COMBPRISING HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF TIHE INDIAN TRIBES. A D ESCRtIPTION OF AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES, WITH AN INOUIRY INTO THEIR ORIGIN AND THE ORIGIN OF TIlE INDIAN TRIBES; HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, WITH APPENDICES SHOWVING ITS CONNECTION'WITH EUROPEAN HISTORY: HISTORY OF THE PRESENT BRITISH PROVINCES; HISTORY OF MEXICO: AND HISTORY OF TEXAS, B[OUGHT DOWN TO THE TIME OF ITS ADMISSION INTO THE AMERICAN UNION. BY MARCIUS WILLSON, AUTrOR OF SCHOOL IIISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES7 COMPREIIENSIVE CHART OF AMERICAN HISTORY, ETC. NEW YORK: IVISON & PHINNEY, 321 BROADWAY. CHICAGO: S. C. GRIGGS & CO., 111 LAKE ST. BUFFALO: PHIlNNEY & CO. CINCINNATI: MOORE, WILSTACI-I, KEYS & CO. PHILADELPHIA: SOWER & BARINES. DETROIT: XORSE & SELLECK EiNWBU]GH: T. S. QUACKENTUSYI. AUBUCRN: SEYMOUJ & CO. 1557. pENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, W MARCIUS WILLSON, LT the Clerk's Oflice of the District Court of the United States, for tow Northern District of New York. INTR TODU C TION. Tne design of the following work is to present the histories of all those countries of North America that are now of sufficient political importance to demand the attention of the scholar, and awaken the interest of the general reader. As an appropriate introduction to such a work, we have given the most important, of what little is known, of the history of the Aborigines of America. together with descriptive sketches of those rude mlemorials of a former civilization that were once so numerous throughout our own territory; and of others, magnificent even in their desolation, which now strew the plains, and crown the hill-tops, of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America. The probable origin of these antiquities, and of the Indian tribes, has long been a subject of the antiquarian researches of the learned. Of the histories of the several political divisions of North:America, that of our own country claims our first attention, and to it we have given an appropriate space in the present work, commensurate with its importance. Its relations with European history, and with the history of England in particular, have been dwelt upon in the several appendices, at considerable length. To the article explanatory of the character and design of those appendices, see page 107, the reader is referred for our farther views on this subject. The third part of the volume, or, as it is called, Book III., gives the history of the present British Provinces in North America, from their earliest settlement to thle present period-both under the French and under the English dominion;-the early history of Louisiana, previous to the purchase of that territory by the United States in 1803;-the history of Mexico, from the conquest by Cortez, to the commencement of the war with the United States in 1846;-and the history of Texas, from its first settlement, to the time of its admission into the American Union. In relation to other features in the PLAN of the work, farther than the general divisions to which we have referred, a few remarks may not be inappropriate.It is a fact, not universally known, that all the French writers on Canadian hisLory-the writers upon Mexican history-and generally, all Catholic writers, give dates according to the New, or Gregorian Style, subsequent to the year 1582; while cotemporary English writers of American and European history retain the Old Style so late as the year 1751.* Hence discrepancies in dates, almost innumnerable, are found in the works of those compilers who have either been ignorant of this fact, or have disregarded it. In the following work the author has endeavored to give the dates, uniforom!l, in New Style. A minute MAROINAL ANALYSIS has been carried throughout the entire workeach subject being opposite that portion of the text to which it refers, and numBSee this subject examined in a " Critical Review of American Histories," by the author of thn workl, published in the Biblical Itepository of July, 1845. IV Y; INTRODUCTION..ered to correspond with similar divisions of the text. The design of this arrange ment is to give the work a better adaptation to the purposes of instruction —being better than questions for advanced pupils; while the teacher may easily convert each sulject, or head, in the analysis, into a question if thought desirable. It is believed that this feature in the plan of the work will also prove highly acceptable to the general reader. The marginal DATES and R.'EREmNCES are numerous, carrying along a minute chronology with the history. This plan avoids the necessity of encumbering the text with dates, and at the same time furnishes, to the inquiring reader, a history far more minute and circumstantil than could otherwise be embraced in a volume much larger than the present. The supposed utility of the Chart, (pages 16 and 17,) may be learned from the explanation of the same on page 18. The PROGRESSIVE SERIES of the three LARGE MAPS, on pages 20, 432, and 502, shows the state of the country embraced in the present United States at dlfierent periods. The First represents it as occupied by the Indian tribes, fifty years after the settlement of Jamestown, when only a few bright spots of civilization relieved the darkness of the picture. The Sccolnd as it was at the close of the Revolution, when almost the entire region west of the Alleghanies was a wilderness-showing how slowly settlements had advanced during the long period that the colonies were under the dominion of Great Britain. The Third represents the country as it now is, and as it has become under the influence of republican institutions. In place of the recent wilderness, we observe a confederacy of many states, each with its numerous cities, towns, and villages, denotilg the existence of a great and happy people. The GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES and SMALL 1MXAPS, at the bottoms of the pages, give the localities of all important places mentioned, and furnish that kind of geographical information respecting them, without which the history can ble read with little interest or profit. Maps of important sections of the country, the vicinities of large towns, plans of battle grounds and sieges, &c., are here given on the same pages with the events referring to them, where they necessarily catch the eye of the reader, so that they can hardly fiil to arrest his attention, and increase the interest that he feels in the history.'The ma[;.4 e.riro;. rpage 558, has been drawn with care, and being little more than an outline of the political divisions of that extensive country, is probably sufficiently accurate. Our knowledge of the geography of Mexico, however, is yet exceedingly imperfect, and little reliance can be placed upon maps for the distances between places. The map of Texas. page 620, and the several small maps of particular sections of that country, will be found a great aid to the reader in perusing the history of that portion of our Republic. In addition to what are properly "embellishments," nearly ninety maps and charts, large and small, have b-men introduced, seven of which occupy entire pages; and nearly six hundred locahties, mlentioned in the history, have been des. cribeu in the geographical notes. And unless the reader has as much knowledge of these localities as can be derived from the notes and maps, his knowledge of the history will be exceedingly vague and unsatisfactory. For if the names of places mentioned in history convey to our minds no meaning, they might as well be omitted entirely, and fictitious names would answer equally well. A familiarity with localities is indispensable to the ready acquisition, and the subsequent retention, of historical knowledge. CONTENTS ANgD PLAN OF THiE WORKI BOOK I.,NDIAN TRIBES O)F NORTH AMSERICA, AND ABIERIC&A ANTIQUITIES. CHAPTER I. INDIAN TRIBES OF NORTHI- AMERICA. EriOTTON I NoRTnERN\ TRIaES. Esquimaux and Athapascas.-Jurisdiction over their territor Tribes in the interior and on the coast. JECTION II. AI.GO0QUINS Tnlms. MiontatgnaTrs.-Algonquins.-IKnisteneaux.-Ottawas.-Pon, tiar. —Mississag uies.-S iclmacs.-Etclemins.-Abenakes.-New- England Indians, (3:TassF chusetts, Pawtucket;s, Nipmucks, E'okalokets, and Narragansetlts.) llassrsoki. — Casubi. talt.- Cannnozictss.- 3aato E or osh. —Ni ii'ret.- Sa.'sa.on..-Phlilip.- Can o chet. —A itsasson. MIolicg(an Tribes, (Pequods, Iontalks, Manhattans, Wabingas, &c.) Unca.s.-,r.ssaclts.Ienni Lenapes, (Minsi tand DelawarLes) —Viitle Eyres. —Captain Pipe.-Nantictokes. —Sues quehann ocks. —5.iI alloast(cks.-Powhiatan tribes.-Pon!'hatan -Poca/oll tas. —Shaw nees.-, Corza stalk. — TeCC?u7mtsPh. —tiamis and Pissckiihaws.-Liltle Tsertle.-Illinois.-Kickapoos.Sacs and Foxes. —Black Haivk.-Potowatomies.-Milenonoimies.,SeCTrION III. Inoquois Ti{tmEs. MIurons, (Wyandots, Neutrals, Erigas, Andastes,)-Adario. — Five Nations, (Mohalwks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas.) Garangula.-s- - Herndrick.-Logtal.- Tha yendaznegra. —- a.-Red Tacket.-Facrmerr's Brother;Corn Planter.-Hlalf Toucn.-Big Tree.-Tuscaroras. SECTION IV. Catawbas.-Chero.kees. —Seqazoyah. -Speckled Sazake. —Uchees.-Natches. SaECION. MO0BILIA.N TRIBES. MIuscogees or Creeks, (Seminoles, Yamassees, &c.) — Me Gillivray. — s'eatleOrs'rd.-M3cIuztossL. — Osceoila.-Chickasas.- 1l1oncatch tape.-Choctas.2Mwtshaulat ubee.- Pzushan ata. SECTION' VI. UDAtCOTAn OR SIOUX TRItES. Winnebagoes.-Assiniboins, and Sioux Proper.-i Mlinetaree Group, (Minet-arees, Mandans, and Crows.) —Southcern Sioux Tribes, (Arkalnsas Osages, Kanzas, lowas, Missouries, Otoes, and Oniahas.)-Other Western Tribes, kBlac) Feet, lapids, and Pawnees.)-Petaleslarsoo. —Oregon Tribes. SECTION VII. Physical Character, Language, Government, Religion, and Traditions of thi Aborigines. - P -.P.ages,'21 —1 CHAPTER II. AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES.;SECTsTTO: I. ANTIQuITrEs FOUND IN THE UNITED STATeFS. Ornamenllts.-Warihke instrumenti Domestic utensils.-Earthen ware. —l'itcher found at Nashville.-Triune vessei. —] lols.bledals. —Mirrors. —TMural remains, &c., found at Marietta.-At Circleville.-Near Newarkc Near Somerset.-Near Chilicothe.-At the miouth of the Sciota It.-ln 5Missouri, &c.IMounds in various places. [;ECTI()N II. ANTIQUITIES FOUND IN OTIIER PORTIONS OF TtE CONTINENT. Blexican'Pyramni lsn. ]luins, &c. —Ruins of Palenque. —Of Copan.-Of Chichen.-Of Uxmal.-Of Labna ant *e-Pag.. aes, 62 —87T. CHAPTEPR ilL. SUPPOSED ORIGIN OF THE Ai2'NTIQUITIES, AND OF THE INDIAN TRIBES. The 5Mural Remains, MIounds, &c., found in the United States; and the ruined edifices of h'exieo, Yucatan, Central America, Rc., attributetl to the Aborigines.-Eividences of a Corn2Ion Origin of all the American Tribes.-The subject of the acquaintance of the Ancier ts with America exa:mined.-Probable Asiatic Origin of all the American Tribes. —Concluason -Early &American civilization. —Ison and Nature verscs Revelation. - - Pages, 87-95 6 CONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORK. BOOK H. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. INTRODUCTORY. I. The Public Seals or Coats of Arms of the several United States.-Engraved copies, an4 descriptions of the same. II. Character and design of the several Appendices to the IIistorx of the United States III. Geography of the United States. - - - Pages, 97 —11 PART I. VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. CHAPTER I. VOYAGES, CONQUESTS, AND I)ISCOVERIES, IN THE SOUTHERN PORTIONS OF NORTH AMERICA. D1vIsIONS. I. DISCOvERY OF AMERICA BY COLUIMBUS. Other claims to the Discovery.-Icelandic Claim.-Superior merit of the claims of Columbus.-Long a prevalent error respecting the Discovery.-Extent of the discoveries of Columbus.-The West Indies.-Yucatam Discovery of the Pacific. —II. JUAN PoaCE DE LEo-N. Tr:idition of the Fountain of Life Discovery of Florida by De Leon.-III. DE ATLION. Discovery of Carolina. —lospitality of the Natives, and Perfidy of the Spaniards.-IV. CONQUEST OF MaXIco. Yucatan ex, plored.-Discovery of Mexico.-Invasion by Cortez. —Final conquest of the Country.Magellan -First eircumnavigation of the Globe.-V. PAMIP1ILs) DBE NARVAEZ. IHis inva. sion of Florida.-VI. FEstDINAND DE SO(To. His landing in Florida.-Wanderings of the Spaniards.-Battles with the Natives.-Death of De Soto. —Fate of his Companions, Pages, 111-125 CHAPTER IIo NORTHERN AND EASTERN COASTS OF NORTH ABIERICA.,DrIISIONS. I. JOHN AND SEBASTIAN CABOT. Their first voyage to America and discovery of Labrador and Newfoundland.-Second voyage of Sebastian. —Iis subsequent Voyages II. GASPAR CORTEREAL. His voyages. —III. VERRAZANI. Explores the coast from n il ]mington, N. C. to Newfoundland.-Names the country 1etw France.-IV. JAMIEs CARTIER. His voyages to America.-Explores the St. Lawrenoe.-V. PROBERVAL. Appointed Viceroy of New France.-Sends Cartier on his third voyage. —The two voyages of Roberval.-VI. VOYAGES OF RIBAULT, LAUDONNIERE, AND MELENDEZ.-Founding of St. Augustine. —YII. GILBERT, RALEIGH, AND GRENVILLE. Amidas and Barlow.-Attempted settlements at Roanoke.-VIII. MARQuis DE LA ROCHE. Attempts to form a Settlement.-IX. BAtTHOLOMEW GOSNOLD. Attempted settlement at Martha's Vineyard.-M-artin Pring.-X. DE MoNTS. Extensive grant to him.-Founding of Port Royal.-Champlain sent to New France. —Founding of Quebec. —XI. NORTH AN]D SOUTT VIRGINIA. Plymouth and London Companies.-Attempted settlement at Kennebec. —Settlelment of Jamestown. —Pages, 125-138. APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. Importance of examining English History in connection with our own.-H-Ienry the Seventh. English claims to American territory.-Cabot —Early relations of England with America.Character of Henry the Seventh.-State of England at this Period.-Political policy of Henry and its Effects. —Feudal System.-Power of the Barons.-The Clergy, Religious Sanctuaries, &c.-Morals? Criminal Statistics, &c.-Attempts to regulate Commerce. Agriculture, Manufactures, &c —Usury -Monopolies.-Army and Navy of England.-Population -Judicial Tribunals.-Arbitrary Powers of the Tudor Princes.-Liberties of the People.-Mode of Living. Buildings.-Domestic Economy, &c.-Indebtedness of America to Europe.-The AFRICAN SLAVE TIrADE. History of the origin of the English branch of it. The REFORIMnATION. Luther, Zuinglius.-Spread of Protestautism.-The Rleforination in Eng'land, as connected with Englis~ Literature.-Connection of Henry the Eighth with the Reformation.-The Reformation completed under Edxward the Sixth.-Intolerance of the Re-formers.-Papacy reestablished under Queen Mary.-Persecution of the Reformers.-Suprenmacy of the Royal Prerogative at this period. Eliztabeth.-Protestantism restored.-Growing opposition to Episcopacy. —The Scottish Clergy' The Two Parties among the Reformers.-The PURITAN Party. Its Character.-Political aspect of the controversy.-The Puritans in Parliament.-The Brownists.-Treatment of the Puritans under Elizabeth.-Under James the First.-Emigration of the Puritans.-The Puritans in Holland, Political principles of the Puritans.-The Coempact entered into by them at Plymouth. —Indebtedness of England to the Puritans.-Their Intolerance.-Object in Emigrating. -The Quakers.-Conclusion. - Pages, 188-161 CONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORKo 7 PART II. EARLY SETTLEMENTS AND COLONIAL HISTORY. CHAPTER I. COLONIAL HISTORY OF VIRGINIA. DIVSSIONs.-I. VIRGINIA UNDER THE FIRST CHARTER. Government.-Dissensions.-Character of the Emigrants.-The Natives. —Sufferings of the Colony.-Conspiracy.-Government of Smith.-Slllith taken Prisoner by the Indians.-His life saved by Pocahontas. —Condition of the Colony.-E-xploration of the Country by Smith.-II. VIRGINIA UNDER THE SECOND CHARTER. Changes in the Government.-Shipwreck of Emigrants.-Smith's Administration. —His Return to England.-The " Starving Time."-Lord Delaware.-Sir Thomas Dale. Sir Thomas Gates.-III. VIRGINIA UNDER THE TIIRD CHARTER. Changes in the Government.-Pocahontas. —Argall's Expeditions.-Sir Thomas Dale's Administration.-Argall's,. Yeardley's.-House of Burgesses.-Slavery.-Transportation of Females to Virginia. Written Constitutitln.-Indian Conspiracy and Massacre.-Dissolution of the London Company.-Royal Government.-IV. VIRGINIA FROM THE DISSOLUTION OF TIE LONDON COMPANY TO THE CCMMENCEMENT OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR -The new Government of the Colony. -Administration of IIarvey.-Of Berkeley.-Second Indian Massacre and War.-Virginia during the Civil War in England.-During the Commonwealth.-After the Restoration of Charles II.-Commercial Restrictions.-Liberties of the People Abridged. Indian War.-Bacon's Rebellion.-Cruelty of Berkeley.-Proprietary Government.Royal Government Restored. Pages, 161-178. CHAPTER II. COLONIAL HISTORY OF MASSACHUSETTS. EECTION I. MASSACIHUSETTS, FROM ITS EARLIEST HISTORY, TO THE UNION OF THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES IN 1643.-I. Early History. Exploration of the Country.-Smith's attempts to establish a Colony.-The Plymouth Company, and the Council of Plymouth.-Charter of the Latter.-II. Plymouth Compassny. The Puritans.-Emigration to America.-Sufferings, Samoset.-Massasoit.-Canonicus.-Weston's Colony.-The London partners of the Puri., tans.-III. lassachlmsetts Bay Colony. Attempted Settlement at Cape Ann.-Settlement of Salem.-Government —Changes in 1634. —Roger Williams.-Peters and Vane.-Emigration to the Connecticut. —Mrs. Hutchinson.-Pequod War.-Attempts in England to prevent Emigration.-Education.-IV. Union of the New England Colonies. Causes that led to it.-Terms of the Confederacy. V. Early Laws and Customs. SECTION II. MASSACHUSETTS FROM THE UNION OF THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES TO THE CLOSE OF KING AVILLIAM'S WAR IN 1697.-I. Events from the Union to lKing Philip's War - Massachusetts during the Civil War in England.-During the Commonwealth.-Early History of Maine.-Persecution of Quakers.-Restrictions upon Commerce.-Royal Commissioners.-II. King Philip's WVar. Causes of the War.-Attack apon Swanzey.-The Narragansetts. —Events at Tiverton.-Brookfield.-Deerfield.-I-adiey.-Bloody Brook.Springfield. —Iatfield.-Attack upon the Narragansett Fortress.-Death of Philip.-III. Controversies and Royal Tyranny. Andros.-IV. Massachusetts during lKing William's YTar. Causes of the War.-Inroads of French and Indians.-Expedition against Canada. New Charter, and Royal Government.-Salem Witchcraft.-Concluding Events of the War. BECTION III. MASSACHUSETTS FROM THE CLOSE OF KING WILLIAM'S W~AR, TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR IN 1754. —I. Massachusetts during Qiseen Anne's War. Causes of the War.-Indian Attack on Deerfield.-Conquest of Acadia.-Attempted Conquest of Canada. —Treaty of Utrecht.-II. King George's War. Causes that led to it.-Expedition against, and Conquest of Louisburg.-Treaty of Aix La Chapelle. Pages, 178-205. CHAPTER III. COLONIAL HISTORY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. History of New Hampshire intimately connected with that of Massachusetts.-Grant to Gorges and Mason.-First Settlements.-Union with Massachusetts.-Separation.-First Legissature.-Union.-Separation.-Union again.-Masonian Controversy.-Final Separation from Massachusetts.-Indian Wars. Pages, 205-208 CHAPTER IV. COLONIAL HISTORY OF CONNECTICUT. hv8isIONS. —I. Early Settlements.-Windsor, Hartford, Wethersfield, and Saybrook.-II. Peqzsod War. Alliance of the Pequods and Narragansetts.-Destruction of the Pequod Fort, and Dispersion of the Tribe.-III. New Hanven Colony. Settlement of New HIaven.-Go. vernment.-IV. Connecticut under her own Constitution. The Connecticut Towns withdrawn from the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts.-The Constitution adopted by Them.-Purchase of Saybrook. —V. Connecticut under the Royal Charter. Liberality of the Charter, - Connecticut during King Philip's WVar.-Andros in Connecticut.-Events during King Willam's War. —Fletcher's Visit to Hartford.-Yale College.-Laws, Manners, (ustoms, &c Pages 208-216 CONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORK. CHAPTER V. COLONIAL HISTORY OF RHODE ISLAND. Roger Williams. —Founding of Providence.- Religious Toleration.-Mr. Williams's Mediatiou with the Pequods and Narragansetts.-Providence during the Pequod War.-Portsmouth and Newport.-Charter from Parliament.-Government and Early Laws of Rhode Island.-Chartel from the King.-Andros. Pages, 215-218. CHAPTER VI. COLONIAL HISTORY OF NEW YORK. STrTION I.-NEW NETHERLANDS, previous to its Conquest by the English in 1664. Voyages of Henry Hudson.-Dutch settlements at New York and Albany.-Dutch.-New Jersey." Charter of Liberties."-Colony of De Vriez in Delaware.-The Dutch in Connecticut. On Long Island.-Swedish Settlements in Delaware.-Indian Wars.-Kieft.-Stuyvesant. Subjugation of the Swedish Colony by the Dutch. Conquest of New Netherlands by the English. SECTION II. NEW YORK, from the Conquest of New Netherlands, to the Commencement of the French and Indian War.-Administration of Nichols.-Of Lovelace.-Reconquest of the Country by the Dutch.-Restoration to England.-Administration of Andros.-Of Dongan.-The French and the Iroquois.-Andros Again.-Leisler and Milborne -Destruction of Schenectady.-Expedition against Montreal.-Execution of Leisler and Milborne. Sloughter.-Fletcher.-Bellamont.-Lord Cornbury. —New York during Queen Anne's War.-The Tuscaroras.-French Forts, &c.-Administration of Gov. Cosby.-Negro Plot. Pages, 218-236. CHAPTER VII. COLONIAL HISTORY OF NEW JERSEY. Eartv Settlements. —Constitution of the Colony. —Difficulties with the Proprietors, and the Duke of York.-Division of the Province.-Government.-Conficting Claims of the Proprietors; New Jersey under the Royal Government. - Pages, 236-240. CHAPTER VIII. COLONIAL HISTORY OF MARYLAND. IEarly Exploration of the Country. —Settlements.-Lord Baltimore.-His Charter.-Settlewrent of St. Mary's.-Difficulties with Clayborne.-Laws.-IndianWar.-Insurrection.-Religi. ous Toleration.-Dissensions, and Civil War.-A Royal Government in Maryland.-Restoration of the Proprietor. - Pages, 240 —245. CHAPTER IX. COLONIAL HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Settlements of the Swedes.-Grant to Wm. Penn.-His Regulations for the Government of the Colony.-" The Territories."-Indian Treaty.-Founding of Philadelphia.-A " Charter of Liberties."-Withdrawal of Delaware.-Death of Penn, and subsequent History of the Colony. Pages, 245-250. CHAPTER X. COLONIAL HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh's attempted Settlements.-Grant to Sir Robert Heath.-To Clarendon and Others. Albemarle Colony.-Clarendon Colony.-Locke's Constitution.-Dissensions.-Sothel.-Arch dale.-French and German Emigrants.-Indian Tribes.-War with the Tuscaroras.-Separa tion of the two Carolinas. - Pages, 250-255 CHAPTER XI. COLONIAL HISTORY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Charter of Clarendon.-Cartaret County Colony.-Founding of Charleston —Indian War.-Port Royal.-French Hugenots.-Colleton's Administration.-Sothel's. —Ludwell's.-Archdale.-Expedition against St. Augustine.-Indian War. —Religious Dissensions.-Spanish Invasion.War with the Yamassees — Domestic Revolution.-Royal Government. - Pages, 255 —261 CHAPTER XII. COLONIAL HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Oglethorpe.-First Charter of Georgia.-Settlement of Savannah.-Indian Treaty.-Regulations of the Trustees.-Preparations for War with the Spaniards.-Wesley.-Whitefield.-Exsedition against St. Augustine.-Spanish Invasion —Changes in the Government.-Slavery Pager, 261-26S CONTENTS AND PFLAN OF THE WORK. CHTAPT1ER XIIT. THEl FRENCII AN'D INDIAN NVARF. DsIIXONS. —1. CAUSES OFr THEo: wAR, AND EVENTS (F 1754. English Clanis to the Country French Clailns.-The Ohio Company. —\ltashington's Enibtasy.J —-Julinonville. — Fort Necessity. —Albany Convention, and Plan of tile Unlio. —II1. li5:,.rpeditions qf.2oncktoi, Braddock, Shirley and Joihnsoi. IReduction of Nova Scotia.-Briaddoci's Deteat. —Faiiurs of the Exaedition against Niagara.-Expedition ag.inst Crown Point. —Deli tt of Dieskau. ]II. 1756: Delays; Loss of Oswego; lndian Inzc'siols. Plan nf the C'anpaigu.- Abercrombie and Lord Loudono-Siontcalml reduces Oswe-o.-Arinstront's Expedition. —1, 175'7: Designs augainst Louisburg, and Loss of Fort 1:rn. Heiny. riPan of the Camlpaign Montcalm reduces Fort Winl. Iienry. —V. 175S: Reduction of Lonistoxig; Atbercrombie's Defeat; The Taking of lForts 1l'roIstenZc a.'l D. ( Tue.e. t Pitt iistry. —Siege and Conquest of Louisburg.-Abitreronlbie's Repulse at Ticondelogt. —Expedition against Fort Frontenac.-Agtinst Fort Du Quesne.-VI. 1759 to 17t3: Ticondeioga anzd Cro lwn Poins Abandoned; 1Niagara Takens; Colnquest of (.uebec; Of all Casula; War ZUith thle Chierokees; Peace of 17635. Pages, 2s66-285 APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. Design of the Appendix.-JAMES I. 1603 —125).-Political Aspect of Religious Controversies Rt this Period.-T'lhe Puritans. —Policy of Jamles.-lis Character.-Alnerican Colonization. Virgima Charters.-Popular Liberty.- The Plyimouth Conipany. —Ci\RLES I. 1625-164.9. I-is Character. -Controrersiss with Parliament, —lis Arbitrary Measures. — ampden. —Ecclesias. tical Policy of Charles.-Colmonotione in Scotland.-Strafford.-Civil War.-Execution of the King.-Relations of iEnglanud with her Americ:an Colonies during this Reigun. —Ts CotasioNWEALTH. 1649-1660. The Character of Religious Parties.-Supremacy of the Indepeundents Oliver Cjomwnvell.-1Tar with LIolland. —-Overthrow of the Long Parliamuent.-Barebone's Pariiament.-Cromwell installed as Lore Protector. —War with Spain.-Cromwell's Administra. tion and Deatlh.-R.ichard Cronmwell. —Restoration of Monarcl v. —lelations wvith the Amleican Colonies during the Commllonwealth. —Ciia.LEs Ii. 1660a-1665. Character of Charles 1I.Change in the Sentimr,ents and Feelings of the N~ation. —\War sithi Iollandl.-Treaty of lreda. Another War. — Treaty of NimSeguen -Domestic Administration of Charles.- l higs and To ries. —The various Navigation Acts. —-Bold Stand of Massachusetts in Defence of her Liberties. Rhode Isrland and ConnecticutC.-Controversy with the Royal Conuiissioners.-VW i th the King Subversion of the Dutch Power in lnmerica.-'rennsylvaL ia.-O Origin, Practices, and Principles of the Quakers.-Quaker Colorization in Amersica.. —JA:.4s Is. 16885-1688. General Chrtmacter of his Reign. —Monmouth's Rebel-lion. —Landing of WVilliam in England. and Fligt of limes Relations OI James with the American Colonies. —WVILLtAM AND NAiPMRY'. 1688 —1702. Character of the Revolution of 1688.-Rebeliolln in Scotiand. —War with France, —Treaty of ltyswick. Policy of Wiiiliam towards the Colo-ies. —Colonial Relatiosls during lis tReign. —ANNuE. 702 — 1714. 1W7ar of the Spanish Succesion.-Treaty of Utrecht.-Tllhe Slave'~rade. —CGEORaE 1. 1714-17'27. 1Rebellion in Scotlan.d.-GEooGE I. 1727-1750. Walpole.-War with Spain. War of the Austrian Succession.-Treaty of Aix la Chaspelle. —The "Seven Years War." Conclusion. Educlation; IMlauncrs; Morals; Religion, &c., in the American Colonies Pages, 2855 —85 PAR{T I I. A IERICAN REVOLUTION. CHAPTER [. CAUSES WOHICiH LED irO THIE REVOLUTION. Long Series of Aggressions upon the Colosies.-Design of Taxing the Colosles. —Thes Samp Act of 1765. —Its Effects upon the Colonies. —-'irst Colonial Conl-gress.-Repeal of the Statmp Act -Neow Scheme of Taxing Amllerica.-Excitement produced by it. —British Troops sent to Amegjca. —-Aflray in Boston.-it[oal Begunlation of 1772.-Destruction of Tea at Boston.-Boston'fort Bill -Massa.chusetts Charter subverted. —Second Colonial Congress. —Determlined Oppression.-Determined Resistance. ^ -. - Pagesg, 5 —847 CHIAPTER II. EVErNTS DuRIINGc THE YEAlR 1775. Battle of Lexington. —-Expedition of Allen and Arnold. —Battle of Bunker's Ifill.-Congress -Washington appointed to the Command of the Arlly.-The Royal Governors.-Invaslin of Canada. —Suarrender of St. Johns.-Of ItIontreal.-Assault of Quebec.-Repulse.-Retrt of the Army... Pag'es, 847 —55. CHAPTER III. EVENTS DURING THE YEARi 1776. Tho 8lege of Bosten coutinued.-Boston evacuated by the British. —Attck on Sulllvanu' 2 10 CONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORKS Islast d. —Formid aible Warlike Preparations of England.-Declaration of Independence.-Battle o)f Long Island.-Of White Ilains.-Capture of Fort Washington.-Retreat of the Americana through New Jersey.-Capture of General Lee.-Battle of Trenton,-Situation of the Armiee at the Close of the Year. -Pages, 355 —366. CHAPTER IV. EVENTS DURING THE YEAR 1777. Battle of Princeton.-Other Successes of W'ashington.-Congress.-French Assistance.-La, fayette.-B- itish Expedition up the Iuclson. —Tryou's Expedition to Danbury.- Sag HIarbor, MIovements of the Armies in New Jersey.-Capture of General Prescott.-B-attle of Brandy, wine.-Wayne surprised.-Battle of Germantown. —Burgoyne's Expedition.-Battle of Ben, nington. —Siege of Fort Schuyler.-Battles of Stillwater and Saratoga.-Burgoyne's Surrender.-Forts litercer and IlilinD, on the Delaware.-Valley Forge.-Articles of Confederation. Pages, 366 —380, CHAPTER V. EVENTS DURING THE PEAR 1778. Conciliatory Measures of the British Government.-Treaty with France.-Count D'Estaing, Battle of Monmouth. —The Hostile Armies in Rhode Island.-The French and English Fleets Expeditions of Grey and Ferguson.-Attack on WVyoming.-On Cherry Valley. —Loss of Savan. nah. —lesult of the Campaign. - Pages, 38C —-385 CHAPTER VI. EVENTS DUEINGT THE YEAR 1779. The WVar at the South.-Defeat of the Tories under Col. Boyd.-Defeat of General Ash, Battle of Stono Ferry.-Tryon's Expedition against Connecticut.-Capture of Stony Point Paulus Hook.-Penobscot.-Sullivan's Expedition against the Six Nations.-Siege of Savannah, Spain Involved in the War.-Paul Jones. —lessult of the Campaign. Pages, 385-391. CHAPTER VII. EVENTS DURING TBE YEAR 1780. Siege of Charleston.-Americans surprised at Monk's Corner.-Surrender of Charleston. Other Successes of the British.-Sumpter and Marion.-Battle of Sanders' Creek. —Defeat of Sumpter.-Battle of King's Mountain.-Other Successes of the Americans.-Knyphausen's Expedition into New Jersey.-Admiral de Ternay.-Treachery of Arnold.-Fate of Andre. — Hl'olland involved in the War. -Pages, 391-397. CHAPTER VIII. EVENTS DURING THE YEAR 1781. Revolt of the Pennsylvania Troops. —Robert Morris. —Arnold's Depredations in Virginia.-Battle of the Cowpens.-Cornwallis's Pursuit of Morgan —Defeat of a Body of Loyalists. — Battle of Guilford Court House.-Of HIobkirk's Hill.-Assault of Ninety Six. —Fate of Colonel IIayne. Battle of Eutaw Springs.-Close of the Campaign at the South.-Arnold's Expedition to Connecticut.-Siege of Yorktown.-Surrender of Cornwallis. Pages, 397-407 CHAPTER IX. CLOSE OF TIIE WAIR AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION. Changes in the Policy of the British Government.-Peace concluded with England. —Disbanding of the American Army.-Retirement of Washington to Private Life. —Condition of the Country.-National Convention.-Adoption of the Present Constitution.-Washington elected First President. Pages, 407 —411. APPENDIX TO THI-E REVOLUTION. The Struggle between England and her Colonies-how viewed by European Nations, gelerally.-By the People of England, &c. —Effects produced in London by Intelligence of the Battle of Lexington.-Discontents in the English ArSy.-Whigs and Tories.-Duke of Grafton. Mlarquis of Rockingham.-Violent Debates in Parliament.-Lord Mansfield. —Mr.!Eox.-Germall Auxiliaries.-Dukes of Richmond and Cumberland.-Perseverance of the Ministry.-American Privateers.-Openiug of Parliament in Oct., 1776.-King's Speech.-Ministerial Address.-Pro. test of the Peers.-Motion of Lord Cavendish.-War Expenses. —Lord Chatham's Motion Arrogance of the Court Party.-Opening of Parliament, Nov., 1777.-King's Speech.-M-inisterial Addresses -Earl of Chatham's Remarks.-Intelligence of the Defeat of Burgoyne.-New Measures for supplying the Army.-MIr. Fox.-Conciliatory Measures of Lord North.-Ameriran Treaty with France.-Divisions among the Whig Opposition.-Last Public Appearance of the Earl of Chatham.-Commencement of War between France and England.-War in toh West Indies.-In the East Indies.-War with Spain.-With Holland.-Armed Neutrality of the Northern Powers.-Siege of Gibraltar. —Surrender of Cornwallis. —Attack on Gibraltar.-Atieles of Peace.-Remarks on the Character of the War. - - Pages, 411 —43t CONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORK. 1l PART IV. THE UNITED STATES. FPROM THE ORGANIZATION OF THE GOVERNMENT UNDER THE FEIDERAL CONSTITUTION, IN 1789, TO THE YEAR 1845. CHAPTER I. WASHINGTON7S ADMINISTRATION. Washington's Inaugural Address. —Measures of the First Session of the Congress.-Of the Second Session.-Indian War.-Harmer's Defeat. —National Bank.-Vermont.-St. Clair's Defeat.-Kentucky.-The French Minister Genet-General Wayne.-Whiskey Insurrection. Jay's Treaty.-Treaty of GOreenville.-Treaty with Spain.-With Algiers.-Washington's FareWell Address. -..Pages, 432 —439. CHAPTER II. ADAMSIS ADMINISTRATION. Difficulties with France.-Death of Washington.-His Character.-Seat of Government. Mississippi Territory. —Treaty with France.-Alien and Sedition Laws. Pages, 439-443 CHAPTER III. JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. Changes Introduced.-Ohio.-Purchase of Louisiana.-War with Tripoli.-Death of Hamil. ton.-Michigran.-Burr's Conspiracy.-Difficulties with England and France.-Anmerican Em. bargo. - Pages, 443-447 CHAPTER IV. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION. SECTION I. 1809-10-11:-Continued Difficulties with England.-Battle af Tippecanoe. SECTION II. 1812:-Declaration of War Against England.-The Army.-General Hull -Loss of Mackinaw.-Colonel Miller.-Surrender of Detroit.-Battle of Queenstown.-The Consti. tution and Guerriere.-Wasp and Frolic.-United States and Macedonian.-Constitution and Java. SECTIoN III. 1813:-Positions of the American Forces. -Battle of Frenchtown.-Siege of Fort Meigs. —Defence of Fort Sandusky. —Battle of Lake Erie.-Of the Thames.-Fort Mims. Tohopeka.-Capture of York.-Attack on Sacketts HIarbor. —Events on the Niagara Frontier.-On the St. Lawrence.-Naval Battles.-Hornet and Peacock.-Chesapeake and Shannon.-Argus and Pelican.-The Boxer.-The Essex.-War on the Sea-board. SECTION IV. 1814:-Fort Erie.-Battle of Chippewa.-Of Lundy's Lane.-Of Plattsburg.-Of Bladensburg.-Burning of the Capitol.-Events near Baltimore.-At Stonington.-Cap. ture of Pensacola.-Battle of New Orleans. —IHartford Convention.-War with Algiers. Second National Bank. Pages, 447 —470. CHAPTER V. MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION. State of the Country.-Difficulties with the Creeks and Seminoles.-Capture of St. Marks and Pensacola. -Purchase of Florida.-The Missouri Question.-Lafayette's Visit. Pages, 470 —473. CHAPTER VI. J. Q. ADAMIS'S ADMINISTRATION. Controversy with Georgia.-Deaths of the Ex-Presidents, Adams and Jefferxa.-The Eleos Lion of 1828. -ages, 473-474 CHAPTER VII. JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION. Removal from Office.-United States Bank.-Winnebago War.-Tariff, and State Righta The Cherokees.-Seminole War. -Pages, 474-478 CHAPTER VIII. VAN BUREN7S ADMINISTRATION. Condition of the Country.-Specie Circular.-Independent Treasury.-Seminole War Cox bnued. —Election of 1840. - - Pages, 479-4&e 12 CONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORK. CHAPTER IX. HARRISON S ADMINISTRATION. Harrison's Inaugural Address.-His Cabinet.-His Sudden Death. - - Pages, 482, 483 CHAPTER X. TYLETR S ADMINISTRATION. Repeal of the Independant Treasury Bill.-North Eastern Boundary Treaty.-Difficulties in Rhode Island.-Annexation of Texas. Pages, 483, 481 CHAPTER XI. POLIR S ADMINISTRATION. War with Mexico. - Pages, 485-49.! CHAPTER XII. TAYLOR S ADMINISTRATION. _ Pages, 498-503 CHAPTER XIII. FILLMORE S ADMINISTRATION. - - Pages, 504 —08 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. The Government of the United States as Compared with Other Federal Governments. —The Early Federalists and Anti-Federalists.-Final General Approval of the Constitution.-The French Revolution.-Aggressions on the Part of England in 1693.-Jay's Treaty.-Renewed Aggressions of England. —Excited State of Public Feeling.-French Berlin Decree.-British Decree of Jan. 1807.-Pinckney and Monroe's Treaty.-British Orders in Council. —Milan Decree.-American Embargo.-Nonl-Intercourse Law.-The Erskilne Treaty.-Repeal of the Orders in Council.-Extent of British Depredations on American Commerce. —The "Peace Party" of 1812.-Declaration of War.-Federal Opposition.-Hartford Convention.-The Subject of Commercial Restrictions.-Imports and Exports.-The Different Eras of Federalism.Its Principles. —Political Questions Since the War of 1812.-Legal and MIoral View of the War with Mexico.-Ultimate Destiny of the American Confederacy. - Pages, 509-536 BOOK III. EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN NORTH AMERICA; PRESENT BRITISH PROVINCES; MEXICO; AND TEXAS. PART I. EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS, AND PRESENT BRITISH PROVINCES IN NORTH AMERICA. CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF CANADA UNDER THE FRENCH. Introduction to the History of Canlada.-Champlain's Discoveries, and Relations with the Hurons and Algonquins.-Various Expeditions Against the Iroquois.-De Caen Governor. Champlain Restored.-Conquest of New France by tlle English in 16i29. —Peace of 1632.-Alissionary Establishments.-Wars Between the Algonquins and Iroquois, involving the French. Administration of De Tracy.-Of De Courcelles.-Of Frontenac.-De La Barre and De Nonville.-Second Administration of Frontenac.-Canlada During King William's WVar. —During Queen Anne's YWar.-EncroachmnLts of the French on the Territory of the EnSlish. —Conquest of Canada. Pages, 3-15 CH-TAPTER II. EARLY IISTORY OF LOUISIANA. Jesuit Missionaries.-Discoveriy of the Mississippi. —Expedition and Discoveries of La Salle and his Companions.-La Salle's Colony in Texas.-Death of La Salle. —Settlements in Upper Louisiana.-lIn Southern Louisiana-rozat.ozat.-Te Mississiplpi Colnpany.-Destruction of the French Post at Natchez.-War with the Natches.-With the Cllickaasa.-The Treaty of 1793. Louisiana during the Allerican Revolution. —Treaty of 1795.-Violaled by thle Spaniards, Treaty of San Ildephonso.-Purchase of Louisiana by tlhe United States. Pages, 15-27 (',IT APTER III. IIS'TORY OF CANADA UNDER TIE EINGLISIi. The Chamlge of Dominion.-Cainada During thoe Amerlicaln Revolution.-Divisionl of Canlada. Government of the two Provinces.-Caniada During the War of 1812-14.-Administrlation of Sir Gordon Drummond.-Sir John Sherbrooke.-Duke of Richmonid.-Lord Dalhousie. —Cona troversies with the Assembly.-Sir James Kempt.-Lord Aylmer.-Inlcreasing Dissensions. Lord Gosford.-Sir Francis Bond Head.-The Crisis. —CANADIAN REBEsLLON.-Union of the two Canadas. Pages, 27-40 CONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORK. 13 CHAPTER IV. NOVA SCOTIA. Its Early Ilistory.-Domestic Dissensions.-Repeated Conquests of the Country by the Efng 1ish.-Final Conquest in 1710.-Nova Scotia during King George's War. —English Colonization ]Rebellion of the French Inhabitants.-Their subjugation, and balnishment.-Nova Scotia du ring and subsequent to the American Revolution. Pages, 40 —-48 CHAPTERS V, VI, AND VII. NEW BRUNSWICK PRINCE EDW'ARD'S ISLANDS AND NEWFOUNDLA1ND. PART II. IIISTORY OF M\IEXICO. CHAPTER I. ABORIGINAL MEXICO. HIistory of the Toltecs -The Chiehemecas.-The Aztecs or Mexicans.-Their Knowledge of the Arts.-Political Institutions.-The Court of Montezuma.-Wars, and Unuman Sacrifices, Pages, 57-68 CHAPTER II. COLONIAL HISTORY OF MEXICO. The Spanish Conquest.-Condition of the Aborigines.-General Policy of the Spanish Colonial Government.-Abuses Perpetrated under it.-Condition of Mexico at the Beginniug of the Present Century. - Pages, 69-72a CHAPTER III. MEXICO DURING THE FIRST REVOLUTION. Situation of Spain in 1808.-General Situation of the Spanish American Colonies at this Period.-Dissensions in Mexico.-Commencement of the Revolution.-Successes of IHidalgo. fIis Reverses and Death.-Rayon.-Career of Morelos.-Other Insurgent Chiefs.-Victoria. Mina's Invasion.-Close of the First Revolution in 1819. - - - Pages, 73-88 CHAPTER IV. MEXICO) FROM THE CLOSE OF THE FIRST REVOLUTION1 TO THE ADOPTION OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION OF 1824. Divisions among the Mexican Spaniards.-Designs of the Viceroy.-Revolt of Iturbide and Plan of Iguala. —Success of the Revolution.-Parties in the Congress.-Iturbide Proclaimed and Elected Emperor.-Overthrow of his Government.-Constitution of 1824.-Fate of Iturbide. Pages, 89 —- 95. CHAPTER V. MEXICO, FROSI TIIE ADOPTION OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION OF 1824, TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF TIHE WAR WITH TIHE UNITED STATES IN 1846. The Presidency of Victcria.-The Scotch and the York Lodges.-Presidential Election of 15826 Civil War.-Election of 1828.-Santa Anna heads a Rebellion. —Success of the lRevolutionists Pillaging of Mexico.-Guerrero becomes President.-Spanish Invasion.-B ustamente's hoebellion, and Overthrow of Guerrero.-Bustamente's Administration. —Rebellion and Death of Guerrero.-Santa Anna overthrows Bustamente's Administration.-Pedraza.-Santa Anna's Prosidency.-Durban.-Santa Anna Overthrows the Federal Constitution.-The Texans Refuse to Submit to his Usurpation.-Mexia.-Santa Anna's Invasion of Texas.-Bustamente's Presidency.-Mexia's Second Rebellion.-French Blockade of the Coast.-Insurrection in the Capital.-Yucatan.-Paredes at the head of the Revolution of 1841.-' Plan of Tucubaya." —Santa Anna at the head of the Government.-His Government Overthrown by Paredes. —Iis Banishment. —Difficulties with the United States. — Ierrera's Administration.-Revolt of Paredes, and Overthrow of Herrera.-Commencement of War between the United States and Mexico Santa Anna Restored to Power. -Concluding Remarks on Mexican History. Pages, 95-117 14 4,ONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORK. PART III. HISTORY OF TEXAS. CHAPTER I. TEXASx As A PART OF MEXICO WHILE UNDER THE SPANISH DOMINION. [1521-1821.i Indian Tri es.-La Salle's Colony at Matagorda.-De Leon's Expedition. —First Spanish Settielmeuts. —-ostilities between the French and Spaniards.-WYestern Louisiana.-Spanish Missions. —Texas during the Mexican Revolution. —Expedition of Toledo and Guttierez.-Mins and Perry.-General Long's Expeclition.-French Colony in Texas Pages, 119 —12?9 CHAPTER Ii. EVENTS FROMI THE TIME OF THE ESTABLISHMIENT OF MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE7 TO THF TIME OF THE DECLARATION OF THE INDEPENDENCE lOF TEXAS. [1821-1836.] The Spanish Treaty of 1819.-The Founding of Xiustin's Colony.-Texas Annexed to Coahuila.-State Constitution. —Colonization Laws.-Character of the Texan Population.-The "Fredonian War." —Mexican Garrisons in Texas.-Propositions of the United States for the Purchase of Texas. —Mexican Decree of 1830.-Arbitrary Acts of Mexican Officers.-Difliculties at Anahuac and Yelasco. —Mexia sent to Texas.-Garrisolls Withdrawn. —Convention at San Felipe.-Austin's Imprisonment in Mexico.-The Two Parties in the State Legislature Among the Americans of Texas.-D)issensions.-Disturbances at Anahuac.-Adhlerence of Texas to the Mexican Constitution of 1824.-Affair at Gonzalez. —Capture of Goliad by the Texans.-Engagement near Bexar.-Convention at San Felipe and Declatration of Rights. —Pro visional Government.-Capture of Bexar by the Texans.-SantaL Anna's Invasion.-Fall of the Alamo.'Pages, 128 —l150 CHAPTER III. EVENTS FROMi TIlE DECLARATION OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF TEXAS) TO THE ANNEXATION OF TEXAS TO THE AMERICAN UNION. [1536-1845.] Convention. —Declaration of Independence.-Organization of the Government.-PresidenP s Address.-Advance of the Mexican Army.-Murder of King and his Party.-Fannin's Battie. Surrender.-Massacre of IIim and his Party.-Santa Anna Advances from Bexar.-Battle of San Jacinto, and Capture of Santa Anna —Retreat of the Mexican Forces.-Final Liberation of Santa Anna.-Recognitions of Texan Independence by the United States, France, and England.-Relations with Mexico.-The Santa Fe Expedition.-Departure from Austin.-Sufferingg of. the Partv.-Surrender to the Mexicans. —Sent to Mexico and Imprisoned.-Invasions of Texas in 1842.-Account of the Mier Expedition.-Admission of Texas into the American Union. —Concluding Remarks. - ~ Pages, 151 —170. EMIBELLISMDIENTS, MAPS, CHIARTS, PLANS, &C,, CONTAINED IN THIE FOLLOWVING WVORK. Pages. Pages. 1 CIART OF AIEERICAN IIISTORY 16-17 20 Doorway of a Building at Kewick 87 2 MAP OF THE INDIAN TRIBES - - 20 21 LANDING OF THE PILGRIBIS - - 96 3 Plan of Ruins at Marietta, Ohio - 66 22 Heraldric Colors - - - 97 4 Ruins at Circleville - - - 66 52 (30) Seals of the States and Territo5 Ruins near Newark - 67 ries- 98, 106 6 Rtuins near Somerset - 67 53 Seal of the United States - 106 7 On the North Branch of Paint Creek 67 54 Valley of Mexico - - 116 8 On Paint Creek, nearer Chilicothe - 69 55 Vicinity of Pensacola - - 122 9 At the Mouth of the Sciota River - 70 56 Vicinity of Montreal - 128 10 Map of Yucatan and the Adjoining 57 Port Royal Island and Vicinity - 129 Provinces - --- 74i1 58 Vicinity of St. Augustine - 130 11 Plan of the Ruins of Palene - 741 59 Harbor of St. Augustine - 130 12 Building called the Palace - - 751 60 Roanoke Island and Vicinity - 181 13 Plan of the Ruins of Copan 76 61 Vicinity of Jamestown - 136 14 Stone Altar found at Copan 71 62 POCATIONTAS SAVING THE LIFIE 15 Plan of the Ruins of Chichen i 79' OF CAPTrAIN SMITH - 161 16 Plan of the Ruins of Uxisal 3 63 Plymouth and vicinity -: 181 17 The " House of the Governor-' * 4 8 4 Vicinity of Bostoa - - - 184 18 Ground Plan of the Same 84 65 Valley of the Coonn. River, in )Mass. 194 19 Stone Building at Labnau,. o; 66 Na'ragansett, Fort and Swamp - 195 CONTENTS AND PLAN OF THE WORK. 15 Page. Page. 67 Vicinity of Pemaquid Fort - 198 101 Forts on the Hudson - ~ - 377 68 Vicinity of Portland - 198 102 Plan of Fort Mercer - - 378 59 Louisburg and Vicinity, in 1745 - 203 103 Battle of Monmouth - - * 381 70 Island of Cape Breton - - - 203 104 Seat of War in South Carolina 392 71 Vicinity of Portsmouth - - - 206 105 Battle of Sander's Creek - 393 72 Vicinity of Hartford - - O 208 106 SURaENDER OF CORNWALLIS - - 397 73 New Haven and Vicinity - - 211 107 Battle of Guilford Court House 401 74 Vicinity of Providence - - - 215 108 Battle of HI-obkirk's Hill - - - 401 75 New York and Vicinity - - 220 109 Plan of the Siege of Yorktown - 404 76 Albany and Vicinity - - - 221 110 New London and Vicinity - 405 77 Northern part of Delaware - - 223 111 Vicinity of Gibraltar - 429 78 Vicinity of Annapolis - - - 240 112 The Fortress of Gibraltar - 429 79 Philadelphia and Vicinity - - 248 113 MAP OF THE COUNTRY AT TUE CLOSE S0 Vicinity of Wilmington, N. C. - 251 OF THE REVOLUTION - - - 432 81 Charleston and Vicinity - - 256 114 Vicinity of New Orleans 438 82 Savannah and Vicinity - - 261 115 District of Columbia - - 442 83 Vicinity of Frederica, Geo. - 262 116 Vicinity of Detroit - - 449 84 DEATH OF GENERAL WOLFE - 267 117 Niagara Frontier - - - 451 85 Forts in New Brunswick - 272 118 Seat of the Creek War in Alabama - 456 86 Vicinity of Lake George - 273 119 Vicinity of Niagara Falls - 462 87 Forts at Oswego - - 275 120 Vicinity of Baltimore - 465 88 Vicinity of Quebec - 280 121 Seat of the Seminole War in Florida 478 89 BATTLE OF BUNKER'S HILL - 335 122 MAP OF THE UNIrED STATES IN 1845 502 90 Plan of the Siege of Boston - 349 123 Map of British America - - - 2 91 Battle of Long Island - - -359 " Forts in New Brunswick -. 4'5 92 Westchester County - - 362 124 MAP OF MEXICO - 56 93 Forts Lee and Washington - 362 125 Vicinity of the Capital - - 67 94 Seat of War in New Jersey - - 363 126 MAP OF TEXAS - 118 95 Trenton in 1776 - - - - 364 127 Vicinity of Bexar - - - 122 96 Places West of Philadelphia - 372 128 Map of the Bays of Matagorda, Espi97 Vicinity of Ticonderoga - - - 374 ritu Santo, Aransas, Copano, and 98 Fort Schnyler on the Mohawk - 376 Corpus Christi and their Viciolit 142 99 Towns of Saratoga and Stillvwater - 376 129 Galveston Bay and Vicinity - - 157'00 of Gates and Burgoyne at Saratogap - - , ________ ____ -- - T enxee. __ ____________,:,,,:,~,,_3j = f~l-K _aKentucky. -aO u n _UPPER _Indiana. 0 i~,cSS ~ LOUISLRP~d R~i:: Illinois. Wisconsiu. Alabama. I S=-~.T-_-7I.b-..-00,~ _k As==== _k ==:=Qlssisipp. __i| ~bt W. V and zzas Xoscrnved by Viceroys eppogznt- by, IO } 1 4~ -~ —- -' ~-,.Missouri Territory. Indian eorritory. ----— __ ____ ___ _ Oregon Ter, Texas. Q and woo governed by Vicerysy appointed by A jthe moth/cr country. y:.....~...... Mexico. ___~waqy ~ V1T P9Wa l Central j 1500 HISTORY. iI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L 0 Henry VIII. 305 Jili l l!! I I d0 ]9rded1V.' E lizabeth. I Ia 1 00. C.c.e... 0il~Ti i Os 1 amea 1. ~lnmn~~lllliltl ~ 20 1625 0 Hill 1et 1 60 6harles i. H 4 riP o 12 40 (Behaaded.) l''iflda'fd I 71 G 50 drme'rge 0'.l It. Cromwell. -) 0IS~ 111111111~ ~ ~,4L r, 50 1700 1 K Po 514.3s 172. 0 rR~~~~~~~~~0 65. C,'1 harles 11. C;,80 V1 c1~~~~F 0 1685 3 82 Jaines'If. WD'~"1 "11 0 ir- wia~- ~. M R A A Mary. 1702 asu ns I~~~~~~I 37640Ie1e00 A~laoe no~ 180 I 0 m q l Awl UP18810 M~ &~LS(Ii20'S 20.. ~181 07 VRO ~ J George 1. 1yooor8p es 101 ~ 1720 ~1 2... 30 293 ~~1eyfl16rtd 5 1 J K Polk e 1040~~~~~4 C~rg H 4,60~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 v2Pj FHDH r.C2HMCH O0 7 4 8' 03~~~~~~7 - - ----- --- - - ----- -- 0 1 t -11is t io rLnt. 182 as H s A Ini — Ii o r,~Valis'83 J. 30 W'iliiam'I9.~~~~~~~~10 9 0 5.e~~ea 471 ~ i 10 a 0 74toin T.a a g e. 44 J8 K. Polk 00 1 00H8 01ir e Is 20 George fV:18 0 -- - -,4"YUnied. 0 v t;,&..-.~~~- I ~ ~ ~ — ~~, ~~ i —........ --- ----- EXPLANATION OF THE CHART. THE ". MINIATURE CHART OF AMERICAN HISTORY22 found on the two preceding pages, is a mere outline of a larger chart measuring about four feet by five and a half. The design of the small chart is, principally, to furnish, by its convenience for reference, additional aid to those pupils who may be studying the outlines of the history from the larger one; for as the small chart wants the coloring of the other, and many of its important features, it will be found, separately, of comparatively little importance. A brief explanation of the "Miniature Chart." however, may, in this place, be useful. The two divisions of the chart should be considered as brought together, so as to present the whole united on one sheet. The chart is arranged in the " downward course of time," from top to bottom, embracing a period of nearly 350 years, extending from the discovery of America by the Cabots, in 1497, to the year 1845. The dlark shading, extending entirely across the chart at the top, represents all North America as occupied by the Indian tribes at the time of the discovery; and following the chart downwards, the gradually increasing light portions represent the gradual increase of European settlements. The darkest shading represents the country as unexplored by the whites; —the lighter shading as having been explored, but not settled. Thus, Vermont was the last settled of the New England States; Upper Canada was settled at a much later period, and some of the Western United States still later. On the right is a column of English history; then a column of dates, corresponding with which the events are arranged on the chart from top to bottom; then follows the history of the present British Provinces north of the United States: then the histories of the several United States as their names are given at the bottom of the chart; after the territories, at the left, and adjoining Oregon, appear Texas, Mexico, and Central America. The large chart, of which this is a very imperfect outline, gives the prominent features, in the histories of all the settled portions of North America. The utility of well-arranged charts is very much the same as that of historical maps. Although maps give the localities of events,.they cannot give their sequezces, or order of succession; but as the eye glances over the chart, and follows it downwards in the stream of time, there is presented to the mind, instead of one local fixed picture% a moving panorama of events. In the map, the associations are fixed upon the proximity of locality; in the chart, upon the order of succession: and the two combined, in connection with the written history, give the most favorable associations possible for the attainment and retention of historical knowledge. One prominent advantage of the chart, however, separately considered, is, that it presents at one view a Comnparative History, of which books alone can give only a very inadequate idea, and that only to a well-disciplined memory of arbitrary associations. A view of the chart makes upon the mind as lasting an impression of the outlines of a country's history, as does the map of its topography, when the plans of both are equally understood; and the pIrom'ina t t.atures in a country's history may be recalleo to the mind, after a study of the chart, with the same facility that the geogra. phical outlines may be recalled, after a study of the map; for the principles upon which the mind acquires the knowledge, through the medium of the eye, are in both cases the same. The chart, the map, and the written history, should be used together; the chart, presenting at one view a comparative chronology of the events, being considered the frame-work of the structure and the map, giving the localities, the basis upon which it stan Is. INDIAN TRIBES OF NORTH AMERICA! AND AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. "They waste us; ay, like April snow In the warm noon, we shrink awayi And fast they follow as we go Towards the setting day,rill they shall fill the land, and we Are driven into the western Bea.? BXoaANT !California',. I eiI g li n ")'*gj"i e C N!,'''''~-llliB;;i i, A,, j~,::?... i i~~~~~~ i i':;~~~~~~~?? ~i! r?'r; iiS "'~~',,,~! ~I 5f.~.e[-i IC"'": Cll C'l iii m r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i a Ur~~~~~~~~~~~~~~17'nlTa, i jdl?ii,!....''3 I ai iii r ii;~ ~i"'"i L V'' ithe oet for the Year ieee ci CT1,,- t~ H~' cCC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i,, rt.! J' neC!', h-iithe L.. le eo the!ii'C } IIRi BES.iI V.- JI!:!Ia' Nil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'/ L n. o \'F C/I ~~~~%BI iri~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ IA all 11 Of the Countryy~\\\ EATO H MSISPI V" Foi -en years, fter th S Llemseen t of Jamestownh abijlity1d Jln~O~l ishowingll th~e Loca~lifie, of "hpN' NDIAN TRIBES, A i r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and the commenice ment of Ei15ib~~~~9~i~ ~ ~~Buiopeanz SettZElemeW& Ii~ A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B ASCII........ 01,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ii 0 ng. We s t -1,7 - 0 -7) I 111~~~~~~~7.16r~~~llyhm CHAPTER I. INDIAN TRIBES OF NORTHI AMERICA. [The brief notice. here given, of the Indian tribes of North America, is confined principally m those formerly and at present found within the United States and their Territories. For a more extended account the reader is referred to the numierous works on Indian HIistcry and Biograplhy, found in the public libraries of our cities; and especially to the able work of the lion. Albert Gallatin, published in volume second of the " Transactions of the Amnerican Antiqu:arian Society," and to Drake's " Biography and History of the Indian Tribes of North America," Edition of 1841. The IIistory of the more civilized tribes of early Mexico will be rbujnd under the head of Mexican liistory, see Book III., p. 57.] SECTION I. NORTHERN TRIBES. Tu- northern tribes of North America, embracing the ANALYSIS. great divisions known as the Esquirnmaux and the Atha-,. eo/,. r/ nascas, and some smlall tribes bordering on thle Paci.fic eZTo/beo. -- Ocean, are found north of the fifty-second parallel of lati- ity. tude. 2The Esqluimaux* Indians encircle the whole north- 2. Locality of ern portion of the continent, fr'om the southern point of nau.zAlaska on the west, to the Gulf of St. Lawrence on the east. 3The only Indians found in Greenland are Esqui- 3. Ind,, r:, o!f maux. 4A tribe of the same family is likewise found on 4G.Esquilma the western shore of Behring Straits; and it is believed in Asa. to be the only Asiatic tribe belonging to the race of any North American Indians. 5The Esquimaux are not found 5.Esqfmtaus far in the interior, but are confined mostly to the shores the coat.~ of the ocean, and of large gulfs and bays. 6There are two divisions of these people, the eastern 6. DiZis:oi and the western Esquimaux. The dividing line is a little Esot/a west of Mackenzie's River. 7The western Esquimaux 7. Dialecto. speak a dialect so different from the eastern, that it is, at first, difficult for them to understand each other. SThe s. Trade. two divisions have for some years past carried on considerable trade with each other; the western Indians dealing in iron tools and other articles of Russian manufacture, and the eastern in seal skins, oil, and furs. 9In the interior, extendi.ig fiom Churchill River ancl 9. T:ribes in Hudson's TBay to within about one hundred miles of the t crior. Pacific, is a large number of tribes speakinTg kindred languages.'~They have been grouped in one division, and 10 Toh. grouped, are called Athapascas, from the original name of the lake From EsRmanticekl" Faters of raw fish. 22 IND AN TRIBES. [BOOK L ANALYSIS. since Ca, led " Lake of the Hills."'They are the heredc 1.. Their itary enemies of the Esquimaux, and are in a state of per2, Tr.I 0 petual warfare with them.'West of the Athapascas, on thecost. the sea-coast and islands, are several tribes which speak dialects different both fiom the Esquimaux and the Athapascas. 3. Jurisdic- 3The extensive territory occupied by the Esquimaux tion over the territory of and the Athapascas is claimed by the English, and the -z- and the whole is under the jurisdiction of the Hudson's Bay Com-.thpascas. pany, whose trading posts extend from James Bay, west, to the Pacific Ocean, and north, nearly to the Polar Sea..4. Character 4The Esquimaux are a dwarfish race, and obtain a preca. and occupation of the rious livelihood mostly by fishing. The Athapascas, and Northern alTrieB. some of their southern neighbors, are almost entirely employed in obtaining furs, for the purpose of selling them to the Company, or in conveying the provisions and stores of the Company to the different posts, and bringing back the furs there collected. SECTION II. ALGONQUIN TRIBES. o. ifontag-'At the first settlement of Canada, the St. Lawrence On-tang-r. Indians were generally designated by the name of Monyar. tagnars,e or Mountain Indians, from a range of hills or 6. Atgon- mountains west of Quebec. "The tribes found on the Ottawa River, however, speaking a different dialect, were 7. Distinction called Algonquins. 7The distinction between the Monbetween these n.cnes, and tagnars and the Algonquins was kept up for some time, aItent of the latter term. until the latter term finally prevailed, and was applied, by the French, to that great family of tribes extending throughout the eastern portions of North America, and s. or.'ia; speaking dialects of a common language. 8It is difficult of the termn. to ascertain whether the term Algonquin belonged, originally, to any particular tribe, or was used as a generic appellation. 9. Tke Knis-.The Knistenauxb Indians, the most northerly division tenauns Ingians. andthe of the Algonquin family, are a numerous tribe, and are[t-no. still found throughout a large tract of country, extending from Labrador to the Rocky Mountains. The Chlippewas, likewise a numerous Algonquin tribe, are now found on the western shores of Lake Superior. Io. The Otta. loTlhe Ottawas, found on the river of that name, were an Algonquin tribe, formerly residing on the western shores El. Theirjiu of Lake Huron. "1Their claims to the right of sovereignty i ~ioan. over the Ottawa River were generally recognized, and Ihey exacted a tribute from all the Indians going to or trHAP. I. INDIAN TRIBES. 23 conling from the country of the Hurons. 1The Algon- ANALYSIS. quin tribes of the Ottawa River were allied with the l. Theirci,Hurons in their wars with the Five Nations; and after athncewoith the almost total destruction of the Hurons in 1650, a part Ia7persoion, of the Ottawas, accompanied!~y a few Hurons, after some English, and wanderings, joined their kindred tribes at the south of tvande,'s. Lake Superior. The Ottawas subsequently, in 1671, removed to the vicinity of Michilimackinac, and finally returned to their original seats on the west side of' Lake Huron, and until ecently have continued to occupy a great portion of the Michigan peninsula. Under Pontiac, their chief, they were at the head of the great Indian confederacy of 1763, which in a short time captured nearly all the British posts on the western frontier. At the time of their dispersion, in 1650, portions of the Ottawas sought refuge among the French, and their descendants still reside in several villages of Lower Canada. PONTIAC, a chief of the Ottawa nation, was one of the most famous Indian warriors ever known to the English, not excepting even King Philip or Tecumseh. HIe is first brought to the notice of the English after the fall of Quebec in 1760, when Major Rogers was sent into the western country to takle possession of the posts stipulated to be surrendered by the French. Pontiac had previously been warmly attached to the French, and lead assisted them in their Indian wars. On his way Major Rogers was met by ambassadors from Pontiac, desiring him to halt until their chief could see him with his own eyes, atnd likewist informing him that Pontiac was the king and lord of that country. Pontiac soon ilet the English officer and demanded his business, and haughtily asked him how he dared enter the country of the Indians without permission from their chief. Finally, however, he smoked the pipe of peace with the officer, and gave him permission to pass through the country unmolested, with the assurance that he should be protected from the fury of those Indians who were hostile towards him and wished to cut him off. Major Rogers observes, that, during several conferences which he had with him, "1 Pontiac discovered great strength of judgment, and a thirst after knowledge." Soon after this Pontiac became hostile to the English, probably because he observed in them a design to extend their sovereignty over his country. He was willing to allow the English to settle in his dominions if they would acknowledge himn as their sovereign; but he declared, that if they did not conduct themselves according to his wishes, " he would shut up the way" and k.eep them out. He continued, however, with Indian craft and cunning, to express his friendship for the English until he had united the strength of many tribes to his own The Mliamis, Ottawas, Chippewas, Wyandots, Pottowattomies, Mississaguies, Shawnees, Outagamies or Foxes, and Winnebagoes, constituted his power, as they did, in after times, that of Tecumseh. WMith such secrecy and adroitness were the plans of Pontiac developed, that he dissipated the fears of the commandants of all the Western posts until the very moment that the blow was struck; and within fifteen days, in the summer of 1763, all the English garrisons and posts in the West, but three, fell into his hands. At Miclhilimackinac, the Ottawas, to whom the assault was intrusted, got into the fort by stratagem, while engaged in a great game of ball, to wvlich the officers wers invited. Only Niagara, Pittsburg, and Detroit escaped. Pittsburg was saved by the expedition of Colonel Boquet, who dispersed the besiegers at the point of the bayonet. Detroit was saved by information conveyed to the commandant by an Indian wom'an, tile iiglht before the premeditated attack, which was to be made while Pontiac and his warrlors should be holding a friendly council with the garrison. The Indians continued the siege ot the place until the spring of 1764, when General Bradstreet arriving with reenforcemen'es, the different tribes came in, and peace was established. Pontiac, however, took no part 24 INDIAN TIRIBES. [BooK 1l In the negociatlons, but abandoned the country and repaired to Illinois, where he mu not long after assassinated by a Peoria Indian —but for -what cause has not been satisfac.. eorily shown. It is said that in the war of 1763, usually called " Pontiac's War," this chief appointed a commissary, and began to make and issue bills of credit, which were received by the Frenci inhabitants, and punctually redeemed by Pontiac. His bills, or notes, were made of bark, on which was drawn the figure of the commodity which he wished to obtain in exchange, witbh the shape of an otter, the insignia or arms of his nation, drawn under it. ANALYSIS. lThie Mississaguies, a tribe found south of' the River 1 Te:,iMsiss~- Ottawa, and adjoining the Hurons, appear to have sepasaginesg. rated their cause from that of their kindred tribes, and to have been either in alliance with the Five Nations, or permitted to remain neutral. Remnants of this tribe are still found in Canada. 2~.zit,~,m 2. 2The ]Iicmacs, first called by the French Souriquois, held possesssion of Nova Scotia and the adjacent isles, and were early known as the active allies of the French. 8. Etcheminzs. 3The Etchemins, or "Canoemen," embraced the tribes of the St. John's River, and extended westwardly along the sea-shore as far as Mount Desert Isle. 4. Alenaces. 4ABEINAKES. Next to the Etchemins were found the -Tpaltr,,e n Abenakes, extending to the Saco River, and consisting of several tribes, the principal of which were the Penobscots, 5. Converted the \Nor'ridgewooccs, and' the AncpJrscoyggins. rThe Mic..aiteJe suits. macs, the Etchemins, and the Abehnakes, we'e early con. ther enc.z- verted by the Frenclh Jesuits. They remained firmly attached to the French until the conquest of Canada in 1760, and were almost constantly in. a state of hostilities 6. Withdraw- with the British Colonies.'In the year 1754, ail the, alto Canada. Abenakes, with the exception of the Penobscots, who still reside on the river to which they have given their name, 7. Neutrality. withdrew to Canada. 7The Penobscot, the Passamaquoddy, and the St. John Indians, remained neutral during the wa, of' the Revolution. NEwr ENGLAND INDIANS. The New England Indians; ltnd Indians. as they have generally been called, embraced the tribes fAom the Saco River to the eastern boundary of Connec. 9. Principcl ticut. "Their principal tribes were, 1st, The Massachu..localitic. setts, adjoining the Bay of that name: 2d, The Paw. tuckets, north east of the Massachusetts, and embracing the Penacooks of New Hampshire: 3d, The Nipmnucks, north of the Mohegans, and occupying the central parts of Massachusetts: 4th, The EPokanokets, to whom the Wampanoags belonged, extending from the shores of Massachusetts Bay to Bristol in Rhode Island: and 5th. The NVarragansetts, in the remaining portion of Rhode Island. 1.1. subdfvt,'~These divisions, however, were subdivided into a 6oa8. number of petty cantons, or small tribes, each having its .own sahenm, or chief; who was in a great degraee inaepen- ANALYSIS. dent of the others. fir, nus, tl-e Po'kaoketies were divided E1..avp Ilto nine separate calltons or tribes, each havting its petty s a-amore or chiefi, u all su.lbect to one' gcrand saolhem, who was also chlOief' of tole W\_Vaaman-oagrs. 2'The population of if.he- N"Aow 4i..'i and Ibldians hlad 2.Popultios,. been greatly diiLLisLih ed by a fal epidemic whicl prevailed a short tiome bafioe thle arrival of the Puritans; but their number is supposed to have been much greater, in proportion to the extent of territory occupied by them, than wa:I found elsewhlaelre o,-' the shores of the Atlantic. For this, two causes Ihave been assigned. 3'First;-The Ne\w EIlan Ind ldians wvere supported a. cuuses of the increaed mostly by fishlig; and tlhe supply of food thus ob-ainedi is ep;oulatiZe o,,o s(reater, and more unilfbr tha hat atfforded by hunting. It tleesew ngwas ounod, accordling ly, that tie NarragansePts weri, in proportion to their tereiory, tit the most populous of the New England tribes. In the second place;-it appears probable that the New E-ngdland IndLians clad been obliged to concentrate thlemselves alone the sea-coast, in order to be able to re2sist the attacks of the Five Nations, with whom they were almost conilstenly at war. 4irle r Maquas, or Ao- 4. heL.fohawks, were tahe most feormidable of their adversaries, haiU@. and so great was tfle terror which they excited in the less warlike tribes of New England, that the appearance of' foiur or five Yohbawurks in tihe woods, would often frifglhten them firom their habitations, and drive them to seelk shelter in their forts, for safety.'The Indians east of the Connecticut River never were, 5. rndiain however, actually subjugated by the Five Nations; and eC.t o? the in 1671 a permanent peace was established between them, through the interference of the English, and the Dutch at Albany.'After the termination of KingT Philip'sI 6 The srvl. war,a in 1676, which resulted in the defeat of the hostile XPo..r c,,i., Indians, most of the survivors either joined the eastern a. Seep.196. tribes, or sought refi.uge in Canada, whence they continued to harass the fr'ontiers of rew Enogland, until the filnal overthrow of the French, in 1763.I 7Since that b. See p. 283. period, the eastern Indians have remained friendly, but 7.~E,,t#,rnin, their numbers are said to amount now to only a few hun- 1763. dred, and their languages, with the exception of the Narragansett, are nearly extinct. For the purpose of giving some fa rther infoirmation about the New Englanu. tribes, we sulj,, join a brief notice of' several of their principal chiefs. The first chief witlh whom the people of Plymouth became acquainted, wose:TASSCAS.or Frandl Sach.lem of the Wampanoags, whose principal residelce was at Pokanoket, nolw Bristol, Rhode slaLnd. Itt appears that, at one t:ime be-ore he was known to the wshites, Massasoit carried on successful ewars " against manlly nat.ions of Indians" whom he:'2;ade tributary to him; and. yet. with such kind. pttcernal authority did he rule over then, that all -appeared tl! g2d }INDIAN TRIBES, [Book A evere ilm, and to consider themselves happy in being under his authority. So long as hb lived hle was a f'riend to the English, although they committed repeated usurpations upon his lands and liberties. Before his' death, which is supposed to have occurred in 1662, he hlad been icdduced to cede away, at different times, nearly all his lands to the English. One of the most renowned captains, or war-chiefs, wit;hin the dominions of iMassasoit, was CiAtuxnTArT, whose residence was at a place in the present town of Sivwalzey. The English were alwxays viewedi by him as intruclers, and enemies of his race; and there is but little d,;ubl that he intended to wrest the country out of their hands on the first opportunity. l0oBosso, another of the chief captains of Massasoit, and greatly beloved by him, wrvs a fisa raenc oI the English, and also a professed Christian. The great Sachem of the iNrraragansetts at the time of the settlement of New England, wv AS,'oxNIcuS; who ruled in great harmony, in connection with a younger Sachemrr, his nephew, AieLx'TONoIOuI. It lwas Canonicus who, in 1622, sent into Plymouth a bundle of arrows wrapped in a rlattlesnaks's skin, as a challenge for war. Although the people of Plymlouth and Bost(-u were at times jealous of Canonicus, yet he is often mentioned with great respect by Roger WUVLiiams, who says, " Were it not for the favor that God gave me with Canonicus, none of these parts, no, not Rhode Island, had been purchased or obtained; for I never got anything (of Canonicus uut by gift." Under Canonicus and MIiantonomnoh, the Narragansetts assisted the English in the Pequod war; but, soon after, Miantonolmoh was accused of plotting against them, and he was repeatedly obliged to viit BIoston, to free himself from the suspicion excited againsi him by his enemies, and chiefly by Uncas, Sagamore of the Mohegans, agains' whom lie finally declared war. in this war, Miantonomoh was talken prisoner by Uncas, and being delivered into the hanuls of the English, the commissioners of the United colonies decided that " he ought to be put:o death," and that his execution should be intrusted to Uncas himself, by whom he was accorlingly slain. From all the accounts that we have of the relations between the English ar4d Miantonomoh, we arle forced to the conclusion, that, in the conduct of the former, there vwaas much deserving of censure. NINIacRET, a cousin of Bliantonomoh1, also a distingueished chief, was Sachem of the Niantici s, Narragansett tribe. As he was an enemy of Uncas and the MIohegans, the English were ovsr jealous of hin; and it is believed that he once endeavored to organize a plan for their exteomination; yet he tookr no part in Philip's war, being at that time very old, aud having witlxdrawn himself and tribe froml the nation to which they belonged. Joshn Saessasnson, a Pokanoket Indian5 and subject of Philip, became a convert to Chris. tianity,-learned the English language —was able to read and Iwrite-ancl translated some of the Bible into the Indian tongue. On account of his learning he was at one time employed by Philip as his secretary or interpreter. le wvas afterwards employed by the English, as san instructor and preacher amnong the converted Indians. WThen he learned that his country. men were plotting a war against the English, he communicated his discovery to the latter. For this he was considered by his countrymen a traitor and an outlaw, and, according to the laws of tlhe Indians, deserving of death Early in tie spring of 1675, Sassamon was found murdered. Three Indians were arraigned for the m urder, by the English, convicted and executed. Some authorities, however, state that Sassamon was murdered by his countrymuen for teacheng Christian doctrines; —that the Eniglish tried and executed the murderers,-and that Philip wvas so exasperated against the English for this act, that, from that time, he studied to be toveuged on thems. DIy some this has been assigned, erroneously we believe, as the principsl, cause of King Philip's war. PHILIP of Pokaneoket, whose Indian name was Poszetacom or u]letaconmet, was the most re nowned of all the chiefs of the New England tribes. Hle was a son of Massasoit, who is sup. posed to have died early in 1662, and who was succeeded by his eldest son Alexander ~ but the latter dying a few months after, Philip himself became, by the order of succession, head chi.e of the WVampanoags. We find the following account of the origin of the names of these chiefs: " After Massasoit was dead, his two sons, called UIramsutta and lhStacoveazet, came to the co-irl. at Plymouth, pretending high respect for the English, and therefore desired that Englisi' names might be given themz; whereupon the court there named Wanasutta, the elder brother, Alfxander; and Metacomet, the younger brother, Philip." Of the celebrated war which Philil waged against the New England Colonies, an account has elsewhere been given.* With the Se page 1o2. CHAPIrt.1.l INDIAN TRIBES. 27 soul of a hero, and the genius of a warrior, he fought bravely, although in vain, to stay the tide that was fast sweeping to destruction the nation and the race to which he belonged, CANONoCHET, or, as he was sometimes called, Aianuzn.tenloo a son of Miantonomsolh, took part in Philip's war against the English; although, but a short time previous, he had signed a treaty of peace with them. HIe is described by the early histoilans, as " the mighty sachem of the Narragansetts," and " heir of all his fateho,-r's pride and insolence, as well as of his malice against the inglish." When taken prisoner, in April, 1676. il is said that " his carriage was strangely proud and lofty," and that, at first, he would make no other reply to the questions put to linl, than this,-' that he was born a prirce, and if princes came to speak with him he would answer, but none present being such, he thought himself obliged, in honor, to hold his tongue.' When it was announced to hinm that he must be put to death, he is reported to have sid, " I like it wellc; 1 shall die before sney heart is soft, or have said any thing Unwecorthty of z/ssaeltf." One of Philip's most famous counsellors or captains was Annawone, a Wamnpanoag chief, who had also served under Massasoit, Philip's father. HIe was taken prisoner by Captain Church, through the treachery of some of his own company. It is said that Annawon confessed 4 that he had put to death several of the English that had been taken alive, and could not deny but that some of them had been tor-tured.' Although Captain Church entreated hard for the life tf the aged chief, yet he was remorselessly executed'MOHEGANS. To the many independent tribes extend- ANALYSIS ing fiom the eastern New England Indians to the Lenni,. Moegass Lenapes on the south, the term Mohegan, the name of' a tribe on the Hudson, has sometimes been applied; although all these tribes appear to have differed but little, in their languages, from the more eastern Indians. 2The Pequods were the most important, and, until the 2. Pequos. revolt of Uncas, the ruling tribe of this family, and their sovereignty was once acknowledged over a portion of Long Island. It is said that they, "being a more fierce, cruel, and warlike tribe than the rest of the Indians, came down out of the more inland parts of the continent, and by force seized upon one of the goodliest places near the sean and became a terror to all their neighbors." The peace of the New England colonies was early disturbed by a war with this tribe.'There were thirteen distinct tribes on Long Island, 3. Lon, Isover whom the ]/on:tauzks, the most eastern tribe, exer- lanod lEdiam7 cised some kind of authority; although the Montauks themselves had been tributary to the Pequods, before the subjugation of the latter by the English. 4From the Manhattans, the Dutch purchased Manhattan a. TPhe lr,,sIsland; but they appear to have been frequently in a hattans state of hostility with those Indians, and to have been reduced to great distress by them in 1643. In 16345, however, the Manhattans and the Long Island Indians were defeated- in a severe battle, which took place at a. eep. Horseneck.'In 1663, the W'abingtas, or Esopus Indians, a. tnra~8. commenced hostilities against the Dutch, but were soon defeated. 6Many of the Mohegan tribes were reduced 6. Wars beto subjection by the Five Nations, to whom they paid an itva,.bra anf annual tribute; but the Mohegans proper, or "River FiN, Nti.on', J' i-~ iA' N''i!5 [t;3 x.,$ i8993i A ANAL.rsIS. Indians,': carried on war against the Five Nations as late as 1673, when peace was established betvween them, through the influence of the Governor of New York. I. Resnasnat'In 1768 the remnant.t of the Mohcplecnr.s nwas settled in the of the Ms/oe-.tons. north east corner of New Lonlon, about five miles sout!h of Norwich, at which place they hlad a reservation. When the Mohegans were first known to the English, UNcxs was the head chief of that zation. He has received no very favorable character from the historians of New Englanld, being represented as wicked, wilfu!: intemperate, and otherwvise vicious, and an opposer of Christianity. Ie was originally a l'equod chief, bult, upon some contentions in that ill-iated nation, he revolted, and established his authority in opposition to his sachem Sassacus, thus causing a division in the Pequod territories. Uncas early courted the favor of the English, doubtless owing to the fear he entertained of his other powerful and warlike neighlbors. Iec joined the English in the war against the Pequods, his kindredl; but, after the war, he relented his severity against his countrymsen, and endeavored to screen souie of them from their more vindictive enemies, the English. He was oftesn accused, before the English commissioners, of committing the grossest insults on other Indians under the protection of the English, but the penalties adjudged against, him, and members of his tribe, were always more moderate than those imposed upon the less faivored Narraganlsetts, for which, the only reason that can be assigned is, that the safety of the English seemed to require that they should keep on friendly terms with the Moloegans, the most powerful of the tribes by which they were surrounded. Uncas lived to a great ago, as he was a sachem before the Pequod war of 1637, and was alive in 1680. His grave, surrounded by in inclosure, may be seen at this day in a beautiful and romantic spot, near the falls of Yantie iliver, in Norwich. The first great chief of the Pequod nation, with whoml thie Enslish were acquainted, was SAssAcus, whose name was a terror to all the neighboring tribes of Indians. Ile had aunder him, at, one time, no less than twenty-six sachems, and 4000 men fit for war, and his domninions extended from Narragansett Bay to the Hudson River. Saassacus was early involved in difficulties with the English, and also with the Narragansetts, and others of his Indian neighbors, l-len one of his princilpal forts was attacked and destroyed by the English in 1337, Sassacus himnself destroyed tle other, and then fled to the Alohawks, who treacherously slew him, alnd sent his scalp to the English. 2. lThe Len ni 2LENNI LENAPES. Next south and west of thle Mollhe Lepe an Ltr7ese. gans were the Lenlni Lenapes, consisting of two tribes, or divisions, the ]f'insi and the Delawares. The term Lennl Lenape has sometimes been used as a generic term, and 3 Their local- applied to all the tribes of the Alegonquin frna ily. 3The ties-. Minsi occupied the nor thern portion of New Jersey, north of the Raritan, extendin, across lthe Delaxvare into Penn. sylvania; aind the Delawvares the southern- pertio.-i of fenw 4. By ehat Jersey, and the entire valley of the Schluylkill. 4Both divisions are b-est known in in Ihlstory by the name of DelaIo' tsituatea. wales. tIl'nthe y were first known'to the Eniglish they were found in subjeuction to the Five Nations, by whonm thevy were r isti.uiislned by the scornful epithet of w" wo-. Theirase! men." Their 7fi 5' subection is supposed. to have t-lheiil aned tiosal plaeC a1blout th1e yealr 150, wihen they were reduced to a ge."- state of vassalage, boin-f prohibited friom carrying on war, or mkliing siales of land, wviChout the- consent of their con q t'13ors. Cgaa..1 INDIAN TRIBIES. 20 1The increase of the white population soon drove the ANALYSIS. Delawares fi'om their oricinal seats, and compelled them i. ThDelato take refuge on the waters of the Susquehanna and wares driven Juniata, on lands belonging to their conquerors, the Five oi-igial Nations.'Msany of the Delawares removed west of the 2. The reinoAlleghany Mountains between 1740 and 1750, and ob- vaer Of u Paert tained friom their ancient allies, the Hurons, the grant of a Alleyrhanies. tract of land lying principally on the Muskingum. 3The 3. rcours, great body of the nation, however, still remained in Penn- ptuzo e by sylvania, and, encouraged by the western tribes and by mnazned. the French, they endeavored to shake off the yoke of the Five Nations, and joined the Shawnees, against the English, in the French and Indian War.'Peace was made 4. Peace with with them at Easton, Pennsylvania, in 1758; and in 1768 t em. and they removed altogether beyond the Alleghanies. nmoval. 5Although a portion of the Dela wares adhered to the 5. Thei:r conAmericans during the war of the Revolution, yet the main duct uri2el body, with all the western tribes, took part with the British. tion.'The Delawares were at the head of the western confede- 6. Of the part they toole in racy of Indians which was dissolved by the decisive vie- thg,,rIeat tory of General Wayne in 1794; and by the treaty of ditan.ConfedGreenville, in 1795, they ceded to the United States the etscyvsusefl greater part of the lands allotted them by the Wyandots or qf theirltands. Hurons, receiving in exchange, from the Miamis, a tract of land on the White River of the Wabash. 7They re- 7. Their conduct during mained quiet during the second war with the British, and tlhe lst t7ar, in to. theirnuneber in 1819 ceded their lands to the United States. Their preirntsitube number was then about eight hundred. A few had pre- tion, -c. viously removed to Canada: most of the residue have since removed west of the Mississippi. The number of these, in 1840, was estimated at four hundred souls. A prominent chief of the Delawares, distinguished at the time of the American Revolution, was Captain WHITE EYES, called, by way of distinction, " the first captain among the Delawares." I-e became chief sachem in 1776, having previously been chief counsellor to Netawsatwees, the former chief. He belonged to that portion of the Delawares who adhered to the Americans during the war. He was a firm friend of the missionaries, and it is said that he looked forward with anxiety to the time when his countrymen should become Christians, and enjoy the benefits Df civilization. He died of the small pox, at Philadelphia, in 1780. Another Delaware chief, who lived at the same timne with White Eyes, was Captain PIPE, who belonged to the Wolf tribe. He secretly favored the British on the breaking out of the Revolution, but his plans for inducing his nation to take up arms against the Americans were for some time defeate4l by the vigilance of White Eyes; but the Delawares finally became divided, most of them, under Captain Pipe, taking part with the British. From a speech which Captain Pipe made to the British commandant at Detroit, it is believed that he regretted the course that he had taken, perceiving that the Indians, in taking part in the quarrels of their white neighbors, had nothing to gain, and much to lose. He remarked that the cause for which be was fighting was not the cause of the Indians-that after he had taken up the hatchet he did not do with it all that he might have done, for his heart failed him-he had distingtuished between the innocent and the guilty —he had spared some: and hoped the British would not destroy What he had saved, 30 INDIAN TRIBES. [BooK L ANALYSIS.'NANTICOKES. The Indians of the eastern shore of. Locality of Maryland have been embraced under the general designas the anti- tion of Nanticokes.'The Conoys were either a tribe of cokes. 2. The Co- the Nanticokes, or were intimately connected with them. 3. Theirsub- 3The whole were early subdued by the Five Nations, and jugation. forced to enter into an alliance with them. 4During the 4. Their remo. Tl anrdem co- early part of the eighteenth century they began to remeve deLCtdauing up the Susquehanna, where they had lands allotted them tion. by the Five Nations, and where they remained until the commencement of' the war of the. Revolution, when they removed to the west, and joined the British standard. s. Theirpres-'They no longer exist as a nation, but are still found ent situation. mixed with other tribes, both in the United States and in Canada. 6. First dis- SUSQUEHANNOCKS.'The Susquehannock, or Canestagoe cSsqueeaen- Indians, were first discovered by Captain Smith, in his exnocks. ploring expedition up the Chesapeake and the Susquehanna 7. Their situ- in 1608.'They were found fortified east of the Susque. ateionsandsos- hanna, to defend themselves against the incursions of the Five Nations. They possessed the country north and west of the Nanticokes, from the Lenni Lenapes to the Poto8. Theirsub- mac.'They were conquered by Maryland and the Five iugation and 8ubgtqueant Nations in 1676, when it appears that a portion were carhistory. ried away and adopted by the Oneidas. What became of the remainder is uncertain. There is no remnant whatever of their language remaining. 9. The lan- 9MANNAHOACKS. The Mannahoacks were a confedetahoatcks, and their Co- racy of highland or mountain Indians, consisting of eight callties. tribes, located on the various small streams between the 10. Namne of head waters of the Potomac and York River. "~The most the confederacy,. powerful of these tribes gave its name to the confederacy.. Tl'heirsup. "They are supposed to have been an Algonquin tribe, posed origin. although no specimen of their language has been preserved. 12. The local- MONACANS. l2The Monacans were situated principally ities of the Monacaln, on the head waters of James River. The Tuscaroras their supposeedorigin, appear likewise to have been early known in Virginia unand toheir is der the name of Monacans, and it is uncertain whether the latter were of Iroquois or Algonquin origin. It is not improbable, however, that those embraced under the general designation of Monacans, were Algonquin tribes, and tributaries of the Tuscaroras; but as no remnant of their language remains, their origin cannot be satisfactorily de. nd3. Ectent termined. Of their history little is knownl. Qf the Poto- POWHATANS. "The Powhatan nation embraced a con. hliatan nation. federacy of more than twenty tribes, extending from the halno.os, most southern tributaries of James River, on the south, to nd Acc- the Patuxent on the north.'4The Accohannocks and the CHAe 1.] INDIAN TRIBES. $ Accomacs, on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, hlave A~NAL.w sS a]ko been a part of this nation. n lPwhPo lhatn L Tie geat was the great chiel' of tnis conlederacy, at the time of the c"i/1f oftfiE first settlemnent of Vrilrginia.'Soon after liS death the In- 2. T/i.web ai.S dians made an attempt, in 1622, to destroy the infant t/llhte. and colony, in which they nearly succeeded, but wvere finally v,~,'vz/ defeated. In 1644 they made another efort, wvhich terminated in a similar mannler; and in 1676, during'"Bacon's Rebellion," their total subjuoation was efiected. iFrom 3. T:eir-,sn'that time they had lands reserved to them, but they have to,.y. gradually dwindled away, and it is believed that not a single individual now remains whio speaks the Powhatan language. 4douth of the Powhatans, on the sea-coast, were several 4. Alg,;onquin petty Algonquin tribes, wh1ose history is little known. of te PoloThe principal were thlle Corees, and Cheraws, or Coramines, in the vicinity of Cape Fear River, which was probably the southern limit of the Algolnquin speech.'When POWmHATAN was first known to the English, he was abonti sixty year's of age, of a grave aspect, tall, and well proportioned-exceedingly vigorous —and capable of sustaining great hardships. ILis authority extended over many nations or tribes, most of which he had conquoered. The English at first erroneoasly supposed that his was the naume of the country, but the error has prevailed, and his people have ever since been called the PorciLtann. According to the law of succession in his nation, his dominions did not fall to his children, but first to his brothllers, then to his sisters, the eldest having precedency. He usually kept a guard of forty or fifty warriors around h1im, especially -whenl he slept; but after the English came into the country he increased the number of his guard to about two hundred. Powhlatan at first practiced much deception towards the English, and his plans for their destruction manifested great cunnings and sagacity. B3ut he fiound in Captain Smith an adversary even more wily thlan hiumself, and failing in all his plans to overreach hinm, he finally concluded to live in peace with the English, especially after the friendlship of the two people had been cemented by the marriage of his favorite daughter Pocrzhontas. When Pocahontas accompanied her husband to England, Powhatan sent with her one of his favorite counsellors, whom he instructed to learn the scate of the country-to note the number of tlhe people-and, if he saw Captain S$mitil, to illake himn showr him the God of the Esnglish, andi the king and queen. Whhen he arrived at PlymIsouth, lie began, accordingly, to ustenbec tcGe people, by cutting in a stick, a naotch fi)r every person whonm he saw. But, he was coon obliged to abandon his reckoning. On his return, being questioned by Pohalsatn about the nulmbers of the English, he gave the following well known answver, s " Cou.nt tihe stars iJ3 the slcy, the leaves ion the trees: and the scnds zl70n t2he sea-shore, for sitch is the nsitzZber of tle peo"le of Eng'land.; Of the descendsants of Pocahontas, the follo~wing is believed to be a correct account.-T'.he s(n of Pociahontas, whose name wirs'Thomass Rollfe, was cducated in 1nondon by his uncle, M,e. iteniy Rctif.'e aftecrwards came to Aslserica, were he becamne a gentlemians of conssierabk.) ius.s!ld;ctiosn) and possessed an "ample fortune. ile lefi as nly ldaught'er, lwho having married CoUlonel i'ohert Boiiing, died leaving iani only son, dajor Jololln Bolling, whlo wvas the fatlier of Colonesl JoL Bollins and several dlauhters; one of wIhoslm married Colonel Rtichard iandolph, from whom:w-ere descended the dis'inguishedl Jof/zn -tarelolp/, and tlsose hearingI that name in Virginlia at this day.-(Drakes Indcl. tist.) S>tIAWrNEES. *The history of the Shaw nees previous to 5 Party hisi. the year 168S0 is involved in much obscurity, and the difi-. St)h/intee ferent notieos of them are dificult to be reconciled. 6h Teir r. zt/e ros 32 iNDIAN TRIIBES. [Boom A.NALYSIS. original seats, according to the Frelch accounts, were be. tween the Ohio and the Cumberlanld River, but it is sup. posed that they were driven awa7 by the Chickasas and I. The7i ds- t;he Cherokees early in the seventeenthl century. lThence Peesie. somne of themn penetrated as fair east as the country of the Susquehannocks, while others crossed the Ohio and occuS. Iasar wzth oied the country on and adjacent to the Sciota.'Here tion Fe -s7d they joined the neighboring tribes, the Eries and the Antler ceat. dastes, in the war against the Five Nations; but, with their allies, they were defeated and dispersed in 16'72. 3. 7Tileiset-'SoOn afir, a considerable portion of them formed a setamgong tile tlement in the vicinity of the Catawba country, but be(tatd Creets. ins driven away by the Catawbas, they found an asylum in the Creek country. 4. The Penn-'The Pennsylvania Shawnees, although not reduced to syzlvnees. the humiliating state in which the Delawares were found, 5. Their re- acknowledged the sovereignty of the Five Nations.'They of tile Alte- preceded the Delawares in renoving west of the Alleghagnes. ~naies, and received from the SW.yandots thle country about the Sciota, where their kindred had formerly resided, and who now returned from the Creek coultry and joined them. 6. TheZr con-'The Shawnees were among the most active allies of duct d'urin" theFrenci the French during the "French and Indian war;" and nl even after its termination, by the conquest of Canada, in connection with the Delawares they continued hostilities, a. See p. 23, which were terminated only after the successful carnpaign' account of Pontiac. of General Bouquet in 1763.'The first permanent settle7. Trheir h/.- ments of the Americans beyond the Alleghanies were imtilities -,orcinst the mediately followed by a new war with the Shawnees. ntoestcr settlenlents. which ended in their defeat, in a severe engagement at the b. See pp. 32, mouth of the Kanhawa, in 1774.b 8They took an active 33, Cornstalk and Zo.all part against the Americans during the war of the Revolu-. oTdlter tion, and also during the following Indian war, which was during eand terminated by the treaty of Greenville in 1795.'A part subselquent to theeuar of the of them also, under Tecumseh, fought against the AmeriRevolutio r.'. 0. Durlingtnre cans during the second war with England. i~Most of the Seconcl scar. tribe are now located west of the Mississippi. The numlis. Their-,reset loca.l- ber of these, in 1840, was estimated at fifteen hundred nsumzbers. souls. CoRIMsTALe was a noted Shawnee chief and warrior, who, although generally friendly to the Americans, and at all times the advocate of honorable peace, united with Logan in the wae of 1774, which was terminated by the great battle of Point Pleasant, on the Kanhawa, in Oetober of the saone year. During that battle the voice of Cornstalk was often heard above the din of strife, calling on his men in these words,' ie strong! be strong!l Iiis advice had bee-, against hazarding a battle, but whhen tshe other chiefs had decided against him, he said his warriors should fight, a&nd if any one should flinch in the contest,, oI aktemupt to run away, hei would kill him with his owin hIand. And he made good his word. For wben come of his wararies began to waver, he is said to have sunk his tomsahawk into thi, lhead of one wlho we? ~lAP i,,] INDIAN TRIBES. 3 eowardly endeavoring to escape from the conflict. After the battle, which was urnfortunate,f the Indians, Cornstalk himself went to the camp of the whites to solicit peace. This chief was remarkable for many great and noble qualities, and it is said that his powers of oratory were unsurpassed by those of any chief of his timle. His death was most melancholy no,,d deplorable. Ile was b0arbarously murdered by some infuriated soldiers, while he was a hostage at the fort at Point Pleasant, to which place he had gone voluntarily, for the purpose of preserving peace between the whites and some of the tribes that were desirous of continuing the war. As he saw the murderers approaching, and was made acquainted with their object, turning to his son, who had just come to visit him, he said, " )ly son, the Great Sioirit has seets fit that we shouldl die together, and has sent you to tShat end. It is his wrill, and let us Fetbmnit."7 Turning towards the murderers he met them with composure-fell-and died withDut a struggle. His son was shot upon the seat on which he was sitting when his fate was fist disclosed to him. While our histories record With all possible minuteness, the details of Indian barbarities, how seldom do they set forth, in their true light, those " wrongs of the Ind~ln" that made him the implacable foe of the white man. TECUMISEH, another celebrated chief of the Shawnee nation, whose name is as familiar to the American people as that of Philip of Miount HIope, or Pontiac, and which signifies a tiger croeiuching, for his prey, was born about the year 1770, on the banks of the Sciota, near the present Chilicothe. His father was killed in the battle of Kanulhawa, in 1774. The superior talents of Tecumseh, then a young chief, had nmade him conspicuous in the western war which terminated in the treaty of Greenville in 1795, and he appears soon after, In conjunction with his brother the Prophet, to have formed the plan of a confederacy of all the western tribes for the purpose of resisting the encroachnlents of the whites, and driving them back upon their Atlantic settlements. In this plan the Prophet wvas first distinguished, and it was some time before it was discovered that Tecumnseh was the principal actor. Tecumseh addressed himself to the prejudices and superstitions of the Indians-to their love of country-their thirst for war-and their feelings of revenge; and to every passion that could unite and influence them against the whites. HIe thtus acquired, by perseverance, b - assuming arts of popularity, by dispatching his rivals under charges of witchcraft, and by a fortunate juncture of circumstances, a powerful influence over his countrymen, which servehd to keep the frontiers in constant alarm many years before the war actually commenced. In 1807 messengers were sent to the tribes of Lake Superior, with speeches and the usual formalities, urging them to repair immediately to the rendezvous of the Prophet. They were told that the world was approaching its end; that that disteant part of the country would soon be withoult light, and the inhabitants would be left to grope their way in total darkness, and that the only spot where they would be able to distinguish objects, was the Prophet's station, on the'Wabash. Many cogent arguments were also used to induce them to refrain from the use of civilized manufactures, to resume the bow, to obtain fire by the ancient method, to reject the use of ardent spirits, and to live as in primitive times, before they were corrupted by the arts of the white man. Numerous bands of the credulous Indians, obeying this summons, departed for the Prophet's station, and the whole southern shore of Lake Superior was depopulated. Much suffering was occasioned, and numbers of the Indians died by the eway; yet in 1808 the Prophet had collected around his more than a thousand warriors from different tribes-designed as the nucleus of a mnighety nation. It was not so easy a matter, however, to keep these motley bands together, and they soon began to stray away to their former hunting grounds, and the plan of the brothers was partially defeated. In 1.809, during the absence of Tecumseh, General Harrison, by direction of the government, held ai treaty with several tribes, and purchased of them a large and valuable tract of land on the Wabash. When Tecumseh, on his return, was infornmed of this treaty, his indignation knew no bounds. Another council was called, when Tecumseh clearly and undisguisedly marked out the policy he was deternlined to pursue. lie denied the right of a fewe tribes to sell their lands-said the Great Spirit had given the country to his red chilidren in comnmon, for a perpetual inheritance —that one tribe had no riglht to sell to anothler, much less to strsangers. unless tll the tribes joined in the treaty. " The Americas,"'; said Le., " have drieen us frosi the searoast-they will shortly push us into the lake, and we are determined to make a stand whers wn, ore.:' He declared that lhe should adhlere to the old bsouendlary, and that ceuless the land i 34 INDIAN' RIBES. rBooir i. purchased should be given up, and the whites should agree never to make another treaty without the consent of all the tribes, his unalterable resolution was wanr. Several chiefs of different tribes, —Wyandots, Kickapoos, Potowatomies, Ottawas, and Winnaeb'agoes, then arose, each declaring his determination to stand by Tecumseh, whom they had chosen their leader. When asked, finally, if it -were his determination to make war unless his terms were complied with, he said, " It is my determination; nor will I give rest to my feel, until I have united all the red men in the like resolution." When Harrison told him therae was no probability that the President would surrender the lands purchased, he said, "W ell, I hope the Great Spirit will put sense enough into the head of your great chief to induce hint to direct you to give up the land. It is true, he is so far off he will not be injured by the var IHe may sit still in his town, and drink his wine, whilst you and I will have to fight it out." The following circumstance, characteristic of the spirit which actuated the haughty chia n ta'ei eoltlty.'he restllt of lie samern war occasionid the o is"Delsionl of tihe Wyandol ipetso allies, th1e Algonquin tribes of tle Otawa aiv. A part ando.s )f thle WvyanaLots souglit the protection of the Fr:ench at Quebec; others tool retfuge among the Chippewas ot Lake Superior, and a few detaclheed banlds surrenderend and were incorporated among the Five Nations. 9. Thle Tio- 2'Amonn1g tle W\andots who fled to the Chippewa.s, the ae,?tltatss, and1l I g4eir liistory. tribe of the Tionontates was the most powerful. After an unnsuceess'ful war with the Sioux, in 1671 they removed to thle vicinity of 1MVichilimackinae, where they colleeted around tlem the remnants of their kindred tribes. They soon removed to Detroit, where they acted a conspicuous part in the ensuing conflicts between the Frencll and the Five Nations.. Influence'The Wyandots, although speaking a difibrent language, f othete y exertedc an extensive influence over the Algonquin tribes. 8Atoz4nqun2I Even the Delawares, who claimed to be the elder branch of the Alonqeuin nation, and called themselves the grand. ftthers of tleir kindred tribes, acknow!edged the supe.rioritl 4. Theirsor,- of' the Wvandots, whom they called their uncles.'iven. eregnstover after their dispersion by the Five Nations, the Wyandots aountry/ assumed the right of sovereignty over the Ohio country, where they granted lands to the Delawares and the Shawnees. 5. Over 7,art SEven Pennsylvania thought it necessary to obtain from Q,PesLa. the XVyandots a deed of cession for the north-western part of the state, although it was then in the actual possession s. COeson of of the Algonquins. 6Although the treaty of Greenville, in lands at the tre.att of 1795, was signed by all the nations which had taken part Greenville. in the wva, yet it was from the \WJyandots that the United 7. Tle T5Yanr States obtained the principal cession of territory.'About dots in 184. five hundred and seventy Wyandots were still remaining in Ohio in 1842. A still smaller part of the nation, which joined the British during the last war, resides in Canada. s. T.ocality'South of the'Wyandots, on the northern shore of Lake oXft. " nt,,- Erie, was a Huron tribe, which, on account of the stricl,lz Nztiosn." neutrality it preserved during the wars between the Five Nations and the other -tLurons, was called the "INeutral Nation." Notwithstanding their peaceful policy, how., ever, most of them were finally brought under the subjec. tion of the Five Nations not long after the dispersion of the Wyandots.* a rote.-What little is known of the " Neutral N.tion" is peculiarly interesting. "T The Wyandot tradition represents thlem as hatving separated friom the parent stock during tlh bloody wars between their own tribe and the Iroquois, and having fled to the Sandusky RItier, in Ohio, for safety. Here they erected two forts within a short distance of each other, and Cnai,. I.] INDIAN TR IBES. 3'The Erigas, or Eries, a Huron tribe, were seated on ANALYSIS..he southern shores of the Lake which still bears their Is hErie, ralmne. They were subdued bythe Five Nations in 1655, but little is liknown of their history.'The Andastes, another 2. LocalUy Huron tribe, more formidable than the Eries, were located tzre.zdansdt a little farther south, principally on the head waters of tle Ohio. The war whielh they sustained against the Five Nations lasted more than twenty years, but although they were assisted by the Shawnees and the Miamis, they were finally destroyed in the year 1672. Of the chiefs of the I-urons, whose history is known to us, the most distinguished is ADAsRao, or Kondiaronk; or, as he was called by the whites, Thle Rat. Charlevoix speaks of him as'; a man of great mind, the bravest of the brave, and possessing altogether the best qualities of any chief known to the French in Canada." During the war which De Nonville, the governor of Canada, -wvaged agaiust the Iroquois, during several years subsequent to 165, Adario, at the head of the HIurons, rendered him efflcient assistance, under the promise that the war should not be ternainated until the Iroquois, long the inveterate enemies of the Hurons. were destroyed, or completely humlbled. Yet such were the successes of the Iroquois, that, in 1688, the French governor saw himself under the necessity of concluding with them terms of peace. Adario, however, perceiving that if peace were concluded, the Iroquois would be able to direct all their power against the IHurons, took the following savage means of averting the treaty. Having learned that a body of Iroquois deputies, under the Onondag.a chief Dekanisora, were on their way to Montreal to conclude the negotiation, he and a number of his warriors lay in ambush, and killed or captured the whole party, taking the Onondaga chief prisoner. The latter, asking Adario: how it happened that he could be ignorant that the party surprised was on- an embassy of peace to the French. the subtle Huron, subduing his angry passions, expressed far greater surprise than Dekanisora-protesting his utter ignorance of the fact, an(d declaring that the French themselves hald directed him to make the attack, and, as if struck with remorse at having committed so black a deed, he immediately set all the captives at liberty, save one. In order farther to carry out his plans, he took his remaining prisoner to Miichilimackinac, and delivered hian into the hands of the French comuandant, vwho -was ignorant of the pending negotiation with the Iroqluois, and who was indlcecd, by the artifice of Adario, to cause his prisoner to be put to death. The newls of this affair the cunningl chief caused to be muade known to the Iroquois by an old captive whom he had lon, held in bond'age, and whoUl he now caused to be set at liberty for that purpose. The indignation of the Iroquois at the supposed treachery of the French knew no bounds, and although De Nonville disavowed, in the strongest terms, the allegations of the Huron, yet the flanle once kindled could not easily be quenched. The deep laid stratagem of the Huronu Bu'ceeded, and the war was carried on with greater fury than ever. The Iroquois, in the following year, twice laid waste the island of BMontreal with era and award, earrylng off several hundred prisoners. Forts Frontenac and Niagara -were blownvm up and abtandoned, and at one tme the very existence of the French colony was threatened. (See page 513.) Adario finally died at Montreal, at peace with the French, in the year 1701. He had accom —.ssignod one to the Iroquois, and the other to the Wyandots and their allies, ewhere their wax parties miglht find security and hlospitality, whenever they entered this neutral territory. c Why so unusual a proposition was made and acceded to, tradition does not tell. It is probable, however, that superstition lent its aid to the instit-ution, and that it may have been indebted, for its origin, to the feasts, and dreams, and juggling ceremonies, which constituted the religion of the aborigines. No other motive was sufficiently powerfult to stay the hand of violence, and to counteract the threat of venfrealnce. "But an intestine feud finally arose in this neutral nation; one party espousing the cause of the Iroquois, and the other of their enemnies, and like most civil wars, this was prosecuted titl relentless fury." Thuls the nation was finally broken up,-a pa';t uniting wvith the viei,.eous Iroquois, and the rest escaping westward with the fugitive WVanl. lots.- SchlooJcraft. 40 iNDIAN TRIBES. [BooK arnted thit.her the heads of several tribes to make a treaty. At his funeral the greatest display was made, and nothiun was omitted which could insopire the Indians present with a convictioZ of the great respect in which he was held by the Fre2ch. ANALYSIS. TiEe FIVE NATIONS. (Ir'OqtOiS JProoper.) 1The confeJe. i.'he dif- racy generally known as the "' Five Nations," but called r/e',.,tf ),,:, by the French "Iroquois;" by the Algonquin tribes "Maair. d th e localiaes of tie quas"1 or "' Min:-oes;`'* and by the Virginians, " Massawoi eiks;" possessed the country south of the River St. Law.'eniee and Lake Ontario, extending from the Hudson to the upper branches of the Alleghany River and Lake Erie. 2. The _ser.a E 2'They consisted of a confederacy of five tribes; the lVIotribes of the coiffederacy. haw.k3, the Oneidclas, the Onondagas, the Cayugzs, and the Senecas. The great council-fire of the confederacy was in the special keeping of the Onondagas, and by them was always kept burning. a~. r01ig c 31'It is not kI.nown when the confederacy was formed, but eracyi. it is supposed that the Oneidas and the Cayvugas were the 4.l The net,- younger members, and were compelled to join it. 4When snersot c$oors ares7e-0 i toby the Five Nations were first discovered, tihey were at war Me Five.Natioezs. with nearly all the surrounding tribes. They had already carried their conquests as far south as the mouth of the Susquelhanna; and on the north they continued to wage a Withthe tHu- vigorous warfare against the H-urons, and the Algonquins tos, ~C. of the Ottawa River, until those nations were finally sub The Eries. dued.'he fries were subdued and 6almost destroyed by them in 1655. 5. Wlars with 5As early as 1657 they had carried their victorious arms the jM!iamins awnd Otta.zoas. against the Mliamis, and the Ottawas of Michiran and in TheAndacstes. 1672 the final ruin of the Andastes was accomplishebd. In 17 01 their excursions extended as far south as the waters of Cape Fear River; and they subsequently had reneated The Chero- wars with the Cherokees and the Catawbas, the latter of leess avd Catitzt w. whom were nearly exterminated by them. When, in 1744, they ceded a portion of their lands to Virginia, they absolutely insisted on thle continued privilege of a war-oath through the ceded territory. From the time of the first settlements in the country they uniformly adhered to t-he British interests, and were, alone, almost a counterpoise to the general influence of France over the otlher Indian nal6 cvoll- tions. 6In 1714 they were joined by the 7'lscarosras from lNv.eions.' North Carolina, since which time the confederacy has been called the SIX NATIONS. - Their rela The part they took during the war of the Revolution is Nlotz with thSe Uit.ed thus noticed by De Witt Clinton:-"' The whole confede. racy, except a little more than half of the Oneidas, took up arms against us. They hung like the scythe of death upon T* he t.erm " MaIcqtas" or 5' "Mingoes" was more particularly applied to tlh, Mohawks, Ceu-P.1 INDIAN I~RIBES. 41 the Tear of our settlements, and their deeds are irscribe4r. ANALYSIs, with the scalping-knife and the tomahhawk:, in charactrs -s bf blood, on the fields of Wyoming and Chlerry-Valley, and on the banks of the Mohawk." Since the close of that war they have remained on friendly terms with the States.'The Atohawks, however, were obliged, in 1780, 2 Ihemto abandon their seats and take refue in Canada.'In the 2. The sul.a beginning of the seventeenth century the numbers of the resent localIroquois tribes amounted to fbrty thousand. They are now 170q,7uois reduced to about seven thousand, only a small remnant of triba. whom now remain in the State of New York. The remnainder are separated, and the confederacy is broken up, a part being in Canada, some in the vicinity of Green Bay, and others beyond the Miississippi. 3For the ascendency which the Five Nations acquired e. Caues Of the ascen?denover the surrounding tribes, several causes may be assigned. ws sohich e They were farther advanced in the few arts of Indian life acquirecdover than the Algonquins, and they discovered much wisdom in in/,: trib" their internal policy, particularly in the formation and long Their intercontinuance ot their confederacy,-in attacking, by turns, natiscl. the disunited tribes by which they were surrounded; and instead of extending themselves, and spreading over the countries which they conquered, remaining concentrated in their primitive seats, even at the time of their greatest successes. 4Their geographical position was likewise favorable, for 4. Their geo they were protected against sudden or dangerous attacks, sition. on the north by Lake Ontario, and on the south by extensive ranges of mountains.'Their intercourse with Eu- 5. Their nropeans, and particularly with the Dutch, at an early with.uro. period, by supplying them with fire-arm s, increased their peans relative superiority over their enemies; while, on the other hand, the English, especially in New England, generally took great precaution to prevent -lhe tribes in their vicinity firom being armed, and the In lian allies of the French, at the north and west, were but partially supplied. One of the earliest chiefs of the Five Nations, with whorl history makes us acquainted, was GAtARoGULA, who was distinguished for his sagZacity, wisdom, and eloquence. t-Ie is first brought to our notice by a manly and magnanimous speech which he made to the French governor-general of Canada, M. De La Barre, who, in 1684, marched into the country of the Irocluois to subdue them. A mortal sickness having broken out in the French army, De La Barre thought it expedient to attempt to disguise his designs of immediate war; but, at the same time, in a lofty tone he threatened hostilities if the terms of future peace which he offered were not complied with. Garangula, an Onondaga clhief appointed by the council to reply to him, first arose, and walked several times around the circle, whien, addressing himself to the governor, he begsan as follows: "Yonnondio I; honor you, and the warriors that are wvith me likewise honor you. Your' The Iroquois gave the name Yonnonsdio to the governors of Canada, and (orlear to the governors of New York. 0 42 INDIAN TRIBES. [Boom 1 Inte.rqreter has finished your speech. I now begin mine. My words make haste to reach yowu eass. Hearken to theIm. " Yoivmoncdio; you must have believed, wvhen you left Quebec, that the sun had burned up all the forests, which render our country inaccessible to the French; or that the lakes had so far overflown their banks, that they lail surrounded oulr castles, and that. it was impossible fbs us to get out of them. Yes, surely, you ln.ust have dreamed so, and the curiosity of seeing so great a wonder has brought you so far. Nosw you are unrdeceived, since that I and the wara-iors here present are comUe to assure you talal the Senecas, C(ayugas, Onondagas, Oneidase, anud Mohawks, are yet alive. I thank you in their name for bringing back into their countel" thl calmnet, which your predecessor received at their hands. It was happy for you that yoe left under ground that murdering hatches that has so often been dyed in the blood of thi, Indians. "' Hear Yonnonzdio; I do not sleep; I have my eyes open; and the sun which enlighte's me, discovers to me a great captain at the head of a company of soldiers, who speaks as if ihe were dreaming. He says that he came to the lake, only to smoke the great calumet with the Onondagas. But Garanguia says that lie sees the contrary; that it was to knock them on the head, if sickness had not weakened the arms of the French. I see Younondio raving in a camp of sick men, whose lives the Great Spirit has saved by inflicting this sickness on them." In this strain of indignant contempt the venerable chief continued at some lengthl-disclosing the perfidy of the French and their weakness-proclairming the freedom and independence of his people-and advising the French to take care for the future. lest they should choke the tree of peace so recently planted. De La Barre, struck with surprise at the wisdom of the chief; and mortified at the result of the expedition, immediately returned to Montreal. One of the most renowned warriors of the Mohawk tribe was a chief by the name of IEno DRICe, who, with many of his nation, assisted the English against the French in the year 1755. He was intimate with Sir William Johnson, whom he frequently visited at the house of the latter. At one time, being present when Sir William received from England some richly embroidered suits of clothes, he could not help expressing a great desire for a share in themn. I-le went away very thoughtful, but returned not long after, and with much gravity told Sir William that he had dreamed a dream. The latter very concernedly desireld to knosw what it was. Hendrick told him he had dreamed that Sir William had presented inm one of his new suits of uniform. Sir William could not refuse the present, and the chief went away much delighted. Some time after the General met Hendrick, and told him lhe had dreamed a dream. The chief, although doubtless mistrusting the plot, seriously desired to know what it was, as Sir W,;illian had done before. The General said he dreamed that Hendrick had presented him a certain tract of valuable land, which he described. The chief immediately answeredl, " It is yours;'; but, shaking his head, said, " Sir William, me no dream with you again.1" Hendrick was killed in the battle of Lake George in 1755. When General Johnson was about to detach a small party against the French, he asked Hendrick's opinion, whethier the force were sufficient, to which the chief replied, " If they are to fight, they are too few. If they are to be killed they are too many." When it was proposed to divide the detachmenr into three parties, Hendrick, to express the danger of the plan, takisng three sticks, and putc.ting them together, said to the General, " You see now that it is difficult to break these; butake them one by one and you may break them easily.' WFhen the son of Hendrick, who was also in the batle, was told that his flther was killed,putting his hand on his breast, and giving the usual indian groan, he declared that Lie tas still alive in that place, and stood there in his son. LOGAN was a distinguishe;d Iroquois (or Mlingo) chief, of the Caynuga tribe. It is said, that; "For magnanimity in war, and greatness of soul in peace, few, if any, in any nation, ever surpassed Logan." IIe was uniformly the friend of thie whites, until the spring of 1774, when all his relatives were barbarously murdered by them,i thout provocation. I-Ie thlen took u-t the hatchet, engaged the Shawvnees, Delawasres, and other tribes to act *with him, and a bloody war followed. The Indians however swere defeated in the battle of Point Pleasant, at the mlosth of the Great Kanhawa, in October 1774, and peace soon followved. When the proposals of peace were submitted to Logan, he is said to have made the follosCing memorable and weL known speech. "I appeal to any white man to say, if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gaeVhim no meat; if ever he came cold and naked, and he clothed hlim not. (lAP. 1.] INDIAN TRIBES. 43 " During the course of the last long and bloody war, Logan remained idla in his cabin, an advocate for peace. Such was my love for the whites, that my countrymen pointed as they passed, and said,' Logao is the friend of white men.' " I had even thought tc have lived with you, but for the injuries of one man. Colonel Cresap, the last spring, in cold blood, and unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logane, not even sparing my women and children. " There runs not a drop of my blood in the veins of any living creature. This called on me f'or revenge. I have sought it. I have killed many. I have fully glutted my vengeance. For my country, I rejoice at the beams of peace. But do not harbor a thought that mine is,he joy of fear. Logas, never felt fear Ie will not turn on his heel to save life. Who is there to mourn for Logas,?-Not one!" Of this specimen of Indian eloquence Mr. Jefferson remarks, " I may challenge all the orz-.ions of l)emosthenes and Cicero, and of any more eminent orator, if Europe has furnished mCore eminent, to produce a single passage superior to the speech of Logan." THAYENDANEGA, known to the whites as Colonel Joseph Brant, was a celebrated Iroquois chief of the Mohawk tribe. He was born about the year 1742, and at the age of nineteen was sent by Sir William Johnson to Lebanon, in Connecticut, where he received a good English education. It has been said that he was but half Indian) but this is now believed to be an error, which probably arose from the known fact that he was of a lighter complexion than his countrymen in general. Hle went to England in 1775, and after his return took up arms against the Americans, and received a Colonel's commission in the English armly. 4 Combining the natural sagacity of the Indian, with the skill and science of the civilized man, he was a formidable foe, and a dreadful terror to the frontiers." tie commanded the Indians in the battle of Oriskana, which resulted in the death of General herkimer: he was engaged in the destruction of Wyoming,t and the desolation of the Cherry Valley settlements,$ but he was defeated by the Aluericans, under General Sullivan, in the " Battle of the Chemung."'~ Notwithstanding the numerous bloody scenes in which Brant was engaged, many acts of clemency are attributed to him, and he himself asserted that, during the war, he had killed but one man, a prisoner, in cold blood-an act which he ever after regretted; although, in that case, he acted under the belief that the prisoner, who had a natural hesitancy of speech, was equivocating, in answering the questions put to him. After peace had been concluded with England, Brant frequently used his exertions to prevent hostilities between the States and the Western tribes. In 1779 he was legally married to nn Indian daughter of a Colonel Crohan, with whom he had previously lived according to the Indian manner. Brant finally settled on the western shore of Lake Ontario, where he lived afer the English fashion. He died in 1807.-One of his sons has been a member of the Colonial Assembly of Upper Canada. An Oneida chief of some distinction, by the name of SHENAND)OA, was contemporary with the missionary Kirkland, to whom he became a convert. He lived many years of the latter part of his life a believer in Christianity. In early life he was much addicted to intoxication. One night, while on a visit to Albany to settle some affairs of his tribe, he became intoxicated, and in the morning found himself in the street, stripped of all his ornaments, and nearly every article of clothing. This brought him to a sense of his duty-his pride revolted at his self-degradation, and he resolved that he would never again deliver himself over to the power of ssrosg water. In the Revolutionary war this chief induced most of the Oneidas to take up arms in favcr of the Americans. Among the Indians he was distinguished by the appellation of' the white man's friend.'-He lived to the advanced age of 110 years, and died in 1816. To one who visited him a short time before his death, he said, " I am an aged hemlock; the winds of a'Hundred winters have whistled through my branches, and I am dead at the top. The genera-,ion to which I belonged has run away and left me: why I live, the great Good Spirit only knows. Pray to the Lord that I may have patience to wait for my appointed time to die."From attachment to Mr. Kirkland he had often expressed a strong desire to be buried near hinm, that he might (to use his own expression,)' Go sup with him at the great res1urrectton.' Ifis request was granted, and he was buried by the side of his beloved minister, there to wealn'he coming of the Lord in whom he trusted. S See page 376. r P age 388. $ Pag e 384, ~ P 9.age 389 44 INDIAN TRIBES. [BOOK L One of the most noted chiefs of the Seneca tribe was SAGOYsEWATHA, called by the whites Red Jacket. Although he was quite young at the time of the Itevolution, yet his activity and intelligence then attracted the attention of the British officers, who presented him a richly embroidered scarlet jacket. This he wore on all public occasions, and from this circumstance originated the name by which he is known to the whites. Of his early life we have the following interesting reminiscence. When Lafayette, in 1825, was at Buffalo, Red Jacket, among others, called to see him. During the conversation, he asked the General if he recollected being present at a great council of all the Indian nations, held at Fort Schuyler in 1784. Lafayette replied that he had not forgotten that great event, and asked Red Jacket if he knew what had become of the young chief, who, in that council, opposed with such eloquence the burying of the tomahawk. Red Jacket replied, "He is bitfb2-e yms. The decided enemy of the Americans, so long as the hope of successfully opposing then remained, but now their true and faithful. ally unto death." During the second war with Great Britain, Red Jacket enlisted on the American side, and while he fought with bravery and intrepidity, in no instance did he exhibit the ferocity of the savage, or disgrace himself by any act of inhumanity. Of the many truly eloquent speeches of Red Jacket, and notices of the powerful effects of hi oratory, as described by eye-witnesses, we regret that we have not room for extracts. One who knew him intimately for more than thirty years speaks of him in the following terms. I" Red Jacket was a perfect Indian in every respect; in costume, in his contempt of the dress of the white men, in his hatred and opposition to the missionaries, and in his attachment to, and veneration for the ancient customs and traditions of his tribe. He had a contempt for the English language, and disdaikeed to use any other than his own. He was the finest specimen of the Indian character that I ever knew, and sustained it with more dignity than any other chief. IHe was second to none in authority in his tribe. As an orator he was unequalled by any Inclian I ever saw. His language was beautiful and figurative, as the Indian language always is,-and delivered with the greatest ease and fluency. Ilis gesticulation was easy, graceful, and natural. His voice was distinct and clear, and he always spoke with great animation. His memory was very retentive. I have acted as interpreter to most of his speeches. to which no translation could do adequate justice." A short time before the death of Red Jacket there seemed to be quite a change in his feelings respecting Christianity. I-Ie repeatedly remarked to his wife that he was sorry that he had persecuted her for attending the religious meetings of the Christian party,-that she was right and he was wrong, and, as his dying advice, told her, " Persevere in yousr religion, it is the 5igit sway.7" He died near Buffalo, in January, 1832, at the age of 78 years. Another noted Seneca chief was called FARMER's BRoTEas. He was engaged in the cause of the French in the "F rench and Indian war." He fought against the Americans during the Revolution, but he took part with them during iae second war with Great Britain, although then at a very advanced age. Ile was an able orator, although perhaps not equal to Red Jacket. From one of his speeches, delivered hn a council at Genesee River in 1798, we give an extract, containing one of the most sublime metaphors ever uttered. Speaking of the war of the Revolution he said, " This great contest threw the inhabitants of this whole island into a great tumult and confusion, like a raging whirlwind, which tears up the trees, and tosses to and fro the leaves, so that no one knows from whence they come, or where they will fall. At lengthi the Great Spirit spoke to the wholirlwinsd, and it zuas still. A clear and uninterrupted sky appeared. The path of peace was opened, and the chain of friendship was once more mades bright." Other distinguished chiefs of the Senecas were Coas PLANTEn, HI.LF ToweN, and BIG Tr,EE; all of whom were friendly to the Americans after the Revolution. The former was with th English at Braddock's defeat, and subsequently had several conferences with President Wash: ington on subjects relating to the affairs of his nation. lie was sn ardent advocate of tern per. rance. I-e died in March, 1836, aged upwards of 100 years. ANALYSIS. TUSCARORAS.'The southern Iroquois tribes, found on 1. Early seats, the borders of Pennsylvania and North Carolina, and ex. names, alzd tending from the most northern tributary streams of the AiA t. 1.J 4,, Chowa n to Cape Fear River, and bounded on the east by ANALYSIS. the Algonquin tribes of the sea-shore, have been generally divisions, O called Tascaroras, although they appear to have been theI so~.utl.. known in Virginia, in early times, under the name of trzb,. Monacans. The Monacans, however, were probably an Algonquin tribe, either subdued by the Tuscaroras, or in alliance with them. Of the southern Iroquois tribes, the principal were the Chowans, the Meherrins or Tteloes, the ATrottaways and the Tuscaroras; the latter of whom, by far the most numerous and powerful, gave their name to the whole group.'The Tuscaroras, at the head of a confederacy of south- 1. War of the Tuscaror'c ern Indians, were engaged in a war with the Carolina with the Car settlements from the autumn of 171 1 to the spring of 1713.a a. See p. 254.'They were finally subdued, and, with most of their allies, 2. Their e removed north in 1714, and joined the Five Nations, thus mnoratot.ta making the Sixtlh.'So late as 1820, however, a few of 3. The Notta. the Nottaways were still in possession of seven thousand tay' acres of land in Southampton County, Virginia. SECTION IV. CATAW-BAS, CHEROKEES, UCI-JEES AND NATCHES. CATATWBAS. 4The Catawbas, who spoke a language 4. LocaZty o different firom any of the surrounding tribes, occupied the t/Catawbco. country south of the Tuscaroras, in the midlands of Carolina.'They were able to drive away the Shawnees, who, 5. Their hossoon after their dispersion in 1672, formed a temporary the Shtiw-it settlement in the Catawba country. In 1712 they are nes, the To'o,found as the auxiliaries of Carolina against the Tuscaroras. soothrc.rn Colonies, and In 1715 they joined the neighboring tribes in the confede- theCherokees. racy against the southern colonies, and in 1760, the last time they are mentioned by the historians of South Carolina, they were auxiliaries against the Cherokees. 6They are chiefly known in history as the hereditary e. Wtr. swith foes of the Iroquois tribes, by whom they were, finally, the Iroquos. earxly exterminated.'Their language is now nearly ex- 7. Their -,ttinct, and the remnant of' the tribe, numbering, in 1840, g""'l:' ~'*""' less than one hundred souls, still lingered, at that time, on pr-sent setal. a branch of the Santee or Catawba River, on the borders of North Carolina. CHERsOxKEES.'Adjoining the Tuscaroras and the Cataw- 8. Locatity of bas on the west, were the Cherokees, who occupied the tkohtero. eastern and southern portions of Tennessee, as far west as the M.uscle Shoals, and the highlands of Carolina, Georgia, and A.labama.'They probably expelled the Shawnees fi'or a 9. T.ei~r cothe ourantry south of the Ohio, and appear to have been s;.n.:.2 n~, 46 li i. iNma'i'VtIN,'1. 3BooK L ANALY-SIS. perpetually at war with some branch of that wandering. Thei, con- nation.'In ].712 they assisted the English againht the uctin 17172 Tuscaror as, but in 1715 they joined the Indian confede racy against the colonies. 2 Hostilities 2Tbhei r lono continued hostilities with tile Five Nations wOith tI'-e, ize In Zv~,ons, an..d were terminatecd, through the interference of the British alia.crce withz government, about the year 1750; and at the commence-'th'e st~. "ment of' the subsequent Freech and Indian war, they acted as auxiliaries of the British, and assisted at the capture of a. ierwoiah Fort Du Quesne.a.'Soon after their return from this ext., n?,g'isZnh. pedition, hcwever, a war broke out between them and the English, which was not effectually terminated until 1761. 4. Their con- 4They joined the British duringy the war of the Revolution, duzict d'nrisr dizct eu7iZ.r after the close of which they continued partial hostilities:st'Ir /,,ctilh, until the treaty of Holston, in 1791; since which time they G. Bcrtain. have remained at peace with the United States, and during the last war with Great Britain they assisted the Americans against the Creeks. 5. Their civil-'The Cherokees have made greater progress in civilizazt5con, PicU tion than any other Indian nation within the United States, and notwithstanding successive cessions of portions of their territory, their population has increased during the last fifty years. They have removed beyond the Mississippi, and their number now amounts to about fifteen thousand souls. One of the most renmarka.ble discoveries of modern times has been niade by a Cherokee Indian, named GEORGE GUES; 01'r Sequoyah. This Indian, who was unacquainted with any language but his ownl, had seen English books in the missionary schools, and was informed that tihe characters represented the words of the spoken language. Filled with enthusiasm, he then attempted to formn a written larguage for his native tongue. IIe first endeavored to have a separate character for each word, but he soon svaw the imspracticability of this method. Next discovering that ther sarize syllabhle, variously cobined, perpel;tually recurred in differeni words, he formed a c-haracter for each syllable, and soon completed a syllabic alphoabet, of eightyfive characters, by which he wias enabled to express all the words of the language. A native Cherokee, after learning these eighty-five characters, requiring the study of only a fewz days, could read acld write the language with facilityc; his education in orthography being theln complete; whereas, in our language, n and in obihers, an individual is obliged to learn the orthography of many thousandl words, requiring the stu dy of years, before he can write the lan-uae;, so different is the orthography from the pronunciation. The alphabet fornmed by th:is uneducated Cherokee soon superseded the English alplhabet in the bookls published for the use of the Cherokees, and in 1826 a nesrepaper called the C'ierokee _Pihesix, was established it the Cherokee nation, printed in the new chearacters, withi an English translation. At first, it appeared incredible that a language so copious as the Cherokee should have but eighty-five syllables, but this was found to be owing to a peculiarity of the language-the alnost uniform prevalence of vocal or nasal terminations of syllables. The plan adopted by Guess, would therefore, probably, have failed, if appliel to any other language than the Cherokee. We notice a Cherolkee chief by the name of SPZECKLED Sa-xrE, for the purpose of giving a speech which he rllade in a council of his nation which had keen convened for the purpose of hearing read a talk from President Jackson, on the subject of removal l1eyond the MississippL The speech shows in what light the encroaclhlents of the whites. were vi( ved by the Cherokees, Speckled Snake arose, and addressed the council as follows: Cix.v. I.j iDIdN TiR;t'it. t4' Brothers! WFe have heard the talk of our great fa;ther; it is very kind. He qays he loves Os red children. Brothers! When the white mnan first came to these shores, the Iluscogees gave him land, and kindled him a fire to make him comfortable; andl hen the pale faces of the southf4 nmade wvar upon him, their young men drew the tomhawk, an.l r potectedl his head from the scalping knife. Buit hen the wlite man ha.d warmedl himself before the Indhian', fire, and fitled himself with the Indian:s hominy, he becamle very large; he stopped not for the mountain tops, and his feet covered tile plains and the valleys. tIis hlands grasped the eastern alnl the western sea. Then he becanle our greas l.tiher. H:e loved his red children; but said,' You must move a little farther, lest I should, by accident, tread on you.' With one foot he pushed the red man over the Oconee, and with the other he trampled down the grw'es of his fathers. inut our great father still loved his red childrien, and he soon made them another talk. Ile said much; but it all mea.nt nothing, but' iiove a little fartiler; you are too near me.' I have heard a great many talks from our great father, and they all began and endecd the same. B: 1rothers! when he made us a talk on a former occasion, he said,' Get a little farther; go beyond the Oconee and the Oakmuligee; there is a pleasant country.' Ile also said, I It, shall be yours forever.' Now he says,' The land you live in is not yours; go beyond the M1ississippi; there is game; there you may renlain while the grass grows or the water runs.' Brotlers! will not our great father come there also? IIe loves his red children, and his tongue is not forked. " UCHEES.'The Uc'ees, whien first known, inhabited the ANALYSIS. territory embraced in the central portion of the present 1. Locality of State of Georgia, above and below Augusta, and extend- ztie Uchees. ing from the Savannah to the head waters of the Chatahooche. PThey consider themselves the most ancient in- 2. Ther,,)spies habitants of the country, and have lost the recollection of iant'0ifiqo tjity. ever having changed their residence. 1Tihey are little 3. Their hisknown in history, and are recognized as a distinct tor"t! taia s. family, only'on account of their exceedingly harsh and guttural languag'e. \Vihen first discovered,'they were 4. SCroesbut a remnant of a probably once powerful nation; and tiogcoiiz,cesthey now form a small ba nd of about twelve hunlldred and.p.rli, souls, in the Creek confederacy. situation. NATCHES. 5The Natchees occupied a small territory on 5 zocalty of the east of the Mississippi, and resided in a few small vil- the Secedes lages near the site of the town whilich has preserved their name. T'iley were long supposed to speak a dialect of 6. T'ir,ianthe Mobilian, but it has recently been ascertained that their lannuage is radically diffirent f-rom that of any other known tribe.'They vweree nearly exterminated iii a war 7. c rvor, witih the gFrench in 1730,a since which period thev aitve Fencth, ts.been Inon in history only as a feeble and incnsidlRa' le ~t sent 1., iLsd nation, and are now merged in the Creelk confederacy. pirse,..tbets. hn i84(0 they were supposed to number only a'.bout t'ree a. seop. 524. 1u nt'redfh souls.'idhe S&)aria'rds from t1,-zd.. 48 j.ui SECTION V. O1 BITLIAN TRIBES. ANAL"\i0S.. T.zecof. I~'With the exception of the Uchees and the!atche_,. eracie$s:knowoeastk, and a few small tribes west of the Mobile PRiver, the Trabe. whole country from the Mississippi to the Atlantic, south of the Ohio River and the territory of the Cherokees, was in the possession of three confederacies of tribes, speaking dialects of a common language, which the F'reich called MoBILIAN, but which is described by Gallatin as the Muscogee Chocta. S. Thecoun- MUSCOGEES orx CREExs.'The Creek confederacy exbythe Creea. tended from the Atlantic, westward, to the dividing ridge which separates the waters of the Tombigbee from the Alabama, and embraced the whole territory of Florida. -. le Seti- 3The Senminoles of Florida werel a detached tribe of the * Muscogees or Creeks, speaking the same language, and considered a palt of the confederacy until the United 4. supposed States treated withll them as an independent nation. 4The the Crleeks. Creeks consider themselves the aborigines of the country, as they have no tradition of any ancient migration, or union iwT+ith other tribes. 5. Origin Qf'The loazassees are supposed to have been a Creek the Ytartnsees,antdtheir tribe, mentioned by early writers under the name of Sa. history. vannas, or Serannas. in 1715 they were at the head of a confederacy of the tribes extending from Cape Fear River to Florida, and commenced a war against the southern colonies, but were finally expelled from their territory, and took refuge among the Spaniards in Florida. 8. Wers of the 6For nearly fifty years after the settlement of Georgia, Greeke qoith tiheAmerZ- no actual Nwar took place with the Creeks. They took part with the British against the Americans during the Revolution, and continued hostilities after the close of the war, until a treaty was concluded with them at Philadelphia, in 1795. A considerable portion of the nation also took part against the Americans in the commencement of' the second war with Great Britain, but were soon reduced 7. Sezinole to submission.'The Seminoles renewed the war in 1818, hostilities. and in 1835 they again commenced hostilities, whict, a. See pp. n 1 4-71and 477. were not finally terminated until 1842.a 8 Treaties,'The Creeks acnd Seminoles, after many treaties made; of lads. and broken, hlave at length ceded to the United States the whole of their territory, an(c have accepted, in exchange, 9. The pres- lands west of the Mississiopi.'The Creek confederacy, 0oe0i.,tCAy. which now includes the Crseeks, Seminoles, Hitchitties, Alibamrons, Coosadas, nd Natcthes. at present numbers Cl.,. 1.1 INDIAN TRIBES. about twenty-eight thousand souls, of whom twenty-three ANALYSIS. thonLst-nd are Creeks. lTheir num1bers have increased 1 seof luring the last fifty years. nugbcers. One of the most noted chiefs of the Creek nation was AtEXxaDER M'GnILLIVRtxrv, son of an Englisilman by that name, who married a Creek woman, the governess of the nation. He was born about tile year 1739, and at the early age of ten was sent to school in Charleston. Being very uond of books, especially histories, he acquired a good education. On the death of Lis mother he becanie chief sachem of the Creeks, both by the usages of his ancestors, and by the election of the people. During the ttevolutionary War he was at the head of the Creeks, and In the British interest; but after the war he becamne attached to the Americans, and renewed treaties with them. Ile died at Pensacola, Feb. 17, 1793. Another distinguished chief of the Creeks, conspicuous at a later period, was WEATERFORD, who is desc:ribed as the key and corner-stone of the Creek confederacy during the Creek war which was terminated in 181,1. His mother belonged to the tribe of the Seminoles, but he was born and brought up in the Creek nation. Iln person, WeTatherfosd was tall, straight, and well proportioned.; while his features, harmoniously arrang'ecd indicated an active and disciplined mind. Ite was silent and reserved in public, unless when excited by some great occasion; he spoke but seldom in council, but when he delivered his opinions; he was listened to with delight and approbation. He was cunning and sagacious, brave and eloquent; but he was also extremely avaricious, treacherous, anld revengeful, and devoted to every species of criminal carousal. I-He commanded at ti;e massacre of Fort IIilllsa which opened the Creek war, and was the last of his nation to uslbmit to the Americans. Wh'hen the otller chiefs had submitted, G-eneral JaVkson, in order to test their fidelity, ordlered them to deliver Weatherford, bound, into his hands, that he mlight be dealt with as he deserved. But Weatherford would not submit to such degradation, and proceeding in disguise to the head-quarters of the commnanding officer, under some pretence he gained adlmisdionc to his presence, when, to the great surprise of the General, he announced himself in the iellowsing words. I I auL WAeatherford, the chief who conmmanded at the capture of Fort Mimes. I desire peace for my people, and have come to ask it." rWhen Jackson alluded to his barbarities, and expres,sed his surprise that he should thus venture to appear before him, the spirited chief replied. "I am in your power. Do with me as you please. I am a soldier, I have done the whites all the harm I could. I have fought them, and fought them bravely. If I had an army I would yet fight.-I would contend to the last: but I have none. Mly people are all gone. I can only weep over the misfortunes of my nation." When told that he might still join the war party if he desired; but to depend upon no -quarter if taken afterwards; and that unconditional submission was his and his people's only safety, he rejoined in a tone as dignified as it was indignant. " You can safely address me in ouch terms now. There was a time when I could have answered you:-there was a tile when I had a choice:-I have none now. I have not even a hope. I could once animate my warriors to battle-but I cannot animate the dead. Their bones are at Talladega. TallushLatches, Ermuaefau, and Tohopeka. I have not surrendered myself without thought. While there was a chance of success I never left my post, nor supplicated peace BuLt my people are gone, and I ask it for my nation, not for myself. You are a brave man, I rely upon your generosity. You w-iil exact no terms of a conquerled nation, but such as they should accede to." Jackson had determined upon the execution of the chief, when he should be brougha in bomucd, as directed; but his unexpected surrender, and bold and manly conduct, saved his life. A Creek chief, of very different character from WVeatherford, was the celebrated but unfortunate General W'ri,,Isr sICeNTOSIt. Like M:Gillivray he was a hilf breed, and beloneged to the Coweta,ib-e. Ite owns a prominent leader of such of his countrymen as joined the Aumericans in thle var of 1312 u 13, and 14. Ile likewise belonged to the small par~ty who, in 1521, 23, and 25. were iL favor of selling their laCnds to the Aumericans. In February, of the latter year, he concluded a treaty for the sale of lanids, in opposition to the wishes of a large majority of his " See page'U56. 50 EPINDIAAN TRFIBES. 31 o0 Ic nration For this act the laws of his people denouneced death upon him, and in MaTy, his hous~ was surrounded and burned, and Mlcintosh and one of his adherents in attempting to escape were shot. Ilis soll, Chilly Mlcintosh, wVas allowed to leave the house unl nled. Among the Selinoles, a branch of the Creek nation, the most distir gi.. iled chief with whom tle whites have been acquainted, was Powell, or, a, he was comlumounlly called, OSCEOLA. Ilis lothelr is said to have been a Creek wolman, and his tlther an Elnglishman. lie was not a chief by birth, but raised himiself to that station by his courage and peculiar abilities. Lie was opposed to the removal of his people west of the TMississippi, and it was principally through his influence that the treaties for removal werA violated, and the nation plunged in war. lIe was an excellent tactician, and as admirer of order and discipline. The principal events knownl in his history will be found narrated in another part of this wo!.k.* O)ther chiefs distinguished in the late Seminole war, -were 3lficsnopy, called the king of thd nation, Sams Jonles, Junper, Coa-ladjo (Alligator), Clharles Emathla, and Abbraham, a negro ANALYSIS. CHICKASAS.'The territory of the Chickasas, extending 1. Thi/e ter?.- north to the Ohio, was bounded on the east by the country tor of' the of the Shawnees, and the Cherokees; on the south by the iuhc,kasas "he 2 Charac:er Choctas. and on the west by the Mississippi River. "The qf the natnoz. ChIickasas wiere a warlike nation, and were often in a state 3. Their ela- of hostility with the surrounding tribes.'Firm allies of ingti'h azd the English, they were at all times the inveterate enemies the'resch, of the French, by whom their country was twice unsuccessfully invaded, once in 1736, and aogain in 1740. U. Wla th6ues. hey adhered to the British during the war of the Revolution, since which time they Ihave remained at peace with.Theirs nus. the United States.'Their numbers have increased during the last fifty years, and they now amount to between five and six thousand soulls. Du Pratz, in his lHistory of Louisiana, gives an account of a very intelligent Chickasaw In dian, of the Yazoo tribe, by the name of ltloncatchtape, who travelled many years for the purt pose of extending his knowledge, but, principally, to ascertain from what country the Indian race originally canae. Ite first journeyed in a northeasterly direction until he came upon the ocean, probably near the Gulf of St. Lawrence. After returning to his tribe, lie again set out, towards the northwest -passed up the Missouri to its sources-crcssed the mountains, and journeyed onwards until he reached the great Western Ocean. IIe then proceeded north, following the coast, until the days became very long and the nights very short, when he was advised by the old men of the country to relinquish all thoughts of continuing his journey. They told him that the land extended still a long way between the north and the sun setting, after which it ran directly west, and at length was cut by the great vwater from north to south. One of them added, that, when he was younIg, he knew a very old man who had seen that distant land before it was cut away by the great water, and that when the great water was low, many rocks still appeired in those parts. —Finding it therefore, impracticable to proceed any farther, Moncatchtape returned to his own country by the route by which he came. He was five years absent on this second journey. This famous traveller was well known to Du Pratz about the year 1760. By the French he was called the Interreter, on account of his extended knowledge of the languages of the Indians. " This man," says Du Pratz,'" was remarkable for his solid understanding, and elevation of sentiment; and I may justly compare him to those first Greeks, who travelled chiefly into the east, to examine the manners and customs of different nations, and to communicate t their fellow citizens, upon their return, the knowledge which they had acquired." The narrative of this Indian, which is given at considerable length, in his own words, appear* to have satisfied Du Pratz that the aborigines came from the continent of Asia, by way of Behring's Straits. * eSe pae5Os 477 and 481. CHAP. 1.] INDIAN TRIBES. 51 CIOCTAS.'The Choctas possessed the territory border- ANALYSIS. mg on that c "the Creeks, and extending west to the Mis- The terrsissippi Riverlv.-, 2Since they were first known to Europeans tCy of tah they have ever been an agricultural and a peaceable 2 Peaceable people, ardently attached to their country; and their wars, te jchoctae t. always defensive, have been with the Creeks. Although they have had successively, fbr neighbors, the French, the Spanish, and the English, they have. never been at war with any of them.'Their Numbers now amount to nearly 3. Their nineteen thousand souls, a great portion of whom have fnumbers, already removed beyond the Mississippi. We notice 1IUSHALATUBEE and PUSHAMrATA, two Choctaw Chiefs, for the purpose of giving the speeches which they made to Lafayette, at the city of Washington, in the winter of 1824. MIushalatubee, on being introduced to Lafayette, spoke as follows: "You are one of our fathers. You have fought by the side of the great TVashIington. We will receive here your hand as that of a friend and father. We have always walked in the pure feelings of peace, and it is this feeling which has caused us to visit you here. We present you pure hands-hands that have never been stained with the blood of Americans. We live in a country far from this, where the sun darts his perpendicular rays upon us. WTe have had the French, the Spaniards, and the English for neighbors; but now we have only the Americans' in the midst of whom we live as friends and brothers." Then Pushamata, the head chief of his nation, began a speech in his turn, and expressed himself in the following words: " Nearly fifty snows have passed away since you drew the sword as a companion of WlTasl/ington. With him you combated the enemies of America. You generously mingled your blood with that of the enemy, and proved your devotedness to the cause which you defended. After you had finished that war you returned into your own country, and now you come to visit again that land where you are honored and loved in the remembrance of a, numerous and powerful people. You see everywhere the children of those for whom you defended liberty crowd around you and press your hands with filial affection. We have heard related all these things in the depths of the distant forests, and our hearts have been filled with a desire to behold you. We are come, we have pressed your hand, and we are satisfied. This is the first time that we have seen you, and it will probably be the last. We have no more to add. The earth will soon part us forever." It was observed that, in pronouncing these last words, the old chief seemed agitated by some sad presentiment. In a few days he was taken sick, and he died before he could set out to return to his own people. Hie was buried with military honors, and his monument occupies a place among those of the great men in the cemetery at Washington. 40f the tribes which formerly inhabited the sea-shore 4. Tribes bebetween the Mobile and the Mississippi, and the western Mobeile and bank of the last mentioned river, as far north as the Ar- the MssssC. kansas, we know little more than the names. 50n the 5.'ThenmeRed River and its branches, and south of it, within the tribes on th territory of the United States, there have been found, until Reand sout recently, a number of small tribes, natives of that region, oi. who spoke no less than seven distinct languages; while, throughout the extensive territory occupied by the Esquimaux, Athapascas, Algonquins, and Iroquois, there is not found a single tribe, or remnant of a tribe, that speaks a dialect which does not belong to one or another of those fi.niCes. 52 INDIAN TRIBES. [Booa I. ANALYSIS. I.'o account for this great diversity of distinct languages 1. The diver- in tile small territory mentioned, it bas been supposed that s8ty of lan- the impenetrable swamps and numerous channels by which guagesfound in thisre- the low lands of that country are intersected, have allbrded accounted places of refuge to the remnants of conquered tribes; and it is well known, as a peculiarity of' the Aborigines of America, that small tribes preserve their language to the last moment of their existence. SECTION V I. DAICOTAH, 011 SIOUX TRIBES. 2. Extent of 2On the west of the Mississippi River, extending from thenoahcotah, lands south of the Arkansas, to the Saskatchewan, a -Dr Sioux tribes. stream which empties into Lake Winnipeg, were found numerous tribes speaking dialects of a common language, and which have been classed under the appellation of 3. Theearli- DahcotaIs or Sioux. 3Their country was penetrated by edt knowl- French traders as early as 1659, but they were little edge we have of them. known either to the French or the English colonists, and it is but recently that they have come into contact with the 4. Situation Americans.'One community of the Sioux, the WTin. f theWin- nebaggoes, had penetrated the territory of the Algontribe. quins, and were found on the western shore of Lake Michigan. 5. Classifica- 6The nations which speak the Sioux language have been tion of the classed, according to their respective dialects and geogra. nations which opeakl phical position, in four divisions, viz., 1st, the lWinnebaZanguage. goes; 2d, Assiniboins and Sioux proper; 3d, the iMinetaree group; and 4th, the southern Sioux tribes. S. Early his- 1. WITNNEBAGOES.'Little is known of the early history to2nofethe of the Winnebagoes. They are said to have formerly ocgoes. cupied a territory farther north than at present, and to have been nearly destroyed by the Illinois about the year 1640. They are likewise said to have carried on frequent wars.The tinimts against the Sioux tribes west of the Mississippi. *The tf their terri- limits of their territory were nearly the same in 1840 as tory. they were a hundred and fifty years previous, and firom this it may be presumed that they have generally lived, during that time, on friendly terms with the Algonquin S. Thisir con. tribes, by which they have been surrounded. duct serinn'They took part vwith the British toainst the Americaans the secend wioth during the war of 1812-14, and in 1832 a part of the naGreat Britain; and tion, incited by the fameous Sac chief, Black Hawk, corn e.f gca atte menced an indiscriminate warfare against the border set U st3tes tlements by w hich they were surrounded, but were soon ChIAP. 1.1 INDIAN TRIBES. 53 obliged to sue for peace.'Their numbers in 1840 were ANALYSIS. estimated at four thousand six hundred.* l.Therns 2. ASSINIBOINS, AND Sioux PROPER.'The Assiniboins be.s in 1840. are a Dahcota tribe who have separated from the rest of 2' Taeibsiws. the nation, and, on that account, are called " Rebels" by the Sioux proper.'They are the most northerly of tle 3. Locality great Dahcota family, and but little is known of their his. and histor?. tory. 4Their number is estimated by Lewis and Clarke 4. Numbers. at rather more than six thousand souls.'The Sioux proper are divided into seven independent 5. Divisions bands or tribes. ThIey were first visited by the French aof tha,Sioux as early as 1660, and are described by them as being proper ferocious and warlike, and feared by all their neighbors.'The seven Sioux tribes are supposed to amount to about 6. Numbers. twenty thousand souls.t 3. MINETAREE GROUP.'The Mlinetarees, the Mandans, 7. Minetaree and the Crows, have been classed together, although they group speak different languages, having but remote affinities with the Dahcota.'The Mandans and the Minetarees 8. Character cultivate the soil and live in villages; but the Crows are oft triberan erratic tribe, and live principally by hunting.'The 9.Peczliarity Mandans are lighter colored than the neighboring tribes, the -ans. which has probably given rise to the fabulous account of a tribe of white Indians descended from the Welch, and speaking their language. "~The Mandans number about 10o. Numbers'fifteen hundredt souls; the Minetarees and the Crowsf the tribes. each three thousand.t 4. SOUTHERN SIOux TRIBES. "The Southern Sioux con- It.TheSouth. sist of eight tribes, speaking four or five kindred dialects. tr zstu; Their territory originally extended from below the mouth of hunting the Arkansas to the present northern boundary of the State grounds. of Missouri, and their hunting grounds westward to the Rocky Mountains. "2They cultivate the soil and live in 12. Thetr villages, except during their hunting excursions. 3"The character. n 3 13. The three three most southerly tribes are the Quappas or Arkansas, S Tthern on the river of that name, the Osages, and the Kanzas, all south of the Missouri River.'4The Osages are a nume- 14. The Osa rous and powerful tribe, and, until within a few years sars, territ, past, have been at war with most of the neighboring tribes, ry, ~'C. without excepting the Kanzas, who speak the same dialect. The territory of the Osages lies immediately north of that allotted to thle Cherokees, the Creeks, and the Choctas. 1"The five remaining tribes of this subdivision are the 15. The 0 "wib ~~~~~names of the lowas, the i1Iissouries, the Otoes, the Omahas, and the other tribes. Puncahs. "The principal seats of the lowas are north of`oo:he River Des Moines, but a portion of the tribe has joined * Estimate of the War Depsrtment. t Gallatin's estimate, 1836 04 INDIAN TRIB;ES. [Bootk ANALYSI3. the Otoes, and it is believed thai both tribes speak the 1. The Mis same dialect.'The Missouries were originally seated at souries. the mouth of the river of that name. They were driven away from their original seats by the Illinois, and have since joined the Otoes. They speak the Otoe dialect. 2. The Otnes, 2The Otoes -are found on the south side of the Missouri and Ow*as. River, and below the mouth of the River Platte; and the a The Pun- Omahas above the mouth of the Platte River. 3The Puncahs. cahs, in 1840, were seated on the Missouri, one hundred and fifty miles above the Omahas. They speak the Oma. ha dialect. 4. The num- 4The residue of the Arkansas (now called Quappas) hers of the Southern number about five hundred souls; the Osages five thou]giouztribes. sand; the Kanzas fifteen hundred; and the five other tribes, together, about five thousand.* OTHER WESTERN TRIBES. s. The Blake 5'Of the Indian nations west of the Dahcotas, the most )eet; their territoryr numerous and powerful are the Black Feet, a wandering population, and hunting tribe, who occupy an extensive territory east of the Rocky Mountains. Their population is estimated at thirty thousand. They carry on a perpetual war with the Crows and the Minetarees, and also with the Shoshones or Snake Indians, and other tribes of the Rocky Mountains, whom they prevent from hunting in the buffalo country. 6. The Rapid GThle Rapid Indians, estimated at three thousand, are dheiArna, d found north of the Missouri River, between the Black Feet and the Assiniboins. The Arapahas are a detached and wandering tribe of the Rapids, now intimately con. nected with the Black Feet. 7. The Paw-'The Paiwnees proper inhabit the country west of the lees. Otoes and the Omahas. They bestow some attention upon agriculture, but less than the southern Sioux tribes. They were unknown to the Americans before the acquisition of Louisiana. One of the lates t attempts at human sacrifice among the Paownees was happily frustrated in the following manner: A few years previous to 1821, a war party of Pawnees had taken a young woman prisoner, and on their return she was doomed to be sacrificed to the " Great Star," according to the usages of the tribe. She was fastened to the stake, and a vast company had assembled to witness the scene. Among them was a young warrior, by the name of Petalestharoo, who, unobserved, had stationed two fleet horses at a small distance, and was seated among the crowd as a silent spectator. All were anxiously waiting to enjoy the spectacle of the first contact of the flames with their victim; when, to their astonishment, the young warrior was seen rending asunder the cords which bound her, and, with the swiftness of thought, bearing her in his arms beyond bhe * Gallatin's estimate CHAIP. I]d iNDIAN I'IBE. 5.5 mlazed multitude; where, placing her upon one horse, and mounting himself upon the other, he bore her off safe to her friends and country. The act would have endan-gered the life of an ordinary chi.ef; but such vas the sway of Petalesharoo in his tribe, that no one presumed tc celszure his iaterference. What more noble example of galant daring is to be found among all the tales of modern,hivalry?'Of the other western tribes within the vicinity of the ANALYSIS. Rocky Mountains, and also of those inhabiting the Oregon. ol-oe territory, we have only partial accounts; and but little erc tribee. is known of their divisions, history, language, or numbers. It is a known fact, however, that the Oreron tribes 2. ore,mon have few or no wars among themselves, and that they do trcs not engage in battle except in s!elf defence, and then only in the last extremity. Their principal encounters are with the Blackfeet Indianls, wvho are constantly roving about, on both sides of the mountains, in quest of plun. del', SE CTiOI VI1. PHUiSICAL CHARACTER, LANGUAGE, GOVERNBIENT, RELIGION, AND TRADITIONS OF THE ABORIGINES. PHYSICAL CHARACTErL. 1. 3il their physical Cncharac- 3. unter —their forlm, features, and color, and other natural tes r:..,7"Zt characteristics, the aborigines, not only within the boun- cic.,s-cf tedaries of the United States, but throughout the whole conu- a,~tdl t:, evifinent, presented a great uniformity; exlhibiting therety dnctcreyl, in IIC - -- -- --— ex/~ibited. the clearest evidence that all blongaed to the same great race, and rendering it improbable that they haId ever ino termni-gled with other varieties of the humani- l ealily. 2. q1n form, the Indian wvas generally tall, straigrla and 4,Th0fornm.f siender; his color was of a dull copper, or redcish hacolorc.,e., hytir, wnes, sbro,V19heis eyes black and piercincg,lis hair coalse, I~., cee.6 - tlatrk, alid glossg, and never curlihng,-l-te nose broad,- foreha. aZis lips large and thick, —-Cheel bones hihi and promiinnt,, -.e. lis beard liht, -his forellhead narrower than thle European, le as subject to few diseases, and natural deformity weas almost uklnown. 3. mind, the Indian was inferior to the European, 5. The.sncin, althoughn p3ossessed of the same- natural en-dowments; for ~ ti.e t..dian 1c h1ad cultivated hi-s perceptive faculties, to the great ti,.Eropteait. nl'le;t of his reasoning powers iand nm ral qualities,.'Tie sentes of t ilndlian were remarkabtl acute; — -he G -ICsecnse wzas apt at imitation, rather than invention; his lmemnory?a r', )":'t, w-as good: when aroused, his imax-ination was vivid, w)tl; Vvtt wild as nature: his knowled(e was limited bv his ex.c- tru.bstrft rence, and he was nearly destitute of abstract moral 56 INDIAN TRIBES. [Boo;:n I ANALYSIS. truths, and of general principles. 1The Indian is warmly. The attach- attached to hereditary customs and manners, —to his an. meIs.ts of the cient hunting grounds and the graves of his fathers; he Indian, his -.oposition to is opposed to civilization, for it abridges his freedom; and, reptlgnance naturally indolent and slothful, he detests labor, and thus to labor, ~.c. advances but slowly in the improvement of his condi. tion.* 2. The prisn- LANGUAGE. 1.'The discovery of a similarity in some ciplte,which hgoverned of the primitive words of different Indian languages. sion of lle showing that at some remote epoch they had a common differ6es ito origin, is the principle which has governed the division of fassiliesorT the different tribes into families or nations.'3It must not, fations. 3. Caution therefore, be understood, that those which are classed as theapplica belonging to the same nation, were under the same tien of this government; for different tribes of the same family had usually separate and independent governments, and often waged exterminating wars with each other. 4. Diversity 2. 4There were no national affinities springing from a amof ditletse common language: nor indeed did those classed as be~. Classed as be- longing to the same family, always speak dialects of a longing to tfmly. Z common language, which could be understood by all; for the classification often embraced tribes, between whose languages there was a much less similarity than among many of those of modern Europe.. The differ- 3. "Although the Indian languages differ greatly in ences and the,similarities their words, of which there is, in general, a great profihberabe inn sion; and although each has a regular and perfect syslanguages- tem of its own, yet in grammatical structure and form, a great similarity has been found to exist among all the lanG. Concousion guages from Greenland to Cape Horn.'These circumdeduced from these ercunm- stances appear to denote a common but remote origin of alsoftonz the all the Indian languages; and so different are they from of the Indian any ancient or modern language of the other hemisphere, and theEu-a;n as to afford conclusive proof that if they were ever deriguages. -ved from the Old World, it must have been at a very early period in the world's history. 7. Character- 4. 7The language of the Indian, however, althcough istics of the asngsage of possessed of so much system and regularity, showed but the IndianI, and its des-' little mental cultivation; for although profuse in words to titutionof ab. rstsact terms. express all his desires, and to designate every object of his experience; although abounding in metaphors and glowing with allegories, it was incapable of expressing abstract and moral truths; for, to these subjects, the Indian had * Labor, in every aspect, has appeared to our Indians to be degradissg. " I have neveor, said an Indian chief at Mich;limackinac, who wished to concentrate the points of his hosnoer " I have never run before an enlemy. I have never cut wood nor carried, water. i have neo, been disgraced with a blow. I am as free as my fathers were before nCe."-/f'/.oolcraft. CHAP. I.] iNDIAN TRIBES. 57 never directed his attention; and he needed no termns to ANALYSIS. express that of which he had no conception. 5.'He had a name for Deity, but he expressed his at- i.iscstratributes lby a circumlocution;-he could describe actions, ti. and their effects, but had no terms for their moral qualities. 2'Nor had the Indian any written language. The 2. Theabsenco only method of communicating ideas, and of preserving ten language the memory of events by artificial signs, was by the use of, it hoa of knotted cords, belts of wampum, and analogous means; partial.ysupor by a system of pictorial writing, consisting of rude imitations of' visible objects. Something of this nature was found in all parts of America. GOVERNMENT. 1. 3In some of the tribes, the govern- 3. The govment approached an absolute monarchy; the will of the some of the sachem being the supreme law, so long as the respect of tribes. the tribe preserved his authority. 4The government of 4. Among the Five Nations. the Five Nations was entirely republican.'In most of 5. ndividuaa the tribes, the Indians, as individuals, preserved a great indepen. degree of independence, hardly submitting to any restraint. 2.'Thus, when the Hurons, at one time, sent messen- 6.Ilustration gers to conclude a treaty of peace with the Iroquois, a f this ple.n single Indian accompanied the embassy in a hostile char. acter, and no power in the community could deter him. The warrior, meeting one of his enemies, gratified his vengeance by dispatching him. It seems the Iroquois were not strangers to such sallies, for, after due explanation, they regarded the deed as an individual act, and the negotiation was successfully terminated.* 3. "The nominal title of chief, although usually for 7. Thetitle zn anauthor'ty life, and hereditary, conferred but little power, either in of a caiefY war or in peace; and the authority of the chieftain depended almost entirely on his personal talents and energy. "Public opinion and usage were the only laws of 8stt hat conthe Indian.t laos of the 4.'There was one feature of aristocracy which ap- 9. Prea,,nt pears to have been very general among the Indian tribes, afeatue of and to have been established from time immemorial. This adivision was a division into clans or tribes, the members of which were dispersed indiscriminately throughout the whole io. Principal nation. l0The principal regulation of these divisions, was, rethelat of that no man could marry in his own clan, and that every sons child belonged to the clan of its mother. lThe obvious this systenm. * Champlain, tome ii., p. 79-89. t In an obituary notice of the celebrated MI'Gillivray, emperor of the Creeks, who died, in 1793, it is said:-" This idolized chief of the Creeks stylecd himself king of kings. But alas, hte could neither restrain the meanest fellow of his nation from the commission of a crime, nor plnish him after he had committed it! Ie might persuade or advise, a11 the good an Indian king or chief can do " 8 58 INDIAN TRIBES. [Booxs. ANALYSIS. design of this system was the prevention of mnarriages among near relations,-thereby checking the natural ten. dency towards the subdivision of the nation into independ. ent communities. 1. Ordinary 5,'Most of the nations were found divided into three snunmber of cznse, and clans, or tribes, but some into more,-each distinguished uhi,.ed by the name of an animal. 2Thus the Huron tribes were 2 Thejuron divided into three clans,-the Bear, the Wolf, and the 3. The Iro- Turtle. 3The Iroquois had the same divisions, except quoi. that the clan of the Turtle was divided into two others. 4. The Dela- 4The Delawares were likewise divided into three clans; was/e, sou;,S the various Sioux tribes at present into two large clans, and Chip- which are subdivided into several others: the Shawnees pewca clons. are divided into four clans, and the Chippewas into a larger number. 5. Ofthe7Tun- 6.'Formerly, among some of the southern tribes, if,natesamong an individual committed an offence against one of the some of the southern same clan, the penalty, or compensation, was regulated tribes. by the other members of the clan; and in the case of murder, the penalty being death, the nearest male relative of the deceased was the executioner. If an injury was committed by a member of another clan, then the clan of the injured party, and not the party himself, demanded reparation; and in case of refusal, the injured clan had the right to do itself justice, by inflicting the proper penalty upon the offender. s.Peculiar in- 7. An institution peculiar to the Cherokees was the crongthe setting apart, as among the Israelites of old, a city of rehe'okees. fuge and peace, which was the residence of a few sacred " beloved men," in whose presence blood could not be shed, and where even murderers found, at least a tempo. 7. An intitu- rary asylum. 70f a somewhat similar nature was once what sirilar the division of towns or villages, among the Creeks, into irgeehs. White and Red towns, —the fornner the advocates of peace, and the latter of war; and whenever the question of wai or peace was deliberately discussed, it was the duty of the former to advance all the arguments that could be suggested in favor of peace. B. Uniformity RELIGION. 1. 8The relisious notions of the natives, of r eli'ious belzneS throughout the whole continent, exhibited great uniformity. *Sp. iBee in nAmong all the tribes there was a belief, though ofter Supreme Be.. ing. and in vague and indistinct, in the existence of a Supreme Being. the immortality ofthe sozl. and in the i nmortality of the soul, and its future state: J0. Numero~'3But the Indian believed in numberless inferior Deities;deities and s,pitot be- in a god of the sun, the moon, and the stars; of the ocean tieved in by tO fnadin. and tli e storm;-and his superstition led him to attribute spirits to the lakes and the rivers, the valleys and the mountains, and to every power which he could not fathom $HAt. 1.1 INDIAN TR ES. 5. and which he could neither create nor destroy l'Thus ANALr.YSS. the Deity of the Indian was not a unity; the Great Sapiit r.i ntl- r that he worshipped was the emboldimeint of the material of flJsnoeati laws of the Universe,-the aggregate of the mysterious psp" it. powers by which he was surrounded. 2.'Most tribes had their religious fasts and festivals; 2. Fac, estc,~r their expiatory self punish-meints and sacrifices; and their c-a. priests, who acted in the various capacities of physicians, prophets, and sorcerers. 3'The Mexicans paid their chief 3. Xliea adoration to the sun, and offered hui-man sacrifices to that luminary. 4The Natches, and some of the tribes of 4. RnltZiou Louisiana, kept a sacred fire constantly burning, in a thp of tahe temple appropriated to that purpose. The Natches also worshipped the sun, from wlhom their sovereign and the privileged class claimed to be descended; and at the death of the head chief, who was styled the Great Sun, his wives and his mother were sacrificed. 5Until quite re-.Practice of cently the practice of annually sacrificing a prisoner pre. ri sa'ndaa. vailed among the Missouri Indians and the Pawnees. ne 3. 6A superstitious reverence for the dead has been 6. Re;erenca found a distinguishing trait of' Indian character. Under r ial of tlh its influence the dead ~were wrapped and buried in the choicest furs, with their ornaments, their weapons of war, and provisions to last them on their solitary journey to the land of spirits. Extensive mounds of earth, the only monuments of' the Indian, were osten erected over the graves of illustrious chieftains; and some of the tribes, at stated intervals collected the bones of the dead, and interred them in a common cemetery. 7The Mlexicans, and. m.odof bfZ some of the tribes of' South America, frequently buried ria,. their dead beneath their houses; and the same practice has been traced among the Mobilian tribes of North America.'One usage, the burial of the dead in a sitting 8. Buriaitaa posture, was found almost universal among the tribes from'stt uz;-'e. Greenland to Cape Horn, showing that some common superstition pervaded the whole continent. 9 ot7zetely TRADITIONS. I.'As the graves of the red men were'on fl03ti eni their only monuments, so traditions were their only his-.,, m. 10. Oral trtory. 10By oral traditions, transmitted fiom father to son, sdiom. The Indians possessed some little skill in medicine, but as all diseases of obscure oriliu were ascribed to the secret agency of malignant povers or spirits, the physician invested himself with his mystic character, when lie directed his efforts against these invisible enemies. By the agency of dreams, mystical ceremonies, and incantations, he attempted to dive into the abyss of futurity, and bring to light the hidden and the unknown. The same principle in human nature,-a dim belief in the spirit's existence after the dissolution of the body, and of numerous invisible powers, of good and of evil, in the universe around him,-principles whiela wrap the minld of the savage in the folds of a gloomy superstition, and bow him down, the tool of jugglers and knaves,-have, under the lightl of Reveiation, opened a pathcway of hope to a glorious immortality, and elevated mnan in the scale of being to hold converse with 1a Iiaker. i Arch3logla Americana, vol. ii., p. 132. See also p. 54, notice of Petalesharoo. 60 INDIAN TRIBES. [Booic I. ANALYSIS. they preserved the memory of important events connected with the history of the tribe-of the deeds of illustrious chieftains-and of important phenomena in the natural 1. inportane world.'Of their traditions, some, having obvious refer and origin of some of the ence to events recorded in scripturie history, are exceed. traditiono. ingly interesting and important, and their universality throughout the entire continent, is conclusive proof that their origin is not wholly fabulous. 2. A preva- 2.'Thus the wide spread Algonquin tribes preserved a of tze Algon- tradition of the original creation of' thfe earth from water, qui Of. and of a subsequent general inundation.'The Iroquois B. Of the Iro. qoois. tribes likewise had a tradition of a general deluge, but from which they supposed that no person escaped, and that, in order to repeople the earth, beasts were changed 4. Tradition into men. 4One tribe held the tradition, not only of a delanre.f uge, but also of an age of fire, which destroyed every human being except one man and one woman, who were saved in a cavern. 5. Pecutiar 3.'The Tamenacs, a nation in the northern part of tradition of the Tame- South America, say that their progenitor Aamlivica, arrinace r ved in their country in a bark canoe, at the time of the great deluge, which is called the age of water. This tradition, with some modifications, was current among many tribes; and the name of Amlialivica was found spread over a region of more than forty thousand square miles, where he was termed the "' Father of Mankind." 6. Of the 4. ~The aboriginal Chilians say that their progenitors escaped from the deluge by ascending a high mountain, which they still point out. 7. Of the 7The Muyscas of New Grenada have a tradition that Neow Gran- they were taught to clothe themselves, to worship the sun, a-at and to cultivate the earth, by an old man with a long flowing beard; but that his wife, less benevolent, caused the valley of Bogota to be inundated, by which all the natives perished, save a few who were preserved onr the mountains. 8. Tradition 5. 8A tradition said to be handed down from the Tolthezyramid tees, concerning the pyramid of Cholula, in Mexico, relates, that it was built by one of seven giants, who alone escaped from the great deluge, by taking refuge in the cavern of a lofty mountain. The bricks of which the pyramid was composed were made in a distant province, and conveyed by a file of men, who passed them from hand to hand. But the gods, beholding with wrath the attempt to build an edifice whose top should reach the clouds, hurled fire upon the pyramid, by which numbers of the workmen perished. The work was discontinued, Ca&i. I.] INDIAN TRIBES. 61 and the monument was afterwards dedicated to the' GoD ANALYSIS OF THE AIR..' 6.'The Mexican ascribed all their improvements in 1. oQf t great:eachim the arts, and the ceremonies of their religion, to a white gofe the euaiand bearded man, who came from an unknown region, Gar and was made high priest of the city of Tula. From the numerous blessings which he bestowed upon mankind, and his aversion to cruelty and war, his was called the golden age, and the era of peace. Having received from the Great Spirit a drink which made him immortal, and being inspired with the desire of visiting a distant country, he went to the east, and, disappearing on the coast, was never afterwards seen.'In one of the Mexican pie- 2. Tradition..resex'.ved in ture writings there is a delineation of a venerable looking oneof the man, who, with his wife, was saved in a canoe at the time Mtureafiof the great inundation, and, upon the retiring of the tings. waters of the flood, was landed upon a mountain called Colhuacan. Their children were born dumb, and received different languages from a dove upon a lofty tree. 7.'The natives of Mechoacan are said by Clavigero, 3. Important Humboldt, and others, to have a tradition, which, if cor- t ohe ativesof rectly reported, accords most singularly with the scrip- Mlechoacaan. tural account of the deluge. The tradition relates that at the time of the great deluge, Tezpi, with his wife and children, embarked in a calli or house, taking with them several animals, and the seeds of different fruits; and that when the waters began to withdraw, a bird, called aura, was sent out, which remained feeding upon carrion; and that other birds were then sent out, which did not return, except the humming bird, which brought a small branch in its mouth. 8. 4These traditions, and many others of a similar 4. Nature of character that might be mentioned, form an important nyfurnishlink in the chain of testimony which goes to substantiate etradbthese the authenticity of Divine Revelation. TWe behold the 5. Thesiemunlettered tribes of a vast continent, who have lost all oihsfa they knowledge of their origin, or migration hither, preserving exhibit. with remarkable distinctness, the apparent tradition o. certain events which the inspired penman tells us happened in the early ages of the world's history. 6We C.CoiZcidenW readily detect, in several of these traditions, clouded ditions with though they are by fable, a striking coincidence with the ttra sacscriptural accounts of the creation and the deluge; while Coents in others we think we see some faint memorials of the destruction of the "' cities of the plain" by "' fire which came down from heaven," and of that "- confusion of tongues" which fell upon the descendants of Noah in the vlains of Shinar. B62 A'MIERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [0ooX I ANALYSIS. 9.'Ifthe scriptural account of the deluge, and the saving I Zc oty of Noah and his fImily be only a " delusive fable;"' at int the euptpio- what time. and under wliat circumstances, it may be asked. sc.i'pturil te- could sucil a fable have been inmposed upon the world fbo d.ege. ice., a fact, and with such impressive force that it should be is afable. universally credited as true, and transmitted, in many languages, through different nations, and successive ages, 2. The atter- by oral tradition alone? 2Those who can tolerate the n.ativeoftho-se Qoitolecrte supposition of such universal credulity, have no alterna., gw,:h a smv',?po- ^ eiethizupo tive but to reject the evidence derived firom all humar experience, and, against a world of testimony weighing against them, to oppose merely the bare assertion of infidel unbelief. CHAPTER I. A MERI C A AN T I QU r TIEs SECTION I. ANTIQUITIES FOUND IN THE UNITED STATES. 3. Antiquiti 1. "THE Antiquities of the Indians of the present race of the present are neither numerous nor important. 4'They consis; race. chiefly of ornaments, warlike instruments, and domestic 4. Consist of what. utensils; such as rude stone axes or tomahawks, knives and chisels, pipes, flint arrow-heads, an inferior kind of earthenware, and mortars that were used in preparing 5. Where maize or corn for food.'These specimens of aboriginal found, and Zevitcensn of art and ingenuity are frequently discovered in the cultivawhat. tion of new lands, in the vicinity of old Indian towns, and particularly in the Indian burying places; but they pre. sent no evidences of a state of society superior to what 6. Mrodern is found among the Indians of the present day.'Some.nunds' for,uoria n.; 110Sf tribes erected mounds over the graves of illustrious from sthe aZn- chieftains; but these works can generally be distinguishedi e nt toznuli. from those ancient tumuli which are of unknown origin; by their inferior dimensions, their isolated situations, and the remains of known indian fabrics that are found with. in them.. Mode-rn 2.'As articles of modern European origin, occasionally sozetintes found in the Western States, have sometimes been blended wzstalcen for with those that are really ancient, great caution is requi. ancient relibc. site in receiving accounts of supposed antiquities, lest out credulity should impose upon us some modern fraglneir r-~,,.. t 1 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. 63 for an ancient relic.'As the French, at an early period, ANA rYis had establishments in our western territory, it would be 1.r,pleene, surprising if the soil did not occasionally unfold some of French lost or buried remains of their residence there; and ture; F,'ench, accordingly there have been found knives and pickaxes, lRoan colu. iron and copper kettles, and implements of modern warfare, together with medals, and French and English coins; and even some ancient Roman coins were found in a cave in Tennessee; but these had doubtless been deposited there, and perhaps in view of the exploration of the cave, by some European since the country was traversed by the French.'But, notwithstanding some 2. Reported reported discoveries to the contrary, it is confidently be- azncientcomi lieved that there has not been found, in all North Amer- 4C, ica, a single medal, coin, or monument, bearing an inscription in any known language of the Old World, which has not been brought, or mrade here, since the discovery by Columbus. 3.'There are, however, within the limits of the United 3. Rsvzartna. States, many antiquities of a remarkable character, which ties, con/fescannot be ascribed either to Europeans or to the present ally i O Indian tribes, and which afford undoubted proofs of an origin from nations of considerable cultivation, and elevated far above the savage state. 4No articles of me- 4. Preservs chanical workmanship are more enduring than fragments tioofear.t of earthen ware, specimens of which, coeval in date with the remotest periods of civilization, have been found among the oldest ruins of' the world.'Numerous specimens, 5 Secsn-ens found inz the, moulded with great care, have also been discovered in the United stars. western United States, and under such circumstances as to preclude the possibility of their being of recent origin. 4. 6Some years since, some workmen, in diging a well 6 Z7,aethen near Nashville, Tennessee, discovered an earthen pitcher, at_ Nshville. containing about a gallon, standing on a rock twenty feet below the surface of the earth. Its form was circular, and it was surmounted atl; the top by the figure of a female head covered with a conical cap. The head had strongly marked Asiatic features, and large ears extending as low as the chin.* 5'Near some ancient remains on a fork of the Curn- 7. T7e " Tr, une Vessel" berland River, a curious specimen of pottery, called the foJtnd on or T~,~;,,,,,,,,,,1 ~~ re Trl~l ~~ fort of the Triune vessel," or "Idol," was found about four feet gca'be.tlada below the surface of the earth. It consists of three hollow heads, joined together at the back by an inverted bellshaped hollow stem or handle. The features bear a strong resemblance to the Asiatic. The faces had been painted' Archelogia Americana, vol. 1. p. 214. en 4 ~ AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. LBoos L ANALYSIS. with red and yellow, and the colors still retained great brilliancy. The vessel holds about a quart, and is composed of' a fine clay, which has been hardened by the action of fire. t. Idol of clay 6.'Near Nashville, an idol composed of clay and gypasd gypsuu r found,near. sum has been discovered, which represents a man without ashville. arms, having the hair plaited, a band around the head, and a flattened lump or cake upon the summit. It is said in all respects to resemble an idol found by Professor Pallas in the southern' part of the Russian empire.* 2. Ashes and 7.'In an ancient excavation at the State salt works in earthen Sare Illinois, ashes and fragments of earthen ware were found fSolnt. at great depths below the surface; and similar appearances have been discovered at other works; which renlers it probable that these springs were formerly worked by a civilized people, for the manufacture of salt.t S. Renmaiz Remains of fire-places and chimneys have been dis afaid chmes covered in various places, several feet below the surface.Zeys. cf the earth, and where the soil was covered by the heaviest forest trees; fi-om which the conclusion is probable that eight or ten hundred years had elapsed since these hearths were deserted.T 4. Medals re- 8. 4Medals, representing the sun, with its rays of light, the s.n; cop- have been found at various places in the Western States, Vc",'' together with utensils and ornaments of copper, someC-. times plated with silver: and in one instance, in a mound at Marietta, a solid silver cup was found, with its surface 5. ar.ioa.S ar- smooth and regular, and its interior finely gilded.~'Artitlile of cles of copper, such ias pipe-bowls, arrow-heads, circular medals, &c., have been found in more than twenty a. Mirors of mounds. ~Mirrors of isinglass have been found in many i:inlaSs; places. Traces of iron wholly consumed by rust have 7. Articles of been discovered in a few instances.'Some of the articles pottery. of pottery are skilfully wrought and polished, glazed and burned, and are in no respects inferior to those of modern manufacture. 1[ 8. 7'7se e.- 9. 8These are a few examples of the numerous articles,tnle.igr.l. of mechanical workmanship that have been discovered, and which evidently owe their origin to some former race, of far greater skill in the arts, than the present Indian 9. Mer ha- tribes possess. 9But a class of antiquities, far more integ,,is; thei2 resting than those already mentioned, and which afford c[haracter and' e-tlnt. more decisive proof of the immense numbers, and at least Areheelorla Americana, vol. 1. p. 11, and Pallas's Travels vol. 21ld.'n Some of ithe ndian tribes mnade use of roce salt, but it is not known that they un.dersto4 thle process of obtaining it by evaporation or boihing. Archcelogia Anm. vol. i. p. 202. Schooleraft s Yiew, p. 276. ii ehoolcrasft:'S Mississippi, vol. i. 2092, and Archcllogia Am. vol. i. p. 227. CHAPr. f1.] AITERICAkN ANT1QUITIES. 65 partial civilization of their authors, consists of embank- ANALYSIS. ments of earth, trenches, walls of stone, and mounds, which are found in great numbers in the states bordering upon the Mississippi and its branches,-in the vicinity of the Great Lakes and their tributaries,-and in the Southern States and Florida. 10.'Although upwards of a hundred remains of wnat.Rueeat. were apparently rude ancient fbrts or defensive fortifica- intf tions, some of which were of considerable dimensions, hlave been discovered in the state of New York alone, yet they increase in number and in size towards the southwest. Some of the most remarkable only can be described. 11.'At Marietta, Ohio, on an elevated plain above the 2. Ruins at present bank of the Muskingum, were, a few years since, 3Marietta. some extraordinary remains of ancient worksa which ap- a. see No. t, pear to have been fortifications. 3'They consisted, princi- 3. Consist page. pally, of two large oblong inclosures, the one containing 9 what. an area of forty, and the other of twenty acres, together with several mounds and terraces, the largest mound being one hundred and fifteen feet in diameter at the base, and thirty feet in altitude. 12.'The fortresses were encompassed by walls of 4. Description earth, from six to ten feet high, and thirty feet in breadth. o/th` lareer On each side of the larger inclosure were three entrances, at equal distances apart, the middle being the largest, especially on the side towards the Muskingum. This entrance was guarded by two parallel walls of earth, two hundred and thirty feet apart, and three hundred and sixty feet in length, and extending down to the former bank of the Muskingum. 13.'Within the inclosed area, near the northwest 5. Appear. corner, was an oblong terrace, one hundred and eighty the inclosid eight feet in length, and nine feet high,-level on the sum- area. mit, and having, on each side, regular ascents to the top. Near the south wall was another similar terrace; and at the southeast corner a third. Near the centre was a circular mound, thirty feet in diameter, and five feet high; and at the southwest corner, a semicircular parapet, to guard the entrance in that quarter. 14.'The smaller fort had entrances on each side, and 6*.Th7e trglr fort or inclo. at each corner; most of the entrances being defended by sure. circular mounds within.'The conical mound, near the 7. Conica smaller fort, was surrounded by a ditch, and an embank- itO. near ment, through which was an opening towards the fortification, twenty feet in width. This mound was protected, in addition, by surrounding parapets and mounds, and outworks of various forms. 8Between the fortresses were ions. 66 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [Boox L ANALYSIS. found excavations, one of which was sixty feet in diame. I. T'heirpr.ob. ter at the surface, wvith steps formed in its sides.'Thlese able. design. excavations were probably wells that supplied the inhabit. ants with water. - -_ No. 2. ANCIENT WVORKS i No. 1. ANCIENT...... /,;,, - WORKS AT MARI.ETTA. AT CIRCLEVILIE, OHIO. v Refrere nces / T-r7-~ _ fe4 m. Morllnc. lid ~ t7'I~ — W.V Walls of llqundou ~ d,, 9 e:artilh. tve arthen inclosures connected wit each othe; one an b d~~:. See P~7~,~c NoJIIC~g7C~S1~7~e~o.Ac\ 2. ct circe, act square; the diamete/ of the forac me bein sixty n i, and each side of the ar lattr fifty ine. The walls of ert h e square inclosc as ten feet height, havig seven openings or gate. Mound on. 2. IC ice8 at 15. At Circleville, near the Sciota River, were two. &clevitte. e~arthen inclosure was connected with each otheirty one in di. b. S e. act circle, and the otsum he an eact squreods at; the diametea of the foer beinpart siaty nine ods, and each side of' the 3. The square latter fifty nine.'The wall of the square inclosui-c ~cvae iucl intd. p r a tce. bout feet in heirodht, havins a severn oenings or gatef 4. T circpebble- ways, each protected by a mound of earth.'The cirnin iversure. lar inclosure was surounded bin two walls, with a ditc. between them ing the height from the bottom of the ditch tc 5. Central the top of the wails being twenty feet. 5'n the centre of feound. the nclosure was a mound ten feet lo ig, thirty feet inal surfcli.. Sec ofir- ameter at the summit, and several rods at the base. u Easl ua fire, an d f the mounde-partially and exa enis, an fiwv ilnclflned or six rods, was a sebuicirntalso a cular pave qnt, composed of pebbles, such as are found in the bed of the adjoinie ad river,-and an inclined plane leading to the summit.. Contents 16.'On removing the rtedh composand shoing the appenoud, thereof a blde f 1/se sneusd. were found, immediately below it, on the oriirinal surfahe of the earth, two human skeletons partially consumed Lv fire, and surrounded by charcoal and ashes, and a few bricks well burnt;-also a large quantity of arrow-heads, -the handle of a small sword or knife, made of elk-horn, having a silver ferule around the end where the blade had been inserted; and showing'the appearance of a blade which had been consumed by rust,-a large mirror of isinglass three feet in length and eighteen inches in width, and on the mirror the appearance of a plate of iion which CHAP. 11.1 A*MJERICAN ANTIQUrTIES. 67 had likewise been consumed by rust.'A short distance ANALYSIS. beyond the inclosure, on a hill, was another high mound, 1. Mol,,,d abe which appears to have been the common cemetery, as it yondtahe incontained an immense number of human skeletons, of' all c sizes and ages. 17.'Near Newark, in Licking County, on an extensive 2..AenIt and elevated plain at the junction of two branches of the tNork~ near Muskingum, were the remains of ancient works of a still Ohiomore interesting character.a At the western extremity of a. See No. 3 these works was a circular fort containing twenty two acres, on one side of which was an elevation thirty feet high, built partly of earth, and partly of stone. This circular fort was connected, by parallel walls of earth, with an octagonal fort containing forty acres, the walls of which were ten feet high. To this fort were eight openings or gateways, about fifteen feet in width, each protected by a mound of earth on the inside. 0.0 r... _ CIE.NWR __ No. - - - //// AN2 18. From the tbrt, parallel walls of earth proceeded. Pa to the former basin of the river: —others extended several eoth: othe miles into the country;-and others on the east to a square closures: fort containing twenty acres, nearly four miles distant.* mounds ~ From this latter fort parallel walls extended to the river, and others to a circular fort a mile and a half distant, containing twenty six acres, and surrounded by an emba nkm et ront y five to thity feet high. Farther north and east, on elevated ground protected by intrenchents, were mounds containing the remains of the dead. * The proportionate length of the parallel walls of earth in the enavedplae, has been dl nuiehed, for wvant of roollm. inbiisrhed, for ivant; of 1~oom. 68 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [Boox 1. ANALYSIS. south, connected these works with others thirty n. iles dis. tant. 1. Ancient 19.'Near Somerset, in Perry County, is an ancient uomerset, in ruin,a whose walls, inclosing more than forty acres, were a. see No. 4, built with rude fragments of rocks, which are now thrown pre.eing down, but which were sufficient to construct a wall seven feet in height, and five or six in thickness. The inclosure has two openings, before one of which is a large and lligh rock, protecting the passage. Near the centre of the work is a circular conical mound, fifteen or twenty feet in height; and in the line of the wall, and forming a part of it, is one of smaller dimensions. Near the southern extremity of the inclosure is a small work, containing half an acre, whose walls are of earth, but only a few feet in height. 2. Works on 20.'A short distance west of Chilicothe, on the North the North Bnach of Branch of Paint Creek, there are several successive natPudint C'reek. b. See No., ural deposites of the soil, called river bottoms, rising one preceding above the other in the form of terraces. Here are an. page. cient worksb consisting of two inclosures, connected with 3. TheZargest each other.'The largest contains an area of one hun. sre dred and ten acres, wholly surrounded by a wall of earth, and encompassed by a ditch twenty feet wide, except on the side towards the river. Within this inclosure, and encompassed likewise by a wall and ditch, were two circular works, the largest of which contained six mounds, 4. The smnal- which have been used as cemeteries. 4The smaller iner one. closure, on the east, contains sixteen acres, and is surrounded by a wall merely, in which are several openings or gateways. 5. Ruins at 21. 50n Paint Creek, alm, a few miles nearer ChiliPaint Creek. cothe, in the same state, were extensive ruins, on opposite e. See No 6, next page. sides of the stream. GThose on the north consisted of an I. Inclosures irregular inclosure, containing seventy seven acres, and sideo the two adjoining ones, the one square and the other circular, the former containing twenty seven and the latter seven7. tounds, teen acres.'Within the large inclosure were several wells, elevations, ac. mounds and wells, and two elliptical elevations, one of d. Seeain whichd was twenty five feet high and twenty rods long. [t}eengraving. This was constructed of stones and earth, and contained vast quantities of human bones. 8. Other 22.'The othere elliptical elevation was from eight to av Se.ks fifteen feet high. Another work,f in the form of a half f. See c. moon, was bordered with stones of a kind now found about a mile from the spot. Near this work was a mound five feet high and thirty feet in diameter, composed entirely of red ochre, which was doubtless brought from a hill at a great listance from the place. CHAP. II.] AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. 69 23.'The walls of the ruins on the south side of the ANALYSIS. stream were irregular in form, and about ten feet high. 1. Ruinson The principal inclosure contained eighty four acres, and th southeside the adjoining square twenty seven. A small rivulet, ris- e ing without the inclosure, passes through the wall, and loses itself in an aperture in the earth, supposed to have been originally a work of art. ANOIENT WORKS..BreVLWs ON PAINT CREEK. No. 6. w'ell 7n l7l 24.'East of these works, on the summit of a rocky 2. Stone wall. precipitous hill, about three hImdred feet in height, rises a wall of unhewn stone, inclosing an area of one hundred and thirty acres. The wall was on the very edge of the hill, and it had two gateways, one opening directly towards the creek.'A large quantity of ashes and cinders, sev- 3.Aoshaenan eral feet in depth, was found within the inclosure, adjoin- aindero. ing the wall on the south side. 4Below the hill, in the 4. Ize slaterock which forms the bed of the creek, are four wells, several feet in depth. Each was found covered by a large stone, having an aperture through the centre. It is believed that the stream has changed its channel since the wells were excavated. 24.'At the m outh of the Sciota River, on both sides of. Ruan opthe Ohio, are ruins of ancient works several miles in e x- minotr of the tent.a On the south side of the Ohio, opposite Alexan-. SeeNo. 7. dria, is an extensive inc]osure, nearly square, whose walls nextrs.e. of earth are now fiom fourteen to twenty feet in height. At the southwest corner is a mound twenty feet in height, and covering about half an acre. Both east and west of tile large inclosuren re walls of earth nearly parallelh fif a mile or more in length-about ten rods apart-and at present fiom four to six feet in height. 26. O0n the north side of the river are similar ruins, o.s p.i:but more intricate and extensive. Wo ails of e arth, ms mouly,of the Ao on thdive patrallel, commencing near the Gioita, i after runig a dis- n oSt. o tanoe of nearly four miles, and ascending a high hoill, ter- teOao; rintate near foullr ounds, three of whih are six feet i n e at, height, covering nearly an acre each. The fourth and largest is twenty feet high, and has a raised walk ascend '0 IAiOiERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [Book L ANALYSIS. ing to its summit, and another descending fiom it.'Near I.Iound2s, this was a mound twenty five feet in height, containing weZi8, 6-c. the remains of the dead; and about a quarter of a mile northwest another mound bhad been commenced. On the brow of the hill is a well now twenty feet deep, and two others near, of less depth. From the summit of the hill Para.lle are parallel walls, nearly two miles in length, extending wual. eastwardly to a bend in the Ohio, and thus embracing an area of several square miles within the circuit of the work1s and the river. ANCIENT TWORKS (Ic 9 A' PORTSKOUT.1 OHlIO. / No. 7, 9 Af Alexandrna 0 2. Rcuins 27l. R]uins similar tol those already mentioned are four d s i0helik.sig'it. in great numbers tllroulhhout almost the entire valley of Pi valle- the Mississippi, but tlhose in the State of Ohio have been the most carefully surveyed, and the most accurately des. Stone walls scribed. 3In Miissouri are the remains of several stone in ois3lri. worlks; and in Gasconade county are'che ruins of an ancient town, regularly laid out in streets and squares. The walls of the ruins were found covered with large cotton 4. tz,/sfa(- trees, a species of poplar, of full growth. 4Similar re. ther est. mains have been discovered in the territory west of the State of Missouri, and also on the Platte River, the Kanzas, and the Arkansas. b. Mounds 28. MoModuns, likeiwise, of various forms, square, oh. sge Unitea long, or circular at the base, and flat or conical at the States- summit, have been found in great numbers throughout the United States; sometimes in isolated positions, but S. Terir mostly in the vicinity of the mural remains. 6Some were used as general cemeteries, anid were literally filled with human bones: others appear to have been erected as monuments over the a.snhes of th e (dead, h-heir bodies having CHAP..]3 AMIERICAN ANTI QUITI IES. 1 first been burned, a custom not usually prevalent with ANALYSIS. the Indians of the present day The object of others is -... not certainly known, but probably some were designed for defence, and others for religious purposes.'9. "There were several extensive mounds on the site.Mosunsat of Cincinnati. One of these, first described in 1794, had then on its surface thle stunps of oak trees several feet in diameter,* Beneath it were found the remains of a human body, and various ornaments and instruments of lead, copper, and of stone. 2Beneath an' extensive mound in 2 Mound at Lancaster, Ohio, was found a furnace, eighteen feet iong aOstzo. and six wide, and upon it was placed a rude vessel of earthenware, of the same dimensions, containing a number of hunman skeletons. Underneath the vessel was a thick layer of ashes and charcoal.t39. SNear Wheeling, Virginia, was a mound seventy 3 MIoozds feet in height, and sixty feet in diameter at the summit.,w/, VSrNear it were three smaller mounds, one of which has ginza. been opened. It was found to contain two vaults, built of pillars of wood supporting roofs of stone; and within them were human bones, together with beads of bone or ivory, copper wristlets, plates of mica, marine shells, and in one a stone marked with unknown characters. 4Neariy 4. 110u.oas opposite,-t. opposite St. Louis, in illinois, withiin a circuit of five or six Louis miles, are upwards of one hundred and sixty mounds; and in the vicinity of St. Louis they are likewise numerous. 31. 5About eleven miles from the city of Natches, in 5 MUounds Mississippi, is a group of mounds, one of which is thirty- i,7D 1tSSis/ five feet high, embracing on its summit an area of four acres, encompassed by an embankment around the margin. Some, however, have supposed that this is a natural hill, to which art has given its present fbrm. On the summit of this elevation are six mounds, one of which is still. thirty feet high, and another fifteen.j:'32.'Upon the north side of the Etowah River, in aG. ound i Georgia, is a mound seventy-five feet high, and more Gesr.ia. than three hundred in diameter at its base, having an inclined plane ascending to its summit. 7The lmounds 7. ound of' Florida are numerous and extensive, many of them zo.d. near the sea coast being composed of shells. 8. Charter 33. 8Such is the general character of the numerous itle,no-tn? ancient remains that have been found in so great num- s-~,is. * Transactions of the Amer. Philo. Soc. vol. iv., p. 78. Silliman's Journal, vol. i., p. 4.28. B Bradford's American Antiquities, p. 58. Silliman's Journal, vol. i., p. 322. It appears that some mounds of this description were onllstructed by the ancestors of the preset Incdians. See T. Irving's eloricda, vol i., pp. 148, 149. 72 AMtERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [Boox I ANALYSIS. bers throughout the TTnited States. West of the Allegha. nies, the number of the mural remains alone has been estimated at more than five thousand, and the mounds, The awo2r at a much greater number.'T'hat they were the worJk otus,andi r.. of multitudes of the human family, who were associated tially civi- c ized, ub-t ue ill large communities, who cultivated the soil. and who no p.e- had arrived at a degree of' civilization considerably beyond that of the present Indian tribes, cannot be doubted. But the names and the history of these people we shall probably never with certainty learn. Curtained by the hand of time, which has left no written records, if any ever existed, their all but a few earth-embosomed relics have passed 2. Eviadence into oblivion. 2At the period of the first discovery of the of the antiquity of the continent, not only had this unknown but numerous peoso.cbed. ple passed away from their ancient dwelling places, but ages must have elapsed since their " altars and their fires" were deserted; for over all the monuments which alone perpetuate the knowledge of their existence, the forest had already extended its shades, and NATURE had triumphantly resumed her empire, cheating the wondering European with the belief that her solitudes had never before been broken but by the wild beasts that roamed here, or the stealthy footsteps of the rude Indian. SECTION il'. ANTIQUITIES FOUND IN OTHER PORTIONS OF THE CONTINENT.. Increasing 1.'Although the deserted remains that have beein ecvilization described, and others of a similar character-the work of,r wtoe proceed'arther south. a people apparently long extinct, were the only evidence of a former civilization within the limits of the United States; yet a far different spectacle was presented onl entering the regions farther south, where, instead of the buried relics of a former greatness, its living reality was found. 4. ieziceoand 2. 4When the Spanish invaders landed on the coast of Peru at the time of their Mexico and in Peru, they found there, instead of feeble discovery by the Span- wandering tribes, as at the north, populous and powerful iar d- agricultural nations, with regular forms of government, established systems of law and religion, immense cities, magnificent edifices and temples, extensive roads,* aqueu ducts, and other public works;,all showing, a high degree of advancement in many of the arts, and rivalllng, in A* "At the time when the Spaniards entered PerLu, no kingdom in Europe could boast ao any work of public utility that could be compared with the great roads formedt by the Incas." —.Robertson's A me? ica $I2AP. ILf. AIIMERICAN ANTTIQUITIES. 73 many respects, the regularly organized states of the Old ANALYSIS. World. 3.'The Mexicans constructed pyramids and mounds. a.ex.ic,.,~ far more extensive than those which have been discovered mnounds: in the United States.'Withlin the city of' Mexico alone, gziditythe, wvere mosre than two thousand pyramidal mounds, the ct of Melargest of wvliich, in the central square of the city, was constructed of clay, and had- been erected but a short time befbre the landing of Cortes. it had five stories, with flights of stairs leading to its superior platform; its base was three hundred and eighteen feet in length; its height was one hundred and twenty-one feet, and it was surroulnded by a wall of' hewn stone. This pyramid was dedicated to one of the Mexicanz gods, and sacrifices were offered upon its summit. 4. In Tezeuco was a pyramid constructed of enormous 2 Pyramid. mnasses of basalt, regularly cut, a:.d beautifully polished, work, in and covered with sculptures. There are still seen the Tezcuc. fbundations of large edifices, and the remains of a fine aqueduct in a state of sufficient preservation for present use. —Near the city of Cholula, was the largest pyramid 3. Pyramidtof in Mexico. This also was designed fbr religious purposes, and was sacred to the "6 God of the Air." It was constructed of alternate layers of clay and unburnt brick, ana was one thousand four hundred and twenty-three feet in length, and one hundred and seventy-seven feet in height. 5. 4Such was the character of some of the Mexican 4. General character and pyramids, the ruins of many of which, imposingly grand eant.ntof the even inm their desolation, still crown the hill-tops, and zefico. strew the plains of Mexico. The remains of extensive public edifices of a different character, devoted to the purposes of civil life, and many of them built of hewn and sculptured stone, are also numerous. 6The soil of Mexico 5. Aricutwas under a rich state of cultivation, and the cities were atud' eopu,-a not onl-, numerous, but some of then are supposed to have tion fico.contained one or two hundred thousand inhabitants. The city of Tezcuco, which was even larger than that of Mexico, was estimated by early writers to contain one hundred and forty thousand houses. 6'Extensive Lruins of cities, containing the remains of e. Natureaznd pyiramids and the walls of massive buildings, broken eruinbs/f,ud columns, altars, statues, and sculptured fragments, show- and Cei'uaZ ng tihas their authors had attained considerable knowledlge of the arts, and wAere a numerous, alt hough an idolatrous people, are likevwise found in greeat numbers throughout Chiapas and Yucatan; and in fithe neighboring Central American provinces of Honduras and Guatimala. Only 1 t) 74 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [Bocx L Thcaztan, auZd LiCe a few of these structures, and e-[-Y.Lo'ig 11 iU... 81 21, perhaps those not the most'r.1riZ t sho | interesting or important, can aj-cyeit's C~) C1 be described here; but this I47 V 0, 4i'~Ion,; Xi. 20 brief notice of them will con-'- A'" " " "vey a knowledge of their gen. 0eral character.* The annex. A, o' ~-rO:NnDT S ed map shows the localities of iTA3AS:C.....; _ the ruins that are described, I', z:~l.;. / /.- the most important of which dt~, Lhi~ha 7,.' -.o'-~ Ii are those of Palenque in Chi\\S.'S,.D /~_t. - o47 -O-rA"... "'Ctl"wua I apas, of Copan in Honduras, }!___x-.______-. __..-<_ _ v! and of Uxmal and Chichen in...... Northern Yucatan. ANALYSIS. RUINS OF PALENQUE. 1. Ruins of 1.'The ruins of Palenque, in the province of Chlapas, Palenque bordering upon Yucatan, are the first which awakened attention to the existence of ancient and unknown cities 2. Our frst in America.'They were known to the Spaniards as knowledgle of lheom. early as 1750; and in 1787 they were explored by oider of the King of Spain, under a commission from the government of Guatimala. The account of the exploration was however locked up in the archives of Guatimala until the time of the Mexican Revolution. In 1822 an English translation was published in London, which was the first notice in Europe of the discovery of these ruins. PLAAN -> gRNo. 6. OF THE RUINS OF PALENQUE. No.. 7j=jjN=o. 1. No.4 0 -, -5a see No.. 2. 4The principal of the structures that have been o. Thne eleva- described,% stands on an artificial elevation, forty feet lion on which * For the description of the Ruins of Palenque, Copan, Chichen, Uxmal, &c., we are mainly Indebted to the valuable works of Mr. Stephens. The illustrative engravings are likewise taken, by permission, from the same works, to which the reader is referred for the fullest de cription which has yet been published of the Ruins in this portion of Amerira. See Stephens'' Central America, Cheiapas, and Yucatan," 2 vols. 1841; and Stephens' " Incidents of Ta4ae, ~'n Yucatan," 2 vols. 1843. CHAP. II.] AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. 75 high, three hundred and ten feet in length, and two hun- ANAL SIS. dred and sixty in width. This elevation was formerly stanids the faced with stone, which has been thrown down by the principal of the ruins of growth of trees, and its form is now hardly distinguisha- FPalenque. ble.'The building itself, which is called by the natives i. The bluitd 6 The Palace," is about twenty-five feet high, and meas- " l'zetla:E ures two hundred and twenty-eight feet front, by one hun- c dred and eighty feet deep. The front originally contained fourteen doorways, swith intervening piers, of which all but six are now in ruins. lAN OF PALENQUE No. 1, ALLED TE. The dark pars represent the walls that:0t [_E~r E_7-78 trees, and strewed with ruins. L;uX'' W E~f sala %7C~rd. he ]z! Y 4. n each side of ths re t h TE are Th e forms of gig allntic tha. are still sanding. The other walls are in r~uinnearly as I ard as stone, and painted.'The piers are 3. r i6-m covered with human figures, feet hieroglyphics, and orna-with head-dresses and necklaces; and on the farther side ments. 4The building has two parallel corridors, or gal- 4. Co7?rjdo7ts. leries, running lengthwise on all four of its sides, the floors of which are covered with an exceedingly hard cement, and the walls ornamented,'In the eastern part 5. Stone steps of' the building, a range of stone steps, thirty feet long, and rt leads from the inner corridor to a rectangular court yard, eighty feet long by seventy broad, now encumbered by'Erees, and strewed with ruins. 4. 60n each side of the steps are the forms of gigantic;. Sculpture4 human figures, nine or ten feet high, carved on stone, with 1zumarn5Ja9rice head dresses and necklaces; and on the, farther side 76 AM3'ERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [BooK l ASALYSIS. of the court yard, on each side of a corresponding fligh. l. Stone of steps, are similar figures.'In one part of the building tooer. is a substantial stone tower of thiree stories, thirty feet square at the base, and rising far above the surrounding 2.ornanzents, walls.'The ornaments throughout the building are so athe roms. numerous, and the plan of the rooms so complicated, as to forbid any attelmpt at minute description.. Description 5. 3Immediately adjoining the building above described 0f the build- y j ing called is another,a but of smaller dimensions, although placed on the Tribunal of Jus- a more elevated terrace. Both terrace and buildino- are a. See No. 2, surrounded by trees, and completely overgrown with them. page 74 The front of' the building': richly ornamented in stucco, the corner piers are covered with hieroglyphics, and the intervening ones with human figures. The walls are very massive, the floors are paved with large square stones, and in one of the corridors, projecting from the wall, are two large tablets of hieroglyphics, each thirteen feet long and eight feet high. This building has been called, by the Spaniards, the " Tribunal of Justice;" and the tablets of hieroglyphics, the " Tables of the Law.". other 6.'The remainino buildings of Palenque are likevise buildinrgs. placed on elevated terraces, and in their general character are similar to those already described. 5. Bxtent of'Although it has been repeatedly asserted that these teruinsquef ruins cover a space of fiom twenty to sixty miles in extent, and although it is possible that in the dense surrounding forest other ruins may yet be discovered, yet it is believed that all those which have been explored are embraced within an area of less than an acre. RUINS OF COPAN. S. Situation 1o.'The ruins of Copan, in the western part of Hondu. fiCeopan. ras, adjoining, the province of Guatimala, are on the east, Etevated terl aces. | ~ ii 1r~e ~ ~ 3ei litso......!j i 8 < 0 [t C........... 1nl K2 ii LUC(P A. N I'':~, - -..... -IIil v.... l~~i! Ijl/Lir;~i~nj OP`j~l~li;::L:UC 0 _P jI i~~~ll~jl I n~~~ ~ CHIAP. I.] A-MERICAN ANTIQUITIES. 77 ern bank of a small stream that falls into the Bay of hon- ANALYSIS. duras.'A wall of cut stone, from sixty to ninety fee,. a1,,,r. high, running north and south along the margin of thle roundang tah stream,-its top covered with furze and shrubbery, —is yet standing in a state of good preservation; and other walls of a similar character surround the principal r uins W1Vithin these walls are extensive terraces and pyramidal 2. Character of the ruins buildings, massive stone columns, idols, and aitLas, cov- withn the e-ed with sculpture; some of which are equal in work - manship to the finest monuments of the Egyptians, and all now enveloped in a dense and almost impenetrable forest. 