T35 II H E C Y'CLOPlED1A. CYCLOPEDIA OF U1YVERSAL BIOGRAPIHY: A EICOORD OF TIE NAMES OF THE MOST EMINENT MEN OF THE WORLD BY PARKE GODWIN. NEW YORK: A. S. BARNES & CO., 51 JOHN-STREET. CINCINNATI:-I. W. DERBY. 1856. PREFACE. TIE need of a good portable Universal Biography has been long felt, not only by literary men but by the reading public in general. With the exception of Maunder's Biographical Treasury, published in London, there is none extant. The small works of Jones, Bellchambers, Davenport, &c., are very incomplete; and as they are only brought down to the time of their publication, quite valueless now. Maunder's book is for the most part excellent, condensing a vast variety of biographical knowledge within a small compass, and coming down to the year 1850; but the objections to it are, that it almost wholly ignores American names, and is quite anti-republican in its sympathies. Under the titles of the various kings, too, it furnishes a great deal of matter which properly belongs to history, to the exclusion of more appropriate subjects. The compiler of the present volume, therefore, making Maunder the basis of his work, has endeavored to preserve the compactnes, while he improved upon the fidelity and comprehensiveness of his original. He has re-written most of the articles, either to enlarge or condense them;. and has added a vast number of names, especially of American men of eminence, and those who have died since former works were prepared. In all cases he has consulted the most reliable authorities, and given as nmuac authentic information under each head as could be condensed into the allotted space. Of course a work of this kind can be little more than a record of names and dates; it gives no scope to the expression of opinions, and its merits, if it has any, must be simply those of accuracy and comprehen VJ PREFACE. siveness. In these respects, therefore, the compiler believes that his work is the best now offered to the public. tMany names are doubtless omitted which ought to have been in it, and many are in it which might better have been omitted; but on the whole, he thinks that he has presented as large a variety of names, and said as much about each of them, as will be required by ordinary readers. Students and investigators will always have at hand the larger works of Gorton, Chalmers, Rose, the Biographie Universelle, and the Encyclopedias. It should be added, that besides Maunder, the compiler has consulted the works of Allen, Blake, and Aikin, and particularly that most valuable publication, the Encyclopedia Americana by Prof. Lieber, with its continuation by Professor Vethake. In the typographical arrangement, in order to save room, all the same generic names are treated under one head, in the manner of classical dictionaries, and the initial letters of the words " born" and " died," which so often occur, are commonly used in place of the full word. P. G CYCLOPIEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. A. AA, PETER VAN DER, an eminent sent to England in 1620; and the second bookseller of Leyden.. 1730. in 1641, who were to treat about the AA, CHARLES I-ENI Y VANDER, a Lu- marriage of Prince WAilliam, son of the theran minister, who was among the prince of Orange. Aarsens died at an founders of the Academy of Sciences. advanced age; and left behind him very at Harlem, b. at Zwolle, 1718, d. 1795. accurate and judicious lmemoirs of all A family of this name was distinguished embassies in which he was employed. in the annals of the United Provinces B. 1572; d. 1679, for their resistance td the tyranny of ABACO, AVAXISTo FELICE D'ALL, a Philip II. of Spain. musical composer and violinist of VeAAGARD, CUHRMTIAN, a Danish poet. rona. There was another of the same B. 1616; d. 1664.-NIeCoLAs, a brother name, who flourished about the same of the above, b. 1612, d. 1657, was a time in 1750. philosophical writer. ABAGA, an emperor of the Moguls, AALST, EVERARD, a Dutch painter who opposed the Crusaders with irmof fruit pieces. B. 1602; d. 1658.-His ness and warlike skill, and d. in 1284. nephew, WILLrN, also a painter, was b. ABARIS, a celebrated character of 1620, d. 1679. antiquity, said to have possessed vast AAGESEN, SVEND, a Danish histo- abilities, and to have been endowed rian of the 12th century. Sometimes with the power of performing miracncalled Sueno Agonis. lous cures. He was a Scythian by birth. AARON, ST., a Briton, who suffered ABAS, ScIIAH, surnamed the Great, martyrdom under Diocletian in 303, and 7th king of Persia. D. in 1629.-ABAs, was canonized ten centuries later. Schah, great grandson of the preceding, AARON, a physician and'priest at was a prince remarkable for mildness Alexandria in the 12th century; the and humanity. D. in 1666. first man who described measles and ABASCAL, DON JOSE FERNANDO, the small-pox, on their first appearance viceroy of Peru during several years of in Egypt. the South American war of indepenAARON, or BARCELONA, a Spanish dence, was born at Oviedo in 1743, and Jew, who wrote a book called "Pre- having entered the military service of cepts of Moses," at Venice, in 1523. Spain, served in the numerous camAARON BEN ASSER, a Jew,, who pains of that country during the latter is said to have invented the points in halt of last century in all parts of the Hebrew writing, in the 5th century. globe. Appointed viceroy of Peru in AARSENS, FRANCIS VAN, lord of 1804, he governed with a firm but gentle Someldyck and Spyck, one of the hand till 1816, when he was superseded' greatest ministers for negotiation that by General Pezuela; and, on his retirethe United Provinces of Holland have ment, he left behind him a character for at any time possessed. He was the ability and moderation which is still first person ever recognized as Dutch held in grateful rememnbrance. D. at ambassador by thei French court: the Madrid, 1821 first of three extraordinary ambassadors ABASSA, or ABBASSA, sister of the I 2 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ABD caliph Haroun al Raschid, who gave her was born, in 1562, -it Guildcorld, in Surin marriage to his vizier Giafar, on con- rey, where his fathr rws a weaver and cition that their narriage should never clothworker. He raised himself gradube consummated; but having broken ally till he became primate of all Enthe contract, the caliph put Giafar to gland; was the author of several thedeath, an banished his wife fiomn the logical works; and one of the eight palace, giving orders that no one should divines, who, in 1604, by the order of afford her relief. James I., translated the edition of the. ABATE, ANDREA, a Neapolitan artist, Bible now in use. D. at Croydon in who was employed, together with Luca 1683.-ROBERT, bishop of Salisbury, the Giordio, in adorning the Escurial for elder brother of the above, was an emiCharles II. of Spain. D. 1732. nent divine, and famous for his skill in ABAUZIT, FiRN, a French author condclucting polemical discussions, and of great merit and erudition. H-e was vindicating the supremacy of kins. B. profoundlly learned, and acquired the 1560; d. 1617.- MAunRIE, youngest friendship of Voltaire, Rousseau, and brother of the above, was an eminent Newton. B. at Uzes in 1679, and d. at London merchant, knighted by Charles Geneva in 1767. I. Maurice's son, George, was the auABBADIE, JAMES, an eminent Prot- thor of a Paraphrase on the Book of Job. estant divine, who accompanied Mar- B. 1600; d. 1648.-HuILL, a respectable shal Schomberg to England in 168, and minister of Charlestown, (AMass.) B. was present when that.neat commander 1696; d. 1774.-SAMUEL, one of the fell at the battle of the Boyne. Ie wrote founders of the Andover Theological many works, chiefly theological mand iin Seminary. B. 1732; d. 1812.-ABDIL, the French language, the most esteem-a preacher, and author of several pubed of which is entitled "T1rait6 ce la lisled sermons. B. at Andover, 1770; Verite de a Religion Clhr1tienne." B. d. at Staten Island, 1828.-CIInRLES, was at Berne in 1658; d. in London, 1727. a celebrated statesm1an, once spCeker of ABBAS, the uncle of Mahomnet, of the house of commons, and subsequentwhom, though opposed to him at first, ly raised to the peerage as Lord Colhe becaire a disciple, and served in his chester. B. at Abingdon, 1757; d. 1829. army as a general. D. 653. Es N AnIAs -CInARLEs, a distinguished lawyer, who, ABDALLATI, son of the foregoing; chief in 1818, was made lord chief' justice of of the "Sahabab;" or companions of the Ming's Bench, and during the prethe Prophet, and author of a " Com- miership of Mr. Canning, was created a mentny on the Koran."-HALI or peer, by the title of Lord Tenterden. MAGUS, a Persian physician of the 10th B. 17; d. 1832. century; author of a pomlpous book on ABBT, TiHOIAS, a German writer who nmedicine, called "The Royal Worki," wrote a clever work, called "1-Iistoria which has been translated ilito Latin. Vitm Maomgistra," when he was only 13 ABBATI, NIcoLo, an Italian painter years of age. HIe was professor of phiin fresco; b. at Modena in 1512. losophy at Frankfort, and of matheABBATISSA, PAUL, a poet of Sicily, matics at Ritelin; wrote a treatise on who flourished about the year 1570, anid "Merit," and on the "Duty of Dying translated the Iliad and Odyssey into for one's Country." B. at Ulm, in Iatin verse. Suabia, 1738; d. 1766. ABBE, LouIsE, a French poet of the ABDALLAH, a camel driver, the 17th century, surnamed " La Belle Cor- father of Mahomet. le was so much donniere." esteemed by his tribe, that the stories ABBIATI, FILIPPO, an historical relate howv one hundred girls broke their painter, of considerable eminence. B. hearts on the lnight of his wedding. at Milau. in 1640; d. in 1715. ABDAS, a bishop of Persia, who inABBON, or ABBO, CERNUUS, a Nor- stigated the thirty years' persecution of man monk of the 9th century, who the Christians. uinder Theodosius the wrote, in Latin verse, an account of the Younger. siege of Paris by the Normans. ABDIAS, author of a legend called ABBO, FLORIACE-NSis, a learned writer'"Historia Certaminis Apostilici," pubof ecclesiastical biographies, who was lished at Basle in 1571. killed in 1004. ABDOLLATIPH, a Persian, who ABBOT, GEonRE, archbishop of Can- wrote the history of Egypt, published terbury in the reign of James I. and in England in 1800. B. at Bagdad 1161. Charles I., and one of the most active ABDOLMIAMEN, a potter's son, who political chalracters of that period. He became a general and conquered Mo ABE] CYCLOPSEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 3 scco, andl macle himself monarch. D. her away and placed her in the convent 1156. of Argenteuil. Baffled by this maABEEL, JoHN NELSON, 1an eloquent nceuvre, Fulbert was so enraged that he preacher, of New-York, who died il had Abelard ignominiously mutilated, 1812, aged 43. and thereby caused him, through sorABEILLE, GASPAR, a French dra- row and shame, to become a monk of matic writer of extraordinary versatility St. Denis. When his mortification had and writ. B. 1648; d. 1718.-SCIPIO, a somewhat subsided, he began to lecture brother of the above, wrote a "History again, but his enemies charged him of the Bones," and the "Complete with heterodoxy, and had him condemnArmy Surgeon."' D. 1697. ed. He then erected an oratory, called ABEL, TiHOMAS, teacher of grammar the Paraclete, in the diocese of Troyes, and music to Queen Catharine, but hav- but, being still pursued by bitter pering opposed Henry VIII.'s separation secutions, after a few years of viclssifrom her, he was condemned andc ex- tude and lesertion, died at the priory ecuted, under a pretence of denying the of St. Marcel. Heloise, then abbess king's supremacy, in 1540.-GASPAn, a of the Paraclete, did not desert him in German historian. B. 1675; d. 1763.- death, but had his ashes removed to a CIIARLES FREDERPIK, a famous German place where, in a few years later, she composer, and player on the viol di was destined to sleep by his side. The gamba, appointed musician to Quep.l remains of both were taken to Pere-laCharlotte. D. 1787. Chaise, in 1817, by order of the nation. ABELA, JOHN FRANCIS, a commander Abelard was a poet, an orator, a philosof the order of St. John of Jerusalem, opher and a mathematician-in short, a who wrote "Mlalta Illustrata," which man possessing the highest qualities of was published in BMalta in 1647. mind and heart-but, while his works ABELARD, PETER, a native of Pa- have mostly perished, his name is reslais, in Brittany, made immortal rather cued from oblivion by the story of his by his unfortunate love, than by his passion. The letters which passed beinmmense and varied attainments. He tween him and Heloise have been made,was educated at the University of Paris, the foundation of many poems and end became one of the most learned novels. The best of these is the celeaen of his day. He opened a school brated version of Pope. B. 1079; d. of theology and rhetoric, which was so 1142. popular that it attracted more than three ABELL, JoIr,, a musician who flourthousand pupils. But in the midday ished at the court of Charles II. of his fame he fell in love with a young ABELLI, Louis, bishop of Rhodes, and beautiful scholar, called Heloise, the and author of several theological works. niiece of'2he canon of Paris, Fulbert. B. 1604; d. 1691. Ile was then forty and she but fifteen, ABEPRCOMBIE, JOHN, M. D., an yet the attachment grew into a passion eminent Scotch physician and author which for warmth and intensity has was born at Aberdeen, Nov. 11, 1781. never been surpassed. Abelard forgot Having taken his degree at Edinburgh his lectures, his studies, and his fame in 1803, he permanently fixed his resiin his abandonment to o the raptures of lence in the Scotch metropolis, where delight. Yet the attachment was an he soon gained the first ra11sn as a pracunhappy one for both; Fulbert sepa- tising and coonsulting physician. But rated the lovers; when Abelard betook the writings of Dr. Abercrombie conhimself to the residence of his aunt ii tributed more to his fame than his skill Brittany, whither he was instantly fol- as a physician. His purely professional lowed by Heloise, and where she gave works are meritorious, but the most perbirth to a son. Abelard would have manent monuments to his memory are married her secretly, but she cisdained his "Inquiries concerning the Intelthe restraints of wellock, preferring her lectial Powers, &c.," published 1830, free attachment to him to a relation and the "Philosophy of the Moral Feelsanctioned and enforced by law. After ings," published 1833. In these works a hlile, however, she reluctantly con- he has brought all the medical facts acsented to marry him, yet refused to con- cumulated in the course of his extensive fess the marriage in public. She even experience and research to bear on vadenied it under oath. Her uncle was rious moral and metaphysical systems. so incensed at this condluct, that ie To his wide range of acquirements he treatec her with great severity, to re- adecd a piety as genuine as it was unlease hei from w]hich Abelard carried assuming, and he will long be remem 4 CYCLOPiEDIA OF BIOGRAPIIY. LABt bered for his large but unobtrusive be- liberal and distinguished statesman of nevolence. D. 1844. England, w]ho both as a lawyer and a ABERCEOMBY, THoMAS, a Scotch politician, exhibited a high order of author, lwho was physician to James II. ability. He was raised to the bench in D. 1726.-Sm RAPIi-, a British general, 1834 by Sir lobert Peel. B. in Jamaica, who served in the American war, i 1769; d. 1844. Flanders, Holland, the West Indies, ABISBAL, HENRY O'DONNELL, Count Ireland, and in Egypt, near Alexandria, of, a celebrated Spanish general, born in where he was mortally wounded, after Andalusia, 1770. Having entered the a desperate battle with the French, royal guards at the age of fifteen, he whom he defeated. He was one of the served in the war against the French bravest of Britons, but of great modera- republic; and on Napoleon's invasion tion andc military skill, and high char- of Spain, the part he took in the relief acter. B3. at Tillibodie, 1788; d. 1801.- of Gerona in 1809, led to his promotion JOIN, a horticultural author, wiho pub- to the command of C.talonia, vhere he lished under the name of MaLwe.. displayed great energy, and reaped much 1724; d. 1806.. success. Though defeated in the plains ABERLI, JOHN, an eminent landscape of Vich by General Sonham, he a month painter, of Switzerland. B. at Winter- afterwards forced Augereau to abandon then, 1723 cd. 1786. Lower Catalonia; and, at the village of ABEERNTHY, JOIN, an Irish dis- Abisbal, he compelled the surrender of senter and divine, of whose sermons a whole French column under General there are two volumes, which are held Schwartz. From this actionh e took his in considerable esteem. B. at Coleraine, title. Towards the close of the war, he 1680; c. at Dublin, 1740. —JoIIN, F.I.S., commandced with brilliant success at the a surgeon of great repute and extensive capture of Pancorvo. In 1819 he suppractice. I-e was brought up under Sir pressed a mutiny of the troops in the Charles Blick, surgeo of St. Bartholo- isle of Leon; but he iell into disgrace mew's Hospital, and was acknowledged on suspicion of treachery, and it was to possess very considerable talent and not till 1823, onl the invasion of Spain originality; though he doubtless owed by the French under the DLuke d'Anmuch of his fame to a blunt eccentricity gouleme, that he recovered his position of manler, of which a thousand various and his fame. After the restoration of anecdotes are still current. He was the Ferdinand he retired to France, where author of " Surgical Observations," 1he resided, almost entirely forgotten, till Physiological Essays," &c. B. 1764; his death in 1834. d. 1831. ABNEY, Sm TeHOMAs, Lord Mayor ABGAEiUS, aking of Edessa, inMles- of London, in 1700, and one of the opotamia, cotemporary with our Sa- founders of the Bank of England. D. V1our, to whom he is said to have writ- 1722. ten a letter and received an answe; to it. ~ ABRAHAM,, NICHOLAs, a learned Both are supposed to be inventions. Jesuit, and professor of theology in the ABGILLUS, surnamed PRESTER JoeN, university of Pont-h-Mousson; author son of a king of the Frisi. He accom- of a Commentary on Virgil and some of panied Charlemnaone to the HolyLand; Cicero's Orations. B. 1589; d. 1656.and after his leadlr's return to Europe A. SANCTA CLARA, a native of Suabia, made vast conquests in Abyssinia, whose real name was Ulriclh Mekerle. which was lono called "Prester John's He was an Augustine fiiar, andc exDominion." He is reputed to have tremely affected and eccentric as a written an account of Charlemagne's preacher. B3.1642; d. 1709.-A teacher deeds in the East. of music at Paris, composer of airs for ABILDGAARD, PHILIP CHaISTIAN, athe clarionet, and autlhor of a mletlhod Danish physician; one of the ablest for the bassoon. D. 1805. naturalists of the 18th century.-Nicno- ABRASDATES, king of Susa, renLAS ABRAHAM, brother of the above; a dered memorable by the affection of his clever historical painter, and author of wife. some equally elegant and useful essays ABRESCH, FRED)EIn R Louis, a celcon taste in woris of art. B. 1744; dl. brated Dutch critic and Greek scholar. 1809. B. at Hamburgh, 1699; d. in SwitzerABINGTON, FRANCES, a celebrated llcnd, 1782. comic actress. B. in London, 1731; d. ABRILOLA, an Arabian poet. B, in Dublin, 1815. 973; d. 1057. ABINGER, LoRD, (James Scarlett,) a ABROSI, JOHN, an Italian physician &ACC] CYCLOP EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 5 of the 16th century; author of a Dia- Younger.-Another was the founder of logue on Astrology. the Acaciani sect, and d. about 365. ABRUZZO, BALTHAZAR, a Sicilian ACADEMUS, the founder of the philosopher and civilian. IB. in 1601; Academic sect at Athens, and of the d. 1665. Academic grove. ABSTEMIUS, LAT-iENTIUS, an Italian ACAMPIXTLI, the first Meican writer, born at Macerata, in La Marca king, who ruled forty years, and introdi Ancona, who devoted himself early duced many good laws. D. 1420. to the study of polite literature. He ACCA, ST., an Anglo-Saxon, bishop published under the pontificate of Alex- at Hexham, who wrote "Sufferings ot ander VI. a treatise, entitled "Heca- the Saints," and was a patron of arts tomythium," from its containing 100. and music. D. 740.-LAURENTLI, the fables, which have been often printed nurse of Romulus and Remus, to whom with those of -Asop, Phedrus, Gabrius, the Romans decreed a festival. Avienus, &c. ACCAIOLI-the name of a distinABUBEKER, father-in-law and sue- guished Florentine family - DONATUS, cessor of Mahomet. _His original name was a translator of Plutarch, and a was changed to that of Abubeker, or learned commentator on Aristotle; "Father of the Virgin," on the occasion JOHN, was an author and public leeof his daughter Ayesha becoming the turer; ZENOBIO, a poet and critic, who bride of Mahomet. On succeeding his translated Politian s epigrams, d. 1520 son-in-law he assumed the title of caliph, MAGDALENA, wrote " David Persecuted,' which signifies both successor and vicar, and other poems, d. 1610; RENATUS, was and which was first borne by him. He a general of the 14th century, who conwon vast territory from the Syrians, quered Athens, Corinth, and Bceotia,. Persians, and Greeks. D. 634. ACCIO, ZucHIO, a poet of Verona, in ABULFARAGIUS, GREGORY, son of the 15th century. Aaron a physician, born in 1226, in the ACCIUS, Luius, a Latin poet and city of Malatia. He wrote in Arabic a dramatist. D. about 180, B. C.-TuLhistory which consists of ten parts, and LIUS, prince of the Volsci, to whom is an epitome of universal history from Coriolanus resorted for aid against the creation of the world to his own Rome. time. ACCOLTI, BENEDICT, an Italian lawABULFEDA, ISMAE, prince of Ha- yer, born at Florence in 1415, and aumah, in Syria, but better lnown as au- thor of many works, amono which was thor of Tables of Geography of thea narrative of the wars in Palestine, to Regions beyond the River OxusO He which Tasso was indebted in the "Jerubegan his reign in the 743d year of the salem Delivered." D. 1466.-BENEDICT, Hegira, and ended it three years after- a relation of the preceding, born imi wards, aged 72. 1497, was so perfect a master of the ABULGARI, BAYATM,. Khan of the Latin tongue, that he was called the Tartars, and writer of a Tartar history, Cicero of the age. Clement VII. made which has been translated in German him a cardinal. D. 1549.-PETER, son and French. B. at Urgens, 1605; d. of the above, as cardinal of Ancona, 1663. - composed the Papal bull against Luther. ABU, MosLEM, a governor of Koras- D. 15832. —BERNARD, brother of the last san, piut to death in 759. named, a poet of considerable powers; ABU-NOWAS, an Arabian poet. B. his works were published at Florence, 762 -cd. 810. in 1513. —FRANCIs, uncle of the above; a AB1U-OBIDA, a friend of Mahomet, lawyer and scholar of great ability, but who conquered Palestine and Syria, and even more remarkable for his parsimony died of pestilence in 639. than for his talents.-BENEDICT, a man ABU-TEMAN, an Arabian poet, of violent passions, who conspired with whose works have been translated into five others to murder Pius IV. He sufEnglish. D. 845. fered death in 1564. ACACIUS, bishop: of Berea, an op- ACCORSO, MAIANmNELO, a native of ponent of Chrysostom. D.' 436.-There Aquila, in the 16th century; an emiwas another bishop of the same name, nent critic and scholar.. He published who flourished at Amida, on the Tigris, remarks on Ausonius and Ovid, entitled in the 5th century, mand who is known "Diatribe," and an edition of Ammiafor his benevolence, in having'sold his nus Mtarcellinus. church plate to ransom 7000 Persians ACCUM, FPEDERIKO, an operative taken prisoners by Theodosius the chemist of eminence, who wrote several 8 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [Aol books of science. B. in Westphalia, and successor of Mlahorn: t IIL B. 1588; 1769; d. 1888. d. 1617.-AcniMET II. succeeded his broACCURSIUS, FRANCIS, an eminent ther Solyman on the throne of ConItalian lawyer, born at Florence in 1182, stantinople. D. 1695.- ACiHMET III., and died in 1229. This individual ren- son of Mahomet IV., was placed on the dered himself famous by his "Perpet- throne by the heads of a faction which ual Commentary," or " Great Gloss," had deposed his brother, Mustapha II. in illustration of the code, the institutes, He was afterwards deposed, and his and the digests. nephew, Mahomet V., exalted to the ACERBI, JosEPH, an Italian; author throne. D. in prison, 1736. of "Voyage au Cape Nord, par la ACIDALIUS, VALENS, a German anSuede," in 1798. thor and critic. D. 1595. ACERBO, FEANOIS, an Italian Jesuit ACKERMANN, CON:RAD, a German and poet at Naples, in 1666. comedian, and founder of the German ACH, VAN, or ACHEN, JOHN, an theatre. D. 1771.-JOHN CHRISTIAN-GOTeminent historical and portrait painter. LIEB, an eminent physician and author. B. at Cologne, 1566; d. 1621. B. 1756; d. 1801.-EUDOLPH, an enterACHIZEIJS, a Greek poet and satir- prising tradesman, who went to Enist, cotemporary with _schylus. Yet gland and became a print-seller, where though he is said to have written forty he published the "Forget Me Not," tragedlies, nothing but a few fragments the first of a peculiar class of annual at preent exist. books. He improved the lithographic ACHARD, ANTHONY, a learned di- art, published several beautiful editions vine, B. at Geneva,, 1966; d. 1772.- of histories, and was the first person FRANCIS CHARLES, a distinguished Prus- who used gas-lights in London. B. at sian chemist; known as the first fabri- Schuceberg, in Saxony, 1764; d. 1834. cator of beet-root sugar, in 1792; and ACKLAND,, a British major in the author of several treatises on chemistry American war. He was taken prisoner and agriculture. D. 1821. by Arnold, at Stillwater, Oct. 7, 1777. ACHARDS, ELEAZER, bishop of Avig- When released he returned to England, non, remarkable for the benevolent where he was shot in a duel by Liet. courage he displayed when the plague Lloyd, to whom he had given the lie, raged in his see. D. 1741. when Lloyd charged the Americans ACHENWALL, GODFREY, a lecturer with cowardice. Lady Harriett, his on history and jurisprudence, in the wife, lost her senses in consequence. university of Gottingen. D. 1772. ACKMAN, WILLIAM, a Scotch porACHER, N., a French judge; author trait painter, the first appreciator and of an "Abre6e des Hommes Illustres friend of the poet Thomson. te Plutarque;, 1807. ACOLUTHUS, ANDREW, author of ACHERI, Luo D', a Benedictine" De Aquis Amearis." D. 1704. monk; author of " Lives of the Saints," ACOSTA, JOSEPH, a Jesuit of Peru, &c. B. at St. Quintin, in Picardy, who wrote a good history of the West 1609 * d. at Paris 1685. Indies. D; 1600. ACHILLES TATIUS, a native of ACQUAVIVA, ANDREW MATrHEW, a Alexandria, who lived during the 8d learned. Neapolitan, who published the century, and in his old age was con- first Encyclopmdia. B. 1456; d. 1528. verted to Christianity, and became a ACON, a Sicilian physician, who bishop. He originally taught rhetoric expelled the plague from Athens, by in his native city, and wrote a " Treatise burning certain perfumes, about 473 on the Sphere;" a "History of Great B. o. Men;" and a romance, entitled "The ACEOPOLITA, GEORGE, a Byzantine Loves of Clitophon and Leucippe." historian, learned in mathematics and ACHILLINI, ALEXANDER, a Bolog- skilled in rhetoric. B. 1220; d. 1282.nese physician, known by his publica- CONSTANTINE, son of the above, was tions on anatomy and medicine, D. grand chancellor of the empire. 1512.-JOHN PHLOTHEUS, brother of the ACTON, JosEPH, a Frenchman, who above, and author of a eulogistic poem, entered the navy of the Grand Duke of entitled" Viridario." D. 1538.-CLAUDE, Tuscany, and rescued 4000 Spaniards a relation of the above, distinguished for from the Barbary corsairs. B. 1737; d. his knowledge of medicine, theology, 1808. and jurisprudence. B. at Bologna, ACTUARIUS, a Greek physician, of 1574; d. 1640. the 13th century, who used water and ACHMET I., emperor of Turkey, son mild cathartics as his principal remedies, ADA] 6YCLOPAeDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 7 ACUNA, CHRISTOPHE R, a Jesuit mis- the French," and other works of consionary, who wrote an account of the siderable ingenuity. B. 1716; d. 1792." Great River of the Amazons." B. 1597. ROBERT, F.R.S., and F.S.A.; a celebra-FERNANDO DE, a Spanish poet. D. ted architect, much-employed upon the *t Grenada, 1680. public buildings and noblemen s manAI)AIR, JAMES, a recorder of Lon- sions of London. One of his works, ex6on, member of parliament, and chief- ecuted in conjunction with his brother, rustice at Chester. D. 1798.-Another is the noble range of buildings called JAMES, was a trader among the North, the "Adelphi," the name being the American Indians, in 1775, who wrote Greek word for "Brothers." He at one a book to prove them descended from time represented the county of Kinross the Jews. in parliament. B. at Kirkaldy, Fifeshire, ADALARD, or ADELARD, a Ger- 1728; d. 1792.-JAMES, brother of the man divine and theological writer, the above, and his coadjutor in most of his grandson of Charles Martel, and cousin- labors. D. 1794.-THomAs, an English german of Charlemagne. lie is most divine, and for 58 years the rector of distinguished for the foundation of a Wintringham, in Lincolnshire. B. at distinct abbey, called New Corbie, as a Leeds, 1701; d. 1784. seminary for the education of mission- ADAMANTEO, a learned Italian aries, who were to be employed in the mathematician and orientalist; author conversion of the northern nations. B. of " Glossas et InterpXetationes in Tal753; d. 827. mud Hebraorum." D. 1581. ADALBERT, archbishop of Prague, ADAMANTIUS, a Greek physician in the 10th century. He was one of the of the 5th century; author of a popular first founders of the Christian religion work on physiognomy. in Hungary; and also preached the gos- ADAMANUS, abbot of Icolmkil, in pel in Prussia, and in Lithuania, where the 8th century; author of a life of St. he was murdered by Sego, a pagan Columba. priest. ADAMI, LEONARDO, an Italian scholADAM, ScoTUs, a doctor of the Sor- ar, eminent for his skill in the Greek bonne, in the 12th century, and author and Oriental languages, and librarian to of a life of David I. of Scotland.-ALnEx- Cardinal Imperidi. B. 1690, at Bolsema, ANDER, a learned Scotch schoolmaster, in Tuscany; d. 1719. well known to the literary and scholastic ADAMS, JOHN, the second president world by his "Latin Lexicon," "Ro- of the United States, and one of the man Antiquities," &c. B. 1741; d. most able men America has produced, 1809.-LAMBERT SIGISBERT, an eminent was born at Braintree, Oct. 19, 1735. French sculptor, many of whose works He was descended from Henry Adams, were executed for the decoration of Ver- one of the original proprietors of the. sailles and St. Cloud. B. 1700; d. 1759. town, of Braintree, who fled from En-NICHOLAS SEBASTIAN, brother of the gland with the Puritans, in the year above, and eminent in the same profes- 1630. Early in life he manifested great sion. He executed the admired statue quickness of parts, and was educated of " Prometheus Chained." B. 1705; d. in the best schools, and afterwards sent 1778.-ALBERT, a distinguished painter to Cambridge College. After he left of battle-scenes, born at Nordlingen, in college, he studied law with Col. James 1786, who went to Russia with fugene Putnam, at Worcester, instructing puBeauharnais in 1812, and afterwards pils in the Latin and Greek languages produced many of the pictures in the at the same time, to defray the expense. gallery of the king of Bavaria.-ADOL- Subsequently he entered the office of PHIu CHARLES, a musical composer of Jeremiah Gridley. In 1761 he was eminence, author of the " Postillion of admitted a barrister-at-law, and comLonjumeau," and other operas. B. at menced practice. The attempts of EnParis, 1804.-WILLIAM, a lawyer and gland to coerce the colonies into obedipolitician of Pitt's time, and one of the ence, which had exasperated the colomanagers appointed by the commons to nials into most bitter indignation and conduct the impeachment of Warren hatred, were opposed by iMr. Adams Hastings. B. 1751; d. 1839.-MELOIIOR, from the outset, and on all the questions a German divine and biographical au- which arose between the two countries, thor of the 17th century.-NICHOLAS, a he was on the side of the wronged and French grammarian; author of "The oppressed. Yet his was not a mere True Mode of acquiring a Language partisan zeal, but the just excitement whether Living or Dead, by means of of one who thought and felt earnestly 8 CYOLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ADA andc deeply. When, therefore, the re- and died on the 4th of July, 1826. His sistance of the colonists broke out into last words were, " It is the glorious 4th open war, Adams was prepared to take of July!-God bless it-God bless you an intelligent and ail active part in their all!" He was a man of intrepid and defence. In 1764 he married Abigail honest character, great industry, a high Smith, second daughter of William order of talent, and the most elevated Smith, of Weymouth. and grand-daugh- Christian sentiments.-SAMUEL, one of ter of Col. Quincy, of Wollaston, a wo- the foremost patriots of the American man of fine personal appearance, good revolution, was born at Boston, Sept. education, noble powers of mind, and 27th, 1722. He was made a member of the most patriotic devotion to the colo- the legislature ins 1766, where he con-. nies. A year afterwards he published tinned till 1774, when he was chosen to an Essay on Canon and Feudal Law, the first congress under the confederawhich was reprinted in England and tion. He was a signer of the Declaramuch commended. In 1769 he was tion of Independence. In 1794 he was appointed chairman of the committee, elected governor of Massachusetts, and appointed by the town of Boston, to held the office three years. He died in draw up instructions to its represent- 1803, universally respected as a man of atives to resist British encroachments, the most exalted patriotism, and the at the very time the town was invested most inflexible integrity.-JoHN QuINsY, by an armed force both by sea and by son of John, and the sixth president of land. In 1770 he was sent to the legis- the United States, was born July 11th, lature, where he took a prominent part 1767, at Quincy. The position of his in every important measure. In 1774 father gave him great advantages of he was one of the committee who pre- education, which he diligently employpared the celebrated resolutions on the ed. He was abroad with his father Boston Port Bill. The same year he before 1780. He studied law with Thewas elected to the first continental con- ophilus Parsons, at Newburyport, and gress, held in Phliladelphia. From the attracted attention by certain essays he outset he announced himself the friend published in the newspaper. Washof independence, and when, therefore, nmgton appointed him minister to the in 1775, the first blood was shed at Lex- Netherlands, in 1794, and afterwards ington and Concord, he was ready for minister to Portugal, when his father, war, and suggested the name of George hwho had become president, transferred Washington, as. commander-in-chief. him to Berlin. In 1802 he was elected In 1776 he was appointed, with Jeffer- to the senate of Massachusetts, and, in son, Franklin, Sherman, and Living- 1808, to the senate of the United States, ston, on the committee which reported In 1806, he was appointed professor of the immortal "Declaration of Inde- rhetoric in Harvard, and delivered a pendence." In Nov. 1777, Mr. Adams course of lectures on "The Art of was sent as commissioner to the'court Speaking Well," which was, also, pubof Versailles, but treaties of commerce lished in a book form. In June, 1809, and alliance with France had been sign- Madison appointed him minister to ed before he arrived. Three months Russia. He was employed as one of after his return he was again sent the commissioners who negotiated the abroad, to negotiate a peace and a cornm- peace between the United States and mercial treaty with Great Britain. He I England, at Ghent, in 1814. Madison did not succeed in the former object sent him as minister to Great Britain till Jan..14th, 1783. In 1785 he was in 1815. President Monroe made him appointed the first minister to England. secretary of state in 1817. In 1825 he While in London, he wrote his "De- was chosen president by the house of fence of the American Constitution." representatives, no choice having been After his return he was elected first made by the people. In 1829 he revice-president of the United States, and tired to private life, but, in 1831, was re-elected in 1793. He discharged the chosen a representative to congress, duties of the office till March 4th, 1797, where he remained till 1848, when he when he was chosen president. His ad- fell into a fit from which he died a few ministration was a vigorous and im- hours after. "This," he exclaimed as portant one, but not without embarrass- he fell, " is the last of earth." He ments and opposition. In 1801 he was was an eloquent and incorruptible man, defeated by Jefferson, and retired to his of strong prejudices, but independent farm at Quincy. He was chosen to one earnest,. and true.-JOHN, a poet and or two inconsiderable posts afterwards, preacher, of Newport, R. I., who d. in ADD] CYCLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPHI. 0 1740.-MA THEW, a tradesman of Bos- The first number of this periodical was ton, who acquired some distinction as published April 12, 1769, and Addison's a writer in the time of Dr. Franklin. — first contribution appeared May 26. To ANDREW, a chief-justice of Connecticut. the Tatler, in about two months, sucD. 1797.-SIRSm TiHOMs, an eminent citi- ceeded the "Spectator," a series of eszen of London, of which he was lord says of the same kind, but written with mayor in 1645. B. at Wem, in Shrop- less levity, upon a more regular plan, shire, 1586; d. 1667.-WILLIAM, an En- and published daily. The year 1713, ia glish divine of the 18th century; author which " Cato" came upon the stage, was of an answer to Hume on the Miracles. the grand climacteric of Addison's repD. 1789.-JOSEPH, an able English phy- utation. The whole nation was, at that sician, author of a treatise on epilepsy, time, on fire with faction. The Whigs and numerous other medical works of applauded every line in which liberty great merit. B. 1758; d. 1818.-GEORGE, was mentioned, as a satire on the Toa celebrated maker of mathematical in- ries; and the Tories echoed every clap, struments; author of "Micographie to show that the satire was unfelt. Illustrata," and other scientific works. Another daily paper, called the " GuarD. 1786.-GEORGE, son of the above, and diaI," was published about this time, of the same profession; author of " An by Steele, to which Addison gave great Essay on Vision," &c. B. 1750; d..1795. assistance. The papers of Addison are ADAMSON, PATRICK, a Scotch arch- marked in the Spectator by one of the bishop of the time of Queen Elizabeth, letters in the name of Clio, and in the noted for his violent disputes with the Giar'dian by a hand. It was not known Presbyters. B. 1586; d. 1599. that Addison had tried a comedy on the ADAMUS, DonsENSUS, an English ab- stage till Steele, after his death, debot of the 13th century, who wrote on clareA him the author of "The Drummusic. mer;" this play Steele carried to the ADANSON, MICHAEL, an eminent theatre, and afterwards to the press, and French naturalist, who suffered much sold the copy for fifty guineas. In the during the French Revolution. B. at midst of these agreeable employments, Aix, 1727; d. 1806. Mr. Addison was not an indifferent ADDISON, LAUNCELOT, an English spectator of public affairs. He wrote, Divine, attached to the Stuart family, by as different exigencies required, in 1707, which he was made dean of Lichield. "The present State of the War, &c." B. 1632;. d. 1703.-JosrEP, one of the "The Whig Examiner " and the "Trial brightest names of English literature, of Count Tariff," all which tracts, being was b. May lst;,-1672, at Milston, Wilt- on temporary topics, expired with the shire, at which place his father was a rec- subjects which gave them birth. When tor of the church. He was graduated at the house of Hanover took possession Queen's College, Oxford, Feb. 14, 1693, of the throne, it was reasonable to exwhere he had already achieved consid- pect that the zeal of Addison would be erable reputation in criticism and poetry, suitably rewarded. Before the arrival and particularly in Latin composition. of King George he was made secretary In 1695 he wrote a Latin poem to King to the regency, and was required by his William, and in 1697 another on the office to send notice to Hanover that the peace of Ryswick. Two years after- queen Was dead, and that the throne wards he obtained a pension of ~300, was vacant. To do this would not have that he might be enabled to travel. In been difficult to any man but AddiItaly he wrote his "Dialogue on Med- son, who was so overwhelmed with als," and also the Letter to Lord Hal- the greatness of the event, and so disifax, which is among the most elegant tracted by choice of expressions, that of his poems. A Pdescription of his the lords, who could not wait for the "Travels," written after his return, niceties of criticism, called Mr. Southgained great popularity. Lord Godol- well, a clerk in the house, and ordered phin, in 1704, nmade him under-secre- him to dispatch the message. Southtary of state, and subsequently, when well readily told what was necessary, in Wharton was made lord-lieutenant of the common style of business, and valIreland, Addison accompanied him, and ued himself upon-having done what was was appointed keeper of the recordstoo hard for Addison. lHe was better in IBermingham's Tower, at a salary qualified for the " Freeholder," a paper of ~300 per annum. It was while he which he published twice a week, from was in Ireland that Sir Richard Steele Dec. 23, 1715, to the middle of the next began the publication of the " Tatler." year. This was undertaken in defence 10 CYCLOP2EDIA OF BIOGRAPIY.'ADO of the established government, some- Libero Arbitrio.1" He was a canon of times with argument, sometimes with Liege, and then monk of Cluny. mirth. In argument he had many equals, ADELUNG, JoHN CmisSTOPrHER, a but his humor was singular and match-. German philologist of great merit; less. On the 2d of August, 1716, he mar- chiefly celebrated for his " Grammatical ried the countess dowager of Warwick, and Critical Dictionary," 5 vols. 4to. whom he is said to have first known by B. 1734:; d. 1800.-FREDERICK, his nephbecoming tutor to he- son. This mar- ew, an historian and linguist; president riage, however, made no addition to his of the Asiatic Society at St. Petersburg. happiness; it neither found them nor His writings were, numerous and valumade them equal. She always remem- able, relating chiefly to language and bered her own rank, and thought herself arts. B. 1768. entitled to treat with very little ceremo- ADEMAR, a monk of the 10th centuny, the tutor of her son. The year after, ry, who wrote the chronicles of France, 1717, he rose to his highest elevation, published by Labbe. being made secretary of state; but it is ADER, WILLIAM, a physician of universally confessed that he was une- Toulouse, who wrote a book in 1621, qual. to the duties of his place. In the entitled, " De Egrotis et Morbis Evanhouse of commons he could not speak, gelicis;" in which he proves that the and therefore was useless to the defence diseases healed by our Saviour were inof the government. In the office he could curable by medicine. not issue an order without losing his ADET, P. A., envoy from France to time in quest of fine expressions. What the United States, in 1796; author of he gained in rank he lost in credit; and, several chemical works, original and finding himself unequal to the position, translated, and of a design for new he solicited a dismission with a pension chemical characters and nomienclature. of ~1500 a year. He subsequently wrote ADHAD-EDDOULAT, emperor of a Defence of the Christian Religion, and Persia.. B. about 935. In 977 he became d. June 17th, 1719. master of Bagdad, which he adorned ADELAIDE, MADAME, mother of with'hospitals, mosques, and other pubLouis XVI. of France; fled from Paris lie works..He was also a great encourduring the Revolution, and d. in Rus- ager of learning. D. 982. sia, in 1799. ADHELME, a learned prelate under ADELAIDE, queen dowager, wife of the Saxon Heptarchy, and nephew to William IV. of England. D. 1850. King lna. He was the first Englishman ADELARD, a monk of Bath in the who wrote in Latin, the first who 12th century; a man of considerable brought poetry into Britain, and the learning. He travelled into Egypt and first bishop of Sherborne. D. 769. Arabia, and translated Euclid's Ele- ADLER, JAMES GEORGE, a learned ments out of Arabic into Latin, before Danish orientalist, b. in 1756; author any Greek copies had been discovered. of " Museum Cuficum," some works on He also wrote several treatises on math- the Jewish language, laws, and rites, ematical and medical subjects, which re- and several philological publications.main in MS. at Oxford. PHILIP, a German engraver of the 16th' ADELBOLD, bishop of Utrecht, the century, whose style of etching appears cathedral of which he founded.. He to have founded a school which gave wrote the life of his patron, the emperor rise to the Hopfers and Hollar. D. 1530. Henry II. D. 1027. ADLERFELDT, GUSTAVUS, a Swedish ADELER, CURTIUS, named also Ser- historian in the time of Charles XII., visen, an eminent naval commander. B. whom he accompanied throughout his in Norway, 1622. He went to Venice, campaigns, of which he wrote an acwhere he was made admiral; and, after c o ntinued up to the day when a performing many gallant exploits against cannon-ball deprived him of lift, at the the Turks, retired to Constantinople, battle of Pultowa, in 1709. where he ended his days in honor and ADLZREITER, JoIN, a Germhan histranquillity, being made admiral-in- torian, and chancellor of Bavaria. D. chief of the Danish fleet, and created a about 1662. noble. He d. in 1675. ADO, archbishop of Vienne, distinADELHER, or ADELGER, a scho- guished by his piety, and as an histolastic philosopher and theologian of the rian. D. 875. 12th century, who is only remarkable ADOLFATI, an Italian composer. and for his mode of conciliating the divine author of several operas. prescience with free will. See his " De ADOLPIIUS, emperor of Germany, AEi] CYCLOPA DIA OF BIOGRAPHIY. 11 was the count of Nassau, and elevated was designing and ambitious, and d. to the imperial throne in 1292.-ADOL- 872.-ADRIAN III. was chosen in 884, PHUS, cotut of Cleves, celebrated* by and d. the next year. - ADRIAN IV. the institution of the Order of Fools, in was an Englishman-the only one who 1380, which consisted of the principal ever became pope-named Breakspear; noblemen of Cleves.-FREDERmoII., king in his youth extremely poor, but in 1146 of Sweden, b. in 1710, and succeeded made a cardinal by Eugenius III. He his father, Frederick, in 1751. D. 1771. was then sent as legate into Denmark, -JOHiN, a well-known barrister and his- and in 1154 chosen pope. He issued a torian of London, who wrote histories celebrated bull in favor of Henry II. of George III., of England, of the of England, sanctioning the conquest of French Revolution, and a memoir of lreland, and in 1155 excommunicated Bannister, the comedian. the king of Sicily, for ravaging the terADRETS, FRANCIS DE BEAUiMONT Ba- ritories of the church. When the arron des, an Hungarian leader, of a cruel, mies of Frederick entered Italy, Adrian fiery, and enterprising spirit. Resent- compelled him to make peace, and afterment to the Duke of Guise led him to wards crowned him king of the Romans. side with the IHufuenot party in 1562; D. 1159.-ADRIAN V. was a Genoese, and he signalizedlimself by many able who held the pontificate only a month, and daring exploits, the skill and bra- in 1276.-ADRIAN VI. was a native of very of which were soiled with the most Utrecht, of mean parentage, but who detestable cruelty. D. 1'587. gradually rose from one ecclesiastical ADRIA, JOHN JAMES, a Sicilian writer, office to another, till he was made pope and physician-general to Charles V. in 1522. He attempted to reform the D. 1560. papal court, and opposed classical learnADRIAM, [MARIE, a female, who, at ing, but his efforts were frustrated by the age of 16, fought valiantly during the cardinals. His attempts to excite the whole time that her native town, Zuinglius and Erasmus against Luther, Lyons, was besieged, in 1793. After were also without success. D. 1525.the engagement she was arrested, and ADRIAN DE COSTELLO, a Tuscan of great being asked how she had dared to use learning and ability, who received the arms, she replied, "I used them to bishoprics of HIereford, Bath, and Wells serve my country, and deliver it from from Henry VII. He sold them to Carits oppressors.' Shle was instantly on11- dinal Wolsey, and retired to Italy, where domned and executed. he lived in great splendor out of the ADRIAN, or HADRIAN, PUBLiuS revenues. A prophecy that an Adrian _ELIUS, the Roman emperor. B. A. D. 76. should succeed Pope Leo X., betrayed XIe married Sabina, the heiress of Tra- him into a conspiracy, which being clisjan, whom he accompanied'in his expe- covered, led to his banishment. iTlWhat dlitions, and became successively prentor, became of him was never known. governor of Pannonia, and consul. On ADRIANI, MARCEL VIRGIL, a chanthe death of Trajan, in 117, he assumed cellor of Florence, who translated Diosthe government, made peace with the corides out of Greek into Latin. B. 1464; Persians, and remitted the debts of the d. 1521.-JOHN BAPTlST, secretary of the Roman people. In 120 he visited Gaul, republic of Florence, who wrote a hisand thence passed over to Britain, where tory of his own times. B. 1513; d. 1579. he built a wall, 80 miles in length, from -MARCEc, his son11 was also the author the mouth of the Tyne to Solway Frith, of some works as professor in the Acadto secure the Roman provinces from the emy at Florence. D. 1604. incursions of the Caledonians. He next ADRIANO, a Carmelite friar, who travelled into Africa and Asia, and, on was also a painter in Spain. D. 1650. his return, was initiated into the Eleu- ADRICHOMIUS, CHRISTIAN, a Dutch sinian mysteries at Athens. In his geographer and historian. B. 1533; d. reign the Christians suffered al dreadful 1585. persecution; he built a temple to Jupi- ADRY, J. F., a French professor of ter on Mount Calvary, alnd d. at Bai.T, rhetoric, and author of several works, 13S.-There are several popes of that chiefly histories. B. 1749; d. 1818. namle. ADRIAN I., a Roman, raised to ZEDESIA, a female philosopher of the the papal chair, and was a patron of arch- modern Platonic school, wife of Hermias, itecture; embellished St. Peter's, rebuilt and mother of Ammonius. She was the walls of Romei and restored the celebrated for her beauty and virtue, as ancient aqueducts. D. 795.-ADRIAN well as her devotion to philosophy. II. succeeded to the pontificate in 867, 2EGIDIUS, COLONNA, a Roman monk, 12 CYCLORPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [AER distinguished as the scholastic preceptor er. B. at Delft in 1602; d. 1658. He to Philip III. of France. He wrote sev- was famous for his skill in painting eral able metaphysical works, such as fruit pieces and dead game.-WILLIAM, "iTractatu de Esse et Essentia," and his nephewv, also distinguished himself " Quodlibeta." D. 1316.-PETER, a law- as a-painter. D. 1679. yer of Antwerp, educated by Erasmus, E/EMILIANI, ST. JEROME, a Venetian and the friend of Sir Thomas More. nobleman, who, being taken prisoner in B. 1436; d. 1538. his youth, made a vow that, on his reEGINETA, PALTUS, a medical author, lease, he would devote his life to the who first noticed the cathartic virtues care of orphans. In pursuance of this of rhubarb. D. 630. pledge, he laid the foundation of a -EGINHAED, a German, secretary to hospital and religious order, the object Charlemagne, who wrote the annals of of which was to instruct young persons, his reign -from 741 to 889; famous, too, and particularly orphans, in religion. for a singoular love adventure with the ID. 1537. princess Imma, daughter of Charle- AEMILIUS, PAULUS, an illustrious Romnagne; who, carrying him across a man general, the son of Paulus _]Emilius, court-yard from her chamber, to pre- the consul, who fell at Cannoe, was b. vent the traces of his footsteps in the about 228 B. c. He greatly enriched his snow, was observed by the emperor, country by the spoil" taken in his warwho generously agreed to their union. fare with Perses, king of Macedon, 1ELFRIC, son of an earl of Kent, and whom he took prisoner to Rome, which archbishop of Canterbury in the middle was so great, that it freed the Homans of the 10th century, was a luminary for from taxes for. 125 years.-PAxULUS, an the age in which he lived. He became historian of great celebrity, b. at Verona. a monk of the Benedictine order at ID. 1529. Abingdon, under the abbot Athelwold, ANEAS, or JENGUS, an Irish abbot who, on his promotion to the see of or bishop of the 8th century, who comWinchester, took Elfric with him to in- piled a curious account of Irish saints struct youth in his cathedral. Here he in five bo6ks, and also wrote the history drew up his " Latin Saxon Vocabulary," of the Old Testament in verse. D. 820.which was published at Oxford in 1659. GAZEUS, a Platonic philosopher, who emHe also translated from the Latin into braced Christianity in the 5th century, the Saxon language most of the histori- and wrote a book on the Immortality of cal books of the Old Testament, as well the Soul, &c.-TACTICUS, an ancient as " Canons for the Regulation of the Greek writer, who flourished about 3.60 Clergy," which are inserted in Spelman's. c. He is one of the oldest authors on Councils. He subsequently became ab- the art of war. bot of St. Alban's, and composed a AEPINUS, JOHN, a Franciscan friar, liturgy for the service of his abbey, who became a zealous and able follower which] was used in Leland's time. In of Luther, and pastor of the church of 989, he was created bishop of Wilton St. Peter, at HIamburgh. B. 1499; d. and, in 994, was translated to the see ofe 1553. Canterbury. D. 1005. AEISENS, PTER, called by the Italians AELIAN, CLAUDIUS, an historian and Pietro Longo, from his tallness, a celerhetorician, was born in Italy, in 160. brated painter, b. at Amsterdam in 1519. He was surnamed HIoneytongue, on ac- He excelled very particularly in paintcount of the sweetness of his style. ing kitchens: but an altar-piece of his, 2ELIANUS, MEOCCIU, a Greek phy- being a crucifix repriesenting an execusician of the second century, and the tioner breaking with an iro ar the legs master of Galen, who mentions him in of the thieves, was prodi(iously admirecd. terms of high praise. He was the first This -noble piece was destroyed by the who made use of the theriaca as a rem- rabble in the time of the insurrection, edy and preservative against the plague. 1566. He afterwards compilained of this ~ELIUS, SEXTUS POETUS CATUS, a Ho- to the populace in terms of such severmai lawyer who was made consul at the ity, that more than once they were going close of the second Punic war. He pub- to murder him. D. 15S5. lished a collection, entitled "'Novella," AERTGEN, a painter of merit. B. at which were called, after him, the E]lian Leyden in 1498. It was a custom with laws;. and was author of " Tripartite," this painter never to work on Mondays, the oldest treatise on jurisprudence now but to devote that day with his disciples known. to the bottle. He used to stroll abolut XELST, EV.EEHID VAN, a Dutch paint- the streets in the night, playing on thlo AFJ] CYOLOPLEDIA OF BIOGRAPHtY. 13 German flute; and in one of those frolics tion'among the Greeks; so that, accordwas ldrowned in 1564. ing to Meziriac, the report of his wisdom JCISCHINES, a philosopher of Athens, having reached Crcesus, this kinig sent in tlhe 4th century, B... e obtain- to inquire after him, and engaged him ed instruction from Socrates, by whom in his srvice. He travelled through he was much esteemed.-.ESCiINES, a Greece, according to the same author; celebrated orator, b. at Athens 327 B. c., but whether for his own pleasure, or and d. at Samos, aged 75. He was a co- upon the affairs of Croesus, fs uncertain. temporary and rival of Demosthenes. Passing by Athens soon after PisistraAESCHYLUS, one of the most famous tus had usurped the sovereign power, tragic writers of Greece, was born at and finding that the Athenians bore the Athens about 500 years B. c. His mind yoke very impatiently, he told them the very early received an impulse from the fable of the firos who petitioned Jupiter Doetry of Homer t and, before his 25th for a king. Some relate, that in order iyear, he composed pieces for public rep- to show that the life of man is full of resentation. So great was his fertility, miseries, 2Esop used to say, that when that he wrote 70 tragedies, of which 25 Prometheus took the clay to form man gained the prize. He may be called the he tempered it with tears. tEsop was lather of the Grecian stage, and has put to death at Delphi. The inhabitants never been surpassed, unless by Shak- of Delphi contrived an accusation of speare. EAlian relates that when he was sacrilege against him, and, pretending once charged by the Athenians with that they had convicted him, threw him uttering blasphemies, and condemned headlong from a rock. They afterwards to be stoned to death, they were just endeavored to make an atonement by going to put the sentence in execution, raising a pyramid to his honor.-CLOwhen Aminias, with a happy presence DIUS, a celebrated actor, who flourished of mind, throwing aside his cloak about the 670th year of Rome. He and showed his arm without a hand, which Roscius were cotemporaries, and both he had lost at the battle of Salamis in friends of Cicero. Hle left a fortune of defence of his country. This sight ~160,000. made such an impression on the judges, JETION, a Grecian painter of Alexthat, touched with the remembrance of ander's time. his valor, and the friendship lihe showed ETIUS, a famous Roman general for his brother, they pardoned -Eschy- under Valentinian III.-Also, a phylus. After having lived some years at sician of Mesopotamia, who was the first Gela, we are told that he died of a frac- Christian physician whose writings have ture of his skull, caused by an eagle's come down to us. letting fall a tortoise on his head, in the AFER, DOMITIeS, a great orator, con69th year of his age. sul under Caliogula. ASOP, the Phrygian, lived in the AFFLITTO, MAITTEW, an Italian time of Solon, about the 50th OlynmpJiad, lawyer and writer on law, who died in under the reign of Croesus, the lastking 1673. of Lydia. St. Jerome, speaking of him, AFFEY, Louis AUGUSTINE PHILIP, a says he was unfortunate in his birth, Swiss statesman and commander, who condition, and death, hinting' thereby bore a prominent part from the comat his deformity, servile state, and tra- mencement of the French revolution till gical end. His great genius, however, his death, in 1810. enabled him to support his misfortunes; AFRANIA, of Ferrara, inventor of and, in order to alleviate the hardships the bassoon, in the 16th century. of servitude, he composed those enter- AFRANIUS, a Latin dramatist, who taining and instructive fables which flourished 100 B. c.-A Roman senator, have acquired him so much reputation; who wrote a satire on Nero, for which and he is generally supposed to have he was put to death. been the inventor of that kind of wri- AFRICANUS, JULIUS, a Christian ting. Having had several masters, for historian, of 221. he %was born a slave, JEsop at length AFRICANER, CHRISMTIa, a Namacame under a philosopher named Xan- qua chief of South Africa, who, after a thus, and it was in his service that he long career of violence and bloodshed, first displayed his genius for fable. He was converted to Christianity, and conwas afterwards sold to Idmon, or Iad- tinued to aid the operations of the mismon, the philosopher, who enfranchised sionaries at the Cape of Good Hope till him. After he -had recovered his lib- his death in 1823. An interesting acerty, he soon acquired a great reputa- count of his life and adventures will be 14 CYOLOP1EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. IAGI found in Mofat's "Missionary Labors siastic of Naples in the 16th century. D. aid Scenes in Southern Africa." 1608. AFZELIUS, ADAm, the last pupil of AGER, or AGERIUS, NICacOLAS, a Linnaeus, a linSguist and botanist of the physician aind botanist in the 17th cenuniversity of Upsal.-JOHN and PETEr, tury, and professor of medicine at Strashis brothers, are professors at the same burgh. place, the one of chemistry, the other AGESANDER, a lRhodian sculptor, of medicine. -ANDnRUS EIC, a near supposed to have lived in the 5th cenrelative, is teacher in the faculty of law. tury B. c. He is celebrated by having, at Abo.-ARVID AUGUSTus, a clergyman in conjunction with his sons, executed of Enkoping, who has published much that admirable monument of Grecian on the early literature of the North, and art, the Laocoon, which was discovered written dramas. in the 16th century in the baths of Titus. AGAPETUS I., pope in 585, who AGESILAUS, king of Sparta, suepawned the sacred vessels to enable ceeded his brother Agis. ie acquired him to travel to Constantinople.-The great renown by his exploits against the second of the name was chosen in 946. Persians, and also against the- Thebans AGARD, ARTHUn, an English anti- and Athenians, but was defeated by quarian. B. 1540; d. 1615. Epaminondas. D. 360 B. C. AGARDH, CHARLES ADOLPHUS, pro- AGGAS, RALPH, a surveyor and enfessor of botany in the university of graver of the 16th century, who first Lund, Sweden. drew a plan of London, which, although AGASIAS, a sculptor of Ephesus, referred to the time of Henry VIII. and who made the immortal gladiator which Edward VI., appears not to have been was found with the Apollo Belvidere, at made on wood until about 1560. It was Antiuem. republished in 1618, and re-engraved by AGASSIZ, Louis, one of the most Vertue in 1748. D. 1579. eminent naturalists of the day, b. at AGILULF, king of the Lombards, Orbe, Switzerland, in 1807, educated at crowned at Milan in 591. Soon after his the universities of Zurich, Heidelberg, accession, he quitted the Arian comand Munich, has published extensively munion for the Catholic, in which he on subjects of natural history, but was followed by numbers of his subjects, chiefly on Fishes and Molluscs. He is many of whom had hitherto been Pagans. now (1851) a professor at Cambridge, D. in 619. near Boston. AGIS III., king of Sparta, succeeded AGATHO, a tragic and comic writer his father, Archidamus, 846 B. c. He ft Athens, in 995 B. c. was a prince-of great magnanimity; and, AGATHOCLES, the Sicilian tyrant, though lie detested the Macedonian was b. in Ehegium, in Italy, and became domination, he would not expose his successively a soldier, centurion, gen- country to ruin by resisting it, until eral, and pirate. After defeating the Alexander was deeply engaged in his Carthaginians, he proclaimed himself Persian expedition; when he raised an king of all Sicily. iHis soldiers, on ac- army of 20,000 men, which was defeated count of arrears, obliged him to fly from by Antipater, governor of Macedon, and his camp, and murdered his sons, whom Aias himself slain, 337 B. c.-AGIS IV., he had left behind. Returning with a king of Sparta, was the son of Eudamistrong force, he put to death the muti- das, and celebrated by his virtues and neers, with their wives and children. death. His first attempt was to renew Unable to live in tranquillity and inac- the original law for the equal division of tion, though now far advanced in years, landed property, which was opposed by he made an expedition into Italy, and a p arty, at the head of which was his thence to the Lipari Islands, which lie coeague, Leonidas. The latter was laid under contribution, and plundered deposed, and the joint sovereignty deof all the treasures of the temples. After volved to his son Cleombrotus, who his return he is said to have been entered into the views of Agis. Prepoisoned by means of an envenomed viously, however, to a partition of the toothpick aged 95. lands, Agesilaus, uncle to Agis, who was AGELAS, an admired Greek sculptor, deeply in debt, proposed the abolition who lived about 435 B. c. of all debts, which would render the AGELNOTH, an Anglo-Saxon pre- former measure more palatable. This late, promoted to the see of Canterbury deed accomplished, the influential and in 1020. D. 1038. wily Sparta found means to postpone AGE]LIUS, ANTHONY, a learned eccle- the other equalizing operation, until AGR] CYCLOPADIA O~ BIOGRAPHY. 1. Agis was obliged to march on an expe- eighty-first year.-MALIA TERESA, sister dition. During his absence, Agesilaus of the above, was a musician of much conducted himself so tyrannically, that genius. B. at Milan, 1750. She coma conspiracy was formed to restore the posed three operas, " Sophonisba," deposed king, Leonidas; which suc- " Ciro," and " Nitocri." ceeding, Agis and his colleague, Cleom- AGNOLO, BAcCIO DI, a Florentine brotus, took sanctuary in a temple. The sculptor and architect of great reputalatter was immediately dragged forth tion. B. 1460; d. 1543. and banished, but Agis remained a con- AGOBARD, archbishop of Lyons, siderable time in safety, until his friends was one of the most celebrated prelates were bribed to betray him, and he was of the 9th century. His works were thrown into a prison. He suffered death buried in obscurity, until the manuscript with great magnanimity, 241 B. c. of them was accidentally found in a AGLIONBY, EDWARD, an old English bookseller's shop at Lyons. D. 840. poet, who wrote a genealogy of Queen AGOP, JoHN, a learned Armenian Elizabeth, for which she granted him a critic and grammarian of the 17th cenp.ension.-JOHN, a learned divine, chap- tury. His works were printed at Rome, lain to Queen Elizabeth; was concerned 1675. in the present translation of the New AGORACRITES, a Grecian statuary Testament, and d. at Islip, in 1610.- in the 5th century B.C. He was a pupil WILLIA r, an English diplomatist and of Phidias, and one of the most skilful polite writer, of the 17th and 18th cen- artists of his time. turies; author of a book entitled " Paint- AGOSTINI, LIONARDO, an eminent ing Illustrated." antiquary of the 17th century, officially AGNELLUS, ANDREW, an abbot of employed by Pope Alexander VII. Ravenna, in the 9th century, often AGOSTINO, PAUL, of Valerano, a confounded with a bishop of Eavenna celebrated musician. B. 1593; d. 1629. of the same name in the 6th century. AGOULT, WILLIAM D', a Provencal Agnellus wrote a history of the lives of poet. D. 1181. the prelates of Ravenna, which is often AGREDA, MARIA D', the writer of quoted by Jerome Rubens, and is full some wild legends, was b. at Agreda, in of uninteresting matter but deserved Spain, in 1602, took the veil, 1620, in a sarcasm upon the debauchery of the convent founcded by her father and monks. mother, dedicated to the " Immaculate AGNESI, MARIA GAETANA, a learned Conception," of which she was chosen Italian lady. B. at Milan, in 1718. In superior, 1627, and d. 1665. her ninth year she spoke the Latin with AGRICOLA, CNEIUS JULIUS, an emcorrectness, and also delivered an oration inent Roman commander, b. A. D. 40, in in this language, in which she maintain- the reign of Caligula. His first military ed that the study of the ancient languages service was under Suetonius Paulinus in was proper for females. In her eleventh Britain; and, on his return to Rome, he year, she is said to have spoken Greek was made qutestor in Asia, and became as fluently as her mother tongue. She tribune of the people and pretor under now proceeded to perfect herself in the Nero. By Vespasian, whose cause- he oriental languages, so that she was usu- espoused, he was made a patrician and ally called a ivoing polyglot. She next governor of Aquitania; the dignity of studied geometry and speculative phi- consul followed; and, in the same yeai, losophy. Shortly subsequent to her 77, he married his daughter to Tacitus, twentieth year she devoted herself to the historian, who has so admirably mathematics, and composed a treatise written his life. Next year he was apon conic sections; besides which, in her pointed governor of Britain; extended thirtieth year, she published a work on his conquests into Scotland; and built a the rudiments of analysis, which has chain of forts from the Clyde to the been considered as the best introduction Frith of Forth, to prevent the incursions to Euler. This gained her so much rep- of the inhabitants of the North. He deutation, that she was appointed, in her feated Galgacus on the Grampian Hills, thirty-second year, promessor of math- and then made peace with the Caledoematics at the university of Bologna. nians. On the accession of Domitian, But her deep study 6f this abstruse Agricola had a triumph decreed him, science seems to have cast a gloom over but he was recalled, and sent governor her spirits; and, secluding herself alto- to Syria, where he d. A; D. 93; aged 54. gether from society, retired to the strict -GEORGE, the most celebrated metallurorder of blue nuns, and d. 1799, in her gist of his time. B. at Glauchen) Misnia, 16 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY, [AGV in 1494, and d. 1555.