\ - Protected by Newcastle's Pinions, We start for Uncle Sam's Dominions. I I I I I I I I I I I I I BY EDMUND C. STEDMAN, A/zltor of " Thle Diamiontd T'edding," "Lyrics (and Id)ls," etc. itto) Etuztratio1ii bV $tepbtiio. ~, NEW YORK: RUDD & CARLETON, 130 GRAND STREET, (BROOKS BUILDING, COR. OF BROADWAY). MI DCCC LX. . e! I** Entere(1, -,ccoi-~in,g to) Act of Coorgiess, io the yea,r IS60, h~y LOU,IS 11. STElI'IINS, Iii the Cler-ks Oflice( of the I)istrject C,,ort of the Voiited Sta-ttes fori tlia S,,teitlii I)istrject of Nesw Y\irk. R. CRAIO.IEAO, P~i."", 5il,,t,.Iyp" (r-axiI1 IitIti''1, 81, 5~,.,,, Co5~ St,~, I " I C ONTEVNTS. 0 PART I.-TIIE PRINCELY PROGRESS. PART II.-TIIE COUNCIL OF FIVE IIUNDRED. PART III.-TIIE ACADEMIY BALL. I THE PRINCE'S BALL. PART I THE PRINCELY PROGRESS. : HAVEN'T you heard how an Eng lish Prince, prince, prince, A genuine royal scionHow an English Prince, not three months since, Came sailing, singing, dancing along, Jis true American friends among? To him I dedicate this song, By leave of the BRITISIH LION. 0, haven't you heard how an English Duke, duke, dukeHow an English Duke his home forsook? The Prince's Ball. How, leaving his high old castle, NEWCASTLE came with the other two, PI)T-NCE OF WALES and Lord RENFLIEW? Here are grandees three, it seem!s to me! Add them up how many there be: And while you are trying the knot to undo, I'll give you the rest of mrny parcel. Maidens were saying, long before He came in sight of a Yankee shore, That all the princes of fairy rhyme, Voyaging " once upon a time," Never compared with this island Prince; His lips were sweeter than sugared quince; His locks as brown As Prince CIIARMING's own; When he spoke, his tone Was nice to be heard, as that of the bird, To which Prince RUBY was cruelly turned By the spell his magica,l rival learned; 8 The Prince's Ball. He had just enough of the rickets in youth To make him wise as Prince RICQUET, and, sooth, -No tuft to make him frighitful; Prince VALIANT himself was not braver; And as to his face-I here give place To my artist and engraver: If they half do their duty by his beauty, You'll own his face is delightful. In the mnorn of a warm midsummer day, The royal party made their way Where the ships, not far from Portsmouth bar, Lay trimmed and ready for starting; VICToIA"'s cheek His Highness kissed, Heartily shook the CONSOPT'S fist, Gave sister ALICE's nose a twist, And so got throulih with the parting. 1 l 9 ::.-.::- " 1: The Prince's Ball. Past Cape Clear and the Channel Fleet, Waft, breezes, waft the sweet Young Prince, and don't be froward As you are, they say, In the Biscay Bay; For the jolly old Sun is shining his best On the gold Jtc Diin of the Prince's crest, That flames at the HERO'S peak. "Forward! forward! royally toward The loyal welcomers in the West, And the distant land we seek!" But down, down, beneath the waves, To the ocean-nymphs' and Undines' caves, 'Twas telegraphed that a miortal Prince Was crossing the broad Atlantic waters: So strange a thing had not happened, since Prince FLOD sailed over the Northern Sea, And was carried off by the LURLEY's daugh ters; 10 The Prince's Ball. You all have read the story, I trust; If you haven't you must (You'll find it in THORPE'S Epitome); Then 0, what a wonder the billows under! For even great Neptune's Queen herself Came up for a sight of the young GUJ:LPH; One by one, the Nereid race, Nymph and mermaid and water-fay, To catch a glimpse of his handsome face, Swam round the IHERO every day; Lifting themselves on their dolphin tails, Parting their hair with fingers fair, Peering over the vessel's rails, Splashing, dashing, glances flashingLonging to capture the Prince of Wales! * For this rhyme'tis proper to make amends To some H-disdaining English friends; But who, without going to WALKER for-help, Could rhyme it at all, if pronounced Gu-elp? I I I 2The Prince's Ball. But straight for the Nova Scotian shore The squadron bore, Till, after wet nights and iceberg frights, And other usual marine delights, It anchored ill Halifax harbor. Here thirty thousand Jonathan Slicks, Packed together like so many bricks, Gave ALBEIT EDWARD no time to "fix," Nor the Duke to visit his barber; Such loyalty never was known before; Cheering, clamor, and cannons' roar, And still the tumult increases, Until, by way of crowning the fun, And showing how such things should be done, They blow