-le-sotw Ga-zi-f'r: a'ri-on Gnl'tha 5 Gra'vi-us Ga-lelri-a G.-zSLrus Ger-matni-a Gna'ti-a 5, 1 Gre- intti-us 1 GOa-l-ri-atnus Geb-a-le'ne Ger-man-i-cI'a Gni'dos, or -dus 5 Greg(.o-ras Git-l1eri-us G. e-dlpfpa,er-man'-cus Gnafsos 5 Gre-go-Ti-arnus G'a-ltsus Ge-drots Ver-ma'ni-' Gnostsij- 5, 1 Gre-gotri-us Gafle-us Ge-drofli-a 1 Ger-m'Tnus Gnos'sis 5 Gr egto-ry Gal-frildus - e-ga'n-i' er-mi'lus GnSstsus 5 Gro-nueta pfof'frey, Jeftfrey ella a'ron' Gob-a-nl"ti-5 1 Grutmi - Gal-i-lve'a Ge-la'nor Snr-on-tp'um Gob'a-reg Gru-thiun'i Ga-lin-thi-a'di-a e'las Ge-rn'ti-u6s 1 GStbry-'as Gry-n/eum Ga-llnfthi-as ge-las'i-mnhs Ge-ris'tra-Uts GMd-i-fritdus Grytneus (n.) 6 Gul-le'cji'-a 1 Ge- 11'g-s 1 G.r-trntdis G d'fr.ey, fof'frleyj Gry -netls (a.) Ggdtlqi-.a Geibijs rt-Ltretde GSg-a-re'ne Gry-nlfum Ga1-li-cainus Gl'du-ba Ge —rtlli-hum G1 tli Gutal -tirus Gal-l~~i}-nqs eftli Gierus, and G6m'o-ra W&.l'ter GaIlli-cus Gelfli-a aCGrlrhus Go-na'tts Guil-i-elmuls, GuilGdil-li-afnus el-li-aanls e'ry-6n Gon'ty-ls ll6mnels sui r'lGal-litn ea asli-s',e-rn'-nau9 Go-ni'a-de meus, or Get-li-61Gai-li-na.ri-.a rllia-us - e'rys Gor-di-a'nlus mus G'al'lli-a ge'lo, geGlon Ge-san'der Gbor'di-an W111liam Gal- lteIa' e-15~i se-sllth'o-tis Gir-di-e'um Gu'neus 6 Galli-hs a.e-1one, G.e-1tni (es-o-rl'a- cm Gdr-di-talnum Gun-thtrus, L. Gal-lo-gretcij-8 1 elos Ges-sa/tce Gir-di-u-coSmon Gya-ra Gal-l1otni-us em'i-na e'tta Girtdi-hs y' t-reus 6 Gim'ta-la 6em'i-nl I'Itta Gir-di-u-titc hus - La-r Gam-bri'um Ce-mlnti- s Gea-thns'y-nu Gor-du'ni'?.a-ros, aend Ga-mi'li-a Gemlir nus t G'irga-stis'g. — rshs GLn-da-ri'tae 6en'a-butm, or Ge-t'utli-a Gort'e y fas G~an'g-ma Ge-na'bum CGid-de-netme Gr/'i-ras CTsa Gan-garti-dGe Ge.-nau'ni i-gant't' G'r'i-das gy'Ae Gan geg ne -neiuus 1 pi-gan-te'us Gort' n (g-yge Gan-tetijs ae-ne'tt ~igas Giar'go-nSe nyl-a-cga Gan-y-m'cde e.-ne'te GI'iis Gor-go'ni-a Sym-nalti-a 1 Gan-y-meW'dg Ge-ne'va li-g'onus Gor-gotni-Ss gCym-na'ji-m 1 Gin'y-mede Gnrli-sus, or Gl'ia Gor-gSph'o-ra Cym-nCe'i-a 1 Ga-re'.i-cum Gen'y-shs Gin-d'nePg Gor-gtpays gym-ni'ri-ae 1 Gara-dus Ge'nius i-s. Gln'de Gor-gS'tps gym-n'tteg Gtar-a-man'tis Gen-na/di-hs Gin'ge Gor-gythti-on Gym-nq-pae-di'a Gar'a -mas' Gen-n-ai-dces Gin-gh'num Giortu-ae gym-nos-o-phis'tas Ga-re-datae Ge-notnI G p'pi-us Gor-tyi'na cpym-ndsQ-phAsts GSa-re-ath'y-ra e Gn-o-vSefa, or -va Is'cha-la Gor-tynti-a gy-nmece-as Gar'- das' 6en'e-vieve GIstcS, o? GIs'g5 GSth-o-fre'dus Gyn-e-co-thcetnas Gar-ga' nus Gen-se-r' cus Gi-ti'a-das OGdlfSey, FSof'frey Cnt'deS Gauir —'pia a e'ser-ac Gla'bri-o Go-thS'ne~ Gr-t'na Gar-galphi-e Gentit-is I Gl1-di-a-tSri —i Grac-cha'nus GY-thl'um, or Gar'ga-ra Genu-a Glan-do-mfrt.am Gr'a-di'vus' Gyth'i-um Gar-gari-dad Ge-nal'ci-us 1 Glaplify-ra Grae'c Gar'ga-rus GSn'tu-sus Glaph'y-rae Gra'ci-a 1 Gar-ne'nus Ge-nd'ti-a 1 Glaphly-rus Grm-ci'nus Tv Gar-et'tus 6ny-sus GlSutce Grae-cost't-sls Gar-Il-i-:anus s e-Sm'o-rn Glu'cij-a 1 Graetcus Gar-gl'Fi-us' -o-pSnli-ca Glau/cj-as 1 Grai-Ss 3 H n,-dr'num Gar-glt'ti-us Ge-srt'i-cqa Gl1u'cj-deg Gra-jSo'e-li Hadrji-a Gar-ggoni-us er G1au-cIp'lp Grna-j'~ge-nwe Ha-dri-a-nSp'o-lls Gan-rl'i-us Ge-irA j-us Glau-cplppus Gratne Hi-dri-a'nl Ga-rf'tte' pFe're Glautcis Gra-nIs'cs Ia-dri-a'nus Garnri-cus Geph- -ra'te Gltutcon Gratni-is Hd'dr,;i-an Ga-so'rus Ge-phyfra Gl~au-cSnt'-mn Gra-tt'e int'su-lae Ha-dri-atti-chm Ga'the - geph-y-raeti Glal-cS'pis Gratti-a 1 Had-ryu-mr'ttum Ga-the-atas, or (Ge-phy'reO Glau'cus Grati-ae 1 Had-y-]eIum Ga-the'a-tas Gpti-die GlSu-ga-nl'cat Grd'ce, Hae-mStni-a Gau-dlntti-hs 1 e(r-a-ne. a Glau'ti-as 1 Gra-ti-an-opf'-lis 1 Hm-mSnti-dSt Gau-ga-metlg Ge-rfni-4a GlSb.bu-lis Gra-ti-atnus 1 Hamt9'-nis 4 Gau-l;-n iatis Gera-s Glyq'e-rt Grat'ti-an Hafemus GGautlus, Giu'tle-n Ge-rei' Gly-ceri-j-m Gra-ti'ddi-a Ha-gi-op-.-lit# Gisu'rn-das Cz-ra'ni-v Gly-c'nrij-is Gr;t-tYdi-ans Htg-nag'9-r0 338 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. HaLg-nif-,i-de~ Mirrpi-szus Hel'i-ce He-rackle-on He-ra-di —afnus Ha lmsesa Har'po-cras Hil'i-con HIe-rac-le-I'nas He-rl'di-an I1a-la'la, or A-lafl' Har-poc'ra-te H l —co-nI'ta-del He-r6c-le-'tle He —rod'-cus Ha-le'6us Har-po-cra'ti-6n 1 Hl-ij-co'nis Her'a-clg~ Her-o-di'um Hil-cy'.o-nl Har-py'ia 3 Hl-i-me'na H6r-a-clg'um Hl er-o-dii r.s Hal-cy'o-neis 6 Har-py'iia 3 Hel'-mus He-rac-ll-a'nus Ile-rld'o-tus a',le9 Hdit'pieyH He-li'o-cl Her-.a-clil'de Her-9-dc'llus Ha-le'sa, or HH-ri'dei He-li-o-do'rus Her-a-cltde, Iie-roe'S Hal'e-ssa Has-b tfte He-lij —gab'a-l1s,or Her-a-clhdcs He -r'is Ha-le'-~iuIs 1 Has'dru-bhal He-li —ga-b1'lus Her-a-cll'tus He-rqo-p'to-ls Ha-le'sts HTa-telri-s He-l-jpQ-l-11s IHer-a-cl'sus He-roph'i -ls Ha'li-a, na ereid. Hau'sta-nel He'lj-os He-rl'eas 6 He-ros'tra -tus Ha-la'i,-or Halli-., He-au-ton-ti-mQ- He'li-us Her-be'sos, or Her'se afestival. ru'me-nos Hel-la'dij-s Her-be'sus Her-s-l'i-g Ha-li-ac'mon,Heb-de ma'e.-teg Hl-la-ni'ce Heribi-ta Heru -li Ha-li-ar'tos, or -tus HEbh'd-me Hel-la nl'cus, some- Her-celts Her'u-lus Ha'li-aSs He'be times Hel-lan'i- HIler-cu-da'ne-umn He-si'Q-dus Hal-ij-cr-ntas'seos 6 Hel'brus cts Her-cu-la'nus H6et.i-od Hal-i-car-ntsl'ss He-bh'dei HBel-la-n3.'ra-tq H lerqcu-l. He-sl'-na, or n6 H -li'fcy-a 1 Flec' -b H1l-l-nld'i-cae Her-cC'le.-um He-silo-neC Ha'li ets Hic-.a-ier'e HIl'le Her-c'le —us Hes-pe'r-.a Hal-i-me'de Hec'a-l1 Hel-le'ne6 Her-cy'na Hes-plr'i-dle Hal-ir rht'thi-us 1 HEc-a-Ml'i-a Hl-lee-np'o-lls Her-cyn'i-.a Hes-pe'riHaI-i-ther'sus Hoc-a-ml'de Hel-lo'pi-a Her-cyn'i-us Hes'pe -rs Ha-ll'um Hc-a-ta'.us Hel-l'ti-a 1 Her-do'ni-.a Hes-pe-rl'ta Ha'li-us H.c'a-te Hel-16ltis Her-de'n- us Hes-pe'ri-ius Hal-i-zo'ne~ HIcIate Hye-15ris He're-as Hes-pe -r utg Hal-ml'nea Hoc-a-te'gi-a 1 He-1H'rum Heri -lus Hes'pe-ris Hal'my-ris Hec',a-t He-lo'rus He'ri-us, or Hes'ti- a lHil-my-r'teQ Hoc-a -tq-de'rus Hee-lrite Hus s-ti-e-iotis Ha-1l.a Hc-.a-tom-plih'ni-a He-i'tel Her'mga-chis, prop- tIes-ti- t'nSe HIa-l'ne Hec-a-tm'pog-lis Hel-pid'i-ls erly Her-mar'- He-sych'l-us Hlal-on-ni'sus Hec-a-ton-n'si HWel-ve'ti-a 1 chus He-tric'tu lm Ha-loti,a 1 Flct'u-ba Hel-vel'ti- I HIr'mm He-tri'ri-a Hal-'tc~s Hq'ly-rq Hel-ve'tum He, r-meum Hex-ap'y-l6m Hllay-cs Hld'l-la Hilrvi-a Her-mag'o-ras Hi-betri-a Ha-ly"zi-a 1 Hld'u-el Hel-vid'j-tis Her-man'di-ca HT-bir'nj-t Ham-a-dry'a-d0 Hd'.u-i Hellvi-i Her-mea-nu'bis Hi-b'lrus Ham.'a-dir -adf HMd'y-ll Hel-vitna Her-maph-ro-do'tus HI-ce'gi-uts 1 Ha-mk'dry-as Hld-y-le'um, or Hel'vi-is Her-mar'lchus HT-.e-ta'on IHam-ar-totlus He-dyl'ti-m HI'lty-mus Hertme-s, or Hiq'e-t's Ha-maxti-a 1 Hdi)y-liis -le-ma'tlli-n Her-men HI-ddasme-ntis Ha-max'ti-tls fHe-dym'e-lgi IHlm-e ros-co plutm Her-me'as, or Hid'ri-eis 6 Ham-.ax-ob'i- Hed'y- phlu I-Ie-mq'y-ne' Her-mi'as Hi'e-'ra Harip-ssag'o-ras He-,lt'o-chiis Hoe-mith'e-te Her'me-ros HI-e-ra-ct'me Hlamp'si-ciis He-Ae'mon, and He-ml'dus HIr'imet Hi-e-ralconl Han'ni-bhl Hwe'e-,mon He-motna Hdr-me-sI'a-ntax Hi-e-ramoe-nge Hain-ni-bal-li-'nus He-n mto-n6 HIn'e-ti Hfer-m-'as, and Hi-e-rap'yl s Hartca-lt, or He1 -e-san'dri-das He-nit0-eh z HIr'mi-as H'le-ras Car'thy-o1 H6e e si'a-nax He-ni-o-chi'a Her-mln'i-us Hite-rax Har-matni-a He-tel'i-as 1 He n'lo-Ihcs Her-milnus Hite-r! 1Har-ma-te'li-t He6-e-sil'o-clhs Hen-ri'cus Her-mi'o-ne HIi er'i-chls HIr'm-a-tiis He&-e-sln'o-its Heln'ry Hir-mj-Q-nt'a, or Je'-i-hO, formerly Har-me-no-piilus H -e-sitnus He-phes'ti-a, city. Hdr-mi-o-ni'a Ho- roi-Iho Har-m'di -us He6-e-slpty-le Hlph-mas-ti', festi- Hir-mi-on'i-chs Hi'e-r Har-mt'ni-a a HMe-e-sis'tra-tCrs val. Si'nus Hi-e- ro-cs-sa-reta Hgar-mon'i-d/l He-tgetor Hepha-ms-t'fa-dle Her-mi'o-nls Hi- e-ro-cI'pi-a Har-mq'ni-is HI -e-tor'i-dG~ He-phms'ti-i 4 Her-moc're-on Hi-e-ro-ce(pis Har-mls'y-ni He'&i-as He-phaes'ti-a 4 Hir-me -drorus Hi-e-ro-ce'rix Har-mo'zon HE'Ti-6 He-phes'tti-6n 2, 4 Her-mo-ge-ni-a'nus Hi-er'o-clel Har-mui'z HeI'a-ra He-phais'tiQn 2, 4 Her-mZo6&e- n' Hi-e-rodia'lum Hiar-pd'i-a, or Hel-ce'bus He-phaes'tus4 Her-mcla'us HI-e-rom-ne'mqn Har-pa-glta HIIl'e-na Hep-tan'fq-mis H er-mo'nuax Hi-e-ro-ne'sls Har-pa4'i-de~ HeI IC'ni-g Hlp-ta-phl'nqs Her-mpt'o-lls Hi-e-ron'i-ca, Lex Htar'pa-uas Hel-e-ni'us Hep-tapto-lls Her-mo-tt'mus Hl-e-ro-ni'tc Har-pati'-cl He-le'nou Hep-tap'o-ris Her-mqn'du-ri, or ll-e.-ry-ni'cli Har-pa'li-on Hel'e-nuis Hep-tap'y-los Heir-mun-dC'ri Hi-e-rMn'i-cls (a.) Hartpa-l1s, or -ls Hg'le-in Hep-ta-yd'a-t' Hertni -c HT-e-rntfymi!s Har-pul'y-cus He-li'a-deg Hrta-clas' Ho-ro'de Jdcr'Qme, formerly Har'pg-st HIl-i-cjIn, HIr4 —cl'lt. H-lrtlqd JBt'f-rame GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMIES. 839 Hi-e-rQ-sol'y-ma Hip-poth'to- Humn-fr1'dus. or Hyp-e-rt'chi-is T-!t-p'lga Je-rutsqa-lem, for- Hip-poth'o-Sn Hnum-fridtts Hyp-e-r1e'or I-a-p3y'i-a merly HZ-e-rzu'sa- Hip-palh-o-ontjis Iuum'phrey Hyp-e-ri'.a i-apyx 1lm Hip-poth'o-os, or Hin-ne-rlckis Hlyp-e-r'fji-a 1 I-ar'ba HI-e-rstthe-iis Hip-plthlo-is Hlntner-1c Hyp-e.-ritdel -.ar-bI'tg. Hl.e-rus Hp-pptti-_n 2 HIt.-nita-d1a Hyp-e-rion I-artfhas HI-Aitnus Hip-po-ttx'o-tUe Hy-a-clntthi-a Ry-petri-on I-ar'da-nis 1ig-na'ti-a, or Hip-p'rjis H'fa-deI Hyp-erm-nesrtra I-a4si-deS E.g-naiti-a VIta 1 Hip'si-d.e Hy'a-la Hy-per'o-chde I-a'ji-6n 2 Hil-a-i'r3a Hir-pl'ni Hy-a-mn'.a, or Hyp-e-rochlji-de I-a 1i-tis 1 1Hi-latri-a Hir-pitnus Hy-mi- H-pero-hs Tfa-sls HI-la-rj-{anus HMrYti-. i H-.am-rp'e. Hyp-e-talon I-aIson Hi-lai'ri-is'H'r'ti-is 1 H1-amIpo-1ls Hyph-an-telon I-a-son'i-dIr if7.l1a-ry HYr-tu-l-ti-us 3 Hlyn'thel Hyphla-sis I'a- us Htil3-rfis Histpt-l1 H —a-pIt'a IHY-plrto-chus IL.x-amta-tIe Him-.an-tOp'9-d I Hlstpap-lIs Hy-ar-bi'ta Hyp-q-the'b;t I-ax-ar'tte HEIme-ra Hjs-patnJi-. Hybp.e-fla Hyp-o-thfcm ILax'ar-te Hi-merri-ris His-pa/nus Hy-ber'nj-. Hyp-se'a I- zty- e HBlnme-rus Hjs-t.stpei Hyb'la Hyp-se'la, or -Is I-a'zyx HI-l-phin.o-iis His-ti-ae'a Hybtre-as Hyp-se'nor I-ba'r Ilip-pig'o-rMs HIs-ti-e-o-ttis FIyb-ri-a/neC Hyp'seus 6 I -beri-a Hip-pag're-tis His'to-rls Hyb'ri-as Hyp'si-cleS ib-e-ril'n tip-pal'ci-mus His'tri-a Hycf ca-ra Hyp-si-cra-te't I-bI'rus Hip-p'arfchi-a Hii'di-s U13'da, and Hytde Hyp-ssctra-te ibby-cis Hip-pbtr'/h{is Hwidus Hyd'a-ra Hyr-ca'ni-a I-ca'ri-a Hip-pa-r1'nus Hol-mt5nel Hy-dastpe6 Hyr-ca'num Ma're I-ca/ri-is Hip-pdari-6n HMl1o-cron, or Hy'dra Hyr-cafnus Ic/a-ruis Hip'pat-rls 6lio-cris Hy-dra'mi-a Hyr'ji- Ic'ci-iis 1 Hip-pasti-dgl Ho-meir'i-dme Hy-dra-/tte Hyrti-eus 6 iTe-lus Hyp'pt-sus HLm-e-rI'ta e [AeF Hyd're-a Hyrtirn-m I-ct/ni Hllp-pe-m61'AI Ho-me-ro-mas-tit- HY-drelus Hyr-mntna Hlip'peos 6 HIm-e-rn'i.