_ _, {)O' THE |J THE GIFT OF jj| HE^1~d a.it d id ^i~~l~~u~~iilgnljJ M^O _ — 1N 'i: -- -,_1~ 1..>. TIRE GIANT OF l } n 0xj is: i o v C A l ot2 ffi ~limi I3.t1a ' Iil% l fi _ 7 _ _ _r _ U~g$ _ -s ~ PLANE AND SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY BY ELMER A. LYMAN MICHIGAN STATE NORMAL COLLEGE AND EDWIN C. GODDARD UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ALLYN AND BACON 33oston ant C)icalgo COPYRIGHT, 1899, 1900, BY ELMER A. LYMAN A.ND EDWIN C. GODDARD. Norbyaob jorfoo J. S. Cushing & Co. - Berwick & Smith Norwood Masi. U.S.A. PREFACE. MANY American text-books on trigonometry treat the solution of triangles quite fully; English text-books elaborate analytical trigonometry; but no book available seems to meet both needs adequately. To do that is the first aim of the present work, in the preparation of which nearly everything has been worked out and tested by the authors in their classes. The work entered upon, other features demanded attention. For some unaccountable reason nearly all books, in proving the formulae for functions of a ~ 1i, treat the same line as both positive and negative, thus vitiating the proof; and proofs given for acute angles are (without further discussion) supposed to apply to all angles, or it is suggested that the student can draw other figures and show that the formulae hold in all cases. As a matter of fact the average student cannot show anything of the kind; and if he could, the proof would still apply only to combinations of conditions the same as those in the figures actually drawn. These difficulties are avoided by so wording the proofs that the language applies to figures involving any angles, and to avoid drawing the indefinite number of figures necessary fully to establish the formulae geometrically, the general case is proved algebraically (see page 58). Inverse functions are introduced early, and used constantly. Wherever computations are introduced they are made by means of logarithms. The average student, using logarithms for a short time and only at the end of the subject, straightway forgets what manner of things they are. It is hoped, by dint of much,1(ctice, extended over as long a time as possible, to give the student a command of logarithms that will stay. The fundamental formule of trigonometry must be memorized. There is no substitute for this. For this purpose oral work is introduced, and there are frequent lists of review problems involving all principles and formulae previously developed. These lists serve the iii iv PREFACE. further purpose of throwing the student on his own resources, and compelling him to find in the problem itself, and not in any model solution, the key to its solution, thus developing power, instead of ability to imitate. To the same end, in the solution of triangles, divisions and subdivisions into cases are abandoned, and the student is thrown on his own judgment to determine which of the three possible sets of formulae will lead to the solutions with the data given. Long experience justifies this as clearer and simpler. The use of checks is insisted upon in all computations. For the usual course in plane trigonometry Chapters I-VII, omitting Arts. 26, 27, contain enough. Articles marked * (as Art. * 26) may be omitted unless the teacher finds time for them without neglecting the rest of the work. Classes that can accomplish more will find a most interesting field opened in the other chapters. More problems are provided than any student is expected to solve, in order that different selections may be assigned to different students, or to classes in different years. Do not assign work too fast. Make sure the student has memorized and can use each preceding formu la, before taking up new ones. No complete acknowledgment of help received could here be made. The authors are under obligation to many for general hints, and to several who, after going over the proof with care, have given valuable suggestions. The standard works of Levett and Davison, Hobson, Henrici and Treutlein, and others have *been freely consulted, and while many of the problems have been prepared by the authors in their class-room work, they have not hesitated to take, from such standard collections as writers generally have drawn upon, any problems that seemed better adapted than others to the work. Quality has not been knowingly sacrificed to originality. Corrections and suggestions will be gladly received at any time. E. A. L., YPSILANTI. E. C. G., ANN ARBOR. October, 1900. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. ANGLES MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. PAGE Angles; magnitude of angles... 1 Rectangular axes; direction.. 2 Measurement; sexagesimal and circular systems of measurement; the radian...... 3 Examples...... 6 CHAPTER II. THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Function defined.......... 8 The trigonometric functions........ 9 Fundamental relations..... 11 Examples... 14 Functions of 0~, )3~, 45,, 90~...... 15 Examples..18 Variations in the trigonometric functions.. 19 Graphic representation of functions.... 22 Examples.......27 CHAPTER III. FUNCTIONS OF ANY ANGLE-INVERSE FUNCTIONS. Relations of functions of - 0, 90~ ~, 180~ ~ 0, 270~ ~ 0 to the functions of 0.......... 29 Inverse functions. 35 Examples............ 36 Review......... 38 CHAPTER IV. COMPUTATION TABLES. Natural functions..... 40 Logarithms.......40 Laws of logarithms...... 42 Use of tables....... 45 Cologarithms....... 49 Examples. 50 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. APPLICATIONS. Measurements of heights and distances Common problems in measurement. Examples CHAPTER VI. GENERAL FORMULAE TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS AND IDENTITIES. Sine, cosine, tangent of a. Examples Sin 0 + sin q, 0 + cos........ Examples Functions of the double angle Functions of the half angle Examples Trigonometric equations and identities Method of attack... Examples Simultaneous trigonometric equations Examples CHAPTER VII. TRIANGLES. PAGE 51 52 54 56 59 61 62 63 64 64 66 66 67 69 70 Laws of sines, tangents, and cosines....72 Area of the triangle. 76 Solution of triangles.......... 76 Ambiguous case........... 78 Model solutions........... 80 Examples..........83 Applications........... 84 Review........ 86 CHAPTER VIII. MISCELLANEOUS. Incircle, circumcircle, escribed circle...... 92 Orthocentre, centroid, medians....... 94 Examples............ 96 CHAPTER IX. SERIES. Exponential series........97 Logarithmic series...... 99 Computation of logarithms....... 100 I)e Moivre's theorem......... 103 Computation of natural functions.......104 Hyperbolic functions..........109 Examples.........110 CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER X. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Spherical triangles General formulae Right spherical triangles. Area of spherical triangles Examples. PAGE. 112. 114. 123. 125. 128 CHAPTER XI. SOLUTION OF SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. General principles Fornlulae for solution. Model solutions.. 129.130.131 Ambiguous cases.......... 132 Right triangles.... 134 Species............ 135 Examples........... 137 Applications to Geodesy and Astronomy...... 138 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER I. ANGLES-MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 1. Angles. It is difficult, if not impossible, to define an angle. This difficulty may be avoided by telling how it is formed. If a line revolve about one of its points, an angle is generated, the magnitude of the angle depending on the amount of the rotation. Thus, if one side of the angle 0, as OR, be originally in the position OX, and be revolved about the point 0 to the position in the figure, the angle XOR is generated. R OX is called the initial line,: and aly position of OR the terminal line of the angle x formed. The angle 0 is,considered positive if gener- FIG.. ated by a counter-clockwise rotation of OR, and hence negative if generated by a clockwise rotation. The magnitude of 0 depends on the amount of rotation of OR, and since the amount of such rotation may be unlimited, there is no limit to the possible magnitude of angles, for, evidently, the revolving line may reach the position OR by rotation through an acute angle 0, and, likewise, by rotation through once, twice,..., n times 360~, plus the acute angle 0. So that XOR may mean the acute angle 0, 0 + 360~, 0 + 720~,, 0 + n 360~. 1 2 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. In reading an angle, read first the initial line, then the terminal line. Thus in the figure the acute angle XOR, or xr, is a positive angle, and ROX, or rx, an equal negative angle. Ex. 1. Show that if the initial lines for 2, -, -2, - -, right angles are the same, the terminal lines may coincide. 2. Name four other angles having the same initial and terminal lines as 1 of a right angle; as 5 of a right angle; as 3 of a right angle. 2. Rectangular axes. Any plane surface may be divided by two perpendicular straight lines XX' and YY' into four portions, or quadrants. Y XX' is known as the x-axis, YY' as the y-axis, and the two together are called axes of referx-'.... - x ence. Their intersection 0 is the origin, and the four portions of the plane surface, XOY, YOX', Y' X' OY, Y' OX, are called respecFIG. 2. tively the first, second, third, and fourth quadrants. The position of any point in the plane is determined when we know its distances and directions from the axes. 3. Any direction may be considered positive. Then the opposite direction must be negative. Thus, if AB represents any positive line, BA is an equal nega- A B tive line. Mathematicians usually consider lines measured in the same direction as OX or OY (Fig. 2) as positive. Then lines measured in the same direction as OX' or OY' must be negative. The distance of any point from the y-axis is called the abscissa, its distance from the x-axis the ordinate, of that point; the two together are the coordinates of the point, usually denoted by the letters x and y respectively, and written (x, y). ANGLES- MEASUREMENT. 3 When taken with their proper signs, the coordinates define completely the position of the point. Thus, if the point P is + a units from YY', and + b units from XX', any convenient unit of length being chosen, the position of Y P is known. For we have only to measure P' a distance ON equal to a units along OX, and then from N measure a distance b units parallel to OY, and we arrive at the O N position of the point P, (a, b). In like manner we may locate P', (- a, b), in the p" p"I second quadrant, P", (- a, - b), in the Y third quadrant, and P"', (a, -b), in FIG. 3. the fourth quadrant. Ex. Locate (2, -2); (0,0); (-8, -7); (0, 5); (-2, 0); (2, 2); (m, n). 4. If OX is the initial line, 0 is said to be an angle of the first, second, third, or fourth quadrant, according as its terminal line is in the first, second, third, or fourth quadrant. It is clear that as OR rotates its quality is in no way affected, and hence it is in all positions considered positive, and its extension through 0, OR', negative. The student should notice that the initial line may take any position and revolve in either direction. While it is customary to consider the counter-clockwise rotation as forming a positive angle, yet the condiR X ' R tions of a figure may be such -/ \ i / that a positive angle may be ~X%...x x \ generated by a clockwise rotation. Thus the angle XOR in ~' R'R ' i each figure may be traced as FIG. 4. a positive angle by revolving the initial line OX to the position OR. No confusion can result if the fact is clear that when an angle is read XOR, OX is considered a positive line revolving to the position OR. OX' and OR' then are negative lines in whatever directions drawn. These conceptions are mere matters of agreement, and the agreement may be determined in a particular case by the conditions of the problem quite as well as by such general agreements of mathematicians as those referred to in Arts. 3 and 4 above. 5. Measurement. All measurements are made in terms of some fixed standard adopted as a unit. This unit must 4 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. be of the same kind as the quantity measured. Thus, length is measured in terms of a unit length, surface in terms of a unit surface, weight in terms of a unit weight, value in terms of a unit value, an angle in terms of a unit angle. The measure of a given quantity is the number of times it contains the unit selected. Thus the area of a given surface in square feet is the number of times it contains the unit surface 1 sq. ft.; the length of a road in miles, the number of times it contains the unit length 1 mi.; the weight of a cargo of iron ore in tons, the number of times it contains the unit weight 1 ton; the value of an estate, the number of times it contains the unit value $1. The same quantity may have different measures, according to the unit chosen. So the measure of 80 acres, when the unit surface is 1 acre, is 80, when the unit surface is 1 sq. rd., is 12,800, when the unit surface is 1 sq. yd., is 387,200. What is its measure in square feet? 6. The essentials of a good unit of measure are: 1. That it be invariable, i.e. under all conditions bearing the same ratio to equal magnitudes. 2. That it be convenient for practical or theoretical purposes. 3. That it be of the same kind as the quantity measured. 7. Two systems of measuring angles are in use, the sexagesimal and the circular. The sexagesimal system is used in most practical applications. The right angle, the unit of measure in geometry, though it is invariable, as a measure is too large for convenience. Accordingly it is divided into 90 equal parts, called degrees. The degree is divided into 60 minutes, and the minute into 60 seconds. Degrees, minutes, seconds, are indicated by the marks ~ ' ", as 36~ 20' 15". The division of a right angle into hundredths, with subdivisions into hundredths, would be more convenient. The French have proposed such MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 5 a centesimal system, dividing the right angle into 100 grades, the grade into 100 minutes, and the minute into 100 seconds, marked g' ", as 50s 70' 28". The great labor involved in changing mathematical tables, instruments, and records of observation to the new system has prevented its adoption. 8. The circular system is important in theoretical considerations. It is based on the fact that for a given angle the ratio of the length of its arc to the length of the radius of that arc is constant, i.e. for a fixed angle the ratio ar: radius is the same CoR no matter what the length of the A B radius. In the figure, for the angle 0, 0 ABC 'X OA OB 00' -— OA ~ ~ _ O B ~_ - - -....FIG. 5. AA' BB' CC' That this ratio of arc to radius for a fixed angle is constant follows from the established geometrical principles: 1. The circumference of any circle is 2 7r times its radius. 2. Angles at the centre are in the same ratio as their arcs. The Radian. It follows that an angle whose arc is equal in length to the radius is a constant angle for all circles, since in four right angles, or the perigon, there are always 27r such angles. This constant angle, whose are is equal in length to the radius, is taken as the unit angle of circular / ~/^ mneasure, and is called the radian. From / the definition we have 4 right angles = 360~ = 2 7r radians, 2 right angles = 180~ = 7 radians, FIG. 6. 1 right angle = 90~= 7 radians. 7r is a numerical quantity, 3.14159+, and not an angle. When we speak of 180~ as 7r, 90~ as 7, etc., we always mean 7r radians, r radians, etc. 2 2 6 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 9. To change from one system of measurement to the other we use the relation, 2 7r radians = 360~. 180~ 1. radian = -- 57~.2958-; 7r i.e. the radian is 57~.3, approximately. Ex. 1. Express in radians 75~ 30'. 75~ 30' = 75~.5; 1 radian = 57~.3..-. 75~ 30' = 75 1.317 radians. 57.3 2. Express in degree measure 3.6 radians. 1 radian = 57~.3.... 3.6 radians = 3.6 x 57~.3 = 206~ 16' 48". EXAMPLES. 1. Construct, approximately, the following angles: 50~, - 20~, 90~, 179~, -135~, 400~, -380~, 1140 radians, n radians, - radians, 4 3 6 3 7r radians, - 37r radians, -7 radians. Of which quadrant is each angie? 2. What is the measure of: (a) X of a right angle, when 30~ is the unit of measure? (b) an acre, when a square whose side is 10 rds. is the unit? (c) m miles, when y yards is the unit? 3. What is the unit of measure, when the measure of 21 miles is 50? 4. The Michigan Central R.R. is 535 miles long, and the Ann Arbor R.R. is 292 miles long. Express the length of the first in terms of the second as a unit. 5. What will be the measure of the radian wvhen the right angle is taken for the unit? Of the right angle when the radian is the unit? 6. In which quadrant is 45~? 10~? - 60~? 145~? 1145~? -725~? Express each in right angles; in radians. 7. Express in sexagesimal measure r 1 7r 4 radians. -, ~, 1, 6.28, 1,-, -i-, radians. 3 71-2 3 3 EXAMPLES. 7 8. Express in each system an interior angle of a regular hexagon; an exterior angle. 9. Find the distance in miles between two places on the earth's equator which are 11~ 15' apart. (The earth's radius is about 3963 miles.) 10. Find the length of an arc which subtends an angle of 4 radians at the centre of a circle of radius 12 ft. 3 in. 11. An arc 15 yds. long contains 3 radians. Find the radius of the circle. 12. Show that the hour and minute hands of a watch turn through angles of 30' and 6~ respectively per minute; also find in degrees and in radians the angle turned through by the minute hand in 3 hrs. 20 mins. 13. Find the number of seconds in an arc of 1 mile on the equator; also the length in miles of an arc of 1' (1 knot). 14. Find to three decimal places the radius of a circle in which the arc of 71~ 36' 3'.6 is 15 in. long. 15. Find the ratio of 7r to 5~. 6 16. What is the shortest distance measured on the earth's surface from the equator to Ann Arbor, latitude + 42~ 16' 48"? 17. The difference of two angles is 10~, and the circular measure of their sum is 2. Find the circular measure of each angle. 18. A water wheel of radius 6 ft. makes 30 revolutions per minute. Find the number of miles per hour travelled by a point on the rim. CHAPTER II. THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. 10. Trigonometry, as the word indicates, was originally concerned with the measurement of triangles. It now includes the analytical treatment of certain functions of angles, as well as the solution of triangles by means of certain relations between the functions of the angles of those triangles. 11. Function. If one quantity depends upon another for its value, the first is called a function of the second. It always follows that the second quantity is also a function of the first; and, in general, functions are so related that if one is constant the other is constant, and if either varies in value, the other varies. This relation may be extended to any number of mutually dependent quantities. Illustration. If a train moves at a rate of 30 miles per hour, the distance travelled is a function of the rate and time, the time is a function of the rate and distance, and the rate is a function of the time and distance. Again, the circumference of a circle is a function of the radius, and the radius of the circumference, for so long as either is constant the other is constant, and if either changes in value, the other changes, since circumference and radius are connected by the relation C = 2 7rR. N R Once more, in the right triangle NOP, the ratio of any two sides is a function of the angle a, because o - L N' N x all the right triangles of which a is FIG. 7. one angle are similar, i.e. the ratio 8 THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. 9 of two corresponding sides is constant so long as a is constant, and varies if a varies. Thus, the ratios NP N'P' N'P" OP OP' OP" ON ON' ON"t and NP N'P' = N7 p"' etc., depend on a for their values, i.e. are functions of a. 12. The trigonometric functions. In trigonometry six functions of angles are usually employed, called the trigonometric functions. By definition these functions are the six ratios between the sides of the triangle of reference of the given angle. The triangle of reference is formed by drawing from some point in the initial line, or the initial line produced, a perpendicular to that line meeting the terminal line of the angle. aY XY. rR Xr J? x N y' Y. /-r _ Ir N X 0 y' Y XR~' OX X Y P P 7?1? Y/ Y' FIG. 8. Let a be an angle of any quadrant. Each triangle of reference of a, NOP, is formed by drawing a perpendicular to OX, or OX produced, meeting the terminal line OR in P. 10 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. If a is greater than 360~, its triangle of reference would not differ from one of the above triangles. It is perhaps worthy of notice that the triangle of reference might be defined to be the triangle formed by drawing a perpendicular to either side of the angle, or that side produced, meetP/ ing the other side or the other side produced. N In the figure, NOP is in all cases the triangle N P a -c of reference of a. The principles of the fol0 P... lowing pages are the same no matter which.~..-'J;~ of the triangles is considered the triangle of FIG. 9. reference. It will, however, be as well, and perhaps clearer, to use the triangle defined under Fig. 8, and we shall always draw the triangle as there described. 13. The trigonometric functions of a (Fig. 8) are called the sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant of a. These are abbreviated in writing to sin a, cos a, tan a, cot a, sec a, csc a, and are defined as follows: sin a = perp whence = r sin a; hyp. r base x cosa = s=- whence x= r cos a; hyp. r tan a = prp =, whence y = xtan a; base; base x cot a = pe = whence x = y cot a; perp. y see a = hyp = whence r = x seca; base x csca = phyp. =, whence r ycsca. perp. y 1 - cos a and 1 - sin a, called versed-sine a and coversed-sine a, respectively, are sometimes used. Ex. 1. Write the trigonometric functions of /, NPO (Fig. 8), and compare with those of a above. The meaning of the prefix co in cosine, cotangent, and cosecant appears from the relations of Ex. 1. For the sine of an angle equals the cosine, i.e. the complement-sine, of the complement of that angle; the tangent THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. 11 of an angle equals the cotangent of its complementary angle, and the secant of an angle equals the cosecant of its complement- ary angle. B 2. Express each side of triangle ABC in b\ a terms of another side, and some function of an angle in all possible ways, as a = b tan A, etc. FIG. 10. 14. Constancy of the trigonometric functions. It is ilnportant to notice why these ratios are functions of the angle, i.e. are the same for equal angles and different for unequal angles. This is shown by the principles of similar triangles. a ' a FIG. 11. In each figure show that in all possible triangles of reference for a the ratios are the same, but in the triangles of reference for a and a', respectively, the ratios are different. The student must notice that sin a is a single symbol. It is the name of a number, or fraction, belonging to the angle a; and if it be at any time convenient, we may denote sin a by a single letter, such as o, or x. Also, sin2 a is an abbreviation for (sin a)2, i.e. for (sin a) x (sin a). Such abbreviations are used because they are convenient. Lock, Elementary Trigonometry. 15. Fundamental relations. From the definitions of Art. 13 the following reciprocal relations are apparent: 1 1 sin a = -- c, sc oa — = cos a = 1 -- sec — ' = see a cos a tan a = 1-, cot a = ~cot a ~tan a Also from the definitions, tan a = si a cot a =. Cos a sin, t VVu v 12 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. From the right triangle NOP, page 9, y2 + x2 = r2; whence (1) y + 1, r2 r2 (2) + X2 X2 x2 r2 (3) y2 y2 From (1) sin2 a + cos2 a= 1; sin a = V1- cos2 c; cos =? (2) tan2a+1=sec2a; tan a = Vsec2 a-; seca=? (3) 1+cot2a=csc2 a; cota= Vcsc2 a-1; csca=? The foregoing definitions, and fundamental relations are of the highest importance, and must be mastered at once. The student of trigonometry is helpless without perfect familiarity with them. These relations are true for all values of a, positive or negative, but the signs of the functions are not in all cases positive, as appears from the fact that in the triangles of reference in Fig. 8 x and y are sometimes negative. The equations sin a = ~ V/ - cos2 a, tan a = ~ sec2 a - 1, cot a = ~+ csc2 a - 1, have the double sign ~. Which sign is to be used in a given case depends on the quadrant in which a lies. 16. The relations of Art. 15 enable us to express any function in terms of any other, or when one function is given, to find all the others. Ex. 1. To express the other functions in terms of tangent: sin _ 1 1 tana; cota= 1 csc a v' + cot2a 1 + tan2a tan a 1 1 cos a = - - =; sec a = V' + tan2 a; sec a /l + tan2 a '/1 + tan2 a tan a = tan a; csc a = tan a THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. 13 In like manner determine the relations to complete the following table: sin a cos a tan a cot a sec a csc a tan a sin a sin + tan2 a 1 cos a VI + tan2 a tan a tan a cot a --- tan a sec x V/1 + tan2 a /1 + tan2 a CSC a tan a 2. Given sin a = j; find the other functions. cos ( =1 1- X = ~V7; tan a = - = ' 7; iV7 V7 cot 1= 1 =-}/7; sec a 1 4 =4/7; cscx =1 4 cota= a-= v'/; sec a s - 3V7 V//7 V7 3 3. Given tan > + cot q = 2; find sin <. tan + = 2, tan2 - 2tan + 1 = 0, tan = 1. tnq+ tan t5.'. sin (- = tan 2. V/1 + tan2 < Or, expressing in terms of sine directly, si- + cos = 2, cos 4 sin 4 sin2 q + cos2 4 = 2 sin < cos 4, sin2 ( - 2 sin cos 4b + cos2 =_ 0; whence sin < -cos 4 = 0, sin 4 = cos b..'. sin ( = v2. 4. Prove sec4 x - sec2 x = tan2 x + tan4 x. sec4x - sec2x = sec2x(sec2x - 1)=(l + tan2 x)tan2 x = tan2 x + tan4 x. 5. Prove sin6 y + cos6 y = 1 - 3 sin2 y cos2 y. sin6 y + cos6 y = (sin2 y + cos2 y) (sin4 y - sin2 y cos2 y + cos4 y) = (sin2 y + cos2 y)2 _ 3 sin2 y cos2 y = 1 - 3 sin2 y cos2 y. 14 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. tanzx cotzx 6. Prove + = secz cscz+ 1. 1 -cot z 1 - tail z sin z Cos z tan z cot z Cos z sin z 1- cot z~1 -- tanz Cosz 1 sin z sill Z COS Z si il2 z Cos2 z Si,12 + COS2 cos z (sin z - cos z) sin z (cos z - sin z) sin3 z - cos z sin2 Z + sin z cos z + cos2 Z sin z cos z (sin z - cos z) sill z cos z 1 + sin z cosz sz - - ~~~~~+ 1 =seczxcscz+3-1. sin z cos z sin z cos z In solving problems like 3, 4, 5, and 6 above, it is usually safe, if no other step suggests itself, to express all other functions of one member in terms of sine and cosine. The resulting expression may then be reduced by the principles of algebra to the expression in the other member of the equation. For further suggestions as to the solution of trigonometric equations and identities see page 66. EXAM PLES. 1. Find the values of all the functions of a, if sin a = 2; if tan a =3 L,, if Cot a = 3 c a = -%/if sec a = 2; if cos a = I / io;if csca 2. 2. Compute the functions of each acute angle in the right triangles whose sides are: (1) 3, 4, 5; (2) 8, 15, 17; (3) 480, 31, 481; (4) a, b, c; (5) 2 xy X~2 Y2 ~ Y X-Y X-Y 3. If Cos a = I find the value of in a+tanae cos a-cot a 4. If 2 cos a = 2 - sin a, find tan a. 5. If sec2 a csc2 a- 4 = 0, find cot a. 6. Solve for sin/3 in 13 sin/3 + cos2/3= 11. Prove 7. sin44 - Cos4 = -1- 2cos240. 8. (sin a + cos a)(sin a - cos a)- 2 sin2 a -1. 9. (sec a + tan a) (sec a - tana)= 1. 10. cos2, (sec2 / 3- 2 sin2 /) = cos4 / + sin4 3. 11. tan v +secv= Cos V 1 - sin v sinw -1+cosw 3.2. 1 - cos w sin w 13. (sec + 1)(1 - cos 0) = tan2 9 cos 9. FUNCTIONS OF CERTAIN ANGLES. 15 14. sin4 t - sin2 t = cos4 t - cos2 t. 15. sin_ + 1 + sin sec2 (csc/ +1). 1 - sin 3 sin /3 16. (tan A + cot A)2 = sec2 A cs2 A. 17. sec2x - sin2 x = tan2x + cos2x. In the triangle ABC, right angled at C, 18. Given cos A = 8, BC = 45, find tan B, and AB. m'2 2 19. If cos A = - n and AB = m2 + n2, find A C and BC rm2 +- n2' 20. If AC = m + n, BC = m - n, find sin A, cos B. 21. In examples 18, 19, 20, above, prove sin2A + cos2A 1; 1 + tan2 A = sec2A. 17. Functions of certain angles. The trigonometric functions are numerical quantities which may be determined for any angle. In general these values are taken from tables prepared for the purpose, but the principles already studied enable us to calculate the functions of the following angles. 18. Functions of 0~. If a value of y is very small, and decreases as a diminishes. Clearly, when a approaches 0~ as a limit, y likewise approaches 0, and x approaches r, be a very small angle, the P F. 12. N FIG. 12. so that when a = 0~, y = 0, and x = r..s. sn0=Y=0, cot 0~=, r tan 00 cos 0~ = = 1, r 1 sec 0~ = --, cos 0~ tan ~= - =, C 0~= 1 =X O. tan00 Y~0, ese O s x sin 0~ In the figure of Art. 18, by diminishing a it is clear that we can make y as small as we please, and by making a small enough, we can make the value of y less. than any assignable quantity, however small, so that sin a approaches as a limit 0. This is what we mean when we say sin 0~ = 0. In like manner, it is evident that, by sufficiently diminishing a we can make cot a greater than any assignable quantity. This we express by saving cot 0~ = o. 16 16 ~~PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 19. Functions of 300. Let NOP be the triangle of reference for an -angle of 300. Make triangle NOP' = NOP. Then P OP' is an equilateral triangle (why?), and ON bisects PP'. Hence PP=r = 2y. Also x Vr2 y =VW ji\yJ., esec300= 2, -1-\V3 cot 300=-V3. FIG. 13. Cos 30 = - __ r 2 tan30'-"y' Y - x YV\3 20. Functions of 450. Let NOP be the triangle of reference. If angle NOP = 450, OPN= 450. Y R FIG. 14. Then Y=x, and r=Vx~y= 2x~2=xV2. sin 450 /.x _ r xV\2 cos 450 - -__9 tan 450=Y = ~1. x x cot 450, sec 450, cse 450. Find, FUNCTIONS OF CERTAIN ANGLES. 17 21. Functions of 60~. The functions of 60~ may be computed by means of the figure, or they may be written from the func- tions of the complement, or 30~. Let the student in both ways show that sin60~= 3, cos 60~= ( r -- 2 V V ~ 2- O N P tan 60 = 3. FIG. 15. Compute also the other functions of 60~. 22. Functions of 90~. If a be an angle very near 90~, the value of x is very small, and deyI~ IP creases as a increases toward 90~. Clearly when a approaches 90~ as a limit, x approaches 0, and y approaches r, so that when O lo X oa=90~, x=0, Y=r. FIG. 16... sin 90~ = 1, cos 90~ = 0, tan 90~ = o. Compute the other functions. Also find the functions of 90~ from those of its complement, 0~. 23. It is of great convenience to the student to remember the functions of these angles. They are easily found by recalling the relative values of the sides of the triangles of reference for the respective angles, or the values of the other functions may readily be computed by means of the fundamental relations, if the values of the sine and cosine are remembered, as follows: 18 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. ORAL WORK. 1. Which is greater, sin 450 or - sin 907"? sin 600 or 2 sin 300? 2. From the functions of 600, find those of 30'; from the functions of 9900, those of 00. Why are the functions of 450 equal to the co-functions,of 450.? 