2.'The description given by Mr. Stephens, of the im- 3. Th' depressions made upon him by the first view of these ruins, gi?by r.. is so graphic, that we present it here, although in a con- Stephelns densed form, yet as nearly as possible in the language of the writer. 4After working his way over the walls and 4Tnterior of ineclosure. through the thick wood to the interior of the inclosure, "we came," he says, "to an area so covered with trees, that at first we could not make out its form, but which, on clearing the way, we ascertained to be a square, with steps on all the sides, almost as perfect as those of the Roman amphitheatre. 3. 6' These steps, ornamented with sculpture, we as- 5. Broad an cended, and reached a broad terrace a hundred feet high, lofty terrace. overlooking the river, and supported by the wall which we had seen from the opposite bank. The whole terrace was covered with trees; and even at this height from the ground were two gigantic cotton trees, about twenty feet in circumference, extending their half naked roots fifty or a hundred feet around, binding down the ruins, and shading them with their wide spreading branches. 4. "I We sat down on the edge of the wall, and strove 6." Who built in vain to penetrate the mystery by which we were sur- thecity?" rounded. Who were the people that built this city? Historians say America was peopled by savages; but savages never reared these structures-savages never carved these stones. We asked our Indian attendants who erected these works, and their dull answer was,'VWho knows?' There were no associations connected with the place, none of those stirring recollections which hallow Rome, and Athens, and'The world's great mistress on the Egyptian plain. lut architecture, sculpture, and painting,-all the arts rts eparterl which embellished life,-had flourished in this overgrown glory forest. Orators, warriors, and statesmen,-beauty, am.. bition, and glory, had lived and passed away, and none could tell of their past existence. 78 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [BOOK I ANALYSIS. 5.'I The city was desolate. It lay before us like a 1. It edsola- shattered bark in the midst of the ocean, her masts gone, tion an mys- her name effaced, her crew perished, and none to tell whence she came, to whom she belonged, how long on her voyage, or what caused her destruction. All was mystery, —dark, impenetrable mystery; and every circumstance increased it. An immense forest shrouded the ruins, hiding them from sight, heightening the impression and moral effect, and giving an intensity and almost wildness to the interest." 2 Eztent of 6. 2The ruins extend along the river more than two the ruins. miles, but the principal portion of them is represented on a. See p. 76. 3. Terraces, the annexed Plan.a 3The numerous terraces and pyrafragments, mids are walled with cut stone; and sculptured fragments carved heads, abound throughout the ruins. Remains of carved heads, " idols," "altars,'" c. of gigantic proportions, ornament many of the terraces; and numerous colossal statues, or " idols," of' solid stone, from ten to fifteen feet in height, are found; some erect, others fallen. There are likewise many "altars," all of a single block of stone,-some richly ornamented, but each differing from all the rest,-many of them now much faded and worn by their long exposure to the elements. Some are in their places before the idols; others are over. thrown, and partially or wholly buried in the earth. n _ _ _ _ SOLID STONE ALTAR, FOUND AT COPAN; six feet square and four feet high, the top covered with hieroglyphics. 4. Descrtp. 7 4One of these sculptured altars, standing on four of eofar globes cut out of the same.stone, was six feet square and four feet high, with its top covered with hieroglyphics, and each side representing four individuals. The figures sit cross-legged, in the oriental custom;.-the head-dresses are remarkable for their curious and complicated forms;all have breastplates; and each holds some article in his 6CAP. II.J AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. 7 hand. The absence of all representations of weapons of ANALYSIS war, and the nature of the ornaments, induces the belief that the people were not warlike, but peaceable, idolatrous, and probably easily subdued. 8.'Two or three miles from the ruins, there is a stony 1. QuarrLea. range where are quarries from which the stones for the walls and buildings of Copan were evidently taken. There are huge blocks of stone of different degrees of finish; and others are found on the way to the city, where they were probably abandoned when the labors of the workmen were arrested. RUINS OF CHlICHEN. 1.'The ruins of Chichen, in the central part of north-!2. Sguotio, ern Yucatan>, are about thirty miles west of Valladolid; thae'.u.iUst' and as the high road passes through them, they are proba- ah.ceMape. bly better known than any other ruins in the country. 74 The buildings which are still standing are laid down on the annexed 1" Plan." The whole circumference occupied by them is about two miles, although ruined buildings appear beyond these limits. A - C SUc J66 o f 7iE73isEeer~ 4l "fee1 -> O7W''>, NO. UI orl-i',.... -..... (V. " _'. Following the pathway firom the "Modern Build-.ocr'o g', as denoted on the annexed Plan, at the distance of i'b.o thirty or forty rods we arrive at the building represented as No. 1. This buildin faces the east, and measures oe lhundred and forty nine feet in front, by forty-eight Geet deep. The whole exterior is rude and without ornea ment of any kind. In the centre of one side, a grand staircase, forty-five feet wide, now in ruins, rises to the roof of the building. The whole niurxber of apartments is eighteen; one of which, from its darkness, and from athe sculptulre on the lintnl of its doorway, has given a C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'ulit Ilis:? asdentedon he aneedlPla, a th ditar ee N, i ~t~-~~v r fr~Tr n~n~np~ ~''iV~! lli]C~lr X1r17,ec ns: d~u.1. ~;, uildng acesthe as~, an meauJ1 olle Illwctred and ijrtylnine feet in fi~~~~~~oat, b~~s fo~ty-ei\gftk ~ietdepTle hoe xiri-t s'L~i ad it~p A Pll? men, o an ]ind Inthecetreof ne it-PI4 1an 80 A IIERTICUIN ANTIQUI'TES. [Boo I L ANALYSIS. name to the whole buildin, —S:ignifying, in the Indian languag e, the " Writing in the dark." 1. Tihe 3. iLeaving this building, and following the pathway o,~ i2?is.," about thirty rods westward, we reacel a majestic pile of,. See No 2, buildins, called the "H Iouse of the Nuns;"'a remrarkable pregin~. for its good state of preservation, and the richness and.Eltecrior beauty of its ornaments.'On the left, as w;e approach, is a building measuring thirty-eight feet by thirteen; and on the rigiht is another which is twenty-six feet long, fourteen deep, and thirty-one high. The latter has three cornices, and the spaces between are richly ornamented. 3. he vin- 4.'The principal pile of buildings consists of three cipai pile of &ebeilclZego, structures, rising one above another. On the north side,'alstaircasees, a grand staircase, of thirty-nine steps, fifty-six feet wide pla72t fogs, and thirty-two feet high, rises to the top of the first range, upon which stands a second range of buildings, with a platform of fourteen feet in front extending all round. From the back of this platform, on the south side, the grand staircase rises again, fifteen steps, to the roof of the second range; which forms a platform in front of the third range. These several buildings rest on a structure solid from the ground, the roof of the lower range being 4. Circzumfe- merely a platform in front of the upper one.'The cirrence antd heig~ht of the cumference of the whole structure is six hundred and structure thirty-eight feet, and its height is sixty-five feet.. Ufoppera2ct- 5. 5The upper platform forms a noble promenade, and ments, inner commands a magnificent view of the whole surrounding infs, c. country. The apartments are too numnerous to be described. The inner walls of some had been covered witn painted designs, now much defaced, but the remains of which present colors, in some places still bright and vivid. Amnong these remains are detached portions of human figures, well drawn —the heads adorned with plumes of feathers, and the hands bearing shields and spears. G. The Car- 6. 6At the distance of four hundred feet northward from,b. Seo. 3'o the 4' House of the Nuns," stands a circular building,b preceding twenty-two feet in diameter, upon the uppermost of two page. extensive terraces. On account of its interior arrangements, this building is known as the Caracol or 6' Wind7. Stih.ccse ing staircase." 7A staircase forty-five feet wide, and contc7des. taining twenty steps, rises to the platfbrm of the first terrace. On each side of this staircase, forming a sort of balustrade, were the entwined bodies of two gigantic sculptured serpents, three feet wide,-portions of which are still in their places. a. Second 7. 8The platform of the second terrace is reached'by staaire. another staircase, and in the cenlre of the steps are the remains of a pedestal six feet high, on which probably CE: AP. LI.] AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. 81 once stood an idol.'The inner walls of the building are ANALYSIS. plastered, and ornamented with paintings now much de- 1. In faced.'The height of the building, including the terraces, 2. H oit of is little short of sixty feet..he building. B.'A few hundred feet northwest from the building 3. other 0 build"ngs. last described, are two others,a each upon elevated ter- a. See4 &5, races. 4The most interesting object in the first of these, Pagie r9 which is yet in a state of good preservation, is a large glypios. stone tablet covered with hieroglyphics. The farther terrace and building are fast going to decay. —These are 5. Iounds, the only buildings which are still standing on the west side sneiUts, fce of the high road, but the vestiges of extensive mounds, with remains of buildings upon them, and colossal stones, and fragments of sculpture, strew the plain in great profusion. 9. 6Passing from these ruins across the high road, we 6. The come to the Castle or Tower,b the grandest and most con- b. See No. 6 spicuous object among the ruins of Chichen.'It stands page 79. upon a lofty mound faced with stone, measuring, at the on.7ohico it base, two hundred and two feet, by one hundred and otan ninety-six, and rising to the height of seventy-five feet.'On the west side is a staircase thirty-seven feet wide; 8. Staircases, and on the north is one forty-four feet wide, and contain- heads. ing ninety steps. At the foot of this staircase are two colossal serpents' heads, ten feet in length, with mouths open and tongues protruding. "The platform on the top of 9. Upper patthe mound measures sixty-one feet by sixty-four, and the building forty-three by forty-nine. 10. ~0Single doorways face the east, south, and west, lo.Doorwaey. having massive lintels of wood covered with elaborate carvings, and jambs ornamented with sculptured human figures. The principal doorway facing the north is twenty feet wide, and has two massive columns, eight feet eight inches high, with large projections at the base, entirely covered with elaborate sculpture. "The building itself is 11. Height of twenty feet high, forming, in the whole, an elevation of tIe uilding. nearly a hundred feet.-"A short distance east of this i2. Groups of structure is an area of nearly four hundred feet square, inclosed by groups of' small stone columns from three to six feet high, each consisting of several separate pieces, like millstones. 11.'"Several hundred feet northwest is another strue- J3. I mmensa ture,~c consisting of immense parallel walls, each two Liun- Poralo. dred and seventy-four feet long, thirty feet thick, and one c. See No. 7. page 79. hundred anld twelty feet apart. 14O)ne hundred feet from 14. Buildings each extremity, facing the open space between the walls, iatthteetr. are two buildings considerably in ruins,-each exhibiting the remains of two columns, richly ornamented, rising'I 82 AM1ERICAN ANTIQUITIES. LBOOK j ANALYSIS. among the rubbish.'In the centre of the great stone walls, 1..Massive exactly opposite each other, and at the height of twenty stonerings. feet from the ground, are two massive projecting stone rings, four feet in diameter and thirteen inches thick, having on the border two sculptured entwined serpents. 2f Importance 12.'These stone rings are highly important, as a ray of f thrng historic light gleams upon them, showing the probable 3. Hetrrera's object and uses of this extraordinary structure. 3Herrera, tinzilaWzs,of in his account of the diversions of Montezuma, in describan, their ing a game of Ball, has the following language: " The place where they played was a ground room, —long, narrow, and high, but wider above than below, and higher on the sides than at the ends; and they kept it very well plastered, and smooth, both the walls and the floor. On the side walls they Jived certain stones like those of a mill, with a hole quite through the middle, just as big as the ball; and 4. Important he that could strike it through there won the game." 4If' ernom this the objects of this structure are identical with the Tennis stance. Court, or Ball Alley, in the city of Mexico, the circumstance establishes, with little doubt, an affinity between the people who erected the ruined cities of Yucatan, and those who inhabited Mexico at the time of the conquest. 5. Dtclription 13.'At the southern extremity of the most eastern of of a building adjoining these parallel walls, and on the outer side, is a building paft/lel consisting of two ranges; one even with the ground, and oailo. the other about twenty-five feet above it,-the latter being in a state of good preservation, and having conspicuous, on the cornice, a procession of tigers or lynxes. The rooms of both divisions abound with sculptures, and designs in painting, representing human figures, battles, houses, trees, and scenes of domestic life. RUINS OF UXTMAL.* S. Ruins orf! The ruins of Uxmal are about fifty miles south of (Tfmal. Merida, the principal city and the capital of Yucatan. 7. Thase'The most conspicuous building among the ruins is Governor." called the " louse of the Governor,"; so named by the a. Se2No.,e Indians, who supposed it the principal building of the sH ow situa- ancient city, and the residence of its ruler.'This buildted. ing stands on the uppermost of three ranges of terraces, 9. The frst each walled with cut stone. 9The first terrace is five and second terraces. hundred and seventy-five feet in length, and three feet high. Above this, leavingr a platform fifteen feet wide, rises a second terrace, twenty feet high, and five hundred forty-five feet longr,-having rounded corners instead of * Pronounced nox-mal. Thle t, in Spanish, when sounded, is pronounced like double o !InAP. Il. A;ttERIC AN A NTI QUITirES. S3S....',-' <':~:; -''-OF..... PLAN "'W Ci, ~C'<~~~~~ m OF TIIE RUINS OF w IUXMIAL. |@? o a rp1Z~ too Scale of Feet. 1 C1 ~.f -..::,-: 1' tt'rSt A e,, 100 300 500 600 with trees, which have beel cleared awv since t he exw-N.', pioratioon of the ruins. hosy covereo. 2.'in the middle of the second terrace is an inclined, 2. rloke, broken, round pillar, five feet in diameter and eight feet high.'Two hundred and fifty feet fiom the front of this 3. Stairc~s.. second terrace, rises a grand staircase, one hundred and thirty feet broad, and containing thirty-five steps, ascending to a third terrace nineteen feet above the second.'This uppermost terrace is three hundred and sixty feet l.Upemo. long, and nearly a hundred broad; and on its platform buid,,n on stands a noble stone building, of elegant proportions, three tspzlatform hundred and twenty-two feet in length, thirty-nine feet broad, and twenty-four feet high. The front view of a portion of this building is represented in the annexed engraving. (See next page.) 3.'This fiont has thirteen doorways, the principal of *' The/~o,~( which is in the centre, opposite the range of steps leading t1builtdinF. up the terrace. The centre door is eight feet six inches wide, and eight feet ten inches high. The others are of the same height, but two feet less in width.'The wails. Watt'~s of of the edifice are of plain stone up to the mouldings that teeOe. run along the tops of the doorways; above which, to the top of the building, are ornaments and sculptured work in great profusion, without any rudeness in the designs, out of symmetrical proportions, and rich and curious workmanship.'The building is divided into two ranges 7. Theron>> of rooms from front to rear.' The floors are of cement, a. see, the and the walls are of square stones smoothly polished, and ase. laid with as much regularity as under the rules of the best modern masonry. hioh.'Tw hnded ndfify ee frm hefrot f tis3.StarCWC loc, n eal hnrd ra; n o t pafrmbidilo R8 I4 AMJERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [Bouo 1. I l ap ping', an c oee V i'by 11layer o' fia tst. A tikIl 9t'' - I ITIEVF IRA - VIEF BUILDN T I I ga mould has aclao he r o, a I _ l GhROUND PLAN or: NBuILDIDO No I, UN AL. ANALSS 4. lThe roofs like ihof most of the uins in Yucar 1. Throof tan, fornms a triaeglar arch, constructed with stornesoverlapping, and covered by a layer of flat stones. A thichh falling of the walls may be attributed. Had the lintels at this day. 3..Description 5.'At the northwest corner of the second terradea there fthe Tur- iS a building which has been called the " House of the tles." Turtles," a name which originated froni a row of turtles a.eeND LAN BUILDING eTO,, Uh SIS,' p. The sculptu roof, lie os othe cornice. This bof the uins ninety-fou lap feet in fgont and thirtyed byou feet deep. It wants the ich and gorgeou das de cr ations of the "House of the Governor," but it is distingui shed for the justness and beauty of its proportions and the chf aste woodess an sipliy of them its ornaents. Thing itheir places, but othowevers perfast going to decay. The roof has fllen, and the walls are tottering, and with a few thmore re iturns of the ruainson the whole will be a mass of ruins.* 4. Dewo ruitin- 6. A shot distance no rth of this building are two runthere therortrh. ed edifng eices, s evenet apart, each being one hundred eet in fot, and tiry-fou feet deep.ns..Itwants menlts. This noble building is, however st I Ste~exhens. 1841. CHAP. II.] AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. ~5 and twenty-eight feet long, and thirty feet deep. The ANALYSIS. sides -facing each other are embellished with sculpture; and there remain, on both, the fiagments of entwined colossal serpents, which once extended the whole length of the walls. 7.'Continuing still farther north, in the same direction,. Foour rccrtnges of we arrive at an extensive pile of ruins,- comprising four reciicees. great ranges of edifices, placed on the uppermost of three a. See No. 2 terraces, nineteen feet high.'The Dlali of the buildings is 2. Plan of th0 quadrangular, with a courtyard in the centre. The en- The,.tbzalet ce trance on the south is by a gateway ten fbet eight inches on the south. wide, spanned by a triangular arch. 3The walls of the 3. ornanenfour buildings, overlooking the courtyard, are ornamented, ted ivalle. from one end to the other, with rich and intricate carving, presenting a scene of strange magnificence. 8.'The building on the western side of the courtyard 4. tBue.l^dng isone hundred and seventy-three feet long, and is distin- the cortyard, with its guished by two colossal entwined serpents, runnilg eoiossatlseup. through and encompassing nearly all the ornaments pe,,.z. throughout its whole length. These serpents are sculptured out of small blocks of stone, which are arranged in the wall with great skill and precision. One of' the serpents has its monstrous jaws extended, and within them is a human head, the face of which is distinctly visible in the carving.'The whole number of apartments opening 5. Apartupon the courtyard is eighty-eight. nets 9.'East of, and adjoining the range of buildings just corty. Aote described, is another extensive courtyard; passing through wo...nd, cand "lozse of which we arrive at a lofty mounldb faced with stone, eighty- the Doarf." eight feet high, and having a building seventeen feet high,b. sN,,o. 3 on its summit; making, in the whole, a height of one hundred and five feet. This building is called the "House >f the Dwarf," and the Indians have a curious legend concerning its erection. It presents the most elegant and tasteful arrangement of ornaments to be seen in Uxmal, but of which no adequate idea can be given but in a large engraving. 10. 7There are several other extensive buildings at 7. Other buildingrs Uxmnal; but a sufficient number have been described to Utmal.g give an idea of their general character. They cannot be Fully undenrstood without elaborate engravings accompanying the descriptions, for which the reader is again referred,o the highly valuable works of lMr. Stephens. 11. 8Another interesting feature of these ruins, how- s. Su bterrae ever, should not be overlooked. Subterraneous chambers e0risc, the are scattered over the whole ground covered by this ruin- vthe rutans ed city. They are lome-shaped-from eight to ten feet deep, and froml twelve to twenty in diameter,-lthe walls i6 n:AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [BooK 1 AnrAIYSS. and ceilings being piastered, and the floors of hard mortar. Their only opening is a circular hole at the top, barely large enough to admit a man. The object ofthese chambers is unknown. Some have supposed them intended as cisterns, or reservoirs; and others, that they were built for granaries, or storehouses. 1~. mi~,~, 12.'South and south-east of IUxmal is a large extent of south anrtd 6outvwest of country which is literally covered with ruins, but few of 8. AtLatbna. which have yet been thoroughly explored.'At Labnat a. SeeMap, there are several curious structures as extraordinary as those of Uxmal, one of which is represented by the fbllowi- ng e'nraving. BUILDING AT LABNA, 40 feet high, placed on an artificial elevation 45 feet high.. Description 13.'This buildinf, which stands on an artificial mound, of the building. faced with stone, forty-five feet high, rises nearly forty feet above the summit of the mound, making in all a height of more than eighty feet. The building is forty three feet in front, and twenty in depth; and the exterior walls were once covered with colossal figures and orna. ments in stucco, most of which are now broken and ini fragments. Along the top, standing out on the wall, is a row of death's heads; and underneath are two lines of human figures, of which scattered arms and legs alone remain. 1. Ruins at 14. 4At Kewick,'t a short distance south of Labna, are Kew, ick.!., See Map numerous ancient buildings, now mostly in ruins, but re. pae 74, markable for the neatness and simplicity of their archi. tecture, and the grandeur of their proportions. An engraving of the principal doorway of one of these build. ings is given on the opposite page. az:ahr. II.] AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. * i ~J'~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll, I' t~'~ ~ P1'r'CIPAL Doom0vy.-lY 0F A IUILDINoG AT KIEWICI. C H A P T E R I I ANALYSIS. SUPPOSED ORIGIN OF THE AMERICAN ANTIGQUITIES, AND OF THE INDIAN TRIBES. 1.'We have now closed our descriptive account of tC Oyec1t o American Antiquities, and shall proceed, in the same }Brief manner, to consider the question of their origin, and.he origin of the Indian tribes. 2X-With regard to most, if not all, of the ruined structures 2. Theruined edifices found found in Mexico, Yucatan, and Central Ame'ica; and iedieie.ico, also in Peru; there appears now but little difficulty in attributedec.o satisfactorily ascribing their origin to the aborigines who the abori5were in possession of those countries at the time of their discovery by Europeans.'It is known that, at the time 3. Knoon to have been in of the conquest of Mexico and the adjacent provinces, tiher posses edifices, similar to those whose ruins have been described, time of thee were in the possession and actual occupation of the native conquest. inhabitants. Some of these structures already bore the marks of antiquity, while others were evidently of recent construction. 2. 4The glowing accounts which Cortez and his comn-. TheacIpanions gave of the existence of extensive cities, and bycourtse magnificent buildings and temples, in the actual use and and hicort. occupation of the Indians, were so far beyond what could.ohy discred. ired by mod. be conceived as the works of "ignorant savages," that ern oritera. modern historians, Robertson among the number, have been inclined to give little credit to their statements. 88 1AMERICAN ANTIQUITlES. [Boos L ANALYSIS.'But the wrecks of a former civilization which now strew Ev Esoences the plains of Yucatan and Central Anerica, confirm the infavor of accounts of the early historians; for these' uildings, whe. cotMZts. ther desolate or inhabited, were then there, and at least more perfect than they are noiw; and some of them were described as occupying the same localities where they have since been found. 2. First ei- 3. 3 VWhen the Spaniards first discovered the coast of Yucatan. Yucatan, they observed, along its shores, "villages in which they could distinguish houses of stone that appeared 3. HIerrera's white and lofty at a distance." 3aHerrera, a Spanish hisYoctaott. torianll, says of Yucatan, " The whole country is divided into eighteen districts; and in all of them were so many and such stately stone buildings that it was amazing; and the greatest wonder is, that having no use of any metal, they were able to raise such structures, which seem to have been tcm!pJles; for their houses were always of timber, and thatched." 4. The ac- 4. 4Another writer, Bernal Diaz, iwho accompanied the co'un t given bv Berncl expeditions of Cortez, speaks of the Indians of a large Diaz-, of the naiveo of town in Yucatan, as being "' dressed in cotton mantles,"Teccat.and of their buildings as being " constructed of lime and stone, with figures of se-penzts and of idols painted upon the f. of the walls." 5'At. another place he saw'; two buildings of lime bzbildin~s, wlidch/he and stone, well constructed, each with steps, and an altar satoithere. placed before certain figures, the representations of the 6. Of the gods of these Indians."'Approaching Mexico, he says, coeuntryoar - r appearances demonstrated tlat we had entered a new country; for the tenmples were very loftyi; and, together with the terraced obuildings, and the houses of the caciques, being plastered and whitewashed, appeared very well, anr resembled some of our towns in Spain." 7. Of the city 5.'The city of Cholula was said to resemuble Vallado. ofr hotzua. lid. It " had at that time above a hundred lofty white 8. towers, which were the temples of their idols."'The tle counte, o Spanish historians speak repeatedly of buildings of lime o'ivee?, by the,Spnish tean?d stone, painted and sculptured ornamnents, and plastered i/terts. swalis; idols, courts, strong wails, and lofty temples, with high ranges of steps,-all the work of the indians, the ins. The con- habitants of the country. 9In all these accounts we easily Cku.sion arri-,ed at. recognize the ruined edifices which have been recently discovered; and cannot doubt that they owe their origin to the ancestors of the Indians who now reside there-subdued -broken in spirit-and degraded, and still held in a sort of vassalage by the Spanish inhabitants. 0:. sp,plosed 6. "'Nor indeed is there any proof that the semi-civil. gar (1 azl the ized inhabitants of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central Amreri zli.ibwee ca, were a race different from the more savage tribes bo ,IZ.AP. 1II.3 AMIERICAN ANTIQUITIES~ 89 which th-ey were surrounded: but, on the contrary, there ANA:,YSIS. is much evidence in favor of their common origin, and in - proof that the present tribes, or at least many of them, are but the dismembered fragments of former nations. 7.'The present natives of Yucatan and Central Ameer- i. Theirsim ilar natural ica, after a remove of only three centuries from their capacitiew. more civilized ancestors, present no diversities, in their natural capacities, to distinguish them fiom the race of the common Indian. ~'And if the Mexicans and the Peru- 2. suppose vians could have arisen from the savage state, it is not imn- tJhroZuh probable that the present rude tribes nmay have remained zih theyav in it; or, if' the latter were once more civilized than at passed. present,-as they have relapsed into barbarism-so others may have done. 8. 3The anatomical structure of the skeletons found 3.z AntoOnica, Stru"~ ct'ure, wvithin the ancient mounds of the Unit d States, does not nlzp.asent hozysical apciiier more from that of the present Indians than tribes of p,-ctafncco the latter, admitted to be of t-e same race. differ from each other. In the physical appearance of all the American aborigines, embracing the semi-civilized Mexicans, the Peruvians, and the wandering savage tribes, there is a striking unifbrmity; nor calln any distinction of races here be made. 9. 4In their languages there is a general unity of struc- d. Great anti'y of thU ture, and a great similarity in grammatical forms, which pqeriod ofp eopitA A;nerprove their common origin; while the great diversity in ia. and the the words of the different languages, shows the great an- COgzo7 t7hei tiquity of the period of peopling America.'In the gene- abor.igine.S, b shown by the rally uniform character of' thleir religious opinions and lantgtzceso t Yhe tribes. rites, we discover original unity and an identity of origin; 5. By their while the diversities here found, likewise indicate the very opinionls. early period of' the sepairation and dispersion of tribes. 6Throughout most of the American tribes have been found 6. By their Pictorial detraces of the pictorial delineations, and hieroglyphical sym- lineations. bols, by which the Mexicans and the Peruvians communicated ideas, and preserved the melmory of events.* 10. 7The mythological traditions of the savage tribes, 7. By the sihn I rilaity of and the semi-civilized nations, have general features of their tradiresemblance,-generally implying a migration from some tons. other country,-containing distinct allusions to a deluge -and attributing their knowledge of the arts to some fabuious teacher in remote aes.'Throughout nearly the S. By their whole continent, the dead were buried in a sitting jos- mode of uo ture; the smoking of tobacco was a prevalent custom, ol;'~ striltf,; and the calumet, or pipe of peace, was everywhere deemed,ntnto~. sacred. And, in fine, the numerous and striking analogies * See Mexican IHistory, page 562. 12 90 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [BooK I ANALYSIS. between the barbarous and the cultivated tribes, are sufficient to justify the belief in their primitive relationship and common origin.. coneaition 11.'But whether the first inhabitants were rude and of the earliest isnhabitants barbarous tribes, as has been generally supposed, or were unknowon. more enlightened than even the Mexicans and the Peruvians, is a point which cannot be so satisfactorily deter2. A civiliza- mined.'But, whichever may have been the case, it is tion anterior to that of the certain that these nations were not the founders of civiliza Mexicans and the Peru- tion on this continent.; for they could point to antiquities vians. which were the remains of a former civilization. S. Ancient 12. 3The Incas of Peru, at the time of the conquest, ac9tructures t9srougilout knowledged the existence of ancient structures, of more South America. remote origin than the era of the foundation of their empire; and these were undoubtedly the models from which they copied; and throughout an extent of more than three thousand miles, in South America, ancient ruins have been discovered, which cannot be attributed to the Peruvians, and which afford indubitable evidence of the previous existence of a numerous, agricultural, and highly civilized people.. Ancient ed- 13. 4The Mexicans attributed many ancient edifices in ifces in aex- ico attribu- their country to the Toltecs, a people who are supposed to ted to the Toltees. have arrived in Mexico during the latter part of the sixth 5. Mayoeot century.'It, is said that the Toltecs came from the north; the Toltecs have been the and it is highly probable, although but mere conjecture. authors qf the toreksfo6nd that they previously occupied the valley of the Missisin the United p States?. sippi and the adjacent country, as far as the Alleghanies on the east, the Lakes on the north, and Florida on the south, and that they were the authors of the works whose remains have been found in the United States. 6. Auestionother 14. But still another question arises: when, how, and Witifirstset- by whom was America first settled?-and who were the ancestors of the present Indian tribes? We shall notice the most prominent of the many theories that have been advanced upon this subject, and close with that which appears to us the most reasonable. Believed by'It is believed by many that the ancients were not unmany that the ancients acquainted with the American continent; and there are were ac.. quaintedwith indeed some plausible reasons for believing that an extenAnerica. sive island, or continent, once existed in the Atlantic Ocean, between Europe and America, but which afterwards disappeared.. A dialoguTe 15.'In a dialogue written by Theopoompus, a learned by Theopom-n Pus. historian who lived in the time of Alexander the Great. one of the speakers gives an account of a continent of very. The, Cars great dimensions, larger than either Asia or Africa, and navigator. situated beyond these in the ocean. 9it is said that Han it, CHAP. 111.1 AMIERICAN AN'TIQ UITIES. 91 the great Carthaginian navigator, sailed westward, from ANAL-S1S. the Straits of Gibraltar, thirty days; and he-nce It isinferred by many that he must have visited Arlerica, or some of its islands.'Diodorus Siculus says, that' to- 1. Tiec ae wards Africa, and to the west of it, is an immense island coy Diodore in the broad sea, many days' sail from Lybia. Its soil is bS"icl very fertile, and its surface variegated with mountains and valleys. Its coasts are indented with many navigable rivers, and its fields are well cultivated." 16.'Plato's account, however, is the most full, and Prato,~. more to be relied on than that of any other of the ancients. The most important part of it is as follows: "In those early times the Atlantic was a most broad island; and there were extant most powerful kings in it, who, with joint forces, attempted to occupy Asia and Europe. And so a most grievous war was carried on, in which the Athenians, with the common consent of the Greeks, opposed themselves, and they became the conquerors. But that Atlantic island, by a flood and earthquake, was indeed suddenly destroyed; and so that warlike people were swallowed up." 17.'Again he adds, " An island in the mouth of the 3. Continua. sea, in the passage to those straits, called the pillars of tiaccount.lato' Hercules, did exist; and that island was larger than Lybia and Asia; from which there was an easy passage over to other islands, and from those islands to that continent, which is situated out of that region." Plato farther remarks that " Neptune settled in this island, and that his descendants reigned there, from father to son, during a space of nine thousand years. They also possessed several other islands; and, passing into Eu.rope and Africa, sub. dued all Lybia as far as Egypt, and all Europe to Asia Minor. At length the island sunk under water, and for a long time afterwards the sea thereabouts was full of rocks and shoals." 18. 4These accounts, and many others of a similar 4. Theimpor character, from ancient writers, have been cited, to prove tadeattachthat America was peopled from some of the eastern conti- to these acnents, through the medium of islands in the Atlantic, thgarioou which have since disappeared. Various writers have triu"tedtoths thought that they could perceive in the languages, customs, and religion of the Indians, analogies with those of the Greeks, the Latins, the Hindoos, and the Hebrews; and thus the Indians have been referred, by one, to a Grecian; another, to a Latin; a third, to a Hindoo, and a fourth, to Hebrew origin. Others, with equal show of argument, deduce their origin from the Phceniciano; and thus almost every country of the old world has claimed 92 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [Book. ANALYSIS the honor of being the first discoverer of the new, and.-..... hence the progenitor of the Indians. I The theory 19.'Others, again, among whom may be numbered _Lo1db Voltaire and Lord Kames, finding a difiiculty in reconciling the varieties of complexion and feature, found among the human family, with the Scriptural account that all are descended from the same pair, have very summarily disposed of the whole matter, by asserting, that " America has not been peopled from any part of the old world." 2. Noneces- 20. 2We believe, however, that in order to account for nast nzention. the peopling of America, there is no necessity for resorting eetheory. to the supposition that a new creation of human beings 3. No evi- may have occurred here.'And, with regard to the dence that dif-.. ferent Euro- opinion entertained by some, that colonies from different heav o~unesere European nations, and at different times, have been estabieed etab- lished here, we remark, that, if so, no distinctive traces of them have ever been discovered; and there is a uniformity in the physical appearance of all the American tribes, which forbids the supposition of a mingling of different races. 4. Navigation 21 4There is no improbability that the early Asiatics aoncie:ts. reached the western shores of Amrnerica through the islands of the Pacific. There are many historical evi. dences to show that the ancients were not wholly ignorant of of na-yiatin;. In the days of Solomon, the navy of Hiram, king of Tyre, brought gold from Ophir; and the navy of Solomon made triennial voyages to Tarshisbh. 5. Conmerce, 22.'The aromatic productions of the Moluccas were 6oage,, Ct.,t known at Rome two hundred years before the Christian ancienarth era; and vessels of large size then visited the ports of the f2an, Itn- Red Sea.t The British islands were early visited by the guesee, c. Phoenicians; and the Carthaginians are believed to have circumnavigated Africa. The ancient Hindoos had vessels, some of great size, but the commerce of the Indies was principally in the hands of the Arabians and the Malays. When the Portuguese first visited the Indian Archipelago they met with large Malay fleets, some of the vessels of which were large galleys. 6. Adventi- 23. 6But without attributing' to the Asiatics any greater iouS cauoses hmayhove maritime knowledge than the rude South Sea islanders brouht the Asiatics to were found to possess, yet, by adventitious causes, such the American' ceat. as the drifting of canoes, and adventurous voyages, it is highly probable that the people of Asia might, in progress of time, have reached the western shores of the American *1 Kings, ch. 10. I Crichton's Hist. Arabia ChIAP. II.] AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. 93 continent. 1But the extensive distribution of the Red or ANALYSIS. Monoolian race, throughout nearly all the habitable islands,. Theextenof the Pacific, however distant from each other, or far re- tvoe,o 0stlibt moved from the adjoining continents, presentsfacts which rea race establishes the cannot be disputed, and relieves us from the necessity of probability ao arguing in support of probabilities. tion. 24.'That some of the northern, and rudest of the 2tot ssoble, American tribes, early migrated from Siberia, by Behring's tVWbo cameO by way of Straits, is not at all improbable. The near approach of Behrin,r's the two continents at that point, and the existence of intervening islands, would have rendered the passage by no means difficult.'But should we even trace all the S. The theory not aifected American tribes to that source, we still ascribe to them an by this sup Asiatic origin, and include them in the Mongolian race. positeon. CONCLUSION. 1.'From the circumstances which have been narrated, 4. ProbabiZity of the early it seems reasonable to conclude that the Red race, at an and etenaim early period, and while in a state of partial civilization, tae red.os e emerging firom Oriental Asia, spread over a large portion of the globe; and that through the archipelagos of the Pacific, and, perhaps, also by way of Behring's Straits, they reached the western continent,-leaving in their way, in the nume rous islands of the sea, evident marks of their progress; and bringing with them the arts, the customs, the religion, and the languages of the nations from which they separated,-traces of which, faint, indeed, through the lapse of ages, it is believed could still be recognized among the Mexicans and the Peruvians at the time of the discovery of those people. 2.'Whatever may have been the origin and history of'. rThe probable sodathe more savage tribes of the north, it is believed that the tin, poirts of western shores of this continent, and perhaps both Mexico can, civiliza. and Peru,-equally distant from the equator, and in regions tion. the most favorable for the increase and the support of human life, were the radiating points of early American civilization; from which, as from the hearts of empire, pulsation after pulsation sent fbrth their streams of life throughout the whole continent,'But the spread of civili- 6o The spread of that civ el. zation appears to have been restricted, as we imight reason- izatiioi hol ably expect to find it, to those portions of the continen't alnthe eiwhere the reiwards of agricuilture would support a numer- OC sus population. Hence, following the course of this civilization, by the rem sins it has left us, we find it limited bVy thle barren,egions of Upper Mexico, and the snows of 94 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. [Book 1I ANALYSIS. Canada on the north, and the frosts of Patagonia on the' —--- south; and while in Mexico and Peru are found its grand. est and most numerous monuments, on the outskirts they dwindle away in numbers and in importance. i. TheL speeu. 3.'Considering the vast extent of these remains. spreadlotion into b wohieh ti, ing over more than half the continent, and that in Mexico grandeurof and South America, after the lapse of an unknown series thee, reisn. of ages, they still retain much of ancient grandeur which " Time's effacing fingers" have failed to obliterate, it is certainly no wild flight of the imagination to conjecture that in ancient times, even coeval with the spread of science in the east, empires may have flourished here that would vie in power and extent with the Babylonian, tile Median, or the Persian; and cities that might have rivalled Nineveh, and Tyre, and Sidon; for of these ema. pires and these cities, the plains of Asia now exhibit fewer, and even less imposing relics, than are found of the former inhabitants of this country. ~2. Morsl 4.'It appears, therefore, that on the plains of America,,ectio~n - surrounded by all that was lovely and ennobling in nature, and the human mind had for ages been left free, in its moral and social elements, to test its capacity for self-improveV~ELATONr. ment. Let the advocates of REASON, in opposition to REVELATION, behold the result. In the twilight of a civilization that had probably sprung from Revelation, but which had lost its warmth while it retained some portion of its brightness, mind had, indeed, risen at times, and, under favoring circumstances, to some degree of power;-as was exhibited in those extensive and enduring structures, which were erected for amusements and pleasure, or worship, or defence; but, at the time of the discovery, the greater portion of the continent was inhabited by savage hordes, who had doubtless relapsed from a former civilization into barbarism. Even in the brightest portions, deep ignorance brooded over the soul; and, on temples dedicated to the sun, human sacrifices were made, to appease the wrath of offended gods, or propitiate their favor. The system of NATURE had been allowed the amplest field for development; its capacities had been fully tried; and its inadequacy to elevate man to his proper rank in the scale of being, had been fully proved. It was time, then, in the wisdom of Providence, for a new order of things to arise; for Reason to be enlightened by Revelation, and for the superstitions of a pagan polytheism to give place to the knowledge of one God, the morality of the Gospel, and the religion of the Redeemer. B0K II.. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES'Westward the star of empire takes its way; The first four aot, already past,The fifth shall cloge the drama with the day; Time7s nhl.uet er,pire is the last." EB HV TML -RY 1 —~~~~~~~~ -~~:.-:.-..' —. —._,..,....:.: —:-.- ~ ~~~, --— ~.-, I~i- -' -~~~-T-~._:-'~'- -' —-_-_: — I. > -K- -, - > t- M\ %,... ON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N ____-_?_ ~ Y- ~k-~k14 — -- ----- -'-,~ —-= I~=-~iir== — 1 __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~L If gI~ -4A'~~~i JK I Fiji~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;!:t:.,~.,~___. _:_~__..,~~ ~.-J..... oizr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~-~~~~ -T,~ ~Y]':ti D:E:iB:~~l;~,s~ 1:2 LA~DIN~ — O {._: T. LANDING OF THE PT1GI'T113 AT PTYiMCTI'lTii')iiCff~IE 2K?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f(~~~~~~~ L~ THE PUBLIC SEALS, OR COATS OF AR2!:A. OF THIE SEVERAL UNITED STATES. As the engraved copies of the Public Seals, or Coats of Arms of the several United States would possess little interest without the appropriate Descriptions or Explanations accompany. ing them, and as the latter cannot be fully understood without a knowledge of the Heraldric terms, in which those descriptions are often worded, we deem it important to give a brief account of the origin, nature, and design, of these and similar emblematical devices. Ixn the early ages of the world, and even anmong the rudest people, various devices, signs, and mlarls of honor, were used to distinguish the great and noble from the ignoble vulgar. Thus we find in the writings of Itomer, Virgil, and Ovidl, that their heroes had divers figures on their shields, whereby their persons were distinctly kInown. Nations also adopted symbolical signs of distinction, which they displayed on their banners and arms. Thus the national emblem of the Egyptians was an Ox, of the Athenians an Owul, of the Goths a Beal-, of the Romeans an Eagle, of the Franks a Lios, alnd of the Saxons a Horse. Even the North American savages had their distinctive emblems. Thus the Otter was the emblem of the Ottawas; and the Wolf, the Bear, and the Turtle, of the divisions of tihe Iroquois tribes;-and these devices were often painted on the bodies of their warriors. It. is supposed that, in Europe, the Crusades and Tournaments were the cause of methodTzing and perfecting into a science the various national, family, and individual eumblems, to which was given the name of Heraldry; a term which embraced, originally, not only all that pertains to Coats of Arss, but also to the marshalling of armies, solemn processions, and all ceremonies of a public nature. The term " Coats of Arms" probably originated from the circumstance that the ancients embroidered various colored devices on the coats they wore over their armor. Also, those who joined the Crusades, and those who enlisted in the tournaments, had their devices depicted on their arsns, or armor-as on their shields, banners, &c.; and as the colore could not here be retained, particular marks were used to represent them. All coats of arms, formed according to the rules of Heraldry, are delineated on Shields or.Escuztcheons, which are of various forms, oval, triangular, heptagonal, &c. The parts composing the escutcheon, or represented on it, are Tinctures, Furs, Lines, Borders, and Charges. The description of the first and last only, is essential to our purpose. By TINCTURPES is meant the various colors used, the names and marks of which are as followOr, (golden or yellow,) is represented by dots or points... (See No. 1.) Argent, (silver or white,) is plain.. ( " No. 2.) Azz're, (or blue,) is represented by horizontal lines. ( No. 3.) Gzles, (or red,) by perpendicular lines.. ( " No. 4.)!ert, (or green,) by diagonal lines from the upper right corner to the lower left.* ( No. 5.) Psurpre, (or purple,) from upper left to lower right... No. 6.) Sable, (or black,) by horizontal and perpendicular lines crossing each other. ( " No. 7.) For the use of these, and other heraldric terms, see the copies of the recorded descriptione of the seals of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Missouri. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7. YELLOW. WHITE. LUE. ED. BLUE ED. GREEN PURPLE. BLACK. Sometimes, although seldom, the names of the precious stones are used to represent colors. See the recorded description of the seal of Massachusetts. CARtGEEs are whatever are represented on the field of the escutcheon; the principal of which, in addition to natural and celestial figesres, are the Chief, the Pale, the Bend, the Fess, the Bar, tlhe Cheveron, the Cross, and the Saltier: each of whizh, although occupying its a?propriate space and position in the escutcheon, and governed by definite rules, admits of a great variety of representations The external ornaments of the escutcheon are Crowns, Coronets, Mitres, Helmets, Mantlings, * In all heraldric descriptions, that which is (ualletd the right side, s ( opposite the. pectator's let kmnd; aclld vce resa. %%3C ~ THE PUDLIC SEALS, OR COATrS OF ARMS, [BOOK I mrents, and others nearly all of them. The last mentioned are placed on the side of the escutcheon, stanrding on a scroll, and are t ed bee tthey appear to s.pport or hold u Lhe shield. (See the seals of Maine, New York, New Jersey, Arkansas, MAlissouri, and Michigan It twill be seen that the Coats of Armes of many of the States do not strictly follow the rule Df l.':-..aly, inasmnuch tas they are not represented on shields, or escletcheons, unless the en eircular seals b hedeeed the escutcheons, of which there would be no impropriety, except th some would then contain the figures of shields within shields. Tie design and the effect hcwever are the same in both cases, whether the shield be or be not used. VWhere the heraldri terms are used in the recorded descriptions of the seals, we have written the descriptions anew, giving their purport in our own language, with the exception of the descriptions oft the sea of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Missouri, which, for the purpose of illustration, we have given in both forms. The seals of the sever which are delineated the Coats of Arms which they have adopted, are used by the proper authorities to attest and give validity to public records and documents; and to many public writingps the " Great Seal of State" is an essential requisite. In addition, these Coats of Arms of the States are interesting historical records, all having some peculiar signiflcancy of meaning-being enmblematical of what each State deemed appropriate to express the peculiar circumstances, character, and prospects of its peoplemalny of them enforcing, by significant mottoes, great moral and political truths, and shadowing forth, iby their vnrious representatives of agriculture, commerce, and the arts-liberty, justice, and patriotis t., the future greatness and glory of the ation. Viewed in this ligt, these devices convey many useful lessons,ti and are interesting and appropriate ebellishent for a History of our Country. Such is our apology for introducing them here. The engravings of most of the seals will be bfound different, inl many respects, from those hitherto presented to tthe public. In this matter we have studied ACCURACY, disregardin those additiois and changes which thefi cy of artists has substituted in the place of the original designs. In order to obtain correct copies, we have been at the trouble of procuring impressionsfross tthe oriiesnaol seals; and also, where they have been preserved, the recorded descriptions, found in tlhe offices of the secretaries of state. MAIN.-The Coat of Arms of the State of Maine, as delineated on the seal of the State, consists of a white or - 0silver shield, on which is represented a Pine Tree; and,?~_ _.- at the foot of the sauce a Moose Deer, in a recumbent pos-?~4Z~~~: ( _::ve_::_ ahiteld is ootaof the sa Bz Aa,ture. The Shield is supported, on the right, by a lInAl i? e 5- -gr..:=-bandman resting on a scythe, andi on the left, by a Seaman resting on an anchor. The moasts of a ship appear — _ s'0 f. l in the distance on the left. In the foreground are re-'-i:;,- {.- ~ -- h. m 1,, presented sea and land; and under the shield is the ___ —' k,.-~:~' ~ tbhX s lY Ename of the State, in lare e i toan capitals. Above the shield, for a " Crest," is the North Star; and between flJ4 M fthe star and the shield is the motto, Dinsio, " I direct. \g W"a W" S T"he Pine'Jee, represented on the escutcheon, called <,~._-'...the Mlast Pine-an evergreen of towering height and enormous size-the largest and most useful of American -,~'~-~~s although sell, ihe Apines, and the best timber for masts, is one of the staples of the commerce of Maineas well as the pride of her forests. The voose Dseer, thee largest of the native animals of the State, which retires before the proaching steps of human inhabitancy, and is thus and is s an emblem of liberty, is here represented quietly reposing, to denote the extent of uncultivated lands which the State possesses. As in the Arms of the nited States a cluster of stars represents the States composing the Nation, so the Nsorth Star may be considered particularly applicable to the most northern member of the confederacy, and as it is a directing point in navigation, (Dirigo,) and is here used to represent the State, so the latter may be considered the citizen's guide. and the o ject to which the patriot's best exertions should be directed. The Supporters" of the shield-a HIusbandman on one side representing Agriculture, a Seaman on the other representing Commerce and Fisheries-indicate that the State is oisrted by these primary vocations of its inhabitants.,_ _ j,\ NEW IIAMPSHIRE.-The seal of the State of Ne,, e 3 3 g \ Hampshire contains the following devic., aid inscription {>%', —i}\ - -;Around a circular field, encompassed ty a wreath of - t- - - Ad \laurels, are the words in Itonan capitals, SIoGILLUM EI~ -=- ~_.~? be rPUBLICm Nzo HANTONImESis, "The Seal of the State of...-_-_ —_-_'. New Hampshire," with the date "17S4," indicating th Z4 -g g n period of the adoption of the State Constitution. On the..~-?'-t-~. _ -' f/i eld in the foreground, are represented land and wateron the verge of the distant horizon a rising sun, (the r ____-~"~-'-~' ~ ~-f I sing destiny of the State,) and a ship on the stocks, th \ t the American banner displayed. PART I.] OF THE SEVERAL UNITED STATES. 99 VEDRMONT.-We are informed by thle Secretary of State &f Vermont that there are -no records in the secretary' 0 offce giving a description of the State Seal, or showing a the time of establishing it. IraAllen, however, the historian of Vermont, and her first secretary, states that the seal was established by the Governor and Council in 1778-that the tree on the seal,was an evergreen with \ fourteen branches, thirteen of them representing the thir- teen original States, and the small branch at the top repre- H. senting the State of Vermont supported by the others..In the distance is seen a range of hills representing the Green Mountains; and in the foreground a Cow and H..sheaves of wheat, indicating an agricultural and grazing's~' i country. Around the border of the seal, in Roman cap- —, itals, are the words, VERcMONT. PiREEDOMI AND UNITY.' MASSACHUSETTS.-The following is a copy of the re- A = corded description of the Coat of Arms of Massachusetts, as adopted December 13th, 1780. Sapphire: an Indian dressed in his shirt, moccasins, / belted, proper: in his dexter hand a bow, topaz: in his,,-, sinister an arrow, its point towards the base. On the / dexter side of the Indian's head a star, pearl, for one of /l'i/; the United States of America. Crest, on a wreath, a dex- a ter arm, clothed and ruffled, proper, grasping a broadsword, the pommel and hilt topaz, with this motto, " Ense 1' petit placidam, sub libertate quietem," and around the,6 _ seal, " Sigillum Reipublicce Massachusettensis." We give the following as a free translation of the same, with a few additions. S a,.~/// On the blue ground of an irregularly formed escutcheon, an Indian is represented, dressed with belted hunting shirt and moccasins. In his right hand is a golden bow, and in his left an arrow, with the point towards the base of the escutcheon. On the right side of the Indian's head is a white or silver star, denoting one of the United States of Amserica. For the crest of the escutcheon is a wreath, from which extends a right arm, clothed and ruffled, (the natural color,) grasping a broadsword, the pommel and hilt of whllich are of gold. Around the escutcheon, on a waving band or label, are the words Esnse petit placidain sucb libertate quieten; " By the sword she seeks peace under liberty.; Around the border of tlhe seal are the words, SIGILtInr REIPUBLICs io111ASSACHUSETTENSIS-' " The seal of the State of Massachusetts." RIHIODE ISLAND.-The Arms of the State of Rhode Island, as represented on the Seal of the State, consist of a white or silver shield, on which is an ianchor with two _ flukes, and a cable attached. Above the shield, in Roman capitals, is the word HOPE: and from each upper 7 corner of the shield is suspended an unlettered label. T'he white escutcheon, and the symbol represented on it, are designed as an allusion to those principles of civil eand religious liberty which led to the founding of the colony of Rthode Island, and in whichl the faith of the citizens of the State is still deeply anchor'ed. The motto HIoPrz, above the escutcheon, directs the mind to the uncertain future, anticipating the growing prosperity of the State, and the perpetuity of its free institutions; while the unlettered labels, denoting that events are still progressing in the narch of Time, wait the completion of History, before the destiny of the State shall be recorded on them. CONNECTICUT. - The Seal of Connecticut is of an oval form, plain, and without any ornamental devices, two inches and three eighths in length, and one inch and sevel-eighths in breadth. On it are delineated three Grape Vines, each winding around and sustained by an upright support, the whole representing the three set-? Ai tlements, Hartford, Windsor, ancid Wcthersfield, which formed the early Connecticut colony. In the lower part r 3 j 5 of the seal is the motto, Qus TRANT'ULIT SUSTINET- "i-'; He 5 who transplanted still sustains." Around the border are the words SIGILLU.I REIPUBLICcE CONTNECTICUTENSISc-" The'a Seal of the State of Connecticut." Formerly the seal had a hand on the le.;, pointing with the forefinger to the vines; but that seal has been broken, and the present seal substituted in its place. 100 THE PUBLIC SEALS, OR COATS OF ARMS, [BOOK IL NEW YORK.-The followiun is a (escription of the / J2SE ~1;~.u,a ~ present seal of the State of New Yorlk, constructed ac. 46 >i -..cording to Act of March 2.: 1809. A shield, or escutch-.. -.-7~:__ — z:_=:_- econll, o0 which is representel a rising Stilunl, with a range of hills, ansd water in the foregrould. Above the shield - for the Crest, is representeld, on a wrleath, a half globe, on.' 2 f f i which rests a startled eagle, with outstretched pinions. /& 3, PFor the supporters of thie shiel(, on the right is repre4, sented the figure of.uhtstice, with the sword in one hand, and the scales in the other; and on the left the Goddesg of Liberty, with the wand and cap"A in her left hand, and the olive branch of peace in the right. Ilelow the shield'~- \ = S'tEL>T —5 is the motto, ExCELSIoRa " More elevated," denoting that \ MOccfe have been obliged to describe it from a wax impression ) PENNSYLVANITTA.-The following is a copy of the recordcd description of the Seal of Pennsylvania.'lThe shield is parted per fess, Or: charged with a wyy, \ Psough, psoper. In (hief, onl a sea wavy, prolper, a ship A/>/vk==-z@ \i~ under full sail, surmounted with a sky, azure: and in - t / w / \ bi ia c, oil a field vert, three garbs, Or1: onl the slexter.a ~t 7~..~ff.~...X..~ 7-~ _..5 -l stalk of maize, and oil the sinister *tll olive bnih l;..l..' ~J, }.I flor the Crest, on a wreath of the flowers of the sair a bald IRAg\0t\ @-; a. ErLEle, iroper, percied, w-itll ings extenlded. d Iotto\' ( Virtue, Liberty and Inbmtndl len "e. AoUlid the mn.trg/ in, Seal of the State of Penn.sylvania.l. T reverse., s?.I~;-,Liberty, trimplin on a Lion, gules, the eliblemn of'y/t@ f ranly. Miotto-" lBoth canlt survive." e 5- -',: We give the following as qa free translation of the. Thie sl-lield is parted sy a yreii,w or golden band or girdle, on which is represesnte a Plouglh in its nitLuril (color. In1 the supper part of the escutchon. on the waves of the sea, is representel a ship unuder full sail, surmounted l)y an azure sky.' The iwndll or r!od. anad cap, are siymlb )ti of independence; ieca.use, amonr the anients, the formel' wvas uised t) tthe mnlgistrltes i!l thi celrenmony of minanlmitineg slaves; and the lattel was worn by the slavecs who wsere sooe t be etti) S:i l isll. PAIRT I.] OF''HE SEVERAL UNITED STATES 101 At the base of the escutcheon, on a green field, are three golden sneaves of wheat. On the right of the escutcheon is a stalk of maize, and on the left ass olive branch, and for the Cres:, on a wreath of the flouwners of the olive, is perched a Bald Eagle, in its natural color, with wings extended: holding in its beak a label, with the moto, "; Virtue, liberty, and Independence." Around the miargin of the seal are the words, SEAL O1 TIIE ST rTE OF PENNSYL.VVANIA. (The reverse side of the seal represents the Goddess of Liberty trampling on a Ited Lion, the emblem of Tyranny. Mtottri, " Both can't survive.") VIRGINIA.-On the Seal of Virginia, the Goddess of Virtue, the genius of the Connmmonwealth, is represented - -'u dressed like an Amazon, resting on a spear with one hand,: ~ and holding a sword in the other, and treading on Ty- A rannty, represented by a man prostrate, a crown fiallen /f from his head, a broken chain in his left handi and a' scourge in his right. Above Virtue, on a label, is the'/ word TIRGaINIA; aind underneath, the words. Sic senmper yrearezis, " Thus we serve tyrants." (This seal alsio has a reverse side, on which is representad a group, consisting of three figures. In the cen-' tre is Liberty, with her wand and cap; on the right side Ceres, with the cornucopia in one hand, and ain ear of wheat in the other; and on her left side Eternity, holding \, In one hand the Globe, on which rests the Phoenii, the fabulous bird of the ancients, that is said to rise again from its own ashes.) MARYLAND.-The device on the Seal of the State of Maryland, consists of the American Eagle with wings dis- A B played, having on its breast an escutcheon, the chief or upper part of which is azure, the remaining portion being occupied by vertical stripes of white and red. In the dexter talon of the Eagle is the olive branch of peace, and in the sinister a bundle of three arrows, denoting the three great branches of government, the Executive, the Legis- ( ) lative, and the Judiciary. In a semicircle, over the head,,f the Eagle, are thirteen stars, representing the thirteen original States. The inner border of the seal contains the words, SEAL OF THE STATE 01F MARYLAND. The outer border is ornamental, as seen in the engraving. NORTH CAROLINA.-The figures represented on the Seal of North Carolina are the Goddess of Liberty on the right, and on the left, Ceres, the goddess of corn and harvest. 1 Liberty is represented standing, with her wand and cap in her left hand, and in her right hand the scroll of the Declaration of American Independence. Ceres is represented having in her right hand three ears or heads of wheat, and in her left the cornucopia, or horn of plenty filled with the fruits of the earth. SOUTH CAROLINA.-We have not been able to obtain any " recorded description" of the Seal of South Carolina. The device appears to be a Date Tree, or the Great Palm, here emblematical of the State, and supported or guarded by two cross-pieces, to which it attached a scroll 0 or label. Branches of the Palm were worn by the an- / X cients in token of victory, and hence the emblem sightifies superiority, victory, triuzzmphl. On the border of the D seal is the motto, A nizs oPIBusQUE PARATC, " Ready (to | defend it) with our lives and property." This seal has a reverse side on which is the motto, DuoI SinRO, SPERO;; "while I live I hope." * The label and motto were never put on the original seal, for want of room. The seal of this state is generally represented with a Horse on each side of the escutcheon as supporters, but there is nothing of the kind on the original seal. 102 THIE PUBLIC SEALS, OR COATS OF ARIiS, LBoox 11 GEORGIA.-On the Seal of the State of Georgia ars O> gi Em~~ represented three pillars supporting an Arch. on which is qt z*,< tengraven the word CONSTITUTION. The three pillars which support the " Constitution," are emblematical of 4,, " Ia X z <) the three departments of the State Government-the Legislature, the Judiciary, and the Executive. On a wreath P of the first pillar, on the right,* representing the Legisla\<~ E 9 ~ i r ~5 0 ture, is the word VWisdom; on the second, representing the Judiciary, is the word Jstzice; and on the third, reLb thn presenting the Executive, is the word Moderation. On the right of the last pillar is a man standing with a drawn sword, representing the aid of the military in defence of the Constitution. Around the border of the seal are the words STATE Or GEORGIA, 1799. (On the reverse side of the seal is the following device. On one side is a view of the sea-shore, with a ship riding at anchor near a wharf, bearing the flag of the United States, and receiving on board hogsheads of tobacco and bales of cotton-emblematical of the exports of the State. At a small distance is a loaded boat landing from the interior, and representing the internal traffic of the State. In the background a man is represented ploughing, and a flock of sheep reposing in the shade of a tree. ArounLd the border is the motto, _riculture and Commerce, 1799.)...~~ H, ~FLORIDA.-In the centre of the Seal of Florida is re presented the American Eagle, " the bird of liberty," grasping in the left talon an olive branch, and in the right a bundle of three arrows. In a semicircle above are thir>SN't eiSteen stars, representing the thirteen original States, while the ground is represented as covered with the Prickly Pear, a fruit common to the country, and which, from its being armed at all points, must be handled with great care. The appropriate motto of the Prickly Pear is " Let me alone." (This is the description of the Seal of the Territory of Florida, which is made the Seal of the State, until a new one shall be adopted:) ALABAMA.-The Seal of Alabama contains a neatly engraved map of the State, with the names of the rivers, I./ | rCy ~ 3 N\.sf \ \ and the localities of the principal towns that existed at lipidr.9 7 4 ~!, ~ the time of the establishment of the Territorial govern'J!'e ~ \G 0' ment in 1817. Around the border of the seal are the A~g/ * H, words ALABAMIA EXECUTIVE OFFICE.-(This was the Tert Q ritorial Seal, which has been adopted by the State GovObtt ~ jOernment.) MISSISSIPPI.-In the centre of the Seal of Mississippi is represented the American Eagle, grasping an Olive branch in the left talon, and a bundle of four arrows in the right. Around the border of the seal are the words, THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. * Fronting the spectator, as usu PART I.] OF THE SEVERAL UNITED STATES. 103 LOUISIANA: —Or the Seal of Louisiana is represented a Pelican standing by her nest of young ones, in the atti- X -: --'J; tude of " protection and defence," anl, in the act of feeding them. All share alike her laternlal assiduity.'The / - / +,. mother bird is here emblematic of the geseral governmesce of the Unioe, while the birds in tle nest represent the several States. Above are the scales of JUSTICE, enibiema- 2,, esP i1tic of the device belowi, and deioting thatl such is toe If I * T i r watchful care and guardianship which the government of the Union is bound to bestow alike upon all the members "' of the confederacy.../, The semi-circle of eighteen stars represents thle number \\', of States at the time of the admission of Louisiana. la.Le, upper part of the border of the Seal are the words, \' STATE 0F LsOUISIArAN, and in the lower part, the wvir -s, szoiN AND CO TEXAS.-The Great Seal of Texas consists of a Whe'ite / Star of five points, on an iazure field, encircled by branches of the Live Oak and the Olive. 13efore thie anuexatioe of Texas to the United States, the Seal bore the device, tsEPUBLIC OF TEXAS. The Live Oalr, ( Quercls vi/enss,) w-%hich abounds in the forests of Texas, is a stroeg anlf dura ble unl;- / -- / timber, very useful for ship-building, and forming a most important article of export. \ AIRKANSAS.-The Arms of Arlkansas, as represented on the Seal of the State, consist of a shield or escutcheon,o 4. A p the base of which is occupied by a blue field, olr Wrhicl is a white or silver Star, representing the State. The' iss' part, or middle portioln, is occupied bLy a _e-leiLe, tle 00. emblem of industry, ad a Plouglh, representing agricul- - ture; while the;; chief," or upper part of the escutchle ol i is occupied by a Steam-Boat, the representative of the j i colmmnerce of the State. I' f For the " Crest" is represented the goddless of Liberty!, i. holding in one hand her wand and cap, and a wvre ath] o \ laurel in thle other. surrounded by a constellation of stars, representing the States of the Union. The " Sulpporters" of the escutcheon are two Elacties; s the one on the left grasping in its talons a: bundle of arrows, and the one on the right an olive branch —iand- extending from the talons of the one to those of the othler is a label containing the motto, Plegunanst Popildi,: The People rule." On each side of the base point of the escutcheon is a corzutcopia filled with fruits and flowers. Around the border of the seal are the words, SxAL OF THn STATE OF AnaRa.tSAS. At each extremity of the word Arkansas are additional emblems: on the left a shield, wald, musket wsith bayonet, and cap of Liberty; and on the right a sword, and the scales of Justice. MISSOURI.-The following is a copy of the recorded description of the Great Secal of Missc-uri. " Arms parted per pale; on the dexter side, gules, the White or Grizzly,__ }lear of Missouri, passant, guardant, proper: ocl a Chief, ____ elgrailed, azure, a crescent, argent:. on the sinister side, s argent, the Arims of the United States;-thle whole rwithin f / / - a, band iiscribed with tihe words,' United vwe stand, divided we fall.' For the Crest, over a helmet full fieced, grated. > /' e: with six bahrs, or, a clotud proper, from wihich ascend.s a l tar a-l ent, atnd stbove ii a conste.latioc of tIrrnty-three \wJ \ 1 -maller stars argent, on an azure field, surrounded by a cloud proper. Supporte s, on eacrl side a tWhite or Grizzly ik s Bear of Missouri,, guartidant, proper, standing on' g D, scroll inscribed with the motto, Sahills popili, slcprep zac \Q' > /,!ex esto, and under thle scroll -tie numerical letters s\ CC 4 acccxx, —tlie whole surrounded by a scroll inscribed with the words, TnE GRIE.AT SEAL OF THE STATE OF MISgouru." Tht following is a free translation of the above. 104 THE PUBLIC SEALS, OR COATS OF ARMS, [BOOK IL The Arms of Missouri are represented on a circular escutcheon, divided by a perpencliculas line into two equal portions. On the right side, on a red field, is the White or Grizzly Bear of Missouri, in its natural color, walking guardedly. Above this device. and separated from it by an engrailedv, line, is an azure field, on which is represented a white or silver crescent. On the left side of the escutcheon, on a white field, are tile Arms of the United States Around the border of the escutcheon are the words, " United we stand, divided we fall." For th. " Crest," over a yellow or golden helmet, full facedl, and grated with six bars, is a cloud in its natural color, fromn which ascends a silvery star, (representing the State of Missouri,) and above it a constellation of twenty-three smaller stars, on a blue field surrounded by a cloud. (The twenty-three stars represent the number of States in the Union at the time of the admission of Missouri.) For " Supporters,"' on each side of the escutcheon is a Grizzly Bear in the posture of attack, standing on a scroll inscribed with the motto, Salus poppldi, suplema lex esto -" The public safety is the supreme law;" and under the scroll the numerical letters PMDcccxx, the date of the admission of Missouri into the Union. Around the border of the seal are the words, THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. TEN>INESSEE.-The Seal of Tennessee contains the fol//- HXV eie lowingg device. The upper half of the seal is occupied by 4s, Ze >*S R A A a stalk of Cotton, a Sheaf of Wheat and a Plough, below Qg 2 4it,,K, r \lt which is the word AGRICULTUR E. The lower half is oc5; Aft\4xi ~cupied by a loaded Barge, beneath which is the word < AGR SICU i ~ COMMERCE. In the upper part of the seal are the numerical letters xvi, denoting that Tennessee was the sixteenth State admitted into the Union. Around the border are a V // the words, TuE GREAT SEAL OF TEE STATE OF TENNESSEE, / with the date 1796, the period of the formation of the 4~i~ ~Z state government, and admission into the Union. KENTUCKY.-On the Seal of Kentucky is the plalin and unadorned device of two friends embracing, with this motto below them-" United swe stand, divided wee fall." In the upper portion of the border are the words, SEAL or KENTUCKY. UNT:1CW S =S S 01OHIO.-.On the Seal of Ohio appears the following de-...... fi vice: In the central portion is represented a cultivated country, with a bundle of seventeen Arrows on the left, C~7& - State. In the foreground is a man ploughing with a - span of horses: the middle ground is occupied by a L Ibarrel, a cornucopia, an anchor, a sheaf of wheat, a J Q~ prarakfte, and a pile of lead in bars-the latter, the most ilm-: portant of the mineral products of the State. The two great lakes that border the State-Lakes Michigan and _;4\3 r: Superior, have their representatives; on one of which is seen a sloop, and on the other a steamboat-and on the'N, shore an Indian pointing towards the latter. In the dis;\B 4<,l cance is a level prairie, skirted, on the horizon, by a FOURTH OF JULY' range of woodland, and having on the left a Light-house IFU 83, 6 and School Building, and in the centre the State-house of Wisconsin. In a semicircle above are the words:. "Civilitas Successit Barbarum," Civiliziation has sac ceeded 1Darbcrisen. At the bottom of the Seal is the date of the formation of the Territorial Government, FOURTH OF JULY, 1.836, and around the Seal, in Roman capitals, the words, TIE GREAT SEAL OF Tufe TERRITORIt OFr ViSCONSIN. UNITED STATES. The following is the recorded de scription of the device of the Seal of:/:::-:=_'__::~~i' -I=: the United States, as adopted by Congress on the 20th of June, 1782.:, —~-.-: Anise; —= - ~... " ARMs: Paleways of thirteen pieces, argent and gules; a chief azure; the escutcheon on the breast of the American Eagle displayed, proper, holding in his dexter talon an olive branch, and in his sinister a bundle of thirteen arrows, all proper, and in his beak a scroll inscribed with this motto,' pluribus unum.' "For the CraEsr: Over the head of the Ea-gle, -which appears above the l'i =;= D*' V'N' a~' a~~ prthrough a coud, proper, and sur_ rounding thirteen stars forming a States _are dmittedintotheIi)constellation, argent, on an azure field." EThis seal has a Reverse side, os _as_,vrthwhich the following is the descripdenoing..... "REVERSE: A Pyramid unfinished. (Representing the American Confederacy as still inconplete, —the structure to be carried upwards as new States are admitted into the Union.) In the zenith an Eye in a triangle, (representing the Allseeing Eye,) surrounded by a glory proper. Over the eye thcse words, I Annuit coeptist, (CGodl has favored the undertaking.) On the base of the pyramid the numlerical letters rhnccLxxVi, (1776,) and underneath the following morto, 6 Novui ordo soclorum,' "(A new series oe ages; -denoting that a new order of things has commenced in this western world.) NoTE: —Although we have made all the engraved copies of the Seals of the States of ensiformn size, yet the original seals are of different sizes. We give their diameters in inci, commencing with the smallest. Rhode Island and Texas, 1 1-2 inches; Iowa, 1 5-; Kentucky, Tennessee, Loui;iana, Arkansas, and M:Iaryland. 1 3-4; New Ihampshire, Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana, Florida, Saortb Carolina, and Mlississippi, 2; New York and Yermont, 2 1-8; Pennsylvania, North Carolins Georgia, Illinois, and the Seal of the United States, (which is engraved the full size,) 2 1-4 i Connecticut, (oval,) 2 3-8 long, and 1. 7-8 broad; Delaware, Alabama, Maine, and Missotlro 2 3-8; New Jersey and Michigan, 2 1-2; Yirginia, f inches. UIIAPIACTER AND DESIGN OF THE SEVERAL APPENDICES 1O THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 1.'The mere detail of such events as most attract public atten- ANALYSIS. tion while they are occurring, embraces but a small portion of the instruction which History is capable of affortding. The actions of' Z1 Historicai, n I) IY -VV I riV \~V-~L~instrucion indlividuals do not occur without motives, nor.are national events National ever attributable to chance origin; and the latter are as much the er ubjecl t"Yo proper subjects of philosophical inquiry as the former. philosophzicl 2. iCould we ascertain the causes of all the prominent events z2istory which history relates, history would then become whatt it has been been styled, styled by an ancient writer,' philosophy teaching by examples." "aPiilosopiy Much may doubtlesvs be clone to make history accord more truly ea/plre,,' with this definition, for too often is this view of its design neglected Th/is vielo of its design ofeven in our more prominent anrid larger worls; and wars, tand revo- tem neglecled. lutions, and all great public even-ts, Ire describecl with minuteness, while the social, moral, and intellectual prongress of the people, and the causes that are working these changes, receive too little of that attention which their importance demands. 3. 3The former plan, however that of narrative principally, is 3. Proper plan essential in an elemenltary work, the object of which should be to ad object of interest the youthful mind by vivid representations of striking ta eesntoncharacters and incidents, and thereby to render the great events ca woork. and divisions of history familiar to it. 4The mind will thus be 4. Ihaltfar prepared to derive benefit from any accidental reading that is in ther sexpected to be an. any manner associated with the same subjects: it will have a ground- cosmpliised b work to build upon; for these famniliar localities, like points of mag- tie plan. netic attraction, will gather around them whatever comes within the circle of their influence. 4. 5Being thus prepared by a familiarity with our subject, we 5. 1W7hat ad. may advance a step, and enter upon the field of philosophical in- vcance mnigtt quiry. 6Let us suppose, for example, thait for every law found in 6. Itolo ilua.the history of a people, we should attempt to ascertain the reasons tratedf which induced the legislator to give it his s nction, and its probable effects upon the community. 7The entire soci i1 relations of a 7. Tvlat people might thus be developed, their manltnerss customs and opin- le~nitit ef arnedfrom ions, their ignorance and their knowledge their virtues and th thei system. vices; and the national progress would be traced far more clearly in those silently operating causes, than in the spectacle of the merely outward changes produced by them. Indeed, a Illere narrative of the ordinary events of history can be justly regarded a.s of utility, only so far as it furnishes the basis on which a more noble superstructure, the "philosophy of history,;: is to be reared. 5. 8The imnportance of historical knowledge should be estimated s. rtnportcne by the principles, rather than by the facts with which it furinishes oc h,o:tordti us; and the comparative value, to us, of the histories of different anti vate of nations, should be estimated by the same standard. iTherefora a diffent hiismere narrative of ancient dynasties and wars, which should throw. Certainhis, no light upon the character and circumnstances of the people, would tottial rel furnish no valuable information to reward the studelnt's toil. He parahtisly of may be moved by a curiosity, liberal indeed and commendable, to little Value. explore the uncertain anialls of fabulous ages, and attempt to trace 108 INTRODUCTORY. [Book II. ANALYSIS. out the histories of the early Egyptians. the Chinese, the Persians, and the Hindoos; but from them he may expect to derive few pris. ciples applicable to the present state of the world. 1i Compaara- 6. Ancl indeed, after passing over the days of Grecian and Roof diftrent mal glory, we shall find little that is valuable, even in modern his por/ions of tory, until we come to the period of the discovery of America, when tory. various causes were operating to produce a great revolution in hu e. Important man affairs throughout the world. 2The period of the dark ages changesabout had passed and literature and science had begun to dawn again the time of the discovery upon Europe: the art of printing, then recently invented, greatly of America. facilitated the progress of improvements; the invention of gunpowder changed the whole art of war; and the Refoirmation soon began to make such innovations in religion as changed the moral aspect. not only of the states which embraced its principles, but of those even that adhered to the ancient faith and worship. 3. Causes that 7. 3Ameong modern histories, none is more interesting in its dercan history tails, or more rich in principles, than that of our own country; nor peculiarly does any other throw so much light on the progress of society, the np2ortant. science of public affairs. and the arts of civil government. In this particular we claim an advantage over even England herself,-the most free, the most enlightened of the states of the old world. For, since our destiny became separate from hers: our national advancemlent has been by far the most rapid; and before that period both formed but separate portions of one people, living under the same laws, speaking, as now, the same language) and having a common share in the same history. 4. Why the S. 4The study of Amierican history, therefore, in preference to Amercanofs- any other claims our first regard, both because it is our own history claims tory, and because of its superior intrinsic importance. 5But here our.first re- the question arises as we were colonies of Great Britain, when and 5. Period of where does our history commence? We answer, that although the the comrn- annals we can strictly call our own commence with our colonial ex9nencement of American istence, yet if we are to embrace also the philosophy of our history, history. and would seek the causes of the events we narrate, we must Co so far back in the annals of England as we can trace those principles that led to the founding of the American colonies, and influenced 6. To ohat their subsequent character and destiny. 6Viewing the subject in thise subj ctf this light, some acquaintance with English history becomes necesleads us. sary to a proper understanding of our own; and this leads us to a development of the plan we have adopted for the more philosophical portion of our work. 7. Wh7y the 9. 7Although the history of the " Uzited States" does not protermd tUni- perly extend back to the period when those states were dependent is applied to colonies, yet we have adopted the term " United States"7 for the title thzeftollowing of a work embracing the whole period of our history, because it is history. more convenient than any other term, and because custom sanctions 8. Part First it. 8This History we have divided into Four Parts. The first qf this hs- embraces the period of Voyages and Discoveries, extending from the discovery of this western world to the settlement of Jamestown in Virginia. We have given in this part a narrative of the promi. nent events that preceded the founding of the English American colonies, and this is all that could be given of what is properly Anzericoam history during this period. 9. Character 10. sin the i" Appendix to the period of Voyages and Discoveries," of the first appcndi. we have taken up that portion of the history of England contained between the time of the discovery of America, and the planting of the first English colonies in the New World, with the design of examining the condition of the people of Englan i during that pee PART 1.1 INTRODUCTORY. 109 riod) the nature of their institutions and laws, and whatever can ANALYSIS. throw light upon the character and motives of those who founded the American colonies, and who, we should naturally suppose, brought with them, to this then wilderness world, the manners, customs, habits, feelings, laws, and language of their native land. 1But it is the social) rather than the political history of England- 1. To swhat zn pZton of the internal, rather than the external, that is here important to us, _Enrgish hlf. and it is to this, therefore, that we have mostly confined our atten- tory we have tion. 2We hope thus to have prepared the advanced student to jned our atenter upon the study of our colonial history with additional inter- tentin. est, and with more definite views of the nature and importance of 2. The obecd to bes the great drama that is to be unfolded to him. gained by 11. 3At the close of Part Second, embracing the period of our this course. colonial history, and also at the close of Part Third, embracing the. APeditions period of the Revolution, we have given, in an Appendix, some far- ond and Part thor account of such European events as are intimately connected Thid. with our own history, and which serve to give us a more comprehensive and accurate view of it than we could possibly obtain by confining ourselves exclusively to our own annals; in connection with which we have examined the policy of England towards her colonies-the influences exerted by each upon the other-the difficulties of our situation-the various peculiarities exhibited among ourselves, and the germs of our subsequent national character. As, during the fourth period of our history, our relations with 4. At the close England were those of one independent nation with another, Eng- of Part iand no longer claims any special share of our attention, and at the close of this period we have examined briefly the character, tendency, and influences of our national government, and have also given an historscl sketch of some important political questions that hKve been but briefly noticed in the narrative part of the work. 12. 5The design of the several Appendices is, therefore, to ex- 5. General plain the influences which operated in moulding the character of chartacter na our early English fathers, to develop the causes which led to the several ap planting of the American colonies. and to illustrate the subsequent renQ;&$ social and political progress of the American people; or. in other words, to give a simple and plain) but philosophical history of AxEaICA.N CWIIZATWaN. GEOC;GAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY EMABRAC.ED WITHIN THE UNITED STATES AND THEIR TERRITORIES. The UNrrITED STATES an their territories, occupying the middle division of North America, lie between the 25th and the 54t;h degrees of North latitude, and the 6ith and the 125th degrees of WVest longitude, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and containing an area of about 2,6010,000 square miles. They have a frontier of about 10,000 miles; a sea coast of 3.600 miles; and a lake coast of 1200 miles. This vast country is intersected by two principal franges of mountains, the Alleghany and the Rocky Mountains:-the former irn the East, running nearly parallel to the Atlantic coast, frorm GeorgiaL to New York: and the latter in the West, crossing the territory in a direction nearly parallel to the coast of the Pacific. The Alleghanies run in separate and somewhat parallel ridges, with a breadth of from 60 to 120 miles, and at a distance from the sea coast of from 0S to 250 miles. The general height of the Alleghanies is only from.1000 to 2000 feet above the adjacent country, and from 2000 to 3000 feet above the level of the ocean. The highest peak in this range is the Black Mountain, in the western part of Noth Carolina, which is 6,476 feet high. The Rocky Mountains, which may be regarded as a part of the great chain of the Cordilleras, are at an average distance of about 600 miles from the Pacific Ocean, and have a general height of about 8000 or 9000 feet above the level of the sea, but not more than 5000 feet above the surrounding country. Some of their most elevated peaks rise to the height of 10,000 or 12,000 feet. East of the Alleghany Mountains the rivers flow into the Atlantic: West of the Rocky Mountains they centre mostly in the Columbia, which flows into the Pacific; while between these great mountain ranges, the many and large streams centre in the valley which lies between them, and through the channel of the Mississippi seek an outlet in the Gulf of Mexico. The Atlantic coast is indented by numerous bays, and has a great number of excellent harbors. The soil of New England is generally rocky, and rough and better adapted to grazing than to grain, with the exception of the valleys of the rivers, which are highly fertile. South of New England, and east of the Alleghanies generally, the soil has but moderate fertility, being light and sandy on the coast, but of better quality farther inland. Throughout the extensive'valley of the Mississippi the soil is generally of excellent quality. the middle section, however, being the most fertile. WVest of Missouri,skirting the base of the Rocky Mountains, are extensive sandy wastes, to which has been given the name of the "Great American Desert.)" Oregon Territory, lying west of the Rocky Mountains, is divided into three belts, or sections. separated by ranges of mountains running nearly parallel to the coast of the Pacific. The western section, extending fiom the ocean to the Cascade Mountains, embracinbracig awidth of from 100 fo 150 miles, is generally fertile. and near the foot of the Cascade range the climate and soil are adapted to all the kinds of grain that are found in temperate climates. The soil of the second or middle section of Oregon, embraced between the Cascade range and the Blue Mountains, is generally a light sandy loam, the valleys only being fertile. The third or eastern section of Oregon, between the Blue and the Rocky Mountains, is a rocky. broken, and barren country. More particular Geographical descriptions of the several states embraced in the American Union, and of the most important lakes. bays, rivers, towns, &c., will be found in the Geographical Notes throughout the work. The Geo. graphical description of Texas, now a part of the Republic, will be found on pages 621, 622. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES PART I. VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. ANALS YSl EXTENDING FROM THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA) BY CC'L YIIbUS, IN 1492; To THE SETTLEMENT OF JAMESTOWN, VIRPGINIA. iN Subject of 1607; EMBRACING A PERIOD OF 115 YEARS. Part L CHAPTER I. EARLY SPANISH VOYAGES, CONQUESTS, AND DISCOVERIES, Of Chapter. IN THE SOUTHERN PORTIONS OF NORTH AMERICA. DIVISIONS. I. Discovery of _dinericc1a by Columbus.-II. JTuan'Pon.ce de Leon in TlRe Dliv, Florida.-II. De Ayllonz in Carolinza.-IV. Conqzest of Arlexico. — ions of, CapV. ParepAlilo de Ararvaez. — VI. Ferdinand cle Solo. ter 1 I. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA BY COLUrlIBUS.-1.'The 1. Discovery discoverya of America by Christopher Columbus, may be by fColunbus. regarded as the most important event that has ever re- 92 ct. OI suited from individual genius and enterprise. 2Although Style; or, n. Oct 21. New other claims to the honor of discovering the. Western hemi- Style. sphere have been advanced, and with some appearance c,2lstoher of probability, yet no clear historic evidence exists in Discovery. their favor.'It has been asserted that an Iceland* bark, 3. Icelandip in the early part of the eleventh century, having been c driven southwest from Greenlandt by adverse winds, touchedb upon the coast of Labrador;-t that subsequent b. ooi. voyages were made; and that colonies were established in Nova Scotia,~ or in Newfoundland.ll -* GEOGRAPHICAL NOTES.-1. Iceland is an island in the Northern Ocean, remarkable for its boiling springs (the Geysers), and its flaming volcano, Mount Hecla. It was discovered by a Norwegian pirate, in the year 861, and was soon after settled by the Norwegians; but it is supposed that the English and the Irish had previously made settlements there, which were abandoned before the time of the Norwegian discovery. t Greenlanrd is an extensive tract of barren country, in the northern frozen regions; separated from the western continent by Baffin's Bay and Davis's Strait. It was discovered by the Norwegians thirty years after the discovery of Iceland, and a thriving colony was planted there; but from 1406 until after the discovery by Columbus, all correspondence with Greenland was cut off, and all knowledge of the country seemed to be buried in oblivion. r Labrador, or New Britain, is that part of the American coast between the Gulf of St. Law rence and Hudson's DBay; a bleak and barren country, little known, and inhabited chiefly by Indians. ~ Nova Scotia is a large peninsula, southeast from New Brunswick, separated from it by the I:ay of Fundy, and connected with it by a narrow isthmus only nine miles across. 11 Newfoztndltand is a hilly and mountainous island on the east side of the Gulf of St. Law 112 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES: [Boox 14, ANALYSIS. 2.'But even if it be admitted that such a discovery. Superior Was made, it does not in the least detract frolm the honor clmerit o/ft so universally ascribed to Columbus. The Icelandic dis. Colunmbus. covery, if real, resulted from chance,-was not even known to Europe,-was thought of little importance, — and was soon forgotten; and the curtain of darkness again fell between the Old world and the New. The discovery by Columbus, on the contrary, was the result of a theory matured by long reflection and experience; opposed to the learning and the bigotry of the age; and brought to a successful demonstration, after years of toil against opposing difficulties and discouragements. 2. Prvtlevt 3.'The nature of the great discovery, however, was etror respectigngthe dis long unknown; and it remained for subsequent advencZveIryl b.Y Co. turers to dispel the prevalent error, that the voyage of Columbus had only opened a new route to the wealthy, but then scarcely known regions of Eastern Asia. 3. Extent of'During several years,a the discoveries of Columbus were his discoverzies. confined to the islands of the West Indies;* and it was not until August,b 1498, six years after his first voyage, b.Aug. rMth. that he discovered the main land, near the mouth of the Orinoco;t and he was then ignorant that it was any thing mnore than an island. 4. Tli 4. 4 The principal islands of the West Indies,-Cuba,t St. Domingo,~ and Porto Rico,ll were soon colonized, 5.Discovery and subjected to Spanish authority.'In 1506 the eastern of Yucatan, nd first coao- coast of Yucatanub was discovered; and in 1510 the first ly onf thse colony on the continent was planted on the Isthmus of Continent. i. Dicovery Darien.** ~Soon after, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, governor of the P- of the colony, crossed the Isthmus, and from a mountain a. 1513. on the other side of the Continent discovered an Oceanl, which being seen in a southerly direction, at first received the name of the South Sea. 7.De Leon. II. JUAN PONCE DE LEO IN IN FLORIDA.-1. 7'In 1512 Juan Ponce de Leon, an aged veteran, and former gov. enor of Porto Rico, fitted out three ships, at his own exrence; nearly a thousand miles in circumnfernce, deriving all its importance from its extensive fisheries. * The IVest Indies consist of a large number of islands between North and South America the most important of which are Cuba, St. )omingo, Jamaica, and Porto Rico. t The O'inoco is a river on the northeast coast of South America. I Cutba, one of the richest islands in the world. is the largest of the West Indies, being 760 miles in length from southeast to northwest, and about 50 miles in breadth. Its northern coast is 150 miles south from Florida. St. D)omingo. or Hayti, formerly called Hispaniola, is a large island, lying between Cuba and Porto Rico, and about equally distant from each. 11 Porto Rico is a fertile island of the West Indies, 60 miles southeast from St. Domingo. It is 140 miles long from east to west, and 35 broad. ~[ Yucatan, one of the States of MIexico, is an extensive peninsula, 150 miles S. W. from Cuba, and lying between the Bays of Honduras and Campeachy. ** The Isthmus of Darien is that narrow neck of land which connects North and South America. It is about 300 miles in length, and, in the narrowest part, is only about 30 miles ~ross. PART I.] VOYAGES AND DISCO0VERIES. 113 pense, for a voyage of discovery.'A tradition prevailed 151t2. among the natives of Porto Rico, that in a neighboring T7ardition island of the Bahamas* was a fountain which possessed of the Funithe remarkable properties of restoring the youth, and of perpetuating the life of any one who should bathe in its stream, and drink of its waters.'Nor was this fabulous 2. By whnam tale credited by the uninstructed natives only. It was crediLed. generally believed in Spain, and even by men distinguished for virtue and intelligence. 2. 3In quest of this fountain of youth Ponce de Leon 3 Accountof saileda friom Porto Rico in March, 1512; and after cruis- thof Floric ing some time among the Bahamas, discoveredb an un- a. March 13, known country, to which, from the abundance of flowers b. April6. that adorned the forests, and from its being first seen on Eastert Sunday, (which the Spaniards call Pascua Florida,) he gave the name of Florida-t 3. 4After landings some miles north of the place where 4. Erxtent St. Augustine~ now stands, and taking formal possession discovse'es. of the country, he explored its coasts; and doubling its c. April 18. southern cape, continued his search among the group of islands which he named the Tortugas:11 but the chief object of the expedition was still unattained, and Ponce de Leon returned to Porto Rico, older than when he departed. 5A few years later, having been appointed 5. Result of governor of the country which he had discovered, he voyage. made a second voyage to its shores, with the design of selecting a site for a colony; but, in a contest with the natives, many of his followers were killed, and Ponce de Leon himself was mortally wounded. III. DE AYLLON IN CAROLINA.-1.'About the time of 6. Enterprt*d the defeat of Ponce de Leon in Florida, a company of DeAyZllz seven wealthy men of St. Domingo, at the head of whom was Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon,d judge of appeals of that d. Pronounisland, despatchede two vessels to the Bahamas, in quest ced Ail-yon. of laborers for their plantations and mines. 7Being 7. De. 1520. driven northward from the Bahamas, by adverse winds, of eGrolia. to the coast of Carolina, they anchored at the mouth of the CambaheeT river, which they named the Jordan. The country they called Chicora. * The Bahamas are an extensive group of islands lying east and southeast from Plorida. They have been estimated at about 600 in number, most of them mere cliffs and rocks, only 14 of them being of any considerable size. Enasser (lay, a church festival observed in commemoration of our Savior's resurrretion, is the Sunday following the first full moon that happens after the 20th of March. v Florida, the most southern portion of the United States, is a large peninsula about two thirds of the size of Yucatan. The surface is level, and is intersected by numerous ponds, lakes, rivers, and marshes. See note and map, p. 130. ii The Tortugas, or Tortoise Islands, are about 100 miles southwest from the southern cap of Florida. ~ The Camnbahee is a small river in the southern part of South Carolina, emptying into S efloena Sound, 35 miles southwest from Charleston. (See map, p. 129.) 15 14 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. [BooK II ANALYSIS. 2.'Here the natives treated the strangers with great L. Hospitality kindness and hospitality, and being induced by curiosity otthesonna- freely visited the ships; but when a sufficient number tires, and pwr.fids of the was below the decks, the perfidious Spaniards closed the Spaniards. R. esult of hatches and set sail for St. Domingo.'One of the returnthe enter- ing ships was lost, and most of the Indian prisoners in prise. l the other, sullenly refusing food, died of famine and melancholy. i. Account of 3.'Soon after this unprofitable enterprise, De Ayllon, voyagees and having obtained the appointment of governor of Chicora, treswut sailed with three vessels for the conquest of the country. Arriving in the river Cambahee, the principal vessel was stranded and lost. Proceeding thence a little farther north, and being received with apparent firiendship at their landing, many of his men were induced to visit a village, a short distance in the interior, where they were all treacherously cut off by the natives, in revenge for th'e wrongs which the Spaniards had before committed. De Ayllon himself was surprised and attacked in the harbor;-the attempt to conquer the country was abandoned;-and the few survivors, in dismay, hastened back to St. Domingo. 1 iluorfeat IV. CONQUEST OF A/ExICO.* —-. 4In 1517 Francisco.exrapdea. Fernandez de Cordova, sailing from Cubaa with three b. March, small vessels, exploredb the northern coast of Yucatan.,1517.f As the Spaniards approached the shore, they were sur3. Wonder of the prised to find, instead of naked savages, a people decently iSpaniards excited. clad in cotton garments; and, on landing, their wonder was increased by beholding several large edifices built B. Chzaracter of stone. 6The natives were much more bold and war-.ties. like than those of the islands and the more southern coasts, and every where received the Spaniards with the most determined opposition., V. Result of 2.'At one place fifty-seven of the Spaniards were *,'ie, pe- killed, and Cordova himself received a wound, of which 8. Dscovery he died soon after his return to Cuba. 8But notwithstandof Mezico. ing the disastrous result of the expedition, anothler was planned in the following year; and under the direction of Juan de Grijalva, a portion of the southern coast of e. Ilay, June, Mexico was explored,o and a large amount of treasure 1518. obtained by trafficking with the natives. P. Desi oa6f 3. 9Velasquez, governor of Cuba, under whose aus. pices the voyage of Grijalva had been made, enriched by the result, and elated with a success far beyond his ex * Mexico is a large country southwest from the United States, bordering on the Gulf of Mex leo on the east, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. ] t is about two-tlhirds as large as the United States and their territories. The land on both coasts is lo, bhut in the interior is a large tracl of table lands 6 or 8000 feet above the level of the sea. (See also page 569.) PART 1.] CONQUEST OF MEXICO. 115 pectations, now determined to undertake the conquest of 3151. the wealthy countries that had been discovered, andhastily fitted out an armament for the purpose.'Not. Accozun -f being able to accompany the expedition in person, he tfhMeicon gave the command to Fernando Cortez, who sailed with Cortex. eleven vessels, having on board six hundred and seventeen men. In March, 1519, Cortez landed in Tabasco,* a southern province of Mexico, where he had several encounters with the natives, whom he routed with great slaughter. 4.'Proceeding thence farther westward, he landeda at a. April 2. San Juan de Ulloa,t where he was hospitably received, 2i Cortezr and where two officers of a monarch who was called Monte- officers of M.ontezuma. zuma, come to inquire what his intentions were in visiting that coast, and to offer him what assistance he might need in order to continue his voyage.'Cortez respect- 3. Assuranc fully assured them that he came with the most friendly request?nads sentiments, but that he was intrusted with affairs of such by Cortez. moment by the king, his sovereign, that he could impart them to no one but to the emperor Montezuma himself, and therefore requested them to conduct him into the presence of their master. 5. 4The ambassadors of the Mexican monarch., know- 4. Coue, TOursued by ing how disagreeable such a request would be, endeavored the Mexican to dissuade Cortez from his intentions; at the same time amnbasad'as making him some valuable presents, which only increased nis avidity. Messengers were despatched to Montezuma, giving him an account of every thing that had occurred since the arrival of the Spaniards.'Presents of great S. By Monte value and magnificence were returned by him, and repeated requests were made, and finally commands given, that the Spaniards should leave the country; but all to no purpose. 6.'Cortez, after destroying his vessels, that his soldiers 6. By Cortez. should be left without any resources but their own valor, commencedb his march towards the Mexican capital. b. August26.'On his way thither, several nations, that were tributary 7. Even.t, to Montezuma, gladly threw off their allegiance and joined onha themarch of Cortez the Spaniards. Montezuma himself, alarmed and irreso- towars the lute, continued to send messengers to Cortez, and as his capital. hopes or his fears alternately prevailed, on one day gave him permission to advance, and, on the next, commanded him to depart. 7. 8As the vast plain of Mexico opened to the view of 8.fAppearanca the Spaniards, they beheld numerous villages and culti- of Meicot * Tabasco, one of the southern Mexican States, adjoins Yucatan on the southwest. t Sanlt Juan de Ulloa is a small island, opposite Vera Cruz, the principal eastern seaport of Mexico. It is 180 miles south of east from the Mexican capital, and contains a strong tfrtress, The old Spanish fort was built of coral rocks taken from the bottom of the sea 116 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. [BooK ILt ANALYSIS. vated fields extending as far as the eye could reach, and in the middle of the plain, partly encompassing a large lake, and partly built on islands within it, stood the city* of Mexico, adorned with its numerous temples and turrets; the whole presenting to the Spaniards a spectacle sc novel and wonderful that they could hardly persuade themg. Monte- selves it was any thing more than a dream.'Montezuma toa's roecep- receiveda the Spaniards with great pomp and magnifi. lion of the Spaniards. cence, admitted them within the city, assigned them a a. Nov. spacious and elegant edifice for their accommodation, supplied all their wants, and bestowed upon all, privates as well as officers, presents of great value.. Embarrass- 8. 2Cortez, nevertheless, soon began to feel solicitude r' situeation for his situation. He was in the middle of a vast empire, rtez -shut up in the centre of a hostile city,-and surrounded by multitudes sufficient to overwhelm him upon the least 3. Seizure intimation of the will of their sovereign. 3In this emerand treatment of gency, the wily Spaniard, with extraordinary daring, Montemzua. formed and executedb the plan of seizing the person of the Mexican monarch, and detained him as a hostage for 1520. the good conduct of his people. H6 next induced him, overawed and broken in spirit, to acknowledge himself a vassal of the Spanish crown, and to subject his dominions to the payment of an annual tribute. 4. Cortez 9.'But while Cortez was absent,e opposing a force that calledfrov, the capital, had been sent against him by the governor of Cuba, who Mexicamnridee had become jealous of his successes, the Mexicans, innMas. cited by the cruelties of the Spaniards who had been left to guard the capital and the Mexican king, flew to arms. 6. Good for- oCortez, with singular good fortune, having subdued his Cortex. enemies, and incorporated most of them with his own a. July 4. forces, returning, entered- the capital without molestation. 6. His treat- 10'Relying too much on his increased strength, he mnent of the Mexicans- soon laid aside the mask of moderation which had hitherto what fol- concealed his designs, and treated the Mexicans like conquered subjects. They, finally convinced that they had. 0..~ i * The city of idexico, built by the Spaniards on the ruins of, ~:.* tgG..i. \ Fthe ancient city, was long the largest town in America, but is now inferior to New York and Philadelphia. It is 170 miles ~<,,~N ~j~ ~ ~~a g! frnom the Gulf of Miexico, and 200 from the Pacific Ocean, and < o' A: a~ is situated near the western bank of Lake Tezeuco, in the deI - a nne /Qlightful Yale of Mexico, or, as it was formerly called, the Plain of Tenochtitlan, which is 230 miles in circumference, and elevated a' sc//o z..7000 feet above the level of the ocean. The plain contains three lakes besides Tezcuco, and is surrounded by hills ofmoderate jr 0a -~ elevation, except on the south, where are two lofty volcanie "t~o~ b- 4 ximountains. Two of the lakes are above the level of the city, ~A.'~'''d whose streets have been frequently inmndated by them; but in K,,a kiic~b 1689, a deep channel, 12 miles long, cut through the hills on the fJfcyc, 5aL.. ~~ #~; north, was completed, by which the superfluous waters are con,....., -n ". i veyed into the river Tula, and thence to the Panuco. LRT. L.] CONQUEST OF MEXICO. 117 nothing to hope but from the utter extermination of their 152O. invaders, resumed their attacks upon the Spanish quarters with additional fury.'In a sally which Cortez made, 1. Lozoutwelve of his soldiers were killed, and the Mexicans ered by' the learned that their enemies were not invincible. 11. 2Cortez, now fully sensible of his danger, tried what 2. Interposieffect the interposition of Montezuma would have upon tezuma, and his irritated subjects. At sight of their king, whom they thich he almost worshipped as a god, the weapons of the Mexicans ree'ved. dropped from their hands, and every head was bowed with reverence; but when, in obedience to the command of Cortez, the unhappy monarch attempted to mitigate their rage and to persuade them to lay down their arms, murmurs, threats, and reproaches ran through their ranks;-their rage broke forth with ungovernable fury, and, regardless of their monarch, they again poured in upon the Spaniards flights of arrows and volleys of stones. Two arrows wounded Montezuma before he could be removed, and a blow from a stone brought him to the ground. 12. 3The Mexicans, on seeing their king fall by their 3. Remorse and flight of own hands, were instantly struck with remorse, and fled the Mexicans with horror, as if the vengence of heaven were pursuing them for the crime which they had committed. 4Mon- 4. Mondtezutezuma himself, scorning -to survive this last humiliation, rejected with disdain the kind attentions of the Spaniards, and refusing to take any nourishment, soon terminated his wretched days. 13. 5Cortez, now despairing of an accommodation with 5 Retreat o thie Mexicans, after several desperate encounters with fro, tMexieo them, began a retreat from the capital;-but innumerable hosts hemmed him in on every side, and his march was almost a continual battle. On the sixth day of the retreat, the almost exhausted Spaniards, now reduced to a mere handful of men, encountered,~ in a spacious valley, a. July 17. the whole Mexican force;-a countless multitude, extending as far as the eye could reach.'As no alternative 6. areabttMi remained but to conquer or die, Cortez, without giving Mexicansi his soldiers time for reflection, immediately led them to the charge. The Mexicans received them with unusual fortitude, yet their most numerous battalions gave way before Spanish discipline and Spanish arms. 14. The very multitude of their enemies, however, pressing upon them from every side, seemed sufficient to overwhelm the Spaniards, who, seeing no end of their toil, nor any hope of victory, were on the point of yielding to despair. At thlis moment Cortez, observing the great Mexican standard advancing, and recollecting to have 118 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. fBooy I1 ANALYSIS. heard that on its fate depended the event of every battle, assembled a few of his bravest officers, and, at their head, cut his way through the opposing ranks, struck down the Mexican general, and secured the standard. The mo. ment their general fell and the standard disappeared, the Mexicans, panic-struck, threw away their weapons, and fled with precipitation to the mountains, making no farther opposition to the retreat of the Spaniards.. inal con. 15.'Notwithstanding the sad reverses which he had Mexicot. experienced, Cortez still looked forward with confidence to the conquest of the whole Mexican empire, and, after receiving supplies and reinforcements, in December, 1520, he again departed for the interior, with a force of five hundred Spaniards and ten thousand friendly natives. After various successes and reverses, and a siege of the capital which lasted seventy-five days-the king Guate1521. mozen having fallen into his hands,-in August, 1521, u. Aug. 23. the city yielded;a the fate of the empire was decided; and Mexico became a province of Spain. 2. Other in- 16. 2Another important event in the list of Spanish portant event'reirzn. discoveries, and one which is intimately connected with ournotice. American history, being the final demonstration of the theory of Columbus, requires in this place a passing notice. 3. Magellan, 17.'Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese by birth, who and lis planr of afnew had served his country with distinguished valor in the Ides. East Indies,* believing that those fertile regions might be reached by a westerly route from Portugal, proposed the. Emanuel. scheme to his sovereign,b and requested aid to carry it 4. nis f.rst into execution. 4Unsuccessful in his application, and applicat or oaPo air having been coldly dismissed by his sovereign without receiving any reward for his services, he indignantly ~-1517- renounced his allegiance and repaired to Spain.c 5. Saedi-s on 18.'The Spanish emperord engaging readily in the tion. scheme which the Portuguese monarch had rejected, a; d. charles v. c squadron of five ships was soon equipped at the public a. Ai. 20, charge, and Magellan set saile from Sevillet in August, S. Account of 1519.'After touching at the Canaries,4 he stood south, t.teacin. crossed the equinoctial line, and spent several months in nnagastrctr- exploring the coast of South America, searching for a lioof tize passage which should lead to the Indies. After spending the winter on the coast, in the spring he continued his 9 East Indies is the name given to the islands of the Indian Ocean south of Asia, together with that portion of the main land which is between Persia: aln China. t Se~ville is a large city beauLtifully situated on the left ba.nk of the Guada]quiver, in the southwestern part of Spain. It was once the chief market for the conunerce of America and the Indies.: The Canaries are a group of 14 islands belonging to Spain. The Peank of Teneriffe, on ona of the more distant islands, is about 250 miles from the northwest coast of Africa, and 800 miles southwest from the Straits of Gibraltar. PAR.] PAIVIPHILLO DE NARVAEZ. 119 voyage towards the south,-passing through the strait* 1f2O. which bears his name, and, after sailing three months — e and twenty-one-days through an unknown ocean, during which time his crew suffered greatly from the want of water and provisions, lie discovereda a cluster of fertile a. ah 1.6, islands, which he called the Ladrones.t 19. The fair weather and favorable winds which he had experienced, induced him to bestow on the ocean through which he had passed the name of PaciJic, which it still retains. Proceeding from the Ladrones, he s'on discovered the islands now known as the Philippines.t Here, in a contest with the natives, Magellan was killed,b b Mays and the expedition was prosecuted under other commanders. After arriving at the Moluccas~ and taking in a. cargo of spices, the only vessel of the squadron, then fit fobr a long voyage, sailed for Europe by way of the Cape of Good Hope,ll and arrived' in Spaiin in September, c. 17th Set. 1522, thus accomplishing the first circumnavigation of the globe, and having performed the voyage in the space of three years and twenty-eight days. V. PAMIPHILO Dr N rArVAEZ. —1.'In 1526, Pamphilo 1526. de Narvaez, the same who had been sent:! by the gover- d. Seep. 11. i. De Nhornor of Cuba to arrest the career of Cortez in Mexico, vaez,eand hEs scheme of solicited and obtained from the Spanish emperor, Charles coenqest. V., the appointment of governor of Florida,e with permis- e. Note p.113. sion to conquer the country.'The territory thus placeed 2. Territory at his disposal extended, with indefinite limits, from the disposal. southern cape of the present Florida to the river of Palms, (now Panuco~T) in Mexico.'Having made exten- ing in sive preparations, in April, 152S, Narvaez landedf in 1l28. Florida with a force of' three hundred imen, of whon f. April 22 eighty were mounted, and erecting the royal standard, took 4. Thes route possession of the country for the crown of Spain. and -wander-, 2. 4Striking into the interior with the hope of findiding Spaiagft. The Strait of 111agellto- is at the southern extremnity of the American continent, separating the islands of Terra del Fuego from the main ladtl. It is a dangerous passage, mlore than 300 miles in length, and in some places not more than a mile across. t The Ladrones, or the Islands of Thieves, thus named from the thievish disposition of the natives, are a cluster of islands in the Pacific Ocean ab(>ut 1600 mliles southeast from the coast of China. When first discovered, the natives were ignorant of any country but their own, and imagined that the ancestor of their race was forened fromi a piece of the rock of one of their islands. They were utterly unacquainted with ficre, lctd when Magellahn, provoked by repeated thefts, bturned one of their villages, they thought that the fire was a beast that fed upon their t wvellings. $ The Pilippeines, thus named in honor of Philip II. of Spain, who subjected them 40 years 2tfter the voyage of Magellan, are a group of more than a thousand islands, the largest of which Is Luzon, about 400 miles southeast from the coast of China. ~ The 1olleccas, or Spice Islands, are a group of small islands north from New Holland, diis covered by the Portugnuese in 1511. They are distinguished chiefly for the production of spices, particularly nutmegs and cloves. il The Cape of Good Ilope is the most important cape of South Africa, although Cape Laguluns;s farther south. The.'anrco is a small river which empties into the Gulf of MIexico 210 miles north froa the Mexican capttal, and about 30 miles norh fromn Tampico. 120 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. [BOOK I,. ANALYSIS. some wealthy empire like Mexico or Peru,* during two - -- onths the Spaniards wandered about through swamps and forests, often attacked by hordes of lurking savages, but cheered onward by the assurances of their captive guides, who, pointing to the north, were supposed to del. Their d- scribe a territory which abounded in gold.'At length appointed they arriveda in the fertile province of the Apallachians, a. Juno. in the north of Florida, but their hopes of finding gold were sadly disappointed, and the residence of the chief. tain, instead of being a second Mexico, which they had pictured to themselves, proved to be a mere village of two hundred wigwams. 2. Resmlt of 3.'They now directed their course southward, and h dea;-. finally came upon the sea, probably in the region of the Bay of Apallachee,t near St. Marks. Having already lost a third of their number, and despairing of being able to retrace their steps, they constructed five frail boats, in b. Oct. which they embarked,b but being driven out into the gulf by a storm, Narvaez and nearly all his companions perished. Four of the crew, after wandering several years through Louisiana,' Texas,~ and Northern Mexico, and passing from tribe to tribe, often as slaves, finally c. 1536. reachedo a Spanish settlement. 6. Prevalent VI. FERDINAND DE SOTO. —1.'Notwithstanding the belief with fegaS to tih melancholy result of the expedition of Narvaez, it was rFcheda. still believed that in the interior of Florida, a name which the Spaniards applied to all North America then known, regions might vet be discovered which would vie in t. Ferdinand opulence with Mexico and Peru.'Ferdinand de Soto, a s5oto,, and Spanish cavalier of noble birth, who had acquired distinc0~ design of Fq.ue'ring tion and wealth as the lieutenant of Pizarro in the conquest of Peru, and desirous of signalizing himself still farther by some great enterprise, formed the design of 1538. conquering Florida, a country of whose riches he had formed the most extravagant ideas. 5. His aPi.i 2.'He therefore applied to the Spanish emperor, and cation to the Spanish requested permission to undertake the conquest of Florida Monarch. at his own risk and expense. The emperor, indulging high expectations from so noted a cavalier, not only * Peru is a country of South America. bordering on the Pacific Ocean, celebrated for its mines of gold and silver, the annual produce of which, during a great number of years, was more than four millions of dollars. P'eru, when discovered by the Spaniards, was a powerful and wealthy kingdom, considerably adlanced isn civilization. Its conquest was completed by Pizarro in 1532. t Apallaclhee is a large open bay on the coast of Floricda, south of the western part of Georgia..,rt. Ifacsks is a town at the head of the bay. $ Lo7tisiana is as name originally applied to the whole valley of the Mississippi anid the coun try westward as far as M:Iexico and the Pacific Ocean. The present Louisiana is one of the Jlnited States, at the southwestern extremity of the Union. ~ 2'exas, embracing a territory as extensive as the six New England States together witia Nw York and Newi Jersey, adjobss Louisiana on the west. (See also page 621.) PART I.] FERDINANL DE SOTO. 121 granted his request, but also appointed him governor- _t53S. general of Florida for life, and also of the island of Cuba. N'De Soto soon found himself surrounded by adventurers a. No~tep.l2 1. Sails for of all classes, and in April, 1538, sailed for Cuba with a CuOa. fleet of seven large and three small vessels. 3.'In Cuba the new governor was received with great 2 rtsHrecep-. i i n tion in Cuba, rejoicings;-new accessions were made to his forces; and his lnea. and after completing his preparations, and leaving his gia Fowife to govern the island, he embarked for Florida, and early in June, 1539, his fleet anchoredb in the Bay of 1539. Espiritu Santo,* or Tampa Bay.'His forces consisted 3b. June 1o of six hundred men, more than two hundred of whom were mounted, both infantry and cavalry being clad in complete armor. 4Besides ample stores of food, a drove o41 upJlyS. S of three hundred swine was landed, with which De Soto for intended to stock the country where he should settle; and these were driven with the expedition throughout most of the route. 4.'After establishing a small garrison in the vicinity 5. Atcount of of Espiritu Santo, and sending most of his vessels back to itngsof7the Havanna,-t he commenced his march into the interior, the isnterio taking with him, as interpreter, a Spaniard found among the natives, who had remained in captivity since the time of Narvaez. After wandering five months through unexplored and mostly uncultivated. regions, exposed to hardships and dangers and an almost continued warfare with the natives, during which several lives were lost, the party arrived,e in the month of November, in the more c.,ov. 6 fertile country of the Apallachians, east of the Flint river,4 and a few leagues north of the Bay of Apallachee, where it was determined to pass the winter. 5.'From this place an exploring party discovered the 6. Discovery ocean in the very place where the unfortunate Narvaez a.dother had emnbarked. De Soto likewise despatched thirty fGnllowed horsemen to Espiritu Santo, with orders for the garrison to rejoin the army in their present winter quarters. The horsemen arrived with the loss of but two of their number, and the garrison rejoined De Soto, although with some loss, as, during their march, they had several desperate encounters with the natives. Two small vessels that had been retained at Espiritu Santo reached the Bay of Apallachee, and by the aid of these the coast was farther *.Tpiricu Saeto, now called Tampa Bay, is on the western coast of Florida, 200 miles south, east from St. Marks. There is no place of anchorage between the two places. t Haoanna, the capital of Cuba, a wealthy and populous city, is on the north side of the island. It has the finest harbor in the world, capable of containing a thousand ships. The entrance is so narrow that but one vessel can pass at a time. I The Flint river is in the western part of Georgia. It joins the Chattahoochee at the northse boundary of Fllorida, and the two united form the Apalachicola. 16 122 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. explored during the winter,~ and the harbor of Pensacola; a. 153940. discovered. a. 1538.40. a. sianer in 6.'The Spaniards remained five months in winter quar. Spaniards ters at Apallachee, supplying themselves with provisions by.t heiir. pillaging the surrounding country; but they were kept in constant alarm by the never-ceasing stratagems and as. 1540. saults of the natives.'At length, in the month of March, b. March 13. they broke up their camp, and set outb for a remote coun 2. course, try, of which they had heard, to the northeast, governed, in t/2esprinzg it was said, by a woman, and abounding in gold and sil-.. Orders ver.'De Soto had previously despatched his ships to De Soto to Cuba, with orders to rendezvous in the following October aisships. at Pensacola, where he proposed to meet them, having, in the mean time, explored the country in the interior. 4. Disap- 7. 4Changing his course now to the northeast, De Soto pointed tD expectation. crossed several streams which flow into the Atlantic, and probably penetrated near to the Savannah,t where he indeed found the territory of the princess, of whose wealth lie had formed so high expectations; but, to his great disappointment, the fancied gold proved to be copper, and the supposed silver only thin plates of mica. b. Route sq S.'His direction was now towards the north, to the thtrough head waters of the Savannah and tile Chattahoochee,4 Georgti. whence he crossed a branch of the Apalachian~ chain which runs through the northern part of Georgia, and came upon the southern limits of the territory of the e. Map,p.20. Cherokees. 2H.earing that there was gold in a region Couaty Of fatrther north, he despatched two horsemen with Indian the Cherotede guides, to visit the country. These, after an absence of was visited, and thlre ten days, having crossed rugged and percipitous mountains, returned to the camp, bringing with them a few specimens of fine copper or brass, but none of gold or silver. I. Wander- 9. 7During several months the Spaniards wandered eanrdl izn through the valleys of Alabama, obliging the chieftains, Aabamsa. through whose territories they passed, to march with them as hostages for the good conduct of their subjects. SPE.SACOLA AND VICINITY. * Pensacola is a town on the northwest side of Pensacola Bay near the western extremity of Florida. The bay is a fine sheet o; sob 19 itMflt water upwards of 20 miles in length from N.E. to S.W. (See Map. ) {` v*-.,zf~ ~ <~ ~ t A The Sarvannah river forms the boundary line between South.z>; Carolina and Georgia. I The Chattahoochee river rises in the northeastern part of Georgia, near the sources of the Savannah, and, after crossing the rEN. State southwest, forms the boundary between Georgia and Ala. OO5.A.~) t~A-%~? bama. ~ The Apalachian or Alleghany.Mouontai,-s extend from the northern part of Georgia to the State of New York, at a distancer of about 250 miles from the coast, and'early parallel to it. They divide the waters which flow into the Atlautic from those whici, flowinto the Mississippi. PART 13 FERDINAND DE SOTO. 123'In October they arriveda at Mauville,* a fortified Indian 5 40. town near the junction of the Alabamat- and the Tombeckbee. Here was foughta one of the most bloody a." ot..2,. Manville, battles known in Indian warfare.'During a contest of aned eat nine hours several thousand Indians were slain and their occurred there. village laid in ashes. 2. Account oj 10. The loss of the Spaniards was also great. Many rat olattle fell in battle, others died of their wounds,-they lost many of their horses, and all their baggage was consumed in the flames.'The situation of the Spaniards after the 3. Situation of the Spanbattle was truly deplorable, for nearly all were wounded, iardswfter and, with their baggage, they had lost their supplies of the battle. food and medicine; but, fortunately for them, the Indian power had been so completely broken that their enemies were unable to offer themn any farther molestation. 11. 4While at Mauville, De Soto learned from the 4. Infoerm natives that the ships he had ordered had arrived at ibDeSoto, Pensacola.l But, fearing that his disheartened soldiers novements. would desert him as soon as they had an opportunity of b. Note, p. 122 leaving the country, and mortified at his losses, he determined to send no tidings of himself until he had crowned his enterprise with success by discovering new regions of wealth. He therefore turned from the coast and again advanced* into the interior. His followers, accustomed c.Nov. 2 to implicit obedience, obeyed the command of their leader without remonstrance. 12.'The following winterd he passed in the country d. 1540-41 of the Chickasas, probably on the western banks of the 1541. Yazoo,: occupying an Indian village which had been'5 st"o deserted on his approach. Here the Indians attacked iarsa dm'ing their second him at night, in the dead of winter, and burned the vil- vwinter, and losses suffered lage; yet they were finally repulsed, but not till several by them. Spaniards had fallen. In the burning of the village the Spaniards lost many of their horses, most of their swine, and the few remaining clothes which they had saved from the fires of Mauville. During the remainder of the winter they suffered much from the cold, and were almost constantly harassed by the savages. 13.'At the opening of spring the Spaniards resumede 6. Theq cto their march, continuing their course to the northwest teppi. until they came to the Mississippi~ which they crossed, e. May 5. S Pronounced ills-veel, whence Mobile derives its name. t The Alabama river rises in the N.AV. part of Georgia, and through most of its course is called the Coosa. The Tomnbecklcbee rises in the N.E. part of Mississippi. The two unite 35 miles north from Mobile, in the State of Alabama, and through several channels empty into Miobile Bay: The Yazoo river rises in the northern part of the State of Mississippi, and running southwest, enters the Mississippi river 65 miles north from Natchez. ~ The Mississippi river, which, in the Indian language, signifies the Father of Waters, rises 16V miles west from alake Superior. Its source is Itasca Lake, in Iowa Territory. After a 124 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES.!Boo: I[L ANALYMIIS. probably at the lowest Chickasaw bluff, one of the ancient crossing places, between the thirty-fourth and the thirty1. Course fifth parallel of latitude.'Thence, after reaching the St. Francis,* thev continued north until they arrived ill the vicinity of New Madrid, in the southern part of the State of Missouri. 2. Thefollowo 14.'After traversing the country,. during the summer, ing sumqner andlowiter. to the distance of two or three hundred miles west of the a. 1541-2. Mississippi, they passed the wintera on the banks of the 1542. Wachita.t'In the spring they passed down that river to 3Deaoto.of the Mississippi, where De Soto was taken sick and died.b 3 May 31. To conceal his death from the natives, his body, wrapped in a mantle, and placed in a rustic coffin, in the stillness of midnight, and in the presence of a few faithful fbllowers, was silently sunk in the middle of the stream. 1. Attempt of 15. 4De Soto had appointed his successor, under whom the Spaniards to reach the remnant of the party now attempted to penetrate by e lcand. land to Mexico. They wandered several months through the wilderness, traversing the western prairies, the hunting grounds of roving and warlike tribes, but hearing no tidings of white people, and finding their way obstructed by rugged mountains, they were constrained to retrace 5. Their- their steps.'In December they came upon the Mississippi fourth sionter. a short distance above the mouth of the Redt river, and c. 1542-3. here they passed the winter,' during which time they 1543. constructed seven large boats, or brigantines. ~In these 6. Their ob- they embarked on the twelfth of July, in the following sequent cos.ereuntil year, and in seventeen days reached the Gulf of iMIexico. Mexico. Fearing to trust themselves far from land in their frail barks, they continued along the coast, and on the twentieth of September, 1543, the remnant of the party, half naked and famishing with hunger, arrived safely at a d. Note, p. 119. Spanish settlement near the mouth of the river Panucod in Mexico. winding course of more than 3000 miles in a southerly direction, it discharges its vast flood o. turbid waters into the Gulf of Mexico. It is navigable for steam-boats to the Falls of St. Anthony, more than 2000 miles from its mouth by the river's course. The Mississippi and its tributary streams drain a vast valley, extending from the Alleghasnies to the Rocky Mountains, containing more than a million of square miles of the richest country in the world;-a territory six times grcater than the whole kingdom of France. * The St. Francis river rises in Missouri, and running south, enters the Mississippi 60 miles north from tihe muouth of the Arkansas. t The Tacrhita river rises in the western part of the State of Arkansas, and running S.E. receives many tributaries, and enters the lied river 30 miles from the junction of the latter with the Mississippi. $ The Redi river rises on the confines of Texas, forms its northern boundary, and enters thei Missippi 150 miles N.W. from Noew Orlean PART 1.4 JOHN AND SEBASTIAN CABOT. 125 1497. CHAPTER II. NORTHERN AND EASTERN COASTS OF NORTH ADMERICA, FROM 1. Subjeut of Chapter II. THE DISCOVERY OF THE CONTINENT BY THE CABOTS, IN 1497, TO THE SETTLEMENT OF JABMESTOWN, IN VIRGINIA, IN 1607. 110 YEARS. DIVISIONS. l. 2John and Sebastian Cabot. —I. Gaspar Corttreal. —II. Ver- (Pronounced razani. —IV. James Cartier.a- V. BRoberval.- VI. Ribaultb Lan- b. Re-bo. donnierec and Melendez. —VII. Gilbert, Raleigh, Grenville, &c.- e. Lo-don-eVill. Mfarquis de la Boche.d-IX. Bartholomew Gosnold.-X. De d. Roash.) Monts. —Xl. North and South Virginia. 2. Divisiosm of Chapter 1I. I. JOHN AND SEBASTIAN CABOT.-1.'Shortly after the 3. Account af return of Columbus from his first voyage, John Cabot, a atnd vdoyageVenetian by birth, but then residing in England, believ- #e mCabom, ing that new lands might be discovered in the northwest, applied to Henry VII. for a commission of discovery. Under this commissione Cabot, taking with him his son e. Dated March 5th, Sebastian, then a young man, sailed from the port of (0. S.) 1496. Bristol* in the spring of 1497. 1497. 2. On the 3d of July following he discovered land, which he called Prima Vista, or first seen, and which until recently was supposed to be the island of Newfoundland,f but which is now believed to have been the coast of Labrador.f After sailing south a short distance, and f. Note, p..ll probably discovering the coast of Newfoundland, anxious tb announce his success, Cabot returned to England without making any farther discovery. 3. 4In 1498 Sebastian Cabot, with a company of three 1498. hundred men, made a second voyage, with the hope of 4.,he seeoa. finding a northwest passage to India. He explored the Sebotian Ca. continent from Labrador to Virginia, and perhaps to the coast of Florida;g when want of provisions compelled g. Note, p. 113. him to return to England. 4. 6He made several subsequent voyages to the Ameri- 1500. can coast, and in 1517, entered one of the straits which 5. SuLequent leads into Hudson's Bay. In 1526, having entered the voYag'o! service of Spain, he explored the River La Plata, and part of the coast of South America. Returning to Engatlnd during the reign of Edward VI., he was made Grand * Bristol, a commercial city oftEngland, next in importance to LonIon and Liverpool, is on the River Avon, four miles distant from its entrance into the river Severn, where commencee -the Bristol Channel. It is 115 miles west from London and 140 south from Liverpool. 126 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. [Boo 11L ANALYSIS. Pilot of the kingdom, and received a pension for his ser. vices. 1. Account II. GASPAR CORTEREAL.-1.'Soon after the success. oft C6orvtereat.1 ful voyage of the Cabots, which resulted in the discovery 1500. of North America, the king of Portugal, in the year 1500, 1501. despatched Gaspar Cortereal to the coast of America, on a voyage of discovery. After exploring the coast of a.Note, p.l. Labrador- several hundred miles, in the vain hope of b. Note,p. 118. finding a passage to India,b Cortereal freighted his ships c. Aug. with more than fifty of the natives, whom, on his return,6 he sold into slavery.. The second 2.'Cortereal sailed on a second voyage, with a deter. mination to pursue his discovery, and bring back a cargo of slaves. Not returning as soon as was expected, his brother sailed in search of him, but no accounts of either ever again reached Portugal. 1504. III. VERRAZANI.-1.'At an early period the fisher. a. Newfoundc ies of Newfoundland began to be visited by the French and the English, but the former attempted no discoveries 4. decount of in America until 1523. 4In the latter part of this year the voyage df Verrazania Francis I. fitted out a squadron of four ships, the com. mand of which he gave to John Verrazani, a Florentine navigator of great skill and celebrity. Soon after the 1524, vessels had sailed, three of them became so damaged in a storm that they. were compelled to return; but Verrazani proceeded in a single vessel, with a determination to d. Jan. 27. make new discoveries. Sailingd from Madeira,* in a westerly direction, after having encountered a terrible e. March. tempest, he reachede the coast of America, probably in the latitude of Wilmington.t 5. 1 firnst 2.'After exploring the coast some distance north and inte,'coeRd south, without being able to find a harbor, he was obliged natives. to send a boat on shore to open an intercourse with the natives. The savages at first fled, but soon recovering their confidence, they entered into an amicable traffic with the strangers. 2. Events that 3.'Proceeding north along the open coast of New the coast of Jersey, and no convenient landing-place being discovered, Nesw Jersey. a sailor attempted to swim ashore through the surf; but, frightened by the numbers of the natives who thronged the beach, he endeavored to return, when a wave threw him terrified and exhausted upon the shore. He was, however, treated with great kindness; his clothes were * The 1Madeiras are a cluster of islands north of the Canaries, 400 miles west from the coast of Morocco, and nearly 700 southwest from the Straits of Gibraltar. Madeira, the principal Island, celebrated for its wines, is 54 miles long, and consists of a collection of lofty mvoutains on the lower slopes of which vines are cultivated. t Wilmington. (See Note and Map, p. 251.) PART t, CARTIER. 127 dried by the latives; and, when recoverea friom his 1,4 fright and exhaustion, he was permitted to swim back to the vessel. 4.'Landing again farther north, probably near the 1. Neear city of New York,* the voyagers, prompted by curiosity, kidnapped and carried away an Indian child.'It is supposed that Verrazani entered- the haven of Newport,t a. lay 1. where he remained fifteen days. Here the natives were 2 GCharacter liberal, friendly, and confiding; and the country was the if to;e.ic:nity of Neowrichest that had yet been seen. po0.7' 5.'Verrazani still proceeded north, and explored the 3. Fartlhr coast as far as Newfoundland.b The natives of the b. Note,p. ll northern regions were hostile and jealous, and would traffic only for weapons of iron or steel. 4Verrazani 4. The nams gave to the whole region which he had discovered the Neuw F'ace. name of NEW FRANCE; an appellation.which was afterwards confined to Canada, and by which that country was known while it remained in the possession of the French. IV. JAMEs CARTIER.-I1. 6After an interval of ten 1534. years, another expedition was planned by the French; 5. Account ac and James Cartier, a distinguished mariner of St. Malo,t vt.leafe.ts was selected to conduct a voyage to Newfbundland. After having minutely surveyede the northern coast of c. June. that island, he passed through the Straits of Belieisle into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and entered the mouth of the river of the same name; but the weather becoming boisterous, and the season being far advanced, after erecting a cross,d —taking possession of the country in the name d. At the bay of the king of' France,-and inducing two of the natives to acncompany him, he set saile on his return, and, in less e. Aug. 19. than thirty days, enteredf the harbor of St. Malo in safety. f. Sept. is. 2. 61n 1535 Cartier sailed' with three vessels, on a 13 5. second voyage to Newfoundland, and entering the gulf on g tlay 294 the day of St. Lawrence, he gave it the name of that secoft martyr. Being informed by the two natives who had voiaye. returned with him, that far up the stream which he had discovered to the westward, was a large town, the capital har bor. See of the whole country, he sailed onwards, entered the river'i. Spt, 29. St. Lawrence, and, by means of his interpreters, opened t7. E.xplore a friendly colnmunication with the natives. Lawrence, 3. *Leaving his ship safely moored,h Cartier proceededdi a"nt h2lppelz with the pinnace and two boats up the river, as far as the ed r'intthe: Noew York. (See Note anld Map; p. 220.) t Newport. (See Note, p. 215, and SIap, p. 217.) T St laloe is a small seaport town in the N. WV. part of Franct, in the ancient province o?' Britttany, or Bretagne, 200 miles west from Paris. The town is on a rocky elevation called St. Aaron, surrounded by the sea at high water, but connected with the mainland by a causeway the inhabitants were early and extensively engaged in the Newfoundland cod finery. 128 VOYAG ES AND DISCOVERIES. [BooK 1i ANALYSIS. principal Indian settlement of Hochelaga, on the site of a. Oct. Ia the present city of Montreal,* where he was receiveda in a friendly manner. Rejoining his ships, he passed the b. 1535-6. winter'} where they were anchored; during which time 1536. twventy-five of his crew died of the scurvy, a malady until then unknown to Europeans. c. May 1 4. LAt the approach of spring, after having taken for. trefac/efyO. mal possessions of the country in the name of his sove. reign, Cartier prepared to return. An act of treachery, d. May 16. at his departure,d justly destroyed the confidence which the natives had hitherto reposed in their guests. The Indian King, whose kind treatment of the French merited a more generous return, was decoyed on board one of the vessels and carried to France. 2. Pre went V. ROBERVAL. —1. 2Notwithstanding the advantages regard to the likely to result from founding colonies in America, the value of new countries. French government, adopting the then prevalent notion that no new countries were valuable except such as produced gold and silver, made no immediate attempts at colonization. 3. Designs 2. 3At length a wealthy nobleman, the Lord of Roberand titles of?obDervat. val, requested permission to pursue the discovery and 1540. form a settlement. This the king readily granted, and e. Jan. Roberval receivede the empty titles of Lord, Lieutenantgeneral, and Viceroy, of all the islands and countries hitherto discovered either by the French or the English. 4. Account or f 3. 4While Roberval was delayed in making extensive the third voyCargeof preparations for his intended settlement, Cartier, whose 1541. services could not be dispensed with, received a subordif.June. nate command, and, in 1541, sailedf with five ships already prepared. The Indian king had in the mean time died in France; and on the arrival of Cartier in the St. Lawrence, he was received by the natives with jealousy and distrust, which soon broke out into open hostilities. 5re Fotd The French then built for their defence, near the present site of Quebec,t a fort which they named Charles1542. bourg, where they passed the winter..Roerivalt,. 4.'Roberval arrived at Newfoundland in June of the hes faie of following year, with three ships, and emigrants for foundMONTrEAL AND VIO. ollontreal, the largest town in Canada, is situated on the S. E. side of a fertile island of the same name about 30 miles long and 10 broad,,TmrdoJ33eka Rq> inclosed by the divided channel of the St. Lawrence. The city is about'' 140 miles S.'W. from Quebec, but farther by the course of the river, t Quebec, a strongly fortified city of Canada, is situated on the N. W. /'.' /' side of the St. Lawrence, on a promontory formed by that river and X r the St. Charles. The city consists of the Upper and the Lower Town,the latter on a narrow strip of land near the water's edge; and the for-, mer on a plain difficult of access, more than 200 feet higher. Cape Diamond, the most elevated point of the Upper Town, is 845 feet above "L..3l_2' the level of the river, and commands a 4rand view of an extensive tract of country. (See Alap, p. 280.) PART I.J RIBAULT, LAUDONNIERE, MIELENDEZ. 126 ing a colony; but a misundeistanding having arisen be- I542. tween him and Cartier, the latter secretly set sail for France. Roberval proceeded up the St. Lawrence to the place which Cartier had abandoned, where he erected two forts and passed a tedious winter.' After some un- a. 15,23. successful attempts to discover a passage to the East Indies,b he brought his colony back to France, and the b. Nole, p.ll design of forming a settlement was abandoned. In 1549 1549. Roberval again sailed on a voyage of discovery, but he was never again heard oi: VI. RIBAULT, LAUDONNIERE, AND [MELENDEZ.-1. 1CO- 1. Attempts of ligni, admiral of France, having long desired to establish forma settlein America a refuge for French Protestants, at length obh- America. tained a commission fiom the king for that purpose, and, 1562. in 1562, despatched' a squadron to Florida,d under the c. Feb. 28. command of John Ribault. 2Arriving on the coast in d. Note, p. ll M'ay, he discovered the St. Johns River, which he named ries made. the river of May; but the squadron continued north until it arrived at Port Royal* entrance, near the southern boundary of Carolina, where it was determined to establish the colony. 2.'Here a fort was erected, and named Fort Charles, el.cted in and twenty-six men were left to keep possession of the carolna. country, while Ribault returnede to France for farther e. July. emigrants and supplies. 4The promised reinforcement 4. The settglo not arriving, the colony began to despair of assistance; donded. and, in the following spring, having constructed a rude 1563. brigantine, they embarked for home, but had nearly perished by famine, at sea, when they fell in with and were taken on board of an English vessel. 3.'In 1564, through the influence of Coligni, another 1564. expedition was planned, and in July a colony was estab- 5. sesnb lished on the river St. Johns,t and left under the com- lishod. mand of Laudonniere.'Many of the emigrants, however, 6. Ch!:a'taterI beingo dissolute and improvident, the supplies of food were tile wasted; and a party, under the pretence of desiring to f. Dec. escape from famine, were permitted to embarkf for France; 1565. but no sooner had they departed than they commenced a career of piracy against the Spanish. vIsIeITY OF PORT ROYAL. The remnant were on the point of embarking i oolr France, when Ribault arrived and assumed Por-t Royal is an island 12 miles in length, on the coast of South Carolina, on the east side of which is sitrtated the town,0 of Beaufort, 50 miles S. WV. from Charleston. Between the island' 7 J and the mainland is an excellent harbor.:' g)) f The St. Johso's, the principal river of Florida, rises in the eastern part of the territory, about 26 miles from the coast, and A runs north, expanding into frequent lakes, until within 20 miles of its mouth, when it turns to the east, and falls into the Atlantic, A 85 miles north from St. Augustine. (See Map next page.) 17 130 VOYAGES ANiD DISCOVERIES. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. the command, bringing supplies, and additional emigrants - with their families. a. Note, p.13. 4. 4 Meanwhile news arrived in Spain that a company o. ccErrnt ethat of French Protestants had settled in Florida,p within the spaniards Spanish territory, and Melendez, who had obtained the l ear eof the appointment of governor of the country, upon the condi. tion of completing its conquest within three years, depart. ed on his expedition, with the determination of spe'edily extirpating the heretics. b. Sept. 7. 5.'Early in September,b 1565, he came in sight of L Arrit}l zqfo Florida, and soon discovering a part of the French fleet aelendez, ondin thet gave them chase, but was unable to overtake them. On St. Augus- the seventeenth of September Melendez entered a beauti. tine. a. Sept. 18. ful harbor, and the next day,c after takling formal possession of the country, and proclaiming the king of Spain monarch of all North America, laid the foundations of St. Augustine.* 8. The French 6.'Soon after, the French fleet having put to sea with fleet. the design of attacking the Spaniards in the harbor of St. Augustine, and being overtaken by a furious storm, every ship was wrecked on the coast, and the French settlement 4.Destruction was left in a defenceless state. 4The Spaniards now of thlonyc made their way through the forests, and, surprising" the d. ct. 1. French fort, put to death all its inmates, save a few w1ho fled into the woods, and who subsequently escaped on board two French ships which had remainied in the harbor. Over the mangled remains of the French was placed the inscription, "' We do this not as unto Frenchmen, but as unto heretics." The helpless shipwrecked men being soon discovered, although invited to rely on the clemency of Melendez, were all massacred, except a S. Manner in few Catholics and a few mechanics, who were reserved vwhich the French nwere aS slaves. aveng d. 7.'Although the French court heard of this outrage with apathy, it did not long remain unavenged. VICINITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE,. hain AND ST. JOHn'S RIVER, De Gourgues, a soldier of Gascony;t having fittede out three ships at his own expense, sur~~, ~. IIARIEnOR OF ST. AUCUSTINE. a~ St. A'!gustilne is a town on c thunale zthle eastern coast of Florida, 350 imiles north from the southern K;~ X JiS t t4;%t~~ point of Florida, and 35 miles south from the mouth of the St. Johns Rliver. It is situated on on~ ~,~yte ~' ___ the S. side of a peninsula, hay, i![F w C, S 1;qing on the east Miatanzas Sound, which separates it from Anas-'.,~ Q-~*r~. ~ tatia island. The city is low, but' ~"''''. >~ healthy and pleasant. [ l f l ~, t Gascony was an ancient province in the southwest of France1 I ing chiefly between the Garoune and the Pyrenees. " Thtf G ascons are a spirited and a fiery race, blt their habit of exag. St. AUGUSTINE geration, in relating their exploits, has made the term gasconade -8 2 Anas-ltz ~ iproverbial.: PART I.] GILBERT, RALSEIGH, GRENVILLE. 131 prised two )f the Spanish forts on the St. Johns river, 156S. early in l568, and hung their garrisons on the trees, placing over them the inscription, "I do this not as unto Spaniards or mariners, but as unto traitors, robbers, and murderers." De Gourgues not being strong enough to maintain his position, hastily retreated,a and the Spaniards a. May. retained possession of the country. VII. GILBERT, RALEIGH, GRENVILLE, &C. —.'In 1583 1583. Sir Humphrey Gilbert, under a charter from Queen Eliz- 1. Account 4j abeth, sailedb with several vessels, with the design of / sG,1rt. forming a settlement in America; but a succession of b. June disasters defeated the project, and, on the homeward voyage, the vessel in which Gilbert sailed was wrecked,' and c. SeptL all on board perished. 2. 2His brother-in-law, Sir Walter Raleigh, not dis- 1584. heartened by the fate of his relative, soon after obtainedd 2. Patentof for himself an ample patent, vesting him with almost un- d. April 4. limited powers, as lord proprietor, over all the lands which he should discover between the 33d and 40th degrees of north latitude.'Under this patent, in 1584, he despatched, 3. voyage f for the American coast, two vessels under the command Barslowz. of Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow. 3. Arriving on the coast of Carolina in the month of July, they visited the islands in Pamlico,* and AlbemarleSound, took possession of the country in the name of the queen of England, and, after spending several weeks in trafficking with the natives, returned without attempting a settlement. 4The glowing description which they gave of 4. eame, that the beauty and fertility of the country, induced Elizabeth, the countrtt who esteemed her reign signalized by the discovery of and why these regions, to bestow upon them the name of VIRGINIA, as a memorial that they had been discovered during the reign of a maiden queen. 4.'Encouraged by their report, Raleigh made active 1585. preparations to form a settlement; and, in the following e. April 19. year, 1585, despatchede a fleets of' seven vessels under the theftrstatthe npt to for'tn command of Sir Richard Grenville, with Ralph Lane as asettlsement governor of the intended colony. After some disasters atRanooke. on the coast, the fleet arrived at Roanoke,' an island X5 PamTlico So, td is a large bay on the coast of N. Carolina, ro.ANoKE I. AND VICINITY. nearly a hundred miles long from N. E. to S. W., and from 15 to 25 miles broad. It is separated from the ocean throughout its! whole length by a beach of sand l rdly a mile wide, near the middle of which is the dangerous Cape IHatteras. Ocracock Inlet,% 85 miles S. W1:. from Cape Ifatteras, is the only entrance which admits ships of large burden. - Albemarle Sond is north of and connects with Pamlico Sound, and is likeiwis3 separated from the ocean by a narrow sand beach. It Is about 60 males long from east to vest, and from 4 to 15 miles wide.:, $ Roanoke is an island on the coast of North Carolina, between Pamlico and Albemarle sounds. The north point of the island is 5 - F:t o miles west from the old Itoanoke Inlet, which is now closed. The EngUish fort and colony were at the north end of the island. (See Map.) 132 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. in Albemarle Sound, whence, leaving the emigrants una. Sept. der Lane to establish the colony, Grenville returned" to England. 1586. 5.'The impatience of the colonists to acquire sudden 1. The con- wealth gave a wrong direction to their industry, and the duact of the colonists. cultivation of the earth was neglected, in the idle search after mines of gold and silver. Their treatment of the natives soon provoked hostilities:-their supplies of pro. visions, which they had hitherto received from the Indians, were withdrawn:-famine stared them in the face; and they were on the point of dispersing in quest of food, b. June. when Sir Francis Drake arrived' with a fleet from the e. Note,p. 112. WVest Indies.c 2. Under 6. 2He immediately devised measures for furnishing stances the the colony with supplies; but a small vessel, laden with eai aban- provisions, which was designed to be left for that purpose, donefd being destroyed by a sudden storm, and the colonists be. coming discouraged, he yielded to their unanimous request, and carried them back to England. Thus was the d June29. first English settlement abandoned," after an existence of little less than a year. 3. Events 7.'A few days after the departure of the fleet, a ves. thathappened sel, despatched by Raleigh, arrivede with a supply of coon after the deartture stores fbr the colony, but finding the settlement deserted, of the colony. e. July. immediately returned. Scarcely had this vessel departed, when Sir Richard Grenville arrived with three ships. After searching in vain for the colony which he had planted, he likewise returned, leaving fifteen men on the Island of Roanoke to keep possession of the country. 1587. 8.'Notwithstanding the ill success of the attempts of 4. Account of Raleigh to establish a colony in his new territory, neither the second attempt toform his hopes nor his resources were yet exhausted. Detera8ettlement. mining to plant an agricultural state, early in the following year he sent out a company of emigrants with their wives and families,-granted a charter of incorporation for the settlement, and established a municipal government for his intended'" city of Raleigh." f. Aug. 9. 60n the arrivalf of the emigrants at Roanoke, where 5. Dzappont-,, they expected to find the men whom Grenville had left, appe, ca to they found the fort which had been built there in ruins; on their ar- the houses were deserted: and the bones of their former r. occupants were scattered over the plain. At the same qf Captain place, however, they determined to establish the colony; g. eipt. 6. and here they laid the foundations for their " city." 7. Under 10. 6Soon finding that they were destitute of many ohat circcrn- stancesthe things which were essential to their comfort, their gov. abado.ned, ernor, Captain John White, sailedg for England, to obtain and the necessary supplies.'On his arriv&a he found the PART L.] LA ROCHE, GOSNOLD. 13;3 nation absorbed by the threats of a Spanish invasion; and 15S7o the patrons of the new settlement were too much engaged - in public measures to attend to a less important and remnote object. Raleigh, however, in the following year, 158s, despatched- White with supplies, in two vessels; 1588. but the latter, desirous of a gainful voyage, ran in search a. Maya of Spanish prizes; until, at length, one of' his vessels was overpowered, boarded, and rifled, and both ships were compelled to return to England. 11. Soon after, Raleigh assignedb his patent to a corn- b. March 17, pany of merchants in London; and it was not until 1590 1589. that White was enabled to return0 in search of the colony; 15. ug. and then the island of Roanoke was deserted. No traces of the emigrants could be found. The design of establishing a colony was abandoned, and the country was again leftd to the undisturbed possession of the natives. d. Sept. VIII. MARQUIS. DE LA ROCHE.-1.'In 1598, the Mar- 1598. quis de la Roche, a French nobleman, received from the l. Attempt of king of France a commission for founding a French colo- toDe Rachetny in America. Having equipped several vessels, he tlen'nt sailed with a considerable number of settlers, most of whom, however, he was obliged to draw from the prisons of Paris. On Sable* island, a barren spot near the coast of Nova Scotia, forty men were left to form a settlement. 2.'La Roche dying soon after his return, the colonists 2. rate f/ At were neglected; and when, after seven years, a vessel,0~onu. was sent to inquire after them, only twelve of them were living. The dungeons from which they had been liberated were preferable to the hardships which they had suffered. The emaciated exiles were carried back to France, where they were kindly received by the king, who pardoned their crimes, and made them a liberal donation. IX. BARTHOLOMrOEW GOSNOLD.-1.'In 1602, Bartholo- 1602. imew Gosnold sailede from Falmouth,t England, and Accot tof abandoning the circuitous route by the Canariesf and the Gosnozd. West Indies,g made a direct voyage across the Atlantic, f. Ap. i18 and in seven weeks reachedh the American continent, prob- g. Note, p. 1li ably near the northern extremity of Massachusetts Bay.: h May.'Not finding a good harbor, and sailing southward, he 4 Discover2i discovered and landedi upon a promontory which he called i. May 24. -' Sable island is 90 miles S. SE. from the eastern point of Nova Scotia. i- Falmouth is a seaport town at the entrance of the English Cha-nnel, near the southwestern extremity of England. It is 50 miles S. W. from Plymouth, has an excellent harbor, and a roadstead capable of receiving the largest fleets. $ 3lassaclhusetts.Bay is a large bay on the eastern coast of Massachusetts, between the headlaacs of Cape Ann on the north, and Cape Cod on the south 134 V~)OYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. [Boor II. ANALYSIS. Cape Cod.* Sailing thence, and pursuing his course along a June.4. the coast, he discovereda several islands, one of which he named Elizabeth:.t and another AMartha's Vineyard.' t. xt:.,wnpt to 2.'Here it was determined to leave a portion of the form a:.ItleoizenCt.. rew for the purpose of formling a settlement, and a store. house and fort were accordingly erected; but distrust of the Indians, who began to show hostile intentions, and the despair of obtaining seasonable supplies, defeated the deb, June 2s. sign, and the whole party embarkedb for England. 2The,h Leng'th return occupied but five weeks, and the entire voyage only four months.. Account of 3. 3Gosnold and his companions brought back so favorand disco,- able reports of the regions visited, that, in the following etriesifilar- year, a company of Bristol~ merchants despatchedd t wo tf~n Pringf. 1603. small vessels, under the command of Martin Pring, for c. Note,p. 125. the purpose of exploring the country, and opening a trafd. April 2o. fic with the natives. Pring landede on the coast of' June Maine,-discovered some of its principal rivers,-and examined the coast of Massachusetts as far as Martha's Vineyard. T['he whole voyage occupied but six months. In 1606, Pring repeated the voyage, and made a more accurate survey of' Maine. 4. Grant of X. DE MONTS. —1. 4In 1603, the king of France lande Mot grantedf to De Monts, a gentleman of distinction, the f. Nov. 8. sovereignity of the country from the 40th to the 46th degree of north latitude; that is, from one degree south of g. Note, p. 220. New York city,g to one north of Montreal.h h Sailingi h Notep.28. with two vessels, in the spring of 1604, he arrived at i. 1 Noarch7 Nova ScotiaJ in May, and spent the summer in trafficking j. Note, p. ll.. with the natives, and examining the coasts preparatory to 5. voylageof a settlement. De Monts. 6. HisJirst 2. 6Selecting an island near the mouth of the river St. canter. Croix,~ on the coast of New Brunswick, he there erected k. 1604-5. a fort and passed a rigorous winter,k his men suffering 1605. much from the want of suitable provisions.'In the follow-. Settloemeyt ing spring, 1605, De Monts removed to a place on the Bay of Fundy;lj and here was formed the first permanent *'Cape Cod, thus named from the number of co taken there by its discoverer, is 50 miles S. E. from Boston. t Elizabeth Islands are a group of 13 islands south of Buzzard's Bay, and from 20 to 30 miles E. and S. E. from Newport, lthode Island. Nashawn, the largest, is 7 and a half miles long. Cattahunk, the one nanled by Gosnold Elizabeth Island, is two miles and a half long and three quarters of a mile broad. $ Martha's Vine?yard, three or four miles S. E. from the Elizabeth Isiands, is 19 miles in length from E. to W., and from 3 to 10 miles in width. The island called by Gosnold Martha's Vineyard is now called No Man's Land. a small island four or five miles south from Martha's Vt leyard. When or wly the name was changed is not knowsn. ~ The St. Croix river, called by the Indians Schoodic, empties into Passamaquoddy Ba.y at the eastern extremity of Maine. it was the island of the same name, a few miles up the river, on which the French settled. By the treaty of 1783 the St. Croix was made the eastern boundary of the United States, but it was uncertain what river was the St. Croix until the remains of the French fort were discovered. P The Bay of Fusndy, remarkable for its high tides, lies between Novta Scotia and New Bruns, PART I.] NORTH AND SOUTH VIRGINIA. 135?renich settlement in America. The settlement was j605, iamed Port Royal,* and the whole country, embracing the present New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the adja-.lent islands, was called ACADIA. 3.'In 1608, De Monts, although deprived of his former 1608. commission, having obtained from the king of France the a, Farther grant of the monopoly of the fir trade on the river St. De Monts. Lawrence, fitted out two vessels for the purpose of formng a settlement; but not finding it convenient to command in person, he placed them under Samuel Champlain, who had previously visited those regions. 4. 2The expedition sailed, in April, and in June arri- 2. Accountof the'voyage o(f ved, at Tadoussac, a barren spot at the mouth of the Sa- Charsyplairn, andc the guenayt river, hitherto the chief seat of the traffic in furs. settlement of Thence Champlain continued to ascend the river until he aQuebec: - April 13. had passed the Isle of Orleans,t when he selectede a b. June 3. commodious place for a settlement, on the site of the pres- c. July 3. ent city of Quebec,d and near the place where Cartier d. ro:e,p.2sL had passed the winter, and erected a fort in 1541. From this time is dated the first permanent settlement of the French in New France or Canada. XI. No'rTH AND SOUTTH VIRGINIA.-l.'In 1606 James 1606. the 1st, of England, claiming all that portion of North 3.Agnrta Vt. America which lies between the 34th and the 45th degrees South Viar of north latitude, embracing the country from Cape Fear~ to Halifax,ll divided this territory into two nearly equal districts; the one, called NorTH VIRGINIA, extending from the 41st to the 45th degree; and the other, called SOUTrI VIRGINIA, from the 34th to the 38th. 2. 4The former he grantede to a company of " Knights, e. April 20. England, andr~4. To what gentlemen, and merchants," of the west of England, 4coTaonie called the Plyymouth Company; and the latter to a com- hee pany of " noblemen, gentlemen, and merchants," mostly granted. resident in London, and called the London Company. The intermediate district, from the 38th to the 41st degree, was open to both companies; but neither was to form a settlement within one hundred miles of the other. wick. It is nearly 200 miles in length from S. W. to N. E., and 75 miles across at its entrance, gradually nnarowing towards the head of the bay. At the entrance the tide is of the ordinary height, about eight feet, but at the head of the bay it rises 60 feet, and is so rapid as often to overtake and sweep off animals feeding on the shore. 5 Port Royal (now Annapolis) once the capital of French Acadia, is situated on the east bank of the river and bay of Annapolis, in the western part of Nova Scotia, a short distance from the Bay of Fundy. It has an excellent harbor, in which a thousand vessels might anchor in security. t The Sagelexay river empties into the St Lawrence from the north, 130 miles N. E from Quebec. $ The Isle of Orleans is a fertile island in the St. Lawrence, five miles below Quebec. It is about 25 miles long and 5 broad. (See Map, p. 280.) ~ Cape Fear is the southern point of Smith's Island, at the mouth of cape Fear River, on the coast of N. Carolina, 150 miles N.' E. from Charleston. (See Map, p. 251.) I Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, is situated on the S. XV. side of the Bay of ChebuctoA which is on the S. E. coast of Nova Scotia. The town is 10 miles from the sea, and has an ex-,ellent harbor of 10 square miles. It is about 450 miles N. IE. from Boston. 186 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES [BooKx AI aNALYSIS. 3.'The supreme government of each district was to be 1. The gov- vested in a council residing in England, the members of erneitzts of which were to be appointed by the king, and to be rethese districts, moved at his pleasure. The local administration of the affairs of each colony was to be committed to a council residing within its limits, likewise to be appointed by the 2. Effects of king, and to act conformably to his instructions.'The Asese regulations. effects of these regulations were, that all executive and legislative powers were placed wholly in the hands of the king, and the colonists were deprived of the rights of selfgovernment,-and the companies received nothing but a simple charter of incorporation for commercial purposes.. AuLg. 22. 4. "Soon after the grant, the Plymouth Company desNov. 22. patcheda a vessel to examine the country; but before the Attempts of Pt2emouth voyage was completed she was capturedb by the Spanmpon'y to iards. Another vessel was soon after sent out for the same,;a~mine the country. purpose, which returned with so favorable an account of the country, that, in the following year, the company sent out a colony of a hundred planters under the command 1607. of George Popham. A Aug. 21. 5. 4They landed' at the mouth of the Kennebec,* Attempted ctetenment at where they erected a few rude cabins, a store-house, and e. De. 15. some slight fortifications; after which, the vessels sailedd for England, leaving forty-five emigrants in the plantation, which was named St. George. The winter was intensely cold, and the sufferings of the colony, from famine and hardships, were extremely severe. They lost their storehouse by fire, and their president by death; and, in the following year, abandoned the settlement and returned to England. 5. Expedition 6.'Under the charter of the London Company, which sent out by tle London alone succeeded, three small vessels, under the command. DPec. 30 of Captain Christopher Newport, sailede for the American coast in December, 1606, designing to land and form a f. Note, p. 13. settlement at Roanoke.f Pursuing the old route by the g. Note, p. 118. Canaries,g and the West Indies,h Newport did not arrive i. Neay 6. until April; when a storm fdrtunately carriedi him north of Roanolke into Chesapeake Bay.t Bca77ity r,.fi J'i The Kennebec, a river of Maine, west of the 2~illiamsburg %~~'). )t] Penobscot, falls into the ocean 120 miles N. E. from o Jarn-csto'v. t - Boston. —The place where the Sagadahoc colony'74'-_g~? g-~ A,~.}: (as it is usually called) passed the winter, is in the,*>r ~(~?E %..'4~. 0miW present town of Phippsburg, which is composed of - ~74,~~~(.1~,,!';:cA [y~""-o' a long narrow peninsula at the mouth of the Ken0 r > \W~Lta't nebec River, having the river on the east. Hills ICY/lW/'i%.-'>t,Y e," *?)]Point, a mile above the S. E. corner of the peninaes iiLeon';1 sula, was the site of the colony..- a~ —STO':'S! Fi.,~,'' i The Chesapealre Bay, partly in Virginia, andt rA S. TV OWS\k partly in Maryland, is from 7 to 20 miles in width, vI5iga h. 180 miles in length from N. to S., and 12 miles wide at its entrance, between Cape Charles otn the ~~ ~o r:- -~ ~- N. and Cape Henry on the 3 PARUT KI. NORTH AND SOUTH VIRGINIA. 337 7. "Sailing along the southern shore, he soon entered a 160 noble river which he named James River,* and, after - - I. Account of passing about fifty miles above the mouth of the stream, theset lement through a delightful country, selecteda a place for a settle- of -n. ment, which was named Jacmestoown.t Here was formed a. May23. the first permanent settlement of the English in the New World,-one hundred and ten years after the discovery of the continent by Cabot, and forty one years from the settlement" of St. Augustine in Florida. b. See p. 130. s The James River rises in the Alleghany Mountains, passes through the Blue Ridge, and hlls into the southern part of Chesapeake Bay. Its entrance into the bay is called Hampton Roads, having Point Comfort on the north, and Willoughby Point on the south. t Jamestouwn is on the north side of James River, 30 miles from its mouth, and 8 miles S. S. W. fr~-; Williamnsburg. The village is entirely deserted, with the exception of one or two old bufigs and is not found on modern maps. (See Map.) APP E NDIX TO THE PERIOD OF VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. A.NALYSIS. 1. In the preceding part of our history we have passed over a -1. Thi re period of more than one hundred years, extending from the end of ceding part the fifteenth to the beginning of the seventeenth century As this of our hi- portion consists of voyages and discoveries merely, made hy navitory. gators of different nations, with no unity of action or design, we find here little or nothing that can throw light on the subsequent character of the American people. 2. Impor- 2. 2In the meantime, however, our fathers, mostly of one nation. tance of ez:- were already on the stage of action in another land and causes English his- and influences were operating to plant them as colonists on this tory in con- then wilderness coast, and to give them those types of individual our oson. and national character which they afterwards exhibited. To England therefore, the nation of our origin, we must look, if we would know who and what our fathers were, in what circumstances they. had been placed, and what characters they had formed. WVe shall thus be enabled to enter upon our colonial history with a preparatory knowledge that will give it additional interest in our eyes, and give us more enlarged views of its importance. Let us then. for a while, go back to England our father-land; let us look at the social, the internal history of her people, and let us endeavor to catch the spirit of the age as we pass it in review before us. 8. Henry the 3.Se 3enrth the Seventh, the first king of the house of Tudor, 3eventh. was on the throne of Enlgland at the time of the discovery of 4. Inteni- America. 4Whben intelligence of that important event reached gdene of the England, it excited there, as throughout Europe, feelings of surAmerica. prise and adnliration; but in England these feelings were minglecd with the regret that accident alone had probably depriv,d that g. Colmtbus country of the honor which Spain had won. WFor while Columbus, deprivea of with little prospect of success, was soliciting aid from the courts otelt,sary. of Portugal and Spain, to enable him to test the wisdom of his schemes, he sent his brother Bartholomew to solicit the patronage of' the king of England, wrho received his propositions with the greatest favor. But Bartholomew having been taken prisoner by pirates on his voyage, and long detained in captivity, it was ascertained soon after his arrival that the plans of Columbus had al ready been sanctioned and adopted by Ferdinand and Isabella ngtish when the patronage of Henry was no longer needed...At America 4. 6Although the English were thus deprived of the honor of * So called because he was a descendant from Edmund Tudor. Before his accession to the throne his title waas Earl of RIichmond. The five Tudor sovereigns were Henry VII.. Henry VII., Edward VI., Mary, land Elizabeth. On the death of the latter the throne came into the possession of the Stuasrts in the following manner. Margaret, eldest daughter of HIenry VII., married James Stuart, King of Scotland, whose title was Jamzes V. They left one daughter, the unfortunate Mary, Queen of Scots. On the death of Elizabeth the Tudor race was extinct, and James VI. of Scotland, son of Mary of Scots, was the nearest heir to the throne of England, to which he acceded with the title of Janmes I.; the first English sovereign of th, house of Stuarts. As the Tudor princes were on the throne of England. dusing the first period of our history, and as this Appendix frequently refers to them individually, it will be well for the reader to learn the order of their succession by referring to the Chart, page. This will also serve to fixin the mix d a comparative view Ml the two histories-English and American. PART 1.4 OYAGES AND DISCOVERIES, 139 discovering A merica, they were the second nation to visit its shores, ANALYSIS. and the first that reachefi the continent itself. Little immediate benefit was derived to England from the two voyages of Cabot, andfound, except the foundation of a claim to the right of territorial pro- to territorial perty in the newly discovered regions.'Cabot would willingly ropCerby. have renewed his voyages under the patronage of Henry, but finding him so occupied with civil dissensions at home that he could not be interested in projects of colonial settlements abroad, he transferred his services to the Spaniards, by whom he was long reverenced for his superior skill in navigation. 5.'From the reign of Henry the Seventh to that of Elizabeth, 2. Early rethe English appear to have had no fixed views of establishing col- Fnrlan onies in America; and even the valuable fisheries which they had dis- vith nAmercovered on the coast of Newfoundland, were, for nearly a century, ica. monopolized by the commercial rivalries of France, Spain, and Portugal, although under the acknowledged right of English jurisdiction. 6. 3Henry the Seventh was a prince of considerable talents for 3. Character public affairs, but exceedingly avaricious, and by nature a despot, aed power of although his sagacity generally led him to prefer pacific counsels. Seventh. His power was more absolute than that of any previous monarch since the establishment of the Great Charter,* and although his reign was, on the whole, fortunate for the nation, yet the services which he rendered it were dictated by his views of private advantage, rather than by motives of public spirit and generosity-a signal instance in which the selfishness of a monarch has been made to contribute to the welfare of his subjects. 4The state of England 4. Importance at this period requires from us more than a passing notice, for here the, knstate of commenced those changes in the condition of her people, the influ- England at ences of which have affected all their subsequent history, and, con- this period. sequently, essentially modified the character of our own. 7. 5At the accession of Henry, which was at the close of the 5. state of long and bloody wars between the houses of York and Lancaster, thEngnland at which had ruined many of the nobility of the kingdom, there was accession of no overshadowing aristocracy, as under former kings, sufficiently Henry the united and powerful to resist the encroachments of royal authority; and the great body of the people, so long the sport of contending factions, were willing to submit to usurpations, and even injuries, rather than plunge themselves anew into like miseries. 6In the 6. Policy of zeal of the king however to increase his own power and give it ad- Henry the ditional security, he unconsciously contributed to the advancement its effecls. of the cause of popular liberty. In proportion as the power of the nobility had been divided and weakened by the former civil wars, so had the power-of the Feudal Systemt been diminishcd,-a far more * The Great Charter, [Magna Charta,] was obtained from King John, by the barons, arms In hand, in the year 1215. It limited and mitigated the severities of the feudal system, diminished the arbitrary powers of the monarch, and guarantied important liberties and privileges to all classes-the barons, clergy, and people. Yet it was not till after a long and bloody struggle, during many succeeding reigns, that the peaceable enjoyment of these rights was obtained, The Great Charter was signed June 15th, 1215, at a place called Runnymede, on the tanks of the River Thanmes, between Staines and Windsor. t Feudal System. At the time of the Norman conquest, in the year 1066, the people of England, then called Anglo-Saxons, from their mixed English and Saxon origin, were divided into three classes:-the nobles or thanes; the freemen; and the villains, or slaves. The lat ter, however, a very numerous class, were of several kinds, and reduced to different degrees of servitude. Those who cultivated the land were transfered with it from one proprietor to another, and could not be removed from it. Others, taken in war, were the absolute property of their masters. The power of a master however over his slaves, was not unlimited among the Anglt-Saxons, as it was among their German ancestors. If a man maimed his slave the latter recovered his freedom; if he killed him he paid a fine to the kilng; but if the slave did 140 APP ENDIX'TO THE PERIOD OF';Boost IL ANALYSIS. odious instrument of tyranny than was ever wielded by a single despot. It was the selfish policy of Henry, as we shall learn, that did the world the valuable service of giving to this system its death-blow in England. 1. Former S. lit had long been a practice among the nobles, or barons, for Pobarcyof t.e each to engage as many men in his service as he was able, giving them badges or liveries, by which they were kept in readiness to assist him in all wars. insurrections, and riots, and even in bearing evi2. Nature of dence for him in courts of justice. 2The barons had thus estabtheir power. lished petty despotisms of the most obnoxious kind, hostile alike to the power of the sovereign, and to the administration of justice 3. The course among the people. 3Jealous of the power thus exercised by the which Henry barons, and which, at times, had been the severest restraint upon en it. the royal prerogative, the king sought to weaken it by causing severe laws to be enacted against engaging retainers, and giving badges or liveries to any but the menial servants of the baron's household. An instance of the severity of the king in causing these laws to be rigidly enforced is thus related by Hume. not die within a day after the injury, the offence went unpunished. These ranks and conditions of society constituted the feudal system of England in its immature state. The conquest by William of Normandy, however, was the cause of establishing this system in its more perfect state as it then existed on the continent. William distributed large tracts of the lands of the kingdom among his Norman followers yet to all these grants a variety of obligations was annexed. Those Saxon landholders also, who were permitted to retain their estates, were required first to surrender them to the crown, and then to receive them again on the same conditions that were exacted of the Normans. The most important of these conditions was the requirement of military service; together with certain payments, of various kinds, which constituted a considerable part of the royal revenue. Upon the non-fulfilment of the conditions on which the lands were granted, they reverted back to the sovereign. In consequence of this change in the tenures by which land was held, it became a fundamental maxim in English law, " that the king is the universal lord and original proprietor of all the lands in his kingdom." The wordfeud signified "an estate in trust," hence the propriety of calling this the " Feudal System." Nearly the same conditions which the sovereign exacted of the barons, the latter imposed upon their vassals or tenants, who were a species of subordinate landholders; so that a feudal baron was a king in miniature, and a barony was a little kingdom. These vassals or tenants were entitled to the services of the Anglo-Saxon serfs or villains, who were annexed to the land which they cultivated. These serfs, called also predial slaves, possessed an imperfect kind of property of their own, in their houses, furniture and gardens; and could not be removed from the land; but the household or domestic slaves, the same as with the Saxons, were the personal property of their masters, who sold them at their pleasure, and even exported them, as articles of commerce, into foreign countries. The numbers of this latter class'were greatly increased by the Norman conquest, as those who were taken prisoners at the battle of Hastings, and in subsequent revolts, were reduced to slavery. During the fifteenth century the number, both of domestic and predial slaves, was greatly diminished, as the proprietors of land found that their work was performed to better purpose, and even at less expense. by hired servants. The numerous wars, also, in which the English were engaged during this period, contributed to the decline of slavery, by obliging the nobles to put arms into the hands of their serfs and domestics. Yet so late as the reign of Henry the Eighth, we read of English slaves, the absolute property of their masters, although at this time it was a prevailing opinion among people of all ranks, that slavery was inconsistent with the spirit of Christianity, and the rights of humanity. In the year 1514 Henry the Eighth granted an act of manumission to two of his slaves and their families, for which he assigned this reason in the preamble: " That God had at first created all men equally free by nature, but that many had been reduced to slavery by the laws of men. We believe it therefore to be a pious act, and meritorious in the sight of God, to set certain of our slaves at liberty from their bondage." It is asserted by one who wrote during the reign of Edward the Sixth, that neither predial nor domestic slaves were then found in England, although the laws still admitted both. The most obnoxious features of the Feudal System had then become extinct; although the military tenures, with their troublesome appendages, were not abolished until 1672, in the reign of Charles the Second. Even now, some honorary services, required of the ancient barons, are retained at coronations, and on other public occasions. The effects of the feudal system are also still seen in the existence of some portions of that powerful landed aristocracy which it created; and also in many peculiarities in the government and laws of England. The latter cannot be understood with any degree of accuracy without a general acquaintance witl the system in which they originated. On this subject, see all the important Histories of England: also, Blackstone's Commertfa riss, Book II., chapters 4, 5, and O PAR7 I.] VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 141 9. 1', The earl cf Oxford, the king's favorite general, in whom he ANALYSIS. always placed great and deserved confidence, having splendidly entertained him at his castle of Heningham, was desirous of making the king's sea parade of his magnificence at the departure of his royal guest, verity, illusand ordered all his retainers, with their liveries and badges, to be tfavor hite drawn up in two lines, that their appearance might be more gallant policy. and splendid.' My lord,' said the king, I I have heard much of your hospitality; but the truth far exceeds the report. These handsome gentlemen and yeomen, whom I see on both sides of me. are, no doubt, your menial servants? The earl smiled, and confessed that his fortune was too narrow for such magnificence. They are, most of them,7 subjoined he,'my retainers, who are come to do me service at this time, when they know I am honored with your majesty's presence2 The king started a little, and said)'By my faith, my lord, I thank you for your good cheer, but I must not allow my laws to be broken in my sight. My attorney must speak with you.' Oxford* is said to have paid no less than fifteen thousand marks, as a composition for his offence." 10. 2Such severity was highly effectual in accomplishing its object, 2. Beneficial and the emulation of the barons. and their love of display and mag- efects of the king's policy nificence gradually took a new'direction. Instead of vieing with upon the each other in the number and power of their dependents or retain- character oef ers, they now endeavored to excel in the splendor and elegance of Teonple. their equipage, houses, and tables. The very luxuries in which they indulged thus gave encouragement to the arts; the manners of the nobility became more refined; and the common people, no longer maintained in vicious idleness by their superiors, were obliged to learn some calling or industry, and became useftil both to themselves and to others. Such were some of the beneficial effects of a law originating merely in the monarch's jealousy and distrust of the power of the nobility. 11. SAnother severe but covert blow upon the power of the barons 3. Aboition was the passage of a law,t giving to them the privilege of selling of the ancient law of entails or otherwise disposing of their landed estates, which before were -new policy. inalienable, and descended to the eldest son by the laws of primogeniture. 4This liberty, not disagreeable to the nobles themselves, 4. Effects of and highly pleasing to the commons, caused the vast fortunes of this new the former to be gradually dissipated, and the property and infiuence of the latter to be increased. The effects of this, and of the former law, gradually gave a new aspect to the condition of the common people, who began to rise, only with the waning power of the Feudal System. 12. 5With the clergy, however, Henry was not so successful. At 5. The clergy. that time all convents, monasteries, and sanctified places of wor- saRnctigaries ship, were general asylums, or places of refuge, to which criminals vain attempts might escape, and be safe from the vengeance of the law. This to have theing was little less than allowing an absolute toleration of all kinds of abolished. vice; yet Henry, induced principally by a jealousy of the growing power and wealth of the monastic body, in vain exerted his influence with the pope to get these sanctuaries abolished. All that he could accomplish, was, that if thieves, robbers, and murderers, who had fled for refuge to the sanctuaries, should sally out' Lingard, copying from Bacon, says, " The Earl of Essex." Lingard states tlhe tne at sO,000 pounds.' According to Hallam, this was merely the re-enactment of a law passed during the reign of Richard III. If so, the law had probably fallen into disuse, or doubts of its validity may existed. 142 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF [BooeK IIL ANALYSIS. and commit new offences, and escape a second time, they might...`-. — then be taken and delivered up to justice. 1. " Benefit 13.'The beizefit of clery/, however% was somewhat abridged the of Cler:"ents criminal, for the first offence being burned in the hand, with a let. abridg-ments of, and also of ter denoting his crime; after which he was liable to be punished the pr?'ivlle esg capitally if convicted a second time. But in the following reign, tuary. when the Reformation had extended over England, the benefit of clergy was denied to any under the degree of sub-deacon, and the privileges of the sanctuary, as places of refuge for crimimals, were abolished; but it was long before all distinctions in the penal code were removed between the clergy and other subjects. 2. Laws rela- 14. 2The laws relative to murder, however. even at the commence Tive to ur — rder. ment of the sixteenth century, exhibited a spirit little less enlightened than that found among some of the savage tribes of North America. Prosecutions for murder were then, as now, carried on in the name of the sovereign, yet a limited time was specified within which the prosecution was to be commenced, and often, in the interval, satisfaction was made by the criminal, to the friends or relatives of the person murdered, and the crime was suffered to go unpunished. But now. in all civilized nations, public prosecutors are aappointed, whose dtuty it is to bring to justice all offenders against the peace and safety of society. 3. State of 15. 30f the state of morals during this period, we may form some morals, crim- idea from the few criminal statistics that have been handed down nal statistics, qPc. to us, althouglh the numbers are probably somewhat exaggerated. It is stated in an act of parliament passed in the third year of the reign of Henry the Eighth, that the nl-umber of prisoners in the kingdom, confined for debts and crimes. amounted to more than sixty thousand, an assertion which appears to us scarcely credible. One writer asserts *that during the same reign, of thirty-eight years, seventy-two thousand persons were executed for theft and robbery-amlounting to nearly two thousand a year. 4, Graduat 16. 4But we are told that during the latter part of the reign of dof apiti n Elizabeth the number punished capitally was less than four hundred offences. c in a year. and that, about the middle of the eighteenth century, this 5. Ascribedto number had diminished to less than fifty. 5This diminution is owhat. ascribed by Hume to the great improvement in morals since the reign of Henry the Eighth, caused chiefly, he asserts, by the increase of industry, and of the arts, which gave maintenance, and, what is of almost equal importance, occupation to the lower 6. The prin- classes. s6f these be facts, they afford an illustration of the princple illtstra t ciple, that, in an ignorant population, idleness and vice almost infacts. separably accompany each other. 7. Foreign 17. 7lDuring the time of Henry the Seventh, foreign commerce was commnersce: ct cttmelcps carried on to little extent, although the king attempted to encouregulate the rage it by laws regulating trade; yet so unwise were most of these same. laws that trade and industry were rather hurt than promoted by o By " benefit of clergy," is understood a provision of law by which clergymen and others set apart to perform religious services were exempted from criminal process in the ordinary courts of law, and delivered over to the ecclesiastical judge; so that the chturch alone took cognizance of the offence. Under this regulation, a corrupt priesthood might be guilty of the greatest enormities, with no human power to bring the offenders to justice. Originally the benefit of clergy was allowed to those only who were of the clerical order; but in process of time it was extended to all who could read; such persons beiug accounted in those days of Ignorance, worthy of belonging to the clerical order. A large number of petty offences were then punishable with death to those who were not entitled to plead the benefit of clergy. -(For the various modifications and chang's which the laws relating to benefit of clergy haw undergone, and their influences in forming the present penal code of England, see Blaektoue Blook IV, chap. xxviii.) PART 1, VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 143 the care and attention bestowed upon thenm. Laws were made ANAlY~SIS. against the exportation of gold and silver, and agajinst the exportation of horses: prices were affixed to woollen cloth. to caps and hatsi and the wages of laborers were regulated by law. In the Other ismolfollowing reign these unlljust regulations were greatly extended, al- iti s. though in many instances it was impossible to enforce them. Laws were made to prohibit luxury in apparel, but without much effect: a statute was enacted to fix the price of beef, pork, mutton, and veal: and laws were passed to prevent the people from abandoning tillage and throwing their lands into pasturage. 18. IThe apparent necessity for this latter law arose from the ef- 1. Lawn to pre. fects of former partial and unjust enactments, which forbade the dvent tanoexportation of grain and encouraged that.of wool. So pernicious tiIla, e, end to the great mass of the people was this system, although lucra- ts e~fects. five to the large landholders, owing to the increasing demand for wool, that the beggary and diminished population of the poorer classes were its consequences. 2During the reign of Edward VI., 2. Ltaw re7a a law was made by which every one was prohibited from making atifacture cloth, unless he had served a-n apprenticeship of seven years. This of cloth law, after having occasioned the decay of the woollen manufactures, and the ruin of several towns, was repealed in the first year of the reign of Mary. but it is surprising that it was renewed during the reign of Elizabeth. 19. 3The loan of capital for commercial uses was virtually prohibit- 3. Lawts res, lating eile ed by the severe laws which were enacted against taking interest for loan of money, which was then denominated usury; all evasive contracts, toney. by which profits could be made fiom the loan of money, were carefully guarded against, and even the profits of exchange were prohibited as savoring of usury. It was not until 15453 during the reigrn of HIenry the, that the first legal interest was known in England, but so strong were the prejudices of the people against the law that it was repealed in the following reign of Edvward the Sixth x and not firmly established until 1571, in the reign of,lizabeth, when the legal rate of interest was fixed at ten per cent. 4An evidence of the increasing advance of commercial prosperity 4. Reduction is exhibited in the fact that in 1624 the rate of interest was redu- of the rate o/' ced to eight per cent.; in 1672 to six per cent.; an.d finally, in 1714, the last year of the reign of queen Annen it was reduced to five per cent. 20.'One of the greatest checks to industry during most of the 6. InWurious sixteenth century was the erection of numerous corporations, which monopolies. enacted laws for their own benefit without regard to the interests of the public, often confining particular manuiactures, or branches of commerce, to particular towns or incorporated companies, and excluding the open country in general. GAs an example of the 6. Example powers which these monopolies had been allowed to exercise, it of the owerac mav be mentioned that the company of merchant adventurers in were allowed London, had, by their own authority, debarred all other merchants to exercise. from trading to certain foreign ports, without -the payment, from each individual, of nearly seventy pounds sterling for the privilege, 21. 7Many cities of England then imposed tolls at their gates; 7. Various and the cities of Gloucester and WVorcester, situated on the river corporate govern. had assumed and long exercised the authority of exacting Cities a tribute on the navigation of that stream. Some of these corpo * Notwithstanding the laws against usury, money was secretly 1 Daned at this time —the cora mon rate of interest during the reign of Edwcard the Sixth being fourteen per cent. 144 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF [B'oOK II ANA.LYSIS. rate powers were abrogated by Henry VII.,. and, as a partial check --— t —--- to farther abuses, a law was enacted by parliament that corporations should not make any by-laws without the consent of three of the chief officers of state. But during the reign of Edwlard VI. the city corporations, which, by a former law, had been abolished so far as to admit the exercise of their peculiar trades beyond the city limits, were again closed, and every one who was not a member of'the corporation -was thus prohibited from follow. ing the trade or profession of his choice. Such restrictions would now be deemed exceedingly tyrannical under any government, and totally at variance with sound principles of political economy. I Archery, 22. 1Several laws passed during the reigns of Henry VII. and. fence,.fire- Henry VIII. for the encouragement of archery, show on what the arme, ~c. defence of the kingdom was then thought to depend. Every man was required to have a bow: and targets, to exercise the skill of the archers, were ordered to be erected in every parish, on grounds set apart for shooting exercises. In the use of the bow the English excelled all other European nations. Fire-arms, smaller than cannon, were then unknown in Europe, although gunpowder had been used during two centuries., 2. The Eng- 23. 2The beginning of the English navy dates back only to the lh navy mn time of Henry the Seventh. It is said that Henry himself expended fourteen thousand pounds in building one ship, called the Great ala.rry. Before that timie, when the sovereign wanted a fleet, he had no expedient but to hire or press'the ships of the mnerchants. Even Henry the Eighth, in order to fit out a navy, was obliged to hire ships froam some of the German cities and Italian B. Greatly im- States. 3But Elizabeth, early in her reign, put the navy upon a,rzaved by better footing, by building several ships of her own, and by encouraging the merchants to build large trading vessels, which. on occasion. were converted into ships of war. So greatly did Elizabeth increase the shipping of the kingldom, that she was styled by her subjects the "Restorer of naval glory, and Queen of the northern seas."7 4. Its conde- 24. 4Yet at the time of the death of Elizabeth, in 1603,a only two tion at the and a half centuries ago the entire navy of England consisted of death of - E'lizabeth. Only forty-two vessels. and the number of guns only seven huna. March o4, dred and fifty-four. 5But the population of England, and indeed old stlyle. of all European states at that period, was probably much less than of5. EnPoland. at the present day. Although some writers assert that the population of England, in thle reign of Elizabeth,' amounted to two millions, yet Sir Edward Coke stated, in the house of commons, in 1621, that he had been employed. with chief-justice Popham, tc take a survey of all the people of Englaid,. and that they found the entire population to anmount to only nine hundred thousand Two centuries later the entire population of England numbered more than twelve millions. 0. Prerogna- 25. 6The nature and extent of the prerogatives claimed -and exer tires of the cised by the sovereigns of England during the first period otf out Enzgiand. history, present an interesting subject of inquiry; as, by compa-' It is bellsved that gunpo.wder -wats known in Ohina at a very early period, but it wga invented in Europe in the year 1.320 by sBartholomew Scllvhwartz, a tGerman molnk. It is known, however, that the composifito of gunpocwder was described( by Roger BatLon in a treatise writ. ten by him in 1280. —ihlgt Edwar;l th'Thirda m.lie use of cannon at the battlt of Cressy i 1346, and at the siere o',tilis is 1347. 1i'he first use of shells thrown from mor'tars was in 1495, arwhen Naples was besiegmed by C(hrIles tha e Eiglhth of Franlce. Muskets were first useid MA the siege of Rheve in 1521. At first m4usses. e(re rerLy heavy —could inot be used wit'hour a ra,-and were firecl by match-locks. Fire-locks were fia: used in Englali during the civil wars [ the rei-n of ChNarles tlhe First. P:ARal 11 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 145 rinrg them with the powers of succeeding princes, we are enabled NALYSIS. to trace the gradual- encroachmLents upon the kingly authority, anll the corresponding adclvlcemenl of civil rights, and liberal )rinciples of governmenlt. ine of the most obnoxious instruaerts of I. Court of tyranny during the whole of the sisteenth century was the court chamben" of the Star'C.ib, oa r an.ncienot court, founded on the principles of the commo;l l1 iw buut the poweors of which were increased by act of patrl.iament, in the reign of Heonry the Seventh, to a degree wholly incomp atible with the liberties of the people. 26. 2This conurt one of the highest in the realm. and entirely unn- 2. Composition, jurisdicder the influence of the mionairch consisted of the privy counsellors tiorc, and of the kino, together with two judges of the courts of common law, characte? of who deciued cases without the intervention. of a jury. Its chanrac- th c't ter is well described by lord Clarendon, who says that "its power extended to the assertino of all proclamationls and orders of state; to the vindicating of illegal collmmissions andc grants of molopolies holding for honorable that which pleased, and for just that which profited; beingo a court of law to dcete rmine civil rights, and a court of revenoue to e:irnch the treasury enjoining obedience to arbitrary ecnactments, by fines aInt inmprisonnients, so that by its numerous aggressions on the liberties of the people, the very foundations of righ wore in danger of being destroyed." 27. lYet ntivith.standing the arbitrary jurisdiction of this court, 3 Hozw view ed duringa and the immiense power it gave to the royal prerogative it was long long period. deemed t necessary appendage of the govermnent, aund, at a later day: its utilty was higlhly extolled by such men as Lord Bacon. 4This court conrtiyLued, with gradually increasing,authority, for 4. Its abolimnore tbuin acentuiy after the reign of Henry the Seventh, when it tion. was finally abolished in 164.L, during the reign of Charles the First, to the general joy of the whole nation. 28. sl)ur- ing the reign of Henry the Eighth, the royal prerogative 5. The roieao was carried to its greatest excess, and its encroachments were legal- reoa. ttive ized by an act of Parliament, which declared that the king's pro- reirn of clamation should have all the force of the most positive law. sLin- Henry the gard, the Catholic historian of England, asserts, that, although at' 6. Assertion the time of th;e accession of Henry the Eighth there existed a spirit mqade by Lingaid in relaof freedom, which, on several occasions, defeated the arbitrary tion to this measures of the court yet before the death of Henry, the king had subject. grown into a despot, and the people had sunk into a nation of Blaves. 29. 7The causes of this changre are ascribed to the obsequiousness 7. The caosis' of this of' the parliaments; the assumption, by the king, of ecclesiastical change. supremacy, as heLad of the church: and the servility of the two religious parties which divided the nation, each of which, jealous of the other, flattered the vanity of the king, submitted to his caprices, and becane the obsequious slaves of his pleasure. sEdward the 8.TheoPrezroSixth, Mary, and Elizabeth, possessed nearly the same legal powers ctised by E. as their father Henry the Eighth; but Elizabeth had the policy 7oaord the not to exert all the authority vested in the crown, unless for impor- Stond Larzta.t purposes. All these sovereigns, however, exercised the nmost beth. arbitrary power in religious matters, as will be seen when we come to the subject of the Reformation. 30. o91 should be remembered that Henry the Seventh, Henry the i. The Tzdar Eirghtl1h Edward the Sixth, Mary, and Elizabeth, were the five sovereigns. eoverlcoins of the house of Tador. I:A comparative view of the state to. Comtrara of the Engbisb h governme nt durino their reigns, emibracin, the whole tgee viptv of nf the sixteenth century, the first period of American histor%, may ring their be agtunered fr om the followino statement. 9146 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF ANAXLrYSIS. 31.'All the Tudor princes possessed little less than absolute power a — - hover the lives, liberty, and property of their subjects, because all 1. Aeofites lawss were inierior to the royal prerogative, which might at any 8overeig,02. time be exerted, in a thousand different ways, to condemn the in2. Restraints 11ocent or screen the guilty.'The sovereigns before the Tudor soponJtr'uer apr'd.sue- princes were restrained by the power of the barons; those after lquent them by the power of the people exercised through the H-louse of a8 Compara.- iO0ommons, a branch of the English Parliament. 3Yet under the;ire liberities baronial aristocracy of the feudal system, thep)eople had less liberty eoylo le.y than under the arbitrary rule of the Tudor princes. This may reconcile the apparently conflicting statements, that Henry the Seventh. and the succeeding Tudor princes, greatly extended the powers of the royal prerogative, and yet that their reigns were more favorable than those of former princes to the liberties of the 4. Absolute people. 4An absolute aristocracy is even more dangerous to civil aristoorsacy, liberty than an absolute monarchy. The former is the aggregate and absolute monarciy. power of many tyrants: the latter, the power of' but one. S. AIodeofliv- 32. 5Of the plain, or rather rude way of living among the people she cc021z~1ong of England during the first period of our history, we shall give a ePeople of sketch from an historian* who wrote during the reign of Elizabeth. 6. nland. e GThis wriler speaking of the increase of luxuriesr and of the many of luxuries." good gifts ibr which they were indebted to the blessings of Providence) says: There are old men yet dwelling in the village -where I remain, who have noted three things to be marvelously altered in 7. " him- England within their sound remembrance. 70ne is the multitude begs-) of chimneys lately erected; whereas, in their young days, there were net above two or three, if so many, in most country towns,the fire being made aga ifist the wall, and the smoke escaping through an opening in the roof. 8. " Amen.d- 33. 8' The second thing to be noticed is the great amendnmsnt of ment of lodg- lodgings; for, sa id they, our fathers, and we ourselves, have lain full oft upon straw pallets, with a light covering, and a good round log under our head, instead of a bolster. If the good man of the house had a mattrass, and a sack of chaff to rest his head upon, he thought himself as well lodged as the lord of the town. Pillows were thought meet only for sick women; and as for servants, if they had any sheet above them it was well, for seldom had they any under their bodies to keep them fr-omn the pricking straws that oft ran through the canvass on which they rested. a, Drntestic 34.:' The third thing of which our fathers tell us is the exchange teeZlse. 0of wooden platters for pewter, and wooden spoons for silver or tin. For so common were all sorts of wooden vessels in old time, that a man should hardly find four pieces of pewter in a good farmer7s:io. "'a ken house? lOAgain we are told that' In times past men were con1~"wTuSi4zov tented to dwell in houses of willow, so that the use of the oak was, a.en">' in a manner, dedicated wholly to churches, princes' palaces, navigation, &c.; but now willow is rejected, and nothing but oak any where regarded: and yet, see the change: for when our houses were built of willow, then had we oaken men; but now that our houses are come to be made of oak, our men are not only become wilow, but a great many altogether of straw, which is a sore alteration. M1. Personal 35. nL I-n former times the courage of the owner was a sufficient de-. courage. fence to keep the house in safety; but now the assurance of the ~3 odly timber must defend the house from robbing. 12Now have we many.Saired. chimneys, and yet our tender bodies complain of rheums, colds and PARIT I.] VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 147 catarrhs: then our fires were made in recesses against the walls, ANAL~YSS. and our heads did never ache. For as the smoke, in those days, was supposed to be a sufficient hardening for the timber of the house, so it was reputed a far better medicine to keep the good man and his family friom rheumatisms and colds, wherewith, as then, very few were acquainted.' 36.'By another writer of the samte period we are informed that 1. City buil&'the greatest part of the cities and good towns of England then con- tgs andth sisted only of timber. cast over with thick clay, to keep out the onobility. wind.' The same author adds that the new houses of the nobility were commonly built of brick or stone. and that glass windows were then beginning to be used in England. The floors of tie best houses were of clay, strewed with rushes. 37. eWe are informed that ": in the time of Elizabeth, the nobility, 2. ou8rs cf gentry, and students, ordinarily dined at eleven, before noon, aned diningn supped at five. The merchants dined, and supped, seldomn before twelve, at noon, and six, at night, especially in London. The husbandmen dined also at high noon, as they called it, and supped at seven or eight.;" We are told by Hume, that Froissard mentions waiting on the Duke of Lancaster at five o'clock in the afternoon. when the latter had supped. 38. 31n reference to the growing lateness of the hours in his time, 3. Growing Hume has the following renmarks: " It is hard to tell, why, all over lthe nosurB the world, as the age becomes more luxurious) the hours become later. Is it the crowd of amusements that push on the hours gradually? or are the people of fashion better pleased with the secrecy and silence of nocturnal hours, when the industrious vulgar are gone to rest? In rude ages men have but few amusements and occupations, but what daylight affords them." 39. 4It was not until near the end of the reign of Henry the Eighth 4. Apricots, that apricots, melons, and currants, were cultivated in EnglaLnd, elor, ants when they were introduced from the island of Zante. 5Hume as- 5. Edible serts that salads, carrots, turnips, and other edible roots, were first roo7 introduced about the same period; but from other and older writers i't appears that these fruits of the garden had been formerly known and cultivated, but afterwards neglected. sThe first turkeys seen 6. Turkey in Europe were imported from America by Cabot. on his return from his first voyage to the western world. 40. 7Some of the early colonists sent to Virginia by Raleigh. having 7. Tobacco in contracted a relish for tobacco, an herb which the Indians esteemed England. their principal medicine, they brought a quantity of it to England, and taught the use of it to their countrymen. The use of the'filthy weed" soon became almost universal; creating a new appetite in human nature, and forming, eventually, an important branch of commerce between England and her American colonies. It is salid that Queen Elizabeth herself, in the close of her life, became one of Raleigh's pupils in the accomplishment of smoking.* 8The 8. The potato.. One day, as she was partaking this indulgence, Raleigh betted with her that he could ascertain the weight of the smoke that should issue in a given time from her mtajesty's mouth. For this purpose, he weighed first the tobacco, and afterwards the ashes left in the pipe, and assigned the difference as the weight of the smoke. The queen acknowledged that he had gained his bet; adding that she believed he was the only alchemist who had ever succeeded in turning smoke into gold.-Stith. It appears that the smoking of tobacco, a custl;om first observed among the natives of America, was at first called by the whites, " drinking tobacco." Thus in the account iven by the Plymouth people of their first conference wilh Massasoit, it is said, " behind his back hung a little bag of tobacco, which he drink, and gave us to drink." Aimonu the records of the Plymouth colony for the year 1646 is found,an entry, that a committee was appointed " to drai up an order concerning the disorderly drinking of tobacco." 148 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF [BooK II, ANALYSIS. potato, one of the cheapest and most nourishing species of vegetable food, was first brought from America into ireland in the year 1565; but it was fifty years later before this valuable root was much cultivated in England. 1. ndlebted- 41. lN0or should we neglect to mention the indebtedness which essca of Ame- America owes to Europe. Besides a race of civilized men. the former rope. has received from the latter a breed of domestic animals. Oxen, horses, and sheep were unknown in Anmerica until they were intron duced by the English, French, D utch and Swedes, into their respeetive settlements. Bees were imported by the English. The Indians, who had never seen these insects before, gave them the name of English.flies, and used to say to each other, when a swarm of bees appeared in the woods, " Brothers, it is time for us to depart, for the white people are coming." 2. Pocket 42. 2About the year 1577, during the reign of Elizabeth, pocketwatches. watches were first brought into England from Germany. 3Soon 3. Coaches. after, the use of coaches was introduced by the Earl of Arundel. Before this time. the queen. on public occasions. rode on horseback, 4. carrying behind her chamberlain. 4The mail began to be regularly carried of thenmal. on a few routes, during the reign of Elizabeth, although but few post offices were established until 1635, in the reign of Charles the First,-fifteen years after the founding of the Plymouth colony. b. African 43. 51it was during the reign of Elizabeth that the African slave slave trade. trade was first introduced into England; and as that inhuman traffic afterwards entailed such evils upon our own country, it may not be uninteresting to givae in this place a brief account of its origin. 6. Early in- 6As early as 1503 a few African slaves were sent into the Ilew roaduction of World fronm the Portuguese settlements on the coast of Africa; slaves into America by and eight year s later Ferdinand of Spain permitted their importathe Spaan- tion into the Spanilsh colonies in greater nnumbers, with the design of substituting their labor in the place of that of the less hardy natives of America. But on his death the regent, cardinal Ximenes: discarded this policy, and the traffic ceased. 7. Policy of 44. 7A few years later, after the death of the cardinal, the worthy Las COas, Las Casas, the friend and benefacior of the Indian race, in the a ct. warmth of' his zeal to s ave the abooriginal Americans fronm the yoke of bondage which his countrymen had imposed upon them, but not perceiving the iniquity of reducing one race of mena to slavery, un der the plea of thereby restoring liberty to another urniged upon his naonarch, Charles the Fifth, then ling of Spain, the imaportation of negroes into America, to supply the Spanissl plantations. Unlfortunately, the plan of Las Casas was adoptedl, and the trade in slaves between Africa anld Amnerica was broughlt into a regular form by t'he royal sanction. 8. Noble at- 45. sCharles however lived lons enougnh to relent of what he had Cerles tofe thus inconsiderately done, and in his later years he put a stop to Fifth, howo the slave trilde by an ordler that all slaves in his American dolmindefecaed ionls should be fi ee,. This order was subsequently defeated by his a. 1a56. volunta.ry s urre:dera of the crosin to his son, and his retiresment into a monltery and utnder liS successors thle trdie was carried D. The slave Oln writh rei cewed vior. SLoe s the Thirteenth of' France, who at ade encor- filst opposect thoe slave trade from conscientious scrupies, was J'rance. finally iniducdl to encourage it unsder the persuasion that the rce.dies,;t ay'7 of converting; tle Iledroes was by transplanting them tc.o. r F5,;- tlle colonies':a pleat by waliCh all the early apologlistts of the slave tand. ti ae atteCilptecd to vilndicate its practice. 10li Englan d's: also, the It t hts since been urged in justiflcation of this trade, tlhat those nlade slaves wser ge.em. lli PAltT I.] VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 149 iniquity of the traffic was at first concealed by similar pious pre- ANALYSIS tences. 46.'The celebrated seaman, Sir John Hawkins. afterwards created 1. comnmenc6e admiral and treasurer of the British navy, was the first English- ment of th man who engaged in the slave trade. HavIing conceived the pro- branch of r-) t/0o sl~ave ject of transplanting Africans to America, ho communicated his t plan to several of his opulent countrymen, who, perceiving the vast emnolument that might be derived from it. eagerly joined him in the enterprise. 2In 1.562 he sailed for Africa, and having reached 2. First voySierra Leone he began to traffic with the natives, inthe usual articles age of Htoof barter. taking occasion in the meantime to give them glowing descriptions of the country to which he was bound, and to contrast its beauty and fertilitywith the poverty and barrenness of their own land. 47. 3Finding that they listened to him with implicit belief, he as- 3.Thenatives sured them that if any of them were willing to accompany hiin on teceived by his voyage, they should partake of all the advantages of the beau- him. tiful country to which he would conduct them, as a recompense for the moderate and easy labor which they should give in return. Three hundred of these unsuspecting negroes, ensnared by the artifices of the white strangers, and captivated by the European ornaments and luxuries spread before them, were thus persuaded to consent to embark for Hispaniola. 48. 40n the night previous to their departure they were attacked 4. Night atby a hostile tribe, and Hawkins, hastening to their assistance, re- tack. pulsed the assailants. and took a number of them prisoners, whom he conveyed on board his vessels. 5The next day he sailed with 5. The soyhis mixed cargo, and during the voyage, treated his voluntary cap- age. tives with much greater kindness than he exercised towards the others. 