-dae H3y-drochl'o-is Hyr-ne'tho T!h-nob'3-teg Hlpfpi-a - nHo-metrus H1Y-dro-pphotrj-t Hyr-nlth'i -um Ich-niTsa Hip'pj-is Hornmer H1'drus Hyr-tia'i-del~ Ih —nu'phis Hip-pb'Qo-tis Ho-mrll'e, L. Hy-drd's3 Hyr-ta-cil'na ch'thys IIHp-pQ-cen9-tLu'ri Homto-l6 HSye-le Hyr'ti3t-cus I-c 1i-is Hipl-pQ-ciI'dIe Ho-moli-imr Hy-1ea. Hy"1si-t, or-a 1 l'ci-ius 1 Hiptpo-clus nom-o-li.-de H-e-a Hys-tastpep -cotni-tim fIip-poc'o-in IHo-mrn-a-dien's Hy-gita-na Hys-ti-etus L c!'i-im 1 Hip-po-co-rys'tet HMm-o-tfimI Hy-gitnus' c-ti-mi'l Hip-poctra-tS HoniJr H5-la ti-d0i Ic-tIanus Hip-poc-ra-ti'a, or HMn-o-riatus HY11e T _-datci-is 1 Hip-poc-ra-teta Ho-noSri-a Hyfle L i-dEera Hip-pq-cr6'ne HMn-o-rifa-d6~ HYtleas 6 dati-a IIp'pQ-crene Ho-norij-is Hy-l1eus, or T-tc'chus T-da/li-e Hip-podla-,nas Hop-leate HY-la dus t -ton -1dl-ls Hip-pid-. —mrit HIp'leis 6 Hyltio-s l-, ae. I-dali-um Hip-p~od'a-mus HQp-ll'te Hylij-ca, or -ca l-ad'e-ra ld'.-lis Hip-podti-ce HMr-8-cIftie Hyl-la'-cas I-619e-mus I-dar'neI Hip-pod'ro-mnis Htrle Hyl'li-cus T-al'me-ne s -da'tj-i-s 1 IHp'pQ-l HQ-ratti-a 1 H-l1in'Q-m ii-ilty-sus Ide Hip-polto-chis HQ-ratti-is 1 Hymte-as l-am'be Td' 6-a Hip-pol'y-ta Hir'ace H!-impbe I-lm'bi- hus I-detra Hip-pim.a-chis Ho1-ratus HII-pae'ti-a 1 T-am-bfulus Tdis-tia-vitsui Hjp-p6m'e-d6n Hair'ci-as 1 Hyp'a-nYs I-am'e-nus -dlt-.a-ritsus Hip-pom-e-datsa Hir-Qo-1'ti-tim Hyp-a-ri'nus YI-tmri-de m'e-nd Hip-pom'e-ne IHtir'ta-lis Hyp7a-sis I'L-mus T-domte-neas 6 Hip-pomne-nE/ Hor-tatnum Hyp'.a-tta I-a-nlrI i-dotthe-e Hip-potna Hor-ten'si-t 1 HV-partt I-Uan'the Id'ri-eus 6 Hip-ptnaix Hor-t6n'si-is 1 Hyp'.a-tha I-antthis 1'drus Hip-p6-nji-a'tt Hor-tI'nus (a.) Hy-patti-a 1 I-a'on I-ditbe.-d3 Hip-po-ni'cus HQr-totna, or Hy-pa'ti-is 1 I-a'o-nl I-dtfine Hip-po-nittis Or-tmtna Hyp'a-tis. a —pt'i-d8 ITd-u-me'a3 HIip-poni-um Ho-sld'i-us 1 HY-pe'nor I-a-p-t-i-6n'i-dl I-dy'ia 3 Hip-pon'o-us Houti-is 1 Hyp-e-ra'on 1-apte-tis I-6rtne Hip-pip'o-dle His-pl-taljis Hy-pirlba-tius -ais I-t, and I'e-tie Hip-pos'tra-tis Hos-tl'i-it Hy'-pirlbi-us 4ap'o-dI~ I-etts Hjp-pit't-dra Hos-til-i-atllus Hy-pir'bo-l.s I-ap'y-dei I-gIg'ni, or I-ci'ni HIp'pQ-ti Hos-tll'i-fis Hyp-er-bo're4i T- d-pydli- i-li —m Hlp'p9-t i His'tj-tis Hy$p —rzi'3 T-4p'y-iga, or Ig-na'ti-is 1I 340 GREEK AND- LATIN PROPER NAMES. Tg-ngrt8 T-nltus Is-chlpto-lls Ja-sofni-fim LI-be-altis Ig-u-vt'ni In-stn'tti-is 1 Is-ihy'ras, L. Jav-o-le'nus Litbe.I-ga'vi-um In'su-bre~ is-.e-tr'dde Jax-amfa-te La-be'ri-is 1-.a-Vtr~a In-sutbri-a Tselt Jzy-eO L-b'rus T~l-.a-itri' n-te-me-li-im I-setpus JRliy-sus Lab-i-catnqt l-.e-a'ttg TIn-ter-ca'ti-a 1 I-si'a Je-rt'mus Lvabi'cl l-er-ca'o-ng int'u-us I-slia-ci Je-ronty-mUs La-bi'cus ler'de~ Int'y-cum, or-cus, I-sl'a-cus Jo-anW'n~, or La-bl-e6nus lI-er-g-a'ol-na I-ny'cus as-i-do6'rus J-htn'nae Lib-j-netfls -ler'ae-t{e, Strabo. i-obta-teg, and Is'i-dOre John La-bo'bi-is l-e r-tgete Jbt'a-teg - i-sg'to-nuis Jb b'a-ts Lab-9o-ritn Cam'pI I-lr'te~ T'o-beg Is-ma-e'lta Jor-datneq, and La-bottas, man, T'leus 6 i-ad-.a-mi'a lst'ma-rhs Jir'da-nleg Lab'o-tas, river. tlai-a o-l'-1aj- 3 Is-me'ne Jo-setphuls La-brqn'deus 6 I-lIta-ci Litdi I'o-lAs, or I —latus Is-mtnui-as Jo-tap'a-ta Latbrax [-lt'a-cs I- ol'hos Is-mtn'i-deg JRtta-pe Latbr2n i-ll'a-deg i'o-le is-mt'nus Jo-vji-anus La-by'cas lti-as atso-no, a JVereid. I-s6ctrra-te Jo'vi-an LMb-y-ne'ttus l't-ci as-o'ne, a city. Is-se'd n Jo-vln-ji-a'tus LOb-y-rin'thus ylti-In 1-'fneg Is-s6d'o-neg Jo-vln.i-an Ltc-a-ni'tis I-lito-nna -sni-a Issi ctis J9-vl1tnus Lfa-e-die'mon I-li'o-neus 6 I-n'sl-cils Is-ttev'o-nes 4, or Ju-da-cilli-us La -e-denmto-ng 4 Tl'j-4s Y-a'pas is-tn-votieg Ju-df'a Ladg-e-de-ma ni-aogv y1j-p.a I'o-pe Ist'hmi-his Ju-gatlis Lac-e-dae-monli-cas Tl-i-th ltia 3 I'o-phan Ts-ti-me-'ttis, prop- Ju-g rj-il-s L-a -e-de-motni-i l'i-tim, or lVi-6on aphti-as erly Hls-ti-e-Wttis Jatgu-le La-ce'das Il-lbtha-nus aph'i-clg, or Is-to'ne' J-gur-th'it us La a-e-de-mt'ni-is Il-libte-rls II-)hiTcle!sttrit' Ju'li-a LMa-e-re't, or -ri'at Jl-llpt't-la phl'i-cltis, or Is-trbpto'-1s Ju-l-'ta-cum Lat-e-tatnl Tl-lj-tuir'tIi -phfs I-tatl'-a Jy-li't deg Laa-e-tatlni-a Il-lrt'i-cum T-phIc'ra-tae It'a-ly Ju-li-atnus.La-chat'ni-us il-lyrti-cis Si'nus Sph -i-crat'i-dog — tal'i-ca Ji'tl-an Lachta-re lilly-ris' -phLd'a-mls i-tAl'i-cis Jlii-i La'-chge 1-1lyrti-a ~ph-.i-de-mi'a Ytta-luis Ju-li-sb'o-na L-ach'e-sls l-lyr'i-urm iphl-iAe-ni.a it'e-a Ju-l1i-o-b'ilga. La-hi'tsa Il-lyrti-us aph-i-me-ds'a i-tem'a-16 Jf-ui-ioma-gus LaFi.-dls l-.ur-Wtea r-phimte'-don ith'a-ca J-l i-p'o-lis La-cl'tdg Il-varteog ph-i-me-du'sa T-tshemon Ji'li-uis Ceergar La-cln'i-a i-lyrt'is I-phi:nao-e s-thlbt'a-ls Ju'ni-a La-cin-i-jn'sg I-man u-en'tj-us 1 T-phlnto-us ith-o-matas Ju-nl'a-ded L~a-cinli-us T-ma'on i'plhis 1-thotme J -nil'i-ius La-co'tne Tm'a-us, or I-matus T-phItt'i-Sonn -tha'mus Jiuni-us La-cotni-., and smtba -rs lph'i-tus 1-tht'ne Ju-no-natli-a La-cn'ti-ca Im-bras'isi-deog ip!ph-thi'e -tni- Ju-nne Lc'rat-teg Im'bra-sus Ip-sol~ I-to'nus Ju-notni -, Lac-ra-tIt'de Im'breous 6 I-ratis, L. I-tii'nt, or Yttu-na Ju-n~onls Lifcrij-nge Tmlbri-ils Yr-a-phi-'ttg T-tt'ri-us Ju-no-pu'lus Lac-tan'ti-ts 1 Im-brIvqi-tim rt.a-s.a ttyy-lis Jl'pi-ter La-ctdeg n'ta-chi I-rye'ne 1-fi'ljs Jus-ti'na La'de Y-natchi-a ir-e-n6p'q-lis I-lt'lus Jus-tln-i-atnus La'ddg I-naichti-deg Ir-pl'nus Ix-ilbt'-tf Jus-tIln'i-an' Lad-9-cO'E Tnta-chis I-satcus Ix-I'on Jus-tltnus La-P'a I-n'athi-unm Yst'a-ds Ix-i-6nti-d~ Jis'tin ~ Le'tca lnt'a-chis a-smetus Jus-tI"tj-a 1 Lae'l1ps I-nam' -meg I-s-agio-rMs Ju-ve-natlis Lt.lij-a I-nlr'j-me I-stalt'ce Jtve-nal Le-li-ftnus YnrO-ruis Ts'a-nuts C. Ji-v'en-ttlnus Leoli-is' In-ci-tattus I-sa'nor Jst-vn'ti-tus 1 Lwe'na, and Intdi-.a 1 -sa'pjs Jtc-ce-ttini Le-aw'na Tntdi-cfis st'a-rta Ja-coibus LUe'ne-us In-dri'e-t6t, gods. Tsra-ris Jdme Lo'ni-iis In-di-ge'tt, a peo- T-sautrj- Jid'le-rta Lts'pa Mig'nta Tn'fe-r-i - [ple. I-sau'ri-cis Jal!y-shs La-er'ttes In- eev'o-neg 4, or,sau'rrs Jim'n.i-, or Libt'.-nte Alquae La-er-tI a-deg in-we -va'elg Is-chaigto-ras Jam-nI'a L-ab'a-ris, La-er'ti-us 1 Tn-gui-o-me'rus Is-chtnli-a Ja-nIctu-lqm Labtsa-rim Les-podid-ss 2 In-neisa Tstche-nis Jan-9-pi'tlsus Lbt'a-ris Lams-trt'gon 2 Tn-no-ctn'ti-us 1 Ts-ach-la'us JRn-u-i'rti-ls LIab'da-cis Lees-trygg'-neg 2 T-not'.a s-bhom'a'he J,-p'thi-d L-abtd —loon L-s'tt E-no~tp~m Ifs4~hom' tsuh' JOpm -tiU s LU-bu-attae, or-t A Las-tttti-t 1 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 341 Lm-ttri-a- La-mid-i-cfTa Lau'ra, Lut're-a Le-on'ti-iis 1 LI-blini-us Lme-to'ri-ss L~-6dlg-cis LMu-ret.acum Le-on-to cephQa-lqs Llb'a-nus Lwftus La-ogfo-nus Lu-ren-tali-a Le-o n-todIa-me Lib-en-tilna Lae'vl La-og'o-ras Lau-renfte~ A'gri L-o.n-tych'i-deg Llbte-ra Lme-vltna La-ogt o-r5 Lau-ren'ti-a 1 Le-opha'-ne~ Llb-er-atli-a Le vi'nus La-om-e-di'a Lau-ren-tItnI Le-ophto-ra Llb-er-atlis Laelvi-us La-imter-din Llu-ren'tti-is 1 Le-t'phion L-be'thra La-ga'rj-a Lia-om-e-don-tit- L&utrence Le-op're-pej LI-bith'ri-dge La'gi-a us (a.) [dea LQ-r7'1z JLe-9-priepi-dei Lib'i ci, LI-btci-I 1 LaUgi-det La-om-e-don-t it- LAu-r'o-liis Le-'os'the-npe Llb-i-tI'na La-i-ni.a, and La-6m-e-dQnn-'a- Llutrl-on, or Le-o-tfrph'i -de Llbtj-us Se-vilrus La-gTnii-.a La-o-ni'cus [dae Lgu-rIton Le-o-tyehti-de- Li-bin'o-tius Lag'o-ras La-on'o-me LAu'rus Le-phyr'i-umr Lb-o-phce-nl'ctE La-gu'sa La-6n-.-me'ne L'us, river. Lep'.i-da Li'bra LLa-gyra, or La-othto-e Lau Pomin-peti-a 3 Lep'i-dus Li'bri Lat'y-ra Ldao-iis L'utti-um 1 Le-pitnus Li-biir'ni-a La-'a -de Lipt'a-thus L.uttu-hle Le-pon'ti-cgus LI-biir'ni-de — La'i-as 3 La-petthuis La-vertni-~im Le-pin'ti-I 1 Lib'y-a Lafis La'phri-a La-vi-a'na Le-p'rji-iis Llbty-cim Marre Lati - s 3 La-phys'tj-im La-vI'cum Le'pre-is Llbty-ciis'La'lia-e La-pld'e-i L'a-vint'j- Le'pre-um, or LIb-y-phce-ni'ciq Lal-e-tatni-.a La-pWd'te-Us La-vln'ti-im, or Le'pri-u m Llb-ys-ti'nus Lmm'a-chus Lip'i-thal La-vi'num LMp'ti-nea Lct'a-te~ Larn-be'ca Lapti-th5 La-vi'nus Letri-a Li'fha Lam-be'se Lap'i-thus Le'ai-de0 Le-riltna Lichla dej Lam-bral'i L. r-en-t'1li-a Le-aeti Lestbji-us Litrhas Lam'e-don La-rin'ti-a 1, and Le-aindri-is Ls'tbo-cleg LI-ci-atnus 1 La-mettus Lqu-ren'ti-it 1 Le-a-ni'ttf Lis-bo-ni'cus Li-cin'i-a Latmi-a Lt'rie Leb-a-dara, or Les-bo'nax Li-cin-i-atnus La-mia-cGum B6lt- La-ritdge LMb-a-di't LMs'fh6 Li-clnti-uis lum Lia-ri'na Libte-dis, or -dus Lst'o-r2 Ll'i-nus Laimi-_e La-rifnum Le-be'na Les-trygto-ngg Li-cyGm'ni-us Li/mi-as, AE'li-iis Latri-1s Le-catni-a Lestu-ria Ll/de La-mi'rius La-rotns-us Le-ca'ni-us Le-ti'num LL-gatri-iis La-m t'tis Lar'lti-us 1 Lec-.a-penus Le-thetus Li-e'ta Lam-padi-_ Lar-to-lne-ittme LcGti-us 1 Lerthe Liter Lam-pa/di-is Lasry"1i-tim Lec-totri- L-tiliS Lil'er, or IMge-rus Lam-pe-ti'a, city. Las'ca-ris Le'' y thus Le-trisni Lgo-ras Lam-ptti-a 1, wo Las'si-a 1 Le i- Leu-ca'di-a Li-gf'ri-a man. L-as'the-neg L' i-tus Leu-cfidi-d s Llg-u-ritnus Lam-petti-e 1 Las-the'ni-a, or Lelte-ge Leu-canil LI-gus'ti-cUm Ma'Lam-petus, and Las-the-ni'i Le-rna'nus Le —maea i-6n 2 Lig'y-en [r Lam-piTa LUat'a-gus'Lm-ni-se-i lene Lesne Leu-cdltta Li- yrtgum Lam'pi-d Lbat-e-ratnuS Lem-o-vi'ct~ Leutce L-le'tus Ltm-pg-neta La-tre'ri-im Le-mo'vi-i Leu-clp'pi-d6e Lilty-ie L.am-p'tni-a, or LMthfu-rus Lemlu-re Leu-co9-ee't Fin'- Li-mte'a Lam-p9-nI'a La-ti-atlis I Le-mutri- t-e Li-mt'ni-i Lam-pitni-ts La -ti-aris 1 Lrm-u-ralli-. Leitco-lI? LIm-en-ti'nus Lm'pri_-as La-ta'ni Len-etd'ji- Ledi-u-coi'ne Li-mrera Lam-prid'ji-us La-tln'i-s Len-tI'nus Leu-c'tneS Llm-e-tatnus Lim'pro-cl La-titnnus LUn'tu-liis Leu-cOn'j-czfs Lim'nie Lamp'sat-cs, or La'ti-um 1 Le-6bi'a-te Leu-cinto-i Lim-natte Lmrnp'sa-cus 1 Le-o-bo'tet Leu-conto-tiis Lim-na-tdid'iLamp-te'ri-~ La-to'bi-us Le-o-ctedei Leu-cpt'e-tra Lim-nli'a-ce Limly-ris Lat-n bri't. or Le-ha-rco-plry'ne Lim-ni'a-deg LMmy-rris La-tbt'ri-i Le-o-coTri-6n Lefitco-phr'ys Llm-ni-i'tte La-niatus La-tii -a 3 Le-octra-tme Leu-ctp'Q-lls Lim-nf'tni-. Lan-c'.a, or -ci'a, La-tqia-di Le-oc'ri-tiis Leo-ci'ii-a 1 Lim-no-re't foutalz. La-totis Le-id'a-mias Lei-co-syrt'-i Li-mtine LDan'e-a 1, town. La-tStmni-m Lie-6id'-cus Leu-cas'y-ri Llm'Q-nu'm, or Lanldj-a La-te'na Le-a'dei Leu-cath'o-e, or Li-mSfnum Lnn'ga-rus Lit-o-re'a Le-og'e-ras Leu-catthl-.a Llm'y-ra Laun-g'a La-to'us LeL-e'a Leu-cy-atni-as 1 Lin-ci ii-i 1 La-nilcee La/treus 6 Le-o-nattus Leu-tych'fi-de Lintgo-neP1 La-nu'vi-iim La'tris Le-nt'i-dls Le-va'na Lin-gon'i-cus La-o-b'ttas La-tii'n!