THE DAY-STAR. TIlE DAY-STAR OF AMERIlCAN FREEDOM; OR THE BIRTH AND EARLY GROWTH OF TOLERATION, IN THE PRIOVINCE OF MIARYLAND: WITH A SKETCII OF THE COLONIZATION UPON THE CHiESAPEAKE AND ITS TRIBUTARIES, PRECEDING THE REMOVAL OF THE GOVE;RSNMENT FRO3I ST. MARY'S TO ANNAPOLIS; AND A Glimpse qf the,numbeirs ad General State of Society, of the Religion and Legislation, qf the Life and Mllnners of the Mfen, who Worshipped'in the Wilderness,,at the First Rude Altar of Liberty. BY GEORGE LYMN-LACItLAN DAVIS, OF THE BAR OF BALTIMORE. NEW YORK: 0. SCRIBNER, 145, NASSAU STREET. 1855. ENTERED according to Act of Congresa, in thlle year 155, by GEO. LYNN-LACIILAN DAVIS, In the Clerk's Office of the U. S. District Court, for the District of Maryland. W'. H. TINSON, STERROTYPER. GEO. RUSSELL & CO., PRINTERS. D E D I C A T E D TO THE STATE. Kay yap iy rarpt'f ~pZP ritc Ur7t Tyg KadroTv }Ee- veW,'erfrep Kda 6 7rar7p.- PORPHYRY..... ro eToiu, i6taray,.. - S.. PAUL. PREFACE. TEE papers, I will cite, are, most of them, taken from the Archives, at Annapolis, and at London. Those at the Capital of my State, may be seen in the Executive Chamber, in the Armory, in the Hall of the Court of Appeals, in the Land Office, or in the Office of the Register of Wills. And the documents transmitted to me, were obtained, through the aid of an Index, from the English State-Paper Office. For the sake of brevity, I will generally omit the depository. The two Records designated by A. B. & HI., and by Q., can be consulted, in the Land Office. Where the " No." of the Liber is simply given, the citation has been made from the same office. The "Laws," and "Judgments" belong to the Court of Appeals; and are kept, either in the Hall, or in the Armory. In all other cases, the nature of the subject will indicate the place, from which the paper is taken. The Index, which has aided me, in sketching the Revo Viii PREFACE. lution of 1689, was presented to our Historical Society. It is the gift of my generous countryman, Mr. Peabody, of London; and the key to a rich store-house of documents and facts, preserved at the great city, from which so many of our forefathers came. To Mr. Jas. Frisby Gordon, and Doct. Fisher, of Kent; to Mr. Benj. Ed. Gantt, of Anne-Arundel; to Messrs. Palmer, and Harrison, of Queen Anne's; to Messrs. Hopkins, and Donoven, of Talbot; to Mr. Win. A. Jarboe, of Prince George's; to Col. Wm. A. Spencer, and the Hon. Jas. Murray, of Annapolis; I beg leave to express my thanks, for their polite attention, during my examination of the Archives, in the offices, they respectively occupy. To most of them, am I further indebted for communications addressed me, as marks of their courtesy, in reply to a great variety of inquiries. And my acknowledgments are due to the memory, also, of Owen Norfolk, the late clerk at UpperMarlborough. I am under an additional obligation to the librarians, and other officers, in various parts of this State, for the privilege extended me, as an author, of consulting any of the books in their custody. Nor can I fail to confess my sense of gratitude, for the interest so generously manifested in the success of all my researches, by many other gentlemen of Maryland, especially by the.members of the Bar, and of the Bench, not only in the communication of important facts and suggestions, but also in the loan of valuable private manuscripts. I may here venture to PREFACE. ix individualize the Hon. John' Carroll Le Grand, Saml. Tyler, Esq., Prof. Evert MA. Topping, Win. Meade Addison, Esq., Prof. Saml. Chew, Hon. E. Louis Lowe, Doct. Peregrine Wroth, Rev. Saml. R. Gordon, Jas. E. Barroll, Esq., Prof. George Fenwick, and Genl. Thos. F. Bowie. And there are a few personal friends not named in this Preface, nor confined altogether to my own sex, whose companionship has occasionally lightened my labor; whose bright sympathies have shed a sun-shine over the heart, in the hour of toilsome solitude; whose aid, and whose many kind offices, will be sweetly, and sincerely remembered. CONTENT S. CHAPTER I. Toleration-Its Logical Relations-Its History cannot yet be Properly Written,... 15 CHAPTER II. The Visible Influence of Ideas —The Charm of External History-Illustrations from Islamism, from Christianity, and from Toleration,.19 CHAPTER III. The Toleration Secured by the Charter for Maryland,.. 26 CHAPTER IV. The Toleration under the First Governor,.36 CHAPTER V. The Toleration Implied by the Official Oath,.. 39 CHAPTER VI. The Assembly of 1649-Kent, and St. Mary's RepresentedSketch of their Early History-Passage of the Tolera. tion Act, *... 41 CONTENTS Xiii PAQG CHAPTER XV. Cecelius, the Lord Proprietary —His Life, Character, and Family,.. 162 CHAPTER XVI. Governor Leonard Calvert,.. 171 CHAPTER XVII. Governor William Stone,. 175 CHAPTER XVIII. Governor Thomas Green,.. 181 CHAPTER XIX. Col. John Price,. 183 CHAPTER XX. The Honorable John Pile,. 186 CHAPTER XXI. Capt. Robert Vaughan,.. 190 CHAPTER XXII. The Honorable Robert Clarke,. 195 CHAPTER XXIII. The Honorable Thomas Hatton,. 200 CHAPTER XXIV. Mr. Cuthbert Fenwick,.. 207 CHAPTER XXV. Mr. Philip Conner,....... 220 2xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVI. Mr. William Bretton,........ 224 CHAPTER XXVII. Mr. Richard Browne,........ 229 CHAPTER XXVIII. Mr. George Manners,. 231 CHAPTER XXIX. Capt. Richard Banks,. 233 CHAPTER XXX. Mr. John Maunsell,. 237 CHAPTER XXXI. Mr. Thomas Thornborough,. 242 CHAPTER XXXII. Mr. Walter Peake,. 247 CHAPTER XXXIII. Conclusion,. 254 AP PE N D I X. No. I.-Emigrants from England,. 261 " II.-Settlement upon the Bohemia,... 269 " III.-Faith'of the Jurors, in the case of the Piscataway Indians,. 270 THE DAY-STAR. CHAPTER I. Toleration-Its Logical Relations-Its History cannot yet be properly written. THE march of the mind is slow. Of Islamism, the faith for twelve centuries of a fifth part of the whole human race, no real history, it is sad to think, has ever been written; and the most profound men of Europe confess their ignorance of the subject. It also admits of the gravest doubt, whether'we yet have, in the truest and most comprehensive sense, a history of Christianity. And it is vain to hope, in the present state of knowledge, for a satisfactory history of Toleration. 16 rThl E DAY-STAR. Notwithlstanding a reg(ard fbi thle righlts of conscience, the laws of' our own nation have always evinced a greater sympathy for the Christian than for any other form of belief; while no government has existed without some kind of religious theory; nor has any state, in modern times, at periods even of the wildest anarchy, gone far enough to deny its own ethical nature, or reject that element which constitutes the ground-work and condition of its being. The Church of no Christian country, on the other hand, is prepared, either upon the Protestant, or upon any other basis, to acknowledge the supremacy of the State, or surrender the jurisdiction it exercises over questions of faith and ethics -questions, which touch the very heart of humanity, and connect us with the invisible world; but work, at the same time, such deep changes in states and empires-having occasioned more 1 The English Church may be oppressed, or enslaved. But it is a great mistake to suppose she has ever acknowledged the supremacy of the Civil Magistrate. See Magna Charta, the Works of Lord Coke, and the late Writings of the Rt. Rev. Doct. Philpott, of the See of Exeter. ANTAGONISM. 17 bloodshed, since the martyrdom of St. Stephen (to say nothing of the church controversy, which now, alas! involves the European nations in a fresh conflict) than any of the subjects,:which ever engage the attention either of kings or of courts, of cabinets or of parliaments. The antagonism between the State and the Church, under the existing order of things, may not, indeed, be observed by the ordinary eye. It may apparently sleep, for a season, or for a century. But it is not the less real; and not the less destined, sooner or later, to unfold itself, in all its terrific energy. The advocates of Toleration will then be ready to proclaim, that atheism is the proper fundamental principle of the State; and its opponents, that faith is the foundation of ethics, that the notion of a perfect state implies a church of the same character, that the one is but identical with the other, and that under a more beneficent arrangement of Providence, a higher law of society, and a nobler system of civilization, the identity will be fully and triumphantly revealed. Before the termination of this contest (probably the most momentous, if not the most bloody, which 18 THE DAY-STAR. man will be called upon to endure), it will be impossible to find the central-point involved in the great problem of Toleration; or to grasp it, in all its highest logico-historical relations. ISLAtMISM. 19 CHAPTER II. The Visible Influence of Ideas-The Charm of External HistoryIllustrations from Islamism, from Christianity, and from Toleration YET Islamism has undoubtedly a meaning. Of its external history, do we also know something. Amid the fiery sands and deserts of Arabia, a thought strikes the mind of a man. To him, it is a vision; to us, a small cloud upon the horizon, destined to overspread the firmament. In the one, we see the image, and the hand of God; in the other, are locked up the living forces of nature. Out of the brain of a wild, but earnest son of the wilderness, springs forth, with the rapidity of magic, a vast and magnificent empire; having its strong and impregnable centre in the East, but extending its dominion to the very confines of the West; clad, indeed, with all the terrors of the sword, but deriving its original strength from the simple words, he 20 TIHE DAY-STAE. had uttered; the grandest and boldest embodiment, (however imperfect,) we have so far witnessed, of the identity (if I may tread upon forbidden ground') of the temporal with the spiritual authority; at one moment, threatening to absorb the Christian nations of Europe; at another communicating to their civilization that impulse, which will be felt through all ages I a rich, and gorgeous picture! perplexing, it is true, the judgment of the historical critic; but dazzling the imagination, elevating the fancy, and (may I add?) purifying the heart. In spite, also, of the little that is known of the higher relations, or the logical harmonies of ecclesiastical history, there is something which touches a still deeper spring in the simple and short story of the Cross-of the visible struggle of Christianity, during the first three centuries, with the Paganism of a great empire-of the mild and serene triumph of the church, at the end of that period, amid the shocks and convulsions of society, over all the phy1If Newman and Ranke touch this subject with so much caution, an unwillingness in myself to go beyond a mere suggestion, indicates no affectation of modesty. CHRISTIANITY. 21 sical, intellectual, and other powers of the civilized world. From the Crusades to the present, from childhood to hoary age, over the dream of the virgin, and the meditation of the matron, over men of every taste and of every type, it has exerted a magical influence. This moment, I study it, with a more passionate fondness, than "The Arabian Nights," or the most truthful and enchanting pieture, the hand of man has sketched, either of domestic manners, or of Oriental magnificence and renown. There is nothing approaching it, upon the pages of the historical record —nothing, in the glory of Grecian combatants, or the march of Roman legions —in living, or in dying gladiators; or victorious generals, whose returning "' chariot-wheels" were " graced" by kings " in captive bonds." The Crescent and the Cross have, each of them, a charm. They represent the two great historical Ideas; they mark the two grand epochs in the destiny of the human race. As the fallen column, amid the ruins of the Acropolis, retains the traces of a high creative art, so man, with all his grossness, still proclaims the divinity of his original nature, by the interest he manifests in the contest 22 THE DAY-STAR. of the intel!ctual with the physical forces; by the sympathy he feels for the spiritual world; by the sacrifice he so joyfully suffers, for the sake of his conscience; by the pride he exhibits at the triumph of a cherished faith; and by the pleasure he derives from the study of those ideas, which have wielded their influence over any considerable portion of society. His ideality is the secret of that true historic dignity, which belongs to the colonization of America. Scarcely a settlement, or a colony was founded, which cannot, more or less, be traced to the agency of some religious idea. And the remark includes the landing of the Pilgrims, at St. Mary's, in the year 1634. It forms the key to the earliest history of the province-the pivot to the primitive policy and legislation of the State-and the centre of so much that is interesting in the traditions and recollections, which have been handed down to our own generation. The idea, which our ancestors brought with them to the forests of Maryland, was apparently feeble, in the beginning. But it soon began to show its strength; and like all ideas having vitality, it was progressive. The acorn has since IDEALITY. 23 become an oak; the fountain a majestic river. Though it seems to be but half developed (for Toleration is yet without a strict definition, or a symbol), it has already, under a variety of shapes, but all of them substantially the same, become an active element in the religious and political life of a great and colossal confederacy. Judging from the past, it is occupy a still wider field, to over-run other countries, to revolutionize distant nations, and to achieve a greater, a more glorious conquest over the human mind. If we may speak from its visible results, it would be but just to say, its career has so far been bright and hopeful. Viewing it from the Anglo-American side, from the popular theory of religious liberty, we cannot feel too grateful for the blessings, it has conferred; for the prospect, it presents to other portions of humanity. Its developments, indeed, I cannot give; its history, in the proper sense, I cannot write; for that involves relations of a logical sort, which no one living can state upon any of the received hypotheses either of Europe, or of America. But we have much information respecting its external history; something also will I tell of 24 THE DAY-STA R. its origin and early growth in this country; nor do I disguise the pride a Marylander imust feel, in sketching the following facts. And I think, in the course of this brief narrative, I will be able to suggest a solution to some of the problems which now engross the attention of the nation. Who were the originators of the idea? and what was their faith? are but two of the questions I am so often asked. Addressed by respectable persons, tortured with inquiries upon those and other interesting points, I am urged to speak. And the settlement of open questions in the history of this continent, is surely a matter of no trifling consideration in the present state of the national mind, giving such striking indications of excitement in every quarrter, from the St. Lawrence to the Pacific. Most gladly, then, if I could, would I do the state some service; and I hope at a future day to give a perfectly satisfactory answer. But my life is one of accidents; and the history I am writing of the colonization of Maryland, may demand the unsparing toil of several more years. From my portfolio I will, therefore, take a few papers, and at once respond; from the shadows of my solitary OPEN QUESTIONS. 25 chamber, from the dry and dusty records, from the living oracles of the past, I will now address the millions of my countrymen. 2 26 THE DAY-STAR. CHAPTER III. The Toleration Secured by the Charter for Maryland. THE charter' was a compact between a member of the English, and a disciple of the Roman church; between an Anglo-Catholic king and a Roman Catholic prince; between Charles the First of England, and Cecilius, the second baron of Baltimore, and the first lord proprietary of Maryland. To the confessors of each faith, it was the pledge of religious freedom. If not the form, it had the spirit and substance of a concordat, in the sense quite as strong, as any of those earlier charters of the English Crown, to which the chief priest of Rome was, in any respect, a party. This is the inference faithfully drawn from a view of the instrument itself; from a consideration of the facts and circumstances attending the grant; and The Charter was given in 1632. There is a copy in Bacon's Laws, in Bozman's Maryland, and in Hazard's Collections. THE CONCORDAT. 27 from a study of the various interpretations, essays, and histories, of the many discourses, and other publications, which have appeared upon this prolific theme. It accounts for the prohibition of every construction inconsistent with the " true Christian religion 1"'-an expression coming from the lips of an English king, and resembling a clause in the first charter for the Anglo-Catholic colony of Virginia 2 The words in the English copy (see Sec. 22 of the Charter) are "God's holy and true Christian religion;" in the Latin (see Bacon and Hazard), " Sacrosancta Dei et vera Christiana religio." To Mr.)Brantz Mayer (see his Calvert and Penn) is due the credit of pointing out a grammatical inaccuracy in the English translation. We are indebted to Mr. S. F. Streeter also (see his Maryland Two Hundred Years Ago) for a learned note of a subsequent date. The former's translation is, "God's holy rights, and the true Christian religion;" the latter's, " the holy service of God, and true Christian religion;" and my own, "the most sacred things of God, and the true Christian religion." Mr. Mayer, indeed, suggests, in a note, the agreement of " sacrosancta " with " negotia;" and gives no sufficient reason, it strikes me, for substituting " rights " for " things." See his text, p. 28. The substitute is too narrow; and I cannot, therefore, adopt it. 2 In the Charter of 1606 occur, "the true word and service of God and Christian faith;" in the one of 1609, " the true worship of God and Christian religion;" and in the orders of 1619 and 28 THE DAY-STAR. -but, in a grant to the Roman Catholic proprietary, intended, doubtless, as a simple security for the members of the English church. It suggests the reason also, why the obligation to establish the religion of Englishmen was omitted in the case of Maryland; but expressly or tacitly imposed, either by the charters or by the orders given to most, if not all, of the other Anglo-American colonies.' It is not less in harmony with the supposition of King Charles's regard for the rights of his AngloCatholic brethren, who subsequently came to St. 1620, " the true religion and service of God." These expressions clearly refer to the religion of the English Church in a strictly exclusive sense. See Henning's Collection, and the preceding publication of Mr. Streeter, pp. 71-76. " The true Christian faith, now professed in the Church of England," is a clause in the letters patent to Sir Walter Raleigh. See Streeter, p. 73. See also, in Streeter, the Charters to Sir Edmund Plowden for New Albion, and to Sir Ferdinando Gorges for Maine. "Worship and religion of Christ," in the 4th sec. of the Maryland Charter, doubtless refers to the English Church. 1 The Virginia Charter of 1609 virtually excluded the Roman Catholics; so did the one for New England to Fernando Gorges and other persons, in 1621. See Streeter. Other cases could be cited. THE CONCORDAT. 29 Mary's, than with that generally admitted sincerity of Lord Baltimore, which cannot be reconciled to the notion of his accepting a grant directly opposed to the principles, or to the practice of his own faith. It is supported by the fact, that the object of the Calverts, in asking for the charter, was to found a colony, including the members, respectively, of the English, and of the Roman church-an object which, we cannot doubt, was known to the king, who signed the instrument. And it is fully confirmed by the action of the provincial legislature-the best commentary upon the spirit of the charter-and by one of the first judicial decisions still preserved upon the records. Within a short period after the landing of the Pilgrims, an act was passed, declaring, that "Holy Church " should enjoy "all her rights;" and, a year later, it was followed by another of the same purport.' These words were clearly taken from the 1 The Act of 1639 declares that, " Holy Church, within this province, shall have all her rights and liberties;" the one of 1640, that, " Holy Church, within this province, shall have and enjoy all her rights, liberties, and franchises, wholly and without blemish." See Bacon, Bozman, and many other authorities. A bill also of 30 THIE DAY-STAR. great charters of the English Crown, in the days of the ZNormans and of the Plantagenets;' and, in both cases, the term "'Ioly"' included the English as well as the Roman church.2 We will 1639 says, " Holy Church, within this province, shall have all her rights, liberties, and immunities, safe, whole, and inviolable in all things." The Charter of King John stipulates that the English Church "shall be free, and shall have her whole rights and her liberties inviolable;" the first one of Henry the Third, that she shall " be free," and " have her whole rights and liberties inviolable;" the second of the same king, that " she shall be free,'" and " have her whole rights and her liberties inviolable;" the third, that she " shall be free, and shall have her whole rights and her liberties inviolable;" and the first of Edward the First, that she " shall be free," and " have her whole rights and liberties inviolable." 2 It is surprising to think, how some of our historians have been embarrassed in the attempt to interpret the two acts of the Assembly. The close resemblance of our early legislation to the charters I have cited does not seem to have occurred to Chalmers, Hawks, Allen, and many others. If the case of the Rev. Francis Fitzherhert, in another note, be any authority, the " doctors of the Church' were by no means " puzzled." There is also a striking analogy between our primitive forms or precedents, and the expressions contained in the charter of King John. Compare, for instance, the oath of the Privy Councillor, in 1648, to " delay or deny right " to "none," with the fortieth section of that charter. THE CONCORDAT. 31 see that "' Holy Church" was used, at a subsequent period, in a much more comprehensive sense. But neither in the early English charters, nor in the two preceding acts of the Assembly, did the words secure anything but the rights of the Anglican, and of the Roman Catholic. In the case of Lieut. Wim. Lewis, the Roman Catholic, convicted, in 1638, of violating a proclamation, by improperly engaging in religious controversy, and thereby disturbing the "peace"' of the colony; the main ground of the offence consisted, in his inveighing against the Protestants, for reading a book' "allowed" by "the State of England." Such Each section of the charter has, indeed, been called a statute. And the law of 1639, including the section relating to the Church, may be regarded as a series of acts partaking of the nature of a Magna Charta. Certain it is, that, in the Charter of King John, "Holy Church" occurs in a sense distinct from "Holy Roman Church," as well as from " English Church." It can bear but one interpretation. Both in the early charters, and in the acts of our Assembly, it clearly includes the Anglican not less than the Roman Catholics. 1 The case of Lewis has so often been published (see, e. g., Bozman, vol. 2, pp. 83-85, and 596-598), that it is necessary only to add, the proclamation of Governor Calvert prohibited " all unsea 32 THE DAY-STAR. was the test of an Anglo-Catholic's rights, under the earliest practice of the government. Such was the doctrine in the case which has been cited; such the opinion of Mr. Secretary Lewger, a justice of the Supreme Court; and such the decision of Leonard Calvert, the lieutenant general or governor, and the chief justice of the province. "iHoly," as well as " Catholic," we know also, is used in creeds common to the English and to the Roman church. And " Catholic " is a term not unfrequently applied, upon the provincial records, to the Church of England.' The little chapel also, near the Fort at St. Mary's, the place for the worship of the Anglo-Catholic colonists before the arrival of any of their ministers, and sonable disputations, in point of religion, tending to the disturbance of the public peace and quiet of the colony, and to the opening of faction in religion." See 2 Bozman, p. 83. In 1642, "the Protestant Catholics of Maryland" are mentioned upon the Records-intended, no doubt, for the members of the English Church. See their petition to the Assembly, in 2 Bozman, p. 199. In some, also, of the early wills, "Catholic " is applied to the Church of England. See the one of Thos. Banks, in 1684, Lib. G., p. 126. THE CONCORDXr. 33 given by most writers to the Protestants, was probably not their property exclusively, but erected with the joint funds or contributions of the Roman and of the Anglican Catholics. The key to it was seized, in 1642, by Doctor Gerrard, a prominent Roman Catholic,' and upon the ground of some claim, if we may judge from an expression in the decision against him. In the proposal, about the same year, for a transfer of the premises to Lord Baltimore (an arrangement not immediately, if ever at all, effected), another Roman Catholic gentleman was the ostensible owner or representative of the title. And there is evidence to show, that at a very early period, the graveyard was the usual burial-place of the Roman Catholics.' Some also of the colonists, who held land, under Doctor G-errard, as the lord of St. Clement's Manor, as See the case of Thos. Gerrard, in 2 Bozman, pp. 199-200. Such, it seems, was the fact, from the will of John Lloyd, of St. Mary's-a Roman Catholic, who expressed the wish to be interred "in ye ordinary burying-place, in St. Mary's chapelyard." See his will of 1658, in Lib. S., 1658 to 1662, Judgments, pp. 74-75. 2* 34 THE DAY-STAR. well as the Doctor's wife,1 were Protestants. And he, and other Roman Catholics, it is not unreasonable to suppose, were partly instrumental in building this little temple, in token of the concord2 between the English and the Roman Catholic; and where each, at his own appropriate hour, might offer up his sacrifice to the Most HIigh. Faithfully did Cecilius, the proprietary, execute the pledge he had given to the members of the English church. How intoxicating is the taste of power! How apt are we to forget the obligation we owe to those whom we command! How easy was it for the proprietary, in an obscure and remote part of the world, beyond the immediate eye of the Crown, 1 The case of the Rev. Francis Fitzherbert develops the faith of Doctor Gerrard and his wife. 2 My theory respecting the object and ownership of the chapel, is by no means essential to the support of the interpretation given to the charter. But under every aspect, it is, in itself, highly probable. And I suggest it as one of the evidences that the harmony existed, barring a few individual cases, as a living reality, independently even of the action of the Proprietary's government. For negotiations respecting the purchase, see Bozman, vol. 2, pp. 263, and 627-628. THE HONOR DUE TO CECILIUS. 35 to commit acts of petty cruelty and oppression towards those who differed with him on points of faith, not only by excluding them from civil offices but also in many other respects! How often do we deny to others, what we have so earnestly claimed for ourselves! And how great is the reproach to human nature-to peasants as well as princes, in that and in every other age-arising from the disregard so often manifested for the obligation of promises, or for the sacredness of treaties! The singular fidelity with which the second baron of Baltimore kept his pledge, presents one of the best examples upon the record, one of the purest lessons of history, one of the strongest claims to the gratitude of Maryland, and to the admiration of the world. 36 THE DAY-STAR. CHAPTER IV. The Toleration under the first Governor. SUCH is the meaning of the charter historically interpreted; and such the earliest principle and practice of the government-freedom to the Anglican and freedom to the Roman Catholic-a freedom of conscience, not allowed but exacted. A freedom, however, of a wider sort springs forth at the birth of the colony-not demanded by that instrument, but permitted by it-not graven upon the tables of stone, or written upon the pages of the statute-book —but conceived in the very bosom of the proprietary, and of the original Pilgrimsnot a formal or constructive, but a living freedom -a freedom of the most practical sort. It is the freedom, which it remained for them, and for them alone, either to grant or to deny-a freedom embracing within its range, and protecting under its banner, all those who were believers in JEsus PRACTICAL TOLERATION IN 1634. 37 CHRIST. And the grant of this freedom is that which has placed the proprietary among the first law-reformers of the world, and Maryland in advance of every State upon the continent. Our ancestors had seen the evils of intolerance; they had tasted the bitter cup of persecution. Happy is he whose moral sense has not been corrupted by bigotry, whose heart is not hardened by misfortune, whose soul (the spring of generous impulse) has never been dried up by the parching adversities of life! They brought with them, in "'The Ark," and " The Dove," the elements of that liberty they had so much desired, themselves, in the Old World, and which to others in the New, of a different faith, they were too good and too just to deny. Upon the banks of the St. Mary's, in the soil of Maryland, amid th6 wilderness of America, they planted that seed which has since become a tree of life to the nation, extending its branches and casting its shadows across a whole continent. The records have been carefully searched. No case of persecution occurred during the administration of Governor Leonard Calvert, from the foundation of the settlement at St. Mary's to the 38 THE DAY-STAR. year 1647. His policy included the humblest as well as the most exalted; and his maxim was, PEACE TO ALL-PROSCRIPTION OF NONE.1 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY was a VITAL PART of the earliest commonlaw of the province. 1The inference from a careful search of the Records is con-, firmed by the testimony of Langford, whose "Refutation of Babylon's Fall" was published very soon after the battle of 1655; and by the authority of Bancroft and other historians. Mr. Bancroft says (see vol. 1, p. 257) that the government, in conformity with strict and repeated injunctions, had never given disturbance to any persons in Maryland "for matter of religion." The Protestant declaration of 1650, also contains evidence independently of that, which relates to the Act of f649. THE OFFICIAL OATH. 39 CHAPTER V. Toleration Implied in the Official Oath. AT the date of the charter, Toleration existed in the heart of the proprietary. And it appeared, in the earliest administration of the affairs of the province. But an oath was soon prepared by him, including a pledge from the governor and the privy counsellors, " directly or indirectly," to " trouble, molest, or discountenance " no " person whatever," in the province, " professing to believe in Jesus Christ." Its date is still an open question -some writers supposing it was imposed in 1637; and others, in 1648. I am inclined to think the oath of the latter was but " an augmented edition "' 1 See Brantz Mayer's "Calvert and Penn," pp. 46-47; Chalmers's Annals; and the authorities quoted by Mr. Mayer. See also Langford's "Refutation of Babylon's Fall." I do not, however, conceive there is anything material in the exact date, or in the formal imposition. 40 THE DAY-STAR. of the one in the former year. The grant of the charter marks the era of a special Toleration. But the earliest practice of the government presents the first; the official oath, the second; the action of the Assembly in 1649, the third, and, to advocates of a republican government, the most important phasis, in the history of the general Toleration. The oath of 1648 is worthy of attention, in another particular. It contained a special pledge, in favor of the Roman Catholics-a feature, which might have been deemed requisite, in consideration of the fact, that the proprietary had appointed a Protestant gentleman for the post of lieutenantgeneral, or governor. Some also of the privy counsellors were of the same faith.'This view is confirmed by Langford, and accepted by Streeter, who certainly manifests no partiality for the proprietary. ARSE BLY OF 1649. 41 CHAPTER VI. The Assembly of 1649-Kent and St. Mary's RepresentedSketch of their Early History-Passage of the Toleration Act. THE little provincial parliament of Maryland assembled, at St. Mary's, in the month of April,1 during the year 1649. This was about fifteen years after the landing of the Pilgrims, under Governor Calvert; about thirty later than the settlement of the Puritans at Plymouth; and more than forty, subsequently to the arrival of the Anglo-Catholics at Jamestown, in Virginia. The members of the Assembly at St. Mary's met in a spirit of moderation but seldom the characteristic of a dominant party. The province was at peace with the aboriginal tribes within its limits. The unhappy contest with Col. Wm. Clayborne had 1 The Assembly met' about the 14th of April, according to the present calendar, or the 2d of that month, Old Style. For the Julian, or Old Style, see 2 Bozman, p. 384. 42 THE DAY-STAR. been virtually terminated; the rebellions of Capt. Richard Ingle, and other Protestant enemies, effectively suppressed; the reins of government recovered; and the principles of order once more established. Governor Calvert, the chief of the Maryland Pilgrims, after a trying, but heroic, and honorable administration, had died, amid the prayers and blessings of his friends, without a stain upon his memory. Thos. Green had, also, for a short period, been the governor. And the principal key of authority was then held by Capt. Winm. Stone. The Assembly was composed of the governor, the privy counsellors and the burgesses. In many particulars, its model was not unlike that of the primitive parliaments of England.' The governor and the privy counsellors were appointed by Cecilius, the feudal prince or proprietary of the province; the burgesses, who were chosen by the freemen, represented the democratic element in the original constitution of Maryland. The deleThe Assembly was sometimes called " Parliament." See the Records; also 2 Bosman, p. 185, note. KENT. 43 gates were sent by Kent and by St. Mary's, the only two counties at that time within the limits of the principality; the former upon the east, the latter upon the west side of "The Great Bay." And while there is no reason for asserting the want of harmony upon the business of this Asseinbly, it is a remarkable fact, that for more than two centuries the most strongly marked differences have existed between the shores of the Chesapeake, not only of a geographical, but also of a political character. Kent, in the midst of many sad reverses, had grown out of a settlement founded as early as 1630, by Col. Clayborne, in the spirit of a truly heroic adventure, under the jurisdiction established at Jamestown, and during the administration (it is supposed) of Governor Harvey, upon an island of the Chesapeake called Kent, but then the "Isle of Kent;"' a purchase (to quote the colonel's own 1 It is supposed by some that the island derived its name from the birthplace of Clayborne. There were families of his name in Westmoreland and York. But there is no trace of him in Philpot's " Villare," or any other work I have seen relating to Kent. The island, I think, was named in honor of the governor under 44 THE DAY-STAR words) from " the kings of that country;"' and the original centre' of the county represented at St. Mary's, though now included within the limits whose administration, or auspices, the settlement was founded, and who was probably a native of the English county of Kent. 1 Bozman, vol. ii. pp. 67 and 582. 