-GEORGE ANDREW, II. IIEROD, SOn and successor of the a German physician, author of a curious preceding, was the seventh and last of work on the mnultiplicatiqn of trees and the Jewish monarchs of the faimily of plants. B. at Ratisbbn, 1672, and d. Herod the Great. It was before this 1738.-JoHN, a polemical writer of ce- prince that St. Paul pleaded his cause lebrity. B. at Esleben, Saxony, 1492, with so much eloquence, that Agrippa and d. at Berlin, 1566. From being the acknowledged he had almost persuaded friend and scholar, he became the antag- him to be a Christian. He d. at Rome onist of Martin Luther, against whom, about the year 94. —MARCUS VIPSs-NIUs, as well as Melancthon, he maintained a the celebrated friend and general of spirited controversy, advocating the doc- Augustus Ctesar. D. 12 B. C.-AMENENIUS, trine of faith in opposition to the works consul of Rome, 503 B. c. He is celeof the law, whence the sect, of which he brated for having appeased a commotion became leader received the name of among the Romans, by the political fable Antinomians.-RODOLPUS, one of the of the belly and the members, and d. at most learned men in the 15th century, an advanced age, very poor, but unispoken of both by Erasmus and Bayle versally esteemed for his wisdom and with great respect. B. in Friesland, 1442, integrity. and d. 1484. Ile was the first who in- AGRIPPINA, the elder, daughter of trocluced the Greek language into Ger- Marcus Agrippa, was married in the first many. instance to Tiberius, who divorced her, AGRIPPA, CAMILLE, a celebrated and she became the wife of GermLanicus architect of Milan in the 16th century, Cesar, whom she accompanied in his who, un1r the pontificate of Gregory military expeditions. On the death of XIII., accomplished the removal of a the latter at Antioch, A. D. 19, she returnvast obelisk to St. Peter's Square.- ed to Rome. Tiberius, jealous of the HENRY CORNELIus, was b. in 1486, at affection of the people for Agrippina, Cologne, of a noble family. lie became banished her to a small island, where secretary to the emperor Maximilian, by she d. of hunger, in 85.-AGRIPPINA, the whom he was knighted for his bravery younger, daughter of the foregoing, and in the Italian wars. He next travelled mother of Nero, was at once cruel acnd through various parts of Europe, and, licentious. After losing two husbands, while in Englandc, wrote a commentary she married her uncle, the emperor on St. Paul's Epistles. In 1518 he set- Claudius, whom she poisoned in 54, to tled at Metz, which place, however, he make way for her son Nero, who caused was obliged to quit, at the instigation of her to be assassinated, and exhibited to the monks, and went to Cologne, and the senate a list of all the crimes of thence to Geneva. Iie next travelled to which she had been guilty. Antwerp, in 1528, and was taken into AGUESSEAU, HENRY FR.NCIS D', the the service of Margaret of Austria, gov- descendant of a noble family of Sainerness of the Low Countries. In 1530 tonge, was b. at Limoges, 1668, and after he published his treatise of the "Vanity completing his education, which was of the Sciences," and soon afterwards begun undcer the direction of his father, his " Occult Philosophy." In 1535 he he cultivated poetry with taste and elewas at Lyons, where he was imprisoned gance, and acquired the esteem and for defaming the king's mother, but friendship of men of letters, particularly soon obtained his discharge, and d. the of Boileau and Racine. In the office of samle year at Grenoble. All his works advocate-general of Paris, in 1691, and were collected and printed at Lyons, nine years after, of procurer-general, he 1550, in 3 vols.-I., HEROD, grandson of displayed all the energies of his nature; Herod the Great. He gave reat offene e gave vigor and support to the laws, to Tiberius, who threw him into prison; banished corruption from the tribunals, but, on Caligula's succession, was not and distributed justice with an impartial only released, but received from that hand. His attention was particularly emperor a golden chain equal in weight directed to the management of the hosto the iron one he had worn in his con- pitals; and in the enlarged views of a finement, as also the kingdom of Judea. benevolent heart, he often resisted with He commenced a persecution of the boldness and success the intrigues of Christians, in which the apostle St. royal favorites, and even the prejudices James perished;, and he is tte person of Louis XIV. After this monarch's represented to have ben eaten by death he was appointed by the Duke of worils, on account of his impiety in ac- Orleans, the regent, to succeed Voisin cepting the adoration of the people.- as chancellor, and by his eloquence and Air] CYCLOP-NDIA OF BIOGRAPIHY. 17 firmness he opposed and rejected the er, was a native of Holstein. He spent schemes of Law, which were afterwards forty years in travelling on foot through too fatally adopted, and hurled the whole Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, kingdom into ruin and despondency. Spain, Italy, and other parts of Europe, The machinations of his enemies were, in search of Scandinavian antiquities and however, too powerful against his integ- Runic monuments, and carried on an rity of conduct, and Aguessean was extensive correspondence with his learntwice obliged to resign the seals, and re- ed cotemporaries relative to the objects tire in disgrace, and twice again he was h w f his investition. D. 1824. solicited by the regent to resume a situ- AIDAN, a monk, who converted a ation which he adorned alnd dignified. large portion of the northern part of His moderation and equity were ever Britain to Christianity. D. 651. apparent, and in his retirement at AIGNAN, STEPI-EN, a French writer, Fresnes, where, as he says, he passed and a member of the Academy. I-Ie was the fairest days of his life, the chancel- a zealous republican, and at the early lor of France was employed in the edu- age of 19, in the fiercest time of the revcation of his children, in literarypursuits, olution, was appointed to an official sitand often amused himself in diging the nation in the district of Orleans. He ground. Temperance and cheerfulness subsequently filled offices under Napoadded to the pleasures of science, and leon; and also distinguished himself as contributed to the health of the body the author of several dramas and poems 1and vigor of the mind, and till his 80th as well as by the translation of part of year he enjoyed a robust constitution. the works of Goldsmith and Pope. B. At this advanced age infirmities came 1778; d. 1825. upon him, he resigned the office of chan- AIKIN, EVMUND, an architect, and ellor, and d. soon after on the 9th of the author of an account of St. Paul's February, 1751. Cathedral. D. 1820.-JOIIN, 1. D., b. AGUILLON, FRANCIS, an eminent 1747, at Kibworth, Leicestershire, was mathematician, was a Jesuit of Brussels, the only son of Dr. T. Aikin, a dissentand d. at Seville, 1617. in minister and schoolmaster. He AGUIRRA, JOSEPH SAENS D7, a Span- comlmenced his education at home; from ish Benedictine, made cardinal by In- thence he went to the dissenters' acadnocent XI. He wrote voluminously on emy at Warrington, and in 1764 became theology, philosophy, &c. D. 1699. a student in the university of EdinAGUJARI, LUCRnETIA, a celebrated burgh; settled in Chester as a surgeon, singer of Parma, who received a sal- but soon removed to Warrington, where ary of ~100 a-night for two songs. D. he remained until 1784, in wvhich year 1783. he proceeded to Leyden, and graduated AGYL2EUS, HENRY, a lawyer and as a physician. On his return he went general scholar. B. 153; d. 1595. to Yarmouth, Norfolk, where, with little AHILWAET, PETER, a learned Ger- interruption, he continued till 1792, man, son of a shoemaker at Greifswald, when he removed to London. Dr. where he was b. in 1710, and d. 1791. Ailin devoted himself chiefly to liter-Ie was the founder of the Society of ature, in which he was eminently sucAbelites, the object of which was to pro- cessful. In 1796 he became the editor mote sincerity. of the Monthly Magazine, which he AHMED-BEN-FARES, surnamed E superintended from its commencement Rczri, an Arabian lexicographer and till 1806. In 1799 he published, in conlawyer. D. 999. junction with Dr. Enifield, the first AHMED- BEN- IMOHAMMED, or volume of a General Biographical DieABOU AMROU, a Spanish Moor, who tionary, in 4to, which, however, was not wrote poems in the Eastern style, and an completed till 1815. D. 1822. historical work on the annals of Spain. AIKMAN, WILLIA, son of an advoID.in 970. cate of Scotland of the same name, was AHM-IED BESMY I-IAJI, a Turkish b. 1784, and brought up to the profeshistorian, who rwas counsellor of the sion of his father. A natural bias for Divan, and chancellor to the Sultan the arts, however, prevailed upon the Mustapha IlI. son to relinquish the honors of the AHIIED SHAHI EL ABDALY, foun- Scotch bar for distinction in the cultivader of the kingdom of Candahar and tion of painting; and an absence of five Caubul. ID. 1773. years in visiting Italy and ConstantinoAHRENDT, or ARENTS, MARTTN ple and Smyrna, served to improve and FIEDERIuc, an antiquary and palxsograph- adorn his mind, and enlarge and correct "J 18 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPH7. [ALA hi3 taste. As his fortune was indepen- III., and author of several medical books. dent he did fiot court the patronage of B. 1479; d. 1588. the great by flattery, and to his merit AKBAH, a celebrated Saracen, who alone he was indebted for the esteem of conquered the whole of Africa. John duke of Argyle, and of the earl AKBER, MOHAMMED, a descendant of of Burlington, and for the affectionate Tamerlane, and sultan of the Moguls, friendship of Allan Ramsay, Thomson, who ascended the throne when he was Swift, Pope, Arbuthnot, Gay, Somer- only 14, and became distinguished as a ville, and the other wits of the age. His great conqueror, but a wise and clement genius was exerted in portrait painting, monarch. and many of those who then shone in AKENSIDE, MARK, a physician of rank and fashion will receive more ce- note, but more distinguished as a poet. lebrity from his pencil than from their He was b. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in own merit. A picture of the royal fam- 1721, and educated at Edinburgh and ily of England, now in possession of the Leyden. When only 23 years of:age he duke of ]Devonshire, and several por- wrote a poem on the "Pleasures of traits of the earl of Buckingham's fain- Imagination," which gave him a poetical ldy, were among the last of his pieces. fame which has lasted to the present day. D1). 1781. He also wrote several odes, a satire, and AILBY, PETER D', a cardinal and some medical books, all of more or less legate, chancellor of the university of merit. D. 1770. Paris, and president of the famous AKERLAD, JOHN DAVID, a Swede, Council of Constance, which condemned distinguished as an orientalist and antiJohn Huss. B. 1350; d. 1419. quary. D. 1819. AINSWORTH, HEN PY, a biblical AKIBA, a Jewish rabbi, of literary commentator of much learning and taste, who joined Barcochebas, a preacuteness, who was among the most tended Messiah, and was flayed alive, eminent of the English non-conformist at the age of 120, by the emperor Hadivines of his time. D. 1622.-ROBERT, drian. a grammarian, whose Latin dictionary ALABASTER, WIaLTAM, an English is well known. B. at Woodyale, Lanca- divine, author of a Latin tragedy called shire, 1666; d. 1743. Roxana, and a pentaglot dictionary. D. AIRAULT, PETER, an advocate of 1640. Paris, b. at Angers, where he also d., ALAIN, CHARTIER, author of the 1601, July 21st, in his 65th year. As a " Chronicles of Charles VII.," and other magistrate he behaved with firmness French works, in the 14th century.ang integrity, and was deservedly called Dr LISLr, surnamed the Universal Doethe rock of the. accused. He left ten tor, because of his learning. D. 1294. children, the eldest of whom, Rene, was ALAMANNI, Louis, a Florentine intrusted to the Jesuits for his educa- poet and statesman, distinguished for tion; and induced to enter into the order, his love of philosophy and Greek litefrom which he never could extricate rature. B. 1496; d. 1556. Two others himself; though his father procured the of the same name are known in the litinterest of-the king of France and of the erary world. pope. Rend d. at la Fleche, 1664, in his ALAN, WITALLrA, sometimes called 77th year. His father wrote some ALLEYN, an eminent Catholic divine. B. treatises, especially on the power of in 1580. He was educated at'Oxford, fathers, &c. but changed his religion, and became AITON, WILLIAM, a botanist of Lan- archbishop of Mechlin and a cardinal. arkshire, and head-gardener to George It was at his suggestion that Philip> II. III. at Kew. He formed the best col- undertook the invasion of England. He lection of exotics then known, and pub- was supposed to have been poisoned in lished a catalogue of them. D. 1798. 1594. AITKEN, ROBERT, a printer, who was ALAND, Sir JOHN FORTESOUE, (Lord imprisoned by the British during the Fortescue,) a baron of the exchequer, American revolution, for his attachment and a puisne judge of the courts of to liberty. He published a magazine, an King's Bench and Common Pleas, in the edition of the Bible, and the Am. Phil. reigns of George I. and II., was descendTrans. D. 1802. ed from the famous Sir John Fortescue; AITZEMA, LEO, of Friesland, wrote was b. in 1670; was an able lawyer, and a history of the United Provinces. B. well versed in Saxon literature; lived in 1600; d. 1669. habits of intimacy with Pope, and the AKALIA, MARTIN[, physician to Henry other wits of the day; and wrote the ALBJ CYCLOPIEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 19 legal burlesque of "Stradling versus ALBANEZE, an Italian musician of Styles." great repute. D. 1800. ALARD, FRANCIS, a native of Brus- ALBANI, ALEXANDER, a cardinal and sels, was bred in the Roman church; virtuoso. In 1762, his collection of but, meeting with the works of Luther, drawings and engravings, consisting of he turned Protestant, and escaped to 300 volumes, was purchased by George Wittemberg. After some time he re- III. for 14,000 crowns. B. 1692; d. 1779. turned to Brussels, and d. in 1578.- -JOHN FRINCIS, nephew of the above, WILLIAM, son of the above, became rec- in 1747 was made a cardinal, which was tor of the college of Krempen. D. 1644. followed by numerous preferments. He -LAMaBERT, son of the last niamed, com- opposed the suppression of the Jesuits. piled a Greek Lexicon, wrote some the- 1 He imitated his uncle in his encourageological works and Latin poems, and ment of letters; but the French, when was inspector of the public schools of they entered Rome, confiscated his esBrunswick. D. 1672. tates, and his valuable collection was ALARIC I., kling of the Visigoths, sent off to Paris. B. 1720; d. 1802.and conqueror of Rome was descended LouIsA IMARIA CAUOLINE, countess of, from a noble family, and for some years married Charles Stuart, " the Pretendserved in the imperial armies; but, be- er." She was cousin of the last reigning ing refused preferment, he revolted prince of Stolberg-Gedern; married in aoginst Arcadius, and desolated many 1772, when she took the title of countess of te provinces, sparing neither age nor of Albani; but to escape from the barsex. In the year 400, being then the barity of her husband, who lived in a acknowledged sovereign of the Visi- continual state of intoxication, she regoths, he invaded Italy, andcl carried off tired in 1780 to a cloister. B. 1752; d. imlense plunder. In 402, he made a 1824.-JonN JEROME, a civilian and thesecond irruption, but was defeated by ological writer, b. at Bergamo in 1504,;tilicho, and compelled to sue for peace. arrived at the dignity of a cardinal in After this, he was employed in the ser- 1570 and d. in 1591. vice of the emperor Honorius, but soon ALBANO, FRANCSCO, a celebrated violated his engagements, anld ad'ain painter. B. at Bologna 1578, and d. 1660. entered the Roman territory, and laid Albano excelled in delineating feminine siege to the capital. His terms were and infantine beauty; and his pictures colmplied With, and he retired into Tus- are exceedingly valuable. - IOG ANNI cany; but, being joined by his brother, BAPTISTA, younger brother of the above, Ataulphus, he returnced again to Rome. was also a painter, and chiefly excelled which he sacked in 410. After ravaging in landscape. Italy, le sailed for Sicily, where, after ALBATEGNI, an Arabian chieftai takinog the city of Cosenza, he.d. 410.- and astronomer. He lived in the 9th ALAP.I II., king of the Visigotls, suc- century, and wrote a work entitled " The ceeded his fathler Eurie in 484, and Science of the Stars." reigned over all the country between the ALBERGATI, CAPACELLI, a BologEhone and the Garonne. IIe adapted nese marquis, dramatic writer and acto his states the Theodosian collection tor, and called the Garrick of Italy. of laws, and puLblished it as the law of D. 1802. the Visigoths, since known by the title ALBERIIC a nionkish historian of the o'f the code of Alaric. He was slain in 13th century, who compiled a Chronicle a battle by Clovis, king of the Franks, of Universal History up to 1241. 507. ALBERONI, GIULIO, a cardinal, and AILASCO, JON, uncle to Sigismund, minister of the king of Spain, was the kinog of Poland, was in great esteem with son of a gardener; but being. possessed most of the learned men of his day, and of uncommon talents, and with a dispoenioyed the friendship of many of them, sition suited to the intriguing policy of particularly Erasmus and Zuinglius, the court, he obtained patronage, and thlroulgh whomn he became a convert to rapidly reached the highest office in the the Protestant faith; to which l e wasso state. By his ability and activity he zealooi',y devoted as to obtain the title created a naval force,. reorganized the of the Reformer of Poland, B. 1499; d. army, and rendered Spain more powerat Franlkfort, 1560. ful than it had been since the time of ALBAN, ST., celebrated as the first Philip II.; but he was eventually foiled Christian martyr in Great Britain, was by the combined efforts of England and b. at Verulan, near St. Alban's, H1ert- France, who made his dismissal from fordshire, in the 3d century. D. 303. the councils of the Spanish monarch tho 20 CYOLOP.DIXA OF BIOROGAP.Y. [ALB chief condition of peace. B. 16614 d. way, by whom lie was defeated in a 1752. bloody battle, taken prisoner, and conALBERT, ErAtsMus, a learned Ger- fined for seven years. I-le was at length man divine of the 16th century, who liberated on condition of surrendering composed a Latin work called' "The Stockholm to Margaret; and he passed Koran of the Cordeliers." D. 1551.- the remainder of his days at MecklenALBERT of Aix, or ALBURTUS AQUENSIS, a burg, where he d. in 1412.-ALBERT canon of Aix-la-Chapelle in the 12th marquis of Brandenburg-Culmbach, surcentury. I-e wrote in Latin what is named the German Alcibiades, b. in esteemed an accurate u History of the 1522, was a principal actor in the troubles Expedition to Jerusalem, under Godfrey of Germany during the reign of Charles of Bulloyn, and other Leaders," re- V., against whom he made war. D. in printed in 1662.-Louis JOSEPH D7, son indigence and exile, 1558.-CHARLES D', of Louis Charles, duke de Luynes. B. duke of Luynes. B. in 1578. 1-enry in 1672, and d. 1758. IHe distinguished IV., of France, who was his god-father, himself in several battles, for which placed him as a page about his son, he was appointed field-marshal by the afterwards Louis XIII., over whom, by emperor Charles VII., who sent him his artful manner, he gained such an ambassador to France, and created him ascendency that he obtained the highest prince of Grimberglien.-ALBERT of honors in the state, and was made- conStade, a monk of the 13th century, who stable of France; but his ambition and wrote a " Chronicle from the Creation to tyranny rendered him odious to the 1256."-ALBERT, of Strasburg, the corn- people. D. 1621. piler of a "Chronicle from 1273 to 1378." ALBEERTET, a mathematician and -HENRY CHRISTIAN, a professor of the poet of Provence in the 13th century. English language at the university of ALBERTI, ARISTOTILE, a mechanic of Hale, Germany. D. in 1800.-ALBERT I., Bologna in the 15th century. It is said emperor and dulke of Austria, surnamed he removed entire the tower of St. Mary the Triumphant, was son of the emperor del Temp>is 35 paces, and, at Cento, set Rodolph of Ilapsburg, and a competitor upright another which was five feet out for the imperial crown with Adolphus of its perpendicular.-CHERUBINO, a of Nassau, whom he defeated and killed famous Florentine painter. B. 1552; d. in battle. B. 1248; d. by assassination, 1615.-GaOvANNI, brother of the above, 1308.-ALBERT II., emperor and duke was also an eminent painter at Rome, of Austria, was son of Albert the fourth and greatly admired for the excellence duke of Austria, and succeeded to the of his perspective.-DOMINICro, a Vekingdom of Hungary and Bohemia on netian composer and harpsichord player the death of Sigismund, whose daugh- of eminence ill the last centurv.-GEORGE ter he had married. D. 1429.-ALBERT, WILLIAM, a learned German divine. B. archduke of Austria, son of Maximilian 1725; d. 1758.-JoHN, a German lawyer, II., was b. 1559. He was at first des- who abridged the Koran, with notes, tined for the church, and, when very and also published, in 1556, the New young, was created cardinal and arch- Testament in Syriac. D. 1559.-LEANDER, bishop of Toledo. In 1598, Philip Il. a Bolognese monk, author of a history of Spain contracted his daughter Isabel- of his native city, and one of'Italy. D. la to Albert, who thereupon renounced 1552.-LEONi BAPTISTA, an eminent archhis cardinalate and ecclesiastical charac- itect, painter, sculptor, and scholar. B. ter. The Netherlands, and the prov- at Venice in the beginnincr of the 15th inces of Burgundy and Charleroi, were century. At the age of 20h1e composed her portion, and they were henceforth a Latin comedy, entitled "Philodoxius," considered as joint sovereigns of those which many learned men believed at countries. D. 1621.-JANE D', daugh- first was the work of the ancient poet, ter of Margaret, queen of Navarre, and Lepidus; and, as such, it was printed the mother of Henry IV. of France. D. by the younger Aldus. The invention 1572.-ALBERT, king of Sweden, was of the camera obscura has been attribelected to the throne on the deposition uted to him. D. 1485. of Magnus II. in 1363. The latter, sup- ALBERTI DI VILLANOVA, FRANCIS ported by Denmark and Norway, en- D', an eminent Italimn lexicographer. B. deavored to recover his crown, but was 1737; d. 1803. defeated by Albert, and taken prisoner. ALBERTINI, FRasecs, an ecclesiastic The nobles, however, became dissatisfied of Florence, and an able antiquary, in with his rule, and applied for aid to the beginning of the 16th century; Margaret, queen of Denmark and Nor- author of several valuable works.-PAUL., ALB] CYCLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 21 a Venetian priest and author, who was century. Quesnoy, St. Quentin, Renti,. intrusted with an embassy to Turkey. &c., were the chief scenes of his exploits. His preaching and his writings, chiefly At the death of Henry II. he was chosen on theology, were so much valued, that one of the regency; and fell in the batat his death a medal was struck to his tie of Dreux, 1562. memory. B. 1430; d. 1475. ALBRECI-ITSBERGER, a German ALBERTUS, MAGNUS, a Dominican, musician, and one of the most learned of and one of the most celebrated school- modern contrapuntists, was b. at Kloster men of the 13th century, was b. at Neubar, in 1736; became court organist Lauingmen, Suabia. He was successively and a member of the academy at Vienna, vicar-general and provincial of his or- and was the instructor of Beethoven. D. der; and his celebrity as a public pre- 1803. ceptor attracted the attention of Pope ALBRET, CIIALOTTED', sister of John Alexander IV., who appointed him mas- d'Albret, king of Navarre, and wife of ter of the holy palace, In 1260, he was Cesar Borgia. She was a poetess of no elected bishop of Ratisbon, but after- mean powers, and as remarkable for virwards resigned this dignity, and went to tue as her husband was for vice. D. Colognie, where he cd., in 1280. His 1514.-CHArLES D', constable of France work's, which were voluminous, and on in the reign of Charles VI., to whom he various subjects, were published at was related by blood. He commanded Lyons, 1651. the French army at the famous battle of ALBICUS, archbishop of Prague, Agincourt, in which he lost his life, whose encouragement of John Huss 1514.-JEANNEDD' daughter of Margaret, caused him to be much abused by the queen of Navarre, and mother of Henry opponents of that reformer. of Navarre, afterwards Henry IV., of ALBINOVANUS, C. PEDO, a Latin France. D. in 1572. poet of the time of Augustus. He was ALBUtUERQUE, MATrTHLS D', a the friend of Ovid, and author of several Portuguese general, who was sent to poems, &c. Brazil in 1628, and successfully defendALBINUS, a Roman, consul in the ed the province of Pernambuco against year 157 B. c.; and author of a history the Dutch. He was made commander of Rome, written in Greek, which is of the army in 1643, when he gained the commended by Cicero.-BERNARD SIEG- decisive victory of Campo Major, and FRED, one of the ablest anatomists of was created a grandee of Portugal.modern times, was b. at Frankfort in COELHO, EDWARD D', a Portuguese noble1696. He was a pupil of the celebrated man, in the 17th century, who fought Boerhaave, and became a professor of with great bravery against thLe Dutch in anatomy in the university of Leyden. the Brazilian war, of which he wrote a D. 1770.-CHRISTIAN BERNARD, brother history. D. 1688.-ALFONSO, a native of the above, professor of anatomy at of Lisbon, whose great genius laid the Utrecht, and author of two valuable foundation of the Portuguese power in works on that science. D. 1778. India. He was sent by Emmanuel, king ALBO, JOSEPH, a learned Spanish of Portugal, in 1503, with his brother rabbi, who assisted, in 1412, at a con- Francis, to form an establishment in the fbrence between the Christians and East; and by his spirited bravery, he Jews, and wrote a book, called "Sepher supported his allies, and maintained the Hlikkarlim, against the gospels. superiority of his nation. He gained ALBOIN, king of the Lombards in large possessions on the coast of Cochin, the 6th century. He succeeded his father, which was secured by strong and imAudoin, in 1561; conquered and slew pregnable fortifications. His return to Cunimund, king of the Gepidse, whose Europe was attended by the death of his daughter, Rosamond, he afterwards brother, who perished in the voyage; married. He subjugated great part of but private sorrow gave way before pubItaly; but having incurred the just re- lie concerns, and Albuquerque, in 1508, sentinent of his wife, by sending her invested with new power by his soverwine in a cup, wrought from the skull of eign, sailed back to India. In his way her own father, and forcing her to drink he plundered the coast of Arabia; with from it, she had him assassinated, A. D. D unparalleled boldness, having a corps of 574. only 470 men, he undertook the siege of ALBON, JAQUES D*, Marquis de Fron- Ormuz, an island at the entrance of the sac, and Mareschal de St. Andre, a Persian gulf, subject to a king of its own, French general, who acquired great rep- and defended by numerous forces; and atation about the middle of the 16th after some months' obstinate resistance, 22 CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ALG the place submitted to the conqueror, countrymen, he made war upon the and the king in despair became tributary Lacedemonians and the Persians, and to Portugal. His arms were now direct- was successful both by sea and land. At ed against Goa, which he subdued and the instance of Lysander, who was himhis power was extended over the whole self instigated by the thirty tyrants, he coast of Malabar. Afterwards he sailed was burnt to death in the house of his towards the cast, and made the islands mistress Timandra, in Phrygia. He was of Sumatra, Malacca, and the neighbor- a man of rare personal address, great ing cities tributary to the Portuguese eloquence and audacity, and commandgovernment. On his return to Goa lie ing talents, but dissolute in his life, and meditated fresh conquests, when he sud- without elevation or dignity of soul. B. denly fell sick, and d. 1515, in his 63d 450 B. o.; d. 404 B. o. year. ALCIDAMUS, a Greek orator, who ALBUTIUS, CAIus SILUS, an eloquent lived about 400 B. c. orator in lome, in the age of Augustus. ALCINOUS, a commentator on Plato, He starved hiniself to death because of who flourished in the 2d century. an insult which had been inflicted upon ALCIPHRON, an epistolary writer him. among the Greeks, who has given some ALCAMENES, a disciple of Phidias, charming descriptions of the manners who afterwards became a rival. and customs of his times. ALCIEUS, an ancient lyric poet of ALCMIEON, the first anatomist, and renown, who flourished at Mytelene a disciple of Pythagoras. -ie lived at about 600 years before Christ. Horace Crotona. gives him a high position. HIe lived at ALCMAN, a Grecian lyric poet, who Lesboe, and was a lover of Sappho. — lived 672 B. c. There was also an Athenian po-et of the ALCOCK, JonN, a learned English same name. bishop of the time of Edward IV., who ALCIAT, ANDREW, a lawyer of emi- raised him to great dignities. D. 1500.nence at Milan, who d. 15O5. FmNCIS, JOHN, author of some choral music. D. nephew of Andrew, also an eminent 1806.-NATHAN, a celebrated physician lawyer, whom Pope Pins VI. made a of the last century, who lectured at Oxcardinal.-TERENCEo, a Jesuit, who aided ford on anatomy. Cardinal Pallavicino in writing the his- ALCUINUS, FLAcCus, an English pretory of the Council of Trent. late, a pupil of Bede, and a teacher of ALCIBIADES, a famous Greek, son Charlemagne. His writings, most of of Clineas and Dinomache who lost his which are extant, are numerous hisi father in the battle of Chslronea, and style is elegant and sprightly, ancd his was educated by Pericles, his grand- language sufficiently pure for the age; father by the mother's side. le early and he may be considered as one of the excelled, both in mental and bodily ex- learned few whose genius dissipated tho ercises, while his beauty, his birth, and gloom of the 8th centluv. Andrew du thle fvor of Pericles, gained him poition Chesne published his works in one voland popularity. Ie became a fiiend of tnme, folio, 1617. D. at Tours, 804. Socrates, wvho instructed him in knowl- ALCYONIUS, PTIR, an Italian, for edge and virtue. But so long as Cleon some time corrector of the press for lived lie was luris uxui and prodigal, and Aldus Manutius, and author of some it was only after the death of that dem- learned publications. He translated agoogue tlhat he began to take part in some of Aristotle's treatises, and was public affairs. He commandedc the severely censured by Sepulveda for inAtlfenian fleets which devastated the accuracy. In his work on banishment Peloponnesus, and was afterwards sent he displayed such a mixture of elegant on the expedition against Sicily, but du- and barbarous words, that he was susring the preparations, all the statues of pectedof]argelyborrowing from Cicero's Hermes having been broken one night, treatise de Gloria; and it is said that to he was accused of the impiety, recalled, avoid detection of this illiberal deed, he and condemned to death. He did not burnt the only extant manuscript of return to Athens, but went to Sparta, Cicero, which had been given by Berwhere he excited the Lacedemonians to nard to the library of a nunnery, of ally themselves with the Persian king which Alcyonius was physician. At against his native country, then engaged Florence he was promoted to a professvith Chios. He next passed into Asia or's chair, but the ambition of rising to Minor and roused'all lonia against higher eminence drew him to Rome, Athens. After being reconciled to his where he lost all his property during tho ALE] CYCLOPZEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 23 insurrection of the Colonnas. When ALDROVANDUS, ULYSSES, a celethe imperial troops took the city, 1527, brated natural historian. B. at Bologna, he espoused the cause of the pope, and 1522. He was a great traveller, and though wounded, joined him in the formed a most superb collection of mincastle of St. Angelo, and afterwards in erals, plants, animals, &c., by which he bold and. elegant language he arraigned, ruined his fortune, and d. in an hospital, in two orations, the injustice of Charles 1605. V. and the barbarity of his soldiers. ALDRUDE countess of Bertinoro, is ALDEGRAEF, a Westphalian paint- celebrated in Italy for her courage and er and engraver. B. 1502. her eloquence. When Ancona was beALDEN, JoHN, a magistrate of Plym- sieged by the arms of the Venetians, and outh colony, one of the first company of the emperor Frederic I. in 1172, she who settled in New England. D. 1687. pitied the situation of the distressed inALDERETE, DIEGO GRATIAN DE, a habitants, and with heroic intrepidity Spanish author, who translated the flew to their relief, at the head of her deGreek classics. D. 1580.-BERNNARD, a pendants and friends, and supported by Spanish Jesuit, who was the first to be William Degli Adelardi, of Ferrara. Her made a doctor by the university of Sal- troops were animated by her eloquence amanca. D. 1657. and her example, and the enemy fled at ALDHELM, ST., an Enoglish prelate, her approach; and though on her return b. at Malmesbury, where lie founded a home she was attacked by some parties monastery. D. 709. of the enraced besiegers, she routed ALDHUN, an English bishop of the them in every encounter, and added 10th century, the founder of the bishopric fresh laurels to her fame. The history of Durham. D. 1018. of that memorable siege has been pubALDIS, ASA, an eminent lawyer of lished by Buon-Campagnono of FloVermont, and chief justice in 1816. B. rence. 1770; d. 1847. ALDUS, MANUrIUS, a native of BasALDOBRANDINI, SYLVESTER, a Flo- sano, illustrious as a correct printer, and rentine lawyer and writer, appointed ad- as the restorer of the Greek and Latin vocate of the treasury by Pope Paul III. languages to Europe. He is the invenD. 1558.-CLEMENT, son of the preced- tor of the Italic letter, and was alone ing, became pope under the name of permitted by the pope the use of it. D. Clement VIII.-ANTIONY, a Bologfnese at Venice, 1516. lawyer and statesman. B. 1756.-JouN, ALEANDER, JEROME, a cardinal, b. his brother, a professor of natural phi- in 1480, distinguished himself in the 16th losophy at Bologna. He inventee a century as a violent opposer of Luther method of securing the human body and the reformation. D. 1542.-His against fire, now superseded by that of great nephew, of the same name, inherPaulin. B. 1762; d. 1834.-ToBIAS, a ited the ability of his ancestor, and was physician and totanist of Cesena, was eminent as a scholar and an antiquary. superintendent of the Farnesian garden ALEMAN, a cardinal of the 13th at Rome, on which account his name century. He was degraded from the was prefixed to the description of it purple for his opposition to Eugenius written by Peter Cashell. IV. The sentence was reversed by ALDRED, the first English bishop Nicholas V.; and after the cardinal's who visited Jerusalem. On the death death, in 1400, he was canonized.of Edward he crowned Harold, and MATTIIEW, a Spaniard; author of " Guzperformed the same ceremony for Wil- man de Alfarache," or the " Spanish [iam'. D. 1068. Hogue." ALDRICH, HENRY, b. in Westmin- ALEMANNI, NICHOLAS, a learned ster, 1647. From Westminster-school Greek antiquary, b. 1583, and became he went to Christ Church, Oxford, and keeper of the Vatican library at Rome. was elected student, aind afterwards D. 1626. canon and clean. He built an elegant ALEMBERT, JEAN LA RONDE D', one chapel to Trinity college, and the beau- of the most faimous philosophers and tiful church of All Saints. lie had also mathematicians that Trance has progreat skill in music, and composed many duced. He was b. at Paris in 1717, but services for the church. D. 1710.- was exposed by his parents, Madame de ROBERT, a native of Buckinghamshire, Tencin, and the poet Destouches, at the who became master and provost of Eton. church of le Ronde, from which he took In 1.537 he was made bishop of Carlisle. part of his name. His talents were preD. 1555. cocious, and at 4 years of age was sent 24: CYCtJLOF'sl)IA OF BIO0GRAPHY.i jI f to school, the principal of which de- great church of Seville,.,,1.i.dmired. cared, when his pupil was only 10 years D. 1600. old, that he could teach him no mlore. ALESSI, G.LEAS, an aibhitect, b. at He entered Mazarin College at the age of Perusia, w lhose works are spread over 12. Hie wrote, in his earliest years, a Germany and the south of Europe; but commentary on the epistle of Paul to his fame principally rests on the monasthe Romans. He studied law, but did tery and church of theEscurisal. D.1572. not cease to occupy himself with math- ALEXANDER THE GREAT, was ematics. Some philosophical papers, the son of Philip, king of Macedon, by which he wrote, made him a member of Olympias, daluhter of Neoptolemlus, the academy in 1741. lHe soon after king of Epirus, and b. 356 B.C.; the wrote a book on Dyinanmics, another on same year in which the temple of Diana Flulids, and a Theory of tlhe Mind, and at Ephesus was destroyed. Alexander assisted Euler and lNewton in their sci- received his education under Lysimnaentifie researches. His astronomical chus and Aristotle, and gave several publications were also valuable. But in proofs of manly -skill and courage while the latter part of his life he devoted very young; ne of which, the 1reaking himself to Belles Lettres, and became in of his fiery steed, Bucephalus, is menone of the writers of the "Encyclo- tioned by all his ilstorians as an incident pzedie." His literary works were dis- which convinced lis father of his future tinguished by purity of language, as well unconquerable spirit. Alexander was as vigor of thought. Though a man of much attached to his mother, and sided moderate means, he was noted foi his with her in the disputes which led to beneficence. IHe was a friend of Vol- her divorce from Philip. While the lattaire, Madame L'Espinasse, to whom he ter wias making preparations fOr his was attached, Frederick II., and other grand expedition into Asia, lie was asdistinguished persons, but lived in mod- sassinated by Pausanias; and Alexander est retirement. His opinions were de- succeeded to the throne,n his 20th istical. D. 1783. year. HiIs youth at first excited ian inALEN, JOHN VAN, an eminent Dutch elination in several of the states of landscape painter. D. 1698. Greece to throw off the yoke of the ALENIO, JULIUS, a Jesuit of Brescia, ]Macedonian usurpation; but he soon who rendered himself distinguished by quelled the design and was acknowlhis zeal in propagating'Christianity in edged general of Greece. I-Ie then China. D. 1649. marched into Thrace, and gained sevALER, PAUL, a learned French Jes- eral conquests. During his absence uit. D. 1727. His " Gradus ad Parnas- Thebes revolted; and when Alexander sum" has been long in established use returned, he took that city by storm, in all the public schools of Europe. made a dreadful carnage of the inhabiALES, ALEXANDER, a native of Edin- tants, and destroyed all the buildings burgh, who warmly opposed the tenets except the residence of Pindar the poet. of tuther, which he afterwards as ea- This severe example had its effect on gerly embraced, when he had suffered the other states; and even Athens dispersecution for his religion, and seen the tinguished itself by a servile submission frmness with which his countryman, to the conqueror. Alexander nxt turned Patrick Hamilton, was burnt to death, his arms against Darius, king of Persia; by Beaton, archbishop of St. Andrews, and, at 22, crossed the Hellespont, at for Protestantism. ie came back to the head of 40,000 men. With this London from Germany, when HIenry force he defeated the Persians at the VIII. abolished the papal power in En- Granicus, and made himself master of gland, and he there enjoyed the friend- numerous places. At Gordium, where ship of Cranmer, Cromwell, and Lati- he assembled his army, he is said to mer. He afterwards retired to Germany, have cut the famous knot on which the and was appointed to a professional chair fate of Asia depended. Shortly after at Frankfort upon Oder, but persecuted this, he again defeated the king of Perby the court of Bradenburg, at Leipsic; sia near Issus, and took immense treashe d. 165, in his sixty-fifth year. IIe res and many prisoners; amonu whom wrote a commentary on the writings of were the mothe, wife, and children of St. John, on the epistle to Timothy, and Darius. This victory was followed by on the Psilins. the conquest of Phcenicia, Damascus, ALESIO, MATTHEW PEREZ D', a paint- and several other states. Alexander er and engraver at Rome, whose figure next besieged Tyre, which long resisted of St. Christopher, in fresco, in the him, and, in revenge, he committed ALEj CYCLOPzE'DIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 25 horrible cruelties on the inlhabitanits. his own direction, his body was conHe then went to Jerusalem, passed into veyed to Alexandria in a golden coffin, Egypt, subdclued it, and bounded the inclosed in a sumptuous sarcophagnus, city of Alexandria. Darius now collect- supposed to be. now in the British Mued another army, and was defeated at seumi.-SrEvRus, emperor of Eome, was Arbela, which decided the fate of West- b. at Acre, in 1lhoenicia, in 205. The ern Asia. This great battle was followed principal public event of his reiogn was by the capture of Susa and Persepolis; the war with Artaxerxes, king of Persia, the last of which Alexander destroyed at over whom he gained a great victory in the instigation of his mistress. -le now person, and oni his return to Piome was prepared for an expedition to India; honored with a triumph. He next and, after a perilous march. reached the marched against the Germans, who had Indus, 327 B. c., which lhe crossed at the invaded Gaul; and while theie, a sedipart where the city of Attock now tion broke out in his army, headed by stands. Alexander received the sub- M'axiimin,, and the emperor and his mission of several of the petty princes mother were murdered, 235.-King of of the country, but was opposed by Poland, elected on the death of his broPorus, who valiantly withstood the ila- ther, John Albert, in 1501. D. 1506.vader; and, although conquered and I., bishop of' ome, succeeded Evaristus maide prisoner, the victor, pleased with in the tenth year of Trajan, acnd suffered his spirit, restored him his dominions, martyrdom under Iadrian, in 119. This and made him an ally. The conqueror pontiff is said to be the first who intronext entered the fertile plains now called duced the use of holy water into the the Punjab, took the city of Sangala, Catholic church. —II., elected to the and directec his coruse to the Ganges; papal throne in 1061. D. 1073.-IlI. from which object, however, lie was succeeded Adrian IV. in 1159. D. at diverted by the rainy season, and the Rome, 1181.-IV., ascended. the papal disaffection of his own troops. He ac- throne in 1254. D. 1261.-V., originally cordingly erected twelve altars of an ex- a Greek monk from Candia, was raised traordinary size to mark the limits of his to the papal throne in 1409 by the connprogress, remnants of which are said to cil of Pisa. His nmunificence, durin1 be still in existence. Alexander, there- his pontificate, was so unboundecI that fore, retraced his steps to the Hydaspes, he used to say, "When I became a on the. banks of which he built two bishop, I was rich; when a cardinal, cities, Nicsea and Bucephala; and emi- poor; and when a pope, a beggar." D. barkedl, with his light troops, on board 1410.-VI., a native of Valellcia, inl a fleet lihe had constructed, leaving the Spain, was raised to the popedom in main army to march by land. After a 1492. As an ecclesiastic, Alexander was severe contest with the Mallii, in which in the highest degree ambitious, bigoted, lie was wounded and his whole army and intolerant; and formed alliances nearly lost, he proceededl down the river with all the princes of his time only to to Patala; and, having entered the In- break them. This pontiff pursued his dian Ocean, and performed some rites profligate career, till 1503, when he was in honor of Neptune, he left his fleet; cut off by the same means he had used giving orders to Nearchus who had the for the ruin of others. At a banquet command, to sail to the ermsian Gulf, which he and his son, the infamous and thence up the Tigris to Mesopota- CQasar Borgia, had prepared for some mia. Alexandcer then prepared to march newly created cardinals, the poison into Babylon, towards which capital he tended for them was by some mistake orocee(Ted in a triumphal progress. administered to the contrivers of the teaching Susa, he began to give way to plot; and Alexander died the next day a passion for pleasure and joviality, and in great agony.-VII. This pontiff exmarried Statira, the daughter of Darius. pended vast sums in improving and At length lie reached Babylon, where he embellishing the city of Rome, and was gave orders indicating future aunderta- a great friend to the fine arts and litkinugs of great manllitude; when he was erature. B. at Sienna, in 1559, elected seized with an illness, in consequence to the popedom in 1605, and d. in 1667. of indulging in habits of intemperance, -VIII., the last pope of that name, was mid d. of a fever, in the 13th year of his elected, 1689, at the advanced age of 60; eventful reign, and the 33d of his life, and d. two years afterwards. 823 B. c. When reqnuired to name his ALEXANDER, I. king of Scotland, successor, he is said to have replied, son of Malcolm III., ascended the throne "To the most worthy." Pursuant to in 1107; and merited by the vigor and 26 eYCLpPAEDIA OF DIOGRAPHY. LALE impetuosity of Ills character, the appel- in New York, 1726; received a classical lation of 17te Fierce. D. 1124.-II., son education; and was distinguished for of William the Lion, was raised to the his knowledge of mathematics an cd asthrone of Scotland, 1214, being then in tronomy. His father was a native of his 16th year. In 1221, he married Scotland, and he was the reputed rightJoan, sister of Henry III. of England; ful heir to an earldom in that country, by wvhich peace was restored to thle two on which account he was usually calledc kingdoms. D. 1249.-III., son of the Lord Stirling; but was ~unsuccessful in preceding, succeeded, 1249, when only his efforts to obtain from the govern8 years of age. He married Margaret, ment the acknowledgment of his claim. daughter of Henry III. of England, qnd At the commencement of the revolution lived upon terms of close friendship he joined the American army, and in with his father-in-law, whom, in his the battle on Long Island, August 27, wars with the barons, he assisted with 1776, was taken prisoner, after having, 5000 men; accidentally killed while by attacking Cornwallis, secured to a hunting, in 1285.-A Sicilian abbot of part of the detachment an opportunity the 12th century; author of a memoir to escape. He was always warmly atof Roger, king of Sicily.-AB ALEXAN- tached to General Washington, and the DRn, a, Neapolitan jurisconsult of the cause which he had espoused. D. at 12th century. He was much attached Albany, 1783.-WILLIAM, an able artist. to the belles lettres, and is chiefly known B. at Maidstone, 1768. His father, who by a work entitled "Dies Geniales," an was a coachmaker, gave him a good imitation of the Noctes Atticae of Gel- education, and sent him at an early age iIus.-TRALLIrANUS, a Greek physician to study the fine arts in London, which of the 6th century. His works are con- he did with so much success, that he sidered the best after those of Hippo- was selected to accompany the embassy crates.-Bishop of Alexandria, who op- of Lord Macartecy to China. On his posed Arius, and condemned his errors return, besides his drawings in illustraat the council of Nice. D. 326.-Bishop tion of the work of Sir George Staunton, of Hierapolis, in the 5th century, who he published a splendid one of his own, espoused the doctrine that there were entitledc, "The Costume of China,"which two different natures in Christ; for obtained so much notice that hle was inwhich he was banished by the council of duced to publish a second part. At the Ephesus.-Of Eogea, the tutor of Nero, time of his death, in 1816, he was keeper whom he is said to have corruptedby of the antiquities at the British Museum. his instructions.-DE MEDICI, a licen- -JAMES, a native of Scotland, who came tious duke of Florence, assassinated by to New York in 1715. He was bred to Lorenzo de Medici, a relation, at the in- the law, and became eminent in his stigation of Strozzi, a republican, 1537.- profession.. By honest practice and unAn English abbot, who supported the wearied application to business, he aerights of his master, Henry III., at the quired a great estate. For many years court of Rome, with such boldness, that lie was a member of the legislature, and Pandulphus, the pope's legate in En- of the council. In 1721, he was apgland, excommunicated and imprisoned pointed attorney-general; and afterhim. D. 1217. NoEL, a Dominican, a wards was secretary of the province. laborious writer. B. at Rouen 1639, and His death took place in the beginnin1 d. at Paris, 1724. His most celebrated of 1756.-"NATIANIEL, a governor ot work is a Latin Church History, in 26 North Carolina. He received his colvols.-Of Paris, a Norman poet of the legiate education at Princeton, N. J., 12th century, who wrote a metrical obtained his first degree in 1776, and poem called "Alexancle the Great," in afterwards studied medicine. Subseverses of twelve syllables, which meas- quently he entered the army; but at the ure has ever since been called "Alexan- close of the war pursued h'is profession drine."-NEusKcOI, grand duke of Rus- in the state of which he became chief sia. B. 1218. The most noted action of magistrate in 1806. In all his public his life was a great victory he obtained stations he had the reputation of conover the more northern tribes on the ducting with ability and firmness. D. banks of the Neva. D. 1263.-Sir WL- 1808 aged 52 years.-CALEB, D.D., b. JLIAM, earl of Stirling, an eminent Scot- in Northfield, Mass., and graduated at tish statesman and poet in the reigns Yale College in 1777. He was first setof James I. and Charles I. D. 1640.- tied, as a Congregational minister at WILLIAM, a major-general in the Amer- New Marlborough; and, afterwards, at iean army of the revolution. He was b, Mendon, in his native state. His con ALE] CYCLOPIEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 27 tinuance in each of these situations was elusion of peace, Alexander visited Enless than two years. The remaining gland, in company with the king of part of his life was spent in teaching, Prussia. IHis death took place at Tagand in other kindred pursuits. He anrock, in the Crimea, Dec. 1, 1825; published a Latin Grammar, an En- and he was succeeded by his second glish Grammar, and some other small brother, Nicholas, agreeable to a docuworks. D. 1828.-THOMAS, earl of Sel- ment signed by his eldest brother, Conkirk, known as the founder of a colony in stantine, resigning to him the right of Canada, and for his writings on politics succession. and statistics. D. in 1820.-I., emperor ALEXANDRINI, JLIUS, a physician of Russia and king of Poland, eldest son of Trent, in the 16th century. lIe was of Paul I., was b. Dec. 22, 1777; sue- the first who endeavored to prove the ceeded, March, 1801; and was crowned connection of bodily diseases with the a't Moscow, September following. In passions. 1803, Alexander offered his mediation ALEXIS, a Greek comic poet, uncle to effect a reconciliation between En- and instructor of Alexander. gland and France; and in 1805, a con- ALEXIS, MIciAELoVITSCH, czar of Rusvention was entered into between Rus- sia. B. in 1630; succeeded his father sia, England, Austria, and Sweden, for Michael in 1646; d. 1677. He was the the purpose of resisting the encroach- fIther of Peter the Great, and the first ments of the French on the territories Russian monarch who acted on the of independent states. On the 2d of policy of a more intimate connection December, the battle of Austerlitz took with the other European states.-PETRoplace, at which Alexander appeared at VITSCH, only son of Peter the Great. B. the head of 50,000 men, but was defeat- 1690. This unhappy prince opposed the ed, and compelled to retreat to his do- new policy of his father, and expressed minions. On November 26, 1806, was an unalterable attachment to the ancient fought the battle of Pultusk; and on barbarous usages and customs of his the 7th and 8th February, 1807, that of country; for which the czar resolved to Eylau; on the 14th June the Russians disinherit him. Alexis fled to his were completely defeated at Friedland, brother-in-law, the emperor of Gerby Napoleon. The result of this victory many, and lay concealed for some time was an interview between the two em- at Vienna. until his retreat was discovpcrors, which led to the treaty of Tilsit. ered by his father, before whom he was rhe seizure of the Danish fleet by the conducted as a criminal, and compelled English occasioned a declaration of war formally to renounce the succession; from Russia; but hostilities only ex- after this he was tried by secret judges, tended to the cessation of trade between and condemned to death, 1719.-DEL the two nations. A second meeting of Anco, a Spanish painter. B. at Madrid, the French and Russian sovereigns took in 1625. He was deaf and dumb; but place at Erfurt, Sept. 27, 1808; Bona- his reputation as a portrait painter was parte being anxious to secure the friend- considerable. D. in 1700. ship of Alexander previously to his ALEX1US I., COMNEmNUS, emperor of meditated subjugation of Spain. The the East. B. at Constantinople, 1048. -lHe interruption of commerce with England signalized himself in the wars with the now began to be severely felt by Russia; Turks and Saracens, was bountiful to his and Alexander determined to throw off friends and clement to his enemies, a the French yolre. On the 23d March, lover of letters, and equally versed4n the 1812, an imperial ukase was issued, or- arts of government and of war. D. 1118. dering a levy of two men out of every -II., COMNENUS, succeeded his father 500 throughout the Russiani empire, and Michael on the throne of Constantinople all matters of dispute with (reat Britain in 1180, when only 12 years of age; and, were pacifically arranged. On joining with his mother, was murdered two his army in Poland, February, 1818, years afterwards by Andronicus, who Alexander published the famous mani- usurped the crown. —III., ANGELUS, festo, which served as the basis of the emperor in 1195, gained that station by coalition of the other European powers the basest perfidy towards his brother, against the French emperor. Germany, Isaac Ang'elus, whom he confined in and then France, became the scene of prison, and then caused his eyes to be put hostilities; and the capture of Paris, out. His effeminate reign rendered him April 30, 1814, was followed by the ab- despicable, and his capital was besieged dication of Bonap arte, and the restora- and taken, 1203, by an army of Venetian tion of the Bourbons. After the con- and French crusaders, headed by his 28 CYCLOP-EDIA OF BIOG1iAPHIY. ALF nephew, Alexius, son of Isaac. The 1652, leavin behind him two celebrated usurper received the same punishment works, "Britannia Illustrata," and " Anhe hadl inflicted on his brother, and c. a nales Ecclesiastici Britannorum." few years afterwards in a monastery at ALFRAGAN, or AHMED BEN FEENice; asnd the conqueror placed his GAN, an Arabian astronomer of the blind father on the throne, with whom 9th century; author of an "1 Introduche reigned as Alexins IV.; but his ele- tion to Astronomy," and other scientific vation was succeeded by a rebellion, and'works. lhe was deposed, imprisoned, and put to ALFRAGO, ANDREw, an Italian phydeath, 1204. -V., DucAS, surnamed sician; author of a history of Arabian Bnurtzulffe, from his blaek shaggy eye- physicians and philosophers, andc other brows, was raised to the throne af:ter the works connected with the East, where murder of Alexius IV., but deposed by he resided for some years. D. at Padua, the crusaders, rwho attacked and took 1520. his capital, and he, as put to an igno- ALFRED THE GREAT. This monm1inious death. arch was the youngest son of Ethelwolf, ALEYN, CHARLES, an English histor- king of the West Saxons, and was b. at ical poet. D 160 Wantage, Berks, in 849. On the death ALFARABI, an eminent Arabian of his brother Ethelred, Alfed sucphilosopher in the 10th century, who ceeded to the throne of England, 871, at obtained much reputation ill his day, a time when his kingdom was a prey to both as a great traveller, and s a mlaster domestic dissensions, and to the invaof 70 languaces. Among his works is sions of the Danes, with whom, after a an Encyclopcedia, the manulscript of disastrous engagement, he wzas forced to which is in the Escurial. conclude a treaty on disadvantageous ALFARO Y GAMON, JUAN DE, a terms. The Danes soon violated their distinguished Spanish painter. B. 1640. engagement, anld renewecd their hostility ALFENUS VARUS, PUBrIus, a Ro- with such success, that, in 877, the king mall civilian, who became consul, and is was under the necessity of concealing mentioned by Horace and Virgil with himself in the cottage of one of his gratitude. herdsmen. Ie afterwards retired to the ALFIERI, VITTOBrA, count, was b. at islandL of Athelney, and there received Asti, in Piedmont, in 1749, of a rich and information that one of his chiefs had distinguished family. His early educa- obtained a great victory over the Danes. tion was deiective; for, though sent to Alfied then disguised himself as a harpthe academy of Turin, le leirned noth- er, entered the Danish camp, and gained ing. Ie afterwards travelled over Italc a knowledge of the state of the enemy France, England, Spain, Portugal, Ger- After this, he direeted his nobles to meet mllany, ussia, and Hlollandc, returni ed himat Selwoood, with their vassals, which tried to study history, and then became was done so secretly, that the Danes a wanderer again for three years. From were surprised at Eddington, and coInpure listlessness he took to writing dra- pletely routed. IIe lno put his kingmatic poetry, at the age of 27, and de- dom into a state of defence, increased voted the rest of life to becoming a tragic his navy, and brough1 t London into a poet. He first studied Latin and Tus- flourishing state; but, after a rest of can, for which purpose he went to some years, an imlmense number of Tuscany; meeting on the journey the Danish forces landed in Kent, and colnCountess of Albany, consort of the En- mitted great ravages; they eore, howglish pretender, he became attached to ever, soon defeated by Alfred, who her, and lived alternately, leading an caused several of the leaders to be exirregular and roving life, in England, ecuted at Wilchester. Thus hesecoured France, and Italy. fIe composed 21 tra- thle peace of his dominions, aind struck gedies and 6 comedies, and is regarded terror into his enemies, after 56i battles as the great tragic poet of his nlative by sea and land, in all of which he was land. Above the degeneracy of his personally enfgaged. But the warlike times, cherishing an ardent hatred of exploits of Alfred formed, perhaps, the despotism, and possessing a free, proud, least of the services he rendered his and passionate heart, hiss works are per- country. He composed a body of statvaded by a decided political spirit. His utes, instituted the trial by jury, and style was stiff and unadorned, but bold, divided the kingdom into shires and lofty, and correct. D. 1803. hundreds; was so exact in his governALFORD, MIChAEaL,an English Jesuit. ment, that robbery was unheard of, and B. in London, 1587. He d. at St. Omer's, valuable goods might be left on the high ALI] CYYOLOPAVDIA O' -B3IOACrP JF-. 29 roads. His great council, consisting of. AII BEG, a man of extraordinary bishops, earls, aldermen, and thanes, learning and attainments, b. in Poland was, by an express law, called together of Christian parents, but who was kidtwice a-year in London, for the better napped in his ilnfncy y a horde of Targovernment of the realm. Th ste of tate, and sold to the Turks, in whose learning in his time was so low, that, language andc religion he was educated. from tthe Thames to the Humber, scarce- His skill in languages procured hiMm the ly a man could be found who understood post of chief intelpreter to the giand the service of the church, or could trans- signior; while his leismue holurs werec late a single sentence of Latin into En- employed in translating the Bible and glish. To remedy this evil, he invitel the catechism of the Church of Englandc men of learning from all quarters, and into the Turkish language. D. 1675. placed them at the head of seminaries in ALI BEY, a Greek, son of a Natolian various parts of his kingdom; and, if he priest. B. 1728. He fell, when a child, was not the founder of the university of into the Ihands of robbers, who carried Oxford, it is certain he raised it to a him to Cairo, and sold him to Ibrahim, reputation which it hadc never before lieutenant of the Janizaries, who adoptenjoyed. Alfred himself wrote several ed him. Ali soon rose to the rank of works, and translated others from the sangiak, or imember of the council; and Latin, particularly " Orosius's History when his patron was assassinated by of the Pagans," andc "Boethius's Con- Ibrahim, the Circassian, he avelnged his solations of Philosophy." Englandc is death, and slew the mnurderer with his indebted to him for the foundation of her own hand. This action raised him naval establishment, and he was the first numerous enemies, and he was obliged who sent out ships to make the discov- to fly to Jerusalem, and thence to Acre; ery of a northeast passage. To crown but in time he was recalled by the peohis great public character, Alfred is cle- ple, and, beinI placed at the head of the scribed as one of the most mild and ami- government, Egypt began to recover its able men in private life; of a temper former splendor. In a battle fought serene and cheerful, and not averse to against the troops of a rebellious Manmesociety, or to innocent recreation; he luke, Ali was cut down, after defending was also personally well-favored, pos- himself with a degree of desperate valor, sessing a handsome acnd vigorous form, and d. of his wounds eight days after, and a dignified and engaging aspect. D. in 1773. 900.-" The Philosopher," an English- ALI PACHA, an Albanian, born at man, was greatly esteemed at the court Zepelina, 1744, who, by fifty years of of Rome, and wrote five books on the constant warfare, brought under his'' Consolations of Boithius." D. 1270.- sway a large extent of territory, which An English bishop of the 10th century; the Porte sanctioned. He took the author of a "History of the Abbey of title of Pacha of Jannina, and received Malmsbury," a treatise "De Naturis agents from foreign powers. But the Rerum," &c. Porte was made jealous by his intrigues ALGARDI, ALEXANDER, a Bolognese with England, Russia, and France, and sculptor of the 17th century. finally had him shot. ALGAROTTI, FRANCIS, an eminent ALIAMET, JaES, a French engraver Italian writer. B. at Venice, 1712; d. of the last century. 1764. ALIPAC, J., a French minor poet. ALHAZEN, an Arabian mathema- B. 1796. tician, who was the first that showed the ALISON, ACrrHmALD, a clergyman importance of refractions in astronomy. of Edinburgh, educated at Oxford, and.D. at Cairo, in 1088. afterwards preferred to various livings ALI, cousin, son-in-law, and vizier of in the church of England. In 1780 ihe Mahomet, and one of the main pillars of published his famous "Essay on tl:c the new faith. He obtained the name Nature and Principles of Taste." HIe of the Lion of God, always victorious; subsequently published two selrmons, but was opposed in his succession to the and a memoir of Lord Wloodhousie. caliphate by Omar and Othman, and re- B. 1757; d. 1839.-Tiere is another tired into Arabia, and made a collection of the samne name, distinguished for his of the sayi the i o the prophet. There he"Tireatise on Population," and his laid the foundation of a. new sect, and, "HIistory of Europe," still living.after the death of Othman, lie was de- EICHUARD, one of the ten composers who cdared calsiph, 655; but was murdered set the psalms to music, at the order of four years afterwards in the mosque. Queen Elizabeth. 3* 20 CYCLOPAEDIA OF 3IOGRAPHY. [ALls ALIX, PETER, a French abbot and he returned to Rome, where he applied author, of the 17th century. himself to physic, in which he took a ALKEMADE, CORNELIUS VAN, a degree, but literature was his favorito Dutch antiquary and writer. D. 1676. pursuit, and as his erudition was great, ALKMAAR, HENRY D', a German he distinguished himself as a teacher in poet of the 15th century, the reputed the Greek college at Rome. He was afauthor of that exquisite satire called terwards employed by Pope Gregory " Reynard the Fox."' XV. to remove the elector palatine's ALLAINVAL, LEONOR SOULAS D', a library from Germany to the Vatican, French abbot anc dramatic poet. D. at in reward for which service, though for Paris, 17o3. a while neglected, he was appointed liALLAINE, DE LA COURTIERE, J., a brarian. Though bred and employed French author. B. 1750. among ecclesiastics, he never entered ALLAIS, DENUS VAIRASSE, a French into orders because, as he told the pope, author of the 17th century. he wished to retain the privilege of ALLAN, DAVID, a Scotch painter, marrying if he pleased. His publicaborn at Edinburgh. B. 1744; d. 1796. tions were numerous but chiefly on diHe was called the Scottish Hogarth.- vinity, and, though full of learning and GEOReGE, son of David, a literary man, good sense, remarkable for unnecessary who was elected to parliament for the digressions. In the controversy of the city of Durham. B. 1768; d. 1828.- gentlemen of the Port Royal with GEORGE, an attorney and antiquary. D. Claude concernincg the eucharist, lie 1800.-Sir WILLIAM, an eminent histor- greatly assisted the former, for which ical painter, was born at Edinburgh in he was severely abused by their bold 1782. Of humble parentage, he at an antagonist. It is said by Joannes Paearly age evinced a decided predilection tricius that he wrote Greek for forty for art; and, when still a young man, ysars with the same pen, and that when he pursued his favorite study with he lost it, he expressed his concern equal enterprise and ability, visiting even to the shedding of tears. D. at Morocco, Greece, and Spain, and pene- Rome, in his 88d year, 1669. trating the remote and semi-barbarous ALLEGRAEIN, CHRISTOPHEi GABRIEL, territories of Russia and Turkey, that a French sculptor.'D. 1795. he might familiarize himself with the ALLEGRI, ALEXANDER, an Italian rude and picturesque aspects there pre- satirical poet, who flourished at Florsented.' The Polish Captives," " The ence at the end of the 16th century.Slave Market at Constantinople," and GREGORIO, an eminent composer, whose various kindred subjects, testify to his works are still used in the pope's chapel skill in this department of art; but he at Rome. His "Miserere" is always did much also to illustrate the historic used on Good Friday, and is much adlore of his own land, as his vivid repre- mired. Clement XIV. sent a copy of sentation of Mary and of Rizzio, the this beautiful composition to George III. murder of Archbishop Sharpe, and the in 1773. To his extraordinary merit as Battle of Waterloo, amply testify. He a composer of church music, he is said was an old and attached friend of Sir to have joined a devout and benevoWalter Scott; and his amiable, unas- lent disposition, and an excellent moral suming manners, and his vast fund of character. His famous Miserere was at anecdote, procured him general love one time thought so sacred, that it was and esteem. In 1841 he succeeded Sir forbidden fo be copied on pain of exD. Wilkie as president of the Royal communication. But Mozart disregardScottish Academy, and was soon after- ed the injunction, and it has since been wards knighted. D. 1850. published. B. at Rome, 1590; d. 1652. ALLARD, GUY, a French writer on ALLEIN, JOSEPH, a non-conformist geological history. D. at Dauphiny, minister, who wrote the celebrated 1716.