3. Given sin A =,find cos A; tanA. 4. Show that sin B csc B = 1; cos C sec C = 1; cot x taix = 1. 5. Show that sec2 6 - tan2 & = csc2 6 - cot2 6 = sin2 6 + cos2 6. 6. Show that tan 300 tan 600 = cot 60' cot 30' = tan 450' 7. Show that tan 600 sin2 450 = cos 300 sin 90'. 8. Show that cos a tan a = sin a; sin/3 cot/3 = cos/3. 1 - tan2 300 = o 0 1 cos 00. 9. Show that ta230 os 600 I + tan 2300 " 10. Show that (tan y + cot y) sin y cos y = 1. EXAMPLES. 1. Show that sin 300 cos 60' + cos 300 sin 600 = sin 900. 2. Show that cos 600 cos 300 + sin 600 sin 300 = cos 300. 3. Show that sin 450 cos 00 - cos 450 sin 00 = cos 450. 4. Show that cos2450 - sin245' = cos 900. 5. Show that tan 45 + tan 0 = tan 450. 1 - tan 450 tan 00 If A = 600, verify 6. sinA=<1josA A2 2' csA 7. tanA=\ CosA. 2 A 8. cos A 2 cos2A 1=1 - 2 sin24. 2 2 If a = 00, 3 = 300, y = 450, 7 = 60', E = 900, find the values of 9. sin/3+cosS. 10. cos,/ +tan S. 11. sin 8 cos 8 + cos / sin 8 - sin E. 12. (sin/3 + sin ) (cos a + cos 8) - 4 sin a (cos y + sinec). VARIATIONS IN THE FUNCTIONS. 19 24. Variations in the trigonometric functions. Signs. Thus far no account has been taken of the signs of the functions. By the definitions it appears that these depend on the signs of x, y, and r. Now r is always positive, and from the figures it is seen that x is positive in the first Y Y Sin. + Cos. + \PI P^! Sin. + Tan. + Csc. + Cot. + y\\r N'r^Nt \y i~ Sec. + X, 1 NN3, N1, X N(r+) o(y) X3 4 4 ~y} 3 /3 r P Tan. + Cos. + Cot. + Sec. + Y Y' FIG. 17. and fourth quadrants, and y is positive in the first and second. Hence For an angle in the first quadrant all functions are positive, since x, y, r are positive. In the second quadrant x alone is negative, so that those functions whose ratios involve x, viz. cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, are negative; the others, sine and cosecant, are positive. In the third quadrant x and y are both negative, so that those functions involving r, viz. sine, cosine, secant, cosecant, are negative; the others, tangent and cotangent, are positiue. In the fourth quadrant y is negative, so that sine, tangent, cotangent, cosecant are negative, and cosine and secant, positive. Values. In the triangle of reference of any angle, the hypotenuse r is never less than x or y. Then if r be taken of any fixed length, as the angle varies, the base and perpendicular of the triangle of reference may each vary in length from 0 to r. Hence the ratios - and Y can never be greater r r than 1, nor if x and y are negative, less than -1; and -, - x y 20 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. cannot have values between + 1 and - 1. But the ratios Y and x may vary without limit, i.e. from + 0 to- o. x y Therefore the possible values of the functions of an angle are: sine and cosine between + 1 and - 1, i.e. sine and cosine cannot be numerically greater than 1; tangent and cotangent between + oo and- oo, i.e. tangent and cotangent may have any real value; secant and cosecant between + oo and + 1, and - 1 and - oo, i.e. secant and cosecant may have any real values, except values between + 1 and - 1. These limits are indicated in the following figures. The student should carefully verify. Sin 90~= 1 90o Cos 90 +~0 Y Tan 90~= to Sin. +1 +1 7 > ol L Cos. -0 +0 Tan. -oa +oo Sin 180to Sin 0'- ~ 00 0 X 180 j7-+ 0,_ -o + o, + +?v. oo Cos -o- 0+o0 -10 -o +0, "+1+0 0 Tan 180~ —10 X=-, 00 1 X0;1 +1, a Tan 0'=~0,~ fe ^ y Sin. -1 -1 Cos. -0 +0 Sin 27O= -1 Tan. +oo -co Cos 270 =+0 Y Y Tant 270=+o0 270 FIG. 18. 25. In tracing the changes in the values of the functions as a changes from 0~ to 360~, consider the revolving line r as of fixed length. Then x and y may have any length between O and r. Sine. At 0~, sin = y = = 0. As a increases through r r the first quadrant, y increases from 0 to r, whence Y increases from 0 to 1. In passing to 180~ sin a decreases from 1 to 0, VARIATIONS IN THE FUNCTIONS. 21 since y decreases from r to 0. As a passes through 180~, y changes sign, and in the third quadrant decreases to negative r, so that sin a decreases from 0 to - 1. In the fourth quadrant y increases from negative r to 0, and hence sin a increases from - 1 to 0. Cosine depends on changing values of x. Show that, as a increases from 0~ to 360~, cos a varies in the four quadrants as follows: 1 to 0, 0 to - 1, - 1 to 0, 0 to 1. Tangent depends on changing values of both y and x. At 0~, = 0, x= r, at 180, y = 0, x = -r, at 90~, x = 0, y = r, at 270, x = 0, y =- r. Hence tan 0~ = = -0 = 0. As a passes to 90~, y increases x T to r, and x decreases to 0, so that tan a increases from 0 to oo. As a passes through 90~, x changes sign, so that tan a changes from positive to negative by passing through oo. In the second quadrant x decreases to negative r, y to 0, and tan a passes from - o to 0. As a passes through 180~, tan changes from minus to plus by passing through 0, because at 180~ y changes to minus. In the third quadrant tan a passes from 0 to oo, changing sign at 270~ by passing through oo, because at 270~ x changes to plus. In the fourth quadrant tan a passes from - oo to 0. Cotangent. In like manner show that cot a passes through the values oo to 0, 0 to - o, oo to 0, 0 to - so, as a passes from 0~ to 360~. Secant depends on x for its value. Noting the change in x as under cosine, we see that secant passes from 1 to oo, - oo to - 1, -1 to - o, oo to 1. Cosecant passes through the values oo to 1, 1 to oo, - oo to -1, - 1 to - co. The student should trace the changes in each function fully, as has been done for sine and tangent, giving the reasons at each step. 22 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. a 0~ to 90~ 90~ to 180~ 180~ to 2700 270~ to 360~ sin 0 to 1 1 to 0 -0 to -1 - to -0 cos I to 0 - 0 to - 1 -1 to - 0 to 1 tan 0 to co -co to-O O to oo -oo to-0 cot oo to 0 - to - c o to 0 - 0 to - co sec ito o - - 1 - to -1 coto 1 csc s o to 1 1 to oo - o to - 1 - 1 to - oo * 26. Graphic representation of functions. These variations are clearly brought out by graphic representations of the functions. Two cases will be considered: I, when a is a constant angle; II, when a is a variable angle. I. When a is a constant angle. The trigonometric functions are ratios, pure numbers. By so choosing the triangle of reference that the denominator of the ratio is a side of unit length, the side forming the numerator of that ratio will be a geometrical representation of the value of that function, e.g. if in Fig. 19 r = 1, then sin a =Y== y. This may be done by making a a r 1 central angle in a circle of radius 1, and drawing triangles of reference as follows: E C E,A E /E C_ _ E3 0 A BA P FIG. 19. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 23 In all the figures A OP = a, and BP BP sin a = = BP, OP 1 OB OB = COS a... OB OP 1 BP AD AD tan a.= = = AD, OBOA 1 OA EC EC, cot a....= EC, AD OE 1 OP OD OD sec a= =OA= = OD OB OA 1 OP OC OC n csc a = = = = BP OE 1 It appears then that, by taking a radius 1, sine is represented by the perpendicular to the initial line, drawn from that line to the terminus of the arc subtending the given angle; cosine is represented by the line from the vertex of the angle to the foot of the sine; tangent is represented by the geometrical tangent drawn from the origin of the arc to the terminal line, produced if necessary; cotangent is represented by the geometrical tangent drawn from a point 90~ from the origin of the arc to the terminal line, produced if necessary; secant is represented by the terminal line, or the terminal line produced, from the origin to its intersection with the tangent line; cosecant is represented by the terminal line, or the terminal line produced, from the origin to its intersection with the cotangent line. 24 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. These lines are not the functions, but in triangles drawn as explained their lengths are equal to the numerical values of the functions, and in this sense the lines may be said to represent the functions. It will be noticed also that their directions indicate the signs of the functions. Let the student by means of these representations verify the results of Arts. 24 and 25. II. When a is a variable angle. Take XX' and YYT as axes of reference, and let angle units be measured along the x-axis, and values of the functions parallel to the y-axis, as in Art. 3. We may write corresponding values of the angle and the functions thus: a=o0, 30~, 45~, 60~, 90~, 120~, 135~, 150~, 180~, 210~, 225~, sin a== 0, 2 12 2 3, 1, -I3, 2, 0, -1, - 1 2, a= 240~, 270~, 300~, 315~, 330~,3, 360~,0, -450, -60, -90~, etc., sin a=- V/3, -1,-2 V3, -~/2-, - 02, — i, --, -1x/3, -1, etc. These values will be sufficient to determine the form of the curve representing the function. By taking angles between those above, and computing the values of the function, as ~\, ~\ 0; ~given in mathematical tables, /,,/ the form of the curve can be x^^^\ I \,d determined to any required 0 ~~^ degree of accuracy. Reduc/ \ / \ ing the above fractions to i i I t decimals, it will be convenient ' I i to make the y-units large in Curves of Sine and Cosecant. comparison with the x-units. Sinev Cosecant - In the figure one x-unit repreFIG. 20. sents 15~, and one y-unit 0.25. Measuring the angle values along the x-axis, and from these points of division measuring the corresponding values of sin a parallel to the y-axis, as in Art. 3, we have, approximately, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 25 OX1 = 30~ = 2 units, OX = 450 = 3 units, X1Y1 = 1 = 2 units, X2Y2 = 0.71 = 2.84 units, OX3 = 60~ = 4 units, etc., X3Y3= 0.86 = 3.44 units, etc. We have now only to draw through the points Y1, Y2, Y3. etc., thus determined, a continuous curve, and we have the sine-curve or sinusoid. The dotted curve in the figure is the cosecant curve. Let the student compute values, as above, and draw the curve. In like manner draw the cosine and secant curves, as follows: m ' i. i i i I \ I X Curves of Cosine and Secant. Cosine Secant --- —-- FIG. 21. Tangent curve. Compute values for the angle a and for tan a, as before: a = 0~, 30~, 45~, 60~, 90~, 120~, 135~, 150~, 180~, 210~, 225~, 240~, 270~, tan a = 0, 3/3, 1, v3, ~, -x/3, -1, — /3, 0, V/3, I, /3, ~o, a = - 30~, - 45~, - 60~, - 90~, etc., tan a= —1x/3, — 1, - -V, oo, etc. Then lay off the values of a and of tan a along the x, and parallel to the y-axis, respectively. It will be noted that, 26 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. as a approaches 90~, tan a increases to o, and when a passes 90~, tan a is negative. Hence the value is measured parallel Curves of Tangent and Cotangent. Tangent Cotangent --- —-- FIG. 22. to the y-axis downward, thus giving a discontinuous curve, as in the figure. * 27. The following principles are illustrated by the curves: 1. The sine and cosine are continuous for varying values of the angle, and lie within the limits + 1 and - 1. Sine changes sign as the angle passes through 180~, 360~,...*, n 180~, while cosine changes sign as the angle passes through 90~, 270~,..*, (2n + 1) 90~. Tangent and cotangent are discontinuous, the one as the angle approaches 90~, 270~,..., (2n+1) 90~, the other as the angle approaches 180~, 360~, *.., n 180~, and each changes sign as the angle passes through these values. The limiting values of tangent and cotangent are + o and - o. 2. A line parallel to the y-axis cuts any of the curves in but one point, showing that for any value of a there is but one value of any function of a. But a line parallel to the x-axis cuts any of the curves in an indefinite number of points, if at all, showing that for any value of the function there are an indefinite number of values, if any, of a. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 27 3. The curves afford an excellent illustration of the variations in sign and value of the functions, as a varies from 0 to 360~, as discussed in Art. 25. Let the student trace these changes. 4. From the curves it is evident that the functions are periodic; i.e. each increase of the angle through 360~ il the case of the sine and cosine, or through 180~ in the case of the tangent and cotangent, produces a portion of the curve like that produced by the first variation of the angle within those limits. 5. The difference in rapidity of change of the functions at different values of a is important, and reference will be made to this in computations of triangles. (See Art. 64, Case III.) A glance at the curves shows that sine is changing in value rapidly at 0~, 180~, etc., while near 90~, 270~, etc., the rate of change is slow. But cosine has a slow rate of change at 0~, 180~, etc., and a rapid rate at 90~, 270~, etc. Tangent and cotangent change rapidly throughout. Ex. Let the student discuss secant and cosecant curves. ORAL WORK. 1. Express in radians 180~, 120~, 45~; in degrees, ly radians, 2 r, ITr,. 7r 2. If I of a right angle be the unit, what is the measure of ~ of a right angle? of 90~? of 135~? 3. Which is greater, cos 30~ or ~ cos 60~? tan7r or cotT? sin 7 or cos 6 3 4 4 4. Express sin a in terms of sec a; of tan a; tan a in terms of cos a; of sec a. 5. Given sin a = a, find tan a. If tan a = 1, find sin a, csc a, cot a; also tan 2 a, sin 2 a, cos 2 a. 6. If cos a = ~, find sin ' tan a 7. In what quadrant is angle t, if both sin t and cos t are minus? if sin t is plus and cos t minus? if tan t and cot t are both minus? if sin t and csc t are of the same sign? Why? 8. Of the numbers 3, a, - b, OW, 0, which may be a value of sinp? of secp? of tan p? Why? 28 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. EXAMPLES. 1. If sin 26040' = 0.44880, find, correct to 0.00001, the cosine and tangent. 2. If tan a -V3 and cot13 - lv3, find sin cacos/3 - cos a sin. 3. Evaluate sin 300 cot 30' - cos 600 tan 600 sin 900 cos 00 Prove the identities: 4. tan A (1- Cot2A) +cot A (1 - tan2 A) = 0. 5. (sin A + sec A)2 + (CosA + csc A)2 =( 1+ sec A csc A)2. 6. sin2 x cos x cscx - cos3 X csc x sin2 x + cos4 X sec x sin x = sin3X cos x + cos3 x sin x. 7. tan2W + cot2w = se2 W CSC2 W - 2. 8. sec2 v + cos2 V = 2 + tan 2v sin2 V. 9. cos2t + 1 = 2 cos3t sec t + sin2 t. 10. csc2 t - sec2 t - cos2 t csc2 t - sin2 t sec2 t. isn2 n2 11. The sine of an angle is -; find the other functions. m2 + n2 12. If tan A + sinA = m, tan A - sinA =n, prove m2- n2= 4Vmn. Solve for one function of the angle involved the equations: 13. sinO0 + 2cos9 = 1. 16. 2sin2x + cos x - 1 = 0. cosax 3 17. sec2 x - 7tanx - 9 = 0. 14. tan (t 2 18. 3cscy+10coty-35=0. 15. Vj csc2O = 4 cotO0. 19. sin2v - I cosv - 1 = 0. 20. a sec 2w + b tan w + c - a =0. 21. If sinA tanA -"/3, findA and B. sinB tanB 22. Find to five decimal places the arc which subtends the angle of 1' at the centre of a circle whose radius is 4000 miles. 23. If csc A - 2v'3, find the other functions, when A lies between 7r and ir. 2 24. In each of two triangles the angles are in G. P. The least angle of one of them is three times the least angle of the other, and the sum of the greatest angles is 2400. Find the circular measure of each of the angles. CHAPTER III. FUNCTIONS OF ANY ANGLE -INVERSE FUNCTIONS. 28. By an examination of the figure of Art. 24 it is seen that all the fundamental relations between the functions hold true for any value of a. The table of Art. 16 expresses the functions of a, whatever be its magnitude, in terms of each of the other functions of that angle if the ~ sign be prefixed to the radicals. The definitions of the trigonometric functions (Art. 12) apply to angles of any size and sign, but it is always possible to express the functions of any angle in terms of the functions of a positive acute angle. The functions of any angle 0, greater than 360~, are the same as those of 0 ~ n - 360~, since 9 and 8 ~ n 360~ have the same triangle of reference. Thus the functions of 390~, or of 750~, are the same as the functions of 390~- 360~, or of 750~- 2-360~, i.e. of 30~, as is at once seen by drawing a figure. So also the functions of -315~, or of - 675~ are the same as those of - 315~ + 360~, or of - 675~ + 2-3600, i.e. of 45~. For functions of angles less than 360~ the relations of this chapter are important. 29. To find the relations of the functions of - 0, 90~ ~ 9, 180~ ~ 0, and 270~ ~ 8 to the functions of 0, 0 being any angle. Four sets of figures are drawn, I for 9 an acute angle, II for 9 obtuse, III for 8 an angle of the third quadrant, and IV for 0 an angle of the fourth quadrant. In every case generate the angles forming the compound angles separately, i.e. turn the revolving line first through 29 30 (a) PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. (b) -0 (c) 1804o T' x I r 0 y X' r0 I x I X' V\X II I II II V 0 XQ rI -, > ' f Yy III III III x \ OrTV X U 'p y - IV IV IV FIG. 23. FUNCTIONS OF ANY ANGLE. 31 90oi 270~o 0 x \T' r/\ ^Ik. 'r X' X' XI y Y I I X X y c y XI X1Y ' III I I 9 Y rI *^of0 y a:' x'^ U xl it + Ix- IV. FIG. 23. 32 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 0~, 90~, 180~, or 270~, and then from this position through 0, or - 0, as the case may be. Form the triangles of reference for (a) the angle 0, (b) - 8, () 180~ ~0, (d) 90~ ~ 0, (e) 270~ ~ 9. The triangles of reference (a), (6), (c), (d), and (e), in each of the four sets of figures, I, II, III, IV, are similar, being mutually equiangular, since all have a right angle and one acute angle equal each to each. Hence the sides x, y, r of the triangles (a) are homologous to x', yt, rf of the corresponding triangles (b) and (c), but to y', x', r', of the corresponding triangles (d) and (e). For the sides x of triangle (a) and x' of the triangles (b) and (c) are opposite equal angles, and hence are homologous, but the sides y' are opposite this same angle in triangles (d) and (e), and therefore sides y' of (d) and (e) are homologous to x of (a). Attending to the signs of x and x', y and y' in the similar triangles (a) and (6), sin(- 0) ' - =-sin 0, x x cos(-0)== = - = os, tan (-0) =y Y — -tan 9. X X Also in the similar triangles (a) and (e), sin (180~ - ) = = sin0, r r X! X cos (180 - 0) = - - - = - cos 0, r Iy _ r tan (180~ - 0)= =Y = = tan S. In like manner show that sin (180~ + ) =- sin 0, cos (180~ + ) =- cos 0, tan (180~ + 0)= tan 0. FUNCTIONS OF ANY ANGLE. Again, in the similar triangles (a) and (d), sin (90~ + ) - - = cos 0, os (90~ + 9)- =-Y = - sin 8, cos (90~ + O) = r = S cos (90~ - 0) = sin, tan (90~ - ) = c ot 9. Finally, from the similar triangles (a) and (e), show that sin (270~ ~ 0)=-cos 9, cos (270~ - 0)= sin 0, tan (270~ ~ 0)= F cot 9. From the reciprocal relations the student can at once write the corresponding relations for secant, cosecant, and cotangent. 30. Since in each of the four cases x', yI of triangles (b) and (c) are homologous to x, y of triangle (a), while x', y' of the triangles (d) and (e) are homologous to y, x of triangle (a), we may express the relations of the last article thus: The functions of { 180~ f correspond to the same functions 90 9 0 of 0, while those of 9270~0 correspond to the co-functions of 0, due attention being paid to the signs. The student can readily determine the sign in any given case, whether 0 be acute or obtuse, by considering in what quadrant the compound angle, 90~ ~ 0, 180~ ~ 0, etc., would 34 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. lie if 0 were an acute angle, and prefixing to the corresponding functions of 0 the signs of the respective functions for an angle in that quadrant. Thus 90~ + 0, if 0 be acute, is an angle of the second quadrant, so that sine and cosecant are plus, the other functions minus. It will be seen that sin (90~ + 0)= +cost9, cos (90~ + 0)= - sin 9, etc., and this will be true whatever be the magnitude of 0. It will assist in fixing in the memory these important relations to notice that when in the compound angle 0 is measured from the y-axis, as in 90~ ~ 0, 270~ ~ 0, the functions of one angle correspond to the co-functions of the other, but when in the compound angle 0 is measured from the x-axis, as in ~ 0, 180~ ~ 0, then the functions of one angle correspond to the same functions of the other. These relations, as has been noted in Art. 28, can be extended to angles greater than 360~, and it may be stated generally that function 0 = i function (2 n * 90~ ~ 0), function 0 = ~ co-function [(2 n + 1) 90~ ~ 9]. Computation tables contain angles less than 90~ only. The chief utility of the above relations will be the reduction of functions of angles greater than 90~ to functions of acute angles. Thus, to find tan 130~ 20', look in the tables for cot 40~ 20', or for tan 49~ 40'. Why? Ex. 1. What angles less than 360~ have the same numerical cosine as 20~? cos 20 =- cos (180~ + 20) = cos (360~ - 20~)..'. 200~, 160~, 340~ have the same cosine numerically as 20~. 2. Find the functions of 135~; of 210~. sin 135~ = sin (90~ + 45~) cos 45~ = 0 /2, cos 135~ = cos (180~ - 45) = - cos 45~ = - V2, etc. sin 210~ = sin (180~ + 30~) = - sin 30~ = - Let the student give the other functions for each angle. INVERSE FUNCTIONS. 35 ORAL WORK. 1. Determine the sine and tangent of each of the following angles: 30~, 120~, - 30~, - 60~, 7r, 22 r,- - 135~, - 7r. 2. Which is the greater, sin 30~ or sin(- 30~)? tan 1350 or tan 45~? cos 60~ or cos(- 60~)? sin 22~ 301 or cos 67~ 30'? 3. What positive angle has the same tangent as -? the same sine as 50~? 4. If tan =- 1, find sin 0. 5. Find sin 510~, cos(- 60~), tan 150~. 6. Reduce in two ways to functions of a positive acute angle, cos 122~ tan 140~ 30', sin(- 60~). 7. Find all positive values of x, less than 360~, satisfying the following equations: cos x = cos 45~, sin 2 x = sin 10~, tan 3 x = tan 60~, sin x = sin 30~, tan x = tan 135~. 8. What angles are determined when (a) sine and cosine are +? (b) cotangent and sine are -? (c) sine + and cosine -? (d) cosine - and cotangent +? INVERSE FUNCTIONS. 31. That a is the sine of an angle 0 may be expressed in two ways, viz., sin 0 = a, or, inversely, 0 = sin- a, the latter being read, 0 equals an angle whose sine is a, or, more briefly, 8 is the anti-sine of a. The notation sin-' a, cos-1 a, tan-1 a, etc., is not a fortunate one, but is so generally accepted that a change is not probable. The symbol may have been suggested from the fact that if ax = b, then x = a-1 b, whence, by analogy, if sin 0 = a, 0 = sin-1 a. But the likeness is an analogy only, for there is no similarity in meaning. Sin-1 a is an angle 0, where sin 0 = a, 1 and is entirely different from (sin a)-1 =-. In Europe the symbols sill a arc sin a, arc cos a, etc., are employed. 32. Principal value. We have found that in sin 0 = a, for any value of 0, a can have but one value; but in 0 = sin-l a, for any value of a there are an indefinite number of values of 0 (Art. 27, 2). Thus, when sin 0 = a, if a =, 0 may be 30~, 150~, 390~, 510~, - 330~, etc., or, in general, nwr + (- 1) 30~. In the solution of problems involving inverse functions, 36 36 ~~PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. the numerically least of these angles, called the principal value, is always used; i.e. we understand that sin-1 a, tan-' a, are angles between + 900 and - 90', while the limits of cos-1a are 00 and 1800. Thus, sin-' 1 = 30', sin'l( - -1) = - 30', cos-1 1= 600, 2T 2_ cos'l(- 1) = 1200. How many degrees in radians? 1.Co- 3 2. tan-' 1? 5. cos-' ( - 14x2)? 6. sn1-V ORAL WORK. each of the following angles? How many 7. tan-' V3? 8. Cos-'O0? 9. sin-'1? 10. tan-' 0? 12. sin-'( - 1)? Find the values of tl 14. tan (cos-' 1). 15. tan(cot-'[18. tan (tan'I x) ie functions: '3). ~~~19. cos(sin'10). 20. sin(cos-'[- 1]). 21. cos(cot-'V-3). 2). ~~~22. ta-n(sin'1[- 1]). 23. sin(tarc'[- 1]). Ex. 1. Construct cot-' ~. Construct the right triangle xyr, so that x =4, y =3, whence angle xr =cot-' 4. 2. Find cos(tan-1 ITLet 0 = tanv' I, whence x=4 ~~~tan90= 8, and cos 0-=I4. FIG. 24. ~~~.. cos 0 =cos(tan-1 Tl~) -,1 3. If 0 = csc-1 a, prove 0 = cos-' Vra'2 - 1 a csc 0= a;... sin 0=!I, a Cos 0= 1 -, or 0=coor a a a and EXAMPLES. 37 EXAM PLES. 1. Construct sin-12, tan-'-A, cos-'(- D. 2. Find tan(sin'-1 5 ) sin(tan-' 5 3. If 0 = sin-' a, prove 0 = tan-' a ~VI - a2 4. Show that sin-' a - 900 - cos-' a. 5. Prove tan-' V + cot-1v', = 7. 2 6. Prove tan-'(sin c)s=1cos-'. 7. What angles, less than 360', have the same tangent numerically as 100? 8. Given tan 1430 22' - 0.74357; find, correct to 0.00001, sine and cosine. 9. If cot2(900 + /) + csc(900 - /)- 1 = 0, find tan /. 10. Find all positive values of x, less than 3600, when sin x =sin 220 30'; when tan 2 x = tan 600. 11. When is sin x a2 + 12 possible, and when impossible? 2 ab 12. Verify sin-' 1 + cos-1 + tan-lv'3 = sin-' 2 2 13. What values of x will satisfy sini'(x2 - x) = 300? 14. If tan20 - sec2a = 1, prove sec 0~+ tan8 0 csc 0 = (3 ~ tan2 a). 15. Prove sin A (1 + tan A)+ cos A (1 + cotA)= sec A + csc A. 16. Solve the simultaneous equations: sin-'(2 x + 3 y)= 30' and 3 x + 2 y=2. 17. Verify (a) tan 600 = <1 - cos 1200 1 + cos 1201 1 - tan2 300 (b) cos 600 tn 0 (c) 2 sin2 600 - 1 - cos 1200. 18. Show that the cosine of the complement of L equals the sine of the supplement of Z6 6 38 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. REVIEW. Before leaving a problem the student should review and master all principles involved. 1. Construct cos-1' 8; sin-l(- 3D; tan-12. 2. Find cos (sin-' 3); tan (cos-1 3. Prove cot-' a = cos' a 1 +a2 4. Given a = cot-1, find tan a ~ sin (90' + a). 5. Find tall (sin-' I + cos-' 6. State the fundarnental relations between the trigonometric functions in terms of the inverse functions. Thus, 12 sin-1a = csc-1 sin-1 a = cos-1V - a2, etc. a' 7. Find all the angles, less than 3600, whose cosine equals sin 1200. 8. Given cot- 2.8449, find the sine and cosine of the angle, correct to 0.0001. 9. If tan2 (1SOl - 9) - sec (l80 + 9) = 5, find cos 9. 10. If sin9- = 23 find tan29~cos29 tain2 9 - cos2 9 11. Is sin x - 2 cos x + 3 sin x - 6 = 0 a possible equation? 2 tan ~30'12. Verify (a) sin 60' 2 1 + tan2 300 (b) 2 cos2 600 = 1 + cos 1200. (c) cos 600 - cos 900 = 2 cos2 300 - 2 cos2 450 13. If sin x = a(a + 2b) find secx and tan x. a2 + 2 ab + 2 b2 1 + sill n - cos 0 1 ~ sinll90+ cos 0 2 esc 92 14. Prove + 1 + sin 0 + cos 9 1 +sind0 - cos 0 15. Prove cos 450 + cos 1350 + cos 300 + cos 1500 - cos 2100 + cos 270' = sin 600. 16. If tan, prove that ~a2- b2 sin 0(1 + tan90) ~ cos 0(1 + cot90) - sec = _. 17. Solve sin2 X + Siii2 (x + 901) + sin2 (X + 1800) = 1. EXAMPLES. 3 39 18. Given cos2 a = M Sin a - n, find sin a. 19. If sin12 /3find / 2 see/3' 20. Given tan 2380 = 1.6, find sin 1480. 21. Prove tan-' m + cot-1 m =990*. 22. Find sin (sin-1p + cos-1p). 23. Solve cot2O0(2 csc60 - 3) +3 (csc90 - 1) = 0. 24. Pr-ove sin2 a seC2 /3 + tan2 /3cos2 a =sin2a+tn 3 25. Prove cos6 V ~ sin6 V = 1 - 3 sin2 V ~ 3 sin4 V. 26. What values of A satisfy sin 2 A =cos 3 A? VI -m2 <I Co C of27. If tan C m,adtan D ~,find tan D in terms 28. If sin x - cos x + 4COS2x -=2 find tan x; sec x. 29. Does the value of sec x, derived from sec2x= l2cos2X 2 give a possible value of x?1-COX 30. Prove [cot (900 - A)- tan (900 + A)] [sin (180' - A) sin (90' + A)] = 1. 31. Prove (1 + sin A) 2[cot A + 2secA (I -cescA) ]+cescA cos3A =0. 32. Given sin x = m sin y, and tan x = n tan y, find cos x and cos y. 33. Given cot 201' - 2.6, find cos 11 10. 34. Find the value of cos'1 1 + sin-'1 N/2 + csc-1( - 1) + tan-' 1 - 2 cot-' V3. 35. Solve 2COS20 1sinO0- 7=0. 36. Prove cos2 B +COS2 (B + 900) + cos2 (B + 180') + cos2 (B + 270') = 2. CHAPTER IV. COMPUTATION TABLES. 33. Natural functions. It has been noted that the trigonometric functions of angles are numbers, but the values were found for only a few angles, viz. 0~, 30~, 45~, 60~, 90~, etc. In computations, however, it is necessary to know the values of the functions of any angle, and tables have been prepared giving the numerical values of the functions of all angles between 0~ and 90~ to every minute. In these tables the functions of any given angle, and conversely the angle corresponding to any given function, can be found to any required degree of accuracy; e.g. by looking in the tables we find sin24~ 26'= 0.41363, and also 1.6415 = tan 58~ 39'. These numbers are called the natural functions, as distinguished from their logarithms, which are called the logarithmic functions of the angles. Ex. 1. Find from the tables of natural functions: sin 35~14'; cos 54~ 46'; tan 78~ 29'; cos 112~ 58'; sin 135~. 2. Find the angles less than 180~ corresponding to: sin-10.37865; cos-10.37865; tan-10.58670; cos-10.00291; sin-10.99999. 34. Logarithms. The arithmetical processes of multiplication, division, involution, and evolution, are greatly abridged by the use of tables of logarithms of numbers and of the trigonometric ratios, which are numbers. The principles involved are illustrated in the following table: Write in parallel columns a geometrical progression having the ratio 2, and an arithmetical progression having the difference 1, as follows: 40 LOGARITHMS. 41 G. P. A. P. It will be perceived that the numbers in 1 0 the second column are the indices of the 2 1 powers of 2 producing the corresponding 4 2 numbers in the first column, thus: 26 = 64, 8 211= 2048, 218s= 262144, etc. The use of 16 4 such a table will be illustrated by examples. 32 5 Ex. 1. Multiply 8192 by 128. 64 6 From the table, 8192 = 213, 128 = 27. Then by 128 7 actual multiplication, 8192 x 128 = 1048576, or by the 256 8 law of indices, 213 x 27 = 220 1048576 (from table). 512 9 Notice that the simple operation of addition is sub1024:10 stituted for multiplication by adding the numbers in the second column opposite the given factors in the 2048 d1 first column. This sum corresponds to the number 4096 12 in the first column which is the required product. 8192 13 2. Divide 16384 by 512. 16384 14 16384 - 512 = 32, which corresponds to the result 32768 15 obtained by use of the table, or 214 - 29 = 25 = 32. 65536 16 The operation of subtraction takes the place of 131072 17 division. 262144 18 3. Find /262144. 524288 19 = 262144 = 1 = 2 = 23= 8. 1048576 20 In the table, 262144 is opposite 18. 18 - 6 = 3, which is opposite 8, the required root; i.e. simple division takes the place of the tedious process of evolution. 4. Cube 64. 5. Multiply 256 by 4096. 6. Find 32768. 7. Divide 1048576 by 32768. 35. The above table can be made as complete as desired by continually inserting between successive numbers in the first column the geometrical mean, and between the opposite numbers in the second, the arithmetical mean, but in practice logarithms are computed by other methods. The numbers in the second column are called the logarithms of the numbers opposite in the first column. 2 is called the base of this system, so that the logarithm of a number is the exponent by which the base is affected to produce the number. 