-me Le-oen-nattus Le-vi'nuus Lito-dei La-ic'o-in Lau'co-on Le-on'teus 6 Lex-aItnor Lipta-ris LBa-Sid'a-m s L. u-dua -mi'. Le-an-ti'a-de Lgex-lphlta-nae Lpt'a-r5 L~a-d-a-mi't L.u-d'nji-a Le-9n-ti'ni Lex-a'vi-I Llp-o-ditrus L-Cd'i-c~'Lau-fSei-f 3 Le-in'tji-n m 1 Lib't-ne Li-quen'ttj- 1 29*l 342 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Li-ripo-pe Lu-en-tl'fnum Lyn-ces'ti-is MAtcra Mag-npt'o-ls LY-sln'i-s Lug-df'num Lynfceus (n.) 6 MAl-cri-atnus MAg-qn-ti't-cum Lit'a-briim Lu-pier'cal Lyn-c'fus (a.) Ma'cris i la-hal'c Li-tanna Lii'per-c4l, Shak. Lyn-cl'da MAc'ri-tus MA/i-a 3 L- tav'i-cus L6-per-ca'1j-~ Lyn-ci'dg~ Ma'cr ~ Ma-j-u'mna, or -mpr Lith-.o-bIli-a Li'pi-ts, or Lyn-cad.us MAa-cr'bij-I MA a-j-ri-a'nus Li-t'rj-fis Li'tpi-a Lyr-c c'os MaJ-cr'bj-uas aMn-j5..i-qn Li-tfi'bi-im- LU-pp-dU'tnum Lyr-ce'a, or -um Mlcero-chir Ma-ju'tm, or -m;s Llvfi-a Luls-cilnus Lyr-cetus, or -cl'us Ma-crot-ne Mal'a-ca LWv-i-n'li-us 3 Lu-si-talni-a Lyr'i-ce Mlc-ron-tl' hus Mal'a-cha Liv'i-tis La-si-talnus Lyrto-pp MA1c-ro-pQ-g'tnCe Mal-ach-be'lus L'v'y. ilfsi-tis 1 LY-sa'ni-as Mac-ry-ne'a Ma'Ia For-tfunt Lt'ce-us 1' Lu-sotn e Lys-a-nor'i-dls Mac-tOr'i-tim Mal'a-las Lb'cha LUs'tri-cUs L'se Mc'.u-la Malhi-on a Lo-cha'gus Lu-tatii-As 1 Ly-sl'.a-de Mac-u-165nus Malle-a, or Ma-1l' Lo'hhi-as Lu-tetri-is Ly-sl'a-n.ax Ma-de1te~ MAa-le'ba Lo-cS'zus Lu-te'ti-a 1 Ly'tsi-as 1 Ma-di-a-nI'tie Mal'e-las Ls'cri Lu-te'va Lys'i-cl e Ma-dru'nia Ma-le'ne Lpo-cetti.-ts 1 Lu-ti'rji-is LY-sCIY'a-t6g Mad-u-a-ta'tn MAil-e-venttum Lo-ifumin Lu~-o5ri-us Ly-sld'i-ce Matdy-1$ Matl -a LQ-g6thlte-t3 L}-bW'tus Ly-sim'a-Ihi MWtd'y-tus Ma-lita-cus Ll1-li-atnus Lye't-ba Lyss-i-m atchi-a Mle-mnder Matli-i La n'li-us Lyc-a-bettus Ly s-i-miahti-dh -d Me-an'dri-a Ma-a1-i-aiinus 1 Lon-clinti-raum L.~~~eL a ~ L34_simf'a-hihis Ma-.n'drj-its Mal-lto-lis' Lon-dil'num Ly-ca'gm Lys-i-me-li'a Mwe-cetnas Mal'li-us Lon'dpgn Ly-calon Ly-sinto-e Maetci-tis 1 Mal-laoph't-ra LMn-ga-r'npus Ly-ca'o-ne Ly-sIs'tr.a-ta s Mad-.-bi-thy'ni 4 Maa-lo'de Lon-mtm'a-nus Lyc-a-stni-: Ly-sitte-Il MAeli-tis Mal'tha-ce Lon-l'tnus Lyc-'a-rettus Lys-i-tfii'd6 Maem-ac-t1'ri-a 4 Mal-thitnus Lon-gu'ne Ly'ce Ly-sith'o-tis Mienta-daQ 4 MA-lut'cha LOn'gu-la L yPe-!s Ly"si-iis 1 MTnn't-la 4 Mal-valna LQn-gn'tji-ca Ly c Lys'tr~ Mle-nial'i-dg MA-matus Lrt'y-ma LY-ce'tus Lyx-'aa MAen',-los 4 Mam-er-ci'nus Lotus, or'to-uis Ly-cWtum Ly-zItnj-is Maent'a-lis 4 MaI'mer Loxti-as 1 L'Lych'ni-dus. M t'ni-iis Ma-mer'thog Li'ca-guis Lych-nI'tis Mento-ba 4 Mim-er-ti'na Lu-catni Lyici-.a 1' MAn-o-b'tra4 Mam-er-tI'ni Lu'-cafni-a LyLri-ds m e. Mam'nas Maim-er-tilnus Lu-ca-nl'a-cus Ly-clm'ni-a Mme-nomte-ni a Ma-milti-a Lu-canti-cis Ly-citnus Miatca MMe'non Ma-ml'i-uss Lu-ca' ni-is Ly'tci-us 1, or Mic-.a-rgis Melenus Mam-motnas Lup-c.tnus Ly-ci'us (a.) MAct'a-redis 6 Mine'n Ma-mi-ri-atnus Lutcan Lyc9o-a M.a-catri-a Mfeto-n:: Ma.-mutri-us Lu-catri-a, or LY-cotle-on MAicta-rls Mma-6'ni-a Ma-ne'thpn Lu-cetri-a Lyc-o-mf'de~ d Ma-ca.ri-us M8al-onti-dm Al-n~sta-bal Luc-ce'i-us 3 Lyc-o-me'di-us Mic'ta-ron Mte-6nti-d6~ Man-ci'nus Lufce-rIm Ly-cs'ne Ma-cAr'ta-tis Mato/-nis MIan-dalne, or Lu-cetri-us Lyc-o-ne'sus Ma-cattus MAe-'ttae MAInda-ne Lu-ce'tt-iis 1 LY-c6n1!-di M~e'ei-is 1 Mm-5'tj-a 1 an-c-d c- Ma 1 a nLutci-a 1 Ly-cS'pel Malte-d5 Mee-St'q-cus Man-de'la Lii-ci-atnus 1 L'cto-phron MAI-e-d6'ni-a Me-6tt'i-dg~ Man-d6'ni-us Lfftci-an Ly-clpq-l11s Mal-e-d6nri-cus Mme-a'tis Pa'lus Man'dro-c1eq Li~c-fer L'yc-o-pp-li'tF MA.a-e-do'nj-us Mwa'li-a Syl'va 1 Man-dro-cl1tdas Lu-C311iLS LY-co'pus MLa-ce'ris Mmo-so'lus Man-di'bi-i Lu-cilrii-iis Lyc-o-re'a Maq-e-ritnus Mtet'o-na 4 Man-du-bratti-5s 1 Lu-cI'tn Ly-cS'reus 6 MI'.e-ta Mte'vj-a Man-du'rji-. Lu-ci9o-l1s Ly-cotri-as Mate-tw Mmtvi_,s Mnte-ros Luci —c'ris 1 Ly-cris Ma-chmelrefis 6 Magta-ba MitnBp Lu-c ra/ti-a 1 L ayc-o-sii'rt Ma-chlm'ri-5 MAg-a-dartie Man'e-th5l Lu-cratti-lls Ly-cottas MAa-che'rus MAg'd1-l15m, or Matni-a Lu-cretti-us 1 Lyc-o-ze'a Ma-Mhant!-dls Mlag-dt'lum Maa-nil'i-a Lu-crltnus Lyc-'ur-gride~ MMa-ch aton Mpa-Tlla Ma-ml'-us Lutcris Ly'de Ma-cha'o-nlp Mtl'e.-twe Man'i-ml Luc-tatti-us 1 Lyd' i-a Ma-ihattas Mat-e-tI'bri-a Ma'ni-us Luc-te'ri-us Ly-di'a-dg~ MAch-e-l.6'ne MI/gI Man'h-a Lu'cu-ma Lydti-us Ma-cllhlrus Mal'- i-us Mln-li-atn.a Lu-cu- ml'ni-ls Lyg'da-mais M&acl-e-te'ig Mag7l a Gre'ci-a 1 Man'l- us Lu-da-v.Tcus Lyg/i Mactll'-i-'nus Mag-nhn't!-us 1 Man-nfe'-a 3 L'dpdQ-vzc, Lnwris, Lym'i-ri Ma-cort'-bta, or MAg-nte'i-a 1 Man-nu'-ius 3 L8b'us Lyn-cs'tat MAc-9-ratba MAg-ne6ttIa Man-suattpVs GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES: 343 Mran-tE'fum Mar'sy-. 1 Max-in'ti-is 1 Me- Itsfti- Mtn-.a-lp'prps Man-ti-a'na 1 Mtar-sy'a-bat Mlax-'r., or -rl s Me-st'ti-ds Me-nan'der M6n-ti-n'tl a M15r'sy-Is 1 Max-t'rae Me-As'tg-nus M~ n'a-pt Miinti-nefis 6 Mrf'ti-a 1 Mgax-lm-i-itnus Me-lher-dat'tl Me-na'pi-i M-tn'ti-us 1 Mar-ti- alis 1 lJ&az-mnz -an, Me-h fnae Me n' a-pys Mand tu-a a Ma rt'ial Max- i mUli- na Ml-.m-pea Men-che'rel Man-t.-o anus Mar-to a'nus 1 Mix-4-mi/na M1l1-am-py'gks Mn'dde Mavir-.a-cain'da Mar-t Ioe-na MIx-i-mI'nus Ml-an-cln Mne-cll Mar'a-tha Mar-ti na aJ.Idx'-ma' Me-lin'c-m. s Me en-. -cl'de Mart a-then Mar-ton-i-tnuus 1 Mxr-inns M a- Men-e-c'lus Maoir'a-thurs Mar tltnus Mjz'Ll-c' m a-ns Me-necfra tel totr -celt h'nus lMar'ti-us I MIz'a ce Mi'lg-neus 6 Men-e-dd'mus Ma'jtci-.a 1' Mar-ty-rp'g-1lis Ma-zoroe, or M-ni- Me-neA'e-tas, or Mat-ci- a'nt 1 Ma'ry-Sn uMz'gara Me-Lti- Me-n'e-' tel Mar-ci-a'nus 1 s'l Miz'e- rs Ml_.a-niptpi-d6~ Me e l:a oa ciI?.'cc-a ee~M. s-m-sylal'-I M i- ce Mel-a —nlp'p3s Men-e-latus Mar-cdl-i-,'nus Mas-ce'zel Iz'y Mz 1M- a-npus Me-nemra'chus M l'i u-614s AMlas'cli In Me'a_,r-is M11-a-nle'y-r! Me netni-us MIar'ci-6n 1 Maos-i-'tn MIch'a-neiis 6 Me-lan'theds 6 Menle phron MItarci-us 1 Ma-sis'ti-uts Me-cos'teus 6 Me.-In'thi-I Mo'ue Mar-co-mcemnno, or Ma i-us M'i n 1 Me-ce'nas, o Me-lan'thi-en Me-nes'thefs, or Mar-cem'a-ni Mao'sa-g Me-caonuas Mge-ln'thi-us Mnes'theus 6 Mar-cemfe-ret Mas-sa'e-tte MI-e-na'tEl Me-le-a*ter Me-n s'the-l PirM'ar'di-a Mas-sa no Mlic'ri-da Me-le-ga'ri-del tus Mar'do-ner Mas-so.tnf Me-dea Me- -le a'gros Me' nes'thi~us Mar- d'ni-i us tLI si-c's io Me'de-en Mo'lel1 Me-nes tta-tus Ma-re-et'i-cu.s 9as-so-e'nt I Mt'd(-.a Il'e-se M.n'e-tas Ma-re etis asli-a M'd d-as Me-le.'i-s 1 Me-nex'e-nus Mar-ga-rita Maos-si'ra MId'ri-cus M111-e-si'e-nu1, or Me-nop'pi-dej MUr- i-&1na Mas-sy'la MO-di-o-la'num Mel s'u M'ni-us Mar-o gn'i-a Mas-sy'lI Me-do'e-MIm Mol'e-to Me-noch'a-req Mar-gI'teq Mas-traim'e-l a Me-di-o-ma-tri'cel, Me-le'ti-us 1 Men- -dI'r us Ma'ri-., and Maoas-t i-a 1 or Me-di-o-emat'- Me-l1'tus Me-ned'o9-tus Mao-ro'a Mas'u-lis ri-cP, or -c Ml a Me-no'cefs (n.) 6 Ma-roia-bha Ma-suf'i-is Metdi-en Me-lbloho-c$u Mn-co-ce'us (a.) Ma-ri-a'na Maa-ter-ni-5'nus Mt-di-oxtu-mI Mel-oZ ha Mon-ce-titoa-dd Ma-ri-a'nme Fossrte Ma-tho'on MdW —triona Mlo-beus Me-norius 1 Mari- an-dy'na Ma-tid'i-g Me-de'a-co or Mel'oci-ches M.e-ni'e-neg Ma-ri-an-dy'num Ma-ti-oen 1 MA e-d'a-cus M I' — Me-nelpi- lus Ma-rl-a'num'rn Ma-ttn'i-os MId'ao-bi-thy'nu Ml1-1-gatnis Men'to-rot Mda-iia'nus Ma-tin'us Mmd-e-bro'gg ~.Me-long Me-phli'tis Mta-rotca Ma'ti-us 1 MAd'o-cs Mie- or Mer-ca'ttr Ma-ri'ci M~a-tra'li-a Me-don'ti-s 1 Mel'i-sa, or -so MAer-cu'ri-us Mar'i-cos Ma'tre-as M.-de'res Ml- is-se'tnus fMrtcu-ry Maro-i-df'nyum Ma trinfi-a MId-u-'.ton Mle-lfsseus 6 Me-ri'o-nej MWa-iona Ma-tron'i-qs Md'u-li Mel'i ta Mier'me-rs, or Ma-roInus Ma-trilnus Mid-.ul-ltnoa Mel'i-t o Mir'me-ris MI'ri, In Ma -trs'na Md-.ul-lit'nus Ml+j-tt'na, or -ne irmeon'dade Mair i-ss MVt'ro-nta, river. Me-dufsa Mel'i-tees 6 Mir'mo-das Ma-riotta M9t-rq-nfIli-. MIg-a-by'zo Ml'.i-to Mer-o-brioca Mga-ritti-m rt Mat-tit' -cI Mig-a-by'zus Me-littus, oso Mr'e oMirui-i s Mtao-ti'ce-tai MIg'a-clot Me-l'tus Mair'e-p Marom'a-cos Ma-ta'rus M g-a-cli rde Mlli- us Miro -pis Mar-marlci-ct M-t't Mg-a-dtrcus Me-lo'bi- s MoruI-la Mar-ma r'i-dm Mat-u-titnus Mg g'a-le Me-16b'o-se s Ma-sob'a -t1 Mgr-m atri-n Mku'ra M.e-g'leaes M -o -dA'ruin Me-s'bi-ius Marao-bhd'u-I Miu-ri-ci-'/nus I Mg-.a-l' a 1 Mel-5'na Me s-a-n'tet Mdr-o-biadu-i' Miu-rt"ci-s 1 Me-ga'li-a Mel-pioa Me-sa'pi-a Mar- -ba'dorm Mcla,'rce Mig-a-l;ope-1Is Mel-pm.'e-no M e-srm'bro-t Mar-o-ne no MIu-rt'cus (n.) Meg-a-me'de Me-mriG'e-n Me-soene Mar-o-nill'us Muri- (a) M g-a-nirra MtIn'mi-a Mes'o-a Mar-pe't-.a I MIu;rji-t.ni-a I Mgz-r Me m-mi'a-dj Mesa-o-mre'det Mar-p'tsus Mai-ri"ti-us 1'l Mogtat-reos (n.) 6 M1mtmi-61s Moos_ epoata'mt Mar-rutbi-a M. u-r't.i-a 1 Mgag-a-rctus (a.) Mem-nn'n-'-di Mes'pi-la Mir-ruc conl MOnu-ruti'- 1 Mog'a-rus Mmn-o-no-i'um Mesosab'a-too Mar-ryuvi-um, or Mou-so-let'um Meg-a-rloni-del Mem-phi'tis Mes-sa'la Mar-rubi-im MIu-se'lo Me-g s'the-no$ Men'g-cI Mos-sa-l'na Moir'sto-l Miu-sa'lus Meg-.a-t'chus Me-nuchmrus 4 Mos-soa-linus Mar'soe M -virtto -t 1 Me'gor Me n'to-fis Mes-sanu MLarlpi-ter MM-vbr'ti-ou Mo-gis ta Me-nal'fci-dis Mes-sa'pus g44 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. MlIssa-tts Mid.i-As Mne-milu.m 5 Mipt's-pus Mi'tty-eg ples-se'js MI-etza Mne-mnt'i-d6g 5 Mip-su-cretne Mu-ze'ris M.es-setne, or M-latni-Sn t Mne-mos'y-ne 5 Mip-su-es'tti- 1 My'cta-le Mes-seina M-1l'fi- 1I Mnis-i-btilus 5 Mor-gaan'ti-um 1 My-ce'na Mes-sa'ni-a Mi-le'fi-us 1 Mns'i-clse 5 Mor-en1ti-a 1 My-cefnTe Mes-seani-O MI-l'ti-. a 1 ines-i-dq'mus 5 Mor-e telt My-c'ne Mes-se'nus Mi-le/tai-um 1 Mnes-i-de'mus 5 Mor-i-melne My-cnetus 6 Mes'si-us 1 sMi-littos, or -tus Mnes-i-latus 5 MSrie-nt My-e- rtnus MQes-ssgis Milli-as Mne-sil'o-chus 5 Mr/'i-nus My-i-brnna Me-sii'l Mi-lifnus Mne-sImra-clle 5 Mer-i-tisaga.s Myyq'-tihus Metfa-bus Mil-i —'ni-a Mne-slm'-chas s 5 M'rri-us Myc'e-ne iMet-a-git'ni-a Mll-i-'tni-is Mne-slphlis-lis 5 Mirtpheus 6 Iyc'co-nos Metaa-gon Mi-liz-i-t'ris Mne-sithle-us 5 Moar'si-mus MJ-ec'pho-res Me6t-a-go-nlftis Mi-1i'ni-us' Mns'theius 5, 6 Mer'y-chus My-6onus Met-a-inor-phi'sjs Mil'phi- Mnas'thi-ts 5 Mostrcha Mlgy.a-le Met-a-noela Mil-ti'a-d MnEs'tSi- 5 Mast'hi-ci Montte Myg'dao-ne Met-a-nlra Mlavi'v-us Mo-a-biltm Mas'thi-sn Myg-datni-sp'Mat-a-pone-t'lnl Mi'y-las Mo-at.'e-tat Mos-cho-pii'lus Myg-den'q-de Mat-a-panstum Mim-nil'dus Mo-crle.-tie Mschas' Myg'do-n us Me-tau'rus Mintci- -is Mid-es-ti'nus Marge - M'ija-gr5s Me6-tv'is' Min'da-ris M'di-'a Mes-sy-neci I My-io'de Met-el-ltnum Ma-ni''i-di1 MMid'o-nus Mos-ttena M1 l'-s Met-e-re'a Mt-neir'va Met'ci-a 1 MQ-sy'chlhies M'yle Me-tiia'na, or Min-er-vtli-ap Maetnus Mos-y-siaec! M'ledis 6 Math's- a -n Mi-nr'vi-s Mce'n Mo-sy'ni MDTyni'do-nR Me-thltpus Mlln-er-vil'n Mce-ne'j-deg MQ-thotlne _ Ml'ni Me-thatoin Minti-5 MAce-ra'b-ne Mo-ti-etni I Mynt'iMe-thi'di-tis Mi-nISia Mce-rage-te Moty-a, or Mo-ty'a My'o-ne Me-that'ne Ml-noti-dig MCIo'ris Max-o-etne' M-o-ne'sus Methl o-ri a Mi-nt'is Mrer'o-cleg 4 o'y ses My-ni-a Me-thu'ri-die MSn-o-t-autrus Mce'fj-a 1 Mi-ci-afnus 1 Myr.a-ce Me-thyd'ri-tlm Min'the Mo-gsinsti-a I Mu'cs-us i Myrta-cie Mei-.