F Sn2 Si i I_. -— Li~ —~-_- -i ----_L_ __ 111I-~II1II)II~~1~~~lllilllll --- — III —_L__IC F7C c~t 9 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY, From the Year 1819 down to the Present Time. COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC RECORDS AND OTHER SOURCES: TARADI TIONA'R Y ACCOUNTS, LEGEArNDS, ANECDOTES tc. WITH VALUABLE STATI ST I CS, A:nd Notes of its Resources and General Information Concerning its Advantages: ALSO, A -BUSIN ESS D IRECTORY Of each of the three Principal Towns n the County. I-L-:f ---;-il t-f_^.;._: —:.i.-r-l. ~i`:-' I —; i~"-^ —l — l~;-,-r: --------- -----—:" BY TRUMAN B. FOX. EAST SAGINAW, - - ENTERPRISE PRINT 18,8. -, - --- - - - -. -p, -, I -- I -- 4 i4, WftOPEtTT *v I 811 ViTTC7iT1A VERITAS if HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY, From the Year 1819 down to the Present Time. COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC RECORDS AND OTHER SOURCES: TRADITIONARY ACCOUNTS, LEGENDS, ANECDOTES, &C. WITH VALUABLE STATISTICS, And Notes of its Resources and General Information Concerning its Advantages: ALSO, A BUTSINESS DIRECTORY Of each of the three Principal Towns of the County. BY TRUMAN B. FOX. EAST SAGINAW, - - - ENTERPRISE PRINT 1858. F /:? 5