42 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Thus, the logarithm of 512 to the base 2 is 9, since 29 = 512. Logarithms were invented by a Scotchman, John Napier, early in the seventeenth century, but his method of constructing tables was different from the above. See Encyc. Brit., art. "Logarithms," for an exceedingly interesting account. De Morgan says that by the aid of logarithms the. labor of computing has been reduced for the mathematician to about one-tenth part of the previous expense of time and labor, while Laplace has said that John Napier, by the invention of logarithms, lengthened the life of the astronomer by one-half. Columns similar to those above might be formed with any other number as base. For practical purposes, however, 10 is always taken as the base of the system, called the common system, in distinction from the natural system, of which the base is 2.71828..., the value of the exponential series (Higher Algebra). The natural system is used in theoretical discussions. It follows that common logarithms are indices, positive or negative, of the powers of 10. Thus, 103 = 1000; i.e. log 1000 = 3; 10-2 = = 0.01; i.e. log 0.01 = -2. 102 36. Characteristic and mantissa. Clearly most numbers are not integral powers of 10. Thus 300 is more than the second and less than the third power of 10, so that log 300 = 2 plus a decimal. Evidently the logarithms of numbers generally consist of an integral and a decimal part, called respectively the characteristic and the mantissa of the logarithms. 37. Characteristic law. The characteristic of the logarithm 'of a number is independent of the digits composing the number, but depends on the position of the decimal point, and is found by counting the number of places the first significant figure in the number is removed from the units' place, being positive or negative according as the first significant LOGARITHMS. 43 figure is at the left or the right of units' place. This follows fromi the fact that common logarithms are indices of powers of 10, and that 10o, n being a positive integer, contains n + 1 places, while 10-" contains n - 1 zeros at the right of units' place. Thus in 146.043 the first significant figure is two places at the left of units' place; the characteristic of log 146.043 is therefore 2. In 0.00379 the first significant digit is three places at the right of units' place, and the characteristic of log 0.00379 is - 3. To avoid the use of negative characteristics, such characteristics are increased by 10, and - 10 is written after the logarithm. Thus, instead of log 0.00811 = 3.90902, write 7.90902 - 10. In practice the - 10 is generally not written, but it must always be remembered and accounted for in the result. Ex. Determine the characteristic of the logarithm of: 1; 46; 0.009; 14796.4; 230.001; 105 x 76; 0.525; 1.03; 0.000426. 38. Mantissa law. The mantissa of the logarithm of a number is independent of the position of the decimal point, but depends on the digits composing the number, is always positive, and is found in the tables. For, moving the decimal point multiplies or divides a number by an integral power of 10, i.e. adds to or subtracts from the logarithm an integer, and hence does not affect the mantissa. Thus, log 225.67 = log 225.67, log 2256.7 = log 225.67 x 101 = log 225.67 + 1, log 22567.0 = log 225.67 x 102 = log 225.67 + 2, log 22.567 = log 225.67 x 10-1 = log 225.67 +(-1), log 0.22567 = log 225.67 x 10-3 = log 225.67 +(- 3), so that the mantissae of the logarithms of all numbers composed of the digits 22567 in that order are the same,.35347. Moving the decimal point affects the characteristic only. The student must remember that the mantissa is always positive. 44 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Log 0.0022567 is never written - 3 +.35347, but 3.35347, the minus sign being written above to indicate that the characteristic alone is negative. In computations negative characteristics are avoided by adding and subtracting 10, as has been explained. 39. We may now define the logarithm of a number as the index of the power to which a fixed number, called the base, must be raised to produce the given number. Thus, ax = b, and x = logab (where logab is read logarithm of b to the base a) are equivalent expressions. The relation between base, logarithm, and number is always (base)l~g = number. To illustrate: log28= 3 is the same as 23= 8; log381= 4 and 34= 81 are equivalent expressions; and so are log1l1000 = 3 and 103 = 1000, and log10.001= -3 and 10-3= 0.001. Find the value of: log464; log5125; log3243; loga(a); log27 3; logxl. 40. From the definition it follows that the laws of indices apply to logarithms, and we have: 1. The logarithm of a product equals the sum of the logarithms of the factors. II. The logarithm of a quotient equals the logarithm of the dividend minus the logarithm of the divisor. III. The logarithm of a power equals the index of the power times the logarithm of the number. IV. The logarithm of a root equals the logarithm of the number divided by the index of the root. For if ax = n and ay = m, then n x m = ax+,.'. log nm= x + y = log n + log m; and n - m = ax,.. log =x-y=log n-log m; also nr= (a)r= ar,.'. log nr = rx = r x log n; finally, n = ax = a,.*. log /n = x log n. r r LOGARITHMS. 45 EXAM PLES. Given log 2 = 0.30103, log 3 = 0.47712, log 5 = 0.69897, find: 1. log4. 4. log9. 7. log 153. 10. log V. 2. log 6. 5. log 25. 8. log 1. l 92 x 53 3. log 10. 6. logV3. 9. log 15 x 9. 11 x 10 USE OF TABLES. 41. To find the logarithm of a number. First. Find the characteristic, as in Art. 37. Second. Find the mantissa in the tables, thus: (a) When the number consists of not more than four figures. In the column N of the tables find the first three figures, and in the row N the fourth figure of the number. The mantissa of the logarithm will be found in the row opposite the first three figures and in the column of the fourth figure. Illustration. Find log 42.38. The characteristic is 1. (Why?) In the table in column N find the figures 423, and on the same page in row N the figure 8. The last three figures of the mantissa, 716, lie at the intersection of column 8 and row 423. To make the tables more compact the first two figures of the mantissa, 62, are printed in column 0 only. Then log 42.38 = 1.62716. Find log 0.8734 = 1.94121, log 3.5 = log 3.500 = 0.54407, log 36350 = 4.56050. (b) When the number consists of more than four figures. Find the mantissa of the logarithm of the number composed of the first four figures as above. To correct for the remaining figures we interpolate by means of the principle of proportional parts, according to which it is assumed that, for differences small as compared with the numbers, the differences 46 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. between several numbers are proportional to the differences between their logarithms. The theorem is only approximately correct, but its use leads to results accurate enough for ordinary computations. Ex. 1. To find log 89.4562. As above, mantissa of log 894500 = 0.95158, mantissa of log 894600 = 0.95163,.'. log 894600 - log 894500 = 0.00005, called the tabular difference. Let log 894562 - log 894500 = x hundred-thousandths. Now, by the principle of proportional parts, log 894562 - log 894500 _ 894562 - 894500 log 894600 - log 894500 894600 - 894500' x 62 or x-= 6, whence x =.62 of 5 = 3.1 5 100.. log 89.4562 = 1.95158 + 0.00003 = 1.95161, all figures after the fifth place being rejected in five-place tables. If, however, the sixth place be 5 or more, it is the practice to add 1 to the figure in the fifth place. Thus, if x = 0.0000456, we should call it 0.00005, and add 5 to the mantissa. 2. Find log 537.0643. To interpolate we have x: 9 = 643: 1000, i.e. x = 5.787;.'. log 537.0643 = 2.72997 + 0.00006. 3. Find log 0.0168342 = 2.22619. 4. Find log 39642.7 = 4.59816. 42. To find the number corresponding to a given logarithm. The characteristic of the logarithm determines the position of the decimal point (Art. 37). (a) If the mantissa is in the tables, the required number is found at once. Ex. 1. Find log-1 1.94621 (read, the number whose logarithm is 1.94621). The mantissa is found in the tables at the intersection of row 883 and column 5.... log-11.94621 = 88.35, the characteristic 1 showing that there are two integral places. LOGARITHMS. 47 (b) If the exact mantissa of the given logarithm is not in the tables, the first four figures of the corresponding number are found, and to these are annexed figures found by interpolating by means of the principle of proportional parts, as follows: Find the two successive mantissae between which the given mantissa lies. Then, by the principle of proportional parts, the amount to be added to the four figures already found is such a part of 1 as the difference between the successive mantissae is of the difference between the smaller of them and the given mantissa. 2. Find log-l 1.43764. Mantissa of log 2740 = 0.43775 of log 2739 - 0.43759 Differences 1 16 Mantissa of log required number = 0.43764 of log 2739 = 0.43759 Differences x 5 By p. p. x: 1 = 5: 16 and x = - = 0.3125. Annexing these figures, log-1 1.43764 = 27.3931+. 3. Find log-1 1.48762. The differences in logarithms are 14, 6. 6.. x= - =.428+, and log-' 1.48762 = 0.307343+. 4. Find log 891.59; log 0.023; log ~; log 0.1867; log V2. 5. Find log-1 2.21042; log-' 0.55115; log-' 1.89003. 43. Logarithms of trigonometric functions. These might be found by first taking from the tables the natural functions of the given angle, and then the logarithms of these numbers. It is more expeditious, however, to use tables showing directly the logarithms of the functions of angles less than 90~ to every minute. Functions of angles greater than 90~ are reduced to functions of angles less than 90~ by 48 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. the formula of Art. 29. To make the work correct for seconds, or any fractional part of a minute, interpolation is necessary by the principle of proportional parts, thus: Ex. 1. Find log sin 28~ 32t 21". In the table of logarithms of trigonometric functions, find 28~ at the top of the page, and in the minute column at the left find 32'. Then under log sin column find log sin 28~ 32' = 9.67913 - 10 log sin 28~ 33 = 9.67936 - 10 Differences 1' 23 By p. p. x: 23 = 21": 60", i.e. x = 21 x 23 = 8.05. 60.'. log sin 28~ 32' 21" = 9.67913 + 0.00008 - 10 = 9.67921 - 10. Whenever functions of angles are less than unity, i.e. are decimals (as sine and cosine always are, except when equal to unity, and as tangent is for angles less than 45~), the characteristic of the logarithm will be negative, and, accordingly, 10 is always added in the tables, and it must be remembered that 10 is to be subtracted. Thus, in the example above, the characteristic of the logarithm is not 9, but 1, and the logarithm is not 9.67913, as written in the tables, but 9.67913 - 10. 2. Find log cos 67~ 27' 50". In the table of logarithms at the foot of the page, find 67~, and in the minute column at the right, 27'. Then computing the difference as above, x = 25. But it must be noted that cosine decreases as the angle increases toward 90~. Hence, log cos 67~27' 50" is less than log cos 67~ 27', i.e. the difference 25 must be subtracted, so that log cos 67~ 27' 50" = 9.58375 - 0.00025 - 10 = 9.58350 - 10. 44. To find the angle when the logarithm is given, find the successive logarithms between which the given logarithm lies, compute by the principle of proportional parts the seconds, and add them to the less of the two angles corresponding to the successive logarithms. This will not necessarily be the angle corresponding to the less of the two logarithms; for, as has been seen, the number, and, therefore, the logarithm, may decrease as the angle increases. LOGARITHMS. Ex. l. Find the angle whose log tan is 9.88091. log tan 37~ 14' = 9.88079 - 10 log tan 37~ 15' = 9.88105 - 10 Differences 60" 26 log tan 37~ 14' = 9.88079 - 10 log tan angle required = 9.88091 - 10 Differences x" 12.. x':60 = 12:26, or x1 = i2 x 60" = 28", approximately, and the angle is 37~ 14' 28". 2. Find the angle whose log cos = 9.82348. We find x = - x 60" = 26", and the angle is 48 14' 26". 3. Show that log cos 25~ 31' 20" = 9.95541; log sin 110~ 25' 20" = 9.97181; log tan 49~ 52' 10" = 0.07417. 4. Show that the angle whose log tan is 9.92501 is 40~4' 39"; whose log sin is 9.88365 is 49~ 54' 18"; whose log cos is 9.50828 is 71~ 11' 49". 45. Cologarithms. In examples involving multiplications and divisions it is more convenient, if n is any divisor, to add log than to subtract log n. The logarithm of - is n n called the cologarithm of n. Since 1 log - = log 1 - log n = 0 - log n, it follows that cologn =- log n, i.e. log n subtracted from zero. To avoid negative results, add and subtract 10. Ex. 1. Find colog 2963. log 1 = 10.00000 - 10 log 2963 = 3.47173... colog 2963 = 6.52827 - 10 2. Find colog tan 16~ 17'. log 1 = 10.00000 - 10 log tan 16~ 17' = 9.46554 - 10.'. colog tan 16~ 17' = 0.53446 50 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. By means of the definitions of the trigonometric functions, the parts,of a right triangle may be computed if any two parts, one of them being a side, are given. Thus, B given a and A in the rt. triangle ABC. Then c = a - sin A, b = a - tan A, and B = 90~ -A. A b C Again, if a and b are given, then FIG. 25. tan A =, c = a sinA, andB = 90 - A. b 3. Given c = 25.643, B = 37~ 25' 20", compute the other parts. A = 90~ - 37~ 25' 20" = 52~ 34' 40". a = c cos B. b = a tan B. log c = 1.40897 log a = 1.30889 log cos B = 9.89992 log tan B = 9.88376 log a = 1.30889 log b = 1.19265.-. a = 20.365..'. b = 15.583. Check: c2 = a2 + b2 = 20.3652 + 15.5832 = 657.57 = 25.6432. 4. Given b = 0.356, B = 63~ 28' 40", compute the other parts. A = 26~ 31' 20". b b c = ' a= sin B tan B log b = 9.55145 log b = 9.55145 colog sin B = 9.04829 colog tan B = 9.69816 log c = 9.59974 log a = 9.24961 c = 0.3979 a = 0.1777 Check: c2 - a2 = 0.1583 - 0.03157 = 0.12673 = b2. EXAMPLES. Compute the other parts: 1. Given a = 9.325, A = 43~ 22' 35". 2. Given c = 240.32, a = 174.6. 3. Given B = 76~ 14' 23", a = 147.53. 4. Given a = 2789.42, b = 4632.19. 5. Given c = 0.0213, A = 23~ 14". 6. Given b = 2, c = 3. CHAPTER V. APPLICATIONS. 46. Many problems in measurements of heights and distances may be solved by applying the preceding principles. By means of instruments certain distances and angles may be measured, and from the data thus determined other distances and angles computed. The most common instruments are the chain, the transit, and the compass. The chain is used to measure distances. Two kinds are in use, the engineer's chain and the Gunter's chain. They each contain 100 links, each link in the engineer's chain being 12 inches long, and in the Gunter's 7.92 inches. FIG. 26. The transit is the instrument most used to measure horizontal angles, and with certain attachments to measure vertical angles. The figure shows the form of the instrument. 51 52 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The mariner's compass is used to determine the directions, or bearings, of objects at sea. Each quadrant is divided into 8 parts, making the 32 points of the compass, so that each point contains 11~ 15'. W -W b- FIG. 27. 47. The angle between the horizontal plane and the line of vision from the eye to the object is called the angle of B Deprssio elevation, or of depression, according ^^^)o;sp as the object is above or below the Elevation observer. A It is evident that the elevation FIG. 28. angle of B, as seen from A, is equal to the depression angle of A, as seen from B, so that in the solution of examples the two angles are interchangeable. PROBLEMS. 48. Some of the more common problems met with in practice are illustrated by the following: To find the height of an object A when the foot is accessible. The distance BC, and the eleva- x tion angle B are measured, and x is determined from the relation B x = BC tan B. FIG. 29. APPLICATIONS. 53 Ex. 1. The elevation angle of a cliff measured from a point 300 ft. from its base is found to be 30~. How high is the cliff? BC = 300, B = 30~. Then x = 300 tan =30~ = 300 3 = 100V/3. 2. From a point 175 ft. from the foot of a tree the elevation of the top is found to be 27~19'. Find the height of the tree. The problem may be solved by the use of natural functions, or of logarithms. The work should be arranged for the solution before the tables are opened. Let the student complete. BC = 175. B = 27 19'. Then x = BC tan B. Or by natural functions, logBC = BC = 175 log tan B = tan B = 0.5165 log x =.'. x = 90.3875..'. x = 90.39. A To find the height of an object when the foot is inaccessible. x Measure BB', 0 and 0f. Then Bx=B BB +B'C B B' y C Then x -- -- cot 0 cot 0 FIG. 30. But B' C = x cot 0', whence substituting, BB' x = cot 0 - cot 0' which is best solved by the use of the natural functions of 0 and 0'. 3. Measured from a certain point at its base the elevation of the peak of a mountain is 60~. At a distance of one mile directly from this point the elevation is 30~. Find the height of the mountain. BB' = 5280 ft., 0 = 30~, 0' = 60~. x y + 5280 But y = x cot 60~. cot 30~ 5280.'. x = 5280 4572.48 ft. cot 30~ - cot 60~ 54 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. In surveying it is often necessary to make measurements across a stream or other obstacle too wide to be spanned by a single chain. 1\3~ ~ To find the distance from C to a point B on the opposite side of a stream. At C measure a right angle, and take CA a convenient distance. Fl IG. A Measure angle A, then FIG. 31. BC = CA.tanA. 4. Find CB when angle A = 47~ 16', and CA = 250 ft. 5. From a point due south of a kite its elevation is found to be 42~30'; from a point 20 yds. due west D from this point the elevation is 36~ 24'. A How high is the kite above the ground? AB = x. cot 42~ 30', 7/ / A C = x. cot 36~ 24', / 360 24' AC2-AB2 BC2 = 400.. x2 (cot2 360 4' - cot2 429 30') = 400, 20 ' / whence E -, and x= = 20 24.84 yds..6489'.805 FIG. 32. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the altitude of the sun when a tree 71.5 ft. high casts a shadow 37.75 ft. long? 2. What is the height of a balloon directly over Ann Arbor when its elevation at Ypsilanti, 8 miles away, is 10~ 15'? 3. The Washington monument is 555 ft. high. How far apart are two observers who, from points due east, see the top of the monument at elevations of 23~ 20' and 47~ 30', respectively? 4. A mountain peak is observed from the base and top of a tower 200 ft. high. The elevation angles being 25~ 30' and 23~ 15', respectively, compute the height of the mountain above the base of the tower. 5. From a point in the street between two buildings the elevation angles of the tops of the buildings are 30~ and 60~. On moving across APPLICATIONS. 55 the street 20 ft. toward the first building the elevation angles are found to be each 45~. Find the width of the street and the height of each building. 6. From the peak of a mountain two towns are observed due south. The first is seen at a depression of 48~ 40', and the second, 8 miles farther away and in the same horizontal plane, at a depression of 20~ 50'. What is the height of the mountain above the plane? 7. A building 145 ft. long is observed from a point directly in front of one corner. The length of the building subtends tan-' 3, and the height tan-1 2. Find the height. 8. An inaccessible object is observed to lie due N.E. After the observer has moved S.E. 2 miles, the object lies N.N.E. Find the distance of the object from each point of observation. 9. Assuming the earth to be a sphere with a radius of 3963 miles, find the height of a lighthouse just visible from a point 15 miles distant at sea. 10. The angle of elevation of a tower 120 ft. high due north of an observer was 35~; what will be its angle of elevation from a point due west from the first point of observation 250 ft.? Also the distance of the observer from the base of the tower in each position? 11. A railway 5 miles long has a uniform grade of 2~ 30'; find the rise per mile. What is the grade when the road rises 70 ft. in one mile? (The grade depends on the tangent of the angle.) 12. The foot of a ladder is in the street at a point 30 ft. from the line of a building, and just reaches a window 221 ft. above the ground. By turning the ladder over it just reaches a window 36 ft. above the ground on the other side of the street. Find the breadth of the street. 13. From a point 200 ft. from the base of the Forefathers' monument at Plymouth, the base and summit of the statue of Faith are at an elevation of 12~ 40' 48" and 22~ 2' 53", respectively; find the height of the statue and of the pedestal on which it stands. 14. At a distance of 100 ft. measured in a horizontal plane from the foot of a tower, a flagstaff standing on the top of the tower subtends an angle of 8~, while the tower subtends an angle of 42~20'. Find the length of the flagstaff. 15. The length of a string attached to a kite is 300 ft. The kite's elevation is 56~ 6'. Find the height of the kite. 16. From two rocks at sea level, 50 ft. apart, the top of a cliff is observed in the same vertical plane with the rocks. The angles of elevation of the cliff from the two rocks are 24~ 40' and 32~ 30'. What is the height of the cliff above the sea? CHAPTER VI. GENERAL FORMULAE -TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS AND IDENTITIES. 49. Thus far functions of single angles only have been considered. Relations will now be developed to express functions of angles which are sums, differences, multiples, or sub-multiples of single angles in terms of the functions of the single angles from which they are formed. First it will be shown that, sin (a ~ p) = sin a cos p t cos a sin p, cos (a ~ p) = cos a cos p T sin a sin p tan (cL~ p)= tan a ~ tan p 1:F tatan a tan The following cases must be considered: 1. a, 13, a + 13 acute angles. 2. a, /3, acute, but a + /, an obtuse angle. 3. Either a, or I, or both, of any magnitude, positive or negative. The figures apply to cases 1 and 2. B B o A A 900: N C Q N / _9 0 D M X D 0 M X FIG. 33. Let the terminal line revolve through the angle a, and then through the angle /S, to the position OB, sb that angle 56 GENERAL FORMULAE. 57 XOB = a + /3. Through any point P in OB draw perpendiculars to the sides of a, DP and CP, and through C draw a perpendicular and a parallel to OX, MC and NC. Then the angle QCA = a (why?), and CNP is the triangle of reference for angle QCP = 90~ + a. CNP is sometimes treated as the triangle of reference for angle CPN. The fallacy of this appears when we develop cos (a + /l), in which PC would be treated as both plus and minus. DP MCO NP Now sin(a+/3)=sinXOB=DP = + N-P OP OP OP' or expressing in trigonometric ratios, MC OC NP CP 0C OP CP OP = sin a cos / + sil (90~ + a) sin /3. Hence, since sin (90~ + a) = cos a, we have sin (a + /3) = sin a cos /3 + cos a sin /. In like manner OD OM CUN cos ( +,) = cos XOB = OP = - + or expressing in trigonometric ratios, OM O C CN CP OC OP CP OP = cos a cos /3 + cos (90~ + a) sin /3. And since cos (90~ + a) = - sin a, we have cos (a + /) = cos a cos /3 - sin a sin /. It will be noted that the wording of the demonstration applies to both figures, the only difference being that when a + / is obtuse OD is negative. CN is negative in each figure. 50. In the case, when a, or /, or both, are of any magnitude, positive or negative, figures may be constructed as before described by drawing through any point in the terminal line of 38 a perpendicular to each side of a, and through the Joot of the perpendicular on the terminal line of a a perpendicular and a parallel to the initial line of a. Noting negative lines, 58 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. the demonstrations already given will be found to apply for all values of a and 83. To make the proof complete by this method would require an unlimited number of figures, e.g. we might take a obtuse, both a and / obtuse, either or both greater than 180~, or than 360~, or negative angles, etc. Instead of this, however, the generality of the proposition is more readily shown algebraically, as follows: Let a' = 90~ + a be any obtuse angle, and a, /, acute angles. Then sin (a' + /3) = sin (90~ + a + /) = cos (a + /3) = cos a cos /3 - sin a sin /3 = sin (90~ + a) cos, + cos (90~ + a) sinll (why?) = sin a' cos /3 + cos a' sin 3. In like manner, considering any obtuse angle 3' = 90 + /3, it can be shown that sin (a' + /') = sin a' cos /' + cos a' sin f'. Show that cos (a' + /3i) = cos a' cos /3 - sin a' sin /'. By further substitutions, e.g. ax" = 90~ ~ a', /" = 90~ ~ /', etc., it is clear that the above relations hold for all values, positive or negative, of the angles a and /3. Since a and /3 may have any values, we may put -,/ for /3, and sin (a+ [-/3]) = sill (a - 3) = sin a cos (- /) + cos a sin ( - /) = sin a cos /3 - cos a sin / (why?). Also cos (a - 8) = cos a cos(- /3) - sin a sin (- /) = cos a cos /3 + sin a sin /3. Finally, tan (a f /) - sin (a ~ /3) sin a cos/3 ~ cosa sin / cos (a ~/) cos a cos /3 sin a sin / sin a cos,8 cos a sin / cos a cos/3 cos a cos/3 tan a ~ tan/3 cos a cos/3 sin a sin / 1 T tan a tan/3 cos a cos/3 cos a cos/3 .EXAMPLES. 5 59 ORAL WORK. By the above formulke develop: 1. sin (2 A + 3 B). 7. sin 90' = sin (450 + 450). 2. cos (900 - B). 8. Cos 90g. 3. tan (450 + p). 9. tan 900. 4. sin 2A =sin (A +A). 10. sin (900 +1 +y) 5. cos 2 0. 11. Cos (2700 - m - n). 6. tanl (1800 + 0). 12. tan (901 + m + n). Ex. 1. Find sin 750. sin 750 sin (450 + 300) = sin 450 cos 30' + cos 450 sin 300 1 \v'3 +1.1 1~\3=0.9659. - _ 2 /2 2V_/2 2. Find tan 15'. tan 150 tan (450 300) tan 450 - tanl 300 1 + tan 450 tan 300. V_+ j \ 20Y0 2679. sin3A cos3A Combninsin3AcosA-cos3AsinA sin(3A -A) Cmiig, sin A cos A sin A cos A sin 2A _sin (A + A) sin A cos A ~ cos Asin A.2. sin A cos A -sin A cos A sin A cos A 4. Prove tan-' a ~ tan-' b = tan'- a ~ b* 1I ab Let cc = tan-'a, /3 = tan-'b, -y=tan-' a + b* 1 - ab Hence, tan a = a, tanfl = b, tanly c ab Then a~/ 3= and hence tan (a+/3) = tany Expandintang,+tan = tan 'y. Expanding, 1 - tan a tan p Substituting, a +b - a +b* 1 -ab 1- ab 60 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. EXAMPLES. 1. Find cos 150, tan 75'. cot a co I 2. Prove cot(a 3) =t — cot fl 1 cot/3 ~ cot a 3. Prove geometrically sin (ae + /3) - sin a cos / + cos a sin l, and cos (a + /3) = cos a cos / - sin a sin 3, given (a) a acute, f3 obtuse; (b) a, /3, obtuse; (c) a, /3, either, or both, negative angles. 4. Prove geometrically tan (a + /) tan a + tan 1 - tan a tan /3 Verify the formula by assigning values to a and /3, and finding the values of the functions from the tables of natural tangents. 5. Prove cos (a + 3) cos (a - /3) = cos2 a - sin2 /3 6. Show that tan a +- tan sin (a + /) Cos a cos / 7. Given tan a = 4, tan/3= 3, find sin (a +/) 8. Given sin 2800 = s, find sin 170'. 9. If a = 67' 22', / = 128' 40', by use of the tables of natural functions verify the formuke on page 56. 10. Prove tan-' = tanl x + tan-x/a. 1-x~2ax 11. Prove tan'-' + tan1 b - xtan-'. bx/3 xv' - 12. Prove sec1 a = sin/a2 - X2 a 13. If a + /3 = o, prove cos2 a ~ cos2/3 -2 cos a cos13 cos w = sin2 W. 14. Solve 1 sinuO - I - cosO0. 15. Prove sin (A + B) cos A - cos (A ~ B) sin A = sin B. 16. Prove cos (A + B) cos (A -B) + sin(A + B) sin(A - B) = cos 2 B. 17. Prove sin (2 a - 3) cos (a - 2/3) - cos (2 a - /3) sin (a - 2 /3 = sin (a + /). 18. Prove sin(n - 1)a cos(n+ 1)a + cos(n - 1)a sin(n + 1) a = sin 2 na. 19. Prove sin (1350 - 0) + cos (1351 + 0) = 0. ADDITION- SUBTRACTION FORMULA]. 61 20. Prove 1 - tan2 a tan2 / = cos2 c- s2 a cos2 a COS2P 21. Prove tan a +tan tan a tan. cot a + cot / 22. tan2 ( a) = 1-2 sin a cos a \4 /1 + 2 sin a cos a 51. The following formula are very important and should be carefully memorized. They enable us to change sums and differences to products, i.e. to displace terms by factors. sin e + sin 4 = 2 sin +2 cos0 2 2 sin e - sin4 = 2 cos0 2- sin 2, cos e + cos 4 = 2 cose c 2 osecos 0 - cos 4 = - 2 sin +2- sine - 2 2 Since sin (( +,8) = sil a cos /3 + cos a sin /, and sin (a -, ) = sin a cos, - cos a sin 3, then sin (a + 3) + sin (a - 3) = 2 sin a cos i, (1) and sin (a + 38)- sin (a - 3) = 2 cos a sin 3. (2) Also since cos (a + 8) = cos a cos, - sin a sin 3, and cos (a - 3) = cos a cos 8 + sin a sin 3, then cos (a + 83) + cos (a - ) = 2 cos a cos /, (3) and cos (a + 8) - cos (a - 3) = - 2 sin a sin/3. (4) Put a + 3 = and a- 8 = 2a = +, and a = 2 2/3= -b, and =0-. Substituting in (1), (2), (3), (4), we have the above formule. 62 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. EXAM PLES, 1. Prove sin 2 0+ si0 = tan 3 cos 20 + cos 0 2 By formulae of last article the first member becomes 2 sin 30 cos 0 2 2 30 = tan 2 cos cos 2 2 2 2. Prove sin a + 2 sin 3 a + sin 5 a sin3 ac 2. Prove v.3m7 -sin 3 a + 2 sin 5 a + sin 7 a sin 5 a (sin + sin 5 a) 2 sin 3 2sin 3 acos 2 a+ 2 sin3 (sin 3 a + sin 7 a)+ 2 sin5a 2sin 5acos 2a+2 sin 5 a _ (cos 2 a + 1) sin 3 a _ sin 3 a (cos 2 a + 1) sin 5 a sin 5 a 3. Prove sin (4A - 2B)+ sin (4B - 2 A) = tan (A + B). cos (4 A -2 B) + cos (4 B - 2 A) 2 sin4A -2BB + 4 B- 2AosA - 2B - 4 B 2A 2 2 2cos4 + 4 - 2 A 4 A - -2 B - 4 B 2+ 2A 2 2 sin (A +B)= tan (A +B). cos (A + B) 4. Prove sin 50~ - sin 70~ + sin 10~ = 0. 2 cos 50~ 700 sin 50 - 70 = 2 cos 60~ sin (- 10~) - sin 10~. 2 2 5. Prove cos 2 a cos 3 a-cos 2 a cos 7 a +cos a cos 10 acot 6 a cot 5 a sin 4 a sin 3 a - sin 2 a sin 5 a + sin 4 a sin 7 a By (3) and (4), p. 61, cos 5 a + cos a - cos 9 a - cos 5 a + cos 11 a + cos 9 (x cos a - cos 7 a - cos 3 a + cos 7 a - cos 3 a - cos 11 cos a +cos11 a 2 cos 6 a cos 5 a cos a - cos 11 a 2 sin 6 a sin 5 a ORAL WORK. By the formulae of Art. 51 transform: 6. cos 5 ( +- cos a. 8. 2 sin 3 0 cos 0. 7. cos a -cos 5 a. 9. sin 2 a -sin 4 a. FUNCTIONS OF THE DOUBLE ANGLE. 63 10. cos 9 0 cos 2 0. 16. cos (30~+ 2 4)) sin (30~- 4). 11. sin 0 + sin 0. 17. sin (2 r + s) + sin (2 r - s). 12. sin 75~ sin 15~. 18. cos (2 - a) - cos 3 a. 13. cos 7p - cos 2 p. 19. sin 36~ + sin 54~. 14. cos (2p + 3 q) sin (2p - 3 q). 20. cos 60 + cos20. 15. sin3t sin t 1 2 2-sl 21. sin 30~ + cos 30~. Prove: 22. sin a + s = tanll cot. sill a - sinl 2 2 23. COs ( + CoS cota + cot a - cos 3 - os a 2 2 24. sinx+ inny = tal + Y cos x + cosy 2 25. sin x- sinl y _ cot x +y cos x - cos y 2 26. cos 55~ + sin 25~ = sin 85~. Simplify: 27. sin B + sin 2 3 + sin 3 B cosB + cos2 B +cos3 B 28 sin C - sin 4 C + sin 7 C - sin 10 C cos C - cos 4 C + cos 7 C - cos 10 C 52. Functions of an angle in terms of those of the half angle. If in sin (a + /) = sin a cos,3 + cos a sill /, a = 3, then sin (a + a) = sin 2 a = 2 sin a cos a. In like manner cos (a + a) = cos 2 a = cos2 a - sin2 a = 2 cos2 a - 1 = 1 - 2 sin a; 2 tan a and tan 2a a tan 1 - tan2 a 64 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, ORAL WORK. Ex. Express in terms of functions of half the given angles: 1. sin 4 a. 4. cos x. 6. sin (2p - q). 2. cos 3p.. sin 7. cos (30 + 2 ). 3. tan5t. 2 8. sin(x y). 9. From the functions of 30~ find those of 60~; from the functions of 45~, those of 90~. 53. Functions of an angle in terms of those of twice the angle. By Art. 52, cos a= 1-2 sin2 a = 2 cos2 -1. 2 2.. 2 sin2 = 1 - cos a, and 2 cos2=1 + cos a. 2 2 -cos Ca - Cos sin-= - -; COS — 41~. 2 2 2 2 sin - a 2 1 - cos a.. tan-= = 2 a'1~os a 2 C x 1 + cos cos2 Explain the significance of the ~ sign before the radicals. Express in terms of the double angle the functions of 120~; 50~; 90~, with proper signs prefixed. Ex. 1. Express in terms of functions of twice the given angles each of the functions in Examples 1-8 above. 2. From the functions of 45~ find those of 22~ 30'; from the functions of 36~, those of 18~ (see tables of natural functions). 3. Find the corresponding functions of twice and of half each of the following angles, and verify results by the tables of natural functions: Given sin 26~ 42' = 0.4493, tan 62~ 24' = 1.9128, cos 21~ 34' = 0.9300. 