-a-ctausa 1 Miin-tiirses Mog-un-ti'a-cinm Mu-iil-la'nlus Myr-c'inus Mle-tlV'i-a Ml-n-i-ca!'nus 1 Mo-y'nl Ml'ci-ber Mytr'ge-twe Me-tilli-' Ml-nfi'tci-s i Mo-li'a, or -ltia M ui-hli.a, or My-ri'ca Me-tlliss Mi-ntati-a 1 Mpo-li'n Mu-ltifcha My-ri'ce Me-til'i-us Mt-neftti-us 1 io-i'-ne Mo-l'vi-us Piljn My-ri'css Mie-talo-chis Minty-e Mo-lito-nig Mu-natti —s 1 My-ritna Me -tton. Min'y-as Mo-1is'si-al Mu-ni'tus Myr-n nus (n.) Mlrti-us 1 Minty-cis Mol-pa'di-a Mu-nych'i-a My-ritnus (a.) Mtt-ao-chi'tt Min-y-I'a Mol-pagt'o-ris Mu t'ny —ch' s Myr'i-ce Me -tcetci-a 1 Mnt'y-ttis MolIpefis 6 Mu-rwe'na Myr- -sony-ma Me-t'tpus Mir'a-cei Ml-y-cri't.sm Mur-cibt'i- Myr-lt'a Metto-rae Mir-o-bri'gpa Mo-lyctri-a Mu-ri'np Myr-mnq'i-del Me'tra Mi-sat'e- o-i - Mu-lye'rj-n MA-ri'tus lyr-me ci-un m 1 Me-trofa Mls-ar-_yrli-dit Mo-ly'ns Mu-ri-dutnum M'yrmi-don Me b-tro s Mis'c-rs Mso-IM achi-Uh m Mur-gan'ti-a 1 Myr-md'ao-net Mettro-ciat Mi-setnnum Mbin'.-ahus Mur-ratnus My-rS-ani-a'nu s Mat-_ro-dtrus Mi-setnus Mo-nte'sus Mur-rhi'nus My-ronti-d'o Me-trtpto-lis Mis-i' te Mo-netisei Mur-rhi'tnp My-r tnus Me-tre'um Mi-sithte-ts Mo-nt'sus Muir'ti-a 1 Myrtrhi-nus Mat'ti-us MIth-ra-daM'teA MSo-net't MI'a, An-tiiitj-us Myr'si-lus Me-tu'lum Mi'thras Mon'j-cpa Mtu' Myr'ts-nus Me-v'nsi-a Mi-thrS'nei Mn'i-map Mu-sat'e-tit Myr'ttale Metlvi-is Mith-ri-datteg Mn'i-miis Mu-E.a Myr'te-a, Venus Me-zen'ti-zis 1 Mith-ri-dAt'i-cis MAin-o-batzals Mls-gei'tmn Myr-teta, city. Maz-e-t alus Mith-ri-dattis MSn-o-dac'ty-lus -Ms-si-cti'nus Myr'ti-lMs Mls-_a ca'trus Mith-ro-bar-z'.tni Minlo-diis Mu-sS-ni-afnus Myr'ti-ulln 1 MlI-cefa Mit-y-lnmee Mg-nme'cus Mu-so'nij-us Rtfh'us Myr-to'um M-'a MI-ce'ie Mlt-y-li'ne MIo-nS'le-is Mus-tse'lt Myr-tiitus Mitcha-il Mna-salicil 5 Misn'o-mis Mu'te 5'yr-trl'ti-um Miftci'o' Mna'se-as 5 Mo-noiph'la-: Mu'ti-a 1 Myr-taI'sa Mic'i-ti Metna'/i-s 1, 5 Ms-noph'i-iis Mu-talca Mys'ce-l6s Mt3'y-thiis Mnias'i-clie 5 Mo-snistce-li Mu-ttl'i-a My"j-tis 1 Mld-.a-t'um, or Mnat-s'llo-hiUs 5 Mo-nsth-e-l'ta Mu'ti-lss IMys-9-ma-cnd'Q Mid-a —i'on Mna-stp'pi-das 5 Mon-tt'nus M,'ti-na ne Mi'de Mna-sltihe-tis 5 MSnty-hts Mu-titnu s Mys-ttal'i-do Mi-de',,nymrph. Mntass —titmus 5 Monty-mus Mi'ti-us 1 Mys'tet Mi-d'/a, or Mntp-sy'lus 5 MPp'ssi-iAm 1 Mu-tun'nus M1-th'e- cus Mid'e-p, city. Mnp-syr'.-im 5 Mop-so'pii- Mu-tistca My-thid'i-ce GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 345 Myt-i-1t'ne NAu'pli-a Ne-a'the-iis NTc-e-te'ri-g NMc-tu-T'nus My-tIs'tra-tis NAu-plifa-d~e Nefpe N'd'ci-a 1 No-ditnus Nautpli-os NMpfe-tt Ni-ci'a-de No-d'tu s Nau'pli-his Ne-pha'li- Nil"ci as 1 No-ef'mon Nau-piJr'tus Nephte-le N1c-o-bi'le NQ-e'ttsS N. Nau'ra Nph-.e-l1eis Nic-o-bi'lus NQ-lanius NMu-sic'a-.a Nph'e-Ils Ni-coch'a -reg Nom'a-des Nab-ar-zlarn6 NMu-sic'a-a Niph-e-ri'teq Niclo-cldg No'mm Nab-a-te'l Nlu'si-clig Ne-pi'a Nl-cocfra-tti NMm-en-tatnus Nabfa-theg NMu-simte-n - Ne-po-ti-atnus 1 Ni-ci'cre-on Notmi-l NPiac'c-ria N.u-si-nlicils Nep-tu-na'li~y Nlc-o-dadmus N9-mi'9n NWaco-le N u-siph'a-net Nep-tduni-.a Nic —dde'mus No-mi-us Nic-9-6La', or -lIi' Nau-sTlstra-t;a Nep-tu-nifne Nic-.o-dotrus No-mlphly-lix NSicto-nI Nku-slthl'o-iis Nep-tu'ni-uim Ni-cod'ro-mus N6n-a-crltnus Nac'ra-sa Nnus'ttfo Nep-tn'ni-us Nic-o-la.us No-na'cris, or Na-dag'a-ra Nauftge Nep-tutnus Ni-c'li-is N-n'.a-cris Nre'ni-.a Na'vi-us JVIp'tuaile Ni-c llo-tchus Ntne N te'vj-a Na-za/ri-us Ne-ra'tji-is 1 Ni-conm1a-cha No-ni-atnus Nfe'vi-iis Na-zi-an-ze'nus 1 Ne-reti-dlg Nic-o-naclh'i-dig NO'ni-hs Nav'o-lis 4.3a-zi-'i7'zen I ~e'? e- dr NI-com'.a-chus Nintni-As Nag'a-ra Ne-tm'ra Ne-re-I'ne Nec-o-me'de Non'no-sus Na-ie'ri,osi-r! Ne-U1'e Ne-re'fs, or Nic-y-in-di'e NI'pi-a, or Na-han-.ar-va'll, Nge-l'celg Ne're-ls J'ic-Q-mn'di-a Cno'pi-a 5 Na-har-va'lI, Or Ne-an-dr~'a Ne-re'i-us 3 Ni-co'ji-.a, or -um NQr-batna Na-har'va-lI Ne-5p'ta-phss Ne-re'tum NI-c6ph'ya-neg Nor-ba'nus Na-'sa-deq Ne 4p'Qo-ls Ne'reuis (n.) 6 Nle't-ph-on No-rl"ci-l 1 Na'i-as 3 Ne-artchus Ne-r'tus (a.) Nic'Q-phrdn Nor'i-cum Na-mu'sa Ne-brddeg Nerqi-cuim, or -cis Ni-clp'o-lls Nir'ti-. a 1 Nam-ngeteg Ne-brtphto-nos Ne-ri-t'ne NI-cls'the-nig NMs-o-co-milum Nar-a-gfu'na Nbtu-la Ne-rtn'e NI-cls'tra-tus Ns's-ra Nan-nt'i-us 3 Ne-ces'si-tas Ne'ri-o Ni-cot-e-1'y No'ti-Uim I Nan-nzetSo Ng'hllos Nrt'i-phis NI-cStte-1le No-vatri-a Nan-tu-a'teg, or-tae Ne-crop'o-Rls Nie-ri'te Ni-ctlttho- NQ-v-a-ti-atnus I Nap'a-ris Nec-tin'.a-bis Nirti-tls, or -tai Ni'.er JVQ-vattian Na-patta Nec-tlnfe-bus Nerti-tim NI-gld'i-5s No-va'tus Na'ep Nec-talri us Ne'ri-hm Ni-ira N-vem-pa Na-pe'gis Nezc-ti-bg'reg Ni'ri-us Ni-gre'tte Ni-vem-p6pu-l'i Naph'i-lns Ne-cy'"gi-a 1 Ne-rotni-a Ni-gri'nus Nv'e -rus Na-poicqa Ne-i'tae Nir-u-litnus Ni-gri'tme No-ver'i-um 1 Na -rag'a-rt Ne'leas (?.) 6 Nir'u-lnim Ni-lamon No-vi-o-dn'numn Na-rav.as Ne-1'.is (a.) N6er'i-I Ni'leus 6 No-vj-imn'a-gUm Nar-bi'na Ne.-litde Ner'vi-is Ni-15qt? No-vi-om'a-gis Nar-caeous Ne'me-a, city. Ns-ac'ti-im 1e-n N-ix-ns Nuvi-is Nafrfga-ra Ne-me'a, or Ne-sl'des Ninte-vO Niv-o-ci'mum Nart'ni-a NWtmee-a, games. Ne-slm'ta-hs Nlni-as, or Nq-vom'a-gus Na-rotna N'mng Nie-i-otpe 1 Nln'y-as N'utb Nar-the'cis Nimfe-sa Ne-si-otte I Nln'ni-tis Nu-ceiri-a Na-ry"ci-a 1 Ne-me- i-atnus 1 Ne-sotpe Nnt'-o Nu'ci-us 1 NVr'y-ciis Nen'e-sis Nestpe.-tls Ninty-s Nt'cri'~ NasWa-mon Ne-me'si-us 1 Nes-s onis Nito-bg Nu-lth'o-ne, or Nas-a-mo'ntg N e-nim'ti Nes'tt-cl'~ Ni-phatteg N-ij-tho'n~e Nastci-o 1, or Ne-mgtus (a.) Nes-ttir'-deg Ni'phe Nu-mt'na Natti- 1 Nem-o-ratl i-t Nes-to'ri —s Nl'reas 6 Nu-man'ti-a 1 Na-si'ca NZ-o-b1'le Ne'fri NY-swe'a Nd-man-titna Na-sid-ji-enus Ni-o-cies-a-r6ea 4 Ni -cen'e-tis 4 Ni-sav'us Nf-mian-titnu's Na-sidti-s., Ne-o-cho'rius Ni-cdag'o-rs NI-so'i-a 3 Nu-m5anus Rtm'uNMs'u-a Nito-clea Ni-ca'nor Nt-sOeis ris (Zs Na-tatli-a Ne-o-cllde. N-carlchus Nis-i-be'nus Nfi'ma PQm-pilllNy-ta'lis Ne-c'to-ros, or Ni-car'e-te Nis'i-bls Nti'me-nlg Nau-b51'i-deg Ne-octo-rus Nic-ayr-thl'dg Ni-si'pe Nu-me'ni-a, or Nau'bo-lis Ne-:or'e-ne Ni-ca'ttor Ni-sy'ros, or -rus Ne-o-me'ni-a NMu-cli'deg Ne —o-la'us Ni-cat'o-rls Ni-te/ts Nu-in'ni-As Nun'co-lus Ne-om'al-gs NI'cye Ni-t!-obtri-es, or Nu-me'ri-a Nut'cra-tt Ni-9-me nni-a Ni'fe-. a Ni-ti-a.-brit'g Nu-mg-ri-atnus N.u'cra-tls N-ao-me'ris Nlq-e-phltri-iis Ni-ttocris Nu-mg'ri-tis Nau-c'deag NP-on-ti'chos Ni-cephlo-ris Nitfri-a Nu-ml"ci-is 1 Nau'lo-cha Ni'so-phron Ni-crt'a-ts Ni-vatri-a Nu-m.'cus NIu'lo-chuim Ne-iphty-ttis NYlte-ros Ni-vom'y-gus Nuitmi-d' Nuu'lo-yhus Ne-op-to1le-muii Ni-cettas No-bil'i-ir Nu-midti-a Niu-pctt'ts Neo-rls N!-ce'ttg NMc-t-ilu'cq N~-m1d'i-cAis 4A6 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Nu-mid'i-As O-cel-lo-dltrum (E-ni'td blo'Q-rus 9-phitgn Nu-m-i-a'nus iqte-liimn CEno-e 4 O-lu'trusO-ph'to-ng4 Nu-ml' /i-6s 1 O-ghlni-us (CE-nom'a-uis O-lyb'ri-tis O.phi'o-neas 6 Nutmi-tair O-che'si —is 1 CE-no'ne, or -nt 0l-ym-pl'ne O-phji-on'i-da~ Na-mi-to'ri-us 6ch'i-fu's (E-nophty-t 0O-lym'pi-a 6'1phis Nu m'fni-us /i0h'ry-n.oE-n'pE-n a 61-ym-ptl'-d1e /ph-i-tata Nun c6tre-is Otrhus CE-nop'i-da6 O-lym'pi-as O-phl'te Nuin'di-na Oc h-y-r'tmt CE3-no'pji-6n 0-lymtpi-cis o-phi-l'chus Nnt'di-nfe O-ca'.lum (3-nh'trl O-lNm-pj-'tu.m -phi-uisa' Niir'sj-a 1 O-rert'i-a 1 i(E-n6ttri-.a Q-lym-pi-9-ds'rus Oph-ry-ngtum Ndttri-a (j-crcto-lr (E-ti-deg O-lym-pi-o-n lc1 iSpi-ci Nyc-te'is O-crdt'i-6n CE-nt'trq-pan O-lym-pJ-ostthe-n9~ Q-p.'e-na Nyc-teti-i Q-cri1"'i-. a 1 CE-nt'trus ~-lymtp-iis O-pli-us Nyc-tetli-us (,c-ta-c~lti-Cs (E-nfisae Ol-ym-pt ssa' O -pltma Sp6lti-t Nyctteus 6 6c-ta-vetnus (E-o-b'atzus O-ly'ras Q-pim-i-1anus Nycttj-l1s Oc-tatvi-a E-61ty-cus O-ltzon O-plmti-us Nyc'ti-lis Oc-ta-vi-atnus CE-6'nus O-matri-us 6pti-ter Nyc-tlm'e-nl Oc-ta'vi-ius 0 Q-er' 6Intbri c Op-'-ter-91'ni Nyfcti-mus ( c-to-d'rus (E-sYtme Om'bri-os ()-pi'te Nym-betrum- oc-to-getsa (E'tt Om-bro'nCe Opt'-is Nym'phae O-cy.a-lis. Etty-lii, or 6mto-1e, or O-po'ne XJ1mplls Q-cyp'e -t CEt'y-liim 4 Homt'o-1le -potpeis 6 Nym-phe'tus O-cyrto-e 0-flftli-' s 6m-o-pha'~i-a Q-por'i-niis Nym-phid-j-atnus Od'a-tis Og-dolfa-pls Omt'pha-ca Optpi-a Nym-phldji-us iOd-e-nattus Og-dotrus Omt'pha-le Op-pi-an'i-cis Nym-pho-d6'rus O-det'um ] gte-1ios Om-pharli-in (p-pi-atnus Nyln-ph-16p'itte6 (-ditnus Og-i6'sqa (m'pha-los Optpi-an Nym-phlom't-nq O-dittei og'mji-us O-ne'rum, or Op-pld'i-is Nyp'si-is 1 O'di-ius O-ga' O-e0 ne-um u p'pt-diim NXtvtu N3.-sm.us Od-o-1tcer, or Q-giltni-. On'a-.er Op-ta-tyus N3-se'i-hs 3 O-do'a-cer Q-gultni-iis bn'aa-rus, or Op'tj-mus Nj-sglon, or -um O-datca O'y-~Se O-na'rus O-puln'ti-a I NY'seds 6 Od-o-man'tti 0- i-.a 0-ntis.i-mUs O-rac'u-lMm Ny-si.a-dgg - d'o-neS O-y'ij-ds On'.a-ss Or'a-sas Nytsi-ae Pdr'tze 1 Odr'ry-se O y-ris O-al'tas O-ra'ta Nyl'si-Ls 1 d(d-ys-sita 0 i-cl3 Ou-ctumrn Or-be'lus Ny-sI'ros Od'ys-sey O'i-cleus 6 On cIhes-mI'tEg Or-bl"ci-us Ny.tsi-uts 1 6d-ys-sWeum O-illeas 6 OntghleUs 6 (irtbi-us Nys-setnus O-dystseus 6 0-i-lita-dX O6ntcho-6 Or-bo'ng _ystsden'(Ea-.er -i-litd~ Q-ntum Orfcaa-de a-qgrus, or 6l.a-ne on-e-slctri-tus Or-chatlls O1g-adgrus Q-l1anus O-nes'i-mus ori'ha-mus CE-a'the and ol'ba-sa Q-nrLei-us 1 Or-chis-tetne CE-an-thl'a Ol-bt'lus O-n'ttor Or-clsmt'e-n'im CE-an-thet'a ol'bi-a On-e-tor'i-d6E Or-hlomte-nu s O'a-nius O-ian'the-e oil'bi-us O-nl'on Or-cl'nus O-a'ri-on CE'a-so ol'ca-de O-nlt;m -cyn'n1-a. O -11r' seo; Or-hatlji-a (1-cha-chitel 6nto-bha Or-de'sus o'-rus (E-btlli-del Ol-1hni-uirnm O-n-ob.a-las 0r-do-vI'cem 0o7-sls (Eb. a-ls 4 Q-lea-res, or' On —cho'nuus O-re'a-deg O-ax't Eb'ta-re 4 O-lita-rros On-o -nictri-ts 6o1e-adf Oblo-da (EEb'a-stis 4 O-len'l de On -o-mas-torli-d6m O-retas, nymph. ob to-d-b'tas O-le'ni-e On-o-m'asttus otre-as, man. Obtri-mas CE'breis 6 l'e.-nos 5nto-phas 0're-6s ob'lri-mo (CE:-h1i'l-a - nun ntophes-phis s Ob'ri-mus C:'cleuis 6' l'e-nus On-'n-san'der O-resfte ib'tse-quBnl~ O-cl!i'dt 4 0l1te-rus 0-niugna-thus 0-restte.b-ui-tro'ni-ls O-etclus o'le-um o-i su'phis Or-es-te u m O-ca'le-a, or CElc-u-m'ni-iis 4 O-lin'i-e 0 ny'tes O-resltheuis 6 nc-a-lI'ta CE-dip'o-de 61-i-sisp, o0 O-ny'thCg Or-es-tit'dr O-ca'ie-a (OEd-i-pofdi-a 4 01-y-slp p1 0 -p'tl-.a Or-es-titdes, and Oc-cnat'i-5 1 CEd-i-po-diton 4 ti-i-rlnt0l O-p6l'i-cns O-rlstti-deg O-c'a-na (0d-{-pld-i-ni- O-li'zon Oph'e-las rte-te O-ce-Iani-deg, and CEd'i-pus 4 [d1 4 i 4'li-us O-ph'1l!