2 The seat of Clayborne's settlement was at Kent Point. There also was the "Mill," several of which (that is, windmills) can still be seen. There is not a single water-fall upon the island, and the records mention the "vane," and other things, which prove the wind was the motive power. Near the "Mill" was Fort Kent. Fort Crayford stood near Craney Creek, now a pond, and is frequently noticed upon the old records at Chestertown, especially in the deeds containing the boundary lines to tracts of land. It is not named in any of our histories; but the recorded evidence is as strong as that relating to the site of the other fort. Kent Fort Manor included KIent Mill and Kent Fort. It was given by the proprietary to Gov. Calvert as a reward for his services In the conquest of the island; but assigned to Capt. Giles Brent, whose family, for many generations, held the title. From the testimony of Mr. Bryan, a soldier of 1776, and at the time of my interview nearly ninety-five years old, I learn that the manorhouse was burnt during his childhood; but another, upon the same foundation, soon afterwards built. The spot is easily designated, being but a few hundred yards from the vault, and still nearer to a small clump of old and dwarfish damascene-trees. The KENT. 45 of Queen Anne's' —an island still noted for the beauty of its scenery, and the wealth of its waters in fish and fowl; and the only dwelling-place of the colonists upon the eastern shore, at the time of this Assembly; the seat, also, of opulence and elegance at a period anterior to the American Revolution;2 and represented in the Virginia piece of a mill-stone, the fragment of an oven-lid, and a few other relics, may now be picked up. In the examination of these interesting localities, I was kindly aided by several intelligent gentlemen, especially by Doctor Samuel Harper, of Easton. There was a court-house upon the island; the first on the east side of the Chesapeake. It stood, I am inclined to think, upon the eastern part of the island. The Matapeakes are the only Indians whose residence upon the island, or whose name can be traced. They lived at one time near Indian Spring; and at another, in YMatapax Neck. See my paper presented to the Md. Hist. Society. 1 The island, first of all, was under the jurisdiction of Virginia; then the subject of contest between Lord Baltimore and Colonel Clayborne; subsequently annexed as a hundred to St. Mary's; and next erected into a county. At a later period, it belonged to Talbot. But before the year 1695, it was again, though for a short time, erected into a county. 2 See Eddis's Letters-an instructive, well-written volume — where the reader will find an interesting sketch of a visit to the island. 46 THE DAY-STAR. House of Burgesses, before the settlement at St. Mary's; but, above all, distinguished as the first focal point of Anglo-American civilization' within the present boundaries of our State. St. Mary's, which also had been purchased from the Indians-how honorable to the memory of those who took part in that transaction!'-and " 11 The Virginians," says Chalmers, " boasted, with their wonted pride, that the colonists of Kent sent burgesses to their Assembly, and were subjected to their jurisdiction, before Maryland had a name." Nor was the boast without foundation. Their early legislative journals (see Henning's Collection) show conclusively, that the island was represented by Capt. Nicholas Martin. 2 The date of the settlement cannot be accurately given. The Rev. Ethan Allen supposes it was during the year 1629. See Allen's Maryland Toleration, p. 8. 3 The following extract will show the manner in which Governor Calvort proceeded, soon after his arrival:" To make his entry peaceable and safe, he thought fit to present ye Werowance and Wisoes of the town (so they call ye chief men of account among them), with some English cloth (such as is used in trade with ye Indians), axes, hoes, and knives, which they accepted very kindly, and freely gave consent to his company, that he and they should dwell in one part of their town, and reserve the other for themselves: and those Indians that dwelt in that part of ye town which was allotted for ye English, freely left them their houses and some corn that they had begun to plant. ST. MARY's. 47 which had borne the appellation of AugustaCarolina,' included a territory of thirty miles, extending towards the mouth of the Potomac, and embracing the St. Mary's, which flows into that river. Within this county was also the small city, which had been founded upon the site an aboriIt was also agreed between them, that at ye end of ye harvest, they should have ye whole town, which they did accordingly. And they made mutual promises to each other to live peaceably and friendly together; and if any injury should happen to be done, on any part, that satisfaction should be made for ye same; and thus, on ye 27th day of March, A.D. 1634, ye governor took possession of ye place, and named ye town St. Maries. " There was an occasion that much facilitated their treaty with these Indians, which was this: the Susquehanocks (a warlike people that inhabit between Chesapeake Bay and DelawareBay) did usually make wars and incursions upon ye neighboring Indians, partly for superiority, partly for to get their women, and what other purchase they could meet with; which the Indians of Yoacomaco fearing, had, ye year before our arrival there, made a resolution, for their safety, to remove themselves higher into ye country, where it was more populous, and many of them were gone there when ye English arrived." See "A Relation of Maryland, 1635." 1 In honor, we may suppose of King Charles. Augusta was not borne by any member of the royal family; nor was Caroline. The former may be regarded as an adjective, or epithet. 48 THE DAY-STAR. ginal village;' and which, like the river upon which it stood, derived its beautiful name from the Blessed Virgin; the chief star in a constellation of little settlements and plantations; and for a period of about sixty years, the provincial capital of Maryland-a city of which nothing now remains, deserving the dignity of ruins, and a few relics only are preserved —the records and everything belonging to the government having long since been removed to Annapolis-but a spot still consecrated in the affections of the country-one which is visited upon anniversary and other occasions by the well-bred sons of Maryland, and to which patriots of other States may look with pride and pleasure-where also the pilgrim of the future, in approaching the shrine already dedicated by the voice of history, will ever rejoice to pour out his feelings in expressions of profound gratitude to God. The principle of compensation for services, it is proper to state, was not adopted by the memorable Assembly of 1649. The only consideration 1 Yacomico. BILL OF CHARGES. 49 allowed the representatives of the freemen, and paid in their usual currency, was twenty-six pounds of tobacco each day-a quantity equivalent to seventy-eight pence in English, or a hundred and fifty-six cents in American money-and intended simply to cover the cost of " their diet," and the " loss of their time." One member, indeed, of the Lower House received a consideration for service, or " trouble;" but three others only ten pounds of tobacco, respectively. The whole " bill of charges," so far, at least, as regards the burgesses, was prepared with a special reference to the exhausted state of the province. And we may suppose, that some of them waived a part even of their right to the little allowance. The members of our early provincial parliaments, unlike some of their English prototypes, generally, if not always, in entering the House took off their hats. They also stood when they addressed the chair. They seem, indeed, to have been distinguished, for their sense of modesty; and for the strongest sentiments of respect and affection for the person of the proprietary. But they lacked nothing of the spirit, or independence of 3 50 THE DAY-STAR. freemen. They were not under the proprietary's dictation. The legislative annals are full of striking and well-known illustrations of their manhood. If proof were needed, the very letter addressed him, by the Assembly of this year, and published in Bozman's History, would be sufficient. In the Hall of Edward the Confessor, a picture has been presented of the primitive parliament, by one of England's most accurate historians. The Anglo-Saxon is giving his friendly explanations of the Assembly to the Norwegian stranger. "Haco," says he, "you well know how we call this Assembly — A iMicel getheeaht, or Great though~t-a Witena-gemot, or MVieeting of the Wise -and at present it well deserves its name. Our Redes-men, or counsellors, the members of the legislature, ponder much before they come together, say little, and write less." 2 May it not, with a still greater truth, be affirmed, that our own early law-givers were the representatives of a great and sublime conception? And judging 1 From the Anglo-Saxon word, " micel" (big), is derived our English surname "I Mitchel." 2 Palgrave's History of the Anglo-Saxons, Preface, p. 25. THE WITENAGEMOT OF 1649. 51 from the number of wholesome laws enacted in 1649, as well as the shortness of their session (for it did not include twenty-five days), it would seem, the Assembly-men of this year were certainly not very fond of talking or speech-making. It appears also, that some of them, like our Saxon forefathers,2 could neither read nor write. It can be proved from the records, that two of them, at least, were in the habit of making a signet mark.3 But did they not leave a mark also upon the country, and upon the world? In depth and earnest1" I hear," says the Anglo-Saxon, " that amongst the French they designate such assemblies as ours by the name of a' colloquium,' or, as we should say, a' talk — which they render, in their corrupted romance-jargon, by the word'parlement;' and should our' Witenagenmot,' our' Micel-getheaht,' ever cease to be a'meeting of the wise,' or'great-thought,' and become a'parlemenit,' or'great-talk,' it will be worse for England than if a myriad of your northern pirates were to ravish the land from sea to sea." Palgrave, p. 26. 2 Some even of the Anglo-Saxon kings made their mark. It is doubtful if William the Conqueror could write. 3 Col. John Price, of the upper, and Mr. John Maunsell, of the lower House: the former a Protestant, the latter a Roman Catholic. 52 THE DAY-STAR. ness, in real dignity and propriety, in profound views of human nature, and in true legislative wisdom, they were not a whit behind those earlier law-givers, who bore the appellation of "The Wise," and whose bright renown has come down to our own age. The laws of King Alfred, so celebrated in the history of English jurisprudence, do not excel the legislation of our own little Assembly, during the dominion of the first proprietary. The principle adopted by the Assembly of this year, respecting the purchase of Indian land-titles, has since been tested a thousand times; and is now a prominent feature in the policy of the federal government. But to the legislators of 1649, was it given, to discharge a much higher task-to execute a much nobler mission-to inaugurate a much greater idea-an idea which had existed in the bosom of the proprietary, and been sanctioned by the earliest practice of the government; but yet awaited a formal confirmation from the Roman Catholic and from the Protestant planters of the province. The time, at length, arrived for them also, to officiate at the altar of religious freedom; and to take their own rank TmE NOBLE MISSION. 53 among the foremost spirits of the age. Near the close of the session, within the range of aboriginal villages, and the blaze of Indian council fires, they took counsel, we may suppose, not only of each other, but also of the true "FATHER OF LIGHTS," and then, by a solemn act, they endorsed that policy, which ever since has shed the brightest lustre upon the legislative annals of the province. i54: THE DAY-STAR. CHAPTER VII. "The Act concerning Religion." THrE " Act concerning Religion " (for that is the the title of the law* has already been printed. But it forms so important a link in the chain of this narrative, that its leading provisions should be stated. The design was five-fold: —to guard by an express penalty " the most sacred thinzgs of God;" to inculcate the principle of religious decency and order; to establish, upon a firmer basis, the harmony already existing between the colonists; to secure, in the fullest sense, freedom as well as protection to all believers in Christianity;2 and to 1" Sacrosancta" was used by the Latin fathers (see Andrews and other authorities) for the most sacred things. And such I take to be the sense intended in the writings of English divines and in state papers corresponding with the date of the charter. In this I am confirmed also by the action of the provincial legislature. 2 Upon the Records of the High Provincial Court is preserved ACT CONCERNING RELIGION. 55 protect quiet disbelievers against every sort of reproach, or ignominy. In determining the different lines and landmarks, a regard, of course, must be had to the spirit of the charter, to the theological notions of the age, and to the character of the elements, which then composed the population of the province. a case in which the prisoner, a Roman Catholic priest, vindicated his right under this leading provision*of the law. It is, in many respects, a very interesting one, and sheds a great deal of light upon the domestic, social, and religious history of this period. The Act of 1639 included, we have seen, the English and the Roman Church. But the one of 1649 practically gave to the term " holy " a much more comprehensive signification. In Father Fitzherbert's case, the following are the proceedings of the court, which was held at St. Leonard's Creek, " the 5th of October" o. s. A.D. 1658. Present —Gov. Fendall; Philip Calvert, Esq., Col. Utye, Capt. Stone, and Messrs. Job Chandler and Baker Brooke. " An information of his lordship's attorney against Francis Fitzherbert, for practising of treason and sedition, and giving out rebellious and mutinous speeches, in this his lordship's province of Maryland, and endeavouring, as far as in him lay, to raise distraction and disturbances in this his lordship's said province. "1. Francis Fitzherbert did, on ye 24th of August, 1658, traitorously and seditiously, at a general meeting in arms of the people of the upper parts of Patuxent River, to muster, endeavour to seduce, and draw from their religion, the inhabitants there met together. 56 THE DAY-STAR. 1. The proprietary had the right upon all doubtful points, to construe the charter in that manner which was most favorable to himself. But no interpretation was allowed inconsistent with tile "Sacrosanctda )ei," and the " Vera Clhrist(iana Religio " —the former, doubtless, implying a prohibition of the most wicked kind of blasphemy, as " 2. He did use the same traitorous and rebellious practice at Newtown on the 30th of August, 1658, the people being met together for ye end aforesaid. " 3. That, by these his traitorous and seditious practices, he hath caused several inhabitants of this province to refuse to appear at musters; that they shall thereby be incapable of defending the peace and liberty of ye inhabitants of this his lordship's province, against the attempt of foreign or homebred enemies. "4. That he hath rebelliously and mutinously said, that if Thos. Gerrard, Esq. (of the council), did not come and bring his wife and children to his church, he would come and force them to the church, contrary to a known Act of Assembly in this province. "Rt. Honourable-Since I writ my last to you, I have received a message from Mrs. Gerrard, which is that Mr. Fitzherbert hath threatened excommunication to Mr. Gerrard, because he doth not bring to his church his wife and children. ~ And further, Mr. Fitzherbert saith, that he hath written home to ye head of the Church in England, and that if it be their judgments to have it so he will come with a party and compel them., My lord, this I offer to your lordship, as Mrs. Gerrard's relation, who I think would not offer to report any such thing if it were not so. And, my lord, I thank God, ye government of ye country is now in your officers' hands. But I think (and I have good grounds to think so) that it will not long continue there if such things be not remedied. I told Mr. Fitzherbert of it, about a year since in private, and also that such things were against the law of ye country. Yet his answer was, that he must be ACT CONCERNING RELIGION. 57 well as the desecration of the most holy institutions; the latter defining or bounding the pledge of religious freedom to the Roman Catholic by securing the same liberty for the English churchman. And there cannot be reasonable doubt, that among statesmen as well as ecclesiastics, two centuries ago, the Lord's Day and the Trinity (or fundadirected by his conscience more than by the law of any country. I do not, my lord, thrust myself upon any business of quarrel; but it is peace and quietness I desire. And I hope your lordship hath no other cause but to wish the same. And so I refer the consideration of it to you; and remain your lordship's most faithful servant to command,-HEN: COURSEY. " Thos. Gerrard, Esq., saith upon oath, that having conference with Mr. Fitzherbert, as they were walking in the woods, and in his own orchard, touching ye bringing his children to the Roman Catholic Church, he gave Mr. Fitzherbert reasons why it was not safe for himself and this deponent. And the said Mr. Fitzherbert told his deponent that he would compel and force them, And likewise, he said, that he would excommunicate him; for he would make him know that he had to do with ye bringing up of his children and his estate. "The deposition of Robt. Slye, aged 30 years, or thereabouts, sworn and examined in open court, saith:-That some time in or about July or August in the year 1656, Mr. Fitzherbert being then at this deponent's house, this deponent desired MIr. Fitzherbert to inform him who it was that had scandalously and falsely accused him of beating his Irish servants, because they refused to be of the same religion of him, the said deponent. Which request Mr. Fitzherbert refused to grant, saying that he did believe the report to be false; and therefore desired him, this deponent, not further to urge him in that business, for he would not, and could not, disclose the author thereof. MIr. Fitzherbert told ye said deponent that Mr. Gerrard had also beaten an Irish servant of his likewise, because she refused to be a Protestant, or go to prayer with those of his 3* 58 THE DAY-STAR. mental article of revealed religion) were two of the "m ost sacred " things of God. This fact accounts for the penalty against those who were guilty of violating the sanctity of the "'Sabbath;" or of "cursing" God, that is denying the great doctrine of the Athanasian creed. 2. A history is not an argument. In any other family that were so. To which the said deponent replied, that that story was like the other (or words to yt purpose); from which discourse likewise we fell to other relating to Mr. Gerrard and the children. Mr. Fitzherbert told him, the said deponent, that Mr. Gerrard, although he professed himself a Roman Catholic, yet his life and conversation was not agreeable to his profession. The said deponent asked him his reason. Mr. Fitzherbert answered, because he brought not his wife and children to the Roman Catholic Church. Moreover, he told him, the said, deponent, that [if Mr. Gerrard would not bring his children to his church he would force and compel him thereunto, if he were the same in reality, that he pretended himself to be. Moreover, that if Mr. Gerrard's life and conversation was not otherwise for the future than what it had been formerly, he would draw his sword against him, if he made choice of him for his father confessor, or to that effect. By the word sword this deponent understood, that he meant the Censure of ye church. But this deponent understood not what he meant by the words force or compel. Mr. ~itzherbert told this deponent further, that if Mr. Gerrard brought not his children freely to his church, nor educated them in the principles of the Romish religion, he would take such a course that he would undertake their education in Mr. Gerrard's own house, whether Mr. Gcrrard would give way thereunto or no. This deponent advised Mr. Fitzherbert to forbear to proceed according to such resolution. Whereupon, after long arguing about this business, Mr. Fitzherbert told the said deponent that if he would tell him his opinion, what it were best to do in relation to Mr. Gerrard, his wife, and children; and he, the said Mr. Fitzher FATHER FITZHIERBERT S CASE. 59 place, a dispute indeed upon a question of religious decency would be quite as useless as one upon a point of taste. But the world, either Roman Catholic or Protestant, is hardly yet so wise as to be prepared to condemn Lord Baltimore and the Assembly of lMaryland for the imposition of a fine of five pounds upon the man who should dare to bert, promised him to follow his counsel. This deponent advised him not to disturb Mrs. Gerrard nor her children, in relation to their religion, or words to yt effect, as the deponent hath declared. And further saith not. "Henry Keine, sworn in open court, maketh oath, that he went to Mrs. Brooke's house upon a summons to a muster, the 24th of July last, when Mr. Fitzherbert made a sermon. And Mr. Fitzherbert, coming forth, demanded of them how they liked his doctrine. And further, ye said Mr. Fitzherbert said, if any would give him leave to be in their house, he would now and then come and give them a sermon. And, if he could get leave of the governor, he would preach at the court-house. That night, or the next day, Richard Games, turning Catholic, came home, and brought two books with him, which he said Mr. Fitzherbert gave him. And further saith not. " John Grammer maketh oath, that he was present at the muster at Mrs. Brooke's house, at the same time. And there he heard a declaration, or sermon, by Mr. Fitzherbert, not expecting any. And after sermon Mr. Fitzherbert said, that if the people in this river would hear him he would come now and then and give them a sermon. lie asked them how they liked his doctrine. But he heard nobody make answer to him. The next day being Sunday, this deponent and his wife, going to Mrs. Brooke, he met there Mr. Fitzherbert, who asked him again how he liked his sermon. Who answered, yt some things he liked, and other some he did not like. Mr. Fitzherbert then asked him what those things were he did not,like? and walked out with this deponent, when they had a quarter of an hour's discourse. And in discourse, he gave him, this 60 THE DAY-STAR. speak reproachfully of "The Blessed Virgin," or of the heroic evangelists and apostolic martyrs of the primitive church. 3. There is a striking difference between religious uniformity and social harmony. And it was an object of the law to tolerate the want of the one, and to promote the growth of the other. In this particular, it was but the development of the policy which had been adopted under the first governor's administration. Bounded by the preceding explanations, the law throughout breathes the spirit of peace and charity as well as harmony. 4. Freedom, in the fullest sense, was secured to all believers in Christianity; to Roman Catholics and Protestants; to Episcopalians and Puritans; to Calvinists and Arminians; and to Christians of deponent, indifferent good satisfaction-his memory being but weak on Scripture. And in conclusion of the discourse, Captain Thos. Brooke came and called ye said Mr. Fitzherbert in to dinner. And (whether after dinner or before he remembereth not) he gave him a little catechism book, desiring him to read it; bidding him, after he had read yt book, call to Richard Games for another book. And further saith not." See Lib. S. 1658 to 1662. Judgments pp. 102-I105. On page 1082 is the following:" Then was put an information against Francis Fitzherbert, by his Lordship's attorney-general, folio 102. ACT CONCERNING RELIGION. 61 every other name coming within the meaning of the Assembly. A Christian was a believer in Jesus Christ. The belief in Christ was synonymous with a faith in his divinity. And the recognition of his God-head, was equivalent (such is the clear intention of the Act) to a confession of that article in the apostolic creed, which teaches the great doctrine of the Trinity. The act of the Assembly also fully explains the oath which had been imposed upon the governor, and the privy counsellors. And the believer enjoyed not only a freedom but also a protection. He who " troubled, molested, or discountenanced " him, was, according to the law, fined for his offence. 5. From the language of the Act, as well as the subsequent practice of the government, it is evi"To which Francis Fitzherbert demurred in law: "1. Neither denying or confessing the matter here objected, since by the very first law of this country, Holy Church, within this province, shall have and enjoy all her rights, liberties, and franchises, wholly and without blemish, amongst which that of preaching and teaching is not the least. Neither imports it what church is there meant; since, by the true intent of the Act concerning religion, every church professing to believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is accounted Holy Church here. " 2. Because, by the act entitled An Act Concerning Religion, it is provided that no person whatsoever professing to believe in Jesus Christ shall be molested 62 THE DAY-STAR. dent that the quiet disbeliever also was protected. A case can easily be given. But it is enough for the reader to look at that section of the law, which forbids the application, in a reproachful sense, to " any person or persons whatsoever," of any " name or term " relating to matter of religion."' The Act, it will be observed, covers a very broad ground. It is true, it did pot embrace every class of subsequent religionists. A Jew, without peril to his life, could not call the Saviour of the world a "magician," or a'necromancer. A Quaker, under the order of the government, was required to take off his hat in court, or go immediately to the whipping-post. The Mormon, who dignifies polygamy with the notion of a sacrament, who disseminates the gospel in the propagation of his for or in respect of his or her religion, or the free exercise thereof. And undoubtedly preaching and teaching is the free exercise of every churchman's religion. And upon this I crave judgment. "To the first and second point in the information put against the said Francis Fitzherbert the' demurrer is allowed. The third point depends upon the two first, and is dis-allowed. " The opinion of the Board is, that it is neither rebellion nor mutiny to utter such words as alleged in the 4th article, if it were proved." See Lib. S. 1658 to 1662, Judgments, p. 1082. CASE OF THE QUAKERS. 63 species, would not have been allowed, we may suppose, to marry more than one woman. But as early as 1659, a well-known non-believer in the Trinity lived here, transacted his business, and instituted without objection his suits in the civil courts; nor were the Jewish disabilities entirely removed, till a period long after the American Revolution; and this feature of the law, all things considered, was not more of a reproach to the legislators of 1649 than the constitution of the State to the reformers of 17X4. We have no evidence, indeed, that any Quakers were in Maryland, at the passage of the law; and when they came, their case was misunderstood; for the dislike toward them arose from their supposed want of respect for the constituted authorities, and their refusal to take the oath of submission. A constitutional difficulty might also readily occur to any one, as it certainly did to the proprietary, who was bound by the charter to maintain the fundamental principles of Anglo-Saxon law, which had always regarded the instrumentality of the oath in the administration of practical justice, as the corner-stone of a system. But every disposition was 64- THE DAY-STAR. manifested to render them comfortable. And they soon became a flourishing and influential denomination. Notwithstanding the imperfection which ever marks human legislation, it is wonderful to think how far our ancestors went in the march of religious freedom. The earliest policy of MIaryland was in striking contrast with that of every other colony. The toleration, which prevailed from the first, and fifteen years later was formally natified by the voice of the people, must, therefore, be regarded as the living embodiment of a great idea; the introduction of a new element into the civilization of Anglo-American humanity; the beginning of another movement in the progress of the human mind.' I Toleration, in the widest sense, or in the most strictly logical acceptation, exists only in a State founded upon naked atheism. The history of the whole of Western Christendom (I speak of Europe), for a period of many centuries, exhibits but the perpetual struggle between the Church and the State, arising from the sometimes quiet, but always uniform tendency of the one to absorb the other. The conflict is illustrated in the most striking manner, by glancing at the jurisdiction constantly claimed and denied over the important institution of marriage. The interesting case of the LUIMBROZO, THE JEW. 65 Rev. Wm. Wilkinson (for Mormonism I am unwilling to touch), will be given from our records, in a further part of this volume. With regard to the Quakers, it may be proper to add, that, while I do not assert there never was a practical case of whipping, I can sincerely say I have never met with any. I am clearly of the opinion that some of our writers have indulged in very great exaggeration. As early as Fox's visit, many Quakers were here. The speaker of the Assembly attended his meeting. Judges of the county courts, wives of privy counsellors, and a large number of the most prominent colonists became his disciples. The general spirit of the proprietary's government cannot be mistaken. No principle in history is better settled. And I cannot, therefore, so easily or readily regard the case of the Quakers in the light of a practical anomaly. See Fox's Journal-a very interesting bookand the next chapter of this volume. In the text, I have referred to Dr. Lumbrozo, the well-known Jew (for he seems to have observed no secrecy), who lived some time in Maryland, without rebuke from the government, in the usual exercise of his calling, and of the right to institute actions in the Civil Court. We cannot doubt he was also allowed the quiet enjoyment of his religion. But he was accused of blasphemy; and although he fortunately escaped a trial, in consequence of the pardon accompanying the proclamation in favor of Richard, the son of the lord protector-a proclamation which was issued but a few days after the accusation-the case is one which was instituted under the Act of 1649; and I, therefore, give the proceeding as it occurs upon the Records of the Provincial Court, Lib. S. 1658 to 1662, Judgments, pp. 159-160. 66 THE DAY-STAR. "At a Provincial Court, held at St. Mary's on Wednesday, this.23d February, 1658. "Present-Josias Fendall, Esq., Governor; Philip Calvert, Esq., Secretary; Mr. Robert Clarke; Mr. Baker Brooke; Dr. Luke Barber. " Was called afore the Board, Jacob Lumbrozo, and charged by his Lordship's Attorney for uttering words of blasphemy against our Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ. "The deposition of John Hoffsett, aged 44 years, or thereabouts, sayeth this 19th day of February, 1658:"That, about half a year since, this deponent being at ye house of Mr. Richard Preston, and there meeting with Jacob Lumbrozo, he, this deponent, and the said Lumbrozo falling into discourse concerning our Blessed Saviour, Christ, his resurrection, telling ye said Lumbrozo that he was more than man, as did appear by his resurrection. To which the said Lumbrozo answered, that his disciples stole him away. Then this deponent replied, yt no man ever did such miracles as he. To which ye said Lumbrozo answered, that such works might be done by necromancy or sorcery, or words to that purpose. And this deponent replied to ye said Lumbrozo, yt he supposed yt ye said Lumbrozo took Christ to be a necromancer. To which ye said Lumbrozo answered nothing, but laughed. And further this deponent sayeth not. "Jurat die et anno supradict. cor. me, " HENRY COURSEY. i' I, Richard Preston, jr., do testify yt, about June or July last past, coming from Thomas Thomas's, in company with Josias Cole and ye Jew Doctor, known by ye name of Jacob Lumbrozo, the said Josias Cole asked ye said Lumbrozo, whether ye Jews did look for a Messias? And ye said Lumbrozo answered, yes. Then ye said Cole asked him, what He was that was crucified at Jerusalem? And ye said Lumbrozo answered, He was a man. Then ye said Cole asked him, how He did do all His miracles? And ye said Lumbrozo answered, He did them by ye Art Magic. Then ye said Cole asked him, how His disciples did do ye same miracles, after He was crucified? And ye said Lumbrozo answered, that He taught them His art. And further saith not. LUMJBROZO. 67 "This was declared before me, as in the presence of God, that it is true, this 21st of February, 1658. HENRY COURSEY. " The said Lumbrozo saith, that he had some talk with those persons, and willed by them to declare his opinion, and by his profession, a Jew, he answered to some particular demands then urged. And as to that of miracles done by art magic, he declared what remains written concerning Moses and ye Magicians of Egypt. But said not anything scoffingly, or in derogation of Ilim Christians acknowledge for their Messias. " It is ordered, that ye said Lumbrozo remain in ye Sheriff's custody, until he put in security, body for body, to make answer to what shall be laid to his charge concerning those blasphemous words and speeches, at ye next Provincial Court; and yt the persons be then present to testify, viva voce, in Court. "Mittimus.