61n Hispaniola he disposed of the whole cargo to great 6. Disposition advantage, and endeavored to inculcate on the purchasers of the of the cargo. negroes the same distinction in the treatment of them, which he himself had observed. But he had now placed the Africans beyond his own supervision, and the Spaniards, who had paid for all at the same rate treated all as slaves, without any distinction. 49. 70n the return" of Hawkins to England, the wealth which he 7. Return of brought with him excited universal interest and curiosity re- Halkins to sngt land. specting the manner in which it had been obtained. sWhen it a In 1563. was known that he had been transporting Africans to America, 8. Publieexthere to become servants or slaves to the Spaniards, the public citemnent against the feeling was excited against the barbarity of the traffic, and Haw- tragaic. kins was summoned to give an account of his proceedings before the queen, who declared, that, "if any of the Africans had been carried away without their own consent, it would be detestable, and call down the vengeance of Heaven upon the undertakers." 9Hawkins assured her that none of the natives had been carried 9. Holw alaway by him by compulsion, nor would be in fuiture, except such layed as should be taken in war: and it appears, that he was able to convince her of the justice of his policy; declaring it an act of nurmtnity to carry men from a worse condition to a better; from a captives taken in battle by their countrymen, and that by purchasing them the lives of so umany human creatures were saved, who would otherwise have been sacrificed to the implacable revenge of the victors. But this assertion is refuted by the fact that it was not until long after ttt! commencement of the African slave trade that we read of the different negro nations making war upon each other and selling their captives. Mr. Brue, principal director of the early French African slave Company, says, " The Europeans were far from desiring to act as peacemakers among the negroes; which would be acting contrary to their interests; since, the greater the wars, the more slaves were procured.:" Bozman, another writer, director of the Dutch Company, says, " One of the former directors gave large sums of money to the negroes of one nation, to induce them to attack some of the neighboring tribes " 150 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF [Boos II, ANALYSIS. state of pagan barbarism, to the enjoyment of thc blessings of Christianity and civilization. 1. seconad 50.'In 1564 Hawkins saileda with two vessels on a second voyage v0yage of to the coast of Africa, and during the passage an English ship of.Rsawsein$. a. Oct. s, war joined the expedition. 2On their arrival at Sierra Leone, the old style. negroes were found shy and reserved. As' none of their compan2. Suspicion ions had returned from the first voyage, they began to suspect ofthe natives. that the English had killed and devoured them, and no persuasion 3. Resort to could induce a second company to embark. 3The crew of the ship, ures. of war then proposed a resort to violent measures, and in this they were seconded by the sailors under the command of Hawkins himself, and notwithstanding the protestations of the latter, who cited the express commands of the queen, and appealed to the dictates of their own consciences against such lawless barbarity, they proceeded to put their purpose in execution; observing probably, no difference between the moral guilt of calm treachery and undisguised violence. 4. The result. 51. 4After several attacks upon the natives, in which many lives were lost on both sides, the ships were at length freighted with cargoes of human beings, who were borne away to the Spanish colonies, and there, for no crime but the misfortune of their weakness, and with no other motive, or plea of excuse. than the avarice of their 5.Remarks. captors, were consigned to endless slavery.-5Such was the commencement of the English branch of the African slave trade. The infamy of its origin rests upon the Old World: the evils which it has entailed are at this day the shame and the disgrace of the New. B. Importance 52. 6The importance of the REFORMATION. aS connected not only oEF th/e with the history of England at this period, but with the advance of REFORMATION civilization, true religion, and republican principles, throughout all subsequent history, requires from us some account of its origin, nature, and progress. 7. Religious 53. 7At the beginning of the sixteenth century, not only was the aspect of Eu' Catholic religion the only religion known in England, but also rope at the beginning of throughout all Europe; and the Pope, as the head of that religion, the sixteenth had recently assumed to himself both spiritual and temporal power over all the kingdoms of the world,-granting the extreme regions 8. Last of the earth to whomsoever he pleased. 8The last exercise of his cise of the, supreme power in worldly matters, was the granting to the king pope's su- g premse tem- of Portugal all the countries to the eastward of Cape Non in Africa; poral power. and to the king of Spain, all the countries to the westward of that limit; an act which, according to some, completed in his person the character of Antichrist, or I" that man of sin, sitting in the temple of God, and showing himself as God."' 9. Universal 54. 9At this time there was no opposition to the papal power; all supremacy of heresies had been suppressed-all heretics exterminated; and all pap1acy; by wohunnfirst Christendom was quietly reposing in a unity of faith, rites, and interrupted. ceremonies, and supinely acquiescing in the numerous absurdities inculcated by the " head of the church," when, in 1517, a single in. dividual dared to raise his voice against the reigning empire of superstition, —the power of which has ever since been declining. This person was MARTIN LUTHER, a man of high reputation for sanctity and learning, and then professor of theology at Wittemr berg on the Elbe, in the electorate of Saxony, a province of Germany. * 2 Thess. 2d, 3d, 4th.-At this period the popes feared no opposition to their authority in atny respect; as the commotions of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, raised by the Albi. genses, Waldenses, &c., had been entirely suppressed. PART I.] VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 151 55. 1The occasion that first enlisted Luther in opposition to the ANALYSIS. church of which he was a member wats the auLthorized sale of in — dlulgences, or, a remission of the punishment duce to sins a scheme,o Th, occawhich the pope, Leo X., h;id adopted- as in expedient for replen- thcr'sfrst ishinge an exliausted treasury. 2Luther at first inveighed agatinst o2.stio,. the doctrine of indulgences only; still prolessing a high respect uag priogr-ss for the apostolic see; Land implicit submission to its authority; but tei, ricctc.tig as he enlargeoe his observation and readino, and discoverecd new a oft rzes f abuses and errors, he bogan to doubt of the Pope;s divine autho- piry. rity; he re3ected the doctriine of his infallibilit;y gr aldually abolisised the use of 1mass,1 auricular confessions~ and the worship of imiages 1i denied the clocerine of purgatory,:[ and opposed the fastin1gs in the Romish church, mo1-10lstic vows, and the celibacy of the clergy. 31%. 31n 150, Zauinglius, a iran not inferior in understanding and 3. Zulngt'iu. knowl edge to Luther himself' raised the standard of reform in Switzerland auiming his doctrines at once to the overthrow of the whole fobric of popery. 4Notwithstanding the most strenuous ef- 4. Spread o forts of tliw Pope andi the Catholic clergy to resist the new fii-th, Pr~otestantthe fminds of men were aroused ftromr that lethargy in which they hi-ad so iong slumbeeled, and Protestantism:'*t spreacl rapidly into every king-dom of Europe. 57. 5in Enigland the principles of the Reformation secretly gained 5. cageg many partisans. as there were still in that kingdom some remains et/ r of the Lollardst-i a sect whose doctrines resembled those of Luther. duction of ha Blut another: and perhaps more important cause, which favored'the liefim'iitio r Reifrmation in En1land, was the increased attention which then i This porpe was exceeciingly profligate, and is known to have been a disbeliever in Chris tli,c ity itself, wisich lie called 1 Avesj'y prqoitable f;/ble foir huiez acid his predecessors." t The doc rine of intfilibtlity, is that of" Lentire exemption from liabiiity to err." IT Ma(ss consists of the ceremonies and prayers used in tie ItRoishl church at the celebration of the eucharist, or sacrament of the Lorcl's supper; —embracing the supposed consecration of -lie biead an.d wine into the real body and blood of Christ, and offering theni, so transsbstantiatedl. as an expiatory sacrifice for the livinig and the dead. Hig/s nass is that sung by the choir, and ceieibrated iwitl the assistance of the priests: low inass s that in which the prayers are barely rehearsed wiuhout singing. ~ A/icidar cowfessif osi, in the Romlish church, is a private acknowledgment of sins to a pliest, with a view to their absolution or pardon. II Tile?orsip of inages crept into the -iomish church very gradually. Its source origi nated, about the latier endl of the fourth century, in thle custonl of admitting pictulres of saints anlL in.ari.,rs into sth echlrches; but. although then considereld ilerely as ornlaments, the practice me, w!it'i very consisderable opposition. About the beginening of the fifth century isiages were introlucer, also by way of ornasment; and it continuel to be the doctrine of the church r:iudi the ibe-inning of the seventh century, that they were to be used only as helps to deveotioe., tanl nou s object, if irooship). Proteslnt writers assert that iniages were sorshiled, by the m1lonkos and the rpopulace, as early as the beginning of the eighth century. The second conmminll.llent firbids the sworship of images.` The doctrine of pi-a ory, vwhich has often been misrepresented, is believel in by Catheolies -s as lloibs: ist. All sins. however slight, will be punished hereafter, if niot csancelled by 1csen:taLnc e ilere. 2I. Thiose ltlavin:g the stains of the smaller sins only upon them, at Cleath, ewill not receive eternal punishmlent. ul-. Bu t as none cae1 be adnmitted into heaven %who are soe) piurified from all sins? bothil reat and small, the Catholic btrie-ies that there nlilst, of necessicty se so0 liM place or statle, whee souls,, not irrecoverably lost, slay be purified before their aiiittance in'o nheaven. This st-.e or plice, though not professing to know what or vwhere it iso t1ie Cathtcolic cCals m'?-=,-rl'ory. 4th. Ieu a.lo believes that those that are in this place, beingl the living mlen mber s of Jesus Christ,. re relieved by the prayers of their fellow ulenlbers here ons eartil, as also by allsss andl mlsses,. offered up to (ocd, for their souls. l- Ti'e slame.sPltpes asls iw-as lirst given in Germlany to the adherents of bLuther, because, in 1529. a numlLuer oi the German princes, sld thirteen imsperial towvns, protested against a decree of Chiarles V. and tlie diet of Spires. T'le terstl Protestants has since been applied to all who 2paor:ir.e foes t,-le commiunion of tie church of h of Rlle. ft''hse Lollards were a religious sect wvhich arose in Germany about tile beghinning of the tiulrteenth -entury. They rejected the sacrifice of the nmass, extreme unction, and penance; sf' sin. —anl in oSher respects, differed from the church of Rome. The follovers of the Yeformer Wicflife, who also lived in the foursnth century, swere sometimes term l Loliards. 152 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF [Bootr I. ANALYSIS, began to be paid to classical learning. 1At the time of the disco -. th very of Anmerica English literature was at a very low ebb, a',though Eratureisat in almost every foromer age some distinguished men had arisen to the time of dispel the gloom by which they were surrounded, and render their lf diocoveryc names illustrious. At the period of which we are now speaking the art of plinting had been but recently introduced into Englandc books were still scarce instructors more so. and learning had not yet become the road to preierment. The nobility in general were illiterate, and despised rather than patronized learning and learned men.: It is enouogho remarked one of them.' for noblemen's sons to wind their horn, and carry their hawk flair, and leave study and learning to the children of mean people." 2. rlevival of 58. 2About the commuenceme nt of the sixteenth century, howevar, abount ttze learning began to revive in England. The study of the Latin lantoWmen1ce- gu ge first excited public attention, and so diligently was it cultisizteenthl vated by the eminent men of the time that the sixteenth century centusry. m-ay very properly be called the Latin age Both Henry the Lighth, and his distinguished minister, cardinal Wolsey, were emi3. Th2esezdy nIlulo patrons of classical learlning. 3At first the study of Greek Poosed by the met with great opposition fronm the Catholic clergy, and when, in Catholic 1.515, the celebrated Erasmus published a copy of the NIew Testaclergy. ment in the original, it was denounced with great bitterness as an impious and dangerous book, and as tending to lmake heretics of those who studied it. 4. Probable 59. 4And? indeed, it probably had that tendency; for before this thendsency of time very few of the English theologians had made the Bible their the Bible in study, and even the professors of divinity read lectures only on thanguage. certain select sentences from the Scriptures, or on topics expounded by the ancient schoolmen. But the study of the Bible aroused a spirit of inquiry even among the few who were able to read it in the original; as its real doctrines began to be known, the repatation of scholastic divinity diminished; the desire of deducing religious opinions from the word of God alone began to prevail; and thus the iminds of men were somewhat prepared for the Reformation, even before Luther began his career in Germany. 5. Henry the 60. 5But Henry the Eighth having been educalted in a strict at,ighthwrites tachment to the church of Rome amnd being informed that Luther against the' doctrines of spoke with contempt of the writings of Thomas Aquinas,-? a teacher the Rzeform- of theology; and the king's favorite author, he conceived so violent a ation. prejudice against the reformer, that he wrote a book in Latin against\ 6. "Defender the doctrines which he inculcated. 6A copy of this work he sent of the Fait." to the pope, who, pleased with this token of Henry's religious zeal, conferred upon hism the title of defender of the faith; an appellation 7. Progress of still retained by the kings of England. 7To Henry's book Luther the contl0- replied with asperity; anld the public were inclined to attribute to the latter the victory; while the controversy was only rendered more important by the distinction given it by the royal disputant. S. Cames that 61. 8But still, causes were operating in England to extend the prinoperatead o ciples of the Reformation, and Henry himself was soon induced to extend the.principiesof lend his aid to their influence. Complaints of long standing the, Reform- auainst the usnrpations of the ecclesiastics had been greatly in creased by the spirit of inquiry indclucedl by the Lutheran tenets, and the house of coemons, finding the occasion favorable, passed ThLomas Aqiiznas, styled the'"A ngelic(.dl octor " a teacher of scholastic divinity in most of the universities of Italy, was born about the er; 1.225. I-Ie left an aniazing n amber of writings,. and his authority has always been of great imnportance in the sohools of the Roman Catholics te was canonized as a saint by Pope John XXII. in the year 1323. PAsRT 1. VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 153 several bills for restraining the impositions of the clergy, and re- ANALYSIS. ducing their power and privileges while the king, although ab- -- horring all connection with the Lutherans, was gratified with an opportunity of humbling the papal power in his dominions. and showing its dependence on his authority. 62.'Laws more tand more stringent continued to be enacted and i. Encroa cenforced against, the ecclesicastics; long standing abuses. and oppres- Wnen1ts upon sions of the ecclesiastical courts, were remedied; the revenues tical pozoer. which the pope had received from England were greatly diminished; and a severe blow was struck against the papal power, by a confession," extorted by Henry from the clergy of the reallm a. 1531. that "' the king was the protector and the supreme head of the church and clergy of England." 63. PHenry hdl married his brother's widow, and. either really 2. Ilenry's entertaining, as he pretended, conscientious scruples about the va- IlaCror es,00c lidity of his marriage, or estranged from his consort by the charms breach with of a new favorite. had appealed to the pope for a divorce: which thelort of the latter not granting, HIenry, in defiance of his holiness, put away his first wife Catharie, and marriedb another, the afterwards b. Nov. 1532. unfortunate Anne Boleyn. The result of this affair was a final breach with the court of Rome. and a sentence of excomlnunication was passede against the khin. c. March 64. 3Soon after, Henry was declaredi by parliament the only 3 The king's supreme head on etarth of the church of England; the authority of supremacy in the pope was formally abolished; and all tributes paid to him were ioatnso. rdeclared illegal. 4But d!though the king thus separated from the d. Nov. 1534 church of Rome, he professed to maintain the Catholic doctrine in 4. HIs reiiits purity, and persecuted the reformers most violently; so tlat, h ga is plOsn while many were burned as heretics for denying the doctrines of conduct. Catholicism, others were executed for maintainigno the supremacy of the pope. 5As therefore the e:rnest adherents of both religions 5. Effects pro were equally persecuted and equally encouraged: both parties were duced by ths induced to court the favor of the kino, wlho was thus enalbled to.a s- sae. sume an absolute authority over the nation. and to impose upon it his own doctrines, as those of the only true churich. 65. sStill the ambiguity of the king's conduct served to promote 6. The mona spirit of inquiry and innovation 1atvorable to the progress of the asteries abolised Reformation. Jealous of the influence of the lonlks. Henry abelished the moonasteries, and confiscated their immense revenues to his own uses; and the better to reconcile the people to the destruction of what had long been to them objects of the most profound veneration, the secret enormities of imnay of these institutions were mnade public?,-, 7The most that could be uroecd in fiawor of these 7. Viet oo establishments was that they were a support to the poor; butL; at these estabthe same time, they tended to encourage itdleness and beggary. 66. 8When news of these proceedings reached Reonle, the most. ter- 8. The prorible fulminations were hurled by the pope angainst the kinn of Eng- ceedin.ts of land, whose soul was delivered over to the devil, and his dominions ate inpotS'e to the first invader; all leagues with Catholic princes were de- ing.:lared to be dissolved nhis subjects were freed fonio their oaths "f allegiance. and the nobility were commanded to takle up arms agiinst him. 9But these missives. wvhich. hallf a century before, 9. Effect f would have hurled the mnonarch from his throne and made him a ihese. ic2n sives. despised outcast among his people, were now utterly harmless. Irhe papal supremacy was forever lost in Englan~d. * The measures of Henry in abolishing the nmonasteries were exceedingly arbitrary and oppressive. For a just view of these transactions the reader should compare tle account given ry ringard, the able Catholic historian, with that by IHume. 20 154 APPEENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF rBOoK N ANALYSIS. 67. IFew other events of importance connected with the Refornal Geeral tion. occurred during the reign of Henry, who, disregarding the opin course pur- ions both of Catholics and Protestlants, labored to make his own sued by the ever-chalging doctrines the religion of the nation. 2The Bible. aingg. 2. Tle people was then scarcely known to the great mass of the people, and al. zgnorant of though its general dissemination was strongly urged by the rethe Bible; formers, it was as zealously opposed by the adherents of popery controversy respecing its The latter openly and strenuously maintained that the clergsy dissemina- should have the exclusive spiritual direction of the people, who. they said, were totally unqualified to choose their own principles. and that the Scriptures involved so much obscurity, acnd gave rise to so many difficulties, that it was a mockery to-place them before the ignorant, who could not possibly make any proper use of them. 3. Decree of 68. 3in 1540, however, a copy of the Bible in English was ordered 1540 repecte- to be suspended in every parish church for the use of the people: ing the Bible; evr repealed in but two years later the king and parliament retracted even this 1542. concession, and prohibited all but gentlemen and merchants from perusing the Scriptures, and these persons were allowed to read 4. Reason of them, only "so it be done quietly, and with good order." 4The the repeal. preamble to the act sets forth "that many seditious and ignorant persons had abused the liberty granted them of reading' the Bible; and that great diversity of opinion, animosities, tumults, and schisms, had been occasioned by perverting the sense of the scrip5. The clergy tures. 5sEven the clergy themselves were at this time wofully iggenerally ihe norant of that against which they declaimed so violently, as itmany uiorant of the Bible. of them, particularly those of Scotland, imagined the New Testament to have been composed by Luther, and asserted that the Old Testament alone was the word of God. 1547. 69. 6After the death of Henry the Eighth, which occurred in 1 547, 6. The refor- the restraints which he had laid upon thle Protestants were remadion car- moved, and they soon became the prevailing party. Edward the.ied forwoard t and cons- Sixth~ the successor of Henry, beino in his iminority. the earl of?leleted Unde Hertford, afterwards duke of Somerset, long a secret partisan of Sixth. the reformers, was nlade protector of the realm; and under his direction, and that of archbishop Cranmer, the Reformation was 7. A litur7gy, carried forward and c0ompleted. 7A liturgy was composed by a end religious counsel of bishops and divines, and the parliaml ent ordained a uniunifornity- formity to be observed in all the rites and ceremonies of the church. N. Intolerance 70. 8The reformers, however, inow that they were in the ascendant, of the re- disgraced their principles by the severity which they exerciised towards those who differed froni them. They thought themselves so certainly in the riiht, ncl the establishment of their religious views of such importzncec that they would suffer no contradiction in regard to them and they proculred'a commission to search after and examine all anabaptists(~ heretics, and contemners of' the book of common prayer with s authority to reclaim them if possible, but. if they should prove obstinate, to excommnunicate and imprison them: and deliver them over to the civil authorities for punish., men t. 9. Thefate tf 71. sAmong those found guilty under this commission was one Joan oan oyfKent-. Boucher, commonly called Joan of Kent, who was condenlned to be burned as a heretic for mnaintainino some metaphysical notions concerning the reaIL nature of Christ. But the young king, who waa of a ild andcl humane disposition, at first refused to sign the The term..Anabaptist has been indiscriminately applied to Christians of very different prin. lples and practices, including, however, all who maint-ain that baptism so:ght to be performd, ey immersion, and not administered before the age of discretion PART 1.] VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 1 death-watrant: bnt at l.list being overcoime by the imnportu-:ities of 0 NALYSI5 Cran-er, he reluctantly complied, thougil with tears in his eyes, - declaring that if any wrtong were clone, the guilt should be on the head of those who persraidced him to it. iSome time after orne i. Of va Van Paris was condelmned to de:oth for Arianism.* He suffered Par' with so much satisfactioni that he hugged and claressed the fagots that were consuming him. 72. 2Edward Vi., a prince of many excellent qualities, dying in the 1553. sixteenth year of his age, and in the seventh of his reign, Mary, 2. Death qf often called the bloody MtLry, daughter of Henry the Eighth by EtEoacd. aen accession of his first wife Catherine. ascended the throne. IMary was a pro- 3ary. fessed Catholic, yet befbre her accession she had agreed to main- 3. Ielogius tain the reformled religion, and, even after, promised to tolerate pr0nciples, prermises, ad those who differed fromn her, but she no sooner saw herself conduct of firmly established on the throne, than she resolved to restore the Mary. Catholic worship. The Catholic bishops and clergy who had been deprived of their sees during the former reign, were reinstated, and now triumphed in their turn. 73. 40n pretence of discouraging controversy, the queen, by her 4. Exercise qf own arbitrary authority, forbade any to preach in pusblic except aZrbit'rary, a those who should obtain her license and to none but Catholics was that license given. 5Many foreign Protestants, who had fi-ed to 5. 3Many Pro. England for protection during the former reign. and had even been thets lea,. invited by the government beting now threatened with persecution, took the first opportunity of leaving the kingdom, ancl many of the arts and manaftctures, which they had successfully introduced, were thereby lost to the nation. 6PariLament showed itself ob- 6. Oisequ.sequious to the designs o' the queen: all the statutes of the for- zoune5sse of parliament. mer reign were repealed by one vote; and the national religion was thus placed on the sanme footir in which it had been left at the death of Henry the Eighth. 74. 7Soon afcer, the mass was restored, the pope's authority cs- 7. Comp ets tablished the former sanguinary laws against heretics were revived. reestablsh.— ~ —--- -— 7 ---- -------- --- -n stzmeet of paand a bloody persecution followed, filling the lLnd with scenes of pertofilopohorror. which long rendered the Catholic religion the object of geln- ed by a blootd eral detestation. sThe persecution began by the burning of John pe Rosectios. 8. Rogers. Rogers at Smithfield, a man eminent for virt-ue as well as for learning. Hooper, This was quickly followed by the execution of HIooper, bishop of crlnmer.yad Gloucester; archbishop Cranmer; Ridley, bishop of London; Lat- Latimer. imer, bishop of NWorcester; and large numbers of the laity. Slt 9. Number of was computedI that during this persecution, two hundred and sev- v'ci6li2. enty-seven persons were burned at the stake, of whonm fifty-five were womeno and four Nwere children;: and large numbers, in addition, were punished by confiscations, fines, and imprisonments.-i The Arians wermollowers of Arius, a presbyter or elder of the church of Alexandria about the year 315. lie maintained that Jesus Christ was the noblest of those beings whom Gorlod had created, but inferior to the Father, both in nature and dignity; and that theE Holy Ghost was not God, but created by the power of the Son. In modern times the appellation Ari:s?,a has been indiscriminately applied to al who reject the doctrine of the Trinity, and consider Jesus Christ as inferior and subordinate to the Father. The modern Usitarokzns are Arians. ~ Yet this cruelty is much inferior to what was practised in other countries. " A great author computes that, in the Netherlands alone, from the time that the edict of Charles V. was promulgated against the Refornlers, there had been fifty thousand.persons hanged, beheaded, buried alive, or bursed, on account of religion; and that in France the number had also been considerable. Yet in both countries, as the same author subjoins, the progress of the new opinions, instead of being checked, Nwas rather forwarded by these persecutions."-Ilume. During the horrid massacre of St. Bartholomew, which occurred- in France at a later period, In August, 1572, the victims were p;obably far more numerous. lumne computes, that in Paris alone ten thousand Protestants were slain in one day. Dr.. Lingard thus speaks of the number *fvictims who fell ini this barbarous transaction. " Of the number of the victims In all the 156 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD OF [BOOK 1t ANALYSIS. 1The sufferers generally bore their tortures with the most inflexi; Condlct ble constancy; singing hymnis in the midst of the flames. and glory. sf the sif- ing that they were found worthy of suffering martyrdom in the *ferers. cause of Christ. 2 Marriage 75. 2Masry, having formed a marriage with Philip, a Catholic of8tal/, aendt prince son of the emperor of Spain, and heir to the Spanish of a" court throne was next urged on by him and her own zeal to establish a of OqlZ- court similar to the Spanish Inquisition. 3Among the arbitrary tiont." S. Powers of powers exercised by this court, it issued a proclamation against this court. books of heresy, treason, and sedition declaring " that whosoever had any of these books. and did not preselntly burn them, without readinlg themn or showing them to any other person, should be es. teemed rebels and without any farther delay, be executed by marI4.. Supremacy tial law." 4All ideas of civil and religious liberty, expressed of the royal prerogative either in word or action, seemed. at this period, to be extinguished at this period. in Englandl; parliament madce little or no opposition to the will of the queen. former statutes were disregarded by the royal prerogative, and the common law, deemed secondary to ecclesiastical enactments, was scarcely known to exist. 1558. 76. 5Mary died in.1558,unregretted by the nation, after a reign of 5. Death of little more than five years, and the princess Elizabeth. daughter of M1ary, and ac- Henry the Eighth and the unfortunate Anne Boleyn, succeeded to Elizabei. the throne. 6,She had been brought up in the principles of the 6. Change of Reformation, and a general change of religion, from popery to Proreligion, and testantism, almost immediately followed her accession. This wa.s Elizabeth. effected without any violence, tumult. or clamor; for the persecutions in the preceding reign had served only to give the whole nation an aversion to popery, and Elizabeth had the wisdom to adopt a course of moderation and to restrain the zeal and acrimony of the most violent of her party. 7. Reforma- 77. 7Thus the Reformnttion was firmly and finally established in tion establish- England: but as the spirit of change is ever progressive. it dclid not ed, buot still progressive. stop with merely the overthrow of one religion and the substitution 8- Germsof of another. 8Other important principles, arising out of the liew anaedpartes religion itself. had already begun to be seriously agitated among ples seen in its supporters; and it is to this period, the age of Elizabeth, that ihe neso religion. we can trace the germs of those parties and principles which after wards exerted an important influence on our own history. 9. Antipathy 78. 9Some among the early reformers, even during the reign of against those Edcward VI., had conceived a violent antipathy to all the former tholicison re- practices of the Catholic church, many of which the early Reforaipiced pbc mlation had retained.'IEven Hooper, who afterwards suffered for 10o. Hooper's his religion, when promoted to the office of bishop at first refusec opposition to to be consecrated in the Episcopal habit which had formerly, he this Episcopaol habit. said, been abused by superstition, and which was thereby rendered ii. Objections unbecoming a true Christian.'iObjections of thi's nature were of others. made by the most zealous to every form and ceremonial of Catholic 12. Resmon- worship that had been retained by the Church of England. 12The etrance of ttsh same spirit dictated the national remonstrance made afterwards by clergy. the Scottish clergy, in which are found the following words. "What has Christ Jesus to do with Belial? What has darkness to do with light? If surplices; corner caps, and tippets, have been badges of idolaters, in the very act of idolatry, why should the towns it is Impossible to speak with certainty. Among the HTuguenot writers Perifix reckona 100,300, Sully 70,000, Thuanus 30,000, La Popeliniere 20,000, the reformed martyrologist 15,04 and Mason 10,000." The estimate of Lingard himself, however, notwitstanding these start mnents, is less than 2,000. PART 1.1 VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES, 15 preacher of Christian liberty, and the open rebuker of all supetr ~ st. stition, partake of the dregs of the Romish beast?" 79.'After the accession of Elizabeth, this spirit rapidly increase~ 1. The two and the friends of the Reformation became radically divided among aprg the themselves, forming the two active parties of the country-the one'ej'.rmers afe t the acces party, the advocates of the church system as already established; ion. of Eliz-:nd the other, then first called the Puritan rarty, desiring to reform abeth. the established religion still more. 80. 2The great points of agreement among the members of the 2. Points of established church system, consisted in rejecting the doctrine of agreemnent papal supremacy, and in asserting the paramount national autho- bers of the rity in matters both spiritual and temporal, and in recognizing the established church. king or queen as the head of the church. 3This was, at its origin, 3. Thissystem the liberal, or democratic system, and at first united, in its support, at its origin. all lovers of liberty in thought and action-all those to whom the rigid discipline of Catholic ceremonials and Catholic supervision was irksome. 4The members of this party, although differing 4. Why ythees greatly on minor subjects, were generally disposed to rest satisfied tablished church party with the changes already made in faith and worship, thinking it a cvas disposed matter of justice and policy, not to separate more widely than tc restsatiswas necessary from the ancient sytem; while the bishops and clergy chanees alforesaw, in any farther attempts at innovation, a tendency to strip reaty nide. them of all their professional authority and dignity. 81. 5The establishment of these medium principles between 5. To ohsom popery on the one hand, and puritanism on the other, is probably these mnedium principles attributable to Elizabeth herself, for it is asserted by Hallalcm that are attribat the accession of that princess to the throne, all the most eminent uted. reformers, or Protestants, in the kingdom, were in favor of abolishing the use of the surplice, and what were called popish ceremonies, and that the queen alone was the cause of retaining those observances, which finally led to a separation from the Church of England. 82. 6The Puritan party, professing to derive their doctrines di- 6. Professions rectly from the Scriptures, were wholly dissatisfied with the old ad wishes Pz. the Puritan church system, which they denounced as rotten, depraved, and de- party. filed by human inventions, and they wished it to undergo a thorough reform, to abandon everything of man's device, and to adopt nothing, either in doctrine or discipline, which was not directly authorized by the word of God. 7Exceedingly ardent in their feel- 7. Character ings, zealous in their principles, abhorring all formalism, as de- of this party. structive of the very elements of piety, and rejecting the regal as well as papal supremacy, they demanded, in place of the liturgical service, an effective preaching of the gospel, more of the substance of religion, instead cf what they denominated its shadow; and so convinced were they of the justness of their views and the reasonableness of their demands, that they would listen to no considerations which pleaded for compromise or for delay. 83. SThe unsettled state of exterior religious observances contin- 1565. uecl until 1565, when Elizabeth, or perhaps the archbishop by her S. Attempts to sanction, took violent measures for putting a stop to all irregulari- formicty ion ties in the church service. Those of the puritan clergy who would religious not conform to the use of the clerical vestments, and other matters 2555t/eP. of discipline, were suspended from the ministry, and their livings, or salaries. taken from them. SThe puritans then began to form 9. Treatment separate oonventicles in secret, for they were unable to obtain, apart of the Prifrom the regular church, a peaceable toleration of their particular worship. Yet their separate assemblages were spied out and invaded" by the hirelings of government, and those who frequenterd a. 567. them sent to prison. 158 APPEINDIX TO T1IE PERIOD OF [BUok 11 N.ALYSIS. 84. IHitherto the retention of popish ceremonies in the church' — ----- had been the only avowed cluseo of' complaint with the puritans, but, Thae Pull- when they found themselves persecuited with the most unsparing;-grher rigor instenad of relaxing in their plppositioni they began to take higher grounds —to cl'in ain ecclesiastical independence of the Englisa chur'chl-to question the tauthority that oppressed themandc with Cartwrioht, one of their mlost ble leaders, to inculcate the zlafiyctlntess of any fbrm of church govelrnment, except what the apostles hadcl instituted, namely, the presbyterian.'2. Polttical 85'. Thus a new feature in the controversy wlas developed, in the spect of the introduction of political principles: and, in the language of Halcntroversyl. lam) "the battle was no.longer to be fought for a tippet and a surplicc, but for the whole ecclesiatstical hierLrchy, interwoven, as it was, with the temporal constitution of England." The principles of civil liberty that thus began to be pronlulgated, so totally incompatible with the exorbitant prerogatives hitherto exercised by the English sovereigns, rendered the puritans, in a peculiar manner, the objects of the queen's aversion. 3. Puritan- 86. 3Some of the puritan leaders in Parliament having taken ocsgeninPawlia- casion to ailudae. although in terms of great mildness, to the restraints which. the queen had imposed upoll freedom of speech in the house, especially in ecclesiastical matters, they were imprisoned for their boldness, and told that it did not become them to speak upon subjects which the queen had prohibited from their consideration. And when a bill for the amendment of the liturgy was introduced into Parl.1iament, by a puritan member. it was declared to be an encroachment on the royal prerogative, and a temerity which!.Pretensions was not to be tolerated. 4As head of the church, Elizabeth deof the queen clatred that she was fully empowered, by her prerogative alone, to and powers of parli- decide all questions that might arise with regard to doctrine, disciae-n-t pline, or worship. And, in fact, the power of Parliament, at this time, extended little farther than to the regulation of the internal police of the kingdom: it did not presume to meddle with any of the great questions of government, peace and war, or foreign negotiations. 5. The 87. 5The most rigid of the early puritans were a sect called 3'~.on'ist.'" Bronninsts, from Robert Brown.,a young clergyman of an impetuous tits," or"'n- and illiberal spirit, who, in 1586, was at the head of a party of gepelndents." zealots or a "Separattists,/ who vwere vehement for a total sepatration from the established church. The Brownists -were also known as " Independents," because they renounced communion, not only with the church of England, but with every other Protestant church 6. Their that was not constructed on the samne model as their own. 6Against treat2lent. this sect the whole fury of the ecclesiastical law was directed. Brown himself exulted in the boast that he had been committed to thirty-two prisons, in some of which he could not see his hand at noon-day. Several of his followers perished by the hand of the executioner, great numbers were imprisoned, and numerous faimi-. lies were reduced to poverty by heavy fines. 7. Severe 88. 7Yet these severities tended only to increase the numbers and awsC agoainst the zeal of these sectaries, and although Elizabeth, even with tears,'.s Puritans, nt ant their' bewailed their misfortunes, yet she caused laws still more severe to e*ctsu. be enacted against the hope of finally overcoming their obstinacy. In 1593 a law was passed, declaring that any person, over sixteen years of age; who obstinately refused during the space of a month, to attend public worship in the established church, should be committed to prison; that if he persisted three months in his refusal he should abjure the realm' and if he either refused L'ART 1 J VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES. 159 this condition, or returned after banishment, he should suffer ANALYSIS. death. This act contributed as little as former laws to check the growth of Puritan principles, although it induced greater secrecy in their promulgation. 89. 10n the accession of James the First to the throne, in 1603) 1. Treatm rat the ecclesiastical policy of Elizabeth was adopted, and even in- of the Puricreased in rigor so that, during the second year of the reign of James the James, three hundred Puritan ministers were deprived of their Fi7st. livings, and imprisoned or banished. 2Thus harassed and op- 2. They repressed in England, an emigration to some foreign country seemed solve on ermi the only means of safety to the Puritans. and. they began to retire graton. in considerable numbers to the Protestant states of Europe. 90. 3Among those who afterwards became prominent in our his- s. Robinsones tory, as the founders of New England, were several me.mWbers of a ttrong Puritan congregiltion in the north of England, which chose for its pastor John Robinson. The members of this congregation, extremely harassed by a rigid enforcement of the laws against dissenters, directed their views first to Holland, the only European state in which a free toleration.of religious opinions was then admitted. But after leaving their homes at a sacrifice of much of Forbizden their property, they found the ports of their country closed against to esnigrate. them, and they were absolutely forbidden to depart. 91, 4After numerous disappointments, being betrayed by those 4. Afternuin whom they had trusted for concealment and protection, har- eresacesiasln assed and plundered by the ofbicers of the law, and often exposed sterdam. as a laughing spectacle to their enemies; in small parties they finally succeeded in reachino A.msterdam. where they found a a. 1608. Puritan congregation of their countrlymen already established. 5After one year spent at Amsterdam, the members of the church of 5. Removes t Robinson removed to Leyden where they continued eleven years, L during which time their numbers had increased, by additions from England, to three hundred communicants. 92. 6When Robinson first went to Holncland he was one of the 6. Character most rigid separatists from the church of England: but after a few of Robinson. years farther experience he became more mnoderate and charitable in his sentiments, allowing pious members of the Episcopal church, and of other churches, to communicate with him; declaring theat he separated from no denomination of Christians. but fronm the corruptions of all others. THis liberal views gave offence to the 7. The nsdrigid Brownists of A.msterdcam. so that the latter would sca-rcely hend Cntt, ad hold communion with the church at Leyden. The church at Am- gational sterdam here became known as the Ildependeent church. anld that at Chr1ch. LeydenT under the charge of Robinson, as the Coeegregattieoal church. SMost of the latter emigrated to Anmerica in 1620, where they laid s. 3embers oJ the foundation of the Plymouth colony. The church which they thIre to ethere planted has been the prevailing church in New England to America. the present day. 93. sBut the Pulitans brought with them, and established in the 9. Political New World, important principles of civil liberty, which it would principles of the, Puritans, be unjust here to pass unnoticed. 1OBefore they effected a landing 10 The "sat Plymouth, they embodied these principles in a brief, simple. but e7on, concomprehensive conlpact, which was to form the basis of their fiuture fra:" enter. government. In this instrument we have exhibited a perfect the ptlgrns equality of rights and privileges. In the cabin of the Mayflower, at itl louEII the pilgrims nmet together as equals and as freemen. and, in the name of the God whom they worshipped, subscribed the first charter of liberty established in the New World-declaring themselves the source of all the laws that were to be exercised over themn-andl 160 VOYAGES AIND DISCOVERIES. [BookK IL ANALYSIS. promising to the same due subjection and obedience. Here was laid the foundation of American liberty. ~Indebted- 94.'That England herself is greatly indebted to the Puritans ness of Eng- for the present free government which she enjoys, we blave the Zand to the voluntary admission of her most able historians. It is remarked by Puritan. Hume) that "so absolute indeed wias the authority of the crown during the reign of' Elizabeth, that the precious spark of liberty had been kindled, and was preserved by the puritans alone;" and that " it was to this sect that the English owe the whole freedom of their constitution." Again Humne remarks, " It was only during the next generation that'the noble principles of liberty took root, and spreading themselves under the shelter of puritanical absurdities. became falshion.lable amnong the people". 2. Other',- 95. 2The other New Englald colonies, planted by puritans also, rican colonies adopted principles of free government similar to those of the Plyo dtew Eng- mouth colony and if they sometimes fell into the prevailing error erance of the of the times, of persecuting those who differed from them in reliPtittans. gious sentiments, it was because their entire government was but a system of ecclesiastical polity, aind they had not yet learned the ne3. Their oh- cessity of any government separate from that of the church. 3They ject int emi- came to plant. on principles of equality to all of similar religions gati7ng to views with themselves, a free church- in the wilderness; and the -_oerica. toleration, in their midst. of those entertaining different religious sentiments, was deemed by them but as the toleration of heresies 4. The errors in the church. 41t was reserved for the wisdom of a later day to into tehich complete the good work which the Puritans began, and by separahzoe cor- tino' the chur ch' from " the state to extend toleration and proteccroted. te r cteit. tion to all, without the imputationi of inculcating, by the authority of law,v what ilight be deemed heresies by any. 5. Our dotty 96. aWhile therefore we concede to the Puritans of New Engin relation to land the adoption of principles of government greatly in advance the history of the Purt7-ans. of the age in which they lived, it is our duty to point out, also. the errors into which they fell, and the sad consequences that resulted 6. The Qua- fronl them. GA few years later, the Quakers of Pennsylvania also kes of Penn-, pyluritan sect) but persecuted even among their brethren, made sytnaoin. a agreat advance in those republican principles which succeeding time has perfected, to the glory and happiness of our nation, and 7. Other the admiration of' the world.'Other Anerican colonies and indiAmerican viduals, at different periods, by resisting arbitrary encroachments colooies. of power, lent their aid to the cause of freedom. 8. What2forms 97. 8To follow the advance of this cause through all the stages sthe iost in- of its proggriess,-from its feeble beginnings. when the foot of the tiono of our oppressor would have crushed it, had he not despised its weakness, hlstory. -through long periods of darlmess, enlivened by only an occasional gliln.mering of hope, until it shone forth triumphant in that redemption from foreign bondage, which our fathers of the Revolution purchased for us, forms the most interesting and the most in 9. l-Vha.t,'we strnctive portion of our history. 9Andlc while we are perusing our should keep early annals, let us constantly bear in mind" that it is not merely tiet rat tu-in with the details of casual events, of wars and sufferings, wrongs dying oiur and retaliations, ineffective in their influences, that we are engaged orty histoy. but that we are studying a n';tion's progress from infancy to manhood-and that we are tracing the growth of those principles of civil and religious liberty, which have rendered us one of the hapo. piest, most enlightened, and most powerful of the nations of tho earth. t'AIrI 1V i'! 61 I Mi i i li:Li6 POCAHIONTAS SATING THE LIE OF CAPTAIN SMITH. (See p. 164) PART II 10.'EARLY 2ETTLEE1IENTh AND COLONIAL 11I9TORY; a. Subject of EXTENDING FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF JAMESTOWN7 IN 1607, TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE WAR OF TIHE REVOLUTION7 IN 1775; EMBRACING A PERIOD OF 168 YEARS. CHAPTER I. 2HISTORY OF VIRGIN1A.* 2. Chap. DIVISIONS. L 3irginia under the first charter.-II. Virginia wzder the second 3. D'i4omf charter.-III. Virginia under the third charter.-I V. Virginia from of g hap. I. the dissolution of the London Company to the commencement of the French and Indian War. I. VIRGINIA UNDEr THE FIRST CHARTER.-l. 4The adlin- me Governistration of the government of the Virginia colony had Vir',nia * VIRGINIA, the most northern of the southern United States, and the largeet in the Unioni often called the Ancient Domivion, from its early settlement, contains an area ot nearly 70,000 lquare miles. The state has a great variety of surface and soil. From the coast to the head of tide water on the rivers: incluldirg a tract of generally more than 100 miles in width, the country is low, sandy, covered with pitch pine, and is unhealthy from August to October. Between the head of tide water andl the PBlue Ride, t1e soil is better, and the surface of the country becomes uneven and hilly. The interior of the State, traversed by successive ridges of the Alleghany, running N. E. and S. W. is a healthy region, and in the valleys are some of' the best and most pleasant lads in the St te. The country wvest of the mountains, towards the Ohio., is rough and wild, with occasional SIrtile tracts, but rich as a mineral region 21 162 COIONIAL HISTORY, [Boos IL ANALYSIS. been intrusted to a council of seven persons, whom the superior council in England had been permitted to name, with a president to be elected by the council from their 1. Early ds- number.'But the names and instructions of the co-incil im.plrison- having been placed, by the folly of the king, in a sealed Stirf box, with directions that it should not be opened until she 1607. emigrants had arrived in America, dissensions arose during the voyage; and John Smith, their best and ablest man, was put in confinerment, upon the absurd accusation of an intention to murder the council, usurp the government, and make himself king or Virginia. 2. WingfieZd- 2.'Soon after their arrival, the council chose Edward Snith on the Wingfield president,-an ambitious and unprincipled man, aCiv of thmpany. -and finding that Smith had been appointed one of theirh number, they excluded him from their body, as, by their instructions, they had power to do, but released him from confinement. As Smith demanded a trial upon the charges brought against him, which were known to be absurdly fakLe, his accusers thought best, after a partial hearing of the case, to withdraw the accusation; and he was soon restored to his station as a member of the council. 3. character 3.'Of the one hundred and five persons on the list of of the emigrants. emigrants, destined to remain, there were no men with families,-there were but twelve laborers, and very few mechanics. The rest were composed of gentlemen of for tune, and of persons of no occupation, —mostly of idle and dissolute habits —who had been tempted to join the expedition through curiosity or the hope of gain;-a company but poorly calculated to plant an agricultural state 4. Theirre- in a wilderness. 4The English were kindly received by ception by the natives. the natives in the immediate vicinity of Jamestown, who. when informed of the wish of the strangers to settle in tihe country, offered them as much land as they wanted. a. Note,. 7 4.'Soon after their arrival, Newport, and Smith, and 5. Powhatan and lhis ub- twenty others, ascended the Jamesa river, and visited the jects. native chieftain, or king, Powhatan, at his principal residence near the present site of Richmond.* His subjects murmured at the intrusictl of the strangers into the country; but Powhatan, disguising his jealousy and his fear, manifested a friendly disposition. 6. Events that 5.'About the middle of June, Newport sailed for Eng; aftur trhede- land; and the colonists, whose hopes had been highly ex. partureof cited by the beauty and fertility of the country, beginning Newport. to feel the want of suitable provisions, and being now left * Richmond, tihe capital of Virginia, is on the north side of James River, 75 milles from tsa mouth. Immediately above the river are the falls, and directly opposite is the village of MYiau, ehaster. PART l.] VIRGINIA. 163 to their own resources, soon awoke to the reality of their 160,. situation. They were few in number, and without habits surering of industry;-the Indians began to manifest hostile inten- ofy /w colony. tions,-and before autumn, the diseases of a damp and sultry climate had swept away fifty of their number, and among them, Bartholomew Gosnold, the projector of the settlement, and one of the ablest men in the council. 6.'To increase their misery, their avaricious president, 2. CosPiraCj. Wingfield, was detected in a conspiracy to seize the public stores, abandon the colony, and escape in the company's bark to the West Indies.'He was therefore de- 3. Govern. posed, and was succeeded by Ratcliffe; but the latter into the hants possessing little capacity for government, and being sub- of Snmith. sequently detected in an attempt to abandon the colony, the management of affairs, by common consent, fell into the hands of Smith, who alone seemed capable of diffusing light amidst the general gloom. 7. 4Under the management of Smith, the condition of 4. msranthe colony rapidly improved. He quelled the spirit of agett"'. anarchy and rebellion, restored order, inspired the natives with awe, and collected supplies of provisions, by expeditions into the interior. As autumn approached, wild fowl Nov. and game became abundant; the Indians, more friendly, from their abundant harvests made voluntary offerings; and peace and plenty again revived the drooping spirits of the colony. 8.'The active spirit of Smith next prompted him to 5. Smith explore the surrounding country. After ascending the er byt t Chickahominy* as far as he could advance in boats, with two Englishmen and two Indian guides he struck into the interior. The remainder of the party, disobeying his instructions, and wandering from the boat, were surprised by the Indians and put to death. Smith was pursued, the two Englishmen were killed, and he himself, after dispatching with his musket several of the most forward of his assailants, unfortunately sinking in a miry place, was forced to surrender. 9.'His calmness and self-possession here saved his life. e. In whae Showing a pocket compass, he explained its wonderful rsawceldh properties, and, as he himself relates, "by the globe-like Ife. figure of' that jewel he instructed them concerning the roundness of the earth, and how the sun did chase the night round about the earth continually." In admiration of his superior genius the Indians retained him as their prisoner. u The Chickahominy River rises northwest from Richmond, and, during most of Its coarse runs nearly parallel to James River, which it enters five or six miles above Jamestown See Map, p. 136.) 164 COLONIAL IIlST'ORY. L[ook 11, 1608. 10.'Regarding him as a being of superior order, but,___- uncertain whether he should be cherished as a friend, or I. Hoa the dreaded as an enemy, they observed towards him the garded him, utmost respect as they conducted him in triumph from.hey did with one village to another, and, at length, brought him to the residence of Opechancanough, where, for the space ot three days, their priests or sorcerers practiced incantations and. ceremonies, in order to learn from the invisible world the character and designs of their prisoner. 2. Decision of 11.'The decision of his fate was referred to Powhatan f@ate. and his council, and to the village of that chieftain Smith was conducted, where he was received with great pomp 1608. and ceremony. Here it was decided that he should die. 3. His lie'He was led forth to execution, and his head was laid P'ocahontas. upon a stone to receive the fatal blow, when Pocahontas, the young and favorite daughter of the king, rushed in between the victim and the uplifted arm of The executioner, and with tears and entreaties besought her father to save 4. Sent to his life. 4The savage chieftain relented; Smith was set Jamestown. at liberty; and, soon after, with a guard of twelve men, was conducted in safety to Jamestown, after a captivity of seven weeks. 5. Benefits 12.'The captivity of Smith was, on the whole, bene-.&erived from hiscaptivity. ficial to the colony; for he thereby learned much of the Indians,-their character, customs, and language; and was enabled to establish a peaceful intercourse between 6. Conation the English and the Powhatan tribes. ~But on his return on hisretorn. to Jamestown he found disorder and misrule again prevailing; the number of the English was reduced to forty men; and most of these, anxious to leave a country where they had suffered so much, had determined to abandon the colony and escape with the pinnace. This was the third attempt at desertion. By persuasion and threats a majority were induced to relinquish the design; but the remainder, more resolute, embarked. in spite of the threats of Smith, who instantly directed the guns of the fort upon them and compelled them to return..Arrival of 13.'Soon after, NI ewport arrived from England with emigrants. supplies, and one hundred and twenty emigrants. The hopes of the colonists revived; but as the new emigrants were composed of gentlemen, refiners of gold, goldsmiths, jewellers, &c., and but few laborers, a wrong direction a searh for was given to the industry of the colony.'Believing that Vold. they had discovered grains of gold in a stream of water near Jamestown, the entire industry of the colony was directed to digging, washing, refining and loading gold; and notwithstanding the remonstrances of Smith, a ship PArT I.] VIRGINIA. 165 was actually freighted with the glittering earth and sent ioO~. to England. 14.'During the prevalence of this passion for gold, t. Fjp7rvaSmith, finding that he could not be useful in Jamestown, country by Smdith. employed himself in exploring the Chesapeake Bay' and a. Notehp: 13. its tributary rivers. In two voyages, occupying about three months of the summer, with a few companions, in an open boat, he performed a navigation of nearly three thousand miles, passing far up the Susquehanna* and the Potomac;;t nor did he merely explore the numerous rivers and inlets, but penetrated the territories, and established friendly relations with the Indian tribes. The map which he prepared and sent to England is still extant, and delineates, with much accuracy, the general outlines of the country which he explored. 15. 2Soon after his return from this expedition, Smith was formally made presidents of the council. By his b. Sept. 20energetic administration, order and industry again pre- 2 Smmith's vailed, and Jamestown assumed the appearance of a gtovei,0 nt, thriving village. Yet at the expiration of two years from andcOfndithe time of the first settlement, not more than forty acres colony after an existence of land had been cultivated; and the colonists, to prevent of teeo yeareo themselves from starving, were still obliged to obtain most of their food from the indolent Indians. Although about seventy new emigrants arrived, yet they were not suitable t.o the wants of the colony, and Smith was obliged to write earnestly to the council in England, that they should send more laborers, that the search for gold should be abandoned, and that " nothing should be expected except by labor." If. VIRGINIA UNDER THE SECOND CHARTER.-1. 3In 1609. 1609, a new charter was givene to the London Company, e. Jule 2. by which the limits of the company were enlarged, and 3. Theseeoaru the constitution of Virginia radically changed. The territory of the colony was now extended by a grant of all the lands along the sea-coast, within the limits of two hundred miles north, and two hundred south of Old Point Comfort;4 that is, from the northern boundary of Maryland, to the southern limits of North Carolina, and extending westward fr'om sea to sea. e The Susqueehanna is one of the largest rivers east of the Alleghanies. he eastern branch rises in Otsego Lake, New York, and running S. WV. receives the Tioga nefri the Pennsylvania boundary. It passes through Pennsylvania, receiving the West Bragr^ in the interior of the State, and enters the head of Chesapeake Bay, near the N. E. corner of; Maryland. The navi gation of the last 50 miles of its course is obstructed by numerous rapids. - The Potomac river rises in the Alleghany Mountains, makes a grand and magnificent pas satge through the Blue Ridge, at Iarper's Ferry, and throughout its whole course is the bonn.. ditry line between Virginia and Maryland. At its entrance into Chesapeake Bay it is seven and a half miles wide. It is navigable for tlhe largest vessels to Wlashington City, 110 nailea by the river-70 in a direct line. Above Washington the navigation is obstructed by numserous falls. Point Comfort is the northern point of the entrance of James River into Ch ease.ake Beoy -See Janes Riiv,,, Note, p. 187.) 166 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Book UI ANALYSIS. 2.'The council in England, formerly appointed by the'. Chance king, was now to have its vacancies filled by the votes of matde in the a majority of the corporation. This council was authorf thencolony. ized to appoint a governor, who xwas to reside in Virginia, and whlose powers enabled him to rule the colonists with alrnJst despotic sway. The council in England, it is true, coJuld make laws for the colony, and give instructions to the governor; but the discretionary powers conferred upon the latter were so extensive, that the lives, liberty, and property of the colonists, were placed almost at his arbitrary disposal.. Nel ar- 3.'Under the new charter, the excellent Lord Delaware 2ea gernents mn.ade.n was appointed governor for life. Nine ships, under the a. June 12. command of Newport, were soon despatched- for Virginia, with more than five hundred emigrants. Sir Thomas Gates, the deputy of the governor, assisted by Newport and Sir George Somers, was appointed to administer the S. Oisasters government until the arrival of Lord Delaware. 3When to tAjtgieet. the fleet had arrived near the West Indies, a terrible stormb dispersed it, and the vessel in which were Newport, Gates, and Somers, was stranded on the rocks of the Bermudas.* c. Aug. A small ketch perished, and only seven vessels arrived' in Virginia. 4. 4. 40'n the arrival of the new emigrants, most of whom we situation t5Sm it 4h. were profligate and disorderly persons, who had been sent off to escape a worse destiny at home, Smith found himself placed in an embarrassing situation. As the first charter had been abrogated, many thought the original form of government was abolished; and, as no legal authority existed for establishing any other, every thing tended to the wildest anarchy. s. His man-' 5. "In this confusion, Smith soon determined what agement. course to pursue. Declaring that his powers, as president, were not suspended until the arrival of the persons- appointed to supersede him, he resumed the reins of govern6. Hit return meint, and resolutely maintained his authority.'At length, Dt Enlad. being disabled by an accidental explosion of gunpowder, and requiring surgical aid, which the new settlement could not afford, he delegated his authority to George Percy, brother of the Earl of' Northumberland, and embarked for England. 5 The.Bermudas are a group of about 400 small islands, nearly all but five mere rocks, conWining a surface of abrout 20 square mniles, and situated in the Atlantic Ocean, 580 miles E. fronm Cape Hatteras, iwhich is the nearest land to them. They wvere discovered in 1515, by a Spanish vessel commuanded by Juan Bermudes, firom whom they have derived their name. Soon after the shipwreck above mentioned, Sonmers formed a settlenment there, and from him they were long known as the'" Summer Islands," but the original namne, Bermudas, has since prevailed. They are well fortified, belong to the English, and are valuable. principally as a na~val station PAlrV 11.] VIRGEINIA. 167 6.'On the departure of Smith subordination and in- ]1610. dustry ceased; the provisions of the colony were soon -.consmlned; the Indians became hostile, and withheld their - Situcltion customary supplies; the horrors of famine ensued; and, jetar,4.,the in six months, anarchy and vice had reduced the number time-" of the colony from four hundred and ninety to sixty; and these were so feeble and dejected, that if relief had been delayed a few days longer, all must have perished. This period of suffering and gloom was long remembered with l-orror, and was distinguished by the name of the starving time. 7.'In the mean time Sir Thomas Gates and his com- 2. Fate f Sir panions, who had been wrecked on the Bermudas, had T-D7ho.scaa reached the shore without loss of life,-had remained nine Sanded months on an uninhabited but fertile island,-and had found means to construct two vessels, in which they embarkeda for Virginia, where they anticipated a happy a. May 2 welcome, and expected to find a prosperous colony. 3.'On their arrivalb at Jamestown, a far different 1. June2. scene presented itself; and the gloom was increased by 3. T'h sett~le the prospect of continued scarcity. Death by famine r o toed;awaited them if they remained where they were; and, colonyh as the only means of safety, Gates resolved to sail for Newfoundland, and disperse the company among the ships of English fishermen. With this intention they embarked,o but just as they drew near the mouth of the c. June 17. river, Lord Delaware fortunately appeared with emigrants and supplies, and they were persuaded to return.d d. June 18. 9. 4The return of the colony was celebrated by reli- 4. Account of Lord Dc lagious exercises, immediately after which the commission war, of Lord Delaware was read, and the government organized. Under the wise administration of this able and'virtuous man, order and contentment were again restored; 1611. but the health of the governor soon failing, he was obliged to return to England, having previously appointed Percy to administer the government until a successor should arrive.'Before the return of Lord Delaware 5. Of Sir Thor72n Dateg was known, the company had despatched Sir Thomas Dale with supplies. Arrivinge in May, he assumed the e. Mayv0. government of the colony, which he administered with moderation, although upon the basis of martial law. 10.'In May, Dale had written to the company, stating 6. Ofth earthe small number and weakness of the colonists, and re- vtalofGate. questing new recruits; and early in September Sir Thomas Gates arrived with six ships and three hundred emigrants, and assumed the government of the colony, which then numbered seven hundred men. *New set- 7. Foreg tlements were now formed, and several wise regulations aopted. flements were now formed, Z:~~~~~~~~~~acfped 168 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK I1, ANALYSIS. adopted; among which was that of assigning to each man a few acres of ground for his orchard and garden... boir I 1.'Hitherto all the land had been worked in common, frc, -c and the produce deposited in the public stores. The good effects of the new regulation were apparent in the increased industry of the colonists, and soon after, during the administration of Sir Thomas Dale, larger assignments of' land were made, and finally, the plan of working in a common field, to fill the public stores, was entirely abandoned. 1612. III. VIRGINA UNDER THE THIRD CHARTER.-1.'In 1612, i. The thira the London Company obtaineda from the king a new charcharter. a. March 22. ter, making important changes in the powers of the corporation, but not essentially affecting the political rights of the colonists themselves. BChanges in 2.'Hitherto the principal powers possessed by the the government%.ficted company had been vested in the superior council, which, *by "t under the first charter, was appointed by the king; and although, under the second, it had its vacancies filled by the majority of the corporation, yet the corporation itself could act only through this medium. The superior coun. cil was now abolished, and its powers were transferred to the whole company, which, meeting as a democratic assembly, had the sole power of electing the officers and establishing the laws of the colony. 1613. 3. 41n 1613 occurred the marriage of John Rolfe, a 4. Account ofyoung Englishman, with Pocahontas, the daughter of Powhatan;-an event which exerted a happy influence upon the relations of the colonists and Indians. The marriage receivu:d the approval of the father and friends of the maiden, and was hailed with great joy by the English. In 1616, the Indian wife accompanied her husband to England, and was received with much kind ness and attention by the king and queen; but as she was preparing to return, at the age of twenty-two she fell a victim to the English climate. She left one son, from whom are descended some of the most respectable families in Virginia. b. In 1613. 4.'During the same year,b Samuel Argall, a sea cap. rg-,l, tain, sailing from Virginia in an armed vessel for the purpose of protecting the English fishermen off the coast of Maline, discovered that the French had just planted, a colony near the Penobscot,* on Mount Desert Isle.t- Consideringy this an encroachment upon the limits of Nortl' hse Penobscrot is a river of Maine, which falls into Penobscot Bay, about 50 mIllies LN. E. frcm the mouth of the Kennebec.'- M. fount Desert island is about 20 miles S. E. from the mouth of the Penobscot,-a peninsal ltervening. It Ls 15 iuiles long, and 10 or 12 broad. PARST I l VTIRGINIA. 169 Virginia, he broke up the settlement, sending some of 16]3. the colonists to France, and transporting others to Vir — - ginia. 5. Sailing again soon after, he easily reduced the feeble settlement at Port Royal,' and thus completed the con- a. Note, p. I35 quest of Acadia. On his return to Virginia he entered the harhbor of' ew York,b and comlpelled the Dutch trad- b. Note and ing establishment, lately planted there, to acknowledge Ma',.220. the sovereignty of England. 6.'Early in 1614, Sir Thomas Gates embarked for 1614. England, leaving the administration of the government LDal d.To, in the hands of Sir Thomas Dale, who ruled with vigor ministra.tionand wisdom, and made several valuable changes in the land laws of the colony. After having remained five years in the country, he appointed George Yeardley 1616. deputy-governor, and returned to England.'During the 2. The culadministration of Yeardley the culture of tobacco, a native tobacco plant of the country, was iptroau ced, which soon became, not only the principal export, but even the currency of the colony. 7.'In 1617, the office of deputy-governor was intrusted 1617. to Argall, who ruled with such tyranny as to excite 3,Arga l1'ad universal discontent. He not only oppressed the colonists, but defrauded the company. After numerous complaints, and a strenuous contest among rival factions in the company, for the control of the colony, Argall was dis- 1619. placed, and Yeardley appointed governor. 4Under the 4. aeinrst* administration of Yeardley, the planters were fully tion. released from farther service to the colony, martial law was abolished, and the first colonial assembly ever held in Virginia was convened' at Jamestown. c. June 29. 8. 6The colony was divided into eleven boroughs; and 5. Origin and powers of the two representatives, called burgesses, were chosen from House of each. These, constituting the house of burgesses, deba- Irgesoc ted all matters which were thought expedient for the good of the colony; but their enactments, although sanctioned by the governor and council, were of no force until they were ratified by the company in England. 61n the month 1620. of August, 1620, a Dutch man-of-war entered James a Undern river, and landed twenty negroes for sale. This was the slaStes commencement of negro slavery in the English colonies. onatrodzuced. 9.'It was now twelve years since the settlement of 7. State oftha Jamestown, and after an expenditure of nearly four hun- lO2;oand addred thousand dollars by the company, there were in the /a colony only six hundred persons; yet, during the year 1.6:20, through the influence of Sir Edwyn Sandys, the treasurer of the company, twelve hundred and sixty-one additional settlers were induced to emigrate. But as yet 00 170 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boox IL ANLLYSIS. there were few women in the colony; and most of tire planters had hitherto cherished the design of ultimately returning to England. 1. Measures 10. nll order to attach them still more to the country, taken. to at- and to render the colony more permanent, ninety young lach the i- women, of reputable character, were fitrst sent over, arind countryy in the following year, sixty more, to become wives to the planters. The expense of their transportation, and even more, was paid by the planters; the price of a wife rising from one hundred and twenty, to one hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco. 1621. 11.'In August, 1621, the London Company granteda a. Aug. 3. to their colony a written constitution, ratifying, in the. Acounttenof main, the form of government established by Yeardley. constitution It decreed that a governor and council should be appointed the coqipanvy. by the company, and that a general assembly, consisting hoocost- of the council, and two burgesses chosen by the people tued. from each plantation, or borough, should be convened Powersof yearly. The governor had a negative voice upon the governor, proceedings of the assembly, but no law was valid unless ratified by the company in England. Laws. 12. With singular liberality it was farther ordained Orders of the that no orders of the company in England should bind the Trzal by colony until ratified by the assembly. The trial by jury Jury. xwas establ;shed, and courts of justice were required to Bcsis of con conform to the English laws. This constitution, granting tittion. privileges which were ever after claimed as rights, was'the basis of civil freedom in Virginia. D. oct. 13.'The new constitution was broughtb over by Sir 3. Arrivat of Francis Wyatt, who had been appointed to succeed Sir Franci' Wyatt; and Governor Yeardley. He found the numbers of the colony the condition of the cotony. greatly increased, their settlements widely extended, and every thing in the full tide of prosperity But this pleas. ant prospect was doomed soon to experience a terrible reverse. A. Acczunt of 14. 4Since the marriage of Pocahontas, Powhatan had co spiacny. remained the firm friend of the English. But lhe being now dead, and his successor viewing with jealousy and 1622. alarm the rapidly increasing settlements of the English, the Indians concerted a plan of surprising and destroying the whole colony. Still preserving the language or friendship, they visited the settlements, bought the arms, and borrowed the boats of the English, and, even on the morning of the fatal day, came among them as freely as usual.. Massacre 15.'On the first of April, 1622, at mid-day, the attack wara which commenced; and so sudden and unexpected was the on~fotowed. set, that, in one hour, three hundred and forty. seven mlen, PART 1I.] VIRGINIA. 171 women, and children, fell victims to savage treachery and R62. cruelty. The massacre would have been far more extensive had not a friendly Indian, on the previous evening, revealed the plot to an Englishman whom he wished to save; by which means Jamestown and a few of the neighboring settlements were well prepared against the attack. 16.'Although the larger part of the colony was saved, I. Ditress of yet great distress followed; the more distant settlements tCony. were abandoned; and the number of the plantations was reduced from eighty to eight.'But the English soon 2. Theresuu., aroused to vengeance. An exterminating war against the Indians followed; many of them were destroyed; and the remainder were obliged to retire far into the wilderness. 17.'The settlement of Virginia by the London Com- 3. The eaus, pany had been an unprofitable enterprise, and as the'the issolushares in the unproductive stock were now of little value, rLondon Ofnand the holders very numerous, the meetings of the com- pany pany, in England, became the scenes of political debate, in which the advocates of liberty were arrayed against the upholders of royal prerogative. 4The king disliked 4. Whattdsthe freedom of debate here exhibited, and, jealous of the king. prevalence of liberal sentiments, at first sought to control the elections of officers, by overawing the assemblies. 18.'Failing in this, he determined to recover, by a dis- 5 Whathe solution of the company, the influence of which he had determined. deprived himself' by a charter of his own concession,'Commissioners in the interest of the king were therefore 6. How the appointed to examine the concerns of the corporation. As cmplished. was expected, they reported in favor of a change; the judicial decision was soon after given; the London Company was dissolved; the king took into his own hands the 1624. government of the colony; and Virginia thus became a royal government. 19.'During the existence of the London Company, the 7. GractuaGG government of Virginia had gradually changed from a ad o.ccur.ed royal government, under the first charter, in which the,2t.f Vi.s-' king had all power, to a proprietary government under nia. the second and third charters, in which all executive and legislative powers were in the hands of the company. 20. SAlthough these changes had been made without 8. Efect of consulting the wishes of the colonists, and notwithstand- both~ onViring the powers of the company were exceedingly arbi- thaeoh,` trary, yet as the majority of its active members belonged colonm to the patriot party in England, so they acted as the successful friends of liberty in America. They had conceded the right of trial by jury, and had given to Virginia a representative government. These privilfges, thus early 172 COLONIAL HIISTORY. [Boor 11 ANALYSIS. conceded, could never be wrested from the Virginians, - -—' —- and they exerted an influence favorable to liberty, throughout all the colonies subsequently planted. All claimed as extensive privileges as had been conceded to their elder sister colony, and future proprietaries could hope to win emigrants, only by bestowing franchises as large as those enjoyed by Virginia. IV. VIRGINIA FROM THE DISSOLUTION OF THE LONDON COMPANY IN 1624, TO THE COiIMENCEMIENT OF THE 5. The nature FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR IN 1754.-1.'The dissoluof t0 r, no govwrnmnt. tion of the London Company produced no immediate change in the domestic government and franchises of the colony. A governor and twelve counsellors, to be guided by the instructions of the king, were appointed to administer the government; but no attempts were made to sup1625. press the colonial assemblies. 2On the deaths of James a. April. the First, in 1625, his son, Charles the First, succeeded 2-Chari'ei. him. The latter paid very little attention to the political lgirnoair-a. condition of Virginia, but aimed to promote the prosperity of the colonists, only with the selfish view of deriving profit from their industry. He imposed some restrictions on the commerce of the colony, but vainly endeavored to obtain for himself the monopoly of the trade in tobacco. 1628. 2.'I2. n 1628, John Harvey, who had for several years 8. John Har- been a member of the council, and was exceedingly unpopular, was appointed governor; but he did not arrive in 1629. the colony until late in the following year. He has been charged, by most of the old historians, with arbitrary and tyrannical conduct; but although he favored the court party, it does not appear that he deprived the colonists of any of their civil rights. 4. His ad- 3. 4His administration, however, was disturbed bv dismiinistration. putes about land titles under the royal grants; and the colonists, being indignant that lie should betray their in1635. terests by opposing their claims, deprived him of the gov. ernment, and summoned an assembly to receive complaints against him. Harvey, in the mean time, had consented to go to England with commissioners appointed to manage his impeachment; but the king would not even admit his 1636. accusels to a hearing, and Harvey immediately returnedL I. Jan. to occupy his former station. 1642. 4.'Duriny the first administration of Sir William Berket5. Accountys ley, from 1642 to'52, the civil condition of the Virgiaduniwta- nians was much improved; the laws and customs of En?:. land were still filrther introduced; cruel punishnernts were abolished; old controversies were adjusted; a more eruitable systern of taxation was introduced; the rights of propertyv and the fieedomt of inldustry were secured PART rII. VIRGINIA. 173 and Virginia enjoyed nearly all the civil liberties which 1;642. the most free system of government could have conferred. 5.'A spirit of intolerance, however, in religious matters, i. RPelious in accordance with the spirit of the age, was manifested "intoieranc. by the legislative assembly; which ordereda that no min- l1643. ister should preach or teach except in conformity to the Church of England. 2While puritanism and republican- 2. Singular contrast of ism were prevailing in England, leading the way to the principles. downfall of monarchy, the Virginians showed the strongest attachment to the Episcopal Church and the cause of royalty. 6.'in 1644 occurred another Indian massacre, followed 1644. by a border warfare ultil October, 1646, when peace was 3a.T hesecond again established. J)uring several years the Powhatan sacre and war in which the tribes had shown evidences of hostility; but, in 1644, Virginians hearing of the dissensions in England, and thinking the involved. opportunity favorable to their designs, they resolved on a general massacre; hoping to be able eventually to exterminate the colony. 7. On the 28th of April, the attack was commenced on the frontier settlements, and about three hundred persons were killed before the Indians were repulsed. 4A vigor- 4' The re~sult ous war against the savages was immediately commenced, and their king, the aged Opechancanough, the successor of Powhatan, was easily made prisoner, and died in captivity. Submission to the English, and a cession of lands, were the terms on which peace was purchased by the 1646. original possessors of the soil. 8.'During the civil war* between Charles the First 5. State of and his Parliament, the Virginians continued faithful to during the the royal cause, and even after the executions of the king, England. his son, Charles the Second, although a fugitive from Eng- b. Peb. 9. land, was still recognized as the sovereign of Virginia.'The Parliament, irritated by this conduct, in 1652 sent a 6. How vn g.inia was naval force to reduce the Virginians to submission. Pre- treantedby the vious to this (in'1650) foreign ships had been forbidden to Parlasenl. trade with the rebellious colony, and in 1651 the celebrated navigation act, securing to English ships the entire * NoTE. —The tyrannical disposition, and arbitrary measures of Charles the First, of England, opposed as they were to the increasing spirit of liberty among the people, involved that klngdom in a civil war; arraying, on the one side, Parliament and the Republicans; and on the other, the Royalists and the King. Between 1642 and 1649, several important battles were fought, when the king was finally taken prisonec, tried, condemned, and executed, Jan 30, (Old Style) 1649. The Parliament then ruled; but Oliver Cromwell, who had been the principal general of the Republicans, finally dissolved it by force (April, 1653,) and took into his swn hands the reins of government, with the title of " Protector cf the Commonwealth." He administered the government with energy and ability until his death, in 1658. Richard Cromwell succeeded his father, as Protector, but after two years he abdicated the government;, and quietly retired to private life. Charles the Second, a highly accomplished prince, but arbitrary base, and unprincipled, was then restored (in 1660) to the throne of his ancestors, by the gene ial wish of the people. (See also the Appendix to the Colonial History.) 174 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BOOK II, ANALYSIS. carrying trade with England, and seriously abridging the freedom of colonial commerce, was passed. 1652. 9.'On the arrival' of the naval force of Parliament in a. March. 1652, all thoughts of resistance were laid aside, and al-,nanether though the Virginians refused to surrender to force, yet 8bmis:on,, to they voluntarily entered into a compactb with their in. wa, ected. vaders, by which they acknowledged the supremacy of b. March 22. 2. Nature of Parliament. 2By this compact, which was faithfully obo the aCPomt, served till the restoration of monarchy, the liberties of a4 how observed. Virginia were preserved, the navigation act itself was not enforced within her borders, and regulated by her own laws, Virginia enjoyed freedom of commerce with all the world. 3. Slate of 10.'During the existence of the Commonwealth, Virduring thei ginia enjoyed liberties as extensive as those of any Eng. Cowm,`. lish colony, and from 1652 till 1660, she was left almost entirely to her own independent government. CromweL, never made any appointments for Virginia; but her govc.Bennet. ernors,c during the Commonwealth, were chosen by the DigMs, ana Matthews. burgesses, who were the representatives of the people. 1658. 4When the news of the deathd of Cromwell arrived, the d. Sept. 13. assembly reasserted their right of electing the officers of 4. Events that government, and required the governor, Matthews, to conoccurred ofthe dnwS firm it; in order, as they said, " that what was their privi of C1romwetel lege then, might be the privilege of their posterity." 1660. 11.'On the death of governor Matthews, which hap 5. At the time pened just at the time of the resignation of Richard, the of th. ra nsuccessor of Cromwell; the house of burgesses, after enactRichar. ing that "the government of the country should be resi. dent in the assembly until there should arrive from Eng. land a commission which the assembly itself should adjudge to be lawful," elected Sir William Berkeley governor, who, by accepting the office, acknowledged the authority to C. Theishes which he owed his elevation.'The Virginians hoped for ogfitrhe hv"- the restoration of monarchy in England, but they did not regard to immediately proclaim Charles the Second king, although the statement of their hasty return to royal allegiance has been often made. 7. Events that 12. XVWhen the news of the restoration of Charles the the atine ofthl Second reached Virginia, Berkeley, who was then acting as restorationf oby Charles I. governor elected by the people, immediately disclaimed the popular sovereignty, and issued writs for an assembly in the name of the king. The friends of royalty now came into power, and high hopes of royal favor were en. tertained. 8. Cornmercia 13. 8But prospects soon darkened. The commercial restrictions imsreaed policy of the Commonwealth was adopted, and restrictions the colonies. upon colonial commerce were greatly multiplied. The PJART II. VIRGINIA. 175 new provisions of the navigation act enjoined that no corn- 1661. modities should be imported to any British settlements, nor exrported friom them, except in English vessels, and that -the principal product of the colonies should be shipped to no country except England. The trade between the colonies was likewise taxed for the benefit of England, and the entire aim of the colonial system was to make the colonies dependent upon the mother country. 14.'Remonstrances against this oppression were of no t. Discontenta avail, and the provisions of the navigation act were rigor- nd gr.nt, to ously enforced. The discontents of the people were farther Culpepper increased by royal grants of large tracts of land which be- Ar ngtsor longed to the colony, and which included plantadons that had long been cultivated; and, in 1673, the lavish sover- 1673. eign of England, with his usual profligacy, gave away to Lord Culpepper and the earl of Arlington, two royal favorites, " all the dominion of land and water called Virginia," for the space of thirty-one years. 15.'In the mean time, under the influence of the 2. In what -manner, the, royalist and the aristocratic party in Virginia, the legisla- libe tioesf the ture had seriously abridged the liberties of the people. ab[riiged. The Episcopal Church had become the religion of the state, In m1aters of -heavy fines were imposed upon Quakers and Baptists, riyinen. -t4he royal officers, obtaining their salaries by a perma- Salarie. nent duty on exported tobacco, were removed from all dependence upon the people,-the taxes were unequal and op- Taxes. pressive,-and the members of the assembly, who had been Reprexsenta chosen for a term of only two years, had assumed to them- tive2. selves an indefinite continuance of power, so that, in reality, the represenltative system was abolished. )1.'The pressure of increasing grievances at length'3'.Eect of produced open discontent; and the common people, highly arwesexasperated against the aristocratic and royal party, began to nmnifest a mutinous disposition. 4An excuse for ap- Inian war I'eariinr in arms was presented in the sudden outbreak of cztewad tttitS indian hlostilities. Thie Susquehanna Indians, driven froin a"e. tl eir hunrting grol unds at the head of the Chesapeake, by thle lcostile Senecas, had come down upon the Potomac, and wvith their confekderates, were then e.ngaged in a wvar with Maryland. Turders hIad been committed on the soil 1675. of Vi inia, andm.wnen six of the hostile chief-tains presented tlheiselves to treat fbr peace, they were cruelly put to!deatth. The Indians aroused to vengeance, and a desolating warfare ravaged the fiontier settlements. 17.'Dissatisfied with the measures of' defence 5 Demanas ]lerkleley had adopted, the people, with Nathaniel Bacon for their leaderl demanded of the governor permission to rise and 1676. wotect themselves.'Berkeley, jealous of the increasing 6- ~onauet aj 176 COLONIAL HIlSTORY. lBoosc IL ANALYSIS. popularity of Bacon, refused permission. BAt length, the 1. comnene. Indian aggressions increasing, and a party of Bacon's own Bacon't men having been slain on his plantation, he yielded to the 2ebellion. common voice, placed himself at the head of five hundred men, and commenced his march against the Indians. He a. May. was immediately proclaimeda traitor by Berkeley, and troops were levied to pursue him. Bacon continued his expedition, which was successful, while Berkeley was obliged to recall his troops, to suppress an insurrection in the lower counties.. Suc,,cessof 18.'The great mass of the people having arisen, tha0 opuar Berkeley was compelled to yield; the odious assembly, of long duration, was dissolved; and an assembly, composed mostly of the popular party, was elected in their places. Numerous abuses were now corrected, and Bacon was apa vaillatin pointed commander-in-chief.'Berkeley, however, at first cBdeuctiof refused to sign his commission, but Bacon having made his appearance in Jamestown, at the head of several hundred armed men, the commission.was issued, and the governor united with the assembly in commending to the king the zeal, loyalty, and patriotism of the popular leader. But as the army was preparing to march against the enemy, Berkeley suddenly withdrew across the York* river to Gloucester,t summoned a convention of loyalists, and, even against their advice, once more proclaimed Bacon a traitor. 4. eEents of 19. 4Bacon, however, proceeded against the Indians, which and Berkeley having crossed the Chesapeake to Accomact followed, county, his retreat was declared an abdication. Berkeley, in the mean time, with a few adherents, and the crews of some English ships, had returned to Jamestown, but, on the approach of Bacon and his forces, after some slight resistance the royalists were obliged to retreat, and Bacon took possession of the capital of Virginia. 20. The rumor prevailing that a party of royalists was approaching, Jamestown was burned, and some of the patriots fired their own houses, lest they might afford shelter to the enemy. Several troops of the royalists soon after joined the insurgents, but, in the midst of his sucb. Oct. 11. cesses, Bacon suddenly died.b His party, now left without a leader, after a few petty insurrections, dispersed, and the authority of the governor was restored. * Yorlk River enters the Chesapeake about 18 miles N. from James River. It is navigable for the largest vessels, 25 miles. It is formed of the Mattapony and the Pamunky. 9The former which is on the north, is formed of the Mat, Ta, Po, and Ny rivers. t Gloucester county is on the N.E. side of York River, and borders on the Chesapeake. The toiwl is on a branch or bay of the Chesapeake, $ Accomac county is on the eastern shore of Chesapeakle Bay. This county and Northlua tor. oounty, on the south constitute what is called the Eastern shore of Virginia. PAT 1I.] VIRGINIA. 177 21.'The vengeful passions of Berkeley, however, were t6e7e'. not allayed by the submission of his enemies. Fines and -- confiscations gratified his avarice, and executions were con- Beruelty of tinued till twenty-two had been hanged, when the assembly intelfered, and prayed him to stop the work of death. The conduct of Berkeley was severely censured in England, and publicly by the king himself, who declared " the old fool has taken away more lives in that country than I for the murder of my father." 22. 2Historians have not done justice to the principles 2. Character and character of Bacon. He has been styled a rebel; and tyranny and has been described as ambitious and revengeful; but of the gnt. if his principles are to be gathered fromn the acts of the assembly of which he was the head, they were those of justice, freedom, and humanity. At the time of the rebellion, " no printing press was allowed in Virginia; to speak ill of Berkeley or his friends was punished by fine or whipping; to speak, or write, or publish any thing in favor of the rebels, or the rebellion, was made a high misdemeanor, and, if thrice repeated, was evidence of treason. It is not strange then that posterity was for more than a hundred years defrauded of the truth." 23. SThe grant of' Virginia to Arlington and Culpepper 3. A ropriehas already been mentioned. In 1677 the latter obtained tarYgovtern the appointment of governor for life, and thus Virginia be- establshea came a proprietary government, with the administration vested in one of the proprietors. In 1680 Culpepper 1680. arrived in the province, and assumed the duties of his office. 4The avaricious proprietor was more careful of 4.Czulpepper his own interests than of those of the colony, and under his admtn. administration Virginia was impoverished. 1In 1684 the s. Royal grant was recalled,-Culpepper was deprived of his office, grverrednt although he had been appointed for life, and Virginia again became a royal province. Arlington had previously surrendered his rights to Culpepper. 6The remaining por- B. Remainng tion of the history of Virginia, down to the period of the virginia. Prench and Indian war, is marked with few incidents of imnportance. c2n 178 [Boo IR.X ANALYSIS. CHAPTER II. suo.ecr of M A S S A C H U S E T T S, OiAN). II. SECTION I. QfSection. MASSACHUSETTS, FROM I'11 EARLIEST IIISTORY, TO TIlE l7NF[2iO OF THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES IN 1643. Divsion of DIVISIONS.-I. Early History. —IL Plymouth Colony. —IH. iMa~:ss htrction I. chusettFs Bay Colony.-I V. Unrion of the New England Colonies.V. Early Laws and Cust oms. 1607. I. EARLY HISTORY.-1.'An account of the first attempt a. See. 136. of the Plymouth Company to form a settlement in North atterlnpted set Virginia has already been given.a Although vessels anPlement in nually visited the coast for the purpose of trade with the North Virginia, and Indians, yet little was known of the interior until 1614, pxploration of the country. when Captain John Smith, who had already obtained dis1614. tinction in Virginia, sailed with two vessels to the territories of the Plymouth Company, for the purposes of trade and discovery.?. Expedition 2.'The expedition was a private adventure of Smith Smaith. and four merchants of London, and was highly successful. After Smith had concluded his traffic with the natives, he travelled into the interior of the country, accompanied by only eight men, and, with great care, explored the coast b.Note, p. 16s from the PenobscotL to Cape Cod.'H-Ie prepared a map c. Note,p 131. of the coast, and called the country NEw ENGLAND,-a a. The map name which Prince Charles confirmed, and which has ever which he prepared. since been retained. 4. Thomast 3. After Smith's departure, Thomas Hunt, the master of the second ship, enticed a number of natives on board his vessel and carried them to Spain, where they were sokl d 1615. into slavery.'In the following" year, Smith, in the emst Snith'e ploy of some members of the Plymouth Company, sailed to establish a with the design of establishing a colony in New England. cotony. In his first effort a violent tempest forced him to return, e. Jaly 4. GAgain renewinge the enterprise, his crew became mutin6. His secon d on he was at last intercepted by French pirates, who * MASSACHUSETTS, one of the Neow England States, is about 120 miles long from east to west, 90 miles broad in the eastern part, and 50 in the western, and contains an area of about 7,500 square miles. Several ranges of muountains, extendtling from Vermont and New 11ampshire, pass through the western part of this state into Connecticut. last of these mountains the country is hilly, except in the southern and south-eastern portions, where it is low, and generally sandy. The northern and western portions of the state have generally a strong soil, welt adapted to graszing The valleys of the Connecticut and Housatonic are highly fertile. The marble quarries of West Stockbridge, in the western part of the state, and the granite quarries of Quincy, nine miles S. E. from Boston, are celebrated. PtanT 11.] MASSACHUSETTS. 179 seized his ship and conveyed him to France. He after- 1oli. wards escaped alone, in an open boat, from the harbor of - Rochelle,* and returned to England. 4.'By the representations of Smith, the attention of the I. Plan, of Plymouth Company was again excited; they began to tnP~,aouyt form vast plans of colonization, appointed Smith admiral of the country for life, and, at length, after several years 1.620. of entreaty, obtaineda a new charter for settling the coun- a. Nov. 13. try.'The original Plymouth Company was superseded 2. Councl of Piymoutho by the Council of Plyinouth, to which was conveyed, in and atteir absolute property, all the territory lying between the 40th charter. and 48th degreesb of' north latitude, extending fiom the b. see maps. Atlantic to the Pacific, and comprising more than a million of square miles. 5.'This charter was the basis of all the grants that 3. TaO charwere subsequently made of the country of New England. trofiebai't:The exclusive privileges granted by it occasioned dis- 4. Its exsclu uive;rivi: putes among the proprietors, and prevented emigration letgs under their auspices, while, in the mean time, a permanent colony was established without the aid or knowledge of the company or the king. II. PLY~IOUTH COLONY.-1.'A band of Puritans, dis- A. rB Pzuritaa~ senters from the established Church of England, persecuted for their religious opinions, and seeking in a fobreign land that liberty of conscience which their own country denied them, became the first colonists of New England.'As early as 1608 they emigrated to Holland, and settled, G-6. hr:~C: r "''..^J "'' ""' ""J' —— il, dence at first, at Amsterdam,t and afterwards at Leyden,t where, Anmsterdam during eleven years, they continued to live in great harmony. under the charge of their excellent pastor, John Hobinson. 2. 7At the end of that period, the sabme religious zeal 7. cacuses that had made them exiles, combined with the desire of dceadt, rimprovinfr their temporal welfare, induced them to under- reoveafn/ro2 take a more distant migration.'But, notwithstanding 8/ Thctr they had been driven from their early homes by the rod attachnenttnd. of persecution, they loved England still, and desired to retain their mother tongue, and to live under the government of their native land. 3.'These, with other reasons, induced them to seek an 9. eg asylum in the wilds of America. They obtained a grant gre.catl' of land from the London or Virginia Company, but in ob:ined. f* Rochelle is a strongly fortified, town at the bottonm of a small gulf on the coast of the AMan tie (or Bay of Biscay) in the west of France. T Arzsterdani is on a branch of the Zuyder Zoe. a gulf or bay in the west of IIolland. Ian the 17th century it was one of the first colmmercial cities of tEurope. The soil being marshy, the city is built mostly on oaken piles driven into the ground. Numerous canals run through the city in every direction t Leyden, long farnous for its University, is on one of the branches or mouths of the Rhine T miles from the sea, and 25 miles S. W. from Amsterdam. 180 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK 11I ANALYSIS. vain sought the favor of the king.'Destitute of sufficient i. Partner- capital, they succeeded in forming a partnership with some shtpformed. men of' business in London, and, although the terms were exceedingly severe to the poor emigrants, yet, as they did not interfere with civil or religious rights, the Pilgrims 2. Prepare- were contented.'Two vessels having been obtained, tins'o the Mayflower and the Speedwell, the one hired, the other purchased, as many as could be accommodated prepared to take their final departure. Mr. Robinson and the main body were to.remain at Leyden until a settlement should be formed. a. Aug. 1. 4.'Assembleda at Delft Haven,* and kneeling in pray3. Scene at er on the sea-shore, their pious pastor commended them to the protection of Heaven, and gave them his parting bless4. Events ing. 4A prosperous wind soon bore the Speedwell to thatoccurred Southampton,t where it was joined by the Mayflower, fimend tithe with the rest of the company from London. After several,e o0thfe delays, and finally being obliged to abandon the Speedwell from Eng- as unseaworthy, part of the emigrants were dismissed, and the remainder were taken on board the Mayflower, which, with one hundred and one passengers, sailed from Plymoutht on the 16th of haeinr tho-e 5.'After a long and dangerous voyage, on the 19th of destination. November they descried the bleak and dreary shores of Cape Cod, still far from the Hudson,~ which they had selected as the place of their habitation. But the wintry storms had already commenced, and the dangers of navigation on that unknown coast, at that inclement season, induced them to seek a nearer resting-place. 7. Proceed- 6.'On the 21st they anchored in Cape Cod harbor, but, irgs before landing. before landing, they formed themselves into a body politic, by a solemn contract, and chose John Carver their gover7. Their lead- nor for the first year.'Their other leading men, distinguished in the subsequent history of the colony, were. Parties.Bradford, Brewster, Standish, and Winslow.'Exploring parties were sent on shore to make discoveries, and select a 9. Hardships place for settlement.'Great hardships were endured from endured. the cold and storm, and from wandering through the deep snow which covered the country. * Delft HIaven, the port or haven of Delft, is on the north side of the river Maese, in Holland, 18 miles south from Leyden, and about fifteen miles from the sea. t Southamnptoe, a town of England, is situated on an arm of the sea, or of the English Channel. It is 75 miles S. W. from London. I Plymousth, a large town of Devonshire, in England, about 20( miles S. W. from London, and 130 from Southampton, stands between the rivers Plym and Tamar, near their entrance into the English Channel. Plymouth is an important naval station: and has one of the best harbors in England. ~ The Hudson River, in New York, one of the best for navigation in America, rises in the mountainous regions west of Lake Champlain. and after an irregular course to Sandy Iill its direction is nearly south, 200 miles by the river, to New York Bay, which lies between Long Island and New Jersey. The tide flows to Troy, 151 miles (by the rive' I from New York. PART II.] MASSACHUSETTS. 181 7.'A few Indians were seen, who fled upon the dis- 1620. charge of the muskets of the English; a few graves were -- discovered, and, from heaps of sand, a number of baskets of corn were obtained, which furnished seed for a future harvest, and probably saved the infant colony from famine.'On the 21st of December the harbor of Plymouth* was 2. Landingoj sounded, and being found fit for shipping, a party landed, pth Plgouims examined the soil, and finding good water, selected this as the place for a settlement. 3The 21st of DecemDer, cor- Anniverresponding with the 1lth of December Old Style, is the event. day which should be celebrated in commemoration of this important event, as the anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. 8. 41n a few days the Mayflower was safely moored in 4. Commence the harbor. The buildings of the settlers progressed settlement, and s'u.bslowly, through many difficulties and discouragemnents, ings dil for many of the men were sick with colds and consump- winte tions, and want and exposure rapidly reduced the numbers of the colony. The governor lost a son at the first landing; early in the spring his own health sunk under a 1621. sudden attack, and his wife soon followed him in death. The sick were often destitute of proper care and attention; the living were scarcely able to bury the dead; and, at one time, there were only seven men capable of rendering any assistance. Befbre April forty-six had died.'Yet, with the scanty remnant, hope and virtue sur- 5. How the,, aflictions rived;-they repined not in all their sufferings, and their were borne. cheerful confidence in the mercies of Providence remained unshaken. 9. 6Although a few Indians had been seen at a distance 6. Account e novering around the settlement, yet during several months Indianesuit none approached sufficiently near to hold any intercourse colony re with the English. At length the latter were surprised by cived the appearance, among them, of an Indian named Samoset, who boldly entereda their settlement, exclaiming in " March26. broken English, Welcome Englishmen! Welcome Englishmen! He had learned a little English among the fishermen who had visited the coast of Maine, and gave the colony much useful information. 7. Informa 10. 7He cordially bade the strangers welcome to the tiongivenby soil, which, he informed them, had a few years PLYMOUTH ANDV C. before been deprived of its occupants by a dreadful I e pestilence that had desolated the whole eastern seaPlymourt, thus named from Plymouth in England, is now a vil- lage of about 5000 inhabitants. It is pleasantly situated on Plymouth ha'bor, 38 miles S. E. from Boston. The harbor is large, but shallow, and is formed by a sand beach extending three miles N. W. from the mouth of E(l River. In 1774 a part of the Rock on which the Pilgrims Landed was;onveyed from the shore to a square in the centre of the *:.. 71"Ahtg~r 8 z2 COLONIAL HiS ulRY. jBooKa; t ANALrYSiS. board of New England.'Samoset soon after visited the. sq7ano colony, accompanied by Squanto, a native who had been carried away by Hunt, in 1614, and sold into slavery, but who had subsequently been liberated and restored to his country. 2. Mases0oit. 2'By the influence of these fiiendly Indians, Mas sasoit, the great Sachern of' the Wampanoags, the principal of the neighboring tribes, was induced to visit the cola. April 1. ony, where he was received- with much formality and paa.Treatyw0ith fade. "A treaty of friendship was soon concluded,, the Measas t parties promising to deliver up offenders, and to abstain from mutual injuries; the colony to receive assistance if attacked, and Massasoit, if attacked unjustly. This treaty was kept inviolate during a period of fifty years, until the breaking out of King Philip's War. 4. Other 12. 40Other treaties, of a similar character, soon after t followed. A powerful chieftain within the dominions of 1622. Massasoit, who at first regarded the English as intruders, and threatened them with hostilities, was finally compel6 Canonicwu. led to sue for peace. 5Canonicus, the chief of the Narragansetts, sent to Plymouth a bundle of arrows wrapped in a rattlesnake's skin, as a, token of his hostility. The governor, Bradford, filled the skin with powder and shot and returned it; but the chieftain's courage failed at the sight of this unequivocal symbol, which was rejected by cvery community to which it was carried, until at last it was returned to Plymouth, with all its contents. The Narragansetts were awed into submission... lWeston's 13. I6n 1622, Thomas WVeston, a merchant of London, sent out a colony of sixty adventurers, who spent most of the summer at Plymouth, enjoying the hospitality of the inhabitants, but afterwards removed to Weymouth,* where 7. character they began a plantation.'Being soon reduced to necesand conduct of the settler. sity by indolence and disorder, and filaving provoked the Indians to hostilities by their injustice, the latter formed a plan for the destruction of the settlement. 1623. 14. 8But the grateful Massasoit having revealed the desaoetrudfon. sign to the Plymouth colony, the governor sent Captain Standish with eight men to aid the inhabitants of Weymouth. With his small party Standish intercepted and killed the hostile chief, and several of his men, and the I Fate 6,the. conspiracy scwas defeated.'The Weymouth Plantation lantaton. was soon after nearly deserted, most of the settlers returning to England. It. cctrductacf 15. 10The London adventurers, who had furnished the advenwuels. Plymouth settlers with capital, soon beconming discouraged * W'e1omrnfutA, called by the Indians W7essagussett, is a small village between two branehes of the outer harbor of Boston, 12 miles S. E. from the city. (See Map, p. 184.) PART II.] MASSACHUSETTS. 183 oy the Emall returns from their investments, not only de- 16124. serted the interests of the colony, but did much to injure —.. its prosperity. They refused to furnish Robinson and his friends a passage to America, attempted to enforce on the colonists a clergyman more friendly to the established church, and even despatched a ship to injure their com-n merce by rivalry.'At last, the emigrants succeeded in 1626. purchasing- the rights of the London merchants; they a. Nov. made an equitable division of their property, which was meit. nagd before in common stock; and although the progress of with thens. population was slow, yet, after the first winter, no fears were entertained of the permanence of the colony. III. MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY.-1.'In 1624, Mr. 2. Arttempted setlement Of White, a Puritan minister of Dorchester,* in England, Cape Ann. having induced a number of persons to unite with him in the design of planting another colony in New England, a small company was sent over, who began a settlement at Cape Ann.t This settlement, however, was abandoned after an existence of less than two vears. 2.'In 1628, a patent was obtainedb from the council of 162&. Plymouth, and a second company was sent over, under b. March 29 Settlem esnt the charge of John Endicott, which settlede at Salem,$ to of Salenz. which place a few of the settlers of Cape Ann had pre- c. Sept. viously removed. 4ln the following year the proprietors 1629. receivedd a charter from the king, and were incorporated d. Events by the name of the " Governor and Company of the Mas- that occurred sachusetts Bay in New England." About 200 additional in fllea0 settlers camee over, a part of whom removed to and e. July. founded Charlestown.~ 3.'During the year 1630, the Massachusetts Bay colony 1630. received a large accession to its numbers, by the arrival f 5. AcfSssi, of about three hundred families, mostly pious and intelli- collony in gent Puritans, under the charge of the excellent John f. July. Winthrop.'At the same time the whole governument of 6. Other the colony was removed to New England, and WVinthrop occurretd at was chosen governor. time. 4.'The new emigrants located themselves beyond the 7. Location oJ limits of Salem, and settled at Dorchester,lI Roxbury,~7 enigiltants.' Dorchester, in England, is situated on the small river Froom, 20 miles from its entrance into the English Channel, six miles N. from WYeymouth, and 120 S. W. from London. t Cape Ann, the northern cape of Massachusetts Bay, is I0 miles N.E. from Boston. The cape and peninsula are now included in the town of Gloucester. Gloucester, the principal village, called also the Harbor, is finely located on the south side of the peninsula. $ Satlesm, called by the Indians NVa-um-keag, is 14 miles N.E. from Boston. It is built on a Sandy peninsula, formed by two inlets of the sea, called North and South Rivers. The harbor, which is in South River, is good for vessels drawing not more than 12 or 14 feet of water. (See Map, next page.) ~ See Note on page 187. MIap, next page, and also on p. 349. II That part of Dorchester which was first settled, is Dorchester Neck, about four miles S lI. from Boston. (See Map, p. 349.) IT Roxbuery village is two miles southf from Boston. Its principal street may be considered Rs the continuation of Washington Street, Boston, extending over Boston Neck. A great parx of the town is rocky land: hence the name, Rock's-bury. (See Map, next page.) 184 COLONIAL HISTORY. IBooN A ANALIYSIS. Cambridge,* and Watertown.t'The accidental advans etttlenzet tage of a spring of good water induced a few families, and of Boston with them the governor, to settle on the peninsula o, Shawrout; and Bostont thenceforth became the metropolis of' New England. 2. sefrinrtss 5. 2Many of the settlers were from illustrious and noble,of he settlers and retetrn,of families, and having been accustomed to a life of ease and sssne to REngeoland enjoyment, their sufferings from exposure and the failure of provisions were great, and, before December, two hun. dred had died. A few only, disheartened by the scenes 3. Character of woe, returned to Encland. 3Those who remained were of those who remainwed. sustained in their afflictions by religious faith and Christion fortitude;-not a trace of repining appears in their records, and sickness never prevented their assembling at stated times for religious worship. 1631. 6. 41n 1631 the general court, or council of the people, 4, Regulation ordained' that the governor, deputy-governor, and assist1631. ants, should be chosen by the freemen alone; but at the a. May28. same time it was declared that those only should be admitted to the full rights of citizenship, who were members S. Intolerlane of some church within the limits of the colony.~'This law has been severely censured for its intolerance, by those who have lived in more enlightened times, but it was in strict accordance with the policy and the spirit of the age, and with the professions of the Puritans them. 1634. selves, and originated in the purest motives. made Chnge 7. 6In 1634 the pure democratic form of government, gover632ent which had hitherto prevailed, was changedb to a represenb. May. tative democracy, by which the powers of legislation were 7Rilliams.e intrusted to deputies chosen by the people. 7In the same _......}f:so Cnambritce, formerly called Newtown, is situ Xo,-~ is ated on the north side'of Charles River, three miles a olo01o UT N.eer. from Boston. The courthouse and jail are,> \h nlcz: at East Cambridge, formerly called Lec/hmere's aexins one Sos Point, within a mile of Boston, and connected with -~ ~, 8'/:l; Em,9 Eit and Charlestown by bridges. Harvard,ollege, riec i' -'rIsi..O/ d the first established in the United States, is at.5f[ IIeCambridge. (Map.) (See also Map, p. 349.) ~oq.'Cl1,.f1S.Woa/5 Vn tesrtow7n village is on the north side of N 4j1< e t1 A am"Charles River, west of Cambridge, and seven miles from Boston. (Map.) g2))&)1 IBostoh, the largest town in New England, -.;4 ) -so,0' ~ and the capital of Massachusetts, is situated e I on a peninsula of an uneven surface, two miles i o -.iX side of, and near the mouth of Pemaquid River, which separates S..3 j t: the towns of Bremen and Bristol. It is about eighteen miles N. E. from the mouth of Kennebec River, and forty N.E. from Portland..; B, ~' The fort was at first called Fort George. In 1692 it was rebuilt of stone, by Sir William Phipps, and named Fort William Henry. In 1730 it was repaired, and called Fort Frederic. Three miles and a quarter south from the old fort is Pemaquid Point. (See Map.) t Schenectady, an early Dutch settlement, is on the S. bank of Mohawk River, sixteen miles N. WT. from Albany. The buildings of Union College are pleasantly situated on an eminence halfa mile east from the city. (See Map, p. 221.) $ The settlement formerly called Salmon Falls, is in the town of South Berwick, Maine, on the east side of the Piscataqua or Salmon ralls River, seventeen miles N. W. from Portsmouth. The Indian name VICNrrITY OF PORTLAND. by which it is often mentioned in history, is Newichawannoc. (See Map, p. 206.) 6' 5-' —-- /,//E ~ Casco Bay is on the coast of Maine, S. W. from the mouth of tho, 41T.?a "' (< Kennebec River. It sets up betwveen Cape Elizabeth on the S. W. an4 Cape Small point on the N. E., twenty miles apart, and contains 300 islandsp mostly small, but generally very productive. In 1690 the settlements extended around the western shore of the bay, and were embraced in what was then called the town of Falmouth. The fort and settlement mentioned above, were on a peninsula called Casco Necc, the SiA l. site of the present city of Portland. The fort, called Fort Loyal, was on the southwesterly shore of the Peninsula, at the end of the present King Street (See Map.) PART [I.- IASSACHUSET'FS. 199 to aid other deputies of Massachusetts in applying for the G}9gI. restoration of the colonial charter.'But in neither of these oblects was he successfil. England was too much 1 u v1 t engaged at honwe to expend her treasures in the defence of her colonies; and the king and his counsellors were secretly averse to the liberality of the former charter. 6,'Early in 11692 Sir William Phipps returned- with a 1692. new charter, which vested the appointment of governor in o- riy.ti. the king, and united Plymouth, Massachusetts, Maine, and,n.,,t ofroyal N'ova Scotia, in one royal government. Plymouth lost governwot her separate government contrary to her wishes; while ofan. New Hampshire, which had recentlyb placed herself un- b. Secp. 7. der the protection of Massachusetts, was now forcibly severed from her. 7.'While Massachusetts was called to mourn the deso- 3. General belie~ in lation of her frontiers by savage warfare, and to grieve witchcraft. tlhe abridgment of her charter privileges, a new and still more formidable calamity fell upon her. The belief in witchcraft was then almost universal in Christian countries, nor did the Puritans of New England escape the delusion. The laws of England, which admitted the existence of witchcraft, and punished it with death, had been adopted in Massachusetts, and in less than twenty years fioom the founding of the colony, one individual was tried c In 1,48, at and executed~ for the supposed crlime. Charlestowa 8. 4In 1692 the delusion broke out,' with new violence d. Feb. and firenzy in Danvers,* then a part of Salem. The 4 First apo daughter and niece of the minister, Mr. Parris, were at th saejam first moved by strange caprices, and their singular conduct was readily ascribed to the influence of witchcraft. The ministers of the neighborhood held a day of fasting Macak. and prayer, and the notoriety which the children soon acoquired, with perhaps their own belief in some mysterious influence, led them to accuse individuals as the autlhors of t1heir sufferings. An old Indian servant in the family was whipped until she confessed herself a witch; and the truth of the confession, although obtained in such a marnner, was not doubted. 9.'Alarm and terror spread rapidly; evil spirits wvere,. Spreadof the delu.ion. thouhllt to overshadow the land; and every case of ner- antd it. vouls daelranflement, atggravtted by fear; and every unu- nture. sual symnptom of diseasase, was asclibed to the influence of wicked d(rmons, who were supposed to have entered the bodies of those who had sold themselves into the power' Satan. 1: Dacnvers is two miles N. WT. from Salem. The principal village is a continuation of th cteeta of Salem, of which it is, virtually, a suburb. 200 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BOOK 11 ANALYSIS. 10. 1Those supposed to be bewitched were mostly chil. -. wer dren, and persons in the lowest ranks of life; and the zrsst oseuposed accused were at first old women, whose ill-favored looks to be bezoitchet, and wLo seemed to marlk the the fit instrumener'.s of unearthly the accused. 2. Who zwere wickedness.'But, finally, neither age, nor sex, nor a.c ndl. station, afforded any safeguard against a charge of witchacuqed. i a. Burroughs. craft. Magistrates were condemned, and a clergyman, b. Aug. 29. of' the highest respectability was executed.b Edtent of'1. 5The alarming extent of the delusion at length opened the eyes of the people. Already twenty persons had suffered death; fifty-five had been tortured or terrified into confessions of witchcraft; a hundred and fifty were in prison; and two hundred imore had been accused.. Its endang. 4When the legislature assembled, in October, remonstrances were urged against the recent proceedings; the spell which had pervaded the land was suddenly dissolved; and although many were subsequently tried, and a few 1693. convicted, yet no more were executed. The prominent actors in the Iste tragedy lamented and condemned the delusion to which they had yielded, and one of the iudges, who had presided at the trials, made a frank and futll confession of his error. 1694. 12. 5The war with the French and Indians still conc. July 28. tinued. In 1694, Oyster River,* in New Hampshire, 5. Events in thehwar with was attacked,e and ninety-four persons were killed, or the French and Indians. carried away captive. Two years later, the English fort 1696. at Penmaquidd was surrenderede to a large force of French d. Note, p. 198. and Indians commanded by the Baron Castine, but the e. July 25. garrison were sent to Boston, where they were exchanged for prisoners in the hands of the English. 1697. 13.'In March, 1697, Haverhill,t in Massachusetts, f. March25. was attacked,f and forty persons were killed, or carried 8. At Haver- away captive.'Among the captives were Mrs. Duston 7. Accoutt o and her nurse, who, with a boy previously taken, fell to Mrs. Dtston. the lot of an Indian family, twelve in number. The three prisoners planned an escape from captivity, and in one night, killed ten of the twelve Indians, while they were asleep, and returned in safety to their friends-fills. The war ing the land with wonder at their successful daring. n. Sept.. During the same year King William's war was terminah. See p. 197. ted by the treaty* of Ryswick.h Oyster Rivzer is a small streamn, of only twelve or fifteen miles in length, which flows from the west into Great Day, a southern arm, or branch, of the Piscataqua. The settlement mentioned in history as Oyster River, was in the present town of Durham, ten miles N. W. froir Portsmouth. (See Mtap, p. 206.) f [Hverhill, in MIassachusetts, is on the N. side of the Merrimac, at the head of navigation,thirty miles north from Boston. The village of Bradford is on the opposite side of the rivor PanT IL.1 201 16197. SECTION III. XASSACIHUSETTS, FROBI THE CLOSE OF KING WILLIAMI S WAR, Sect io f eI IN 1t69", TO TfIE COMIMENCEMENT OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR, IN 1754. (57 YEARS.) DivisioNs -1. Massachusetts during Queen Aline's MWar. —II. iingt Its Dzotm. George's War. I. MASSACHUSETTS DURING QUEEN ANTNE'S WAR.- 1701. 1.'After the death of James II., who died' in France, in Causepts 1701, the French government acknowledged his son, then which lec to Queen Anm a an exile, as king of England; which was deemed an un- war. pardonable insult to the latter kingdom, which had settled the crown on Anne, the second daughter of James. In addition to this, the French monarch was charged with attempting to destroy the proper balance of power in Europe, by placing his grandson, Philip of Anjou,* on the throne of Spain. Theaje causes led to a war between England, on the one side, and France and Spain on the other, which is commonly known in America as " Queen Anne's War," but, in Europe, as the "' ~War of the Spanish Succession." 2.'The Five Nations had recently concluded a treatyb b. Aug. i. of neutrality with the French of Canada, by which New 2. Where the York was screened from danger; so that the whole weight oeight of thi, of Queen Anne's war, in the north, fell upon the New v ohy. England colonies.'The tribes from the Merrimact to 3. Indian the Penobscot had assented to a treaty' of peace with the Merrimac New England; but, through the influence of the French, So th.eenobvseven weeks after, it was treacherously broken;d and, on c. July 1, one and the same day, the whole friontier, from Cascot to da. Aug. 20. Wells,~ was devoted to the tomahawk and the scalpingicnife. 3. 4In the following year, 1704, four hundred and fifty 1704. French and Indians attacked Deerfield, burnedad the vil- e. March l1. lage, killed more than forty of the inhabitants, and took 4D ettaDried. one hundred and twelve captives, among whom were the minister, Mr. Williams, and his wife; all of' whom were immediately ordered to prepare for a long march through the snow to Canada.'Those who were unable to keep 5. nFate ofth Anjozte was an ancient province in the west of Fra-nce, on the river Loire. 1 The in1errisnac River, in Nevw Hampshire, is formed by the union of the Pemigewasset and the Winnipiseogee. The former rises near the Notch, in the White Mountains, and at Sanbornton, seventy miles belowv its source, receives the WVinnipiseogoe from lWinnipiseogee Lake. The course of the Merrimac is then S. E. to the vicinity of Lowell, Massachusetts, when, turning to the N. E., after a windincg course of fifty miles, it falls into the Atlantic, at Newburyport. $ Ca;co. See Casco tany, p. 198. W Te.:ls is a town in Maine, thirty miles S.WV. from Portland, and twenty N. E, from Ports-,south. 26 202 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boos RI, ANALY IS. up with the party were slain by the wayside, but most of ------ - the survivors were afterwards redeemed, and allowed to return to their homes. A little girl, a daughter of thl minister, after a long residence with the Indians, became attached to them, adopted their dress and customs, and afterwards married a Mohawk Gnerat 4. eDuring the remainder of the war, similar scenes thkewaronthe were enacted throughout Maine and New Hampshire, and Xf-er8. prowling bands of savages penetrated even to the interior settlements of Massachusetts. The firontier settlers abandoned the cultivation of their fields, and collected in buildings which they fortified; and if a garrison, or a family, ceased its vigilance, it was ever liable to be cut off by an enemy who disappeared the moment a blow was struck. The French often accompanied the savages in their expeditions, and made no effort to restrain their cruelties. 1707. 5. 2In 1707 Massachusetts attempted the reduction of June. Port Royal; and a fleet conveying one thousand soldiers 2. Expeditionr against Port was sent against the place; but the assailants were twice jR~tconl e=at obliged to raise the siege with considerable loss. Not of Acadia. disheartened by the repulse, Massachusetts spent two years more in preparation, and aided by a fleet fiom Eng1710. land, in 1710 again demanded- the surrender of Port a. Oct. 12. Royal. The garrison, weak and dispirited, capitulatedb b. Oct. 13. after a brief resistance; the name of the place was changed to Annapolis, in honor of Queen Anne; and Acadia, or Nova Scotia, was permanently annexed to the British crown. 1711. 6.'In July of the next year, a large armament under c. July 6. Sir Hovenden Walker arrivede at Boston, and taking in 3d. additional forces, sailed,d near the middle of Augusi, for conqetnaof the conquest of Canada. The fleet reachede the mouth Canada. e. Aug. 25. of the St. Lawrence in safety, but here the obstinacy of WTalker, who disregarded the advice of his pilots, caused the loss of eight of his ships, and nearly nine hundred f. Sept. 2, 3. men. In the nightf the ships were driven upon the roclks on the northern shore and dashed to pieces. Weakened by this disaster, the fleet returned to England, and the g. See p. 233. New England troops to Boston. agaist Mon- 7. 4A land expedition," under General Nicholson, treal. which had marched against Montreal, returned after h. April1, 1, 1713. learning the failure of the fleet. 5Two y-ea-rs later the 5. Ctoseofthe treaty'h of Utrecht* terminated the war bets\een France * trecht is a rich and handsome city of HIollard, sitnated on one of the mouths of the Rthine, twenty miles S. E. from Amsterdam. From the top of its lofty cathedral, three hundred and eighty feet high, fifteen or sixteen cities may be seen in a clear day. The place is celebrated for the " Union of Utrecht," formed there in 1579, by which the tTcited Provinces eclaored their Independence of Spain; —and likewise for the treaty of 1713. AltT 11. I rASSACt-1USETTS 203 Ind England; and, soon after, peace was concludeda 17.1.l. oetween the northern colonies and the Indians. 8.'During the next thirty years after the close of imAtPh July Queen Anne's war, but few events of general interest 24,.ll occurred in Massachusetts. Throughout most of this oftlyrest tn ccured period a violent controversy was carried on between the t.n'"ijtsaucrah representatives of the people and three successive royal setztue.z1e governors,b the latter insisting upon receiving a permanent thinty tearm. -alary, and the former refusing to comply with the de. Burlnett, and Biccher. aind; prei.rrinag to graduate the salary of the gove'rnor lecording to their views of the justice and utility of his administration.'A compromise was at length effected, c2. Howo ti and, instead of a permanent salary, a particular sum was sas settled. annually voted. II. KING GEORGE'S WAR. —. "In 1744, during the 1744. reign of George II., wvar again broke out' between France 3 oirige/5g and England, originating in European disputes, relating George's. c. War deprincipally to the kingdom of Austria, and again involvilg clared by. hlfe French and English possessions in America. This France,lth war is generally known in America as "King George's Ap. Britainh. War," but, in Europe, as the'" War of the Austrian Succession." 2. 4The most important event of the war in America, 4. Loususurfg was the siege and capture of Louisburg.* This place, situated on the island of Cape Blreton,t had been fortified by France at great expense, and was regarded by her as the key to her American possessions. 5William Shirley, Pproiato Louisburg is on the S. E. side of the Island of Cape Breton. It has an excellent harbor, of very deep water, nearly six miles in length, but frozen cduring the winter. After the capture of Louisbur, in 1758, (see p. 278,) its walls were demlolished, and the materials of its buildings were carried away for the construction of Ialifax, and other towns on the coast. Only a few fishermen's huts are now found within the environs of the city, and so complete is the ruin that it is with difficulty that the outlines of the fortifications, and. of tihe prinicipal bu:ldings, an be traced. (See Map.) re called by e Frech se oy isla on th ne of 17anseau. I is settled mostly y Scotchighlaners together i o th anint Fienro Acaidans. lSec 3Iap,) Q~-g~; /1/1 j Pr clles s r ay d a boeoteufft rne ndSch P.. brdr o te Glfof. awrnc. ad epaate fom ov Scti byth nardvch'n 204 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Book Hi ANALYSIS. the governor of Massachusetts, perceiving the importance _ "- of the place, and the danger to which its possession by the 1745. French subjected the British province of Nova Scotia, a. Jan. laida before the legislature of the colony a plan for its capture. to. repar-e 3.'Although strong objections were urged, the gover. expedition. nor's proposals were assented to; Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, furnished their quotas of men; New York sent a supply of artillery, and Penn. 2. Commodore sylvania of provisions.' 2Commodore Warren, then in the West Indies with an English fleet, was invited to cooperate in the enterprise, but he declined doing so without S. Saitinr of orders from England. -This unexpected intelligence was the.feet. kept a secret, and in April, 1745, the New England forces alone, under William Pepperell, commander-in-chief, and b. April 4 Roger Wolcott, second in command, sailedb for Louisburg. 4.Cesnttsea 4. 4At Canseauc* they were unexpectedly met by the c.Pronounced fleet of Commodore Warren, who had recently received Can-so. orders to repair to Boston, and concert measures with Governor Shirley for his majesty's service in North 5. Landing America. 50n the 11th of May the combined forces, of the troops. numbering more than 4000 land troops, came in sight of Louisburg, and effected a landing at Gabarus Bay,t which was the first intimation the French had of their danger. I. Account of 5. On the day after the landing a detachment of foul.Ohe siege and conquestof hundred men marched by the city and approached the Loutsburg. d. See Map royal battery,d setting fire to the houses and stores on the page 203. The French, imagining that the whole army was coming upon them, spiked the guns and abandoned the battery, which was immediately seized by the New England troops. Its guns were then turned upon the town, and against the island battery at the entrance of the harbor. 6. As it was necessary to transport the guns over a morass, where oxen and horses could not be used, they were placed on sledges constructed for the purpose, and the men with ropes, sinking to their knees in the mud, drew them safely over. Trenches were then thrown up within two hundred yards of the city,-a battery was erected on the opposite side of the harbor, at the Light House Point, a. maI29. — and the fleet of Warren capturede a French 74 gunship, with five hundred and sixty men, and a great quantity of military stores designed for the supply of the gar. rison. Ca.seau is a small island and cape, on which is a small village, at the eastern extremity c' Nova Scotia, seventy-five miles S. W. from Louisburg. (See Map preceding page.) t Gabanos.Bay is a deep bay on the eastern coast of Cape Breton, a short distance S.W. frora Louiaburg. (See Map preceding page.)s PArT II.] NEW HAMPSHIRE. 205 7. A combined attack by sea and land was planned for 1745o the 29th of June, but, on the day previous, the city, fort, and batteries, and the whole island, were surrendered.'This was the most important acquisition which England l.Impsortacnc of thi. acqui. made during the war, and, for its recovery, and the deso- sition, and lation of the English colonies, a powerful naval armament th French Jt under the Duke d'Anville was sent out by France in the rolace.rth following year. But storms, shipwrecks, and disease, dis- 1746. persed and enfeebled the fleet, and blasted the hopes of the enemy. 8.'In 1748 the war was terminated by the treatya of 1748. Aix la Chapelle.* The result proved that neither party 2. Cio-se ofthe had gained any thing by the contest; for all acquisitions terms8 of the treaty. made by either were mutually restored. 3But the causes a. oct. is. of a future and more important war still remained in the 3. Caues of a disputes about boundaries, which were left unsettled; and future, ar. the " FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR" soon followed,b which b. ee p. 267. was the last struggle of the French for dominion in America. CHAPTER 111. NEW fI A M P S Ht I P E * Subject of Chapter llI. 1. 4During the greater portion of its colonial existence 4. With swczt the history of New Hampshire was united with Massachusetts, and its R.l amrp history is therefore necessarily blended with that Qf the blended. parent of the New England colonies.'But in order to 5. Whyiti here treateg preserve the subject entire, a brief sketch of its separate separatey. history will here be given. 2.'Two of the most active members of the council of 1622. Plymouth were Sir Ferdinand Gorges and Captain John 8. Gorg anhd Mason. In 1622 they obtained of their associates a grants c. Aug. 20. of land lying partly in Maine and partly in New HampAix la ChLpelle, (pronounced A lah sha-pellt) is in the western part of Germany, near the line of Belgium, in the province of the Rhine, which belongs to Prussia. It is a very ancient city, and was long in possession of the Romans, who called it Aqueegranii. Its present name was given it by the French, on account of a chapel built there by Charlemagne, who for some time made it the capital of his empire. It is celebrated for its hot springs, its baths, and for several important treaties concluded there. It is seventy-five miles E. from Brussels, and 125 S.E. from Amsterdam. t NEW HABIPSIIRE, one of the Eastern or New England States, lying north of bIassachu setts, and west of Maine, is 180 miles long from north to south, and ninety broad in the southern part, and contains an area of about 9500 square miles. It has only eighteen miles of seacoast, and Polrtsmouth is its only harbor. The country twenty or thirty miles from the sea becomes uneven and hilly, and, toward the northern part, is mountainous. Mount Washington, a peak of the White Mountains, and, next to Black Mountain in N. Carolina, the highest point east of the Rocky Mountains, is 6428 feet above the level of the sea. The elevate i partA of the state are a fine grazing country, and the valleys on the margins of the rivers are highly productive. 206} COLONIAL HISTORY. fBoo. [BooI A.NALYSIS. shire, which they called Laconic.'In the spring of the Ifollowing year tnhey sent over two small parties of emi. I. First settle- grants, one of w ich landed at the lhnouth of the Piscataqua,.nts -N7 Newsv and settled at Little Harbor,* a short distance below Portsmouth;t the other, proceeding farther up, formed a settlement at Dover.i 1629. 3.'i i: 1;29 the Rev. John!Wheelriht and others a. May. purchaseda of the Indians all the country between the z.dreb Merrimae and the Piscataqua.'A few months later, this Wt'helriht. tract ofcountry, whichi was a part of the grant to Gorges and 3 Separcte iason, was givenb to Mason alone, and it then first reg,.at a,dn(c ceived the name of New Hampshire.'The country was 4 IIooth,e divided among numerous proprietors, and the various country aa. governed. settlements during several years were governed separately, by agents of the diffierent proprietors, or by magistrates elected by the people. 1641. 4.'In 1641 the people of New Hampshire placed them-. UniLonwitha selves under the protection of Massachusetts, in which Massachusetso. situation thev remained until 1680, when, after a long geparation. 1680. controversy with the heirs of Mason, relative to the ownerc. Royal ship of the soil, New Hampshire was separatedc from Sept. 28, 1679 Massachusetts by a royal commission, and made a royal Actua sepa- province. 6The new government was to consist of a 1680. president and council, to be appointed by the king, and a. Natzenowf house of representatives to be chosen by the people. 7No government. dissatisfaction with the government of Massachusetts had 7. The chnge. been expressed, and the change to a separate province was received with reluctance by all. d. March 26 5. 5 The first legislature, which assembledd at Ports8. Aosnsmblinga of/ the irst mouth in 1680, adopted a code of laws, the first of which Lsegislature declared "That no act, imposition, law, or ordinance, anri its pro. ceedingt. should be made, or imposed upon them, but such as should be made by the assembly and approved by the president 9. Thekeinrs and council.",'This declaration, so worthy of freemen, and spirit of was received with marked displeasure by the king; but the people. New Hampshire, ever after, was as forward as any of her sister colonies in resisting every encroachment upon her VICINITY OF PORrsNOUTH. just rights. D, m~~rtv B y Little Hlarbor, the place first settled, is at the southern ens 0V01,. 4 A trance to the harbor of Portsmouth. two miles below the city, A~ ~~X ez r and opposite the town and island of Newcastle. (See L.1. in Map.) RJA? O Yor T Portsmoutth, in New IIampsphire. is situated on a peninsula. ~,...... on the south side of the Piscataqua, three miles from the ocean. o0, It has an excellent, harbor, which, owing to the rapidity of thl6 current, is never frozen. It is fifty-four miles N. from Boston,',-R'' and the same distance S. VW. from Portland. (See Map.) X Dover village, in N. IT., formerly called Cochteco, is situated on Cocheco River, four miles above its junction with the Piscataqua, and twelve N.W. from Portsmouth. The first settlement in the town was on a beautiful peninsula between Black and i~'-"~/ ~Piscataqua Rivers. (See M3ap.) tAer IL'I NEW HAMIPSHIRE. 207 6.'Earl-y in the fbllowing year 1Robert Mason arrived, 16GL. -asserted his right to the province, on the ground of the early grants made to his ancestor, and assumed the title 1sywUthet of lord proprietor. But his claims to the soil, and his de- aJbot' ant. mands for rent, were resisted by the people. A long controversy ensued; lawsuits were numerous; and judgments for rent were obtained against many of the leading men in the province; but, so general was the hostility to the proprietor, that he could not enforce them. 7.'In 1686 the government of Dudley, and afterwards 1686. that of Andros, was extended over New Hampshire. 2 DdleylatiL When the latter was seized& and imprisoned, on the arrival the.secovd of the news of the revolution in England, the people of' uMaesctauNew Hampshire took the government into their own a. See p. 199. hands, and, in 1690, placed" themselves under the protec- 1690. tion of Massachusetts. 3Two years later, they were sepa- b. March. rated from Massachusetts, contrary to their wishes, and a 3. Separated, separate royal government was established, over them; but united. in 1699 the two provinces were again united, and the c. Aug. 1692. Earl of Bellamont was appointed governor over both. 8. qIn 1691 the heirs of Mason sold their title to the 4. Continulands in New Hampshire to Samuel Allen, between whom.nat settleand the people contentions and lawsuits continued until mIastoiathn 1715, when the heirs of Allen relinquished their claims in controversy. despair. A descendant of Mason, however, subsequently renewed the original claim, on the ground of a defect in the conveyance to Allen. The Masonian controversy was finally terminated by a relinquishment, on the part of the claimants, of all except the unoccupied portions of the territory. 9.'In 1741, on the removal of Governor Belcher, the 1741. provinces of Massachusetts and New Hampshire were 5As-ep an ai separated, never to be united again, and a separate gover- fron Massanor was appointed over each. 6During the forty-two 6. The nature years previous to the separation, New Hampshire had a withMlassa separate legislative assembly, and the two provinces were, cit ettsg in reality, distinct, with the exception of their being under the administration of the same royal governor. 10. 7New Hampshire suffered greatly, and perhaps t.'he suffer more than any other New England colony, by the several Hnmpshnr2 French and Indian wars, whose general history has been Indtian.t already given. A particular recital of the plundering and burning of her towns, of her frontiers laid waste, and her children inhumanly murdered, or led into a wretched captivity, would only exhibit scenes similar to those which have been already described, and we willngly pass by this portion of her local history. 1208 [Booil 11 ANALYSIS, CHAPTER IV. Subject of C ONNECTICUT.* Chapter I V. Dto Divisionrs. DIVISIONS.-I. Early Settlemnents. — H. Pequod War. —I1I. Neew Havex Colony.-IYV. Connecticut under her own Constitutio. — V. Connec. ticut nuder the Royal Charter. 1630. I. EARLY SETTLEMIENTS.-1.'In 1630 the soil of Con-..4ccounts of necticut was granted by the council of Plymouth to the grants of Earl of Warwick; and, in the following year, the Earl Connecticut. 1631 of Warwick transferred the same to Lord Say-and-Seal, a. march29. Lord Brooke and others. Like all the early colonial grants, that of Connecticut was to extend westward from the Atlantic Ocean to the South Sea, or the Pacific. 2. vsit to the, 2During the same year some of' the people of' Plymouth, country by n tipe with their governor, Mr. Winslow, visited the valley of the Connecticut, by invitation of an Indian chief, who wished the English to make a settlement in that quarter. 3 Dutch fort 2.'The Dutch at New York, apprized of the object of the Plymouth people, determined to anticipate them, and, early In 1633, despatched a party who erected a fort at 4. English Hartford.t 4In October of the same year, a company at Windsor. from Plymouth sailed up the Connecticut River, and passing the Dutch fort, erected a trading-house at Windsor.: The Dutch ordered Captain Holmes, the commander of the Plymouth sloop, to strike his colors, and, in case of refusal, threatened to fire upon him; but he declared that he would execute the orders of the governor of Plymouth. and, in spite of their threats, proceeded resolutely on1634. ward.'In the following year the Dutch sent a company 5. Events that to expel the English from the country, but finding them occurred in ge the f/olozoing well fortified, they came to a parley, and finally returned year. 2 Emigration in peace. om.iu$ss'sa - t3 In the summer of 1635, exploring parties from WV0. of HARTFORn. *i CONNECTICUT, the southernmost of the New England States, is from ~ta2i7XXz.L r - ninety to 100 miles long from E. to W., and from fifty to seventy broad, and 5. uneven and hilly, and somewhat mountainous in the northwest. The val ley of the Connecticut is very fertile, but in most parts of the state the soil is better adapted to grazing than to tillage. An excellent freestone, /I.. much used in building, is found in Chatham and Haddam; iron ore of a ~ o..rig s superior quality in Salisbury and Kent; and fine rmarble in iilfobrd. Ad Hf aartnford, one of the capitals of Connecticut, is on the W. side of the Connecticut I-iver, fifty miles from its mouth, by the 2iver's course. Mill, Xf vor Little River, passes through the southern part of the city. The old Dutch fort was on the S. side of Mill River, at its entrance into the Connec[" - --— " ticut. The Dutch maintained their position until 1654. (See Map.) el IzVindsor is on the wV. side of the Connecticut, seven miles N. from Hartford. The village is on the N. side of Farmington River. The trading house erected by the Plymouth people, was below the mouth of Farmington River. The mea dow in the vicinity is still called Plysmozoth ilIeadowu. (See Manu.) PART L.3 COiN NECTIICUT. 209 Massachrsetts Bay colony visited the valley of' the Con- IL6.,5. necticut, and, in the autumn of the same year, a com-rn pany of about sixty men, women, and children, made a toilsome journey through the wilderness, and settled' at a. See p. 185. Windsor, Hartford, and WVethersfield.*'In October, the 1. Settle b 55c younger Winthrop, son of the governor of Massachusetts, arrived at Boston, with a commission from the proprietors of Connecticut, authorizing him to erect a fort at the mouth of the river of that name, and make the requisite preparations for planting a colony. Scarcely was the fort erected when a Dutch vessel appeared at the mouth of the river, but was not permitted to enter. In honor of Lord Say-and-Seal, and Lord Brooke, the new settlement was named Saybrooklr, which continued a separate colony until 1644. II. PEQUOD WAR. —.'During the year 1636 the Pe- 1636. quods, a powerful tribe of Indians residing mostly within 2. The the limits of Connecticut, began to annoy the infant colony.'In July, the Indians of Block Island,t who were 3. Their desupposed to be in alliance with the Pequods, surprised and prodatihe plundered a trading vessel and killed the captain. A.n Englsh. expeditionb from Massachusetts was sent against them, b. Sept. and which invaded the territory of the Pequods, but as nothing important was accomplished, it served only to excite the Indians to greater outrages. During the winter, a number of whites were killed in the vicinity of Saybrook fort. In April following, nine persons were killed at Wethers- 1637. field, and the alarm became general throughout the plantations on the Connecticut. 2. 4The Pequods, who had long been at enmity with 4. Their at tempted allithe Narragansetts, now sought their alliance in a general ance with thM war upon the English; but the exertions; of Roger Wil- Nsetts. Hiams not only defeated their designs, but induced the c. Seep. 1$6. Narragansetts again to renew the war against their ancient enemy. 5Early in May, the magistrates of the three 5. Expeditison infant towns of Connecticut formally declared war against the Pequod nat;on, and, in ten days, a little army of eighty English, and seventy friendly Mohegan Indians, was on its way against the enemy, whose warriors were said to number more than two thousand men. 6. Princi~pa 3.'The principal seat of the Pequods was near the safth * Wethersfield is on the;V. side of the Connecticut, four miles S. from Hartford. The river here is continually changing its course, by the wearing away of the land on one side, and its gradual deposit on the other. (See Map.) I Saybrook is on the west, side of Connecticut River, at its entrance into Long Island Sound. $ Block rTslancd, discovered in 1614 by Adrian Blok, a Dutch captain, is twenty-four miles, S.W. from Newport. It is attached to Newport Co., I. I., and constitutes the township of Newshoreham. It has no harbor. It is eight miles long fronm N. to S., and from two to four road. 210 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK H. ANALYSIS. mouth.f Pequod River, now called the Thames,* in the i. 2/zeroute, eastern. part of Connecticut.'Captain Mason sailed down Ofo/lai- the Connecticut with his forces, whence he proceeded to 8son a. Noe, p. 215. Narragansett Bay,0 where several hundred of the Narragansetts joined him. He then commenced his march across the country, towards the principal Pequod fort, which stood on an eminence on the west side of Mystict 2. What the River, in the present town of Groton.t 2The Pequods thou, ir th.,e were ignorant of his approach, for they had seen the Lnglit- boats of the English pass the mouth of their river a few days before, and they believed that their enemies had fled through fear. 3. Attack on 4. 3Earlv in the morning of the 5th of June, the solthe Pequod fort. diers of Connecticut advanced against the fort, while their Indian allies stood aloof, astonished at the boldness of the enterprise. The barking of' a dog betrayed their approach, and an Indian, rushing into the fort, gave the alarm; but scarcely were the enemy aroused from their slumbers, when Mason and his little band, having forced an entrance, commenced the work of destruction. The Indians fought bravely, but bows and arrows availed little against weapons of steel. Yet the vast superiority of numbers on the side of the enemy, for a time rendered the victory doubtful. "We must burn them!" shouted Mason, and applying a firebrand, the frail Indian cahbins were soon enveloped in flame. 4. Deetsuctian 5. "The English now hastily withdrew and surrounded of th~ Peqpoa,. the place, while the savages, driven from their inclosure, became, by the light of the burning pile, a sure prey to the English muskets; or, if they attempted a sally, theyr were cut down by the broadsword, or they fell under the weapons of the Narragansetts, who now rushed forward to the slaughter. As the sun rose upon the scene of destruction it showed that the victory was complete. About six hundred Indians,-men, women, and children, had perished; most of them in the hideous conflagration. Of the whole number within the fort, only seven escaped, B. Loss of the and seven were made prisoners. 5Two of the whites Enygik. were killed, and nearly twenty were wounded. 6. Farther 6.'The loss of their principal fort, and the destruction history!f the Pequodls. of the main body of their warriors, so disheartened the *- The Pequod, or Thiamses River, rises in Massachusetts, and, passing south through the eastern part of Connecticut, enters Long Island Sound, below New London. It is generally called "uinebasug from its source to Norwich. On the west it receives Shetucket, Yantic, and other small streams. It is navigable fourteen miles, to Norwich. t Mystic River is a small river which enters L. I. Sound, six miles E. from the Thames. * The town of Grotoz, lies between the Thames and the Mystic, bordering on the Sound. The Pequod fort, above mentioned, was on Pequod Hill, in the N.E. part of the town, about half a mile west from Mystic River, and sight miles N.E. from New London. A public road uow Crosses the hill, and a dwelling-house occupies its summit. PART 1I.] CONNECTICUT. 211 Pequods, that they no longer made a stand against the 1637. English. They scattered in every direction; straggling -- parties were hunted and shot down like deer in the woods; their Sachem, Sassacus, w as murdered by the Mohawks, to whom he fled for protection; their territory was laid waste; their settlements were burned, and about two hundred survivors, the sole remnant of the Pequod nation, surrendering in despair, were enslaved by the English, or incorporated among their Indian allies.'The vigor i. Effectof with which the war had been prosecuted, struck terror other tribes. into the other tribes of New England, and secured to the settlements a succession of many years of peace. II. NEW HAVEN COLONY.-1.'The pursuit of the 2. Dvcover Pequods westward of the Connecticut, made the English nent o Tzaer acquainted with the coast from Saybrook' to Fairfield;* a. Note, and late in the year, a few men from Boston explored the page 209. country, and, erecting a hut at New Haven,t there passed the winter. 2. In the spring of the following year, a Puritan colony, 1638. under the guidance of Theophilus Eaton, and the Rev. John Davenport, who had recently arrived from Europe, left' Boston for the new settlement at New Haven.'They b. April 9. 3. First Sabpassed their first Sabbath0 under a spreading oak,: and bath at NeS Mr. Davenport explained to the people, with much coun-.Haven. sel adapted to their situation, how the Son of Man was led into the wilderness to be tempted. 3. 4The settlers of New Haven established a govern- 4.Thegrovaerment upon strictly religious principles, making the Bible coianly their law-book, and church-members the only freemen. Mr. Eaton, who was a merchant of great wealth, and who had been deputy-governor of the British East India Company, was annually chosen governor of New Haven colony during twenty years, until his death.'The colo.-. Its prosny quickly assumed a flourishing condition. The settle- erity. ments extended rapidly along the Sound, and, in all cases, the lands were honorably purchased of the natives. IV. CONNECTICUT UNDER HER OWN CONSTITUTION.- 1639. 1. 6In 1639 the inhabitants of the three towns on the Con- e6velnt nportant NEW HAVEN. * Fairfield borders on the Sound, fifty miles S. W. from the mouth of the Connecticut. Some of the Pequods were pursued to a great swvamp in this town. Some were slain, and about 200 surrendered. The. town was first settled by a Mr. Ludlow and others in 1639. t New Havenz, now one of the capitals of Connecticut, called by the h' R Indians Quinipiac, lies at the head of a harbor which sets up four miles;rom Long Island Sound. It is about seventy-five miles N.E. from New a York, and thirty-four S. W. from Hartford. Thecity is on a beautiful plain, bounded on the west by West River, and on the east by Walling- A ford, or Quinipiac River. Yale College is located at New Haven. (See.f 5lap.); This tree stood near the comer of George and College streets. 212 COLONIAL HISTOlRY. r1BooR IL. ANALYSIS. necticut, who had hitherto acknowledged the authority a. Jan. 24. of Massachusetts, assembled' at Hartfbrd, and formed a 1. First con- separate government for themselves.'The constitution dtitut:on of Connecticut. was one of unexampled liberality, guarding with jealous care against every encroachment on the rights of the people. The governor and legislature were to be chosen annually by the freemen, who were required to take an oath of allegiance to the commonwealth, instead of the English monarch; and in the general court alone was.Separate vested the power of' making and repealing laws.'At colonies in Conecticut. this time three separate colonies existed within the limits of the present state of Connecticut. 3. Disputes 2.'The Connecticut colonies were early involved in iutch.' disputes with the Dutch of New Netherlands, who claimed the soil as far eastward as the Connecticut River. The fear of an attack from that quarter, was one of the causes which, in 1643, led to the confederation of the 1644. New England colonies for mutual defence. 4In 1644 4.PurhaTceof Saybrook was purchased of George Fenwick, one of the proprietors, and permanently annexed to the Connecticut 5. Treaty colony. fin 1650 Governor Stuyvesant visited Hartford, Dutch. where a treaty was concluded, determining the line of partition between New Netherlands and Connecticut. 1651. 3. "In 1651 war broke out between England and Hol-. War be- land, and although their colonies in America had agreed laod antd to remain at peace, the governor of New Netherlands was accused of uniting with the Indians, in plotting the 7. WhatnoPe- destruction of the English.'The commissioners of the ~inAmsrrca. United Colonies decidedb in favor of commencing hostilib1653. ties against the Dutch and Indians, but Massachusetts refused to furnish her quota of men, and thus prevented 8. What colo- the war.'Connecticut and New Haven then applied to to Cromwell, Cromwell for assistance, who promptly despatched' a fleet aesudt. for the reduction of New Netherlands; but while the c1654. colonies were making preparations to co-operate with the naval force, the news of peace in Europe arrested the expedition. 1660. V. CONNECTICUT UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER.-1. 9. Loyazty of 9'When Charles II. was restored' to the throne of his anConnecticut. d. May. cestors, Connecticut declared her loyalty, and submissions to. The royal to the king, and applied for a royal charter. "~The aged character. Lord Say-and-Seal, the early friend of the emigrants, 1662. now exerted his influence in their favor; while the younger Winthrop, then governor of the colony, went to England as its agent. When he appeared bef( e the king with his petition, he presented him a favorite ring which Charles I. had given to Winthrop's grandfather. This trifling token, recalling to the king the memory of PART II.] CONNECTICUT. 213 his own unfortunate father, readily won his favor, and 1662. Connecticut thereby obtained a charter,a the n ost liberalthat had yet been granted, and confirming, in every par- a- May 30. ticular, the constitution which the people themselves had adopted. 2.'The royal charter, embracing the territory from the l. Territory embraced by Narragansett Bay and River westward to the Pacific the charter. Ocean, included, within its limits, the New Haven colony, and most of the present state of Rhode Island. 2New INe u Haven reluctantly united with Connecticut in 1665. 1665..'The year after the grant of the Connecticut charter, 3. The Rhoda Rhode Island receivedb one which extended her western island limits to the Pawcatuck* River, thus including a portion b. July 18, 1663. of the territory granted to Connecticut, and causing a controversy between the two colonies, which continued more than sixty years. 3.'During King Philip's war, which began in 1675, 1675. Connecticut suffered less, in her own territory, than any 4. Connctof her sister colonies, but she furnished her proportion of King Phil-. troops for the common defence.'At the same time, 5. Usurpahowever, she was threatened with a greater calamity, in ton of the loss of her liberties, by the usurpations of Andros, then governor of New York, who attempted to extend his arbitrary authority over the country as far east as the Connecticut River. 4.'In July, Andros, with a small naval force, proceed- 6. Expeditieon to Connectied to the mouth of the Connecticut, and hoisting the cut, and its king's flag, demandede the surrender of the fort; but c. July 21. Captain Bull, the commander, likewise showing his majesty's colors, expressed his determination to defend it. Being permitted to land, Andros attempted to read his commission to the people, but, in the king's name, he was sternly commanded to desist. He finally returned to New York without accomplishing his object. 5.'Twelve years later, Andros again appeared in 1687. Connecticut, with a commission from King James, ap- 7. Second pointing him royal governor of all New England. Pro- dros took. ceeding to Hartford, he found the assembly in session, and demandedd the surrender of the charter. A discus- d. Nov. ]O. sion arose, which was prolonged until evening. The charter was then brought in and laid on the table. While the discussion was proceeding, and the house was thronged with citizens, suddenly the lights were extinguished. The utinost decorum prevailed, but when the candles * The Patocatuck, formed by the junction of Wood and Charles Rivers in Washington County, Rhode Island, is still, in the lower pwrt of its course, the dividing line between Con netiacut and Rhode Island. 'Z14 COLONIAL HISTORY. rBooK IL ~ANAIYSuS. were re-lighted, the charter was missing, and could no.-... where be found. i.The charter 6.'A Captain Wadsworth had secreted it in a hollow preserved. tree, which is still standing, and which retains the ven. i. whrt tlzen erated name of the Charter Oak.'Andros, however, Anrld.~by assumed the government, which was administered in his 1689. name until the revolutions in England deprived James of a. See p. 197. his throne, and restored the liberties of the people. 3 Events 7.'During King William's war, which immediately durinri Kint William's followed the English revolution, the people of Connecticut W0a' were again called to resist an encroachment on their b. 1689-1697; 4. Fletcher's rights. 4Colonel Fletcher, governor of New York, had commission. received a commission vesting in him the command of the 5. Wheat militia of Connecticut. "This was a power which the taenby/ the charter of Connecticut had reserved to the colony itself, le i.!atlure, andi whlat by and the legislature refused to comply with the requisition. Fletcher Fletcher then repaired to Hartford, and ordered the miliNov. 6. tia under arms. 6. Fletcher's 8.'The Hartford companies, under Captain Wads-, worth, appeared, and Fletcher ordered his commission and instructions to be read to them. Upon this, Captain Wadsworth commanded the drums to be beaten. Coionel Fletcher commanded silence, but no sooner was the reading commenced a second time, than the drums, at the command of Wadsworth, were again beaten with more spirit then ever. But silence was again commanded, when Wadswortah, with great earnestnes, ordered the drums to be beaten, and turning to Fletcher said, with spirit and his looks, "If I am interrupted again I will make -Sie sun shine through you in a moment." Governor Fletcher made no farther attempts to read his commission, and soon judged it expedient to return to New York. 1700. 9.'In the year 1700, several clergymen assembled at 7. EstabZlsh- Branford,* and each, producing a few books, laid them on co2lf.ale the table, with these words: " I give these books for the founding of a college in this colony." Such was the beginning of Yale College, now one of the most honored institutions of learning in the land. It was first estabc 1702. lished~ at Saybrook, and was afterwards removed, to New d. 1717. Haven. It derived its name from Elihu Yale, one of' its most liberal patrons. i Renzaryzing 10. sThe remaining portion of the colonial history of Vonecticut. Connecticut is not marked by events of sufficient interest to require any farther notice than they may gain in the B tranford is a town in Connecticut, bordering on the Sour l, seven miles E. from New HIaven. PART U.] RHODE ISLAND. 215 more general history of the colonies.'The laws, customs, It 77. manners, and religious notions of the people, were similar to those which prevailed in the neighboring colony of sto me,,an. Massachusetts, and, generally, throughout New England. nelr's 4c. CHAPTER V. Subject of Chapter V. RHIODE IS L A N D.* 1.'After Roger Williams had been banished from 2 Roger Wi. Massachusetts, he repaireda to the country of the Narra- liamsa-5fter gansetts, who inhabited nearly all the territory which now " v'iufbrms the state of Rhode Island.'By the sachems of setts. a. Jan. 1636. that tribe he was kindly received, and during fourteen 3 HIowloreweeks he found a shelter in their wigwams from the ceived by thefa severity of winter. 40n the opening of spring he pro- etts. ceeded to Seekonk,t on the north of Narragansett Bay,~ dicd in thie and having been joined by a few faithful friends from Massachusetts, he obtained a grant of land from an Indian chief, and made preparations for a settlement. 2. 5Soon after, finding that he was within the limits of 5 1e7hther the Plymtouth colony, and bein advised by Mr. Winslo advised toby M. W slowethe governor, to remove to the other side of the water, 2Isy. where he might live unmolested, he resolved to comply with the fiiendly advice. GErmbarkingb with five com- 6. Settlement panions in a frail Indian canoe, he passed down the Narra- fdeP.nce. gansett River~ to Moshassuck, which he selected as the b. June. place of settlement, purchased the land of the chiefs of the }Narragansetts, and, with unshaken confidence in the mercies of I-Heaven, named the place Providence.ll 7The 7. N.anme of thee settlesettlement was called Providence Plantation. szenst. * RHIODE ISLAND, the smallest state in the Union, contains an area, separate from the waters of Narragansett.ay, of about 1225 square miles. In the northwestern part cf the state the surface of the country is hilly, and the soil poor. In the south and -west the country is generally level,'and in the vicinity of Narragansett Bay, and on the islands which it contains, the soil is very fertile. -I The townll of Seekonls, the western part of the early Rehobotlh Oseekonk lies east of, and adjoining the northern part of Narragansett Bay. The village is on Ten MBile River, three or four miles east from I Providence. (See Map )' 2 lvarragaxsett Bay is in the eastern part of the state of Rhode sland, 7and is twenty-eight miles long from N. to S., ancd feromnj ion eight to twelve hbroad. The N.E. arin of the bay is callecl llostcot i ilolpe BLay; the northern, ProCidcslce Bay; and the N.. estern, z, 9 Greesswicis canEy. it contains a number of beautiful and lertile islands, the principal of which are Rhode Island, Conanicut, and Prudence. (See Mlap.) The northern part of Narragansette Bay was often called'ar- Tagan ett River. /, II Providence, one of the capitals of Rhode Island, is in the aorthern part of th( state, at the head of Narragansett Bay, and ao ea0th sides Qf Providence River, which is, properly, a small 216 COLONIAL HISTORY. LBoom It ANALYSIS. 3.'As Roger Williams brought with him the sams ffects pro- principles of religious toleration, for avowing and maindauced by taining which he had suffered banishment, Providence bereligious toleragion. came the asylum for the persecuted of thile neighboring colonies; but the peace of the settlement was never seriously disturbed by the various and discordant opinions 2. Novel which gained admission.'It was found that the numerexeriment. ous and conflicting sects of the day could dwell together in harmony, and the world beheld, with surprise, the novel experiment of a government in which the magistrates Were allowed to rule "only in civil matters," and in which 1" God alone was respected as the ruler of conscience." 3. TM gov- 4.'The political principles of Roger Williams were as etecoloty. liberal as his religious opinions. For the purpose of' preserving peace, all the settlers were required to subscribe to an agreement that they would submit to such rules,' not affectilng the conscience," as should be made for the public good, by a majority of the inhabitants; and under this simple form of pure democracy, with all the powers of government in the hands of the people, the free institu4. Liberality tions of Rhode Island had their origin. 4The modest and of Mr. Wil' liams. liberal founder of the state reserved no political power to himself, and the territory which he had purchased of the natives he freely granted to all the inhabitants in common, reserving to himself only two small fields, which, on his first arrival, he had planted with his own hands. S. Plot of the 5.'Soon after the removal of Mr. Williams to ProvPequods. idence, he gave to the people of Massachusetts, who had recently expelled him from their colony, the first intimation of the plot which the Pequods were forming for their destruc6. Mr. Wit- tion. 6When the Pequods attempted to form an alliance Hiass' mediation solicited. with the Narragansetts, the magistrates of Massachusetts solicited the mediation of Mr. Williams, whose influence 7. Hgi Con- was great with. the chiefs of the latter tribe.'Forgetting the injuries which he had received friom those who now needed his favor, on a stormy day, alone, and in a poor canoe, he set out upon the Narragansett, and through many dangers repaired to the cabin of' Canonicus. s. HM em- 6. 8There the Pequod ambassadors and Narragansett bassy to the Nirrragan- chiefs had already assembled in council, and three days W8Ut and nights Roger Williams remained with them, in constant danger from the Peq-uods whose hands, he says, seemed to be still reeking with the blood of his countrymen, and whose klnives he expected nightly at his throat. But, as Mi1r. Williams himself writes, "G God wonderfully bay, setting up N.W. from the Narragansett. The Pawtucket or Blackstone Rliver falls Int;o the head of Narragansett Btay, from the N.E., a little below Providence. Brown University' Icated at Providence, on the east side of the River. (See Map ) PART lid RHODE ISLAND. 217 preserved him, and helped him to break in pieces the ]S6r6. negotiation and designs of the enemy, and to finish, by many travels and charges, the English league with the Narragansetts and Mohegans against the Pequods." 7.'The settlers at Providence remained unmolested 1. stulation of P roy idenzct during the Pequod war, as the powerful tribe of the Nar- clurig le-.Peluod war. ragansetts completely sheltered them from the enemy. "Such, however, was the aid which Mr. Williams afforded, 2. rid rein bringing that war to a favorable termination, that some Wfilaos. of the leading men in Massachusetts felt that he deserved to be honored with some mark of favor for his services.'The subject of recalling him from banishment was de- 3. Why he bated, but his principles were still viewed with distrust, called f'rornt and the fear of their influence overcame the sentiment of ban ishnent. gratitude. 8. 4In 1638 a settlement was madea at Portsmouth,* in 1638. the northern part of the island of Aquetneck, or Rhode 4. Settlement Island,t by William Coddington and eighteen others, who Oth. had been driven from Massachusetts by persecution for a April. their religious opinions.'In imitation of the form of gov- 5. Foyn of ernment which once prevailed among the Jews, Mr. Cod- governseezt. dington was chosenb judge, and three elders were elected b. Nov to assist him, but in the following year the chief magis- 1639. trate received the title of governor.'Portsmouth received 6. Settlement considerable accessions during the first year, and in the of Netoport. spring of 1639 a number of the inhabitants removed to the southwestern part of the island, where they laid the foundation of Newpoort. 7*The settlements on the island 7. Name rapidly extended, and the whole received the name of the new cetttlRhode Island Plantation. gtents. 9.'Under the pretence that the Providence and Rhode 1643. Island Plantations had no charter, and that their territory 8. Te Pz(C was claimed by Plymouth and Massachusetts, they were det t,.om, the excluded from the confederacy which was fbrmed between 643. the other New England colonies in 1643. gRoger Wil- t9.'T;e 1C(1r. liams therefore proceeded to England, and, in the follow- liaottnt. ing year, obtained~ from Parliament, which was then 1L644. waging a civil war with the king, a free charter of incor- c. March24 poration, by which the two plantations were united under the same government. * The town of Portsmouth is in the northern part of the island of Rhode Islandcl, and embraces about half of the island. The island of Prudence, on the west, is attached to this town. (See Map, p. 215.) t Rhode Island, so called from a fancied resemblance to the island of Rhodes in the Mediterrancasn, is in the southeastern part of Narragansett Bay. It is fifteen miles long, and has an average -width of two and a half miles. The town of Portsmouth occupies the northern part of the Islandcl, Middletown the central portion, and Newport the southern. (See MIap, p. 215.) $ Newport is on the S.W. side of Rhode Island, five miles from the sea,- and twenty-five miles S. from Proviidence. The town is on a beautiful declivity, and has an excellent ha'rbor (See Map, p. 215.) c>.~ 218 COLONIAL HISTORY. iBoux I1. ANALYSIS. 10. 1Jn 1647 the General Assemlbly of the several a May. ~towns mete at Portsmouth, and organized the government. 1. Organiza- by the choice of a president and other officers. A co12 gtin of the of laws was also adopted, which declared the government aand eary to be a democracy, and which closed with the declaration, Island. that " all men might walk as their consciences persuaded them, without molestation, every one in the name of his God." b. 1660. 11.'After the restorationb of monarchy, and the acces. 2. Charter sion of Charles II. to-the throne of England, Rhode Island from the king, and its applied for and obtained' a charter from the king, in which c. July 18, the principles of the former parliamentary charter, and 1663. those on which the colony was founded, were embodied. The greatest toleration in matters of religion was enjoined by the charter, and the legislature again reasserted the 3. Catholics principle.'It has been said that Roman Catholics were and Quakers. excluded from the right of voting, but no such regulation has ever been found in the laws of the colony; and the assertion that Quakers were persecuted and outlawed, is wholly erroneous. 4. Rhode 12. 4When Andros assumed the government of the New rig and England colonies, Rhode Island quietly submittedd to his ausfter the authority; but when he was imprisonede at Boston, and of Andros. sent to England, the people assembledf at Newport, and d. Jan. 197. resuming their former charter privileges, re-elected the f. May 11, officers whom Andros had displaced. Once more the free 1689. government of the colony was organized, and its seal was g. See the restored, with its symbol an anchor, and its motto Hope,g ieal p. 99. -fit emblems of the steadfast zeal with which Rhode Island has ever cherished all her early religious freedom, and her civil rights. CHAPTER VI. Subject EW YORK. chapter VI. N E W YO R.* SECTION 1. Uf Section I. NEW NETHERLANDS PREVIOUS TO ITS CONQUEST BY TIIE ENGLISH IN 1664.'yaotr2 o!f 1.'During the years 1607 and 1608, Henry Hudson, IYenYro.d an English mariner of some celebrity, and then in the * NEW YORK, the most northern of the Mid Ile States, and now the most populous in the Union, has an area of nearly 47,000 square miles This state has a great variety of surface. PART 11J NEW YORK. 219 employ of a company of London merchants, made two 160' voyages to the northern coasts of America, with the hope —. - of finding a passage though those icy seas, to the genial climes of southern Asia.'His employers being disheart- 1. Third voy' ened by his failure, he next entered the service of the age. Dutch East India Company, and, in April, 1609, sailed- 1609. on his third voyage. a. April 14. 2. aFailing to discover a northern passage to India, he 2. Account of turned to the south, and explored the eastern coast, in the the voyage. hope of finding an opening to the Pacific, through the continent. After proceeding south as far as the capes* of Virginia, he again turned north, examined the waters of Delaware Bay,t and, following the eastern coast of New Jersey, on the 13th of September he anchored his vessel within Sandy Hook.T 3.'After a week's delay, Hudson passed' through the 3. Discovery Narrows,~ and, during ten days, continued to ascend the (fRiver. noble river which bears his name; nor was it until his b. sept. 21 vessel had passed beyond the city of Hudson,I and a boat had advanced probably beyond Albany, that he appears to have relinquished all hopes of being able to reach the Pacific by this inland passage. 4Having completed his 4. Hudson's discovery, he slowly descended the stream, and sailinge his treatment for Europe, reached England in the Novembera follo0wing. by the kig. c. Oct. 14. The king, James the First, jealous of the advantages d. Nov. 17. which the Dutch might seek to derive from the discovery, forbade his return to Holland. 1610. 4.'In the following year, 1610, the Dutch East India 5 Wzhat oas done by the Company fitted out a ship with merchandize, to traffick Dutch East with the natives of the country which Hudson had ex- panty. Two chains of the Alleghanies pass through the eastern part of the state. The Highlands, coming from New Jersey, cross the Hudson near West Point, and soon after pass into Connecticut. The Catskill mountains, farther west, and more irregular in their outlines, cross the Mohawk, and continue under different names, along the western border of Lake Champlain. The western part of the state has generally a level surface, except in the southern tier of counties, where the western ranges of the Alleghanies terminate. The soil throughout the state is, generally, good; and along the valley of the Mohawk, and in the western part of the state, it is highly fertile. * Capes Charles and Henry, at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay. t Delaware Bay is a large arm of the sea, setting up into the land between New Jersey and Delaware; and having, at its entrance, Cape May on the north, and Cape Henlopen on the south, eighteen miles apart. Some distance within the capes the bay is thirty miles across. This bay has no safe natural harbor, but a good artificial harbor has been constructed by tho general government within Cape Henlopen. It is formed by two massive stone piers, called the Delaware Breakwater. T Sandy Hook is a low sandy island, on the eastern coast of New Jersey, extending north from the N. IAstern extremity of Monmouth County, and separated from it by Shrewsbury Inlet. It is five miles in length, and seventeen miles S. from New York. At the northern extremity of the island is a light-house, but the accumulating sand i~ gradually extending the point farther north. Sandy Hook was a peninsula until 1778, when the waters of the ocean forced a passage, and cut it off from the mainland. In 1800 the inlet was closed, but it was opened again in 1830, and now admits vessels through its channel ~ The entrance to New York harbor, between Long Island on the east and Staten Island on the west, is called the NVarrows. It is about one mile wide, and is nine miles below the city. (See Map next page.) II The city of Hudson is on the east side of Hudson River, 116 miles N. from New York and twenty-nine miles S. from Albany. 2fii) COLONIAL HISTORY. [Book IL ANALYSIS. plored.'The voyage being prosperous, the traffic was Coditio continued; and when Argall, in 1613, was returning of the Dutch from his excursionz against the French settlement of Port settlement at the tine of Royal, he found on the island of Manhattan* a few rude tll's visit.. hovels, which the Dutch had erected there as a summer station for those engaged in the trade with the natives. 2. ral'sult of 5. 2The Dutch, unable to make any resistance against the force of Argall, quietly submitted to the English claim of sovereignty over the country; but, on his departure, they continued their'traffic,-passed the winter there, and, 1614. in the following year, erected a rude fort on the southern 3. New settle- part of the island.'In 1615 they began a settlement at after made. Albany,t which had been previously visited, and erected a fort which was called Fort Orange. I'he country in their possession was called NEw NETHERLANDS.4 4. Govern- 6. 4During several years, Directors, sent out by the country, East India Company, exercised authority over the little auhv coato-, settlement of New Amsterdam on the island of Manzeda,-and hattan, but it was not until 1623 that the actual colonizwohen the lrstgovernor ing of the country took place, nor until 1625 that an was appointed. actual governor was formally appointed.'In 1621 the 1621. Dutch West India Company was formed, and, in the same Wes5tcda year, the States-General of Holland granted to it the exCompany. clusive privilege to traffick and plant colonies on the American coast, from the Straits of Magellan to the remotest north. 1623. 7. 1In 1623 a number of settlers, duly provided with 6. Attempted the means of subsistence, trade, and defence, were sent in the south- out under the command of Cornelius Mey, who not only ern part of New Jersey. visited Manhattan, but, entering Delaware Bay, and NEW YORK AND VICINITY * Mlanhattanl, or New York island, lies on the east side of Hudson River, at the head of New -- ~, Yorlk harbor. It is about fourteen miles in l" length, and has an average wvidtl of one milo x i /; and three-fifths. It is separated from Long Is. A'o J#gt tland on the east, by a strait called the East [') xael....l'el " "' River, which connects the harbor and Long IsIlobokesso'l.. A' - land Sound; and from the mainlatnd on the east -.'-'z:'.r.o ~' t 2,' ~ by Harlem River, a strai. which connects the It.F.v,orw~:a~' r 1.ent on the southern part of the island, was 8 1;1 t/zlbo oikdr' Nessllnd Arri Amt erdam. I-Iere now stands the,....o. z city of ArNe York, the largest in America, and de -iord second only to London in the amount of its con..,[,o,,~?/ ~lal-.......or ere. The city is rapidly increasing in size,'- v. ~ ug:ahough its compact parts already have a cirMJ;< * L)-z e;; (.o% 0 a. ).: s cuomference of about nine miles. (See Map.) ~ |.~1s)e:,h!fii: -i banly, now the capital of the state of,cl - -s- -,:~ rolYok, is situated on the west bank of the Hud53t4;~d X,tz,///S//2}ffi|\442E, 03m River, 145 nilles N. from New York by t h,,,d~.-_ —:: river's course. It was first called by tne Dutch /" —' —— =' Beaverwyck, and afterwards Williamstadt. (. Map, next page.) $ The country fiom Caple Cod to the banks ofi the I)ela.ut.lec was claimed by the Dtza-_h F' RT II.]:NEW YORK. 22 ascending tile river,* took possession of the country, and, 6623. a few miles below Camden,t in the present New Jersey, --- built Fort Nassau.T Thle fort, ihowt evel', was soon after abandoned, and the wzlorthy Captain Mey carried away with him the affectionate rengrets of the natives, who long cherished his nemorly.'Pobably a few years befolre i. Settlesmer this, the Dutch settled at Bergen,~ and other places west >of* othoeh of the Hludson, in New Jersey. Jersey. S. 2In 1625 Peter Minutls arrived at Manhattan, as 1625. governor of' New Netherlands, and in the same year the o Events in settlement of Brooklyn,]j on Long Island,~ was commenced. "The Dutch colony at this time showed a dis- 3. Feelings position to cultivate fiiendly relations with the English by the Dutchi settlements in New Englandc, and mutual courtesies were Enlish cozoexchanged,-the Dutch cordially inviting_ the Plymouth eatch t0har.d settlers to relnove to the more fertile soil of the Connecti- a. Oct. cut, and the English advising the Dutchl to secure their claim to the banks of the Hudson by a treaty with England. 9. 4Although Holland claimed the country, on the 4. Opposing cl.ains to the ground of' its discovery by Hudson, yet it was likewise countr.y. claimed by England, on the -ground of the first discovery of the continent by Cabot. "The pilgrims expressed the 5. What the kindest wishes for the prosperity of the Dutch, but, at the PilestTed of same time, requested them not to send their skiffs into the Dutch. Narragansett Bay for beaver skins.'The Dutch at Man- 6. Conition hattan were at that time little more than a company of fthe Manhathunters and traders, employed in the traffic of the furs of tan. the otter and the beaver. 10.'7I 1629 the WVest India Company, in the hope of 1629. exciting individual enterprise to colonize the country, 7.Acteount of promised, by " a charter of liberties," the grant of an ex- of liberties." tensive tract of land to each individual who should, within four years, form a settlement of fifty persons. Those who * The Delaware River rises in the S. Eastern part of the state ALBANY AND VICINITY. f N7ew York, west of the Catskill mountains. It forms sixty miles Fpt]. wace.. P}lan x a-i:f the boundary line between Newv York and Pennsylvania, and luring the remainder of its course is the boundary between New etc / Jersey, on the one side, and Pennsylvania and Delaware on the as Dther. It is navigable for vessels of the largest class to Phila- -'S.,,,ie. delphia. i Camden, now a city, is situated on the east side of Delaware.As L, 44:e River, opposite Philadelphia. (See Map, p. 248.) I s -O, t This fort wvas on Big Timber Creek, in the present Glonces- M ter County, about five miles S. freon, camden. 5tcl 5 ~ The village of Bergen is on the summit of Bergen R.idge, three miles IV. from Jersey City,. nd four from New York. (See Map, p. 220.) II Brooklyn, now a city, is situated on elevated land at the west end of Long Island, opposite the lower part of the city of New York, from which it is separated by East River, three-fourths of a mile wide. (See Map, p. 220.) *I Long Island, forming a part of the state of New Yornc, lies south of Connecticut, from which it is separated by Long Island Sound. It is 120 miles in length, and has an average width of about twelve miles. It contains an area of about 1450 square miles, and is, therefore, Wrgerithan the entire state of Rhode Island. The north side of the island is rough and hilly — the south low and sandy. (See Map, p. 220.) 222 COLONIAL HISTORY. LBookx IL ANALYSIS. shc;ul I plant colonies were to purchase the land of the In dians, and it was likewise enjoined upon them that they should, at an early period, provide for the support of a minister and a schoolmnaster, that the service of God, and zeal for religion, might not be neglected. Z. Appropia- 11.'Under this charter, four directors of the company, distinguished by the title of patrons or patroons, appropri. ated to themselves some of the most valuable portions of a. Godyn. the territory. 20One' of the patroons having purchasedb s. June. from the natives the southern half of the present state of 2. Attempt to ornm a settle- Delaware, a colony under De Vriez was sent out, and earmnet in Delaware. ly in 1631 a small settlement was formed near the present D. Extentof Lewistown.*'The Dutch now occupied Delaware, and ctlaiDtCh the claims of New Netherlands extended over the whole a. Note, p. 134. country from Cape Henlopent to Cape Cod., 1632. 12. 4After more than a year's residence in America, 4. Date of the De Vriez returned to Holland, leaving his infant colony colony to the care of one Osset. The folly of the new commandant, in his treatment of the natives, soon provoked their d. Dec. jealousy, and on the returnd of De Vriez, at the end of the year, he found the fort deserted. Indian vengeance had prepared an ambush, and every white man had been 5. Escape of murdered.'De Vriez himself narrowly escaped the perDe Vriez. fidy of the natives, being saved by the kind interposition of an Indian woman, who warned him of the designs of 1633. her countrymen. 6After proceeding to Virginia for the 6. Places 6vted. purpose of obtaining provisions, De Vriez sailed to New e. April. Amsterdam, where he founde Wouter Van Twiller, the second governor, who had just been sent out to supersede the discontented Minuits. 7. Firstsettle- 13. 7A few months before the arrival of Van Twiller as ment of the Dutch, and ofgovernor, the Dutch had purchased of the natives the soil eConnleciti, around Hartford,f and had erected' and fortified a tradingfct. house on land within the limits of the present city. The f. N. p 208. g. Jan. English, however, claimed the country; and in the same year a number of the Plymouth colonists proceeded up the river, and in defiance of the threats of the Dutch h. Oct. See commencedh a settlement at Windsor. sAlthough for 8g Feteo8 many years the Dutch West India Company retained Dutch tra- possession of their feeble trading station, yet it was finally overwhelmed by the numerous settlements of the more 9. settle- enterprising New Englanders. 9The English likewise Longisland. formed settlements on the eastern end of Long Island, although they were for a season resisted by the Dutch, who claimed the whole island as a part of New Netherlands. * Lewistown is on Lewis Creek, in Sussex County, Delaware, five or six miles from Cap$ Henlopen. In front of the village is the Delaware Breakwater. 1 Cape Hentlopen is the southern cape of the entrance into Delaware Bay. PART 1I.1 NEW YORK. 223 14. W lile the English were thus encroaching upon 16l30 the Dutch Dn the east, the southern portion of the territory claimed by the latter was seized by a new competitor..tvusn, Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, the hero of his age, folZhnus and the renowned oh ampion of the Protestant religion in colonies il Europe, had early conceived the design of planting colonies in America. Under the auspices of the Swedish monarch a commercial company was formed for this purpose as early as 1626, but the German war, in which Gustavus was soon after engaged, delayed for a time the execution of the project. 2After the death- of Gustavus, 2. 2mnisitcr-o J which happened at the battle of Lutzen,* in 1633, his a. Nov. 28, wvorthy minister renewed the plan of an American settle- 1633. ment, the execution of which he intrusted to Peter Minuits, the first governor of New Netherlands. 15.'Early in the year 1638, about the same time that 1638. Sir William Kieft succeeded Van Twiller, in the govern- 3. setltlz2 sZ ment of New Netherlands, the Swedish colony under Minuits arrived, erected a fort, and formed a settlement on Christiana Creek,t near Wilmington,: within the present state of Delaware. 4Kieft, considering this an intrusion 4. Opposition made by th, upon his territories, sentb an unavailing remonstrance to adutch. the Swedes, and, as a check to their aggressions, rebuilt b. May. Fort Nassau on the eastern bank of the Delaware.'The 5. Progree-s of the Swedhis Swedes gradually extended their settlements, and, to pre- settlements. serve their ascendency over the Dutch, their governor establisheda his residence and built a fort on the island of c 1643. Tinicum,~ a few miles below Philadelphia.'The terri- 6. Extent and tory occupied by the Swedes, extending from Cape Hen- Sle,(lish lopen to the falls in the Delaware, opposite Trenton, l was territory. called NEW SWVEDEN. 16.'In 1640 the Long Island and New Jersey Indians 7. Indiavn hosbeogan to show symptoms of hostility towards the Dutch. ohich the PIrovoked by dishonest traders, and maddened by rum, engaged. they attacked the settlements on Staten Island,IT and threatL Lntzen is a town in Prussian Saxony, on one of the NORTHERN PART OF DELAWARE branches of the Elbe. Hiere the French, lunder Bonaparte, defeqated the combined forces of Prussia and Russia, in 1813., t Christiana Creek is in the northern part of the state of. l.,*. Delaware. and has its head branches in Pennsylvania and.'i \.. MIarylandc. It enters the Brandywine River at lVilmingon. a (See BMap.) -c t lilmwingsson, in the northern part of the state of Dela- ne ware, is situated between Brandywine and Christiana Creeks,, one mile above their junction, and twlo miles west from Dela-,, /d ware l;iver. (See Map.) I J r 7 Tiict.n11 iS a lonlg narrow island in Delaware River, be- 5c O'o /'9nging to Pennsylvaniia, twelve miles, by the river's course,/' k,. [ S.w. from Philadelphia. (See Map, p. 248.) II T-renton, now the capital of New Jersey, is situated on!lhe E. side of Delaware River, thirty miles N.E. from Philadelphia, and fifty-five S,W. from New York. (See Map, p. 363, and also p. 364.) [,Staten Island, belonging to the state of New York, is about six miles S. W. from Nle 224 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK If, &NALYSIS. ened New Amsterdam. A fruitless expeditions against a 1641 the Delawares of New Jersey was the consequence.'The 16431 war continued, with various success, until 1643, when 1. A truce the Dutch solicited peace; and by the mediation of the obtaineRo soon folloow wise and good Roger Williams, a brief truce was obby war. tained.b But confidence could not easily be restored, for b. April. revenge still rankled in the hearts of the Indians, and in c. Sept, a few months they again beganr the work of blood and desolation... Eoploits of 17.'The Dutch now engaged in their service Captain captain Undarhzll. John Underhill, an Englishman who had settled on Long Island, and who had previously distinguished himself in the Indian wars of New England. Having raised a considerable number of men under Kieft's authority, he ded. Probably featedd the Indians on Long Island, and also at Strickn 1645. land's Plain,* or Horseneck, on the mainland. T. The war 18. 3The war was finally terminated by the mediation termniated. *a* of ti:e Iroquois, who, claiming a sovereignty over the Algonquin tribes around Manhattan, proposed terms of e. 1645. peace, which were gladly acceptede by both parties. 4. Cretlty 4The fame of Kieft is tarnished by the exceeding cruelty andiet. f which he practiced towards the Indians. The colonists requesting his recall, and the West India Company dis1647. claiming his barbarous policy, in 1647 he embarked for Europe in a richly laden vessel, but the ship was wrecked on the coast of Wales, and the unhappy governor perished. 5. Stuvve- 19.'William Kieft was succcededf by Peter Stuyment ofthet vesant, the most noted of the governors of New NetherIndians. lands. By his judicious treatment of the Indians he conf June. ciliated their favor, and such a change did he produce in their feelings towards the Dutch, that he was accused of endeavoring to enlist them in a general war against the English. 8. His treaty 20. "After long continued boundary disputes with the with the, English. colonies of New England, Stuyvesant relinquished a por1650. tion of his claims, and concluded a provisional treaty,5 g. Sept. which allowed New Netherlands to extend on Long Island as far as Oyster Bay,t and on the mainland as far as 7. Erection Greenwich,t near the present boundary between New and loss of Fort cOaimir. York and Connecticut.'For the purpose of placing a York city. It is about thirty-five miles in circumference. It has Newark Bay on the nrorth Raritan Bay on the south, and a narrow channel, called Staten Island Sound, on the west (See Map, p. 220 and p. 363.) * Strickland's Plain is at the western extremity of the state of Connecticut, in the present town of Greenwich. The peninsula on which the plain is situated was called forseneck, because it was early used as a pasture for horses. t Oyster Bay is on the north side of Long Island, at the N.E. extremity of Queens County,'hirty miles N.E. from New York city. I Greenwich is the S. Western town of Connecticut. Byram River enters the Sonil on the boundary between Connecticut ax:d New York. PART II.1 NEW YORK, 225 barrier to the encroachments of the Swedes on the south, t651. in 1651 Stuyvesant built Fort Casimir on the site of the present town of Newcastle,* within five miles of the Swedish fort at Christiana. The Swedes, however, soon after obtained possessions of the fort by stratagem, and a..651. overpowered the garrison. 21.'The home government, indignant at the outrage 1. Conquest of the Swedes, ordered Stuyvesant to reduce them to sub- sf Nee. mission. With six hundred men the governor sailed for this purpose in 1655, and soon compelled the surrenderb 1655. of' all the Swedish fortresses. Honorable terms were b. Sept. and granted to the inhabitants. Those who quietly submitted to the authority of the Dutch retained the possession of their estates; the governor, Rising, was conveyed to Europe; a few of the colonists removed to Maryland and Virginia, and the country was placed under the government of deputies of New Netherlands. 22. 2Such was the end of the little Protestant colony of 2. Character New Sweden. It wvas a religious and intelligent commu- Swedish nity,-preserving peace with the natives, ever cherishing cololy. a fond attachment to the mother country, and loyalty towards its sovereign; and long after their conquest by the Dutch, and the subsequent transfer to England, the Swedes of the Delaware remained the objects of generous and disinterested regard at the court of Stockholm. 23.'While the forces of the Dutch were withdrawn 3. Indian from New Amsterdam, in the expedition against the tSwedes, the neighboring Indians appeared in force before the city, and ravaged the surrounding country. The return of the expedition restored confidence;-peace was concluded, and the captives were ransomed. 24. 4In 1663 the village of Esopus, now Kingston,t 1663. was suddenly attacked' by the Indians, and sixty-five of 4. Other ag-,he inhabitants were either killed or carried away captive. result of the A force from New Amsterdam being sent to their assist- c. June. ance, the Indians were pursued to their villages; their fields were laid waste; many of their warriors were killed, and a number of the captives were released. These vigorous measures were followed by a truce in Decenmber, and a treaty of peace in the May following.d d. l164. 25.'Although the Dutch retained possession of the, 5. ofNere cou ltry as far south as Cape Henlopen, yet their claims Nete pp were resisted, both by Lord Baltimore, the proprietor of Dtchaims.the N* Newcastle is on the west side of Delaware River, in the state of Delaware, thirty-two miles &.w. from Philadelphia. The northern boundary of the state is part of the circumference of a circle drawn twelve miles distant from Newcastle. (See Map, p. 223.) t Kingston, formerly called Esopus, is on the IW. side of Hudson Rivers in Ulster County about ninety miles N. from New Yorl city. 29 226 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BoorK! ANALYSIS. Marylalld, and by the governor of Virgi aia. The southern boundary of New Netherlands was never definitely set. tled. At the north, the subject of boundary was still more troublesome; Massachusetts claimed an indefinite extent of territory westward, Connecticut had increased her pretensions on Long Island, and her settlements were steadily advancing towards the Hudson. 1.-Discon- 26.'Added to these difficulties from without, discontents it8aDutch. had arisen among the Dutch themselves. The NeAv England notions of popular rights began to prevail; —he people, hitherto accustomed to implicit deference to the will of their rulers, began to demand greater privileges 2. Their de. as citizens, and a share in the government. 2Stuyvesant mands remisted. resisted the demands of the people, and was sustained by 3. To what' the home government. 3The prevalence of liberal prinAectionsof the ciples, and the unjust exactions of an arbitrary governPeope haadb ment, had alienated the affections of the people, and when ated. rumors of an English invasion reached them, they were already prepared to submit to English authority, in the hope of obtaining English rights. 1664. 27. 4Early in 1664, during a period of peace between 4. Grant to England and Holland, the king of England, indifferent to the Dlke of the claims of the Dutch, granteda to his brother James, the a. March 22. Duke of York, the whole territory from the Connecticut River to the shores of the Delaware.'The duke soon 5. Espedition fitted out a squadron under Colonel Nichols, with orders and thehsur- to take possession of the Dutch province. The arrival of rendherofnezo the fleet found New Amsterdam in a defenceless state. Netherlands. The governor, Stuyvesant, faithful to his employers, assembled his council and proposed a defence of the place; but it was in vain that he endeavored to infuse his own spirit into his people, and it was not until after the capitub. Sept. 6. lation had been agreedb to by the magistrates, that he rec. Sept. 8. luctantly signed' it. 6. Places in- 28. *The fall of the capital, which now received the chided in the surrender. name of New York, was followed by the surrenderd of the d. Oc. 4 settlement at Fort Orange, which received the name of Albany, and by the general submission of the province, e. Oct. 11. with its subordinate settlements on the Delaware.e 7The 7. Gove'rn- government of England was acknowledged over the whole. nent of Engladni acknio- early in October, 1664. 8. Injustice Of 29.'Thus, while England and Holland were at peace, tnio conquest. by an act of the most flagrant injustice, the Dutch dominion in America was overthrown after an existence of I Grant made little more than half a century.'Previous [o the surrentoBerke- der, the Duke of Yorlk had conveyedf to Lord Berkeley teret. and Sir George Carteret all that portion of New Netherv3.4. lands which now forms the state of New Jersey, over PART iI.] NEW YORK. 22" which a separate government was established under its 1664L proprietors.'The settlements on the Delaware, subse-.The quently called " The Territories," were connected with Territories." the province of New York until their purchasee by Wil- a. see p. 247. liam Penn in 1682, when they were joined to the government of Pennsylvania. SECTION 11. SE'W Y'ORK, F ROM THE CONQUIEST OF NEWi' NETHIERLANDS IN Subjectof!16G, UNTIL THE COM0M3ENCE1MENT OF THE FRENCH AND IN- Ss~ton I DIAN WAR IN 1754. (DELAWAREt* INCLUDED UNTIL 1682.) 1.'On the surrender of' New Netherlands, the new 2. Charnges 2hat took name of its capital was extended to the whole territory place after embraced under the government of the Duke of York. of Newnbthse Long Island, which had been previously grantedb to the an b. 1623. Earl of Sterling, was now, in total disregard of the claims of Connecticut, purchased by the duke, and has since remained a part of New York. " The Territories," comprising the present Delaware, remained under the jurisdiction of New York, and were ruled by deputies appointed by the governors of the latter. 2.'Colonel Nichols, the first English governor of the a. MAdintis. province, exercised both executive and legislative powers, Goveranor but no rights of representation were conceded to the Nichols. people. The Dutch titles to land were held to be invalid, and the fees exacted fbr their renewal were a source of much profit to the new governor. The people were disappointed in not obtaining a representative government, yet it must be admitted that the governor, considering his arbitrary powers, ruled with much moderation. 3. 4Under Lovelace, the successor of Nichols, the ar- 1667. bitrary system of the new. government was more fully de- 1670 veloped. The people protested against being taxed for 4. Ain70t the support of a government in which they had no voice, tratio, of and when their proceedings were transmitted to the governor, they were declared " scandalous, illegal, and seditious," and were ordered to be burned by the common hangman. Lovelace declared that, to keep the people in order, such taxes must be laid upon them as should give Rofn theountry by the Dutch, them time to think of nothing but how to discharge them.a and iht resto4. 5A war having broken out between England and Eangland. * DELAWARE, one of the Middle States, and, next to Rhode Island, the smallest state in the Union, contains an area of but little more than 2000 square miles. The southern part of tShe state is level and sandy; tihe northern mlDderately hilly and rough; while the western bor ler contains an elevated table land, dividing the waters which fall into the Chesapeake from those which flow into Delaware Bay. 228 COLONIAL HISTORY [Book II ANALYSIS. Holland in 1672, in the following year the latter des. 1673. patched a small squadron to destroy the commerce of the English colonies. Arriving at New York during the aba. Aug. 9. sence of the governor, the city was surrendereda by the traitorous and cowardly Manning, without any attempt at defence. New Jersey made no resistance, and the settle. ments on the Delaware followed the example. The name New Netherlands was again revived, but it was of short 1674. continuance. In February of the following year peace b. Feb. o9, was concludedb between the contending powers, and early in November New Netherlands was again surrendered to the English...Newat pent 5.'Doubts being raised as to the validity of the Duke obteaDued be of York's title, because it had been granted while the York. Dutch were in full and peaceful possession of the country, and because the country had since been reconquered by a,. July 9. them, the duke thought it prudent to obtain~ from his broth a. Andros er, the king, a new patent confirming the former grant. governteord 2The office of governor was conferredd on Edmund Andros, d. July 11. who afterwards became distinguished as the tyrant of New England. 3. character 6. 3His government was arbitrary; no representation of the goof was allowed the people, and taxes were levied without Andros. their consent. 4As the Duke of York claimed the country 1675. as far east as the Connecticut River, in the following sum4. His attept to en- mer Andros proceeded to Saybrook, and attemptede to endut"e's clahe force the claim; but the spirited resistance of the people to cotecti- compelled him to return without accomplishing his object. e. July. See 7. 5Andros likewise attemptedf to extend his jurisdic5. To New tion over New Jersey, claiming it as a dependency of Jrse:y. New York, although it had previously been regrantedg by 1678-1680. c' 1682. the Duke to Berkeley and Carteret. eIn 1682 the " Terg. See p. 226. ritories,' now forming the state of Delaware, were grantedh and prt 26. by the Duke of York to William Penn, from which time history of until the Revolution they were united with Pennsylvania, Delaware. a. See p. 247. or remained under the jurisdiction of her got ernors.. Successor 8. 7Andros having returned to England, Colonel Gf4Anrto. Thomas Dongan, a Catholic, was appointed governor, and 1683. arrived in the province in 1683. 8Through the advice of.f Lc'harter William Penn the duke had instructed Dongan to call an of Liberties" established. assembly of representatives. The assembly, with the api. Nov. 9. proval of the governor, establishedi a " CHARTER OF LIBERTIES," which conceded to the people many important rights which they had not previously enjoyed. S ProvsMions 9. 9The charter declared that'supreme legislative Charter. power should forever reside in the governor, council, and people, met in general assembly;-that every freeholder and freeman might vote for representatives without re. PART II.] NEW YORK. 229 straint,-that no freeman should suffer, but by judg- 1633. ment of his peers, and that all trials should be by a jury - of twelve men,-that no tax should be assessed, on any pretence whatever, but by the consent of the assembly,that no seaman or soldier should be quartered on the inhabitants against their will,-that no martial law should exist;, —and that no person professing faith in God, by Jesus Christ, should at any time, be in any way disquieted or questioned for any difference of opinion in matters of religion.''In 1684 the governors of New York and nadeein 68y Virginia met the deputies of the Five Nations at Albany, and renewed' with them a treaty of peace. a. Aug. Lt 10.'On the accessionb of the Duke of York to the 1685. throne of England, with the title of James IT., the hopes 2 b,. which the people entertained, of a permanent representa-,2urchfo tive government, were in a measure defeated. A direct loedl th:ea c tax was decreed, printing presses, the dread of tyrants, James II. were forbidden in the province; and many arbitrary exactions were imposed on the people. 11.'It was the evident intention of the king to intro- 3. Introuofduce the Catholic religion into the province, and most of Catholic rethe officers appointed by him were of that faith. 4Among 4.InstructionS other modes of introducing popery, James instructed Gov- Dong~a; Ais ernor Dongan to favor the introduction of Catholic priests, t.istaenc to. by the French, among the Iroquois; but Dpngan, although a Catholic, clearly seeing the ambitious designs of the French for extending their influence over the Indian tribes, resisted the measure.'The Iroquois remained at- 5t teoIsod tached to the English, and long carried on a violent war- the French. fare against the French. During the administration of Dongan the French made two invasionso of the territory c. In684 anc of the Iroquois, neither of which was successful. See p. 512. 12.'Dongan was succeeded by Francis Nicholson, the 1688. lieutenant-general of Andros. Andros had been pre-' Thaz2tn. viouslyI appointed governor of New England, and his drOSo,,iNetw authority was now extended over the province of New a. Seep. 197. York. 7The discontents of the people had been gradually 7. News f increasing since the conquest from the Dutch, and when, of Willzam, in 1689, news arrived of the accession of William and andlary Mary to the throne of England, the people joyfully received the intelligence, and rose in open rebellion to the existing government. 13. 80ne Jacob Leisler, a captain of the militia, aided 8. Proceedby several hundred men in arms, with the general appro- and of AticS bation of the citizens took possessione of the fort at New e~z~;Je. York, in the name of William and Mary; while Nicholson, after having vainly endeavored to counteract the movements of the people, secretly went on board a ship 230 COLONIAL ITISTOPY.'Boox 11 ANALYSIS. and sailed for Engrland.'The magistrates of the city l. hleg s- T however, being opposed to the assumption of Leisler, re. tratel of the paired to Albany, where the authority of Leisler was de-;itt! nied, although, in both places, the government was administered in the name of William and Mary. 2 iflborte's 14. 2Milborne, the son-in-law of Leisler, was sent to Albany to demand the surrender of the fort; but, meeting with opposition, he returned without accomplishing 3.aIrntruc- his object.'In December, letters arrived from the king, lions received from Eng- empowering Nicholson, or whoever administered the govregarled byz ernment in his absence, to take the chief command of Lisler, the province. Leisler regarded the letter as addressed to himself, and assumed the title and authority of lieutenantgovernor. 1690. 15. 4King William's war having at this period broken 4. Dest.ruc- out, in February,a 1690, a party of about three hundred tion of Schenecta/dy. French and Indians fell upon Schenectady, a village on a. Feb. 18. the Mohawk, killed sixty persons, took thirty prisoners, 5. Subnission and burned the place. *Soon after this event, the northto Leiler. ern portion of the province, terrified by the recent calamity, and troubled by domestic factions, yielded to the authority of Leisier. 6 Ente-rprise 16. 6The northern colonies, roused by the atrocities of against Montreal the French and their savage allies at the commencement and Quebec. of King William's war, resolved to attack the enemy i4. b. May. See turn. After the successful expeditionb of Sir William page 198. Phipps against Port Royal; New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, united for the reduction of Montreal and Quebec. The naval armament sent against Quebec was w See p. 198. wholly unsuccessful.e The land expedition, planned by Leisler, and placed under the command of General Winthrop of Connecticut, proceeded as far as Wood Creek,* near the head of Lake Champlain,-' when sickness, the want of provisions, and dissensions among the officers, compelled a return. 1691. 17.'Early in 1691 Richard Ingoldsby arrived at New 7. Leisler dold York, and announced the appointment of Colonel Sloughter, as governor of the province. He bore a commission as captain, and without producing any order from the d. Feb. s. king, or from Sloughter, haughtily demandedd of Leisler * Wood Creek, in Washington County, New York, flows north, and falls into the south endci of Lake Champlain, at the village of Whitehall. The narrow body of water, however, between Whitehall and Ticonderoga, is often called South River. Through a considerable portion of:xs course Wood Creek is now used as a part of the Champlain Canal. There is another Wool} Creek in Oneida County, New York. (See Map, p. 273 and Map, p. 376.) t Lake Clhamplain lies between the states of New York and Vermont, and extends four ox five miles into Canada. It is about 120 miles in length, and varies from half a mile to fifteen miles in width, its southern portion being the narrowest. Its outlet is the Sorel or Riehelieu, through which it discharges its waters into the St. Lawrence. This lake was discovered in'609 by Samuel Champlain, the founder of Quebec. (See Canadian Histoxy, p. 505.) PART II.] NEW YORK. 231 the surrender of the fort. With this demand Leisler re- 1691. fused to comply. He protested against the lawless pro- ceedings of Ingoldsby, but declared his readiness to yield the government to Sioughter on his arrival. 18.'At length, in March, Sloughter himself arrived, a. March 29. and Leisler immediately sent messengers to receive his.loivaghter, orders. The messengers were detained, and Ingoldsby that foooevent was twice sent to the fort with a verbal commission to demand its surrender. 2Leisler at first hesitated to yield to 2. Hesitatiomz qf Leisler, his inveterate enemy, preferring to deliver the fort into anthe rethe hands of Sloughter himself; but, as his messengers sitt and his letters to Sloughter were unheeded, the next day he personally surrendered the fort, and with Milborne and others, was immediately thrown into prison. 19. 3Leisler and Milborne were soon after tried on the 3. Trial and charge of being rebels and traitors, and were condemned Lecsleti on to death, but Sloughter hesitated to put the sentence in ex- mlbolune. ecution. At length the enemies of the condemned, when no other measures could prevail with the governor, invited him to a feast, and, when his reason was drowned in wine, persuaded him to sign the death warrant. Before he recovered from his intoxication the prisoners were executed.b 4Their estates were confiscated, but were after- b. May. 26. wards, on application to the king, restored to their heirs. 4estahte 20.'In June, Sloughter met a council of the Iroquois, 5. Other or Five Nations, at Albany, and renewed the treaties Sltoeuthter's Which had formerly been in force. Soon after, having adn"istrareturned to New York, he ended, by a sudden death,c a c. Aug. 2. short, weak, and turbulent administration. ~In the mean 6. War cartime the English, with their Indian allies, the Iroquois, t"ewdn tirmes carried on the war against the French, and, under Major 1692. Schuyler, made a successful attack on the French settlemnents beyond Lake Champlain. 21. 7Benjamin Fletcher, the next governor of the prov- 7. Character of Governor nce, was a man of strong passions, and of moderate abili- Fletcher. ties; but he had the prudence to follow the counsels of Schuyler, in his intercourse with the Indians. sThe Iro- 8..Neso York 8creernedfrwin quois remained the active allies of the English, and their the attacks of situation in a great measure screened the province of New the Fre63ch York from the attacks of the French. 22. 9Fletcher having been authorized by the crown to 9. Fletcher's take the command of the militia of Connecticut, he pro- Connecticut. eeeded to Hartford to execute his commission; but the d. Nov. 6. people resisted,d and he was forced to return without ac- See p. 2L4. or. His at2omplishing his object. ~-Ie labored with great zeal, in tempts to ea. endeavoring to establish the English Church; but the ltalisghthe people demanded toleration, and the assembly resolutely Church. opposed the pretensions of the governor. "In 1696 the 1". Evets i 232.' COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boos: IL ANALYSIS. French, under Frontenac, with a large force, made an uly, Au. unsuccessful invasion~ of the territory of the Iroquois.1. Closeof'In the following year King William's war was termib. Sept. 20. nated by the peace of Ryswick.b..Belamnont; 23. 2In 1698, the Earl of Bellamont, an Irish peer, a w.oris ditc- man of energy and integrity, succeededc Fletcher in the co Aprfli,. administration of the government of New York, and, in the following year, New Hampshire and Massachusetts 3. Of piracy. were added to his jurisdiction.'Piracy had at this time increased to an alarming extent, infesting every sea from America to China; and Bellamont had been particularly instructed to put an end to this evil on the American coast. Bella- 24. 4For this purpose, before his departure for Amerim.ont's effortu to suppess it. ca, in connection with several persons of distinction he had equipped a vessel, the command of which was given to 5. William William Kidd.'Kidd, himself, however, soon after turnKidda. ed pirate, and became the terror of the seas; but, at d. Jly, 1699. length, appearing publicly at Boston, he was arrested,d e. May 23, and sent to England, where he was tried and executed.' 6, ChLge GBellamont and his partners were charged with abetting againstBel- Kidd in his Piracies, and sharing the plunder, but after lasont. an examination in the House of Commons, nothing could be found to criminate theim. 1701. 25. 70n the death' of Beliamont, the vicious, haughty, 7. Next gov- and intolerant Lord Cornbury was appointed governor of a'n.Jer, sey extent of izs New York, and New Jersey was soon afterwards added f. March 16. to his jurisdiction,-the proprietors of the latter province 1702. having surrendered their rights to the crown in 1702. — 9. See p. 239.'On the arrivalh of Cornbury, the province was divided the Slaten of between two violent factions, the friends and the enemies on hSal'ari- of the late unfortunate Leisler; and the new governor, by h. May. espousing the cause of the latter, and by persecuting with unrelenting hate all denominations except that of the Church of England, soon rendered himself odious to the great mass Of the people. I. iTs recall 26. 9He likewise embezzled the public money,-conrequested. tracted debts which he was unable to pay,-repeatedly dissolved the assembly for opposition to his wishes,-and, by his petty tyranny, and dissolute habits, soon weakened his influence with all parties, who repeatedly requested his 1o.Even.tlthat recall.'OBeing deprivedi of his office, his creditors threw folloioed his removalfrown him into the same prison where he had unjustly confined,oe. many worthier men, and where he remained a prisoner, for debt, until the death of his father, by elevating him to the peerage, entitled him to his liberation. I. suzbse- 27. "As the history of the successive administrations of istration. the governors of New York, from this period until the time of the French and Indian war, would possess little PART II.] NEW YORK. 233 interest for the general reader, a few of the more import- 1~ON. ant events only will be mentioned. 28.'Queen Anne's war having broken out in 1702, the o. Pre p ra - northern colonies, in 1709, made extensive preparations vading Canfor an attack on Canada. While the New England colo-.ise abae, nies were preparing a naval armament to co-operate with one one expected from England, INew York and New Jersey raised a force of eighteen hundred men to march against Montreal by way of Lake Champlain. This force proneeded as far as Wood Creek,- when, learning that the a Noto p. s. armament promised from England had been sent to Por-,ugal, the expedition was abandoned. 29. 