w nos~i~gton's 1 O- red 9| an bas Roli tr Ueirtui~tnli ilaatelx, t ant 17. Ceptc~mbLr 1796. WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS I BIt vtgle op f the alliWb itatts' llitrifna September 17, 1796, I c w e J o r f:. gantatnv, 108 qaffjaultrab:. I 0 o f o n:. n G.. ~ogen, 14 -Qerjlaft'ej'rakc. NEW-Y D. FANSHAW, 108 NASSAU-STREET. BOSTON: II OGEN, 14 WEST CASTLE-STREET. 1852. 'Sfaobingtolt'd WASH INGTON'S FAUAEWE LL ADDRE,Se Printed by D. Fanshaw, 35 Ann, comrer of Nassau-street, New-Yoik l2bfciecbo rlebreffe Don an ant 17. ecptcnlbctr 1796. einer betttfCden lltebefe4uns Den I -D. ln. grn,!aftoe ber beutfrccn inangceifctl -uterdfcben ~cmeinue au Soften. Zaniel Wannbato, 108 Baffau-stfea. Oe. 0ofton:. seea 1852. et Cat itrate. 1852. FAREWELL ADDRESS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON TO'64te etple of tile UlM it5 ftats of Mierino; SEPTEMBER 17, 1796. WITH A GERMAN TRANSLATION, BY X 4. I'13gru, PABTOR OF THE GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CONGREGATION IN BOSTON. NEW-YORK: DANIEL FANSHAW, 108 NASSAU-STREET. IBOS TON: F. W. BOGEN, 14 WEST CASTLE-STREET. 1852. Tor eiptir Beit vcroffentficdte ber icberfcetr cin in btutfcbr unb cngIif&ccr Spradtc gcfczbricbcnc, unb,,Ocr,eutfcdc in 2fnicrifa" tbetitcttce 3iicbtein sum e fctcen feincr Qanbttcute, ber beutfcben ginwvanberer in ben cereinigten Etaaten you 2fiuevia. Sn bein tirnrilTe beg ~cben GEba b-; i n g t o n g, /etcr)en ce unter anberen 3egenftanben entbatt, rourbc bic 2Cufinerfanlifeit beS rcfcrv auf ben ltl ecn ncertb bt' 2[blc.ic;?t>bbtrcfce, ba Sbenvunberntewcrtf)e clrmiacdbtniq bec qrOi3ten r:tb beften atlcr - )atrieten, bingetenft. Sn ber -rtivagung, bal Jtancd)e bmt btort gcgebenen Ratbe gerne nac)clnmmen utb bie veifen rnmatnuntlgcen cis nc 0nanne, ber auf it)re eret)rung, 2iebe unb,anfbars feit cin f, gregec giecct befitit, terneclllen nmlltcten, lba fte abetr, aum JT9anget an ciner 63cteg enbeit, biefeg lcifterftiid p.otitifcbetr iSciAeit unnb rfabriung Su crfatten, ifren par trietitcd)n 3un[fc nicbt befriebigen fennen:- bictt cr ce farit angecnefen, biefoe 45inbcrniO Su befeitigen unb ibnen genanntce oecumlent, unDcrtfir3t, in it)rcr?nuttctfpract)e tocrutegen. ({r figte bas Drig6inat bei, t)eitB auS Gbrcrbictung egcen ben tbocbteri.iUbnten llrbebctr beffetben, tfbcit3 unt bii -cfcrr in ben Stanb Sui fe1cn, burcb crg eicbung betr teber; fequng mit bctt Drigine, f fidi. fct bt 3u urttcitcen, unb Sugticb aud) atS cin c 9m ittc(t Sur Bcfirbcrunq ibrcr Scnntnif be {Gngtqifcben, uetkbe ben,eutfcben ijt (umctrita fo un. umn/~ngtich notfimenbig ift. r f a r t. Some time ago the translator published a little book in behalf of his countrymen, the German Immigrants in the United States of America, written both in German and English, and entitled "' The German in America." In the sketch of the life of WASHINGTON, which among other matters it contains, the attention of the reader was directed to the high value of the Farewell Address, the admirable legacy of the greatest and best of all patriots. Considering that many might feel disposed to fbllow the advice there given, and might desire to hear the wise admonitions of a MAN 0so highly entitled to their veneration, love and gratitude; but that for want of an opportunity of obtaining this masterpiece of political wisdom and experience, they cannot satisfy their patriotic wishes: he lhas thought it best to remove the obstacle, and to place this document, unabridged, before them, in their mother-tongue. He has added the original, partly from reverence to the illustrious author, partly to enable the readers to judge for themselves by comparing the translation with the original, and also as a means of advancing their know. ledgre of the English, so indispensable to the Germans in America. 6 Tor o rot. t'clge bct 4ci bc~ rJannte, r vctc)rt fein B3atcrtantb fD aufric)tig icbtc, uctctcr it)llm fo trcu bicntc, ivclctcr bit Mcn1bcnrcl btc fo furd)tt oltto vertt)cibigtc ult n bic 3)icnfe4)cnPfficb)ten fo gcwilTentl)aft iitte, vcld)t r nictft aQtlCin ticefe II n i o II tbur)) fCilte.ttcetItt)atnl il triece bcgriitlbetc, fonbern fie allct) burcd) fein.l taatoelVs e)it ilm:ricten lcfeftitte unbt il)r bturct) f;ine d)rilltitce ZtucntCuln ZDauer unlt' ftcanlt tertic:- -ticeC ticfatr 5cift in attln tbutfcfbn Oercn cincn ~3Mictcr[/a~lz ithtcn unftD JiOnli.ctbe ~cfditte betr Netigion unt kBtcrtcntorice, be' ) corjamn. g.geen baS.Mcfe~ Bott. e. unt bicefe aante s, citne' Imnat)rbaft r.eputfit, nifct)cn.trebcnS nac f) yciltigert'Screblunng unt eincr brii.r.e iccben iicbc untetC cinanbter: unt gcgcn al c iftrc Olittlcn fdccn, crruc-cn. Co ivirt ber cieit wafrfc Srci teit nc.t aticin un. fe~I5 aUt Citi rciclc' rbCe 3u.t)fcit verten, founbern cr ivirt aucb, gecit) cineml uncrmlcpl ictl)n etucltt t)lurmel, leinte bimmlifcb4c E.tratf[ en Wiier btent cean I)iniiOcr Su bcn entferntcn'13ij1 fcrn ber atten.3clt feunt'; er wuirt' fiC (circn, urced)tlvilfen utn crniuttigen in iltrclm Aaimpfe fire recibcit, iut' cntb, [ict) —ivir,effcn au ~ ott —fie rvon tcr -)93cnfct )cit fclintlmften ceinten, naitnic) tion 11ntvi{[~nol)it, Caftcr unD lintcrr briidcung, criStfn. lintb 5icrtur'c) wirb ba 2(nbentcn'bc- unftcrbfIichen 5 c o r g S a t [) i n g t o n wabrbaft gcc~rt unb if)m ciin untcrDgngtictcg.cntnmat in ben banfbaren cvcrcn o~p TX i t Li o n n ton feinenm 0ciftc burcbtrungenc f r e i c X n v e r i f a n c r crric)tct mverten. PREFACE. 7 May the spirit of one who loved his country so sincerely, who served it so faithfully, who defended so fearlessly the rights, and practised so conscientiously the duties of man; who not only founded this UNION by his gallant deeds in war, but strengthened it by his wise policy in peace, and established it by his Christian virtues; — may this spirit find an echo in all German hearts, and kindle. in them congenial feelings of religion and patriotism, of obedience to the law of God and of this country, of a true republican love of spiritual improvement, and of brotherly affection amongst themselves and towards ALL their fellow-men. Thus the spirit of true Freedom will not only become our own rich inheritance, but it will also, like an immense beacon-light, throw its heavenly rays across the ocean to the distant nations of the Old World, guide and direct and encourage them in their struggle for freedom, and finally, we trust to GoD, deliver them from the worst enemies of humanity-ignorance, vice, and oppression. And thus the memory of the immortal GEORGE WASHINGTON will be truly honored, and an imperishable monument will be built to him in the grateful hearts of MILLIONS of AMERICAN FREEMEN, deeply imbued with his spirit. an bad9olf ber czeiniat ten @;taaten, am 17. Scptembrc 1796. c ie bte ~9itbirgcr! Za ber 3eitrautm fftr bie Bleuoat[t eined Wiiro gerd gtur uLtfitblmng ber tofi1ietenbent t 3eaewft in beln 2ereinigtelt Etanten nidt't mel)r ferne Itlb bie 3eit rwirflit lerbeigefommine iRf, bap sture ieban, fen pfit mit ber U.3abl beed 9.anned beftaiftigen, ecfd)er mit biefent rictdtiqelt WXnte betteibet rerbtten fo( e: fo fdceint ed mir ioaffenb, sutmat um einen be, ftimmteren udbtruct ber 8oldliftimme t)ierbutird u bewirfelt, Qlut jet3t tion weiltemn feften LntfdjIuffe Su beuadrid)tigelt, bap id) eO abftelte, ahW eint i3al1D canbibat fuir bie unidd)e prdafibentfdnaft betratctet au roerben. 