ALONZO AND MELlSSA. OR THE UNFEELING FATHER, AN AMERICAN TALE. In every varied posture, plara, and hour, How widowed every thought of every joy! ~ YoUNG BY DANIEL JACKSON, JR. PHILADELPHIA: [EARY & OETZ) 138 NORTH SECOND STREET. PREFACE. WHETHER the story of Alonzo and Me. lissa will generally please, the writer knows not; if, however, he is not mistaken, it is not unfriendly to religion and to virtue.One thing was aimed t'j be shown, that a firm reliance on Providence, however the affections might be at war with its dispensations, is the only source of consolation in the gloomy hours of affliction; and that generally such dependence, though crossed by difficulties and perplexities, will be crowned with victory at last. It is also believed that the story contains no indecorous stimulants; nor is it filled with unmeaning and inexplicated incidents sounding upon the sense, but imperceptible to the understanding. When anxietier have been excited by involved and doubtfu events, they are afterwards elucidated b the consequences. J'REFACIN. The writer believes that generally bie has copied nature. In the ardent prospects raised in youthful bosoms, the almost consummation of their wishes, their sudden and unexpected disappointment, the sorrows of separation, the joyous and unlooked for meeting-in the poignant feelings of Alonzo, when, at the grave of Melissa, he poured the feelings of his anguished soul over her miniature by the "moon's pale ray;"when Melissa, sinking on her knees before her father, was received, to' his bosom as a beloved daughter risen from the dead. If these scenes are not imperfectly drawn, they will not fail to interest the refined sen. sibilities of the reader. ALONZO AND MELISSA, IN the time of the late revolution, two young gentlemen of Connecticut, who had formed an indissoluble friendship, graduated at Yale College in New-Haven: their names were Edgar and Alonzo. Edgar was the son of a respectable farmer. Alonzo's father was an eminent merchant. Edgar was designed for the desk, Alonzo for the bar; but as they were allowed some vacant time after their graduation before they entered upon their professional studies, they improved this interim in mutual, friendly visits, mingling with select parties in the amusements of the day, and in travelling through some parts of the United States. Edgar had a sister who, for some time, had resided with her cousin at New-London. She was now about to return, and it was designed that Edgar should go and attend her home. Previous to the day on which he was to set out, he was unfortunately thrown from his horse, which so much injured him as to prevent his proseI, 6 ALONZO AND MELISSA. cuting his intended journey: he therefore invited Alonzo to supply his place which invitation he readily accepted, and on the day appointed set out for New-London, where he arrived, delivered his introductory letters to Edgar's cousin, and was received with the most friendly politeness. Melissa, the sister of Edgar, was about sixteen years of age. She was not what is esteemed a striking beauty, but her appearance was pleasingly interesting. Her figure was elegant; her aspect was attempered with a pensive mildness, which in her cheerful moments would light up into sprightliness and vivacity. Though on first impression, her countenance was marked by a sweet and thoughtful screnity, yet she emipently possessed the power to " Call round her laughing eyes, in playful turns, The glance that lightens, and the smile that burns." Her mind was adorned with those delicate graces which are the first ornaments of female excellence. Her manners were graceful without affectation, and her taste had been properly directed by a suitable education. Aloizo was about twenty-one years old; he had been esteemed an excellent student. His appearance was manly, open and free. His eye indicated a nobleness of soul; although his aspect was tinged with melancholy, yet he was naturally cheerful. His disposition was of the romantic cast; ALONZO AND MELISSA. 7 For far beyond the pride and pomp of power, He lov'd the realms of nature to explore; With lingering gaze Edinian spring survey'd; Morn's fairy splendours; night's gay curtained shade, The high hoar cliff, the grove's benighting gloom, The wild rose, widowed o'er the mouldering tomb; The heaven embosom'd sun; the rainbow's dye, Where lucid forms disport to fancy's eye; The vernal flower, mild autumn's purpling glow, The summer's thunder and the winter's snow." It was evening when Alonzo arrived at the house of Edgar's cousin. Melissa was at a ball which had been given on a matrimonial occasion in the town. Her cousin waited on Alonzo to the ball, and introduced him to Melissa, who received him with politeness. She was dressed in white, em broidered and spangled with rich silver lace; a silk girdle, enwrought and tasseled with gold, surrounded her waist; her hair was unadorned except by a wreath of artificial flowers, studded by a?ingle diamond. After the ball closed, they returned to the house of Edgar's cousin. Melissa's partner at the ball was the son of a gentleman of independent fortune' in New-London. re was a gay young man, aged about twenty-five. His address was easy, his manners rather voluptuous than refined; confident, but not ungraceful. He led the ton in fashionable circles; gave taste its zest, and was quite a favorite with the ladies generally. His name was Beauman. Edgar's cousin proposed to detain Alonzo and Melissa a few days, during which time --- ~----~-- ----~ --r~ ---0 - S ALONZO AND MELISSA. they passed in visitrng select friends and socia, parties. Beauman was an assiduous altendant upon Melissa. He came one afternoon to invite her to ride out;-she was indisposed and excused herself. At evening she proposed walking out with her cousia and his lady; but they were prevented from attending her by unexpected company. Alonzo offered to accompany her. It was one of those beautiful evenings in the month of June, when nature in those parts of America is arrayed in her richest dress. They left the town and walked through fields adjoining the harbour.-The moon shone in full lustre, her white beams trembling upon the glassy main, where skiffs and sails of various descriptidns were passing and repassing. The shores of Long-Island and the other islands in the harbour, appeared dimly to float among the waves. The air was adorned with the fragrance of surrounding flowers; the sound of instrumental music wafted from the town, rendered sweeter by distance, while the whippoorwill's sprightly song echoed along the adjacent groves. Far it the eastern horizon hung a pile of brazen clouds, which had passed from the north, over which, the crinkling red lightning momentarily darted, and at times, long peals.u thunder were faintly heard. They walked,to a point of the beach, where stood a large ALQNZO AND MELISSA. 9 rock whose base was washed by every tide. On this rock they seated themselves, and enjoyed a while the splendours of the scenethe drapery of nature. " To this place, said Melissa, have I taken many a solitary walk, on such an evening as this, and seated on this rock, have I experienced more pleasing sensations than I ever received in the most splendid ball-room." The idea impressed the mind of Alonzo; it was congenial with the feeling of his soul. They returned at a late hour, and the next day set out for home. Beauman handed Melissa into the carriage, and he, with Edgar's cousin and his lady, attended them on their first day's journey. They put up at night at the house of an acquaintance in Branford. The next morning they parted Melissa's cousin, his lady and Beauman, returned to New-London; Alonzo and Melissa pursued their journey, and at evening arrived at her father's house, which was in the westerly part of the state. Melissa was received with joyful tenderness by her friends. Edgar soon recovered from his fall, and cheerfulness again assumed its most pleasing aspect in the family.Edgar's father was a plain Connecticut farmer. He was rich, and his riches had been acquired by his diligent attention to business. He had loaned money, and taken 10 ALONZO AND MELISSA. mortgages on lands and houses f6r securities; and as payment frequently failed, he often had opportunities of purchasing the involved premises at his own price. He well knew the worth of a shilling, and how to apply it to its best use; and in casting interest, he was sure never to lose a farthing. He had no other children except Edgar and Melissa, on whom he doated.Destitute of literature himself, he had provided the means of obtaining it for his son, anid as he was a rigid presbyterian, he considered that Edgar could no where figure so well, or gain more eminence, than in the sacred desk. The time now arrived when Edgar and Alonzo were to part. The former repaired to New-York, where he was to enter upon his professional studies. The latter entered in the office of an eminent attorney in his native town, which was about twenty miles distant from the village in which lived the family of Edgar and Melissa. Alonzo was the frequent guest of this family; for tliough Edgar was absent, there was still a charm which attracted him hither. If he had admired the manly virtues of the brother, could he fail to adore the sublimer graces of the sister? If all the sympathies of the most ardent friendship had been drawn forth towards the former, must not the most ALONZO AND MELISSA. 11 tender passions of the soul be attracted by the milder and more refined excellencies of the other? Beauman had become the suitor of Melissa; but the distance of residence rendered it inconvenient to visit her often. He came regiularly once in two or three months; of course Alonzo and he sometimes met. Beauman had made no serious pretensions, but his particularity indicated something more than fashionable politeness. His manners, his independent situation, his family, entitled him to respect. " It is not probable therefore that he will be objectionable to Melissa's friends or to Melissa herself," said Alonzo, with an involuntary sigh. But as Beauman's visits to Melissa became more frequent, an increasing anxiety took place in Alonzo's bosom. He wished her to remain single; the idea of losing her by marriage, gave him inexpressible regret. What substitute could supply the happy hours he h3ba passed in her company? What charm could wing the lingering moments when she was gone? In the recess of his studies, he could, in a few hours, be at the seat of her father: there his cares were dissipated, and the troubles of life, real or imaginary, on light pinions, fleeted away.How different would be the scene when 12 ALONZO AND MELISSA. iebarred from the unreserved friendship ana conversation of Melissa; And unreserved it could not be, were she not exclusively mistress of herself. But was there not something of a more refined texture than friendship in his predilection for the company of Melissa? If so, why not avow it? His prospects, his family, and of course his pretensions might not be inferior to those of Beauman. But perhaps Beauman was preferred. His opportunities had been greater; he had formed an acquaintance with her. Distance proved no barrier to his addresses. His visits became more and more frequent. Was it not then highly probable that he had secured her affections? Thus reasoned Alonzo, but the reasoning tended not to allay the tempest which was gathering in his bosom. He ordered his horse, and was in a short time at the seat of Melissa's father. It was summer, and towards evening when he arrived. Melissa was sitting by the window when he entered the hall. She arose and received him with a smile. "I have just been thinking of an evening's walk, said she, but had no one to attend me, and you have come just in time to perform that office. I will order tea immediately, while you rest from the fatigues of your journey." ALONZO AND MELISSA. 13 When tea was served up, a servant entered the room with a letter which he had found in the yard. Melissa received it."'Tis a letter, said she, which I sent by Beauman, to a lady in New-London, and the careless man has lost it." Turning to Alonzo, "I forgot to tell you that your friend Beauman has been with us a few days; he left us this morning." " My friend!" replied Alonzo, hastily. "Is he not your friend?" enquired Melissa. "I beg pardon, madam," answered he, "my mind was absent." " He requested us to present his respects to his friend Alonzo," said she. Alonzo bowed and turned the conversation. They walked out and took a winding path which led along pleasant fields by a gliding stream, through a little grove and up a sloping eminence, which commanded an extensive prospect of the surrounding country; Long Island, and the sound between that and the main land, and the opening thereof to the distant ocean. A soft and silent shower had descended;.' a thousand transitory gems trembled upon the foliage glittering the western ray.--A bright rainbow sat upon a southern cloud; the lightgales whispered among the branches, agitated the young harvest to billowy motion, or waved the tops of the distant 2 14 ALONZO AND MELISSA. Jeep green forest with majestic grandeur. Flocks, herds, and cottages were scattered over the vqfiegated landscape. Hills piled on hills, receding, faded from the pursuing eye, mingling with the blue mist which hovered around the extreme verge of the horizon. "1This is a most delightful scene," said Melissa. "It is indeed, replied Alonzo; can Ne wLondon boast so charming a prospect P" Melissa. No-'yes; indeed 1. can hardly say. 1You know, Alonzo, how I am charm.. ed with the rock at the" point of the beach.Alonzo. You told. me of the happy hours yoti had passed at that place. Perhaps the rompany which attended you there, gave the scenery its highest embellishment. Melissa. I know not how it happened; but yo-u are th e only person who ever attended me there. AlJouzo.. That is a little surprising. Mel. Why surprising? Al. Where was Beauman? Mel. Perhaps he was not fond of soli'. tude. Besides he was not always nm Beau-. man. Al. Sometimes. Mel. Yes, sometimes. Al. And now always. Mel. Not this evening. SAl. He formerly ALONZO AND MELISSA. 15 Me. Well. Al. And will soon claim the exclusive privilege so to do. Mel. That does not follow of course. Al. Of course, if his intentions are sincere, and the wishes of another should accord therewith. Mel. Who am I to understand by another? Al. Melissa. [A pause ensued.] Mel. See that ship, Alonzo, coming up the sound; how she ploughs through the white foam, while the breezes flutter among the sails, varying with the beams of the sun. Al. Yes, it is almost down. Mel. What is almost down? Al. The sun. Was not you speaking of the sun, madam? Mel. Your mind is absent, Alonzo; I was speaking of yonder ship. Al. I beg pardon, madam. 0 yes-the ship-it-it bounds with rapid motion over the waves. A pause ensued. They walked leisurely around the hill, and moved toward home. The sun sunk behind the western hills.Twilight arose in the east, and floated along the air. Darkness began to hover around the woodlands and vallies. The beauties of the landscape slowly receded "This reminds me of our walk at New-London," 16 ALONZO AND MELISSA. said Melissa. "Do you remember it " en. quired Alonzo. " Certainly I do," she replied, (' I shall never forget the sweet pensive scenery of my favourite rock." "Nor I neither," said Alonzo with a deep drawn sigh. The next day Alonzo returned to his studies; but, different from his former visits to Melissa, instead of exhilarating his spirits, this had tended to depress them. He doubted whether Melissa was not already engaged to Beauman. His hopes would persuade him that this was not the case; but his fears declared otherwise. It was some time before Alonzo renewed his visit. In the interim he received a letter from a friend in the neighbourhood of Melissa's father; an extract from which follows: "We are soon to have a wedding here; you are acquainted with the parties-Melissa D- and Beauman. Such at least is our opinion from appearances, as Beauman is now here more than half his time.You will undoubtedly be a guest. We had expected that you would have put in your claims, from your particular attention to the lady. She is a fine girl, Alonzo." " I shall never be a guest at Melissa's wedding," said Alonzo, as he hastily paced the room; " but I must once again see her before that event takes place, when I lose ALONZO AND MTELISSA. 17 her forever"' The next day he repaired to 'her father's. He enqi iired for Melissu~ she was gone with a party to the shores iaf the sound, attended by Beauman. At even. ing; thcy retuined. Beauman and Alonzo addressed each other with much seeming cordiality. "You have deceived uLs, Alon. zo, saidl Melissa. We concluded you hadl forgotten the road to this place." "1Was not that a hasty conclusion P" replied Alonzo. "I think not, she answered, if your long absence should be construed into, neglect. But we wvill hear your ex Cluse, said she, smiling, by and by, and per-. liaps pardon you." He thanked her. for her condescension. The next morning Beauman set out for New-London. "Alonzo observed that he took a t..nmder leave of Melissa, telling her, in a low voice, that he should have the happiness of seeing her again within two or three weeks. After he was gone, as Metissa and Alonzo were sitting in a room alone, "Well, said she, am I to hear youg excuses?"1 Alonzo. For what, madam? Mel. For neglecting your friends. Alonzo. I hope it is not so considered, madam. MVel. Seriously, then, why have yo'a 2 * A 18 ALONZO AND..MEILISSA. s.tayed away so long? Has this place Po charms in the absence of my brother? Al. Would my presence have added to your felicities,, Melissa? Mel. 'You never came an unwelcome visiter here. Al. PerhAps I might be sometimes int:usive. MNel. What times? Al. When Beauman is your guest. Mel. I have supposed you were on friendly terms. Al. We are..Mel. Why then intrusive? Al. There are seasons when friendship must yvield its pr etensions to a superior claim. Mel. Perhaps I do not rightly comprehend the force of that- remark. Al. Was Beauman here, my position might be demonstrated. Mel'. 1 think I understand you. Al. And. acknowledge my observation tobe just? Mtel. (hesitating.) Yes- I believe I must. Al. And appropriate? Melissa was silent. Al. You hesitate, Melissa. She was still silenit Aiil. Will you, Melissa, answer me one question. ALONZO AND MELISSA..19 Mfel. (con1fus9'ed.) If it b6 a g-roper one you are entitled to candour. Al. Are you -engaged to Beauman? Mlel. (blushing.) He has asked me the same question concerning you. Al. Do you prefer him to any other? Mel. (deeply blush'ing, her eyes cast upon the floor.) He has made the same enquiry respecting you Al. Has he asked your father's permission to address you? Mel. That I have not suffered him yet to do. Al. Yet! Mlel.. I assure you I have not. Al. (taking her hand with anxiety.) Melissa, I beg you will deal candidly. I am entitled to no claims, but you' know what my heart would ask. I will bow to your decision. Beauman or Alonzo must relinquislh their pretensions. We cannot share the blessing. Mel. (her cheeks suffused with a varying glow, her lips pale, her voi --e tremulous, her eyes still) cast down.) My parents have informed me that it is improper to receive the pdrticular addresses of more than one. I amn conscious of my iradvertency, and that thie reproof is Just.' One thierefore must be dismissed. But-(she hesitated.)' A considerable pause en ued. At lengtb 20 ALONZO AND MELISSA. Alonzo arose-" I will not press you farther," said he; " I know the delicacy of your feeling, I know your sincerity; I will not therefore insist on your performing the painiul task of deciding against me. Your con Juct in every point of view has been discreet. I could have no just claims, or if I had, your heart must sanction them, or they would be unhallowed and unjustifiable. I shall ever pray for your felicity.-Our affections are not under our direction; our happiness depends on our obedience to their mandates. Whatever, then, may be my sufferings, you are unblameable and irreproachable." He took his hat in extreme agitation, and prepared to take his leave. Melissa had recovered in some degree from her embarrassment, and collected her scattered spirits. " Your conduct, Alonzo, said she, is generous and noble. Will you give yourself the trouble, and do me the honour to see me once more?" "I will, said he, at any time you shall appoint.""Four weeks then, she said, from this day, honour me with a visit, and you shall have my decision, and receive my final answer." "1 will be punctual to the day," he replied, and bade her adieu. Alonzo's hours now winged heavily away. His wonted cheerfulness fled; he wooed the silent and solitary haunts of " musing, mop ALONZO 4ND MELISSA. 21 ing melancholy." He loved to wander through lonely fields, or along the verge of some lingering stream, "when dewy twilight rob'd the evening mild," or " to trace the forest glen, through which the moon darted her silvery intercepted ray." He was fondly indulging a tender passion which preyed upon his peace, and deeply disturbed his repose. He looked anxiously to the hour when Melissa was to make her decision. He wished, yet dreaded the event. In that he foresaw, or, thought he foresaw, a withering blight to his budding hopes, and a final consummation to his foreboding fears. He had pressed Melissa, perhaps too urgently, to a declaration.-Had her predilection been in his favour, would she have hesitated to avow it? Her parents had advised her to relinquish, and had permitted her to retain one suitor, nor had they attempted to influence or direct her choice. Was it not evident, then, from her confused hesitation and embarrassment, when solicited to discriminate upon the subject, that her ultimate decision would be in favour of Beauman? While Alonzo's mind was thus agitated, he received a second letter from his friend in the neighbourhood of Melissa. He read the following clause therein with emotions more easily to be conceived than expressed: 22 ALONZO AND MELISSA. "Melissa's wedding day is appointed. I need not tell you that Beauman is to be the happy deity of the hymeneal sacrifice. I had this from his own declaration. He did not name the positive day, but it is certainly tobe soon. You will undoubtedly, however, have timely notice, as a guest. We must pour a liberal libation upon the mystic altar, Alonzo, and twine the nuptial garland with wreaths of joy. Beauman ought to devote a rich offering to so valuable a prize. He has been here for a week, and departed for New-London yesterday, but is shortly to return." " And why have I ever doubted this event? said Alonzo. What infatuation hath thus led me on the pursuit of fantastic and unreal bliss? I have had, it is true, no positive assurance that Melissa would favour my addresses. But why did she ever receive them? Why did she enchantingly smile upon me? Why fascinate the tender powers of my soul by that winning mildness, acd the favourable display of those complicated and superior attractions which she must have known were irresistible?- Why did she not spurn me from her confidence, and plainly tell me that my attentions were untimely and improper? And now she would have me dance attendance to her decision in fAvour of Beauman--Insulting! Let Beauman ALONZO AND MELISSA. 23 and she make, as they have formed, this farcical decision; I absolutely will never attend it.-But stop: I have engaged to see her at an appointed time; my honour is therefore pledged for an interview; it must take place. I shall support it with becoming dignity, and I will convince Melissa and Beauman that I am not the dupe of their caprices. But let me consider-What has Melissa done to deserve censure or reproach? Her brother was my early friend: she has treated me as a friend to her brother. She was unconscious of the flame which her charms had kindled in my bosom.-Her evident embarrassment and confusion on receiving my declaration, witnessed her surprise and prior attachment. What could she do? To save herself the pain of a direct denial, she had appointed a day when her refusal may come in a more delicate and formal manner-and I must meet it." At the appointed day, Alonzo proceeded to the house of Melissa's father, where he arrived late in the afternoon. Melissa had retired to a little summer house at the end. of the garden; a servant conducted Alonzo thither. She was dressed in a flowing robe of white muslin, embroidered with a deep fringe lace. Her hair hung loosely upon her shoulders; she was contemplating a bouquet of flowers which she held in her 24 ALONZO AND MELISSA4 nand. Alonzo fancied she never appeared so lovely. She arose to receive him. "We have been expecting you some time, said Melissa; we were anxious to inform you, that we have just received a letter from my brother, in which he desires us to present you his most friendly respects, and complains of your not writing to him lately so frequently as usual." Alonzo thanked her for the information; said that business prevented him; he esteemed him as his most valuable friend, and would be more particular in future. "We have been thronged with company for several days, said Melissa. Once a year my father celebrates his birth day, when we are honoured with so numerous a company ofuncles, aunts,cousins, nephews and nieces, that were you present, you would suppose we were connected with half the families in Connecticut. The last of this company took their departure yesterday, and I have only to regret, that I have for nearly a week, been prevented from visiting my favourite hill, to which you attended me when you was last here. It is much improved since then: I have had a little albour built under the large tree on its summit: you will have no objection to view it, Alonzo?" He assured her he accepted the invitation with pleasure. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 25,and towards evening they resorted to the place and seated themselves in the arbour. It was the beginning of autumn, and a yellow hue was spread over the fading charms of nature. The withering forest began to shed its decaying foliage, which the light gales pursued along the russet fields. The low sun extended the lengthening shadows; curling smoke ascended from the surrounding cottages. A thick fog crept along the vallies; a gray mist hovered over the tops of the mountains. The glassy surface of the sound glittered to the sun's departing ray. The solemn herds lowed in monotonous symphony. The autumnal insects in sympathetic wafting, plaintively predicted their approaching fate. "The scene is changed since we last visited this place, said Melissa; the gay charms of summer are beginning to decay, and must soon yield their splendors to the rude despoiling hand of winter." "That will be the case, said Alonzo, before I shall have the pleasure of your company here again." Mel. That probably may be, though it is nearly two months yet to winter. Al. Great changes may take place within that time. Mel. Yes, changes must take place; but 3 26 AL^NXO AND MELISSA. nothing, I hope, to embitter present prospects. Al. (peevishly.) As it respects yourself, I trust not, madam. Mel. (tenderly.) And I sincerely hope not, as it respects you, Alonzo. Al. That wish, I believe, is vain. AMel. Why so ominous a prediction? Al. The premises, from which it is drawn, are correct. Mel. Your feelings accord with the season, Alonzo; you are melancholy. Shall we return? Al. I ask your pardon, madam; I know I am unsociable. You speak of returning: You know the occasion of my being here. Mel. For the purpose of visiting your friends, I presume. Al. And no other? She made no reply. Al. You cannot have forgotten your own appointment, and consequent engagement? She made no answer. Al. I know, Melissa, that you are incapable of duplicity or evasion. I have promised, and now repeat the declaration, that I will silently submit to your decision. This you have engaged to make, and this is the time you have appointed. The pains of present suspense can scarcely be surpassed by the pangs of disappointment. On your part ALONZO AND MELISSA.: 27 you have nothing to fear. I trust you have candidly determined, and will decide explicitly. Mel. (sighing.) I am placed in an exceedingly delicate situation. Al. I know you are; but your own honour, your own peace, require that you should extricate yourself from the perplexing embarrassment. Mel. I am sensible they do. It mustit shall be done. Al. And the sooner it is done the better. Mel. That I am convinced of. I now know that I have been inadvertently indiscreet. I have admitted the addresses of Beauman and yourself, without calculating or expecting the consequences. You have both treated me honourably, and with respect. You are both on equal grounds as to your character and standing in life. With Beauman I became first acquainted. As it relates to him, some new arrangements have taken place since you were here, which-. Al. (interrupting her, with emotion.) Ot those arrangements I am acquainted. Mel. (surprised.) By what means were you informed thereof? Al. I received it from a friend in your neighbourhood. A considerable pause ensued. 28 ALONZO AND MELISSA. Al. You see, Melissa, I am prepared for the event.-She was silent. Al. I have mentioned before, that, whatever be your decision, no impropriety can attach to you. I might not, indeed, from various circumstances, and from the information I possess, I perhaps should not, have given you farther trouble on the occasion, had it not been from your own direction and appointment. And I am now willing to retire without further explanation, without giving you the pain of an express decision, if you think the measure expedient. Your declaration can only be a matter of form, the consequence of which I know, and my proposition may save your feelings. Mel. No, Alonzo; my reputation depends on my adherence to my first determination; justice to yourself and to Beauman also demand it. After what has passed, I should be considered as acting caprieiously and inconsistently, should I depart from it. Beauman will be here to-morrow, andAl. To-morrow, madam? Mel. He will be here to-morrow, and you must consent to stay with us until that time; the matter shall then be decided. Al. I-yes-it shall be as you say, madam. Make your arrangements as you please. AJONZO AND MELISSA. 29 Evening had now spread her dusky mantle over the face of nature. The stars glistened in the sky. The breeze's rustling wing was in the tree. The "slitty sound" of the low murmuring brook, and the far off water-fall, were faintly heard. The twinkling fire-fly arose from the surrounding verdure and illuminated the air with a thousand transient gleams. The mingling discordance of curs and watch-dogs echoed in the distant village, from whence the frequent lights darted their palely lustre thro' the gloom. The solitary whippoorwills stationed themselves along the woody glens, the groves and rocky pastures, and sung a requiem to departed summer. A dark cloud was rising in the west, across whose gloomy front the vivid lightning bent its forky spires. Alonzo and Melissa moved slowly to the village; she appeared enraptured with the melancholy splendours of the evening, but the other subject engaged the mental attention of Alonzo. Beauman arri*d the next day. He gave his hand to Alonzo with seeming warmth of friendship. If it was reciprocated, it must have been affected. There was no alteration in the manners and conversation of Melissa: her conversation, as usual, was sprightly and interesting. After dinner she retired, and her father requested Alonzo 3* 30 ALONZO AND MELISSA. and Beauman to withdraw with him to a private room. After they were seated, the old gentlemen thus addressed them: " I have called you here, gentlemen, to perform my duty as a parent to my daughter, and as a friend to you. You are both suitors to Melissa; while your addresses were merely formal, they were innocent; but when they became serious they were dangerous. Your pretensions I consider equal, and between honourable pretenders, who are worthy of my daughter, I shall not attempt to influence her choice. That choice, however, can rest only on one: she has engaged to decide between you. I am come to make, in her name, this decision. The following are my terms:-No quarrel or difficulty shall arise between you, gentlemen, in consequence of her determination. Nothing shall go abroad respecting the affair; it shall be ended under my roof. As soon as I have pronounced her declaration, you shall both depart and absent my house for at least two weeks, as it would be improper for my daughter to see either of you at present: after that period I shall be appy to receive your visits. "-Alonzo and Beauman pledged their honour to abide implicitly by these injunctions. Her father then observed-"This, gentlemen, is all I require. ILhave observed that 1 considered ALONZO AND MELISSA. 31 your pretensions equal: so has my daughter treated them. You have both made professions to her; she has appointed a time to answer you. That time has arrived, and I now inform you that she has decided in favour of-Alonzo." The declaration of Melissa's father burst upon the mental powers of Beauman, like a sudden and tremendous clap of thunder on the deep and solemn silence of night. Unaccustomed to disappointment, he had calculated on success. His addresses to the ladies had ever been honourably received. Melissa was the first whose charms were capable of rendering them sincere. He was not ignorant of Alonzo's attention to her: it gave him however but little uneasiness. He believed that his superior qualifications would eclipse the pretensions of his rival. He considered himself a connoisseur in character, especially in the character of the ladies. He conformed to their taste; he flattered their foibles, and obsequiously bowed to the minutia of female volatility. He considered himself skilled in the language of the heart; and he trusted that from his pre-eminent powers in the science of affection, he had only to see, to sue and to conquer. He had frankly offered his hand to Melissa, and pressed her for a decisive answer. This from time to time she suspen 32 ALONZO AND MELISSA. ded, and finally appointed a day to give him and Alonzo a determinate answer, though neither knew the arrangements made with the other. Finding, however, the dilemma in which she was placed, she had previously consulted her parents. Her father had no objection to her choosing between two persons of equal claims to affluence and reputation; this choice she had made, and her father was considered the most proper person to pronounce it. When Beauman had urged his suit to Melissa, he supposed that her hesitations, delays and suspensions, were only the effects of maiden diffidence and timidity. He had no suspicions of her ultimately rejecting it; and when she finally named the day of decision, he was confident she would decide in his favour. These sentiments he had communicated to the person who had written to Alonzo, intimating that Melissa had fixed a time which was to crown his happiest wishes. He had listened therefore attentively to the words of Melissa's father, momentarily expecting to hear himself declared the favourite choice of the fair. What then must have been his disappointment when the name of Alonzo was pronounced instead of his own! The highly fin ALONZO AND MELISSA. 33 ished scene of pleasure and future prosperity which his ardent imagination had depicted, had vanished in a moment. The rainbow glories which gilded his youthful horizon, had faded in an instant-the bright sun of his early hopes had set in mournful darkness. The summons of death would not have been more unexpected, or more shocking to his imagination. Very different were the sensations which inspired the bosom of Alonzo. He had not even calculated on a decision in his own favour. He believed that Beaumnan would be the choice of Melissa. She had told him that the form of decision was necessary to save appearances: with this form he complied because she desired it, not because he expected the result would be in his favour. He had not therefore attended to the words of Melissa's father with that eagerness which favourable anticipations commonly produce. But when his name was mentioned; when he found he was the choice-the happy favourite of Melissa's affection, every tender passion of his soul became interested, and was suddenly aroused to the refinements of sensibility. Like an electric shock, it reanimated his whole frame, and vibrated every nerve of his heart. The glooms which hung about his mind were dissipated, and B 34 ALONZO AND MELISSA. the bright morning of joy broke in upon his soul. Thus were the expectations of Alonzo and Beauman disappointed-how differently, the sequel has shown. Melissa's father retired immediately after pronouncing the declaration; the two young gentlemen also soon after withdrew. Alonzo saw the tempest which tore the bosom of his rival, and he pitied him from his heart. A fortnight passed, and Alonzo felt all that anxiety and impatience which a separation from a beloved object can produce. He framed a thousand excuses to visit Melissa, yet he feared a visit might be premature. He was, however, necessitated to' make a journey to a distant part of the country, after which he resolved to see Melissa. He performed his business, and was returning. It was toward evening, and the day had been uncommonly sultry for the autumnal season. A rising shower blackened the western hemisphere; the dark vapour ascended in folding ridges, and the thunder rolled at a distance. Alonzo saw he should be overtaken. He discovered an elegant seat about one hundred yards distant from the road; thither he hastened to gain shelter from the approaching storm. The owner of the mansion met him at the door, politely invited him to alight and walk in, ALONZO AND MELISSA. 