J,'Z J. U ~'ll,(J I)"Tl ~ - 0f j, I"(",) Cf J, "II "'AP()Po' -, IT')0 - -,I It,t 1111] ftOO~ -4 :t'1 if ( ~-~ -v" I X -k T -3 T-TI- (r f (-) ~) - C ~ I 1 L T J I ~) ~r TJl 0.C 1{ f -, I I \ 'AOT V -NII()tl — kl IL~f) (i~1A '*&kTn-V'C'*~'0',C1 ~~ l M~~Ii( Vl_'O14, ' i - T I \~(t~ \~ I~ (I() " I I IC Ill,( )} ~ ~ y - ,%Y ,t98l I 40 I I ! 1 I I i %p %p -I 11 ,A 9) I i 1I I -O'-' 11 0 BY JOSEPH RODMAN DRAKE. WnEN Freedom firomn her mountain height Unfurled her standard to the air, She tore the azure robe of night, And set the stars of glory there. She mingled with its gorgeous dyes The milky baldric of the skies, And striped its pure celestial white With streakings of the morning light; Then from his mansion in the sun She called her eagle-bearer down, And gave into his mighty hand The symbol of her chosen land. I' ...... * ~ ~ — - Ky A ~ -, - - &-~~,~- - -- - - - ~ ~-~c- ~- -—;;-;y{' -- )~- - -- ~-~~~ffiM \\~t — \ -~~ N- - - - - - - ~N~~-'\~~~' %~~~i~M~{~{)~ fT. - ]\1;;;;~ i~{a~~i~~~li of tJie 4o~1, - WA)-): ~1oft fliy i~~~td ft)pn~ __ To ilear tile ten~~ est-tiinll~~~ings 1011(1, And see tile Jigiltning-lan~es driven, N\Tilen stride file N\~arriors of tile storm, And volts tile tlinn~ler-drnni of ileaven Cbild of tile snn! to fl-~ee`tis given To gnar(i tile banner of tile f~~e T(-) ilover in tile ~nli~ilnr sn~oi~e, To ~~ar4 a~\~aX tile battle stro~e })leUdifl~)~ Ai 1(1 1~i4 its b~- 5iliilC afar, ~~ike r'dji})o~vs oii tile elond ~)f ~var — TIi ( i~ai'}~i~~gers of ~Tietorv TII I, A 51 FRI C A N F L A G. T 1' 1. Flag of the )rave! thy folds shall fly, The sign of hope and triuml)h high; When speaks the trumipet's signal tone, And the long line comes gleaming oi, Ere yet the life-blood, vwarm and wet, Has dimm'd the glistening bayonet, Each soldlier's eye shall I)righltly tuni To where thy sky-born glories -)r1; And as his springing steps advance, Catch war and vengeance from the (gla4c~' And when the cannoin-mouthings lcoud IHeave in wild wreaths the battle-slirotd, ind gory salbres rise and fall Iike shoots of flame on -liduight's pall Then shall thy -iieteor-glances glow, And cowelring foes shall sink b)eneathl Each gallant arm that strikes below That lov-ely nIesselI(,er of (leatli T II E A M1 E R I ( A. N F L, A G. -1 I r \~ 1 &;, / ~; ,,''t~~~~, I V. Flag of the seas! onl ocean's wave, Thy stars shlall glitter o'er the brave; When death, careering on the gale, Sweeps darkly round the b)ellieI sail, And frighlted waves rush wildly back Before the broadside's reeling rack, Each dying wanderer of the sea Shall look at once to heaven and thee, And smile to see thy splendors fly Inl triuulh)l o'er his closing eye! Flag of the free heart's hope and homie, By angel hands to valor given, Thy stars have lit the welkin dome, And all thy hues were born in heaven! For()1ever float that standard shleet Where bieatlies the foe that falls before us, With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, At(d Fieedora's bainer streaming o'er us! t)f ~mrttrit it Words by J. R. DRAKE.MuibyBLII irirauagreti by DAWS~iuIlN. ~~ _________mm ______ _ ~ wt~~~I&~$___ Maestoso. ii ___ ________ __ ____ ________ ( ________~T ___ ~ ~ 1-li ______ ___-__ ____. __IL ________ sf __ sf m~ — ) _ _ _ ___'~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~D'-~~~~ f —~~~~~~k wil(~ii Free - doin fromn her ~~3i-~~~~I~~~7il33337Z~~~~~~~~rnz~~~~ll~A ~~ ~ 70 U ~ ~ ~ I -' _ —__ ___ _______ Enee eer~~1,1 fCn-ra 86,b ~Cr R.o1;teCek fieof0e.. otitCorfo he,o'en re f0e ok Music by BELLINI. f fN r v / E-t,,,gd t,, l.-t If A. 1). 1861, by -J. G. GRF, GOR I-, i. th, Cl,,k',, ,, qf th, t'. S. Dit,i,,t C,,.,t P, th, Di,,,,i,t qf 1,,,k. -.... - _o I - I _ _ _, _ 7 - - z.1 - — # i~W -v -0 I - * —-s -__i-;~ — —. 1 11 0 --- : - ____~... her stan - dard to the ( ~ ~7-F -..- -. ~ ~ ~.. _-''' _ — d ... . . ____u,, _ _ _ I _ I I _____ ____ __ _____i —.-_i-i- * - air............................She tore the a - zure ('f.ikW - __ __ *~ i — 9!~{#~fr ________ _____ 9 - 2-7-~.~~ -_ __ robe of night, And set the stars.................of glo - ry .........~9L ~-+- __ __ ~ ~Ht~F~h~~'e- -~- -~h~ T-~ -,,, -,,- -._ —,- T 9 - ~ ~_IL 0-' - "'! t1 — __-zb_- --.