a gunner to pieces. Now how can I crowd together the tales You all have heard, of the Prince of Wales 1 2 '.:::: I ~~, I From Water-Sprites' alluring Slyness, Newcastle saves His Royal Highness. I I I I i I I I I The Prince's Ball. On his grand Canadian journey, Without counterfeiting thle newspaper-lmen, Or gaining the use of a " HOWAR)D's" pen, By a special Power of Attorney? St. John's, Windsor, Quebec, and so on to MIontreal, Ottawa, Kingston, TorontoParliament Houses —Victoria BridgesLakes and rivers, and mountain ridgoes — Cheers, addresses, riots and marchles Made, nolens-volew,), through Orange arches; All painted together and framed anew, Form a very kaleidoscopic view. MAy readers have heard, I take it for grante(, Of his going to church; how the choristers chanted, An(d how, when they c.ame to the Glo2,ia lPatri, t sounded precisely like GlOria.ctt2,'i; 15 The Prince's Ball. How the Bishop went bowing him into the aisle, Then preached him a sermon as long as a mile, On the duty of kings to be humble; While, placed in a lofty pew by himself, On a throne of crimson, the bashful GUELPIIr Hardly dared the responses to mumble. You have heard how he knighted NAR CISSE BELLEAU, And frightened that worthy provincial so, That he went on both knees for the accolade-blow; How, when the Prince washed, each loyalist bought a Flacon of the costly soap-and-water; And how a barber grew suddenly rich, By selling each hair of the handful, which He shingled down from the Prince's crown, At the very low rate of a " quarter." 16 T'he Prince's Ball. And how, by a singular transformation, lWhile whirling across the Niagara road, he Slipt out of his royal incarnation, And into LORD RENFREw's body. It would give me very much pleasure to sing How he speedily felt "every inch a king," As one of the sovereign people; For the first time moving among his mates, Made his lightning tour of the Northern States, More quizzed than the clock on a steeple; Drank lager and danced, wherever he chanced, At St. Louis, Chicago, and various cities Whose names are not suited for rhyming in ditties; 17 1The Prince's Ball. From his balcony bowed Three times to each crowd; Then escaped to the prairies, where game were so plenty, That, in spite of the very astonishing rent, he Displayed in his trousers, hle shot more than twenty; Then, in rosewood cars and a special train, Whirled on to the White House, J. B., and Miss LANE, Where many grave things were uttered and done, With all sorts of etiquette-ical fun; Then there's Richmond, and Baltimore, Pittsburg, PorkopolisBut what are the whole to our grander Metropolis? I merely name thenm to skip them all, 18 ;~ ~(~ A~ _; ~-jj ~~~/~ ~ Ye Prince enjoyeth Merrilie Ye Sweets of Reciprocitie. I I -I \/, -.. I The Prince's Ball. 21 And will leave ALBERPT EDWARD proceecl ing bedward, While I tell how the Gothamites got up the BALL. 6 A PASRT II. THE COUNCIL OF FOUR IIUNDIRED. i EAwNIIILE the Lords of the Empire City Were grouped together, on Churchl and 'Change, Saying-" 0, what a pity! O0, vwhat a pity, For BOOLE and his crew to be given range To bully, bluster, and blunder! To go in for another such Golden Fleece As warmed the backs of the Japanese; Or come with their Aldermanric quids, Mlarvellous grammar and yellow kids; To excite Lord PRENFREW'S wonder'." For the honor and commerce of the city, 'Twas plain to see there must be a Corw mittee! The Prince's Ball. So mien of means and might were chosen, Score by score and dozen by dozen, In all, four hundred noble names, With General SCOTT to lead them: So great their fortunes and their fames, That when the Aldermen came to read them, They blessed their luminaries stellar, And hid, abashed, in the City Hall cellar. Thirty Presidents of banks Were in the Commnittee's foremost ranks; Half as many had banks of their own; Nearly a score so rich had grown, Each could start a daily paper alone; To give the list variety, Plenty of lawyers were scattered througli, With judges and editors not a few, But these of the orthodox saffron hue, The golden cream of society; 23 2The Prince's Ball. The Historical Rooms were represented, And the Clubs had cause to be well con tented; Lots of the rising ticket-shares Were held by the " UNioN" millionaires, And the "ATrENUMc" was counted in, Though famous rather for numbers than tin; The classic" CENTURY" furnished seven Then, to give the loaf a