3cd bitte Ltd) pugtreid), mteiter Zerftd)ermtng t5fauben beipSmueffen, baP btiefer untftfu h Itmitdt otl)e geuiffeuntafte )riifilmt atler ber 03riiitbe nmb 9Riicfitdteu gefaft mwurbe, te[lce einelt tflicbttreiten 23iirger an fein lJoaterfanb fniilfe;;nnub btnO auf meine tb/ebnutigS bed.tlmted, beffeln Illtal)lte id TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. September 17, 1796. FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS, The period for a new election of a citizen to administer the Executive Government of the United States being not far distant, and the time actually arrived when your thoughts must be employed in designating the person who is to be clothed with that important trust, it appears to me proper, especially as it may conduce to'a more distinct expression of the public voice, that I should now apprize you of the resolution I have formed, to decline being considered among the number of those out of whom a choice is to be made. I beg you, at the same time, to do me the justice to be assured, that this resolution has not been taken without a strict regard to all 10 3a.Eington'"?bfcdicb~;Xbbrccff. burd) mein ttilftfdweigen in rteiner gegentrortigen.age aunubeutent fdyeilen ntmdte, roeber 1~3erringeo rultg neined Liferd fitr luter ufiiuftiged U3olt[, nod) Jbnalt)e neiiner bantfbareu Zereb ru.ug Qurer mir bewviefetein Oiite irgeub cinen itinfl}t dilupero ten; bNa id tvieimel)r tton ber tvofen Ueberjeugttltg, biefer mein ~Zdritt fei Itit beibem utereiubar, geleitet werbe. Zie Wlimacme bed mWntte, 3tU weddtdem uler Z3ertrauen nt mic jteimaf berlfen l)at, itub nmeine feitt)erige 3el)arrug itt bemfelben, roar fiir nicd ein opfer, roetqfed idc froot[ mnieinem trebet, meine %sftidct n tmltlt, aRd audt, ittreit UiiinfdIen nacdtuFomtmeut, bracdte. 3cd t)offte inumer, bao eB weit friiter in meiner 9iJadt ftehent mtge, int Lins ffange mtit RiFtfidtelt, bie idt nid)t auiger tlugen feient burfte, tu jeter S3ttriic geOgenlt)eit jutrii-du fertren, uon ber id4 mid) fo uttgern getrenut LIabe. 9Yleine otrlterrfpen be 9TeigtSun, bied at tl)un, tlatte mid) tor ber fe3tet UIalt jur u ntutuerfitmg eiter bedfafftfgen Lrfflirultg ieraltfaft; abet nad} reifs lider trriguiltug lttferer bamatigein errtuidelten unb gefatrbrol)enbe n Steftung tumn it6Lfanbe, unb bent ein uimmigen 9?att)e otn Jdintnern, bie mein 23ertrauen befiteit, eelor fctentelnb, eutfd[of id) micd, biefeu ~ebanfeit aufiugebeit. 3.d fretle midc, bao ber gegenuoirtige 3uftanb forotol Lurer audwartigen atd einltOeimtifen Mlngeo legenleiten bie frfiitUuut meined Sunufce8 nttidt WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 11 the considerations appertaining to the relation which binds a dutiful citizen to his country; and that, in withdrawing the tender of service which silence in my situation might imply, I am influenced by no diminution of zeal for your future interest, no deficiency of grateful respect for your past kindness; but am supported by a full conviction that the step is compatible with both. The acceptance of, and continuance hitherto in, the office to which your suffrages have twice called me, have been a uniform sacrifice of inclination to the opinion of duty, and to a defer; jce for what appeared to be your desire.I constantly hoped that it would have been much earlier in my power, consistently with motives which I was not at liberty to disregard, to return to that retirement from which I had been reluctantly drawn. The strength of my inclination to do this, previous to the last elec tion, had even led to the preparation of an ad. dress to declare it to you: but mature reflection on the then perplexed and critical posture of our affairs with foreign nations, and the unani ftinger mit meineit (renmbfdit3en tion fliftt ober dictl idf feit int Uiberfprd)l fet3t, nub bin iibereltgt, bap, roie atndy (ter Urttoeif itber meine feitlerigen Ziente befPcaffeun fei, 31)r, bci bentm fgeeliirtigen Ctallb ber Zinge int unfertn Vanbe, meiinem fegen LtTfd)ftffe, inl bal Sprivatfcbcn 3triif3uftel~)et, / ure 3lnftinInitln utnidtt uerfagen werbet. Zie (cimtnutlngel, mit welceul it4) bad ntir anr bertra~nte fdluvierige Mtlt antrat, ltbelt bei ftt)icfd lidler ~elegeetfeit tolt nwir bargelegt. S&infd)tllict ber 2trt nub /iS3eife, tie id) bicfed 1ertrantct red)t% fertigte, wiiX id) tiur beterteen, lbaf id) ber &riinl bungs unb 3ernuaitltmg ber NYegierntig meineii rebii dcn ifier, tnub, fowteit eil ti~)ufdi bent ~rrtl)um auegefe3ted'Urtbteil nur reic-t, lueine beRect Strrifte gewitfbtet iabe. Zont lltfant aQt m ticdt unntbetRamt tnit ber 9)altg. eft)aftigteit mcilter Ligelnftaftcln!)at bie Lgrfal)rung in iteinellt lgeu, uieUeidt)t toc~i ilenh in ben -tLgeult 2ltberer, bie 5rviinbe ultt Jifltraltlen aurf micd fe/bR beFrirftt, nwtb bie 3ltclnebienbe Vaftt ber sal)re miabnt midc tci'glicl) melr blllt mte)r, blar bie ftifte 3uriid30ge3eenl)cit bed 4TriuatIebelten Iir ebettfo nott)tlut,'atl fie mir wot)lt)fnlu wirib. Sabelt bie Z'ert)iitttiiffe oeinen Zielnitieilnlttg eiien be, fonberen iJ3ert/) terfiei)en, fo liegt biefer, nad n meif nerm Zafiirl)aften, in ben 3eitlmflrtiltben; meinelt Zroft aber fitbe icl in bent 5ltauben, bapf, vi/l)renb Teigung 3unub erntunftgriittbe mid befPtimmeen. bie WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 13 mous advice of persons entitled to my confi. dence, impelled me to abandon the idea. I rejoice that the state of your concerns, external as well as internal, no longer rendersthe pursuit of inclination incompatible with the sentiment of duty or propriety; and am persuaded, whatever partiality may be retained for my services, that, in the present circumstances of our country, you will not disapprove my determination to retire. The impressions with which I first undertook the arduous trust, were explained on the proper occasion. In the discharge of this trust, I will only say, that I have with good intentions contributed towards the organization and administration of the government, the best exertions of which a very fallible judgment was capable. Not unconscious, in the outset, of the inferiority of my qualifications, experience in my own eyes, perhaps still more in the eyes of others, has strengthened the motives to diffidence of myself: and every day the increasing weight of years admonishes me more and more, that the shade of retirement is as necessary to 2 14.ralingten'B X2rfcicb2;bbrcfef. pofitifpce cdaubittbne in Derfaffen, bie Tpfltidt ber TaterIanb6liebe babnrd) nid)t teretet roirb. 