-To ye Sheriff of St. Mary's County, according to the order Supradict." N.B.-The reader will observe, that Ri. Preston, a Quaker, simply declares. 68 THE DAY-STAR. CHAPTER VIII. The influence of the Legislation of 1649 upon the Colonization of Maryland-Arrival of Families-Foundation of Settlements. Erection of Counties. THE liberal policy of Maryland could not fail to attract the attention of the other Anglo-American colonies. The Puritans upon the James and upon the Elizabeth, having, in consequence of their noncoznformity, been ordered to leave Virginia, soon found an asylum here, and during the latter part of 1649, and the beginning of 1650, founded (under the patronage, it is supposed, of Governor Stone) several settlements at Greenberry's Point, and upon the Severn'-the whole body consisting of It is generally believed that the first settlement of the Puritans was at the point where the city of Annapolis stands; and that the foundation of that city was laid almost immediately after their arrival. I can only say, there is no recorded evidence within my knowledge, of the facts. The earliest settlement which I can discover (the one of 1649) was at Greenberry's Point, a GREENBERRY S POINT AND THE SEVERN. 69 more than one hundred persons, distinguished not less for their intelligence than for the fervor of their religious feelings, and for the stubbornness of their wills-destined, also, at no distant period, to take a very conspicuous part in the affairs of the province. One of them was the ancestor of the extinct Bennetts of Bennett's Point in Queen Anne's;1 the descent of the Lloyds of Wye House, is derived from a second;2 and a third was the peninsula of the Chesapeake, a little below the mouth of the Severn. My belief is, that Annapolis was not founded till many years later. But at Greenberry's Point a town was laid out the very first year of the settlement there; and the tract running down to the point, and now in the possession of Capt. Taylor, was originally called Town Neck, as the history of the land-title will clearly show. See also my Historical Letter in the summer of 1854, to Mr. Ch. Justice Le Grand, upon the files of the Baltimore.American, of the New York Churchman, and, if I mistake not, of other newspapers. 1 Richard, whose-tombstone is still preserved at Bennett's Point, the largest landholder of the province, and to whom tradition has uniformly given the prefix of "Squire," was the grandson of the Richard, who, soon after the settlement at Greenberry's Point, returned to Virginia, and became the governor of that colony. 2 Edward, who came from Virginia, was many years a privy councillor of Maryland, but died at an advanced age, in the city of London. James, a descendant of the privy councillor, was the 70 THE DAY-STAR. progenitor of the Marshes of Kent Island, now represented,' through a female line, by the Formans of Rose Hill and of Clover Fields, and by several other distinguished families of the Eastern shore. Two of them, James Cox and George Puddington, represented Anne Arundel at St. Mary's, in the legislature of 1650; the former being elected the speaker of that assembly. And they both signed the celebrated Declaration setting forth the " fitting and convenient freedom " which Protestants enjoyed, in the "exercise," of their religion, under the government of the Roman Catholic proprietary.2 The name of the Puritan speaker is the very first upon the list of signers. ancestor of the family of Nichols, now residing at Derby, in Kent county. The Tilghmans also are descendants, through another female line, of the Hon. Edw. Lloyd, the emigrant. 1 Capt. Marsh, of Kent Island, with a residence also at Chestertown, and the fourth in the direct line from the Hon. Thomas Marsh inclusive, died, at' an advanced age, during the early stage of the American Revolution. Each generation was represented by one gentleman only; and they all bore the name of Thomas, still perpetuated in the Rose Hill branch. The captain was the last of the male line The first Thomas held a seat in the council. 2 In Langford's " Refutation " of Leonard Strong's "Babylon's SOUTH RIVER. 71 The settlement also upon South River was an interesting one. It was founded in 1650; and consisted chiefly of Puritans of a milder type than Fall," and in Bozman's Maryland (see vol. 2, pp. 672-673), we have this important document. DECLARATION. "The declaration and certificate of William Stone, Esquire, lieutenant of the Province of Maryland, by commission from the right honorable the Lord Baltimore, Lord Proprietary thereof, and of Captain John Price, Mr. Thomas Hatton, and Captain Robert Vaughan, of his said Lordship's Council there, and of divers of the Burgesses now met in the Assembly there, and other Protestant inhabitants of the said Province, made the 17th day of April, Anno Dom., one thousand, six hundred and fifty. "We the said Lieutenant, Council, Burgesses, and other Protestant inhabitants above mentioned, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do declare and certify to all persons whom it may concern, That, according to an act of Assembly here, and several other strict injunctions and declarations by his said Lordship for that purpose made and provided, we do here enjoy all fitting and convenient freedom and liberty in the exercise of our religion, under his Lordship's government and interest; And that none of us are anyways troubled or molested, for or by reason thereof, within his Lordship's said province. James Cox, William Stone, Governor. Tho. Steerman, Jo. Price, John Hlatche, Robert Vaughan, - Council. George Puddington, Tho. Hatton, ~JBurgesses. Robert Robines, Walter Bain,.rote.-That James Cox and George William Brough, Puddington were then Burgesses for the Francis Poesy. 3 people at Ann Arundell. *William Durand * Note.-That this is the same man Anthony Rawlins who attests Mr. Strong's pamphlet beThomas Maydwell fore mentioned. 72 THE DAY-STAR. those upon the Severn, and of Anglo-Catholics from England. One of the most prominent colonists upon this river was the Hon. Wm. Burgess, who bore the arms' of the family at Truro, in Cornwall (or, a fesse chequy, or and gules, in chief three crosses-crosslet-fitchee of the last), but sustained a very near relationship to the Burgesses of Marlborough in Wilts, and whose daughter was the Marke Bloomfield Elias Beech Thomas Bushell George Sawyer William Hungerford William Edis William Stumpson John Gage Thomas Dinyard Robert Ward John Grinsdith William Marshall William Edwin Richard Smith Richard Browne Arthur Turner William Pell William Hawley William Warren William Smoot Edward Williams John Sturman Raph Beane John Nichols John Slingsby Hugh Crage James Morphen George Whitacre Francis Martin Daniel Clocker John Walker John Perin Stanhop Roberts Patrick Forrest William BrOwne George Beckwith John Halfehead Thomas Warr William Hardwick Walter Waterling." An impression from his seal is still preserved. SETrLEMiEI UPON SOUTH IRIVEE. 73 wife of Lord Chas. Baltimore's step-son. About 1680, he founded the once little flourishing, but now extinct, town of London. From this town's successful rivalship with Annapolis, during the first few years; from the antiquity of the South River Club (the oldest probably on the continent); and from the superior style of the monumental inscriptions at the parish church and upon the plantations; I infer, the settlement, in point of intellectual culture and refinement, upon this river, was in advance of the one upon the other. Of all the provincial governors, whose tombstones are preserved, or I have been fortunate enough, at least, to find, Col. Burgess is the one whose epitaph is the oldest 1 1 EPITAPH. Here lyeth ye body of W. Burges, Esq., who departed this life on ye 24 day of Janu., 1686; Aged about 64 years; leaving his Dear beloved wife Ursula, and eleven Children; viz. seven sons and four daughters, And eight grand children. In his life-time, he was a Member of His Lordship's Council of State; one 4 74 THE DAY-STAR. Twenty miles from the mouth of the Patuxent, during the same year (1650), a Protestant settlement (probably Anglo-Catholic) was foundel1 by Robert Brooke, from England; consisting originally of forty persons-their names are still preserved' — Of his Lordship's Deputy-Governors; A Justice of ye High Provincial Court; Colon. of a regiment of ye Trained Bands; And sometimes General of all ye Military Forces of this Province. His loving wife Ursula, his Executrix, In testimony of her true respect, And due regard to the worthy Deserts of her dear deceased Husband, hath erected this Monument. l "The names of people come out of England, and arrived in Maryland, June 30, 1650, at the cost and charge of Robert Brooke, Esq. Robt. Brooke Thomas Brooke John Brook. Mary his wife; Charles Brooke Wm. Brooke His children Roger Brooke Francis Brooke Baker Brooke Robt. Brooke Mary Brooke Anna Brooke. M E N- SE R VA N T S. Marke Lovely Win. Bradney Rich. Robinson. Marke King Phil. Harwood Anthony Kitchin SETTLEMENT UPON THE PATUXENT. 75 and including his own very large family, now represented by the Brookes of B3rooke-Grove in IAontgomery, and by a vast number of descendants in Prince George's, and in other counties of the western shore. One of his representatives, through a female line, is Roger ]Brooke Taney, the present chief justice of the United States. The settlement was erected into a county, under the name of Charles; and one of Mr. Brooke's sons created lord of the manor,' which formed the chief seat of the little colony. Under a commission from the proprietary, Mr. Brooke was the first commander of the county. HIe also held a seat in the Wmin. Jones Thos. Joyce Robt. Hooper John Clifford Henry Peere Wm. Hinson James Leigh Thomas Elstone John Boocock Benjamin Hammond Edward Cooke David Brown] Robt. Sheale Ambrose Briggs Henry Robinson. IMIAID-SERVANTS. Anne Marshall Abigael Mountague Katherine Fisher Eleanor Williams Elizabeth Williamson Agnes Neale Margarite Watts. Forty persons. LAND RECORDS, Lib. No. I. pp. 165, 166. The name of the manor was De la Brooke. 76 THE DAY-STAR. privy council; and, at a little later period, but during the ascendency of the Puritans, was elevated to the post of president-an office analogous to that of lieutenant-general, or governor. The mild and gentle Friend also cameunkindly treated, it is said, at first-the reasons have been suggested-but in due course of time, much better understood, and saving a single exception (the one relating to the. oath1), made joyful and happy, in a religious and in every other particular. Fox, hhimself, appearedthe chief of the Quakers-a great reformera man of rude, but powerful eloquence, and whose fame had preceded his mission to the New World-travelling with an energy almost incredible over various parts of the continent, through forests and thickets, through deep marshes and dangerous bogs-crossing rivers and bays in canoes-and sleeping in the open woods by a fire -preaching at the cliffs of the Patuxent, and upon the banks of the Severn, upon the Choptank and Even from the statements and few extracts in Ridgely's excellentAnnals, it is quite evident, that the constitutional question (ante, p. 63) was mooted, at an early day. THE QUAKERS. 77 elsewhere, to Indians and crowds of colonists' — speaking before aboriginal kings, and leading emigrants from the old world-giving utterance to the Spirit, in words of fire and with all the apparent life of an apostle-thus promoting the growth of a denomination which soon absorbed a large number of the Puritans,' and embraced many of the most respectable and some of the most distinguished families of the province. In 1672, exclusive of Fox, there were at least seven ministers of the Society of Friends in Maryland! The names are all of them still known.3 1 Fox's ", Journal." 2 The cliffs of Calvert, the banks of West River, and the Choptank, were, it seems, the early rallying-points of this denomination. And while some of the Puritans sympathized with Episcopacy, a large number embraced the faith of the great preacher. The Prestons, the Sharpes, the Thomases, and many others, might be cited. The Richardsons also of West River-originally, it is supposed, of the Puritan type-became prominent Quakers; and the prevalence of Fox's doctrines is evident from the preservation of the wills (to omit other proof) containing contributions to the fund for the support of the body, and bearing the strongly-marked phraseology, for which the Friends have always been noted. 3 An island of the Chesapeake, near the month of the Choptank perpetuates the name of a well-known Quaker. It was originally 78 THE DAY-STAR. Flying from discontent, from turmoil, and misery, some of the Swedes' and of the Dutch, called Clayborne's. For there the founder of the Kent Island colony, we may presume, established a trading-post, like the one upon Palmer's, now Watson's; or perhaps planted a small settlement, as he also did, as early as 1636, through the agency of his' cousin," Ri. Thompson, upon Poplar, still nearer Kent Island. But Sharpe's Island was held by Doct. Peter Sharpe, for some time before 1672, or the year of Fox's appearance. "I give," says the Doctor (see his will of 1672, Lib. No. 1, 1635 to 1674, p. 496), "to Friends in ye ministry, viz. Alice Gary, William Cole, and Sarah iMash " (intended doubtless for Mrs. JIMarsh, the widow of the Ilon. Thos. Marsh), "if then in being; Winlock Christeson and his wife; John Burnett, and Daniel Gould; in money or goods, at the choice of my executors, forty shillings' worth apiece; also for a perpetual standing, a horse, for the use of Friends in ye ministry, and to be placed at the convenient place for their use." There is also other evidence in the will, that Doct. Sharpe was a Friend. But writers as respectable as Kilty (see " Land-holder's-Assistant," p. 88) are so horror-struck at the " indignities " with which the " strangers" were treated, that they do not even admit the probability, that the testator of 1672 was a disciple of Fox. Nor are they in the least aware of the early and extensive spread of the Quakers in Mlaryland. The settlement and subsequent fate of the Swedes suggest a subject for one of the saddest, yet sweetest chapters, in the history of American colonization. Planted upon the Delaware, under the auspices of a crown distinguished for its noble qualities; but overlaid. if not crushed, in the infancy of the colony, by the supe TIHE SWEDES AND DUTCH. 79 who had founded the respective settlements upon the Delaware, received a glad and joyful welcome. rior numbers, first of the Dutch, and then of the English; they still retained, in the midst of all their reverses, the fond remembrance of their native land; and cherished, with a gentle but glowing love, the faith and traditions of their original ancestry. Eight generations also have lingered around the gravestone and the hearth of their early American forefathers; nor have they yet lost those elements so characteristic of their race, and which, in spite of so much that is mean in every age, have imparted such real dignity to human nature. But some of them wandered off, at the period of their severest sufferings, and three were upon Kent Island about 1665. There also did Valerius Leo and Andrew Hanson find their early grave. The heart of Major Joseph Wickes was touched at the lonely condition of Hanse, the orphan of Mr. Hanson; and to the young Swede he was, it seems, a father. The child became a man. He rose to a high official rank, and held the most honorable posts in Kent County. Upon the seal of Col. Hanse HIanson's near descendant, is preserved a coat of arms, consisting of four lilies, with something strongly resembling a cross; and there are representatives of his family now living in lMarylaud. One of his descendants was the late Mrs. Doct. Wroth, of Chestertown. The number of the Dutch refugees was larger than that of the Swedish; including the governor, Alexander Diniossa, and his children, originally from Gilderland. Hie lived sometime upon an island of the Chesapeake, then called "Foster's;" but subsequently, it seems, upon the western shore. And the last glimpse I obtain is in Prince GCeorge's county, where his family dwindled 80 THE DAY-STAR. They lived and died among us. Their blood, for many generations, has been mingled with that of the other colonists. And from them have sprung some of the most patriotic sons of Maryland. In 1660, a small colony from the mouth of the Hudson was founded upon the Bohemia River, by Augustine Herman, a very remarkable man.' A manor also of the same name, still a well-known locality, was erected in consideration of the highly meritorious services2 he had rendered the proprietary. And he has descendants through various female lines who now do honor to the State. down into a state either of extreme misfortune or of great obscurity. Honorably connected with the early diplomatic histories both of New York and of Maryland. See Albany Records; and his embassy to Maryland, Bancroft. See also Brodhead. It is due to the memory of Herman to add, that he derived a title to the land upon the Bohemia, not only from the proprietary, a sufficient security, but also from the Indians. The consideration is given in one of his journals preserved in the Land Office, at Annapolis. A copy is also in the possession of Col. Spencer's family. 2 The preparation of a map of Maryland and Virginia-a work, at that time, of great labor-and the best, in the opinion of the English Crown, which had appeared-but a great curiosity, no doubt, at present-and a good illustration of the imperfect state ENGLISH AND WELSH. 81 The tidings went also to the Old World. Gladdened with the prospect of religious liberty, and invited by a policy so liberal in all other respects, strangers arrived firom England' and from Wales; of geographical knowledge at the date of its publication. I have never seen it; but presume it is still extant. I have been informed that the Oldhams, the Bayards, the Maclanes, and other families, claim a descent from the proud Bohemian. But the only ones coming within the proof to which I have had access are those of Thompson, Forman, Chambers, Spencer, and their various branches. Within, or near the Manor, was a small community, *which held the principles of Labady; including the one which abolishes private property, by a surrender of every thing to the common stock. One of Herman's sons embraced the faith of that visionary French divine-a source of real grief to the lord of the manor during his latter years-and the occasion which demanded a codicil, in which he tied up the title to his large possessions. 1 In Appendix, No. 1, I shall notice the arrival of the families of Burgess, Ringgold, Hynson, Dunn, Wickes, Leeds, Stone, Carroll, Paca, Chase, Pearce, Pratt, Chambers, Goldsborough, Tilghman, Hawkins, Thompson, Wroth, Sewall, Sprigg, Taney, Tyler, Lowe, Claggett, Addison, Dorsey, and of Darnall. Most of them were Protestants. They furnish some of the best representatives of the early provincial gentry of Maryland. And they nearly all held some post of honor, under the dominion of the first and of the second proprietary. 2 The Lloyds, the Thomases, the Snowdens, the Richardsons, the 4* 82 THE DAY-STAR. from Scotland' and from Ireland; fiom the dominions of the kings of France and of Spain; from Shipleys, and many other families, came, it is supposed. from the Principality. The Severn and the Wye, upon which the Hon. Edward Lloyd resided, were no doubt named after the rivers of Wales, in honor of his native land. The Thomases, it is said, first lived upon Kent Island; but according to the earliest recorded information I have been able to obtain. they resided in Anne Arundel, near Thomas's Point, about 1655. Philip, the emigrant, was a privy councillor, and many of his descendants held high public positions, including Phil. Evan Thomas, now living at a very advanced age, the projector and first president of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Upon a gold-headed cane, handed down from an early generation, I have seen the arms borne by a well-known family of Wales, a branch of which once existed near Swansea and Bristol. The Snowdens arrived about 1660. They were the ancestors of the large family living in Prince George's and in other counties. The Richardsons resided many generations upon West River. They came, probably, about 1665. There is a branch at EutawPlace, near the Monocacy. The Shipleys, a family of planters in Anne Arundel, and subsequently in several other counties, arrived, I am inclined to think, at a period but little later. One branch of this family is at Enfield Chase. 1 The settlement, near the site of Washington city, long before the erection of Prince George's, but which subsequently formed a hundred of that county, bore the name of.Jew Scotland. SCOTLAND AND OTHER COUNTRIES. 83 the States of HIolland, and firom various parts of Germany; from Sweed-land, the country of the And two of the largest families of Maryland-the Magruders and the Beales-undoubtedly came from Scotland. So, also, it seems, did the Bowies, the Edmonstones, and other families. The Mlagruders arrived about 1655. One of their earliest seats was upon the western branch of the Patuxent. Alexander, the emigrant. died about 1680, leaving his children, Alexander, Nathaniel, James, John, Samuel, and Elizabeth. The Beales, I think, came some time after the Magruders. Col. Ninian Beale is the earliest I remember. The Bowies (ancestors of the governor) and the Edmonstones, did not arrive, it would appear, before the Protestant Revolution. Archibald, the progenitor of the latter, is the first representative of whom I have any knowledge; and a relation, it is supposed, to the family of Sir Archibald Edmonstone, of Scotland. He was the progenitor of the Edmonstones, near Bladensburg, one of whom was a leading provincial judge of Prince George's County Court; and the ancestor, through a female line, of the Lachlans of Montgomery, but now in the State of Missouri; and of the wife and children of Gov. Hempstead, of Iowa. A few only of a high social rank arrived from Ireland. I remember no prominent ones, excepting the De Courcys, who, it is supposed, emigrated from that country. Cheston, their present family seat, has been held for a period of nearly two hundred years. It is difficult to say, with certainty, at what time, or from what country, the Worthingtons came. John, of Anne Arundel County, who died about 1700, and who, it appears, was the first of the Maryland line, gave his home planta 84 THE DAY-STAR. great Gustavus, the champion of Protestant christendom; and from the very heart of the kingdom of Bohemia, the land of Jerome and of iuss. The pious emigrant of every name, who believed tion upon the Severn, to his son, John; " Greenberry's Forest" to Thomas; and to William, "Howard's Inheritance," with two other tracts. the one near " Mr. Richard Beard's Mill," the other at "The Fresh Pond, in the Bodkin Creek of Patapsco River." The Causins, of Causin's Manor; the Jarbos, of St. Mfary's; the Lamars, of Prince George's and other counties (one of whom was a gallant officer of the American revolutionary army); the Du Valles, of Anne Arundel, ancestors of a judge of the United States Supreme Court; the Brashaers, of Anne Arundel and of Prince George's, represented also by the late Doct. Brashaer, of New Market, Frederick county; and the Lacounts, of the eastern shore, ancestors of the chief justice of Kansas; are some of our oldest French families. There is also but little doubt that the Ricauds of Kent, represented by the HIon. Jas. B. Ricaud, came also, originally, if not directly, from France. Colonel Jarbo, and the ancestor of the Hon Jno. M. S. Causin, arrived before the year 1649; the Ricauds, about 1650; and the Brashaers (directly from Virginia) at a period not much later. They all arrived before the Protestant Revolution of 1689. There is the strongest presumption that the Contees (about the time of their arrival closely connected with the family of Gov. Seymour, and lately represented by the gallant John Contee, of Java) came also, originally, from France; though there is evidence of the fact, that they had lived at Barnstaple, in Devonshire, as did some of the most distinguished EMIGRANTS FROM MANY LANDS. 85 only in CiRIsT, could securely sit under his own vine or bower, or still more unpretending roof; and the weeping penitent at his rude altar or humble hearth-stone, might offer up his confession and his prayer. To the children of sorrow and to the victims of persecution, to men of various races, of divers languages, and of many religions, the voice Huguenots in other parts of England before their emigration to other countries. The arrival, however, of the Contees in Maryland was late. I doubt if it was before the year 1690. Four of Capt. James Neal's children were born within the Spanish or Portuguese dominions, and subsequently naturalized by an Act of our Assembly. So also were Anthony Brispoe, Barbara de Barette, and probably other emigrants. See Liber, "Laws, C. & W. H., 1638 to 1678." A large number came from Holland and Germany, including the families of " Comegyes" and Lockerman. See last-named liber, where also I have obtained the birth-place of many alien emigrants. Axell Still, John Elexon, Oliver Colke, Marcus Syserson, Jeffrey Jacobson, Mounts Anderson, Cornelius Peterson, and Andrew Clements, may be named among those who were born in Sweden. Augustine Herman, the founder and original lord of Bohemia Manor, was born at the city of Prague. Manhattan, now New York, was the birth-place of most of his children. See Liber, "Laws, C. & W. H., 1638 to 1678," p. 158. His wife also was probably born at Prague. 86 THE DAY-STAR. of our early legislators was like the "' sound" from a better world-like a second evangely from the skies! For they spoke, " every " one in his " own tongue,"" the wonderful works of God." I have attempted to trace the birth and early growth of our religious liberty, under its successive phases; showing the harmony between the proprietary and the planters; explaining the legislation of the provincial Assembly according to the rights and obligations springing out of the charter; and sketching the effects of so liberal a system upon the colonization of Maryland. Without reference to the credit due either to the Roman Catholic or to the Protestant Assemblymen of 1649, it is but proper to add, what will be denied by no one at all familiar with the colonial records, that the legislative policy so honorable to our ancestors and so beneficial in its influence, underwent no material change, except a few years later, at the short period of the ascendency of the Puritans; and in 1689, at the complete overthrow of the proprietary's government-an event which resulted in the establishment of the Anglican church, and in the persecution of the Roman Catholics. REI1VOLUTION OF 1689. 87 The history of the Protestant revolution in 1689 has never vet been fully written. But there is evidence upon the records of the English government to show it was the result of a panic, produced by one of the most dishonorable falsehoods' which The following documents are taken from the English State Paper Office. As specimens of the spelling, of the method of abbreviation, and of the punctuation, nearly two hundred years ago, the first five are printed in a style which resembles the copies sent me: REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS TO THE INDIANS. 23 AUGUST, 1689. S. P. O. B. T. M~aryland, Vol. 1, B. D. 25j-. Azugust ye 28d, 1'0. These may acquaint yow, that we whose names are underwritten have, according to request, bin and treated wvith ye Indians, and doe find'em to be very civill and kind, and desire nothing butt peace and quiettness, butt yt in part thorough ye instigation of bad people, and chiefly doe instance Andrew Gray, that ye English in one moone w'ould cutt them all of; likewise, concerning an Indian woman, wch they say was kill'd by Cornelius Mulraine's wife, wch they have expected some satisfactory answer, concerning which as yett they have not received. Also, yt ye Sd Cornelius since their departure offer'd great abuse in robbing them of their cannouscorn, matts, bowles, and basketts, and they say their chests have been broke open, and since they have bin gone out, ye sd Gray hath bin with'em and threatned them if they 8S THE DAY-STARI has ever disgraced any religious or any political party-by the story, in a few words, that the would not come home, he would gett a party of men and fetch'em P force. Likewise they say they have ten Indians wCh went between Oxford towne and Coll. Lowe's, and that their time of return is relapsed, and are not satisfyed what is become of'em. Whereof all these things being computed together, hath seized them with feare, butt that they were very joyfull att our comeing and were takeing up their goods to return to their habitations. John Stanley Wm. Dickenson John Hawkins Wm. Stevens Clement Sales. Winm. Bealey. This is ye copy of the answer sent to the Burgesses from ye Indians. The next discloses the nature of the charge against the Roman Catholic governors: REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF SECRECY. REc'D. 31 DEC. 1689. S. P. O. B. T. Mfaryland, VoZ. 1, B. D. 5. The Committee of Secrecy appointed by this present Assembly, the Representative Body of this Province doe make their Report as followeth, vizt. Wee have diligently faithfully and with all due circumspection made inquisition into the severall affaires and concernes committed to our care. for discovering of the truth thereof, and REVOLUTION OF 1689. 89 Roman Catholics had formed a conspiracy with the Indians, to massacre the Protestants! The we find, First, that the late Popish Governors have contrived conspired and designed by severall villanous practices and machinations, to betray their Majties Protestant subjects, of this Province, to the French, Northern, and other Indians; and that there hath been and still is eminent danger of our lives libertyes and estates, by the malitious endeavors and combinations of the said Governors with the Indians and Papists to assist in our destruction and the subversion of our Religion. And wee also find by the informations, examinations evidences and depositions by us taken, that the late Governors did prorogue and obstruct the last Assembly from meeting, least the truth of their unjust contrivances and wicked designes should be made manifest. And wee the Committee aforesaid doe also discover and apparently find the trayterous undertakings of the said Governours in their Renunciation disowning and denying the right title and Soveraignty of King William and Queen Mary to the Crowne of England and its Dominions. The verity of the above particulars is to be further proved by other numerous circumstances and evidences that are now in the custody of the said Committee, for their Majties service. Read approved of and ordered -to be entered in the Journall of the House of Assembly. (JMemorandum on the back.) Memorandum, notwithstanding the Country have often desired a proofe of the accusations this 90 THE DAY-STAR. testimony comes from the most respectable sources -not only from the members of the Church of $omittee charged upon some of ye Lord Proprietaryes Deptyes, yet the same could never be obtained, or was any wayes made appear. (Indorsed.) "Report of the Comittee of Secrecy, touching the late Governmt. Copy. " Recd fro ye Ld Baltemore, 31 Dec. 1689." Voted in Assembly, 28 Aug., 1689. I beg to invite especial attention to the narrative of Mrs. Smith: NARRATIVE OF MRS. BARBARA SMITH. 30 DEC. 1689. S. P.O. B. T. Maryland Vol. 1. B.D. 17. The Narrative of Barbara wife of Richard Smith of Puttuxent River in Calvert County in the Province of Maryland. Upon the 25th of March last a rumour was spread abroad about the mouth of Puttuxent River, that ten thousand Indians were come down to the Westerl branch of the said river. Whereupon my husband went up to the said Western branch, where he found noe Indians, but there a strong report that nine thousand were at Matapany, and at the Mouth of Puttuxent, and that they had cutt off Capt. Bournes family, and had inforted themselves at Mata REVOLUTION OF 1689. 91 Rome, but also from many of the most prominent Protestants of the province; including the Honorpany,; vwhich was all false. Upon these rumours the country rose in armes, but after diligent search and inquiry in all parts of the Province, this rumour was found to be only a sham, and noe Indians any where appeared to disturb or molest any the people of our Province. All which reports I doe verily beleeve were designedly spread abroad to incite the people to rise in armes as afterwards by the like sham they were induced to doe. For in the latter end of July following one Capt. Code; Coill. Jowles, Majr Beal, IMr. Blakiston, with some others appeared in armes, and gave for their pretence that the Papists had invited the Northern Indians to come down and cut off the Protestants, and that their descent was to be about the latter end of August when Roasting Eares were in season, & that they therefore rose in armes to secure the Magazine of Armes and Amunition and the Protestants from being cut off by the said Indians and Papists. This was their pretence to those they found very apprehensive of the said Indians; to others they said their designe was only to proclaim the King and Queen; but when the aforesaid persons with some others had gathered together a great number of People together, they then came and seized upon the Government, who withstood them first at St. Maryes in the State House where the Records are kept. whom the said Code and his party soon overcame and seized upon the Records, from thence he proceeded with his party to Matapany House wherein Coll. Darnall with some forces, as many Protestants as Papists, had garisoned themselves, but were soon forced to capitulate surrender and yield to the said Code and his party. They haveing thus possessed themselves of the governmt, one Johnson master of a ship being bound for England, they gave him charge he should carry noe letters but what was sent from themselves, & my husband they arrested and put in 92 THE DAY-STAR. able Thomas Smyth, the ancestor of the Smyths of Trumpington, subsequently of Chestertown; prison for fear he should goe for England with the said Johnson to give an accompt of their proceedings, and as soon as the said Johnson was gone they released him again. The said Cole and his complices then sent out letters to all the Countyes of the Province to choose an Assembly. What was done in the rest of the Countyes besides Calvert and Ann Arrundell I am not acquainted with, but when the sd letters for the chooseing of Burgesses came to our Sheriff to sumon the people for that purpose, he refused the same. They then went to Mr. Clegatt, Corroner, and he alsoe refused (who are both Protestants). Whereupon Cell. Jowles rode about to give the people notice himself. When the County were come together most of the Housekeepers agreed not to choose any Burgesses, and drew up an abhorrence against such proceedings; ye which election was alsoe much opposed by our Sheriff. Whereupon Coell. Jowles gathered. his souldiers and caused the election to be made by the number he had, which was not above twenty, and'of them not above ten that were capable of electing. Coell. Jowles himself and lMajr Beal his next officer were returned for two of the Burgesses elected, and because Mr. Tan6y, the Sheriff, & my husband endeavoured to oppose the said Election, the said Code caused them to be put in Prison. Neither for this Election nor in their cause did almost any of our county appear that were men of estates or men of note, but they to the contrary published an abhorrence against such proceedings, and were themselves, as are most of our County, Protestants. The County of Ann Arrundell, which is accounted the most populous and richest of the whole Province, and wherein is but one Papist family, unanimously stood out, and would not elect any Burgesses. About the 21st of August the Assembly of their calling met, before whom was brought Mr. Taney our Sheriff and my husband; and THE PROTESTANT REVOLUTION. 