-6n Or-e-t'atn O-ce-a-nlttj-d6g 1 CE-nlnan'th69 Ol-1lovi-co Q-ph6l'tta (r-.e-tll'io-ce-a-ni'ne 1 OE'ine-ta - lmi-ae O'phi-a O-rettum o-cg-a-nltis 1 CEn-e-t'ne 4 Ol-mt'us, or O-phita-d1 C O're-iis O-ceta-nus CEtneus (n.) 6 Ol-m'tus 6-phi-nanus f (-cSfi-a 3 (E-infus (a.) 1 Ol-mo'tne ophi-6s Or'tg-na 9-cetlis E-nIt'-dwe l1Q-cYrus O-ph-6fde Qr-ggt'g-rix GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 347 6r'li-a Osci-is 1 P-t P-tlus Pl-lan-tetunl PtWn'-pl Or-i-b i'gj-6s 1 Q-sln'i-uis Pac-tu-mr'i-q-s 3 Pal-lan'ti —s I Pan-o-pe'f O-ribta-sus O-1'YriS Pac'ty-as Pal-lan'ti-deg Pt-n1tpe-ae 6r'-cos 0 -slstmi-s.Pac'ty-eg Pal lan'ti-on 2 Pan'o-peg Ors'-cum, or Os'pha-gus Pa-cilvi-ius Pal-le'na Pan'o-peas 6 Or'si-cus (s-rOho-etne Pa-dte'l Pal-le'neos 6 Pa-no/pi-on Otri-eng Os-sonfo-ba Padfu-a Pal-mi'sos Pan'o-pis O-r&e- ne s-te-lde-dii's Palmy' Paa Pa-opo-ls,ai? l'- en Os'ti-a P'e'an Pal-my-re'ne Pian'ta-cl' O-ril'g Os-to'ri-us Pae-atne Pal'pe-tus Pan-tn'e-ttus 4 O-rf'ne 6s-tra-c'nne Pre-dar'i-tus Pal-phu'ri-us Pa'n-te'nus O -rtnus Os-trog'o-til Pmdd'a-sus 4 Pal-um-bh'num Pan-t.ag'a-thus o-ri-ob'aa-to Os-y-man'di-s Pa'di-is Pamdo-'tis Pan-taf i-a O-r'ton Ott'a-co Pog'ni-Arn 4 Pla-misus Pan-ta' i-as O-rt'os t-a'-cl'i-us Pa-ma'ni Pam'ma-chiis Pan-ta' e-on Onr-i-sull'l Llvsi- O-ta'/ni Paoon Pam'me- *n Pan-tau'chus O-ri'ttae O-tax'e$ P'-f-nog Pam'pa-gus Pan-te'le-us O-rlthti-aIs tth'm a -rls Pe-otni-a Pam'phi-la Pan'teis 6 e'r-i-thytia O-throunus Pa-on'i-d6~ Pam-phll/i-dls Pan-th'ta Or-i-thytos 6-thry'a-d P-ni- P phi-lis Pdm'poi- lus Pan'the-on, or O-r stti- as 1 O-thryto-neds 6 Pa't-plae Pam-phy'la, or -1 Pan-tliQgn O-ri'us O-thrylgi-us 1 P-rls'.a-deg P;am-phy'lis Panntle-uis O r'me-nls 0-treorri Ple'sos Pam-phy/lus Pan-thojsi-dg Or'me-nius O/treuis 6 P s'tium 4 P.m-pre/pi-us Pan'tho-us Or'ne-o, or Q-tra-del Pa -ta'ni-Uim Pan-.a-ce'a Pan-ticta-pe~ Or-nt so Ot-orynt'd P-tin P-t'nusn'a Pana-tIc'ii-um Or ne-attm. t-to-rocto-rae Pio-ta'vi-um Pa-nme'ti-ts 1 Pan-tol'a-bus Ortnefs 6, man. 0-vld'i-us Pa-gatnT Pan-ma-tt'lus Pa-ny.a-sls Or-neus, aCentaur. ovriod Pig'fa-s, or Pdan'a-reg Pa-n y'a -sus Or-ni'thon O-vnnti-a PAg'a-sa Pa-nar'e-tos Pa-pha'tegOr'ni-thus 0-vsn1-Us Pag'0a ss Pan-.a-ris'te Pa'phi-.a Ortnji-ths Ox'a-threg Pa-latci'j-m, or Pa-natth-e-nlea'a Patphi-e Or-nos'pa-dog Ox-i'tc Pa-ltji-um 1 Pan-cha eta Pa'phi-is Or-nyt'i-on 2 x'i-meg P1a-l-ip'o-ls P an-ehaqi'-a 3 Paph'll-g6n 6rtny-tos Ox-Ito-nue Pa-lheb'y-blts 4 Pan-chlatoe Paph-lgt'Q-nlg Orto-ba Ox y'a-reg Pta-lre'mon Pan'cra-tl e Paph-laf-go'nijO-ro'bi-a Ox-y-ca'nus P1-loe-it'o-giis Pan'cra-tis Pd-pi-a'nis O -ro bi- Ox-y-da'teg Pa-hlepla-phos 4 Pan-crarti- um 1 P51'pi-as Or'oh-bis Ox-yd'ra-cm P1l-ce-phlar-sal.lus Pptn-dae'a Pap'i-lus O-ro'deg Ox'y-los Pa-leoph'ta-tis 4 Pian-ddare-os Pa-pln-i-t'nus O-roe eteo Ox-y-neta Pa-mpt'o-ls 4 Pan-datri-a Pa-pzn'i-an' O-romn.e-don ox-y-opoum PIl-les-tt'na Pan'da-rus Pg-pan'i-fs Or-on-t'us (a.) Ox-yp'o-rcus Pa1-,es-tilnus Pan-da-tatri-a Pa-plrlj-a Osr-o-phlerneg Ox-y-ryn-chi'tte Pta-las'tra 4 Pan-da'tte Pta-pir-i-atnus O-ro'puos Qx-ythte-lnls Pa-loes'tri-a 4 Pgn-detmi-a Pa-pIr'-us Or'ot sa O-zene'o Pa-laetly-rus 4 Pan-de'mus Prapi-is O-ro'gi-us 1 O-zi'neg Pal'a-mas P~an-di'a Pa-prt'mjs O-ros'pe-da Oz'o-lae, oerOz'o-li Pal-a-meldeg Pan-ds'on Pa-pylri-hus Or-tto'n. Pal -a-tonus Pan-dl';o-ns Par-a-b ys ton drtphleus (so.) 6 Pa-la'ti-uim 1 Pin-do-ehfl'm Par-s-e hel —littm Or-phe'us (a.) Pa-le'a Pan-dor:a Par-a-cle'tus, or 6r'phi-tus. Pa-le'mon Pan-dot'i-a 1 Par-a-cliitus Orph-ne'tus Pal-fu-ri-atna Pan'ndro-sos Par-.a-dofsus Or-sdt'i-ce Pa-ca'ri-us Pal-fus'ri-us Sfi'ra Pat'ne-as Pa-roet.a-c' 4 Or-setis Pa-ca-ti-i'nus 1 Pal-i-bUithra, or Pa-nog'y-rais Pa-roat-.a-c'lne 4 Oir'si-neg Pa-caltts Pa-llb'o-thra Pin'e-Ils Pior-e-totni-' Or'ta-lus Pc'ci-is 1 Pal-i-bo-thr6tnI P ente-mos, month. Par-me-to'ni-umOr-thiaea, Pa-chltnus Pal —calnus Pa-netmus, man. Par a-l Or-thbg/o-ras Pa-ch'ami-us Pa-llfcs Pta-ne'.sm Par-a-li-pomte-na Orsthe Pt-,hymt'e-rtg Pa-l'cus Patn-w'tus Par't-lis Or'ths-.a Pg-e'nos, o -nbs Pa-l'i Pn-elor-nu Pa-l-a Pa el Pr —po-tatmi-n Or-tho'si-a 1 Pa-ci-atnus 1 PaI-l'lis Pa'ni-a Pa-ra'g- 1 Or-tho'sis Pat'ci-an' Pa-lon'dro-ms Pa-ni'a-sls Pts-ra'gi-as 1 Or-taona Pa-cZfti-ctis Pal-i-n ofrus Pdin-i-Az'ris Pa-reta Or-tyg'i-a Pa-c1l'i-us Pa-li-u'rus P1-no-otni um Parte-dr! (r-ty'gi-us Pdg'jls Pal-itcc'-pls Patni-us Pir-en-t6.tlj6-ri-An'der Pa -co-nj-V'nns Pal'a-lc de Pin'ni-cs Pnni-cs Par'is O-ry'us Pa-c'tni-us Pal/la-deg Pan'noQ-no Pi-rls'i-de Os't-cog PPco-rais Paal-la'dji-um Pitn-no'tn|- Pa-ril"-i 1 6s-h19-plho'rj8 Prc'tj-.a 1 Pal-la.nusm P1ng-ds'rus Par'i-ssu' 348 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. PR'ri-_im Pt-ro-cli'tde Pe-15tris Per-i-pho-rer'tus Phied'i-ma 4 Pd'ri-uis Pa-trol'clus Pe-lu'rum, or Per-i-plec-tOm'e- Phwed'i-miis 4 Pcr'me-nls PA'treon Pe-l'frus Pe-rts'ia-dt~ [nte Phrt'don Par-mreni-dte Pa-trSfus Pe-ld-si-5'tta 1 Pe-ris'te-r g Pha'drqi Par-melni-a Pat'ta-ia Pe-lifu'i-im 1 Pe- rs'the-n~e Phf,'dri-a Par'me-no Pat-ta-letne Pem'pe-lis Per-i-styilum, and Phme-drl'a-dts P'nar-nasus Pa-tul'ci-us 1 PPe-na'tt Pe-rls'ty-ltim Phed'ro-muns'4 Par-o-pam'i-sus, or Pa-tf'm us Pen-da'li-um Pe-rita-nius Phaed'y-ma 4 Par-o-pa-milsus Pau'la Pe-neti-a 3 Pe-ri'tus Phie-mtn'o-e Pa-rO'pirs Pau-ls'na Pe-netis Per-i-totni-uum Phre-niagt'-r Par-o-r, lor PSu-ln us Pu-lhnus Pe-ne'le- ius Pr'r, or Perto-ne Phr-nnar'e-te P.r-p5'ite-zus Pauu'lus Pe-rnto -pe Per'o-e Plhl'ni-as Par-rlia' i-a 1 Pau-sa'ni-as Pe-ne'os Per -1la Phan-9-mn tris 4 Pdirrha-sis Pa'lsis 1 Pe-ne'us Per-pe-rgctne Phte'nQn P- l'u1P a nr-r'u-i-s 1pn Ppo Pe-ncu-us Per-phi-re;etus Phm-6c' o -me, Pa.-tha-emist'i-rYs P. u-si-ly'pus Pen'i-das Pehr-sa-bo'ra Phrs'a-na 4 Per-tha.on Pau-ssmfa- chus Pelni-us Per-seta Phles'tus 4' Par-tha-onli-de Pax'ae-rnus- Pen-nl'ne Per-satis Phate-thiln Par-the'ni-a Pecti-us 1 Pen- tap'y-len Per-slp'Q-1Is Pha.-e-thon-tl'a-d64 Par-thC-rni-e Pe-da'ci-a I Pen-te-dac'ty-l1o Pertses Pha-e-thon'ti-dej Par-the'ns-i Pe-da'i-uilr Piin'te-le Pir'seas (n.) 6 Pha-e-thii'sa Patr-thenti-cc Pedra'ni Penll-tel'i-c Per-st'us (a.) Phelius Par-the'ni-us Pe-da'nii-us Pen-te-li'um Persij-a 1 Pha-tE ij-.a 1 Pir'lthe-onn PSd'a-sa, or -sus Pen-the.-si- e1a Pir'si-cus Ph'/i-nus Par-tthento pe Pe-di'a-dis Pn'theiis (n.) Per'si-us Flctcus 1 Phal-a-crt'ne P.r'the-nos Pe-di-ainius Pen-thf'us (a.) Pir'tj-nIAx Pha-lretci-us 1 Patrlthl-a Pe'di-as Pen-thit'de Per-tut'sa Pha-lai'cts Par-thi'ni Pe-di-alti-a Penfthi-lus Pe-ru'gni-a 1 Ph~a-le'i.-a, or -e 1 Par-thy-e'ne Pr -di-V c' Pep-.a-gm' e-nus PNr-u-ssinus Pha-lara, or Par-tic'u-16 Pe'di-us Pip-a-rc'thos Pes-cen'ni-us Phal'a-ra Pa-ry'a-drel Pe-gas'i-dci Pe-phre'do Pes'si-nus, or Phalt'a-ris Pa-ry-e3ttae Pegla-sis Perta-ttus Pes-sitnuss Pha-latr'us Pa-rst'a-de, Peg'a-sus Per-centni-us Pet'a-1r Phlt'ci-dln Par-rys'.a-tis, or Pe-lad'i-a Per-ct'pe Pe-t tli-a Phalle-ats Pgr-y-sa'tis Pe-l a'di-us Per-dWri-a 1 Petka-lis Pha-lt'refis 6, or Pa-str'ga-d% or Pelra-g"n Per-c'i-us 1 Pet'a-sos Pha-letre-tiis Pa-slr'ga-d Pe-lago-n Pe.r-ct PePe-teli-a Pha-l1'ri-a Pas-'hat'i-'us 1 Pl-.a-g'tni-us Per-e-gritna Pet-e-lr'nus Philte-ris Patse-as Pe-ls Per-e -gri'ns P'tte-on Phta-l'rrm Pas-i-bu'lta Pe-lasri-a Pe'reas 6 Pete -rOs Pha-e'r.us Pas'i-clei Pe-tast-cns PPsr'ga-mos Pe'te-us Phatli-is Pas-i-ctsnp'sa Pe-las-gi-c'tis Per'ga-maus Pet i-cus Pha-fitngus Pas —ime'lus Pc'la-te~ Per'ga-se Pe-tilti-a Plhal'li-ca Pas-i-pe'da Plt'e-cas Perg Pe-tlt'i- Pha-hl-'re' Pa-slph'a-e Pe-le'cni Per —ian'der Pe-till'-us Pha-lyf"si-js 1 Pa-siph ci-l P Pe-lnr —artcli.s Pet-o-si'ris Pha/mne-as Pa-slphli-lis P l-e- thr-bnic' Pr-i-btr Pha-nia'cei Pa-sitft-lge Pe-1ettro-n6r Pir-i-bstmi-us Pe-trie'a Pha-nia'us Pa-sXtli'o-e Pe'leus 6 Per' i-cl Per-trti'-us 3 Pha-nig'l-rY P1a-sitli-grls Petli-a Per-i-clym te-nus Pe-trinu.n Phane~ Pasfsa-ron Pa-li'a-deg Per-ic-tl'o-ne Pet-ro-cetri-s Phaini-a P~is-se-ritnus-as P esr-i-di'as Pe-trtnsa Pe-trtn hn-as Pis-si-e'nus 1 Pe-lindel Pe-ri-e-;cetts Pe-trbteni-us Phan-tliim Pvatra:1 P l- P-ieres Pret' ta-lus Phiin'9-clpe Pat-a-lirne PEl-i-nrtems Pe-s'.e-sse Potuti-is Pha-ntoc'ra-ti Piat'ta-ls Pe'l Peri-n u'ne Pe-tn'Ii-a 1 PhPn-o-d-minus Paitla-ruarn Psi- r-la us Penu -cat e-i Ph1a-n6d'i-cus Patfg-reus 6 Pel-i'na Pre-rlte-os Peritce Pha-nom'a- hus Pat-a-vi'ntts Pel-l1'ne Pe-r 1 l' i-u Peu-cid'.a-lss Pha-nos'the-nle Pa-ta'vi-uim P61tli-s Per-i-me'nde Peuice-la Phan'o-te Pa-tt'ra Pe-15erde Per-i-me'dea Peu-cs'ttes Phianto-tefs 6 Pa-tvirtcu-lus Pel'-pe Pevr-i-metlta, or -le Peu-c'tti-a 1 Pha-no'tthe-a Put-i-zIrthle P1-9-peta Per-i-mevl'i-dc Peu-cetti-i 1 Phan'o-te s Pa-trtI"ci-is 1 Pl1-o-pita Per-i-pa-tettti-ci Peu-ci'nl Phasn-tat'i-a 1 Pdtfrick P6l-o-p'siat 3 Plr-i-pa-ttt'ics Peu-co-latU's Phainrta-sos Pa'tro P-l-o-ptus (a.) Pe-rriptsatis.Px-o-dt'rus, Pha-r ai'i-dPittro-bts Pe-1pt'i-dae Pr-riph'a-sen Phta-ctitsus Phasrte, or Phitrfe Pa-tritclie, or Pe-lopti. —ds Perti-phAs Phar-a'cet Ph'r- an-da'tt' PttrgQ-ctle~ Pe-1opti-us' (a.) Per-i-phltmus Phte-'cj-ti 1 Pha'ra-o Pt-tr6tcl! POl —pgn-lnetsus Per -phrtt- PhEe-bia'di-us Ph1-ras'ma-ne GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 349 Phar-bellus Phl-ca-dlltph-a Phi-l1nti-dlg Phce-nil"ci-i 1 Phy-tl'-d1E *: Phar-cel'do Phll-t-dl'pplhiu j-P'is Ph s Phe-nli'i-d Phyft'-lus Phlari-im's Phi'le Plhi-l1nt'o- Phce-n l'ci-uim 1 Phly-teium Phar-ma-ce'a, or Phi-lhenis Phi-1lnto-mus Phce-ni'cus Phy"ti-ai 1 Phar-m-cit'a Phij-lt'ls Phi-lotnus P-hcen-i-cCtsa 4 Phyx'i-iim 1 Phas-ma-cdisa Phi-latgri-is Phi-1opt'a-tar Phce'nix PI-a'i-a Ph'ar-ns-b a'zus Phil-a-le'th5e Phi-l1ophi-6on Phce'ti-um Pi'a-sus Phar-lna'ce-a Phi-la/mo'n Phil'o-phllrn Phol'oS- Pi-canaus Phars'na-cee Phi-laire-tis Phil-o-pl'te-mus Plho-mi'this Pi-ce/nfe Phar-na'ci-a 1 Phi-lartgy-riis Phi-lop'o-lnus Phon-o-alelti-del Pi-cani Phar-rna-pa'tet Philte-as Phil-o-rfmus Ph-o-rmu s Ph cy-de P-cn'ti-a 1 Phar-nfiu clhus P hi Phil-o. stepli'a-nus Phor-cy'nis Pa-en-titn' Phar-sa'li-a Phil-e-rn'ti-Sm 1 Phi-los tra-ttus Phirt'mi-a PsI-ei -titnus Phar-s alos Phi-lem't-n'its Phi-ls'tas Pho-r'tneus (n.) 6 Pi-ce'nulni Phar-saluas Phi-letmon Philotte-ra Phior-o-nstus (a.) Pi'cra Pha-ru'ii-i 1.Phileae Phi-l'tne he-a Phor-'o-nit'de Pic-tavi, or Plaar'y-bius Phi-le/ni-u-m Phil-o-thlet'us Pho-rstl'is Pictto-nel Phai-ryc'a-ddIn Phllte-r s Phi-15'the-tis Phls'phlo-rs Pic-ta1vi-iln Phar'y-e Phi- le'li-us 1 Phil-o ttiqnus Pllos'pho-rus PI-dWtrus Plhas-a-5elis Phi-le'tas Phi-loti-till 1 Pho-tnus Pi-dly'teS Pha-se'lis' Phi-le'ti-us 1 Phi-lattis Plho-tius 1 Pi'e.