-JEAN FRANCOISE, a French gen- " Alarm to Unconverted Sinners," eral officer, distinguished during the which has been so frequently repubemperorship of Napoleon, who after- lished. B. at Devizes, 16239; d. 1688. wards entered the Egqyptian and Per- ALLEN, ETHAN, one of the most dissian service, and finally became an aid tinguished of the generals of the Amerof Runjeet-Singh. B. i785; d. 1839. ican revolution. He was born at SalisALLA.TIUS, LEo, a native of the bury, Connecticut, and educated in island of Scio, who studied belles lettres Vermont. Ho early took a part with and the languages at Rome. After the " Green Mountain Boys," against visiting Naples and his native country, the royal authorities. In 1775, soon ALL] C~OLOPrDIA OF BIOGitAPHY. 21 after the battle of Lexington, at the re- legislator of Rhode Island, who wrote quest of the legislature of Connecticut, for the Port Folio and United States he raised a body of 230 men. and as- Gazette. B. 1775; d. 1826. saulted and took the fortress of Ticon- ALLERSTAIN, a German Jesuit and deroga. As he approached De La Place, astronomer, who died as a missionary the commander, he demanded its sur- in China, in 1778. render "in the name of Jehovah and ALLERTON, IsAAC, one of the first the continental congress."' The same settlers of Plymouth, who caume over in year, he was taken prisoner in an at- the Mayflower. tempt to reduce Montreal. He was ALLESTRY, RICHARD, an English sent to England and, after being cruelly divine. B. 1619; d. 1680. maltreated on the voyage, was confined ALLEY, bishop of Exeter under in Pendennis castle, near Falmouth. Elizabeth. D. 1570. HIe was next returned to Halifax and ALLEYN, EDWAnRD, an English aetor then imprisoned five months in New in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., York. In 1778 he was exchanged for but principally known as the founder Col. Camnpbell and returned to Ver- of Dulwich college, was born at St. Bomont, where lie was welcomed with tolph, London, Sept. 1, 1566. He was great joy. Allen was a man of strong one of the original actors in Shakmind, earnest and eccentric character, speare's plays, and his popularity prodevoted patriotism, and audacious bra- cured him not only friencs, but opuvery. He published, besides a narrative lence. He built at his own expense the of his captivity, a " Vindication of the Fortune playhouse, Moorfields, and still Colonies," and a waork on theology. added to his income by being keeper of B. 1743; d. 1789.-IRA, a brother of the king's wild beasts, with a salary of Ethan, was the first secretary of Yer- ~500 per annum. His erection of Dulmont. He took an active part in the wicli colleoe is attributed to a superstiwar on the lakes in 1775, was a corn- tious cause. Whilst with six others he missioner to congress, became agent of was acting the part of a demon in one the state, in Europe, for the purchase of Shakspeare's plays, he is said to of arms, was captured and imprisoned have been terrified by the real appearin England, and afterwards in France; ance of the devil, and the power of the but after tedious litigation was released. imagination was so great that he made B. 1752; d. 1814.-There were seven a solemn vow to build the colleoe, brothers of this ffimily, all more or less which, in 1614, was hbegun under the distinguished in the colonial annals.- direction of Inigo Jones, and in three JOHN, a chancellor of Ireland, who was years finished at the expense of ~10.000. basely ass.ssinated by the earl of Kil- This noble edifice, destined to afford an dare in 1534.-JOHN, first minister of asylumn to indigence and infirmity, was Dedham, Massachusetts. B. 1590.- solemnly appropriated on the 18th Sept THOMAS, an eminent scholar and mathe- 1619, to the humane purposes of the matician of Elizabeth's time. B. 1542 founder, who appointed himself its first d. 1632.-THOMAs, an antiquarian and master. The original endowment was historical writer, who compiled the ~800 per annum, for the maintenance "History and Antiquities of London," of one master, one warden, always to etc. B. 1803; d. 1833.-MATTHFEW, one be unmarried and of the name of Alleyn, of the first settlers of Connecticut, in four fellows, three of whom are iln or1692.-WILLIAM, chief-justice of Penn- ders, and the fourth an organist, besides sylvania, an early friend to Benjamin six poor men, and six women, and West, and an acquaintance of Frank- twelve boys to be educated till the age lin. D. 1780.-SOLOMoxN, a major in of fourteen or sixteen, and then to be the revolutionary war, who, after the apprenticed. D. 1626, seizure of Andre, conducted him to'ALLIONI, CHARLES, a celebrated phIyWest Point. He was also concerned in sician, writer, and professor of botany in quelling Shay's insurrection,'and after- the university of Turin. B. 1725; d. wards became a successful preacher.- 1804. JAMES, an eccentric poet of Boston. B. ALLIX, PETER, a learned divinie, b. 1739; d. 1808.-WILLIAM HuHENRY, a at Alens(on, in France, 1644, minister naval officer of the U. S. who was en- of the Reformed Church at Rouen and gaged during the war of 1812, and was Charenton, who went to England, was killed in an action between the Argus created DD. at Oxford, and made treasand the Pelican in the British Channel. urer of the church at Salisbury. D. in B. 1784; d. 1813.-PAsUL, a poet and London, 1717. 32 PCCLOPX DIFA OP BIOGRAPHY. [ALM ALLOISI, BALrIAZAR, a Bolognese Justice Dana, of Canmbridge, where he historical and portrait painter, who ob- then took up his lesidence, and began tained the name of Galanino. D. 1688. the largest and most ambitious of his ALLORI, ALEXANDER, a Florentine pictures, the Feast of Belshazzai. This painter, who excelled in nakecd figures. work, owin(r to various hindrances, was D. 1607.-CHIRISTOPmANO the son of the never finished, but what was done of it above, was also an eminent painter. will remain for ever a monument of his D. 1619, surpassing genius and skill. In 183G ALLSTION, WASrEGTON, the greatest Mr. Allston was asked by cong'ress to historical painter that America has pro- fill two of the four vacant panels in the duced, was a native of Charleston, S. C., Rotunda tat Washington, but he declined but at the age of 7 was sent, by the ad- the request, in order that he might device of physicians, to Newport, R. I. Ievote his undivided energies to tle conlearly discovered a taste for imitative art, pletion of hlls Belshazzar. His friends, a taste which was fostered by his ac- in 1So9, made a collection of more than quaintance witlh Malbone, who became fifty of his pictures, which were publicly a distinguished miniat-ure painter. In exhibited in Boston, and gave to all who 1796 he entered Harvard College, where saw them the rarest delight. Never behe was noted for the elegance of his fore, we venture to say, on the continent compositions; but his leisure hours of America, had there been such an exwere chiefly devoted to the pencil. An hibition. Two years afterwarids Mr. old rich-toned Italian landscape, some Allston published a highly successful pictures by Pine, and a copy of Van- tale, called Monal.i, and thus, amidst dyke's head of Cardinal Bentivoglio, days passed in the exercise of his beauwere his models. He went to London tifnl art, and evenings of refined social in 1801, and entered as a student in the enjoyment, he enjoyed a happy old age, Royal Academy. -Ie there, made the ac- rich in the possession of the highest quaintance of West and Fuseli and ex- genius, and in the attachment of the bibited some of his pictures at Somerset most accomplished friends. His charHouse in 1802. He next visited France, acter was without reproach, his feelinSs and afterwards Italy. He pursued the tender, his conduct dignified, and his study of art at Rome for four years, attachments, as well as his opinions, prowhere he distinguished himself by his found and sincere. He d. suddenly, on coloring, which acquired for him the 9th of July, 1843. name of the American Titian, and also ALLY, Vizier, ex-nabob of Oude, was entered into relations of intimate friend- the adopted son of the former inabob of ship with Thorwaldsen, Coleridge, and Oude, Yusuf ab Dowlah, who declared other men of note. In 1809 he visited him successor. The English governAmerica, andll married the sister of Dr. menit, however, deposed him in lavor of Channing. In 1811 he resumed his resi- the brother of Yusuf, but settled on him dence in London, where his first histor- a pension of ~25,000. While engaged ical picture, the "Dead Man Revived," with the agents of the East India Comobtained for hin the first prize of the pany, who had been sent to meet him at British Institution. A small volume of Benares for the purpose of making arpoems, called the "Sylph of the Season, rangements for his future residence, he and other poems," was published by gave a sinal, on which his armed folhim ini 1813. ITis wife died in 1815, an lower s rushed in and treacherously murthree years after he canle home, brin- dered the Company's officers. For a ing with him the " Elijah in the Wn- time he made his escape, but surrenderderness," having disposed of several ed on condition that his life should be large and fine pictures before he quitted spared. D. in prison, 1817, agced only 36. Englland, such as Uriel in the Sunl, ALM)AGRO7 DIEGO D', a Spaniard of Jacob's Dream, and St. Peter liberatecl low origin, who accompanied Pizarro in by the Angel. The Elijah was after- the expedition against Peru, in which wards purchased and taken back to his valor, profligacy, and cruelty were England. During the next 12 years, equally displayed. In 1525:le took whil he resided in Boston, he painted Cuzco, the capital of Chili, by storm, and several of his finest works, amlongr others put Atahualpa, the last of the lncas, to a his Jeremiah, Saul and the Witch of most horrid death; but quarrelling with Endor, Miriam, singiang the song of tri- the brothers of Pizarro about the diviumph, Dante's Beatrice, and thle Valen- sion of their spoil, a schism ensuied, and tine. In 1830 he was married a second Alnlagro was eventually taken prisoner time to the daughter of the late Chief and strangled, 1588. ALP1 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 33 ALMAMON, or ABDALLAH, a ca- ALOMPRA, the founder of the Barliph of Bagdad, son of Haroun al Ras- man empire, a man of obscure birth, chid, who founded the academy of but who established a new dynasty Bagdad, and wmas a patron of science. about the middle of the 18th century. D. 833. ALONZO DE VIADO, a Spanish ALTMANASOR, JAcoB, a caliph of liberal and writer. B. 1775. the Saracens in Africa, who, after con- ALPAGO, ANDREW, an Italian phyquering a large territory, became a ba- sician, who visited the East, and some lker at Alexandria, where he died, 1205. time resided at Damascus. On his reALMANZOR, surnamed the Victo- turn he was made professor of medicine rious, the second caliph of the house of at Venice, where he translated AvicenAbas, succeeded to the throne in 753. na, Averroes, and Serapion, and enALMARUS, abbot of the monastery tiched the work with notes, some of of St. Austin, Canterbury, made bishop which now remain in manuscript. D. of Sherborne, 1022. 1555. ALMEIDA, FRsANciSCO, a Portuguese, ALPHANUS, ]BENEDICT, archbishop appointed, in 1505, the first viceroy of of Palermo, better known as a physician India. Afttr a perilous voyage, lie and a poet. He was the author of the crossed the Cape of Good Hope, and lives of some saints in verse. D. 1086. proceeded along the coast of Africa, ALPHERY, MEKEPPER or NICEPHOspreading terror and desolation, but Rs, a lnative of Russia, descended from was killed on his return in a quarrel the imperial family. During the civil with the natives at the Cape, in 1509.- dissensions of his country he removed LORENzo, son of Francisco, was also an to England and studied at Oxford. enterprising commander and navigator, In 1618 he succeeded to the living by whom Ceylon was made tributary to of Wooley, in IHuntingdonshire, and Portugal. He lost his life in an engage- though he was twice invited to return ment with the Egyptian fleet in the bay to Russia with the certainty of being of Cambaya. placed on the throne, he preferred the ALMELOVEEN, THEODORE JANSEN character of a parish priest in England VAN, a most learned physician, born near to the splendor of the purple. He was Utrecht, professor of history, the Greek ejected from his living during the civil langua e, and medicine, at Harderwick. wars, and ill treated by the republican D. 1742. soldiers, though his Presbyterian sueALMINARA, MIARQUIS, Spanish en- cessor behaved towards him with huvoy to France from Charles 1V.; dipIo- manity. He saw the restoration, and matist, and the author of an able R" e- was replaced in his living, but retired ply to Cevallos," respecting the former's to Hammersmith, where his son lhad abdication, and of " A History of the settled, and there died, aged about 80. Inquisition." The last descendant of this family marALMON, JOHN, a political writer and ried a Johnson, a cutler, at Hluntingdon, publisher, and the friend of Wilkes. by whom she had eight children. She In 1774 he commenced the Parliament- was living in 1764. ary rleister; he was also the author of ALPHONSO I., or ALONZO ENa " Life of Lord Chatham,' and various RIQUEZ, first king of Portugal, son of biographical, political, and literary anec- Henry of Burgundy, count of Portugal. dotes. B. 1738; d. 1805. He ifught successfully against the ALOADDIN, commonly called the Moors, and raised his country to a powOld Man of the Mountains. He was the erful monarchy. D. 1185.-III., the sheik of a Syrian tribe professing the Great, king of the Asturias, b. 847, sucMIahometan religion, called the Arsa- ceeded his father Ordoogeno, 865, and d. cides. He livecl in a castle between at Zamora, 912. He conquered many Damascus and Antioch, and;was sur1- places from the Moors, was a patron of rounded by a number of intrepid learned men, and distinguished himself youths, whom he intoxicated with for piety and justice.-IV., surnamed pleasures, and rendered subservient to the Brave, son of king Denis, whom his views, by promising still greater he succeeded, 1324, was an able and voluptuousness in the next world. As impartial sovereion, and d. 1357.-V.. these were too successfully employed surnamed the iagnanimous, king of to stab his enemies, he was dreaded by Arragon, b. 1384, succeeded his father, the neighboring princes. From the Ferdinand the Just, 1416, and d. at name and character of his followers the Naples, 1458, leaving his Neapolitan doword assassin ia derived. minions to his natural son Ferdinand, 34 CYCLOP AEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ALT and those of Spain, Sardinia, and Sicily ly suspected of being,oncerned in the to his brother Juan, kingo of Navarre. reuted treasonable enterprises of that This monarch was accounted the most individual. Mrs. Alston was lost on her accomplished prince of his tine; he gave passage from Charleston to New York shelter to the Greek literati expelled in 1812. B. 1778; d. 1816.-'-WILLIAMa, from Constantinople, and was in other a volunteer of the revolutionary war, respects a great patron of learning.-X., who served as captain under Marion. called the Wise, king of Leon and Cas- He was for several years member of the tile, succeeded his father, Ferdinand senate of South Carolina. B. 1756; d. III., 1251 and d. 1284, aged 81. As a 1839. ruler, Alphonso was misguided and nn- ALSTROEMER, JoN.s, a distinguishfortanate; but as a patron and an en- ed Swede, b. of poor parents at Aiingas, courao-er of the sciences, he obtained West Gotliland, in 1685. After strui(mucl reputation. He completeld a code gling with poverty for a long time, he of laws, began by his father, still known visited London, and paving particular under the title of " Las Partidas," and attention to the commercial and manupreceded the other nations of Europe in facturing sources of British prosperity, substituting the vernacular tongue for he returned to Sweden in 1723, resolvthe Latin in law proceedings. His fa- ing to carry the plans he had formed vorite pursuit, however, was astronomy, into executioni Having obtained a liand he employed the most famous as- cense to establish manufictures in the tronomers to draw up the celebrated town in which he was born, it soon betables called after him the Alphonsine came the seat of industry and activity, Tables, which were first published at which afforded an example to the whole Venice, 1483. kingdom. He established a sugar-house ALPHONSUS, TASTADIJS, bishop of at Gottenburgh, and traded to the Indies Avila, a voluminous Spanish writer, and the Levant; improved rural econowho flourished during the 15th century. my; cultivated plants proper for dyeing; ALPINI, PROSPERO, a Venetian phy- and improved the wool trade, by imaportsician. B. 1553, and d. 161.7. He was the ingr sheep from Spain and England, and greatest botanist of his day, the first who the goat fronm Angora. For these imnexplained the impregnation and genera- portant benefits, AsIbtroemer received a tion of plants by the sexual system, and patent of nobility, was made Knight of the author of many valuable works on the Polar Star, and honored with the his favorite pursuit. title of Chancellor of Commerce; the ALSOP, ANTIHONY, an eminent En- Academy of Sciences chose him a memglish divine and scholar, who d. 1726. ber, and the national states decreed hin His principal work was a selection from a statue to be erected to his memory on AEsop entitled " Fabularum 2Esopica- the Exchange of Stockholnm. D. 1761. rum belectus," published in 1698.- ALTAEMPS, MARK, a nephew of VINCENT, a nonconformist divine of the Pope Pius IV., memorable as one- of the 17th century, b. in Northamptonshire. cardinals in the council of Trent. D. 1703.-RicHARD, a native of Middle- ALTER, FRANCIS CHAuRLE, a German town, in Connecticut; a miscellaneous Jesuit and laborious critic; Greek teachwriter, and the translator of various er in the school of St. Anne at Vienna. works from the French and Italian; D. 1804. among which was the " Natural and ALTIAMERUS, a divine of NuremCivil History of Chili," from the Italian berg; author of various theological of Molina. B. 1759; d. 1815. works, and a principal promoter of the ALSTEDIUS, JoiNx H-ENRY, a Ger- Reformation in Berne, Switzerland. D. man philosopher and Protestant divine. 1450. B. 1588, d. 1638. ALTHUSEN, or ALTHUSIUS, JOHN, ALStON,CiHARLES, an eminent Scotch a German civilian, was b. about the physician and botanist; author of " Tiro- middle of the 16th century, and d. in the iniumn Botanicum Edinburgense," &c.; 17th. He was professor of law at HIerand public lecturer at Edinburgh. B. born, and syndic of Bremen. In 1603 1683; d. 1760.-JOSEPH, governor of he published his "Politica Methodice South Carolina, after having been for Digesta," in which he boldly taught that several years a distinguished member kings are nothing more than magisof the legislature of that state, was elect- trates, that to the people belongs'the ed chief magistrate in 1812. He married sovereignty, and that, as a natural conthe daughter of Aaron Burr, and in con- sequence, they may change and even sequence of that connection was unjust- punish their rutlers, Althusen was the ALV] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 25 author of several other works, the prin- the descendant of an illustrious family cipal of which is a Latin Treatise on in Spain, was a famous general under Roman Jurisprudence. the emperors Charles V. and Philip II. ALTICOZZI, LORENEO, a Jesuit au- He macde his first campaign at the battle thor and polemic, who wrote the " Sum of Pavia. At the siege ot Metz he perof St. Augustine,ll B. at Cortona, 1689; formed prodigies of valor; and in the d. t177. war with the pope he was completely ALTILIO, GABRIEL, a Neapolitan; successful; but he was as cruel as he author of some Latin poems of great was brave. In 1567, Philip sent him to beauty. D. 1501. reduce the Low Countries, then in a ALTING, HENRY, an eminent Ger- state of revolt. Here he landed with man divine, distinguished himself at the 10,000 men, and immediately commenced synod of Dort, as deputy from the Pal- a series of cruelties almost unparalleled atinate, and did much in advancement in the annals of history, annihilating of the Protestant interest in Germany. every remaining privilege of the people. B. 1583; d. 1644.-JAMES, son of the He was subsequently employed against above, was educated at Groningen, and Don Antonio, who had assumed the went to England, where lie was ordain- crown of Portugal, and drove him from ed a priest of the church by the Bishop that kingdom, the whole of which he of Worcester. In 16438 he was chosen reduced to Philip's authority. B. 1515; Hebrew professor at Groningen, and d. 1589. afterwards professor of divinity. B. ALVARADO, DON PEDRO, one of the 1618; d. 1679.-MENSON, a burgomaster rapacious conquerors of Spanish Amerof Groningen, author of the best descrip- ica, who accompanied Cortes to America. tion of the Low Countries now extant. He was appointed to the government of D. 1713. Guatimala, and was slain in 1541.-ALALTISSIMO, the poetical surname of PHONSO D', a Spanish adventurer, who an Italian poet named Christopher. His accompanied Pizarro in his expedition to surname and a poetic crown were given Peru; and who was equally distinguishto him on account of his great popular- ed for his bravery and. his cruelty. D. ity as an improvisatore. 1553. ALTMAN, JOHN GEORGE, a Swiss ALVAREZ, EMANUEL, a distinguished historian and divine, curate of Inns in Portuguese grammarian. B. at Madeira, the same canton and professor of moral 1526; d. at the college of Evora, of philosophy and Greek at Berne. B. 1697; which he was rector, 1582.-FRANCIS, a d. 1758. Portuguese divine, b. at Coimbra, toALTORF, ALBERT, a Bavarian painter, wards the end of the 15th century, and architect, and engraver. He raised him- d. 1540, leaving behind him in Portuself by his merits to the rank of senator guese an account of his embassy to of Ratisbon, which city he adorned with David, king of Abyssinia, and a demany handsome edifices. B. 1488; d. scription of Ethiopian manners and cus1578. toms, which is deemed the first accurate ALTON, RICHARD, count d', an Aus- account of Abyssinia.-GoMEZ, a Spanish trian general, who had the command of poet. The chief of his works, which the Low Countries' in 1787. Though were written in Latin, is a poem on the a strict disciplinarian and a man of Order of the Golden Fleece. B. 1488; bravery, he betrayed weakness during d. 1538.-DON JOSE, one of the most the insurrections in Brabant, 1789, for eminent sculptors of the 19th century, which lie was sent for to Vienna, to clear was b. near Cordova in Spain, 1768. his character. He d. on the journey.- Patronized by Charles IV., he proceeded Hisbrother distinguishedchimself(against to Paris in 1799, with a view of prosthe Turks, and also against the French ecuting his studies; and he soon gained at the siege of Valenciennes. He was himself a name in the French metropokilled near Dunkirk, 1793, much regret- lis. Napoleon presented him with a ted as a good soldier and an amiable gold medal; but the great captain's subman. sequent conduct towards Spain inspired ALURED, an ancient English his- the artist with such aversion for him, torian, who flourished in the begiuning that he would never model his bust. He of the 12th century. His annals are was afterwards imprisoned for refusing very valuable, and comprise the history to take the oath of allegiance to Joseph of the Britons, Saxons, and Normans, Bonaparte, when proclaimed king of down to his own time, 1129. Spain. Many of his best works are at ALVA, FERDINA5D) ALVAREnZ, duke of, Madrid. D. 1827. 36 CYCLOPIEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LAMA ALVAROTTO, JAMES, a lawyer of AMADEUS V., count of Savoy, euoPadua, distinguished for his attain- ceeded to the sovereignty of that state., ments both in the civil and canon law; 1285, and died at Avignon, 1323. Alauthor of " Colnmentaria in Libros Feu- though a prince of snch small comindorurl." B. 1474- d. 1542. ions, he acquired the surname of Great, ALVENSLEBEN, PIILIP CHARLES, from his wisdom and success.-VIII., count of, son of a counsellor of war at count of Savoy, elected 1391. He was Hanover, was a distinguished diplo- one of the most singular men of his matist, and in 1791 was placed at the time, and acquired the name of Pacific. head of the department for foreign af- -IX., count of Savoy, who narried fairs at Hanover, in which he gave gen- Jolande of France, and distinguished eral satisfaction. The count wrote a himself by his good deeds, so that his "History of the War from the Peace of subjects called him the Blessed. D. Munster to that of Hubertsbourg." B. 1472. 1745; d. 1802. AMIAIA, FRANCIS, a Spanish lawyer ALVIANO, BARTr-HOLOMEW, an emi- of much reputation, and professor of nent Venetian general, whose exertions legal science at Salamanca. D. 1640. against the Emperor Maximilian, in AM AK, or ABULNAGIE AL BOK1508, caused the republic to decree him IIARI, a Persian poet of the 5th centriumphal honors. In the siege of Pa- tury, entertained at the court of sultan dua by the emperor, and at the battles Khedar Khan, who instituted an acadof La Motte and Alariguano, Alviano emly of poets, of which he made Amak displayed the most heloic qualities. president. -is chief poem is the " isHis death was occasioned by excessive tory of the Loves of Joseph and Zofatigue while laying siege to Brescia. leiskah." B. 1455; d. 1515. AMALARIUS, FORTUNATUS, archALXINGER, JOHN BAPTIST Di, a bishop of Treves in 810. HIe established German poet, born at Vienna, in 1755, Christianity in Saxony. consecrated a of a rich family, early acquired a church at H-amburgh, and.vwas sent amthorough knowledge of the classics. bassador in 813 to Constantinople by Though he became a doctor of laws, Charlemagne. D. 814. and held the title of court advocate, he AMALIHEUS, ATTILIUS, archbishop availed himself of his legal station only of Athens. D. 1600.-JEROME, an Italian to make up disputes, or plead for the physician and poet of some repute. B. poor. Poetry was his favorite pursuit. 1507; d. 1574.-JoIIN BAPTIST, brother Besides minor pieces, le wrote " Doolin of the above, was born, 1525; attended of Mentz," and' Bliomberis," two the Venetian. ambassador to Englland, chivalresque epics, in Wieland's style. and, on his return, was made secretary Alxinger was liberal, and firmly attached to Pope Pius IV. His Latin poems to his friends. D. 1797. were printed, 1550; and lhe died, 1573. ALYPIUS, an architect of Antiocl,- -CORNELIUS, another brother of the employed by Julian in. his attempt to above, was also eminent in physic and rebuild the temple of Jerusalem. He poetry. was subsequently banished, on a charge AMAND, [MARK ANTHONY GERlRD, of practising the black art, and died in Sieur de St., a French poet. B. at exile. Alypius wrote a "Gcographical Ronen, 1594-; d. 1661. He was one Description of the World," published of the first members of the French in 1628 at Geneva.-Bishop of Tagasta, academy. Africa, the friend of St. Augustine, with AMARI DURIVIER, J. A., author of whom he was baptized at Milan, in 388. a great varietv of literary works, transHe opposed tle D)onatists and Pelagians lations from'Gay, Terence, Lucan, &e. with great zeal; and died in 430. B. 1765. AMADEDDULAT, first sultan of the A[MARA-SINGHA, a Iindoo author Buiyan dynasty, was the son of a fisher- of great antiquity, who compiled a dieman of Dilem, on the Caspian Sea. He tionary of the Sanscrit language, part of rose to distinction in the armies of which was published at Rome, 1798. Makan, sultan of Dilem, and subse- AMARETTI, Abbe C., a Milanese quently gained possession of Persia mineralogist, born in 1743; author of Proper, Persian Irak, and Kerman, of "Viaggio di Trilaghi," "Memoirs of which he assumed the sovereignty, and Leonardo di Vinci," &e., &c. He was fixed the seat of his government at Shi- a knight of Napoleon's order of the raz, in 933. He died, 949, and left his Iron Crown. crown to his nephew, Adadeddulat. AMASEO, RoMULUS, an eminent AMMB] CYCLOPADIA OF BDIOGRAPIY. 27 teacher of the belles lettres at Padua. French language, which he published His celebrity caused him to be invited under the name of the Signior de Chato Rome by Paul III., by whom he was villon. D. 1547. employed in various embassies; and by AMBROGI, ANTOINE, a Roman Jesuit Julius III. he was appointed secretary and poet. He translated Virgil and of the briefs. He translated Pansanias some of the works of Voltaire into Italand the Cyrus of Xenophon into Latin; ian. B. 1712; d. 1788. and published a volume of his own AMB3ROGIO, TESCO, one of the most Latin speeches. B. 1489; d. 1552. celebrated among the early Italian oriAMATI, a celebrated violin maker' of entalists. B. at Pavia, 1469; d. 1540. Creimna, about the year 1600. AMBROSE, St., bishop of Milan, was AMATUS, a Portuguese Jew, born born, 340, at Ariles, in Gallia Narbon1511, at Castel Bianco. lie studied ensis, of which province his father was medicine with success at the university lieutenant. While yet a youth, he of Salamanca, and afterwards gave lee- pleaded causes with so much eloquence, tures on the science at Ferrara, Ancona, that Probus, prefect of Italy, chose him and other places. one of his council, and afterwards nomAMAURI, DEI CHnATRES, a French inated him governor of Milan, which visionary of the 13th centdry, who office he held 5 years. In 874, Auxenmaintained the eternity of matter, and tius, bishop of Milan, died; and so that religion had three epochs, agree- fierce was the contest in the election of able to the three persons of the Trinity. a successor to the vacant see, that the His opinions were condemned by the governor was called upon to quell the council of Paris, 1209, and some of his tumult. This he attempted by perfollowers burnt. To avoid a similar suasion in the great church; and at the fate, he renounced his errors, but died conclusion of his address, a voice in the of vexation. crowd exclaimed, " Ambrose is bishop." AMBERGER, CHRISTOPHER, a painter This circumstance aw-as considered as of of Nuremberg, in the 16th century, was divine direction, and Ambrose was dea disciple of Hans Holbein. He was dared to be the object not only of the likewise a good engraver on wood. D. popular choice, but of divine selection. 1550. His first efforts were directed to the exAMBOISE, FmNeCIs, a French writer, termination of Arianism, which was educated in the college of Navarre, and then making great progress. He also afterwards an advocate in the parlia- successfully resisted the Pagans, who ment of Paris, and counsellor of state. were attemptingo to restore their ancient HIe published several poetical pieces in worship. When Maximinus invaded French and Latin, but is chiefly known Italy, and actually entered Milan, Am-' as the collector and editor of the works brose remained at his post, to assuage of the celebrated Abelard. D. 1612.- the calamities produced by the'invading GEORGE D7' a French cardinal and iiin- army. When, in consequence of a tuister of state, born of a noble family, mult at Thessalonica, Theodosius sent 1460. Hlie became successively bishop an order for a general massacre, Amof Montau-ban, arclbishop of Narbonne, brose repaired to the emperor, remonand lastly of oueen. Louis XII. made strated with him on his barbarity. and him prime minister, and he soon ac- prevailed on him to promise that the qui red great popularity by taking off command should be revoked. The the taxes which had been usually levied mandate was, however, carried into exon the people at the accession of every ecution, and 7000 persons were slaughnew monarch. The king, by his ad- tered in cold blood. Shortly afterwards, vice, undertook the conquest. of the when Theodosius, in the anguish of Milailmese, which succeeded. Soon after self-reproach, was about to enter the this, he was appointed the pope's legate great church of Milan, Ambrose met in France, with the dignity of cardinal, him at the porch and sternly forbade and in that capacity effected a great re- him to appear in the holy place. The form aimong the religious orders. He emperor pleaded the example of David: d. 1510.-ArERY D', a famous French -" You have imitated David in his admiral, and brother of the above, who crime, imitate him in his repentance," gained a splendid victory over the sul- was the reply; and: Theoctosius was tan of Egypt, in 1510.-MICHAEL D', a compelled, not only to perform a, pennatural son of Amboise, admiral of ance, but to sign an edict, which orFrance, born at Naples. He was the dained that an interval of thirty days author of numerous poems' in the should pass before any sentence of 4, 38 CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [AME death or of confiscation should be ex- burg, in the 16th century; editor of the ecuted. D. at Milan, in 397. orations of Isocrates and Demosthenes; AMBROSINI, AiBrozIo, a Ferrarese; and translator of selections from Epiauthor of several oratorios, canzoni, and phanius and Chrysostom. sonnets. 1). 1700.-GIuLIO, a. Mantuan, AMERICUS VESPUCIUS, or, more author of a work on " Demonology." properly, AMERIGO VESPuccI, an eminent B. 1580. navigator, was born at Florence, in 1451, AMEILHON, IHUBERT PASCAL, a After receiving a liberal education, he learned Frenchman, author of "His- was sent by his father to Spain for the toire du Bas Empire," of a celebrated parpose of conducting' his commercial work on the " Commerce of the Egyp- affairs; and, being at Seville when Cotians," and of "Researches into the lumnbus was making preparations for his Mechanical Arts of the Ancients." B. second voyage, he resolved to quit mer1730; d. 1811. cantile pursuits, and enter on the career AMELIA, ANNE, princess of Prussia, of discovery. His first expedition to sister of Frederic the Great. She was the new continent was in 1499, under distinguished by her taste for the arts, the command of Ojeda, a year after the and set to music "The Death of the discovery and examination of that part Messiah," by Ramler. B. 1723; d. 1787. of the coast by'Columbus. After this -Duchess dcowager of Saxe Weimar, lie entered the service of King Emmianduchess of Brunswick and Luneburg, uel of Portugal, and maide two voyages who liberally patronized men of learn- in Portuguese ships: the first in 1501; ing and genius, among whom were the second in 1503. The object of this Wieland, Goethe, Schiller, and Herder. last voyage was to find a westerly pasB. 1739; d. 1807.-Youniioest child of sage to Malacca. He arrived at Brazil, George III. and Queen Charlotte; a ancl discovered the Bay of All Saints. princess who in mind and manners was In 1505 lie again entered the service of amiable and accomplished. B. 1783; the king of Spain, but made no more d. 1810. voyages, as appears from memoranda, AMELOT, NIcoLAS, a French minister showing that he was at Seville till 1508, of state in 1788, who was accused of per- at which time he was appointed prinsecnting one Latude, as the agent of M. cipal pilot. His duties were to prepare Pompadour, during the ancient regime. charts, and prescribe routes for vessels For some offence to the republicans, he in their voyages to the new world, was imprisoned in the Luxemburg, which took his name, though the honor where his life was saved and prolonged clearly belonged to Columbus, whose by a young female, who avowed a pas- priority of discovery is not to be quession for him; but at length he died in tioned. D. 1516. the prison. His victim, Latude, on AMES, WILLIAMr, a native of Norfolk, escaping from the Bastile, brought an who, after being educated at Christ's colaction of damages, and recovered from lege, Cambridge, left his country, where Amelot's heirs. hli{ Calvinistical tenets were becoming AMELOT DE LA IIOUSSAYE, unpopular, and settled as professor in NICHOLAS, a French historian of the 17th the university of Franeker, in Holland. century. He resided for some time at Here he enjoyed fame and independVenice, as secretary to the French em- ence; but as the air of the place was too bassy, and wrote a history of its gov- sharp for his asthmatic constitution, he erminent. He also translated "The removed to Rotterdam, with the intenPrince," by Machiavel, and other Italian tion of passicng into New England. He, works into French. D. 1706. however, d. at Rotterdam, 1663, aged 57. AMELUNGHI, JEmrOMzE, a Pisan lie was. a learned divine, and his wripoet, preceding Tasso in the mock- tings were voluminous his principal heroic style; author of "La Gigantea work being "MIedulla Theologica."Jodel Forabosco " in 1547. SEcPe, a ship-chandler of WCapping, who AMENTA, N., an admired Neapolitan in an advanced period of life, studied poet. B. 1659. antiquities, and rose by his genius and AMERBACH, Jomnr, a printer of application to consequence, and to the Basil, in the 15th century; the first who secretaryship of the Society of Antiquaused the Roman type instead of Gothic ries. He published an account of the and Italian. D. 1515.-BoNIFACE, son earliest printers, with a recister of the of the above, syndic of Basil; and inti- books which they printed; in quarto, mate friend of Erasmus. D. 1562.- 1749, besides the'ist of 3Enolish heads VITAs, a learned professor at %Wittem- engrave(d in mezotinto, &ec., in 8vo. AMI] CYCLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPH1 39 He also compiled the "Parentalia," governor of Virginia, fand commanderfrom Wren's papers. He d. Oct. 7th, in-chief of the forces in America; and, 1759, and the following year his curious in this part of the world, the fall of Nicollection of fossils, shells, medals, &c., agara, Ticonderoga, Quebec, and Monwas sold by public auction. His treal, with the snubmission of all Canada, daughter married Captain Dampier, in marked the progress of his' judicious the East India sea-service. - FISHER, and successfil measures. Hiis great serLL.D., one of the most eloquent of vices were honorably rewarded by the American statesmen and writers, was b. court; he was made a knight of the at Dedham, in Massachusetts, April 9, Bath, in 1771, appointed governor of 1758. HIe was educated at Harvard uni- Guernsey, the next year lieutenant-genversity, where he received his degree in eral of the ordnance, and in 1776, created 1774. He studied law in Boston, and baron Amherst of Holmsdale. In 1778 commenced the practice of it in his he was made commander-in-chief, and native village. But the affairs of the though upon the change of ministry revolution soon drew his attention to these offices were withdrawnl, he was politics, and he became conspicuous by again reinstated in 1793, when, two years his speeches, and' by his animated andl after, he resigned the command of the beautiful style as an essay writer. He forces to the duke of York, and was distingo ished himself as a member of the raised to the rank of field-marshal. D. Massachusetts convention for ratifying 1797. the constitution, in 1788, and from this AMIHURST, NicHOLAS, an English body passed to the house of representa- political and miscellaneous writer. B. tives in the state legislature. Soon after at Marden, Kent, 1701, and d. 1742. IIe he was elected the representative of the was author of the " Terrse Filius," a Suffolk district in the congress of the satirical work on the university of OxUnited States, where he remained with ford; and published, with the assistance the highest honor during the eightyears of Pulteney atd Lord Bolingbroke, the of Washington's adminnistration. On work by which he is most kinown, enthe retirement of Washington, Mr. A. titled "The Craftsman." returned to his residence at Dedham, AMICO, ANTONIO, a Sicilian priest, where he occupied himself with the and canon of the cathedral of Paermo, management of his farm and the prac- distinguished by some considerable tice of the law. The latter he relin- works in history, for which Philip IV. quished, a few years afterwards in con- of Spain made him historiographer sequence of his declining health; but royal. D. 1641.-VITO MARIA, a prohe felt too deep an interest in the wel- fessor of theology in the 18th century; fare of his country to withdraw llis principally known by his Sicilian anmind and pen from politics. He wrote tiquities. much in the public papers, relating to AMICONI, GIAcoMo, a Venetian histhe contest between Great Britainl and torical and portrait _painter, who visited revolutionary France, as it might affect Enhland in 1729. He afterwards went the liberty and prosperity of America. to Spain, and was appointed portrait In 1804 he was chosen president of painter to the king. D. 1752. Harvard college-an honor "which he AMILCAR, a Carthaginian general, declined. Ile d. July 4th, 1808. His of great valor, was descended from the writings, in the following year, were ancient kings of Tyre; and being early published in one volume octavo, pre- intrusted with military command, he faced by a memoir of his life, from the distinguished himself in the wars of pen of the Rev. Dr. Kirkland. Carthage, particularly against the RoAMHERST, JEFFREY, Lord, an Enl- mans, towards whoin he bore an imglish general of considerable celebrity, placable hatred. HIe was the father of descended from an ancient family seated Hannibal. at Sevenoaks, in Kent. Hie was b.1727, AMIOT, Father, one of the most and at the age of fourteen embraced the learned of the French missionaries to military profession. In 1741 he was China. B. at Toulon, 1718, and d. at aid-de-camp to General Ligonier, at the Pekin, 1794. This zealous Jesuit, who battles of Dettingen, Fontenoy, and Ro- arrived at Macao in 1750, was invited coux, and in 1756 obtained the colo- to Pekin, in 1751, by the emperor of nelcy of the 15th regiment of foot. Hlls China., and remained in that capital 43 abilities and experience were no'w called years. By continued application he beinto action; he was employed, 1758, at caiine acquainted with the Chinese and the siege of Louisbourg, and was made Tartar la.nguages and, from time to 40 CYCLOP TDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LAMO time, renitted to France the result of correspondence between him and Erasnis labors, which afterwards appeared muns. The advice which Erasmus gives in several publications. him in regard to pushing his fortune, AMIINTA, T., author of the mock- has a gooc deal ofhumor in it, and was heroic poem, " La Nanea," in 1566. certainly intended as a satire on the artAMMAN, JOHN CONRAD, a native of ful methods generally practised by the Schaffhausen. B. 1669; d. 1724, in the selfish and amnbitious part of manfind. Netherlands. He was chiefly distin- " In the first place (says he) throw off guished by his success in teaching per- all sense of shamen; thrust yourself into sons born deaf and dumb to speak.- every one's business, and elbow out JOIIX, his son, was a fellow of the Royal whomsoever you can; neither love nor Society in London, and a member of the hate any one; measure every thing by Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh, your own advantage; let this be the where he lectured on botany, and ac- scope and drift of all your actions. Give quired great reputation. D. 1740.- nothing but what is to be returned with PAUL, was a native of Breslaw, who set- usury, and be complaisant to every body. tied in 1674 at Leipsic, where he gave Have always two strings to your bow. lectures on physiology, natural history, Feiogn that you are solicited by many and botany. D. 1691.-JUSTUS, a famous from abroad, and get every thino ready engraver and painter at Zurich, in the for your departure. Show letters in16th century. He painted with great viting you elsewhere, with great prombrilliancy on glass, but excelled chiefly ises." Fortune, at lenogth, beg(an to in engraving, both on wood and copper. smile upon Ammonius, for he was apD. 1591. pointed secretary to Henry VIII., and AMMANATI, B.AwTOLOMEO, a Floren- honored by Pope Leo X. with a public tine architect ansd sculptor in the 16th character at the court of that prince; century, whose chief performances are and in all appearance he would have the colossal statue of Neptune at Venice soon risen higher, had not death carried and the statue of Hercules at Padua. him off when he was but of a middle AMMIANUS, MARaELLINUS, a Latin age. He d. of the sweating sickness in historian of the 4th century, b. at Anti- 1517. Ammonius wrote several Latin och. He wrote the Roman history from poetical pieces. the reign of Nerva to the death of Valens, AMONTONS, WILLIAM, was b. in in 31 looks, of which only 18 are extant. Normandy, 1663. He was in the third T). about 390. form of the Latin school at Paris, when, AMMIRATO, ScIPIO, an esteemed after a dangerous illness, he contracted Neapolitan poet, b. in 1531; author of such a deafness as obliged him to rea " History of Florence," which he wrote nounce almost all conversation with at the instance of the Grand-Duke mankind. In this situation lie began to Cosmo; of the "Argomenti" to "Or- think of employing himself in the inlando Furioso;" and of numerous prose vention of machines; he applied, theretracts, political and historical. D. 1601. fore, to the study of geometry; and, it AMMON, ANDREAS, a Latin poet, b. is said, that he would not try any remeot Lucca, in Italy, of whose genius Eras- dy to cure his deafness, either because mus made frequent and honorable men- he thought it incurable or because it intion. I-e was sent to England in an creased his attention. IIe studied with official character. great care the nature of barometers and AMMONIUS, a surgeon ofAlexandria, thermometers; and, in 1687, presented who invented a method of extracting the a new hygroscope to the Roval Academy stone from the bladder, which procured of Sciences, which was very much aphim the surname of the Lithotomist.- proved. Amontons found out a method LEVINUS, a monk of Flanders, much to acquaint people at a great distance, in esteemed by Erasmius for his learning a very little time, with whatever one and piety. D. 1556.-SAOcAS, a philos- leased. This method was as follows: opher of the 3d century, founder of Let there be people placed in several the neo-platonic sect, who d. about 243. stations, at such a distance from one — ANDREW, a learned native of Lucca, another, that, by the help of a telescope, who settled in England. He lived some a man in one station may see a sional time in Sir Thomas More's house, and made by the next before him; lie must afterwards in St. Thomas's college; for immediately make the same signal, that he was not in circumstances sufficienlt to it may be seen by persons in the station hire or keep a house of his own. There next after him, who are to communicate siNbsisted a strong friendship anid close it to those in the following stations, and AMY] CYCLOPZEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 41 so on. In this probably originated the of Paris and' here, in connection with modern telegraph. When the Royal Oersted, Faraday, and other distinguishAcademy was newly regulated in 1699, ed men of science, with whom he was in Amontons was admitted a member of it, constant correspondence, he paved the and read there his "New Theory of way for those brilliant discoveries that Friction," in which he happily cleared have already issued in the electric teIeup a very important part of mechanics. graph, and promise an ilimitable extenD. 1705. sion of the boundaries of science. D. AMOPE, S. D., a Sicilian poet, author 1836. of "L'Auogusto, andcl "I Sesostri," AMSDORF, NICHOLAS, a spirited foltragedies. 3. 16-4. lower of Luther, and bishop of NuremAMORETTI, CHAmLES, a mineralogist. burg. He d. at Magdeburg, 1541, and He became one of the keepers of tie the sect who adlhered to his tenets, and Amnbrosian library, at Milan, and pub- maintained, in opposition to Melancthlon, lished, in Italian, "A Tour from MLilan that good works are not necessary to to the Three ]Lakes of Como, Lugdno salvation, were called Amsdorfians. and ajior." B. 1740; d. 1816. AMUATII I., an Ottoman emperor, AMOiO Y, TIIOMres, D. D., was son of who succeeded his father Orchan, alnd a grocer at Taunton in Somersetshire, was known for his cruelties towards his and distinguishec himself as a preacher son, and those who espoused his cause. among tlle dissenters. After passin IHe was a great warrior, and obtained 37 the greatest part of his life near the place rictories, in the last of which he perishof his nativity, as public teacher, and as ed, 1889, aged 71, by the hand of a solic\structor of youth, he removed to Lon- clier.'Ie w as the first who established don, where he formed ian intimate ac- the formidable force of the Janizaries.quaintance with the most respectable II., emperor of the Turks, was son of members of his persuasion. He was a Mahomet I., whom he succeeded in 1421. bold asserter of toleration, and, there- I-e was an exceedingly warlike prince, fore, warmly espoused the cause of those and among his numerous victories was who solicitecd the repeal of the test act. that of Varna, in 1444, when the ChrisHis discourses fiom the pulpit were ex- tians were defeated, and numbered cellent, and his writings, which were among their slain the king of Hungary. mostly on thcological subjects, have George Castriot, celebrated by the namen been enumerated by Dr. Iippis, Biogr. of Scanderber, at length put a period to Brit. I. p. 178. B. 1700; d. 1774.- the career of Amlurath, who d. of chagrin THOMAS, an eccentric character, son of at his reverses, in 1451.-III. succeeded counsellor Amory, who went with king his father, Selim II., in 1575. On his William to Ireland, and acquired con- accession, he caused his five brothers to siderable property in the county of Clare. be murdered. D. 1596.-IV. succeeded Young Amory was not born in Ireland, his uncle Mustapha in 1622. He recovthough he resided there, and fiequently ered Bagdad from the Persians in 1637; accompanied Dean Swift in his wvalks after which lie put 30,000 of his prisonand excursions round Dublin. He shun- ers to the sword. D. 1640. ned all eompany, and only walked abroad AMYN AIIMED, a learned Persian during the nigllt. The most remarkable of the 17th century, who wrote an clabof his publications are his " Memoirs on orate work, entitled, "The Seven Clithe lives of several ladies," and his life mates, or a Geographical Description of of John Buncle, Esq. In this last ie is the East." supposed to give a description of him- AMYOT, JAMES, was b. at Milan, 1513, self. le is soid, by a person who knew of an obscure family; but though of a himl, to lave had a peculiar look, though dull understandingr, le imlprovedl himnot without the deportment of the genl- self by indefatigable application, and tleman. His application to his studies after stludying at Paris, le acquired inwas intense and his walks through the dependence and reputation, as tutor to lmost crowdedl streets exhibitedl him the children of persons of respectability. wrapped in the deepest meditation, and His merit recommended himl to Margaret inlattentive to what surrounded him..of Berri, sister to Francis I., and hle was 1692; d. 1789. promoted to a public professorship in AMPEREE, ANDrn TMARin, whose name the university of Bourges. His time is imperishably connected with the great was here usefully devoted to literature discoveries in electro-magnetism, was b. and he published translations of the at Lyons 1775. In 1804 hle was nomni- loves of Theagenes and Chariclea, benated p ofessor in the Polytechnic School sides Plutarch's lives and morals. He 45 42O CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ANA visited Venice and Rome, and on his re- and manners of that country' that he turn to France he was, at the recom- had no occasion for gold or silver; and mendation of cardinal de Tournon, that it would suffice for hihn to return to intrusted with the care of the lung's two Scythia a wiser and more intelligent man younger sons, and for his meritorious than he came from thence." After stayservices was raised to the bishopric of ing long in Greece, he prepared to return Auxerre, the abbey of Cornelius" de home: and passing through Cyzicum, Compiegne, the high office of great al- he found that city eelebratint' very moner and curator of the university of solemnly the feast of Cybele, and vowe d Paris and commander of the order of to do the same, if he should get home in the Ioly Ghost. Among his various safety. Upon his arrival in Scythia, lihe works, chiefly translations, the most -attempted to change the ancient customs celebrated is his version of Plutarch, of his countrv, and to establish those of which remains unstrpassed in the Greece, which proved extremely disFrench language. B. 1514; d. 1593. aoreeable to the Scythians, and at length AMYRAULT. MosFs, a French Prot- destructive to himuself. For entering estant divine. KB. at Bourgueil in Tou- one'day a thick wood, to perform his raine, 1596. He at first studied the law, vow to Cybele as secretly as. might be, but afterwards entered the church and he was discovered in the midst of the was divinity professor at Saumur, and solemnity, and shot dead with an arrow distinguished himself by his zeal and by the king himself. Tliere are manyv activity so much, that he was deputed beautiful apophtheg'. his philosoby the national council of Charenton to pher preservced by. 0lutta.eh, present an address to the French kin gand other writers. concerning the inspection of edicts inl ANACLETUS, or CLETUS, rectkoned favor of the Protestants, without, how- by Roman Catholics the third pope, sucever, paying homage upon his knees. ceeded Sinus, as bishop of the church Richelieu, who was present at this inter- of the Romans, in 79, and held that ofview, saw and admired the bold char- fice till his death in 92, when he was acter of Amyrault, and wished to use enrolled among the saints and martyrs. his abilities to procure a reconciliation ANACREON, a Greek poet. i. at between the Roman church and the Teos, a seaport of Ionia, iu - Protestants, but in vain. His life was about the 62d Olympiad. T. passed in the midst of theological dis- had a most delicious wit, and i, putes, and his works, which are very wine had the disposal of all his'hobu numerous, are chiefly theological. D. The manner of his death, which hap1664. pened at Abdera, is said to have been AMYRUTZES, a philosopher of Treb- very extraordinary; for they tell us, he izond, who was carried to Constantino- was choked with a grape-stone, which ple with David, emperor of Trebizond, he swallowed as he was regaling on when that city was reduced, 1461. He some new wine. A small part only of renounced the Christian faith for Ma- Anacreon's works remains; and these hometanism, and assumed the name of consist chiefly of badchanalian songs and Mahomet Beg. He translated several love sonnets. "The odes of Anacreon books into Arabic, at the desire of Ma- (says Rapin) are flowers, beauties, and hornet II., whose favor he enjoyed. perpetual graces." ANACHARSIS, an illustrious Scythi- ANARIA, G. L., a noble Calabrian an philosopher. He travelled to Athens cosmographer. B. 1561; author of a in the time of Solon, with whom he con- celebrated work on demonology, pubtracted an intimate friendship; and Solon lished at Venice, "apud Aldum.'" D. not only instructed him, but sought all 1589. opportunities of doing him honor. He ANASTASIUS I., emperor of the had a quick and lively genius, a strong East. B. at Illyricumn, 430, and d. 518. and masterly eloquence; and there was He was elevated to the throne in 491.something so determined and resolute II., raised to the throne of Constantinoin his manner, that those who imitated pie from the condition of secretary, 718, him were said to speak in the Scythian was a man of learning, and a zealous style. He was extremely fond of poetry, Catholic, yet he did not neglect the deand wrote upon certain laws of the fence of the erpire, then threatened by Scythians and Greeks. Crcesus invited the Saracens. He was put to death by him to Sardis, and offered him money: Leo, who had usurped the crown. but the philosopher answered, " that he ANASTASIUS I., pope, a Roman, was come to Greece to learn the laws succeeded Siricius in 328, and d. 402. AN C] CYCLOPAzDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 43 His epistle to John, bishop of Jernsa- cessor of Anaximander. Ie minitained lem, who hlad written to him in behalf that air is the first principle of all things,; of liufninus, a presbyter of Aqlileia, is anld Pliny attributes to him the invenextant, together with Ruffinus' apology. tion of tlhe sun-dial.-A Greek historian -II., son of a Roman citizen, sicceedled and philosopher of Lampsacus, son of Pope Gelasius in 496, and d. in 498. -Aristocles. I-Ie was one of the preceptors III., a Roman by birth, was raised to of Alexander the Great, whom lhe acthe papal chair, after Sergius, 911, and companied in most of his campaigns, d. two years afterwards.-IV., succeed- and afterwards wrote the history of his cd Eugenius III., 1158, and d. the fol- rein, and that of his father Philip. lowing year. Ten letters of this pope ANCHIETA, Jos., a IPortuguese Tesare preserved in the Collections of Conn- nit, surnmllecl the Apostle of the New cils by Labbe and Harduin, and in DPu World. B. at Teneriffe, 1538, and d. Chesne's History of France.-THEIOPOLI- 1097. At the age of 28 le went to BraTANUS, bishop of Antioch in the 6th zil, wher le e founded the first college century, banished by Jflstin the Younl- for the conversion of the savage natives. er for holding the o'inion that the bocTy ANCIIWITZ, N., the Craeovian nunof Christ was incapable of suiffeiring even ci to the Polish Diet; a man as talented before the resurrection. Ie was after- as base; lho sold Poland to Russia and wards restored to his see by'Mauritius. her partitionary colleagues, in 1782, and D. 599.-1BILIC T:reTCTI-nI, a Roman ab- was lianged tlie year after, in an insurbhot, of Greek orii*.;, -oft the 9th century; rection of the people. authiXor of "Libeli -,' ur-tificqlis. tie was ANCILLON, DAVID, a Protestant diprincipal-librarli. i in the Vatican. vine. B. at Aletz, who in his youth -AN-AXAGOECRS, of Clazomcnw, a cel- refused to sacrifice his religion to the ebrated philosopher.... Bi. e. solicitations of the Jesuits. IHe studied inherited a considerable estate in his divinity and philosophy at Geneva, unownl country, whlich lie relinquished to cler Du Pin, Spanheim, the Deodati, indulge his tthirst for knowledge at &c., and deserved to be recommended Atlhensi wherl e le applied to he study by the synod of Charenlton to the church of r' t' aind eloquence, and taught of Meaux. After the revocation of the liy, hlaying had amonag his pui- edict of Nantes, he retired to Frankfort, s-idces, the tragedian, and Peri- and settled at Ianu. where his cisn'O:. orator. His reputation, how- courses were heard and admired by the I,,el, created him enemies, andl lie was mostcrowded audiences. His colleagues condemned to death on a charge of in the ministry. however, were jealous atheism, but the sentence was colnm- of his popularit y and their little inmuted into banishmenit. Anaxagoras trigcus forced him to abandon the place. then withdrew to Lampsacus, where lie lie weent to settle at Berlin, where he taught philosoply undisturbed until his was received with kindness by the court, cldetl, ivwhich happened in his 72d year, and had the satisfaction to see his family 428 a. c. promoted to places of honor and trust. ANAXANDRIDES, a Greek comic As his learning was very extensive, he poet, said to have been the first who in- published several useful works,' and troduced love adventures on the stage. from the affluence of his circumstances, Hie was a fnative of Rhodes, and starved lie made so judicious a collection of to death at Athens, for libelling the gov- books, that it was frequently visited as ellnm ent. B. 400 B. c. a curiosity by foreigolers who travelled ANAXARCHUS, a Grecianl philoso- through Metz. The best lknown of his pher of the Eleatic sect of Lencippus. works are, "A relation of the controHe was the friendc and companion of versy concerning traditions, 1657;" Alexander the Great. "A apology f Lr Luther, Ztlinglius, ANAXIMANDER, the friend and and Beza, 1666;" "'The Life of William disciple of Thales, of Miletus. B. 610 Farel;" "Conversations;" two volumes, Bc. c. -Ic had a considerable knowledge 12mo, published by his son. D. 1692.of astronomy and geography, ancd was CIIARLES, eldest son of tle foregoing, thle first who notice:l the obliquity of was b. at Metz, July 29th, 1659, andl was the ecliptic: he also taught that tlhe made inspector of the French courts of moon receives iher light fromu the sun, justice, in Berlin, and historiographer and that the earth is globular; and to to the kicng. He wrote on the edict of him is ascribed the inlvention of the Nantes, aind the persecution of thl spllere and geooraphical charts. Protestants, &c. D. at Berlin, 1751. ANAXIMENES, the pupil and sue- ANCOURT, FLO.ENT CARTON D', a 44 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LAND French actor and( dramatic writer. B. at Land. The Duke of Holstein-Gottorp Fontainbleau, 1661. The Jesuits tried to on hi return, having vainly endeavored gain him into their society, but he pre- to induce hini to commit his adventures ferred the study of philosophy and law to to Awiting, employed his librarian, Oledivinity, and at last tiurned his thoughts nrius, to take down the account from his to the stage by marrying an actress. In own moiuth as he related thel to his this attempt he obtained credit to him-' highness, the scribe being concealed self and wealth to the actors. His con- behind the tapestry of the apartment. versation was so agreeable that hle was This workl was afterwarLds published in universally courted, and Louis XIV. be- Sleswick 1669. —G1OrGE, a young laln stowed many marks of his favor upon of extraordinary talents, boin at Weshim, as also the duke of Bavaria, whose ton, Buckinghamshire,i in 1760. His arrival at. Paris was celebrated by the parents were peasants, and he worked poet, by a particular entertainment writ- as a daly-laborer in the fields; his genius, tenl on the occasion. Ancourt retired, in however, overcame every difficulty, and 1713, to his estate at Courcelles le Roy, he attained of himself so great a knowlin Berry, that he might devote himself edge of the nmathematics, as procured to religion. He there translated the him a clerk's place at the Board of ConPsalms into verse, cad wrote a sacred trol, and ai:terward the situation of headtragedy, never pricnted. le d. 6th De- acomptant. Mr. Anderson published cember, 1726, in his sixty-fifth year. a " iGeneral View of the Affairs of the His plays were fifty-two in number. East India Company, since the concluANCUS MTARTIUS, fourth kiing of sion ofthe Wal in 1784;" and translated Rome, elected on the death of Tullus from the Greek of Archlimedes, AreHlostilins, 634 i.c.. During his reign, narmis, or a Treatise on numbering the Rome was enlarged by takings in the Sand." D. 1796. —JA 3tS, an advocate walls of the Avenatine Hill, and occupy- at thle Scottish barl eminent for his ing the hill Janiculum, beyond the Ti- learning aind antiquarian research. B. ber, IIe also built the bridge called at Eldinburgh, 1662. His first work, Sublicilus erected a public prison in the " An Essay, proving the Inldepenene forum, extended the territories of Rome of the C rown of Scotland," published quite to the sea, and built the town and 1705, procured him the th ants of the port of Ostia, at the mouth of thle Tiber. Scottish parliament, under whose ausAncus died after a prosperous reign of pices he subsequently produced a series 24 years. of the " Charters and Seals of the ScotANDEPESON, ADAM, a native of Scot- tislh onarchs from the earliest Anitiland, was for manya years a managilnc cquity down to the Union awith England.' clerk in the South-Sea iounse, a trustee But the book awhich gained him the for the settlemeints in Georgia, and in greatest reputation was, Seleetus Dithe court of the Scotch corporation n plomlatlium et iNumismnatum Scotiae TheLcondon. Ie wrote a work on the " His- saurus.a" D. 1?98S.-JAMarEs, a Scottish torical and Chronological Deduction of miscellaneous writer. B. at Henas1ton. Trade and Commrce.". B1695 d. near Edinburgh, 1789. lie published 1765.-ALEXANDER, an eminent scholar a series of "Essays on Planting," of the 17th century, born at Aberdeens which procured him nmch reputation and afterwards professor of mathematics as an agriculturist; and, in 1780, the at Paris; author of various treatises university of Aberdeen conferred on principally connected awith his favorite hlil the degree of LL.D. In 1783 he science.-Sir EDMUND, lord chief-justice removed to- Edinburgh, and projected of the Common Pleas under Queen Eliz- the establishment of the North British abeth, to which situation he was pro- Fisheies; for which purpose he was moted in 1582. He sat on the trials of employed by government to survey the the nnfortunate Mary, queen of Scots, coast of Scotland, and received great and of Davidson, the secretary, for commendation or his -services. Dr. issuing the warrant under cwhich she Anderson was the author of a number was executed.'"Anderson's Reports," of ptblications chiefly on agricultural folio, 1644, is still a book of authority. affairs; he also wrote for the EncycloD. 1605.-GEOR.GEa, a native of Tundrern, padia Britannica, and was a monthly Sleswick. During 1644, and the six fol- reviewer. D. 1808.-JOIHN, F.R.S., lowing years, he spent his time in trav- professor of natural philosophy in the elling through the East, and visited the university of Glasgow, and founder of Arabias, Persia, India, China, the Ja- the useful institution in that city bearpanese Islands, Tartary, and the Holy ing his name, was born in 1726, at Rose AND] CYCLOPTEDIA OF BIOGRAPHTY. 45 neath, in Dumbartonshire. His great pedaillac, in 1769.-GABRIEL, his son, characteristic was an ardent desire for equally eminent in the same profession. the instruction of his fellow-men, and He was the professor of Hygiene in the he was indefatigable in sttudying and faculty at Paris. B 1797. His " Cliexemplifying the application of science nique Medicale," and'" Precis d'Anatoto mechanical practice; for which pur- mie Patholoaique," had a great influpose, in addition to his academical ence in undermining the system of labors, he tauglht his anti-toga-cClass, as 1Broussais. lie called it, twice every week, during ANDRE, C. C., a German writer on the session, to the endl of is life. Ile science, and editor of the " Conmpendied in 1796, directing by his will that cione Bibliothck." B. 1763.-There the whole of his property should be de- was a German composer of the name of voted to the establishment of an educa- Andrc, whose son, J. A. ANDRE, first tional institution in Glasgow, to be ce- applied lithography to tlie printing of nominated Anderson's U'niversity, for music. — JOHN, an adjutant-ge-l eral in the use of the unacademical classes; the British army during the American which may justly be considered as the war. He was originally a merchant's parent of the various Mechanics' Insti- clerk; employed to negotiate the treason tutions which have of late years arisen of General Arnold, who proposed to throughout the country.-JoHN, son of surrender the American works at West a merchant at Hamburgh, of which city Point. HIe was seized in disguise and he himself became principal magistrate sent prisoner to the commander-inin 1725. He was employed in various chief, General Washington. His case negotiations to different European was submitted to a board of general courts; and during his residence there, officers, by whom he was condemned to he cultivated an acquaintance with all death, as a spy, and hung, Oct. 2, 1780. whom lhe found distinguished for their His youth, his accomplishments, and his literary attainments, andl kept up a vo- character, created a great deal of symluminous correspondence wTith themn pathy in his behalf. A monument to after his return. His principal work his memory has been erected in Westis, "The Natural Historv of Greenland, minster Abbey.