~ _: I-J -= ---- I I She iliii - gled( with its +-6 — ____L t -, i= — - 4 - F _-:__ - t g ~~~i * o- I 1 -- -- i I I I i-, f,.4# I - I mioun - - tain height, In - furlI' _ I sM there. - - -~~ I 4-, _ _ _ -_ __ _- t * i - F Th___ _ __ ____ ~~__ L ky bal - dric gor - geous dies, The mil bl~-~~~~-~ - -.-.-. I -- ~~~~~~~+ ~ I' -+ -+ e'i -+ ~'~ rl-I-I A A -~-=- A A -I -— I A -~ i I -f I -i i i I i i i I ()j- jilyo t-_,EH -- -Hh -_'-' ____________________ - I -% I — i- - _ = _/, --:: I t_ _ _ _< A__ z->z_ d * - ~ * --- I -. of the skies, And striped ts... pure ce - - - - # 6 A A #A A A i +__ __ ______A- Thm _ ___ __ ___ ___A ___ z I6~ -_- th;;f;-.. —__ h,_ __ __ _Ai _ _ __ 6 - __ FI ___ - ____ -_ 6 *- ___ -______ t_______ tial white, With streak i- -— Th-j ' p -S-~t- - t_a _______L~~ __ i. ~. —.A_ =-_I ,o_ r _ __ _ _l igt Thenf r.om her a n. - _ in te s morn-ing light; Then from her man - sion in the sun, She __ __ 4H-H-H+- H6i I A A A A A A A A A A A A A A k a__- -U —- - -- I -U t i 1 T- - T - I — tV _ I I —=F'I I - A _ I I I ~~~~~~- C X- I-~ v I - uAd re I- __I I, _i I I> _ f%# the - les ings from 'r~. q I,.I - -, __I_________~~~~~~~~ __ ---- -_________ F,, -- I I_ __ eall'd ~her E~a - gle bear - er down......... k\-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I- ~ + * I_ I I *e. e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -0 ~ H- -_h L L -_I ~ T —.-_____ _ ~~~~~~~~~ H' L-mO- - -H____ _ ____I I4 - --— JL- cres ______ ______ N -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g I~~~~~~~~_i r __- -'.- -- -_- __ -- — I _F- -4 N.- 0~ i ~ _ i_ --— ~H ~- ATm -- -- __APi I~~~~___ _ __ . — mlIII~_ — - - H~wsI~~ ~ FE I 0 # -y fF ~ ~ __4. cres ff -L__ -I AN — iv,T'? I i I - I eall'd In EE p -- a -Mr t; v I I& - ----- -- -" - -- ---- - PUBTLICATIONS FOPT THE TIMES. I. TTIE STAR SPANGLED BANNER: ILLUSTRATED FROY DRAWINGS BY F. O. C. DARLEY. The Publisher has now ready a beautiful parlor-table edition of "THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER," exquisitely Illustrated by F. O. C. DARLEY, with an Illuminated Cover by JOHN A. Hows, containing the Music, arranged by Francis H. Brown. This beautiful edition of our popular National Song is sold, with the Illustrations, at the ordinary price of the music alone, and is welcomed by all as an elegant and timely issue. Quarto. Price, 25 cents. II. TIIE GREAT ISSUES BEFORE TIIE COUNTRY: AN ORATION, BY EDWARD EVERETT. DELIVERED) AT TIlE NEW YOI'K ACATDEMIY OF MUSIC, JULY 4TIt, 1S61. The most masterly and exhaustive statement of the issues before the country which has yet been made. 1 2mo. 48 pp. Price, 15 cents. III. THtE CAUSES OF TtHE CIVIL WAR.: BY JOIIN LOTIIROP MOTLEY, LL.D., D.C.L., Author of "The Rise of the Dutch Republic," and "History of the United Netherlands." l 2mo. 40 pp. Uniform with "Everett's Oration." Price, lo cents. IV. THE FALLACY OF NEUTRALITY: _AN ADDRESS DELIVERED AT LOUISVILLE, KY., JULY 1LTI1, BY lION. JOSEPII IIOLT; ALSO IIS LT,ETTER TO J. F. SPEED, FEs. 1 zmo., uniform with Everett's Oration. Price, lo cents. V NAPO.L,EON'S MAXIMS OIF WAR: A MANUAL FOR OFFICERS. RECOMMENDATION "Afterrefreshing my memory by looking over again'The Officer's Manual,' or'Maxims of Napoleon,' I think I may safely recommend the republication, in America, of the work in English, as likely to be called for by many officers, regular and volunteer. It contains a circle of maxims deduced from the highest source of military science and experience, with practical illustrations of the principles taken from the most celebrated campaigns of modern times. The study of the book cannot fail to set all young officers on a course of inquiry and reflection greatly to their improvement. "WINFIELD SCOTT." This little volume is of service and interest to the officer, the soldier, the civilian, and to all interested in the art of war. One neat pocket volume, flexible cover. Price, 30 cents. "JAMES G. GREGORY, PUBLISIIER, L~~~~(UCSO I oA-.T+ASND&C. (SUCCESSOR TO V. A. TOWNSEND & CO.,) NO. 46 WALKER ST., N. Y. IN PHESS. PATRIOTIC AND HEROIC ELOQUENCE: A Volume of Prose and Poetical Extracts fromn the Speeches and Writings of Distinguished Men. l2mo., Cloth. Price, 75 cents. II 4$ ~> ~~~t c:j,i:~~~~~~$~ ~ '~ H ".A.\ (I1 i i 0 i I i i i i I