2Soon after, the project was renewed, and a large 1711. feet under the command of Sir Hovendc-n Walker being 2. T'hesecond attempt. sent from England to co-operate with the colonial forces, an expedition of four thousand men from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, commenced its march towards Canada. The fleet being shatteredb by a storm, and re- b. Sept. 2, 3. turning to England, the land expedition, after proceeding See p. 120 as far as Lake George,* was likewise compelled to return. 30.'The debt incurred by New York in these expe- 3.'Thaedebt ditions, remained a heavy burden upon her resources for by it,?e many years. 4In 1713 the Tuscaroras, having been de- 1713. feated in a war with the Carolinians, migrated to the 4. Migratios north, and joined the confederacy of the Five Nations, caroas. -afterwards known as the " Six Nations." 31.'The treaty of Utrecht in 1713c put an end to 5. Treaty of Queen Anne's war, and, if we except the brief interval Utecht. d. April 1. of King George's war,d relieved the English colonies, d. 1744-1748. during a period of forty years, from the depredations of the French and their Indian allies. 6In 1722 the govern- 1722. ors of New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, met the,6. Meetng deputies of the Iroquois at Albany, for the purpose of con- ny in 1722. firming treaties, and transacting other business.'During 7. Anestabthe same year Governor Burnett established a trading- madeat house at Oswego,' on the southeastern shore of Lake On- Ossvego. tario; and in 1727 a fort was completed at the same place. *The primary object of this frontier establishment 8. For what was to secure the favor of the Indians, by a direct trade object. with them, which had before been engrossed by the French. * Lake George. called by the French Lac Sacramnent, on account of the purity of its waters and now frequently called the lIoricon, lies mostly between Washington and Warren Counties, near the southern extremity of Lake Champlain, with which its outlet conmmunicates. It is a beautiful sheet of water, 230 feet above the Iludson, and surrounded by high hills; it in thirty-three miles in length, and from two to three in width, and is interspersed with numneraus islands. Lake George was long conspicuous in the early wars of the country, and severa memorable battles were fought on its borders. (See Map, p. 273.) f (See page 275.) 39 234 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BOOK 1L ANALYSIS. 32.'The French, at this time, had evidently formed the scheme of confining the English to the territory east fo, ed by the of the Alleghanies, by erecting a line of fobrts and trading Frenc. houses on the western waters, and by securing the influz. The means ence of the western tribes.'With this view, in 1726 employed. they renewed the fortress at Niagara,* which gave them control over the commerce of the remote interior. Five 1731. years later they established a garrison on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain, but soon after removed it to Crown Point,t on the western shore. The latter defended the usual route to Canada, and gave security to Mon8. Possessions treal.'With the exception of the English fortress at and claims of lse French at Oswego, the French had possession of the entire country this time. watered by the St. Lawrence and its tributaries, while their claims to Louisiana, on the west, embraced the whole valley of the Mississippi. 4. Condition 33. 4During the administration of Governor Cosby, of the rtrovn ince s2enderr who came out in 1732, the province was divided between nGo. Cosbi. two violent parties, the liberal or democratic, and the arisS. Prosecution tocratic party.'A journal of the popular party having folr libel. attacked the measures of the governor and council with a. J. P. en- some virulence, the editors was thrown into prison,b and ger. b. Nov. 1734. prosecuted for a libel against the government. Great ex1735. citement prevailed; the editor was zealously defended by able counsel; and an independent jury gave a verdict of c. July. acquittal.. Hole the 34.'The people applauded their conduct, and, to Anrnagistrates drew Hamilton of Philadelphia, one of the defenders of'egarded the conduct of the accused, the magistrates of the city of New York preti2e jry. sented an elegant gold box, for his learned and generous defence of the rights of mankind and the liberty of the 7. Hoo this press. 7This important trial shows the prevailing liberal trial may be regarded. sentiments of tVe people at that period, and may be regarded as one of the early germs of American freedom. 1741. 35. "In 1741 a supposed negro plot occasioned great 8. The negro excitement in the city of New York. There were then many slaves in the province, against whom suspicion was first directed by the robbery of a dwelling house, and by the frequent occurrence oP fires evidently caused by design. The magistrates of the city having offered rewards, * This place was in the state of New York, on a point of land at the mouth of Niagara River. As early as 1679 a French officer, M. de Salle, inclosed a small spot here with palisades. The fortifications once inclosed a space of eight acres, and it was long the greatest place south of Montreal and west of Albany. The American fort Niagara now occupies the site of the old French fort. (See Map, p. 451.) t Crown Point is a town in Essex County, New York, on the western shore of Lake Chaimn plain. The fort, called by the French Fort Frederic, and afterwards repaired and called Crowsn Point, was situated on a point of land projecting into the lake at the N.E. extremity of the town, ninety-five miles, in a direct line, N.E. from Albany. Its site is now marked by a heap of ruins. ART Il1 NEW YORK. 235 pardon, and freedom, to any slave that it ould testily- 1741. against incendiaries and conspirators, some abandoned. females were induced to declare that the negroes had combined to burn the city and make one of their number governor. 36.'There was soon no want of witnesses; the num- 1. Reult Qf ber of the accused increased rapidly; and even white hentx.t men were designated as concerned in the plot. Before the excitement was over more than thirty persons were executed;-several of these were burned at the stake; and many were transported to foreign parts. 37. 2When all apprehensions of danger had subsided, 2. HroW the and men began to reflect upon the madness of the project arega;ded itself, and the base character of most of the witnesses, the hensions reality of the plot began to be doubted; and the people ofded.rld looked back with horror upon the numerous and cruel punishments that had been inflicted. 38. SBoston and Salem have had their delusions of 3~ Wl2ad we should witchcraft, and New York its Negro Plot, in each of learn fom which many innocent persons suffered death. These ces of ubiec mournful results show the necessity of exceeding cau- excitemen. tion and calm investigation in times of great public excitement, lest terror or deluded enthusiasm get the predominance of reason, and "make madmen of us all." 39. 4The subsequent history of New York, previous to 4. The s8ubse quent history the commencement of the French and Indian war, con-.f tNew York. tains few events of importance. In 1745, during King 1745. George's war, the savages in alliance with France made some incursions into the territory north of Albany, and a few villages were deserted- on their approach. The a. Nov. province made some preparations to join the eastern colonies in an expedition against Canada, but in 1748 a treaty 1749. of peace was concludedb between the contending powers, b. Oct. 18. and New York again enjoyed a short interval of repose, soon to be disturbed by a conflict more sanguinary than any which had preceded. A connected history of that:ontest, in which all the colonies acted in concert, is given in the " French and Indian War."' r. See p. 267. 236.Booi Il ANALYSIS. CHAPTER VIT. Subject of Chrpte VI. N E W J E R S E YA.P 1. In what 1.'The territory embraced in the present state of wvasat.2t New Jersey was included in tile Dutch province of New inclded Netherlands; and the few events connected with its history, previous to the conquest by the English in 1664, 2. Earlyset- belong to that province. 2In 1623 Fort Nassau was built te,,nenlts. on the eastelrl bank of' the Delaware, but was soon after deserted. Probably a few years before this the Dutch began to form settlements at Bergen, and other places west of the HIudson, in the vicinity of New York; but the first colonizing of the province dates, more properly, 1664. from the settlement of Elizabethtownt in 1664. 3 Portion of 2. 3Soon after the grant of New Netherlands to the hcoyvey Duke of York, and previous to the surrender, the duke loy by tfhe conveyeda that portion of the territory which is bounded York. on the east, south, and west, respectively, by the Hudson, a. July 3, 4. the sea, and the Delaware, and north by the 41st decgree and 40th minute of latitude, to Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, who were already proprietors of Carolina. 4. Namen 4This tract was called New Jersey, in compriment to Carrct.Ia teret, who had been governor of the island of Jersey,4 o Note,p. 173. and had defended it for the king during the civil war.b 1665. 3.'To invite settlers to the country, the proprietors 5 Thecost: - soon publishedc a liberal constitution for the colony, by the propri- promising freedom from taxation, except by the act of,etor. the colonial assembly, and securing equal privileges, and e. Feb. 20. -D Z 6 The frst liberty of conscience to all. 6In 1665 Philip Carteret, the governor, and ohecrp ta of first governor, arrived,d and established himself at Elizathe province. bethtown, recently settled by emigrants from Long Island, d. Aug. ate and which became the first capital of the infant colony. 7.'The early 4. 7New York and New England furnished most of settlers. the early settlers, who were attracted by the salubrity of 8. Canses of the climate, and the liberal institutions which the inhabthesecurity itants were to enjoy.'Fearing little finom the neighboring wohich they, enjoyed. Indians, whose strength had been broken by lonog hostili. * NEW JERSEY, one of the Middle States, bordering on the Atlantic, and lying south of New York, and east of PennsCylvania and Delaware, contains an area of about 8000 square miles. The northert, part of the state is mountainous, the middle is diversified by hills and valleys; and is well adapted to grazing and to most kinds of grain, while the southlern part is level and sandy, and, to a great extent, barren the natural growth of the soil being chiefly shurnb oaks and yellow pines. t Elizabethtoewn is situated on Elizabethtown Creek, two and a half miles from its entrance into Staten Island Sound, and twelve miles S.W. from Neov York city. It was named from lady Elizabeth Carteret, wife of Sir George Carteret. (See Map, p. 220, and p. 363.2 0 The island of Jersey is a strongly fortified island in the English Channel, seventeen mileg from the French coast. It is twelve miles long, and has an average width of about five mailes PART II.1 NEW JERSEY. 237 ties with the Dutch, and guarded by the Five Nations and 1665. New York against the approaches of the French and their savage allies, the colonists of New Jersey, enjoying a happy security, es aped the dangers and privations which had afflicted the inhabitants of most of the other provinces. 5. 1After a few years of quiet, domestic disputes began 1. Repose of to disturb the repose of the colony. The proprietors, by the colony their constitution, had required the payment, after 1670, 1670. of a penny or half penny an acre for the use of land; but when the day of payment arrived, the demand of the tribute met with general opposition'. Those who had purchased land of the Indians refused to acknowledge the claims of the proprietors, asserting that a deed from the former was paramount to any other title. 2A weak and 2. Troubles dissolute son of Sir George Carteret was induced to assume ta. follwe. the government, and after two years of disputes and confusion, the established authority was set at defiance by open insurrection, and the governor was compelled to returnb to England. b. 1672. 6. a1n the following year, during a war with Holland, 1673. the Dutch regainede all their former possessions, including 3. Etvenrtsthat New Jersey, but restored them to the English in 1674. the following 4After this event, the Duke of York obtainedd a second c. Seep 228. charter, confirming the former grant; and, in disregard p4r Feedgs of the rights of Berkeley and Carteret, appointede Andros of the Duke,, of York. governor over the whole re-united province. On the ap- a.July9. plication of Carteret, however, the duke consented to re- e. July 17. store New Jersey; but he afterwards endeavoredf to avoid f Oct. the full performanice of his engagement, by pretending that he had reserved certain rights of sovereignty over the country, which Andros seized every opportunity of asserting-. 7. 1In 1674 Lord Berkeley soldg his share of New 1674. Jersey to John Fenwick, in trust for Edward Byllinge 5. Berceley and his assignees. GIn the following year Philip Carteret territory. returned to New Jersey, and resumed the government; g March 2. but the arbitrary proceedings of Andros long continued to 1675. disquiet the colony. Carteret, attempting to establish a t.oete Gardirect trade between England and New Jersey, was leretdalA'nwarmly opposed by Andros, who claimed, for the duke his master, the right of rendering New Jersey tributary Co New York, and even went so far as to arrest Governor Carteret and convey him prisoner to New York. 8. 7Byllinge, having become embarrassed in his for- 7 *Ass,-rn?,2n bV Byllinge, tunes, made an assignment of his share in the province to dc. William Penn and two others, all Quakers, whose first care was to effect a division of the territory between themselves and Sir George Carteret, that they might es 238 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK 1I, ANALYSIS. tablish a separate government in accordance with their: Division peculiar religious principles.'The division* was accom. of thcs pro- plished'. without difficulty; Carteret receiving the eastern a. July 11. portion of the province, which was called EAST JERSEY; and the assignees of Byllinge the western portion, which 1677. they named WEST JERSEY. 2The western proprietors then 2. Thle vest- gaveb the settlers a free constitution, under the title of ern proprietors. "Concessions," similar to that given by Berkeley and b. March 13. Carteret, granting all the important privileges of civil and religious liberty. 3. Settlers in- 9.'The authors of the " Constitution" accompanied its vited to the colony; oith publication with a special recommendation of the province that result. to the members of their own religious fraternity, and in 1677 upwards of four hundred Quakers came over and 4. Subiject of settled in West New Jersey. 4The settlers being unextacation and soverei, srty. pectedly called upon by Andros to acknowledge the sovereignty of the Duke of York, and submit to taxation, they remonstrated earnestly with the duke, and the question was finally referred to the eminent jurist, Sir William Jones, for his decision. 1680. 10.'The result was a decision against the pretensions 5. Declosiof of the duke, who immediately relinquished all claims to Jones, and the territory and the government. Soon after, he made aduke. a similar release in favor of the representatives of Carteret, in East Jersey, and the whole province thus became independent of foreign jurisdiction. 1681. 11.'In 1681 the governor of West Jersey convoked the 6. roceed- first representative assembly, which enactedo several imtanssem2bly portant laws for protecting property, punishing crimes, esin West Jersey. tablishing the rights of the people, and defining the powers 7. Derc. a. of rulers. 7The most remarkable feature in the new laws N'efeaturein was a provision, that in all criminal cases except treason, the new laws. murder, and theft, the person aggrieved should have power to pardon the offender. S. Sale ofEast 12. sAfter the deathd of Sir George Carteret, the trusJersey, and Barclay's td- tees of his estates offered his portion of the province for nininstration. - d. Dec. 1679. sale; and in 1682 William Penn and eleven others, meme. Feb. 11, 12. bers of the Society of Friends, purchasede East Jersey, over which Robert Barclay, a Scotch gentleman, the auf. July 27, thor of the " Apology for Quakers," was appointedf govledisedin ernor for life. During his brief administrationg the col69ss. ony received a large accession of emigrants, chiefly frorm Barclay's native county of Aberdeen, in Scotland. * According to the terms of the deed, the dividing line was to run from the most southerly point of the east side of Little Egg Harbor, to the N. Western extremity of N(w Jersey; which was declared to be a point on the Delaware River in latitude 41~ 40/, which is 185 23/t farther north than the present N. Western extremity of the state. Several partial attempts were made, at different times, to run the line, and much controversy arose fromu the disputes which thems attempts occasioned. ?Li~' 1I.J NEW JERSEY. 539 13.'On the accession of the Duke of York to the'hrone, G6,5. with the title of James II., —disregarding his previous en- A - gagements, and having formed the design OI annulling all lmeasu-es of the charters of the American colonies, he caused writs to Yeork when MI be issued against both the Jerseys, and in 1688 the whole became king. province was placed under the jurisdiction of Andros, 1688. who had already' become the king's governor of New a. Seep. 197 York and New England. and p. 228. 14.'The revolution in England terminated the author- 1688-9. ity of Andros, and from June, 1689, to August, 1692, no 2. Events thia regular government existed in New Jersey, and during reotaution in the following ten years the whole province remained in an unsettled condition.'For a time New York attempted 3. ERvilstha arose fl'om to exert her authority over New Jersey, and at length the the divspu::s disagreements between the various proprietors and their priotor's. respective adherents occasioned so much confusion, that the people found it difficult to ascertain in whom the government was legally vested. 4At length the proprietors, 4. Dis7pos., o finding that their conflicting claims tended only to disturb the.ropri, the peace of their territories, and lessen their profits as etoar owners of the soil, made a surrenderb of their powers of government to the crown; and in 1702 New Jersey be- 1702. came a royal province, and was united- to New York, b. April 25. under the government of Lord Cornbury. c. See p. 23 15.'From this period until 1738 the province remained 5. Governunder the governors of New York, but with a distinct m Jertsey. legislative assembly. OThe administrations of Lord Corn- 6. Lord Cornl bury, consisting of little more than a history of his conten- niUzst'atidon tions with the assemblies of the province, fully developed d. 1702-1708, the partiality, frauds and tyranny of the governor, and served to awaken in the people a vigorous and vigilant siprit of liberty. 7The commission and instructions of 7. constituCornbury formed the constitution of New Jersey until the Jersey. period when it ceased to be a British province. 16. 8in 1728 the assembly petitioned the king to separate 8. Separation of New Jersey the province from New York; but the petition was disre- efroN oews garded until 1738, when through the influence of Lewis York7. Morris, the application was granted, and Mr. Morris him- 18. self received the first commission as royal governor over the separate province of' New Jersey. ~After this period 9. Subsequen4 we meet with no events of importance in the history of Ne2w Jerseey New Jersey until the Revolution. 240 [BotQ U ANALYSIS. subject q CHAPTER VIII. Chapter TVIII MARYLAND.' 1609. 1.'The second charter given- to the London Company 1. Maryland. embraced within the limits of Virginia all the territory See p. 165. which now forms the state of Maryland. 2The country 2. By ohom, near the head of the Chesapeake was early explored', by wasexzplored. the Virginians, and a profitable trade in furs was estab. b. 1627, 8, 9. 9 Liense to lished with the Indians. "In 1631 William Clayborne, a Clayborne. man of resolute and enterprising spirit, who had first been sent out as a surveyor, by the London Company, and who subsequently was appointed a member of the council, and c. May 26. secretary of the colony, obtainede a royal license to traffick with the Indians. 1632. 2. 4Under this license, which was confirmedd by a 4. Settlements commission from the governor of Virginia, Clayborne performned by him. fected several trading establishments which he had pred. March IS. viously formed; one on the island of Kent,t nearly opposite Annapolis,: in the very heart of Maryland; and one 5. ctai: of near the mouth of the Susquehanna. 5Clayborne had ob. Vrginia. tained a monopoly of the fur trade, and Virginia aimed at extending her jurisdiction over the large tract of unoccupied territory lying between her borders and those of the a. Herclaims Dutch in New Netherlands.'But before the settlements efWeated. Of Clayborne could be completed, and the claim of Virginia confirmed, a new province was formed within her limits, and a government established on a plan as extraordinary as its results were benevolent. 7. Lord Balti- 3. 7As early as 1621, Sir George Calvert, whose title i oNre olony was Lord Baltimore, a Roman Catholic nobleman, influfounzlaad. enced by a desire of opening in America a refulge for * MARYLAND, the most southern of the Mliddle States, is very irregular in its outline, and contains an area of about 11,000 square miles. The Chesapeake Bay runs nearly through thfe state from N. to S., dividing it into two parts, called the Eastern Shore and the tWestern Shore The land on the eastern shore is generally level and low, and, in many places, is covered with stagnant waters; yet the soil possesses considerable fertility. The country on the westerrn shore, below the falls of the rivers, is similar to that on the eastern, but above the falls the country becomes gradually uneven and hilly, and in the western part of the state is mounVeICINITY O ANNAPOLIS. tainous. Iron ore is found in various parts of the state, and exVICINITY OF NNAPOIS.* tensive beds of coal between the mountains in the western part. e t ent, the largest island in Chesapeake Bay, lies opposite Annapois, near the eastern shore, and belongs to Queen Anne's County. It is nearly in the form of a triangle, and contains an area of about r Annapolis, (formerly called Providence,) now the capital of P Iarylasnd, is situated on the S.AV. side of the River Severn, two s miles from its entrance into Chesapeake Bay. It is twenty-five miles S. from Baltimore, and thirty-three N.E. from Washington. The or; - ginal plan of the city was designed in the form of a circle, with. I,1 W~ t the State-house on an eminence in the centre, and the streets, like ~ ~~':~SC~~ ~. ~radii, diverging from it. (See Mlap.) PaART I. MARYLAND 24 Catholics, who were then persecuted in England, had establishede a Catholic colony iin Newfoundland, and had. freely expended his estate in advancing its interests. a. eep. 556'But the rugged soil, the unfavorable climate, and the fie- 1. Itshopeso!f quent annoyances from the hostile French, soon destroyed a defeated. all hopes of' a flourishing colony,'He next visitedb Vir- 2. Iis visit to ginia, in whose mild and fertile regions he hoped to find b. 16"26 for his followers a peaceful and quiet asylum. The Virginians, however, received him with marked intolerance, and he soon found that, even here, he could not enjoy his religious opinions in peace. 4.'Heenext turned his attention to the unoccupied 3. Tothe country beyond the Potomac; and as the dissolution of beyond uthe the London Company had restored to the monarch his pre- P1to62ac. rogative over the soil, Callvert, a favorite with the royal 1632. family, found no difficulty in obtaining a charter for domains in that happy clime. 4The charter was probably 4. The drawn by the hand of Lord Baltimore himself, but as he died caprrter. before it recS4i ed the royal seal, the same was made out to his son Cecil.'The territory thus granted, d extending 5. Extent and north to the 40th degree, the latitude of Philadelphia, naneof$the nwas now erected into a separate province, and in honor of gran te d. Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry IV. king of France, and wife of the English monarch, was named MARYLAND. 5. *The charter granted to Lord Baltimore, unlike any 6. Provigions which had hitherto passed the royal seal, secured to the cofete,. emigrants equality in religious rights and civil freedom, and a1 independent share in the legislation of the province.'The laws of the colony were to be established 7. HoL the.vith the advice and approbation of a majority of the free- bleo,,tortietd men, or their deputies; and although Christianity was made the law of the land, yet no preferences were given to any sect or party. 6. 8Maryland was also most carefully removed from 8. rarther iball dependence upon the crown; the proprietor was left e'toig',',io free and uncontrolled in his anoc-.ltments to office; and it a2nd thet ro was farther expressly stipulated, that no tax whatsoever should ever be imposed by the crown upon the inhabitants of the province. 7. 9Under this liberal charter, Cecil Calvert, the son, a. Favorable who had succeeded to the honors and fortunes of his fa- the entetr ther, found no difficulty in enlisting a sufficient number of nfse. emiigrants to form a respectable colony; nor was it long before gentlemen of birth and fortune were found ready to join in the enterprise. "~Lord Baltimore himself, having 1633. abandoned his original purpose of conducting tile emi- I0o. LCa.rd grants in person, appointed his brother, Leonard Calvert, to iCt as his lieutenant. 31 242 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boos IL ANALYSIS. 8.'In December, 1633, the latter, with about two. —Deparure hunrsred emigrants, mostly Roman Catholics, sailed~ for of tie coto- the Potomac, where they arrivedb in March of the follow. 971sts, atzd tize.l.ecep- intg year. In obedience to the express command of the tiorn at Virr,,. king, the emigrants were welcomed with courtesy by a. Dec. 2. Harvey, the governor of Virginia, although Virginia had 1l634. remonstrated against the grant to Lord Baltimore, as an -. March 6. invasion of her rights of trade with the Indians, and an encroachment on her territorial limits... calvert's 9. 2Calvert, having proceeded about one hundred and oith~ tVl en- fifty miles up the Potomac, found on its eastern. bank the (lions. Indian village of Piscataway,* the chieftain of which would not bid him either go or stay, but told him "lHe 8. The rst might use his own discretion."'Deeming it unsafe, selttlesnt. however, to settle so high up the river, he descended the stream, entered the river now called St. Mary's,t and, about ten miles from its junction with the Potomac, pure. A.Dril,. chased of the Indians a village, where he commenced: a settlement, to which was given the name St. Mary's. t. The'frIend 10. 4The wise policy of Calvert, in paying the Indians Indta.sf.thie for their lands, and in treating them with liberality and S.cur1.apy kindness, secured their confidence and friendship.'The situalton of English obtained from the forests'abundance of game, and be colony. n as they had come into possession of lands already cultivated, they looked forward with confidence to abundant harvests. No sufferings were endured,-no fears of want were excited,-and under the fostering care of its liberal proprietor the colony rapidly advanced in wealth and population. 1635. 11.'Early in 16385 the first legislative assembly of the 0. First leg'is province was conveneda at St. Mary's, but as the records, j8l. have been lost,& little is known of its proceedings.'Not. I. In the re- withstanding the pleasant auspices under which the col4helloes of ony commenced, it did not long remain wholly exempt nwt page. from intestine troubles. Clayborne had, from the first, 7. Troubles casoed y refised to submit to the authority of Lord Baltimore, and, Claylorne. acquiring confidence in his increasing strength, he resolved to maintain his possessions by force of arms. A. itv. bloody skirmish occurredf on one of the rivers4 of' Maryland, and several lives were lost, but Clayborne's men were defeated and taken prisoners. 4 This Indian village wvas fifteen miles S. from Washington, on the east side of the Potomac, at the mouth of Piscataway Creek, opposite Mount Vernon, and near the site of the present Bortm Washington. i The St. Mlary's River, called by Calvert St. George's River, enters the Potomac from tihe north, about fifteen miles from the entrance of the latter into the Chesapeake. It is properly a small arm or estuary of the Chesapeake. NOTr. —ThiS skirmish occurred either on the River EWicomiro, or the Pocomoke, on bhs eatern shore otf Maryland; the former fifty-five miles, and the latter eighty miles S.E. from eIc ]2ale of eont. PART II.] MARYLAND, 242 12.'Clayborne himself had previously fled to Virginia, ]61.. and, when reclaimed by AMaryland, he was sent by the -- governor of Virginia to England for trial. The Mary- i. FProceedinfs and Iinet land assembly declared- him ( uilty of treason, seized his ct in l.,.Z tion l oto him. estates, and declared them f)r'tiited. In England, Clay- a. Mareh, borne applied to the king to gain redress for his alleged'3 wrongs; but after a full hearing it was decided that the charter of Lord Baltimore was valid against the earlier license of Clayborne, and thus the claims of the proprietor were fully confirmed. 13. 2At first the people of Mnaryland convened in gen- 1639. eral assembly for passing laws,-each freeman being en- 2i. Io the titled to a vote; but in 1639 the more convenient form of Jlst' erntted, and whiat a representative government was established,-the people t,, being allowed to send as many delegates to the general afmivea7.d" assembly as they should think proper.'At the same time 3. otih, ep. a declaration of rights was adopted; the powers of the ulatproprietor were defined; and all the liberties enjoyed by English subjects at home, were confirmed to the people of Maryland. 14. 4About the same time some petty hostilities were 4. A.di, carried on against the Indians, which, in 1642, broke out toar into a general Indian war, that was not terminated until 1644. 1644. 15.'Early in 1645 Clayborne returned to Maryland, 1645. and, having succeeded in creating a rebellion, compelled 5ble ct.sedo the governor to withdraw into Virginia for protection. lborne.'The vacant government was immediately seized by the 6. Thego insurgents, who distinguished the period of their domin- thiz~'n.-2tr ion by disorder and misrule; and notwithstanding the most rents. vigorous exertions of the governor, the revolt was not suppressed until August of the following year. 1646. 16.'Although religious toleration had been declared, R' liRgiost by the proprietor, one of the fundamental principles of the social union over which he presided, yet the assembly, in order to give the principle the sanction of their authority, proceeded to incorporate it in the laws of the pro- 1649. vince. It was enactedb that no person, professing to be- t. May 1. lieve in Jesus Christ, should be molested in respect of his religion, or the free exercise thereof; and that any one, who should reproach his neighbor with opprobrious names of religious distinction, should pay a fine to the person insulted. 17.'Thus Maryland quickly followed Rhode Island in 8. I-onor a establishing religious toleration by law. "While at this Maryland. very period the Puritans were persecutingy their Pro- f9AcbOetnp,a testant brethren in Massachusetts, and the Episcopalians Mar'y7Jand were retorting the same severity on the Puritans in Vir- colonies. 244 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boon I, ANALYSIS. ginia, there w as forming, in Maryland, a sanctuary where all might worship, and none might oppIress; and where even Protestants sought reffuge from Protestant intolerance.* 1650. 18.'In 1650 an important law was passed,~ confirm. a. Important ing the division of the legislative body into two branches, 1650. an upper and a lower house; the former consisting of the a. April 16. governor and council, appointed by the proprietor, and the latter of the burgesses or representatives, chosen by 2. Rights of the people.'At the same session, the rights of Lord BalLord Balti-. Inore,-taxa- timore, as proprietor, were admitted, but all taxes were prohibited unless they were levied with the consent of the freemen. 1651. 19. 3In the mean time the parliament had established 3. Inter- its supremacy in England, and had appointedb certain ference of Parliament commissioners, of whom Clayborne was one, to reduce ernmuent. and govern the colonies bordering on the bay of the Chesb. Oct. 6. apeake. "The commissioners appearing in Maryland, 4. Events Z between Stone, the lieutenant of Lord Baltimore, was at first rethe second re- movedc from his office, but was soon after restored.d In moval of Gov. stone. 1654, upon the dissolution of the Long Parliament, from c. Airil 8. which the commissioners had received their authority. d. July 8. Stone restored the full powers of the proprietor; but the 1654. commissioners, then in Virginia, again entered the province, and compelled Stone to surrender his commission e. Aug. i. and the government into their hands.e 5. Protestant 20.'Parties had now become identified with religious ascendency. sects. The Protestants, who had now the power in their own hands, acknowledging the authority of Cromwell, were hostile to monarchy and to an hereditary proprietor; and while they contended earnestly for every civil liberty, they proceeded to disfranchise those who differed Oct.-Nov. from them in matters of rcligion. Catholics were excluded from the assembly which was then called; and an act of the assembly declared that Catholics were not entitled to the protection of the laws of Maryland. 1655. 21. "In January of the following year, Stone, the lieu6. Measures tenant of Lord Baltimore, reassumed his office of govertake~, by the lileutenant of nor,-organized an armed force,-and seized the pro. Lord Balti- - more. vineial records. 7Civil war followed. Several skirmishes T. Events that folleowed occurred between the contending parties, and at length a f. April 4. decisive battlet was fought,f which resulted in the defeat of the Catholics, with the loss of about fifty men in killed NOTE.-Boznas'sra, in his Iistory of IMaryland, ii.,50-356, dwells at coi.siderable lnc-gth upont these laws; but he maitltains that a majority of the nleolbers of the Assembly of 1649 were Proteustants. t Nor. —The place where this battle was fought was on the south side of the smiall creek which torms the southern boundary of tihe peninsula on which Annapolis, the capital of Mary laud, noueV stands. (See bMap, p. 240.) PART I.1 MlARTYAI.D. 245 and wounded. Stone himself was taken prisoner, and 1,6. four of the principal men of the province twere executed. 22.'Int 1656 Josiah Fendall was comnilissionedl' gover- 1 Farther nor by the proprietor, but he was soon after arrested, 1ist,&tlo C07 cy the Protestant party. After a divided rule of' nearly a. y 20. two years, between the contending parties, Fendall was b. Aug. at length acknowledged'. governor, and the proprietor was 1658. restored to the fill enjoyment of his rights.'Soon after c. April 3. the deathd of Cromwell, the Protector of England, the 2. Disolution ~, cof tile upper Assembly of'?M~aryland, fearing a renewal of the dissen- hoJye. sions which had lo101 distracted the province, and seeing d. Sept. 1658. no security but in asserting the power of the people, dissolved the uipper house, consisting of the goveirnor and 160. his council, and assumedC to itself the whole legislative e. March24. powv,er of the state. 23. 3Fendall, havinr surrendered the trust which Lord, course ta. Baltimore had confided to him, accepted from the assemr- dall. bly a new commission as governor. 4But on the restora- 4. Events that tionf of monarchy in England, the proprietor was re-es- th, restora-'e tablished in his rights, —Philip Calvert was appointed go- tio,0,rfon. tablished in his ri yhts, archy. vernor,-and the ancient order of things was restored. f. June, 1660. TFendall was tried for treason and found guilty; but the 5. Political proprietor wisely proclaimed a general pardon to polit- oeen ical offenders, and MIaryland once more experienced the blessings of a mild government, and internal tranquillity. 24.'On the death' of Lord Baltimore, in 1675, his son 1675. Charles, who inherited his father's reputation for virtue 6. 7,esor and ability, succeeded him as proprietor. He confirmed tiinore the law which established an absolute political equality g. Dec. 10. among all denominations of Christians, —caused a diligent revision of the laws of the province to be made, and, in general, administered the government with great satisfaction to the people. 25. 7At the time of the revolution in England, the re- 1689. pose of MlVaryland was again disturbed. The deputies of 7. Events the the proprietor having hesitated to proclaim the new sove- revolution in.;'eins, and a rumor h1aving gained prevalence that the magistrates and the Catholics lad formed a league with the Indians for the massacre of all the Protestants in the province, an armed association was formed for asserting Sept. the right of King William, and for the defence of' the Protestant faith. 26. 8The Catholics at first endeavored to oppose, by 8. The Cathforce, the designs of the association; but they at le-ngth esl surrendered the powers of' government by capitulation. A convention of the associates then assumed the govern- 9. Changes r ment, which they administered until 1691, wv5hen the governmerl king, by an arbitrary enactment,h deprived Lord Balti- h.jul,11. 246 COLONIAL HIST'ORY. L3ooIK I1 ANALYSIS. more of his political rights as proprietor, and constituted Maryland a royal government. 1692. 27.'In the following year Sir Lionel Copley arrived l. Admzinis- as royal governor,-the principles of the proprietary ad-;ration of Sir Lionel were subverted,-reliious toleration was Copley. minitraion~.resubvrte, I abolished,-and the Church of England was established as the religion of the state, and was supported by taxation. 1. Remaining 28. 2After an interval of more than twenty years, the,istIy of legal proprietor, in the person of the infant heir of Lord P.Teouos to Baltimore, was restored- to his rights, and Maryland th/e revolu- std tion. again became a proprietary government, under which it a. 7j 17160. remnained until the Revolution. Few events of interest mark its subsequent history, until, as an independent state, it adopted a constitution, when the claims of the proprietor to jurisdiction and property were finally rejected. CHAPTER IX. Subject 9t P E N N S Y L V A N I A.* Chapter I S. 3. Early 1.s As early as 1643 the Swedes, who had previously seiee set tledb near Wilmington, in Delaware, erected a fort on inPennsylva the island of Tinicum, a few miles below Philadelphia; b. Seep. 223. and here the Swedish governor, John Printz, established his residence. Settlements clustered along the western bank of the Delaware, and Pennsylvania was thus colonized by Swedes, nearly forty years before the grant of the territory to William Penn. 1681. 2. 4In 1681, William Penn, son of Admiral Penn, a 4. Grant to member of the society of Friends, obtained' of Charles William Penn. 1I. a grant of a1l the lands embraced in the present state C. dr elr4. of Pennsylvania. Thlis grant was given, as expressed tlon of Mth in the charter, in consideration of the desire of Penn to grant. enlarge the boundaries of the British empire, and reduce the natives, by just and gentle treatment, to the love of civil society and the Christian religion; and, in addition, as a recompense for unrequited services rendered by his fathier to the British nation. * PENNSYLVANIA contains an area of about 46,000 square miles. The central part of thl state is covered by the numerous ridges of the Alleghanies, running N.E. and S.W., but on Woth sides of the mountains the country is either level or moderately hilly, and the soil is generally excelient. Iron ore is widely disseminated in Pennsylvania, aLngd the coal regions are very extensive. The bituuminous, or soft coal, is found in inexhaustible qualntities west of the Alleghanies, and anthra;cite, or hard coal, on the east, particularly between the Blue tLidge and,1he N. branch of the Susquehanna. The principal coalr-field is sixty-five miles in length with anr average b sadth of about five miles. PAR? 1Il. PENNSYLVANIA. 247 3.'The enlarged and liberal views of Penn, however, 1681. enmbraaced objects of even more extended benevolence than. Vie of those expressed in the royal charter. His noble aim was Penn,cndais;o open, in the New World, an asylum where civil and "10btlea religious liberty should be enjoyed; and where, under the benign influence of the principles of PEACE, those of every sect, color, and clime, might dwell together in unity and love.'As Pennsylvania included the principal settlements 2 Proclainaof' the Swedes, Penn issueda a proclamation to the inhab- Ptioaenln by itants, in which he assured them of his ardent desire for a. April. their wvelfaire, and promised that they should live a free people, and be governed by laws of their own making. 4. 8Penn now published a flattering account of the 3 Invltation province, and an invitation to purchasers, and during the ato setlers same year three ships, with emigrants, mostly Quakers, b. ay and sailedb for Pennsylvania.'In the first came William Oct. -Markham, agent of the proprietor, and deputy-governor, I4isn.ttuc who was instructed to govern in harmony with law,-to ilarkham. confer with the Indians respecting their lands, and to conelude with them a league of peace. 5In the same year 5. Penn's let Penn addressedi a letter to the natives, declaring himself tero tives. and them responsible to the same God, who had written c. Oct. 2. his law in the hearts of all, and assuring them of his' great love and regard for them," and his " resolution to live justly, peaceably, andl friendly" with them. 5. "E-arly in the following year Penn published,' a 1682. " frlame of govenmnent," and a code of laws, which were 6 Franme of zn governmen t, to be submitted to the people of his province for their ap- a o. proval. 7He soon after obtained* friom the duke of York d Cay 15 7. Release, a release of all his claims to the territory of Pennsylvania, and ograne and likewise a gorantf of the present state of Delaware, Duke of Yftr then called TpHE'EaarroRIEs, or,' The Three Lower e Au 31 Colunties on the Delaware." 81n September Penn him- 8S. Penn, self, w ith a lalre number of emigrants of his own religious viebi to persuasion, sailed'for America, and on the sixth of November' fol lo\wrn Janded at Newcastle. 6. 90n the (lday after his arrival he received in public, 9. EVen..ta "tb J. l o wr 1 w C rb ~~~~thca o lccureed from the agent of the Dlrlke of York, a surrender7 of ill...edliately "The Territories;" made a kind address to the people, afrter ia. and renewed the commissions of the former magistrates. g. Nov. 7. 1'I1i accordance with hlis directions a friendly correspond- i0 IRenltion, aoready esab.y ence had been opened with the neighboring tribes of In- a./lz.~. ezon, dians, by the deputy-governor Markham; they hadl as- ti/eIadiaz,. seuted to the form of a treaty, and they were now invited to a conference for the purpose of giving it their ratifica- coterence, tion. "At a spot which is now the site of Kensington,* at 1Io,,isng A' mnusingtoi constitutes a suburb of PhUadelphia, in the N E. paxt of tho city. bordering 248 COLONIAL IISTORY. [BooK h, ANAL~YS l. one of the suburbs of Philadelphi:, the Indian chiefs as..-... sembled at, the head of their armed warriors; and here they were met by William Penn, at the head of an un armed train of his religious associates, all clad in the simple Quaker garb, which the Indians long after venerated as the habiliments of peace.?.. Pws I7.'Taking his station beneath a spreading elm, PeiLn adgress to tile mndians. addressed the Indians through the medium of an interpre. ter. He told them that the Great Spirit knew with what sincerity he and his people desired' to live in friendship with them. " Woe rileet, " such were his words, " on the broad pathway of' good faith and good will; no advantage shall be taken on either side; disputes shall be settled by arbitrators mutually chosen; and all shall be 2. Record of openness and _ove."'Having paid the chiefs the stiputie treat/. lated price for their lands, he delivered to them a parchment record of the treaty, which he desired that they would carefully preserve, fbr the information of their posterity, for three generations. 3. Promises 8. 3The children of the forest cordially acceded to the ftedian. terms of friendship offered them, and pledged themselves to live in love with William Penn and his children, as.. Happy long as the sun and moon should endure. 4The friende ects of' _Penns's pol- ship thus created between the province and the Indians continued more than seventy years, and was never interrupted while the Quakers retained the control of the government. Of all the American colonies, the early history of Pennsylvania alone is wholly exempt from scenes of savage warfare. The Quakers came without arms, and with no message but peace, and not a drop of their blood was ever shed by an Indian. 1683. 9.'A few months after Penn's arrival, he selected a fi. FouPh place between the rivers Schuylkill* and Delaware, for phia. the capital of his province,-purchased the land of the PHILADELPHIA AND VICINITY. Swedes, who had already erected a _No:-ris / M church there, and having regulated Ci' 3 ceses Ti I the model of the future city by a map, io ~ }. ~-:,'i tiM named it Philadelphia,t or the city of Themlnr Lon the Delaware; and, though it has a separate gov-.'' ie of the city. (See Map.) Mant v5,' syi vaThe Scihuylkfill River, in the eastern part of Pennian sylvania, rises by three principal branches in Schuyl)fII kill County, and pursuing a S.E course, enters Del* =) s:::i nm~g aware River five miles belcw Philadelphia. Vessels;. ri: > i ~,of fbrom 3r00 to 400 tons ascend it to the western,c.i (Ca'S~, wharves of Philadelphia. (See Map.) 3,(jI~ i tV~. /L e,',, ("' eouos,,:ter.f Philadelphia City, no"w the second in size and.a t population in the'United States, is situated bet;woeh 3' feI)'4 the Delaware and the Schuylkill Rivers, five miles ~.. ~ -" "~above their junction, and 120 miles, b. the Delaware I River, from the ocean. It is about eighty miles, ih PAx' II.] PENNSYLVANIA. 249 " Brotherly Love."'The groves of chestnut, walnut, IO4S. and pine, which marked the site, were commemorated by the names given to the principal streets.'At the end 6f tihe's'eets. a year the city numbered eighty dwellings, and at the 2. GroZt/ of end of two years it contained a population of two thousand five hundred inhabitants. 10.'The second assembly of the province was held in 3. Thevecoan tlhe infant city in March, 1683. The " frame of government," and the laws previously agreed upon, were amended at the suggestion of Penn;'and, in their place, a charter of liberties, signed by him, was adopted,& which a. April 12. rendered Pennsylvania, nearly all but in name, a represertative democracy. 4While in the other colonies the 4.Penn's proprietors reserved to themselves the appointment of the sthe people. judicial and executive officers, William Penn freely surrendered these powers to the people. His highest ambition, so different from that of the founders of most colonies, was to do good to the people of his care; and to his dying day he declared that if they needed any thing more to make them happier, he would readily grant it. 11.'In August, 1684, Penn sailed for England, having 1684. first appointed five commissioners of the provincial coun- e. Tent after cil, with Thomas Lloyd as president, to administer the tPenn's egovernment during his absence. 6Little occurred to dis- land. turb the quiet of the province until 1691, whei the 1691. " three lower counties on the Delaware," dissatisfied with 6a of DeWithrawsome proceedings of a majority of the council, withdrewb warefrom t24 Union. from the Union, and, with the reluctant consent of the b. April 11 proprietor, a separate deputy-governor was then, appointed over them. 12.'In the mean time James II. had been driven from 7. Penn'sim. his throne, and William Penn was several times imprison- miEnnglta~ ed in England, in consequence of his supposed adherence 1692. to the cause of the fallen monarch.'In 1692 Penn's 8. Thie governrnent of provincial government was taken from him, by a royal thleprovince coml'mission' to Governor Fletcher, of New York; who, from 1692 to the following year, reunitedd Delaware to Pennsylvania, c Oct. 31. d. May. and extended the royal authority over both. Soon after, e. Aug. 30. the suspicions against Penn were removed, and in Augualc, 1694, he was restorede to his proprietary rights. 9. Condition of the Prov13. "In the latter part of the year 1699 Penn again ince in 1699. visitedf his colony, but instead of the quiet and repose f. Penn's0; which he expected, he found the people dissatisfied, and labors to sat. demanding still farther concessions and privileges. 1He people. therefore presented' them another charter, or frame of 1701. a direct line, S.W. from New York, and 125 N.E. from Washington. The compact part of the city is now more than eight miles in circumference. (See Miap, p. 248.) 32 250 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK 11 &NALYSIS. government, more liberal than the former, and conferring greater powers on the people; but all his efforts could not remove the objections of the delegates of the lower couna. Oct. 20. ties, who had already withdrawna from the assembly, and who now refused to receive the charter continuing their 1702. union with Pennsylvania.'In the following year the leg. a.Finalsepa-islature of Pennsylvania was convened apart, and in awarefrom 1703 the two colonies agreed to the separation. They Pennsylvania. were never again united in legislation, although the same governor still continued to preside over both. 2. Penn's 14. 2immediately after the grant of the last charter, quesezire' Penn returnedb to England, where his presence Was neb, Dengland. cessary to resist a project which the English ministers had formed, of abolishing all the proprietary governments 1718. in America. SHe died in England in 1718, leaving his 3. Death of interest in Pennsylvania and Delaware to his sons John, subsequent Thomas, and Richard Penn, who continued to adminishistory of the colony. ter the government, most of the time by deputies, until the American revolution, when the commonwealth purchased all their claims in the province for about 580,000 dollars. (For a more full account of the Quakers or Friinds, see Appendix, p. 311 to p. 31.9.) CHAPTER X. Subjectof NORTB CAROLINA.o Chapter x. R T C A R L I N A 4. Early at- 1. 4The early attempts0 of the English, under Sir settle Nortls Walter Raleigh, to form a settlement on the coast of North carolina. Carolina, have already been mentioned.c About forty c. 1585, 6, 7. hAbout See P 131. years later, the king of England grantedd to Sir Robert 5. Grant to n Sir Robert Heath a large tract of country lying between the 30th dH eath. and 36th degrees of north latitude, which was erected in6. Why de- to a province by the name of Carolina.'No settlements, clated void, however, were made under the grant, which, on that a-. 7. TWhetn atd count, was afterwards declared void. by whzom Carolina was 2.'Between 1640 and 1650 exploring parties from first expl ored and settled. Virginia penetrated into Carolina, and from the same - NORTH CAROLINA, one of the Southern States, lying next south of Virginia, contains an area of nearly 50,000 square miles. Along the whole coast is a narrow ridge of sand, separated from the mainland in some places by na'row! a-n.d ir other places by broad sounds and bays. The country for more than sixty miles from tho coast is a low sandy plain, with many swamps and marshes, and inlets from the sea. The natural growth of this region is almost univorsally pitch pine. Above the falls of the rivers the country becomes uneven, and the soil more fertile. In the western part of the state is an elevated table land, and some high ranges of the Alleghanies. _Black Itafozcottit, the highest point in the United States east of tho Rocky Mountains. is 6476 feet high. The gold region of North Carolina lies on both sides of the Blue Ridge, in the S. Western part of the state. PART IL] NORTH CAROLINA. 251 source came the fimnt emigrants, who soon aftel settled~ near the mouth of the Chowan,* on the northern shore of Albemarle Sound.'In 1663 the province of Carolina a. Theparwas grantedb to Lord Clarendon and seven others, and in is loot knowa. the same year a government under William Drummond to;'. t/ela't was established over the little settlement on the Chowan, secoanz,,d Lde, and 9ietal which, in honor of the Duke of Albemarle, one of the gatove e,~t, proprietors, was called the Albemarie County Co7ony. y i.sestab3. 2Two years later, the proprietors having learnled that b. April 3 the settlement was not within the limits of their charter, 16061. the grant was extended,' so as to embrace the half of 2. Etelsio; Florida on the south, and, on the north, all within thle -"''t. present limits of North Carolina, and westward to the C. July0. Pacific Ocean.'The charter secured religious freedom 3. to the people, and a voice in the legislation of the colony; bye but granted to the corporation of eight, an extent of powers and privileges, that made it evident that the formation of an empire was contemplated. 4. 4During the same year that the grant to Clarendon 4. 3stablish. was extended, another colony was firmly established Iarofen5daa within the present limits of North Carolina. In 1660 or Co1052/ 1661, a band of adventurers from New England entered Cape Fear River,t purchased a tract of land from the Irndians, and, a few miles below Wilmington,4 on Old Town Creek,~ formed a settlement. The colony did not prosper. The Indians became hostile, and before the auLumn of 1665, the settlement was abandoned. Two years 16065 later a number of planters from Barbadoesli formed a permanent settlement near the neglected site of the New England colony, and a county named Clarendon was established, with the same constitution and powers that had been granted to Albemarle. 5Sir John Yeamans, the 5s. ssevrar. choice of the people, ruled the colony with prudence and a-fection.' The Cliowan River, formed by the union of Nottaway, AMehlerrin, and Blackwa.ter Ilivers, which rise and run chiefly in Virginia, flows into Albermarle Sound. a little north of the mouth of the ioanoke. The first settlements were on the N.E. side of the Chowan, near the present Tillage of Edenton. T Cape Fear River, in North Carolina, is formed by the union vrc. or WITLInGTo'i'O, W. C. of Ilaw and Deep Rlivers. about 125 miles NT.W. from Wilminigton...... It enters the Atlantic by two channels, one on each side of Smith's Lsland, twenty and twenty-five miles below Wl ilmlington. (See the Map.) 4.I?[lmnington, the principal seaport in North Carolina. is situ- [" ated on the east side of Cape Fear River, twenty-five miles roinl the ocean, by way of Cape, Fear, and 150 miles N.E. froma Charles-.'i ton. (See Map.) lI,0Old Toun Creek is a small stream that enters Cape Fear River. ie from the W. eight miles below Wilmington. (Map.) II Barbadoes is one of the Caribbee or Windward Islands, anoi ~ the most eastern of the Wlest Indies. It is twenty miles long, aind l; contains an area of about 1i0 miles. The island was grant- 0d by James I. to the arl q f Marlborough in 1624.' - g52 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK I. ANALYSIS. 5.'As the proprietors of Carolina anticipated the rapid 1. Anticipa- growth of a great and powerful people within the limits etioo9san of their extensive and fertile territory, they thought proper proprietors, to establish a permanent form of government, commensurate, in dignity, with the vastness of their expectations. I. Framers of'The task of framing the constitution was assigned to the the constitu-,. tion. tu Earl of Shaftesbury, one of the number, who chose the celebrated philosopher, John Locke, as his friend and adviser in the work of legislation. 3. Object of 6.'The object of the proprietors, as expressed- by dZOto.;s. themselves, was "to make the government of Carolina a. Constitu- agree, as nearly as possible, to the monarchy of which it tions signed n March 1. was a part; and to avoid erecting a numerous democ-.Nature of racy." 4A constitution of one hundred and twenty artition adopted. cles, called the " Fundamental Constitutions," was adopted, establishing a government to be administered by lords and noblemen; connecting political power with hereditary wealth; and placing nearly every office in the government beyond the reach of the people. 1670. 7.'The attempt to establish the new form of govern5. Attempt to ment proved ineffiectual. The former plain and simple Constitution laws were suited to the circumstances of the people, and ~ —and thie resutt. the magnificent model of government, with its appendages of royalty, contrasted too ludicrously with the sparse population, and rude cabins of Carolina. After a contest of little more than twenty years, the constitution, which was never in effectual operation, and which had l) 1693. proved to be a source of perpetual discord, was abrogatedb by the proprietors themselves. 671. 8. "The Clarendon county colony had never been o.tacectumat very numerous, and the barrenness of the soil in its viTetarded and cinity offered little promise of reward to new adventufnally defeated thesettle- rers. In 1671 Sir John Yeamans, the governor, was ment of Clareneon. transferred~ from the colony to the charge of another c~ Dec. which had recently been establisheda in South Carolina. d. Seep.255, Numerous removals to the southward greatly reduced the numbers of the inhabitants, and nearly the whole country embraced within the limits of the Clarendon colb ony was a second time surrendered to the aborigines before the vear 1690. V. Dsses'iorns 9.'Domestic dissensions long retarded the prosperity in the, Albeearleczony. of the Albemarle, or northern colony. Disorder arose from the attempts of the governors to administer the government according to the constitution of the proprietors; 1676. excessive taxation, and restrictions upon t'm commerce of the colony, occasioned much discontent; while numerous refugees from Virginia, the actors in Bacon's rebellion, friends of popular iiberty, being kind'y sheltered iv PART ]L.] NORTH CAROLINA. 253 Carolina, gave encouragement to the people to resist op.- 167o7. pression. 10.'The very yeara after the suppression of Bacon's.Re.vo7tin rebellion ill Virginia, a revolt occurred in Carolina, occa- a c.inDa. sioned by an attempt to enforce the revenue laws against a vessel from New England. The people took arms in support of a smuggler, and imprisoned the president of the colony and six members of his council. John Culpepper, who had recently fled from South Carolina, was Lhe leader in the insurrection. 2Duirig several years, 2. T.raquzlld officers chosen by the people administered the govern- ty restored. rment, and tranquillity was for a time restored. The inhabitants were restless and turbulent under a government imposed on them from abroad, but firm and tranquil when left to take care of themselves. 11.'In 1683 Seth Sothel, one of the proprietors, ar- 1683. rived as governor of the province. Being exceedingly 3. Sothelgovavaricious, he not only plundered the colonists, but cheat- chlaracter ed his proprietary associates. He valued his office only as the means of gaining wealth, and in the pursuit of his favorite object, whether as judge, or executive, he was ever open to bribery and corruption. 4An historian of 4. What isre North Carolina remarks, that'the dark shades of his inrkaqr. character were not relieved by a single ray of virtue." The patience of the inhabitants being exhausted after 5.H isarrest nearly six years of oppression, they seized their governor with the design of sending him to England; but, at his 1688 owvi request, he was tried by the assembly, which banished him from the colony. 12. OLudwell,.the next governor, redressed the frauds, 1689. public and private, which Sothel had committed, and re- 6.Admioofn stored order to the colony. 71In 1695 Sir John Archdale, Luclwzel. another of the proprietors, a man of much sagacity and ex- Aug. 7. Arrival, emplary conduct, arrived as governor of both the Caroli- aon character of Archdale. nas. ~In 1698 the first settlements were made on Pamlico s. Firstsettleor Tar* River. The Pamlico Indians in that vicinity mWet- on had been nearly destroyed, two years previous by a pes- River tilential fever; while another numerous tribe had been greatly reduced by the arms of a more powerful nation. 13. "The want of harmony, which generally prevailed s. Increae of between the proprietors and the people, did not check the population. increase of population.'~In 1707 a company of French to.rrival eo Protestants, who had previously settled in Virginia, re- emigrants. moved to Carolina. Two years later, they were followed 1709. * Tar IRiver, in the eastern part of North Carolina, flows S.E., and enters Paralico Sound It is the principal river next south of the Roanoke. It expands into a wide estuary a short distance below the village of Washington, from which place to Pamlico Sound, it distance ot orty miles, it is called Pawlico River 254 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Bool 11.-AL-YSIS by a hundred German famnilies firom the Rhine,* who had been driven in poverty from their homes, by the de. r.,.ovisios vastations of war, and religious persecution.'The proprimade for thIs 7 i nirglatis. etors assigned to each falmily two hundred and fifty acres of land;and generous contributions in England furnished them with provisions and implements of husbandry, sufficient for their immediate wants. 2. Changes 14.'A great change had fallen upon the numerous t1hat had s a i tT fatllnZ upo, Indian tribes on the seacoast, s t he the time of Sir Walter tri.e Ina a Raleigh's attempted settlements. One tribe, which could thei ttme f then bringw three thousand bowmen into the field, was now Sir Walter a IIl ictr. reduced to fifteen men; another had. entirely disappeared; and, of the whole, but a remnant remained. After having sold most of their lands, their reservations had been encroached upon; —strong drink had degraded the Indians, and crafty traders had impoverished them; and they had passed away before the march of' civilization, like snow beneath a vertical sun. T. Tuscaroras 15. 3The Tuscaroras and the Corees, being farther in. Caodees. land, had held little intercourse with the whites; but they had observed, with jealousy and fear, their growing power, and the rapid advance of their settlements, and with Indian secrecy they now plotted the extermination of the 1711. strangers. 4A surveyor, who was found upon their lands 4. Commnence- with his chain and compass, was the first victim.a Leavtiliates. ing their fire-arms, to avoid suspicion, in small parties, a. Sept. acting in concert, they approached the scattered settlements along Roanoket River and Pamlico Sound; and. in ). Oct.2. one night,', one hundred and thirty persons fell by the hatchet. 5. Services of 16. SColonel Barnwell, with a considerable body of ucll agBnt friendly Cherokees, Creeks, and Catawbas, was sent from tihe Tndians. South Carolina to the relief of the settlers, and having defeated the enemy in different actions, he pursued themn to their fortified town,t which capitulated, and the Indians 6. Farther were allowed to escape. 6But in a few days the treaty Prorteets and was broken on both sides, and the Indians renewed hostilthe soar. ities. At length Colonel Moore, of South Carolina, arc. Dec. rived,' with forty white men and eight hundred friendly 1713. Indians; and in 1713 the Tuscaroras were besieged in d April 5. their fort,~ and eight hundred taken prisoners.d At last * The Rhine, one of the most important rivers in Europe, rises in Switzerland, passes through Lake Constance, and after flowing N. and N.W. through Germany, it turns to the west, and, through several channels, enters the North Sea or German Ocean, between IHolland and Belgium. t Roanolce River, formed by the junction of Staunton and Dan Rivers, near the south boundary of Virginia, flows S.E. through the northeastern part of North Carolina, and enters the head of Albemarle Sound. $ This place was near the River Neuse, a short distance above Edenton, in Craven County. This place was in Greene County, on Cotentnea (or Cotechney) Creek, a short distance above its entrance into the River Neuse. PAR'r Il.] SOUTH CAROLINA. 255 the hostile part ef the tribe migrated north, and, joining.173., their kindred in New York, became the sixth nation of the Iroquois confederacy. In 1715 peace was concluded, 1715. with the Corees. a. Feb. 17.'In 1729, the two Carolinas, which had hitherto 1729. been under the superintendence of the same board of. EFvents thte proprietors, were finally separated; and royal govern- c17,2 ments, entirely unconnected, were establishede over them. b. July.'From this time, until the period immediately preceding c ondition the Revolution, few events occurred to disturb the peace,ofad progress and increasing prosperity of North Carolina. In 1744 soime f'om this time titZ public attention was turned to the defence of the sea-coast, the revoluon account of the commencement of hostilities between England and Spain. About the time of the commencement of the French and Indian war, the colony received large accessions to its numbers, by emigrants from Ireland 1754. and Scotland, and thus the settlements were extended into the interior, where. the soil was far more fertile than the lands previously occupied. CHAPTER XI. S O U T H C A R O L I N A.* Subject of Chapter XI. 1.'The charter granted to Lord Clarendon and others, 3. Charter to in 1663, embraced,' as has been stated,d a large extent of d. See p. 251. territory, reaching from Virginia to Florida. 4After the 170 establishment of a colony in the northern part of their 4. The plant. province, the proprietors, early in 1670, fitted out several ingof theirstI ships, with emigrants, for planting a southern colony, un- souta caroder the direction of William Sayle, who had previously explored the coast. The ships which bore the emigrants entered the harbor of Port Royal, near Beaufort,t whence, after a short delay, they sailed into AshleyT River, on the - SOUTH CAROLINA, one of the Southern States, contains an area of nearly 33,000 square:niles. The sea-coast is bordered with a chain of fertile islands. The Low Country, extending from eighty to 100 miles from the coast, is covered with forests of pitch pine, called pine barrens, interspersed with marshes and swamps, which form excellent rice plantations. Beyond this, extendislg fifty or sixty miles in width, is the Mliddle Covuntry, composed of numerous ridges of sand hills, presenting an appearance which has been compared to the waves of the sea suddenly arrested in their comtse. Beyond these sand hills commences the Upper Country, which is a beautiful and healthy, and generally fertile region, about 800 feet above the level of the sea. The Blue Ridge, a branch of the Alleghanies, passes along the N. Western boundary of the state. t Beaaufort, in South Carolina, is situated on Port Royal Island, on the W. bank of Port Royal River, a narrow branch of the ocean. It is sixteen miles from the sea, and about thirty. six miles, in a direct line, N.E. from Savannah. (See Map, p. 129.) t Ashley River rises about thirty miles N.W. from Charleston, and, passing along the woA side of the city enters Charhlston Harbor seven miles from the ocean. (See Map, next pigG.) 2.56 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boox I11 ANALYSIS. south side of which the settlement of Old Charleston was comnmenced. The colony, in honor of Sir George Carteret, one of the proprietors, was called the CARITERET COUNTY COLONY. 1671. 2.'Early in 1671 Governor Sayle sunk under the dis1. ventsi'hat eases of a sickly climate, and the council appointed Joseph oVIM.11e6d in 1671. West to succeed him, until they should learn the will of the proprietors. In a few months, Sir John Yeamans, a. Dec. then governor of Clarendon, was appointed' governor of 2. The colonzy'the southern colony. From Barbadoes lhe brought a Stiplabo'id..i/ number of Aificanl slaves, and South Carolina was, fiom the first, essentially, a planting state, with slave labor.. Therov- o R-tepresentative government was early establishedb by the uie,colongyo. people, but the attempt to carry out the plan of govern b. 1761-2. merit ibrmed by the proprietors proved ineffectual. 4. Circz.n- 3. 4Several circumsta nces contributed to promote the'tatnces ttmt avorced the early settlement of South Carolina. A long and bloody settlement I. and growth war between two neighboring Indian tribes, and a fatal of south ~ o Caroliza.' epidemic which had recently prevailed, had opened the way for the more peaceful occupation of the country by the English. The recent conquest of New Netherlands induced many of the Dutch to emigrate, and several ship c. 1671. loads of them were conveyed' to Carolina, by the proprietors, free of expense. Lands were assigned them west of the Ashley River, where they formed a settlement, which was called Jamestown. The inhabitants soon spread themselves through the country, and in process of time the town.was deserted. Their prosperity induced many of their countrymen from Holland to follow them. A few years later a company of French Protestants, refugees from d. 1679. their own country, were sentd over by the king of England. 5, Settlement 4. 5The pleasant location of "* Oyster Point," between and cprogrress the rivers Ashley and Cooper,* had early attracted the attention of the settlers, and had gained a few inhabitants; 1680. and in 1680 the foundation of' a new town was laid there, which was callecl It was immediately deVICINITY OF CHARLESTON. * Cooper River rises about thirty-five miles N.E. from Charlestos, and passing alon, the east side of the city, unites with Ashley ]iver, to form Charleston |;~,~ 4\ X ( v;s ~H d Ilarbor.!Tando River, a short but broad stream, enters the Cooper from the east, four miles above tho:' " ~/~ city. (See Map.) 1art Csrlestoss, a city and seaport of s. carolina, is CpuA. IiE TONI, tsituated on a peninsula formed by the union of Ashley l ~4r~'t~..... 2 ~f.' (o5 and Cooper Rtivers, seven v miles from the ocean. It is oo Cr 0 a only about seven feet above high tide; and parts of U,.'~'~~. ~~,~ ~te.., the city have been overflowed when the wind and tide z;~ Z'Z-Jo01grri have combined to raise the waters. The harbor, am' & 9R es ~VI,, ii low the city, is about twsr miles in width, and seven in MufI ar length across tie lmouth of which is a sand bar, having - four passages, the deepest of which, near Sullivan's Island, has seventeen feet of water, at high tide. During the summer months the city is more than ____)=_____ _ Ithe surrounding country. PART ]11, SOUTH CAROLINA. 2'Sb clared the capital of the province, and during the first 1~0,. year thirty dwellings were erected.'In the same year the colony was involved in difficulties with the Indians. ith rstsior Straggling parties of the Westoes began to plunder the dlians, andit ge'ninatiom. plantations, and several Indians were shot by the planters. War immediately broke out; a price was fixed on Indian prisoners; and many of them were sent to the West Illdies, and sold for slaves. The following year- peace was a. 1681. concluded, and commissioners were appointed to decide all colnplaints between the contending parties. 5.'In 1684 a few families of Scotch emigrants settled 1684. at Port Royal; but two years later, the Spaniards of St.'E Entsy ag: Augustine, claiming the territory, invaded the settlement, 1686. and laid it waste.'About this time the revocationb of the 3. Retnovalof Hntguenot.3 to edict of Nantes* induced a large number of French Pro- -tel.ica. testants, generally called Huguenots, to leave their coun- b. 1685. try and seek an asylum in America. A few settled in New England; others in New York; but South Carolina became their chief resort. 4Although they had been in- 4. Ho, they duced, by the proprietors, to believe that the full rights of rergaredt, and citizenship would be extended to them here, yet they by the Ezgwere long viewed with jealousy and distrust by the Eng- li lish settlers, who were desirous of driving them from the country, by enforcing against them the laws of England respecting aliens. 6.'The administratione of Governor Colleton was sig- o5.Eventstha nalized by a continued series of disputes M ith the people, r-ing Gov. who, like the settlers in North Carolina, refu-sed to sub- namiisetramit to the form of government established by the proprie- c. tiog6. tors. An attempt of the governor to collect the rents claimed by the proprietors, finally drove the people to open rebellion. They forcibly took possession of the public records, held assemblies in opposition to the governor, and the authority of the proprietors, and imprisoned the secretary of the province. At length Colleton, pretending danger from Indians or Spaniards, called out the militia, and proclaimed the province under martial law. This only exasperated the people the more, and Colleton was finally impeached by the assembly, and banished from the province. 7.'During these commotions, Seth Sothel, who had 1690. previously been banished' fiom North Carolina, arrived 6. Sothsd'. in the province, and assumed the government, with the d..See p. 153. * Nantes is a large commercial city in the west of France, on the N. side of the Ilsvel Loire, thirty miles from its mouth. It was in this place that Henry IV. promulgated the famous edict in 1598, in favor of the Protestants, granting them the free exercise of their religion. In 1685 this edict was revoked by Louis XI V.;-a violent persecution of the Protestants followed, end thousands of then fled from the kingdom. 258 COLONIAL HISTORY. MLoo 1, U &NALY-SIS. consent of the people. But his avarice lea tinm to tram. pie upon every restraint of jus!;ice and equity; and after two years of tyranny and nisrule, he likewise was de..Luiwell's posed and banished by thle p:ople.'Philip Ludwell, for adntr.a- some time governor of North Carolina, was then sent to the 1692. southern province, to re-establish the authority of the proprietors. But the old disputes revived, and a.fter a brief. but turbulent administration, he gladly withdrew into Virginia. 1693. 8. 2In 1693, one cause of discontent with the people 2. 16egntsin was removed by the proprietors; who abolished the "Fundamental Constitution," and returned to a more simple and more republican form of government.'But contendale:-his ad- * * mnizistration. tions and disputes still continuing, John Archdale, who was a Quaker, and proprietor, came over in 1695; and by a wise and equitable administration, did much to allay private animosities, and remove the causes of civil dis-,. French cord. 4Matters of general moment were settled to the rfueesu satisfaction of all, excepting the French refugees; and such was the antipathy of the English settlers against these peaceable, but unfortunate people, that Governor Archdale found it necessary to exclude the latter fiom all concern in the legislature. 1696. 9.'Fortunately for the peace of the colony, soon after 5 Tersinae- the return of Archdale, all difficulties with the Huguenots tion of the dificulti.ees were amicably settled. Their quiet and inodtensive behat2Uth thess. vior, and their zeal for the success of the colony, had gradually removed the national antipathies; and the geni1697. eral assembly at length admittedcl them to all the ricghts a. March. of citizens and. freemen. The French and English Pro. testants of Carolina have ever since lived together in hbar1702. mony and peace. GIn 1702, immediately after the decla6. Wa,'iike rationh of war, by England, against France and Spain.osaedby tihe Governor Moore proposed to the assembly of Carolina an 702.r in expedition against the Spanish settlement of St. Augus. b. May. tine, in Florida. 7The more considerate opposed the pro1. How recei- ved. ject, but a majority being in favor of it, a sum of aboelt nine thousand dollars was voted for the war, and 12i00 men were raised, of whorm half were Indians. i. Expeditioss 10. 5While Colonel Daniel marched aogainst St. Au1gusagainst St. tine by land, the governor proceeded with the main body by sea, and blocked up the harbor. The Spaniards, tak. ng with them all their mnost valuable effects, and a large supply of provisions, retired to their castle. As nothing could be effected agaiinst it, for the want of heavy artillery, Daniel w as despatchled to Jamaica,* for cannon, mor. J amaca, one of the West India Islands, is 100 miles S. from Cuba, antd 800 S.E. from g[. augustine. It; is of an oval form, and is about 160 miles long. PART's Ill SOUTH CAROLiNA. 2+59 tars, &c. During his absence, two Spanish ships appedr.. 73 ed off the harbor; when Governor Moore, ab andoning his —---—. ships, made a hasty retreat into Carolina. Colonel Daniel, on his return, standing in ibr the harbor, made a nairow escape fiom the enlemy. 11.'The hasty retreat of the governor was severely 1. Debt incar. censured by the people of Carolina. This enterprise -d, aned h2 loaded the colony with a delbt of more than 26,f000 dollars, ibr the payment of xwhich bills of credit were issued; the first paper money used in Carolinoa. 2An expedition which 1703. was soon after undertaken- aegainst the Ap alachian In 2-a' lti dians, who were in alliance with the Spaniards, proved ch/anos more successful. The Indian towns between the rivers a Dec. Altamaha* and Savannaaht were laid in ashes; several hundred Indians were taken prisoners; and the whole 1704. province of Apalachia was obliged to submit to the English government. 12. 3The establishment of the Church of England, in 3. EstablishCarolina, had long been a favorite object with several of itof'ch of the proprietors, and during the administration of Sir Na- Enia thaniel Johnson, who succeededb Governor Moore, their b. 1704. designs were fully carried out; and not only was the Episcopal forni of' worship established, as the religion of lie province, but all dissenters were excluded from the oolonial legislature. 4The dissenters then carried their c:Decision of cause before the English parliament, which declared that Paithinen the acts complained of were repugnant to the laws of 7oatle. England, and contrary to the charter of the proprietors. 5Soon after, the coloniel assembly of Carolina repealed' 1706. the laws which disfranchised a portion of the people; but dsf. ocwof the Church of England remained the established religion ynentareof the province until the Revolution. C. Nov. 13.'From these domestic troubles, a threatened inva- 6. Threatenee sion of the province turned the attention of the people towards their common defence against foreign enemies.'Queen Anne's war still continued; and Spain, consider- 7itle Spitojn. inag Carolina as a part of Florida, determined to assert her ia7ds. right by force of arms. SIn 17(06, a French and Spanish 8. Eve.ts:quadron fiom Havanna appeared before Charleston; but readin 170. the inhabitants, headed by the governor and Colonel Rhett. Uassemlbled in great numbers for the defence of the city. " The Atanmaer, a 1-erge and navivga ble river of G- eoria, is formed by the union of the Oconee lnd the Ocmoulgoe after which it flors S.E., upwards of 100 miles, and enters thle Atlantic by several ountlets, sixty miles S.W. from Savannah.'diliecdeville, the capital of the srate, is on lie Oconee, the northern branch. (Sie MIap, 261.) Tle MSiva7lSzat.h River Juts s s heacl brtiches in N. Carolina, a.nd, runniang a S. Eastern course, iormls the boundary between S. Carolina andrGeorgis. The largest vessels pass up the river fourteen miles, and steambosts to Augusta, 120 miles: in a direct line, from the mouthll of bhe iiver, and more than 300 by the river's course. 260 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BOOK II. ANALYSIS. The enemy landed in several places, but were repulsed with loss. One of the French ships vwas taken, and the invasion, at first so alarminn, was repelled w-ith little loss, and little expense to ilhe colony. 1715. 14.'In 1715 a general indian war broke out, headed... r2ia,1nar by the Yarnassees, and involvinr all the Indian tribes fiom of 1715. - Cape Fear River to the Alabamna. The Yamassees had previously shown great fiiendship to the English; and the war commenced- before the latter were aware of their a. April26. danger. The frontier settlements were desolated; Port Royal was abandoned; Clharleston itself was in dans,.srvices ger; and the colony seemed near its ruin.'But Govn~.tand close ernor Craven, with nearly the entire force of the colony, ofthe,,ar. advanced against the eneny, drove their stragg'ling parties before him, and on the banks of the Salkehatchie* encounb May. teredt their main body in camp, and after a bloody battle gained a complete victory. At length the Yamassees, being driven from their territory, retired to Florida, where they were kindly received by the Spaniards.. Donzestic 15. 3The war with the Yamassees was followed, in revolzcti.on. 1719, by a domest:c revolution in Carolina.'As the prodisconten. prietors refused to pay any portion of the debt incurred by the war, and likewise enforced their land claims with severity, the colonists began to look towards the crowln for 5. Resultog assistance and protection.'After much controversy and t/he cont,'o-,versy. difficulty with the proprietors, the assembly and the people openly rebelled angainst their authority, and in the name. Dec. of the king proclaimed~ James Moore governor of the 1720. province. The agent of Carolina obtained, in England, a hearing from tle lords of the reoency, who decided that the proprietors had forfeited their charter. 6. Nitolson.:16. 6While measures were taken for its abrogation, Francis Nicholson, who had previously exercised the office of governor in New York, in Mlaryland, in Virginia, d. Sept. and in Nova Scotia, now received, a royal commission as e1721.. governor of Carolina; and, early in the following year,e 7. Arrange- arrived in the province. 7The controversy with the proment between the proprie- prietors was finally adjusted in 1729, when seven, out of tots and the the eight. sold to the king, for less than 80,000 dollars, their claims to the soil and rents in both Carolinas; and all assigned to him the powers of government granted 8. Situation them by their charter. 8Both Carolinas then becamne of th,' Caroflinas. royal governments, under which they remained until the RIevolution. * Salkeehatchlie is the name given to the upper portion of the Cambahee River, (which see Map, p. 129.) Its course is S.E., and it is from twenty to thirty miles E, from the Savannab Riar. PAWR 1.1J 26] CHAPTER XII. GEORGIA." subject Qf Chaptsr XI; 1.'At thl. time of the surrender- of the Ca' 1,. ehar- 1. Situati ter io the crown, the country southwest of the Sr ninah of Georgia was a wilderness, occupied by savage tribes, and cii)imed cf her thesurr by Spain as a part of Florida, and by England as. nart Carolina charter. of Carolina. 6H1appily for the claims of the latter, and a. 1729. the security of Carolina, in 1732 a number of persons in 2, Project England, influenced by motives of patriotism and humoran- 1732. ity, formed the project of planting a colony in the disputd territory. 2. "James Oglethorpe, a member of the British parlin. 3, Oglethorve ment, a soldier and a loyalist, but a friend of the unfor- naevsla bdetunate, first conceived the idea of opening, for the poor si of his own country, and fbr persecuted Protestants of all nations, an asylum in America, where former poverty would be no reproach, and where all might worship without fear of persecution. 4The benevolent enterprise met. rrs tgran, bo' chearter, with favor from the king, who granted,b for twenty-one rf G iheria. years, to a corporation, " in trust for the poor," the coun- b. June 20 try between the Savannah and the Altamaha, and westward to the Pacific Ocean. The new province was named Georgia. 3. qIn November of the same year, Oglethorpe, with 5. Seat nearly one hundred and twenty emigrants, embarkedo for of Savanna. c. Nov. America, and after touching1 at Charleston and Port 1733. Royal, on the twelfth of February landed at Savannah.t d. Jan. 24. On Yamacraw bluff, a settlement was immediately commenced, and the town, after the Indian name of the river, 6. Indians invited to a was called Savannah.'After completing a slight fortifi- conference. GEORGIA, one of the Southern States, contains an area of about 60,000 square miles. The entire coast, to the distance of seven or eight miles, is intersected by numerous inlets, comnmunicating with each other, and navigable for small vessels. The islands thus formed consist mlostlyv of salt marshes, which produce sea island cotton of a superior quality. The coast on the mainland, to the distance of several miles, is mostly a salt marsh; beyond which are ti.j pine barrels, and the ridges of sand hills, similar to OCINIT~ OF SAVXNNAI. those of South Carolina. The Upper Couantry is an extensire table!and, with a black and fertile soil. Near b - the boundary of Tennessee and Carolina, on the north, the country beconmes mountainous. Ec7.s.i'oss., e' SovIana/h, now the la.rgest city, and the principal |:, seaport of Georgia, is situated on thle S. W. balnk of thle I\N: -. Savannah Iivrci, on a sandy plain forty feet above the; -. level of the lidle, and seventeen imiles froom thee sea. i The city is regularly ]aid out in the fobrm of a p:aLr-.-,,,/ allelogranl, with streets erossing each other at right ng'les. - Vessels reqluiring fourteen ieet of water comlne fs,.!_/.;:. tp to the wharves of the city, and larger vessels to CieT p/ rilve Fatcshom ol, three miles below the city. (See Ma.) ___ ___ 262 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BOOK IL ANALYSIs. cation for the defence of the settlers, Oglethorpe invited - the neighboring Indian chiefs to meet him at Savannah, in order to treat with them for their lands, and establish relations of firiendship. First meeL- 4.'In June the chiefs of the Creek nation assembled; t,' qvitt- the kind feelings prevailed; and the English were cordially welcomed to the country. Anll aged warrior presented several bundles of slins, saying that, although the Indians were poor, they gave, with a good heart, such things as they possessed. Another chief presented the skin of a buffalo, painted, on the inside, with the head and feathers of an eagle. He said the English were as swift as the eagle, and as strong as the buffalo; for they flew over vast seas; and were so powerful, that nothing could withstand them. He reminded them that the feathers of the eagle were soft, and signified love; that the skin of the buffalo was warm, and signified protection; and therefore he hoped the English would love and protect the little families of the Indians. Character 5. "The settlers rapidly increased in numbers, but as osettlers.l most of those who first came over, were not only poor, but unaccustomed to habits of industry, they were poorly qualified to encounter the toil and hardships to which their. A.rrval of situation exposed themt.'The liberality of the trustees grants. then invited emigrants of more enterprising habits; and large numbers of' Swiss, Germans, and Scotch, accepted 4. Reula- their proposals. 4The regul4ations of the trustees at first tionusof the forbade the use of negroes,-prohibited the importation of rum,-and interdicted all trade with the Indians, without a special license. Slavery was declared to be no, only immoral, but contrary to the laws of England. 1736. 6.'Early in 1736, Oglethorpe, who had previously a. Adatirto visited England, returned- to Georgia, with a new commade to the ZD coloSny pany of three hundred emigrants. 1In anticipation of in, 1736. a. Feb. 16. war between England and Spain, he fortified his colony, t.onsfoo Pra- by erecting forts at Augusta,* Darien,4 Frederica,- on Cumberland Island~ near the mouth of the St. Mary's,J1 e Augusta City is situated on the S.W. side of the Savannah River, 120 miles N.W. from Savannah City. It is at the head of steamboat navigation on the Savannah, is surrounded by a rich country, and has an active trade. t Darsie is situated on a high sandy bluff, on the north and principal channel of the Alta, VICINITY OF RED)ERICA. maha, twelve miles from the bar near its mouth. (See Map.) I Frederica is situated on the west side of St. Simon's Island, {-~.Dxv —ke-' 5f below the principal mouth of the Altamaha, and on one of it~,. navigable channels. The fort, mentioned above, sias constructe of tabby, a mixture of water and lime, with shells or gravel, forming a hard rocky mass when dry. The ruins of the fort'.>" o-'p,, I may still be seen. (See Map.) ~ Css7sberlned Island lies opposite the coast, at the southeastern extremity of Georgia. It is fifteen miles in length, and from one Bruns r to four in width. Thie fort on the southern point, and -i5e/;Fv 4FK/' commanded the entrance to St. Mlary's River. II,St. iMary's River, forming part of the boundary between Georgia and Florida, enters the Atlantic, between Cumberland Island on the north, and Amelia Island onuthe south PART l.J GEORGIA.. 263 and even as far as the St. John's, claiming for the Eng- 1J'36 iish, all the territory north of' that river. I3But the Span- i. Claisr ish authorities of St. Augustine complained of the near ged by tihe t Spanish at. approach of the English; and their commissioners, sent hoites. to confer with Oglethorpe, demanded the evacuation of the country, as far north as St. lelena Sound;* and, in case of refusal, threatened hostilities. 2The fortress at!2. toufar the mouth of the St. John's was abandoned; but that near wtere.a, tthe mouth of the St. Mary's was retained; and this river tea. afterwards became the southern boundary of Georgia. 7.'The celebrated John WM esley, founder of the Metho- 3. Iw ests dist church, had returned with Oglethorpe, with the cha- iS',.aect: ritable design of rendering Georgia a religious colony, and of converting the Indians. 4Having become unpopu- 4. What ren; lar by his zeal and imprudence, lie was indicted for exer-,epop ar, cising unwarranted ecclesiastical authority; and, after a ahnisetu,rn. residence of two years in the colony, he returned to Englhand, where he was long distinguished for his piety and usefulness.'Soon after his return the Rev. George 5. visit of Whitefield, another and more distinguished Methodist, Whitefield. visiteda Georgia, with the design of establishing an orphan a. May, 1738. asylum on lands obtained from the trustees for that purpose. The plan but partially succeeded during his lifetime, and was abandoned after his death.b b. In 1770. S.'To hasten the preparations for the impending con- 6. Preparatest with Spain, Oglethorpe again visited' England, where tos.iortea o he receivecd a commission as brigadier-general, with a 1736-37. command extending over South Carolina, and, after an 1737. absence of more than a year and a half, returnede to de. eOct.7 Georgia, bringing with him a regiment of' 600 men, for the defence of the southern fi-ontlers. 7In the latter part 7. Drlaraof 1739,. England declaredf war against Spain; and tion ofwOe,,. Oglethorpe immediately planned an expedition against St. Augustine. In May of the following year,g he entered f.No.' Florida with a select force of four hundred men from his g 1740. regiment, some Carolina troops, and a large body of fiiendly Indians. 9. 8A Spanish fort, twenty-five miles from St. Augus- 8. ciretn tine, surrendered after a short resistance;-another, within tendin. t" two miles, was abandoned; but a summons for the z-r- 4np-'gtos. render of the town was answered by a bold defiance. For Angwlene a time the Spaniards were cut off from all supplies, by ships stationed at the entrance of the harbor; but at length several Spanish galleys eluded the vigilance of the blockading squadron, and brought a reenforcement and supplies St, Sielena Sound is the entrance to the Camibahee River. It is north of St Helena I1lan,1 %nd about fifty milea N.E. from Swvannah. (See Map, p. 129.) 264 COLONIAL HlS'TORY. [BooK 1! ANALYSIS. to the garrison. All hopes of speedily reducing the placu were now lost;-sickness began to prevail alnong the a. July. troops; and Oglethorpe, with sorrow and regret, returneda to Georgia. 1742. 10.'Two years later, the Spaniards, in return, made S. spanish preparations for anl invasion of Georgia. In July, a fleet invasion of a i Jl Georgia. of thirty-six sail from Havanna and St. Augustine, bearing more than three thousand troops, entered the' harbor of b. uly l6. St. Simon's;* landedb on the west side of the island, a little above the town.of the same name; and erected a S. Movements battery of twenty guns. 2General Oglethorpe, who was thrpe, and then on the island with a force of less than eight hundred aansCt te men, exclusive of Indians, withdrew to Frederica; enelny. anxiously awaiting an expected reenforcement from Carolina. A party of the enemy, having advanced within two miles of the town, was driven back with loss; another party of three hundred, coming to their assistance, was c. July is. ambuscadedc and two-thirds of the number were slain or taken prisoners. 3. Attack on 11. 3Oglethorpe next resolved to attack, by night, one camnp pe- of the Spanish camps; but a French soldier deserted, venlted. and gave the alarm, and the design was defeated. dAp4. Oglethorpe's plan prehensive that the enemy would now discover his weak-'waenemy. ness, he devised an expedient for destroying the credit of any information that might be given. He wrote a letter to the deserter, requesting that he would urge the Spaniards to an immediate attack, or, if he should not succeed in this, that he would induce them to remain on the island three days longer, for in that time several British ships, and a reenforcement, were expected from Carolina. He also dropped some hints of an expected attack on St. Augustine by a British fleet. This letter he bribed a Spanish prisoner to deliver to the deserter, but, as was expected, it was given to the Spanish commander. S. The result 12.'The deserter was immediately arrested as a spy, q'tis8plan. but the letter sorely perplexed the Spanish officers, some of whom believed it was intended as a deception, while others, regarding the circumstances mentioned in it as highly probable, and fearing for the safety of St. Augustine, advised an immediate return of the expedition. s. circhm- 6Fortunately, while they were consulting, there appeared, stance that aIn greatlyfa- at some distance on the coast, three small vessels, which voted its success. were regarded as a part of the British fleet mentioned in * St. Simon's Island lies south of the principal channel of the Altamaha. It is twelve miles in length, and from two to five in width. The harbor of St. Simon's is at the southern point of the island, before the town of the same name, and eight miles below Frederica. At St Stimon's there was also a-small fort, The northern part of the island is separated from the Lainland by a small creek, and is called Little St. Sirlon's. (See Map, p. 262.) PART II.] GEORGIA. 265 the letter.'It was now determined to attaci Oglethorpe'. at Frederica, before the expected reenforcement should - arrive. lion to attacke 13.'While advancing, for this purpose, they fell into 2 lteetorpe. an ambutscade,a at a place since called " Bloody Marsh," teijteded where they were so warmly received that they retreated a. July 25. with precipitation-abandoned their works, and hastily retired to their shipping; leaving a quantity of guns and ammunition behind them.'O3n their way south they 3. Othcr demade an attackb on Fort William,* but were repulsed; b. Jly 29 and two galleys were disabled and'abandoned.'The 4. Trerteogt Spaniards were deeply mortified at the result of the expe- oftish c,,n'. dition; and the commander of the'troops, on his return to ZanderHavanna, was tried by a court-martial, and, in disgrace, dismissed from the service. 14.'Soon after these events, Oglethorpe returned to 1743. England, never to revisit the colony which, after ten years t. QIO'e,z of disinterested toil, he had planted, defended, and now turn. left in tranquillity..Hlitherto, the people had been under 6. it,S a kind of military rule; but now a civil government was thsent. established, and commnitted to the charge of a president and council, who were required to govern according to the instructions of the trustees. 15. 7Yet the colony did not prosper, and most of the 7. Condition settlers still remained in poverty, with scarcely the hope ofthe colonzu. of better days.'Under the restrictions of the trustees, agriculture had not flourished; and commerce had scarcely been thought of. 8The people complained that, 8. Cownptlai?,t as they were poor, the want of a free title to their lands of tpleo. almost wholly deprived them of' credit; they wished that the unjust rule of descent, which gave their property to the eldest son, to the exclusion of the younger children, should be changed for one more equitable; but, more than all, they complained that they were prohibited the use of slave labor, and requested that the same encouragements should be given to them as were given to their more fortunate neighbors in Carolina. 16. 9The regulations of the trustees began to be evaded, 9. L,, and the laws against slavery were not rigidly enforced. vary, a. At first, slaves from Carolina were hired for short periods; dd. then for a hundred years, or during life; and a sum equal to the value of the negro paid in advance; and, finally, slavers from Africa sailed directly to Savannah; and Georgia, like Carolina, became a planting state, with slave labor. F F'ort William was the name of the fort at the southern extremity of Cumberland Island thore w1as also a fort, called FIot Andrewl, at the northern extremity of the island. 34 266 COLONIAL HISTORY [Boos EIL ANALYSIS..17.'In 1752, the trustees of Georgia, wearied with 1752. complaints against the system of government which they 1. Fomn of had established, and finding that the province languished govern'lment under their care, resignedu their charter to the king; anzd zah. and the province was formedb into a royal government.. Jly Oct. The people were then favored with the same liberties S. WIhat gave and privileges that were enjoyed by the provinces of Ca-'P~ony.o rolina; but it was not until the close of the French and Indian war, and the surrender of the Floridas to England, by which security was given to the frontiers, that tlhe colony began to assume a flourishing condition. PAu'r Il.] 267 ____ - ________', _ I: DarEATH OF GENERAL WOLFE. (See page 282.) CHAPTER XII. THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR,Subjectoj XIII EXTENDING FIRO0 1754 TO THtE PEACE OF 1763. DIVISIONS. F. CGazses of the Vrart, and events of 1754. —I. 1755: Epecdt.toons of Divisions of Monckton, Braddock, Shirley, nd Johnson.-III. 1756: Delays; the Chapter. Loss of Osrvego; Indian Izacursions.-IV. 1757: Designs against Louisbhlrg, anrd Loss of Fort Wn. Henzry. —V. 1758': Redlectiol of LOisbnrg; AbercroLbis Defeat; The taki-ng qf Forts Froltenzac and DIG, Qlesne.- VI 1759 to 1763: Ticonderoga and CJrown Point Ahbando1ned; Niagoara Takens; CoInquest of Qlebec, —Of all Canada; War with the Cherokees; Peace of 1763. 1. CAUSES OF THE WAl, AND EVENTS OF 1754,- FiSit Dvfo. I'hus far separate accounts of the early American col- i. wh., sep.onies have been given, for the purpose of preserving that r'teec'l~oZ. t, unity of narration which seemed best adapted to render thus fore prominent the distinctive features which marked the set- given tlement and progress of each. 2But as we have arrived 2. Changes at a period when the several colonies have become firmly f"df'r mat established, and when their individual histories become sao less eventful, and less interesting, their general history will now be taken up, and continued in those more impo;tant events which subsequently affected all the colonies.,Bp ect oa0'This period is distinguished by the final struggle for do- oD no.f 268 COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK It ANALYSIS minion in America, between the rival powers of France and England. I. Previous 2.'Those previous wars between the two countries, itwee rnce which had so often embroiled their transatlantic colonies, atl Ean. had chiefly arisen from disputes of European origin; and the events which occurred in America, were regarded as of secondary importance to those which, in a greater measure, affected the influence of the rival powers in the 2. What ted affairs of Europe.'But the growing importance of the aothd IFrnch American possessions of the two countries, occasioning war. disputes about territories tenfold more extensive than either possessed in Europe, at length became the sole cause of involving them in another contest, more important to America than any preceding one, and which is commonly known as the French and Indian Wiar. 3. What was 3.'The English, by virtue of the early discovery by thae g.o~,et. the Cabots, claimed the whole seacoast from Newfoundthe extent of land to Florida; and by numerous grants of territory, belte English claim, fore the French had established any settlements in the Valley of the Mississippi, they had extended their claims 4. Upon westward to the Pacific Ocean. 4The French, on the Fhatrte contrary, founded their claims upon the actual occupation foclded their and exploration of the country.'Besides their settlements 5. How far in New France, or Canada, and Acadia, they had long their settle-.ents ex- occupied Detroit,* had explored the Valley of the Missis1tnded sippi, and formed settlements at Kaskaskiat and Vincennes,t, and along the northern border of the Gulf of Mexico. 6 Extent of 4. "According to the French claims, their northern posthe French theim.h sessions of New France and Acadia embraced, within their southern limits, the half of New York, and the greater portion of New England; while their western possessions, of Upper and Lower Louisiana, were held to embrace the entire valley of the Mississippi and its tributary streams. Y. Prepara- 7For the purpose of vindicating their claims to these extions to de- z:1 fend it. tensive territories, and confiningc the English to the country east of the Alleghanies, the French were busily engaged in erecting a chain of forts, by way of the Great Lalkes ant: the Mississippi, from Nova Scotia to the Gulf 8 Immediate of Mexico. case of con- 5. sA royal grant~ of an extensive tract of land on the a 1749. Ohio~ River, to a company of merchants, called the Ohio * Detroit. (SeeI Map, p. 449) t Kaskaskia, in the southwvestern part of the state of Illinois, is situated on the IV. side cI Kaskaskia River, seven miles above its junction with the Mississippi. t Vincennes is in the southwesternl part of Indianat, and is situated on the E. bank of th1 Wabash River, 100 miles, by the river's course, above its entrance into the Ohio.'The Oh1io River is formed by the confluence of the Alleghaeny from the N., and thi' Monongahela froun thi e S., at littsburg, in the western part of Pennlsylvania. From Pittsburg !PART II.] THiE'FRENC AND iNDIAN WAR. 269 company, gave the French the first apprehension that the ]i,.L English were desiioning to deprive them of their western trade wit~h the Indians, and cut off their communication between Canada and Louisiana.'While the company I vion7snt.ecf gsmures thai vere SUlrveyinw, these lanids, with the view of settlement, followed. three British traders we(-re seizedc by a party of French a 1713. and Indians, and convrveed to a French fort at Presque Isle.* The T'winhtwees, a tribe of Indians fr'iendly to tie Enlish, resenting the violence done to their allies, seized several Fruench traders, and sent them to Pennsylvania. 6. 2The Frenci soon afier befan the erection of forts 2. Reomtsouth of Lake I ie, which called forth serious complaints,,'anCe orf from thle Ohio Company..s the terr itory in dispute was Di.oiidiZe. within the original charter limits of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie, lieutenant-governor of' the colony, deemed it his duty to remonstrate with the Firench commandant of the western posts, against his proceedings, and demand a withdrawal of his troops.'The person em-ployed to con- 3. George vey a letter to the French commandant iwas George lashigton Washington, an enterprising and public-spirited young man, then in his twenty-second year, who thus early engaged in the public service, and who afterwards became illustrious in thle annals of his country. 7. 4The service to which Washington wvas thus called, 4. Theerwas both difficult and dangerous; as half of his route, of Waih ington four hundred miles, lay through a trackless wilderness, inhabited by Indian tribes, whose feelings were hostile to the English.'Departing, on the 31st of October, from 5. His Williamsburg,t then the seat of government of the province, 2 on the 4th of December he reached a French fort at the mouth of French Creek,t froml which he was conducted to another fort higher up the stream, where lie found the French commandant, M. De St. Pierre,b who entertained b Pronounhim with great politeness, and gave him a written answer ced Pe-are. to Governor Dinwiddie's letter. the general course of the river is S.W. to the. ississippi, a distance of 950 miles by the river, but only about 520 in a direct line. It separates the states of Virginia and Kentucky on the S., from Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois on the N., and drains a valley containing more than 200,000 square miles. The only considerable falls in the river are at Louisville, where the wvater descends twenty-two and a hstlf feet iso tlwo miles, around which has been completed a carnal that admits the passage of the largest steamboats. 1'resque Isle (anlmost an island as its name implies,) is a, small peninsula on the southern shore of Lake Erie. at the norlthwestern extremity of Pennsylvauia. r''lle place referred t:o in history as Presque Isle is the present,ilZLae ot oErie, which is situated on the S. Y. side of the bay formed between Presque Isle Land the mainlaild. t iVilliamsbus lr is situated on. elevated ground between Jales antd York Rivers, a ftew miles N.E. from Jamestown. It is the seat of William and Mary College, founded in 1693. (See Map, p. 136.) Frelnch creek, called by thie French Alux rTce.fs, (O Buff.) enters Alleghany River ficln the west, in the present county of Ventngo, sixty-five miles N. from Pittsburg. The F'renc!l fort, called Vesango, was onl the site of the present village of Franklin, the capital of Yenangc Countv. '17(0 COLONIAL 1:S'TOIIY. [BooK 11 ANALYSIS. 8. LHaving secretly taken the dimensions of the fort, 1. Dangers and made all possible observations, he set outs on his return. rncounterec. At one time he providentially escaped being murdered by'1.et6n. a party of hostile Indians; one of' whom, at a short dis. a. Dec. 16. tance, fired upon him, but fortunately missed him. At another time, while crossing a river on a raft, he was thrown fiom it by the floating ice; and, after a narrow 1754. escape from drowning, he suffered greatly from the intense 2. Anwer of severity of the cold. 2On his arrivalb at'Williamsburg, the French cnenmander. the lettei of St. Pierre was found to'contain a refusal to b. Jan. 16. withdraw his troops; with the assurance that he was actin(g in obedience to the commands of the governor-general of Canada, whose orders alone he should obey. 3 eamsures 9. 3The hostile designs of the French being apparent tlt iere fiom the reply of St. Pierre, the governor of Virginia consequenlce. made immediate preparations to resist their encroachments. The Ohio Company sent out a party of thirty men to erect a fort at the confluence of the Alleghany* and Mononga. hela;t and a body of provincial troops, placed under the command of Washington, marched into the disputed terri4. The Ohio tory.'The men sent out by the Ohio Company had C7onposj's scarcely commenced their fort, when they were driven~ c April 18. from the ground by the French, who completed the works, d Pronounced dluKal(ne. and named the place Fort du Quesne.d 5. Fte, of 10.'An advance party under Jumonville, which had Jtornon7iiie's party. been sent out to intercept the approach of Washington, e.Mar28. was surprisede in the night; and all but one were either 7)The, leeLtfkilled or taken prisoners.'After erecting a small fort, Washinrton. which he named Fort Necessity,+ and being joined by some additional troops from New York and Carolina, Washington proceeded with four hundred men towards Fort du Quesne, when, hearing of the advance of a large body of French and Indians, under the command of M. f. il-le-are. de Villiers,f he returned to Fort Necessity, where he was g. July 3. soon after attacked' by nearly fifteen hundred of the enemy. After an obstinate resistance of ten hours, Washh. July 4. ington agreed to a capitulation,h which allowed him the honorable terms of retiring unmolested to Virginia. 7. Plan of 11. 7It havino been seen by England, that war with,ise ad-. FPrance would b e inevitable, the colonies had been advised to unite upon some plan of union for the general defence. it Aobneti. sA convention had likewvise bsen proposed to be held at * Tle Alleghrany River rises in the northern part of Pennsylvania, and runs, first N.W' into New Yorkl, and then, turning to the S. T., again enters Penusylvania, and att Pittshurg unites with the Monongahela to form the Ohio. j The Mlonong-ahela rises by numerous braLnches in the northvwestern patrt of Virginia, and mnling northl enters Pennisyivania, anid unites with the Alilglhany at I'ittsbiurg. + The remains of Fort Necerssity are still to be seen near the national road fromu CunabsrILand to Vheeling, in the southeastern part of Fayette Coont-,: Pennsylvania,. PART I1.] THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 271 Albany, in June, for the.purpose of conferring with the i5t. Six Nations, and securing their friendship.'After a- treaty had been made with the Indians, the, convention d"l hat w~ took up the subject of the proposed union; and, on the fourth of July, the very day of the surrender of Fort Necessity, adopted a plan which had been drawn up by Fir. Franklin, a delegate from Pennsylvania. 12.'This plan proposed the establishment of a general 2. Tahe Zpq. government in the colonies, to be administered by a propoed. governor-general appointed by the crown, and a council chosen by the several colonial legislatures; having the power to levy troops, declare war, raise money, make peace, regulate the Indian trade, and concert all other measures necessary for the general safety. The governorgeneral was to have a negative on the proceedings of the council, and all laws were to be submitted to the king for ratification. 13.'This plan, although approved by all the delegates 3. Whittva, present, except those from Connecticut, who objected to Tcjected the negative voice of the governor-general, shared the singular fate of being rejected, both by the colonial assernblies, and by the British government: by the former, because it was supposed to give too much power to the re presentative of the king; and by the latter, because it was supposed to give too much power to the representatives of the people. 4As no plan of union could be devised, 4thenadetwracceptable to both parties, it was determined to carry on mined: the war with British troops, aided by such forces as the colonial assemblies might voluntarily furnish. II. 1755: EXPEDITIONS OF MONCKTON, BRADDOCK, SIIIR- 1755. LEY, AND SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON.-I.'Early in 1755, Gen- Second d.I vision of the eral Braddock arriveda from Ireland, with two regiments CGptel-. of British troops, and with the authority of commander-in- G chief of the British and colonial forces.'At a convention a. Feb. of the colonial governors, assembled at his request in Vir- 6.Threeezginia, three expeditions were resolved upon; one against solead,pot the French at Fort du Quesne, to be led by General Braddock himself; a second againsti Niagara, and a third against C-rown Point, a French post on the western shore of Lake C[hamnplain. 2'While preparations were making for these expedi- T. rpieditio porevniously tions, an enterprise, that had been previously determined unadertalen. upon, was prosecuted with success in another quarter. About the last of May, Colonel Monckton sailed', from u. aMay O. Boston, wita three thousand troops, against the French settlements at the head of the Bay of Fundy, which were considered as encroachments upon the English province of Nova Scotia. 272 COLONIAL HISTORY. 1[B,:oK IL ANALYSIS. 3. 1Landing at Fort Lavwren.ce,* on the eastern shore It. s'ogress of Chignecto,t a branch of the Bay of Fundy, a French. r- - block-house was carried by assault, and Fort Beausejourk 21ationr. a. June 4. surrendered,r after an investment of four days. The name Pronoun- of the fort was then changed to Cumberland. Fort Gas. tedl, Bo-st[- cezhoor. pereau,d on Bay Verte,e or Green Bay, was next taken; P,. Junc,6ed and the forts on the New Brunswick coast were abandond. Pronounced jas-pe-ro. ed. In accordance with the views of the governor of air.onot Nova Scotia, the plantations of the Frlench settlers were laid waste; and several thousands of the hapless fugitives, ardently attached to their mother country, and refusing to take the oath of allegiance to Great Britain, were driven on board the British shipping, at the point of the bayonet, e. oep. 549. and dispersed, in poverty, through the English colonies.f 2. The npe- 4. 2The expedition against the French on the Ohio was Braddoc. considerably delayed by the difficulty of obtaining supplies of wagons and provisions; but, on the tenth of June, General Braddock set out from Fort Cumberland,~ with a force of little more than two thousand men, composed of 3. His march British regulars and provincials.'Apprehending that,hatened, and z 7eon. Fort du Quesne might be reenforced, he hastened his march with a select corps of 1200 men; leaving Col. Dunbar to follow in the rear with the other troops and the heavy baggage. 4. The cause 5. Neglecting the proper measures necessary for fh ir being guarding against a surprise, and too confident in his own,urprised. views to receive the advice of Washington, who acted as his aid, and who requested to lead the provincials in advance, Braddock continued to press forward, heedless of danger, until he had arrived within nine or ten miles of 5. Particu- Fort du Quesne.'While marching in apparent security, 2.~oJsth~ his advanced guard of regulars, commanded by Lieuten-?aurprise. g. JtlV 9. ant-colonel Gage, was fired upong by an unseen enemy; and, unused to Indian warfare, was thrown into disorder; and falling back on the main body, a general confusion ensued. S. Conduct of Bradreock, 6.'General Braddock, vainly endeavoring to rally his 3sd result of the batte. troops on the spot where they were first attacked, after sak~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o I'or localities see Map. ZO 1 Chig eca t Bay is the northern, or northwestern arm cST. To T15 of the Bay of Fundy. (Map.) $ Bay Verte, or Green Bauy, is a western arm of Nor> y iy he1iSi thuimberlanr Strait; a strait which separates Prince Eadrf~ 4~-S o ip' Ok warddris Island from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. ~~ ~ P~P% (See Map.) ~ Fort Cutmberland was on the site of the present 4'q-. L wr~;~' village of Cumberland, which is situated on the N. side ~~,~!: X Ls.eLawrence of the Potomac River, in Maryland. at the mouth of'"J~,zt,7 P ~ t ~St~O W ili's Creek. "he Cumberland, or National PRad J'~'/, -Ad 20fi~ ~f~.%[,,v v s C which proceeds W. to Ohio. &c., commences here. PART i.] THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 27,3 having had three horses killed under hini, and after seeing iLa5. every mounted officer fall, except Washington, was him- -- self mortally wounded, when his troops fled in dismay and confusion.'The cool bravery of the Virginia provincials, 1. Whatsaved who formed under the command of WVashington, covered reomeatotal the retreat of the regulars, and saved the army from total festructiG-n. destruction.'In this disastrous defeat more than two- 2. Number killed or thirds of all the officers, and nearly half the privates, were wounded. either killed or wounded. 7.'No pursuit was made by the enemy, to whom the 3. The re success was wholly unexpected; yet so great was the treat panic communicate d to Colonel Dunbar's troops, that they likewise fled with precipitation, and made no pause until they found themselves sheltered by the walls of Fort Cumberland. 4Soon after, Colonel Dunbar, leaving at Cumber- 4. Dispositfio land a few provincial troops, but insufficient to protect the mahde of the frontiers, retired- with the rest of the army to Philadelphia. any-. 8.'The expedition against Niagara was intrusted to 5. Expedition Governor Shirley of Massachusetts; on whom the com- atagara. mand in chief of the British forces had devolved, after the death of General Braddock. The forces designed for this enterprise were to assemble at Oswego,b whence they were b. N. p. 271. to proceed by water to the mouth of' the Niagara River.* The main body of the troops, however, did not arrive until the last of August; and then a succession of western winds and rain, the prevalence of sickness in the camp, and the desertion of the Indian allies, rendered it unadvisable to proceed; and most of the forces were withdrawn.; The erection of two new forts had been co',l- c. Oct. 2. menced on the east side of the river; and suitable garrisons were left to defend them. 9. 6The expedition against Crown Point was intrusted 6 Paticuto General Johnson, afterwards Sir William Johnson, a,eclitZin member of the council of New York. In June and July, Crozen Point, about 6000 troops, under General Lyman, were assembled tz ea'rot ral of at the carrying place betwveen Hudson River and Lake dJo~hnson. George,d where they constructed a fort which VICINITY OF LAKE GEORGE. theynamed Fort Lyman, but which was ater- wards called Fort Edward.j-'In the latter 2 N'Iiagara River is the channel vwhich connects Lake E rie i' with Laklie Ontario. It is about thirty-six miles long, and flows 1 S,,'A fro. S. to N. In this stream, twenty-two miles north from Lake 8 Erie, are the celebrated Falls of Nicagara, the greatest natural.. Ann curiosity in the world. (See Map. p. 451and 462.). e o, t Fort Ediward was on the site of the present village of, Edward, in Washington County, on the E. side of Ihtdson lRiver, B and about forty-five miles N. from Albany. This spot was also,Vson A j called the carryinzg place; being the point where, in. the expedi-, 7 tions against Canada, the troops, stores, &c., Awere landed, andtl thence carried to WVood Creek, a distance of twelve miles, where they were again embarked. (See Map.) * nE.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~~ 274 COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boor IL ANALYSIS. part of August General Johnson arriv d; and, taking. Arrival and the command, moved forward with the main body of his proceedings forces to the head of Lake George; where he learned,' o.f JslepSO by his scouts, that nearly two thousand French and Inb. N.p.234. dians were on their march from Crown Point,b with the intention of attacking Fort Edward. o Movements 10.'The enemy, under the command of the Baron of the enemy. Dieskau,c approaching by the way of Wood Creek,d had c. Pronounced, De-es-ko. arrived within two miles of Fort Edward; when the comrd. N. p. 230. mander, at the request of his Indian allies, who stood in great dread of the English cannon, suddenly changed his route, with the design of attacking the camp of Johnson. 3. Detach- 3In the meantime, Johnson had sent out a party of a thoum tZtnehte, sand provincials under the command of Colonel Williams; and why- and two hundred Indians under the command of Hendricks, a Mohawk sachem; for the purpose of intercepting the return of the enemy, whether they succeeded, or failed, in their designs against Fort Edward. 4; Fate of 11. 4Unfortunately, the English, being drawn into an is deetach- ambuscade,, were overpowered by superior numbers, and e. Sept. 8. driven back with a severe loss. Among the killed were Colonel Williams and the chieftain Hendricks. The loss of the enemy was also considerable; and among the slain 5. areaara- was St. Pierre, who commanded the Indians. 5The filring tiinsfor rte- being heard in the camp of Johnson, and its near approach enemy. convincing him oif the repulse of Williams, he rapidly constructed a breastwork of fallen trees, and mounted several cannon, which, two days before, he had fortii. nately received from Fort Edward. S. Attackon 12.'The fugitives had scarcely arrived at the camp, the camp. when the enemy appeared and commenced a spirited attack; but the unexpected reception which the English cannon gave them, considerably cooled their ardor. The Canadian militia and the Indians soon fled; and the French troops, after continuing the contest several hours, y. Fate of retired in disorder. 7Dieskau was foflnd wounded and Deenu'. alone, leaning against the stump of a tree. While feeling for his watch, in order to surrender it, an English soldier, thinking he was searching for a pistol, fired upon him, and inflicted a wound which caused his death. b. What com- 8After the repulse of the French, a detachment from Fort pleted the defeat of the Edward fell upon their rear, and completed their defeat. enelmy. 13. 9For the purpose of securing the country from the 9. Farther proceedings incursions of the enemy, General Johnson erected a fort Johnson. at his place of encampment, which he named Fort Wil. liam Henry.* Learning that the French were strength, P Fort Win. Helinry was situated at the head of Lake George, a little E. from the village o P.T H.] THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 275 ening their works at Crown Point, and likewise that a 17fi55. large party had taken possession of, and were fbrtifying -- Ticonderoga;* he (teemed it advisable to make no farther advance; and, late in the season-after leaving sufficient garrisons at Forts William Henry and Edward, he retired- a nee to Albany, whence he dispersed the remainder of his army to their respective provinces. III. 1756; DELAYs; Lo3s OF SWEGO: INDIAN INCUR- ZhirdDvissoNs. —1.'The plan for the campaign of' 1756, which 1756. had been agreed upon in a council of the colonial gover- Plano,r' the Cam, nors held at Albany, early in the season, was similar to.ti sv,7. that of the preceding year; having for its object the reduction of Crown Point, Niagara, and Fort du Quesne.'Lord Loudon was appointed by the king commander-in- 2. coseinnaa chief of' his forces in America, and also governor of Vir- erTap Ointed ginia; but, being unable to depart immediately, General Abercrombie was ordered to precede him, and take the command of the troops until his arrival.'Thus far, hos- 3 Decrat tilities had been carried on without any formal declaration toi of war. of war; but, in May of this year, war was declaredt by b. May. Ir. Great Britain against France, and, soon after,' by the c. une9. latter power against Great Britain. 2. 4In June, General Abercrombie arrived, with several ieastus regiments, and proceeded to Albany, where the provincial oie en.ord troops were assembled; but deeming the forees under his command inadequate to carry out the plan of the campaign, he thought it prudent to await the arrival of the Earl of Loudon. This occasioned a delay until the latter part of July; and even after the arrival of the earl, no measures of importance were taken.'The French, in s5.i mothe rFrench prot. the mean time, profiting by the delays of the English, ed by theise seized the opportunity to make an attack upon Oswego.t delays. 3. 6Early in August, the Marquis Montealm, who had 6. saeotcasm', succeeded the Baron Dieskau in the chief command of the against ostego. French forces in Canada, crossed Lalke Ontario with more than five thousand men, French, Canadians, and Indians; and, with more than thirty pieces of cannon, comnmencedd d Au. i. the siege of Fort Ontario, oi the east side of Oswego Caldwell, in Warren County. Aftcr the fort was levelled by M.ontcalim, in 1757, (see page 277.) Fort George was built as a substitute for it, on a more commanding site; et it i wats iuever thd scene of any important batile. (See Map, page 273.) FORa's AT osw::o. * Tiesonderoga is situated at the mouth of the outlet of Lake George, in Essex Counsty, on the western shore of Lake Chamilplain, about eighty-five nliles in a direct line N. front Albarny. (See Map and Note, p'74.) The villae of Ticonderoga is two miles above the ruins of the fort. Sw t The village of Oswego, in Oswego County, is situated on both sides of Oswego River, at its entrance into Lake Ontario. I ifl i' r Old Fort Oswego, built in 1727, -wras on the west side of the riv- er. In 1755 Fort Ontario was built on an eminence on the E.;ice 77J trio of the river; a short distance N. of whioh stands the presen t Fort O wego.o '2ri6 COLONIAL HISTORY [Boos IL &NALYSIS River.* After an obstinate, but short defence, this fort a was abandoned,s-the garrison safely retiing to the oldc a. Aug. 12. n sael retrio o beol fort on the west side of the river. I. Surrender 4.'On the fourteenlth, the English, numbering (only of this p!ace, and loss suf' 1400 men, found themselves reduced to the necessity of a fered by the eEA-lishe capitulation; by which they surrendered themselves prisoners of war. Several vessels in the harbor, together with a large amount of military stores, consisting of small arms, ammunition, provisions, and 134 pieces of cannon, fell into the hands of the enemy. MIontcalm, after demolishing the forts, returned to Canada. 2. Indian dep- 5. 2After the defeat of Braddock, the Indians on the datioheeste western frontiers, incited by the French, renewed their frontiers. depredations, and killed, or carried into captivity, more than 3. Col. Arm- a thousand of the inhabitants. 3In August of this year, pedZtio,. Colonel Armstrong, with a party of nearly 300 men, marched against Kittaning,t their principal town, on the b. Sept.. Allegrhany River. The Indians, although surprised,b de. fended themselves with great bravery; refusing quarter when it was offered them. Their principal chiefs were killed, their town was destroyed, and eleven prisoners were recovered. The English suffered but little in this expedition. Among their wounded was Captain Mercer, afterwards distinguished in the war of the Revolution. 4. Result of 4These were the principal events of this year; and not campain.ear' one of the important objects of the campaign was either accomplished or attempted. 1757. IV. 1757: DESIGNS AGAINST LOUISBURG, AND Loss OF The fourths FORT WILLIAM I HENRY.-1. 5The plan of the campaign division. 5. object of of 1757, was limited, by the conmmander-in-chief, to an?6e cammpaign attempt upon the important fortress of Louisburg.'With of 1757. 6 Preparae- the reduction of this post in view, Lord London sailed& wvere made. from New York, in June, with 6000 regular troops, and c. June20. on the thirteenth of the same month arrived at Halifax, where he was reenforced by a powerful naval armament commanded by Admiral Holbourn, and a land force of. Theobject 5000 men from England. "Soon after, information was abandoned. d. Aug. 4. received,d that a French fleet, larger than that of the English, had already arrived in the harbor of Louisburg, and that the city was garrisoned by more than 6000 men. The expedition was, therefore, necessarily abandoned. The admiral proceeded to cruise off Louisburg, and Lord e. Ag. 31.. Loudon returnede to New York. * Os7wego Rier is formed by the jnnction of Seneca and Oneida Rivers. The former is the outlet of Canandaiga, Crookied, Seneca, Cayuga, Owasco, and Skeneateles Lakes; and the latter of Oneida Lake. t Kittaning, the county seat, of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, is built on the site of the old Indian Town. It is on the E. side of Alleghany Ri er, about forty miles N.E, from Pittsburg. PART lld THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 277 2.'While these events were transpiring, the French [7,. commander, the Marquis Montcalm, having collected his - forces at Ticonderoga, advanced with an army of 9000 -,1Prromtmen, 2000 of whnom were savages, and laid siegea to Fort'iO""2 n the William Henry.b'The garrison of the fort consisted of a. Aug. 3. between two and three thousand men, commanded by b. S27ote Colonel Monro; and, for the farther security of the place, 2 Siege and Surrender of Colonel Webb was stationed at Fort Edward, only fifteen Fort WIvlt.'u miles distant, with an army of 4000 men. During six He days, the garrison maintained an obstinate defence; anxiously awaiting a reenforcement from Fort Edward; until, receiving positive information that no relief would be attempted, and their ammunition beginning to fail thbm, they surrenderedr the place by capitulation. c. Aug. 8. 3.'Honorable terms were granted the garrison' on 3. Terns account of their honorable defence," as the capitulation granted the itself expressed; and they were to march out with their arms, and retire in safety under an escort to Fort Edward. 4The capitulation, however, was shamefully broken by the 4. The captIndians attached to Montcalm's party; who fell upon the brokten. English as they were leaving the fort; plundered them of their baggage, and butchered many of them in cold blood.'The otherwise fair fame of' Montcalm has been tarnished 5. Conduct of Montcalm by this unfortunate affair; but it is believed that he and onthis occaslon. his officers used their utmost endeavors, except firing upon the Indians, to stop the butchery. V. 1758: REDUCTION OF LOUISBURG; ABERCROBIBIE'S 1758. DEFEAT; THE TAKING OF FORTS FRONTENAC AND DU Fifth diviQUESNE. —1. GThe result of the two preceding campaigns 6. Resoult of was exceedingly humiliating to England, in view of the for- the, toptcr' midable preparations that had been made for carrying on the Panswar; and so strong was the feeling against the ministry and their measures, that a change was found necessary.?A new administration was formed. at the head of which 7. Chanoges was placed Mr. Pitt, afterwards Lord Chatham; Lord tnatfotlooed Loudon was recalled; additional forces were raised in America; and a large naval armament, and twelve thousand additional troops, were promised from England. oThree expeditions were planned: one against Louisburg, 8. E.pedftions plananother' against the French on Lake Champlain, and a 0zea third against Fort du Quesne. 2. 9Early in the season, Admiral Boscawen arrived at 9. ExpecdHalifax, whence he sailed, on the 28th of May, with a tLouisurg. fleet of nearly forty armed vessels, together with twelve thousand men under the command of General Amherst, for the reduction of Louisburg.- On the second of June, d. See Not, the fleet anchored ill Gabarus Bay; and on the 8th the and Map, p. 203. ~roops effected a landing, with little loss; when the 1'is COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boor ITI ANALY3IS. French called in their outposts, and dismantled the roya. battery. I. Progress of 3.'Soon after. General WJolfe, passing' around this the siege, and b l'rendler of Northeast Harbor, erected a battery at the North Cape, te. ule. ae. near the light-house, from which the island battery was a.lJute the u atr b. June 25. silenced: b three French ships were burned' in the harbor; c. July21. and the fortifications of the town were greatly injured. At length, all the shipping being destroyed, and the batteries from the land side having made several breaches in the walls, near the last of July the city and island, toge(i. July 6. ther with St. John's,* were surrenderedd by capitulation. L. Abercrom- 4. =During these events, General Abercrombie, on whomn beeptiepedt the command in chief had devolved on the recall of Lord e See Note Loudon, was advancing against Ticonderoga.e 3rOn the an l74.p. 5th of July, lie embarked on Lake George, with more a. FrorreS of than 15,000 men, and a formidable train of artillery. On tionl, ant re- the following morning, the troops landed near the northern sult of the firZst attack extremity of the lake, and commenced their march through a thick wood towards-the fort, then defended by about four thousand men under the command of the Marquis Montcalm. ignorant of the nature of the ground, and without proper guideS, the troops became bewildered; and the centre column, commanded by Lord Howe, falling in with an advanced guard of the French, Lord Howe himrnself was killed; but after a warm contest, the enemy f. July. 6. were repulsed.f 4. The effect.5.'After the death of Lord Howe, who was a highly Uoiofe, death. valuable officer, and the soul of the expedition, the ardor of the troops greatly abated; and disorder and confusion 5. Particzulars prevailed. SMost of the armyv fell back to the place, but early on the morning of the Sth, again advanced in full force to attack the fort; the general being assured, by his chief engineer, that the intrenchments were unfinished, and might be attempted with good prospects of success. Unexpectedly, the breastwork was found to be of great strength, and covered with felled trees, with their branches pointing outwards; and notwithstanding the intrepidity of the troops, after a contest of nearly four hours, g. July 8. they were repulsedg with great slaughter; leaving nearly two thousand of their number killed or wounded on the field of battle. e. REpedition 6. 6After this repulse, the army retired to the head of Raontenac. Lake George, whence at the solicitation of Colonel Brad. street, an expedition of three thousand men, under the * St. T.!lri;, or Prince Edward's Island, is an island of very irregular shape, about 13CI miles long; j ing west of Cape Breton, and north of Nova Scotia, from which it is separated by Northumberland Strait. The Freach called the island St. John's; but in 1799 the Englisl changed its name to Prince Edward. (See Hist. of Prince Edward, p. 553.) PART I.] THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 279 command of that officer, was sent against Fort Frontenac,* 175s. on the western shore of the outlet of Lake Ontario, a place — which had long been the chief resort for the traders of he Indian nations who were in alliance with the French. Proceeding by the way of Oswego, Bradstreet crossed the lake, landed- within a mile of the fort without opposition, a..t.. and, in two days, compelled that important fortress to surrender. b The Fort was destroyed, and nine armed vessels, b. Au. 27. sixty cannon, and a large quantity of military stores and goods, designed for the Indian trade, fell into the hands of the English. 7.'The expedition against Fort du Quesne was in- 1. Expeditic~r trusted to General Forbes, who set out from Philadelphia acga, t Frs. early in July, at the head of 9000 men. An advanced party under Major Grant was attacked near the fort, and defeated with the loss of three hundred men; but, as the main body of the army advanced, the French, being deserted by their Indian allies, abandoned, the place, and es- c. Nov. M. caped in boats down the Ohio. Quiet posession was then takend of the fort, when it was repaired and garrisoned, d. Nov. 25. and, in honor of Mr. Pitt, named Pittsburg.t 2'The west- 2. Treaty ern Indians soon after came in and concluded a treaty of fo neutrality with the English.'Notwithstanding the defeat 3. zesult of of Abercrombie, the events of the year had weakened oft1Co se the French power in America; and the campaign closed with honor to England and her colonies. VI. 1759 TO 1763: TICONDEROGA AND CROWN POINT 1759. ABANDONED; NIAGARA TAKEN; CONQUEST OF QUEBEC, — SubJects of OF ALL CANADA; WAR WITH THE CHEROKEES; PEACE OF vision. 1763.-1. 4The high reputation which General Amherst 4. Honorsbehad acquired in the siege of Louisburg, had gained him a stloed on vote of thanks from parliament, and had procured for him. Amsherst. the appointment of commander-in-chief of the army in North Amnerica, with the responsibility of carrying out the vast and daring project of Mr. Pitt, which was no less than the entire conquest of Canada in a single campaign. 2.'For the purpose of dividing and weakening the 5. Plno of tm power of the French, General Wolfe, a young officer of C"et1agnl of uncommon merit, who had distinguished himself at the siege of Louisburg, was to ascend the St. Lawrence and lay siege to Quebec: General Amherst was to carry Ticonderoga and Crown Point; and then, by way of Lake Champlain and the St. Lawrence, was to unite with the forces of General Wolfe; while a third army, after the * The village of Kingston, in Canada, now occupies the site of Old Fort Frontenac. t Pittsburg, now a flourishing city, is situated on a beautiful plain, at the junction of the Alleghany and the Monongahela, in the western part of Pennsylvani-t. There are several thriving villages in the vicinity, which should be regarded as suburbs of Pittsburg, the prin. tipal of which is Allegianzy City, on the N.W. side of the Alleghany Rliver. 280 COLONIAL HIISTORY. Boox II. ANALYSIS. reduction uf Niagara, was to proceec aown the lake and river against Montreal. 1 Successf 3. Ikn the prosecution of the enterprise which had been at Ti;conzder- intrusted to him, General Amherst arrived- before Ticona Jgar2. derogab in the latter part of July, with an army of little t,. See Note more than 11,000 men. While preparing for a general i. i,4. attack, the French abandonede their lines, and withdrew c Jtu' 23. to the fort; but, in a few Clays, abandonedd this also, after d.. July e26 e I9 p. 234. having partially demolished it, and retired to Crown Point.e,2 Farthzer 4.'Pursuin(r his successes, General Amherst advanced p,,oaivut of the eeSty,.and towards this latter post; but on his approach, the garrison rettt'.tf t retiredr to the Isle of Aux Noix* in the river Sorel.g After f. AnL. 1. having constructed several small vessels, and acquired a g N. P. 2.30. naval superiority on the lake, the whole army embarkedh in pursuit of the enemy; but a succession of' storms, and the advanced season of the year, finally compelled a rei. Oct. 2. turni to Crown Point, where the troops went into winter quarters. 3. Events of 5.'General. Prideaux,i to whom was given the comtion eaainst mand of the expedition against Niagara, proceeded by the Nagata. way of Schenectady and Oswego; and on the sixth of ced, Pee-do. July landed near the fort Without opposition. Soon after the commencement of the siege, the general was killed through the carelessness of a gunner, by the bursting of a cohorn, when the command devolved on Sir William Johnson. As twelve hundred French and Indians, from the southern French forts, were advancing to the relief of k. July 24. the place, they were met and routedk with great loss; 1 July 25. when the garrison, despairing of assistance, submittedl to terms of capitulation. The surrender of this important post effectually cut off the communication between Canada i [-r? G eTjos;..:and Louisiana. VICINITYof TIE cs o n Camp 6..:..'While these events were..~ ~.u: transpiring, General WVolfe was 9 f Z~7r-,,74.7Wg prosecuting the more imnortant.-.l. of Quebec. Having embarked s',',X "; Aul" iVoNie (O Noo-ah) is a small. island in d g > the l'i-er Sorel, or Richelieu, a short distance 4t, / ~7fs asboye the northerl extrenity of Lake Chaum-.i./ -P~c- Qt Q2ube, a strongly fortified city of Canada \'__Y.\Im/$/';5 3s situatecl o the N.Wi7. side of the River St. ____fi_*f.'. ) Lanurence, on a lotty promontory formed by — g) \ i that river andcl the St. Charles. The city consists of the pp i the Loer To th latter ole a nasrow sthip of land, wholly the WnlPPX8gX\i~tt3 /h' lv~orik of at. near the water's ede * and the *sOlln'n %j~g!/Ry' o 1 f- Ef ormer os it plain, cliifellt of access, nore ih~? ~ll @ th Ls ust 20 feet hisher. Cape D)ianmod, tlte most f scrrxe 14' arrrcs elelsted past of the Upper Town, on which Y*cals of MUles. stands the cittdel, is 34i feet above the level of the river and commands a grand kiew of PART 11.1 THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 2]. about 8000 metl at Louisburg, under convoy of a fleet of. 22 ships of the line, and an equal number of frigates and. —-- small armed vessels, commanded by Admirals Saunders 4 Proceedand Holmes; he safely landedc the army, near the end of ot'ein th, June, on the Isle of Orleans a few miles below Quebec. a. Jlne 27.'The French forces, to the number of thirteen thousand 1. Diszasition of the Frenca men, occupied the city, and a strong camp on the northern forces. shore of the St. IJawrence. between the rivers St. Charles and Montmorenci.* 7.'General Wolfe took possessioni of Point Levi,- 2. Piratna-ch where he erected batteries which destroyed the Lower Iozfe adsot Town, but did little injury to the defences of the city. He b. June 30. soon after crossed the north channel of the St. Lawrence, c. See MaP, p. 280. and encampedd his army near the enemy's left, the river d. July 1o. Monttmorenci lying between them.'Convinced, however. 3 Daring of the impossibility of reducing the place unless he could nelt esolved erect batteries nearer the city than Point Levi, he soon de- "25o cided on more daring measures. He resolved to cross the St. Lawrence and the Montmorenci, with different divisions, at the same time, and storm the intrenchments of the French camp. 8. 4'For this purpose, on the last day of July, the boats 4 Lofeain-g of the fleet, filled with grenadiers, and with troops from ofthe Point Levi, under the command of General Monckton, crossed the St. Lawrence, and, after considerable delay by grounding on the ledge of rocks, effected a landing a July 31. little above the Montmorenci; while Generals Townshend and Murray, fording that stream at low water, near its mouth, hastened to the assistance of the troops already landed. 5But as the granadiers rushed impetuously for- 5. Reputse Q1 ward without waiting for the troops that were to support diers. them, they were driven back with loss, and obliged to seek shelter behind a redoubt which the enemy had abandoned.'Here they were detained a while by a thunder 6. what esystorm, still exposed to a galling fire; when night ap- petea t, nd preaching, and the tide setting in, a retreat was ordered. IVustaiaed. This unfortunate attempt was attended with the loss of nearly 500 men. 9.'The bodily fatigues which General Wolfe had en- 7. Sic7cnessoof dured, together with his recent disappointment, acting Oen. Wolfe upon a frame naturally delicate, threw him into a violent fever; and, fo.,a time, rendered him incapable of taking aen extensive tract of country. The fortifications of the Upper Town, extending nearly across the peninsula, incloset a circuit of about two miles and three-quarters. The Plains of Abraham immediately westward, and in front of the fortifications, rise to the height of mlore than 806 feet, and are exceedingly difficult of access from the river. (Map.) The RIiver I'Iosernorenci enters the St. Lawrence from. the N., about seven miles below Quebec. The falls in this river, near its mouth, are justly celebrated for their beauty. The Water descends 240 feet in one unlbroken sheet of foam. (Map, p. 280.) 36 282 COLtJNirAL HIS'ORY. [Boox I! ANALYSIS. the field in person.'He therefore called a council of his. Pan net officerls, and, requesting'- their advice, proposed a second pioposed. attack on the F'rench lines. They were of opinion, how. ever, that this -was inexpedient, but proposed that the army should attempt a point above Quebec, where they might gain the heights which overlooked the city. The plan being approved, preparations were immediately made to carry it into execution. t. Account of 10.'The camp at Mon'tmorenci being broken up, the e execut ion of the pltan troops and artillery' were conveyed to Point Levi; and, adopted. soon after, to some distance above the city; while Montcalm's attention was still engaged with the apparent design of a second attack upon his camp. All things being in readiness, during the night of the 12th of September, the troops in boats silently fell down the stream; and, landing within a mile and a half of the city, ascended the precipice,-dispersed a few Canadians and Indians; and, when morning dawned, were drawn up in battle array on the plains of Abraham. s. Proceed- ii'Montcalm, surprised at this unexpected event, and ings of ant perceiving that, unless tle English could be driven from their position, Quebec was lost, immediately crossed the St. Charles with his whole army, and advanced to the 4. Theattackc. attack. 4About nine in the morning fifteen hundred Indians and Canadians, advancilg in front, and screened a. Sept. 13. by surrounding thickets, began the battle;a but the English reserved their fire for the main body of the French, then rapidly advancing; and, when at the distance of forty yards, opened upon them with such efiect as to compel them to recoil with confusion. 5. Circuem- 12.'Early in the battle General Wolfe received two Pdaestof tle wounds in quick succession, which he concealed, but, nrtodro-. while pressing forward at the head of his grenadiers, with fixed bayonets, a third ball pierced his breast. Colonel Monckton, the second officer in rank, was dangerously wounded by his side, when the command devolved onl General Townshend. The French general, Montealin, likewise fell; and his second in command was mortally wounded. General Wolfe died on the field of battle, but he lived long enough to be infbrmed that he had gained the victory. a. Therela- 13. 6Conveyed to the rear, and supported by a few atO'mcontin- tendants, while the agonies of death were upon him he heard the distant cry, "' They run, they run." Raising his drooping head, the dyin, hero anxiously aske(d, " Whr run?" Being informed that it was the French, " Then,' said he, "': I die contented," and immediately expired, MAontealm lived to be carried into the city. When in PAsT I.l Th -IE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 283 formed that his wound was mortal, So much the better, 1759., he replied, "I shall not then live to witness the surrender of Quebec." 14.'Five days after the ba ttle the city surrendered,L i. Surrender of tile city. and received an English garrison, thus leaving Montreal a. Sept. m1. the only place of inportance to the Frenclh, in Canada. YTet in the follow ing spring the French attempted the 1760. recovery of Quebec; and, after a bloody battle foughtb 2. Attenept ta three miles above the city, dlrove the English to their forti- dec. fications, from wvllich they were relieved only by the arri- b. April28. val' of an English squadron witll reenforcements. c. Ia 16. 15.'During the season, General Amherst, the com- 3. Canpure *4 mander-in-chief, made extensive preparations for reducing Monntreal. Montreal. Three powerful alrlnice assembledd there by d. Sept. 6, difierent routes, early in September; when the commander of the place, perceiving that resistance would be ineffectual, surrendered,e not only Montreal, but all the other e. Sept. 8. French posts in Canada, to his Britannic majesty. 16. 4Early in the same year a war broke out with the 4. Eventsof powerful nation of the Cherokees, who had but recently, tor zoievit as allies of the French, concluded~' a peace with the Eng- kee,y,,'arrlin lish. General Amherst sent Colonel Montgomery against f.Sept. 6S, them, who, assisted by the Carolinians, burnedg many of g.IM,A7Yu their towns; but the Cherokees, in tur-l, besieged Fort Loudon,* and having compelled the garrison to capitulate,h afterward fell upon them, and either killed, or ear-. Aug. 7. Pied away prisoners, the whole party.'In the following i. Aug. 8. year Colonel Grant marched into their country,-over- 5 "year 1eI., came thel in battle,i —destroyed their villages,-and Juneo 10. drove the savages to the mountains; when peace was concluded with them. 1-7.'The war between France and England continued p. Farther ul the ocean, and among the islands of the West Indies, end of the t war between with- almost uniform success to the English, until 1763; France and lwhen. on the 10th of February of that year, a definite 1E763. treaty was signed at Paris.'France thereby surrendered 7. Iwhat prto Great Britain all her possessions in North America, sesso,,s ceIe to t e Franceded by. eastxarid of' the IMississippi River. fiom its source to the FIa.lcegnd,"iver Ioerville;-t and thence, through Lakes Maurepast s ait.. u'd'o' I,sotdo was in the nloritheastern part. of T'ennessee, on the Watfauga River, a strean ~.shicl, rising in t. C(arolina, lowsv westward into Terlnessee,e and unites with HIolston River. Fort 1loClaon nvas built in 1757, and was tie first settlement in Tennessee, which was then in.-.!uh',l il the territory claimled by N. Crulin;a. I — Iberille, an outlet of the 3Isississipl, ieaves that river fourteen miles below Baton Rouge, ansd flSiong EL. enters Anmie iiNrer, wvrhich falls into Lake io1r1epaas. It now receives water front the 3iississippi only ac lig i flood. In 1699 tise French nava.l officer, Iberville, sailed up the 5Iississippi to thllis stre- which hlie entered, a.nd thence passedl through Lakes Maurepag ltd IPontchiartrain to Mobile slay. (See Iist. of louisiana. p. 521.) i 2t1aurepas is a lake about twenty miles in circumference, comnmunicating with Lake Ponthart;rain on thel. I-y an outlet seven miles long. 284 (s)COLONIAL HIISTORY{I. loui 1i ANALYSe S. and Pontchartrain,* to the Gulf of Mexico. At the same time Spain, with whom England had beern at war durincg dlle previous year, ceded to Great Britain her possessions of East and West Florida.'t 1. Peacesof 18. "'ihe peace of 1763 was destined to close the seWe n,y3 vieow ries of wars in which the American colonies were invollhe colozies. at %his pe iod. ved by their connection with the British empire. We may now view them as grown up to manhood, about to renounce the authority of the mother country-to adopt councils of their own-and to assume a new name and 2. Of the station among the nations of the earth.'Some of the''thich lcd to tlis causes which led to this change might be gathered from cange. the foregoing historical sketches, but they will be developed more fully in the followilg' Appendix, and in the Chapter on the causes which led to the American Revolution. Poentchartrain is a lake more than a hundred miles in circumference, the soutl;hern shore of which is about five miles N. froam New Orleans.'he passage by which it coimmunicates with Lake Borgne on the E. is called The lsigolets. (See Map, p. 4388.) T That part of the country ceded by Spain was divided, by the English monarch, into the governments of East and West iFlorida. Fast Florida included all embraced in the present F'lorida, as far W. as the Apalachicola ui ver. Terst I'lorida extended from the Apalachicoia'o til Mlississippi, and was bounded on the N. by the 31st derree of latitude, and on the S. by the Gulf of Mexico, and a line draswn through Lakes Pl'ontc hartrain and Maurepas, and the lIvers Anmite and I:'erville, to the Mlississippi. Th'l'us those parts of the states of Alabama and Milssissippi whiach extend foom the 831E degree,/ox;u to the Gulf of 3lexico, were luclud: il tIVot flsm. APPE ND IX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. 1.'Before we proceed to a relation of the immediate causes JAMES T. whit h led to the American Revolution, and the exciting incidents 1603-1625. of that struggle, we request the reader's attention, in accordance 1. Geneal with the design previously explained, to a farther consideration of character and such portions of European history as are intimately connected with design of thi our own during the period we have passed over in the preceding pages; —in connection with which we purpose to examine farther mnore of the internal relations, character, condition, and social progress of the American people during their colonial existence. 2A. At the close of the "' Appendix to the period of Voyages and 2. Previous Discoveries" we gave an account of the origin, early history, and accput5f0,ftld character of the puritan party in England, some of whose members became the first settlers of several of the North American colonies. 3 We now go back to England for the purpose of following out in 3. Continuatheir results the liberal principles of the puritan sects, as they lion of theit afterwards affected the character and destiny both of the English and the American people. 3. 4On the accession of James the First to the throne of Eng- JAMnES 1. land. in the year 1603, the church party and the puritan party 1603-1625. began to assume more of a political character than they had ex- 4. Character hibited during the reign of Elizabeth. The reign of that princess Ot artime of had been favorable to intellectual advancement; the Reformation the accession halo infused new ideas of liberty into the minds of the people;,fJazne#I and as they had escaped, in part, from the slavery of spiritual despotism, a general eagerness was manifested to carry their principles farther, as well in politics as in religion. 4. 5The operation of these principles had been in part restrained 5. Politictl by the general respect for the government of Elizabeth, which, aspect ofth, zetigious conhcwever, the people did not accord to that of her successor; and troaversies thei spell being once broken, the spirit of party soon began to rage with threatening violence. That which, in the time of Elizabeth, was a controversy of divines about religious faith and worshiD. now became a political contest between the crown and the pe, ple. a. 6The puritans rapidly increased in numbers, nor was it long1 6. Increase of before they became the ruling party in the FHouse of Commons, the primtanls where, although they did not always act in concert, and although anti iusrze their immediate objects were various, yet their influence constantly encO. tended to abridge the preroogatives of the kiing, and to increase the power of the people., t7Sonle, whose minds were absorbed with the 7. Their voridesire of carrying out the Reformation to the farthest possible ous objects, acnd the tenextent. exerted themselves for a reform in the church: others at- dency of tilel tacked arbitrary courts of justice, like that of the Star-chanmber efforts. and the power of arbitrary imprisonment exercised by officers of * The appellation " puritan" now stood for three parx,ies, which though commonly unstc, were yst actuated by very different views and motives. "T' here were the political puritans. who maintained the highest principles of civil liberty, the puritans in discipline, who were gverse to the ceremonies and episcopal government of the church; and the d~octrinal puritans, who rigidly defended the speculative system of the first reformners.". -Hrue. 2%b APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK II, ANALYSIS. the crown,-but yet the efforts of all had a common'endency;the principles of democracy were contending against the powers of despotism. 1. The policy 6. lThe arbitrary principles of government which James had f Jazes-. adopted, rather than his natural disposition, disposed him to exert all the influence which his power and station gave him, in favor of the established church system. and in opposition to the puritan party.* Educated in Scotland, where presbyterianism prevailed, he had observed among the Scoth reformers a strong tendency towards republican principles, and a zealous attachment to civil liberty, and on his accession to the throne of England he was resolved to prevent, if possible, the growth of the sect of puritans in I. iovow par- that country. 2Yet his want of enterprise, his pacific disposition, tially ed- and his love of personal ease, rendered him incapable of stemming the torrent of liberal principles that was so strongly setting against the arbitrary powers of royalty. I. The aeom- 7. 3The anomalies of the character of James present a curious alies of his compound of contradictions. Hume says: "His generosity borter dered on profusion, his learning on pedantry, his pacific disposition on pusillanimity, his wisdom on cunning, his friendship on light fancy and boyish fondness.' "'All his qualities were sullied with weakness. and embellished by humanity." Lingard says of him: His discourse teemed with maxims of political wis. dom; his conduct frequently bore the impress of political folly. Posterity has agreed to consider him a weak and prodigal king, a vain and loquacious pedant." His English flatterers called him "the British Solomlon;" the Duke of Sully says of him, " He was the wisest fool in Europe." 1. The reign S. 4The reign of this prince is chiefly memorable as being the qf Janes period in which the first English colonies were permanently msoemnorable for wzhat. planted in Aimerica. s-Iume. speaking of the eastern American B. Hume's re- coast in reference to the colonies planted there during the reign of mar/cs rela- James, says: " Peopled gradually from England by the necessitous live to the s Ameerican and indigent, who at home increased neither wealth nor populousclonies. ness, the colonies which were planted along that tract have promoted the navigation, encouraged the industry, and even perhaps multiplied the inhabitants of their mother oountry. The spirit of independence, which was revived in England, here shone forth in its full lustre, and received new accessions from the aspiring - An extract from Hallam showing the different tenets and practices of the opposing religious parties at this time, and the disposition of James needlessly to harass the puritans may be interesting to the reader The puritans, as is well known, practiced a very strict observance of the Sabbathl, a term which, instead of Sunday, became a distinctive mark of the puritan party We quote, as a matter of historical interest, the following:-'" Those who opposed them (the puritans) on the high church side, not only derided the ex travagance of the Sabbatarians, as the others were called, but pretended that the commandment having been confined to the HIebrews, the modern observance of the first day of the weeh as a season of rest and devotion was an ecclesiastical institution, and in no degree more vene rable than that of the other festivals-or the season of Lent, which the puritans stubbornly despised. Such a controversy might well have been left to the usual weapons. But James, or some of the bishops to whom he listened, bethought themselves that this might serve as a test of puritan ministers. I-e published accordingly a declaration to be read in the churches, permitting all lawful recreations on Sunday after divine service, such as dancing, archery, Maygames, and morrice-dances, and other usual sports; but with a prohibition of bear-baiting, and other unlawful games. No recusant, or any one who had not attended the church service, was entitled to this privilege; which might consequently be regarded as a bounty on devotion.'The severe puritan saw it in no such point of view. To his cynical temper, May-galles and morrice-dances were hardly tolerable on six days of the week; they were now recommended for the seventh. And this impious license was to be promulgated in the church itself. It is Indeed difficult to explain so unnecessary an insult on the precise clergy, but b) supposing an intention to harass those who should refuse compliance." The declaration, however, was not enforced till the following reign. The puritan clergy, who then refused to read this declara fton in their chu-clhes, were punished by suspension or deprivation. PART 11.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL 1-USTORY. 287 character of' those who, being discontented with the established JAMES I. church and monarchy, had sought for freedom amidst those savage 1603-1625. deserts." 9. 1An account of the planting of several of the American colo- 1. The kinrg nies during the reign of James has elsewhere been given. The faevorable to American coikilng, being from the first favorable to the project of American col- onization. onization, readily acceded to the wishes of the projectors of the first plans of settlement; but in all the charters which he granted, his arbitrary maxims of government are discernible. 2By the first 2. ris ari-. charter of Virginia, the emigrants were subjected to a corporation trary potlcy in England, called the London Company, over whose deliberations the first Virthey had no influence; and even this corporation possessed merely gtlma charsadministrative, rather than legislative powers. as all supreme legislative authority was expressly reserved to the king. The most valuable political privilege of Englishmen was thus denied to the early colonists of Virginia. 10. 3By the second charter, granted in 1609, the authority of the 3. Character corporation was increased by the surrender of those powers which of the second the king had previously reserved to himself, yet no additional charter privileges were conceded to the people. The same indifference to the political rights of the latter are observable in the third charter, granted in 1612, although by it the enlarged corporation assumed a more democratic form, and, numbering among its members many of the English patriots, was the cause of finally giving to the Vir- 4. Connection ginia colonists those civil liberties which the kinr would still have between Enrg0ni tI3 Wo y~ ~I1 LYV~~ l-~- Y1~-LSlish independenied them. 4Here is the first connection that we observe be- dence, and tween the spirit of English independence and the cause of freedom.freedom in the New in the Nrew WVorld. World. 11. 5After the grant of the third charter of Virginia, the meet- 5. The Lon. ings of the London Company were frequent, and numerously at- don Company tended. Some of the patriot leaders in parliament were among cause of the members, and in proportion as their principles were oppos freedom. by the high church and monarchy party at home, they engaged with the more earnestness in schemes for advancing the liberties of Virginia. In 1621 the Company, after a violent struggle among its own members, and a successful resistance of royal interference, proceeded to establish a liberal written constitution for the colony, by which the system of representative government and trial by jury were established-the supreme powers of legislation were conceded to a colonial legislature, with the reserve of a negative voice to the governor appointed by the company-and the courts of justice were required to conform to the laws of England. 12. 6" Thus early,2" says Grahame, " was planted in Amlerica that 6. Remarks of representative system which forms the soundest political fraime Crr00am. wherein the spirit of liberty was ever imbodied, and at once the safest and most efficient organ by which its energies are exercised and developed. So strongly imbued were the minds of Englishmen in this age with those generous principles which were rapidly advancing to a first manhood in their native country, that wherever they settled, the institutions of freedom took root and grew up along with them." 7Although the government of the Virginia 7. Peria. colony was soon after taken into the hands of the king, yet the;nence of the representative system established there could never after be sub- tIvesystem in verted, nor the colonial assemblies suppressed. Whenever the Virgin. rights of the people were encroached upon by arbitrary enactments, their representatives were ready to reassert them; and thus, channel was ever kept open for the expression of the public grievances.'rite colonial legislature, in all the trials thre ltgh which it 288 APPENDIX TO THIE COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooKr IL ANALYSIS. afterwards passed, ever proved itself a watchful guardian of the - cause of liberty. 1. Failure of 13. 1The charters granted by king Jaimes, in 1606, to the Lonthe Pchemestof don and Plymouth companies; were embraced in one and the same Company at instrument, and the fobrms of government designed for the projected Oolonization. colonies were the same. After various attempts at colonization, the Plymouth company, disheartened by so many disappointmenLts abandoned the enterprise; limiting their own efforts to an insignli.ficant traffic with the natives. and exercising no farther dominion over the territory than the disposition of small portions of it to private adventurers, who, for many years, succeeded no better in attempts at settlement than the Company had done before them. In reference to the seemingly providential failure of all these schemes for planting colonies in New England, we subjoin the following appropriate remarks from Grahame. 2. Remarks of 14. 2"' We have sufficient assurance that the course of this world h',a subject. is not governed by chance; and that the series of events which it exhibits is regulated by divine ordinance, and adapted to purposes which. from their transcendent wisdom and infinite range, often elude the grasp of created capacity. As it could not, then, be without design, so it seems to have been for no common object that discomfiture was thus entailed on the counsels of princes, the schemes of the wise, and the efforts of the brave. It was for no ordinary people that the land was reserved, and of no common qualities or vulgar superiority that it was ordained to be the prize. New England was the destined asylum of oppressed piety and virtue; and its colonization, denied to the pretensions of greatness and the efforts of might. was reserved for men whom the great and mighty despised for their insignificance, and persecuted for their integrity.)) a. Applica- 15. 3After the puritans had determined to remove to America, ptan of the they sent agents to king JLmes, and endeavored to obtain his apthefavor of proval of their enterprise.With characteristic simplicity and king James. honesty of purpose they represented to him " that they were well weaned from the delicate milk of their mother country, and inured to the difficulties of a strange land; that they were knit together in a strict and sacred bond, by virtue of which they held themselves bound to take care of the good of each other, and of the whole; that it was not with them as with other men, whom small things could discourage. or small discontent cause to wish themselves at home 4. Their par- ngain." 4A11: however, that could be obtained from the king, who tial success. refused to grant them a charter for the full enjoyment of their religious privileges, was the vague promise that the English govern, ment should refrain fromn molesting them. 5. The pro- 16. 5We have thus passed rapidly in review the more prominent resae thfa events in English history connected with the planting of the first 6. Death of American colonies during the reign of Jaines the First. 6He died James the in 1625.a' the first sovereign of an established empire in America."' First a. March 2", just aS he was on the point of composing a code of laws for the d0 old style. mestic administration of the Virginia colony. s,1:AR.LEs I 17. iJames was succeeded by his only son, Charles the First, then 1626 —1649. in the 25th year of his age. Inheriting the arbitrary principles T. Succession of his father; conirng to the throne when a revolution in public opin. o~f Charles I. His/ hara.c ion in relation to the royal prerogative, the powers of parliament, ter, policy, and the liberty of the subject was rapidly progressing: and destiea datll. tute of the prudence and foresight which the critical emergencies of the times required in him, he persisted in arrogantly opposing the many needed reforms demanded by the voice of the nationa PAYrT I1.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. until, finally) he was brought to expiate his folly, rather than his CHA: rES. crillles, onl the scaffold. 1625 —1649, 18.'The accession of Charles to the throne was immediately fol- 1. la earlt lowed by difficulties with his parliamlent, which reftused to grant controversiia hiln the recuisite supplies ior carrying on a warv'- in which the for- t'/u the;o~p. mier king and parliLmcent hdl involhved thle nation. Irritated by the oppositioa which he encountered. he colmmlitted many indiscretons, and englgel in numerous controversies with the parliament, ia which he was certain of beingo finally defeated. He caused a peer of the realmh who had become obnoxious to limn to be accused. of high treason, because he insisted on1 his inalienable right to a seat in parliament: the commons. in retulrin proceeded to inr...ach the king's favorite minister. the dulke of Bulckingham. —The king retaliated by imprisoninga two members of the house, whom, however, the exaspelration of the commons soon compelled hin to release. 19. 2Seemingly unaLware of the grieat iil iuence which the com- 2. f-Is co,.mons exerted in the nation, he elblbracel every oopo-rtunhiy of ex- cte t oert, ad threats pressing his contempt foi them, and, it length. ventured to use to- against the wards them the irrit, tin commons, wards them the iirritating threaLt that, if they did not furnish hila with supplies to carry oil the wars in which he was engaged, h, should be obliged to try nea councils; meaning, thereby, that he would rule without their assistance. 3The comnlons. however con- 3. Obstinacy tinned obstinate in their purposes, tandc the king proceeclecl to put of thiae cohis threat in execution. He lissolved" the parliament, andl. in re- arbitrary venrge for the unkind treatlllent which he had received fiom it c027dIit 0'c tholught himself justifiedl in making an invasion of the rights and a. June, ii libecities of- the whole nation. A general loan or tax was ievied on the people, and the king employed the whole power of his prerogative, in fines and imprisonments, to enforce the payment. 20. 4Unsuccessftil in his foreign wirs, in great want of sapplies, 4. King oalaiid beginling to apprehendcl daner from the discontents which his gee to Saemarbitlrary loans had occeasionedl he foundll himself undler the necessity pari zameont. a.f again sunmoningi a parliament. An answer to his demand for 1628. supplies was delayed until some imporitant concessions were obtained froi i him. LAfter the commons had unanimously declared, by vote,. concawagainst the legality of arbitrary imprisoniments and forced loans, siosobiitaihe they prepared a "! Petition of Right,;, setting forth the rights of the /ciag. E1nglish people, as guarantied to them by the Great Charterb and b. See p. 3S. by various laws and statutes of the realm: for the continuance of which they required of the king a ratification of their petition. After fiequent evasions and delays, the king finally gave his assent to the petition, which thus became law, and the commons then glranted the requisite supplies. 6But; in a few months the obliga- 6. Viola/ed b tions imlposed on the king by his sanction of the petition were reck- iii. lessly violated by him. 21. 7In 1629, some arbitrary measures of taxation occasioned a 7. Di,3soiitioi great fcrment in parliament. and led to its abruLpt dissolution. SThe. cant. king then gave the nation to aunderstancl that, during his reign, he 1629. intended to summeon no more parliaments. Monopolies were now S. cing's inrevived to a ruinous extent: duties of tonnage and poundage were tentioas — 9noropolles — rigorously extorted; former oppressive statutes for obtaining money arbitrary rluwere enforced; and various illegal expedients were devised for t:oes, operes — levying taxes and giving them the color of law; aund numbers of,na,,e. a: A war undertaken originally against Austria, in aid of a German prince, Frederick, the e'lector palatine, who had married a sizter of Charles. This war afterwards involv(ed Spain i.nlI Fra.nce against England. 37 290 APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boov Il AN.ALYSIS. the most distinguished patriots, who refused to pay, were subjected --- to fines aitll imprisonnltent.1. T'he case of 22. In the yea.r 1637. the distinrLuished petriot John Himpden, JQO' HIem1p- rendered his name illustrious by the bold sta.d which he mlade ag inst the tyranny of the govejnmeint. Dennying the legality of the tax called ship-money, and refusing to pay his portion, he willingly submitted to a legal prosecution':lnd to the indlignation of his moiiaLchb in defence of the laws and libertv of his country. The case was argued befire all the supreme judges of Eng]land, twelve in number, and althouh a otmajority of two decided aga.inst Hampclen yet the people were arousecl froin their lethargy, and beca-n.e sensible of the d anger to which their liberties were exposed. Y. Ect.tsia.sti- 23. 2The ecelesiastical branch of Chlirlesls governm ienit was nit ci Pioc//J of less arbitrary than the civil. Seemingly to iannoy the puritans, he revised and enIorced llis faLther:s edict for allowing sports andc recr eations on Sundaly; and those divines wiho refused to read, ir their pulpits: his proclamnition for that purpose, were punished by suspension or cleprivLtion. The penalties against CaLtholics were, relaxed; nilny new ceriemonies and observa'ices, preludes, as, they were terimed. to popish idolatries, were introduced into the church and that too at a time w hen the sentiments of the naltion were de,. -cidedly of a puritan character. The most strict conformity ir religious )worship was required, and such of the clergy as neg lected to observe every ceremony, were excludled from the minis. try. Severe punishments were inflicted upon those who inveighed{ agalinst the established church; and the ecclesiastical courts wer, exalted above the civil, and aibove all law but -that of their own1 creation.-l 10t31. 24. s3Clrles next attempted to iJit oduce the liturgy of the Eng a Con,,wotio7s lish church into Scotland; a measure which immediately produced cctcsttancl. most violenit commotion. This lituruy was regarded by this, Scotch presbyterians as as species of' mi.Iss-a prepar tive thas; wa.t soon to introduce, as was tihought., all the abomninations of poperj. The populace andi the higher classes at once united in the commoni cause. thee clergy loudly declaimced against popery and the liturgy, Immediately after the dissolution of p-alrliament, Ilichard Chambers, an alderman of London, and an eminent merchant, refused to pay a ta:x illegally imposed upon him, and appealed to ths public justice of his country. Being sulmmoned before the king's council, and remalrklng there that " the merchants of England were ias much screwed up as in Turkey," lie was fitele two thousand pounds, and doonmed to imlprisonlmeiit till he mtde a submission. Refusing to degrade hinlself in this way, and thus become an instrument for destroying the vital prin ciples of the constitution, he was thrown into prison, where he remained upwards of twelve years.-Brodie.? As an instance of: cruel and unusual punishmensts, sometimes inflicted during this reign, weo notice the following. One Leigrhton, a fanatical puritan, having written an inflammatory book against prelacy, was condemned to be degraded from the ministry; to be publicly whipped in the palace yard; to be placed two hours in the pillory; to have an ear cut off, a nostril slit open, and a cheek branded with the letters SS., to denote a sower of sedition. At the expiration of a week he lost the remaining ear, had the other nostril slit, and the other cheek branded, after which he was condemned to be immured in prison for life. At the end of ten years he obtained his literty, from parliament, then in arms against the king.-Lingard. Such cases, occurring in Old England, reliind us of the tortures inflicted by American savages on their prisoners. The following is mentioned by Hume. One Prynn. a zealot, who had written a book of invectives against all plays, games, &c., and those who countenanced them, was indicted as a libeller of the king and queen, who frequented plays, tand condemned by the arbitrary court of the star-chamber to lose both his ears, pay five thousand pounds, and be imprisoned for life. J'or another similar libel he was condemned to pay an additional five thousa.nd pounds, and lose the remainder of his ears. As he presented the mutilated stumps to the hangman's knife, he called out to the croswd, " Christians stand fist; be faithful to God and your country; or you bring on yourselves and your children perpetual slavery." " The dungeon, the pillory, and the scaffold,',says Bancroft, " were but stages in the pragres.Q of civil liberty towards its tihlmbh' PART IL.] APPENDIX TO THEI COLONIAL HISTORY. 291 which they represented as the same; a bond; termed a National CFARLES T. Covenanllt, containing an oath of resistaIunce to all reliious innova- 1625-1649. tions, was subscribed by all classes land na htiontl assembly formally abolished Episcopacy, anld declcaled the English canonis and 1638. liturgy to be unlawful.'1n support of' these measures the Scotch I. War. covenanters took up arms, annd, after a brief truce, mlarched into 1639. England. 25. 2After an intermission of above eleven years, an Elnglish 2 Parlia'ef parliament was again summoned. 3Charles made some conces- again sumsions but failing to obtain supplies as readily as he desired, the 1640. parliament wals abruptly dissolved, to the general discontent of the 1540 nation_.; 4New elections were held. and another parliament was dissol uion, of assembled.a but this proved even Imore obstinate than the former. parliament. 5Straffordl, the kinsg:s favorite general, and late lieutenant of Ire- pAnthewt land. and Laucd archbishop of Cmanterbury, the two most powerful a Nov. 3, and nmost favored ministers of the king, were impeached by the com- old styie. mons for the crime of high treason. Strafford was brought to trial ~. P0e-6d fngs of this immediately, wast declared guilty by the House of Peers, and by the paarliamLent. unusual expedient of a bill of sattainderf was sentenced to execu- 64l1. tion.b Laud was brought to trial and executed'our years later. b. Executed SThe eloquence and. ability with which Straf ford defended himself, itlay'2. have given to his fall, in the eyes of many, the appearance of a tri- 6. Fate anld umph, and have rendered him somewhat illustrious as a supposed character of martyr to his country; and yet true history shows him to have StraflSrd been the adviser and willing instrument of much of that tyrannical usurpation which finally destroyed the monarch wNThom ho designed to serve.4 26. 7From this period, parliament having once gained the ascen- 7. fncsroas dency, and conscious of the support of the people, continued to neInts fpa(tr. lirteanst on encroach on the prerogatives of the king: until scarcely the shadoav the l.erogaof his former power was left him. Already the character of the tievs of tOe British constitution hald been changed firom a despotic government tier. to a limited monarchy, and it would probably have been well if here the spirit of reform had firmly estaiblished it. 8Yet one coil- 8; Continued cession was immediately followecd by the demand of another. until de7lmaus!qf parliament finally required the entire control of the military force alzd./,az reof the nation, when Charles, conscious th at if he yielded this point, sias!cc o there would be left him "'only the picture —the mere sign of a king," ventured to put a stop to his concessions, and to remove from London with most of the nobility. I9t was now evident that 9. Prepara. the sword alone must decide the contest: both parties matde the tionsfor va,'. most active preparations for the coming struggle, while each endeavored to throw upon the other the odium of commu encing it.~ - During the short recess that followed, the onzvocatio1n, an ecclesiastical assembly of archbishops, bishops, and inferior clergy, continued in session. Of their imany imprudent mleasures during this period, when Puritanism was already in the ascendant in the parliament, we quote the following from Lingard. " It was ordered, (among other canons,) that every clergyman, once in each quarter of the year, should instruct his parishioners in the divine right of kings, and the damnable sin of resistance to authority." -t A bill qf attainder was a special act of parliament, inflicting capital punishment, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings. By the third clause of Section IX. Article I. of the Constitution of the United States. it is declared that" No bill of atftainler, or ex post.facto law, (a law declaring a past act criminal that was not criminal when done,l;hall be passed." $ IHum'.;s account, of the trial of Straffordl, has been shown to be, in miany particulars, erroaeous, and prejudiced in his favor; and his opinion of the Earl's innocence has been dissented'aom by sonie very able subsequent writers. See Brodie's extended and circunlstantial (tccount of this important trial. ~ The following remarks of Lingard present an impartial view of the real objects for which'his war was undertaken, and answer the question,'Who were the authors of it?'' The controversy between the king and his opponents no longer regarded the real Iiberties 292 APPENDIX TO TIlE COLONIAL HISTORY. [Booet il, ANALYSIS. 27. IHere then we have arrived at the be,',in~il of tha-t crisis in - English history, to which all the civil, religious: and political con. 1. Point te troversies of the nation scidc been tendinsg since the comlnel cemlent hav;e 7no of the Reforimation. 2Th1e various conllicting sects and parties, arrived, for a while overlookting their minor clifferences now arrang e them2..a'ishall. sngofpzl aries. selves in two grimnd divisions, having on the one side the Presbyterian dissenters, then a numerous part3y and all ultlra eligious and political reformers. headed by the parliame ent; ancd on the other the high church and monarcey party, embracing the Cattholics and 1. The begin- most of the nobility, headed by the kine. 3This appeal to arms, we zing of the have said, was the bepi.ftie-d of the crisis; the conclusion was fifty risis: when 0 brought to a years later, when, at the close of the revolution of 1688, the pres. conctuslion. ent principles'of the British constitution were permanently established) by the declaration of rights which was annexed to the settlement of the crown on the prince and plincess of Orange. 4. Civilwar, 28. 4From 16412 to 1647 civil war continued, and many imporand execu- tant battles were fought; after which the nation continued to be tione of the king. distracted by contending factions until the close of 16418, when the king, having fallen into the hands of the parliament'try forces, was tried for the crime of'levying war against the parliament and kingdom of England," and being convicted on this novel charge of a. Old style. treason, was executed on the 30th" of January, 1649. 5Parliament 5. Condition had, ere this, fallen entirely under the influence of the army- then fpSent.a- commanded by Oliver Cromwell, the principal general of the republican, or puritanical party. 6. Remartks 29. 6For the dea;th of the king no justification cani be made, for on the death no considerationl of public necessity required it. Nor can this act of the kicng. 7. Views of be attributed to the vengeance of the people. 7Lingard l says that ~ingard. 4 the people, for the mlost paiirt were even willing to replace Charles on the throne. under those limitations which they deemled necessary for the preservation of their rights. The Iene who hurried him to the scaffold were a small fiaction of bold mand ambitions spirits, who had the address to guide the passions and fanaticisnm of their followers, and were enabled; through them, to control the real senti. B. Of attllra. ments of the nation.' 8iHSllam asserts that the most powerful motive that influenced the regicides was a "fierce fanatical hatred of 9. Huime's the king, the natural fruit of long civil dissensions, inflamed by representa- preachers more dalrk and( sanguinary than those they addressed, lion of the and by a perverted study of the Jewish scriptures." character of' Ch/arles. 30. 9lHuine whose political prejudices have induced him to speak of the nation, which had already been establishl-le by successive acts of the legislatule, but was confined to certain coencessions which they demanded as essential to the preservation of those iberties, and which fhe refused, as subversive of the royal authority. That some securities were requisite no one denied; *but while many contended that the control of the public money, the power of ilnpaclhment, aind the rig'ht of mleeting every third year, all which wsere now vested in the Parliament, formed a sufficient barrier against encroa.chnients on the part of thle sovereign, others insisted that the command of the army, and the appointment of tle judges, ought also to be transferred to the two houses. Diversity of opinion produced a schism anmonmg the patriots; the more moderate silently -withdrew to the royal standard, —the more violenllt or more distrustful. resolved to defesid their opinions awith the sword. It has often ben b een i(l, Wh71o were the authors of the civil war? Thve answer seems to depend on the solution of thlis other question, Were additional securities necessary for the preservation of thle naltional l'ilitS? If they were. the blame wnil belong to Charles; if not, it mnust rest wvithl his adversaries." Hallamln has the followia remarks oni tihe character of the two parties after th-ue vwar commenced. —' If it were difficult for an uprilht masn to enilist with entire willingness under eitller the royalist or parliamentary bsanner, at tile conimencement of hostilities in 16492 it bectle far less easy for him to desire thne complete success of one or the other cause, as advanciulg time displayed the ftilts of both in darker colorsl than they had previously wvorn.-Of the Parliament it may be, with not greater severity than trutl, that s.arcely two or three public acts of justice, hunlnanity or generosity, antd very few of political wisdom or cour'age are re trlpred of them firom their quarrel awith the king to tlheir expulsion by Cromwell." PAiRT II1. APPENDIX TO THIE COIONLIAL I-It ['O-iY. 093 more favorlably, thaan other writers, of the princes of the Stuart CHARLES L tlllily; attributes to Charlles i nluch glreater predlominanc ot vir- 1625 —1649..ues than of vices. arLnd pailli.tes his e1Irors by whlt lie clls his ra;ilties aod wVeaLnOless.: and the mialevolence of his fortunes. tlid Chlarles lived a hundred e.liel erwllhen the cla;ins of the i.'I'rie stats royal prero-zgztive were undispute and unlclacstione e. Is ovel n- ( f ie case. nlellit althoughl alrbitlrary, nligllt h11av been a happly one for his people- but hle was illy adtiLted to the tilies in vwhich he lived. 31. 2i2D urilln the rign of' (' hii;les, tlhe Egl.oish governmeitt mostly 2. Relsation ib)SOIl;et vi t i;ll thternifi aff-irs of tie klilldom paid little a ltten- OflEntt'withi her tion to the nAmericaa colonic D. Duorin' tihe wial with 1i'rance in Ar-merican the elnly part of this reig tei e Fr1enich osseseions in Nsovil Scotia co(fitezths and Canacdl were easily reducedl by thil Engliish yet by the tlreaty re of'St. Germcins. in L(6:32. lihatles. with little considelration of the vanlue of these.colqiiacs:s -groeed to restore themn. 3Had ntot the 3. Little e irnest counsels of' Chlnpliaini the fotuntder of Qebec, prevalled v1aiuLte wc2htt with his mon'irch, Louis Xtl. Fr1ille i awoluld then hItlve. iabmnldoned i, is ttires, these distantt )posssions awhose resforiLtion was not, thou ght worth (ttattciir to:) 400 APPENTDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. LBooK II, ANALYSIS. ence also. 1This state of affairs was terminated by the decision of Cromwell, who could count on a faithful and well disciplined 1. Controveruyterminated arllmy to second his purposes. Entering the ptrliament house at Ey the decis- the head of a body of solciers on the 30th of April, 1653, he pro. ion of Gronwie U. claimed the dissolution of parliamlent? 4 re1io-ied the menmbers, seized the records. and colmmianded the doors to be locked. 2. History of 56. 2Soon after this event, Cromwell summoned a parliament alrebone's composed wholly of members of his own selection, called, indeed, representatives, but representing only Ciromwell and his council of officers. The members of this parliament, comimonly called Bareo bonle'si prliamlient from the name of' one of its leading members, al er thirteen months' sittingi were to name their successors, and these again were to decide upon thle next rpresenttation. anI so on for all future time. Such was the rep?,.bliccaL system which Cromwell cdesigned for the nation. BLt this body,S too imuch inde:r the influence of' Ceromwell to gain the public confidence, and too independent to subserve Cromwell s anbition, after continuing iti [ le;. 1653. session little more than six months, war s disbandclecd by its own ncl, 3. Newz 3Four clays later a new scheme of governlument, proposed in a mili 0t`/it e ofe tary counci, andcl sanctioned by the chief officers of' state. was adopted, by which the supreme powers of government werie vested in a lordl proprietori a council. and a parliaiiment t and Cromrwell was solemnly installed for life in the office of Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England." 1654. 57. 4A parliallent was summoned to meet on the thirteenth of 4. Parlzament September of the following year, the annive-rsary of Cromwellrs is Enmonerd. two great victories of Dunbar and WTorcester. 5The parliamenlt ence of par- thus assembled was a very fair representation of the people, but liasment, and the great liberty with which it arraigrned the authority of the Proits dwssol - tionz. tector, and even his personal character and conduct, showed himi that he had not gained the confidence of the nation and an angras b. Feb. 1655. dissolutionb increased the general discontent. 5Soon after, a con 6. Conspiracy spiracy of the royalists broke out,c but was ecsily suppressed'. of t2nz/tar'oal- During the sanme year. a war was commenced with Spain: the Csts, and war'with Spain. islamld of Jamaica, was conquered, and has since remained in th%, c. March. hands of the English; and some naval victories ivere obtained. * This parliament had been in existence more than twelve years, and was called the Loam, Parliament. i This man's name was Praise-God Barebone. Hume says, " It was usual for the pretended saints at that time to change their names from Henry, Edward, William, &c., which they regarded as heathenish, into others more sanctified and godly: even the New Testament names, James, Andrew, John, Peter, were not held in such regard as those which were borrowed from the Old Testament —Hezekiah, Habakkuk, Joshua, Zerobabel. Sometimes a wholesentense was adopted as a name." Of this Hume gives the following instance. He says, L'The brother of this Praise-God Barebone had for name, If h/acd ot died fol yeoa, yot swozld hare been damned Bareborie. But the people, tired of this long nrame, retained only the last words, and commonly gave him the appellation of DDantuned Bareborne.' Brodie, referring to Hume'l statement above, says, the individuals did not change their own names, but these names were given them by the parents at the time of christening. HIume gives the names of a jury sumtooned in the county of Essex, of which the first six are as follows Accepted Trevor; iej deszared Conlpton;.Faint-not IIewitt; llake-Peace Iteaton; God Reoward Smart; Stan&d _Fast on High Stringer. Cleaveland says that the muster master in one of Cromwell's regiments had 10o other list than the first chapter of Mdatthew. Godwin gives the following as the names of the newspapers published at this tim.e in London. Perfect Diurnal; 3ioderate Intelligencer; Several Proceedings in Parliament; Faithful Post; Perfect Account; Several Proceedings in State Affairs; &c. $ What Hume says of the character and acts of this parliament, is declared by later writers, Brodie, Scobell, and others, to be almost wholly erroneous. The compilers of the " Variorum Edition of the History of England" say, " We have been compelled to abandon Hume's accoulrg during the latter part of Charles's reign, and during the predominance of the republican piorty,. I Mis want of diligence in research is as notorious as ]is partial advoca.'y of the Stuarts."' PART II.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL hIS1TORY. 30] 55'In his civil and domestic administration, which was conducted coiuMoriwith ability, but without any regular plan, Cromwell displayed a WEALrH. general regard for justice and clemency; and irregularities were 1649 —Ic. never sanctioned, unless the necessity of thus sustainin' his usurped authority seemed to require it. 2Such indeed were the order and d1 c2'nCtiz adtranquiliity which he preserved —such his skilful mlanagement of'ft rostetrtion persons and parties. and such, moreover, the chanoe in the feelings, The o.oal of many of the Independents themselves, since the dleoth of the late oqfeied to monarch, that in the parliament of 1656 a motion was made, and 7. carried by a considerable majority, for investing the Protector with 1656. th!e dignity of king. 3Although exceedingly desirous of accepting April. the proffered honor, yet he saw that the ai'my, colmposed mostly of 3Cznst0ra~zed stern and inflexible republicans, could never be reconciled to a by Tnolicy to measure which iniplied an open contradiction of all their past pro- r'fuse it. fessions. and an abandonment of their principles, and he was at last obliged to refuse that crown which had been solemnly proffered to him by the representatives of the nation. 59. 4After this event. the situation of the domestic affairs of the 4.'TrouZble, country kept Cromwell in perpetual uneasiness and inquietude. and death i fe The royalists renewed their conspiracies against him a maljority Cranomell. in parliament now opposed all his fivorite measures; a nmutiny of the army was apprehended; and.even the daughters of the Protector became estranged from him. Overwhelmed with difficulties, possessing the confidence of no party, having lost all composure of mindc and in constant dread of assassination, his health gradually declined, and he expired on the 13th of September, 165S, the anni- 1658. versaLry of his great victories, and a day which he had always considered the umost fortunate for him. 60. 50n the death of Cromnwell, his eldest son., Richard, succeeded 5. Succession, him in the protectorate, in accordance as was supposed: with the abndcspeedy dying wish of his father, and with the approbation of the council. Richard. But Rich.ard, being of a quiet, unambitious temper, and alarmed at the dangers by which he was surrounded, soon signed' his own ab- a. Mlay2, 1659. dication, and retired into private life. 6A state of anarchy followed, 6. Stateof and contending fLctions. in the armay and the parliament, for a while analcy,_ filled the country with bloody dissensions, when General iMonk, the restora. who commuanded the army in Scotland, maarched into England and tion of rodeclared in favor of the restoration of royalty. This declariation, freeing the nation from the state of suspense in which it had long been held, was received with almost universal joy: the house of lords hastened to reinstate itself in its ancient authority; and on the 18th of May, 1660. Charles the Second, son of the late king, 1660. wacs proclaimed sovereign of England, by the united aceclamations of the army, the people, and the two houses of parliamnent. 61. 7The relations that existed between Eurngland and her Almeri-. teZlations ca!n colonies. during the period of the Commaonwealth, were of but lboennd ang little importance, and we shall therefore give only a brief notice of America them. 8D uring the civil war which resultec in the subversion ofmo- then-;rchy, the Puritan colonies of New Enoland, as might have been swealth. expected froin their well known republican principles. were attached s. Coulrse to the cause of parliaient, but thley generally maintained a strict pt!?,Zee neutrality towards the contending factions: and Massachusetts, in Engltnd coZ. onia,3 during particular. rejecting the claims of supremacy advanced both by the civil war. king and parliament, boasted herself a perfect republic. iVirglia 9. Virvania adhered to royalty; Maryland wvas divided; and the restless Clay- an lMdary borne, espousing the party of the republicans, was able to promote a rebellion, and the government of the proprietary was for a while iverthroW n. :02 APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL IIISTOPY. [Book I. ANALYSIS. 62. 1After the execution of Charles the First. parliament asserted its power over the colonies, and in 1650 issued an ordinance, aimed 1o'the, s-L particullllly iat Virginii prohibiting all commercial intercourse prektacy of withl those colonies the1it adhered to the riovyl cause. 2Charles aer ltlecolnt the Seconl:, son of the late kingo and heir to the throne. was then a nies. fugitive in'rance and was lacknowledged by the Virginians as 2. Virgindi their la.fui'l sovereion. 3oin 1651 parliament sent out a squadron adheres to prince under Sir George Ayscue to reduce the rebellious colonies to obeCharies. dience. The English WVest India Islands were easily subdued, and 5. sumint1sto Virginia submitted Without open resistance. 4The charter of 4. The char- Massachusetts aces required to be givenl up. with the plomise of a te of 2iMassa. new one, to be granted in the name of parlialient. But the general chuseits de- court of the colony emonrstlrated against the obuoxious nmandate, manded, but thie demanid and the rieqclisition wvas not enforced. sot enforced. 63. 5But the most imlportant inmeasure of the English government. phe ortant clduring this period, by which the pospective interests of the measulre of American colonies were put in serious jeopardy, by ensuring their the (JonoenonIealth, by entire dependence on the mother country, was the celebrated iwhich ti/e Navigation Act of 1651, to which we hLave already alluded, and interesas of the clon-es which, though unjust towards other nations, is supposed by marny twere effreced. to heave laid the foundation of the commnercial greatness of England. 6. GCerns of 6The germs of this system of policy are found in English legislathe cononercial politcy of tion so early as 1381, during the reign of Richard II. when it was'nglanel. enacted "that, to incirease the navy of England, no goods or merchandize should. be either exported or imported, but in ships belonging to the king;s subjects." But this enactment, and subsequent ones of a simillr naturc, had fallen into disuse long before 7. The c7avi- the time of the Commonwealth. 7Even the navigation act of 16.51 at ofo act owing to the favoring influence of Cromwell, was not strictly et against,ele forced against the American colonies until after the restoration of,l/cotonies du- royalty, but it was the commencement of an unjust system of ccnene.onioeathi. mercial oppression, which finally drove the colonies to resistance, 8. Cormtner- and terminated in their independence. 8A somewhat similar caloystem system, but one far more oppressive was maitaintained by Spain towards her American colonies during the whole period of their colonial existence. CHAinLEs II. 64. 90on the 8th of June, 1660, Charles the Second entered Lon1660-1685. don, and by the general wish of the people, without bloodshed and 9. Chzarles without oppesition, and without any express terms which might esto.ed Zn secure the nation against his abuse of their confidence, was restored o. Ihispearso. to the throne of his ancestors. l~As he possessed a handsome person, ntl appear. and was open and affable in his manners, and engaging in his conclaracter. versation, the first impressions produced by himl were favorable;: but lhe was soon found to be excessively indolent, profligate, and worthless. and to entertain notions as arbitrary as those whichl had 11 Regicides distinguished the reign of his father. 11One of the first acts of liis deadedted,'tie reign was the trial ecnd execution" of'c number of the regicides or dead de?'i-I ded, Vc. judges who had condemnled the late king to death. Even the deadl a. Sepit 1660 were not spared, and the bodies of Cromwell, Bradshawv, and Iretonu were taken from their graves, and exposed on the gallows to the derision of the populace. I2 iSui7rnr Bg65. 12A sudden and surprising chlane in the sentiment.s and feel che rntin ings of the nation was now witnessedl. The same people. who. so Iconts and recently. jealouts of everything that might be constrYued into an fee:tle.arso encroachment on their liberties, had declared violently against monarchy itself,'end the formls and ceremoniails of Episcopacy, now sunk into the slavish doctrines of passive obedience to royalty, and permitted the high church principles to be established, by submit.. PART II.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. 303 ting to an act of uniformity, by which two thousand Presbyterian CHlT, LrS U. ministers were deprived of their livings. Those clergymen who 1660 —1685. should officiate without being properly qualified, were liable to fine 1662 and imprisonment. 66. 1In 1664, some difficulties, originating in commercial jealous- 1. The Dutch ios, having occurred between England and the republicmn states of selIlemnents invaded by Holland, the king, desirous of provoking a war, sent out a squadron England. tunder Admiral Holmes, which seized the Dutch settlements on the toast of Africa, and the Cape Verde Islands. Another fleet, pro- Sept 1664.:eeding to Alnerica, demanded and obtained the surrender of the See p. 26. Dutch colony of New Netherlands.'The Dutch retaliated by 2. rae DlCtoa recovering their African possessions, and equipped a fleet able to retaliate. sope with that of England. 3Charles then declared wa.r" against a. larchs663. the States, and parliament liberally voted supplies to carry it cin 3. lar dewith vigor. 4But Denmark and France, jealous of the growing 4. Dend.arr power of England, formed an alliance with the States and prevented and F rance their ruin. 5After hostilities had continued two years, they were D uthe terminated by the treaty"' of Breda, by which the acquisition of 5. Treaty of New INetherlands was confirmed to England, the chief advantage Breda. which she reaped from the war; while, on the other hand, Acadia b Ju1667. )r -Nova Scotia. which had been conquered by Cromwell in 1654, ras restored to the French. 67. eIn 1672 the French monarch, Louis XIV, persuaded Charles 1672. to unite with him in a war against the Dutch. The latter in the 6. France anl England eniollowing year regained possession of their American colony of Eagzed inna New Netherlands; but the combined arimies of th-e two kingdoms tear tvith soon reduced the republic to the brink of destruction. 711n this 7. illiamyo eatremity, William, prince of Orange, after uniting the discordant Oranle:factions of his countrymen, and being promoted to the chief cor- pEag landit maud of the forces of the republic. gained some successes over the French, and Charles was compelled by the discontents of his people and the parliament, who were opposed to the war, to conclude a seplarate peace~ with Holland. All possessions were to be re- c. Feb. li, stored to the same conditions as before the warl and New Nether- 1674 lands was, consequently, surrendered to England. 8France con- s. Franceconi tinned the war against Holland. which country was nowv aided by tinues the Spain and Sweden,; but the marriage, in 1.677. of the prince of r s, e of italOrange with the lady Mary, daughter of the duke of York, the 1E77 brother of Charles. induced Englalnci to espouse the cause of the Nt;egruear. States, which led to the treatyai of Nimeguen in 1678. d. Aug 11, 68. SThe domestic administration of the government of England 9. D)6oestic during this reign, was neither honoralble to the Iking nor the par- adniliisl'raliament. IODestitute of any settled religious principles, Charles was (0(llef, n Charles. easily made the tool of others, and, during many years, received 1o. His efrom the king of France a pension of 200,000 pounds per annum, reazity. for the purpose of establishing popery anlad despotic power in England. "tThe court of Charles was a school of vice, in which the i. Pro/i-.acy restraints of decency were laughed to scorn; and at no other of Is courlt. period of English history were the immoralities of licentiousness practiced with more ostentation, or with less disgrace. 69. l2The principles of religious toleration which had prevailed 12. Cliange of with the Independents during their sulprsemoacy under the Com- rgioijPsunirhonwealth, had now given place in parliament to the demand for formiry, and a rigid uniformity to the church of' Englsnandd a violent preju- peersecction dice against and persecution of the Catholics, who were repeatedly lics. accused of plotting the sanguinary ove:rthrow of the Protestant religion. 3In 1680, the distinguishing epithets, Wlig and Tory, were thet "1.hitg introduced, the former from Scotl, nd where it was applied to the and " Tory.V ~304 APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HIISTORY. [Booer 11. ANALYSIS. fanatical Scotch Conventiclers, and, generally, to the opponents of royalty: the latter sid to be an Irish wordcl signifying a robber, was introducecd from Irelandc, where it maits applied to the popish banclitti of that country. T'lhe court party of Englandc reproached their antagonists with an affinity to the Scotch Conventiclers; and the rcpublic:, n or colrntry party retaliaLted by comparing the former to thet irish bandclitti and thas these ternis of reproach came into genernal usei'aind have remained to the present timle the character. istic appellations of the two promilent parties in England. A. cipine tsc 0. 1The a1lios, having gutLied the iscendency, and being geneichtate the Dule of Yoi/ er lly acttached to Episcopacy, now the religion of the state, brought fr7io tie forw'aVl' in parlliament a bill to exclude from the throne the Duke of Yorlk; the king's b1rolthler who lihad long been secretly attached to the Catholic religion. and had recently ladcle a public avowal of a. Nov. 16s. i This bill pulssed tie House of Commnons by a large majority, 2. S-ubstit,2ute lbut was deteated in the House of Lords. i[n the following year it In'oposed by tle kilng. was revived ngooin and urged with such vehemence, that the king, throiLch oine of his ministers, proposed as a substitute, that the duke sholcld only have the title of liing, lncd be banished from the kintgdon, wahile the Princess of Orange should adnminister the goy s. hejected, ermlinent as r-egent. 3But this, "expedient2; being indignantly rement dissol - jected) led to an abrupt dissolution of tlhe parliamnent, which was vaed. the last thlin tihe present king assembled. 4. Arbitrary 71. 4ChLries was now enabled to extend his authority without goverC/ment any open resistiance, although several conspiracies were charged upon the whigs, and some of the best menb in the nation were brotught to the scaffold. From this time until his death the- king continued to rule with almost absolute power, guided by the counsels of his brother, the duke of Yorlk, who had formerly been removed by parlianment from the office of high admiral, but was now restored by Cha'rles, rand tacitly acknowledged as the successor to 6. Charles the throne. 5Charle s died in I6Sb in the 55th year of his age, and dieoE,, iad the 25th of his ureign; aund the duke of Yorlk immlediately acceded is sicceeded by the Ducke to the throne, with the title of James II. of Yoik 7. T2. he same general principles of government which had 6. Commerciat pinci- guilded the commgercial policy of England during the Commonites (ftilZe wealth, were revived at the time of the restorationn and their infiu-,wea2th, enece wias extended anew to the American colonies. 7The latter, no cttitottLer longer deemed, as at first, the mere property of the kilg, began now after the resto? raion. to be regartled as portions of tle British empire, and subject to 7. Parzia- pa rliamentary legislation.? sViewed in one light, as blridging the o ent betnju- pretensions of the crown, andc liiting arbitrary abuses, this change tidittionl was favorable to tle colonies; but, on the other hand, it subjected oever the col- them.o by staltutory enactoments. to the most arbitrary comlnsiercial 8ifertso f restrictions which the selfish policy of parlialmen t mnight think this czanzge. proper to impose upon them. 9 The Naii- 73. 9c0carcely was Charles the Second seated upon the throne, gation lt. when the avic'atiooti Act was remodelled and perfected. so as to be. L* Tord Rnussel and Algernon Sidney. IEIallam says Sidney had proposed " one only obje,t. for his political colnduct,-the est.'nblishm:ent of a republic in Englanld. f It was at first the maxim of tile court that the lking alone, anld not the kin0 and ptarlia menlt possessed jutrisoititon over tlne colonies. It was in accordance with this view that when, in the eeignr of ialmes tile First, a bill for regulating the American fisheries was introduced into tle house of comlnotis, Sir G(eorge C0alv ert, then Secretary of State, conveyed to the house the followingt intilTlation fitom the kiil: "; America is lnot annexed to the realm, nor witbiu the jurisdieti ion of parlialmleit: you 1iav-e therefore no right to interfere." The chartt r of Pennsylvaenia was the first American charter that recognized any legislative auth rjty of parliament ever tlhe colonies. :PAIT II.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAAL HISTORY. 305 come the ml st important branch of the commercial' code of England. ICHARLES II. 3By this statute, the natural rights of foreign nations and of the 1660 —168. American colonies were sacrificed to British interests. 2Besides 1. Ita genera many other important provisions, it was enteted thtit no merchan- eflacts. dize should be imported into any of the British settlementls, or ex- 2. Some of its ported from them, but in vessels built in England or her planta- provisona. tions, and navigated by Englishmen: and that none but native'or natur 4i;ed subjects should exercise the occupation of merchant or factor in any English settlement, under the penalty of forfeiture of goods amnd chattels. 74.. aThe most important articles of American industry, such as 3. Its restricsugar, tobacco, cotton, wool. ildigo, ginger &c..-articles which tios poH would not compete in the English market with English productions, comymerce -were prohibited from being exported to any other country than an indsEngland; and such commodities only as the English merchant might not find convenient to buy, were allowed to be shipped to other countries of Europe. 4As some compensation for these re- 4 Certain strictions, a seeming mionopoly of the tobacco trade with England privhitees was conferred on the American colonies by prohibiting the culti- the cotonies. vation of that plant in EnglandcI II eland Guernsey, or Jersey,countries, however, not naturally adapted to its growth, and which coutld be little injured by the deprivation. 75. 511 1663 the provisions of the Navigation Acts were extended 5. Extension so as to prohibit the importation of European commllodities into the of the nacvi colonies, except in English ships laden in England, by which the 1663. colonies were compelled to buy in England all foreign articles which they needed, and which they might often have obtained more advantageously from other countries. 6At the same time the de- 6. Avowed sion of this commercialC deol-n of this sign of this commercial policy was declared to be to retain the col- dcoizrofa.hl onies in firm dependence Upon the mother country, and oblige ehem pollcy. to contribute to her advantage by the employment of English shipping, and the conversion of England into a mart or emporium for all such commodities as the colonies might require to be supplied with. 7Nine years latera the liberty of free trade between the col- 7. Farther enonies themselves was taken away, by the imposition of a tax on on clonil, commodities exported from one colony to another. i,ade. 76. 8As the provisions of these celebrated Navigation Acts, which a. In 1672. have been so vaunted by English writers as to be called the palla- 8. Imporntan,4 of underdieum, or tizelar deity of the commlerce qf Engigland, continued to be standiang the more or less strictly enforced against the American colonies until princepte;o,aod effects of the acquisition of their independence, their importance requires a the navigaf'arther examinatiol of their principles, and of the effects naturally tion acft. resulting from them.t 77. 9These acts were evidently based upon the principle that the 9. These acts colonies were established at the cost of the mother country, and for oaseda opown her benefit; and on this ground the system of restricted trade was c/pies. defended by Montesquieu, who says: 10i" It has been established 10. l)efended that the mother country alone shall trade in the colonies. and that, bey Montesfrom very good reasons, because the design of the settlements was ittpo prin-t the extension of commerce, and not the foundation of a city, or of a ciples not ap. olicttble to the new empire." But this principle was not, cle-arly, applicable to the Almetrtican American colonies, for none of them were founded by the English coo0nies. government; and the design which led to their establishment was either private adventure on the part of companies or individuals, gr a desire to escape from the oppressions of the mother country.. Spirit of Laws, Book XXI, ch. xvil.,39 306 &PPENDIX TO T'I'HE COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boon 11i ANAT;~YSIS. I 3. 1The INaavigation Acts, by making Englandc the mart of the principal products of the rising states? and by prohibitinl the latter waty ta t fronm purlha. sing European commodities fr'om any otther source, Siation acts shackled their comnercicid liberties. and conferred c upcn Eritish were directly injuriuous to merchants a monopolv of the Miost odious character-except only the colonies. as it extended to,all Eing-lishlen. instead of being restricted to a single individual or compalny. The systelm awas positively injurious to the colonies, 1 the natural anCd obvious effects of' any mnonopoly of their trade; arbhile England aclone or English merchaunts. reaped i. TJe latter the exclusive benefit of it. 2Deprived of' the advlntagces of an open tinjiure market the colonists awere obliged to sell for a little less than they both irn tlheir pcurchases otherwise might have done, and -to buy at a somewhat dearer rate, and their and thus were wrlonged. both in their purchases arnd sales. * ~ales5 719. 3But the practic'al operation of the system wcas not, in its lent not.o results, so beneficiall to the people of Englancd, as might, at filst, be bfeneJicia to expected as what little they gained, if lny at all. by the adcitional.ighlt atfirst cheapness of colonial products, was overbalanced by the effects of beexpected. the prohibitory restrictions to which this system gave rise. 4As 4. Practical opecatcoe of neerlchants were securored by law oagcainst foreign competition, the the systenz, landholders demanded a similar protection to secure the profits tending to rihe lthe of their capital; and English corn-law s begin to be enacted, secuir icher, ing to the home producer a monopoly against the wheat anid rye znd thle poor,,1oorer. of other countries; and the English poor-the great moass of con-, sumers and laborers, were made to suffer by the increasing price of blread. While the navigation acts, and the prohibitory system of which they formed a part, increased the naval power of England, extended her carrying trade, and multiplied the wealtih of her merchants, manulfacturlers, liandholders, and capitalists generally, they irrevocably fastened the chains of' slavery upon a numerous pauper population. 5. lTendency 80. sBnt the commercial policy of England tended farther. to of the corn- alienate from her the affections of the colonies. who naturllll y mnercial potp icy of Enrg- aspired after independence, as the only mlealns of developing their'and ti alien- industry and resources, by securing those comlmercial rights of at le at/e c bctions of haer which Enogland haci le:privecl them. 6lt should not be concealed colonries. that the commerci:l part of the colonial system of England, rec.5 heEloal ceived at all times the ardent support of the twao prominent pa:rystesn szup- ties of the kingdom, both Vhigs'and Tories; nor yet. on the other pbciorte d btc hand, that the greatest British economist. Adaul Smilth clearly torieg De- demonstrated its impolicy, aIld decllared it co be' a manifest riolwa aoutnced by I'damnz Sminth. tion of the rights of' mankind."Y 7Yet nations are ever slow to aban7. ~at0ionc don any system of policy which the great anld wealthy, hhe " arlisc oaS0toe tor to tic few."; are interested in upholding. 8Mloreovel, the comechage those systecns fi- mercial system which Englalnd adopted towardcls her colonies wvas vored by the much less oppressive than the colonial policy of any other nation great and cwealtihy. of Europe; and this circumsstane, together with the general igluo8. T'he colo- rance thalt then prevailed of the principles of political nital policy of Engtazd con'- economy, constitutes its best apolooy. While F'rance. Spain, tastted with Portugal.. and Denmark, usually confesrred the monopoly of' tle: that of other.nations of trade of their colonies upon exclusive companies, or restricted it to Europe. a particular port, that of' the British settlementts wavs open to the competition of' all Britislh traders, and adlmiitted to all the halrbors of England. a. Izdigntc- S1. SIn none of the Anmerician colonies didl this 6ppressive systeam ticn oriths excite greater indignation than in Virginia, where the loyalty of *A y, Boo I! ch. xix. No, te. PARr 11.] APPEND1X 10 TI rlE COLONIAL HIStTO1RY. 3f7 the people xnticipatel a Imore generous relquit:l of royal fAtvor. ctIARLES i. Remonstrances were urged against, the nalvigation acts as a gr'iev- 1660-1685 ance, and petitions were pre-sented oir relitht but to no effect- and virg'/n/ans. when it was found thalt the prloviliical authorities connived with vandc inefec' the colonists in evading -the evactiOllS of systemn so destructive of st'2, emztheir int-erests, and repuvgnant to their prilciloles l royal mLnd-latcle t/ze was issuedl reprimanding thllm for thir condluct and tfots were 9iactia. eIvcted at the mou.ths o0 the princijpl lriove', andc vessels sent to:aruise on the coast to aid in en'ltocic al stl'iCt eSecutiOn of the law. iStill the Virginians contrived to carrl on a o mcindesLine tliade 1. Evasiorns wih tl-he Dutch at Mlanllhrattn, and retaliatin in somle degree the t fi.h l avli-o. 1 icjustice with whiichi they were tvretted th Oy enacted a laLw. that, ad ietli/ain the payrment of debts, Vir'ginioa clilrants should be preferred to toz:n c-ahn IEnglish credlitors.'tI wias thhu tlhalt the commercial regulations t..Jealo s betwrtee Engoliand and her colonies instead of being at bond of peace aitl dccc-:tld harmllony: ba.sedc on mnutual interests. becamele isource s of ralnk- occafsion.ed. ling jealousies: and vindlictive retaliations. S. 3Virlcinlu, hald1 pnromaptly acknowlecdl-e Charles I1. as her 3. Coccpara-' tl\ iwful sovereigo on the first news of the restoration of royallty; f: i cl h31ut Miassachu sctts wat lmore slow anrd guardedi in returning to her amt l Mssaallegi:lce. 4The loose character, and supposed arbitrary notions of chtisetts. 4. Avcarci end Charles, had filled the Purit an and republican colonis;ts of Massf- an/iety ofSti chusetts with alarn. both for their religion and their liberties, acnd P ccitacc s, ittheir.anxiety was incrteasecl by a knowledge of the complaints umelingls against the colony. which the enemies of its policy or institutions Pt'/oiigate and arlbtOarl! haid presentecd to the English governlllment.'The geenler court of character. the colony immnecdiately convenced and voted ddclcresses to the king 5 Proceedand parliament, in which the colonists justified their whole con- eeglorft/co dluct, and1 solicited protection for their civil ancid ecclesiastical of Maonsachuinstitutions. 6A gracious answer was returned by the king, but Fet. thle apprehensions of the colonists were excited anew by intelli- 6 New ap-ence thalt parliament deignecld to enforce the navigation acts prehensiocm ofthe colo a1g.oinst them, to cut off their conimmercial intercourse writh Virginia f,/,to. ared the \'Vest Indies andcl that it avas in contemplation to send out a whovernor-gveneral, whose jurisdiction should extend over all the, ortih Americtan plantations. 83. 7Although fearing the worst; and dreading a collision with 7. Their bold tihe crown, the colonists were not dismayed, but boldly mieeting the eomdejct crisis which they apprehendedd they proceeded to set forth, in a series of resolutions. a cdeclaraition of their rights. and the linlits of their obedience. 8They leclared that their liberties. under God 8. Nobte N ectnd ltheir charter. were, to choose their own officers:snt regulate tlaratign of,, their righits. their duties; to execise, wiithout appeall except ag inst ltaws reIpuoaniant to those of England. a1ll legislative; executive and jtudicial power for the government of all persons within the limits of their territory,-; to defendl themselves, by force of atrms. if necessary, fgrainst every aggi'ession; a ntl to reject. as an infringement of the IfundaImlnen tal riglhts o' the people% any imposition or tax injurIious to the provincial community. and contriarty to its Just laws. 8,-. oTher avowed their alleiance; tlheir dtyv to defend the 9. Contraven kino; s peisonc anli dominions: to maintalin good o overnment and to tio'tc of'i. l)reseive their colony as a dependenc y of the Egaolish crown; but 7ortanitves by denying the ri'lat ofalppe-cl to the kin'> and by dleclring the claimned by l nalvigation'octs an infriingement ol' their cihartered rights, they taeliamentd.ontr ovenedi the most imaportlnat prero:thtives ahicl thl king ancd p arlitncl'nt cleaimed thle Iright of ecercising over themn.'oIt was not Io. Tardy unt i after all these proceedings; prescribing. as it were, the terims acnoletof ~f vohuntary allegiance; when Umore thnn a year had elapsed since C/hartes II. 308 APPENDIX TO THEII COLONIAL iISTORY. [BOK 1I. 4NALYSIS. the restoration, that Charles II. was formally ackno' ledged in. Ma.ssachusetts by public proclanimation.a l6g. S35. 