23ei bem tinblicre auf ben nUugenbficf, roelfder ber.ianfbadn meined i&ffentlicden eben.d ein 3ie[ ftlen nwirb, braingt ed micd, bie tiefe Wnerfenntng einer dtulb ber:ZanfbarFeit ge/en mein gefiebted B3aterdanb fiir fo tiede mir ertriefene Ct[renbe~eue jungen aununfpredlen; nodb mefr aber fiir ba -3ertrauen un banfen, romit ed mid) unterftiite unt fiir bie glidicffide ZBeranfaffung, bie ed mir bar, bot, burd) Zrene anb.utbatter in meinen Zienfileifltngen,- 1enn attnd berent 9uten metnem Lifer icidt gfteid fam, - meine unterbrdiczdidce jIntingo Lid[feit an baffelbe tt beurfunben. B3enn bem Vanbe aud biefen mneinen Zienfen ein Eegen entb fprungen ift, mbge Retd au Qiurem p3reife unb atf ein beletrenbed Oeifpie[ in ben Sairbiidtern unferer 5efd)~idte aufgeaeinuet fein: baO unter Umfitanben, in rodeten bie nacd jeber Eeite btin aufSeregten Veibenfciaften feidtt irre fiitren fonuten,'- unter uwieiten tritgerifdcem'Wnfdceine, - unter oft ento mutigenbten Lfiictedrcfe/n, - in e;agen, too Unt gliitcfadle.t~uFgi ben ieift bitteren Zabe/W ler.vors riefen, — ner beharrfid)er -iftan bie,efeRntlide tiiute mwiner Zefkrebungen unb eine ~arantie fir bie nfiitrung mneiner Lntwiurfe geroefen it. Zief bnrdlbnrugen ton biefem @efuible, nterbe id) ed mit in bad @rab unemen, a[d einen madttilen f-ntrieb Su mweinem utnablaiffifen lelt)en, ba# ber ~Simmrf WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 1i me as it will be welcome. Satisfied that if any circumstances have given peculiar value to my services, they were temporary, I have the consolation to believe, that while choice and prudence invite me to quit the political scene, pa triotism does not forbid it. In looking forward to the moment which is intended to terminate the career of my public life, my feelings do not permit me to sus pend the deep acknowledgment of that debt of gratitude which I owe to my beloved country, for the many honors it has conferred upon me; still more for the steadfast confidence with which it has supported me; and for the opportunities I have thence enjoyed of manifesting my inviolable attachment, by services faithful and persevering, though in usefulness unequal to my zeal. If benefits have resulted to our country from these services, let it always be remembered to your praise, and as an instructive example in our annals, that under circumstances in which the passions, agitated in every direction, were liable to mislead-amidst appearances, sometimes dubious-vicissitudes of for 168 -uabington~' 2lb'diceb:2-bbreffe. fortffatren moge, Qucd bie erfreltfictRent!Seoeife feiner @unll it fdntelnt,-ba# Lure Lintrad)t unb bruiberlid)e Viebe ewig f eil ntge, - bap bie freie (onfitution, bad 93QerF surer Sianbe, Oeilrig gelatf ten werbe, - bap i[tre n3ertna[tutng ftettd ot bem ~(eifte ber 3eid3teit Ullb Tlgelnb bulrdbrnlllen feil mwge; — fltr, ba~ bnrd, for!lfMtigie Lrl)afitul)g ulb weifelt iebraudl biefeid Eegend band 3olt ber Zero eilliltelt taatet, unter bernm (dutte ber xreilfeit, eint ioelfomlened Ofiidf geniegen nultb bie lerrtidten Wriid)te biefed Cefgend ihn bent 23eifange, ber Viebe unb )ahtmaltmte afler 3ier emtofetdleln utiell, bie inlt nod) nidt beftiel. Sier foUte idt) ielfeid)t fd)fiepen. 2Iber eitne tnnige!eihtlzalune an (~urem 9JobIfergeElee, ltefde nur tit mneittetmt ebelt enbigeut fatn, unb efite aut jener eifflltal)me eutfpritngebte ~Wrdct vor 3efalar, brintlenwt mid, bei biefer 58eranfaffurlg,einige ~5runbo fdte, bad Ergebnii reiffidjer Ueberfelung itnb tieft jiatriger 3eobadttung, inb trefcde mir fiir bie Zaner tured 5iicte:,afd ein 3offlot ber eit'dftIen ~id tiiFeit lit fein fdtcinet, Lurtr er fte.n 3etracdttnmg unb leiigtn it riifiitng t orSltlegen ilnb u enmpfet[en.:tiefe rnerben (u11d mit nut fo mnet[r Wreintutlt ~or% eflegt roerben, ba SI)r in benfe[ben nutr bie tuteigenu niil3igen V1arntngen eined fcdeibenben Wreulnbe erblicten finout, roelder mongftidcer tBgeife feinen t per fontlidet Oe ewefggrinb ljaben fann, lidc burd) feis nen R9at a taufdten Su toolfen. Sierlt ertntltigt WASHIfGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 17 tune often discouraging-in situations, in which not unfrequently, want of success has countenanced the spirit of criticism-the constancy of your support was the essential prop of the efforts, and a guarantee of the plans by which they were effected. Profoundly penetrated with this idea, I shall carry it with me to my grave, as a strong incitement to unceasing vows, that heaven may continue to you the choicest tokens of its bezeficence —that your union and brotherly affection may be perpetual-that the free constitution, which is the work of your hands, may be sacredly maintained —that its administration, in every department, may be stamped with wisdom and virtue-that, in fine, the happiness of the people of these States, under the auspices of liberty, may be made complete by so careful a preservation, and so prudent a use of this blessing, as will acquire t6 them the glory of recommending it to the applause, the affection, and the adoption, of every nation which is yet a stranger to it. Here, perhaps, I ought to stop. But a solicitude for your welfare, which cannot end but with my life, and the apprehension of danger natural to that solicitude, urge me, on an occasion like the present, to offer to your solemn 2* mnid) nod) befolberd bie oit (llCd mir frittcer bei clter i[)lllid)elt Oeleegell)eit bewiefente n1tad1tfi't6ovr e %tufnall)e rneiner 05rllnbfai3e, nuelde nie aud mei temtt eb&iltniffe froinbent rotirb. Zie Viebe ultr &reiteit )lutr3eft fo tief in nltren Ser3ge ltub ftrimtt fo mnadltitg in Oiren.[bern, bap ed feiner ~LtmfebInltg yon mir bebarf, Llure nrtdinlglid)teit an biefelbe it beftirften. Zie Qinl)eit ber t'giertitng, woeide ('utf 3tt eio nent etiigien &[ffe verbinbet, iFt Lnd) ntlt tlbeer genorbelt; Itlb mtit 9?tedt, bentt fe it eitt Ortnbo pfeiler in bern (03ebiltbe (Lrer wtabren Illitablltgig/ feit, bie etiitle zitrer ttld)e im i.3nnerln, (l'rei Wriebend nlabd) Ilueut, hlnrer eiderlcit, (utred QWol)tflalbed, ja, L(-trer'reileit frfbR, bie sl)r fo t0od) in Li)ren t)altct. Za aber, wie letid)t uoraudn ufel)en ift, aud uerfd)iebenen O3riinbent iub Don iberfnietenet &eiten t)er, Dief 9Yiibte uitb ntauner Stunftgriff roirb angeroenbet werben, bie Ueber3eun gutg onit biefer 3abrheit itt CL5uren S.erent ju fd)oaidten, inbent biefed ber s}3unft in ber feften Z3urg qntred oolitifdpen Mebend ift, jegent wetlden bie 93at, terien 9urer inneren unb diuctren Weinbe rit Dieler.Zet)arridtfeit untub graft (oft inar terftedt unb titterliffig) werben gerid)tet woerbtelt fo if ed ntlt entblid nid)tig, ba}f t)r ben utnerme}iident U1Werto Cyurer'inl)eit a i6 e i n e 9 a t i o t sr 3egriinbing Ltnred _Lii0cd iri.Igelnteinlen tub L int3etl nen )el4orig lctdi3et; baO Sl)r eine I)eritidie, betianbige WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 19 contemplation, and to recommend to your frequent review, some sentiments which are the result of much reflection, of no inconsiderable observation, and which appear to me all-important to the permanency of your felicity as a people. These will be offered to you with the more freedom, as you can only see in them the disinterested warnings of a parting friend, who can possibly have no personal motive to bias his counsel. Nor can I forget, as an encouragement to it, your indulgent reception of my sentiments on a former and not dissimilar occasion. Interwoven as is the love of liberty with every ligament of your hearts, no recommendation of mine is necessary to fortify or confirm the attachment. The unity of government, which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to you. It is justly