35~ while a servant stood ready to, take his horse. He was ushered into a large room neatly furnished, where the family and several young ladies were sitting. As Alonzo glancýed his eyes hastily around the room, h( thought he recognized a familiar countenance. A hurried succession of confused ideas for a moment crossed his recollection. In a moment he discovered that it was Me-. lissa. By this unexpected meeting they were both completely embarrassed. Melissa, however, arose, and in rather a confused manner, introduced Alonzo, as the class-..mate -of her brother, to the family of Mr. Simpson and the company. The ra~in continued most part of the afternoon. Alonzo was invited, and consented to stay all night. A moon-.ight evening succeeded the shower, -which invited- the -young people to walk in an adjoining garden. -'Melissa told Alonzo that Mr. Simp-. son was a distant relative of her father,; his family consisted of his wife,' two amiable daughters, not far from Melissa's age, and one son, named William, ab~t seventeen years old. -She had been invited there to pass a week, and expected to return within two days. And she adde.1, smiling, "per-. haps, Alonzo, we m~ay have an opportunity once more to visit the6 bower on my- prospect hill, before winter entirely destroys the 36 ALONZO AND MELISSA. remaining beauties of the summer." Alonzo felt all the force of the remark. He recollected the conversation when they were last at the place she mentioned; and he well remembered his feelings on that occasion. " Great changes, indeed, he replied, have taken place since we were last there: that they are productive of unexpected and unexampled happiness to me, is due, Melissa, to you alone." Alonzo departed the next morning, appointing the next week to visit Melissa at her father's house. Thus were the obstacles removed which presented a barrier to the united wishes of Alonzo and Melissa& They Lad not, it is true, been separated by wide seas, unfeeling parents, or the rigorous laws of war; but troubles, vexations, doubts and difficulties, had thus far attended them, which had now disappeared, and they calculated on no unpropitious event which might thwart their future union. All the time that Alonzo could spare from his studies was devoted to Melissa, andktheir parents began to calculate on joining their hands as soon as Alonzo's professional term of study was completed. The troubles which gave rise to the disseveration of England from America had already commenced, which broke out the ensuing spring into actual hostilities, by the ALONZO AND MEL'SSA. 37 battle at Lexington, followed soon after by the battle at Bunker Hill. The panic and general bustle which took place in America on these events, is yet well remembered by many. They were not calculated to impress the mind of Melissa with the most pleasing sensations. She foresaw that the burden of the war must rest on the American youth, and she trembled in anticipation for the fate of Alonzo. He, with others, should the war continue, must take the field, in defence of his country. The effects of such a separation were dubious and gloomy. Alonzo and she frequently discoursed, and they agreed to form the mystic union previous to any wide separation. One event tended to hasten this resolution. The attorney in whose office Alonzo was clerk, received a commission in the new raised American army, and marched to the lines near Boston. His business was therefore suspended, and Alonzo returned to the house of his father. He considered that he could not long remain a nWere spectator of the contest, and that it might soon be his duty to take the field; he therefore concluded it best to hasten his marriage with Melissa. She consented to the proposition, and their parents made the necessary arrangements for the event. They had even fixed upon the place which was to be the 4 38 ALONZO AND MELISSA. future residence of this happy couple. It was a pleasantly situated village, surrounded by rugged elevations, which gave an air of serenity and seclusion to the valley they encircled. On the south arose a spacious hill, which was ascended by a gradual acclivity; its sides and summit interspersed with orchards, arbours, and cultivated fields. On the west, forests unevenly lifted their rude heads, with here and there a solitary field, newly cleared, and thinly scattered with cottages. To the east, the eye extended over a soil, at one time swelling into craggy elevations, and at another spreading itself into vales of the most enchanting verdure. To the north it extended over a vast succession of mountains, wooded to their summits, and throwing their shadows over intervales of equal wilderness, till at length it was arrested in its excursions by the blue mists which hovered over mountains more grand, majestic and lofty,* A rivulet which rushed from the hills, formed a little lake on the borders of the village, which beautifully reflected the cottages from its transparent bosom. Amidst a cluster of locusts and weeping willows, rose the spire of the church, in the ungarnished decency of Sunday neat ness. Fields, gardens, meadows, and pasSome who read this doesoription will readily recognize the village here described. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 3.9 ti a were spread around the valley, and on the sides of the declivities, yielding in therr season the rich flowers, fruits and foli. age of spring, summer and autumn. The inhabitants of this modern Auvernum were mostly farmers. They were mild, sociable, moral and diligent. The produce of their own flocks and fields gave them most of their food and clothing. To dissipation they were strangers, and the luxuries of their tables were few. Such was the place for the residence of Alonzo and Melissa. They had visited the spot, and were enraptured with its pensive, romantic beauties. A site was marked out whereon to erect their family mansion. It was on a little eminence which sloped gradually to the lake, in the most pleasant part of the village. " Here, said Alonzo one day to Melissa, will we pass our days in all that felicity of mind which the chequered scenes of life admit. In the spring we will rove among the flowers. In summer, we will gather strawberries in yonder fields, or whortleberries from the adjacent shrubbery. 1 he breezes of fragrant morning, and the sighs of the evening gale, will be mingled, with the songs of the thousand various bird which frequent the surrounding groves. We will gather the bending fruits of autumn, and we will listen to the hoarse voice of 49 ALONZO AND MELISSA, winter, its whistling winds, its driving snow, and rattling hail, with delight." The bright gems of joy glistened in the eyes of Melissa. With Alonzo she anticipated approaching happiness, and her bosom beat in rapturous unison. Winter came on; it rapidly passed away. Spring advanced, and the marriage day was appointed. The spring opened with the din of preparation throughout America for defensive war. It now was found that vigorous measures must be pursued to oppose the torrent which was preparing to overwhelm the colonies, which had now been dissevered from the British empire, by the declaration of independence. The continental army was now raising, and great numbers of American youth volunteered in the service of their country. A large army of reinforcements was soon expected from England to land on our shores, and " the confused noise of the warriors, and garments rolled in blood," were already anticipated. Alonzo had received a commission in a regiment of militia, and was pressed by several young gentlemen of his acquaintance, who had entered the army, to join it also. He had an excuse. His father was a man in extensive business, was considerably past the prime of life, had a number of agents ALONZO AND MIELISSA 4 41 and clerks under him, but began to grow unlable to attend to the various and burthensome duties and demands of a mercantile life. Alonzo was his only son; his assistance therefore became necessary until, at least, his father could bring his business to a close, which hie was now about to effect. Alonzo stated these facts to his frienids; told- them that on every occasion hie should be ready to fly, to the post of dangrer when his country was invaded, and that as soon as his father's affairs should be settled, lie would, if necessary, willingly join the army. rfThe day niow rapidly approached when Alonzo wvas to make Melissa his own. Pre-. parations for the hymeneal ceremony wvere na(,king, anid invitations had already grone abroad. Edgar,- the brother of MNelissa., had entered the army in the capacity of chiaplain. He wvas soon expected hiome,, where hie intended to tarry until the consummation of the nuptials, before he set out for the camp). Letters recently received from him, informed that hie expected to be at his father's in three or four (lays. About three weeks prviu to the appointcd marriage (lay, Alonzo and Melissa one afternoon rodle ovit to the village w%' hich had been chosen for their future residence. Their carri-age stop~ped at the only inn in the 4:4 42 ALONZO AND MELISSA. place, and from thence they walked around this modern Vaucluse, charmed with the secluded beauties of its situation. They passed a little time at the spot selected for their habitation; they projected the structure of the buildings, planned the gardens, the artificial groves, the walks, the mead, the fountains, and the green retreat of the summer house, and they already saw, in anticipation, the various domestic blessings and felicities with which they were to be surrounded. They took tea at the inn, and prepared to return. It was at the latter end of the month of May, and nature was adorned in the bridal ornaments of spring; the sun was sunk behind the groves, which cast their sombre shades over the valley, while the retiring beams of day adorned the distant eastern eminences with yellow lustre. The birds sung melodiously in the groves, the air was freshened by light western breezes, bearing upon their wings all the entrancing odours of the season. Around the horizon, electric clouds raised their brazen summits, based in the black vapour of approaching night. They slowly ascended the hill south of the town, where they paused a few moments to enjoy the splendours of the evening scene. This hill, which co maaanded a ALONZO AND MELISSA. 43 prospect of all the surrounding country, the distant sound, and the adjacent towns and villages, presented to the eye, on a single view, perhaps one of the most picturesque draperies painted by nature. Alonzo attended Melissa to her father's, and the next day returned home. His father had been absent for three or four days to one of the commercial seaports, on business with some merchants with whom he was connected in trade. He returned the next day after Alonzo got home:-his aspect and hiB conversation were marked with an assumed and unmeaning cheerfulness. At supper he ate nothing, discoursed much, but in an unconnected and hurried manner, interrupted by long pauses, in which he appeared to be buried in conteimplation. After supper, he asked Alonzo if it were not possible that his marriage with Melissa could be consummated within a few days. Alonzo, startled at so unexpected a question, replied, that such a proposal would be considered extraordinary, perhaps improper. besides, when Melissa had fixed the day she mentioned that she had an uncle who lived near Charleston, in South Carolina, whose daughter was to pass the summer with Melissa, and was expected to arrive before the appointed day. It would he said, 44 ALONZO AND MELISSA, be a delicate point for him to her to anticipate the nuptials, unless he could give some cogent reasons for so doing; and at present he was not apprised that any such existed. His father, after a few moments hesitation, answered, "I have reasons, which, when told"-'here he stopped, suddenly arose, hastily walked the room in much vissible agony of mind, and then retired to his chamber. Alonzo and his mother were much amazed at so strange a proceeding. They could form no coniecture of its cause or its consequence. Alonzo passed a sleepless night His father's slumbers were interrupted. He would frequently start up in the bed, then sink in restless sleep, with incoherent mutterings, and plaintive moans. In the morn. ing, when he appeared at breakfast, his countenance wore the marks of dejection and anguish. He scarcely spoke a word, and after thl table was removed, he ordered all to with.* draw except his wife and Alonzo; when, with emotions that spoke the painful feelings of his bos)m, he thus addressed them: " For more than forty years I have toiled early and late to acquire independence and ease for myself and my family. To accomplish this, I became connected with some English importing mer 1hants in a seaport ALONZO AND MELISSA. 45 town, and went largely into the English trade. Success crowned our endeavours; on balancing our accounts two years ago, we found that our expectations were answered, and that we were now sufficiently wealthy to close business, which some proposed to do.; it was, however, agreed to make one effort more, as some favourable circumstances appeared to offer, in which we adveiitured very largely, on a fair calculation of liberal and extensive proceeds. "Before returns could be made, the war came on, embarrassments ensued, and by indubitable intelligence lately received, we tind that our property in England has been sequestered; five of our ships, laden with English goods, lying in English harbours, and just ready to sail for America, have been seized as lawful prizes. Added to this, three vessels from the Indies, laden with island produce, have been taken on their homeward bound voyage, and one lost on her return from Holland. This wreck of fortune I might have survived, had I to sustain only my equal dividend of the loss: but of the merchants with whom I have been connected, not one remains to share the fate of the event; all have absconded or secreted themselves. To attempt to compound with my creditors would be of little avail; my whole fortune will not pay one fourth 46 ALONZO AND MELISSA. of the debts; so that, compound or not, the consequence to me is inevitable ruin. " To abscond would not secure me, as most of my remaining property is vested in real estate. And even if it would, I could not consent to it: I could not consent to banish myself from my country; to flee like a felon; to skulk from society with the base view of defrauding my creditors. No, I have lived honestly, and honestly will 1 die. By fair application and long industry my wealth has been obtained; and it shall never justly be said, that the reputation of my latter days was stained with acts of baseness and meanness. I have notified and procured a meeting of the creditors, and have laid the matters before them. Some appeared favourable to me; others insinuated that we were all connected in frhudulent designs, to swindle our creditors. This I repelled with becoming spirit, and was in consequence threatened with immediate prosecution. Whatever may be the event, I had some hopes that your happiness, Alonzo, might yet be secured. Hence I proposed your union with Melissa, before our misfortunes should be promulgated. Your parents are old; a little will serve the residue of their days. With your acquirements you may make your way in life. I shall have no property to give you; but I wouk AL$NZO AND MELISSA. 47 still wish yo i to secure that which you prize far above, and without which, both honours and emoluments are unimportan4 and worthless." At this moment a loud rap at the door interrupted the discourse, and three men were ushered in, which proved to be the sheriff and his attendants, sent by the more inexorable creditors of Alonzo's father and company, to level on the pioperty of the former, which orders they faithfully executed, by seizing the lands, tenements and furniture, and finally arresting the body of the old gentleman, which was soon released by his friendly neighbours becoming bail for his appearance; but the property was soon after sold at public vendue, at less than half its value, and Alonzo's father and mother were compelled to abandon the premises, and take shelter in a little hut, belonging to a neighbouring farmer, illy and temporarily furnished by the gratuitous liberality of a few friends. We will not stop the reader to moralize on this disastrous event. The feelings of the family can better be conceived than detailed. Hurled in a moment from the lofty summit of affluence to the low and barren vale of poverty! Philosophy came to the aid of the parents, but who can realise the feelirgs of the son! Thus suddenly cut 48 ALONZO AND MELISSA. short of his prospects, not only of future independence, but even of support, what would be the event of his suit to Melissa, and stipulated marriage? Was it not probable that her father Would now cancel the contract? Could she consent to be his wife in his present penurious situation?And indeed, could he himself consent to make her his wife, to make her miserable? In this agitated frame of mind he received a letter from his friend in Melissa's neighbourhood, requesting him to come immediately to his house, whither he repaired the following day. This person had ever been the unchanging friend of Aionzo; he had heard of the misfortunes of his family, and he deeply sympathized in his distress. He had lately married and settled in life: his name was Vincent. When Alonzo arrived at the house of his friend, he was received with the same disinterested ardour he ever had been in the day of his most unbounded prosperity.After being seated, Vincent told him that the occasion of his sending for him was to propose the adoption of certain measures which he doubted not might be considered highly beneficial as it respected his future peace and happiness. " Your family misfortunes, continued Vincent, I ave reached the ears of Melissa's father. I know the ALONZO AND MELISSA. 49 old gentleman too well to believe he will consent to receive you as his son-in-law, under your present embarrassments. Money is the god to which he implicitly bows. The case is difficult, but not insurmountable. You must first see Melissa; she is now in the next room. I will introduce you in; converse with her, after which 1 will lay my plan before you." Alonzo entered the room; Melissa was sitting by a window which looked into a pleasant garden, and over verdant meadows whose tall grass waved to the evening breeze. Farther on, low vallies spread their umbrageous thickets, where the dusky shadows of night had begun to assemble. On high hills beyond, the tops of lofty forests, majestically moved by the billowy gales, caught the sun's last ray. Fleecy summer clouds hovered around the verge of the western horizon, spangled with silvery tints or fringed with the gold of evening. A mournfully murmuring rivulet purled at a little distance from the garden, on the borders of a small grove, from whence the American wild dove wafted her sympathetic moaning to the ear of Melissa. She sat leaning on a small table by the window, which was thrown up. Her attention was fixed. She did not perceive Vincent and Alonzo as they egtered. They advanced 5 C 50 ALONZO AND MELISSA. towards her. She turned, started, and arose. With a melancholy smile, and tremulous voice, " I supposed, she said, that it was Mrs. Vincent who was approaching, as she has just left the room." Her countenance appeared dejected, which, on seeing Alonzo, lighted up into a languid sprightliness. It was evident she had been weeping. Vincent retired, and Alonzo and Melissa seated themselves by the window., I have broken in upon your solitude, perhaps, too unseasonably, said Alonzo. It is however, the fault of Vincent:-he invited me to walk into the room, but did not inform me that you were alone." "Your presence was sudden and unexpected, but not unseasonable, replied Melissa. I hope that you did not consider any formality necessary in your visits, Alonzo." Alonzo. I once did not think so. Now I know not what to think-I know not how to act. Ycu have heard of the misfortunes of my father's family, Melissa? Mel. Yes; I have heard the circumstances attending that event-an event in which no one could be more deeply interested, except the immediate sufferers, than myself. Al. Your father is also acquainted with my present situation? Mel. He is. ALONZO AND MELISSA. '51 AL. How did he receive the intelligence? Mel. With deep regret. # Al. And forbade you to admit my ad-. dresses any longer? Mel. No, not absolutely. Al. If even in -an unqualified or indirect manner, it is proper I should know it. Mel. It certainly is. Soon after we received the intelligence of your family misfortunes, my father came into! the ro~om where I was sitting; "1Melissa, said he, your conduct has ever been that of a dutiful child; mine, of an indulgent parent.-My first, my ultimate wish, is to see my children, when settled in life, happy and honourably respected. 'For this purpose, I have Vestowed on them. a proper education, and design suitably to apportion my property between them. On their part, it is expected they will act prudently and discreetly, especially in those things which concern their futudre peace and welfare.-The principal requisite to ensure this is a proper connexion in marriage.71 Here my father pauced a considerable time, and then continued-. "I1 know, my child, that your situation is a very delicate one. Your marriage day is appointed; it was appointed unider the fairest prospects; by the failure of Alonzio's father, those prospects have become deeply darkened, if not totally obliterated. 52 ALONZO AND MELISSA. " To commit your fortune through life, to a person unable to support you, would be hazardous in the extieme. The marriage day can at least be suspended; perhaps something more favourable iay appear.At any rate, I have too much confidence in your discretion, to suppose that you will, by any rash act, bring either poverty or reproach upon yourself or your connexions." Thus spake my father, and immediately withdrew. " In our present dilemma, said Alonzq what is proper to be done?" It is difficult to determine, replied Melissa. Should my father expressly forbid our union, he will go all lengths to carry his commands into effect. Although a tender parent, he is violent in his prejudices, and resolute in his purposes. I would advise you to call at my father's house tomorrow, with your usual freedom. Whatever may be the event, I shall deal sincerely with you. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent are now my only confidants. From them you will be enable to obtain information, should I be debarred from seeing you. I am frequently here; they told me they expected you, but at what day was not known. Mrs. Vincent has been my friend and associate from my earliest years. Vincent you know. In ALONZO AND MELISSA. 53 In them we can place the utmost confidence. My reliance on Providence, I trust, will never be shaken; but my future prospects, at present, are dark and gloomy." "Let us not despair, answered Alonzo; perhaps those gloomy clouds which now hover around us, will yet be dissipated by the bright beams of joy. Innocence and virtue are the cares of Heaven. There lies my hope. To-morrow, as you propose, I will call at you father's." Melissa now prepared to return home; a whippoorwill tuned its nightly song at a tittle distance; but the sound, late so cheerfiul and sprightly, now passed heavily over their hearts. When Alonzo returned, Vincent unfolded the plan he had projected. "No sooner, said he, was I informed of your misfortunes, than I was convinced that Melissa's father would endeavour to dissolve your intended union with his daughter. I have known him many years, and however he may dote on his children, or value their happiness, he will not hesitate to sacrifice his other feelings to the acquirement of riches. It appeared that you had but one resource left. You aL d Melissa ar. now united by the most solemn ties-by every rite except those which are merely ceremonial. These I 5* 54 ALONZO AND MELISSA. would advise you to enter into, and trust to the consequences. Mrs. Vincent has proposed the scheme to Melissa; but implicitly accustomed to filial obedience, she shudders at the idea of a clandestine marriage. But when her father shall proceed to rigorous measures, she will, I think, consent to the alternative. And this measure, once adopted, her father must consent also; or, it not, you secure your own happiness, and, what you esteem more, that of Melissa." "But you must be sensible of my inability to support her as she deserves, replied Alonzo, even should she consent to it." The world is before you, answered Vin cent; you have friends, you have acquirements which will not fail you. In a country like this, you can hardly fail of obtaining a competency, which, with the other requisites, will ensure your independence and felicity." Alonzo informed Vincent what had been agreed upon between Melissa and himself, respecting his visiting hpr on the morrow; " after which, he said, we will discourse further on the subject." The next day Alonzo repaired to the house of Melissa's father. As he approached he saw Melissa sitting in a shady recess at one end of the garden near which the road passed. She was leaning with her ALONZO AND MELISSA. 55 head upon her hand, in a pensive posture; a deep dejection was depicted upon her features, which enlivened into a transient glow as soon as she saw Alonzo. She arose, met him, and invited him into the house. Alonzo was received with a cool reserve by all except Melissa. Her father saluted him with a distant and retiring bow, as he passed with Melissa to her room. As soon as they were seated, a maiden aunt, who had doubled her teens, outlived many of her suiers, and who had lately come to reside with the family, entered, and seated Lerself by the window, alternately humming a tune. and impudently staring at Alonzo, withou4 speaking a word, except snappishly, to contra dict Melissa in any thing she advanced, which the latter passed off.with only a faint smile. This interruption was not of long continuance. Melissa's father entered, and requested the two ladies to withdraw, which was instantly done. He then addressed Alonzo as follows:- "When I gave consent for you to marry my daughter, it was on the conviction that your future resources would be adequate to support her honourably and independently. Circumstances have since taken place, which render this point extremely doubtful. Parental duty and affection demand that I should know your means and prospects before I sanction 56 ALONZO AND MELISSA. a proceeding which may reduce my child to penury and to want." He paused for a reply, but Alonzo was silent. He continued-" You yourself must acknowledge, that to burthen yourself with the expense of a family; to transfer a woman from affluence to poverty, without even an object in view to provide for either, would be the height of folly and extravagance." Again he paused, but Alonzo was still silent. He proceeded-1" Could you, Alonzo, suffer life, when you see the wife of your bosom, probably your infant children, pining in misery for want of bread? And what else have you to expect if you marry in your present situation? You have friends and well wishers; but which of them will advance you four or five thousand pounds, as a gratuity? My daughter must be supported according to her rank and standing in life. Are you enabled to do this? If not, you cannot reasonably suppose that I shall consent to your marrying her. You may say that your acquirements, your prudence, and your industry, will procure you a handsome support. This well may do in single life; but to depend on these for the future exigencies of a family, is hazarding peace, honour and reputation, at a single game of chance. If, therefore, you have no resources or expectation ALONZO AND MELISSA. 57 but such as these, your own judgment will teach you the necessity of immediately relinquishing all pretensions to the hand of Melissa"-and immediately left the room. Why was Alonzo speechless through the whole of this discourse?-What reply could he have made? What were the prospects before him but penury, want, misery, and woe! Where, indeed, were the means by which Melissa was to be shielded from poverty, if connected with his fortunes. The idea was not new, but it came upon him with redoubled anguish. He arose and looked around for Melissa, but she was not to be seen. He left the house, and walked slowly towards Vincent's. At a little distance he met Melissa. who had been strolling in an adjoining avenue. He informed her of all that had passed; it was no more than they both expected, yet it was a shock their fortitude could scarcely sustain. Disappointment seidom finds her votaries prepared to receive her. Melissa told Alonzo, that her father's determinations were unchangeable; that his sister (the before mentioned maiden lady) held a considerable influence over him, and dictated the concerns of the family; and that from her, there was nothing to hope in their favour. Her mother, she said, was her ariend, but could not contradict the 58 ALONZO AND MELISSA& will of her father. Her brother would be' at home in a few days; how he would act on this occasion she was unable to say: but were he even their friend he would have but feeble influence with her father and aunt. "What is to be the end of these troubles, continued Melissa, it is impossible to foresee. Let us trust in the mercy of heaven and submit to its dispensations.11 Aionzo and Melissa,7 in their happier days, had, when absent, corresponded by letters. This method it was now thought best to relinquish. It was agreed that Alonzo should come frequently to Vincent's, where Melissa would meet him as she could find opportunities. Having concluded on this, Melissa returned home, and Alonzo to the house of his friend. Vincent, after Alonzo had related the manner of his reception at Melissa's father's, urged the plan. he had projected of a private marriage. Alonzo replied,, that even should Melissa consent to it, which he much doubted, it muist be a measure of the last resort, and adopted only when all others became fruitless. The'next morning Alonzo returned to the hut where his aged parents now dwelt. His bosom throbbed with keen anguish. His -own fate, unconnected with that of Melissa, he considered of little consequence. But ALONZO AND MELISSA. 59 their united situation tortured his soul.What was to become of Melissa, what of himself, what of his parents!-"Alas, said Alonzo, I now perceive what it is to want the good things of this life." Alonzo's father was absent when he arrived, but returned soon after. A beam of joy gleamed upon his withered countenance as he entered the house. "Were it not, Alonzo, for your unhappy situation, said he, we should once more be restored to peace and comfort. A few persons who were indebted to me, finding that I was to be sacrificed by my unfeeling creditors, reserved those debts in their hands, and have n.Jw paid me, amounting to something more than five hundred pounds. With this I have purchased a small, but well cultivated farm, with convenient tenements. I have enough left to purchase what stock and other materials I need; and to spare some for your present exigencies, Alonzo." Alonzo thanked his father for his kindness, but told him that from his former liberality he had yet sufficient for his wants, and that he should soon find business which would amply support him. " But your affair with Melissa, asked his father, how is that likely to terminate?" " Favourably, I hove, sir," answered Alonzo. He could not 60 ALONZO AND MELISSA. consent to disturb the tranquiliity of his parents by reciting his own wretchedness. A week passed away. Alonzo saw hi? parents removed to their little farm, which was to be managed by his father and a hir ed man. He saw them comfortably seated; he saw them serenely blest in the calm pleasures of returning peace, and a ray of joy illuminated his troubled bosom. "' Again the youth his wonted life regain'd, A transient sparkle in his eye obtain'd, A bright, impassion'd cheering glow, express'd The pleas'd sensation of his tender breast But soon dark glooms the feeble smiles o'erspread Like morn's gay hues, the fading splendours fled Returning anguish froze his feeling soul, Deep sighs burst forth, and tears began to roll." He thought of Melissa, from whom he had heard nothing since he last saw her.He thought of the difficulties which surrounded him. He thought of the barriers which were opposed to his happiness and the felicity of Melissa, and he set out for the house of Vincent. Alonzo arrived at the residence of Vincent near the close of the day. Vinccnt and his lady were at tea with several young ladies who had passed the afternoon with Mrs. Vincent. Alonzo cast an active glance around the company, in hopes to find Melissa, but she was not there. He was invited and accepted a,seat at table. After tea Vincent led him into an adjoining ALONZO AND MIELISSA. 61 room. "You have come in good time, said he. Something must speedily be done, or you lose Melissa forever. The day after you were here, her father received a letter from Beauman, in which, after mentioning the circumstance of your father's insolvency, he hinted that the consequence would probably be a failure of her proposed marriage with you, which might essentially injure the reputation of a lady of her standing in life; to prevent which, and to place her beyond the reach of calumny, he offered to marry her at any appointed day, provided he had her free consent. <" As Beauman, by the recent death of his father, had been put in possession of a splendid fortune, the proposition allured her father, who wrote him a complaisant answer, with an invitation to his house.He then strove to extort a promise from Melissa, that she would break off all connexion with you, see you no more, and admit the addresses of Beauman. "To this she could not consent. She urged, that by the consent of her parents she was engaged to you by the most sacred'ties, That to her father's will she had hitherto yielded implicit obedience, but that hastily to break the most solemn obligation, formed and sanctioned by his approbation and direction, was what her conscience would not 6 62 ALONZO AND MELISSA. permit her to do. Were he to command her to live single, life might be endured; but to give her hand to any except you, would be to perjure those principles of truth and justice which he himself had ever taught her to hold most inviolable.-Her father grew outrageous; charged her with disobedience, with a blind inconsiderate perverseness, by which she would bring ruin upon herself, and indelible disgrace upon her family. She answered only with her tears. Her mother interposed, and endeavoured to appease his anger; but he spurned her from him, and rushed out of the room, uttering a threat that force should succeed persuasion, if his commands were not obeyed. To add to Melissa's distress, Beauman arrived at hedfather's yesteiday; and I hope, in some measure to alleviate it. Edgar, her brother, came this morning.Mrs. Vincent has dispatched a message to inform Melissa of your arrival, and to desire her to come here immediately. She will undoubtedly comply with the invitation, if not prevented by something extraordinary. I should have written you had I not hourly expected you." Mrs. Vincent now came to the door of the room and beckoned to her husband, who went out, but immediately returned, leading i! Melissa after which he retired. ALONZO AND MELISSA* 633 4"Oh, Alonzo!" was all she could say, awl, burst into tears. Alonzo led her to a seat, gently pressed her hand, and mingled his tears with hers, but was unable to speak.Recovering at length, he begged her to moderate her grief. "1Where, said he, is your fortitude and your firmness, M elissa, which I have so often seen triumphing over afflic-. tion?"1 Her extreme anguish prevented a reply, Deeply affected and alarmed at the storm of distress which raged in her bosom, he endeavoured to console her, though consolation was a stranger to his own breast. "Let us not, Melissa, said he, increase our flood of affliction by a tide of useless sorrow. Perhaps more prosperous days are yet in reserve'for us --happiness may yet be ous. "1Never, never! s& exclaimed. Oh, what wvill become of me!"1 "Heaven cannot desert you, said Alonzo; as well might it desert its angels. This thorny and gloomy path may lead to fair fields of light and verdure. Tempests are succeeded by calms; wars end in peace; the splendours of the brightest morning arise on the wings Of blackest midnight.-Troubles will not always last. Life at most is short. Death comes to the relief of the virtuous wretched, and transports them to another and better world, where sighing and sorrows cease, 64 ALONZO AND MELISSAo and the tempestuous passions of life are known no more." The rage of grief which had overwhelmed Melissa began now to subside, as the waves of the ocean gradually cease their tumultuous commotion, after the turbulent winds are laid asleep. Deep sobs and long drawn sighs succeeded to a suffocation of tears. The irritation of her feelings had caused a more than usual glow upon her cheek, which faded away as she became composed, until a livid paleness spread itself over her features. Alonzo feared that the delicacy of her constitution would fall a sacrifice to the sorrow which preyed upon her heart, if not speedily alleviated;-but alas! where were the means of alleviation? She informed him that her father had that evening ordered her to become the wife of Beauman. He told her that her disobedience was no longer to be borne." No longer, said he, will I tamper with your perverseness: you are determined to be poor, wretched and contemptible. I will compel you to be rich, happy, and respected. You suffer the Jack-a-lantern fancy to lead you into swamps and quagmires, when, did you but follow the fair light of reason, it would conduct you to honour and real felicity. There are happiness and misery at your choice. ALOW2O AND' MELISSA*. 65 "4Marry Beauman, and you will roll in your coach, flaunt in your silks; your furnita~re and your equipage are splendid, your associates are of the first character, and your father rejoices in your prosperity. "Marry Alonzo, you sink into obscurity, are condemned to drudgery, poorly fed, worse clothed, and your. relations and acquaintances shun and despise you. The comparison I have h 'ere drawn between Beauman and Alonzo Iis A correct one; for even the wardrobe of the former is of more value than the whole fortune of the latter. " I give. you now two days to consider the matter; at the end of that time I shall kxpect your decision, and hope you will decide discrpetely. But remember that you become the wife of Beauman, or you are no longer acknowledged as my daughter." "1Thus, said Melissa, did my father pronlounce his determination, which sho okmy frame, and chilled with horror every. nerve of my heart, and immediately left me. "1My aunt added her taunts to his severities, and Beauman interfered with his ill-~ timed consolation. My mother and Edgar, irdently strove to allay the fever of my soul, ind mitigate my distress. But the stroke was almost too severe for my nature. Habituated only to the smiles of my father) how could I support his frowns?