1Rhode isllad appears to have ellhibited a more time-serving 1. Rhode policy, and less jealousy of her' rights (. perhaps: g eater political Iesla di pur- prudence.'1n 1644 she hadcl applied for and obtained s charter ent poicy. li'om parliament: is the then ruling power in Englancl. and had c-. ler sutbser knowledged the suprei1macy of plarIliiament during the commonvritge'c tpoei wealth; Iand now; with eager hastc aznd wit'h mluch real or apparent ne'S. sltisffaction, she proclaimedb the restoration of monarcehical governb Oct.:66o. llmeat:t expressingl her ifitl that' he gracious hand of Providence 3. s1e otai,2 i woulld p reserve her people in their just srights and privileges." 3Asn ter. agent was sent to England to solicit the royal favor. and a new charter wss obtained, allthough, owing to boundary disputes with c. July iS. Connecticut. it (did not pass the royal seal until the summer of 1663.o 4. Character 86. 4This chairter granted and enjoined universal religious tol~ ters of Riade eration; gave to the inhabitants the rights of self-governnent. and Isadcd and so respected their scruples as to omit the requiremient from them Connecticut of. the usual oath of lle.11eiance to the crown, but which was required of the people of Connecticut by the chtirter given them about the same time. The Connecticut charteri equally democratic with that of Rhode Island, farther differed from it by the omission s. Singulr of any express allusion to matters of religion. aWhile in both a toe croont onf lority to the laws of England was required, as the tenure by the o fosisn coiicoi ob lawyers of which the privileges of the people were to be enjoyed, yet no method. as provided for ascsertmaining or enforcing this observance and the English mionarch was thereby excluded froum every constitutional mleatns of interposition or control an oversight of which the crown lawyers of' Englandcl were afterwards sensible, but which they were then uniable to remiedy. 6. Uvsyield- 87. 6F r101o none othler of the American colonies dill the arbitrary i,in ofpassa- exactions of the English government receive such constant and unclhcsetts to yielding opposition as from Massachusetts: and it was doubtless the arbitra?'y foI exactiosis of for this reason th-at of all the colonies. Massachusetts was ever the English madce the most prominelnt object of roy al vengeance. 7Although govetnnment. Chalrles the Second had conlsented thait Massaclhusetts should retain 7 The denanads mejle her chartoer. yet at the s:mie time he dcemirdecd the most unlimited vpon M/la.ssa- acknowledgment of the royal supIremIacy. He requiredc thbit all the Charles II. laws and ordinances of the colon-y paisseN cldurinsg the period of the 1662. commonwealth should be dccllared invalicl, ind that such as were repugnant to the rooyvl authority should be repe lled; that the oath of' allegiance should be taken by every person' that justice should be administered in the king's name thalt the Episcopal worship should be tolerated c andl thalt the elective frianchise should be extended to all fieeholders of competent estates. without reference to peculiarities of religious faith. 8. Natu.e of 88. 8The nature of these requisitions was not so objectionable as the objections the principle of the right of royal interference. which their concesto these deqna2,ds, and sion would seem to establish. The question of liberty wvhich they nIratria 7crn- involved was alone sufficient to awvahen the active jealousy and optheun. position of the colonists; lntl th(,y eventudly complied with only one of the royal dlemnils —t.hit which directed judicial p)roredings to be conducted in the king's name. 9. Denmrands 89. 9Vhen. in 1664. cominissioners were senti out to regulate the of Cornmi- affairs of' rNew Englanl;d the people of Massachusetts disregarded.504ansmered their a-uthority. and answerel their r demands by a petition to th' y a tpetition k in, expressin, their willin-ne 3s to testify their allegiance in any rigl]ateous way, but deprecating the discretionary authority and:arbitrary measures of the commissioners, as tending to th(, utter iaRr I.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. S09 subversion of the liberties of the colonists.'They declared that cfIAarIES IL if they were to be deporived of the institutions to which they were 1660 —1685. so much attachedl and for which they had encountered so great t. Plain dedifticulties and cldanlers, they would seek to re-establish them in claratio, consome more distant territoray; and they concluded their petition taipetition. with the following earnest entreaty. 2: Let our government live, 2. Conclusion our charter live our nmaoistrates live, our laws and liberties live ofthepetiour religious enjoyments live: so shall we all yet have farther cause to say from our healrts, let the ring live forever." 90. 3It is interesting to observe how ingeniously, throughout 3. Chzaracter, this controversy, the people evadedl, rather than opposed the de- ntid couaclcumands of the commissioners. WVhen at length the latter, provoked sicn(Jf et,/ by these evasions, deamrcded from the general court of the colony an th.C,:'tl.. explicit answer to the question, if they acknowledged the authority mWaolu,. of his majesty's commission? the court desired to be excused fiom giving any other answer than that they acknowledged the authority of his majesty's charter, with which they declared themselves much better acquasinted. But when at length the colmnissioners attempted a practical assertion of their pretensions by authorizing appeals to themselves in civil suits that had already been decided by the provincial tribunals, the general court prollmptly interf'ered anid in the name of the king, and by the authority of their charter, arrested the proceedings. 91. 4The forwardness of Massachusetts in resisting the royal 4. Massachu. commissioners was severely reproved by the king, who took occasion settI reprovee for her cor-,at the sanme time to express his sattisfaction of the conduct of all the duct. other colonies. 5A royal isandate was next issued, commanding April, 1666. the general court of Massachusetts to send deputies to England to 5. Reqszired answer the charges preferred a.g'ains t it. 6But even this command to a;wser the was disobeyed, the court declaring, in reply to the requisition, that against her.'they h;ad already furnished their views in writing, so that the 6. Declines to ablest persons among them could not declare their case nmore fully. obey Nte c(,os7At the samie time, however, the colonists made earnest protestations 7. Protestaof their loyalty, and as a demonstration of their professions, they tions and degriatuitously furnished supplies for the English fleet in the West of her loyalty. indies, and purchased a ship load of masts which they sent to the iking a, present then particularly valuable to him, and to which he condescended to give a gracious acceptance. SThe Dutch war s. Causess that in which the kiing was involvecd at this tilei the rising cdiscon- co7?-pelled the king to sus. tents of his own subjects-the dreadful affliction of the plague:i< and pend his the gre.t fire of London, caused him to suspend feto a while the de.sins ersinst Nrew execution of his designs against the institutions of -New England. Englnand. 9The king's council often discussedo the affairs of Massachusetts. a. 1671. and various propositions were made for m nenacing or conciiiating the o Discsu.i07o: stubborn people of that. colonyn into a imore dutifucl allegiaince but ens cosescl, "~y n " ^' r4l.' " Y"- — " asd fjears of even at that early day there were not wanting those who enter- opeolrevo:a. 5 The plague occurred in the summer and autumn of 1665, and was confined to London. Hume makes no mention of it: Lingard gives a thrilling account of its horrors. The disease generally manifested itself by the usual fbbrile symptoms of shivering, nausea, headache, and delirhium-then a sudden faintness-the victim became spotted on the breast, and within an hour life was extinct But few recovered from the disease, and death followed within two or three days from the first symptoms. During one week, in September, mlore than ten thouan(l tied. Th'e whole number of victims was more than one hundred thousanld. In September of the followving year, 1666, occurred the great fire of London, by which thlo teen thousand two hundred dwellingrs were consumIecd, and two hundred thousand peopleleeft destitute. Two-thirds of the. metropolis were reduced to ashes. London became much more healthy after the fire, and the plague, which formerly broke out twice or thrice every celstury, e.nd indeed was always lurking in some corner of the city, has scarcely ever appeared since that cal3smiaty. 310 APPENDIX TO TIHE COLONIAL HISTORY. [CjoogK L, &NATLYSIS. tained serious fears that the colony was on the very brink of re. nouncing any dependence upon the crown. 1. Kignts de- 92. 1About the close of King Philip's War, the king's designs 6Ngws ag.a:nst of subverting the liberties of New Elngland were revived anew, by NVew England revived. the opportunity which the controversy between Massachusetts, 1679. and Mason and Gorges, presented for the royal interference, when 1680...New Hanllishire, contrary to her wishes, was made a distinct proeontinu- vince, and compelled to receive a royal governor. 2Massachusetts aqce of the had neglected the Acts of Navigation-the merchants of England chuatlrtere of: complained against her-she responded by declaring these Acts an ullaessach/i- invasion of the rights and liberties of the colonists,'they not bring sSedef1 fee represslted itn parliamrlent,' and when finlally the colony refused ta ted. send agents to Engliod with full powers to settle disputes by mak ing the required submissions, a writ of quo',arranlto was issued. a. June 28, and English judges decideda that Massachusetts had forfeited her 3168. charter. 3Rhode sland and Connecticut had also evaded the 3. Rhode IslanZd a7d Con- Acts of Navigation, yet their conduct was suffered to pass without trnetdicut reprehension. It was proboably thought that the issue of the conatore lenity. test with the more obnoxious province of Massachusetts would involve the faite of' all the other New England settlements. I. Noble con- 93. 4Throughout this controversy. the general court of Massaduct of,ase- chusetts, ndl the people in their assemblies, repeatedly declared they sachusetti threourghout would never show themselves unworttliy of liberty by making a this contro- voluntary surrender of it; asserting, "' that it was better to die by other hands than their own.; —The resolute, unbending virtue, with which Massachusetts defended the,system of liberty which her early Purit 0Ln settlers had established, and guarded wvith such 5. Grtounds of jealous care, deserves our warmest commendation. 5The navigathetopposition tion acts were ain indirect llmode of taxinog the commerce of the to the navigation acts. colonies for the benefit of England; and the opposition to them was based, mainly, on the illegality and injustice of taxation without representation-a- principle on which the colonies afterwards declared and maintained their independence. S. stubversion 94. GThe reign- of Charles 11. witnessed the subversion of the of the Du,tchi power of the Dutch in America, by the unprovoked and unjust Anserica. conquest of New Netherlands. 7The early records of the Dutch' 7. Ear7y rec- colonists furnish few important materials for history, and their orlcs of the later annals are little else than a chronicle of their contentions nists. and struggles with the English, the Swedes, and the Indians. 8. Adsninis- 8During the administration of Peter Stuyvesant, the last of its trat'ion of Dutch governors, the colony attained some degree of prosperity, Peter StaLy-,resont. and at the time of the conquest the population of the metropolis appear s to have numbered about 3000 souls, nearly a third of whom abancloned their homes, rather than become subjects of the British 9. His des- empire. SThe venerable and worthy Stuyvesant remainedcl, and in cendnts. the following century his descendants, inheriting his worth and popularity, were frequenrtly elected to the magistracy of the city.'0. Conquest 95. 1~The grant of New Netherlands to the dt-uke of York, and and distenez- the conquest which soon followed, placed, for the first timle the bernent of New l;Nther- whole sen -coast of the thirteen original States under the dominion tands. of the Eilglish crown. The dismemberment of New Netherlands followed, the territory of New Jersey was granted away, that, of Delaware was soon after given to Penn, and the province of New York alone remainedk under the government of the royal pro.,~. New Neth- prietary. ilUnde-r his arbitrary rule, the people, during many years, etrla sunder enjoyed few political privileges, but they did not escape the infiu. the goverinment of tie ence of free principles which had grown up in the surrounding DukceofYor. colonies, nor did they cease to protest against arb'trary taxation, PART l.d AP'PENDIX TO THE COLONINAL HISTORY. 311 and to demand at share of the legislative authority, by the establisl- CH ARLES II melLt of a repreentative asselbly, until, after h:tving been treated 1660-1686. tas a cnmquered people for nearly twenty years, their efforts were finally crowned with success.,'It is a singular coincidence that a 1655 se New York obtained a free constitution at nearly the same time P 228. that the chartered rights of the New Engloand colonies were sub- 1. si~nsl-ar verted, during the last days of the reign of Charles the Second. 96. 2The settlement of Pennsylvaniam is another important event 2. Settlemnent in our hist(dy, which occurred during the reign of' Charles If., and of Pennsylwhich requires a more extended account of the character of the early colonists, and the plan and principles of their government, thane we have given in the narrative part of this work. 97. 3The ~Quakers, or, as they style themselves:' Friends," were 3. Rise of ths a Purit'an sect which originated in England about the commence- Quakers. ment of the domestic troubles and civil war which led to the subversion of royalty, and the establishmlent of the commonwealth or republic. 4These were times of extraordinary civil, political, and 4. Other enreligious convulsion. when so many enthusiastic and often extrava- thusiaslic gant sects arose to disturb the ecclesiastical arrangements which S had previously been estaiblished. 98. sAmong these sects as'Williamn Penn stal;es, in his Brief Ac- 5. William count of the Rise and Progress of the People called Q uakers, was w Penn's a ca party called Seekers by some aniid the FPimily of Love by others, earlz Quawho were accustomed to meet togetlier; not formally to preach and ken-s. pray at appointed tilnes and places, but who waited together in silence till something arose in any one of their minds that savoied of a divine spring. 6Ainolr(g these, however. sollle there were G6.His accmnt who ran out in their own imnaginations and brought forth a mon- of'tose cltd strous birth. These, fron the extravagances of their discourses Ranters. and practices. acquired the name of Rsiuters. They interpreted Christ's fulfilling the lawa for us, as a discharge fi om any obli~gation or duty the ltw r1equired from us; inferring that it was now no sin to do that, which, before, it was a sin to commit; the slavish fear of the law being taken off. and all things that man did being good, if hle did themn with the mind and persuasionl that it wtaS So.7 )99. 7it appears from this that the early "Ranters " who have 7. Tle Rantbrought upon the Quakers much of the odium that has attached to ers, an Uznthe sect, weregarded by Penn as an unworthy branch of the so- branch orthe ciety to which he belonged. 8'The founder of the acknowledged Quakers. Quakers, or Friends, was George Fox, a man of humble birth, who 8 Ge0orte Fo. -uakers, or Friends ) 7 the fosonder assumed the office of a preacher or instructor of others in 164o, in of tire Q-uathe 22d year of his age. 9WVe will quote here from Godwin,.author ser sect. of an able history of the commonwealth of EnglaLnd what appears 9.;oGodin's to be an impartial account of' some of the early tenets and practices tory. of the sect and its founder. 100). 10! The tenets of the Quakers were of a peculiar sort; inno- 10. Tenzets o, cent in themselves; but, especially in their first announcement, and tie QuaL giver before they were known as the chlaracteristics of a body of men col:z-inw of pure and irreproachable dispositionsl caleulbited to give general offence, They refused to put off their hats, or to practice anly of the established forms of courtesy, holding that the Christian religion required of its votaries that they should be no respecters of persons. They opposed war as unlawful, denied the payment of tithes, and disclaiamed the sanction of an oath. They married in a form of their own, not submitting, in this a ticle, to the laws of their country, and pronounced of baptism and the Lord's Supper, that they were of teamporary obligation, and were now become obsolete, ,' 12 APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. [Booi ItL ANALYSIS. They wore a garb of peculiar plainness: and were the determined enemies of the institution of priesthood... ChrteflOr, 101. l"'`Fox himself was a. man of a fervent mind, and, though dreacilzg oe, little indebted to the arts of educationl had a copious flow of words, Fo.. and great energy in enforcing what he taught. His first discourses were addressed to a small number of persons, who were probably prepared to receive his instructions with deference. But, having passed through this ordeal. he, in the year 1647, declaimed before numerous meetings of religious persons, and people cale from fla 2. Penn's ac- and near to hear him. iPenn says, that the most awful, living, ItAcnt ofhin reverent frame of mind he ever saw in a human being, was that of Fox in prayer; and Fox, speaking of a prayer he poured forth iin the year 1648, informs us, that to all the personls present the house seemed to be shaken, even as it happened to the apostles in their meetings inmmediately after the ascension of Christ. 3. Farther 102. 3!" The course he pursued was such as came to him by imcco5nt5 of pulse at the moment, without premeditation; and he felt impelled peF. by Geodwin. to resort to courts of justica, crying for an impartial administration. and exhorting the judges to a conscientious discharge of their duty; to inns, urging the keepers to discountenance intemlperance; anrid to wakes and fairs, declaiming against profligacy. He came into markets7 and exhorted those who sold to deal justly: he testified against mountebanks; and, when the bell rang for church, he felt it striking on his heart believing that it called men to mizarket for that precious gospel, which was ordained to be dispensed without money and without price."; 4. artly e- 1()3. 4Durling the early period of his ministry, Fox committed es^cs of Fez. many excesses agnainst good order, by interrupting religious meetings~ and denouncing a hirolingr nministry, for which he was many times beaten and imprisoned all which he bore with patient al)d humble fortitude. At one time, when the officiating clergyman had finished preaching from the words, "Ho, every one that thirsteth, coime buy without money")7 Fox was moved to cry against himl. "Come down thoue deceiver Dost thou bid people come to the waters of life freely, and yet thou takest three hundred pounds a year of them?" At another time, as he relates of himself, he was moved to pull his shoes from off his feet, and traverse the city of Litchfield in every direction, crying in eestacy as he went along. ~' Woe, woe, to the bloody city of Litchfield!: 5. Heastan- 104. SIn the progress of his apostleship, Fox abandoned these dons hisex- excesses, and practiced that moderation which he afterwards encess For s.t joined upon others. 6He was ever distinguished for the apparent distin2- sincerity with which he inculcated his doctrines, and,:"wherever guaised. he came," says Godwin:'!he converted the gaoler and many of his fellow prisoners, and, by the fervor of his discourses, and the irreproachableness of his manners, colluianded general respect.; 7. fis inter- 7WVhen brought before Cromwell, the i'rotector of the Commonview wit/ wealth, lie expatiated upon true religion with that zeal and unction. Cr ll. and a holy and disinterested zeal for its cause, with which he was so remarkably endowed; and the Protector, who had been accustomed deeply to interest himself in such discourses, was ca:ught by his eloquence. He pressed his hanld and said, " Come again to my 6. Tlme closig house: if thou and I were together but one hour in every day?, wo remnao7c of should be nearer to each other." adding that "he wished Fox no ount of /him. more ill than he did to his own soul." 8Penn closes his account.. Pereecu- of this eminent man with these words: " Many sons have done vir~ tha orsOf ni tulusly, but thou excellest them all." Qakes inuke i Elan J.Zgld'. 105, 9Much of the persecution of the Quakers in England waa PART II.J APPENDIX TO TIlE COLONIAL HISTORY. 313 brought ulpon them by the extravagance and fanaticism of a few of CI-IARLES II. their mnembers, and not wholly or originally by the profession of their 1660-1685. peenliar doctrinal tenets.'Soue who distinguished tbhemllselves in 1,.* Iseiy of:he early history of Quakerism were doubtless insane, and should sonse so/z have been treated as suchll. Of these persons. one of the most ex- quaer'sll.d traordinary was John tRobrins: who a6ppe red in the year 1650 2He 2. A:count of declared himself att one tirme to be God Almighty; and at other Joen Rlobins. times that he was AduLn. Many miracles were attributed to him, and yet he was followed by those, who were afterwards deemed reputable QLuakers. 30f a like charLacter were Reeve and Mug- 3. of Reeve gleton, who beogan to preoch in 1652, and who professsed to be the ad5eitou-. two witnesses clothed in sackloith spoken of in the book of Revelation, of whom it is said'if anly mnoon would hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies. 106. 4But perhaps the most distinguished among the ifanrtics of 4. Account o] that day, who were charged with being Qluakers. was James Nay- Naylor, a convert of George Fos, and long his fellow laborer and fellow sufferer, who first rendered himself notorious in the year 1656. EIe was at that time in Exeter gaol. where he was addressed by several deluded persons with extraavaglnt and divine titles, as, the;Everlasting Son, the Prince of Peace, the Fairest among Ten I'housand. One Dorcas Erberry testified in court that she had oeen raised from the dead by him. Being released from confineinent at Exeter, he made a grand entry into Bristol, where his atte-iclliants sa as he passed along,' H oly, holy, holy, Lord God of Israel, Hosanna in the highest.' 107. sAt Bristol he was committed to prison, when parliament 5. Condemned ga;ve him additional notoriety by the appointment of a committee to deatl] to consider the information concerning his misdemeanors and blasphemies. His case was brought befobre the commons, who decided by a vote of 96 to 82 that he should suffer death. sFox. in his 6 Fro'S nlasu,Journal, alludes sorrowfully to Naylor's errors, whom he still terms sioRi to Nayla iunaker, but when he found that he would not heed his rebukes, lo. he says, "The Lord moved me to slight him, and to set the power of God over him." 7Fox relates many wild and absurd exhibitions - 7 Quakers e of the Quakers, and yet it is not easy to determine the views he tra vafrances entertained of thema.l- 8WVilliam Penn, however, in the Preface Fo. which he wrote for the Journal of Fox, speaks of these persons as 8. By Willrazters,' who. for want of staying their minds in a humble depen- ian Penns. deuce upon Him that opened their understandings to see great things in his law, ran out in their own imaginations, and mixing them with these divine openinogs, brought forth a monstrous birth, to the scandal of those that feared God.'" He farther adds, " they greow very troublesome to the better sort of people, and furnished ) aryCh ylethe looser with an occasion to blaspheme." Qisalcerisn, LOS. 9It is not surprising that such men should have brought and odisum reproach upon Quakerism, then illy defined; and scarcely reduced seel. "Somre," lhe says, " have been moved to go naked in the streets, and have declared amongst them that God would strip them of their hypocritical professions, and make them as bare and naked as tlhey were. But instead of considering it, they have frequently whipped, or otherwis;e abused them." Journal. If Fox did not approve such conduct, he certainly reprobated those who thought it worthy of punishouleit. The reason of which is that oiven by Gralhame, who says,;" Itis wrstitlogs are so voluminoous, and there is such a lmixture of good an( evil in them, that every reader finds it easy to justify his preconceived opinion, and to fortify it by appropriate quotations. IHis works are read by few, and wholly reixd by still fewer. Mtlay formn their opinions of him from the passages which are cited from his writings by his adversaries: and of the Quakers there are many who derive their opinions of him froom the passages of a very diirerenb complexion, which are (iteld,ra t.e works of the amo dern writers of their owrn sect." 49 $14 APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boox I[ ANALYSIS. to Il system even in the minds of its most reputable professors; nor, when the first Qsuakers realched iMassach usetts in 1656. the year that the frenzy of Q uakerism wais at its height in Englarid, is it surprising that they \rere viewed by the staid and sober Puritans as the precursors of that insanle extravagance: the -f:me of which had preceded thenil, ald the imputateion of which attached 1. Conductof to the whole sect.'When banished, they returned algain to the aellltsscker colony, and, by their excesses: excited public odium against thel, seoIts. and courted the utmost penalties that the a. ws could inflict. 2 Character 2Unfortunately for the reputation of New England. the first Quiaqf theEJir't kers who appeared there were not only the nlost enthusiastic, but,ppeal' c' the most extravagant also of the sect to which they professed to thore. belong; and their excesses were regarded as the legitimate fruits of.Quaker principles. They would have beenl termeci Ranters by Penn;,-they called themselves 0Quakers. S. Bancroft's 109. l~Bancroft says of them.a * "' They cried out from the windows account of at the magistrates and ministers that passed. by, aind mocked the civil and religious institutions of the country. They riotously interrupted public worship; a nd women, forgetting -the decorum of their sex, and claiming a divine origin for their absurd oeprices, smeared their faces, and even went inaked through the streets." 4. GCrahame's 4Graihanme says,t' In public assemblies, and in crowded streets, it actootit. was the practice of some of the Quakers to denounce the most tremendous manifestations of divine wrath on the people, unless they forsookl their carnal system.i7-" Others interrupted divine service in the churches by loudly protesting that these were not the sacrifices thlat God would nccept; and one of thelot illustrated this assurance by breaking two bottles in the face of the congregation, exclaiming, IThus will the Lord break you in pieces.' a. Farther 110. 5!i One of the female preachers~ presented herself to a conaccount of gregation with her iace besgrinedl with coal dust,'announcing it as Quaker abezsrdities, a pictorial illustration of th2e black prox, awhich Heaven had commisertracted sioned her to predict as ain approaching judgment on all carnal hnome. worshippers. Some of them in rueful attire perambulated the streets, proclaiming the immediate comirng of an angel with a drawn sword to plead with the people. One womanl in a state of nudity entered a church in the micldle of' divine service, and desired the people to take heed to her as a sign of the times, and an emblem of the unclothed state of their own souls; and iher associates highly extolled her submission to the inward light -that had revealed to her the duty of illustrating the spilitual nakedness of her neighbors, by the indecent exhibition of her own person. Another Quakeresslv was arrested as she was making a similar display in the streets of Salem." EBancroft, i. 454. t Grahame, Book II, ch. 3. J Thomas Newhouse, at Boston. ~ M. Brewster. II Lydia Wardel, of Newbury. ~ Deborah Wilson. See also Hutchinson's History of the Colony of Massachusetts:Bay. Vol. i. p. 203, 204. Besse, a Quaker writer, in his " Collection of the sufferings of the People called Quakers,' relates that Lydia Wardel, in Newv England, a convert to Quakerism, found herself moved to appear in a public assembly " in a very unusual manner, and such as was exceding hard ana self-denying to her natural disposition, she being a woman of exellplary modesty in all her behavior. The duty and concern she lay under was that of going into their church at Newbury naked, as a token of that miserable eoondition which she esteemed thiems in." " 3ut they. instead of religiously reflectinig on their own condition. which she came in that manner to re; present to them, fell into a rage, and presently laid hands on her," &e. George Bishop, another Quaker writer, thus relates the case of Deborah Wilson. " She wa, i modest woman, of a retired life and sober conversation; and bearing a great burden for the hardness and cruelty of the'people, she went through the town of Salem naked, as a sign; Ml1ch she having in part pertormed: was laid hold on, and bound over to appear at the new PArLT 1I.1 APPENDIX TO THIE COLONIAL HISTORY. 315 111. lThese facts are ntioned as matters of history-as an apo- CHAR.LES II logy for the punishment which these violtlions of decency mld good 1660 —1685. order deservedl; not as a jlstification for tha:t which tile bare profes-. Object of sion of nQuakerism received. And although it was the prqfees.ioun of anzentzoning Quakerism that MassaLchusetts punished: first, with banishment, and tlesefciei. on return, with death, yet we should do injustice to her past history did we not mention the circurmstlances by xwhich shejustified laws that are now regazrded mwith universal reprobation. 2Nor must we impute 2. Quatkerisma the excesses of the Quaker fanatics to Quakerism itself, as ex- notl re.xposipounded by its most able teacLers, e Barclay- aend Penn. and such excesses of as we are bound to receive it.-.We now turn to a more pleasant quae r2fctheme, and shall proceed to give a farther sketch of the principles of Lnoakerism, in addition to what we have extracted from Godwin, and shldl then briefly trace its history as connected with American colonization. 112. 31t is a distinctive prinlciple of Quuaker doctrines that the 3. Distinctive Holy Spirit acts directly, at all times, and by known impulse, upon ricipe of the spirit of man; that its influence is to be obtained, not by prayer, but by turning the intellectual eye inward upon the soul: and that its power consists, not merely in opening the minds of' noen to a cleaorer perception of right and duty, but that it communicates knowledge of itself. and is therefore, in its freedom, the highest revelation of divine truth. 4The Quaker therefore believes that 4. The " In there is the secret voice of God within him, an i" Inner Light of the thesol." Soul,'7 which, when guided by reason, cherished without passion or prejudice, and obeyed without fear, is the best guide to divine knowledge and virtue. It is not man that speaks, but God in man. 113. 5Or, to give a farther, and perhaps more intelligible expla- 5. Farther er nation, the fundamental principle of Quakerism appears to be an pthiaatione f ultraimmelled conscieice, the incorruptible seed of which is supposed zle to exist in every bosom. And yet it is not the same as individual judgment, for that may be perverted by error. Nor is it known by enlightened reason even, (which, however, it never contradicts), but by its own evidence and clearness; commending itself,.by its own verity, to every one, who, without arrogance and pride, will humbly receive it. 6The Quaker investigates moral truth by corll- 6 Quaker muning with his own soul. "Some,' says Peilnn, eseek truth in vaode of nbooks, some in learned men, but what we seek for is in ourselves." tzora trulths, "Man is an epitome of the world, and to be learned in it, we have only to read ourselves well." 114. 7The Q-Luaker believes the Bible to be a revelation of God's 7. The Quawill, not because human learning and tradition declare it to be so, ker Bible.of court of Salem, where the wicked rulers sentenced her to be whipt." Grahame says, " The writings of Besse, Bishop, and some others, who were foolish enough to defend the extravagance that they had too much sense to commit, were the expiring sighs of Quaker nonsense and frenzy." This same George Bishop thus remonstrated against the enforcement of the statute, in England, against the Quakers: "To the King and both Houses of Parliament- Thus saith the Lord, AMeddle not with my people because of their conscience to me, and banish theta not out of the nation because of their conscience; for if you do, I will send my plague among you, and you shall know that I am the Lord. Written in obedience to the Lord, by his servant, G. Bishop." —(Gough and Sewell.) Very different was the remonstrance which William Penn addressed, on the same subject, to the king of Poland, in whose dominions a severe persecution was instituted against the Quakers.'" Give us poor Christians," says he, " leave to expostulate with thee. Suppose we are tares, as true wheat hath always been called, yet pluck us not up for Christ's salke, who saith, Let the tares and the wheat grow up together until the harvest, that is, until the end of the world. Let God have his due, as well as Caesar. The judgment of conscience belongeth unto him, and mistakes about religion are known to him alone." —Clarkson's Life of Penn. * Robert Barclay, author of the " Apology for the Quakers," and.of a treatise on the " Anar thy of the Ranters." 316 APPENDIX TO TH-!E COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boo0K It ANALYSIS. but because the spirit within him, the Inr.ner Light, testifies its aou' ~ — - cordance with the innmutable principles of all truth.' The Scriptures,/ says Barclay::arie a cdecllaation of the fountain: and not Z. The creed the fountain itself:" 1The creed of the Quaiker avoids hypothesis qf Quaker- and speculation; rejecting the subtleties with which philosophers and divines have alternately established and overthrown the doctrines of liberty and necessity: foreknowledge and fate: Unity and Trinity, it rests for its exposition and authority on the Inner Light, which, as a, fountiain of imnmuortal truths, is believed to well forth the waters of eternal light and life in all the purity, ciearness, and simplicity of nature. v. iomeofthe 115. 2Quakerism insists that it maintains Christianity in its claits, anio primitive simplicity, free from the intolerance of bigotry or the',uakerism. f'ollies of skepticism; it claims emancipation from the terrors of superstition; it rejects witchcraft as a delusion: and denies the original existence of evil spirits, as inconsistent with the harmony of creation. B. Appeals to 116. 3The Quaker rejects appeals to fear as an unworthy incitefear. ment to devotion, and as tending to obscure the divine ray by the clouds of human passion. The Inner Light should be allowed tc 4. Utilitari- burn freely. 4The Quaker mnaintains that disinterested virtue is an kea osf itself happiness, and that purity of life is demanded, not from any Quakersm. arbitrary, unmeaning requisition, but bbecause it is essential to the welfare of society. Thus the system of Quakerism is decidedly utilitarian in its results; and utilitarianisml although not the mo.. tive to duty, is a proper criterion of right conduct where the promptings of the Inner Light are not clear. The tendency of the system is, therefore, the greatest good of the greatest number-a principle which, it is m'lintained, will ever be found in beautiful harmony with the requirements of irevelaition. b. Intellectu- 117. 5Quakerismn claims the highest intellectual freedom as man's alfreedom: birthright: and as the only means of individual and social progress religious toleration: re- it pleads for universal toleration in matters of religion, because of sWanc7Cest0 the sacredness of conscience, the medium through which God speak, aversion to to man: it resists tyranny by reason and by appeals to consciencs wOar. and not by violence; it protests against war, and, confident in thi power of justice to defend itself, renounces the use of the sword. without absolutely denying to others the right of defence; and adopting the language of the divine author of Christianity; it pro clainms' PtEACE on earth, and good will to man." 6. Fornms and 118. 6The Quaker rejects formlS nlld ceremonies, even baptism cer'etoniecs: and the sacrament- and insteadl of common ptlrayer, which he seldom prayer: the Sabbath, 4-c. engages in holds secret communion with the spirit of Light within Genealn c him; lie keeps the Sabb-sth as a day of rest, for the ease of creatiot. piainness and si7Lplicity of and not as a holy day dedicated to religious worship; he awears nic Quaker outwar d emblems of sorrow for the dead; he regairds a judicial otlh habits. as a superstitious vanity; he cultivates pl ainlless tld simplicity of speech, disregrldlino the'rtifices of rlhetoric he enjoins modesty of aipparel, without pmescribing (n unchancinoc fashion; he distrusts the fine arts-music and paintino —without positively rejecting their cultures jeailous of'their libilibility to perversion by their interference with the nobler pursuits of science, and their tendency tc lead the mincl astray fronm the more worthy contemplation of Deity and his works. q. Political 119. 7Viewed in a political light, Quakerism is a perfect democracy. Qeakr`of Regarding all menn as alike by creation, the Quaker wears his hat in the presence of klings, as a symbol of equality-a constant proclamation that lie is the equal of the proudest peer in Christenu t'A.P Iii.J APPENDIX TO) TH-IlE (JOLOItL IHISTOR Y. 31 7 Jonm. He refuses homrn;ge to his fellow man, and bows to God Mtlovte. CHIaRLS IL -ie scorns any nobility but that of mind a ind vir tu e. 16S —1li. 120.'From the obregoing it wiil be s een thuat theCe is much phi-. Pi/oio/iy losophya ablout (lt;iisunillmlch m(hOat is caimculated to elicit deep of' qntacerthought incl reoleciionl lo eve' lliuch the ext.r:ivtiainces of som: of its eaurly memll}ibers' might induce a colntr1airy suppositlon-. 2BzUt what 2. Ot/2e7 sECS. religious sect can be namued. soni,, of wlhose nlel bers have not inzumred a like re eproach? Mfitr ni who delight to cwcll on the extosses of the carly (Iuaeikrs: vaonld do well to r enlember the irre'u lal rities of solni of the fainaticall mneimbers of other Puriitan sects. 1i1.. 3,e have thus girenl awht wre believeo to le it fiit.i;l, though a. The resuhz brienf exposition of Qulkerismil as gathered. frorn the professions of altve iieCfut its own teaLchers. As the opposers of the sect have ever ascribed to its m-lemlbcers.s as a. body L i'l unldoubted honesty of fatith and purpOwS u w'e lsay theref' ore safely assier that.l if we 1have not errc d in our analydsis, sulch i','Rre the tlrue p r-inciples and charasctero of the fjiii,:,' q-S' Oe/ -l.c-.llci/,ca. 1. 4T11e first notice of 0iiiaker c oloizcition. in A\merie: l occurs 4. Frst noin the history of 5New Jersey, when. in l(7.o W-iilian Penn Gaten tice of QtnaIaurie and l icholias Lucas. inemlbers of' the society oif 1 riendsl tioi. became thle assigsnees of Edwar d Bytlinge for the vestern half of NTew Jerse. 5'IThe fo-a of guovernmient, establisihecl by them, under 5. The "'Con the title of: Concessions' ithe first essay of', uaiker legislation, ceSiiiOS" guaranuied that perfect civil arnd religious fireedol which might have been expected fiom the liberality of Qutaker principles; imitating acnd rivaling, in the simplicity, wisdom, andl justice of its prol'isions. the free institutions of ilhode Island. 1-3. 6The civil polity of' Rhode IslaLnd was based upon the prlin- 6 The,ov ciple that'll the powers of gove-rnmenen were in the hands of the'deniientt of people;7 and'that God alone shoulch be respected'as the ruler of an1ig Jvedt conscience.' "The Concessions of SW\est NSew Jersey, said Penn Ne'o Jer ey; and his colleiagues,;'lay a foundation for after aiges to'iunderstand iuans and wIittiam t.heir liberty Is rmien sd Christians, thait they lmay not be brought 1 etiiin in bondilage but by their own consent, for ie thMe pt t oer in the people.' The clause in the Concessiions, securing rieligious fireedom, wias preflced by a general declaration,: That no mein nor number of men upon earth haLve power to rule over mnens consciences in religious mnatters."' loeger WVilliamas nIld W'Wilao1 Penn are entitled to no srall share in the honor of' pl1atting politic;l ind l eligious liberty in America. 7As peculirities in the Qualker lerisla- 7. Pecutiari bion of West JeTsey, impisionment folr dceb was dlisalloaved; the iesofiQuayier legisoa helpless orphan wias to be educated by the state; the righ-ts of the tion. lied men were to be protected; courts were to be ilanargeod waitlhout rttorneys or counsellors and all persons in the province weie dedalared to be forever free fromi oppression (,ld sla-verv. 124. SA few yearcs ltIter William Penn becanme the proprietary of 8. Tie Penii Petnnsylvr-al ia, a charter for the settlinar and troavrnirng of whicnh he ch/arter obtained fromi Charles the Second in 1681. This instraulent wa sketched by originially slketched by Peinn himsetlf froom the liberal charmter of 1`ln eMatiryland, but wars afterwardts revised by chiefi justice Northa who justice North. Inserted cilauses more effectutlly rmiartdling the sovereignty of the kin,. seculring f'ee worship foib the English church. and reacrving to tihe 3'O'itish p-arliament tlhe power of' axing the inhabtianlts of the colony. 125. ST hese particular stipulations, by which this clhartel was 9 Paotieutr distinguished friom ll precetdini ones.: were doubtless the offspring st/iptlaotion..ofthe Penna of the displutes in whii ch thle croarwn hadl long been involved with the' sylvania,olony c f M.i; aschusetts. Effecttn allyc to establish nd gua3 d c3rji tish chzarter 319S ai PENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK 11 ANALYSIS. ascendency in the new colony, the Navigation Acts were to be en......- ~forced by the stipulated penalty of the forfeiture of the charter and that laws mlight not grow sup inconsiseent with royal and par liamentary prerogatives, all provincial eniactments were to be sub mitted to the crown for approbaltion or dissent —a requisition, how ever, which was n ever complied with and an agent of the colony was required to reside in London, who was to be held responsibld for the acts of his colonial constituents.'With these exceptions, if they may be deemed such, the charter of Pennsylvania was as libl eral to the colonists as the most favor able thalt had yet been granted. I. Clause 126. 1That important clause, reserving to the English parliamelnt aesPetingt the r ight of taxation has giveii rise to much discussion, and has been viewed in very different lights by English anld American Ha io0w view- statesmenl iThe Pennsylvanians appear ever to have regarded the pei by thi exercise of this power on the part of p raliament as based upon the'e'lrsv'. condition of an adinission of colonial representatives in the councils 5. Di. F'ra?2C- of the English nation. 3i early za century laLter, these views were'in's vie.toso expressed by Dr. Franklin in his celeb- rated examination at the bar as ezxiresscd of the British House of Colmmons. Being asked how Pennsylvain hon at th-e iians could reconcile a pretence to be exempted from parliLmentary ioir of tle taxation. with tha t clause il their charteri to which we have alluded, l:i.tia/iz ionie he replied, " They understand it thlus: —Bv the same charter, and otherwise they arLe entitled to all the privilegoes and liberties of Englishmen. They find in the great charsters, and in the petition ~anld declaration of rightsb that one of the psrivileges of English subjects is, that they are not taxed but by their common consent; they have; therefore relied upon it.f/-oa th7P'itst setl/ehuznt of tZle province, that the parliament never would, 1nor could, by color of that clause in the charter, tax them till it had qualified itself to exercise such right by admitting representatives from the people to be taxed." I Peinnsylva- 127. 4The liberties enjoyed by Pennslvania, however, were ownia nainly inldebted to ing less to the stipulations of the royal chartcer than to the benevPeie,for its olent concessions of VW+illiam Penn, the proprietary. In unldertaki g].' the work of firaming a. political constitution for the people of his province he says, ".For the mnatters of liberty tand privilege, I purpose /tnat which is exatr'aordincry. and leave myself and successor no power of doing rnischief, that the will of one man may not hinder the good of a whole count;ry.,' 5. General 128. 5The general character of the laws submitted by Penn to cliaracter of the colonists for their free adoption or rejection, has already been the laws of Pennsyl- explained, and only one or two of their provisions require our farvania. ther notice. 6For the purpose of repressing pauperism nad de6. Les fior pendence, and promoting habits of industry. it was enacted "that pauperismi. all children within the province` of the age oi twelve years- should I c- be taught some useful trade or skill, to the end that none might be idle, but that the poor might worlk to live, and the rich. if they be-,. Iew prinz- camne poor, mfight not wavnt.:' 7A. law more enduringa. and wider in ciple in the the operation of its beneficial influences, was the adoption of a'penal code. new principle in the penall code. by the conversion of prisons into workhouses. whereby prisoner-s nuight be reclaimed` by discipline and instruction, to habits of inadulStry and nmorality. S. Re7marlcs 129. sThus was it reserved foir luliaker legislation to inrstitute on this one of the mnost noble reforms in prison c1iseipline-to temper jussubject. t. ice with mercy mi the treatment of criminals-antl to declare that the penalty of violated law perforcied but hilf its duty, if. in or. daiining the punishment, it did not providce tlso for the reforimai P. CGpital of- tion of the offender. 9The Pennsylvlawla cohde recognized but two fences. capital crimes, treason amnd mur-der; while at the same time, in Eng, PAR~T ILi APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL H1ISTORY. 319) lInd, nearly two hundred offences were declared, by vlarious acts of CHiArLES t. pirliament, to be worthy of the punishment of death. 1660 —168. 130) EIiViXn passed over that important period in our history which is connected with the reign1 of Charles the Second, we now 11roceed to give a sketch of such cotemporary events in English rind Americ n history as occurred during the reign of the succeediug English sovereign. 13[.'1We have stated that, on the death of Charles the Second, JAAiES IT. in 1 68t5 the duke of YorkL the king's eldest brother, acceded to 1675 —ItS. th, t firoine with the title of James II. His reign was short antd in- i Geeral lojlious. distinguished by nothing but a series of absurd efforts to dis reign. renier himself idiepe.. dent of parlialment:'and to establish Popery ii LEngland, although he at first madel the strongest professions of his resolution to maintain the established government both in church'tld state. 132 2'H-Ie begain his reign by levying tsxes without the authority 2. UnpopuLar ofL priamant in violation of the laws ad in contempt of the meas.t, at national feeling he iwenat openly to m'iss' he established a court ainrn ofha of ecclesiasticil commission with unlimited powers over the Epis- reizyn. copal church: he suspenled the penal U1iws. by which Ia conformity had been required to the estiablished religion: and although any conmmuinicationi wrthl the Pope lind been declredc treaon yet he se nt an embissy to Bnome 1nd in return received a n1lcio from his Holiness. and wiith mluch ceremony gave him a public ances had arisen in Pennsylvanra, relative 324 APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTOIRY. [Boore It ANALYSIS, to the administration of justice and it was alleged that the - laws had been administered there in the name of the banished king, long after the government of W~~illiamln and Mary had been acknowledged in the other colonies. These varions causes induced the English crown to talke into its own hands the government of Pennsylvania, by the appointment of Benjamin F'letcher as goc er-.His govern?- nor of the pro-vince.'But Williamn Penn wvas not without friends &tent resored among men of influence in Englandc and the iing being at length undeceived in his suspicions aglinst himl. in 1694 a royal warroant was issued for reinstatiorg him in his proprietary rights. 2. Events in 153. 2The proproiet-ary of MNarylland was less fortunate. The lyhe tine of revuItion in England was a:' Protesta'it" revolution; tand w-hen Vherevolution news of its success reached Miaryland, the " Catholic" governof 1688s. ment there. which hesitated to proclaim the new sovereigns, was overtlhrown by a convention of associotes wiho united " for the defence oi the Pi otestant religion" and t' the rights of Willial aIllnd 3. Proceed- Mary." 3Lordcl Baltimore% then in Englalnd, after a delay of two inord ginst yers, was cited to answer befolre the king's council thle charges more. preferred against him. Although convicted of no chalrge but his adherence to the Catholic religion, yet he was deprived, by act of council, of the political administraitio n of the province, although he was suffered to retain the patrimonial interests secunred by the charter. 4. Virginia, 154. 4Virginia experienced little change in her coverninent and by the aifretel privileges by the English revolution. Her existing institutions tion-. were regarded as more permanently established by that event, and althoulgh the king continued to appoint her governors, yet her legislative assemblies, fully imbued with the spirit of libe-rty, were ever after able to restrain any serious encroachments on the rights 5. The Car- of the people. aTo the proprietaries of the Carolinas the English olinas. revolution gave increased security ibr their vested rights but domestic discord losng disturbed the quiet of these southern provinces. ANNE. 155. 6We nowr proceed to notice briefly the most important 1702-1714. events of the reigna of Queen Anne. who succeeded to the throne 6. Queen of England on the death of William in 1702. She was married to George, prince of Denmark, but the -clministration of the govern7. Military ment was wholly in the hands of the queen. 7She immediately preparations. adopted the Inilitary views of her predecessor, and formidable preparations were made for carrying on a vigorous war with France. 9. The great 156. SThe war that commenlced soon after the accession of Anne, Ca'eP of Eu- originated in causes far deeper than the insult which the French rope uo ear8 at this period monarch had thrown upon the English nation, by acknowledging the son of James as Englands legitimate sovcreiogn. -While each of the great states of Europe was very naturally desirous of aug. menting its own power and influence% each w as then, as now, jealous of any growing superiority on the pa.rt of another which might tend to destroy that'balance of power," on which the general 0. Conquests tranquillity and safety of Europe were thought to depend. 9The fLzou XIV. conquests of Louis XIV. had previously jostled the scales of this ( balance." and the hope of restoring their equilibrium. and thus saving his own country from ruin, had been the principal inducement that led William of Orange, one of the grieatest men of the age, to aspire to the throne of England.'9. His ambi- 157. 10~Although the war which ended in the treaty of Ryswick ticus vsieos had chectked and reduced the power of Louis, it had not humbled after thtreaty of his ambitious views, which soon involved England in another war, Ry8woice-. known in European history as the "War of the Spanish Sucoe& PART II.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. 325 lion. 1'The immediate events that led to that war were the fol- ANIS;E. lowing. On the death of Charles the Second of Spain, in the year 1702 —1714 1700. the two claimants of the Spanish throne were the archduke Charles of Austria. and Philip of Anjou. nephew of the French.dir(t events monarch. Both these princes endeavored by their emissaries to thoat ledtia dit obtain from Charles, on his sick bed, a declaration in favori of Span.ish Suatheir respective pretensions; but although the Spanish monarch ce it-em was strongly in favor of the claims of the archduke his kinsman, yet the gold and the promises of Louis prevailed with the Spanish grandees to induce their sovereign to assign by will. to the duke of Anjou, the undivided sovereignty of the Spanish dominions. The archduke resolved to support his cla-ins by the sw-ord while the possible, and not inmprobable unioni of the crowns of France and Spain in the person of Philip,@ after the death of Louis, was looked upon by England, Germany,i and Holland, as an event highly dangerous to the safety of those nations; and on the 15th of May, 1702, these three powers declared war against France, in support of the claims of the archdulke to the Spanish succession. 15S. 2The events of this war are too numerous to be related here 2. Etenrt of in detail. The famous Austrian prince Eugene was associated the war ir with the English duke of Marlborough, the greatest general of the age, of whom it is said? that he never laid siege to a place which he did not take, nor fought a battle which he did not win. The splendid victories of Blenheimn. Raamilies., Oudenlarell and Malplaquet,~ humbled the power of Louis to such a degree that he was constrained to solicit peace. 159. 3During the progress of the war the circumstances of Europe 3. Channre in had been materially chanlged by the death of the emperor of Aus- ihe circumtria early in 1711, and the election of the archduke Charles in his Europe. room. 4The union of the crowns of Spain and Austria in the per- 4. Causes thot son of Charles, henceforth began to be looked upon, by some of the induced a general desmaller states of Europe, with as much dread (as the threatened srefor peae. union of France and Spain in the person of Philip; and a general desire was felt for a treaty of pacification, which should Secure the preservation of the balance of power from the dangers that were threatened by the success of either of the parties in the present contest. 160. 5A general peace was finally concluded by the treaty of 5. General Utrecht, on the 11th of April, 1713, by the terms of which the Itrms eoft/,e. treaty of French king acknowledged the title of Anne to the throne of Eng- Utr-echt. land, and agreed to cede 1Newfoundland and Hudson's Bay to that (Oo-trekt.) 5 Before the end of the war of the Spanish Succession, death had removed the dauphin of France, heir to the throne, together with his son and grandson; so that there remained only a sickly infant in the cradle -between Philip and the throne of France. f The emperor of Austria is often mentioned in history as the emperor of Germany, —and while the terms Germany and Aistria ri are sometimes used as synonymous, they are at other times used to denote distinct and separate countries. The reason is this: ancient Austria was one of the principal provinces of Germany, and as it was the particular province in which the emperor resided, and over swhich he exercised iall the powers of sovereignty, while in the other provinces some of these powers were given away to numerous dukes, princes. &c., the province of Austria is usually mentioned in history as tzhe egmpire, while the other German states are often spoken of as Germany. About one-third of Austria is now composed of G(ermdn states; the other third comprises 1-ungary, Gallicia, Dalmatia, &c., and other small appendages. Auust 1.83tlh, 1704L. By Frernch writers called the battle of Ilochstadt. May 23d, 1706. II July 11tll, 1708. ~ September 11th, 1709. In this battle, the French lost the honor of the day, but the allies lost the greatest number of men. Numerous other battles were fought with various access, but in these four actions the French lost, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, 80,00Q meu. and the allies nearly 40,000. 3'26 APPE.NDIX O TIHE COLONIAL HISTORY. [Booa.3 ANALYSiS. kingdom; but the French were left in possession of the island of Cape EreIon. The undefined Acadia or Nova Scotia was to be re, tained by Englladcl, according to its ancient boundaries and Frt ance agreed e nver to miolest the Five Nations subject to the dom;nion of Great Britain.`'' Philip retained the crown of Spain and the Spanish Amterican possessions; but he relinquished all pretensions to the crown of F1rilnce. To Charles. now emperor of Austria, was secured the possession of the kingdom of' 1Naples, the duchy of Mlilan, and the Spanish Netherlllnds.. A:one se 161. IThus endedl the war of' the Spanish Succession, in a treaty resoyo iwars which closed the long series of wars for the bllnce of power in ended by it. s o 2. Anme;ican, ELurope. Those events -of the war that occurred in Amlerica will events oft/ie be fbund rcela ted in the histories of the several American colonies, tstanis,.uc- land need not be repeated hele. cessionl. 162. S3An article in the treaty of Utrecht. highly impeortant to 3t Arti e t int Americ and dishonorable to the commercial policy of England, 2ish onorable was that by which England beciame the great monopolist of the to E1Eglanid Afiicatn slave ttrade. 4A Frenchlmercantile corporation. established 4. he As/ic - ento wiSn- in 1701, with the title of the Assiento Company hadcl contrqacted to pany- supply the Spanish American settlements with sla ves. in conftrmlity 5. Enzaane- with a treaty between France ancld Spai. The privileges of this Meglatretd comlpany were now transferred to English merchants, and England intport Sitaves enogagel to import into Spanish Americam within thirty-three years, inttoA2er~ico. 0n Ceritain specified termsns one hundred anci i'orty-four thousand negroes or. as they were called in trade lhnguage Indian pieces 6. Principal 6As greLat profits were anticipated from the trade: Philip V., of stock/tlderos under this Spain. took one qluarter of the caplital stock of the Company, iand engagement. Queen Anne reserved to herself another quarter: and thus his vnost Cr/tholic tiojoesty. and the Protestant defel/detr o lhe Flith, laying aside their religious and political jealousies, became the greatest slave iercha-ltts in Christendol. 7. Flbects onf 163. 7The effects of this monopoly turned a portion of the trade thiupn En'npo- of the Amierican colonies into new channels. and by opening a par~ lan.d aa,7d tial and restricted commllerce with the Splonish islalnds, ga-ve occaqSpon the sion to disputes between England and Spaiin: and their respective relations of colonies. which finally resulted in wir.a From the period of the the latter powerv ieth treaty of Utrecht, Spain becaime intimately involved, by her comthe Anetricar. nlercial relations, writh thle destinies of the British American colaco o7es. onies. Like Fralnce. she was henceforth their enemy whi-le they, a. hi 1739. See p. 263.'s dependencies of Great Britain. tended to strengthen the power of that kingolon but, frionl the same motixves of policy, like France she inwas the friiend of their independence. GEORGE 1. 164. On the death of Anne. in 1714.b George I., elector of HaIl1714 —1727. over, the first prince of the house of Brunswick, ascended the b. Aug. 12, throne of England. He was a German prince, totally ignoralnt of new ty7le, the language, constitution, and manners of the people over whom B. Discontents lie was made the supreme ruler. SA costlition ministry of the tnd rebellion whigs and tories had been in power during most of thle two pro. n Scotiand. ceding reigns, but the tories iwere now excluded from tall share of the royal flavor. This policy gave umnbrage to that party. and occasioned such discontents tlhat a rebellion, headed by the earl of Mar, broke out ini Scotland, the object of which was to secure tlle 9. Land-nl of throne to the " Fretendler'; son of James I. sEarly in January, Ih Pretender 1716. tlhe Pretendcler himself landed in Scotlandl but. finffing his in Scotland. In cause there desperate. his forces having been overcome in baltt]e, 10. For/g he soon returned to France. Many of the leaders amnong the rebels transactions were captured and executed. ofthi, reign. 165. aSThe foreign transactions of this reign present fewt events of PART It.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. 327 interest. A short war with Spain commenced in 1718, when Sir G(EOGtOE 1. George Byng destroyed the Spanish fleet in the Mediterranean. 171S —1727. The accession of George I. excited little interest in any of the North American colonies. except New England, where it was hailed with joy, as a triumph of' whig principles 166. On the death of George L. in 1727, his son. George II. then GEORGEi 7. in the forty-fifth year of his age, ascended the throne.'Although 1727-1760. a change of ministry had been anticipated, yet Sir Robert WFalpole, 1. Sir Robert a man of extraordinary talents, and a prominent leader of the Walpole. whig party, continued at the head of the government for the space of nearly fifteen years, during most of which time England enjoyed tranquillity; but in 1739 peace was interrupted by a wara with a. Declared Spain. 2For many years the English merchants had complained by Engla' d that great injury had been done to their trade in the WVest Indies, 2. Coalplain,,s by illegal seizures made by the Spanish golnlrda-costas,>' under the of England, pretext of the right of search for contrablnd goods; and that sreina. English mariners had been treated with great insolence and cruelty, in defiance of common justice and humanity. 167. 30n the other hand, Spain complained that England 3. Complaints encouraged a contraband traffic with the Spanish islands. and as of Spani against Engshe claimed the right of sovereignty over those western seas, she lanc. based on it the right of search. which England had confirmed to her by successive treaties. Spain protested, also. against the fortifications that had recently been erected in Georgia, which she claimed as a part of Florida; and she charged England with eluding the payment of a large sum of money due on the Assiento contract for the privilege of importing negroes into her islands. 4The 4. The true true cause of the war, however, was, that Spain would not allow cause of tie English merchants to smuggle with impunity; and the real object object soughlZ sought by England was free trade with the Spanish colonies-the &b England. overthrow of a national monopoly like that which England claimed the right of establishing in reference to her own American possessions. but which she denied to other nations. 5Thus England, 5 Policy blindly acting under the influence of her own immediate self inter- which E-z" ests, engaged in a war to advance those principles of commercial ted by this freedom which her own colonies afterwards took up arms against t"' her to defend. 6The Spanish and the English colonies did not 6. Effects f fail to improve upon the lessons taught them in this war, until the wa, ztspos both had obtained emancipation from the commercial bondage imposed upon them by their mother countries. 168. 7Immediately after the declaration of war. the vessels of 7. Conmsrenceeach nation. in- the ports of the other. were confiscated and power- ente f tihe ful armaments were fitted out by England, to seize the American possessions of Spain, and by the latter power to defend them; while pirates from Biscay harassed the home trade of Britain. BEarly in December 1739, the English Admirtl Vernon took, s. Attact:son plundered, and destroyed Portobello' but an expedition on a large ark.'rtoaeo scale against Carthagena, the strongest place in Spanish America, gena. was a total failure. sLate in 1740, Commodore Anson was sent to s Expedition attack the Spanish settlements on the Pacific. but his fleet met of Com'"o with numerous disasters by sea, and in June 1744 returned to England by way of China and the Cape of Good tHope,with only at single vessel, but richly laden with the spoils of the voyage. ieThe British American colonies freely contributed their quotas of'0. Efforts of the colonies men, and contributions of money, to aid England in carrying on in this war. * The guarda-co:Zas were revenue cutters, —vessels employed to keep the -coast clear ca eaugglers. 328 APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. [Boor TL 4,NALYSIS. the war. BuLt Oglethorpe in vain attempted the conquest of - _-I Florida; and in 174i12 the Spaniacrds made an equally fruitlesa attempt againstn Georgia. 1. General 169. 1While the wr-ar with Spain continued with various success, zUrO'PseCiO a general European v.3r broke out, presentingr a scene of the way. - / greatest confusion> irnd eclipsglnc by its importance, the petty con8 causes that ficts in America. 2CliaLles VI. emperor of Austrian the famous led to this competitor of Philip for the throne of Spain, died in the autumn a oct. of 17410,a leaving his doninions to his eldest. daughter, Maria Theresa, queen of Hungary. 11er succession had been guarantied by ail the powers of Eliurope, in a general treaty called the Pragllnatic Snection vet on the death of the emperor, numerous conmpetitors arose lor different porttions of his estates. s. Claims of 17). 3The elector of BLavaria dclared hinself the proper heir Ctae patties to the kingdom of Bohemia: Augustus Second, king of Poland, ctlailmed the whole Austrian succession, and the king of Spain did the sanle: tle king of Saldini:i made pretensions to the duchy of Milan, and Frederic II. of Prussia to the province of Silesia. 4. Positioos 4f'Irnce. swayed by hereditary hatred of Austria, sought a disoccupied by memlberlim nt of that empitre; while England offered her aid to the France and Englandc. daughter of' her ancient ally, to preserve the integrity of her.'Terms by d1omliionls. *This is the was r known in European history as the wtich ethis o War of the Austrian Succession;) while that portion of it which in histoly. belongs to American nistory is usually denominated "King Gcoro:es sWar, r 6. Decctra- 171. 6Althouigh a Britisll army was sent to co-operate with the tiottf qfe ar A usttrians againist the Freench and their confederates in 1742, and beteoeen France. nd although king George himself; eager for military glory, joined his Ltgia2d.,army in June 1743, yet England and France were not considered as beingo at war until 1744, when formal declarations of war were 7. Last effrot Mnade by both naLtions. 7In 1745 Prince Charles Edward, heir of of the Stuart the Stlart family, and Son of the Pretender, landed0 in Scotland, gain posses- and led an army against the royal forces; but after having gained sion of thee s efeated in the iZr.-olle of a victory in the bao ttle of Preston Pans:, he was defeated in the tntlalnd. battle of Cullodec.t aind obliged to retire again to France. This o. Aug. wts the last effort of the Stuart family to regain possession of' the. OctA. 2 sceptre which they had lost. 1746. 2. 1 The events of the war in Alnerica, whicl have alreadcly s. Events of been relatedl resulted in the capture of Loulisburg by the colonies. ttc scar itt a.nld the acqluisition of' the island of Cape Breton. 9The general America. 9. Treaty of treaty of Aix la Chapelle, in 174uS: closed for a brief period the Aix-la-Cha- war in Europe, and gave a short peace to the American colonies. peltle. liNeither France nor England gained anything by the war, as all e. Term.of conquests madle by either were to be restored. Austria suffered the treety. thle loss of several territories: the dominions of Prussia were enlasrged; and Spain gained, fbr -two branches of her royal family, a nsmall accession of territory. The original source of,he differenlces betwreen Englhnd and Spain —tlhae right of British subjects to navigate the Spalnish seas without being subject to search, was nlot mnentioned in the treaty - nor were the limits of the Friench and English possessions in Aam5erica defined. 11. Ano/heri 173. IiThe boundary disputes which thence arose between Frsance generaltE - anad England, soon led to another war between those countries. iropean tati, s. By,nhat called in America the " French and Indian war,7" the principal teti int 1 details of which have already been given. Although hostilities tsry. begani in Americz in 1754, yet no declaration of war was imade by either party until 1756 when another general war commenced in PART 11.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. 329 Europe, which is known in European history as the " Seven Years GEORGE II. W;Vr,Y and in American history as the:! French and Indian War." 1727 —1760. 174.!In this war the former relations of several of the European 1 relations States were entirely changed. France was aided by Austria. of lzeL uro-'.ussi-t, and Sweden, and near the close of the contest by Spain ealhpoetrs also; while the power of England was strengthened by an alliance with Prussia. 2The intricate details of the European part of this o. )etails of ra ir would be foreign to our purpose. although far front being teiC w rmt oul be oregn o ou pupos,, Frederic of dievoid of interest. It was during this period that the Great Prwsia, Lord Fir ederic of Prussia acquired thabt military glory for which his C:halithaii. i one is so renowned- that Pitt, afterwards Lord Chatham, acquired his early political fame in the councils of England, and that the arms of Britain were triumphant in every quarter of the globe. 175. 3The peace of Paris in 1763 termin'tted the war between 3. Peace of all the parties then engaged in it —France, Englandcl, Spain and 1763. Portugal — the other European powers having previously withdrawn from their respective alliances. George the Secondt died'" a. Oct. 25, before the close of the war, and was succeeded by his grandson 1760. George the Third, a prince of narrow capacity, and an obstinate GEorGEIn. temper, and subject to occasional fits of mental dclianoement, which, 1760. before the close of his long reign of sixty years, increased to confirmedl insanity. 176. 4The remaining portion of our colonial history, in its rela- 4. ize''nainizg tions with England subsequent to the treaty of Paris, and the more Coltioni of su immediate:! Causes which led to the American Revolution,s: will be tory. detailed in a subsequent chapter. - A few remarks on the social and domestic character and condition of the American colonists will close this Appendix. 1. 5A general knowledge of the gradual progress of agriculture, 5 Agriculcomlmerce, and manufactures, in the colonies, will be derived from mierce, n01 a perusal of the preceding pages; and little farther desirable infor- mannfacmation on this subject could be imparted, except by statistical de- tolLtieo3 tails. Extensive commercial and mnanlufacturing operations require larger accumulations of capital than are often found in new countries, whose industry is usually employed chiefly in agricultural pursuits, which afford the readiest supply of the necessaries of life. Moreover, England ever regarded the establishment of manufactories in her colonies with extreme jealousy, and even prohibited such as would compete with her own, while she endeavored to engross, as far as possible, the ca-rrying trade between America and Europe, in the hands of her own merchants. 2. The state of educationn manners, morals, and religion, occa- 6. Educatiioz, sional notices of which have heretofore been given, varied conside- m,,2 nersan, rably in the different colonies. 70n the subject of education. it reli.:oci,. may be remarked that the English government never gave any on- 7 Sciece an,o literature ir couragement to the cultivation of science or literature in the Ame- tie colonies rican provinces. except in the solitary instance of a donattion by little e.,cour. William and Mary in aid of the colleoge which took its namte froinm Jz-:iis.:, ovthem, in Virginia. SThe following wvere the views of Sir Willilmn e)tztient. Berkeley, a royal governor of Virginia on the subject of popular sir l,',. oa education. In a letter descriptive of thet state'of that province, Berketley on some years after tile Restoraetion. he sa;ys,: I thallnk God there ar e otjcti no free schools nor printing; and I hope we shall not have these kundred years. For learningo has brought heresy, and disobe42 330 AP3PENDIX TO THIE COLONIAL HISTORY. [BooK li. tNALYSIS. dience and sects into the world; and printing divulges them, and _ - commits libels iagaoinlst the govertnmcnt. God keep us flrom beth!; 1. Views cf 3. ISir VWillilm i Keith nominated by til king as goverlno of e wittlliatU Pennsylv ania in 1717 exprtessed the iollowing views in relation tc, the encotira.elllent of learning in the colonies.'- A.s to the college erected in Viginigl:7 he s'lysj.' and otl-er designs of a like nItitnre, which have been proposed for the encouranreient of learning. it is only to be obherved. in gener al that althoulgh grealt advaltanes naly accrue to the nothier state both fioin the labor andcl luxiny of its plantatioins, yet they will probably be 1mistaken who imnagine that the advalncemlent of literature and the ilmprovenlent of arts and sciences in our Anlerica nii colonies can be of any service to the PBrit 2. Printing ish sta.te. 2 2Anong the instruc tions sent by Charles If. to Lord;riSesn, the inghamt: appointed govoernor of Viroiginia in 1609 the king:-;, colonies. pressly comnnandedl him to suffer no perison within the colony to make use of' a. printing press on any occasion or?retence whatever. And when Andros was appointed governor of New Englandc in 1686l he iwis instructecd to allow no printincg press to exist, yet this injunction'ippeatrs not to have been carriecl into effect. 3. Education 4. 3B tlt notxvwithst: ndin the mani, embarlrassing (diScouragements inl New Enng- under whicih the caluse of educaltion Iabored clthe colonies of' New Englanid, in particulmar did not neriect its interests. In TVfassachusetts ext-ery township containing iif'tLy householders was early requirecld by lIaiw to establish.s pub!ic school: and in less tharn twen. ty years after the landingo oi the pilgrims, a c;ollege wrns founded at Camnbride':liredi soIde was the reputation of' Old l-arvarsci" that it numberedi among its grilduates, not only persons fieom the other colonies, bui; often. from Englandcl also. 4. Causes 5. 4Amonig the causes whichc contributed to the general dissemithribu.ted to nte nation of knowledgoe in New Eunglailxd a not unimportant one was general dis- the strict supe'rvision -iwhich the laws recqlired over the morals of de2noltion f the youn;. iNot only vicious indulgences were:uardcld anainst, Newl Eng- hutt frivolous anmusements wrere reprobaLted, anicd, in their pllace, sotantd. briety and inclustry were encouragel. The natural effect, of such wtchfull guardianship was to cultivate a. general taste for recadhingi especially armong c people deeply absorhbed with the theological collntrover sies of the lday. 5. Education, 6. sin Virginiax ntl -the southern colonies, i rxhere the inhabitants c fia, vi-d guided in the selection of their xdwelling places chiefl by coiisidethe Soutthern rations of agriculturnal convenience. dispersed themselves o-ver the Colonies. face of the conntry, often att consisderable distances fi om other sclools aind churches wvere necesssrilly rare social intcercourse ibut little known.'The evils of the state of society thus produced still exist. to a consilerable extent, in the southLern portions of the 6 Pec,2liari. Union. GThne colonization of New Englandl wals iore'C favorl'ltle io ties of New the imprlovemient of hliumanl clhracter and minners. inasimnuch is the England colonization. Puritans planted themselves in smatll societies: thalT theyxi n:ight tle better etnjoy thle ordinances of relicgion lndl the meains of cducifion the two prominenst objects for which tIey emicig-ra.ted to AICericac,. 7. iEducation 7. 7The earlly pladi ters ini the Caroti:.s axnd G;eoeg-i paliii vea.y i t;e Careo- little attention to the interests of' eluct:ion. cnud for a loun peeia od linca aundi Georgia.' the sons of the wealthy onl, receied y nd of school eduacttion F.,ffo? its and for this they were sent to tlhe colle-es of Europe. ori to the innto itla~te seminlaries in the northern colonies. 8'tWhei in 173:1i Governor provisiton for Johnstone of lsorth Carolina rliued upon the assembly the implnr. e lwipc 0?3 tance of mnalcincg some provision tor the support of pubtlic wovshili 6hip, and the and thle education of younth. that body passed 1 lawv incoinsistent education of with religious liberty, fbor tihe support of a particuiar church, and ytouth.x iet uaot piiua P&,RT I.] APPENDIX TO TIE COiONIAL HIlSTORY. 331 1lso imposed taxes for the purpose of foiundi-ng schools. The for- ANARrYSI. me law reta. ined its force, b c; it was supported by the spirit of party, but lelarnirl.g; wi;s neglected. because. (:says thle historian of the province:) she belonged to no prty ait all.'Of New York, 1 Stat,, ilow so distir"lmlished for the nulbnib c anld exscellence of its higher edz.Ccatioitt i semIinarie s o0 leoarnint, and thle universa l dtiffulsio o tof e li Rdvantages oi' Corlillmon scIool1 educttioni elirly wrlitelirs say. t tJ the great bulk oi th-e people w ere striangers evenl to the first rudiments of science andl cullivation, till thle era of the Amerticuin Revolution. 8.'2The first printinog in the clonites,aits execulted at Boston in 2. thiotimlg 1639, ancd the fiurst newspaperp- was pu,,hishied there in 1 704. At this aezd oewsps? latter period Bosto t contained five printing bffiees ind mantiy boolk- coloenis. sellers: shops; while iheir was thei bLut one bookseller's shop in New York. idll ntot one in Minryltiand. Virginia, or the Ciarolinasl. 3t 3. d7isashould be remarked. howeverl that so litoe as 1.696 there were pe'rsl in E;' bit eight new spalpers publishled in Engl'ndl: nalthonlgh a greater nuirber wass publishied dluring the period of the Comnionwoalth. 9. 4Gralham s11 ys. It h he press in Americi tats nowherle entirely 4. Restrifiee from leal estr..inint till a-bout the year 17;.55. In 17u23 Ja.mes pnfr2e Fr'nlklin wvas priohibited by the governor nd council of Massa of itter ere ir chusetts filonl ubl.isihing tile Coitraot withlout pre- tie viously submoitting its contents to the revision of the secretary of thile rovince; and in 175-1, one 3Fowle was imprisoned by the House or Assembly of the same province, on suslicioi of having printled a pamnphlet containing refiectionas on somlne members of the government. After the tyear 17/30: no ohicer appears to have beell appointed in to exercisc a pirtticular control over the -press; but prior to that period. the inlFpriumtzlr of a licenser was inscribed onl ma-.ny of the New EiD,nlaInT ptublications." Sln connection with this sta.tement it should be remarked that, s. Restmc uintil ne r the close of the sevenentnlth centuryi liberty of the press tiom~ uporn wai.s scalcely ktnown in Engla, nd. 5Htume says thalt "it was not the pcss it till 16941 that the restr ints were tiken off, to the great displeasure England. of the king and his ministers. who, seein no where, in tny govern- 6. fftmiim's ment, Sdtringo present or palst'ages,.any example of such unlimited freedom;. doubted much of its salutary effects: and probably th0ought thallt no boolks or writings would ever so mulch improve the general undlerstand ringr of men, ias to render it safe to iintrust them with Lin indullllence so eaLsily abused.' 10. *Frnrom the staternents tha t hltve been inade, of the scanty e? s feocpro. adlvaritloges of conmmon school e.tlucation in all the provinces, ex- ence amt litcept in New Englanld-the late establishmlent of the newspaper e7ae1tuere ints press-a1 nd the alimost utter destitution of higher seminaries of learning v we mayv form a, very just estimate of the slow progress of science and literatture in the American colonies. Still there were men of genius. and of science even. in America,: prior to the Revolition;-men whose character and attainments reflected honor oIn the country to whioch they belonged: and who were ornaments of th1e age in ahichl the'- lived.' The first article plublished was the Freema.n's Oatt,. the second an almanac, and the thlird a. edition of the satirnts. It was h'lf t clentury before any printing was executed in any other part of lBritisl Amnericr. IT 16' t-le first printing press vwas established in VIennrsylv1anir,' in 1693 in Newv York, in 1709 in Cionnecticut. in 1726 in Marylalnd, in 1729 in it i r'iti, aT I inl 173 il Souith (naroiita. ti Tle Boston i'eekily News-i,: te-r. in 1,19 the second inewspaper was published in the:t:lle city, and in the satme year the third was published in Philadelphia. In 1725 the first re-, spaper was published in New York: and ini 1'32 tie first in Rlhode Island. 3832.IAPPENDIX TO Tflkt,:OLONIAL HISTORY. [Bool 1L, ANALYSIS. 11. lWVe look upon the scientific discoveries of Franklin, —u pon Godfrieys invention of the qu(31drutlt —upon tlhe resemac hes of 1. Franklin, Godfrey, B'rtram;. a tPenlnsylvl? utln e l Od'r a ne(, re:7whm h Linnocus BartrmoI, called t"the glretest nLtulal botanist in the Vworldi:-upon the Riittenhiouse, Llt Edtardto,.c mathem:attieal and astlronomical inventions of I-ittenhlous-e~ and upon the letaphysical. acnd theological writings of Edward s,[I with the greater pride, when we consider that these eminent in7ci owed their attnainments to no fostering care which Britain ever showed for the cultivation of science and literature in her colonies —that these men were their own instructor s: nli d that their celetrity i, wholly of American origin. That the colonies did not progress farther and acconmplish core inl the paths of learning dclring the period of their pupilage; is not so much Anlmricals fault, as Britain's shame. 2. Abatement 12. 2As we have hbld occasion frequently to allude to the spirit of offhe s pir t? bigotry iald; o intolerl: nce which distinguished the early inhabitants and idnoler- of Newo EnglandC we may here appropriately notice the change in anceitnl tol this respect. which a1ll classes of people had (undergone long before the period of the Revolution. Although much puritlanical strictncess and formality still pervaded New England manners, yet religious eall h7ad become so tempered 7with charity, that explosions of frenzy anld folly, like those exhibited by the early L ualkers, and which still continued to occur anlong soml0e enthnsiasts so late as the beginning of the eighteenth century 0 were no longer treated as offences a-inist religion, but as violations of' public order and deceIcy:t1ed were purnisshed accordingly; justice being tempered by pradlence iand mli1 c3 3. Peccniary!3. 3D)uring the aminisntration of Governor Belcher, the assembly fc.o1rpLeatl r of Massachuset.ts p assed laws makinor pecuniary coinpenstion to ju. stice. the doscendalrnts of those Qunokers -who h:ld suffered capit;al punishmeont in ithe yen0rs 1658 and 16593 ai; l,."so to the descendants of thosze who had been the victims of the persecutions f'or witcheraft 4. exvsp- in 1693. 41n 17 29 the leislafture of Connecticut exemnpted Quaeccsftios.hca Ikols and Baptists fromn ecclesiaistical tasxes amnd tlYo ye ars later a taxes similar law was i eacted by the assembly of Ma-ssachusetts. 5. Su7pposed 141. 5T1e exceecling strictness of the puritailical la-iws'f New tldgness of England hlve le- 11n1lly to fori ain n worthy opinion of the gravity Neo Enny- and colldness ot' New E,-land mannierss. An1d yet w0e are told by Iand maiLtoets- 1nu1terrous writers tha7t the people'were distinguished by innocent " Benjamin Fralnlklin, a well 1known Americen philosopher and statcesman, born at Boston in Jan. 1706: discovered the dlentity of lighltning and electricity, which led to the invention of the lightning rod. t Thoms Goldfrey, by trtae m. olazier in the city of PtliltdFelphia, invented tihe reilecting quaclrant, for tatking tihe altitides of the sun or tars,-a1n iistlunilent of grea.t nse in astronomly and navigation. Jolhn Idley. vice-lpresildent of the tI Roya Society of Lonton, htiling seell this instrumnelt, toolk a description of it, and afterwerds, in 3iayJ 1731, obtaine a patent for it.: John artra, born in ester Cestet Co, Peinsylvait,n in, 170')1 was a self-taught genl7s of variel and extesivie attatinmnents. ie was a nmem1r of sever:il elminent t forcign soutieties, and wrote severtl communiuica1tions for thle Briisl I'Philosopulital Tra'nsactio ins. At the age of se,veiity he travelcd through E ast; Floridfo, ii order to explore its natural pyroductions, and afterwvards published a jourlnal of his observation1s. ~ David }tittello;l-se,;1 ellilielnt Amleerica,-n tphilo0oopller, vats born, at Geraninntown, Peonsylvania, of Cre-llan p.ll: 1ent.s, in 17S32. Itc r0as ia clock nid mathematl(ica iustrnmeit miaker hy trade. I-Ie invented thle Aimerican orre ry an.d for some time thought himiself the inventor ofi fuxions. II Jonathan EdCtards borni at a11in1(sor, Connectiutle, in 1703. Whlle engaeild in the poso-:oral charge of the Stoeibridti we Inlldians' le (oml0osed hiis mastier!y disqulisition on the'Freedoml of the Wil.' From tiliS sCellne of labor!le was remlovel to to the situation to Presidency of Princeton College in lcrv Jersey, where he died in tthe year 1758. Jonathlan Edwards, ).D., son of the preceding, was elected President of LUnion College in 1799. PART II.] APPENDIX TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY. 333 hilarity and true politeness. Grahame asserts that!"Lord Bella- ANALYSIS mont was a;greeably surprised with the graceful and courteous demeanor of' the gentlemen and clergy of Connecticut, and confessed that lie found the aspect and address which he thought peculiar to nobility, in a land where this laristocratic distinction was unknown." 15.'From the writings of one who resided in Boston in 16S6, 1. Neo Eng. it appears that;' the inhabitants of Massachusetts were at that time land courtesy distinguished in a very high degree by their cheertful vivacity, siy. their hospitality, and a courtesy, the more estimable, that it was indicative of real benevolence." 2:: Men," says Grahanme, "devoted 2. Jerst reto the service of God; lile the first generations of the inhabit nts Grlahae. cf INew England, carried throughout their lives an elevated strain of sentiment and purpose, which must have'communicaLted some portioin of its own grnace and dignity to their manners." 30f the 3. Manners state of manners "nd morals in, iLaryland, Virginia, and the south- and toraLe of erm colonies cenerally we cannot give so gratifying an account. Southern'While the upper clatsses of inhLrbitants among the southern people cots. were distinlguished for a luxurious and expensive hospitality, they wsere too generally addicted to the vices of card-playing, gambling, and intemperctrlce; while hunting andi cock-fighting were favorite amusements of persons of all rainks 16. 4Grahanme has the following not unphilosophical remarks on 4. Grahame's Virginia hospitality, which is so warnily extolled by Beverley, the remarks on the subject of early historian of the colony. and the praises of which have been Virginia so often reiterated by subsequent wrviters.'A life like that of the hospitalitoy. first Virlinit colonlis s/ salys Grahame "'remote from crowded haunts, unoccupied by a variety of objects and purposes. anld sequestered from the intelligence of passing events, is the life of those to whom the company of strangers is peculiarly acceptable. All the other circaimstantces of such a lot contribute to the pronmotion of hospitalble habits. As, for manyr of their hours, the inhabitants can find no mor e interesting occupation, so. of much of their superfluous produce, they can find no more profitable use than the entertainmllent of visitosa.; 17. t-Ifalll in his " Travels in Canada anid the United States,/7 says; 5. Ha11Zs.ei Mr. Jefferson told me, that, in his father's time, it was no uncom- mar.c mon thing for gentlemen to post their servants on the mlaLin road for the purpose of amicably waylaying and bringing to their houses any travellers who nmight chance to pass." We are inf'ormed of a somewhat similar custom that prevailed among the Qnuakers of Pennsylvania. 6Galt, in his Life of WJVest, says, "In the houses of 6. SizguZar the principal farilies, the patricians of the country, unlimited cutomr mednhospitality formed a part of their regular economy. It was the Galt. customn among those who resided near tlhei highwiays to mnike alar'ge fire in the hall, after supper and the last religious exercises of the evening,: and to set out a table with refreshmllents for such travellers as might have occasion to pass during the night' and when the fmmilies assembled in the morning they seldom found that their tables hald been unvisited.i; 18. 7But whatever diversities in mnianners, morals, and general 7 Generawla&nirilation of conlitiona mlight h>ave been found in the severll colonies in the early.rr'rinnerls,roperiods of their history: yet a, gradual assimsilatiou of ch:tracter, ard rao, ai, f>c. as roe appr'oach a gracdual.advance in werlrth, population, aind the nmeauns of happi- tie period of ness. were observable amnong all as we mtpproaclh the period of the the 1 it.ootiRevolution. 81t cannot be denied, however, that New England co- 8. Peferee lonial character and New England colonial history furnish. on the -i,'ez to Netw v'hole] the most agreeable reminiscences, as well as the most abun- Eizgload. 7da at maeriallsfor the. historipan. E~e also observe luch in New 7 7JaIe'r. f appyn iant materials for the historian. s'W'e also observe much in New prrretr c.. 834 APPENDIX TO THfE COLONIAL HISTORY. [Book 11, ANALYSIS. England, as we approach the close of her colonial history. that is calculated to gratitfy the mind that loves to dwell on scenes of sub. coditizon of stantial felicity. WVe behold, at this period, a country of moderate land, prioi to fertility occupied by an industrios. hardy, cheerful, virtuous, and the I;Reolu- intelligent populo:tion, a country where moderate labor earned a liberal reward. where prosperity was connected with freedom, wvhre a general sinmplicit ofi manners and equality of condition prevailed. and where the future invited with promises of an enlarging expanse 1. Theseffair of human happiness and virtue. iSuch was, briefly, the happy conpeospecis dition of New England. and the domestic prosperity of her people, and, partially so at le,st, of sonme of the middle colonies, when the gatherings of that storm began to appear, which. for a while, Feelings twith shrouded the horizon of their hopes in dclrkness and gloom; t pe. wIcnti te riod upon which we now look back with feelings of almost terrified )late th7is awe. at the threatened ruin which irmpended over our fathers, but af- o, 0 wur,q, to.r with thankful gratitude that the Almlighty disposer of events did rnot desert them when the tempest in its fury was upon them. B.ATTL' oP BOr VtlS [OR BREIED'S] ILL. (Set page 1350.) PAR 3 T I I. 173. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. CHAPTER to CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE REVOLUTION. uvoject of Chapter I. 1. tOf the several wars in which the American colonies i. wThat is of France and England were involved, it has been ob- ssaoth_ e served that all, except the last,-called in Amnerica the inaichanl. French and Indian W;ar, originated in European interests, lcoZo,.:~of I n _ra'Ce a,'-d and quarrels between the parenlt states; and that the Entgandaare colonial hostilities were but secondary movements, incidentally connected with the weightier affiirs of Europe.'In the French and Indian walr, howvever, a different scene 2. of the was presented: jealousies and disputes of Amelicaln Fh}2dia warrl origirn? fomented by ambitious rivalries that began with the planting of the French and Enn-lish colonies, had extended their influence to the Old W;Yorld, and brought into 3. Ofthre hostile collision nearly all the states of Europe. al o th eric a 2o. FThe great value which France and England at this pb ess:onsoi? time attached to their possessions in America cannot fail d 7glad, to be remarked in the prodigious efforts which each made ZrLanZsjeal for universal dominion there; and vet before the close of aCoozs'i C 336 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK Il.,NALYSIS. the "Seven Years',"' England became so jealous of — ~ —-- the growing power of her colonies, and the military spirit which they had displayed, that a diversity of opinion arose in her councils, whether she should retain the Canadas for the security of her colonial population, or restore them to France, in the hope that the vicinity of a rival power would operate as a salutary check upon any aspirations for American independence. Already England secretly feared an event which all her colonial policy tended to hasten, and which, it now began to be seen, every increase of American power rendered more certain. 1. vie2ws an 3.'Yet whatever may have been the apprehensions of aneticipationsI -of the Eng.lis British statesmen, and the views entertained by some leadcolonies at th p ieriod. ing minds in America, it is evident that the great majority of the colonists indulged at this time no thoughts of separation from the mother country, and that the most they anticipated firom the subversion bf the French power in America was future exemption from French and Indian wars, and a period of tranquil prosperity, when they should be allowed "to sit under their own vine and fig 2. Thezlatur. tree, with none to molest or make them afraid."* 2But of the conte that arose notwithstanding the general feeling of loyalty which preafter the concluvfon ofthe vailed at the conclusion of the French and Indian war, French and hdian War. yet scarcely had that struggle ended when a contest arose between the desire of power, on the one hand, and abhorrence of oppression on the other, which finally resulted in 3 The gen- the dismemberment of the British empire.'The general eral cnoses whiczh prepa- causes which prepared the minds of the American people ed the inds of the Amneri- for that contest with the parent state may be seen opecans for resistance. rating throughout their entire colonial history,-in the early encroachments upon their civil rights, and in the later oppressive restrictions upon their commerce, long before any decided acts of oppression had driven them to open resistance. causo' the 4. 4Although the Americans were under different col0tvere socially nial governments, yet they were socially united as one uniteas one people by the identity of their language, laws, and customs, and the ties of a common kindred; and still more, by a common participation in the vicissitudes of peril and 5 What effet suffering through which they had passed.'These and these causes had on their other causes had closely united them in one common attachmssent to. Enslatd. interest, and, in the ratio of their fraternal union as Hutchinson, anl historian of Massachusetts, asserts that " An empire, separate or distinct from Britain, no man then alive expected or desired to see; although, from the common increase of inhabitants in a part of the globe which nature afforded every inducement to cultivate, settlements *would gradually extend, and, in distant ages, an independent empire would probably be formed." t The preceding three verses of this chapter have been changed from the school edition of tihe U. S Hist PaRT III.] CAUSES WHICH LED TO IT. 337 colonies, had weakened their attachment to the parent 6d. land. 5.'Before they left England, they were allied in prin- 1. Republican nrinciples of ciple and feeling with the republican, or liberal party; stl zepeople. which was ever seeking to abridge the prerogatives of the crown, and to enlarge the liberties of the people. Thei scoffed at the " divine right of kings," looked upon rulers as public servants bound to exercise their authority for the sole benefit of the governed, and maintained that it is the inalienable right of the subject, freely to give his money to the crown, or to withhold it at his discretion. 6.'With such principles, it is not surprising that any 2 Irview of attempt on the part of Great Britain to tax her colonies, ples, whatce should be met with determined opposition; and we are aretoS,"i:'iSed surprised to find that severe restrictions upon American commerce, highly injurious to the colonies, but beneficial to England, had long been submitted to without open resentment. 7. 3Such were the navigation acts, which, for the bene- 3. Early res.trictions on fit of English shipping, declared- that no merchandise of American the English plantations should be imported into England conlrTce. in any other than English vessels;-which, for the benefit gation Act, of English manufacturers, prohibitedb the exportation from ed and extended in 1660. the colonies, and the introduction from one colony into an- See. pp. 173-4, other, of hats and woollens of domestic manufacture;- a 173. which forbade hatters to have, at one time, more than two apprentices;-which prohibited~ the importation of sugar,. 1733. rum, and molasses, without the payment of exorbitant duties;-which forbaded the erection of certain iron works, d 1750. and the manufacture of steel; and which prohibited the felling of pitch and white pine trees, not comprehended within inclosures. S. 4Although parliament, as early as 1733, had imposed.lDutie im,. duties on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies, ar and ntola yet the payment of them was for many years evaded, or openly violated, with but little interference by the British authorities.'In 1761 an attempt was made to enforce the 5. Wri.ts of act, by the requisition, from the colonial courts, of "writs of assistance;' which were general search-warrants, authorizing the king's officers to search for suspected articles which had been introduced into the provinces without the payment of the required duties. 61n Boston, violent ex-., olcut'red ido citements prevailedl; the applications for the writs were B]stosn. net by the spirited opposition of the people, and the bold denunciations of Thatcher, Otis, and others. 7In 1763, 1763. the admiralty undertook to enforce the strict letter of the.*'TVJto6 %aws; vessels engaged in the contraband commerce were 43 43814 *'DME REVOLUT1ION. [Boog I ANALYSIS. seized and confiscated; and the colonial trade with the W- West Indies was nearly annihilated. 1764. 9.'In 1764, the sugar act was re-enacted; accompa. 1 764. nied by the first formal declaration, on the part of parlia2. Mr. Gren. ment, of the design of taxilng the colonies. 2At the same oi, in favor time, Mr. Grenville, the plime minister, introduced a reso. ofttaing the lution,'" That it would be proper to charge certain stamp colonis. D I a. larch lo. duties on the colonies." The resolution was adoptedc by the House of Commons, but the consideration of the pro posed act was postponed to the next session of parliament; givincg to the Americans, in the mean time, an opportunity of expressing their sentiments with regard to these novel measures of taxation. s. Irte-i- 10. 3The colonies received the intelligence of these rocedf, proceedings with a general feeling of indignation. They t:ndawhatwZ considered them the commencement of' a system of revecolonies. nue, which, if unresisted, opened a prospect of oppression, boundless in extent, and endless in duration. The proposed stamp-act was particularly obnoxious. Numerous political meetings were held; remonstrances were ad. dressed to the king, and the two houses of parliament; and agents were sent to London, to exert all their influence in preventing, if possible, the intended act from becoming a law. 4. Arguments 11. 4While England asserted her undoubted right to ~torqgft tax the colonies, the latter strongly denied both the justice hseclOZnies.. and the constitutionality of the claim. The former mainlained that the colonies were but a portion of the British empire; that they had ever submitted, as in duty bound, to the jurisdiction of the mother country; that the inhabitants of the colonies were as much represented in parliament as the great majority of the English nation; that the taxes proposed were but a moderate interest for the immense sums which had alleady been bestowed in the defence of the colonies, and which would still be required, fbr their protection; and that protection itself is the ground that gives the right of taxation...t7g,,tmns 12. 50n the other hand it was maintained, as a fundaoPaieat mental principle, that taxation and representation are inseparable; that the colonies were neither actually nor virtually represented in the British parliament; and that, if their property might be taken from them without their consent, there would be no limit to the oppression which might be exercised over them. They said they had hitherto supposed, that the assistance which Great Britain had given them, was offered from motives of humanity, and not as the price of their liberty; and if she now wished pay for it, she must make an allowance for the assistance PART III.] CAUSES WHICH LED TO IT. 339 she herself had received from the colonies, and for the 17O6. advantages she had gained by her oppressive restrictions ------- on American commerce; and that, as for future protection, the colonies had full confidence in their ability to defend themselves against any foreign enemy. 13.'Notwithstanding the murmurs which had arisen 1. The Stae from every quarter, the British ministers were not to be Act. diverted from their plan; and early in 1765, the stamp act passeda the House of Commons by a majority of five a. Feb. 7. to one,-the House of Lords,b without any opposition,- b. March8. and soon after received~ the royal assent. This act or- c. March 22. rained that instruments of writing, such as deeds, bonds, notes, and printed pamphlets, almanacs, newspapers, &c., should be executed on stamped paper; for which a duty should be paid to the crown. The act was to go into operation on the first day of November of the same year. 14.'When the news of the passage of this act reached 2 Indlgnation of thile cole America, a general indignation spread through the coun-,/~. try; breaking forth, in some places, in acts of outrage and violence; and in others assuming the spirit of calm but determined resistance.'At Boston and Philadelphia, the 3. Iro un070 bells were muffled and rung a funeral peal; at New Boestodpi York, the act was carried through the streets with a adyephio, and death's head affixed to it, and styled " The folly of England and the ruin of America." 4The stamps them- 4. Stanps, selves, in many places, were seized and destroyed; the officers, ec houses of those who sided with the government were plundered; the stamp officers were compelled to resign; and the doctrine was openly avowed, that England had no right to tax America. 15.''In the assembly of Virginia, Patrick Henry intro- 5. The Virgir. ducedd a series of seven resolutions; the first four assert- nia tRosoling the rights and privileges of the colonists; the fifth de- d. May, 176r claring the exclusive right of that assembly to tax the inhabitants of that colony; and the other two asserting that the people were " not bound to yield obedience to any law or ordinance whatsoever," designed to impose taxation upon them, other than the laws and ordinances of the general assembly; and that any person who, "By writing or speaking," should maintain the contrary, should be deemed " an enemy" to the colonies. 16.'In the heat of the discussion which followed, HIenry 6. Patr boldly denounced the policy of the British government; marks.. and, carried by the fervor of his zeal beyond the bounds of prudence, he declared that the king had acted the part of a tyrant. Alluding to the fate of other tyrants he exclaimed, c" Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I. his Cromwell, and George the Third,"-here pausing a moment until 340 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK 11I ANALYSIS. the cry of " Treason, treason," had ended,-he added, - C may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it.".. Fte of the 17.'After a violent debate, the first five resolutions ra tIao.29 were carrieda by the bold eloquence of Henry, though by a small majority. The other two were considered too audacious and treasonable, to be admitted, even by the warm. est friends of America. On the following day, in the. absence of Henry, the. fifth resolution was rescinded; but, the whole had already gone forth to the country, rousing the people to a more earnest assertion of their rights, and kindling a more lively enthusiasm in favor of liberty. 2. Proceed- 18. 2The assembly of Massachusetts had been moved by Assemnyfohf a kindred spirit; and before the news of the proceedings setat. in Virginia reached them, they had takenb the decisive b. June 6. step of calling a congress of deputies from the several colonies, to meet in the ensuing October, a few weeks before the day appointed for the stamp act to go into operation. 3. State of 3'In the mean time the popular feeling against the stamp popular feeOig, how act continued to increase; town and country meetings eonibited. were held in every colony; associations were formed; inflammatory speeches were made; and angry resolutions were adopted; and, in all directions, every measure was taken to keep up and aggravate the popular discontent. 4. Proceed- 19. 41n the midst of the excitement, which was still inrstol of thial creasing in violence, the FIRST COLONIAL CONGRESS mets Congress. at New York, on the first Tuesday in October. Nine Oct e colonies were represented, by twenty-eight delegates. Timothy Ruggles, of Massachusetts, was chosen president. After mature deliberation, the congress agreed on a DEcLARATION OF RIGHTS and a statement of grievances. They asserted, in strong terms, the right of the colonies to be exempted from all taxes not imposed by their own representatives. They also concurred in a petition to the king, and prepared a memorial to each house of parliament. b. Bywohom 20. bThe proceedings were approved by all the mremings were bers, except Mr. Ruggles of Massachusetts, and Mr. Og;tappbyoveda den of New Jersey; but the deputies of three of the coloarined. nies had not been authorized by their respective legislatures to apply to to the king or parliament. The petition and memorials were, therefore, signed by the delegates of six colonies only; but all the rest, whether represented or not, afterwards approved the measures adopted.. Arriva of 21. 0On the arrival of the first of November, the day the first of JXawember. on which the stamp act was to go into operation, scarcely a sheet of the numerous bales of stamped paper which had been (ent to America, was to be found in the colonies. Most of it had been destroyed, or reshipped to England. PART II.] CAUSES WHICH LED TO IT. 341'The first of November was kept as a day of mourning. 1765. Shops and stores were closed; the vessels displayed their 1. flags at half' mast; bells were muffled, and tolled as for a d,:y:ose funeral; effigies were hung and burned; and every thing Jcest. was done to manifest the determined opposition of the people to the act, its authors, and advocates. 22.'As by the terms of' the act, no legal business could be %2. rEcft protransacted without the use of stamped paper, business was Sta,.Act 0on bsiness tr.nfor a time suspended. The courts were closed; marria- sactionn ges ceased; vessels were delayed in the harbors; and all the social and mercantile affairs of a continent stagnated at once. By degrees, however, things resumed: their usual course: law and business transactions were written on unstamped paper; and the whole machinery of society went on as before, without regard to the act of parliament. 23.'About this time the associations of the 1" Sons of. AsociaLiberty" assumed an extent and importance which exerted "sons of great influence on subsequent events. These societies, Liberty." forming a powerful combination of the defenders of liberty throughout all the colonies, denounced the stamp act as a flagrant outrage on the British constitution. Their members resolved to defend the liberty of the press, at all hazards, and pledged their lives and property for the defence of those who, in the exercise of their rights as freemen, should become the objects of British tyranny. 24. 4The merchants of New York, Boston and Phila- 4. Non-imor delphia, and, subsequently, of many other places, entered tation agreents. into engagements with each other to import no more goods from Great Britain, until the stamp act should be repealed.'Individuals and families denied themselves the use of all 5taCen by foreign luxuries; articles of domestic manufacture came fimEivile into general use; and the trade with Great Britain was Te effect. almost entirely suspended. 25.'When the accounts of the proceedings in America 6. NLews Of were transmitted to England, they were received, by the tigshereceived government, with resentment and alarm. Fortunately, in England; however, the former ministry had been dismissed; and, miniestry. in the place of Lord Grenville, the Marquis of Rockingham, a friend of America, had been appointed first lord of the treasury. 7To the new ministry it was obvious that 7. czorse t6 the odious stamp act must be repealed, or that the Amer- nenominiticans must, by force of arms, be reduced to submission. try. T'he former being deemed the wisest course, a resolution 1766. to repeal was introduced into parliament. 26. 8A longand angry debate followed. The resolu-., Procmeed tion was violently opposed by Lord Grenville and his ad- attendct he herents; and as warmly advocated by Mr. Pitt, in the Stamp Act House of Commons, and by Lord Camden in the House of 1766. 342 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK 11 ANALYSIS. Peers. Mr. Pitt boldly justified the colonists in opposing March. the stamp act. "' You have no right," said he, "to tax Mr. Pitt's America. I rejoice that America has resisted. Three remarks. millions of our fellow-subjects, so lost to every sense of virtue, as tamely to give up their liberties, would be fit instruments to make slaves of the rest." He concluded by expressing his deliberate judgment, that the stamp act " ought to be repealed, absolutely, totally, "4nd imme. diately." 2. Declara- 27.'The repeal was at length carried;a but it was ac. to8r act. companied by a declaratory act, designed as a kind of salvo to the national honor, affirming that parliament had power 3. How the to bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever.'The repeal repeal twas received in was received with great joy, in London, by the manufacLondon. turers and friends of America. The shipping in the river Thames displayed their colors, and houses were illuminated throughout the city. 4The news was received in America 4. In Anter- with lively expressions of joy and gratitude. Public thanksica. givings were held; the importation of British goods was again encouraged; and a general calm, without a parallel in history, immediately succeeded the storm which had raged with such threatening violence. b. Continued 28.'Other events, however, soon fanned the flame of hostility of government. discord anew. The passage of the declaratory act might have been a sufficient warning that the repeal of the stamp act was but a truce in the war against American. Change,in rights. OThe Rockingham ministry having been dishe msinistry. b. Juiy, 176.6 solved, a new cabinet was formedb under Mr. Pitt, who 7. Neo was created Earl of Chatham.'While Mr. Pitt was conscheme of taxing fined by sickness, in the country, Mr. Townsend, chanAmerica. cellor of the exchequer, revived the scheme of taxing America. By him a bill was introduced into parliament, imposing duties on glass, paper, painters' colors, and tea. 1767. 29.'In the absence of Mr. Pitt the bill passed with but a. PLassage o little opposition, and was approved~ by the king. 9A bill the bill. c.June29. was also passed establishing a board of trade in the colo9 OtOhr blls nies, independent of colonial legislation; and another, passed. suspending the legislative power of the assembly of New York, until it should furnish the king's troops with cerloExcitement tain supplies at the expense of the colony. "~The exciteproduced. ment produced in America, by the passage of these bills, was scarcely less than that occasioned by the passage of the stamp act, two years before. iL. " Coonia 30. "The colonial assemblies promptly adopted spirited assembbles." "New asso- resolutions against the odious enactments; new associacations." tions, in support of domestic manufactures, and against "Political the use and importation of British fabrics, were entered witerst." into; the political writers of the day filled the columns of .ART 111.] CAUSES WHICH LED TO IT. 343 the public papers with earnest appeals to the people; and, [76. already, the legislative authority of parliament over the Legslaive colonies, instead of being longer the subject of doubt, Lthaor.sty of began to be boldly denied. The assembly of Massachu- Pa'liaFmentl. setts sent0 a circular to the other colonies, entreating their,,. F, cub. co-operation in obtaining a redress of grievances. seot circo81.'This circular highly displeased the British minis- i. Ijeqisitry, who instructed the governor of Massachusetts to Bians of thein require the assembly, in his majesty's name, to " rescind" tsty. the resolution adopting the circular; and to express their "6disapprobation of that rash and hasty proceeding."'The assembly, however, were not intimidated. They 2.Proceed. passed a nearly unanimous vote not to rescind; and cit-,Asemfbly ing, as an additional cause of complaint, this attempt to restrain their right of deliberation, reaffirmed their opinions in still more energetic language.'Governor Bernard 3. of the then dissolved the assembly, but not before they had pre- Governor pared a list of accusations against him, and petitioned the king for his removal. 32. 4These proceedings were soon after followed by a 4. Tumutt violent tumult in Boston. A sloop having been seizedb b. BuOtOt. by the custom-house officers for violating some of the new commercial regulations, the people assembled in crowds, attacked the houses of the officers, assaulted their persons, and, finally, obliged them to take refuge in Castle William,* situated at the entrance of the harbor.'At the a. Military request of the governor, who had complained of the re- orders fiactory spirit of the Bostonians, General Gage, the commander-in-chief of the British forces in America, was ordered to station a military force in Boston, to overawe the citize'ns, and protect' the custom-house officers in the discharge of their duties. 33. 6The troops, to the number of 700, arrived from a. Art zvl [lalifiax, late in September, and, on the first of October, anqflanding under cover of the cannon of the ships, landed in the tloop`.L1wn1, with muskets charged, bayonets fixed, and all the military parade usual on entering an enemy's count-ry. tThe selectmen of Boston having peremptorily refused to 7. -Ho roprovide quarters for the soldiers, the governor ordered the hotUreega.da,,a state-house to be opened for their reception. The impos- *y theIhtzcB ing display of military force served only to excite the indignation of the inhabitants; the most irritating language passed between the soldiers and the citizens; the' Castle William was on Castle Island, nearly three miles S.E. from Boston. In 1798 Iassachusetts ceded the fortress to the United States. On the 7th Dec., 1799, it was visited by President Adamls who named it Fort Independence. Half a mile north is Governor's Island, un which is Fort Warren, Between these two forts is the entrance to Boston Haxbor. (See Map, p. 349.) 344 THE REVOLUTION. [Boox It ANALYSIS. former looking upon the latter as rebels, and the latter regarding the former as the instruments of a most odious tyranny. 1769. 34.'Early in the following year, both houses of par-. Od.ious prof liament went a step beyond all that had preceded-cenparalinent. suring, in the strongest terms, the conduct of the people F-b. 1769. of Massachusetts,-approving the employment of force against the rebellious, and praying the king to direct the governor of Massachusetts to cause those guilty of trea 2. hIovre- son to be arrested and sent to England for trial. 2These coonia'lea proceedings of parliament called forth., from the colonial semblies. assemblies, still stronger resolutions, declaring the exclusive right of the people to tax themselves, and denying the right of his majesty to remove an offender out of the country for trial. a Evenrtsin 35.'The refractory assemblies of Virginia and North Caolina, Carolina were soon after dissolved by their governors. ~n.,d 1lawsachsett. The governor of Massachusetts having called upon the assembly of that province to provide funds for the payment of the troops quartered among them, they resolved that they never would make such provision. The governor, therefore, prorogued the assembly, and, soon after a. Aug. being recalled, was succeededa in office by Lieutenant. governor Hutchinson. 1770. 36. 4In March of the following year, an event occurred 4. Affrayin in Boston, which produced a great sensation throughout on America. An affray having taken place between some March 5. citizens and soldiers, the people became greatly exasperated; and, on the evening of the p5th of March, a crowd surrounded, and insulted a portion of the city guard, under Captain Preston, and dared them to fire. The sol-. diers at length fired, and three of the populace were killed and several badly wounded. S. Eventsthat 37.'The greatest commotion immediately prevailed. foloweed. The bells were rung, and, in a short time, several thousands of the citizens had assembled under arms. With difficulty they were appeased by the governor, who promised that justice should be done them in the morning. Upon the demand of the inhabitants, the soldiers were removed from the city. Captain Preston and his company were arrested and tried for murder. Two of the most eminent American patriots, John Adams and Josiah Quincy, volunteered in their defence. Two of the soldiers were convicted of manslaughter, the rest were acquitted. L. Lord 38.'On the very day of the Boston outrage, Lord Jialrepeal North, who had been placed at the head of the adminis. act. tratifn, proposed to parliament the repeal of all duties I'ART IIQX CAUSES WHICH LED TO IT. 345 imposed by the act of 1767, except that on tea. The Ibv70o bill passed, though with great opposition, and was ap- -- proveda by the king; but the Americans were not salis- a. April 12. fled with this partial concession, and the non-importation agreements were still continued against the purchase and Tire effct. use of tea. 39.'In 1772, by a royal regulation, provision was 1772. made for the support of the governor and judges of Mas- 1' Royal regsachusetts, out of the revenues of the province, indepen- 1772. dent of any action of the colonial assemblies. 2This mea- 2. How resure the assembly declared to be an " infraction of the gAssemnnbly. rights of the inhabitants granted by the royal charter." 40.'In 1773, the British ministry attempted to effect, 1773. by artful policy, what open measures, accompanied by 3s- Netmeacoercion, had failed to accomplish. A bill passed parlia. B.ritishninment, allowing the British East India Company to export their tea to America, free from the duties which they had before paid in England; retaining those only which were to be paid in America. 4It was thought that the Ameri- 4. Thought cans would pay the small duty of three-pence per pound, Americans as they would, even then, obtain tea cheaper in America the duPty. than in England. 41. 6In this, however, the parliament was mistaken. 5. Whythe colonies reAlthough no complaint of oppressive taxation could be sisted the made to the measure, yet the whole principle against Project which the colonies had contended was involved in it; and they determined, at all hazards, to defeat the project. 6Vast quantities of tea were soon sent to America; but 6. Tea sent to the ships destined for New York and Philadelphia, finding ad Phil-. adelphia. the ports closed against them, were obliged to return to England without effecting a landing. 42. 7In Charleston the tea was landed, but was not per- 7. Teasent to mitted to be offered for sale; and being stored in damp cellars, it finally perished. sThe tea designed for Boston 8. Destruction nad been consigned to the particular friends of Governor Tostat Hutchinson, and permission to return it to England was positively refused. But the people as obstinately refused to allow it to be landed. In this position of the controversy, a party of men disguised as Indians, boarded the ships; and, in the presence of l-housands of spectators, broke open three hundred and forty-two chests of tea, and emptiedb b. 1Lec. 10. their contents into the harbor. 43. 9In the spirit of revenge for these proceedings, par- 1774. liament soon after passed' the Boston Port Bill; which for- o Biol. bade the landing and shipping of goods, wares, and mer c. March31. chandise, at Boston, and removed the custom-house, with Its dependencies, to Salem.'~The people of Salem, how- of. Generofe ever, nobly refused to raise their own fortunes on the Marblehead. 44 346 THE REVOLUTION. [Boon I1 ANALYSIS. ruins of their suffering neighbors; and the inhabitants of Marblehead* generously offered the merchants of Bostor the use of their harbor, wharves, and warehouses, free of expense. 1. Measures 44.'Soon after, the charter of Massachusetts was sub. taken against Massachu- verted;a and the governor was authorized to send to setts. a. May 20. another colony or to England, for trial, any person indicted for murder, or any other capital offence, committed in aid. 2. Resozltion ing the magistrates in the discharge of their duties. 2The t1oasPembly. Boston Port Bill occasioned great suffering in Boston; The assembly of the province resolved that " The impoli. cy, injustice, inhumanity, and cruelty of the act, exceeded 3. The Vir- all their powers of expression."'The Virginia assembly gniV.sem- appointed the 1st of June, the day on which the bill was to go into effect, as a day of " fasting, humiliation, and prayer." 4. Proceed- 45. 4In September, a second colonial congress, composed ings of the aecondcolo- of deputies from eleven colonies, met at Philadelphia. aalcongress. This body highly commended the course of Massachusetts in her conflict with " wicked ministers;"-agreed upon a declaration of rights;-recommended the suspension of all commercial intercourse with Great Britain, so long as the grievances of the colonies were unredressed; voted an Oct. address to the king, and likewise one to the people of Great Britain, and another to the inhabitants of Canada. b5 Thetir f- 46. 5The proceedings of the congress called forth stronger feet on the, British fgov- measures, on the part of the British government, for re6. GeneraZ ducing the Americans to obedience. GGeneral Gage, Gage. who had recently been appointed governor of MassachuSept. setts, caused Boston neck to be fortified, and, seizing the ammunition and military stores in the provincial arsenals at Cambridge and Charlestown, conveyed them to Boston. 7. Proceed- 47. 70n the other hand, the assembly of Massachusetts assembly of having been dissolved by the governor, the members again lrts-achu- met, and resolved themselves into a provincial congress. setts. Oct. They appointed committees of" safety" and " supplies;" -voted to equip twelve thousand men, and to enlist onefourth of the militia as minute-men, who should be ready 8. Other colt- for action at a moment's warning. sSimilar preparations, flies. but less in extent, were made in,t&her colonies. 1775. 48. 9As the last measures of determined oppression, a Feb., March. bill was passed for restraining the commerce of the New 9 Final r an measfure of England colonies; which was afterwards extended to emtppesson brace all the province-.xcept New York and North CarEneparto f olina. The inhabitants of Massachusetts were declared * Marblehead, originally a part of Salem, is about fifteen miles N.E. from Boston, and i~ situated on a rocky peninsula, extending three or four miles into Mlassachusetts Bay. PART IH.] EVENTS OF 1775. 347 rebels; and several ships of the line, and ten thousand 1775. troops, were ordered to America, to aid in reducing the. rebellious colonies to submission. 49. 1The Americans, on the other hand, having no longer 1. Deterany hope of reconciliation, and determined to resist oppres- ance of sth sion, anxiously waited for the fatal moment to arrive, when Americans. the signal of war should be given. Though few in numbers, and feeble in resources, when compared with the power which sought to crush them, they were confident of the justice of their cause, and the rectitude of their purposes; and they resolved, if no other alternative were left them,'o die freemen, rather than live slaves. CHAPTER II. EVENTS OF 1775. Subject of Chapter II. 1. "In the beginning of April, the royal troops in Boston e. rvoyai numbered nearly 3000 men. SXith so large a force at Bsoston. his disposal, General Gage indulged the hope, either of 3. Views of awing the provincials into submission, or of being able to quell any sudden outbreak of rebellion. 4Deeming it im- 4.,eas61es portant to get possession of the stores and ammunition taklct by him. which the people had collected at various places, on the night of the 18th of April he secretly despatched a force of eight hundred men, to destroy the stores at Concord,* sixteen miles fiom Boston. 2.'Notwithstanding the great precautions which had 5. Hisdaigr.3 been taken to prevent the intelligence of this expedition discovered from reaching the country, it became known to some of the patriots in Boston, who despatched confidential messengers along the supposed route; and early on the morning of the 19th, the firing of cannon, and the ringing of bells, gave the alarm that the royal troops were in motion. 3.'At Lexingtont a number of the militia had assem- a. events at bled, as early as two o'clock in the morning; but as the Lexiointelligence respecting the regulars was uncertain, they were dismissed, with orders to appear again at beat of drum. At five o'clock, thev collected a second time, to * Concord is in Middleseox County, sixteen miles N.W. from Boston, A marble monument, erectedl in 1836, marks the spot where the first of the enemy fell in the war of the Revolution t Lexington is ten miles N.W. from Boston, on the road to Concord. In 1799 a smal Inonument, with an appropriate inscription, was erected four or five rods westward from the potA where the Americans were fired upon. (See Map, p. 184.) 348 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK 1R, ANALYSIS. the number of seventy, under command of Captain Par ker. The British, under Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairnj soon made their appearance. The latter officer rode up to the militia, and called out, " Disperse, you rebels, throw down your arms and disperse;" but not being obeyed, he discharged his pistol and ordered his soldiers to fire. Several of the militia were killed, and the rest dispersed..c At On- 4.'The detachment then proceeded to Concord, and destroyed a part of the stores; but the militia of the country having begun to assemble in numbers, a skir2. Theretreat mish ensued, and several were killed on both sides.'The qftle Brit- British then commenced a hasty retreat,-the Americans pursuing, and keeping up a continual fire upon them. Fortunately for the British, they were met at Lexington by a reenforcement of nine hjundred men with two fieldpieces, under Lord Percy. The united forces then moved rapidly to Charlestown, and, the following day, a. Losses s- crossed over to Boston.'During this expedition, the Britnned. ish lost in killed, wounded, and missing, about two hun. dred and eighty; —the provincials about ninety. 4. Consequen- 5. 4Intelligence of these events spread rapidly through foowed the Massachusetts and the adjoining provinces. The battle battleof. of Lexington was the signal of war-the militia of the country hastily took up arms and repaired to the scene of action; and, in a few days, a line of encampment was formed from Roxbury to the river Mystic,* and the British forces in Boston were environed by an army of 20,000 men. Ammunition, forts, and fortifications, were secured for the use of the provincials; and the most active measures were taken for the public defence. 5. Expedition 6.'A number of volunteers from Connecticut and Ver of Allen and Arnolet. mont, under Colonel Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold, May. formed and executed the plan of seizing the important fortresses of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, on the western shore of Lake Champlain, and commanding the entrance into Canada. The pass of Skeenesborough, now Whitehall,t was likewise secured; and by this fortunate expedition, more than one hundred pieces of cannon, and other munitions of war, fell into the hands of the pro. vincials. a. British 7. GThese events were soon followed by others of still Boston. greater importance, in the vicinity of Boston. The Brit. a. May25. ish troops had received~ reenforcements, under three dis. Mlystic, or Medford IRiver, flows into Boston Harbor, N.E. of Charlestown. (See Mlap, p, 1S4; and Map, p. 349.) t Whitehall is situated on both sides of Wood Creek, at its entrance into the southern ex tremity of Lake Champlain. Being at the head of navigation, on the lake, and on the line 4 comamunication between New York and Canada, it was an important post. (See Map, p. 273 and Note, p. 230.) PART III.] EVENTS OF 1775. 349 tinguished generals, —Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne; ]mL75. which, with the garrison, formed a well disciplined army, 1. Gen. of from ten to twelve thousand men.'General Gage, be- Gage'sr7roclamnation. ing now prepared to act with more decision and vigor, a. June 2. issueda a proclamation, declaring those in arms rebels and traitors; and offering pardon to such as would return to their allegiance, and resume their peaceful occupations, From this indulgence, however, Samuel Adams and John Hancock, two distinguished patriots, were excepted; as their crimes were deemed too flagitious to admit of pardon. 8.'As the British were evidently prepared to penetrate 2. Hostile into the country, the Americans first strengthened their adopted by intrenchments across Boston neck; but afterwards, learn-'hecam.e ing that the views of the British had changed, and were then directed towards the peninsula of Charlestown, they resolved to defeat this new project of the enemy.'Orders. Orders were therefore given to Colonel Prescott, on the evening given to Cot of the 16th of June, to take a detachment of one thousand Americans, and form an intrenchment on Bunker Hill;* a high eminence which commanded the neck of the peninsula of Charlestown. 9. 4By some mistake the detachment proceeded to 4. His mifsBreed's Hill,-[ an eminence within cannon shot of Boston; take and, by the dawn of day, had erected a square redoubt, capable of sheltering them from the fire of the enemy.'Nothing could exceed the astonishment of the British, at s. Astonishbeholding, on the following morning, this daring advance British. of the Americans. As the eminence overlooked the city of Boston, it was immediately perceived that a powerful battery, planted there, would soon compel the British to evacuate the place.'A heavy fire was therefore corn- 6. Mesure l menced on the Americans, fiom vessels in the harbor, and thcqcEnu from a fortification on Copp's Hill, in Boston; but with little effect; and about noon, PLAN OF THE SIEGE OF BOSTON 1775. a force of three thousand reg- ie.'...... ulars, commanded by Gen- A. o;' s Bunker's ill is inm the northern part. of the peninsula of charlestowvn, and is O U i1 feet in height. (See Map) 1 Breed's Hill, which is eighty-seven Cs feet high, commences near the southern: excemity of Bunker's Hill, grand extends a.. towhiardy fhe south ad easte, and It is now usually called Bunker's Hill, and the. f monument on its summit, erected to cominemorate the battle on the same spot, is called Bunker Hill Monument-. This nonument is built of Quincy granite, is d thirty feet square at the base, and fifteen at the top; and rises to the height of 220' A' teet.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~''~~~~' 350 THE REVOLUTION. EBoox A, &NALYSIS. eral Howe, crossed over to Charlestown, in boats, with the design of storming the works. 1. Advance 10.'landing at Moreton's Point,* on the extremity against the, Americ an of the peninsula, the English formed in two columns, 0orks. and advanced slowly, allowing time for the artillery to 2. Spectators produce its effect upon the works.'In the mean time the surrounding heights, the spires of churches, and the roofs of houses in Boston, were covered with thousands of spectators, waiting, in. dreadful anxiety, the approaching 3. Burni ng battle.'While the British were advancing, orders were of Charlestown.s given by General Gage to set fire to the village of Charlestown; by which wanton act two thousand people were deprived of their habitations; and property to a large amount, perished in the flames. 4. Account of 11. 4The Americans waited in silence the advance of ttle the enemy to within ten rods of the redoubt, when they opened upon them so deadly a fire of musketry, that whole ranks were cut down; the line was broken, and the royal troops retreated in disorder and precipitation. With difficulty rallied by their officers, they again reluctantly advanced, and were a second time beaten back by the same destructive and incessant stream of fire. At this critical moment General Clinton arrived with reenforcements. By his exertions, the British troops were again rallied, and a third time advanced to the charge, which at length was successful. 5. The mode 12.'The attack was directed against the redoubt at fattac. three several points. The cannon from the fleet had obtained a position commanding the interior of the works, 6. Dlsadvan- which were battered in front at the same time. 6Attacked Aiaerfas by a superior force,-their ammunition failing,-and fighting at the point of the bayonet, without bayonets themselves,-the provincials now slowly evacuated their intrenchments, and drew off with an order not to have been 7. Their expected from newly levied soldiers.'They retreated across Charlestown Neck, with inconsiderable loss, although exposed to a galling fire from a ship of war, and floating batteries, and intrenched themselves on Prospect Hill,t still maintaining the command of the entrance to Boston. S. The two 13. sThe British took possession of and fortified Bunkarmies. er's Hiil; but neither army was disposed to hazard any gaved, and new movement. 91n this desperate conflict, the royal eaheaide.. forces engaged consisted of three thousand men; while * Moreton's Point is S.E. from Breed's Hill, at the eastern extremity of the peninsulas (O map.) t Prospect Hill is a little more than two miles N.W. from Breed's Hill. (See Map.) PART III.] EVENTS OF 1775. 351 the Americans numbered but fifteen hundred.* The loss 1775. of' the British, in killed and wounded, was more than a thousand; that of the Americans, only about four hundred and fifty; but among the killed was the lamented General Warren. 14.'In the mean time the American congress had as- i. Proceedsembleda at Philadelphia. Again they addressed the king, gress at this and the people of Great Britain and Ireland, and, at the a. tne same time, publishedb to the world the reasons of their b. Dated July 6. appeal to arms. 2,~ We are reduced," said they, "to the 2. Lanuage alternative of choosing an unconditional submission to used by them. the tyranny of irritated ministers, or resistance by force. The latter is our choice. We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery."'Having voted to raise an army of 20,000 s. Other measure men, they unanimously electede George Washington adopted. commander-in-chief of all the forces raised or to be c. June 5. raised for the defence of the colonies, resolving that they would " assist him and adhere to him, with their lives and fortunes, in the defence of American liberty." 15. 4Washington, who was present, with great mod- 4. Terw on esty and dignity accepted the appointment, but declined ington accepted the, all compensation for his services, asking only the remu- conmand. neration of his expenses.'At the same time the higher 5. Organizadepartments of the army were organized by the appoint- arran-emenl ment of four major-generals, one adjutant, and eight of tie army. brigadier-generals. Washington soon repairedd to Cam- d. July 12 bridge, to take command of the army, which then amounted to about 14,000 men. These were now arranged in three divisions; e the right wing, under General e. See Map, Ward, at Roxbury; the left, under General Lee, at 3 Prospect Hill; and the centre at Cambridge, under the cornmander-in-chief. 16. eIn entering upon the discharge of his duties, 6.Dicffcttie, Washington had a difficult task to perform. The troops it had t under his command were undisciplined militia,-hastily encounter. collected,-unaccustomed to subordination, —and destitute of tents, ammunition, and regular supplies of provisions.'But by the energy and skill of the commander-in-chief, 7. What o aided, particularly, by General Gates, an officer of ex- soon eficted. nerience, order and discipline were soon introduced; vtores were collected, and the American army was soon enabled to carry on. in due form, a regular siege. 8Gene- 8. Changs in ral Gage having been recalled, he was succeeded by Sir at British William Howe, in the chief command of the English forces in America. * NOTE.-Yet Stedman, and some other Encglish writers, erroneously state, that the number of the Provincial troops engaged in the action wavs three times that of the British. 352 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK 1[. a.NALYSIS. 17.'During the summer, royal authority ended in the. DTicu.lti colonies;-most of the royal governors fleeing from the vvith the roy- popular indignation, and taking refuge on board the English shipping. Lord Dunmore, the governor of Virginia, a. May. having seizeda a quantity of the public powder, and con. veyed it on board a ship, the people assembled in arms, under Patrick Henry, and demanded a restitution of the powder, or its value. Payment was made, and the people quietly dispersed. rodstilitiei 18. 2Other dilficulties occurring, Lord Dunmore retired om' Lord Dun- on board a mnan-of-war, —armed a few ships, —and, by offering freedom to such slaves as would join the royal standard, collected a force of several hundred men, with which he attackedb the provincials near* Norfolk;t but lie was defeated with a severe loss. Soon after, a ship of war arriving from England, Lord Dunmore gratified his c.Jan. 1, 1776. revenge by reducing Norfolk to ashes.' 3. Resolution 19.'The capture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point invade Can- having opened the gates of Canada, congress resolved to seize the favorable opportunity for invading that province; hoping thereby to anticipate the British, who were evidently preparing to attack the colonies through the same 4. Firstmnove- quarter. 4For this purpose, a body of troops from New.nts irn this expedition. York and New England was placed under the command of Generals Schuyler and Montgomery, who passed up Lake Champlain, and, on the 10th of September, ap5. Wohatpre- peared before St. John's't the first British post in Canada. vented the capture of 20.'Opposed by a large force, and finding the fort too.St Johos.- strong for assault, they retired to, and fortified Isle Aux ced, O-No- Noix,o l 115 miles north of Ticonderoga.'Soon after, ah. 6. The corn- General Schuyle.r returned to Ticonderoga to hasten reentoIMortgoni- forcements; but a severe illness preventing his again ery. joining the army, the whole command devolved upon General Montgomery. 7. cozerse 21. 7This enterprising officer, having' first induced the haEim.t Indians to remain neutral, in a few days returned to St. John's, and opened a battery against it; but want of ammunition seriously retarded the progress of the siege. While in this situation, by a sudden movement he sur. a. Oct. 13 prised, and, after a siege of a few days, capturede Fort Chamrnbly,~ a few miles north of St. John's, by which he * This affair occurred at a small village called Great Bridge, eight miles S. from Norfolk. The commanding officer of the enemy, and thirty of his men, were either killed or wounded. t Norfollc, Virginia, is on the N.E. side of Elizabeth River, ei(lt miles above its entrance into Hampton Rloads. T'he situatiion is lowv, and the streets are irregular, but it is a place of extensire foreign comnlerce. t St. obhn's is on the AW. sirde of the River Sorel, twenty miles S.E. from Mlontreal, and twelve miles N, from the Isle Aux Noix. ~ Clambly is onthe W. side of the Sorel, ten miles N. from St. John's. PART ll. EVENTS OF 1775. obtained several pieces of cannon, and a large quantity 17ya,. of powder.'During the siege of St. John's, Colonel. c i Ethan Allen, having with extraordinary rashness forced his way to Montreal, with only eighty men, was defeated, captured, and sent to England in irons. 22. 20n the third of November St. John's surrendered, 2. Surre-der after which Montgomery proceeded rapidly to Montreal, af st. sohte which capitulated on the 13th; Governor Carleton having qnr'ac previously escaped with a small force to Quebec. Hav- to"wsaecd Que. nmg left a garrison in Montreal, and also in the Forts Chambly and St. John's, Montgomery, with a corps of little more than three hundred men, the sole residue of his army, marched towards Quebec, expecting to meet there another body of troops which had been sent from Cambridge to act in concert with him.'This detachment, 3. A.rncs consisting of about a thousand men, under the command Canacda of General Arnold, had, with amazing difficulty and hardships, passed up the Kennebec, a river of Maine, and crossing the mountains, had descended the Chaudiere,e* to a. PronounPoint Levi, opposite Quebec, where it arrived on the 9th ceda, Srhoof November. 23. 40n the 13th, the day of the surrender of Montreal, Ar- 13th & 14th. nold crossed the St. Lawrence, ascended the heights where 4. CoueY the brave Wolfe had ascendedb before him, and drew up hiearal. h s his forces on the Plains of Abraham, but finding the gar- b. See p. 282. rison ready to receive him, and not being sufficiently strong to attempt an assault, he retired to Point aux Trembles, twenty miles above Quebec, and there awaited the arrival of Montgomery. 24.'On the arrivale of the latter, the united forces, 5.Eventsthat numbering in all but nine hundred effective men, marched the arrival of to Quebec, then garrisoned by a superior force under com- Montgomery. mand of Governor Carleton. A summons to surrender was answered by firing upon the bearer of the flag. After a siege of three weeks, during which the troops suffered severely from continued toil, and the rigors of a Canadian winter, it was resolved, as the only chance of success, to attempt the, place by assault. 25.'Accordingly, on the lastd day of the year, between 6. The ptlan four and five o'clock in the morning, in the midst of a ofattcc.3. heavy storm of snow, the American troops, in four columns, were put in motion. WVhile two of the columns were sent to mrrake a feigned attack on the Upper Town,e Montgomery e. See Note n and Map, and Arnold, at the head of their respective divisions, at- p. 280. tacked opposite quarters of the Lower Town.e -Mont- - The:l ofnz. * The Chaudiere rises in Canada, near the sources of the Kennebec, and flowing N.W., enters the St. Lawrence six miles above Quebec. It is not navigable, owing to its numerous rapids 45 354 THE REVOLUTION. [Booxr II, ANALYSTS. gomery, advancing upon the bank of the river by the way - of Cape Diamond, had already passed the first barrier, when the discharge of a single cannon, loaded with grape shot, proved fatal to him,-killing, at the same time, sev. eral of his officers who stood near him. i. iett of 26.'The soldiers shrunk back on seeing their general at fall, and the officer next in command ordered a retreat. In the mean time Arnold had entered the town, but, being soon severely wounded, was carried to the hospital, almost by compulsion. Captain Morgan, afterwards distinguished a. See P. 399. by his exploitsa at the South, then took the command; out, after continuing the contest several hours, against far superior and constantly increasing numbers, and at length vainly attempting a retreat, he was forced to surrender the remnant of his band prisoners of war. 2. Brief of 27.'The fall of Montgomery was deplored by frlenis Montgomery. and foes. Born of a distinguislhed Irish family, he had early entered the profession of arms;- had distinguished himself in the preceding French and Indian war;-had shared in the labors and triumph of Wolfe; and, ardently attached to the cause of liberty, had joined the Americans, on the 3. se mem- breaking out of the Revolution.'Congress directed a ory honored y congress: monument to be erected to his memory; and in 1818, New adrk.Ne York, his adopted state, caused his remains to be removed to her own metropolis, where the monument had been placed; and near that they repose. f. theCondition 28.4After the repulse, Arnold retired with the remainder after the re- of his army to the distance of three miles above Quebec, where he received occasional reenforcements; but at no time did the army consist of more than 3000 men, of whom more than one-half were generally unfit for duty. 5. Retreat of bGeneral Thomas, who had been appointed to succeed army. Montgomery, arrived early in May; soon after which, Governor Carleton receiving reenforcements from England, the Americans were obliged to make a hasty retreat; leaving all their stores, and many of their sick, in the power of the enemy. s. Treatment 29.'The latter were treated with great kindness and huf tek. nmanity, and after being generously fed and clothed, were allowed a safe return to their homes; a course of policy which very much strengthened the British interests in Can. 7. Farther ada. 7At the mouth of the Sorel the Americans were eentsc of the retreat. joined by several regiments, but were still unable to with. stand the forces of the enemy. Here General Thomas died of the small-pox, a disease which had prevailed ex. tensively in the American camp. After retreating from one post to another, by the 18th of June the Amurricans had entirely evacuated Canada. AiT III] 355 CHAPTER IlLo EVE NT~S OF z1776 s~ject of E E Chaterl iL In iAt the close of tile year 17'75, the regular troops 1. The Anerandel'Washington, in the vicinity of Boston, numnbered'thel vSircty out little more than 000 men, but by the most strenuous of Boston. exertions on trle part of congress, and the commander-incnief, the numbei was augmented', by the middle of February, to 14,000. Pei celving that this force would soon 2.More decisioe meaurmea De needed to protect other parts of the American territory, urged. congress urged VP ashington to take more decisive measures, and, if possible, to dislodge the enemy from their position in Boston. 2. In a council of his officers, Wrashington proposed a 3. What ptoa direct assault; but the decision was unanimous against by Washizngton, and It; the officers aliedging, that, withoui incurring so great ohat by his a risk, but by occupying the heights~ of Dorchester, a. See Map, which commanded the entire city, the enemy might P. 349. be forced to evacuate the place. 4Acquiescing in this opin- th4tfeolloetd. ion, Washington directed a severe cannonadeb upon the city; b. March 2d, and, while the enemy were occupied in anoiher quarter, on the evening of the fourth of March, a party of troops, with intrenching tools, took possession of the heights, unobserved by the enemy; and, before morning, completed a line of fortifications, which commanded the harbor and the city. 3.'The view of these works excited the astonishment 5. Astonishmert of ttbe )f the British general, who saw that he must immediately British. dislodge the Americans, or evacuate the town. ~An at- 6- Thatretack was determined upon; but a furious storm rendering tcZ; andc the harbor impassable, the attack was necessariiy deferred; Iyt, wao the while, in the mean time, the Americans so strengthened onl3to the. their works, as to make the attempt to force them hope- BrtiSto less. No resource was now left to General Howe but immediate evacuation. 4.'As his troops and shipping were exposed to the fire 7. Agreemew of the American batteries, an informal agreement was made, that he should be allowed to retire unmolested, upon condition that he would abstain from burning the city. Accordingly, on the 17th, the British troops, amounting March 17. to more than 7000 soldiers, accompanied by fifteen hun- 8. Departure dred families of loyalists, quietly evacuated Boston, and sailed for Halifax. "Scarcely was the rear-guard out of 9. Entrance of Woashingthe city, when Washington entered it, to the great joy of ton fnto Bos..he inhabitants, with colors flying, and drums beating, and ton. all lIbe forms of victory and triumph. 356 THE ItEVOLUTION. [Boosi II, ANALYSIS.1 5.'Washington, ignorant of the plans of General Howe 1. The army and of the direction which the British fleet had taken, was proceeds to not without anxiety for the city of New York. There. fore, after having placed Boston in a state of defence, the main body of the army was put in motion towards New York, where it arrived early In April..- Gen. Lee: 6.'General Lee, with a force of Connecticut militia, Sir Hffenry -Clinton; had arrived before the main body, about the time that Sir plan of the Bizarsh, e. Henry Clinton, with a fleet from England, appeared off Sandy Hook. Clinton, foiled in his attempt against New York, soon sailed south; and at Cape Fear River was a. May 3. joineda by Sir Peter Parker, who had sailedb with a b. FronlCork, large squadron directly from Europe, having on board two thousand five hundred troops, under the command of the Earl of Cornwallis. The plan of the British was now to attempt the reduction of Charleston. 3. repara- 7. 3General Lee, who had been appointed to command ceive the the American forces in the Southern States, had pushed enetny on rapidly from New York, anxiously watching the progress of Clinton; and the most vigorous preparations were made throughout the Carolinas, for the reception of the i. Defence of hostile fleet. 4Charleston had been fortified, and a fort on Charleston. Sullivan's Island,* commanding the channel leading to the town, had been put in a state of defence, and the command given to Colonel Moultrie. 5. Attack on 8. *Early in June, the British armament appearedu off Sullivan's Island. the city, and having landed a strong force under General c. June 4. Clinton, on Long Island,d east of Sullivan's Island, after d. See Map. dp. 250. considerable delay advanced against the fort, and comJune 28. menced a heavy bombardment on the morning of the 28th. Three of the ships that had attempted to take a station between the fort and the city were stranded. Two of them were enabled to get off much damaged, but the third was aban6. Mhat de- doned and burned.'It was the design of Clinton to cross Clonton the narrow channel which separates Long Island from defeated. Sullivan's Island, and assail the fort by land, during the attack by the ships; but, unexpectedly, the channel was found too deep to be forded, and a strong force, under Colonel Thompson, was waiting on the opposite bank ready to receive him. Y. Conduct of 9. 7The garrison of the fort, consisting of only about ofetha:rfnt.. 400 men, mostly militia, acted with the greatest coolness and gallantry,-aiming with great precision and effect, in the midst of the tempest of balls hailed upon them by the tvaeaction. enemy's squadron. 8After an engagement of eight hours, * Sulliean's Island is six miles below Charleston, lying to the N. of the entrance to the harbor, and separated from the mainland by a narrow inlet. (See Map, p. 256.) PART III.] EVENTS OF 1776. 357 fiom eleven in the forenoon until seven in the evening, 1776. the vessels drew off and abandoned the enterprise.'In a i, Departzre few days the fleet, with the troops on board, sailed for ofthe fleet. New York, where the whole British force had been ordered to assemble. 10. 2In this engagement the vessels of the enemy were. Theloess o seriously injured, and the loss in killed and wounded ex- each side. ceeded 200 men. The admiral himself, and Lord Campbell, late governor of the province, were wounded,-the latter mortally. The loss of the garrison was only 10 killed and 22 wounded. 3The fort, being built of palmetto, 3. Tiefort, a wood resembling cork, was little damaged. In hon- acdmit adee or of its brave commander it has since been called Fort Moultrie. 4This fortunate repulse of the enemy placed 4. Effectsof the affairs of South Carolina, for a time, in a state of se- thiTepelsemo curity, and inflamed the minds of the Americans with new ardor. 11.'The preparations which England had recently been 5. Formidamaking for the reduction of the colonies, were truly for- ble warlike midable. By a treaty with several of the German prin- of Englan.S ces, the aid of 17,000 German or Hessian troops had been engaged; 25,000 additional English troops, and a large fleet, had been ordered to America; amounting, in all, to 55,000 men, abundantly supplied with provisions, and all the necessary munitions of war; and more than a million of dollars had been voted to defray the extraordinary expenses of the year. 12. 0Yet with all this threatening array against them, 6. Professed and notwithstanding all the colonies were now in arms the colonies. against the mother country, they had hitherto professed allegiance to the British king, and had continually protested that they were contending for their just rights and a redress of grievances. 7But as it became more apparent 7. Change in that England would abandon none of her claims, and theirfeeting2. would accept nothing but the total dependence and servitude of her colonies, the feelings of the latter changed; and sentiments of loyality gave way to republican principles, and the desire for independence. 13.'Early in May, congress, following the advance of s. The coiopublic opinion, recommended to the colonies, no longer io to,.optm consider themselves as holding or exercising any powers governmenls. under Great Britain, but to adopt "' Such governments as might best conduce to the happiness and safety of the people." 9The recommendation was generally complied with, 9. owozfar and state constitutions were adopted, and representative gov- Clhed eirnnents established, virtually proclaiming all separation lo. Intlc from the mother country, and entire independence of the bythe colo iesitish to ther British crown. "Several of the colonies, likewise, in- ctitegates 358 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. structed their de] egates to join in all measures which migh be agreed to in congress, for the advancement of the interests, safety, and dignity of the colonies. sune,. 14. 1On the 7th of' June, Richard Henry Lee, of Vir...ereotion ginia, offered a resolution in congress, declaring that "The ctngresi by United Colonies are, and ought to be, free and independent _Tenry Lee. states;-that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown;-and that all political connexion between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, s. olTe- totally dissolved."'This resolution was debated with great earnestness, eloquence, and ability; and although it finally passed, it at first encountered a strong opposition from some of the most zealous partizans of American liberty. Having at length been adopted by a bare majority, the final consideration of the subject was postponed to the first of July. 3. Comnittee 15.'In the mean time a committee,-consisting of appointed, and for wit Thomas Jefferson; John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, purpose. Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston,-was instructed to prepare a declaration in accordance with the 4. The decla- object of the resolution. 4This paper, principally drawn ration and its adoption. up by Mr. Jefferson, came up for discussion on the first July 4. of July; and, on the fourth, received the assent of the delegates of all the colonies; which thus dissolved their allegiance to the British crown, and declared themselves free and independent, under the name of the thirteen UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 5. Rejoicings 16.'The declaration of independence was every where f the people. received by the people with demonstrations of joy. Public rejoicings were held in various parts of the Union; the ensigns of royalty were destroyed; and nothing was forgotten that might tend to inspire the people with affection for the new order of things, and with the most violent hatred towards Great Britain and her adherents. 6. Military 17.'Before the declaration of independence, General the, tSme of Howe had sailed& from Halifax,-had arrived at Sandy tionofre Heook on the 25th of June,-and, on the second of July, pandence. had taken possession of Staten Island. Being soon after a. June It. b. July 12. joinedb by his brother, Admiral Howe, from England, and by the forces of Clinton from the south, he found himself at the head of an army of 24,000 of the best troops of Europe. Others were expected soon to join him, making, 7. D}egitn of in the whole, an army of 35,000 men.'The design of the British. Zn the British was to seize New Yoik, with a force sufficient to keep possession of the HIudson River, —open a communication with Canada,-separate the Eastern from the Middle States,-and overran the adjacent country at pleasure. PAT? l111. EVENTS OF 1776. 359 18.'To oppose the designs of the enemy, the American 1776. general had collected a fbrce, consisting chiefly of undis- t. Fo.ce,. ciplined militia, amounting to about 27,000 men; but many der the cotm. of these were invalids, and many were unprovided with A.rirfrcansr arms; so that the effective force amounted to but little general. more than 17,000 men.'Soon after the arrival of the 2. Letree-sof fleet, Lord Howe, the British admiral, sent a letter, offer- LSeneal ing terms of accommodation, and directed to " George whingon. Washington, Esq." 19. This letter Washington declined receiving; asserting that, whoever had written it, it did not express his public station; and that, as a private individual, he could hold no communication with the enemies of his country. A second letter, addressed to'" George Washington, &c. &c. &c.," and brought by the adjutant-general of the British army, was in like manner declined.'It appeared, 3. Poaversof however, that the powers of the British generals extended t' Ber//sa no farther than " to grant pardons to such as deserved mercy." 4They were assured, in return, that the people 4. What they were not conscious of having committed any crime in,.e, oaeturne. opposinga British tyranny, and therefore they needed no pardon. A} 20. The British generals, having gained nothing by 5. Their next their attempts at accommodation, now directing their atten-?.oution tion to the prosecution of the war, resolved to strike the first blow without delay.'Accordingly, on the 22d of Aug. 22. 6. Lantding qr August, the enemy landed on the southern shore of Long 6-the eneumy, Island, near the villages of New UtrechtY and Gravesend n;dt ansatTr and having divided their army into three divisions, com- ad- tean menced their march towards the American camp, at camp. Brooklyn, then under the command of General Putnam. 21. 7A range of hills, running from the Narrows to 7. The counJamaica, separated the two armies. Through these hills separated tCh were three passes,-one by the Narrows,-a second by too armies. the village of Flatbush,:-and a third by the way of Flat- 8 Oder of land;~ the latter leading to the right, and intersecting, on thBvt;,,csh the heights, the road which leads from TT Toclf~rdlj to {',,BATTLE OF LONG0 ISLAND. Bedffrdjj to Jamaica.'General Grant, s commanding the left division of the armyrl i VNezv Utrecht is at the W. end of Long Island, near thie Narrows, seven miles below New York City. (&e a -,S1.It-. drap.) [Pronounced Oo-trekt.] t Gravesenod io a hort dietance SE. from Newv Utrecht,; and nine miles from New York. (See Mlap.), [;; w.' h ci~ [: Flatbztsh is five miles S.E. from Noew York. It wsas I C r 5a, near the N.W. boundary of this town that the principal fowil eLt i battle -as fought. (See M'ap.) "I.Flatland is N.E. from the village of Gravesend, and about eight miles S.E. from New York. (See i-ap.), * The village of Bsdford is near the heights, two or Vuwe miles S.E f iom Brooklyn. (See Map,) 360 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK. ANALYSIS. proceeded by the Narrows; General Heister directed tihe centre, composed of the Hessian regiments; and General Clinton the right.: Beginning 22.'Detachments of the Americans, under the commanc of theaeatrte. of General Sullivan, guarded the coast, and the road from Aug. 26 Bedford to Jamaica. On the evening of the 26th, General Aug. 27. Clinton advanced from Flatland,-reached the heights, and, on the morning of the 27th, seized an important defile, which, through carelessness, the Americans had left unguarded. With the morning light he descended with his whole force - by the village of Bedford, into the plain which lay between the hills and the American camp. In the mean time Generals Grant and De Heister had engaged nearly the whole American force, which had advanced to defend the defiles on the west,-ignorant of the movements of Clinton. who soon fell upon their left flank. 2. Result of 23.'When the approach of Clinton was discovered, the he action. Americans commenced a retreat; but being intercepted by the English, they were driven back, upon the Hessians; and thus attacked, both in front and rear, many were killed, and many were made prisoners. Others forced their way through the opposing ranks, and regained S. Washing- the American lines at Brooklyn.'During the action, heaction. Washington passed over to Brooklyn, where he saw, with inexpressible anguish, the destruction of many of his best troops, but was unable to relieve him. I. Losses 24. 4The American loss was stated by Washington at eachide. one thousand, in killed, wounded, and prisoners; and by the British general, at 3,300. Among the prisoners were Generals Sullivan, Stirling, and Woodhull. The loss of 5. The conse- the British was less than 400.'The consequences of the qtus efee tof defeat were more alarming to the Americans than the the Ameri- loss of their men. The army was dispirited; and as large numbers of the militia were under short engage. ments of a few weeks, whole regiments deserted and returned to their homes. S. Next move- 25. On the following daya the enemy encamped in menoe4fhe front of the American lines, designing to defer an attack a. Aug. 28. until the fleet could co-operate with the land troops. 7But thre'`Amte,,i- Washington, perceiving the impossibility of sustaining his cans. position, profited by the delay; and, on the night of the ug. 29, o30. 29th, silently drew off his troops to New York; nor was, it until the sun had dissipated the mist on the following morning, that the English discovered, to their surprise, that the Americans had abandoned their camp, and were s. The Brat- already sheltered from pursuit. 8A descent upon New ehleet. York being the next design of the einemy, a part of their fleet doubled Long Island, and appeared in the Sound 'PARr III.1 EVENTS OF 1776. while the main body, entering the harbor, took a position 1i~6. nearly within cannon shot of tile city. 26.'In a council of war, held on the 12th of Septem-. Concil o her, the Americans determined to abandon the city; and, war. accordingly, no time was lost in removing the military stores, which were landed far above, on the western shore of the Hudson. 5The commander-in-chief retired to the 2. Positions heights of Harleml,* and a strong force was stationed at tze,.c,. le Kingsbridge,t in the northern part of the island. 27.'On the 15th, a strong detachment of the enemy Sept. 15. landed on the east side of New York Island, about three 3. Tl'e eu,,v miles above the city, and meeting with little resistance, -NewU York. took a position extending across the island at Bloomingdale,t five miles north of the city, and within two miles of the American lines.'On the following daya a skirmish 4. Smzmin/i took place between advanced parties of the armies, in tiatfollosie.6 which the Americans gained a decided advaistage; although their two principal officers, Colonel Knowlton and Major Leitch, both fell mortally wounded. 5Washington 5. Its effect con-mmended the valor displayed by his troops on this occa- tar/. sion, and the result was highly inspiriting to the army. 28. 6General Howe, thinking it not prudent to attack 6. Object of the fortified camp of the Americans, next made a move- t.ze.t ment with the intention of gaininlg their rear, and cutting off their communication with the Eastern States. 7With 7. cot.ies this view, the greater part of the royal army left New,tzan-to - York, and passing into the Sound, landedl' in the vicinity b. Oct. 12. of Westchester;~ while, at the same time, three frigates were despatched up the Hudson, to interrupt the American communications with New Jersey.'By the arrival of s. Numzbers new trces, the British'army now amounted to 35,000 oftile esesny. mnen. 29. 9Washing -on, penetrating the designs of the enemy, 9. Posit/os soon with lrew the bulk of his army from New York a,,',intLo.y Island, and extended it along the western bank of Bronx River,lI towards AiWhite Plains;IF keeping his left in ad- Oct. 25. kvance of the British right. 10On the 28th, a partial action i0. Acton at Whl~ite was founht at iWhite Plains, in which the Americans Plaitrs. Harlemn is seven and a half lziles ablove the city, (distance reckoned from the City Hall.) Kingsbbridge is thirteen miles above the city, at the N. end of the island, near a bridge erossing Spuyten Devil Creek: the creek which leads from the Hudson to the HIarlem River. (See Ma;p, next page.) t Blooningdcalte is on the IW. side of the Island. Opposite, on the E. side. is Yorkville. ~ rThi villotge of Westchester is situated on Westchester Ccelk, two miles from the Sound, ih the southern par: of Westchester County, fourteen miles N.E. from New York. The troops landed on Frog's Point, tbout three uiles S.E. of the villae. (See Map. next page.) B!.ronx Itiver rises in W'estchester County, near the line of Connecticut, and after a course of twenty-fire miles, nearly south, enters the Sound (or East River) a little S.W. from ttii village of WVestchester. (See Map, next page.) ~ WVhite Pl/aZs is ill Westchester County, twenty-seven miles N.E. from New York. (Sot Uap, next page.) 4-6 tO2'PTHE REVOLUTION. [Boos 1I ANALYSIS. Nwere driven back with some loss.'Soon after, WVash. 1. W'ashiag- ington changed his camp, and drew up~ his forces on tonf'eloCre the heights of North Castle,* about five miles farther a. Nov. 1. north. l Nea t ilove- 30.'The British general, discontinuing the pursuit,:nent ofthe of t Britisi.gen,- now directed his attention to the American posts on the eal. Hudson, with the apparent design of penetrating into New. Net moRe- Jersey.'Washington, therefore, having first secured the 1 nz-n.i fn strong positions in the vicinity of the Crotont River, and especially that of Peekskill,t crossed the Hudson with the main body of his army, and joined General Greene in his camp at Fort Lee;~ leaving a force of' three thousand men on the east side, under Colonel Magaw, for the de. fence of Fort Washington.ll Nov. 16. 31. 4On the 16th, this fort was attacked by a strong 4. Attlackn, foiie of the enemy, and after a spirited defence, in which Fort Washinglon. the assailants lost nearly a thousand men, was forced to 5. Attemnpt surrender. "Lord Cornwallis crossedb the Hudson at,L, andl ta Dobbs' Ferry,~t with six thousand men, and proceeded b. Novsut. aainst Fort Lee, the garrison of which saved itself by a hasty retreat; but all the baggage and military stores 6. ret7eat of fell into the possession of the victors. tMe AmeriCaeS, an.?d 32. 6The Americans retreated across the Hackensacik,* eondition of the army. and thence across the Passaic,tt Nwith forces daily diminWESTCHESTER COUNTY. * The IHeights ua' Naorit Castle, on which Washington drew up his army, are three or four miles S.W. from the present vilt< 2i > lage of North Castle. (See Ma3p.) | ~ yIb *04 t Thie Croton River enters Hudson River from the east, in the I - st Hsrti& northern part of Westchester County, thirty-five miles north from'NewV York. (See Map.) From this stream an aqueduct has been lA. Odrl |2 - a~~;~q~:." built, thirty-eight miles in length, by which the city of News York l,,l TM at:r.'' h-oas been supplied with excellent water. The whole cost of the 11['t,9t~l ~t ~ ~//K (l.aqueduct, reservoirs, pipes, &c., was about twelve millions of dollars.:' ~ ~,.:? i!p>., $ Peekskill is on the E. bank of the Hudson, near the north-western extremity of W\estchester Couoty, forty-six ifles N. from New York. (See Map, p. 377.) F Fort Lee was onr the wvest side of Hudson River, in the town of iIackensack, N-ew Jersey, three miles southswest from Fort ['~'~;',~ ~ 1~::1'J ashington. and ten nortll from New York. It was built on. a roccky summit, 300 feet above tlhe river. The ruins of the fortress jl /''y'' o'~'~7%5 S.@,r/< \>4~'iv p the IHudson, in Rockllmud Lake, Rockland County,'i.hrq. -0:1:.pthtl~af,?.....{ [X thirty-three miles N. from New York. It pursues a soutklerly collrse, at a distance of fromt bw'i o to six miles AV. from the H:udson., and fall,,..;. xe:.5,into t,:e N. Easterih extremity of Newark Bay.,,.:. five miles west from New York. (See Map, next or-:P,; pag;c.) -[t The Passaic River rises in the central part ti Northeru Nes; Jersey, folws an eastelAy course until it arrives within five miles of the PAnT III.] EVENTS OF 1776. 363 ishing by thue withdrawal of large numbers of the militia, 11776. who, dispirited by the late reverses, returned to their homes, as fast as their terms of enlistment expired; so that, by the last of November, scarcely three thousand troops remained in the American army; and these were exposed in an open country, without intrenching tools, and without tents to shelter them fiom the inclemency of the season. 33.'Newark,* New Brunswick,jt Princeton,t and i. Retreat through New Trenton, successively fell into the hands of the enemy, Jersey, aLnd as they were abandoned by the retreating army; and'hepurit by finally, on the eighth of December, Washington crossed the Delaware, then the only barrier which prevented the British from taking possession of Philadelphia. So rapidly had the pursuit been urged, that the rear of the one army was often within sight and shot of the van of the other. 34.'Congress, then in session at Philadelphia, ad- 2. Course pursued by;ourned~ to.Baltimore,~ and soon after investedb Wash- cosnres. ington with almost unlimited powers, " To order and di- a. Dec. 12. rect all things relating to the department and to the operations of war." 3The British general, awaiting only 3. Po.stionsG,. the freezing of the Delaware to enable him to cross and thtroop seize Philadelphia, arranged about 4000 of his German troops along the river, from Trenton to Burlington. Strong detachments occupied Princeton and New Brunswick. The rest of the troops were cantoned about in the villages of New Jersey. 35. 40n the very day that the American army crossed Dec. 8 the Delaware, the British squadron, under Sir Peter Par- C4 t rt ker, took possession of the island of Rhode Tsland,c together Hopki with the neighboring islands, Prudence,' and Conanicut;C c See lap by which the American squadron, under Commodore Hop- P. 2.6 BEAT OF WAR IN NEW JERSEY. Hackensack, whence its course is S. fourteen miles, until it falls into the N. Western extremity of Newark i Bay. (See Map.) I M * Newark, now a city, and the most populous in New i o Jersey, is situated on the WV. side of Passaic River? bi thi ee miles from its entrance into Newark Bay, and nille miles W. from New York. (See Map.) a~ ii We S t New Brunswick is situated on the S. bank of Bar- I. S. itan:River, ten miles from its entrance into Raritan ": hi,', Bay at Amboy, and twenty-three miles S.W. from New- Co fi e. x -. us iark. It is the seat of Rutgers' College, founded in 1770., i - (See Map.)' i Princeton is thirty-nine miles S.V. firom New- i s i XME ark. It is the seat of the, College of New Jersey," usually called Princeton College, founded at Eliza-?2 cro.u.;i/ bethtown in 1746, afterwards removed to Newark, and,,Br o.....ossicls In 1757, to Princeton. The Princeton Theological Semi- -IBrl% destromn,b hiary, founded in 1812, is also located here. (See Map.) ~ Baltimore, a city of Maryland, is situated on the N. side of the Patapsco River, fourteen Iniles from its entrance into Chesapeake Bay, and ninety-five miles S.W. from Philadelphia /,8ee Map, p. 465.) 364 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK IL, ANALYSIS. kins, was blocked up in Providence River, where it remain. Dec. 13. ed a long time useless.'On the 13th, General Lee, wha 1. Generals had been left in command of the forces stationed on the Lee and tSullivan. Hudson,' having incautiously wandered from the main body, was surprised and taken prisoner by the enemy. His command then devolving on General Sullivan, the latter conducted his troops to join the forces of Washington, which were then increased to nearly seven thousand men., old plan 36.'In the state of gloom and despondency which had /asormehdbi/ seized the public mind, owing to the late reverses of the army, Washington conceived the plan of suddenly crossing, the Delaware, and attacking the advanced post of the enemy, before the main body could be brought to its Dec. a. relief.'Accordingly, on the night of the 25th of Decem3. Halo, t ber, preparations were made for crossing the river, in carried into three divisions. General Cadwallader was to cross at effet Bristol,* and carry the post at Burlington;t General Ewing was to cross a little below Trenton,: and intercept the retreat of the enemy in that direction; while the commander-in-chief, with twenty-four hundred men, was to cross nine miles above Trenton, to make the principal attack. 4. Obstacles 37. "Generals Ewing and Cadwallader, after the most encountered. strenuous efforts, were unable to cross, owing to the extreme cold of the night, and the quantity of floating ice 6. Aceount of that had accumulated in this part of the river.'Washthe enter- ington alone succeeded, but it was three o'clock in the battle which morninga before the artillery could be carried over. The followed; and the re- troops were then formed into two divisions, commanded a. Dec. 26. by Generals Sullivan and Greene, under whom were Brigadiers Lord Stirling, Mercer, and St. Clair. 38. Proceeding by different routes, they arrived at Trenton about eight o'clock in the morning, and commenced a nearly simultaneous attack upon the surprised Hessians, who, finding themselves hemmed in by the Americans on the north and west, and by a small creek and the Delaware River on the east and south, were constrained to lay down their arms, and surrender at discretion. About one f 0 0^8t eric I: _FBristol is a village on the Pennsylvania side of the e Delaware, two miles above Burlington. (See Map, proTRENTO ceding page.) I3, llt Ql\'.gct'@ t B.t1rlinton is on the E. bank of the Delaware, twelve 1776 t b miles S.W. froiorn Trenton, and seventeen NT.E. from PhilI, (100) Roils 17 -\;d. adelphia. (See Map, precedino page.) $:Drento,,, the capikal of New Jersey, is sit,uated on the E. bank of the Delaware Rliver, ten miles S. V. fronm' —,, - -— / Princeton, and twenty-seven N.E. from Philadelphia.'. he Assumrpink Creek separates the city on the S.E. from the boroulhi of South Trenton. (See Maap; and also MIa precedlig' pag'e.) PAtTr III.] EVENTS OF 1776. 365 thousand were made prisoners, and between thirty and l176. forty were killed and wounded. About 600 of the enemy, who were out on a foraging party, escaped to Bordentown.* Among the killed was Colonel Rahl, the commanding officer, 39. 1As the British had a strong force at Princeton, and 1. wasin,-, likewise a force yet remaining on'the Delaware, superior croses Ilte to the American army, Washington, on the evening of the Delaware. sarme day, recrossed into Pennsylvania with his prisoners. 2This unexpected and brilliant success suddenly elevated 2. Effectspro, dyced upon the public mind from despondency to extreme confidence. the mAmeriAbout 1400 soldiers whose terms of service were on the brilliant point of expiring, agreed to remain six weeks longer: and enterprise. the militia from the neighboring provinces again began to join the army. 40. sThe British general, startled by this sudden reani- 3. Its ffect mation of an enemy whom he had already considered van- Britsh genquished, resolved, though in the depth of winter, to recom- eral. mence operations. Lord Cornwallis, then in New York, and on the point of sailing for England, hastily returned to New Jersey, with additional troops, to regain the ground that had been lost. 41. 4Nor was Washington disposed to remain idle. On Dec. 28. the 28th of December he boldly returned into New Jersey, 4. New moQvand took post at Trenton, where the other divisions of the army of army, which had passed lower down, were ordered to ioin him. General Heath, stationed at Peekskill, on the Hudson, was ordered to move into New Jersey with the main body of the New England forces, while the newly raised militia were ordered to harass the flank and rear, and attack the outposts of the enemy. 6The British had fallen 5. Operationm back from the Delaware, and were assembling in great fin themean force at Princeton-resolved to attack Washington in his - quarters at Trenton, before he should receive new reenforcements. 42.'Such was the situation of the opposing armies at e6 Situation of the oppothe close of the year. Only a week before, General sing armies Howe was leisurely waiting the freezing of the De awar theclose of Howe was leisurely wailing the freezng of the Delaware theyear. to enable him to take quiet possession of Philadelphia, or annihilate the American army at a blow, should it not previously be disbanded by the desertion of its militia. But, to the astonishment of the British general, the remnant of the American army had suddenly assumed offensive operations; and its commander, although opposed by far superior forces, now indulged the hope of recovering, during the winter, the whole, or the greater part of New Jersey. * Bordentown Is' on the E. bank of the Delaware, seven miles southeast from Trenton. (N giap, p. 363.) 366 IBooK H. ANALYSIS. CHAPTER IV. Subject of CShaiterE V. E V E N T S OF 1777. 1. Eventson 1. On tne nlght of the first of January, Generals Mifr thefirst of flin and Cadwallader, with the forces which lay at BorJanuary. dentown and Crosswicks,* joined Washington at Trenton, whose whole effective force did not then exceed five thou2. The after. sand men. 2In the afternoon of the next day,a the van of the oon of theext day. army of Lord Cornwallis reached Trenton; when Wash. a. Jan. 2. ington immediately withdrew to the east side of the creekb b. Se36Map which runs through the town, where he drew up his army, and commenced intrenching himself. 2. The British attempted to cross in several places, when some skirmishing ensued, and a cannonading commenced, which continued until nightfall; but the fords being well guarded, the enemy thought it prudent to wait for the reenforcements which were near at hand, designing to advance to the assault on the following morning. 3. Situation 3. sWashington again found himself in a very critical fcan aAm-y. situation. To remain and risk a battle, with a superior and constantly increasing force, would subject his army, in case of repulse, to certain destruction; while a retreat over the Delaware, then very much obstructed with floating ice, would, of itself, have been a difficult undertaking, and a highly dangerous one to the American troops when 4. sagacity pursued by a victorious enemy. 4With his usual saga-,and boade..5s5 city and boldness, Washington adopted another extraordiof Washing- esao ton. 1.ry but judicious scheme, which was accomplished with con;.nmamate skill, and followed by the happiest results. 5. In ohat 4.'iJndlin(r the fires of his camp as usual, and having manner he C eluded the left a small guard and sentinels to deceive the enemy, he e silently despatched his heavy baggage to BR:rlington; and a. Jan. 3. then,c by a circuitous route, unperceived, gained the rear of the enemy, and pressed on rapidly towards Princeton; designing to attack, by surprise, the British force at that place, which was about equal to his own. t, Battleof 5.'A part of the British, however, had already comPrinceton, menced their march, and were met by the Americans, and losses sateinea by at sunrise, a mile and a half from Princeton,t when a brisk conflict ensued, in which the American militia at * Crosswicks is a small village on the south side of a creek of the same name, four miles E from Bordentown. The creek enters the Delaware just N. of Bordentown village. (See Map p. 363.) t This battle was fought on the N.E. side of Stony Brook, one of the head waters of the Raritan, about a mile and a half S W. from Princeton. (See Map, p. 363.) PART III.] EVENTS OF 1777. 367 first gave way; but Washington soon coming up with his 1Bg77. select corps, the battle was restored. One division of the British, however, broke through the Americans; the others, after a severe struggle, and after losing nearly four hundred men in killed and wounded, retreated towards New Brunswick. The American loss was somewhat less than that of the British, but among the killed was the highly esteemed and deeply regretted General Mercer. G.' When the dawn of day discovered to Lord Corn- i. cour-se, f w-allis the deserted camp of the Americans, he immedi- CornwOalls. ately abandoned his own camp, and marched with all expedition towards New vBrunswick; fearing lest the baggage and military stores collected there should f1ll into the hands of tl-le enemy.'As he reached Princeton al-.. Stsvation most at the same time with the American rear-guard, aof eactal rze Washington again found himself in imminent danger. His soldiers had taken no repose for the two preceding days, and they were likewise destitute of suitable provisions and clothing; while the pursuing enemy, besides the advantage of numbers, was supplied with all the conveniences, and even the luxuries of the camp. 7.'Not being in a situation to accomplish his designs 3.. ouen2ents on New Brunswick, Washington departed abruptly from of tWotg-tl Princeton, and moved with rapidity towards the upper and mountainous parts of New Jersey, and finally encamped at Vlorlristown,* where he was able to aflhord shelter and repose to his suffering aimny. 4Cornwallis proceeded di- 4. Of Cor.nrectly to New Brunsvwick, where he found the command-."oa'lls ing officer greatly alarmed at the movements of Washington, and already engaged in the removal of the baggage and military stores. t.'In a fbw days Washington entered the field anew,- 5. succeSSes overran the wvhole northern part of New Jersey,-and of "Fasht'eiS-" nmadle himself nmaster of Newark, of Elizabethtown, and finally of Woodbridge;t so that the British army, which ha.d lately held all New Jersey in its power, and had caused even Philadelphia to tremlble for its safety, found itself now restricted to the two posts, New Brunswick and A lrboy; and compelled to lay aside all thoughts of acting ofi' sively, and study self-defence. ~The people of New 6sin,r,e7, Jers'y, w ho, during, the ascendency of the British, had of the ve-ople who, duriaw the ase of New Jorbeenl t reated with harshness, insult, and cruelty, espe- sey. M lorristone, is a beautiful village, situated on an eminence, thirty-five miles N.E. fralm trilnceton, and ei'hteen w'. fronl'Newark. (See Map.]) p. 63.)? 7Vrao-( trlzJge is a viliaoge near Staten Island Sound, fourteen miles S. from Newark.. (See illap: p.'j63.) t Ani bo (now Perth Amboy) is situated at the head of Raritan Bay, at the conflence,ee laritan River and Staten island Sound, four nilies S. from'Woodbridge. It is opposite th3 outiern point of Staten Island. (See Miap, p. 363.) 368 THtE REVOLUTION. [BooK.[. ANALYSIS. cially by the mercenary Hessian troops, now rose upon their invaders, and united in the common cause of expelling them from the country. 1. Their 9.'In small parties they scoured the country in every sU.S.eS. cdirection,-cutting off stragglers and suddenly falling on the outposts of' the enemy, and in several skirmishes gained considerable advantage. At Springfield,* between,. Jan. 7. forty and fifty Germans were killed,- wounded, or taken, Jan. 20. by an equal numbor of Jersey militia; and on the 20th of January, General Dickinson, with less than five hundred men, defeated a much larger foraging party of the enemy, 2. Measur-e near Somerset Court -louse.t'As no important military tal,cen by enterprise took place on either side during the two or for the hath three months following the battle of Princeton, Washington seized the interval of repose for inoculating his whole army with the small-pox; a disease which had already commenced its dreadful ravages among his troops, but which was thus stripped of its terrors, and rendered harmless. 3. Designs of 10.'Congress in the mean time had returned to PhilaCongress. delphia, where it was busily occupied with measures for enlarging and supplying the army, and for obtaining aid 4.Mr. Deane's from foreign powers. 4So early as the beginning of the ence.t year 1776, Silas Deane, a member of congress from Connecticut, was sent to France, for the purpose of influencing tile French government in favor of America. Although France secretly favored the cause of the Americans, she was not yet disposed to act openly; yet Mr. Deane found means to obtain supplies from private sources, and even from the public arsenals.. Dr. Frank- 11.'After the declaration of independence, Franklin was likewise sent to Paris; and other agents Europe- were sent to different European courts. The distinguished talents, high reputation, and great personal popularity of Dr. Franklin, were highly successful in increasing the general enthusiasm which began to be felt in behalf 6. Course of the Americans. 6His efforts were in the end eminently ta,'by successful: and although France delayed, for a while, aid afforded the recognition of American independence, yet she began to act with less reserve; and by lending assistance in various ways,-by loans, gifts, supplies of arms, provisions, and clothing, she materially aided the Americans, and showed a disposition not to avoid a rupture with England, 7. Lafayette, 12. 7The tardy action of the French court was outolundteers. stripped, however, by the general zeal of the nation Springlield is a small village eight miles WV. from Newvark. (See Map, p. 363.) Somerset Court House was then at the village of Millstone, four miles S. from Somervilt, the present county seat, and eight miles W. from New Brunswick. (See Map, p. 363.) PART 111.1 EVENTS OF 1777. 369 Numerous volunteers, the most eminent of whom was the 177'. young Marquis de Lafayette, offered to risk their fortunes and bear arms in the cause of American liberty. Lafayette actually fitted out a vessel at his own expense, and, in the spring of 1777, arrived in America. He at first enlisted as a volunteer in the army of Washington, declining all pay for his services; but congress soon after bestowed upon him the appointment of major-general. 13.'Although the main operations of both armies were 1. British exsuspended until near the last of May, a few previous Ut2odn. events are worthy of notice. The Americans having collected a quantity of military stores at Peekskill, on the Hudson, in March General Howe despatched a powerful armament up the river to destroy them, when the American troops, seeing defence impossible, set fire to the stores, and abandoneda the place. The enemy landed-c m- a. March23. pleted the destruction,-and then returned to New York.'On the 13th of April, General Lincoln, then April 13. stationed at Boundbrook,* in New Jersey, was surprised 2. Surprise o1 by the sudden approach of Lord Cornwallis ol both sides Gen. Lincoln. of the Raritan.t With difficulty he made his retreat, with the loss of a part of his baggage, and about sixty men. 14.'O30n the 25th of April, 2000 of the enemy, under April 2. the command of General Tryon, late royal governor of 3. Gen. Te yNew York, landed in Connecticut, between Fairfieldt and tion gairst Norwalk.~ On the next day they proceeded against Danbury. Danbury,[[ and destroyedb the stores collected there,- b. April26. burned the town,-and committed many atrocities on the unarmed inhabitants. 4During their retreat they were 4. Retreatof assailedo by the militia, which had hastily assembled in theeenemy. several detachments, commanded by Generals Arnold, Silliman and Wooster. Pursued and constantly harassed by the Americans, the enemy succeeded in regainirgd d. April28. their shipping; having lost, during the expedition, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, nearly three hundred men.'The loss of the Americans was much less; but 5. Lossof te among the number was the veteran General Wooster, Americans. then in his seventieth year. - Boundbrook is a small village about a mile in length, on the N. side of the Raritan, seven mile, N.W. from New Brunswick. The northern part of the village is called Middlebrook. (See Map, p. 363.) t Raritan River, N. J., is formed by several branches, which unite in Somerset County; whencee flowing east, it enters Raritan B]ay at the southern extremity of Staten Island. (See Map, p. 363.). Fairfield. See p. 211. The troops landed at Campo Point, in the western part of the town of Fairfield. ~ Norwalk village is situated on both sides of Norwalk River, at its entrance into the Sound It is about forty-five miles N.E. from New York, and ten tAles S W. from Fairfield. 1I Danbury is twenty-one miles N. from Norwalk. 47 370 THE REVOLUTION. IBooK It. ANALYSIS. 15.'Not long afterwards, a daring expedition was 1. Expedition planned and executed by a party of Connecticut militia, against Sat against a depot of British stores which had been collected Harbor, at Sag Harbor, a post at the eastern extremity of Long Island, and then defended by a detachment of infantry May 22. and an armed sloop. On the night of the 22d of May, Colonel Meigs crossed the Sound, and arriving before a. May 23. day, surpriseda the enemy, destroyed the stores, burned a dozen vessels, and brought off ninety prisoners, without 2. Conduct of having a single man either killed or wounded. 2Congress reoawaded. ordered an elegant sword to be presented to Colonel Meigs for his good conduct on this occasion. 3. Situation 16.'While these events were transpiring, Washington of Washington at this remained in his camp at Morristown, gradually increastime; and i piana of the ing in strength by the arrival of new recruits, and waitenemy. in, the development of the plans of the enemy; who seemed to be hesitating, whether to march upon Philadelphia, in accordance with the plan of the previous campaign, or to seize upon the passes of the Hudson, and thus co-operate directly with a large force under General Burgoyne, then assembling in Canada, with the design of invading the states from that quarter. 4. Precau- 17. 4As a precaution against both of these movements,,.ons ta the northern forces having first been concentrated on the plans. Hudson, and a large camp under General Arnold having been formed on the western bank of the Delaware, so that the whole could be readily assembled at either point, in the latter part of May Washington broke up his winter b. See first quarters, and advanced to Middlebrook,b- a strong posiNote on pre- tion within ten miles of the British camp, and affording a vious page._ tbetter opportunity for watching the enemy and impeding his movements. 5. Movements 18.'General Howe soon after passed over from New of Generaj Hoze. Ftork, wvhich had been his head-quarters during the win. e. Junel. ter, and concentrated~ nearly his whole army at New Bx=rliswick; but after having examined the strength of thue posts whichWashington occupied, he abandoned the S. Attempts to design of assaulting him in his camp. 6-e next, with the igton from design of enticing Wrashington from his position, and bringda osition. ing on a general engagement, advancedd with nearly his d. Juno 14. wnole force to Somerset Court House, with the apparent design of crossing the Delaware. Failing in his object, a few days afterwards he tried another feint, and made as a. J=e 19. rapid a retreat, first' to Brunswick and afterwardsf to Am. f June 22. boy, and even sent over seseveral detachments to Staten Island, as if with the final intention of abandoning New Jersey. t. Advance of 19. 7Washington, in the hope of deriving some advan. Washington. tage from the retreat, pushed forward strong detachments PART III.: EVENTS OF 1777. 371 to harass the British rear, and likewise advanced his 177T. whole force to Quibbletown,* five or six miles from his strong camp at iMiddlebrook.'General Howe, taking ad- i Gen. vantage of the success of his maneuvre, suddenly re- tempt etotake called his troops on the night of the 25th, and the next ldev.~etignov. morning, advanced rapidly towards the Americans; hop- nents. ing to cut off their retreat and bring on a general June 2. action. 20.'Washington, however, had timely notice of' this 2. fTashinr,, movement, and discerning his danger; with the utmost ce- /crw', h, e lerity regained his camp at Middlebrook.'The enemy,al only succeeded in engaging the brigade of Lord Stir- 6mecl"es-of tof ling; which, after maintaining a severe action, retreated eety. with little loss. 4Failing in this second attempt, the British 4. Theirre again withdrew to Amboy, and, on the 30th, passed finally' 3, over to Staten istand; leaving Washington in undisturbed possession of New Jersey. 21. 6A few days later, the American army received s. Captu.reoJ the cheering intelligence of the capture of Major-general Pre.cott. Prescott, the commander of the British troops on Rhode Island. Believing himself perfectly secure while surrounded by a numerous fleet, and at the head of a powerful army, he had taken convenient quarters at some distance from camp, and with few guards about his person. On the night of the 10th of July, Colonel Barton, with July l. about forty militia, crossed over to the island in whaleboats, and having silently reached the lodgings of Prescott, seized him in bed, and conducted him safely through his own troops and fleet, back to the mainland. This exploit gave the Americans an officer of equal rank to exchange for General Lee. 22. OThe British fleet, under the command of Admiral 6. 3ove,nent Howe, then lying at Sandy Hook, soon moved to Prince's ofthie Bitts. Bay,t and thence to the northern part of the island.'This movement, together with the circumstance that 7. Apparent Burgoyne, with a powerful army, had already taken Ti- I',riti,'get conderoga, at first induced Washington to believe that the eraz. design of the British general was to proceed up the Hudson, and unite with Burgoyne. WHaving taken about s. Sationg f 18,000 of the army on board, and leaving a large force, tvensents,. under General Clinton, for the defence of New York, the Vahsngeton. fleet at length sailed from Sandy Hook on the 23d of July, July 23. and being soon after heard firom, off the capes of Delaware, Washington put his forces in motion toward, Philadelphia. Quibbletowvn, now emled New Market, is a small village five miles;E. from Middlebtrool; See Map, p. 363.) t P-ice's pBay is on the S.E coast of Staten Island. 372 THE REVOLUTION. [Boox I, ANALYSiS. 23.'The fleet having sailed up the Chesapeake, siq -Aug-25. troops landed near the head of Elk* River, in Maryland, 1. Faether on the 25th of August, and immediately commenced their pm"67e1ents of the British march towards the American army, whiich had alre'ady anrmny, arrived and advanced beyond Wilmington.'The sut.Dofras- hperior orce of the enemy soon obliged Washington to in,.ton. withdraw across the Brandywine,t where he determined Sept. 11. to make a stand for the defence of Philadelphia.'On. Battle ofyn the morning of the ll1.h of September, the British force, in two columns, advanced against the American position. The Hessians under General Knyphausen proceeded against Chad's Ford,4 and commenced a spirited attack, designing to deceive the Americans with the belief that the whole British army was attempting the passage of the Brandywine at that point. 4. Farther 24. 4Washington, deceived by false intelligence respectsvents of the ~ battle. ing the movements of the enemy, kept his force concentrated near the passage of Chad's Ford; while, in the mean time, the main body of the British army, led by Generals Howe and Cornwallis, crossed the fbrks of the Brandywine above, and descended against the American right, then commanded by General Sullivan; which, being attacked before it had properly formed, soon gave way. The day terminated in the success of all the leading plans of the enemy. a. Sept. 12. 25. 5During the night, the American army retreated to 5. Retreat of Chester,~ and the next day- to Philadelphia; having lost, the Americas,e and during the action, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, more side. than a tholusand men; while the British loss was not half S. PuZas7ci that number. ~Count Pulaski, a brave Polander, who had ettel joined the Americans, distinguished himself in this action; as did also the Marquis La-fayette, who was wounded while endeavoring to rally the fugitives. Congress 7.Nextmove- soon after promoted Count Pulaski to the rank of briga. menht of dier, with the command of the cavalry. I ahin'to'a. PLACES WEST 0O 26. 7After a few days' rest, W~ashington rePHILADELPHIA. solved to risk another general action, before grove. ---' ","~ yielding Philadelphia to the enemy. He therefore recrossed the Schuylkill, and advanced: aElfk River is formed by the union of two small creeks at Elk. one ton, half -way between the Susquehanna and the Delaware, after'Wese r which its course is S. 5W., thirteen miles, to the Chesapeake. al Cester - jt Brandywine Creek rises in the northern part of Chester n o ": s, County, Pennsylvania, and flowing S.E., passes through tbhe nort-hern part of Delaware, unitinlg with Christisana Creek at WVilmington.,l[ 1C73res~or$j, k ( See Mtap; also M1Iap, p. 223.) a Chstea o 4 Charld's Ford is a passage of the Brandlywine, twelty-five mileu S.W. from Philadelphia. (See Map.). Clhester, originally called Upland, is situated on the liV. bank oM Delaware River, fourteen miles S.W. from Philadelphia. (See Iap. PART III.1 EVENTS OF 1777. 373 against the British near Goshen;* but soon after the ad- 1.77. vanced parties had met,' a violent fall of rain compelled a. Sept. 16. both armies to defer the engagement.'A few days 1. General after, General Wayne, who had been detached with 1500 Triseda. men, with orders to conceal his movements and harass the rear of the enemy, was himself surprised at night,i b. Sept. 2,21. near Paoli,t and three hundred of his men were killed. 27. On a movement of the British up the right bank 2. Thenest of the Schuylkill, Washington, fearing for the safety thez two of his extensive magazines and military stores deposited armies. at Reading,t abandoned Philadelphia, and took post at Pottsgrove.~- Congress had previously adjourned to Lancaster. On the 23d, the British army crossed the Schuyl- Sept.!a. kill; and on the 26th entered Philadelphia without oppo- Sept. 26. sition. The main body of the army encamped at Germantown,Il six miles distant. 28.'Washington now passed down the Schuylkill to 3. Battleof Skippack~' Creek, and soon after, learning that the British Gtown. force had been weakened by the withdrawal of several regiments for the reduction of some forts on the Delaware, he attacked the remainder at Germantown, on the 4th of oct. 4 October; but after a severe action, the Americans were repulsed, with the loss of about 1200 men in killed, wounded and prisorers; while that of the enemy was only about half' that number. 4Soon after this event, 4. General General Howe broke up his encampment at Germantown, Phodeaelpiet and moved' his whole force to Philadelphia. c. oct. 19. 29.'No movement of importance was made by either 5. Important army until the 22d of the month; previous to which North. time, important events had transpired in the north, resulting in the total defeat and capture of a powerful British army under General Burgoyne. A connected account of these transactions requires that we should now go back a few months in the order of time, to the beginning of the campaign in the north. 30. 6Early in the spring of 1777, General Burgoyne, 6. Gen. Burwho had served under Governor Carleton in the previous goyne. Go oshen is about eighteen miles W. from Philadelphia, and a short distance E. from West {See Mlap, preceding page.) T Paoiz is a small village nearly twenty miles N.W. from Philadelphia. Two miles S.W. from the village is the place where Gen. Wayne was defeated. A monument has been erected on the spot, and the adjoining field is appropriated to a military parade ground. (See Map, preceding page.) fieadisng is a large and flourishing manufacturing village, on the N.E. branch of the Schuylkill, fifty miles (in a direct line) N.W. from Philadelphia. ~ Pottsgrove is on the N.E. side of the Slchuylkill, about thirty-five miles N.W. from Philadelphia. (See Map, preceding page.) G1 Gezrmaltosw lies on a street three miles long, and is centrally distant six miles N.W. from Philadelphia. (See Map, p. 248.) * Ski2ppack Creek is an eastern branch of Perkiomen Creek, which it enters about twentythroo miles N.W. from Philadelphia. Perkiomen Creek enters the Schuylkill from the N., abure twenty-two miles from Philadelphia. (See Map, preceding page.) 374 THIE REVOLUTION. [Bo3os IL ANALYSIS. campaign, arrived& at Quebec; having received the comrn a. May 6. mand of a powerful force, which wasdesigner to invade the states by the way of Lake Champlain and the Hudsoil. June 16. 31. On the 16th of June, Burgoyne, at the head of his Hs army. army, which consisted of' more than seven thousand British and German troops, and several thousand Canadians and Indians, left St. John's for Crown Point, where he esb. Arrived tablishedb magazines; and then proceeded to investe TiJulie 80. c. Jui 2. conderoga.*'At the' same time a detachment of abouta. Expedition two thousand men, mostly Canadians aud Indians, proScaulyl/te ceeded by the way of Oswego, against Fort Schuylelr, on d. N. p. 376. the Mokawlk; hoping to make an easy conquest of that post, and afterwards to rejoin the main army on the Hudson. 2 Course 32. 20On the approach of the enemy, General St. Clair, Pursued by St. Clair. who commanded at Ticonderoga with a force of but little more than 3000 men, unable to defend all the outworks, 3. Investment withdrew to the immediate vicinity of the fort.'The rof de. British troops, now extending their lines in front of the peninsula, invested the place on the northwest; while their German allies took post on the opposite side of the lake, in the rear of Mount Independence, -which had like. wise been fortified, and was then occupied by the Amei4. Design of icans.'St Clair had at first contemplated the erection of rt. rDefiace fortifications on Mount Defiance, which commands the peabandoned. ninsula; but finding his numbers insufficient to garrison any new works, the design was abandoned. 5. Fortified by 33.'The English generals, perceiving the advantage the British. that would be gained if their artillery could be planted on the summit of Mount Defiance, immediately undertook the e. July 5. arduous work; and on the fifthe of the month the road was completed, the artillery mounted, and ready to open its 6.Evaocua- fire on the following morning.'St. Clair, seeing no postion of Ticen- sibility of a longer resistance, immediately took the resolution to evacuate the works, while yet it remained in his f. July 5,. power to do so. Accordingly, on the nightf of the fifth,VCINTYoF —.A rat. e opposite side of the Lake, (See Map.) PART IHI.1 EVENTS OF 1777. 375 of July, the fires were suffered to burn out, the tents were 1l77. struck, and amid profound silence the troops commenced their Yetreat; but, unfortunately, the accidental burning of a building on Mount Independence, revealed their situation to the enemy. 34.'On the following day, the baggage, stores, and pro- 1. Retreat visions, which had been embarked on South River, or of theeAi esiWood Creek,~ were overtaken and destroyed at Skeenes- ans borough." The rear division of the main body, which b Note p. had retreated by way of Mount Independence, was over- 348,.nd7, taken at Hubbardton,* on the morning of the 7th, and after July 7. an obstinate action, was routed with considerable loss. At length the remnants of the several divisions arrivedc at c. July 12. Fort Edward, on the Hudson, the Head-quarters of General Schuyler; having lost, in the late reverses, nearly two hundred pieces of artillery, besides a large quantity of warlike stores and provisions. 35.'Unable to retain Fort Edward with his small 2. courseof General force, which then numbered but little more than four Schuyler thousand men, General Schuyler soon after evacuated that post and gradually fell back along the river until he had retired to the islands at the mouth of the Mohawk.'Here, by the arrival of the New England militia under 3. Reen.forceGeneral Lincoln, and several detachments from the regu- eed by him. lar army, his number was increased, by the middle of August, to thirteen thousand men. 4The celebrated Po- 4. Kosc/iusko lish hero, Kosciusko, was in the army as chief engineer. 36. 5General Schuyler, in his retreat, had so obstructed 5. Ditficulties the roads, by destroying the bridges, and felling immensef B trees in the way, that Burgoyne did not reach Fort Edward until the 30th of July. 6Here finding his army July 30. greatly straitened for want of provisions, and it being dif- 6. His attempt ficult to transport them from Ticonderoga, through the anizny wilderness, he despatchedd Colonel Baum, a German offi- d. Aug.6. cer of distinction, with 500 men, to seize a quantity of stores which the Americans had collected at Benning-,on.t 37.'This party, being mete near Bennington by Colo- 7 Defeat o1 lel Stark, at the head of the New Hampshire militia, was near Benmtirely defeated; and a reenforcement which arrived the eninuttol darne day, after the discomfiture, was likewise defeated oy Colonel Warner, who fortunately arrived with a continental regiment at the same time. The loss of the enemy in the two engagements was about seven hundred men,* Hubbardton is in Rutland Co., Vermont, about seventeen miles S.E. from Ticonderoga. t Bennington village, in Bennington County, Vermont, is about thirty-five miles S.E. from Fort Edward. The battle was fought on the western border of the town of Bennington, and partly within the town of Hoosick, in the state of New York 376 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK 11, &NALYSIS. the greater part prisoners,-while that of the Americans.. was less than one hundred. 1.:eect of 38.'The battle of Bennington, so fortunate to the Bennington. Americans, caused a delay of the enemy at Fort Edward nearly a month; during which time news arrived of the 2. Siege and defeat of the expedition against Fort Schuyler.* 2This,fet scu-of fbrtress, under the command of Colonel Gansevoort, being Aeg. invested' by the enemy, General Herkimer collected the militia in its vicinity, and marched to its relief; but falling b. Aug. 6. into an ambuscade he was defeatecl, and mortally wounded. At thlie same time, however, a successful sortie from the fort penetrated the camp of the besiegers, killed many, and carried off a large quantity of baggage. Soon after, on the news of the approach of Arnold to the relief of the fort, the savage allies of the British fled, and St. Leger was c. Aug 22. forced to abandonu the siege. 3. Next move- 39. 3About the middle of September Burgoyne crossedd mzent of Burgoryne. the H-.Tudson with his whole army, and took a position on d. Sept. 13, 14. the heights and plains of Saratoga.- 4 Gene'ral Gates, who 4. Positions of the t0o0 had recently been appointed to the command of the northarnzeo. eran American army, had moved forward from the mouth of the Mohawk, and was then encamped near Stillwater.4 Burgoyne continued to advance, until, on the 18th, he a. Pirsl battle had arrived within two miles of the American camp. On of Stillwater. Sept. 19. the 19th of September some skirmishing commenced beFORT SCtUYLER. * Fort Schuyler was situated at the head of navi. - -,/,:_' o:,. gation of the Mohawk, and at the carrying place be-,- /..o ~ rv' ^t tween that river and BWood Creek, whence boats passed:w — -"-'; &,..; it......-t.' to Oswego. In 1758 Fort Stanwix was erected on the d..~ndt,n ~- ~spot; but in 1776 it was repaired and named Fort:ir'':, ~ vS'~: Schusyler. The fort occupied a part of the site of the present village of Rome,' in Oneida County. It has &ls.; been confound.led by somie with a Fort Schuyler *hich - dw i4x tS A=Z was built, in the French wars, near the place where - i -k si ca-A.: a, tA Utica now suands, but which, at the time of the revL oliution, had gone to decay. (See Map.);-Z~'F~/, ~]';;.-2 "-5-. t Q?SaIrctoga is a town on the west bank of the HudzLr \g cIsi.M MM1 ffg l c son, frcem tweenty-six to thirty-two miles north from IAlbany. Fish Creek runs through the northern part of the town. On the north side of its entrance I rS~eylrl F r0^ into the HIudson is the village of Schuylerville, inlmediately south of which, on the ruins of Fort |' *5JC5jt HI + Hardy, which was built during the French and In s-IZ " al8.;; dian wars, occurred the surrender of Burgoyne. 90 R ) A~tTOUA Yb,' The place then called Saratoga was a small settleIT uament on the south side of Fish Creek.-(The map on the left shows the towns of Saratoga and Still-.Ffi o w- -water, with the locality of the battles of Sept. 12th - and Oct. 7th; that on the right, the canmps of Gates and Burgoyne, at, the time of the surrender wmith t Tle town of Stillwvater is on the TW. bank of 201 oN w? igrtalz9NM tohe Iludson, from eighteen to tvwenty-six miles T.r I. froA!l 6-lhaly.'he -illfage of the same namq aljoins the river, about twenty-one miles N. fronm,v', OWAgt.( —~I;-'~a / lb y In this towvn, three or four miles N. frorm -Stii'unztr /, Cxtro~7l 2 | ther villal.e, were fought the battles of Sept. 19tI 0h~a7ei ff~iS:1 > s M anld Oct. 7th. (See iMap.) PART I11.] EVENTS OF 1777. 1777 tween scouting parties of the two armies, which soon 177'. brought on a general battle, that continued three hours without any intermission. Night put an end to the contest. The Americans withdrew to their camp, while the enemy passed the night under arms on the field of battle. Both parties claimed the victory, but the loss of the enemy was the greatest. 40.'Burgoyne now intrenched himself for the purpose 1. Situatim of awaiting the expected co-operation of General Clinton, goys8f Baurfrom New York. His Canadian and Indian forces began to desert him, and, cut off in a great measure from the means of obtaining supplies of provisions, he was soon obliged to curtail his soldiers' rations.'On the 7th of ott. 7. 2. Bsttle of October, an advance of the enemy towards the American the 7th or left wing, again brought on a general battle, which was Ottober. fought on nearly the same ground as the former, and with the most desperate bravery on both sides; but at length the British gave way, with the loss of some of their best officers, a considerable quantity of baggage, and more than four hundred men, while the loss of the Americans did not exceed eighty. 41. 3On the night- after the battle the enemy fell back a. Oct.7, 8. to a stronger position, and the Americans instantly occu- 3.,r7toftove. pied their abandoned camp. 4Soon after, Burgoyne re- t"o arImes. tiredb to Saratoga, and endeavored to retreat to Fort Ed- stances that ward; but finding himself surrounded, his provisions re- Brgompelled duced to a three days' supply, and despairing of relief surrender. from General Clinton, he was reduced to the humiliating necessity of proposing terms of capitulation; and, on the 17th of October, he surrendered his army prisoners of Oct. 17. war. 5. Advanta42.'The Americans thereby acquired a fine train of gesand hapbrass artillery, nearly five thousand muskets, and an im- this victory. mense quantity of other ordinary implements of war. The 6. Thenext news of this brilliant victory caused the greatest exulta- objiect of tion throughout the country, and doubts were FORTS ON THE HUDSON. no longer entertained of the final independence >. of the American colonies. 43.'The army of Gates was immediately put''I-:'/ ~[ in motion to stop the devastations of General | -A Clinton, who' had proceeded up the Hudson with II' a force of 3000 men, with the hope of making a'-es; diversion in favor of Burgoyne. 7Forts Clinton* and Montgomery, after a severe assault, fell into [11I * Fort Clinton was on the W. side of the Hudson River, at the I, northern extremity of Rockland County, and on the S. side of Pe-. " ploaps Kill. On the'horth side of the same stream, in Orange )i Vounty, was Fort Jlontgoonery. (See3 iiij X 48 378 TilE REVOLUTION. [Boox I1 ANALY~Is. his hands,, — and the village of' Kingstont' was wantonly 7. Movements burned, —but on hearing the news of Burogoyne's sur., of Genernta render, Clinton immediately withdrew to New York.'AI Clinton. a. Oct. 6. the same time, Ticonderog a and all the forts on tlie northb. N. P. 225 ern frontier were abandoned by the British, and occupied 1. TheNorth- by the Americans. "In the latter part of Octobel, i1000 e.r posts. of tile victorious troops of the north proceeded to join the 2. Destination of the troops army of Washington; and we now returnd to the scene ft. See north. of events in the vicinity of Philadelphia. 3. The cn 44. "A short distance below Philadelphia, the AmeriDelawfthe. cans had fortified Forts Miftlin* and Mercer,t on opposite sides of the Delaware, by which they retained the cotm mnand of the river, and thus prevented any communication between the British army and their fleet, then moored at the head of Delaware Bay. 4. Defence 45. "Both these forts were attacked by the enemy on and atandon- the 22d of October. The attack on Fort Mercer, thenD ment of Forts Mcrcer and garrisoned by less than 500 men, was made by nearly 2000 Hessian grenadiers, who, after forcing an extensive outvork, were finally compelled to retire with a loss of nearly 400 of their number. The Hessian general, Count Donop, was mortally wounded, and fell into the hands of the Americans. The attack, on Fort Mifflin was at first alike unsuccessful; but after a series of attacks, the fort e. Nov. I6. was at length abandoned,e — the garrison retiring to Fort f. Nov. 18. Mercer. In a few days Fort Mercer was abandoned,f and the navigation of the Delaware was thus opened to the enemy's shipping. rolovenentsof 46. Soon after these events, WVashington advanced to the tws.o White Marsh,: where numerous unsuccessful atternptsg g.From the were made by Howe to draw him into an engagement'd to the 8th of Dec. after which, the British general retiredh to winter quarh. Dec. 8. ters in Philadelphia. 6Washington encampedi at Valley i. Dec. 11 Forge,~ where his troops passed a ria'orous winter, sufier6. Distresses. of the Ameri- int extreme distress, from the wvant of suitable supplies of 7. Resirna- food and clothing.'Many officers, unable to obtain tieir imnurrs;.r- pay, and disheartened with the service, resigyned thei' e Peln 1Fort Miain was at the lower extremity of Miucd Islansd, ne-a Dzasrmsec In A%: i i2f the Pennsylvania side of tie Delaware, seven or eight niiOes be-,.~t'/-i:',\,'/YAltt-tae7J low Pl'hiladelphia. It is stil lkept in repair, and is ga.rrisonied ly j U. S. troops. (See MIap, p. 248.) /;4cnof t...Fort.l'iercer, now in ruins, was a littile above, at Red DBank, 4 rt Micelr} on the New Jersey side, tand little m0ore tihllan mile distant st[./,'ic,' _' " 7 7 from1 Fort IJifflin. It was then, andc is now, eishrouded by a ~5".,J4G 2 ) gloomy pine fhrust. (See M.'ap.) ZI0Sodiefrs 6V e Site 4 ljtnrs/ t is sittuated on W diisahieoin Creek,. eleven rmiles N.\V. fiorom Phtilade p'i:t. (See I;tL),, p. 248.) V~ alley Forge is a deep and rugged hollow, on the S.'Wl. side of tile Scllaiyllill, twenctv miles N.W. from Philadelphia. Upon the mountainous flanks of this valley, anld upon a vas plain which overlooks it and the adjo.inicg country, thle army of ialsaincrtcn encanlpe l Through the valley flowvs alley Creek. At its junction witlh the Schuylkill is now the sma! village of Valley Forge (See MIap, p. 372.) PART II1]3 EVENTS OF 1777. 379 commissions; and murmurs arose in various quarters, not 177''. only in the almy, but even among powerful and popular leaders in congress. 47.'The brilliant victory at Saratoga was contrasted De*ig,,n to with the reverses of Washington in New York, New Jer- Go6. Washsey, and Pennsylvania; and a plot was originated for placing General Gates at the head of the armies. Washington, however, never relaxed his exertions in the cause of his country; and the originators of the plot at length received the merited indignation of the army and the people. 48. 2After the colonies had thrown off their allegiance 2..ecest iy to the British crown, and had established separate govern- of union ments in the states, there arose the farther necessity amongthe for some common bond of union, which would better enable them to act in concert, as one nation.'In the sum-:3. Proposition mer of 1775, Benjamin Franklin had proposed to the Franklin American congress articles of confederation and union among the colonies; but the majority in congress not being then prepared for so decisive a step, the subject was for the time dropped, but was resumed again shortly before the declaration of independence, in the following year. 49. 40n the 11th of June,a congress appointed a com- 4. Action oJ Congress remittee to prepare a plan of confederation. A plan was specting a reported by the committee in July following, and, after Pflaleiofon. various changes, was finally adopted by congress on the a. 1776. 15th of November, 1777. "Various causes, the principal 5 Raticaof which was a difference of opinion with respect to the ar~tices of confederation disposition of the vacant western lands, prevented the im- bytheStates. mediate ratification of these articles by all the states; but at length those states which claimed the western lands having ceded them to the Union, for the common benefit of the whole, the articles of confederation were ratified by Maryland, the last remaining state, on the first of March, 1781; at which time they became the constitution of the country. 50.'The confederation, however, amounted to little 6. Character of the-reonfed, more than a mere league of friendship between the states; eration. for although it invested congress with many of the powers of sovereignty, it was defective as a permanent government, owing to the want of all means to enforce its decrees. 7WXhile the states were bound together by a sense 7. Whatledato of common danger, the evils of the plan were little noticed; thes 9ystes. I out after the close of the war they became so prominent us to make a revision of the system necessary.b b. See p. 410 3aS~~~~~~~~~~~0 ~[Boox H. ANAL'fSI9. CHAPTER V. subjectof EVENTS OF 1778. Chapter V. E E T S F 1 7 8 i. Expecta- 1.'PREvIous to the defeat of Burgoyne, the British Brith/fml,- ministry had looked forward, with confidence, to the vainzopposi- speedy termination of the war, by the conquest of the retiwo to their bellious colonies. The minority in parliament endeavored, in vain, to stay the course of violent measures, and the warlike policy of the ministers was sustained by powerful 2. Effect pro- majorities in both houses. 2But the unexpected news of,ur.end ahof the surrender of the entire northern British army, proBurtxoyfe. duced a great change in the aspect of affairs, and plunged the nation into a dejection as profound as their hopes had been sanguine, and the promises of ministers magnificent. 3. Conceita- 2.'Lord North, compelled by the force of public opinion, tory bills of Lord yNorth. now came forward' with two conciliatory bills, by which a. Feb. England virtually conceded all that had been the cause of controversy between the two countries, and offered more than the colonies had asked or desired previous to the declaration of independence. These bills passed rapidly M. Warch 11. through parliament, and received the royal assent. 