so; for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence-the support of your tranquillity at home, your peace abroad; of your safety, of your prosperity, of that very liberty which you so highly prize. But, as it is easy to foresee, that from different causes, and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed, to weaken in your z20 GSingtonu' 2fbfticb2?bbrecffe. ttib unrtanbelbare Wnat'nglidtFeit an biefelbe untero' lafteta, ttbem t3tbr ud geemtunt baran pu benfen tnub baton Su fipred)en ald ber edouIroebr Lurer pofitifdoen Cid~ertleit unb iot)[fabrt; inbem Str iiber ifirer rtralftunq ntit eiferfuidtiger Wengrtlidf feit wadct; inubernm Sr nieberfd(agt, wad nur ben Berbad~t ervweden fmnnte, bao rie mbgticher Veife funnte aufgegeben werten, unb inbem SbLr nit mCint% rfitung bad erfte W1uftaudyen eined jeben e 3erfudqd.uriteweif't, einen Zleil unfered?anbed Don bernm @anten utt trennen, ober bie teiligen Z3anbe 3u [locern, retIfe jelt bie berfpdiebenen Zeilfe ntit ein anber terbinben. Siertu tabt Shbr jebe $erantaffun.t ber epmpatIie unb bed 3entereffe&. Zsurd) eburt ober aut eigener 3af[t i)tr3er eine geemeinfamen Vanbed, Qat biefed tanb ein 9edt Lure tiebe auf fd) ua lenfen. Zer Namne Wnterifaneer, beur Lu in Cuo rer nationalent Qfigenfdaft pufomntt, mtnu fRetd Lu ren ebfett TationaIftoL mnetr entflaimen, ald jebe anbere ZSenennung, lvetfde ton i3rtt[iden Bertfdie-, betn/eiten t)erriilrt. 9Jlit geringem Unterfdtiebe Igabt Str einerlei Re/igionu, eitten, 5ebrdiudce unb politifdpe rtrunbfat e. Wiir eine gemeinTufdafttidte 3adce 1abt S3r mit einanber gefodCten unb triumf ptIirt. Zie Unabtaingigfeit Unb Wreiteit, bie S3r befSt, ift ba~d Uerf tereinter Zerattiung unb rert einter fuln$reugung, gemeinfamer @Oefahren, teiben unb trfofge. WASHINGTON'8 FAREWELL ADDRESS. 21 minds the conviction of this truth; as this is the point in your political fortress, against which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and insiduously) directed, it is of infinite moment that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national Union to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it, as of the palladium of your political safety and prosperity; watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety; discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion that it can, in any event, be abandoned; and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts. For this you have every inducement of sympathy and interest. Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of AMERICAN, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism, more than any appel .ber biefe Q-etracdtungen, roe m&ddtig fie aud) eluer effit[ anfpredyen, roerben bod) nod) woeit otton benen uiberwogen, wethde fitd unmittelbar auf CUn ren /8orttei[ beqiet)en..Sier fnbet jeber Zt)ei( uno fered?anbed ben bringelnben t eweggrunb Sur Z[efitiilung nultb Lrattarung ber ganicn Union. e r 9 o rb en flnbet in einent ungebinberten, burdc gerecdte (efetfe einer genteinfclaftlidgen Res gierung gefdtiiuten, 93erFetre mit bem iitb en, in ben s3robucten bed Yetteren, einen gro}en 3urnadlc feiner fitIffquefen gur Oetreibun9g on Sanbe tnub Ed)ifffatrt, unb roertotoge sRaterialien fur feine Cmtanttfacturen. e r iit b en erblicft in bemnefben 23eretere, unter bem [fegendreid)en @influffe bee o orb en d, bad Oebei/en feined Wderbaue~d nub bie Wudbetnunf feined battbeld. surtf bie itufige (infetlr ber (ee(eute bed 9 o r b e n 6 tn feinen Sdifen fnbet er feine eigene 6eemacht gefqoben, ilb taldrenb er auf oerfdiebenen e3egen Sur rAifti% unOg unb aun m 3adtB tume ber gefammten Tlatio% na[cd.- ifffatrt beitrdgt, bebarf er ben Eciut1 einer.eemacdt, an ber ed ilmn felbft an ben nittigen Mitteln gebrict. Zer D ien finbet in gleidcten tanbeldterfeqr mit bem ~ e fRen fidon jett einen uortbeit)aften 4bfa$ fiir bie Oaaren, bie er ton WaudIante ein% fiitrt ober febllt fabricirt, unb biefer tbfaft roirb mit ber aunetnmenben %Serbefferung ber inneren,3erfetrdmittte aun ~affer untb Su Vanbe fid imme. WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 23 lation derived from local discriminations. With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles. You have, in a common cause, fought and triumphed together; the independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils, and joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings, and successes. But these considerations, however powerfully they address themselves to your sensibility, are greatly outweighed by those which apply more immediately to your interest. Here every portion of our country finds the most commanding motives for carefully guarding and preserving the union of the whole. The North, in an unrestrained intercourse with the South, protected by the equal laws of a common government, finds in the productions of the latter great additional resources of maritime and commercial enterprise, and precious materials of manufacturing industry. The South, in the same intercourse, benefiting by the agency of the North, sees its agriculture grow, and its commerce expand. Turning partly into its own channels the seamen of the North, it finds its particular navigation invigorated-and while it contributes, in different 24 GSafingtcn'B Zbfcdicbl(bbtlreffc. metr,ebten. Zer V e ie n empfingt ton bent Rten bie b tt feinem ~add6thupt ltnb Uof[Ianb erforberflice 3ifittr; iub road ieUceidt,on nodo grbierer 3ebettutng ilt, er verbanft ben fti d e r e n 23efit ber it)m fo ultentbeb)ridteelt b f a roe e fiir feine s)robucte eintig tutb aleitt bent erowicdte, bernm inflhtfe mtb ber fiinftigen Eeenmadt ber at, lantifcden eeite ber burdf bad unauffiolidle Q3anb gemeinfamer Sntereffent aId e it e T a t i o n oep [eiteten Uni o t. eber anrtbere SiteI, unter owet d)en bert r3t etten biefen roefentfidcen 23ortteil be~Ftten faun, fei er niun ton feiner eigenen,,erein3eften etdrfe, ober yon eduer abtriinuifpen unb unniatfiro lidten 9erbinbung mit einer fretnben VJacft abge, leitet, muln nottroenbig in fl feb lt erfaffen. qieit benit affo jeber XZfeiT unfered Vanbed ein unmittetbared unbt befobered Sntereffe an ber Union filttt, fo fogft barau~, baO afte 5tEeie pufam.menugenommen, in ber tereinten NjJaffe bonlt Jittefn unb riraften, eine frioPere etairfe, Srboere S)i/tffi qltefelt, nngteidc r gropere eidcerteit tor bem duite, reit Weinbe, eine fettenere Unterbrccdtng ilbred Wrici bend blrcd) frembe Tationen finben, ltnb, Wad lton unnfdeabarem 3erttle iRf, baf fie at;d ber tlion jene Wreiheit tton innerett Unrtllen ttn tb riegen ableiten mfiffen, ivetde fo tqaufif bad Mtiid benad) barter Uinber fitren, bie nidct binrc eine gemnein* fidaftfid)e Negierutng mit einanber erb!unben fnb..t4re (iferfiudct aleint wiirbe f on t4inreidcenb fein, WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 25 ways, to nourish and increase the general mass of the national navigation, it looks forward to the protection of a maritime strength, to which itself is unequally adapted. The East, in like intercourse with the West, already finds, and in the progressive improvement of interior communication, by land and water, will more and more find a valuable vent for the commodities which