-YvEs MASnI a French Davis's Straits, and the Countries situ- Jesuit and mathematical writer. B. ated in the Arctic Circle." D. 1743.- 1675; d. 1764. LAWREN'CE, one of tlhe chief promoters ANDREA, CAVAL CANTI, an Italian of the reformation of religion in Sweden. writer of novels and poetry, whose style He was chancellor to Gustavus Vasa; was admired for its elegance. D. 1672. but having_ engaged in a conspiracy, hle -CEcCHINI, a Tuscan poet, who pubpassed the years of life left to him by lished a tragedy, called " Troja Dethe king's clemency, in retirement. D. strutta," in 1663.-SALVADORE, another 1552.-ROBEaT, M.1)., a native of Camn- Tuscan poet, who flourished at the bewath, in Lanarksbire; author of nu- ginning of the 17th century. B. 1600. merons works, critical and biographical. ANDREAADA, FERDINAND, a PorOf those most highly valued are the fol- tuguese admiral, who led the first Eulowing: "Lives of the British Poets," ropean fleet that visited China. He in 14 vols., published in 1795; "Works reached the coast in 1518. and Life of Tobias Smollett " and. the ANDREAL, JOHN REINHXARD a Han"Life of Samuel Johnson." I-He was oerian naturalist. B. 1724; d 1793. the friend and patron of genius, where- ANDREAS, JAMEs, a reformer of ever it appeared. As it was chiefly Wirtemberg, and chancellor of the uniowing to him that Campbell's "Pleas- versity of Tubingen. B. 1528; d.1590. nres of Hope" was brought out, the -JoiIN, a bishop of Aleria, in Corsica, poem was dedicated to him. D. 1830. and a great promoter of the art of printANDRADA, DIEGO DE PAYVA D', a ing. B. 1417; d.1475.-JOHN, a famous learned Portuguese divine, distinguish- canonist of Florence. His austerity was ed by his eloquence at the council of such that he was said to have laid upon Trent. D. 1575.-FRANCIS, his brother, the bare ground for twenty years, with wrote the history of John III., king of nothing to cover him but a bear-skin. Portugal. -TOMAxs, another. brother, Ie had a daughter, of great beauty and was an Augustin friar, who wrote the learning, who was accustomed to lecture "Sufferings of Jesus." to his students durig his absence. Her ANDRXL, WILL.A, an eminent name was Novella, and in her honor he French physician, first brought into called one of his commentaries "The notice by Murat. He was born at Es- Novellae." D. of the plague in 1348. 46 CYCLOPADIA 01' BIOGRAPHY. [AND JOHN rwas b. a Mahlometaln, at Xativa, bon, an historian of the 15th century, in the kingdom of Valencia, and suc- who -wrote a chronicle of the dukes of ceeded his father in the dignity of alfaqui Bavaria, and a history of Bohemia.-Of of that city. He was enlightened with Pisa, a sculptor and architect. B. 1270; the knowledge of the Christian religion, d. 1345. He built several grand strucby being present at a sermon in the great tures at Florence and Venice; and also church of Valencia on the day of the As- obtained great reputation as a painter, cumption of the blessed Virgin, in 1417. poet, and musician.-Of Cyrene, an imUpon this he desired to be baptized; postor who, in the reign of Trajan, had and in memory of the calling of St. John the art to deceive his fellow-countrymen, and St. Andrew, he took the names of the Jews, into a belief that he was orJohn Andreas. At the desire of Martin dainecl to be their liberator. They acGarcia, bishop of Barcelona, he under- cordingly revolted, and horrible cruelties took to translate from the Arabic, into were committed on both sides before the language of Arragon, the whololaw they were reduced to obedience. of the Moors; and after having finished ANDREWS, HENEY, a self-taught this undertaking, he composed his fa- mathematician. B. of poor parents at mous work of "The Confusion of the Frieston, near Grantham, 1774, and d. Sect of M-Iahomet:" it contains 12 chap- JanL. 26,1820. Having, while in a menial ters, wherein he has collected the f'abu- employment, occupied his leisure molous stories, absurdities, impossibilities, ments in the study of astronomical scilies, and contradictions, which Mahomet ence, he attained therein great proficienhas dispersed in the Koran. This book, cy, and for more than 40 years was a which was published at first in Spanish, computer of the Nautical Ephemeris, has been translated into sever al lan- and the calculator of Moore', Almanac. guag-es; and all those who write against -JAMES PETTIT, an English miscellanethe Maliometans quote it very much. ous writer, younrest son of Joseph AnANDREINI, ISABELLX, a native of drews, Esq., of Newbury, Berks, where Padua, an excellent poetess and most he was b. 1737 and d. at Brompton, 1797. celebrated actress toward the beginning -LANCELOT, an eminent English divine, of the 17th century. —FRANCms a eel- bishop of Winchester in the reigns of ebrated comic writer of Pistoa. D. 1616. James I. and Charles I. B. in London, -JOHN BAPTISTE, his son, a dramatic 1565. There is a pleasant story related writer, whose "L'Adamo" is said to of him, in the life of Waller the poet, have suggested to Milton his "Paradise who, going to see the king at dinner, Lost." overheard a very extraordinary converANDRELINI, PUBLIO FESTO, an Ital- sation between his majesty, the bishop ian, who was poet-laureate to Louis XII. of Winchester, anld Neale, bishop of D. 1518. Drham. These tmwo prelates standing ANDREOSSI, ANTHONY FRAZNCIS, a behind the king's chair, his majesty count of France, distinguished as a lil- asked them, "My ilords," said he, " canitary officer and diplomatist, who served not I take my subjects' money when I under Napoleon, both in Italy and Egypt. want it, without all this formality in parHe was afterwards an ambassador to iiament e?" The bishop of Durham readiLondon, Vienna, and Constantinople, ly answered, " God forbid, sir, but you and author of several military memoirs. should; you are the breath of our nosB. 1761; d. 1828.-nFRNCIS, a French, trils." Whereupon the king turned, engineer. who assisted in forming the and said to the bishop of Winchester, canal of Lalngedoc. D. 1688. " Well, my lord, what say you?" " Sir," ANDREOZZI, a celebrated Italian replied the bishop, "I have no skill to composer. B. 1767. judge of parliamentary cases." The ANDRES, DON JiTAN, a Spanish au- king answered, "No put-offs, iy lord thor, who wrote on the " Origin of Let- answer me presently." " Then, sir," ters." said he, "I think it lawful for you to ANDRE DES VOSGES, J. F., author take my brother Neale's money, for lie of "Le Tartare;" "Paris." B. 1744. offers it." This prelate d. September ANDREW, JOHi, a esarned bishop of 27, 1626, having written many tracts, Aleria, in Corsica; and editor of the particularly " A Manual of Private Deworks of Herodotus, Livy, and other votions and Meditations for every Day classics. D. 1493.-Bishop of Crete. B. in the Week;" "A Manual of Direcat Damascus, and d. about 720. He tions for the Visitation of the Sick," and wrote commentaries on the Scriptures, " Tortura Torti."-LoRINC, an editor of &c., published at Paris, 164.-of Ratis- Boston. D. 1805.-JoHiN, provost of the ANF] CYCLOPxEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 47 univrsity of Pennsylvania, distinguish- the streets in derision, and at length ed a aa scholar. B. 1746; d. 1813. stabbed him, aged 7.. A.. 1185. ANDRIEN, B3ETRAND, of Bordeaux, ANDRONICUS PALAEOLOGUS II. the restorer of the art of enr.aving mced- surnamed the Elder, succeeded Michael als, which had declined after the reign VIII., in 1283; but was glad to find of Louis XIV. B. 1761; d. 1822. refuge in a cloister, in 1325, his grandANDRIEUX, FREDERICK WILLIAM son having driven him from the throne, JOHN STANISLAUS, a fertile dramatic poet ANDROUET DU CERCEAU, JAMES, of France, whose works have great pop- an eminent French architect of the 16th ularity. IIe was ai deputy in 1798, and century, who designed the Ponl Neuf, distinguished himself by his speeches and commenced the building of it in in favor of primary schools and the 1578. He was also employed, in 1596, liberty of the press. Iie opposed the to continue the gallery of the Louvre; measures of Napoleon when he was first but was obliged to quit France during consul, but the emperor gave him the the persecution of the Protestants. legion of honor, and made him a profes- ANDROS, EDMUND, a governor of the sor in the college of France. His prin- province of New York in 1674, and subcipal works are "Anaximander," "Les sequently of New England. He was a Etourdes,"' Decade Philosophlique," tyrant and a bigot, who restrained the "Moli6re avec ses Amis," "Brutus," press, imposed taxes, prohibited marand the "Examlen Critique du Th6htre riage, according to his will. At length des Grecs." B. 1759; d. 1833. his capricious and arbitrary conduct ANDRIOLI, M. A., a Veronese phy- roused the people into revolt. On the sician; author of a work on "Platonic morning of April 18, 1689, the people Love," 1676. of Boston took up arms against him, ANDPISCUS, a man of mean extrac- assisted by some from the country, tion, who, pretending to be the son of seized both the council and the govPerseus, the last king of Macedonia, ernor and had them confined. In the took the name of Philip, and was called February following he was sent to EnPseudo Philippus. Having obtained a gland for trial, but the case involved the signal victory over Juventus, the Roman government in such a dilemma that proetor, he assumed the kingly power; they dismissed it without coming to a but in the end was conquered by Me- final decision. In 1692 he was made tellus before whom he walked in chains. governor of Virginia, where he conANI)DRCOMACtIUS, of Crete, phvsi- ducted himself with more discretion. cian to Nero, he wrote, in elegiac verse, He died in London, in 1714. Fort Ana clescription of the Theriaca, a medi- droscoggin was named after him. cine which he invented.-Of Cyresthes, ANDRUS, JosrEP Y., one of the first a Greek architect, who built the famous agents of the Colonization Society, who octagonal Temple of the Winds, at died at Sierra Leone, in 1821. Athens, which, till lately, was used as ANDRY, NIcHoLAs, a physician and a mosque by the Turks. HeI is also said medical author, of Lyons, in the 17th to be the inventor of the weathercock. century; afterwards dean of the faculty -LivIUs, the oldest dramatic author in of medicine in the royal college of Paris the Latin language, who flourished where he also filled a professor's chair. about 240 years B. c.-Of Rhodes, a fol- D. 1742. lower of Aristotle, and to whom we are ANEURIN, a British poet and chiefindebted for restoring and publishing tain of the 6th century, supposed by the works of that philosopher, 68 B. c.- some aulthors to be the same with GilOf Thessalonica, a learned Greek of the das, the historian; he took part in the 15th century. D. 1478.-I., enperor of battle of Cattraeth, which he made the of the East, was the son of Isaac, and subject of a poem; this, and Odles of grandson of Alexis Comnenus. He was the Months;" f)orm the whole of his of an active martial mind, and eloquent; known works - and are to be found ir but had many vices. On the death of the Welsh A rchliology. D. 570. his cousin, the emperor Manuel, in 1163, ANFOSSI, PASQUALE, an Italian muhle was chosen partner in the govern- sician, b. at Naples, who was compoment with Alexis II., who, beinff a imere ser to the theatre at Rome, and afteryouth, soon fell a sacrifice to his coad- wards travelled to Paris, where he perjutor's thirst for power; but the people, formed his "Persecuted Unknown, exasperated at his various cruelties, pro- but the delicate and beautiful music of claimed Isaac Angelus eniperor, put out the piece did not find the warmest rethe eyes c fAndroniecs, led him through ception. From France he went to Lon 48 CYCLOPiEDIA OF BIOGRAPIIY. LANG don, where he was director of the Italian tor, so that he drank in the influences theatre in 1783. He returned to Rome of one of the great arts in which he was in 1795, and brought out several pieces, destined to excel with his milk. He whose success compensated him fbr his gave evidence of genius at an early age, many disappointments. He fiequently so much so as to excite the jealousy of reminds us of Sacchini and Piccini, his his young rivals, one of whom, Forrigimasters, after whom he formed his ano, gave him a blow, the markls of style; but his taste, expression, and which he carried to his grave. Perstyle of progression are extraordiniary. haps, however, the impetuous boldness His principal works are, "La Fruta of Michael was s amuch the cause of Gardinieri,' "I1 Geloso ci Cimento," their encounter as his genius. Ghirlan"Avaro," " I1 Carioso Indiscreto," daio was his first master in drawing, "Viaggiatori Felici," &c., which arc alnd Bertholdo in statuary. Before lie mostly comic operas. He wrote, be- was 16 he copied the head of a satyr in sides, several oratorios and psalms. B. lmarble witah sulch skill as to excite uni1729; d. 1795. versal admiration. Attracting no less ANGE, FIA.NcIS, a planter of Penn- attention as a painter, he was comrnissylvania, who lived till he was 134 years sioned, in connection with Leonardco da old. He remembered the death of Vinci, to decorate the senate hall of FloCharles I., and at 130 was in good rence. In the prosecution of this order, health and sound mind.d D. 1767. le sketched his famous cartoon of a ANGE DE ST. JOSEPI, LE PERE, a scene fiomi the Pisan war. Pope Julius Carmelite of Toulouse, whose real name II. then invited him to Romne, and inwvas la Brosse. Her travelled into Per- trusted hiim wmith the erection of his sesia as missionary, andc translated the pulchral monument. This wvork was Persian pharmacopceia into Latin, be- twice interrupted, once by the artist sides writing a treatise on the language himself, whose pride had been offendced of the country, a useful cad very valua- by the pope, andc a second time by the ble performance. H1i d. at Perpignan, petty envy of his cotemporary. Bra1697. manite ancl Juliano du San Gcello perANGELI, BONAVENTURA, a celebrated suaded the pope to get Michael to paint historian, of Parma. D. iD57.-PETEN, the dome of the Sistine chapel, il the a distinguished mnodern Latin poet. B. hope that lie would flil, anclc so abandon at Baira, Tuscany, 1517; d. 1596. the favor of his pa itron. Angelo refused AIN4LICO, JOIuIN an Italian Domin- the task, but being ordered to undertake ican, who painted the chapel of Nicholas it, e executed the fiescoes witl such V. D. 1448. masterly genius that they excited genANG-ELIS, STEPMIEN DE, lan Italian Cral woider and praise. The chapel is mathematician of the 17th century; he to this cay one of the grandest meonuwas for some time a Jesuit, but quitted ments of art. Michael then returned to the order? and became a teacher of his labors for the sepulchre, when Julius mathematics at-.adua. died. But Adrian VI. commissioned ANGELO, FIO.IOZZOLI, a Florentine him- to complete the work, which he poet, honored by Clement VIIth's friend- did, making many statues for it, and ship, and much esteemed; author of particularly the statues of Moses and "Discorso dcegli Animali," "I Lucidi," Christ, which were afterwards placed in and " La Trinuzzia," comedies, and a the church " della Minerva," at Home. great variety of other works. He is Under Clement VII. he finished the new chiefly admired by his countrymen for Sacristy, and Laurentindan library at the purity and beauty of his diction.Florence. In the first the monuments D. 1548.-PoLCIANO, b. in 1454; author of the Medici are by him, e. g., the figof numerous works, in prose and verse, ures of Day and Night. Tumultuous translations from Greek and Latin: times followed in Italy, which separated "Rusticus," "Orfeo Favola," &c.-MI- him from his public labor for a while, CITAEL BUONAnOTTI, the greatest of Italian hut when these had assed, he was enartists, alike eminent in piniting, sculp- gaed to paint the Last Judgment for ture, and architecture, no bad poet, and the Sistine chapel. He was already sixty a noble-hearted man. He was descend- years of age, and hesitated about undered from an anicient family of the counts taking a work which might hazard his of Canosa, and was b. at Caprese or fame. But the subject was one conChiusi, in 1474. It is said that he was genial to his own profound and lofty suckled by a woman of Settinianno, who tone of thought. How he accomplished was the wife of a distinguished sculp- it, the grand and gigantic picture which ANG] CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAI-I. 49 has ever since been alike the worship whence he removed to Baliol college, and the despair of succeeding artists, is Oxford, vwhere he was of great service the proof. Bis sublime and inexhnsti- to the junior students, and wheree le d. ble mind poured over the broad and 1638. IIe published many works in high walls of the chapel the profoundest Greek, Englisl, and Latin. studies, the richest experience, and the AN GESTEIN, JOHNJ JULIUS, a disholiest sentiments of the man. At a tingunished patron of the fine arts. B. at later day he painted a " Conversion of St. Petersburg, 1735; d. at Blackheath, St. Paul," and a " Crucifixion of St. Jan. 22, 1822. He removed to England Peter," and he sculpturec a ground of under tile patronage of tehe late Andrew the "Descent of Christ into Hell," and Thompson, and waas the first who proa Bacchus, which Raphael said was equal posed a reward of ~2000 from the fund to the masterpieces of Phidias and at Lloyd's to the inventor of the lifePraxiteles. In 1546 he was compelled boats. His celebrated collection of to continue the building of St. Peter's, paintings esteemed inferior to none of the plans of which he recovered from the samne extent in Europe, wasv purtheir confusion, and corrected. The chased by the English government for capitol of the Farnese palace and other`60,000, and fomns the nucleus of a edifices were the workn of his hands. national gatllery. His style in architecture was grandi.an1d ANGIIERA, PETER MIA1RTYIR D', an imposing, full of untamed ilmagination Italian scholar of a noble Miilanese ibmand native original strength. Indeed, ily. B. 1455; d. 1526, at Grenada, leavatll his works, his poetical and prose ing several historical works, which are writing as well as his statues, partook usually quoted under the anme of Peter of the character of the man, who was Martvr. ardent, severe, firm, and bhal hty, but ANGILBERT, ST., the son-in-law of profoundlc, original, andc true. D. at Ch1arlecagne, andc afterwards abbot of ome in 1564. —MICHxEL, another of the St. Riquier. He had a great taste for name, but better known as Caravaggio, poetry, but nothing' remains of him exfromi the place of his birth, was at first cept a history of his monastery. He d. no other than a day-laborer; but having 814. seen some painters at work upon a brick ANGIOLELLO, JOHN MAPIO, a Venewall which he had helped to raise, he tian historian of the 15th century, taken was so charmed with their art, that he captive by the Turks, and ade slave to immediately appliedhimself to the study sultan AMulstapha, whom he attended in of it, and in a few years made so con- an expedition to Persia, 143, and wrote siderable a progress, that in Venice, the history of Malhomet II., in the TurkRome, and other parts of Italy, he was ish and Itllian languages; also tie hiscried up and admired as the aithor of a tory of Ussun Cassen. Iec d. about 1530.:aew style in painting. His pieces are ANGLES, COUNT BOISSY D1, on( of the to be mut with in most of the cabinets committee of Public Safety during thie in Europe; and one picture of his French revolution. ]. 1756; d. 1824. drawing is in the Dominicanl church at ANGLESEA, HiENY VWILLIAMI PAGET, Antwcerp, which Rubens used to call mmaquis of, and earl of Uxbridge, a Brithis master. B. 1569; d. 1609. ish general of cavalry, who lost a legf at ANGELONI, FRANCESCO, an Italian Waterloo, and became lord-lieutellant of historian, principally klnown by an elab- Ire1land in 1828. orate wvor on the history of Rome, ANGLUS, THnOMAS, an English priest, which he illustrated by a reference to the friend'of Sir Kenelm Digby, known ancient medals. D. 1652. —LuIGI a dis- bythe several names of Albius Candidus tinluished Italian writer, who lived at Bianchi, Richworth, White, and Vitus, Paris. which he assumced in the different counA NGELUCCI, THEODORE, an Italian tries of Europe, where he spent the poet and physician, who held a profes- greatest part of his life. He distinguishsorslhin at Padua, was a member of the ed himself by his learning and genius, academy of Venice, and principal phy- but his fondness for the Peripatetic phisician at Miontaegnana, where he d. 1600. losoply, and his attempts to apply the ANGELUS, CLRISTOPI-IE, a Greek, principles of Aristotle to explain the who, being driven from his own country mysteries of religion, created him many by thee Turks, found an asylum in En- eenemies, who procured the condemnagland in 1608; aend, under the patron- tion of his writings, both at Douay and age of the bishop of Norwich, he was at Rome. He d. after the restoration of placed in Trinity college, Cambridge, Charles II., but the year is unknown. 5 ~5.0 CI~YCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [LNN ANGOULEM[E, CHARLES DE VALOIS, charts which he drew; and for thoi supeduke d', natural son of Charles IX. B1. rior beauty of the pair of globes which 1575; d. 1650. Catherine de Medicis lie made for the university of Inspruck. bequeathed to him her estates, but the D. 1766. will was set aside in favor of Marglaret ANICHINI, LEWIs, a Venetian ende Valois. Charles, however, retained graver, much celebrated for the delicacy the title of count d'Auvergne, and in irand precision witll which he engraved 1619 was made duke d'Angouleme. He even the minutest objects. It was at gained great reputation as a military the sight of his pieces that Michael Ancoinmian.er, but was twice charged with gelo exclaimed, that the art of engraving, treason, and the second time condemned under his hand had reached the summit to death, which sentence was changed of perfection. His best pieces was a into perpetual imprisonment. He was, medal of Alexander the Great, proshowever, once more pardoned, and em- trating himself before the high-priest at, ployed both in a military capacity and in Jerusalem, the head of Pope Paul III. various embassies; lie also wrote his and Henry III. of France on the reverse. owo? memoirs.-Louis ANTOINE DI BOUR- ANKERSTROEM, JoIN JAMES, a BON, duke d', nephew of Louis XViII., Swedish officer, who, in the war carried who fought agcainst Bonaparte, and after on by Sweden against Russia, took part the downifall of that leader, was president agaihist his country because of a an aniof the electoral college in the department mosity he cherished against the king. of the Gironde. B. 1775.-MARIiA TERESA He was discovered and sentenced to CHARLOTTE, duchess d', daughter of death, but the pardon of the king, inLouis XVI., a princess of understanding stead of producing gratitude and loyalty, and character. B. 1778. rendered his hatred more inveterate. He ANGUIER, FRANCAL and MicHAEL, conspired with the counts Hornl and two sculptors, natives of Eu, Normandy. Ribbing, barons Bi.-dke and Pechlin, and Francis, the eldest, was keeper of the Col. Liljehorn, and others, against Gusroyal cabinet of antiquities, and executed tavus, and as the unsuspecting monarch several great works, particularly the entered a room where a masked ball mausoleum of the duke of Montmorency. was assembled, the assassin discharged Michael's best piece was a crucifix over at him a pistol containing two balls and the altar of the church of the Sorbonne. some nails. The wound was mortal, The former d. 1669 * the latter, 1686. and the king expired, 29th March, 1792. ANGUILLARA, JONANDnREWDELL', The 27th of April following the murone of the most celebrated Italian poets dleer was led to execution, but instead of the 16th century, was b. at. Sutri, in of repenting he gloried in his deed. Tuscany, about 1517. Lis principal His rimht hand and his head were cut work is his translation of Ovid's Meta- off. The others were banished. morphoses, which, though often un- ANNA COTMINENA, daughter of faithful, and sinning against good taste, Alexis Comnenus, emperor of Constanhas great merit. For the representation tinople, and celebrated for the Greek of his tragedy of (Edipus, a theatre was history which she has written, in which, built at Vincenza by the celebrated Pal- with great elegance and spirit, though ladio. Anguillara, however, lived and often with partiality, she records the died in poverty. D. 1564. events which distinguished her father's ANGUSCIOLA, SOPrONISBA, a native reign. D. 1148. of Almona in Italy, eminent for her his- ANNA IVANOVNA, daughter of torical and portrait paintings, and also a Ivan Alexiovitch, emperor of Russia, writer of some repute. She bestowed married in 1710 Frederic William, duke such attention to her profession that she of Courland, and succeeded Peter II. on became, blind. Her sisters Lucia and the throne, 1730. At the death of her Europa also excelled in the execution of husband, 1719, she took for her fiavorite, the pencil. B. 1550; d. 1626. Biren, a person of low birth, but great ANICH, PETER, son of a turner, was duplicity; and when raised to the throne b. at Oberpersuf, near Inspruck, 1723, her subjects were ruled by this capriand after being employed as a laborer cious and cruel minion, who, it is said, and a shepherd, his genius for mechan- banished no less than 20,000 persons to ics burst forth, and was improved and Siberia through pique, malice, and recorrected by the friendly assistance of venge. Anna d. 1740, aged 47. Father Hill, a Jesuit. He was admired ANNAND, WILLIAM, A.M., a native for his knowledge of astronomy, for the of Edinburgh, who was chosen one of elegance and accuracy of the maps and th) ministers aud became a popular ANQ] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 51 preacher there. He behaved with grea' brother, the Pretender. Her reign was kindness towards the persecuted Pres- also much distinguished for learning; byterians, and opposed James when he and the numnber of eminent writers who wished to dispense with the penal laws. flourished under her, several of whom At the revolution he was made dean of rose to high stations, has rendered it a Raphoe, in Ireland, where he died, 1710, sort of Augustan age of English literaaged 64. He wrote a volume of val- ture, though her own acquirements had able sermons, little known. no share in makinog it such. ANNAT, FRANCIs, a native of Rou- ANNESLEY, ARTHUR, earl of Anergue, of the order of the Jesuits, glesea, born at Dublin, 1614. At the teacher of philosophy at Toulouse, and commencement of the civil wars lihe afterwards employed at Rome and in joined the royal party, and sat in the France, in the service of the pope. He parliament at Oxford, 1643; but haywas made confessor to the French king inc made peace with the republicans, he 1654, which office he held 16 years, and was sent commissioner to Ulster, 1645. then solicited his dismission'from in- He, however, took an active part in the creasing infirmities. He is known for restoration of the king, for which he his great zeal in opposing the Jansen- was created earl of Anglesea, made ists. D. 1670. treasurer of the navy, and, shortly afterANNE, of Austria, queen of France, wards, lord- privy seal. D. 1686.eldest daughter of Philip III. of Spain; SAMUEL, an Engolish divine, born in married Louis XIII. of France, 1615, at Warwickshire about 1620; d. 1696. At whose death, 1643, she was declared sole the time of the rebellion, he preached legent during the minority of her son, some violent sermons against the crown Louis XIV., who assumed the reins of and church, for which he received the government, 1661. Anne then retired, vicarage of St. Giles, Cripplegate; but, passing. the remainder of her life in in 1662, he was ejected from it for nonpious exercises. B. 1604; d..1666.- conformity. ANNE, of Beaujeu, daughter of Louis ANNET, PETER, a deistical writer of XI. of France. and wife of Peter Beau- the 18th century; author of " The Free jeu, duke of Bourbon; appointed by Enquirer," and other works of a skepher father's will gouvernante during the tical turn. He was a native of Liverminority of his son, Charles VIII. This pool. D. 1778. preference excited a civil commotion, ANNIUS, of Viterbo, a Dominican which was terminated by the defeat of monk, who wrote various books which the insurgent nobles, 1488. The prin- he pretended were the remains of emicess held the reins with much firmness, nent ancient authors, particularly Maand in general acted prudently. D. netho, Archilochus, and Xenophon. For 1522.-ANNE, of Brittany, queen of a time the imposture succeeded, and France, daughter and heiress of Francis they were printed in 1498. D. 1502. II., duke of rittany; married to Charles ANNO, archbishop of Cologne in the VIII., of France, 1491; alnd on his 11th century. He was chancellor to the death, 1499, to Louis XII. This prin- emperor Henry III., and regent during cess first instituted the order of maids the minority of Henry IV.; and from of honor to the queen; first had the pr-e- the exemplary conduct he displayed in rogative of guards and gentlemen of her those situations, as well as from the own, and was the first who gave audi- sanctity of his life, he acquired the title ence to foreign ambassadors. B. 1476; of Saint. d. 1514.-ANNE, of Cleves, daughter of ANQUETIL, Louis PIERRE, a celeJohn, third duke of Cleves, and wife of brated historian, writer of a "Universal Henry VIII. of England, who divorced History." B. at Paris, 1728; d. 1808. her. D. 1557.-ANNE, queen of Great -Du PERRON, ABRATIAM HYACINTHE, Britain, second daughter of James II., brother of the preceding, was born at by his first wife, Anne Hyde, was born Paris, 1731. In order to gratify his in 1664; married to Prince George of taste for oriental literature, he joined Denmark, 1683; succeeded to the crown the expedition fitting out for India, in on the death of William III., 1702; and 1574, as a private soldier; employed died, 1714, aged 50. The contention of every moment of his leisure in the parties during the reign of Anne was study of the Sanscrit; and made sufextremely violent, in consequence of the ficient progress in that tongue to transhopes entertained by the Jacobites that late the " Vendidade Sade," a dictionshe would be induced by natural feel- ary of the language. On the taking of ings to favor the succession of her Pondicherry by the English, he returned 52 CYCLOPrEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ANT to Europe, visited London and Oxford, commander-in-chief of the British fleet. and conveByed the various MSS. he had D. 1762.-PETE1 U HUBET, a miscellaneobtained to Paris. I-e was then'1p- ons French writer. B. 1744: d. 1810. pointed oriental interpreter in the king's ANSIPACH, ELIZABETH, Margravine library, with a pension, and devoted of, was the youngest cdaughter of the himself to the publication of his re- earl of Berkeley. When little more than searches. D. 1805. sixteen, she married Mr. (afterwards ANSALDI, C. J., a celebrated man of earl of) Craven, by whomn she had learning, of Piacenza. B. in 1700. His seven children; but after living tobest antiquarian treatises are in Latin. gether thirteen years, they separated ANSAET, ANDREW JOSEPI, a French from mutual feelings of dissatisfaction. historian and ecclesiastical writer. He Lady Craven made a tour, and took up became a Benedictine, but, being p- her residence in the court of Anspach, pointecd to a place of trust in his order, wi}ere she established a theatre, wrote he decnaped with the funds, and joined plays, directed the performance, and the order of Malta. B. 1729; d. 1790. became a principal personage with the ANSCARIUS, bishop of tlanlburgh margrave. and Bremen. B. in France, 801; dc. 86)4. ANSTEY, CiRISTOPHER, a poet, was He preached the gospel to the Danes born in 1724; studied at,Eton and and Swedes, and veas ve ry instrumental Carnbridge; alnd on succeeding to some in converting the northern nations to patrimonial property, resided principally Christianity. at Bath. He blended the avocations of ANSELM, archbishop of Canterbury a country gentleman witl literary purin the reigins of Willlam lufus and suits, and, among l anly other things, Henry I., born at Aost, Pieldmont, 1033; produced that lhumorous poem, "Tie died at Canterbury, 1109, andc canonized New Batll Guidle" whlich obtained a in the reign of Ilenry VII. rapid and deserved popularity. I. 1805. ANSELME, of Paris, an Augustine ANSTIS, JOHI, an antiquary, annd the monk, the original compiler of the "Ills- author of various heraldic works, wvas torical Genealogies of the House of born at St. Neots, Cornwall, in 1669, and France." B. 1625; d. 1691.-GoRGGE. educated at Oxford. He was member There were two of this name: the elder, for St. Germains,. andl in 1713 appointed a mathematician of some eminence in garter kinl at arms. D. 1744. the early part of the 15th century. D. ANTAel, an Arabian chief and dis1440. TIhe latter, his grandson, who tinguished poet,, who lived in the 6th assuecl the ename of NEPos, was phy- century. Ilis works, which form a porsician at Parma, of which city he was a tion of the famous Moallakah, are denative. D. 1528. voted to the clescription of his warlike ANSON, GEiORGE, Lord, a British deeds, and lhis love for the fair Able. commander, who manaced the fleet of The celebrated Arabian romance, cnships sent out during tyTe Spanish war, titled "Antar," by Asmsai, affords a to attack the enemy on the coast of perfect iclea of the mannles, opinions, South Carolina, where he landclec and and superstitions of the early Arabians; founded a town. But he did not ac- and of this there is an English version, quire celebrity till he was placed at the entitled " Antar, a Bedoueen Romanece, head of an expedition to the South Sea, translatec from the Arabic by Terrick in 1740. After losing all his ships but Hamilton," in 4 vols.'12m1o. one, and encountering many difficulties, ANTHEMIIUS, PRocoPIus, of the but not without having severely har- famsily of the tyrant Procopius, smlarried assed the Spanish settlements, he was Flavia Euphemia, daughter of Marcian. so fortunate as to capture a rich galleon, His alliance as well as his valor proon her passage from Acapulco to Ma- cured him the title of Augustus, 4617. nilla, and to reach England in safety, Ie gave his daughter in marriage to after an absence of nearly four -ears. Ricimer, a general, who soon after atHe was successively made rear-admiral tacked Rome and imbrued his hands in of the blue, a lord of the admiralty, rear- the blood of his father-in-law, 472.-A admiral of the white, and vice-admiral Lydian, eminent as an architect, sculpof the blue. In 1747 he defeated a tor, and mathematician. IIe was emFrench squadron, and captured six men ployed by the Emperor Justinian. D. of war and four East Indiamnen. He 534. was rewarded with a barony, and rose ANTHING,- FREDERIC, the comthrough all the intermediate ranks of panion in arms and biographer of the the navy till he became admiral, and ifamouls Marshal Suwvarrow, was born ANTI CYCLOPA DIA OF EIOGRAPIY. 53 at Gotha, in Saxony, and died at St. ANTIGNAC, a popular French song Petersburg, in 1805. writer. B. 1770. ANTHONY, SAINT, the founder of ANTIGONUS, one of the generals of monastic life, was born at Coima, in Alexander the Gret the most powerful Egypt, 251. IHe sold his possessions, who shared the Grecian empire, -lainl at which he distributed to the poor, and the battle of Ipsus, 301. e. retired into the desert, where, for 20 ANTI IAC-HO, IMALaKR ANTHI-ONY, atll years, his virtue was exposed to the Italian author, who translated much greatest temptations from the wiles of from the Greek.. 1472; d. 152. Satan, till he prevailed, and saw himself ANTINE, ]MIAUR FRANCOIS n)' a at last surrounded by a crowd of fol- French Benedictine monk; author of lowvers, zealous to merit his blessings an " Essay on the Art of verifying and to imitate his piety. He twice Dates," &c. B. 1688 d. 1748. visited Alexandria to give assistance to ANTIOCHIUS THE GRIEAT, king the suffering Christians unlder the per- of Syria and Asia. Ie conquered the secution of Arims. IHe died 356, in the greatest part of Greece, of,whlich some 105th year of his age.-F-RANCISi was cities implored the aid of I.onie and born in London; 1550, and studied at Hanniball, who hadc taken refuge at his Cambridlge, where he laid the foundca- court, encoiuraged hirii to liimake nrar tion of thLat chemical klowledge lwhllich against Italy; but his Ineasures were enabled him to impose upon the crecd- not agreeable to the advice of Hannibal, lous andi the unwary, -by selling his and lie was conquered and. obliged to panacea of potable gold,- on whichl a retire beyond lMount Taurus, nnd pay treatise was printed at IHaimburgh, 1598. a yearly line of 2000 talents to the eoHis success as an empirioc was great, but nans. His revenues being unable to he ways violently opposed by Ds. pay lthe fine, h:e attemptecl to plundcl Gwinno and Cotta, and it was con- the temple of Belus in Susiana, which fidently asserted that his nostrum was so incensed the inhabitants, that they poisonous, and many on their death kicled him with his followers, 187 B. c. bed attributec their death to it. The -Of Ascalon, a philosopher, and cisinoffensiveness of his manners, is sciple of Philo, the Platonist.-A monk learning and his private virtues, how- of Seba, Palestine, who awrote in the 7th ever, stemmed the torrent of unpopu- century 190 homilies on the Scriptures, larity, and though he was fined and still extant. imprisoned for practising without a ANT1PATER, a native of IMacedon, license, his reputation and his fortune pupil of Aristotle, and the faithful minincreased. D. 1623.-King of Navarre, ister of Philip and Alexander. While was son of Charles of Bourbon, duke Alexander was abroad, he left Antipater of Vendome, and miarried Joan d'Al- in the government of Macedonl and by bret, 1548, who brought him the prin- his prudent managaeme nt he kept all cipality of Bearne and the kingdom of Greece in order. Oni the death of his *Navarre. He was a weak and irresolute master, in the distribution of his terprince. He abandoned the Protestant ritories, Antipater obtained the Eurotenets for the Catholic faith, and then pean provinces. Not long after the formed, with the duke of Guise and the confederate states of Greece attacked constable Montmorency, the famous him, but he subdued them, and subleague called triumvirate. During the vertedtheir democratic forms of govcrncivil wars, in 1562, he took the corn- meint, on which he was called the father malnd of the army, and Blois, Tours, of Greece. -Ie died 818 B. C.-LmTIUS and Rouen surrendered to his arms. CETIUS, a Roman lhisatorlian, who lived IHe was wounded on the shoulder at the in the time of Gracchus, and wrote an siege of this last place, and died 35 days account of the Second Punic War. -Of after at Andeli, 17th Nov., 1562. His Sidon, a Stoic philosopher and poet, son was afterwards the celebrated much praised by Cicero and Seneca. Henry IV., of France.-A titular king of -Ie lived about 140 u. c. Portugal, was son of Lewis, the second ANTIPANES, a Greek conmic poet, son of King Emalnuel. Iiis pretensions in the tilme of Alexander, who gained to the throne were opposed by Philip three prizes at the Olyimpic games. II. of Spain, who sent the duke of Alva ANTIPHILUS, a painiter, rival of against him, 1580, and obliged him to Apelles; celebrateld fo a fine drawing fly fromi his dominions. Anthony was representing a youth blowing a spark a wretched fugitive in H( "and, France, of fire. and England. D. at Pari,, 1595. ANTIPHON, the Rhamnusian, an 5 54 CYCLOP;DIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ANT Athenian orator, who flourished 430 B.c. poet, made a cardinal by Clement VIII. He was the first who laid cown the rules B. 1540; d. 1603. of oratory, and assisted in establishing ANTONIDES, or VANDER GOES, the tyranny of the four hundred; for JOHN, a Dutch poet. B. in Zealand, which lie was pt to death, 411 B. c. 1647. He is principally known by his ANTIQUAhIOUS, JAMIES, a learned poem in honor of the river Y, which Italian scholar of Canmpanas. D. 1512. flows through Amsterdam; in which ANTISTHENES, founder of the sect city his works were collected and pubof the Cynics, by whose means Melitus lished, 1714. D. 1684. was put to death, and Anytus banished, ANTONINE, DE FORCIGLIONI, a for their persecution of Socrates. He Roman prelate and saint. B. at Flowas born at Athens, 423 B. c. rence, 1389; d. 1459, and canonized in ANTOINETTE, MARIE, of Lorraine, 1523. He highly distinguished himself archduchess of Austria and queen of at the council of Florence, where he disFrance, born at Vienna, in 1755, was putec with the Greeks. the daughter of the Emperor Francis I. ANTONINI, ANNIBAL and JOSErH, and Maria Theresa. In 1770, when only two brothers, natives.of Italy, in the 15 years of age, she was married to 17th and 18th centuries: they wrote in Louis XVI.; and when her husband conjunction the history of Lucania; and ascended the throne she gained the af- Annibal was the compiler of'an Italian fections of the people by repeated acts grammar and dictionary. of generosity. It was, however, soon ANTONINUS PIUS, TITUS AURELIUS observed that her natural liveliness FULVIuS, emperor of Rome, was b. at brought upon her the scandal of her Lanuvium, 8G; succeeded Adrian, 1388 enemies about the court, who attributed and d. 161. His reign was distinguished the undisuised. frankness and cheer- by tranquillity, andk by such excellent fulness of her nature to levity and indis- management, as procured him the title cretion. An extraordinary occurrence of PwiSs.-'-MAelRcus ANNIUS AURELIUS, added fuel to the flame of calumny, surnamed the Philosopher. B. 121; while it subjected the name of the adopted by Pius Antoninus, whom he queen to a disgraceful law-suit. Two succeeded, in conjunction with Lucius jewellers demanded the payment of an Verus, as emperor of Rome; and d. 180. immense price for a necklace, which His death occasioned universal mournhad been purchased in the name of the ing throughout the empire; the Roman queen. In the examination which she senate and people voted him a god, and demanded, it was proved that she had his image was long afterwards regarded never ordered the purchase. A lady of with peculiar veneration. This emperher size and complexion had impudently or's book of meditations in Greek and passed herself off for the queen, and at Latin has been often printed, and unimidnight had a meeting with a cardinal versally admired for the excellence of its in the park of Versailles. She was be- morality.-A geographical author, the headed during the revolution of 1792. writer of a valuable Ttinerarium, whose Her fate produced a profound impres- age is unknown. Burton published an sion on the world. excellent commentary on it, as far as reANTONELLE, PETER ANTONY, Mar- lates to Britain. quis d'; a conspicuous character in the ANTONIO, or ANTONELLO, b. at French revolution. He voted for the Messina, Sicily, 1426; d. 1475. He is death of the queen, and for the destruc- said to have been the first artist who intion of the Girondists. He was himself trocuced oil painting into Italy.-NiciInear meeting the fate to which he con- OLAS, a Spanish historian. B. at Seville, signed others, as he was tried for com- 1617; d. 1684. plicity in the conspiracy of Babeuf; but ANTONIUS, GODEFROY, a lawyer, hle was fortunate enough to be acquitted, who became chancellor of the university and d. at an advanced age, in 1817. of Giessen.-MAxcus, one of the greatest ANTONELLI, NICHOLAS MARIA, count orators ever known at Rome. It was of Pergola, who rose through various owing to him, according to Cicero, that ecclesiastical promotions to the cardinal- Rome might boast herself a rival even ship. B. 1697; d. 1767. to Greece itself in the art of eloquence. ANTONI, SEBASTIANO DEGLI, a Vicen- Ie defended, among many others, Marzan noble author. B. in 1665; author cus Aquilius; and moved the judges in of "The Conspiracy of Brutus," a tra- so sensible a manner, by the tears he gcdv. shed, and the scars he showed upon the ANiTONIANO, SYLVIO, an Italian breast of his client, that he carried hiLs ApEi] CYCLOPIlDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 55 cause. le was unfortunately killed, went into Asia, where he had the most during the disturbances raised at Rome splendid court that ever was seen. The by Marias and Cinna, in the year of king's and princes of Asia came to his Rome, 667.-MARCUs, the triumvir, was levee, and acknowledged no other soyson of Antonius Creticus, by Julia, a ereign in the East but him. Queens noble lady of such merit, that Plutarch and princesses, knowing him, doubtless, affirms, her to have been " comparable to be a man of amour and gallantry, to the wisest and most virtuous ladies strove who should win his heart; and of that age." Marc Antony, losing his the famous Cleopatra of Egypt suefather when young, launched out at ceeded. When that queen gave out a once into all the excess of riot and de- false report of her death, Antony threw bauchery, and wasted his whole patri- himself upon his sword and perishedmony before he had put on the manly a fit end to a life of dissolute violence gown. Hie afterwards went abroad to and crime. - ELIUS NEBRISENSrNss, a learn the art of war under Gabinus, who Spanish writer, and an eminent profes gave him the command of his horse in sor at the university of Salamanca, who Syria, wher he signalized his courage wrote the " History of New Spain," and in the restoration of Ptolemy king of other works. B. 1442; d. 1520. Egypt. From Erypt he went to Ccesar, ANTONY, of Bourbon, son of Charles in Gtaul; and after some stay there, be- of Bourbon, duke of Vcndome. 3B. ing furnished with money and credit by 1527; married Joan of Albret, queen Csesar, returned to Rome to sue for the of Navarre, 1548; and d. from a wound questorship. In this suit lihe succeeded, received in the shoulder at the siege of and afterwards obtained the tribunate, Rouen, 1562.-ST., of Padua, a learn'ed in which officc he was amazingly active Franciscan monk, was b. at Lisbon, for Csesar, who, when he had made 1195; d. at Padua, 1231; and was canhimself master of Rome, gave Antony onized. His works were printed at the the government of Italy, with the coin- H-ague, 1641. mand over the legions there, in which ANVARI, a Persian poet. B. at Chopost he gained the love of the soldiery. rassan. He was well versed in astrol. But what was more to his honor, he as- ogy, and composed several books on sisted Cuesar so successfully on several that science; but having failed in a preoccasions, that, twice particularly, when diction, he retired fromi the court of the Cessar's army had been put to flight, he sultan Sangler, and d. at Balke in 1206. rallied' the scattered troops, and gained ANVILLE, JosIN BAPTIST BOUueIGNON the victory. Hec was afterwards a col- D', a most famous French writer on releague of Csesar in the consulship, and ography. B. at Paris, 1702; d. at Paris, on the death of the latter, strove to get 1782. As much esteemed for the gentlepossession of the sovereign plower. But ness and simplicity of ihis manners as for the patriots of the day took part with his extensive knowledge. He labored Octavius, Ceesar's son, against him, when at his maps 15 hours a day for 50 years. he went with an army to Cisalpine Gaul, ANYSIUS, or ANISO, GIovANaN, an and laid siege to Mantua, which Deci- Italian poet of some celebrity. B. at mus Brutus valiantly defended. It was Naples, about 1472; d. 1540. during this absence that Cicero spoke ANYTA, an ancient Greek poetess, those famous orations against Antony. some of whose compositions are still The senate declared him a public enemy, preserved. and both consuls, Hirtius and Pausa, ANYTUS, an Athenian rhetorician, accompanied by Octavius, met him in who aided in procuring the condemnathe field. At first he vanquished Pausa, tion of Socrates, and was himself afterbut was afterwards subdued by Hirtius. wards banished. Both consuls fell, and Octavius took APEL, JOHN, of Nuremberg, one of command of the republican army; An- the earliest preachers of the Reformatony fled with his troops over the Alps. tion, and originally a lawyer. B. 1486; But Octavius betrayed the senate, and d. 1586. joined with Antony and Lepidus to form APELLES, one of the most celebrated a triumvirate. Their return to Rome painters of antiquity, was b. in the isle was marked by violence, bloodshed, and of Cos, and flourished in the time of proscription. They were opposed by Alexander the Great. He was in'high Brutus and Cassius, who were, however, favor with that prince, who made a law defeated at Philippi. Owing chiefly to that no other person should draw his the military skill of the latter, Antony picture but Apelles, who accordingly obtained the sovereign dominion, and drew him holding a thunderbolt in isa 56 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LA PO hand. The piece was finished with so wasted ~1,250,000 on the luxuries of the much skill and dexterity, that it used to table, wrote a book on the plensures and be said there were two lexanders: one incitements of eating, and finding his invincible, the son of Philip; the other finances reduced, hulng hiiself from fear ininitable, the production of Apelles. of staration. Alexander gave him liikewise another APION, a historian of Oasis in Egypt, remarkable proof of his regoard: for when who was a professor at Rome during the he employecl Apelles to dcaw Campaspe, 1st century. His "'Antiquities of the one of his mistresses, having found that Jews," in which he attacked that nation, the painter had conceivedl affection was answered by Josephus. for her, he resignecd her to him; and it APOLLINARIUS, CLAUDIUS, a bishop was from her that Apelles is said to have of Hieropolis, who wrote a, defence of the drawn his enus Anadyomene. One of Christian religion about 177. It was Apelles' chief characteristics was, the addressed to Marcus Aurelius.-There making his pictures so exactly resemble was a presbyter of Alexandria of this the persons represented, that the physi- nam, in the 4th century, who wrote a ognomists were able to form a judueslent history of the Hebrews in Greck heroics. as readily fiom his portraits as if they -Iis son becanme bishop of Laodicea, had seen the originals. IIis readiness and wrote a treatise, which hc sent to and clexterity at takiln a likeness was Julian, aoainst paianism. D. 382. once of singular service in extricatingo APOLJLODORUiS, a rammarnianai of him fisom a difficulty in which he was Athens, flourisihel 104 a. c.-A tfamous involved at the court of Egypt: he had painter at Athens, 408 D. c. Pliny men — not the good fortune to be il fi.vor with tiOls two picttures by him, one of a priest Ptolemy; a storm forced himl, however, of Apollo at the altar, and the other of to take shelter at Alexandria during tihe the shipwreck of Ajax.-A celebrated reign of that prince; where a miischiev- architect. B. at Damascus, and clived'ous fellow, in order to do him an un- under Trajan andc Adrian. IIe was emkindness, went to him, and in the kingfs ployedc by the former in building the name invited him to dinner. Apelles great stone bridge over the Danube, and went: and seeing the king' in a prodigri- other structures; but, fillini into disous passion, tolc him, by way of excuse, grace with Adrian, he lost hislife through that he should not have come to his that emnperor's caprice. table but by his order. He was com- APOLLONIA, a female Christian mIanded to show the man who had in- martyr, who, at a very advanced age, vited him; which was impossible, the fell a sacrifice to intolerance at Alexanperson who had put the trick upon him dria, 248. not being present: Apelles, however, APOLLONIUS, COLLATIUS, a monk drew a sketch of his image upon the and poet of Navarre in the 1th century wall with a coal, the outlines of which who published an epic on the siege of discovered him immediately to Ptolemy. Jerusalem, and other pieces.-DYSCOLUS, -There was a native of Syria of the a grammarian of Alexandria in the 2d same name, who was the founder of an century, who wrote a work on syntax; heretical sect, some time during the 2d a collection of historical curiosities is century. also ascribed to him.-There was alother APELLICUS, a philosopher to whom gramtmarian of this name who lived in the wvorld -is indebted for the works of the reiogn of A ugustus Cesar, and comAristotle, which he collected, at great piled a Lexicon Homericium, printed at expense, about 90 years B. C. Paris, 1773.-A mathematician of AlexAPER, MIR'aus, a Gaul, who was andria, about 210 years. c.. Ie cornamong the finest orators of his time. D. posed several curionus romcletrical works, 85. of wallhicl his book on conic sections alone APIAN, PETER, a German mathema- exists. —R1 ODus, so called from the city tieian and astronomer, who made several of Rhodes, in which he presided over a valuable observations on comets. B. school of rhetoric, was a native of Alex1495; d. 1589. andria, and afterwards became keeper APICIUS. There were three noted of the celebrated library there, in. which Roman epicures of this name: the first situation he remained until his death, lived in the time of the republic, the 240 B. c. He wrote a poem, in four second under Tiberius and Augustus, books, on the expedition of the Arfoand the third in the tine of Trajan. It nauts.-TyANEus,a a p hilosophi mpirli was the second one, however, who was of Tyana, in Cappadocia. B. about the the most famous. HIe is said to have Christian era. He visited lRome, where AQU] CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPIIY. 57 Vespasian became his dupe; but Domi- Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign tian sent him to prison.-A Roman sen- Parts sent him ott as one of their misator and Christian martyr, who lived in sionaries to Cambridge, Massachusetts, the reign of Commodus, and probably in which state he resided for a short suffered death about 186. time, and then returned to England, and APONO, or ABANO, PETER OF, an obtained the living of Croydon, Surrey, astrologer and physician, born at Abano, about 1765. In 1f78 he took the degree who made himself celebrated by a work of D.D., and was appointed to the recentitled, " Conciliator Differentiorum tory of St. Mary-le-Bow, London; but, Philosophorum et precipue Medicorum." in 1793, he resigned his living on obtainB. 1250; d. 1316. ing the valuable stall of Finsbury, in St. APOSTOLIUS, MICHAEL, a learned Paul's cathedral. Greek of the 15th century. APULEIUS, Lucius, a Platonic phiAPPIAN, an ancient historian. B. at losopher in the 2d century, b. atMadaura, Alexandria, whence he went to Rome, in Africa. He composed several books, the the reign of Trajan, and became an emi- chief of which is a romance, entitled nent pleader. He wrote the history of " The Golden Ass," which has been Rome in Greek. translated into almost all the modern APPIANI, ANDRE, a celebrated Mi- European languages. lanese painter. -B. 1750. His pieces'are AQUAVIVA, ANDREW MATTHEW, found in most of the palaces of Milan; duke of Atri, Naples, was celebrated but his masterpiece, in fresco, adorns both as a scholar and a soldier. B. 1456; the cupola of Santa Maria doe S. Celso. d. 1528.-CLAUDE, b. at Naples, 1542, B. 1750; d. 1818. became general of the order of Jesuits, APPLETON, NATHANIEL, Congrega- and d. 1615.-OCTAVIO, a prelate of great tional minister of Cambridge, Mass. He reputed piety and learning. D. archwas b. Dec. 9, 1693, at Ipswich; gradu- bishop of Naples, 1612. ated, in 1712, at Harvard university; AQUILA, of Sinope, Pontus, an arand was ordained Oct. 9, 1717. He was chitect and mathematician in the time of much distinguished in his time, for Adrian, by whom lie was employed in learning and moral worth. In 1771 his the rebuilding of Jerusalem, where he alma mater conferred on him the degree embraced the Christian religion, but was of doctor of divinity, an honor which afterwards excommunicated for prachad been conferred upon but one per- tisinfg astrology, when he turned Jew. son, Increase Mather, about 80 years be- AQUILANO. SERAFINO, an admired fore. He d. Feb. 9, 1784, in the 91st Italian poet. B. at Aquila, Abruzzo, year of his age.-JEssE, D.D., graduated 1466; d. 1500. att Dartmouth college, in 1792. He was AQUILANUS, SEBASTIANUS, a Neapolordained pastor of the Congregational itan physician of Padla. D. 1543. church at Hampton, N. 1H. in Feb. 1797. AQUINAS, ST. TiiOMrs, called the In 1807 he was chosen president of angelical doctor, was of the noble family Bowdoin college, the duties of which of Aquine, descended from the kings of station he faithfully performed for about Aragon and Sicily. He was educated 10 years, when his health became im- by the monks of Mount Cassino, and paired. D. 1819. removed to Naples; but the inclination APREECE, or RIHESE, Jonne, a learn- w\hich he had to embrace an ecclesiastied antiquary. B. in Wales in the early cal life was opposed by his mother, who, part of the 16th century, and d. in the after great difficulties, obtained him from reign-of queen Mary. One of his works, the power of the monks, and confined entitled "'Fides Historih Britannimie, is him in her castle for two years. HIe, preser ved in manuscript in the Cottonian however, escaped, and fled to Naples, collection. and afterwards to Rome; and when imAPROSIO, ANGELICO, an Augustine proved by study, and the famous lectures monk, born at Genoa. He wrote a num- of Albertus Magnus at Cologne, he apber of books, but is best known by a peared at Paris, anid read public lectures wolk, entitled "Bibliotheca Aprosiaia." to an applauding audience. On his reB. 1607; d. 1681. turn to Italy, he became divinity proAPTI-ONIUS, a rhetorician of Anti- fessor to several universities, and at last och, who wrote a book called "Progym- settled at Naples, where he led an exnasmata Rhetorica," in the 3d century. emplary life of chastity and devotion, APTHlORP, EAST, a learned divine. and refused the archbishopric of the B. in New Ungland, 1732, and d. at city, in the most disinterested manner, Canterbury, 1816. The Society for the when offered by Clement IV. Gregory 58 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ARX X. invited him to the council of Lyons, mitted to the Tower, where she passed to read the book which he had written the rest of her life in close and nmelanagainst the Greeks; and he d. on his eholy confinement. D. 1615, in hei way to join the pontiff at the monastery 38th year. of Fossanova, near Terracina, 7th March, ARAGON, TULLIA D', a poetess of the 1274, in his 50th year. HIe was canon- 16th century; descended from an illeized, 1323. His writings, which are nu- gitimate branch of the royal family of merous, and mostly upon theological Spain; and highly celebrated for her wit, subjects, prove him to have been a man beauty, and various accomplishments. of great learning, and extensive knowl- AIAJA, FRANCIsco, a Neapolitan edge. They have been published, in 17 musician and composer in the 18th cenvols. folio. It was in defence of Thomas tury, who entered the service of the Aquinas that Henry VIII. composed the Empress Catherine of Russia, and probook which procured him from the pope duced at St. Petersburgh "Cephalo et the title of Defender of the Faith. Procris," the first opera written in- the AQUINO, CHARLES D', a Neapolitan Russian language. Jesuit, and an eminent teacher of rhet- ARAM, ]EUGENE, was a native of oric at Rome. B. 1654; d. 1740.-Louis Ramsgill, Yorkshire, and the son of a CLAUDE D', a distinguished musician. gardener. His genius displayed itself At the age of 6 he performed on the while he followed the humble occupaharpsichord before Louis XIV.; at 8, tion of his father; mathematical calthe celebrated Bernier declared he could culations and geometrical knowledge teach him no more; and at 12 he became were quickly acquired by him, and, with organist of a church at Paris. B. 1694; the most inaefaitigable zeal, Lilly's gramd. 1772.-PHILIP, a learned Jew of the mar, though in uilintelligible langouage, 17th century, b. at Avignon, converted was learned by heart, and afterwards to the Christian faith, and received bap- Camden's Greek. He then with rapid tism at Aquino, Naples, whence he de- steps advanced to the comprehension rived his name. He was celebrated for of more difficult authors, till the whole his skill in the Hebrew language; and store of Latin and Greek literature was was intrusted by Le Jay with the care open to his understanding. lIe also of printing and correcting the He- studied and made himself perfect in brew and Chaldee text of his Polyglot Hebrew, and with these great acquireBible. ments he gained his livelihood, by enARABSCHAH, a Mahometan histo- gaging in several schools in the south rian, who wrote a history of Tamerlane, of England. In 1757 he came to the and a treatise on the divine unity. He free school at Lynn, a perfect master of was a native of Damascus, where he d. the most abstruse studies, and ac1450. quainted with heraldry and botany. ARABELLA STUART, commonly lie had begun to make collections for called the Lady Arabella, was the only radical comparisons between the meodchild of Charles Stuart, earl of Lennox, ern languages and ancient tongues, and the brother of Henry Lord Darnley, already more than 3000 words had been father to James VI. of Scotland, by selected to establish their affinity in a Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Cav- comparative lexicon, when his labors endish. This innocent victim of jear- were stopped by the hands of justice. ousy and state policy, while an infant, He was arrested at Lynn, 1758, for the lost her father, and thus became heiress murder of Daniel Clarke, a shoemaker to a large estate. Several matches were of Knaresborough, who had been murprojected for her at home and abroad dered thirteen years before; and, after and her cousin, King James, was inclined a trial, in which he defended himself to marry her to Lord Esme Stuart, whom with coolness and ability, he was found he had created duke of Lennox, and -guilty of the crime, and failing in an whom, before his marriage, he consider- attempt to commit suicide, he suffered ed as his heir; but this union was pre- death at York, August, 1759. He acvented by Queen Elizabeth, who held knowledged the justice of his sentence, the Lady Arabella under restraint. She and attributed the crime to a suspicion was finally married in secret to the earl of adultery between his wife and Clarke. of Hertford, but some Scottish noble- Mr. Bulwer has made his story the submen conspiring to place her on the ject of a most romantic fiction, in throne, the plot was discovered and she which, however, he has taken geat was wrongfully arrested as an accom- liberties with the facts of the case. plice of their design. She was com- ARA TOR, a Latin poet of the 5th ARC] COYCLOPAEDrA OF BIOGRAPHY. 59 century, Lorn in Liguria, who turned century; chiefly known by his works the Acts of the Apostles into verse. on tochelle andc Amiens. ARATUS, a Sicilian astronomer and ARCESILAUS, a Greek philosopher, poet, whose "Phenomena" was trans- the founder of the second or middle lated by Cicero, and from which St. academy, was born at Pitane, in Eolia, Paul quotes in his address at Athens.- 316 B. c.-A king of Macedon, natural The son of Clinias, who restored Sicyon, son of Perdiccas II., whom he succeeded, brought about the Achbean league, and after murdering his brother Alcetas. rescued Corinth from the Macedonian He liberally encouraged literature and Antigonus. He wrote "I ommentaries" the arts, entertained and patronized on his own life. D. 2160. C. Euripides and Zeuxis, 398 B. o.-A ARBOGAST, Louis FR. AU., aFrench- Greek philosopher, the disciple and sueinan, professor of mathematics at Stras- cessor of Anaxagoras at Lampsacus, but burg, and eminent as a geometrician. removed afterwards to Athens, where D. 1803. he had Socrates for a pupil.-A geogARBOGASTES, a French soldier of rapher; author of a treatise on all the fortune, who went to Rome at the time countries conquered by Alexander, in of Valentinian the Younger, became a whose time lie lived.-A Christian digeneral of the army, and after the death vine, bishop of Mesopotamia, who flourof the emperor, caused the rhetorician ished under Probus, about 278, and was Eugenius to assume the purple. He a zealous champion for the Catholic was defeated by Theodosius, fled to his faith, against the Manicheans. native mountains and put an end to his ARCHENHOLZ, JOHN, a Swedish life, about 395. historian, born at Hlelsingfors, 1695; d. ARBRISSEL, ROBERT OF, founder of 1777.-JOHN WILLIAM VON, a very voluthe abbey of Fontevraud, was born in minous German author. His two most the village of Arbrissel, Brittany, about important works are " Annals of British 1047. D. 1117. History," 20 vols., and a "History of ARBUCKLE, JAMES, a Scotch poet, the Seven Years' War." B. 1742; d. born at Glasgow, and died in the north 1818. of Ireland, where he had settled as a ARCHIAS, AuLus LIINImus, a native schoolmaster, 1734. of Antioch, chiefly known from the eloARBUTHNOT, ALEXANDER, a Scot- quent orations made by Cicero, to detish divine and a zealous reformer, was fend his right to the citizenship of born in 1538, and died in 1583.-JOHN, Rome. a celebrated writer and physician in the ARCHIGENES, a Greek physician reign of Queen Anne, was born at Ar- of- the Pneumatic sect, who 1ourished buthnot, near Montrose, and educated in the times of Domitian and Trajan.at Aberdeen. He was appointed phy- His works are frequently referred to by sician in ordinary to the queen, and ad- Galen. mitted a fellow of the college. He en- ARCHILOCIIUS, a Greek satirist, gaged with Pope and Swift in many of born in the isle of Paros, 660 B. C. The their literary schemes, particularly in invention of the Iambic metre is atthe satire under the title of " Martinus tributed to him. Scriblerus." In 1727, Dr. Arbuthnot ARCHIMEDES, the most celebrated published "Tables of Ancient Coins, mathematician among the ancients, was WVeights, and Measures," which valu- a native of Syracuse, and related to able work was followed by an "Essay King Hiero. Ile was equally skilled in concerning Aliments," &c., andanother the sciences of astronomy, geometry, on the "Effects of Air on Human mechanics, hydrostatics, and optics Bodies." So excellent a character did his aptness In solving problems had behe bear with his cotemporaries, that come proverbial in Cicero's days, and Swift thus pithily describes him: " He his singular ingenuity in the invention has more wit than all our race, and his and construction of warlike engines is humanity is equal to our wit." D. much dwelt upon by Livy. The conm1735. bination of pulleys for raising immense ARCERE, ANTHONY, a very learned weights, the endless,,screw, &c., were Frenchman, who applied to the study invented by him; but his genius for inof the oriental languages, made a tour vention was never more signally disinto the East, and returned richly fur- played than in the defence of Syracuse, nished with manuscripts. B. 1664; d. when it was besieged by Marcellus; for 1699.-Louis STEPHEN, a French eccle- among other astonishinig novelties, he siastic, poet, and historian of the 18th produced a burning glass, composed of 60 CYCLOP:EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LARE reflecting mirrors, by which he fired who lived 269 B. c., and practised with the enemy's fleet. At length, however, repute at Rome; but having introduced the city was taken by storm, and Ar- the use of caustics and the knife, he chimedes, then in his 74th year, was was banished. among the slain, 212 B.. ARENA, ANTHONY DE, a French ARCHINTO, CHARLES, a learned Mi- writer of the 16th century, chiefly lanese of noble family, who founded an known by his poem on the war of Proacademy for the sciences and mechanics vence, carried on by Charles V. D. in his native city, which he enriched 1544.-JAcMES DE, a learned civilian and with an extensive library, &c. B. 1669. writer in the- 13th century. He was ARCIION, Louis, an antiquary, chap- professor of law at Padua and Bologna, lain to Louis XIV..; author of a "IHis- and wrote "Commentaries on the Ditory of the Royal Chapel of France." gest and the Code."-JOSEPH DE, an B. 1645; d. 1717. officer in the French service, born in ARCHYTAS, a Pythagorean philos- Corsica; arrested at the opera, Aug. 10, opher and mathematician of Tarentum, 1801, andl executed Jan. 31 following, who was one of the first who applied for an attempt on the life of Bonaparte, the theory of mathematics to practical then first consul. purposes, 400 B. c. ARENDT, MARTIN FREDERIC, a celeARCO, NIcHOLAS, Count, a Latin poet, brated traveller, was born at Altona, in hTorn at Arco, in the Tyrol, 1479; d. 1769. He commenced his travels in 1546. 