-lus Pha-sI'a-del Phizle'tot Phll'te ig Phira-a'te Pite-ra Phl-si-a/na 1 Phi-le/'tts Phi-limie-na Phra-atfi-ce Ple -rae PhaI'i-as 1 Phll'e-us Phif-ltme-nus Phrad't-dai Pi-eti-a Phula-rutpi-i 1 Phi-lf'a-das PhIlty-ra Phra-ha'te Ps-rs'i-del Phav-p-ri'sllu Phi-lit'a-del Phl-y-rItis Phra-nlct'a-t 1 Pt'e-rus Ph'a-ze5mon n Phil'i-das Plhil'y-rl Phras'i-cle Pi' e-ris, or -rtus Phela, or? Phe/i- 4 PhiiVi-d 4 Ph i-ntlum Phrasti-mus Pi'e-tas Phe-catdumi Phi-litne Ph'sneis (n.) 6 Phrlia'i-us 1 Pilgrie Phel'aeds 6 Phi-li'nus Phi-altuus (a.) Phrdat-a-phijrt'nlj Pi-l5'sus PhIlTli-a Plail-ip-ps Phl-ip- deg Phi-n e Phre-n Pi-a Phvltlo-5 PhIl-ip-p y'aUs Phin'ti-a 1 Phri-a-pta'-t- us 1 P-1lo'tius Phm'_mi-e Phi-lip'pi-cus Phlanti-tas 1 Phrltci-ol'l Pim-plet' Phe/mi-us Phil-ip-pop'o-lls Phlieie-las Phrs-ne'giui-nm I Pim-ple'i-de Phe-monto_- Phil-is-ttideg Phale -than Phrsnli-ma Pnm-ple'is Pheln-e-belthis Phi-lls'ti-s Phllegi-tas Phru-gunl-dis-nfe Pin-prasina Plhl'ne-os Phi-las'ts-Sn 2 Phl'gria Phrly'gq Pina-ria Phe'ne-iim Phil-lyr'i-d6g Phle-greetos Phryt i-.a PI-nari- us PhI/ne-us Phil-o bucs. atus Phle'gy-m Plhryti-As Pinla-ris Phe/rum Phil-o-ca-le'a, or Phle't4y-as Phry'ne Pintdas-rs Phe-re'ta Phil-oaa-lifa' Phli-a/gi-a 1 Phryn'i-chlSs Pin'tda-ss Pher'e-clus Phil-o-ahar'i-das Phlai' i-us 1 Phryx-etus (a.) PI-neitus Phe-rc'rsa-te Phi-lo~ci'o-rus Phlce',ls Phth'la 5 Pin'thi-a Phir-e-cey'a-dde Phil'o-clhe [uim 1 Ph1l'6iS Plathias 5 Phn'thi-Is Phesr-e-y'de Phl-. -ca-einai- Phl'i-ius Plhthi-o'teq 5 Pin'y-tis Pher-sen-da'teC Phi-l1c'ra-t'g Phly'efis 6 Phthli-"tis 5 Pilo-lne Phir-e-nflce Phil- c-t'te6 Pho-be'tor Phthi-rSphf1a-gi 5 PI-o'ni-a Phr_-ellei'cusy'pis P Phurl —cpuss Phur-s o-ns Phe-repla' - to Phil-o-dan-mea, or P11hciaa-S Phys-a'ce Ps-f teas6 Ple'eg Phil-o-da-mina' Phlsce Phy' P&e-l Ps-re'ne Phrs-e-tia-des PhlV-o-ada'tmus Pho-centse5 Phy lta-ce Pi-rtfeus Phl'.-reti as 1 Ph l-o-dems..ns Pho'ceus (n.) 6 Phyl'a-cis Pi-ritlith-us Phsr-e-tilma Phi-lodi-ce' Pho-cstus (a.) Phy'le Pi-ralmis Phesi-nnum Phi- lcetti-us 1 Phci-i Ply's 1 Ph-ci-c Phi s 6 Phe-ru/sa Phll-o-du'lus Pho'ci- on I PhPhleus 6 Pi-ruisfte Phila-l Phi-ld'se- nen Pho-cuh'sem Phy-ll'de; Pi'se Phi-a'li-a, or Phi-la-che Pho-cylt'i-del P-lai-ra Pi-saetus Phi-gaili-a Phiso-l-1as Phce-badli-Ss Phyli-re4 Pi-sa'nus Phita-lus Phi-lel'-sus Phcsfbas Phlyl-lagti-de P1-sn'ttr Phi-cet'on Phi-lnmt'a-che Phce'he Phyl-lay li- PI-sau lram Phlcto-'re Phi-lomt'bilo tus Phce-bet'um Phyl-le- us 3 Pi-ssutrus Phid'i-:as Phil-o-metdi- a Phce-behus PPhyl'les (n.) 6 Pi-s5'nor Phd'ti-lr Phil —a-merdus Phce-bi/cei-iis 1 Phyl-le1us (a.) Pis'e-us Plli-dlp'pi-de Phil-o-me'la Phcebsi-dlts 4 Phy.l'li-das Pitsi-as 1 Phi-d"tiS-a 1 Phll-o-me-li'del Pheo-bI' gie-ni Phylfli-as Pas'idtei s P-dqahilos Phl —meli-m Ph bus Phyl-l1dto-ce Pi-sdli-.a Phlddy-is Philatri1e'lus Phl-m-ms Phy-rVi'te Pi-sad'i-ce Phig-a-leT, o.r Phil-9-mnettgr Phse-ni'ce Phy-rsinta-hlis Pls-is-att'i-die Phi- gali-a Phil- o-matsus Phoe-nI'ce' Phys'cg-a Pisiss-tratti-d1e Ph11-a-del'-pli OPhi' Phse-lli"tce-us i PhY- i- g-n o'mon PI-sis'trZa-to hI0 350 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Pi-stnej Plln'thi-ne P61-y-bcefta Pom-pe-i-op'o-l s PQ-thiTnus PI-sa'nis Plln-thi-net'ta P61-y-bo'te Pom-peti-tis 3 Po-tl'na Pistsi-rtis Pljs-tdrEftohus Po-lyblo-tutim Prmlpei P9-ti/"ti-ts i Ps to-cl'rjs Plls'tlhg-ntis Pl'y-btis Pmrpe -lon Pg-ti'tus Pis-to'ri-a Plis-then'i-deg Pil-y-calon PNm-pe-lotna Pot-nl'a-dtt Pis/ty-rus Plss'thle-net Pl1-y-c.arfpus Pom-pilti-a Plttnti-aPitt'q-ne Plis-t inus Pol'y-tap Pom-pilti-us Pric'tj-uim l Pi-thagt'o-ris Pls-to6'a-nax P1i-y-cstt'e Pom-pl lus Priacti —is 1 Pi-thetci-um 1 Plis-to-itcetS Po-lycht.a-rtV Pom-potni-5us Prue'ci-a I Pt-the'con Col1pos Ps Po-yto cl ty Pomn-p0-i-afnus 1 Pramn-es-t'lln4 Pith-e-cot'sl, or Plis-totrus P'lly-cln't Pomp-tinse Prtss'ti 4 Pithl-e-ciu'se Plo-thl'a Pol-y-cle'tus Pomp-tino.s Prmt-ex-tatt.ts 4 Pitl-o-lau s P16oti-a Po-lic'ra-t69 Polnti- 1 Prat'tor Pi-tllole-oSn Plo-tl'naa Po1-y-cr'ttta, or Pnt'ti-cum IatrIeM Prae-tf'ri-us Pit-i-dfsm Plo-tifnlus P61-g-crt'ta Pln'ti-cus Pre-tditji-6tm 1 Pit'the-a Plo'ti-ius 1 Po-lyc'tr-tts Pon-tid'i-us Pratm'nt-iiln, or Pit-the'is Plu-tartchus Po-ld'.a-mas Pon-ttl-i-atnus Pram-nitum V'tPit'theds (n.)6 Plu'tairh' Pol-y-diamt'nt P n-titna Pra'4i-a 1 [num Pit-thetus (a.j Plu'tij-a 1 Pil-y-deu-ct'i Pon-t'lnus Pra'.i-ai 1 Pit-u-ani-uts Plu-tsfti-im Ps1-y-ddbrai Pon'ti-us 1 Pra'di-i 1 Plt-u-lalnl Plu'vi-Aus Pnt-y-doprosa Pn-t-po-ra Prasi-ns Pit'y-a Plyn-tt'ri-a Po1-y-&Ilton Pnttous Eufi-itnfus Prat'i-nas Pit-y-t'a, or-t'a Pnle'te-bis 5 Ps-lyei-iinm Ps-pllti-uis La'tnas Praxi-aas 1 Pit-y-9-nt'sus Pnai'geds 5, 6 Ps-1~y — tis PQp-llclo-la Prax-i-aL. s Pit'y-us Payn-tatgo-a's 5 Pil-yg-nottus Pop-pte'a Sa-bitna Prax-dd'a-mi ms Pt.-y-ti'sa Pnyx 5 PQ-lYg'o-nus Pop-.au-lon'o-a, or Prax-dt'i-ce Plt-y-i'tse Pob-l itci-is 1I Psi y m Pop-ul-y-mnio- mn Piax'i-la Pjx-dd'a-rus Poid-a-lea Po1-y-4d'i-us Por'a-ta Prax-tph'ia-nie Pla-cen'ti-a I Pod-a-lirfi-ts Pil-y-It'ds Pirci-a 1 Prax-itge-l0 Plta-i-de-i-anuas Po-darti'c Ps1-y-latus Pr'fci-aus 1 Prax-ithte-a Pla-cid'i-a P -dare P-y-mei de PiJr-do-se-le ile Prli-as Plarii-dUs Po-dMa'!e Ps-1lmi'e-d6n Po-rad's rax Preni e-na Plas'i-tls Po-do'c' Psl-y-me'la, or-le Po-rt'na Pru-am' -dg Ple-tt'lri-us Poe-in-tI'a-de Po-lymle-n'e- Por-o-se-le'ne Prl-a-metis Pla-na'i-.a 1 Pce'.as Pol-ym-nes'tor Por-plhyr's-on Pri'a-mus Plaan-citn'a Pce'ij-18 4 Po-lym'ni-a Por-phyr'i-5s Pri-a-pe'i- 3 Plan'ci-us 1 Pnem-a-nttnus 4 P1i-y-nneus Portphy?-ry Pru-apyus Pla-no iti-urm 1 Pem'e-nss 4 Pol-y-nl'cei Psir-phy-rQ-enl.i- Pr-e'tne Pla-nitu'ades Pr' Pen o-lyno- tus [tus Prim-i-pi'lus Pla-tthea Pe t0n Ps1-y-pa'us Pior-phy-riog-en-net- Pril'o-a Platta-6t Poe-stni-a Ps1-y-peamon Psrt'ri-ma Pri-onto-tos Pla-ta'-i dotrus Pceius Psl-y-pet'chon Por-so'na, or Prls-ci-aallus 1 Plat-a-mo'tde Pbg-o-na'ttus Ps1-y-ph ena Pis Prtssci-crt Plattfa-mon P1l-e-mo-cra/ti-a 1 Pl'y-phieme P or-tlatlon Pro- an-rei'i-ns 1 Pla-ta'li-us P51te-mon Po1-y-phlle'te Poirtti-a PrS-bi-aa'us Platta-nis Ptl-e-mo/n-tim P6l-y-phi'de. Pirlti-tis 1 Pro-bt'o.us Pla'te-a, or Po-le'nor P1l-y-phin't1 Picr-tum-na'li-a Proch'o-rus Pla-te'it Pstlj-as Pi1ty-phrln Por-tuanus Proah'y -ta Pla-tetfl Pi-1i-ei-aa 3 Pl1-y-pce'tt~ Po-sdt'e-on Pro-ctl'i-us Pla-tonti-ci P6-i-eLum P61-yr-rhetnj-L Po-sitde- Pro-clet' Pita-ttni- us Pt'li-eSos 6 P51-y-st6phtta-nis Pts-i-d um Pro'clCe Pla'tij-a 1 Ps-li-or-ce'ttt Po-lsttra-tts Po-sid'i- um, or Pro-clitdmi Pla'u-ti-a'nus 1 Po-its'tra-tits Pol-y-tech/nus Pos-i-ditum Proc-on-nfesus Plau-til/la Psl-i-teta Po-lylti5 Po-sldi-sus Pro-co'pi-us Plau'ti-0s 1 Po-li'tes Pol-y-tj-m8' tus Pg-sl'dQon Protcrjs Plu'tus Pl -i-toiri-im Pl1-y-tt'mus Ps-i-doni-a Proctu-la Plelia-deg,3,3, and P-li-si'chos Po-lytti-on 2 Pos-i-dotni-um Proc-u-18ti-a 3 Ple-'a-des Po l-tln'ti-a 1 Po-lyt'ro-pts PNs-i-d'ni-tis Proc-u-1'alitis 3 Plei-1ts 3 Pl-1i-ai'nus Po-lyx'e-nia P6t'i-6 1 PrSc-u-lIangt Ple-i't-ne P1l'li-o Pl1-yx-en'l-das Ppst-h'tmi —t Proc'u-lus Pte-mlini-5s Pol-1'tta Po-lyx'e-ntis Post-hit'mi-iis Pr'cy-on 1 Pleu-moxti-I 1 P1'tli-is FStlix Pol-y-zetlus P6st'hu-muis Prldti'-cus Pleu-raltus Pol-uii'c~ Po-meSti-a 1 Pis-tu-mi-atnus Prodtro-mis Pleut'ron Pol-lu'ti-a i P9-m'tti-i 1 Pos-tz'mi —us Prr'e-dri Pleu-ri'ni-a Po-ly-ae-monti-de Pom-e-ti'tnt Ps'tu-mis Prcet'i-del 4 Plel'si-deg P6-ly-te'nus Po-motIna Po-timli-dE Pro-latus Plefi-si-dip'ptis Pl-ly-.a-raitus Pom-pe'jti-. 3 Po-tatmi-us Promta-chlus Pl'inji-uis Ps-ly-ir'chus Pim-pe-i-atnnus Pot'ta-mon Pro-mattiti-das Pls'tly P61-y-bil/-dzj Pgm-pe'i-i 3,or PIt'ta-mtis Pro-matthi-Zn Plin-thi'ne, or Pq-lyb'ji-s Pqm-pe'i-Am 3 Pg-tn'ti-.- 1 Promle-don GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 351 Pr6m-e-n'a. PtE'ri-a 5 Pythfe-s9 R-tl'mme-nt Rho-dVia, a nymaplh. Pro-me'the-i Ptaeri-on 5 Py'thte Rau'roa-ci, or Rho'dj-a, towin. Pro-mettheis (n.) 6 Pto-chl'um 5 Pyth'e-tis R'3u-ra'cl Rho'di-i Prom e-tha'us (a.) Ptol-e-mn'Tum 5 Pytlhlj-, Rou-rI'ci Rhh6d-o-gnne Pr6m-e-thi'ld6 Pt6l-e-m'natvs 5 Pyth'li-s Rtav'i-dhs Rhad'Q-pe Pro-me'this Ptol'e-ny PYtthli-c5m Rav'o-l Rhdd'o-phon Pro-metthlus Pt01-e-ma'is 5 Pythfi-6on, or Re-a'te Rho-do'pis Prom'9o-1ls Pt6l-e-m-cra'tji-a 1 Pythlti-um Rb'j-lus Rhletb.'bs Prom'f-na Pt1l'i-chuis 5 Pyth-j-9-naica Re-dictu-ls RRhce-telum Pro-m6ttus Pub-illtci-a 1 Pyth'i-us Reddo-nWe Rhoelteis (n.) 6 Pr'om'u-lus Pub-llttcii-s 1 Py-th6ch'a-rls Re-j-ffi'gi- m Rhce-teSus (a.) Pro-ynap'i-d6g Pub-lcto'-la Pythlo'-clae Re-lil-li-'tnus Rhce'ti-5'n 2 Pro'nt'o-e Puub-lll.-U s Pyth-.-clidde Re-'n Rhce't'us Pron'o-mus Pub'li-ts Py-tls6c'r-tiis Re-g'num Rhom-bfte~g Pr6n'o-us, or Pu-ditca Pytlh-o-do'lus Re-li'nus Rho-s'lceg Proinus Pu-di-cltti-a 1 Pyth-o-dhtrus RIegu-lhs Rhox-atniPron'u-lha Pul-chaeri-a P.yth-o-la/us Rim'u-lMs Rhun'da-cUs Pro-perfti-us 1 Plltii-o Py-th'tneg Re-mutr!-a R1hu-tatiis Pra-pct'oi-deg 4 Patni-cum Bil'lum Pyth-0-ni,'c Rep-en-htinus Rhu-the'ni Pros-clystti-us Pui-pi-tnlus Py-thln'i-ci Re-pa-gi-anus 1 Rhyn'da-cus Pros-e -llIn' Putpi-us Pyth-.-nltcus Rtis'ti-o Rhyfti-ts I Pro-srt'pi-na Pa'te-al Pyt'ta-lIs RIs-ti- tu'tus Rc'i -mer P?oslee, -p1e Pu-tel1Q-1 Re-titna RIgiAm Pro-sotpis Py —a-neptsi-a 1 Rhaab-dfu'ch R o-e-betlus PrSos-o-pi'tis Py'e-la RIha e/lu.s Ri-gom'na-gas Pro-ta'di-4s Pyg-ma'lo-6in Rhatci-a i Rin-gi-betri Prg-tagao-ras Pyl'o -dSg Rhlaci-us I Ritpheuis 6 Prot-a-gorti-d; Py.-1mtme-neg 4 Qua-drftta Rha-co'teg, or -ts Rlxt'a-mom Protte-ds Py-lagt9-rre Qua-drattus Rlhad-a-man'thus Rix-am' a-rse Pra'te-i Co-lum'noe Py-lag'o-ras QuOadtfr-fring, or Rhaddt'i-ne Ro-b'go5 Pro-tetnor Py -laon Qu-ad'ri-ceps Rha'di-us Ro-bitgus Pro-tos-i-la'us Pyr-lar'te Quss-t'trl Rhaes'e-nan 4 Rodae-ri'cus Protteaus 6 Py-le'ne Quairi-uts Rlhmettl, or R1e'tt Rodler-sic Pritth-o-Vtnor Pyl'e-as Quar-tItnus Rhtetti-a 1 Ro-ma'ni Prothlt-us PylSlae-an Qui-'etus Rhsa-.a'a Ro-malnus Pro-tog-e-nea P-lus cts 1ulnc-to a.nus Rlla-me'lus Ro-me'thfi-i m Pro-tog-~6-ni'a Pym'a-tus Quinc-tl'li-a Rhamlneq R;-mql'i-us Pro-tam-e-doia Py-ramchl'mn. 4 QuInc'ti-us 1 Rlhmtphi- s Rom'u-ia Pro-ta n-e-d t'sa Py-ram i-deg quin-de-cimlvi-rI Rham-nangi-.a Ro-mutli-daz Pro-try-ge'.a Pyrla-mus Quin-qua'tri-a Rhamp-slni-tus, or Rim'u-lhs Prox'fe-ius Pyrta-sus; Quji-qua'trus Rhlamp-si-n1ttus Ris'ehi-niis Prxt'i-mus Py-reti-cus Quln-quen-na/'le Rha-phe ma, or Ros'ci-iis 1 Pru-den'tl-us 1 Py-re'ne Quin-quentni-a Rha-phs'a RSgi-fis 1 Prum'tni-da Py-retneas 6 Qujn-quav'i-rI Rhap-sotdi Ris-u-l1'nus (a.) PruZsi-as 1 Py1te-tus, river. Quln'ti-g 1 Rha'rt-us Ro-timta-ghs Prym-n'gi-.a Py-re-taus, man. Quin-ti-a/nus 1 Rhais-ct'po-rls Rox-alna Pryt'.a-ne Pyrtgi Quin-tll/i-a Rha-totus R'x-o-la'nl Pryt-a-nltum Pyrtl-osn Quin-til-i-a.'nys Rhd'o-nlg Ru-bellh-Is Pryt'ta-nis Pyr-go-p1-l-nlrceg Qu;n-til- Rlzla i-nn Ri- Rbi-cln Psam'a-the 5 Pyr-gotle-le$ Quin-tI'lls Rhe$'i-um Rd-bi-e'nus Lip'p~ Psam'a-thas 5 Pyr-i-phie'te-thsn Quin-til'i-hs Rhe-na'a Ru-bh'lgo Psam-me-nittus 5 Py-rop'pe' Quintti-us I Rhe-o-mi'tlhrg Rut'hra Sx't Psam-mt'l-cthus 5 Py-romt'-chus Qulr-1-n'lj-i a Rhe-te6qor Rti'bre Ps e-bta 5 Py-rotdeg QAur-j-n1'lis Rhtt'l-c- Ru-brltngs Pse-netrus 5 Pyrto-eis Qui-rlnti-hs Rhe-togte-neg Rutbri-hs Pseu-do-c'tlis 5 Pyr'o-ts Qui-ritnus Rhe-ii'nus Rr'cci-na Psea'do-ls 5 Py-rotni-a QuW-rYIte- Rhex-t'nor Rti'di-a, Psed-do-man-ti'a~ Pyr-rhls'olne Rhex-ibl'i-us Ruf-fl'lus Psei?