4. Prove tan-il1 -cosx = x. 5. 2 tan- x= tan-I 2x 1 4- cos x 2 1 - X2 EXAMPLES. 65 6. If A, B, C are angles of a triangle, prove sinA + sin C + sinB = 4 cos Aft B AN C 2 2 2 7. If cos2 a + cos2 2 a + cos2 3 a = 1, then cos a cos 2 a cos 3 a = 0. 8. Prove cot A - cot 2 A = csc 2 A. tan (-7 ) _ l-tan 2 4 22 9. Prove /= [. tan (4-+) 1 +tanJ 10. tan a 1 2 sin tan (a + >) sin (2 a + ) + sin q 11. If y = tan-1 + 2 + 2, prove x2 = sin 2y. N/1 + X2 - -/1 - x2 12. Prove tan-1 V' + x2- 1 tan- 2x 5 tan-1 x. x 1 - x2 2 13. If y = sin-1 x —, prove x = tan y. V/1 + x2 14. Prove cos2 a + cos2 / - 1 = cos (a + /3) cos (a - 3). 15. Prove V'(cos a - cos f)2 + (sin a - sin /)2 = 2 sin - 2 16. Prove sin-1 - =tan- = cos-1. a+x a 2 ax 17. Prove cos2 0 - cos2 q = sin (4 + 0) sin (4 - 0). 18. Prove tan A + tan (A + 120~) + tan (A - 120~) = 3 tan 3 A. a a 19. Prove tan a - tan a = tan a sec a. 2 2 20. 3 tan-1 a = tan-13 a - a 1 - 3a2 21. cos2 3 A (tan2 3 A - tan2 A) = 8 sin2A cos 2 A. 22. 1 + cos 2 (A -B) cos coc2 A os 2 B A (A -2B). 23. cot2 ( + 2 csc 2 0 -sec 0 k42 2cs c20+-sec0 66 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS AND IDENTITIES. 54. Identities. It was shown in Chapter I that sin2 0 + cos2 0 = 1 is true for all values of 0, and in Chapter VI, that sin (a + 3) = sin a cos, + cos a sin, is true for all values of a and 3. It may be shown that sin 2 A — 2 -tanA 1 + cos 2 A is true for all values of A, thus: sin 2 A 2 sin A cos A (by trigonometric transforma. 1 + cos 2 A 1 + 2cos2A-1 tion) _sin A = s A (by algebraic transformation) cos A = tan A (by trigonometric transformation). Such expressions are called trigonometric identities. They are true for all values of the angles involved. 55. Equations. The expression 2 cos2 a- 3 cos a + 1 = 0 is true for but two values of cos a, viz. cos a= 1 and 1, i.e. the expression is true for a = 0~, 60~, 300~, and for no other positive angles less than 360~. Such expressions are called trigonometric equations. They are true only for particular values of the angles involved. 56. Method of attack. The transformations necessary at any step in the proof of identities, or the solution of equations, are either trigonometric, or algebraic; i.e. in proving an identity, or solving an equation, the student must choose at each step to apply either some principles of algebra, or some trigonometric relations. If at any step no algebraic operation seems advantageous, then usually the expression METHOD OF ATTACK. 67 should be simplified by endeavoring to state the different functions involved in terms of a single function of the angle, or if there are multiple angles, to reduce all to functions of a single angle. [ Algebraic Transformations! Trigonometric, f Single function [ to change to a Single angle No other transformations are needed, and the student will be greatly assisted by remembering that the ready solution of a trigonometric problem consists in wisely choosing at each step between the possible algebraic and trigonometric transformations. Problems involving trigonometric functions will in general be simplified by expressing them entirely in terms of sine and cosine. EXAMPLES, 1. Prove sin 3 A cos 3A 2 sin A cos A By alg, sin 3 A cos 3 A sin 3 cosA -cos 3 A sinA sin A cos A sin A cos A by trigonometry, sin (3 A-A) - sin 2 A by trigonometry, = sin A cos A sin A cos A 2 sin A cosA _ 2 sin A cos A Or, by trigonometry, sin 3 A cos 3 A 3 sin A - 4 sin3 A 4 cos' A - 3 cos A sin A cos A sin A cos A by algebra, = 3 -4 sin2 A - 4 cos2 A + 3 = 6 - 4(sin2A + cos2A) = 2. 2. Prove sec 8 - 1 tan 80 sec4 - 1 tan 2 0 No algebraic operation simplifies. Two trigonometric changes are needed. 1. To change the functions to a single function, sine or cosine. 2. To change the angles to a single angle, 8 A, 4 A, or 2 A. 68 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. By trigonometry and algebra, 1-cos89 sinS9 cos 8 9 cos 8 9 1 - cos 4 sin 2 9' cos 4 9 cos 2 9 by algebra, Cos4Ol-cos89)sin89cos29. 1 - cos 4 0 sin 2 9 by trigonometry, cos 4 9(1 - 1 + 2 sin2 4 9) 2sin49 cos49cos29. 1 - 1+$ 2 sin22 sin 2 0 by algebra, sin 4= 2 cos 2 9; siii 29 and sin 4 9 = 2 sin 2 0 cos 2 9, which is a trigonometric identity. 3. Solve 2cos290 +3 sin90 = 0. By trigonometry, 2(1 - sin2 9) + 3 sin 9 = 0, a quadratic equation in sin 9. By algebra, 29sin290- 3 sin90 - 2 = 0, and (sin90 - 2)(2 sin9~ + 1)= 0..'. sin9-2, or -. Verify. The value 2 must be rejected. Why? 9-. 0 = 2100, and 330' are the only positive values less than 3600 that satisfy the equation. 4. Solve sec9 - tan 0 = 2. Here tan 9 = - 0.75,.-. from the tables of natural functions, 9 = 1430 7' 48"f, or 323' 7' 48". Find sec 9, and verify. 5. Solve 2 sin 0 sin 3 9 - sin2 290 = 0. By trigonometry, cos 2 9 - cos 490 - sin2 29 = 0, also cos29 - cos229 + sin229 - sin220= 0. By algebra, cos 290(1 - cos 290) = 0. cos 290 = 0 or 1, and 2 9 = 900, 2700, 01, or 3600, whence 9 = 4502 1350, 00, or 1800. Verify. TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS. 6 69 Or, by trigonometry, 2 sin 0(3 sinG0 - 4 sin3 0) - 4 siri2 0 cos2 0 =0; by trigonometry and algebra, 6 sin2 0 - 8 sin4 0 - 4 sin2 0 + 4 sin4 0 = 0; by algebra, 2 sin2 0 - 4 sin4 0 = 0, and 2 sin2O0(1 - 2si12 0) = 0.. sin 0= 0, or +-/I and 0 = 00, 18O0, 4050, 135', 225', or 3150. The last two values do not appear in the first solution, because only angles less than 360' are considered, and the solution there gave values of 2 0, which in the last two cases would be 4500 and 6300. Solve: 6..-tan 0= cot 0. 8. 2-cos2O-2sin0= 1. 7. sin2 0+ COS0=1 9. sin 2 0 COS0=sin 0. Prove: 1.0. 2 cot 2A = cot A -tan A. 11. cos2 x +cos.2 y 2 cos(x +y) cos(x-y) 12. (cos a+ sin a)2=+ sin 2 a. 57. Simultaneous trigonometric equations. 13. Solve cos (x + y) + cos (x - y) = 2, sin - + sin "Y' 0. 2 2 so ali By trigonometry, cos x cosy sin x sin y + cos x cos y + sin x sin y~ = 2, that COS x COSy=l1; so, - COS ~+ csy= 01 50, ~~~~~2 2 Substituting, COS 2x = 1, COS x = + 1.. x = 00, or 1800, id ~~~~~Y = x = 00, or 1800. Verify. ar ar 70 70 ~~PLANE TRIGONOMETRY 14. Solve for R and F. W - Psin i - R cos i = 0, W + Fcos i - R sin i = 0. To eliminate F, Wcos i - Fsin i cos i - R cs2 i = 0, W sin i + Fcos i sin i - R sin2 i = 0. Adding, W(sin i + cos i) - R(sin2 i + COS2 i) = 0. R = W(sin i + cosi). Substituting, W -Fsin i -W(sin i +cos i)cos i= 0 F w W-W(sini1+ cosi) Cos i sini If W = 3 tons, and i -220 30', compute F and R. R = 3 (0.3827 + 0.9239) = 3.9198. - 3 - 3(0.3827 + 0.9239)0.9239 -_1.624. 0.3827 Solve: 15. 472 cot60- 263 cot4=490, 307'cotO0- 379 cot k= 0. 16. sin2x + 1= Cos x +2sin x. 17. cos2O0+sin90= 1. 18. If 2h(cos2O0 -sin2O0)-2asin~cos6+2bsin.0cosO=0, prove O-tan-' a2 Prove: 19. tan y (+seey) tan Y2 20. 2 cot-'x = csc-11 + X2 2 x 21. sin (0 ~ 450) + sin (4 + 1350) = cos 4os 22. cos v +cos 3v = 1 Cos3 v+ cos 5v 2 cos 2 v-sec2 v 23. cos 3 x-sin3 x= (cos x +sin x) ( - 2sin 2x). Solve: 24. sin29+sinO=cos29+cosO. 25. 4 cos (O+ 600) -F2_ = V6 - 4cos (&+ 300). 26. cot 20=tanO-1. 27. cosO~cos2O~cos3O=0. TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS. 71 28. sin 2 x + -v/'cos 2 x = 1. 29. 3 tan2p + 8 cos2p = 7. 30. Determine for what relative values of P and W the following equation is true: Cos - - 0COS - = 0. 2 TV 2 2 31. Compute N from the equation N 1 cos a- - sin a-Wcos a=0, 3 3 when W = 2000 pounds and a satisfies the equation 2 sin a = 1 + cos a. 32. sill 0O- tan40(cosO0 + sin0)= cos60, sin 9 - tan40 cosO = 1. Prove: 33. cot(t + 15')- tan(t - 15)- 4cos 2t 2 sin 2 t + 1 34. sill-1 - sin-' JL = sin-' 16 1 +_sill 35. tan(~ +) + -Y4 = $ All - sill (0 36. 2 sin-1 = cos-1I. 37. If sin A is a geometric mean between sin B and cos B, prove cos 2 A = 2 sin(45' - B) cos(45 + B). 38. Prove sin(a + / 8+ y)=sinacos/ cosy + cosa sin/cos-y + cos a Cos 3 sin y - sin a sin /3 sin y. Also find cos(a + / + y). 39. Prove tan(a + /3~ ) = tan a + tan 3 + tan -y - tan a tan / tan y 1 -tanila tan/3 -tan/3tan y - tany tain a If a, /3, and y are angles of a triangle, prove 40. tan a + tan P + tan y =-tan a tan/3 tan -y. 41. cot + cot +cot IY = cotcot cotY. 2 2 2 2 2 2 If a + / + -y 900, prove 42. tan a tan/3+tan/3 tan y + tan y tan a=l Prove: 43. sin na = 2sin(n - 1) a cos a - sin (n - 2)a. 44. cosna = 2cos (n - 1) accos a - cos(n - 2)a. 45. tanna= tan (n - 1) a + tan a 1 - tan(n - 1) a tan a CHAPTER VII. TRIANGLES. 58. In geometry it has been shown that a triangle is determined, except in the ambiguous case, if there are given any three independent parts, as follows: I. Two angles and a side. II. Two sides and an angle, (a) the angle being included by the given sides, (b) the angle being opposite one of the given sides (ambiguous case). III. Three sides. The angles of a triangle are not three independent parts, since they are connected by the relation A + B + C = 180~. The three angles of a triangle will be.designated A, B, C, the sides opposite, a, b, c. But the principles of geometry do not enable us to compute the unknown parts. This is accomplished by the following laws of trigonometry: sin A sin B sin C I. Law of Sines, = s -—. a b c II. Law of Tangents, tan2 (A B) = a-, etc. tan 1 (A + B) a + 62 + c2 a2 III. Law of Cosines, cos A = + 2, etc. 2 be 59. Law of Sines. In any triangle the sides are proportional to the sines of the angles opposite. Let ABC be any triangle, p the perpendicular from B on b. In I (Fig. 34), C is an acute, in II, an obtuse, in III, 72 LAW OF SINES - OF TANGENTS. 73 a right angle. The demonstration applies to each triangle, but in II, sinACB=sinDCB (why?); in III, sinC= 1 (why?). B B B C C p a aa a A bDC A C DA b 0 I. II. III. FIG. 34. Now sin A = PI p = c'sin A. C sin C=.. p = a sin C. a Equating values of p, c sin A = a sin C, sin A sinU. or, a e By dropping a perpendicular from A, or C, on a, or c, show that sin B sin C sin A sin B ~, or 6' b C a b sin A sin.B sin C whence a b c 60. Law of Tangents. The tangent of half the d/ference of two angles of a triangle is to the tangent of half their sum, as the difference of the sides opposite is to their sum. a sin A By Art. 59, b sill B By composition and division, a-b sinA-sinB 2cos j(A~B)sin1(A-B) a+b sinA+siunB 2sin -(A+B)cos~(A-B) 2 21 jVL 1.U tan(A - B) tan 1 (A + B) tan - (A - B) a-b Ar,B2 tan 1 (A + B) ~- R a +- b 74 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 61. Law of Cosines. The cosine of any angle of a triangle is equal to the quotient of the sum of the squares of the adjacent sides less the square of the opposite side, divided by twice the product of the adjacent sides. B C pa A 6DC i. B 1 aP A b C D II. FIG. 34. B C a A b C IlI. In each figure a2 =p2 ~ DC2 _AD- A02 + (b - AD)2 (in Fig. 34, II, DDC is negative; in III, zero) - C2 - AD2 h 62 2 b 6.AD + AD2 But AD = c cos A, = 62 ~ C2 - 2 b. AD..'. a2=b2~c2-2bccosA; A 62 ~ c2 - a2 cosA= a2 + C2 62 Prove that cos B a 2 ac and cos C2 -2 ab 62. Though these formuhae may be used for the solution of the triangle, they are not adapted to the use of logarithms (why?). Hence we derive the following: Since cos A = 2cos2A 1 = 1 - 2 sin2A 2 2' we have 2 cosA = 1 + cos A, and 2 sin24 = 1 - cos A..2 2 LAW OF COSINES. 75 From the latter 2A 1 2 +2 - a2 2 b - b2 — 2 + a2 2 2 be 2 be a2-(b - )2 (a- b + c)(a + b- c) 2 be 2 be Let a+b+c=2s,then a+b-ec=a+b+c-2c=2 s-2c; i.e. a + b - c = 2 (s - c). In like manner, a- b + c = 2(s - b). - a + b + c = 2 (s- a). Substituting, 2 sin2A = 2 (s - b) 2 (s -) 2 2be.. sin ( b) (2 ' 6be Show that sin -? 2 also sin =? 2 From 2 cos2 A = 1 + cos A, show that cos A = - a) 2 b also cos -= and cos =? Also derive the formule Air b(s)(s-a) a - s(s — ) ' tan B? 2 tan =? 2 76 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 63. Area of the triangle. In the figures of Art. 59 the area of the triangle ABC= A -1 pb But p = c sin A... a= bc sin A. (i) e sinBB Again, by law of sines, = sinB sin C C2 sin A sin B Substituting, A = c2sinA in c2sin A sin B (why?). (ii) 2 sin(A + B) A Finally, since sin A = 2 sin - cos, we have from (i) 2 2 AA be 2 sinA A ______(sa)(s- b)(s e 2 2 — 2 be - be or A=Vs (s - a)(s -b)(s-c) (iii) Find A; (1) Given a = 10, b = 12, C = 450* (2) Given a = 4, b =5, c = 6. (3) Given a = 2, B- 45, C = 60. SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 64. For the solution of triangles we have the following formulh, which should be carefully memorized: sin A sin B sin C a b c I tan(A - 1B) a-b tan 1 (A ~ B). i sin4- (S b (S), - or cos A <s(s - a) 2b 2 be or tanA= 2 sin(sA-sia) IV. A-1bc sinA c "SiAsin xs(s -a) (s -b) (s - c). 2a 2 sin (A~+ B) SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 77 Which of the above formulae shall be used in the solution of a given triangle must be determined by examining the parts known, as will appear in Art. 69. It is always possible to express each of the unknown parts in terms of three known parts. In solving triangles such as Case I, Art. 58, the law of sines applies; for, if the given side is not opposite either given angle, the third angle of the triangle is found from the relation A + B + C = 180~, and then three of the four sill A sin B quantities in sm - s being known, the solution gives a b the fourth. In Case II (6) the law of sines applies, but in II (a) two sin A sin B only of the four quantities in sin are known. a b Therefore, we resort to the formula tan (A-B) = a - tan (A + B), in which all the factors of the second member are known. In Case III, tan A (s ) (s) c) is clearly applicable, 2 s s(s - a) A A and is preferred to the formulae for sinA and cos-A; for, 2 2 first, it is more accurate since tangent varies in magnitude from 0 to oo, while sine and cosine lie between 0 and 1. (See Art. 27, 5.) Let the student satisfy himself on this point by finding, correct to seconds, the angle whose logarithmic sine is 9.99992, and whose logarithmic tangent is 1.71668. Does the first determine the angle? Does the second? And, second, it is more convenient, since in the complete solution of the triangle by sin A six logarithms must be taken A A from the table, by cos - seven, and by tan but four. 2 2 The right triangle may be solved as a special case by the law of sines, since sin C =1. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 65. Ambiguous case. In geometry it was proved that a triangle having two sides and an angle opposite one of them of given magnitude is not always determined. The marks of the undetermined or ambiguous triangle are: 1. The parts given are two sides and an angle opposite one. 2. The given angle is acute. 3. The side opposite this angle is less than the other given side. When these marks are all present, the number of solutions must be tested in one of two ways: (a) From the figure it is apparent that there will be no solution when the side opposite is less than the perpendicular p; one solution when side a equals p; and two solutions when a is greater than p. B B B A b A b C A b Ca A b CA b CA b C ' No Solution. One Solution. Two Solutions. FIG. 35. And since sin A = P, it follows that there will be no soluc tion, one solution, two solutions, according as sin A a. < c (b) A good test is found in solving by means of logarithms; and there will be no solutions, one solution, two solutions, according as log sin C proves to be impossible, zero, possible, i.e. as log sin C is positive, zero, or negative. This results from the fact that sine cannot be greater than unity, whence log sine must have a negative characteristic, or be zero. 66. In computations time and accuracy assume more than usual importance. Time will be saved by an orderly arrangement of the formulae for the complete solution, before opening the book of logarithms, thus: SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 79 Given A, B, a. Solve completely. C=180~-(A+B), b= a sinB c =asin A 1 ab sin. sin A sinA ' 180 log a = log a = A + B = log sin B = log sin C =.*. C = colog sin A = colog sin A = log b = log c =.'. b-.'. c= Check: log a log (s - b) = log b= log (s - c)= log sin C = colog s = colog 2 = colog (s - a)= log A = 2.'. A = * log tan A 2.~. A= 67. Accuracy must be secured by checks on the work at every step; e.g. in adding columns of logarithms, first add up, and then check by adding down. Too much care cannot be given to verification in the simple operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A final check should be made by using other formulae involving the parts in a different way, as in the check above. As far as possible the parts originally given should be used throughout in the solution, so that an error in computing one part may not affect later computations. 68. The formulae should always be solved for the unknown part before using, and it should be noted whether the solution gives one value, or more than one, for each part; e.g. the same value of sin B belongs to two supplementary angles, one or both of which may be possible, as in the ambiguous case. 69. Write formulae for the complete solution of the following triangles, showing whether you find no solution, one solution, two or more solutions, in each case, with reasons for your conclusion: 80 80 ~~PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. a b c 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.75 5. 243 6..7. 0.058 8. 2986 9. 78.54 135.82 26.89 0.85 0.95 562 38.75 25.92 A B 810 2 6' 298" 440 1 1 630 18' 20" 530 28' 30" 780 la" 330 461 C 20"1 540 22' 12" 410 30' 18" 360 15' 40"1 630 50' 10" 300 1493 48 50 260 151 MODEL SOLUTIQNS. 1. Given a =0.78-5, b=-0.85, c=-0.633. Solve completely. A ( s-)s - c) B (_ -_a_________-_) s b tan. tan -t-)(-c - C= sa sh 2 - s (s a) 2.- s(s-b) 2n~- s(s- c) Check: A + B+ C =180'. A - v's(s -a)(s -b) (s -c). a = 0.735 b =0.85 C= 0.633 29)2.268 s = 1.134 s - a = 0.349 s - b =0.281 s - c = 0.501 Check: A =610 53' 38" B = 72' 46' 4" C= 450 20' 20" 1800 0' 2"1 log (s - h) = 9.4533~2 log (' - c) = 9.69984 colog s = 9.94539 colog (s - a) = 0.45717 2)19.555-72 log tan A= 9.77786 A 300 56' 49" A =61' 53' 38" log (s -a)=- 9.54283 log (s - b)=- 9.45332 colog s = 9.94539 colog (s -c)=- 0.30016 2)19.24170 log tan 1C - 9.62085 C 22' 40' 10" C=- 45' 20' 20" log (s -a) = 9.54283 log (s - c) = 9.69984 colog s = 9.94539 colog (s - b) =0.5466& 2)19.73474 log tan B = 9.86737 B - 360 23' T'" B = 720 46' 4" log s = 0.05461 log (s - a) = 9.54283, log (s - b) =9.45332 log (s - c) = 9.69-984 2)18.75060 log A~ = 9.37534 A= 0.2373 Solve: (1) Given a = 30, b = 40, c = 50. (2) Given a = 2159, b = 1431.6, c = 914.8. (3) Given a = 78.54, b = 32.56, c = 48.9. SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 81 2. Given A = 570 23' 12", C= 680 15' 30", c = 832.56. Solve completely. a c sin A bc sin B A.='bcsinA sin C sill C 2 B = 1800 -(A + - 540 91' 18'. loge = 2.92042 log sin A = 9.92548 colog sin C ' 0.03204 logoa = 2.87794 a= 754.98 Check: a 754.98 boo 728.38 c= 832.56 2)2315.92 s 1157.96 Check: tan s (s-a) 2 = s sS - a) log c = 2.92042 log sinl B = 9.90990 colog sin C = 0.03204 logb = 2.86236 logb = 2.86236 log c = 2.92042 log sin A = 9.92548 log 2 A = 5.70826 b = 728.38 A - 510811 = 255405.5 2 s-a= 402.98 s-bo= 429.58 s-c= 325.40 log(s - b) = 2.63304 log (s - c) = 2.51242 colog s = 6.93634 colog (s -a)= 7.39471 2)19.47651 log tan 1A = 9.73826 1A = 280 41' 38' A = 570 23' 16" Solve: (1) Given a = 215.73, B 920 15', C - 280 14'. (2) Given b = 0.827, A =780 14' 20", B 63' 42' 30". (3) Given b = 7.54, c = 6.93, B = 540 28' 40". 3. Given a = 25.384, c = 52.925, B - 28' 32' 20". Solve completely. (Why not use the same formulae as in Example 1, or 2?) tanC-A c a C + A - c sin B tan tan ~,b A - 1 ac sill B. 2 c + a 2 sin C ' 1800 - B = C + A = 1510 27' 40"..'. 1(C +A)= 750 43' 50"' Check: b = a sin B sin A c= 52.925 a= 25.384 c+a= 78.309 c-a= 27.541 log c = 1.72366 log sin B =9.67921 colog sin C = 0.11484 log b=1.51771 b= 32.939 log (c - a) = 1.43998 colog (c + a) = 8.10619 log tan 1(C+A) 0.59460 log tan 1(C -A)=0.14077 Check: log a -1.40456 log sin B= 9.67921 colog sin A = 0.43395 log b 1.51772 ' 1 (C -A)= 540 7'38" (C~A)= 75043/5011 adding, C=129051128/1 subtracting, A= 21036112// log a = 1.40456 log co =1.72366 log sin B = 9.67921 log 2 A = 2.70743 A 509.83 054965 2 82 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Solve: (1) Given a = 0.325, c = 0.426, B = 48~ 50' 10". (2) Given b = 4291, c = 3194, A =73~ 24' 50". (3) Given b = 5.38, c = 12.45, A = 62 14' 40". 4. Ambiguous cases. Since the required angle is found in terms of its sine, and since sin a = sin (180~ - a), it follows that there may be two values of a, one in the first, and the other in the second quadrant, their sum being 180~. In the following examples the student should note that all the marks of the ambiguous case are present. The solutions will show the treatment of the ambiguous triangle having no solution, one solution, two solutions. (a) Given b = 70, c = 40, C= 47~ 32' 10". Solve. Why ambiguous? sin B =b sin C log b = 1.84510 c log sin C = 9.86788 colog c = 8.39794 log sin B = 0.11092. B is impossible, and there is no solution. Why? Show the same by sin C > - (b) Given a = 1.5, c = 1.7, A = 61~ 55' 38". Solve. sin C c sin A log c = 0.23045 a log sin A = 9.94564 colog a = 9.82391 log sin C = 0.00000 C= 90~ and there is one solution. Why? Show the same by sinA =a. Solve for the remaining parts and check the work. SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 8~3 (c) Given a = 0.235, 6 = 0.189, B = 360 28' 20". Solve. i A a sin B b sill C6 sin B log a = 9.37107 log 6 = 9.27646 log sillB= 9.77411 log sin C = 9.99772 colog 6 = 0.72354 colog sin B = 0.22589 log sin A = 9.86872 log c = 9.50007 A = 470 39' 25" c = 0.31628 or 1320 20' 35"..'. C= 95' 52' 15" or 110 11' 5". 9.27646 or 9.28774 0.22589 or 8.79009 or 0.06167 6 Solve for A, and check. Show the same by Sin B < -. a Solve: (1) Given 6 = 216.4, c = 593.2, B = 98' 15'. (2) Given a = 22, 6 = 75, B = 320 20'. (3) Given a = 0.353, c = 0. 295, A = 46' 15' 20". (4) Given a = 293.445, 6 = 450, A = 40' 42'. (5) Given 6 = 531.03, c = 629.20, B = 340 28' 16". Solve completely, given: a b C A B 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 50 60 10 4 5 C 780 27' 47" 930 351 40 352.25 0.573 107.087 51 513.27 0.394 11 6 10 1090 28' 16" 490 28' 32" 482.68 1120 41 56" 15' x/2 1170 340 27' 380 56' 54" 480 35' 450 730 15' 15" 420 18' 30" 490 8' 24" 197.63 246.35 4090 3850 3795 234.7 26.234 273 136 3811 185.4 22.6925 840 36' 720 25' 13"1 84 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. APPLICATIONS. 70. Measurements of heights and distances often lead to the solution of oblique triangles. With this exception, the methods of Chapter V apply, as will be illustrated in the following problems. The bearing of a line is the angle it makes with a north and south line, as determined by the magnetic needle of the mariner's compass. If the bearing does not correspond to any of the points of the compass, it is usual to express it thus: N. 40~ W., meaning that the line bears from N. 40~ toward W. EXAMPLES. 1. When the altitude of the sun is 48~, a pole standing on a slope inclined to the horizon at an angle of 15~ casts a shadow directly down the slope 44.3 ft. How high is the pole? 2. A tree standing on a mountain side rising at an angle of 18~ 30' breaks 32 ft. from the foot. The top strikes down the slope of the mountain 28 ft. from the foot of the tree. Find the height of the tree. 3. From one corner of a triangular lot the other corners are found to be 120 ft. E. by N., and 150 ft. S. by W. Find the area of the lot, and the length of the fence required to enclose it. 4. A surveyor observed two inaccessible headlands, A and B. A was; W. by N. and B, N.E. He went 20 miles N., when they were S.W. and S. by E. How far was A from B? 5. The bearings of two objects from a ship were N. by W. and N.E. by N. After sailing E. 11 miles, they were in the same line W.N.W. Find the distance between them. 6. From the top and bottom of a vertical column the elevation angles of the summit of a tower 225 ft. high and standing on the same horizontal plane are 45~ and 55~. Find the height of the column. 7. An observer in a balloon 1 mile high observes the depression angle. of an object on the ground to be 35~ 20'. After ascending vertically and uniformly for 10 mins., he observes the depression angle of the same object. to be 55~ 40'. Find the rate of ascent of the balloon in niles per hour. 8. A statue 10 ft. high standing on a column subtends, at a point 100 ft. from the base of the column and in the same horizontal plane, thel same angle as that subtended by a man 6 ft. high, standing at the foot of the column. Find the height of the column. 9. From a balloon at an elevation of 4 miles the dip of the horizon is 2~ 33' 40". Required the earth's radius. TRIANGLES - APPLICATIONS. 85 10. Two ships sail from Boston, one S.E. 50 miles, the other N.E. by E. 60 miles. Find the bearing and distance of the second ship from the first. 11. The sides of a valley are two parallel ridges sloping at an angle of 30~. A man walks 200 yds. up one slope and observes the angle of elevation of the other ridge to be 15~. Show that the height of the observed ridge is 273.2 yds. 12. To determine the height of a mountain, a north and south base line 1000 yds. long is measured; from one end of the base line the summit bears E. 10~ N., and is at an altitude of 13~ 14'. From the other end it bears E. 46~ 30' N. Find the height of the mountain. 13. The shadow of a cloud at noon is cast on a spot 1600 ft. due west of an observer. At the same instant he finds that the cloud is at an elevation of 23~ in a direction \V. 14~ S. Find the height of the cloud and the altitude of the sun. 14. From the base of a mountain the elevation of its summit is 54~ 20'. From a point 3000 ft. toward the summit up a plane rising at an angle of 25~ 30' the elevation angle is 68~ 42'. Find the height of the mountain. 15. From two observations on the same meridian, and 92~ 14' apart, the zenith angles of the moon are observed to be 44~ 51'21" and 48~ 42' 57". Calling the earth's radius 3956.2 miles, find the dis- / Z=Zenith angle tance to the moon.nith 16. The distances from a point to three objects are 1130, 1850, 1456, and the angles subtended by the distances between the three objects are respectively 102~ 10', 142~, and 115~ 50'. Find the distances between the three objects. 17. From a ship A running N.E. 6 mi. an hour direct to a port distant 35 miles, another ship B is seen steering toward the same port, its bearing from A being E.S.E., and distance 12 miles. After keeping on their courses 1~ hrs., B is seen to bear from A due E. Find B's course and rate of sailing. 18. From the mast of a ship 64 ft. high the light of a lighthouse is just visible when 30 miles distant. Find the height of the lighthouse, the earth's radius being 3956.2 miles. 19. From a ship two lighthouses are observed due N.E. After sailing 20 miles E. by S., the lighthouses bear N.N.W. and N. by E. Find the distance between the lighthouses. 20. A lighthouse is seen N. 20~ E. from a vessel sailing S. 25~ E. A mile further on it appears due N. Determine its distance at the last observation. EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. IN connection with each problem the student should review all principles involved. The following list of problems will then furnish a thorough review of the book. In solving equations, find all values of the unknown angle less than 360~ that satisfy the equation. 1. If tan a = 7, taln =, show that tan (/ -2 a ) = T 2. Prove tan a + cot a = 2 csc 2 a. A A A A 3. From the identities sin2- + cos2 = 1, and 2 sin - cos- = sin A, 2 2' 2 2 A prove 2 sin = ~ v1 + sill A ~ /1 - sin A, and 2 cos - = d +1 + sinll A T V1 - sin A. 4. Remove the ambiguous signs in Ex. 3 when A is in turn an angle of each quadrant. 5. A wall 20 feet high bears S. 59~ 5f E.; find the width of its shadow on a horizontal plane when the sun is due S. and at an altitude of 60~. 6. Solve sin x +sin2x+ sin 3 x = 1 + cosx+ cos 2 x. 1 + tan_1 71_ r. 7. Prove tan-1 + tan-' = 2 3 4 8. If A = 60~, B = 45~, C = 30~, evaluate tan A + tan B + tan C tan A tan B + tan B tan C + tan Ctan A 9. Prove cos ( + B) cos C 1 - tan A tan B cos(A + C) cos B 1 - tan A tan C 10. Solve completely the triangle whose known parts are b = 2.35, c = 1.96, C = 38~ 45'.4. 11. Find the functions of 18~, 36~, 54~, 72~. Let x =18~. Then 2 =36~, 3 x =54~, and 2x + 3x = 90~. 12. If cot a = P, find the value of sin a + cos a + tan a + cot a + sec a + csc a. 86 EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. 87 13. Prove sin 3 a sin 2 a - sin 3 8 sin 2 a 1 + 4 cos cos. sin 2 a sin/3 - sin 2 / sin a 14. From a ship sailing due N., two lighthouses bear N.E. and N.N.E., respectively; after sailing 20 miles they are observed to bear due E. Find the distance between the lighthouses. 15. Solve 1 -2 sin x = sin 3 x. 16. Prove sin-'lia tan-'. a + b = b 17. If cos 0 - sin 0 = 2 sin 0, then cos 0 + sin 0 = /2 cos 0. 18. Solve completely the triangle ABC, given a = 0.256, b = 0.387r C = 102~ 20'.5. 19. Prove tan (30~ + a) tan (30~- a) =2 cos 2 1 2 cos 2 a + 1 20. Solve tan (45~ - 0) + tan (45~ + 0) = 4. 21. Prove sin2 a cos2 3 - cos2 a sin2 / = sin2 C - sin2 /. 22. Prove cos2 aE cos2 / - sin2 a sin2 / = cos2 a - sin2 /. 23. A man standing due S. of a water tower 150 feet high finds its elevation to be 72~ 30'; he walks due W. to A street, where the elevation is 44~ 50'; proceeding in the same direction one block to B street, he finds. the elevation to be 22~ 30'. What is the length of the block between A and B streets? 1 + tan_1 1 i 1 ~r 24. Prove tan-i1 + tan-l + tan-1 + tan-1 = 3 5 7 8 4 25. If P = 60~, Q = 45~, R = 30~, evaluate sin P cos Q + tan P cos Q sin P cos P + cot P cot R 26. If cos (90~ + a) - -, evaluate 3 cos 2 a + 4 sin 2 a. 27. If sin B + sin C =m, cos B + cos C = n, show that tanB = m. 2 n 28. Show that sin 2 /3 can never be greater than 2 sin /. 29. Prove sin-l + sin-1 5 = tan-1 56 30. Solve cot-lx + sin-l 1 = -7r 5 4 31. Solve sin-' x + sin- (1 - x) = cos- x. 32. A man standing between two towers, 200 feet from the base of the higher, which is 90 feet high, observes their altitudes to be the same,; 70 feet nearer the shorter tower he finds the altitude of one is twice that of the other. Find the height of the shorter tower, and his original distance from it. 88 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 33. Solve cos 3, + 8 cos3 8 = 0. 34. Solve cot m - tan (180~ + m) = sec m + sec (90~ - i). 35. Solve tant 2 cos 2t 1 + tan t 36. Prove cotA + cotB = sin (A + B). sin A sin B 37. Prove cotP-cotQ = _sin(P- Q). sin P sin Q 38. In the triangle ABC prove a = b sin C + c sin B, b = c sin A + a sin C, c = a sin B + b sin A. 39. Solve completely the triangle, given a = 927.56, b = 648.25, c = 738.42. 40. Prove cos2 a - sin (30~ + a) sin (30 ~- a)= |. 41. Prove tan 3 x tan x cos x co 4 x cos 2 x + cos 4 x 42. Simplify cos (270~ + a) + sin (180~ + a) + cos (900 + a). 43. Simplify tan (270~ - 0) - tan (90~ + 0) + tan (270~ + 0). 44. Solve cos 3 - cos 2 ) + cos q = 0. 45. Solve cosA + cos 3 A + cos5A + cos 7 A =0. 46. The topmast of a yacht from a point on the deck subtends the:same angle a, that the part below it does. Show that if the topmast be a feet high, the length of the part below it is a cos 2 a. 47. A horizontal line AB is measured 400 yards long. From a point in AB a balloon ascends vertically till its elevation angles at A and B.are 64~ 15' and 48~ 20', respectively. Find the height of the balloon. sin a pr o v o / no 48. If cos = n sin a, and cot = (, prove cos n tan/3 /l+ n2cos 2a 49. Find cos 3 a, when tan 2 a = -. 