93 from MlIajor Joseph Wickes, at one time chief justice of the County Court, and many years a Capt. Code and his complices haveing pretended they had the Kings Proclama" for what they did, my husband demanded to see the same; but their answer was, take him away, Sheriff. Mr. Taney likewise asking them by what authority he was called before them, Code answered What, this is like King Charles, and you are King Taney,take him away. Notwithstanding upon the said Code's riseing as before is said, their pretence was cheifly to secure the Country against the Indians, yet all this while nor untill my comeing away which was the 26th of September last, there was not the least appearance of any forreign or home Indians comeing to disturb us. What was their further proceedings in their Assembly I am not able to give any accot of, but Mr. Taney and my husband were detained'prisoner at my comeing awvay. (Signed) BARBARA SMITH. Dated in London, the 30th of December, 1689. (Indorsed) "Mrs. Smith's Narrative of the troubles in Maryland." The testimony from the Protestant county of Kent is exceedingly valuable: ADDRESS OF PROTESTANTS OF KENT COUNTY. NOVEMBER, 1689. S. P. O. B. T. Mfaryland, Vol. 1, B. D. 41. To THE KING'S RMOST EXCELLENT MAJESTIE:Wee your Majesties most loyall and dutyfull subjects the ancient Protestant Inhabitants of Kent County in your Majties Province of Maryland, who have here enjoyed many halcyon dayes under 94 THE DAY-STAR. distinguished representative of IKent; from the Honorable Henry De Courcy (then written Courthe imediate Governmt of Charles Lord Baron of Baltemore and his honble Father, absolute Lords Proprietaries of ye said Province by charter of your Royall Progenitors, wherein our Rights and Freedoms are so interwoven with his Lordships prerogative, that wee have allwaies had ye same liberties and priviledges secured to us. as other your Maijties subjects in the Kingdome of England. And wee againe by vertue of the said Charter (as it enjoyned us) have alwayes paid our obedience to the said Lord Baltemore and his honble Father, by whom equally and indifferently were justice, favour, authority & preferment administered, bestowed conferred and given to and upon your }Majties subjects of all perswasions: Doe in prostrate and humble manner testifie to your AMatie that we abhorr & detest ye falsehood and unfaithfullness of John Coade and others his Associates and Agents, who first by dispersing untrue reports of prodigious armies of Indians and French Papists invadeing us, did stirr up unjust jealousies and dismall apprehensions in ye less cautious sort of people of this Province, and then haveing thereby created unnecessary feares & disposed ye people to mutiny and tumult, made further insurrection, and extorted the lawfull governmt from the Lord Propriety, who was alwayes as ready to redress our aggrievances as wee to complaine. And now the said John Coade and his accomplices haveing assumed the Government upon themselves, and procured a Convention to be tumultuously assembled, did tyrannically imprison, restrain and turn out of civill and military Comission severall of your Majties good subjects of unquestionable loyalty and affection to the Church of England, who approved nott of his actions, and who might justly by your Majities proclamation have continued in authority, and done your Majtie good service. And those Delegates in that manner con THE PROTESTANT REVOLUTION. 95 sey), a descendant, it is strongly presumed, of an illustrious Anglo-Norman family, and a perfect vened, (being part or most of them factious persons of no comendable life and conversation) have arbitrarily decreed and ordained many things to the inconvenience of your Majesties people, placed the Militia of severall Counties in the hands of unworthy and infamous persons; and the better to make their decrees to be observed, many of the said Delegates have procured themselves to be putt in judiciall places, to the terror of your Majties more peaceable subjects. From the.dangers and apprehensions whereof, Wee your Majesties most loyall, dutyfull, and Protestant subjects, in these our Addresses humbly crave by your Princely care and prudence to be freed and enlarged, and that the Government together with your Majties favour and a lasting settlement may be again restored to the Rt. Honb'e Lord Baltemore, which will make him and us happy, and give us new occasion to bless God, and pray for your Majties life and happy reign. (Signed) Win. Frisby, Henry Coursey, Griffith Jones, Josh. Wickes, Robert Burman, Jno. Hynson, Philemon Hemsley, George Sturton, Simon Wilmer, Lambart Wilmer, William Peckett, Gerrardus Wessels, Josias Lanham, Richard Jones, Thomas Ringgold, Philip Conner. Tho. Smyth, (Indorsed) "Kent County in the Province of Maryland. Address to His MajtY." N.B.-There are several other addresses from various Counties, with numerous signatures. R. L. R~. L. 96 THE DAY-STAR. master of the whole aboriginal diplomacy of that period; from Michael Taney, the high sheriff of Col. Darnall was a Roman Catholic. But he surely should be allowed to speak: COL. HENRY DARNALL'S NARRATIVE. 31 DEC., 1689. S. P. O. B. T. Maryland, Yol. 1, B. D. 16. The Narrative of Coll. Henry Darnall, late one of the Councill of the Rt. Honble ye Lord Proprietary of the Province of Maryland. On the 15th of March last Coll. Jowles sent word to the Councill (then at St. Maryes) that three thousand Indians were comeing down on the Inhabitants, and were at the head of Puttuxent River, and required armes and amunition for the people to goe against the said Indians, all which was with all expedition sent him by Coll. Digges. The next morning I went up myself to Coll. Jowles, where I found them all in armes, and they told me they heard there was three thousand Indians at Matapany (from when I then came). I assured the People it was a false report, and offered myself to goe in person if they could advise me where any enemyes were, Indians or others, whereat they seemed very well satisfied. I began to suspect this was only a contrivance of some ill-minded men, who under this pretence would raise the Country, as by what happened afterwards we had reason to beleeve. Upon the most diligent search and enquiry into this whole matter, noe Indians any where appeared, and when ever any messenger was sent to the place where it was said the Indians THE PROTESTANT REVOLUTION. 97 Calvert, and the ancestor of the present chief justice of the United States; from Richard Smith, a were come, there the Inhabitants would tell them they heard they were landed at such a place; but after long search from place to place and noe sign of any Indians, the people were pretty well pacified, and Coll. Jowles himself wrote a Remonstrance (the copy whereof is here inclosed) which he signed, as did severall others who had the examination of this matter, the which was published in order to quiet the People, who in a few dayes seemed to be freed from their apprehensions. From this time untill the 16th of July foll. the country was all quiet and noe appearance of, any enemy to disturb them, Indians or else. On the said 16th of July, a messenger came to me at AIatapany, in the night time, to acquaint me that John Cood was raiseing men up Potowmeck; whereupon I informed the Councill thereof, who immediately dispatched a person to know the truth; but the said person was taken by Cood as a spy and by him kept, soe the Councill had noe notice untill two dayes of any thing, when they were assured that Cood had raised men up Potowmeck, and that some were come to him out of Charles County, who were all marching down toward St. Maryes, and in their way were joined with MAajr Campbell and his men. Coll. Digges, haveing notice whereof, got together about an hundred men, and went into the State House at St. Maryes, which Cood and his party came to attack, and which Coll. Digges (his men not being willing to fight) was forced to surrender, wherein were the Records of the whole Province, which Cood and his party seized. In this while Majr Sewall and myself went up Pattuxent River to raise men to oppose said Cood and his party, where wee found, most of the Officers ready to come in to us, but their men were possessed with a beleef that Cood rose only to preserve the country from the Indians,& Papists, and to 5 98 THE DAY-STAR. brave and generous spirit, connected with the family of Somerset, and the forefather of the proclaim the King & Queen, and would doe them noe harm, and therefore would not stir to run themselves into danger; soe that all the men we could get amounted not to one hundred and sixty, and by this time Good's party were encreased to seaven hundred. The Councill seeing how the people were led away by false reports and shams, in order to quiet them and give them all imaginable assurance they were clear and innocent of inviteing the Indians down, as was laid to their charge, offered to make Coll. Jowles (who was the cheif of their party next to Cood) Gen", of all the forces in the Province, and sent such an offer to him, who returned a very civill answere, that haveing comunicated what we wrote to his own men he had with him, they were extreamly satisfied therewith. and gave us hopes he would come down to us; but to the contrary he went & joined Cood at St. MJaryes, to whom and to all then in armes there, the Councill sent a Proclamation of pardon, upon condition they would lay down their armes and repair to their respective habitations: the which Cood (as we were credibly informed) instead of reading to the People what was therein contained, read a defyance from us, thereby to enrage and not to pacify them. Cood and his party haveing thus made themselves masters of the State House & the Records at St. Maryes, borrowed some great gunns of one Captain Burnham, master of a ship belonging to London, and came to attack Matapany House, the which when he came before, he sent a Trumpeter & demanded a surrender. Wee desired a parley and personall treaty in the hearing of the People, which Cood would never consent to. We knew if we could but obtain that in the hearing of the People, we should be able to disabuse them and clear ourselves of what they were made beleeve against us; but TIE PROTESTANT REVOLUTION. 99 Smiths of St. Leonard's Creek, and of the iDulanys and the Addisons; and from Captain Thomas Claggett, the progenitor of the first Anglican bishop of Maryland. The opposition of these Protestants is, indeed, honorable, in the highest degree, to their memory. Taney was one of the this we could never get at their hands, but to the contrary they used all possible meanes to keep the People ignorant of what we proposed or offered, and made use of such artifices as the following, to exasperate them. They caused a man to come rideing Post with a letter, wherein was contained that our neighbour Indians had cut up their corn and were gone from their towns, and that there was an Englishman found with his belly ript open, which in truth was no such thing, as they themselves owned after Matapany House was surrendred. We being in this condition and noe hopes left of quieting or repelling the People thus enraged, to prevent effusion of blood, capitulated and surrendred. After the surrender of the said house, his Lordships Councill endeavoured to send an accot of these transactions by one Johnson master of a ship bound for London, to his Lordship, the which the said Johnson delivered to Cood. When we found we could send noe letters, Majr Sewall and myself desired of Johnson we might have a passage in him for England, to give his LordsP accot of matters by word of mouth, which the said Johnson refused, upon pretended orders to the contrary from Cood. Whereupon Miajr Sewall & myself went to Pensylvania, to endeavour to get a passage there; upon which Cood and his party to occasion to give out we were gone to bring in the Northern Indians; but we missing of a passage there, came back and stayd in Ann Arrundell County (who never had joyned with 100 THE DAY-STAR. victims of a cruel imprisonment, accompanied with gross insults and indecent taunts, in consequence of his cool and inflexible refusal to sanction the iniquitous proceedings of Col. Jowles, and the other leaders of the revolution. Smith also was a victim. Cood and his party) until the 26th of September, when (Majr Sewall then being sick) I myself got a passage hither in one Everard. As to their proceedings in their Assembly, I can give noe accot, only that they have taken severall Prisoners. (Signed) HENRY DARNALL. LONDON, December 31st, 1689. (Indorsed) " Coll. Darnall's Narrative of the troubles in Maryland. 1689." The following is from the ancestor of the Chief Justice: MR. MICHAEL TANEY TO MRS. SMITLI. 14 SEPT., 1689. /AP.O.! B. T. T. ryland VFol. 1, B. D., 26. j MADAM SMITH: I doubt not but you have heard what pretence those gentlemen who have lately taken up arms here in Maryland, in their majesties' names (to pull down ye lawful authority of ye Lord Balltamore here, which he held under their said majesties), makes for my confinement in prison along with your husband, the which I ERECTION OF COUNTIES. 101 Besides Anne Arundel and Charles, six counties, between the years 1649 and 1698, were erectedhope neither you nor any good Christian or moral honest man or woman, which ever had any acquaintance with my life and conversation, will credit; and that you and all persons to whom this shall come, may know what I have done, whereby they ground their pretence. I therefore hereafter write down ye heads of the whole (viz.): At the first of my knowing of their taking up arms, which was some time in July, 1689, I endeavored, with what arguments I could use, to persuade all people, but chiefly Col. Jowles (my now chief enemy), to lie still and keep the peace of ye country, until their majesties' pleasure should be known; for that I looked upon it to be rebellion for persons here, without order from their majesties, to take up arms against ye lawful authority, which then rested in ye lord proprietary under'their majesties, as I did conceive; which arguments, with some, I presume, prevailed, so that they lay still, but not with Col. Jowles. Then afterwards, when they besieged Mattapony, I went first to the gentlemen's camp, and afterwards to Mattapony, and, as an instrument of peace, so far as I could with my weak endeavors, Mr. Marsham being with me, persuaded both parties to comply without shedding blood, and accordingly they did. At which time Mattapony by ye Governors being surrendered, and the magazine of arms and ammunition all over the country, as soon as they possibly they could, seized on by those gent., so that they had the strength and command of most of ye country in their hands;and all papists in general desisting to act any further in government and office; but Col. Jowles and ye rest of those gent., not content to rest there, or not thinking themselves safe in what they had done, sending out precepts in their majesties' names, requiring the sheriffs of each county to warn the people to meet together and choose delegates and representatives to meet and 102 THE DAY-STAR. four upon the eastern, and two upon the western shore. And at the period of the Protestant revoassemble together, under pretence of settling affairs; and also a proclamation that all officers not being papists, or having been in actual arms, nor any ways declared against their majesties' service, honor, and dignity, should continue in their places;and also a declaration of their own ggrievances to be publicly read; and Col. Jowles showing me some of those papers, being directed to me, as sheriff of Calvert County, I not being willing to execute their commands, endeavored to excuse myself, saying, I look upon myself, by ye surrender of ye government, to be discharged of my office. Whereupon Col. Jowles took some other course to have it done; but afterwards I finding most people of our county, and being informed it was so generally through ye country, that all people, except such as had been in arms or abetters to their cause, was willing to remain as they were, until their Majesties pleasure should be known, and I conceiving that my consenting to choose delegates and representatives to sit in such Assembly, and they countenancing the thing that was done, although they were awed to it, would make me guilty as well as they that did it; therefore I resolved not to choose, nor consent that any should be chose; however, being modest forbore railing or speaking grossly of what was done. And when the time appointed was come for ye election, Col. Jowles and divers of his soldiers being at ye place, and I also and divers of the better sort of the people of our county, discourse arose about choosing representatives, and I and many others, being much the greater number, argued against choosing any. Amongst which discourse, Col. Jowles threatened that if we would not choose representatives freely, he would fetch them down with ye long sword, and withall required ye deputy clerk to read some papers that he had. Whereupon I asked Col. Jowles whether those papers were their majesties' authority, and ERECTION OF COUNTIES. 103 lution, the population of the province, we may suppose, was not less than twenty-five thousand; if they were I would read them myself, if not, they should not be read. But he still bid ye clerk read them. Whereupon I said to him and the rest of ye company, " Gentlemen, if the lord proprietary have any authority here, I command you, speaking to ye clerk, in ye name of ye lord proprietary, to read no papers here. Whereupon Col. Jowles went away in great rage, saying he would choose none, yet, afterwards, having got some of his soldiers to drink, he and they did somewhat which they called a free choice, and I and many more of the better sort of ye people set our hands to a paper, writing that expressed modestly and loyally some reasons why we were not willing to choose any representatives to sit in that intended assembly. For which doing I was fetched from my house on Sunday ye 25th of August, 1689, by James Bigger and six other armed men, by order of the persons assembled at ye command of Coad and his accomplices, and kept close prisoner at ye house of Philip Lynes, under a guard of armed men, and upon ye 3d day of September carried by a company of soldiers before ye said Assembly, where Coad accused me of rebellion against their majesties King William and Queen Mary, for acting as above written, and withal told me if I would submit to a trial they would assign me counsel. Whereto I answered them that I was a freeborn and loyal subject to their majesties of England, and therefore expected the benefit of all those laws of England that were made for the preservation of ye lives and estates of all such persons, and therefore should not submit myself to any such unlawful authority as I take yours to be. Whereupon they demanded of me who was their majesties' lawful authority here. I answered, I was, as being an officer under ye Lord Balltamore, until their majesties' pleasure should be otherwise lawfully made known. Then they ordered the soldiers to take me away 104 THE DAY-STAR. most of the earliest settlements having been founded upon the islands of the Chesapeake, near the banks of its tributaries, or within the inlmiediate vicinity of its shores. In 1654, the order erecting Charles upon the Patuxent, was rescinded; and Calvert established in place of it. A few years later, the county of the former name was erected upon the Potomac, and upon the Wicoawhile, and soon after ordered my bringing in again before them, with Mr. Smith and Mr. Botler, telling us it was ye order of ye House that we must find good and sufficient security to be bound for us to answer before their majesties' commissioners and lawful authority what should be objected against us, and in the mean time be of good behavior. To which we answered, their authorities we looked upon not lawful to force us to give any bonds, and that we had estates in this country sufficient to oblige our staying to answ er what any lawful authority could object against us. Then we were again ordered away to Mr. Lynes's, with a guard to keep us prisoners still, and afterwards having considered with ourselves, we informed them by Mr. Johns and several of them themselves speaking with us, that we would give them what bonds they pleased for our answering what should be objected against us by any lawful authority, leaving out the clause of good behavior, for that we knew they would make any thing they pleased breach of good behavior, and under presence of that, trouble us again at their pleasure. But that would not do, so at ye adjourning of ye Assembly we were all ordered by them to be kept in safe custody of Mr. Gillbert Clarke whom they made sheriff of Charles County, until we should give bond as above ERECTION OF COUNTIES. 105 mico; and about 1659, the extensive, now populous, rapidly-growing county of Baltimore. There is no trace of Talbot anterior to 1660. Somerset was erected in 1666; Dorchester, about 1669; and Cecil (which had mainly grown out of Herman's settlement) in the year 1674. Great doubt exists required. Which is ye whole substance hitherto proceeded on, that is known to your humble servant to command. MiCn. TANEY. September ye 14th, 1689. Charlestown, in Charles County, where we are, and are like to remain still. (Addressed) To Madame Barbara Smith. These. XMem.-Ye 14th Septr. 1689, Capt. Coede mustered all ye men of St. Mary's County at Chopticoe, and did then and there order yt all Protestants servants and freemen should apear there at Chopticoe yt day fortnight, with provision for a march into Anne Arundel County, and those yt were provided arms, to bring them with them, and those yt were not should there be furnished with ye country armes. (Indorsed) "Maryland, 1689. Letter to Mrs. Smith about Capt. Smith. Reed 16 Dec., 1689." 5* 106 THE DAY-STAR. respecting the original boundaries of most of these counties. Anne Arundel, for instance, extended to Fishing Creek, some distance below its present limit; but the fact was not known to the legislature subsequently to the American Revolution; and a long, tedious, and very expensive controversy was the result. The boundary of Cecil reached to the southern extremity of Kent, in 1674. And at an earlier period, Baltimore embraced a large portion of the eastern shore, including Bohemia manor. The first courts of this county, there is strong reason to believe, were held upon the same side of the Chesapeake; and its ancient limits included the island, which received the first foot-prints of civilization upon the western shore of MBaryland. Before the year 1689, many tracts were taken up in Prince George's; but that extensive county, out of which Frederick was carved as late as 1748, was not itself erected out of portions of Calvert and Charles till the year 1695. The names of our early counties are not unworthy of a notice. They suggest or commemorate interesting facts, in the history of our colonization. SPESUTIA ISLAND. 107 Spesutia Island, originally within the limits of Baltimore, perpetuates the name of Col. Nathaniel Utye, one of the most sanguine and adventurous pioneers in the colonization of the country, upon the head-waters of the Chesapeake. There, also, did Augustine Herman make his treaty with the Indian chiefs, for his title to the land upon the Bohemia River. Spesutia has sometimes been confounded with the island, upon which Clayborne established his trading-post with the Susquehannocks, as early as 1630. But Watson's is the one which corresponds with Pallner's in size, and in every other particular. In duration as well as the difficulty of arriving at a satisfactory result, the contest between Anne Arundel and Calvert was not unlike that between Lord Baltimore and the Penns. But the identity of 3Marsh's (the admitted boundary) with Fishing Creek, is clearly proved by the records in the Land Office. And the history of the title to ")Major's Choice" taken up by the Honorable Thomas Mlarsh, near the cliffs of Calvert, will readily develop all the evidence upon this knotty question. 108 THE DAY-STAR. CHAPTER IX. The State of Society, from 1634 to 1689. THE overthrow of the proprietary's authority was the knell to the hopes of St. Mary's; and, before the lapse of many more years, Annapolis became the seat of government. During the era of Roman Catholic toleration, the original tenant of the forest lived almost side by side, and generally upon terms of the best amity, with our early colonial forefathers. Half-breeds, or their near descendants, probably still exist, both in the neighborhood of the Piscataway, and upon one or more rivers of the Eastern Shore. It has also been a thousand times asserted, that the blood of aboriginal &hiefs is now represented by the Brents, by the Goldsboroughs, and by many of our other most distinguished families. Of the chesapeakes (the nation who had given a name to our " Great Bay ") no vestige in Maryland THE YOACOMICOS. 109 appeared, at the arrival of Governor Calvert. Long before the settlement at St. Mary's, they were a small tribe, with not more than a hundred warriors, living upon a branch of the Elizabeth river, and under the dominion of the Powhatans, a powerful confederacy embracing more than thirty different nations, and which had extended its sway to the very banks of the Patuxent.' The Yoacomicos liked upon the St. Mary's. They were there at the arrival of the Pilgrims. The scene between Governor Calvert and the chiefs cf this tribe, has been described, not only by eyewitnesses, but also by a host of later writers. It is not more honorable to the religion of the Roman Catholic, than to the instinct of the savage. A cup of cold water, we are taught, is not without its reward; and the welcome given by these simple children of the wilderness, deserves to be held by the succeeding generations of Maryland, in the most grateful and enduring remembrance.' 1 See Smith's History of Virginia; Bozman's History of Maryland. 2 See ante, pp. 46-47. For further particulars see " A Relation of Maryland," and also Father White's Journal. 110 THE DAY-STAR. At an early period, the llfatapeaks lived upon Kent Island. Their name is still perpetuated by a small stream. And upon the farin held by the late General Emory, is " The Indian Spring." There also was a large number of arrow-heads, and other relies. And in the same part of the island, is a neck of land, which for a long time, bore the name of ]3atapax.' The Susqueha/cnnocks, who gave their name to a large tributary of the Chesapeake, were the most powerful confederacy within the limits of Maryland. Their chief dwelling-place was upon the head waters of the Chesapeake; but they overran a large portion of the Eastern and of the Western shore; and even invaded the Yoacomicos. They were also distinguished for their noble, gigantic size; and received with great kindness, Capt. Smith and his companions, during his exploration of the Chesapeake, long before the settlement upon Kent Island. Many also were the treaties, which they'For several facts relating to the Indians upon this Island, see my paper presented about three years since to the Md. Historical Society. THE PATUXENTS. 111 signed with Maryland; including the one' for a large portion of our territory.2 1 This was signed (see Bozman, vol. 2. p. 683), in 1652, at the river Severn, by Richard Bennett, Edward Lloyd, William Fuller, Thomas Marsh, and Leonard Strong, the commissioners on the part of Maryland; and by Sawahegeh, lturoghtaregh, Scarhuhadigh, Rhuthchog-ah, and JVatheldianeh, the chiefs on behalf of the Susquehannocks. The treaty ceded to Maryland all the land from the Patuxent to Palmer's Island, and from the Choptank to the Elk; but did not embrace Kent Island, nor Palmer's (now Watson's) Island. See also their treaty with Augustine IHerman, Appendix. No. 2.' The Patuxents, whose principal seat was upon the river which perpetuates their name, included a large number of little nations and tribes, remarkable for the friendliness of their feelings. The territory of the Piscataways, whose prominent chief bore the title of Emnperor, was bounded, in one direction, by the country of the Susquehannoks; in another, by the region of the Patuxents. It also embraced a part of the country bordering upon the Patapsco, and upon the Potomac; including Piscataway creek, and probably the sites both of Washington and of Baltimore. Upon the Sassafras lived the Tockwhoghs, quite a considerable tribe, and more ferocious than many of the other Indians. Near the mouth of the Chester was a very small one, which bore the name of Ozenies. Both these tribes disappeared at a very early period. The former was probably absorbed by the Susquehannoks. Further towards the South, on the same shore of the Chesapeake, dwelt also, at a very early period, the Kuskarawoaks, the great makers ofpeake and roanoke (the money of the Indians), and the chief " merchants " of aboriginal Maryland-subsequently represented by two considerable confederacies, under the names of Choptal7r and.iVanticoke, which are still borne by the large and 112 THE DAY-STAR. The Accomnzacs, and some other tribes further South than the ~Kuskarawoaks, fell within the wide domain of the Powhatans. But North of the Province, was the still more warlike and powerful confederacy, consisting of the beautiful rivers, upon which they lived. The peake was more valuable than the roanoke. But they both consisted of shell-the former of the conch, the latter of the cockle-wrought into the shape of beads. With the Indians upon the Delaware, also, we entered into treaties. To this race belonged, it is supposed, the Ozenies, with some other tribes of Maryland. And a chief was held, for his virtues, in such profound veneration, not only by the Red man, but also by the White; and his memory is so closely interwoven with the traditions and recollections of our ancestry; that I cannot close this sketch, without the mention of his name. To the Aborigines upon the Delaware, he appeared, indeed, in the same light as did Alfred to the English, or St. Louis to the French. Rising above the level of his own kindred, he became also the representative of a sympathy (how hard was it to realize a union!) between the disciples of civilization and the children of barbarism. And, in token of the companionship, societies were formed, both in Maryland and elsewhere, some time before the American Revolution; and, in May, celebrated their anniversaries, with the Indian war-dance, and other ceremonies. At a little later period, a larger one was organized. representing the thirteen original States of the North American confederacy. And the Hall of St. Tammany, in the City of New York, now devoted to the purposes of a mere political party, is still, in its highest and most historical sense, a monument to the memory of the illustrious chief of the Delawares. HENRY DE COUROY. 113 oAilawks, and of four other nations;' whose chiet dwelling place was upon the rivers of New York; but who not unfrequently descended the Susquehannab, and spread the greatest alarm among the colonists.2 The relations, both at peace and at war, with this formidable confederacy, constitute (if we except the labors of the missionaries) the most interesting and important portion of the Aboriginal History of Maryland. The highest diplomatic skill was also exerted. And to the services of the Htonorable Philemon Lloyd, but especially of the Honorable Henry De Courcy, both at Albany and elsewhere, was the proprietary, so many years, indebted, not only for the peace of his province, but also for the lives of many of his subjects. The treaties of these faithful and estimable commissioners with the chiefs of the Five Nations (who were called iroquois by the French), elicited the strongest and most significant testimonials both from the Governor and from the Assembly of Maryland. And, in the DocumenI Called sometimes " The Northern Indians." See ante, e. g., p. 89.'Witness; also, the ill-founded panic of 1689, ante, pp. 87105. 114 THE DAY-STAR. tary Histories of New York, some of them have been lately printed, at the expense, and through the noble energy (I blush to add) of the New Yorkers.' They are written in the rich, metaphorical style of the Indian. The De Courcys of My-Lord's-Gift (including Mrs. Mitchell of the Western shore), and the De Courcys of Cheston (see ante, p. 83), are representatives of the family of the Hon. Henry De Courcy. Mrs. May, the wife of the Hon. Henry May, is also a descendant of this family. The claim of the De Courcyi of Cheston (ante, p. 95) to the titles and estates of the old Anglo-Norman barony of Courcy and Kingsale, has never been tested by a judicial or by a parliamentary investigation. But the daughters of Gerald (the baron, who died about the middle of the last century) expressed the opinion, that a member of the family at Cheston was clearly entitled; and said, their impression had been derived (they spoke upon the point very positively) from their own father, before the period of his alleged insanity, or the date of the will, in which he selected Myles, of Rhode Island, as the successor. These, and many other interesting facts, upon the subject, may be found in The De Courcy Papers now held by Doct. William Henry De Courcy, of Cheston, the brother of the Hon. Mrs. May. Of the high social rank of this family, at the very period of their arrival, the letter of Mr. Secretary Hatton is sufficient evidence. See note to the sketch of Mr. Hatton's life. It is generally supposed, the Hon. Henry De Courcy was a Roman Catholic. The inference has been drawn, I presume, from the fact of his extreme intimacy with Lord Baltimore, and from his uniform support of the principles, upon which the proprietary's FRAME-WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT. 115 Under that mild form of the feudal polity, which from the first prevailed in Mlaryland, our ancestors held their lands as a gift from the proprietary, bore a willing allegiance, and paid a very small rent. Their title, indeed, for all practical purposes, was equivalent to a fee-simple. A little tract was given to each emigrant; and an additional quantity for every person he had brought, or subsequently transported. Tracts of a thousand acres and upwarclds were erected into manors, under the proprietary, with the right given to the lords of these limited territories, to hold courts-baron and courtsleet. And we have the recorded evidence of the fact, that upon St. Gabriel's, and St. Clement's, it was exercised. The lord proprietary also, who held the whole province, by fealty, of the English crown, pledged himself to deliver, every year, " on Tuesday, in Easter week," at the royal castle of Windsor,' two Indian arrows," and a fifth of " all the gold and silver," which might be " found." government was conducted. It can easily be proved, however, that he was a Protestant. Nor was he the only Protestant cavalier, whose magnanimity and high sense of justice had induced him, with so much zeal, to sustain the proprietary's cause. 