-Accus60 D 66 ALONZO AND MELISSA. tomed to receive his blessings alone, how could I endure his sudden malediction." Description would fail in painting the sen sations of Alonzo's bosom, at this recital of woe. But he endeavoured to mitigate her sorrows by the consolation of more cheering prospects and happier hours. Vincent and his lady now came into the room. They strenuously urged the propriety and the necessity of Alonzo and Melissa's entering into the bands of wedlock immediately. "The measure would be hazardous," remarked Melissa. "My circumstances"-- said Alonzo. "Not on that account, inter. rupted Melissa, but my father's displeasure- " " Will be the same, whether you marry Alonzo, or refuse to marry Beauman," replied Vincent. Her resolution appeared to be staggered. " Come here, Melissa, to-morrow evening, said Mrs. Vincent; mean time you will consider the matter, and then determine." To this Melissa assented, and prepared to return home. Alonzo walked with her to the gate which opened into the yard surrounding her father's house. It was dangerous for him to go farther. Should he be discovered with Vlelissa, even by a domestic of the family, t must increase the persecutions against her. They parted. Alonzo stood at the gate, ALONZO AND ME.LIS.SA. 67' gazing anxiously After Melissa as she walked up the long winding a venue, bordered with the odour-flowing lilac, and lofty elm, her white robes now invisible, now dimly Been as she turned the angles of the walk, until they were tot 'al-ly obscured, mingling with the gloom and darkness of the -night. "cThus, said Alonzo, thus fades the angel of peace from 'the visionary eyes of the warworn soldier, when it ascends in the dusky clouds of early morning, while he slumbers on th 'e field of recent battle.'1-With 'mournful forebodings he returned to the house of Vincent. He arose after a sleopless nights and walked into an adjoining field. He stood leaning in deep contemplation against a tree, when he heard quick footsteps behind him..He turned, and. saw Edgar approaching: in a mioment they were in each other's armas, and mingled tears. They returned to Vincent's and conversed largely on present affairs. "I1 have discoursed with my. father on the. subject,. said Edgar. I have urged him with every possible argu-- ment to relinquish hi 's determination: I fear, however, he is inflexible. "To assuage the tempest of grief which rent Melissa's b 'osom, was my next object, and in. this I trust I have not been unsuc-w cessful. You will. see her this evening, and will find her more calm, and resigned. You, 68 ALONZO AND MEi9SSA. Alonzo, must exert your fortitude. The ways of Heaven are inscrutable, but they are right., We must acquiesce in its dealings. We cannot alter its decrees. Resignation to its will, whether merciful or afflictive, is one of those eminent virtues which adorn the good man's character, and ever find a brilliant reward in the regions of unsullied splendour, far beyond trouble and the tomb.' Edgar told Alonzo that circumstances compelled him that day to depart for the army. I would advise you, said he, to remain here until your affair comes to some final issue. It must, I think, ere long, be terminated. Perhaps you and my sister may yet be happy." Alonzo feelingly expressed his gratitude to Edgar. He found in him that disinterested friendship, which his early youth had experienced. Edgar the same day departed for the army. In the afternoon Alonzo received a note from Melissa's father, requesting his immediate attendance. Surprised at the incident, he repaired there immediately. The servant introduced him into a room where Melissa's father and aunt were sitting.--- " Hearing you were in the neighbourhood, sad her father, I have sent for you, to make a proposition, which after what has taken ALONZO AND MELISSA. 69 place, I think you cannot hesitate to comply with. The occurrence of previous circumstances may lead you to suppose that my daughter is under obligations to you, which may render it improper for her to form marriage connections with any other. Whatever embarrassments your addresses to her may have produced, it is in your power to remove them; and if you are a man of honour you will remove them. You cannot wish to involve Melissa in your present penurious condition, unless you wish to make her wretched. It therefore only remains for you to give me a writing, voluntarily all pretensions to the hand of my daughter; and if you wish her to be happy, honourable, and respected in this life, this I say you will not hesitate to do." A considerable pause ensued. Alonzo at length replied, "I cannot perceive any particular advantage that can accrue from such a measure. It will neither add nor diminish the power you possess to command obedience to your will, if you are determined to command it, either from your daughter, or your servant."" There, brother," bawled the old maid, half squeaking through her nose, which was well charged with rappee, " did' nt I tell you so? I knew the fellow would not come to terms no more than will your refractory 70 ALONZO AND MELISSA. daughter. This love fairly bewitches such foolish, crack-brained youngsters. But say Mr. -, what's your name, addressing herself to Alonzo, will love heat the oven? will love boil the pot? will love clothe the back? will love--" " You will not, interrupted Melissa's father, speaking to Alonzo, it seems, consent to my proposition? I have then, one demand to make, which of right you cannot deny. Promise me that you will never see my daughter again, unless by my permission." "At the present moment I shall promise you nothing," replied Alonzo, with some warmth. "There again, said the old maid, just so Melissa told you this morning, when you requested her to see him no more. The fellow has fairly betwattled her. I wish I had him to deal with. Things wasn't so when I was a girl; I kept the rogues at a distance, I'll warrant you. I always told you, brother, what would come of your indulgence to your daughter. And I should not wonder if you should soon find the girl had eloped, and your desk robbed in the bargain."' Alonzo hastily arose: " I suppose, said he, my presence can be dispensed with." "Well, young man, said Melissa's father, ALONZO AN~ MELISSA. 71 smnce youwill not comply with any pvertures I make; since you will not accede to any terms I-propose, remember, sir, I now warn you to break off all communication and correspondence with my daughter, and to relinquish all expectations concerning her. I shall never consent to marry my daughter to a beggar." " Beggar!" involuntarily exclaimed Alonzo, and his eyes flashed in resentment.--But he recollected that it was the father of Melissa who had thus insulted him, and he suppressed his anger. He rushed out of the house, and returned to Vincent's. He had neither heard nor seen any thing of Melissa or Beauman. Night came on, and he ardently and impatiently expected Melissa. He anticipated the consolation her presence would bestow. Edgar had told him she was more composed. He doubted whether it were proper to excite anew her distress by relating his interview with her father, unless she was app raised of it. The evening passed on, but Melissa came not. Alonzo grew restless and uneasy. He looked out, then at his watch. Vincent and his lady assured him that she would soon be there. He paced the room. Still he became more impatient. He walked out on the way wlere she was expected to come. Sometimes he 72 ALONZO ATYD MELISSA. advainced hastily; at others he moved slowly; then stood motionless, listening in breath-~ less silence, momentarily expecting to dis-. c-ov~er her white form approaching.through the gloom, or to hear the sound of her foot.steps advancing amidst the darkness.. Shape-. less objects, either real or -imaginary, fre.quently crossed his sight, but, like the unre0d phantoms of night, they suddenly passed away, and were seen no more. At length he,perceived a dusky, white form advancing in'the distant dim obscurity. It drew near; his. heart beat in qluick succession; his fond hopes told him it was Melissa. The object came up, and hastily passed him, with a "cgood night, sir."1 It was a stranger in a white surtout. A-. lonzo hesitated -whether to advance or to eturn. It was possible, though not proba-. ble, that Melissa might have come some. ther way. He hastened back to Vincent's."She had not arrived. "Something extraordinary, said Mrs. Vincent, has prevented her coming. Perhaps she is ill."-Alonzo shuddered at the suggestion. He looked at his watch; it was half past eleven o'clock. Again he hastily sallied out, and'took the road to her father's. The night was exceedingly dark, and illuminated only by the feeble glimmering of the twinkling stars. When he came with. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 73 in sight of the house, and as he drew near no lights were visible-all was still and silent. He entered the yard, walked up the avenue, and approached the door. The familiar watch-dog, which lay near the threshold, fawned upon him, joyfully whining and wagging his tail. "Thou still knowest me, Curlow, said Alonzo; thou hast known me in better days; I am now poor and wretched, but thy friendship is the same." A solemn stillness prevailed all around, interrupted only by the discordance of the nightly insects, and the hooting of the moping owl from the neighbouring forest.-The dwelling was shrouded in darkness. In Melissa's room no gleam of light appeared. "They are all buried in sleep, said Alonzo, deeply sighing, and I have only to retrrt'in idisappointment.1" He turned and walked towaer.e s~treet; casting his eyes back, the blaze of a candle caught his sight. It passed rapidly along through the lower looms, now gleaming, now intercepted, as the walls or the windows intervened, and suddenly disappeared. Alonzo gazed earnestly a few moments, and hastily returned back. No noise was to be heard, no new objects were discernible.He clambered over the garden wall, and went around to the back side of the house. Here all wa solemn and silent as in front. 7 74 ALONZO AND MELISSA. 1mmediately a faint light appeared through one of the chamber windows; it grew brighter; a candle entered the chamber;- the sash was flung up, and Melissa seated herself at the window." The weather was sultry, she held a fan in her hand; her countenance, though stamp-~ ed with deep dejection, was marked with serenity, but pale as the droopi,ng lily of the valley. Alonzo placed himself directly under the window, and in a low voice called her by name. She started wildly, looked out, and fai. tly cried, "1Who's there?"1 He answered, 11 Alno" Good heavens, she exclaimed, is it you, Alonzo? I was disappointe,a in meeting you at Vincent's this evening; my father will not sliffer me to go out without attendants. I ama now constantly watched and guarded." "1Watched and guarded! replied Alonzo: At the risque of my life I will deliver you from. the tyranny with which you are oppressed.-" "1Be calm, Alonzo, said she, I think it pvill not last long. B eauman will soon depart, after which there will undoubtedly be, some alteration. Desire Mrs. Vincent to come here to-morrow; I believe they will let me see her. I can, from timne to time, inform you of passing events, so that you way know what changes take place. I amx ALONZO AND MELISSA. 75 placed under the care of my aunt, who suffers me not to step out of her sight. We pass the night in an adjoining chamber-- from whence, after she had fallen asleep, I stole out, and went down with a design of walking in the garden, but found the doors all locked and the keys taken out. I returned and raised this window for fresh air. Hark! said she; my aunt calls me. She has waked and misses me. I must fly to her chamber. You shall hear more from me to-morrow by Mrs. Vincent, Alonzo." So saying, she let down the window sash, and retired. Alonzo withdrew slowly from the place, and repassed the way he came. As he jumped back over the garden wall, he found a man standing at its foot, very, near him: after a moment's scrutiny he perceived it to be Beauman. " What, my chevalier, said he to Alonzo, such an adept in the amorous science already? Hast thou then eluded the watchful eyes of Argus, and the vigilance of the dragon!" " Unfeeling and impertinent intruder? retorted Alonzo, seizing hold of him; is it not enough that an innocent daughter must endure a merciless parent's persecuting hand, but must thou add to her misery by thy disgusting interference!p "Quit thy hold, tarquin, said Beauman. 76 ALONZO AND MELISSA. Art thou determined, after storming the fortress, to murder the garrison?" " Go, said Alonzo, quitting him; go sir, you are unworthy of my anger. Pursue thy grovelling schemes. Strive to force to your arms a lady who abh3rs you, and were it not on one account, must ever continue t6 despise and hate you." "Alonzo, replied Beauman, I perceive thou kriowest me not. You and I were rivals in our pursuit-the hand of Melissa. Whether from freak or fortune, the preference was given to you, and I retired in silence. From coincide)ce of circumstances, her father been induced to give the preference to me. My belief was, that Melissa would comply with her father's will, especially after her prospects of connecting with you were cut off by the events which ruined your fortune. You, Alonzo, have yet, I find, to learn the character of women. It has been my particular study. Melissa, now ardently impassioned by first impressions, irritated by recent disappointment, her passions delicate and vivid, her affections animated and unmixed, it would be strange, if she could suddenly relinquish primitive attachments founded on such premises, without a struggle. But remove her from your presence for one year, with only distant and uncertain prospects of see ALONZO AND MELISSA. 77 ing you again, admit me as the substitute in your absence, and she accepts my hand as f.ely as she would now receive yours. I hac no design-it was never my wish to marry her without her consent. That I believe I shall yet obtain. Under existing circumstances, it is impossible but that you must be separated for some considerable time. Then, when cool deliberation succeeds to the wild vagaries, the. electric fire of frolic fancy, she will discover the dangerous precipice, the deadly abyss to which her present conduct and inclinations lead. She will see that the blandishments, with-. out the possessions of life, must fade and die. She will discriminate between the shreds and the trappings of taste. She will prefer indifference and splendour to love and a cottage. "At present I relinquish all further persuit; to-morrow I return to New-London. When Melissa, from calm deliberation and the advice of friends, shall freely consent to yield me her hand, 1 shall return to receive i't. I came from my lodgings thie evening to declare these intentions to her father: but it being later than I was aware of, the family had gone to rest. I was about to return, when I saw alight from the chamber window, which soon withdrew. I stood a moment by the garden wall, when 7 * 78 ALONZO AND MELISSA. you approached and discovered me." So Paying, he bade Alonzo good night, and walked hastily away. " I find he knows not the character of Melissa," said Alonzo, and returned to Vincent's. The next day Alonzo told the Vincents of all that had passed, and it was agreed that Mrs. Vincent should visit at Melissa's father's that afternoon. She went at a.i early hour. Alonzo's feelings were on the rack until she returned, which happened much sooner than was expected; when she gave him and Vincent the following information: "When I arrived there, said she, I found Melissa's father and mother alone, her mother was in tears, which she endeavoured to conceal. Her father soon withdrew. After same conversation I enquired for Melissa. The old lady burst into tears, and informed me that this morning Melissa's aunt (the old maid) had invited her to ride out with her. A carriage was provided, which, after a large trunk had been placed therein, drove off with Melissa and her aunt; that Melissa's father had just been informing her that he had sent their daughter to a distant part of the country, where she was to reside with a friend until Alonzo should depart from the neighbourhood. The reason of this sudden resolution was his being ALONZO AND MELISSA. 79 informed by Beauman, that notwithstanding his precaution, Melissa and Alonzo had an interview the last evening. Where she was sent to, the old lady could not tell, but she was convinced that Melissa was not apprised of the design when she consented to go. Her aunt had heretofore been living with the relatives of the family in various parts of the state." Alonzo listened to Mrs. Vincent's relation with inexpressible agitation. He sat silent a few moments; then suddenly starting up, " I will find her if she be on the earth!" said ne, and in spite of Vincent's attempts to prevent him, rushed out of the house, flew to the road, and was soon out of sight. Melissa had not, indeed, the most distant suspicion of the designs of her father and aunt. The latter informed her that she was going to take a morning's ride, and invited Melissa to accompany her, to which she consented. She did not even perceive the trunk which was fastened on behind the carriage. They were attended by a single servant. They drove to a neighbouring town, where Melissa had frequently attended her father and mother to purchase articles of dress, &c. where they alighted at a friend's house, and lingered away the time until dinner; after which, they pre 80 ALONZO AND MELISSA. pared, as Melissa supposed, to return, but found, to her surprise, after they had entered the carriage, that her aunt oriered the driver to proceed a different way. She asked her aunt if they were not going home. " Not yet," said she. Melissa grew uneasy; she knew she was to see Mrs. Vincent that afternoon; she knew the disappointment which Alonzo must experience, if she was absent. She begged her aunt to return, as she expected the company of some ladies that afternoon. " Then they must be disappointed, child," said her aunt.Melissa knew it was in vain to remonstrate; she supposed her aunt was bent on visiting some of her acquaintance, and she remained silent. They arrived at another village, and alighted at an inn, where Melissa and hei aunt tarried, while the servaift was ordered out by the latter on some business unknown to Melissa. When they again got into the carriage she perceived several large packages and bundles, which had been deposited there since they left it. She enquired of her aunt what they contained. "Articles for family use, child," she replied, and ordered the driver to proceed. They passed along winding and solitary paths, into a bye road which led through an unfrequented wood, that opened into a ALONZO AND MELISSA. 81 rocky part of the country bordering on the Sound. Here they stopped at the only house in view. It was a miserable hut, built of logs, and boarded with slabs. They alighted from the carriage, and Melissa's aunt, handing the driver a large bunch of keys, " remember to do as I have told you," said she, and he drove rapidly away. It was with some difficulty they got into the hut, as a meagre cow, with a long yoke on her neck, a board before her eyes, and a cross piece on her horns, stood with her head in the door. On one side of her were four or five half starved squeaking pigs, on the other a flock of gaggling geese. As they entered the door, a woman who sat carding wool jumped up, " La me! she cried, here is Miss D-, welcome here again. How does madam do?" dropping a low curtsey. She was dressed in a linsey woolsey short gown, a petticoat of the same, her hair hanging about her ears, and barefoot. Three dirty, ragged children were playing about the floor, and the furniture was of a piece with the building. "Is my room in order?" enquired Melissa's aunt. " It hasn't been touched since madam was here," answered the woman, and immediately stalked away to a little back apartment, which Melissa and her aunt entered. It was small, but neatly furnished, and conE 82 ALONZO AND MELISSA. tained a single bed. This appendage had been concealed from Melissa's view, as it was the opposite side of the house from whence she alighted. "Where is John?" asked Melissa's aunt. " My husband is in the garden, replied the woman; I will call him," and out she scampered. John soon appeared, and exhibited an exact counter part of his wife. "'What does madam please to want?" said he, bowing three or four times. "I want you John," she answered, and immediately stepped into the other room, and gave some directions, in a low voice, to him and his wife. "La me! said the woman, madam a'nt a going to live in that doleful place?" Melissa could not understand her aunt's reply, but heard her give directions to "first hang on the teakettle." This done, while John and his wife went out, Melissa's aunt prepared tea in her own room. In about an hour John and his wife returned, and gave the same bunch of keys to Melissa's aunt, which she had given to the servant who drove the carriage. Melissa was involved in inscrutable mystery respecting these extraordinary proceedings. She conjectured that they boded her no good, but she could not penetrate into her aunt's designs. She frequently looked out, hoping to see the car ALONZO AND MELISSA. 83 riage return, but was disappointed. When tea was made ready, she could neither eat nor drink. After her aunt had disposed of a dozen cups of tea, and an adequate proportion of biscuit, butter and dried beef, she directed Melissa to prepare to take a walk. The sun was low; they proceeded through fields, in a foot path, over rough and uneven ways, directly towards the Sound. They walked about a mile, when they came to alarge, old fashioned, castlelike building, surrounded by a high, thick wall, and almost totally concealed on all sides from the sight, by irregular rows of large locusts and elm trees, dry prim* hedges, and green shrubbery. The gate which opened into the yard, was made of strong hard wood, thickly crossed on the outside with iron bars, and filled with old iron spikes. Melissa's aunt unlocked the gate, and they entered the yard, which was overgrown with rank grass and rushes: the avenue which led to the house was almost in the same condition. The house was of real Gothic architecture, built of rude stone, with battlements. The doors were constructed in the same *Tle botanical name of this shrub is not recollected. Tbsre were formerly a great number of prim htdges in New-Eingliaid, and other parts )f America. What is mo t temarkhble is, that they all died the year previous to the connmmlcemenc of th, A merican war. 34 ALONZO AND MELISSA. manner as the gate at which they entered the yard. They unlocked the door, which creaked heavily on its hinges, and went in. They ascended a flight of stairs, wound through several dark and empty rooms, till they came to one which was handsomely furnished, with a fire burning on the hearth. Two beds were in the room, with tables and chairs, and other conveniences for house keeping. " Here we are safe, said Melissa's aunt, as I have taken care to lock all the doors and gates after me; and here, Melissa, you are in the mansion of your ancestors. Your great grand father, who came over from England, built this house in the earliest settlements of the country, and here he resided until his death. The reason why so high and thick a wall was built round it, and the doors and gates so strongly fortified, was to secure it against the Indians, who frequently committed depredations on the early settlers. Your grandfather came in possession of this estate after his father's death: it fell to me by will, with the lands surrounding it. The house has sometimes been tenanted,, at others not It has now been vacant for a few years. The lands are rented yearly.. John, the person from whose house we last came, is my overseer and tenant. I, had a small room built, adjoining that hut, where I geno ALONZO AND MELISSA. 85 erally i aside for a week when I come to receive my rents. I have thought frequently of fitting up this place for my future residence, but circumstances have hitherto hindered my carrying the scheme into effect, and now, perhaps, it will never take place. "Your perverseness, Melissa, in refusing to comply with the wishes of your friends, has induced us to adopt the method of bringing you here, where you are to remain until Alonzo leaves your neighbourhood, at least. Notwithstanding ycur father's injunctions and my vigilance, you had a clandestine interview with him last night. So we were told by Beauman this morning, before he set off for New London, who discovered him at your window. It therefore became necessary to remove you immediately. You will want for nothing. John is to supply us with whatever is needful.You will not be long here; Alonzo will soon be gone. You will think differently; return home, marry Beauman, and become a lady." 1" My God! exclaimed Melissa, is it possible my father can be so cruel! Is he so unfeeling as to banish me from his house, and confine me within the walls of a prison, like a common malefactor?" She flung herself on the bed in a state little inferior to distraction. Her aunt told her it was 8 86 ALONZO AND MELISSA. ail owing to her own obstinacy, and because she refused to be made happy-and went to preparing supper. Melissa heard none of her aunt's observations; she lay in a stupifying agony, in sensible to all that passed. When supper was ready, her aunt endeavoured to arouse her. She started up, stared around her with a wild agonizing countenance, but spoke not a word. Her aunt became alarmed. She applied stimulants to her temples and forehead, and persuaded her to take some cordials. She remained seemingly insensible through the night: just at morning, she fell into a slumber, interrupted by incoherent moanings, convulsive startings, long drawn sighs, intermitting sobs, and by frequent, sudden and restless turnings from side to side. At length she appeared to be in a calm and quiet sleep for about an hour. About sunrise she awokeher aunt sat by her bed side. She gazed languidly about the room, and burst into tears. She wept a long time; her aunt strove to console her, for she truly began to tremble, lest Melissa's distress should produce her immediate dissolution. Towards night, however, she became more calm and resigned; but a slight fever succeeded, which kept her confined for several days, afte: which she slowly recovered. A.LONZO AND MELISSA. 87 John came frequently to the house to receive the commands of Melissa's aunt, and brought such things as they wanted. Her aunt also sometimes went home with him, leaving the keys of the house with Melissa, but locking the gate and taking the key of that with her. She generally returned before sulset. When Melissa was so far recovered as to walk out, she found that the house was situated on an eminence, about one hundred yards from the Sound. The yard was large and extensive. Within the enclosure was a spacious garden, now overrun with brambles and weeds. A few medinic'al and odoriferous herbs were scattered here and there, and a few solitary flowers overtopped the tangling briars below; but there was plenty of fruit on the shrubbery and trees. The out buildings were generally in a ruinous situation. The cemetery was the most perfect, as it was built of hewn stone and marble, and had best withstood the ravages of time. The rooms in the house were mostly empty and decaying: the main building was firm and strong, as was also the extended wall which enclosed the whole. She found that although her aunt, when they first arrived, had led her through several upper rooms to the chamber they inhabited, yet there was from thence a direct passage to the hal. 88 ALONZO AND MELISSA. The prospect was not disagreeable. West, all was wilderness, from which a brook wound along a little distance from the garden wall. North, were the uneven grounds she had crossed when she came there, bounded by distant groves and hills. East, beautiful meadows and fields, arrayed in flowery green, sloped to salt marshes or sandy banks of the Sound, or ended in the long white beaches which extended far into the sea. South, was the Sound of Long Island. Melissa passed much of her time in tracing the ruins of this antiquated place, in viewing the white sails as they passed up and down the Sound, and in listening to the songs of the thousand various birds which frequented the garden and the forest. She could have been contented here to have buried her afflictions, and for ever to retire from the world, could Alonzo but have resided within those walls. " What will he think has become of me," she would say, while the disconsolate tear glittered in her eye. Her aunt had frequently urged her to yield to her father's injunctions, regain her liberty, and marry Beauman; and she every day became more solicitous and impertinent. A subject so hateful to Melissa sometimes provoked her to tears; at other her keen resentment. She therefore, when the ALONZO AND MELISSA. 89 weather was fair, passed much of her time in the garden and adjoining walks, wishing to be as much out of her aunt's company as possible. One day John came there early in the morning, and Melissa's aunt went home with him. The day passed away, but she did not return. Melissa sat up until a late hour of the night, expecting her; she went to the gate, and found it was fast locked, returned, locked and bolted the doors of the house, went to bed and slept as soundly as she had done since her residence in the old mansion. " I have at least, she said, escaped the disgusting curtain-lecture about marrying Beauman." The next day her aunt returned. " I was quite concerned about you, child, said she; how did you sleep?" "Never better, she answered, since I have been here." "I had forgotten, said her aunt, that my rents become due this week. I was detained until late by some of my tenants; John was out, and I dare not return in the night alone. I must go back to-day. It will take me a week to settle my business. If I am obliged to stay out again I will send one of John's daughters to sleep with you.""You need not give yourself that trouble, replied Melissa; I am under no apprehension of staying here alone; nothing can get 8* 90 ALONZO AND MELISSA. into or out of these premises."-- Well, thou hast wonderful courage, child, said her aunt; but I shall be as frequently here as possible, and as soon as my business is settled, I shrll be absent no more." So saying, she bade Melissa good morning, and set off for her residence at the dwelling of John. She did not return in two days. The second night of her absence, Melissa was sitting in her chamber reading, when she heard a noise as of several people trampling in the yard below. She arose, cautiously raised the window, and looked out. It was extremely dark; she thought she might have been discovered. Her aunt came the next day, and told hei she was obliged to go into the country to collect some debts of those to whom she had rented lands: she should be gone a few days, and as soon as she returned should come there. " The keys of the house, said she, I shall leave with you. The gate I shall lock, and leave that key with John, who will come here as often as necessary, to assist you, and see if you want any thing." She then went off, leaving Melissa not dissatisfied with the prospect of her absence. Melissa amused herself in evenings by reading in the few books her aunt had brought there, and in the day, in walking around the yard and garden, or in travers ALONZO AND MELISSA. 91 ing the rooms of the antique building. In some, were the remains of ancient furniture, others were entirely empty. Cobwebs and mouldering walls were the principal ornaments left. One evening as she was about retiring to rest, she thought she heard the same trampling noise in the yard, as on a former occasion. She stepped softly to the window, suddenly raised it, and held out the candle. She listened and gazed with anxious solicitude, but discovered nothing more. All was silent; she shut the window, and in a short time went to bed. Some time in the night she was suddenly awakened by a sharp sound, apparently near her. She started in a trembling panic, but endeavoured to compose herself with the idea, that something had fallen from the shelves. As she lay musing upon the incident, she heard loud noises in the rooms below, succeeded by an irregular and confused number of voices, and presently after, footsteps ascending the stairs which led to her chamber. She trembled; a cold chilly sweat run down her face. Directly the doors below opened and shut with a quick and violent motion. And soon after she was convinced that she distinctly heard a whispering in her room. She raised herself up in the bed and cast in quisitive eyes %,2 ALONZO AND MELISSl., towards her chamber door. All was darkness-no new object was visible-no sounA was heard, and she again lay down. Her mind was too much agitated and alarmed to sleep. She had evidently heard sounds, footsteps and voices in the house, and whisperings which vtppeared to be in her room. The yard gate was locked, of which John had the key. She was confident that no person could ascend or get aver the wall of the enclosure. But if that were practicable, how was it possible that any human being could enter the house? She had the key of every door, and they were all fast locked, and yet she had heard them furiously open and shut. A thought darted into her mind,-was it not a plan which her aunt had contrived in order to frighten her to a compliance with her wishes? But then how could she enter the house without keys? This might be done with the use of a false key. But from whence did the whisperings proceed, which appeared close to her bedside? Possibly it might be conveyed through the key-hole of her chamber door. These thoughts tended in some degree, to allay her fears;they were possibilities, at least, however improbable. As she lay thus musing, a hand, cold as the icy fingers of death, grasped her arm, ALONZO AND MELISSA. 93 which lay on the outside of the bed clothes. She screamed convulsively, and sprang up in the bed. Nothing was to be seen-no noise was heard. She had not time to reflect. She flew out of the bed, ran to the fire, and lighted a candle. Her heart beat rapidly. She cast timid glances around the room, cautiously searching every corner, and examining the door. All things were in the same state she had left them when she went to bed. Her door was locked in the same manner; no visible being was in the room except herself. She sat down, pondering on these strange events. Was it not probable that she was right in her first conjectures respecting their being the works of her aunt, and effected by her agents and instrumentality? All were possible, except the cold hand which had grasped her arm. Might not this be the effect of a terrified and heated imagination? Or' if false keys had been made use of to enter the rooms below, might they not also be used to enter her chamber? But could her room be unlocked, persons enter, approach her bed, depart and re-lock the door, while she was awake, without her hearing them? She knew she could not go to sleep, and she determined not to go to bed again that night. She took up a book, but her spirits had been too much disoraered by the past 94 ALONZO AND MELISSA. scenes to permit her to read. She looked out of the window. The moon had arisen and cast a pale lustre over the landscape. She recollected the opening and shutting of the door-perhaps they were still open The thought was alarming-She opened her chamber door, and with the candle in her hand, cautiously descended the stairs, casting an inquisitive eye in every direction, and stopping frequently to listen.-She advanced to the door; it was locked. She examined the others; they were in the same situation. She turned to go up stairs, when a loud whisper echoed through the hall expressing "away! away!" She flew like lightning to her chamber, relocked the door and flung herself, almost breathless, into a chair. As soon as her scattered senses collected, she concluded that whatever had been in the house was there still. She resolved tc go out no more until day, which soon began to discolour the east with a fainter blue, then purple streaks, intermingled with a dusky whiteness, ascended in pyramidical columns the zenith; these fading slowly away, the eastern hdtizon became fringed with the golden spangles of early morn, A spot of ineffable brightness succeeded, and immediately tbr sun burst over the verge ALONZO AND MELISSA. 