4. Proposals 3.'Commissioners were then sent to America, with pro. get cadthe posals for an amicable adjustment of differences; but'r ltt. these were promptly rejected by the congress, which refused to treat with Great Britain until she should either withdraw her fleets and. armies, or, in positive and express a. Unworthy terms, acknowledge the independence of the states.'One {the comm.n of the commissioners then attempted to gain the same ends sioner&. by private intrigue and bribery,-which coming to the knowledge of congress, that body declared it incompatible with their honor to hold any correspondence or intercourse with him. 6. Treaty 4.'Soon after the rejection of the British terms of acwith France. commodation, congress received the news of the acknowledgment of American independence by the court of France, and the conclusion of a treaty of alliance and comFeb. 6. merce between the two countries.'The treaty was signed 7,el,. a' the sixth of February, by Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, when rati- and Arthur Lee, on the part of America, and was ratified by congress on the fourth of May following. 8. stipula- 5. 8In the second part of the treaty it was stipulated, treaty. that should war occur between France and England, the two parties should assist each other with council and with arms, and that neither should conclude truce or peace PART III.] EVENTS OF 1778. 381 with Great Britain without the consent of the other.'This 1tV7~S. treaty was considered equivalent to a declaration of war 1. Hot this by France against Great Britain; and the two European trety woaa powers made the most active preparations for the approaching contest. 6,'A French fleet, under command of Count D'Estaing, 2. First hoswas despatched" to America, with the design of blockading tl France. the British fleet in the Delaware, while Washington should a. April 18. hold the land forces in check in New Jersey.'But Ad- 3. The,novemiral Howe had already anticipated the scheme, and be- miral Howe fore the arival of D'Estaing, had sailed fbr New York, Clinton. where all the British forces had been ordered to concentrate. General Clinton, who had succeeded General H[owe in the command of the land forces; evacuated Philadelphia on the 18th of June, and with about eleven thou- June 18. sand men, and an immense quantity of baggage and provisions, commenced his retreat towards New York. 7. 4Washington, whose numbers exceeded those of Clin- 4. Of Wasaton, followed cautiously with the main body of his army, ington while detachments were sent forward to co-operate with the Jersey militia in harassing the enemy, and retarding their march.'The commander-in-chief was anxious to try 5. General a general engagement, but his opinion was overruled in a pre7veented. council of officers. 6Nevertheless, when the British had 6. Ordera give, Lee. arrived at Monmouth,* Washington, unwilling to permit them to reach the secure heights of Middletown-t without a battle, ordered General Lee, who had been previously exchanged, to attack their rear..'O0n the morning of the 28th, the light-horse of La- 7. Events ct fayette advanced against the enemy, but, being briskly ofthe 28tih charged by Cornwallis and Clinton, was forced to fall back. Lee, surprised by the sudden charge of the enemy, ordered a, retreat across a morass in his rear, for the purpose of gaining a more favorable position; but part of his troops, mistaking the order, continued to retreat, and Lee was compelled to follow, briskly pursued by the enemy. At this moment, Washington, coming up, and both surprised and vexed at observing the retreat, or rather flight of the troops, addressed Lee with some warmth, and ordered him to rally his troops and oppose the enemy. s3onnouth, now the village of Freehold, in Mon- BNTTLE OF MIONMIOUTH. mouth County, is about eighteen miles S.E. from - New Brunswick. The principal part of the battle:En iesh!To-w weas fought about a mile and a half N.W. from the Ree village, on the road to Englishtown. (See Map; alsot...n -- -,i MIop, p. 863.)'. i lfiddletownl is a small village twelve miles N.E. a -o ttle GBo l *.. froim Monmouth, on the road to Sandy Hook. The coW0i> anv, Heigh's mentioned are. the Nevisink Hills, bor- ~. h' l dering Sandy Hook 3ay on the south. (See Map, _il-,,-'__-_r,,X p 63 ) 382 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. 9.'Stung by the reproaches of his general, Lee made.,- PToges extreme exertions to rally, and, having disposed his troops,andend of on more advantageous ground, opposed a powerful check fix conte.t. to the enemy, until at length, overpowered by numbers, he was forced to fall back, which he did, however, without any confusion. The main body soon coming up in separate detachments, the battle became general, and was. svents of continued until night put an end to the contest. 2Wash1/ followving night. ington kept his troops under arms during the night, designing to renew the battle on the coming morning; but Clinton, in the mean time, silently drew off his troops, and proceeded rapidly on his route towards New York. 3. Looses 10.'The British left upon the field of battle about three sunzneIe hundred killed; while the loss of the Americans was less than seventy. On both sides many died of the intense heat of the weather, added to the fatigue of the day. ~.. Conduct of 4General Lee, who had been deeply irritated by the reprien. Lee mand of Washington on the day of battle, addressed to him two haughty and offensive letters, demanding repa. 5. His arrest, ration.'The result was the arrest of Lee, and his trial, trial, A by a court martial, on the charges of disobedience of orders, misbehavior before the enemy, and disrespect to the commander-in-chief. He was found guilty, and was suspended from his command one year. He never rejoined the army, but died in seclusion at Philadelphia, just before the close of the war. 6. subse- 11.'After the battle of Monmouth, the British proeelt of the ceeded without farther molestation to Sandy Hook, whence tO''armies. they were taken on board the British fleet, and transporta. July 5. ed~ to New York. Washington proceeded to White Plains, where he remained until late in autumn, when he retired b. N. p. 369. to winter quarters at Middlebrook,l in New Jersey.'On..Fletetof the 11th of July the fleet of Count D'Estaing appeared taing,- off Sandy Hook, but being unable to pass the bar at the entrance of New York Bay, was forced to abandon the design of attacking the British fleet, and, by the advice of Washington, sailed for Newport, in Rhode Island., ThleBrit. 8Soon after the departure of D'Estaing, several vessels ~t~iheel, arrived at New York, and joined the British fleet; when Admiral Howe, although his squadron was still inferior to that of the French, hastened to lRhode Island for the relief of General Pigot. t Movemnents 12. 9In the mean time General Sullivan, with a detach of Generals SOulslvS menit fr'om Washington's army, and with reenforcements Leqayette. from New England, had arrived at Providence, with the design of co-operating with the French fleet in an attack on the British force stationed at Newport. Sullivan was subsequently joined by Generals Greene and Lafayette PART III, EVENTS OF 1778. 3~.8 and the army took post at Tiverton,a whence, on the 9th 1tt78. of August, it crossed the eastern passage of the bay, and. N. p. 193, landed on the northern part of Rhode Island.b and p'a1. 13. 1A. simultaneous attack by land and sea ilad been ). N. p. 217. planned against the British; but, on the morning of the i.,t1,at -re tenth, the fleet of Lord Howe appeared in sight, and D'Es- antack. Aug. I0. taing immediately sailed out to give him battle.'W;Vhile 2 Aa,,.l, each commander was striving to get the advantage of po- gagement O i}re vented. sition, and at the very moment when they were about to engage, a violent storm arose, which parted" the combat- c. Aug. 12. ants, and greatly damaged the fleets. 14. 30n the 20th, D'Estaingr returned to Newport, but Aug. 2. soon saileda to Boston to repair damages, contrary to the taken by the strong remonstrances of the Americans. The British d. Ag.22. fleet returned to New York. 4General Sullivan, in the 4. The arm?n7 mean time, had advanced to the siege of Newport, but Oftein seeing the allied fleet retire, he was forced to withdraw tisc his army. The English pursued, and attackede hinm in e. Aug. 29 the northern part of the island, but were repulsed with considerable loss. On the night of the 30th Sullivan re- Aug. 30. gained the mainland, narrowly escaping being intercepted by General Clinton, who arrived the nextf day, with a f. Aug. 31 force of four thousand men and a light squadron, for the relief of Newport. 15. 5Finding Newport secure, General Clinton return- 5. Expzed,ed to New York, and soon after detached General Grey Gr;ey ani on an expedition against the southern shores of Massachu- tuson. setts, and the adjoining islands. Arrivingg in Buzzard's g. Sept.. Bay,* a place of resort for American privateers, he burned about seventy sail of shipping,-destroyed a large amount of property in New Bedfordt and Fair Haven, and made a descenth upon Martha's Vineyard. A similar h Sept. 7. expedition,i under the command of Captain Ferguson, was i. Sailed;oon after undertaken against Little Egg Harbor,t in ept. 30. New Jersey, by which a considerable amount of stores fell into the handsi of the enemy. i. Oct. 6. 16.'In the early part of the summer, a force of about 6 Attac7c on 1600 tories and Indians, under the command of Col. John Wy7soiu:g. Fiutler and the Indian chieftain Brandt, appeared near the flourishing settlements in the valley of Wvyomling,~~ situated * Buzzard's Bay lies on the S. coast of Massachusetts, E. from Rhode Island, The d.istance from the head of this bay across the peninsula of Cape Cod is only five miles. Nt New Bedford is a large village on the west side of an arm of the sea that sets up from Buz7trd's Bay. A bridge near the centre of the; village connects it with Fair Haven on the B. side of the stream. i Little Eg Iirsarbor Bay. River, and Town, lie at the southeastern extremity of Burlington Co, about sixty-five miles south from Sa;ndy Hook. The British troops passed about fifteen miles up tile river. ~ The namne W'yosssing was applied to a beautiful valley on both sides of the Susquehanna in the present county of Luzerne, Pennsylvania. The small village of Wyoming is 0(.. the IW wide of the eusqluohanna, nearly opposite ~Wilkesbarre. THE REVOLUTION. [Buoox I ANALYsIs. on the banks of the Susquehanna. About 400 of the seta. July3. tiers, who marched out to meet the enemy, were defeatedt with the loss of nearly their whole number. The fort at Wyoming was then besieged, but the garrison, being drawn out to hold a parley with the besiegers, was attacked, and b. July 4. nearly the whole number was slain.b 1. Farther 17.'The remnant in the fort, having sent a flag of cruelties of lhaassaiants. truce to know what terms must be expected, received in reply, " The hatchet." When compelled to surrender at last, their women. and children were shut up in the houses and barracks, and consumed in one general conflagration. The last fort offered no resistance, and shared the same fate. All the settlements were then ravaged and desolated by fire and sword, with the most cold-blood.. ed and remorseless barbarity. The tories appeared to vie with, and even to surpass the savages in these scenes of horror. - Retatiatory 18.'A retaliatory expedition was undertaken in Octoexpeditions. ber, against the Indians on the upper branches of the Susquehanna; and one early in the following year, by Col. Clark, against the settlements established by the CanadiS. Their suc- ans west of the Alleghanies.'The tory settlers, filled Ce"I with dismay, hastened to swear allegiance to the United States; and the retreats of the hostile tribes on the Wabash* were penetrated, and their country desolated. 4. Attack on 19. -4in November, a repetition of the barbarities of Vltey. Wyoming was attempted by a band of tories, regulars, e. Nov. 11, 12. and Indians, who made an attackc upon the Cherry Valleyt settlement in New York. 3MTany of the inhabitants were killed, and others were carried into captivity; but the fort, containing about two hundred soldiers, was not 5. Remainder taken.'These excursions were the only events, requirof the year p Stene of ing notice, which took place in the middle and northern ehvented sections of the country during the remainder of the year 1778. The scene of events was now changed to the south, which henceforth became the principal theatre on which the British conducted offensive operations. S. Movemnts 20.'Early in November the Count D'Estaing sailedd of t.estlet for the West Indies, for the purpose of attacking the Brit.. d. Nov. 3. ish dependencies in that quarter. On the same day, the e. Nov. 3. British admiral Hotham sailedl from Sandy Hook; and in December, he was followed by Admiral Byron, wha * The WIabaslh Iriver rises in the western part of Ohio, and after running a short distance N.W. into Indiana, passes S.W. through that state, and thence S. to the Ohio River, forming about half the western boundary of Indiana. Cherry Valley, town and village, is in Otsego Co., N. Y., fifty —two miles W. from Albany, and about fifteen S from the Mohawk rtiver.. It was first settled in 1740. The luxurisaun growth of Wild Cherry gave it the name of Cherry Valley, which was for a, time applied to a lBrge Section of country S. and W. of the present village. PaRr 111.1 EVENTS OF 1779. 385 had superseded Admiral Howe in the command of the:717S. British fleet.'In November Col. Campbell was despatch- 1. Colonel ed- from New York, by General Clinton, with a force of seCta,ztl about 2000 Pmen, against Georgia, the lost feeble of the Geor-ia. southern provinces. 21.'Late in December the troops landedh' near Savan- 2. Loss of Savannah nah, which was then defended by the American general, b. Dec. 29. RPobert Howe, with about 600 regular troops, and a few hundred militia. General Howe had recently returned from an unsuccessful expedition against East Florida, and his troops, still enfeebled by disease, were in a poor condition to face the enemy. Being attacked~ near the city, c. Dec. 29. and defeated, with the broken remains of his army he retreated up the Savannah, and took shelter by crossing into South Carolina. 22.'Thus the capital of Georgia fell into the hands of 3. Result ot b the cagnthe enemy;-the only important acquisition which they pain. and the relative had made during the year. The two hostile armies at the positiona of north, after two years' maneuvering, had been brought tnes atits back to nearly the same relative positions which they oc- close. cupied at the close of 1 776; and the offending party in the beginning, now intrenching himself on New York Island, was reduced to the use of the pickaxe and the spade for defence. 4TH the language of Washington, " The hand of 4. Holo thTis Providence had been so conspicuous in all this, that he viewed by who lacked faith must have been worse than an infidel; Washng and he, more than wicked, who had not gratitude to acknowledge his obligations." CHA:PTER V1. EVLNTS OF 1 7 7 9. Subject qof Chapter VI. 1..'T'he military operations during the year 1779, were 1779. azrls ed on in three separate quarters. The British force 5. Operatiosn at the south was engaged in prosecuting the plan of re 1779, h-ea, ducing Georgia and South Carolina; the forces of Wash- condUClol ington and Clinton were employed in the northern section of the Union,; and the fleets of France and England contended for superiority in the WVest Indies. 2.'Soon after the fall of Savannah, General Prevost, tEsventd with a body of troops from East Florida, capturedd the fort ed the fall of at Sunbury,* the only remaining military post in Georgia; d. Jan. 9. * Sunbury is on the S. side of Moedway River, at the head of St, Catharine's Sound, about ~twenty-eight miles S.W. from Savannah. 49 t388 THE REVOLUTION. 2Boo.a: 11 ANALYSIS. after which, he united his forces with those of Colonel - - f Campbell, and took the chief command of the southern British army. An expedition which he sent against Port a. Note and Royal,' in South Carolina, was attacked by the Carolinians Miap, p. 129. under General Moultrie, and defeated with severe loss. 1 Advance oj 3.'In order to encourage and support the loyalists, large Ate i ta. numbers of whom were supposed to reside in the interior and northern portions of the province, the British advancec 2. Bory of to- to Augusta. 2A body of tories, having risen in arms, and riesr u'delrd' Cotl Btyd having placed themselves under the command of Colonel defeated Boyd, proceeded along the western frontiers of Carolina in or4er to join the royal army, committing great devastations and cruelties on the way. When near the British posts, they were encountered* by Colonel Pickens at the head of a party of Carolina militia, and, in a desb. Feb. 14. perate engagement, were totally defeated.b Colonel Boyd was killed, and seventy of his men were condemned to death, as traitors to their country,-but only five were executed. 3. Expedition 4.'Encouraged by this success, General Lincoln, w ho.e coln. had previously been placed in command of the southern avan ta. department, and who had already advanced to the west bank of the Savannah, sent a detachment of nearly 2090 men, under General Ash, across the river, for the pur. pose of repressing the incursions of the enemy, and confining them to the low country near the ocean. 4. Defeatof 5. 4Having taken a station on Brier Creek,t Generaj. March. Ash was surprised and defeated' by General Prevost, with the loss of nearly his whole army. Most of the militia, who fled at the first fire of the enemy, were either drowned in the river, or swallowed up in the surrounding 6. General marshes. GThe subjugation of Georgia was complete: revnost, and General Prevost now busied himself in securing the farther co-operation of the loyalists, and in re-establishing, for a brief period, a royal legislature. 8. Situation 6.'Although, by the repulse at Brier Creek, General and farther T ad.esiga of Lincoln had lost one-fourth of his army, yet, by the extreme Ov Linc;i'n. exertions of the Carolinians, by the middle of Aprlil he was enabled to enter the field anew, at the head of more than five thousand men. Leaving General Moultrie to watch d. Aprl23. the movements of General Prevost, he commenced' his march up the left bank of the Savannah, with the design of entering Georgia by the way of Augusta.,o0veanzns 7.'General Prevost, in the mean time, had marched.:futhe t,.0 upon Charleston, before which he appeared on the 11th of * At Kettle Creek, on the S.W. side of the Savannah River. t Brier areek enters;he Savannah from the west, fiity-thres miles N. from Savannah. Tba,attle was fought on th1 N. bank, near the Savannah. PaRT 1IT.1 EVENTS OF 1779. 387 May, and, on he following day; summoned the town to 1779. surrender; but the approach of Lincoln soon compelled him to retreat. On the 20th of June the Americans attacked" a division of the enemy actvantageously posted at a. June o the pass of Stono Ferry,* but, after a severe action, were repulsed with considerable loss. The British soon after established a post at Beaufort,b on Port Royal Island, after b. so, May which the main body of the army retired to Savannah. " A The, unhealthiness of the season prevented, during several months, any farther active operations of' the two armies. 8.'While these events were transpiring at the South, l. The Jsra" the forces of Clinton, at the North, were employed in vari- of Clin;on. ous predatory incursions;-ravaging the coasts, and plundering the country, with the avowed object of rendering the colonies of as little avail as possible to their new allies the French. 9. 2In February, Governor Tryon, at the head of about 2. Gov. Try1500 men, proceeded from Kingsbridgeb, as far as Horse tiotoPC odn Neck, in Connecticut, where he destroyed some salt works,`ectict. asd and plundered the inhabitants, but otherwise did little dam- Npe. age. General Putnam, being accidentally at Horse Neck,d hastily collected about a hundred men, and having d N. p. 224. placed them, with a couple of old field-pieces, on the high and ap, p ground near the meeting-house, continued to fire upon the enemy until the British dragoons were ordered to charge upon him; when, ordering his men to retreat and form on a hill at a little distance, he put spurs to his steed, and plunged down the precipice at the church; escaping uninjured by the many balls that were fired at him in his descent. 10. 3In an expedition against Virginia, public and.pri- 3. Expedition vate property, to a large amount, was destroyed' at Nor- againit r-a. folk, Portsmouth,t and the neighboring towns and villages, e. May 14. -the enemy every where marking their route by cruelty and devastation. 41n an expedition up the Hudson, con- of4. Cedittion ducted by General Clinton himself, Stony Point+ was the iudson. f. May 31. abandoned,f and the garrison at Verplank's Point~ was g. June 1. forced to surrenders after a short but spirited resistance. 5. Second exBoth places were then garrisoned by the enemy. etv. Tryon 11.'Early in July, Governor Tryon, with about 2600 ntecteut. * Stono Ferry, ten miles W. from Charleston, is the passage across Stono River, leading from John's Island to the mainland. t Portsmnouth, Virginia, is on the west side of Elizabeth River, opposite to, and one mile distant from Norfolk. (See Norfolk, p. 352.) - Stony Point is a high rocky promontory at the head of Haverstraw Bay, on the W. bank of IHudson River, about forty miles N. from New York. A light-he use has been erected on the site of the old fort. (See Map, p. p7.) Verplank's Point is an the E. side f the Hudson River, nearly opposite Stony Point. (See Map, p. 877.) 388 THE REVOLUTION. [Boox IL ANALYSIS. men, was despatched against the maritime towns of Con. ee p. 211 necticut. In this expedition New Haven- was plundered," b. July 5. and East Haven, Fairfield, and Norwallk, were reduced a. 7th-12th. to ashes.,C Various acts of cruelty wvere committed on the defenceless inhabitants; and yet the infamous Tryon boasted of his clemency, declaring that the existence of a single house on the coast was a monument of the king's mercy. 1. Retapture 12.'While Tryon was desolating the coasts of Cohnee. fPost. ticut, the Americans distinguished themselves by one of the most brilliant achievements which occurred during the war. This was the recapture of Stony Point, on the July 15. Hudson. 20On the 15th of Julv General Wayne advanced 2. Time and plan of th, against this fortress, and arrived at the works in the eveattack. ning, without being perceived by the enemy. Dividing his force into two columns, both marched in order and silence, with unloaded muskets and fixed bayonets. S. Success of 13.'As they were wading through a deep morass, tre.eri which was covered by the tide, the English opened upon them a tremendous fire of musketry, and of cannon loaded 15th, 16th. with grape shot; but nothing could check the impetuosity of-the Americans. They opened their way with the bayonet,-scaled the fort,-and the two columns met in the 4. The losses centre of the works. 4The British lost upwards of six on each ide. hundred men in killed and prisoners, besides a large amount of military stores. The American loss was about one hundred. 5. Pazulus 14.'Soon after the taking of Stony Point, Major Lee d. July 9 surprisedd a British garrison at Paulus Hook,*-killed 6. By uohat thirty, and took one hundred and sixty prisoners.'These these succes- successes, however, were more than counterbalanced by counterbaz- an unsuccessful attempt on a British post which had re7. The attace cently been established on the Penobscot River.'A flotilla on Penobscot. Of 37 sail fitted out by Massachusetts, proceeded against e. Arrived the place.e After a useless delay, during a siege of 15 July25. days, the Americans were on the point of proceeding to the assault, when a British fleet suddenly made its appear.. f. Aug. 13. ance, and attackedf and destroyed the flotilla. Most of the soldiers and sailors who escaped made their way back by land, through pathless forests, enduring the extremities of hardship and suffering. 8. Hostilities 15.'The Six Nations, with the exception of the Cneidas, ofthetSiNa- incited by British agents, had long carried on a distress. B. EzXpedition ing warfare against the border settlements. 9To check their sent against thenm. depredations, a strong force under the command of Cetn.. Paulus Rook, now Jersey City, is a point of land on the W. side of the I-Hudson, opposite Now York City. (See Map, p. 220.) PART III.] EVENTS OF 1779. 389 eral Sullivan, was sent against them during the summer 171r9. of this year. Proceedinga up the Susquehanna, from a. July. Wyominfg, with about three thousand men, at Tioga Point* he was joined' by General James Clinton, from the banks b. Aug. u. of the Mohawk, with an additional force of 1600. 16.'On the 29th of August they found a body of In- Aug.B29. dians and tories strongly fortified at Elmira,t where was of the Ciefought the " Battle of the Chemung," in which the enemy were defeated with such loss that they abandoned all thoughts of farther resistance.'Sullivan then laid waste 2. Nextmeaothe Indian country as far as the Genesee River,' burned ofSullivan. forty villages, and destroyed more than one hundred and Aug., Sept. fifty thousand bushels of corn. r'The Indians were great- 3 Effectof thi ly intimidated by this expedition, and their future incur- expedition. sions became less formidable, and less fiequent. 17. 4Early in September, the Count D'Estaing, returning 4 The siegd of Savannah, from the West Indies, appearede with his fleet on the coast c. Sept. 9. of Georgia, and soon after, in concert with the American force under General Lincoln, laid siege to Savannah. After the expiration of a month, an assault was maded on d. Oet. 9.. the enemy's works, but the assailants were repulsed with the loss of nearly a thousand men in killed and wounded. Count Pulaski, a celebrated Polish nobleman, who had espoused the cause of the states, was mortally wounded. 18. 6The repulse from Savannah was soon followed by 5. Eventsthat he abandonment of the enterprise-Count D'Estaing again rfotowd_ the lepartinge with his whole fleet from the American coast, Savannah. and General Lincoln retreatinge into South Carolina. e. Oct. a Late in October, Sir Henry Clinton, fearing an attack from the French fleet, ordered his forces in Rhode Island to withdraw to New York. The retreatf was effected f. Oct. 25. with so much haste, that the enemy left behind them all their heavy artillery, and a large quantity of stores. 19. 6During the summer of this year, Spain, anxious to 6 Declararecover Gibraltar,~ Jamaica, and the two Floridas, seized tion ofspar bY the favorable opportunity for declaringg war against Great g. June 16. Britain.'An immense French and Spanish armada soon 7 Attempt to after appearedh on the coast of Britain, with the evident inva, Grea design of invading the kingdom; but a variety of disasters h. Aug. defeated the project. 8. lehat de20.'At the very time when a landing was designed at Ply- project. * Tioga Pint is at the confluence of the Tioga River and the Susquehanna, in the north ~rn part of Pennsylvania. The village of Athens now occupies the place of Sullivan's encampment. t Elanira, formerly called Newtown, is situated on the N. side of the Chemung or Tioga River, about twenty miles N.WV. from'Tioga Point. t The Genesee River rises in Pennsylvania, and running N. through New York, enters Lake Ontario seven miles N. of Rochester. ~ Gibraltar is a well known, high anwl narrow promontory, in the S. of Spain, on tl e strait which connects the Atlantic with the MI titerranean. (See Map, p. 429.) 390 THE REVOLUTION. [BoOKr 1 ANALYSIS. mouth, a violent gale' from the northeast drove the com. a. Aug. bined fleet firom the channel into the open sea. Added ta this, a violent epidemic, raging among the soldiers, swept:. Siegeof o fff more than five thousand of their number.'The im. Gcbraltar, portant post of Gibraltar, however, was soon after besieged See p. 429. by the combined fleets of France and Spain, and the siege was vigorously carried on, but without success, during most of the remaining three years of the war. Sept. 23. 21. 20On the 23d of September, one of the most bloody X. Naval bat- naval battles ever known was fought on the coast of Scotcoast of Scot land, between a flotilla of French and American vessels under the command of Paul Jones, and two English frig 3. Events of ates that were convoying a fleet of merchantmen.'At the battle. half past seven in the evening, the ship of Jones, the Bon b.Good Man Homme Richard,b of 40 guns, engaged the Serapis, a Rchard. British frigate of 44, under command of Captain Pearson. The two frigates coming in contact, Jones lashed them together, and in this situation, for two hours, the battle ra.. ged with incessant fury, while neither thought of surren. dering. 22. While both ships were on fire, and the Richard on the point of sinking, the American frigate Alliance came up, and, in the darkness of the night, discharged her broadside into the Richard. Discovering her mistake, she fell with augmented fury on the Serapis, which soon surrendered. Of three hundred and seventy-five men that were on board the vessel of Jones, three hundred were killed or wounded. The Richard sunk soon after her crew had taken possession of the conquered vessel. At the same time the remaining English frigate, after a severe engagement, was captured. 4. Result of 23. 4Thus terminated the most important military events eventsoftf7T7. of 1779. The flattering. hopes inspired in the minds of the Americans, by the alliance with France in the former year, had not been realized; and the failure of every scheme of co-operation on the part of the French fleet, had produced a despondency of mind unfavorable to great 5. Condition exertions.'The American army was reduced in number. of the, A4nerican armyand and badly clothed; the national treasury was empty; conthe people. gress was without credit; and the rapidly diminishing value of the paper currency of the country, brought distress upon all classes,-occasioned the ruin of thousands, and even threatened the dissolution of the army. e Resources 24. 60n the part of Britain, a far different scene was of Great Briain, and her presented. Notwithstanding the formidable combination renewed e. - * rrtions for the of enemies which now threatened her, she displayed the 6conquestof most astonishing resources, and made renewed exertions for the conquest of the colonies. Parliament voted for the PART IlI.] EVENTS OF 1780. service of the year 1780, eighty-five thousand seamen, 17SO. and thirty-five thousand troops, in addition to those already abroad; and, for the service of the same year, the -House of Commons voted the enormous sum of one hundred millions of dollars. CHAPTER VII. EVENTS OF 1780. Subject " Chapter VII. 1.'DurING the year 1780, military operations were 1. sceneof mostly suspended in the North, in consequence of the mt.l'ttaoyYPe':ransfer of the scene of action to the Carolinas.'Late in tihe yer i780. 2 Movementi December of the previous year, Sir Henry Clinton, leav- of Gen Clining General Knyphausen at New York, sailed" with the t/o thpe ow bulk of his army to the South, under convoy of Admiral nthe se, -ofJ Arbuthnot, and arrived on the coast of Georgia late in chlDlesto,. January. On the 10th of' February he departed from 17as. Savannah for the siege of Charleston, then defended by General Lincoln, and after takinog possessionb of the b. Feb. 11. islands south of the city, crossede the Ashley River with c. March 29 the advance of the army, and on the first of April corn- April 1. menced erecting batteries within eight hundred yards of tte American works. 2. 2On the 9th of April, Admiral Arbuthnot, favored April. by a stronr, southerly wind and the tide, passed Fort Moul- 5. AdirlItl trie with little damnage, and anchored his fleet in Charlestoll harbor, within cannon shot of the city. 4A sumlmonsd 4. S-uzmmon, to surrender being rejected, the English cpenied. their bat- to d9,relnder. teries upon the town. 6The Americans, in the mean time, 5. GCe. Hluin order to form a rallying point for the militia, and, pos- l.Zetachen sibly, succor the city, had assembled a corps under the sentagainit conmmiand of General Hus'or on the upper part of Cooper RiveC', at a )place called Monk's Corner." Against this Post Clinton sent a deta-chment of fourteen hundred men, ucomman del l d by Webster, Tarleton, and Ferguson, which su:cceeded in surprisingl the party,-putting the whole to e. April 4. lightt,-and capturing a large quantity of arms, clothing, and amrmuniltion. 3.'Soon at er, an American corps was surprisedr on oftZ Bsre t the Saant-e;e' by Colonel Tarleton. The enemy overran f.l May 6. -Jonk's CrnloTir is on the W. side of Cooper Rtiver, thirty miles N. from Charleston. (Se far,. next page.),Saatee Lt, ver, the principal river of South Carolina, is formed by the confluence of th$ 392 THE REVOLUTION. [Boox I1L ANALYe, S. the country on the left side of the Cooper River, —Fort -May <. Moultrie surrendered on the 6th of May,-and Charleston thus found itself completely inclosed by the British forces, with no prospect of relief, either by land or by sea. In this extremity, the fortifications being mostly beaten down, May 12. and the enemy prepared for an assault, on the 12th of May the city surrendered. General Lincoln and the troops under his command became prisoners of war. 1. E.pedi- 4.'Having possession of the capital, General Clinton into tlz cun-n made preparations for recovering the rest of the province, try bOy c- and for re-establishing royal authority. Three expeditions which he despatched into the country were completely successful. One seized the important post of Ninety-six;* another scoured the country bordering on the Savannah; while Lord Cornwallis passed the Santee, and made himCo. Col. Bu- self master of Georgetown.- 2A body of about 400 reford. publicans, under Colonel Buford, retreating towards North Carolina, being pursued by Colonel Tarleton, and overa. May29. takena at Waxhaw Creek,: was entirely cut to pieces. B. Sucess of'Many of the inhabitants now joined the royal standard; cause, and and Clinton, seeing the province in tranquillity, left Lord depcartureof Cornwallis in command of the southern forces; and, early Clinton. b. June 5. in June, with a large body of his troops, embarkedb for New York. 4. How the 5. 4But notwithstanding the apparent tranquillity which British were annoyed. prevailed at the time of Clinton's departure, bands of patriots, under daring leaders, soon began to collect on the frontiers of the province, and, by sudden attacks, to give much annoyance to the royal troops. 5Colonel Sumpter, I. cot. Sump- in particular, distinguished himself in these desultory ex-. July~. cursions. In an attack0 which he made on a party of SEAT Op WAR IN SOUTH CAROLINA. British at Rocky Mount~ he was p I WrA, Tmateree from the E. and the Congaree from Mnp se ridoy,>h \ I Sthe W., eighty-five miles N.\V. fronm CharlesPo f~ery\~i~Th -'-'Y-'-'-."" ton. Runnnin- S.E. it enters tho Atlantic itfAs 1)ld y "~-yock 1 erq about fifty miles N.E. from Charleston. (Sea v> >'B~Map.) ala e,~ and Abbeville counties, S. Carolina, five miles Qa,~f Aizz IrR W:HeF E X S.W. from the Saluda River, and 150 miles t N.,T from Charleston. (See IMap.) n Georg-etowos is on the W. bank of the 0+-p5-Q3t1b it ll IBM_<> eJAN~ Peclee, at its entrance into Winyaw Bay, i0 A O A tit-sabout sixty miles N.E. from Charleston D1s, (See Map.) ijferiaep o G, -b f 3 Waohaow Creek, rising in North Carolina ~,j..,,,,.k.x7x,,o,, enters the W-rateree or the Catawba from the jU,' C'oJbz'~erL l B~., o155 miles N.W. from Charleston. (See'cc"! "~.i'~' ity of the present Fairfield County, on the ________________ Xg///g i rom calesnt is at the northen extrem "?t / W~~-l T~~V. bank of th; Waaterre, 1a,) miles N.W';_,,.~_Z r_____:,_ _from Charleston (See Map.) PART 111.] EVENTS OF 1780. 1393 repulsed, but not disheartened. He soon after surpri- 17SO. sed and completely defeated~ a large body of British reg- a. Aug. 6. ulars and tories posted at Hanging Rock.*'This parti-. Effects of san warfare restored confidence to the republicans,-dis- tn!:faie. heartened the loyalists,-and confined to more narrow limits the operations of the enemy. 6.'In the mean time a strong force firom the North, 2. Aiovemen-ts under General Gates, was approaching for the relief of fatdon?. the southern provinces. The British general, Lord B? wdon, on receiving tidings of the approach of Gate%, concentrated his forces at Camden,t where he was soon after joinedb by Lord Cornwallis from Charleston. On the b. Aug. 13,14. night of the 15th of August, Gates advanced from Clermont,4 with the view of surprising the British camp. At the same time Cornwallis and Rawdon were advancing from Camden, with the design of surprising the Americans. 7.'The two vanguards met in the night near Sanders' 3. Battle of Creek, when some skirmishing ensued, and in the morn- Creek. ing a general engagement commenced~ between the two c. Aug. 6. armies. The first onset decided the fate of the battle. The Virginia and Carolina militia wavering, the British charged them with fixed bayonets, and soon put them to flight; but the Maryland and Delaware regiments sustained the fight with great gallantry, and several times compelled the enemy to retire. At length, being charged in the flank by Tarleton's cavalry,-surrounded,-and overwhelmed by numbers, they were forced to give way, and the rout became general. 8. 4The Americans lost in this unfortunate engagement, 4. Losses o each party in in killed, wounded, and captured, about a thousand men, this action. besides all their artillery, ammunition wagons, and much of their baggage.~ The Baron de Kalb, second in command, was mortally wounded. The British reported their loss at three hundred and twenty-five. WVith the rem- Gates. nant of his forces Gates rapidly retreated to Hillsboro',11 6' suom.pter's in North Carolina. BATTLE oF SaNDERS' CREEK 9.'The defeat of Gates was soon followed, i.. L * Haenging Sock is a short distance E. fron the Catawba or r. I Wateree River, in the present Lancaster County, and about thirty-, Sive miles N. from Camnden. (See MIap. preceding page.) Ace. ft Canden is on the E. bank of the'Wateree, 110 miles N.W'.W., rle; 1 from Charleston. The battle of the 16th took place a little N. /t;i j; from Sanders' Creek, about eight miles N. from Camden. (See., MIap; also Map, preceding page.) k-7'?.. Cnlermont is about thirteen miles N. from Camden. (See hMap, preceding page.) -nde1's;, ~ (The British accounts, Stedman, ii. 210, Andrews iv. 30, &c.)' l estimate the Amel lean loss at about 2000.) - 11 Hittllsboro', in N. Carolina, is situated on one of the head branches of the Neuse River, thirty-five miles N. W. fromn Ra leigh. 5O 394 THE REVOLUTION. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. by the surprise and dispersion of Sumpter's corps. This -- officer, who had already advanced between Camden and Charleston, on learning the misfortune of his superior retired promptly to the upper parts of Carolina, but at Fishing-Creek* his troops were surprised by Tarleton's a. Aug. 18. cavalry, and routed' with great slaughter. 1. Measures 10.'Cornwallis, again supposing the province subdued, Cornwalls. adopted measures of extreme severity, in order to compel a submission to royal authority. Orders were given to hang every militia man who, having once served with the British, had afterwards joined the Americans; and those who had formerly submitted, but had taken part in the re. cent revolt, were imprisoned, and their property was taken. Effect of from them or destroyed. 2But these rigorous neasures thuzess- failed to accomplish their object; for although the spirit of the people was overawed, it was not subdued. The cry of vengeance rose from an exasperated people, and the British standard became an object of execration. 3. Col. Ferguf 11.'In September, Cornwallis detached Colonel Ferwarty. guson to the frontiers of North Carolina, for the purpose of encouraging the loyalists to take arms. A considerable number of the most profligate and abandoned repaired to his standard, and, under the conduct of their leader, committed excesses so atrocious, that the highly exasperated militia collected to intercept their march, and arming themselves with whatever chance threw in their way, attacked the party in the post which they had chosen at 4. Battle, of King's Mountain.t 4The attackb was furious, and the deMountain. fence exceedingly obstinate; but after a bloody fight, b.Oct.7 Ferguson himself was slain, and three hundred of his men were killed or wounded. Eight hundred prisoners were taken, and amongst the spoil were fifteen hundred stands of arms. The American loss was about twenty. 5. Successes 12.'Notwithstanding the defeat of General Sumpter,.uwi[pter. he had again collected a band of volunteers, with which he continued to harass the enemy; and although many plans were laid for his destruction, they all failed in the. Nov. 2, execution. In an attacke which was made on him by Riverad Major Wemys, the British were defeated, and their commanding officer taken prisoner.t On the 20th of November he was attacked by Colonel Tarleton, at Blackstocks,~ * Fishing Greek enters the Wateree from the W., about thirty miles N.W. from Camden (See Map, p. 392.) t lKing's Mo1u1ntain is an eminence near the boundary between N. Carolina and S. Carolina, W. of the Catawba River. (See Map, p. 392.) l This occurred on tile eastern bank of Broad River (a northern branch of the Congaree.) ai ai place called Fishdam Ferry, 52 miles N W. from Camden. (See Map, p. 392.) Blackestocks is on the southern bank of Tiger River (a western branch of Broad River,) in the western part of Union County, seventy-five miles N.W. from Camden. (See Map. p. 892.) (There is another place called Blackstocks in Chester County, forty miles east from this.) PART HI.]3 EVENTS OF 1780. 39.5 but after a severe loss Tarleton was obliged to retreat, l170. leaving Sumpter in quiet possession of the field. 13.'Another zealous officer, General Marion, likewise l. Gen. Ma. distinguished himself in this partisan warfare, and by'ioncutting off straggling parties of the enemy, and keeping the tories in check, dill the American cause valuable service. 2No farther events of importance took place in the 2 Events d*aSouth during the remainder of the year, and we now re-' ofnd~. oe' turn to notice the few which occurred during the summer the year. in the northern provinces. 14.'Early in June, five thousand men, under General 3. Generna Kn'yphauKlnyphausen, passeda from Staten Island into New Jersey, Se,'s..exedition into Nlero -occupied Elizabethtown,-burned Connecticut Farms, * Jersety. — and appeared before Springfield; but the advance of a a. June 7. body of troops from Morristown, induced them to withdraw. Soon after, the enemy again advanced into New Jersey, but they were met and repulsed by the Americant at Springfield. 15. 4On the 10th of July the Admiral de Ternay ar- 4..,rr'rvl of rived at Newport,b with a French fleet, having on board TeJnny7, and six thousand men, under the command of the Count de opelitrys Rochambeau. Although high expectations had been in- dzin,-thre-o dulged from the assistance of so powerful a fbrce against the season. the enemy, yet no enterprise of importance was under- b. 1hodad taken, and the operations of both parties, at the North, were mostly suspended during the remainder of the season. 16.'While defeat at the South, and disappointment at 5. Dngers:S the North, together with the exhausted state of the finan- zatenisti ces, and an impoverished country, were openly endanger- the uie,asaeg ing the American cause, domestic treachery was secretly plotting its ruin.'The traitor was Arnold; —one of the 6 Wlho oea first to resist British aggression, and, hitherto, one of the az; owhat 7is most intrepid defenders of American liberty. In recom- saidofhim. penso for his distinguished services, congress had appointed him commandant at Philadelphia, soon after the evacuation of that city by the Englis:h. 17. 7Here he lived at great expense, indulged in ga- 7.',ie hons ming, and, having squandered his fortune, at length ap- and echracter propliated the public funds to his own uses. Although 17ds the convicted by a court-martial, and reprimanded by WVash- he iedaitated ington, he dissembled his purposes of revenge, and having obtained the command of the important fortress of West Point,t he privately engaged to deliver it into the hlands * Connectiaut Farm7s, now called Unions, is six miles S.W. from Newark, on the read from Plliza.bethtovn to Springfield. - Tile importaLnt fortress of West Point is situated on the west bank of the Hudson, fity-two miles froim New York City. It is the seat of the United States Military Academy, establisahi' my act of Congress in 1802. (See Map, p. 877.) 396 THE REVOLUTION. [Boox U ANALYSlS. of the enemy, for 10,000 pounds sterling, and a commission as brigadier in the British army. a1. MaorAn- 13.'To lMajor Andre, aid-de-camp to Sir Henry Clin. ton, and adjutant-general of the British arm;y, a young and amiable officer of' uncommon merit, the business of 2. c(,rcum- negotiating with Arnold was intrusted.'Having passed wtances under wohich heotwa Up the Hudson, near to West Point, for the purpose of oadne.Pis- holding a conference with the traitor, and being obliged a. Sept. 23. to attempt a return by land; when near Tarrytown* he was stoppeda by three militia soldiers,-John Paulding, David Wiiliams, and Isaac Van Wert; who, after searching their prisoner, conducted him to Colonel Jameson, 3. Arnold's es- their commanding officer. 3Andre was incautiously sufcape. fered to write to Arnold; when the latter, taking the alarm, immediately escaped on board the Vulture, a Brit. ish vessel lying in the river. 4. Thefate of 19. 4The unfortunate Andre was tried by court-marAndre. tial; upon his own confession he was declared a spy, and, agreeably to the laws and usages of nations, was con5. What more demned to death.'Arncld received the stipulated reward.olsai.Ar of his treason; but even his new companions viewed the traitor with contempt, and the world now execrates his Thzecap- name and memory. 6Each of the captors of Andre ret0od ofn.- ceived the thanks of congress, a silver medal, and a pensiolr for life. 7. Circmn- 20. 7In the latter part of this year, another European whtaich Egnaer power was added to the open enemies of England. Holand deezlred land, jealous of the naval superiority of Britain, had long war against s Bain Holland. been friendly to the American cause; she had given encouragement and protection to American privateers, and had actually commenced the negotiation of a treaty with congress, the discovery of which immediately called forth b. Dec. 20. a declarationb of war on the part of England. 8. Situation 21. 8Thus the American Revolution had already involof Englancd ved England in war with three powerful nations of Euat this period. E d rope, and yet her exertions seemed to increase with the occasions that called them forth. Parliament again granted a large amount of money for the public service of the coming year, and voted the raising of immense armaments by sea and land.. Tarrytown is on the E. bank of the Hudson, tpwenty-eight miles N. from New York. (Sc Map, p. 862.) Andre was arrested about a quarter of a mile N. from the village. He was exe cuted and buried on the W. side of the river, a quarter of a mile w est from the 7illage of Taly pan, a few xods south of the New Jersey line. PA.: T Ili] SURRENDER OF LORD CORNWALLIS. (See page 406.) CHAPTER VIII E V E N T S O FP 1 7 Chpter VIIII. 1.'TIHE condition of the army of Wvashington, at the. Relative situatio? of bk ginning of the year 1781, was widely different from that the two arof the royal forces under the command of Clinton. While mbein't thef the latter were abundantly supplied with all the necessaries this igar and comforts which their situation required, the former were suffering privations arising from want of pay, clothing, and provisions, which at one time seriously threatened the very existence of the army. 2.'So pressing had the necessities of the soldiers become, 2 Revolt o. that, on the first of January, the whole Pennsylvania line of vae nit'oop. troops, to the number of one thousand three hundred, abandoned their camp at Morristown,-declaring their intention of marching to tlhe place where congress was in session, in order to obtain a redress of their grievances. 3.'The officers being unable to quell the sedititon, the 3. Coure tamutineers proceeded in a body to Princeton, where they meitiee rt. were met by emissaries from Sir Henry Clinton, who sought to entice them into the British service. Indignant at this attempt upon their fidelity, they seized the British agents, and delivered them to General Wayne, to be treated as spies. 4. 4A committee from congress, and also a deputation 4.; Driulthe from the Pennsylvania authorities met them, firlt at Prince- agjwsttdi. ton, and afterwards at Trenton; and after liberal con 398 THE REVOLUTION. [Boos IL ANALYSIS. cessions, and relieving their necessities in part, induced those whose terms of service had not expired, to return to I. Offerof their duties, after a short furlouygh.'Beingo offered a re, reward wewrd for apprehending the British emissaries, they nobly refused it; saying, that their necessities had forced them to demand justice firom their own government, but they desired no reward for doing their duty to their country against her enemies.. Effect of 5. 2This mutiny, and another in the Jersey line which aad one Tin. was instantly suppressed, aroused the attention of the states, elne. and of congress, to the miserable condition of the troops, and called forth more energetic measures for their relief 3. By uhat 3Taxation was resorted to, and readily acquiesced in; oneans thea oantsofthe and money, ammunition, and clothing, were obtained in arzTy were Europe; but the most efficient aid was derived fiom the exertions of Robert Morris, a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia, whom congress had recently appointed superintendent of the treasury. 4. Robert 6.'He assumed the collection of taxes, contracted to bjen,ft at. furnish flour for the army, and freely used his own ample means and personal credit to sustain the government. In the course of the year the Bank of North America was established under his care, which exerted a highly beneficial influence upon the currency, and upon public credit. It has been asserted, that to the financial operations of Robert Morris it was principally owing that the armies of America did not disband, and that congress was enabled to continue the war with vigor and success. 5 Arnotd'8 7. 5Early in January of this year, General Arnold, then dneredationa a briogadier in the royal army, made a descent upon TVir. ginia, with a force of 1l00 men, and such a number of armed vessels as enabled him to commit extensive ravages a. Jan. 5. on the unprotected coasts. Having destroyed' the public. N. p. 162. stores in the vicinity of Richmond,b and public and private c. Jan. 20. property to a large amount in different places, he entered' a. N. p. 387. Portsmouth,5 which he fortified, and made his head-quarters; when a plan was formed by Washington to capture him and his army. ~ Attempt to S.'Lafayette, with a force of 1200 men, was sent into,eane2ht-, Virginia; and the French fleet, stationed at Rhode Island, ure. sailede to co-operate with him; but the English being apprized of the project, Admiral Arbuthnot sailed from New f. March 16. York,-attackedc the French fleet, and compelled it to return to Rhode Island. Thus Arnold escaped from the imn. minent danger of falling into the hands of his exasperated 7. Gen. Piz.t countrymen.'Soon after, the British general Philips ar,,s', rivedg in the Chesapeake, with a reenforcement of 2)06G g. March 26. men. After joining Arnold he took the command of the PART 111.] EVENTS OF 1781. 399 forces, and proceeded to overrun and lay waste the coun- I1S1. try with but little opposition. 9.'After the unfortunate battle near Camden, men- i Changem of tioned in the preceding chapter,a congress thought proper the battle of zn -~- -- 1-I ~ —---— bCamden. to remove General Gates, and to appoint General Greene a. See. p. 393. to the command of the southern army. 2Soon after taking 2. Firt anea-s the command, although having a force of but little more Gcne takln by than two thousand men, he despatched General Morgan to Greenethe western extremity of South Carolina, in order to check the devastations of the British and loyalists in that quartel.'Cornwallis, then on the point of advancing against 3 CornNorth Carolina, unwilling to leave Morgan in his rear, sent Colonel Tarleton against him, with directions to "push him to the utmost." 10.'Morgan at first retreated before the superior force 4. ourw of his enemy, but being closely pursued, he halted at a Morgan. place called the Cowpens,* and arranged his men in order of battle.'Tarleton, soon coming up, confident of an easy 5. Battle of victory, made an impetuous attackb upon the militia, who b. Jan. 17. at first gave way. The British cavalry likewise dispersed a body of the regular troops, but while they were engaged in the pursuit, the Americans rallied, and in one general charge entirely routed the enemy, who fled in confusion. "The British lost three hundred in killed and 6 Loss su rained by wounded; while five hundred prisoners, a large quantity each sprty of baggage, and one hundred dragoon horses, fell into the hands of the conquerors. The Americans had only twelve men killed and sixty wounded. 11. O7n receiving the intelligence of Tarleton's defeat, 7. Attempt o! Cornwallis, then on the left bank of the Broad River,t Crntelept destroyed his heavy baggage, and commenced a rapid Morganm march towards the fords of the Catawba,:t hoping to arrive in time to intercept the retreat of Morgan before he could pass that river. sAfter a toilsome march, Morgan s. Hispursucceeded in reaching the fords, and crossed' the river in gait, nd oresce. safety; but only two hours later the van of the enemy ap- c. Jan. 29.?eared on the opposite bank. It being then in the evening, Cornwallis halted and encamped; feeling confident of overtaking his adversary in the morning. During the night a heavy rain raised the waters of the river, and ren 9. Second dtsdered it impassable for two days. appointymnt 12. 9At this time General Greene, who had left the uocalUs. * CosLpens is near the northern boundary of S. Carolina, in Spartanburg district, five miles 8. from Broad River. (See Map, p. 392.) t Broad River rises in the western part of N. Carolina, and flowing S. into S. Carolina reteives Pacolet and Tiger Rivers from the AV., and unites with the Saluda two miles N. from Columbia to form the Congaree. (See Map, p. 392.) t Catatvba is the name given to the upper part of the Wateree. Cornwalli;3 crossed at Gomean Ford, 30 miles N. from the northern boundary of S Carolina. (Map, p, 392.) 400 THi;E REVOLUTION. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. mtain body of his army on the left bank of the Pedee,*..,-n. 1. opposite Cheraw,t arrived- and took the command of Morgan's division, which continued the retreat, and which was soon followed again in rapid pursuit by Cornwallis. Both armies hurried on to the Yadkin, which the Amerb. Feb. 2,3. icans reached first; but while they were crossing,b their rear-guard was attacked by the van of the British, and part of the baggage of the retreating army was abandoned. Again Cornwallis encamped, with only a river between him and his enemy; but a sudden rise in the waters again retarded him, and he was obliged to seek a passage higher i. lHowz this up the stream.'The rise of the waters, on these two ocr'ise o t/re iovter os casions, was regarded by many as a manifest token of the 7 aSlde protection which Heaven granted to the justice of the American cause. 1. The retreat 13. 2After crossing the Yadkin, General Greene pro. after tross- a i-zg the Yad- ceeded to Guilford Court House, and after being joined, by C. E'b 7. the remainder of his army,d continued his retreat towards d. See 12th Virginia, still vigorously pursued by Cornwallis, who a e eb. 15. third time reached the banks of a river,f just as the f. The Dal. American rear-guard had crossed safely to the other side. 3. Ternina-'Mortified at being repeatedly disappointed after such protiaf izt. digious efforts, Cornwallis abandoned the pursuit, and turng. N. p. 393. ing slowly to the South, established himself at Hillsboro'.g 4. Next move- 14. 4Soon after, General Greene, strengthened by a eral CTrfne; body of Virginians, recrossedh the DanS into Carolina. acfante of Learning that Tarleton had been sent into the district bezoalists. tween Haw~ and Deep Rivers, to secure the cooperation h. Feb. 21,22. of a body of loyalists who were assembling there, he sent Col. Lee with a body of militia to oppose him. On the march, Lee fell in with the loyalists, three hundred and fifty in number, who, thinking they were meeting Tarlei. Feb. 25. ton, were easily surrounded.' While they were eager to make themselves known by protestations of loyalty, and cries of " Long live the ling," the militia fell upon them with fury, killed the greater portion, and took the remainder prisoners. 5. Battle of 15.'Having received additional reenforcements, which Guilford - ft-; Hrous e. increased his number to 4400 mnen, Greene no longer avoided an engagement, but advancing to Guilford Court House,* posted his men on advantageous ground, and The Great Pedee River rises in the Blue Ridge, in the northwestern part of N. Carolina and fiowing S.E. through S. Carolina, enters the Atlantic through Winyaw Bay, sixty miles rI.E. frosmt Charleston. in N. Carolina it bears the name of YadktL River. Ci Cteraw is on the iW. bank of the Pedee, ten miles S. from the N. Carolina line. (Sos Map, p. 392.) The Americans crossed the Yadkin near Salisbury. + Dan River, rising in the Blue lRidge, in the southern part of Virginia, and flowing'E, unites with the Staunton to form the Roanoke. lieaw livter from the N.'., and Deep River, from the W., unite in Chatham County, thirty miles S.W. of Ra.leigh, to form Cape Fear River. PART 11t EVENTS OF 1781 401 there awaited the enemy. Here, on the 15th of Maech, 17T81 he was attacked by Cornwallis in person. At the first.MarchS. charge, the Carolina militia retreated in disorder. Tl'he regular troops, however, sustained the battle with great firmness; but after an obstinate contest a general retreat was ordered, and the Americans fell back several miles, leaving the field in the possession of the enemy.'The.z Losseeof American loss, in killed and wounded, was about 400; chparty but the number of fugitives, who returned to their homes, increased the total loss to 1300. The British loss was about 500, among whom were several valuable officers. 10.'The result of the battle was little less than a defeat 2. Result of the battle, to Cornwallis, who was unable to profit by the advantage and nexzt which he had gained,. He soon retired to Wilmington,a ocTntallis and after a halt of nearly three weeks, directed his-marchb a. April 7. b. April 25. upon Virginia.'General Greene, in the mean time, de- 3. Course tafiling to the right, took the daring resolution of re-enter- ken by Gening South Carolina; and, after various changes of position, encamped on FHobkirk's Hill,t a little more than a mile from Lord Rawdon's post at Camden. 17.'HIere he was attacked on the 25th of April, and so April 25. strongly did victory for a time incline to the side of the 4. Battle of Americans, that Greene despatched a body of cavalry to Hull. intercept the enemy's retreat. A Maryland regiment, however, vigorously charged by the enemy, fell into confusion; and in spite of the exertions of the officers, the rout soon became general. The killed, wounded, and missing, on both sides, were nearly equal. 18 5Soon after, Lord Rawdon evacuated~ Camden, and 5. Retreatof retired with his troops beyond the Santee River; when, don. learning that Fort Watsont. had surrendered, and that c. MayO Fort Mott,~ together with the posts at Granbyll and Orangeburg,~ were closely invested, he retreated still farther, and encamped at Eutaw Springs.'* These posts, together * Guilford Court House, now Greens- BATTLE OF GUILFORD BATTLE OF HOBKIRK8S boro', the capital of Guilford County, COURT IIOUSE. HrLL. is between the sources of Haw and Deep Rivers, about eighty miles N.W. from - < 1 Raleigh. (See Map.)..:"'' F"~3'-r'~i? t Hobkir.'s Hill. (See Map.),.dd Ai' I Fort Watson was on the E. bank of ee the Santee, in the S.W. part of Sump- t l, ter County, about fifty-five miles from I\Pk f1 Camden. (5ee Map, p?.. 892.). ~ Fort Jllott was on the S. bank of....'. the Cougaree, near its junction with L't....:., thbe Wateree, about forty miles S. from.!:.,,,l" 2%" — u j r Camden. (See Mlap, p. 392.) f::.-!'' [1 Granby is on the S. bank of thei,P i K Congaree, thirty miles above Folrt Mott. (See Map, p. 392.).'F OrangebuLrg is on the E. bank of the North Edinsto, twenty-fie ve miles S.W. from Fort tMott. (Seeimap, p. 392.) S,c.-, jJ'Eutatvw Springs is. the name given to a small strecam that en- J s,:':'/;,,,1! ers the Santee from the S., at the N.-0. extremity of Charleston.: iJ',, d: I istAect, about fifty miles from Charleston. (See Map, p.:.92.) 1~~~~~~~~:>-~.;.~ai;'-L-J 402 THE REVOLUTION. [B13ooK f ANAIYSIS. with XAugusta, soon fell into the hands of the AmerIn cans, and by the 5th of June the British were confined to thL three posts-Ninety-six, Eutaw Springs, and Charleston. L Stege, ana 19.'After the retreat of Lord Rawdon from Camden,:inetytsof General Greene proceeded to Fort Granby, and thence against Ninety-six, a place of great natural strength, and strongly fortified. After prosecuting the siege of this. place nearly four weeks, and learning that Lord Rawdon was approaching with reenforcements, General Greene June s8. determined upon an assault, which wvas made on the 18th of June; but the assailants were beaten off, and the whole army raised the siege, and retreated, before the arrival of the enemy. - Monements 20.'After an unsuccessful pursuit of the Americans, of the:.o armfe after the a gain Lord Rawdon retired, closely followed by the army Ninetuletx. of Greene, and took post at Orangeburg, where he received a reenforcement fiom Charleston, under the command of Col. Stewart. Finding the enemy too strong to, July. be attacked, General Greene now retired,- with the main body of his army, to the heights* beyond the Santee, to spend the hot and sickly season, while expeditions under active officers were continually traversing the country, to intercept the communications between Orangeburg and s. Uhange of Charleston.'Lord Rawdon soon after returned to EngB,7tih conz-. land, leaving Colonel Stewart in command of his forces. onanders. 4. Fate of 21. 4Before his departure, a tragic scene occurred at Col. Hawme. Charleston, which greatly irritated the Carolinians, and threw additional odium on the British cause. This was the execution of Colonel Isaac -lHayne, a firm patriot, who, to escape imprisonment, had previously given in his adhesion to the British authorities. WVhen the British were driven from the vicinity of his residence, considering the inability to protect, as a discharge of the obligation to obey, he took up arms against them, and, in this condition, was taken prisoner. 22. He was brought before Col. Balfour, the commandant of Charleston, who condemned him to death. although 5. Lord Raw- numerous loyalists petitioned in his fhvor.'Lord Rawdlon' efforts. don, a man of generous feelings, after having in vain exerted his influence to save him, finally gave his sanction 6 otusticeof to the execution. 6The British strongly urged the justice the measure disputed. of the measure. while the Americans condemned it as an 7. Battle qf act of unwarrantable cruelty. spriags. 23.'Early in September, General Greene again ad* The Santee tHilis are B. of the Wateree River, about twenty miles south from Camden Oee iMap, p. 392.) PART IIl.] EVENTS OF 1781. 403 vanced upon the enemy, then commanded by Colonel 7t At. Stewart, who at his approach, retired to Eutaw Springs. - a.N p. 401. Dn the 8th the two armies engaged, with nearly equal forces. The British were at first driven in confusion from the field, but at length rallying in a favorable position, they withstood all the efforts of the Americans, and after a sanguinary conflict, of nearly four hours, General Greene drew off his troops, and returned to the ground he hlad occupied in the morning. During the night, Colonel Stewart abandoned his position, and retired to Monk's Corner. b'The Americans lost, in this battle, in killed, b. r.p. 351. wounded, and missing, about 300 men. The loss sus- I LoeOS. of tained by the enemy was somewhat greatel. 24.'Shortly after the battle of Eutaw Springs, the 2. loseofthe British entirely abandoned the open country, and retired C am:lign in to Charleston and the neighboring islands. These events nas. ended the campaign of 1781, and, indeed, the revolutionary war, in the Carolinas.'At the commencement of the 3. Chcange of year, the British were in possession of Georgia and South ces thiat had farolina; and North Carolina was thought to be at their in'jet,raye'mercy. At the close of the year, Savannah and Charleston were the only posts in their possession, and to these they were closely confined by the regular American troops, posted in the vicinity, and by the vigilant militia of the surrounding country. 25. 4Though General Greene was never decisively vic- 4. Whaoti torious, yet he was still formidable when defeated, and eGemearake`l every battle which he fought resulted to his advantage. CGreene To the great energy of character, and the fertility of genius which he displayed, is, principally, to be ascribed, the successful issue of the southern campaign. 26.'Having followed, to its termination, the order of a. liovernento the events which occurred in the southern department, we since April. now return to the movements of Cornwallis, who, late in April, left Wilmington,e with the avowed object of con- c. See p. 401. quering Virginia. Marching north by the way of Halifax,* and crossing, with little opposition, the large and rapid rivers that flow into Roanoke and Albemarle Sounds, in less than a month he reachedd Petersburg,'t where he d. May20. found the troops of General Philips, who had died a few days before his arrival.'The defence of Virginia was at 6. The dethat time intrusted principally to the Marquis de Lafayette, i'enoia. who, with a force of' only three thousand men, mostly Htalifax, in N. Carolina, is situated on the W. bank of the Rtoanoke River, at the head At stoop navigation, about 150 miles N. from Wilmington. t Petersburg, Vilginia, is on the Si bank of Appomattox River, twelve miles above its ena wance into James River. 404 THE REVOLUTION. [BoorK i. ANALYSIS. militia, could tlo little more than watch the movements o~ the enemy, at a careful distance... course of 27.;Unable to bring Lafayette to an ennagement, Corn~co,.~,a wallis overran the country in the vicinity of James River. and destroyed an immense quantity of public and private 2. Tarleton's property. 2An expedition under Tarleton penetrated to epetdtion. Charlottesville.* and succeeded in making prisoners of several members of the Virginia House of Delegates, andl caine near seizing the governor of the state, Thomas Jef. 3. Cr,4wal- ferson. 3After taking possession of Richmond and WilthIsea-cast.o liamsburg, Cornwallis was called to the sea-coast by Sir Henry Clinton; who, apprehensive of an attack by the combined French and American forces, was anxious that Cornwallis should take a position from which he might re. enforce the garrison of New York if desirable. 1. Events that 28.'Proceeding from Williamsburg to Portsmouth, occurred the when on the point of crossing the James River he was atcorwoallfs. tackeda by Lafayette, who had been erroneously informed a. July 6. that the main body had already crossed. General Wayne, who led the advance, on seeing the whole of the British army drawn out against him, made a sudden charge with great impetuosity, and then hastily retreated with but little loss. Cornwallis, surprised at this bold maneuver, and perhaps suspecting an ambuscade, would not allow a pursuit.'. Next move. 29. A fter crossing James River he proceeded to PortsCozenltsf mouth; but not liking the situation for a permanent post, b. From Aug. he soon evacuated the place, and concentratedb his forces 1-22. at Yorktown,' on the south side of York River, which he immediately commenced fortifying. Gloucester Point, on the opposite side of the river, was held by a small force 6. JZan of under Colonel Tarleton. Washngn noton 30.'In the mean time, General Washington had formed and movements of the a plan of attacking Sir Henry Clinton; and late in June troops. the French troops from Rhode Island, under Count Ro7. The plnt chambeau, marched to the vicinity of New York, for the purpose of aiding in the enterprise.'The 51EG 1ORKT TOWN. intention was abandoned, however, in *: ~ ln,',, / # August, in consequence of large reenforcements having been received by Clinton,-the tardiness with which the conti. v \.^yyl g 9 CGhoarottesoille is about sixty-five miles N.W. from I, n -~:,,4< Richmnond. It is the seat of the University of Virginia, Ift Sf k ex By)o.'{ /te z E, an institution planned by Mr. Jefferson. The residence of MIr. Jefferson was at ionrticello, three muiles S.E. fronm W all 55 h" g Ar.t which he concluded by moving an address, that, on account of the imminence of the danger to which the realm was exposed at home, none of the troops remaining in Britain, or in the garrisons of Gibraltar or Minorca. should 2. Rejection be sent to America." l'Although the motion was rejected, by a maf thae mtotiont. jority of two hundred and fifty-nine against one hundredu and sixtyfive, yet the vote showed'an increasing minority in opposition to the ministry. Feb. 17. 48. 30n the 17th of February Lord North came forward with a 3. Cozncilia- conciliatory plan ior ternlinating the difficulties with America, — lory proposals -of Lord renouncing parliamenlary taxation of the colonies, and authorizing INorth the appointment of commissioners with full pouwers to treat with Congress 1" as if it were a legal bodly,' and without a prelinlinary 4 His speech renunciation of American independence. 4These proposals were on thtoat occa- accompanied by an able speech from the iminister, in defence of his own conduct, but in a style so different from the arrogance which he had fobrmcerly assumed, as to lead to the conjecture that some powerful motive had induced the ministry to adopt such an alteration of measures. b. Thle minis- 49. 5The whigs made no opposition to the plan of conciliation, terial plan so unexpectedly submitted, but they were not the less severe upon ce oy t( he the defence of his conduct set up by the minister. 6Mr. Fox said vshigs. that "the minister's arguments might be collected in one point, 6e Sacrks of his excuses comprised in one apology,-in one single wordMr. Fox. ignorance: —a total and palpable ignorance of every part of the subject. The minister had hoped, and he was disappointed; —he expected a great deal, and found little to answer his expectations; -he thought the Americans would have submitted to his laws, and they resisted them:;-he thought they would have submitted to his arms. and they had defeated them;-he matde conciliatory propositions. and he thought they would succeed, but they were rejected.' 7. American 71n the course of his remarks Mr. Fox first announced the startling treatye anth fact, which ministers had kept from parliament, that, eleven days nounced. before, a treaty had been actually signeda at Paris between France a. Feb 6. and America. 8. Formatl no- 50. 80n the 13th of March a formal notification of this treaty tification of was made to the English government, by the French minister; and: on the 16th, Lord Weymouth, secretary of state for foreign affairs, 9. The corn-m brought the same before the house of commons. oThe notification musnicatiorn of the French minister) after declaring that a treaty of amity and of the French i minister. commerce had been concluded between France and the "United States of America" expressed a desire, on the part of the former. to cultivate a good understanding with the British court, but concluded with an insinuation that the court of France was determined to protect the commerce of its subjects in America, and had in con. sequence concerted "' eventual measures for that purpose. 1o. Spirit in 51. ~0Such a notification was regarded as highly insulting, and as which tre amounting, in fact, to a virtual declar'ation of war; and addresses toas mnet by were moved, assuring the king of the firm support of parliament in parliament. repelling the unprovoked aggressions of the French nation. "rIn Pf the amend- both houses, amendments, declaring that the present ministry ments to the ought no longer to be intrusted with the conduct of public affair; addrewses. were warmly supported by the opposition, but were rejected, on the final vote, by I srge majorities. PART III.] APPENDIX TO THE REVOLUTION. 423 52.'The declaration of France in favor of America, the great in. 1778. crease of her navy, and the assembling of large bodies of troops on "'"~' "` "" -"''J0 ^^~ "^' "~~"""""3 1. serious her northern frontier, led to serious debates in both houses on the debates in state of the nation. 2The commons unanimously passed a vote of both houses. credit. to enable the king to put the country in a state of imme- 2 Vote of credit, and diate defence) and in the house of lords a motion was madea, by the motiJn of the Duke of Richmond, to recall the fleet a'nd army from America, and Duke of ach. to station both where they might protect those parts of the British a. April 7. dominions that were most exposed to the enemy. 3The Duke of 3. Speech in Richmond supported this motion by one of the most resolute and s2pport of animated speeches ever heard in that assembly. He exposed the this motion profusion of the finances, in the administration; the impaired credit and commerce of the nation; and the defective state of the navy; all which he attributed to the imprudence and incapacity of the present ministers, and he concluded by insisting that the only mleasure of safety was an immediate recognition of the independence of the colonies, and an accommodation with them upon the most advantageous terms that could be obtained. 53. 4But in the opinions advanced by the Duke of Richmond, 4. Divisaon and supported by the whole Rockirgham party, the opposition opoositiothe were not unanimous. The Earls of Chatham, Temple, and Shelburne, and other lords who had thus far uniformly acted against the ministry, deprecated the utter relinquishment of America, as the greatest of all political evils that could befal the British nation. 54. 5The subject of debate thus brought forward was one of the 5 The lasrt very greatest importance, and it received additional interest from appearance the circumstance that it called forth the last political effort of that chathasn in great statesman and patriot, the Earl of Chatham. On that day the house of peers. this eminent man, pale and emaciated, and bowed down with the infirmities of age, made his last appearance at the house, to bear his decided testimony against a measure which he conceived to involve the degradation and dishonor of his country. As he was supported into the house by his friends, all the lords arose out of respect, a:nd remained standing until he had taken his seat. 56. ~6Vhen the Duke of Richmond had finished his brilliant 6. Tris memo, effort, Lord Chatham arose. and began by lamenting that his rable speech on that ocrcabodily irfirmities had so long prevented him, at this important sion. crisis, from attendinc his duties in parliament. " But my lords," &lid he, " I rejoice that the grave has not closed upon me: that I am still left alive to lift up my voice against the dismemberment of this ancient and noble monarchy. Pressed down as I am by the load of infirmity, I am little able to assist my country in this most perilous conjuncture; but while I have sense aud memory, I never will consent to tarnish the lustre of this nation by an ignominious surrender of its rights and fairest possessions. Shall this great kingdom, that has survived the Danish depredations. the Scottish inroads, the N Norman conquest, and that has seen, unawed, the threatened invasion of the Spanish armada. now fall prostrate before the house of Bourbon? —now stoop so low as to tell its ancient and inveterate enemy, Take all we have, only give us peace! It is impossible. I am not, I confess, well informed of the resources of this kingdom, but I trust it has still sufficient to maintain its just rights. But my lords, any state is better than despair. Let us at least make one effort-and, if we fall, let us fall like men." 56. 7The Duke of Richmond arose, and endeavoured to prove 7. Reply of that the conquest of America by force of arms.,-a measure which the Dule o the noble earl himself had never advocated, was utterly imprac ,424 APPENDIX TO THE REVOLUTION. LBOOK IU ANALYSIS. ticable; and that it was wiser to secure her friendship by a treaty of alliance, than to throw her into the arms of France. IThe earl.thathe fllcee of Chathan, greatly moved during the reply. made an eager effort to rise at its conclusion, but after two or three unsuccessful at. Deth of tempts fell back in his seat in a fainting lit. 2The house immedithe Earl of ately adjourned-the Earl was conveyed into an adjoining apart, ment, and medical attendance was procured, but after lingering some few:veeks, he expired on the 11th of May, in the 70th year of his age. 3. Letter of 57. 3A letter of Lord Camden speaks of this last effort of the Earl Lo):d C'amdee. of Chatham in the following terms.'" The Earl spoke, but was not like himself. His wolds were shreds of unconnected eloquence, and flashes of the samle fire that he, Prometheus-like, had stolen from heaven, and which were then returning to the place whence they 4. Tiews of were taken." 4"V-hat were the ideas of the Earl of Chatham with Cate Earl fn regard to the proper plan for settling the difficulties with America, relation to a:t this period, when she had firmly resolved to maintain her in1 Asaer~ic. dependence, cannot now be ascertainedc: but it is wholly improbable fromn the uniform tenor of his language and policy, that he )would ever have employed coercive means for accomplishing a reconciliation. Jute 3, 1778. 58. sOn the third of June parliament was prorogued by the kingc Plrorogaa- withou.t an y effectual mleasures havincg been taken to terminate the tolz of par-o lianmezt. existinc war while a new one was just on the eve of breaking out S. Unosurccess- with France. 6Although the lBritish commissioners, who had proft 6eJorZs of ceeded to America, had. made concessions far greater than the colo-. the British conmm7zssion- ries had asked previous to the declaration of independence. yet er, ti2 fs te- congr ess, h aving already formed an alliance. offensive and defenAssiericas sive, with Francc, had now neither the will nor the power to cat t/rs tm recede from the position which it had taken. The day of reconciliation hadl passed. the British empire had been dismembered of its fairest inheritance. and the king of England had forever lost the brightest jewel in his crown. 7. WE7arleke 59. 7Ailthbouoh Nlar hod not yet been declared between France oprearnice, and' nEolland, yet both nations.were making vigorous preparations and Engi- for1 the contest which wa s now inevitable. The French navy now tland. equalled. if it ditl not surpass that of England, nor was France disF8 leet if posed to keep it idle in her ports. 80n the thirteent.h of April. a Count D'Estain.. French fleet of twelve sail of the line and four large frigates, coinmanded by Count dclEstaing, left Toulon, a port on the Mediterranean. and passing the straits of Gibraltar on the 15th of May, 9. Fleet at sailed immediately for the American coast. 9sn the mean time Brest. a much larger fleet commanded by the Count d)Orvillielrs had asse 1bled at Brest, destined to scour the seas of Europe, and to distract the British councils by keeping alive upon the coast of Briitain the fear of an invasion. JsooE 17. 60. 10~On the 17tlh of Juine, the oEnglilsh Admiral Keppel fell in f(,,C'ipt;ire of with and attacked three French frigates on the western coast of seIs. n France, two of which he captured; but the third, the Belle Poule, (Bel. Pool.) aLfter a desperate fight, escaped by running on shore. lTh'h 1. Reprisiso7t French government then ordered reprisals against the vessels of botii orui0tS. Great Britalini and the English went through the same formalities i e:-.7al. eno- so that both nations were now in a state of actual war.,7ffP-/ief7. tse 61. 12Gn the 23d of July the British and Frenclh fleets, the for.,1fiee,,- fKrep- mer consisting of thlirty shiips of the line and several frigates, comvi/liKes. manded by Admir all Keppel: and the latter consisting of thi.rty a Pronroutn- -two ships of the line and a greater number of frigates, commanded by Count dlOrvilliers:. iunme in sight of each other near the!sle A ART III.] APPENDIX TO THTE REVOLUTION. 425 of Ouessant.a After maneuvering four days, a partial engagement 17'M~ ensued on the 27th, and the loss on both sides was nearly equal. --- The French fleet retired, however, (luringr the following night a. Oo-es-song. and the next day entered with full sails the harbor of Brest, while Ihe British fleet returned to Plymouth. 62.'In the following autnumn and winter, the West Indies were 1. Naval opethe principal seat of the naval operations of France and England. rations in th 2Early in September, the governor of the French island of Mar- 2. Dogninica tinico attacked,b and easily reducedl, the English island of Donminica, conqzlered by where he obtained a large quantity of military stores. sin Decem te b. Sept. 7 ber, the English admiral Barrington made an attackh on the French 3. he Eisland of St. Lucia lying a short distance south of Martinico. lise attack Already had the French been driven into the interior of the isl- St. L3cia. and, and many of their posts had been taken, when, on the even- Dec- 13. ing of the fourteenth, the French fleet of Count d'Estaing suddenly made its appearance before the harbor, in which the fleet of Barrington was at anchor. 63. 4Twice on the following day the latter was attacked by the 4. lepulses ot superior fleet of D'Estaling, which was repulsed with considerable the French forces. loss. On the 16th D'Estaing landed a force of five thousand men, Dec 16 with which he proceeded to attack the English General Meadows, who was strongly intrenched on the island. But here also the French were unsuccessful, and after three separate charges they were obliged to retire, with a loss.of fifteen hundred men in killed and wounded. 50n the 28th D'Estaing re-embarked his troops, and Dec. 28. on the following day sziled to Martinico. On the 30th the island 5. Withdrawof St. Lucia capitulated to the English. During several months tai g,capituafter this event a sort of tacit truce subsisted between the English lation of St. Lucia, tacit and the French forces in the West Indies. the former being much tuce, t-c. the most powerful by sea, and the latter by land. 64. 6While these naval events were occurring in America, the 6. Hostilities French and the English settlements in the East Indies had also beeench anth become involved in hostilities. Soon after the acknowledgment of the Englisht American independence by the court of France, the British East in thdies.t India Company, convinced that a quarrel would now ensue between the two kingdoms, despatched orders to its officers at Madras, to attack the neighboring post of Pondicherry, the capital of the French East India possessions. That place was accordingly besieged in the latter part of August, by a force of ten thousand men, natives and Englishmen, and after a vigorous resistance, in which one third of its garrison were either killed or wounded, was compelled to surrender on the 16th of October following. Other losses in that quarter of the globe followed, and during one campaign the French power in India was nearly annihilated. 65. 7The session of the English parliament, which commenced 7. Proceeaon the 26th of November, was attended with the usual whig oppo- ings of parsition to the designs and plans of the ministerial party, but no apparent progress was made towards a peaceable termination of the American war. 8The most important event of the session was 8. Most i7na royal message, somewhat unexpectedly presented to both houses portant event informing them of a declaration of hostilities on the part of Spain. of thle session.'On the 16th of June, 1779, the count A.1madovar, the Spanish 1 779. ambassador at the court of London, presented a manifesto to the 9. aniRfesto British ministry, setting forth the reasons that had induced,f? tie Spanish arenbassaSpain to unite with France in supporting the independence of the dor. former British American colonies. o10 Sevce erc 66. lOThis event, which had long been predicted by the whig op- fettiont )OltlONI called forth ver~y severe re-ections on the conduct of the onluet. nosition, called forth very severe reflections on the conduct of the of aioni8tere. 54 426 APPENDIX TO THE REVOLUTION. [BooK Ii ANALYSIS ministers. wha had treated with contempt all warnings of danger from that quarter,-insisting t hat!' Spain could have no interest in joining the enemies of Britain —thiat she had colonies of her own, and would not: set them so bad ian eximple as to encourage the in. I. Universal dependence of' the rebellious colonies of other nations." IBut notdetenrninta- withstanding the exceeding bitterness that was manifested towards tion to support the war the ministry, and the new attempts of the opposition to produce a againft reconciliation with America. all pLarties united in the resolution to France and Spain. support, with the utmost spirit and vigor, the war against both July 3. branches of the house of Bourbon. 20n the 3d of July the session 2. Speech was closed by a speech from the throne,. in which the k]ing menfthr.oe tioned, as a happy omen, that the increase of difficulties seemed only to taugment the courage and constancy of the nation. 3. Successes 67. 3During this season the French nwere more successful in the of the French West Indies than they had been in the previous autumnn and winIndies. ter. 4While the British fleet. now commarndecl by Admiral Byron, 4. Reduction was absent, having sailed to convoy out of danger the homeward of sct VT- trade ships, D'Estaing seized the opportunity to attackl the island cents. I 5. Of Gren- of' St. Vincents, which capitulated on the 17th of June. 5[Ie next ada. sailed for the island of Grenada, where he arrived on the 2d of July. An obstinate defence was made by the governor, Lord Macartney, but he was compelled in a short time to surrender at 6. Navalen- discretion. 6About the same time Lord Byron returned, and the gagenement two fleets came in sight of each other on the 6th of July, when an indecisive action ensued, as the French, notwithstanding their su7. D'Estaing periority, avoided coming to a close engagement. 7Soon after, sproenedato D'Estaing sailed north. capturing several British vessels on his Savannah. a. See p. 389. way, and on the 9th of September anchored" off the mouth of the Savannah. S. British set- 68. 8Early in this year a French fleet attacked and capturedb tlements on without difficulty the British forts and settlements on the rivers ayfricca sap. Senegal and Gambia, on the -western coast of Afriica; but an attack, tured. by a large force, upon the British islands of Guernsey and Jelse'y, Ab. Feb.on situated in the British channel, near the coast of France, was reGuernsey pulsedc with severe loss to the assailants. 9This enterprise was and Jerse*. productive of considerable benefit however, to the United States, 3. H May 1e. as it occasioned so great a delay of a fleet of several hundred mueryicial to the chantmen. and transports with supplies. that were about to sail for United New York, as seriously to embarrass the operations of the British IO.Threatened army in that quarter. l~In the month of August the combined invasion of fleets of France and Spain, consisting of nearly seventy ships of the Enland. line besides a large number of frigates, and a multitude of other armed vessels. entered the British channel. and occasioned great alarm along the southern coasts of England; but no landing was attempted, and not the least impression was made on the naval 4. See p. 389. strength cf the kingdom.d 11. Opposition 69. UDuring the session of parliamenit, which commenced on the n parlia- 25th of November. 1779, and ended on the Sth of July following, meat. the opposition continued their efforts. and on several occasions. particularly on subjects relating to the prodigious expenditure of 1780. the public money, the ministry were left in the rminority.'2In the 2. Difficuzlties following year, 17S0O Ensgland was seriously ithretened with a forbativeen Hot- midable opposition from several of the northern powers of Europe. land and E England. Since the aliiLance of France and the United States. I-Hlland hand carried on a lucrative commerce with the former power, supplying her with naval and military stores, contrary to the faith of treaties which had not only occasioned complaints on the part of Engiandbut also the seizure of vessels laden with e xceptionaole cargoes PART IIIJ] APPENDIX TO THE REVOLUTION. 427 On the other hand Holland also complained, with justice: that num- t17SO. a-ers of her vessels. not laden with contraband goods, had been - -- seized and carried into the ports of England. 70.'On the 1st of January, 1780, Commodore Fielding fell in 1. Meeting of an Engtish with a fleet of Dutch merchant ships, in the British channel, con- nda Duaitch voyed. by a small squadron of n en of war. Requesting permission fleet-and tha result. to visit the ships, to ascertain if they carried contriabltd goods, and being refused by the Dutch admiral, he fired a shot ahe;ad of him, and was answered by a broadside. Commodore Fielding returned the fire, when the Dutch admiral struck his colors, and refusing to separate from his convoy, he accompanied it into Plymouth, although informed that, he was at liberty to prosecute his voyage. 2The states of Holland resented the indignity, and made a perelip- 2. Denmand tory demand upon the English court for reparation and redress, to for reparawhich, however, no attention was paid. In truth, England preferred an open war with Holland, to the clandestine assistance which she was giving to France. 71. 3Other powers, however. now united with Holland in corn- 3. "Armee plaints against Engrlan, respecting the violated rights of neutrality. neutrality"' of the northIn these proceedings Catharine empress of Russia took the leald, and ern potwers. induced Denmark and Sweden to unite with her in an " Armed Neutrality," which had for its object the protection of the commerce of those nations from the vexations to which it was subject from British interference, under the claim of " right of search for contraband goods." 4The joint declaration of these powers 4 Joint declaasserted that neutral ships should enjoy a free navigation from one ration ofthea port to another, even upon the coasts of belligerent powers: that all effects conveyed by such ships, excepting only warlike stores or ammunition, should be free; and that whenever any vessel should have shown, by its papers, that it was not the carrier of any contraband article, it should not be liable to seizure or detention. It was declared that such ports only should be deemed blockaded, 5. Measure, before which there should be stationed a sufficient force to render the ters ocng their entrance perilous. 5To enforce the terms of this confedera- this confedetion the three allied powers agreed to keep a considerable part of rateion their naval forces in readiness " to act wherever honor, interest, or join the connecessity, should require.?" 6Prussia, Portugal, and Germany, after- federacy. wards acceded to the terms of the " armed neutrality.," 7Fear of l7 Why "En the consequences alone, which must have resulted from the refusal, ted to this em. obliged England to submit to this exposition of the laws of nations, heoitono the latos of and of the rights of neutral powers. nations. 72. 8Immediately after the declaration of war by Spainl, that 8 Siege of power hlad commenced the blockade of Gibraltar. both by sea and ibrealtar-ee by tland, in the hope of recovering that important fortress. Early in Admirav' t&1780, the British Admiral Rodney was despatched with a powerful 7 fleet to its relief. On his way he fell in with and captured, on the 8th of January, a Spanish squadron of seven ships of war, and a number of transports; and on the 16th he engaged a larfer squladron off Cape St. Vincent, and captured six of their heaviest vessels, and dispersed the remainder. These victories enabled nim to afford complete relief to the garrisons of Gibraltar and of Minorcat, after which he sailed for the West lndies, in quest of the French fleet in that quarter, commanded by Admiral Guichen. 73. 90n the 17th of April the two fleets met and a partial en- 9. Parttia gagement ensued. the French fleet, as usual, declinincg to come to naval en-'close quarters. Other partial encounters took place, during the month of May, but as the French vessels possessed the advantage 4038 APPENDIX TO THE REVOLUTION. [Bootx I1 ANALYSIS. in sailing, they chose their own time and position for attack, rely ing on their ability to elude a pursuit.'In Augnst the English. Heaug. suffered a very heavy loss in the capture of the outward bound of the Eng- East and WVest India fleets of merchant vessels, by the Spaniards, lish. off the western coast of France. Besides the loss of a vast amount of supplies and military stores, three thousand seamen and troops became prisoners to the Spaniards. 2. War de- 74. 20n the 20th of December Great Britain published a declara, leiad biy tion of war against Holland, induced by the discovery that a coml. En larid zgrai,7st Iol- mercial treaty was in p-ocess of negotiation between that country l'azd. and the United States. This measure was totally unexpected by 11781. Holland, and met with' the severest censures in England. 3HostiliB. Maanner in ties were commenced by detaining the shipping of the Dutch in Veshere com-li the different ports of Great Britain. Instructions were also des. esnesced. patched to the commanders of the British forces in the WTest Indies, to proceed to immediate hostilities against the Dutch settle. ments in that quarter. 4. Island of 75. 4The most important of these was the island of St. Eustatio? St. ERastatia. a free port. which abounded with riches, owing to the vast conflux 5. Its capture of trade from every other island in those seas. 5This island was by the Eng- wholly unaware of the danger to which it was exposed, when on Feb.. the third of February, 1781, Admiral Rodney suddenly appeared before it, and sent a peremptory order to the governor to surrender the island and its dependencies within an hour. Utterly incapable of making any defence, the island surrendered without any stipu6. Amount of lations. 6The amount of property that thereby fell into the hands property of the captors was estimated at four millions sterling. 7The 7. Other Dutch settlements of the Dutch situated on the north-eastern coast of settlemsents. South America soon after shared the same fate as Eustatia. s. Conquest of 76. 81n the month of May the Spanish governor of Louisiana West,lSorian- completed the conquest of West Florida from the English, by the iards. capture' of Pensacola. sin the WVest Indies the fleets of France and a. iMay 10. England had several partial engagements during the months of 9. Naval en- April, May, and June, but without any decisive results. 10In the gagessents is the West In- latter part of May a large body of French troops landed on the dies. island of Tobago, which surrendered to them on the 3d of June. 10s. Tobgo llIn the month of August a severe engagementb took place on the surrenderedI,o tie Fre;nch. Dogger Bankd, north of Holland, between a British fleet. comb. Aig. 5. manded by Admiral Parker, and a Dutch squadron, commancied by It. Ncval en- Admiral Zoutman. Both fleets were rendered nearly unmanagegageseent on gthae Do. ger able, and with difficulty regained their respective coasts. Bank. 77. 12After the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, in 12. The wsar, October, the war with the United States was considered~ virtually render of at an end, both in America and in England; but with France, Cornwtalls Holland, and Spain, hostilities were carried on more vigorously c. See p. 406. than ever. laThe siege of Gibrldtar was continued by the Spaniards 13. Siege of o 3Giirdtar with great vigor, and the soldiers of the garrison, commancdled by eoninued. Governor Elliott, were greatly incommcdied by the want of fuel and provisions. They were likewise exposed to an alnmost inces. sant cannonade from the Spanish batteries, situated on the penin. sula which connects the fortress with the main land. Durincg three weeks, in the month of May, 1781. nearly one hundred thousand 54. SalZy of shot or shells were thrown into the town. 14Eut while the eyes of the garrison. Europe were turned, in suspense, upcl this important fortress, and This is a long and narrow sand bank in the North Sea or German Ocean, extending from Jutland, on the west coast of Denmark, nearly to the mouth of the Humber on the eastern coast of England. PART III.] APPENDIX TO THE REVOLUTION. 429 while tall regarded a much longer defence impossible, suddenly; on ].781. the night of the 27th of November, a chosen body of two thousand - - men from the garrison sallied forth, and, in less than an hour, Nov. 27 stormed and utterly demolished the enemy's works. The damage done on this occasion was computed at two millions sterling. 78. Iln the month of February following, the island of Minorca, 1782. after a long siege, almost as memorable as that of Gibraltar, sur- 1. Surrender rendereda to the Spanish forces, after having been in the posses- of Ififnorca ta sion of England since the year 1708. 2During the same month the a. Febn. former Dutch settlements on the northeastern coast of South Ame- 2. Recapture. rica, were recaptured by the French. St. Eustatia had been recap- from En,gtured in the preceding November. Other islands in the West In- ther osses, a dies surrendered to the French, and the loss of the Bahamas soon santained by followed. 3For these losses, however, the British were fully com- her pensated, by an important naval victory, gained by Admiral Rod- a. ImpVrtory ney, over the fleet of the Count de Grasse, on the 12th of April, in 4ained by the the vicinity of the Carribbee Islands. In this obstinate engage- English. ment, most of the ships of the French fleet were captured,-that of Count de Grasse among the number, while the loss of the French, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was estimated at ten or twelve thousand men. The loss of the English, including both killed and wounded, amounted to about eleven hundred. 79. 4During this season, the fortress of Gibraltar,?t which had so 4. Continued long bid defiance to the power of Spain, withstood one of the most siealtfGib f/% 01 br~ta - J.Id LI,]?' "~SzE-A./' I].!! S,, t'les Euxp& Satt D ari i| ~ ~ ~ C ) %W)/' A hSOT Chilimao I Xt B R A-L y A e e,!_e~ ire.t -r/ r' _ GIBPRALTAR, the Calpe of the Greeks. formed, with Abyla on the Afiiclan coast, the Pillars of Htercules." The fortress stands on the west side of a mountainous promontory or rock, projecting south into the sea about three miles, and being front one half to three quarters of a mile in breadth. The southern extremity of the rock, called Europa Point is eleven and a half miles north from Ceuta in Africa. Its north side, fronting' the long' narrow isthlmuse lwhich connects it with the main-land, is perpendicular, cc l an holly inaccessible. Tihe east and south sides are steep and rugged, and extremely dilfficult of.acecess so as to render any itttack upon them, even if they were not fortified, next to impossible so that it is only on thi west side, fronting the bay, where the rock declines to the sea anud the town is built, that it tan be attacked with the faintest prospects of success. HIere the fortifications are of extraordinary extent and strength. The principal batteries are so cc ustructed as to prevent any mis-:hie fiom the explosion of shells. Vast galleries have been excavated in the soled rock, and 430 APPENDIX TO THE REVOLUTION. [BooK.ANALYSIS. memnoreOle sieges ever known.'The Spaniards had constructed a ITmense number of immense floating batteries in the bay of Gibraltar; and preparrations one thousand two hundred pieces of heavy ordnance had been Yor a'ritc king brought to the spot, to be employed in the different modes of assault. Besides these floating batteries, there were eighty large boats, mounted with heavy guns and mortars, together with a vast multitude of frigates, sloops, and schooners, while the combined fleets of France and Spain, numbering -fifty sail of the line, were to cover and support the attack. Eighty thousand barrels of gunpowder were provided for the occasion, and more than one hundred thousand men were employed. by land and sea, against the fortress. 2. Attack on 80. 2Early in the morning of the 13th of September, the floating ethe h of, batteries came forward. anid) at ten o:clock, took their stations 1758'. about a thousand yards distant from the rock of Gibraltar, and began a heavy cannonade, which was seconded by all the cannon and mortars in the enemy's lines and approaches. At the same time the garrison opened all their batteries, both with not and cold shot, and during several hours a tremendous cannonade and bombarcldment were kept up on both sides, without the least intermission. S. Burning of 3About two o clock, the principal of the Spanish floating batteries the Spanish battheries. was discovered to emit smoke, and towards midnight it was plainly seen to Ae on fire. Other batteries began to kindle; signals of distress were made: and the enemy's boats came to their assistance, 4. The corfu- in order to take the men out of the burning vessels. 4Here they sion corn- were interrupted by the English gun-boats, which now advanced pTleted, atd the batteries to the attack, and, raking the whole line of batteries with their abfarineldto fire, completed the confusion. The batteries were soon abandoned to the flames, or to the mercy of the English. 8. Humanity 31. 5At the awful spectacle of several hundred of their fellow OfeBitishn. soldiers exposed to almost inevitable destruction, the Spaniards ceased firing,'when the British seamen, with characteristic humnanity. rushed forward and exerted themselves to the utmost to save those who were perishing in the flames and the waters. About four hundred Spaniards were thus saved,-but all the floating batteries were consumed. and the combined French and Spanish forces a, Siege aban- were left incapable of making any farther effectual attack. 6Soon tOcttt. after, Gibraltar was relieved with supplies of provisions, military stores, and additional troops, by a squadron sent from England for that purpose, when the farther siege of the place was abandoned. 7. con tisu2- 82. 7This was the last transaction of importance during the conictes in thee tinuance of the war in Europe. In the East Indies the British set BEast mlies. tlements had been engaged, during several years, in hostilities with the native inhabitants, who were conducted by the famous Hyder Ally, and his son, Tippoo Saib,-often assisted by the fleets and land forces of France and Holland. The events of the war in that quarter were highly interesting and important, but our limits will not permit us to give a detail of them. Hostilities continued in the 8. Pre7imina- East Indies until the arrival of the news of a general peace in peacebetwveen Europe. BtesUqitesd S3. 8On the 30th of November preliminary articles of peace were States. signed between Great Britain and the United States, which were 9. Proceed- to be definitive as soon as a treaty between France and Great Britlg iawest. ain should be concluded. 9SVhen the session of parliament opened, mounted with heavy cannon; and communications have been established between the different batteries by passages cut in the rock, to protect the troops from the enemy's fire. The tol:ll. Containing a population of about 20,000 inhabitants, exclusive of about 3000 troops. lies on bed of red sand, at the foot of the rocl, on the northwest side. (See the Map.) PART III.] APPENDIX TO THE REVOLUrTION. 431 on the 5th of December, considerable altercation took place, on ace- 1-. count of the terms of this provisional treaty, but a large majority were found to be in favor of the petace thus obtained. l'The inde- i. Preliminapendence of the United States being now recognized by England, ry areticles f 9 0 )'" ""'- - ~i-'`' I peace beizveen the original purpose of France was accomplished; and all the Enlreand, powers at war being exceedingly desirous of peace preliminary France, and Spain. articles were signed by Great Britain, France, and Spain, on the 20th of January, 1783. 2By this treaty, France restored to Great 1783. Britain all her acquisitions in the West Indies during the war, cx- 2 r;eneral ceptingf Tobago, while England surrendered to her the important terms of these C 1 —-— ~ -~'~1~~-7articles. station of St. Lucia. On the coast of Africa. the settlements in the vicinity of the river Senegal were ceded to France —those on the Gambia to England. In the East Indies. France recovered all the places she had lost during the war, to which were added others of considerable importance. Spain retained Minorca and West Florida, while East Florida was ceded to her in return for the Bahamas. 31t was not until September, 17S3. that Holland came to a 3. Peace with preliminary settlement with Great Britain. although a suspension Iolland. of arms had talcen place between the two powers in the January preceding. 84. 4Thus closed the most important war in which England had 4. RenargSe ever been engaged,-a war which arose wholly out of her ungener- ter of the oisS treatment of her American colonies. The expense of blood and war, and the, treasure which this war cost England was enormous; nor, indeed, pain it bt did her European antagonists suffer much less severely. The nFr4ce an United States was the only country that could look to any beneficial results from the war, and these were obtained by a strange union of opposing motives and principles, unequalled in the annals of history. France and Spain, the arbitrary despots of the old world, had stood forth as the protectors of an infant republic, and had combined, contrary to all the principles of their political faith, to establish the rising liberties of America. They seemed but an l:iind instruments in the hands of Providence, employed to aid in the founding of a nation which should cultivate those republican virtues that were destined yet to regenerate the world upon the principles of universal intelligence, and eventually to overthrow the time-worn system of tyrannical usurpation of the few over-th, Manys, !.l-: ill 111 7l _I I Li a~~~~~~~ ~;Va?'~I~i~r __ lR' ~ j 7 ~~~~il i ~ ~ ~ Abai, lA Au 4Q-I~~~~ J1 %JCW4 —SW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W I;i ~~~~~~~~~~~~il ~~~~~~~ II ~ ~ ~ ~ M ae I~~~~rD~~~~7~~~~j~~~r~~~ir ~ 2Ne Hmphie -4Msschsets iii i~~~~~~~~~~~i,, I~~~~~~~5Rhd Ilad ~ CC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cnetct ~~~~~~~ N~ ~~~~7Ne ok 27~ 2,~si \2i2 Cf, I SS gj %-3 8~~~~~~~~~ New Jerpey.c K OF THE COUSNTRY 10 Delare, 110 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 Meclee S K'~~~TH ISISIPI72 Vir~ C KAT THI CL(OsE o1 Feee~ele THE jCEVOLUT1CION 14_SothI Caolina Th.witopOllCCoCf tleMapsIC the vtcil 16 EastFloeida 2Z EctuC/CCents at this period. 17 VWet Filocida L L~~;~;;~;~;;~r PART IV. THE UNITED STATES. FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF THE GOVERNMENT UNDER Period OMbraced in THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, IN 1789, TO THE YEAR 1845. Part IV. CHAPTER I. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, Subject of Chapter I. FROMi APRIL 30, 1789, TO MARCH 4) 1797. 1.'On the 30th of April, 1789, Washington appeared 17'S9o before congress, then assembled in the city of New York, l. Wasing. end taking the oath of office required by the constitution, toated pres'rwas proclaimed President of the United States.* 2In an dent. impressive address to both houses of congress, he expressed 2. Hi aaado'e, z!ir U).VW~~ U Vu vr-u~uuru u-on that occrahis distrust in his own qualifications for the important of- S fice to which the partiality of his country had called him -offered his " supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, and presides in the councils of nations," that He would "' consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a government instituted by themselves,"-and that He would enable all C- employed in its administration, to execute, with success, the functions alloted to their charge." 2. 2Adhering to the principles upon which he had acted 3. Prdnci2ples to which he while commander-in-chief, he now likewise declined all pe- st:ll aaIherld: cuniary compensation for his presidential duties, and closed cladd orhiss by requesting congress to accompany him, in humble supplication, to the benign Parent of the human race, for the divine blessing on all those measures upon which the suecess of the government depended. "Immediately after the 4. Mfanner oz address, both houses of congress, with the president, at- newghothe tended divine service; and with this public acknowledg-,,mmentoced. nment of a Supreme Being as the ruler of the universe, and r Washington was inaugurated in the gallery of the old City Hall which stood on a tleC af the present Custom HIouse, in Wall Street. 55 434 THE UNITED STATES. [BooK II. ANALYSIS. controller of human actions and human destiny, the govern. ment under the new constitutioA was commenceId. The legli- 3.'The legislature, during its first session'* was prin. lttrure during cipally occupied in providing revenues for the long ex. a LEding hausted treasury; in organizing the executive depart, sept. 29. ments; in establishing a judiciary; and in framing amend2. Mecsures ments to tihe constitution. 2'For providing a revenue. duL. pvtr'anelLa ties were levied on the tonnage of' vessels, and likewise on revenlie, and p fo. e~dcaur-.foreign goods imported into the United States. For the aging Amer- o iean shp. purpose of' encouraging American shipping, these duties ttzO ~were made unequal; being the heaviest on the tonnugre of foreign vessels, and on goods introduced by them. 3 enerstab- 4. 3To aid the president in the management of the af. lished to aid fairs of government, three executive departments were es, the r.aident. tablished,-styled department of foreign affairs, or of state department of the treasury, and department of wvar; withi 4. Duties re- a secretary at the head of each. 4The heads of these de. headc s ftlsese panttients had special duties assigned them; and they -epartmnts. were liklewise to constitute a council, which might be con. sulted by the president, whenever he thought proper, oxr 5. The vpower subjects relating to the duties of their offices. 5Thle powe, of renovat. of removing from oifice the heads of these departments., was, after much discussion, left with the president alone. t. Apposnt-. Thomas Jefferson was appointed secretary of state, ade. Hamilton of the treasury, and Knox of the war depart. ment. 7. Thenataon- 5. 7A national judiciary Nwas also established during this at jsudiciary, and anzend- session of congress; consisting of a supreme court, having ments to the....t ontitutto0n. one chief justice, and several associate judges; and circuSt and district courts, which have jurisdiction over certain cases specified in the constitution. John Jay was appointed chief justice of the United States, and Edmund Randolph attorney-general. Several amendments to the constituti(n were proposed by congress, ten of which were subsequent. S. The states ly ratified by the constitutional majority of the states. 8Sn that last ado,d te te November North Carolina adopted the constitution, and Constitution. Rhode Island in the May fbollowing, thus completing the number of the thirteen original states. 1790. 6. 9Early in the second session, the secretary of the 9. Iamilton's b 9 p,ltfor treasury brought forward, at the request of congress, a pt,,baitalncredt plan for maintaining the public credil. He proposed, as b. Jan. 15. a measure of sound ioolicy and substantial justice, that the general government should assume, not only the pub. lie foreign and domestic debt, amounting to more than * A Session of Congress is one sitting, or the time duringr which the legislature meets daily for business. Congress has but one session annually; but as the existence of each congress continues during two years, each congress hies two sessions. Thus we speak of the 1st se, aion of the 20th ccngress;-the 2d session of the 25th congress, Rkc. PART IV.] WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION. 435 fifty-four millions of dollars, but likewise the debts of the E190. states, contracted duringr the war, and estimated at twentyfive millions. 7.'Provision was made for the payment of the foreign. Succe88 0of debt without opposition; but respecting the assumption the plan. of the state debts, and also the full payment of the domestic debt, —in other words, the redemption of the public securities, then, in a great measure, in the hands of speculators who had purchased them for a small part of their nominal value, much division prevailed in congress.; but the plan of the secretary was finally adopted. 8. 2During this year a law was passed, fixing the seat 2. Permanent of government, for ten years, at Philadelphia; and after- seat ofgov-. wards, permanently, at a place to be selected on the Poto. mac. 3In 1790, the " Territory southwest of the Ohio," 3. Territorirc. embracing the present Tennessee, was formed into a ter- for,,e.e ritorial government. 9. 4During the same year, an Indian war broke out on 4.Indlianwova in on the north. the northwestern frontiers; and pacific arrangements western having been attempted in vain, an expedition, under Gen- fronliers eral Harmar, was sent into the Indian country, to reduce the hostile tribes to submission. Many of the Indian towns were burned, and a large quantity of corn destroyed; but in two battles,a near the confluence of the rivers a. Oct. 1, St. Mary's* and St. Joseph's in Indiana, between succes- "nd 22 sive detachments of the army and the Indians, the former were defeated with considerable loss. 10. 5Early in 1791, in accordance with a plan pro- 1791. posed by the secretary of the treasury, an act was passed 5' Estaf,'nzby congress for the establishment of a national bank, tieoal bank. called the Bank of the United States, but not without the most strenuous opposition; on the ground, principally, that congress had no constitutional right to charter such an institution. 11. 6During the same year, Vermont,t the last settled its ehistor,, of the New England states, adopted the constitution, and Ic. was admittedb into the Union. The territory of this state b.Fe!) 18. had been claimed both by New York and New Hampshire;-each had made grants of land within its limits; but in 1777 the people met in convention. and proclaimed Vermont or VNew Connecticut, an independent state. Ow- The St. 2Mary's from the S. and St. Joseph's from the N. unite at Fort Wayne, in the N.E. part of Indiana, and form the Mllaumee, which flows into the west end of Lake Erie. t VEItRIONT, one of the Eastern or New England States, contains an area of about. 8000 square miles. It is a hilly country, and is traversed throughout nearly its whole length by the Green Mountains, the loftiest points of which are a little more than 4000 feet high. The best lands in the state are W. of the mountains, near Lake Champlain; but the soil generally, throughout the state, is better adapted to grazing than to tillage. The first settlement in the state was at Fort Dummer, now Brattleboro'. A fort was erected here in 1723, and a settlement commenced in the following year. 436 THE UNITED STATES. [BooK, n. ANrALYSIS. ing to the objections of New York, it was not admitted into the confederacy; nor was the opposition of New York withdrawn until 1789, when Vermont agreed to purchase the claims of New York to territory and juris. diction by the payment of 30,000 dollars. 1. Another 12.'After the deebat of General Harmar in 1790, an. expedition plaedn other expedition, with additional forces, was planned against ian the. the Indians, and the command given to General St. Clair, 2. Account of then governor of the Northwestern Territory.'In the the espedition and the fall of 1791, the forces of St. Clair, numbering about defeS't Clair.c 20)00 men, marcheda from Fort Washington,* northward, a. Sept. and about eighty miles, into the Indian country, where, on the 4th of November, they were surprised in camp,t and defeated with great slaughter. Out of 1400 men engaged in the battle, nearly 600 were killed. Had not the vie torious Indians been called from the pursuit to the abandoned camp in quest of plunder, it is probable that nearly the whole army would have perished. 1792. 13.'O30n the 1st of June, 1792, Kentucky,t which had 3. Etarly hi-e been previously claimed by Virginia, was admitted into tory of Kentucky. the Union as a state. The first settlement in the state was made by Daniel Boone and others, at a place called Boonesboro',~ in the year 1775. During the early parl of the revolution, the few inhabitants suffered severely from the Indians, who were incited by agents of the British government; but in 1779 General Clarke, as before b. See r. 384. mentioned,b overcame the Indians, and laid waste their villages; after which, the inhabitants enjoyed greater security, and the settlements were gradually extended. 4. Electionof 14. 4In the autumn of 1792 General Washington was 1792. again elected president of the United States, and John 5. Events in Adams vice-president. 5At this time the revolution in France- France was progressing, and early in 1793 news arrived in the United States of the declaration of war by France,. Mr Genet: against England and Holland.'About the same time qf the Amer- Mr. Genet arrived0 in the United States, as minister of Fricans ce. the French republic, where he was warmly received b5 c. In April. the people, who remembered with gratitude the aid whicF t Fort MWashington was on the site of the present Cincinnati, situated on the N. side of the Ohio River, near the S..W. extremity of the state of Ohio. The city is near the eastern extremity of a pleasant valley about twelve miles in circumnference. -the camp of St. Clair was in the western part of Ohio, at the N.W. angle of Da,rh County. Fort Recovery was afterwards built there. Dalrk County received its name frolr Colonel Dark, an officer in St. Clair's army.: KENTUCKY, one of the Western States, contains an area of about 42,000 square miles The country in the western parts of the state is hilly and mountainous. A narrow tract along the Ohio River, through the whole leng"th of the state, is hilly and broken, but has a good soil. Between this tract and Greene River is a fertile regions frequently denominated the garden of the state. The country in the S.W. part of the state between Greene and Cum 1erland Rivers, is called " The Barrens,;' although it proves to be excellent grain land. B~ oonesboro' is on:he S. sidse of Kentucky River, about eighteen miles S.E. from Lexington PART IV.] WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION. 437 France had rendered them in their struggle for indepen- 1793. 4ence, and who now cherished the flattering expectation that the French nation was about to enjoy the same blessings of liberty and self-government. 15.'Flattered by his reception, and relying on the. Course partiality manifested towards the French nation, Mr. Air.( enet. Genet assumed the authority of fitting out privateers in the ports of the United States, to cruise against the vessels of nations hostile to France; and likewise attempted to set on fbot expeditions against the Spanish settlements in Florida and on the Mississippi, although the president had previously issueda a proclamation, declaring it to be the a. May g. duty and interest of' the United States to preserve the most strict neutrality towards the contending powers in Europe. 16.'As Mr. Genet persisted in his endeavors, in oppo- 2 is rectal. sition to the efforts and remonstrances of the president, cessor and likewise endeavored to excite discord and distrust between the American people and their government, the president requested' his recall; and in the following year b. July. his place was supplied by Mr. Fauchet,' who was in- c. Pronoun structed to assure the American government that France ced, Fo-sha. disapproved of the conduct of his predecessor. 17.'After the defeat of St. Clair in 1791,d General 3 Eventsat thee qvegt OfWayne was appointed to carry on the Indian war. In te thedefeat the autumn of 1793 he built Fort Recovery near the of St. Cl3ar. ground on which St. Clair had been defeated, where he passed the winter. In the following summer he advanced 1794. still farther into the Indian country, and built Fort Defiance;* whence he moved down the Maumee,e and, on e.N.p. 435. the 20th of August, at the head of about 3000 men, met Aug. 20. the Indians near the rapids,t completely routed them, and laid waste their country. 18. 4An act, passed in 1791, imposing duties on domes- 4. Troubes tic distilled spirits, the first attempt at obtaining a revenue tion. from internal taxes, had, fiom the beginning, been highly urnpopular in many parts of the country, and especially with the anti-federal or democratic party. During this year, the attempts to enforce the act led to open defiance of the laws, in the western counties of Pennsylvania. After two ineffectual proclamationsf by the president, the f. Aug. 7, and display of a large military force was necessary in order Sept. 25. to quell the insurgents. * Fort Defiance was situated at the confluence of the River Au Glaize with the Maumee, ina the N.W. part of Ohio, and at the S.E extremity of Williams County. t The rapids of the Maumee are about ei!;hteen miles from the mouth of the river. The British then occupied Fort Maumee, at the rapids, on the N. side of the river, a short distance above which, in the present town of IVaynescfield, the battle was fought. 438 THE UNITED STATES. [BOOK I1 ANALYSIS. 19.'Since the peace of 1783, between Great Britain. Comnplaints and the United States, each party had made frequent betwe.en Gt. complaints that the other had violated the stipulations con. the United tained in the treaty.'The former was accused of having 2. Ofsehat carried away negroes at the close of the war, of making the forT, er illegal seizures of American property at sea, and of rewas accused. taining possession of the military posts on the western B. The latter. frontiers.'The latter was accused of preventing the loyalists firom regaining possession of their estates, andr British subjects from recovering debts contracted before 4. What re- the commencement of hostilities. 4To such an extent fareld had the complaints been carried, that, by many, another war between the two countries was thought to be inevitable. 5. Measure 20.'For the purpose of adjusting the difficulties, anS taken for ad~usting diffi- preventing a war, if possible, Mr Jay was sent to Engculties. land; where he succeeded in concludinga a treaty, which, 1795. early in the following year, was laid before the senate for 6. Rati-a ratification. BAfter a long debate, and a violent opposition treatf tdish by the democratic party, and the friends of France throughits tens. out the country, the treaty was ratifiedb by the senate, and signed by the president. By the terms of the treaty, the western posts were tc be surrendered* to the United States; compensation was to be made for illegal captures of American property; and the United States were to secure to British creditors the proper means of collecting debts, which had been contracted before the peace of 1783. 7. Treatycon- 21.'During the same year, a treaty was concludede at cluded at Fort Fort Greenville,t with the western Indians-; by which the c. Aug. 3. various tribes ceded to the UJnited States a large tract of 8. Treaty country in the vicinity of Detroit, and west of Ohio. 81n with Spain. October, a treaty was concluded with Spain; by which the boundaries between the Spanish possessions of Louisiana and Florida, and the United States, were settled; the right of navigating the Mississippi, from its source to the ocean, was secured to the United States; and New Orleanst was granted to them, as a place of deposit, for three years. * The British retained possession of Michigan, by means of their post at Detroit, until 1796. t Fort Greenville was built by General Wayne in 1793, on a western branch of the Miami, VICINITY OF'NEW ORLEANS. and on the site of the present town of Greenville, the capI~CINITY~ Or:.ital of Dark County. Ohio. Fort Jefferson was six miles S.W. of it, and Frelt rco'ery twenty-two miles N.E. -Pc /.C,Gen TF~7l New Orleanss, now the capital of the state of Louisiana, $sA~$S>'hsa t v >is on the E. bank of the Mississippi River, 105 miles from its oM 7l7q3 B gJ3 g. moutih, by the river's course. It was first settled by the 6ermcat7- NEtr7: LECI ~' s French in 1717. The level of the city is from three to nine anlo0: > S - dforrl ttt_ feet below the level of the river, at the highest water. To >fIL~r,'C':~;i~-z........ protect it from inundation, an embankment, called the:,,ai ll_-s IiZ.R h Levee, has been raised on the border of the river, extending -_.__. orn:i(Woduvidfei i from forty-three miles below the city, to 120 miles above it See Map.) PART IV.J ADAMS'S ADSIINISTRATION. 43h9 22.'A treaty was concluded- with Algiers, and the con- 1795. tinuance of peace was to be secured by the payment of an 1. Peace eytab annual tribute to t:he dey, in accordance with the long es- Ale tl tablished practice of European nations. 2In June, 1793, the - a. Sept.' Territory southwest of the Ohio"' was erected into an in- 1795. deFendent state, by the name of Tennessee,* and admitted 2,. Stte ofe into the Union. 23.'As the second term of Washington's administration 3. waslshn.,~ toa's retirewould expire in the spring of 1797, Washington previous- mtoentfrnoE o.[l ce, and ly made known his intention to retire from public life. haSfltwa;elz His farewell address," on that occasion, to the people of address. the United States, abounds with maxims of the highest political importance, and sentiments of the warmest afSection for his country. On the retirement of the man on 4. On S rewhom alone the people could unite, the two great parties wohat loat in fhe United States brought forward their prominent lead- done. ers for the executive office of the nation. 24.'The f-ederalist-s, dreadinog the influence of French 5 Prncples sentiments and principles,-attached to the system of a.rties measures pursued by Washington, and desiring its continntance in his successor, made the most active efforts to elect John Adams; while the republicans, believing their opponents too much devoted to -the British nation, and to British institutions, made equal exertions to elect Thomas Jefferson. 6T'he result was the election of Mr..Adams as 6. Resultof president, and,Mr. Jefferson as vice-president. Th1e in- thelecton auguration of the former took place on the 41h of March, 1797. CHIAPTER II. ADAizMS'S ADMINISTRATION, subjecrof Chapter IL. FR(I, MIA\aRCH 4, 1797 TO MAIAiCI 4, 1801. 1. Du'nTNG the administratio n of TrWasllington, the con- 7 Sittaios, of the country litionl of tie country hlad been gradally impr oig. A,,,'sound credit had been established, filnds hlad been pro- i,~to,'s-. vidc1 foI ti h griadual payment of the national debt, treaties I had been colcluded vith thel wes4tern Indian tribes, and with Enoland, Spain, and the Barbary powers, and the n:trieiUtltura1 a nd commlercid al weablthi of the nation had inTENNESSEi,..I Lot, of the'estern States, contains an area of a.bount 43.000 square miles. CTisc C,.u'a.n1 /s 5Is inoub L.8ns, crosing thle st:t.te in th1e dlilrectioil of N.E. and S.W., divide it iittt we rtS, ts tcalledil',ast Tent esse and Wesit Tenrtessee. The western part of the state has a btickr, ti,'h soil: in the eastern p:rt tole vwilley\s only are fertile. The first settlement in TenaesQ was made at Fort Loudon (see Note, p. 283) in 1757. 440 THE UNITED STATES. [BooK I[L ANALYTSIS. creased beyond all former example.'But In the meaq 1. Dif,:cutie, time, difficulties with France had arisen, which threatened with France. to involve the country in another war. 2. How th 2.'O20n the breaking out of the war between France ifferent par- and England, consequent upon the French revolution, the ties regarded bthewOa' b'e- anti-federal or republican party warmly es;oused the andaEng- cause of the French; while the government, then in the hands of the federal party, in its attempts to preserve a strict neutrality towards the contending powers, was 3. Course charged with an undue partiality for England. 3The tahefench French ministers, who succeeded Mr. Genet, finding 2ninisters. themselves, like their predecessor, supported by a numerous party attached to their nation, began to remonstrate with the government, and to urge upon it the adoption of measures more favorable to France. 4. Course of 3. 4The French Directory, failing in these measuires, the French and highly displeased on account of the treaty recently'Directory. concluded between England and the United States, adopted regulations highly injurious to American commerce; and even authorized, in certain cases, the capture and confis-; Treatment cation of American vessels and their cargoes. 6They ofatne nsteri likewise refused to receive the American minister, Mr. Pinclkney, until their demands against the United States should be complied with. Mr. Pinckney was afterwards obliged, by a written mandate, to quit the territories of the French republic. 6. courosepr- 4. "In this state of affiirs, the president, by proclamasued by the president. tion, convened congress on the 15th of June; and, in a firm and dignified speech, stated the unprovoked outrages 7. Advances of the French government. 7Advances were again made, tconciiationx however, for securing a reconciliation; and, for this pure pose, three envoys, at the head of whom was Mr. Pinckney, were sent to France. 8. Resultof 5. 8But these, also, the Directory refused to receive; t hembas-y. although they were met by certain unofficial agents of the French minister, who explicitly demanded a large sum of money before any negotiation could be opened. To this insulting demand a decided negative was given. Two of the envoys, who were federalists, were finally ordered to leave France; while the third, who was a republican, was permited to remain. 1798. 6. 9These events excited general indignation in the 9. Prepara- United States; and vigorous measures were immediately ionsfor oar. a. InMay. adopteda by congress, for putting the country in a proper state of defence, preparatory to an expected war. Provi. sion was made for raising a small standing army th, b. July. command of which was givenb to General Washington, who cordially approved the measures of the government PART IV.] ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION. 441 As. naval armament was decided upon, captures of French 1798. vessels were authorized, and all treaties with France were declared void. 7.'The land forces however were not called into ac- I. Partial hostilities, tion; and after a few encounters at sea, in which an andrmeasur~e American armed schooner was decoyed into the power of fte, dfltcu the enemy, and a French frigate captured, the French ties. Directory made overtures of peace. The president, therefore, appointed~ ministers, who were authorized to proceed " 1799. to France, and settle, by treaty, the difficulties between tfie two countries. 8. 2Washington did not live to witness a restoration of 2. Death cf peace. After a short illness, of only a few hours, he died Was hngton. at his residence at Mount Vernon, in Virginia, on the 14th Dec. 14. of December, at the age of sixty-eight years.'When in- 3 Proceedtelligence of this event reached Philadelphia, congress, gnrssorethen in session, immediately adjourned. On assembling Zeivinfintelthe next day, the house of representatives resolved, " That event. the speaker's chair should be shrouded in black, that the members should wear black during the session, and that a joint committee, from the senate and the house, should be appointed to devise the most suitable manner of paying honor to the memory of the man first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." 9. 41n accordance with the report of the committee, and 4. PublZe mourning nr the unanimous resolves of congress, a funeral procession th occasion moved from the legislative hall to the German Lutheran church, where an impressive and eloquent oration was delivered by General Lee, a representative from Virginia. The people of the United States were recommended to wear crape on the left arm, for thirty days. This recommendation was complied with, and a whole nation appeared in mourning. In every part of the republic, funeral orations were delivered; and the best talents of the nation were devoted to an expression of the nation's grief. 10.'Washington was above the common size; his 5 Thepergon frame was robust, and his constitution vigorous, and capable alcep, man. of enduring great fatigue. His person was fine; his de- nero, and was, - character qo portment easy, erect and noble; exhibiting a natural dig- YVShCingtors nity, unmingled with haughtiness, and conveying the idea of great strength, united with manly gracefulness. His marners were rather reserved than free; he was humane, benevolent, and conciliatory; his temper was highly sensitive by nature, yet it never interfered with the coolness of his judgment, nor with that prudence which was tile strongest feature in his character. His mind was great and powerful, and though slow in its operations, was sure in its conclusions. He devoted a long lifb to the welfhare 5,) I, 442 THE UNITED STATES.'BooK I1 ANALYSIS. Df hiS country; and while true greatness commands re spect, and the love of liberty remains on earth, the me. mory of Washington will be held in veneration. 1800. 11.'During the summer of 1800, the seat of govern. 1. Events o0 ment was removed from Philadelphia to Washington, in ghe years 1800 and 1802. the District of Columbia.* During the same year the territory between the western boundary of Georgia and the Mississippi River, then claimed by Georgia, and called tihe Georgia western territory, was erected into a distinct gcvernment, and called the Mississippi Territory. Two years later, Georgia ceded to the United States all her claims to 2. Treaty lands within those limits.'In September,' a treaty was aoith France. concluded at Paris, between the French government, then in the hands of' Bonaparte, and the United States; by which the difficulties between the two countries were happily terminated. a. Efforts of 12. 3As the term of Mr. Adams's administration drew tardt Stho e towards its close, each of the great parties in the country Bloss of made the most strenuous efforts,-the one to retain, and Adams's administration. the other to acquire the direction of the government. 4Mr. Iarity pf the Adams had been elected by the predominance of federal federaliparty. principles, but many things in his administration had tended to render the party to which he was attached unpopular with a majority of the nation. 5. Prrncpat 13.'The people, ardently attached to liberty, had.auses of pub- I leidscon- viewed with a jealous eye those measures of the govern-,ent. tent. ment which evinced a coldness towards the French revolution, and a partiality for England; because they believed that the spirit of liberty was here contending against the tyranny of despotism. The act for raising a standing army, ever a ready instrument of oppression in the hands of kings, together with the system of taxation by internal duties, had been vigorously opposed by the democratic party; while the Alien and Sedition laws increased the popular ferment to a degree hitherto unparalleled. 6. Atien and 14.'The "alien law," authorized the president to order 5edition laws. any foreigner, whom he should judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States, to depart out of the country, upon penalty of' imprisonment. The "sedition DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. - The District of Colhzsbiza is a tract of country ten miles square, ~i o ~ n: ~' on both sides of the Potomac Itiver, about 120 miles from its month, >o, U'~~~IS tieyl the river's course. In 1790 it was ceded to the United States b) \A aQW: Virginia land MIaryland, for the purpose of becoming the seat of gov ernillent. It includes the cities of \Washington, Alexandriat, and )\,{' a and forty miles N.E. from Mobile. (See Map.) + Talttsheatchee was on the S. side of Tallushatchee Creek,:: ~' )' near the present -village of Jacksonville, in Benton County. (See Map.) 013A f.A ~ Talladega was a short distance E. from the Coosa River, in the present County of Talladega, and nearly thirty miles south from Fort Strother at Ten Islands. (Map.)'temptsct a n' 11 uAutossee was situated on the S. bank of the Tallapoosah twenty miles from its junction with the Coosa. (Map.). E.n...... Eucfal was on the W. bank of the Tallapoosa, at the mouth of Emuefau Creek, about tllirty-five miles S.E. from Tal, ladega. (See Map.' PART IV. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION. 45-I and others, soon followed; in all which the Indians were 1~13. defeated, although not without considerable loss to the l, oth Americans. The Creeks made their last stand at the 6attles hethoeen the great bend of the Tallapoosa; called by the Indians To- Amer2iCns hopeka,* and by the whites Horse Shoe Bend. diarn. 17.'Here about one thousand of their warriors, with 2.Battleof their women and children, had assembled in a fort strongly Hotse, Sh o. fortified. To prevent escape, the bend was encircled by Bend a strong detachment under General Coffee, while the main body under General Jackson advanced against the works in front. These were carried by assault; but the Indians, seeing no avenue of escape, and disdaining to surrender, continued to fight, with desperation, until nearly all were slain. Only two or three Indian warriors were taken prisoners. In this battle" the power of the Creeks a. March27, was broken, and their few remaining chiefs soon after 1814. sent in their suibmission. 18.'With the termination of the British and Indian 3.!rTo what evento we war in the west, and the Indian war in the south, the now return. latter extending into the spring of 1814, we now return to resume the narrative of eveipts on the northern frontier. II. EVENTS IN THE NoxrH. —. 4.1 the 25th of April, 4. Epeditio Gen.eral Dearborn, withll 1700 men. eambarked at Sackett's by Gen. Dearborn in Harbor,t- on board the fleet of Commodore Chauncey, with.April. the design of making an attack on York,t the capital of Upper Canada, the great depository of British military stores, whence the western posts were supplied. On the 5. Eventsat 27th the troops landed, although opposed at the water's thelanding. edge by a large force of British and Indians, who were soon driven back to the garrison, a mile and a half distant. 2. "Led on by General Pike, the troops had already 6. Events carried one battery by assault, and were advancing against oicthettcathe main works, when the enemy's magazine blew up, ture6of York hurling immense quantities of stone and timber upon the advancing columns, and killing and wounding more than 200 men. The gallant Pike was mortally wounded, and the troops were, for a moment, thrown into confusion; but recovering from the shock, they advanced upon the town, of which they soon gained possession. General Sheaffe escaped with the principal part of the regular * Tohopeka, or Ilorse,SLoe Bend, is about forty miles S.E. from Talladega, near the N.E, corner cf the present Tallapoosa County. (See Map, previous page.) t Sackett's Harbor is on the S. side of Black River Bay, at the mouth of Black River, and at the eastern extremity of Lake Ontario. Y York, which has now assumed the early Indian name of Toronto, is situated on the X, thoeo of Lake Ontario, about thirty-five miles N. from Niagara. 58 458 THE UNITED STATES. [Boor JI ANA.Y31I. troops, but lost all his baggage, books, and papers. and abandoned public property to a large amount. 1.Attack on 3.'The object of the expedition having been attained, Harbor. the squadron returned to Sackett's Harbor, but soon aftei sailed for the Niagara frontier. The British on the oppo. site Canadian shore, being informed of the departure of the fleet, seized the opportunity of making an attack on Sackett's Harbor. On the 27th of May, their squadron May 29. appeared before the town, and on the morning of the 29th, one thousand troops, commanded by Sir George Prevost, effected a landing. 2. The result. 4. 2While the advance of the British was checked by a small body of regular troops, General Brown rallied the militia, and directed their march towards the landing; when Sir George Prevost, believing that his retreat was about to be cut off, re-embarked his troops so hastily, as to leave behind most of his wounded. S Events on 5.'On the very day of the appearance of the British hfrontiaea before Sackett's Harbor, the American fleet and land troops made an attack on Fort George, on the Niagara fiontier; a. lay 27. which, after a short defence, was abandoned' by the enemy. The British then retreated to the heights at the head of Burlington Bay,* closely pursued by Generals Chandler and Winder at the head of a superior fbrce. In a night.June6. attackb on the American camp, the enemy were repulsed with considerable loss; although in the darkness and confusion, both Generals Chandler and Winder were taken prisoners. #. Events dua- 6. 4Durin the remainder of the summer, few events of rinr the remainder of importance occurred on the northern frontier. Immedithe smnmer. ately after the battle of the Thames, General Harrison, with a part of his regular fbrce, proceeded to Buffalo,t where a. Caangeof he arrived on the 24th of October.'Soon after, he closed elc-ers. his military career by a resignation of his commission. General Dearborn had previously withdrawn from the service, and his command had been given to General Wil. kinson.. flans of 7. GGeneral Armstrong, who had recently been ap otr.~m. pointed secretary of war, had planned another invasion of' Canada. The army of the centre, under the immediate command of General Wilkinson, and that of the North, under General Hampton, were to unite at some point on the St. Lawrence, and co-operate for the reduction of Momotreal. * Burling:,s Bay is at the western extremity of Lake Ontario, thirty-five miles W. from Niagara. BOulalJ City? N. Y., is situated at the northeastern extremity of Lake Erie, near the outlet of the lake, anid on the N. side of Buffalo Creek, which constitutes its harbor. (Map p. 451.) PART IV.j MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION. 459 8.'After many difficulties and unavoidable delays, late 1S13. in the season the scattered detachments of the army of the I. Embark. - centre, comprising about 7000 men embarkeda from French tion of troops Creek,* down the St. Lawrence. 2The progress of the a. Novtr 5. army being impeded by numerous parties of the enemy 2. Progress on the Canada shore, General Brown was landed and sent athe z;pediin advance to disperse them. On the 11th an engage- tion ment occurred near Williamsburg,t in which the Americans lost more than 300 in killed and wounded. The British loss was less than 200. On the next day the army arrived at St. Regis,t when General Wilkinson, learning that the troops expected from Plattsburg~ would be unable to join him, was forced to abandon the project of attacking Montreal. He then retired with his forces to French Mills,!j where he encamped for the winter. 9.'In the latter part of the year, a few events desery- 3.s:Evestsons ing notice occurred on the Niagara frontier. In Decem- frontierrin ber, General McClure, commanding at Fort George, aban- tofatteyearJ donedb that post on the approach of the British; having b. Dec. 12. previously reduced the Canadian village of Newark~[ to ashes.c A few days later, a force of British and Indians c. Dec. 10 surprised and gained possessiond of Fort Niagara; and in d. Dec. 19. revenge for the burning of Newark, the villages of Youngstown,** Lewiston,tt Manchester,:t: and the Indian Tuscarora village~~ were reduced to ashes. On the 30th, Black Rock and Buffalo were burned. Dec. 30. III. NAVAL EVENTS, AND EVENTS ON THE SEA-COAST. -1. 4During the year 1813, the ocean was the theatre of 4 Navat cohnmany sanguinary conflicts between separate armed vessels year s813. of England and the United States. 50On the 24th of Feb- 5. Engaeruary, the sloop of war Hornet, commanded by Captain nteltorelt Lawrence, engagede the British brig Peacock, of about andthe Peaequal force. After a fierce conflict of only fifteen minutes, e. Off the the Peacock struck her colors, displaying, at the same time, marara. * French Creek enters the St. Lawrence from the S. in Jefferson County, twenty miles N from Sackett's Harbor. t Williamsburg is on the northern shore of the St. Lawrence, ninety miles from Lake On. tario, and about the same distance S.W. from Montreal. $ St; Regis is on the S. bank of the St. Lawrence, at the northwestern extremity of Franklin County, N. Y., twenty-five miles N. E. from Williamsburg. ~ Plattsbtsrg, the capital of Clinton County, N. Y., is situated mostly on the N. side of Saranac River, at its entrance into Cumberland B]ay, a small branch of Lake Champlain. It is about 145 miles, in a direct line, from Albany. II The place called French Mills, since named Fort Covington, from General Covington, who fell at the battle of Williamsburg, is at the fork of Salmon River, in Franklin County, aine miles E. from St. Regis. ~[ Newark, now called Niagara, lies at the entrance of Niagara River into Lake Ontario, Opposite Fort Niagara. (See Map, p. 451.) *5 Youngstown is one mile S. from Fort Niagara.'t Lewistoan is seven miles S. from Fort Niagara. (See Map, p. 451.) $: The village of Aianchester, now called Niagara Falls, is on the American side of the Great Cataract," fourteen miles from Lake Ontario. (Map, p. 451, and p. 462.) ii The Tuscarora Village is three or four miles E. from Lewiston. (See Map, p. 451,) 460 THE UNITED STATES. [BooK Il ANALYSIS. a signal of distress. She was found to be sinking rapidly, and although the greatest exertions were made to save her crew she went down in a feb minutes, carrying with her nine British seamen, and three brave and generous Americans. 1. Between 2.'The tide of fortune, so long with the Americans, peee andthe now turned in favor of the British. On the return of Saannon. Captain Lawrence to the United States, he was promoted to the command of the fiigate Chesapeake, then lying in Boston harbor. With a crew of newly enlisted men, partly foreigners, he hastily put to sea on the 1st of June, in search of the British frigate Shannon; which, with a select crew, had recently appeared off the coast, challenging any American frigate of equal force to meet her. On the June l. same day the two vessels met, and engaged with great fury. In a few minutes every officer who could take command of the Chesapeake was either killed or wounded; the vessel, greatly disabled in her rigging, became entangled with the Shannon; the enemy boarded, and, after a short but bloody struggle, hoisted the British flag. 2. Capt. Law- 3. 2The youthful and intrepid Lawrence, who, by his rence, and previous victory and magnanimous conduct, had become Ludlow. the favorite of the nation, was mortally wounded early in the action. As he was carried below, he issued his last heroic order, "Don't give up the ship;" words which are consecrated to his memory, and which have become the motto of the American navy. The bodies of Captain Lawrence and Lieutenant Ludlow-the second in command-were conveyed to Halifax, where they were interred with appropriate civil and military honors; and no testimony of respect that was due to their memories was left unpaid. Aug. 14. 4.'O30n the 14th of August, the American brig Argus, 3. The Argua after a successful cruise in the British Channel, in which _elican. she captured more than twenty English vessels, was herself captured, after a severe combat, by the brig Pelican, 4. TheEnter. a British vessel of about equal force. 4In September folprise and the, rBoxter. lowing, the British brig Boxer surrendered' to the Ameria. sept. 5. can brig Enterprise, near the coast of Maine, after an engagement of forty minutes. The commanders of both vessels fell in the action, and were interred beside each other at Portland, with military honors. 5. Capt. Por- 5.'During the summer, Captain Porter, of the frigate frigae, Essx. Essex, after a long and successful cruise in the Atlantic, visited the Pacific Ocean, where he captured a great nunber of British vessels. Early in the following year, the 8ts4. Essex was capturedb in the harbor of Valparaiso,* by a Valparaiso, the principal port of Chili, is on a bay of the Pacific Ocean, sixty miles N IW from Santiago. PART IV.] MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION. 461 British frigate and sloop of superior force.'The nume- ISl3. rous privateers, which, during this year, as well as the -1 A. rcas former, visited all parts of the world, and seriously an- privateers. noyed the British shipping, in general sustained the high character which the American flag had already gained for daring and intrepidity, and generous treatment of the vanquished. 6.'2Mieanwhile, on the sea-coast, a disgraceful war of 2. Thewar ao havoc and destruction was carried on by large detach- tseoat ments from the British navy. Most of the shipping in Delaware Bay was destroyed. Eai'ly in the season, a British squadron entered the Chesapeake, and plundered and burned several villages. At Hampton,* the inhabitants were subjected to the grossest outrages fronm the brutal soldiery. The blockade of the northern ports fell into the hands of Commodore Hardy, a brave and honorable officer, whose conduct is pleasingly contrasted with that of the commander of the squadron in the Chesapeake. SECTION I V. PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF 1814. Subjection ofV. DIVIsIoNs.-I. Events on the Niagara Frontier. —I. Events in the Irt Ddvislon8e Vicinity of Lake Chamnplain. —III. Events on the Atlantic Coast.IV. Events in the South, and Close of the War. 1. EVENTS ON THE NIAGARA FRONTIER.-1. 3A few 1814. events of Indian warfare, which occurred in the early 3. Events of Indian warpart of this year, have already been narrateda in the pre- fare. vious section. 4Early in the season, 2000 men, under a. See p. 457. General Brown, were detached from the army of General ofGeneral Wilkinson, and marched to Sackett's Harbor, but were Broon. soon after ordered to the Niagara frontier, in contemplation of another invasion of Canada. 2. 6Earl-T on the morning of the third of July, Generals July 3. Scott and Ripley, at the head of about 3000 men, crossed occurred on the Niagara River, and surprised and took possession of the 3d, 4th, and 5th of Fort Eriet without opposition. On the following day, July. General Brown advanced with the main body of his forces to Chippeway;: where the enemy, under General Riall, were intrenched in a strong position. On the * Hampton, in Virginia, is situated north of James River, near its mouth, and on the W. dide of Hampton River, about a mile from its entrance into Hampton Roads. (Map, p. 136.) t Fost.rie is on the Canada side of Niagara River, nearly opposite Black Rock. (See Map, p. 451.): Chlippeway Village is on the WV. bank of Niagara River, at the mouth of Chippeway Creek, two miles S. from the falls, and sixteen miles N. from Fort Erie. The battle of July 5th was Aought in tb.e plain en the S. side of the creek. (See Map, next page; also Map, p. 451.) 462 THE UNITED STATES. [tBooc lh ANALYSIS. morning of the 5th, General Riall appeared before the Jul 5. American camp, and the two armies met in the open field; but after a severe battle, the enemy withdrew to their intrenchments, with a loss in killed, wounded, and missing, of about 500 men. The total American loss was 338. 1. Subsequent 3.'General Riall, after his defeat, fell back upon preceded thc Queenstown, and thence to Burlington Heights,* where ady's Lane. he was strongly reenforced by General Drummond, who assumed the command. The Americans advanced and encamped near the Falls of Niagara.t About sunset on July 25. the evening of the 25th, the enemy again made their appearance, and the two armies engaged at Lundy's Lane,S within a short distance of the Falls, where was fought the most obstinate battle that occurred during the war. 2. The early 4. 2General Scott, leading the advance, first engaged action. the enemy, and contended for an hour against a force greatly his superior; when both parties were reenforced by the main bodies of the two armies, and the battle was renewed with increased fury. Major Jessup, in the mean time, had fallen upon the flank and rear of the enemy; and, in the darkness, General Riall and his suite were made prisoners. As the British artillery, placed on an eminence, sorely annoyed the Americans in every part of the field, it became evident that the victory depended upon carrying the battery.. Taking of 5.'Colonel Miller was asked if he could storm the bat. the British battery. tery. "I can try, sir," was the laconic answer. Placing himself at the head of his regiment, he advanced steadily up the ascent, while every discharge of the enemy's cannon and musketry rapidly thinned his ranks. But nothing conld restrain:the impetuosity of his men, who, in a desperate charge, gained possession of the bat. tery; and the American line was immediately formed 4. Farther ac- upon the ground previously occupied by the enemy. battle, and of 6. 4The atttention of both armies was now directed to teaclsisde this position; and three desperate and sanguinary efforts VIC. OF NIAGARA FALLS. were made by the whole British force to rek-e~ k''4/f 0" gain it, but without success. In the third att/.X' ~~; * tBurlsington Heights lie W. and S. of Burlington Bay. (See Note, p. 458.) t The Falls of Niagara, between Lakes Erie and Ontario, are ell.n probably the greatest-natural curiosity in the world. The mighty volume of water which forms the outlet of Lakes SuperiQr, Michi lan, Huron, and Erie, is here:precipitated over a precipice of 160 -E )'2j\ feet high, with a roar like that of thunder, which may be heard,. Jeoe, ~ 4at times, to the distance of fifteen or twenty miles. The Falls are about twenty miles N. fiomn Lake Erie, and fourteen S. from Lake Ontario. (See Map; also Map, p. 451.) iYa MtZe StJit Lundy's Lane, then an obscure road, is about half a mle N.W. from the Falls. (See Map.) PART IV.] MADISON'S ADMINISTRATIONT. 463 tempt General Drummond was wounded, when his forces, Sl14. beaten back with a heavy loss, were withdrawn; and the Americans were left in quiet possession of the field. The British force engaged in this action was about 5000 men, nearly one-third greater than that of the American. The total loss of the former was 878 men, of the latter 858. 7.'Generals Brown- and Scott having been wounded, 1. chan,,eqf Ache command devolved upon General Ripley, who deemed ev~ets on t;e Niagara it prudent to retire to Fort Erie; where, on the 4th of frc, ier. August, he was besieged by General Drummond, at the head of 5000 men. Soon after General Gaines arrived at the fort, and being the senior officer, took the command. Early on the morning of the 15th, the enemy made an assault upon the fort, but were repulsed with a loss of nearly a thousand men, 8. Ohn the 17th of September, General Brown having previously resumed the command, a successful sortie was made friom the fort, and the advance works of' the besiegers were destroyed. The enemy soon after retired to Fort George, on learning that General Izard was approaching from Plattsburg, with reenforcements for the American army. In November, Fort Erie was abandoned& and destroyed, and the American troops, recrossing a. Nov 5. the river, went into winter quarters at Buffalo,b Black b.N.p. 458. Rock,c and Batavia.* c. N. p. 451. 11. EVENTS IN THE VICINITY OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN.- 2. Movementa of General 1. 2Late in February, General Willinson broke up his tilci/ons,, winter quarters at French Mills,d and removed his army early iothe to Plattsburg. In March, he penetrated into Canada, and d. See p. 459. attackede a body of the enemy posted at La Colle,t on the e. March 3a. Sorel; but being repulsed with considerable loss, he again returned to Plattsburg, where he was soon after superseded in command by General Izard. 1.'ln A ugust, General Izard was despatched to the 3.Eventstlhat Niagara frontier with 5000 men, leaving General Macomb follored the in commiand at Dlattsburg with only 1500. The British of Gen. Izard in Canada having been strongly reenforced by the veterans who had served under Wellington, in Europe, early in Septemb)er Sir George Prevost advanced against Plattsburg, at the head of 14,000 men, and at the same time an attempt was made to destroy the American flotilla on Lake 4. Attack on I)1 1 * 1 1 vo' the, A,'erican Champllain, commanded by Commodore MacDonough. ta1reand 3. 01n the 6th of September, the enemy arrived at Platzlsbur,. Bat(rvia, the capital of Genesee County, N. Y., is situated on Tonawanda Creek, about;ttrtv miles N.E frcm Buffalo. t La Colle, on the IV. bank of the Sorel, is the first town in Canada, N. of the Canada line. Lao CoIls iMill, where the principal battle occurred, was three miles N. from the village cf Odelto, u. 464 THE UNITED STATES. Bo100K ANALYSIS. Plattsburg. The troops of General Macomb willhdrew. N. 459. across the Saranac;- and, during four days, withstood all the attempts of the enemy to force a passage. About sept. 11. eight o'clock on the morning of the 11th, a general cannonading was commenced on the American works; and, soon after, the British fleet of Commodore Downie bore down and engaged that of Commodore MacDonough, lying in the harbor. After an action of two hours, the guns of the enemy's squadron were silenced, and most of their vessels captured..1 Farther ac- 4. 1The battle on the land continued until nightfall. progress and Three desperate but unsuccessful attempts were made by result of the action on the the British to cross the stream, and storm the American land. works. After witnessing the capture of the fleet, the efforts of the enemy relaxed, and, at dusk, they commenced a hasty retreat; leaving behind their sick and wounded, together with a large quantity of military stores. The total British loss, in killed, wounded, prisoners, and deserters, was estimated at 2500 men. 2. Events on III. EVENTS ON TI-IE ATLANTIC COAST.-1.'On the rethe coast, on the return of turn of spring the British renewed their practice of petty spring. plundering on the waters of the Chesapeake, and made frequent inroads on the unprotected settlements along its Aug. 19. borders. 30n the 19th of August, the British general, 3and marich Ross, landed at Benedict, on the Patuxent,* with 5000,Gen. Ross. men, and commenced his march towards Washington. 4. The Amer- 4The American flotilla, under Commodore Barney, lying icanflotilla. farther up the river, was abandoned and burned. a Route of 2. 0Instead of proceeding directly to WVashington, the and eventsemy enemy passed higher up the Patuxent, and approached the atBzadend city by the way of Bladensburg.t Here a stand was AWashington. made,b but the militia fled after a short resistance, although b. Aug. 24. a body of seamen and marines, under Commodore Barney, maintained their ground until they were overpowered by numbers, and the commodore taken prisoner. The enemy then proceeded to Washington, burned the capitol, president's house, and many other buildings, after which they made a hasty retreat to their shipping..lEventsat 3. 61n the mean time, another portion of the fleet as, cended the Potomac, and, on the 29th, reached Alexanr dria;: the inhabitants of which were obliged to purchase the preservation of their city from pillage and burning, * The Patucxent River enters the Chesapeake from the N.W., twenty miles N. from the mouth of the Potomac. Besnedict is on the W. bank of the Patuxent, twenty-five miles from its mouth, and thirty-five miles S.E. from Washington. t Bladensburg is six miles N.E. from Washington. (See Map, p. 442.): Alexandria is in the District of Columbia, on the W. bank of the Potomac. 5even miles below Washington. (See MIap, p. 442.) PART IV.] MADISON'S ADMIINISTRATION. 4:65 by the surrender of all the merchandise in the town, and iS84. the shipping at the wharves. 4.'After the successful attack on Washington, General l In thevi. ein: ty of Ross sailed up the Chesapeake; and on the 12th of Sep- Baltfmore. tember, landed at North Point,a fourteen miles from Balti- a. Seb Mawp, more; and immediately commenced his march towards the city. In a slight skirmish General Ross was killed, but the enemy, under the command of Colonel Brooke, continled the march, and a battle of one hour and twenty minutes was fought with a body of militia under General Striker. The militia then retreated in good order to the defences of the city, where the enemy made their appearance the next morning. b. Sept. 13. 5.'By this time, the fleet had advanced up the Pataps- 2. Attack on co,* and commenced a bombardment of Fort McHienry,t McHetry. which was continued during the day and most of the fol- Sept. 13,14 lowing night, but without making any unfavorable impression, either upon the strength of the work, or the spirit of the garrison.'The land forces of the enemy, after re- 3. The rmaining all day in front of the American works, and mak- treat. ing many demonstrations of attack, silently withdrew early the next morning,c and during the following night em- e. Sept. 14 barked on board their shipping. 6. 4In the mean time the coast of New England did not 4. Thelvaror tlze coast of escape the ravages of war. Formidable squadrons were Nev EngR kept up before the ports of New York, New London, and land. Boston; and a vast quantity of shipping fell into the hands of the enemy. In August, Stoningtont was bombardedd d. Aug. 9, V1, by Commodore Hardy, and several attempts were made to land, which were successfully opposed by the militia. IV. EVENTS IN THE SOUTII, AND CLOSE OF THE WAR. -1.'During the month of August, several British ships of 5. First movewar arrived at the Spanish port of Pensacola, took possession British at the of the forts, with the consent of the authorities, and fitted south, duout an expedition against Fort Bowyer,~ commanding the year. entrance to the bay and harbor of Mobile.ll After the loss of a ship of war, and a considerable number of men VICINITY OF BALTIMORE. * The Patapsco River enters Chesapeake Bay from VICINITY OF BALTIMORE. the N.W., about eighty-five miles N. from the mouth of -— o/s1..o-tia ns 7' the Potomac. (See Map.) 2 n t 79rt AlIcHenry is on the W. side of the entrance to ED S MORL Baltnllore Harbor, about two miles below the city. (See 1,t Co $ The village of Stonington, attacked by the enemy, a: - is on a narrow peninsula extending into the Sound, n twelve miles E. from New London.,? r ~ Fort Bowyer, now called Fort lorgan, is on Mobile bTkRid n point, on the E. side of the entrance to Mobile Bay, thirty __ile_. miles 8. from Mobile. 11 Mobitle, in Alabama,is on the W. side of the river of the same name, near its entrance lito Mobile Bay. (See Map,. 456.) 59 46fi THE UNITED STATES. [BeOK IJ, ANALYSIS. in killed and wounded,a the armament returnled to Pensa a. Fort at- cola. tacked Sep- 2.'General Jackson, then commanding at the South. l. Movements after having remonstrated in vain with the governor of of General - Jaceneron. Pesacola, for affording shelter and protection to the enemies of the United States, marched against the place, b.Nov. 7. stormedb the town, and compelled the British to evacuateNov. 8 Florida. Returning to his head-quarters at Mobile, he re-. ceived anthentic information that preparations were making for a formidable invasion of Louisiana, and an attack onr New Orleans. 2. His arri- 3. 2He immediately repaireda to that city, which he val at New Orlean s, and found in a state of confusion and alarm. By his exertions, adopted by63 order and confidence were restored; the militia were ord. Dem 2. ganized; fortifications were erected; and, finally, martial law was proclaimed; which, although a violation of the constitution, was deemed indispensable for the safety of the country, and a measure justified by necessity. s. Arrival of 4.'On the 5th of December a large British squadron aheBrtquas appeared off the harbor of Pensacola, and on the 10th enand engare- tered Lake Borgne,* the nearest avenue of approach to Bog-ne. New Orleans. Here a small squadron of American gunboats, under Lieutenant Jones, was attacked, and after a sanguinary conflict, in which the killed and wounded of the enemy execeded the whole number of the Amer Dec. 14.. icans, was compelled to surrender.e 4. Night of 5. 40n the 22d of December, about 2400 of the enemy Dec. 22d. reached the Mississippi, nine miles below New Orleans,t where, on the following night, they were surprised by an unexpected and vigorous attack upon their camp, which they succeeded in repelling, after a loss of 400 men in killed and wounded. Attacks on 6.'Jackson now withdrew his troops to his intrenchhAworkcn ments, four miles below the city. On the 28th of December and 1st of January, these were vigorously cannonaded by the enemy, but without success. On the morning of the 8th of January, General Packenham, the commander-in-chief of the British, advanced against the American intrenchments with the main body of his army, numbering more than 12,000 men. 7. 6Behind their breastworks of' cotton bales, which no a6 Battle of balls could penetrate, 6000 Americans, mostly militia, January. but the best marksmen in the land, silently awaited the attack. When the advancing columns had approached within reach of the batteries, they were met by an inces~ The entrance to this lake or bay is about sixty miles N.E. from Now Orleans. (Sme-ase Notes on p. 283.) t For a description of New Orteans see Note, page 438. PART IV.] MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION. 467 sant and destructive cannonade; but closing their ranks S 15. as fast as they were opened, they continued steadily to advance, until they came within reach of' the American musketry and rifles. The extended American line now presented one vivid stream of fire, throwing the enemy into confusion, arid covering the plain with the wounded and the dead. 8. Iln an attempt to rally his troops, General Packen- I. iaoses,, ham was killed; General Gibbs, the second in command, t/eenemy was mortally wounded, and General Keene severely. The enemy now fled in dismay friom the certain death which seemed to await themn; no one was disposed to issue an order, nor would it have been obeyed had any been given. General Lambert, on whom the command devolved, being unable to check the flight of the troops, retired to his encampment, leaving 700 dead, and more than 1000 wounded, on the field of battle. The loss of the Americans was only seven killed and six wounded. The whole British army hastily withdrew and retreated to their shipping. 9.'This was the last important action of the war on 2. Eventsthat follotoed the the land. The rejoicings of victory were speedily fol- battleof - cio lowed by the welcome tidings that a treaty of peace be- Orleans, anf tween the United States and Great Britian had been con- ta. eluded in the previous ) December. A little later the war lingered on the ocean, closing there, as on the land, with victory adorning the laurels of the republic. In February, the Constitution captured the Cyane and the Levant off the Island of Maderia;a and in March, the Hornet a.N.p. l.0. captured the brig Penguin, off the coast of Brazil. The captured vessels, in both cases, were stronger in men and in guns than the victors. 10.'The opposition of a portion of the federal party to 1814. the war has already been mentioned.b The dissatisfac-. OppoSition of the federal tion prevailed somewhat extensively throughout the New party to the England States; and, finally, complaints were made that complaints the general government, looking upon the New England tfiNe, Enof land people. people with uncalled-for jealousy, did not afford them that b. Seo p. 51. protection to which their burden of the expenses of the See also'the war entitled them. They likewise complained that the appendix. war was badly managed; and some of the more zealous opponents of the administration proposed, that not only the militia, but the revenue also, of the New England States, should be retained at home for their own defence. 11. 4Finally, in December, 1814, a convention of dele- 4. Hartyma gates appointed by the legislatures of Massachusetts, consent Connecticut, and Rhode Island, and a partial representa 468 THE UNITED STATES. [BooK 1L'ANALYSIS. tion from Vermont and New Hampshire, assembled at - - IHartford, for the purpose of considering the grievances of which the people complained, and for devising some measures for their redress. i. How re- 12.'The convention was denounced in the severest garded by the -iencs ofthe terms by the friends of the administration, who branded it atonstra- with odium, as giving encounragement to the enemy, and 2. Proceed- as being treasonable to the general government. 2The civenthio. proceedings of the convention, however, were not as objectionable as many anticipated; its most important mea. sure being the recommendation of several amendments tit the constitution, and a statement of grievances, many of which were real, but which necessarily arose out of a 3. Party feel- state of war.'As the news of peace arrived soon after ings. the adjournment of the convention, the causes of disquiet were removed; but party feelings had become deeply imbittered, and, to this day, the words, "' Hartford Con. vention," are, with many, a term of reproach. 4. Treaty of 13. 4In the month of August, 1814, commissioners peace. from Great Britain and the United States assembled at Ghent,* in Flanders, where a treaty of peace was con Dec. 24. eluded, and signed on the 24th of December following. 5. Ofathe'Upon the subjects for which the war had been proessedly causes which led othe war. declared,-the encroachments upon American comnamerce, and the impressment of American seamen under the pre text of their being British subjects, the treaty, thus con eluded, was silent. The causes of the former, however, had been mostly removed by the termination of the Euro pean war; and Great Britain had virtually relinquished her pretensions to the latter. 6. War with WAR WITH ALGIERS.-1. Scarcely had the war with Atgier. England closed, when it became necessary for the United States to commence another, for the protection of American commerce and seamen against Algerine piracies. 7. H1oo peace 7From the time of the treaty with Algiers, in 1795, up to sha1e1re-. 1X812, peace had been preserved to the United States by a. Advantage the payment of an annual tribute.'In July, of the latter Dey on ac- year, the dey, believing that the war with England would oUantrof the render the United States unable to protect their commerce England. in the Mediterranean, extorted from the American consul, Mr. Lear, a large sum of money, as the purchase of his freedom, and the freedom of American citizens then in Algiers, and then commenced a piratical warfare against all American vessels that fell in the way of his cruisers. The crews of the vessels taken were condemned to slavery. 3 Ghent, the capital of E. Flanders, in Belgium, is on the River Scheldt, about thirty milmo $.W. from Brussels, Numerous canals divide the city into about thirty islands. PART IV,] MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION..169 2.'In May, 1815, a squadron under Commodore Deca- i8S5. tur sailed for the Mediterranean, where the naval force of 1. Thesucce, the dey was (cruising for American vessels. On the 17th of Com. Decof June, Decatur fell in with the frigate of the admiral of llte' -ti the Algerine squadron, of forty-six guns, and after a running fight of twenty minutes, captured her, killing thirty, among whom was the admiral, and taking more than 400 prisoners. Two days later he captured a frigate of twentytwo guns and. 180 men, after which he proceededa with his a. Arrived squadron to the Bay of Algiers. 2Here a treatyb was dic- Tre28ty tated to the dey, who found himself under the humiliating withi Algiere. C b.. Treaty necessity of releasing the American prisoners in his pos- concluded session, and of relinquishing all future claims to tribute Jun, 30. from the United States. 3. 3Decatur then proceeded to Tunis, and thence to July, Aug. Tripoli, and from both of these powers demanded and ob- 3f Teatmend tained the payment of large sums of money, for violations 2'ripoli. of neutrality during the recent war with England. 4The 4. E2ffectof exhibition of a powerfiul force, and the prompt manner in these, poceeawhich justice was demanded and enforced from the Bar- tur. bary powers, not only gave future security to American commerce in the Mediterranean, but increased the reputation of the American navy, and elevated the national character in the eyes of Europe. 4.'The charter of the former national bank having ex. 1816. pired in 1811, early in 1816 a second national bank, called 5.,Anatfonal the Bank of the United States, was incorporated,c with a c. April 10. capital of thirty-five millions of dollars, and a charter to Commenced continue in force twenty years.'In December, Indiana* Jan. 1, 1817. became an independent state, and was admitted into the events of lSl. Union. In the election held in the autumn of 1816, James Monroe, of Virginia, was chosen president, and Daniel D. Tompkins, of New York, vice-president of the United States. * INDIANA, one of the Western States, contains an area of about 36,000 square miles. The southeastern part of the state, bordering on the Ohio, is hilly, but the southwestern is level. and is covered with a heavy growth of timber. N.W. of the Wabash the country is generally level, but near Lake Michigan are numerous sand hills, some of which are bare, and others covered with a growth of pine. The prairie lands on the Wabash and other streams have a deep and rich soil. Indiana was first settled at Vincennes, by the Frenth, about the year 1730. 470 [Book HI, ANALYSiS. CHTAPTER V. RSukect of MONROE7S ADMINISTRATION, Chapter V. FROM M~IARCII 4, 18177 TO MARCH 4, 1825. 1817. 1.'During the war, the prices of commodities had beer.usesthat high, but at its close they fell to their ordinary level, Droduced em-.ff.,si,,- causing serious pecuniary embarrassments to a large class commnerce. of speculators and traders, and likewise to all who had relied upon the continuance of high prices to furnish means for the payment of their debts. While foreign goods were attainable onl-> in small quantities and at high prices, nu. merous manufacturing establishments had sprung up; but at the close of the war the country was inundated with foreign goods, mostly of British manufacture, and the ruin of most of the rival establishments in the United States was the consequence. 2. Agricul- 2. 2But although the return of peace occasioned these ture, and ettlemennt of serious embarrassments to the mercantile interests, it at the country. once gave a new impulse to agriculture. Thousands of citizens, whose fortunes had been reduced by the war, sought to improve them where lands were cheaper and more fertile than on the Atlantic coast; the numerous emigrants who flocked to the American shores, likewise sought a refuge in the unsettled regions of the West; and so rapid was the increase of population, that within ten years from the peace with England, six new states had grown up in the recent wilderness. 8. ftiseipp, 3. SIn December, 1817, the Mississippi Territorya was a. See p. 442. divided, and the western portion of it admitted' into the Union, as the State of Mississippi.* The eastern portion was formed into a territorial government, and called Ala4. Amelia bama Territory. 4During the same month, a piratical es-.lr0and and GateYton. tablishment that had been formed on Amelia Island,t by per. sons claiming to be acting under the authority of some of the republics of South America, for the purpose of liberating the Floridas from the dominion of Spain, was broken up by the United States. A similar establishment at Galveston,: on the coast of Texas, was likewise suppressed. * MISSISSIPPI, one of the Southern States, contains an area of about 48,000 square miles The region bordering on the Gulf of Mexico is mostly a sandy, level pine forest. Farther north the soil is rich, the country more elevated, and tih climate generally healthy. Ths tnargin of the Mississippi River consists of inundated swamps, covered with a large growth of timber. The first settlement in the state was formed at Natches, by the French, in 1716 f inzelia Island is at the northeastern extremity of the coast of Florida. I Galzeston is an island on which is a town of the same name, lying at the mouth of Ga} Vstoea Bay, seventy-five miles S.W, from the mouth of the Sabine River. (Map, p. 659.) PART IV.] MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION. 471 4.'In the latter part of 1817, the Seminole Indians, 1S7l. and a few of the Creeks, commenced depredations on the 1. Di/icu.ltie r-ontiers of Georgia and Alabama. General Gaines was Creett and first sent out to reduce the Indians; but his force being Semn7oles in insufficient, General Jackson was ordereda to take the field, a. Decn.. and to call on the governors of the adjacent states for such additional forces as he might deem requisite. 5. 2General Jackson, however, instead of calling on the 2. Course governors, addressed a circular to the patriots of West Ged.lsaopck Tennessee; one thousand of whom immediately joined ofl t,.~ l..s~:; him. At the head of his troops, he then marched into tetritrt oJ Scap ture of SI the Indian territory, which he overran without opposition. l/ark's, qAd Deeming it necessary to enter Florida for the subjugation botthnot, and Agnb tster. of the Seminoles, he marched upon St. Mark's,b a feeble b. N. p. 120. Spanish post, of which he took possession, removing the Spanish authorities and troops to Pensacola. A Scotchman and an Englishman, Arbuthnot and Ambrister, having fallen into his hands, were accused of inciting the Indians to hostilities, tried by a court-martial, and executed. 6. 3EHe afterwards seized0 Pensacola itself; and having 3. Capture of reducedd the fortress of the Barancas,* sent the Spanish au- Pensacola. c. 5lay 24. thorities and troops to Havanna. 4The proceedings of d. May 27. General Jackson, in the prosecution of this war, have been 4. IoI the the subject of much animadversion. The subject was of Gcen Jack. extensively debated in congress, during the session of garded. 1818-19, but the conduct of the general met the approbation of the president; and a resolution of censure, in the house, was rejected by a large majority. 7. 5In February, 1819, a treaty was negotiated at 1819. Washington, by which Spain ceded to the United States 5. Cess.on of Florida to East and West Florida, and the adjacent islands. After the, United a vexatious delay, the treaty was finally ratified by the king states. of Spain in October, 1820. 6In 1819, the southern por- 6. Territorial tion of Missouri territory was formed into a territorial gov- Sndstate goen ernment, by the name of Arkansas; and in December of 1ir,, and 1,i. the same year, Alabamat territory was formed into a state, and admitted into the Union. Early in 1820, the province 1820. of Maine,T which had been connected with Massachusetts since 1652, was separated from it, and became an independent state. 8.'Missouri had previously applied for admission. A 7. Debateeon proposition in congress, to prohibit the introduction of sla- thne stMioa *0 This fortress is on the W. side of the entrance into Pensacola Bay, opposite Santa Rosa Island, and eight miles S.W. from Pensacola. (See Map, p. 122.) t ALABAMA, one of the Southern States, contains an area of about 50,000 square miles The southern part of the state which borders on the Gulf of Mexico is low and level, sandy and barren; the middle portions of the state are somewhat hilly, interspersed with fertile prairies; the north is broken and somewhat mountainous. Throughout a large part of the state the soil is excellent. $ For a description of Maine, see Note, p. 190. 472 THE UNITED STATES. [Bo(K IL ANALYSIS. very into the new state, arrayed the South against the c- North, the slaveholding against the non-slaveholding states, and the whole subject of slavery became the exciting 1821. topic of debate throughout the Union.'The Missouri 1. Tzh coem- question was finally settled by a compromise which toler, ated slavery in Missouri, but otherwise prohibited it in all the territory of the United States north ai.-l west of' the northern limits of Arkansas; and in August, 1821, Miso souri* became the twenty-fourth state in the Union.. Presiden- 9.'At the expiration of Mr. Monroe's term of office, he tial electionM f 182to0. was re-elected with great unanimity. Mr. Tompkins was 3. Piraciesin again elected vice-president. 3An alarming system of the West In- ~ dies. piracy having grown up in the West Indies, during the 1822. year 1822 a small naval force was sent there, which captured and destroyed upwards of twenty piratical vessels, 1823. on the coast of Cuba. In the following year, Commodore Porter, with a larger force, completely broke up the retreats of the pirates in those seas; but many of them sought other hiding places, whence, at an after period, they renewed their depredations. 1824. 10. 4The summer of 1824 was distinguished by the art. VSit ofLnta- rival of the venerable Lafayette, who, at the age of nearly Usnte/d seventy, and after the lapse of almost half a century from the period of his military career, came to revisit the country of whose freedom and happiness he had been one of a. Aug. 1824. the most honored and beloved founders. His receptions at New York, his tour through all the states of the Union, embracing a journey of more than five thousand miles, b. sept. 1825. and his final departureb from Washington, in an American frigate prepared for his accommodation, were all signalized by every token of respect that could be devised for doing honor to the " Nation's Guest."' rFresiden- 11.'The election of a successor to Mr. Monroe was tial election with of 1524. attended with more than usual excitement, owing to the number of candidates in the field. Four were presented for the suffrages of the people: Adams in the East, Craw. ford in the South, Jackson and Clay in the West. As no candidate received a majority of the electoral votes, the choice of president devolved upon the house of representatives, which decided in favor of Mr. Adams, Mr. Cal. houn, of South Carolina, had been chosen vice-presldenl by the people. * MISSOURI, one of the Western States, contains an area of about t64,000 square miles This state presents a great variety of surface and of soil. The southeastern part of the stats has a very extensive'tract of low, marshy country, abounding in lakes, and liable to inundations. The hilly country, N. and aV. of this, and southl of the Missouri River, is mostly a barren region, but celebrated for its numerous mineral treasures, particularly those of lead and of iron. In the interior and western portions of the state, barren and fertile tracts of hill and prairie land, with heavy forests and numerous rivers, present a diversified and beau tiful lindscape. The country N. of the Missouri is delightfully rolling, highly fertile, and has been emphatically styled " the garden of the West" PART IV.] 473 CHAPTER VI. J Q. ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION, Period emFROM1 MARCH 4, 1825, TO MARCH 4, I braced in's - ministration. 1'DURING the period of Mr. Adams's administration, 1. State of:Jze peace was preserved with foreign nations; domestic quiet ring that ped prevailed; the country rapidly increased in population riod and wealth; and, like every era of peace and prosperity, few events of national importance occurred, requiring a recital on the page of history. 2.'A controversy between the national government 2. Contro0erand the state of Georgia, in relation to certain lands held syJ iit, G&emby the Creek nation, at one time occasioned some anxiety, but was finally settled without disturbing the peace of the Union. After several attempts on the part of Georgia, to obtain possession of the Creek territory, in accordance with treaties made with portions of the tribe, the national government purchased the residue of the lands for the benefit of Georgia, which settled the controversy. 1.'O30n the 4th of July, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary 1826. of American independence, occurred the deaths of the two 3 Events that venerable ex-presidents, John Adams and Thomas Jeffer- the 4th of son. 4Both had been among the first to resist the high- J. Rymarks handed measures of Great Britain; both were members cuon the of the early colonial congresses; the former nominated the twoeasWashington as the commander-in-chief of the army, and t the latter drew up the celebrated Declaration of Independence. 4. Each had served his country in its highest station; and, although one was at the head of the federal, and the other of the anti-federal party, both were equally sincere advocates of liberty, and each equally charitable towards the sentiments of the other. The peculiar circumstances of their death, added to their friendship while living, and the conspicuous and honorable parts which they acted in their country's history, would seem to render it due to their memories, that the early animosities, and now inappropriate distinctions of their respective parties, should be buried with them. 5.'The presidential election of 1828 was attended with 1828. an excitement and zeal in the respective parties, to which 5 The elt_no former election had furnished a parallel. The opposing candidates were Mr. Adams and General Jackson. In the contest, which, from the first, was chiefly of a personal 60 474 THE UNITED STATES. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. nature, not only the public acts, but even the private lives of both the aspirants were closely scanned, and every er. i. Resultof ror, real or supposed, placed in a conspicuous view.'The te ont~et. result of the contest was the election of General Jackson, by a majority far greater than his most sanguine friends had anticipated. John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, was a second time chosen vice-president. 2. Ourpresei- 6.'Our warmly contested presidential elections are dential 6lections. viewed often looked upon by foreigners, just arrived in the counas periods of political ea- try, with much anxiety for the consequences. As the Cte~mfnt. crisis of the election approaches, the excitement becomes intense; but, tempered by reason, it seldom rises beyond a war of words and feelings; and a scene of strife, which, in Europe, would shake a throne to its foundations, is viewed with little alarm in the American republic. A decision of the controversy at once allays the angry elements of discord, and the waves of party strife again sink back to their ordinary level, again to rise harmless, and again subside, at every new election. CHAPTER VII. JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION, Period embraced in FROAM MARCH 4, 1B29, TO MARPCH 4, 1837..ackeon's ad-.niniatration. 3. Frequent 1. SThe first distinguishing feature in Jackson's admin removal. fromocEe. istration, was the numerous removals from office, and the appointment of the political friends of the president to fill the vacancies thereby occasioned. This measure, in direct opposition to the policy of the previous administrat.on, excited some surprise, and was violently assailed as an unworthy proscription for opinion's sake; but was defended by an appeal to the precedent afforded by Mr. Jefferson, who pursued a similar course, though to a much smaller extent. 1832. 2. 4Early in 1832, a bill was brought forward in con. 4e. Result o gress for rechartering the United States Bank. After a reehartr the long and animated debate, the bill passed both houses of bank. congress, but was returned by the president, with his objections, and not being repassed by the constitutional ma, jority of two-thirds, the bank ceased to be a national in S. War with stitution on the expiration of its charter in 1836. the Sacs, Faxess, and 3. 5In the spring of 1832, a portion of the Sacs, Foxes, W4inneba and Winnebagoes, in Wisconsin Territory, commenced g'oe.t PART IV.]'ACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION. 475 hostilities, under the famous chief Black Hawk. After I1 32. numerous skirmishes, inost of the Indians were driven west of the Mississippi. Black Hawk surrendered himself a prisoner, and peace was concluded by a treaty; the Indians relinquishing a large tract of their territory.'Black i. Tour of Hawk and a few other chiefs, after having visited Wash- Black Hawc. ington, were taken through several other cities on their way homeward, in order to convince them of the vast power and resources of their white neighbors. 4.'A tariff bill, imposing additional duties on foreign 2. E/Citeb,. 1... went on tah goods, having passed congress during the session which subject of terminated in the summer of 1832, caused, as on several tar)O previous occasions, great excitement in the southern portions of the Union. 3In South Carolina, where the excite- 3. Declarao ment was the greatest, a state convention declared, that convenftion of the tariff acts were unconstitutional, and therefore null and Souai atro void; that the duties should not be paid; and that any at- a. Nov. 24. tempt on the part of the general government to enforce the payment, would produce the withdrawal of South Carolina from the Union, and the establishment of an independent government. 5. 4This novel doctrine of the right of a state to declare 4. Proctna.l a law of congress unconstitutional and void, and to with- president. draw from the Union, was promptly met by a proclamationb of the president, in which he seriously warned the b. Dec. 2o ultra advocates of " State rights" of the consequences that must ensue if they persisted in their course of treason to the government. He declared that, as chief magistrate of the Union, he could not, if he would, avoid the performance of his duty; that the laws must be executed; and that any opposition to their execution must be repelled: by force, if necessary. 6. "The sentiments of the proclamation met with a cor- 5. Howo gen dial response from all the friends of the Union, and party egarerd feelings were, for the time, forgotten in the general determination to sustain the president in asserting the supremacy of the laws. 6South Carolina receded from her hostile 1833. position, although she still boldly advanced her favorite p6 Course doctrine of the supremacy of state rights, and, in the per- South Caro. In urrrrv v uiiv uurrvrr~wvJ vr ry~suv - ~ 2lina. son of her distinguished senator, Mr. Calhoun, who had recently resigned the office of vice-president, asserted it even in the halls of congress. 7.'Fortunately for the public peace, this cause of dis- 7. eCauseOf cord and contention between the North and the South was moved. in a great measure removed, by a " Compromise bill," introducedo b) Mr. Clay, of Kentucky. This bill provided BecFeb. 2. for a grnltual reduction of duties until the year 1843, March 3. when they were to sink to the general level of twenty per 476 THE UNITED STATES. [BOOK 1l ANALYSIS. cent.'On the 4th of March, 1833, General Jackson en. 1. Events of tered upon the second term of his presidency. Martin March, 1833. Van Buren, of New York, had been chosen vice-president. 2. Removal of 8.'In 1833, considerable excitement was occasioned on 712entfunds account of the removal, by the president, from the Bank fronftheb anU of the United States, of the government funds deposited in States. that institution, and their transfer to certain state banks. 3. Different'The opponents of the administration censured this smea ve thstakes- sure as an unauthorized and dangerous assumption of anre. power by the executive, and the want of confidence which soon arose in the moneyed institutions of the country, followed by the pecuniary distresses of 1836 and 1837, were charged upon the hostility of the president to the Bank of the United States. On the other hand, these distresses were charged to the management of the bank, which the president declared to have become " the scourge of the people." 4. Cherokee 9. 4A few events concerning the Cherokees require no. Indians, their conditio,..tice in this portion of our history. These Indians had long been involved in the same difficulties as those which had troubled their Creek neighbors. They were the most civilized of all the Indian tribes; had an established government, a national legislature, and written laws. 5. Oppressive'During the administration of Mr. Adams, they were prom~reasuthes taiken in rea- tected in their rights against the claims of the state of tion to tl1m. Georgia, but in the following administration, the legislature of Georgia extended the laws of the state over the Indian territory, annulling the laws which had been prea. Dec. 20, viously established, and, among other things, declaringa i829. that " no Indian or descendant of an Indian, residing within the Creek or Cherokee nations of Indians, should be deemed a competent witness or party to any suit in any court where a white man is a defendant." I. Decision of 10.'Although the supreme court of the United States court o ths declared the acts of the legislature of Georgia to be unconuthbecotrsed stitutional, yet the decision of that tribunal was disregardtaken by the ed, and the president of the United States informed the Cherokees that he " had no power to oppose the exercise of the sovereignty of any state over all who may be within its limits;" and he therefore advised them "to abide the issue of such new relations without any hope that he will interfere." Thus the remnants of the Cherokees, once a great and powerful people, were deprived of their national sovereignty, and delivered into the hands of their oppress. ors. 7. Treaty 11. 7Yet the Cherokees were still determined to remain with the Cherokees,- in the land of their fathers. But at length, in 1835, a tale of their few of their chiefs were induced to sign a treaty foi a PART IV.] JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION. 477 sale of their lands, and a removal west of the Mississippi. 1~35. Although this treaty was opposed by a majority of the ands-an Cherokees. and the terms afterwards decided upon at thezrf7naz Washington rejected by them, yet as they found arrayed against them the certain hostility of Georgia, and could expect no protection from the general government, they finally decided upon a removal; but it was not until towards the close of the year 1838 that the business of emigration was completed. 12.'Near the close of the year 1835, the Seminole In- 1. The sermdians of Florida commenced hostilities against the settle- nltea, aused ments of the whites in their vicinity. The immediate cause of the war was the attempt of the government to remove the Indians to lands west of the Mississippi, in accordance with the treaty of Payne's Landing,* executeda a. May g. in 1832, which, however, the Indians denied to be justly binding upon them.'Micanopy, the king of the nation 2. MicanoplJ was opposed to the removal; and Osceola, their most no- and Osceola ted chief, said he " Wished to rest in the land of his fathers, and his children to sleep by his side." 13.'The proud bearing of Osceola, and his remon- 3. Treatm5ng strances against the proceedings of General Thompson, the and Indian government agent, displeased the latter, and he put the treachery. chieftain in irons. Dissembling his wrath, Osceolaobtained his liberty, gave his confirmation to the treaty of removal, and, so perfect was his dissimulation, that he dissipated all the fears of the whites. So confident was General Thompson that the cattle and horses of the Indians would be brought in according to the terms of the treaty, that he even advertised them for sale in December, but the appointed daysb passed, when it was discovered that the In- b. Dec. 1,15. dians were already commencing the work of slaughter and devastation. 14. 4At this time, General Clinch was stationed at Fort 4. MajorDds& Drane,t in the interior of Florida. Being supposed to be tadchzAment in imminent danger from the Indians, and also in great want of supplies, Major Dade was despatchedc from Fort c. Dec. 24. Brooke, at the head of Tampa Bay, with upward of one hundred men,d to his assistance. He had proceeded about d. 8 officers half the distance, when he was suddenly attackede by the and 102 mn' suddenly by e. Dec. 28. enemy, and he and all but four of his men were killed; and these four, horribly mangled, afterwards died of their wounds. One of them, supposed to be dead, was thrown into a heap of the slain, about which the Indians danced, in exultation of their victory.: Payne's Landing is on the Ocklawaha River, a branch of the St. John's. about forty, ive miles S.W. from St. Augustine. (See Map, next page.) P Fort Drane is about seventy miles S.W. from St. Augustine. (See Map, next pago.) 478 TIlE UNITED STATES. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. 15.'At the very time of Dade's massacre, Osceola, with. Deathof a small band of warriors, was prowling in the vicinity of'Gcnerat Fort King.* While General Thompson and a few friends Thop sos. were dining at a store only 250 yards from the fort, they were surprised by a sudden discharge of musketry, and a. De. 28. five out of nine were killed.0 The body of General Thompson was found pierced by fifteen bullets. Osceola and his party rushed in, scalped the dead, and retreated before they could be fired upon by the garrison. The same band probably took part in the closing scene of Dade's massacre on the same day. 2. Generals 16.'Two days later, General Clinch engagedt the InCaneaCi. dians on the banks of the Withlacoochee;t and in Februb. Dec. 3. ary of the following year, General Gaines was attacked' 1836. near the same place.'In May several of the Creek towns e. Feb 29. 3.,HoFtilius and tribes joined the Seminoles in the war. Murders and of0theCree devastations were frequent,-the Indians obtained possession of many of the southern mail routes in Georgia and Alabama, attacked steamboats, destroyed stages, burned several towns, and compelled thousands of the whites who had 4. Subnissoon settled in their territory, to flee fbr their lives. 8A strong f the Creeks. force, however, joined by many friendly Indians, being sent against them, and several of the hostile chiefs having been taken, the Creeks submitted; and during the summer several thousands of them were transported west of the Mississippi. 5. Governor 17. 1In October, Governor Call took command of the Call'expedi- forces in Florida, and with nearly 2000 men marched 4nterior. into the interior. At the Wahoo swamp, a short distance from Dade's battle-ground, 550 of his troops encountered a greater number of the enemy, who, after a fierce contest of half an hour, were dispersed, leaving twenty-five:AT OP TIE SEI.NCLE WAR [N FLORIDA' of their number dead on the field. In I.oeaz,Lsalwrlv art a second engagement, the whites lost nine men killed and sixteen wounded. zRo.-cetsc z;..lius e:Z/ In none of the battles could the actual J e; 77ir: S 9, loss of the Indians be ascertained, as it 8.- ClZr0/172Lb "7s;JIC is their usual practice to carry off their FG;ui...... ~ dead. Kht,00t/;Oo a * Fort King is twenty miles S.W. from Payne'a W7P'?U7. Afc.f Clw Landing, and sixty-five miles from St. Augustin, _ iL AremsIMoe (See Map.);i rt C-' 0,....s t Withlacoochee River enters the Gulf of Mexico, o01:Gij?ad...L. rel'/rzc/'ee the west coast of Florida, about ninety-five miles N'~'..Y".. Et^7>ge,"< - _ from Tampa Bay. (See Iap.) ?PART IV, 479 1837. CHAPTER VIIi. VAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION. Period en braced isn Van Biuren's FROM MARCH 4, 1837, TO MARCH 47 1841. administration. 1. 1IN the election of 1836, Martin Van Buren, of New 1. Election of 1m8, and the York, had been chosen president of.the United States, ancilpatie( and Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, vice-president. golc'/of te As Mr. Van Buren was a prominent leader of the party which had secured the election of General Jackson, no change in the general policy of the government was anticipated.'Soon after the accession of Mr. Van Buren, the 2. Conditics pecuniary and mercantile distresses of the country reach- tryh, te exed their crisis. tes ave fail2. During the months of March and April, the failures perod, and the consein the city of New York alone amounted to nearly one quence8. hundred millions of dollars. The great extent of the business operations of the country at that time, and their intimate connection with each other, extended the evil throughout all the channels of trade; causing, in the first place, a general failure of the mercantile interests-affecing, through them, the business of the mechanic and the farmer, nor stopping until it had reduced the wages of the humblest day laborer. 3.'Early in May, a large and respectable committee 3 Reqesto from the city of New York, solicited of the president his eadd, f itb intervention for such relief as might be within his power; a comnntitee requesting the rescinding of the " specie circular," a delay York. in enforcing the collection of the revenue duties, and the call of an extra session of congress at an early day, that some legislative remedies might be adopted for the alarming embarrassments of the country. 4The "specie cir- 4. Thespecit cular" was a treasury order, which had been issued dur- circular. ing the previous administration, the principal object of which was to require the payment of gold and silver, for the public lands, in place of bank bills, or other evidences of' money. 4.'To the second request the president acceded, but de- b. cobG.r clined to repeal the specie circular, or to call an extra preiident. session of Congress. 6Two days after the decision of the 6 Eventsthai president became known, all the banks in the city of fodecishio New York suspended specie; payments, and this was followed l)y a similar suspension on the part of the banks throughout the whole country.'The people were not 7 Su'fferers the only sufferers by this measure; for, as the deposit ey tesis~. 480 rTHE UNITED STATES. [Boo, 1I, ANALYSIS. banks had likewise ceased to redeem their notes in specie, the government itself was embarassed, and was unable to discharge its own obligations. 1. Call of 5.'The accumulated evils which now plessed upon the Congress, and bills passed country, induced the president to call an extra session of drngthe congress, which he had before declined doing. Congress met early in September, and during a session of forty days, passed several bills designed for the relief of the government; the most important of which was a bill au. thorizing the issue of treasury notes, not exceeding in 2. Sub-trea- amount ten millions of dollars. 2A bill called the Subsury bill. a. The legal treasury bill,& designed for the safe keeping of the public tnderpmen funds, and intended as the prominent measure of the ses. Trlury sion, passed the senate; but in the house of representatives it was laid upon the table, after a long and animated discussion. 3. Continu- 6.'The Seminole war still continued in Florida, occa ance of the Seminzole sioning great expense to the nation, while the sickly cli. war, treaty toncaluded y mate of a country abounding in swamps and marshes, Gsupr, J. proved, to the whites, a foe far more terrible than the Indians themselves. After several encounters in the early part of the season, in March, a number of chiefs came to b. At Fort the camp of General Jessup, and signedb a treaty purDade, March a. porting that hostilities should immediately cease, and that all the Seminoles should remove beyond the Mississippi. 4. Violation 7. 4For a time the war appeared to be at an end, but qhd ve"t"I the treaty was soon broken through the influence of Osce~hat followed ola. During the summer several chiefs were captured, eummer and and a few surrendered voluntarily. In October, Osceola and several principal chiefs, with about seventy warriors, who had come to the American camp under protection of e. At Fort a flag, were seizedc and confined by the orders of' General Peyton, Octo. ber 21, Jessup. 6. 11oe othZ 8.'This was the most severe blow the Seminoles hao cepture off Oseolartand received during the war. By many, the conduct of Gen. hasabene~ eral Jessup, in seizing Osceola, has been severely cenregarded. sured; but the excuse offered, was, that the Indians had grossly deceived him on a former occasion; that Osceola was treacherous; that no blood was shed by the act; and that a very important service was thereby performed. i. Subsequent'Osceola was subsequently placed in confinement at Fort ate.o,03- Moultrie,d where he died of a fever in January of the fold. In South lowing year. Carolina. 7. Continu- 9.'On the 1st of December, the army in Florida, staanse of ehae osar, —andc tioned at the different posts, was estimated to number battleear nearly nine thousand men. Yet against this numerous Lake. force, the Indians still held out with hopes of eftectual re PART IV.] VAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION. 481 sistance. On the 25th of the month, Colonel Taylor, at lS36, the head of about six hundred men, encountered the Indians on the northern side of the Big Water Lake, in the southern part of the peninsula. After a severe battle of mnore than an hour, in which twenty-eight of the whites were killed and one hundred and eleven wounded, the en-;:my was forced to retire, but with what loss is unknown. 10.'During the years 1837 and 1838, frequent en- 1838.,;unters were had with the Indians, although but little ap- 1. Th war peared to be accomplished towards bringing the war to a in 1838. close. 2In 1839, General Macomb, who had recei-1ed- 1839. the chief command of the armny, induced a number of the 2.',-eaty chiefs in the southern part of the peninsula to signb a GeneralAlalIreaty of' peace. The Indians were to remain in the coun- a. April. try until they could be assured of the prosperous condition b.!mNay. or their friends who had emigrated.'The general then Evets that left Florida. But numerous murders, which occurred imme- foll~owed thi diately after the treaty, destroyed all confidence in its utility; and in June the government of the territory offered a reward of two hundred dollars for every Indian killed or taken. 11. 4The year 1840 passed with numerous murders by 1840. the Indians, and frequent contests between small parties 4. Events of of them and the whites. In December, Colonel Harney, vlditiod ewho, by his numerous exploits in Indian warfare, had be- Col. H'.n:ey. come the terror of the Seminoles, penetrated into the extensive everglades in Southern Florida, long supposed to be the head-quarters of the enemy, where he succeeded in capturing a band of forty, nine of whom he caused to be executed for some previous massacre in which they were supposed to be engaged. 12.'During the session of congress which terminated 5. Theinde pendent trea in the summer of 1840, the Independent-treasuryy bill, which sry bill had been rejected at the extra session of 1837, and which pltsOztt. was regarded as the great financial measure of Mr. Van Buren's administration, passed~ both houses of congress and c. Jan. 23, became a law. and Jun 30. 13.'The presidential election of 1840 was probably the. The pesimost exciting election that had ever occurred in the United ieontofa el4. States. The trying scenes of financial embarrassment through -which the country was then passing, together with what was called "' tihe experiments of the government upon the currency," furnished the opponents of the administration with abundant exciting topics for popular party harangues, in the approaching political contest. During several months preceding the election, the whole country was one great arena of political debate, and in the nurnerous assemblages of the people the ablest mncn of both par iess engaged freely in the discussion. 01l 482 THE UNITED STATES. (BWook IL ANALYSiS. 14.'The whigs concentrated their whole strength upon candiA William Henry Harrison, the " Hero of the Thames, and tdeat(lt,,,d of Tippecanoe," while the administration party united thselection. with equal ardor in favor of Mr. Van -Buren. The result was a signal defeat of' the latter, and a success of the whigs by a majority altogether unexpected by them. General Harrison received two hundred and thirty-four of the electoral votes, while Mr. Van Buren received only sixty. John Tyler, of Virginia, was elected vice-president. CHAPTER IX. Is-,od elre- HARRISON'S ADMINISTRATION, brasced in Haterison's adzinistra- FitoM MARCH 4) TO APhIL 4, 1841. tion. 18411. 1.'20N the 4th of March, 1841, William Henry ilarriI2 Inaugura- son, in the presence of an unusually large assemblage of arfson. the people convened at the capitol in Washington, took the oath prescribed by the constitution, and entered upon the office of president of the United States. 3. fis naug- 2.'His inaugural address was a plain, but able and ural address. comprehensive document, expressing his approval of the leading principles of the party which had selected him for the highest office in the gift of the people, and pledging his best endeavors to administer the government according to the constitution, as understood by its framers and early administrators. 4. Sentd- 3. 4In conclusion, the president expressed his profound preea in tile reverence fbr the Christian religion, and his thorough con~oncluionod f viction that sound morals, religious liberty, and a just sense of religious responsibility, are essentially connected with all true and lasting happiness. "Let us unite then," said he, " in commending every interest of our beloved country to that good Being who has blessed us by the gifts of civil and religious freedom; who watched over and prospered the labors of our fathers; and who has hitherto preserved to us institutions far exceeding in excellence those of any other people." S. irst aets rf 4.'The senate was immediately convened for the purtilnewad pose of receiving the usual nominations, and a new and able cabinet was formed, at the head of which was placed Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, as secretary of state. 6. iEen1,ts rBuIt while every thing promised an administration honor. that soon u l folzed. able to the executive and useful to the country, rumors o0 the sudden illness of the president spread through the land; PART IV.] TYLER'S ADMINISTRATION. 483 and scarcely had they reached the limits of the Union, i1841. when they were followed by the sad intelligence of his death. 5.'Just one month from the day of his inauguration, 1. Conclzdthe aged president was a pallid corpse in the national man- izg revnarl&. sion. The event was calculated to make a deep impression upon the people, who had witnessed and taken part in the recent scenes of excitement which had preceded the elevation of one of their number to be the nation's ruler. The hand of Almighty power was acknowledged in the bereavement, teaching that "the Lord alone ruleth." CHAPTER X. TYLER'S ADMINISTRATION, Period em braced in Tyler's adEXTENDING FROM APRIL 4, 1841, TO MARCH 4, 1845. ministralion. 1.'ON the death of General Harrison, Mr. Tyler, the 2. The extra vice-president, became the acting president of the United Sessaon that calhad been States. During an extra session- of congress which had called b? been called by General Harrison, several important meas- a. From May ures of exciting interest to the country were brought for- 3,to s4pt. ward. The sub-treasury bill was repealed; a general bankrupt law was passed; and two separate bills, chartering a bank of the United States, were rejected"' by the exe- b. Aug. 16, cutive veto. The course pursued by the president caused and Sept. 9 him to be denounced generally, by the whig party, which had elected him to office, and occasioned the resignation c Mr of his entire cabinet, with one exception.e ster. 2. 31n 1842, an important treaty, adjusting the dispute 1842. in relation to the northeastern boundary of the United 3. Events thai -tates was negotiated occurred in States was negotiatedd at Washington, between Mr. W~eb- S-12. ster, on the part of the United States, and Lord Ashburton fi.Juy. ty U. on the part of Great Britain. The same year was signal- Aug. 20. lBy ized by the commencement of domestic difficulties in Rhode Island, which at one time threatened serious consequences. 3. 4A movement having been made to set aside the an- 4. Conmnece-,ent of the cient charter under which the government of the colony difnculties int and state had so long been administered,e parties were form- RholeslyZand ed with respect to the proper mode of adopting a new consti- See p. 218. tution. The " suffrage party," having formed and adopted 1843. a constitution in a manner declared by their opponents to be in violation of law, chosef Thomas W. Dorr governor, f. April is. and elected a legislature. About the same time the "law and order party," as it was called, chose Samuel W. King governor. In May, 1843, both parties metg and organized g. May3,4. theii respective governments. 5. Violent 4. "The adherents of the "law and order party" then took ier~uktda 484 THE UNITED STATES. [Boox II ANALYSIs. active measures to put down what they denominated the re. a. May 16 bellion. Great commotion ensued, and several arrests were made. Dorr left the state, but soon returning,"' a bloody struggle appeared inevitable; but his associates finally dispersed, on the appearance of the government forces, and Dorr, to avoid arrest, fled from the state. 1. Second ri- 5.'In June, however, considerable numbers of' the dispeasionof'"suflrage party" made their appearance" under arms, the suffige and were joined~ by Dorr, but a body of troops being b. AtChe- sent against them, they dispersed without any effectual. June 25. resistance. 2Dorr again fled, but, retulning aftel a few 1844. months, was arrested, tried' for treason, convicted, and 2 Thefateof sentenced to be imprisoned during lifb. In the mean tirne dJour.e a constitution for the state had been adopted accolding to the prescribed forms of law. In June, 1845, Dorr wa, released, although he had refused to accept a pardon on condition of taking the oath of allegiance to the slate gov. ernment. 3. The last 6. During the last year of Mr. Tyler's administration, year ofr.y- considerable excitement prevailed on the subject of the tration. annexation of Texas to the American Union, a measure first proposed by the government of the former country. 4. History of 4Texas, formerly a province of Mexico, but settled mostly Texas. by emigrants from the United States, had previously with(See also drawn fiom the Mexican republic, and by force of arms page 621.) had nobly sustained her independence, although unacknowledged by Mexico. 5. Opposition 7. 5'Ihe proposition for annexation to the United States to~n~n"e was strongly resisted at the North, and by the whig party arguments generally throughout the Union. The impolicy of exmeasure. tending our limits by accessions of foreign territory; the danger of a war with Mexico; the encouragement given to slavery by the admission of an additional slave state; and the increase of power that the South and southern institutions would thereby gain in the national councils, were urged against the measure. a. Texas 8. 6A treaty of annexation, signede by the president, annened. was rejected by congress, but early in the following yeas 1845. a bill was passed, authorizing the president, under certain restrictions, to negotiate with Texas the ternas of annexa. f. See p 672. tion; and soon after Texas became one ot the states of 7. lowaand the American Ulnion. 7During the same session of con. Florida. gress bills were passed providing for the admission of Iowa 8. The elec- and Florida, as states, into the Union.'The opposing can. t"O o~f4i. didates in the election of 1844 were Mr. Clay, of Kentucky and James K. Polk, of Tennessee. The contest resultee in the choice of the latter, wvho entered on the duties of March I. his office on the 4th of March, of the foliowing year, PART IV.] 486 CHAPTER Xi POLK'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MIARCH 4, 1845, TO MIARCEH 4, 1849. WAI WITH MEXICO. 1.'SCARCELY had Mr. Polk taken his seat as president I11~45. of the United States, when decided indications of a rup- 1. Ru1-tr ture with Mexico became apparent. 2Mexico had long lMexico. viewed the conduct of the American government, in rela- 2. Views oand declarations tion to the acquisition of Texas, lxith exceeding jealousy of Mexico. and distrust: still claiming that country as a part of her own territory, she had declared that she would regard annexation as a hostile act, and that she was resolved to declare war as soon as she received intimation of the completion of the project.'In accordance with this 3. The Mexi - can Minister policy, immediately after the resolution of annexation had Almnonte. passed the American Congress, and received the sanction of the President, Mr. Almonte,5 the Mexican Minister at edAl.mon-tc. Washington, protesting against the measure as an act of warlike aggression, which he declared Mexico would resist with all the means in her power, demanded his passports and returned home. 2. 40n the fourth of July following, Texas assented to 4. Acts of the terms of the resolution of annexation, and two days later, fearing that Mexico would carry her threats of war into execution, requested the President of the United States to occupy the ports of Texas, and send an army to the defence of her territory. "Accordinoly, an American 5 Ofthe squadron was sent into the Gulf of Mexico, and General Government. Taylor, then in command at Camp Jessup,* was ordered by the American government to move with such of the regular folces as could be gathered from the western posts, to the southern frontier of Texas, to act as circumstances might require.'By the advice of the Texan 6. Themofveauthorities he was induced to select for the concentration Gen. Taylor, of his troops the post of Corpus Christi,f a Texan settlement on the bay of the same name, where, by the beginning of August, 1845, he had taken his position, and at which place he had assembled, in the November following, an army of little more than four thousand men. * amyp.Tess.up is in the western part of Louisiana, a few miles southwest from Natchitoches, (Natch-i-tosh.) t Corpus Christi is at the mouth of the Nueces River, on the western shore of Corpus Christi Bay, a branch of the Aranszas Bay, about 100 miles from the Rio Granlde. (See Map Cot. p. 489.) 486 THE UNITED STATES. L[Book IL. ANALYSIS. 3.'On the 13th of January, 1846, when it was believed 1846. that the Mexicans were assembling troops on their north1. Circum- ern frontiers, with the avowed object of re-conquering stances that led to the Trexas, and when such information had been received executive order of 13th from Mexico as rendered it probable, if not certain, that January, 1846, and theu she would refuse to receive the envoya whom the United consveqent States had sent to negotiate a settlement of the difficulof Generalo ties between the two countries, the American President a. Mr. Slidell. ordered General Taylor to advance his forces to the Rio Grande,* the most southern and western limits of Texas, as claimed by herself: on the 8th of March following the advance column of the army, under General Twiggs, was put in motion for that purpose, and on the 28th of the same month General Taylor, after having established a depot at Point Isabel,t twenty-one miles in his rear, took his position on the northern bank of the Rio Grande, where he hastily erected a fortress, called Fort Brown, within cannon-shot of Matamoras.t 2. The notice 4.'O20n the 26th of April, the Mexican general, AmGeneral pudia, gave notice to General Taylor that he considered and tha hostilities commenced, and should prosecute them; and commntience- dyua ment of on the same day an American dragoon party of sixtyactioit/e. three men, under command of Captain Thornton, was attacked on the east side of the Rio Grande, thirty miles above Matamoras, and after the loss of sixteen men in killed and wounded, was compelled to surrender. This was the commencement of actual hostilities-the first blood shed in the war. 3. Farther 5.'The movements of the enemy, who had crossed the movements,. of the river above Matamoras, seeming to be directed towards c nerya an attack on Point Isabel, for the purpose of cutting off mTay'sn d the Americans from their supplies, on the 1st of May thebattletOf General Taylor marched to the relief of that place with his principal force, leaving a small command in defence of Fort Brown. After having garrisoned the depot, on the 7th of May General Taylor set out on his return. At noon of the next day the Mexican army, numbering about six thousand men, with seven pieces of artillery, was discovered near Palo Alto, drawn up in battle array across the prairie through which the advance led. The Americans, although numbering but twenty-three hundred, advanced to the attack, and after an action of about * The Rio Grande (Ree-o-Grahn-da), or Rio del Norte (Ree-o-del-Norta), meanitg Great River, or River of the NJ.orth, rises in the Rocky Moulltains north of Santa Fe, and flowing southeast, a distance of nearly 1800 miles, enters the Gutlf of Mexico below Matamoras. (See Map.) t Point fsabel is 2t miles N. E. of Matamoras, near the Gulf. The entlrance to the Lagoon; on the shore of which the village stands, is called Brazos Santiago. Maoamnras is about 20 miles from the inouth of the Rio Grande, by the windings of tho streami. (See Map m.) PART IV.] POLK'S ADMINISTRATION. 