116 THE DAY-STAR. The government, in every essential particular, was a monarchy. Of this, the charter is sufficient evidence. It is true, the proprietary was a subject of the English crown. But, under the feudal state of society, it.was not unusual for one prince to hold his territory of another. Scotland was once a fief of England; and King John a vassal of the Pope of Rome. But no Powers were ever exercised with a more substantial regard for the welfare of the colonists. And practical liberty did exist, at the very foundation of the colony. The privy councillors, and the lords of manors formed the class,l in which we find the germ of a nobility. Below them, was a considerable number of planters, who bore the title of gentlemen —as large a class' in 3Iaryland, as in any other AngloAmerican colony-and the greater part of them, The high Provincial Court was analogous to that of the King's Bench; and constituted the original of our present Court of Appeals. For many years, the governor or lord proprietary, and the privy councillors, sat upon its bench. 2 Fro' themn also, were taken the early county court judges, originally styled justices and commissioners. They had, also, much of the jurisdiction subsequently given to the levy courts, and to the orphans' courts; and personally were held in the very highest esteem. ANNAPOLIS. 117 during the first twenty years, probably Romnan Catholics. Upon the small manors (those held by the colonists) were the tenants, usually styled freeholders and suitors; and who, unlike the gentlemen, rarely had the prefix of ]fr. Three kinds of servitude prevailed —but, all of them, mild in their character; and honorable, in a high degree, to the master. Many emigrants, who had come under an indenture, performed a faithful service; and then received their discharge, with a comfortable outfit. A few Indians, also, were held in a state of slavery. And negro slaves, although not many of them, were introduced, during the earliest period of our history. Subsequently to the Protestant IRevolution, convicts from England, it is certain, were imported. No towns of any commercial importance arose, during the first sixty years. St. MIary's was never large. And the only edifice of any pretension was the State House. The foundation of Annapolis was laid. That city (then called a landing), and the one projected upon South River, were erected into ports of entry, in 1683. And, on the Eastern shore, were the little towns of New-Yarmouth and York; the 118 THE DAY-STAR. former upon a branch of the Chester; the latter, it is supposed, upon some part of the Wye.' But the necessity for many towns did not then exist. The most striking feature upon the face of society was the plantations. Upon them, were held some of our earliest courts and councils. Hardly a home, or a tenement was not approached by water. And our governors, privy councillors, and county court judges were, all of them, planters. The principal planters were also the merchants, who traded with London, and the other great ports of England. And the large plantations, with their group of storehouses and other buildings, assumed the appearance, and performed the office of little towns. The currency of the province presents a good key to the state of society. In some contracts, none was required. There was simply a barter, or an exchange of one commodity for another. In commercial transactions, a little English or European coin was occasionally used. In the trade with the Indians, for beaver-skins and other valuable 1Charleston, the original county seat of Prince George's, but founded long, before the erection of that county, stood at the fork of the Patuxent, either near or upon the site of Mount Calvert,. PROVINCIAL CUE-RENCY. 119 articles, thepeake and the roanoke obtained a free circulation; and a good deal of this kind of currency was held by the colonists. There was also a provincial coin, consisting of silver, and issued by the proprietary, of various denominations (as groats, sixpences, and shillings), having upon one side his lordship's arms, with the motto Crescite et Afultiplicamini, upon the other his image, with the circumscription Cccilius Donzinus Terrce-li~arice, &c.; being equal, in fineness, to English sterling, and of the same standard, though somewhat less in weight. Specimens of this curious money are preserved;1 very little of which, there is reason to believe, was ever coined-tobacco being the most common currency of the province; and one pound of it, in 1650, worth about three-pence of English money. Our ancestors generally sat upon stools' and I have seen one or two in the possession of the Maryland'Historical Society, presented, I am informed, by our generous countryman, Mr. Peabody, of London. 2 I have seen several chairs. But stools and forms were chiefly used. The form was a sort of bench; and sometimes, if not always, attached to the wall. The few chairs were, most of them, made of iron, and covered with leather. They were considered the best. 120 THE DAY-STAR. forms; dined without forks;' but made a free use of the napkin; and paid especial attention to the furniture of their bed-chambers. The walls also of their principal rooms were wainscoted.' And they kept a great deal of rich and massive silver plate, upon which were carved the arms of their own ancestry. Tea and coffee they rarely, if ever, tasted. Sugar they sometimes had. But freely did they drink both cider, and sack. And there is frequent mention of the silver sack-cup. Strong punch and sack, it would seem, were their favorite drinks.' 1 Their tables were oval. I was upon the eve of adding, our forefathers usually cut their meat with their rapiers, or other weapons; for I have rarely met with dinner-knives. And I have examined a hundred inventories, without finding a single fork. I doubt, if there was one, in the whole province, the first thirty years. Nor should the fact surprise us. If we look at Beckmann's History of Inventions (I am obliged to an old schoolmate, for so good an authority), we will see, that this article was introduced into society at a late period. 2 Specimens of the wainscoted wall are still preserved at some of the old family seats in Maryland. They have been much admired; and, in England, are again becoming fashionable. 3 Sack was the special favorite. A case, e. g., is referred for an arbitration to. the Hon. Thomas Marsh, who, in giving his award, added' a hogshead of sack' to be drunk between the parties. Take another:-Gov. Calvert ordered Col. Price to bring various articles to Fort St. Inigo's, for the use of the soldiers. "And LIFE OF THE PLANTERS. 121 They had also every variety of fruit, both for the winter, as well as for the summer. They delighted in pears and apricots, in figs and pomegranates,' in peaches and apples, and the most luscious melons. The wild strawberry and the grape-vine grew also, in the richest profusion. Many of the hills were covered with vines; and we have the proof, that vineyards also were cultivated. The air and the forest abounded in game; the rivers and bays in fish. Our ancestors feasted upon the best oysters of America; and dined, we may suppose, upon the Canvass-back, the most delicious duck in the world. Providence was " not content with food to nourish man." All nature then was " music to the ear," or " beauty to the eye." The feathered songsters of the forest were constantly heard. And so fascinated were our forefathers with a bird they had never seen before their arrival, that they gave it the name of Bactinore-its colors (black and yelupon motion of sack," says the witness (see Thos. HIebden's Deposition, Lib. No. 2, p. 354), " the said governor replied, bidding him to bring sack if he found.any." It occurs more frequently upon the records of the province, than upon the pages of Shakspeare. 1 See Ogilby's America-a very interesting work-from which many of the facts in this chapter are taken. 6 122 THE DAY-STAR. low) corresponding with those upon the escutcheon of the Calverts. The eagle also, which still lingers, was then more frequently seen, in all his proudest majesty. Tobacco was the great product of the province. In all the parts of Maryland at that time colonized, was it cultivated. And it is said, upon good authority, that " a hundred sail of ships," a year, from the West Indies and from England, traded in this article —the source also of a very large revenue to the English crown, at " his lordship's vast expense, industry, and hazard." Indian corn (or " mayz "), was also cultivated at an early period. From the Indians also did we obtain the sweet potato. The word, itself, is derived from them. So also are pone, hominy, pocoson, and many others. No regular post was established; and it is doubtful, if we had any printing-press before the year 1689. Gentlemen travelled on horseback by land; or in canoes, or other small boats by water. Ferries over the rivers and other large streams, were erected by the government; and kept by the most respectable colonists-the duties, in most cases, however, being performed by their deputies. Letters were sent by private hand; and despatches COSTUME. 123 from the government by a special messenger. The practice of partaking of ardent spirits, and other refreshments, at funerals, was brought by our earliest ancestors from their own father-land; and generally, if not universally observed. The sums expended in " hot waters," and other drinks, upon such sad occasions, were surprisingly large. The costume, during the reign of Charles the First, bore the marks of the strong military spirit of that age; and was the most striking and picturesque ever worn in England. We have also, here and there, a glimpse of it, upon the records of this province. The inventory' of Thomas Egerton, a cavalier, may illustrate a part of it. There we have the falchion, and the rapier; the cloth coat lined with plush, and the embroidered belt; the gold hat-band, and the feather; the pair of shoes, and the silk stockings; the pair, also, of cuffs, and the silk garters. The signet-ring is also mentioned, one of the articles of a gentleman, at that period. And we find, that leather breeches, and stockings of the same material, were frequently worn.' The large 1 Boot hose-tops, it appears, were also worn, about 1650. For Mr. Egerton's Inventory, see the Records of the Land-Office; and 124 THE DAY-STAR. collar was succeeded by the cravat, it would seem, about the time of the Protestant Revolution. Buff coats were also worn as early as 1650. The cocked hat was probably not introduced before the year 1700. Finger-rings were worn by almost all the early landed gentry of Maryland. And they were the favorite tokens of regard and remembrance, given in their wills. The number bequeathed, during the first hundred years after the settlement at St. Mary's, would seem incredible to any one, who is not familiar with our early testamentary records. The preceding facts, in relation to dress, and including finger-rings, are predicated nlainly of the Anglican and the Romani Catholic colonists. Cattle-stealing never prevailed in Maryland to the same extent as it did in Scotland. But a governor of Virginia was convicted; and we had many cases in this province. A high sheriff of Kent was tried; and, notwithstanding his acquittal, the evidence was very strong. The witnesses stated, that the bullock was eaten in "hugger-nmugger;" that a sentinel kept watch; and that Capt. Thomas Bradnox, the gentleman accused, had ordered one for some of the articles of a lady's dress, see note, in this volume, upon the will of Mrs. Fenwick, p. 215. IGNORANCE OF LETTERS. 125 of them to say nothing of the subject to the Governor of Maryland, whose visit was soon afterwards expected. Capt. Bradnox' was the friend, also, of -Mr. Secretary Hatton. No execution for witchcraft, under the sentence of a court, has ever marred, it would seem, the annals of this province. But Mary Lee, during a stormy passage upon the high seas, was put to death by a company of sailors. And we have at least one case of conviction. It is that of John Cowman, given in Ridgely's Annals of Annapolis. Mr. Macaulay says, that many English gentlemen and lords of manors, as late as 1685, had hardly "learning enough to sign," a mittimzus. The accuracy of his picture has been doubted. But so far as it regards the education of many of the early gentry of Maryland, nothing could be more faithfully drawn.2 We have instances here, in which the servant writes his name, and the master makes his mark. Capt. Bradnox was wholly ignorant of the art of writing. And one, if not' For the law relating to cattle-marks, see this volume, p. 226. 2 That many gentlemen could not write their names, is evident. They repeatedly make their marks. Cases from the Record could be cited. 126 THE DAY-STAR. several of the earliest judges of the provincial court, came within the same category. The fact, indeed, suggests a very important inference; and can only be accounted for upon the true historical hypothesis. In the past, we see the military; in the present, the commercial spirit of society. Knights, and not merchants, were once the gentlemen of England. The sword, and not the purse or the pen, was still the emblem of power. And it would be a great mistake to suppose, the unlettered gentlemen of two hundred years ago, were not persons either of intelligence, or of lofty bearing. The ancestors of these men had been upon many a bloody battle-field; and a living tradition had supplied the place of history. No class was more jealous of the honor of their families; or the glory of their country. The landed gentlemen of England, from whom many of our own early gentry derived their origin, were, themselves, the descendants, through younger branches, of the old and powerful aristocracy of that kingdom; and felt the highest pride in all that is grand, chivalrous, or glorious, in the annals of that great country; for the period of a thousand years. Between the morals of the past, The inventory is found in a Record of Wills. and Proceedings in Testamentary cases, beginning in 1657. He had 120 head of cattle, and 34 hogs; 7 feather beds, and 6 rugs; 2 pair of curtains, with valance; 2 flock beds, with 2 rugos; 3 diaper tablecloths; 18 napkins; 8 chairs; 12 wine glasses; and a great variety of other articles. 2 Lib. No. 12, pp. 572-573. See also Rent Roll for Queen Anne's; for a copy of which, I was indebted, through the kind agency of Judge Chambers, to the late HIon. William Carmichael. Lib. No. 12, p. 572. 4 Will of Philip, 1701 (Lib. T. B. p. 350), who gives his son, Philip, " Conner's Neck;" and to his other children Nathaniel, and Charles,'"The Wood-yard Thicket." Disposes also of a tract, stuplposed to be his, on the Elk River. 5Will of Philip (witnessed by Nathanlel and Charles, Lib. A. &!).. No. 2, p. 196) gives a tract, when recovered, in Kent, near 1Morgan's Creek, in equal parts, to his sons James, Nathaniel, and MR. CONNER. 223 Charles. Will of Nathaniel, his brother, is found in Lib. C. C., No. 2, p. 150. Nathaniel names his son-in-law, Mathew Brown; his daughter, Letitia Brown; and his granddaughter, Mary Brown. There is also the will of John Conner, a merchant of Chestertown, whose children were James and Isabella. He died about 1750. 224 THE DAY-6TAR. CHAPTER XXVI. Mlr. William Bretton. MR. BRETTON arrived, with his wife, Mary (the daughter of Thomas Nabbs), and one child, within three years firom the landing of the Pilgrims.' He soon afterwards held a large tracts upon Britton's Bay;2 and many years, lived in Newtown hundred; was a soldier at St. Inigo's Fort, at a very critical period, in the administration of Governor Calvert;S and the register of the Provincial Court, under Governor Green, with the power, during the lieutenant-general's absence, to sign writs,?' under the governor's name;"' kept some of the most important records of the province, till the He arrived in 1637. Lib. No. 1, p. 69. 2 In Newtown hundred, and held of the Manor of Little Britain, and also called "Little Britton" (Rent Roll for St. Iary's and Charles, vol. 1, fol. 24); bounded on the south by the Potomac, on the east by Britton's Bay, on the west by St. Clement's Bay, and partly by St. Nicholas's Creek, on the North. Lib. No. 1, p. 69. He certainly lived in Newtown, in 1649. Lib. No. 2, p. 459.' Lib. No. 2, p. 284. 4 Lib. No. 2, p. 226; and p. 228 MrR. BRETTON. 225 arrival of AMr. IHatton, in 1649;' and was tlhe clerk of the Protestant Assembly in 1650.2 In the legislature of 1648, he held four voices,2 three of them certainly4 from Newtown; probably the fourth also. And, firom his familiarity with the records, as well as his general knowledge of business, we cannot but presume he was one of the imost influential memlbers of tile PRolnan Catholic Assemlbly in 1649.5 Ile is also wortlly of remembrance, in consideration of the fact, that lihe founded one of the first Roman Catholic chapels of the province 6-a chapel which was erected and sustained by the pious members of his own church in Newtown,7 and in St. Clement's hundred; which'Lib. No. 2, p. 418. 2 Bozman, vol. 2, p. 383. 3 Lib. No. 2, pp. 293-294. 4 Lib. No. 2, pp. 287-288. Lib. No. 2, pp. 488-489. 6 Lib. S. 1658 to 1662, Judgments, p. 1026. 7 There is evidence, upon various Records. The deed, itself, recites the "unanimous' agreement. And Col. Jarboe, and William Tattershall (planters upon Britton's Bay, and relations of the R. C. privy councillor, Mr. Pile), gave, each of them, a legacy, the former, in 1671, to the Father of "St. Ignatius's Chapel," for the use of the "poorCatholics;" the latter. about 1670, to the Reverend father"?' of the same chapel. See Wills, Lib. No. 2, 1674 to 1704, p. 67; and Lib. No. 1, 1635 to 1674, pp. 391-39?. Other cases could be cited. 1CQt THE DAY-STAR. also bore the name of " the patron saint of Maryland." 1 A mystery clouds the latter part of his life. About 1651, lie married }IMrs. Temperaince Jay.2 MAistbrtune seems soon after to have attended him; and his' sonL " d" daughter " received " alms," at a moment of deep distress.3 Nor can his will be tfidund; or his posterity traced. But no doubt whatever, he was one of the Rorncna Cattholic Assemblymen of 1649. He held a tract bounded by St. Itillicam's Creek;4 the most striking part of his cattle-mark (anfeur-de-lis)5 was a favorite device I St. Michael was one of the guardian angels. But St. Ignatius was generally regarded the patron saint. See Father White. 2 Lib. S., 1658 to 1662, Judgments, p. 336-337; and p. 1026. 3 1" There was given to Mr. Bretton's son and daughter an alms, they being in extremity of want." See Statement of Ralph Croutch, at London, in 1662; Lib. B. B., 1663 to 1665, p. 22. Mr. Croutch was one of the executors of Edward Cotton, a colonist. 4Lib. S., 1658 to 1662, p. 1026. 5 To prevent mistakes and disputes, as well as felonies (for many of our early plantations had but few fences, and the flocks and herds often wandered throughl thick forests, which have long since disappeared), the law of the province required, in the strictest manner, every colonist to register his cattle-mark. On p. 459, in Lib. No. 2, we find: —I' William Bretton, gent., recorded his mark of hogs and cattle, viz.: Over and underkeeled, ye right'Pr. commonly called a fleur-de-lis; cropt ye left ear. Which is MR. BRETTON. 227 with the members of his church, at that period;' his name is not among the signers of the Protestant Declaration;' and the very phraseology, in his gift of the church-lot, has the unmistakable marks of his sympathy with the faith of the Romnan church, and (independently of other evidence) is sufficient to satisfy a reasonable mind.' the true and only mark of ye said William Bretton." It will he observed, that the fleur-de-lis (or heraldic lily) differs from the lily of the garden, in having three leaves instead of five. See Burke.' It was a part of the mark of Doctor Thomas Matthews (Lib. No. 2, p. 511), of Col. William Evans (Lib. S., 1658 to 1662, p. 25), and of Doctor Thomas Gerrard (Lib. S., 1658 to 1662, p. 117). These gentlemen were, all, Roman Catholics. See confession of Mathews, Lib. No. 3, p. 157; will of Evans, Lib. No. 1, 1635 to 1674, p. 331; and the faith of Gerrard, in the case of the Rev. Francis Fitzherbert, in another note. I perceive no instance, at this period, in which the fleur-de-lis, as a part of the cattle-mark, was adopted by any Protestant. 2 He was in the Assembly when the Declaration was drawn up and signed. But he was not one of the signers. S The following is from Lib. S. 1658 to 1662, Judgments, p. 1026: "April ye 12, 1662. This day came Mr. Win. Bretton, and desired the ensuing to be recorded: viz. "AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM. "Forasmuch as divers good and zealous Roman Catholic inhabitants of Newtown, and St. Clement's Bay, have unanimously agreed, amongst themselves, to erect and build a church or chapel whither 228 THE DAY-STAR. they may repair on Sundays, and other holy days appointed and commanded by Holy Church; to serve Almighty God; and hear divine service. And the most convenient place for that purpose, desired and pitched upon, by them all, is on a certain parcel of the land belonging to Wm. Bretton, gentleman. Now know ye, that I, William Bretton, of Little-Bretton, in ye county of St. Mary's, in the province of Maryland, gentleman; with the hearty, good-liking of my dearly beloved wife, Temperance Bretton; to the greater honor and glory of Almighty God, the Ever-Immaculate Virgin Mary, and all Saints; have given, and do hereby freely for ever give, to the behoof of the said Roman Catholic inhabitants, and their posterity, or successors, Roman Catholics, so much land, as they shall build ye said church or chapel on; which, for theirsbetter convenience, they may frequent, to serve Almighty God, and hear divine service, as aforesaid; with such other land adjoining to ye said church or chapel, convenient likewvise for a churchyard, wherein to bury their dead; containing about one acre and a half of ground, situate and lying on a dividend of land called Bretton's Outlet, and on the east side of ye said dividend, near to ye head of the creek called St. William's Creek, which falleth into St. Nicholas's Creek, and near unto the narrowest place of ye freehold of Little-Bretton, commonly called The Straits," &c., &c. Could not this interesting little chapel's history yet be written? The deed surely indicates, with sufficient distinctness, the 3pot where it stood. It is dated the "tenth" of November MR. 3ROWNE. 229 CCHAPTER XXVII. IMIr. Richard Browne. NOTHING is known of the ancestry, birth-place, or posterity of Mlr. Browne; and less, indeed, of his own immediate life, than that of any imember of the Assembly in 1649. A part of the obscurity arises from the fact, that two persons of his name lived here about the same period; the one having arrived about the year 1638;1 the other, during the month of July, 1648.2 The former, it seems, took the "oath of fealty," " June 27th, 1647;"3 and the latter, the "' 14th of November," 1648.' The name of "Richard Browne" also appears among the members of the preceding 1He was one of the securities, that year, upon the bond of Lieut. Wmin. Lewis, the Roman Catholic. See Lewis's case, in Bozman, vol. 2, p. 598. 2 Lib. No. 2, p. 458. I Council Proceedings, from 1636 to 1657, in the Executive Chamber, p. 144. 4 Council Proceedings, p. 145. 230 THE DAY-STAR. Assembly; and is affixed, about a year later, to the Protestant Declaration.2 One of them (the emigrant of 1648) usually had the prefix of "i.t.", or the addition of " gentlenman." The other, probably, belonged to the class of yeomen.' The former lived upon Clement's manor, the latter part of 1649.4 The residence of the latter, during the same year, it is now impossible to give. We may suppose, the " gentleman" was the member of the Assembly; and also one of the persons of consideration, in the province, who signed the Declaration. But the evidence of the Assemblyman's identity with the Protestant, is, by no means, conclusive. The result of the investigation is anything but satisfactory. Lib. No. 2, pp. 488, 489. 2See Declaration, Bozman, vol. 2, p. 672. I-e rarely had either the prefix or the addition. 4 Lib. No. 3, pp. 96, 97. The plantation upon the manor was bought (see Lib. No. 2, p. 508) "June 29, 1649;" and sold, by "Richard Brown, gentleman" (see Lib. No. 3, pp. 101, 102), " unto George Manners and his assigns," in the year 1651. M.R. MiANSI ciCS. 231 CHAPTER XXVIII..Mr. George Manners. BUT little also can be gleaned fiomi the recorlds relating to the life of Mr. [Manners. Enougllh, lhowever, remains to warrant the supposition, he was a soldier in the march under Colonel Price, in 164Y, against a hostile band of eastern-shore Indians; and we know lie held a seat in the'The JV'anticokes and the'icolicis. Bozman (vol. 2, p. 310) doubts if the "expedition" ever "'took place." That it did, is evident. "Jas. Lindsay, at ye request of Capt. Jno. Price, saith upon his oath, that Lieut. Wm. Lewis was the first man, that drew sword, and entered the house, pulling the mat from off the house; and brought forth out of the house an Indian woman, and a child; delivering her to the guard, at ye march on ye Eastern shore, sometime in July last; and further he saith not. George nManners deposeth the same, and addeth further, that at the entering of the house, Lt. Lewis gave the word'Give fire.' And an Indian bolting out of ye house, the said Lt. Lewis commanded his party to give fire upon the Indian also. And when both parties came together, Capt. Price commanded the whole party to march, and bid them not to wrong, or take any thing from any Indian, or shoot at any Indian. And so they marched near upon two miles 32 T'IlE D.AIY-STAR. Assembly of the p)rovince, during the years 1649' and 1650.2- We have also the evidence of the fict, that lie vvas a Romnan Catholic. Present at the signing of the Declaration, he did not affix his nlaue. Upon the test questions of 1650, lie acted Nwith thle Romian Catholic menm-bers of the Asse1mbly.' And lie gave a legacy to the church, of whichl lie was a cmemn-iber. IIe died in 1651," leaving hlis sons William and Edward, and his daightllter arbara. back again, not shooting any gun. But the Indians, gathering in great companies about our men, shot a man of ours in the rear. And then Capt. Price commanded the company to give fire; and not before. Walter Gweast deposeth idem ad verba." See Lib. No. 2, pp. 306-307.'Lib. No. 2, pp. 488-489. 2 Lib. No. 3, p. 47. See, for the sake of illustration, Bozman, vol. 2, p. 389; and Lib. No. 3 (Land-Office Records), p. 57. 4The possessions of our forefathers, besides their lands and servants, consisted chiefly of flocks and herds. -"I give and bequeath to the church one red cow-calf." See will of Mr. Manners, Lib. No. 1, 1635 to 1674, p. 32. "Church," without an express declaration to the contrary, always, during that period, signified the Roman Catholic. And the gift was in token of the testator's faith. See (ex. gra.) the wills of the well-known Roman Catholics, Robt. Clarke, and Barnaby Jackson. See also, on the other hand, the note to p. 235 of this volume. CAPT. BANKS. 233 CHAPTER XXIX. Captain Richard Banks. ASSUMI'NG, that Captain Banks was one of the Protestant members of the Assembly in 1649; we are struck with the magnanimity, which subsequently marked his career. Of his ancestry, nothing is positively known; and it is doubtful if he left any descendants. But we are informed of the fact, that he married M]argaret Hatton, the widow of the secretary's brother.' IIe arrived in 1646.2 His house was robbed by Ingle's accomplices; and he arcrested, about the same time, five Indians,4 who were suspected of "felony," but soon afterwards tried and acquitted. In the Assembly of 1648, he represented twenty-four freemen;5 and we know, Lib. No. 1, p. 440. 2 Lib. No. 2, p: 458; and Lib. A. B. and H., p. 15.' Robbed of tobacco sold to Capt. Cornwallis. Lib. No. 2, p. 303. 4 They were Patuxenlts. Lib. No. 2, p. 343. 5 On the 20th of January (O. S.) he held, from New-town, 234 THE DAY-STAR. he sat in the same body, during the year 1649.' In 1652, he held the responsible. post of a councillor, under the sway of the Puritans; yet in 1655, lhe was on the side of Governor Stone. Satisfied of the purity of his intentions, the victorious party, within a few months after the battle,, gave him a discharge; but the following October (having " done something" offensive at the election of burgesses), he was required to give security for his "good abearance."4 From all, that can now be ascertained, we have reason for the belief, that his character was in the highest degree estimable. IIis pledge for' the redemption, from captivity, of an orphan child, is honorable to his memory;" " 19 proxies " (Lib. No. 2, pp. 287, 288); and, on the 28th of the same month (p. 293, 294), " 24 voices." Lib. No. 2, pp. 488, 489. 2 Bozman, vol. 2, p. G681. "' Lieut. Richard Banks and Thomas Tunnell, being found in arms against the present government; and pleading they were misled by the protestation of Capt. Stone, who said, lie had power firom the Lord Protector; and also did surrender a fort upon the first suinnmons; are discharged from further trouble, in the a.ction, upon their submission, and good forbearance to the present government." Lib. No. 3, p. 138, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, April Term, 1655. 4 Lib. No. 3 p. 156. " An order wvas passed by the Assembly for the ransom of Thos. CAPT. BANKS9. 235 and illustrates a trait, for which he seems to have been distinguished. HIis acceptance of an office under the Puritans, suggests the idea that lie was a Protestant; but his subsequent sympathy with the government of the proprietary, and the part he took in the contest of 1655, would render the supposition extremely doubtful. A colonist of his surname (probably his. son), was unquestionably a member of the English church;1 and this fact strengthens the opinion, that the Assembly-man of 1649 held the same faith. But the probability is weakened by the further fact, that the name of I3ANKs occurs very frequently upon the records; Allen's two children; and they were required to serve the persons who might advance the money. But on "the 15th of September, 1350, lieutenant " (subsequently captain) "Banks freely engageth himself to satisfy the 900 pounds of tobacco and cask, for the redemption of Thomas, the son of Thos. Allen, deceased; according to the order of the Asscemly for that purpose; without any consideration of servitude, or any other consideration whatever. but his free love, and affection. Witness his hand, ye day and year abovesaid. Richard Banks."' See the Assembly's Order (Lib. No. 3, p. 42-43) for the payment to the Indians and Capt Banks's Engagement, Lib. No. 3, p. 26. "D;' eclaring myself hereby to be a Christian, and to hold the; Catholic faith, as it is established by the canonical doctrine of the Church of England, into which I was baptized.," Will of Thos. Bankes, in 1684, Lib. CG. p. 126. Cathlolic is, here, expressly defined 236 THE DAY-STAR. and that many who bore it, were not at all related to each other. Accident, ]lowever, sometimes rewards the diligence of the student. From an incidental source, we have the proof, that Captain Banks was a Protestant.' "' Now for the disposal of my children," says Thos. Allen, " I would not have them live with any Papist. For my eldest son, Thomas, if he pleases to live with one of the overseers of this my will; he may, during his pleasure." Capt. Banks was one of the overseers. See the Will, Lib. No. 1, 1635 to 1674, p. 15. In the same paper, he suggests to his overseers to offer another son to Mr. Phil. Conner, who had expressed a desire to adopt one of the children. The will is dated in 1648; and written, under great anxiety, from an apprehension of violence, or some other cause. The next thing, we learn, is the captivity of his orphans among the Indians He was an Assembly-man in 1648. Mi. MAUNSELL. 237 CHAPTER XXX. Mr. John Maunsell. Mn. 1M-AUNSELL' arrived, as early as the year 1637;2 and lived in St. Clement's hundred in 1642.2 It would seem, his residence about ten years later, was in the same part of St. Mary's county;4 and either there, or in the adjacent hundred of Newtown,1 we cannot but suppose, he may be traced, during the year 1649, when he held a seat in the General Assembly of the province. He did not take up many tracts of land; and all his possessions were indeed rather small; but he is generally styled " planter" upon the records. And, while his name is not often connected with important events in our early history, yet surely 1 Spelt also "Mansell."' Lib. No. 1, pp. 68-69.' Records of the Executive Chamber, Proceedings of the Assembly, Lib. 1637 to 1658, pp. 209-215. 4 Lib. B. B., 1663 to 1665, Judgments, pp. 153-154. Lib. A. B. and H., p. 167. 238 THE DAY-STAR. two incidents demand a notice-the plunder of hlis house by Ingle's piratical party 1-and his relationship towards the memorable Assembly of 1649.2 The evidence of his faith in the Roman Catholic church, is purely circumstantial, but not the less conclusive or satisfactory. The inference is drawn firom the absence of everything (so far as his life can now be illustrated), like the least taint of disloyalty toward the proprietary; from the historical traditions connected with the name of'l][aunsell; "3 friom the faith of the gentleman, under 1"John Maunsell maketh oath that about five years since (when Richard Ingle, mariner, and his accomplices, plundered divers of the inhabitants of this province of Maryland) divers persons of his, the said Ingle's party, plundered and took away from this deponent's house, in Maryland aforesaid, one hogshead of tobacco, which then had been paid, and belonged to Mr. Cuthbert Fenwick, or to Capt. Thos. Cornwallis; and that John Rablay, of Virginia, was then in company of them that so plundered and took away the said tobacco; which Rablay was one of them, that was most active and busy in employments of that nature. "Jurat, 5 die November, 1649, coram me, Lib. No. 2, p. 524. "THos. HATTON." 