95 of creation, deluging the world in a flood of unbounded light and glory. As soon as the morning had a little advanced, Melissa ventured out. She proceeded with hesitating steps, carefully scrutinizing every object which met her sight. She examined every door; they were al. fast. She critically searched every room, closet, &c. above and below. She then took a light and descended into the cellar -here her inquisition was the same. Thus did she thoroughly and strictly examine and search every part of the house fr9m the garret to the cellar, but could find nothing altered, changed, or removed; no outlet, no signs of there having been any being in the nouse the evening before, except herself. She then unlocked the outer door and proceeded to the gate, which she found locked as usual. She next examined the yard, the garden, and all the out houses. Nothing could be discovered of any person having been recently there. She next walked around by the wall, the whole circle of the enclosure. She was convinced that the unusual height of the wall rendered it impossible for any one to get over it. It was constructed of several tier of hewed timbers, and both sides of it were as smooth as glass. On the top, long spikes were thickly driven in, sharpened at both ends. 9 96 ALONZO AND MELISSA. It was surrounded on the outside by a deep wide moat, which was nearly filled with water. Over this moat was a draw-bridge, on the road leading to the gate, which was drawn up, and John had the key. The events of the past night, therefore, remained inscrutable. It must be that her aunt was the agent who had managed this extraordinary machinery. She found John at the house when she returned. " Does madam want any thing to-day?" asked he. "Has my aunt returned?" enquired Melissa. "Not yet," he replied. " How long has she been gone?" she asked. "Four days, replied Jonn, after counting his fingers, and she will not be back under four or five more." " Has the key of the gate been constantly in your possession?" asked she. " The key of the gate and draw-bridge, he replied, have not been out of my possession for a moment since your aunt has been gone." "Has any person been to enquire for me or my aunt, she enquired, since I have been here?"" No, madam, said he, not a single person." Melissa knew not what to think; she could not give up the idea of false keys-perhaps her aunt had returned to her father's.-Perhaps the draw-bridge had been let down, the gate opened, and the house entered by means of false keys. Her father would as ALONZO AND MELISSA. 97 soon do this as to confine her in this solitary place; and he would go all lengths to induce her, either by terror, persuasion or threats, to relinquish Alonzo and marry Beauman. A thought impressed her mind which gave her some consolation. It was possible to secure the premises so that no person could enter even by the aid of false keys. She asked John if he would assist her that day. " In anything you wish, madam," he replied. She then directed him to go to work. Staples and iron bars were found in different parts of the building, with which he secured the doors and windows, so that they could be opened only on the inside. The gate, which swung in, was secured in the same manner. She then asked John if he was willing to leave the key of the gate and the draw-bridge with her. "Perhaps I may as well," said he; " for if you bar the gate and let down the bridge, I cannot get in myself until you let me in." John handed her the keys. "When I come," said he, " I will halloo, and you must let me in." This she promised to do, and John departed.* That night Melissa let down the bridge, SOfthe place where Melissa was confined, as described in the foregoing pages, scarce a trace now remains. By the events of the revolution, the premises fell into other hands. The mansion, out houses and walls were torn down, the cemetery level9 F 98 ALONZO AND MELISSA. locked and barred the gate, and the doors and windows of the house: she also went again over all parts of the building, strictly searchivg every place, though she was well,onvinced she should find nothing extraorAinary. She then retired to her chamber, seated herself at a western window, and watched the slow declining sun, as it leisurely sunk behind the lofty groves. Pensive twilight spread her misty mantle over the landscape; the western horizon glowed with the spangles of evening. Deepening glooms advanced. The last beam of day faded from the view, and the world was enveloped in night. The owl hooted solemnly in the forest, and the whippoorwill sung cheerfully in the garden. Innumerable stars glittered in the firmament, intermingling their quivering lustre with the pale splendours of the milky way. Melissa did not retire from the window until late; she then shut it and withdrew within the room. She determined not to go to bed that night. If she was to be visited by beings, material or immaterial, she chose not again to encounter them in darkness, or to be surprised when she was aItd, the moat filled up; the locusts and elm trees were cut down; all obstructions were removed, and the yard and garden converted into a beautiful meadow. An elegant farm-house is now erected on the place where John's hut then stood and the neighbourhood is thinly settled. ALONZO AND MELISSA, 99 sleep. But why should she fear? She knew of none she had displeased except her father, her aunt and Beauman. If by any of those the late terrifying scenes had been wrought, she had now effectually precluded a recurrence thereof, for she was well convinced that no human being could now enter the enclosure without her permission. But if supernatural agents had been the actors, what had she to fear from them? The night passed away without any alarming circumstances, and when daylight appeared she flung herself upon the bed, and slept until the morning was considerably advanced. She now felt convinced that her former conjectures were right; that it was her aunt, her father, or both, who had: caused the alarming sounds she had heard, a repetition of which had only been prevent. ed by the precautions she had taken. When she awoke, the horizon was overtlouded, and it began to rain. It continu-ed to rain until towards evening, when it cleared away. She went to the gate, and tound all things as she had left them: She returned, fastened the doors as usual, examined all parts of the house, and again went ing very drowsy, and convinced that she Ivas safe and secure, she went to bed; leav 100 ALONZO AND MELISSA. ing, however, two candles burning in the room. As she, for tvo nights, had been deprived of her usual rest, she soon fell into a slumber. She had not long been asleep before she was suddenly aroused by the apparent report of a pistol, seemingly discharged close to her heed. Awakened so instantaneously, her recollection, for a time, was confused and imperfect. She was only sensible of a strong, sulphureous scent: but she soon remembered that she had left two candles burning, and every object was now shrouded in darkness. This alarmed her exceedingly. What could have become of the candles? They must have been blown out or taken away. What was the sound she had just heard?- What the sulphureous stench which had pervaded the room?While she was thus musing in perplexity, a broad flash like lightning, transiently illuminated the chamber, followed by a long, loud, and deep roar, which seemed t9 shake the building to its centre. It did not appear like thunder; the sounds seemed to be in the rooms directly over her head. Perhaps, however, it was thunder. Perhaps a preceding clap had struck near the building, broken the windows, put out the lights, and filled the house with the electric effluvium. She listened for a rep ALONZO AND MELISSA. 101 etition of the thunder-but a very different sound soon grated on her ear. A hollow, horrible groan echoed through her apartment, passing off in a faint dying murmur. It was evident that the groan proceeded from some person in the chamber. Melissa raised herself up in the bed; a tall white form moved from the upper end of the room, glided slowly by her bed, and seemed to pass off near the foot. She then heard the doors below alternately open and shut, slapping furiously, and in quick succession, followed by violent noises in the rooms below, like the falling of heavy bodies and the crash of furniture. Clamorous voices succeeded, among which she could distinguish boisterous menaces and threatenings, and the plaintive tone of expostulation.A momentary silence ensued, when the cry of "Murder! murder! murder!!" echoed through the building, followed by the report of a pistol, and shortly after, the groans of a person apparently in the agonies of death, which grew fainter and fainter until it died away in a seemingly expiring gasp. A dead silence prevailed for a few minutes, to which a loud hoarse peal of ghastly laughter succeeded--then again all was still. But she soon heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs to her chamber door. It was now she became terrified and 9 102 ALONZO AND MELISSA. alarmed beyond any former example.--- " Gracious heaven, defend me! she exclaimed; what am I coming to!" Knowing that every avenue to the enclosure was efectiually secured; knowing that all the doors and windows of the house, as also that which opened into her chamber, were fast locked, strictly bolted and barred; aind knowing that all the keys were in her possession, she could not entertain the least doubt but the noises she had heard were produced by supernatural beings, and, she had reason to believe, of the most mischievous nature. She was now convinced that her father or her aunt could have no agency in the business. She even wished her aunt had returned. It must be exceedingly difficult to cross the moat, as the draw bridge was up; it must be still more difficult to surpass the wall of the enclosure; it was impossible for any human being to enter the house, and still more impossible to enter her chamber. While ' she lay thus ruminating in extreme agitation, momentarily expecting to have her ears' assailed with some terrific sound, a pale light dimly illuminated her chamber. It grew brighter. She raised nerself up to look towards the door;-the first object which met her eye, was a most horrible form, standing at a little distance ULONZO AND MELISSA. 103 from her bedside. Its appearance was tall nd robust, wrapped in a tattered white.obe, spotted with blood. The hair of its head was matted with clotted gore. A deep wound appeared to have pierced its breast, from which fresh blood flowed down its garment. Its pale face was gashed and gory! its eyes fixed, glazed, and glaring;its lips open, its teeth set, and in its hand was a bloody dagger. Melissa, uttering a shriek of terror, shrunk into the bed, and in an instant tie room was involved in pitchy darkness. 'A freezing ague seized her limbs, and drops of chilling sweat stood upon her face. Immediately a horrid hoarse voice burst from amidst the gloom of her apartment, " Begone! begone from this house!" The bed on which she lay then seemed to be agitated, and directly she perceived some person crawling on its foot. Every consideration, except present safety, was relinquishedI instantaneously she sprang from the bed to the floor-with convulsed grasp, seized the candle, flew to the fire and lighted it. She gazed wildly around the room-Ao new object was visible. With timid step she approached the bed; she strictly searched all around and under it, but nothing strange could be found. A thought darted into her mind to leave the house immediately and 104 ALONZO AND MELISSA. fly to John's: this was easy, as the keys of the gate and draw-bridge were in her possession. She stopped not to reconsider her determination, but seizing the keys, with the candle in her hand, she unlocked her chambe- dorr and proceeded cautiously down stairs, fearfully oasting her eyes on each side, as she tremblingiy advanced to the outer door. She hesitated a moment. To what perils was she about to expose herself, by thus venturing out at the dead of the night, and proceeding such a distance alone? Her situation she thought could become no more hazardous, and she was about to unbar the door, when she was alarmed by a deep, hollow sigh. She looked around and saw, stretched on one side of the hall, the same ghastly form which had so recently appeared standing by her bedside. The same haggard countenance, the same awful appearance of murderous death. A faintness came upon her; she turned to flee to her chamber-the candle dropped from her trembling hand, and she was shrouded in impenetrable darkness. She groped to find the stairs: as she came near their foot, a black object, appareLtly in human shape, stood before her, with eyes which seemed to burn like coals of fire, and red flames issuing from its mouth. As she stood fixed a moment in inexpressible tre ALONZO AND MELISSA. 105 pidation, a large ball of fire rolled along the all, towards the door, and burst with an explosion which seemed to rock the building to its deepest foundation. Melissa closed her eyes and sunk senseless to the floor. She revived and got to her chamber, she hardly knew how; locked her door, lighted another candle, and after again searching the room, flung herself into a chair, in a state of mind which almost deprived her of reason. Daylight soon appeared, and the cheerful sun darting its enlivening rays through the crevices and windows of the antique mansion, recovered her exhausted spirits, and dissipated, in some degree, the terrors which hovered about her mind. She endeavoured to reason coolly on the everdts of the past night, but reason could not elucidate them. Not the least noise had been heard since shle last returned to her chamber: she therefore expected to discover no traits which might tend to a disclosure of those mysteries. She consoled herself only with a fixed determination to leave the desolate mansion. Should John come there that day, he might be prevailed on to permit her to remain at her aunt's apartment in his house until her aunt should return. If he should not come before sunset, she resolved to leave the mansion and proceed there. 106 ALONZO AND MELISSA. She took some refreshment and went down stairs: she found the doors and windows all fast as she had left them. She then again searched every room in the house, both above and below, and the cellar; but she discovered no appearance of there having been any person there. Not the smallest article was displaced; every thing appeared as it had formerly been.She then went to the gate; it was locked as usual, and the draw-bridge was up. She again traversed the circuit of the wall, but found no alteration, or any place where it was possible the enclosure might be entered. Again she visited the outer buildings, and even entered the cemetery, but discovered not the least circumstance which could conduce to explain the surprising transactions of the preceding night. She however returned to her room in a more composed frame of spirit, confident that she should not remain alone another night in that gloomy, desolate, and dangerous solitude. Towards evening Melissa took her usual walk around the enclosure. It was that season of the year when weary summer is lapsing into the arms of fallow autumn.The day had been warm, and the light gales bore revigorating coolness on their wings as they tremulously agitated the foliage of the western forest, or fluttered among the ALONZO AND MELISSA'.107 branches of the trees surrounding the mansion. The green splendours of spring had begun to fade into a yellow lustre, the flowery verdure ofthe fields was changed to a russet hue. A robin chirped on a neighbouring oak, a wren chattered beneath, swallows twittered around the decayed buildings, the ludicrous mocking bird sung sportively from the top of the highest elm. and the surrounding groves rung with vary ing, artless melody; while deep in the adjacent wilderness the woodcock, hammering on some dry and blasted trees, filled the woods with reverberant echoes. The Sound was only ruffled by the lingering breezes, as they idly wandered over its surface. Long Island, now in possession of the British troops, was thinly enveloped in smoky vapour; scattered along its shores lay the numerous small craft and larger ships of the hostile fleet. A few skiffs were passing and repassing the Sound, and several American gun-boats lay off a point which jutted out fromn the main land, far to the eastward. Numberless summer insects mingled their discordant strains amidst the weedy herbage. A heavy black cloud was rising in the north west, which seemed to portend a shower, as the sonorous, distant thunder was at long intervals distinctly heard. 108 ALONZO AND MELISSA. Melissa walked around the yard, contemplating the varying beauties of the scene: the images of departed joys-the days when Alonzo had participated with her in admiring the splendours of rural prospects, raised in her bosom the sigh of deep regret. She entered the garden and traversed the alleys, now overgrown with weeds and tufted knot-grass. The flower beds were choaked with the low running bramble and tangling five-finger; tall, rank rushes, mullens and daisies, had usurped the empire of the kitchen garden. The viny arbour was broken, and principally gone to decay; yet the " lonely wild rose" blushed mournfully amidst the ruins. As she passed from the garden she involuntarily stopped at the cemetery: she paused in serious reflection: -" Here, said she, in this house of gloom rest, in undisturbed silence, my honourable ancestors, once the active tenants of yonder mansion. Then, throughout these solitary demesnes, the busy occurrences of life glided in cheerful circles. Then, these now moss-clad alleys, and this wild weedy garden, were the resort of the fashionable and the gay. Then, evening music floated -over the fields, while yonder halls and apartments shone in brilliant illumination. Now all is sad, solitary and dreary, the haunt of spirits and spectres of nameless terror. All ALONZO AND MELISSA. 109 that now remains of the head that. formed, the hand that executed, and the bosom that relished this once happy scenery, is now, alas, only a heap of dust." She seated herself on a little hillock, under a weeping willow, which stood near the cemetery, and watched the rising shower, which ascended in gloomy pomp, half hidden behind the western groves, shrouding the low sun in. black vapour, while coming thunders more nearly and more awfully rolled. The shrieking night hawk* soared high into the air, mingling with the lurid van of the approaching storm, which widening, nore rapidly advanced, until "the heav* ens were arrayed in blackness." The lightning broader and brighter flashes, hurling down its forky streaming bolts far in the wilderness, its flaming path followed by the vollying artillery of the skies. Now bending its long, crinkling spires over the vallies, now glimmering along the summit of the hills. Convolving clouds poured smoky volumes through the expansion a deep, hollow, distant roar, announced the approach of" summoned winds." The whole forest bowed in awful grandeur, as from its dark bosom rushed the impetuous hurricane, twisting off, or tearing up 'Supposed to be the male whippoorwill; well known in the New-Englani staLtea nd Waswering to the above peculiaitwy. 10 110 ALONZO AND MELISSA.D by the roots, the stoutest trees, whirling.the heaviest branches through the air with irresistible fury. It dashed upon the sea, tossed it into irregular mountains, or mingled its white foamy spray with the gloom of the turbid skies. Slant-wise, th~e large heavy drops of rain began to desce~nd. Melissa hastened to the mansion; as she reached the door a very brilliant flash of lightning, accompanied by a tremendous explosion, alarmed her. A thunder bolt had entered a large elm tree -within the enclosure, -and with a horrible crash, had shivered it from 'top to bottom. She unlocked the door and hurried io her chamber. Deep night now filled the atmosphere; the rain poured in torrents, the wind rocked the building, and bellowed 'in th-e adjacent groves: the sea raged and roared, fierce lightnings rent the heavens, alternately involving the world in the sheeted flame of its many coloured fires; thunders ' rolled awfully around the firmament, or burst with horrid din, bounding and reverberating aLmong the surrounding woods, hills and vallies. It seemed nothing less than the crash of worlds sounding through the universe. Melissa walked her room, listening to the wild commotion of the elements. She feared that if the. storm continued, she should ALONZO AND MELISSA. 111 be compelled to pass another night in the lone mansion: if so, she resolved not to go to bed. She now suddenly recollected that in her haste to regain her chamber, she had forgotten to lock the outer door. The shock she had received when the lightning demolished the elm tree, was the cause of this neglect. She took the candle, ran hastily down, and fastened the door. As she was returning, she heard footsteps, and imperfectly saw the glance of something coming out of an adjoining room into the hall. Supposing some ghastly object was approaching, she averted her eyes and flew to the stairs. As she was ascending them, a voice behind her exclaimed, " Gracious heaven! Melissa!" The voice agitated her frame with a confused, sympathetic sensation. She turned, fixed her eyes upon the person who had spoken; unconnected ideas floated a moment in her imagination: " Eternal powers! she cried, it is Alonzo." Alonzo and Melissa were equally surprised at so unexpected a meeting. They could scarcely credit their own senses.How he had discovered her solitude-what led him to that lonely place-how he had got over the wall-were queries which first arose in her mind. He likewise could not conceive by what miracle he should find her in a remote, desolate building, which 112 ALONZO AND MELISSA. he had supposed to be uninhabited. With rapture he took her trembling hand; tears of joy choaked their utterance. "You are wet, Alonzo, said Melissa at length; we will go up to my chamber; I have a fire there, where you can dry your clothes."-" Your chamber; replied Alonzo who then inhabits this house?" " No one ex eept myself, she answered; I am here a lone, Alonzo." " Alone! he exclaimed-- here alone, Melissa! Good God! tell me how-why-by what means are you here alone?" "Let us go up to my chamber, she replied, and I will tell you all." He followed her to her apartment and seated himself by the fire. ' You want refreshment," said Melissa--which was indeed the case, as he had been long without any, and was wet, hungry and weary. She immediately set about preparing tea. and soon had it ready, and a comfortable repast was spread for his entertainment.And now, reader, if thou art a child of nature, if thy bosom is susceptible of refined sensibility, contemplate for a moment, Melissa and Alonzo seated at the same table, a table prepared by her own hand, in a lonely mansion, separated from society, and no one to interrupt them. After innumerable difficulties, troubles and perplexities; after vexing embarrassments, and a cruel sopara ALONZO AND MELISSA. 113 tion, they were once more together, and for some time every other consideration was lost. The violence of the storm had not abated. The lightning still blazed, the thunder bellowed, the wind roared, the sea raged, the rain poured, mingled with heavy hail: Alonzo and Melissa heard a little of it. She told him all that had happened to her since they parted, except the strange noises and awful sights which had terrified her during her confinement in that solitary building: this she considered unnecessary and untimely, in her present situation. Alonzo informed her, that as soon as he had learned the manner in which she had been sent away, he left the house of Vincent"and went to her father's to see if he could not find out by some of the domestics what course her aunt had taken. None of them knew any thing about it. He did not put himself in the way of her fAther, as he was apprehensive of ill treatment thereby. He then went to several places among the ielatives of the family where he had heretofore visited with Melissa, most of whom received him with a cautious coldness. At length he came to the house of Mr. Simpson, the gentleman to whose seat Alonzo was once driven by a shower, where he accidentally found Melissa on a visit, as,mentioned before. Here he was admitted 10 * G 114 ALONZO AND MELISSA. with the ardour of friendship. They had heard his story: Melissa had kept up a correspondence with one of the young ladies; they were therefore informed of all, except Melissa's removal from her father's house: of this they knew nothing until told thereof by Alonzo. " I am surprised at the conduct of my kinsman, said Mr. Simpson; for though his determinations are, like the laws of the Medes and Persians, unalterable, yet I have ever believed that the welfare of his children lay nearest his heart. In the present instance he is certainly pursuing a mista ken policy. I will go and see him." He then ordered his horse, desiring Alonzo to remain at his house until he returned. Alonzo was treated with the most friendly politeness by the family; he found that they were deeply interested in his favour and the welfare of Melissa. At evening Mr. Simpson returned. " It is in vain, said he, to reason with my kinsman; he is determined that his daughter shall marry your rival. He will not even inform me to what place he has sent Melissa, Her aunt however is with her, and they ntust be at the residence of som i of the faai ly relatives.I will dispatch my,on WV Aiam among our eonnections, to see it ne can find her out." The next morning William departed, and ALONZO AND MELISSA. 115 was gone two days; but could not obtain the least intelligence either of Melissa or her aunt, although he had been the rounds among the relations of the family. "There is some mystery in this affair, said Mr. Simpson. I am very little acquainted with Melissa's aunt. I have understood that she draws a decent support from her patrimonial resources, which, it is said, are pretty large, and that she resides alternately with her different relatives. I have understood also that my kinsman expects her fortune to come into his family, in case she never marries, which, in all probability, she now will not, and that she, in consequence, holds considerable influence over him. It is not possible but that Melissa is yet concealed at some place of her aunt's residence, and that the family are in the secret. I think it cannot be long before they will disclose themselves: You, Alonzo, are welcome to make my house your home; and if Melissa can be found, she shall be treated as my daughter." Alonzo thanked him for his friendship and fatherly kindness. " I must continue, said he, my researches for Melissa; the result you shall know." He then departed, and travelled through the neighbouring villages and- adjoining 116 ALONZO AND MELISSA, neighbourhoods, making, at almost every house, such enquiries as he considered necessary on the occasion. He at. length arrived at the inn in the last little village where Melissa and her aunt had stopped the day they came to the mansion. Here the inn-keeper informed him that two i'adies, answering his description, had been at his house: he named the time, which was the day in which Melissa, with her uunt, left her father's house. The inn-keeper told him that they purchased some articles in the village, and drove off to the south. Alonzo then traversed the country adj-oining the Sound, far to the westward, and was returning eastward, when he was overtaken by the shower. No house being within sight, be betook himself to the forest for shelter. From a little hilly glade in the wilderness, he discovered the lonely mansion which, from its appearance, he very naturally supposed to be uninhabited.-- The tempest soon becoming severe, he thought he would endeavour to reach the house. When he arrived at the moat, he found It impossible to cross it, or ascend the wall; and h.e stood in momentary jeopardy of his life, from the falling timber, some of which was broken and torn up by the tornado, and some splintered by the fiery bolts of hea ALONZO AND MELISA 11 117 ven. At length a large tree, which.stood near him, on the verge of the mooat, or rather in that. place, was hurled from its foun-. dation, and fell, with a hideous crash, across the moat, its top lodging on the wall. He scrambled up on the trunk, and made his way on the wall. By the incessant glare of lighatning he was able. to see distinctly. The top of the tree was partly broken by the force of its fall, and hung down the other side of the wall. By these branches he let himself down into the yard, proceeded to the house, found the door open, which Melissa had left in'her fright, and entered into one of the rooms, where he proposed to stay until at least the shower was over, still supposing the house unoccupied, until the noise of locking the door, and the light of the candle, drew him from the room, when, to his infin'ite surprise, he discovered Mielissa, as before related. Melissa listened to Alonzo with varied emotion. The fixed obduracy of her father, the generous conduct ot- the Sin-psons, the constancy of.A1I~nzo, filled her heart with inexpressible sensations. She foresaw that her sufferings were not sh(,rtly to endshe knew not when her sorrows were to close. Alon'zo was shoc' ked at the alteration which appeared in the features of Mleissa. 118 ALONZO AND MELISSA. The rose had faded from her cheek, except when it was transiently suffused with a hectic flush. A livid paleness sat upon her countenance, and her fine form was rapidly wasting. It was easy to be foreseen that the grief which preyed upon her heart would soon destroy her, unless speedily allayed. The storm had now passed into the regions of the east; the wind and rain had ceased, the lightning more unfrequendy 4lashed, and the thunder rolled at a distance. The hours passed hastily;-day would soon appear. Hitherto they had been absorbed in the present moment; it was time to think of the future. After the troubles they had experienced; after so fortunate a meeting, they could not endure the idea of another and immediate separation. And yet immediately separated they must be. It would not be safe for Alonzo to stay even until the rising sun, unless he was concealed; and of what use could it be for him to remain there in concealment? In this dilemma there was but one expedient. "Suffer me, said Alonzo to Melissa, to remove yout from this solitary confinement. Your health is impaired. To you, your father is no more a father; he has steeled his bosom to paternal affection; he ALONZO AND MELISSA. 119 has banished you from his house, placed you under the tyranny of others, and confined you in a lonely, desolate dwelling, far from the sweets of society; and this only because you cannot heedlessly renounce a most solemn contract, formed under his eye, and sanctioned by his immediate consent and approbation. Pardon me, Melissa, I would not censure your father; but permit me to say, that after such treatment, you are absolved from implicit obedience to his rigorous, cruel, and stern commands.It will therefore be considered a duty you owe to your preservation, if you suffer me to remove you from the tyrannical severity with which you are oppressed." Melissa sighed, wiping a tear which fell from her eye. "Unqualified obedience to my parents, said she, I have ever considered the first of duties, and have religiously practised thereon-- but where, Alonzo, would you remove me?" "To any place you shall appoint," he answered. "I have no where to go," she replied. If you will allow me to name the place, said he, I will mention Mr. Simpson's. He will espouse your cause and be a father to you, and, if conciliation is possible, will reconcile you to your father. This can be done without my being known to have any agency in the business. It can seem as if 120 ALONZO AND MELISSA. Mr. Simpson had found you out. He will go any just lengths to serve us. It was his desire, if you could be found, to have you brought to his house. There you can remain either in secret or openly, as you shall choose. Be governed by me in this, Melissa, and in all things I will obey you thereafter. I will then submit to the future events of fate; but I cannot MelissaI cannot leave you in this doleful place." Melissa arose and walked the room in extreme.agitation. What could she do? She had, indeed, determined to leave the house, for reasons which Alonzo knew nothing of. But should she leave it in the way she had proposed, she was not sure but she would be immediately remanded back, more strictly guarded, and more severely treated. To continue there, under existing circumstances, would be impossible, long to exist. She therefore came to a determination -" I will go, she said, to Mr. Simpson's." It was then agreed that Alonzo should proceed to Vincent's, interest them in the plan, procure a carriage, and return at eleven o'clock the next night. Melissa was to havethe draw-bridge down, and the gate open. If John should come to the house the succeeding day, she would persuade him to let her still keep the keys. But it was possible her aunt might return. This ALONZO' AND MELISSA. 1G1 would render the execution of the scheme more hazardous and difficult. A signal was therefore agreed on; if her aunt should be there, a candle was to be placed at the window fronting the gate, in the room above; if not, it was to be placed against a similar window in the room below. In the first case Alonzo was to rap loudly at the door. Melissa was to run down, under pretence of seeing who was there, fly with Alonzo to the carriage, and leave her aunt to scrape acquaintance with the ghosts and goblins of the old mansion. For even if her aunt should return, which was extremely doubtful, she thought she could contrive to let down the bridge and unlock the gate in the evening without her knowledge. At any rate she was determined not to let the keys go out of her hands, unless they were forced from her, until she had escaped from that horrid and dreary place. Daylight began to break from the east, and Alonzo prepared to depart. Melissa accompanied him to the gate and the bridge, which was let down: he passed over, and she slowly withdrew, both frequently turning to look back. When she came to the gate, she stopped;-Alonzo stopped also. She waved a white handkerchief she had in her hand, and Alonzo bowed in answer to the sign. She then leis 122 ALONZO AND MELISSA. urely entered and slowly shut the gate.Alonzo could not forbear climbing up into a tree to catch another glimpse of her as she passed up the avenue. With lingering step he saw her move along, soon receding from his view in the gray twilight of misty morning. He then descended, and hastily proceeded on his journey. Traits of glory now painted the eastern skies. The glittering day-star, having unbarred the portals of light, began to transmit its retrocessive lustre. Thin scuds flew swiftly over the moon's decrescent form. Low, hollow winds, murmured among the bushes, or brushed the limpid drops from intermingling foliage. The fire-fly* sunk, feebly twinkling, amidst the herbage of the fields. The dusky shadows of night fled to the deep glens, and rocky caverns of the wilderness. The American lark soared high in the air, consecrating its matin lay to morn's approaching splendours. The woodlands began to ring with native melody-. the forest tops, on high mountains, caught the sun's first ray, which, widening and extending, soon gem'd the landscape with brilliants of a thousand various dies. As Alonzo came out of the fields near the road, he saw two persons passing in an open chair. They suddenly stopped, earn*The Amercan laupyrip, vulgarly called thelightning-bui. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 123 ea y gazing at him. They were wrapped in long riding cloaks, and it could not be distinguished from their dress whether they were men or women. He stood not to notice them, but made the best of his way to Vincent's, where he arrived about noon. --Rejoiced to find that he had discovered Melissa, they applauded the plan of her removal, and assisted him in obtaining a carriage. A sedan was procured, and he sat out to return, promising to see Vincent again, as soon as he had removed Melissa to Mr. Simpson's. He made such use of his time as to arrive at the mansion at the hour appointed. He found the draw-bridge down, the gate open, and saw, as had been agreed upon, the light at the lower window, glimmering through the branches of trees. He was therefore assured that Melissa was alone. His heart beat a joyful tremor seized his frame; Melissa was soon to be under his care, for a short time at least.He drove up to the house, sprang out of the carriage, and fastened his horse to a locust tiee: The door was open; he went in, flew lightly up stairs, entered her chamber-Melissa was not there! A small fire was blazing on the hearth, a candle was burning on the table. He stood petrified with amazement, then gazed around in anxious solicitude. What could have be 124 ALONZO AND MELISSA. come of her? It was impossible, he tho't, but that sl,. must still be there.. Had she been removed by fraud or force, the signal candle would not have been at the window. Perhaps, in a freakish moment, she had' concealed herself for no other purpose than to cause him a little perplexity. He therefore took the candle and searched every corner of the chamber, and every room of the house, not even missing the garret and the cellar. He then placed the candle in a lantern, and went out and examined the out-houses: he next went round the garden and the yard, strictly exploring and investigating every place; but he found her not. He repeatedly and loudly called her by name; he was answered only by the solitary echoes of the wilderness. Again he returned to the house, traversed the rooms, there also calling on, the name of Melissa: his voice reverberated from the walls, dying away in solemn murmurs in the distant empty apartments. Thus did he continue his anxious scrutiny, alternately, in the house and the enclosure, until day-- but no traces could be discovered, nothing seen or heard of Melissa. What had become of her he could not form the most distant conjecture. Nothing was removed from the house; the beds, the chairs, the table, all the furniture remained in the ALONZO AND METLISSA. 