proper leaven Of bibliopolical taste antique, A note was sent, in Coptic and Greek, Requesting the " BRADFOnD CLUB" to assist In ekeing out the Committee-list; An answer came, in cuneiform signs; When read by a paleologist, It said: "The Bradford Club declines, Engaged on business vital." They were reproducing, "by special per mission, 24 The Prince's Ball. The " Book of Genesis; ist Edition, B13. C. 1491." Withli a steel fac-simile, fairly done, Of MOSES' book-plate, in the title. In fine, so stylish and wealthy a set Were never gathered together yet Full of bankers, clubmen, and scholars; A Heraldc reporter, who knows how to count, Added up their estates to the gross amount Of Two HlUNDIED MILLIoN DOLLARS! Birds of a feather, they came together, To hold a primal caucus! It don't appear in what mystic hall They met, or whether in daylight at all; Perhaps in the shades of Orcus, Wherever it was, the question arose"How do members to honor the Prince p,-opose?" 25 i)11 Thle Piince's Ball. Some wanted a DINNER, and mnidnight speeches AVlong with the wine and brandy-peachles; Others on having a BALL insisted, Which proposition the first resisted, Till quite a dignified contest was raging; But, while gentlemen fiercely the battle were waging, One member, most potent and wealthy, be gan To speak up for the Terpsichorean plan; For he thought, if Lord RENFREW Ihimself were to choose, A Ball would exactly accord with his views: That very accomplished and noble young man Could ride, sing, and shoot, and, if need be, eat, In a manner that others found hard to beat 26 The Prince's Ball. But none of these arts ]Iade him Prince of Hearts, So much as his talent for dancing; Of all the Princes under the sun, rhere surely never was such an one For frolicking and romancing! A dozen sets, at a firontier ball, Hadn't begun to content him at all; He'd dance in all sorts of weather; His Arms should have been a fiddle and bow, With a pair of castanets hung below, And his plume, that charmed the young ladies so, (With a sala-am to Prof. INGRAIIAM,) The original Dancing Feather; It was even said that his great delight, Established etiquette scorning, Would not only be to dance all night, But-once escaped from NEwcASTLE'S sight 27 The Prince's Ball. To go home with the girls in the morning! Then from their sofas uprose ten Very wealthy and righteous men, With consciences sorely troubled: "They'd dance if they must," but if they could call The thing a Reception, instead of a Ball," They'd " see their subscriptions dou bled." Four were Presbyterians blue; High-Church Episcopalians two; Low-Church Episcopalian one; Broad-Church Unitarian, none; Three were Baptists, open and close: All pillars in firm position. For two, the Ball was too much of a dose; But the eight resolved, with one accord, 28 The Prince's Ball. That, as David danced before the Lord, They'd foot it once for the royal nonce, Despite the rlisk of perdition; Yet, the better to wash the sin away, Each secretly vowed to shortly pay Very much more than ever before To the Afghanistan mission. Thereupon the Committee voted, all, That My Lord should have an Academy Ball, And the matter was settled without more ado; Then, as knowing rumors began to creep through The daily journals, of what was in view, Very great men the Committee grew In every one's estimation. Little by little the news transpired, That the grand Academy had been hired 29 T he Prin(ce's Ball. At a fabulous comuputation; That, after this, Aladdin himnself Might lay up his rusty old lamip on the shelf, For the splendors, familiar to Genius or Elf, Would pale by the side of those supplied For Lord RENFPIEW's delectation. To think how the four hundred members were harassed By thousands of firiendly requests for a card! Married and single alike were embarrassed, (Some say they enjoyed it, but that's a canard 1) Whether eating or talking, riding or walk ing, Almost while dressing themselves and undressing, With pretty lips pouting and white arms caressing, 30 -I I~ i;si~~ Al _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - _ of ). \ \', ';'~,I Fair ladycs thronging, strive who can, Cajole ye bolde Committee man. II I ' X fi! _ -_ =. a I I - , Is' X I ,~l i Il The Prince's Ball. And sweet voices wishing a maidenly bless ing, Agreeing to dance with, kiss, love, even wed, Those by whom the dear girls to the Ball should be led! "How many