2 Lib. No. 2, pp. 488, 489. a The name of one distinguished, but fifty years later, in the Roman Catholic missions of Maryland. The records are lost, and I cannot trace the relationship; but presume he was a member of the same family. Thomas was his first name. MR. MAUJNSELL. 239 whose special care, and immediate auspices, he came to BMaryland; from the year of his arrival, so distinguished for the large number of iRoman Catholic emigrants,2 and so near the landing of the original Pilgrims at St. AMary's, as to warrant theperesaomptionr (apart from other reasons), that ]he was a disciple of the same church; from the hostility manifested (chiefly, indeed, toward Captain Cornwallis, but partly, also, we may suppose, against himself) by the Catholic-hating, Puritan pirate;' from the well-known Roman Catholic prefix to a tract surveyed for him; from the absence of his name (a fact of very great weight) from a Declaration signed by so many of the most prominent Protestants, including (it would seem) some of his neighbors; but especially from the 1 Mr. William Bretton, the Roman-Catholic Assembly-man of 1649. See Lib. No. 1, pp. 68-69. 2 The Rev. Thos. Copley, Messrs. Wm. Bretton, Luke Gardiner, Thos. Mathews, John Lewger, and the members of AMr. Lewger's family, were some of the Roman Catholics, who came in 1637. Seec Lib. No. 1, pp. 19-20. 2 See Mr. Maunsell's preceding deposition. 4 "St. John's," consisting of 100 acres, on the west side of Britton's Bay, was surveyed for Mr. Maunsell in 1649. Rent-Roll for St. Mary's and Charles, vol. 1, fol. 26. 1 In Lib. B. B., 1663 to 1665, Judgments, and on pp. 153-154i 240 TIME DAY-STAR. faith of Colonel William Evans,' the administrator upon his estate, and the guardian of his orphan son2 (a point, upon which our ancestors betrayed the keenest sensibility),' as well as the god-father of his supposed daughter.' No fact, in his life, there is a certificate of Doct. Thos. Gerrard's election, in 1652, to the House of Burgesses, over the signature of thrrty-seven freemen, including Mr. Maunsell. Some of them had signed the Protestant Declaration. If Mr. Maunsell's neighbors could affix their names, why was not he, also, a signer? 1 See Will of Col. Wm. Evans, the Roman Catholic, Lib. No. 1, 1635 to 1674, p. 331-332. 2 Mr. Maunsell, it would seem, died about 1660, without a will. And his son John, then in his seventeenth year (in conformity, we may presume, with the faith of the family), " made choice of Capt." (subsequently Col.) " Win. Evans, for his guardian;" who immediately afterwards received instructions from the Court, to "take out letters of administration." See Lib. S. 1658 to 1662, Judgments, p. 343. 3 So great was the anxiety manifested by our ancestors upon this subject, that in some cases they provided, even in their wills, for a change of the guardian, upon his adoption of a different faith from that held by the testator. 4 No freeman, or gentleman, who bore the name of Maunsell, had lived here, but the Assembly-man and his son; and from the relationship also of Col. Evans-the godfather of the one (see his will) and the guardian of the other child-we infer, that Mary was the sister of John, and the daughter of the emigrant of 1637. In an age of so much earnestness, we cannot believe that a Protestant would allow his child to be baptized by a Roman Catholic priest; or that a Roman Catholic would become the sponsor for an infant MR. MAUNSELL. 241 weakens the inference; but everything, that is knowvn of him, confirms and sustains it. Even if he were a Protestant; or we suppose, he was a delegate, either from St. Clement's, or from Newtown; he could still but represent the sentiments of the Roman Catholic party. Nearly all the inhabitants of the former hundred were the tenants of Doct. Gerrard; or the suitors before the courtleet and the court-baron held upon St. Clement's manor. For nothing was the latter more noted, than for the great number of its Roman Catholics. receiving the sacramental rite from a Protestant. How natural, then, is the supposition, that Col. Evans, and the Assembly-mar, of 1649, were members of the same church! 11 242 THE DAY-STAR. CHAPTER XXXI. Mr. Thomas Thornborough. THERE is sufficient evidence to prove the iden.tity of "Thomas" with "3Mr. Thornborough," the Assembly-man of 1649' —to say nothing of the fact, that he was the only person of his surname, in the province, during that period. The first glimpse, we have of him, relates to the right, he held to "Mr. Neale's Plantation," the same, I presume, as "Wolleston "' (itself a corruption of "'Woolstanton"') Manor, surveyed in 1642, near the mouth of the Wicomico,4 for Capt. James Neale, the privy councillor of Maryland, and the In some parts of the record, he is styled " Mr. Thornborough;" in others, relating to the same transactions, " Mr. Thomas Thorn.borough." 2 Rent Roll for St. Mary's and Charles, vol. 2, fol. 283. X The name of a town in Staffordshire. 4 Lib. A. B. and H., p. 95. MR. THOIRN130ROUGE. 243 ancestor of the second archbishop' of Baltimore. From some expressions in the deposition of Col. Jarboe, it would seem, he soon afterwards manifested a sympathy for Capt. Ingle, or the other enemies of the government.2 But his offence is nowhere stated; we know but little, if anything, of its nature; although it is highly probable (looking at the subsequent Act of the Assembly) that the original ground of hostility had reference rather to the subject of a land-title than to the rightful authority of Governor Calvert.3 It is certain that 1 The most Rev. Leonard Neale, who died in 1817.' The depositions of Col. Evans, and of Col. Jarboe, are of the same purport. " John Jarbo deposed, saith, that being at Kicetan, Mr. Calvert sent this deponent to Mr. Thornborough, to desire him to meet him at York, and speak with him; and bid this deponent tell ye said Mr. Thornborough, that he should not fear any thing, what had passed in former times, and that ye plantation (meaning AMr. Neale's plantation, as this deponent believeth), or any thing else that was formerly his (to wit Mr. Thornborough's) in Maryland, he would confirm it unto him. And, upon this, the said Mr. Thornborough came up with'Mr. Calvert. And further, meeting him, the said Mr. Calvert, at York; he, the said Mr. Calvert, took him, the said Mr. Thornborougb, by the hand, bidding him welcome; and, in this deponent's hearing, forgave him; and spake the former words of gift, or such like, to him." Lib. No. 2. p. 286.' In case of Mr. Thornborough's attainder, or the forfeiture of a fee-simple title, the manor would have become, not Capt. Neale's, e- L TIlE DA~-STAIZ. a cordial understanding was re-establislled betweeC the governor and himself, while they were both in Virginia; that they returned to Maryland; that the latter aided the former ill the defence of Fort St. Inigo's, as well as the overthrow of the rebels;' and that he was the object of the most but the proprietary's. WVhy should the legislature find i neccesary " to stand betwixt " the grantor and the grantee, except upon the eaupposition of a controversy, iwhich had involved, first, the captain and then the governor, before the meeting in Virginia? "Whereas it appeareth, that Nathanial Pope, attorney of MIr. James Neale, by virtue of his letter of attorney, gave unto Mr. Thos. Thornborough the plantation, which was formerly ye said Mr. Neale's, to enjoy for ever, upon condition yt he would come into the country, and scat upon it. And whereas likewise there are divers depositions upon record, how that M:r. Calvert, late governor, did confirm what was formerly belonging to the said Mr. Thornborough, in 3Maryland, before his last coming into the province to reassume the government; and did give the said plantation unto the said Mr. Thornborough. We, the freemen assembled in this General Assembly, do generally and unanimously bind ourselves, to save ye said Mr. Thornborough harmless; and to stand betwixt the said Mr. Neale and him; whereby he, the said Mlr. Thornborough, may go upon the said plantation, and enjoy the same." See Legislative Proceedings of 1648, Lib. No. 2, pp. 295, 296. The conveyance from Capt. Ncale's attorney to Mr. Thornborough is not, indeed, upon the. record; and it is impossible to say exactly what sort of title was transferred. 1 For his services at St. Inigo's Fort, Governor Calvert gave him a "horse." Lib. No. 3, p. 43. MR. TIIORNBOTROUGII. 245 bitter hate on the part of the Protestant enemies of the proprietary.' He also sat in the Assemblies of 16482 and 1649.2 Considering the period of our provincial history, when questions of a religious character formed the most important element in the composition of political parties; we do no violence to the evidence still accessible, in at least presuming,4 he held the same faith as the governor and 1 Col. I rice, Mr. Thornborough, and Thos. iebden, were specially " aimed at, and their deaths vowed," by the enemies of the government. Observe the hostility of Gray, as we find it, in the testimony of Edward Thompson, of Virginia, taken before the government of Maryland, the " 18th January, 1646," O. S. " This examinant saith, that being at his house in Chickacoan, on Wednesday last, one Samuel Tailor, coming into the house, and being asked by this examinant, what was abroad, replied:-The speaker (meaning Francis Gray) had spoke once again; and that they, that were the chief cause of entertaining the present governor, were aimed at, and their death vowed (meaning Capt. Price, and Thornbury, and Hebden); but that there was a party, that would go over from this place (meaning Chickacoan), so soon as the governor is gone to Kent, or where else they can get an opportunity to go over; and would fire, and burn, and destroy; all, that they can." Lib. No. 1, p. 210. 2 In the Assembly of 1648, he sat simply as an individual freeman. Lib. No. 2, pp. 293-294.'Lib. No. 2, pp. 488-489. Nothing is more reasonable-a presumption not rebutted (as it is in the case of Col. Price), but greatly confirmed, with regard 246 THE DAY-STAP.. the proprietary. Nothing is known of his family, or the time'of his death; but it is not unlikely, he was a relative of Capt. Neale, the Roman Catholic gentleman, who "gave" him the plantation. to Messrs. Thornborough and Hebden; for neither of them signed the Declaration, although the former, having business at St. Mary's (see Lib. No. 3, p. 43), probably went to the very spot, where that paper was drawn up. Of the latter's faith there is no doubt. See his deed to Messrs. Nicholas Causin, Barnaby Jackson, and Luke Gardiner, for the use of the Rev. Thos. Copley, and his " successors," Lib. No. 2, p. 533. I may also add, that the supposition of two Roman Catholics out of three colonists comes nearer to the ratio of the former to the whole population. MR. PEAKE. 24 CHAPTER XXXII. Mr. Walter Peake.' IT still remains for us, to notice the life of another Assembly-man of 1649; but one upon whose memory, is cast the shade of sin and shame; whose fate it was, under the stern laws of that period, to look forward, as the consequence of his own deed, to the forfeiture of all his lands,2 and to the beggary of his children; and, about the sixtieth year of his age,3 to suffer a felon's death.4 The time of his arrival is not exactly known; but it is probable, he came in 1646; and that, in 1648 and' Spelt also Pake. 2 " Considering the miserable condition of the' orphan," " who no way siaared in the guilt of the parent," the proprietary subsequently gave a new patent for St. Margaret's, to Margaret, the daughter of Mr. Peake, and the wife of John Noble. Lib. No. 17, p. 98.' In January, 1664, he was fifty-five. See his deposition, Lib. B. B., 1663 to 1665, Judgments, p. 262.' The patent to Mrs. Margaret Noble recites his execution. H6 e brought his son, Peter, during that year. Lib. No. 2, p. 523. 248 THE DAY-STAR., 1649 (when lhe sat in the Assembly,' apparently one of the most respectable nemlbers), he resided in Newtown hundred; as lie certainly did soon afterwards,2 and for a period of itmany years later. From his association with Governor Calverlt,3 we cannot doubt the sincerity of his attachment to the proprietary's government. There is also further evidence of his faith in the Roman church, derived from the fact, that he did not sign the Protestant Declaration; from the composition of the jury, which tried his painful case; from his intimacy with many of the noted members of the Roman church,5 from more than one of whom 1 Lib. No. 2, p. 288, and p. 488. 2 Lib. No. 3, p. 100; Lib. No. 4, p. 11; and Lib. F. F. 1.665 to 1669, Judgments, pp. 651-656. 3 Iozman, vol. 2, p. 640. 4 If Mr. Peake were a Protestant; and the rule, in the cases of Robt. IIolt and Parson Wilkinson, observed; the jury, in his case, would have been of the same faith. It seems, however, it was not a pure, but a mixed one. See, e. g., the will of the juror, Raymond Staplefort, Lib. G. p. 265. " And so," says he, at the end of that paper, " I rest in God, and all his saints, and angels. Amen." Roman Catholics, it seems, never asked for a jury of their own faith. 6 He was intimate with Philip Land, John Jarboe, Thos. Mathews, and James Langworth. See Lib. No. 2, p. 449, and p. 372; Lib. No. 1, p. 5(G2; and Lib. No. 3. p. 201. MR. PEALKE. 249 did his children, at different times, receive those gifts, which it was so much the practice of the early colonial god-fathers to present;' from the well-known Roman Catholic family of Peake, living in St. lMary's, as late as the American Revolution, whose ascent indeed cannot be clearly traced (such has been the destruction of our records), but who, we have but little ground to doubt, were either his lineal or his collateral descendants; from the names given to his children; and from the marks borne by the tracts, he had taken up. His eldest daughter was named after the Virgin Mother; his son, in remembrance of him who is regarded as the chief of the Apostles, and the founder of the universal primacy of the Roman see. Tile names2 of his wife, of a 1 See the gift from Col. Jarboe, Lib. No. 2, p. 372; and the one from Thos. Mathews, Lib. No. 1, p. 562. Doct. Mathews was probably the god-father of fMr. Peake's son. 2 His wife was named Frances. Anne Peake was either his daughter, or his daughter-in-law. I am inclined to think, there were two persons of that name, besides his other children, Peter, Mary, and Margaret. *Richard Lawrence gave a legacy to one of his children. See the will, Lib. No. 1, 1635 to 1674, p. 65. For the names of his wife and children, see Lib. No. 2, p. 372; Lib. No. 17, p. 98; Lib. No. 29, p. 523; Lib. 1B. BIc 1663 to 1665, Judg- 1-;'- * 250 THE DAY-STAR. second daughter, of a third member of his family, and of a firiend, were, each of them, given to corresponding tracts, all of which had the prefix of St.' More estates were surveyed for him, with the Roman Catholic mark, than for Governor Calvert, for Capt. Cornwallis, for Mhr. Lewger, for Doctor Gerrard, or for any other Roman Catholic colonist in the whole province of Maryland.' The evidence is conclusive. ments, p. 226; Lib. No. 1, 1635 to 1674, p. 473; and Lib. No. 14, p. 82. Margaret was married to Henry Aspinall.'St. Frances, St. Margaret, St. Lawrence, and St. Peter's Hill were,.all of them, in Newtown hundred, St. Mary's County; St. Anne's was in Charles. See Rent-Rolls. He lived upon St. Lawrence, at the time of his trial. 2 In counting the tracts taken up by Mr. Peake, I include St. Anne's, surveyed, not for him, but for Ann. Excluding that tract, his number equals Mr. Lewger's, or that of any other colonist. For Gov. Calvert were surveyed the manors of St. Michael and St. Gabriel; for Capt. Cornwallis, St. Elizabeth, and West-SaintMary's Manor; for Mr. John Lewger, St. John's Freehold, and St. Anne's, in St. Mary's, and St. Barbara's, and St. Thomas's in Charles; for Doct. Thos. Gerrard, St. Winfred, and St. Clement's Manor, in St. Mary's; for Thomas Simpson, three tracts, with the prefix, in Charles; for Thos. Mathews, two, in the same county; for Luke Gardiner, St. John's, and St. John's Landing, in St. Mary's; for Col. Jarboe, St. John's, in Charles; for Mr. Clarke, the privy-councillor, St. Lawrence, and St. Lawrence's Freehold, in St. Mary's; and for Mr. James Lindsey, St. James's, St. Thomas's, MR. PEAKE. 251 At St. Mary's city, in the month of December, during the year 1668, sat the high Provincial Court of the Right Honorable Cecilius, the lord proprietary. Charles Calvert, the governor, subsequently the third baron of Baltimore, was the chief justice. Before the bar of this tribunal, appeared this Assembly-man, indicted for the murder of William Price,' by piercing him, with a sword," "on the left," " through, to his right side, under the shoulder;" and then cutting his "throat," to "the depth of three inches." His plea (the usual one in such cases) was Not G]uilty. Thomas Sprigg2 was the chief member of the grand jury; and Christopher RowsbyS (destined, St. Philip's, and St. James', all of them in Charles-and two having the same name-four being the highest number, with the Roman Catholic index, taken up by any one, excepting Mr. Peake; for whom, I am inclined to think, St. Anne's also was originally surveyed (although the certificate cannot now be found), making a fifth. "By force and arms"-" feloniously, and of malice forethought " —" contrary to the peace of his said lordship, his rule, and dignity,"'-are the words used in the indictment. 2 A near relation of Gov. Stone, and the ancestor of the Spriggs of Calvert, now of Prince George's County.' Stabbed in 1684, by Col. Talbot, the deputy governor. See Thomas's Lessee v, Hamilton, I Harris and McHenry, p. 192. 252 THE DAY-STAR. himself, many years afterwards, to die by the hand of violence), the foreman of the panel summoned to try the case. No technical objection is made to the indictment; no attorney appears on the prisoner's behalf; no testimony is offered in his defence; no witness for the proprietary, in any way, crossexamined.' The jury retire; but soon return with their verdict. Asking the court to say, whether the deed was manslaughter, or murder; they find he " is guilty of the death," but " was drunk" at the time, and knew2 not "what he did." He addresses no appeal to the sympathy of the judges; he submits no objektion to the form of Respecting the governor's flight to Virginia, his conviction there, and subsequent retreat to a cave, in Cecil, near the Susquehannah, where he was fed for a long time by the falcons, a strange and somewhat interesting legend has also been preserved. I write from the record of the case. We have no knowledge whatever of any cross-examination. 2 The verdict:-" IWe, the men of the jury, sworn upon the trial of the life and death of Walter Peake, do return our verdict specially in manner following: That Walter Peake is guilty of the death of WVm. Price, by wounding him, in several places of the body, whereof he died; that Walter Peake was drunk, and did not know what he did, at the time of committing the fact aforesaid. Therefore, if the court are of judgment, that it was murder, then the jury do find it murder; but if not, then the jury do find it manslaughter." Lihb. F. F. 1G65 to 1669, Judgments, pp. 651-656. MR. PEAKE. 253 the verdict; but still remains in silence. "The whole bench, then," decide, he is guilty of "' murder." But neither against the decision of the court, nor the impending sentence of death, does he utter a word. Once, and once only, did he open his mouth. It was the moment after the sentence. Then, he " desired," as a favor (and the request was not denied), that " he " might " sufler death before his own house, where he " had " committed the fact." Thus perished and passed away, upon the gallows, in the spirit of a Catholic penitent, after a life of toilsome, heroic sacrifice in the wilderness, one of the men so honorably connected with the most sublime and magnificent conception of the seventeenth century! Po~pe Alney was the name of his executioner'-the only fact, which gives him a claim to any place upon the page of our country's history.' Convicted of cow-stealing-but the subject of a respite,-" several persons" having, "upon their knees," begged his " life " of the governor. See the last-named Liber. 254 THE DAY-STAR. ClI APTER XXXIII. Conclusion. THE result is before the reader. A word will be added, upon the general spirit, which distinguishes the era of Roman Catholic toleration. For the purpose of depriving the IRoman Catholics of the honor, to which they are so clearly entitled, skepticism has often united with bigotry, in the feeble and inglorious attempt to overthrow the facts of external history. It has not stopped there. Admitting, for the argument's sake, the accuracy of the preceding narrative; it has been busy in suggesting, with a cold-blooded malignity, a variety of imaginary reasons for the policy adopted by the proprietary. It goes upon the assumption, that man is mean; that he has no generous, or noble spring of action. Representing a philosophy, which ignores not only the charity of the Gospel, but the very life and soul of history; BIGOTRY UNITED WITHI SKEPTICISM. 255 it never records the performance of a good deed, without the assignment of a bad motive. And it has been sometimes asserted, but more frequently insinuated-insinuated, also, in the most crafty and sly manner —that the Calverts were actuated by considerations of a selfish sort-that the fear of offending the Anglo-Catholic king at one time, and the Puritans of England at another, was the real secret of the policy, for which they have been so much commended-and that, in giving the invitation to Christians of every name, less regard was felt for the bona fAde principle of religious liberty, than for the purse of the proprietary, or for the success of an experiment conceived, and executed in the spirit of a mere money-making adventure!! Policy, indeed, of an enlightened and honorable sort, has always been one of the elements of a good government. It is also admitted, that the province of Maryland grew, both in population and in resources, during the sway of the first, and of the second proprietary. A course of honor is not at all times attended with disaster; virtue is sometimes rewarded, even in this world; and a liberal principle of governlmient is not necessarily unsuccessful, in 256 TIIE DAY-STAR. its practical or commercial results. Is nothing due to the memory of Washington, for spurning the vain and visionary offer of a crown? Does a gentleman regard his honor, in a purely utilitarian light? Do the daughters of America, in protecting the purity of our hearth-stones, consider merely how impolitic is the sin, which leads them so swiftly to the chambers of death? Or was MIamimonism, under its thousand forms, either of a gross, or of a refined sensualism, the all-pervading, universal genius of society, two hundred years ago? The truth is, the ingenuous student is rather surprised at the small extent, to which the principle of a mere self-loving policy was carried. There is no doubt whatever, that the early Roman Catholics of Maryland were heartily opposed to the political party represented by the Puritans. Nor were they afraid to manifest their opposition. We have two memorable instances. They opposed them by a proclamation, in favor of Charles the Second, within twelve months after the passage of the Toleration Act. And they bravely, though unsuccessfully, fought them, at the battle near the SPIRIT OF TIlE EARLY ROMAN CATIIOLICS. 257 Severn in 1655. The governor, who issued the proclamation, had been a leading member of the Assembly in April, 1649. I{e was a Roman Catholic, it will be remembered; and a fair exponent of the views of the Roman Catholic party, on the question, which then divided the English nation at home. IIis councillors, also, had been in the same Assembly. And however impolitic may have been the course of Governor Green,' his very want of policy is the strongest evidence of the fact, that the administration of the proprietary's government was not shaped by any very great fear of the Puritans. The most remarkable view of the whole era arises from the stability of the principle, the uniformity of the practice, and tile unwillingness of the government to run to extremes in either direction. The case of Lieut. Lewis called for the prompt interposition of the governor; for the rule was plain. Equally plain do we find it, under the articles filed against Father Fitzherbert. Notwithstanding his indiscreet zeal, no respectable court Thomas Green was the acting governor, the latter part of 1649. SQe Bozman, Addison, and other authorities. 258 THE lDAY-STAR. could hlave given judgment in favor of the prosecution. But how easy would it have been for a class of time-serving politicians to pass such a sentence, as might gratify the colonists, in the midst of their clamor. Considerations of policy, also, were then urged, but without avail, upon the proprietary. Cases enough have been cited, upon the preceding pages, to show also (what is the most interesting fact in the whole of our provincial history), that freedom of conscience existed, not only in the legislation, but also in the very heart of the colony. It prevailed for a period of nearly sixty years; a real, active principle; and the life-guidance of many thousands. Cases of individual intolerance always produced a sensation'-the best proof, in the judgment of the historical critic, that they formed, not the rule itself; but (to borrow a popular expression) the very exceptions to it. Let not the Protestant historian of America give grudgingly. Let him testify, with a warml heart; and pay, with gladness, the tribute so richly due See Depositions, in the case of Father Fitzherbert, and other cases already cited; also note upon the will of Mrs. Fenwick. THE INHERITANCE. 259 to the memory of our early forefathers. Let their deeds be enshrined in our hearts; and their names repeated in our households. Let them be canonized, in the grateful regards of the American; and handed down, through the lips of a living tradition, to his most remote posterity. In an age of cruelty, like true men, with heroic hetrts, they fought the first great battle of religious liberty. And their fame, without reference to their faith, is now the inheritance, not only of Maryland, but also of America. APPENDIX) NO. I. 261 APPEND IX.-No. I. EMIGRANTS FROM ENGLAND. See Note 1, ante, p. 81. THE lion. Winm. Burgess, the leading colonist upon South River (see ante, pp.72-73), probably from Marlborough. in Wilts, arrived in 1650; and, at various times, transported about one hundred and fifty persons, including the forefathers of several of the most distinguished families now living in this state. He was himself, through his son Charles, the ancestor of the Burgesses of Westphalia; through his daughter Susannah, of the Sewalls of MattapanySewall, closely connected with the family of Lord Charles Baltimore; through his grand-daughter Ursula. of the Davises of Mount Hope, who did not arrive from the principality of Wales, before the year 1720; and, through a still later female line, of the Bowies of Prince George's, represented by Doct. Bowie, of UpperMarlborough, in 1853. Many, also, of the distinguished families of Kent came, about the year of Col. Burgess's arrival. The few only which can be named here, are the Ringgolds of Kent Island, now so honorably represented, as they have been for many generations (see note 2, ante, p. 194), by a large number of branches; the Hynsons, who also have many descendants, including two families quite remote from 262 THE DAY-STAR, each other, at Chestertown, and in other parts of this state; the Dunns, who are now extinct everywhere in America, so far as I can ascertain, in the male line, except the branch represented by James L. Dunn, Esq., of Reading, Pa.; and the families of Wickes (see note to p. 79, also pp. 93-94), and of Leeds —the former having removed from Kent Island, at a very early period, to Eastern-Neck Island (where also is a descendant), and at present represented by Col. Jos. Wickes, of Chestertown, and by many other descendants-the latter also having left a large posterity in Talbot and elsewhere, related to several of the most prominent historical families of Maryland. The Stones of Poynton Manor (see ante, p. 178), the ancestors of the signer of the Declaration of Independence, arrived in 1649; the forefathers of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, another signer, about 1680; and the Pacas, and the Chases, a long time after the Protestant Revolution. The ancestors of the Hon. Jas. Alfred Pearce were distinguished in the early judicial and parochial history of Cecil County. They came about 1670; and the Pratts (a family of planters, and the forefathers, I presume, of our other United States senator), about the year 1660. The latter first lived in Anne Arundel County; and Thomas, the name of the senator, was borne by the emigrant, and by several of his immediate descendants. A late senator, on the side of his father, General Benjamin Chambers, is a Pennsylvanian-the General, however, having before his marriage, become a resident of Chestertown, in Maryland. And the ex-senator, who resigned his seat in 1835, inherits, upon one side of his mother's ancestry, the blood of the Bohemian, who founded the colony in 1660; upon another, that of the Haw APPENDIX, NO. O. 263 kinses, who arrived about 1655, and of the Miarshes, who came am early as 1650. See p. 70, p. 81, p. 263, and p. 264. The ancestors of the late Hon. Robert H. Goldsborough, descendants of a very distinguished family of England, arrived about 1670, at Kent Island. They are now represented by the Goldsboroughs of Myrtle-Grove. of Frederick, and of many other parts of the State. The very manners of this senator illustrated the gentleness of his blood. The Tilghmans of The Hermitage, represented by so many honorable men, including the president of the constitutional convention of Maryland in 1774, and a chief-justice of Pennsylvania, arrived about 1655. They came from Snodland, in Kent; and their arms are: Per fesse sa. and ar. a lion ramp. reguard; tail forked, counterchanged, crowned or. The crest is a demi-lion sejant sa. crowned or. No family of Maryland has exhibited a higher proof of piety-of that piety which manifests itself, in the reverence and affection cherished for the memory of those, from whom we derive our earliest being and blood —a sentiment indeed, which forms the only foundation, either directly or through sympathy and association, of the true historical taste. They took up many tracts, including "Tilghman-and-Foxley-Grove," upon which Chestertown was subsequently founded, then held, if I mistake not, through an intermarriage, by the Wilmers of Kent. I regret, I have not, at this moment, my memoranda before me. The family of Hawkins, first of Poplar Island, afterwards of Queenstown; one of them a judge of the Provincial Court, about 1700; another (Ernault), at a later period, the surveyor-general of the customs; arrived from Nominy Bay about 1655; but came from London, several years earlier. Through the Fosters and the 264: THE DAY-STAR. Lowes,-they were connected with the family of Lord Charles Baltimore. They were also connected with the DeCourcys; and, through the Marshes, are the ancestors of the Formans of CloverFields; of the Tilghmans, of Hope; and of the Chamberses, and other families, at Chestertown. And they are connected with the Williamses, of Roxbury, through a resident of Baltimore-Elizabeth, the daughter of Matthew, having married the late George Williams; and left eight children, including George Hawkins Williams, of the latter city. Of John, the judge of the Provincial Court, the father of the surveyor-general, and the son of Thomas the emigrant, a very interesting memorial remains, in the possession of the vestry at Centreville-consisting of a large and massive piece of silver plate, in a noble state of preservation. A fragment of his son's tombstone may yet be seen, near Queen'stown; but the date of Ernault's death can be ascertained, only by a reference to the correspondence of Elizabeth, his widow, now in the keeping of the descendants of the Hon. Thomas Hands, at Chestertown. The Thompsons, of Cecil, subsequently of Queen Anne's and of Kent, arrived about 1665. Col. John Thompson, the emigrant, is distinguished in the history of the early treaties with the Indians upon the Delaware; and held a great variety of offices, including that of a provincial judge at St. Mary's. He married a daughter of Augustine Herman; and left a son bearing the baptismal name of the Bohemian. Auggusta, Jiugusten, and.lugustene, the names of his descendants, are but abbreviations or corruptions of.lugustina derived from -./ugustine. The Thompsons of Kent Island, including the clergyman, are some of the descendants of this emigrant. See alno ante, p. 80. Co(. APPENDIX, NO. T 265 Thompson, it is not improbable, was related to the cousin of Col. Clayborne. See ante, p. 78. The family now represented by Doct. Peregrine Wroth, of Chestertown, descendants (there is strong reason to believe) of the Wroths of Durance (a highly distinguished house), arrived about 1670. To this gentleman I have expressed my thanks, for the interest so generously manifested, in the success of all my researches. The Sewalls, of Mattapany-Sewall, connected with the lion. Win. Burgess, and with the family of Lord Chas. Baltimore, came about 1660. Henry was the name of the emigrant. From the first, they were Roman Catholics. See also ante, p. 73, and p. 169. The Spriggs, the ancestors of the late governor, came, it seems, from Northamptonshire, about 1655. Thomas was the name of the emigrant. One of the tracts taken up by him, was called Kettering, the name of a town in that county. Northampton was another tract held by him; and the family seat, if I am correctly informed, for many generations. The Taneys (the ancestors of the present chief-justice of the United States), arrived about 1660, and lived in Calvert. Michael, which runs through so many generations, was the name of the emigrant. The noble part he played in 1689, has already been noticed. In the late " Lives of the Chief-Justices," and also in " The Southern Quarterly Review," it is erroneously said, that he held the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. See ante. p. 92. The Tylers, of Prince George's County, came about 1660. Robert was the emigrant's name. They are now represented by the Tylers of that county, and of Frederick, including Saml. Tyler, of Frederick city, the author of several works, and one of the 12 266 THE DAY-STAt., commissioners for the reform of the practice, in the courts of Maryland. The Lowes of Talbot, and, it would seem, of St. Mary's also -the branch in the latter county being represented by exgovernor Lowe-arrived about the year 1675, They were closely connected with the family of Lord Charles Baltimore; and came from Denby, in Derbyshire. Their arms are:-./lz. a hart tripPant ar. And the crest is a wolfpassant ar. One of the willi at Annapolis points directly toward Denby. See also Burkle. And I am inclined to think, Lady Jane Baltimore was a descendant of the family at that place. Lord Baltimore calls Vincent Lowe his " brother." The Claggetts of St. Leonard's Creek, ancestors of the first Anglo-Catholic bishop of Maryland, came in 1671. Thomas, the emigrant, was the descendant, on his father's side, of a mayor of Canterbury; on his mother's, of Sir Thomas Adams, a lord mayor of London, and a cavalier in the reign of Charles the First. Their arms, which were admitted and confirmed in the visitation of the heralds, are impaled upon the original seal of the bishopric of'Maryland. And they have various descendants, in the male as well as female line, including Doct. Claggett, of Leesburg, Va.; Prof. Saml. Chew, and the Rev. John. H. Chew, of Maryland, Through a daughter of the third Thomas from Col. Claggett, of London, they are the ancestors also of the Davises, of Mount Hope. Their arms are:-Erin. on a fesse sa. three pheons or. For an impression from the seal of the bishopric, I beg to express my thanks to the Rt. Rev. Doct. Whittingham. See also ante, p. 99. The Addisons of Oson-Hill, the descendants of the family in APPENDIX) NO. I. 267 Cumberland County, and represented by Doct. Edmund B. Addison, by Win. lMeade Addison, Esq., and by many other living gentlemen, came about the year 1678. John, the emigrant, was a privy-councillor soon after the Protestant Revolution; but had opposed the revolutionary party. See also ante, p. 147. I cannot give the year, the Dorseys arrived; but it was probably some time before the Protestant Revolution. Col. Ed. Iporsey, of Baltimore County (I presume, the emigrant), died about 1700, leaving a large number of children; and giving to his sons, Charles, Lacon, Francis, and Edward, all his lands on the north side of the Patapsco; to his son Samuel, a part of " Major's Choice," and his " silver-hilted sword;" to his sons Nicholas, and Benjamin, a part' of " Long Reach," at " Elk Ridge;" and to his son Edward, his silver tankard, silver tobacco-box, and "seal gold ring." This is now one of the most extensive families of Maryland; and they are probably of an English original. Col. Dorsey, I presume, was the ancestor of the ex-chief-justice. The Darnalls, of London) arrived about twenty years before the Protestant Revolution. Col. Henry Darnall, the emigrant, was the son of Philip Darnall, and a kinsman of Lord Baltimore. For the part he performed, in 1689, the reader is referred to the Narratives. See ante, pp. 87-100. He resided at The Wood-Yard, in Prince George's County; and, a later period, at Portland Manor, in Anne Arundel. IIe left many descendants; and his tombstone is at The Wood-Yard, now (as it has been, for several generations) in the possession of the Wests; and the most interesting family seat, I have yet seen, in Maryland. The vane upon the house-top, the wainscotted wall-the other relics, and memorials relating to the era of the Darnalls —are all preserved with 2G 8 TIIE DAY-STAR. the most studious care. I give this testimony, with a grateful heart. It is honorable, in the highest degree, to the taste and piety of the present proprietors. The Darnalls were Roman Catholics. The Brents, the Neales, and other distinguished Roman Catholic families arrived before 1649; and are therefore not here noticed. In making selections subsequently'to that year, I have confined myself chiefly to the Protestants; for whose special benefit, the principle of religious liberty was extended, by the Act of the Assembly, to all believers in Christianity. Let the living sons of Maryland know something of the blessings enjoyed by their ancestors, under the beneficent government of the Roman Catholic proprietaries. Most of the persons, whose arrival is sketched in this Appendix, held the right, I presume, to a coat of arms. But not knowing the fact, I have said nothing; well assured, how many spurious escutcheons are now used in this country; and fully aware of the danger of running into very gross mistakes. APPENDIX, NO. IT. 2G9 APPENDIX.