it brings from abroad, or manufactures at home. The West de. rives from the East supplies requisite to its growth and comfort; and what is, perhaps, of still greater consequence, it must of necessity owe the secureenjoyment of indispensable outlets, for its own productions, to the weight, influence, and the future maritime strength of the Atlantic side of the Union, directed by an indissoluble community of interest as one nation. Any other tenure by which the West can hold this essential advantage, whether derived from its own separate strength, or from an apostate and unnatural connexion with any foreign power, must be intrinsically precarious. While then every part of our country thus feels an immediate and particular interest in union, all the parts combined cannot fail to find in the united mass of means and efforts, 3 foltdle friege it enttilttben, aber fid, butrcdfreuenbe fretmbe 3erbittungen, 3etfauntpfafteit unb Sntri% tuen roiirben ben OSap nod) nmer anfadcen unb er, bittern. Zarum roerbte fie g[eidcermaten bie 9otlf oelbigfeit' jener unnatiirlidl grofen 9ilitairftaaten oermeiben, )Def)e unter einer jebent Negiernlt$g form ber Wreileit ioerberblid finb inb toefde ald befonberd feinbfefli ~geren repubfifanuifc e {reileit angretf[en terben miiffen. Wud biefent runbe fotte Lure Unio t ald bie OSauptFti/iJe Lurer {rei% teit betradctet oerbent unb bie!iebe u fetoterer Mtud bie crtaftung ber erfleren wertt tunb tt4eer macell. Ziefe S3etradctungen reben tu einem jeben nacd~ benrenben nub tugenb[taften )genfcden bie Eprade ber Uebereugung tunb ervoecren bad Oertangen nad) ber Wortbauer ber U n io tt ad belt itor4ttmRten 3tuprdf eitne jeben )atrioten. 3efteltt eitn 3oei.fti bariiber, ob eite gemeinpfdaftlidye Nlegierutnq einten fo groien 3irftungd freid uinfaffen finne'? Zie Lrfa4rutng mnoge ibn tleben. S3t etinem foflden Waffe b[o0 ber etimme ber abftracten Ztfeorie 4etoir lt fPdenFen, roaire ein J3erbredyen. 3ir btrfen mit 9?edt toffen, bap eine 1geltirige Oinridy) tung bed nauSen, mit Beibtiidfe bon Jegtiernlgi geroaften ffur bie betreffenben Unterabtleitugen, ben Oerfucd mit einem nliietliden Lrfolfe tfroien roerbe. Zie' iildttiln'B?(Lhtict(2~ct..erleihternt, niift t[)r (ud) Rftctd [ebfiaft baran er, iuntern, baFi dur Qe3alylnnt Voln ~tdl[tgen. (,inFitnfte itort)atben feilt miiffent; ba N t3nto. Zefite ton tintt filtftelt Zaren erforberlid) fitb; ba. feine Zarxe IauLgefdriebet roerben fnnitelt, bie uidjt menr ober vDeniger litg itltub utnatgenelpn fibtt, nub baf bie geeignete tudanl)[ bed.egcnftanttbed ber.3elteue: rlttg ant nmb fiir fid) fCdsln cite tuniermeiblidce etdtrierigfeit barbietet (aiUental eine SlatLi uniter Ed)wroierigfeitelt),- wet)ed 2It1e6 einclt.3eien a.tf bad @ntPfcbiebeftee aufforberit fofte, bad ISerfalvren ber T9egierlltg. vit CeredjtifCeit ltb 3ifLigreit 8u beurtfleieit mb in it/re s)caoregelfn 3ur.tuftreiblung ont iftiffiaiftcit, weIfde bad etaatdintereffe 3t itr geub eiluer 3eit erforbet mnag, fidl) rifig st fiigen. Ulbet relte utb MaInbein tnub (erecdtigfeit Segent ale i23fFer; uttertaftet Wriebelt utub dtin tracdt mit t11en. 9te[liiot nb Eittlidtfeit gebie,'ten itB fo Ut [lanbeln, ubit feofte nid)t aund bie roa)re Ctaatdtlftgleit biefed gebictent? L' it eit ner freiet, atlfgeflarten ttub Cin nidt eltfernter 3eit) maid)tigd e 9ation roiirbi0, ber.Ue/t bad eCr t)ebenbe tntb leiber! nur jtu feftene -eifipiet eined 23oIfed lt geben, roelde)d ftetd ton bent Oeifie ber 3eitd4eit, (eredtiSfeit unb ~3iite regiert wirb. -- Ser faitt bewetifelt, ba0 irn talufe ber 3eit Utnb Zinge bie Wriiutte eined fo[cden t rttnbfa$ed tunu reid)id fiir jeen t oriibergetentben 1Tortbei[ wieber entfd)tbitgen roerben, eldden wir unferer WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 51 revenue-that to have revenue there must be taxes-that no taxes can be devised which are not more or less inconvenient and unpleasant — that the intrinsic embarrassment inseparable from the selection of the proper objects, (which is always a choice of difficulties,) ought to be a decisive motive for a candid construction of the conduct of the government in making it, and for a spirit of acquiescence in the measures for obtaining revenue which the publie exigencies may at any time dictate. Observe good faith and justice towards all nations-cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and (at no distant period) a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt, that in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be lost by a steady adherence to it? Can it be, that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtues? The experiment, at least, is recommended by every 82 aMtyington'g I(bctfdiest2( ffe. RaNbt4aftelt intbang/idyfeit an blfetben einmal At ut Zpfer {ebradit tabett m6i~.t,., 3R ed m[bictd, bat bie 8o-rfe:tlung bal baucrnttbe (M[cdr eined- oltfe4 ndyt unttrtrent/lid au feine Zgeuibenettefn/itpft OaSbe? BSebed -(efiitb, n eted bie nmenfdtid*e 9latur abelt, treibt unt nm pltl teligtent att, bett 3erftct bantit urt madten. 91d)! forte er ftdeitern an ben taftern ber glenfd*bit? O3ei ber Wutdfitl)ritg eined fofden 5rultbfathed ift nidtS tot!)etenubiger, ali: fortrofilrenbel, eingle" trotlreften 3iberwiIten gertn gewiffe.i3[fer unb leibenfd)aftidcte Wltait9[fid)ceit an aubere, sn vero banutn tub auRnfatt berfetbelt gerecdte tunb freutb Aitaftfidce 3efin.lt.qel gegtcn affe pit luter!)alten. Zadjenige 3o[ff, bei netdcelut and 63ewolnuIeit entts roeber S)a0 ober 3or(iebe ggelt tilt anbered Vor, rvattet, (ebt in einum gCe iffenlt ilte int 3ftealnbe ber Efiauerei. d ift citt,f(ave feined bitteren *af'ree ober feilter girtfidtn Vicbe, intb titd oite bad.[tnbere reidtt bitu, ed ton feiner )gflidp t abuen't big gt m ead)en lllb feitt 3tcrteree nl gcfdU)rben. giberwiIe einted Toite gegel! eiI antbered nadIt jebe~ geneig3ter, ~eteibitgtlnng ub,dabelt settunuf/i entt, lint eitter teinilfeit ifetnt Etreit allilfatgnn, utb, leunlt ter b Ltffau etinen tnbebenteubeltn lla] jullt 3tift barbieter, mit unberugfautemn tofte bart an feftillnattelt. Sieraud entfiprittgeun lalfigte 9eibutngelt, bartt actaige, erbitterte unt btutige Mriege. Iad F30[f, WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 53 sentiment which ennobles human nature. Alas, is it rendered impossible by its vices? In the execution of such a plan,: nothing is more essential, than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity, or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty or its interest. Antipathy in one nation, against another, disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and in: tractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence frequent collisions-obstinate, envenomed, and bloody contests. The nation prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts, through passion, what reason would reject: at other times, it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to pro5* a4 basington'4 2Fdieb- 2treff~c. t amt Spa ulb Nadc fdltCt eltflautnttr treibt 5nteiffent.ben beteut. Oeredlulletlen ber -taatdflitteit etrtP s6.en, bie }Regiermtam int JMrieflee. Zie feqierung Lift fi: anroeifelt tont ber 9npatioatO3efinulltt3 hi.tn reigeu ulb tlml t altd dei.fd)aft, Xvad bite rlt[bi3e Uebertegung erroirft; ill anoert 3eitelt bellutt fe bie (Srbitterung bed ol~tfd itnm Tol fUg ibrer eigqe lelt, 1o.t ~tol&, l1rg/eit tnb anbernt utilanternt tub.terberblidetn Jebanlfet eingegebenelt, (tttliirfe. tft'it ber Wriebe, ja jimneilen felbt bie Wreibeit terr 23ffter bad.pfer baton eroorben. (elideroweife ergmeut teie teibeitfdfafrtid)':srt t&nglid)feit eilted Zo[~fed an ei.t atbered ntmalters I t Utbef. 