1798, visiting the northern parts of EuARCON. J. C. ELEONORE LEMICEAUD, rope, and niaking researches into the a French officer, born at Pontarlier, antiquities of the countries through 1733; d. 1800. which he passed. He afterwards travARCUDIUS, PETER, a Greek priest, elled through Spain, Italy, and Hunborn in the isle of Corfu, who wrote gary; and it was his practice to carry several pieces in defence of the Roman all his papers with him, live on the church, and was sent by Clement VIII. charity of others, and sleep in the open to Russia, to settle some religious dif- air. D. 1824. ferences. D. 1635. ARESI, PAUL, bishop of Tortona, MiARCUDI, ALEXANDER TiHoMAS D', a lan, who tautght theology, philosophy, Dominican of Venice, who wrote sev- and rhetoric, at' Rome and Naples, and eral works, chiefly biographical, of wrote some philosoplhical and religious which the " Galatana Letterata" is the pieces. B. 1574; d. 1644. principal. D. 1720. ARETIEUS, a Gieek physician in the ARCULPHUS, a French divine of time of Vespasian; his works are held. the 7th century, who visited the Holy in great esteem. Land, and wrote an account of his iRETIN, A. and J. G., brothers. B. travels. in 1769 and 1771; authors of several ARCY, PATRICx, a military writer of German works on the fine arts,'" Mathe 18th century, born at Gal way.. gazin des Arts du Dessin." —CIRTSTO1779. rPER, Baron. B. in 1773; a laborious ARDENE, ESPRIT JEAN DE ORorE D', German bibliograph, curator of the a French author, born at Marseilles, Royal library at Munich, and member 1684; d. 174:8.-JouHN PAUL, brother of of the most famous German academies. the preceding, was a priest at Marseilles, Among his works are, "Historical and and superior of a college; but more Literary Memoirs;" a "History of the celebrated as a florist than as an eccle- Jews of Bavaria,' "On the Effects of siastic. D. 1769. Printing;" and many curious treatises ARDERN, JOHN, an English surgeon on Minemonics, a Universal Ltanguage, of Nelwark-upon-Trent, to whom the the Divininig Rod, &c. He edited the credit of being the reviver of surgery in "Aurorl in 1806, and published the England in the 14th century has been Nouvel Indicateur Litteraire," at Tugiven. bingenm 180. D. 1824. ARDERNE, JAMES, an English di- ARETINO, CIARLES, b. in Tuscany, vine, made dean of Chester by Charles in the l1th century. He was secretary II. D. 1691. to the republic of Florence; and emiARDINGHELLI, MARIA, a Neapol- nent both as a Greek scholar and a Latin itan author, of noble origin, born in poet. D. 1470.-FRANCIS, a learned ci1780. He was distinguished in algebra vilian of Italy in the 15th century.and the physical sciences. GUIDO, a Benedictine monk, who lived AREAGATIUS, a Greek physician, in the 11th century. He rendered him ARG] CYCLOPAEDIA OF DIOGRAPHY, 61 self famous by discovering a new method tas to Jamestown, whose attack on the of learning music, or rather by restoring settlement in Acadie began the war bethe true principle of the ancient Greek tween the French and English, and who music; and was said to have been the subdued the Dutch settlements on the inventor of the six notes in music, Ut, Hudson. IHe was knighted by King Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La. They are thought James, in 1623. to have been taken from a hymn of St: ARGELLATI, PHILIPO, a printer at John, composed by Paul, in 770, and Bologna, afterwards a magistrate. B. which runs as follows: 1085. —FRAN-cIso, his son, author of a " DI)ecamarone," written in imitation of Ut queant laxis Rle sonare fibris Boccac. D. 1754..li ra gestoruni, Fa mantli torum, Sol ye polutis, la bias reatusn.- ARGENS, JOHN BAPTISTE DE rBOaYE, Marquis d', a French miscellaneous LEONARDO, was one of the ablest men in writer, who was invited by Frederic eloquence and science of the 15th cen- William, king of Prussia, to become one tury; and left several works, the cata- of his chamberlains. B. 1704; d. 1771. log'ue of which may be seen in Gesner's ARGENSOLA, LUPERaIO LEONARDO " Bibliotheca." He d. about l443, being D', a Spanish historian and poet. B. in then 74 years of age, at Florence; where Aragon, about 1565; d. 1613.-BARthere is a marble monument erected to THOLOMIEW, his brother, was canon of him in the church of the Holy Cross, Saragossa, and chaplain of the Empress with a'n inscription to the following Maria, of Austria. He was the author purport:-" Since the death of Leonar- of a "History of the Conquest of the do, history is in mourning; eloquence Moluccas," and of a continuation of is become mute; the Greekl and Latin " Zurita's History of Aragon." It was muses cannot forbear shedding tears."- said of the two brothers, that the perFm.NOeISCo, a man of great reading, and feet resemblance of their talents made well acquainted with the Greek lan- their countrymen believe them to be guage. He studied at Sienna, about the twins of Apollo and a Muse. B. 1566; year 1443; and afterwards taught law d. 1631. there with such a vivacity of genius, ARGENSON, MARE: EN E L1 VOYER, that they called him the Prince of Sub- Marquis d', celebrated as the first who tleties, and his wit became a proverb,. introduced lettres de cachet, during his He taught also in the university of Pisa, administration of the Police at Paris, and in that of Ferrara.-PIE'RO, a na- 1697, was b. at Venice, where his father tive of Arezzo, who lived in the 16th was ambassador from the French court. century. He was famous for his satir- He was highly respected for his abilities, ical writings, and was so bold in his in- and the firmness of his character. He vectives against sovereigns, that he got succeeded d'Aguesseau in the office of the title of the Scourge of Princes. He chancellor, 1719, but was disgraced the used to boast that his lampoons did following year, and d. of a broken heart more service to the world than sermons; in 1721. and it was said of him, tht hlie had sub- ARGENTERO, a celebrated Piedjected more princes by his pen than montese physician, who translated Gathe greatest warriors had ever done by len. B. 1558. their arms. Aretino wrote also many ARGENTIE, JOHN, an eminent Italirreligious and obscene pieces, and was ian physician. B. 1513; d. 1572. the author of some comedies, which ARGOLI, JOHN, the son of Andrew, were esteemed pretty good of their kind. a celebrated mathematician, was b. in B. 1491; d. 1556. 1609, at Tagliacozzo, in the Neapolitan ARETIUS, BENEDICT, an ecclesiastic, territory, and d. about the year 1660. distinguished for his botanical and the- Several philological and archiological ological attainments, who lived at Berne, works proceeded from his pen, but he Switzerland. D. 1574. is best known as a poet. When only ARGAIR, GREGORY, a Spanish Ben- fifteen, he wrote his Idyl on the silkedictine, who wrote an ecclesiastical worm, and two years subsequently, his history of Spain, which he ascribed to Endymion, in twelve cantos, which he St. Gregory. He lived at Madrid, du- completed in seven months, during ring the 17th century. which period he shut himrself up, and. ARGALL, RICHARD, a poet, who flour- suffered no one to enter his room, exished in England in the time of James I. cept to bring his food. -SAMUEL, a - deputy-governor of Vir- ARGONNE, DON BONAVENTURE D, a ginia, who in 1612 carried off Pocahon- native of Paris, author of some useful 6 02( CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ARI works, especially miscellanies of history the Psalter into Latin verse. B. 1527; and literature, replete withl entertainiig d. 1598. anecdotes and valuable reflections, pub- AICI, CiES., an Italian poet, who lisned under the name of Vigneml de wrote an admired dictactic poem, called Marville. I-e d. a Carthusian monk at " La Cultivatione d'egli Olivi." B. 1785. Gaillon, near Rouen, 1704, aged 64. He ARI FRODE, an Ieelandic scholar of wrote also a method of reading the the 11th century, and the earliest of the church fathers. northern historians. Of his numerous ARGUELLES, AUGUSTUs, a Spanish writings only the Schedn and Landpatriot during the revolution of 1812. namnabok remain. B. 1775. ARION, a Lesbian poet, the inventor ARGUSTIN, ANTONIO, a Spanish an- of dythrambics, but his hymn to Neptiquarian, and author of "D ialogos de tune is all that remains of his works. los Medallas." B. 1517. ARIOSTO, ATTILIO, a Bologenese comARGYROPYLUS, JOANNES, a learned poser, who gave lessons to Handel, with man who fled from Constantinople when whom and Bononcini, he composed his taken by Mahomet II., and contributed well-known opera of "Muzio Scevola." to the revival of Greek literature in Eu- His masterly execution on the viol rope.' He was received with kindness d'amore, a new instrument, gave him by Cosmo de Medicis, duke of Tuscany, applause and opulence in England. D. placed in the professor's chair at Flo- 1725.-LUDOVIco, an illustrious poet. reice, and made tutor in the prince's B. at Reggio, 1474, of a family allied family. lie retired fiom thence, during to the dukes of Ferrara. His early the plague, to Rome, where he lectured genius displayed itself in the composion Aristotle. He d. of a fever occasioned tion of the play of Pyramus and Thisbe; by eating melons, in his 70th year, about which he acted with his brothers and 1478. He translated several of Aris- sisters; but his father, like the father of totle's works, in a manner which proved Ovid, viewed his studies with a jealous him to be an able Grecian, and a scholar eye, and bade him forsake the muses for of the most comprehensive erudition. the bar. This he did for a while; but He was an intemperate epicure, so that after his father's decease'he returned to the whole of his fortune was squandered his favorite pursuits, and, under the in supplying the delicacies of his table. friendly patronage of Hippolito, cardinal He treated the character of Cicero with d'Este he begian the plan of a poem, contempt, because he had said of his which was to immortalize the Italian favorite Greek, that it is a language,ve'- muse. The cardinal seems to have borsm vnops. He left some sons equally valued him rather as a scholar and man learned. of business than as a poet; for when ARIADNE, daughter of Leo I. mar- Ariosto presented acopy of his immortal ried to Zeno, who succeeded as emperor, Orlando, the cardinal inquired, " Where 474. She was so disgusted with the in- did you pick up this trumpery, master temperance of her husband, and so Ludovico?" He was invited to write in eager to enjoy the company of her fa- Latin by Cardinal Bembo; but with the vorite Anastasius, that she forgot her ardor of a poet he replied, that he aspired dignity and character in barbarity. Ze- to the flrst rank of Italian composition, no, when intoxicated, was shut up in a while he could only stand as second as sepulchre, where he was suffered to the votary of the Latin muse. He read die; and Anastasius, though of obscure with attention the works of Homer and origin, was placed on the throne. D. Virgil, and, with a mind stored with all 515. the learning of ancient times, he borARIAS MONTANUS, BENEDICT, a rowed a subject from Bojardo's Orlando native of Seville, eminent for his knowl- Inamorato, and produced his incomparedge of modern and ancient literature. able poem of Orlando Furioso. Though He was engaged by Philip II. of Spain, devoted to poetry, Ariosto was at times to publish an edition of the polyglot employed in nergotiations; and when, Bible, which he completed, and pub- on the death of Hippolito, Alphionso, lished at Antwerp, 1569-72. The men- duke of Ferrara succeeded as patron of arch liberally offered the author a bish- the poet, he showed his regard for him opric, but it was modestly refused, and by appointing him governor of Graffigonly a pension of 2000 ducats accepted, nana, a post which he discharged with with the honor of being chaplain to the honor and fidelity. For his retirement, king. Arias wrote some biblical and he built a house at Ferrara; and when historical treatises, besides translating questioned why he, who shone in the ARI] CYCLOPeDIA OP BIOGRAPHY. 6A description of magni ficent halls, and of tle magnitude and distance of the sun splendid palaces, had made it so small, and moon. he replied, that words were cheaper than ARISTEAS, a Jew, in the employstones. He read his poems with so ment of Ptolemy Philadelphus, who assweet a voice, that his friends were en- sisted in the Septuagint translation of raptured to hear him; and he possessed the Bible. so delicate an ear, with, at the same ARISTIDES, an Athenian, whose time, so sensitive and so choleric a ternm- equity and integrity gained for him the per, that he once entered into the shop glorious appellation of the Just, was the of a potter, who had been repeating son of Lysimachus. Being an admirer some of his verses with an improper ac- of the laws of Lycurgus, he preferred an cent, and broke a great number of the oligarchy to a democracy, and was; conpots exposed to sale. The man expos- sequently, the great opponent of Thetulated in vain at the violence of the mistocles, the head of the democratical stranger. I have not sufficiently re- party. The dissensions between these venged myself on thee, exclaimed Ari- two eminent men were so prejudicial to osto; I have broke only a few pots, and the common weal, that Aristides himself you have spoiled the most beautiful of once exclaimed, that "the Athenians compositions to my face. He d. at Fer- would never prosper till he'and Therara, 8th July, 1533, in his 59th year. mistocles were consigned to the dungeon Ariosto possesses all the fire of genuine for condemned criminals." The selfpoetry; he passes with incredible rapid- denial and patriotism of Aristides were sty and ease from the terrible to the ten- strongly manifested by his giving up his der, from the soft to the sublime; every share of the command to Miltiades, becharacter is interesting; his heroes are fore the battle of Marathon; and his convaliant without rashness; his hero- duet after the battle, when intrusted to ines are feminine without weakness; divide the spoils, was equally praiseand nature appears in all her native ma- worthy. In the year 491 B. c. he was jesty, adorned by all the graces of art, archion, or chief magistrate; an offici and recommended by the most enchant- which he filled with high reputation. ing language of poetry. Besides the Themistocles, however, succeeded in Orlando, Ariosto wrote satires, comedies, having him sentenced to banishment by and miscellaneous poems. His principal ostracism. On this occasion, a voter works have been translated'into the who could not write, and did not know various languages of Europe, and he him, met him, and asked him to inscribe ranks among the classics of the world.-2 the name of Aristides on the shell for GABRIEL, brother of the above, very in- him. "Did Aristides ever injure you?" ferior to him in genius, but a respectable said the patriot. " No," replied the Latin poet. His works were published man, " but I am weary of hearing aim at Ferrara in 1582.-HonRACE, son of the called the Just." Aristides wrote his last named; author of a poem entitled own name, and returned the shell. BeAlphseus, several comedies, and a de- ing recalled from banishment, when fenice of the Orlando against the criti- Xerxes was preparing to invade Greece, cism of Pellegrini. he laid all private differences aside, and ARISI, FRANCIS, an eminent advocate acted in perfect concert with Themistoof Cremona; author of various works, cles. At the battle of Platsa he comof which the most valuable is his " Cre- manded the Athenian forces, and fought mona Literati." B. 1657; d. 174. bravely, and, subsequent to the battle, ARISTJENATUS, a Greek writer of his wisdom put an end to a dangerous the 4th century, praised by Ammianus quarrel which arose between the conMa:cellinus, b]ut only known now by federates. He d. of old age aoout 467 two books of elegant Amatory Epistles. years B. C., and did not leave sufficient ARISTARCHUS, a critic anmd gram- property to defray the expense of his fumarian, of Samothrace, who flourished neral. He was buried at the public cost, about 150 B. c. Having settled at Alex- a pension and an estate were given to his andria, he was made tutor to the son of son, and suitable portions to his daughPtolemy Philomater. His criticisms -ters. —-ELIUS, a native of Adriani, in were so severe that his name has be- Mysia; an orator of great practice and come proverbial.-A Greek philosopher, ability during the reigns of Antoninus, supposed to have flourished abdut 4 Aurelius, ana Commodus.-A Christian centuries B. c. He is said to be the first philosopher, of Athens, in the 2d cenwho knew of the earth's rotatory motion tury. Jerome praises his " Apology f)r on its own axis; and a work of his treats the Christian Faith," but none of his 64 CYCLOP.sDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ARI writings are extan6.-A painter of Thebes doing so. Only 11 of his 50 cc mnedies in the 3dl century B. o., famous for his remain. These are Plutus, The Clouds, po wer of representing the passions.- The Knights, The Acharnelses, The IUINTILIAN, a Greek musician, who, Wasps, Peace, The Birds, The Female about the year 130, wrote a treatise on Orators, the Priestesses of Ceres, arnd music.-An historian of Miletus, often Lysistrata. " The Clouds," which he mentioned by Plutarch. wrote in ridicule of Socrates, is the most APRISTIPPUS, founder of the Cyre- celebrated of all his comedies. Madame naic sect of philosophers, was b. at Cy- Dacier tells us, she was so much charmrene about 4 centuries B. c. He became ed with this performance, that, after she a pupil of Socrates, but his mode of life had translated it, and read it over 200 was so effeminate as to induce that great times, it did not become the least tedimain to compose the lecture on pleasures, ous to her. Aristophanes, having conwhich is preserved in the Memorabilia ceived some aversion- to the poet of Xenophon. Excellent as that lecture Euripides, satirizes him in several of his is, it had little effect on Aristippus; plays, particularly in hisb "Frogs" and who, both in lecturing and living, umade his " Thesmophoriazusae." He wrote pleasure the chief good. At Corinth he " The Lysistrata" when all Greece was was the companion of the courtesan involved in war; in which comedy the Lais; and, at Syracuse, hlie was favored women are introduced debating upon by the tyrant, Dionysius, to whom he the affairs of the commonwealth; when paid his court. He established a school they come to a resolution not to go to of philosophy at Cyrene, which con- bed with their husbands till peace should tinued for about a century, when it was be concluded. I-e invented a peculiar merged into the sect of Epicurus. kind of verse, which was called by his ARISTO, of Chios, a Stoic philosopher, name, and Suidas says, that he also was 260 B. c.-An Aristotelian philosopher, the inventor of the tetrameter anid octaof Ceos, 230 B. c. A work of his, en- meter verse. The time of his death is titled " Amatory Similes," is cited by unknown. Athenaeus. ARISTOTLE, the chief of the Peri ARISTOGITON, a citizen of Athens, patetic philosophers. B. at Stagyra, a 516 B. c., who was executed, after being small city in Macedon, in the 99th horribly treated, for conspiring with his Olympiad, about 384 B. C., was the son friend Harmodius to slay the tyrants of Michomnachus, physician to Amyntas, Hippias and Hipparchus. Hipparchlus the grandfather of Alexander the Great. they succeeded in slaying; and Hippias, By the advice of the Delphic oracle he who put Aristogiton to death, was ex- went to Athens when about 18, and pelledl the state about three years after- studied under Plato till he was 37. He wards, when the statues of Aristogiton followed his studies with most extraorand Harmodius were placed in the forum dinary diligence, so that he soon surand it was decreed that no slave should passed all in Plato's school. He ate ever bear the name of either. ittle, and slept less; and that he might ARISTOMENES, a Greek, son of not oversleep nimself, Diogenes Laertius Nicomedes, a descendant of the regal tells us, that he laid always with one family of Messene, whose exertions hand out of bed, having a ball of brass caused. the Messenians, in conjunction in it, which by its falling into a basin of with the Arcadians and Argives, to com- the same metal, awaked him. When he mence the second Messenian war, 685 had studied about 15 years under Plato, B. c., in order to shake off the yoke of he began to form different tenets from Sparta. The Messenians, however, were those of his master, who became highly unsuccessful, and went over to Sicily, piqued at his behavior. Upon the death where they founded the city of Messina. of Plato, he quitted Athens, and retired ARISTOPHANES, a dramatic poet to Atafnya, a little city of Mysia, where of Athens, cotemporary with Socrates, his old friend Hermias reigned. HIere Plato, &c., in the 5th century B.c. His he married Pythias, the sister of this comedies were marked by a severity of prince, whom he is said to have loved satire which made him at once feared so passionately, that he offered sacrifice and popular; and his description of to her. Some time after, Hermias havAthenian manners was so exact, that ing been taken prisoner by Maranon, the when Dionysius, of Syracuse, wished to king of Persia's general, Aristotle went study the language and manners of to Mitylene, the capital of Lesbos, where Athens, Plato sent him the comedies of he remained till Philip, king of Macedon, Aristoph.a.nes s the readiest means of having heard of his great reputation, ARM] CYCLOrPADIA OP BIOGRAPIY. 65 sent for him to be tutor to his son Alex- ARKWRIGHT, Sir RICHARD, a man ander, then about 14 years of are. Aris- who was born in one of the lowest statotle accepted the offer and in eight tions of life, being literally a penny baryears taulght him rhetoric, natural phi- er at Manchester, but by uncommon losophy, ethics, politics, and a certain genius and persevering industry insort of philosophy, according to Plutarch, vented and perfected a system of mawhich he taught nobody else. Philip chinery fbr spinning cotton, that had erected statues in honor of Aristotle; in vain been attempted by many of the and for his sake rebuilt Stagyra, which first mechanics of the 17th and 18th had been almost ruined by the wars. centuries; and which, by giving perAristotle having lost the favor of Alex- petual employment to many thousand ander by adhering to Calisthenes, his families, increased the population, and kinsman, who was accused of a conspir- was productive of great commercial adacy against Alexander's life, removed to vantage to his country. The machine Athens, where le set up his new school. is called a "Spinning Jenny." Sir The magistrates received him very kind- Richard died Au. 3, 1792, leaving proply and gave him the Lyceeum, so famous erty to the amount of near half a milafterwards for the concourse of his dis- lion sterling. ciples; and here it was, according to ARLAND, JAMES ANTmIONtY, a Genesome authors, that he composed his vese painter of great merit. His last principal works. When Aristotle was work was the " Amour of Jupiter with accused of impiety by one Eurymedon, Leda," which, from some whim unexa priest of Ceres, he wrote a large apol- plained, he destroyed by cutting it to ogy for himself, addressed to the magis- pieces. A copy of it was sold in the trates: but, knowing the Athenians to artist's lifetime. for 600 guineas. B. be extremely jealous about their reliion, 1668; d. 1743. and remembering the fate of Socrates he * ARLOTTO, MAINARDO, a facetious was so much alarmed that he retired to Florentine of the 15th century, and of Chalcis. a city of Eubca, where he end- whose witticisms a collection has been ed his days in the 63d year of his age, frequently printed, was a parish minbeing the third of the 114th Olympiad, ister in the bishopric of Fiesole; who, two years after Alexander. The Stayr- though regarded as a religious buffoon ites carried away his body, and erected by some, was as benevolent as he was altars to his memory. jocose. B. 1395; d. 1483. ARIUS, a divine of the 4th century, ARMELLINI, MA1uATID, a learned. and the head and founder of the Arians, Dominican, born at Ancona, was the a sect which denied the eternal divinity author of " Bibliotheca Benedictino Caand consubstantiality of the Word. He sinensis," and other works. D. 1737. was born in Libya, near Egypt. The ARMFELDT, GUSTAUS MAIURICE, Arian principles, according to Span- Count, a Swedish statesman of some heirm, were, that Christ was only called note.. 1814. God by way of title; that he was less ARMINIUS, or HERMANN, who by than the Father, who only was eternal his intrepidity and success acquired the and without beginning; that he was a title.of "the Deliverer of Germany," creature, having a beginning' of exist- was the son of Seginer, a chief of the ence, created out of things, having no Catti. Having been sent to Rome as a being before the beginning of all things: hostage, he was there educated, served hence he was made God, and the Son in the Roman army, and for his valor of God by adoption, not by nature; and was raised to citizenship and knighted. that the Word was also subject to But his attachment to his native country change; that the Father created all induced him to revolt, and lie became things by him as an instrument; and one of the most powerful leaders of that he was the most excellent of all the discontented German nations. He creatures; that the essence of the Father drew Varus, the Roman commander on was different from the essence of the the Rhine, into that amlbuscade in Son; neither was he co-eternal, co- which he and nearly all his troops were equal, nor consubstantial, vith the Fa- slain, and completely baffled Germanther; that the Holy Ghost was not icus, but after having for years withGod, but the creature of the Son, begot stood the vast power of Ronle, Armiand created by him, inferior in dignity nius was assassinated by one of his own to the Father and Son, sand co-worker countrymen, in the 87th year of his age, in the creation. His death happened in A.D. 21.-JAMES, a native of Oude-water the year 336. in Holland, 1560, founder of the sect of C*:' 66 CYCLOPIDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [A.; the Arminians. As he lost his father and in 1760, he was made physician to early, he was supported at the uni- the army in Germany It was at this versity of Utrecht, and of Marpurg, by time that he wrote his poem called the liberality of his friends; but when "Day," inscribed to John Wilkes; and he returied home, in the midst of the the fieedom of remark which he used ravages caused by the Spanish arms, in one passage upon Churchill not only instead of being received by his mother, drew the vengeance of the satirist upon he found that she, as well as her daugh- him, but dissolved the friendship which ters, and all her family, had been sac- had before cordially existed with Wilkes. rificed to the wantonness of the ferocious He collected his scattered pieces which enemy. His distress was for a while in- he published in 1770, and the following consolable but the thirst after distinc- year he wrote a " Short Ramble througm tion called him to the newly founded France and Italy," by Lancelot Temple university of Leyden, where his in- He died in September, 1779, leaving be dustry acquired him the protection of hind him about ~3000, a sum which the magistrates of Amsterdam, at whose surprised his friends, as they knew that expense he travelled to Geneva and his income was small.-JOIHN, a phyItaly, to hear the lectures of Theodore sician and medical writer, celebrated lor Beza and James Zabarella. On his re- his researches on the causes and pheturn to Holland he was ordained min- nomena of febrile diseases. B. 1784; ister of Amsterdam, 1588. As professor d. 1829.-JOHN, an American general, of divinity at Leyden, to which office he distinguished in the Indian wars. He was called, 1603, he distinguished him- defended Fort Moultrie and was in the self by three valuable orations on the battle of Germantown. I)D 1795.-JOIIN, object of theology-on the author and son of the preceding, was also a genend of it-and on the certainty of it- eral, who at the age of 18 joined the and he afterwards explained the prophet revolutionary army, contrary to the J onah. In his public and private life, wishes of his parents, was aid to MerArminius has been admired for his cer at the battle Qf Princeton, receiving moderation; and though many gross him into his arms when he fell and insinuations have been thrown against afterwards served as major under Gates. him, yet his memory has been fully Just before the close of the war, he vindicated by the ablest pens, and he wrote a series of anonymous addresses seemed entitled to the motto which he which are celebrated as the " Newburg assumed,-a good conscience is a para- Letters," and the effect of which was dise. A life of perpetual labor and vex- so great, that Washington felt called ation of mind at last brought on a sick- upon to issue an address to counterness of which he died, October 19,1619. mand their influence. He'was subHis writings were all on controversial sequently secretary of state for Pennand theological subjects. sylvania a member of the old congress, ARMSTRONG Dr. JOHN, a celebrated a United States senator from New York, poet, born at Castleton, Edinburghshire, minister to France under Jefferson, and where his father and brother were min- secretary of war under Madison. He isters. He took his degree of M.D. in passed the latter part of his life in litethe university of Edinburgh, 1732, but rary and agricultural pursuits. B. 1758; he did not meet with the success in his d. 1843. profession which his merits deserved. ARMYNE, Lady MARY, daughter of His first exertions for the amusement Henry Talbot, the fourth son of George, of the public were some small medical earl of Shrewsbury married Sir William tracts, which were followed by the Armyne, and rendered herself distin" Economy of Love," a poem after the guished by her piety and benevolence, manner of Ovid, objectionable for its as well as her knowledge of history, of licentiousness, though admired for the divinity, and of the lang sages. She enspirit of its lines, corrected and purgeddowed three hospitals. D. 1675. in the edition of 1768. In 1744 the ARNALD, RICsARD, B.D., a native "Art of Preserving Health" was pub- of London, educated at Benet's and lished, and on this great and highly Emanuel college, and presented to the finished performance, the fame of Arm- rectory of Thurcaston in Leicestershire. strong totally depends. By means of He published several sermons, but his his friends, the poet was recommended best known performance is his "Comto the notice of the great. He was ap- mentary on the Apocrypha." D. 1756. pointed physician to the lame and sick ARNALL, WILLIAM, an attorney's soldiers, behind Buckingham house, clerk who became a political writer in ARN] CYCLOP EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 67 the pay of Sir Robert TWalpole. It ap- retirement till the year 1668, and, while pears from the report of a secret corn- thus secluded, he produced many treamittee, that, in four years, he received tises. The Calvinists were the next ob~10,997 6s. Sd. for his pamphlets; and jects of his attack; after which he had though so liberally rewarded, he died a contest with Malebranche. The inof a broken heart and in debt, 1741, trigues of his enemies having rendered aged 26. it necessary for him to quit France, he ARNAUD, FEANCIs TsEOMAs BACU- withdrew to the Netherlands, where he LARD D' a prolific French writer of the continued hostilities against the Jesuits. time of Voltaire. His principal works and Protestants. He died at Brussels, were " Epreuves des Sentiments," in 1694. Arnauld was a man of exten-'Loisirs Utiles," "Coligny," &c. B. sive erudition, and an indefatigable and 1718; d. 1751. excellent writer on a variety of subjects, ARNAUD DE VILLA NOVA, a literary and philosophical as well as thephysician who improved himself by ological. His works extend to no less travellingl through Europe, and created than forty-five quarto volumes. Though himself enemies by having recourse to in social life his manners were mild and astrology. He enjoyed some reputation simple, he was of an impetuous disat Paris, and afterwardcs retired to Sicily, position. Nicole, his fellow-laborer in to Frederic, king of Aragon. He was some of his controversies, havino deshipwrecked on the coast of Genoa as clared to him that he was tired of this he was returning to attend Pope Clem- ceaseless warfare, and wished to rest, ent, who labored under a severe ill-1 Rest " exclaimed Arnauld, " will you ness, 1810 or 1313. not have all eternity to rest in?l ARNAULD, HENRY, a French eccle- ARNAULT, ANTOINE VINCENT, an seasie, the son of an eminent advocate, esteemed dramatic poet of France, who was born in 1597, and, after having been laid the foundation of his fame by the intrusted with important missions to tragedy of" Marius a Minturnes," which Rome, and other Italian conuts, was was first performed in 1791. HIe soon nade bishop of Angers, in 1649, and after published his " Lucrece," and then thenceforth devoted himself strictly to "Cincinnatus" and "Orcas," besides the performance of his episcopal duties. several operas. In 1797 Bonaparte comHis piety and charity were exemplary, mitted to him the organization of the and the only time, cldurin nearly hlf a government of the Ionian isles. While centuty, thlat he quitted his diocese, there e roe he ote is " Veneticus." In was to reconcile the prince of Tarento 1805 he was made president of the Nawithl his father. Angers having rie- tional Institute. After the restoration volted, the queen mother thceatenecl he was banished,-and resilded in Belthat city with severe venoeance, and gium and Hollandc. His tragedy of was long inflexible. Arnauld at length "Germn'icust when first performed saved it, by saying, when he adminis- in 1817, exciteld a furious contest betered to her the sacrament, "eceive, tween the opposite political parties. Two madam, your God, who pardoned his years after he returned to Paris, and enemies, even when hle was dying on subsequently wrote "Les Guelfes et les the cross." To a friend who told him Gibelins," "Lycuge,e" acnd "Gnilliam that le ought to take one clay in the I.," besides contributing to several periweek for recre'aion, he replied, "I will odicals, and editing a life of Napoleon. readily do so, if you will point out any In 1833 he was appointed perpetual day on walich I ami not a bishop." D. secretary of the academy. He took an 1692.-ANTHIONY, brother of Henry, cwas active part in the literary controversy born att Paris, in 1612, studied in the between the classic and romantic schools colleges of Calvi and the Sorbonne, and in favor of tle former. D. 1834. took his doctor's degree in 1641. The ARNDT, CCrISTIAN, professor of logic publishing, in 1643, of his work on at ostock, an Germanyv author of "1Frequent Communion," which was "Observations on the Right Use of virulently attacked by the Jesuits, was Logic in Divinity," &c. B. 1623; d. his first appearance on the arena of con- 1683. —Jos IuA, brother of the above, tro ersy, where, during the remainder and his successor in the chair at Rostock; of his life, hle made so conspicuous a author of a " Dictionary of Ecclesiastifiloare. I-e next espoused the cause of cal Antiquities," and oLher valuable Jinseniis, for which hle was expelled works.. 1626; d. 1685. —GOTTLIEB friom the Sorbonne. The result of this VON, imperial Russian counsellor, assistwas, that he was compelled to live in ant to the Empress Catherine II. in her 68 CYCLOPAMDIA OF BIOGRAPHI-. [ARX literary employment, and author of a Solar Miracle." B. 1646; d. 1695.learned work on " The Origin of Euro- JOHN, an English watchmaker, and aupean Dialects," published in 1318. D. thor of many inventions for the more 1829.-CHARLES, son of the last-named, accurate mensuration of time. B. 1744; Hebrew professor at Rostock; author of d. 1799.-JoiN, a miller, celebrated in " Philological Discourses," "Bibliotheca consequence of the interference on his Politico Heraldica," &c. B. 1673; d. behalf of Frederic the Great of Prussia. 1781.-JOHN, a native of Anhalt; author Believing that Arnold hadl been wronged of a treatise " On True Christianity." of territorial land, by the decision against B. 1555; d. 1621. him of a lawsuit, Frederic reversed the AENE, Dr. TiHOMAs AUGUSTNED, a eel- sentence, and imprisoned the judges.ebrated composer of music. At the early Dr. SAMUEL, a musical composer of emage of 18 he produced an opera, entitled inence. He edited the works of Handel, " Rosamond," and shortly afterwards and composed the " Prodigal Son," and composed the music for a masque, en- other excellent oratorios. His opera of titled " Alfred," written by Thompson the "Maid of the Mill" still keeps the and Mallet. On the masque of" Comus" stage. B. 1789; d. 1802.-THOMuAs, an being adapted to the stage, Arne's music English physician, eminent for his skill for it obtained him so high a reputation, in the treatment of mental insanity. He and such constant employment, that a was the author of " Observations on the mere catalogue of the various works he Management of the Insane," "A Case was subsequently the author of, would of Hydrophobia successfully treated," demand a far larger space than we can &c. B. 1742; d. 1816.-Rev. THOMAS afford. His sister was the celebrated D.D., head-master of Rugoby school, and Mrs. Cibber. B. 1704; d. 1778.-Mi- professor of modern history in the uniCHAEL, son of the preceding, and, like versity of Oxford, was b. at Cowes, in him, a musical composer; author of the the Isle of Wight, and educated at Winmusic of Alcmena and of Cymon. chester and Corpus Christi college, ARNIGIO, BARTHOLOMEW, an Italian Oxford. Dr. Arnold was a most accompoet, was originally a blacksmith, but at plished scholar, a successful instructor 18 years of age devoted himself to litera- of youth, and an author of sterling value. ture, and distinguished himself so much, In proof of the latter it is necessary only that the university of Padua gave him to mention his admirable History of the degree of doctor. As a physician, Roonle, his edition of Thucydides, his which profession he followed, he was Lectures on Modern History, and his far less distinguished than as a poet. various pamphlets on political and eceleHis works are numerous. B. 1523; d. siastical subjects. From the time of his 1577. appointment to the head-mastership of ARNIM,:LUDWIG ACHnL vON, a Ger- Rlugby, in 1828, the school which had man poet, and writer of romances, was previously been declining, rose rapidly b. at Berlin, studied at Gottingen, and in public estimation, and at the time of passed his life in literary leisure and his death contained 370 boys, including independence, at Heidelberg, Berlin, those on the foundation. His sing uand his country seat. His chief works larly upright character, and his warmare "Ariel's Offebarungen," "Der hearted benevolence, joined to the acKnabe Wunderhorn," "Der Winter- complishment of the scholar and the garten," "Grafin Dolores," "Die Kro- gentlemnan, gave him great influence nen-Wiichter," "Die Gleichan." ID. over all whom he approached. His me1831. His wife, BETTINA BRENTANO, iS moirs is one of the most interesting and still more celebrated than himself, both instructive books of the day.-B. 1795; from her own writings, and the interest- d. 1842.-NIcroLA..s, a professor of theing relation in which she stood as a ology at Franeker, in Friesland, whose child to the illustrious Goethe, her cor- sermons and polemical works are not respondence with whom,, so singularly without merit. B. 1628; d. 1680.-JEFfresh, impulsive, and full bf sentiment, FREY, the writer of a History of Mystic has been translated into several Ian- Theology, and also a History of the guages.. Church and of Heretics,-lhimself a zealAARNOLD, CHRISTOPHER, a German ous pietist, who preached at Perleburg. peasant, whose energy and natural ge- D. 1714.-BENEnDICT, the most notorious nius enabled him to become one of the of the name, was b. in Connecticut, of most accomplished astronomers of his obscure parentage, and was in early life, age. The only work he left was entitled a dealer in horses, which may account "Signs of Divine Grace, exhibited in a for some parts of his subsequent con ARN] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 69 duct. On the breaking out of the revo- of putting West Point into the hands of lutionary war, he espoused the cause of the British. The plan was well laid, and the colonists with enthusiasm. He was the execution certain, but a fortunate chosen to the command of a volunteer accident thwarted the ctesign. The armilitary company of New Haven, and rangement was effected through the immediately after the battle of Lexing- agency of major John Andr6, aid-deton, joined the army of Washington, at camp to Sir Henry and adjutant-general Cambridge, 1775. The Massachusetts of the British army. Andre who had committee of safety appointed him a effected all the arrangements with Ara colonel, and authorized him to raise nold, had procured a pass from him, four hundred men. for the purpose of authorizing him, under the feigned taking Ticonderoga, which he took with name of John Anderson, to proceed on the aid of Col. Alien, on the 10th of public service to White Plains, or lower, May. He commanded the expedition if he thought proper. He had passed sent against Canada the same year. He all the guards and posts on the road commenced his march on the 16th of without suspicion, and was nearing Sept., through the wilderness of Maine, New York in perfect security, whenwith about one thousand men, and quit- the reins of his bridle were seized and ted Canada on the 18th of June follow- his horse stopped. Andre, instead ot ing. After this he was appointed to producing his pass, asked the man the command of the American fleet on hastily, where he belonged, and being Lake Champlain. In the northern cam- answered, "to below " replied immedipaign of 1777, he acted a conspicuous ately, "and so do I." He then declared part under Gen. Gates, and was present himself to be a British officer on urgent at the capture of Burgoyne's army. Be- business, and begged that- he might not ing rendered unfit for actual service by be detained. The man who stopped a severe wound in the leg after the re- him was a militia man, and being incovery of Philadelphia, he was appointed stantly joined by. two others, Andr6 to the command of the American garri- discovered his mistake, but it was too son. All the while the thoughtless ex- late to repair it. The militia men could travagance of his living, reduced him to neither be coaxed nor bribed from doing the necessity of resorting to every and their duty. Andr6 contrived to apprize nny means to support it. He was guilty Arnold of his danger, and he effected of every species of artifice by which his escape. When the great soul of property both public and private might Washington learned the defection of be obtained, and converted to his own his general, he was almost overwhelmed use. More than half of the amount of by his discovery. "I thought," he his accounts were rejected, first by the said, "that a man who had shed his commissioners, and afterwards by con- blood in the cause of his country could gress. He Wvas soon obliged to abide the be trusted, but I am convinced now, decision of a court-martial, upon charges that those who are wanting in private preferred against him by the executive probity are unworthy of public confiof the state of Pennsylvania, and he was dence." Arnold, with the hope of alsubjected to the mortification of receiv- luring the discontented to his standard, ing a reprimand from the commander- published an address to the inhabitants iin-chief. His trial commenced in June, of America, in which he endeavored to 1778, and ended Jan. 26, 1779. The justify his conduct. This was followed sentence of reprimand was approved by in about a fortnight, by a proclamation, congress, and soon afterwards carried addressed " to the officers and soldiers into execution. It is probable that this of the continental army, who have the was the moment, when, smarting under real interest of their country at heart, the inflictions of supposed injuries, he and who are determined to be no longer resolved to obtain revenge by the sacri-the tools of congress and of France." fime of his country. Obtaining by arti- These proclamations did not produce fice the command of the important post the effect designed, and in all the hardof West Point, he, in a letter addressed ships, sufferings, and irritations of the to Col. Beverly Robinson, signified his war, Arnold remains the solitary inchange of principles and his wish to re- stance of an American officer who.:?store himself to the favor of his prince doned the side first embraced mW me by some signal proof of his repentance. contest, to turn his sword upon his This led the way to a correspondence former companions in arms. He was between him and Sir Henry Clinton, the soon dispatched, by Sir Henry Clinton, object of which was to concert the means to make a diversion in Virginia; and 70 CYCLOP &DIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ARM committed extensive ravages on the upon the city. This disgrace, never rivers, and along the unprotected coasts. before experienced, subdued the ReIt is said that, while on this expedition, mans. They sued for mercy, and Ar Arnold inquired of an American cap- nold was obliged to fly. He was taken tain, whom he had taken prisoner, what in Campania, and burned at Rome, as a the Americans would do with him, if heretic andcl a rebel; his ashes were he should fall into their hands. The thrown into the Tiber, and his party officer replied, that they would cut off was suppressed. But the spirit of his his lame leg, and bury it with the honors doctrine descended upon the sects of war, and hang the remainder of his which arose during the same and the bodty on a gibbet. After his recall from following centuries. Virginia, he conducted an expedition ARNOLDE, RICHARD, a citizen of against New London, in his native state London in the 16th century, and author of Connecticut. Burning the town and of a work entitled " Arnolde's Chronithe stores which were in it, Arnold re- cle" containing much valuable inforturned to New York in eight days. IHe mation. survived the war but to dfrag out a dis- ARNOT, HuGo, an eminent Scottish honorable life, and transmit to his clhil- writer. He was educated for the bar, dren a name of hateful celebrity. He but illness rendering him unfit for so obtained only a part of the debasing sti- laborious a profession, he devoted himpend of an abortive treason. He enjoy- self to literature. His "History of ed the rank of brigadier-general; but Edinburgh," arl collection of celebrated the officers of the British army mani- criminal trials, show him to have posfested a strong repugLnance to serve with sessed very considerable abilities. He Ihim. He resided principally in England only survived the publication of this qfter the conclusion of the war, wlas in work about a twelvemonth; the asthma Nova Scotia, and afterwards in the West made rapid advances on him, and long Indies, where he was. taken prisoner by before his death reduced his person althe French, but making his escape, and most to a shadow. Harry Erskine returning to England, Tie d. in Glouces- meeting him one day eating_ a dried ter-place, London, June 14th, 1801.- haddock or spelding, is said to have ARNOLD, of Brescia, a bold and inde- accosted him thus: "Mr. Arnot, I ami pendlent reformer of the 12th century, glad to see you looking like your meat." was originally one of the disciples ot Mr. Arnot when at the bar was so little Abelarcd, in whose instructions he found, of a casuist, that he would ne-. er underInot only the profoundest theological take a case, unless perfectly satisfied as learning, but the noblest spirit of free- to its justice. One being brought before dom. leturning to his native city in himn, of the merits of which he had a 1136, he began to preach against the very bad opinion, he said to the intendabuses of the church, Iwhen lhis accurate ing litigant, in a serious maniler, " Pray, knowledge of Christian antiquities, his what do you suppose me to be?" dauntless spirit, and his vehement elo- Why," answered the client, "I unquence, gave force as well as authority derstand you to be a lawyer." "I to his harangues. Thus he instigated thought, sir," said Arnot sternly, "you the people against the clergy; and, in took me for a scoundrel." B. 1749; d. France, where he was obliged to flee in 1786. 11389, he also found numerous adhe- ARNOUIL, an eminent French prerents; for the immorality and arrogance late of the 12th century; author of variof the clergy had everywhere excited ous works in prose and verse, to be discontent. The fierce flame which he found in the Spicilegium of D'Acheri had kindled could not be extinguished and the Bibliotheca Patrum. by the excommunication pronounced ARNOULT, JEAN BA.PTIST, a French against him and his adherents by Inno- Jesuit and author. The most valuable cent II. Arnold preached his doctrine of his works is "' Le Precepteur," which in safety at Zurich, in Switzerland, un- was the model of Dodsley's Preceptor. til 1144, when he appeared at Rome, B. 1689.-SOPHIE, a Parisian actress, and by the powers of his eloquence, famous in the annals of gallantry and occasioned a violent excitement among wit. She was on the stage from 1757 to the people against the clergy. The fu- 1778. Her father kept a Hotel Garni rious multitucde, which he could nolon- and had given her a good education. ger restrain, revered him as their father, The princess of Modena, having by and even t.he senate protected him, till chance heard her sing, during Passion Adrian IV., in 1155, laid an interdict week, while the former was at tho con AIT]I CYCLOPcEDIA OP BIOGRAPeTY. 71 fessional, brought her to the attention ARRIBAVENE, JOHN FRANCIS, an of Madame de Pompadour, who got her Italian poet of the 16th century; author a place at the opera. 1Her beauty and of "Maritime Eclogues," &c. her exquisite performance soon en- ARRIGHETTI, PHILIP, an ecclesiastic chainted the public. Persons of rank of Florence; author of a life of St. Fran-,and the literati soug'ht her acquaint- cis, and translator of the Rhetoric and ance ainong the restiRousseau, Duclos, Poetics of Aristotle into Italian. B. IIel-etius, Mably, and Diderot. She 1582; d. 1662. was compared to Ninon de PlEnclos and ARRIGHETTO, or ARIGGO, H.ENeY, Aspasia. Her wit was so successful a Florentine poet and ecclesiastic of the that her beon mots were collected. It is 12th century. His poems are still poprelated that when she saw the heads of nular for their pathos and elegance of Sully and Choiseul on a box, during the style. revolution, she exclaimed, C'est cla ecette ARRIGHITTI, a Jesuit of the 18th et ln dy;pense. While the priest was'iv- century; author of a work on the Theing her extreme unction on her death- ory of Fire. bed, she said to him suddenly, Je suins ARROWSMITH, AARON, an eminent commre 2Jlgdeclebne, beatcovzp des peches georapher and hydi ographer. His maps mee seronet remis, ccr jfai beuccozip imne. and charts are very numerous, and held B. 1740; d. 1802. in high estimation; and his tract, entiARNULPH, or ERNULPI-US, bishop tled "A Companion to the Map of the of Rochester in the reign of Henry I.; World," contains much valuable inferauthor of "Textus Rolfensis," an ac- mation. D. 1750; d. 1828. count of the charters, &c., of his cathe- ARSACES I., the founder of the Pardral. D. 1124. thian monarchy, and of the dynasty of AROMATRI, JosEPH, an Italian phy- the sAsacides, flourished in the 3d censician; author of "Riposte alle consi- tury. c. In revenge for an ungrateful derazione di Alessandro Tassoni Sopra insult offered to his brother by the govle rime del Petrarca." B. 1586; d. 1660. ernor of a province, he raised the standARPINO, JosEPPHIrNo, an Italian paint- ard of revolt in Ptarthia against Seleucus; er, patronized by Pope Gregory XIII. and, having succeeded in emancipating B. 1560; d. 1640. his countrymen, they elected him their ARRIA, a Roman lady, who, when king. e' reigned prosperously for 38 her husband, Cacina Puatus, was order- years. ed to put himself to death, for rebellion ARSENIJUS, a Roman deacon of the against the Emperor Claudius, perceiv- 4th century, aend tutor to Arcadius, son ing him hesitate, plunged a dagger into of Theodosius. The emperor coming her bosom, exclaiming, "PCetus! nos into his study, and seeing the pupil sitdolet." ting and the master standing, ordered ARRIAN, a Greek historian, who his son to rise, and receive his lessons took up his residence at Rome in the in a becoming posture, which so irri2d century. I- e was patronized by the tated the prince, that he directed an emperor Adrian; and the younger Pliny officer to dispatch Arsenius; but the admired him so much as to address to officer gave him information of the him no fewer than seven, of his epistles. prince's baseness, on which he fled into The historical writings of Arrian were Egypt, where lhe d. at the age of 95. numerous, but two of them only remain AESILLA, FRANCOESCO, an Italian phyentire, viz., seven books on the expedi- sician of the 16th century; author of a tion of Alexander, and a book on the poem, " De Poetis Urbanis." D. 1540. affairs of India: the latter being a se- ARTALIS. JosrEP, a Sicilian gentlequel to the former. There are some man, who distinguished himself for historical fragments of Arrian in Pho- courage at thile memorable siege of Cantius. In addition to the above, wve have dia; author of " La Pasife," an opera, of Arrian's writing, "uEnchridion," and numerous poems. B. 1628; d. 1679. moral treatise, an epistle to Adrian, &c. ARTAXERXIES I., surnamed LongiARRIAZZI Y SUPERVIELA, DON manus, was the third son of Xerxes, JAAN BAPTISTA DE, a distinguished poet king of Persia. He slew his brother of Madrid. His principal works were Darius on suspicion of his being guilty "Emilia," and "Pcesias Patrioticas," of the murder of his father. Artaxerxand are more remarkable for their ele- es then ascended the throne 465 B. c gance of diction than for vigor of imagi- and in his time peace was restored benation or intensity of feeling. B. 1770; tween Persia and Athens, after a war of d. 1337. 51 years. D. 424 B. c.-Il., surnamed 72 CYCLOPAEDIA OF B'IOGRAPHY\. LART Mnemon, was the eldest son of Darius with 86 columns, and 24 steps ledc to the Nothus, and began his reign, 404 B. 0. entrance. D. 351 B. C. He d. at the age of 94, after reioning 62 ARTESMON, the inventor of the batyears.-III., succeeded his fatiler, the tering ram and the testudlo, was a native preceding monarch, 3859 B. c. He miur- of Clazomene, and cotemporary with dered two of his brothers, and after- Pericles.-Also a heretic,of the 3d cenwards put to death all the remaining tury. branches of the family. In Egypt he ARTEVELDE, JAMES VON, a rich slew the sacred bull Apis, and gave the brewer, of Ghent, who by his wealth, flesh to his soldiers: for which his eloquence, and talents, acquired uneunuch, Bagoas, an lgyptian, caused bounded influence over his countrymen. him to be poisoned, and after giving Having compelled the count of Flanders the carcass to the cats, made knife han- to take refuge in France, he formed an dles of his bones. alliance with Edward III. of England, ARTAXERXESBEBEGAN, orARD- and strove to transfer the Flemish sovSHIE, the first king of Persia, of the race ereignty to the Black Prince. He was of Sassanides, was the son of a shep- killed in a popular tumult, at Ghent, in herd. On the death of his grandfather, 1345.-PHILIP, his son, a man of restless lie solicited the government, but being but determined spirit, was chosen the refased, he retired to Persia Proper, leader of the Flemings in their revolt of where he excited the people to revolt. 1882. He made himself master of He defeated and slew Ardavan and his Bruges, but the same year was defeated son. He married the daughlter of Ar- and killed at the battle of Rosbec. The davan, who attempted to poison him, leadino events of his life have been for'vhich she was sentenced to death. wronglclt into a beautiful drama, by Mr. The officer, however, to whomi the exe- Henry Taylor-a drama which is to be cution was committed, concealed the numbered among the most pleasing and queen, who was in a state of pregnancy, noble specimens of English literature. and she was afterwards delivered of a ART-THUR, sometimes called Artus, son. The secret being discovered to an ancient British prince, whose story the king, he applauded the conduct of is so interwoven with the romantic ficthe officer, and acknowledged the child tion of a later age, that it is difficult to as his heir. He d. A. D. 240. separate the genuine incidents of his ARTEAGA, STEPHEN, a Spanish Jes- life from those which are fictitious. He nit of the 18th century; author of a was born about 501, of an adulterous Treatise on Ideal Beauty; a History of connection between the princess Igeina Italian Theatrical Music, &c. D. 1799. of Cornwall, and Uther a chief of the ARTEDI, Peter, a Swedish physician Britons. He married the celebrated and naturalist. After his death, his Ginevra, of the family of the dukes of "Bibliotheca Icthyologica," and "Phi- Cornwall, established the famous order losophia Icthyologica," were edited by of the Round Table, performed many Linuneus. ]B.1705; accidentally drown- heroic deeds against the Picts, Scots, ed, 1735. and Saxons, and, as the poets relate, ARTEMIIDORUS, DALDANUS, an against the Danes, French, and Norse, Ephesian,; author of a Treatise on killing the giants of Spain, crushing reDreams. He lived in the reign of An- bellion at home, and performing a jourtoninus Pius.-Also an Ephesian; an- ney to Rome. D. 542. thor of a geographical work, of which ARTIGUS, DON JOHN, was born at only some fragments remain. He flour- Monte Video, in 1760, and was originally ished in the 1st century B. c. in the Spanish service, but quitted it to ARTEMISIA, queen of Caira, and fight for the independence of his counone of the allies of Xerxes at the famous try. After having greatly contributed battle of Salamis.-Another queen of to establish the republic of Buenos Caira, whose splendid monument to her Ayres, he became an object of suspicion husband, Mausolus, was the origin of to the government of that state, was the word mausoleum. This monument declared a traitor, and compelled to was regarded as one of the seven won- take up arms. For some years he kept ders of the world. The greatest artists possession of the territory called the of Greece labored upon it: Bryaxes, Banda Oriental. At length, however, Scopas, Leochares, Timotheus, and some lie was defeated, and compelled to seek say, Praxiteles. It was an oblong square, ref ge in Paraguay, where he d. in 1826. 400 feet in circumference, and 130 feet ARTIZENIUS, HtENRY, professor of high. The principal side was adorned rhetoric and history at Nimeiugen; AsOc CYCLOFPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 72 author of a treatise "De Nuptiis inter ASAPH, SAI-,T, a British monk of the Fratem et Sororem," &c. B. 1702; d. 5th century, who wrote a life of Vor1759.-JOHN HENRY, son of the above, tigern. The Welsh See has taken its professor of law at Utreclt; author of name from this saint. a work "On the Jurisprudence of the ASBURY, FRANcIs, senior bishop of Netherlands," and editor of the works the Methodist Episcopal church in the of Arator, &c. B. 1734; d. 1797.- United States. He was born in EnOTIO, uncle of the last named, professor gland, but passed the most of his life in of the belles lettres at Amsterdam, au- the ardent service of the American thor of a dissertation "De Milliario Methodists. B. 1745; d. 1816. Aureo," &c. B. 1703; d. 1763. ASCHAM, ROGEB an eminent EnARTITSI, GIOVANNI MARIA, an ecclesi- glish writer, born at Kirkby Wiske, astic of Bologna; author of "The Art of near Northallerton, in Yorkshire, about Counterpoint" and other musical works. the year 1515. He was entered at Camn AeUNDEL, TiHMAS, son of the earl bridge in 1530, chosen fellow in 1534, of Arundel, was made bishop of Ely, and tutor in 1537. It was then a period thotugh only 21 years old, under Ed- of literary andl religious revolution, and ward III., and afterwards translated to Ascham joined the party of those who York, and from thence to, Canterbury, were endeavoring to enlarge the bounds He also held with the primacy the office of knowledge and truth. He became a of lord chancellor. His quarrel with Protestant, and applied himself parRichard II. obliged him to leave the ticularly to the Greek language, in kingdom, and to fly to Rome, and to which lie attained to an excellence pehis resentment may in some degree be culiar to himself, and as there was no attributed the success with whicih Henry public lecturer in Greek read it publicly IV. invaded England, and seized the in the university with universal apcrown. Fie was a zealous defender of plouse. In order to relax his mind after the temporal power of the church, and severe studies, he thought some diverhe persecuted the followers of Wickliff sion necessary, and shooting with the with great severity, and forbade the bow was his favorite amusement, as aptranslation of the Bible into the vulgar pears by his "Treatise on Archery," tongue. D. 1414. —THOMAs I-IOWARD, which he dedicated to King Henry earl of, is famous for the discovery of VIII., who settled a pension upon him, the Parian marbles which bear his at the recommendation of Sir William name, and which he gave to the uni- Paget. Mr. Ascham, being remarkable versitv of Oxford. Prideaux, Chandler, for writing a fine hand, was employed and Mattaire are in the number of to teach this art to Prince Ecward, the those wno published an account of lady Elizabeth, and the two brothers, these valuable relics of antiquity.- Henry and Charles, dukes of Suffolk. BLANCHE, daughter of Lord Worcester, In Feb. 1548, he was sent for to court, and wife of Lord Arundel, is celebrated to instruct the lady Elizabeth in the for her brave defence of Wardour cas- learned languages, and had the honor tle against the parliamentary forces. of assisting this lady in her studies for Though assisted only by 25 men, she two years; when he desired leave to resisted the attack of 1300 men, and at return to Cambridge, where he resumed last capitulated on honorable terms, his office of public orator. He was which the conquerors basely violated. afterwards Latin secretary to King EdB. 1603; d. 1669. ward, Queen Maary, and Queen ElizaARVIEUX, LAUR.ENT D', a native of beth. Being one day in company with MIarseilles, who, durineo 12 years resi- persons of the first distinction, there deuce in Palestine, acquired the oriental happened to be high disputes about the languages, and was employed as a use- different methods of Education; this ful negotiator for the French court. gave rise to his treatise on that subject, His name deserves to be mentioned entitled "The Schoolmaster," vwhich with every mark of respect, for his de- he undertook at the particular request liverance of 380 captives from the dun- of Sir Richard Sackville. This work geon of Tunis, who, in mark of their was in high esteem among the best gratitude, presented him with a purse judges, and is frequently quoted by of 600 pistoles, which he generously re- D. Johnson in his Dictionary. His fused. He also redeemed 240 slaves at style, in his own age, was mellifluous Algiers, and served his country at Con- and elegant, and is still valuable as a stantinople, Aleppo, and other places. specimen of genuine English. D. 1568. B. 1635; d. 1702. -A-NTIHONY, an ambassador of Crom7 74 CYOLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ABS -well to Spain in the year 1640, where he the church, and particularly of Dr. and his interpreter were assassinated, Sacheverell; so that, when he afterit is supposed by'some of the adherents wards went to Ireland, and by success to the cause of the royal family. A dis- in the law purchased an estate, and procourse on the "Revolutions and Con- cured a seat in the house of commons, fusions of Government," was the work he was ignominiously expelled for the of hlis pen. contents of his pamphlet. On his reASC.LEPIADES, a famous physician turn to England, he was returned for of Bitlynia, who flourished at Rome Bramber, in Sussex; and here the moduring the time of Pompey, and founded rality of his writings was also called in a new medical sect, about 20 years B. c. question, and though he made an cloThe new order preserved their secrets quent defence in favor of his opinions, as an hereditary possession, and gave which he refused to retract, he was exthemselves out, at the same time, as pellecl as a disgraced and unworthy physicians, prophets, and priests. They member. This blow hastened the ruin lived in the temple of the god Escula- of his fortunes, he became a prisoner of plus, and by exciting the imaginations the King's Bench and afterwards of the of the sick prepared them to receive Fleet, where he continued to subsist healing dreams and divine apparitions; by writing political pamphlets, and observed carefully the course of dis- by transacting some professional busiease; applied, besides their conjurations ness. After 30 years thus spent in and charms, real magnetic remedies, confinement and poverty, he expired and noted down the results of their in November, 1788, agedl upwards of practice. They were, therefore, the 80. founders of scientific medicine. In the ASH, JorN, a Baptist divine, pastor course of time stranegers were initiated of a congregation at Pershore. I-e was into their mysteries. author of a " Dictionary of the English * ASCOLI, Laeco DI, aBolognese math- Language," and he also wrote an "Inematician burned to death as a heretic, troduction to Lowth's Grammar," at Florence, in the year 1358.' which has passed through a vast numASDRUBAL, the brother-il-law of ber of editions. B. 1724; d. 1779. Hannibal, who succeeded lIamilcar, in ASHBURTON, ALEXANDER BAnPING, the command of the Carthaginian ariy Lord, the second son of Sir Francis in Spain. Carthagena, or as it was then Baring, Bart., and for many years the called, New Carthage,-was built by him, head of the great mercantile house, and he extended the Carthaginian con- Baring Brothers & Co., was b. in 1774. quests greatly by his courage and ability. After due initiation into business in He was assassinated, 220 B. C. London, he came to the United States, ASELLIUS, CAsPAR3, a professor of where he aided in swelling tne fortunes anatomy at the university of Padua, of his firm. His political life conmwho discovered the lacteals, a system menced in 1812 as member for Taunton, of vessels whose office is to absorb the which he continued to represent till chyle formed in the intestines. They 1820; after which he sat for Callington were observed as he was dissecting a in successive parliaments till 1831, and dog, and published in 1627. in 1832 he was returned for North EsXSGILL, Sir CHARLES, a military of- sex. Lord Ashburton commenced life ficer, who was to have suffered death as a Whig. On the formation of the by order of Washington, in retaliation Peel ministry in -i834, he became presifor the death of the American captain dent of the Board of Trade; and in 1835 Hardy, but was spared at the interces- he was raised to the peerage. In 1842 sion of the queen of France. D. 1823.