487 five hours, which was sustained mostly by the artillery, 194-6. drove the enemy from their position, and encamped upon the field of battle. The Mexican loss was about one hundred killed, —that of the Americans but four killed and forty wounded, but among those mortally wounded was the lamented MajorI' Ring:old, of the artillery. 6.'At two o'clock in tile tafteernoon of the next day the'. oThe bati Ameirican army ioagain:Idvance(l, and after a march of two de il Palz a. hLoults c-me in si'lit of the enemy, who had taken up a strono- position nlear a place calleid Resacac de la Pcalma, tllhree miles fi'cm Fort Brown, on tlhe borders of a raNvine whicll ciossed the road. The action was commenced on both sides by tle artillery, but the Mexican guns, manatged by Gnertal La: Vega, were better served than on thie fol rmer occasion, and theit effect soon began to be seveely feIt. An order to dislodge them was gallantly executed by Captain May, at tlle head of a squadron of drangoons, which, charging throuhll a sto!m of grape shot, broke the ranks of the enemy, killed or dispersed the Mexican artillerymen, and took General La Vega prisoner. The clharge was supported by the infantrythe whole Mexican line was routed, and the enemy fled in confusion, abandoning his guns and a larfge quantity of ammunition; and when night closed over the scene, not a Mexicanl soldier was to be found east of the Rio GrIande. 201) the day following the battle the American 2.For, army took up its former position at Fort Brown, which had sustained, with little loss, an almost uninterrupted bombardment of seven days from the Mexican batteries in Matamnoras. 7. 3'Tle news of the capture of Captain Thornton's 3. Fffpct pro party prloduced the greatest excitement thlroughout the throu'ghout,-i the Utnion bU'Union' it was not doubted that Mexico would receive a tihe neso7 severe clihstisement; and a war spirit, unknown before tlho ntaon s to exist, bhedalded, in anticipation, a series of victories and "arty conlquests, tel minting only in the " THalls of thle Montezumas." " 4The President, in a message to Congress,a,4te ntnPre, declarled that Mexico had "invaded our territory, and Congress. shted the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil," a. My iltll, and( Congress, adopting the spitrit of the. message, a.fter 1846. declatring that war existed " by the act of' tile republic of M:exico," autlorized tihe President to accept the se:rvices s. Effect pro of fifty thlousand volln teers, and placed ten millions of ne.vot tlhe cella s at hIis dis5posal. 1(i'\\e s (es of tle ha t(tles of Ptlo Palo Ato Al to Cat idResaca (de la Pa I ma., atiring a' few datys later, la P;esa.a * Th( ex.pressiol.,'H-aIlls of the J.f,'tezuonas," is applied to the palace of the ancient Miexican kings, of the race of the Alontezilinas. 488 T'rHE UNITED STATES. [BookR I, ANALYSIS. fanned anew the flame of war: an anticipated march to the Mexican capital, in the ranks of a conquering army, seemed to be viewed but as a pleasant pastime, or a holiday excursion, and the call for volunteers was answered by the prompt tender of the services of more than three hundred thousand men. t Prearathe 8.'Most of the summer of 1847 was occupied by the iwoasion of government in prepml'ations for the invasion of Mexico, 311exico.' e ic om several quarters at the same time. A force of about 23,000 men was sent'into the field, the largest portion of which, placed under the command of General Taylor, was to advance from Matamoras into the enemy's country in the direction of Monterey:* General Wool, at the head of about 2,900 men, concentrated at San Antonio de Bexar,t was to march upon Chihuahua;: while General iKearney, with a force of about 1,700, was to march from Fort Leavenworth,~ in Missouri, upon Santa Fe,11 the capital of New Mexico. Forward 9.'Owing to the difficulties experienced in transporting movenment of seneral Tay- supplies, and the necessity of drawing them mostly from a;?zrn at the United States, by way of New Orleans, General TayMonterey. lor was unable to commence a forward movement until the latter part of August; and it was the 19th of September when he appeared before Monterey, with an army then numbering only 6,600 men, after having garrisoned several towns on the Rio Grande, through which his Situation route lay.'Monterey, the capital of New Leon, was at OfMontemrey this time a city of about 15,000 inhabitants, strong in its at this time. natural defences, and garrisoned by seven thousand regu- ~ lar and about three thousand irregular troops, under the command of General Ampudia. 4. Attack on 10. 40On the morning of the 21st of September the continuation attack was commenced, which was continued with great of thefight, and final ueS r- spirit during the day, but without any important results, Tenderopa.the except the carrying of several fortified heights in the rear Sepi. 22d. of the town. The assault was continued during the 22d, when the Bishop's Palace, a strong position, and the only remaining fortified height in the rear of the town, was gallantly carried by the troops under General Worth. pt. 23d. On the morning of the 23d the lower part of the city was stormed by General Quitman, the troops slowly advancing * For the situation of JlMoa.terey (Mon-tel-a), see Map letter t. t San Antonio de Bexar, the oldest Spanish town in Texls. (See Map, Bezar.): Chi/1uahua (Chee-ooah-ooah) is nearly 700 miles N. W. front the city of Mexico. (See Map.) ~ Flort Leavenwtorth is a military post of the United States on the west side of Missouri River. (See Map.) SH anta Fe, the capital of thie former Mexican state of New Mexico, is a town of about 40(10 inhabitan1ts, 15 miles east of the Rio Grande, and about 1100 miles N. W. from the city of Ysxico. (See Map.) L215 1216 1dJ5 1110 lolra lolo 9 \5 9\0 S IEFERENCES. MAP OF MEXICO; REFERENCES. Z. State of Zacantecas. P. State of San Luis Potosi. INCLUDING ALSO G. State and City of OREGO N, TEXAS, nx atead City of QueM.Mretaro. AND M. Motamoras. T. Mon terey. CENT'RAL A [MERI C A, P, Ma 11 2___ / ~!, - ------- id li 5' 5o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,'-S'0 ir' Ic SoS South, e as 40 - ~ M. S4ICO'... Goalli.1dszS Soul/i co.-.en., P w i ll o/ ------ ~~~J~~)~~_L~~.tot -- i 25CENTRAL-AM ]ERA] -~2 E) ~ fhtF ~ii~t~~ Ce / -OBll?9l4'VI ~?0 U_ I,. o).'i0!. 490 THE UNITED STATES. [Boox II. ANALi'SIS. by digging through the stone walls of the houses. In this way the fight continued during the day, and by night the enemy were confined chiefly to the Citadel, and the Plaza, or central public square of the city. Early on 8ept. 24th. the following morning the Mexican general submitted propositions which resulted in the surrender and evacuation of Monterey —and an armistice of eight weeks, or until instructions to renew hostilities should be received from either of the respective governments. d. Farther 11.'On the 13th of October the War Department General Tay- ordered General Taylor to terminate the armistice and lor, and captures by terenew offensive operations; and about the middle of ericans. November, Saltillo,* the capital of the state of Coahuila, was occupied by the division of General Worth; and late in December General Patterson took possession of Victoria,t the capital of Tamaulipas; while, about the same time, the port of Tampico: was captured by Commodore 2. Generals Perry.'In the meantime General Wool, after crossing Wool and Kearney. the Rio Grande, finding his march to Chihuahua, in that direction, impeded by the lofty and unbroken ranges of the Sierra Madre, had turned south and joined General Worth at Saltillo; while General Kearney, somewhat earlier in the season, after having performed a march of nearly a thousand miles across the wilderness, had made himself master of Santa Fe, and all New Mexico, without opposition. 3 General 12.'After General Kearney had established a new carnht. government in New Mexico, on the 25th of September he departed from Santa Fe, at the head of four hundred dragoons, for the California settlements of Mexico, bordering on the Pacific Ocean; but after having proceeded three hundred miles. and learning that California~ was already in possession of the Americans, he sent back three quarters of his force, and with only one hundred men pursued his way across the continent. 4 Colonel 13.'In the early part of December a portion of General Doniphan's expedition. Kearney's command, that had marched with him from Missouri, set out from Santa Fe on a southern expedition, expecting to form a junction with General Wool at Chihuahua. This force, numbering only nine hundred men, was commanded by Colonel Doniphan, and its march of * Saltillo is about 70 miles S. W. froml Iollnterey, in the southern part of the state of Coahuilla. t Victoria is at the western extremity of Tanmaulipas (Tai-aw-lee-pas,) neal the boundary of San Luis Potosi, and on the northeni banlik f the river Sanitander. I: 7'av7pico (Tam-pe-cn) is at the sontheas.ernl extremity of Tnrmaulipas, on the north side of the river Pantlco. The oht tnow, of that. tiame is on the south side of the river. (See Map.) ~ Most of Upper or X.ew Calitfornia, which is separated from New Mexico by the Colorado river, is an elevated, dry, and sandy desert. The inhabitable portion extends along the shore of the Pacific about 500 miles, wit's aot average breadth of 40 miles. (See Map.) PART IV.] POLK'S ADMINISTRATION. 491 more than a thousand miles, throuogh an enemy's country, 1846. from Santa Fe to Saltillo, is one of tlhe most brilliant achievements of the wavr. Dul'inl the march tlhis body ol men fought two battles against vastly superior forces, and in each defeated the enemy.'Trhe Battle of Bracito,. Battes of ~I~ Bracito and fought on Christmas day, opened;an entrance into the Sacramento. town of El Paso,t while that of the Sacramento,t fought on the 28th of February, 1847, secured the surrender of Chihuahua, a city of great wealth, and containing a population of more than forty thousand inhabitants. 14.'While these events were transpiring on the eastern 2. vents onc botrders of the Republic, the Palcific coast had become coast. t'he scene of military operations, less brilliant, but more important in their results.'In the early part of June, 3. Proceed1846, Ca.ptain Fremont, of the Topographical Corps of Fremnont. Engineers, wlile enga,-g ed at the iead of about sixty men in exploring a southern route to Oiregon, having' been fi'rst threatened withl an attack by De Castro, the Mexican governor on the Califoinia coast, and learning afterwards that the governor was preparing an expedition against the American settleis near San Francisco,~ raised the standard of opposition to the Mexican government in California. 15.'After having defeated, in several engagements, 4. Further greatly superior Mexican forces, on the 4th of July Fre- _naetins i. the. mont and his companions declared the independence of canqlest of California. A few days later, Commodore Sloat, having previously been informed of the commencement of hostilities on the Rio Grande, hoisted the American flag at Monterey.[] In the latter part of July, Commodore Stockton assumed the command of the Pacific squadron, soon after which lhe took possession of San Diego,T and, in conjunction with Captain Fremont, entered the city of Los Angelos** without opposition; and on the 22d of August, 1846, the whole of California, a vast region bordeling on the Pacific Ocean, was in the undisputed military possession of the United States. *In December fol-,. x~eourrec lowing, soon after the arrival of General Kearney friom Cal.tmrnia.' The battle otf Braito, so called from the "Little Arm," or bend in the river near the place, was fobght on the east hank of the Rio Grande, about 200 emiles north of Chihtabhun. t The town of.Fl Paso is situated in a rich valley on the west side of the Rio Grande, 30 miles south fioin the Brlicito. $ The battle of Sacramento was fought near a small stream of that name, about 20 miles no-rth of the city of Chihuahua. ~ San Frouancisco, situated on the bay of the same name, possesses probably the best har-. bor on the west coast of Anerica. (See Map.).I lonsterey (Mon-ter-d), a townl of Upper California, on a bay of the same name, 80 miles south of Sasn Francisco, contained ill 1847 a population of about 1000 inhabitants. (See Malp.) ~ San Diego is a port on the Pacific nearly west of the head of the Gulf of California. "* Los ntgelos, or the city of the Angels, is about 100 miles north of San Diego. 492 THE UNITED STATES. [BooK ILo ANALYSIS. his overland expedition, the Mexican inhabitants of California attempted to regain possession of the government, but the insurrection was soon suppressed. 1. situation 16.'We have stated that after the close of the arnmisof General Tayloro's tice which succeeded the capture of Monterey, the Aeria7rmy after tleclose of can troops under General Taylor spread themselves over of oenerey.e Coahuila and Tamaulipas. In the meantime the plan of an attack on Vera Cruz, the principal Mexican post on the Gulf, had been matured at Washington, and General Scott sent out to take the chief command of the army in Mexico. By the withdrawal of most of the regulars under General Taylor's command for the attack on Vera Cruz, the entire force of the Northern American army, extending from Matamoras to Monterey and Saltillo, was reduced to about ten thousand volunteers, and a few companies of the regular artillery, while at the same time the Mexican General Santa Anna was known to be at San Luis Potosi,* at the head of 22,000 of the best troops in Mexico, prepared to oppose the farther progress of General Taylor, or to advance upon him in his own quarters. 1847. 17.'In the early part of February, 1847, General Tay2. General lor, after leaving adequate garrisons in Monterey and Taor'sin Saltillo, proceeded with about five thousand men to Agua movements in, February, Nueva,lt where he remained until the 21st of the month, * when the advance of Santa Anna with his whole army induced him to fall back to Buena Vista,l a very strong 3. Position of position a few miles in advance of Saltillo.'Here the GeerlaZlTay- road runs north and south through a narrow defile, Buena Vitla. skirted on the west by impassable gullies, and on the east by a succession of rugged ridges and precipitous ravines which extend back nearly to the mountains. On the elevated plateau or table-land formed by the concentration of these ridges, General Taylor drew up his little army, numbering in all only 4,759 men, of whom only 453 were regular troops; and here, on the 22d of February, he was confronted by the entire Mexican array, then numbering, according to Santa Anna's official report, about 17,000 men, but believed to exceed 20,000. 4. Thebattle 18. 40n the morning of the next day, the 23d of Febof Buena Vista. ruary, the enemy began the attack with great impetuosity; but the resistance was as determined as the assault, and after a hard-fought battle, which was continued san LuisPotosi, the capital of the state of the same name, is situated in a pleasant val, ley, about'240 miles northwest from the city of Mexico, and more than 300 miles from Sal. tillo. (See Map.) t dgsusa NJaueva (Ah-goo-ah Noo-d-vah) is about 14 miles south from Saltillo. 1 Buena Vista (Boo-di-nah Ves-.tah) is about three miles south from Saltillo. PART IV.] POLK'S ADMINISTRATION. ~.'/ j during the greater part of the day, the Mexican force was 1S47. driven in disorder from the field, with a loss of more than fifteen hundred men. The American loss in hilled, wounded, and missing, was seven hundred and forty-six; and, among these, twenty-eight officers were killed on the field.'This important victory broke up the army of'l. Th ee igm Santa Anna, and, by effectually securing the frontier of ofv t/oI the Rio Grande, allowed the Americans to turn their whole attention and strength to the great enterprise of the campaign, the capture of Vera Cruz, and the march thence to the Mexican capital. 19.'O20n the 9th of March, 1847, General Scott, at the 2. The mnomt.menrs of head of twelve thousand men, landed without opposition General Scott -the a short distance south of Vera Cruz,* in full view of the investment city and the renowned castle of San Juan d'Ulloa. On Crz —boamthe 12th the investment of the city was completed; on`admpnt-,~ the 18th the trenches were opened, and on the 22d the oflthecity. first batteries began their fire, at the distance of 800 yards from the city. From the 22d until the morning of the 26th, almost one continued roar of artillery prevailed, the city and castle batteries answering to those of the besiegers, and shells and shot were rained upon the devoted town with terrible activity, and with an awful destruction of life and property. At length, just as arrangements had been made for an assault, the governor of the city made overtures of surrender; on the night of the 27th the articles of capitulation were signed, and on the 29th the American flag was unfurled over the walls of the city and castle. 20.'The way was now open for the march towards 3. Mrchfromn the Mexican capital, and on the 8th of April General and the battle of Cerro Twiggs was sent forward, leading the advance, on the Go.rdo. Jalapa road. But Santa Anna, although defeated at Buena Vista, had raised another army, and with 15,000 men had strongly intrenched himself on the heights of Cerro Gordo,t which completely command the only road that leads through the mountain fastnesses into the interior. General Twiggs reached this position on the 12th, but it was not until the morning of the 18th, when the commander-in-chief and the whole army had arrived, that the daring assault was made. Before noon of that day every position of the enemy had been stormed in succession, and three thousand prisoners had been taken, * Vera Gruz, the principal sea-port of Mexico, is built on the spot where Cortez first landed within the realms of Montezuma. The city is defended by the strong fortress of San Juan d'Ulloa, built on an island, or reef, of the same name, about 400 fathoms from the shore. (See Map.) t The pas3 of Cerro Gordo is about 45 miles, in a direct line, northwest firom Vera Cruz. 494 THE UNITED STATES. [BoOK II ANALYSIS. tegether with forty-three pieces of bronze artillery, five t}ousand stand of arms, and all the munitions and materials of the army of the enemy. 1. Continued 21. O0n the day following the battle, the army entered fle American Jcaldapa,* and on the 22d the strong castle of Perote'f was army, and rto its stuatnzon surrendered without resistance, with its nume rous park at Puebla. of artillery, and a vast quantity of the munitions of war. On the 15th of May the advance under General Worth entered the ancient and renowned city of Puebla;T and when the entire army. had been concentrated there, in the very heart of Mexico, so greatly had it been reduced bsickness, deat hs, and the expiration of terms of enlistrment in the volunteer service, that it was found to number 2. The effect only five thousand effective men.'With this small force of the of it was impossible to keep open a communication with smalatnts of p itsfforce. Vera Cruz, -and the army was left for a time to its own resources, until the arrival of further supplies and: reinforcements enabled it to march forward to the Mexican capital. 3. Advance of 22. 3At length, on the 7th of August, General Scott, fromt Puebta, hlavinllg increased his effective force to nearly eleven tllouuntil its arsivat at San sand men, in addition to a moderate garrison lefl, at PueAusgin tbla, commenced his march from the latter place for the capital of the republic. The pass over the mountains, by Rio Fr-io, where the army anticipated resistance, was found abandoned; a little further on the wllole valley of Mexico Aug. 11th. burst upon the view; and on the 11th the advance division under General Twiggs reached Ayotla,~ only fifteen rymiles from Mexico. A direct march to the capital, by the national road, had been contemplated, but the route in thlat direction presented, from the nature of the ground and the strength of the fortifications, almost insurmountable obstacles, and an approach by way of Chalco and San Augustin, by passing around Lake Chalco, to the Aug. 18th. south, was thought more practicable, and by the 18th the entire army had succeeded in reaching San Augustin, ten miles from the city, where the arrangements were tion of made for final operations. Mexico, ~and the 23. 4The city of Mexico,ll situated near the western aploahesl to bank of Lake Tezcuco, and surrounded by nunerous *.Jalapa, a city of about 15,000 inhabitants, is 55 miles northwest from Vera Cruz. (See Map.) Ttle well-kown medlicinal herb jalap, a species of the convolvulus, grows abundantly in the vicinity of this town, to which it is, indebted fo,r ils naime. t Perote (Per —tai) is about 90 miles. in a direct line, northwest fiom Vera Cruz. The fortress is about half a mile north fromn the town ot1 the same Ilamile.. Puebla, a city of about (i(;.0) inhabitmints, alld the rcapital of the state of the same name, is aItout 85 mils soutllhea-t fio- tlhe ilyv o i'lexic. (Sue Map.) ~ For the location of the places Joy,t/la, Ch/alco, Sa-n altgrustin, Chapultepec, Chlurubusco, Contreras, and San.lntonio, see the accompanying Map. I See description of Mexico, page 116. PART IV.] POLK'S ADMINISTRATION. 495 canals and ditches, could be approached only by long 1S4L4. narrow causeways, leading over impassable marshes, while the gates to which they conducted were strongly fortified.'Beyond the causeways, commanding the outer i', The po-s8 approaches to the city, were the strongly fortified posts fended the~se of Chapultepec and Churubusco, and the batteries of Contreras and San Antonio, armed with nearly one hundred cannon, and surrounded by grounds either marshy, or so covered by volcanic rocks that they were thought by the enemy wholly impracticable for military operations.'Six thousand Mexican troops under General Valencia 2. The. /ary of the held the exterior defences of Contreras, while Santa Anna enemy had a force of nearly 25,000 men in the rear, prepared to lend his aid where most needed..I [n.h' tLAi, and..[ - nt-so. mCIN ~OF 0 I'. "'., -,. XiSdol'S t4 Mi cnti Thernoon of the 9thsoioh, bing o. rdinwa theiiio Cot Up i n the morn g poei t if artracuter by i e arr ioftnh, nofrtheaxt dy the hateriehs of Cthatstg psn te ne cartr iedofbyan imp a.eretuo nasslu whic ntia on seven 25.'InThe afortiiedpos of Churuhuscoefigh about fourmie.Captre of northeast from the, heights of Contreras, wasntheenex tenmiues n hs hrtsac f ie es fanfu 496 THE UNITED STATES. LBoo:K 11, ANALYSIS. enemy was now concentrated, and here the great battle of the day was fought; but on every part of the field the Americans were victorious, and the entire Mexican force was driven back upon the city, and upon the only remain1. Resuzt of ing fortress of Cliapultepec.'Thus ended the battles of hthae 20!hof the memorable 20th of August, in which nine thousand AUgUst Anmericans, assailing strongly fortified positions, had vanquished an army of 30,000 Mexicans. 2. Armistice 26. 20On the morning of the 21st, while General Scott weih the was about to take up battering positions, preparatory to summoning the city to surrender, he received from the enemy propositions which terminated in the conclusion of an armistice for the purpose of negotiating a peace. RWith surprising infatuation the enemy demanded terms that were due only to conquerors, and on the 7th of Sep3. Stormbng tember hostilities were re-commenced. 30'n the morning of the Molino delRe ay.and of the 8th the Molino del Rey, or "King's Mill," and the Casa de Mata, the principal outer defences of the fortress of Chapultepec, were stormed and carried by General Worth, after a desperate assault, in which he lost one fourth of his entire force. 4. Reduction 27. 4The reduction of the castle of Chapultepec itself, of the castle of situated on an abrupt, rocky height, one hundred and Chapltepec. fifty feet above the surrounding grounds, was a still more formidable undertaking. Several batteries were opened against this position on the 12th, and on the 13th the citadel and all its outworks were carried by storm, but not without a very heavy loss to the American army. 5. conftinua 5The battle was continued during the day, on the lines bate durin- of the great causeways before mentioned, and when the 13th. night suspended the dreadful conflict, one division of the American army rested in the suburbs of Mexico, and 6. Capture of another was actually within the gates of the city.'During the night which followed, the army of Santa Anna and the officers of the national government abandoned the city, and at seven o'clock on the following morning the flag of the American Union was floating proudly to the breeze above the walls of the national palace of Mexico. The result' 7The American army had reached its destination; our soldiers had gained the object of their toils and sufferings; and, as the fruit of many victories, were at last permitted to repose on their laurels, in the far-famed "Halls of the Montezumas." 1848. 28.'The conquest of the Mexican capital was the finf. CtcLioa. ishing stroke of the war, and on the 2d of February following the terms of a treaty of peace were concluded tio of the upon by the American commissioner and the Mexican.tretyi government. SThis treaty, after having received some PART IV.] POLK'S ADMINISTRATION. 497 modifications from the American Senate, was adDpted by 1945. that body on the 10th of March, and subsequently ratified by the Mexican Congress at Queretaro,* on the 30th of May of the same year. 29.'The most important provisions of this treaty are.. Itsmo8t imporiant those by which the United States obtains from her late provitrio. enemy a large increase of territory, embracing all New Mexico and Upper California.'The boundary between 2. Boundary the two countries is to be the Rio Grande from its mouth and concessions inade byV to the southern boundary of New Mexico, thence west- Mexiode ward along the southern and western boundary of New Mexico to the River Gila,'I thence down said river to the Colorado,4 thence westward to the Pacific Ocean. The firee navigation of the Gulf of California, and of the River Colorado up to the mouth of the Gila, is guaranteed to the United States.'For the territory and privi- t3. tipula. leges thus obtained, the United States surrendered to part of the Mexico "all castles, forts, territories, places and posses- States. sions" not embraced in the ceded territory,-agreed to pay Mexico fifteen millions of dollars, and assumed the liquidation of all debts due American citizens from the Mexican government. 30. 4Such was the conclusion of the Mexican war,-a 4. Policy and war opposed as impolitic and unjust by one portion of the war,c fa the American people, and as cordially approved by the the rhartac other, but admitted by all to have established for our stalthed nation, by the unbroken series of brilliant victories won American by our army, a character for martial heroism which knows no superior in the annals of history, and which fears no rival in the pathway of military glory. 6But 5. The atlo war is seldom without its alloy of bitterness; and in this wiZth our instance it was not alone its ordinary calamities of suffer- rejoicing. ing, and wretchedness, and death, —the " sighs of orphans, and widows' tears,"-that moderated our exultations; but with our very rejoicings were mingled the deep and sullen notes of discord; and with the laurels of victory, with which fame had encircled the brow of our nation's glory, were entwined the cypress and the yew-emblems of mourning. 31.'The vast extent of unoccupied territory which we 6. The terrihad acquired as the result of the conquest, proved an bythe contest apple of discord in our midst; and the question of the atnthe apple of discord in our midst; and the question of the character of the contra. final disposal of the prize was a problem which our pro- versythaztha * Queretaro, the capital of the state of the same name, is about 110 miles northwest from the city of Mexico. t The river Gila enters the Colorado firom the east. (See Map.) $ The Colorado river, the largest stream in Mexico west of' the Cordilleras or Rocky Mountains, rises in the high table-lands of Northern Mexico, and flowing southwest falls into the head. of the Gulf of California. (See Map.) 498 THE UNITED STATES. [Boox IL ANALYSIS. founds st statesmen found it difficult to solve. The South a-isen and the North took issue upon it —the former claiming torthandthe the iight of her citizens to remove, with their pioperty in South. slaves, on to any lands purchased by the common treis. ure of the republic, and the latter delmanding that terl'itory flee from slavery at the time of its acquisition, should forever remain so. i The presi- 32.'The opposing principles of slavery extension and tidonof 1848. slavery restriction entered lar1gely, as elements of party zeal and political controversy, into the presidential election of 1848; but altliough the South advocated one line of policy, and the North another, the citizens of neither section were united in the support of either of the three presidential candidates, wlho were Martin Van Buren, of New York; Lewis Cass, of Miciligan; and Zachary T;ly-. Thesupport lor, of Louisiana. 2General Cass, the regular democratic given to GeneralCasts candidate, and Ge.neral Taylor, the wlig nominee, both ad'aylor. claimed by their respective parties as farvoring southern interests, while the same parties in the North advocated their election for reasons directly opposite, received the principal support of the whig and democratic parties;. To Mr. Van 3while Mr. Van Buren, first nominated by a division of Buren. the democratic party of New York, and afterwards renominated by a northern "Free Soil" convention held at Buffalo, was urged upon the people by his partisans as the peculiar exponent of the free-soil principles so generally professed by the northern section of the Union. 4. Ret tof 4After an exciting political canvass, the election resulted canvass. in the choice of Zachary Taylor, by one hundred and sixty-three electoral votes, out of a total of two hundred and ninety. Millard Fillmore, of New York, was chosen Vice President. J849. CHAPTER XII. Period TAYLOR'S ADMINISTRATION, embraced in Taylor's administra- FRO3M MARCHI- 4, 1849, TO JULY 9, 1859. s. caifornia. 1. 1 AT the time of the accession of General Taylor to the presidency, California, embracing the western portion of the newly-acquired territory of the United States, had already begun to attract a large shar-e of public attention. 1.e.,setory. The importance which this country has subsequently attained, in the rapid growth of its population-in its vast mineral resources-its already extensive commerce PART IV.] TAYLOR'S ADMINISTRATION. 49 and its rapid advancement to the position of a State in 1~189. the great American confederacy, demands a brief account of both its early and its recent history. 2.'The principal Spanish settlements of California were 1. Pri, cipal Spanish missionary establishments, twenty-one in number; the ear- settlemens. liest of which, that of San Diego, was founded in 1769.'Established to extend the domain of the Spanish crown, 2.Theirobject and to propagate the Roman faith by the conversion of character. the untutored natives, they formed a line of religious posts along the whole western frontier, each a little colony within,itself, and, being exclusive in their character, absorbing the lands, the capital, and the business of the country, they suppressed all enterprise beyond their limits, and discouraged emigration. 3.'California remained thus under ecclesiastical sway 3. Change until, in 1833, the Mexican government converted the made in 833. missionary establishments into civil institutions, subject to the control of the state. 4During the long period of 4. Period o anarchy an anarchy and discord which followed in Mexico, the mis- d ilcord.wohich sions were plundered by successive governors, and, with few exceptions, their lands were granted away, until scarcely anything but their huge stone buildings remained.'Yet the result proved beneficial to the country at large. 5. Result of As the lands were distributed, agriculture increased; the thechange attention of foreigners began to be turned to the country; and fiom 1833, when scarcely any but native-born inhabitants were found there, up to 1845, the foreign population had increased to more than five thousand. 4.'Still, the unsettled condition of the government 6 Frremontta prevented anything like systematic enterprise; nor was it Calfornia. until 1846, when Fremont and his companions hoisted the American flay and declared California independent of Mexican rule, that the natural capacities of the country for a numerous agricultural population began to be developed. 7With the belief that California had become, insep- 7.Emigration arably, a portion of the American Union, emigrants came country. pouring in, mostly from the United States, to seek their fortunes in a new country under their own flag. 8Grazing 8. Facrable prospects thus and agriculture were the chief occupations of the people; opened. many little villages sprung up; and everything promised fair for the steady growth of this distant territory on our western borders. 5.'In this tranquil state of affairs the announcement 9. Firstreport was made in the latter part of February, 1848, that a discoveh Of mechanic, employed in cutting a mill-race on the "Ameri- ol can Fork" of the Sacramento, about fifty miles above New Helvetia, or Sutter's Fort, had found numerous particles of gold, and some pieces of considerable size, in the sands 500 THE UNITED STATES. [BOOK I] ANALYSIS, of the stream.'The report spread with rapidity; exami1. Effects prd nations were made at other points along the stream, and ducedbyit. almost everywhere with success; and in a few weeks the newly-discovered gold region was crowded with adventurers, tempted by the glittering prize. 2. Effects 6.'Laborers in the settlements, carried away by the rise of prices, excitement, struck for higher wages, and left their emg;~C ployers; sailors abandoned their vessels in the harbors; the villages were nearly deserted; and, as provisions were scarce, flour and pork arose to forty, and even a hundred dollars per barrel at the mines, butter to a dollar per pound, and common shoes sold for ten or twelve dollars 3. The per pair.'At first, workmen at the mines ordinarily amlointof gathered gold to the amount of from twenty to forty dolgathered. lars per day; and in some instances they obtained from $500 to $1000 a day for each man. s. Process of 7. 4The gold was gathered by washing the earth in oaZd. pans, or other shallow vessels-the particles of earth being washed away, while the gold, gravel, and sand settled at the bottom. The gravel was then picked out by the hand, and the residue was dried on a board or cloth, when the sand was blown away by a common bellows, or the mouth; the greater weight of the gold causing it to remain behind. In the mountains, the gold was picked out of the rocks in pieces varying from the finest 5. Present particles to those of five or six ounces in weight. 5The znrnin,- ope of mining operations have since been carried on in a more iatings scientific manner. The richest gold is now found imbedded in rock quartz, which is broken and ground down, and the gold is then separated by the process of amalgamation with quicksilver. o6. Popula-e 8. Already, at the time of the discovery of the mineral desires oftle wealth of California, the population embraced many enterpeople. prising Americans; and now, citizens from the States crowded there in great numbers, carrying with them an ardent attachment to the political institutions of their country, and desiring to see the same established over I. Their pet- the land of their adoption.'For some time they petilions to Congess, atl/e tioned Congress in vain; as that body, divided on the subject of permitting or prohibiting slavery there, were unable to agree upon the details of a form of government for the new territory. 8. General 9. 8General Taylor, on his accession to the presidency, asurances assured the Californians of his earnest desire bo grant and advice, them all the protection and assistance in the power of the executive;. and advised them to form for themselves, in the meantime, a State government, afterwards to be submitted to Congress for approval. PART IV.] TAYLOR'S ADMINISTRATION. 501 10t.'Acting upon this advice, and encouraged by 1~49. General Mason, who succeeded General Riley as military i. Proceedgovernor in April, 1849, the people chose delegates, who people in met at Monterey in September of the same year, for the eatabihzing purpose of forming a constitution for a State govern- mntment. The result of their deliberations was the adoption of a State constitution, by which slavery was excluded from the country, in accordance with the decision of a special convention previously held at San Francisco. The new constitution was adopted by the people with great unanimity. Peter H. Burnet was elected chief magistrate, and the first Legislature assembled at San Jose on the 20th of December, 1849. 11.'While California was a prey to anarchy and mis- 2. Conduct of the Leg'iearule, incident to the mixed character of its population,- tl,.e of while the project of an independent republic was by California. some openly avowed,-and while the interests of the people were neglected by the Congress of the United States, which was violently agitated by the clause in the new constitution prohibiting slavery, the Legislature of California manifested, throughout, a noble spirit of devotion to the public good, and a faithful attachment to the American Union. 12.'In the meantime, long standing animosities between 3. Dificulztie Texas and New Mexico were involving those countries, Texas and and the general government, in a complication of difficul- New Mezico. ties. Texas had ever claimed, since she gained her independence of Mexico, that her territory extended to the Rio Grande; and she was determined to extend her authority there also, although the inhabitants of the valley of Santa Fe had ever rejected her pretensions, and resisted her rule. 4In February, 1850, Texas sent her 1850. commissioner to organize counties in New Mexico, and 4. Measure enforce her jurisdiction over the disputed territory; but Tezas, ntd the United States civil and military governor at Santa the result. F6, disregarding the claims of Texas, and acting in accordance with instructions fromn Washington, favored the views of the people of New Mexico, who met in convention and formed a constitution for a State government, which they transmitted to Washington for the approval of the American Congress. The agent of Texas was unable to accomplish his mission. 13.'While California and New Mexico were petitioning 5. Tie:Mo. for admission as States into the American Union, a similar tand PeMto,4 petition was sent up to Congress by a strange people fiom monPeo0p. the very centre of the vast American wilderness. A few years before, a band of Mormons, or, as they style themselves, " Lattcr-Day Saints," had collected at Nauvoo, in 13+.12 a 3120 118 42 40 _ PY/?AMIDL M. 3( _ -^San~oP 1 iln _ } b A/in t~> 32.nii@ @ AS ________ - ItiIC/~f ______X_ I ____i... _ I l[ l I38 CRI I..Al "/cm t ~1n. rut~~3~~~~~~~tJ10V C/ Barbar Al ~ Pi dlotgeo 3,11 d 134S'P 3 X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cl II 0,211, USECI (t9~~~~~~~is~~~~~~8 n ieg )WIN V Si PART IV.] TAYLOR'S ADMINISTRATION. 603 the State of Illinois, under the guidance of Joe Smith,.S50. their pretended prophet and leader; but as serious dissensions arose between them and the neighboring people, they set out, like the Israelites of old, with " their flocks, their herds, and their little ones," to seek a refuge in the wilderness, far away from those who, while they pitied their fanaticism, hated them, and despised their religion. 14.'Passing beyond the Rocky Mountains, they found, IA Etablishin the valley of the Great Salt Lake, in Nolthern Califor- Mo.oronst n nia, a delightful and fertile region, which they chose for Caafnthea, their future home, and the seat of a new religion, which, tuc'tran o in its infancy, has been little less successful than that of imposture. the Arabian impostor. Not from the States only, but even from Europe, the Mormon missionaries brought in their proselytes by hundreds and by thousands: their thrifty settlements rapidly increased; and while they were scarcely thought of by "the world's people" but as a band of outcasts, we find them, in the year 1850, asking to be enumerated as a member of our confederacy, and the American Congress gravely discussing the terms of the admission of the new territory of "Utah!'" 15. 2While Congress was still in session, engaged in 2. Death! acrimonious debate on the various subjects which arose Taylor. out of the connection of slavery withl: the new territories, the country was called to mourn the sudden loss of its chief magistrate. Zachary Taylor died at Washington on the 9th of July, after an illness of less than a week. Among his last words were, "I have endeavored to do my duty. I am not afraid to die." Hlis memory will ever be cherished by his countrymen as that of an able and good man. 3In the language of an eminent political 3. Char'ater opponent,a "The integrity of his motives was never hhau byC-ta assailed nor assailable. He had passed through a long a Genern and active life, neither meriting nor meeting reproach, can. and, in his last hour, the conviction of the honest discharge of his duty was present to console, even when the things of this life were fast fading away." 504 [Boox il. ANALYSIS. CiAPTEIR XIII. Period F ILLMORE'S ADMINISTRATION, embraced in Fllmore's administration. FROM JULY 10, 150, TO MARCH 4, 1853. 1 Mr. Fill- 1.'ON the day following the decease of the President, m4ore's acces- Z. 8sonto the the Vice President, Millard Fillmore, proceeded to the presidency. Hall of the House of Representatives, and there, in accordance with the constitution, and in the presence of both Houses of Congress, took the oath of office as President of the United States. Without commotion, without any military parade, but with republican simplicity, the legitimate successor to the presidency was installed in office, and the wheels of government moved on as harmoniously as ever; presenting to the world a sublime spectacle of tle beauty and perfection of the beauty and perfection of self-government. 2. Character 2. 2Tlle first session of the 31st Congress, which opened of the lst sessiont on the 3d of November, 1849, and closed on the 30th of 3lst Coneress. September, 1850, was one of the longest and most excit3.'he great ing ever held.'The great subjects of discussion were, subjects of discutsion. the admission of California with the constitution she had 4. The ques- adopted, and the Texas boundary question. 4With these slave.r. was involved the long-agitated question of slavery, in all its various phases-respecting the extension of slavery to new territory-its abolition in the District of Columbia, and the restoration of fugitive slaves to their owners. 5. Mr. Clay's 3.'Early in the session, before the death of General * Taylor, Mr. Clay, at the head of a committee of thirteen, had reported to the Senate a bill providing for the admission of California with the constitution she had adopted -for the organization of the territories of New Mexico and Utah, and for the adjustment of the Texas boundary. 6. Fate ofthis 6This project, which received the name of the "Omnibus. Bill," was strongly contested, and crippled by various amendments, until nothing remained but the sections organizing Utah as a separate territory, which passed both houses, and became a law. 7. General 4.'After much discussion, however, the California result of the dicult onh. admission bill, the New Mexico territorial bill, and the Texas boundary, all subsequently passed as separate propositions, very much as they had been proposed by the committee of which Mr. Clay was chairman. By this B. Respecting result, 1st.'The vast territory of California, with a seaCaefornia in board corresponding in latitude to the entire Atlantic varticular. PART IV. I FILLMORE'S AD>MINISTRATION. 505 coast from Boston to Charleston, became a State of the S5.0, American Union, with a constitution excluding domestic slavery: 2d:'The Mormon territory of Utah, embracing 1. the, Horthe great central basin of the country between the Rocky to0y. Mlountains and the Pacific, was elected into a territorial government, with the declaration that, when admitted as a State, "said territory, or any portion of the same, shall be received into the Union with or without slavery,-as its constitution shall prescribe at the time of the admission:" 3d.'New Mexico was erected into a territorial 2. Neco government, with the same provision respecting slavery Mexico. as in the case of Utah:" 4th.'The Texas boundaly bill 3. ie.pecting (with the consent of Texas, afterwards obtained) estab- Bolndlary lished the dividing line between Texas and New Mexico four degrees east of Santa Fe; and in consideration that Texas relinquished her claims to the territory east of the Lio Grande thus included in [New Mexico, the United States agreed to pay her the sumn of ten millions of dollars: 5th.'An act, called the "Fugitive Slave Law," e Thefugwas passed, providing for the more effectual and speedy five slave, delivery, to their masters, of fugitive slaves escaping into the free States: and 6th.'An act providing for the sup- 5. lheslavepression of the slave-trade in the District of Columbia, Districtof which declares that "if any slave shall be brought into Columbia. the District of Columbia for the purpose of being sold, or placed in depot there to be sold as merchandise, such slave shall thereupon become liberated and free." 5.'These various bills were the results of a compromise 6. The comof opposing views on the subject of slavery, and in this promse. spirit they were advocated by their supporters: but, as was to be expected, they failed to give entire satisfaction either to the North or to the South. 7A portion of the 7. Howre South, complaining of the injustice of excluding their diferent secltons of ths citizens from territory purchased by their blood and by Unioz. the common treasure of the Union, would have rejected California until she struck friom her constitution the clause prohibiting slavery; while at the North there was much 1851-2. bitterness of feeling ag'ainst the fugitive slave law, which exhibited itself in conventions of the people, and in the aid afforded to fuiitive escaping to Canada. 6.'Dur'ing the remainder of President Fillmore's admin- 9. Tha re,mainder of istration, little occurlrel to disturb the quiet tenor of our Fillmore'sadcountry's history. 9At peace with foreign nations, and 9 Stat, of the blessed with almost; unexamnpled prosperity in the various Count'Y, c.departments of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, our course is steadily onward in the march of national 10. Character greatness. 10The presidential election of 1852, although Qf the presifollowing closely upon the violent sectional and political tion of 1852. 64 506 THE JUNIITED STATES. [Boox II. ANAT,YSS. contentions of the 31st Congress, was one lf unusual 1852. quiet, and great moderation of party feeling: —a harbinger of good-a bow of promise spanning the political horizon after the storm has passed away. The result of the political canvass was the election of the democratic candidate, General Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire, over General Winfield Scott, the candidate of the whig party. I. The period CONCLUSION.'At this period in our history-at the a ichozwe beginning of the last.half of the nineteenth century-it is atred. wNvise to review the past, while with feelings of mingled fear and hope we contemplate the future.. 7'woecentu- 1. Little more than two centuries have elapsed since hiaetay. the first permanent settlement by civilized man was made 8. State of within the limits of the present'United States.'During the country hdar.?tg more than two-tlhirds of that period, while the colonies torutan,'tlr remained under the government of Great Britain, the that vtriod. English settlements were confined to the Atlantic coast; and at the close of the Revolution, the population numbered only three millions of souls. 4. Change 2~. 4The separation, perfected by the Revolution, at latelyfol- once opened new fields for exertion and enterprise;-a Revobatloe. great change was suddenly made in the character of the American people; anld, under the fostering care of repubProgressof lican institutions, the tide of population has rolled rapidly westwtrd. inland; crossing the Alleghanies-sweeping over the vast valley of the Mississippi, and the plains of California — Inoking down from the heights of the Sierra Nevadanor resting in its onward course until it has settled on the watters of the Columbia, and the shores of the Pacific. 5Rapid 5During the last sixty years of our country's history, the!ncrease of ~... * * Vopulation. populatipon has increased, in a ratio hitherto unprecedented, from three millions to more than twenty millions of souls. S. Prorrein 3. 6Nor has our progress been less rapid in the various the arts, 1.c arts of civilized life. Our transition has been sudden from the weakness of youth to the vigor of manhood.. Power and 7In power and resources we already sustain a proud eout ~c. rivalry with the time-honored nations of the Old VWorld, and we rank the first among the republics of the New. 2 Rjtentof'Our busy commerce has extended over every sea, and W,,rcce. entered every port; and from the Arctic circle to the opposite regions of Polar cold, our canvas whitens in ainntfdae- every breeze. Our domestic manufactures, in the amount Or capital employed, and in the quality and value of their fabrics, are already competing successfully with those of Agriculture. France and England, while the rewards of agriculture are shedding their blessings on millions of our happy people. i~ I~~~ tB Co / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V i:~ iaUL f'~ r'"''L..x" ~51[','[l1T' IW\'H I _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ er... l..., laortl ~ d p ngtnC~ ~-~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 n S,errs a t v~oie )0 j] Newar. (y.Qie...o V RI..,"'""~'"'~' C' "~,iii,"" } _la!kc: k. Ph ~ iUaepha / uzA. aasy LARG'~~ ~ TO P ItwN. Mo.. Iri~~~~~~jI -V F fl a i o / Sackeita liar. a. Mobile. ~ ~ A Augsta 2- 0 oeo. w ic.eeConode L~~J i. Usico. x. Loolsaille..1soiti I ~~~~D Bostiliai. j. Neorork. p. Ciacion ti. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E Povfidele I. Philoreiphia. a.Saadooky. M A p. Hrtford ~~ 1. Piiiabur. 1. Si. Louis.. ew Hven ot. Baltimore. 2. Chicsa. OF CJ{~~~~ X Aubaiii.ila ~~: ~ 8. Mitw akin. UNITED I~~~~TATE~ L TretoCn t LARG TOW S. MlRl ind I _~~~~~~N alih a. Portland. p. Wilmington b.Prt-oth. ere w..Cluba c.Nwuyor. r hreso.P ilegvle d. ewprt s.Saa/ h. alahase e.Rohstr. t S. uusin.R LI(11os. ~~~~~O ~ ~ u Pe aala f. Bufalo"3 S Jacsoii k P h i l a u e lp ~; ~ t i~ e Ijl 1! T, M-N~, 8 508 THE UNITED STATES. [BOOK II ANALYSIS. 4.'Our numerous railroads, telegraphs, and canals, 1. Facilitie. navigable rivers and inland seas, by the facilities of comaf co~mun.. cation. munication which they open, bring closely together the most distant sections of the Union, and do much to harmonize that diversity of feelings and of interests which 2. Religion. would otherwise arise.'The Bible, and the institutions of Christianity, shed their blessings upon us; and the Eucation. education of youth, upon which the well-being of society, and the perpetuity of our republican institutions, so greatly depend, is receiving that share of attention which its imS. Gratitude portance demands.'For all these blessings we are bound blesins.e to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand of Almighty power that has directed and sustained us; for every step in our progress has been distinguished by manifest tokens of providential agency. 1853. 4Let our prayer then be, that the same God who 4. The senti- brought our fathers out of bondage, into a strange land, andctopese to found an empire in the wilderness, may continue his Wosld z protection to their children. Let us indulge the hope, that in this Western World freedom has found a congenial clime; that the tree of liberty which has been planted here may grow up in majesty and beauty, until it shall overshadow the whole land; and that beneath its branches the nations may ever dwell together in unity and love. Let us endeavor to cultivate a spirit of mutual concession and harmony in our national councils; and remembering that the monarchies of the Old World are looking upon us with jealousy, and predicting the day of our ruin, let us guard with sacred faith the boon that has been bequeathed us, and amid all the turmoils of political strife by which we may be agitated, let us ever bear aloft the motto, "The Union; one and inseparable." 90- -____ ANNE'~~~~~~~~~~,~c~ —;~~~~ APPENI)f X TO THE PERIOD SUBSEEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 1. 1T'HE government of the United States. like that which existed ANALYSIS. at one time in Greece, amonc the Dutch provinces in the low countries, and in Switzerland, is called a federal republic, or a republic mnent o frthe composed of several independent states. 2 Most federal govern- United ments have been noted for their weakness and inefficiency; anarchy 2. States has prevailed among the members: and the result has usually been of most fedethat the most powerful state hats acquired a preponderating con- ral governtrol over the rest, or that the federal government has gradually become powerless, and sunk into inaction and obscurity. 3The latter 3. Thefederal was the case with the fedlelal government adlopted by the American gove90nment congress in 1777 and under which the states terminated the Revolution. The " Articles of Confederation)" were found powerless as a government, when a sense of common danger no longer united the states in a harmony of national councils.a a. See p. 410. 2. 4The constitution of 1789, however, rests upon a theory until 4. in what ~' ~lmanner the that time unknown in political science. Former federal govern- constitution ments possessed legislative authority only, while the states of which of 1789 diforas from former they were composed reserved to themselves the executive powers, or federal aot - the right of enforcing the laws of the general government; whence ernments it often happened that regulations that were deemed unjust, unconstitutional; or burdensome to any particular member of the confederacy, were evaded, or openly violated. The subjects of the American government, however. are not independent states, jealous of the rights of sovereignty, but private citizens, upon whom the constitution acts without any reference to state lines. When the national government levies a tax, or imposes a duty on merchandize, it is collected by its own officers.-not from the states, but from individuals,-and over all the subjects of its legislation it is possessed of ample powers for enforcing obedience. 3. 51t is this principle which gives the federal union of the 5. Effects of United States its greatest strength, and distinguishes it from all this prinprevious confederations:-which guards against corruption, by rendering the people familiar with all the acts of their government, and by causing them to feel a deep interest in its wise administra-'ion. 4. 6it is not surprising that when our present national constitu- 6. Early du. tion was first promulgatedl, the -" untried experiment' encountered opeversltt of upnion upon a wide diversity of opinion. As soon as the convention of 1787 sub- the merits of mitted the result of its labors to the people for their approval or re- the constitujection, the country became divided into two political parties,-the friends and the enemies of the constitution. 7The former, who were 7. Federalist, in favor of the plan of government contained in that instrument, and antiwere known as federalists; and the latter, who disliked some of its fedelralsts. leading features, at first took the name of anti-felede aiis ts. Washington and the elder Adams were the leaders of the former party, and Jefferson of the latter. s. Th ccitt. 5. sThe constitution. as finally adopted in convention, was in a tultion-t-t great mreasure the result of a series of compromises, by which the seres of coa extremes of ultra political sentiments were rejected; and, when it proriiise8 510 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD [BOOK IH, ANALYSIS. was submitted to the people, even those members of the convention who had differed most radically upon some of its most leading fea. tures, cordially united in urging the people to give it their support, as the best form of government upon which the country could 1. Its chief unite.'The chief supporters of the constitution, who by their uirzpOers. writings contributed most to its adoption, were Hamilton, Jay, anl] Madison; the former two being federals, and the latter, at a sub, sequent period, a prominent leader of the anti-federal, or democratic party. 2 Chief dif- 6. 2The chief differences of opinion between the parties, in 1787, openion be- were upon the subject of the respective powers of the national con. iween parties federacy and the state governments,-the federalists urging the ne. cessity of a strong central government, while their opponents de. precated any measures that were calculated to withdraw power from the people and the individual states. 3. Successful 6. 3But notwithstanding the objections to the constitution, most and subse- of which time has shown to be unfoundedl it went into successful quentgene- operations and during the first twelve years of the government, oflthe consti-a from 1789 until. 1801, the federalists were the majority, and were tion. able to pursue that policy which they deemed best calculated to promote the great interests of theUnion. During this period the constitution became firmly established in the affections of the people, yet the parties which it called forth preserved their identity, although without a uniform adherence to the principles which marked their origin. 4. Jefferson 7. 4Mr. Jefferson had resided several years in France, as ambas. tmad osate. sador to that country, when in 1789 he was recalled to take part in the administration of the government under Washington, as 5. French secretary of state. sAt this time the French revolution was pro. differe nt gressing, and had enlisted in its favor the feelings of a portion of lsieios enter- the citizens of the United States, who viewed it as,a noble effort tAUer of it to throw off a despotism, and establish a republican government; while another portion considered the principles avowed by the "French republicans," and the course they pursued, dangerous to the very existence of civilized society. Of the former class was Mr. Jefferson, and the party of which he was the head adopted his sentiments of partiality to France and animosity towards England. By the federalists, however, the French were regarded with exceed. ing jealousy and ill-will, notwithstanding the services they had, rendered us in the cause of our independence. 6. Charges 8. 61t is not surprising that the feelings which the federalists made b~y each entertained towards France. should have given them a correspondg'he other. ing bias in favor of England. during the long war which existed between the two countries; nor that their opponents, in the ardor of party zeal, should have charged those who were enemies of France, with being enemies of republicanism, and consequently, friends of monarchy. On the other hand the anti-federalists were charged with a blind devotion to French interests, and with causeless hostility to England, founded upon prejudices which the war of independence had excitedl; while, to render the anti-federal party more odious, their leaders, with Jefferson at l heir head, were charged with being deeply tinctured with the sentiments of the French school of Infidel philosophy, and with designing to introduce those same infidel and jacobinical notions into America, which?. Wars of had led to the sanguinary and revolting scenes of the French Napoleon, atd conznser- revolution. cialinterests 9. 7Such were, briefly. the relative positions of the two great.States parties of the country, when the European wars of Napoleon began PART III.] SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 511 ~eriously to affect the commercial interests of the United States. ANALYSq.Causes of comlplaint soon arose, both against England -and France, which, too often, were palliated, or justified, less according to the t,buth agansrt merits of the cases, than the prepossessions of' the respective par- Engtan?.d and France. ties ifor or alginst the aggressors. 2The first serious aggression on 2. FIrst s the part of EIngland was ani order of council of November Gth, oUa aosgge7t 1793, authorizinlg the capture of any vessels laden with French IsoLtn) the rolonial produce; or carrying supplies for any French colony. tand. 10. 31'his actI was doubtless designed. prilmanrily to injure France, Pri.zary withl which country Engolll wals then at war. but it was a most delntn,t!j. lawless invasion of the rights of neutral powers. 4What seriously 4. Aggravaaggravated the outrage was the clandestile manner in which the tr of the z-t v outrage(. order was issued, tn0 previous notification of it having been given to the United States. who were first made aware of its existence by the destruction of a trade. the enjoyment of which was guarantied to them by the universal liw of nations. 11. 5lThis high handed mseasure excited universal indignation in 5 Feeling.s the United States; the people demanded retaliation aLnd a pro- prZd uced in position4L was made in congress to sequester all British property Sta:es: dein the United States, for the purpose of indermnitfyitg American n"e fLr n-erchants; but, fortunately, these and other dii-iculties were ter- and settleten, of th, niniated fbr a while, by the celebrated trieaty ntgotiated by Xlr. ai,'tte Jay in 1794. 6Tl'his treaty, coincluded at London on the 19t0h of 6 Jay's November, but not ratified by the UiLited States until August of treaty, 1794, the following yeals, provided that Great Britain should withdraw all her trloops and garrisons from till posts and places wilhin the boundalries of the United States. on or before the first of June, 17!J6 -that the Mississippi rivet should be open to both parties-that the United States should compensate British creditors for losses occasioiled by legal itlliediments to the collection of debts contrc:ecld before the peace of 173,; and thtat the British government'should umake compensation to citizens of the United States for illegal captures of their vessels by British subjects. The United States were allowed( under certain regulaltions, to carry on only a limited tand direct trade with the West Indies. 12. 7This treaty was violently denounced by the democratic 7 Df;ire, plarty, priincipally on the ground that the interests of France. our taVnedr efter-; former ally, were neglected in it, and that our commercial rights treaty by rtas were not sufficientlv protected. The federalists defended the two plotitca' treatyt and the results of the following ten yelars of national prosperity stamped upon the gloomy predictions of their opponents the seal of f;lse prophecy. 13. 1sin 1O05. howaever. the war upon Americtn rights was re- I80b. newed. when the British govertnment, still englged in hostilities s Renewed witl France, and jealous of the amount of our comlmerce with the apg.neiSOe,, Fi'rench colonies adopted a rule, which had governed her policy in can aght. the war of 1757,'!that neutrals should be restricted to, the stame comninerce with a belligerent, which was allowed to them by that power in time of peace." 9iThe foundation of the principle here o FotMtedaai tnssume by Great Britain: and endeavored to be established by her ciple tiuus as the law of nations, was' that " the neutral has no right, by'In re`nedBriextension of his t rade to afford supplies to the belligerent to ward tain. off the blows of his enemy.Y 14. t01n 1801 the declarations of the British ministry. and the 10 Differe and contradecisions of the English admiralty courts; had established the da.rtot r e,~ principle, that " the produce of an enemy's colony might be il- sitiotsttt'P. ported by t, neutral into his own country, and thence reexported /atm.'o the mother cotrntry of such colony;" but suddenly, in 180i. 512 APPENDIX TO TIHE PERIOD [BoOK I] ANALYSIS. without any previous notice, this principle was subverted by the British government, and large numbers of American vessels, confiding in the British exposition of the law of nations, were seized, carried into British ports) tried, and condemned. 1806. 15. 1Such proceedinos, on the part of a fiiendly power, exaspe. i. AEyspe- rated the Americaln people to the highest delree, and in Boston, tprdlat.e ta6e of Salem, iNew Havenn iN ew York, Philaidelphia. Baltimore, and other inZ, a'nd e- cities, both pairties, federals and democratse united in memorializing e0riclos for a the general government to take active measures for obtaining a redress of,,rieVovnces. redress of grievances. 2In consequence of these memorials) the Feb.'o. subject was taken up in congress, and on the 10th of February, 2. Proceed- 1S06, the senate unanimously resolved, that the recent capture and gress in elin- condemnation of American vessels and their cargoes, on the part of tion to this Englalndt was' ain unprovoked aggresssion upon the property of the citizens of the United States,-a violation of their neutral rights,-and an encroachment upon their national independence.; a. Feb. 14. A few days later the senate adoptedc a resolution: by a vote of twenty against six, requesting the President to demand of England a restoration of property, and indemnification for losses. April. 16. aStill the administration resolved upon first adopting the 3. A minister mildest means for obtaining redress, and Mr. W~illiam Pinkney extraordinary sent to Was appointed minister extraordin ary to the court of London, and England, and united with Mr. Monroe, then resident there; while at the same a nonw-inporS t tation act time a non-importation act against England was passecl,b as a passed. means of inducing her to abandon her unjust pretensions, and cease her depredations; but, in order to allow time for negotiation, the act was not to go into operation until the following November, and even then, so reluctant was the government to proceed to extremi. ties, that its operation was still farther suspended. b 17. 4S littlode of little disposition, owever, did England show to redress the the coCastfrom grievances of which the United States and other neutral nations com. Brest to the plained, that, on the 16th of May, she issued a proclamation, de. Elbe. Mav 16. lauring the coasts of France, Germany, and Holland, from Brest to the Elbe, in a state of blockade, although no naval force, adequate to effect a legal blockade, was stationed there. Vessels of neutral nations were allowed to trade to one portion of this coast, only upon conditions that such vessels had not been laden at any port in the possession of the enemies of England, nor were afterwards destined to any such port. S. Retaliatory 18. sIn retaliation against England, Bonaparte issued a decree Berlin de- Z3, de- from his camp at Berlin, in the following November,t declaring the c. Nov. 21. British Isles in a state of blockade, and prohibiting all commerce 6. Justfica- and correspondence with them. CThis measure was declared to be ten thiS taken in consideration that England was acting contrary to the. rights and laws of nations. and th at it was just to oppose to her the f. Enforce- same weapons that she used against others. 7So'far as American ment of the French and vessels were concerned, the Berlin decree was not enforced for British de- twelve months, while the British decree was put in rigorous execu18079. tion immediately after its enactment. sEarly in January, 1807, d. Ja 7. the British government prohibitedd neutrals fiom trading from one 8. British de- port to another of France or her allies, or any other country, with rmee of Janou- which Great Biritain miight not freely trade. ary, 1007. 19. o0n the last day of December, 1806, the American commisterms of the sioners, Mr. Pinkney and Mr. Monroe. concluded a treaty with treaty nego- Ennland,-the best they could procure, although not in accordance England by with the instructions which they had received fiom their own eovMr. Pznkney ernment. They had been instructed to insist that Great Britain and Mr. Monshould abandon her claims to take from American vessels on the VWe. should abandon her claims to take from American vessels, on the PART IV.] SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 513 high seas, such seamen as should appear to be British subjects, but ANALYSIS. no formal renunciation of this claim could at any time be obtained from the British ministry. All other important matters of controversy were adjusted by this treaty, to which the British commissioners appended a paper, proposing an informal arrangement, by which the practice of impressment was to be somewhat modified, while the subject of the British claims on this head was to be reserved for future negotiation. 20.'This treaty was received by Mr. Jefferson, then President!. This treaty of the United States; early in March, 1807; but without consult- Mr.Jeted by ing the senate.-the coordinate branch of the treaty-making power, he took upon himself the responsibility of rejecting it, and transmitted to the American commissioners instructions to begin the negotiation anew. 2They were informed that " the President de- 2. Instrucfions jbrclined any arrangement, formal or informal, which did not com- twarded to t prise a provision against impressments from American vessels on ministers the high seas,' and that" without a provision against impressments. substantially such as was contemplated in their original instructions, no treaty was to be concluded." 21. SHad this treaty been laid before the senate, it would prob- 3 Effects that ably htve been ratified, and thus all the disputes existing with would praobably have been Englalnd upon the subject of commercial rights, would have been produced if adjusteid, while the subject of impressment would have been left in thtdreatyino worse condition, certainly, than before. 4It is now generally fied admitted that the refusal to ratify this treaty was a serious error 4. Error of on the part of Mr. Jefferson, although not the least palliation of Mr. Jefferson. the subsequent aggressions of Great Britain. 5The federalists as- 5. Assertions serted that the admlinistration sought a cause of war with England, of the federal ists on this and. therefore, had no desire to adjust the difficulties with that subject countr y, and that it was from an apprehension that the senate would advise the ratification of the treaty, that their opinion on the subject was not requested by Mr. Jefferson. 22. son the 11th of November the British government issued the Nov. II. celebrated " orders in council;" prohibiting all trade with France 6. Bri/ish and her allies; except such trade as should be carried on directly counie of from the ports of Englancd or her confederates. 7These orders, Nov. II. direc ed openly against the commerce of neutral powers, were de- 7. The defence of these fended upon the ground that " nations under the control of France, f orders. meaning thereby, especially, the United States. had acquiesced in the Berlin decree of November, 1806: when it was well known that lecree had not been enforced against American commerce, and that consequently, the United States could not have acquiesced in it.. 2;:. 8s5hat rendered the conduct of England more grossly in- Nov. 25. sultng, and deprived her of the plea of "' retaliation upon Fransce," s. Additi~oa was an additional order of council of the 25th of the same month, councilof exy lanatory of that of the 11th, and confirmed by act of' parliament Nov. 25. of the following year, permsinitting- a trade between neutral nations anl1 France and her dependencies, on condition that the vessels engsh-d in it should enter a British port, pay a transit duty, and talk out a license! This was subjecting the commerce of America with all the countries of Europe, except Sweden, at that time the only remaining neutral, to the necessity of being first carried into some English port, and there taxed for the privilege thus conferred upon it! The tax thus imposed often exceeded the original cost of the cargo! 24. 9The British orders of the 11th of November were assigned, Do9. _aolton' by Napoleon, as a reason for and justification of the Milan decree MilNapn ecree 65 514 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD [Boow. II. ANALYSIS. of December 17th, which declared that every vessol that should sub mit to be searched by a British ship,-enter a British port, —or pay a tax to the British government, should be considered English property, and, as such, be good and lawful prize; and, farther, that all trade with England, her allies, or countries occupied by British troops, should be deemed illegal. 1. Peculiar 25. IThus there was not a single port in Europe to which an embarrass- American vessel could trade in safety; for if bound to Sweden, the meets to which Amer- only power not embraced in the decrees of the belligerents, she ierca sas at might be searched by an English privateer. and this would subject this time sub- her to capture by the next French privateer that might overtake jected. her. It seems, at this day, almost incredible that our country could have suffered such wrongs and indignity, without an immediate declaration of war against both the aggressors. 2. American 26. Information having' reached the Unlited States that France embargo. also) in accordance with the Berlin decree of Novembetr 1806, had Dec. 22. commenced depredations upon American commerce, on the 22d of December congress decreed an embargo, prohibiting American vessels from trading with foreign nations, and American goods or merchandize from being exported,-the mildest mode for procuring S. Violent and redress that could have been adopted. sThis measu e met with the opition of most violent opposition from the federal party, who, after vainly thefederal endeavoring to prevent its passage through congress, denounced it earto thebr. as unnecessarily oppressive, wicked, tyrannicil,~ and unconstitutional — dictated by French influence, and the result of a combination between the southern and the western states to ruin the eastern. Throughout the Union public meetings were called, in which the federalists not only expressed their disapprobation of the embargo, but denounced the wickedness of those who c;used its enadtment, and even called upon the people to set its provisions at defiarnce. The acts of these meetings were heralded in the federal papers as "pats iotic proceedings;" incessant- appeals were made to fan the passions of the multitude, and in many places the embargo, and the laws enacted to enforce it, were openly and boastingly violated. t. Effect arf 27. 4The embargo. by withholding from Engluand the supplies of raw materials and naval stores which she had been accustomed to receive from the United States. inflicted upon her considerable injury; and had it been duly enforced, as the duty of the government required, little doubt can be entertained that it would have compelled England to relinquish her unjust pretensions against 5. Embargo American commnerce. iBut owing to the clamnors against it in the rae peaef anod Eastern States-its injurious effects upon the country —tnd its intercourse inefficacy to answer the purpose intended, on -account of the oppoiupsec~ sition it met with, it was repealed on the 1st of March, 1809, but 1809. on the same day congress passed a non-intercourse act; prohibiting any French or English vessels from entering the h.lrbors or waters of the United States; and declaring it unlawful to import any goods or mnerchandize from, or manIlfactured in, any port of France or t. Renewanl of Great Britain, or place or country in their possession. 6At the same ized on cer- time the president wais authorized in case either France or England tain condi- shCuld revoke her edicts, so that they should cease to violate the neutral commerce of the United States, to declare the satne by proclamation, and authorize the renewal of trade with such nation. NTon-inter- 2S. 7Yet the non-intercourse act, although a mild and equitable. oo regarded but effectual retaliation upon the belligerents for the injuries by loth par- which they were inflicting upon our commerce, and expressing a Liea' desire on the part of the Union to return to the relations of friend. PART IV.] SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 5'1 ship with both nations, was generally denounced both by federals ANALYSIS. and democrats, but on totally different grounds;-by the ftrmer - - ~ as a war measure, of unjustifiable severity, against Great Britain, -Wlnd by the latter as too feeble and imbecile to effect the objects f.'; which it was intendedl. 29. 1Soon after the accessiona of Mr. Madison to the presidency, a. March 4. the flattering encouragement was held out, of a speedy adjustmenlt It Prossp.ct of of all difficulties wi.h England. 21n April, Mr. Erskine, the 7Ieatlof'da. British minister at Washington, notified0 the American govern- icultties. went that, on the ground that the non-intercourse act "had b. April s, 19 placed the relationls of Great Britain with the United States kiLne'sowi^sn an equal footing, in all respects, with other belligerent cation tor t4O powers,;7 he was authorized to inform the American government goleruuent. that the British "orders in council," so far as they affected the United States, would be withdrawn on the 10th of June, " in the persuasion that the president would issue a proclanlation for the renewal of intercourse with Great Brittain." 3The 3. President' president therefore issued a proclamationlo authorizing the re- P0on./aanewal of commercial intercourse with England after that dayv. c. April 19. 4This measure was unaanimously approved by both parties in the 4 110oW. reUnited States. The federalists declared Mr. Madison worthy of garded by the lasting gratitude of his country —they contrasted his conduct bt partes. with that of Mr. Jefferson, to the great disparagement of the latter — hailed " his return to the good old pr inciples of federalisim with enthusi:astic delight, and asser'ted that Englmncd had always been ready to do us justice, when not demanded by threats of violence. 30. sBut if,; as the federalists declared. England had previously s. Thle Ersbeen willing to compromise on the terms agreed upoon by iiMr'. A-i7eectreaty Erskine, a surprising change now tookl place in her councils; for /tn' aasd the British government rejected the arrangement, on the ground that her minister had exceeded h-iis instructions. Non-intercourse with England was again proclaimed.d 6The instructions of the d June 19. British government appear to halve been. that England was willina 6. (;haracter ""'^^ e- ~ — """ "l'r'' "~"' "":'~' ~^ of the inmtrue' to adjust the difficulties between the two nations, if the United zlots{ o the States would take off their restrictions upon English commerce, /rittssgovand continue thems against France and her allies; and farther, in tdheier mit s order effectually to secure the continuance of nol-intercourse with -- the latter, it was to be stipulated that England should " be considered as being at liberty to capture all such American vessels ias should be found attempting to trade with the ports of any of these powers." 31. 7These terms, if admitted, would have amounted to nothing 7 Efect of these terkms (f less than giving legal force to the British orders in council, by adm. itted. incorporating them into a treaty between England and the United t vua.pataStates! 8Such a mockery ofjustice and unparalleled effrontery- tlelecd ffonadding insult to outrage, showed not only that England was deter- tel raidEn'g mined to constitute herself the ar-bitrary mistress of the ocean, 9. ConducC of but that our long submission to her aggressions was regarded by ithe federal her as evidence of our fear and weakness. izn thle result 32. 9But, notwithstanding the result of the negotiation with,of the negot Mr. Erskine. so wedded were the federalists to the cause of Eng- air. Erscinae * The following extracts will illustrate the views entertained of the Non-intercourse Act by the Federalists. Mr. Hillhouse, in a speech on the non-intercourse bill before the Senate, Feb. 22, 1809, said: " Sir, the bill before you is war. It is to suspend all intercourse-to put an end to all the relations of amnity. What is that but war? War of the worst kind —war under.he disguise of non-intercourse. No power having national feelings, or regard to national sharaeter, will SUsBMIT to such COERCION. "L It is a base attempt to bring on a war with Great Britain,' It is FaRENc; in every feature.' -Boston Repertory. 516 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD [BooK II,,NALYSIS. land, or, such the violence of party feelings by which they were - influenced: that the conduct of Great Britain was not only uncen. sured by them as a party, but justified by many of their leading members, while our own government was charged by them with a blind devotion to Frenlch interests, andt with demanding terms frora England which " duty to herself' would never allow her to grant. The whole affair with Mr. Erskine was declared to be a political maneuver, designed to gain popularity to Mr. Madison, should the treaty be ratified, and to excite resentment against England should it be rejected. Aggresicy 33. 1Englandc continued her aggressive policy until after the Englantd commencement of the war, although eminent British statesmen* coutizued. decried the folly of the'orders in council, which had effectually cut off from that country a valuable trade with the United States 2. Its effect of fifty millions of dollars annually. 2Such was the ruinous inpmanzufar- fluence of these measures that large numbers of British manufactures. turers were reduced to poverty, and the distress among the laborS. causes that ing classes was extreme. 3At length, in the spring of 1812, the zed rto an in- public feeling had increased to such an extent against the nonliasent oen intercourse policy with Amierica, as to break forth in alarming this s5bject. riots in several parts of England, when the ministry were driven to the necessity of submitting to an inquiry in parliament into the 4. Character operation and effects of the orders in council. 4The testimonyt adof the testieo- duced presented so frightful a picture of distress. produced by the and fisral interruption of the American trade, that, on this ground alone, repeal of the on the 17th of June an address for the repeal of the orders incounorders in cosneil. cil was moved in the house of commons by Mr. Brougham, but was withdrawn on a pledge of the ministry that the orders should be repealed, which was done on the 23d of the month, five days after the declaration of war by the United States, but before that event was known in England. 6. Extent of 34. 50f the extent of British depredations upon American comredations up- merce, we have information of the most reliable character. By an do Amnericanz official statement of the secretary of state, presented to congress on comwerce. the 6th of July, 1812, it appears that British men-of-war had captured 52S American vessels prior to the orders of council of 6. Estimated November, 1807. and subsequent thereto 389. 6The values of the amount of cargoes of these vessels could snot be ascertained with accuracy, but ters. it was estimated at the time, by judicious merchants, that the average value of each cargo and vessel could not be less than 30.000 dollars. But, placing the estimate at 25,000 dollars each, and we have the enormous amount of twenty-two millions nine hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars worth of American property plundered by a nation with whom we were at peace. A portion of the property seized prior to Nov. 11th. 1807, might perhaps be restored; but for that taken subsequent to this period there was * Among others, Mr. Brougham, afterwards Lord Brougham. On the 17th of June, 1812. ford Brougham moved an address for the repeal of the Orders in Council, &c. The followving is extracted from Lord Brougham's remarks. " I have been drawn aside from the course of my statement respecting the importance of the commerce which we are eacrificing to those mere vhiri-nsies, I can call them noething else, respecting our abstract rights. That commerce is the whole American market, a branch of trade, in comparison with which, whether you regard its extent, its certainty, or its progressive increase. every other sinks into insignificance. It is a market which, in ordinar.y times, mlay take off about thirteen millionsAX worth of our manufactures; and in steadiness and regularity it is unrivalled."' t " The minutes of the examination, as published by order of Parliament, form a ponderous folio volume of nearly 700 pages, exhibiting a frightful picture of the results of the sinistef and absurd policy which dictated the orders in council."- Olive B:ranch, ty M. Carey. * Nearly sixty millions of dollars. PART JV.] SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 517 not the least chance of redress.'Nor were the evils which we ANALYSIS. suffered from this plundering system limited to the amount of our property actuaily captured and confiscated. The restrictions 1. Other lossplaced upon our trade by the hazards of capture, subjected us to British syslosses far greater than those which have been enumerated. From tem subjectNovember 11, 1807, till the very day that war was declared, our Iomnmerce with Holland, France, and the north of Italy,-countries at war with England, was nearly annihilated. 35. 2We now pass to the consideration of another cause of corn- 2. Another plaint against England, of a character even more aggravating than cause of corm her commercial depredations. 3The subject of the impressment of against Eng'. American seamen by British men-of-war claimed the attention of 3 imapressour government soon after the close of the war of the revolution. ment of The following are the principal grounds of complaint, on the part Amnerican of the United States, as set forth at various times by the ministers of the latter at the court of London: 36. 41st. England claimed the right of seizing her own subjects, 4. The claiss, and the pra~ voluntarily serving in Anericacn vessels, but invariably refused to sur- tice of Engrender American citizens voluntarily serving in British vessels. 2d. land, on th1i She claimed the right of seizing her own subjects, voluntarily serv-s5bject. ing in American vessels, although they lmay have been miarried, and settled, and naturalized in the United States; while she refused to surrender American seamen inivoellntarily serving in British vessels, if said seamen had been either settled, or married, in the British dominions. 3d. In practice. the officers of British ships of war, acting at discretion, and bound by no rules, took by force, from American vessels, any seamen whom they suspected of being British subjects. 51t would very naturally be supposed that the proof of 5. The prooJ the allegiance of such seamen should belong to the British side, but, theos America2n on the contrary, the most undoubted proof of American citizenship side was required, to protect an American citizen from impressment. 37. 6t is now admitted that, under this odious system, several 6. Great evthousand American citizens were from time to time impressed, — tent of im held in bondage in the British navy, and compelled to fight the now adnmitbattles of England. 7Large numbers of Danes, Swedes, and ted. foreigners of various nations, were likewise impressed from Ame- snest offorT rican vessels, although their language, and other circumstances, eighers frons clearly demonstrated that they were not British subjects; acnd, in- vesses, deed, English officers repeatedly informed the agents of the United States that they would receive no proof of American citizenship, except in the single case of native Americans, nor surrender foreigners, taken from American ships, on any pretence whatever. 3. 8sit is true England admitted that impressed seamen should 8. Why,t& be delivered up, on duly authenticated proof that they were native princiPles orn American citizens; but this, besides most unjustly throwing the bur- landh profess. den of' proof on the injured party, provided no effectual remedy for ed to act in this matter, the evil. During the interval of obtaining the required testimony, provided no should: happily, the charitable aid of friends, or of the government, efectztfalet? edy for thei be exerted in behalf of the innocent victim of British tyranny, the evil. unfortunate individual was often carried to a foreign station —or the ship had been taken by the enemy, and he was a prisoner of war -or he had fallen in battle —or: when all apologies for retaining him longer failed, he was returned, penniless, with no remuneration for the servitude to which he had been subjected. HuI-ldreds, and even thousands of well authenticated cases of the forcible impressment of American citizens, both by land and by sea, might w given, with details of the cruelties inflicted upon them, by sxoourging and. imprisonment, on their attempts to escape from 518 APPENDIX TO T-IE PERIOD [Boos 11, ANALYSIS bondage or refusal to fight against their country, or against nations 1. Assertions with whom she was at peace'The federalists, however, asserted of thefederal- that the evils of impressment, of awhich the democratic party comists on tine subject. plained. had been greatly exalggertted in order to delude and deceive the public, and that they tormed no just cause of war. t racts ured 39. 2The following fiacts however, connected with this-that,.y the eto- England had not abated her practice or pretensions on the subject of impressment, up to the year 1812, were urged by the democratic 3. Impress- party in opposition to the allegations of the tfederalists. 3During tienLtsduring a period of less than eighteen months. from March 1803 to August a period of t I 18 9monthts, 1804. twelve hundred and thirty-two original applications were fraom March, made to the British government for the release of impressed sea1803, to AugusLt, 1804. men, claimed to he citizens of the United States. Of this number, 437 were released on proof of American citizenship; 388 were refused to be discharged because they had no docuzmelts proving American citizenship, and not because they were proved to be British subjects; many of them deciaring that they had lost their certificates of protection, or had been forcibly deprived of them, or had neglected to obtain tiny; and only 49 were refused to be discharged upon evidence-declared by the seamen to bh false, that they were British citizens. Of the remainder, 120 were refused to be discharged because they had received wages, and were thereby considered as having entered the British service; others because they had married in England-or were on board ships on foreign stations —or were prisoners of war; 210 because their documents were not deemed sufficient; and 163 applications remained unans. Numbver of swered. 4I-Iow many unfortunate Americans were impressed Impreoblysetil dluring this period of eighteen months, who had no means of co-ugreater. veying to their government applications for redress, can never be known. 6. Impress- 40. 5From official returns it also appears that between the first ~.,entsduring of October, 1807, and the thirty-first of March, 1809. a period of a(nother pertod of I8 eighteen months, our government made demands for the restoraVwont2s. tion of 873 seamen impressed from American ships. Of this number 287 were restored, but only 98 were detained upon evidence of their being British subjects. The remainder were detained upon various pleas, similar to those previously stated. B. Thefore- 41. 6The foregoing comprise the substance of the democratic or going,-the government statements. on the subject of impressment, and comdemocratic statements. mercial aggressions,-urged as one justifiable cause of war. If they are fiacts, (and no satisflactory refutation of them has yet 7. Causes of appeared,@) then was England guilty of the grossest ooutrages upon the war oso 775, corn- our national honor and dignity. and far more serious causes of par ed t ith war existed than those which led to the Revolution. 71n 1 775, out thooe of the war of 1812. fathers took up arms because they would not be taxed by England; 0 The best defence, yet written, of the course pursued by the federal party, is contained in Dwight's " History of the Hartford Convention." It cannot fail to be observed, however, in that work, that the subject of imp,;essment is passed over very cursorily; and that on the suvbject of commercial aggression, the main object of the author appears to be, to prove that we had received greater injuries from France than from England. But if this were true, what justification, it may be asked, does it afford of the conduct of the latter power? The author of the "; History of the I-Hartford Convention," states, p. 228, that his " review of the policy and measures of the United States government during the administrations of Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison, is designed to show that an ardent and overoweening attachment to revolut tionary Frasnce, and ane iniplacable enmity to Great Britain, were the governing p7inciples of those two dcistinoguished inidividals " But the democratic party, probably with as much propriety, retorted the charge by asserting " that an ardent and overweening attachment to Eng. irnd, and an implacable enmity to France, were the governing principles of the federal party." The truth is, each party went to the extreme of denunciation against the other, and party Spirit, on both sides, was inflamed to the highest degree. iART IV.J SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 519 even a penny a pound on tea-in 1812, because they would not sub- ANALYSIS. mit to be openly plundered of the merchandize of a legitimate commerce, and because they would not suffer themselves to be stolen from their country, and condemned to slavery in the galleys of Britain!-'And yet, when war was declared, as the only meanls for i. The obtaining a redress of these grievances, behold! there was a " Peace ty" of 1812. Party" in our midst, who asserted that America had no just cause to complain of England; —there were distinguished American citizens, and even American legislatures, who asserted, that " the war was founded in falsehood," and "declared without necessity."11 42. 2During the six months previous to the declaration of war, 2. Preparaalthough congress was engaged during that time in making ample tiansfr twar preparations for the expected emergency, yet the federal presses, pvrs ued y very generally, throughout the Union. ridiculed the expectation te.fe/deial of war as illusory, and doubtless contributed much to impress the British ministry with the belief that America would still continue to submit to the outrages that had so long been perpetrated against her commerce and seamen. 43. 30n the first of June, 1812, the President sent a message to 3. Presiden'8 congress, recommending a declaration of war against England. comlendin g The prominent causes of war. as set forth in the message, and in a declaration the report of the committee which submitted a declaration of war, of ouar were. the impressment of American seamen, and the British orders in council. On the subject of impressment the president stated, that, under the pretext of searching for British subjects, " thousands of American citizens, under the safeguard of public law and their national flag, had been torn from their country-had been dragged on board ships of war of a foreign nation —and exposed, under the severities of their discipline, to be exiled to the most distant and deadly climes-to risk their lives in the battles of their oppressors-and to be the melancholy instruments of taking away those of their own brethren."' 44. 40n the same subject the committee remarked, that, "while 4. Declarathe practice is continued, it is impossible for the United States to otmitten consider themselves an independent nation.7 On the subject of the thesoujectsoo orders in council the committee stated, that by them,' the British and the Brit. government declared direct and positive war against the United ish oders in States. The dominion of the ocean was completely usurped-all commerce forbidden-and every flag which did not subserie the policy of the British goverIment, by paying it a tribute and sailing under its sanction. was driven from the ocean, or subjected to capture and condemnation." 45. SIn the house of representatives of the United States the 5. Strong opdeclaration of war was carried by a vote of only 79 to 49; and in declaration of the senate by only 19 to 13; showing a very strong opposition to war. the measure. sA motion to include France in the declaration, was 6. Motion to made in the house of representatives, but it was negatived by a IaeUo in ethe very large majority. Only ten votes were given in favor of the declaration. proposition, and seven of these were from the democratic party. The federalists had long maintained the propriety of declaring * It cannot be denied that many great and good men were opposed to the declaration of wr In 1812, but principally on the ground of its inexpediency. Thus, John JTay, a prominent federalist, but a most worthy republican, in a letter of July 28th, 1812, says: " In my opinion, the declaration of war was neither necessary, nor expedient, nor seasonable,' but he deprecated, as serious evils, "commotions tending to a dissolution of the Union, or to civil war," and asserted that, " As the war had been constitutionally declared. the people wero evidently bound to support it in the manner which constitutional laws prescribed." —Life of Tohn Jay, vol. i. p. 445. 520 AlPENDIX rO'HIH PERIOD [BOOK IL ANALYSIS. war nagainst France; but in a full house only three of their nnmber - voted for the measure. 1. Responsses 46. lThe reasons set forth by the president and congress for to titttO decla- declaring war were responded to by the legislatures of most of the states during their sessions in the following winter, and were declared to be fully justificatory of the measures of the administra2. The "peace tion. 2At the same time however, a " Peace Party'; was formed, pt/rty," o he its objects. composed wholly of federalists. and embracing a majority of that party throughout the Union. The object of this party was': to expose the war-the adLministration-the congress which declared it-and all who supported it, to reprobation —and to force the government to make peace." 3. Protest of 47. 3After the declaration of war, the federal party in congress thefederalf made a solemn protest; in which they denied the war to be " necessnenibers of con,ze,.s. sary, or required by any moral duty or political expediency." 41a 4. Thze gene- August, the general assembly of Connecticut, in pursuance of a. orai Coneslnbly suggestion in the message of the governor, united in a declaration cut. that " they believed it to be the deliberate and solemn sense of the 5. Legislature people of the state that the war was unnecessary." 5The legislaof Mcassachusetts. ture of Massachusetts asserted that'" The real cause of the war must be traced to the first systematical abandonment of the policy of Washington and the friends and framers of the constitution to implacable animosity against those men, and their universal exclusion firom all concern in the government of the country; to the influence of worthless foreigners over the press; and the deliberations of the government in all its branches; and to a jealousy of the commercial states, fear of their power, contempt of their pursuits, and ignorance of their true character and importance." 6. Assertions 48. 6These were serious charges, but the senate of the same state of Iahsesachte ent still fLrther, by asserting that "!The war was foutnded in setts. falsehood, and declared without necessity," and that 1"its real object was extent of territory by unjust conquests, and to aid the 7. Report of late tyrant of Europe in his view of aggratndisement.)" 7In Feb1814. e ruary, 1814, both houses of the legislature of Massachusetts united in a report asserting that the " war was wTged with the worst pos.sible views, and carried on in the worst possible manner, forming a union of weakness and wickedness, which defies, for a parallel, the annals of the world.". Atllegations 49..s8While such was the language of a great majority of the of the British pfrt: oBr.tilh federal party it is not surprising that similar allegations against Prince Re- our government were made in the public papers of London-that gent:he ord of the Prince Regent afterwarcls George IV. appoetded to the world t/he admiral- that England had not been the aggressor in the war-that the ty. lords of the admiralty expressed. their regret at the "unprovoked aggoression of the American government in declaring war after all the causes of its original complaint had been removed;" and that they declared that the real question at issue was, "the main tenance of those maritime rights, which are the sure foundattion of the naval glory of England.t" As the war was declaired while the British orders in council continued to be enforced, and American seamen to be impressed, these must have been the maritime ri,, s to which the lords of the admiralty referred. 9 Character 50. 9After war had been declared, the " Peace Party" threw all 3f the oposi- possible obstructions in the way of its successful prosecution. sepa"ion made by the "peoace rate from open rebellion, and yet reproached the administration party." for imbecility in carrying it on, and for embarrass-nments which. in great part, had been occasioned by federal opposition. Associa tioes were formed to obstruct the efforts to obtain Ioams. and not PART IV.] SUBSEQUENT TO TMll REVOLUTION. 521 only the press, but the pulpit also, exerted its influence to blank- ANALYSIS. rupt the government, and thus compel it to submit to the terms ofGreat Britain. 51.'When the governors of Massachusetts and Connecticut 1, Course were called upon by President Madison for their respective prm ezed by the, governore quotas of militia, to be employed in the public defence. they re- of lassachsufused to comply with the requisition, on the ground that the con- setts and Connecticut. stitution of the United States gave the president the power to call forth the militia only for the specified purposes of!executing the laws of the Union, suppressing insurrections, and repelling invasions, and that neither of these contingencies had yet arisen. 2The 2. Decisions governor of Connecticut submitted the subject to the council of of the council state, and the governor of Massachusetts to the supreme court of Connecticut, that state both which bodies decided that the governors of the and ofthe osu prerne court states are the persons who alone are to decide when the exigencies of Massachucontemplated by the constitut ion have arisen. 3According to this sets. 3 Tendency doctrine, totally at variance with the early federal notions in favor oftis endoseiof a stzong central poswer, the general government would be virtually tion of the divested of all control over the militia, and rendered incapable of and final setproviding fbr "the general defence.7 Fortunately for the stability tlenentoJfthe p -~ —-— ^b question. of the Federal Union, this question has since been definitively settled, by a decision of the supreme court of the United States, that the authority to decide when the militia are to be called out belongs exclusively to the president. 52. 4Massachusetts and Connecticut also denied that the presi- 4. Farther exdent, who is declared by the constitution commander-in-chief of the posZitonof the constitution, army and navy, and of the militia when in the actual service of as given by the United States, could delegate his authority of governing the Massachu- an militia to other individuals, or detach parts of the militia corps, or Connecticut. that he could employ them in offensive warfare, such as was contemplated in the invasion of Canada. 50n these subjects differ- s. Different ent opinions have been advanced, but the weight of authority is in opinions on favor of the powers claimed by the president. 53. 6The militia of Massachusetts and Connecticut were, indeed, 6. Militia of ordered out, by the governors of those states. for the deftnce of the Msaetct and sea-coast, when those states were actually invaded; and for their Connecticut; services in the defence of the United States ships of war, blockaded outhen de at New London in the year 1813, were paid by the general government. 7After the close of the war, Massachusetts presented the 7. Claimt Preclaim of that state for services rendered by her militia in her own Massachudefence during the war, but her claim was disallowed by congress. setts after the soar. 54. 8A brief allusion has been made, in another part of this T Hartford work, to the Hartford Convention, and the subject is again referred convention. to here, in order to notice an oft-repeated charge of "hostility to the commnercial section of the Union."7 made by the opposers of the war. 9Sn the report of both houses of the Massachusetts legisla- 9. Assertions ture in 1814, to which we have before alluded, it is asserted that of thee Massathere existed "an open and undisguised jealousy of the wealth and latocre on the subject of power of the comisnercial states, operating in continual efforts to em- commeecial barrass and destroy their commllerce," and that the policy pursued jealousies. by the general government had its toundation in a'" deliberate intention" to effect that object. J0The Hartford Convention, in its 0o. Assertiomn address published in January, 1815, also asserts that the causes of fordC onven the public calamities might be traced to " implacable combinations tion on this of individuals or states to monopolize power and office, and to st bieCt. trample, without remorse, upon the rights and interests of the conmmercial section of the Union." and "lastly and principally to a visionary and superficial theory in regard to commerce, accom66 .522 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD [Boox IL ANALYSIS. panied by a real hatred, but a feigned regard to its interests, an3 a ruinous perseverance in efforts to render it an instrument of coercion and war." 1. The an- 55. 1'To these charges the democratic party responded, by declarwer to these ing them totally destitute of foundation, in proof of which they furnished statistical comparisons between the commerce of the 2 Effectsof Middle an_ the Southern, and the New England states. 2From commerciatc these statistics, gathered from official reports it appeared that contmercial restrictions would be likely to inflict a more serious injury, in proportion to population, upon the southern than upon the northeastern states. S. statistical 56. 3Thus, taking first the year 1800, as convenient for giving statementsrof the population, we find that the exports of foreign and domestic exports of foreign and products and manufactures from Maryland, with a popullltion of dou6estic pro- about 34i,000, exceeded; by nearly two per cent., the similar exports manufac- from Massachusetts, whose population was about 423,000, and that tusres. Maryland, with a population not one quarter more than Connecticut, exported eight times as much as the latter sta-te. South Carolina also, in the year 1800, exported more than Massachusetts, in proportion to her population; and South Carolina and Virginia together, without regard to population; exported, durting the twelve years prior to 1803, eight per cent. more than all the New England states. During the same period of twelve years, the five southern states of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, exported nearly twice as much, of foreign and domestic productions, as the five New England States; and Pennsylvania alone exported nearly the same amount as the latter five. During the ten years from 1803 to 1813, the value of the domestic exports from Maryland alone was one half the value of the similar exports from all the New England states. Virginia alone exported more than half as much as all the latter, while the five southern states exported nearly twice the amount. 4. Conpara- 57. 4This subject of the commercial interests of the three differ. tife amout ent sections of the Union,-the Eastern, the Middle,t and the Frof the three Southern,'t-at the time of the second war with England. may perdffeoent see- haps be best understood by a general statement of the total amnount Unihn. of the exports of foreign and domestic productions, from the year 1791 to 1813 inclusive. The following, in round numbers. are the results: Eastern section 299 millions of dollars; Middle section 1. Exports 534 millions: Southern section 509 millions. 51n connection with freG ndes this statement it should be remarked, that a considerable amount of the exports from New England were the products of soulthern industry, exported coastwise to the EaLstern states, and not enumerated in the tables to which we have referred. 6 This sub- 58. eBut admitting, as all will be obliged to do, from these comnject, how af. parative values of exports, that the New Englansd states were far englcnld haed from being the only commercial states in the Union, perhaps it may owned the be contended that New England owned the shipping. and did the southern shipping. carrying trade for the Middle and the Southern states. But even if this were true, and had the war entirely arrested the commerce of the country, the Middle and the Southern states would still have been the greatest sufferers, for the value of the yroducts which they annually exported in times of peace, greatly exceeded the l Massachusetts, New HIampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut. t New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania.: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, New Orleans, District of Co trabia. PART IV.] SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 523 value of the shipping employed in its conveyance; and if all those ANALYSIS. ships had belonged to New England, even then the balance would -_ have been against her. 59.'But, in amount of tonnage, the ports of the Middle and the 1. The comsSouthern states were not greatly inferior to those of New England. pntivg tofdIn 1811 the tonnage of Baltimore alone was 103.000 tons; while Jetrent citie, that of the four minor New England states,-Vermont, New oftd soction Hampshire. Connecticut, and Rhode Island, was only 108,000. The tonnage of Boston, in 1810, was 149,121, while that of Philadelphia was 125,25S, and that of New York 268 548. In 1810 the aggregate tonnage of Norfolk and Charleston was 100,531, while that of the four principal sea-ports of New England, excepting Boston, viz: —Portland, Portsmouth, Newburyport, and Salemn, was otly 141,981. These statements, it is believed, are a sufficient answer to the federal arguments based upon the superiority of the shipping and commerce of New England. 60. 2After the close of the war with England. the federal party 2. Decline qo' lost its importance, and federalism soon ceased to exist as a distinct federalm. party organization. 3It is, however. often asserted that the plin-. tWhatis ciles of federalism still remain, in some one or more of the party said oftne continued organizations of the present day, and that they are found where- existence of ever constituted authority aims at an additional increase of power, its principles. beyond what the most strict construction of our national constitution would authorize. 4But when these assertions are made, it 4. Different becomes necessary to ascertain to what era of federalism they refer, eras offedand to distinguish between the " Washingtonian Federalismr of 1789, and the " Peace Party" federalism of 1812. 61. sAt the time of the formation of the present constitution, the 5. Principles federalists were in favor of a strong central government,-stronger of thle federalists in 1789, than that ultimately adopted, while the democrats, or anti- and during federalists, believed that the present plan gave too much power to their contitin the general government, and that the, states had surrendered too power, many of the attributes of sovereignty. While the federalists were in power, during the administrations of Washington a. d Adams, they were ardent supporters of the constituted authorities, friends of law and order, and zealous defenders of their country's honor. The " alien" and the "'sedition" law, which received the most violent censure from the opposing party, were strong federal measures, designed to give additional power and security to the government; and had such laws existed in 1812, and been rigorously enforced, there can be little doubt that numbers of the federal party would have paid the price of their political folly by the penalties of treason. 6Under Washington and Adams the federalists 6. The demo were ever ready to rally in support of the laws, while the.- demo- crats, the dieorganizers ag crats, on the contrary, were then the disorganizers, so far as any this tline. existed, and in the western parts of Pennsylvania in particular, during the "whiskey insurrection" of 1794, they organized an 7. Great armed resistance to the measures of law and government. change in the 62. 7When the federalists lost the power to control the govern- thefp.iiieralment, their political principles seemed to undergo a surprising itst, after the change. Then every increase of executive power was denounced er to control,ts an "encroachment upon the liberties of the people." The em- the governbargo, and the laws to enforce it, were declared to be "' a direct in- 8. Unjust vasion of the principles of civil liberty," and an open violation of charge of an the constitution;-although similar laws, but far more exception- attac/nment to able, had received their ardent support only a few years previous. principles, 63. 8The circumstance that, in the great European contest that against te originated in the French revolution, the sympathies of the federal- federalists. 524 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD Book: IL ANALYSIS. ists were on the side of England, has been often very unjustly ad. ------ dluced as evidence of their attachment to monarchical principles. With the same propriety, however, might the partiality of the democratic party for French interests, be charged upon them as proof of their attachment to royalty; for France was governed, subsequent to 1S04, by a monarch who entertained principles as arbitrary as those which prevailed in the councils of England.. Undoubted iWhile the federalists of 1812 may, as a party, with justice be eofrztheice charged with encouraging trezason to the government, there is no repbt*ican evidence of a desertion, on their part, of republican principles; and TprLncipie. had even a separation of the states occurred, which was the design, doubtless, of but very few of the ultraists of the federal party. there is no doubt that New England would still have adhered to that republican form of government which, in 1787 and'88, she so dili2. The odiumn gently labored to establish. 9It was the conduct of the federalists taces to t- in opposing the war of 1812, that has thrown upon federalism the federalison. odium which now attaches to it. and which is too often extended to the founders of the party, and its early principles. 3. Our indebt- 64. 3Washington, Adams, and Hamilton. were federalists, and to edness to the, them we are greatly indebted for our present excellent form of great leaders of the federal government, and for its energetic administration during the period party. of its infancy and weakness, when its success was regarded with 4. Injustice exceeding doubt and anxiety. 4When, therefore, it is asserted that of cornfound- Wd fng the prin. WWashington: Adams, and Hamilton, were federalists, we should in ciples of the justice remember that the "'Washingtonian'7 federalism of 1789 two eras of federaliom. was as different from the "Peace Party" federalism of 1812, as patriotic integrity, law, and order, are different from anarchy, treason, and disunion. And to confound the federalism of the former period with that of the latter, were as unjust as to impute the treasonable principles of the whiskey insurrection of 1794, to the democracy which governed the conduct of Madison and Jefferson. s. Political 65 5The various political questions which have agitated the questioshave country since the close of the war of 1812, are too intimately conarisen since nected with the party politics of the present day, to render it prothe close f o{ fitable to enter upon their discussion in a work of this character: 1812. -nor, indeed, when time and distance shall have mellowed and blended the various hues, and softened the asperities which party excitement has given them, is it believed that they will be found to occupy a very prominent place in the pages of the future histo. d. Character rian. "With the exception of the war with Mexico, they are mostly of most of questions of internal policy, about which political economists can questions. entertain an honest difference of opinion, without indulging in personal animosities, or exciting factious clamors, to the disturbance 7. Effects of of public tranquillity. 7By keeping the waters of political strife in their ceaseless ceaseless agitation, they excite an ever-constant and jealous guardianship of the vessel of state, far more conducive to its safety than a calm which should allow the sailors to become remiss in their duty, and the pilot to slumber at the helm. 8. Imnportance'The war with Mexico, whatever other causes may have contribof the Mexican war. uted to inflame the animosities already existing between the belligerent nations, acquires additional importance in the eyes of the American people from its having derived its immediate orligin fi-omo the circumstances of the long-mooted and controversial pro9. circuon- jeet of "Texas annexation."'This war, also, by presenting the markc this United States in the new aspect of conquerors on foreign ground, War asar im- in seeming opposition to their long-established peace policy-by portant era intriumphs on the part of an un like peopleour history. its great military triumphs on the part of an unwarlike people PART IV.J SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 525 by the unwonted displays of martial enthusiasm which it called ANALYSIS. forth, and by its important results, in extensive territorial acquisitions, with which are connected new and exciting questions of domestic policy, that seem to threaten the very existence of our Union —all tend to mark the present as an important era in our history; whether for weal or for woe, time only can determine. In connection with a brief history of the events of this war, we purpose, then, to review, in the spirit of impartial candor, the circumlstances of its origin, and of its results and tendencies, so far as time has developed them.'When, in 1825, Mexico, by her system of empresario grants, 1. Predictiona opened the free colonization of Texas to the Anglo-Americans, resPoentigthiot sagacious minds perceived, in the known activity and enterprise of of 2'exss. the latter people, the rapid growth of Texas in population and resources, and predicted that tile time was not far distant when she would throw off her dependence upon a nation alien to her in language, laws, and religion; and either assume the attributes of sovereignty, or seek to return to the bosom of that confederacy from which most of her population had been drawn. The results have fully verified these predictions. 2Mexico, soon becoming 2. Arbitrary alarmed at the rapid strides of the infant colony to power, and eMexico-f jealous of the desire manifested by the United States to extend resistance of Texas-and her southern limits to the Rio Grande by the purchase of Texas,;'5 Texan inaesought to overawe the Texan people by military domination, and pendence. to break their spirits and cripple their energies by the most odious commercial restrictions, and by the virtual exclusion of additional colonists coming fronm the United States.~ The overthrow of the Federal constitution of 1824, and the acquiescence of all the Mexican States in the military usurpation of Santa Anna, completed the list of grievances of which Texas complained, and induced her to appeal to the right of revolution-" the last right to which oppressed nations resort." In the struggle which followed, victory crowned the efforts of the Texans; they established their independence de facto, and by the United States, France, and England, were acknowledged as a sovereign power, capable of levying war, forming treaties, and doing all other acts which independent nations may of right do. SThe circumstance that Mexico refused to acknowledge the known 3. Refusa of fact of Texan independence, could not prejudice, or in any way aetssico todge affect, the rights of other nations treating with the revolted prov- the indepen-. ince; for both the laws of nations and the principles of natural dTneTas. equity, require that any people who are independent in point of fact, with a seeming probability in favor of their remaining so, shall be treated as such by other powers, who cannot be expected to decide upon the merits of the controversy between the belligerent paruties. 4After Texas had maintained her independence during 4, Admission, nine years subsequent to the battle of San Jacinto, the United the At2 ericat States formed a treaty with her, by which the former Mexican confederacy. province, but then independent Republic of Texas, was admitted as a State into the American confederacy, -with the assumed ohbligation on the part of the latter, to defend the new acquisition as an integral portion of the American Union. tIf Texas was virtually 5 Right qf Texes to disindependent, that independence brought wvith it all the iig hts and poseTof tersetf powers of sovereignty; and she was as capable of disposino of her- by treaty. self by treaty, as the most inldependent nation is of transferring to another power any portion of its territory. 61That the United 6 lRghltoftlhe States, in their sovereign capacity, had an undoubted right to enter o entedr iato Book lI, p. 132. f Ibid p. 133. 526 APPENDIX TO TIHE PERIOD [Boox II ANALYSIS. into the treaty of annexation, notwithstanding the remonstrances the treaty of of Mexico; and that, as betwveen the United States and Mexico, all annexation. this furnished no just ground of complaint on the part of the latter, we think no one acquainted with the fundamental maxims of international law will attempt to deny.* l.Comnplaints'Yet Mexico did make repeated complaints on this subjec(t. and thrleats Previous to the treaty of annexation, Mexico, by her minister at of Mexico, and duty of the seat of the American government, had protested against the the Arrnent.i measure in contemplation as an aggression upon a fiiendly power, and had distinctly asserted that she was resolved to declare war as soon as she received intimation of the completion of the project.t The American government, therefore, had every reason to infer, from official information, that war would result from the act of annexation, although many believed that Mexico would not be so foolhardy as to carry her threats into execution. It was the duty of the government, then, to make preparations for war, in proportion to the apprehensions of danger it entertained from any invading force that Mexico might send into the field. 2. The real'The advance of General Taylor from Corpus Christi, across the ease of the cwa5solr. country south of tile Nueces, which has since acquired the appellation of the " disputed territory," has often been assigned, among opposing parties of the Americans themselves, as the cause of the war. It was never so declared, however, by the Mexican people or government, who have uniformly charged the Americans with " appropriating, to themselves an integral part of the Mexican territories;" that is, the province of Texas, as thle sole ground on which Mexico had "resolved to declare wart" and as the primary cause 3. Claimns to of tile hostilities that followed.t 3Mexico claimed to have no better disputed territory. right to the country south of the Nueces, than to that immediately west of the Sabine, and had she charged, as the cause of the war, the invasion of the so-called " disputed territory," she would, virtually, have relinquished her claim to all the rest of Texas. Mexico maintained that, as between tlhe United States and herself, the whole of Texas was disputed territory, and she professed to engage in the war for the recovery of the whole, and not for a part of the same-to repel the invasion of IErxas, and not the invasion of the "disputed territory" on the Rio Grande merely. Justice to the position which Mexico herself assumned. and in which she chose to be regarded by other nations, demands the statement that she considered the primlary act of annexation as sufficient cause of war on her part, and that the invasion of hler province of Texas, by the establishmrentt of General'Taylor at Corpus Christi, was an addi4.,Tth1rdcause tional aggression. 4In our political disputes among ourselves, we oyf com~plaint, have supplied Mexico with a third cause of complaint, in the asser* All that is required for a state or na}tion to be "eentirely free and sovereign," is that "it niust gove.rn itseill, atnd actlowledl' e lo legislative superior cbut God."'it' it be totally independenlt, it is sovereign."-JlrartePl's Law of Nations, pp. 23-4. "A t'ireign nationt does not aplpper to violate its perfect obligations, nor to deviate from the plrincitles of leltrality, if it treats as atl ildel)endent nation lerople who have declared, anid sti:l maintiin tllemselvcs illdepeindetlt."-Jllate',Ls, p. 79. History abounds with exampies inl which revolted provinlces hatve been ackliowled(ged and treated as eovereign state2 by other naticcics, lonig before they were.recognized as suich by tihe Slates frolin which they revolted. JMr. W4ebster, in his speech at SpringHelel, Mtrscclcltiseits, Septambelr, 1847, said, as retlorted inc the piLblic jonr'nalls: — Fr,,m 183I, whetn occurred tle battle of San Jaciito, to 1842, Mexico ha(l nito cuthority over'I't-xas, no just claitm upojc helr terlitury. Iit 1841-2-3, Texas was ian iAdependenit govertnellnl; so nolintinlllt, so prtcctictlly, so reccgntized by our ownl, anld other governilments. Mexico had no ground of complaint in the alnnexation of Texas." "t'he Mexican government is resolved to declare war as soon as it receives intimation of such ant act."-Almonte to Mr. Upshur, Nov. 3d, 1843. See also the previous communicftion of Mr. Bocanegra, the Mexican Minister of Foreign Relations, to our Minister in Mexico, Aug. 23, 184:3.: Almonte's letter, Nov. 3d, 1843. PART IV.J SUBSEQUENT TO THE, IEVOLTJTION. 527 tion that the advance of General Taylor beyond Corpus Christi was ANALYSIS. into a territory not only belonging to Mexico by right, but to which she had the additional claim of actual possession. But Mexico never urged the invasion of the so-called disputed territory as a distinct cause of complaint, and we, in attributing it to her, have found for her a cause of offence which she had failed to discover for herself. In all her complaints against us, Mexico never made any distinction between the Nueces and tile Rio Grande.'But, admitting 1. The three that Mexico might, with propriety, have made this latter corn- the plaint, her original charges against the American government are United States then three in nurnber;-annexation; the march of the American alloy into territory claimed as belonging to. Mexico by right; and the invasion of territory in her actual possession. These charges we shall proceed to consider. 2Viewing the war strictly upon national grounds, and testing its 2. Legaljustilegality, on our part, by acknowledged principles of national law, the, Amiticaof we think it cannot fail to be admitted that our government standls iovernment. fully justified in the eyes of the world on the first two of the folegoing charges. We had at least the legal national right to annex Texas, and to defend the acquisition by torce of arms. 3Whether 3. The, march that defence required, or justified, the march of General Taylor tio iranede. firom Corpus Christi to the Rio Grande, seems to be the only remaining qtestion at issue, connected with the causes of the vlar; for since the American government tmade no declaration of war, but charged the commencement of it upon Mexico, it is altogether irrelevant to the question in dispute whether the United States might or might not have been justified in declarinlg war on any other grounds than those connected with the Texau controversy. 4In justification of the rmarch of General'Taylor friom Corpus 4. tiov jtustiChristi to the Rio (irande, across the so-called "isputed terri- fed. tory," it has been alleged, in the first place, that the Rio Granilde was the true southwestern boundary of Texas. The truth of this allegation is attempted to be sustained by the l:illowing potsitions: 1st.'That the successful resistance of the Texans lo Santta Anna's 5s'Irst Posiusurpation, as evidlenced by the capitulation of General Cos, Dec. t't of tnUhis 11th, 1835, and the stipulattion of thile latter to retmiove "into the ttis.a otion. interior of the Republic," and " beyond the Rio Grande," showed thlat the military governmnent of Santa Alla-a manllifest usurpa. tion-never obtained a foothold east of the Rio Grande, below New Mexico. 2d. 6Tl'hat the bound-ay of the Rio Grande, as set forth in the 6. Second position in Texan declaration of independence. was sustairled by the success poofftIht (tire of the Revolution, and afterwards confirmed by the treaty with Ri:o Grands Santa Anna, which was s'atified and signed by Filisolt, then in soruti,,owstern conlmand of the Northern Mexican ar-toy, and that Filisola was bountiat'yof authorized by letter froli the Mexican President ad interion to do whatever should be necessary to procture the release of Santa Anna, and to save his t roops and munitions of war. It is claimned that the obligations and benefits of this treaty were mutual; Texas acquiringr the independ-1ence of all the territcory east of the Rio Grandtle, and Mexico saving her armtly, and the life of her President. On the withdrawal of tilre Mexican army in pursuance of this treaty, tile Mexican garrison of Laredo was removed to the west side of the river, and Mexican garrisons were never afterwards kept up on the "T'l'exan" side: —Texas also laid out tlhe country between the Nueces and thle Rio Grande into counties. 3d. 7That in all tile invasions of Texas, two of which occurred 7, TTiad prti. in the year 1842, the Mexican troops were driven beyond the Rio to,. Grande. 028 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD [Boox 1Y. ANALYSIS. 4th.'That Mliexico herself, although claiming the right of re-entry 1. Fourth to the whole of Texas, virtually acknowledged the possessory claim posizton, by of the latter as far as the Rio Grande. This acknowledgment, subwhich Mexico admits ithe sequent to the treaty with Santa Anna, is based, among other acts, possessory on the proclamation of the Mexican General Woll, of June 20th, Texasas far 1844, by order of the Mexican government, of which the third secas the tion reads as follows:-" Every individual who may be found at Rio Grande. the distance of one league from the left bank of the Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) will be regarded as a favorer and accomplice of the usuorpers of that part of the Pnatiozal territory:" thus admitting that Texas had uscerped, that is, that she held possessionz of the territory on the left bank of the Rio Grande. Another constructive acknowledgment of the Texan claim is found in Santa Anna's report of the battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 27th, 1847, in which he states that he informed the American General that the Mexicans "' could say nothing of peace while the Americans were on this side of the Bravo," from which the inference is drawn that the Americans had some claim to the left, bank of that stream. In reply to the assertion that General Taylor, on his advance from Corpus Christi, found a Mexican Custom House at Point Isabel, it is stated that it was not a regular Custom House-that the collector resided at Matamoras, where the duties were generally paid, although he occasionally sent a deputy to Point Isabel. 2. The ansoer 2These positions are met, in genelal terms, by the asssertion, posthese that the declaration of Texas that the Rio Grande should be her positions and argusuments. boundary, did not make it so,-that she aequired no right to the country bordering on that river but that obtained by successful revolution and continued possession,-that the entire valley of Santa Fe, on the east side of the river, which Texas also claimed, was never in her possession,-that the country south of that valley, between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, was in great part uninhabited-had been subject to frequent inroads of both partiesMexicans and Texans, but that, at the commencement of the war, that portion bordering on the Rio Grande was in the actual possession of the Mexicans, whose laws were established over tile eLzlxican town, of Laredo, and who collected duties at Point Isabel, which circumstances constituted it, virtually, Mexican territory, and that the invasion thereof was equivalent to a declaration of war on the part of the American government.* In reply to the statement, that Texas had laid out the country between the Nueces and the Rio Grande into counties, it is asserted that these were "counties on paper" only. To the allegation that Santa Anna guaranteed, by treaty, the claim of Texas as far as the Rio Grande, it is replied, that the concessions of Santa Anna while in duress-a prisoner of war —were not binding either on himself or on Mexico, -that they were not ratified by the tr-eaty-mcaking power, and that they were distinctly repudiated by the Mexican government under the presidency of Bustamente, Santa Anna's successor. To the e " Corpus Christi is the most western poinlt now occupied by Texss.s"-Mr. Don(aldson (our Chargb to Texas) to General TMlylor, Jtme 2c8, 1845. The letter of Mr. Donaldson to Air. Buchanan, of Jlly 11th, 1845, admits that the MIexica.ns were then ili possessiona of " Laredo, and other lower points." Secretary Mlarcy, in a letter to Getieral Tatylor, July 8, 1845, says, "''This department is informied that Mexico lt; losonoe lilitary establisllhlents 0o the east sitlde of the Rio Grande." The actual occupaltcy, by the lMexicans, of' sevelal places on the eastern bank of the itio Grande, is a fact betyond dispute; anld it is also as clelor tohat the Texantts were in possession of places on the west batik of the Nueces; antd that inone but rarmed parties of either peopllo passed over the inltermlediate space between the two rivers. If Occulpancy, therefore, were to nave determoined the boundary line between the two people, it is easy to see that the line would have been neither the Nueces nor the Rio Grande, but the highlands of the barrens unoccupied tract between them. PART IV.] SUBSEQUENT TO TIE REVOLUTION. 529 allegation that, in all the invasions of Texas, the Mexican troops ANALYSIS. were driven beyond the Rio Grande, it is replied that this is not applicable to the valley of Santa FS, east of the Rio Grande; and that, as to the country between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, although in two cases the Mexican forces were driven out of it, yet that the Texans never held possession of the settlements on the eastern banks of that stream thirty days in all.'But, as a farther, and perhaps more satisfactory, justification of 1. Farther the advance of General Taylor to the Rio Grande, it is alleged that, jsof theicon under the circumstances of the threats of Mexico to declare war mnarch to the against us in the event of the success of the annexation project, — Rio Grande. the hostile spirit Ilanifested by her population,-and her actual assembling of troops on her northern frontiers with the professed object of re-conquering the whole of Texas, we should have been justified in entering upon territory clearly belonging to Mexico, to thwart the designs of our avowed enemy.) The circumstances on which this attempted justification rests are, so far as we can gather them, as follows:2Immediately after the annexation of Texas, Mexico, in accord- 2. The Mext can " ary ance with her threats of war, sent considerable bodies of troops to of invasion.Y the vicinity of the Rio Grande, constituting an army which was spoken of by the Mexican press, both as the "army of the North" and as the'" army of invasion," and which was openly declared by its commander, Paredes, who was then virtually at the head of the government, to be designed for the re-conquest of Texas. 3When 3. Overthroso IIerrera was elected President, in August, 1845, and showed a dis- of adninistrr-' position to treat with the United States, his administration was for- tion. cibly overthrown by Paredes on the sole ground that it was believed to be opposed to tile war for which Paiedes had made preparations. The government of Paredes owed its existence to the determination to re-conquer Texas. It had no other basis of support. 4Moreover, 4. Refusal of Mexico, under the administration of Herrera, after acceding to the Mexico to negotiate, proposition to receive an envoy "intrusted with full powers to under HIer. adjust all the questions in dispute between the two governments," era's atminsubsequently refused to negotiate, evidently from the fear of popular excitement against the peace party, but on the pretence that the United States had sent a general and ordinasy minister, when she should have appointed an envoy to adjust the specific differences in dispute between the two countries. A full, distinct, and final refusal to negotiate on a subject vlwhich Mexico had declared to be sufficient cause of Nwar, and with referlence to which she had officially asserted she -wNould declare war, would have been deemed tantamount to a declasration of war on her part; and Mexico is saved from assuninsg tlis position, only to the extent to,lwhich her grounds of objection to the reception of oue mninister were valid.,* "If a soveeieun sees hnimself menaced wilh aln attck, he may takle lup actrls to wtnld off the blow, and smay eveno comme-nce tie tl e ercise of those violences thlat Iis enelny is preparing to exercise agailnst him, witloouit jeinlg chlrgeatt1le with hLaving begun an offensive war." -Jlsarten's Lawr tf rattios,, p. 273. "TLhe jstlificative rea sslss of', war, show that on iinjury has beefn receivedl, )r so fals threatened as to aunthorize a pilerention of it by ma'ms."-Vattel's L]sw of Jratios, p. 369. t We senlt Niexico a Plc'ipotsetiary,7, ai minister intrusted iwith fitd, pouwers to settle " all the qiuestionss in dispuit' bsetween the twoe c countries. Mexico maintainllet thlat we should have,eent her 5a colnissioncri with powes,.i' inlitedl to a settlement oif thl1e Texanl displte oniy: —that is, our minister bInd tlo-o i pw/- c-r. \We -vished a settlemenlt of all itih rnlttelrs in dispulte betwseel the two coUltr ites; fir there werle lmatters or-iginctiing prior to the Texassn controversy, which we ha-t formerly decllared to be sufficielt cause of wal- against Mexico. Mexico, therefore, wais willing to treat for.a settlement of hes- grievances agahist us, but not for a settlement of our grievances against her. At the time of the mission of Mr. Slidell, actual war did not exist between Mexico and the United States, and Mexico had no right to demiand a commissioner with instructibsns limited to one portion of the disputes betvween us. Moreover, modern history is filled with nume07 530 APPENDIX TO THE PERIOD [B3oor I. ANALYSTS.'After Paredes had usurped the government, the Mexican minis1. Further ter of foreign affaitis, in a note to our govelrnment, still more diseTlanasa.ion tinctly explained the positimn of Mexico, by declaring that, as a qf the position of lcMxiwo. consequence of the previous declaration of Mexico that she would re gard( thle act of:nlrexation as a castus belli ("cause of war"), "negotiation was by its very nature at an end, and war was the 2 Iostilittev only, recourse of the Mexican government.*'A few days later,t MUfexoizcod the Mexican governr ent authorized the general in command on tile Texan frontier to carry on hostilities against us "by every means which war permits;' and on the 1S8th of April, 1846, still beftre the advalnce of General Taylor fiom Corpus Cltristi was knovwn at the Mexican capital. the TMexican President, Paredes, inl a letter to the cormmander o(f the Northern army, makes known, in the following language, the previous designs and orders of the government.' At thie present date," he writes, " I suppose you at the healt of that valiant army, (eitler fighting already, or preparing for the o(perations of a campaign." He furtlter writes, " It is indlispensable thal.t hostilities be commenced, youzrself taking the initiative against the enemy"y. 8. rumnmary "'lie desig'ns (if Mexico, as thus developed, were "war on account fethecirctnum. qf annexation;" and she never made any concealment. of the matstarnces that jtustified the ter. The prospective declaration of Mexico that she would declare American war —her hostile preparations, av{owedly for the purpose of invasion-her vacillating conduct, in first consenting to receive an elnvoy " intrusted with full powers," &c., and then rejecting him, evidently from the fear oif a domestic revolution, t~hus teriirinating all diplloilatic relations between the two countries-together with the subsequent Overthrow of the "peace party" administration — tlhe elevation to power of Paredes, the "'var Presidentt," on the basis of his avowed hostility to the United States-and the positive ordlers (although then unknown to us) to the Northern army to commenece hostilities-were circumstances more than sufficient to justify our governmtent in taking any precautionary measures not t.sPreeaution- necessarily involving actual honstilities. 4'I'he march to the Rio arf tmeaure Grande, across a territory to which Mexico had perhaps as good a march to the right as anv we could advance. but to which we had certainly some ti8o Grande. claims, sufficient, at least to make it a matter clearly int dispoute between the two nations, was a precautiotnary measure, legally justifiable, in our opinion, by the hostile position of Mexico. Hlence oun examples, in which, d(riing actilal watlr, treaties of p:eace are negotiated by "ministers plentip)ttntllitr" iirll-t4l with full polwers to settle tall mattel' it displte. Bit flurther, ont this point of e iquette, M1exico was clealty ill the wron5, as siubsequeiitly;cknowledged bytBerrer h-nwe f, who was at tlhe headl of the goverllnment that rejected ouar minister. T'he ~x-Pt'esidlent, in a 1, tter tf August 25, 1848, to Sanlta Anna, says:-' IFor no other act than showing that there woesld be ao obstacle to his (Mrl. Slidell's) tiiesenting himself, and haviing his propositions heard, nmy administrattioi was ca.lmliilted in the most atrociouls rnlner: — fi,r this act alone the revolition, which disdlsced me fromi comnitid, was set on foot." Ol the ailtissioll of Mexico h'rselt; tleref)re, our minilster wtis retected on a 7otre pretence. Nr. Webbsler, iti his speech at Philtape!phia. Dec. 2d. 1840f, sass: " I repeat, that Mexico is wlolly mijusiflaible hi refusing to receive ia minlister from the Ullited Stlate." Note of the Mexican Minister, March 1'2thi, t46. t April 4th. $ A though the o der to General'Iyl)or, toi march to;he Rio Gratilde, was given before these positive ordters awdl drcla?'atios7s of the Mlexican governmenit were kinown to us, yet the lattir show that the i.itreleces if warlike designs aginst us, which our goveirnment had draw,t firlm otIlel siiIIces, were jtust. We tad nvery stro?,gf g''ouis fobr stipposing that Mexico intended to attack is; —we acled ott the srengith of thse suspicions; anid the result shows that tur snspiciolns wer-e correct, atid thereby affords /efal justific:ation of the act based upon them. The hostile designs of Mexico tiatinst its, previous to the breakit:g out of the war, have silnce beein abitldanitly confirned. The Mexican President, Penia y Pens, in his message read at the opealig of the session of 18:t8. says: —' We have occasion this day to laient that tile pence policy did lnot at that tinme (18:35) pre71ail." It was the war- policy that prevailedthat ildlced Nlexico to consider us as an enemy-and to oi;eor her general to take the "initiativse" against us. PART IV.1 SUBSEQUENT TO THE,REVOLUTION. 53 arose the war, which neither of the belligerents seemed desirous to ANALYSTS. avoid.'We have thus far been considering the origin of the war on 1. Result of national grounds, and as affecting the matter of legal right between the legal view of thee case. the government of Mexico and the government of the United States; and, viewing all the circumstances of the case, we see no reason to reproach our country with bad faith, or with a disregard of the principles of international law; and we believe that impartial history, in reviewing these transactions, will still preserve our national honor untarnished. 2But whether the conduct of the American 2. The ivar people, as affecting this war, has or has not been, under all the cir- CoSiderealin cunmstances, from the settlement of Texas down to the present time, aspect. judicious and prudent,.ad justifiable-what motives aside from the vindication of our national honor, urged forward the American government and people to the wa'-and whether war might or might not have been avoided by a proper display of moderation on the part of the American Executive, are questions distinct from those we have been considering-Ipresenting the case in its moral aspect, and involving topics of controversy that have long agitated the country, but which our limits will scarcely allow us more than to allude to as existing facts, without expressing our individual opinions of them in detail.'It has been charged against the Anglo-American settlers of 3. Charges Texas, that they emigrated to that country with the fraudulent aganst thle Texans-the design of eventually wresting it from Mexico, anta annexing it to American the American Union: it was charged also that the American gov- go;ernment ernment countenanced the scheme, and essentially qided the Texan Texan Revo. revolution by permitting armed bands from the Siates to join the lutionTexan armies; and, finally, that the l'exan Revolution was a war undertaken for the perpetuation of domestic slavery, which had been prohibited in all the territory of the Mexican Republic. 4'l'hat many of the Anglo-American settlers of Tecxas anticipated 4. Ultimnate the time when their adopted State should form." a part of the vieos of thes. American confederacy, may be admitted without countenancing any charge of fraud or bad faith on their part tw.Faxrds Mexico; and, certainly, the inducements to emigration were sufficiently strong without the faint hope which the prospect of ultimate "annexation" might have affordqd. Besides, no g'trrerl unity of action or feeling on this subject, on the part of the settlers, is visible up to the time when the continued oppressions ot the Mexican government forced on one of the most justifiable revoIltions of modern times.'Wherein this revolution had any connection wTith 5. TIe subject the subject of slavery, history fails to show; for slavery, tbhouch of staveri. nominally prohibited in Texas, was virtually tolerated there by' the Mexican government, which attempted no direct interference with the matter.'There are no facts to prove that the American 6 The Anerigoverntrn,;;t, as such, countenanced the revolution, although it is can governadmitted, with philanthropic pride, that thousands of American American citizens warmly sympathized with the " rebels," and, as individuals, ilizens. gave themr much aid and comfort. They aided Texas as they had before aided Mexico in her just revolution.* The goverannent sent * "When a people from good mesons take up alms nagainst. an oppressor-, justlice and gernerosity require that brave men should be assisted ill the dellfece of their libertic. When, theretite, a civil war' is kiillled in a st ate, foreign, powers mnayl assist that party which appears to them to have justice ol its side.'"-Va.ttet's Lasz of.ltions, p. 218.' Ally toreign priince has a right to len(l assistance to the plrity whom he believes to have justice on his side," &c., "provided, however, that he has niot promised to observe a strict neutrality.,'-JlIa-ten's Law of NJations, p. 80. The American government has adopted a safer principle than that laid down by the writers quoted above; and if it should sometimes wink at individ ual assistance, in vindica 532 APPENDIX TO TIHE PERIOD [BooK If. ANALYSIS. an armed force to the Texan frontier to preserve neutrality, although Mexico had already violated the rules of international law, by endeavoring to excite our own Indians to hostilities against her rebellious province. 1. TheAmeri-'From the time of the establishment of Texan independence, by caaenopthe, the battle of San Jacinto, in 1836, down to March, 1845, the project Project of of " annexation" had been agitated in the United States, causing annexasion. considerable political excitement, and awakening sectional feelings and jealousies, which subsequent events have tended to imbitter rather than to allay. The project of annexation, although numbering indiscriminately among its adherents and opposers many members from both the great political parties of the country, was very generally favored by the so-called democratic party, and as generally opposed by the whigs. By its opposers at the North it was stigmatized as a "Southern measure," favorable to Southern interests only, giving an alarming increase to the slave poower, and a firmer hold to the "peculiar domestic institutions" of the South. The spirit of territorial acquisition, pointing to foreign conquests, was reproved, as dangerous to our Union, and a war with Mexico predicted as a certain consequence of annexation. The project was defended on the national grounds that the acquisition of so large and fertile a country would greatly increase our national wealth and resources, give additional security to our commerce in the Gulf of Mexico, and remove the apprehension that Texas might, at some future day, throw herself into the arms of some foreign power, perhaps our enemy. 2.Annezation 2lThe measure did certainly favor Southern interests and Southmeasure. ern power; but that the South encouraged it solely on these considerations, would be too sweeping a declaration. Conceding that the South was influenced mainly by sectional interests, yet motives of national aggrandizement exerted a powerful influence in the controversy; and when, moreover, one of the great political parties of the country adopted the project, the strength of party ties alone brought to it a vast additional arlray of power. It is true that antagonistic party ties also gave some Southern aid to the opposition, but probably not sufficient to counterbalance the considerations of sectional interests. On the whole, when the project of annexation was consummated, it probably had a large majority of the American people in its favor. 3. Ote Cau s'3As had been predicted by the opponents of the measure, a war of the war with Mexico with Mexico followed, growing -wholly out of the subject of annex-Its legal ation. We have stated the reasons of our opinion that, as between -Moral vie7w the government of Mexico and the government of the United States, om f tC/ the t we war was justifiable on the part of the latter, when judged by march to the.RioCGrancle- acknowledged principles of national law. Still the order of the Aggres.sory Executive which occasioned the march of General Tayvlor from measures of the Americanz Corpus Christi across the "disputed territory" to Matamnoras, the goversnment. immediate occasion of hostilities, may have been injudicious in a national point of view, anld morally usnjustifiable. That movemlent of our troops, although we had the legal right to mrake it, can hardly be supposed to have been thloughst necessary for the defence of'Texas; and being cer-tain to produce hostile collisions, it slowred that the policy of the Americnlll governmrent, as exhibited in thle executive osrder to Generlal'Taylor, was not mlerely defensive, but that t it was aggrlessory5"-tlhat the goverrnment not only shllowed no tioii of right anld justice against oppressioll, it would hardly overstep ansy acknowledged principle o;f national law. * General Taylor was instructed that, if he were attacke(t, or menaced, &c., he was not to act rnerely on the defenlsive, but to carry on.' aggressive o " eratio'ls)." PAnT 1V.] SUBSEQUENT TO TIHE REVOLUTION. 533 disposition to avoid a war, but that it actually courted it: —and ANALYSIS. when. in connection with these circumstances, and with the manner in which thle war was carried on, we consider the weakness of Mexico, and that we entertained no fear of the results of her threatened invasion, the presnmption is strong that the government, although justifying itself on the broad grounds of national right, still courted the war with a view to conqscest.* l'The streng'tl of these conclusions would, indeed, be greatly 1. The imweakened by an admission of the importance of the line of the pSla of tae, Rio Grande for our defrnce;' and conceding, as we do, that we had line of the the legal rigf/t to go there, it may be very plausibly urged that considered. not only was the Executive the proper judge of the propriety of the measure, but that, in addition, lie would have forfeited the trust reposed in him by hiis high station, if he had neglected any legitimate means of defence which circumstances had placed in his power. By our posse.sion of Santiago, and the com-mand of the entrance to the Rio Grande, we excluded Mexico from the only ports on the Gulf through which she could have furnished her army with supplies, and forced upon her all the difficulties of a tedious and expensive inland communication. Had we feared anything from Mexican invasion, these considerations would be of great weight; but the conclusion is irresistible, that we took advantage of the weakness of Mexico to hold her to a strict accountability for her folly and rashness. 21t is by no means certain, however, that war would not have 2. Determinaoccurred if our troops had remained on the line of Corpus Chlristi tionof lexico to engage in and the Nueces; and we think it highly probable that Mexican war. folly would have urged on an attack even there; but we should then have remained strictly on the defensive, without the reproach of having provoked the contest. Whether, after the first blow had been struck, considerations either of honor or of advantage should have sent our army beyond the Rio Grande, on a career of expensive conquest, against an enemy whose blind folly we should have pitied, whose weakness we despised, and whose territory was so likely-to prove an apple of discord in our midst, or whether we should have held on to that only which, before, was rightfully our own, will receive different answers, so long as the same discordant views and opposing interests that favored the annexation of Texas still exist. iThe leading events in the history of the war, terminating in the 3. Narrative conquest of the Mexican capital, have been previously narrated.' of the tear.'Little more than three centuries before, on the same spot, the a. See p. 485.;Spaniard Cortez, at the head of a mere handful of soldiers, had 4. The Spanhumbled tie pride of the Aztec race, and overthrown an empire whose origin is buried in the gloom of unknown ages. 6But the 5. Anglo* " He who with just cause of taking arms shall yet begin a war only from views of interest, cannot indeed be charged with injustice, but he betrays vicious dispositions; his conduct is reprehensible, and sullied by the badness of his motives."-Vattel's Law of NJat.ons, p. 372. That the war was carried on with the object of conquest, we might reasonably infer fiom the whole course of conduct pursued by the government and its officers. See instructions from the war department to General Kearney, June 3d, 1846, ordering him, in the event of his taking possession of New Mexico and California, to establish " civil governments therein," &c. See instructions to Cornmodore Sloat, July 12th, 1846, in which" the object of the United States" is clearly stated. See also instructions of 13th of August to Comnmodore Sttckton. Also the acts of these officers, as reported by themselves. Pub. Dec. H. Rep. 2d sess. 29th Congress. Yet the President, in his special message of Aug. 4th, 1846, speaks of paying M1exico " a fair equivalent" for any territory she mnay be willllg to cede; and he asserts that " a just and honorable peace, and not conquest, is our purpose in the prosecution of the war." In a subsequent message, however, after stating that New Mexico and California are in our possession, he says, " I am satisfied that they should never be surrendered to Mexico." The same reasons that opposed their surrender led to their conquest. 534 APPENDIX TO THIE PERIOD [Bcoi IL. ANALYSIS. descendants of those same Spanish conquerors, having grown to American be a great nation in the land which the prowess of their fathers conquest. had won, had in their turn been compelled to yield to another and more powerful race; and the Anglo-American, tracing his origin back through the Teutonic German tribes to the wilds of Scandinavia, had sat down in the pride of conquest in the far famed valley Af lM[exitli-the seat of the ancient Aztec dominion-and long the glory of the Spanish empire in the New World. War had also made its pathway northward and westward; and over the extended domain of New Mexico, and on the fari shores of California, the banner of the invader announced the ONvWARD PROGRESS of the AngloSaxon race, whose conquering march-the herald of a better civilization-seems directed by the finger of Destiny itself.,.Vtewos of De IThe following words of a foreign writer, which were penned Toequeville. before Texan independence had wrested from the Celtic HispanoMexican the fairest portion of his domain, seem now to have been indued almost with the inspiration of prophecy. "It is not to be imagined," says De Tocqueville, "that the impulse of the AngloSaxon race can be arrested. Their continual pr-ogress towards the Rocky Mountains has the solemnity of a providential event; and at a period which may be said to be near, they alone will cover the immense space contained between the Polar regions and the Tropics, and extend fiom the coast of the Atlantic to the shores of 2Superiority the Pacific ocean." 2Whatever forms of government may prevail; Nothern though successive Republics may fade away; and empires be overraces. thrown in the revolutions of ages, the course of nature will continue the same, and the inhabitants of southern climes will continue to give place, in the career of conquest, as they have ever done, to the more hardy races of the North. 8.'The conquest of the Mexican capital, by dispersing the army warfae-. of the Republic, and depriving the government of its principal resources, was the finishing stroke of the war, although a species of geuerilla, or bandit warfare, continued for some time to harass the Amelican outposts, cutting off stragglers, capturing supplies, and rendering communication between Vera Cruz and the capital 4. Gontrast dangerous. 4The minds of the American people were now turned between the anxiously towards peace; but the Mexicans, in the gasconade of Americans and the their vaunted prowess, seemed not to know that they were beaten; Xexicats. for neither was their pride humbled nor their boasting diminished, -their losses were explained as accidents, and their very defeats converted into victories,-and when they talked of peace they demanded indemnity for the evils which the war had inflicted upon themt; and the curious spectacle was presented, of the conquerors; still flushed with victory, almost supplicating peace, while the pros5. Close of the trate foe breathed resistance and threatened retaliation. bSlowly tratyr, and was the unwilling truth forced home upon the nation, that a conpeace. tinuation of the war offered Mexico no prospect of advantage, and might expose her to the loss of her nationality; and although many distinguished Mexicans still avowed their preference for war, and the governor and council of San Luis Potosi pronounced against peace, yet on the 2d of February, 1848, the termls of a treaty were agreed upon at Guadalupe," near Mexico, by the American commissioner and the Mexican government. This treaty, after having received some modifications friom the American Senate, was adcpted by that body on the 10th of March, and subsequently ratified by the Mexican Congress, at Queretaro,+ on the 30th of May of the same year. * Book IIT. p. 111o t Book Ill. p. 90. PART IV.] SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. 5 3: lNotwithstanding the universal desire to terminate the war. the ANALYSTS. treaty met with a strong resistance in the American Senate, exhibit- 1. Oppositiono ing a strange conlllingling of parties; but tle grounds of opposi- to til treaty tion were various. While it was claimed, onl the one hand, that the AreriLcan territory acquired was of ilmmlense national inmportance,,on tle Senate. other it was denied that it constituted any adequate " indemnity" for the war: bv some it wvas said thatt we should have demlanded more, and that we were dishonored in taking so little; by otllers, who regarded the war as unjust in its origin on our part, the territorial dismemlbermnent of Mexico was stigmatized as robbery. 2The subjects of conltroversy that had been called up years before 2. Various by the proposed annexation of Texas-the increase of Southein subjects of cmtroversy, power and inJfluen'e in our national councils, alnd the dangers to be apprehended fr'om tuhe spirit of territorial nggrandtizemenlt, which already whispered of the acquisition, at some future (lay, of Yucatal, thfe whllle of Mlexico, the island of Cuba, and even Canada, were now agitated anew throughout the Union, and with increased aciimony, of feeling.'When the final ratification of the treaty by the Mexican govern- 3. Frem terlment had placed a vast extent of ceded territory irrevocably in our slave tterrn hands, there arose a still more exciting question, that had long been tory. foreseen —one that had been laid a-leep, it was thoug'ht, forever, by the " Missouri Cotmpr(,onise," but which now again threatened, in its results, to shake the Union to its very centre. The North demranded that territory friee from slavery at the time of its acquisition. should forever remain s0; —assetting that slavery is a local institltinior-the creature of local lawv-kIowing no existence beyor.n the jurisdiction of the law that created it by the subversion of another law more sacredl than any (of mere htuman entlct-inet.t, The South clainmed the riguht of hlel citizens to an equal eijtvyment, with the Nor lh, of the territory which was tile conitnon pr'operty of adil the States of the Uniion. and. contseqluently, the righit (of her citizens to remove w\ith their slaves-their propertvy-4n to a1V lanlls pu1rchased by the cronlron treasure of the Riepublic.'i'}le position assumle by the North would prevent Souiltern planters fromll m11ngriatig with their "' property" to New BMexico and Califorrnia; that assumed by the South WOlld give up to thle doriinioni of slavery huldrlledt s of thousands of square miles of territory now free ftroll its influences. 4''llus thle fil-t t'ruits of thle Mexican war —a war foreslhadowed 4. The"'ruS bv'I'exian inlld(petrletce-rnetldle l oe(tI orally certain tby "n)ntexa- Jruits" oc tt ti)ll," arid frecipit;ted by the " niarch to the H!io Grande," were. a'bone of conltettionl" anrllg ourselves.'l'he N(irth, ith nlt'ield- 5. Firwnnes inm fitllrness, ejected any conipronliise of human rights for ihe a,, zIa/ of hothi ecr'on itnterests of slIvery; and t he South, with a zeal blind to the of thie union. dreallIlu cotisequenices, tjocla inied adheretlce to her pt)silioll, even to tlhe alternative of disunliont. ~Thte (collpr(tllise measures (f 6''he cm1850( partitilly quieted the excitement. but gave eltire satisfitc- PIumn'eYiea-5. tio,n to nieitlthet sectiont of the Union; antd it is to be expected tlhat a See p. so5. the lIyda-heads of the oldt contrversy will ever and atlon start up arnew while slavery exists niltlong us. 7'T'le MXil'ani wall, by hle exanllple of tile idissenlsions which it 7. loope.sand ha.s entgetndered. nmay afforli us a profitable lessoni, anti iesrt.aimi tilhe outt,,the" spirit of po;wer and the lust of doilli(inl. so tllle(,ntreial to the war. mild anil peace lovirig principles ()f our republican inlsitutions-.; or, by givintg new ilmpulse to tile desire of conquestt, tay hurry ius oil to a fearful destiny. sWhlv should we aly fai'ther enlalrge our s Farther borders, when our'territorv is already infinitely greater thanl we enlare'mi27e can occupy, and more ample than Republican Rome, in her palm- irderst'. 536 APPENDIX-PERIOD SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVOLUTION. ANALYSIS. iest days, looked upon? Is there not danger that the distant extremes of our Union, growing daily more diverse in interests and feelings, will act as opposing levers of accumulated power, and break the fabric in its centre'? And as the eagle of Amnerica soars away fiom the hills of St. Francis for the far shores of California, is there not danger that his pinions may tire in the flight, and that his eye will grow dim in the gaze? 1. Confidence'But while we admit the possible existence of evils that threaten insaftre ofnl us in the lust of foreign dominion, and acknowledge the nearer Union. dangers with which our domestic dissensions surround us, we have too much confidence in the sober sense of the people to despair of ultimate safety. Though lowering clouds on the political horizon may occasionally portend an approaching tempest, we trust they will ever be followed, as heretofore, by the' rainbow of peace and hope," that will chase away the gloom, and announce that the danE.Inestimable ger is past. 2The rights, the institutions, the fireedom that we now price of our enjoy, hallowed by our Union, are of inestimable price; and why ststttioxns. should we abandon or lose sight of them in domestic wranglings I The flag of our common countlry is endeared to us by the most hallowed associations of common dangers, common trials and sufferings, common victories, and a commsnon freedom won beneath it; and rather than its folds should be torn by disunion, or a single star in our glorious constellation lose its brightness, it were a thousand times better that California, with all its mineral wealth. and El Dorados of future promise, had been abandoned to the wild independence of nature in which we found it., 5 121 i 1 I9 1i05 101 97 9\3 3 1 _ __' rco\: I V,,'~, ~,2..'."./.:-;,y."..~t,2.... A, A..........'#''-%...~......,, j~~ /1~~~/ /E' 0 44.~iazee~ 4 ~(aIso ~'z,'~' ~,,;- 7., Y/eorsb~~~~v- Nioieh L{AN4Sri /Al~ F a'14 oiiio /I Red'~ ~~' c 0 S, IL S a;Y i 5:\2:\ s(i x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'2'- "2Ei STATES 28 *'G 7>S — al-~-. La~ahMR.Em m I 18 ",PK SC le of.Ales 243 \ \\ 0 30 00 150 28 BOOK SI1. EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMAIENTS, PRESENT BRITISH PROVINCES OF NORTIH AMIERICA, MEXICO, AND TEXAS. MAP OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF BRITISH AMERICA. I I _. _- _,, Wds, whence the dividing line between the possessions of England and the United States The the St. area claimed by Britain am ount s to about four millions of squar e miles. The greater portion of rthis region is a dreary easta buried iost ofm the year in snow and prot (Upper annel southwest or Canada West and Ocean Theada Easte Nova Sof British America and Cape Bretont New the ocean, and inmore partopulous the line ofall the o141sther provincf west longitude England are the principal resort of emia ad grance conictin claims from the mothern potion of this western coastry. The whole area claimed by citan amountains toan area of more than s wo hundred thousand square mies aboutr three thousand of which ary waste, buripposed to consist of thlakes and rivers. Theo ducing little othaern part is vaable, except the skinsly and furockys andof the wisoil generimally unpthat roam ductive. The onlytc sufertile tract. of any great extent is the upperth portion of thise vastlley of the St. Lawrly renduced into provincesending down thise rivert, only a small portion has be Tourmen settled. Those provinces below Que bee and varying frthought sufm fifteciently imp ortant to have regular governments established oriver. Them are is a similar plain onnada thand more populous than all thside of ther provinces united, and are the principal resort of.mi gpper Canada separated from Lomer Canada by the mothtawa River has no definite boundary Lake Superior. The whole of this territoryast, contains an area of more than twone hundred thousand fifty thousand square miles, abit three thousand of gwhich arthe supponly settled portion is tha consist of lakes and rivbetween the eastern surfacest of Lakthe northern and the Ottawa River. Upper Canada enjoys and climatthe onsid generably unproductive. The only fertilder tract of any great extent is the upLower province; andof the soilv especially ofin the settled districts north oendlakes Erie and Ontario, is generally productive, although considerable tracts are light and sandy PART I. EARITY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS, AND PRESENT BRITISH PROVINCES IN NORTH AMERICA. CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF CANADA UNDER THE FRENCH. 1..'The proper introduction to the history of Canada ANALYSIS. rias already been given, in the brief account of the voyages 1. Introducof Cartier, Roberval, and Champlain, the latter of whom, tion to the sailing as the lieutenant of De Monts, became the founder Canada. of Quebec in 1608. 2During the first winter which he 2. Cham-, Tlain'8 treaty passed at Quebec, Champlain entered into a treaty with withthh.eAlthe Algonquins, an Indian nation which held an extensive gonqui. domain along the northern bank of' the St. Lawrence. the Algonquins promised to assist the stranger in his attempts to penetrate the country of the Iroquois, on the condition that he should aid them in a war against that fierce people. Champlain appears never to have dreamed of the guilt of making an unprovoked attack upon a nation which had never offended him. 2.'In the spring of 1609, Champlain, with two of his 3. Expedition countrymen, set out with his new allies, and after passing in thle spring up the St. Lawrence beyond Lake St. Peter, he reached of 1609. the mouth of the river Sorel, and, turning to the south, entered the territory of the Iroquois. 4He found the 4. The country upon the country bordering upon the Sorel deserted, in consequence Sorel, and of the deadly wars which had for some time been raging ther zaed dyi between the hostile tribes; nor was it until the party had Champlain. passed through an extensive lake, which now took the name of Champlain, from its discoverer, and entered a smaller one connected with it, that any of the enemy were discovered. In the encounter which followed, the Iroquois were soon 5. Encountet routed, being struck with terror at the havoc made by the with theITro unknown instruments of destruction in the hands of the French. 6. Tidings from France 3.'On the return of Champlain from the expedititr he ote retur, was greeted with unfavorable tidings from France. The oCaml-a 4 HISTORY OF CANADA [BooK IH. &NALYSIS. merchants of that country, having complained loudly of the injury which they, as well as the nation at large, had sustained by the grant of a monopoly of the fur trade to a single individual, the commission of De Monts was revoked, and Champlain, his lieutenant, was obliged to rel. Hs ac- turn home.'He gave the king a satisfactory account of;:ng,and his transactions, but was unable to procure a renewal of Canada. the monopoly. Yet such was his zeal for retaining the settlement, and his perseverance in overcoming obstacles, that, with the aid of some traders of Rochelle, in 1610 he was enabled to return with a considerable reenforcement and fresh supplies.. Be engages 4. 2Soon after his return to the St. Lawrence, he acepedte companied a party of the Algonquins in another successagainst the ful expedition against the Iroquois. 4Before talking leave Iroquois. t 3. An e- of his allies, he prevailed on them to allow one of their change young men to accompany him to France, while at the same time a Frenchman remained to learn the language 4. Cham- of' the Indians. 4Having again visited France, in 1611 raance.a he returned with the Indian youth, whom he designed to again. employ as interpreter between the French and their allies. 5. Selection 5While awaiting an appointment which he had made with qf " pltafor his savage friends, he passed the time in selecting a place nent. for a new settlement, higher up the river than Quebec. After a careful survey, he fixed upon a spot on the southern border of a beautiful island, inclosed by the divided channel of the St. Lawrence, cleared a considerable space, inclosed it by an earthen wall, and sowed some grain. From an eminence in the vicinity, which he named Mont Royal, the place has since been called Montreal. n. Oebtj8 ot 5.'Again Champlain found it necessary to visit France, hia next visit to Franc. for the purpose of making arrangements for the more extensive operations which he contemplated, and had recom-. re obtains mended to his Indian allies. 7He was so fortunate as ngit of th6 almost immediately to gain the favor of the Count de country. Soissons, who obtained the title of' lieutenant-general of Oct 15. New France, and who, by a formal agreement" delegated to Champlain all the functions of that high office. The Count dying soon after, the Prince of Conde succeeded to all the privileges of the deceased, and transferred them to 8. His ar- Champlain, on terms equally liberal.'As his commission rangenients,oith the, included a monopoly of the fur trade, the merchants were, merchants. as usual, loud in their complaints; but he endeavored to remove their principal objections, by allowing such as chose to accompany him to engage freely in the trade, on condition that each should furnish six men to assist in his projects of discovery, and contribute a twentieth of the profits to defray the expenses of settlement. PART I.] UNDER THE FRENCH. 6.'On his return to New France, Champlain was for a 1613. while diverted from his warlike scheme, by the hope of being able to discover the long sought for north-western pl'. cain-hoe passage to China. 2A Frenchman, who had spent a win- a"ofVdiie ter among the northern savages, reported that the river of er'n pasag, the Algonquins, (the Ottawa,) issued from a lake which 2. Thestatewas connected with the North Sea; that he had visited whih, ns its shores, had there seen the wreck of an English vessel, nobpeswere and that one of the crew was still living with the Indians.'Eager to ascertain the truth of this statement, Champlain 3. The voydetermined to devote a season to the prosecution of this ge nd b hi grand object, and with only four of his countrymen, among for tho pse. whom was the author of the report, and one native, he commenced his voyage by the dangerous and almost impassable route of the Ottawa River. The party continued their course until they came within eight days' journey of the lake, on whose shore the shipwreck was said to have occurred. 7. 4Here the falsity of the Frenchman's report was 4. The fisftV made apparent, by the opposing testimony of the friendly mfF's statetribe with whom he had formerly resided, and he himself, ment. in fear of merited punishment, confessed that all he had said was a complete untruth.'He had hoped that the 5. How heho, difficulties of the route would earlier have induced his detection, atI superior to relinquish the enterprise, and that his statement maTine the would still be credited, which would give him notoriety, statenent. and perhaps lead to his preferment to some conspicuous station. Thus the season was passed in a series of useless labors and fatigues, while no object of importance was promoted. 8. 6Champlain, having again visited France, and re- 6..Anothere turned with additional recruits,-ever ready to engage in agarins the warlike enterprises with his Indian allies, next planned, Iroque. in concert with them, an expedition against the Iroquois, 1614. whom it was now proposed to assail among the lakes to the westward. Setting out from Montreal, he accompanied his allies in a long route; first up the Ottawa, then over land to the northern shores of Lake Huron, where they were joined by some Huron bands, who likewise considered the Iroquois as enemies. 9.'Accompanied by their friends, after passing some.. Discoery distance down Lake Huron, they struck into the interior, of the ernmy and came to a smaller expanse of water, which seems to be Lake George, on the banks of which they discovered oct. the Iroquois fort, strongly fortified by successive palisades of trees twined together, and with strong parapets at top.'The Iroquois at first advanced, and met their assailants 8. Engaeain front of the fortifications, but the whizzing balls from tme,tttha 6 HISTORY OF CANADA [Book IlL ANALYSIS. the fire-arms soon drove them within the ramparts, and, finally, from all ihe outer defences. They continued, however, to pour forth showers of arrows and stones, and fought with such bravery that, in spite of all the exertions of the few French and their allies, it was found impossible to drive them from their stronghold.. Losses, sub- 10.'In the first assault, several of the allied chiefs tacks, td were killed, and Champlain himself was twice wounded. tauznts o, the During two or three subsequent days, which were passed Iroquois. before the fort, several petty attacks were made by the savages, but with so little success that the French were always obliged to come to the rescue, while the enemy bitterly taunted the allied Hurons and Algonquins, as unable to cope with them in a fair field, and obliged to seek the odious aid of this strange and unknown race. 2. Champlain 11.'The enterprise being finally abandoned, and a reamoean, the treat commenced, Champlain, wounded, but not dispirited, Ioiae~d claimed the completion of the promise of his allies to conass thte ~i- vey him home after the campaign. But delays and excuses prolonged the time of his departure. First, guides were wanting, then a canoe, and he soon found that the savages were determined to detain him and his companions, either to accompany them in their future expeditions, or to aid in their defence, in case of an attack from the Iroquois; and he was obliged to pass the winter in the 3. Leaves country of the Hurons.'In the spring of the following bpringr and year he was enabled to take leave of his savage allies, sails for Fance,. soon after which he repaired to Tadoussac, whence he 1615. sailed, and arrived in France in the September following. 4 Situation 12. 4The interests of the colony were now for some of the colony.tthtis time. time much neglected, owing to the unsettled state of France during the minority of Louis XIII.; and it was 1620. not until 1620 that Champlain was enabled to return, with a new equipment, fitted out by an association of merchants. During his absence the settlements had been considerably neglected, and, after all that had been done for the colony, there remained, when winter set in, not more than sixty inhabitants, of all ages. 1621. 13.'In the following year, the association of mera. Themer- chants, which had fitted out the last expedition, was decansi?,e ta8soctaton atsoltsh- prived of all its privileges. De Caen being sent out as e6goe7ror. governor of the colony, the powers of Champlain were for a time suspended. The violent and arbitrary proceedings of the new governor, th)wever, caused much dissatisfac. tion, in consequence of which, a great part of the popular. tion connected with the European traders took their des cna7iz,,ain parture. 6De Caen soon after returning to France, the,mtarod. powers of government again fell into the hands of Cham. PART 1.] UNDER THE FRENCH. V plain, who turned his attention to discoveries and settle- 1622. ments in the interior.'He likewise aided in ratifying a treaty between the Hurons and the Iroquois, by which between the a short truce was put to the desolating war which had long heurls anraged between those kindred but hostile tribes. quins. 14.'During several subsequent years the progress of 2 Checks to the colony was checked by dissensions in the mother of tezcolony. country, caused chiefly by the opposing sentiments of the Catholics and the Protestants, and the attempts of the former to diffuse the Catholic religion throughout the New World.'But in 1627, a war breaking out between 1627. France and England, the attention of the colony was called 3. Was beto other quarters. Two Calvinists, refugees from France, d'EFngand, David and Lewis Kirk, having entered the service of andpae/iEngland, were easily induced to engage in an expedition ttTe ench against the French settlements in America. The squadron sailed to the mouth of the St. Lawrence, captured several vessels, and intercepted the communication between the mother country and the colony. 1.5. 4Port Royal, and the other French settlements in 4. coNet that quarter, soon fell into the hands of the English, and France byti in July, 1629, Sir David Kirk summoned Quebec. The Engis& place, being destitute of the means of resistance, soon surrendered, the colonists being allowed to retain their arms, clothing, and baggage, and to such as preferred to depart, a speedy conveyance to France was offered.'But before 5. Peace of the conquest of New France was achieved, the preliminary articles of peace had been signed, which promised the restitution of all conquests made subsequent to April 14th, 1629; and by the final treaty- of March, 1632, France a. See p. 543. obtained the restitution,-not of New France or Canada only, but of Cape Breton and the undefined Acadia. 16.'On the restoration of Canada, Champlain was 6. Death of reinvested with his former jurisdiction, which he main- Champlain. tained until his death, which occurred early in 1636. 1636. 7The situation of his successor, Montmagny, was rendered 7*. H,sntcca,or. Indian critical by the state of Indian affairs. The war with the affairs. Iroquois had broken out afresh, and as the weakness of the French had rendered it impossible for them to afford any aid to their Indian allies, the power of the Algonquins had been humbled, the Hurons were closely pressed, and several of the French settlements were threatened. 8Another treaty however was ratified, and for some time. aIndim faithfully observed, and Iroquois, Algonquins, and Hurons, again forgot their deadly feuds, and mingled in the chase as freely as if they had been one nation. 17. 9During the short interval of peace, the missiona- eMtablish. ries formed establishments, not only at Quebec and Mon:. nthe o,`a=n 8 HISTORY OF CANADA [LBoor I.L ANALYSIS. treal, but they also penetrated into the territory of the savages-collected many of them in villages-and con. verted thousands to, the Catholic faith. Upwards of three thousand Hurons are recorded to have been baptized at one time, and though it was easier to make converts than to retain them, yet many were for a time reclaimed from their savage habits, and very favorable prospects were..war re- opened.'But this period of repose was soon ended, the /roquothe Iroquois having, in 1648, agiin determined to renew the 1648. war, and, as it is asserted, without any known cause or pretext whatever. 2. French set- 18.'The frontier settlements of the French were at. tlements attacked. tacked with the most fatal precision, and their inhabitants, without distinction of age or sex, involved in indiscrimi3. The Hu- nate slaughter.'The Hurons were every where defeated; fraons ther and their country, lately so peaceable and flourishing, becountry. came a land of horror and of blood. The whole Huron nation, with one consent, dispersed, and fled for refuge in 4. Fate of the every direction. 4A few afterwards reluctantly united nation. with their conquerors; the greater number sought an asylum among the Chippewas of Lake Superior,-while a small remnant sought the protection of the French at Quebec. 5. Sltuation 19. 6The Iroquois having completely overrun Canada, of the French at this time. the French were virtually blockaded in the three forts of Quebec, Three Rivers, and Montreal; and almost every autumn, bands of hostile invaders swept away the limited harvests raised in the immediate vicini.ty of these places. 6. Overtur es Yet again this fierce people, as if satiated with blood, of peace by the Iro- began of their own accord to make overtures of peace, 2quoe. and to solicit the missionaries to teach them the Christian 1656. doctrine. 71n 1656 a French settlement, connected withi 7. Missionat a mission, was actually established in the territory of the Onondaga Onondagas. This establishment, however, was of short continuance, for as the other confederate tribes disapproved of' the measure, the French were obliged to with8. Uncertain draw.'in 1658 the French were compelled to accept tPeac. humiliating terms of peace, yet even by these means they obtained but little repose. Often, while peace was pro. claimed at one station, war raged at another. 9. Emnbassy 20.'At length, in 1663, it was announced that depuof peacefrom the Iroquois ties from the different cantons of the Iroquois were on nl663. their way to Montreal, with the professed intention of burying the hatchet so deep that it should never again be dug up, and of planting the tree of peace, whose branches lo. Treaty should overshadow the whole land.'~But unhappily, a frTustrated bY party of Algonquins, stung by accumulated wrongs, and n vengeance, detemid o violae evgoen the quins. resolving on vengeance, determined to violate even tho PART L1 UNDER THE FRENCH. 9 sacred character of such a mission, and, having formed 1663. an ambuscade, killed nearly all the party. All prospects of peace were thus ended, and war raged with greater fury than ever. 21.'The Iroquois now rapidly extended their domin-. E.:tenlom ion. The Algonquin allies of the French, bordering on dominion of the Ottawa, were dispersed, with scarcely an attempt teIroqwrs. at resistance,-some of them seeking refuge among the islands of Lake Huron, while others penetrated far to the south-west, and formed a junction with the Sioux. The Algonquin tribes of New England were also attacked, and such was the terror excited by the ravages of their invaders, that the cry of "A Mohawk!" echoing from hill to hill, caused general consternation and flight.'The Eries, a Huron Nation on the southern borders of 2. T'zeirsu, jugation of the lake which perpetuates their memory, had been pre- tle Brimes. viously subdued, and incorporated with their conquerors, their main fortress, defended by 2000 men, having been stormed by only seven hundred Iroquois.'The conquest 3. Of the An of the Andastes, a still more powerful Huron nation, was da8tescompleted in 1672, after a war of more than 20 years' duration. 22. 4While the Iroquois were thus extending their con- 4. Humiliatquests, the French, shut up in their fortified posts, which of the Frenck. the enemy had not skill to besiege, beheld the destruction of their allies, without daring to venture to their relief.'The environs of the posts were almost daily insulted, and 5. The gov. at length the Governor, apprehensive for the safety of etorFrane Montreal, repaired to France to procure aid, where, after for aid. the most earnest solicitation, he could obtain a reinforcement of only a hundred men. 6Amid these extreme evils, 6. Eartha succession of earthquakes commenced in February ke 1663, and continued for half a year with little intermission, agitating both the earth and the waters, and spreading universal alarm; yet as they inflicted no permanent injury, the accounts given of them'are probably much exaggerated. 23. 7 During the administration of the Marquis de 7. Acceesi Tracy, who went out as Governor in 1665, the power of to the colony. the French was considerably augmented by an increase 1665. of emigrants, and the addition of a regiment of soldiers,the whole of whom iormed an accession to the colony, exceeding the previous number of its actual members.'Three forts were erected on the river Richelieu, (now rc Fortn the Sorel,) and several expeditions were made into the eRpedittons mde into the territory of the Iroquois, which checked their insolence, territory of and for a time secured the colony from the inroads of the Iroquoi these fierce marauders. 10 HISTORY OF CANADA [Bookx ll, ANALYSIS. 24.'During the administration of M. de Courcelles, the 1. Admini.,- successor of De Tracy, the French power was gradually traton of M. extended to the interior of Canada, and the upper parts tie Courcelles. 2. Hutron set- of the St. Lawrence. 2A settlement of Hurons, under Eackinaw, the direction of the Jesuit Marquette, was established on andi.fort at the island of Michilimackinac, between lakes Huron and Cataraqui. Michigan, a situation very favorable to the fur trade; and the site for a fort was selected at Cataraqui, on Lake Ontario, near the present village of Kingston, an advantageous point for the protection of the trading interests, and for holding the Five Nations in awe. Count Frontenac, 1672. the successor of De Courcelles, immediately upon his accession, caused the fort at Cataraqui to be completed: and it has often, from him, been called Fort Frontenac. 3. Admin- of 25.'Count Frontenac, a man of haughty and domitration of Count Fron- neering temper, conducted the affairs of the colony with spirit and energy, during a period of ten years, when he was recalled, and M. De la Barre appointed in his stead. 4. Of De ta 4The latter at first made a show of carrying on the war with considerable energy, and crossed Lake Ontario with 1684. a large force, when, being met by deputiesafrom the Five a. See p. 41. Nations, he thought it most prudent to yield to their terms, 5. Succeeded and withdraw his army.'The home government being bYzDtveq dissatisfied with the issue of this campaign, the governor 1685. was immediately recalled, and in 1685 was succeeded by the Marquis Denonville, who enjoyed the reputation of being a brave and active officer. 6. Hisiwarlike 26.'Although Denonville, on his arrival, made some esigns. professions of a wish to maintain peace, yet the opposite 7. Treachery course was really intended.'Having, under various preto the Na- texts allured a number of chiefs to meet him on the banks tires. of Lake Ontario, he secured them and sent them to France as trophies, and afterwards they were sent as slaves to the 8. War re- gallies.'This base stratagem kindled the flame of war, newed. and each party prepared to carry it on to the utmost ex9. Espedition tremity.'Denonville was already prepared, and with a Iroquois. force of 800 French regulars, and 1300 Canadians and savages, he embarked from Cataraqui, for the entrance 1687. of the Genesee river. Immediately after landing he conJuV. structed a military defence, in which he left a guard of 400 men, while with the main body of his forces he ad. vanced upon the principal town of the Senecas. lo. A battle 27. "On approaching the village, he was suddenly at. with thze.n tacked, in front and rear, by a large party of the enemy. His troops were at first thrown into confusion, and for a time the battle was fierce and bloody, but the Iroquois 11,,. Their were finally repulsed, and did not again make their ap. ontrytdeso- pearance in the field. LDenonville afterwards marched PART I.] UNDER THE FRENCH. 11 upon their villages, with the design of burning them, but 1687 they had already been laid in ashes by the retreating --- Senecas. Some fields of corn were destroyed and provisions burned, but the whole was an empty victory to Denonville.'On his return he stopped at Niagara, where 1. FortatNj he erected a small fort, in which he left a garrison of gara 100 men. 28.'Soon after the return of this expedition, the Indi- 2.i ndiansucans blockaded the two forts Niagara and Cataraqui, the thfee ench former of which was abandoned, after nearly all the garrison had perished of hunger. Lake Ontario was covered with the canoes of the enemy, the allies of the French began to waver, and had the savages understood the art of siege, they would probably have driven the French entirely from Canada. In this critical situation Denon- 1688. ville was obliged to accept the most humiliating terms from the enemy, and to request back from France the chiefs whom he had so unjustly entrapped and sent thither. 29.'The treaty, however, was interrupted by an unex- 3. Treaty pected act of treachery on the part of the principal chief diamnintewof the Hurons,a who, fearing that the remnant of his tribe a. See p. 39 might now be left defenceless, captured and killed a party of the Iroquois deputies who were on their way to Montreal; and as he had the address to make the Iroquois believe that the crime had been committed at the instigation of the French governor, the flame of war again broke out, and burned more fiercely than ever. 4The Iroquois 4. Island of. soon after made a descent on the Island of Montreal, oaste. which they laid waste, and carried off 200 prisoners. 30.'In this extremity, when the very existence of the 5. Frntenat colony was threatened, Denonville was recalled, and the gove'Wnor. vdministration of the government was a second time intrusted to Count Frontenac.'On his arrival, in 1689, he 1689. endeavored to open a friendly negotiation with the Iro-6. Attempted quois, but the answer which they returned was expressed owith the in lofty and imbittered terms. Entertaining great respect Jroqui8 for Frontenae himself, they chose to consider the French governor, whom they called Father, as always one and the same, and complained that his rods of correction had been too sharp and cutting. The roots of the tree of peace wi'ch had been planted at Fort Frontenae had been withered by blood, the ground had been polluted by treachery and falsehood, and, in haughty language, they demanded atonement for the many injuries they had received. The French governor, satisfied that nothireg couldl be gained by treaty, immediately prepared to re new the cOntest. 12 HISTORY OF CANADA [BooKr 11 ANALYSTS. 31.'As France and England were now engaged ir 1. l)esignsof war,- in consequence of the English revolution of 1688, Frosteznac. a. KingWil- Frontenac resolved to strike the first blow against the liam's war; English, on whose support the enemy so strongly relied. See p. 197. E o ss andp 322. 2In 1690 he fitted out three expeditions, one against New 1690. York, a second against New Hampshire, and a third 2 E plaedi- against the province of Maine.'The party destined by him. against New York fell upon Corlaer or Schenectady, and 3. Their 3rult,. completely surprised, pillaged and burned the place. The second party burned the village of Salmon Falls, on the borders of New Hampshire, and the third destroyed the 4. Effec of settlement of Casco, in Maine. 4The old allies of the aIc."C- French, reassured by these successes, began to resume their former energy-the remote post of Michilimackinac was strengthened, and the French were gradually gaining ground, when, from a new quarter, a storm arose which threatened the very existence of their power in America. 5. Expedi- 32.'The northern English colonies, roused by the,ions azainst heFare7-ch. atrocities of the French and their savage allies, hastily prepared two expeditions against the French, one by sea from Boston against Quebec, and the other by land from G Theexpe- New York against Montreal.'The first, under Sir WilQuebec. liam Phipps, captured all the French posts in Acadia and Newfoundland, with several on the St. Lawrence, and had arrived within a few days' sail of Quebec before any tidings of its approach had been received. The fortifications of the city were hastily strengthened, and when the b. Oct. 16, summonsb to surrender was received, it was returned with 1690. a message of defiance. After an unnecessary delay of two days, a landing was effected, but the attacks both by land and by water were alike unsuccessful, and the English were finally reduced to the mortifying necessity of o. Oct 22. abandoning the place,n and leaving their cannon and am7 Aionst munition in the hands of the enemyv. 7The expedition Montreal. 1 See p. 30. against Montreal was alike unsuccessful.d 1691. 33.'In the following year the French settlements on 8. Expedition the Sorel were attacked by a party of Mohawks and EngScfMJr. lish under the command of Major Schuyler of Albany, who, after some partial successes, was obliged to withdraw, and the Governor of Canada no longer entertained B. Conduct of any fear for the safety of the colony. 9After several andidteremi- years of partial hostilities, during which the enemy made Fr'.oitentac. fiequent proposals of peace, to which, however, little credit was attached, as their deputies, encouraged by the Iot pedition English, gradually assumed a loftier tone in their deif toftoeten mands, Frontenac at length determined to march his into the terrritr- mands, tory of the whole force into the enemy's territory. 30Departing fror Iroquois. PAS? L1 UNDER THE FRENCH. 13 Montreal in the su nmer of 1696, he proceeded to Fort 1696. Frontenac, whence he crossed Lake Ontario in canoes, - ascended the Oswego river, passed through Onondaga Lake, and arrived at the principal fortress of the enemy, which he found reduced to ashes. The Onondagas had retreated, and the French, having laid waste their terri. tory and that of the Cayugas, returned to Montreal; but the Iroquois rallied, and severely harassed them in their retreat. 34.'The Iroquois continued the war with various suc-'1697. cess, until the conclusion of peace- between France and See p. 2e England, when, deprived of aid from the English, and jeal. R ysee,'cc, ous of the attempts of the latter to enforce certain claims qanpsbspece of sovereignty over their territory, they showed a willing- b',eteen tha ness to negotiate a separate treaty with the French. The te Iroquois. death of Frontenac, in 1698, suspended for a time the nerrotiation, but the pacification was finally effected by his successor, Callieres, in 1700, and the numerous prisoners on both sides were allowed to return. 2The natives, pris- 2 Attachment oners to the French, availing themselves of the privilege, tosavaettlfe. eagerly sought their homes, but the greater part of' the French captives were found to have contracted such an attachment to the wild freedom of the woods, that nothing could induce them to quit their savage associates. 35.'In 1702 war again broke outb between France b. Queen Anne's war. and England, involving in the contest their transatlantic Aseep. 20, colonies. The disasters which befel the French arms on a3 Rp 324. 3. Renewved the continent, compelled the mother country to leave her iwar, and decolonies to their own resources, while England, elated EVngnland. with repeated triumphs, conceived the design of embracing within her territory all the French possessions in America. 4The Iroquois preserved a kind of neutrality 4. The between the contending parties, although each party Iroquzois spared no pains to secure their co-operation in its favor.'The principal operations of the French and their Indian 5s Operations allies were directed mainly against the New England col- andrefheaEnh onies. After several expeditions had been sent by the atteptez le Fnglish against the more eastern French colonies, a pow- duction of 11-n C_ Canada. erful armament under the command of Sir iHovenden Walker, was at length prepared for the reduction of Can- 1711. ada. The deepest apprehension prevailed among the French until a report arrived, which proved ultimately correct, that the invading squadron had been wrecked near the mouth of the St. Lawrence.c c. See p. 202. 35. BIn the mean time the French were engaged in a 6 wAr bedesperate struggle in their western territory, with an In- F rech and dian tribe called the Outagamies, or Foxes, who projected the F2s Inua a plan for the destruction of Detroit, in which they nearly 14 HISTORY OF CANADA [BooK IIL sANLYsIS. succeeded, but they were finally repulsed by the French and their Indian allies. Retreating from Detroit, the Foxes collected their forces on the Fox river of Green Bay, where they strongly fortified themselves; but an expedition being sent against them, they were obliged to capitulate. The remnant of the defeated nation, however, long carried on a ceaseless and harassing warfare against the French, and rendered insecure their communication with the settlements on the Mississippi. 1. Treaty of 37.'The treaty of Utrecht, in 1713, put an end to hosUtrecht, and situation of tilities in America, after which time Canada enjoyed at setlieents long period of uninterrupted tranquillity. Charlevoix, who year 1720. visited the principal settlements in 1720 and 1721, given 5721. the best account of their condition at this period. Que bec then contained a population of about 7000 inhabitants. but the entire population of the colony at that period ill unknown. The settlements were confined, principally, to the borders of the St. Lawrence, between Montreal and Quebec, extending a short distance below the latter place. Above Montreal were only detached stations for defenc,: and trade. At Fort Frontenac and Niagara a few sol diers were stationed, but there were apparently no traces of cultivation in the vicinity of either of those places. A feeble settlement was found at Detroit, and at Michili, mackinac a fort, surrounded by an Indian village. On the whole, however, it appears that, west of Montreal;. there was nothing at this time which could be called a colony. 2. hubsuenof 38.'The subsequent history of Canada, down to the Canada- time of its conquest by the English, presents few events of sufficient importance to require more than a passing b. Tlhe American tars of notice. 3The wars carried on between France and EngFnce,and land during this period, and which involved their Ameriduring t"is can possessions, were chiefly confined to Nova Scotia ana the adjacent provinces, while Canada enjoyed a happy exemption from those eventful vicissitudes which form the materials of history. The French, however, gradually secured the confidence of the savage tribes by which they were surrounded, and were generally able to employ them against the English, when occasion required. 1731. 39. 4In 1731 the French erected Fort Frederic, (now 4. Crown Crown Point,) on the western shore of Lake Champlain, riconderoga. but surrendered it to the English.inder General Amherst in 1759. In 1756 they elrected the fortress of Ticonderoga at the mouth of the outlet of Lake George. Here 6. Fortt occurred the memorable defeat of General Abercromn-bie Pittsburg in 1758. 5During the administration of the Marquis du a. (PronounEd dDi-kane.) Quesne,a in 1754, the fort bearing his name was erected PART 1.. UN1D),R TI1E FRENCh. I.5 at the confluenee of the Alleghany and Mongahela, 1.54, where Pittsburgh now stands.'The French were like-. wise encroaching upon Nova Scotia, which had been k. Oter etcedad to England by the treaty of Utrecht in 1718, and oJtf he Fretls. in the west they were attempting to complete a line of forts which should confine the British colonists to the territory east of the Alleghanies. 2These encroachments 2. " Prewcls were the principal cause which led to the "4French and oa r." Indian war," a war which resulted in the overthrow of the power of France in America, and the transfer of her possessions to a rival nation. An account of that war has already been given in a former part of this work, to which we refera for a continuation of the history of Canada a. sep.267. duHring that eventful period. CHAPTER II EARLY HISTORY OF LOUISIANA. 1.'Having briefly traced the history of the French in 3. Distover. Canada down to the time of the final conquest of that ments o/the country by Great Britain, we now go back a few years to valley of the notice the discoveries and settlements made by the French Miss8ss8pP. in the valley of the Mississippi, during the period of which we have spoken;-most of which territory also passed under the power of'England at the time of the final transfer of the French possessions in Canada and Acadia. 2. 4Soon aftel tile establishment of the French in Canada, 4. Jesuit saeseveral Jesuit missionaries, mingling worldly policy with among te religious enthusiasm, with the double object of winning souls to Christ cand subjects, to the king of FTrance, penetrated the Indiai-n wilderness bordering on Lake Huron, 1634. and there established several missions, around which were t Louis, ean soon gathered, from the rude sons of the forest, throngs St. igiatius. ofi nominal converts to Chrwisiianity. 3. 6The missionaries also penetrated the territories of 5. AmonMtti the hostile Iroquois;C but after years of toil and suffering. 1655. they were wholly unsuccessful, both in their attempts at christianizing tlese,uder people, and in their efforts to seduce thenl frlom tleir allia-nlce with the EnMglish.'The 6. ite8 o. f petty establishmenlts in Nw York and on cthe banks of lisnen. Lake Hluron werTe brolen up1 and tIe latter laid in ashes by the Iroquois, during, the wa-r aw hiclih they waged wi;th ilnrelenting ferocity agrainstt thein HIuron brethren. t/. Father Al4,- The niiissionries thenl direcited their efforts t t he t'zont 4~lee...... uyre [6 EARLY HISTORY [Book IL ArtALYSTS. tribes farther westward, and in 1665 Father Allouez, pass f665j. ~ing beyond the straits of Mackinaw, found himself ailoat, a (P'ronoiu- in a fiail canoe, on the broad expanse of Lake Superior cell Alloo-a) lCoastingb along the high banks and "pictured rocks" of C/ippea.he its southern shore, he entered the bay of Chegoirnegon, b. Sept. and landede at the great village of the Chippewas.'A1. Oct. 1. though but few of this tribe had ever before seen a white L. MGis nsccess. C man, yet they listened to the missionary with reverence, and soon elected a chapel, around which they charted their morning and evening hymns, with an apparent de-. Dablon and voutness that the white man seldom imitates.'The mis. P.larquetie. d. (E:s.pre.) sion of St. Esprit,d or the Holy Spirit, was founded, and e. s,68. three vears latere the missionaries Dablon and Marquettef i (Mar.klit founded another mission at the falls of St. Mary, between lakes Superior and Huron. 4. A great 5. 4As the missionaries were active in exploring the tewartunld country, and collecting fiom the Indians all the informaWrard of, and I a e.xpedit on tion that could be obtained, it was not long before they la.dcovers. heard of a great river to the westward, called by the Algonquins the Mes-cha-ce-be, a name signifying the Father of T:Waters. It was readily concluded that, by ascending this river to its source, a passage to China might be found! and that by following it to its mouth the Gulf of Mexico 673. would be reached, and in 1673 the two missionaries Mar. quette and Joliet set out from Green Bay for the purpose of making the desired discovery. b, P7,te of 6. 5scendingg the Fox River, whose banks were in. dicovey orl habited by a tribe of Indians of the same name, and pass. sippi. ingh thence over a ridge of highlands, they came to the g. June. Wisconsin, and following its course, on the 17th of June, C *OUn 10 1673, they came to the Mes-cha-ce-be, called also in the Iroquois language the Mis-sis-sip-pi. The soil on the borders of the stream was found to be of exceeding fertility, and Father Marquette, falling on his knees, offered thanks to heaven for so great a discovery.. PPnssare 7, 6They now committed themselves to the stream, duow the:M~iesislppt. which bore them rapidly past the mouths of' the Missouri, the Ohio, and the Arkansas, at which last they stopped, where they foundl ndians in the possession of articles of European manufacture, a proof that they had trafficked with the Spaniards from Mexico, or with the English from Vir. ginia. Though convinced that the mighty river which they had discovered must have its outlet in the Gulf of Mexico, yet as their provisions were nearly expended, the I.Jarl17. adventurers resolved to return.i 7Passing up the Mis 1. Ta return. issippi with incredible fatigue, they at length arrived at the Illinois, which they ascended till they reached the heights that divide its wate-s from those which enter Lake PAnT 1.] OF LOUISIANA. 17 Michigan. Thence Marquette returned to the Miami j1673. Indians, to resume his labors as a missionary, while Joliet proceeded to Quebec, to give an account of the discovery to Frontenac, then governor of Canada. 8. 1Marquette dyingr soon after, and Joliet becoming a. May, 1675. immersed in business, the discovery of the Great River forhdpacovery seemed almost forgotten, when attention to it was sud-s revZved byt denly revived by another enterprising Frenchman. Rob- LaSa ert de La Salle, a man of courage and perseverance, stimulated by the representations of Joliet, repairedb to b. 1677. France and offered his services to the king, promising to explore the Mississippi to its mouth, if he were provided with the necessary means.'A ship well manned and 2. La Salle equipped was furnished him, and accompanied by the s""fre. Chevalier de Tonti, an Italian officer who had joined him in the enterprise, he sailed from Rochelle on the 14th of July, 1678. 1678. 9.'O30n arriving at Quebec he proceeded immediately 3. Hiarriva to Fort Frontenac, where he built a barge of ten tons, and voyageto with which he conveyed his party across Lake Ontario, reen Bay. " The first ship that ever sailed on that fresh water sea;" after which, near the mouth of Tonnewanta creek, he constructed another vessel which he called the Griffin, on board of which he embarked in August, 1679, with forty Aug. men, among whom was Father Hennepin, a distinguished Jesuit missionary, and a worthy successor of the venerated Marquette. Passing through lakes Erie, St. Clair, and Huron, he stopped at Michilimackinac, where he erected a fort of the same name, whence he proceeded to Green Bay, where he collected a cargo of furs, which he despatched for Niagara in the Griffin, but which was never heard of afterwards. 10. 4From Green Bay he proceeded in bark canoes 4. Proceeds nearly to the head of Lake Michigan, and at the mouth xMc,:hig,, of St. Joseph River built a fort, which he called Fort aigellin oeit Miami. After waiting here some time in vain for the Rfivee, where' Griffin, the party proceedede westward to the Illinois fort. River, and after passing down the same beyond Lake C. Dec. 3. Peoria they erected a fort, which La Salle named Creve- 1680. coeur,d the Broken Heart, indicating thereby his disap- d. (Proounpointment occasioned by the loss of the Griffin, the jeal- Crave-kyur. ousy of a portion of the savages, and the mutinous spirit exhibited by his own men. 5From this place he sent out 5 Eploring, a party under Hennepin to explore the sources of the Penepin. Mississippi. 11. 6At Fort Creve-cceur La Salle remained until the. Departurd of La Salle succeeding March, when, leaving Tonti and his men for Canada. amnong the Illinois Indians, he departed for Canada, for 2 18 EARLY HISTORY [Boox 111 AN-ALYSIS. the purpose of raising recruits and obtaining funds. 1. Tonti's -Tonti, after erecting a new fort, remained, surrounded return to by hostile savages, until September, when he was obliged gan. to abandon his position and retire to Lake Michigan, on 2. Historyof whose borders he passed the winter. 2In the mean ilne the exploring Party. the small party under Hennepin had ascended the Mississippi beyond the Falls of St. Anthony, and had been made prisoners by the Sioux, by whom they were well treated. At the expiration of three months, however, they were released, when they descended the Mississippi, and passed up the Wisconsin, whence they returned to Canada. 1682. 12.'The spring of 1682 found La Salle again on the 3. La Salle banks of the Illinois. 4Having at length completed a small again on the Illinols. vessel, he sailed down that tributary till he reached the er8 th"M7.ssv- c Father of Taters." Floating rapidly onward with the ripses, do, current, and occasionally landing to erect a cross, and:tstream to proclaim the French king lord of the country, La Salle passed the Arkansas, where Joliet and Marquette had terminated their voyage, but still the stream swept onward, and the distance appeared interminable. All began to despair except La Salle, who encouraged his men to persevere, and at length the mouths of the Mississippi were discovered, discharging their enormous volume of turbid waters into the Gulf of Mexico. 5. rLa Salle 13.'To the territories through which' La Salle had ncovntry passed, he gave the name of Louisiana, in honor of the Louisiana. 6. Ilios return reigning monarch of France, Louis XIV.'Anxious to to Quebec, communicate in person his discoveries to his countrymen, and thence to France. he hastened back to Quebec, and immediately set sail for his native land, where he was received with many 7. Greatness marks of' distinction. *He had nobly redeemed his promQr he achieve-. mets of ise, and given to his sovereign a territory vast in extent, La Sale and unequalled in fertility and importance; which, spanning like a bow the American continent, and completely hemming in the English possessions, might have rendered France the mistress of the New World. 1684. 14.'Early in 1684 preparations were made for c6dlo8. Preparations for coo. nizing Louisiana, and. in July La Salle sailed from aizizg Louiset Rochelle for the mouth of the Mississippi, with four vestlernet of sels and two hundred and eidgty,/~_ A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-r-DAv i'if (_ >;:<' /i. JIL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I ii5 CENTAEES ki3fde N,'~iu t~~~~~~~~~~~~o s c; ~ ~ - I.s ~ z~ ALAMERIC~~~. ~~(7~e1I5p w {1p'n 49 ~; ~.7' ~.'':::.',-: -.. ~','o'~,~x......, 21i!20~~~~~~~~~.BImn "'' -~~~~~ ~~~~~41,~~~~~~~~~/r~~~~ ~''~:-::,~k~y ~s -':::i!;~;'i'Gil" ~ a I 1) 0 ~\ i~lu ~ 110 8t$\}qp l~is? Patg 911 >10 9 115 81 II( i. PART [IL HISTORY OF MEX X'h AD CHAPTER I,. ABORIGINAL MEXICO. 1.'AT thl time of the discovery of America, nearly 1ANA.Y~SO the whole continent was occupied by barbarous and wan-. India dering tribes, of whose history little that is authentic can Aric. of now be learned.'2The aboriginal Mexicans, however, 2, The AboTsibinal Mex differed essentially from the great mass of the race to icns. which they apparently belonged.'They had made consi-.. StaZte of civilization derable advances in civilization —were an agricultural peo- amoncir tlenm. ple-had built flourishing and populous cities,-and were united under a regular system of government.'A brief 4.otrh account of their history, of the state of the arts among,tor, ythy them, and of their political institutions, national manners,. and religion, cannot fail to be interesting and useful, as it will exhibit the human species in a very singular stage of its upward progress friom barbarism. 2.'The Toltecas, or Toltecs, are the most ancient Mexi- 5. History of the Toltecs, can nation of which history and fable combined furnish us fr.oml the year, 47'2 to the any accounts. The symbolical representations, or hiero- foundfldin- o,' olyphics, from which their history is obtained, and which hita. were found among the Mexicans, represent that in the year 472 of the Christian era they were expelled from their 472. own country, called Tollan, situated somewhere to the north of Mexico, and that, for some time after, they led a migratory and wandering life; but, at the expiration of 104 years, they reached a place about fifty miles to the 576. eastward of the city of Mexico, where they remained twenty years. Thence they proceeded a short distance 596. westward, where they founded a city, called, from the 667. name of their original country, Tollan, or Tula.* 6. Govern3. 6The Toltecas, during their journeys, were con- me motle'Whenee the present city of Tula, near Mexico, is supposed to have derived its name. So saj., p. 569. 58 HISTORY OF MiEXICO. Boei litI ANALYSIS. ducted by chiefs; but after their final settlement, in the year 667, their government was changed into a monarchy, 1. Their pros-y which lasted nearly four centuries.'At the expiration of iperity,-and' pinol desftiec this time they had increased very considerably in numbers, zation. and had built many cities; but when in the height of their prosperity, almost the whole nation was destroyed by famine and a pestilence. 2. Account of 4.?'he hieroglyphical symbols, from which the accolre t derivedfroaz of this event is derived, represent, that, at a certain feshae,ovsy- tive ball made by the Toltecas, the Sad Looking Devil Vtic85 appeared to them, of a gigantic size, with immense arms, and,, in the midst of their entertainments, embraced and suffocated them; that then he appeared in the form of a child with a putrid head, and brought the plague; and, finally, at the persuasion of the same devil, they abandoned the country Tula, and dispersed themselves among the surrounding nations, where they were well received on account of their superior knowledge and civilization. 3. itory of 5. 3About a hundred years after the dispersion of ttle necas, —the ir Toltecs, their coufitry was occupied by the Chichemecas, government, nanners,' who also came from the north, and were eighteen months and alliance, Withth~e on their journey. Although less civilized than the TolToltecs. tees, they had a regular fbrm of monarchical government, and were less disgusting in their manners than some of the neighboring nations. They formed an alliance with the remnant of the Toltecs, and intermarried with them; the consequence of which -was the introduction of the arts and knowledge of the Toltecas, and a change in the Chi4. The Acol- chemecas, from a hunting to an agricultural people. 4The Subosequent Chichemecas ve:e soon after joined by the Acolhuans, timeofrtiae likewise from the north; after which, the history of the Aztecs two nations is filled with uninteresting accounts of petty conquests, civil wars, anlld rebellions, until the appearance of the Aztecs, or Mexicans, also of Indian origin. 1160. 6. 6The latter are represented to have left their own 5. Wander- country, a great distance to the north of the Gulf of Caliings of tite Aztecs. fornia, in the year 1160, by the command of one of their deities; and, after wandering fifty-six years, to have arrived at the city of Zumpango,* in the valley of Mexico. 6. remains of'Durihnr their journey, they are supposed to have stopped buildingo n supposed to some time on the banks of the river Gila, or San FranTave been erectedlby cisco, an eastern branch of the Colorado; where may the,. still be found remains of the buildings which they are said to have constructed.t * On the eastern shore of the lake of the same namne. (See Map, p. 569.) t The Colorado is the principal stream that enters the head of the Gulf of California. (See HIap, p. 558.) The locality of the ruins mentioned above is still lut down, or MIexican maps, on the south side of the River Gilas, in the state of Sonora. They are denoted as "i Ruinas d& las Casas de los Aztecas," Rl6nis of the Bti'ldinrgs of the Aztecs. PART ILl HISTORY OF MEXICO. 59 7.'Thence they proceeded until they came to a place 1 160o about two hundred and fifty miles north-west from Chi- 1. ther un huahua,* and now known by the name of Casa Grande,a north-west on account of a very large building still extant there at from chhua. the time of the Spanish conquest, and universally attri- a. (Gran-de buted to the Aztecs, by the traditions of the country. Casa bzuild-'Thence they proceeded southward to Culiacan,t on a 2 The.ztec river of the same name, which flows into the Gulf of at Culiacans. California about the twenty-fourth degree of north latitude. Here they made a wooden image of their god, and xIagecon. ^ z.. constr'ucted a chair of reeds and rushes to support it, and also ap- by them. pointed four priests, called the "Servants of God," to carry it on their shoulders during their subsequent wanderings. 