tickets for ladies?" next This question our members much per plexed; But a plethoric sub-committee of three Found tailoring easy as A. B. C., And took the Academy's measure; ("If they'd fit it out with a new suit of clo'es, Scenes and curtains," M. STRAKOSCII "knows It would give his patrons pleasure;") Dowl on their knees they measured the floor, Giving each lady five feet, and no more, 2* 33 The Prince's Ball. For her crinoline-diamneter; As if women advance in the mazy dance, In a kind of trochaic pentameter. Those who havn't read, can easily guess Of the rules prescribed forl manners and dress, And what female battles began to ensue, Betwixt Fifth and lMadison Avenue, On the delicate question, as to who Should dance first with the noble strang er; IHow every young lady turned up her nose At fair ones, who ventured her claims to oppose: Tlow bosom fiiends became mortal foes, And jewelled fingers dealt tiny blows, Much fuller of spite than danger! 34 The Prince's Ball. But who finally won the coveted honor, And how she bore her laurels upon herThese things, with the glory, and glitter and all That was said, thought, or done at the PRINCE's BALL, Not to mingle the earthly with pleasures Elysian, I reserve for my canticle's final division. 35 PART Ill. THE ACADEMY BALIL. CLOUDS and sunshine, wind and railn, And the world turns over and over again. Lord Renfrew has kissed his glove to Miss Lane, Whom the Gothamites have implored in vain To grace the scene of their glory; For J. B., smoothing his cambric band, Plainly gives them to understand She shall follow no princes through the LandAs Medea chased for Jason's hand In the mythlologic story. j;~~~ _ - ( ~ ~, ~(~~ <\ \C j /IA~~ <~~~~ ~~;;~~;~ I \~J ~2~ Ye Prince, in warlike gulise arrayed, Doth lead ye lengthy Cavalcade. I I I i I I The Prince's Ball. Passing the Quaker City's gates [My Lord has left the United States To cross the Jersey peninsula; Has slept once more on American shore: Ridden from Castle Garden, through Three miles of flags-red, white, and blue, Walls of marble, iron, and brick Roofs and balconies, noisily thick With thousands sprawling after a view, 'Till he's lodged on the handsomest Avenue Of the greatest of cities insular. But now, as October Twelfth drew near, What hurry and bustle, joy and fear! Jealous hatred of those to appear, By those whose hopes were blasted and sere; As if all the life of a hemisphere 39 The Prince's Ball Were mingled in hocus-pocus, And, through Vanity's lenses flashing hot, Made tleEmpire City a radiant spot, With Irving Place for its focus! What costume-trying in visits flying: Days of dress-and;jewelry buying! A hundred mantua-makers were dying Of sheer exhaustion, and half a score Exchanged the smiles they usually wore For a reckless inurbanity; While every tailor, from Fulton to Bond, Declared himself in the Slough of Despond, And solemnly swore that one order more Would drive him into insanity. What scintillant splendors found display, In mirrored windows along Broadway! By the Vanderbilt they sent, in advance, For jewels of Florence and silks of France. 40 The Prince's Ball. Homeward she paddled, deeply laden, With stuffs to made a Manhattan maiden A princess, minus the dowry; To make a matron of forty years, As fine as a Dowager Duchess appears In a spectacle-play, at the Bowery. No lady-shopl)per could ever escape From the robes of every fabric and shapeSatins, taffetas, gauzes, crape; Skirts of tulle embroidered with gold; Watered silks in waves unrolled; Heaviest textures, marvellous hues Ashes of Roses, buffs and blues; Gros des Indies and rich brocade, In lustrous folds and colors arrayed; Dark Moire'es, with silver garniture, Lighlt Moire'es, brilliant with gold and cherryFabrics costly enough, I'm sure, A queen to wed, or even to bury; 41 The Prince's Ball. Chantilly laces, Valenciennes; Ribbons woven by Lyons men; Fancy fans, with flower and feather, Lavishly piled in heaps together;WThat can compare with sights so rare, Save the Paris booth in VANIrY FAIR! There's my charming fi'iend, Columbia VThat lily of aristocracy! As she sat, on the Sunday before the B., In her father's cushioned pew at Grace, Did you think-when she covered her beautiful face, And knelt on the crimson tabouretThat she heard what the Doctor had to say, Or prayed as the ritual bade her pray? What supplications she made, have flown Straight to the