3tlneigtung s t bent fiebfittt.offe filbrt kidtft mur irrthfitnidetn ttnnabm e eintte geneitt daftficten ~Sntereffed, itt Wahlnt, to fein ivirffid)eO genteinfdAftfided t3ntereTfe vort)ltbet ilf, iibertr> auf ein %8oIt bite einbtfeiftiten bed atbert ntub. entniddit bad erftere, ontte )itnreidenboet (3runb unib intf[a, in eine Z6eiflt n4me an belt Streitiqfri ten bed Ietteren. 6ie fiitrt ferner bai, bentm lieWb ligdvolf:e 9ed)te einituraiumen, wefd)e mat oriten anbernt 8olfe verroeigert, unb biefed faun [eidt bent 3olre, noeld)ed foidC e 3 ef.nbniiffre madlr, eiten boppelten 9ad)tbei( brittlett; eintmal, burd) lU11t5 tbifged 9Alfgqeben eilter adce, bie matn fiir fid) brte behbatell foUfen, inb uamt it.berel, burd Lt'roetudltmt ton'tiferfitd)t, Lrbitterul. nuttb tadfittllt tmo Zei tell berer, bealClt mltan itei tetS Jedtt ecrf:ite.; WASHINGTON 8 FAREWELL ADDRIESS. 5 jStt of hostility, instigated by pride, ambitid, and other sinister and pernicious motives. Thei peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty Ct nations, has been the victim. So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils, Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases whqre no real common interest exists and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays- the former into a participation in the quarrels of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to conces. eons to the favorite nation, of privileges denied to others, which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained; and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld: and 1t gives to ambitious, corrupted or deluded citizens, (who devote themselves to the favorite nation,) facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion' or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or 56 Bagtingtof'. 2(bfricbSfbbttre~e. $tierbem gibt biefe 2orliebe e~rgeigciten, terborbe nen. ober ierblenbeten 3iirgern (celcde bent eieb5 linltgdlolfe fid) toiiUi IingSeben) ein leicdted RYDittel an bie 5aanb, bie.Sntereffen i lred Z3aterlanbed obne ~dQaanbe, ja luroeiten felbft nod) unter bernm eifale ber efenge, gu terratleen unb preiudugeben nmb fo bie fdfitblid enl ober oerFebrten Lingebungtten itrec 4rgfeiped, iltrer Zerborbenteit ober 3erblenbung gleidcrant nod) mit bem n eilifenrqefdi bed epffid)t3es fiitbl ober einee loblihdett fiferd ffir bad iffentlicte 0olt), ~u t ergolben. Wi 3.ngaunge /tt fntembem infhllle au:f mttndfa igent Slegetn funb foldIe 93erbinbungen fiir bent tvat) ren, auf.gefidrten ntub unabldinlgigen Yzitrioteu it ot4eutn ~rabe beunrul)ienbige. 9ie tiefe elegfenf Ibeiteut bieteun fe bar, mit einl)eimifdeitt sart[)eiel uet butl)en, bie 3Siilnufe r Zerfiibrunug st iiben, bie 6ffentlitde )Meinutng irre pu fiit)ret unb bie 6iffeutti, men 93eratt)untgen lur eiteit ober einultfiiidttertn! tine foldue tiingfllidgfeit eind fleinent ober fd)rova dpen 3olfed ant eilt rooed ltub /tid)tiged erniebrigt bad erftere /um tvilkeuofelun SerF euge bed letteren. 5efen bie liftigen Uintriebe utb tdainTe fremben tinuffuffe - id) befdv)v6re ltd), meite is3e itbiirger, mir [Lauben ut fd)enfeu, - foflte bie Biferfidtct eitle freien Z3olf ed b e f a n b i g vnac fein, bla Oes fd(idcte ntub Lrfal)runt l[infinulfuid) bartl)iln, tba frember infhllhl einer ber verberblidtlietn einbe repnblifanifdcer iegiermStlt en iRf. Zicfe (rife rfiu t WASHINGTON'S?FAREWELL ADDRESS, 5 fbsh compliances of ambition, corruption,' infatuation. As avenues to foreign influence in inntmerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions,. to practise the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the publi' councils! Such an attachment of a small or weak, towards a great and powerful nation. dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter. Against the insidious wiles of foreign iiilence, (I conjure you to believe me, fellow citizens,) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove, that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government. But that jealousy, to be useful, must be impar. tial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defence against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation, and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even secondc the arts of influence on the other. Real paW.riots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and Ss3 Mag6bington'6?[tfrdiecb:?(bbrefte. t-nu aber gered)t fein, foll fie ltteen ftiftelt, fouttR bieut fie 3sur 3eforbering eben biefe~d Qinfitr'ed, Ratt utntm Edute Seget benfelbeit. 3efoltbere 93or. liebe fiir ein frembe~d 3o0l itnb befonberer Vibers wi[le egetn eilt altbered laffen Ziejenigelt, weld e baton eingenontnelt finb, bie b efafr nltr volt eiler Beite erbliden, iub tragett bapt bei, bie initf1e bed tinguffnred on ber anbertn eite jut bentaittedlt, ja feIbRt 3a unterfiti1en. B3al)re patrioten, roeltde fid bent idnfen bed Viebljilgtoltfed ivierfetten, fulb: ber Zerbctd)tiqtql unlt bent ipart(>eitaffe audgefet3t, waitreutb bie ~Berfleutge blt blfbi-tbeu ~3eoalltberer beffelbent bent 3ifa[l unrb bad 3ertranuec bed Zof fee, beffent Stereffe fie iterrat[elt, fiir fid) in lt. fprud nteltment. Zie Sanp tregef unfered Z3err aftend gegeln frembe 3iofer ift, unfere anttbe[terblatituif e antt el3UDneit, Oagegen aber fo roenig p o [iti fd) e Serbilbung atld moglid) tttt benfelbel! t t ItaDbet. Zie bereitd eutges gangeneu,.erbinblidcetiteit [aot ttd mit geewiftfelt lbafter Zreue erfiilenit: babei aber la1t untd Rtelew. bleibten. Luropa [)at cinc T.?enge urfpriingclider Sntereffen, roe[die Ieine ober nur eine fetlr eittferntte 3eiie Yang Su tlttd lbabett. ~Zarunm muit ed in tMiufi3ge etreitigfeiten termicteft etrbetn, beren Urfad)eit mlf. feru Wn43e[egen)eiten rnefentlif) fremb ftub; nub barum rnul ed unwetife fiir unu Tfelt, menn ir tnud burd) fiinftlid*e Banbe in bite geroioSilicnten 3edfeli WASHINGTON'8 FAREWELL ADDRESS. odious; while its tools and dupes usurp tlie applause and confidence of the people, to surTrender their interests. The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our cominercial relations, to have with them as little political connexion as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities. Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people, under an efficient go. vernment, the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will fl'e feiteyr Tolitif ober ilt fint e Sertwntie 5id nba tffe, in feine 9ipf high feiten itnb 3wirei t)ineine Ie hffaen. Uufere abgefonberte ntb entfernte tage roeif't unB barauf hin unb erfaubt tuld ecinen gMat ainbern Weg eiqj ufd)tlage,. teutnn oir, uuter einer frAf ttlent 9egierung, e i n Solf b[eibeu, fo iRt ber 3citr ttnuft tidct ferne, roann nir offeuett Weinbefigfeiten anuwdirtiger 5egner Zroot tu bieten im tCtanbe ftnb; waun roir eine foe foe Saltung atunetmen u-unett, baO bie 9ltratitAit, u' ber Mitr and' uacd Beliebeu entf4dliepen moigen, freng g;ead~tet roerten t#t; mann. friegfitiretbe ilfer,t bei ber Uultmrog liCfeit, angriffiweife einen 3Sortleil fiber and it ewotinnen, ei utid)t leidtt teagen roerbten, uuld um rtri.ee $u reiqen, tnb roann roir $rieg ober Wrieben riipaten biirfei, je nad)bent unfer tion {ered~'tifecit e[leiteted CSiterefe und anu ober abrait[,. Barum, foUlteu oir bie 38ortt)eife einter fe fgiiti Oen 9age autd ber Santb een b? iL3arunt mtfre $3eftimttung mit ber irgeub einue Zt eid [ olton U ropa uertoeben unb untferln Wriebet nltub tnfer [fi4 in bie unfeligent G3irren europtifcder Serrfidfitdtt, 9Jtiogulit,.Sntereffen, caunen unub Sntriguen l)in, einpfcdten Unfere fa!)re 3olfitif ift ed, utd toit buerltaftent itunbnifen rmit irgeub. einem ZIeile bed utdlmanbed Weti Si t'a[ten, infomeit ufimfid} ed ltnb nod) frei tbt, bie%- in ttun; bennn an irb mid) oolt nidt WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 1 cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon, to be.scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel. Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own, to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice?'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at-liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, letthose: engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary, and would be unwise, to extend them. C 62 $Btatington'g?(6fcb=2f(bb~efe. fiitr fdatig arltent, Untrenle geen beRe4enbe 8erbinbt lidteitent in dclttn utt net)uen. 3d) ta[te ben (trunbfai, ba~i gebtidofeit ftetW bie bete s)o[itif itz, fiir uidt roeniger amlmenbbar autf iffenltficte, roie auf privataeriilitiffe.' Zarutn roieberbole id) ed: baitet auf Zeobacdtlmut biefer T-ertrdige int irem tvateren einue. 9ad) enttier iJleinunug aber ilt ed' ultnitf)igl nub roiirbe unmeife fein, fie weiter audta bentett. 9Ienn wir tetd bafiir Corge tragen, und burdb geeignete SorFe)ritngen in einentm 9d)tunl gebietent bent!ertt)eibigtunIftdanbe Au er)calten, fo ovirb ed ulud in au[erorbentlideln Waen, alt voriibergeltens ben iiunbniffealt ewitt nidt fetften. itintradt, offener uer nub freimbfidter Frerfef)r mit afRen Slffern, roerben ton ber %))otitif, oton ber Menfdtfidffeit unb ton bent Sntereffe anemnpfoll[en. %ber felbfr aud) unfere balnbetofitit foflte eine geredte unb unpartbeiifdce SaItunig beobadbten; autfdfietficde Zegfiittiiguntgen ober &oriiite weber fidtcen nod ert1eifen; ben natiirlicden tauf ber inuge tnu R9ate tieben; burdc erlaubte Mittel P;anbel[terblnbutngeu andnfipfen nub vervielfadten, aber feine burd) eroatt eroing en;;ur u iderung ber.Sanbedwroee, jur WefPfenu9g unb utum (deut1e ber tedtte' nuferer gSaufleute yon -eiten unferer?Regierunng, mit batn SelteiSten FJtidcten SaXubedt0 kertrag/e, roie fe bie 9ertdltniffe bed 9etllenubtict ntub 3e/enfeiti/e Wnfidcten rnit id, bringlen, abpfdieo WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 63 Taking care always to keep ourselves, by suitable establishments, on a respectable defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies. Harmony, liberal intercourse with all nations, are recommended by policy, humanity, and interest. But even our commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand; neither seeking nor granting exclusive favors or preferences; consulting the natural course of things; diffusing and diversifying, by gentle means, the streams of commerce, but forcing nothing; establishing, with powers so disposed, in order to give trade a stable course, to define the rights of our merchants, and to enable the government to support them; conventional rules of intercourse, the best that present circumstances and mutual opinion will permit; but temporary, and liable to be from time to time abandoned or varied, as experience and circumstances shall dictate; constantly keeping in view, that'tis folly in one nation to look for disinterested favors from another, that it must pay with a portion of its independence for whatever it may accept under that character; 84 Gatingtong' 2ftdiebftWbb2rcfc. pen, fo;war, -baO bbiefe Uertrage von 3eit Stu 3eit auf/egeben unb verinbert nverben f'nnett, mie- r, fadrung unb 3eitumtUanbe ed /ebieten. Weruer (olften roir ftetd bebenfen, bap ed Ztorteit toon ei: nem 2offe ift, uneigennituige lunube3eligungen ton einem anbern ntt erroarten; hba ed mit einett )(eile feiner 1Unabbiingigeit beqaf)ten mup/, wad ed in biefer ctigenfidaft anne1~men mag; bao ed burcd Sinnaibme foltder, wenn audi nur fd*einbarer, @utn$1 beeuguUttnen in bie itotbrenbigfeit gerathen mag, ben wirfidten roitten ~ertU bafiir Su entridzten unb nocd obenbrein ber UnbanrbarFeit befdlutbigt 3u werben, bas ed itidft mewr /egeten tabe. L9 gibt Wot)t feinen gr/oernt 3rrttum, aol waroarafte llit%, beaeugugen eine1d i2offed legen ein anbered Su ers oarten, ober gar barauf Su abit[en. Qd ift bie/ tine iZufcuntng, yoon wefd)er bie &rfabrung bhetien mul ntb vletfde ein geredter etofj terrerfen foflte. 3nbent id)0 ud~, g9eiebte. anbtteute, biefe YattO fdrfiage eined aoten unb fiebebofen Wreunbeed torfege, barf id faltm loffen, bao fte ben tiefen nub bteibenl ben Linbrutt tervorbringen tverben, roie e ntein iltnrfd) tre; ba~ fe ben geroMbn[idcen (trom ber Veibenpfdaften entmmen ober unfer 1oltf on ber 3erfo[g/ung bed Yaltfd ab&alten rterben, ber bidber bite efdiide aler.BLfer beeiStnet tat. taIein, owenn id) mir Pf.tmeideln barf, ba0 fte aucd nur tteiltieife etwa~d 9hnten, getegentti, t etnad i@utet tiften, bag fie bann unb roann bapu-bienen mogent, WASHImGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 65 that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalents for nominal favors, and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more. There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation.'Tis an illusion which experience must cure, which a just pride ought to discard. In offering to you, my countrymen, these counsels of an old and affectionate friend, I dare not hope they will make the strong and lasting impression I could wish; that they will control the usual current of the passions, or prevent our nation from running the course which has hitherto marked the destiny of nations. But if I may even flatter myself that they may be productive of some partial benefit, some occasional good; that they may now and then recur to moderate the fury of party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign intrigues, to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism; this hope will be a full recompense for the solicitude for your welfare, by which they have been dictated. How far, in the discharge of my official du6* 66 di~aStn~ton' b fdiebt:ibbreffe bie'.utM bed )artbei3ei$fe6d pu mtnidisen, vor bern Unbteife frember Unitriebe Su roarnen, egeen beg 3etrulg angeblid)er Sater[antbfiebe jU fdiiten - bann wirb biefe meine S)offning ein tolloer &rfato fein fiir meine cEorse ult Luer 1olfterge)en, roetde umid) pu biefem n at-he -berwoo. ~ie weit id), in ter:rfiiffung meiner Wlnmtd pflidxten, ~oi ben t)ier aitfgefefften nrultbftenr gelcitet worben Sei, mitffen bie offentlid)en Urfullben itmtb anlbere ftare 3etgniiffe ton mneijent Serl)alten uctd ninb ber sBelt bartl)in. Sn mir felblt trage id) bad felte Z3ewitltfeit, bat id) ttnm roenigftel ftete g[aubte, tion bitnen gel[eitet worben it3 rein. 3esiigfid, bed Itod) fortwdltrenben grieg in (urota toerbreitet fid, miein iffenttidcer ltufrnf yorm 22. 