125 same condition as when he was there the night before;-the candle, as had been agreed upon, was at the window, aud a nother was burning on the table:-it was therefore evident that she could not have been long gone when he arrived. By what means she had thus suddenly disappeared, was a most deep and inscrutable mystery. When the sun had arisen, he once more repeated his inquisitive search, but with the same effect. He then, in extreme vexation and disappointment, flung himself into the sedan, and drove from the mansion. Frequently did he look back at the building, anxiously did he scrutinize every surrounding and receding object. A thrill of pensive recollection vibrated through his frame as he passed the gate, and the keen agonizing pangs of blasted hope, pierced his heart, as his carriage rolled over the bridge. Once more he cast a "longing, lingering look" upon the premises behind, sacred only for the treasure they lately possessed; then sunk backward in his seat, and was dragged slowly away. Alonzo had understood from Melissa, that John's hut was situated about one mile north from the mansion where she had been confined. When he came out near the road, he left his horse and carriage, after securing them, an.d went in search of it.1I * 126 ALONZO AND MELISSA. He soon discovered it, and knew it from the description given thereof by Melissa. --He went up and knocked at the door, which was opened by John, whom Alonzo also knew, from the portrait Melissa had drawn of him. John started in amazement. "Understanding, said Alonzo, that you have the charge of the old mansion in yonder field, I have come to know if you can inform me what has become of the young lady who has been confined there." "Confined! answered John, I did not know she was confined." Recollecting himself, "I mean the young lady who has lately resided theie with her aunt," replied Alonzo. "She was there last night, answered John; her aunt is gone into the country and has not returned." Aloazo then told him the situation of the mansion, and that she was not there. John informed him that she was there about sunset, and according to her request he had left the keys of the gate and bridge with her: he desired Alonzo to tarry there until he ran to the mansion. He returned in about half an hour. "She is gone, sure enough, said John; but how, or where, it is impossible for me 0o guess." --Convinced that he knew nothing of the ALONZO AND MELISSA. 127 matter, Alonzo left him and returned to Vincent's. Vincent and his lady were much surprised at Alonzo's account of Melissa's sudden disappearance, and they wished to ascertain whether her father's family knew any thing of the circumstance. Social intercourse had become suspended between the families of Vincent and Melissa's father, as the latter had taxed the former of improperly endeavouring to promote the views of Alonzo. They therefore procured a neighbouring woman to visit Melissa's mother, to see if any information could be obtained concerning Melissa; but the old lady had heard nothing of her since her departure with her aunt, who had never yet returned. -Alonzo left Vincent's and went to Mr. Simpson's. Hie told them all that had happened since he was there, of which, before, they had heard nothing. At the houses of Mr. Simpson and Vincent he resided some time, while they made the most dilligent search to discover Melissa; but nothing could be learned of her fate. Alonzo then travelled into various parts of the country, making such enquiries as caution dictated of all whom he thought likely to give him information;-but he found none who could give him the least intelligence of his.ost Melissa. 128 ALONZO AND MELISSA. In the course of his wanderings he passed near the old mansion house where Melissa had been confined. He felt an inclination once more to visit it: he proceeded over the bridge, which was down, but he found the gate locked. He therefore hurried back and went to John's, whom he found at home. On enquiring of John whether he had yet heard any thing of the young lady and her aunt; "All I know of the matter, said John, is, that two days after you were here, her aunt came back with a strange gentleman, and ordered me to go and fetch the furniture away from the room they had occupied in the old mansion. I asked her what had become of young madam. She told me that young madam had behaved very indiscreetly, and she found fault with me for leaving the keys in her possession, though I did not know that any harm could arise from it. From the discourse which my wife and I afterwards overheard between madam and the strange gentleman, I understood that young madam had been sent to reside with some friend or relation at a great distance, because her father wanted her to marry a man, and she wishes to marry somebody else." From John's plain and simple narrative, Alonzo concluded that Melissa had been removed by her father's order, or through the agen ALONZO AND MELISSA. 129 cy, or instigation of her aunt. Whether his visit to the old mansion had been somehow discovered or suspected, or whether she was removed by some preconcerted or antecedent plan, he could not conjecture.--Still, the situation in which he found the mansion the night he went to convey her away, left an inexplicable impression on his mind. He could in no manner account how the candle could be placed at the window according to agreement, unless it had been done by herself; and if so, how had she so suddenly been conveyed away? Alonzo asked John where Melissa's aunt now was. "She left here yesterday morning, he answered, with the strange gentleman I mentioned, on a visit to some of her friends." "Was the strange gentleman you speak of her brother?" asked Alonzo. "I believe not, replied John, smiling and winking to his wife;-I know not who he was; somebody that madam seems to like pretty well." "Have you the care of the old mansion?" said Alonzo. "Yes, answered John, I have the keys; I will accompany you thither, perhaps you would like to purchase it; madam said yesterday she thought she should sell it." Alonzo told him he had no thoghts of XI 130 ALONZO AND'MELISSA. purchasing, thanked him for his information, andl departed. Convinced nowVthat Meli-*ssa was removed by the agency of her persecutors, he compared the circumstances of John's relation. "She had been sent to reside with some friend or relation at a great distance." This great distance, he believed to be New Lonidon, and her friend or relation, her cousin, at whose house Alonzo first saw her, under whose care she would be safe, and lBeauman would have an opportunity of renewing his addresses. Under these impressions, Alonzo did not long hesitate what course to pursue--he determiniied to repair to New London immediately. I In pursuance of his design he -went to his father's. He found the old gentleman with his man contentedly tilling his farrn# and his mother cheerfully attending to household affairs, as their noarrow circumstances would not admit her to keep a maid without embarrassment. Alonzo's soul sickened on comparing the pres-ent state of his family with it-s former affluence; but it was an unspeakable consolatioga to see his aged parents contented and happy in their humble situation; and though the idea could not pluck the thorn from his own bosom, yet it tended temqporarily to assuage the anguishi af the wound. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 131 "You have been long gone, my son, said his father; I scarcely knew what had become of you. Since I have become a farmer I know little of what is going forward in the world; and indeed we were never happier in our lives. After stocking and paying for my farm, and purchasing the requisites for my business, I have got considerable money at command: we live frugally, and realize the blessings of health, comfort, and contentment. Our only disquietude is on your account, Alonzo. Your affair with Melissa, I suppose, is not so favourable as you could wish. But despair not, my son; hope is the harbinger of fairer prospects: rely on Providence, which never deserts those who submissively bow to the justice of its dispensations." Unwilling to disturb the serenity of his parents, Alonzo did not tell them his troules. He answered, that perhaps all might yet come right; but that, as in the present state of his mind he thought a change of situation might be of advantage, he asked liberty of his father to travel for some little time. To this his father consented, and offered him a part of the money he had on hand, which Alonzo refused, saying he did not expect to be long gone, and his resources had not failed him. He then sold off his books, his horses, 132 ALONZO AND MELISSA. his carriages, &c. the insignia of his better days, but now useless appendages, from which he raised no inconsiderable sum.He then took a tender and affectionate leave of his parents, and set out for New London. Alonzo journeyed along with a heavy heart and in an enfeebled frame of spirits. Through disappointment, vexation, and the fatigues he had undergone in wandering about, for a long time, in search of Melissa, despondency had seized upon his mind, and indisposition upon his body. He put up the first night within a few miles of New Haven, and as he passed through that town the next morning, the scenes of early life in which he had there been an actor, moved in melancholy succession over his mind. That day he grew more indisposed; he experienced an unusual languor, listlessness and debility; chills, followed by hot flashes, heavy pains in the head and back, with inccssant and intolerable thirst. It was near night when he reached Killingsworth, where he halted, as he felt unable to go farther: he called for a bed, and through the night was racked with severe pain, and scorched wihh a burning fever. The next morning he requested that the physician of the town might be sent for;he came and ordered a prescription which AL(NZO AND MELISSA. 133 gave his patient some relief; and by strict attention, in about ten days Alonzo was able to pursue his journey. He arrived at New London, and took lodgings with a private family of the name of Wyllis, in a retired part of the town. The first object was to ascertain whether Melissa was at her cousin's. But how should he obtain this information? He knew no person in the town except it was those whom he had reason to suppose were leagued against him. Should he go to the house of her cousin, it might prove an injury to her if she were there, and could answer no valuable purpose if she were not. -The evening after he arrived there he wrapped himself up in his cloak and took the street which led to the house of Melissa's cousin: he stopped when he came against it, to see if he could make any discoveries. As people were passing and repassing the street, he got over into a small enclosure which adjoined the house, and stood under a tree, about thirty yards from the house: he had not long occupied this station, before a lady came to the chamber window, which was flung up, opposite to the place where he stood; she leaned out, looked earnestly around for a few minutes, then shut it and retired. She had brought a candle into the room, but did not bring it 12 134 ALONZO AND MELrSSA* to the window; of course he could not dis. tinguish her features so as to identify them. He knew it was not the wife of Melissa's cousin, and from her appearance he believed it to be Melissa. Again the window opened, again the same lady appeared;-- she took a seat at a little distance within the room; she reclined with her head upon her hand, and her arm appeared to be supported by a stand or table. Alonzo's heart beat violently; he now had a side view of her face, and was more than ever convinced that it was Melissa. Her delicate features, though more pale and dejected than when last he saw her;-her brown hair, which fell in artless circles around her lily neck; her arched eye-brows and command. ing aspect. Alonzo moved towards the house, with a design, if possible, to draw her attention, and should it really prove to be Melissa, to discover himself. He had proceeded but a few steps before she arose, shut the window, retired, and the light disappeared. Alonzo waited a considerable time, but she appeared no more. Suppo* sing she had retired for the night, he slowe ly withdrew, chagrined at this disappointment, yet pleased at the discovery he had made. The family with whom Alonzo had tam ken lodgings were fashionable and respecta. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 135 ble. The following afternoon they had appointed to visit a friend, and they invited Alonzo to accompany them. When they named the family where their visit was intended, he found it to be Melissa's cousin. Alonzo therefore declined going under pretence of business. He however waited with anxiety for their return, hoping he should be able to learn by their conversation, whether Melissa was there or not.When they returned he made some enquiries concerning the families in town, until the conversation turned upon the family they had visited. " The young lady who resides there, said Mrs. Wyllis, is undoubtedly in a confirmed decline; she will never recover." Alonzo started, deeply agitated. "Who is the young lady?" he asked. " She is sister to the gentleman's wife where we visited, answered Mr. Wyllis;-her father lives in Newport, and she has come here for her health." " Do you not think, said Mrs. Wyllis, that she resembles their cousin Melissa, who resided there some time ago?" "Very much indeed, replied her husband, only she is not quite so handsome." Again was Alonzo disappointed, and again did he experience a melancholy pleasure: \e had the last night hoped that he had ~iscovered Melissa; but to find her in a 136 ALONZO AND MELISSA. hopeless decline, was worse than that she should remain undiscovered. " It is reported, said Mrs. Wyllis, that Melissa has been upon the verge of matrimony, but that the treaty was somehow broken off; perhaps Beauman will renew his addresses again, should this be the case." " Beauman has other business besides addressing the ladies, answered Mr. Wyllis. He has marched to the lines near NewYork with his new raised company of volunteers."* From this discourse, Alonzo was convinced that Melissa was not the person he had seen at her cousin's the preceding evening, and that she was not there. He also found that Beauman was not in town. Where to search next, or what course to pursue, he was at a loss to determine. The next morning he rose early and wan dered about the town. As he passed by the house of Melissa's cousin, he saw the lady, who had appeared at the window, walking in the garden. Her air, her figure, had very much the appearance of Melissa; but the lineaments of her countenance were, when viewed by the light of day, widely dissimilar. Alonzo felt no strong curiosity farther to examine her features, but passing on, returned to his lodgings. *New-York was then in possession of the British troops. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 137 How he was now to proceed, Alonzo could not readily decide. To return to his native place, appeared to be as useless as to tarry where he was. For many weeks had he travelle' and seaIcrhed every place where he thought it probable Melissa might be found, both among her relatives and elsewhere. He had made every effort to obtain some clue to her removal from the old mansion, but he could learn nothing but what he had been told by John. If his friends should ever hear of her, they could not inform him thereof, as no one knew where he was. Would it not, therefore, be best for him to return back, and consult with his friends, and if nothing had been heard of hei, pursue some other mode of enquiry? He might, at least, leave directions where his friends might write to him, in case they should have any thing whereof to apprise him. An incident tended to confirm this resolution. He one night dreamed that he was sitting in a strange house, contemplating on his present situation, when Melissa suddenly entered the room. Her appearance was more pale, sickly and dejected, than when he last saw her. Her elegant form had wasted away, her eyes were sunk, her cheeks fallen, her lips livid. He fancied it to be night, she held a candle in her hand, 12 * 138 ALONZO AND MELISSA. smiling languidly upon him;-she turned and went out of the room, beckoning him to follow: he thought he immediately arose and followed her. She glided through sev-1 eral winding rooms, and at length he lost sight of her, and the light gradually fading away, he was involved in deep darkness.He groped along, and at length saw a faint distant glimmer, the course of which he pursued, until he came into a large room, hung with black tapestry, and illuminated by a number of bright tapers. On one side of the room appeared a hearse, on which some person was laid: he went up to itthe first object that arrested his attention was the lovely form of Melissa, shrouded in the sable vestments of death! Cold and lifeless, she lay stretched upon the hearse, beautiful even in dissolution; the dying smile of complacency had not yet deserted her cheek. The music of her voice had ceased; her fine eyes had closed for ever. Insensible to objects in which she once delighted; to afflictions which had blasted her blooming prospects, an.l drained the streams of life, she lay like blossomed trees of spring, overthrown by rude and boisterous winds. The deep groans which convulsed the distracted bosom, and shocked the trembling frame of Alonzo, broke the Qelusive charm: he awoke, rejoiced to find ALONZO AND MELISSA. 139 it but a dream, though it impressed his mind with doleful and portentous forebodings. It was a long time before he could again close his eyes to sleep; he at length fell into a slumber, and again he dreamed. He fancied himself with Melissa, at the house of her father, who had consented to their union, and that the marriage ceremony between them was there performed. He thought that Melissa appeared as she had done in her most fortunate and sprightly days, before the darts of adversity, and the thorns of affliction, had wounded her heart. Her father seemed to be divested of all his awful sternness, and gave her to Alonzo with cheerful freedom. He awoke, and the horrors of his former dream were dissipated by the happy influences of the last. " Who knows, he said, but that this may finally be the case; but that the sun of peace may yet dispel the glooms of these distressful hours!" He arose, determined to return home in a few days. He went out and enjoyed his morning walk in a more composed frame of spirits than he had for some time experienced. He returned, and as he was entering tne door he saw the weekly newspaper of the town, which had been published that morning, and which the carrier had just flung into the hall.- The family had not yet arisen. He took up the 140 ALONZO AND MXLIBSs paper, carried it to his chamber, anrd open-. ed it to read the news of the day. He ran his eye hastily over it, and was about to lay it aside, wheln the death list arrested his attention, by a display of broad black lines. The first article he read therein was as follows: "Died, of a consumption, on the 26th ult. at the seat of her uncle. Col. W. D-, near Charleston, South Carolina, whither she had repaired for her health, Miss Melissa D-, the amiable daughter of J-- D-, Esq. of *******, Connecticut, in the eighteenth year of her age." The paper fell from the palsied hand-a sudden faintness came upon him-the room grew dark-he staggered, and fell senseless upon the floor. The incidents of our story will here produce a pause.- The fanciful part of our readers may cast it aside in chagrin and disappointment " Such an event," may they say, "we were not prepared to expect.After so many, and such various trials of heart; after innumerable difficulties surmounted; almost invincible objects overcome, and insuperable barriers removedafter attending the hero and heroine of your tale through the diversified scenes of anxiety, suspense, bope, disappointment, expectation, joy, sorrow, anticipated bliss, uud ALONZO AND MELISSA. 141 den and disastrous woe-- after elevating them to the threshold of happiness, by the premature death of one, to plunge the other, instantaneously, in deep and irretrievable despair, must not, cannot be right.-Your story will hereafter become languid and spiritless; the subject will be uninteresting, the theme unerigaging, since the genius which animated and enlivened it is gone for ever." Reader of sensibility, stop. Are we not detailing facts? Shall we gloss them over with false colouring? Shall we describe things as they are, or as they are not? Shall we draw with the pencil of nature, o0 of art? Do we indeed paiht life as it is, or as it is not? Cast thine eyes, reader, over the ephemeral circle of passing and fortuitous events; view the change of contingencies; mark well the varied and shifting scenery in the great drama of time;-seriously contemplate nature in her operations; minutely examine the entrance, the action, and the exit of characters on the stage of existence-then say, if disappointment, distress, misery and calamitous woe, are not the inalienable portion of the susceptible bosom. Say, if the possession of refined feeling is enviable- the lot of Nature's children covetable-whether to such, through life, the sprinklings of comfort are sufficient 142 ALONZO AND MELISSA. to give a zest to the bitter banquets of ad. versity-whether, indeed, sorrow, sighing, and tears, are not the inseparable attendants of all those whose hearts are the repositories of tender affections and pathetic sympathies. * But what says the moralist?-" Portray life as it is. Delude not the senses by deceptive appearances. Arouse your hero? call to his aid stern philosophy and sober reason. They will dissipate the rainbowglories of unreal pleasure, and banish the glittering meteors of unsubstantial happiness. Or if these fail, lead him to the holy fane of religion: she will regulate the fires of fancy, and assuage the tempest of the passions: she will illuminate the dark wilderness, and smooth the thorny paths of life; she will point him to joys beyond the tomb -to another and a better world; and pour the balm of consolation and serenity over his wounded soul." Shall we indeed arouse Alonzo? Alas! to what paths of grief and wretchedness shall we arouse him! To a world to him void and cheerless-a world desolate, sad and dreary. Alonzo revived. "< Why am I, he exclaimed, recalled to this dungeon of torment? Why was not my spirit permitted to take its flight to regions where my guardian is ALONZO AND MELISSA. 143 gone? Why am I cursed with memory? 0 that I might be blessed with forgetfulness! But why do I talk of blessings?-Heaven never had one in store for me. Where are fled my anticipated joys? To the bosorn the dark bosom of the oblivious tomb! There lie all the graces worthy of love in life-all the virtues worthy of lamentation in death! There lies perfection; perfection has here been found. Was she not all that even heaven could demand?--Fair, lovely, holy and virtuous. Her tender solicitudes, her enrapturing endearments, her soul-inspiring blandishments,-gone, gone for ever? That heavenly form, that discriminate mind-all lovely as light, all pure as a seraph's-a prey to worms-mingled with incorporeal shadows, regardless of former inquietudes or delights, regardless of the keen anguish which now wrings tears of blood from my despairing heart! " Eternal Disposer of events! if virtue be thy special care, why is the fairest flower in the garden of innocence and purity blasted like a noxious weed? Why is the bright gem of excellence trampled in the dust like a worthless pebble?-Why is Melissa hurried to the tomb?" Thus raved Alonzo. It was evident thai delirium had partially seized his brain. He arose and flung himself on the bed in un 144 ALONZO AND MELISSA, speakable agony. "And what,. Alas! he again exclaimed, now remains for me? Existence and unparalleled misery. The consolation even of death is denied me. But Melissa! she-ah, where is she! Oh, reflection insupportable! insufferable consideration! Must that heavenly frame putrify, moulder, and crumble into dust? Must the loathsome spider nestle on her lily bosom? the odious reptile riot on her delicate limbs? the worm revel amid the roses of her cheek, fatten on her temples, and bask in the lustre of her eyes? Alas! the lustre has become dimmed in death; the rose and the lily are withered; the harmony of her voice has ceased; the graces, the elegancies of form, the innumerable delicacies of air, all are gone, and I am left in a state of misery which defies mitigation or comparison." Exhausted by excess of grief, he now lay in a stupifying anguish, until the servant summoned him to breakfast. He told the servant he was indisposed and requested he might not be disturbed. Mr. Wyllis and his lady came up, anxious to yield him any assistance in their power, and advised him to call a physician. He thanked them, but told them itwas unnecessary; he only want. ed rest. His extreme distress of mind brought on a relapse of fever, from which hehad but imperfectly recovered. For seve, ALONZO AND MELISSA. 145 ral days he lay in a very dangerous and doubtful state. A physician was called, contrary to his choice or knowledge, as for most part of the time his mind was delirious and sensation imperfect. This was, probably the cause of baffling the disorder. He was in a measure insensible to hqs woes. He did not oppose the prescriptions of the physician. The fe7er abated; nature triumphed over disease of body, and he slowly recoved, but the malady of his mind was not removed. He contemplated on the past. I fear, said he, I have murmured against the wisdom of Providence. Forgive, 0 merciful Creator! Forgive the frenzies of distraction!" He now recollected that Melissa once told him that she had an uncle who resided near Charleston in South Carolina; thither he supposed she had been sent by her father, when she was removed from the old mansion, in order to prevent his having access to her, and with a view to compel her to marry Beauman. Her appearance had indicated a deep decline when he last saw her. " There, said he, far removed from triends and acquaintance, there did she languish, there did she die-a victim to excessive grief, and cruel parental persecution." As soon as he was able to leave his room, 13 I 146 ALONZO AND MELISSA. he walked out one evening, and in deep contemplation roved, he knew not where. The moon shone brilliantly from her lofty throne; the chill, heavy dews of autumn glittered on the decaying verdure. The tadeat* croaked hoarsely among the trees; the dirclet sung mournfully on the grass.Alonzo heard them not; he was insensible to all external objects, until he had imperceptibly wandered to the rock on the point of the beach, verging the Sound, to which he had attended Melissa the first time he saw her at her cousin's. Had the whole artillery of Heaven burst, in sheeted flame, from the skies-had raging winds mingled the roaring waves with the mountainshad an instantaneous earthquake burst beneath his feet, his frame would not have been so shocked, his soul so agitated!Sudden as the blaze darts from the electric cloud was he aroused to a lively sense of blessings entombed! The memory of departed joys passed with rapidity over his imagination; his first meeting with Melisýa; the evening he had attended her to *t Local names given to certain American insects, from their sound. They are well known in various parts of the United tato~t; generally make their appearance about the latter end ef August, and continae until destroyed by the frost. The notes of the first are hoarse, sprightly, and discordant; of the last, solemn and mournfully pleasing. I See page 8. See also allusions to this scene in several naib sequert parts of the story. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 147 that place; her frequent allusions to the scenery there displayed, when they had traversed the fields, or reclined in the bower on her favourite hill; in fine, all the vicissitudes through which they had passed, were called to his mind. His fancy saw her-felt her ge~ntly leaning on his arm, while he tremblingly pressed her hand.Again he saw smiling health crimsoning the lilies of her cheek; again he saw the bright soul of sy mpathetic feelings sparkling in. her eye; the air of ease; the graces of attitude; her bDrown locks circling the borders of her snowy robe. Again he was enraptured by the melody of her voice.Once more would he b ave been happy, had riot fancy changed the scene. But, alas! she shifted the curtain. He saw Melissa istretched on the sable hearse, wrapped in the dreary vestments of the grave; the roses withered; the lilies faded; motionless; the graces fled; her eyes fixed, and sealed in the glaze of death! Spontaneously he fell upon his knees, and thus poured forth the overcharged burden of his anguished bosom. "Infinite Ruler of all cevents! Great Sovereign of this ever changing world! Omnipotent Contiroler of vicibsitudes! Omniscient dipenser of destiaies! The beginning, the progression, the end is thine. Un. 148 ALONZO AND MELISSA. searchable ate thy purposes! mysterious thy movements! inscrutable thy operations! An atom of thy creation, wildered in the mazes of ignorance and woe, would bow to thy decrees. Surrounded with impenetrable gloom, unable to scrutinize the past, incompetent to explore the future - fain would he say, THY WILL BE DONE! And Oh, that it might be consistent with that HIGH WILL to call this atom from a dungeon of wretchedness, to worlds of light and glory, where his only CONSOLATION is gone." Thus prayed the heart-broken Alouzo. It was indeed a worldly prayer; but perhaps as pure and as acceptable as many of our modern professors would have made on a similar occasion. He arose and repaired to his lodgings. One determination only he had now fallen upon-to bury himself and his griefs from all with whom he had formerly been acquainted. Why should he return to the scenes of his former bliss and anxiety, where every countenance would tend to renew his mourning; where every door would be inscribed with a memento mori, and where every object would he shrouded in crape? He therefore thrned his attention to the army; but the army was far distant, and he was too feeble to prosecute a journey of such an extent. There were at that time preparations ALONZO AND MELISSA. 149 for fitting out a convoy, at private expense, from various parts of the United States, for the protection of our European trade; they were to rendezvous at a certain station, and thence proceed with the merchantmen under their care to the ports ot France and Holland, where our trade principally centered, and return as convoy to some other mercantile fleet. One of these ships of war was then nearly fitted out at New-London. Alonzo offered himself to the captain, who, pleased with nis appearance, gave him the station of commander of marines. Alonzo prepared himself with all speed for the voyage. He sought, he wished no acquaintance. His only place of resort, except to his lodgings and the ship, was to Melissa's favourite rock: there he bowed as to the shrine of her spirit, and there he consecrated his de, otions. As he was one day passing through the town, a gentleman stepped out of an adjoining house and accosted him. Alonzo immediately recognized him to be the cousin of Melissa, at whose house he had first seen her. He was dressed in full mourning, which was a sufficient indication that he -ws apprised of hei death. He invited Alonzo to his house, and he could not complaisantly refuse the invitation. He there13 * 150 ALONZO AND MELISSA. fore accepted it, and passed an hour with him, from whom he learnt that Melissa had been sent to her uncle's at Charleston, for the recovery of her health, where she died. " Her premature death, said her cousin, has borne so heavily upon her aged father, that it is feared he will not long survive."" Well may it wring his bosom, thought Alonzo;--his conscience can never be at peace." Whether Melissa's cousin had been informed of the particulars of Alonzo's unfortunate attachment, was not known, as he instituted, no conversation on the suiject. Oeither did he enquire into Alonzo's prospects; he only invited him to call again. Alonzo thanked him, but replied it would be doubtful, as hb. should shortly leave town. He made no one acquainted with his intentions. The day at length arrived when the ship was to sail, and Alonzo to leave the shores of America. They spread their canvass to propitious gales; the breezes rushed from their woody coverts, and majestically wafted them from the harbour. Slowly the land receded; fields, forests, hills, mountains, towns and villages leisurely withdrew, until they were mingled in one common mass. The ocean opening, erpanded and widened, presenting to the astonished eyes of the untried mariner its ALONZO AND MELISSA. 151 wilderness ofwaters. Near sunset,.lonzo ascended the mast to take a last view of a country once so dear, but whose charms were now lost forever. The land still appeared like a simicircular border of dark green velvet on the edge of a convex mirror. The sun sunk in fleecy golden vapours behind it. It now dwindled to discoloured and irregular spots, which appeared like objects floating, amidst the blue mists of distance, on the verge of the main, and immediately all was lost beneath the spherical, watery surface. Alonzo had fixed his eyes, as near as his judgment could direct, towards Melissa's favourite rock, till nothing but sea was discoverable. With a heart-parting sigh he then descended. They had now launched into the illimitable world of billows, and the sable wings of night brooded over the boundless deep. A new scene was now opened to Alonzo in the wonders of the mighty deep. The sun rising from and setting in the ocean; the wide-spread region of watery waste, now snooth as polished glass, now urged into iiregular rolling hillocks, then swelled to Blue trembling billows, topp'd with foam," or gradually arising into mountainous waves. Often would he traverse the deck amid the still hours of midnight, when the moon sil 152 ALONZO AND MELISSA. vered over the liquid surface: " Bright lu. minary of the lonely hour, he would ray, that now sheddest thy mild and placid ray on the woe-worm head of fortune's fugitive, dost thou not also pensively shine on the sacred and silent grave of my Melissa? Favourable breezes wafted them for many days over the bosom of the Atlantic.At length they were overtaken by a violent storm. The wind began to blow strongly from the southwest, which soon increased to a violent gale. The dirgy scud first flew swiftly along the sky; then dark and heavy clouds filled the atmosphere, mingling with the top-gallant streamers of the ship. Night hovered over the ocean, rendered horrible by the intermitting blaze of lightnings, the awful crash of thunder, and the deafening roar of winds and waves. The sea was rolled into mountains, capped with foaming fire. Now the ship was soaring among the thunders of heaven, now sunk in the abyss of waters. The storm dispersed the fleet, so that when it abated, the ship in which Alonzo sailed was found alone; they, however, kept on their course of destination, after repairing their rigging, which had been considerably disordered by the violence of the gale. The next morning they discovered a sail which they fondly hoped might prove to be ALONZO AND MELISSA. 153 one of their own fleet, and accordingly made for it. The ship they were in pursuit of shortened sail, and towards noon wore round and bore down upon them, when they discovered that it was not a ship belonging to their convoy. It appeared to be of equal force and dimensions with that of their own; they therefore, in order to prepare for the worst, got ready with all speed for action. They slowly approached each other, manoeuvering for the advantage, till the strange ship ran up British colours, and fired a gun, which was immediately answered by the other, under the flag of the United States. It was not long before a close and severe action took place, which continued for three hours, when both ships were in so shattered a condition that they were unable to manage a gun.* The British had lost their captain, and one half their crew, most of the remainder being wounded.- The Americans had lost their second officer, and their loss in men, both killed and wounded, was nearly equal to that of the enemy. While they lay in this condition, unable either to annoy each other more, or to get away, a large sail appeared, bearing down upon them, which soon came up and proved to be an English frigate, and which imme*The particular- of this action, in the ea fy stago of the Aerican war, are yet remembered by many 154 ALONZO AND MELISSA. diately took the American ship in tow, after remIoving the crew into the hold of the frigate. The crew of the British ship were also taken on board of the frigate, which was no sooner done than the ship went down and was for ever buried beneath mountains of ponderous waves. The frigate then, with the American ship in tow, made sail, and in e feýv days reached England. -The wounded pri-joners were sent to a hospital, but the (others were confined -in a strong prison within the precincts of London. The American prisoners were huddled into an apartment with British convicts. of various descriptions. Among these Aionzo observed one wvhose demeanor arrested his attention. A deep melancholy was impressed upon his features; his eye was wild and despairing; his figure was interesting, tall, elegant and handsome. He appeared to be about twenty-five years of age. He seldom conversed, but when he did, it was readily discovered that his education had been above the common cast, and he, possessed a 'n enlightened and discriminating mind. Alonzo sympathetically sought his acquaintance,, and -liscovered therein a unison of woe. One evening, when the prisoners were retired to rest, the stranger, upon Alonzo's request, rehearsed the fcilowing incidents of his life. Al ONZO AND MELISSA'. 155 " You express, said he, some surprise at finding a man of my appearance in so degraded a situation; and you wish to learn the events which have plunged me in this abject state. These, when I briefly relate, your wonder will cease. " IMy name is Henry Malcomb; my fath-, er was a clergyman in the west of England, and descended from one of the most respecable families in those parts. I received a classical education, and then entered the military school, as I was designed for the army, to which my earliest inclinations led. As soon as my education was considered complete, an ensign's commission was procured for me in one of the regiments destined for the West Indies. Previous to its departure for those islands, I became acquainted with a Miss Vernon, who was a few years younger than myself, and the daughter of a gentleman farmer, who had recently purchased and removed to an estate in my father's parish. Every thing that was graceful and lovely appeared centered in her person; every thing that was virtuous and excellent in her mind. I sought her hand. Our souls sooni became united by the indissoluble bonds of sinterest love, and as there were no parental or other implediments to our union, it was agreed that as soon as I returned from the Indies, where 156 ALONZO AND MELISSA. it was expected that my stay would be short, the marriage solemnities should be performed., Solemn oaths of constancy passed be-, tween us, and I sailed, with my regiment, for the Indies. " While there, I received from her, and,eturned letters filled with the tenderest expressions of anxiety and regret of absence. At length the time came when we were to embark for England, where we arrived after an absence of about eighteen months. The moment I got on land I hastened to the house of Mr. Vernon, to see the charmer of my soul. She received me with all the ardency of affection, and even shed tears of joy in my presence. I pressed her to name the day which was to perfect our union and happiness, and the next Sunday, four (lays only distant, was agreed upon for me to lead her to the altar. How did my heart bound at the prospect of making Miss Vernon my own!