50. Solve completely the triangle, given a = 0.296, B = 28~47'.3, C = 84~ 25'. 51. Evaluate sin 300~ + cos 240~ + tan 2250. 52. Evaluate sec 2 _ cs 5 + tan 4 3 3 3 EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. 89 53. If tan 0 = Sin a cos y - sin # sin y cos a cos y - cos / sill y and tan 0 = sin a sin y - sin / cos cos a sill y - cos / cos y show that tan( + 4) = tan(a + /3). 54. If tan 466' 15' 38" - 24, find the sine and cosine of 2330 7' 4911 55. Prove csc a - cot a sec at - tan a sec a + tan a csca(t + cot a 56. Prove cos(a - 3 /) - cos(3 a - a ) - 2 sin(a - /3). sin 2 a + sin 2/3 57. Prove sin 80' = sin 401 + sin 200. 58. Prove cos 20' cos 400 + cos 80". 59. Prove 4tan-'- tan-' 1 w 5 239 4 60. From the deck of a ship a rock bears N.N.W. After the ship has sailed 10 miles E.N.E., the rock bears due W. Find its distance from the ship at each observation. 61. Find the length of an arc of 800 in.a circle of 4 feet radius. 62. Given tan 9 =4, tan 4),',, evaluate sin(O + 4) + cos(9 -4)). 63. If tan 9 = 2 tan 4, show that sin(9 ~ 4)) = 3 sin(O - 4). 64. Prove cos(a+/3)cos (a-/3) ~sii(a+[3) sin (a-/)= 1 -tan2fl 1 +tan2/3 65. Solve 4 cos 2 ~ + 3 cosO0 = 1. 66. Solve 3 sin a 2 '~ sin (60' - a). 67. Prove (sin a - csc a)2 - (tan ae - cot a)2 + (COS a - sec a)2- 1. 68. Prove 2(sin6 a + cos6 a) + 1 = 3(sin4 a + cos4 a). 69. Prove csc 2/3 ~ cot 4/3 = cot/3 - csc 4/3. 5 _ _ _ _ _ 70. If tanp =-, cos 2 q 5,then csc _-q= 5V'T3. 12 625 2 71. Solve completely the triangle, given a 5 0.0654, b 0.092, B - 380 40'.4. 72. Solve completely the triangle, given b = 10, c = 26, B - 22 37'. 73. A railway train is travelling along a curve of I mile radius at the rate of 25 miles per hour. Through what angle (in circular measure) will it turn in half a minute? 90 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 74. Express the following angles in circular measure: 630, 40 30', 60 12' 36". 75. Express the following angles in sexagesimal measure: 7T 37r 177r 6 8 64 76. If A, B, C are angles of a triangle, prove cos A + cos B + COS C = 1 + 4 sinAin,B sin 2 2 2 77. Prove sin 2 x + sin 2 y + sin 2 z = 4 sin x sin y sin z, when x, y, z are the angles of a triangle. 78. Prove sec a = 1 + tan a tan2 -79. Prove sin2(a + /) - sin2(a - 8)= sin 2 a sin 2 3. 80. Prove cos2(a + 3) - sin2(a - )= cos 2 a cos 2/3. 81. Prove sin 19p + sin 17p = 2 cos 9p. sin 10p + sin 8p 82. Consider with reference to their ambiguity the triangles whose known parts are: (a) a = 2743, b = 6452, B = 43' 15'; (b) a = 0.3854, c = 0.2942, C - 380 20'; (c) b= 5, c = 53, B = 15' 22f' (d) a=20, b = 90, A = 63' 281.5. 83. From a ship at sea a lighthouse is observed to bear S.E. After the ship sailed N.E. 6 miles the bearing of the lighthouse is S. 270 30' E. Find the distance of the lighthouse at each time of observation. 84. Prove sin 6O + 3 4)+ sin (3 0 O 2 cos (9 +) sin 2 0 + sin 2 4 85. Prove cos 15' - sin 150 86. Show that cos (a + /3) cos (a - /) = cos2 a - sin2 / = cos2 / - sin2 a. 2 sin2 a - 1 87. Show that tan (a + 450) tan (a - 450) 2 2 cos2 a - 1 88. Sove sin x(X+V) si(X - y)=, os(x + y)cos (x-y)=O 1 +sin a cosa a 89. Prove - = tan 1 + sill a + COS a2 EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. 91 90. Prove tan 2 6 + sec 2 cos 0 + sin 0 cos 0 - sin 9 91. If tan 4 = b, then a cos2 4< + bsin2 = a. a 92. Prove sin-l 1 + cot-l3 =r ao 4 93. Solve cos A + cos 7 A = cos 4 A. 94. Two sides of a triangle, including an acute angle, are 5 and 7, the area is 14; find the other side. 95. Show that 3 cos 3 - 2 cos 0 - cos5 0 tan 2 0. sin 5 0 - 3 sin 3 0 + 4 sin 0 96. A regular pyramid stands on a square base one side of which is 173.6 feet. This side makes an angle of 67~ with one edge. What is the height of the pyramid? 97. From points directly opposite on the banks of a river 500 yards wide the mast of a ship lying between them is observed to be at an elevation of 10~ 28'.4 and 12~ 14'.5, respectively. Find the height of the mast. 98. Show that (sin 60~ -sin 45~) (cos 30~ + cos 45~) = sin2 30~. 99. Find x if sin-1 x + sin-' x = 4r 2 4 100. Trace the changes in sign and value of sin a + cos a as a changes from 0~ to 360~. CHAPTER VIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROPOSITIONS. 71. The circle inscribed in a given triangle is often called the incircle of the triangle, its centre the incentre, and its radius is denoted by r. The incentre is the point of intersection of the three bisectors of the angles of the triangle (geometry). The circle circumscribed about a triangle is called the circumcircle, its centre the circumcentre, and its radius R. The circumcentre is the point of intersection of perpendiculars erected at the middle points of the three sides of the triangle (geometry). Incircle. Circumcircle. Escribed circle opposite A. FIG. 37. The circle which touches any side of a triangle and the other two sides produced is called the escribed circle; its radius is denoted by ra, rb, or r,, according as the escribed circle is opposite angle A, B, or C. Again, the altitudes from the vertices of a triangle meet in a point called the orthocentre of the triangle. Finally, the medians of a triangle meet in a point called the centroid, which is two-thirds of the length of the median from the vertex of the angle from which that median is drawn (geometry). Certain properties o'f the above will now be considered. 92 MISCELLANEOUS PROPOSITIONS. 93 72. To find the radius of the incircle. Let A, A', A," A"' represent C the areas of triangles ABC, COB, AOC, BOA, respectively. Then a A = A/ + /A + A/ A- 4 B FIG. 38. = l (a + b + c) r = sr. And since A = Vs(s - a)(s - b)(s - c), (Art. 63) A V(s - a)(s- b)(s -c) s s CoR. To express the angles in terms of r and the sides, divide each member of the above equation by s - a. Then r (s- b)(s-c) = tan 2 A. (Art. 62) s - a - s(s - a) r r In like manner tan 1 B = tan 1 C s s-b s - To find the radius of the circumcircle. a B a R A' FIGB c b3. FIG. 39. In the figure ABC is the given triangle, and A' C a diameter of the circumcircle. Then, angle A = A', or 180~-A'..-. sin A = sin A'. Since A'BC is a right angle, sinA' BC a A'C 2R R=n A sin A 94 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. CoR. 1. As above, 2 R = a = = which is sin A sin B sin w another proof of the "law of sines." COR. 2. From R= a we have 2 sin A abe abe -R b- a = A' where A= area ABC. 2 be sin A 4 A 74. To find the radii of the escribed circles. r b FI. 40. FIG. 40. Represent areas ABC, BOA, AOC, BOC, by A,, Af, A, A'f, respectively. Then ra is the altitude of each of the triangles BOA, AOC, BOC. Now A = A' + A/f — A-'/ -- rc + ' rlb -- r a = -2i ra (c + b - a) = r(s - a). A ra -= s-a A A In like manner, rb = -; rc = S - b 8 - C 75. The orthocentre. Denote the perpendiculars on the sides a, b, c, by APa, BPb, CP,, and let it be required to find the distances from their intersection 0 to the sides of the triangle, and also to the vertices. OPb = APb tan CA O. FIG. 41. But APb=ccosA, and CAO=90~-C..0. OPb = c cos A cot C = Ccos A cos C. sin C = 2 R cos A cos C. (Art. 73, Cor. 1) MISCELLANEOUS PROPOSITIONS. 95 In like manner, OP. = 2 B cos B cos A, Opa = 21? cos C cos B. Again, the distances from the orthocentre to the vertices are, OA AP6 ccosA cos CA O sin C -2 R cos A. Also, OB 2 1 cos B, and OC= 2BR cos C. 76. Centroid and medians. The lengths of the medians may be computed as follows: In the figure the medians to the B sides a, 6, c, arc AMa, BAM,, CM,, C a meeting in the centroid 0. Now, by the law of cosines, from A b A b 2Mb the triangle BJi C, FIG. 42. BM2 =a2+HMC2- 2a. 1Mb4C cos C = ~-2 + h- ahcos C. 4 a2 ~ 62 -~f But, cos C-2 2 2 ab BJJ~T2-a2 +2 a2 + h2 - C2 2 a2 + 2 C2 b2 B b 4 2 4 whence, BMb= I V2 a2+ 2 C2 - b2 = 1 Va2 + C2 + 2 ac cos B since a2 + -6s2 cos B. 2 ae In like manner, CM, = 1 V2S + b2+2a2,c2 = I -\62 + a2+ 2 ba cos C, and A a = 1 V2 C2 + 2 b2 -a2 = lV c2+62+ 2 cb cos.A. 96 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. EXAMPLES. 1. In the triangle, a = 25, b = 35, c = 45, find R, r, r,. 2. Given a = 0.354, b = 0.548, C = 28~ 34' 20", find the distances to C and B, from the circumcentre, the incentre, the centroid, and the orthocentre. 3. In the ambiguous triangle show that the circumcircles of the two triangles, when there are two solutions, are equal. 4. Prove that 1 + 1 + 1= ra rb rc r 5. In any triangle prove A = -r rrarbrc. 6. Prove that the product of the distances of the incentre from the vertices of the triangle is 4 r2R. 7. Prove that the area of all triangles of given perimeter that can be circumscribed about a given circle is constant. 8. Prove that the area of the triangle ABC is Rr(sin A + sin B + sin C). CHAPTER IX. SERIES DE MOIVRE'S THEOREM - HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. 77. First consider some series by means of which logarithms of numbers and the natural functions of angles may be computed. For this purpose the following series is important: 1 I 1 e=l+ I+ + 1 + +~ It may be derived as follows: By the binomial theorem, 1 nx n ++ "' = 1+. 1 + nx(nx- 1) I + nx(nx-1) (nx-2) 1 =l+ + + +' "' 1\ + l+M +1\ 2+ WnI n n =1+x+ +-~ +++ This is called the exponential series, and is represented by ex, so that X2 X3 Xr e"= l+x+-+ -+.+.+.-.. It is shown in higher algebra that this equation holds for all values of x; whence, if x = 1, 11 1 e = I + I + l ++ + +.97 97 98 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. This value of e is taken as the base of the natural or Naperian system of logarithms. This value e, however, is not the base of the system of logarithms computed by Napier, but its reciprocal instead. The natural logarithm is used in tl. theoretical treatment of logarithms, and, as will presently appear, it is customary to compute the common logarithm by first finding the natural, and then multiplying it by a constant multiplier called the modulus, Art. 82; i.e. in the Naperian system the modulus is taken as 1, and thei base is comnputed. In the common system the base 10 is chosen and the modulus computed. 78. From the exponential series the value of e may be computed to any required degree of accuracy. e=l + + 1 + 1 + 1+I 1I 1 1+1 + = 2.5 = 0.1666666666 0.0416666666 14 - 0.0083333333 15 1 0.0013888888 1 1= 0.0001984126 = 0.0000248015 = 0.0000027557 - 0.0000002755 Adding, e = 2.7182818, correct to 7 decimal places. SERIES. 99 79. To expand ax in ascending powers of x. Z2 Z3 zr e =l+z + +z + ++'". Let a' = eZ, then z = loge ax = x ~ loge a. (Arts. 35, 40) Substituting ax= 1 + x. loge a +x2 (loge a)2 + (oge a)3 + Now put 1 + a for a, and 1 + a)x = 1 + x log (1 + a) x2 [loge ( + a)]2 + X3 [1oge ( + a)]3 + + + +3. But by the binomial theorem, + a)= + xa +x(x- 1) a2 +x(x- 1)(x-2) +.. (1 +a^y = 1 + xa + a 2+ Equating coefficients of x in the second members of the above equations, a2 a3 a4 log (1 + a) = a - - + +**;,or writing x for a, x2 X3 X4 loe (1 + x) = - + - +-. In this form the series is of little practical use, since it converges very slowly, and only when x is between + 1 and - 1 (higher algebra). Put - x for x, and x2 x3 X4 loge (1 - x) = - x- - -- - -.'.log, log, (1 + )- ge (- +X) = loge 1 -(x + ) l-x 3 T~~`j 100 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Finally, put 1 for x, and n + 1+ log + = log, (n + 1) - log, n n t 2 n +1 32 nz + 1 5 1 1 1 3) 1og,(n+t)=1og~n+2~' +!- ( ___ (2n~1 3 2n~1}5' 2 +1/j a series which is rapidly convergent. 80. From this series a table of logarithms to the base e may be computed. To find log, 2 put n = 1. Then, since log, 1 = 0, the series, becomes lo,2 og +2 + + + + io&?=og~,~l ri 1 1 1 1 g g3 33~5 35~7 37~9.39 1 1 + 11.3" + + =0.693147. The computations may be arranged thus: 3 2.00000000 9.~G66666667.666~66667 9.07407407~ 3=.02469136 9.00823045~ 5=.00164609 9.000914~49 7 =.00013064 9.00010161 9=.00001129 9.00001129 ~ 11 =.00000103.00000125 1 3 =.00000009.69314717 whence loge 2 = 0.693147, correct to 6 decimal places. To find loge 3, put n = 2, and log, 3=log, e2+ 2(+ 353+5-55+7l57+59+.I. 3 ~ 53 5 i 9 59 SERIES. 101 5 2.00000000 25.40000000 =.40000000 25.01600000 3=.00533333 25.00640000 5 =.00012800 25.00025600 7=.00000366.00000102 9 =.00000011.40546510 loge,2=.69314717.'. loge 3 =1.098612, correct to 6 decimal places. loge 4 = 2 x loge 2, log, 6 = log, 3 + loge 2, etc. (Why?) The logarithms of prime numbers may be computed as above by giving proper values to n. 81. Having computed the logarithms of numbers to base e, the logarithms to any other base may be computed by means of the following relation: Let loga n = x; then ax = n. Also, log, n = y; then by = n,.-. ax = by. Hence, loga (a) = loga (b^), and.. x = y loga b. It follows that log n = logb n ~ loga b; logb = loga n. 1 log, b whence This factor 1 is called the modulus of the system of log, b logarithms to base b. Using it as a multiplier, logarithms of numbers to base b are computed at once from the logarithms of the same numbers to any other base a. 102 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 82. To compute the common logarithms. Common logarithms are computed from the Naperian by use of the modulus log 1; z.e. loge 10 By Art. 80, loge 10 can be found, and - =.434294, the modulus of the common system. log, 10 Ex. Compute the common logarithms of: 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 10, 15, 216, 3375. COMPLEX NUMBERS. 83. In algebra it is shown that the general expression for complex numbers is a + bi, where a represents all the real terms of the expression, b the coefficients of all the imaginary terms, and i is so defined that i2 = - 1; whence i =-l, i2=, = —, = i4=1, etc. The laws of operation in algebra are found to apply to complex numbers. Moreover, it is further shown that if two complex numbers are equal, the real terms are equal, and the imaginary terms are equal; i.e. if a + bi = c + di, then a=b and c= d. Finally, the complex number may be graphically represented as roib follows: -x' - o a x The real number is measured along OX, a units; the imaginary parallel to OY, b units. The line Vr r is a graphic representation of FIG. 43. a + bi. DE MOIVRE'S THEOREM.lo 103 Since a = rcos 0 and b = rsin9,. a +bi = r(cos0~+i sill 9). The properties of complex numbers are best developed by using this trigonometric form. If r be taken as unity, then cos 6 + i sin 6 represents any complex number. 84. De Moivre's Theorem. To prove that, for any value of n, (cosO0 + i sin O)n cos nO ~ i sin nO. I. Wlhen n is a positive integer. By multiplication, (cos a + isin a) (cos /3 ~ i sin /3) = COS ae COS /3 - sin a sin /3 + i (sin a cos/3, + cos a sin /3) = COS (ae+/3)~+i sin (a +/3). In like manner, (cos a ~ i sinl a) (cos /3 ~ i sin /3) (cos y + i sinl y) = cos (a + /3 + y) ~ i sin (a ~ /3 ~ y); and finally, (cos a +isin a) (cos/3 + isin/3) (cosy + isin y).to n factors = COS(a~/38+'y+..)~+i sin(a~/+y8+7+...). Now let a=/3 = y=..., and the above becomes (cos ac + i sin a)n = cos fla + i sin na. II. When n is a negative integer. Let n=- m; -then (cos ae + i sin a)n = (coS a + i sin a>"'11 (cos a + i sin ae)"m cos ma + i sin ma cos ma - i sin ma (cos ma + i sin ma) (cos ma - i sin ma) cos ma - i sin ma cos2 Ma + sin2 ma =cos ma - i sin ma = Cos (- m) a + i Sinl (-m) a. 104 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Substituting n for - m, the equation becomes (cos a + i sin a)n = cos na + i sin na. III. When n is a fraction, positive or negative. Let n = -, p and q being any integers. Now aei ina a a COS = cOS +is1nq.-=cosa+isina (byl). / 1 Then Cos -~ + i sill =(cos a ~ i Sill a)q. Raising each member to the power p, P a. aP P P in1 (Cos a + i sin ae)=yeos ~ms1sin )= COs a+ sin-a. q q Yq COMIP:TATIONS,n~P OF NATURAL FUNCTIONS. 85. The radian measure of an acute angle is greater than its sine and less than its tangent, i.e. sin a < a < tan a. N A Let a be the circular, or rt FIG. 44. 4measure of any acute angle Then, in the figure, area of sector OAP < area of triangle OAT, i.e. 1OA arcAP< OA. AT. 2 2 are AP< AT. Now, since NP < arc AP, NP are AP AT K K OP OP OP are AP But a circular measure of AOP = a; OP -whence Sial a < tan a. idian, 4 OP. NATURAL FUNCTIONS. 105 86. Since sin a < a < tan a, a 1 1<. <. sill a Cos a Hence, however small a may be, lies between 1 and 1-a~ ~~~~~~~~s1 a. When a approaches 0, cos c approaches unity. cos a Therefore, by diminishing a sufficiently, we may make -- differ from unity by an amount less than any assignsin a able quantity. This we express by saying that when a approaches 0, sa approaches unity as a limit, i.e. = 1, sin a sin a approximately. Multiplying by cos a (= 1, nearly), we have a = 1, approximately. Whence, if a approaches 0, tan a tan a = sin a ==, approximately. 87. Sine and cosine series. cos na + i sin no = (cos a + i sin a)", (De Moivre's Theorem). Expanding the second member by the binomial formula, it becomes, osa cos" a i i + n cos"-, * i sin2 a + n(n- l)(n- 2) COsn-3 C. i3 Sin3 GC + n(n- 1)(nl - 2)(n- 3) Cos-4. i4 Sill a + Substituting the values of i2, i3, i4, etc., we have cos na + i sin nna = acos" a - 1cos "-2 a sin2 a 12 n (n - )(n - 2)(n -3) cos_"4 ( sin4 a.. + i(n cosn- a sin a - n (n ) 2) cos-3 a sin3 a + [3 106 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Equating the real and imaginary parts in the two members, cos nt = cos -n(n - 1) osn2 a sin2 a + n (n - 1)(n-2)(n -3) eosn-4 a sin4 a. + 4on — 1 - ccsin^-..., 1I4 and sin na = n cos1 n- )(n - n) os -3 a sin3... 13 Ex. 1. Find cos3a; sin3a. In the above put n = 3, and cos 3 a = os3 a - 3 cos a sin2 a = 4 cos3 - 3cos a; also sin3 a = 3 cos2 a sin ( - sin3 a = 3 sin a - 4 sin3 a. 2. Find sin 4ac; cos4ac; sin5a; cos 5a. It will be noticed that in the series for cos nc and sin nc the terms are alternately positive and negative, and that the series continues till there is a zero factor in the numerator. 88. If now in the above series we let na = 0, then W 1) cOS 0 = cosn, - COsn-2 a sin2 c u- - Cos- ( s-in 4a — - -coSn-4 a sin4 c-.. I4 = Cos" cc- (O ac)- COSn2 ( sia + (0-(t) (0-2 t)(O-3 ) CoSn4 csin c)a If now 0 remain constant, and a decrease without limit, then will n become indefinitely great, and sin c and every cc NATURAL FUNCTIONS. 107 power thereof, and cos a and every power of cos a will approach unity as a limit, so that 02 04 06 cos = 1 - + +.... 2L L6 Similarly, sin 0 = 0 - _ + - 0_ +.... By algebra it is shown that these series are convergent for all values of 0. By their use we can compute values of sin 0 and cos 0 to any required degree of accuracy. 03 2 05 Show from the above that tan 0 = 0 + - + - + *. 3 15 Ex. 1. Compute the value of sin 1~, correct to 5 places. 03 05 07 In sinl 0 = + --- +'.., make 0 the radian measure of 1~ = -7 = 0.01745 +. 180 Then, 6 = 0.01745 + 3= 0.0000008..'. sin = 0.01745 +. The terms of the series after the first do not affect the fifth place, so that the value is given by the first term, an illustration of the fact that, if a is small, sin a = a, approximately. Compare the value of tan 1~. 2. Show that sin 10~ = 0.17365; cos 10~ = 0.98481; sin 15~ = 0.25882; cos 60~ = 0.50000. 3. Find the sine and cosine of 18~ 30'; 22~ 15'; 67~ 45'. It is unnecessary to compute the functions beyond 30~, for since sin (30~ + ) + sin (30 - 0) = cos 0 (why?),.S. sin (30~ + 0) = cos 0 - sin (30~ - 0). So, also, cos (30~ + 0) = cos (30~ - ) - sin 0. Giving 0 proper values the functions of any angle from 30~ to 450 are determined at once from the functions of angles less than 30~. Thus, sin 31~ = cos 1~ - sin 29~; cos 31~ = cos 29~ - sin 1~. 4. Find sine and cosine of 40~; of 50~. 108 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 89. The following are sometimes useful in applied mathematics: Ex. 1. To find the sum of a series of sines of angles in A. P., such as sin a + sin (a + 3) + sin (a + 2 f) + *.. + sin (a + [n - 1]/3). 2sin asin cos= ) -coss (a + ) 2 2 2 2 sin (a + 8) sin: = cos (a + ) - cos (a + 3), 2 2 2 2 sin (a + 2 3) sing = cos(a + ) - cos (a + 5), 2 2 2 2 sin (a + n - 1]/,) sinf = cos (a + 2n-3)-cos ( +2n- 13). 2 2 \ 2i Adding 2 {sin sin ( + )sin (a2) ++ i ( + 2 + + sin (a + [n- 1] /)} sill = cos(a-) -cos (a +2n-1/) = 2 sin( + -2 /) sinn8..s. s sin ( + f) +sini (a + 2 f)+.sin (a + [n - 1]3) sin (r + n-l /) sin n sin 3 2 Similarly it can be shown that cos a + cos (a + /) + cos (a + 2 f/) + * + cos (a + [n - 1]) cos (a + - 1) sin n2 sill 2 HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. 109 x2 x3 Xr 90. The series ex = 1 + x + ~- + + *. + - + *. is proved in higher algebra to be true for all values of x, real or imaginary. Then if x = i0, j2092 i393 irtr eie= 1 + iO+ + - +... +... 02 04 06 O3 05 07 = 1 — ~+ +* +[i ( + -+ )-.. e = cos + i sin 0 (Art. 87). In like manner, e-ie = cos - i sin 9. Adding, cos =e e-' 2 eio _ e-io subtracting, sin 0 = e-e 2i HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. i _ e-ie e + e -i 91. Since sin = 2i and cos = 2 are 2i ' 2 true for all values of 0, let 0 = iO. en - e0.eiO e- e Then, sin (i)= = e 2 = i sinh 0, 2i 2 and cos (iO) = e + = cosh 0, 2 so that tan (iO) = sin (i{) =i sinh 0, cos (i9) cosh 0 where sinh 0, cosh 0, tanh 0, are called the hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent of 0. The hyperbolic cotangent, secant, and cosecant of 0 are obtained from the hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent, just as the corresponding circular functions, cotangent, secant, and cosecant, are obtained from tangent, cosine, and sine. The hyperbolic functions have the same geometric relations to the rectangular hyper 110 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. bola that the circular f unctions have to the circle, hence the namne hyperbolic functions. sinh 0=..e sch 0= 2 2 e cosh0= e.. - sech 0 = 2 eo+ - tanh 0=ct 0= - eO +e0O' CtOeo -e-0 92. From the relations of Art. 91 it appears that to any relation between the circular functions there corresponds a, relation between the hyperbolic functions. Since cos2 (iO) ~ sin2 (iO) = 1, cosh2 0 + i2 sinh 2 0 = 1, or cosh 2 0 - sinh2 0 = 1. This may also be derived. thuis: cosh 2 9 - sinh 2 o -ej(0-6 e20 ~ 2 ~ e-20 - e20 ~ 2 e-2=1 4 Also since sin (ia + i13) = sill (ia) cos (ifi) + cos (ice) sin (ifi), i sinh (cc ~ 3) = i sinh cecoshfl + cosli a- i sinh 3, and sinh (a + /3) = sinh a cosh8 13 cosh a sinh 13. Let the student verify this relation from the exponential values of sinh and cosh. EXAM PLES. Prove 1. cosh (a~/3) = coshoaecosh [3 +sinh asinh /3. 2. cosh (a +/3)- cosh (a-3) = 2sinh asinh/[3. 3. cosh 29=1~+2 sin1i20 2 cosh260 — 1. 4. sinh 2 a=2sinh acoshac. EXAMPLES.,hp 1 + cosh 0 0 _/cosh 0 - 1 5. cosh0 j+ s; sinh h 6. sinh 3 = 3 sinh 0 + 4 sinh3 0. 7. sinh 0 + sinh = 2 sinh 0 +-t cosh 0. 2 2 8. sinh a +sinh (a + 3) + sinh (a + 2,3)+ *..+ sinh (a + [n-1]/3) silh a + n-1 - ) sinh n sinh / 2 9. tanh( )=tanh + tanh 4 9. tal h (O + () = + tanh ~ ta.h -; 1 + tanh 6 tallh ( 10. sinh-' x = cosh-l /1 + x2 = tanh-1 x \/1 + x2 11. cosh (at + /) cosh (a - /,) =cosh2 a + sinh2 3 = cosh2 / + sinh2 a. 12. 2 cosh nae cosh a = cosh (n + 1) a + cosh (n - 1) a. 13. cosh a = (ea + e-a) = 1 ) + 2 +.... |_2 L4 14. sinh a = (ea -e- a)= a + 5 + a+ b 15. tanh-1 a + tanh-1 b = tanh-1 a + b 1 + ab SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. -- o, —o 0 95::9.-c - CHAPTER X. SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 93. Spherical trigonometry is concerned chiefly with the solution of spherical triangles. Its applications are for the most part in geodesy and astronomy. The following definitions and theorems of geometry are for convenience of reference stated here. A great circle is a plane section of a sphere passing through the centre. Other plane sections are small circles. The shortest distance between two points on a sphere is measured on the arc of a great circle, less than 180~, which joins them. A spherical triangle is any portion of the surface of a sphere bounded by three arcs of great circles. We shall consider only triangles whose sides are arcs not greater than 180~ in length. The polar triangle of any spherical triangle is the triangle whose sides are drawn with the vertices of the first triangle as poles. If ABC is the polar of A'B'C', then A'B'C' is the polar of ABC. In any spherical triangle, The sum of two sides > the third side. The greatest side is opposite the greatest angle, and conversely. Each angle < 180~; the sum of the angles > 180~, and < 5400. Each side < 180~; the sum of the sides < 360~. 112 SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 113 The sides of a spherical triangle are the supplements of the angles opposite in the polar triangle, and conversely. If two angles are equal the sides opposite are equal, and conversely. The sides of a spherical triangle subtend angles at the centre of the sphere which contain the same number of angle degrees as the arc does of arc degrees; i.e. an angle at the centre and its arc have the same measure numerically. The arc does not measure the angle for they have not the same unit of measuremeent, but we say they have the same numerical measure; i.e. the arc contains the unit arc as many times as the angle contains the unit angle. The angles of a spherical triangle are said to be measured by the plane angle included by tangents to the sides of the angle at their intersection. They have therefore the same numerical measure as the dihedral angle between the planes B of the arcs. In the figure the following have the same numerical meas- o \ ure ~ ~ arc a and angle a; A arc b and angle/3; \ arc c and angle y; FIG. 45. plane angle A'B C'; spherical angle B and dihedral angle A-BO-C; spherical angle C and dihedral angle B-CO-A; spherical angle A and dihedral angle C-A O-B. A'C'B and C'A'B have not the same measure as spherical angles C and A, for BA', A'C', C'B are not perpendicular to OA or OC. 94. In plane trigonometry the trigonometric functions were treated as functions of the angles. But since an angle and its subtending arc vary together and have the same 114 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. numerical measure, it is clear that the trigonometric ratios are functions of the arcs, and may be so considered. All the relations between the functions are the same whether we consider them with reference to the angle or the arc, so that all the identities of \ plane trigonometry are true for the func/ Y a tions of the arcs. ax- L Thus in the figure we may write, FIG. 46. sin a = - or sin a = -; r r sin2 a + cos2 a = 1, or sin2 a + os2 a = 1; cos 2 a = 2 cos2a- 1, or cos 2 a = 2 cos2a-1. GENERAL FORMULAE FOR SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 95. The solutions of spherical triangles may be effected by formulae now to be developed: First it will be shown that in any spherical triangle cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A, cos b = cos c cos a + sin c sin a cos B, cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C. The following cases must be considered: I. Both b and c < 90~. III. Both b and c > 90~. II. b >90~, c< 90~. IV. Either b or c= 90~. V. b = = 900. The figure applies to Case I. Let ABC be a spherical tri- A angle, a, b, c its sides, and 0 the centre of the sphere. Draw AC' and AB' tangent ~ - --- \ to the sides b, c at A. (The C same result would be obtained by drawing AB', AC' perpen- dicular to OA at any point to FIG. 47. GENERAL FORMUL2E. 115 meet OB, 0 C.) Since these tangents lie in the planes of the circles to which they are drawn, they will meet OC and OB in C' and B', and the angle C'AB' will be the measure of the angle A of the spherical triangle ABC. Since OAB', OAC' are right angles, AOB', AOC' must be acute, and hence sides c, b are each < 90~. In the triangles C'AB' and C'OB', C'B'2 = AC'2 + AB'2- 2 AC'. AB' cos C'AB', and B'C'2 = OC12 + OB'2-2 2OC' OB' cos C'OB'. Subtracting and noting that cos C'AB' = cos A and cos C'OB' = cos a, we have 0 = OC'2 - A C2 + OB2 - AB'2 + 2 AC' AB' cos A- 2 OC'. OB' cos a. But C'2 - A C'2 = OA2 and OB'2- AB'2 = OA2. Hence, 0 = OA2 + A C'. AB' cos A - C'. OB' cos a; OA OA A AC' AB' or cos a + = ~ - ~ cos A. OC' OB' OC' OB'.'. cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin e cos A. Similarly, cos b = cos a cos c + sin a sin c cos B, and cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C. These formulae are important, and should be carefully memorized. c b II. b>90~; c< 900. A -:a.A In the triangle ABC, let b > 90~ --- and c< 90~. Complete the lune FIG. 48. BA CA'. Then in the triangle A'CB the sides a and A'C are both less than 90~, and by (I) cos A'B = cos A'C cos a + sin A'C sin a cos A'CB. 1166 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. But A'B = 1800-c, A'C=1800-6, and A'CB= l80'- C. cos (1800 - c)= cos (1800 - b) cos a + sin (1800 - 6) sin a cos (1800 - C); or - cos c =(- cos b) cos a ~ sin b sin a(- cos C) and cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C. A similar proof will apply in case c > 900, 6 < 900. 9 6 III. Both b and c > 900. a A In the triangle ABC, let both b anid c >900. Complete the lune ABA'U. Then since A'C FIG. 49. and A'B are both < 900, cos a = cos A'C cos A'B + sin A'C sin A'B cos A'. But A' A, A'C= 1800 - 6, A'B = 180'- c. cos a - cos (1800 - 6) cos (1800 - c) ~ sin (180' - 6) sin (1800 - c) cos A; or cos a = cos b cos eC sin b sin c cos A. Cases IV and V are left to the student as exercises. 96. Since the angles of the polar triangle are the supplements of the sides opposite in the first triangle, we have A' a'=1800-A, 6'=1800 -B, e A c'=1800 - C, A'= 1800 - a. e b Substituting in C C/a cosat = COS bf Cose' e a' + sill 6' sin c' cos A', FIG. 50. we have - cos (1800 - A) = cos (1800 - B) cos (1800 - C) + sin (1800 - B) sin (1800 - C) cos (1800 - a); or - cos A = (- cos B)(- cos C) + sin B sin C( - cos a). GENERAL FORMULIE. 117 Changing signs, cos A = - cos B cos C + sin B sin C cos a. Similarly, cos B = - cos A cos C + sin A sin C cos b, and cos C =- cos A cos B + sin A sin B cos c. sinA sinB sill C 97. In any spherical triangle to prove si A = - si sina si b sin Since cos A = cos a - cos b cos c Since cos A = sin b sin c.S. sin2 A =1 (cos a - cos b cos C)2 sil b sin c sin2 b sin2 c - (cos a - cos b cos )2 sin2 b sin2 c (1 -cos2 b) (- cos2 ) - (cos a - os b cos c)2 sin2 b sina2 C 1- cos2 a - cos2 b - cos2 + 2 cos a cos b cos c sin2 b sin2 c Hence, n A -/1 - os2 a- cs2 b - cos2 c-2 cos a cos b cos c sin b sin c sin A /1 - cos2 a - cos2 b- cos2 c- 2 cos a cos b cos c and sin a sin a sin b sin c sin B sin C By a similar process, n B and si will be found equal sin b sin c to the same expression. sinA sin B sinC sin a sin b sin c 118 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 98. Expressions for sine, cosine, and tangent of half an angle in terms of functions of the sides. We have 2 sin24= 1 - cos A 2 1 cos a - cos b cos c sin b sin c cos 6 cos c ~ sin 6 sin c - cos a sin b sin c - cos (6 - c) - cos a sin 6 sin c Then 2 sin2A 2 sin2(a~-c)sin:(a-6 ~c) (Art.51) 2 sin b sin c 2 sin (s - b) sin (s - e) sin b sin c when 2s=a6 + b + c. si__A sin (s - c) sin (s - c). 