-No. II. See ante, p. 80 and p. 107. SETTLEMENT UPON THE BOHEMIA.-EXTRACT FROM1 HERMAN'S JOURNAL. FRoI the extract, it seems the colonists did not arrive till 1661. But there is evidence, aliund,, that the foundation of the colony was laid in 1660. " By letter, Sept. 18, his Lordship, in acceptance thereof, recommended the granting to the Honorable Philip Calvert, Esquire, then Governor-And was then supposed, the one tract to contain about 4,000 acres; the other 1,000 acres; good, plantable landdanger of Indians not then permitting a certain inspection, nor survey of that far-remote, then unknown wilderness. "Whereupon, January 14, a Patent of free Denization issueth forth out of the office; and Augustine Herman bought all the land there (by permission of the Governor and Council) of the Susquesahanohl Indians, then met with the great men out of the Susquesnalnnoh Fort at Spcs- Uty Isle, upon a treaty of soldiers,* as the old Record will testify, and thereupon took possession; and transported his people from.Manhattam, now New York, 1661, (with great cost and charge) to inhabit." * In the MS. copy, this word ismvery indistinctly written. 270 THE DAY-STAR. AP PENDI X.-No. III. See ante, p.152, note 1. FAITH OF THE JURORS, IN THE CASE OF THE PISCATAWAY INDIANS. I HAVE said, the first twelve, there is strong reason to believe, were Roman Catholics; but I arranged them, not in conformity with the record, but simply with a view to my own convenience. The following is the order observed upon the record:Cuthbert Fenwick, foreman; William Bretton; Nicholas Gwyther; John Steerman; Edward Packer; Richard Banks; Philip Land; Win. Evans; John Lawson; Richard Iloskins; William Johnson; John Medley; Richard Willan; Henry Adams; Robert Cadger; John Nicholls; Daniel Clocker; James Langworth; John Thimbleby; William Edwine; John Taylor; John Ilarwood; Zachary Wade; and Thomas Sympson. Three of the preceding jurors had been in the Assembly of 1649. Most of the Roman Catholics are easily distinguished by a reference to their wills. See, e. g., the wills of Philip Land, and William Evans. Richard IIoskins is the only one, of whom I cnter APPENDIX, NO. IIr. 271 tain a doubt. But we have the best ground for the belief, that he was the same person as Richard Hotchkeys, of "The Cross," and whose name is written in a variety of ways-a very common thing, two hundred years ago. Edward Packer, for instance, was the same, it would seem, as Edward Parker, a kinsman of Mr. Bretton. See his will. In the index to the Land Warrants, on p. 17, for Lib. No. 1, Richard Hoskins, it appears, is spelt "Richard Hodg key;" on p. 622, for the same liber, "Richard Hodgkeys;" p. 136, for Lib. No. 3, " Richard Hodskeys;" in the oldest book of wills, "Richard Hotchkeys;" and, in the index to that book, " Richard I1otchkey." It is not improbable, that. Nicholas Gwyther, a thirteenth, was also a Roman Catholic; although I have not included him. Four of the Protestant jurors (Messrs. Steerman, Nichols, Clocker, and Edwin) had signed the Declaration. Capt. Banks, a fifth, had been in the Assembly of 1649; and it is quite evident, that Robt. Cadger was a sixth. See his will; and the one also of his son, Robert. John Lawson, in his will, desires to be buried " according to the canon of the Church of England;" and speaks of John Taylor, the god-father of his daughter, "Jean." It is highly probable, therefore, that Messrs. Lawson and Taylor, making a seventh and eighth, were both Protestants of the Anglo-' Catholic type. It would be unsafe to assert any thing positive, with regard to the faith of the remaining four, Messrs. Gwyther, Harwood, Wade, and Sympson; though it is quite probable, Ah. HIarwood was a Protestant. The result, then, so far as the investigation has been successful, presents twelve Roman Catholics against eight Protestants. Nor 272 THE DAY-STAR. is it certain, that these eight (a point of the first Importance) all lived, in St. Mary's, in 1653. Excluding Messrs. Packer, and Hoskins, we have ten Roman Catholics against eight Protestants. INDEX. A A. ACCo(MtAcs:-A tribe of Indians, 112. the English Branch, 30. Illustration Unotder the Itule of the JPot]rcactln8, froml the early Charters of the Eng112. lish Crown, 30. Case of Lewis, 31. Acrt Concerning Religion, 54. Its Lead- Case of Doctor Gerrartd, 83. Chapel at ing Provisions, 54-67. Its Influence St. Mi:ry's, 32. Anglo-Catholics at upon the Colonization of Maryland, Jamestown, 2T. Extract firom their 68-86, and 101-107. Charter, 27. Anglo-CaLtholics upon ADDIsoNs, of Oxon-Hill, the English Kent Island, 142. Anglo-Catholic. county they came from, 266; Their upon South River, 12. Anglo-CGathoArrival, 266; Their Earliest liome in lics upon Patuxent, 74. Anglo-CathoMaryland, 147. The Emigrant a Privy lices in St.' George's ltundred, 145Councillor, 267. Opposed to the Itevo- 148. The Probable Number of Anglolution of 1689, 267. His Posterity, Ca tholich in the Assembly of 1649, 26I. 138. Anglo-Catholic clergrryman of St. ADDISON, Wm. Meade, Arrival of his Mary's, the first, 145, 14i6. Early Ancestry, 26T. Anglo-Catholic Clergymen of Kent ADDREss to the Crown from the Protest- Island, 142, 143. Anglo-Catholic ants of Kent, 93. See also Protest- Bishop of Mar'yland, the first, ancesant Revolution. try of, 266. His Arms, 266. AngloALLEN, Thomas, Extracts from his Will, Catholic Bishop of IMaryland, the 286; Friend of Captain Banks, 236; third, his ancestry, 179. The settleHad been in the Assembly; 227; ment upon Kent Island the off-shoot Apprehensive of Violence, 236. His of an Anglo-Catholic Colony, 142. Children held Captive by the Indians, Early Anglo-Cattholic families of St. 236; Captain Banks's Engagement George's, 145-146. The Wickliffes, the to redeem one of them, 235. Faith Cadgers, the AMarshalls, the Addisons, of Mr. Connor and Captain Banks and other Anglo-Catholic families of derived from his Will, 236. St. George's, 146-147. Earliest Deedl ALNEY, Pope, the Ilangman of Walter for the Support of the Anglo-Catholic Peake, 253; Convicted of Cow-Steal- ministry, 146. The Gift'of "' three ing, 253. heifers," 146. First reference to a ALTHAM, Rev. Father, 159, 160. Parish, 146. "The Neck of WicocoANGLO-CTHOLICS: —the probable num- mico," 146. Wickliffe, the organ of ber in the Assembly of 1649, 137. the Anglo-Catholics, 147. Wickliffe ANGLO-CaTHOLICS:-the Term Carlthol ic and Wesley, 147. applied to them, upon the Earlly ANGoLo-CmTHm) BiSHOP of Maryland, Provincial Records, 32 and 23:5. the first, his ancestry, 266. ANGLO-C.THOLiCS:-Compact between ANGLO-CATHOm.mC BisuOP of Maryland, an Anglo-Catholic King and a Roman the third, his ancestry, 179. Catholic Prince, 26-34. Fidelity of ANGLo-CATIMOLIC CLERGY~MAN Of Saint the Prince, 85. Ihsly, in the Creeds, Mary's, the first after' the landing and C(Wtholic, upon the Provincial of the Pilgrirus, 145-146. Itecords, appliedl to the Englis}h ANGLO-CaTrI0LtC CIERGYMaEs of Kent, Church, 32. "IIlyv Church " included the early, 1-2-143. 128 274 INDEX. A. A. A(u;Lo-CATuoL BInsITorn c of Maryland, 227. Early Practice of Carvincg arthe original arms of, 2i56. mnorial bearings upoln plate, 120. ANNAPOLIS:-Erected into a port of Baltimore bird, 122. The flealt-dec REtry, as late as 16383, 117. A Rival lis., a favourite device of thle early upon South River, 72. The govern- Roman Catholic planters, as a part meat remove(1 from St. Mary's to of tleir cattle-mLark, 226. Annapolis, 10S. ARMORIAL SEALS: —Preservation of the ANNe ARUTNDEL COUNTY: —Original seat Seal of Colonel Burgess, 72. Original of the Puritans, 151. Small num- Seal of the Bishopric, 266. Seal of ber of estates, with the It. C. Pre- one of the early Ilansons of Kent, fix, 151. Home also of the Qua- 79. Seal of the Province, 1163. Seal kers, 101. First settlement, in 1649, of the State, 163. 68. Greenberry's Point, the site of ARRIVAL of the Addisons, 267; of tho the first Puritan townl, 6S-69, and Beales, 83; of the Bennetts, 69; 117. The Severn, 68. James Cox, 70. of the Bowies, S3; of the BrashaRichard Bennett, Edward Lloyd, and ~ers, 84; of the Brents, 2618; of the'l'homnas Marsh, 69-7.0. Tile county Brettons, 221; of the Brooks, 74; of represented as eairly as 1650, 7). the BuLrgesses, 261; of the Calverts, Anglo-Catholics uponi South River, 168 and 171; of the Carrolls, 262; of 72. WVilliamn Burgess, 72. South River tile Causins, 84; of the Chamberses, Club, 73. London founded by Colonel 262; of the Chases, 262; of the ClagBurgess, 73. A rival of Annapolis, getts, 266; of tile family of Comiegys, 73. London and Annapolis erected 85; of the Conners, 220; of the Coninto ports of entry, in 1638, 117. Fort tees, 8-4 of the Dar'nalls, 267; of the Horn, 177. The battle-field of 16B5, De Courcys, 83; of the Diniossas, 79; 17T. Monumental Inscriptions upon of the Dorseys, 267; of the Dunns, South River, 73. Quakers upon West 262; of the Du Valles, 84; of the River, 77. The Prestons, Thomases, Edmonsions, 83; of the Fenwicks, and Kichardsons, 77. But one R. 207; of the Goldsboroughs, 283; of C. family, in the whole county, the Greens, 181; of tile Hansons, in 1639, 92. Opposition of the inhabi- 79; of the liattons, 200; of the tants to the Protestant Revolution,'Hawkinses, 263; of the liermans, 92. The richest and most populous 80; of the Hynsons, 261; of the County, in 1619, 92. Contest with Jarbos, 84; of the Lacounts, 84; of Calvert, respecting her boundary tlie Lamars, 84; of the family of Line, 106. Ifer position overruled Leeds, 262; of the Lloyds, 69; of by the Legislature, 106; but fully the Lockermans, 85; of the Lowes, sustained by the Records, 107. Ma- 266; of the Magruders, 83; of the jor's Choice, and the Hon. Thomias Mannerses, 2:i; of tlte Marshes, 69; Marsh, 107. of the Mlautsells, 237; of the Neales, ANNIVERSxRY of the St. Tstnmaney So- 2;S; of the Pacas, 262; of the cieties, 112. Pearces, 2h62; of the Peakes, 247; of AN1,tGnONISam between the State and tile the Piles, 107; of the Pratts, 262; of Chlurch, 17 tnd 61. the Prices, 183; of the iticauds, 85; Ant/tlclmpt,tithe Indian, Gift to Him, of the Ritchatrdsons, 82; of tle Itinrfiomn Mrs. Fenuvick, 21.6. gold., 261; of the bSewalls,'65; of AltMltliL 3BEARINGS:s-Arms of the Bur- tile Slhipleys, 82; of the Snowdens g;sses, 72; of the Culverts, 162; of 82; of the 8priggs, 26)5; ofr the tlte Cil.ggctts, 2163; of the Eltonl ones, 2612; of the laneys, 265; of 217; of the l;ttnsons, 79; of thle te Tet tershllalls, 187; of the TholinttolIs. 2(02; of tile Lowes, 2.;; niases, S:.; of tile Tilompsons, 264; of the Thomases, 82; of the Tilgh- of the TiltighmLns, 263; of the Tylers, Ie:Is, 263. Armnorial seals, T7, 26t;, 2 Q5; of thte Vaughlans, 190); of the 16:3, and 79. Arnis of the Province, Family of Wickes, 262; of tile Wil16:3. Amins of the State, 163. Origill kinsons, 2:4; of the Wortllingto ns, arilns of the lIishopric, i26. Presutedl 8:3; and of tlne Wrotis, 265. ri:llt of marly of the eatly ilanltCrs, Asca.nsiuN-cY of the Purit;lls, 83; their 26o. D)t-,ger of rtrlnitr inito very Iluto!lralnce, St(. "il' es; i. il't,til lily, Ass.':',t.: of 5tzyl:tn,, its Etrly Co;n INDEX. 2 75 A. B. sfit,utiou, 42-43, and 142. Its analogy within the supposed territory of the to the primitive Parliament of Eng- I'iscataways, 111. The Dorseys, 267. land, 42. Contrast with the Vitena- BALTIMORE, Lady Jane, wife of the Hon. gemnot, 50. IHenry Sewall, 169; subsequently of AsSEIMBLY of 1638, the earliest of which Lord Charles Baltimore, 169; a supwe have a satisfactory account, posed descendant of the Lowes, of 211. Cuthbert Fenwick, a member, Denby, 266; and the mother of the 211. Hon. Maj. Nicholas Sewall, of MattaASSEM3BLY of 164S, 143 and 144. Names pany-Sewall, 73 and 261. of the Burgesses, 144. Their Protest, BANKs, Thomas, 235. Extract from 144. his will of 1684, 235. Catholic apASSEMBLY Of 1649, 41-52. Names of the plied to the faith of the English Burgesses, 130 and 105. Their faith, Church, 235. 136-137, and 207-253. The Toleration BANKS, Capt. Richard, a law-giver of Act, 54-67. Bill of Charges, 49 and 1649, 135. HIis faith, 236. His en133. Act relating to the recovery of gagement to redeem from captivity, the Province, 131. the child of Thos. Allen, 285. Notice ASSEMBLY of 1650, 131-182. Names of of his life, 233-236. His marriage to the Burgesses, 132. Their Faith, 148. the widow of Mr. Secretary Hatton's Declaratory Act, 131.' Act of Recog- brother, 233. nition, 14S. Declaration of the Pro- BATTLE between the Roman Catholics testant members, 71, 72. and the Puritans, 177-178; the GoverASSEMBLY Of 1689, 88. Report of the nor wounded, 177; a surrender, and a commissioners to the Indians, 87. court-martial, 177. Skirmish beRteport of the committee of Secrecy, tween Capt. Cornwallis and Colonel 88. Their accusation against Colonel Clayborne's Lieutenant, 211. Attack Darnall, and the other Roman Catho- of Cood upon the State House, in lic Deputy Governors, 89. See also 1689, 91 and 97. Surrender of Col. Protestant Revolution. Digges, 97. Siege of MattapanyAUGUTTi CAROLINA, the Name of St. House, 98. Surrender of Col. DarnMary's County, 47. all, 99. BEALES, their arrival, 83; one of the largest families of Maryland, 83; Col. B. Ninian Beale, 83. BEARINGS. See Armorial Bearings. BALTIMORE, barons of, 162-1T0; George, BED-CHAMBERS, 120; much attention 163-64; Cecilius, 164-168; Charles paid to the furniture, 120. See also the First, 169; Benedict Leonard, 170; Mrs. Fenwick's will, 215. Charles the Second, 170; Frederick, BENNETT, Gov. Richard, his posterity, 170; their descendants at Mount 69. Airy, 170. BENNETT, Richard, the largest landBALTIMORE bird, 121. holder of the province, 69. Prefix BALTIsIORE City, its site, probably, with- of Squire, 69. His tombstone at Benin the territory of the Piscataways, nett's Point, 69. His ancestry, 69. 111. BILL of charges, at tile Assembly of BALT310ORE county erected, 105. Settle- 1649, 49, and 130. Per-diem of the ment upon Bohemia River, 80. Bohe- Burgesses, 49. mia Manor within the ori-ginal limits, Bisuopmic of Mid., original seal of, 266. 106. Earliest Courts of the County See Armorial Bearings, and Armorial probably held upon the Eastern Shore, Seals. 106. Tile first foot-prints of civiliza- BLoon of Aboriginal Chiefs represented, tion upon the Western Shore, 106. 108. Identity of Palmer's Island with BLOOD, the best Roman Catholic, deWatson's, 107. Clayborne's early rived by the Lloyds, and other distrading-post, 107. Spesutia Island, tinguished Protestant fatmilies, from 107 and 269. Augustin Herman, 107. i the Neales, 150. See also Neales. His treaty with the Sutsqsqehannocks, I BOHEMIAN emigrants, 80 and 85. 269. Labadyists, S1. Col. Nathaniel BOUNDARtEs: -Th e Northern boundary Utyc, 107. Silc of Baltimore city i of Maryland included the site of 276 INDEX. B. IB. Philadelphia, 167; the Eastern, the BRowNE, Richard, a law-giver of 1649, Swedish settlements upon the Dela- 135. Notice of his life, 229-230. His ware, 167. Early boundaries of the faith and identity involved in doubt, counties, 106. Cecil, 106. Baltimore, 229-230. 106. Anne Arundel, 106. Contest BURGESSES of 1648, 1649, and 1650:between Anne Arundel and Calvert, Their names, faith, &c. See Assem107. Original boundary line, 106. bly. The democratic element, 42. A Major's choice, 107. distinct branch of the Assembly in BOwIES of Prince George's, 83. The 1649, 140. governor's ancestry probably Scotch, BURGESS, Hon. Wm., a leading colonist, 83. Their arrival, 83. Their rela- upon South River, 72. His armorial tionship to the family of WVm. Bur- bearings, 72. Founder of London, gess, the early Deputy-Governor, 261. 73. A Deputy-Governor, 73. His BRADNOX, Capt. Thomas, a frieeman, in epitaph, 73. Large number of emithe Assembly of 1648, 220. High sheriff grants introduced by him, 261. His of Kent, 124. The friend of Mr. Posterity, 261. Secretary Hatton, 125. Note to him BURGESSES, of South River, 71-74, and from Mr. Hatton, introducing John 261. Their armorial bearings, 72. De Courcy, 201. Couldnotwrite, 125. Ancestry of the Burgesses of WestTried for cattle-stealing, 124. phalia, and of the Sewalls, the DaBRASHARRS, 84. Their arrival, 84. Ori- vises, and the Bowies, 261. ginally from France, but directly from BURGESSES, of Westphalia. See HIon. Va., 84. Their posterity, 84. Win. Burgess, and Bulgesses of South BRASHAER, )oct., of New Market, his itiver ancestry, 84. BRENTS, their arrival, 268. Their faith, C. 268. Blood of aboriginal chiefs, 108. Capt. Giles Brent's books, 216. Spirit CADGERS, a very early Anglo-Catholic of a Protestant Vandal, 216. Brents family of St. George's, 146. Their of Charles county, 189. Their sup- Devises, 146-147. posed relationship to the Piles, 189. CALVERT County, erection of, 104. BounRelationship to the Fenwicks, 218. dary line between Calvert and Anne BRENTS Of Louisiana, supposed descend- Arundel, 107. Controversy, 106. ants of the HIon. John Pile, 189. Major's choice, 107. Settlement of BRENT, Robt. James, late attorney- Robt. Brooke, anterior to the erection general, his ancestry, 189 and 218. of Calvert, 74. The Claggetts, 99 BIRETTON, William, a law-giver of 1649, and 266. The Smiths, of St. Leonard's 135. His faith, 226-227. Nbtice of Creek, 98. The Taneys, 96 and 265. his life, 224-228. His gift of a church A Protestant County in 1689, 92. lot, 227. His cattle-mark, 226. Fleurs- "Lien of Note " opposed to the Prode-lis, 227. Poverty of his children, testant Revolution, 92. The Patux226. Application of ever-immaculate enas, 111. to the Virgin Mother, 228. CALVERT, Leonard, the chief of the oriBROCK, Rev. Father, his arrival, 159. ginal Pilgrims, 171. The first GoverBROOKE, Hon. Robert, founder of the nor of the Province, 87. His death, little colony upon the Patuxent, 74. 42, and 173. Toleration, under his Persons introduced by him, 74-75. Administration, 86-38. Sketch of his Ancestor of the present Chief Justice life and character, 171-174. His of the United States, 75. President faith, 174. ofthe Provincial Council,76. Ances- CALVERTS. See Barons of Baltimore, tor of the Brookes of Blrooke-Grove, and Armorial Bearings. See also 75. Manor of De la Brooe, 75. Coin, and Armorial Seals. Family BRKOoKES, of Brooke-Grove, their ances- seats in England and in Maryland, try, 75. 168, 169, and 170. Arms upon the BRoogsE, of Prince George's county, Great Seal, 168. See also Leonard descendants, many of them, of the Calvert. lion. Robt. Brooke, 75. CALVERTON, Manor of, 196. Intended BROOKES, of De la Brcoke. See Hon. for the dwelling-place of six aboriRobt. Brooke. ginal nations, 196. TNDIX. 277 C. C. CANVASS-BACK duck, 121. natius's Ch.apel, founded by a Ronman CARROLL, Charles, of Carrollton, arrival Catholic law-giver of 1649, 225-258. of his ancestry, 262. CHARLES, the Second, of England, proCARROLL, Henry J., children of, suppos- clarnation in favor of, 256-251. ed descendants of the lion. John CUARLES the First, and Charles the Pile, 189. Second, of Maryland. See Barons C.SE: —Case of Lord Baltimore and of Baltimore. the Penns, 167; of Capt. Banks, 234; CUARLrES County, upon the Patuxent, of Captain Bradnox, 124; of Robert erected in 1650, 75. See also Robt. Clarke, 19T; of Colonel Clayborne Brooke, and Calvert County. Char(appeal to the Crown), 166-163; of les County upon the Potonmac, 104. Edward Commins, the Protestant Large number of Estates, with the Vandal, 216; of John Cowman, the Roman Catholic mark, 15'3, and 250wizard, 125; of Father Fitzherbert, 251. Brents of Charles County, 1t9. 55-62; of Doct. Gerrard, 33 and 147; See also the Causins, the Greens, the of Robt. Holt, 15.3; of Martin Kirk Piles, and the Stones. Also the Inanti others, 216; of Lieut. Lewis, %31; (ld5als. Part of Prince George's of Doct. Lumbrozo, the Jew, 65-67; c rved out of Ciharles, 106. Charlesof Overzee vs. Cornwallis, 155; of totn, in Charles, in 1689, 105. Tile the Pretuxent Indians, 233; of Wal- Ipl;tce of Taney's imnprisonnusnt, 105. ter Peake, 251; of John Pile, 188; of Charleston, the first seat of Prince the Pisucatawayy Indians, 151-152; George's county, 118. of Col. Price, 184; of Richard Smith, C1ulRLESTON, 11S. Its early foundation, 92-93; of Gov. Stone, 178; of Michael 118. Its site, 118. The original seat Taney, 92 and 104; of Thornborough of Prince George's County, 118. The vs. Neal, 244; of Thos. Tunnell, 234; of place of Michael Taney's and Rich. Capt. Vaughan, 191; and of Parson Smith's imprisonment, 105. In CharWilkinson, 153. les County, during the year 16S9, 105. CATHOLIC, the word, applied, upon the CHARTERS, Amnerican Colonial, their hisearly provincial Records, to the Eng- toical relation to the one given to lish Church, 32, and 235. Lord Baltimore, 27-28. CATTLE-STEALING, 124. Case of Captain CHARTERS, early, of the English Crown, Bradnox, 124. 27-31. The light they shled upon the CAUSIN, Hon. John M. S., itis ancestry, Charter given to the proprietary, 2784. See also Causins. 31. CAUSINS, of Causin's Manor, 64. Their CHARTER for Maryland, a compact bearrival, 84. Name of the emig'rant, tween a member of the English and a 246. Marriage of his widow to the disciple of the Roman Church, 26. Hon. Robt. Clarke, 199. A trustee CHARTER for Virgina, taken awaybefore for the Roman Catholic Missionaries, the date of Lord Baltimore's, 16i. 246. CHASES, their arrival, 262. CECIL County, erected, 105. Its early CHESAPEAKES, their dwelling-place, 109. boundary, 106. Bohemia Manor, Number of their warriors, 109. Ruled 105. See also Baltimore County, and by the Powhatans, 109. See also Augustine Herman; and the Pearces, Indians. the Thompsons, and the Ilermans. CHEw, Prof. Saml., his Anglo-Catholic CECILIUs, the proprietary, sketch of his ancestry, 266. life and character, 162-170. A law- CHOPTANKS, 111. Descendants of the giver of 1649, 134. His faith, 26. Ksuskesacoaks, 111. See also IltCHAIRs, 119. Their gr-eat scarcity, 119. dians. Made of iron, 119; covered with CHoPTICONS desire to put thenmselves leather, 119. under the proprietary's protection, CHAMBERS, Hon. E. F., his ancestry, 196. arrival of, 262. CHRISTISON, Winlock; and other minisCHAP.ELS, early provincial, 82-34, 159, ters, in the Society of Friends, 78. and 225. The first chapel, a wigwase, Bequest of Doct. Sharpe, 17. See 159. St. Mary's Chapel, a token of also Quakers. tihe concord between the Anglicsn CURISTIANITY, 15-20. and the Ronman Catholic, 66t. St. 1g- CaURac, meanling of, upon the provin 278 INrmx. C. aC. cial records, when used by itself, Co'NTT:R, John, of Java, his ancestry, 84. 12;2. CONTIES, of Prince George's County, 84. CurnrecI HIoLY, definition of. Sce HIoly Connected lwith the family of Gov. Ohurch, and Words. Seymour, 84. Residence at BarnCIDnsR, a favorite drink, 120. staple; S4. John Contee, of Java, S4. CLAGGETT, Capt. Thomas, ancestor of CoNvIcTs, 117. the first, Anglo-Catholic Bishop of COODE, John, a leader, in the RevoluMaryland, 99. A Protestant, 92; but tion of 1689, 98. opposed to the Revolution of 1689, COPLEY, Rev Father, 158 and 159. Gift (92 and 99. from Governor Gereen, S182. Gift from CLAOGGETT, Doct., Of Leesburg, his early Thos. lHebden, 246. Anglo-Catholic ancestry, 266. CORNWALLIS, Capt. Thomas, one of the CLAXGOETTS, their arrival, 266. Posi- noblest spirits in the band of the oritions of the emigrant, upon the Rtevo- ginal emigrants, 209. The patron of Iltion of 1689, 92. Arms of his Cuthbert Fenwicrk, 209. Ilis estates, fatmily, 266. Impaled upon the seal with the R. C. prefix, 250. His manorof a bishopric, 266'; but previously house, 209. His skirmish with Col. confirmed in the visitations, 266. Col. Clayborne's Lieutenant, 211. EdiliVard Claggett, and Sir Thomas COSTUME, glimpse of a provincial genAdamns, 266. Ancestor of the firs, tleman's, about 1650, 123. Of a lady's, Anglican bishop of Md., 266. Pos- at the same period, 215-216. terity of Capt. Claggett, 266. COUNA-WEZA, the Piscataway Indian, CLlAIM of the Roman Catholics, 12S-161. tried, convicted, and executed, 151. CLARKE, Hon. lobt., a law-giver of COUNCILLORS of the Commander, 192. 1649, 135. Surveyor-geenersal of the Their office analogous to that of the province, 195. Hlis faith, 197. Pos- privy councillors, 192. terity, 19S-199. His sufferings during CoUNcILLoR, privy, 116. The early the ascendency of tlhe Puritans, 197. germ of a nobility, 116. Steward of the manor of Calverton, COUNTIES erected, between 1649 and 196. Copy-hold tenants, 196. 16S9, 102-1(15. CLAYBORNh, Col. Wm., his settlement COURTS:-1. The Provincial Court was upon Kent Island, 43. The first analogous to the Court of King's,within the limits of Md., 46. Iis con- Bench, 116; and the original of the test with Lord Baltimore, 166. His present Court of Appeals, 116. The claim, 166-16S. His settlement upon lord proprietary and the privy counWatson's'Island, 78. The first upon cillors sat upon its bench, 116. 2. the Western shore, and within the ori- The County Court, 116. Its early ginal limits of Baltimore County, 107. original, 212. Jurisdiction of its Supposed settlement upon Sharp's judges, 116. The judges taken from Islasnd, 78. Settlement upon Poplar-I the gentlemen, 116. 3. Court-baron Island, 78. A cousin of Col. Clay- and Court-leet, 115. See also Manors. borne, 78. 1 Also Freeholders, and Suitors. COFFEE, its great scarcity, 120. Cox, James, the speaker of the AssemCoIs, proprietary's, 119. bly, in 1650, 70. A Puritan, 70. A COsEGYS, the family of, their arrival, 85. signer of the Protestant Declaration, COMIMANDER, office of, 191. Its great. 70. ifgnlity,l192. Power giventoan arly CURRENCY, 118-119. Peake, 112 and commander, to select his-councillors, 119. Roasnoke, 112 and 119. The 192.' X coin of the lord proprietary, 119. CoesPAcr betwreen an Anslo-Catholic Specimens, 119. English and Eurokins and a R Iiomatn Catholic prince, pean coin, 118. Tobacco, the comt1i. li;dlity of tlie latter, 35. nslon currency, 119. Its value, 119. CoS'1()R;omrT, 26 —,1. CUTuHrET, the prelate, and saint, 213. Cox~lb Ik:nv. Sete Ttllind]s. I IIis corpse, 213. His shrine, 213. Cox-.N:i~, Phili, a la'tw-iver of 1619, 135. St. Cuthbert's cross, 213.!!is faith, 221, anld 2(;. Commander of the county of Kent, 221. Sketch of his life and character-, 220-223. Hiis posterity, 222-2235. INDEX. 27 D. D. DARNArLL, Col. Henry, Deputy Governor, of Comegys, and Lockerman, 85. in 1689, 96. Overthrow of the Go- Claim of the Dutch, 167. vernmolnt, 87-100. Ilis narrative, Du VALLE, Judge of the U. S. Supreme 9i-100(. Arrival at London, 100. Court, his ancestry, 84. D)AIsNALLS, their arrival, and faith, 267. Du VALLEs, their arrival, 84. Kinsmen of Lord Baltimore, 267. Col. HIenry Darnall, 87-100, and 267. Place of his tombstone, 267. Early E. fatinily seats, 267. DavisEs, of AIount Hope, their ancestry, EAGLE, 122. 261, and 266. Their arrival, 261. EDEN, GoV. Robt., 1T0. DECLARATION, Protestant, 71-T2. EDMONSTONS, their arrival, 83. Their l): Couacy, John, introduced by the posterity, 83. IHon. Thos. IIatton, 201. Note of in- ELTONHEADS, Of Eltonhead, 215. Their troduction to Capt. Bradnox, 201. relationship to the Fenwicks, of FenDs Couacy, Hon. lHenry, 113-114. Ills wick Manor, 209 and 215. Their letter to Lord Baltimore, 56-57. The arms, 217. A Privy Councillor of Signer of an Address to the Crown, Md., 215. A Master of the Euglish 95. An Opponent of the Protestant High Court of Chancery, 215. Itevolution, 94. A master of the ELTONHEAD, the Hon. Won., a Privy whole Aboriginal diplomanicy, 95. His Councillor, 215. A Roman Catholic, diplomatic services, 113. His faith, 178. Shot in cold blood by the Puri95, and 115. A cavalier, 115. Inte- tans, 178 and 216. The enmity of resting character of our negotiations Mairtin Kirke, 216. with tshe Iroquois, 113. ELTONm EAD, Edward, a Master of the DE CouRCYs, of Cheston, probably fiom English lIigh Court of Chancery,215. Ireland, 83. Their claim to the old Relationshlip to the Eltonheads, of Arnglo-Norman barony, 95, and 114. Eltonhead, 215. Iligh social rank, at the period of their ENGLISI Emigrants, S1, and 261-265. arrival, 201 and 114. ERA of Roman Catholic toleration, 254. lie CeuRcYs, of AMy-Lord's-Gift, 114. Spirit which distinguishes it, 254-259. D1E, LA BROOKE, the Manor of, 75. Upon ESTATES, large number of, with the Prethe Patuxent, 75. The seat of a little fix of St., 250. Names of many colony, 75. lIeld by the Brookes, tracts, 250!)-251. Names of the ori75. ginal Roman Catholic proprietors, DI:LAWARES, 112. St. Tammarny, their i 250-251. great chief, 112. Ozenies, and other EvANs, Col. Win., a Roman Catholic, tribes of Maryland, representatives 2217 and 24). His cattle-mark, 2:2. of the same race, 112. Honors paid The guardian of Mr. John Maunsell's to St. Tamrenmany, 112. St. Tammany son, 240. The god-father of AMary Societies, 112. AMay celebrations, 112. Maunsell, 240. Fleier-de-lis, 227. Hall of St. Tammany, 112. EVER-IMMACULATE, the application of, to DIGGES, Col., a Deputy Governor, in the Blessed Virgin, upon the Provin1689, 96-100. Attack upon the State cial Records, as early as 1661, 223. House, 97. Surrender, 97. DiNiossAs, arrival of, 79. DINrossA, Governor Alexander, 79. F. I)INNER —NIVES, their scarcity, 120. DORCHESTER County, erected, 105. FALCHION, 123. DORSEYS, arrival of, 26T. Will of Col. FAMIIIES, provinlcial:-The Cadgers, Dorsey, 261. Supposed ancestor of a 1 146; the Davises, 261 and 266; th Chief Justice of AMd.,'261. Eltonheads, 213; the Formans,.0 DUNNS, their early arrival, 262-. Oine and 264; the Lachlans, 83; the Marof thle prominent families of Kent, shalls, 146; the family of Nichfols, 70; 2061. Now represented, in the male the Smiths, of St. Leonard's Creek, line, by a gezntleman of Pa., 262. 99; the Smyths, of Trumpington, 92; DUTCU settlement upon the I)elaware, the Spaldings, 218; the Wests, 26S; 78. Refugees inl Maryland, 79. Gov. tihe Wickllffes, 146; and the Vilrmers, Alexander Diniossa, 79. Tihe fatnilies 21i1, See also Arrivals. 280 INDEX. F. F. FEATHIER, worn by the early cavaliers FoRAIS, much used by our earls foreof the Province, 123. fathers, 119. FENWICK, Cuthbert, one of the Pilgrims FORTS: —1. Fort Kent, 44. 2. Fort Crayof 1634, 287; and a law-giver of 1649, ford, 44. 3. St. Inigo's, 18.3. 4. Susl15. Sketch of his life, 207-215. quehannah Fort, 269. 5. St. Iary's lHis faith, 213-214. The leading Fort, 82. 6. Fort IIorn, its site, 177. member of the Lower HIouse, in 1649, Supposed battle-field between the 212. The attorney of Ciptain Ro(inan Catholics and Puritans in Cornwallis. in the Assembly,'210. 