- he was appointed by Sir Robert Peel as JOHN, an English barrister, whose wit a special commissioner to settle the disand whose misfortunes alike were re- putes about the Oreoon territory, which markable. He was brought up at Lin- then threatened to involve this country coln's inn under the patronage of Judge in a war with England. Lord AshburEyre in King William's reign, and his ton continued to support the policy of abilities were such that he rose to con- Sir Robert Peel, until the final measure sequence and employment. Two trea- of free trade in corn was proposed hin tises replete with humor and sarcasm 1846, when his position as a peer and a had already given him popularity, when great land-owner probably overcome his he published another on the possibility convictions as a man. Lord Ashburton of avoiding death, which drew down married, in 1798, the daughter of Wilupon him the odium of the friends of liam Bingham, Esq., of Pliladelphia, ASn] CYOLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 75 and by that lady, who survived him, he a voyage to America, he was escorted to left a numerous family. D. 1848. the place of embarkation by three comASHE, SIMEON, a nonconformist, panmes of the militia: and the men, wochaplain to Lord Warwick during the men, and children of Monrovia parted civil wars. He was a man of property, with him with tears. He left a comand of great influence among his per- munity of 1200 freemen. Iie arrived at suasion. He was educatedat Emmanuel New Haven, August 10, 1828, a fortcollege, and settled in Staffordshire, night before his death. He was a perwhere he became acquainted with Dod, son of great energy of character, and Ball, Hildersham, Langley, and others. most devoted piety, and his services to His -principles were offensive to Crom- the infant colony were invaluable. well's party, and it is said, that he was ASHMOLE, ELIAS, a celebrated Engreatly instrumental in the restoration glish philosopher and antiquary, and of Charles II. He d. 1662. Hepub- founder of the Ashmolean museum at lished sermons, and also edited Ball's Oxford, was born at Lichfield, in Stafworks. fordshire, the 23d of May, 1617. BeASHLEY, ROBEET, a native of Nash- sides filling several offices, civil and hill in Wilts, educated at Harthall, Ox- military, he was a diligent and curious ford, and the Middle Temple, London. collector of manuscripts. In 1650 he He was called to the bar, and distin- published a treatise written by Dr. guished himself as an eminent writer, Arthur Dee, relating to the philosoas a collector of books, in Holland, pher's stone; together with another France, &c., and as a benefactor to the tract on the same subject, by an unsociety to which he belonged. He pub- known author. About the same tine lished a "Relation of the Kingdom of he was busied in preparing for the Cochin China," and the " Life of Al- press a complete collection of the works manzor," &c., and d. October, 1641, in of such English chemists as had till an advanced old age. then remained in manuscript: this unASHMUN, JOHN HOOKER, a distin- dertaking cost him great labor and exguished American scholar was b. at pense; and at length appeared towards Blanford, Mass., on the 3d July, 1800. the close of the year 1652. The title of He was graduated at Harvard university this work was, "Theatrum Chemicun in 1818, and appointed professor of law Britannicum," &c., &c. He then apin the same institution, in 1829. Al-plied himself to the study of antiquity though he did not reach the age of 33 and records. In 1658 he began to colyears he acquired an enviable reputa- lect materials for his "History of the tion. " The honors of the university," Order of the Garter;" which he lived says Judge Story, in his funeral dis- to finish, and thereby did no less honor course, "were never more worthily be- to the order than to himself. In Sepstowed, never more meekly worn, and tember following he made a journey to never more steadily brightened. He Oxford; where he set about a full and gathered about him all the honors, particular description of the coins given which are usually the harvest of the to the public library by Archbishop ripest life." D. 1833.-JEHUDI, an Laud. Upon the restoration of King agent of the American Colonization So- Charles II., Mr. Ashmole was appointed ciety, was b. at Champlain, N. Y., edu- to give a description of his medals, cated at Burlington college, and made which were accordingly delivered into a professor in the Bangor theological his possession; and King Henry VIII.s school. He afterwards joined the Epis- closet was assigned for his use. COn the copal church, and edited the "Theolo- 8th of May, 1672, he presented his "Ingical Repository." Being appointed to stitution, Laws, and Ceremonies, of the take charge of a reinforcement to the most noble Order of the Garter," to the colony at Liberia, he embarked for Af- king, who received it very graciously, rica, June 19, 1822, and arrived at Cape and, as a mark of his approbation, Monserado, August 8th. About three granted him a privy seal for ~400. In months after his arrival, while his whole 1679 a fire broke out in the Middle force was 35 men and boys, he was at- Temple, in the next chamber to Mr. tacked by 800 armed savages, but by Ashmole's, by which he lost a noble his energy and desperate valor the as- library, with a collection of 9000 coins sailants were repulsed, and again in a ancient and modern, and a vast repos few days, when they returned with re- itory of seals, charters, and other an doubled numbers, were utterly defeated. tiquities and curiosities; but his manu When ill health compelled him to take scripts, and his most valuable gold med 76 C-YCmLOrPDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ASP als, were at his house at South Lam- ments rare even among men. Afte? beth. In 1683 the university of Oxford parting with his wife, by mutual conhaving finished a magnificent repository sent, Pericles attached himself to Aspanear the theatre, Mr. Ashmole sent sia, by the most intimate ties which the thither his curious collection of rarities; laws allowed him,to contract with a and this benefaction was considerably foreignl woman, and she acquired an asaugmented by the addition of his man- cendency over him which soon became uscripts and library at his death, in notoriouls, furnished themes for the 1692.' comic satirist, and subjects for graver ASHTON, CIHALES, a learned critic, strictures by his more serious enemies. was elected master of Jesus college, But many of the rumors which were set Cambridge, July 5, 1701, and installed afloat in reard to them were unquesin a prebend of Ely on the 14th of the -tionably withaout foundation. They had same month. His great knowledge in their origin in the peculiar nature of ecclesiastical antiquities was excelled by Aspasia's private circles; which, with a none, and equalled by few.-THOMAS, bold neglect of established usage, were rector of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, a composecL not only of the most intelligent popular preacher and excellent divine. men to be found at Atheng, but also of B. 1716; d. 1775. matrons, whose husbands carried them ASHWELL, GEORGE, an English di- thither to profit by her conversation. vine of the 17th century; author of This must have been instructive as well several religious works. B. 1612; d. as brilliant, indeed, since Plato did not 1693. hesitate to describe her as the prece - ASHWORTH, CALEB, a native of tress of Socrates, and to assert that sfie Northamptonshire, who, from the hum- both formed the rhetoric of Plato, and ble employment of carpenter, rose, by composed one of his most admired the instruction and patronage of Dr. harangues, the funeral oration. HerDoddridge, to the respectability of min- mippus, the comic poet, brought a crimister of a dissenting congregation, and at ina prosecution against her, on the last successor in the school of his able ground of offences against religion, and master. He wrote Paradigms of Hebrew as a corruptor of the Athenian women; verbs, and other works, and was respect- but the indictment was not sustained. ed as a man and as a scholar. B. 1709; After the death of Pericles, Aspasia atd. 1774. tached herself to an obscure youth named ASKEW, ANNE, an accomplished lady, Lysicles, whom she fitted for and raised daughter of Sir William Askew, of Kel- to some of the highest employments in say, in Lincolnshire. B. in 1529. She the repulblic.-There was another of the received a learned education, and in same name, a native of Phocoea, in Asia early life showed a predilection for tle- Minor, who seemns to have been almost olorical studies. By these she was led as extraordinary a person as the first. to favor the Reformation; in conse- She was so remarkable for her beauty quence of which she was arrested, and, that a satrap of Persia carried her off and having confessed her religious princi- made her a present to Cyrus the Youngpies, committed to Newgate. She was er. Her modesty and grace won his affirst racked with brutal cruelty in the fections, and he lived with her as with a Tower, and afterwards burned alive in wife, so that their attachment was celeSmaithfielc, July 16, 1546; a punishment brated throughout Greece. Her original which she endured with amnazing courage - name had been Milto, but Cyrus chatfnged and firmness.-ANTTIONY, a physician it to Aspasia. When he died she fell and scholar of the 18th century; author into the hands of Artaxerxes, whom she of an appendix to the Greek Lexicon of despised, and who relinquished her to Scapula, &c. B. at Kendal, 1722; d. his son Darius. She was afterwards 1784. made a priestess of Diana of Ecbatana, ASPASIA, a celebrated female, native, but Justin says a priestess of the sun. of Miletus, who went as an adventurer ASPINWALL, WILLIAM, a skilful to Athens in the timeof Pericles, and by and noted physician, was b. in 1743, at the combined' charms of her manners Brooldine, in Massachusetts, and took and conversation, completely won the his degree at Harvard college, during the affections of that eminent mian. Her revolution. He was appointed a surgeon station had freed her from the restraints in the army, and at the battle of Lexingwhich custom had laid upon the educa- ton fought as a volunteer. He was partion of the Athenian matron, and she ticularly successful in the treatment of had enriched her mind with accomplish- small-pox; yet when vaccine inoculation AST] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 77 was introduced, he warmly adopted the best of the kind. He also put forth an practice, and abandoned his hospital, admirable edition of those works, with although it greatly reduced his profes- a Latin translation, and able and exsional emoluments. D. 1823. panded commentaries, to which was ASSALINI, PIETRO, a physician of added subsequently, a "Lexicon PlaModena, who was surgeon-major in the tonicum." He was professor at the French army, and accompanied Napo- university of Landschuit, and afterward.s leon in his expedition to Egypt. He saw at that of Munich. B. 1778; d. 1841. a great deal of the plague at Jaffa, and ASTELL, MARY, b. at Newcastlewrote intelligently of that pest. He also upon-Tyne, about the year 1688. Her wrote on yellow fever, dysentery, dis- uncle, a clergyman, observing marks of eases of the eyes, and improved several a promising genius, took her under his surgical instruments. - tuition, and taught her mathematics, ASSAROTTI, OcTAVIUS. B. at Genoa logic, and philosophy. She lefk the in 1753, and- d. there in 1829. The place of her nativity when she was Abbe Assarotti was one of those few about 20 years of age, and spent the renoble spirits whose lives are devoted maining part of her life at London and to the amelioration of the miseries of Chelsea, in writing for.the advancement their fellow-creatures. He was the great of learning, religion, and virtue, and in rival of the Abb6 l'Epee in the estab- the practice of those religious duties lishment of institutions for the instruec- which she so zealously commended to tion of the deaf and dumb: a model of others. D. 1731. piety, humanity, and charity. ASTLE, THOMAS, an eminant archb oASSELYN, JOHN, a Dutch painter of logical writer, and author of a Treatise the 17th century, was pupil to Isaiah " On the Origin and Progress of WriVandervelde, and afterwards went to ting," &c., &c. D. 1808.-JOHN, a porRome. Settling at Amsterdam, in 1645, trait painter, pupil of Hudson, who he obtained great reputation by the pro- married Lady Daniel, and gained great ductions of his pencil, which consisted wealth. - D. 1787. principally of historical paintings, battle- ASTLEY, PHILIP, author of "Repieces, and landscapes with ruins, and marks on the Profession and Duty of a were distinguished for their adherence Soldier," " A system of Equestrian Edto nature, and a correct style of coloring. ucation," &c.; but better known as the A set of his landscapes (24 in number) founder, and for many years the manhas been engraved by Perelle. D. 1650. ager of the Amphitheatre in London, AS*EMANI, JOSEPH SIMON, an arch- which still goes by his name. B. 1742; bishop of Tyre, and librarian at the Vat- d. 1814. ilean. He was profoundly skilled in the ASTON, Sir AnRTHUn, a brave coinoriental languages, and published sev- mander of the royalist troops in the eral learned works, such as the "Bibli- reign of Charles I., who greatly distinotheca Orientalica," "Italicie Historise, guished himself at the battle of Edge&c.," "Kalendica," "Ecclesia Univer- hill, &c. He was-governor of Drooheda sia," &c. B. 1687; d. 1768.-STErPEN in 1649, when it was taken by Cromwell, Evonius, his nephew, bishop of Apamea, and is said to have had his brains beaten succeeded him as keeper ot the Vatican out with his own wooden leo. -Sir library, and was also an oriental scholar. TnOMAs, also a royalist. who, in the civil He published an Oriental Catalogue, and wars, raised a troop of horse for the " Acta Sanctorum Martyrum," &c. king's service; and was high sheriff of ASSER, a Rabbi of the 5th century; Cheshire, in 1635. He was killed while one of the compilers of the Babylonian attempting to escape after being. capTalmud. D. 427. tured by the republicans, in I 645 ASSERIUS MENEVENSIS, a learned ASTOR, JoIN JAcoB, a New York ecclesiastic, the tutor, friend, and biog- merchant, noticeable for the enterprise rapher of Alfred the Great,-by whom he and energy by wvhich he accumulated ot e was made bishop of Shlerborne. His of the laroest fortunes in America, was "Annals" contain, at once, the fullest b. at Waldorf, Germany, in 1763. ie and most authentic account of the life came to this country, in 1784, a poor of his august sovereign and friend. D). orphan boy, landucing at Baltinore; sup909. ported hilnself as he could for a while, AST, GEcORGE ANTIrONY FREDEIOEK, a but gradually got into the fur business, German philologist. B. at Gotha, who which rapidly enlargino by a profitable wrote an introduction to the study of trade he carried on with'the:Mohs vk the works of Plato, which is one of the Indians, when New York was a wil't r. t-; 78 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ATH ness, enabled him to project that stu- tive, and requestedl him to acknowledge pendous expedition across the Rocky the king of Spain as his master, and Mountains, and around Cape Horn, by embrace the Christian religion. Upon which the American fur trade was es- his asking their authority for this retablished on the coasts of the Pacific. quest, the friar Valverde gave him the Washington Irving, in his "Astoria," breviary as authority. Atahualpa putand "The Adventures of Captain Bon- ting it to his ear, said, "It tells me neville," has written charming dlescrip- nothing;" and then threw it away. This tions of the various incidents of these was made a pretext for-a massacre of gigantic enterprises. He was subse- the people and the imprisonment of the queLtly engaged in the Canton trade. Inca. He offered a large sum of gSld as By his will, Mr. Astor established a a ransom: this the Spaniards took, but public library in the city of New York, still kept him prisoner. At last, lie was which bids fair to become one of the burnt, in 1533. most extensive and valuable institutions ATAlDE, DON Louis D', a Portuguese of the kind within the limits of the noble and military officer, who was apUnited States. D. 1848. pointed viceroy of India, in 1569, at a ASTORGA, a, Spanish marquis and period when all the native powers were orandee, declared a traitor by Napolecon, combined to expel the Portuguese. His in 1808. efforts to quell the revolt were successASTORGAS, MAORCHIONESS 1', a we- ful, and he returned; but on being sent luan in the reign of Charles II. of Spain, out a second time, he d. at Goa, 1580. who killed witil her own hands a beau- ATANAGI, DENIS, an Italian authoi tiful mistress to whom her husband was and editor, who lived at Urbino. Among attached. She afterwards prepared the his works are a "Treatise on the Excelheart of her victim for her husband to lence and Perfection of History;" and an eat, which, when he had done so, she edition of the "Rhetoric of Aristotle," rolled the bleeding head of his mistress a translation of the "Lives of Illustrious before him on the table. This wretched Men," ascribed to Pliny, but really writwoman escaped into a convent, where ten by Aurelius Vietro. He was pershe became insane through rage and sonally chastised for the publication of jealousy. the latter, by a student who called the ASTORI, JoHN ANTHONY, secretary to translation lhis own, and denounced the academy of the Anemosi, at Venice, Atanagi as a barefaced plagiarist. D. and also to that of the academy at Rome, about 1570. who wrote copiously on Greek and Ro- ATHA, a famous Turkish impostor, man literature and antiquities. B. 1672; who flourished during the 8th century at d. 1748. -Meron. He was originally a fuller, but ASTORINI, ELIAS, a professor of entered as a soldier in the army of Abu mathematics and natural philosophy, at Moslem, who was a leader of a fanatiCosenza, who published a dissertation cal sect, to the command of which Ath, on the life of the Foetus, a translation succeeded. lie pretended to divine inof Euclid's Elements, and another of spiration, and when he was attacked and Apollonius Pergwus on Conic Sections. besieged in'the castle of Rech, by the D. 1702. troops of the reigning caliph, he set fire ASTRUC, JOHu, a French physician, to the place and destroyed himself, his who wrote several medical dissertations, wives, and his followers in the flames. and a Natural History of Languedoc. D'Herbelot says that he caused them to B. 1684; d. 1766. drink poisoned wine. Having been deATAHUALPA, or ATABALIPA, prived of one eye in battle, he wore a the last of the Incas, succeeded his golden veil, and was therefore called father, in 1529, on the throne of Quito Mokanna. Moore's beautiful poem of whilst his brother lHuascar, obtained the Veiled Prophet of Khorassan is the kingdom of Peru. They soon made founded upon his story. war against each other, and when the ATHANASIUS, ST., bishop of Alexlatter was defeated, his kingdom fell andria, a renowned father of the church. into the hands of Atahualpa. The B. in that city about the year 296. He Spaniards, under Pizarro, taking advan- had a Christian education, and came into tage of these internal disturbances, in- the family of Alexander, afterwards archvaded Peru, where they were entertained bishop of Alexandria, whose private with no little hospitality by the king and secretary he becamne. He then went to his people; but, instead of returning St. Anthony, led an ascetic life with that the kindness, they took Atahualpa cap- renowned anchorite, btus at length re ATH] CYCLOP-EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 79 turned to Alexandria, where he became Italy, and Greece, and restored peace to a deacon. Alexander took him to the the church. But this peace was intercouncil at Nice, where he gained the rupted by the complaints of the heathen, higie.st esteem of the fathers, by the whose temples were kept empty by his talents which he displayed in the Arian zeal. They excited the empetor against controversy. He had a great share in him, and he fled to Thebais. lie rethe decrees passed here, and thereby turned under Valens eilght months after, drew on himself the hatred of the Arians. but was again compelled to fly. He conAfter six months he was appointed the cealed himself in the tomb of his ftther, successor of Alexander. The complaints where he remained four months, when and accusations of his enemies induced Valens allowed him to return, and lie the Emperor Constantine to oummon remained undisturbed in his office till him, in 334, before the councils of Tyre his death, in 373. He was a man of and Jerusalem. Athanasius brought to great mind, noble heart, invincible courlight the iniquitous arts which had been age, unaffected humility, and lofty elopractised against him, and threw his quence. His writings were onl polemjudges, who were likewise his enemies, ical, moral, and historical subjects, the into such confusion, that the imperial latter especially of great importance in deputies could with difficulty rescue him church history. His style was remarkfrom their anger. They could do noth- able in that ao:e for clearness and modering, however, further than suspend him ation, his Apology, addressed to Confrom his office. He still continued in stantine, being a masterpiece. the discharge of his duties, until the ATHELSTAN, an illegitimate son of emperor, deceived by new falsehoods, Edward the Elder, king of England, barnished him to Treves. At the end of who succeeded his father in 925, in prefa year and some months, Constantius, erence to the legitimate children, because ha!ving succeeded his father as emperor of his maturer age and acknowledged of the East, recalled him from banish- capacity. He repressed the Danes at ment. His return to Alexandria resem- Northumberland, and defeated a combled a triumph. The Arians made new bination of the Welsh and Scotch. He complaints against him, and lie was con- reigned 16 years. demned by ninety bishops, assembled at ATHELING, EDGAR, grandson of Antioch. On the contrary, a hundred Edmund Ironside, regarded as the fubishops, assembled at Alexandria,c de- ture monarch, but defeated by the inclarec him innocent; and Pope Julius trigues of Harold. He was in the first confirmed this sentence in conjunction crusade under Baldwin I., and behaved with more than 300 bishops assembled with great intrepidity. at Sardis, from the East and West. In ATHENAGORAS, an Athenian phiconsequence of this, he returned a second losopher of the 2d century. He became time to his diocese. But when Con- a convert to Christianity, and Clement stans, emperor of the West, died, and of Alexandria was among his pupils. Constantius became master of the whole''He wrote an "Apology for the Chrisempire, the Arians ventured to rise up tians," and a treatise " On the Resuragainst Athanasius. They condemned rection of the Dead," written about 178. him in the councils of Aries a iu Milan, ATHENEUS, a learned grammarian. and, as he refused to listen to any thing B. at Naucratis, in Egypt, in the 3d cenbut an express command of the emperor, tury. The only work of his now extant when he was one day preparing to cele- is "The Deipnosophists, or the Table brate a festival in the church, 5000 sol- Talk of the Sophists." —One of the same diers suddenly rushed in to make him name, of Byzantium, was an engineer in prisoner. But the surrounding priests the time of the Emperor Gallienus, and and monks placed him in security. Dis- an author of a treatise on the Machines placed for a third time, he fled into the of War. deserts of Egypt, and composed many ATHENAIS, empress of the West, writings, full of eloquence, to strengthen the daughter of an Athenian sophist, but the faith of the believers, or expose the whose learning and beauty induced Thefalsehood of his enemies. When Julian odosius the Younger to marry her, and the apostate ascended the throne, he re- she took the name of Eudoxia. The called the orthodox bishops to their emperor, however, became jealous of churches. Athanasius therefore return- her, and she was banished to Jerusalem, ed, after an absence of six years. The where she died, in 460. Amnong her mildness which lie exercised towards writings was a poetical transla.tion of part his enemies was imitated in Gaul, Spain, of the Old Testament. 80 CYCLOPAiDIA OF DIOGRAPHYP. ATT ATHEATON, HUMPHIREY, a major- lion. Mr. Bovle, in his famous contro. general who came to this country in versy with JBentley on the Epistles of 1636, and was much employed in nego- Phalarius. Having taken orders in atitons with the Indians. D. 1661. 1691, he settled in London, where he ATHOL, JouN MURlsxY, duke of, a became chaplain to William andc Mary, governor-general of the Isle of Man. D. preacher of Bricdewell, and lecturer of 180. St. Bridc's, and soon distinguished himATKINSON, TnIEODORE, chief justice self by the spirit andl elegance of his of Newiv HIalpshire, and a deleo ate to the pullpit compositions, but not nwithout congress at Albany in 1754. D 1779.- incurring opposition, on the score of TI-IOaS a. miscellaneous writer of some their telndericy and doctrine, fiom note, was b. at Glasgow, 1801. Ariong Iloadly and otliers. Controversy, howother works, lhe published (in two senses, verw, was altogether congenialto the for he was a bookseller as well as an disposition of Atterbury, ivho, in 1706, author) the Chamneleon and the Ant, a comlimenced one wvith Doctor Wake, weekly periodical, and iwas an extensive which lasted 4 years, on the rights, contributor to many of the local publica- privileges, antd powers of convocations. lions. D. 1833. For this service, he received the thanl:s ATKYNS, Sir ROBERT, a distinguished of the lower house of convocation, and lawyer and patriot, who aided in the de- the deglree of doctor of divinity ifom fence of Lord Williamn Russel, lnd con- Oxford. Soon after the accession of ducted that of Sir W. Williams, speaker (Queen Anne, he was made dean of Carof the House of Commons, wnlhen pros- lisle, and, besides his dispute wvith ecuted for signing the orders to print Hoadly on the subject of passive obeID)angerfield's. narrative of the popish dicnce, he aided in the rlefelce of the plot. He also distinguished himself by famous Sacheverell, an.d wrote a " Rephis opposition to the arbitrary measures resentation of the present State of leof James II., and at the revolution was 1igoion," which wais deemed too violent made chief baron of the exchequer. I-e to be presented to the queen, alitlough subsequently wias made speaker. B. privately circulated. In 1712 lie wras 1621; d. 1709.-Sir ROBERT, son of the made- dean of Christ-chlurch, and, in preceding, was the author of the " An- 1713, bishop of Rochester and dean of cient ancd Present State of Gloucester.W' V estminster. The death of the queen, B. 1646; d. 1711.-R-ICIARD, of the same in 1714, put an cend to his hopes of fiurfamily, wrote the " Origin and Growmth ther acivancc ment; for the newv ing of Pritintig." I. 1677. treated hlim with gireat coolness, doubtATLEE, SAMUEL JouIIN a colonel in less aware of either the report or the the old French war, wrho also acquired fact of his offer, on the death of Anne, to distinction at the battle of Long Island. proclaim the P'retender in full canonIn 1780 he was elected to Congress. D. icals, if allowed a sufficient guard. At1786. terbury not only refused to sign the ATRATUTS, HUIGO, ia Engllish cardi- loval declaration of the bishops in the nal, known as luglh the Black; a skilful rebellion of 1715, but suspended a clermathematician and natural philosopher; ugyr-axn tor lendiniu his church, for the author of Canones Ifedicinales," &e. pertoirmance of divine service, to the ATTAIGsNANT, G RIEsL CHARLES DE Dutlch troops brought over to act against L', a Fr'lech ecclesiastic and poet; author the rebels. Niot content with a conof " Pitces D6erobees nun Ami," &c. stitutional opposition, lie entered into B. 1697; d. 1779. a correspondence waith the IPretender's ATTERIBURY, FnRANCI, a celebrated party, was apprehended in Ailgst, Engolish prelate, iwas born in 1662, andl 1722, anid co1litted to the Tower; receivedl his education at WTestminster, ll, il the Marc1h followg, a bill was where he was elected a student of brouoght into the house of commons for Christ-church college, Oxford. He dis- the infliction of pains aund penalties. tinhugishecd h-limself at the university as This meassure met with considerlable opa cisssical scholar, and gave proofs of position in the house of lords, anld ias an elegcant taste for poetry. In 1687 hle esisted with great firmness and elotook hiRs deree of M.A., iand for the quenuce by the bishop, who m1aintaiied first time appeared as a controversialist his innocence with his usual acutcel.eas in a defence of the chlarciter of Luther, and dcxtcriti y i is guilt, hoveve, lis entitled'" Considerationls on the Spirit been tolerablly well prov-ed by (iocuof Martin Luther," &c. le rwas also muents since published. He Lwas dethought to have aussisted his pupil, the prived of his dignities, iad outlawed, AUB] CYCLOPAIDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 81 an 1 went to Paris, where he chiefly oc- tilla, he proceeded to Vienna, where he cupied himself in study, and in corre- reaped great advantages from the celespondence with men of letters. But. brated Mozart. In 1796 he was apeven here, in 1725, he was actively en- pointed organist of St. Paul's cathedral, gaged in fomenting discontent in the and composer to the chapel royal; he Highlands of Scotland. D. 1731. As a also held the situation of organist at the composer of sermons, he still retains chapel of the Pavilion, Brighton. His a great portion of his original reputa- conmpositions consist of several dramatic tion. Hiis letters, also, are extremely pieces, numerous services and anthems, easy and elegant; but, as a critic and a songs, glees, sonatas, and other pieces controversialist, he is deemed rather for the pianoforte. B. 1767; d. 1838. dexterous and popular, than accurate AUBAIS, CHARPLES DE BASCHI, Marand profound.-LEWIS, an elder brother quis of, an inogenious Frenchman, who of the above, author of some "Ser- published a work on "Historical Gomins," "Tracts against Popery," &c. ography," and furnished materials for B. 1656; d. 1781.'{Menard's "Pieces fugitives pour 1' HisATTICUS, son of Julius Atticus, and toire de France." D. 1777. a descendant from the family of Mil- AUBAT, ABBE, censeur royal in 1784; tiades, acquired so much reputation as a sarcastic French fabulist, whom Vola teacher of eloquence at Athens, that taire pronounces first after La Fontaine. he was invited by Titus Antoninus to AUBIGNE, THEODoRE AGRIPPA D', a superintend the education of his adopted French Calvinist of good family, resons, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius VC- miarkable for his attachment to Henry rus. He subsequently became consul, IV., and for the honesty with which lihe prefect of the free cities of Asia, &c. spoke the truth to that eng even when Hie employed his great wealth in public it was least agreeable. Wie spent the works; but at the close of his life he latter part of his life in retirement at retired to Marathon, his native place, Geneva. D. 1630.-CONSTANT D', son of where he d., A. D. 185.- [FITUS POMro- the above, and father of the notorious wIUS, a Roman knight, whose vast Madame de Maintenon. His moral wealth enabled him to aid men of all character was very inferior to that of parties, while his prudence prevented his father; but as an author, his "Unihim from siding with any of them in versal History," and his satires, poems, their public measures. He thus escaped memoirs, &c., do him considerable injury ainid the contentions of Cinna credit. and Marius, COasar and Pompey, and in AUBLET, JOHN BAPTIST C(H1RISTOPHEiR the horrible times of the Triumvirate. FUVEa, an able French botanist, author Of the ability and influence of Atticus, of "Histoires des Plantes de la Guienne we may form some opinion from the Franqoise." It was in honor of him correspondence between him and Cicero. that Linnseus gave the name of Verbena Ite is said to have written "Annals" Aubletia to a species of vervain. B. of great value; but it is for his pru- 1720; d. 1778. dence, his wealth, and, above all, his AUBREY, JOHN, an eminent English friendship with Cicero, that he is now topographer and antiquary. He left a remembered. D. 83. c.. vast number of MSS., evincing great reATTIRET, JonI FRANCIS, a French search, of which Wood has availed himJesuit and painter. Being appointed self in his Oxford biographies; but he missionary to Pekin, he acquired by only published one work, entitled "Mismeans of his pictures, great favor with cellanies," a collection of popular superthe Emperor Kien Long, of whose gar- stitions. Many of his MSS. are in the dens he wrote a very amusing account. Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. B. 1626; B. 1702; d. 1768. d. 1700. ATWOOD, GEORGE, an eminent' AUBRIET, CLAUDE, a French painter mathematician, author of a "IDisser- of natural history subjects. D. 1740. tation on the Construction and Prop- AUBRIOT, HUGH, a French merchant, erties of Arches," and many other mayor of Paris, and superintendent of valuable works on mechanical and finance to Charles V. He was immathematical science. B. 1745; d. 1807. prisoned for heresy, but the populace, -THOMAS, an eminent musician and who had risen against the taxes termed composer, who commenced his musical Maillotins, released him, and he escaped education under Dr. Nares. In 1783 he to Burgundy. It was from him that the set out for Naples, and after studying French reformers had the nanme of Hltfor a time with Filippo Cinque ancd La- guenots.. 82 CYCLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [AUD AUBRY DE MONTDIDIER, a salem, became grand-master, and, in French knight of the time of Charles 1480, compelled Malhomet II. to raise V., who, according to tradition, was the siege of Rhodes. D. 1503. bas'ely murdered, in 1371, by his coin- AUCHMUTY, Sir SAMUEL, a distinpanion in arms, Richard de,Macaire. guished English general. He served The. murder was discovered by means with great zeal and-ability in North and of a dog of the deceased, who showed South America, and when commanding the most hostile disposition to the mar- in India, reduced to t Ohe dominion of derer. The king compelled Macaire to Great Britain the rich settlements of ight with his accuser, the dog, in order Java and Batavia. On his return to;o decide the case; and the murderer Europe, he was appointed to the cornwas conquered. From this story the mand of-Ireland, where he d. in 1822. drama of "The Dog of Montargis" has AUCKLAND, WILLIAM EDEN, Lord, been taken.-JOHN BAPTIST, a French an able negotiator, who was the third prior who was deprived of his situation son of Sir Robert Eden, Bart., of West at the revolution, author of " Questions Auckland, Durham. Hle was appointed Philosophiques sur la Religion Natu- under-secretary of state in 1772; went relle," &c. B. 1735; d. 1809.-IMLLE., a to Ireland in 1780 with Lord Carlisle, as figurante of the French opera, who, in chief secretary; in 1788 was ambassa1793, publicly personated the "God- dor to Spain; and in the year following dess of Reason"' at Paris.-A Parisian was ambassador to Holland. He wrote librarian, and profound mathematician, "The Principles of Penal Laws," "The author of a work addressed to the legis- History of New Holland," and numerous lative body in 1799, " On Weights and other valuable works. B. 1744; d. 1814. Measures;" and another, "On the AUDE, JOSEPH, kight cf Malta, seeDecimal System." B. 1746.,-JOHN retary to the Neapolitan philosophical FRANcIS, a French physician of the 18th minister, Carraccioli, and subsequently century, author of "Les Oracles de to the French Pliny, Buffon, whose life Cos," a review of the practice of Hip- he publisheden 1788. He is the author pocrates, and other ancient physicians. of several dramas; "Le Heline An- DUBONCIIET N., a deputy of the gloise," "Le Retour de Camille," "Le Tiers Etats in 1789; and author of sev- Nouveau Ricco," and some melodrames; eral works on political economy.-F., "The Exiles of Siberia," &c. B. 1755. one of the French committee of public AUDEBERT, GERMAIN, a French safety in 1794. who aimed at counter- lawyer of the 16th century, author of revolution,^ He deprived Bonaparte, "Roma," "Venetia," and other Latin after the siege of Toulon, of military poems. D. 1598-JOHN BAPTIST, a celeemployments, and reduced him to great brated French engraver of natural hisdistress; the latter revenged himself tory. The spirit of his engravings of afterwards, by preventing his re-entry monkeys, snakes, birds, &c., is iniminto France after his deportation to itable. B. 1759; d. 1800. Cayenne, on the return of some of his AUDIFREDI, JOHN BAPTIST, a famous fellow-victims. — DE GouGEs, MARIE- Italian astronomer, author of " DemonOLYMPIE, a female republican, celebrated strazione della Stazione della Cometa, for her beauty and talents. She founded 1769," &c. B. 1714. the popular female societies called Tri- AUDIFFREDY, THIERESE, born in coteuses, and was a perfect enthusiast Guinea in 1757. When returning thither, in her political opinions. At length she at 18, from Bordeaux, she was exposed, was put to death by Robespierre's party, through the effect of her youthful beauty, in consequence of her havi!ng denounced to the rejected love of the captain of tLhe them in a pamphlet called the " Trois vessel, but was relieved from his offered Urnes." She died with heroic spirit. violence by Sonnini and the Chevalier She is the author of the "M6moires de Audiffredy, the latter of whom she Madame de Vahlmont;" of " I' Esclavaege mlarried; and becouming one1 of the des Negres," a melodrame; "Le Mar- richest proprietors in Cayenne, she riage de Cherubim," a comedy; and saved Piche.iru, and the numerous de"Moliere chez Ninon," an episodical ported victims of the 18th Fructidor, Piece, &c. B. 1755. from beine' starved to death. AUBUSSON, PETER D', surnamed the AUDINOT founder of the Thieatre Buckler of the Church, after having Audinot, ande the inventor of meloserved with great distinction under the dramnes. lie was a favorite actor in, as Emperor $igismand against the Turks, well as author of, many of the latter. entered the Order of St. John of Jeru- B. 1750; d. 1801. A UD] CYCLOrPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 83 AUDLEY, THOMAS, chancellor of En- dared for the revolution, and proposed gland, during the reign of Henry VIII., his "Plan d' Education," to withdraw was b. in 1488, of a noble family in the the education of youth from the priestcounty of Essex, and in addition to con- hood. In 1800, while proceeding to his siderable abilities and erudition, was bishopric, he was dragged out of his possessed of an ample fortune. How- carriage by the Chouans, and assassinever, notwithstanding all these advan- ated. tages, he was, during the whole period AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES, an eminent of his public life, one of the most vile American ornithologist, whose fame beand fawning hirelings of the king. He longs to the world. while it is the peeuwas appointed to succeed Sir Thomas liar pride of America, was the son of an More, as chancellor, having long acted admiral in the French navy, living on a as a mere instrument as speaker of the plantation in Louisiana, who took him parliament, so justly denominated the to France where he received a varied "Black Parliament,"-and although and accomplished education. At the Queen Ann Boleyn had been in many age of 17 he returned from France-then instances his patroness, yet he sat in in the midst of its revolution-to the judgment upon her, and also on his pre- woods of the new world, with fresh decessor Sir Thomas More, and Bishop ardor, and began a collection of drawFisher. In the affairs of Ann of Cleves ings, under the title of the "Birds of and Catharine Howard, he was likewise America." This collection multiplied made an active tool, and in short, re- upon his hands, and after many years fused no undertaking, however incon- o devoted toil, he was persuaded to sistent and miuerable, imposed upon him undertake the publication of his great by the wayward and haughty Henry. work, and with the view of obtaining As a reward for these base services, the subscribers he visited Europe in 1824. title of Lord Audley of Walden was Everywhere was he well received. On conferred upon him; he also received the Continent, Herschel, Cuvier, and the order of the Garter. He d. in 1544, IlHumboldt, whom he had encountered in having been a liberal patron to Magdalen America, gave him a hearty reception. college, Oxford. In Edinburgh he was warmly received AUDOUIN, JEAN ViCTORPone of the by Brewster, Jeffrey, Wilson, and Sir most diligent zoologists of his day. Iee Walter Scott. Professor Wilson gives a was professor of the Museum of Natural graphic description of Audubon in an History at Paris, and lectured as well as article in " Blackwood's Magazine," and wrote extensively on entomology. B. he was everywhere hailed as the Amer1797; d. 1841. ican backwoodsman, who shared the AUDRAN, the name of a family of highest elevations of science with Et'roFrench artists, of whom the following pean celebrities. I-Ie published, after are the most eminent-CmHALES, the his second return to America, a work on elder, whose works are numerous and the Animals similar to his work on Birds. excellent. B. 1594; d. 1679.-CLAUDE, He pursued the objects of his pursuit a nephew of the preceding, was b. at into their native haunts, sometimes Lyons, in 1689, and studied under his spending years away from his family, uncle. He was employed by Le Brun and painted them from nature. The in painting part of the pictures of Alex- life-like fidelity and beauty of his delinander's battles at Versailles, and became eations placed him in the first rank as an professor of painting in the Royal Aea- artist, whilst his minute accuracy' in 0demy of Paris, where he d."in 1684.- describing their habits proves him to GIRAmRD the brother of the last-meon- have been the closest observer. He was tioned, and the most celebrated of the as stanch as a man as he was renowned fimily, was b. at Lyons, in 1640; studied as a naturalist. The childlike simplicity under Le Brun at Paris; and engraved of his manners, and cheerfulness of that artist's pictures in a masterly style. temper, were worthy of all imitation, D. 1703.-CLAuDE, a nephew of Girard, and made him beloved by all who knew was b. at Lyons, in 1685. He was cele- him. At the age of 60 years, when he brated for ornamental designs; appoint- was first personally known to the writer ed kirg's painter. D. 1734.-JOIuN, bro- of this sketch, he had all the sprightlither of Claude, was b. in 1667; studied less and vigor of a young man. In engraving under his uncle, and d. at person he was tall, and remarkably well Paris, in 1756. made. His aspect sweet and animated. AUDRIEN, YvEs M., a French ec- His whole head was remarkably striking. clesiastic, who joined Robespierre, de- The forehead high, arched, and nncloud 84 CYCLOP2EDIA OF BIOGRAPIHY. LAUG ing; the hairs of the brow prominent, fort, and fought with the imperial genparticularly at the root of the nose, eral,withvarioussuccess, until the battle which was long and aquiline; chin of Hohenlinden ended the campaign. prominent, and mouth characterized by In October, 1801, being superseded by energy and determlination. The eyes General Victor, lle remained without were dark gray, set deeply in the head, employment till 1803, when he was apand as restless as the glance of the pointed to lead the army, collected at eagle. D. 1851. Bayonne, against Portugal. When this AUERBACH, HENRY, the builder of enterprise failed, he went back to Paris the court and cellar at Leipsic, men- and, May 19th, 1804, was named marshal tioned in Goethe's Faust. His real name of the empire, and grand officer of the was Strimer, but according( to the fashion legion of honor. At the end of 1805, he of the time, he took the name of the place' was at the head of a corps of the great where he was born. The building was army in Germany, formed of troops colerected in 1530, and tradition says that lected under his command at Brest. He five years afterwards Doctor Faust was contributed to the successes which gave seen riding out of it in a barrel of wine. birth to the peace of Presburg, and in AUGEREAU, PIErRE F. CIIARLES, March, 1806, had possession of Wetzler duke of Castiglione, marshal of France, and the country around, until, in the was the son of a fruit merchant, served alutumn of this year, a new war called as a carbinier in the French army, went him to Prussia. The wounds which he from thence into the Neapolitan service, received in the battle of Eylau compelled established himself at Naples, in 1787, him to return to France. I-Ie was afteras a felning master, ad.was banished wards made a peer by Louis XVIII.; thence, in 1792, with the rest of his quarrelled with Napoleon, who proclaimcountrymen. He served, afterwards, as ed him a traitor in 1815. D). 1816. a volunteer in the army of Italy, in which AUGER, ATIHAASIUS, a learned abbe, his talents and courage soon gained him and professor of rhetoric at the college promotion. He distinguished himself of St. Rotuen. He published several in 1794, as general of brigade in the army political works (among others "Cateof the Pyrenees, and in 1796, as general chisme dl Citoyen Francois," &c.) in of division in the army of Italy. He favor of. thl revolution. His learned took the pass of Millesimo; made him- publications are numerous: " Constituself' master of the intrenched camp of tion des Romains;" "De la Trag6die the Piedmontese at Ceva, afterwards Grecque;"' the complete works of Isoof that at Casale; threw himself on the crates, Lysias, Xenophon, &c. B. 1734; bridge of Lodi, and carried it with the d. 1792. enemy's intrenchments. June 16th, he AUGURELLO, GIOVANNI AURELIO. an passed the Po, and made prisoners the Italian poet and professor of the Belles papal troops, together with the cardinal Lettres; author of " Chrysopaia," and legate and the general's staff. Aug. 1st, other poems, Latin anid Italian. B. 1440; he came to the assistance of Massena; d. 1524. maintained, during a whole day, a most AUGUSTIN, ST., bishop of Hippo, obstinate struggle against a superior and one of the fathers of the Christian number of troops, and took the village church, was b. at Tagaste, in Afiica, of Castiglione, from which he derived A. D. 854. He was in his youth attached his ducal title. In the battle of Arcole, to the Manichean doctrines, and of very when the French columns wavered, he loose moials; but his conversion from seized a standard, rushed upon the ene- his errors was complete and permanent; my, and gained the victory. The direc- and he wrote with great zeal, and very tory bestowed this standard on him, voluminously, against all the sects which Jan. 27th, 1797. He was the instrument the church held to be heretical. D. 430. of the violent proceedings of the 18th of -SAINT ANTHONY, a Spanish prelate of Fructidor, and was saluted, by the deci- the 16th century; author of some treamated legislative body, as the saviour of tises on law and on medals. D. 1586.his country. In 1799 he was chosen a One called the Apostle of the English, member of the council of five hundred, flourished at the close of the 6th century and, therefore, resigned his command. He was sent, with 40 monks, by Gregory, He then obtained from the consul, Bona- to introduce Christianity into the Saxon parte, the command of the army in IHol- kingdoms. He was kindly received by land. He led the French and Batavian Ethelbert, king of Kent, whom he soon army on the Lower Rhine to the support converted: and such was his success of Moreau, passed the river at Frank- with his subjects, that he is said to have AUIT] CYCLOP.EDIA OF IBIOGRAP1HY. baptized 10,000 in one day. This suc- fessor of civil law, but more celebrated cess may be attributcd to his reputation as a linguist, and for his great proficienof miraculous power in the restoration cy in general science and the belles of sight ancl life, more probably than lettres. iHe was author of " Commenany other canse. lie has the merit of taries on Civil Laxw,'" a " History of the allowing no coercive measures to be Rise and Proiress of Medicine," &c. used in the propagation of tile gospel. B. 1639 d. 1717 Elated by the raepid progress he had AULNAG-E, F. I-. S. DE, a Spanish.made, Augustin became ambitious of writer. B. in 1739; author of a work on possessing the supreme authority over ancient pantomime, and of "Histoire the English churches as archbishop of GenCeiale des Religions," &c. Canterbury, and received the grchiepis- AULUS GELLIUS, a grammarian in copal pall from the pope, with insruC- the 1reigns of Tr'ani and Marcus Auretions to establish 12 sees iil his province. lius; chiefiy remenbered for his "Noctes The British bishops in Wales, successors Attic.."r of the British converts of the 2d century, AUNGERVILLIE, RICHARD, or RicOhad never submitted to the jurisdiction ARD DE BURY, was the tutor of Edward of the church of Rome, and Augustin III., by whoum ie was made bishop of endeavored to persuade them to unite L ondon lord high chancellor, lord high with the new English church. They treasurer, &c. He was a munificent asserted their independence, and 1200 patron of learnling, and the author of a Welsh monks were soon after put to the lealued work, entitled " Philobiblion." sword, as thought, at hls instigation.. 1281; d. 1340. D. 604. AUNOY, countess of, a lively French AUGUSTULUS, 1EOMULus, the last authoress of the 7th century. D. 1705. emperor of the West, was raised to the AURELIAN, Lucius DOMITIus, a Rothrone by his father, the patrician man empceror, was the son of a peasant, Orestes, who deposed Julius Nepos, in and b. inl Pannoiia,.about the year 220. 476;, but his reiin wa:s little more than Havinag thouohout active life greatly nominal, and of very short dluation' distin.guished himself as a skilfl, valbeing soon after conquered and de- iant and successful genelal, he was throned by Ocoacer, king of thle Heruli, chosen emperor on ithe death of Claudius who spared his lif, aund allowecl him a II. in 270. I-I drove the barbarians pension. from Italy, conquered Tetricus, who had AUGUSTUS, CAIUS JuLIus CZSAR Oc- assumed the purple in Gaul, and vanTAVIIANUS, a Roman emperor, was the son quished the celebrated Zenobia, of Palof Caims Octavius and Accia, niece of nmyr, and carried her a prisoner to Julius Cussar, who, on the death of his Rome; but while on his march towards father, which happened swhen he was Persia, in 275, he was asssassinated by only four years old, adopted him as his his mnatiinous troops. son. When Caesar was assassinated, AURELIO, Louis. an Italian monk of Octavius (for by that name he wTas called the 17th century; author of an account before his accession to the throne) was of the Bohemian rebellion. He also in Epirus, whence he immediately.c- abridged the Universal History of Turturned to secure his inheritance, and sellinus, and other works. D. 1637. entered into an alliance with Antony AURIA, VINCENTIO, author of a hisand Lepidus, though he at first was in- tory of eminent Sicilians. B. 1625; d. imical to the former. The triumvirate 1710. thus formed shed the best blood of AURIGNI, GILEs, a French lawyer Rome; and Octavius was fully as guilty and poet of the 16th century; author as either of his associates. At length of a poem, entitled "Tuteur d'Amour," Lepidus was deposed, Antony hurried and some other worls of no great value. to ruin and death, and Octavius, then 36 AURUNGZEBE, the great Mogul, or years of age, becaine emperor, with the emperor of Hiindostan, was the third title of Augustus. As emperor, his son of Shah Jehan. His early life was course was wise and beneficent; litera- marked by gravity and seeming devoture and the arts flourished under his tion, but these were merely the aisguise auspices; good laws were enacted; and of an ambitious and crafty spirit. He he was in many respects deserving of deposed his father, put to death two of the lavish praise heaped upon him by his brothers, and the son of the elder the writers of that time. B. 63 B. c.; d. of them, and assumed the soveregn auA. D. 14. thority. Ill, however, as he obtained AULISIO, DomINc, a Neapolitan pro- his power, he used it with skill and.q 80 cYCLorPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [AYl courage. He subdued Golconda, the AVELLONE, F., an Italian dramatic Carnatic, Visapour, and Benfal, and writer, whose pieces are numerous, and routed the pirates who had infested the many of them successful;'"Lanlterne mouth of the Ganges. His achieve- Malique,'" "Jules Willenvel," &c. B. ments obtained him the respect of Eu- 1756. ropean as well as Asiatic powers. But AVENTINE, Joix, a native of Bavathe close of his life was embittered by ria; author of the "Annals of Bavaria," the rebellious conduct of his sons, who and of a curious work, entitled "Nuaimed at deposing him, as he had de- merandi per Digitos," &c. B. 1466; d. posed his father. After the death of 1534. Aurungzebe, the might and splendor of AVENZOAR, or EBN ZOAR, an the Mogul empire rapidly declined. B. Arabian physician of the 12th century. 1618; d. 1707. B. at Seville; author of a medical comAUSEGIUS, a French abbot of the pendium, entitled "Al Theiser." 9th century, who made a collection of AVERANI, BENEDICT, a Florentine, the capitularies of Charlemagne and his was a learned and voluminous prose wrison Louis, which has been several times ter and poet. B. 1645; d. 1707.-JOSEPI, reprinted. D. 834. brother of the above; author of various AUSONIUS, DECIUS MAGNUS, a Ro- scientific treatises, and of a defence of man poet of the 4th century; son of Galileo. Julius Ausonius, a physician of Bor- AVERDY, CLEMENT CIIARES DE L', deaux. -Ie early gave proof of genius, comptroller-general of France in the and was appointed tutor to Gratian, son 18th century; author of " Code Penal," of the emperor Valentinian; and when and other useful works. He was guilhis pupil came to the throne. he made lotined in 1794, on a charge of having him prmetorian prefect of Gaul, and sub- caused the scarcity of wheat vwhich then sequently raised him to the consulship afflicted France. His poems are various both as to sub- AVERROES, or AVEN BOSCH, an ject andl merit: but though they contain Arabian philosopher and physician of much that is beautiful, they are but too the 12th centurv. His talenats caused frequently deformed by licentiousness. him to be made chief ruler of Morocco, AUSTEN, JANE, the celebrated au- by the caliph, Jacob Almanzor, but bethoress of "Pride and Prejudice," ing accused of heresy by the Mahonmetan "Sense and Sensibility," and other priests, he was imprisoned and otherprose fictions, was the daughter of a cler- wise persecuted. Again, however, lie gyman in Hampshire. B. 1775; d. 1817. acquired both the royal fivor and the AUSTREA, D. JUAN, a Spanish ad- popular confidence, and d. at Morocco, miral. B. in 1545; remembered as the in 1198, in possession of the highest conqueror of the Turks at Lepanto. honors below the sovereignty. He waS AUVERGNE; ANTHONY, a French author of a plaaphrase of Plato's Repubmusician and composer of the 18th cen- lie, and several other works. tury, who composed the first comic opera AVIGNY, a national French poet. B. ever performed in France. D. 1797. at Martinique, in 1760; author of AVALOS, FERDINAND, marquis of " Jeannae d'Arc," " Le Depart de la PePescara, a brave Neapolitan soldier, and rouse;" land some successful dramas, the author of a "Dialogue on Love," "Les Lettres," "Les Deux Jockeys," which he wrote while a prisoner of war, " Doria," &c. His best prose producand dedicated to his wite, the beautiful tion is on the progress of the British Vittoria Colonna. B. 1489; d. 1525.- power in Iindia, inserted in Miichard's ALPHONSO, marquis del Vasto, nephew " Histoire de Mysore." of the preceding, was b. at Naples, in AVILA, JOHN D', a Spanish priest, 1502, and obtained the command of tlh who for the space of 40 years journeyed imperial army at his uncle's death, for through the AIndalusian mountains and the brilliant valor lie displayed at the forests, enforcing by his precepts and siege of Pavia. D. 1546. example, the doctrine of the gospel; on AVAUX, CLAUDE DE MESNE, count of, which account he acquired the appellaa celebrated French diplomatist, and an tion of the Apostle of Andalusia. D. accomplished scholar. B. 1650. 1569. AVELLANEDA, ALPHONSUS FEENAN- AVILA Y ZUNIGA, Louis D, a disDE2; DE, a Spanish writer, who, to the tinguished diplomatist, wa-rrior, and hisgreat linoyance of Cervantes, wrote a torian, under Charles V. HIe wrote continuation of the first part of Don "Commentaries" on the wars of his Quixote. sovereign, who so much admired them, AzU] CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 87 that he deemed himself more fortunate AY1TON, EDMUND, a composer of than Alexander, in having such an his- cathedral music, and one of the directors torian. of the Commemoration of Handel. B. AVIRON, JAMES LE BATHELIER, a 1734; d. 1808. French lawyer of the 16th century; AYSCOUGIH, GEORGE EDWARD, son author of "Commentaries on the Pro- of the dean of Bristol, by a sister of the vincial Laws of Normandy." first Lord Lyttleton. lie was the author AVISON, CHARLES, a composer and of a volume of "Travels on the Contimusician; author of "Essays on Musi- nent," "Index to Shakspeare," and the cal Expression," &c. D. 1770. "Tragedy of Semiramis." ID. 1779.AVITUS, MARcUsS MmCILIUS, raised to SAMUEL, an industrious literary characthe empire of.the West, on the death ter of the last century. He contributed of Maximus, in 455, but deposed after a largely to the British Critic and other reign of only 14 months. periodicals; and compiled a variety of AVOGADRO, LucIA, an Italian poet- laborious indexes, of which his index to ess, whose early talents won the praise Shakspeare is the principal. IIe was of Tasso. D. 1568. curate of St. Giles's, and lecturer at AYALA, PETER LorEZ D', a learned, Shoreditch. B. 1745; d. 1804. brave, and eloquent Spanish statesman, AYSCUE, Sir GEORGE, a distinguished was b. in Murcia, in 1332. After serv- admiral in the time of Cromwell, and ing under four Castilian monarchs, both one of the coadjutors of Blake in his in the council and the field, he dcistin- famous action with the Dutch admiral, guishing himself also as a man of erudi- Van Tromp. At the restoration he was tion. D. 1407. made rear-admiral of the blue; and beAYES HA, daughter of Abubeker, and ing captured in Albemarle's action off favorite wife of Mahomet. On the death Dunkirk, remained many years a prisof her husband she resorted to arms to oner. oppose the succession of All; but though AYTON, Sir ROBEBT, a native of Fifeconquered by him, she was dismissed shire, in Scotland, a poet of considerable in safety, and d. in retirement, at Mecca, merit. lie wrote in Greek, Latin, and in 677. The Mussunlmans venerate her French, as well as English. B. 1570; memory, and designate her the prop/i- d. 1638. etess. AZAIS, P. H., author of a " Systeme AYLMER, Jonx, bishop of London Universel," and the editor of several litein the reign of Queen Elizabeth. He raryand political works, "Le Mercure," was a ready, but not very rigidly prin- " Aristarque," &c. B. 1706. cipled writer; and was inmore disposed AZARA, DON JosEPi NICOLAss D', a to intolerance than is consistent with Spanish grandee, born in Aragon, 1721; the character of a true Christian. B. ambassador, first to Rome, and next to 1521; d. 1594.-The true name of Jack France; a good writer in Spanish, Italian, Cade. and French; a ripe antiquarian, and a AYLOFFE, Sir JosEPH, an able anti- greatpatronof thefinearts. His "Suite quary of the 18th century. He was de Pierres Gravees," published in Spain, keeper of the state papers, and author is much esteemed. He translated into of'The Universal Librarian," besides Spanish "Middleton's Life of Cicero," numerous other works. B. 1708; d. 1781. "Bowles's Natural History of Spain," AYMON, JOHN, a Piedmontese priest "Seneca," and " Bodoni's Horace, " D. of the 17th century. He abjured Pa- 1804.-FELIX D', a Spanish naturalist pacy for the doctrines of Calvin, but re- and traveller of the 18th century; author turned to his original faith, and had a of a " Natural History of Paraguay," and pension from the Cardinal de Noailles. other valuable works. B. 1746. Availing himself of his intimacy with; AZNAR, count of Gascony, distinthe librarian of the royal collection at guished for quelling an insurrection of Paris. he stole some MSS., one of which, the Navarrese Gascons in 824; but being an account of the synod of Jerusalem in discontented with Pepin, king of Aqui1672, he published in Holland. He wrote taine, for whom he put down the insura " Picture of the Court of Rome," and gents, he subsequently, in 831, seized on some other works. a part of Navarre, and became the founAYRAULT, PIERRE, a French lawyer der of the kingdom of that name. D. of the 16th century; author of a treatise 836.:'De Patris Jure," occasioned by the AZUNI, DOMINIC ALBERT, a Sardinian, leduction of his son by the Jesuits, and author of "Systeme Universel du Droit Dther works. B. 1526; d. 1601. MHaritime e I'Europe," &o., a work of 88 CYCLOP~EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BAB the highest merit, written in the purest AZZO, PowrIus, an Italian jurist of French. Made president of the Genoese the 18th century; author of "A Sumboard of trade by Napoleon; he fell with mary of the Codes or Institutes." He is his patron, and retired to private life. said to have been executed for killing a B. 1760; d. 1827. man in a personal conflict. B. BAADER, FRANCIS, one of the most to Aretolia. Ie was finally routed, and eminent thinkers of Germany, who wrote his sect destroyed. on politics, theology, and the philosophi- BABBINGTON, ANTIHONY, a Catholic cal sciences. He produced no formal of Derbyshire, who conspired with sevesystem, in any department of thought, ral other gentlemen to assassinate Queen but is commonly classed with the mys- Elizabeth of England, and rescue Mary, tics. He was appointed professor in the queen of Scots. He joined in the ununiversity of Munich when the king of dertakin%, it is said, in hope that the Bavaria wished to oppose the pantheistic latter laAy would in gratitude become tendencies of Schelling, I-egel, and other his wife. The plot was discovered, and German authorities. His ehief writings he was executed in 1586. A touching were the "Absolute Extravaoance of account of the affair is to be found in the Practical Reason of Kant," 1797; a Leigh Hunt's " London Journal."-GE:" Memoir upon ElementaryPhysiology," VASE, an English bishop, who was a great 1797; a " Memoir on Physical Dynam- benefactor to the cathedral library at ics," 1809; "Demonstration of Morals Worcester, and wrote notes on the Penby Physics," 1813; "Principles of a tateuch. D. 1610.-WIrLLIAM, a noted Theory destined to give Form and Foun- physician and lecturer at Guy hospital, clation to Human Life," 1820; "Lectures who wrote a new " System of Minerallpon Eeligious Philosophy in opposition ogy," and other scientific works. B. to the Irreligion of both Ancient and 1757; d. 1833. MAodern Times," 1727; "Christian Idea BABEK, a Persian fanatic, who gathof Immortality, as opposed to Unchris- ered a multitude of followers, as the tian Doctrines," 1836. apostle of a new religion; and for more BAAHDIN, MAHOMET GEBET AMALI, than twenty years baffled all the efforts a Persian author, who wrote a "Sum- made to suppress his influence. When ma-' of the Canon and Civil Law," by he was finally conquered by the caliph, the order of Abbas the Great. who succeeded Almamar, he was pubBAAN JOHN DE, a portrait painter, licly executed. lie began his career born at Iiarlaem, in 1633. His celebrity about 837, and was called "The Imgot him employment under Charles II. pious."s of England, whose whole family were BABEAUF, FRANOIS NOEL, a French painted by him. He was subsequently reformer and enthusiast, who was born patronized by the duke of Tuscany. D. at St. Quentin. I-e was of humble ex1702.-JAMEs, a son of the preceding, traction, and for a time served in a menial was of the same profession, but not so capacity. But he parted with his emdistinguished. D. 1700. ployer, and became an attorney. lmBAARSDAP, CoRNELIUS, a physician prisoned at Arras for some trivial offence, under Charles V., who wrote the "Me- he escaped to Paris, where, stiongly thodus Universal Artis Medical." D. sympathizing with the democrats of the 1565. revolution, he issued a paper called the BAART PETER, a Flemish author, Tribune, which had great acceptance who wrote chiefly in Latin. His works among the people. His doctrines were were, the " Flemish Georgics," and "Le those of the communistic revolutionists, Triton de Frise." He flourished during and he vindicated a system of equal the 18th century. rights and common property. When BABA, a Turkish fanatic, who about Robespierre died, he was considered by the year 1260 proclaimed himself a rmes- his associates the next best man to govsenger of God; and collecting a con- ern France; but he was betrayed by ~iderabLe body of adherents, laid waste some of his fiends, and guillotined in PAO] CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 89 1797. His trial produced a prodigious ing was severe and elevated, but at the sensation, and was published in three same time graceful; in the use of color volumes. resembline Titian or Giorgone. BABIN, FRANCIS, a French divine of BACELLAR, ANTHONY BARBOSA, a Angers, who edited the " Conferences" Portuguese poet, historian, and civilian, of that diocese. D. 1734. who wrote a celebrated defence of the BABOUR, the founder of the great house of Braganza. Mogul dynasty, a descendant of Timour, BACH, JOHN SEBASTIAN, a musical or Tamerlane, as he is called; who un- author who occupies the highest rank dertook the conquest of Samarcand, and among the composers of Germany. He was deprived of his dominions by the was b. at Eisenach in 1685, and studied Usbecks. He recovered his fortunes, at Luneburg, where he made himself however, and overthrew Ibrahim, the familiar with the French style of music, last Hindoo emperor, whose throne he by frequenting the chapel of the duke usurped. After an active reign he died of Halle. In 1.707 he was appointed in 1530. He was an accomplished but organist at Muhlhausen, the next year voluptuous prince, and wrote a history at Weimar, in 1717 chapel-master at of his own life. Cothen; in 1723 chanter and director of BABRIAS, a Greek poet, quoted by music at Leipsic, and in 1736 composer Suidas. at the electoral court of Saxony. As a BABYLAS, a bishop of Antioch, put performer on the harpsichord and organ to death during the persecution of e- he was without a rival in his time, while cins 251. his compositions are marked by great BACAI, IBRAIIM, a Mahometan auo- originality, strength, and fervor. D. thor. D. 835 of the Hegira. 1750. —CHIMLES PHILIP EMANUEL, the BACCAINI, BENEDICT, professor of second son of the above, known as Bach ecclesiastical history at Modena. B. of Berlin, was chapel-master to the 1657; d. 1721. Princess Amelia of Prussia, and afterBACCULARY SAUNA, VINCENT, a wards director of music at Hamburgh. commnanderand statesman under Charles I-e was b. in 1714, and as a composer 1. and Philip V. of Spain, and who also attained a celebrity as wide as that of his wrote the memoirs of Philip V. D. 1726. father. Haydn seems to have regardBACCHYLIDES, a Greek lyric poet, ed him as a master.-JoIN CHRISTIAN, cotemporary with Pindar, and whom another son of Sebastian, bv a second Horace is said to have imitated. He wife, known as Bach of Milan, was a flourished about 450 B. a. scholar of Emanuel, under wholm hle beBACCIO, ANDREW, an Italian phy- came a fine performer on keyed instrusician and author of the 16th century.- ments. IIe afterwards went to Italy, DELLA PORTA, more generally known where his success as a composer of vocal as Fra Bartolomeo, was a celebrated music got him the place of organist of painter, born at Sarignano in Tuscany, the Duomo of Milan. In 1763 he. was 1469. His teacher was Cosimo Roselli, engaged by Matteuceo to compose for of Florence, under whom, by the study the opera in London, where lie produced of the works of Leonarda, lhe acquired "Orione," which was extremely apgreat grandeur of style, and cvigor of plauded for the richness of its harmocoloring and outline. The fiamous nies, the in(enious texture of its parts, fresco in the hospital of Santa Maria and its new and skilful use of wind Nnova, representing the last jadgiment, instruments. In connection withAbel, was begun by him and finished by he opened weekly subscription concerts, Albertinelli. IHe enlisted in the cause which were kept up for more than 20 of Sayonarola, and was imprisoned in years with uninterrupted prosperity. the monastery of SaIn Mar co, which was He was the first composer who observed besieged; when lie made a vow, that the law of contrast as a principle of llrif he escaped he would beconie a onk. mony. His symphionies are regarded In consequence of this, le asstumed the generally as more original than his songs Dominican habit in 1500, and went under or ieces for the harpsicord. D. 1782. the name of Brother Bartoloneo. For -JONI-I CRISTOPIIER, another of the four years lie did not paint at all, and Bachs, was the greatest contrapiuntist afterwards only saeredsubjects. RIaphael fand most expert organist in Germany, visited him in 1504, and some years af- where he was court and town orcg'alist terwards hle himself met Michael Angelo at Eisenach. He was also an uncolmon andr Raphael at Rome, wh'ere he acknovl- master of full harmony, as is p roved by edged their merits. His style of paint- iis "Es erhab sich ein Streit, a piece Sc 90 CYCLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LBAt of church music, having 20 obligate laneous writer. B. at Hernhorn, in the parts, yet perfectly pure in its harmo- principality of Nassau-Dillenbourg, in nies. 1736; author of " An Abridgment of BACHAUMONT, FRANCIS LE COIGEAU the Geography of the Russian Empire;" DE, was a counsellor of the parliament "A Collection of Memoirs relating to of Paris, of which his father was presi- Peter I.;" " The Russian Library," 11 dent. In the disturbance of 1648 he vols., &c. D. 1806. took part against the court, and a wot BACICI, JOHN BAPTIST GAUII, an of his at that time originated the name Italian painter, chiefly of scriptural subof the Fronde. He said that the parlia- jects andportraits. B. 1639; d. 1709. ment reminded him of the school-boys BACKER, JAMES, a Dutch historical who played with slings on the boule- painter of great ability. B. 1530; d. vards,-they dispersed at the sight of a 1560.