2 sint b sin c Similarly, sin sin(s - c) sin (s - a) 2 sin a sin c and sin C =sin (s - b) sin(s-a) sif 2 7\ sin a sin b Also from the relation A 2 cos2 A 1 + cos A 2 cos a - cos b cos c si= b sin c we have COS 4sin s sin(s - a) 2 sin b sin c Also, Cos jB sins sin(s - b) 2 sin c sin a and C sin s sin (s - c) co 2 = sin a sin b GENERAL FORMULX1 119 From the above, A tan A2 2 /lsin(s -b) sin(s -c) tan — CA sin s sin(s - a) 2 Also, B /sin (s - a) sin (S - C) n2 = sin s sin (s - b) and tan C = N Isin(s - a) sin (s - b) t sin s sin(s - c) Compare the formulae thus far derived with the corresponding formule for solving plane triangles. The similarity in forms will assist in memorizing the formube for solving spherical triangles. 99. From the formulhe of Art. 96, the student can easily prove the following relations: si a '- cos S cos(S - A) 1-1I., sin B sin C where 2S= A + B+ C. sin b =2 sin C =s n i 2 Cosa ICOs (S - B3) cos (S - C) c 2 Ntl sin B sint C 2 2 a =-NI - cos S Cos (S- A) tan n s 9 2 n os (S- B) os(S - C) tan b= - 2 tan = '=. 2 120 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 100. Napier's Analogies. tan - A /sin (s- b)sin (s - c) Since ta2 sin s sin (s - a) Since --- = tanlB sin (s- c) sin (s- a) 2 sin s sin (s - 6) - sin12(s -) sin (s - ) sin2(s - a) sin (s - a) by composition and division, A B tan A + tan - 2 2 sin (s - b)+sin(s - a) ta A _ tan B sin (s - b)- sin (s - a)' tan - - tan - 2 2.A. B sin A sin B 2 2 A B COS -- Cos -- 2C 2 sin -I ( S - (2 - b) cos 1 (a -b) A _.B os 1 (2 - a-b) sinl (a - b) ln 2 (Art. 51) A B cos -- co 2 2 sin 2 (A + B) _ tan (2 s - a -) sin 2 (A - B) tan I (a-b) tan - 2 t= -n- -- since 2s-a-b=c. tan ~- (a - b) 2 l. b)8sin|(A-B)tc sin (A+B) To find an expression for tan -(A - B) we have only to consider the polar triangle, and by substituting 180~ - A for.a, etc., 180~ - a for A, etc., we have the following relations: (a - b)= (1800 - A- 1800 + B)=- A - B); 2 \" "/e2 2'~2 ' GENERAL FORMULzE. 121 also, -1 (A -B) =- - -( ); (A + B)= (1800 - a + 1800 - b) = 180~- 1(a + b); e 2 and =90 C. 2 2 The formula then becomes, applying Art. 29, sin 1 (a - b) tan - B)= 2 cotC sin (a+ b) Formulae for tan -- (a + b), tan I (A + B) are derived as follows: Since A B 4jsi (s-b) sin (s-c) - sin (s-c) sin (s-a) tan - tan -- 2 2 a i S i(-a sin s s - a) sn sin(s- b). A. B sin- si2 2 sin(s - e). A B sin s COS- COS - 2 2 By composition and division, A B.A.B cos-cos- + sin-sin2 2 + 2 2 sin s + sin (s - c) A B A sB sin s-sin (s-c)' cos -cos - -sin -sin - 2 2 2 2 cos 1 (A - B) tan I (a + b). 51 whence -2 -- 2 7 - - (Art. 51) cos (A + B) ta 2 \'" i tan 2 since 2 s-c = a + b, cos (A- B) or, tan(a+b)= s2 ( tan C. cos1 (A + B) 2 122 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. The value of tan I (A + B) is derived by substituting in terms of the corresponding elements of the polar triangle. cos (a-b) _-tan (A + B) -cos (a + b) ot 2 i COS e (a - b) 7. tan (A + B)= cot cos (a + b) Similar relations among the other elements of the triangle may be derived, or they may be written from the above by proper changes of A, B, C, a, b, c in the formulae. The student should write them out as exercises. 101. Delambre's Analogies. Since sin 1 (A + B) = sin - cos B + cos A sin B 2 ~"2 2 2 2 then sin (A + B) = sin (s - b) + sin (s - a) /sin s sin (s - c) ~~2 ~' ~-sin c sin a * sin b (Art. 98) H sill-A + B) sin(s - b) + sin (s - a) H ~2ence, 2 cc COs- sin c 2 2 sill cos - (a - ) 2 __=, (Art. 51) 2 sin - cos - 2 2 os 1 (a -) C and sin (A+B) = -- - os- C i2 22 COS In like manner derive sin (a-b) C sin (A- B)= cos; sin- 2 2 RIGHT SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 123 cos 1 (a + b) cos (A + B)= 2 in -; 2 C cos 2 sin 1 (a + b) 2 cos (A - B)= 2 sin. These formulae are often called Gauss's Formulae, but they were first discovered by Delanbre in 1807. Afterwards Gauss, independently, discovered them, and published them in his Theoria Motus. 102. Formulae for solving right spherical triangles are derived from the foregoing by putting C= 90~, whence sin C= 1, cos C = 0. cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C (Art. 95) becomes cos c = cos a cos b. (1) Substituting the value of cos a from (1), and simplifying, cosA cos a - cos b cosc (Art. 95) cos A = -^(Art. 95) sin b sin c becomes cos A =tan b (2) tan c ( Again, sinA si (Art. 97) sin a sin c in the right triangle is sin A =sin a. (3) sin a Dividing (3) by (2), tan A sin a cos b sin a cos a cos b sin a tan A =. =. = —. cos c sin b cos c cos a sin b cos a sin b since cos a cos b = cos c..'. tan A sin b = tan a. (4) 124 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. From (4) tan a = tan A sin b, also, tan b = tan B sin a. Multiplying, tan a tan b = tan A tan B sin a sin b, or, cot A cot B = cos a cos b = cos c. (5) From (2) and (3), by division, tan b cos A tan c cos c - --- = --- = cos a. sin B sin b cos b sin c.'. cos A = cos a sin B. (6) Let the student write formulae (2), (3), (4), (6) for B. It will be noticed that (1) and (5) give values for c only, while (2), (3), (4), (6) apply only to A and B. 103. Formulae (1)-(6) are sufficient for the solution of right spherical triangles if any two parts besides the right angle are given. They are easily remembered by comparison with corresponding formulae in plane trigonometry. Two rules, invented by Napier, and called Napier's Rules of Circular Parts, include all the formulae of Art. 102. Omitting C, and taking the comple90-B ments of A, c, and B, the parts of the triangle taken in order are a, b, 90~- A, /0 \/ a 90~ - c, 90~ - B. These are called the circular parts of the triangle. 0~-A b Any one of the five parts may be FIG. 51. selected as the middle part, the two parts next to it are called the adjacent parts, and the remaining two the opposite parts. Thus, if a be taken as the middle part, 90~- B and b are the adjacent parts, and 90~ - c, 90 - A the opposite parts. NAPIER'S RULES. 125 Napier's Two Rules are as follows: The sine of the middle part equals the product of the tangents of the adjacent parts. The sine of the middle part equals the product of the cosines of the opposite parts. It will aid the memory somewhat to notice that i occurs in sine and middle, a in tangent and adjacent, and o in cosine and opposite, these words being associated in the rules. The value of the above rules is frequently questioned, most computers preferring to associate the formulae with the corresponding formulae of plane trigonometry. These rules may be proved by taking each of the parts as the middle part, and showing that the formulae derived from the rules reduce to one of the six formulae of Art. 102. Then, if b is the middle part, by the rules, sin b = tan a tan (90~ - A) = tan a cot A, or tan A = tan sin b sill b = cos (90~ - c) cos (90~ - B) = sin c sin B, or sin B = sin sill C results which agree with (4) and (3), Art. 102. If any other part be taken as the middle part, the rules will be found to hold. 104. Area of the spherical triangle. If r = radius of the sphere, E = spherical excess of the triangle =A + B + - 1800, A = area of spherical triangle, then by geometry A=Er2x I. If the three angles are not known, E may be computed by one of the following methods, and A found as above. 126 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Cagnoli's Method. sn sin = sin (A + C - 180~) 2 = sin 2 (A + B)sin - cos 1 (A + B)cos 2 2 2 sinC COS2 2 cos= [COS 2 - b) - coS 2 (a + b)] (Art. 101) a.b 2 2 sin - sin2 2 /sin s sin (s - a) sin (s -b) sin (s - c) c sin a sin b 2 (Arts. 51, 98) sE = Vsin s sin (s - a) sin (s - b) sin (s - c) sin 2 2 2 cos 2a cos b cos 2 2 2 Lhuilier's Method. taE sin l(A + B + C- 180~) 4 cos(A + B + C-1800) Now, multiply each term of the fraction by 2 cos (A + B - + 180~), and by Art. 51, (1) and (3), the equation becomes sin -(A + B)-costanE 2 cos j(A + B)+ sincos 2 (a- b)- cos cos [cosi (a + b - )+ (Art. s1) cos I2 (a + ) + cos 2 sn sin 2 (s-b) sin (s - a) sin s sin(s - c) CO s - C ) sin (s- a) sill( - b) cos 2 cos (Art. 51) AREA OF SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 127 By Art. 52, introducing the coefficient under the radical, tan E a)tan (s-b)tan!(s-c). 4 2 2 ' If two sides and the included angle are given, BE may be determined as follows: cos-= CO-'s -IA ~ B~+ C - 1800) C C, CGos - (A + B)sin- ~ sin I (A + B) cos- 2e 2 2 -/c' 1 (+ C+CO COS +6) sC + cos (a - b) cosn2 (Art. 101) 222 2 a 6.a 6 cos cos -+ sin sin - cos C 2 2 2 2 CO Cos - 2 Si a, B n sin ~ 2 sin.cos. 2 2 2 2 But sin-= (Cagnoli's Method) 2 C 2 Dividing this equation by the above, a 6 sin - sin - siz C B 2 2 tan, 2 a 6 a.6 CoS-Cos + sin - sin - COS C 2 2 2 2 This formula is not suitable for logarithmic computations. Usually it is better to compute the angles by Napier's Analogies, and solve by A = Er2 x V 180 128 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. EXAM PLES. 1. Show that cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A becomes sec A = 1 + sec a, when a = b = c. 2. If a+b+c=7r, prove B C (a) cos a = tan-tan-. 2 2 (h) cos24 cosa 2 sin b sin c (c) sin 24 cot b cot c. 2 (ci) cos A + cos B + cos C= 1..A 2' *2 (e) sin - + sin - + sin2 1. 2 2 2 sinEcos ( - E) sin sin(s - a) 2 2 3. Prove A a (Art. 104) sin - cos - 2 2 4. Show that cos a sin b = sin a cos b cos C -+ sin c cos A. CHAPTER XI. SOLUTION OF SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 105. According to the principles of spherical geometry any three parts are sufficient to determine a spherical triangle; the other parts are computed, if any three are given, by the formulae of trigonometry. The known parts may be: I. Three sides, or three angles. II. Two sides and the included angle, or two angles and the included side. III. Two sides and an angle opposite one, or two angles and a side opposite one. It will appear that, as in plane geometry, III may be ambiguous. The signs of the functions in the formulae are important since the cosines and tangents of arcs and angles greater than 90~ are negative; whether the part sought is greater or less than 90~ is therefore determined by the sign of the function in terms of which it is found unless this function be sine. In this case the result is ambiguous, since sin a and sin (180~ - a) have the same sign and value. Thus if the solution gives log sin a = 9.56504, we may have either a = 21~ 33', or 158~ 27'. The conditions of the problem must determine which values apply to the triangle in question. The negative signs, when they occur, will be indicated thus: log cos 115~ 20' = 9.63135-, indicating, not that the logarithm is negative, but that in the final result account must be made of the fact that cos 115~ 20' is negative. 129 130 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 106. FormulcE for the solution of triangles. j. sinA sinB sinC sin a sin b sin c II. ~~tanA A. 2 a)sinssin(s-a) III. tan a Cos -esCos (S -A) 2 cos (S - B) cos (S - C), sin I (A - B) IV. tana - b)= 2 tanc 2 sin 1I(A + B) 2" 2 Cos (A - B) V. tan 1 (a + b) 2 tancos1 (A + B) 2 2 sin (aC - b) VI. tan,(A - B)= cot 2 2~~~~ L2 ~~sin 2(a + - b) cos1 (a - b) C 2 coVII. tan(A + B)= cos (b 2ot 2~~~~o 1. (a +t b) 2 Vill. A =Er'? 180' where B is determined by tan -Vtan s tan! (s-a) tan (s-b)tan ) 4 2 2 2 2 Right triangles may be solved as special cases of oblique triangles, or by the following: (1) cos c = cos a cos b. (4) tanA sinb=tana. (2) cosA tanbc tanc (5) cotAcotBcosc. (3) sinA =sin _a (6. cosA =cos asinB. sin c The fornula to be used in any case may be determined by applying Napier's Rule of Circular Parts. 107. In solving a triangle the student should select formulas MODEL SOLUTIONS. 1_31 in which all parts save one are known, and solve for that one' (see page 77). Referring to Arts. 105 and 106, it will appear that solutions are effected as follows: Case I by formulke II, or III, check by I. Case II by formulae VI, VII, I, or IV, V, I, check by IV or VI. Case III by formulae I, IV, or I, VI, check by VI or IV. MODEL SOLUTIONS. 108. 1. Given a - 460 24' b = 670 14', c = 810 12'. Solve. tan A \in-tan 6SB i )sin (s - a) siXf (s - c) 2 sins sin (s - a) 2 sills sin (s - b) tan = lsin (s - a) sill (s - ) Check:si a sin 2 sil l sill (s - c) sin A sill B Arrange and solve as in Example 1, page 80. Ans. A = 46' 13'.5,B=, 0= Solve: (1),4 960451 B = 108- 30', C = 1160 15'. (Use formulae III in the same manner as in Example 1.) (2) a = 1080 14', b = 750 29', c = 56' 37'. (3) A = 570 50', B = 98' 20', C = 630 40'. 2. Given b = 1130 3', c = 820 39', A = 1380 50'. Solve. co b- A si A tan (B + C) cos=(2 -co) A tan(B - C) sin2 b-c) cot A cos (b + c) 2 sin I (b~+ c) 2' in=sill A sinl (B + C)~+I (B - C)= B, orC, sin sin b 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~sin Bj Check: t11 = tan (b - c) sinl -1(B + C) 2 sin 1 (B - C) b=1130 31 log cos 1 (b - c) = 9.98453 log sin (b - c) = 9.41861 c - 890 391 colog cos 1 (b + c) = 0.86461f colog sin - (b + c) = 0.00409 (b +c) = 970 511 A A log cot = 9.57466 log cot A 9.5746 4(b-c)= 150121 2 2 ~ A - 690 25' log tan I (B + C) = 0.42380 log tan 1 (B - C) = 8.99736 ~ (B-I C) =1100 391 1 (B - C) = 50 40'.6 (B - C) = 50 40'.6 B = 1160 19'.6 and 0=1040 58'.4 132 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Check: log sin A = 9.81839 log tan I (b - c) = 9.43408 log sin b = 9.96387 log sin a (B + C) = 9.97116 cologs in B = 0.04756 colog sin (B - C) = 1.00474 log sin a = 9.82982 log tan a = 0.40998 a = 137~ 29' 2 a = 137~ 29' Notice that tan a (B + C) is -. Hence, A (B + C)is greater than 90~, i.e. 110~ 39'. Solve: (1) A = 68~40', B= 56~20', c= 84~30'. (Use formulae IV, V, I. Compare Example 2.) (2) a =102~ 22', b = 78~ 17', C = 125~ 28'. (3) A =130~ 5', B = 3226', c = 51~ 6'. 109. Ambiguous cases. By the principles of geometry the spherical triangle is not necessarily determined by two sides and an angle opposite, nor by two angles and a side opposite. The triangle may be ambiguous. By geometrical principles it is shown that the marks of the ambiguous spherical triangle are: 1. The parts given are two angles and the side opposite one, or two sides and the angle opposite one. 2. The side, or angle, opposite differs from 90~ more than the other given side, or angle. 3. Both sides, or angles, given are either greater than B 90~, or less than 90~. In the right triangle ABC2, i/sin a = sin a = sin A sin c. (formula (3)) /alp \ Therefore there will be no solution, one A X solution, or two solutions, according as sin a = sin A sin, i.e. according as a > FIG. 52. > > the perpendicular p. (See Art. 65.) But the most expeditious means of determining the ambiguity is found in the solution of the triangle. The use of formula I gives the solution in terms of sine, so that it is to be expected that two values of the part sought may be possible; and whether the triangle be ambiguous or not, there must be some means of determining which of the two AMBIGUOUS SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 133 angles, a and 180~ - a, that have the same sine is to be used. If there are two solutions, both values are used. This is determined in the further solution of the triangle by formula VI, which may be written t b _ cos I (A + C) tan - (a + c) 2 cos - (A- C') Now - <90~, whence tan - is +. Then if for both values 2 2 of C, found by the sine formula, the second member is +, there are two solutions; if the second member is - for either value of C, there is but one solution; while if both values of C make the second member -, there is no solution. The various cases will be illustrated by problems. 3. Given a = 62 15'.4, b = 103~ 18'.8, A = 53~42'.6. Solve. sB sin sin sin A c os (A + B) tan (a + ) si B = tan - sin a 2 cos ~ (A - B) sin sinin A C ct tan i (A - B) sin I (a + b) sin C = -- Check: cot-= sin a 2 sin I (a - b) Solving the first formula gives log sin B = 9.94756, whence B1 = 62~ 24'.4, B2 = 117~ 35'.6. For each of the values B1 and B2, cos (A + B) tan ~ (a + b) cos a (A - B) is + and therefore equal to tan c- Hence there are two solutions. Find c = 153~ 9'.6, or 70~ 25'.4 and C = 155~ 43'.2, or 59~ 6'.2 4. Given a = 46~ 45.5, A = 73~11'.3, B = 61~ 18'.2. Solve. sin= sasin B cot = tan (A B) cos (a +b) sill A 2 cos ~ (a - b) si c sinsin in Check: tan tann (a - b) sin ~ (A + B). sin A 2 sin i ( - B) 134 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Solving for b gives log sin b = 9.82446, whence b = 41~521.5, and b2 = 138~ 7'.5. For the value b1 the fraction tan 1 (A - B) cos ~ (a + b) cos I (a - b) is +, but for b2 cos ~ (a + b) is -, making the fraction -, and hence it can not equal cot C, which is +. There is then but one solution. Find C = 60~ 42'.7, c = 41~ 35'.1. 5. Given a = 162~ 30', A = 49 50', B = 57~ 52'. Solve. Solving gives log sin b = 9.52274, whence bi = 19~271.9, be = 160~ 32'.1. For both values, b1 and b2, cos ~ (a + b) is -. Therefore, tan ~ (A -B) cos a (a + b) cos 2 (a - b) is - and not equal to cot -. Hence the triangle is impossible. 2 Solve, testing for the number of solutions: (1) b = 106~ 24'.5, c= 40~20', C = 38~ 45'.6. (2) a = 8050, A = 131~40', B = 65~25'. (3) a = 60~ 31'.4, b = 147~ 32'.1, B = 143 50'. (4) a= 55~30', = 139~ 5', A= 43~25'. RIGHT TRIANGLES. 110. Right triangles are a special case of oblique triangles, but are usually solved by formulae (1) to (6), Art. 106. Students should have no difficulty in applying these. Computers generally question the utility of Napier's Rules of Circular Parts. For those who prefer the rules a problem will be solved by their use. SPECIES. 135 6. Given c = 86~ 51, B = 18 3'.5, C = 90~. The parts sought are a, b, A, and it is immaterial which is computed first. a and A are adjacent to c and B, while b is the middle part of c and B. Then by Napier's first rule sin (90~ - B) = tan (90 ~- c) tan a; cos B or tan a = -- = cos B tan c, \ cot c which is formula (2). By the same rule o0-A -- sin (90 ~- c) = tan (90~ - A) tan (90~ - B), FIG. 53. or cot A = cos c = cos c tan B, formula (5). cot B Finally by the second rule sin b = cos (90~ - c) cos (90~ - B) = sin c sin B, formula (3). The solutions give a = 86~ 41'.2, b = 18~ 1'.8, A = 88~ 58'.4. Verify. 111. Species. Two angles or sides of a spherical triangle are said to be of the same species if they are both less, or both greater, than 90~. They are of opposite species when one is greater and the other less than 90~. Since the sides and angles of a spherical triangle may, any or all, be less or greater than 90~, it is necessary in solutions to determine whether each part is more or less than 90~. The directions already given are sufficient in oblique triangles. In right triangles the sign of the function will determine if the solution gives the result in terms of cosine or tangent, but not if the result is found in terms of sine. Thus in Example 6, above, we have log sin b = 9.49068, whence b = 18~ 1'.8, or 161~ 58'.2. By formula (4) sin b = tan. Now sin b is taln A always +, therefore, tan a and tan A must be of the same sign, whence in any right spherical triangle an oblique angle and its opposite side must be of the same species. Again by formula (1) cos c = cos a cos b. Now cos c is + or - according as c is less or greater than 90~. If then c<90~, cos a and cos b are of the same sign, but if c>90~, cos a and cos b are of opposite sign. Therefore, if the 136 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. hypotenuse of a right spherical triangle is less than 90~, the other sides, and hence the angles opposite, are of the same species; but if the hypotenuse be greater than 90~, the other sides, and the angles opposite, are of opposite species. 112. Ambiguous right triangles. When the parts given are a side adjacent to the right angle, and the angle opposite this side, the triangle is ambiguous, for solving for the hypotAtc enuse by formula (3) gives C\ a/t b '. sin a sin c = sin A' B sin A FIG. 54. from which there result two values of c. By the last rule of species it follows that to the values of c, one <90~, the other >90~, there will correspond two values for b, one of the same species as a, the other of opposite species. Clearly sin c > 1, according as sin a sill A, and hence there will be no solution, one solution, or two solutions, according as sil a > sin A. Solve the spherical triangles, right angled at C, given: (1) b = 73~ 21'.4, c= 84~ 48'.7. (2) c = 54028', B = 128~ 12'.6. (3) b = 450 42', B = 135~ 42'. (4) a = 108~ 22'.3, b = 120~ 14'.5. (5) a = 70~ 50', A = 170~40'. (6) b = 328'.4, B =46~ 2'.8. (7) b = 34 28', c = 62~ 50'. (8) c = 102~35', B = 17~45'. (9) a = 92~16, c = 570 35'. EXAMPLES 137 EXAM PLES. Solve, given: a 1. 970 351 2. 3. 400'20 4. 6. 7. 1440 101 8. 9. 10. 620 421 11. 1200 301 132. 500 15' 13. 14. 840 141.5 15. 1000 16. 17. 630 50' 18. 19. 500 20. 1590 50' 21. 1240 121.5 22. 23. 760 36' 24. 25. 26. 9802911.7 27. 990 40'.8 b c 270 8'.4 1190 8'.4 670 331.4 940 51 700 401 820 391.5 1100 46'.4 A B C 990 57'.6 400 1160 20' 700 7 900 260 61.3 410 44'.92 490 441.3 1210 10'.4 1300 L320 16' 1390 441 1270 30' 115 50 51.3 I 1100 10' 500 121 700 20'.8 580 8' 700 20'.3 690 35I 750 301 1160 201 500 600 870 121 800 19I 880 121 500 301 340 151 630 15' 1590 43I 900 1040 591.1 1380 501.2 320 261.1 360 45'.4 900 420 15'.2 1210 36'.2 900 1230 40' 540 181 970 121.5 400 20' 280 45'.1 530 521 1150 13'.5 480 311.3 620 551.7 420 15'.2 440 22'.2 1220 25'.1 1250 181.9 440 53f 1090 50'.4 640 23'.2 900 950 38'.1 138 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. APPLICATIONS TO GEODESY AND ASTRONOMY. 113. Geodesy is concerned in measuring portions of the earth's surface, considering the earth as a sphere. To find the distance on the earth's surface between two points whose latitudes and longitudes are known. If A and B are two places on the jE e' earth, P the north pole, ECDE' the equator, and PEP' the principal meridian, e.g. the meridian of Greenwich, and if the latitude and longitude of A F. 5. and B are known, then AB can be FIG. 55. computed. For AP = 90~ - latitude A, BP = 90~- latitude B, angle APB = longitude A - longitude B..'. two sides and the included angle of the triangle APB are known, and AB can be computed. Ex. 1. Find the distance between Ann Arbor, 42~ 19' N., 83~ 43'.8 W., and San Juan, 18 29' N., 66~ 7' W. 2. Htow far is Manila, 14~36' N., 1200 58' E., from IHonolulu, 21~ 18' N., 157~ 55' W.? Honolulu from San Francisco, 37~47'.9 N., 122~ 24'.5 W.? San Francisco from Manila? 114. The celestial sphere. The heavenly bodies appear to be situated on a sphere of indefinitely great radius with the centre at the point of observation. This is called the celestial sphere. A tangent plane to the. earth at the point of observation cuts the celestial sphere in a great circle called the horizon. The points of the horizon directly south, west, north, east are called the south, west, north, east points. A vertical line through the point of observation cuts the celestial sphere above in the zenith, and below in the nadir, the zenith and nadir being poles of the horizon. APPLICATIONS. 139 The earth's axis produced is the axis of the celestial sphere, cutting it in the north and south poles of the equator. The altitude of a star is its distance from the horizon measured on an arc of a great circle drawn through the star;and the zenith. The azimuth, or bearing, of a star, is the arc of tie horizon measured from some fixed point to the foot of the great circle through the star and the zenith. The fixed point is usually the south point. The declination of a star is its distance from the celestial equator. The circle drawn through the pole and the star is the hour circle, and the angle at the pole between the prime meridian and the hour circle is the hour angle of the star. Let an observer be at 0 on the surface of the earth, and let P be the position of a star. Then Z is the zenith, Z' the nadir, H -:. —H' EQE' the celestial equator, N its north \E' pole, S its south pole, HRH' the horizon, NPS the meridian, or hour circle, of P, Z and ZNP the hour angle. The declination of the star is PQ, its altitude PR, and its azimuth, or bearing, NZP. The astronomical triangle NZP can be solved if any three of its parts are known. EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the altitude of the sun as 9 A.M. in Detroit, lat. 42~ 20' N., its declination being 27~ 30'.5? 2. At what time will the sun rise at San Francisco, lat. 37~47'.9, if its declination is 32~ 46'.2? 3. Find the azimuth and altitude of a star to an observer in lat. 42~ 20' N., when the hour angle of the star is 3 h. 42.3 m. E., and the declination is 42~ 31' N. 4. The latitude of Sayre Observatory is 40~ 36'.4 N.; the sun's altitude is 47~ 15'.3, its azimuth 80~23'.1. Find its declination and hour angle. 5. At Ann Arbor, March 13,1891, the altitude of Regulus is 32~ 10'.3, and the azimuth is 283~ 5'.1. Find the declination and hour angle. FIVE-PLACE LOGARITHMIC AND TRIGONOMETRIC TABLES ADAPTED FROM GAUSS'S TABLES BY ELMER A. LYMAN MICHIGAN STATE NORMAL COLLEGE AND EDWIN C. GODDARD UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ALLYN AND BACON 3ostonu antiu bicago COPYRIGHT, -1899, BY ELMER A. LYMAN AND EDWIN C. GODDARD. Narb300b vre0s J. 8. Cushinog & Co. - Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. TABLE I. THE COMMON LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 10009. a N.TL. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. I 100 IOI 102 103 104 105 io6 107 io8 0og 00000 043 087 130 I73 432 475 5i8 561 604 86o 903 94S 988 *030 01 284 326 368 410 452 703 745 787 828 870 02 II9 i6o 202 243 284 53I 572 612 653 694 938 979 *oig o6o *0Ioo 03 342 383 423 463 503 743 782 822 862 902 217 260 303 346 389 647 689 732 775 817 *072 *II *I57 *199 *242 494 536 578 620 662 9I2 953 995 *036 *078 325 366 407 449 490 735 776 8i6 857 898 I4I *i8i *222 *262 *302 543 583 623& 663 703 941 981 *02I *060 *ioo 110 04 I39 179 218 258 297 336 376 415 454 493 III 532 571 6io 65o 689 727 766 8o5 844. 883 112 922 961 999 *038 *077 *II *I54 *192 *23I *269 II3 05 308 346 385 423 461 500 538 576 614 652 114 690 729 767 805 843 88i 918 956 994 *032 II5 06070 io8 145 183 221 258 296 333 37I 408 ii6 446 483 521 558 595 633 670 707 744 781 117 819 856 893 930 967 *004 *04I *078 *II5 *I5I ii8 07 i88 225 262 298 335 372 408 445 482 518 iig 555 591 628 664 700 737 773 809 846 882 120 918 954 990 *027 *063 *099 *I35 *I7I *207 *243 I2I o8 279 314 350 386 422 458 493 529 565 6oo 122 636 672 707 743 778 814 849 884 920 955 123 99I *026 *06i *096 *132 *i67 *202 *237 *272 *307 124 09 342 377 4I2 447 482 5I7 552 587 621 656 125 691 726 760 795 830 864 899 934 968 *003 126 I0037 072 io6 140 175 209 243 278 312 346 127 380 415 449 483 517 55I 585 619 653 687 128 721 755 789 823 857 890 924 958 992 *025 129 II 059 093 126 i6o 193 227 261 294 327 361 130 394 428 46I 494 528 561 594 628 66i 694 131 727 760 793 826 86o 893 926 959 992 *024 132 12057 090 123 I56 I89 222 254 287 320 352 133 385 418 450 483 Pi6 548 58i 613 646 678 134 710 743 775 8o8 840 872 905 937> 969 *oo1 135 13 033 o66 098 I30 162 I94 226 258 290 322 136 354 386 418 450 481 513 545 577 6o9 640 137 672 704 735 767 799 830 862 893 925 956 138 988 *oI9 *05I *082 *II4 *145 *I76 *208 *239 *270 I39 14 301 333 364 395 426 457 489 520 55I 582 140 613 644 675 706 737 768 799 829 86o 891 141 922 953 983 *OI4 *045 *076 *io6 *I37 *i68 *198 142 15 229 259 290 320 351 381 412 442 473 503 143 534 564 594 625 655 685 715 746 776 8o6 144 836 866 897 927 957 987 *oI7 *047 *077 *107 145 i6 I37 167 I97 227 256 286 316 346 376 406 146 435 465 495 524 554 584 613 643 673 702 147 732 761 79i 820 85o 879 909 938 967 997 148 17 026 o56 085 II4 143 I73 202 231 260 289 I49 319 348 377 406 435 464 493 522 551 580 44 43 42 I 4,4 4,3 4,2 2 8,8 8,6 8,4 3 13,2 12,9 12,6 4 17,6 17,2 i6,8 5 22,0 21,5 21,0 6 26,4 25,8 25,2 7 30,8 30,I 29,4 8 35,2 34,4 33,6. 9 39,6 38,7 37,8 41 40 39 I 4,I 4,0 3,9 2 8,2 8,o 7,8 3 12,3 12,0 11,7 4 16,4 i6,o I5,6 5 20,5 20,0 19,5 6 24,6 24,0 23,4 7 28,7 28,0 27,3 8 32,8 32,0 3I,2 9 36,9 36,0 35,1 38 37 36 I 3,8 3,7 3,6 2 7,6 7,4 7,2 3 11,4 II, io,8 4 15,2 14,8 I4,4 5 19,0 I8,5 i8,o 6 22,8 22,2 21,6 7 26,6 25,9 25,2 8 30,4 29,6 28,8 9 34,2 33,3 32,4 35 I 3,5 2 7,0 3 10,5 4 14,0 5 1I7,5 6 21,0 7 24,5 8 28,0 9 31,5 32 I 3,2 2 64 3 9,6 4 12,8 5 16,o 6 19,2 7 22,4 8 25,6 9 28,8 34 33 3,4 3,3 6,8 6,6 10,2 9,9 13,6 13,2 17,0 i6,5 20,4 i9,8 23,8 23,I 27,2 26,4 30,6 29,7 31 30 3,I 3,0 6,2 6,o 9,3 9,0 12,4 12,0 15,5 15,0 i8,6 i8,o 21,7 21,0 24,8 24,0 27,9 27,0 150 609 638 667 696 725 754 782 8ii 840 869 N.jL. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 0 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 150 '5' 152 '53 '54 '55 156 '57 I58 '59 17609 638 667 898 926 95~ i8 184 2I3 241 469 498 526 752 780 8o8 696 725 984 *0I3 270 298 554 583 837 865 754 782 8ii 840 869 *04I *070 *099 *I27 *I56 327 35~ 384 412 441 6ii 639 667 696 724 893 921 949 977 *00a 19033 o6i 089 117 145 3I2 340 368 396 424 590 6i8 64~ 673 700 866 893 921 948 976 20 140 167 I94 222 249 173 201 229 257 285 451 479 507 535 562 728 756 783 8ii 838 *003 *030 *058 *o8~-*II2 276 303 330 358 385 160 412 439 466 493 520 548 575 602 629 656 i6i 683 7IO 737 763 790 817 844 871 898 925 162 952 978 *005 *032 *059 *o8~ *II2 *139 *i67 *I92 163 21 2I9 245 272 299 32S 352 378 405 43I 458 164 484 511 537 564 590 617 643 669 696 722 i65 748 775 8oI 827 854 88o 906 932 958 985 i66 22011 037 063 089 115 141 167 I94 220 246 167 272 298 324 350 376 401 427 453 479 505 i68 531 557 583 6o8 634 660 686 712 737 763 169 789 814 840 866 891 917 943 968 994 *oI9 170 23045 070 096 121 147 I72 198 223 249 274 I7I 300 325 350 376 401 426 452 477 502 528 172 553 578 603 629 654 679 704 729 754 779 173 8o5 830 855 88o go5 930 955 980 *005 *030 174 24055 o8o oS I30 I55 i8o 204 229 254 279 175 304 329 353 378 403 428 452 477 502 527 176 551 576 6oi 62' 65o 674 699 724 748 773 177 797 822 846 871 897 920 944 969 993 *oi8 178 25 042 o66 091 iis I39 164 i88 212 237 261 179 285 3IO 334 358 382 406 43I 455 479 503 180 527 55I 57~ 6oo 624 648 672, 696 720 744 i8i 768 792 8i6 840 864 888 912 935 959 983 182 26007 031 055 079 102 126 I~0 174 198 221 183 24~ 269 293 316 340 364 387 4II 435 458 184 482 507 529 553 576 600 623 647 670 694' i85 717 741 764 788 8ii 834 858 881 905 928 i86 951 975 998 *02I *045 *068 *091 *"II4 *38 *i6i 187 27 184 207 231 254 277 300 323 346 370 393 i88 416 439 462 485 5o8 531 554 577 600 623 189 646 669 692 715 738 761 784 807 830 852 190 87' 898 921 944 967 989 *oI2 *03~ *058 *081 191 28 I03 126 149 I7I I94 2I7 240 262 285 307 192 330 353 37S 398 421 443 466 488 5II 533 193 556 578 6oI 623 646 668 691 713 735 758 194 780 803 825 847 870 892 914 937 959 981 I95 29003 026 048 070 092 IIS 137 159 i8I 203 196 226 248 270 292 314 336 358 380 403 425 197 447 469 491 513 535 557 579 6oi 623 645 198 667 688 7IO 732 754 776 798 820 842 863 199 88S 907 929 951 973 994 *oi6 *038 *060 *o81 29 28 I 2,9 2,8 2 5,8 5,6 3 8,7 8,4 4 ii,6 11,2 5 14,5 I4,0 6 17,4 i6,8 7 20,3 19,6 8 23,2 22,4 9 26,1 25,2 27 26 I 2,7 2,6 2 5,4 5,2 3 8,i 7,8 4 io,8 IO,4 5 13,5 I3,0 6 16,2 I5,6 7 1i8,9 18,2 8 21,6 20,8 9 24,3 23,4 25 I 2,5 2 5,0 3 7,5 4 10,0 5 12,5 6 15,0 7 '7,5 8 20,0 9 22,5 24 I 2,4 2 4,8 3 7,2 4 9,6 5 12,0 6 14,4 7 i6,8 8 I9,2 9 21,6 22 I 2,2 2 4,4 3 6,6 4 8,8 5 11,0 6 13,2 7 '5,4 8 17,6 9 19,8 23 2,3 4,6 6,9 9,2 II,5 I3,8 i6,j 18,4 20,7 21 2,1 4,2 6,3 8,4 10,5 12,6 '4,7 i6,8 i8,9 200 I 30 103 125 146 i68 9go 211 233 255 276 298 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. I N. L.o 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 200 201 202 203 204 30 103 320 53~ 750 963 I25 146 341 363 557 578 771 792 984 *oo6 i68 190 384 406 6oo 621 814 835 *027 *048 211 233 255 276 298 428 449 471 492 I4 643 664 68~ 707 728 856 878 899 920 942 *o69 *ogi *II2 *I33 *I54 I 205 31 75 I97 218 239 260 281 302 323 345 366 206 387 408 429 450 471 492 513 534 555 576 207 597 6i8 639 660 68I 702 723 744 765 785 208 8o6 827 848 869 890 911 931 952 973 994 209 32015 035 056 077 098 ii8 139 i60 i8I 201 210 222 243 263 284 305 325 346 366 387 408 211 428 449 469 490 5IO 531 552 572 593 613 212 634 654 675 695 715 736 756 777 797 8i8 213 838 858 879 899 9g9 940 960 980 *ooi *02i 214 33 041 062 082 102 122 143 163 183 203 224 215 244 264 284 304 325 345 365 38~ 405 425 216 445 465 486 5o6 526 546 566 586 606 626 217 646 666 686 706 726 746 766 786 8o6 826 218 846 866 88~ go9 925 94~ 96~ 985 *005 *025 2I9 34 044 064 084 104 124 I43 163 183 203 223 220 242 262 282 301 321 34I 361 380 400 420 221 439 459 479 498 Pi8 537 557 577 596 6i6 222 635 655 674 694 713 733 753 772 792 81I 223 830 85o 869 889 908 928 947 967 986 *oo~ 224 35 025 044 o64 083 102 122 I414 I60 i96 I99 225 218 238 257 276 295 3I5 334 353 372 392 226 411 430 449 468 488 507 526 545 564 583 227 603 622 641 66o 679 698 717 736 755 774 228 793 813 832 85i 870 889 908 927 946 965 229 984 *003 *02I *040 *059 *078 *097 *ii6 *I35 *I54 230 36 I73 192 2II 229 248 267 286 305 324 342 231 361.380 399 418 436 455 474 493 511 530 232 549 568 '86 6o5 624 642 66i 68o 698 7I7 233 736 754 773 791 81o 829 847 866 884 903 234 922 940 959 977 996 *OI4 *033 *05I *070 *088 235 37 I07 I2_5 144 162 i8 199 218 236 254 273 236 291 310 328 346 365 383 401 420 438 457 237 475 493 511 530 548 566 585 603 621 639 238 658 676 694 712 731 749 767 785 803 822 239 840 858 876 894 912 93I 949 967 985 *003 240 38 021 039 057 075 093 II2 130 148 i66 184 241 202 220 238 256 274 292 3IO 328 346 364 242 382 399 417 435 453 471 489 507 525 543 243 56I 578 596 614 632 65o 668 686 703 721 244 739 757 775 792 8io 828 846 863 88i 899 22 2' I 2,2 2 4,4 3 6,6 ( 4 8,8 5 11,0 IC 6 1I3,2 II 7 15,4 14 8 17,6 i( 9 19,8 iE 20 I 2,0 2 4,0 3 6,o 4 8,o 6I12,0 714,0 8 i6,o 9 i8,o 19 I 1,9 2 3,8 3 5,7 4 7,6 5 9,5 61 11,4 7 '3,3 9 '7,' 18 I i,8 2 3,6 3 5,4 4 7,2~ 5 9,0 6 io,8 712,6 814,4 9 16,2 17 I I,7 21 3,4 3 5,' 4 6,8 5 8,5 610,2 7 11,9 8 I3,6 9 '5,3 1 I,I [,!2 ),3 ),5 i,6 1,7 ),8 3,9 245 246 247 248 249 250 39 917 934 952 970 987 094 III 129 146 164 270 287 305 322 340 445 463 480 498 515 62o 637 655 672 690 *005 *023 *04I *058 *076 182 Igg 217 235 252 358 375 393 410 428 533 5~0 568 58~ 602 707 724 742 759 777 794 8ii 829 846 863 88i 898 91 933 950 I N.IL. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 0 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 250 251 252 253 254 39 794 967 40 140 312 483 8ii 829 846 863 985 *002 *OI9 *037 157 I75 192 209 329 346 364 381 500 9i8 535 552 881 898 915 933 950 *054 *7'I *088 *io6 *I23 226 243 261 278 295 398 415 432 449 466 569 586 603 620 637 255 654 671 688 705 722 739 756 773 790 8o7 256 824 841 858 875 892 909 926 943 960 976 257 993 *oIo *027 *044 *o6i *078 *095 *III *I28 *145 258 41 162 179 196 2I2 229 246 263 280 296 313 259 330 347 363 380 397 414 430 447 464 481 260 497 514 531 547 564 58I 597 614 631 647 261 664 68i 697 7I4 73I 747 764 780 797 814 262 830 847 863 88o 896 9I3 929 946 963 979 263 996 *OI2 *029 *045 *062 *078 *095 *III *I27 *I44 264 42 I60 177 193 2Io 226 243 259 275 292 308 265 325 341 357 374 390 406 423 439 455 472 266 488 504 521 537 553 570 586 602 619 635 267 65i 667 684 700 716 732 749 765 781 797 268 813 830 846 862 878 894 911 927 943 959 269 975 991 *008 *024 *o4o *056 *072 *088 *IO4 *I20 270 43 136 152 169 185 20I 217 233 249 265 281 271 297 313 329 345 361 377 393 409 425 44I 272 457 473 489 505 521 537 553 569 584 600 273 6i6 632 648 664 68o 696 7I2 727 743 759 274 775 791 807 823 838 - 854 870 886 902 917 275 933 949 965 981 996 *012 *028 *044 *059 *075 276 44 09I 107 122 138 154 I70 i85 201 2I7 232 277 248 264 279 295 311 326 342 358 373 389 278 404 420 436 451 467 483 498 514 529 545 279 56o 576 592 607 623 638 654 669 685 700 280 716 73I 747 762 778 793 809 824 840 855 281 871 886 902 917 932 948 963 979 994 *oIo 282 45 025 040 056 071 o86 I02 117 I33 148 163 283 I79 I94 209 225 240 255 271 286 301 317 284 332 347 362 378 393 408 423 439 454 469 285 484 500 5IS 530 54- 56I 576 591 6o6 621 286 637 652 667 682 697 7I2 728 743 758 773 287 788 803 8i8 834 849 864 879 894 909 924 288 939 954 969 984 *000 *oI5 *030 *045 *060 *075 289 46 090 105 120 135 150 1 65 i8o I95 210 225 290 240 255 270 285 300 3I5 330 345 359 374 291 389 404 419 434 449 464 479 494 509 523 292 538 553 568 583 598 613 627 642 657 672 293 687 702 716 731 746 761 776 790 8o5 820 294 835 85o 864 879 894 909 923 938 953 967 295 982 997 *012 *026 *04I *056 *070 *o085 *i00 *II4 296 47 129 144 I59 I73 i88 202 217 232 246 261 297 276 290 305 319 334 349 363 378 392 407 298 422 436 45I 465 480 494 509 524 538 553 299 567 582 596 6ii 625 640 654 669 683 698 18 i 1,8 2 3,6 3 5,4 4 7,2 5 9,0 6 io,8 7 12,6 8 14,4 9116,2 17 I I,7 2 3,4 3 5,' 4 6,8 5 8,5 6 10,2 7 11,9 8 13,6 9 '5,3 16 I i,6 2 3,2 3 4,8 4 6,4 5 8,o 6 9,6 7 11,2 8 12,8 9g '4,4 15 I 1,5 2 3,0 3 4,5 4 6,o 5 7,5 6 9,0 7 IO,5 8 12,0 9113,5 14 1,4 21 2,8 3 4,2 4 5,6 5 7,0 6 8,4 7 9,8 8 11,2 9 12,6 300 12 727 74I 756 770 784 799 813 828 842 N.)L.0 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 P. P. I 0 N. L. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 300 301 302 303 304 47712 727 741 756 770 857 871 88_5 900 914 48 oo0 OI0 029 044 058 144 159 I73 187 202 287 302 316 330 344 784 799 813 828 842 929 943 958 972 986 073 087 io0 ii6 I30 216 230 244 259 273 359 373 387 40I 416 305 430 444 458 473 487 501 5I~ 530 544 558 306 572 586 601 615 629 643 657 671 686 700 307 714 728 742 756 770 785 799 8I3 827 841 308 85~ 869 883 897 911 926 940 954 968 982 309 996 *oIo *024 *038 *052 *o66 *080 *094 *Io8 *I22 310 49 136 i~o 164 178 192 206 220 234 248 262 31 276 290 304 318 332 346 360 374 388 402 3I2 415 429 443 457 471 485 499 513 527 541 313 554 568 582 596 6io 624 638 65i 66~ 679 3I4 693 707Z' 721 734 748 762 776 790 803 8I7 315 831 845 859 872 886 900 914 927 941 955 316 969 982 996 *010 *024 *037 *051 *065 *o79 *092 317 50 io6 120 I33 147 i6i 174 i88 202 215 229 318 243 256 270 284 297 3II 325 338 352 365 319 379 393 406 420 433 447 461 474 488 501 320 515 529 542 556 569 583 596 6io 623 637 321 65i 664 678 691 705 718 732 745 759 772 322 786 799 813 826 840 853 866- 88o 893 907 323 920 934 947 961 974 987 *OOI *OI4 *028 *o4i 324 51 055 o68 o8i 095 io8 121 135 148 162 175 325 i88 202 2I ~ t28 242 255 268 282 29:) 308 326 322 335 348 362 375 388 402 4IS 428 441 327 455 468 481 495 508 521 534 548 56I 574 328 587 6oi 614 627 640 654 667 68o 693 706 329 720 733 746 759 772 786 799 8I2 825 838 330 85I 865 878 891 904 917 930 943 957 970 331 983 996 *009 *022 *035 *048 *o6i *075 *088 *ioi 332 52 114 127 140 153 i66 179 192 205 218 231 333 244, 257 270 284 297 3IO 323 336 349 362 334 375 388 401 414 427 440 453 466 479 492 335 504 517 530 543 556 569 582 595 6o8 621 336 634 647 66o 673 686 699 711 724 737 750 337 763 776 789 802 815 827 840 853 866 879 338 892 905 917 930 943 956 969 982 994 *007 339 53 020 033 046 o58 071 084 097 11O I22 I35 340 148 i6i I73 I86 199 212 224 237 250 263 34I 275 288 301 314 326 339 352 364 377 390 342 403 415 428 441 453 466 479 491 504 517 343 529 542 555, 567 580 593 665 6i8 631 643 344 656 668 68I 694 706 719 732 744 757 769 345 782 794 807 820 832 845 857 870 882 89~ 346 908 920 933 945 958 970 983 99P *008 *020 347 54 033 045 058 070 083 095 io8 120 133 I45 348 I58 I70 183 I95 208 220 233 24~ 258 270 349 283 295 307 320 332 345 357 370 382 394 15 I 1,5 2 3,0 3 4,5 4 6,o 5 7,5 6 9,0 7 1IO,5 8 12,0 9 '3,5 14 I 1,4 2 2,8 3 4,2 4 5,6 5 7,0 6 8,4 7 9,8 8 11,2 9 12,6 13 I 1,3 2 2,6 3 3,9 4 5,2 51 6,5 6 7,3 7 9,' 8 IO,4 9111,7 12 I 1,2 2 2,4 3 3,6 4 4,8 5 6,o 6 7,2 7 8,4 8 9,6 9 io,8 I 350 407 419 432 444 456 469 481 494 5o6 518 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4j 5 67 8 9j P.P. m N. L. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 350 35' 352 353 354 54407., 419 432 444 53' 543 55~ 568 654 667 679 691 777 790 802 814 900 913 925 937 456 580 704 827 949 469 481 494 506 5i8 593 6o5 617 630 642 716 728 741 753 765 839 85i 864 876 888 962 974 986 998 0oii 355 55 023 03~ 047 o6o 072 084 o96 io8 121 133 356 145 157 169 182 I94 206 218 230 242 255 357 267 279 291 303 315 328 340 352 364 376 358 388 400 413 425. 437 449 461 473 485 497 359 509 522 534 546 558 570 582 594 6o6 6i8 360 630 642 654 666 678 691 703 715 727 739 361 751 763 775 787 799 8ii 823 835 847 859 362 871 883 895 907 9g9 931 943 955 967 979 363 99' *003 *aIS *027 *038 *o~o *062 *074 *o86 *oo8 364 56110 122 I34 146 I58 I70 182 I94 20~ 2I7 365 229 241 253 265 277 289 301 3I2 324 336 366 348 360 372 384 396 407 419 431 443 455 367 467 478 490 502 SI4 526 538 549 56i 573 368 585 597 6o8 620 632 644 656 667 679 691 369 703 714 726 738 750 761 773 785 797 8o8 370 820 832 844 855 867 879 891 902 914 926 37I 937 949 961 972 984 996'*oo8 *oI9 *03I *043 372 57 054 o66 078 089 ioi 113 124 136 148 159 373 171 183 I94 206 217 229 241 252 264 276 374 287 299 3IO 322 334 345 357 368 380 392 375 403 415 426 438 449 461 473 484 496 507 376 5I9 530 542 553 565 576 588 600 6ii 623 377 634 646 657 669 68o 692 703 715 726 738 378 749 761 772 784 795; 807 8i8 830 841 852 379 864 87~ 887 898 910 921 933 944 955 967 380 978 990 *ooI *oI3 *024 *035 *047 *058 *070o*o08 38I 58 092 104 IIS 127 138 149 i6i 172 184 195 382 206 218 229 240 252 263 274 286 297 309 383 320 331 343 354 365 377 388 399 410 422 384 433 444 456 467 478 490 501 512 524 535 385 546 557 569 58o 591 602 614 625 636 647 386 659 670 68i 692 704 715 726 737 749 760 387 771 782 794 8o5 8i6 827 838 85o 86i 872 388 883 894 906 917 928 939 950 961 973 984 389 995 *006 *OI7 *028 *040 *05I *062 *073 *084 *095 390 59 io6 ii8 129 140 I5I 162 173 184 195 207 391 218 229 240 251 262 273 284 295 306 318 392 329 340 351 362 373 384 395 406 417 428 393 439 450 461 472 483 494 5o6 5I7 528 539 394 550 56I 572 583 594 6o5 6i6 627 638 649 395 660 671 682 693 704 715 726 737 748 759 396 770 780 791 802 813 824 835 846 857 868 397 879 89o go9 912 923 934 945 956 966 977 398 988 999 *oIo *02I *032 *043 *054 *065 *076 *086 399 60 097 Io8 II9 130 141 152 163 I73 184 195 13 I 1,3 2 2,6 3 3,9 4 5,2 5 6,5 6 7,8 7 9,' 8 10,4 9 11,7 12 I 1,2 2 2,4 3 3,6 4 4,8 5 6,o 6 7,2 7 8,4 8 9,6 9 io,8 11 I II 2 2,2 3 3,3 4 4,4 5 5,5 6 6,6 7 7,7 8 8,8 9 919 10 II I,0 2 2,0 3 3,0 4 4,0 5 5,0 6 6,0 7 7,0 8 8,o 9 910 400 1 206 2I7 228 239 249 260 271 282 293 304 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. I N. L. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P.P. 400 40I 402 403 404 60 206 217 228 239 249 3I4 325 336 347 358 423 433 444 455 466 531 541 552 563 574 638 649 66o 67o 68i 260 271 282 293 304 369 379 390 401 412 477 487 498 509 520 584 595 606 617 627 692 703 713 724 735 405 746 756 767 778 788 799 8io 821 831 842 406 853 863 874 885 895 906 917 927 938 949 407 959 970 981 99I *002 *OI3 *023 *034 *045 *055 408 6i 066 077 087 098 0og I19 130 140 151 162 409 172 183 I94 204 2I5 225 236 247 257 268 410 278 289 300 3IO 321 331 342 352 363 374 411 384 395 405 416 426 437 448 458 469 479 412 490 500 511 521 532 542 553 563 574 584 4I3 595 606 6i6 627 637 648 658 669. 679 690 4I4 700 7II 721 731 742 752 763 773 784 794 4I5 805 8i5 826 836 847 857 868 878 888 899 416 909 920 930 941 95I 962 972 982 993 *003 4I7 62014 024 034 045 055 o66 076 o86 097 I07 418 118 128 138 149 159 170 i8o 190 201 211 419 221 232 242 252 263 273 284 294 304' 3I5 420 325 335 346 356 366 377 387 397 408 418' 421 428 439 449 459 469 480 490 500 511 521 422 531 542 552 562 572 583 593 603 613 624 423 634 644 655 665 675 68:5 696 706 716 726 424 737 747 757 767 778 788 798 8o8 8i8 829 425 839 849 859 870 88o 890 900 9IO 921 931 426 94I 95I 961 972 982 992 *002 *OI2 *022 *033 427 63043 053 063 073 083 094 104 114 124 134 428 i i55 165 I75 185 195 205 215 225 236 429 246 256 266 276 236 296 306 317 327 337 430 347 357 367 377 387 397 407 417 428 438 431 448 458 468 478 48-8 498 5o8 518 528 538 432 548 558 568 579 589 599 609 619 629 639 433 649 659 669 679 689 699 709 719 729 739 434 749 759 769 779 789 799 809 819 829 839 435 849 859 869 879 889 899 909 919 929 939 436 949 959 969 979 988 998 *008 *oi8 *028 *038 437 64048 o58 o68 078 o88 -o 8 io8 ii8 128 137 438 I47 157 167 I77 187 197 207 2I7 227 237 439 246 256 266 276 286 296 306 316 326 335 440 345 355 365 375 385 395 404 414 424 434 441 444 454 464 473 483 493 503 513 523 532 442 542 552 562 572 582 591 6oi 6ii 621 631 443 64o 650 66o 670 680 689 699 709 7I9 729 444 738 748 758 768 777 787 797 807 8i6 826 445 836 846 856 865 875 885 895 904 914 924 446 933 943 953 963 972 982 992 *002 *011 *021 447 65 031 040 050 o6o 070 079 089 099 io8 ii8 448 128 I37 I47 I57 167 176 i86 196 205 215 449 225 234 244 254 263 273 283 292 302 312 11 'I i 2 2,2 3 3,3 4 4,4 5 5,5 6 6,6 7 7,7 8 8,8 9 919 10 I IO 2 2,0 3 3,0 4 4,0 5 5,0 6 6,o 7 7,0 8 8,o 9 9,0 9 I 0,9 2 i,8 3 2,7 4 316 5 4,5 615,4 7,6,3 8 7,2 9 8, i 450 j 321 331 34I 350 360 369 379 389 398 408 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 450 45' 452 453 454 65 321 33I 34I 35O 360 418 427 437 447 456 514 523 533 543 552 6io 619 629 639 648 706 7IS 725 734 744 369 379 466 475 562 571 658 667 753 763 389 398 408 485 495 504 58I 591 6oo 677 686 696 772 782 792 455 8oi 8ii 820 830 839 849 858 868 877 887 456 896 go6 916 925 935 944 954 963 973 982 457 992 *001 *0II *020 *030 *o39 *o49 *058 8*068, *077 458 66087 o96 io6 115 124 I34 143 153 162 172 459 i8i I9 200 210 2I9 229 238 247 257 266 460 276 28~ 295 304 314 323 332 342 351 361 461 370 380 389 398 408 4I7 427 436 445 455 462 464 474 483 492 502 511 521 530 539 549 463 558 567 577 586 596 6o5 6I4 624 633 642 464 652 66r 671 68o 689 699 708 7I7 727 736 465 745 755 764 773 783 792 801 8ii 820 829 466 839 848 857 867 876 885 894 904 913 922 -467 932 941 950 960 969 978 987 997 *006 *0oi 468 67 025 034 043 052 062 o7i o8o 089 ogg io8 469 II7 127 136 I45 154 164 173 182 IgI 201 470 210 219 228 237 247 256 26~ 274 284 293 47I 302 311 321 330 339 348 357 367 376 385 472 394 403 413 4C2 431 440 449 459 468 477 473 486 49~ 504 514 523 532 541 550 56o 569 474 578 587 596 6oS 614 624 633 642 65i 66o 475 669 679 688 697 706 7IS 724 733 742 752 476 761 770 779 788 797 8o6 8iS 825 834 843 477 852 86i 870 879 888 897 906 gI6 925 934 478 943 952 961 970 979 988 997 *006 *oi5 *024 479 68034 043 052 06i o0o 079 o88 097 io6 iiS 480 124 133 142 15I i6o 169 178 187 196 205 481 215 224 233 242 251 260 269 278 287 296 482 305 314 323 332 341 350 359 368 377 386 483 395 404 413 422 43I 440 449 458 467 476 484 485 494 502 5II 520 529 538 547 556 56~ 485 574 583 592 6oi 6io 619 628 637 646 655 486 664 673 68i 690 699 708 717 726 735 744 487 753 762 771 780 789 797 8o6 8iS 824 833 48-8 842 851 86o 869 878 886 89~ 904 913 922 489 931 940 949 958 966 975 984 993 *002*0II 490 69 020 028 037 046 05S 064 073 082 090 099 49I 108 II7 126 135 144 I52 i6i I70 179 i88 492 I97 205 2I4 223 232 241 249 258 267 276 493. 285 294 302 311 320 329 338 346 355 364 494 373 38I 390 399 408 417 42S 434 443 452 495 461 469 478 487 496 504 513 522 531 539 496 548 557 566 574 583 592 601 609 6i8 627 497 636 644 653 662 671 679 688 697 705 7I4 498 723 732 740 749 758 767 775 784 793 80I 499 8io 819 827 836 845 854 862 871 88o 888 10 II 0 2/2,0 3 3,0 4 4,0 5 5,0 6 6,o 7 7,0 8 8,o 9 I 0,9 2 1,8 3,2,7 413,6 5 4,5 7 /6,3 8 7,2 9 8,I 8 1 o,8 2i,6 3 2A4 4 3,2 5 4,0 6 4,8 755,6 8 6,4 9 7,2 500 897 go6 914 923 932 1940 949 958 966 97q N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 500 50I 502 503 504 69 897 984 70 070 '57 243 906 914 923 932 992 *ooI *010 *8OI 07g o88 096 io5 i65 174 183. 191 252 260 269 278 940 949 958 966 975 *027 *036 *044 *053 *062 II4 122 I3I 140 148 200 209 217 226 234 286 295 303 312 321 505 329 338 346 355 364 372 381 389 398 406 5o6 415 424 432 441 449 458 467 475 484 492 507. 501 509 5i8 526 535 544 552 56I 569 578 5o8 586 595 603 612 621 629 638 646 655 663 509 672 68o 689 697 706 714 723 731 740 749 510 757 766 774 783 79I 800 8o8 817 825 834 5II 842 85i 859 868 876 885 893 902 9IO 919 512 927 935 944 952 961 969 978 986 995 *003 5I3 71 012 020 029 037 046 054 063 071 79g o88 5I4 096 105 113 122 130 139 I47 I55 I64 172 5I5. I8i89 198 206 214 223 231 240 248 257 516 265 273 282 290 299 307 315 324 332 34I 517 349 357 366 374 383 391 399 408 -,4I6 425 Pi8 433 441 450 458 466 475 483 492 5oc 5o8 5I9 517 525 533 542 550 559 567 575 584 592 520 600 609 617 625 634 642 65o 659 667 675 521 684 692 700 709 717 725 734 742 750 759 522 767 775 784 792 800 809o 817 825 834 842 523 850 858 867 875 883 892 900 908 917 925 524 933 941 950 958 966 975 983 991 999 *008 525 72016 024 032 041 049 057 o66 074 082 090 526 099 107 115 123 132 140 148 I56 165 I73 527 i8i 189 198 206 214 222 230 239 247 255 528 263 272 280 288 296 304 313 321 329 337 529 346 354 362 370 378 387 395 403 411 419 530 428 436 444 452 460 469 477 485 493 501 531 509 5i8 526 534 542 550 558 567 575 583 532 591 599 607 6i6 624 632 640 648 656 665 533 673 68i 689 697 705 7I3 722 730 738 746 534 754 762 770 779 787 795 803 8ii 819 827 535 835 843 852 860 868 876 884 892 900 908 536 916 925 933 941 949 957 965 973 981 989 537 997 *006 *014 *022 *030 *038 *046 *054 *062 *070 538 73078 o86 094 102 III II9 127 135 143 151 539 159 167 175 183 191 199 207 215 223 231 540 239 247 255 263 272 280 288 296 304 3I2 541 320 328 336 344 352 360 368 376 384 392 542 400 408 416 424 432 440 448 456 464 472 543 480 488 496 504 512 520 528 536 544 552 544 56o 568 576 584 592 600 6o8 6i6 624 632 545 640 648 656 664 672 679 687 695 703 711 546 719 727 735 743 751 759 767 775 783 791 547 799 807 815 823 830 838 846 854 862 870 548 878 886 894 902 910 918 926 933 941 949 549 957 965 973 981 989 997 *005 *oI3 *020 *028 9 IJ0,9 21,8 13 2,7 4 3,6 5 4,5 6 5,4 7 6,3 8 7,2 9 8,i 8 2i6 3 2,4 111 4 3,2 5 4,0 6 4,8 7 5,6 8 6,4 9 7,2 7 I10,7 2 I,4 3 2,1I 4 2,8 5 3,5 6 4,2 7 4,9 8 5,6 9 6,3 550 74036 044 052 o60 o68 076 084 092 099 I07 N. L. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 550 55' 552 553 554 74 036 044 05 2 o6o o68 II5 I23 I3I I39 I47 194 202 210 218 225 273 280 288 296 304 35I 359 367 374 382 o76 084 092 099 107 I55 162 170 178 i86 233 24I 249 257 265 3I2 320 327 33~ 343 390 398 406 414 421 555 429 437 445 453 461 468 476 484 492 500 556 507 5I~ 523 531 539 547 554 562 570 578 557 586 593 6oi 609 617 624 632 640 648 656 558 663 671 679 687 695 702 7IO 718 726 733 559 741 749 757 764 772 780 788 796 803 8ii 560 819 827 834 842 850 858 865 873 88i 889 56i 896 904 912 920 927 935 943 950 958 966 562 974 981 989 997 *005 *012 *020 *028 *035 *043 563 75 051 059 o66 074 082 089 097 105 113 120 564 128 136 143 151 I59 i66 174 182 189 I97 565 205 213 220 228 236 243 251 259 266 274 566 282 289 297 305 312 320 328 335 343 35I 567 358 366 374 381 389 397 404 412 420 427 568 435 442 450 458 46$ 473 481 488 496 504 569 5II 519 526 534 542 549 557 565 572 580 570 587 595 603 6io 6i8 626 633 641 648 656 571 664 671 679 686 694 702 709 717 724 732 572 740 747 755 762 770 778 785 793 8oo 8o8 573 8i~ 823 831 838 846 853 86i 868 876 884 574 891 899 906 914 921 929 937 944 952 959 575 967 974 982 989 997 *005 *oI2 *020 *027 *035 576 76042 050 057 065 072 o8o 087 095 103 II0 577 i18 I25 I33 140 I48 I5j i63 170 178 i8~ 578 I93 200 208 215 223 230 238 245 253 260 579 268 275 283 290 298 305 313 320 328 335 580 343 350 358 365 373 380 388 39~ 403 410 581 418 425 433 440 448 455 462 470 477 485 582 492 500 507 5I5 522 530 537 545 552 559 583 567 574 582 589 597 604 612 619 626 634 584 641 649 656 664 671 678 686 693 701 708 585 716 723 730 738 745 753 760 768 775 782 586 790 797 8o5 812 819 827 834 842 849 856 587 864 871 879 886 893 901. 908 916 923 930 588 938 945 953 960 967 975 982 989 997 *004 589 77 012 OI9 026 034 041 048 o56 063 070 078 590 o85 093 IOO I07 I15 122 129 137 144 151 591 159 i66 173 i8i i88 195 203 210 217 225 592 232 240 247 254 262 269 276 283 291 298 593 305 313 320 327 335 342 349 357 364 371 594 379 386 393 401 408 415 '422 4.30 437 444 595 452 459 466 474 481 488 495 503 510 517 596 525 532 539 546 554 56i 568 576 583 590 597 597 605 612 619 627 634 641 648 656 663 598 670 677 685 692 699 706 714 721 728 735 599 743 750 757 764 772 779 786 793 8oi 8o8 8 i o,8 2 i,6 3 2,4 4 3,2 5 4,0) 6 4,8 7 5,6 8 6,4 9 7,2 7 I 0,7 211,4 3 2,I 4 2,8 5 3,5 6 4,2 7 4,9 8 5,6 9 6,3 600 8i~ 822 830 837 844 85i 859 866 873 88o N. L. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. N.fL. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 600 6oi 602 603 604 I 77 8i~ 822 830 837 844 887 895 902 909 916 960 967 974 981 988 78 032 039 046 053 o6i 104 III II8 125 132 85i 859 866 873 88o 924 931 938 945 952 996 *oo3 *oIo *oI7 *025 o68 o75 082 089 097 140 147 154 i6i i68 605 I76 183 I90 197 204 211 219 226 233 240 606 247 254 262 269 276 283 290 297 305 3I2 607 3I9 326 333 340 347 355 362 369 376 383 608 390 398 405 412 419 426 433 440 447 455 609 462 469 476 483 490 497 504 512 519 526 610 533 540 547 554 56I 569 576 583 590 597 6ii 604 6ii 6i8 625 633 640 647 654 66i 668 612 67~ 682 689 696 704 711 -718 725 732 739 613 746 753 760 767 774 781 789 796 803 8io 614 817 824 831 838 84~ 852 859 866 873 88o 6I5 888 895 902 909 916 923 930 937 944 951 6i6 958 96,5 972 979 986 993 *000 *007 *oI4 *02I 617 79029 036 043 050 057 064 07I cq8 085 092 6i8 099 io6 113 120 127 134 141 148 I5~ 162 619 169 176 183 I90 197 204 211 218 225 232 620 239 246 253 260 267 274 281 288 295 302 621 309 316 323 330 337 344 351 358 36~ 372 622 379 386 393 400 407 414 421 428 435 442 623 449 456 463 470 477 484 491 498 505 511 624 5I8 52~ 532 539 546 553 56o 567 574 58I 625 588 595 602 609 616 623 630 637 644 65o 626 657 664 671 678 68~ 692 699 706 713 720 627 727 734 741 748 754 761 768 775 782 789 628 796 803 8io 817 824 831 837 844 85i 858 629 86~ 872 879 886 893 900 906 913 920 927 630 934 941 948 955 962 969 975 982 989 996 631 80003 oIo 017 024 030 037 044 051 o58 o65 632 072 079 o8~ 092 099 io6 113 120 127 134 633 140 147 154 i6i i68 175 182 i88 195 202 634 209 216 223 229 236 243 250 257 264 271 635 277 284 291 298 305 312 318 32~ 332 339 636 346 353 359 366 373 380 387 393 400 407 637 414 421 428 434 441 448 455 462 468 475 638 482 489 496 502 509 Pi6 523 530 536 543 639 550 557 564 570 577 584 591 598 604 6ii 640 6i8 625 632 638 64~ 652 659 66~ 672 679 641 686 693 699 706 713 720 726 733 740 747 642 754 760 767 774 781 787 794 8oi 8o8 814 643 82i 828 835 841 848 855 862 868 87~ 882 644 889 89~ 902 909 916 922 929 936 943 949 645 956 963 969 976 983 996 996 *003 *oIo *II7 646 8i 023 030 037 043 00 057 064 070 077 084 647 090 097 104 III 117 124 131 137 144 151 648 i58 164 171 178 184 191 198 204 211 218 649 224 231 238 245 251 258 265 271 278 285 8 i 0,8 2 i,6 3 2,4 4 3,2 5 4,0 6 4,8 7 5,6 8 6,4 9 7,2 7 I 0,7 2 1,4 3 2,1 4 2,8 5 3,5 6 4,2 7 4,9 8 5,6 9 6,3 6 I o,6 2 1,2 3 1,8 4 2,4 5 3,0 7 4,2 8 4,8 9 5A 650 I 291 298 305 311 318 325 33I 338 345 35I N. L.O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. I 0 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 |5 6 7 8 9 P.P. 650 651 652 653 654 8I 291 298 305 311 318 358 365 371 378 385 425 431 438 445 45I 491 498 505 511 5I8 558 564 571 578 584 325 33I 338 345 35I 391 398 405 411 418 458 465 471 478 485 525 531 538 544 551 591 598 604 611 617 655 624 631 637 644 65i 657 664 671 677 684 656 690 697 704 710 7I7 723 730 737 743 750 657 757 763 770 776 783 790 796 803 809 8i6 658 823 829 836 842 849 856 862 869 875 882 659 889 895 902 908 915 921 928 935 941 948 660 954 961 968 974 98I 987 994 *oo *007 *OI4 66 82 020 027 033 040 046 053 o60 o66 073 079 662 o86 092 099 Io5 112 119 I25 132 138 145 663 I5I 158 164 I71 178 184 I91 I97 204 210 664 217 223 230 236 243 249 256 263 269 276 665 282 289 295 302 308 3I5 32I 328 334 34I 666 347 354 360 367 373 380 387 393 400 406 667 413 4I9 426 432 439 445 452 458 465 471 668 478 484 491 497 504 5Io 5I7 523 530 536 669 543 549 556 562 569 575 582 588 595 601 670 607 614 620 627 633 640 646 653 659 666 671 672 679 685 692 698 705 711 718 724 730 672. 737 743 750 756 763 769 776 782 789 795 673 802 808 814 821 827 834, 840 847 853 860 674 866 872 879 885 892 898 905 911 918 924 675 930 937 943 950 956 963 969 975 982 988 676 995 oo oo008 *OI4 *020 *027 *033 *040 *046 *052 677 83 059 065 072 o78 o85 09I 097 I04 IIO 117 678 123 I29 I36 I42 I49 I55 I6I I68 I74 I8I 679 I87 I93 200 206 213 2I9 225 232 238 245 680 25I 257 264 270 276 283 289 296 302 308 68I 3IS 321 327 334 340 347 353 359 366 372 682 378 385 391 398 404 410 417 423 429 436 683 442 448 455 46I 467 474 480 487 493 499 684 5o6 512 5I8 525 53I 537 544 550 556 563 685 569 575 582 588 594 6oi 607 613 620 626 686 632 639 645 651 658 664 670 677 683 689 687 696 702 708 715 72I 727 734 740 746 753 688 759 765 77I 778 784 790 797 803 809 8i6 689 822 828 835 841 847 853 860 866 872 879 690 885 891 897 904 910 916 923 929 935 942 691 948 954 960 967 973 979 985 992 998 oo4 692 84 O 017 023 029 036 042 048 055 06i 067 693 073 o8o o86 092 o98 105 II II17 123 130 694 I36 142 148 I55 i6 I 67 I73 i8o i86 I92 695 I98 205 2II 2I7 223 230 236 242 248 255 696 261 267 273 280 286 292 298 305 311 3I7 697 323 330 336 342 348 354 36I 367 373 379 698 386 392 398 404 4IO 417 423 429 435 442 699 448 454 460 466 473 479 485 491 497 504 7 I 0,7 2 1,4 3 2,1 4 2,8 5 3,5 6 4,2 7 4,9 8 5,6 9 6,3 6 I o,6 2 1,2 3 I,8 4 2,4 5 3,0 6 3,6 7 4,2 8 4,8 9 5,4 I 700 510 5I6 522 528 535 54I 547 553 559 566 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P.P. i 0 N. L. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 700 701 702 703 704 84510 516 522 528 535 572 578 584 590 597 634 640 646 652 658 696 702 708 714 720 757 763 770 776 782 54I 547 553 559 566 603 609 6i5 621 628 665 671 677 683 689 726 733 739 745 751 788 794 8oo 807 813 705 819 82~ 831 837 844 85o 856 862 868 874 706 88o 887 893 899 go9 911 917 924 930 936 707 942 948 954 960 967 973 979 985 991 997 708 85 003 009 oi6 022 028 034 040 046 052 058 709 065 071 077 083 089 095 II I07 114 120 710 126 132 138 144 i~o I56 163 169 I75 i8i 711 187 193 199 205 211 217 224 230 236 242 7I2 248 254 260 266 272 278 285 29I 297 303 7I3 309 315 321 327 333 339 345 352 358 364 714 370 376 382 388 394 400 406 412 4I8 425 715 431 437 443 449.455 461 467 473 479 485 716 491 497 503 509 5i6 522 528 534 540 546 717 552 558 564 570 576 582 588 594 6oo 6o6 718 612 6i3 625 631 637 641 649 655 66i 667 7I9 673 679 685 691 697 703 709 715 721 727 r720 733 739 745 751 757 763 769 775 781 788 721 794 8oo 8o6 812 8i8 824 830 836 842 848 722 854 86o 866 872 878 884 890 896 902 908 723 914 920 926 932 938 944 950 956 962 968 724 974 980 986 992 998 *004 *oIo *oi6 *022 *028 725 86034 040 046 052 058 064 070 o76 082 o88 726 094 oo0 io6 112 118 124 130 136 141 147 727 153 159 i6l I7I 177 i83 189 I9q 201 207 728 213 219 225 231 237 243 249 255 261 267 729 273 279 285 291 297 303 308 314 320 326 730 332 338 344 350 356 362 368 374 380 386 73I 392 398 404 4IO 415 421 427 433 439 445 732 451 457 463 469 475 481 487 493 499 504 733 510 5I6 522 528 534 540 546 552 558 564 734 570 576 58I 587 593 599 6o0 6ii 617 623 735 629 635 641 646 652 658 664 670 676 682 736 688 694 700 705 711 717 723 729 735 741 737 747 753 759 764 770 776 782 788 794 800 738 8o6 8I2 817 823 829 83~ 841 847 853 859 739 864 870 876 882 888 894 900 906 911 917 740 923 929 935 941 947 953 958 964 970 976 741 982 988 994 999 *005 *0II *oI7 *023 *029 *035 742 87040 046 052 058 064 070 075 o8i 087 093 743 099 105 Ini ii6 122 128 134 I40 146 I5I 744 157 i63 169 175 i8i i86 192 198 204 2IO 745 216 22I 227 233 239 245 251 256 262 268 746 274 280 286 291 297 303 309 315 320 326 747 332 338 344 349 355 361 367 373 379 384 748 390 396 402 408 413 419 425 431 437 442 749 448 454 460 466 471 477 483 489 495 500 7 I 0,7 2 I4 3 2,I 412,8 6 4,2 7 4,9 8 5,6 9 6,3 6 i 11o,6 ~1,8 1!1 412,4 5 13,0 6 3,6 7 4,2 8 4,8 9 5,4 5 I 0,5 2 I,O 3 1,5 412,0 5 I2,5 6. 3,0 7 3,5 8 4,0 9 4,5 I 750 506 5I2 5i8 523 529 53~ 541 547 552 558 N. L.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PP. ! N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P.P. 750 75'1 752 753 754 87 506 512 518 523 529 564 570 576 58I 587 622 628 633 639 645 679 685 691 697 703 737 743 749 754 760 535 541 547 552 558 593 599 604 6io 616 65i 656 662 668 674 708 714 720 726 731 766 772 777 783 789 755 795 800 806 812 8i8 823 829 835 84I 846 756 852 858 864 869 875 88I 887 892 898 904 757 910 9I5 921 927 933 938 944 950 955 96I 758 967 973 978 984 990 996 *ooi *007 *013,oi8 759 88 024 030 036 041 047 053 058 o64 070 076 760 o8i 087 093 098 104 IIo ii6 121I 27 133 76I 138 144 I5 15 56 I6I 167 173 I78 184 190 762 I93 20I 207 213 218 224 230 235 241 247 763 252 258 264 270 275 281 287 292 298 304 764 309 315 32I 326 332 338 343 349 355 360 765 366 372 377 383 389 395 400 406 412 417 766 423 429 434 440 446 451 457 463 468 474 767 480 485 491 497 502 508 5I3 5I9 525 530 768 536 542 547 553 559 564 570 576 581 587 769 593 598 604 6Io 6ID 62I 627 632 638 643 770 649 655 660 666 672 677 683 689 694 700 77I 705 7II 717 722 728 734 739 745 750 756 772 762 767 773 779 784 790 795 8oi 807 812 773 8i8 824 829 835 840 846 852 857 863 868 774 874 88o 885 89I 897 902 908 913 919 925 775 930 936 941 947 953 958 964 969 975 98I 776 986 992 997 *003 *009 *oo 4 *020 *025 *03I *037 777 89 042 048 053 059 064 070 076 o8i 087 092 778 o98 104 109 I15 120 126 I3I I37 I43 148 779 154 I59 I65 170 176 182 I87 I93 I98 204 780 209 215 22I 226 232 237 243 248 254 260 78I 265 27I 276 282 287 293 298 304 310 3I5 782 32I 326 332 337 343 348 354 360 365 37I 783 376 382 387 393 398 404 409 415 421 426 784 432 437 443 448 454 459 465 470 476 481 785 487 492 498 504 509 5I5 520 526 531 537 786 542 548 553 559 564 570 575 58I 586 592 787 597 603 609 614 620 625 631 636 642 647 788 653 658 664 669 675 680 686 691 697 702 789 708 713 719 724 730 733 74I 746 752 757 790 763 768 774 779 785 790 796 8oI 807 812 791 8i8 823 829 834 840 845 851 856 862 867 792 873 878 883 889 894 900 905 911 916 922 793 927 933 938 944 949 955 960 966 971 977 794 982 988 993 998 o004 0oo09 015 020,026 031 795 90 037 042 048 053 059 o64 o69 075 o80 o86 796 09I 097 I02 Io8 113 119 124 129 135 140 797 I46 15I 157 I62 168 I73 I79 I84 I89 I95 798 200 206 211 217 222 227 233 238 244 249 799 255 260 266 271 276 282 287 293 298 304 6 0o,6 3 1 I,8 412,4 513,0 6 3,6 7 4,2 8 4,8 9 5,4 5 I o,5 2 1,0 3 x I,5 4 2,0 532,5 6 3,0 7 3,5 8 4,0 9 4,5 800 309 3I4 320 325 331 336 342 347 352 358 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P.P. I N. L. 0 1 2 3 4f5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 800 8oi 802 803 804 90309 314 320 325 331 363 369 374 380 385 417 423 428 434 439 472 477 482 488 493 526 53I 536 542 547 336 342 347 352 358 390 396 401 407 412 445 450 455 461 466 499 504 509 515 520 553 558 563 569 574 8o5 580 585 590 596 6oi 6o7 612 617 623 628 8o6 634 639 644 65o 65~ 66o 666 671 677 682 8o7 687 693 698 703 709 714 720 725 730 736 8o8' 741 747 752 757 763 768 773 779 784 789 809 795 8oo 8o6 8ii 8i6 822 827 832 838 843 810 849 854 859 865 870 87~ 88i 886 891 897 8ii 902 907 913 918 924 929 934 940 945 950 812 956 961 966 972 977 982 988 993 998 *oo4 813 91 009 oI4 020 025 030 036 04I 046 052 057 8I4 062 o68 073 o78 084 089 094 100 IO IIO 8I5 ii6 121 126 132 137 142 I48 I53 I58 164 8i6 169 174 i8o 185 190 196 201 206 2I2 217 8I7 222 228 233 238 243 249 254 259 265 270 8i8 275 281 286 291 297 302 307 3I2 318 323 819 328 334 339 344 350 355 360 365 371 376 820 381 387 392 397 403 408 413 418 424 429 821 434 440 445 4-50 455 461 466 471 477 482 822 487 492 498 503 508 514 519 524 529 535 823 540 545 55I 556 56I 566 572 577 582 587 824 593 598 603 609 614 619 624 630 635 640 825 64~ 65i 656 66i 666 672 677 682 687 693 826 698 703 709 714 719 724 730 735 740 745 827 751 756 761 766 772 777 782 787 793 798 828 803 8o8 814 819 824 829 834 840 845 8~o 829 85~ 86i 866 871 876 882 887 892 897 903 830 908 913 918 924 929 934 939 944 950 955 831 960 965 97I 976 981 986 991 997 *002 *007 832 92 012 oi8 023 028 033 038 044 049 054 059 833 065 070 075 o8o o8~ 091 096 ioi io6 iii 834 II7 122 127 132 137 I43 I48 I53 I58 163 835 169 174 179 184 189 195 200 20~ 2IO 2I1 836 221 226 231 236 241 247 252 257 262 267 837 273 278 283 288 293 298 304 309 314 319 838 324 330 335 340 345 350 355 361 366 371 839 376 381 387 392 397 402 407 412 418 423 840 428 433 438 443 449 454 459 464 469 474 841 480 485 490 495 500 50~ 5II 5i6 521 526 842 53I 536 542 547 552 557 562 567 572 578 843 583 588 593 598 603 609 614 619 624 629 844 634 639 645 65o 655 66o 66~ 670 67~ 68i 845 686 691 696 701 706 711 716 722 727 732 846 737 742 747 752 758 763 768 773 778 783 847 788 793 799 804 809 814 819 824 829 834 848 840 845 850 855 86o 86~ 870 87~ 88i 886 849 891 896 901 906 gII 916 921 927 932 937 6 i o,6 2 1,2 3 i,8 4 2,4 5 3,0 6 3,6 7 4,2 8 4,8 9 5,4 5 I 0,5 2 1I0 3 1,5 4 2,0 5 2,5 6 3,0 7 3,5 8 4,0 9 4,5 850 942 947 952 957 962 967 973 978 983 988 N.jL. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 0 N. L. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 850 85i 852 853 854 92 942 993 93 044 095 146 947 952 957 962 998 *003 *008 *OI3 049 054 059 064 Ioo 10 n1o I1 151 156 i6i i66 967 973 978 983 988 *oi8 *024 *029 *034 *639 069 075 o8o 085 090 120 125 131 136 141 171 176 i8i i86 I92 855 I97 202 207 212 217 222 227 232 237 242 856 247 252 258 263 268 273 278 283 288 293 857 298 303 308 3I3 318 323 328 334 339 344 858 349 354 359 364 369 374 379 384 389 394 859 399 404 409 414 420 425 430 435 440 445 860 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 49S 861 5OO 505 5Io 5IS 520 526 531 536 54I 546 862 55I 556 561 566 571 576 581 586 591 596 863 6oi 6o6 6ii 6i6 621 626 631 636 641 646 864 65i 656 66i 666 671 676 682 687 692 697 865 702 707 712 717 722 727 732 737 742 747 866 752 757 762 767 772 777 782 787 792 797 867 802 807- 812 817 822 827 832 837 842 847 868 852 857 862 867 872 877 882 887 892 897 869 902 907 912 917 922 927 932 937 942 947 870 952 957 962 967 972 977 982 987 992 997 87I 94 002 007 012 017 022 027 032 037 042 047 872 052 057 062 067 072 077 082 o86 ogi o96 873 ioi io6 iii ii6 121 126 131 136 141 146 874 151 156 i6i i66 171 176 i8i i86 igi 196 875 201 206 211 216 221 226 231 236 240 245 876 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 877 300 305 310 3I5 320 325 330 335 340 345 878 349 354 359 364 369 374 379 384 389 394 879 399 404 409 414 419 424 429 433 438 443 880 448 453 458 463 468 473 478 483 488 493 88i 498 503 507 512 517 522 527 532 537 542 882 547 552 557 562 567 571 576 581 586 591 883 596 6oi 6o6 6ii 6i6 621 626 630 63S 640 884 64S 65o 65S 66o 665 670 675 68o 685 689 885 694 699 704 709 714 719 724 729 734 738 886 743 748 753 758 763 768 773 778 783 787 887 792 797 802 807 8I2 8I7 822 827 832 836 888 841 846 851 856 86i 866 871 876 88o 885 889 890 89S goo 905 g9o 9I5 919 924 929 934 890 939 944 949 954 959 963 968 973 978 983 891 988 993 998 *002 *007 *OI2 *017 *022 *027 *032 892 95 036 041 046 051 056 o6i o66 071 07S o8o 893 08S 090 095 0oo 105 109 114 119 124 129 894 134 I39 I43 148 153 I58 163 i68 I73 177 6 i o,6 2 1,2 3 I,8 4 2A4 5 3,0 6 3,6 7 4,2 8) 4,8 9 5A4 5 I 0,5 2 I,O 3 1,5 4 2,0 5 2,5 6 3,0 7 3,5 8 4,0 9 4,5 4 I 0,4 2 o,8 3 1,2 4 i,6 5 2,0 6 2,4 7 2,8 8 3,2 9 3,6 895 896 897 898 899 900 182 187 192 I97 202 231 236 240 245 250 279 284 289 294 299 328 332 337 342 347 376 381 386 390 395 I 207 211 216 221 226 255 260 265 270 274 303 308 313 318 323 352 357 361 366 371 400 405 4IO 415 419 424 429 434 439 444 448 453 458 463 468 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. N. L. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 900 901 902 903 904 95 424 429 434 439 444 472 477 482 487 492 521- 525 530 535 540 569 574 578 583 588 6I7 622 626 631 636 448 453 458 463 468 497 501 5o6 511 516 545 550 554 559 564 593 598 602 607 612 641 646 65o 655 66o 905 665 670 674 679 684 689 694 698 703 708 906 7I3 718 722 727 732 737 742 746 75I 756 907 761 766 770 775 780 785 789 794 799 804 908 809 813 8i8 823 828 832 837 842 847 852 909 856 86i 866 871 875 88o 885 890 895 899 910 904 909 914 918 923 928 933 938 942 947 gII 952 957 961 966 97I 976 980 985 990 995 912 999 *004 *009 *oI4 *oI9 *.023 *028 *033 *038 *042 913 96047 052 057 o6i o66 071 076 080 o85 o09 914 095 099 104 109 114 ii8 123 128 133 137 9I5 142 I47 152 I56 i6i i66 I7I I75 i8o 185 916 190 194 199 204 209 213 218 223 227 232 9I7 237 242 246 251 256 261 265 270 275 280o 918 284 289 294 298 303 308 313 317 322 327 919 332 336 341 346 350 355 360 365 369 374 920 379 384 388 393 398 402 407 412 417 421 921 426 431 435 440 445 450 454 459 464 468 922 473 478 483 487 492 497 501 5o6 5II 515 923 520 525 530 534 539 544 548 553 558 562 924 567 572 577 58I 586 591 595 6oo 6o5 609 925 6I4 619 624 628 633 638 642 647 652 656 926 66i 666 670 675 68o 685 68q 694 699 703 927 708 7I3 7I7 722 727 731 736 74I 745 750 928 755 759 764 769 774 778 783 788 792 797 929 802 8o6 8ii 8i6 820 825 830 834 839 844 930 848 853 858 862 867 872 876 88i 886 890 931 895 900 904 909 914 918 923 928 932 937 932 942 946 951 956 960 965 970 974 979 984 933 988 993 997 *002 *007 *OIi i *oi6 *02I.025' *030 934 97 035 039 044 049 053 o58 063 067 072 077 935 o8i 086 9o o095 0oo 104 I09 114 1i8 123 936 128 132 137 142 I46 I5I I55 i6o 165 169 937 174 179 183 i88 192 197 202 206 211 216 938 220 225 230 234 239 243 248 253 257 262 939 267 27I 276 280 285 290 294 299 304 308 940 313 3I7 322 327 33I 336 340 345 350 354 941 359 364 368 373 377 382 387 391 396 400 942 405 410 414 419 424 428 433 437 442 447 943 451 456 460 465 470 474 479 483 488 493 944 497 502 5o6 5Ii 5I6 520 525 529 534 539 945 543 548 552 557 562 566 571 575 580 585 946 589 594 598 603 607 612 617 621 626 630 947 635 640 644 649 653 658 663 667 672 676 948 68i. 685 690 695 699 704 708 713 717 722 949 727 731 736 740 745 749 754 759 763 768 5 I 10,5 2 1,0 3 1,5 4 2,0 5 2-,5 6 3,0 7 3,5 8 4,0 9 4,5 4 I 0,4 2 o,8 3 1,2 4 i,6 5 2,0 6 2,4 7 2,8 8 3,2 9 3,6 950 1 772 777 782 786 791 795 8oo 804 809 813 N. L. 0 1 2 3 4[5 6 7 8 9 P. P. N. L. O 1 2 3 4f5 6 7 8 9 P. P. 950 95' 952 953 954 97 772 777 782 786 791 8i8 823 827 832 836 864 868 873 877 882 909 914 918 923 928 955 959 964 968 973 795 8oo 804 809 813 841 845 850 855 859 886 891 896 900 905 932 937 941 946 950 978 982 987 991 996 955 98 000 005 009 014 019 023 028 032 037 04I 956 046 050 055 059 064 o68 073 078 082 087 957 091 096 100 105 109 114 ii8 123 127 132 958 137 141 146 i5o 155 159 164 i68 173 177 959 182 i86 igi Ig9 200 204 209 2I4 218 223 960 227 232 236 24I 245 250 254 259 263 268 961 272 277 281 286 290 295 299 304 308 3I3 962 318 322 327 33I 336 340 345 349 354 358 963 363 367 372 376 381 385 390 394 399 403 964 408 412 417 421 426 430 435 439 444 448 965 453 457 462 466 471 475 480 484 489 493 966 498 502 507 5II 516 520 525 529 534 538 967 543 547 552 556 561 565 570 574 579 583 968 588 592 597 6oi 605 610 614 619 623 628 969 632 637 641 646 65o 655 659 664 668 673 970 677 682 686 691 695 700 704 709 713 7I7 97I 722 726 73I 735 740 744 749 753 758 762 972 767 771 776 780 784 789 793 798 802 8o7 973 8ii 8i6 820 825 829 834 838 843 847 85I 974 856 86o 865 869 874 878 883 887 892 896 975 900 905 909 '9I4 918 923-, 927 932 936 94I 976 945 949 954 958 963 967 972 976 981 985 977, 989 994 998 *003 *007 *0OI2 *01 6 *02I *025 *029 978 99 034 038 043 047 052 056 o6i o65 069 074 979 078 083 087 092 096 0oo 105 1og 114 ii8 980 123 127 131 136 140 145, 149 154 I58 162 981 167 171 176 i8o 185 I9 193 198 202 207 982 211 216 220 224 229 233 231 242 247 251 983 255 260 264 269 273 277 282 286 291 295 984 300 304 308 3I3 3I7 322 326 330 335 339 985 344 348 352 357 361 366 370 374 379 383 986 388 392 396 401 405 410 414 419 423 427 987 432 436 441 445 449 454 458 463 467 471 988 476 480 484 489 493 498 502 5o6 5II 515 989 520 524 528 533 537 542 546 550 555 559 990 564 568 572 577 58I 585 590 594 599 603 991 607 612 6i6 621 625 629 634 638 642 647 992 65i 656 66o 664 669 673 677 682 686 691 993 695 699 704 708 712 717 721 726 730 734 994 739 743 747 752 756 760 765 769 774 778 995 782 787 79I 795 800 804 8o8 813 817 822 996 826 830 835 839 843 848 852 856 86i 865 997 870 874 878 883 887 891 896 900 904 gog 998 913 9I7 922 926 930 935 939 944 948 952 999 957 961 965 970 974 978 983 987 991 996 5 I 0,5 2 I,O 210 3 1,5 4 2,0 5 2,5 7 3,5 8 4,0 9 4,5 4 I 0,4 2 o,8 3 1,2 4 i,6 5 2,0 6 2,4 7 2,8 8 3,2 9 3,6 1000I 00000 004 009 03 017 022 026 030 035 039 N.JL. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P. P. NOTES ON TABLES I AND II. The logarithms of numbers are in general incommensurable. In these tables they are given correct to five places of decimals. If the sixth place is 5 or more, the next larger number is used in the fifth place. Thus log 8102 = 3.908549+; in five-place tables this is written 3.90855, the dash above the 5 showing that the logarithm is less than given. So log 8133 = 3.910251-; in five-place tables this is written 3.91025, the dot above the 5 showing that the logarithm is more than given. In the natural functions of the angles (Table II) all numbers are decimals for sine and cosine (why?), and for tangent and cotangent, except where the decimal point is used to indicate that part of the number is integral. When no decimal point is printed in the tables it is to be understood. When the natural function is a pure decimal the characteristic of the logarithm is negative. Accordingly, in the tables 10 is added, and in the result this must be allowed, for. Thus nat. sin 44~ 20' = 0.69883, log sin 44~ 20' = 1.84437, or, as printed in the tables, 9.84437, which means 9.84437 -10. TABLE II. THE LOGARITHMIC AND NATURAL SINES, COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS OF ANGLES FROM 0~ TO 90~. 0 I f iNat. Sin Log. d. jNat.COSLog.lNat.TaflLog. c.d. llop,.COtNat-l 0 0 I 2.3 4 6 7 8 9 I' 12 '3 '4 15 '7 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4' 42 43 144 45 46 47 48 49 50 5' 52 53 54.56 57 58 59 60 00000 -02,9 6.46373 059 6.76476 087 6.94085 ii6 7.06579 00145 7.16270 175 7.24i88 204 7.30882 233 7.36682 262 7.41797 00291 7.46373 320 7.505I2 349 7.5429I 378 7 —57767 407 7-60985 00436 7.63932 465 7.66784 495 7.694I7 524 7.7I900 553 7.74248 00582 7.76475 6iI 7.78594 640 7.8o0i$ 669 7.82545 698 7.84393 00727 7.86166 756 7.87870 785 7.89509 814 7.9I088 844 7.926I2 00873 7.94084 902 7.95508 931 7.96887 960 7.98223 989 7.99520 oioi8 8.00779 047 8.02002 076 8.03I92 I05 8.04350 I34 8.0,5478 011i64 8.065-78 I93 8.07650 222 8.08696 251I 8.097i8 280 8.I0717 01309 8.ii693~ 338 8.i2647 367 8.I3581 396 8.14495 425 8.I53911 01454 8.16268 483 8.117128 513 8.I7971 542 8.i8798 571 8.i96i0 oi6oo 8.20407 629 8.2ii89 658 8.21958 687 8.22713 716 8.23456 745 8.24186 30I03 17609 12494 9691 7918 6694 5800 SI'S 4576 4139 3779 3476 3218 2997 2802 2633 2483 2348 2227 2I19 2021 1930 1848 10000 0.00000 000 0.00000 000 0.00000 000 0.00000 000 0.00000 00000 - 029 6.46373 o58 6.76476 087 6.9408S ii6 7.06579 10000 0.00000 00145 7.16270 000 0.00000 I75 7.24188 000 0.00000 204 7.30882 000 0.00000 233 7.36682 000 0.00000 262 7.41797 10000 0.00000 99999 0.00000 999 0.00000 999 0.00000 999 0.00000 99999 0.00000 999 0.00000 999 9.99999 999 9.9-9999 998 9.99999 99998 9.99999 998 9.99999 998 9.99999 998 9.99999 998 9.99c999 00291I 7.46373 320 7.50512 349 7-5429I 378 7.57767 407 7.60986 00436 7.63982 465 7.66785 495 7.69418 524 7.71900 553 7.74248 00582 7.76476 6iI 7.7859$ 640 7.80615 669 7.82546 698 7.84394 I. 'I I I I'. I17 I! I,. I: I,. I: 'I., 704 539 579 524 99997 9.99999 997 9.99999 997 9.99999 997 9.99999 99c6 o.cooo8 00727 7.8616Y7 756 7.8787I 785 7.895i0 8I5 7.9I089 844 7.026i1A 172 ----- 124 99996 9.99998 00873 7.94086 39 996 9.99998 902 7.95510 336 996 9.99998 93I 7.96889 336 959999 960 7.98225 259 99 9.99998 989_7___522 2399995-9.99998 oioi8 8.0078i [90 995 9.99998 047 8.02004 158 994 9.99997 076 8.03I94 128 994 9.99997 105 8.04353 100 4 9-99 135 8.05481 372 99993 9.99997 oi i64 8.o658i 2)46 993 9-99997 I93 8.07653 222 99 9.99997 222 8.08700 99 992 9.99997 251 8.09722 96 992 9.99996 280 8.10720 5499991 9.99_996 01309 8.ii696 934 991 9.99996 338 8.I2651 94 99,.99996 367 8.13585 86 990 9.99996 396 8.14500 877 990 9.99996 425 8.15395 86o 99989 9.99995 01455 8.16273 83 989 9.99995 484 8.I7133 843 989 9.99995 5I3 8.I7976 812 988 9.99995 542 8.i8804 707 988 9.99995 571 8.i96i6 - 30103 3-53627 3437.7 176og 3.23524 171i8.9 I443-05915 I1145.9 12494 2-93421 859.44 79 i8 2.83730 687.55 6694 2.758I2 572.96 5800 2.69ii8 49I.1I 5II 2.633i8 429.72 4576 2.58203 381i.97 4139 2.53627 343.77 3792.49488 312.52 3476 2.45709 286.48 3219 2.42233 264.44 2996 2-390I4 245.55 2803' 2.36018 229.18 2-33215 214.86 2633 2.30582 202.22 234821 2 28100 190.98 234 2.25752 180.93 2119 2.23524 171.89 2020 2245137 1931 2.i19385 156.26 1 848 2.174% I49.47 2.15606 143.24 1704 2.13833 I37-5I 1639 2.I2I29 132.22 i692.I0490 I27.32 I579 2.08911 I122.77 1524 2.07387 11I8.54 1424 2.059114 I114.59. I442.04490 110o.89 1336 2.03III I07.43 1297 2.01775 I04.17 I259 2.00478 101.11 1223 I.99219 98.2i8 I I-0 i.97996 95.489 1I59 i.96806 92.908 1128 I1.95647 90.463 1100 I.945i9 88.i44 1072 i.934i9 85.940 I04 11.92347 83.844 I022 1.91300 8i.847 998 11.90278 79.943 96 i.89280 78.126 1.88304 76.390 955 i.87349 74.729 9I5 8415 73.I39 89 185500 7I.615.878~ i.846o0570.1I53 86o 1.83727 68.750 84 1.82867 67.402 828 1.82024 66.105 812 i.81196 64.858 79 1.80384 63.657 782 1.79587 62.499 769 1.78805 6I.383 756 1.78036 60.306 742 1.77280 59.266 73.I76538 58.26i 73 175808 57.290 I 60 59 58 57 52 5' 49 48 47 46 -45 44 43 42 4' 40 39 38 37 36 -35 3l4 33 32 3' 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 2-3.22 21 20 '9 i8 '7 1 5 '4 '3 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 6 4 3 2 I 0 782 769 755 743 730 99987 9.99994 987 9.99994 986 9.99994 986 9.99994 985 9.99994 983 9.99993 oi6oo 8.20413 629 8.21195~ 658 8.21964 687 8.22720 716 8.23462 746 8.24192 Nat.COSI~og. d. INat. SiflLog. Nat.COtLog.~ c. d. ILog.TaflNat] 1 890 1 0 f Nat. Sin Log. d. Nat. COSLog.jNat.TanlLog.1 c~d.ILog. 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I 263 261 260 258 257 255 254 252 251 249 248 246 245 244 243 1.31846 20.81I9 1I31583.693 1I31322.569 I.3I062.446 I.30804.325 1.30547 20.206 1.30292.087 1.30038 I9.970 1.29786.855 1.29535.740 1.29286 i9.627 1.29038.5i6 1.28792.405 1.285~47.296 I.28303.i88 I.28060.o8i 15 '4 '3 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 - Nat. Co0S Log. 7. Nat. S in Log. Nat. Cot Log.~ c. d.. Log.T afl Nat.I P I 870 30 m I F Nat. Sin Log. d. INat. COS Log.INat.Tan Log. Ic.d. lLog. 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Co0SLog.7Y.Nat. S in Log.INat. COt Logj1 c.d. lLog. Tanl Nat.I' I 860 __ _40 f Nat. sin Log. d. Nat. COS Log.jNat.TanLog.~ c.d. Log. Cot Nat.I I 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 '3 '4 15 '7 '9 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3' 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4' 42 43 44 45 -46 47 48 49 50 5' 52 53 54 56 57 58 06976 8.84358 07005 8.84539 034 8.847i8 063 8.84897 092 8.85075 07121 8.85252 150 8.85429 I79 8.856o5 208 8.85780 237 8.85955 07266 8.86128 295 8.8630I 324 8.86474 353 8.86645 382 8.868i6 07411 8.86987 44o 8.87156 469 8.87325 498 8.87494 527 8.8766i 07556 8.87829 585 8.87995 614 8.88i6i 643 8.88326 672 8.88490 07701 8.88654 730 8.888I7 759 8.8898o 788 8.89142 8I7 8.89304 07846 8.89464 875 8.89625 904 8.89784 933 8.89943 962 8.90102 07991 8.90260 08020 8.90417 049 8.90574 078 8.90730 107 8.90885 08136 8.91040 165 8.9i1195 194 8.91349 223 8.91502 252 8.91655 08281 8.91807 310 8.9I959 339 8.92IIo 368 8.92261 397 8.9241I 08426 8.92561 455 8.92710 484 8.92859 513 8.93007 542 8.93154 08571 8.93301 6oo 8.93448 629 8.93594 658 8.93740 687 8.93885 716 8.94030 181 '79 '79 I78 '77 '77 176 '75 '75 '73 '73 '73 '7' '7' '7' 169 169 169 167 i68 i66 i66 164 164 163 163 162 162 i6o '59 '59 '59 '57 '57 I56 '55 '55 '55 '54 '53 '53 152 I52 'I5 'I5 I50 I50 '49 '49 I48 '47 '47 '47 146 146 '45 '45 99756 9.99894 754 9.99893 752 9.99892 750 9.9989I 748 9.9989I 99746 9.99890 744 9.99889 742 9.99888 740 9.99887 738 9.99886 99736 9.99885 734 9~.99884 73I 9.99883 729 9.99882 727 9.9988i 99725 9.99880 723 9.99879 721 9.99879 7I9 9.99878 716 9.99877 06993 8.84464 07022 8.84646 051 8.84826 o8o 8.850o6 i'o 8.85i8g 07139 8.85363 i68 8.85540 I97 8.85717 227 8.85893 256 8.86069 07285 8.86243 314 8.864I7 344 8.86591 373 8.8676~ 402__8.86935 0743' 8.87Io6 461 8.87277 490 8.87447 519 8.876i6 548 8.87785 99714 9.99876 7I2 9.99875 710 9.99874 708 9.99873 705 9.99872 99703 9.9.987I 701 9.99870 699 9.99869 696 9.99868 694 9.99867 99692 9.99866 689 9.99865 687 9.99864 685 9.99863 683 9.99862 99680 9.9986i 678 9.99860 676 9.99859 673 9.99858 67I 9.99857 99668 9.99856 666 9.99855 664 9.99854 66i 9.99853 6-59 9.008512 07578 8.87953 607 8.88I20 636 8.88287 665 8.88453 695 8.886i8 07724 8.88783 753 8.88948 782 8.89111 8I2 8.89274 841 8.8943q7 07870 8.89598 899 8.89760 929 8.89920 958 8.90080 987 8.90240 080I7 8.90399 046 8.90557 075 8.907IS 104 8.90872 I34 8.9I029 08163 8.91188 192 8.9I340 221 8.91495 251 8.9i6g0 280 8.9i803 08309 8.9I957 339 8.92110 368 8.92262 397 8.92414 427 8.02.56A 182 i8o i8o '79 I78 '77 '77 176 I76 '74 '74 '74 I72 172 '7' '17' I70 169 169 168 167 167 I66 165 163 163 163 162 i6o i6o i6o '59 '57 '57 156 '55 '55 '55 '53 '54 '53 152 I52 Is' 'I5 ISO I50 '49 148 '49 '47 '47 '47 146 146 1.I5536 I4.30I 1.15354.24I 1.15174 i182 I.14994.124 1.14815.o65 I.14637 I4.008 1.4460 I3.95I I.14283.894 I.I4I07.838 I.I393I.782 I-I3757 I3.727 I.13583.672 I.13409.6I7 1.13237.563 1.13065.510O 31.12894 I3.457 1.I2723.404 1.12553.352 I.12384.300 I.122I5.248 J.12047 I3.1197 mi~i8o.I46 I.II7I3.096 I.11547.046 I.1I382 I2.996 1. 11217 I2.947 1.1I052.898 1.1889.850 I.I0726.8oi I.10563.754 1.10402 I2.7o6 I.10240.659 m~oo8o.6I2 1.09920.566 1.09760.520 1.09601 12.474 I.0944~.429 1.09285.384 1.091128.339 1.08971.295 i.o88i5 12.25I i.0866.207 i.o8509 i163 i.08350.120 1.08197.077 1.08043 I2.035 1.07890 11i.992 1.07738.950 1.07586.909 1.07435.867 1.07284 11.826 1.07I34.785 1.06984.745 i.06835.705 1.06687.664 i.o6538 ii.625 i.o639i.585 i.o6244.546 i.06097.507 I.0595I.468 1.058og.430 60 59 58 57 55 54 53 52 SI 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 4' 40 39 38 3)7 3 6 35 34 33 3 2 3'I 3 0 29 28 27 26 2 5 24 23 22 2I 20 ' 9 '7 15 '4 ' 3 12 II 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 99657 9.9985I 654 9.99850 652 9.99848 649 9.99847 647 o.Q0846 99644 9.99845 08456 8.92716 642 9.99844 485 8.92866 639 9.99843 1514 8.93016 637 9.99842 I 54 8.93i65 635 9.9984Ij 573 8.933I3 99632 630 627 625 622 619 9.99840 9.99839 9.99838 9.99837 9.99836 9.99834 08602 632 66i 690 720 749 8.93462 8.93609 8.93756 8.93903 8.94049 8.94i95 0 - I - I TNat. COS Log: d. Nat. Sin Log. Nat. Cot Log. c~d. Log. Tan Nat fY 5 0 f Nat. sin Log. d. INat. COS Log.lNat.Tafl Log.1 c.d.ILog. 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Nat. COS Log. d. INat. Sifl Log. lNat. CotLog. c~d. Log.TanlNat~lI 84~ 0 f Nat. Sin Log. d. INat.COS Log.jNat.TanlLog.l c.d. lLog. Cot Nat.I 0 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 'I 12 '3 '4 15 i6 '7 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 10453 9-0I923 48,2 9.02043 511 9.02I63 540 9.02283 569 9.02402 I0597 9.012520 62.6 9.02639 655 9.02757 684 9.02874 713 9.02992 I0742 9.03I09 771I 9.03226 8oo 9.03342 829 9.03458 858 9.03574 10887 9.03690 916 9.03805 945 9.03920 973 9.04034 11002 9.04I49 11031 9.04262 o6o 9.04376 089 9.04490 ii8 9.0460q I47 9.047I5 11176 9.04828 205 9.04940 234 9.05052 263 9.05164 291 9.05275 I1320 9.05386 349 9.05497 378 9.05607 407 9.05717 436 9.05827 II465 9.05937 494 9.06046 523 9.06i55 552 9.06264 -58o 9.06372 11609 9.0648i 638 9.06589 667 9.06696 696 9.06804 725 9.069i1 11754 9.070i8 783 9.07124 812 9.07231 840 9.07337 869 9.07442 11898 9.07548 927 9.07653 956 9.07758 985 9.07863 120)I4 9.07968 12043 9.08072 071 9.08I76 100 9.08280 129 9.08383 158 9.08486 187 9.08589 12 12 12 I I 11 I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I] I I I I I I I]I I I I] I I IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC I( I( I( I( D:0 0 9 99452 449 446 443 440 9.99761 9.99760 9.99759 9.99757 9.99756 10510 9.02162 540 9.02283 569 9.02404 599 9.0252-5 628 9.02645 99437 9.99755 io657 9.027 66 89.95 687 9.02885 7 43I 9.99752 716 9.03005 8 428 9.991751 746 9.03I24 7 424 9.99749 775 9.03242 79942I 9.99748 10805 9.0336I 6 418 9.99747 834 9.03479 6 4I5 9.99745 863 9.03597 6 412- 9.99744 893 9.037I4 6 409 9.99742 922 9.03832 ~599406 9.99741 10952 9.03948.5 402 9.99740 981 9.04065 4399 9.99738 11011I 9.04i8i 396 9.99737 040 9.04297 '5 393 9.99736 070 9.044I3 ~499390' 9.99734 11I099 9.04528.4 386 9.99733 12-8 9.04643 383 9.9973I I58 9.04758 3 380 9.99730 187 9.04873 377 9.99728 217 9.04987:2997 9.99727 II246 9.05101:2 370 9.99726 276 9.052I4 367 9.99724 305 9.05328.2 364 9.99723 335 9.0544I:1 360 9.9972I 364 9.05553:199357 9.99720 11394 9.05666.0 354 9.997i8 423 9.05778:0 351 9.997I7 4529.50:0905o:0 347 9.99716 482 9.0600.2:0 344 9.997I4 511 9.06113 )g9934I 9.997I3 1154I 9.06224 )g 337 9.997II 570 9,.06335 )q 334 9.997I0 600 9.06445 )8 331 9.99708 629 9.06556 327 9.99707 659 9.06666 )8 99324 9.99705 Ii688 9.06775 Y7 320 9.99704 718 9.06885 18 3I7 9.99702 747 9.06994 )7 3I4 9.99701 777 9.07I03 17 310 9.99699 8o6 9.0721I )6 99307 9.99698 11836 9.07320 )7 303 9.99696 865 9.07428 )6 300 9.99695 895 9.07536 )5 297 9.99693 924 9.07643 )6 239-99 954 9.07751 )599290 9.99690 11983 9.07858 )5 286 9.99689 120I3 9.07964 '5 283 9.99687 042 9.08071 )5 279 9.99686 072 9.08I77 '5, 276 9.99684 101 9.08283 121 121 121 120 121 I 19 120 I 19 "I9 "I7 II 8 ii6 I 17 ix6 "15 115 "I4 "I4 "I3 "I4 "I3 I12 "13 112 I12 112 III III III hO0 "II hO0 109 hlO 109 109 io8 109 io8 io8 I07 io8 I07 io6 I07 io6 io6 io6 io6 105 I05 105 I04 0.97838 9.5I44 0.97717. 9.4878 0.97596 614 0.97475 352 0.97355 090 0.97234 9.383I 0.97II$ 572 0.96995 3I5 0.96876 o6o 0.96758 9.2806 0.96639 9.2553 0.9652I 302 0.96403 052 0.96286 9.i803 o.96168 555 0.96052 9.1I309 0.95935 o65 0.958i9 9.082I 0.95703 579 0.95587 338 0.95472 9.oo98 0.95357 8.9860 0.95242 623 0.95I27 387 0.950I3 152 0.94899 8.8919 0.94786 686 0.94672 455 0.94559 225 0.94447 8.7996 0.94334 8.7769 0.94222 542 0.94II0 3I7 0.93998 093 0.93887 8.6870 0.93776 8.6648 0.93665 427 0.93555 208 0.93444 8.5989 0.93334 772 0.93225 8.5555 0.93II5 340 0.93006 126 0.92897 8.49I3 0.92789 70I 0.92680 8.4490 0.92572 280 0.92464 07I 0.92357 8.3863 0.92249 656 0.92142 8.3450 0.92036 245 0.91929 041 0.91823 8.2838 0.91717 636 0.91611 8.2434 0.9I505 -234 0.91400 035 0.9I295 8.i837 0.91190 640 0.91086 443 60 59 57 55 52.50 49 48 47 46 44 43 42 39 38 37 36 34 33 32 3' 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 290 '7 15 '4 '3 12 'II 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 '4 '3 )3 99272 269 265 262 258 255 9.99683 9.9968i 9.99680 9.99678 9.99677 9.99675 I2I31 i6o 190 2I9 249 278 9.08389 9.08495 9.08600 9.08705 9.08810 9.o89I4 INat. 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CotNat 50000 9.69897 22 86603 9.93753 57735 9764429 0.23856 1.7321 60 I 025 9.699I9 22 588 9.93746 774 9-76I73 29 23827 30959 74 9.76173 29 0.23827 309 59 2 50 9.69941 22 573 993738 8I3 9.76202.23798 297 58 3 076 9.69963 2 597 85I 9-7623 9 0.23769 286 57 2i 559 9.9373I 7 9 4 loI 9.69984 22 544 993724 7 89 9.76261 3 0.23739 274 56,,57 29 5 50I26 9.70006 22 86530 9-937I7 8 57929 9.76290 0.23710 1.7262 55 6 I5I 9.70028 22 5I5 9.93709 968 9-763I9 29 0.2368 25 54 7 176 9.70050 22 50I 9.93702 7 58007 976348 29 0.23652 239 53 8 201 9.70072 2I 486 9.93695 7 046 9.76377 29 0.23623 228 52 9 227 9.70093 2 47 9.93667 085 9.76406 0.23594 216 _5 10 50252 9.70I5 1 22 86457 9.93680 58124 9.76435 29 0.23505 1.7205 50 II 277 9-70I37 22 442 9.93673 7 62 9.76464 29 0.23530 I93 49 2 302 9.70159 2i 427 9.93665 20I 9.76493 0.23507 18248 13 327 9.70I80 413 9.93658 8 240 9.76522290.23478 17047 I4 352 9.70202 22 398 9.93650 279 9.7655 29 023449 159 46 1553 9.0.22 22 7 29 1550377 9-70224 2I 86384 9.93643 583I8 9.76580 0.23420 1.7I47 45 I6 403 9-76245 2 369 9.93636 7 357 9.76609 9 2339 3644 22 8936289.76609 30 0.23391 I26 44 I7 428 9.70267 21 354 993628 396 976639 0.23361 24 43 I8 453 9.70288 22 340 9.9362I 7 435 9.76668 290.23332 1I3 42 9 478 9.703I0 22 325 9-936I4 474 9-76697 2 0.23303 I02 4 20 50503 970332 21 86310 9.93606 58513 976725 0.2325 I7090 40 21 528 9.70353 22 29 993599 552 976754 29 0.23246 079 39 22 553 9.70375 21 281 9.93591 59I 9.76783 0.23217 67 38 23 578 9.70396 22 266 9-93584 7 63I 9.76812 29 0.23188 056 37 24 603 9.70418 25I 993577 7 670 9.7684I 9 0.23159 045 36 21 8 29 25 50628 9.70439 2286237 9-93569 58709 9.76870 29 0.23130 1.7033 35 26 654 9-70461 22 222 9.93562 748 9.76899 0.23101 02234 27 679 970482 22 207 993554 787 9.76928 29 0.23072 OII 33 28 704 9-70504 21 I92 9-93547 826 9.76957 0.23043 1.6999 32 29 729 9.70525 178 9.93539 865 9-76986 0.23014 988 22 7239 30 50754 9.70547 2 86I63 9.93532 58905 977015 0.2295 I6977 30 3I 779 9.70568 2 48 9-93525 944 9.77044 29 0.22956 905 29 32 804 9.70590 2I I33 9.935I7 983 9-77073 8 0.22927 954 28 33 829 9.70611 i 9 9.935IO 59022 9.77IOI 0.22899 943 27 22 IT9 9~935I028 -0. 22877I0 2 34 854 9.70633 2I I04 9.93502 06i 9.7730 9 0.22870 932 26 21 8 o7 29 -35 50879 9.70654 2 86089 993495 8 59 9.77159 0.22841 1.6920 25 36 904 9-70675 22 074 9.93487 140 9.77188 29 0.228I2 909 24 37 929 970697 2 059 9.93480 7 I79 97727 29 0.22783 898 23 38 954 9.70718 2I 045 9-93472 2i8 9.77246 28 022754 887 22 39 979 9-70739 030 9.93465 7 258 9-77274 0.22726 875 2I 22 8 29 40 5I004 9-7076I 2I 860I5 9.93457 59297 9.77303 0.22697 I.6864 20 4I 029 9.70782 2I 0oo 9.93450 7 336 9.77332 0.22668 853 I9 42 054 9.70803 2 85985 9.93442 376 9.77361 0.22639 842 i8 43 079 9.70824 2 970 993435 7 45 9.7739028 0.2260 831 I7 44 104 9-70846 956 9-93427 454 9.774I8 0.22582 820 16 21 7 29 45 5II29 9.70867 2I 85941 9.93420 8 59494 977447 29 0.22553 1.68o8 15 46 I54 9.70888 2I 926 9.934I2 533 977476 290.22524 797 4 47 179 9.70909 22 g9I 9.934058 573 9-77505 28 224 7 48 204 9-7093 21 896 9.93397 6I2 977533 0.22467 775 12 49 229 9.70972 88I 9.93390 7 65I 9.77562 29 0.22438 764 II 50 51254 9.70973 2I 85866 9.93382 59691 9.7759 28 0.22409 1.6753 10 51 279 970994 2 85 993375 8 730 9-7769 29 0.2238I 742 9 52 304 9.7IO15 21 836 9.93367 770 9.77648 0.22352 73I 8 53 329 9.7036 82 993360 7 809 9776772 0.22323 720 7 54 354 9-71058 22 806 9.93352 8 849 9-77706 0.22294 709 6 55 5I379 9-7I079 2I 85792 9-93344 7 59888 9-77734 2 0.22266 1.6698 5 56 404 9.7I0OO 2I 777 9.93337 98 9-77763 280.22237 687 4 57 429 9.712 21 762 9.93329 967 97779 29 0.22209 66 3 58 454 9.7II42 2I 747 9.93322 8 60007 9.77820 29 0.2280 665 2 59 479 9-7II63 732 99334 046 9.77849 28 0.225 654 I 60 504 9.7I184 7I7 9.93307 o86 9.77877 0.22123 643 0 Nat. 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COS Log. d.|Nat.TanLog.|c.d.Log.Cot Nat. 0 559i9 9.74756 82904 99I857 8 67451 9.82899 27 O.I710I 1.4826 60 I 943 974775 9 887 9.9I849 493 9.82926 27 17074 86 59 2 968 974794 i8 871 9.9840 536 9.82953 27 07047 807 58 3 992 9.74812 855 9.91832 578 9.82980 280.7020 798 57 4 56016 9.74831 I 839 9.91823 620 9.83008 0.6992 788 56 T 56040 9.74850 I 82822 9.91815 67663 9.83035 0.6965 I-477955 6 64 9.74868 806 9.9806 705 9.83062 27 0.16938 770 54 7 o88 9.74887 I 79 99798 748 983089 27 0.16911 761 53 8 112 9.74906 I 773 9.9789 790 9.83II7 270.I6883 75I 52 18 773 9.97802 9IC27 9 I36 9-74Q24 1I 757 9.9I78I 832 9.83144.I6856 742 51 105660 9.74943 18 82741 9-9I772 67875 9.8317I 27.I6829 I-473350 II I84 9.7496 I 724 9.91763 97 9.83I98 27 0.6802 724 49 I2 208 9.74980 I 708 99755 960 9.83225 27.I6775 75 48 I3 232 9.749998 692 9.91746 9 68002 9.83252 28 0.6748 705 47 I4 256 9.75i07 675 9.9738 045 9.83280 0.16720 696 46 _6 9830 27 _ 15 56280 9.75036 82659 9.9I729 68088 9.83307 0.16693 I1.4687 45 i6 305 9.75054 89 643 9.9172 0 I30 9.83334 27 o.i6666 678 44 I7 329 9-75073 I8 626 9.9I712 9 73 9.83361 27 0.6639 669 43 I8 353 9.7509I I9 6io 9.91703 8 2I5 9.83388 27 0.I6612 659 42 I9 377 9-75IIO 8 593 9.91695 258 9.834I5 2 0.6585 65o 41 20 56401 9.75I28 I9 82577 9.91686 68301 9.83442 0.6558 464I 40 2I 425 9-75I47 i8 56i 9.9I677 343 983470 2 0.16530 632 39 22 449 9-75I65 I9 544 9.9I669 386 9.83497 27 0.16503 623 38 23 473 9-75I84 I8 528 9.9660 9 429 9.83524 27 0.16476 6I4 37 24 497 9.75202 511 9.91651 8 47 9.8355 270.16449 605 36 25 56521 9.7522I i8 82495 9.91643 685I4 9.83578 0.16422 1.4596 35 26 545 9-75239 I 478 9.9I634 9 557 9.83605 27 0.16395 586 34 27 569 9.75258 8 462 9.9I625 600 9.83632 27 0.6368 577 33 28 593 9-75276 I8 446 9.91617 642 9.83659 270.1634 56832 29 6I7 9.75294 I 429 9.91608 9 685 9.83686 27 0.I6314 559 31 30 5664 9.75313 I 824I3 9.9599 68728 983713 27o.628760 4550 30 31 665 9.7533I I 396 9.9I59I 77I 9.83740 2 0.16260 54 29 32 689 9.75350 I 380 9.91582 9 8I4 9.83768 28 0.16232 532 28 33 7I3 9-75308 I8 363 9.91573 8 857 9.83795 27 0.I620 523 27 34 736 9.7=386 347 9.9I565 900 9.83822 27 0.16178 5I4 26 35 56760 9.75405 882330 9-9I556 68942 9.83849 O.i6151 1.4505 25 36 784 9.75423 I8 314 9.9I547 9 985 9.83876 27 O.I6124 496 24 37 808 9.7544 8 297 9.91538 69028 9.83903 27 O.6097 487 23 38 832 975459 I9 28 9.91530 07 9.83930 2 0.6070 47822 39 856 9.75478 I8 264 9.9152I 9 114 9.83957 27 0.16043 469 2I 40 56880 9-75496 i8 82248 9.91512 8 69I57 9.83984 2 o.I6o6 1.4460 20 41 904 9.75514 9 231 9.9I504 200 9.84011 27 0.15989 45I 19 42 928 9-75533 I 8 2I4 9-9I495 243 9.84038 7 0.15962 442 i8 43 952 9-7555I I8 I98 9.9I486 9 286 9.84065 27 0.15935 433 I7 44 976 9.71.6o I8 i8i 9.9I477 9 329 9.84092 27 0.15908 424 i6 45 57000o 9.75587 i8 82I65 9.91469 69372 9.84II9 0.1I588i 1.44I5 15 46 024 9-75605. I48 9.91460 46 9.8446 270.1I5854 406 14 47 047 9.75624 I8 I32 9.91451 9 459 9.84173 270.5827 397 13 48 071 9.75642 I8 II5 9.9I442 9 502 9.84200 27 0.15800 388 I2 49 095 9.7566o0 098 9-9I433 545 9.84227 0.1.5773 379 II 18 82o82 9 - 6958 8 27 50 57119 9-75678 I8 82082 9.9I42 69588 9.8425 4 2 0.15746 1.4370 10 51 143 9.75696 i8 o65 9.914I6 9 631 9.84280 0.15720 36I 9 52 I67 9-757I4 9 048 9.-9407 9 675 9.84307 27 0.15693 352 8 53 19I 9-75733 I8 032 9-9I398 9 78 9.84334 270.15666 344 7 54 215 9.757I I8 OI5 9.91389 9 761 9.8436I 27 0.I5639 335 6 55 57238 9.75769 18 81999 9.9I38I 69804 9.84388 70.15612 1.4326 5 56 262 9-75787 i8 982 9.9I372 9 847 9.84415 270.15585 37 4 57 286 9.75805 i8 965 9.91363 9 89I 9.84442 27 0.15558 308 3 58 310 9-75823 I8 949 9.9I354 9 934 9.84469 27 0.I553I 299 2 59 334 9.75841 i8 932 9.9I345 977 9.84496 0.1.5504 290 I 60 358 9.75859 I 915 9.9I336 9 7002I 9-84523 0.-I5477 28I 0 60 389789 5.9133 Nat. COS Log. d. Nat. Sin Log. d. Nat. COtLog. c.d. Log.TanNat. 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