-of possessing in her all that could render life agreeable; I hastened home to my family and informed them of my approaching bliss, who all sympathized in the anticipated joy which swelled my bosom. " I had a sister some years older than myself, who had been the friend and inmate of my angel in my absence. They were now almost every day together, so that I had frequent opportunities of her company, ALONZO AND MEL1SSA. 157 one day she had been with my sister at my father's, and I attended her home. On my return, my sister requested me to attend her in a private room. We therefore retired, and when we were seated she thus addressed me Henry, you know that to promote your peace, your welfare, and your happiness, has ever been the pride of my heart. Nothing except this could extort the secret which I shall now disclose, and which has yet remained deposited in my own bosom: my duty to a brother whom I esteem dear as life, forbids me to remain silent. As an affectionate sister, I cannot tacitly see yo'u thus imposed upon; I cannot see you the dupe and slave of an artful and insidious woman, who does not sincerely return your love, nor can I bear to see your marriage consummated with one whose soul and affections are placed upon another object." " Here she hesitated-while I, with insufferable anguish of mind, begged her to proceed. " About six or eight months after your departure, she continued, it was reported to Mliss Vernon that she had a rival in the Indies; that you had there found an American beauty, on whom you lavished those endearments which belonged of right to her alone. This news made, at first, a deep 14 158 ALONZO AND MELISSA. impression on her mind, but it soon wore away; and whether from this cause, from fickleness of disposition, or that she never sincerely loved you, I know not; but this I do know, that a youth has been for some time past her almost constant companion. To convince you of this, you need only tomorrow evening, about sunset, conceal yourself near the long avenue by the side of the rivulet, back of Mr. Vernon's country-house, where you will undoubtedly surprise Miss Vernon and her companion in their usual evening's walk. If I should be mistaken I will submit to your censure; but should you find it as I have predicted, you have only to rush from your concealment, charge her with her perfidy, and renounce her forever." " Of all the plagues, of all the torments, of all the curses which torture the soul, jealousy of arival in love is the worst. Enraged, confounded and astonished, it seemed as if my bosom would have instantaneously burst. To conceal my emotions, I left my sister's apartment, after having thanked her for her information, and proceeded to obey her injunctions. I retired to my own room, and there poured out my execrations. "Cursed woman! I exclaimed, is it thus you requite my tender love! Could a vague report of my inconstancy drive you to infide:ity! Did not my continual letters breathe ALONZO AND MELISSA. 159 constant adoration? And did not yours portray the same sincerity of affection? No, it was not that which caused you tq perjure yout plighted vows. It was that damnable passion for novelty, which more or less holds a predominancy over your whole sex. To a new coat, a new face, a new rover, you will sacrifice honour, principle and virtue. And to those, backed by splendid power and splendid property, you will forfeit your most sacred engagements, though made in the presence of heaven.-Thus did I rave through a sleepless night. " The next day I walked into the fields, and before the time my sister appointed had arrived, I had worked up my feelings almost to the frenzy of distraction. I repaired, however, to the spot, and concealed myself in the place she had named, which was a tuft of laurels by the side of the walk. I soon perceived Miss Vernon strolling down the avenue, arm in arm with a young man elegantly dressed, and of singular, delicate appearance. They were earnestly conversing in a low tone of voice; the hand of my false fair one was gently pressed in the hand of the stranger. As soon as they had passed the place of my concealment, they turned aside and seated themselves in a little arbour, a few yards distant from where I sat. The stranger claoped Miss Vernon 160 ALONZO AND MELISSA. in his arms: " Dearest angel! he exclaimed, what an interruption to our bliss by the return of my hated rival!" With fond caresses and endearing blandishments, " fear nothing, she replied; I have promised and must yield him my hand, but you shall never be excluded from my heart; we shall find sufficient opportunities for private conference." I could contain myself no longer -my brain was on fire. Quick as lightning I sprang from my covert, and presenting a pistol which I had concealed under my robe,-" Die! said I, thou false and perjured wretch, by the hand thou hast dishonoured, a death too mild for so foul a crime P! and immediately shot Miss Vernon through the head, who fell lifeless at my feet! Then suddenly drawing my sword, "And thou, perfidious contaminator and destroyer of my bliss! cried I-go! attend thy companion in iniquity to the black regions of everlasting torment!" So saying, I plunged my sword into his bosom. A screech of agony, attended by the exclamation, " Henry, your wife! your sister!" awoke me, too late, to terrors unutterable, to anguish unspeakable, to woes irretrievable, and insupportable despair! It was indeed my betrothed wife, it was indeed my affectionate sister, arrayed in man's habit. The one lay dead before me, the other weltering in her blood! With a feeble ALONZO AND MELISSA. 161 and expiring voice, my sister informed mre, that in a gay and inconsiderate moment they had concerted this plan, to try my jealousy, determining to discover themselves as soon as they had made the experiment. "I forgive you, Henry, she said, I forgive your mistake," and closed her eyes for ever in death! What a scene for sensibilities like mine! To paint or describe it, exceeds the power of language or imagination. I instantly turned the sword against my own bosom; an unknown hand arrested it, and prevented its entering my heart. The report of the pistol, and the dying screech of my sister, had alarmed Mr. Vernon's family, who arrived at that moment, one of whom had seized my arm, and thus hindered me from destroying my own life. I submitted to be bound and conveyed to prison. My trial came on at th.e last assizes. I made no defence; and was condemned to death. My execution will take place in eight weeks from to-morrow. I shall cheerfully meet my fate; for who would endure life when rendered so peculiarly miserable!" The wretched Malcomb here ended his tale of woe. No tear moistened his eyehis grief was too despairing for tears; it preyed upon his heart, drank the vital streams of life, and burst in convulsive sighsfrom his burning bosom. K 14* 162 ALONZO AND MELISSA. Alonzo seriously contemplated on the in cidents and events of this tragical story. Conscience whispered him, are not Mal-. comb's miseries superior to thine? Candour and correct reasoa must have answcred yes "Melissa perished, said Alonzo, but not by the hand of her lover: she expired, but not through the mistaken frenzy of him who adored her. She died, conscious of the unfeigned love I bore her." Alonzo and his fellow prisoners had been robbed, when. they were captured, of every thing except the clothes they wore. Their allowance of provisions was scanty and poor. They were confined in the third story of a lofty prison. Time rolled away; no pros.. pects appeared of their liberation, either by exchange or parole. Some of the prisoners were removed, as new ones were introduced, to other places of confinement, until not one American was left except Alonzo. Meantime the day appointed for. the execution of Malcomb drew near. His past an-d approaching fate filled the breast of Alonzo with sympathetic sorrow. He saw his venerable father, his mother, his friends and acquaintance, with several pious clergymen, frequently enter the prison to console and comfort him, and to prepare -him for the unchangeable state on which he was goon to enter. He saw his mind softened 163 ALONZO AND MELISSA. by their advice and counsel;-frequntly would he burst into tears;-often in the sol< itary hours of night was he heard addressing the throne of grace for mercy and forgivness. But the grief that preyed at his heart had wasted him to a mere skeleton; a slow but deleterious fever had consequently implanted itself in his constitution. Exhausted nature could make but a weak struggle against disease and affliction like his, and about a week previous to the day appointed for his execution, he expired in peace and penitence, trusting in the mercy of his Creator through the sufferings of a Redeemer, Soon after this event, orders came for removing some of the prisoners to a most loathsome place of confinement in the suburbs of the' city. It fell to Alonzo's lot to be one. He therefore formed a project for escaping. He had observed that the gratings in one of the windows of the apartment were loose and could be easily removed. One night when the prisoners were asleep he stripped off his clothes, every article of which he cut into narrow strips, tied them together, fastened one end to one of the strongest gratings, removed the others until he had made on opening large enough to get out, and then, by the rope he had made of his clothes, let himself down into the yard of the pris(n. There he found a long 164 ALONZO AND MELISSA. piece of timber, which he dragged to the wall, clambered up thereon, and sprang over into the street. His shoes and hat he had left in the prison, as a useless encumbrance without his clothes, all which he had converted into the means of escape, so that he was now literally stark naked. He stood a moment to reflect:--" Here am I, said he, freed from my local prison indeed, but in the midst of an enemy's country, without a friend, without the means of obtaining one day's subsistence, surrounded by the darkness of night, destitute of a single article of clothing, and even unable to form a resolution what step next to take. The ways of heaven are marvellous-may I silently bow to its dispensations!" Alonzo passed along the street in this forlorn condition, not knowing where to proceed, or what course to take. It was about three o'clock in the morning, the street was illuminated by lamps, und he feared falling into the hands of the watch. For some time he saw no person; at length a voice from the other side of the street called out,- Hallo, messmate! what, scudding under bare poles? You mast have experienced a severe gale indeed thus to have carried away every rag of sail!" Alonzo turned, and saw the person who spoke. He was a decent looking man, of ALONZO AND MELISSA. 165 middle age, dressed in a sailor'shabit, Alonzo nad often heard of the generosity and honourable conduct of the British tars: he therefore approached him and told him his real case, not even concealing his being taken in actual hostility to the British government, and his escape from prison. The sailor mused a few minutes. " Thy case said he, is a little critical, but do not despair. Had I met thee as an enemy, I should have fought thee; but as it is, compassion is the first consideration. Perhaps I may be in as bad a situation before the war is ended." Then slipping off his coat and giving it to Alonzo, " follow me," he said, and turning, walked hastily along the street, followed by Alonzo; he passed, into a bye-lane, entered a small house, and taking Alonzo into a back room, opened a trunk, and handed out a shirt: " there, said he, pointing to a bed, you can sleep till morning, when we will see what can be done.' The next morning the sailor brought in a very decent suit of clothes and presented them to Alonzo. "You will make this place your home, said he, until more favorable prospects appear. In this great city you will be safe, for even your late ga-Ier would not recognize you in this dress. And perhaps some opportunity may offer by which you may return to your own county " 166 ALONZO AND MLLISSA. He told Alonzo that his name was Jack Brown; that he was a midshipman on board the Severn; that he had a wit>e and four children, and owned the house in which they then were. " In order to prevent suspicion or discovery, said he, I shall consider you as a relation from the country until you are better provided for." Alonzo was then introduced to the sailor's wife, an amiable woman, and here he remained for several weeks. One day Alonzo was informed that a number of American prisoners were brought in. He went to the place where they were landed, and saw several led away to prison, and some who were sick or disabled, carried to the hospital. As the hospital was near at hand, Alonzo entered it to see how the sick and disabled prisoners were treated. He found that they received as much attention as could reasonably be expected.* As he passed along the different apartments he was surprised at hearing his name called by a faint voice. He turned to the place from whence it proceeded, and saw stretched on a mattress, a person who appeared on the point of expiring. His vi*Tle Americans who were imprisoned in Englaud, in the time of war, were treated with much more hGmaunity than aluse s ao were impriasoed in America. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 167 sage was pale and emaciated, his countenance haggard and ghastly, his eyes inexpressive and glazy. He held out his withered hand, and feebly beckoned to Alonzo, who immediately approached him. His features appeared not unfamiliar to Alonzo, but for a moment he could not recollect him. "You do not know me," said the apparently dying stranger. 'Beauman! " exclaimed Alonzo, in surprise. "Yes, replied the sick man, it is Beauman; you behold me on the verge of eternity; I have but a short time to continue in this world." Alonzo.enquired how he came in the power of the enemy. "By the fate of wa, he replied; I was taken in an action on York Island, carried on board a prison-ship in New-York, and sent with a number of others for England. I had received a wound in my thigh, from a musket ball, during the action; the wound mortified, and my thigh was amputated on the voyage; since which I have been rapidly wasting away, and I now feel that the cold hand of death is laid upon me." Here he became exhausted, and for some time remained silent. Alonzo had not before discovered that he had lost his leg: he now found that it had been taken off close to his body, and that he was worn to skeleton. When Beauman revived, he enquired into Alonzo's affairs. A-. 168 ALONZO AND MELISSA.' lonzo related all thtit had happened to him after leaving New London.."You are unhappy, Alonzo, said Beauman, in the death of your Melissa, to which it is possible. I have been, undesignedly accessory. 1 could say much on the subject, would my strength permit; but it is needless. She is gone, and I must soon go also. She was sent to her uncle's at Charleston, by her father, -where I was soon to follow her. It was supposed that thus widely removed from all access to your company, she would yield to the persuasion of her friends to renounce you: her unexpected death, however, frustrated every design of this nature, and overwhelmed her father and family in inexpressible woe."~ Here Beauman ceased. Alonzo found he wanted rest: he enquired whether he was in want of any thing to render him more comfortable. Beauman replied that he was not: "For the comforts of this life, said he, 1 have no relish; medical aid is applied, but without effect." Alonzo then left him, promising to call again in the morning. When Alonzo called the next morning, hie perceived an alarming alteration in Beauman. His extremities 'were cold, a chilling, clammy sweat stood upon his face, his respiration was short and- interrupted, his ALONZO, AND MELISSA. 169 pulse weak and intermitting. He took the hand of Alonzo, and feebly pressing it,- "I am dying, said he in a faint voice. If ever you return to America, inform my friends of my fate." This Alonzo readily engaged to do, and told him also that he would not leave him. Bea-uman soon fell into a stupor; sensation became suspended; his eyes rolled up and fixed. Sometimes a partial revival would take place, when he would fall into incoherent muttering, calling on the names of his deceased father, his mother and Melissa; his voice dying away in imperfect moanings, till his lips continued to move without sound. Towards night he lay silent, and only continued to breathe with difficulty, till a slight convulsion gave the freed spirit to the unknown regions of immaterial existence. Alonzo followed his remains to the grave: a natural stone was placed at its head, on which Alonzo, unobserved, carved the initials of the deceased's name, with the date of his death, and left him to moulder with his native dust. A few days after this event, Jack Brown informed Alonzo that he had procured the means of his escape. A person with whom I am acquainted, said he, and whom I suppose to be a smuggler, has agreed to carry you to France. There, by application to 15 170 ALONZO AND MELISSA. the American minister, you will be enabled to get to your own country, if that is your object. About midnight I will pilot you on board, and by to-morrow's sun you may be in France." At the time appointed, Jack set out, bearing a large trunk on his shoulder, and directed Alonzo to follow him. They pro-.:eeded down to a quay, and went on board a small skiff. " Here, said Jack to the captain, is the gentleman I spoke to you about," and delivered him the trunk. Then taking Alonzo aside, " in that trunk, said he, are a few changes of linen, and here is something to help you till you can help yourself." So saying, he slipped ten guineas into his hand. Alonzo expressed his gratitude with tears. " Say nothing, said Jack, we were born to help each other in distress, and may Jack never weather a storm or splice a rope, if he permits a fellow creature to suffer with want while he has a luncheon on board." He then shook Alonzo by the hand, wishing him a good voyage, and went whistling away. The skiff soon sailed, and the next morning Alonzo was landed in France. Alonzo proteeded immediately to Paris, not with a und your parents content in their humble state, except that your father had been ill, but was recovering. Of you they had heard nothing since your departure, and they deeply lamented your absence. And from Vincent I could obtain no farther information. " Sick of the world, I returned to the army. An American consul was soon to sail for Holland:--I solicited and obtained the appointment of secretary. I hoped by visiting distant countries, in sbme measure to relieve my minid from the deep melancholy with vhich it was oppressed. We were to proceed first to Paris, where we have been a few days; to-morrow we are to depart for Holland. The consul is the man who introduced vou into the room where you found me. ALONZO AND MELISSA, 179 "Last evening I lost the miniature whiclh I suppose you have found: the chain to which it was suspended around my neck, had broken while I was walking the street I carefully wrapped it in paper and deposit ed it in my purse, which I probably drop. ped on replacing it in my pocket, and did not discover the loss until this morning. I immediately made diligent search, but not finding it, I put up bills of advertisement. The likeness was taken in my sister's happiest days. After I had entered upon my professional studies in New-York, I became acquainted with a miniature painter, who took my likenees. He afterwards went into the country, and as I found he was to pass near my father's, I engaged him to call there and take my sister's likeness also. We exchanged them soon after. It was dear to me, even while the original remained; but since she is gone it has become a most precious and valuable relique." All the tender powers of Alonzon's soul were called into action by Edgar's recital. The " days of other years"-the ghosts of sepulchered blessings, passed in painful review. Added to these, the penurious condition of his parents, his father's recent illness, and his probable inability to procure the bread of his family, all tended more deeply to sink his spirits in the gulf of mel 180 ALONZO AND MELISSA. ancholy and misery. He however informed Edgar of all that had hapened since they parted at Vincent's-respecting the old mansion Melissa's extraordinary disappearance therefrom, the manner in which he was informed of her death, his departure from Ameica, capture, escape, Beauman's death, arrival in France, and his finding the miniature. To Edgar as well as Alonzo, Melissa sudden and unaccountable removal from the mansion was mysterious and inexplicable. As Edgar was to depart early the next morning, they neither slept nor separated that night. " If it were not for your reluctance to revisit your native country, said Edgar, I should urge you to accompany me to Holland, and thence return with me to America. Necessity and duty require that I should not be long absent, as my parents want my assistance, and they are now childless." " Suffer me, answered Alonzo, to bury myself in this city for the present: should I ever again awake to real life, I will seek you out if you are on the earth;-but now, I can only be a companion to my miseries." The next morning as they were about to depart, Alonzo took Melissa's miniature from his bosom, contemplated the picture a few moments with ardent emotion, and ALONZO AND MELISSA. 181 presented it to Edgar. " Keep it, said Edgar, it is thine. I bestow it upon thee as I would the original, had not death become the rival of thy love, anid my affection.Suffer not the sacred symbol too tenderly to renew your sorrows. How swiftly, Alo.zo, does this restless life fleet away!How soon shall we pass the barriers of terrestrial existence! Let us live worthy of ourselves, of our holy religion, of MelissaMelissa, whom, when a few more suns have arisen and set, we shall meet in regions where all tears shall be eternally wiped from every eye.7" With what unspeakable sensibilities wmt it returned to Alonzo's bosom! Edgar offered Alonzo pecuniary assistance, which the latter refused: " I am in business, said he, which brings me a decent support, and that is sufficient." They agreed to write each other as frequently as possible, and tLen affectionately parted: Edgar' sailed for Holland, and Alonzo returned to his business at Mr. Grafton'.o Some time after this Alonzo received a message from Dr. Franklin, requiring his attendance at his house, which summons he immediately obeyed. The doctor introduced him into his study, and after being seated, he earnestly viewed Alonzo for some time, and thus addressed him: 16 182 ALONZO AND MELISSA. "Young man, your views, your resolutions, and your present conduct, are totally wrong. Disappointment, you say, has driven you from your native country. Disappointment in what? In obtaining the object on which you most doated. And suppose this object had been obtained, would your happiness have been complete? Your own reason, if you coolly consult it, will convince you of the contrary. Do you not remember when an infant, how you cried, and teazed your nurse, or your parents, for a rattle, or some gay, trinket?-Your whole soul was fixed upon the enchanting bauble; but when obtained, you soon cast it awvay, and sighed as earnestly for some other trifle, some new toy. Thus it is through life; the fancied value of an object ceases with the attainment; it becomes familiar, and its charm is lost. " Was it the splendours of beauty which enraptured you? Sickness may, and age must destroy the symmetry of the most finished form-the brilliancy of the finest feauires. Was it the graces of the mind? I tell you, that by familiarity, these allurements are lost, and the mind, left vacant turns to some other source to supply vaewm. " Stripped of all their intrinsic value, how poor how vain, and how worthless, are th.ose. things we name pleasures, and enjoyments. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 183 " Besides, the attainment of your wishes might have been the death of your hopes. If my reasoning is correct, the ardency of your passion might have closed with the pursuit. An every day suit, however rich and costly the texture, is soon worn threadbare. On your part, indifference would consequently succeed: on the part of your partner, disappointment, jealousy, and disgust. What might follow is needless for me to name;-your soul must shudder at the idea of conjugal infidelity! " But admitting the most favourable consequences; turn the brightest side of the picture; admitting as much happiness as the connubial state will allow: how might your bosom have been wounded by the sickness and death of your children, or their disorderly and disobedient conduct! You must know also, that the warmth of youthful passion must soon cease, and it is merely a hazardous chance whether friendship will supply the absence of affection. "After all, my young friend, it will be well for you to consider, whether the allwise dispensing hand of Providence, has not directed this matter wh.ic.h you esteem so great an affliction, 'or your greatest good, and most issential advantage. And suffer me to tell you, that in all my observations on life, I have always found.that those con 184 ALONZO AND MELISSA. nections which were formed from inordinate passion, or what some would call pure affection, have been ever the most unhappy. Examine the varied circles of society, you will there see this axiom demonstrated; you will there see how few among the sentimentally refined are even apparently at ease; while those, insusceptible of what you name tender attachments, or who receive them only as things of course, plod on through life, without even experiencing the least inconvenience from a want of the pleasures they are supposed to bestow, or the pains they are sure to create. Beware, then, my son, beware of yielding the heart to the effeminacies of passion. Exquisite sensibilities are ever subject to exquisite inquietudes. Counsel with correct reason, place entire dependence on the SUPREME, and the triumph of fortitude and resignation will be yours." Franklin paused. His reasonings, however they convinced the understanding, could not heal the wounds of Alonzo's bosom.-In Melissa he looked for as much happiness as earth could afford, nor could he see any prospect in life which could repair the loss he had sustained. "1 You have, resumed the philosopher, deserted an indulgent father, a fond and tender mother, who must want your aid; now, ALONZO AND MELISSA. lbb perhaps, unable to toil for bread; now, possibly laid upon the bed of sickness, calling, in anguish or delirium, for the filial hand of their only son to administer relief."-A-- l the parental feelings of Alonzo were now called into poignant action.-- " You have left a country, bleeding at every pore, desolated by the ravages of war, wrecked by the thunders of battle, her heroes slain, her children captured. This country asks-she demands-you owe her your services: God and nature call upon you to defend her, while here you bury yourself in inglorious inactivity, pining for a hapless object, which, by all your lamentations, you can never bring back to the regions of mortality." This aroused the patriotic flame in the bosom o. Alonzo, and he voluntarily exclaimed, " I will go to the relief of my parents--I will fly to the defence of my country!" "In former days, continued Franklin, I was well acquainted with your father. As soon as you informed me of his failure, I wrote to my correspondent in England, and found, as I expected, that he had been overreached by swindlers and sharpers.- The pretended failure of the merchants with whom he was in company, was all a sham, as, also the reported loss of the ships in their employ. The merchants fled to England: 16 * 186 ALONZO AND MELISSA. I have had them arrested, and they have given up their effects to much more than the amount of their debts. I have therefore procured a reversion of your father's losses, which, with costs, damages, and interests, when legally stated, he will receive of my agent in Philadelphia, to whom I shall transmit sufficient documents by you, and I shall advance you a sum equal to the expenses of your voyage, which will be liquidated by the said agent. A ship sails in a few days from Havre, for Savannah in Georgia: it would, indeed, be more convenient were she bound to some more north. ern port, but I know of no other which will sail for any part of America for some time. In her therefore I would advise you to take passage: it is not very material on what part of the continent you are landed; you will soon reach Philadelphia, transact your business, restore your father to his property, and be ready to serve your country." If any thing could have given Alonzo consolation, it must have been this noble, generous and disinterested conduct of the great Franklin in favour of his father, by which his family were restored to ease and to independence. Ah! had this but have happened ai time to save a life far dearer than is own! The reflection was too painful. The idea,, of giving joy to his aged ALONZO AND MELISSA. 187 parents, hastened his departure. Furnished with proper documents and credentials from Franklin, his benefactor, he took leave of him, with the warmest expressions of gratitude, as also of Mr. Grafton, and sailed for Savannah, where he arrived in about eight weeks. Intent on his purpose, he immediately purchased a carriage and proceeded on for Philadelphia. As he approached Charleston, his bosom swelled with mournful recollections. He arrived in that city in the afternoon, and at evening he walked out, and entered a little ale house, which stoo4 near the large burial ground. An elderly woman and two small children were the only persons in the house, except himself. After calling for a pint of ale, he enquired of the old lady, if Col D--, (Melissa's uncle) did not live near the city. She informed him that he resided about a mile from the town, where he had an elegant seat, and that he was very rich. " Was there not a young lady, asked Alonzo, who died there about eighteen months ago?" " La me! said she, did you know her? Yes; and a sweeter or,more handsome l.ady the sun never shined on. And then she was so good, so patient in her sickness.Poer, dear distressed Oirl, she pined away 188 ALONZO AND MELISSA. to skin and bones before she died. She was not Col. D- 's daughter, only somehow related: she came here in bhpes that a change of air might do her good. She came from-la me! I cannot think of the name of the place; it is a crabbed name though." "Connecticut, was it not?" said Alonzo. " 0 yes, that was it, replied she. Dear me! then you knew her, did you, sir?Well, we have not her like left in Charleston, that we han't;-and then there was such ado at her funeral; five hundred people, I dare say, with eight young ladies for pall-bearers, all dressed in white, with black ribbons, and all the bells tolling." " Where was she buried?" enquired Alonzo. " In the church-yard right before our door, she answered. My husband is the sexton; he put up her large white marble tomb-stones;--they are the largest and whitest in the whole burying-ground; and so, indeed, they ought to be, for never was there a person who deserved them more." Tired with the old woman's garrulity, and with a bosom bursting with anguish, Alonzo paid for his ale without drinking it, bade her good night, and slowly proceeded to the church-yard. The moon, in full lustre, shone with solemn, silvery ray, on the ALONZO AND MELISSA. 189 sacred piles, and funeral monuments of the sacred dead; the wind murmured mournfully among the weeping willows; a solitary nightingale* sang plaintively in the distant forest; and a whippoorwill, Melissa's favourite bird, whistled near the portico of the church. The large white tomb-stones soon caught the eye of Alouzo. He approached them with tremulous step, and with feelings too agitated for description. On the head-stone he read as follows: SACRED To the Memory of inestimable departed WORTH; To unrivalled Excellence and Virtue. Miss MELISSA D---, Whose remains are deposited here, and whose ethereal part became a seraph, October 26, 1776, In the 18th year of her age. Alonzo bent, kneeled, he prostrated himself, he clasped the green turf which enclosed her grave, he watered it with his tears, he warmed it with his sighs. "Where art thou, bright beam of heavenly light! he said. Come to my troubled soul, blessed spirit! Come, holy shade! come in all thy native loveliness, and cheer the bosom *This bird, though not an inhabitant of the northern states, is frequently to be umet with in Georgia and the Carohnas. 190 ALONZO AND MELISSA. of wretchedness, by thy grie~f dispersing smile! Oin the ray of yon evening star descend. One moment leave the celestial regions of glory-leave, o.4e moment, thy sis'Cr beatitudes, and glkide, in entranciing beauty, before me: wave, benignly wave thy white hand, and assuage the anguish of despairing sorrow! Alasl in vain my invocaf on! A cutrtain, impenetrable, is drawn betwixt me and thee, only to be daisclosed by the dissolution of nature."1 He arose and walked away: suddenly he stopped. "Yet, said hie, if spirits departed lose not the power of recollection --if they have knowledge of present eveiits on earth, Melissa cannot have forgotten meshe must pity mip." He returned to the grave; he took her miniature from his hosorn; he held it up, and earnestly -viewed it by tne moon's pale ray. "Ah, Franklin! he exclaimed, how ten-. de~rly does she beam her lovely eye upon me! How often have I drank delicious exr tacy from the delicacy of those 'unrivalled charms! How often have they taught me to anticipate superlatLive and uninterrupted bltiss! Mistake-a and delusive hope'! [re-. turning the miniatw-e to his bosom. J Vain and jjwesumptous assurance. Then Lrpoin-. tiny to the grcavej there- behold how my dearest wishes, my fondest expectations are ALONZO AND MELISSA. 191 realized!- Hallowed turf! lie lightly on her bosom!-Sacred willows! sprinkle the dews gently over her grave, while the mourning breezes sigh sadly amid your branches! Here may the "widowed wild rose love to bloom!" Here may the first placid beams of morning delight to linger; from hence, the evening ray reluctantly withdraw!And when the final trump shall renovate and' arouse the sleeping saint;-when on "buoyant step" she soars to glory, may our meeting spirits join in beatifick transport! May my enraptured ear catch the first holy whisper of her consecrated lips." Alonzo having thus poured out the effusions of an overcharged heart, pensively returned to the inn, which he entered and seated himself in the common room, in deep contemplation. As usual at public inns, a number of people were in the room, among whom were several officers of the American army. Alonzo was too deeply absorbed in melancholy reflection, to notice passing incidents, until a young officer came, seated himself by him, and entered into conversation respecting the events of the war. He appeared to be about Alonzo's age; his person was interesting, his nmnners sprightly, his observations correct.Alonzo was, in some degree, aroused from his abstractedness;-the manners of the 192 ALONZO AND MELISSA. stranger pleased him. His frankness, his ease, his understanding, his urbanity, void of vanity or sophistication, sympathetically caught the feelings of Alonzo, and he even felt a sort of solemn regret when the stranger departed. He soon retired to bed, determining to proceed early in the morning. He arose about daylight; the horizon was overcast, and it had begun to rain, which before sunrise had encreased to a violent storm. He found therefore that he must content himself to stay until it was over, which did not happen till near night, and too late to pursue his journey. He wai informed by the inn-keeper, that the theatre, which had been closed since the commencement of the war, was to be opened that night only, with the tragedy of Gustvilus, and close with a representation of Burgoyne's capture, and some other recent events of the American war. To " wing the hours with swifter speed," Alonzo determined to go to the theatre, and at the hour appointed he repaired thither. As he was proceeding it take his seat, he passed the box where sat the young officer, whose manners had so prepossessed him the preceding evening at the inn. He immediately arose: they exchanged salutatiols, and Alonzo walked on and took his seat. The evening was warm, and the ALONZO AND MELISSA. 