-JAcoB, a portrait and historical police officer, and collected again as soon painter. B. at Harlingen, 1609; d. 1651. as he was gone. The comparison struck BACKHOUSE, WILLIAM, an English the general mind, and the enemies of astronomer and alchemist; author of Mazarin, adopting a hat-band in the "The Complaint of Nature," "The form of a sling (fronde) were called Golden Fleece," &c. D. 1662. Frondeurs. During the war of the BACKHUYSEN, LUDOLF, a painter Fronde, and afterwards, he was dis- of the Dutcsc school, distinguishedmaintinguished as a poet and author. Iis ly for his sea-pieces. He was b. in 1631 book called " A Journey to Montpelier" at Embden, and was originally destined is lively and spirited. B. 1624; d. 1702. for mercantile pursuits. But instead of -Louis PETIT, the writer of a volumin- poring over ledgers he made pen sketches ous "Secret Memoirs towards a History of vessels and shipping scenes, which, of the French Republic of Letters." D. attracting attention, he was induced to 1771. devote his life to art. He took regular BACHE, RIcHARD, a postmaster-gen- instructions, and soon acquired extraeral of the United States from 1776 to ordinary facility. It was his custom, 1782. He was the son-in-law of Dr. when storms approached, to embark on Franklin. D. 1811.-BENJAMIN FRANK- the boats, to observe the commotion of LIN, the editor of a print called the the waters, the gathering of the clouds, "Aurora," which vehemently opposed and the breaking of the swell upon the the administrations of Washington and shore. He carried his entlihusiasm to Adams. D. 1799. such a pitch that the terrified sailors BACHELIER, NICHOLAS, a French were often forced to carry him to land in sculptor, pupil of Michael Angelo. Sev- the face of his most earnest entreaties to eral of his productions are in the cathe- remain. Full of what he had seen, he dral of Toulouse, his native city. D. put upon canvas, while the impression 1554.-JOHN JAMES, a French painter, was fresh, and with admirable fidelity, B. in 1724; was director of the royal the varying features of those scenes. porcelain manufactory of Sevres, and This courageous zeal procured his picthe discoverer of an encaustic composi- tures an eminent rank in their class. tion for the preservation of marble sta- Truth was their prevailing characteristic, tues. He devoted a fortune of 60,000 though his coloring was excellent, and francs to the establishment of a school his touch free and effective. lIe also for gratuitously teaching the art of draw- attempted poetry, but not with the same ing. ID. 1805. success. D. 1709. BACHER, GEORGE FREDERIC, a Ger- BACKLER, D'ALBE, Baron Aubert man physician of the 18th century; Louis, a French geographer and enauthor of " Treatises on Dropsy," a dis- gineer, who was the author of the ease which he was very skilful in "Chart of the Theatre of War in Natreating.-A son of the preceding, and poleon's first Italian Campaigns." B. of the same profession, was the author 1761; d. 1824. of a work on law, and a contributor to BACKUS, AZEL, D.D., the first presthe "Journal de M'edecine." D. 1807. ident of Hamilton college, and author BACHOVIUS, REINIER, a German of several published sermons. B. 1767; civilian of the 16th century; author of d. 1824.-IsAAC, a distinguished Baptist a catechism in vindication of Calvinism. preacher of Norwich, Ct. He wrote a -REINIER, son of the above; professor history of that sect, in 3 vols., which of civil law at Heidelberg; author of a was greatly indebted to his exertions treatise "De Actionibus," &c. for its prosperity. B. 1724; d. 1806. BACHMEISTER, H. L. C., a miscel- BACON, ANNE, wife of Sir Nicholas, BAC] CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 91 remarkable for her learning, translated vancement, but for the feud of the latter the sermons of Ochinus fiom the Italian, with Essex. In 1593 he was returned a and "Bishop Jewel's Apology for the member of parliament for Middlesex, Church of England," from tile Latin. where he at first conducted himself with B. 1528; d. 1600.-ANa-TIONY, an elder great dignity and discretion, voting with brother of the chancellor, a skilful poli- the popular party against the measures tician and learned nman, was the friend of tle ministers, but towarlds the end of the earl of Essex, and a fitvorite of of Elizabeth's reign, his poverty beHenry IV. of France. lie passed his traved lhim into acts of servility untime in the pursuit of knowledge.- worthy of his character. Under James JOIIN, an eminent sculptor who invented I., a prince ambitious of the title of a a method of making statues in artificial patron of letters, he was knighlted in stone. His chief works were a bust of 1703. Commissioned to Imake a repurt George III., a figure of Mars, Lord on the oppressions committed by the Chatham's monuments in Guildhall and royal purveyols in the king's name, he Westminster, and those of Guy the executed the task with so much satisfounder of the hospital, and of Dr. faction both to the king and parliament, Johnson and IlIo-ard in St. Paul's. 3. that the commons voted him their 1740{ d. 1799.-JoiiN- an English monk, thanks, and James made him kingf's called the Resolue e t Doctor, ho wrote a counsel, with a pension of ~100. He "Compenditmin of the Lawv of Christ." soon after contracted an acldantageous D. 1346.-FrnANCIS, viscount of St. Al- marliarge, was created lord keeper of the bans, one of the most extraordinary seals in 1617, and lord high chancellor men that any age can boast, —a scholar, and baron of Verulam in 1619, and, in a wit, a lawyer, a judce, a statesman, a 1620, viscount of St. Albans. But his politicipan and philosopllelr, whose wri- rapidcpretferiment was only the precursor tiings will endure as long as the lan- to a still more rapid fall. He was acguatges in which they are written can cused before the house of lords of aavbe read. He xwas born at London, Jan. illn received money for grants of office 22, 161, and friom his earliest childhood aRndl privilceges undler the seal of state. evinced the greatest aptitude for learn- I-le was unable to justify himself, and ing, and a remarkable capacity of finally confessed the bulk of the charges, thlought. He entered Cambridg'e in his throwin(i himaself on the inercy of the 13th year, and was speedily distin- peers. l-e was senltenced to pay a fine guishled for his progress in the sciences. of ~40,000, to be imprisoned in the Before he wtas 16 he wrote a thesis Tower, and to be declared incapable of against the Aristotelian philosophy holding office, or to appear within the thien in vogue. Hise precocity led vr'e of the court. Basil Montague, in Queen ElizaIbeth, awhein he first mlade his aldmirable life of Bacon, ingeniously he r acquaintance, to call himl her attempts to excuse his crimes, but his'"ouns lord keeper.'" At the close of arguments are scattered like chaff in his collegiate studies, Ie went, as it M1i. MNacaulay's essay oni BIacon, to be was tlheni the customla waith young men, found in his Miscellanies. The sento the Continent forf the purposes of tence was not rigorously executed; he travel. e H was in the suite of Sir was soon released fromi the Tower, and Amias Paulet, who sent him back to the rest of his pen'alty remitted. Yet lEngiiamRnd on an1 important errand, which he survived his diserace only a few hle n1managed so discreetly that lie at- years, and died in 1726. Durini his tracted thle reo ard of the queen, and active political life, and in his fiall he was at once established in court favor. had still been devoted to philosophy. Ieturning to France, he completed his His universal genius had made hibn travels, and then, though but 19 years master of all the sciences, and his imof ag T wrote an essay on tlhe state of mortal writings, thle " Advancemient of Enrope,.which gave astonishing evi- Learning,".aid the " Novun- Oigadeuce of extensive observation and ma- num," laidl the foundations of true ture judgment. The death of his father scientific method, which changed the rec. lled him to Enmlandu, where lie en- philosophy of the world. He treated gageed in the studxy of jurisprudence, also, in the. "ySylva Sylvanum," of and before he was 28 was made counsel natural history, wrote several works on. extr.aordinarll to the queen. His con- medicine, and suggested extensiveand necrion vita Burleimh, tlhelordtretsmurerl, wise reforms of law. His moral "Eslnd Sir tRobert Cecil, first secretary of says" are a treasure of profound thought, state, would have led to his instant ad- eloquently expressed. Indeed, in nearly 92 CYCLOP.EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LBAO all departments of human investigatton, made several discoveries in chemistry. he displayed prodigious capacity, and He knew the secret of manufacturing was as copious and beautiful as a writer gunpowder, was familiar with geography as he was original and comprehensive and astronomy; wrote Hebrew, Latin, as a thinker. In mathematics and as- and Greek with elegance; and has left tronomy he was, perhaps, behind others behind admirable precepts in moral phi-,of his day, but in every other respect, losophy. Altogether he was perhaps the he soared to such a height, that his most wonderful man of his age.-Sir cotemporaries scarcely estimated the NICHOLAS, keeper of the great seal under greatness of his views and the im- Elizabeth, was born 1510. He was emportance of his discoveries.- OGER, ployed under Henry VIII., to whom he an English monk, whose genius would proposed a plan, which however was render the name of Bacon illustrious never adopted, for the erecting of a coleven if it had not belonged to the great lege to instruct young statesmen in all counsellor whose life is given above. the branches of political knowledge. He He was born in 1214, at Ilchester, in was knighted by Elizabeth, and made Somerset, and educated first at Oxford keeper of the seals in the room of Heath, and then at Paris, where he took a de- archbishop of York; but as he favored gree as doctor of theology. In 1240 he the Suffolk succession he was treated returned to Oxford, where he joined the with coldness, and suspected of assisting order of Franciscans. HIis inquisitive Hales in writing a tract to favor the claims spirit, however, directed his taste rather of the duchess of Suffolk against the to learning than religion, and he was rights of the queen of Scotland. He soon distinguished for the extent as well was, however, soon after reinstated in as variety of his attainments. His favor- the queen's good opinion by the interite pursuit was natural philosophy; in ference of Sir William Cecil, and he died the prosecution of which, having ex- 20th February, 1579.-NATHANIEL, a Virha.imted his own means, he relied upn ginia general, one of the earliest patriots the contributions of friends. He is- of the New World, was educated at the covered many valuable facts in science; Inns of Court in England, and after his' but such was the ignorance and super- arrival in this country was chosen a stition of the day, that his labors were member of the council. The murder of regarded as heretical and their results as six Indian chiefs induced the savages sorcery or magic. He replied by de- to take terrible vengeance, inhumanly nouncing the ignorance and corruption slaughtering sixty for the six. Their of the priests, who could not compre- incursions caused the frontier plantahend his elevated aims, and they, in re- tions to be abandoned. GovernorBerkevenge, denounced him at the court of ley built a fei forts on the frontiers, but home. The pope silenced his teachin gs this wretched expedient produced no at the university; and not long after he beneficial effect, for the savages quicdly was thrown into prison, where he was found out, as an oldhistoryhas it, "where shut out from all human converse, and the mouse-traps were set." The people almost deprived of food. But the next were for wiser and more active measures. pope, Clement IV., a more enlightened They chose Bacon for their leader, who man, liberated him from confinement, after sending to the governor for a comand requested him to publish his works, mission, which was refused, marched which he did in the shape of what is now without one at the head of S0 or 90 met known as the "Opus Majus." Clement's and defeated the Indians. For this act successor, Nicholas III. was not so favor- he was proclaimed a rebel. He was taken, able to him, and his writings were again tried, and acquitted, restored to the councondemned and his person imprisoned. oil, and promised also in two days a comHe suffered during ten years, and was mission as general for the, Indian war, only released by the intercession of some agreeably to the passionate wishes of the learned Englishmen. He died in 1294. people. As the governor refused to sign His opinions were many of them those the promised commission, Bacon soon of his age, but he was in most respects appeared at the head of 500 men and greatly in advance of it. His views on obtained it by force. The people had optics were newl and ingenious; he had not misjudged his capacity to serve them: investigated the refraction of light, knew for by'the wise and energetic measures the property of lenses, and leas either he adopted, he restored his scattered the inventor or improver ofthe telescope. friends to their plantations. While he The camera obscura and the burning was thus honorably'employed. the govglans were not unknown to him, and he ernor again proclaimed him a rebel. This BAG] CYCLOP —EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 93 measure induced him to countermarch Tacitus, and honored as one of the to Williamsburg, whence he issued his founders of Danish letters. B. 1735; d. declaration against the governor, and 1805.-RICHARD DE, chancellor of Camsoon drove him across the bay to Acco- bridge in 1326, when he founded Unimac. He also exacted of the people an versity Hall. That building being burnt oath to support him against the forces down, a new one was built by the daughcmnployed by the governor. He then ter of Gilbert de Clare, and called Clareprosecuted the Indian war. The gov- Hall. ernor was again routed, and Jamestown BADENS, FRANCIS, an historical and burned. To prevent an attack by the portrait painter of Antwerp. B. 1571; governor when besieged by him, he d. 1603. seized the wives of several of the gov- BADGER, Louis, a native of Lyons, ernor's adherents, and brought them into has immortalized his memory by an camp; sending word to their husbands, heroic instance of fraternal affection. that they would be placed in front of his To save his brother, who had assisted men. Entirely successful on the western in defending Lyons against the repubshore; Bacon was about to cross the bay licans, and who was consequently exto attack the governor at Accomac, when posed to the penalty of death after the he was arrested by death, October 1st, surrender, he assumed his name, and 1676. He appears to have been a man cheerfully suffered for him. of noble impulses, great sagacity, and BADIA Y ZEBLICH, DOMIOiNGO, I chivalric valor. His story has been Spanish traveller, who became a Muswrought into a novel by Mr. Caruthers sulman in order to travel through the of Virginia; and Mr. Parke Godwin, we East, where he was everywhere received are told, has an unpublished drama, of with favor, as a true believer. It is now which Bacon is the hero.-PHANUEL, known that he was employed as a poD. D., an Oxford, divine, celebrated for litical agent by the Prince of Peace, at his wit anit humor. In 1735 he became the instigation of Bonaparte; and on rector of Baldon, Oxfordshire, where he his return to his native country he esdied, January 2, 1783. He wrote, be- poused the French cause there. After sides five plays, published in 1757, an ele the battle of Vittoria he took refuge in gant poem called " The Artificial Kii-. France. B. 1766; d. 1824. first printed in 1719, and inserted in the BADILE, ANTONIO, an Italian painter, Gentleman's MIagazine, 1758.-TIuOMAS, celebrated for the accuracy and coloring an Episcopal minister at Frederictown, of his portraits, but deriving still greater Maryland, died in 1768. He compiled honor from having two such disciples " A'Complete System of the Revenue of as Paul Veronese and Baptista Zelotti. Ireland," published in 1737; also "a B. 1480; d. 1560. Complete Body of the Laws of Mary- BADUEL, CLAUDE, a French Protland," fol., 1765. He also wrote other estant divine, author of some theologivaluable pieces. cal treatises, &c. D. 1561. BACONTHORPE, JoHx, called the BAERSIUS, or VEKENSTIL, HIIENn, Resolute Doctor, an English monk, an- a printer and mathematician of the 16th thor of a'" Compendium of the Law of century. He resided at Louvain, and Christ," &c. D. 1346. there -published, in 1528, " Tables of BACQUET, a French advocate. au- the Latitudes and Longitudes of the thor of various law treatises, of which Planets," &c. an edition, in 2 vols., was published at BAERSTRAT, a Dutch painter, Lyons, in 1744. D. 1597. chiefly of sea-pieces. D. 1687. BACQUE, LEO, a bishop of Pamiers, BAFFIN, WILLIAaM, an English naviwho wrote a Latin' poem on the educa- gator of the 17th century, famous for tion of princes. B. 1600; d. 1694. his discoveries in the Arctic regaions, BACQUERRE, BENEDICT DE, a phy- was born in 1584. IHe visited West ician who wrote the "Suinmmna Medi- Greenland in 1612, again in 1615, and cus." made a voyage to Spitzbergen in 1614. BADOOCK, SAMuEL, an English di- In 1623 and 1624 he ascertained the vine and author of no mean celebrity, limits of that vast inlet of the sea since but chiefly known by his critiques in distinguished by the appellation of Bafthe Monthly Review. B. 1747; d. 1788. fin's Bay. BADEN, JAMES, professor of Latin BAF KARKAH, or ABU ZOHAL, and eloquence in the university of Co- an Arabian commentator on Euclid. penhagen, author of a "Danish and BAGDEDIN, MAHOMET, an Arabian (German Dictionary," a translation of mathematician of the 10th century, an .94D CYCLOPAEDIA Ot BIOGRAPHY. [BAI thor of a treatise " On the Division of of the 17th century. In the commenceSuperficies," of which there is a Latin ment of the rebellion he sided with the version by John Dee. parliament, but subsequently became a BAGE, ROBERT, an English novelist, royalist. Hie wrote several works on was born at Derby, in 1728, and died at law and politics.-EDWARD, son of ihe Tamworth, in 1801. During the greater preceding, was a clergyman, and an oppart cf his life he followed the occupa- ponent of Baxter. tion of a paper-maker. " Mount Ken- BAHIER, JOHN, a French priest, and neth," "Barham Downs," "The Fair the author of some Latin poems which Syrian," &c., owe their existence to are in the collection of De Brienne. D. him. * 1707. BAGFORD, JOHN, a book collector BAHRDT, CHARLES FREDERIC, a Gerand antiquary, whose letters are in the man divine and author. Ie was born British Museum. B. 1651; d. 1716. at Bischofswerda, and studied at LeipBAGGER, JOHIN, a learned Dane, sic, where a prosecution having been bishop of Copenhagen, and author of commenced against him at Vienna for several treatises in Latin and Danish. the heterodoxy of his writings, he fled B. 1646; d. 1693. to Prussia; and at length he settled at BAGGESEN, EM3MANUEL, a Danish Halle, took a farm and an inn, and poet. HIe Iusually wrote in the German openly avowed himself a deist. D. 1792. fanguage, and his chief productions are BAIAN, or BAION, ANDREW, a naa pastoral epic, entitled, "Parthenaise, tive of Goa, who was converted to oder die Alpenriese," and a mock epic, Christianity, and ordained a priest at entitled, "Adam and Eve," but his Rome.about 1630. He translated the songs and short poems are very numer- _Aneid into Greek verse, and the Lusiad ous and popular. B. 1764; d, 1826. into Latin. BAGLIONE, GIOVANNI, an Italian BAIER, JOHN WVILLIAM, a German painter of the 17th century, distin- divine, author of a " Compendium of guished for his works in fresco; many Theology," &c. B. 1647; d. 1694.of which adorn the walls and ceilings JOHN JAMES, a German physician, and of the churches at Rome. D. 1644. director of the botanical garden at AltBAGLIONI, JOHN PAUL, an Italian dorf; author of "De Hortis celebriorisoldier of fortune of the 16th century. bus Germ'aniae, et Horti Medici Acadelie was put to death by Leo X., in 1520. mici Altdorfini Hist.," &c., &c. B. BAGLIVI, GEORGE, an illustrious 1677; d. 1735. Italian physician, born at Apulia, and BAIF, LAZARUS, a French abbot, and elected professor of anatomy at Rome; counsellor to the parliament of Paris, in was author of "The Praxis 3Medica," the 16th century; author of treatises and several works connected with his "De re Navali" "De re Vestiaria."profession, all of which were written in JON ANTONY, son of the above, and Latin. B. 1667; d. 1706. author of some poems. D. 1592. BAGNIOLI, JULIus CXSAR, an Italian BAIL, Louis, a French.divine of the poet, author of "The Judgment of 17th century, author of an "Account Paris," a poem, &c. D. 1600. of Celebrated Preachers," a " Summary BAGOT, LEWIS, an English prelate, of Counicils," &c. and brother to the first Lord Bagot, was BAILEY, NATHAN, an English lexicogborn in 1740. He was at first a canon rapher, was a schoolmaster at Stepney. of Christ-church, Oxford, then dean, Besides several school books, he was and successively became the bishop of the author of " Dictionarium DomestiBristol, Norwich, and St. Asaph. He cum;" but his principal work was an was the author of "Sermons on the "Etymological English Dictionary," Prophecies," &c. D. 1802. which may fairly be regarded as the BAGRATION, K. A., a Russian basis of Dr. Johnson's unrivalled work. prince and counsellor, who especially D. 1742.-PETER, author of "Sketches distinguished himself in the campaigns from St. George's Fields," "The in Italy under Suwarrow, and was mor- Queen's Appeal," &c. D. 18283. tally wounded at the battle of Moscow BAILLET, ADRIAN, a learned Frenchin 1812.- man, born of poor parents at Neuville, BAGSHAW, WILLIAM, an English 1649, in Picardy, and educated by the divine, ejected from his living for non- humanity of the fathers of a neighborconforumity, in 1662. HI-e was the aul- ing convent. He early distinguished thor of some works on practical divinity. himself by his great application, and D. 1703.-EDWARD, an English civilin the extent of his learning. In 1680 he IAI] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 95 becamrle library keeper to M. de La- portant papers in the Philosophical moUignon, and began to form an index Transactions, &c. and he presented to of every subject whsicl was treated. in the College of Physicians a valuable muthe books whiclh he possessed; and so seum of anatomical specimens. D. 1823.voluminous were his lhaors, that they JOANNA, his sister, became distinguished were contained in 35 folio volumes, and as one of the gireatest female writers of all written with his own hand. His Great Britain. She was born at Bothnext work was " Jugemens des Sa- well about the year 1765, and at an early -;ans," which had a very rapid sale, and age, manifestecd a strong predilection for which he totally gave to the bookseller literary pursuits. Her first dramatic requesting only a few copies for his efforts were published in 1798, under the friends. As in this work he mentioned title, " A Series of Plays " in which it is not only the praises but the censures attempted to delineate the stronger paspassed on different authors, he met with sions of the mind, each passion being violent opposition frino those who suf- the subject of a tragedy land a comedy. fered under the severity of his criticism. A second volume was published in 1802, The Jesuits were particularly severe and a third in 1812. During the interval against him, because he had spoken she gave the world a volume of misceldcsrespectfully of their society; and, on laneous dramas, including -the "Family the other hand[, expressed himself in Legend," a tragedy founlded upon a story handsome terms of the gentlemen of tle of one of the Macleans of Appin, and Port Royyal. Besides these, his inde- which, principally through Sir WTalter's fatigable labors producec a prolix " Life endeavors, was brought out at the Edinof'Descartes,l'2 vols. 4to., a "Hlis- burgh theatre. She visited Scott in Edtory of Holland," the " Lives of Saints," inburgh in 1808. In the following year 4 vols. folio, and several theological the cdrama in question was played with works; and lie formed the plan of " An great tenporary success, and Sir Walter Universal Ecclesiastical lDictionarsy' Scott's enthusiasm in its favor communiwhich was to contain a perfect system eating itself to Edinburgh society, the of divinity, supported by authorities dralma ran fourteen nights. In 1814 it from scripture and from the fathers of was played in London. The only " Play the church, but died 1706, before it was of the Passions" ever represented on a completed. stace was " De Montfort," brought out BAILLIE, IocnHE, surnamed La li- by John Kemble, and played for elevvilre, physician to Ienry 1V. of France, en nights.-In 1821 it was revived for and autlhor of "A Summary of the Edmtund iKean, but fruitlessly. Miss Doctrines of Paracelsus."' He pretended O'Neill played the heroine. In fact, to great skill in astrology. 1). 1605.- like all Joannla's dramatic efforts, it wat ROBERT, a Scotcl divine, born in Glas- a poeml-a poem full of genius and the gow, 1599. He was one of the deputa- true spirit of poetty-but not a play. tion sent to London to exhibit charges Scott, however, was strongly taken by ageainst Archbishop Laud; and also one it; his lines are well known: of the commissioners sent from the 1ena a y of Sotland to Chare " Till Avon's swnns-whiie rung the grove generail assembly of Scotland to Charles wVitlh Moentfort's hate, and Basil's love. II. at the Hague. His letters, and a Awaken.ing at the inspiring strain journal of his transactions in Englanc, Deel'd their ov Shaispenrelived gnin" were published in 1775. D. 1662.- In 1836 the authoress published thref MA TTIEW, M.D., a celebrated anatomist more volumes of plays. Previous to this, and physician, was born in 1671 at the in 1823, a long-promised collection of nlailse of Shotts, i Lanarkshire, Scot- poetic miscellaies appeared, containing land. He succeeded Dr. Hunter as lec- Scott's dramatic sketch of " Macduff's turer on anatomy, in conjunction with Cross," with, iiel alia, some' of Mrs. Mr. Cruickshank, at St. George's Hos- Heman's poetry and Miss Catharine Fanpital; he was also one of the physicians shaw's jezux cl;e,,sit. She always lived in ordinary to their majesties Gcorge in retirement, andl latterly in strict seIII. and IV., and was held in high elusion, in her retreat at Hampstead. esteem amlong his professional brethren. The literary faime which she had acHIis professional incomle at one time cquired by her own works, aided in no amounited to ~10,000 per rannml, and small degree by the on a loudly exno physician since the days of Dr. Svd- pressed admiration of Walter Scott, who enhaml had attained such a supremalcy. always visited her when in London, HIe was the author of several highly never succeeded in drawing her generesteenmed works, as well as of many im- ally into society. D. 1850. During the 96 CYCLOPA EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BAJ greater part of her life she lived with a tem'atic order and steady perseverance maiden sister, Agnes-also a poetess- were the secrets of his success. D. 1844, to whom she addressed her beautiful aged 70. Birthday poem. They were of a family BAINBIDGE, Dr. Jonx, an eminent in which talent and genius were he- physician and astronomer. B. in 1582. reditary. Their father was a Scottish Ie gained considerable reputation by his clergyman, and their mother a sister of woik entitled a "Description of the late the celebrated Dr. William Hunter.- Comet in 1628," and was appointed proJOHN, an active and able officer of the fessor of astronomy at Oxford. D. 164,. East India Company, went out to India -WILLIAM, a commodore of the United as a cadet, in 1791, where at the corn- States navy, was b. at Princeton, N. J., mencement of the Mahratta war he ef- May 7th, 1774. He was apprenticed to fected the peaceable transfer to the the sea-service at an early period of his British dominions of a territory yielding life, and at the age of 19 rose to the colnan annual revenue of ~225,000. On re- mand of a merchant vessel. In 1798 he turning to England, Colonel Baillie was, entered the naval service with the rank in 1820, elected M. P. for Hendon; and of lieutenant. In 1800 he sailed for Alsubsequently represented the burghs of giers as commander of the frigate George Inverness, &c. D. 1833. Washington; and in 1803 he sailed for BAILLON, WILLIAM DE, a French Tripoli, as commander of the frigate physician, and author of Conciliorum Philadelphia, in consequence of the Medicinalium. B. 1538; d. 1616. grounding of which he was captured. BAILLY, DAVID, a painter, engraver, On the 29th of December, 1812, having and author, of Leyden. B. 1630.-JOHN the frigate Constitution under his comSYLVAIN, a famous astronomer. B. at mand, lie captured, after a severe action, Paris, 15th September, 1706. The acci- the British Irigate Java; and his generdental friendship of the abb6 de-la Caille osity to the prisoners gained for him a directed him in the pursuit of science; strong expression of their gratitude. and in 1763 he introduced to the acad- Since the close of the war Co(mmodore emy his observations on the moon, and'Bainbridge commanded, with great repthe next year his treatise on the zodiacal utation and popularity, at several naval stars. In 1766 he published his essay stations; and for several years filled the on the satellites of Jupiter, and in other office of a commissioner of the Navy treatises enlarged further on the import- Board. lHe d. at Philadelphia, July ant subject. In 1775 the first volume 27th, 1833, in his 60th year. of his history of ancient and modern BAINE, MICHAERI, a diviile, deputy astronomy appeared, and the third and at Trent, whose writings were condemnlast in 1779; and in 1787 that of Indian ed as Calvinistic. B. 1513; d. 1589. and oriental astronomy, in 3 vols. 4to. BAINES, a noted friend of civil and lie was drawn from his literary retire- religious liberty in the British parliament to public view as a deputy to the ment. He was originally a printer at first national assembly; andt such was Leeds, but in 18883 was elected to parliahis popularity, that he was, on July 14th, ment, where he served 7 years. He wrote 1789, nominated mayor of Paris. In this a " History of the reign of George II., " danglerous office he conducted himself &c. B. 1t74; c 18AS. in a very becoming manner, which of- BAIRD, Sir DAVID a distinguished fended the terrorists, and at the same English general, who served in the East time showing sympathy with the royal Indies, Egypt, Cape of Good Hope, family, he became unypopular. lie re- Spain, &c. D. 1829. signed his office, and in 1793 was guil- BAJAZET I., a warlike, but tyrannilotined by order of the sanguinary cal sultan of Turkey, who succeeded tribunal of Robespierre, showing in his Amurath, his father, in 1389, having death as in his life, resignation, firmness, strangled his rival brother, Jacob. The and dignity. greatness and rapidity of his conquests BAILY, FRAgNCms, famous in the annals got him the name of 11 Derim, or the of astronomical science, was the son of Lightning. In three years he acquired a banker at Newbury, and for many Bulgaria, Macedonia, a part of Servia, years well known on the Stock Ex- Thessaly, and the states of Asia Minor. change, in which busy arena he realized Constantinople was besieged by him for an ample fortune. The Astronomical ten years, which at last yielded. I-e Society was organized by him, and was finally defeated by Tamerlane on throughout life he was the most consid- the plains of Agora. He d. in Timour's erable contributor to its memoirs. Sys- camp in 1403.-There was a second suil BAL] CYCLOPr EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 97 tan of this lame, who was poisoned in built the first town on the contine.t of 1512. South America, penetrated into the inBAKER, DAVID, an English monk of terior, discovered the Pacific Ocean, and the Benedictine order, originally a Pro- obtained informatilon respecting the emtestant, but being converted to the pire of Peru. Jealous of his talents and Romish faith, he came to England as a success, rival adventurers accused him missionary from Italy. Ie wrote an ex- of disloyalty, and he was put to death in position of Hylton's "Scale of Perfec- 1517, by Pedrarias Davila, the Spanish tion." D. in 1641. - Sir RICHARD, author governor of Darien. oa a " Chronicle of the Kings of En- BALBUENA, BERNARDO DE, a Spangland, &c. B. 1568; d. 1645.-TsloMAS, ish poet, and bishop of Porto Rico. D. a divine and antiquary; author of "Re- 1627. flectiona on Learning," &c., &e. B. BALBUS, Lucius CORNELIUS TiHO1656; d. 1740.-HEIn NY, a diligent and PHANES, a native of Cadiz, whose military ingenious naturalist. He was originally exploits caused Pdmpey to obtain for brought up as a bookseller, and married him the privileges of a Roman citizen; one of the daughters of the celebrated and he subsequently became consul, Daniel De Foe. He obtained the gold being the first foreigner on whom that medal of the Royal Society, for his mi- dignity was conferred. croscopical experiments on saline par- BALCANTQUAL, WALTER, a Scotch ticles;and wrote "The Universe," a divine, who accompanied James I. to poem, "The Microscope miade Easy," England. Hewasmade dean ofRoches&c. B. 1704; d. 1774.-DAVID EISKINE, ter and bishop of Durham, but in the son of the above, was author of the civil wars lie was a severe sufferer, being ( Companion to the Playhouse," subse- driven from place to place for shelter. quentlv enlarged by Stephen Jones, and He wrote the " Declaration of Charles 1. published under the title of "Biographia concerning the late Tumults in Scot)ramlatica." D. 1774.-Sir GEORGE, land," &c. D. 1642. M.D., b. in 1722, was a physician of BALCHEN, JoHN, an English admiral, considerable reputation, and a fellow of who was lost, with all his crew, on board the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. D. his ship the Victory, in a violent storm 1809. off Jersey, October 3, 1744. BAKEWELL, ROBERT, a county gen- BALDERIC, bishop of Dol in Britantleman of small fortune, who acquired ny, in the 12th century; author of a considerable notoriety as a grazier at history of the Crusade to the year 1099. Dishley, in Leicestershire. He greatly BALDI, BERNARD, an Italian matheimproved his breeds of cattle and sheep. matician and poet; author of Italian B. 1726; d. 1795. poems, lives of mathematicians, &c. I-He BAKKER, PEsER HIuzINGA, a Dutch was a man of almost universal enius, poet; author of a poem on the Inunda- and abbot of Guaitallo. B. at Urbino, tion of 1740, and of numerous songs and 1553; d. 1617.-DE] UBALDIS, an Italian satires on England. B. 1715; d. 1801. lawyer and author. B. 1319; d. 1400.BALAMIO, FERIDINAND, a Sicilian JAMES, a German Jesuit and poet. B physician; translator, into Latin, of sev- 1603; d. 1668.-LAZZARO, a Tuscan eral treatises by Galen. B. 1555. painter, employed by Alexander VII. to BALASSI, SIuAIO, a Florentine paint- paint the gallery at Monte Cavallo. D. er. B. 1604; d. 1667. 1708. BALBI, ADIAN,, geographer. B. at BALDINGER, ERNEST GODFREY, a Venice, in 1784. ILe wrote a statistical German physician and author. B. 1788; Essay on the Kingdom of Portugal, an d. 1804. Ethnographic Atlas of the Globe, and BALDINUCCI, PHILIP, a Florentine an Abridgment of Geography,a11 works artist and connoisseur; author of "A of profound and extensive research, General History of Painters," &c. B. which have made him an authority both 1684; d. 1696. in Europe and America. D. 1848. BALDOCK, RALPH DE, bishop of LonBALBINUS, DEIciscs C.LIUs, chosen don, and lord high chancellor in the emperor of Rome, in conjunction with reign of Edward.; author of a "HisMaximus, in 287; and miutrdered by the tory of British Affairs," which was exsoldiery in the foilowing year. tant in Leland's time, but is now lost. BAIBOA, VAsco NUlJEz DE. a Castil- D. 1307.-RopEwrT DE, a divine, who was ian, one of the first who visited the favored by Edward II. He shared his West Indies. He established a colony royal master's misfortunes, and died in on the. isthmus of Panama, where hie Newgate. 98 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPH~Y. [IAL BALDWIN, WILLIAM, an English Canterbury, in 1563. tHe wrote "An writer of thle 16th century; one of the account of the Ancient Writers of Brichief authors of "The Mirror for Magis- tain,"7 several Scripture plays, and nutrates."-TuoMAs, a Baptist minister of merous polemical tracts.-RO.BERT, prior Boston, who was a while at the head of of the Carmelites of Norwich; author his denomination in New England. D. of " Annales Ordinis Carmelitarum," 1828.-FrANCIS, a learned civilian of the &c. D. 1508. 16th century, much employed by the po- BALECHOU NICHOLAS, a French ententates of his time. Ie wrote "Leges graver, whose works are held in high de Re rustica Novella," &c., &c.-ABRA- estimation. B. 1710; d. 1765. 1HAM, a president of the university of BALEN, HE-INDRICH VAN, a Dutch Georgia, member of the convention painter, whose "Judgment of Paris" which passed the constitution of the and " Drowning of Pharaoh" are much U. S., and subsequently a member of admired. John van Balen, his son, was cono'ress. D. 1807. a distinguished historical and landscape BALDWIN I., a distinguished leader painter. B. 1560; d. 1632. in the 4th crusade. On the conquest of BALES, PETER, a skilful penman, emConstantinople by the Latins in 1204, he ployed by Secretary Walslngham to imwras elected emperor of the East; but itate writilgs. He published a work being taken prisoner by the Greeks, lie called "The Writing Master." B. 1547; wasl never afterwards heard of.-II., d. 1600. succeeded his brother Robert, as empe- BALESTRA, ANTONY, a Veronese hisror of the East, in 1228. On the taking torical painter. B. 1666; d. 1720. of Constantinople, in 1261, by Michael BALFOUR, ALEXANDER, a novelist Palkeologus, Baldwin escaped. to Italy, and miscellaneous writer, was a native where lhe d. 1273. of Forfarshire, Scotland. lie was the BALDWIN, archbishop of Canter- author of "Highland Mary," besides bury. This prelate accomepanied Rich- other novels and poems, and for many ard I. to Palestine, and d. there, 1291. years a contributor to various Scottish His writings were published by Tissier, periodicals. B. 1767; d. 1829.-Sir ANin 1662. DREw, an eminent botanist and physiBALDWIN I., king of Jerusalem, clan, and one to whom medical science succeeded to that dignlity in 1100, took in Scotland owes a lasting debt of gratiAntipatris, Cnsarea, and Azotus in tlude for a botanic garden, museum, &e. 1101, and Acre in 1104. D. 1118.-II., B. 1630; d. 1694. king of Jerusalem, succeeded the above BALGUY, JOiN, an eminent divine in 1118; Eustace, brother of Baldwin I., of the church of England, and a theohaving renounced his claim to the throne. logical writer, was b. at Sheffield, in Baldwin II. was taken prisoner by the 1686, and in 1727 beemtne a prebendary Saracens in 1124, and gave them the of Salisbury. He engaged deeply in the city of Tyre as his ransom. D. 1131.- Bangcorian controversy; and among his III. succeeded to the throne in 1143. several works may be noticed "Au{ EsHe took Ascalon and other places from say on Redemption," a "Letter to a the infidels. D. 1163.-IV., the son of Doist on the Beauty and Excellence of Amaury, succeeded his father on the Moral Virtue," &c. D. 1748.-THOMAS, throne of Jerusalem in 1174. He subse- son of the above, prebend and archdeaquently resigned in favor of his nephew. con of Winchester; author of "Divine D. 1185.-V., nephew and successor of Benevolence, asserted and vindicated," the last named, was poisoned in 1186. a sermon on church government, &e. BALE, JOHN, an English ecclesiastic. B. 1716; d. 1795. B. at Cove, in 1495, who became bishop BALIQL, Sir JOHN DE, a native of of Ossory, in Ireland. Educated a Ro- Durham, who, on the marriacge of the manist, he was converted to Protestant- daughter of Henry III. to Alexander ism. His clergy opposed and forsook III. of Scotland, was made one of the him, and so furious was their opposition, guardians of the royal pair. He foundthat in one tumult five of his servants ed Baliol college, Oxford; and having were murdered in his presence. lIe sided with Henry III. against his rewas obliged to fly, and after enduring volted barons, the latter seized upon many hardships, found shelter in Swit- his lands. D. 1269.-JOHN DE, son of zerland, where he remained till the death the preceding, laid claim to the crown of Mary. On his return to England, lie of Scotland oil the death of Queen Marmade ]no attempt to recover his Irish garet. Hits claim was disputed by Fevliocese, but settled as a prebend of eral competitors, one of whom was the BAL] CYCLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 99 famlous Robert Eruce. But Edward I., and eventually attained the rank of rear to whom the matter was referred, de- admiral, in 1825. D. 1832. cided in favor of Balol. I-Ie soon gave BALLERINI, PETER and JEROME, two offenee to Edward; and being defeated priests and brothers, natives of Verona, by him in a battle near Dunbar, he was who, in the 18th century, conjointly sent, together with his son, to the Tow- wrote some works, and edited several er of London. The intercession of the editions of ecclesiastical authors. pope having procured his release, he BALLESTEROS, FRANCs, an eminent retired to France, where he d. in 1314. Spanishofficer. B. 1770. BALL, JOHN, a puritan divine, who BALLEXFERD, N., a citizen of Gewhile he disapproved of the discipline neva, author of a treatise on the "Physof the church, wrote against separa- ical Education of children," &c. B. tion from it ol that gilound. B. 1585; 1726; d. 1774. d. 1640. BALLI, JosEPH, a Sicilian divine; auBALLANDEN, JOHN;,a Scotch divine thor of a treatise "De Morte Corporurn of the 16th century; author of various Naturalium," &c. D. 1640. works, and translator of Hector Boe- BALLIANI, JoHN BAPTIsT, a senator thius's History of Scotland. D. 1550. of Genoa; author of a treatise on the BALLANTYNE, JAMES, a printer of "Natural Motion of Heavy Bodies." B. considerable note in Edinburgh, and at 1586; d. 1666. whose press the whole of the produc- BALLIN, CLAUDE, a skilful artist of tions oi Sir Walter Scott were printed, chased work in gold and silver. lIe was was a native of Kelso where he first b. at Paris in 1615, and brought up to opened an office for the "Kelso 3Mail," the occupation of a goldsmith under his of which, he was the editor. For many father, who exercised that art. He years he also conducted the "Edin- studied drawing, and improved his taste burgh Weekly Journal." He survived as a designer by copying the pictures of his friend.and patron but a few months, Poussin. When only 19 he made four dying in January, 1833. -JOHN, his silver basins, decorated with figures repbrother, was the confidant of Sir Walter, resenting the four ages of the wvorld. in keeping the secret of the authorship These were purchalsed by Cardinal Richeof "Waverley." He was a man of fine lieu. He -was subsequently employed humor, with an inexhaustible fund of in making plate services for Louis XIV., anecdotes. D. 1821. of which it is said the workmanship BALLARD, GEORGE, a native of added ten times to the value of the maCampden, in Gloucestershire, who, while terial. D. 1678. the obscure apprentice of a habit-maker, BALMEZ, JAMES LUOEN, one of the employed the hours which his com- most renowned of the late Spanish wripanions devoted to sleep to the acquisi- ters, and an ecclesiastic, whose phition of the Saxon language, ancd recom- losophical, theological, and political mended to the patronage of Lord treatises have given him a European Chedworth, he went. to Oxford, where, fame. He was b. at Vich, in Catalonia, by the kindness of Dr. Jenner, he was in 1810. He was early distilguished for made one of the eight clerks of Magdalen his acquirements, and in 1833 was apcollege, and afterwards one of the beadles pointed to the chair of mathematics in of the university. His weakly constitu- his native place. His writings were tion was impaired by -the severity of his chiefly in defence of the Roman Catholic studies, and he d. June, 1755, in the church, which he endeavored to restore prime of life. His access to the Bodleian to its ancient dignity and influence. His was the means of his increasing his val- "Protestantism and Catholicism comuable collections; but he published only pared in their Effects on the Civilization "Meimoirs of British Ladies celebratedl of Europe," a very able book, has been for their Writings," in 4to., 1752.-Vo- translated into English, French, and LANT VASION, a rear-admiral of the Brit- German. D. 1848. ish navy, was b. in 1774. On entering BALTHASAR, CHRISTOPHER, a king's naval life he accompanied Vancouver on advocate at Auxerre, who abandoned his laborious voyage of discovery, to the the minoluments of his office, and the northwest coast of America, in which Catholic religion, to embrace the tenets be was absent from England nearly five of the Protestants, in whose favor he vears. In 1807, when captain of the wrote several controversial treatises, TBlonde frigate, he captured five French especially against Baronius, which were privateers. Ile afterwards distinguish- received with great avidity. The synod ed himself at the taking of Guadaloupe; of Loudun granted him, in 1659, a pen 100 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BAM sion of 750 linvres, for his literary ser- after productive of trouble. When the vices.-J. A. FELIX DE, author of a duke was banished he shared the dis"Defence of William Tell," and presi- grace, and was confined by a lettre de dent of the council of Lucerne. D. cachet at Orleans; he however was re1810. stored to favor, though he was not rcBALTHAZARINI, surnamed Beau- placed in his directorial chair of the joyeux, an Italian musician, recommend- royal college, which he before held. ed by Brissac, governor of Piedmont, to He died 28th of July, 1718, in his 87th Henry III. of France, by whom he was year, and left behind him the character liberally patronized, and for the enter- of an indefatigable collector of curious tainment of whose court lie wrote several manuscripts and annotations. ballads and pieces of' music. He coin- BALZAC, JOHN Louis GUEZ DE, a posed a ballet called Ceres and her French writer of great reputation, which nymphs, for the nuptials of the Due de he chiefly owed to the elegance of his Joyeuse with the queen's sister, Made- style, author of "Letters," "The moiselle de Vauldemont; and this is re- Prince," "The Christian Socrates," gardedl as the origin of the heroical ballet &c. B. 1594; d. 1654. —HONORE DE, of France. one of the most distinguished as well as BALTUS, JOHN FRANCIS, a Jesuit of prolific novel writers of modern times, Metz, author of several works, especially was born at Tours, 1799. Having comof an answer to Fontenelle's history of pleted his studies at Vendome, he puboracles, printed atStrasblrg, 8vo. Bailtus lished, between 1821 and 1829, twenty possessed considerable learning' and tal- or thirty volumes under various pseudoents, which he wholly employed in de- nymes, with very equivocal success; fence of Roman Catholic orthodoxy. Ile but after this trying apprenticeship, he d. librarian of Rheims, 1743, at the age put forth all his powers under his own of 76. name, with what result those who have BALUE, JoHN, a cardinal, b. of niean read "La Peau de Chagrin," "Les parents, in Poitou. He raised himself Chouans," La Physiologic de Mato consequence by flattery and merit, riago," "Le PSre Goriot," "La Femme and gradually became bishop of Evreux de Trente Ans," &c., can best testify. and of Arras. I-e Vwa1 made a cardinal Since that period his productions sueby Paul II., and when honored with the ceeded one another with wonderful raconfidence of Louis XI., became his pidity; and it may be truly said that minister, and acted as general over his his literary strength grew with his troops. Ungrateful to his duty and to years, for his "' Mideclin de Campagne," his master, le formed intrigues with the and his " Parens Pauvres," his last dukes of Burgundy and Berri; and when works, are his best. In addition to his at last discovered by the kina, he was romances, Balzac wrote some theatrical imprisoned for eleven years, in an iron pieces, and for some time edited and cage, after which he repaired to Rome, contributed to the " Rdvue Parisielne;"* and lrose to new preferments. He after- but his romances exhibit the highest wards came to France as pope's legate, evidences of genius. Since tle revoluthough he had so ill deserved of the con- tion of 1848, Balzae was engared in fidence and honor of his country. He visiting the battle-fields of Germany d. at Ancona, 1491. and Russia, and in collecting materials BALUZE, STEPHENa, a native of Tulles for a series of vo.lumes, to'be entitled in Guienne, patronized by Peter de c"Scenes de la Vie Militaire." Next to Marca, archbishop of Toulouse, by Tel- his celebrity as an author, the most relier, afterwards chancellor of France, markable feature in his career was the and by Colbert. He employed his lei- deep passion which he formted for a sure hours in enriching the libraries of Russian princess, who finally compenhis patrons with valuable manuscripts, sated him for long years of untiring detill in his 39th year le was appointed votion by the gift of her hand in 1848. professor of canon law in the royal D. 1850. college with every mark of distinction. BAMBRIDE, CHRISTOPrnI, archHis lives of the "Popes of Avignon" bishop of York, was sent ambassador proved so interesting to the king,-chat from Henry VIII. to Pop'e Julius II., le granted the author a pension, but who made him a cardinal. Died of his attachment to the duke of Bouillon, poison administered by his servant, the history of whose family he had un- 1514. dertaken to write, but in which he in- BAMFIELD, FRANCIS, a nonconfor<;terted some offensive remarks, was soon mist divine, author of a work on the DBAN] CYCLOPJEDIA O1 3IOG-i#APIIY. 101 4 Observance of the Sabbath." I-Ie was BANIM, JON-, an Irish novelist of committed to Newgate for holding a distinction, was born near Kilkenny in conventicle, and died there, 1684. 1800. Early in life he gave indications BAMPFYLDE, Sir CiHALES WAR- of poetical ability, and at the age of 17 wIcK, Bart., a descendant of one of the became editor of the " Leinster Jouroldest and. most distinguished families nal." The next year he produced the in Devonshire, and during seven sue- somewhat famous melodrama of "IDacessive parliaments one of the members mon and Pythias." At 20 he was editor for Exeter. In 1823, wheln he was 71 of the "Literary Register," but his years of age, he was assassinated close fame began with the success of the to his own house, in Montague square, "O'Hare Tales," in 1825. In these he by a man named Moorland, who blew was the first to deopart from the path his owwlbrains out immediately after. chosen by the Edcgeworths and the BANCHI, SERAPHIN, a priest of the Morgans, and to exhibit the crime, the Dominican order at Florence, to whom passion, and the tragedy of the Irish a fanatic, named Barriere, disclosed his cabin in all their dark colors. They intention to assassinate Henry IV. Ban- were followed in rcpic succession by chi's information saved the king, who" Boyne Water," "The Croppy," "The rewarded him with the archbishopric Denounced," "The Smuggler, "The of Angouieme. Mayor of Windgap," &c., &ce. tBut BANCK, LAWRENCE, a Swedish law- popular as his tales were, they aifordec yer, author of several works against Pa- him only a precarious subsistence. lIe pal usurpation. D. 1662. was compelled in his latter days, though BANCROFT, RmICHAD, archbishop of enjoying a small pension from governCanterbury, a distinguished opponent ment, to depend on' the bounty of of the Puritans and a supporter of the friends. D. 1842. English church. B. 1544; d. 1610.- BANISTER, JOHN, a learned phyJOHN, nephew of the above, bishop of sician of the 16th century, lwho, after Oxford,, and builder of the palace of studying at Oxford and proceeding there Cuddesden for the bishops of that see. to his first degree in physic in 1573, reD. 1640.-AACoN, a distinguished Uni- moved to Nottingham, where he actarian pastor of Massachusetts, and au- quired great reputation. He was author thor of a "Life of Washington." B. of several works on physic and surgery. 1755; d. 1839. -JOmN, the first performer of celebrity BANDELLO, MAIaTTHEW, a Domlnican on the violin, and the composer of the monk of the Milanese. -Ie wrote tales music to Davenant's opera of Circe. D. in the manner of Boccacio, and proceed- 1679 ing to France obtained the bishopric of BANKES. Sir JOHN, chief justice of A(en. ID. 1561. the Common Pleas in the reign of Charles bANDINELLI, BACIO, a Florentine I. His wife, with the fatmily, being at sculptor and painter. His group of the their seat at' Corfe Castle, were sumLaocoon is highly esteemed. B. 1487; moned to surrender it, but she successd. 1559. fully defended it against the parliamenBANDINI, ANaGELO AMiVL, an Italian tary troops, till relieved by the arrival antiquary and bibliographer, author tf of Lord Carnarvon, with a body of horse. "De Florentini Juntarum Typographia," Sir John d. in 1644. &c. D. 1800. BANKS, JoI-IN, a bookseller, and auBANDURI,. ANSELM, a Benedictine, thor of a " Critical Review of the Life of who wrote several valuable antiquarian Cromwell," &e. B. 1709; d. 1751.works. D. 1743. JOHN, an English dramatist of the 18th BANGIUS, PETER, a Sweqish pro- century; author of the "Earl of Essex," fessor of theology at Abo, who wrote a tragedy, &c.-Sir JosEPI, an eminent an "'Ecclesiastical History of Sweden." English naturalist, and for many' years D. 1696.-THOMvoS, a professor of di- president of the Royal Society. His envinity and Hebrew act Copenhagen, who tihusiasm in the study of natural history compiled a "'Hebrew Lex-icon." B. may be judged of from the fact, that it 1600; d. 1661.. led him to accompany Cook in his first BANIER, ANTHONY, an industrious circumnvigaiation of thle world. He pubFrench author and compiler, who wrote lished only one small work, a treatise on some thirty different "Belles Lettres the: "Bligiht, Mildecw, or Rust in Corn." Essays," and an "Historical Explana- B. 1743; d. 1820. —THoiAxs, an elinent tion of Fables," &c., &c. B. 1678; d. English sculptor. Among the best of 1741. his works are "C Caractacus taken Prison9* 102 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BAN er to Rome, and "Achilles mourning houses and inns at Lyons, and other the Loss of Briseis." He also executed towns, for small sums collected from the the admirable monument in Westlmin- guests. M. de Visnes, who was then ster abbey, to the memory of Sir Eyre manager of the opera at Paris, relates, Coote. B. 1735; d. 1805. that, in the year 1778, he stopped one BANNAKER, BENJAMIN, a& negro of evening at a coffee-house on the bouleMaryland, who by his own unaided ef- vards, being struck by the sound of a forts mastered the astronomical works very beautiful voice; it was Banti whom and tables of Ferguson, and gained a he lheard, as she was singing in the cofcomplete knowledge of the mathematics, fee-room. He put a louis d'or into her so that for years lhe was the calculator hand, desirin. her to call on him the and publishler of the Maryland Epheme- next morning. The result was, that rides. Monsieur de Visnes engagoed her immeBANNIER JOHN a Swedish general diately for the Opera Bulsff, where she who served under dustavus Adolphus, made her debut, by an air suno between and at the death of that prince became the second and third acts of "'iphigenie commander-in-ehief. B. 1601; d. 1641. en Aulide," and created a universal senBANNISTER, JOHN, an admirable sation of delight.. After the departure' comic actor, the son of Charles Bannis- of the celebrated Agujari fiom London, ter, well known as a singer and a wit, the managers of the Pantheon enoagaed. was born in London, in 1760. Having Madame'Banti for three seasons, upon secured the favor of the great Garrick, condition that ~100 a vear should be dehe made his debut at Drury lane thea- ducted fiom her salary, for the payment tre, as "Master J. Bannister,"' when of an able master to cultivate her voice. twelve years of age; he then quitted the Sacchini was the first appointed to this boards for a time, but obtained a perma- office; but he found her so idle and obnent engagement in 1779. At first he stinate, that he soon quitted her as an aspired to tiragedy, and gave it a decided incurable patient. She was next assigned preference,; but his talents so clearly lay to Piozzi, whose patience was likevwise in an opposite direction, that on the death soon exhausted by her incorrigible inof Edwin he at once supplied his place, attention. Her last master in England giving proofs of first-rate powers, and was Abel; soon after which she left this establmishing himself as a public favorite. country, and sang with enthusiastic apThe parts in which he excelled were plause at several of the German courts, mainly Sylvester Daggerwood, Lingo, and subsequently at almost every princiTrudge, the Three Singles, Bobadil, Dr. pal town in Italy. Her great success Pangloss, Job Thornberry, Colonel certainly exemplified most strongly the Feignwell, and Walter in " The Children truth of the old adage, " That there are in the Wood." Being much afflicted a liundred requisites necessary to con with the gout, he retired from the stage stitute a good singer, of which, whoever in 1815, having had the good fortune to possesses a fine voice, is already in posearn a competence by his profession, and session of ninety-nine." After several the prudence to keep it. He d. Novemu- years absence, Banti returned to England ber 8, 1836, respected and beloved by all ia the spring of 1790, when her performwho knew him. Nature had done much ance and singing in Gluck's opera of for Bannister, physically as well as men- "Alceste," was thought to be most pertvlly: his face, figure, and voice were feet; every look, every action, every excellent; his spirits exuberant; and an note, apearing to be strictly appr opriate open manly countenance was a faithful to the character she had aissunme( and incdex to the heart of " Gentleman Jack." to no other. Soon after this, on the ocBANTI, BRIGIDA GEORGI, a celebrated casion oA Lord Howe's victory, Banti female Italian singer, was the daughter introduced in one of her cantatas the of a Venetian gondolier, and in her youth national air of "God save the king," in nothing more or less than a street singer a style which perfectly electrified the in Georgi, her native town; where a no- audience. In the year 1799 she enrapble amateur, having noticed the brilliancy tured every hearer by her performance of her voice, had her instructed in sing- in " Ines de Castro," composed by Biing at his expense. Itwas probable she anchi, and then first produced. The was shortly after advised to try her for- celebrated prayer in it, " Gran Dio die tune in a foreign country, for she soon regoli," was given in a style of tenderleft Venice on her road to Paris; not ness and appropriate devotion, which however, as it would seem, in prosperous perhaps has never been exceeded on the circumstances, siince she sang at coffee- stage. We believe that the year 1809 BAR] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 103 was the last season of Banti's singing in I genity, so that he was elected a member. Eln'lalnd. She dCied at Bologna, in 180I, In 1735 he went with his ftther to Halle; a.'ed tobotlt 50. It is said, that, on open- at whichl university he was offered the iln: her body, the lungs w ere found to be degr ee of master of arts, or (as they call oi an unusually large size. it) dcoctor in philosophy. Baratier drew BAPTIST, JOHN, a native of Lisle, up that night 14 theses in philosophy resident for some time in England, as a and the mathematics; these he sent Impainter of flowers. Ise studied atAnt- mediately to the press, and defended rwerp, and assisted Le Brun in painting the next day so very ably, that all who the palace of Versailles, n which tehe eard him-were deliohted and amazed: flowers were his execution. The duke he was then admitted to his degree. But of Montaogue, who was ambassador in this great application injured his health, France, employed hilm with La Fosse and and he d. before le was 20 years old. Eousseau in the decoration of Montague BARBARINO, FRANhcESCO, an early house, now the British Mnseum. A Italian poet, who wrote " DocumencU looking-glass awhich he adorned with a d'Amore."1 B. 1264; d. 1348. garlandl of flowers for Queen Mary is BARBARO, FRANcIS, a noble Venestill preserved at Kensington palace. tian, distinguished by his learning as There is a print of him from a painting well as his political talents. He defendby Sir Godfrey Kneller, in Walpole's ed Brescia, of which he ways governor, Anecdotes. le died 1699.-His son against the Dluke of Milan, and obliged Anthony distinguished himself also in the besiegers to retreat. lie is princiflower painting.-Another of the same pally known by a partial translation of name, who was born at Antwerp, paid Plutarcl's wvors, and a treatise' De Re a visit to England during the civil wars, Uxoria. The latter was publisled in and wa asengagced in General Lambert's 1515 at Paris. Some familiar epistles of service, and after the restoration he his were also published as late as 1743. painted the attitudes and draperies of D. 1454.-HERsMOLAO, the clder, nephew Sir Peter Lely's portraits. He died in to Francis, was bishop of Trevisa, and 1691. afterwards of Verona, where he d. 1470. BARAHONA Y SOTO, Louis, a lie translated some of _Esop's fables into Spanish physician.and poet, a native of Latin, when only 12 years old.-HERLuceria, in Andalusia, continued, under OLAus, grandson of Francis, a learned the title of the Tears of Angelica, the Veneitan, employed by his countrymen romance of Ariosto, and executed his as ambassador to the Emperor Frederic, task in such a manner as to gain the to his son, Maimilian, and to Pope Inapplause of Cervantes. He is also the nocent VIII. He was honored by the author of some eclogues, stanzas, and pope with the vacant patriarchate of sonnets.' Aquileia against the wishes of his counBARANZANO, REDuEMPTUS, a Barna- trymen, wlvo had passed a law that their bite monk, who corresponded with Lord ambassadors should accept no favor from Bacon, by whom he was highly esteem- the Roman pontiff; and so inexorable ed for his proficiency in mathematics. were the Venetians, that Barbaro's faHe wrote " Uranoscopia," " CaLnpus ther, who wyas far advanced in years, and Philosophornm," &c. B.1590;d. 1622. intrustecd with the first offices of the BARATIER, JJOHN PHILIP, a person of state, was unable to avert their resentprodigious memory. B. 1721, at Schwo- ment, and died, in consequence, of a bach, in the margravate of Anspach. broken heart. Barbaro wrote some exAt the age of 4 he conversed with his cellent treatise s as well as poetry; and mother in French, with his father in in translations from Plutarch and DiosLatin, and with his servants in German. corides he showed his abilities as a The rapidity of his improvements aug- Greek sclolar. D. 1493.-DAsNIEL COmented with his years, so that he became adjutor of the patriarchate of Aquileia, perfectly acquainted with Greek at 6, with his uncle Ilermolao, was sent as with Hebrew at 8, and in his 11th year amnbassador fiom Venice to England, translated from the Hebrew into French where he continued till 1551. He d. the travels of the rabbi Benjamin of 1570, and left several learned works beTudela, which he enriched with valu- hind him, among which were a' Treaable annotations, His proficiency in tise on Eloquence, "Venice," -a mathematics was so great that he sub- Italian translation of Vitruvius, and the mitted to the Royal Academy of Science, "Practice of Perspective,' folio. at Berlin, a plan for finding the longi- BARBAROSSA, ABUCH a well-known tude at sea, marked wit.wonderful in- pirate, who made himself master of Al 104 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BAR iers, and murdered the king Selim when he d., and his sn. sessor Hassan Entemi, whom he had come to assist became possessed of his authority and and defend against his Spanish invaders. riches. With the ferocity of a Turk He afterwards made himself master of and a corsair, he possessed some generTunis, and of Tremecen, -whose sover- ous sentiments, and obtained a character eign was assassinated by his own sub- for honor and fidelity in his engagejects. His success was stopped by the ments. marquis of Gomares, governor of Oran, BARBAULD, ANN LETITIA, daughter whom the heir of the Tremecen domin- of the Rev. John Aikin, was born at ions had invited to his support; but Kibworth, in Leicestershire, June 20, when besieged in the citadel he made 1743. She rei cived from him a classical his escape'by a subterraneous passage education, and early showed a disposibut beinmg overtaken he was cut to pieces tion for poetry. Her earliest producwith his followers. sD. 1518.-CIEREDIN, tion was a small volume of miscellaneous a brother of the above, was an admiral poems, printed in 1772, which, in the under Selim II. He obtained possession year following, was succeeded by a colof Tunis, but was checked by Charles lection of pieces in prose, published in V., after which he plundered several conjunction with her brother, Dr. John towns of Italy, and then advanced to Aikin of Stoke Newington. In 1774 Yemen in Arabia, which he conquered. she accepted the hand of the Rev. He d. in 1547, aged 80, leaving his son Rochemont Barbauld, with whom she Asan in possession of the kingdom.- took up her residence at Palgrave, in HAYRADIN, or KHAYR EADIN, younger Suffolk, and there composed the works brother of the preceding. He was left on which the durability of her reputaby Aruch to secure Algiers, when he tion is most securely founded, viz., marched against Tunis, and, on his "Early Lessons and Hymns for Childeath, was proclaimed king in his place. dren,' pieces which are justly conFinding his authority insecure, he made sidered as of standard merit. In 1785 application to the Ottoman Sultan Soli- she accompanied her husband on a man, offering to recognize his superior- tour. to the Continent, and on his reity, and become tributary, provided a turn, resided for several years at Hampforce was sent to him sufficient to main- stead, but in 1802 again removed to tain him in his usurpation. Soliman Stoke Newington, in order the more agreed to his proposals, and, ordering constantly to enjoy her brother's sohim a reinforcement of janizaries, in- ciety. In 1812 appeared the last of her vested him with the dignity of viceroy separate publications, entitled "Eighor pacha over the kingdom of Algiers. teen Hundred and Eleven," a poem of Thus reinforced, Hayradin built a wall considerable merit; previous to which for the improvement of the harbor, she had edited a collection of English strengthened it with fortifications, and novels, and a similar collection of the may be deemed the founder of that mis- best British essayists of the time of chievous seat of piracy, as it has ever Anne, with Richardson's correspondsince existed. Such was his reputation ence, and a memoir of his life and for naval -and military talents, that Soli- writings. D. 1824. man II. made him his capitan pacha. BARBAZAN, ARNOLD AWILLIAM, was In this capacityhe signalized himself by a brave and noble French general, a long course of exploits against the whose valor, probity, and disinterestedVenetians and Genoese; and, in 1543, ness during a long and successful career when Francis I. made a league with under the reigns of Charles VI. and Soliman, he left Constantinople, and, VII. gained for him the glorious appelwith a poverfuil fleet, having the French lation of "the Irreproachable Knight." ambassador on board, took'Reggio, and D. 1482.