1655, 177. Plun(lerel byIngle, 210. Alarge pos- Fox, the chief of the Quakers, 76. terity, 217. Rtepresentatives at the Preaches, in the Province, 76. Powar,a, in the Army, in the Senate, in erful effects, 77. * the Priesthood, and in the HIierarchy, F:RIDERICK County carlved out of Prince 2ta7'a.nd 217-219. George's, 10)6. Erected in 1748, 106. FENwictKs, of Fenwickl MnInor, 217. The BalIshaers, 84. The Datrnalls, FENWICK, Ignatius, his ancestry, 21'.21t;7. Tlie Davises, 261 anl 266. The Fc,:NIwci(, Athanasius, his ancestry, 218' Goldh)l o;lughls, 263. The Lowes, 266. FENWICK, Jamies, his tancestry, 218. Thle lichl:trdlsolls, 77 and 82. T'itle FENWICIc, the Revereidcl John, his ances- S!hipleys, 82. The Taneys, 265. The try, 218;;ucle of the Bishop of Cil- Tylers, 265-266. cinnati, 21S. Fr.nEEoLDEts S, 117. FENWICK, Rev. Enoch, his ancestry, FtxtcsII etmigrrants, S4-85. The Bra218; President of Georgetown Col- shaers, Causins, Contees, Du Valles, lege, 218. Jarbos, Lacounts, Lamars, and liFENWICK, Rev. Prof. George, his ances- cauds, 84. try, 218; brother of the Bishop of FRIENDS. See Quakers. Boston, 218. FENWICK, Rt. Rev. Benedict, Bishop of * G. iBoston, his ancestry, 218. FENWICK, Rt. Rev. Edward, Bishop of GENTLEMAN, 116. Alarge class in MaryCincinnati, 218. land, 116. County Court judges taken FENWICKS, of Cole's Creek, 217. from thlem, 116. FrENWICKS, of Cherry-Fielhis, 217. GERRARD, Doct. Thos., a Roman!atfhoFENWICKS, of I'otmonkey, 21T. lie, 33 and 58. A privy councillor, FENNWICKS, of Kentucky, 217. 56. Lord of St. Clement's Malnor, 33 FENWICKS, of the South, 217. and 158, Ilis non-compliance with Fe:NWICK, Mrs. Jane, the wife of Cuth- the Rev. Father Fitzherbert's requisibert Fenwick, 214. Her will, 215- tion,58. His cattle-mark, 227. Fleuc216. Articles of a lady's dress, i c de-lis, 227. HIis estates with the R. 1660, 215. C. prefix, 250. See also Cases. FERtIES, 122. Early ones erected by GOLDSBOROUGH, Hon. Robt. H., arrival the Government, and kept by the of his ancestry, 263. Ancestry of the most respectable colonists, 122. Goldsboroughs of Myrtle-Grove, and FERRE:T, lRev. Father, 159. of otlher families, 263. Blood of AboFt nUDAL )polity, 115. riginal Chiefs, 108. Fias, 121. GOLnSBOROUGIIS, of Myrtle-Grove, 261). FINGER-I{INGS, much worn by the early GooKess, C.alt. Dantiel, 151. gentry or Marylandi, 124; frequently GOVERNM:ENT, frarme-work of, 115-117. givenl in thleir wills, 124. GRE.ES, Cov. T!homans, a law-giver of FIsMEt, 1Rev. Father, 159. 1649, 134. A'Privy Councillor, 1314. FIL'LeZeiect,rlI lTlier, t his case, 54-62. hlis proclhamiltion in fav(r of Charles FONDNE.-S fol law-suits, imingled with a the Seconlld, 1S1 andl 256. Notice of velcteration for judicial authority, a his life, ati family, 181-182. liis cliaraicteristic of our. anicestry, 154. fatithl, 182. Sylnpathy with the royal F)RKS, 12a). Our aticestors dined witth- family, 181. A representative of the outt thiein, 120. Their late iritroduc- IRolan Catholic sentiment, 257. tioit into general society, 120. GReNss, of Greeii's Inhleritance, ancesFoIMssANS, of Clover-fields, 1and of Rose- try of, 182. 11ill, 71T add 261-. j CcOV 0Tl, of a great idea, 23, and 2C6-3S. INDEX. 281 11A. 1 IIH. HIANSON, Col. 1Ianse, 79. His posterity, little colony from New York, 80 and 79. Arms upon the seal of a near 269. Hlis Map, 80-81. Original lord descendant, T9. of Bohemia Manor, 80. His posterity, HANsoNS, of Kent, their ancestry, 79. 81 and 264. HARDWICR, Lord Chancellor, his deci- HIGoARWIXONS desire to put themselves sion of the case between the proprie- under the proprietary's protection, taries, 167. Virtual settleument of the 196. Controversy, 167. HISTORY, charm of External, 19. IllusHARFORD, Henry, the Lord Proprietary, trations from Islamism, from Chris170. tianity; and from Toleration, 19-24. HAT-BAND, 123. Gold hat-band worn, HIOLT, Robert, his case. See Cases. by the early cavaliers of Maryland, HOLY CEIURCH, definition of, 30 and 55. 123. See also the case of Father FitzherHATTON, Hon. Thomas, 200. Secretary bert, 61. of the Province, 135, and 202. A HONOR due to the Roman Catholic freePrivy Councillor, 135. Clothed with men of Md., 160-161. the powers of a Governor, 203. At- HONORABLE applied to the Privy Countorney-General, 202. A law-giver of cillors, and thejudges of the Provin1649, 135. His death at the battle cial Court, 186. near the Severn, 204. His life, and HOOD. See Mrs. Fenwick's Will. character, 200-205. His faith, 204. IIUnaDREDs. See St. Mary's County. Family, 200 and 205. HYNSON, Thos., ancestor of the HynIHTTOC, Richard, the brother of the sons of Kent, and foreman of the Secretary, 200. Arrival of his wife Grand Jury, in the cases of Wilkinand children, 201. son and lIolt, 153. IATTON, Sir Christopher, 200. [YssoNs, 261. Their early arrival, 261. HATTON, Sir Thomas, 201. Onle of the distinguished families of IxATTON, Sir Robt., 201. Kent, 261-262. Large number of HATTONS, of London, their arms, 202. descendants, 262. IALTTONS, of Piscataway, their ancestry, 206. Relationship to the Hon. Thos. Hatton, 206. I. IIATTONS, their connexion with the family of Capt. Banks, 233; and with IDEAS, the visible influence of, 21. Ilthe first Anglo-Catholic Clergyman, lustrated in the history of American 204. Colonization, 22. Secret of the digHAWKINS, arrival of the family of, 263. nity which belongs to the early epoch Their various family seats, 263. Two of American history, 22. The settleof its most distinguished members, tient at St. Mary's, a striking case, 22. 263. Interesting memorialof a judge INDIANS, upon the Chesapeake, and its of the Provincial Court, 264. A com- tributaries, 108-114, and 196. Their missioner to the Indians in 16S9, 8. friendly relations with the colonists, Indirectly connected with the family 108. Treaties of the Lord Proprietary of Lord Baltimore, 264. Connected with the Indians, 166. The C(hesawith the Williamses, of Roxbury, 264. peakes, 108. The Yoacomnicos, 109. A large posterity, 264. The Jlatapeaks, 110. The Accomscc, H:LnXD-CLOTaES. See Mrs. Fenwick's 112. The Poewltsatans, 109 and 112. Wvill. The Pattsexents, 111. The PiscataHIEBDEN, Thos., his gift to the R. C. ITis- eoays, 111. The Sesqe7ecasnnocks, sionaries, 246. His Deposition, 121. 1(). T'he Ozesies, 111. The Tock. HEMPSTEAD, Hon. lIrs., her ancestry, qoltoghs, 111. Tilhe.,bsttcspacniensts, 83. 169 and 196. K.lslccarawooaks, 111. HaERMANs, of Bohemia Manor, their pos- The Iroqusois, 113. The Choptac l c, terity, 81 and 264. 111. The Navtieokes, 111. The HERIAN, Augustine, a native of Pra-gue, tVicomocots, 196. The Lamascon85; distinguished in the early history soss, 196. The Hichathwixosis, 196. of NewYork, 80. His Treaty with the The Chopticons, 196. The DPlaueasquehannoeks, 10)7and1269. Settle-,cares, 112. St. Tammany, 112. ment upots Bohemia Itiver, 8V. A Psone, hosnsity, and other words de 282 INDEX. I. I J. rived from the Indians, 122. Lega- JAnno, Col. John, his legacy to the Rev. cies of Mrs. Fenwick to the Indians, Father of St. Ignatius's Chapel, 225. 216. Trial of the Piscatatwcys, 152. His relationship to the Hon. John Acquittal of the P1atuxents, 233. Pile, 225. Itis gift to Walter Peake's Indian name for St. MIary's, 4S. In- daughter, 249. lHis deposition relatlian name for Philadelphia, 166. ing to Mr. Thornborough's claim, 243. Two Indian arrows pledged by the See also Arrivals. Proprietary to the Crown, 115. In- JARBOS, their arrival, 84. See also Col. (dian half-breeds, 108. The blood of Jar'oo. Aboriginal Chiefs represented by the JEWS, 62. Case of Doct. Lumbrozo, Goldlsboroughls, and other families, 65-67. 103S. eulder of Rowland Williams, JowLs, Col., a leader in t'he Revolution 212. Indian slaves, 117. Indian of 1689, 90-104. Money, 1Il and 119. Charge of con- JURIES: —A jury of twelve Protestants, spiracy with the Indians, against the 154-155. A mixed jury, 155. Roman Ronian Catholic Deputy Governors, Catholics did not ask for a jury of 83. The labors of the Missionaries, their own faith, 243. A jury of twen113 and 160. TreatiesatAlbany,lS. ty-four, in the case of the PiiscataSusquehannah Fort, 269. Indian corn cray Indians, 151. See also Cases. cultivated, at a very early period, 122. I'Gai, Capt. Richard, his residence, K. 210. Name of his shp, 210. A Pu-itan pirate, 210. Hlis robberies, 210. KENT County:-See Anglo-Catholics; See also many of the Assembly-men andl Isle of Kent. Also Arrivals; of 1649. and Col. Clayborne. Inoquois, 112-114. Called " The Five KOWLEDGE,, tile present imperfect state Nations," 113. Also, " The Northern of historical, 15-17. Irndians," 113. A very warlike con- KUSKARAWOAKS, the great makers of federacy, 113. Their dwelling-place, peauke and rsoanoke, 111. The mer. 11'. Alarm of the cololnists, 113. chants of Aboriginal Maryland, 111. Ofr' relations with the Iioqcois con- Represented by the ehopjtaUas, and stitute a very important part of our the rTantieokes, 111. Aboriginal llistory, 113. The Revolution of 16S9, the result of a panic, 89. Treaties atAlbanywith this con- L. federacy, 113. Philemon Lloyd, and Hlenry de Courcy, 113 and 114. Tes- LAxBDYITSS, their faith, 81. Their timonials in their faivor, from tile Go- dwelling-place, 81. vernor and the Assenmbly, 113. LABORS of the early missionaries, the Is-AtmLISN, 15 and 11,. most interesting chapter in the AboISLE OF KENT, settlCleent unl(er Clay- riminal Iiistory of Maryland, 113, and borne, 43. Origin'l crntre of Kent t 15-160. County, 44. Seat of opulence and LACIILANS, of -Montgomery county, and elegance before thle American evo- of Missouri, their ancestry, 83. lution, 45. ]Boul'ght of Aboriginal LACOUNTS, a Fr'ench family, 84. Their chiefs, 44. Under tlhe jurisliction at arrival, 8i4. Jamestown, 43. A nitdriled of St. L.t COLNT, Chlief Justice of Kansas, his MIary's, 45. 1 rectel into a Coiatyi, a lcestry, 84. 45. Annexed to Talbot, 10owto Queeni LasaMAS, tlieir arrival, 84. A gallant Anne's, 4. Tile M ill, 44. Kent Fort, representlative, 84. 4t. Kent Fort Ma nor, 4t. Court- Lst SrSCONSONS desire to put thlemselves Hlouse, 45. - Fort Crayford, 44. I'el- under thle proprietary's protection, ics, 45. See also Anglo-Catllolics; and 196. Assemblies. L.AND-TITLES, colonial, 115. LAND-TITLeS, Indian, the policy with reJ. gard to the purchase of them, 52 and 16S. JA',FSTOXSr, settlemcent at, 41 LaWirIEus of 1649, 128. Their names, INDFX. 283 L. AI. 130 and 134-135. Fragment of the faith, 231-232. A soldier, in the Journal of 1649, 130. Confirmatory march of 1647, 231. H1is posterity, extract from the Journal of 1650, 131. 232. Documents of 1650, establishing the MANORS, 115. The seats of an early inference drawn from the fragment aristocracy, 115-117. Calverton, 196. of 1649, 132-135. Per-diem of 1649, Cornwallis's Cross, 209. De la 49, and 130. Brooke, 75. Fenwick, 208. Kent Fort LAWS. See Assemblies; and Charters. MIanor, 44. St. Clement's, 33, and 241. For the Law relating to cattle-marks, St. Gabriel's, 115. Bohemia, S0. see 226. MAARSH, Hon. Thomas, his posterity, 69. LEARNING, low state of, 125. Gentlemen Major's Choice, 107. An award, 120. make their marks, 125. Signer of the Treaty with the Sasqu~eLEEDS, arrival of the family, 262. A /hannocks, 111. A member of the distinguished posterity, 262. council, 70. LEGISLATIVE heroes, 162-253. MIARSH's Creek, the original boundary LETTERS sent by private hand, 122. line of Calvert, 107. Its identity with Official dispatches by a special mes- Fishing, 107. senger, 122. MARSHALLS, of St. George's, 146. LswIS, Lt. Winm., his case, 31. MARTIN, Capt. Nicholas, a representaLIBERTY, 116. Existence of practical tive from the Isle of Kent, at Jamesliberty, at the foundation of the town, 46. colony, 116. Early democratic ele- MARYLAND, her name derived from a ment, 42. Independence of the Re- Roman Catholic Queen, 150. Origlpresentatives, 49 and 50. nally a feudal principality, 42, and LIFE OF THE PLANTERS, 121. Specimen 116. Her Patron Saint, 226. Her of more than ordinary comfort, 222. guardian angels, 226. Her Roman Inventory of Phil. Conner, 222. See Catholic gentry, 116-117. See also also Mrs. Fenwick's will; and the the Calverts; Cornwallis; the Neales; whole of the Ninth Chapter. and other families. See also Maners. LLOYDS, originally from Wales, 81-S2. The Cradle of Religious Liberty, 37. The Welsh rivers, Severn, and Wye, MAssI, Sarah, her identity with the widow 82. of the Hon. Thos. Marsh, 73. A MinisLLOYD, Hon. Edward, his posterity, 69. ter, in the Society of Friends, 000. LLOYD, Philemon, 113. Commissioner Bequest of Doctor Sharpe, 78. at Albany, 113. Testimonials froin MATAPEAXES, 45 and 110. the Governor and the Assembly, 113. MATTHEWS, Doct. Thos., of St. Inigo's Interesting character of the treaties 132. His faith, 227. Cattle-mark, with the Iroquois, 113. 227. Gift to the son of Walter Peake, LLOYDS of Wye IIouse, their ancestry, 249. Elected in 1650, 132. Succeeded 69. by Mr. Fenwick, 132. Estates with LOCKERMIANS, their arrival, 85. the R. C. prefix, 250. LONDON, founded by Col. Bulgess, 73. MATTAPANIENTS, one of the most friendly Early rival of Annapolis, 73. Erect- tribes, 169. Their dwelling-place, the ed, in 16S3, into a port of entry, 117. store-house of the Missions, 169. The LowEs, their arrival, 266. They came residence of Lord Charles Baltimore, from Denby, 266. Their arms, 266. 169. The home of the Sewalls, 169. Close connection with Lord Balti- MATTaPANY-hOUSE, the residence of the more's family, 2(;6. ~ Sewalls, 169; and of Lord Charles Lows, IIon. E. Louis, arrival of his an- Baltimore, 10(9. The Government cestry, 266. Hlouse, 169. The siege, and surrender, 99. M. MAUNSELL, John, his life, 237-241. IIis faith, 238-241. Col. WVm. Evans, tlme,IGnRUDEoRS, their arrival, 83. One of guardian of his son, and the godtime largest families of Maryland, 83. father of AMary Maunsell, 240. Will, and posterity of the emigrant, MAY, lion. Mrs., the ancestry of, 114. 83. H IELONS, 121. MANNERS, George, a lawgiver of 1649, MITCHEL, Mrs., ancestry of, 114. 135. Notice of his life, 231-232. His SIONUMENTAL RIEMAINS:-Epitaph of an 254 INDEX. M. P. early Deputy Governor, 73. See also Watson's 107. The first foot-print of St. Cuthbert; Colonel Darnall; tile civilizationl upon the western shore, family of Hawkins; and thle Bennetts. 106. Settlement under Colonel ClayMIORALS of our ancestry, 127. borne, 78. MORMONS, 62. PATUXENTs;-Their territory bounded MIOUNT Ailry, the home of the Calverts, on one side by the Pi.scatalways, 111. 170. Large number of little nations and tribes, 111. Their friendship for the N. colonists, 111. They propose to put themselves under the proprietary's NANT;COKES, 111. Descendants of the protection, 196. Five Patuzentstried Kuscarcwoaks, 111. Punished for and acquitted, 203. the murder of Rowland Williams, of PATUXENT, settlement upon, 74-75. ProAccomac, 212. The march against bably Anglo-Catholic, 74. Founded them, in 1647, 231. by the HIon. Robt. Brooke, 74. NAPKINS, freely used by our forefathers, PEAKE, a species of Aboriginal currency, 120. 111, and 119. NEALES: —Their faith, 268. Their arri- PEAKE, Walter, his life, faith, trial, exeval, 263. Capt. James Neale, the cution, posterity, &c., 247-253. ancestor of the second archbishop PEAKES, the time of their arrival, 247. of Baltimore, 24-3. His gift to Mr. The posterity of Walter Peake, 249. Thornborough, 244. A favorite-of the PEARCE, Hon. Jas. Alfred, arrivtl of his English crown, 150. Natives of Spain, ancestry, 262. Distinguished in the 85. Henrietta Maria, 150. Blood of early history of Cecil, 262. the Neales inherited by the Lloyds, PENNSYLVANIA: —Our boundary includand by other distinguished Protestant ed Philadelphia, 167. Indian name families, 150. for tllatcity, lb6. Tediousness of the NEALE, AMost Reverend. See Neales. controversy with the Penns, 167. NEGRO SLAVES, 117. Their early intro- Lord Hardwick's decision, 167. See duction, 117. also New York. Baltimore & Penn, NEw-YARMOUTH, its site, 118, and 194. 166. Its founder, 194. The seat of Kent PILE, Hon. John, 186. A Privy CounCounty, 194. cillor of 1649, 135. His faith, 188. Naw YoRK: —The Iroqsuois, 113. The Notice of his life and family, 186Swedes, 79, and 167. The Dutch, 79, 189. Related to the Tettershalls, and and 167. St. 7T'nmany's Hall, 112. to the Jarbos, 187. Ancestor, it is A little colony from Manhattan, 80, supposed, of the Br1ents of Louisiana, and 269. See also Augustine Hler- and the Carrolls of St. Mary's, 189. man. His posterity, 189. NICHOLS, the family at Derby, their an- PII.GRIMS CF MARYLAND:-The year of cestry, 70. their arrival, 22. They brought with NOBILITY, the early germ of, 116. them the germ of religious liberty, 317. The Ark,87. The Dove, 87. PISCATAWAYS:-Title of their most pro0. minent chief, 111. Boundaries of their dominion, 111. Their territory OPPOSITION of the Roman Catholics to probably embraced the sites of Washthe political party represented by the inffton and Baltihmore, 111. PiscaPuritans, 256. taway half-lbreeds, 108. The chiefs OYSTERS, 121. suhmit their gravest questions to OZANIFS, 111, Their dwelling-place the proprietary, as their patriarch, upon the Chester, 111. Their affinity 165. Mltirders upon the plantation with the DelIscwares, 112. of Capt. Gookins, 151. Trial of Skivqlt(sm7-7o20ege and C7ouieot-wez(t, 151. lVitrcosse, the emperor, 151. A trial P. jury of twenty-f)lur, 152. Large number of Roman Catholic Jurors, 152, PAcAs, their arrival, 262. and 270. PAL.MER'S ISLAND, TS. Its identity withl PLANTATIONS, tile most striking feature INDEs. 285 P. P. upon the face of our early provincial Tie Lanrmrs, 84. The'Magruders, Society, 118. Early Courts and Coun- 88. The Pratts, 262. The Sewalls, cils held upon them, 118. The seats 265. The Shipleys, 82. The Snow.also of trade, 118. Their town-like dens, 82. The Spriggs, 265. The appearance, 118. Tettershalls, 187. The Tylers, 265. PLANTERS, the merchants of the prov- And the Wests, 268. See also Indians. ince, 118. Descendants of the old PRINTING-PRESS, 122. aristocracy of England, 126. PRIvY COUNCILLORS, 116. PLY.MOUTH, settlement at, 41. PROPRIETARY'S COIN, 119. PocOsoN, the word derived from the In- PROTESTANT DECLARATION. See Decladians, 122. ration. POMEGRANATES, 121. PROTESTANT Revolution, 87-100. PONE, the word derived from the In- PROTESTANTS, ratio of, to Roman Cathodians, 122. lies, in the Province, during the year POPLAR ISLAND, settlement upon, under 1649, 147. Col. Clayborne's auspices, as early as PROTESTANTS, in the Assembly of 1649, 1636, 78. 187. Anglo-Catholics, 13T. POPULATION:-Population of Kent, in PROVINCIAL COURTS. See Courts. 1649, 145; of St. Mary's, 145. Popu- PROVINCIAL FAMILIES. See Families. lation of the Province, in 1649, 145. PROVINCIAL towns: —The first Puritan Its population, in 1689, 103. Ratio, town, 69, and 177. London founded in 1649, of the Protestant to the Ro- by Col. Burgess, T8. Early rival of mran Catholic colonists, 147-148. Annapolis, 73. London erected into PossRssIONS of our forefathers, their a port of entry, 117. Annapolis lands and servants, flocks and herds, erected into a port of entry, 117. 2'82. See also Life of the Planters. Becomes the seat of the Provincial PosT, 422. government, 108. New Yarmouth POTATO, derived firom the Indians, 122. founded by Major Ringgold, 194. Its The word also borrowed from them, site, 117. York, 117. See also St. 122. Mary's City; and Plantations. POWHATANS:-Number of the nations PULTON, Rev. Father, 159. under their sway, 109. Their dortin- PUNCH, a favorite drink, 120. ion upon the banks of the Patuxent, PURITANS: —Their arrival, 68. Their 109. The Accomacs included within first town, 69. Greenberry's Point, their territory, 112. See also C/Lests- a.n the Severn, 69. Gov. Bennett, peskes. Hon. Edward Lloyd, and Hon. ThoPRATT, Hon. Thomas G., arrival, and mas Marsh, 69. Puritans represented residence of his supposed ancestry, in the Assembly of 1650, 70. The 262. Puritan speaker, T0. The ascendenPRICE, Col. John, a lawgiver of 1649, cy of the Puritans, a period of intol134. A Privy Councillor, 134. His erance, 86. faith, 184. Could not write, 51. A soldier, 183. Service in the contest Q. with Ingle, 183. March against the Eastern Shore Indians, 281. His Q UAENSs:-Their- arrival, 76. Their high character, 184. Notice of his peculiar relation to the government, life and family, 183-185. 63. Refusal to take the oath of sub. PRINCE GEORGE'S County, erected in mission, 63. Their case examnined, 1695, 106. Carved out of Calvert and 63 and 65. The exaggeration of hisCharles,106. Charleston, itsoriginal torians, 65 and 78. In 1659, in a leseat, 118. New-Scotland, 82. The gal proceeding, a Quaker affirmed, Addisons, 267. The Beales, 83. The 6T. George Fox, 76. He preaches, Bowies, 83. The Brashaers, 84. The in the province, 77. His powerful elBrookes, 15. The Burgesses, 261. oquence, 77. Rapid growth of the The Calverts, 170. The Claggetts, communion, 77. Names of the 266. The Contees, 84. The Darnalls, preachers, in 1672, 78. Respectabil26T. T Dl)avises, 261. The Dinios- ity of the Friendls, 6.5 and 77. D)oct. sas, 79. The Du Valles, 84. Thile Peter Sharpe, 7. Interesting exEdmonstons, 83. The Hattons, 206. t ract f!(:nl hlls will, 7S. The Sharpes, 286 INDEX. QCti~~~ I ~PR. the Prestons, and other prominent Catholic Toleration, 254-259. Oviter Quaker families, 65, and 77. The throw of the Roman Catholic propricCliffs of Calvert, 77. West RIiver, 77. tary in 16S9, 87-100. The Choptank, 77. Sharplc's Island, 78. Widow of the lion. Thomas Marsh, 78. S. QUEEN ANNE'S County, 45. The Ben-' netts, 69. The Conners, 222. The S.AcK, a favorite drink, 120. De Courcys, 114. The Formans,70. SACROSANCTA, its use by the Latin The Goldsboroughs, 263. The family fathers, 54. of IIawkins, 26:3. The Thompsons SACROSANCTA DEI ET VERA CIIRISTIANA 264. The Tilghmans, 263. See also RELIGIO, its meaning, 27, 54-56. Isle of Kent. SAINT. See Estates; and St. Mary's County. ST. IGNATIUS, the patron saint of MaryP., I land, 226. ST. MARY, the Vilrgin Mother, applicaRPiCAms, of Kent, their arrival, 84. tion to her, upon the early Provincial IRICAUD, lion. Jas. B., his ancestry, Recordls, of the terru cver-iunoasscu84. late, 228. RIcUIARDsoNs, of WCfeot River, S2. A ST. MAvRY'S CITY:-The first provincial branch at Eut.ra-Place, Tih. T'heir capital, 49. Named in lhonor of the arrival, 82. A Quaker family, 77. Yirgin Mother, 48. Founded upon RIGoIE, Rev. Father, 159. the site of an Aboriginal Village, 47, RINaGOLDS, 261. One of the old and The Chapel, 392. Thie Fort, 32. The leading families of Md., 194. Their State I-ouse, 117. Siege of 16S9, 97. arrival, 261. Founders of New-Yar- Surrender of the State House, 97. mouth, 194. Their relationship to Seizure of the Records, 97. Fall of the family of Capt. Vaughan, the St. Mary's, 108. A shrine, 48. Privy Councillor, 193. Distinguished, ST. MIARY'S COUNTY -The country of the for the period of two centuries, at Yaocoezicos, 46. The treaty, 46-47. every epoch, in our history, 194. Subsequently called Augusta-CaroRINGGOLD, Thomas, foreman of the trial lina, 47. The home of the Roman jury, in the cases of Robt. IHolt, and Catholics, 149. Roman Catholic hunParson Wilkinson, 153. dreds, and manors, 155. The seat of RoANOKE, a species of Aboriginal cur- a IRoman Catholic mission, 15S. See rency, 111, and 119. also St. Mary's City; and Estates RoarsN CATIOLICS -Compact between with the Roman Catholic prefix. Also an Anglo-Catholic King, and a Roman Arrivals; the Lives of the early lawCatholic Prince, 26. The arrival of givers; and Provincial Families. Roman Catholic Missionaries, 158- SALISBURY, the family seat of the Piles, 159. Their labors constitute the most 186. interesting part of our Aboriginal SCARF. See will of Mrs. Fenwick. IIistory, 113, and 158. The seed of SCOTCHI EMIGRANTS, 82. The Beales, Religious Liberty planted by the Pil- Bowies, Edmonstons, and Alagruders, grims at St. Mary's, 37. Honor due 83. See also Prince George's County. to the first Romlan Catholic proprie- SEALS. See Armorial Seals. tary, 84, and 162-168; to the first SECRETARY, office of, one of great digRoman Catholic Governor, G6-3S, and nity, 203. 171-174; to the Roman Catholic SERvriuDE, three kinds of, 117. Assembly of 1649, 53; and to the SEWALL, IIon. lIenry, the ancestor of RPoman Catholic freemen of the Pro- the Sewalls of Mattapany-Sewall, 169, vince,-160. St. Mary's County, the and 265. A Privy Councillor, 169. home of the Roman Catholics, 149. SEWALL, lion. Maj. Nicholas, step-son Roman Catholic hundreds, 157. Ratio of Lord Chlarles Baltimore, 72, and of the Protestan t to the Roman Catho- 261. Son-in-law of he lion. Win. lic population of the Province, at the Burgess, 72, and 261. A Deputy period of the Assembly, 148. Spirit -Governorin 169, 96-100. Overthrow which distinguishes the era of Roman of the Government, 99. Vindicated i: X-x 287 ~aainst the charge of a conspiracy, STATE OF SOCIETY, 1OS-1 2T. 87-100. STONES, 262. GOV. Win. Stone's life, SEWALS, of Mattapany-Sewall, their 175-179. President of the Privy ancestry, 261) and 265. Their rela- Council, at the Assembly of 1649, tionship to the Burgesses, 73, and 2Ci; 134. Year of his arrival, 176. His and to the Calverts, 169. kinsmen at London, 1T5-176. RelaSn.K.AMAXON, Indian name for a part tionship to the ancestor of Gov. of Philadelphia, 166. Sprigg, 175. Ancestor of the Stones SHARPE'S ISLAdD, originally called Clay- of Poynton 3Manor, 178-179; of the borne's, 78. A settlement probably thlid Anglican Bishop of ABd., 179; under Col. Clayborne, 78. of a signer of the Declaration, 179; SHIPLEYS, of Anne Arundel, and other of a member of the Convention of Counties, 82. A branch, at Enfield 1TSS, 1SO; of a Governor of the Chase, 82. Their arrival, 82. Sta te, 180 and of a Commissioner SIaNET-R!so, one of the articles of a for the reformi of the practice, in the provincial gentleman, 123. Courts, 14:). 0ILVER-PLATE, 12). Its richness sand STO.E, William, the Governor in 1649, massiveness, 120. Much of it kept 43. Sketch of his life,chalractcr, and by our ancestors, 120. They carved family, 175-130. See also Stones. upon it the arms of their own fore- STONE, Frederick, the Commissioner, fathers, 120. his ancestry, 180. FulGo-TA-Ao-MOuGi, a Piscjtaway Indian, STONE, Rt. Rev. Win. M., his ancestry, tried, convicted, and Pecuted, 151. 179. SesTTn, Mrs. Barbara, wife of Richard, SToNE, Thomas, the Signer of the Decla90. IIer narrative, 90-93. Hier ar- ration of Independence, hlis ancestry, rival at London, 93. 179. SMITe, Richard, ancestor of the Smiths STONE, John, a Governor of 1Md., lis of St. Leonard's Creek, and of the ancestry, 180. Dalanys, and Addisons, 99. Con- STONE, Michael Jenifer, member of the nected with the family of Somerset, Convention of 1788, his ancestry, 98. Opposed to the Revolution of 180. 1689, 98. A brave and generous STOOLS much used by our forefathers, spirit, 9S. His imprisonment, 90-93 119. and 100. SUGAa, its occasional use, 120. SMYTH, lion. Thlos., opposed to the Rev- SurTOtS, 117. See also Manors. olution of 1639, 92. A signer of the StnvEYoa GENERAL, an offcer of much Address to the Crown, from the dignity, 135. Usually sat in the County of Kent, 95. Ancestor of the Council, 135. Smyths of Trumpington, and of Ches- SUSQUEHaINNOCS: —A powerful Confedtertown, 92. A Protestant, 95. eracy, 110. Chief dwelling-place, SNOWDENS, of Prince George's, and of 110. Wide extent of their conquests, other counties, 82. 110. They invade the Yocacomicos, O.,MERSET County erected, 105, upon the St. IMary's, 47 and 11t. SPALDING, Rt. Rev. Martin J.,'bishop of Their noble fiSgure, 110. Kindness to Louisville, his relationship to the Capt. Smith, 110. Their treaties with Fenwicks of St. Mary's, 218. Maryland, 111. Signers of the treaty SPpNISH EmAIGRANTS, 85. Children of in 1652, 111. Territory ceded, 111. Capt. Neale, 85. Treaty with Hierman, 111 and 260. SPESUTIA Island, 107. IIerman's trea- They absorb the Tocukwliogles, 111. ty, 107, and 269. " Susquehannalh Fort, 269. SPRIGGs, arrival of, 205. Their proba- SWEDES, their settlement upon thie Deble family seat in England, 265. The laware, TS. A fond rememblrance of relationship of the emigrant to Gov. their fatherland, 79. Refugees in WiU. Stone, 175. Foreman of the Maryland, 79. Col. Hanse Hanson, Julry, in the case of Walter Peake, 79. His posterity, 79. Natives of 251. Ancestor of Gov. Sprigg, 265. Sweden in Maryland, 85. Claim of STARcKIE, Rev. Father, 159. A legacy the Swedes upon tle L'elarare, 1(87. given him, 214. 288 INDEX. T. T. TAFFETA. See Mrs. Fenwick's will. prietors of the site of Chestertown, TANEY, Michael, high sheriff of Calvert, 263. Tilghmans, of Hope, 264. 96. Ancestor of the Chief Justice, TOBACCO, 122. The common currency 97. Opposition to the revolutionary of the province, 119. The great pro. party of 16S9, 101. His imprisonment, duct, 122. The large trade in it, 122. 10)8. Attitude before the Assembly, A source of revenue to the English 93, and 104. His letter to Mrs. Smith, Crown, 122. 100. TOCKWHOGHS, their seat upon the SassaTANEYS, their arrival, 265. Faith of the fras, 111. A ferocious tribe, 111. emigrant, 265. Probably absorbed by the Susque/masTANEY, HQn. Roger Brooke, his ances- nocks, 111. try, 75, and 265. TOLERATION, not yet defined, 18 and 23. TABLES, their early shape, 120. The past, 23. The future, 23. The TALBOT, Deputy Governor, 251. pride of a Marylander, 24. The TALBOT County, erected, 105. York, toleration secured by the charter, 26. 118. The Goldlsboroughs. 263. The Toleration under the first Governor, family of Leeds, 262. The Lloyds, 86. Toleration implied by the official 69. The Lockermans, 85. The Lowes, oath, 39. Passage of the Toleration 266. The Tilghmans, of Hope, 264. Act, 52-53. Provisions of the Act, 54TEA, its great scarcity, 120. 64. Its influence upon the colonizaTE.TTERSHALLS, their English family seat, tion of Maryland, 68. 187. Related to the Piles, IST. Resi- TowNs. See Provincial Towns. dence in Prince George's County, 187. TRADE: -See Currency; Plantations; Related to the Jarbos, 1S7. William Tobacco ^nd Towns. Tettershall's legacy to one of the TRAvELLING, 122. missionaries, 225. TREATIES of Lord Baltimore with the " THE ARK," 37. Indians, 166. "' TuE DOVE," 37. TUNNELL, Thomas, his discharge, 234. TEHOMASES, of Anne Arundel, and other TYLERS, their arrival, 265. Name of the Counties, 82. Their arrival, 82. Their emigrant, 265. His posterity, 265arms engraved upon a gold-headed 266. cane, handed down to the present TYLER, Saml., arrival of his ancestry, generation, 82. Their identity with 265-266. those of a well-known Welsh family, 82. A distinguished posterity, 82. An early and prominent Quaker U. family, 77. TaoMAs, Philip Evan, (first president of UTYE, Col. Nathaniel, a pioneer, 10r. the B. & O. Railroad,) his ancestry, Spesutia Island, 107. 82. THOMPSON, Rev. John A., ancestry of, 264. V. THOm.PSONS, 264. Their arrival, 264. Descendants of the Herlmans, of VAUGHAN, Capt. Robert, a lawgiver of Bohemia Manor, 264. Colonel John 1649,135. A Privy Councillor, 135. Thompson, 264. The name of Augus-. Commander of the Isle of Kent, 191. tina, 264. his faith, 190. Posterity, 193-194. THORNBOROUGa, Thomas, 242. Sketch Relationship to the Ringgolds, 194. of his life, 242-246. Mr. Neale's plan- Fidelity during Ingle's rebellion, 191. tation, 242-244. Mr. Thornborough's Notice of his life, 190-194. supposed faith, 244-245. His proba- VINE-YARDS, 121. ble relationship to the ancestor of an VIRGINIA:-The Accomacs, 112. The archbishop, 246. Chesapeakes, 109. The PowhataLs, TILGHMANS, 263. Their arrival, 263. 109 and 112. Settlement at JamesTheir coat of arms, 263. English town, 41. An Anglo-Catholic colony, family seat, 263. Chief family seat 27. Extract from the charter, 27. in Maryland, 263. Distinguished Kind reception of Capt. Smith by the representatives, 263. Original pro- Susqccehatnmocks, during his explo INDEX. 289 W. W. ration of the Chesapeake, 110. Ma- retary Hatton, 204. His residence ryland embraced within the original in St. George's Hundred, 146. His limits of Virginia, 168. The charter occupations, 146. His indictment, for the latter taken away before the 153. A Protestant jury, 155. date of the one for Maryland, 168. WILLIAMS, George Hawkins, his ances-,Settlement upon Kent Island, 43. try, 264. Off-shoot of an Anglo-Catholic colo- WILLs OF OUR ANCESTRY:-Their historny, 142. Kent Island represented ical value, 156. The bestkey to their by Capt. Martin, in the Assembly, at faith, deep domestic affection, and Jamestown, 46. Cattle-stealing, 124. pietyr, 156. Ratio of Protestant to Arrival of the Puritans from Va., 68. R. Catholic wills, in the whole provGov. Stone's residence there, 175. ince, anterior to 1650, 15T. See also Gov. Bennett, 69. See. also Isle of Finger-rings; Mrs. Fenwick's Will Kent; and Col. Clayborne. Punish- and many others. ment of the Nanticokes, 212. WILMERS of Kent, 263. WITCHCRAFT in Maryland, 125. Cases of Mary Lee, and John Cowman, 125. W. WOOD-YARD, the home of the Darnalls, subsequently of the Wests, 268. PreWAINSCOTTED WALLS, 120. Much ad- servation of relics, 268. mired, 120. Specimens still preserv- WoaRDs:-Derivation of Mitchel, 50. ed, 120. Meaning of ~icel-getheaht, and of WELSH emigrants, 81-82. The Lloyds, Witena-genot, 50-51. Pone, and Richardsons, Shipleys, Snowdens, other words derived from the Indians, and Thomases, 81-S2. See also 122. Catholic applied, upon the earLloyds. ly provincial Records, to the English WESTS, 261. Their family seat, 267. Church, 32 and 235; and ever immnnaPreservation of relics, 268. culate, to the Virgin Mother, 228. WHITE, Rev. Father, 159-160. "The The meaning of Churbch, when used Apostle of Maryland," 159. by itself, 197-198, and 232. 1Ioly WICK:sS, Col. Joseph, arrival of his an- CGhurch, in the early Acts of the Ascestry, 262. sembly, included the English as well xWTICKES, arrival of the family of, 262. as the Roman branch, 81. It subseOne of the most distinguished of quently embraced all believers in Kent, 262. The affection of the em- Christ's Divinity, 55 and 61. Sacroigrant for a young Swede, 79. Ihis saecta, in the Latin fathers, 54. Scatestimony against the revolutionists crosanlcta Dei et vera Christiana of 1689, 93-94. IIis posterity, 262. religio, in the Charter, 27 and 56. lie signs an Address to the English _Ionorable given to Privy CouncilCrown, 95. Chief Justice of the lors, and Judges of the Provincial County Court, 93. His faith, 93-95. Court, 186. WICKLIFFES, of St. George's, 146-147. WORTHINOTONS, S3-S4. Their early posWICKLIFFE AND WESLEY, 147. sessions upon the Severn, and upon WICOMICKS, march against, 231, and the Patapsco, 84. Will of the emi232. Col. Price, and Mr. Manners, grant, 84. 231. WROTHS, their arrival, 265. Their preWICOINOCONS desire to put themselves sumed descent from a highly distinunder tile proprietary's protection, guished English family, 265. 196. WROTH, Mrs. Catharine, her ancestry, WIGWAwM, the first chapel, 159. 79. WILD GRAPE-VINE, 121. WROTH, Doct. P., his ancestry, 265. WIt.D STRAWBERRY, 121. WmILKINsON, Rev. Winm., the first AngloCatholic clergyman of St. Mary's, Y. 145 and 204. His arrival, 204. Arrival of his family, 204. Marriage of YoACOMICOos:-Their dwelling-place uphis daughter to a nephew of Mr. Sec- on the St. Mary's, 109. Invaded by 11 29 0 INDEX. Y. Y. the XSusqueelanenoces, 47 and 110. ry's City, 47. Treaty with Gov. CalTheir country, by the Pilgrims, call- vert,46-4T, and 166. Kind reception e(l Augusta-Carolina, 47. Village of given, by the Yo.aoomuieos, to the Yoacomlico, 4S. The Site of St. Ma- Pilgrims' of Maryland, 46-47 and 109. THE END.