2pri[ 1793 lin[tintgid) fiber iteine beWfaftfi' en runmbfdit3e. 3efRdtig t burct) Lure 3ultimutung nnb burdt bie Lurer Yeprdifentanten in beiben Sndifern bed Longreffed, tbt ber etift biefer 9)Na}reget midi fetd geteitet unb feiit Fierfnd) wirb mid) bawon ald fdorecfen ober fonft aboutenten toermiSgen. -Tad) reigidter lleberleguntg unb mit Siitffe bed beften Jattle, ben id) erlalten fonnte, elaunn id) bie Ueberaeltgung, bai unufer taunb bei ben ob woatenben Untianblte eit 9edrt t)abe, ubt bao feia ~Sntereffe ilbm bie pgfidt au.fer[ege, vine ncietrate etelTung einptnelbtnen. iinmat eingenomimen, be, fd)to} id), biefe 5teUung, fo reit bied totn mir abbingti mit!pigitgn, 23ebarrliifeitt tnb Wetligo feit sut betalnpten. WASHINGTON' FAREWELL ADDRISS. 167 ties, I have been guided by the principles which have been delineated, the public records and other evidences of my conduct must witness to you and to the world. To myself, the assurance of my conscience is, that I have a! least believed myself to be guided by them. In relation to the still subsisting war in Eu rope, my proclamation of the 22d of April, 1793, is the index to my plan. Sanctioned by your approving voice, and by that of your Representatives in both Houses of Congress, the spirit of that measure has continually governed me, uninfluenced by any attempts to deter or divert me from it. After deliberate examination, with the aid of the best lights I could obtain, I was well satisfied that our country, under all the circumstances of the case, had a right to take, and was bound in duty and interest to take, a neutral position. Having taken it, I determined, as far as should depend upon me, to maintain it with moderation, perseverance, and firmness. The considerations which respect the right to hold this conduct, it is not necessary on this occasion to detail. I will only observe, that 68 *a8.$inrton'M 2(bfcdicbt2(bbreffe. Zie (riinbe beittfid) bed Ted ted, biefed Zero fabrent einSu4atten, ift tntnttl)ig bei biefer efegeen lieit nuiaer pu erortern..3d) Mlia nur bemerfen, bar, fo weit au meiner tenutnio gefommen, jened Yedt, anlatt ton eitler ber frie/fiit)renben TaVd)te ge[eugs net aut werben, audbriicflid) ton aUetn gugeftartben tourbe. Zie pftidft, eine nentraTe etelfung gu beobad)s ten, fann otne roeitered aud ber 3erbinblidofeit abo geieitet roerben, roeIde @eredrtitfeit ulb R9)enfgd) fidtfeit jebem 93dfe auferlegee, in WUalen, woo eB nadc eigenem 23eliebent banbetn fann, friebidte unb freuttbfD aft[idce 3eSiel)untten mit anternt SoIfern unterbriid[id) aitfrettt pt ertalten. Sitn wie ferte' bad Sntereffe Lud) aur Y8eebadp) tlun biefed IBerfabrend aufforbert, fantt fiiglicd Qurer eigenen Ileberlegltmng unb LrfalIruttg aul)eim9eftefft roerben. Wiir mi) nnoar ed eitt voroieglenber Zeoeggfrunb: baltin It ftreben, 3eit fiir unfer Vanb iut gtewrinnen, feile nIod jungen ~inuridctulgen ju befeiet ite tub antlbilben unb o1bne Ullterbred)ltn In jenem @rabe oit 9Jac t tltb WeRigfeit oranun,fd)reiten, roe[fjer iottroenbig ift, ibm -- renn ber /uhttbrntc eratubt ift - bie ewal[t iiber feilte eiges nelt ecfdt)icde tu feben. Zbwvfl~ id), bei bentm iicbic'e alf bie ITorfaile meitter Z8erwa[ltn.!, mir feined vorfri$l3idetn Wel;(erd bewrogt bin: rfo matt ed mir bie @rFcituntuip nreiner UlwoUoLmmLtenlIeiten bod) wat)rfeinlctt, bce id WASMINGTON'S PAREWELL ADDRESS. 69 according to my understanding of ithe matter, that right, so far from being denied by any of the belligerent powers, has been virtually admitted by all. The duty of holding a neutral conduct may he inferred, wit]ru Iany thlng more, from the obligation which.justice and humanity impose on every nation, in which it is free to act, to maintain nviolate the relations of peace and amity towards other nations. The inducements of interest for observing that conduct will be best referred to your own reflections and experience. With me, a predominent motive has been, to endeavor to gain time to our country to settle and mature its:yet recent institutions, and to progess without interruption to that degree of strength and consistency which is necessary to give it, humanly speaking, the command of its own fortunes. Though in reviewing the incidents of my administration, I am unconscious of intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have cmmitted many errors. Whatever they may 70 3aagington'g 2(bfcdicbftbbreffe. mandce FBerfeflen begangen t aben mioge. ~efd/er ~rt biefe andy feien, fo ffebe id) in meinem t)eipen 3eb(ete 31t bernt lmaciudtitgen, bag @r bie Uebet abroenben ober milbertt mige, bie barand entfpringettn finneni. Unb fo tir itd aud) bie $offitnng mit mtir neumetn, baO mein BSaterlanb nie aufborent werbe, fie mit Tadtfidet rt betracdten, unb ba0 ntadj fiinf nub tierig S3arten meintted ebend, roetde idc mit aufridctigem Lifer feinem ZienFte roibmete, bie jWes ler meined Untermiufend ber 3ergeffe.-leit miogen iibergeben roerben, fotie id) fetbRf bal[b n bern Drte ber [letten Ntne o eierbe eibertfetn werben. Sm FBertraiten auf bie giitige Tcadclidct meined Zaterfanbed utb befeeft ton jener 1ergiden t iebe it bemfedben, wrelfde einem M9lanne fo natiirficd itR, ber ed ate feilt eifletned ebnrtdfIab unb atd bad feiner Iorfahren, tonl melreren @enerationen her, erblicft: fetle id) mit froten rtrwartttngen jener etiUe be~d sritatlebend entge3en, roorin it t4offe, bad ungetriibte, fuiie lfict 3u Seniefen, mitten Utn ter meinen 9Mitbifirgernt an belt gefegneten UiiirFunl gent gitter @efe3e unter einer freiein egiernltg Wns tieit pt nemnten, - ftetd ber Viebling6rwuonf mei% ned Seracn unub ber felige Vo4in, roie icd) uverfidts lid) toffe, unferer roedfielfeitigen eorgen, Wtrbeitep unb ~efacren. OCeort ff9a6binoton. zereinigte Otaaten, ben 17. September 1796. WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 71 be, I fervently beseech the Almighty to avert or mitigate the evils to which they may tend. I shall also carry with me the hope that my country will never cease to view them with indulgence; and that, after forty-five years of my life, dedicated to its service, with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as myself must soon be to the mansions of rest. Relying on its kindness in this as in other things, and actuated by that fervent love towards it, which is so natural to a man who views in it the native soil of himself and his progenitors for several generations, I anticipate with pleasing expectation, that retreat, in which I promise myself to realize, without alloy, the sweet enjoyment of partaking, in the midst of my fellow citizens, the benign influence of good laws under a free government-the ever favorite object of my heart, and the happy re. ward, as I trust, of our mutual cares, labors and dangers. G. WASHINGTON. United States, 17th September, 1796.