-dos'to-ma 5 Pyrlrhj-La RhI-aInu RR-fl'nt Pslt'ta-cer 5 P.yrrhi-as Rhid'a-g5 Ru-fin-i-a.tnus PsIt'ta-c.s 5 Pyrtrhi-qha R. Rhi-mit'.a-clg Ru-fi'nus Psytche 5 Pyrtrhi-chuts Rhi-noc-o-lf'ra Rtu'fi-is Psy-clh-man-tt'um Pyrtrli-dlm Ra-blrji-uis Rhi -noc-o-rutra R u'-i-liis Psyt-lta-leta, or Pystte Ra-cilti-hs Rhin-ot-me'tus Ru'gi-i Psyt-ta-lita 5 Py-thaente-tis 4 Ra-cS'te$, or -tis Rhi'peis 6 Ru-mltna Ptf'le-in 5 Py-thgto'-ras Re-sa'c; o Rhitpheis 6 Ry-mitnus, or Pt'la-o6s 5 Py —th-ag —rtlI R'tj-.a 1 lRho-be/a Rh u'mi-nl1s Ptelle-tim 5 Py-thdg-g-'Ealnf RL-mln's6g Rhod'la-ihs Run-cl'na Ptir'e-la 5 Py-thante-liis Rh:m'nng Rhod',-nas Ru-pilti-iis Ptir'e-lras 5 Pyth-{-ratqt s R~mp-sln'j-tas Rht'de RUs'ci-tis 1 352 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Rus-c'fni-. St-i'tis S-a-mrf'limn Sus-si-natep Shoaelneuis 6 Rtispij-n. SQa-latci-a 1 Sa-mossa'-t;a Sdt-.a-'tt Schoe'lluus Risq'ti-cus Sal1a-con Sam-o-thrafce Sat.a-la SqI-apfQ-de~ Ru-tafnl Satl-,a-gist Stm-o-thraci-.a 1 Sadta-nls SSIa-tilos Rku-tht'ni SAI-a-mi'na Sa-myl'i-a Sa-tal'ne, pl. SI'fdros RI'tj-la S61-'a-mlnfij-. San'a-os Sa-tar'chae Scs-of ne RU'ti-lis S'il'a-mls San-chlo-nIu.a-then Sa-tas'pel S i-pl'a-dae Ru'tu-bt Sa-latnus San-a'ce, or Sa'ti-a 1 Ssi-pi'a-de~ Rd'tu-bls Sgala-ra'San-dau'ce Sat-i-bar-zaTnea Sqp'si-o Rattu-1i Sa-la/ri-.a San -da-li-hots Sa-tlcsu-la Sqi-ra'di-uim Rdftu-pte Sa-liarti-c San-da'lli-um Sa-tic l-lus Spi-rits' Rii-tu-pilnus Sal'd'u-b.a Sin' da-nus S.a-trati-dde SCi-ri tis S.a-le-i-a'nus 3 San-dl'on Sat-ra-pe'ni Ssi-ron.'i-dri S0 a-1Ij-Us 3 S an-do'cev Sat'rt-pes Sco'drl! S/a-len SinfgL-la iSat'ri-cs Scl'o -ts s. Stl-en-tI'ni San-ga'ri-o Sat'ri-cun, ori Sco-pe-li-a'lsu Sal-g'atne-a San-ga'rsi-us Sa-trIlcutm Scop'e-Los Stbtoa-c~hus Sti'ga-neiis 6 San' ga-ris Sa-trop'a-c9e Sco'pi- um SWibta-cn Sa-li-a5ris San-guilnli-uis Sattu-ra' Scor-dliscte Sa'b2e Sal'i-c, Ad San'ni-5 Sat-u-r/itm 3 Scrfpi-is, or -ts Sia-bae'i Sa-li.-6'nus Stan-nyr'i-6n Sa-tu're-uim Sco-ti/nus Sta-ba/ri-.a SaS-li'nae San'to-nae Sat-u-rei-tis 3 Scrt-botni-a Sia-ba/ta Sul-i-na/tor St n'to-n9i, or -ni Sa-tfuri-o Scri-bo-ni- anus Sa-batlha Sal-i-sub'su-li San'to-niis Sa-tulri-us Scr-boni-s us Sab't-the Sa'li-Us SI a-/e Sat-ur-nlaa'l-a Scyl a-cP Sib-a-ti'nus Sal-lis'ti-us Sa-c'So-ras Sa-tuiirni-.a S l-.a-cl i-n 3 Sa-batzi-Zis 1 Sl'flust Sa-5'tig Sat-ur- llsWe- n Sqyl-a-ce'um Sib'ba-tha SIl' r*-els Stph't.a-ris Sat-ur-sn inus SCyl' ia SSa-bl'li-tis Sal-man'ti-ca Sa'pho (sa'fJ) Sa-tur/ni-us Sny.'lI-as Sta-bid'i-tis StOl-mt'na Sip-i-rW/ne Sat'u- rpti Sy -lutrus Sa-bi'na Sal-mn'nefs 6 Sta-pi're~ Sat'y-ri S yp'pZi-um Sib-i-ne'u s Sal-mrn nis Sa;-po'rI Satty-rus S y-rl' a- de Sa-bI'tn Sl-o-d'trum Sap'phb (stiffy) Sa-verri-o Syyr'pi-uim Sao-bln-i-a'rlus Sa-llme Sip'ti-ne Sau-fei.-a 3 Sqyt'a-l Sai-bi'nus Sl'o-molln Sr-a-cu/ne Su-fe'i-us 3 Si'thle Sa-bltra Sta-lo1na, or Sar-a-ce'ni Snu're-a SIy-thu'tni Sat-botB'cl So-lo'ns Sa-traclo-tr Slu-rsm'.a-tee Sb'htlo4, or Sa-bti tht Sal-9-naias Sar-a-me'ne Sa -ve'ra IS'tha Sabtra-cta Sa-lo'ni-a S~a-ranlgz$ Sa-vo'na S0yth'i-a Sb'lra-t-a Salt-o-nl'na Sar-an-telnus Sax' o-ne Scytlh-i-atnus SabMra-thi Sal-o-llnltlls S-ar-a-pafnl Slz'-che Sqythqi-de' Sa-brntna Sa-lo1-5s: Sr.a-pis Sqma' (a(seja) Sqy-thillus Sab/u-ra SO-pi-l{atr Sar/a-sa Sqeeva (se'va) Sgy-thlplo-l!s SIb-u-ralnus SAlpi-bn Sa-ras'p~a-dG~ STe-vs/nus Seb-as-t/.a Sac'a-das Sglssu-lats Sa-ras vus Sqasv'o-la 4 Seb-as-ta/nl Salcaw Sa-lhsfti-tis SLar-ditn-a-pa'lus Scala -bls Se-bs'tji-ta, or Stc-Ia-pt.'ne Sal-vi-arnus Sar-d'nne Scal'pi-umn Sb-as-ti'a Sacl-a-Iliqt6? S6l'vi-an Sar'de- ScBa-man'dri-tis Sb-as-top'o-lls Sa-cra'nl Stal-vld-i-ellus Sar'di-ca Scan-da'ri-' Seb'e-da Sa-cra ti-vir Sal vius Sar-din i-a Sccan- deoa Sb-en-iny'l ts Sa-cra'tor Sa'ly-es, or Sar'dog-ne Scan-di-na'vi-a Se-be'this Sctro-ne S1/ly- Sar-don'-ctus Scan-tn'inj-s Se-be'tos SIdt'a-lE Sa-ln'thlsl-us Sar-do'nyx Scap-tenZsu-la Se-bettous Sad'o-cts Stm-a-ri'a Sar-dopt'a-tis Scap-tes'yv-l Se-bit'nus Sa-dy-a1tIa Sa-m.'si-a Sar-dStus Scap'ti-a 1 Se-botsus Se-i-metrus 4 Sam-a-rislt Satai Sr Scapti-4s 1 Se-bul-Si-atnl 1 Saeni-s s Sim-.a-ro-brtsva Sar-mati-.a Scaptu -la Se6'e-la Soe-pilsnum Samna-tae Sar-mnatti-cus Sctardi-i Sec-ta/nus Saet'a-boo 4 Sam-bu'los Satr-mi-zeg-e-thl'sa Scar-dsoq'a Sec-.si-d'ltla Saetfa-bls 4 Satme, or Sarmos Strlfni-us' Scar-pe'a, or Sec-un-di'tnus Sig a-na Sa-mellln Sa-rs)nui-c'nus Ss Scar-phi' Se-da'tus o'ag-.a-r1nus Sari-a Sa-ro'nis Scu'rus Se-di.'i-tiis Sag'a-rils San'itj-c51 Sar-petdon Sedfa-ssus SMd-i-ta'tn Sag-t-rls'ti-5 Saqnli-us - Sr-ra'nus Sel'e -drus Se-dutli-us bSg-a-ra'tis Satm-ni'tae Sartra-pis Sel -e-raltus Se-di'tn Sa -it-ta'ri-tis Sram-nli'te. Sar-ras'tei Se-rnl'tse Se-da'il-i I aSa-stisti- tr Samf nates Sarlsi-na Sche'di-a Se-ge/ti-a Sa&-it-ttl)pq-ten S5m'ni-um Sas'o-neg Sche'di-us Sd~-i-mnie'rs Sag-un-ti'nus S~am-o cho-nitteq Ss-pYlreq, or -rI Schetri-a Seg-o-brItga Sa- I'to Siamn'.-as Sas'si-na Schie-ne's Sig-s-dtanurm GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 353 Seg'Q-nax Se-rl-ni-a'nnus Sld-i-citni Si-red'o-ngs SstphrQn Se-gon'tj-a 1 Se-r1enus Sid'o-nls, or Si-r1fn6 SRph'ro-nma Seg-on-ti'a-Ci Sert'i-a Si-do'nis S'lreng So-phrdlni-a Se-go'vi a Ser-i0o-lis Si -dfni-us Sir-e-niits So-phroni-cis Se-gun'ti- a I Ser' i-us Sld'y-ma Sir'i-us Soph-ro-nls'cus Soe-gun'-tjm 1 SSr'i-cga Si- etAum, or Sirtmi -m So-phro'ni-us Se -g-.i-a'nI Serli-cus Si-P um Si-rotmus So-phrosty-ne Sei-sach-thi'a Se-r:'phus Si-galIi-on Sir-9-pva'o-ne So-pitthle SeSi-us, or Selju SBirlmy-la Sii-So'tn Sirfg-pum Sop'o-las Se-ja'hls, is li-iis Ser-rtelum Si-Aefri-us SisLa-pho So-r'acte Sel-da'mus Ser-tori-jus Sigtni- a Sist -pn S o-ra'nus Se-le'ne Ser-voetus Sig-nIlnus Sls- a-po'nle Sor-bi-o-dinum Sel-elu-cetna Ser-vi-5anUs Sig-o-vestsus Sls'a-ra Sor'di-ce Sel-eu-ci'a Ser-vlli -a SiI- yH' Sos'ci-a 1 So-riiti-a 1 Se-le'lci-a i Ser-vil-i-a'nus Si-asI Sstis-n0 SoIsi-a al1al c'e-leiici-de S us Sr-v-s S-lan Ss-o-costtus So-si-alnus 1 Se-leui-co-belus Sbrtvi-us Si-la'ni-ni Si-su'trts So'si-as Se-leftcus Sis-ia-mel'ni SI-latnus Si-syplhii-del So-sib-i-atn.s Se-li"ci'- s 1 Sst'a-mum Slt'a-rIs Sisly-phus So-sib'i-us Se-ll'nunm, or Sisla-ra Sll/a-rUs Si-tdallcq Sishi-cle Se-li'nus Sis-a —r'ethus Si-letnl Si-thie-nf So-sictra-tel S'lii-us' Ss-o-6fsis Si-le/ni-um Slthini-dC So-sl'e-n1e Sel-laT'i-a 1 Ses'ti-as Si-len-ti-a/ rj-us 1 Sith'o-nel Soli-i i1 Se l-elis Ses-ti'num Si-let'nus Se-tho'ni-a Slsti'lus Se-lymtbri-a Ses'ti-uis Syl-i-cen'se Sithto-nls So-sitnus Senm-britae' Se-suIvI-i Si-l/"ci-us I Sli"ti-us 1 So-sipta-ter Sem'e-la Setta'-bls Sll'i-s I-talli-cus Si-tmom'L-gis So-slph'a-nag Serme-le Se'ti-a 1 Sillphi-urm Sitto-nge SQ-sip'g-lls Se-midte-s St'ti-us 1 Sil'pi-.a Sit'tt-ce Sq-sis'tra-ttis Sem-i-6er-m-a'ni Se-vef'r Siltu-reS SIt-ta-cetne So-sith'e-is Sem-i-gun ttus Se-ve-ri-5anus Sil-vat'Ilt Slt-te-betris Sotji-us' 1 Seo-mlra-ms Sv-e-rn Snl'vij- Slzty-i S'stpi-ta Semno-n Se-v'rus Slvns Smer-dote-n 5 Sostl'e ne Sem-no'the-i Sex'ti-a Slltvi-uis Smiin-dyr'i-d;l Sos'tra-ta Se-moln e' Se.-tllai-a SI-ma'li-5 Smrin'theis 6 Sosttra-tus Sem-proni-. a S ex-til-i-a nus Si-mrntnge-lus Sg-me'mi-as Sosx'e-tra Sem-prl'ni-s sex-ti'lis Sim-briv'i-us So-a'na Sotta-de Se-ma'ri-uim Sex-tIlti-us Sim-brdtvi-us S5-a0ne1 So-taured Se-na tus Sxtti-us Si-merpa Sic'ra-te~ So-tferi-a Sen'e-ca Si-bit'n Si-me'this So-crat ti-in 2 S9-tor'i-ghus Se-netci-a 1 Slbto-tiI Si-metthus Sod'o-m~a So-ter'i-cus Safni-a Si-bu'rli-os Slmti-a' So-mis So-t rfi-das Sento-ngl, and Slb-yl-i'nus SIm'i-lha Sog-di-a/n!a So-ti-atltp 1 Seo nOnel Si-byn'tni-s 1 Sim'i- ls Sbg-di-5.fnus Sotti-on 2 Sen-tilnum Si-byr'ti-us 1 Sirm'rei-as So-ldnus So-titra Sen'tj-us 1 Si-camlbri- Simoq-eis Slt'e-nius So/ti-us 1 Se'pi-as SI-ca'nl Smtog-is So-litn's Soxto-tCe Soepi-Os Si-caini-.a Slnm- -t' ii-is 1 Sol-le'um So-zomle-niis Se-platji-t 1 Iris) Si-calnus Si-monti-des S'tlce, or S'tll SSzt'Q-m n Sep-phs'rjs (sef-fo- Si-cel'i-do Sun -plt'ci-usi Sol't-els Spal'e-thra Sep-timtpe-da S'e-l S is SSm.u-l1s Spani- us Sep-tdmrtri-o Si-ce'mnuS Slmty-ra So-loni-um - Spar-gp-pl'thel Sep-t?'ri-6n Si-ce'nus Son-.a-ita Si1-y-t0'a, or Spar'ta-cus Sep-ti-ci-atnus 1 Si- hIt'us SI-nefra Sl1-y-gi'a Spar-tatni, or Sep-ti"cji-is 1 Si-cl'li-8 Sonlga-ra S61y-ma Spar-ti-atie Sep-tlm-i-a.nus Slzti-nus Sin-gi-dutnum Sl'ty-moe Spar-ta'ri-us Sep-tlmt'i-us. Slco-ris S *n'g"-ls Silty-mi Spar-ta'tius Sep-ti-mu-lti-jus 3 Sicro-rus San-gu-5lotns Sblty-mrs Spar-ti-atn,'L 1 Sep'y-ra Sac'u-li San'na-co Sinlchllis Spar-ti- attzg 1 Sdq'ua-na Sct'C-lorm Fre'tum Sintna- ha Son-ti-atte1I Spar'to-cus Seq'ua-nw SIc'u-l1s i'Slno- Snltq-ils 1 Spoar-totlus Se-quin'i-cis. Siltcy-on 1 S: -na'pe Sp'a-ter Spat'a-l, Se-quinti-us Sl-cy-'ni-. a 1 SI-nt'pea s 6 So-phen'te-tis 4 Sp'Echi-a Sg-rw'pe- Sid-a-ce'ne Sin'o-rix S.-phag-a-sC'nus Spln'dji-us Ser-.