foot of fashion's throne; The angel, who into her heart could probe, Knew well that instead of a stainless robe, 42 The Prince's Ball. She quite as much longed at the time to possess An earthly and exquisite PRenfrew dress; That she thought to herself she would have it mnade Of the whitest and richest striped brocadeStriped with Magenta, and overlaid With silken rose-buds, blossoms and leaves; Low-pointed corsage and puffing sleeves Should grace the charms of her waist and arms; Over her shoulders should be set A cape, a la Marie Antoinette, And a bunchl of myrtle and mignonette Should bloom where the point-lace borders met. Pearls and silver should intertwine To make her a head-dress quite divine; For her feet she will use white-satin shoes, 43 The Prince's Bvtll. With mauve rosettes, encircling pearls, So that-when in the waltz her crinoline whirls, And the tips of her toes shall catch the eye Of the Prince, he will say to the standers-by, That she has for her feet a toilet completer Than that of a Spanish Seiorita, And that Cinderella's could not have been sweeter! But the world turns over and over again, With cloud and sunshine, wind and rain, Love and envy and rancor. AT LAST IT HAS COMIE! the crowning night; The ultimatum of all delight; The hour, when even an anchorite Mlay be pardoned for weighing anchor, Hoisting sails, and bearing away To the rendezvous in Prince's Bay, 44 The Prince's Ball. For whichl thousands vainly hanker; (You see it is not the Committee's fault That Smith or Jones isn't worth his salt Or wasn't born a banker.) It has come at last! How bright the sight Of a Grand-Academy gala-night! The blaze of the whirling calcium rays Lightens the spacious entrance-ways, Flashing on up-turned, glaring faces Of thousands thronging about the squares: Thousands, to whom your jewels and laces Are things for which nobody this night cares. For a sight of the Prince the people crowd; To your simple hearts should be allowed 45 The Prince's Ball. A sight of the Prince, poor people! since lie came to visit us one and all, Askled or not asked to go to the Ball! Scores of policemen will never convince The crowd, that it oughtn't to see the Prince. Up to the porch the carriages irumble, By yellow-plushes attended: No wonder the laboring-nen feel humble, In the presence of scenes so splendid! Never before, never before, Such diamonds and dresses entered that door; And VANITY FAIR, arrayed in its best, Glides in with the rest. (It wouldn't have been so very well dres sed, If it hlad not carefully learned by rote 46 XT-'' 11,ll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $7tI L~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r A<~'/, ('""" /,~ /h~I ~'I Ye handsome Prince is at a losse To whom ye Hlandkerchief to tosse. l I I i i I The Prince's Ball, Hie had quite forgotten his thoughlts, I suppose, Just as hearers a sermon forget, at its close, When the "Jubilate" is played on the organ; Whatever his fancies were, nobody knows. Now, how strange the feeling that comes to one, When the royal Show is almost done, When the gas for hours has dazzled the eye, And the air grows dense as the flowers die! How strange to go out, from the crowded rout, To the open street, where to all is given A sight of the clear and infinite Heaven; Out into the cool October night, Where, in place of that garish inner light, 5* 61 The Prince's Ball. Are all those silvery cressets, fed WTith rays from God's own glory shed. Ah! if one now might only flee Across that measureless, lucid sea, To lustres —O, how pure and far! What, from the spirit's chosen star, Would all this glittering turmoil seem, Save the fantasy of an earthly dream? And even the Man who lives in the Moon(You'd reach him a million times as soon!) Who, day after day, sees the whole round world Like a map to his curious gaze unfiuriledWould perceive no increase in the polarized ray Thrown off from this part of our sphere, Though the roof of the Opera Hlouse welre away, An(l the lights that illumine each tier 62 The Prince's Ball. 63 And all the lamps that make Paris, they say, And London, as cheerful by night as by day, With all in New York, together were burning; To the Man in the Moon they'd be past all discerning; So there's one man, at least, will know nothing at all Of the splendor and fame of THE PRINCE's BALL! TIIE END. 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