193 house exceedingly crowded. After the traw gedy was through, and before the afterpiece commenced, the young officer came to Alonzo's box, and made some remarks on the merit of the actors. While they were discoursing, a bustle took place in one part of the house, and several people gathered around a box, at a little distance from them. The officer turned, left Alonzo, and hastened to the place. To the general enquiry, " what's the matter?" it was answered, that "a lady had fainted." She was led out, and the tumult subsided. As soon as the after-piece was closed, Alonzo returned to the inn. As he passed along he cast his eyes toward the churchyard, where lay the " wither'd blessings of his richest joys." Affection, passion, inclination, urged him to go and breathe a farewell sigh, to drop a final tear over the grave of Melissa. Discretion, 'reason, wisdom forbade it-forbade that he re-pierce the ten thousand wounds of his bosom, by the acute revival of unavailing sorrows He hurried to hischamber. As he prepared to retire to rest, he saw a book lying on the table near b;s bed. On taking it up he found it to be Yong's Night Thoughts, a book which, in happier days, had been the solace of many a gloomy, many a lucid hour. He took it up and the 17 M 194 ALONZO AND MELISSA. first lines he cast his eyes upon were the following: "Song, beauty, youth, love, virtue, joy: this group Of bright ideas-flowers of Paradise, As yet unforfeit! in one blaze we bind. Kneel, and present it to the skies; as all We guess of Heaven! And these were all her ows~ And she was mine, and I was-was most blestLike blossom'd trees o'erturn'd by vernal storm, Lovely in death the beauteous ruin layYe that e'er lost an angel, pity me." His tears fell fast upon the book! He replaced it and flung himself into bed. Sleep was far from him; he closed not his eyes till the portals of light were unbarred in the east, when he fell into interrupted slumbers. When he awoke, the morning was considerably advanced. He arose. One consolation was yet left-to see his parents happy. He went down to order his carriage; his favourite stranger, the young officer, was in waiting, and requested a private interview. They immediately retired to a separate room, when the stranger thus addressed Alonzo: " From our short acquaintance, you may, sir, consider it singular that I should attempt to scrutinize your private concerns, and more extraordinary you may esteem it, when I inform you of my reasons for so doing. Judging, however, from appearances, I have no doubt of your candour. If my ALONZO AND MELISSA. 195 questions should be deemed improper, you will tell me so." Alonzo assured him he would treat him candidly. "1 This I believe, said the young officer; I take the liberty therefore to ask if you are an American? --- I am," answered Alonzo. "I presume, said the stranger-the question is a delicate one-I presume your family is respectable? " Sacredly so," replied Alonzo. " Are you married, sir?" "I am not, and have ever been single." " Have you any prospects of connecting in marriage?" " I have not, sir." " I may then safely proceed, said the stranger; I trust you will hear me attentively; you will judge maturely; you will decide correctly, and I am confident that you will answer me sincerely. " A young lady of this city, with whom I am well acquainted, and to whom, indeed, I am distantly related, whose father is affluent, whose connections are eminently respectable, whose manners are engaging, whose mind is virtue, whose elegance of form and personal beauty defy competition. is the cause, sir, of this mission.-Early in troduced into the higher walks of life, she has passed the rounds of fashionable company; numberless suitors sighed for her hand, whom she complaisantly dismissed without disobliging, as her heart had not yet been 196 ALONZO AND MELISSA. touched by the tender passion of love. Surprising as it may, however, seem, it is now about six months since she saw in her dream the youth who possessed the power to inspire her with this passion. In her dream she saw a young gentleman whose interesting manners and appearance, impressed her so deeply that she found she must be unhappy without him. She thought it was in a mixed company she saw him, but that she could not get an opportunity to speak to him. It seemed that if she could but speak with him, all difficulties would at once be removed. At length he approached her, and;ust ashe was about to address her, ske awoke. -' This extraordinary dream she had communicated to several of her acquaintance.-. Confident that she should some time or ether behold the real person whose semblance she had seen in her dream, she. has never since been perfectly at ease in her mind. Her father, who has but two children, one beside herself, being dotingly fond of her, has promised that if ever she mneets this unknown stranger, he will not oppose their union, provided he is respectable, and that) if worthy of her hand, he will make. him independent. On my return frpm the inn the eveningI first saw you, I told my sister-I beg pardon, sir-I was wandering from my sub ALONZO AND MELISSA. 197 ject--a:ter I first met you at the inr, I fell in company with the lady, and in a rallying way told her that I had seen her invisible beau, as we used to call the gentleman o' the dream. I superficially described you, person, and descanted a little on the embellishments of your mind. She listened with some curiosity and attention; but I had so often jested with her in this manner, that she thought little of it. At the play last night, I had just been speaking to her when I came to your box: her eyes fillowed me, but no sooner had they rested on you, than she fainted! This was the cause of my leaving )ou so abruptly, and not returning. We conveyed her home, when she informed me that you was the person she had seen in her dieam! "To me only, she preferred disclosing the circumstance at present, for reasons which must be obvious to your understanding.Even her father and mother are not infcimed of it, and should my mission piove unsuccessful, none except you, sir, she and myself, I hope and trust, will ever know any thing of the matter. " Now, sir, it is necessary for me fartner to explain. As singular as the circumstances which I have related may appear to you, to me they must appear as strange. - rane valuable purpose is, however, answer17 * 198 ALONZO AND MELISSA. ed thereby; it will exclude the imputation of capriciousness--the freakish whim of love at first sight, which exists only in novels and romances. You, sir, are young, unmarried, unaffianced, your affections free: such is the condition of the lady. She enquires not into the state of your property! she asks not riches:-If she obtains the object of her choice, on him, as I have told you, will her father bestow affluence.Whatever, sir, may be your pretensions to eminence, and they may be many, the lady is not your inferior. Her education also is such as would do honour to a gentleman of taste. "I will not extend my remarks; you perfectly understand me-what answer shall I return?" Alonzo sighed: for a few moments he was silent. " Perhaps, said the stranger, you may consider the mode of this message as bearing the appearance of indecorum. If so, I presume, on reviewing the incidents which to-which enforced it, as the most safe, the only means of sure communication, you will change your opinion. Probably you would not wish finally to decide until you have visited the lady. This was my expectation, and I am, therefore, ready to intro. duce yKu to her presence." ALONZO AND MELISSA. 199 "CNo, sir, said Alonzo, so far from considering the message indecorous, I esteem it: a peculiar honour, both as respects the lady, and yourself. Nor is it necessary that I should visit the lady, to confirm the truth of what you have related. You will not, sir, receive it as an adulatory compliment, when I say, that although our acquaintance is short, yet my confidence in your integrity -s such as to require no corroborating facts to establish your declaration. But, sir, there are obstacles, insuperable obstacles, to the execution of the measures you would propose. "Ycur frankness to me, demands, on my part, equal candour. I assured you that I was unmarried, and had no prospect of entaring into matrimonial engagements; this is indeed the fact: but it is also true that my affections-my first, my eafliest affections were engaged, unalienably engaged, to an object which is now no more. Perhaps you may esteem it singular; peahaps you will consider it enthusiasm; but, sir, it is impossible that my heart should admit a second r.nd similar impression," The stranger paused. "Recent disappointments of this nature, he replied, commonly leave the mind under such gloomy influences. Time, however, the soother of severest woes, will, though slowly, yet 200 ALONZO AND MELISSA. surely. disperse the clouds of anguish, and the rays of comfort and consolation will beam upon the soul. I wish not to be considered importunate, but the day may arrive when you may change your present determination, and then will you not regret that you refused so advantageous an overture?" "That day will never arrive, sir answered Alonzo: I have had time for deliberate reflection since the melancholy event took place. I have experienced a sufficient change of objects and country; the effect is the same. The wound is still recent, and so it will ever remain: indeed I cannot wish it otherwise. There is a rich and sacred solemnity in my sorrows, sir,which I would not exchange for the most splendid acquirements of wealth, or the most dignified titles 8f fame." The young officer sat for some time silent. "Well, sir, he said, since it is thus, seeing that these things are so, I will urge you no farther. You will pardon me respecting the part I have taken in this business, since it was with the purest designs. May coDsolation, comfort, and happiness, yet be yours." "To you and your fair friend, said Alonz.o, I consider myself under the highest obligations. The gratitude I feel I can but ALONZO AND MELISSA. 201 feebly expiess. Believe me, sir, when I tell you, (and it is all I can say,) that your ingenucus conduct has left impressions in my bosom which can never be obliterated.. The stranger held out his hand, which Alonzo ardently grasped. They were silent, but their eyes spoke sympathy, and they parted Alonzo immediately 'prepared, and wvas soon ready to depart. As he was stepping into his carriage, he saw the young officer returming. As he came up, "I must detain you a few moments longer, he said, and I will give you no farther trouble. You will recollect that the lady about whom I have so much teazed you, when she became ac-. quainted with you in her dream, believed that if she could speak with you, all difficulties would be removed. Conscious that this may be the case, (for with all her accomplishments she is a little superstitious,) she desires to see you. You have nothing to fear, sir; she would not for the world yield you her hand, unless in return you could give her your heart. Ncor was she w:lling you should know that she made this request, but wished me to introdiuce you, as it were by stratagem. Confident, however, that you would thus far yield to the caprice of a lady, I chose to tell you the 202 ALONZO AND MELISSA. truth. She resides near by, and it will not hinder you long." "It is capriciousness in the extreme," thought Alonzo; but he told the stranger he would accompany him-who immediately stepped into the carriage, and they drove, by his direction, to an elegant house in a street at a little distance, and alighted. As they entered the house, a servant handed the stranger a note, which he hastily looked over: " Tell the gentleman I will wait on him in a moment," said he to the servant, who instantly withdrew. Turning to Alonzo, " a person is in waiting, said he, on urgent business; excuse me, therefore, if it is with reluctance I retire a few moments, after I have announced you; I will soon again be with you." They then ascended a flight of stairs: the stranger opened the door of a chamber"The gentleman I mentioned to you madam," he said. Alonzo entered; the stranger closed the door and retired. The laly was sitting by a window at the lower end of the room, but arose as Alonzo was announced. She was dressed in sky-blue silk, embroidered with spangled \lace; a gemmed tiara gathered her hair, from which was suspended a green veil, according to the mode of those times; a silken girdle, with diamond clasps, surrounded her waist, and ALONZO AND MELISSA. 203 a brilliant.parkled upon her bosom. "The stianger"t Iescription was not exaggerated. thought Alonzo; for, except one, I have never seen a more elegant figure:" and he almost wished the veil removed, that he might behold her features. "You will please to be seated, sir, she said. I know not how-I feel an inconoeivable diffidence in making an excuse for the inconveniences my silly caprices have given you." Enchanting melody was in her voice! Alonzo knew not why, but it thrilled his bosom, electrified his soul, and vibrated every nerve of his heart. Confused and hurried sensations, melancholy, yet pleasing; transporting as the recurrence of youthful joys, enrapturing as dreams of early childhood, passed in rapid succession over his imagination!,She advanced towards him and turned aside her veil. Her eyes were suffused, and tears streamed down her cheeks.-Alonzo started-his whole frame shook--he gasped for breath!- " Melissa! he convulsively exclaimed,-God of infinite wonders, it is Melissa!" Again will the inciderits of our history produce a pause. Our sentimental readers will experience a recurrence of sympathetic sensibilities, and will attend more ea 204 ALONZO AND MELISSA, gerly to the final scene of our drama.-~. "Melissa alive!" may they say-"1 impossihi!Did not Alonzo see her death in the public prinhts? Did not her cousin at New-' London inform him of the Zircumstances, and was he not in mourning? Did n~ot the dying Beauman confirm the melancholy factP And was not the unquestion able testimony of her brother Edgar sufficient to seal the truth of all this? Did not the sexto' wife who knew not Alonzo, corroborate it? And did not Alonzo finally reard her name, her age, and the timc of her death, on her tomb-stone, which ex actly accorded with the publication of her death in the papers, and his own know~ledge of her age? And is not this sufficient to prove, clearly and incontestibly prove, that she is dead? And yet here, she is again, in all her primitive beauty and splendour! N~o, this surely can never be. However the. author may succeed in his description, in painting reanimated nature, he is no magician, or if he is, he cannot raise the dead. "1Melissa has long since -mouldered into dust, and he has raised up some female Martin Guerre, or Thomas oagý-som--e persoi, fvc-m whose near rcsemblan-ce to the deceased, he thinks to impose uponL us and upon Alonzo also, for Melissa. But it ALONZO AND MELISSA. 205 will not do; it must be the identical Melissa herself, or it might as well be heo likeness in a marble statue. What! cay Alonzo realize the delicacies, the tender,. ness, the blandishments of Melissa in another? Can her substitute point him to.he rock on New London beach, the bower on her favourite hill, or so feelingly describe the charms of nature? Can he, indeed, find in her representative those alluring graces, that pensive sweetness, those unrivalled virtues and matchless worth which he found in Melissa, and which attracted, fixed and secured the youngest affections of his soul? Impossible!--Or could the author even make it out that Alonzo was deceived by a person so nearly resembling Melissa that he could not distinguish the difference, yet to his readers he must unveil the deception, and, of course, the story will end in disappointment; it will leave an unpleasant and disagreeable impression on the mind of the reader, which in novel writing is certainly wrong. It is provee as clearly as facts can prove, that he haý suffered Melissa to die; and since she is dead, it is totally beyond his power to bring her to life-- and so his history is intrinsically good for nothing. Be not quite so hasty, my zealous censor. Did we not tell you that we were detailing 18 206 ALONZO AND MELISSA. facts.? Shall we disguise or discolour truth, to please your taste? Have we not toli you that disappointments are the lot of life I Have we not, according to the advice of.ýhe moralist, led Alonzo to the temple of philosophy, the shrine of reason, and the sanctuary of religion? If all these fail-if in these Alonzo cannot find a balsam suflicieni to heal his wounded bosom; then if, in des pite of graves and tomb-stones, Melissa will come to his relief-will pour the balm of consolation over his anguished soul, cynical critic, can the author help it? It was indeed Melissa, the identical Melissa, whom Alonzo ascended a tree to catch a last glimpse of; as she walked up the avenue to the old mansion, after they had parted at the draw-bridge, on the morning of the day when she was so mysteriously removed. "1Melissa!"-" Alonzo!"were all they ~could articulate: and frown not, my fair readers, if we tell you that she was instantly in his arms, while he pressed his ardent lips to her glowing cheek. Sneer not, ye callous hearted insensibles, ye fastidious prudes, if we inform you that their tears fell in one intermingling shower,, that their sighs wafted in one blended breeze. The sudden opening of the door aroused them to a sense of their improper situation; for who but must consider it imyro. ALONZO AND MELISSA 2 2 01 pt% s find a young lady locked ini the -arms ai ng2ntleman to whom she had just been in1tro~duced? The opening of the door, therefore, caused them quickly to change their position; not so hastily, however, but that the young officer who then entered the room had a glimpse of thei situation."Aha!said he, have I caught you? Is my philosophic Plato so csoon metamorphosed to a bon ton enamarato? But a few hourIs ago, sir, arid you -were proof against *the whole areania of beauty, and all the artillery of the graces; but no sooner are you for one moment Wee a tete with a fashionable belle, than your heroism and your resolutions arp. vanquished, your formaer ties dissolved, and your deceased charmner totally forgotten or neglected, by the virtue of a Single glance. Well, so it is: &nor fin'cit oinnia is my mortto; to thee all conquering beauty, our firmest determinations must bow., Icannot censure you for discovering, though late, that one living object is really of more intrinsic value than two dead ones. Indeed, sir, I can not b~ut applaud your de" 1The laws of honour, said Alonzo, smiling, compel me to tubmft to become. the subje'ct of your raillery and deception; I am in your power.", 1"I1 acknowledge, said the officer, that I 208 ALONZO AND MELISSA. have a little deceived you, my story was fiction founded on truth-the novel style: but for the deceptive part, you may thank your little gipsey of a nymph there, pointjg to Melissa; she planned and I executed." " How ready you gentleman are, replied Melissa, when accused of impropriety, to cast the blame on the defenceless! So it was with our first parents, and so it is still. But you must remember that Alonzo is yet to hear my story; there, sir, I have the advantage of you." "Then I confess, said he, looking at Alonzo, you will be too hard for me, and so I will say no more about it." Melissa then introduced the young officer to Alonzo, by the appellation of Capt. Wilmot. " He is the son of my deceased uncle, said she, a cousin to whom I am much indebted, as you shall hereafter know." A coach drove up to the door, which Melissa informed Alonzo was her uncle's, and was sent to convey Alfred and her home. 1" You will have no objection to breakfast with me at my uncle's, said Alfred, if it be only to keep our cousin Melissa in countenance. Alonzo did not hesitate to accept the invitation: They immediately therefore entered the coach, a servant took care of Alon ALONZO AND MELISSA. 209 zo's carriage; and they drove to the seat of Col, D-, who, with his family, received Alonzo with much friendship and po!ite1 ness. Alfred had apprized them of Alonzo's arrival in town, and of course he waa expected. Col. D- was about fifty years old, his manners were majestically grave and commanding, yet polished and polite. His family consisted of an amiable wife. considerably younger than himself, and three children; the eldest son, about ten years of age, and two daughters, one seven, the otlthe four years old. Harmony and cheerfulness reigned in his family, which diffused tranquillity and ease to its members and its guests. It was agreed that Alonzo should pass s few days at the house of Melissa's uncle when Melissa was to accompany him to Connecticut. Alfred, with some other officers, was recruiting for the army, where his regiment then lay, and which he was shortly to join. He could not, therefore, be constantly at his uncle's, though he was principally there whiP Aionzo staid: but eing absent the day after his arrival, Melissa and Alonzo having retired to a room separate from the family, she gave him the following accourt of what happened after they had parted at the old mansion. 18 " N 210 ALONZO AND MELISSA. " The morning aftergyou left me, she said, John came to the bridge and called to be let in:-I immediately went to the gate, opened it, and let down the bridge. John informed me that my aunt had suddenly and unexpectedly arrived that morning in company with a strange gentleman, and tiat he had come for the keys, as my aunt was to visit the mansion that day. I strove to persuade John to leave the keys in my possession, and that I would make all easy with my aunt when she arrived. This, though with much reluctance, he at length consented to, and departed. Soon after this my aunt came, and without much ceremony demanded the keys, insinuating that I had obtained them from John by imposition, and for the basest purposes. This aroused me to indignation, and I answered by informing her that whatever purposes the persecutson and cruelty of my family had compelled me to adopt, my conscience, under present circumstances approved them, and I refused to give her the keys. She then ordered me to prepare to leave the mansion, and accompany her to her residence at the house of John. I told her that I had been placed there by my father, and should not consent to a removal unless by his express orders. She then left me, intimating that she would soon let me know ALONZO AND MET ISSA. 211 that her authority was not to be thus trampled upon with impunity. SI immediately raised the bridge, and made fast the gate, determining, on no con siderations, to suffer it to be opened until evening. The day passed away without any occurrence worthy of note, and as soon as it was dark, I went, opened the gate, and cautiously let down the bridge. I then returned to the mansion, and placed the candle, as we had concerted, at the window. Shortly after I heard a carriage roll over the bridge and proceed upjthe avenue. -My heart fluttered; I wished-I hardly knew what I did wish; but I feared I was about to act improperly, as I had no other idea but that it was you, Alonzo, who was approaching. The carriage stopped near the door of the mansion; a footstep ascended the stairs. Judge of my surprise and agitation, when my father entered the chamber! A maid and two men servants followed him. He directed me to make immediate preparations for leaving the mansion-- which command, with the assistance of the servants, I obeyed with a heart too full for utterance. " As soon as I was ready, we entered the carriage, which drove rapidly away. As we passed out of the gate, I looked back at the mansion, and saw the light of the can 212 ALONZO AND MELISSA. die, which I had forgotten to remove, streaming from the window, and it was by an extraordinary effort that I prevented myself from fainting. " The carriage drove, as near as I could judge, about ten:miles, when we stopped at an inn for the night, except my father, who returned home o horseback, leaving me at the inn in company with the servants, where the carriage also remained. The maid was aperson who hd- been attached to me from my infancy. IFa0ed her whether she could explain these mysiterious proceedings. " All I know, Miss, I will tell you, said she. Your father received a letter to-day from your aunt, which put him in a terrible flutter:-he immediately ordered his carriage and dirteted us to attend him. He mnet your aumj.Pa t a tavern somewhere away back, a~idhe told him that the gentleman who used to come to our house so much once, had contrived to carry you off from the place where you lived with her; so your father concluded to send you to your uncle's in Carolina, and said that I must go with you. And to tell you the truth, Miss, I was not displeased with it; for your father has grown so sour of late, that we have little peace in the house." "By this I found that my fate was fixed, and I gave myself up for some time to una ALONZO AND MELISSA. 213 raihng sorrow. The maid informed me that my mother was well, which was one sweet consolation among my many troubles; but she knew nothing of my father's late conduct. "The next morning weproceeded, and I was hurried on by rapid stages to tht Chesapeak, where, with the maid and one man servant, I was put on board a packet for Charleston, at which place we arrived in due time"My uncle and his family receied me with much tenderness: the servant delivered a package of letters to my uncle from my father. The carriage with one servant (the driver) had returned from the Chesapeak to Connecticut. "My father had but one brother and two sisters, or which my uncle here'is the youngest- One of my aunts, the old maid, who was my protectress at th. old mansion, you have seen at my father's. The other was the mother of Alfred:-she married very young, to a gentleman in Hartford, of the name of Wilmot, who fell before the walls of Louisburg, in the old French war. My aunt did not long survive hhm;--her health, which had been for some time declining, received so serious a shock by this catastrophe, that she died a few months after the melancholy tidings arrived leaving Alfred, 214 ALONZO AND MELISSA. their. only child then an infan.t, to the protection of his relations, who as soon as he arrived at a s'iitable age, placed him at s~hooi.."My grandfather, who had the p~rincipal mnanagement ýof, ýM~r. Wilmot's estate, sent my uncle, who 0w'as then young and -untnar ried, to Hartford, for the purpo-se of transV~nting tJk ecessary business. Here he became- equninted with a young lady, emiinent i'r beauty and lovelinessz, but without fortune, the daug -hter of a poor Ymechanic. As soon as mny -grandfather was informed of this attach m 6nit; he, in a very peremptory manner, ordered my uncl.e to break off the connection on panof his hiohest displeasure. But such is the force of early impressions, ( melissa sighed) that my u~ncle found it irnposýible to submit to these firm injunctions; a`, clan destine marriage ensued, and my gran'dfather's maledictions in The union was, however, soon dissolved; my uncle's wife died in about twelve monthi-s after their marriage, and soon after thie birth of the first n~hild, which -vý a daughbter. Inconsolable and cc~mfortless, my uncle put the child out, to nurse, and travelled to the south. After waindering about for some time, hie took up his residf--nee in Chdrleston, where he amassed a splendid fortune. He finally mnarried to an amiable and respectable wamnan, whose ten ALONZO AND MELIPSSPA. a derness, though it did not entirely remove, yet. greatly alleviated the pangs of early sorrow. and this, added to the 1ittie, blan dishments of a young family, fixed him in a state of moire contentedness than he once ever expected to see. ';His daughter by his first wife~ when she became of piroper age, was sent to a re-- spectable boarding-school in Boston, waxere she remained until within about two years before I came here. "1Alfred was educated at Harvard Cot.lege: as soon as he had graduated, he camne here on mny unl' request, and has since remained in his family. "'Soon after I arrived here; my uncle came into my chamber one d ay "Melissa. said he, I find by your father's letters thai, he considers you to have formed an impro-. per conne.21tion. I wish you to give me a true statement of the m.-atter, and if any thing can be done to reconcile you to your father, you may depend upon my assist. ance. I have seen some. troubles in this way myseif in my early days; perhaps my counsel may be of somesevc4CI immediately gave a correct f~ccounit of every particular circumstance, E~oin the t.ime of'my first acquaintance with You~ until my arrival at this house. He sat some time silent., and thes told me that my (a 216 ALONZO AND MELISSA. ther, he believed, had drawn the worst side of the picture; and that he had urged him to exert every means in his power to reclaim me to obedience: That Beauman was to follow me in a few months, and that, if I still refused to yield him my hand, my father positively and solemnly declared that he would discard me forever, and strenuously enjoined it upon him to do the same. " I well know my brother's temper, continued my uncle; the case is difficult, but something must be done. I will immediately write to your father, desiring him not to proceed too rashly; in the mean time we must consider what measures to pursue. You must not, my niece, you must not be sacrificed." So saying, he left me, highly consoled that, instead of a tyrant, I had found a friend in my new protector. " Alfred was made acquainted with the affair, and many weie the plans projected for my benefit, and abandoned as indefeasible, till an event happened which called forth all the fortitude of my uncle to support it, and operated in the end to free me from persecution. " My uncle's daughter, by his first wife, was of a very delicate and sickly constitution, and her health evidently decreasing. After she came to this place, she was sent to a village en one of the high hills of Pe ALONZO AND MELISSA. 217.217 dee, where she remained a considerable tim.e, she then went to one of the inland towns in North Carolina, from whence sne had but just returned with Alfred when 1 arrived. Afterwards I accompanied her to G~eorgetown, and other places, attendod by her father, so that she.was little mare known in Charleston than myself. But all answered no purpose to the restoration of her health; a confirmed hectic carried her o.ff in the bloom of youth. "I1 was but a few months older than she; her name was Melissa, a name which a pious grandmother had borne, and was there.. fore retained in the family. Our similari-. ty of age, and in some measure of appearance, our being so little known in Charlesto~n, and our names being the same, sugges-. ted to Alfred the idea of imposing on my father, by passing. off my cousin's death as my own..This would, at least, deter BeauMan from prosecuting his intended journey to Charleston; it would also give tiim-; for.farther deliberation, and might so operate oa my father's feelings.. as to softert that obduracy of temper, which deeply Gisquieted himself and. ethers, and thus finally be pr oductive of happily effecting the designed purpose. "1My'uncle was too deeply -everwhelmed in grief to be particularly consulted on this 19 218 ALONZO AND MELISSA. plan. He however entrusted Alfred to act with full powers, and to use his name for my interest, if necessary. Alfred therefore procured a publication, as of my death, in the Connecticut papers, particularly at New London, the native place of Beauman. In Charleston it was generally supposed that it was the niece, and not the daughter of Col. D-, who had died.This imposition was likewise practised upon the sexton, who keeps the register of deaths.* Alfred then wrote a letter to my father, in my uncle's name, stating the particulars of my cousin's death, and applying them to me. The epitaph on her tombstone was likewise so devised that it would with equal propriety apply either to her or to me. " To undeceive you, Alonzo, continued Melissa, was the next object. I consulted with Alfred how this should be done." My sister, he said, (in our private circles he always called me by the tender name of sister,) I am determined to see you happy before I relinquish the business I have undertaken: letters are a precarious mode of communication; I will make a journey to Connecticut, find out Alonzo, visit your friends, and see how the plan operates. I * This was formerly the case. ALONZQ AND MEIIS. 21 known to your father, who has ever treated -me as a relative. I will return as speedily as possible, an~d we, shall then know what measure,3s are best next to pur"I requested him to unfold the deception to my mother, and, if he found it expedient, to Vincent and Mr. Simpson, iin whose friend.ship and fidelity I was sure he might safely confide. "He soon departed, and returrn~d in about two months. He found my father and mother in extreme distress on. account of my supposed death: my Imother's grief had brought her 3n the bed of sickness; but whien Alfred had undeceived her she rapidly revived. My father told Alfred that he seriously regretted opposing my inclinations, and that, were it possible he could retrace the steps he had taker- he should conduct in a very different manner, as ha. was not only deprived of me, but Edgar also, wht. had gone to Holland in an official capa-city, soon after receiving the ot my death. "11 am now childless," said my -father "in tears. Alfred's feeling'&... were moved, and could he then have found, you, he would have told my father the truth; but lest he should relapse from present determinfzi'ns, he considerod it his duity still. with him, to continue the d~eception. 22U ALONZO AND MELISSA. "On enquiring at your father's, at Vin* cent's, and at Mr Simpson's, he could learn nothing of you, except that you had gone to New London, judging possibly that you would find me there. Alfred therefore determined to proceed to that place immediately. He then confidentitlly unfolded to your father, Vincent, and Mr. Simpson, the scheme, desiring that if you returned you would proceed immediately to Charleston. My father was still to be kept in ignorance. " Alfred proceeded immediately to NewLondon: from my cousin there he was informed of your interview with him; but from whence you then came, or where you went, he knew not; and after making the strictest enquiry, he could hear nothing mere of you. By a vessel in that port, bound directly for Holland, he wrote an account of the whole affair to Edgar, mentioning his unsuccessful search to find you; and returned to Charlestcn. " Alfred learnt from my friends the circumstances which occasioned my sudden removal from the old mansion. The morning you left me you was discovered by my aunt, wno was passing the road in a chair with a gentleman, whom she had then but recently become acquainted with.,My aunt know you. They immediately drove ALONZO AND MELISSA. 221 to John's hut. On finding that John ha' left the keys with me, she sent him them; and on my refusing to give them up, she came herself, as I have before related; and as she succeeded no better than John, she returned and dispatched a message to my father, informing him of the circumstances, and her suspicions of your having been to the mansion, and that, from my hav:ng possession of the keys and refusing to yield them up, there was little doubt but that we had formed a plan for my escape. " Alarmed at this information, my father immediately ordered his carriage, drove to the mansion, and removed me, as I have before informed you." " I ought to have told you, that the maid and man servant who attended me to Charleston, not liking the country, and growing sickly, were sent back by my uncle, after they had been there about two months." Alonzo found by this narative that John had deceived him, when he made his enquiries of him concerning his knowledge of Melissa's removal. But this was not surprising: John was tenant to Melissa's aunt, and subservient to all her views;-she had undoubtedly given him instructions how to act. "But who was the strange gentleman 19 * 222 ALONZO AND MELISSA. with your aunt?" enquired Alonzo. I" This I will also tell you, answered Melissa, tho' it unfolds a tale which reflects no great honour to my family. "Hamblin was the name which this man assumed: he said he had been an eminent merchant in New York, and had left it about the time it was taken by the British. He lodged at an inn where my aunt frequently stopped when she was out collecting her rents, where he first introduced himself to her acquaintance, and ingratiated himself into her favour by art and insidiousness. He accompanied her on her visits to her tenants, and assisted her in collecting her rents. IHe told her, that when the war came on, he had turned his effects into money, which he had with him, and was now in pursuit of some country place where he might purchase a residence to remain during the war. To cut the story as short as possible, he finally initiated himself so far in my aunt's favour that she accepted his hand, and, contrary to my father's opinion, she married him, and he soon after persuaded her to sell her property, under pretence of removing to some populous town, and living in style. Her property, however, was no sooner sold (which my father bought for ready cash, at a low ALONZO AND MELISSA. 223 price) than he found means to realize the money, and absconded. " It was afterwards found that his real name was Brenton; that he had left a wife and family in Virginia in indigent circumstances, where he had spent an ample fortune, left him by his father, in debauchery, and involved himself deeply in debt. He had scarcely time to get off with the booty he swindled from my aunt, when his creditors from Virginia were at his heels. He fled to the British at New York, where he rioted for a few months, was finally stabbed by a soldier in a fracas, and died the next day. He was about thirty-five years old. " All these troubles bore so heavily upon my aunt, that she went into a decline, and died about six months ago. "After Alfred returned from Connecticut, he wrote frequently to Vincent and Mr. Simpson, but could obtain no- intelligence concerning you. It would be needless, Alonzo, to describe my conjectures, my anxieties, my feelings! The death of my cousin and aunt had kept me in crape until, at the instance of Alfred, I put it off yesterday morning at my uncle's house, which Alfred had proposed for the scene of action, after he had discovered the cause of my fainting at the theatre. I did not rea 224 ALONZO AND MELISSA. dily come into Alfred's 1lan to deceive you: "Suffer me, he said, to try the constancy of your Leander;----I doubt whether he would swim the Hellespont for you." This aroused my pride and confidence, and I permitted him to proceed." Alonzo then gave Mellissa a minute account of all that happened to him from the time of their parting at the old mansion until he met with her the day before. At the mention of Beauman's fate Melissa sighed. "With how many vain fears, said she, was I perplexed, lest, by some means he should discover my existence and place of residence, after he, alas, was silent in the tomb!" Alonzo told Melissa that he had received a letter from Edgar, after he arrived in Holland, and that he had written him ar answer, just as he left Paris, informing him of his reasons Cor returning to America. When the time arrived that Alonzo and Melissa were to set out for Connecticut, Melissa's uncle and Alfred accompanied them as far as Georgetown, where an affectionate parting took place: The latter returned to Charleston, and the former proceeded on their journey. Philadelphia was now in possession of the British troops. Alonzo found Dr. Franklin's agent at Chester, transacted his busi* ALONZO AND MELISSA. 