NOTES ON A RECENTLY DISCOVERED INDENTURE RELATING TO DAVID THOMSON OF PISCATAQUA AND MASSACHUSETTS BAY IN NEW ENGLAND BY- CHARLES DEANE WITHI A COPY OF THE INDENTURE CAMBRIDGE PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SON 187T6 One hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for May, 1876. ~IGNATURES TO THE JNDENTURE. JNDORSEMENT../V,.I-Nf -- E I -I,'.~F LOCTION OF JNDENTURE OF 9AVID THOMSON AND OTHERS, 5! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~s~~z~-K A;K:[::t >co~ tri~l, C, M44~:anc/~Li ~~ll tfi4r <~A 0 -fri sn-Ct ~~~;-rn~- on *~a ~k~-"~~ ft ire- p -~E~ rztan~ p't tP4 C;~'~.'+99Sytvft On; a n, Aitc~~~C#<.t~~~t~~fl ttnt~~~~~ir~~icqgtc*an 7Miwrf OtU4Z.- fl, / ri4 C( ~4ccpct 4%~ $25(v t ~ ~, K -t~ ~L9 — A Bi~BP~Y~_; *trd~fi cc *;cx: 5-c- // 0(1 tf~sb e~/ —/ A~i~*Br- 9 —b~)'i <+tuVas~&~,~~s4~ x7 ~7iip~