-p.um Si-detle Sintti-ce So-phGtne Spe-raftus Se-ratpi-6 Si-delne Sin'ti-i 1 So/phi-a Sper-chtljs Se-r'apis Si-d'enus SIn-u-es-s'Inus S5-phi-altnus Sper-Ihila Ser-b'tnis Si-delro Si-stpe S-ph'i-lius Sper-Whi-ontjide Sertdj-cg Si-detrus Slp'y-lis Siph't-cleg Sperh'hilos $e-ri'n IS-d'tCg Sir-bt'nis S9-phl'nj-as Spgrlhitus 10*F 354 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Sper ma-tOphllf-i Stlllj-ch5 Su-fegnas Sym-ple'gag Tam'a-sts Spes Stim'I-c6n Suf-ft'nus S ym-pt'6Si-us 1 T rm'e-sis Sphlac-tg'ri-a Stm'u-l.a Suf-fMItte Synle-dr` Tamlphlli-ls Sphe-cela Stiphie-l~is Suf-feti-us I, or Syn-e-phitbi' Tdm'pi-us Sphd'dri-6s Stlph'i-liis Su-fe'ti-iis 1 Sy-neli- is 1 Tim'y-nme Sphra-IAd'-iiim Sti-ri'toe Sg/dij-as Sn'O&e-lus Tam'y-ras Sphra-gitj'i-se Stcemhla-dt~ 4 Sfi-das Syn'lia-lis Taimy-ris Spin'tha-riis St'echas Suil-lare~ Syn'na-da Tnt'a-ter SpI-rid'i-6n Stoli-cl Sunl'li-us Syn no-on Tan'a-gra, or Spi-ttnimle-n t St tics Su19Q-np Syn'Q-'dus Ta-na'gr. Spi-tho6b'a-tte Sto-q'i-da Sul'ci-uqs 1 Sy-noSpe. Tinta-grus Spith-ri-da'tSt Sto'i-cus Siiltmo-nat Sn'tti-pas Tinla-ls Sp9-l'1ti-iim 1 Stra-te'gus Sul-pl"ci-a 1 Syn'ti-chB Tarn'a-qul1 SpoS-1ttum Stra'ti-8 1 Sul-pl-ci-ainus 1 Syr'a ce. Ta-nettum SpSrt'a-dSq Stratti-Sn 2 Sul-p"tii-.a 1 Syr-L-coi-a 1 Tan-ta'ie-is Spu-rin-la Stfat-i-Sotli-cUs Sul-pl"tji-is 1 Syr-.a-cfiU'se Tan'tta-lis Spu-ritnus Stratti-is 1 Sum-mantnus Syr'a-cUzse Ta-ni'fi-iis 1 Spu'ri-'is Stratto-cl s Sum-me'ni-irm Srti'a Ta'o-c' Sta-be'ri-uis Strat-o-cli'a Sti'ni-s Syr-~-S'nus Ta-S'ci Statbi-e Strkti'-16s Satni-c! Syrfma-tm Tl o-chi Stabtu-luim Strat-9-nt'ce Sii'ni-doq Syr-ne'tho Ta'plfi-e Sta-ifra, or-rus Stra-tSn-i-ceSa Sfi'ni-on Sir-o-cil'i-ce Ta-phi-as'sus Sta-i-plntus 3 Strat-o-n'clls Satni-'-m Syr-o-me'di-a Tatplhi Stali-iis 3 Stra-t'tnis Tr'rjis Su-Sd'a-na Syr-o phe-ni'caS Ta'phi-us Stam/e-ne Stra-tOphta'-neg Su-S-ve-tlu-ril'i-.a Syr'teS Talphros Stiplpty-la Stro-billus Sutp8e-rim Mafre Syr'rti-cus Taptfo-r Sta-phlyl'i-5s Stro-gS'la Sur-ditnus Sys-i-g&m'bis Tdip-o-sitris St-Aphly-lis Strom-biehti-das Su-re'tn' Sy-slmte-thre Taplpyu-1is St.a-sa'nir StrSnt'y-le, or Suu-re'nas Ss't-ns Tg-prSb'a-ne Sta'se-as StrSn'Ay-l s Sitri-a TAp'y-ri Sta-sl'e-is Stron- I'i-Sn SUfri-tim Tar'a-nis Stasti-muis StrSph'a-dSe Sa'sa-na T a-rSa'i-is 1 Sta-sitnus StrStphi-us Su-sa'ri-on Tar-a-tla Sta-tStnus Stru-thi'a Sfn-i-i na 1 Tar-bel'li-cSs Sta-ti-a'nus 1 Str5-thSph'ta-g Su'tri -um Ta-u - Tarheti-s 1 Sta -tll' i- Stry-mSnti cus Sy'-g-er Tab'a-los Tartchi-a Statti-nm Strmt'o-nls Sy-a'gri-us Ta-ba'nus, or Tir-chon-dimf'-ttis Sta-titnus Stu-dI'ta Sy- a'grus, or Tab'a-nus Tr- en tiTnus Sta-tStra Stu-di'tte Sysa-gris Ta-bBenT Tar-gibti-lus.Sta'ti-us 1 St'ti-us Syb-a-ri'ta Tab'ra-ca Tar-i-cheta Sta -tol'ri-s Sty-11'te~ S.,b'a-r te Ta-bu'da Ta-riclh'e-ae Stau-raici-us 1 Sty-l1b'a-tte Syb-a-riltis Tac'.a-p Ta'ri-us Steg'a-nos Stym-phalla Syb'e-rus Tac-a-photris Tarfnae Stel-la'tSe Stym-phllli-a, or Syb'o-ta Tac-fa-rif'ns Tar-pe'i-a 3 Stel'li-o Stym-phati's Syb'9-tas Ta-chomptso Tar-p'ji-' s 3 Sten-o-bceta Stym-phl'lus Sy-cam'i-n T-ri ar-qun-a Ste-noc'ra-tge Sua'da S'-chbetus Ta5Thos, or T'ar-quin'i-i St'ntt9-rns Sua-de'la Sy'h-l-strn i-ds T Tar-quin'{-is Sten-y-cla'rus Su- tte-fa S"'e-drq Tasli-ta Ta'Iquin Stpb'htl-na, or -ne Su-al'la Sy-etne Ta'ti-ts rTar-qui"tj-iis 1 Ste-phaltni- Su-ar-dslne'g Sy-e-ne'ti-iis 1 Tt-coStlt Tiarqui-tis Steph-1a-nis-cldti- Su-ba'tri-I SV_-e-ni'te Ta'di-us Tar-ra-ciltng Ste-phatni-um [um Sub-.alt-pnus S.-gntne-s:"q Td{i-'a Tar'ra-c Steph't-nus Sub'la-cum Syg' -roSs Tm-difte-ra Tar-r'tii-Ss 1 Stort'-pe Sub-ma'nus S.lte- Tent'a-ra 4 Tar'si-tis 1 Stgr'o-peg Sub-mon-totri-urm Sy-l'uln Tmnt'a-rSs 4 Tar-te'sus Ster-tin'i-us Sutbo-ta Sy'leuis 6 TEmn't-rss 4 Tg-run'tti-iis 1: Ste-sAg'o-tats Su-bfu'r Sy-lito-nes Tas'ni-6s Tir-u-sastp9 Ste-se'nor Su'cu-ro Sylto-sSu Tag-'pa Tas-et'ti-uis I Stst'i-cl e't Su-dett Syl-vaS'nus T5-go'ni-tis Ttas'si-to Stgs-i-la'us Su-oebi S'l'vi-a Tal —-oSnti'-diq Ta-ti-a'nus I Stes-i-leta Su-e1bus Syl'vi-us Tl1-a-Snti-dte TO'tioan Ste-slm'bro-tus Sues'sa Sym'bo-la Ta-la'Ii-is I Tatti-1 1 Sthon-e-la'i-das Sues-satnus SBym'bo-1l Tal'a-us Ta'ti-is 1 Sthente-le Sues-se-tatnl Sym'bo-lim Tl'e-tuns TSu-chitra SthSn-e-le'is Sues-s-'o-ne5 Sy-mmt thus Ta-li'de~ Tau-'n'ti-i 1 SthBn'e -lus Sues-sStne Symt'.e-Sn Tal-thyb'-iis TAu'llas Sthtni —us Sue-tf0ni-iis' Smrm'ma-chs Ta-lu"fi-s I TSutnus Stich'li-us Suelvi Sym-ph-rS's Tm'a-r5 Tau-ratni-.a Stl1'be, or Stlltbi-? Sue'vj-iis Sym-pleg'a-dl Taiim'a -rus Tau-ratnts GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. 355 Tau-ln'tte TWl-e-sarefhi-de5 TWrfmi-niis Tht/'a-gF, The-ophl'a-n6 T.u'lre-g Te-lt'gji- 1 T6r'nmi-siis The-.'nd Thl-o-phtfni-.a, or Taut'r Te-le'.i-as 1 Terp-slht'o-re The-hr'i-das The-oph-a-ni' T.u-ri'a Te-ls'.i-cle Tdrp'si-6n Thl'ba The-ophli-la TAu'ri-ca T61-e-sil'lta Ter-ra-clt'n Thlbe e Tlle-phl'j-lRis Tanu-rilin Te-ls-i- l cuu Tds ra-sld'i-3s T b'r-ra-ss The-o-phy-lac'tus Tau-rlnnum Tel-e-sitnus TeWrti-a 1 The-balnus Tlhe-6ph'y-l6ct Tau-ri'nus Te-les'ph9-ris Tier't-us 1 Thetbe, or Th'lba The-9-plt'e-mis T.au'ri-on Tel-e-stagto-ras Ter-tuil-li-atnus The'cla The-Sptr'o-pus Tau-ri-r'ne Te-les'tel Ter-til'tli-an The'i-a 3 The-Stris T.u-risl'c Tel'e-to Te-t' Tsti-lus' The'i-as 3 The-o'ri-us Tau'ri-tim Tel'e-thus Tes'ti-us Thdl-a-itra Thhe-o-t-mus Tau'ri-us.Te6l-e-thuisa Tet-ra-cot'mum Thel-a-phis'sa'The-xt'e-na TAui-rb'ois T-llsefri-Us Te-tradi-ts Thi l-e-sina~ The-ox-et'ni- a Tai.-ro-cplia-ls Te-e Te-leTe t-ra-gotnjs Thdl-e-sitnus The-ox-etni.-.s Taul'o-ls Te-lea'ti-as 1 Tettri-ca Thel'i-ne The-ox.e-nius Tau-romt'e-ns Tel'i-neC Tettri-cus Thel-pu'sa The-rapinae [u9. -Tku-ro -mln'i-m Tel-i'tne Tdt'tj-iis Thelx-ln'o-e Ther-a-pqn-tlg'oTalt-ro'pos Tl'li-hs TeT'cer Thelx-olon The-rali-a 1 Tau-ro-ppo-1i' Tl'mge-ra Tea-chitra Thelx-iso-pe Th rtfi-cl: Ts u-rspto-li Tl-ph's Tei'r Thm'e-nus The-s Th-rda-ms Tau-rop'o-lIs Te-mathi-a Tea cri-a The-me'ti-on 1 The-rimIma-chus Tau-ru'bu-lie TdmIbri-3nm Tea-mars'os Them-is-cy'ra Theerfi-nus Taulrus TWm-e-n'fa Tea-O'chis Thim'-ssos Thle-rip'pi-das Taxli-la Tim-e-nI'ttl Tea'ta Thim-is-to'a-del The-ri'tas Tax'i-li Te-mr-tni-3m Tea-tag'o-nhs Thle-mls'ti-us Thoirtmae Tax'i-lhs, or Tem'e-nos Teu'tta-lus The-mIs'to9-cl Ther-ma'!-cus Tax' -le Tdm'e-nis Te3-t'ami-as, or Theim-i-stSte-neg Ther-m~assti-a I Taxx-iu Tds-e-eli'd3 Te3'ta-mgs Thm-oe-r-la Thet-ms don Ta-yLte-te Tdmte-sa Teftta-mus Thelo-cles The-rsd'a-mas Ta'-yge-tus, or Tem'e-sie Teaftas, or ThW'o-clas The-remie.-don T f-y'e-ta Tmst'e-s6 Teu-ta't0q The-o-clym'e-nuis Ther-eo-nI'ce Te-'npum Tem'ii-sus Ted-thra'ni-a The.-c'ly-ttis Ther-sil'o-chus Tata-rus Tem-ml'cea Tet'thras The-oc'ri-nea Ther-si'te~ Te-a'te Tem-pa'ni —s Tea-thrt'ne The-'ctri-tsts The-ri'chus Taelhel Tem'pe Tea-ti'a-plus The-ed'sa-mas, or Thes-bs7tel Tech'na-tis Tem'pe-a Teu-tom'a-tus Thi-ed'a-mas Thes'ce-lis T6c'ta-mis Tem-py'ra Tet'to-n~, anzd The-o-dalmus The-seia Tec-t6st'a-gl, or Tenclh'te-rT, or Teutto-ni Thale-das The-setis Tec-t6s'aa-hie Tench-ttj'ri Tea-tn.nii-cUs The-od'a-tus The-se'U.m Tec-tst'a-i!- Tetn'-a Thitc'o-na The-o-dec'tet The'seus (n.)6 Tec'to-sax Te-nOe's Thl'ta-mme The- od-e-ri'cus The-steus (a.) TZn.e-a, or Thn'g-dcs Th~tl'a-mts Thee-d'o-cuis The-sl'lde Te-r lma Ten'e-rus Tha-las'si-6 1 The-a-dotnis Vll'la ihe-silde Te-.e-a&tteZ Tetnej Thta-lis'si-us 1 Th-9.-d'tra Thees-mo-phltri-st Tog u-la Tgnte-sls ThalStl The-6od-o-re'tus Thes-menph'to-rs Te'y-ea Te-netum Tha-16s'tri-a Tlhe-od'Q-rt Thes-meth'e-tae Tafi-a 3 Tentty-rea Tht-l'ttas Th'e-d-o-rW'cts Thes-pe'a, or Teoli-s 3 Te-re'don Tha-li'a TThe-od't-rac Thes-pl'a Tei-iim 3 Te-re'i-de~ Tha.-li-artchus The-Sd-o-rsltus Thes-pila-die Te/i-us 3 Te-ren'ti-a 1 Tha'/ll-us Thle-od-o-ro-nme'de Thes-pi'ta-del Tel'a-mon Te-ren-ti-'tnus 1 Tha.l'pi-is The-o-ds'rus Thcs'pi-m Tel-a-mo-nis'a-d4 Ter-en-ti'nus Thamfu-da ThE'p-dare Thes'pi-us Tel'chin Te-ent'ti-.s 1 Tham'y-rls The-o-dotsi-a 1 Thlespri-o Tel_-hi'tno Te'rence Th fm'y-res The-o-,d'sj-.s 1 Thes-prott' Tel-chn'il-us Te'reos 6 Thint'-tbs The-od'o-ta, or Thes-prstti-a 1 Te-le'a, or -l'ta Ter-gm'fi-nus Thiptsia-cis The-od/o-to Thes-prsttis T -leb'o-e, or Ter-~es-tltnus Thar-t'lli-a The-o-do'tion 2 Thes-sa'li- a Te-leb'o-_s Teri a-s Th-a-ri'a-de~ The-od'o-tus Thes-sa'li-on Tel-e -be'i'de Ter-i-ba.zts Thi'/i-us 1, or The-o-d'hlus Thes-sa-li-W'tis Telte-0cl1 Te-rid'a- e Thra'gi-6s 1 The-o-gi'ton Thes'sia-lLs Tl'e-cl' us Ter-i-da'tet Thhutma-ct The-og-ne'tus Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca Tel-e-cli'de~ Terei-gtm Thau-matci-ta 1 The-ol'y-tus Th1Es'sa-l5s Te-lec'o-on Te-rT'na Thau-mlnn'ti-as 1 The-omte-don Thes'tt-lius Tel-e-da'mus Ter-man'tti-a 1 Thau'mas The-ornas -Theslti-a Te-ldg'o-nis Tertme-ra Thhu-ma'1.i-us I The-o-n-fcus Thes-ti'a-dwe, aned Tltel'-mus Tierme-rus Th.u-mas-t9-rI'tt j The-o-nstnus Thes-ti'ta-dbe Tel-e-nltcus Ter-me'seus ThG-ee-tt'tus Thl-Ionto-e TlhAs'ti'-s Te -lph'a-nl Terminalia The-e-n Thoe-Al'-nej The'o-pe Thes-ti-d'Vym Tel't-phus Ter-mi-na'ls' The-aI.gej, or The-0phlta-no Thes'ti-is 356 GREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. Thes-tOr'i-d64 Thy-es-tlia-dae Ti-marf'hi-dgg Tl"tj-ils 1 Tra-pgirzQ Theis'ty-lis Thy'sia TI-marn e-ta, or Tit-thtl'um Tra-p'zQsL This'ty-1ls Thytia-d61 Ti-m r'. e-te TI-ti'ri-t-s Tra-p1'zips Thles'ty-ltis Th'ias T-mati-n 1 Titty-6s Tra-phatt' TheI-da'ij-iis 1 Thym-brfe'us Tlm-a-sIthfe-is Titty-rus Tras-i-metnus Thel'do-tuis Thlym'bri-a TI-ma'i-tis 1 Titly-tis Trau'ii-us 1 Thefl-rop'i-d1e Thyim'bri-um TI-ma/vus Tle-pil'e-mrns Tre-ba'ti-us 1 Thei-tIate6 Thy.m'bri-us Tlm'e-, s Trnmtros 5 Tre-bel-il-a'nus Theu'tis, or Thymte-ie TI-me'ui-is 1 Tmitrus 5 Tre-bel-li-6'nus Tealthis Thy-metna TI-me'~-aiis 1 Tm'olus 5 Tre-belli-us ThIta Thy-moch'a-rre TI-mochta-re'Itlhtla-rI Tretbi-ius Thi-.al-ll'la Th ym'o- cl TIm-o-cleta Tces'o-bls 4 Tre-bo'ni-a ThI-6d' a-ni;As Thynti-a Timto-cles To-garta Tre-ba-ni-atnus ThYr'rli-da Thyn'i-as TIm-o-cli'das T61-en-tI'num Tre-bo'ni-us Thlslbe Thy -ane TI-mc'ra-tg T ens T-lIanus Thi"uji-is 1 Thy-otneufs 6 TI-maocre-6n Ti1-e-taIIus Tre-mel'li-s Thislo-a Thyo-a'tel Tim-o-dImus To-lettumr Trem'u-luis Tho-an-t'ea Thy -ra'us Tim-o-la'us Tio-is-to'bi-i Tres'vi-ri Tho-an'ti-ais 1 Th y're TI-mole- on Til'mi-des Trev'i-ri Tho-n'ti-iimn I Thyr'e-a TI-motlus Tl1'o-phrli Tr-ari-a Th6m'y-rls Thyr-e-atte TI-mlm'a-chls To-l'sa Tri-atri-is Tho-ni'tat Thyr-e-a'tis Ti-monoax To-litmni-ols TrI-ba-ni-atnlsa Tho-nI'tis. Thy'reus 6 Ti-monti-dde To-me'tum Trlb'o-ci Tht/on Thy'rti-de Ti-meosithe-le Tom'a-ris, or Tri-butni Tho-o'sa Thyr'i-on Ti-mo'the-us To-mIarus Tri-bU'nus Tho-atte~ Thysr's-tu Ti-mox'e-nus T9-me'rus Tric-a-rnIna, or Tho-ra'ni-us Thyr-sat'e-tre Tint'is Tim'i-sa Trlc-a-ratnum Thori-a TI-itra Tlnti a To-mi'tte Tric-ass-ti'tn Thor'i-cus Ti/a-sa or TiaqLa Tiphiy-sa TomtoQ-ri Trictcae (trik'se) Tho'rii-us Tib- a-*r nI Ti-rI'/i-as I TWalmy- rls Tric-ci-atnus 1 Thos-pi'ta~ Ti-betri-as Ttr-j-ba'seq TQn-do'tt'Trichli-nas Thotus Tib-e-rlnti-deg TIr-i-batzus Toane-a Tri-chlionis Thraice Tib-e-rl/nus Tir-i-dattei Ton-lli-j-atnus Tr!-cllni-tm Thraci-.a 1 Tlb'e-rLs TI-ryn'thi-a Tonn-iI'i-us Trsl-lp-tltnus Thruce TI-betri-ius Ti-sag'o-rais To-patzos Tri-clatri-a Thr'at'i-dwa Ti-betrls Ti-sdm'e-neI To-pa'zus Tric-q-lotni Thra/se-a TI-bt'sis Ti-smt'e-neis To-py'ris, or -rus, or Tr-crilna Thra se-ts Tib-i-setnus Tljtti-is 1 Top'i-ris Tri-cretna Thra-sld'e-hs TI'bris T-~b'risI-tp' Ti T-ratni-us Trld-en-ti'tn Thral'i-us 1 Tlb'iu-la Ti-~i-etnus 1 Ta-re-attm Tri-e're, or -ris Thra-sonti-dte Tlb-.tr-ti'nus TI-siphto-ne Ton'e-tw Tri-e-terli-cqt Thra'sy-as TI-bdur'tij-s 1 Ti-slphto-niis Tor' ni Trifo-li'tnus Thras-y-bu'lus Tl'chis Tis'o-bls To9-tone Tri-rem'i-nus Tlhra-syl'o-lcihus Tlch'i-us TTs-sam'e-nils TQr-qulttus Tri-gI/num Thra-sym'a-chuis TI-ch/otni-uis Tls-sa-phir'ln6 Tq-ry'ne TrI-gatnus Thrds-y-m& de TiTi-da Ti-t6'a Tax-a-r