8.'When the Aztecs left their original habitations they 3. Separation consisted of six tribes; but at Culiacan the Mexicans cansfrom{tha other Aztec separated from the other five, and, taking their deity with tribes, and them, continued their journey alone. In the year 1216 in theirarria they arrived in the valley of Mexico,b where they were at of Mexico. first well received; but they were afterwards enslaved by b. s a neighboring prince, who claimed the territory, and who p. 569. was unwilling to have them remain without paying tribute. 9. 4They were finally, however, released from bond- 4snsubsequent age, when they resumed their wanderings, which they untilhthey continued until the yeEar 1325, when they came to a place place of their on the borders of a lake, where the eagle that had guided Jnl et.te them in their journeys rested upon a nopal,t where it 1325. shortly afterwards died. This was the sign given them by their oracle, designating the place where they were finally to settle; and as soon as they had taken possession of the spot, they erected an altar to the god whom they worshipped.'The city which they built here was 5. The city of Mexico first called Tenochtitlan, and afterwards Mexico,~ signi- founded by fying the place of Mexilli, the name of the Mexican god thesis. of war. 10. 6During the time which intervened from the found- 6. The, meiing of Mexico to the conquest by the Spaniards, a period the foundinag of nearty two hundred years, the Mexicans went on gra- tofe ico tle't dually increasing in power and resources, and, by con- spaniarts. quest and alliances, they extended their dominion, not Ciizihuahua, the capital of the state of the same name, is nearly 700 miles N.W. from the city of Mexico. (See Map, p. 558.) (Pronounced Chee-ooah-ooah.) t C0tliacan is an old city in the state of Sinaloa, pleasantly situated on the south side of a river of the s[ame name, about forty miles from its entrance into the Gulf of California. $ The nopal, (caetus opun1tia, or Indian fig,) is the plant on which the insect that produces thl cochineal is bred. The cochineal, now an important article of commerce, is formed from the dead insect, and is used for giving red colors, especinlly crimson and scarlet, and for uakngr carmino. 4 See Note aind M;p: p. 116. Also Map, p. 569. 60 IHISTORY OF MEXICO. [Booxr IIL ANALYSIS. only ovwr the other Aztec tribes which had accompanied them during most of' their wanderings, and which after. wards settled around them, but also over other tribes or nations that spoke languages diffbrent from the Aztec or Mexican. i. Nature of 11.'Previous to their settlement in the valley of tn-enetofrthe Mexico, the Mexicans continued unacquainted X ith regal diZfrent pt- dominion, and were governed in peace, and conducted in'ios of their war, by such as were entitled to pre-eminence by their wisdom or their valor; but after their power and territoo ries became extensive, the supreme authority finally centred in a single individual; and when the Spaniards, under Cortez, invaded the country, Montezuma was the ninth monarch in order who had swayed the Mexican 2. The histoi- sceptre, not by hereditary right, but by election.'The cal account of, y these events. accounts given of all this history, in the hieroglyphic writings of the Mexicans, and which have been faithfully translated by Spanish writers, are minute and circumstantial; but the details would possess little interest for us. 3. The ad- 12.'According to the histories preserved by the Mexivancen,ent in knz.omulVdae cans,* the Toltecs were more polished than the nations matde by tile Tolttecs. which succeeded them; insomuch that, in after ages, it was customary to distinguish people of learning and ingenuity, by the name of Toltecas. They understood the art of working in gold and silver, and possessed some knowledge of the sciences of astronomy and chronology. 4. Their 4It is supposed that about a hundred years before the trooedey.f Christian era they observed the difference between the solar and the civil year; supplying the defect, as we do, by the addition of a day once in four years. S.'he se the 13.'The art of painting, which was derived from the made ofthe Toltecs, was much practised by the Mexicans, as it was art of Paintinart.o only by means of paintings that they recorded theil: histo6. Character ries.'Somne of these paintings contained an accoumt of of their painting,. particular historical events; some were mythological; some were codes of laws; while others were astronomical -in which were represented their calendar, the position 7 May of of the stars, changes of the moon, and eclipses.'Great Mhem destroy. ed by the numbers of these were burned by the superstitious SpanSp,aiards. iards, who imagined that they contained some emblems of heathen worship. TZhe most 14. 8The most valuable collection of these picture writ val uable col.. lection novo ings, which has been preserved, is divided into three parts. extant. The first contains the entire history of the Mexican em, pire. The second is a tribute-roll, representing wha* It must not be overlooked that the Mexicans here spoken of were Indians; although the word MlIkxicans is now applied to the present inhabitants of Mexico, descendan;rs ofi the Spaniards. P&RT I1.] HISTORY OF MEXICO. 61 each conquered town paid into the royal treasury. The.52o. third is a code of the domestic, political, and military instilutions of the Mexicans.'There were likewise geo-:. Georr'ah cal paintgraphical paintings, or maps, which showed the bounda- Catis, ries of states, the situation of places, the direction of the coasts, and the courses of rivers. Cortez was shown maps of almost the entire coast on the Gulf of Mexico.'These paintings were executed on skins, on cloth made 2. Tl2emfateri. of the thread of the aloe, or a kind of palm, on the barIt of these mainttrees prepared with gumn, and upon.paper; which last was executed. made of the leaves of a kind of aloe, steeped like hemp, and afterwards washed, stretched, and smoothed.'From 3s Ijntructiotg of the young these symbolical paintings, aided by traditionary songs and narratives, the Mexican children were diligently instructed in the history, mythology, religious rites, laws, and customs of the nation. 15. 4But in sculpture, casting of metals, and mosaic 4. The art of sculptu re work,* the Mexicans attained greater perfection than in arto,,g the painting. They had sculptors among them when they Mecas left their native country; and many of the Toltecan statues were preserved till the time of the conquest. Statues were made of clay, wood, and stone; and the instruments employed were chisels of copper and of flint.'The number of these statues is almost incredible; but 5. Statues d6. so active were the Spanish priests in destroying them, Spaniards. that there are now few vestiges of them remaining. The foundation of the first church in Mexico was laid with idols, when many thousand statues of the Mexican gods were broken in pieces. 16.'Clavigero' asserts that " the miracles produced by 6. clavgero'a the Mexicans in the casting of metals would not be credi- actstiotJtgof metals by the ble, if, besides the testimony of those who saw them, a Melxicas2' great number of curiosities of this kind had not been sent from Mexico to Europe. The works of gold and silver, sent as presents from the conqueror Cortez to Charles V., filed the goldsmiths of Europe with astonishment; who, as several authors of that period assert, declared that they twere altogether inimitable. 7This wonderful art, for- 7. The art nierly practised by the Toltecas, the invention of which they ascribed to one of their gods, has been entirely lost by the debasement of the Indians, and the indolent neglect Df the Spaniards." * 1osc work is an assemblage of little pieces of glass, marble, frrciouts stonem, &e., ef vari oDu Colors,'enellted on a ground of stucco or pltster, in such a manner as to imitate the colorn nrend grad u.tinms of' pitintg. (C'lavr'ero, a naLive of Vera Cruz, in lMexico, int wlhich country he resided tiirty-six years was bi'l abouPt ti2e )year 1720). Belig a,Jesuit, on the expulsiont of his order froml Auerica he settled. in t tl, where he remployed himself ill writing a History of Mexico, which was publishetl in 17i80 aud 1P81, in foul volumes oci;avo. 62 ISR1'ORY OF NE XICO. [BoOK I1 ANALYSIS. 17.'Acosta, another writer, speaking of the mosaio; 1. Acosta's works of the Mexican artists, made of the feathers of ccountof the birds, says: " It is wonderful how it was possible to Mosaic works of the Mezi- execute works so fine, and so equal, that they appear the performance of the pencil. Some Indians, who are able artists, copy whatever is painted, so exactly, with plumage, that they rival the best painters of Spain." 2. Architec- 18. 2The Mexicans had some knowledge of architectheIesicanrs. ture; and the ruins of edifices still remain, which are supposed to have been constructed by them previous to t. The build- their arrival in the valley of Mexico.'When the city or ings of the city of Mexico came to its perfection, the houses of the principal Me ics. people were large, of two or more stories, and constructed of stone and mortar. The roofs were flat and terraced; the floors were smoothly paved with plaster; and the exterior walls were so well whitened and polished, that they appeared, to the excited imaginations of the Spaniards, when viewed from a distance, to have been constructed of' silver. 4. Muelcan 19. 4The most remarkable examples of Mexican architecture, however, were their aqueducts; two of which, constructed of stone and cement, conveyed the water to 5. aMexican the capital, from the distance of two miles.'The number. and the greatness of the Mexican cities have probably been much exaggerated by the early Spanish writers, but still they were cities of such consequence as are found only among people who have made considerable progress L'Poputation in the arts of civilized life. GFrom all accounts, we can o"fthe cUty of Meeico. hardly suppose Mexico, the capital of the empire, to have contained fewer than sixty thousand inhabitants; and some authorities estimate the number at several hundred thousand. 7. Political 20.'From the foundation of the Mexican monarchy to Qothe Aesxz- the accession of Montezuma to the throne, the political Cens. institutions of the Mexicans appear to have undergone but a. Their formn few changes. 8The government was an elective monarof4,Mnt.n chy, and the right of election seems to have been originally vested in the whole body of the nobility, but afterwards to have been confined to six of the most powerful, of whom the chiefs of Tezcuco and Tacuba were always two. 9. Juri.sdic- 9The jurisdiction of the crown was extremely limited, and tion of the Crown. all real and effective authority remained in the hands of 10. Frnda- the nobles.'0~By a fundamental law of the empire, it was mental law of tIerapire. provided that the king should not determine concerning any point of general importance, without the approbation of a council composed of the prime nobility. it. Orders of 21. "The nobles, possessed of ample territories, were oabilizt. divided into several classes; to each of which peculiar I'ARIT I1.] ItiS'ORItY OF MEXICO. 630 titles of honor belonged. It is stated by an author of 75e. oredibility that there were, in the Mexican dominions, - thirty nobles of the highest rank, each of whom had in his territories about a hundred thousand people; and subordinate to these Nwere about three thousand nobles of a lower class. Some of the titles of nobility descended from father to son in perpetual succession; others were annexed to particular offices, or conferred during life, as marks of personal distinction. 22.'Below the inferior nobles was the great body of i. Corei.tln the people, who were in a most humiliating state.'The Jodyeofoity better class of these resembled, in condition, those pea-2. rrpeople. sants who, under various denominations, were considered, class. in Europe, during the prevalence of the feudal system,a a.See pa. -. as instruments of labor attached to the soil, and transferable with it from one proprietor to another. 3Others, of 3. Condtion of the lower an inferior class, reduced to the lowest form of subjec- clases tion, felt all the rigors of domestic servitude. Their condition was held to be so vile, and their lives deemed of so little value, that a person who killed one of them was not subjected to any punishment.'So distinct and firmly 4. Theoperta. established were the various gradations of rank, from the gradation monarch dow.n to the meanest subject, and so scrupulous was each class in the exactions of courtesy and respect firom inferiors, that t he 1genius andl idioms of the language becamne strongly influenced by it. 23.'It is probable that while the power of the Mexican 5. Ostentatiomn anzd display oJ monarch continued to be limited, it was exercised with th Al.exscan little ostentation; but that, as his authority became more onarchy. extensive, the splendor of' the government increased. Iet 6. Change. was in this last state that the Spaniards beheld it; for Montezu'ma. Montezuma, disregardincg the ancient laws, and violating the rights of the nobility, had- introduced a pure despotism, and reduced his subjects, of every order, to the level of slaves;.'The following passages, selected from the 7*:'-s''...s.aves f X b. 8,1 n..,,, selected fr?' writings of the Abbe Clavigero, will give some idea of the therzl.i ingg state of the ancient capital, and the magnificence of the Clavger monarch who governed it at the time of the Spanish conquest. 24. ",, All the servants of Montezuma's palace consisted s. noe. ntezu028'a ser"vant of persons of rank. Besides those who constantly lived in.1,feuda!tory iti every morning six hundred feudatory lords and nobles lords 4~e came to pay court to him. They passed the whole day in the antechamber, where none of their servants were permitted to enter,-conversing in a low voice, and the orders of their sovereign. The servants who accompanied these lords were so numerous as to occupy A. 6 4 HISTORY OF MEXICO. r[ooxJ IlL ANALYSIS. three small courts of the palace, and many waited inl the street,. Thte ounen 25.'" The women about the court were not less in f court number, including those of rank, servants, and slaves. All this numerous female tribe lived shut up in a kied of seraglio, under the care of some noble matrons, who watched over their conduct; as these kings were extremely jealous, and every piece of misconduct which happened in the palace, however slight, was severely punished. Of these women, the king retained those wno pleased him; the others he gave away, as a recompense for the services of his vassals. S,. Forns ana 26. "I The formts and ceremonials introduced at court coremonials 5,?rvedin were another effect of the despotism of Montezuma. No r'ence of nxtez~umna. one would enter the palace, either to serve the king, or to confer with him on any business, without pulling off his shoes and stockings at the gate. No person was allowed to appear before the king in any pompous dress, as it was deemed a want of respect to majesty; consequently then greatest lords, excepting the nearest relations of the king; stripped themselves of the rich dress which they wore, or at least covered it with one more ordinary, to show their humility before him. S. adnner2of 27. "I All persons, on entering the hall of audience, the kaing, and and before speaking to the king, made three bows; saying, femiving his rneoerh. at the first,'Lord;' at the second,'my Lord;' and at tihe third,'great Lord.' They spoke low, and with the head inclined, and received the answer which the king gave them, by means of his secretaries, as attentively and humbly as if it had been the voice of an oracle. In taking leave, no person ever turned his back upon th-e throne..The dining 28. 4," The audience-hall served also for the diningfur., utei- room. The table of the monarch was a large pillow, and his seat a low chair. The table-cloth, napkins, and towels were of cotton, but very fine, white, and always perfectly clean. The kitchen utensils were of the earthenware of a. Se P. 73, Cholula,- but none of these things ever served the monarch p. 69. more than once; as, immediately after, he gave them to one of his nobles. The cups in which his chocolate and other drinks were prepared, were of gold, or some beau tiful sea-shell, or naturally formed vessels curiously var. nished. a. The, num 29. "I The number and variety of dishes at his table ber and variety of amazed the Spaniards who saw them. Cortez says that they covered the floor of a great hall, and that there were G. The kin, dishes of every kind of game, fish, fruit, and herbs of waiters at " (ioe. that country.'Three or four hundred noble youths PART II.] IHISTORY OF MEEX1CO. 65 carried this dinner in form; presented it as soon as the i52O. king sat down at table, and immediately retired; and,that it might not grow cold, every dish was accompanied with its chafing-dish. 30. "I The king marked, with a rod which he had in I cremoed/ai his hand, the meats which he chose, and the rest were table, c. distributed among the nobles who were in the ante-chamber. Before he sat down, four of' the most beautiful women of his seraglio presented water to him to wash his hands, and continued standing all'the time of his dinner, together with six of his principal ministers, and his carver.'He frequently heard music during the time of 2. The kng', bu. ffbon8, his meal, and was entertained with the humorous sayings or &etr. of some deformed men whom he kept out of mere state. He showed much satisfaction in hearing them, and observed that, among their jests, they frequertly pronounced some important truth. 31. 3" When he went abroad he was carried on the ingp't appear -ance shoulders of the nobles, in a litter covered with a rich invqblic canopy, attended by a numerous retinue of courtiers: and, wherever he passed, all persons stopped with their eyes shut, as if they feared to be dazzled by the splendors of royalty. When he alighted fiom the litter, to walk on foot, carpets were spread before him that he might not touch the earth with his feet." 32 4In closing this glowing description by Clavigero, it 4. tPra",iep should be remarked that we ought not to judge of' the can peol prosperity of the ancient inhabitants of Mexico by what has been said of its emperor, its court, and its capital.'Despotism had there produced those fatal effects which it 5. E fetv ofs produces every where. The whole state was sacrificed to the capricious pleasures and magnificence of a small number of people. 6And although the particulars which 6 Character have been mentioned exhibit the Mexicans as a peop e tionsofthe considerably refined, yet other circumstances show that Mezicanv. their character, and many of their institutions, did not differ greatly from those of other inhabitants of America. 33.'Like the rude tribes around them, the Mexicans 7. Their were almost constantly engaged in war, which they carried on to gratify their vengeance by shedding the blood of their enemies. 8All the prisoners taken in battle were s. Treatment sacrificed without mercy, and their flesh was devoured of priones. with the same barbarous joy as among the fiercest savages. Sometimes their principal warriors dressed themselves in the skins of their unhappy victims, and danced about the streets, boasting of their own valor, and exulting over 9. Imzan their enemies. sacrfilces, —b wohom insti34.'It is supposed that neither the Toltecs nor the Chi- tuted 5 66 HISTORY OF MEXICO. [Boos lR ANALYSIS. chemecas permitted human sacrifices; and that it was reserved to the Aztec race to institute the abominable.Nbe, of practice.'Of the number of victims annually destroyed in this way, we have different and contradictory accounts. 2. Opinion of TClavigero inclines to the opinion that it was not less thar. twenty thousand, while other writers make it much more. a. Of uma- 3Zumaraga, the first bishop of Mexico, supposes that, in that capital alone, more than twenty thousand victims were 4. Authod b annually sacrificed. 4Some authors, quoted by Gomara, Gomara. say that fifty thousand were annually sacrificed in differv. Acosta's ent parts of the empire.'Acosta says that there was a certain day of the year on which they sacrificed five thousand victims, and another on which they sacrificed twenty thousand. 6. The conse- 35. 6In the consecration of the great temple of the cration of the great temple Mexicans, dedicated to the sun, which, it is related, took oft n6exii- place under the reign of the predecessor of Montezuma, it is asserted by numerous historians, that its walls and stairways, its altars and shrines, were consecrated with the blood of more than sixty thousand victims; and that 7. Conelutsion six millions of people attended at the sacrifice.'These arrived at.from t)hV e accounts are probably greatly exaggerated; but suffieient wacounts. is known, with certainty, to prove that some thousands of immortal beings were annually immolated to a blind and1 hloody idolatry. PART Il] 67 CHAPTjER II. COLTONIAL HISTORY OF MEXICGO?.1.'A brief account of the conquest of Mexico by the 1. Ccnquest haianlards, in the early part of the sixteenth century, has tize,Sptalalready been given.a The conquest vested the sove- a seeT p. 14. reis-.'lty of the country in the crown of' Spain, which gu(irantied th(at, on no account should it bh separated, wholly or in rpart, froml the Spanlish mor: al'c- y..'..:........ -'' ss.x4S'""" 2" x,? "'?. 3 " t ~'~'O 5~te —-O.. 0k'.''' 5.t~t'' i*'"iJ/. y0) *"' —-. irts/:~~?~.oC~' ~ —..i*?,- 3~.~t I. -.... <' J< ITz. 1't..,.'' - S "-...........s a...o- o. illelttt lslocps-4 -a-c —- ~""( ii i Th,, de,, "t'........:'/.?..i.- the -' o,'es'.t'f,% i.... ttl -" - - y * The whole extent o drxi o i-se ol- — ilo oiec irth o f urope or to two-thirds of eth United States and the ar orhs ssd is toaed bei.n the 1 th and 42d degie (s o f north latitud e Althongh t it sceore l atl inte a s o e 1otsniral love th e effec t o f produe ing considerable chanes in the set.r is tore of the mior e diss t s-oinsts yet it is not to this c-,,u-rstancee so much as to the peculinrity of its geological structure that Mexico oses that singnlar variety of climate by whichl it is distinguihed fron isost other coulntries of the wmorld. The Andes Monnta'inso after traversig the whole of South Anerica and the Isthnmus of Panama on enterino the northern contineot separate into two brans-hes, which, diverging to the east and wTest, but still prsersirvu their direction towards the lorth.s leave in the centre an immsense platform or table-lend, intessected by the higher points and ridges of the great mountaiin chaio by which it is spported, but iised ins the smose central parts, to thse height of o000 leot above the level of the sea. In a a-alley of this tasbe- at a-on elevation of 7000 feet, is situated the city of Mexico. (See Mlap.) Upon the swhole of this t bie-lns dS the effect of geographical postion is neutralized by the extreme rarefaction of the air while, upo the eastern and western declivities, it resumes its patural influence as it approsheos the level of the sea. Oni the ascent friom Vera etrucin the -changin g c tlisaetes sapidly succeed i eachl other and the traveller passeso in reviow in the course of two days the whole se s if vegetatiosn. Tise plsnts of tise Tropics h re excfhanged, at an early periodn iii the evfi erors n si t und the d oeadly iatm opher e of Vera Cruz for the sce-ee mild air ofJ'al pa4. Aiatie I0lr.ei ths o oalw gives place to the fir the air becontes moore piecing; the sun, though. in f rher as no ii]onge tohle fsme deleterious effect upon the humsan frase e; and nuatue assumes as ncw and peculiar aspect. Witrh a cloudless sky, and a brilliantly pure atmosphere, there is a g re-at want of toisoture, and little luxuriancy of vegetation: vast plchas follow each oher in endless succession each separated fiom the rest by a little ridge of 68 HIS'TORY OF' MEXICO. [1300K II. ANALYSIS. 2.'The Catholic religion, introduced into the country by the Spanish invaders, was the only religion that was i. ll Cthe gho- tolerated in Mexico during the whole period of its colo. introducad nial existence.'In a few years after the conquest, fbuo 2 er.'h to7aCiv millions of the natives were induced, by fraud and force, Christianity to embrace Christianity. But although they changed their profession, their faith has remained essentially the same. They know little of religion but its exterior forms of worship, and many of them are believed still to retain a secret veneration for their ancient idols. a. Slavery of 3'3The establishment of a colonial government was folb the natives. lowed by the bondage of' the natives, who were reduced 4. Slght ame- to the most cruel and humiliating form of slavery. 4A1Iioration of heir con-t though by the labors and influence of the worthy Las do Casas* they were finally invested with a few recognized hills, which appear to have formed, at some distant period, the basins of an immense chain of lakes. Such, with some slight variations, is the general character of the table-lands of the interior. Wherever there is water there is fertility; but the rivers are few and insignificant in comparison with the majestic rivers of the United States; and in the intervals the sun parches, in lien of enriching the soil. Htigh and barren plains of sand, fromu which isolated mountains rise to the regions of perpetual snow. occupy a large portion of the interior of Northern Mexico; nor does nature recover her wonted vigor, until the streams which filter from the Andes are sufficiently formed to dispense moisture oi their passage to the ocean. As the eastern branch of the Andes gradually disappears, the space fertilized by these streams becomes more extensive, until, in Texas, a low but well wooded country, rich in beautiful rivers, takes the place of the dreary steppes of the interior. Almost all the fruits of Europe succeed well on the table lands, while, bordering on the coast of the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico, tropical fruits are found in abundance. The whole eastern coast, extending back to that point in the slope of the mountains at which tropical fruits cease to thrive, is susceptible of the highest cultivation. The minlera.l wealth of Mexico is greater than that of' any other country on the globe. Peru, indeed, offers gold in greater abundance, but Mlexico has produced more silver than all the rest of the world united. The number of the silver mines which have been worked, or are still worked, is supposed to exceed three thousand; some of which are very productive, but the profits of others are uncertain. The most remarkable mine was that of Valenciana, undertaken by a poor man, who, after a fruitless trial of eleven years, camme at length upon a great vein, which, for more than thirty years, yielded more than two millions of dollars annually. Immediately previous to the Mexican revolution, the annual produce of the silver mines of Mexico was estimatted at about twenty millions of dollars; but since the revolution the annual average has been only about twelve millions. As there are no canals, and few navigable rivers in the populous portions of Mexico, the means of communication are at present very defective. The roads are miserable, wheel carriages are scarcely known, and the produce of the country is conveyed almost wholly on the backs of mules. For most of the country there is no home market, and therefore there is little encouragement for industry, beyond the production of the niere necessaries of life. It is probable that Mexico will not soon become much of a manufacturing country, and a great maritime power she cannot be, for her ports on thee Atlahstic side are barely sufficient for the purposes of commerce. The opening of good roads, and other means of communication, seems to be the wisest course of policy pointed out to Mexico by the natural peculiarities of her situation. This would make her mineral wealth, p'articularly in iron and the coarser metals, more productive, and would doubtless, in the end, render her one of the richest agricultural nations in the world. * Bartholomnew de las Casas, so famous in the annals of the New -World, was born at Seville, of a noble family, in the year 1474; and at the age of nineteen accomnpanied his father in the first voyage made by Columbus. The mildness and simplicity of the Indians affected him deeply, and, on his return to Spain, he embraced the ecclesiastical profession, that he might labor as a missionary in the western hemisphere. But lhe soon began to feel less for the super. stitions of the natives than for the cruelties practised upon thenl by his remorseless countrymen; and twelve times he crossed the ocean to plead at the foot of the Spanish throne the cause: of the wretched Indians. In the hope of striking awe by a1 character revered amolng the Span. lards, he accepted the bishopric of Chiapa in Mexico; but, comIvincled ait length that, his dignity was an insufficient barrier against the cruelty and avarice which he designed to chieck, he resigned his see in 1551, and returned to his native country. It was then that this couragerus, firm, disinterested man, accused his country before the tribunal of the whole universe. In his account of the tyranny of the Spaniards in America, he accuses them of having destroyed fif. PA&T ILl HISTORY OF MEXICO., rights, yet they were still considered as vassals of the 6 crown, and, undel the direction of the governors of the - - districts in which they resided, were obliged to labor at regular periods, either in the fields or in the mines. 4.'Tl'his indirect slavery was gradually abolished 1. rradl;a! about the beginning of the eighteenth century, owing to slasery. the increasing abundance and cheapness of native labor; yet the lilndians were still deprived, by the Spanish laws, ret c.t of all the valuable privileges of citizens, —were treated natives. as minors under the tutelage of their superiors — could make no contract beyond the value of ten pounds-were forbidden to marry with the whites-were prohibited the use of fire-arms., and were ruled by petty magistrates appointed by the government, which seemed to aim at keeping the native population in poverty and barbarism. 5.'Degenerated from the rank which they held in the 2CDetzenOtra days of AMontezuma, banished into the most barren dis- te nativede, tricts, where their indolence gained for them only a pre- choly exarcarions subsistence, or, as beggars, swarming the streets of ifurnished. the cities, basking in the sun during the day, and passing the ni(lht in the open air, they afforded, during the long period of the SpaEnish rule, a melancholy exa-mple of that general deegr adation which the government of Spain brought upon the natives of all the Spanishl American oilonies. 6. 3Nor was the colonial government established over 3. Character and policy of the country at all calculated to promote the interests of the coloiat the native Spanish population. For nearly three centuries, as Qaecting doiwn to the year i8 1(, Mexico was governed by viceroys of te,ntveivs appointed by thle court of Spain; all of whom, with one Spulatioh exception, were European Spaniards. Every situation in the gift of the crown was bestowed upon a European; nor is there an instance, for many years before the Revo. lution, eitier in the church, the army, or the law, in wlhich the door of' preferment was opened to a Spaniard, 4. IEteetof Mexican born. 4Through this policy, a privileged caste* the crJot..ecne millions of the Indians. The court of Madrid, awakened by the representations of ths virtuous Las Cascs, and by the indignation of the whole world, became sensible, at last, thatb the tyrallly it pernmitted was repugnant to religion, to ilumrianity, and to policy, and resotved to break tl-le chlins of the Mexicans lBut they were only partially freed from the tyranny aidesr w ihich tihley had so long suffered Their liberty was given themn, upon the condition that thbey should not quit the territory where they were settled; and their lands being retained by the Spalnia.rds, they were still obliged to labor for their oppressors. i::e te lie Ri;e volution, the population of M3exico was divided into seven distinct castes I. Tie( ozd Spltni. lds, born in Spain designtted as Ga chupines. 2. The Creoles, or Whites, of,ure ]irnil;Lan race, born in Amlerica and regarded by thle old Spaniards as natives. 3. Tile Intianus or ildigenous copper colored rime. 4. The Miestizos, or mixed breeds of Whites and Il.i;s tins LradLu!i lergrin into Creoles as the cross with the Indian riace became more remote. 5. The Mulattos, or descenda2ts of'hiaes and Negroes. 6. The Zinmbos, or Chinos, cldescendants of Negroes and Indians. And 7, The African Negroes. either manumitted or slaves. Of these castes, the Spaniards, Creoles, Indians, aed Negroes, were pure, and gave rise, hiu teir various combinations, to the others, which wero again subdivided wvithout limit, and each '70 HISTORY OF Yi~EXICO.!BooK Inl ANALYSIS. arose, distinct friom the lexican Spaniards in feelings, habits, and interests,-the paid agents of a government whose only aim was to enrich itself, without any regard to the abuses perpetrated under its authority. 1. m7e vice,- 7.'1With a nominal salary of about s:xty thousar-,d dol-'o!S of Mesico;-, l7,,Ih lars, the viceroy of Mexico kept up all the pageant of a;,eS., a court during several years, and then returned to his native country with a fortune of one or two millions of dollars, which, it was notorious, he had derived from a 2. Te sate of system of legalized plunder.'The sale of titles and distitles anzd dzst~ictzions, tinctions, usually obtained firomn the king at the recommenand the ge pous grrantinsu. of dation of the viceroy, was a source of great profit to both; blceas t but one still greater was that of granting licenses for the introduction of any article of foreign produce, for which immense sums were paid by the great commercial houses 3. Lucrartive of Mexico and Vera Cruz.'So lucrative were the profits ngove,sscnt accruing from the various species of plundering carried Sitations. on under the forms of law, that government situations, even without a salary, were in great request, and were found to be a sure road to affluence. 4. Fruitless 8. 4The complaints of the Creoles, and their attempts co7l)la.ints ofthe Creoles. tO bring notorious offenders to justice, were equally fi'uit5. Various less.'The various chan(es, also, which from time to chaneVg s zn- i 7 rosduced. time the court of Spain introduced, with the avowed object of improving the condition of the people, were unpro6. TIe spirit ductive of any material results.'The spirit of clanship nda tse fct prevailed over justice and law; and so marked was the is therey distinction kept up between the European and the Mexican ocsoioned. Spaniards, that the son who had the misfortune to be born of a Creole mother, was considered, even in the house of'his own father, inferior to the European book-keeper or clerk, Of all aristocratical distinctions in Mexico, those of country and of color were the greatest. The word Creole was used being distinguished by a name expressing its participation in the whito, or ruling color, -which,'being the general criterion of nobility, was often the sulbject of contention. T'he Indians, comlprisng nearly two-fifths of the whoie population, consist of various tribes, resembling each other in color, but differing entirely in language, customs, and dress. No less than twenty different Indian languages are known to be spoken in the Mlexican territory, and probably the nlnmber is much greater. Next to the pure Indians, the Mestizos are the most numerous caste, and indeed few of the middling classes, or those who call themselves Creoles, or'Whites, are exempt flrom a mixture of the Indian blood. From the first breakling out of the MlIeican Revolution, the distinctions of casts were all swallowed up in the great vital distinction of Azernicans and oltropeans: many of the most distinguished characters of the Revolutionary war belonged to the mixed races, and under the systeml of government first established at the close of the war, all permanent residents, without distinction of color, were entitled to the rights of citizenship, and capable of holding the highest dignities of the state. General Guerrero, who in 1824 -was one of the nmembers of the executive power, and in 1829 became( President of the Republic, had a strong nlixture of African blood in ilie seins. The present population of Mexico is estimated at about eiglot millions. Of this numbtr, about 2,000.000 are whites; about 3,500,000 are Indialss, descendants of the original possessors of Mexico; and about 2,500,000 belongi to the mixed castes, including a few negroes. The Ml'estizos alone, or mixed breeds of'Whites and Indians, numnber more than tuso'mi'lliosas. To be white was formerly, in gMexico, a badge of considerable distinction.'When a Mexican of a mixed caste considered himself slighted by another, he wouldl ask,' Am I not as bwhit. i youSe.if?" PART 11.] HISTORY OF MEXICO. as a term of reproach, and was thought to express all the l7'o0. contempt that it is in the power of language to convey. 9.'These distinctions, and the mutual antipathies ~Encouzrage caused by them, were doubtless secretly encouraged by to these distne Spanish government, as the means of retaining, at all antipathie. times, within its influence, a select and powerful party, whose existence depended on that of the system of which it was the principal support.'To render these distinctions 2. Ignorance of the great more lasting, the great mass of the people were kept in mssof the ignorance, and they were taught to believe that they were people. fortunate in belonging to a monarchy superior in power and dignity to any other in the world.'A printing press 3. A printing was conceded to Mexico as a special privilege, while the same boon was denied to some other Spanish colonies. 4Liberty to found a school of any kind was almost in- 4. Schoota. variably refused, and the municipality of Buenos Ayres was told, in answer to a petition for an establishment in which nothing but mathematics were to be taught, that "learning did not become colonies." 10.'The most serious causes of disquiet to the Mexican 5. CorernetCreoles, however, were the commercial restrictions im- tionsof the Spanish posed upon them by the Spanish government. From the gove~rnment. first, Spain reserved to herself the exclusive right of supplying the wants of her colonies. No foreigner was permitted to trade with them, nor foreign vessel to enter their ports, nor could a Mexican own a ship. BThe colonies 6.TMau'cwere forbidden to manufacture any article that the mother den. country could furnish, and they were compelled to receive from Spain many necessaries with which the fertility of their own soil would have supplied them.'The cultiva- 7. Product8o., * tion of the vine and the olive was prohibited, and that of biddene to be many kinds of colonial produce was tolerated, only under cultivted. certain limitations, and in such quantities as the mother country might wish to export.'By these regulations, c. Effectgs of those parts of the Spanish dominions that were not en- tions. riched by mines of gold and silver, were sunk in poverty, in the midst of their natural riches. 11.'During Queen Anne's War,a or, as it was called 9 Trdee Europe, " the war of the Spanish Succession,"b France 5with the succeeded, for a brief period, in opening a trade with some Pies. of the Spanish-American colonies; and by the treaty of S.a 2ii70 1. Utrecht, in 1713, Great Britain was allowed to send a b. Seep. 324, vessel of five hundred tons, annually, to the fair of PortoBello. 10Some additional privileges were granted between 0 zAdditione the years 1739 and 1774, at which latter period the inter- tadebeoteen the coloniea diet upon the intercourse of the colonies with each other;permitted was removed; and four years later, the colonial trade, gc. which had hitherto been confined almost exclusively to y 2 HISTORY OF MEXICO. rBook III ANALYSIS. Sevillea alone, was opened to seven of the principal ports a. SeeNote, f Spain.'Still, foreiglners were excluded fiom the mar p 1is ket thus oroianized, and the court of Spain clained, and 1. Bzclusion ofyorfe,'f-, rigr idly enforced the right of an e-xc(lusive dominion over',t Ozpans~of tihe vast seas surroundimr its American possessions.b b. See p 327 2. 2A recent writer* gives the following description 2. Kenedy's of the administration of the government in Mexico during the diest aoofirptz reign of Charles IV., in the latter part of the eighteentha,ratioof century. 1" Evlery office was publicly sold, with the ex-'4!"t in 1Xex- ception of those that were bestowed upon court minions as latler:art of the reward of disgraceful service. Men, destitute of tlhe s8th cen- n talent, education, and chalacter, were appointed to offices of the greatest responsibility in church and state; and panders and parasites were fbrced upon America. to superintend the finances, and preside in the supreme courts of appeal. For the coloniStS, there was no respite from official blood-suckers. Each succeeding swarm of adventurers, in the eagerness to indemnify themselves for the money expended in purchasing their places, increased the calamities of provinces already wasted by the cupidity of their predecessors. Truly mrnight the Hispano-Americans have exclaimed,' That which the palmler-worm hath left hath the locust eaten, that which the locust hath left hath the canker-worm eaten, and that which the canker-worm hath left hath the caterpillar eaten,'" 3. The con- 13. 3The same writer thus forcibly describes the conMexicoinme- dition of Mexico immediately previous to the events which diately.revioueto the led to the Revolution. 4,, The condition of Mexico at the Revolution. 4. Different beginning of the present century was stamped with the C.aserof repulsive features of an anarchical and semi-barbarous society, of which the elements were-an Aboriginal population, satisfied with existing in unmolested indigence; a chaos of parti-colored castes, equally passive, superstitious, and ignorant; a numerous Creole class, wealthy, mortified, and discontented; and a compact phalanx of European officials,-the pampered mamelukes of the crown —who contended for and profited by every act of 5 Public administrative iniquity. bPublic opinion was unrepreptn~-~,he~.. sented; there were no popularly chosen authorities, no deliberative assemblies of the people, no independent pub lications,-for the miserably meagre press was but a shadow,-a light-abhorring phantom, evoked to stifle fi'ee discussion by suppressing its cause, and bound to do the evil bidding of a blind, disastrous, and suicidal tyranny." * Kannedy, in his History of Texas: 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. PAkT I i. 73 CHAPTER 1 [I MEXICO DURING THE FIRS'T REVOLUTION.1 1.'The iniquitous system by which Mexico Nvwa3 gov- 1SOS. erned during a period of nearly three centuries, has been briefly explained in the preceding chapter. As it was not ryrewarm in the nature of things that such a system should be en- separate2on of dured any longer than the power to enforce it was retained,'t~ otJ,'~, we are not surprised to find that the subversion of the moth CPo' - Spanish monarchy in Europe was followed by the separation of the colonies fiomn the mother country, and the final establishment of their independence. Those European events that led to this crisis require a brief' explanation. 2.'Spain, at this period, was a divided and degraded S ztinatntisQ nation. The King, Charles IV., old and imbecile, was eriod. ruled by his queen, whose wicked passions were entirely aniZon ishe under the influence of the base and unprincipled Godoy, Spad in taz who had been raised, by her guilty love, fiono a low sta- Yoyaa fm,121i, tion, to the supreme conduct of arfairs. Trhis ruling junto was held in hatred and contempt by a powerful party, at the head of which wNas Prince Ferdinand, heir to the throne. While Napoleon, emperor of the French, was Napoleon. secretly advancing his long-cherished schemes for seizing the throne of Spain, the royal fknily was engaged in petty conspiracies and domestic broils.'Terrified at 3*. cdaaes1, length by a popular outbreak against himself and his throne minister, the king abdicated the throne in favor of his son Ferdinand. 3. 4A suitable opportunity was now presented for the 4.e Intferfinterference of Napoleon. In the general confusion which French. p.evailed, French troops crossed the frontiers, occupied the important posts, and a large army under Murat took possessiona of the capital.'Jn the meantime, Charles IV.t,. lcarles IV. regretting the steps he had taken, and as:irting that his ~nvoks the, abdication had been the result of fear fnd compulsion,'nVapoleon. appealed to Napoleon, and invoked hi',sistance in restoring him to the throne.'Napoleor.owever, having suc- 6f Th r escul ceeded in enticing the whole roy nl ~tmily to Bayonne, com- nintejerenet. pelled both father and son to rerleounce the throne; and a few days later Joseph Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon, was pioclaimed king of Spain. 4. 7Although the schemes of Na-poleomn were abetted Gobrm, by a party among the Spaniards themselves, yet the spirit z'hfed in o~o)s ieion.a of the nation, generally, was roused by the usurpation, and ih., s.hemnes3 first a central junta, and then a regency, was established, ofNape o' which was declared to be the only legitimate source of 74 hPiTORY OF MEXICO. [BOOK II1 ANA.L rsls. power during the captivity of the sovereign.'A dernok Its charac- cratie consltitution, and the sovereignty of the people, r. Vwere now substituted for the royal prerogative, and the divine ri-;ht of kings; and the form and spiri of the Spanish governlment were essentially changed. 2. Efects of 5.'These events created a powerful impression upon thee eventuoncthe~, the generally ignorant population of Mexico, where, until vaputlationof then: Seain had been regarded as the mother of kingdoms, M~ezo. in whose doinnions the sun never set, and whose arms 3. The pr.iz- were the terror of the' world.'As it hiad ev7er been an ciaple oJz wh.iCjZ ttze established principle that the Spanish possessions in s'' Anmerica were vested in the crow.ln, and not in the state, ticmotlher tle ktinj, wi-as the only tie that connected the colonies with coUlty,- the mother country; and they could perceive no justie and hoto thtffectedtby in: th-e claim by which their obedience was demanded to a events. government Avwhich the Spanish peop/e had adopted, in the absence of their monarch. 4. Hoe Spam 6. 4Moreover, Spain itself, overrun by the arms of b% the Colo France, was regarded as lost: the Spanish regency, hies at this timne:-rThe swayed by the interests of the i-erchants at home, and RegS,:cysand little disposed to correct the abuses that had so long revolt of the existed, but urged by the clamors of the colonies, purcolonies.,ui sued a course of policy vacillating in the extreme, until at length, in the early part of 1808, the Spanish Ameri can colonies, finally convinced that the mother country would relinquish no attribute of her former power, deposed the European authorities, and transferred the reins of government to juntas, or councils, composed almost exclusively of native Americans. With this general statement of the situation of all the Spanish Americarn colonies in 18i0, we return to trace the progress of the revolution in Mexico. 5. onduct ofr 7. lWhen tidings of the dethronement of the Spanish the Mexican Vice'ro, on monarch in 1808, and the occupation of the capital by a learning' tha -v the Spanish French army, reached Mexico, the viceroy solicited the capilal w(asI. theaposses- support of the people, and declared his determination to olo0o of a his French any. preserve, to the last, his fidelity to his and their sovereigr;,-. S. codadtct of'The people, flattered by the imosortance which was so the Mexican I people. unexpectedly conceded to them, gladly availed themselves of the opportunity to express their devoted loyalty, and R. Nationat resolved to support the authority of the viceroy. 7A kind poved. feeling immediately grew up between the government and the Creoles, and as a farther means of conciliating the latter, it was proposed that a national assembly should be called, composed of deputies from the neighboring pro. vinces. Opposed by 8. 8This measure, however, was violently opposed by thSe Europea n spaniards. the European-Spaniards, as being an infraction of their PART H1.] H1-ISTORY OF MEXICO. 75 rights, and ill iiolation of the prerogatives of the crown.'][6'. "Finding that the Viceroy was determined to admit the Creoles to a share in the government, the court of the roy. splgl;ol Audiencia, the highest judicial tribunal of Mexico, cona- Court of the posed entirely of Europeans, seizeda the Viceroy, whom Audiencia. a. Sept. 15. they imprisoned, with his principal adherents. "'The 2 Ar,,n,ing of Europeans, both in the capital and in the interior, then tIEwtE:,otans.frmed Patriotic associations for the defence of what thev ternmed their rights, and armed themselves against the Creoles.'Although the latter, unused to arms, submitted 3f Sbumseion for the moment, yet their spirit was aroused, and the sub- 2ewo character given to,ect of controversy became one, not between their sov- tho controereign and themselves, as subjects, but between them- very selves and the comparatively small number of EuropeanSpaniards, as to which should possess the right of administering the government during the captivity of the king. 9. "The violence and arrogance of the Audiencia in- 4. Efects peocreased, among the Creoles, their feelings of hostility to violcnt tneathe Europeans, and a general impatience to shake off the 4O~elIcta. yoke of foreign domination was manifested throughout the entire province. 5The first popular outbreak occurred in " Filrst2pu.the little town of D616rs.*'The parish priest, HIidalgo, 1810. a man of activity and intelligence, first raised the standard 6..Hidalgo of revolt " for the defence of religion and the redress of grievances." 7He had long labored with great zeal to in- 7. Cases twhich increase the. resources of his curacy, by introducing the ducadh im to cultivation of the silkworm, and by planting vineyards in taket.arm8. the vicinity of the town, when a special order arrived from the capital, prohibiting the inhabitants from making wine, by which they were reduced to the greatest distress.'Private motives of discontent were thus added to those 8. Beginning which the cura felt in common with his countrymen, and of the revolt. having been joined by one of the officers of a neighboring garrison, and ten of his own parishioners, on the morning of the 16th of September, 1810, just two years after the Sttpt arrest of the Viceroy, he seized and inmprisoned seven'Europeans, whose property he distributed amongst his followers. 10. 9The news of this insurrectionary movement spread 9 i:nthstasm of the rapidly, and was everywhere received with the same en- people, and thusiasm. Within three days the force of Hidalgo became Sapture of so formidable that he was enabled to take possessionb of igue San Fdlifp~E and San Mgufi6l4T the former town contain- b. Sept. 17-18.. Dotlres is about twenty-five miles N.E. from the city of Gulanaxuato, and about 190 miles BI.W. from tile city of Mexico. ft an Felipe, in the N.W. part of the state of Guanaxuato, is about tventy-five miles north from the capital of that state, and forty-five miles S.W. from San Luis Potosi. $ San Migitel is in the northern part of the state of Quertaro. 76t HISTORY OF IMEXICO. [BooK IIL &hALYresi. icng a population of sixteen thousand inhabitants, in both of' which plces the property of the Europeans was con.;Sept. 29. fiscated.'On the 29th of thle same month, Hidalgo, at 6. Takin: eof the head of a force of 20,000 men, chiefly Indians poorly tMe city of twuanau-ato. armed, entered the city of Guanaxudto,* containing a wah-to.) population of S0,000 souls. After a severe struggle he overpowered the garrison, put the Spaniards to death, gave up their property to his troops, and recruited his military chest withl public funds amounting to five millions 2. Of Vall.- of dollars.'On the 17th of October the insurgent force, dolid. Oct. 17. already numbering nearly 50,000 men, entered Valladolidt without resistance. S. Acconfces 1.'At Valladolid Hidalgo was joined by additional'f Hidacl o. Indian forces, and by several companies of well-armed provincial militia; but a still greater acquisition was the a.(Mo-re-los.) war-like priest, Moreios,o who afterwards became one of the most distinguished characters of the Revolution. I. Adloance to 4From Valiadolid Hidalgo advancedb to Toluca,4 within tOct. 19to28. telnty-five miles of the capital. *In the mean time a. Gtotovero Venegas, tile new Viceroy, had collected about 700i) men e-puasedta: in and near the city of Mexico for its defence; a small Lao Grauces. corps of whom, under the command of Truz/1lo, assisted c. (Pronoun- by Iturbide,c a lieutenant in the Spanish service, having ve-da ) advanced to Las Cruces,~ was beaten backd by the insur-' Error 30 gents. 6If Hidalgo, at this moment of alarm among the Hidalgo. royalists, had advanced upon the capital, the result cannot be doubtful; but contrary to the advice of his officers, he made a sudden and unaccountable retreat, after remaining two or three days within sight of the city. 7. Defeatof 12. 7The subsequent career of Hidalgo was a series of tActco. disasters. On the 7th of November his undisciplined and Nov7. 7 poorly-armed troops were met and routed in the plains of (,. (.hccol. Acfilco,e by the royalist general, Calleja, whose force was composed principally of Creole regiments, which had been induced to take arms against the cause of their country8.tHzo-ce men. 8Ten thousand Indians are said to have perished at Acuilco, but Hidalgo and most of his officers escaped. 9. Sangui- 9Calleja soon after entered the city of Guanaxuito, where.ary meaoureSmf he revenged himself and his followers for the excesses Calleja. which the insurgent populace had previously committed against the Europeans. To avoid the waste of powder and ball, it is said that he cut the throats of the defence-, Guanazuxlto, the capital of the state of the same name, is about 190 miles N.W. from the city of Mexico. t Valladolid, the capital of the state of Yalladolid, or Michoacan, is situated on a plain molr than 6000 feet above the level of the sea, and contains a population of about 20,000 inhabi. tants. The city is about 140 miles a little north of west front the city of Mesico. Toluzzca is a large town about forty miles S. W. from the Mexican capital. (See Map, p. 569. _ Las Creces is a pa.o3 in the mountain rhain which separates the valley of MLexico from tha of Toluca. It is about }welvi: miles S.W. from the city of Mexico (See Map, p. 569.) P3tT l.j HISTORY OF MEXICO. 77 less inhabitants, until the principal fountain of the city l1S tO. literally overflowed with gore. 13.'Hidalgo retreated to Valladolid, where he caused Nov. 14. eighty Europeans to be beheaded; and, proceeding thence Hida/go,,atn, to Guadalax6ara,* he made a triumphal entrance into that hisv cdl'relte city on the 24th of November. Here he committed an- and,'uadaother act of cold blooded massacre, which has left a foul (Gwal-dahblot upon his name. All the Europeans having been lah hah-rah.) thrown into prison, and being soon after charged with a conspiracy against the insurgents, Hidalgo determined to destroy them all. Without any form of trial or previous examination, they were taken out in small parties, and conducted, under the veil of night, to retired parts of the neighboring mountains, where between seven and eight hundred were butchered in secret;-the use of fire-arms being prohibited, for fear of creating any alarm.'This 2. mpolztv remorseless act of barbarity, besides being wholly unjusti- mofrsess act. fiable by the rules of war, was impolitic in the extreme. it prevented many respectable Creoles from joining the insurgents, and as it drove the Spaniards to despair, it furnished them, at the same time, with an excuse for any atrocities which thev chose to commit. 14. 30n the 17th of January following, the two armies 1811. again met, at the Bridge of Calderon,t a short distance Jan. 17. northeast from Guadalaxara, where the insurgents were 3the iefesrdefeated, although with a smaller loss than at Acilco. gents at the Bridge of'Reduced to about 4000 men, they continued their retreat Calderon 4. Xheir refarther north until they arrived at Saltillo,: nearly 500 4-treat to miles from the Mexican capital.'Here Hidalgo, with Sattito. 5. Capture several of his officers, left the army, with the design of andt death ol proceeding to the frontiers of the United States, where Hidalgo they intended to purchase arms and military stores with a part of the treasure which they had saved. On the road they were surprised and made prisonersa by the treachery a. March 21. of a former associate. Hidalgo was brought to trial at Chihuahuab by orders of the government, deprived of his (Chee-hooah. clerical orders, and sentenced to be shot. His compan- b Note, p 561. ions shared his fate. July 27. * Guadalaxara, the second city in Mexico, is the capital of the state of Jalisco, formerly the province of Guadalaxara. The city is situated in a handsome plain, about fifteen miles S.VW. from the River Lerma, or Rio Grande de Santiago. The streets of the city are wide, and many of the houses excellent. There are numerous squares and fountains, and a number of convents and churches. Of the latter, the cathedral is still a magnificent building, although the cupolas of both its towers were destroyed by an earthquake in 1818. In 1827 Guadalaxara contained a mint and four printing presses, all established since the Revolution. * The Bridge of Calderonr (Puente de Calderon) is thrown across a northern branch of the Rio Grande de Santiago, forty-five miles N.E. from the city of Guadalaxara. The banks of the stream are precipitously steep.'' On the hill towards Guadalaxara there is still a mound of stones, covered with an infinity of little crosses, which denote the spot where the slaughter is said to have been greatest." Ward's Mexico: 1829. $ Saltillo is a large town in a mountainous region, in the southern part of thO province of Coahuila, about seventy miles S.W. from Monterey, (IMon-ter-a.) 78 HISTORY OF MEXICO. [Boox m ANALYSIS. L5.'On the fall of HFidalgo, Ray6n, a young lawyer r. Rayon a.- who had been the confidential secretary of the former, as. aunl of Mei sumnyed the command of the remains of the forces at Saltillo, and retreated with them upon Zacatecas;* but his ate tot ity was acknowledged by none but his own men.'A1Spe:ci. thtouth insurgent forces were organized throughout all the internal provinces, yet there was no concert among their leaders, and the authority of the Viceroy was acknow3. Accot(.ntf ledoed in all the principal cities.'In the mean time a (.Oct. Molr6os., who, after joining ~Hidalgo, had proceededa with a 1810.) few servants, six muskets, and a dozen lances, to raise the standard of revolt on the southwestern coast, was beginning to attract the public attention. 4. Hisforce,, 16. 4Arriving on the coast, he was joined by a numer-._rsts cc.ess. uns band of slaves, eager to purchase their freedom on the field of battle. Arms, however, were scarce; and twenty muskets, Iound in a small village, were deemed an invaluable acquisition. With his numbers increased to about a thousand men, he now advanced upon Acapulco.t Being met by the commandant of the district, at the head b. (Jan. 5, of a large body of well disciplined troops, he surprisedb 18s1.) and routed him by a night attack, and thereby gained possession of' eight hundred muskets, five pieces of artillery, a qucantity of ammunition, and a considerable sum of 5. His treat- money.'Seven hundred prisoners were taken, all of Otoit of orisonerso. whom were treated with the greatest humanity. 6IThis s. lis late)r successful enterprise was the corner-stone of all the later triumphs of Mior6los, and fiom this moment the rapidity of his progress was astonishing. 7. His victo- 17. 7By a series of brilliant victories, which were never ries ih~ 181, anad aa.lce tarnished by wanton cruelties, during the year 1811 he toovards the capitez. overcame the several detachments sent against hinm by 1812. Venegas; and in February, 1812, his advanced forces had arrived within twenty miles of the gates of' Mexico. 8;CGalteit 8The alarm created by this movement drew upon him a dafend the more formidable opponent, and Calleja was summoned to t defend the capital, with the army which had triumphed 9. Proceed- at Aculco and the bridge of Calder6n.'While these Rayon in the events were transpiring, Ray6n had conceived the idea of meantime establishing, a national junta, or representative assembly, for the purpose of uniting the people in a more general coalition against the Spanish power. of zitncualro, 18.'"In accordance with these views, a central govern. cadie,,,.o ment, composed of five members, elected by the people of * Zacatecas, the capital of the state of the same name, is about ninety miles N.AV. from th6 ity of San Luis Potosi, and nearly 300 from the Mexican capital. It stands in r ravi;e, between high hills, in which are numerous mines of silver. t Acaputlco is a seaport on the Pacific coast. near the southern extremity of the state Co iexico. (See Map, r...558.) PARt' I1., HISTORY &O MEXICO. 79 the district, was installeda at the town of Zitacuaro,* in it1. the province of Valladrlid. This body acknowledged ZIa. (Sept. la, the authority of King Ferdinand, published their edicts in 1811.) his name, and evinced a liberal and enlightened spirit in all its proceedings; but the flattering hopes at first excited by it among the Creoles were never realized. The good intentions and wisdom of the junta were shown in an able manifesto, transmittedb to the Viceroy, and drawn b.-March,1812 up by General Cos, one of its members.'This paper the 1. lsanifesto Viceroy ordered to be burned by the public executioner gr'ess burned in the great square of Mexico; but notwithstanding the. by the Vic. contempt with which it was treated, it produced a great Its.ePct effiect upon the public mind,-enforced, as it was, by the ic mind. example and successes of Morelos. 19.'Calleja, soon after his arrival at the capital, at- 2. Battleof tacked the forces of Morelos at the town of Cfifitla;tl but Cuattla. after a severe actione he was repulsed, and obliged to re- c. Feb. 19, treat, leaving five hundred dead on the field of battle.'Advancing again with additional forces, he commencedd 3. siegefl the siege of the place in form, which was sustained with d. March. great spirit by the besieged, until famine and disease commenced their frightful ravages in the town. 4So great 4. Sufferin~g was the scarcity of food that a cat sold for six dollars, a of the belizard for two, and rats for one. Yet the soldiers of Mo- nvIevacation of the, r-los endured all their sufferings without repining; and a csltheI it was not until all hopes of receiving supplies from without were abandoned, that they consented to evacuate the town, which they effected without loss, and unknown to the enemy, on the night of the second of May. 5It was May 2. during the events attending the siege of Cuiafitla, that Brivo. Vtria Victoria and Bravo, both young men, first distinguished Guee6yro. themselves. At the same time Guerrero, in the success- Ger-r-ro.) ful defence of a neighboring town, began his long and perilous career. 20.'During the summer, the troops of Morblos were 6 successes almost uniformly successful in their numerous encoun- fll2l ters with divisions of the enemy.'In August, after an 7. Battle of engagement at a place called the Palmar, or Grove of Palms, that lasted three days, the village to which the e. Aug. 20. Spaniards had retired was stormede by General Bravo, rGltVo$y, and three hundred prisoners were taken. TShese prison- conduct of ers were offered to the Viceroy Venegas, in exchange for 3Bravo. * Zitacetaro is in the eastern part of the province of VYalladolid, or Michoacan, about sevent2 miles west from the city of Mexico. - Citittla, (Coo-ah-oot-la.) or Ciuautla Amilpas. a village about sixty miles S.E. from theI ci?.j of Mexico, is situated in a plain or valley at the foot of the first terrace on the descent fiom the table-land towards the Pacific. The plasins of C(iatitla, together with those of Cuernavaea, a village about thirty miles farther westward, are occupied by numerous sugar plantations, which are now in a state of beautiful cultivation, although they suffered greatly during the Revolulion. (See Map, p. 569.) 80 HISTORY OF MEXICO. [BooeK lt1. ANALYSIS. the fcither of Bravo. then a prisoner at the capital, and under sentence of' death; but the offlr was rejected, and the sentence was carried into immediate execution. The noble-hearted son, instead of makinT reprisals by the mas. sacre of his prisoners, immediately set them at liber'ty; — "wishing," as he Laidc " to put it out of his power to avenge on them the deaVth of' his father, lest, in the first moment of grief, the temptation slould prove irresistible."' Nov. 21. lin November occurred the famous expedition. EzPedation; against Oaxcea,*L which was carried by storm, although deaca. fended by a strong royalist grarrison.'In August of' the 2, Surrender ofAcapulco. followinog year, the stlonlly Ifortified city of Acapulco 1813. surrendered- atter a sieue of six months.'In the mean a. Aug. -20s time preparations had been made for the meeting of a Chipan National Congrless. This body, composed of the original zting. members of the Junta established by Ray6n at Zitacuaro, and deputies elected by the neighboring provinces, having b. Sept. 13. assembledb at the town of Chilpanzingo,t there proclaimed' DeclarNov. 13. the Independence of' Mexico; a measure which produced of ndepen- but little impression upon the count!ry; as, from that period, the fortunes of Morelos, the founder and protector 4. Second bat- of the congress, began to decline. 4It was during the sestle of the a ) 2 Palnar. sion of this congress, however, that the royalists sustained, in the second battle of the Palmaer, the most serious check which they had received during the whole war. At this place the regiment of Asturias, composed entirely of' European troops, who had come out from Spain with the proud title of " the invincible victors of the victors of Austerlitz," was cut off by the insurgent general, Mataa. Oct. Is. m6ras, after an actiond of eight hours. 5. March of 22.'Leaving Chilpanzingo in N'ovember,e Mordlos, Vaelldoipdn. with a force of seve;n thousand men, marched upon Valiae- Nov. 8. dolid, where he f'mund a formidable force under Iturbide, then promoted to the rank of colonel, prepared to oppose 8. His repulse, him. 6Rendered too confident by his previous successes, sequent rout without giving time for his troops to repose, lie advancedf of his army. f. Dec. 23. against the town, but was repulsed with loss. On the following day Iturbide sallied from the walls, and attacked the insurgents while they were drawn up in review on the plains. At the same time a large body of cavalry coming to the assistance of Mordlos, but mistaking him for the enemy, made a furious charge upon his flanks; while Iturbide, taking advantage of thle error, succeeded in put. ting the whole army of the insurgents to the rout, with th. - Oaracathe capital of the state of the same name, is on the east side of t.he 7 iver vercc, about 200 miles S.E. from the city of Mexico. " It is the neatest, cleacest, nd nmost regularly built city of Mexico. " (11' CallociL.) t Ch/ilpanzingo is a large town in the state of Mexico, about fifty-five miles N.E. fromn Ac&, pulco, and 130 miles south from the city of Mex~ip' P3A'r ILJd -I~1USTORY' OF AI'DEXICO 81 loss of all their artillery.'On the 6th of January follow- ] 4.. ing, Motrlos was again attacked, and defeated by Iturbide. In the dispersion wvhich followed, MlIatam6ras was taken A ain r6prisoner; and although Mollos offered a number of Span- plsed,,an,( ish prisoners in exchange for him, yet C'alleja, who had re- taken prison. cently replaced Venegas as Viceroy, rejected the propo- erected. sal, and ordered him to be shot. 2The insurgents, by 2.:iep'isare. way of reprisals, ordered all their prisoners to be put to death. 23.'Morelos never recovered from the reverses which 3. staseque, s he had sustained at Valladolid. Although he displayed Mrems. aS much resolution and activity as ever, yet he lost action after action; all his strong posts -were taken; the Congress of Chilpanzingo twas broken up; and several of his best generals died upon the scafibld, or perished on the field of battle. 4In November, 1815, while convoying, 1815. with a small party, the deputies of the congress to a place 4. Morelox of safety, he was suddenly attackeda by a large body of risoner. royalists. Ordering General Bravo to continue the march a. Nov. 5 with the main body, as an escort to the congress, and remarking that his life was of little consequence, provided the congress could be saved, he endeavored with only fifty men to check the advance of the Spaniards. Having sought death in vain during the struggle which ensued, he succeeded in gaining time until only one man was left fighting by his side, when he was talen prisoner. 24. 5He was at first treated with great brutality, strip- 5. m, treart ped of his clothing, and.carried in chains to a Spanish prienert whteA garrison. Here the Spanish commandant, Don Manuel trial andesConcha, received him with the respect due to a fallen enemy, and treated him with unusual humanity and attention. Being hastily tried and condemned to death, Don Manuel was ordered to remove him to another Spanish post, where the sentence was to be carried into execution. On arriving there, he dined with Don Manuel, whom he afterwards embraced, aud thanked for his kindness. Having confessed himself, he walked with the most perfect serenity to the place of execution, where he uttered the following simple but affecting prayer: "Lord, if I Ihave done well, thou knowest it; if ill, to thy infinite mercy I commend my soul." He then bound a handkerchief over his eyes, gave the signal to the soldiers to fire, and met death with as much composure as he had Dee. 2. ever shown when facing it on the field of battle. 25. "After the death of Mordlos, the cause of the insur- 6 The caus. of the i nePu~ gents languished; for although it was supported in many en'ets aftier the death of parts of the country by men of courage and talent, yet no Morelos. one possessed sufficient influence to combine the operations 6 82 IlSTORtY O~1 MtIE Xl. L[Boo ITL AiNALVSIs. of the whole, and plirevent the jariiri g interests of the differ 1. The,rin- ent leaders fiiom breaingO out into open discord.'The G6al nsur- principal insurgent chiefs reimaining at this time, were ti.o tmne. Teran, Guerr6ro, Ray6n, TIrr6se, BTravo, and Vict6ria. 2. Account of 20. 2Ti'erd1n remai;ned mstly in the province of Puebla,* a.Dec. t5. where, after havino disbanded" the Congress, which had been t1hrown upon him for protection, he for some time carried on a desultory warfare, in which he was generally successful, although straitened greatly by the want of arms. He was finally compelled to surrender on the 21sl of January, 1817. His life having been secured by the capitulation, he lived in obscurity at La Puebla, until the 3. Of Guer- breaking out of the second Revolution in 1821. 3Guerr6ro occupied the western coast, where he maintained himself in the mountainous districts until the year 1821, when he 4. Of Rayon. joined 4Ituride.'Ray6n commar led in the northern parts b. (Se Malp, of the province of Valladolid $ His principal strong-hold p. 558.) was besieged by Iturbide;n January, 1815, and an attack upon his works was repelled on the 4th of March following. Finally, during his absence, the fortress surrene. Jan. 2,1817. deredo in 1817; and, soon after, Ray6n himself, deserted by all his adherents, was taken prisoner. He was confined in the capital until 1821. 5 Account of 27.'The Padre Torres, vindictive, sanguinary, and Torres. treacherous by nature, had established a sort of' half. (Bax-e-o.) priestly, half-military despotism in the Baxio,t the whole of which he had parcelled out among his military commandants,-men mostly without principle or virtue, and whose only recommendation was implicit obedience to the will of their chief. From his fortress, on the top of tha a. (See Note, mountain of Los Remedios", he was the scourge of the P. 589.) country around,-devastatin g the most fertile portion of the Mexican territory, and sparing none, whether Creole or Spaniard, who had the misfortune to offend him. Yet under the auspices of this man, existed for a time the only shadow of a government that was kept up by the insur. gents. It was called the Junta of Jauixilla, but it possessed little authority beyond the immediate adherents of S.,enerat Torres. 0Blravo was a wanderer in different parts of the Bravo. country, opposed by superior royalist forces, until Decem. 7 Victoria: ber, 1817, when he was taken prisoner, and sent to the Prlazi oy te capital. agairot sim. m. 2 V ictoria, at the head of a force of about 2000 men, The province of Piuebla has the provinces of Vera Cruz and Oaxaca on the east, and tha province of Mexico-'on the west (See Map, p. 558.) T The Baxio, celebrated in Mexico as the principal seat of the agricultural resources of tha republic, and the scene of the nmost cruel ravages of the civil war, embraces a part of the stytel of Querktaro, Iiehoacan, G-uanaxuato, and the southeastern portion of Guadalaxara. PAT 11.] IIHISTORY OF MEXICO. 83 occupied the important province of Vera Cruz,' where.lS~. he was a constant source of uneasiness to the Viceroy, who at length formed a plan of establishing a chain of fortified posts, sufficiently strong to command the communication between Vera Cruz and the capital, and restrain the incursions of the insurgents.'During a struggle of. Losses graupwards of two years against all the power of the Viceroy, tained b Vietorma, and and several thousand regular troops sent out from Spain hAsfinaldese'to quell this last and most formidable of the insurgent ifoleowers. chiefs, Victoria was gradually driven from his strong holds; most of his old soldiers fell; the zeal of the inhabitants, in the cause of the Revolution, abated; the last remnant of his followers deserted him; when, still unsubdued in spirit, he was left actually alone.'Resolving not 2. HiMsu to yield on any terms to the Spaniards, he refused the yltion, and rank and rewards which the Viceroy offered him as the s 7zfmearh price of his submission, and, unaccompanied by a single attendant, souglht an asylum in the solitude of the mountains, and disappeared to the eyes of his countrymen. 29.'During a few weeks he was supplied with pro- 3. The effort made by the visions by the Indians, who knew him and respected his vie&roe to name; but the Viceroy Apodaca, fearing that he would tseylozeoy hd. again emerge from his retreat, sent out a thousand men to hunt him down. Every village that had harbored the fugitive was burned without mercy, and the Indians were struck with such terror by this unexampled rigor, that they either fled at his sight, or closed their huts against him. For upwards of six months he was followed like a wild beast by his pursuers; often surrounded, and on numerous occasions barely escaping with his life. 4At 4. Hss u, length it was pretended that a body had been found, which posed death. was recognized as that of Victoria, and the search was abandoned. 30.'But the trials of Victoria did not terminate here. 5. Sicknms of At one time he was attacked by fever, and remained iVnter.esxtl i eleven days at the entrance of a cavern, stretched on the hine,te of ground, without food, hourly expecting a termination of his wretched existence, and so near death that the vultures were constantly hovering around him in expectation of their prey. One of these birds having approached to feast on his half-closed eyes,he seized it by the neck and killed it. Nourished by its warm blood, he was enabled to crawl to the nearest water to slake his parching th'rst. 6 Theme f'His body was lacerated by the thorny underwood of [se life that he tropics, and emaciated to a skeleton; his clottls were mountai'ns The province of Vera Cruz extends about 500 miles along the southwestern coam of the IGUlfof lexieco. (See siMlap, p. 558.) 84 J.IISTORY OF MEXICO. [BooK IlL ANALYSIS. torn to pieces; in summer he managed to subsist on roots -' and berries, but in winter, after being long deprived of food, he was often glad to make a repast in gnawing the bones of horses or other animals that he happened to find dead in the woods; and for thirty months he never tasted bread, nor saw a human being..couoat of 31.'Thus nearly three years passed away. frotn the.eith the last time when he was abandoned by all his followers in 1818. Painos t, The last who had lingered with him were two Indians, on "'9 whose fidelity he knew he could rely. As he was about to separate firom them, they asked where he wished them to look for him, if any change in the prospects of the country should take place. Pointing, in reply, to a mountain at some distance, particularly rugged and inaccessible, and surrounded by forests of vast extent, he told them that on that mountain, perhaps, they might find his bones. The Indians treasured up this hint, and as soon as the first news of the revolution of 1821 reached them, they set out in quest of Victoria. yhe searchl 32.'After having spent six weeks in examining the 1821. woods which cover the mountain, finding their little stock of provisions exhausted, and their efforts unavailing, they were about to give up the attempt, when one of them discovered, in crossing a ravine, the print of a foot which he knew to be that of a white man. The Indian waited two days upon the spot, but seeing nothing of Victoria, he suspended upon a tree four little maize cakes, which were all he had left, and departed for his village in order to replenish his wallet; hoping, that if Victoria should pass in the meantime, the cakes would attract his attention, and convince him that some fiiend was in search'of him.,O. SOs of 33.'The plan succeeded completely. Victoria, in cross-, hich toe ing the ravine two days afterwards, discovered the cakes, ajdopgeU.d which, fortunately, the birds had not devoured. He had been four days without food, and he ate the cakes before the cravings of his appetite would allow him to reflect upon the singularity of finding them on that solitary spot, where he had never before seen the trace of a human being. Not knowing whether they had been left there by friend or foe, but confident that whoever had left them intended to return, he concealed himself near the place, in order to watch for his unknown visitor. 4. Return of 34. 4The Indian soon returned, and Victoria, recognizVW Indian,. ito hizmeet- inug him, started from his concealment to welcome his rito.ia. faithful follower, who, terrified at seeing a man, haggard, emaciated, and clothed only with an old cotton wrapper, advancing upon him from the bushes with a sword in his hand, took to flight, and it was only on hearing his namt PART II.] HISTORY OF MEXICO. 85 repeatedly called, that he recovered his composure suffi- 1521. ciently to recognize his old general.'He was deeply i leception affected at the state in which he found him, and conducted ofsVictori, on him instantly to his village, where the long lost Victoria anai was received with the greatest enthusiasm. The report of his reappearance spread like lightning through the province, where it was not credited at first, so firmly was every one persuaded of his death; but when it was known flthat Guadalufpe Victoria was indeed living, all the old insurgents rallied around him.'A farther account of this 2 Farear a, > patriot and friend of his country Will be found in connec- partii. lion with later events in Mexican history, in which lewas destined to be a prominent actor. 35.'About the time of the dispersion of the principal 3i.'~i insurgent forces in 1817, a daring attempt was made by a foreigner, Don Xavier Mina, to establish the independence of Mexico on a constitutional basis, without an entire separation from the mother country. Mina, after having been driven from Spain for attempting a rising in favor of the Cortes and the constitution of 1812, turned his attention to Mexico, and resolved to advocate the same cause of liberty there. 36. 4With thirteen Spanish and Italian, and two Eng- 1816Bt lish officers, he arrived in the United States in the sum- 4 H arrival mer of 1816, where he fitted up a brig and a schooner, stat,atz procured arms, ammunition, and stores, and completed his for invadinif corps, which included a large proportion of officers.'Late 5. Proceeds to in the season he proceeded to Galveston,& on the coast of in S'Ile~ and Texas, where he passed the winter, and on the 15th of in.~;i~. - iiha. (See Note, April, 1817, he landed at Soto la Marina,* in Mexico, with p. 625., an invading force of only three hundred and fifty-nine 1817. men, including officers; of whom fifty one, composing an American regiment under Colonel Perry, deserted him Desertionof before he commenced his march into the interior of the foC.eA, country. 37.'The time chosen by Mina for this invasion, and,. Unf,ortu. the circumstances under which it was planned, were ex- stances ceedingly unfortunate. The revolutionary spirit was rinvao, already on the decline; the principal leaders of the first insurrection had successively departed from the scene; and the cause of the revolution was sustained only by the chiefs of predatory bands, with whom it was a disgrace to 7. Prifnlc, be associated. T7Mina advocated liberty without a separa- advocated by tion from Spain; a principle calculated to awaken little dsalvantdg em under which enthusiasm among the people: lie was, moreover a Span- uheIlaored. bThe hvillage of Soto la Marina (Mah-r6-nah) is in the province of Tamaulipas.: about 1 -lles north from Tampico. It stands upon an elevation on the left bank of the River $,ant;t, der, about thirty miles from its entrance into the Oulf of Mexico. t] 8IIISTORY OF -MEXICO. [BooK I1l. ANALYSIS. lard, and as such could not obtain the confidence of the. Spaniard-hating Mexicans, who thus became passive spec tators of the contest upon which hie was about to enter with the armies of' the king. I. 1inna's ac- 38. 1Leaviing a hundred men to garrison a fort which he vance into the interior. had erected at Soto la Marina, with the remainder of his a. rIs7. 24, forces Mina set outa for the interior, in the face of several detachments of the royal army, greatly superior to him in 2. First cotl numbers.'The first collision with the enemy was at lison with theenemy. Valle de Maiz,* where he routed a body of cavalry, four 3. Meetin lundred strong.'A few days later, having arrived at the with. a larger foree. Hacienda or plantation of Peotillos,-[ he was meth by b. June 14. Brigadier-general Armifian, at the head of 2000 men, nine hundred and eighty of whom were European infantry. 4. Circwn- 39. 4A part of Mina's detachment having been left in itances of tlze* engagenent, charge of the ammunition and baggage, the remainder, thfeeney.f only 172 in number, were posted on a small eminence, where they were soon enveloped by the royalist forces. Having loaded their muskets with buck-shot instead of balls, and rendered desperate by the apparent hopeless-w ness of their situation, they desired to be led down into the plain, where they made so furious a charge upon the Spanish line, that, notwithstanding its immense superiority in numbers, it was broken, and the enemy sought safety 5. nteneral in precipitate flight. 5So great was the panic, that, aldispersion of z, - the enemy. though there was no pursuit, the dispersion was general. Armifian and his staff did not stop until they were many leagues from the field of battle; and the cavalry was not 6. T'hespan- heard of for four days.'The Spanish order of the day, ish order of the day. which was found on the field, expressly forbade quar. c. June 19. ter.'Five days later Mina carried by surprisec the 7. Capture of fortified town of Pinos,t in the province of Zacatecas; Pinos and nrrivalat and on the 24th of June reached Sombrero,~ where he SJune2e. was welcomed by a body of the insurgents; having effected a circuitous march of 660 miles in thirty-two days, and been three times engaged with an enemy of. Mina goe greatly superior strength. n pusuit of 40. sAllowing his troops only four days of repose at Castanon. d. (Casetan- Sombrero, Mina, with a force of four hundred men, many ofn.) of whom were poorly armed, went in search of the royal9. Defeat of the enemny ist general, Castafiond, who commanded a well disciplined non killed. corps of seven hundred men. 90n the 29th of June, the * The place called Val-M1 de Idaoz is near the Iniver Panuco, ill the southern part of thsa province of San Luis Potosi, near the contfines of the table-land. t Peotillos is about thirty-five miles N.W. from San Luis Potosi. $ Pines is a small mining town in the central part of the southern portion of the provilne of Zacatecas. ~ The fortress of Sombrero, called by the royalists CoGnanja,'was on a mountsin hsigbp ubout forty miles N,W. from the city of Guanaxuiato. PAST 1:. HISTORLY OF IEXiCO. 87 two parties met in the plains which divide the towns of 17. San Felipe* and San Juan.'t The inlfantry of MAina, advancing upon the regulars, gave them one volley, and then charged with the bayonet; while the cavalry, after breaking that of the enemy, turned upon the infantry already in confusion, and actually cut them to pieces. Castanfon himself was killed, with three hundred and Ethirt —nine of his maen; and more than two hundred prisoners were taken. 41.'Soon after, Mina took possession of the Hacienda i. Other sue of Jaral,$ belonging to a Creole nobleman, but devoted to m f the, royal cause. The owner of the estate fled at the a.pproach of the troops, but one of his secret hoards was discovered, from which about two hundred thousand dollars in silver were taken, and transferred to Mina's military c'hest. 2To counterbalance these advantages, the 2. commenez fobrt at Soto la Marina was obliged to capitulate; and reventwas thirty-sevean men and officers, the little remnant of the garrison, grounded their arms before fifteen hundred of the enemy. At the same time Mina's exertions to organize a respectable force in the B3axio were counteracted bv the jealousy of the Padre Torres, who could not be induced to co-operate with a man, of whose superior abilities he was both jealous and afraid.'Sombrero was besieged 3 LP of by nearly four thousand regular troops; and during the a. July so. absence of Mina, the garrison,' attempting to cut their way through the enemy, were nearly all destroyed,b not fifty of b. Aug. 1.Mina's whole corps escaping.'Los Remedios,~ anothel 4. los Rem fortress, occupied by a body of insurgent troops under the dios besiege. Padre Torres, was soon after besieged~ by the royalists c. A.g. 31. under General Lifian, and Mina, checked by a superior force, was unable to relieve it. 42. *Convinced that the garrison must yield unless the 5. znisoS attention of the enemy could be diverted to another quar- the city of Guanasxiato. ter, Mina, at the head of a body of his new associates, his former soldiers having nearly all fallen, attempted to surprise the city of Guanaxuato.'With little opposition his 6. ois partial troops had carriedd the gates, and penetrated into the in-`cal deeat, terior of' the town, when their courage and subordination d. Oct. 24. failed then at once, and they refused to advance. The garrison soon rallied, and attacking Mina's division, put it to rout, when a gieneral dispersion ensued. 7Mina, with 7.1Mintasto, pyrisoner, tald a smnall escort, took the road to Vetnadito,ll where he was executed. San Felipe.'(See Note, p. 577.) (Pronounced FPa-lee-pa.) t San,Tan, or San Juan de los L!anos, is about twelve mles from San Felipe. $ El Jila,'l is about twenty-five miles N.E from San Felipe, on the road to San Luis Potose. ~ Los Remsedios, called by the royaslists San G-regorio, was on one of the mountain height2 o I'hsort distanee S.S.AV. from Guanaxuato. ltesadito is a smllll ralcho, or illage, ou the road froa m uauaxuato to San Felipe. 5 88 I-aS[HSTORY Or MEXICO. [Boox Sl. AN4ALYSIS. surprised and capturedo by the Spanish general Orrantia. a. 2o.7. By an order from the Viceroy Apodaca he was ordered to be shot, and the sentend;e was executed on the eleventht Nov. 1. of November, in sight of the garrison of Los Remedios.. Dissesions 43.'After the death of Mina, dissensions broke ou4 innrlen~t among the Insurgent leaders; and every town and for. j5e~s-and tress of note fell into the hands of the Royalists. Torres'clt of the, was killed by one of his own captains; Guerrero, with toot a small force, was on the western coast, cut off from all communication with the interior; and Victoria, as has been related, had sought refugre in the mountains. In 1X19. 1819 the revolutionary cause was at its lowest ebb; and the Viceroy declared, in a despatch transmitted to the government at Madrid, that he would answer for the safety of Mexico without an additional soldier. 2 RBarks 44.'Thus ended the first Revolution in Mexico, with luon the ePolution. the total defeat and dispersion of the Independent party, after a struggle of nine years, from the time of the first outbreak at the little town of Dol6res. The Revolution was, from the first, opposed by the higher orders of the clergy, and but coldly regarded by the more opulent Creoles, who, conciliated to the government, gave to Spain her principal support during the early part of the contest..a Crueltcs 45. 3In the distractions of a civil war, whlich made perpetrated. enemies of former fiiends, neighbors, and kindred, the most wanton cruelties were often committed by the lead4. Hidalgo, ers on both sides.'HIidalgo injured and disgraced the and his ondian con- cause which he espoused, by appealing to the worst pas ederates. sions of his Indian confederates, whose ferocity appeared the more extraordinary, from having lain dormant so.j ozwkf long.'But the Spaniards were not backwards in retaliating upon their enemies; and Calleja, the Spanish commander, eclipsed Hidalgo as much in the details of cold blooded massacre, as in the practice of war. S. Moreaos. 46.'Morelos was no less generous than brave; and with his fall the most brilliant period of the Revolution 7. PolcJof terminated.'Fresh troops arrived from Spain, and the podaca, ran Viceroy Apodaca, who succeeded Calleja, by the adopit effect. tion of a conciliatory policy, and the judicious distribution of pardons from the king, reduced the armed Insurgents 8. state of te to an insignificant number.'But although the country c~ountry, and epirit of te, was exhausted by the ravages of war, and open hostili"~ople at thais ties quelled, subsequent events show that the spirit of independence was daily gaining ground, and that Spain had entirely lost all those moral influences by which she had %o long governed her colonies in the New World. PART II! 89 1820. CHAPTER EIV. MEXICO(. FROM TIlE CLOSE OF THE FIRST REVO- Subject of LUTION IN 1819. TO THE ADOPTION OF THE C/tapterl V FEDERAL CONSTITUTION OF 1824. 1.'The establishment of a constitutional government in i. Effects pr Spain, in 1820, produced upon Mexico an effect very,Me2co byt/ze establishment different from what was anticipated. As the constitu- oftheSpanisa tion provided for a more liberal administration of govern, on. ment in Mexico than had prevailed since 1812, the increased freedom of the elections again threw the minds of the people into a ferment, and the spirit of independence, which had been only smothered, broke forth anew. 2. 2Moreover, divisions were created among the old 2. Divisio"n Spaniards themselves; some being in favor of the old svaajtd. system, while others were sincerely attached to the constitlli;'n. 3Some formidable inroads on the property and 3. Alienatigy prerogatives of the church alienated the clergy from ofthe clergy the new government, and induced them. to desire a return to the old system. 4The Viceroy, Apodhca, en- 4. DesignsoJ.couraged by the hopes held out by the Royalists in Spain, although he had at first taken the oath to support the constitution, secretly favored the party opposed to it, and arranged his plans for its overthrow. 3.'Don Augustin Iturbide, the person selected by the 5. Supposed co-operation Viceroy to malke the first open demonstration against the of Iturblade in existing government, was offered the command of a body ihis ocee of troops on the western coast, at the head of which he was to proclaim the re-establishment of the absolute authority of the king. lIturbide, accepting the commis- 6. Itursid, sion, departed from the capital to take command of the Viceroy,, and troops, but with intentions very different from those which plans the ino the Viceroy supposed him to entertain. Reflecting upon Mexico. the state of the country, and convinced of the facility with which the authority of Spain might be shaken off, —by bringing the Creole troops to act in concert with the old insurgents, Iturbide resolved to proclaim Mexico wholly independent of the Spanish nation. 4. 7Having his head quarters at the little town of 1821. Iguaia, on the road to Acapulco, Iturbide, on the 24th of Feb. 24. 7. Open revoZl February, 1821, there proclaimed his project, known as of lturbidd. the " Plan of," and induced his soldiers to talie an oath to support it. 8This " Plan" declared that Mexico 8 Generac should be an independent nation, its religion Catholic, and the plan i.f its governnent a constitutional monarchy. The crown was A,. 90 IIISTORY OF M1EXICO. [Booa 111 ANALYSIS. offered to Ferdinand VII. of Spain, provided he would consent to occupy the throne in person; and, in case of his refusal,,o his infant brothers, Don Carlos and Don Francisco. A constitution was to be fbrmed by a Mexi. can Congress, which the empire should be bound by oatll to observe; all distinctions of caste were to be abolished; all inhabitants, whether Spaniards, Creoles, Africans, or Indians, who should adhere to the cause of independence, were to be citizens; and the door of preferment was declared to be opened to virtue and merit alone. - Irresolu- 5.'The Viceroy, astonished by this unexpected movetivfy of the ment of Iturbide, and remaining irresolute and inactive gove;rn?,t. at the capital, was deposed, and -Don Francisco Novello, a military officer, was placed at the head of the govern. ment; but his authority was not generally recognized, and Iturbide was left to pursue his plans in the interior I The general without interruption.'Being joined by Generals Guerdependence. rero and Victoria as soon as they knew that the independence of their country was the object of Iturbide, not only all the survivors of the first insurgents, but whole detachments of Creole troops flocked to his standard, and his success was soon rendered certain. The clergy and the people were equally decided in favor of independence; the most distant districts sent in their adhesion to the" 1821. cause, and, before the month of July, the whole country recognized the authority of Iturbide, with the exception of the capital, in which Novello had shut himself up with the European troops. 3. Advance of 6.'Iturbide had already reached Queretaro* with his Bturbide towards the troops, on his road to Mexico, when he was informed of artival of a the arrival, at Vera Cruz, of a new Viceroy, who, in such new Viceroy. a crisis, was unable to advance beyond the walls of the 4. The fortress. 4At Cordova,t whither the Viceroy had been CordovaZ." allowed to proceed, for the purpose of an interview with Iturbide, the latter induced him to accept by treaty the Plan of Iguala, as the only means of securing the lives and property of the Spaniards then in Mexico, and of establishing the right to the throne in the house of Bour-. Aug. 24. bon. By this agreement,a called the "Treaty of Cor. dova," the Viceroy, in the name of the king, his master recognized the independence of Mexico, and gave up th-. * Queretaro, the capital of the state of that name, is situated in a rich and fertile valley, abeut 110 miles N.W. from the city of MIexico. It contains a popunation of about 40,000 inhabitants, one-third of whom are Indians. It is slpplied with water by an aqnueduct ten mlilea in length, carried across the valley on sixty arches. The inhabitants of the state are employed mostly in agriculture: those of the city, either in small trades, or in woollen manufactories The city contains many fine churches and convents. t Cordova is a town about fifty miles S.W. from Yera Cruz, on the east side of the foot ol fl'e volcano of Oldzaba. PART 11. IIISTORY OF NiEXICO. 91 capital to the army of the insurgents, which took posses- 1I21. sion of it, without eliusion of blood, on the 27th of Sep- Sept 27. tember, 1821. 7.'All opposition beino ended, and the capital occu- 1. A provipied, in accordanton with a provision of the Plan of Iguala a provisionda junta'as established, the principal businees of which as to call a congrwess for the firmation of a cdhstitution suitable to the couiitrv. 2At the same time a ARegeney. regency, consisting of five individuals, was elected, at the head of which was placed Iturbide as president, who was also created generalissimlo and lord high admiral, and assigned a yearly salary of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. 8. 3'Thus far the plans of Iturbide had been completely 3f. Theucde.u successful: few have enjoyed a more intoxicating triumph plao,/,nd hi and none have been called, wvith greater sincerity, the popularity -:~~ lo~~~while the saviour of their country. While the second revolution revolution lasted, the will of their favorite was the law of the nation; and in every thing that could tend to promote a separation from Spain, not a single dissenting voice had been heard.'But the revolution had settled no principle, and estab- 4 The change lished no sys'eml; and when the old order of' things had soled. disappeared, and the future organization of the government came under discussion, the unanimity which had before prevailed was at an end. 9.'When the provisional junta was about to prepare a 5. Disagreeplan for assembling a national congress, Iturbhde desired Iturbiteead that the deputies should be bound by oath to support the tdhentchiur' Plan of Iguala in all its parts, before they could take their seats in the congress. To this, Generals Bravo, Guerrero, and Victoria, and numerous others of the old insurgents, were opposed; as they wished that the people should be left unrestrained to adopt, by their deputies, such plan of government as they should prefer. Although Iturbide succeeded in carrying his point, yet the seeds of discontent were sown before the sessions of the congress commenced. 10. GWhen the congress assembled,' three distinct par- 1822. ties were found amongst the members. The Bourbonists, a. Feb 24. adhering to the plan of Iguala altogether, wished a con- 6 t,/he ni stitutional monarchy, with a prince of the house of Bour- Bonurbes. bon at its head: the Republican, setting aside the Plan of Re,ditu Iguala, desired a federal republic; while a third party, bidsts. the iturbidists, adopting the Plan of Iguala, with the exception of the article in favor of the Bourbons, wished to piace itlrbide himself upon the throne. 7As it was soon learned 7. Dissotution that the Spanish government had declaredl the treaty of bonist Party. Cordova null and void, the Bourhonists ceased to exist as b. (Feb. 13.) 92 HISTORY OF MEXICO. [BooK Ill. ANALYSiS. a party, and the struggle was confined to the Iturbidists and the Republicans. 1. Iturbide 11.'After a violent controversy the latter succeeded in pi oclaimed EmperTor by carrying, by a large majority, a plan for the reduction of,e poxp. the army; when the partizans of' Iturbide, perceiving lthat his influence was on the wane, and that, if they wished ever to see him upon the throne, the Adempt muat be made before the memory of his former services should be lost, concerted their measures for inducing the army and the populace to declare in his favor. Accordingly,.~ s 8. on the night of the 18th of May, 1822, the soldiers of the garrison of Mexico, and a crowd of the leperos or beggars, by whom the streets of the city are infested, assembled before the house of Iturbide, and amidst the brandishing of swords and knives, proclaimed him emperor, under the title of Augustin the First. 2. How the 12.'Iturbide, with consummate hypocrisy, pretending congessCCf to yield with reluctance to what he was pleased to consiobttained, der the " will of the people," brought the subject before congress; which, overawed by his armed partizans who filled the galleries, and by the demonstrations of the rabble without, gave their sanction to a measure which they. Tthe choice had not the power to oppose. 3The choice was ratified by outopo- the provinces without opposition, and Iturbide found himself in peaceable possession of a throne to which his own abilities and a concurrence of favorable circumstances had raised him. 4. ThecouetEse 13.'Had the monarch elect been guided by counsels dencedictated of prudence, and allowed his authority to be confined to the moanrtch elcct. within constitutional limits, he might perhaps have concofmmtence- tinued to maintain a modified authority; but forgetting ment of his reign. the unstable foundation of his throne, he began his reign.. The strug- with all the airs of hereditary royalty. 5On his accession himand the a struggle for power immediately commenced between conpesso him and the congress. He demanded a veto upon all the articles of the constitution then under discussion, and the right of appointing and removing at pleasure the members of the supreme tribunal of justice. s. Events tha 14.'The breach continued widening, and at length a led to the I, forctbhle daiso law, proposed by the emperor, for the establishment of lsembly.he military tribunals, was indignantly rejected by the cona Aua. K2. gress. Iturbide retaliated by imprisoninga the most distinguished members of that body. Remonstrances and reclamations on the part of congress folloved, and Iturbide at length terminated the dispute, as Cromwell and 30Bonaparte had done on similar occasions before h-im, by b. oct. 30. proclaimingb the dissolution of the national assembly, and substituting in its stead a junta of his own nomination. PAlT I1,] HISTORY OF MEXICO. 93 15.'The new assembly acted as the ready echo of the 18E22. imperial will, yet it never possessed any influence; and -- the popularity of Iturbide himself did not long survive as.semlbly, his assumption of' arbitrary power.'Before the end of bide's dclin November an insurrection broke out in the northern pro- lOarPt`. vinces, but this was speedily quelled by the imperial N-ov. troops. 3Soon after, the youthful general Santa Anna,' ttirea former supporter of Iturbide, but who had been haugh- t3. Jt tily dismissed by him from the government of Vera Cruz, saAntanAla. published an addressb to the nation, in which he re- I dOpegaliY proached the emperor w;th having broken his coronation san7a;aoce oath by dissolving the congress, and declared his determi- San-tan-ya.) nation, and that of the garrison which united with him, to b. Dec. 6. aid in reassembling the congress, and protecting its aueliberations. 16. 4Santa Anna was soon joined by Victoria, to whom 1828. ne yielded the chief command, in the expectation that his 4. Progressof name and well known principles would inspire with confi- disa.acttion dence those who were inclined to favor the establishment troop.s-and of a republic. A force sent out by Iturbide to quell the eIt rhbiso. revolt went over to the insurgents; Generals Bravo and Feb. Guerrero took the field on the same side; dissatisfaction spread through the provinces; part of the imperial army revolted; and Iturbide, either terrified by the storm which he had so unexpectedly conjured up, or really anxious to avoid the effusion of blood, called together all the members of the old congress then in the capital, and on the 19th of Mlarch 19 March, 1823, formally resigned the imperial cr own; stating his intention to leave the country, lest his presence in Mexico should be a- pretext for farther dissensions. "The 5S. Proecedcongress, after declaring his assumption of the crown to gest, and departure of have been an act of violence, and consequently null,:wil- Iturbidefrom lingly allowed him to leave the kingdom, and assigned to the country himn a, yearly income of twenty-five thousand dollars for his supp)ort. With his family and suite he embarked for Leghorn on the eleventh of May..lOy 11, 17.'On the departure of Iturbide, a temporary exe- 6. Tenmpora-y cutive wvas appointed, consisting of Generals XVictoria,.ppe,,rtl.i'Bravo, and Negrete,e by whom the government was ad- geosoandministered until thle meeting of a new congress, wIhich conOtitf,'on& assembled at the capital in August, 1823. This body Aut immediately entered on the duties of preparing a newl c (Iagra-ta constitution, which was submitted on the 31st of' 3anuasuy, 18-24, and definitively sanctioned on tile 4th of October following. 1.8. 7By this instrument, modeled somewhat after the 1824. constitution of the United States, the absolute indepen- 7,o;,' dence of the country was declared, and the several mentladoytE.a 94 HISTORY OF MEXICO. [Book Jll ANALYSIS. Mexican Provinces were united in a Fede(ral Republic.'.Lelslatvse lThe legislative power was vested in a Congress, con. polvers. sisting of a Senate and a IHouse of Representatives.'Thel 2. Senlators n and crepre- Senate was to be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the Legislature thereof, for a term of four years. The House of Representatives was to be composed of members elected, for a term of two years, by the citizens of the States. Representatives were to be at least twelnty-five years of age, and Senators thirty, and each must have resided two years in the State from which ho was chosen. s. Tm ascu- 19. 3The supreme executive authority was vested in one individual, styled the "President of the United Mexican States," who was to be a Mexican born, thirty-five years of age, and to be elected, for a term of four years, 4. Tha juni- by the Legislatures of the several States. 4The judicial ciary. power was lodged in a Supreme Court, composed of eleven judges and an attorney-general, who were to be Mexican born, thirty-five years of age, and to be elected by the Legislatures of the States in -the same manner and with the same formalities as the President of the Republic, and who were not to be removed, unless in cases specified by law. 5. The state 20.'The several States composing the confederacy, ~oserrsonents. o weelre "'to organize their governments in conformity to the Federal Act; to observe and enforce the general laws of the Union; to transmit annually to the Congress a statement of the receipts and expenditures of their respective treasuries, and a description of the agricultural and manufacturing industry of each State; together with the new branches of industry that might be introduced, 6. Freedom of and the best mode of doing so."'Each was to protect epeck, and of oh'e prses.c its inhabitants "in the full enjoyment of the liberty of writing, printing, and publishing their political opinions, without the necessity of any previous license, revision, or T. Lsaw uits. approbation."'No individual was to commence a suit at law, without having previously attempted in vain to settle the cause by arbitration. 8. Laudable 21.'The Mexican constitution displayed a laudable "ro visions of the Federal anxiety for the general improvement of the country, by Constitution.oft 18s4. disseminating the blessings of education, hitherto almost totally neglected; by opening roads; granting copy-right., and patents; establishing the liberty of the press; promoting naturalization; and throwing open the ports te foreign trade; and by abolishing many abuses of' arbie. Theot3ec- trary power, which had grown up under the tyranny of tonablefea- the colonial government. "Yet some omissions are to be conestituzons. regretted.'.he trial by jury was not introduced, nor was i'ART 11.1 HISTORY OF MEXICO. 95 the requsite publicity given to the administration of jus- a1S24. tice. Moreover, on the subject of religion, a degree of intolerance was exhibited, hardly to be expected from men who had long struggled to be free, and who even then bore fresh upon them the traces of their bondage. As if to bind down the consciences of posterity to all fu- Reliziou ture generations, the third article in the constitution de- intolerwt elared that " The Religion of the Mexican nation is, and will be perpetually, the Roman Catholic Apostolic. The nation will protect it by WISE AND JUST LAWS, and prohibit the exercise of any other whatever." 22.'The fate of the ex-emperor, Iturbide, remains to i. The fat, be noticed in this chapter. From Italy he proceeded to cmpfor IturLondon, and made preparations fbr returning to Mexico; bide. in consequence of which, Congress, on the 28th of April' 1824, passed a decree of outlawry against him. He landed' in disguise at S6t6 la Marina, July 14th, 1824; was arrested by General Garza; and shot at Padillo* by order of the provincial congress of Tamaulipas, on the 19th of that month. 2The severity of this measure, after 2. severityio the services which Iturbide had rendered to the country, in effectually casting off the Spanish yoke, can be excused only on the ground of the supposed impossibility of avoiding, in any other way, the horrors of a civil war. "During the year 1824, the tranquillity of the country was 3. Petty inotherwise disturbed by a few petty insurrections, which aurrections. were easily suppressed by the government troops. CHAPTER V. MEXICO, FROM THE ADOPTION OF THE FEDERAL subiectt CONSTITUTION OF 1824, TO THE COMMENCE- Chapter MENT OF THE WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES IN 1846. 1. 40n the first of January, 1825, the first congress un- 1825. der the federal constitution assembled in the city of Mexico; Jan. i. and, at the same time, General Guadalupe Victoria was 4 etig.1'of installed as president of the republic, and General Nicholas Tat Congress. Bravo as vice-president.'The years 1825 and 1826 ctdent. r)assed with few disturbances; the administration of Victo- 5. Administration of ria was generally popular; and the country enjoyed a high- victoria. er degree of prosperity than at any former or subsequent * Padillo is al'but thirty-five miles southwest from Soto la Marina. .96 HISTORY OF MEXICO.'Boos 1.L ANALYSIS. period.'But towards the close of the year 1826, twal 1826. irival factions, which had already absorbed the entire po-. Rtal fa,.- litical influence of the country, began seriously to threaten, not only the peace of society, but the stability of the governmient itselft 2. Charac ter 2.'The masonic societies, then numerous in the coun~aat}e~stat try, were divided into two parties, known as the Escoces ern,'~. and the Yorkinos, or the Scotch and the York lodges. The former, of Scotch origin, were composed of large proprietors, aristocratic in opinion, in. favor of the establishment of a strong government, and supposed to be secretly inclined to a constitutional monarchy, with a king chosen from the Bourbon family. The Yorlkinos, whose lodge was founded by the New York masons, through the agency of Mr. Poinsett, the envoy of the United States, supported democracy, and opposed a royal or central government, and were generally in favor of the expulsion of the Span. ish residents. i$'xrA9< 3.'Each party, however, mutually criminated the iatns. other, and each was charged with the design of overturn. The, tl, intg the established institutions of the country. 4In' the elections which took place in the autumn of 1826, bribery, corruption, and calumnies of all kinds were resorted to by both parties, and some of the elections were declared null in consequence of the illegality of the proceedings by 5. ssmed which they had been effected.'Many supposed con. c spiracies of the Spaniards and their abettors were denounced by the Yorkinos; and projects for the expulsion 6. Charges of the Spaniards were openly proclaimed. 5The Dresireient.e dent himself was repeatedly charged by each party with favoring the other, and with secretly designing the overthrow of that system which he had spent a life of toil and danger in establishing. 7. Theflrst 4.'The first open breach of the law of the land, and open Violaion of the treason to the government, which led the way to scenes of laws, violence and bloodshed, and the final prostration of the hopes of the country, proceeded from the Scotch party; and was designed to counteract the growing influence of 1827. the Yorkinos.'On the 23d of December 1827; Don. Theplan of Manuel Montafio- proclaimed, at Otumba,* a plan for tne a.(Pronoun- forcible reform of the government. He demanded the ced abolition of all secret societies; the dismissal of the Mon-tan-yo.) ministers of government, who were charged as wanting * Otumba is a small town about forty miles N.E. from the city of Mexico. A short distance 3.W. from the town, on the road to San Juan de Teotihuacan, are the ruins of two extensive pyramids of unknown origin, but whi,-h are usually ascribed to the Toltecs. One of the pyra mids, called the " IHouse of the Sun," is still 180 feet high; the other, called the' House of the Mloon," is 144 feet high. (See Map, p. 558.) PAT UI.' HISTORY OF MIEXICO. 97 in probity, virtue, and merit; the dismissal of Mr. Poin- 1827. sett, the min.ister accredited from the United States, wbho was held to be the chief director of the Yorkinos; and a more rigorous enforcement of the constitution and the existing laws. 5.'The plan of Montafio was immediately declared by I. Dweouatd the Yorkinos to have for its object,' to prevent the banish- Yokiuao. ment of the Spaniards, to avert the chastisement then impending over the conspirators against independence,,to destroy republican institutions, and place the country once more under the execrable yoke of a Bourbon.''General Bravo, the vice-president, and the leader of the 2. eectitao Scotch party, who had hitherto been the advocate of law Bravo. and order, left the capital, and making common cause with 1828. the insurgents, issued a manifesto in favor of Montanio, in which he denounced the president himself as connected with the Yorkinos. 6.'By this rash and ill-advised movement of General 3 Cour7 Bravo, the president was compelled to throw himself into,.wtident. the arms of the Yorkinos, and to give to their chief, Generatl Guerrero, the command of the government troops that were detached to put down the rebellion.'The insurrec- 4. Thei,,7n-. tion was speedily quelled; and Bravo, whose object was qlzelled. an an amicable arrangement, and who would allow no blood qf Bravo. to be shed in the quarrel which he had imprudently provoked, surrendered at Tulancingo,* and was banished by a decreea of congress, with a number of his adherents. a. April S. 7.'The leader of the Scotch party being thus removed, 5. The eecit was thought that in the ensuing presidential election, tionqfl8W. (September. 1828,) the success of General Guerrero, the Yorkino candidate, was tendered certain; but unexpectedly a new candidate was brought forward by the Scotc.x party, in the person of General Pedraza, the mninister of war; who, after an arduous contest, was elected president by a majority of only two votes over his competitor.'The successful party now looked forward to the enjoyment s. Coizac ae of a long period of tranquillity under the firm and vigorous the YorkrinZ a o party after administration of Pedraza; but their opponents were their fea. unwilling to bow with submission to the will of the people, expressed according to the forms of the constitution; and: asserting that the elections had been carried by fraud and bribery, and that Pedraza was an enemy to the liberties of' the country, they determined to redress, by an appeal to arms, the injustice sustained by their chief, upon whose elevation to the presidency the ascendancy of the Yorkino party naturally depended. T Tulazciango is at the southeastern extwomity of the itate of Queretaxo, about asixtyfli miles N.E. from the city of Mexico 98- HISTORY OF MEXICO. [BooK III, AN'ALYSIS. 8.'At this moment Santa Anna, whose name had Rebellin figured in the most turbulent periods of the Revolution of Sana since 1821, appeared on the political stage. Under the plea that the result of the late election did not show the real will of a majority of the people, at the head of 500 (Per-o-t.) Inen he took possession of the castle of' Perote, where he a. Sept. 1o. publisheda an address declaring that the success of Pedraza had been produced by fraud, and that he had taken it upon himself to rectify the error, by proclaiming Guer-. rero president,-as the only effectual mnode of maintaining the character and asseiting the dignity of the country.,. President's 9. 2These dangerous principles were met by an ener. proclamla. lion. getic proclamation" of the president, which called upon b Sept. 17. the States and the people to aid in arresting the wild schemes of this traitor to the laws and the constitution. 3. Santa An-'Santa Anna was besieged at Perote* by the government but escape,. forces, and an action was fought under the walls of the castle; but he finally succeeded in effecting his escape, 4. State of with a portion of his original adherents.'So little dispooeelino in the sition was shown in the neighboring provinces to espouse the cause of the insurgents, that many fondly imagined 5. Santa An- that the dangerl was past.'Santa Anna, being pursued, prisonersbut surrendered at discretion to General Calderon, on the soon restored to lierty. 14th of December; but before that time important events had transpired in the capital; and the captive general, in the course of twenty-four hours, was enabled to assume the command of the very army by which he had been taken prisoner. s. Affairs in 10. "About the time of the flight of Santa Anna from /he capital. Perote, the capital had become the rendezvous of a numbfr of the more ultra of the Yorkino chiefs, ambitious and estless spirits, most of whom had been previously en. gaged in some petty insurrections, but whose lives had 7. Reolt aofa been spared by the lenity of the government.'On the.nilitia. night of the 30th of November, 1828, a battalion of mi1828. litia, headed by the ex-Marquis of Cadena, and assisted by a regiment under Colonel Garcia, surprised the gov. ernment guard, took possession of the artillery barracks, seized the guns and ammunition, and signified to the pres. ident their determination either to compel the congress to issue a decree for the banishment of the Spanish residents within twenty-four hours, or themselves to massacre all those who should fall into their hands. *Per6te, about ninety miles in a direct line (120 by the travelled road,) from Vera Cruz, is a small, irregularly built town, situated at the eastern extremity of the table-land, about 8006 feet above the level of the sea. About half a mile from the town is the castle of Pert te, one of the four fortresses erected in Mexico by the Spanish government. The other three fortxessee,were those of San Juan de Ulloa, Acapulco, and San Bias. PART I.i HISTORY OF M EXICO. 99 11.'It has been asserted that if the president had Ii2.ts acted with proper firmness, he might have quelled the insurrection at once; but it appears that he had no force the at his disposal sufficiently powerful to render his interfe-. issstzation rence effectual, and the night was allowed to pass in and conduct. fruitless explanations. 20n the following morning the Dec. 1. insurgents were joined by the leaders of the Guerrero to tceforcs party, a body of the militia, and a vast multitude of the insof trge rabble of the city, who were promised the pillage of the capital as the reward of their cooperation.'Encouraged 3. Thren by these reenforcements, the insurgents now declared the contcetoi their ulterior views, by proclaiming Guerrero president; while he, after haranguing the populace, left the city with a small body of men to watch the result. 12. 4In the mean time the government had received 4. Goernsmall accessions of strength, by the arrival of troops distrust oftha from the country; but all concert of action was embar- president. rassed by the growing distrust of the president, whose indecision, perhaps arising from an aversion to shed Mexican blood, induced many to believe that he was implicated in the projects of the Yorkinos. 5The whole of the 5. Events of first of December was consumed in discussions and prep- therd of arations, but on the second, the government, alarmed by Decemsber. the progress of the insurrection, resolved to hazard an appeal to arms, and before evening the insurgents were driven from many of the posts which they had previously occupied; but on the following day, however, they were Dea s enabled by their increasing strength to regain them after a severe contest, in which their leader, Colonel Garcia, and several inferior officers, fell; while, on the government side, Colonel Lopez and many others were killed. 13.'Discouragement now spread among the gover - 6. Discozrageirent troops, and, during the night of the third, many offi- ovrtnenf th cers, convinced that the insurrection would be successful, troops. sought safety in flight..'On the morning of the 4th the Dec. 4. insurgents displayed a white flag, the firingS ceased. and a followedn b conference ensued, but without leading to any permanent wstt arrangement; for, during the suspension of hostilities, the insurgents received a strong reenforcement under Guerrero himself, and the firing recommenced.'The few parties 8. Dissotution of the conof regular troops that still continued the contest were soon gress. reduced, and the congress dissolved itself, after protesting against the violence to which it was compelled to yield. 14.'The city rabble now spread themselves like a tor- Dec. 5,6. rent over the town, where they committed every,species of'illagff excess. Under pretence of seizing Spanish property, the houses of the wealthy, whether Mexicans or Spaniards, were broken open and pillaged; the Parian, or great cornm. 100 IIISTORY OF MEXICO. [BooKs II, ANALY.SIS. mleriall square, where most of the retail merchants of' M —'eOxico had their shops, containing" goods to the amount of three millions of dollars, was emptied of its contents in 1. twerrero the course of a few hours;'nor were these disgraceful acad Pedraza scenes checked until after the lapse of two days, when order was restored by General Guerrero himself, whom the president had appointed minister of the war depart. ment, in the place of General Pedraza, who, convinced that resistance was hopeless, had retired from the capital 2. Aj rehen- 15.'A civil war was now seriously apprehended; for tea wr.sroul wear. Pedraza had numerouis and powerful friends, both among the military and the people, and several of the more imB. aenerosity portant states were eager to espouse his cause.'Had the of Pedraza. contest commenced, it must have been a long and a bloody one, but Pedraza had the generosity to sacrifice his individual rights to the preservation of the peace of his 4. His resig country. 4P efusing the profafered services of his fiiends, nation of t/epresidency. and recommending submission even to an unconstitutional president in preference to a civil war, he formally resigned the presidency, and obtained permission to quit the 1829. territories of the Republic.'The congress which as5. Proceed- sermbled on the 1st of January, 1829, declared' Guerrero ings of con-.' gress. to be duly elected president, having, next to Pedraza, a b. Boos-ta- majority of votes. General Bustamente,u a distinguished manta.) Yorkino leader, was named vice-president; a Yorkino ministry was appointed; and Santa Anna, who was declared to have deserved well of his country, was named minister of war, in reward for his services. 6. Remarks 16. Thus terminated the first struggle for the presi on the strug gletu hstter- dential succession in Mexico,-in scenes of violence ant bloodshed, and in the triumph of revolutionary force over the constitution and laws of the land. The appeal then made to arms, instead of a peaceful resort to the constitutional mode of settling disputes, has since been deeply regretted by the prominent actors themselves, many of whom have perished in subsequent revolutions, victims of their own blood-stained policy. The country will long mourn the consequences of their rash and guilty measures. 7. Remarks 17. 7As Guerrero had been installed by military force, on the situation of affairs it was natural that he should trust to the same agency for atGuler,.o's a continuance of his power. But the ease with which a acce.ssion to theoprc- successful revolution could be effected, and the suprems sidcncy. authority overthrown by a bold and daring chieftain, had 8. Circun,- ftl t tncs le- been demonstrated too latally for the futmue peace )f the Guer- country, and ambitious chiefs were not long wanting to "oInted dic- take advantage of this dangerous facility. ator. 18. 8. Spnish expedition of 000 men having anded a May.2r. 18..A Spanish expedition of 4000 men having landedQ PART II.] HISTORY OF MIEXICO. 101 near Tampico,* for the invasion of the Mexican Republic, 1829. Guerrero was invested with the office of dictator, to meet - the exigencies of the times.'After an occupation of two 1. Surrender months, the invading army surrendered to Santa Anna on ott ay,vfE the 10th of September; but Guerrero, although the danger 5ad,uere-7 had passed, manifested an unwillingness to surrender the of dictatorial extraordinary powers that had been conferred upon him.'Bustamente, then in command of a body of troops held in 2. B'ustareadiness to repel Spanish invasion, thought this a favor- lion. able opportunity for striking a blow for supremacy. Charging Guerrero with the design'of perpetuating the dictatorship, and demanding concessions which he knew would not be granted, he proceeded towards the capital for the ostensible purpose of reforming executive abuses.'Santa Anna at first feebly opposed this movement, but at 3. S6ata Zdlength joined the discontented general. 4The government 4. Overthrota was easily overthrown, Guerrero fled to the mountains, of GueTrrro. and Bustamente was proclaimed his successor.'The 5en adt. leading principle of his administration, which was san- ministrations guinary and proscriptive, appeared to be the subversion of the federal constitution, and the establishment of a strong central government; in which he was supported by the military, the priesthood, and the great Creole proprietors; while the Federation was popular with a majority of the inhabitants, and was sustained by their votes. 19.'In the spring of' 1830, Don Jose Codali;,c; published 1830. a " Plan," demanding of Bustamente the restoration of 6. Anew civil authority. Encouraged by this demonstration, Guer- temn.,nated rero reappeared in the field, established his government o.Guer.ero at Valladolid, and the whole country was again in arms. The attempt of Guerrero, however, to regain the supreme power, was unsuccessful. Obliged to fly to Acapulco, he was betrayed into the hands of his enemies by the commander of a Sardinian vessel, conveyed to Oaxdaca,- a. Note, p. 582. tried by a court-martial for bearing arms against the established government, condemned as a traitor, and exeecuted in February, 1831. 1831. 20. 7After this, tranquillity prevailed until 1832, when 1832. Santa Anna, one of the early adherents of Guerrero, but 7, Santa Antfterwards the principal supporter of the revolution by "arms againsl which he was overthrown, pretending alarm at the arbi- menttof Bu, rary encroachments of Bustamente, placed himself at the head of the garrison of Vera Cruz,t and demanded a' Tampico (Tam p6-co) is at the southern extremity of the state of Tamaulipas, 240 mils N.W. from the city of Vera Cruz, and about 250 miles S. from Matanmoras. It is on the 8 aide of the River Panuco, a short distance from its entrance into the Gulf of Mexico. I The city of Vera Cruz, long the principal sea-port of Mexico, stands on the spot where cortez first landed within the realms of Montezuma, (see page 115.) The city is defended by 10'2 HISTORY OF MIEXICO. [BooK IL ANALYSIS. re-organization of' the ministry, as a pretext for revolt, i. Chanrcaer'The announcement made by Santa Anna was certainly ofttiS move- in favor of the constitution and the laws; and the friends of liberty, and of the democratic federal system, immed ately 2. Ternmina- rallied to his support.'After a stluggle of nearly a year, tion of the ps strugtle, bY attended bv the usual proportion of anarchy and bloodshed, bet~wentvE in December, Bustamente proposed an armistice to Santa parties'. Anna, which terminated- in an arrangement between a. Dec. 23. them, by which the former resigned the government in favor of Pedraza, who had been elected by the votes of the states in 1828; and it was agreed that the armies of both parties should unite in support of the federal constitution in its original purity. B. Restoration 21.'In the meantime Santa Anna despatched a vesse. oIPedraza. for the exiled Pedraza, brought him back to the republic, b Installed and sent himb to the capital to serve out the remaining as president, asre2de. f/tree months of his unexpired term. 4As soon as congress 1833. was assembled, Pedraza delivered an elaborate address to 4. PedrTza's that body, in which, after reviewing the events of the preaddress to the congress. ceding four years, he passed an extravagant eulogium on Santa Anna, his early foe, and recent friend, and referred 5. santa An- to him as his destined successor.'In the election which na elected residenet. followed, Santa Anna was chosen president, and Gomez Farias vice-president. On the 15th of May the new president entered the capital, and on the following day assumed 6. Re-estab- the duties of his office.'The federal svstem, which thne Federal had been outraged by the usurpations of the centralist yasten. leader Bustamente, was again recognized, and apparently re-established under the new administration. 7. Movement 22.'Scarcely a fortnight had elapsed after Santa Anna QfDuernal had entered on the duties of his office, when General 0.J0ne l. Duran promulgatedc a plan at San Augustin de las Cuevas,*5 in favor of the church and the army; at the same time proclaiming Santa Anna supreme dictator of the a8osesta,n Mexican nation.'Although it was believed that the presiitoplication dent himself had secretly instigated this movement, yet in this niove-,.aent, and the he raised a large force, and appointing Arista, one of Bussineular procee.cinrs tamente's most devoted partizans, his second in command, Cfaroiste left the capital with the professed intention of quelling the revolt. The troops had not proceeded far when A rista suddenly declared in favor of the plan of Duran, at the same time securing the president's person, and proclaiming hilml dictator. the strong citadel of Sanl Juan de Ulloa, built on an island of the same name, about 400 fathoms from the shore. The harbor of Vera Cruz is a mere roadstead between the town and the cas. tle, and is exceedingly insecure. 4 Seeas Anugusti, dte las Caenvas (Coo- h-vas) is a village about twelve miles sout;h from the city of Mexico. It was abandoned during the Revolution, and is now little visited, exceI cduring th, great fair, which is held there annually dturing the month of May, and which -i attended by vast cs-owds from the capital. (See IMap, p. 569.) PUIsr If.] HISTORY OF L{EXICOo -103 23.'When news of this movement reached the military X83 o in the capital, they proclaimed themselves in its favor with - The milshouts of " Santa Anna for dictator."'The vice-presi- tary of thy dent, however, distrusting the sincerity of Santa Anna, 2. tavst, and convinced that he was employing a stratagem to test taken by the the probability of success in his ulterior aim at absolute dent. power, rallied the federalists against the soldiery, and defeated the ingenious scheme of the president and his allies.'Affecting to make his escape, Santa Anna returned to the S' Theeowe city, and having raised another force,. pursued the insur- singrotlar gents, whom he compelled to surrender at Guanaxuato. Arista was pardoned, and Duran banished; and the victorious president returned to the capital, where he was hailed as the champion of the federal constitution, and the father of his country! 24. 4Soon after, Santa Anna retired to his estate in the 4. The oitih country, when the executive authority devolved on Farias Santa Anna, the vice-president, who, entertaining a confirmed dislike of affairosItM of the priesthood and the military, commenced a system ate thent oof retrenchment and reform, in which he was aided by tevicethe congress.'Signs of revolutionary outbreak soon ap- 5. Stamas of peared in different parts of the country; and the priests, ary ouZtbrea. alarmed at the apparent design of the congress to appropriate a part of the ecclesiastical revenues to the public use, so wrought upon the fears of the superstitious population, as to produce a reaction dangerous to the existence of the federal system. 25.'Santa Anna, who had been closely watching the 1834. progress of events, deeming the occasion favorable to the 6. santa Ansuccess of his ambitious schemes, at the head of the mili- of theFcederaZ Republicana tary chiefs and the army deserted the federal republican eprty. party and system, and espoused the cause, and assumed the direction of his former antagonists of the centralist faction. 70n the thirteenth of May, 1834, the constitu- May13 tional congress and the council of government were dis-' cn q~zmeasures ito solved by a military order of the president, and a new overthoroiwng revolutionary and unconstitutional congress was sum- ihene.t,a moned by another military order. Until the new con- est'abtihing gress assembled, the authority of government remained in the hands of Santa Anna, who covertly used his power and influence to destroy the constitution he had sworn to defend. 26.'The several states of the federation were more or s. Diffeets of these a.rbitrless agitated by these arbitrary proceedings. When the Tryproceetnew congress assembled, in the month of January, 1835, iZog petitions and declarations in favor of a central govern- Peitions and mnent were poured in by the military and the clergy;,p rotests while protests and remonstrances, on behalf of the federal 104 HISTORY OF MIEXICO. [Booe Ill ANALYSIS. constitution, were presented by some of the state legislaHow treated turles and the people. V'The latter were disregarded, and bg11res.O- their supporters persecuted and imprisoned. The for. mer were received as the voice of the nation, and a cor2. Fars rupt aristocratic congress acted accordingly.'The vicedeposed. president, Gomez Farias. was deposed without impeaclhment or trial; and General Barragan, a leading centralist, was elected in his place. S. Disarming 27. 3One of the first acts of congress was a decree for of the militia of the States. reducing and disarming the militia of the several states, 4. TendenCy 4The opinion that the congress had the power to change centr'aliza- the constitution at pleasure, was openly avowed; andt tion of pooer. every successive step of the party in power evinced a settled purpose to establish a strong central government on the ruins of the federal system, which the constitution of U. opposition 1824 declared could " never be reformed." 5The state of the state of, cnrs Zacatecas of Zacatecas,- in opposition to the decree of congress, a. See Map, refused to disband and disarm its militia, and in April had recourse to arms to resist the measures in progress for 8. 7acatecas overthrowing the federal government. 6Santa Anna, submission. marched against the insurgents in May, and after an enI, May l. gagementb of two hours, totally defeated them on the plains of Guadalupe.* The city of Zacatecasj soon surrendered, and all resistance in the state was overcome. 7. The"Plaan 28.'A few days after the fall of Zacatecas, the "Plan of Toluca" was published, calling for a change of the federal system to a central government, abolishing the legislatures of the states, and changing the states into departments under the control of military commandants, who were to be responsible to the chief' authorities of the nation,-the latter to be concentrated in the hands of one 8. Supposed individual, whose will was law. sThis " plan," generally origin of this The"Pla supposed to have originated with Santa Anna himself, was systes, ahol- adopted by the congress; and on the third of October folihed, and a Central Re- lowing, General Barragan, the acting president, issued a cftablished. decree in the name of congress, abolishing the fe"derai system, and establishing a "Central republic." This.frame of government was formally adopted in 1836 by a 9. This convention of delegates appointed for the purpose. gover.nzent 29. 9Several of the Mexican states protested in enerinsrotested getic language against this assumption of power on the part masy ofethe of the congress, and avowed their determination to take States, up arms in support of the constitution of 1824, and against Tenas redu- that ecclesiastical and military despotism which wvas decedl to submnisaior, spoiling. them of all their rights as freemen.'~They were * Guadatlcpe is a small villagge a febw miles west front the city of Zacatecas. t Zacatecas, the capital of the s Sate of the same name, is about 320 miles NW. V. froin t13, c3t' of Mexico. PART I.] IIlSTORY Of' 01IEXICO. 3 0 all, however, with the exception of Texas, hitheito the 1S35. least important of the Mexican provinces, speedily reduced by tile arms of Santa Annra.'rexas, destitute of nume- L. situiatisnt rical strength, regular troops, and pecuniary resources, tis timo. was left to contend single-handed for her guarantied rights, against the whole power of' the general government, wielded by a man whose uninterrupted military success, and inordinate vanity, had led him to style himself " the Napoleon of the Waest." 30. 2In several skirmishes between the Texans and the 2. The7Moa.troops of the government in the autumn of 18335, the for- Cariveentfro mner were unifobrmly successful; and before the close of t/ttSvOiSe the year the latter were driven beyond the limits of the province. 3In the meantime, the citizens of Texas, hav- 3. Mnifesto ing assembled in convention at San Felipe,, there pub- of le zas. iishedb a manifesto,e in which they declared thetmselves a. (See Note, not bound to support the existing government, but proffered b Nov. 7. their assistance to such members of the Mexican eonfede- c. See p. 645. racy as would take up arms in support of their rights, as guarantied by the constitution of 1824. 4Santa Anna, 4.atiMamoPn alarmed by these demonstrations of resistance to his authority, and astonished by the military spirit exhibited by the Texans, resolved to strike a decisive blow against the rebellious province. 38.'In November, a daring but unsuccessful attempt s5.ttemp, was made to arouse the Mexican federalists in support of ofrose theM. the cause for which the Texans had taken arms. General federists to Miexia, a distinguished leader of the liberal party in a`'m. Mexico, embarkedd from New Orleans with about one d NOv. 6. hundred and thirty men, chiefly Americans, with a few British, French, and Germans, most of whom supposed that their destination was Texas, where they would be at liberty to take up arms or not in defence of the country.'Mexia, however, altered the course of the vessel to Tan- 8. MHi tnizng at Tampico, pieo,0 and caused the party, on landing, to join in an and the defean of Jir party. attack on the town. The vessel being wrecked on a bar e. (See Note, at the entrance of the harbor, and the ammunition being p. 603.) damlaged, a large number of the men engaged in the expedition were taken prisoners; twenty-eight of whom, f ec. Ii. chiefly Americans, were soon after shotf by sentence of a 7. sant1f8ncourt-martial. Iexia, the leader of the party, escaped to na'spreparatio.s for the Texas in a merchant vessel. invasion of 32 7Early in the following year Santa Anna set out6 gTexab.. fomrn Saltilloh lor the Rio Grande,* where an army of 8000 h. Notle,p 579 The Rio Grande del lNorte, (Rte-o Grahn-da del Nor-ta,) or Great Itiver of the North, called also the Rio Bravo, (Ree-o Brah-vo,) from its rapid current, rises in those mountain ranges that form the point 6o separation between the streams whichl foow into the Gulf of Mexico, and those which flow into the Pacific Ocean. It has an estimated course of 1800 miles, witb 106 hISSTORY OF MIEXICO. LBooK IILl ANALYSIS. men, composed of the best troops of Mexico, furnished with an unusually large train of artillery, and commanded by the most experienced officcrs, was assembling for the 1. Hioarrival invasion of Texas.'On the twelfth of February Santa Feb. 12.' Anna arrived at the Rio Grande, whence he departed on Feb. 23. the afternoon of the sixteenth, and on the twenty-third a. seep. 62. halted on the heights near San Antonio de Bexar,a where the whole of the invading army was ordered to concentrate.. Rfedzletiotn 33. 2Bexar, garrisoned by only one hundred and forty of Bexar: ziuccesses and men, was soon reduced;' and in several desperate ens'uelties of santa Anna. counters which followed, the vast superiority in numbers b. (March 6 on the part of the invading army gave the victory to Santa See p 651.) Anna, who disgraced his name by the remorseless cruel3.Disappoint- ties of which he was guilty.'His hopes of conquest, mBent of his hopes. however, were in the end disappointed; and as he was about to withdraw his armies, in the belief that the province was effectually subdued, he met with an unexpected c. See p. 6G1. and most humiliating defeat.c 4. Briefac- 34. 4Ie had already advanced to the San Jacinto, a battle of San stream which enters the head of Galveston Bay, when Jacinto — defeat and he was attackedb in camp, at the head of more than 1500 capture of Santa Anna. men, by a Texan force of only 783 men, commanded by d. April 21. General Houston, formerly a citizen of the United States, and once governor of the state of Tennessee. Although Santa Anna was prepared for the assault, yet so vigorous was the onset, that in twenty minutes the camp was carried, and the whole force of the enemy put to flight. Six hundred and thirty of the Mexicans were killed during the assault, and the attack which followed; more than two hundred were wounded, and seven hundred and thirty were taken prisoners, —among the latter Santa Anna himself. Of the Texans, only eight were killed and seventceen wounded-a disparity of result scarcely equalled in the annals of warfare. Tae life of 35.'Although a majority of the Texan troops demanded Santac Anna In opared, and the execution of' Santa Anna, as the murderer of many of tcoce their countrymen who had been taken prisoners, yet his life oith hi,- vwas spared by the extraordinary firmness of General e. Tepea Houston and his officers, and an armistice was concluded ence. with him, by which the entire Mexican force was withM. March 2, eepar. 654) drawn fiorom the province. GTexas had previously madeo bhn few tributaries. Like most of the great rivers of tle Americain continent. the Rio Grands has its periodical risings. Its waters begin to rise in April, tlhey are at their height early ii,'May, and they subside towards -the end of June. The banks are extremlely steep, and the waters Inuddy. At its entrance into the Gulf of Mexico, which is over a shifting sand-bar, with an average of from three to five feet of water at low tide, the widlth of the Itio Grande is about 300 yards. From the bar to Loredo, a town 200 miles frolnm the coast, the river has a smooth, deep current. Above Loredo it is broken by rapids. W1hen, however, the stream is at a moderate height, there is said to be no obstacle to its navigation. PArT II.1 HISTORY OF MEXICO. 107 a declaration of independence, and the victory of San 1836. Jacinto- confirmed it.'Santa Anna, after being detained a. Seep. 661. a prisoner several months, was released from confinement. 1. Release of In the meantime, his authority as president had been sus-his iett2to pended, and on his return to Mexico he retired to his farm, 9,etireetn where, in obscurity, he was for several years allowed to frrol. u, lic brood over, the disappointment and humiliation of his defeat, the wreck of his ambitious schemes, and his exceeding unpopularity in the eyes of his countrymen. 36.'O20n the departure of Santa Anna from the capital 2. Genera for the invasion of Texas, his authority had devolved on General Barragan as vice-president.'This individual 1837. however, soon died; and in the next election Bustamente 3.Bustamentd was chosen president, having recently returned from sident. France, where lie had resided since his defeat by Santa Anna in 1832. 4His administration was soon disturbed 4. Disturbby declarations in favor of federation, and of Gomez 1his adminis:z Farias for the presidency, who was still in prison; but trationwith little difficulty the disturbances were quelled by the energy of the government. 37.'In 1838 the unfortunate Mexia a second time 1838. raised the standard of rebellion against the central gov- 5 Meia' ernmnent. Advancing towards the capital with a brave te~,pt aast band of patriots, ihe was encountered in the neighborhood government. of Puebla* by Santa Anna, who, creeping fbrth from his retreat, to regain popularity by some striking exploit, was weakly trusted by Bustamente with the command of the government troops.'Mexia lost the day and was taken 6. is defeat prisoner; and with scarcely time left for prayer, or com- tion. munication with his family, was shot, by order of his con querer, on the field of battle. It is reported that when refused a respite, he said to Santa Anna, " You are right; I would not have granted you half the time had I conquered." 38. 7Early in the same year a French fleet appeared 7. TheFench on the Mexican coast, demandingb reparation for injuries ame des sustained by the plundering of'French citizens, and the b.rlich destruction of their property by the contending factions, * PPuebla, a neat and pleasant city, the capital of the state of the same name, is about eig'htyfive miles S.E. front the city of 3Mexico, (see MIap, p. 569.) It contains a population of about 60,000 inhabitants, and has extensive manufactories of cotton, earthenware, and wool. The great Cathedral of Puebla, in all its details and arrangements, is the most magnificent in Me: _o. The lofty candlesticks, the balustrade, the lamps, and all the oranaments of the principal altar, are of massive silver. Thle great chandelier, suspendled from tile dome, is said to weioh Zons. A curious legecnd al.-out the building of the walls of the cathedral is believed in by the Indians in the neighborhood, and by a large proportion of the ignorant Spanish population; and the details of the event have been recorded with singular care in the convents of the city. It is asserted that, while the building was in progress, two messengers from heaver descended every night, and added to the height of the walls exactly a;, much as had beeL raised by the united efforts of the laborers during the day! With such assistance the work advanced rafidly to its completion. and, in commemoration of the events Ihe city assumed the rtssnme of " Puebla de los Angelos," Fsleblia of tile BAgecs. 108 HISTORY OF MEXICO. [BooK ILM. ANALYSIS. and. by forcible loans collected by violence.'The rejec:.-ilockadeof tion of the demand was followed by a blockade, and in he coast, ando the winter following the town of Vera Cruz was attacked Vera Cpruz. by the French troops.'An opportunity being again Dec. aftbrded to Santa Anna to repair his tarnished reputation,a'S appar- and regain his standing with the army, he proceeded to ance agam. the port, took command of the troops, and while following a. Der,. 5. the French, during their retreat,' one of his legs was shattered by a cannon ball, and amputation became neces. sary. 1840. 39.'In the month of July, 1840, the federalist party, 3. i..urrec- headed by General Urrea and Gomez Farias, excited city of Iex- an insurrection5 in the city of Mexico, and seized the. July 15. president himself. After a conflict of twelve days, in which many citizens were killed and much property destroyed, a convention of general amnesty was agreed upon by the contending parties, and hopes were held out to the federalists of another reform of the constitution. 4. Yucatan. 40. 4At the same time Yucatan declared for federalism, S. Itshistory: and withdrew from the general government.'This state uniin withh sMexico. had been a distinct captain-generalcy, not connected with Guatemala, nor subject to Mexico, from the time of the conquest to the Mexican revolution, when she gave up her independent position and became one of the states of Ct. Withdraw-v the Mexican republic.'After suffering many years from al from Mex-. ico, and sob- this unhappy connexion, a separation followed; every ternto the Mexican ogarrison was driven from the state, and a league confeeracy. was entered into with Texas; but after a struggle of three years against the forces of Mexico, and contending factions at home, Yucatan again entered the Mexican con. federacy. 1841. 41. fIn the month of August, 1841, another important T. Therevolu- revolution broke out in Mexico. It commenced with a tionsofs4t. declaration against the government, by Paredes, in Guac.(See Map, dalaxara;, and was speedily followed by a rising in the p. 558) capital, and by another at Vera Cruz headed by Santa. S. lBombard- Anna himself.'The capital was bombarded; a month's wn~tzt of the Capitat, and contest in the streets of the city followed, and the revoluZst{nzt. of t on closed with the downfall of Bustamente. 91n SepSept. tember a convention of the commanding officers was held Convention at Tacubaya;* a general amnesty was declared; and a "plan" was agreed upon by which the existing constitution of Mexico was superseded, and provision made for * Tacubtaya is a village about four miles S.W. front the gates of the city of Mexico. (Se: Map, p. 569.) It contains many delightful residences of the Mexican merchants, but is chiefly celebrated for having been formerly the country resin lice of the Archbishop of Mexico. Thi Archbishop's palace is situated upon an elevated spot, waith a large olive plantation and beaut. ful gardens and groves attached to it. PAntl I1 HISTORY OF 1MEXICO. 109 the calling of a congress in the following year to form a 1S41. new one. 42. "TPh: " Plan of Tacubava" provided for the election, I Prorivor, in the meantime, of a provisional president, who was to of sTacobe invested with " all the powers necessary to re-organize baya." the nation, and all the branches of administration." To the general-in-chief of the army was given the power of choosing a junta or council, which council was to choose the president. 2Santa Anna, being at the head of the 2. Exchange army, selected the junta; and the junta returned the comrn. mert. pliment by selecting him for president. 43,'The new congress, which assembled in June, 1842. 1842, was greeted by the provisional president in a speech Sata Annae strongly declaring his partiality for a firm and central o:athieofpening of congovernment, but expressing his disposition to acquiesce in gress. the final decision of that intelligent body. 4'The pro- 4. Congress - I dissolved by ceedings of that body, however, not being agreeable to Sandtanlna and a nmore Santa Anna, the congress was dissolved by him without piant assenaauthority in the December following; and a national byc hoane junta, or assembly of notables, was convened in its place.'The result of the deliberations of that body was a new 5 News conconstitution, called the "Bases of political organization formed. of the Mexican republic," proclaimed on the J3th of 1843. June, 1843. June 13. 44.'By this instrument the Mexican territory was 6 It protidivided into departments; it was deliared that a popular netfeatures representative system of government awas adopted; that the supreme power resided in the nation; and that the Roman Catholic religion is professed and protected to the exclusion of all others.'The executive power was lodged 7 The execu in the hands of a president, to be elected for five years; tassistant who was to be assisted by a council of government, composed of seventeen persons named by the president, and whose tenure of office is perpetual.'The legislative 8. Legislative power was to reside in a congress, composed of a chamber of deputies and a senate.'An annual income of at least 9. Rihtsof two hundred dollars was to be required for the enjoyment of all the rights of citizenship. "~Every five hundred 10. ctio othei inhabitants of a department were to be allowed one elec- chamber of tor; twenty of these were to choose one member of the electoral college of the department; and the electoral college again was to elect the members of the chamber of deputies: so that by this third remove from the people the latter were left with scarcely a shadow of authority in the general council of the nation. 45. "One third of the members of the senate were to 1i. crnle tion of'tlm be chosen by the chamber of deputies, the president of the senat. republic, and the supreme court of justice; and the re 1'l0 HISTORY OF MEXICO. [BRooK lL ANPALYSIS. maining two-thirds by the assemblies of the severai I. Character departments.'These assemblies, however, scarcely of thae state amounted to more than a species of municipal police, and were almnost e.rntirely uncler the control of the national execu2. Sentai At- tive. tUnder this intricate and arbitrary system of govta placed p d t/z head of erInment, Santa Anna himself was chosen president, or mie nern-t. as he should with more propriety have been called, suprene dictator of the Mexican nation. s.Unconntitz- 46. 3By the sixth section of the " Plan of Tacubaya:" assumptioo it had been provided -that the provisional president should of polwer by SantanAza, answer for his acts before the first constitutional congress; to the' Plait yet before Santa Anna assumed the office of constitutional h fTac- president, he issued a decree virtually repealing, by his own arbitrary will, that section of the "Plan," by declaring that as the power exercised by him was, by its very tenor, without limitation, the responsibility referred to was merely a'responsibility of opinion;' and that all the acts of his administration were of the same permanent force as if performed by a constitutional government, and must be observed as such by the constitutional congreso. 1844o. 47.'4aving thus placed himself beyond all responsi-:. conwnt'- bility for the acts of his provisional presidency, Santa aent of Santa Anna's Anna commenced his administration under the new govtio0z. ernment, which was organized by the assernmbling of Con5. Proceed- gress in January, 1844. ~The congress at first expressed g.rss, and its accordance with the views of Santa Anna, by voting condition of n the tre sury. an extraordinary contribution of four millions of dollars, with which to prosecute a war against Texas; but on his requiring authority for a loan of ten millions, congress hesitated to give its assent, although but a small portion of the former contribution had been realized, and the treasury was destitute, not only of sufficient resources to carry on a war, but even to meet the daily expenses of the government. S. Feeingis of 48. ~Meanwhile, as affairs proceeded, the opposition atntasAnna's against Santa Anna continued to increase, not only govr'nrnent. in the congress, but also throughout the republic. He had been raised to power by a military revolution, rather than by the free choice of the people; who, regarding with jealousy and distrust the man and his measures, were ready for revolt against a government which they had little.Theetection share in establishing.'On Santa Anna's expressing a foanal2 wish to retire to his farm for the management of his pri. vate afrairs, it became the duty of the senate to appoint a president ad interim, to officiate during his absence. So strong had the opposition to the dictator become in tha body, that the ministerial candidate, Canalizo, prevailec by only one vote over his opponent, of the liberal party. PART II.] HISTORiY OF MIEXICO. 11i 4'9.'Scarcely had Satata Anna left the capital when the' 144 assembly of Guadalaxara, or Jalisco, calleda upon the a. ioV. -. national congtress to mlake some relolrms in the constitution. Proceedand the laws S; andi t amolrr other things, to enforce that n-' of tinoe "csembly of article of the4 Plan of fTaculsya" which made the pro- Jaiisca. visional president responsible bfo the acts of his administration.'Althouglh thlis measure of the asfembly of Ja- 2. Thechstac. lisco was taken in accordance wi-th an article of the con- mearse. stitution, and was therefore, nomlinally, a constitultional act, yet it was in reality a revolutionary one, skilfully planned fobr the overthrow of Santa Anna. 50.'Up to this time, Paredes, who had commenced the 3. Tile coux revolution of 1841, had acted with Santa Anna; but now, Paredae&7 at the head of a body of troops, in the same province of Guadalaxara, he openly declared against the dictator, and assumed the functions of military chief of the revolution. 4Several of the northern provinces immediately gave in 4. Pr.oe.aS their adherence to the cause; and Paredes, at the head of 1400 men, advanced to Lagos,* where he established his head quarters, and there awaited the progress of events. 51.'Santa Anna, then at his residence near Vera Cruz, 5. ccanazio. was immediately invested by Canalizo, the acting president, with the comnmad of the war. against Paredes. 6Collecting tlhe troops in his neighborhood, at the head of' 6 2rch of 8,500 men he departed from i alapa, crossed rapidly the to the capital. departcmnt of T Pueb!la, lee te received some additional troops, and on the 18th of' November arrived at Guada- rov. 18. lupe,- a town icn the vicinity of tLie capital. 7The depart- 7. Po.qfessions ments throuoh which lihe had passed were full of profes- to iii. sions of loyalty to his government, and he found the same in that of Mexico; bhut even at this moment symptoms of the uncertainty of his cause began to appear. 52. Although congress did not openly support Paredes, 8i.ProOeedyet it seemed secretly inclined to avor the revolution, and, con5ress. moreover, it insisted that Santa Anna should proceed constitutionally, which he had not done; for he had taken the command of the military in person, which he was forbidden to do by the constitution, without the previous permission 9. oarccf of' congress. "Nevertheless, on the 22d he left Guada- to SataAvn. lupe for Queretaro, where he expected to assemble a force NRov. 22. of i3,000 men, with which to overwhelm the little army lo. More open of Paredes. 10On the same day the chamber of deputies tioos of cotzvoted the impeachment of the minister of war for sign- gsrta A.?.. t Lagos is a small town in the eastern part of Guadalaxara. Gu dalp.e is a small village three miles north fLrom the capital. (See M3ap, p. 569.) It is distinguished for its mapgnificent ctlhurch, dedicated to the " Virgin of Guadalupe,"- the pat'ons-.caint of lzexico. The chapel acnd other buildings devoted to this saint form a little village of 0. nmselves, separate froon the small tow-n tfhat has grown up in the v;cinity. 112 HISTORY OF MEXICO. [Boox I11, ANALYSIS. ing he order by which Santa Anna held the eommand of tlhe troops. It also resolved to receive and print the declarations of the departments that had taken up arms, showing, in all this, no friendly disposition towards Santa Anna. i. Proceet- 53.'On arrivinc at 0uertaro, Santa Anna found that, ins8 at Que-. rtaro. although the military were professedly in his favor, yet the Members of l,,,e.,bye departmental assembly had already pronounced in favor S'ainAnn,.4 Y Of the reforms demanded by Jalisco. He therefore informed the memrbers that if they did not re-pronou'nce in his favor he would send them prisoners to Perote; and on their refusal to do so, they were arrested by his order. 2. SantaAn- 2When news of these proceedings reached the capital, the crdered toap- minister of war and the acting president were immepear beforeLI Congre.ess. diately ordered to appear before Congress, and to inform that body if they had authorized Santa Anna to imprison the members of the assembly of Quer&taro. 5. Arbitrary 54.'But instead of answering to this demand, on the tezizter. first of December the ministers caused the doors of' ConDec. 1. gress to be closed, and guarded by soldiery; and on the Do. 2. following day appeared a proclamation of Canalizo, de. di4sozd by claring Congress dissolved indefinitely, and conf;rring them;. upon Santa Anna all the powers of government, legislative as well as executive; the same to be exercised by Cana4.Pueba de- lizo until otherwise ordered by Santa Anna. 4XWhen intel. Wares against, Santa Anna. ligence of these proceedings reached Puebla, the garrison Doec. 3. and people declared against the government, and offero. d an asylum to the members of Congress. b. Revolutin 55.'During several days the forcible overthrow of the DC tae6ca. government produced no apparent effect in the capital, but early on the morning of the sixth the people arose in arm!s; the military declared in favor of the revolution; and Ca. Dec. Vi. nalizo and his ministers were imprisoned.'On the soy. e. drnment o- enth, Congress reassembled; General Herrre a, the leadex formed. of the constitutional party, was appointed Provisional Pre. sident of the Republic, and a new ministry was fbrmed. 7. Rejoicings people'Rel, an dfi stivi ties 56. 57Rejoicings and festivities of the people followed. h the ovef Sr- The tragedy of " Brutus, or Rome made Free" was per throw of Sin- ta Anna's formed at the theatre in honor of the success of the revolu government. tionists; and every thing bearing the name of Santa Anna: -his trophies, statues, portraits-were destroyed by the populace. Even his amputated leg, which had been em. balmed and buried with military honors, was disinterred, dragged through the streets, and broken to pieces, with every mark of indignity and contemrt. 1845.. Situntfon 57. 8Santa Anna, however, was st 11 in command of a and plans oj' large body of the regular army, at the head of which., Snt a A ntast Puebla, at thisperiod. early in January, he mnarched against Puebla, hopup, to PART I1.- HISTORY OF MEXICO. 113 strike an efbeclyive blow by the capture of that place, oi 14,15. to oplen his way to Vera Cruz, whence he might escapefrom the country if that alternative became necessary. But at Puebla he found himself surrounded by the insurgents in increasing numbers-his own troops began to desert him —and after several unsuccessful attempts to take the city, on the 1 Ith of the month he sent in a communica- Jar,. 11. tion offering to treat with and submit to the government.'His terms not being complied with, he attempted to make l. is captrm his escape, but was taken prisoner, and confined in the anda en t castle of Perote. After an imprisonment of several months, Congress passed a decree against him of perpetual banishment from the country. 58.'In the mean time the province of Texas, having 2. Situatio& maintained its independence of Mexico during a period tfhTperasa d. of nine years, and having obtained a recognition of its independence from the United States, and the principal powers of Europe, had applied for and obtained admission into the American confederacy, as one of the states of the Union.'On the 6th of March, 1845, soon after the pas- March 6. sage of the act of annexation by the American Congress,.aken bo tie the Mexican minister' at Washington demanded his pass- 97nitcrt ports-declaring his mission terminated, and protesting,a~slt:ngto~n against the recent act of' Congress, by which, as he alleg- te) ed, "an integral part of the Mexican territory" had been severed fiom the state to which it owed obedience. 4(n 4 B.ythe Mexican the arrival in Mexico of' the news of the passage of the president. act of annexation, the provisional president, Herrera, issued a proclamation,b reprobating the measure as a breach b. June 4. of national faith, and calling upon the citizens to rally in support of the national independence, which was represented as being seriously threatened by the aggressions of a neighboring power. 59.'Small detachments of Mexican troops were al- Xriexican ready near the frontiers of Texas, and largerbodies were texan fron ordered to the Rio Grande, with the avowed object of en- tte. fbrcing the claim of Mexico to the territory so long witharawn from her jurisdiction, and now placed under the guardianship of a power able and disposed to protect the newly acquired possession.'In view of these demonstra- 6. American tions made by Mexico, in the latter part of July the Gov- troos,~et to ernment of the United States sent to Texas, under the command of General Taylor, several companies of troops, which took a position on the island of St. Joseph's, near c. (Se,ap,, Corpus Christi Bay, and north of the mouth of the river JIY) 64A. Nueces. 7 Itlevrera's 60.'In the esections that were held in Mexico in A u- oadm.nitl.'agust, Herrera was chosen president, and on the 16th of Sept. 16. 8 114 HISTORY OF NMEX CO. LBoox 11l ANALYSIS. September took the oath of office.'n the presence of the Mex ican Congress. His administration, however, was of short continuance. Evidently convinced of the inability of Mex. ico to carry on a successf'ul war for the recovery of Texas, he showed a disposition to negotiate with the United States I. Revolt of for a peaceable settlement of the controver-sy.'Paredes, Paeale. then in command of a portion of the army designed for the invasion of Texas, seized the opportunity for appeal. ing to the patriotism of his countrymen, and declared against the administration of Herrera, with the avowed object of preventing the latter from concluding an arrangement by which a part of the Republic was to be Dec. 21. ceded to the United States. On the 21st of December 2. lerrera's the Mexican Congress conferred upon Herrera dictatorial overthrown. powers to enable him to quell the revolt, but on the approach of Paredes to Mexico, at the head of six or seven thousand men, the regular army there declared in his favor, and the administration of Ilerrera was terminated. 1846. 61. The hostile spirit which the war party in Mexico,, AdvanceOf headed by Paredes, had evinced towards the United States, the Americai amy to the induced the latter to take measures for guarding against any hostile invasion of the territory claimed by Texas; and on the 11th of March, 1846, the army of General Taylor broke up its encampment at Corpus Christi, and commenced its march towards the Rio Grande. On the 28th of the same month it took a position opposite MataMarch. moras. O4pen hostilities soon followed, the Mexicans 4.Concece- making the first attack. The battles of Palo Alto and tille be..o FResaIca de la Palna, fought on the soil claimed by Texas, alnd te resulted in victory to the American arms; —Matamoras* States surrendered;-during the 21st, 22d, and 23d of Septe-nTcae enr- ber the heights of Monterey-' were stormed, and on the victonioos. 24th the city capitulated to General Taylor. Upper Califbrnia had previously submitted to an American squadron, commanded by Commodore Sloat, and the city and valley of Santa Fee had surrendered to General Kearney. 5. Another 62.'Such were the events which opened the war on rev9vtkion in eex inco the frontiers of Mexico. In the mean time another doagain at on mestic revolution had broken out, and Paredes, while ened of/ gaged in prep arations to meet the foreign enemy, found the power which hie had assumed wrested from him. Santa a 3Tatamoras, a Mexican town, and the capital of the State of'amaulipas, (Tam-aw-let-pasj) once containing 12:000 inhabitants, is situated on the south sid- of the ERio Grande, about 0 miles i'om its mouth. (See SiNap, p. 620.) t 13.onterey, (Mon-ter a.,) the capital of the State of New Leon, contains a population of about 5,3000 inhabitants. (See Map, p. 6O20.) S Santa F'e, the tile -,erritory of New M!exico, is a town of about 40CtO inhabitants situated 15 miles E. of the Rio Gratledt 1100 mliles N.W. from the city of Mleico, and ].0i miles fir'I New Orleans. (See l. i!.. ) PAlnll ]I.] ilSTOltY'' F hiEAX1O0. 115 Ana it bee realed byeell ll d t!ie revolutionasry party, and 4 enterinug MTAexico ill tiiuni:ph, was again p,laced at the head of tlhat governllle nt whilch 11ad so recently sat il judgment against Ililm, anid whiich liidi a.- arded to himn tlhe penalty of 1e'petual alisulllment. For' an account of the war between the Uniite(l Sta;tes and M,-xi(co see Polk's Administlratioln, p. 4'8. COINTCLUDIINGC4 REMlARKS ON MEXICAN HISTO Y2 1. 1lJith the commencemerent of the war bet.wieen the United States ard M.ex]1o, in 1846, we close our bLief account of the history of the latter country, hoping, though aimost. arg.inset hope. that we have arrived near the period of the least o' the cloinestcis revolutios t!l;tit were destined to disti aCt that unhappy land and lookino anxilously fft-ivward to the timLe when P AiCE mzay bestow upon Mexico intetral t-ri nquillity alInd the blessings of a, poermainent but free government. 2. As Americans, we feel' deep and absorbing interest in all those countries of the New World which hv re broken the chains of European vassalage anld established indeplendent governments of their own; but as citizens of the first republic on this continernt, whichl for more than half a century, has maintained an honorable stmnfling iamono tloe nations of the er wth witout one serious domestic insurrecto i(4 to sully the fir page of its hlitory, we have looked with unfeigned grief upo- the num-erous scenes of sanguilnlry contention which have convulsed nearly Oall thle Alierricain republics that hyve aspired to follow in the path which we have trodden. 3. If the task of tracing the causes of the events which have rendered those republics less peaceful, less prosperous,, and less happy thin ours, should be an unpleasant one, yet it may not be wholly unprofit able for it is by the past only that we can slafely judgcle of the future aind bjy knowring the rocks and shoals on which others have broken, we may be the better enabled to guard agaoinst the dagers which, at somne future day, illly threaten us. In the history of modern Mexico we perceive a conbination of nearly all those circunmstances that have rendered the South American republics a grief land ci shalme to the friends of libera1 institutions throulighout tihe world' and to Mexico we shall confine ourselves for examples of the evils to w-hich r we have referred. 4. IMental slavery, an entire subjection to the will and judgment of spiritual leaders, was the secret of that system of iarbitrary rule by which Spain, during nearly three centuries. so quietly governed her American colonies.3' As early ns 1502 the Spanisbl mraonarch was conStitite d head of the American church; ancl no separate spiritual jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff was allowed to interfere with the royal prerogative, in which was concentrated every branch of authority, and to which all classes were taught to look for honor and preferment. Uncder this system, the security of the power of Spain depended upon the ignorance and blind idolatry of the people, whom education would have made impatient of a yoke which compt:rison would have rendered doubly ga;lling. Spain was held iup to the Mexicans as the queen of nations, and the Spanish as t1he only Christian Iringnalge and the people were taught that their fi1te was in. eseribiibly better than that of any others of nmankind. i " Wyhat have we ever known like the axloniual vassalage of these States? —Wlen did we or our ancestors feel, like them., the weight of a, t litieral despotism that presses men to the earth, or of that religious intlolerance which would llh, t up hleaven to all but the bigoted? WE HAVE OPIRUNG FROM ANOTHERi STOCK-WYE BELONG TO ANOTiHER R.aCE. W\e have known nothing-we have felt nothing-of the political despotism of Spain, nor of the heat of her fires of intoleralme.X"-WrEe,sTs's Speeclh oe the P'elmnae Mission, April 14, 1826. 116 HISTORY OF.MEXICO. Bl3ook Il. 5. To perpetuate this ignorance, and effectually guard against foreign influ. ences the " Laws of the indies:' made it a capit al crime for a foreigner to enter the Spanish colonies without a special license froem his Catholic majesty, the king of Spain; nor were these licenses granted unless researches in Natural History were the ostensible object of the applicant. All Protestants were indiscriminately condenlned as heretics and unbelievers, with whom no good Catholic could hold intercourse without contamination. In Mexico, as well as in Spain, the Inquisition was firmly established, and it dischbrged its duties with an unbounded zeal and a relentless rigor. Its tendency was, nol, only to direct the conscience in matters of religion; but to stife inquiry in everything that could throw light upon the science of politics and government. Modern histories and political writings were. rigorously proscribed in Mexico, and so late as 1811, the doctrine of t.he sovereignty of the people was denounced as a damnable heresy. Doctrines directly opposed to republican principles, and based upon ignorance and prejudice. were thus sedulously interwoven with the religion of the people, and while the intolerant spirit thus inculcated remains, there will be no security for the permanence of republican institutions. 6. From the past history and present prospects of Mexico, compared with those of the United States, we may gather one of the most important lessons that history teaches. Although Mexico was settled nearly a century before the United States, yet the latter had gone through all the discouragenents and trials of their colonial existence, steadily progressing in general knowledge and in the growth of liberal principles, had outogrown their vassalage, and firmly established their independence, while Mexico was still groping in spiritual and intellectual darkness, without being fully aware of hers' enslaved condition. In the case of the United States the declaration of Independence was the deliberate resolve of a united and intelligent people. smarting under accumulated wrongs, rightly appreciating the value of freedom, and with prudent foresight calmly weighing the cost of obtaniing it. When once obtained, the virtue and intelligence of the people were sufficient to preserve it, and to guard against its natural liabilities to perversion. A system of government was adopted, republican not only in form but in principle; and standing out prominently as a beacon in the darkness of the age, equal protection and toleration were given to all religious sects. 7. In the case of Mexico, the first resistance to Spanish tyranny was but a sudden and isolated movement of a few individuals, with no ulterior object of freedom; and the masses of the ignorant population who joined in the insutrrection were influenced by no higher motives than those of plunder and revenge. A declaration of Independence found the people disunited, ignorant of the nature and extent of the evils under which they were suffering. unaware of their own resources. and ready to follow blindly wherever their chiefs led them. When Independence was at length accomplished, it was merely for one despotism to give place to another, and in the struggle of contending factions a monarchy arose to usurp the liberties of the people..S The sudden overthrow of monarchy gave place to a system republican in form, and fair and comely in its proportions, but containing one of the most odiois features of despotism. It was declared that one particular religion should be adopted, to the exclusion and prohibition of any other whatever. A principle more illiberal and unrepublican could not hiave been imagined, and where it prevails, the idea of al free -o vernln,ert is ain absurdity. It was a vain attempt to engra.ft the freshly budding gernis of freedom on the old and withered stalk of tyranny, as unnatural as to hope that the most tender and delicate plant would bud and blossom, in vigor and beauty, on the gnarled oak of the forests. Of all tyranny, that which is exerted over the consciences of the superstitious and the ignorant is the miost baineful in its effects. It not only renders its subjects more than willing slaves, and makes them glory in their bondage, but it incapacitates them from a, preciating or enjoying the blessinags of liberty when freely offered them. 9. Of the present state of learning amono the Mexicans, some idea may be P'ART II.] HISTORY OF 1MEXICO. 117 formed, when it is considered, that, so late as 1840, amonl the entir e white population of the country not more than one in five could read and write, and anlong the Indialns and minxed classes. not one in mift-y, a starlliano fiCt f r a res public. and one of the prominent causes of lha:t incapacity for seli'-governllent which the people lhave thus fari exhibited. The constitution of 18'24 indeedi diis played a laudable anxiety for the general impiroveinent of the country and the dissemination of kn owlvdoe but the ease with which that constitution was ovxer thrown by a military despot, and the f ecility with which subsequent revolutions have been effected, without any object but, the r estless ambition of their insti. gators, who hoped to rise to power over the ruins of their predecessors, show the developmient of no progitessive }.i/lciple and that the people hlave made little advanoilment in that knowledge which is requlisite to fit thena for self-govern..eont. 10. As yet there canl scarcely be said to be more than two classes among those who are citizens; the church onl the one hand. and the army on the other;.fo the nlmeirous mixed and indian; population is almost wholly unrepresented in the governiment. T"he straLnger is reminded of this double dominion of milit ary an d spiritual power by the constanti sound of the drutm and the bell, which rinut in his ears fronm morn till midnigiht, drowning the sounds of industry and babyor, and by their parapher'nalia of show land paratde deeply impressing him witl the convictioni -hat there are 11o republican influences prevailing around him. A large standiing army has been llmaintained, not to guard the nation ag:Linst iilvadling enemies. bat to protect the government against the people; an-d its leaders hate orignmated all the revolutions that have occurred since the overthrow of the powel of Spail. 11. The present condition of Mexicoaapart from considerations of the results of the foreign war in w hich she is engaged, is one of exceeding embarrassment, and many years of peace must elpse, under a wise and permanent administration of governmLent, befobre she ctn recover from the evils which a long period of anarchy and misrule has entailed upon her. The country presents a wide field of wavste and r-lin; aoriculture has been checked: commerce and mannoactures scarcely exist: a foreign and a domestic debt weigh heavily upon the people; and the morals of tihe inasses have become corrupted. Under such circumstances. the future prospects of Mexico a-re dark to the eye of hope, and the m.lost gloomy forebodincgs of those who love her welfilre thieaten to be realized. While she has been absorbed wvith domestic contentions, the march of improvenlent has been pressing uponi her borders; lnd her soil is too fertile, anld hele naines too valuable? lono' to lie unimproved, without telmpting the cupidity of o-ther nations. Texas, severed from her, not by foreign interference, but by the enterprise of a hallady utnited, and intelligent population, that had been invited to her soil to mlke her waste and wilderness lands fertile, may be to her a wararnin cll Lnd a prophetic page in her history. 1'. And whether thle Anglo-Aineric'n race is destined to sweep over the valleys and planits of Mexico. ilnct in that direction carry onward to the sho:res of the PacifiC, the blessings of civil'nd religious freedom, Iunder the mild and ea.ceable influences of republicmii institutions. or whether the Hispano-Mexicains shidl continue to rule in the land which they have polluted1 in their doieistic qu arrels, wcith scenes of violence and blood, and over which the intoler;tnc of' Suiritual desi:otiesRn hin s so long exerted its blighlting influence is a ireo! lem -whilh te h Sexicaen peoplie alone can solve. If they will be uniteed uanrl' a R!over',nment of their owncl choice if they will foster learning aind the t.'s. clti~',..l.te rood meloils, and b:lniish the iftolernlce of their relig.ion they m,.ca et be-ole a- re.-pec'teod' at rTea.:, a powerful. and a hppy nation; but if (lomRf:t. ic discord anil civil vacres., l-bmented by ambictious military chieftains, shall mourch longer prevcil, the natiosn wvill be bloken into fragments, or her territory seized 1upon by scmte more powerful, because more united, more liberal, mors antelligant, aniel more virtuous people. a. Written in 1846. .7 7 I 5 owl-C. H A; - ~ i LA" p o K A K L' 0 200 150 21)0 ~&) -........... l sowj To! x a,; _ j 0 D (}.? 00 _5 200 250 H nftati - "r S.0-1io "' 0;. Sts'\, aIzzese' I O Vocar le.< or 12 6'' er I< - t l _% o'...a.oo. _ }1ii ~ \"[/ I -O''~ { l'o1' B13 1ls - - C l, r _1) si48 I-slc, i;urP ~ ~ ~ I' J"iYLI~C I (0111)100~~~~~~ 0 ~ ~~ A ue,~ 14- II Vs0' PA R T I II. HISTORY OF TEXAS., C}HAPTER I. T'EXAS,. AS A PART OF MEXICO, WHILE UNDER THE SPANISH DOMINION. [1521 TO 1821.1 1.'Before the formation of European settlements in 1521. Texas, that country was the occasional resort, rather than S1 Situation the abode, of wandering Indian tribes, who had no fixed of. Tex bth habitations. and who subsisted chiefly by hunting and pre- mation of datory warfare. Like the modern Comanches,- they tleoientss were a wild, unsocial race, greatly inferior to the agricul- a. (See Note, tural Mexicans of the central provinces, who were sub- p. 625.) dued by Cortez. 2.'The establishment of the Spanish power upon the 2. Tardy ocruins of the kingdom of Montezuma was not followed im- the country mediately by even the nominal occupation of the whole Spni'zrds. country embraced in modern Mexico. More than a cen5 The territory claimed by Texas, according to a boundary act passed Dec. 19th, 1836, extended from the Sabine to the Rio Grande, and firomn this latter river and the Gulf of Mexico to the boundary line of the United States; embracing an area of more than 200,000 square miles -a greater extent of surface than is included in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ohio. Her present western boundary is about 250 tniles east of Santa Fe. In the vicinity of the coast, and ranging from thirty to seventy-five miles inland, the surface of the country is very level, but singularly free from s-amps and marshes. Bordering on the Sabine the country is flat and woody; from the Sabine to Galveston Bay it is mostly a barren prairie, destitute of trees, except on the margin of the water courses. The remaining portion of the coast, southwest from Galveston, is low and sandy, relieved, towvards the interior, and on the margins of the streams, by insulated groves and beautiful prairies. The soil of the level region is a rich alluvion of great depth, and owing to its porous character, and its general fr-eedom fronm stagnant waters, the climate is less unhealthy than in the vicinity of the lowlands of the southern United States. Beyond the level region is the 1" rolling country," forming the largest of the natural divisions of Texas, and extending from 150 to 200 miles in width. This region presents a delightful variety of fertile prairie and valuable woodland, enriched with springs and rivulets of the purest water This district possesses all the natural advantages requisite for the support of a dense population The soil is of an excellent quality, the atmosphere is purer than in the low country, and no local causes of disease are known. The climate of Texas is believed to be superior, on the whole, to that of any other portion of North America; the wvinters being milder, and the heat of summer less oppressive than in the northeastern section of the United States. The forests of Texas are destitute of that rank undergrowth which prevails in the woody districts of Louisiana and Mississippi; and the level rresion is generally free from those putrid swamps, the exhalations from which, under the rays of a burning sun, poison the atmosphere. and produce sickness and d(.atl.' In Texas the banks of the water-courses rise gradually fronm the beds of the streams, from river to river the country is an open acclivity; while, in the low districts of Louisiana and Miis slssippi, the banks of the rivers are suddenly abrupt, and the country mostly a swampy and eompactly wooded level, retaining the waters of annual inundations, which generate noxious 120 HISTORY OF TEXAS. [BooK lit. ANALYSIS. lury and a half elapsed before a single Spanish post was erected within the limits of the present Texas, and in the tardy progress of Spanish colonization originated the pretensions of France to the Rio Grande, as the southwesterin frontier of Louisiana. Dofi aris-y 3.'The discovery by the French, and the exploration Of the country bordering on the Mississippi, have already been mentioned in connection with the early history of a. Se P. 520. Louisiana. 2ITI the year 1684, La Salle, the pioneer in 1.68 4. those western discoveries, sailed from France with four b. Jly 24-, vessels and two hundred and eighty persons, with the i d. I,an",z of n La Salle desiogn of establishing a colony at the mouth of the MIXiso'thir the li:nits of sissippi. Deceived, however, in his reckoning, La Salle Texazs. failed to reach the place of his destination, and sailing unconsciously southward, he landed on the 18th of' Feb1685. ruary, 1685, at the head of' Matagorda Bay,- within the e.Note, p. 643. limits of the present Texas. 3. Erection of 4.'Here he built and garrisoned a small fort, and took a fort. ca ins of formal possession of the country in the name of his soveFrcance to the country. reign; nor did France, while Louisiana was hers, relinquish her claims to the territory thus colonized under her 4. The vessels banners. 4The largest vessel in the expedition of La sent out swith La Salle. Salle soon returned to France; two others were lost in the bay; and the fourth, a small sloop, was captured off d. Note, p. 112. St. Domingod by Spanish cruisers. 5La Salle, dissatisfied 5. Projected t r removal of the with his situation, although the country around him, vercolony. dant with luxuriant herbage, gave abundant evidence of the fertility of the soil, resolved to seek the Mississippi and establish his colony there. S. Departure 5.'After several unsuccessful attempts to discover the.,r canada. Mississippi, his colony being in the meantime threatened with famine, and the surrounding Indians having become 1687. hostile, in January, 1687, he departede with sixteen per3.c.2. sons, with the desperate resolution of finding his way to Canada by land, whence he intended sailing for France. Mardeah 19. where he hoped to obtain materials for a firesh expedition. asnd the 7On his journey, and while yet within the limits of Texas, freaking up of the colony. he was shotf by one of his own men whom he had offended eniasma, the cause of malignant fevers. While the midsummer air of the alluvial region of tha Mississippi is surcharged with noxious moisture, in Texas gentle breezes blow six months in tha year from the south and southwest, and, coming from the waters of the Gulf, or passing over ths elevated table-lands of the interior, they give an invigorating freshness to the atmosphere. So lelightful is the temperature in the greater portion of Texas proper, that this region has been very appropriately styled the " Italy of America." Here ice is seldom seen; snow is a rare and',ransient visitor; and even in winter the trees preserve their oliage, and the plains their verdure The soil and the climate coleMbined admit of two or three crops a year, of fruits and vcgetables, and two gardens are comuon,- -one for spring and summer, and one for autumn and winter. Rheumatisms and chronic diseases are rare in Texas; pulmonary consumption is almost unknown; and, in the opinion of respectable medical men, a residence in this country would be as fvorable, to persons of consumptive habits, as the south of Europe or Madeira. PAnT 711.1 IHIST'rY OF TEXAS. 121 The establishment formed by him at Matagorda was soon IG87o after broken up by the Indians.' 6.'When intelligence of La Salle's invasion reached i. Designe of tn e S?,mniardw Mexico, the viceroy held a council of war to deliberate to ex'vi tke, on the matter, and an expedition was resolved upon to tie country. scollr the country, and hunt out the French if any were still remaining.'Accordingly, a suitable force was des- 2. kThexe.. patched commanded by Captain Alonzo de Leon, who De Leon. arrived~ in April, 1689, at the site of La Salle's fort, which a. April 2. he found deserted, and the remains of one of the French 1689. vessels that had been wrecked on the coast still visible.'De Leon, prompted by the rumor that sornm of La Salle's 3, Ir-,i-v ttc companions were wandering about the country with the Indians, visited the tribe of the Asimais, who received him kindly, but he could find no traces of the fiigitive Frenchmen. 4The Spanish commander reciprocated the 4. 0orgin Of kindness of the Asimais, on whom lhe bestowed the name Threa, Qf of " Texas," since applied to the country they inhabited, and which, in their language, signified'"friends." 7.'On the return of ]De Leon, he informed the viceroy l. Rett-n, of of the freedom of the country fiom fbreigrners, mentioned hisecomthe amicable disposition of the Indians, and recommended tie Viceroy. the establishment of nissionary posts and garrisons, for the purpose of civilizing the natives, and preventing the intrusion of Europeans. TIn accordlance with this recom- 6. First Span inendation, one or two unimportant missions were founded ments iet in Texas in the year 1690, and two years later a small set-. 169 tlement was made at San Antonio de Bexar.b b. See Nots 8.'In 1699, the French, under De Iberville, having lext page. formed a few settlements in southern Louisiana, assumed 7.'h2eFrer,s: nominal possession of the country fiom the mouth of the aJal Mobile river to the Bay of Matagorda.'Some years of the conlater the Spaniards established several posts in the vici- s8.Sanish nity of the French settlement at Natchitoches,* which they otoch,,.i!ts, affected to consider within their limits; and by a royal ato ua'-,ias.n, order in 1718, a detachment of fifty light infantry was 171.. stationed at Bexar. 9The French at Natchitoches soon *S. Jostliltes betzween, the after attacked the neighboring Spanish missions, and Frencl chad obliged the inhabitants to seek a temporary retreat at Bexar; but the French were soon attacled in turn, and obliged to retire beyond the Sabine. 9. "~Although thus driven beyond the limits of Texas, o. French the French did not abandon their claims to the country, the bay of..1a, and in 1720 they established a small garrison at La Salle's tagorda. post, and raised there the arms of France anew, with the 1720. * Natchitoches, (pronounced N'ach-i.tosh.l is in Louisiaea, on the west side cf the.It River, about 20 i miles from its mouth. It was settled by the French about the year I717. 122 fIISTORY OF TEXAS. [BooK II1. &NALYSIS. design of representing the continued assertion of the right -1763. of sovereignty. But this post never acquire(l any impor1. Western tance, and was soon abandoned.'In 1763 France ceded Louisiana to Spain that portion of Louisiana west of the Mississippi ceded to pairz in,~ 1763. River; and the conflicting claims of the two countries to Fr.ancein the territory of Texas were for a time settled; but in the 1800. year 1800, Louisiana -was ceded back- to Franc,% with a. Seep. 58. the same undefined limits that it had when previously 1803. ceded to Spain. "Three years later, the same territory b. See p. 529. of Louisiana was cededb by France to the United States..'3. Final ceseio.rnofLouisi by which latter power the claim to Texas was still forana, to the UnitedStates. mally continued, without, however, any attempt to en.. force it. 1810. 10. 3At the time of the outbrealK of the first Mexican 3, Situastio revolution, in 1810, the population of Texas was several Sheolbtimeof the th-ousand less than it was fifty years previous, and the;7zcistM~eaz- only settlements of importance were those of San Antonio,can revolin tion. de Bexar,* Nacogdoches,t and La Bahia, or Goliad.T A few Spanish garrisons, and missions of the Romish church, scattered through the wilderness of the interior, gathered around them a few miserable Indian proselytes, whose spiritual welfare was generally less cared for than the benefit their labor conferred upon their reverend monitors and masters. tDesp-thp Bi1. 4These missionary establishments, each consisting Sonih ams- of a massive stone fortress and a church, the latter sureqon[ry establishlments. mounted with enormous bells and decorated with statues and paintings, presented more the appearance of feudal castles than of temples for religious worship. The ruins of some of these structures still remain, with their walls almost entire,-striking monuments of the past, and of the sway of Catholicism over the forests of Texas. VIC[NIT OF BEXAR. k The old Spanish town of rSax Aetonio de Bexar as in the central part of w7estern Texas, and was embraced in a curve of the San Antonio River, on its west2j. gif c k ern bank. (See Map.) The town was in the form of an g S SC ] te. oblong squsre, ant the houses vwere const-rutdcl almost' ix'",v~ - t2aeen lin, eluded a convention with Santa Anna, by the terms of Anna. which hostilities were immediately to cease between the mrays. Mexican and Texan troops; the Mexican army was to AY 14. retire beyond the Rio Grande'; prisoners were to be exchanged, and Santa Anna was to be sent to Vera Cruz as soon as should be thought proper. 34.'On the same day a secret treaty was signed by 2Y.Tate et P"resident Burnet and Santa Anna, stipulating that the lat- treaty conter should arrange fbr the favorable reception, by the Mex- Santa Anna. ican cabinet, of a mission from Texas; that a treaty of amlity and commerce should be established between the two republics; that the Texan territory should not extend beyond the Rio Grande; and that the immediate embarkation of Santa'Anna for Vera Cruz should be provided for; " his prompt return being indispensable for the purpose of effecting his engagements." 35.'On the 1st of June, Santa Anna and suite em- June, barked at Velasco for Vera Cruz; but some necessary.3. saantaA preparations delayed the departure of the commissioners ture delayed. who were to attend him, and on the 3d a party of volun- volunteers teers arrived from New Orleans, with minds long inflamed against the Mexican President by reports of the atrocities he had sanctioned. 4The indignation at his release spread 4. Santa Anamong the Texans; and such a commotion was excited re-landed. that President Burnet, apprehensive of danger to the domestic tranquillity of Texas, ordered the debarkation of the prisoners, who were escorted for safe keeping to Quin- s'he oafm. to tana,* on the side of the Brazos opposite Velasco. PBersete 36.'On the same day President Burnet received an ad- a. Dated dress~ from the army, requesting that Santa Anna might Vioto,.ia, not be released without the sanction of the Congress. 6T~o 26 ithis address the president returned a long and able re- Bur-nets monstrance,b in which the views of the government, in sub- to this ad-,cribing the treaty which provided for Santa Anna's re-, dtsed lease, were defended; and it was urged, that whether the June H. treaty were wise or not, the good faith of Texas was 7.' blcntenpledged for its consummation. 7But still the current of aainstSan public sentiment rai; against the liberation of Santa Anna, liberatlin. 8. Views of and even in the cabinet itself there was a difference of General I.aopinion on the subject. sGeneral Lamar, the Secretary rubjecthi, ~ Quientana, a town on the south side of the mouth of the Brazos, opposite Velasco. (See inkp, p. 659.) 162 lISTO'1RY OF TEXAS. LBoau 111,hALTYIS. of War, strongly opposed his liberation; regarding him as'I-"-~- an abhorred murderer, who had forfeited his life by the nighest of all crimes; and, although he disclaimed resort. ing to the law of retaliation, he asked that even-handed ustice might be meted out to the criminal: his crimes being sanguinary in the extreme, he would read his punishment from the code of Draco. a. June 9. 37.'Although Santa Anna protested- against the vioaEnte And lation of faith on the part of the government of Texas, he "t50 Porl. was detained a prisoner; the final disposal of him being reserved for the government about to be established in Sept. conformity with the constitution.'Early in September 2ionof the the new government was organized, Samuel Houston begunderthet ing elected first constitutional President of the republic, conslitution. and Mirabeau B. Lamar, Vice President. 3The people B. The subject tfannezbatios had also been required, in the presidential election, to StttaLted express their sentiments on the subject of annexation to the United States, the result of which was, that all the votes except ninety-three were given in favor of the measure; and Congress soon after passed an act, empowering the president to appoint a minister to negotiate at Washington for the annexation of Texas to the American Union. -. Santa An- 38. 4After much discussion, Santa Anna was ultimately oas release. released by an act of the Executive, who desired to send him to Washington, with a view to certain diplomatic arrangements to which the government of the United States 5. His letter was to be a party.'Santa Anna had previously writtenb Jackson. to President Jackson, expressing his willingness to fulfil b. (In Aug.) his stipulations with General Houston, and requesting his 6. The Mezi- mediation.'The Mexican Congress, however, by a dencongress. cree of the 20th of May, had suspended the presidential authority of Santa Anna while a prisoner, and had given information of the same to the government of the United 7. The gene- States. 7Yet it was generally believed, owing to' the rat belief with regard friendly professions of Santa Anna, that should he, on his to Santa Anna's intete- return to his own country, be restored to power, he would'tiMs- use his authority and influence, either for the acknowledgment of Texas as an independent nation, or as a state of the American Union; and, under this impression, General Houston had acceded to his release, and assumed its,esponsibility. Dec. 18. 39. 80n the 18th of December Santa Anna reached.His arwang- Washington, where he held secret conferences with the ton, and Executive, and on the 26th of the same month left the return to Mexico. city, being furnished by President Jackson with a ship of 1837. war to convey him to Vera Cruz, where he arrived on the H. tis letter to the Mexi- 20th of February following. "He immediately addressed c warS. a letter to the minister of war, wherein he disavowed all PA1RT IIu.l HISTORY OF TEXAS. 163 treaties and stipulation;, whatever as conditional to his re- 1837. lease; declaring that, before consenting either willingly -' or through force to any conditions that might bring reproach upon the independence or honor of his country, or place in jeopardy the integrity of her territory, he would have suflered a thousand deaths!'This disavowal, how- I. is retire. merit fr _om ever, was not effectual in restoring him to the favor of his pub/ zife. countrymen, whose want of confidence in him was increased by his duplicity; and he was obliged to go into retirement, until another revolution in his unhappy country enabled him to regain the power he had lost. 40.'The battle of San Jacinto gave peace to Texas, and t2 rffects of the rank of an independent state among the nations of the San Jacinto. earth.'O31 the 3d of March, 1837, her independence was Iarch 3. recognized by the government of the United States, which tions ofr Tewas followed by a recognition and treaties on the part of aniOtde)endFrancea in 1839, and on the part of Englandb in 1840. 1839-40.'Mexico, however, still maintained a hostile attitude to- a. Sept. 5, wards her, and by repeated threats of invasion kept alive b. Nov. 1G, the martial spirit of the Texans; but the Mexican gov- 1840 ernment, occupied by internal disturbances, or dangers tiohe ositioin still from abroad, was restrained from renewing any serious ibyn2eico.d attempt upon the liberties of the new republic. 41. 5All endeavors to establish amicable relations with 5. Attempts of Texas, in Mexico were unavailing. A diplomatic agent sent to 18s9, toestabVera Cruz for that purpose in 1839, was cautioned against relations witza attempting to land; the commandant-general giving him Mexico to understand, that should he do so, he would be accom. modated with lodgings in the city prison. The commandant farther informed him that " he was not aware of the existence of a nation called the republic of Texas, but only of a horde of adventurers, in rebellion against the laws of the Mexican government."'In the following year, how- 6.ea -co ever, Mexico so far abated her pretensions as to receive a Prete4nsions Texan agent, and permit him to submit the basis of a again astreaty; but on the restoration of Santa Anna to power in like attitzude, 1841, she again assumed a warlike attitude, declaring to rtteresof. the world, that she would never vary her position "till Soant Anna she planted her eagle standard on the banks of the Sabine. 1841. 42. 7Early in 1841, General Lamar, then president of 1841. Texas, made preparations for sending to Santa Fe three 7. Design of the Texan commissioners, who were authorized to take measures for government to send cornopening a direct trade with that city, and for establishing rmsiorterseto the authority of the republic over all the territory east of the Rio Grande. "This river was claimed by Texas as ernboThndary her western boundary, and had been virtually admitted as of Texas. such by Santa Anna himself, in the articles of agreement signed by him and President Burnet soon after the battle 164 HISTORY OF TEXAS. [BooK HI ANALYSIS. of San Jacinto.'Yet Santa Fe was a rich and commercial i. Improba- city, inhabited almost exclusively by Mexicans, and it was biity that not to be supposed that they would willingly surrender it touldquietly tO the Texan authorities, which were regarded as having &urrender to the Texans. no rights to the country in their actual possession. 2. Tohe qe - 43.'Under these circumstances this measure of Presi. tion of the policy of this dent Lamar was condemned by many of the Texan jourepedito. nals at the time it was undertaken; and its policy became more doubtful when it was proposed to send a military force of several hundred men as an escort to the commissioners, although the principal object, doubtless, was that of protecting them against the warlike Comanches, across whose hunting grounds it was necessary to travel. It could hardly fail to be suspected by the Mexicans, how.. ever, taint this military force was designed for coercive measures, if the pacific efforts of negotiation should not prove successful. JUne 18. 44.20n the 18th of June, the expedition, under the com3. Depamrturoe fromn A.tin, mand of General Hugh McLeod, accompanied by a numat Spanish ber of merchants and private gentlemen, comprising in all settlements. about 325 persons, left Austin, the capital of Texas, and after a journey of nearly three months, during which time their provisions failed them, the company arrived in two divisions, and at different times, at Spanish settlements in 4. Teirrst the valley of Santa Fe. 4Several persons who were sent forward by the advance party, to explain the pacific objects of the expedition, were seized, and immediately condemned to be shot; but after being bound and taken out for execution, their lives were spared by a Mexican officer, who sent them to meet General Armijo, the governor. Two of the party, however, who attempted to escape, were 5. Surre nd er executed. 6In the meantime, several thousand troops of the whola party. were concentrating to intercept the Texans, who were all Oct 17. finally induced to surrender their arms, upon the promise Nov. of a safe conduct to the frontier, a supply of food for the march home, and the return, to every rnan, of his property, after the stipulations had been complied with. r. The pri,n- 45.'After their surrender, the Texans were bound, six and otarted or eight together, with ropes, and thongs of raw-hide, and for the city of iexico. in this condition were marched off for the city of Mexico; f. ataent acr bout 1200 miles distant. Stripped of their hats, shoes, douringt and coats; beaten, and insulted in almost every possible manner; often fastened by a rope to the pommel of the saddle of the horses on which the guard was mounted; dragged upon the ground; marched at times all night and all day; blinded by sand; parched with thirst; and famishing with hunger;-in this manner these unfbrtunate PART II.] HI'STORY OF TEXAS. mnen were hurried on to the city of Mexico, which they 1S41. eached towards the ollose of December. 46.'When they arrived at Mexico, they were chained 1. Thrs with heavy iron by order of) Santa Anna; confined for a after their while in filthy prisons; and afterwards condemned to labor arrival at as common scavengers in the streets of the city.'After. One dizithe lapse of several weeks, one division of the captives sitP>uehnt to was sent to the city of Puebla, and compelled to work in stone quarries, with heavy chains attached to their limbs, and under the supervision of brutal task-masters, some of whom were convicted criminals. 3Another detachment, 3. Anothers the castle, o including General McLeod and most of the officers of the Perote,. expedition, was remanded to the castle of Perote, where all, without distinction, were condemned to hard labor, still loaded with chains. 47. 40f the whole company, three were murdered in 4. Subsequets cold blood on their way to the capital, because they had 5auortuafth become wearied; several died there of ill treatment, and men. disease incurred by exposure and hardships; a few escaped from prison, some were pardoned by the government, and most of the others have since been released.*'The treatment of the Santa Fe captives, who became pri- r5 Tolicybarb soners only through the violated faith of the Mexicans, is the lMexican but one of numerous examples of the cruel and barbarous policy of the Mexican government during the entire administration of Santa Anna. 48.'Soon after the result of the Santa Fe expedition 6. Rmors of was known, rumors became more frequent than ever, that invcasionqf Mexico was making active preparations, on a most exten- Texas sive scale, for a second invasion of Texas; and the well known hostile policy of Santa Anna, who had recently been restored to power, rendered it probable that all the available force of Mexico would be brought in requisition for the recovery of the lost province. 49. 7Early in 1842, intelligence of the assembling of 1842. troops west of —the Rio Grande produced great excitement 7. Exciteremj throughout Texas. The inhabitants of the frontier tow'sS evacuation hastily removed their effects to more secure situatic:0s; of Bexar,ec and even the garrison of San Antonio de Bexar evacuated the place, and retreated to the banks of the Guadalupe. 8But after all the notes of preparation that had been con- 8. Te rTshe stantly sounding since the battle of San Jacinto, and not- threatened withstanding the boasting declarations of Santa Anna inva8ion. himself, the invading army, instead of being an advanced * A highly interesting " Narrative of the Texan Santa F6 Expedition" has been written by Geo. W. Kendall, one of the editors of the New Orleans Picayune, who accompanied the Expedition, and was conveyed a prisoner to Mexico. 166 HISTORY OF TEXAS. [Boot Ii1 iAliYS'S. corps of twelve or fifteen thousand regular troops, proved.... -to be only a few poorly equipped marauding parties, numbering in all six or eight hundred men, which, after gathering up a large quantity of spoil left behind by the a. March6. fugitive inhabitants, and plundering' San Antonio, hastily retreated, before a Texan force could be brought against them. Srrendef r 50.'In the September following, a Mexican force of of Bexar to thiMe ic1ns about 1200 men, under the command of General Woll, fi September. approached Bexar, and after a slight resistance fiom a small party of Texans, the town was surrendered by can b Sept. 11. pitulation.b 2A few days later, a party of little more than 2. ntage-s f 200 Texans, that had assembled in the Salado bottom, five Bezar. miles east from Bexar, was attacked by General Woll, but the Mexicans were obliged to withdraw with considera captureof able loss.'About fifty Texans, however, coming to the Texans.rlt8 relief of their countrymen, were attacked in an open fubseqcent prairie by a large portion of the Mexican force, and having nothing but small arms with which to defend themselves against a Mexican field-piece, were compelled to surrender. A sanguinary butchery followed, and before it was arrested by the Mexican officers more than half of. Retreat oy the prisoners had fallen. 4These events were soon folthe enemy. lowed by a hasty retreat of the Mexicans to the west side of the Rio Grande, rapidly pursued by several parties of Texan volunteers. 5on. Prepara- 51 A al determination to chastise the Mexicans tionsfor car- gener.ying the war by carrying the war west of the Rio Grande now preRioGrande. vailed throughout Texas, and numerous small volunteer companies were raised for that purpose, but no efficient measures were taken by the government, nor was any wov regular invasion intended.'Early in November about S. Assembling 700 volunteers assembled at Bexar, and were placed under c: Baear. the command of General Somerville, but the return of several companies soon after, reduced this number to 500 Dec. 8. Oen.'On the 8th of December this party entered Laredo *nthee Rio without resistance, a Mexican town on the east bank of the Grasne. Rio Grande, and a few days later crossed the river lower down, but soon after, by the orders of their general, and to the great dissatisfaction of most of the troops, recrossed to the Texan side. 8. Return of 52.'It appears that no plan of operations had been devolunteers, cided upon, and here the commander and 200 of the a/zed signs troops withdrew and returned to their homes, while 300 mainder. men remained, chose a leader fiom their own party, and s, pieproac, declared their determination to seek the enemy. ~On the a,,,a~i of ""'d of December, a Dart of this small force crossed the Rir Paiur itI.] I ISt~ O~.' i xr s1 6,:7 167 Grande near the town of Mier,* to whiclh a deputation was lS, sent, demanding provisions and other supplies. These -. were promised, but before they were forwarded to the Texan camp, a large AMexican force, commanded by Generals Ampuda and Canales, had arrived and taken possession of the town. 53.'An attack upon Mier was now determined upon,. Anattac and on the 25th all the troops crossed the Rio Grande for deP Med that purpose, and in the evening commenced their march Upon. towardls the place. "The night was dark and rainy, and 2. The Iezithe Mexican force, more than 2000 strong, was advan- canforce tageously posted, awaiting the attack.'The Mexican B. A.odrlent picket-guards were driven in, and the little band of intre- eubutedrib pid adventurers, forcing its way by slow degrees against a constant fire from the enemy, in spite of repeated attacks, succeeded in effecting a lodgment in a number of stone buildings in the suburbs of the town. 54. 4At early dawn the fight was renewed, with in- 4. ReneoatoJ the. fight on creased desperation on the part of the Texans. Several the Solluowig times the Mexican artillery nearest them was cleared, and morning. at length deserted, when the enemy had recourse to the house-tops. These again were cleared, but the overpowering numbers of the enemy enabled them to continue the fight, although column after column, urged on to the attack by their officers, fell by the deadly discharge of the American rifle. 55.'The action was continued until Ampudia sent a 5. Tenrs of white flag proposing terms of capitulation, accompanied cpopotlsed by by several Mexican officers, among them General La Vega, Amprlisa. to enforce upon the Texans the utter hopelessness of effective resistance, as Ampudia stated that he had 1700 regular troops under his command, and that an additional force of 800 was approaching from Monterey. 6With great 6f Surrender reluctance the little band at length surrendered, and ofth, Texa. marching into the public square, laid down their arms before an enemy ten times their number.'In this desperate 7. The Zosses battle, the loss of the Texans, in killed and wounded, was of eac parte thirty-five;' that of the Mexicans, according to their own statement, was more than five hundred. s. The prisoni56. 8The Texans, although expecting, in accordance erczommernz with assurances given them, to be detained on the east for the, ex-i. side of the mountains until exchanged as prisoners of war, Dec. 31. were now strongly guarded, and in a few days obliged to s. EScape of commence their march, of nearly a thousand miles, to the ande pboecity of Mexico. 90n one occasion, two hundred and four, render. d Mier (pronounced Mear) is on the south side of a small stream called the Rio del Alamo, oe Rio Alcantara, a short distance above its entrance into the Rio Grande. (See Map, p. 620.) 168 HISTORY OF'1'EXAS. [Book WlI. ANALYSIS. teen of the prisoners, although unarmed, rose upon their guard of 300 armed men, killed several, and dispersing the remainder, commenced their journey homewards, but after suffering greatly from hunger and fatigue-many having died, and the rest being ignorant of the way and destitute of ammunition, they were compelled to surrender to a party in pursuit. X- The Pun. 57.'For this attempt at escape, every tenth man among ament. the prisoners was shot by orders of the Mexican govern2. Subsequent ment.'The remainder were marched to Mexico, and remainder. thence to the castle of Perote, where they were subjected to close cofifinement. A few escaped, in different ways; about thirty died of cruel treatment; and most of the remainder, after a year's imprisonment, were released through the generous influence of the foreign representa. 3. Remarks. tives at the Mexican capital.'Such was the result of the Mier expedition-foolishly undertaken, but exhibiting, throughout, the same desperate bravery that has characterized the Texans in all their contests with superior Mexican forces. 4. Desire of 58. 4The time had now arrived when the long-cherished the, Texans for admission hopes of a majority of the Texan people for admission Trica tUhon. into the American Union were to be realized. 5That wish e5. The frst had not been expressed until the constitution of 1824 was thwis onh overthrown, and the federal compact violated; nor until it their part. had become evident that the Mexican people would make no serious efforts to regain their liberties, of which the des6. Fidelity of potism of military power had deprived them.'Faithful Texas to her ngagements to her engagements until their binding obligation was withU Mezco. destroyed against her wishes, and in spite of her efforts to fulfil them, Texas adhered to Mexico even longer than Mexico was true to herself; when she was obliged to throw herself upon the only reserved right that was left her,-the right of revolution-the last right to which op7. The result pressed nations resort. 7In the brief struggle that followed, 2f the Texan tevolution. victory crowned her efforts-independence was secured and maintained, and other governments acknowledged hei claims to be admitted into the family of nations.. Avowed Te 59. "When Texas, soon after the battle of San Jacinto, sign of Texas in asking the asked the United States to recognize her independence, it to recognize was with the avowed design of' treating immediately for her inde- I pemnence. the transfer of her territory to the American Union.'The P iTheof opinions of President Jackson on this subject, as expressed Prdet by message to congress, were, that a too early recognition Jackson on this subject. of Texan independence would be unwise,'as it might subject the United States, however unjustly, to the imputation of seeking to establish the claim of her neighbors to a territory, with a view to its subsequent acquisition by PART 111.1 HISTORY OF TEXAS. 169 herself:''le therefore advised that no steps towards re- 11S42. cognition should be taken' until the lapse of time, or the 1 His dk course of events should have proved, beyond cavil or dispute, the ability of the Texan people to maintain their separate sovereignty, and the government constituted by'gE0 esignq theJ them.' 2Seemingly opposed to his own views of' policy, congress, ackiozledghowever, on the last dayv of' his administration, he signed Msg theirnde. the resolution of congress, for the acknowledgment of Texacs.~ Texan independence. t Mar3ch 3 60.'In August following, General Hunt, the Texan 3. General.Z-/'unt's comenvoy at Washington, addressedb a communication to Mr.,-aunclatiorn Forsyth, the American minister, in which he urged at bA.ung 41837 great length the proposition for the annexation of Texas to the American Union. 4In reply, Mr. Forsyth commu- 4. Th,TMripy nicatede the decision of President Van Buren, as averse syth. to entertaining the proposition; and among the reasons A' 25. stated were, "treaty obligations" to Mexico, and "respect for that integrity of character by which the United States had sought to distinguish themselves since the establishment of their right to claim a place in the great family of nations." 61. 6The proposed annexation of Texas had caused s'citemntt,, caqvsed' in tho much excitement in the United States; the manufacturing Unitedstates, interests, and the anti-slavery party opposed it; the legis- titannotpolatures of New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Ohio called upon Congress to reject the proposition; the opponents of the measure discovering in it an extension of Southern and anti-tariffinfluence, detrimental to the Northera -and middle sections of the Union.'The violent spirit 6. Efflctspros duced in Tex. which characterized this opposition, and the vituperative as by thin terms toe frequently applied to the people of Texas, greatly oppositionabated their desire for the contemplated union; and in April, 188, a resolution was introducedd into the Texan d. Apr123, Congress, withdrawing the proposition. The resolution was approved by the House of Representatives, but was lost in the Senate, although by only one vote.'When,,. Frlol however, it was ascertained that foreign nations would not of the p-opol recognize tne independence of'Texas while she continued nexation. to request annexation to the United States, the proposition was formally withdrawn by President Houston, and the measure w;s approvede by the Texan Congress, under the e6. Jn. 23 presidency of General Lamar, in January, 1839. 62. 8PrEsident Lamar, who entered on the duties of his s8 Viel, of office in Dacember, 1838, took strong grounds against an- Lamar on nexation; declaring, in his first message to Congress, that th ect he " had nmver been able to perceive the policy of the desired connexion, or discover in it any advantage, either civil,, or commercial, which could posssibly re 170 HISTORY OF TEXAS. [Boox III &NALYSIS. suit to Texas."'The great majority of the citizens of' i. Increae Texas, however, were still favorable to annexation, and ofpniublic during the succeeding presidency of General Houston, ISI6vorof from December 1841, to December 1844, the measure annexatZon. gained additional favor with them, and was the great political topic in the American Congress, and throughout the t. Arg-wnts nation. 2The arguments for and against the measure took against the a wide range, being based on constitutional, political, and a8re. moral grounds, and were urged with all the zeal characteristic of party politics; but no' benefit would result from a repetition of them here. 1845. 63. 3The final action of the Congress of the United 3. Thefinal States on the subject took place on the 28th of February, Amrenrican 1845, when the joint resolution of the two houses in favor Congress, and of the proposed annexation passed the Senate. On the 1st of Texas, on this soiect. of March they received the signature of the president, and on the 4th of July following a constitutional convention. assembled at Austin, the capital of Texas, assented to the terms proposed by the government of the United States. 4. Constitu.- 4The convention then proceeded to the formation of a state governmnent, constitution, which was soon followed by the organization 4-C. of the state government; and in the winter following the senators of the State of Texas took their seats, for the first time, in the national council of the American Union. ^. Theh tbosre 64. 1H1enceforth the history of Texas is merged in that of Texas, and of the republic of which she has become a part, while the annals. new relations thus created give to her early annals an additional interest and importance in the eyes of the Amerit. Acqui- can people.'Time only can. decide whether any acqai-,toyfter- sitions to our already widely extended territory,rc tc prove salutary or detrimental to our national ilei'rests but while we would deprecate the incorporation with u.s of a conquered people, estranged from our citizers in cus.toms, language, laws, and religion, we have certainly much less to fear from an extension of territory Pained, ala in the case of Texas, by a re-admission, into ou: polijjIctfold, of our own brethren and coulntrymen