225 ness, went on, arrived at Vincent's where he left Melissa, and proceeded immediately to his father's The friends of Alonzo and Melissa were joyfully surprised at their arrival. Melissa's mother was sent for to Vincent's. Let imagination paint the meeting! As yet however they were not prepared to undecieve her father. Alonzo found his parents in penurious circumstances; indeed, his father having the preceeding summer, been too indisposed to manage his little farm with attention, and being unable to hire labourers, his crobs had yeilded but a scanty supply, and he had been compelled to sell most of his stock to answer [pressing demands. With great joy they welcomed Alonzo. whom they had given up as lost. "You still find your father poor, Alonzo, said the old gentleman, but you find him still honest.From my inability to labour, we have latterly been a little more pressed than usual; but having now recovered my health. I trust that that difficulty will soon be removed." Alonzo asked his father if he ever knew Dr. Franklin. "We were school-mates, he replied and were intimately acquainted after we became young men in business for ourselves. 0 226 ALONZO AND MELISSA. We have done each other favours; I once divided my money with Franklin on an urgent occasion to him; he afterwards repaid me with ample interest-he will never forget it." Alonzo then related to his father all the incidents of his travels, minutely particularizing the disinterested conduct of Franklin, and then presented his father with the rnsvcion of his estate. The old man fell on his knees, and with tears streaming down his withered cheeks, offered devout thanks to the great Dispenser of all mercies. Alonzo then visited Melissa's father, who received him with much complacency. " I have injured, said he, my young friend, deeply injured you; but in doing this, I have inflicted a wound still deeper in my own bosom." Alonzo desired him not to renew his sorrows. "What is past, said he, is beyond recal; but a subject of some importance to me, is the object of my present visit.-True it is, that your daughter was the object of my earliest affection-an affection which my bosom must ever retain. but being separated by the will of Providence-for I view Providence as overruling all events for wise purposes-I betook myself to travel. Time, you know it is said, sir, will blunt the sharpest thorns of sorrow. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 227 [The old man sighed.]- In my travels I have found a lady so nearly resembling your daughter, that I was induced to sue for her hand, and have been so happy as to gain the promise of it. The favour I have to ask of you, sir, is only that you will permit the marriage ceremony to be celebrated in your house, as you know my father is poor, his house small and inconvenient, and that you will also honour me by giving the lady away. In receiving her from your hands, I shall in some measure realize former anticipations; I shall receive her ia the character of Melissa." "l Ah! said Melissa's father, were it in my power-could I but give you the original; But how vain that wish! Yes, my young friend, your request shall be punctually complied with: I will take upon myself the preparations. Name your day, and if the lady:s portionless, in that she shall be to me a Melissa." Alonzo bowed his head in gratitude; and after appointing that day week, he departed. Invitations were once more sent abroad for the wedding of Alonzo and Melissa.Few indeed knew it to be the real Melissa, but they were generally informed of Alonzo's reason,s for preferring the celebration at her father's. 228 ALONZO AND MELISSA. The evening before the day on which the marriage waw to take place, Alonzo and Melissa were sitting with the Vincents in an upper room, when a person rapped at the door below. Vincent went down, and nmmediately returned, introducing, to the joy and surprise of the company, Edgar! Here, again, we shall leave it for the imagination to depict the scene of an affectionate brother, meeting a tender and oniy sister, whom he had long since supposed to be dead! He had been at his father's, and his mother had let him into the secret, when he immediately hastened to Vinsent's. He told them that he did not stay long in Holland; that after receiving Alonzo's letter from Paris, he felt an unconquerable propensity to return, and soon sailed for America, arrived at Boston, came to New-Haven, took orders in the ministry, and had reached home that day. He informed them that Mr. Simpson and fami, iy had arrived at his father's, and some relatives whom his mother had invited. The next morning ushered in the da; I:. which the hero and heroine of our story were to consummate their felicity. No cross purposes stood ready to intervene their happiness, no obdurate father, no watchtu', scowling aunt, to interrupt their transports. It worthe latter end of May; nature was ALONZO AND MELISSA 2 2~29 arrayed in her ricehest ornaments, and adorned with her sweetest perfumes. The sun blendid its mild lustre with the landsc~ape's lovely green; silk-.winged breezes frolicked amidst the flowers; the spring birds --arroled. in varying strainos: "tThe air was fragrance, and the world was love.". Evening was appointed Zor the ceremony, and Ed-gar was to be the officiating clergyman. "To tie tlr'se bands. which nought but death can svr7 When the hour arrived, they repaired to the hor~se of Melissa's rather, wh,:-e numerous guests had assembled. Melissa was in troduced into tht. bridal apartment, and took her seat among a brilliant circle of indies, Sihe was attired in robes "6white as the southern clouds," spangled with stiver, and trimmed with deep gold lace; her hair hung 'koosely upon. her shoulders, encircled by a wreath of artificial flowers. She had reganmed all her former iovd~iness;- the rose anld the lily again blended their tinges in hier cheek; acrain pensive sprightliness sparkied in her eye. Alonze was now introduced, and took his *eat at the.side of Melissa. His father and tiother 21ame next, who were placed at the ra~ht hand of the young couple: Melissa's 20 2. 0 ALONZO AND MELI5A. parents followed, and were stationed at the lef. Edgar then came and took his seat in fron.; after which the guests were summoned, who filled the room. Edgar then rising, motioned to the intended bride and bridegroom to rise also. He next turned to Alonzo's father for his sanction, who bowed assent. Then addressing his own father, with emotions that searcely suffered him to articulate. " Do you, sir, said he, give this lady to that gentleman?" A solemn silence prevailed in the room. Melissa was extremely agitated, as her father, slowly rising, and with down-cast eyes, " Where tides of heavy sorrow swelPd," took her trembling hand, and conveying it into Alonzo's, '" May the smiles of heaven rest upon you, he said; may future blessings crown your present happy prospects; and may your latter days never be embittered by the premature loss of near and dear " Pungent grief here choaked his utterance, and at this moment Melissa, falling upon her knees, "' Dear father! she exclaimed, bursting into tears, pardon deception; acknowledge your daughter-your own Melissa! Her father started-he gazed at her with scrutinizing attention, and sunk back in his ALONZO AND MELISA. 21 2511.~air.-" My daughter I he cried-Godo mysterious mercy! it is my daughter!"1 The guests caught the oontagious sympathy;- convulsive sobs arose from all parts of the r.oom. Melissa's father clasped her in his arms-" And I receive thee as from the deadTI he said. I am anxious to hear.the mighty mystery unfolded. But first, le-; the solemn rites for which we are assembled be concluded; let not an. old man's anxiety interrupt the ceremony.,' "1Bu t you are apprised, sir, said Alonzo, of my inability to support your, daughter according -to her deserts." "1Leave that to me, my young friend, replied her father. I have enough-: my chil.. dren are restored, and I am happy.") Melissa soon resumed her former station. The indissoluble knot was tied: they sat down to the wedding feast, and mirth and hilarity danced in cheerful circles. Before the company retired, Edgar related the most prominent incidents of Alonzo and Melissa's history, sinc--e they had been' abstut. The guests listened with attenlio'n: they applauded the conducet of our new bride and bridegroom, in which Mlelissa 's father cordially joined. They rejoiced to find that Alonzo's father had regained his fortune, and copious libation's "~ ere 232 ALONZO AND MELISSA. poured forth in honour of the immortal Franklin. And now, reader of sensibility, indulge the pleasing sensations of thy bosom-for Alonzo and Melissa are MARRIED. Alonzo's father was soon in complete repossession of his former property. The premises from which he had been driven by his unfeeling creditors, were yielded up without difficulty, and to which he immediately removed. He not only recovered the principal of the fortune he had lost, but the damages and the interest; so that, although like Job, Lh had seen affliction, like him his latter days were better than his beginning. But wearied with the bus ties of life, he did not again enter into the mercantile business, but placing his money at interest in safe hands, lived retired on his little farm. A few days after the wedding, as Melis.. sa was sitting with Alonzo, Edgar and her parents, she asked her father whether the old mansion was inhabited. "Not by human beings, he replied.--- Since it has fallen into my hands I have leased it to three or four different families, who all left it under the foolisn pretence or impression of hearing noises and seeing frightful objects, and such is the superstition of the people that no one now, will ALONZO AND MELISSA 233 ven:ure to try it again, though I suppose its inhabitants to consist only of rats and mice." Melissa then informed them of all that had happened when she was there, the alarming noises and horrible appearances she had been witness to, and in which she was confident her senses had not deceived her, Exceedingly astonished at her relation; it was agreed that Edgar and Alonzo, properly attended, should proceed to the mansion, in order to find whether any discoveries could be made which might tend to the elucidation of so mysterious an affair. For this purpose they chose twenty men, armed them with muskets and swords, and proceeded to the place, where they arrived in the dusk of the evening, having chose-.hat season as the most favourable to thei, designs. They found the drawbridge up, and the gate locked, as Edgar's father said he had left them. They entered and secured them in the same manner. When they came to the house, they cautiously unlocked the door, and proceeded to the chamber, where they struck a fire and lighted candles, which they had brought with them. It was then agreed to plant fifteen of the men at suitable distances around the mansion, and re20 234 ALONZO AND MELISSA. tain five in the chamber with Alonzo and Edgar. The men, who were placed around the house, were stationed behind trees, stumps or rocks, and where no object presented, lay flat on the ground, with orders not to stir, or discover themselves, let what would ensue, unless some alarm should be given from the house. Alonzo and Edgar were armed with pistols and side arms, and posted themselves with the five men in the chamber, taking care that the lights should not shine against the window shutters, so that nothing could be discovered from without. Things thus arranged, they observed almost an implicit silence, no one being allowed to speak, except in a low whisper. For a long time no sound was heard except the hollow roar of winds in the neighbouring forest, their whistling around the angles of the mansion, or the hoarse murmers of the distant surge. The night was dark, and only illuminated by the feeble twinkling of half clouded stars. They had watched until about midnight, when they were alarmed by noises in the rooms below, among which they could distinguish footsteps and human voices. Alonzo and Edgar, then taking each a pistol in on- hand, and a drawn sword in the oth ALONZO AND MELISSA. 235 er, ordered their men to follow them, prepared for action. Coming to the head of the stairs, they saw a brilliant light streaming into the hall; they therefore concluded to take no candles, and to prevent discovery they took off their shoes. When they came into the hall opposite the door of the room from whence the light and noises proceeded, they discovered ten men genteelly dressed, sitting around a table, on which was placed a considerable quantity of gold and ýsilver coin, a number of glasses and several decanters of wine. Alonzo and his party stood a few minutes, listening to the follGwing discourse, which took place among this ghostly gentry. ". Well, boys, we have made a fine haul this trip."- " Yes, but poor Bob, though, was plump'd over by the d- d skulkers!y -" Aye, and had we not tugged bravely at the oars, they would have hook'd us."---. " Rascally cow-boys detained us too long." -- " Well, never mind it; let us knock around the wine, and then divide the spoil." At this moment, Alonzo and Edgar, followed by the five men, rushed into the room, crying. " Surrender, or you are all dead men!" In an instant the room was hivolved i a pitchy darkness; a loud crash was heard, then a scampering about the floor, and a noise as if several doors shut 236 ALONZO AND MELISSA. to, with violence. They however gave the alarm to the men without, by loudly shouting "Look out;" and immediately the discharge of several guns was heard around the mansion. One of the men flew up stairs and brought a light; but, to their utter aimazement, no person was to be discovered in the room except their own party. The table, with its apparatus, and the chairs on which these now invisible beings had sat, had disappeared, not a single trace of them being left. While they stood petrified with astonishment, the men from withouti;called for admittance. The door being unlocked, they led in a stranger wounded, whom they immediately discovered to be one of those they had seen at the table. The men who had been stationed around the mansion informed, that some time before the alarm was made, they saw a number of persons crossing the yard from the western part of the enclosure, towards the house; that immediately after the shout was given, they discovered several people running back in the same direction: they hailed them, which being disregarded, they fired upon them, one of whom they brought down, which was the wounded man they had brought in. The others, though they pursued them got off. ALONZO AND MELISSA. 237 The prisoner's wound was not dangerous, the ball had shattered his arm, and glanced upon his breast. They dressed his wound as well as they could, and then requested him to unfold the circumstances of the suspicious appearance in which he -vas involved. " First promise me, on your honour, said the stranger, that you will use your influence to prevent my being punished or imprisoned." This they readily agreed to, on condition that he would conceal nothing from them- and he gave them the following relation: That they were a part of a gang of illicit traders; men who had combined for the purpose of carrying on a secret and illegal commerce with the British army on Long Island, whom, contrary to the existing laws, they supplied with provisions, and 'brought off English goods, which they sold at very extortionate prices. But this was not all; they also brought over large quantities of counterfeit continental money, which they put off among the American's for live stock, poultry, produce, &c. which they carried to the Island. The counterfeit money they purchased by merely paying for the printing; the British having obtained copies of the American emission, struck im 238 ALONZ.O AND MELISSA. mense quantities of it in New-York, and insidiously sent it out into the country, in order to sink our currency. This gang was likewise connected with the cow-boys, who made it their business to steal, not only milch cows, and other cattle, but also hogs and shcop, whicn they drove by night to some convenient place on the shores of the Sound, where these thief-partners received them, and conveyed them to the British. "In our excursions across the Souid, continued the wounded man, we had frequently observed this mansion, which, from every appearance, we were convinced iwas uninhabited:-we therefore selected it as a suitable place for our future rendezvous, which had therefore been only in the open woods. To cross the moat; we dragged up an old canoe from the sea shore, we concealed in the bushes as soon as we recrossed from the old mansion. To get over the wall we used ladders of ropes, placing a flat of thick board on the top of the,pike, driven into the wall. We found more difficulty in getting into the house:-we however at length succeeded, by tear;ng away a part of the back wall, where we fitted in a door' so exactly, and so nicely painted it, that it could not be distinguished from the wall itself. This door war so ALONZO AND MELISSA. 239 constructed, that on touching a spring, it would fly open, and when unrestrained, xvould shut to with violence. Finding the apartment so eligibie for our purpose, and 1earing that at some future time we might be disturbed either by the ownier of the building or some tenant, we cut similar doors into every room of the h&use, so that on an emergency we could traverse every apartment without access to the known doors. Trap-doors on a similar construction, communicated with the cellar:-the table, which you saw us sitting around, stood on one of those, which, on your abrupt appearance, as soon as the candles were ex-. tinguished, was with its contents, precipitated below, and we made our escape by those recret doors, judging, that although you had seen us, if we could get off, you would be unable to find out any thing which might lead to our discovery. "A circumstance soon occurred, which tended to embarrass our plans, and at first seemed to menace their overthrow. Our assembling at the mansion was irregular, as occasion and circumstances required; bften not more than once a week, but sometimes more frequent, and always in the night.Late one night, as we were proceeding to the mansion, and had arrived near it, suddenly one of the chamber windows was o 240 ALONZO AND MELISSA. pened, and a light issued from within. We entered the house with caution, and soon discovered that some person was in the chamber from whence we had seen the light. We remained until all was silent, and then entered the chamber by one of our secret doors, and to our inexpressible surprise, beheld a beautiful young lady asleep on the only bed in the room. We cautiously retired, and reconnoitering all parts of the mansion, found that she was the only inhabitant except ourselves. The singularity of her being there alone, is a circumstance we have never been aole to discover, but it gave us fair hopes of easily procuring her ejectment. We then immediately withdrew, and made preparations to dispossess the fair tenant of the premises to which we considered ourselves more properly entitled, as possessing a prior incumbency. " We did not effect the completion of oui apparatus under three or four days. As soon as we were prepared, we returned to the mansion. As we approached the house, it appears the lady heard us, for again she suddenly flung up a window and held out a candle: we skulked from the light, but feared she had a glimpse of us.-After we had got into *he house we were still until we ALONZO AND MELISSA. 241 supposed her to be asleep, which we found to be the case on going to her chamber. " We then stationed one near her bed, who, by a loud rap on the floor with a cane, appeared to arouse her in a fright. Loud noises were then made below, and some of them ran heavily up the stairs which led to her chamber; the person stationed in the room whispering near her bed--she raised herself up, and he fled behind the curtains. Soon after she again lay down; he approached nearer the bed with a design to lay his hand, on which he had drawn a thin sheetlead glove, across her face; but discovering her arm on the out side of the bedclothes, he grasped it-she screamed and sprang up in the bed; the man then left the room. "As it was not our intention to injure the lady, but only to drive her from the house, we concluded we had sufficiently alarmed her, and having extinguished the lights, were about to depart, when we heard her descending the stairs. She came down and examined the doors, when one of our party, in a loud whisper, crying " away! away;" she darted up stairs, and we left the house. "We did not return the next night, in order to give her time to get off; but the night after we again repaired to the man 21 P 242 ALONZO AND MELISSA. sion, expecting that she had gone, but we were disappointed. As it was late when we arrived, she was wrapped in sleep, and 'we found that more forcible measures must be resorted to before we could remove her, and for such measures we were amply prepared. The stranger then unfolded the mysteries of that awful night, when Melissa was so terrified by horrible appearances. One of the tallest and most robust of the gang, was attired, as has been described, when he appeared by her bed side. The white robe was an old sheet; stained in some parts with a liquid red mixture; the wound in his breast was artificial, and the blood issuing therefrom was only some of this mixture, pressed from a small bladder, concealed under his robe. On his head and face he wore a mask, with glass cyes- the mask was painted to suit their purposes. The bloody dagger was of wood, and painted. Thds accoutred, he took his stand near Melissa's bed, having first blown out the candles she had left burning, and discharged a small pistol. Perceiving this had awakened her, a train of powder was fired n the adjoining room opposite the secret door, which was left open, in order that the flash might illuminate her apartment; then several large cannon balls were rolled through the rooms over her head., imitative ALONZO AND MELISSA. 243 af thunder. The person in her room then uttered a horrible groan, and gliding along by her bed, took his stand behind the curtains, near the foot. The noises below, the cry of murder, the firing of the second pistol, and the running up stairs, were all corresponding scenes to impress terror on her imagination. The pretended ghost then advanced in front of her bed, while lights were slowly introduced, which first shone faintly, until they were ushered into the room by the private door, exhibiting the person before her in all his horrific appearances. On her shrieking, and shrinking into the bed, the lights were suddenly extinguished, and the person, after commanding her to be gone in a hoarse voice, passed again to the foot of the bed, shook it violently, and made a seeming attempt to get upon it, when, perceiving her to be springing up, he fled out of the room by the secret door, cautiously shut it, and joined his companions. The operators had not yet completed their farce, or rather, to Melissa, tragedy. They had framed an image of paste-board, in human shape, arrayed it in black, its eyes being formed of large pieces of what is vulgarly called fox-fire,* made into the *A sort of decayed or rotten wood, which in the night -iioks like coals of fire, of a bright whitish colour. It emits a faint light. 244 ALONZO AND MELISSA. likeness of human eyes, some material be ing placed in its mouth, around which was a piece of the thinest scarlet tiffany, in order to make it appear of a flame colour They had also constructed a large combustible ball, of several thicknesses of pasteboard, to which a match was placed. The image was to be conveyed into her room, and placed, in the dark, before her bed;-- while in that position, the ball was to be rubbed over with phosphorus, the match set on fire, and rolled across her chamber, and when it burst, the image was to vanish, by being suddenly conveyed out of the private door, which was to close the scene for '.hat night. But as Melissa had now arisen and lighted candles, the plan was defeated. While they were consulting how to proce' ', they heard her unlock her chamber dct4); and slowly descend the stairs. Fearing a discovery, they retired with their lights, and the person who had been in her chamber, not having yet stripped off his ghostly habiliments, laid himself down on one side of the hall. The man who had the image, crowded himnse;f with it under the stairs she was descending. On her dropping the candle, when she turned to flee to her chamber, from the sight of the same object which had appeared at her bed-side, the person ur.der the stairs presented the ALONZO AND MELISSA. 245 image at their foot, and at the same instant the combustible ball was prepared, and rolled through the hall; and when on its bursting she fainted, they began to grow alarinmd; but on finding that she recovered and regained her chamber, they departed, for that time, from the house. "Our scheme, continued the wounded man, had the desired effect. On returning a few evenings after, we found the lady gone and the furniture removed. Severa. attempts were afterwards made to occupy the house, but we always succeeded in soon frightening the inhabitants away." Edgar and Alonzo then requested their prisoner to show them the springs of the secret doors, and how they were opened. The springs were sunk in the wood, which being touched by entering a gimblet hole with a piece of pointed steel, which each of the gang always had about him, the door would fly open, and fasten again in shutting to. On opening the trap-door over which the gang had sat when they first discovered them, they found the table and chairs, with the decanters broken, and the money, which they secured. In one part of the cellar they were shown a kind of cave, its mouth covered with boards and earth-here the company kept tLeir furniture, and to this place would they have removed it, had they not been so 21* 246 ALONZO AND MELISSA. suddenly frightened away. The canoe they found secreted in the bushes beyond the canal. It was then agreed that the man should go before the proper authorities in a neighbouring town, and there, as state's evidence, make affidavit of what.he had recited, and as complete a developement of the characters concerned i2 the business as possible, when he was to be released. The man enquired to what town they were to go which, when they had informed him, " Then, said he, it will be in my power to perform one deed of justice before I leave the country, as leave it I must, immediately after I have given in my testimony, or I shall be assassinated by some of those who will be implicated in the transaction I have related." He then informed them, that while he, with the gang, was prosecuting the illicit trade, a British ship came and anchored in the Sound, which they supplied with provisions, but that having at one time a considerable quantity on hand, the ship sent its boat on shore, with an officer and five men, to fetch it; the officer came with them on shore, leaving the men in the boat: " As we were about to carry the provisions on board the boat, continued the man, a party of Americans fired upon us, and ALONZO AND MELISSA. 247 wounded the officer in the thigh, who fell: C' I shall be made prisoner, said he, taking out his purse; keep this, and if I live and regain my liberty, perhaps you may have an opportunity of restoring it:-alarm the boat's crew, and shift for yourselves." The boat was alarmed, returned to the ship, and we saved ourselves by flight. " This happened about four months ago: the ship soon after sailed for New York, and the officer was imprisoned in the gaol of the town to which we are to go; I can therefore restore him his purse." The man farther informed them, that they had several times come near being taken, and the last trip they were fired upon, and one of their party killed. " They immediately set out for the aforesaid town, after having dismissed their fifteen men; and when they arrived there, Alonzo and Edgar accompanied their prisoner to the gaol. On making the proper enquiries, they were conducted into a dark and dirty apartment of the gaol, where were several prisoners in irons. The British officer was soon distinguished among them by his regimentals. Though enveloped in filth and dust, his countenance appeared familiar to Alonzo; and on a few moments recollection, he recognized in the manacled officer, the generous midshipmanu 248 ALONZe AND MELISSA. Jack Brown, who had so disinterestedly relieved him, when he escaped from the prison in London! In the fervency of his feelings, Alonzo flew to him and clasped him in his arms. " What do I behold i he cried. My friend, my brave deliverer, in chains in my own country!" " The fortune of war, boy! said Jackit might have been worse. But my lad, I am heartily glad to see you; how has it fared with you since you left Old England?" -" We will talk of that by and by," said Alonzo. There were then some American officers of distinction in town, with whom Edgar was acquainted, to whom he applied for the relief of the noble sailor;- and as there were several other British prisoners in gaol it was agreed that a cartel should be immediately sent to New York to exchange them. Alonzo had, therefore, the satisfaction to see the irons knocked off of his liberal hearted benefactor, and his prison doors opened. The man they had taken at the mansion, returned him his purse, containing only twenty-five guineas, of which Jack gave him ten. " There, boy, said he, you have ibeen hor.est, so I will divide with you." They then nepaired to an inn. Jack, whose wound was healed, was put under ALONZO AND MELISSA. 249 the hands of a barber, cleaned, furnished with a change of clothes, and soon appeared in a new attitude. He informed Alonzo, that soon after he left England, his ship was ordered for America: that the price of provisions growing high, it had taken almost all his wages to support his family; that he had sent home his last remittance just before he was taken, reserving only the twenty-five guineas which had been restored him that day. --;' But I have never despaired, said he; the great Commodore of life orders all for the best. My tour of duty is to serve my king and country, and provide for my dear Poll and her chicks, which, if I faithfully perform, I shall gain the applause of the Commander." When the cartel was ready to depart, Alonzo, taking Jack apart from the company, presented him with a draught of five hundred pounds sterling, on a merchant in New York, who privately transacted business with the Americans. "' Take this, my friend, said he; you can ensure it by converting it into hbills of exchange on London. Though you once saw me naked, I can now conveniently spare this sum, and it may assist you in buffethig the billows of life."The generous tar shed tears of gratitude, and klonzo enjoyed the pleasure of seeing 250 ALONZO AND MELISSA. him depart, calling down blessings on ihe head of his reciprocal benefactor. The man who came with Alonzo and Edgar from the mansion, then went before the magistrates of the town, and gave his testimony and affidavit, by which it appeared that several eminent characters of Connecticut were concerned in this illicit trade. They then released him, gave him the money they had found ih the cellar at the mansion, and he immediately left the town. Precepts were soon after issued for a number of those traders; several were taken, among whom were some of the gang, and others who were only concerned-but most of them absconded, so that the company and their plans were broken up. When Alonzo and Edgar returned home and related their adventure, they were all surprised at the fortitude of Melissa in being enabled to support her spirits in a solitary mansion, amidst such great, and so many terrors. It was now that Alonzo turned his attention to future prospects. It was time to select a place for domestic residence. He consulted Melissa, and she expressively mentioned the little secluded village, where " Ere fate and fortune frown'd severe, hey projected scenes of connubial bliss, and ALONZO AND MELISSA. 251 planned the structure of their family edifice. This intimation accorded with the ardent wishes of Alonzo. The site formerly marked out, with an adjoining farm, was immedi* ately purchased, and suitable buildings erected, to which Alonzo and Melissa removed the ensuing summer. The clergyman of the village having recently died in a good old age, Edgar was called to the pastoral charge of this unsophisticated people. Here did Melissa and Alonzo repose after the storms of adversity were past. Here did they realize all the happiness which the sublunary hand of time apportions to mortals. The varying seasons diversified their joys, except when Alonzo was called with the militia of his country, wherein he bore an eminent commission, to oppose the enemy; and this was not unfrequent, as in his country's defence he took a very conspicuous part. Then would anxiety, incertitude, and disconsolation possess the bosom of Melissa, until dissipated by his safe return. But the happy termination of the war soon removed all cause of these disquietudes. Soon after the close of the war, Alonzo received a letter from his friend, Jack Brown, dated at an interior parish in England,-in which, after pouring forth abun daice of gratitude, he informed, that on re 252 ALONZO AND MELISSA. turning to England he procured his discharge from the navy, sold his house, and removed into the country, where he had set up an inn with the sign of The Grateful American. "You have made us al happy, said he; my dear Poll blubbered like a fresh water sailor in a hurricane, when I told her of your goodness. My wife, my children, all hands upon deck are yours. We have a good run of business, and are now under full sail, for the land of prosperity." SEdgar married to one of the Miss Simpsons, whose father's seat was in the vicinity of the village. The parents of Alonzo and Melissa were their frequent,Visitors, as were also Vincent and his lady, with many others of their acquaintance, who all rejoiced in their happy situation, after such a diversity of troubles. Alfred was generally once a year their guest, until at length he married and settled in the mercantile business in Charleston, South Carolina. \ To our hero and heroine, the rural charms of their secluded village were a source of ever pleasing variety. Spring, with its verdurous fields, flowery meads, and vocal groves; its vernal gales, purling rills, and its evening whippoorwill: summer, with its emboWering shades, reflected in the glassy lake, and the long, pensive, yet sprightly notes of the solitary strawbeiry-bird;* its lightning and its thunder; autumn with its mellow fruit, its yellow foliage and decaying verdure; winter with its hoarse, rough blasts, its icy beard and snowy mantle, all tended to thrill with sensations of pleasing transi tion, the feeling bosoms of Alonzo and Melissa. * A bird which, in the New England states, makes its first appearance about the time strawberries begin to ripen. Its song is lengthy, and consists of a variety of notes, commencing,sprigltly, but ending plaintive and melancholy. THE END, HISTORICAL, rHEOLOGICAL,' JUVEN ILE, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS.'PUBLISHED ý BY No. 138. North Second Street,-Philadelphiai A-nd offered to Booksellers, Southern and Western. 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This is the best History of the United States now published for the use of Primary Schools. The Central School Reader.-compiled by the Female Association of Friends for the Improvement of Juvenile Books. One of the best books published for Select Schools and Academies. 12mo. Price, 75 cents. Wilmsen's Reader; or, The Children's Friend. One hundred and sixtieth Edition. One of the best School Books ever published for Children between the ages of eight and twelve years. 12mo. Price, 621 cents. White's Elements of Universal History. With Additions and Questions. By John S. Hart. 12mo, arabesque backs. Price, $1. Public School Singing Book.-By A. F. com. 32mo, boards. Price, 12, cents. Murray's English Reader.-12mo, sheep. Price, 25 cents. Murray's Introduction.-12mo, boards. Price, 121 cents. Chapin's New Classical Spelling Book.12mo, boards. Price, 121 cents. The History of Ancient and Modern Greece.-Edited by John Frost, LL.D. Sheep. Price, $1.50. 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The volume now published will be found to contain a correct account of his life and services in the vineyard of Christ, and-the sermons will be read with profitable pleasure by those who had not the fortune to hear them fom his own mouth."-Banner of the Cross. LEARY & GETZ, Publishers, 138 North Second St., Philadelphia. 20 Lives of Great and Celebrated Characters, of all Ages and Countries. One large octavo volume of nearly 800 pages, and illustrated by several hundred Engravings. Neatly bound. Price only $2.50. "In this large and very handsome volume, we have authentic accounts of some of the most remarkable personages of by-gone, as well as the present day, embracing Heroes, Conquerors, Statesmen, Authors, Artists, Extraordinary Humorists, Misers, Mountebanks, Kings and Queens, Jugglers, and other Curiosities of Human Nature,-and handsomely illustrate. " To the general reader, this book presents many attraotions. 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