-STEPHEmN, a French writer, ausacked the coast of Italy. In conjunction thor of a " Father's Instructions to his with the Frenlch, he also besieged and Son," and editor of various old French took Nice, and refitting during the win- tales and fables. B. 1696; d. 1770. ter at Toulon, again ravaged the coast BARBATELLI, BERNARDINO, an Italand islands of Italy in the ensuing spring, ian painter, particularly excellent in deand returned with many prisoners andh lineating flowers, fruits, and animals. much spoil to Constantinople. From B. 1542; d. 1612. this time he seems to have declined BARBEAU DES BRUYERES, JEAN active service. and to have given him- Louis, son of a wood-monger at Paris, self up to a voluptuous life among his rose by the strength of his genius from female captives, until the age of 80, the mean occupation of his father. lie BAR] CYCLOPIEDIA O UmIO1GnAPHY. 105 resided 10 or 15 years in Holland, and the narrow circle of his studies and reon his return he assisted for 23 years searches was not sufflcient for such an Mi. Bauche in the completion of his extensive plan. works. His first publication in 1759, BAISBIERI JouN FRANCIS, also callwas his map I"De MAonde Historique," ed GUEECIII, an eminent historical an ingenious chart, in which was united painter. B. 1590; d. 1666.-PAUL ANall the information which geography, THONY, brother of the above, an eminent chronology, and history could produce. painter of still-life subjects. D. 1640. He published besides the "Tablettes BARBOSA, Ais, a learned PortuChronologiques," of Lenglet, a transla- guese professor of Greek at Salamanca, tion of Strahlemberg's Description of author of a treatise " On Prosody," and Russia, Le Croix's Modern Geography, some Latin Poems. D. 1540.-PETER, besides large contributions to the works chancellor of Portugal, author of treaof his friends, and the two last volumes tises " On the Digests.'" D. 1596.-Auof the "Biblioth6que de France," by Le aUSTIN, son of the last named bishop of Long. Barbeau had to struggle through Ugento, author of a treatise " De Officio life against poverty, but it did not ruffle Eliscopi," &c. D. 1648. his temper, or render him unwilling BARBOUR, Jon', a Scotch poet and freely to communicate to others from divine, chaplain to David Bruce, of the vast store of his knowledge in geog- whose life and actions he wrote a hisraphy and history. D. 1781. tory. B. 1320; d. 1378.-THIOMAS, a BARBERINO, FRANCIS, an Italian whig of the American revolution, and poet, author of "-Precepts of Love." in 1769 a member of the house of burB. 1264; d. 1548. gesses of Virginia, which made the first..BARBEYRAC, CTIARLES a French protest against the stamp act. He died physician, whom Locke compared to in 1825, aged 90.-JAMZtE, a Virginian Sydenham, author of "' Questions Me- statesman, who after serving in various dlca Duodecim,"'&c. B. 1629; d. 1699. offices in the state, was subsequently -JOHN, nephew of the above, professor governor, senator of the United States, of law at Berne, and subsequently at and minister of war under John Quincy Groningen. To the performance of his Adams. In 1828 he was sent minister duty as a lecturer, lie added most labo- to St. James, but was recalled by Gen. rious exertions as an author. I-H trans- Jackson. lie then retired to private lated the most valuable portions of Gro- life, and devoted himself mainly to tius, Puffendorf, and other able civilians agricultural pursuits. D. 1824. —PHILIP into French, and wrote a "History of PENDLETON, a younger brother of the Ancient Treatises," &c. B. 1674; d. former, was also distinguished as a law1747. yer and statesman. In 1836 he was an BARBIER, ANTONIr ALEXANDRE, bib- massociate justice of the Supreme Court liographer, was born at Coulomniers, in of the United States. He was a man 1765, and, at the beginning of the rev- of acute, sound, and penetrating mind. olution, was a vicar. In the year 1794, D. 1841. he went to Paris, where he was chosen BARCHAM, JOHN, a learned divine a lmember of the committee appointed and antiquary. B. at Exeter, about to collect works of literature and art 1572. He assisted Speed in his "Hisexisting in the monasteries, which were tory of England;" and was author of a then suppressed. This was the cause "Display ofIHeraldrie," folio, 1611; but of his being appointed, in 1798, keeper having composed this in his youth, and of the library of the conlseil dieat, col- thinking it too light a subject to aclected by himself, and, when it was knowledge, he gave it to John Gwillin, transported to Fontainbleau, in 1807, a heralc of his acquaintance, under Napoleon appointed him his librarian. whose name it has been repeatedly At the return of the king, he had the printed. D. 1642. care of his private library. He died in BARCLAY, an English poet of some 1825. His excellent "Catalogue de la note, originally chaplain of St. Mary OtBiblioth6que de Conseil d'Etat," Paris, tery, in Devonshire, and afterwards a 1801-3 2 vols., folio, is now very rare. Benedictine monk of Ely. His death His " bictionnaire des Ouvrages Ano- took place in 1552, a short time after he nymes et Pseudonymes," is, on account had been presented,to the living of Allof its plan, excellent. But he did not Hallows,in London. His principal work succeed so well with his "Examen Cri- is a-satire, entitled " The Ship of Fools," tique et Complement des Dictionnaires a translation or imitation of a German Historiques," 1 vol., Paris, 1820, since composition. He also wrote "Eclogues," 106 C'eLOPEDIA OP BI3OGRAPHY. [BAR which, according' to Warton, the histo- German, Dutch, French, and Spanish rian of English poetry, are the earliest lano'uages, and, by the author ihhun elf compositions of the kind in ourlani uage. into English. It met, of course, with -JOHN, wias b. at Pont-aX-MoussIn, and many answers; but his ftame w as now educated in the Jesuits' college at that widely diffused, and in lis travels wi th place. He accompaniedl his father to the faimous William P nlm, through tlie mEnglnd, where he was much noticed areater part of Enoland, -llalnd, and by James I., to whom he dedicated one Germany, to spread the opinions of the of his principal works, a political and Quakers, he was received everywhere satirical romance, entitled "Euphor- with the hiehest marks of respect. The mbio," in Latin, chiefly intended to ex- last of his prioductions, in defence of the pose the Jesuits, against whom the theory of the Quakers, was a long Latin author adduces some very serious accu- letter, addressed, in 1676, to Adrian de sations. Ile wrote, also, several other Paets, " On the Possibility of an Inward works, aimono which is a singular ro- and Inmediate. Revelation." It was not mance, in elegant Latin, entitled "Ar- published in England nitil 1686; fiom genis," a political allegory, of a character which time Barclay, who had endured similar to that of "Enuphorinio," and his share of persecution, and been more alluding to the political state of Europe, than once imprisoned, spent the remainand especially France, during the league. ing part of his life, in the bosom of a -ROBERT, the celebrated apologist of laige family, in quiet and peace, He d. the Quakers, was b. during 1648, at after a short illness, at his own house, Gordonstown, in the shire of Moray, of in Ury, in 1690, in the 42d year of his an ancient and honorable family. The age. With few exceptions, both partitroubles of the country induced his sans and opponents unite in the profesfather to send him to Paris, to be edu- sion of great respect for his charactetr eated under the care of his uncle, who and talents. Besides the works already was principal of the Scots college in that mentioned or alludecT to, he wrote a capital. Under his influence he was treatise " On Universal Love," and va: made a convert to the Roman Catholic rious replies to the most able opponents religion, upon which his father sent for of his " Apology."-WILLIAM, a learned him to return home; Daid, soon after civilian, was b. in Aberdeenshire, about becoming a Quaker, the son soon fol- 1541. He spent the early part of his lowed his example. His first treatise in life, and much of his fortune, at the support of his adopted principles was court of Mary queen of Scots, from published at Aberdeen, in 1670, under whose favor he expected preferment. In the title of "Truth cleared of Calum- 1573, he went over to France, and at nies," &c., being an answer to an attack Bruges commenced student of civil law oni the Quakers by a Scottish minister under the famous Cujacius. Having of the name of Mitchell. It is written continued some years in that seminary, with great vigor, and with his subse- he took a doctor's degree, and was soon quent writings against the same oppo- after appointed professor of civil law in nent, tended materially to rectify pub- the university of Pont-h-Mousson, then lie sentiment in regardc to the Quakers, first founded by the duke of Lorraine. as also to procure them greater indul- Iaving parted with his patron, Barclay gence from government. To propagate embarked for Britain, where King James the doctrines, as well as to maintain the I., who had now succeeded to the two credit he had gained for the sect, he crowns, offered him considerable preferpublished, in 16t5, a regular treatise, in ment, provided he would become a order to explain and defend the system member of the church of England. Not of the Quakers, which production was choosing, however, to cemply with this, also very favorably received. These and he returned to France in 1604, and soon similar labors involved him in contro- after his arrival was appointed professor versics with the leading members of of civil law in the university of Angers, the university of Aberdeen, and others; where he died the year following, and but, notwithstanding so much engross- was buried in the Franciscan church. ment, his mind was, at the same tinie, He was esteemed a learned civilian, and busy with his great work, in Latin, wrote elaborately in the defence of the "An Apology for the true Christian Di- divine right of kings, in answer to Buvinity, as the same is preached and held chanan and others. forth by the People in scorn called Qua- BARCOCHEBAS, a Jewish impostor, kers." It was soon reprinted at Am- in the 2d century, who, during the sterdam, and quickly translated into the reign of the emperor Adrian, caused BARt] CYCLOPDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 107 himself to be proclaimed the Messiah male 2Eone. lie considered Jesus to be and king of the Jews. Under his stand- the zEon destined for the salvation of ard they rose in rebellion against the souls, only a feigned man, a.nd his death Romans. He fortified himself with his only a feigned death, but his doctrine deluded followers, in various places, and the s are means to fill the souls of men committed great barbarities, particularly with ardent desires for their celestial against the Christians, whom lie massa- home, and to lead them back to God, to cred in vast numbers. Julius Severus, whom they go immediately after death, the greatest general of the time, took the and without a resurrection of the earthly conluct of the war against him, and body. He propagated this doctrine in adopted the policy of attacking and cut- Syrian hymns, and is the first writer of ting his followers off separately. He fell hymns in this language. His son IIarat the siege of Bitten, alter fifty thousand moilius studied in Athens, and strove, Jews had perished in consequence of also, by means of hymns1 to procure the hlis act. reception of his doctrine. let the BarBARCOS, MARTIN DE, a learned Jan- desanists did not formally separate themsenist, who wrote a work called " Petrus selves from the orthodox Christian Aurelius," "'La Grandeur'de L'Eolise church. They maintained themselves Romaine," a treatise on the " Authority until the 5th century. of St. Peter and St. Paul," and many BARDIN, PIERRE, a French writerl controversial tracts. D. 1678. author of "Le Grand Chambellan ds BARD, JOHN, a learned physician. France," &c. He lost his life while He engaged in business in Philadelphia, attempting to rescue a drowning man, and atfterwards removed to New York, 1687, where he remained till within a few BARDNEY, RmICARD, an Engn!lish months of his death. In the year 1795, monk; author of the " Life of Robert when the yellow fever had put to flight Grosthead, bishop of Lincoln." D. 1504. a number of physicians, who were in BAREBONE, PRAIE-GOD, a notorious the meridian of life, the veteran Dr. Bard fanatic of the time of Cromwell, from remained at his post. He was the author whom the famous Barebone's Parliaof several papers on the yellow fever in ment took its name. He was originally the American Medical Register. In 1750 a leather-dealer, but a man of considerhe assisted Dr. Middleton in the first able energy and influence. He was.arrecorded dissection in America. D. rested in 1661 with Major Wildman and 1799.-SAMUEL, M.D., to obtain a thor- Harrington for a plot against the governough medical education, he spent five ment, and. committed to the Tower. years in France, England, and Scotland. What became of him on his release is He received his degree at Edinburgh in. not known. 1765. Dr. Bard formed the plan of the BARENT, DIETRICIa, a Dutch historimedical school of New York, which was ecal and portrait painter. B. 1534; d. established within a year after his return. 1582. Hle was appointed professor of the prac- BARERE, BERTRAND, one of the most tice of physic. Medical degrees wvere conspicuous actors in the first Frencl first conferred in 1769. By his exertions revolution, was born in 1755 at Tarbes, the hospital was founded. In 1774 he in Gascony, where his father possessed delivered a course of chemical lectures. the small estate of Vieuzac. IHe was In 1813 he was appointed president of educated for the bar at Toulouse, practhe college of physicians and surgeons. tised as an advocate with considerable His discourses on conferring degrees success, and besides occupying himself were vary impressive. B. 1742; d. 1821. with literary pursuits of a trivial characBARDE, JOHN DE LA, an historian and ter, wrote a dissertation which procured diplomatist of the reign of Louis le Grand, him a seat in the Toulouse Academy of who wrote a history of France from the Sciences. In 1785 lie was elected one time of Louis XIII. to 1652 B. 1602; of the representatives of the Third Esd. 1692. tate. When, in 1792, the legislative asBARDESANES the Gnostic, a Syrian, sembly invited the nation to elect an who lived in the latter half of the second extraordinary convention;, Barere was century, at Edessa, and was a favorite chosen one of its members by his own of the king Agbar Bar Maanu, is memor- department. He voted for the death of able for the peculiarity of his doctrines. the king, "sans appel et sans sursis," He considered the evil in the world only in words that have been oft repeated, as an accidental reaction of matter, and "L'arbre de la libert6 ne croit qu'arrose all life as the offspring of male and fe- par le sang des tyrans." After the fall t08 CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [nAR of the monarch, he acted with the Gi- He was acquitted of the murder, and of rondists, to whom he made himself the manslaughter: the verdict was selfuseful by the ease and fluency with defence. After this unfortunate transwhich he could draw up reports. But action he again sat down to his studies, he soon made common cause with the and in 1770 published his "Travels," Mountain, whose designs lihe carried out;* for which, it is said, he received ~500. and he bore a large share in the schemes On the establishment of the Royal Acadsubsequently planned during the " Reign emy, lie was appointed foreign secretary, of Terror," earning for the levity with a post of more honor than profit. He which he discharged lhis office the nick- died May 5, 1789, without a struggle or names of the Witling of Teror, and sigh, the moment after taking a glass of the Anacreon of the Guillotine. He wine, preserving his faculties to the last ihwned on Robespierre up to the moment. 8th of Thermidor, and on the 9th he BARGRAVE, ISAAC, dean of Cantermoved that ERobespierre should be be- bury and chaplain to James I. D. 1642. headed without a trial. On the fall of BARIIAM, RICHArD HAPRIm, better the convention he was sent a prisoner known by his authorial namne of Thomas to the isle of Oleron; but he meade his Ingoldsby, was a native of Canterbury, escape to Bordeaux, where lhe remained and a graduate of Oxford, who adopted four years in obscurity; and on the estab- the clerical profession and discharged lishment of Napoleon's government he its duties, but who was far more of a enlisted in its service, and for some vears wit than'a sermonizer. He became a officiated in the double capacity of a wri- minor canon of St. Paul's, and the friend ter and a spy. On the fall of Napoleon, of Sydney Smith, whom in some respects in 1814, he again became a royalist. Du- lhe resembled. His contributions to the ring the hundcred days he was chosen by leading Eno'lish periodicals were remarkhis native district a member of the chami- able for fan'cy and humor, but his fame ber of representatives; but on the final will rest upon the " Ingoldsby Legends," return of the Bourbons, in 1815, he wvas which are full of qiuaint wit and happy compelled to retire into Belgium, where turns of thought and expression. A he resided till 1830. The revolutioin novel of ies, called "My Cousin Nicho-.which then called Louis Philippe to the las," was popular at the time of its pubthrone, enabled him to return to France; lication. B. 1789; d. 1845. but he was reduced to extreme indi- BARKER, EDMUND HENRY, a classical gence, and a small pension from the scholar, who edited Stephens' Greek king and the government alone saved Thesaurus, Prolegomena to Homer, him from the necessity of begging his Lempriere, &e., and was a leading supbread. D. 1841. Those who wvish to porter of the classical journal, the British see an instance of the literary tomahawk Critic and the Monthly Magazine, to skilfully applied, will find it in an arti- which he contributed valuable dissertacle devoted to Barere's life and character tions on questions of philology and anin the Edinburgh Review, vol. lxxix., by tiquities. B. 1788; d. 1839.-t-EORGE, Macaulay. an eminent lawyer of Birmingham, who BARETTI, JosEPHc, the son of an aided Watt and Boulton in their gioantic architect of Turin, b. in 1716, and who railroad and other schemes. B. 76; d. went to England in 1750, where lhe re- 1845.-ROBERT, inventor of the panosided (with a short interval) the remain- rama, was b. at Kells, in Ireland, about der of his life. Baretti had the good 1740; and, having failed in business, fortune to be introduced to Dr. Samuel became a miniature and portrait painter. Johnson, and between them a very long He settled at Edinburgh in that capacity; intimnacy had place. From the time of and, while viewing the landscape from his arrival in England he subsisted by the Calton Hill, was first struck with the teaclhing the Italian languagse and by idea of representing- similar scenes in a the sale of his writings. f 1760 he circular picture. Eminent artists treatmade a tour to Italy, through Portugal ed the project as chimerical; but he and Spain, and returned to England persisted, and ultimately succeeded in after an absence of six years. In 1769 accomplishing what may be considered he was tried at the Old Bailey for having as the triumph of pictorial illusion. It stabbed a man who violently assaulted was in 1787 that his first attempt was him in the Haymarket. HIle made a exhibited; aend his exhibition soon bemost admirable defence; which, added came so popular that he gained a conto the bad reputation of his prosecutors, siderable fortune. D. 1806.-MArrHEW impressed the court much in his favor. HINtr, a sea-captain, who in the latter BAR] CYCLOPErDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 1109 part of his life took to writing sea-novels, losophy, which he held till his death in in which he attained great success, under 1648, in his 64th year, though his writhe name of the Old Sailor. His " Tough tings in favor of Arminius raised him a Yarns," "l Jim Bunt," "' Land and Sea number of enemies, who loudly called Tales," etc., have considerable merit. for his dismission. His orations are I). 1846.-GEORGE P., a distinguished admired for their wit and purity, and lawyer and politician of Buffalo, attor- his poems for their elegance and correctney-general of the state of New York, ness. Two volumes of his letters were who d. in 1848, before he had fulfilled published after his death. He wrote his promise. also an account of Count Maurice's govBARKIIAM, JOHtN, a native of Exeter, ernment in Brazil. who, after studying at Oxford, and hold- BARLETTA, GABRIEL, a Dominican, ing several places of preferment, d. at b. at Barletta, in the kingdom of Naples. Bockinf, in Essex, of which he was rec- He acquired some celebrity as a writer tor and dean. He is mentioned by and as a preacher, and it became proSpeed, and others, as possessing " learn- verbial to say, nescitprcedicare qui nescit ing, virtue, and courtesy." His valuable Barlettare. It is reported that his ser - collection of coins and medals, which he mons rapidly passed through 20 editions, gave to Laud, was presented to the uni- but so incongruous was the composition, versity. Though he never published so full of serious reflections and ridicuany thino, yet his friends had reason to lous levities, of obsolete words, and of acknowledge his great erudition, so that modern and ancies_ t idioms, that more Guillim's display of heraldry, and Speed's singular and extraordinary performances John and Henry II. are attributed to scarcely ever appeared. The best edition him. is that of Venice, 1577, two vols. 8vo. BARKSDALE, CLEMENT, a native of He was b. about 1040, but the time of Winchcomb, Gloucestershire, educated his death is unknown. at Abingdon school and Oxford. lie was BARLOW, THOMAS, an English preelected master of Hereford school, but late, was b. in 1607, at Langhill, in during the civil wars he left his situation, Westmoreland, and educated at Oxford. and took pupils at Hawling, in Glouces- He was raised to the bishopric of Lintershire. On the restoration he was coln in 1675, and held it till his death, presented to the living of Taunton, in 1691. His principles were any thing where he d. 1687, aged 78. His works but inflexible. He wrote against popery are, besides several sermons, and some during the reign of Charles II.; vinditracts, " Monumenta Literaria," " Sive cated the regal power of dispensing-with Obitus et Elogia," " Doctorum Virorum the laws, under James II.; and finally ex Historiis Thuani," " Nympha Libe- gave his allegiance to William III. Nor thris, or the Corswold Muse," 1651; did he properly fulfil his episcopal duties " The Life of Grotius," 165;2 " Memo- He was, howe;ver,, a learned and a toler rials of Worthy Persons," 1661. ant man. His works consist of some BARLAAM, a Greek monk, who, in tracts; a Collection of Cases of Consci1339, was sent into the West, by the ence Resolved,; and Genuine Remains. youneger Andronicus, the GreeL em- -JoEL, was b. at Reading, in Connectiperor, to solicit assistance against the cut, about 1755, and graduated at Yale Turks, and to negotiate a union between college in 1778. After leaving college he the Latin and Greek churches. On engaged for a short time in the study of his return he was censured, as hetero- the law, but soon changed it for theolodox, by a council; upon which he went gy, and became a chaplain in the army, back to Italy, and obtained the bishopric wvhich station he retained until the return of I-lieracium, in Calaibia. He d. about of peace. From 1783 to 1795 Mr. Bar1348. Barlauam introduced the study of low was occupied with various private Grecian literaturle into Italy; and Pe- pursuits, in America and Europe and trarch and Boccacio were his disciples. in the latter year was appointed by NresBAPRLLEUS, GASPAEAUS, a Latin poet ident Washington consul at Algiers, of Antwerp, appointed subprincipal of with powers to negotiate a treaty of the college of Leyden, but afterwards re- peace with the Dey, and redeem the jected fi'om his office for the zealous American captives on the coast'of Barshare which he took in the disputes of bary. He concluded a treaty with Althe Arminiians. -Ie now took his de- giers, and also negotiated one with grees in physic at Caen, and in 1631 was Tripoli, and rescued many American invited by'the magistrates of Amster- citizens firom slavery. In 1797 he redam to fill the chair of professor of phi- signed his consulship. In 1805 he re..lc 110 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPIHY. [BAh turned to the United States. In 1811 he had retired to private life, he was arwas sent as minister plenipotentiary to rested by the faction then-in power, and the French government. le fiiled in guillotined in 1794. the object of his mission, but in October, BARNES, JULIANA, prioress of St. 1812, he was invited to a conference with Alban's in the 15th century, author of the emperor at Wilna. The faticue and treatises on "Hunting, Ivawking', and exposure to which he subjected himself, eralclry."-ROERT, D.D., chaplain to to comply with this invitation, caused Henry VIII.; burnt to death.in Smithhis death at Zarowitch, an obscure vil- field for Lutheranism, in 1540; anutho lage near Cracow, in Decenmbe, 1812. of a treatise on "Justificationl, &c.VWhile in college Mr. Barlow was a votary JosIUA, a learned divine, educated at of the muses, and by that means ac- Christ's hospital, London, and Emmanqunied the fiiendship of Dr. Wright, uel college, Cambridge, author of the who himself occasionally dabbled in "Life of Edward III.," ad a poe verse. Iis "American Poems" were " On the History of Esther," and editor printed at Litchfield, shortly after' he of the works of Emuipides, Anacreon, left college. The " Vision of Columbus" and Homer. B. 1654; d. 1712.-'TuorAs, appeared in 1787. Ite prepared a new a gentleman of famous literary ability, version of Watts' Psalms for the clergy and principal editor of " The Tines," of his native state. While in France he which journal owes much of its celebrity became a warm friend of the leading and influence to the powerful politicas Girondists. In England, about 191, he leaders that canre from his pen, as well printed his "cAdvice to the Privilegec as to the rare skill and discrimination Orders," anda fterwardcs the "Conspir- he evinced in the general control and acy of Kings," and ai " Letter to the adaptation of the articles furnished by National'Convention,"' Buit his most his coadjutors, &c. NTotwitlhstanding popular poem was a mock heroic, in the share he necessarily took in the three cantos, called "I'lasty Puddingl," strife of politics, it is recorded to his in which he celebrate a natiolnal New h1onor that he retained the friendship England dish. Returning to America, of all who had once intimately known in 1808. he published a noticeable poem him, how mulch soever they might called the Columbiad, which is still ex- chance to differ on questions of public tant, and some people read. interest. Mr. Barnes was educated at BARLOWE, WILLIAM, a bishop of Christ's hospital and Pembroke college, Bath and Wells under Queen Mary, Cambridge, where he took his B.A. and and ishop of Winchester under Eliza- M.A. degrees. D. 184-1, aged 55.beth. D. 1658.-WILLIAi., his son, arch- DANIEL H., a distinguished concholdeacon of Sarmr, skilled in natural phi- ogist, who, with Dr. Griscom, originated losophy, and the first English writer acnd conducted witl great reputation on the properties of the loadstone. D. the high school of New York. He was 1625. also a Baptist preacher. On Sunday, BARNARD, THIEODORE, a Dutch the day before his death, he preached painter who settled in England, said to at New Lebanon from the text, "Ye have paintec the kigs and g bishops in know not what shall be on the morChichester cathedral.-JOHN, D.D., pre- row;" on the next day, the driver havbendary of Lincoln in the reign of ing been thrown from his seat, Mr. Charles II., author of a "Life of Dr. Barnes in his alarm jumped from the Heylyn," &c. D. 1683.-Sir JOHN, lord carriage, fractured his skull, and died mayor of London, and one of its repre- soon after. His learned communications sentatives in parliament for forty years. on conchology were published in SilliHe was an able speaker, and a remark- man's journal, with explanatory plates. ably conscientious and religious man; BARNEY, JOSHUA, a distinguished and so greatly was he respected by his commander in the Anmerican navy. He fellow-citizens, that they erected a statue was employed in the public service dcuto his memory in the Royal Exchange. ring the war of the revolution, and was B. at Reading, 1685; d. 1764. twice captured. In a vessel named the BARNAVE, ANTHONY PETER JOSEPH, Hyder Alt, carrying 4- nine and 12 six an eloquent and popular member of the pounders he captured, after an action French national assembly. IHe -was of 26 minutes, the Gen. Monk of 18 charged with the conveyance of the guns, nine-pounders, with the loss of 4 king from Varennes to Paris; on which umen killedand 11 wounded. The Gen. occasion he conducted hilmself with Mlonk lost 80 killed, and 58 wounded. great delicacy and respect. Though lhe He sailed in the Gen. Mlonk with dis nAR] CYCLOP4EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 1 patches for Dr. Franklin at Paris, and perspective of his uncle, and drew the brought back a valuable loan from the heads of his Virgins after the features king of France. In 1796 he went to ot his sister, and those of his Jesuses France with Mr. Munroe, deputed the after his nephew. Cardinal de la Robearer of the American flao to the Na- vere became early his patrpn, but the tional Convention, In 1813 he was ap- jealousy of his rivals proved nearly pointed to the command of the flotilla fhtal. He was maliciously poisoned, for the defence of the Chesapeake. I-Ie and though he recovered by the imparticipated in the battle of Bladens- mediate application of medicine, his burg, and was wounded by a.ball in' constitution grew weak and languid, the. thigh.. In 1815 he was sent on a and he lingered in an unhealthy state, mission to Europe. He d. in 1819, aged till his 84th year, 1612. His paintings 59. Hle had been 41 yea's in public are in good esteem, his historical pieces service, and engaged in 26 battles. are deservedly admired, but he shines BARNEVELD', JOHN D' OLDEN, a with superior lustre in the execution of Dutch statesman of great abilities, am- his devotional portrwits. His merits bassador to Elizabeth in England, and to were universally admitted, and his inHenry IV. of France. His attempts to firmities alone prevented him from aclimit the authority of Maurice the second cepting the honors which were liberally stadtholder of HIolland, raised him ene- offered to him by the duke of Tuscany, mies, by whose virulence he was accused the Emperor Rodolph II., and Philip of designs to deliver the country to the II. of Spain. In correctness he is great; Sp aniardcs, and in consequence of this he understood well the effects of light false charge, he was tried ancd beheaded and shade, and though the attitudes of in 1619. His sons, William and Ren6, some of his figures are out of proporresented the cruelty exercised against tion, he may be said to approach the their father, and thlough the elder es- softness and graces of Correggio. caped, Ren6 felt the punishment due to BARON, BONAVENTURE, a native of a conspirator. The mother stepped in Clonmel, Ireland, educated by his uncle in defence of her son, and when Maurice Luke Wadding, and afterwards emexpressed surprise to see her eager to ployed as diviniity professor at Rome, save him when she had seen his father where he spent 60 years, and died blind fall unlamented, she indignantly re- in a good old age, March 18th, 1696. plied, " I would not solicit a pardon for He was a leaorned and voluminous my husband, for he was innocent. I writer. His " Theologia," in 6 vols., ask it for my son because he is guilty." is his best performance. See a list of BARO or BARONI, PETER, a native his works in Sir James Ware's writers of Estampes, in France, who left his of Ireland, p. 253.-MICHAEL, son of a country on account of his attachment to merchant of Issondun, became celeProtestantism, and found a hospitable brated as a player. His powers in exasylum in England, in the house of pressing the passions were unusually Lord Burleigh, and at Cambridge with great, and he was deservedly called the Dr. Pierce, by whose influence he was Roscius of his time. I-e was not insenchosen Margaret professor of divinity, sible to the popularity which he enjoyed, 1574. The tranquillity of his residence and with arrogance and vanity he obwas however of short duration. He op- served, that once in a century a COesar posed Whitacrc, Tindal, and Chadder- might arise, but that 2000 years were ton, who violently supported the tenets requisite to prodace a Baron. His suof kabsolute predestination, and whilst perior excellence was in a great degree lie gave a more moderate explanation to owing to his own exertions, so that Ratho doctrine in his sermons and in his cine in representing his Andromache to lectures, he found himself cited before the actors, with the judgment and corthe vice chancellor, and accused before rectness of a poet and of a man of feelArchbishop Whitgift; and though Lord ing, paid him the highest compliment, Biurleigh, the chancellor, disapproved assuring him that he could give him no of the virulence of his prosecutors, he instructions, "for," added he, "your found himself obliged to leave Cam- own heart will tell you more than any bridge for Crutchedfriars, London, lessons of mine can suggest." He died where he 1died'. Hiis writincgs were on at Paris, 22d Dec. 1729, aged 77. Three divinity subjects, and in Latin. volumes in 12mo. of theatrical pieces, BAIOCCIO, FiEDEmic, a painter of appeared in 1760, under his name, of Urbino, who learnt sculpture of his fa- which, however, some suppose that he ther, and architecture geometry, and was not the anthox. His dialogne is 1 1 CYCLOPIEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LBAR lively, and. his scenes diversified; but ually appointed interpreter to the French there is not very little of brilliancy government; obut having indulged his of coloring which an acquaintance with vein of sarcasm on the legitimacy of the manners of the great could have the First Consul, he was put under arsupplied. ALrest. lie escaped. the vigilance of his BARONI, ADXIANNE BASILE, and got to Lonicon, where lhe of Mantua, lister to the poet Basile. published a "'history of the First ConShe was so admired for her beauty, her sulate." He translated into French Sir wit, and her accomplishments, that vol- Sydney Smith's pamphlet on the expediumnes were written in her praise. Her ~tion into Egypt; for which the English daughter Leonora possessed equal government rewarded him. While at charms, and met equal admiration, and Dublin, in 1829, he committed suicide. in 1639, a collection of pieces in Latin, BARRELIER, JAMES, a friar and hotGreek, Spanish, Italian, and French, anist; author of " Plantie per Galliam, was published, in which her beauty and Hispaniam," &c. B. 1696; d. 1768. her perfections wr'e portrayed with all BARRERE, PIERRE, a French physithe graces of poetry. She also wrote cian; author of a " Dissertation sar la some poetical trifles. The daughter had couleur des Negres," &c. D. 1755. profound skill in music, a sweet voice, BARRET, GGEORCE, a landscape paintand the utmost delicacy of manner. Mr. er, of considerable eminence. He was Bayle styles her one of the finest singers b. in Dnblin, but passed most of his llfe in the world. in England, and was a chief founder of BARONIUS, C.sSAS, confessor to Cle- the Royal Academy. B. 1780; d. 1784. ment VIII., who made him cardinal and BARREETT, WILLIAM, an Engilish tolibrarian of the Vatican; author of pographer; author of a "History of "Ecclesiastical Annals." B. at Sora, Bristol." D. 1789. 1588; d. 1607. BARRINGTON, JOHN SHUTE, the first BAROZZI, JAMES, a celebrated archi- Viscount Barrington;. author of "An tect, successor to Michael Angelo as ar- Essay on the several Dispensations of' chitect of St. Peter's; author of " Rules God to Mankind," the " Rights of Disfor the Five Orders of Architecture," senters," &c., &c. B. 1678; D. 1734.&c. B. 1507; d. 1577. DAINES, fourth son of Viscount BarringBARRAL, PETER, a French abb6; ton, was bred to the law, and rose to the author of a "Dictionary of Roman An- office of second justice of Chester. IHe tiquities," &c. D. 1772.-Louis MAT- was author of " Observations on the THIAS DE, bishop of Troyes, was a native Statutes," &c. B. 1727; d. 1800.-SAMof Grenoble. He emigrated at the rev- UEL. youngest brother of the last-named, olution; but returning to France in 1801, entered early into the navy, anct became Bonaparte made him bishop of Meaux, rear-admiral of the white. He took St. and afterwards archbishop of Tours, and Lucia, in the face of a superior force; almoner to the Empress Josephine. D. and was conspicuous for his zeal and 1816. courage at the memorable relief of GibBARRAS, PAUL FRANCIS JOHN NicH- raltar, by Lord Howe. D. 1800.-SHUTE, LAS, Count de, was originally a sub- bishop of Durham, was the sixth son of lieutenant inthe regiment of Languedoc, the first Viscount Barrington,. and b. in and served for some time in India. 1734. After obtaining a fellowship at Embracing revolutionary principles, he Merton college, Oxford, and taking his assisted at the attack on the Bastile, and. degrees, he was appointed royal chaplain voted in the National Convention for on the accession of George III. In 1768 the death of the unfortunate Louis XVI. he was made a canon of St. Paul's, and H-le subsequently became one of the in the following year was raised to the chiefs of.the government, but retired bishopric of Liandaff. In 1782 he was from public life,when Bonaparte as- promoted to the see of Salisbury, whence sumed the direction of affairs. For some in 1791 he was translated to that of Duryears he resided at Rome, but returned ham. Ho engaged in some controversial to France in 1814, and remained there disputes both with the Calvinists and till his death in 1829. Catholics; but, though hostile to the BARRE, WILLIAM VINCENT, a native doctrines of the latter, he was a liberal of France, who, after serving in the Rus- benefactor of the French clergy who took sian navy with credit in his youth, re- refuge in England during the revoluturned to his own country on the break- tion; and few men were more munifiing out of the French revolution, joined cent in their charitable support of behis countrymen in arms, and was event- nevolent institutions. D. 1826.-The BAR] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 113 Hon. GEORGE, M. P., was b. at Durham W-ard, bishop of Sao.curry, and, ll 1672, in 1794, alnd enteredlthe naval service at the king, whom he served oy his conthe usual age. lie obtained the rank of duct, and flattered by his poetry, raised post-captainiin 1826; and in the follow- him to the mastership of Trinity college, ing year married Lady Caroline, third observing, that he gave it to the best daughter of Earl Grey, who, on becom- scholar in England. He was vice chaning arime minister, appointed him a lord cellor in 1675; but his public services of tie Admiralty. He was returned one were of short duration. lHe died of a of the members for the newly-created fever, 4th May, 1677, aged 47, and was borough of Sunderland in 1832, from buried in Westminster Abbey, where which he afterwards retired in conse- his friends, by contribution, erected a quence of ill health, which continued monument over him, of which the epiuntil his death, in June, 1835. taph was written by Dr. Mapletoft. The BARROS, JOHN DE, a learned Portu- writings of Barrow are numerous and guese, treasurer of the Indies, and valuable, and chiefly on mathematical author of a I'History of Asia and the subjects. As a divine he was great as Indies." l). 1570. well as exemplary. His sermons are BARROW, IsAAc, a learned mathema- highly esteemed, and have been fretician and divine of an ancient family in quently edited. His works in English Suffolk, was b. in London. He was ad- were published together by Dr. Tillotmitted pensioner of Peter-house, Cam- son, in 3 vols. folio.-Sir JoHN, Bart., bridge, 1643; but two years after he for many years a secretary to the Enbecamne member of Trinity college, after glish admiralty, an extensive traveller, being' ejected from Peter-house for wri- antd a voluminous writer of travels, biting against the covenant. He was after- ographies, &c. B. 1764; d. 1848. wards chosemn fellow of the college. His BARRUEL, AUGUSTIN, a French ecclestudies were directed to divinity; but siastic, and of some note as a man of when he observed the connection which letters during the French revolution, exists between chronology and astrono- was born in 1741. Ire was for some my, he applied himself with indefatiga- years editor of " Le Journal Ecclesible zeal to those higher sciences, and astique;" but as the principles he there made a rapid progress besides in anato- advocated were opposed to the revolumy, botanly, and chemistry. Upon his tion, he was obliged to fly to England,. disappointment in not being elected where, in 1794, he published his "IHisGreek professor, on the death of Dr. tory of the French Clergy," &c.; but his Duport, he resolved to travel, and to best known work is entitled "Menmoirs supply his expenses he parted with his for a History of. Jacobinism, Impiety, books, and left the kingdom, 1655. He and Anarchy," in 5 vols. 8vo.; a provisited Paris, Leghorn, and Florence, duction i which faclet and fiction are so and everywhere enriched his mind by closely interwoven as to destroy its auobservation and inquisitive researches. thenticity. He returned to France in From Leghorn lie passed to Smyrna, and 1802, and died there in 1820. -DE in his voyage displayed his uncommon BEAUVEcT, ANTHONY JosEPm, Count de, courage by assisting the crew of the ves- was bori at the castle of Beaurvert sel ini beating off an Algerine corsair near Marseilles, in 1756. In 1790 he that threatened them with death or belonged to the national guard at Bagslavery. He passed from Smyrna to Con- nols; and on the flight of the royal famstantinople, where he resided one year, ily to Varennes lie offered himself as a and returned to England throughVenice, hostage for Louis XY-I. In'1795 he was Germany, and Holland, in 1659. He now editor of the journal entitled " Les Actes took orders, agreeable to the statutes of des Ap6tres;" for which he was senhis college, and in 1660 he was elected tenced to deportation, but escaped. For to the Greek professorship of the uni- a time during the consulate he was under versity, and two years after to that of the surveillance of the police; but at geometry in Gresham college. The next lengcth obtaining the proteotion of the year he was made Lucasian mathemati- Empress Josephine, he was appointed cal lecturer at Cambricdge, an off-lice to an office in the department of Jura; which, in 1669, he resigned to his great where he died in 1817. He wrote the friend Isaac Newton, that he might with "Life of Rousseau,?' and various works closer application devote himself to di- relative to the Bourbons during their vinity. le now received the preferment exile. which was due to his merit from his BARRY, GmALD, better known as uncle, bishop of St. Asaph, and from Giraldus Cambrensis; author of " Topotlta 114 CYCLOP DIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BAR graphia Hibernica," "Itinerarium Cam- haughty Duke de Choiseul, and prorie," &c. lie flourished in the 12th moted the Dluk6 d'Aiguillon. WVlen century.-SPRANGER, a celebrated actor, the king died she was banished to an and, for a time, the rival of Garrick, abbey near Meaux. During the revoluand, in the higher walks of the drama, tion she was condemned to death and is supposed by many to have greatly executed. Her conduct in her last moexcelled him. B. 1719; d.1777.-JAMES, ments betrayed the greatest weakness lord of Sautry, chief justice of the King's and fear. B. 1744; d. 1793. Bench in Ireland; author of "The Case BARTAS, 5WILLIAM D)E SALLXST DU, a of Tenures upon the Commission of De- French poet, warrior, and statesman; fective Titles." D. 1673.-JAMES, an confidentially employed by Henry IV.; eminent painter, born at Cork, 1742; author of " The Week of the Creation," having early discovered great genius for &c. D. 1590. the art, he was patronized by Mr. Burke, B &RTH, JonIN, a French naval officer, and brought to London, where he be- remarkable for his skill and daring as a came a pupil to Sir Joshua Reynolds. privateer. B. atDunkirk, 1551; d.1602. When Mr. Burke came into administra- BARTEIE, NICHOLAS THOMAS, a tion with the marquis of Rockingham, French dramatic writer, and translator he sent Mr. Barry to Italy at his sole of " Ovid's Art of Love" into French, expense. After visiting all the celebrated &c. B. 1733; d. 1785. schools of the continent, in which he BARTHELEMI, NICiOLAS, a monk occupied -three years, he returned to of the 15th century; author of a treatise London; and in 1775 published "An "On the Active and Contemplative Lie, Inquiry into the Real and Imaginary &c. Obstructions to the Acquisition of the BARTHELEMY, JOHN JAMES, the Arts in England." About two years learned author of "The Voyage of the after this he was elected a royal acade- Younger Anaeharsis in Greece;" was mician, and in 1786 made professor of b. at Cassis, in Provence, 1716; d. 1795. painting to the'4oyal Academy; but in BARTHEZ, PAkUL JOSEPI, an eminent 1799, on an alleged addiction to demo- French physician, was born at Montpecratic principles, was removed from that tlier in 1734, where he founded a medical office. He seems soon aftewwvards to school, which acquired great reputation have taken disgust at society; from throughout Europe. For many years which he retired into obscurity, living he practised in Paris, and was consulted unattended, and half-starved, till some upon the most important cases; he also friends raised about ~1000, with which wrote in the " Journal des Savans," the they purchased an annuity for him; "Encyclopedie," &c., and was a membut before the first quarter's payment hber of almost every learned society. Duof it became due he died, 1806. His ring the revolution he suffered greatly greatest effort of art is a series of alle- in his fortune; but Napoleon, who knew gorical pictures, which he painted gra- his great merits, restored him, in his tuitously for the great room of the Society old age, to wealth and honors. D. of Arts in the Adelplhi.-WVILLIA T., an 1806. American statesman, postmaster-gener-:BARTHOLDY, JAcoB SOLOMsON, a al under Jackson, and afterwards minis- Prussian diplomatist, born a Jew, but ter to Spain. B. 1785; d. 1835.-JoHN, after travelling in Greece he abjured a distinguished naval officer in the Judaism, and became a Protestant. In service of the United States, born at 1807 he served against the French as an Wexford, in Ireland, who was of great officer in the land-wehr of Vienna, and assistance to Washington during the wrote a tract called "The War of the revolutionarywar. ie took manyprizes, Tyrol," which produced a great sensaand conquered the British ship of war tion. D. 1826. Atalanta. B. 1745; d. 1803.-MARIE BARTHOLEMON, FRANcIs HIPPoJEANNE GOMART DE VAUBERnnIE, COUN- LITE, a musical composer and violinist, TESS DU, a celebrated mistress of Louis was born at Bordeaux, in 1741, but XV. of France, was the daughter of a resided chiefly in London, and was for commissioner of the customs at Vau- many years leader at the opera-house. couleurs, became a milliner at Paris, and, As a composer he was remarkable for on being seen by the king, soon took rapidity; and as ai performer for taste the place of Madame doe Pompadour. and execution. D. 1808. She was married to the Count du Barry, BARTLETT, JOSIAH, a governor of and acquired prodigious influence at the New Hampshire, who was originally a court. She caused the ruin of the physician of merit, then commanded a BAR] CYCLOPE EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 115 regiment of militia in the revolution, Kent,") of whom English Protestants was a member of the continental con- give this account. She was used as an gress, and was the first who voted for, instrlment, by the CatholiFs and adheand, aiter the presidentf, sined the Dec- rents of Q(ceen Catherine, to excite the laration of Indepeendence. B. 1729; d. English nation ao'ainst the proposed ci1795. vorce of IHenry VXII. from his first wife BARTOLI, or BARTOLUS, a learned and the apprehended separation of the civilian, who is said to have contributed Englishl church lfrom eIome, with ewhich more than any of his predecessors to the king then threatened the pope. Her the elucidation of legal science. B. deliriumn in a violent nervous illness, 1312; d. 13i6.-DANIEL, a learned Jes- was lmade use of by the parson of Aluit; author of a "History of the Jes- dingoton, and by a cancon of Canterbury, nits,' &c. B. at Ferrara, 1608; d. 1685. to persuadc e her that she was a prophet-CosMo, an Italian writer of thle 16th ess inspirec by God, and destined to century; author of a "Life of Frederic prevent this undertaking of the king. Barbarossa," &c. During her paroxysms, she cried out BARTOLO, an Italian lawyer of the against this divorce, and against the pre14th century; professor of law at Pisa, vailing silns alnd heresies. The archand author of numerouns wos ors n law bishop of Cantcrbu'Ty and bishop of and other subjects. Rochester encouraged her to continue BAIRTOLOQZZI, FRANCIS, an engraver her revelations, whlich she pretended of first-rate merit, ivas born at Florence were communlicated to her by a letter in 1728; went to England in 1764; was fiom heaven. By the prophecy, that admiitted a member of';le Royal Acad- Henry, if he persisted iln his purpose emy inl 1769, anld went to Lisbon, at the of divorce and second marriare, would invitaLtion of the prince-regent of Portu- not be king for hoe month longer, andcl gal, in 1802. Tile productions of his would die a shameful death, she excited glaver are 1nu1meirous, hiighly esteemedl, malny monks and nuns to violence and eagerly sougllt after. D. 1815. aa'cinst the king. Her revelations proBARTON, BERNARD, thle "Quaker iduced such a fermentation among the poet," vwas bornl near London, 1784. In peole, that Henry ordered the appre1810 lie becamne a clerk in Alexander's ihension and examlination of Elizabeth bank, at Woodbridge, wherre hle ofliciated and her accomplices before the star-,ilmostto the clay of his death. Hisfirst chlamber. After they had there convolume of poetry was published in 1811, fessed tle imposture, they were conand this ws s succeeded by lnuerous dcelned to matke a public confession others, most of themn devoted to lhomely andi suffer imprisonment; and when it subjects, but all of them animatecd by vwas found that tle pearty of the queen the purest feeling alnd thle most glowingl were laboring to make them retract fancy. But it was not only for his merits their confessionl they were adjudged as a poet, that Bernard Barton deserves guilty of higoh treason, for a conspiracy to be held in remembrancce. He was en- against the kiing and executed, April dowed withl eyery quality which endears 30th, 15-34. a ml an to all that colme within his influ- BARTRATAM, J0OIIN, an Ceminenlt Amerence. His genial good-humor and vast ican botanist, wyas b. in Chester county, stores of init'rmOltion made ehime a wcel- Pennsylvania, ill 1701. He formeed a comle g'uest lwherever lhe appeared; and botanic ga'rden near Philadelphia, said the naitive sincerity of his character, to have been the firs st establishment of whlich was set fobrth in every act of his the kind in America; and so intimate life, was enhanced by a bengnitty, lib- an acquaintance had'he with the vegeerality, and charity inc entire accordancet t ablae ingdom, that iinlmus pronoluncec witl the precepts of his faith. D. 1849. him " the greatest natural botanist in the -BENTJAM3IN S., a noted physician ancd world." D. 1777.-WILLLM, a soil of naturalist of Philehiladelphia, educate at the precedieng, was also a distineguished G(ottingen, and a contributor to the naturalist. At the request of Dr. Fothertransactions of the American Philosoph- gill, he travelled throughl the Floridas, ical Societyl. He was for many years C'arolin, and Georgia, aor the purposes professor of natural history and botany of making researches in natural history, in thee ucniversity of Pennsylvania andl and tralnslmitted to his employer il Lonsucceeded Dr. Ensh in the chair of med- donl the valuable collections cand drawicine. B. 1766; d. 1815.-ELIZABETHI a ings which1 he had made. His "Anmercounftlcy gill of Aldincgton, in Koent, iccan Ornithologyy" may be considered (therefore called the "holy maic of the precursor of Wilson's invaluable 116 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BO1GRAPHY. [BAS work. His "Travels," also, is a rare the eastern, as St. Benedict is the and curious book. D. 1823. patriarch of the western orders. BARWIC{t, Jons, an English divine, BASILIUS I., the Macedonian, ermwho exerted himself with considerable peror of the East; killed by a stag while zeal and ability on the royal side in the hunting, in 836.-II, succeeded John civil wars. B. 1612; d. 1664.-PETEiR, Zinisces, in 976. lie was guilty of brother of the above, an eminent physi- abominable cruelty in his war with the cian; author of a " Defence of Harvey's Bulgarians. D. 1025.-There was also, Doctrines of the Circulation of the of this name, an impostor, who excited Blood," &c. D. 1705. a revolt in the eastern empire, in 934, and BASEDOW, Joi-N B BERNARD, a Ger- was burnt to death at Constantinople. man writer, and professor of moral phi- BASILOWITZ, JoH-N, emperor of losoplhy and belles lettres. His novel Russia; lie added Astracan to his emplans of education excited great atten- pire, and was the first who assumed the tion in Germany; and in tlhe seminary style and title of Czar. D. 1584. he established at Dessau, called " The BASIRE, ISAAC, a learned divine, Philanthropinum,"many excellentteach- prebend of Durham. On the breaking ers were formed, and great good effected. out of the civil war he lost all his preferAn account of him is to be found in ments; on wlhiclirhe made a journey to Goethe's Antobiography. B. 1723; d. the Morea, where he preached with great 1790. success among the'Gree Christians; BASEVI, GEORGE, a distinguished and on his return wrote an account of architect. Amnong the edifices built or his. travels. B..1607; d. 1076..^stored by him ave the churches in the BASKERVIX LE, JOHN, an English early English style at Twickenham and artist, deserving of notice for his imBrompton, the Norman church at Hove, provements in printing and type-fouJidnear Brighton, and St. Mary's Hall, at ing. He was born at Wolverly, in Brighton, in the Elizabethan style. Bel- Worcestershire, in 1706, and, inheriting grave square, in the metropolis, was a small estate, was brought up to no erected from his designs; and he was profession. He, however, acquired a joint architect with Mr. Smirke of the particular skill in penmanship and Conservative Club, iiin St. James's-street. carving letters on stone; and, at the Having gone to inspect the west bell- age of 20, he settled at Birmingham as a tower of Ely cathedral, then under re- writing master. He subsequently enpair, he accidentally fell through an gaged in the manufacture of japanned aperture, and was killed on the spot. Works; and, in 1750, commenced his B. 1795; d. 1845. labors in the branch of art which actASIL, ST., called the Great, to dis- quired for him so much celebrity. His tinguish him from other patriarchs of first great performance, as a printer, was the same name, was b. in 329, and was an edition of Virgil, in royal 4to., 1756, made, in 370, bishop of Caesarea, in Cap- which was followed by many of the padocia, where he d. in 379. He is the Latin classics, and some English ones, most distinguished ecclesiastic amon in 4to. and smaller sizes. The beauty the Grecian patriarchs. His efforts for of his typographical productions was the regulation of clerical discipline, of superior to any thing which had previthe divine service, and of the standing ously appeared from an English press; of the clergy; the number of his ser- and when it is considered that the paper mons; the success of his mild treatment and ink, as well as the types and workof the Arians; and, above all, his en- manship, were the fruits of one man's deavors for the promotion of monastic skill and ingenuity, it must be admitted life, for which lie prepared vows and that he possessed great merit. He d. rules, observed by himself, and still re- in 1775; and his types and matrices maining in force, prove the merits of were afterwards sold at Paris, for ~38700, this holy man. The Greek church to Beaumarchais, who printed with them, honors him as one of its most illustrious at Kehl, a superb editio6n of Voltaire. patron saints, and celebrates his festival Baskerville was an enemy to all outward January 1st. His followers are far forms of divine service, which he despread; there are even some of them in dlared to be mere superstition. lie America. They lead an ascetic life. ordered, in his will, that his body should The vows of obedience, chastity, and not be buried in.a buryLg-ground. Sir poverty, framed by St. Basil, are the SIMoN, an English physician of great rules of all the orders of Christendom, eminence and wealth; knighted by although he is particularly the father of Char'ls I. D. 1641. BAS] CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 117 BASNAGE, BENJAMIN, a French Prot- On the utter ruin of Napoleon, the duke estant divine; author of "A Treatise was banished from France,' but at the on the Church." B. 1580; d. 1652.- revolution of July, 1830, he was recalled, ANTHONY, son of the above; imprisoned and restored to all the honors of which at Iavre de Grace on account of his re- he had been deprived. In 1838 he was ligion. B. 1610; d. 1691. made minister of the interior, and presiBASSAN, (whose real name was dent of the' council, but the ministry of Giacomo de Ponte,) a. painter, born ih which he formed a part, survived only 1510. He was surnamed Bassan, from three days. B. 1758; d. 1839. the place Bassano, where his father lived. BASSANTIN, JAMES, a Scotchman, I-is pictures are scattered all over Eu- who after studying astronomy and the rope. HIe painted historical pieces, land- mathematics at Glasgow travelled scapes, flowers, &c., and also portraits; through the Netherlands, Switzerland, among others the doge of Venice, Ari- Italy, and Germany, and at last settled osto, Tasso, and other persons of emi- at Paris, where he acquired both repu-' nence. He lived to the age of 82, dying tation and money, as a mathematical in 1592. Several of his best works are teacher. He returned in 1562 to his in the churches of Bassano, Venice, native country, and becoming early acVicenza, and other towns of Italy. He quainted with Sir Robert Melvil, a left four sons, who all became painters. strong partisan of Mary queen of Scots, -FRANCISCO was employed by the Vene- he afterwards supported the pretensions tian republic, with Paul Veronese and and ambitious views of the earl of MurTintoret to adorn the palace of St. Mark. ray. In his religion he was a zealous He was of a melancholy turn, and once Protestant, as a man of learning he was thought himself pursued by archers, so strongly tinctured with the failings and that in a fit of self-created terror he the superstition of the time. He placed threw himself out of a window, and d. great confidence in astrology, and with' 1694, aged 44.-LEANDER, another bro- more zeal than good sense asserted the ther, obtained as a reward for his pieces influence of the planets on the affairs of the collar of St. Mark, from the doge of the world. His works are all on mathVenice, and a gold medal from the Empe- ematical subjects, and though not free ror Rodolphus II.-JOHN BAPTISTE. and from pedantry, and improbable concluJEROME were eminent as imitators of sions, they yet bear strong testimony to the style and manner of their father. his merits as a philosopher. D. 1568. BASSANO, HUGIIES BERNARD MARET, BASSET, RICHARD, governor of DelaDuke of, a celebrated French political ware, was a member of the old congress writer and statesman, was the son of an in 1787, and was appointed a senator eminent physician at Dijon. On the under the new constitution. In 1801 first outburst of the French revolution he was placed on the bench of the fedhe enthusiastically embraced its ex- eral judiciary; but the repeal of the act tremest principles, and published a constituting the courts, deprived him paper under the title of the "Bulletin of his office in 1802. D. 1815. de l'Assemblee," which he continued BASSI, LAURA, wife of Joseph Verati, until a bookseller started the MIoniteur, honored in 1732 with the degree of docof which Maret was appointed editor, tor of philosophy for her high mental and which speedily become the official accomplishments, which she displayed organ of the government. He became in her lectures on experimental philosacquainted with Bonaparte just as that ophy. Her private Jife was also deservextraordinary man began to rise into ing of the highest encomiums, and excelebrity and influence, and was placed hibited her as the possessor of every by him in the important office of chef amiable virtue. D. 1778. de division in the foreign office. In BASSOMPIERRE, FRANCOIS DE, a 1811 he was made Due de Bassano and marshal of France, of a family of disminister of foreign affairs; and in 1812 tinction in Lorraine, was confined in he conducted a:d signed the well-known the Bastile by Richelieu, who dreaded treaties between France, Austria, and the power of his satire. He remained Prussia, preparatory to the fatal ex- in this confinement 10 years till Wie pedition to Russia. When the emperor death of his persecutor, and employed was sent to Elba, in 1814, the Due de his time in writing his memoirs, which Bassano retired from public life; but are interesting, though occasionally immediately after the return of the em- trivial. On his release he received the peror, he joined him, and was very offer of 500,000 livres from the duchess nearly being taken prisoner at Waterloo. of Aiguillon, niece of Richelieu, which 118 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BAT he politely refused, adding,'"Miadam, Halifax, Yorkshire, in 1740.' -Ie was your uncle has done me too great an unaninmosly choseu conductor of the injury, to allow me to receive so much commemoration of Handel at Westgood from you." Ile was employed in minster Abbey; and till the year 1793 embassies by Louis XIII., and he pos- he conducted the choral performances sessed all the requisites of a courtier, of ancient music, when he retired, and with great presence of mind, affability, was succeeded by Mr. Greatorex. His wit, and uncommon generosity. He mife was a first-rate singer. D. 1799. spoke the languages of Europe with BATHALMUSI, an Arabian writer, great fluency. He was found dead in author of a work on " Genealogies," his bed, in 1646, in his 67th year. &c. D. 421 of the Hegira. BASTIAT, FREDERIC, a iFrench polit- BATHE, 7WILLIAM[, an Irish Jesuit, ical economist, who achieved a wide governor of the Irish seminary at Salareputation by his writings. Without manca. D. 1641.'being a discoverer of new truths, he BATIIURST, RALI 1, dean of Wells, possessed the rare faculty of expanding, author of solme elegant Latin poems, with clelrness, vivacity, and vigor, the and or..e of the founders of the Royal grounds and the effects of complex Society. B. 1620; d. 1704.-ALLEN, uatural laws alreadyv developed by the Earl'i zealous opposer of the measures technical processes of philosophv. The of Sir Robert Walpole, and the intimate whole, or nearly the whole, of tlhe tracts friend of Bolingbroke, Pope, Addison, written by M. Bastiat, under the generic and the other eminent writers of his title' of "'Sophismes Economiques," time. B. 1684; d. 1775.-HENRY, Earl, originally appeared in the Journal des son of the above and lord chancellor of Economistes, a periodical of which, for Enoland, author of the " Theory of Evithe last six years, he has been a prin- deuce," &c. B. 1714; d. 1794. —HEI RY, cipal supporter. I. Bastiat was a memi- bishop of Norwich, was born at Brackber of the French national assetiLly; ley, in Northamptonshire, in 1744;' and and he bore the highest character as ani e.ducated at Winchester, and New colable, uprighlt and zealous servantf his lege, Oxford. He was presented to the constitlents and his country. D. 1850. rectory of Witchingham, in Norfolk, in BASTIDE, JOHN FRANcIS DE LA, an 1770, subsequently became dean of Durindustrious French liiscellaneous writer, halm, and, in 1805, was consecrated was born at Marseilles in 1724. -He bishop of Norwich. In the house of settled in Paris, where he engaged in lords, Dr. Bathurst was a strenuous various litcrary enterprises; of which supporter of the Catholic claims::in his the most voluminous were the "Bibli- diocese, an exemplary prelate. D. 1837. otheque Universelle des Romains," in — HE-RY, archdeacon of Norwich, eldest 112 vols., and the Chois des Anciens son of the preceding, and rector of the Mercures," in 108 vols. valuable livings of North Creake, NorBASTWICK, JOHN, an English ply- folk, and of Hollesley, Suffolk, was the sician, and a famous writer against the author of "Memoirs" of his right revchurch in the time of Charles I. B. at erendcl father; a work overflowing with Writtle, in Essex, 159.; d. 1650. spleen and expressions of disappointBATE, GEORGE, physician to Charles nent that one so faithful to his old I., Oliver Cromtweli, and Charles II., friends, the Whigs, should have never and one of the first members of the been preferred to a richer diocese! D. Royal Society. He was the author of a 1844. Latin history of the civil wars, arid some BATHYLLAS, the cotemporary of medical works. B. 1593; d. 1669.- Pylades, and one ofthe most celebrated JuLIUs, an I.nglish divine, author of a pantomimists of antiquity, was born at'"Hebrew Lexicon," &c. D. 1771. Alexandria, and becamne the slave of BATECUIIBE, WILLIAM, an English Maicenas, who enfranchiised him. The mathematician of the 15th century; au- art of these celebrated mimics consisted thor of a treatise, "De Sphsera Solida," in expressing the passions by gesture, &c. attitudes, &c., not by the modern foolBATEMAN, WILLIA, bishop of Nor- eries of harlequin, clown and scenic wifh, a learned prelate, and the founder changes. Bathyllus excelled in repreof Trinity Hall, Cambridge. D. 1354. sentin0 comedy; Pylades in tragedy. BATES, WILLIAM, a non-conformist BATONI, POMPEO GIROLAMO, an Italdivine, author of "Lives of Learned ian painter, who was the restorer of the and Pious Men," &c. B. 1625; d. 1699. modern Roman school and had no rival -JOHN, an eminent musician, born at but Mengs. All his pieces are taken BAU] CYCLOPiDIA OR BIOGRAPHY. 119 from natuire. The manner in which he lolw, October 6, 1849. e heard the senexecuted hlis paintings was peculiar. He tence with tranquillity and composlre, covered his sketch with a cloth, and Havinog taken leave of his wife, lie enbegan to paint the upper part on the clearored in the conrse of the night to left hand, and proceeded gradually to- open the veins of his neck by means of wards the right, never uncovering a new a blunt paper-knife, and thus to escape place before the first was entirely fin- the last indignity of what the Austrians ished. Boni, who compares him with called the "law." But his attempt was Meni's, calls the latter the " painter of discovered and his'life preserved till he philosophy," the former, the "'painter was formally executed, or rather imurof nature.' Batoni painted many altar- dered. IIe was never in open rebellion, pieces, and numcerous portraits; for and his efforts mainly had been to reform instance, that of the Emperor Joseph and improve rather than revolutionize. and the Empress Maria Theresa, in the But the detestable andc cruel spirit of imperial gallery. His'"Miagdaleln," in despotism makes no distinctions. Dresden, and his " Return of the Prodi- BATTISHALL, JONATHAN, an emigal Son," in Vienna, are celebrated. neIt musical composer, who added to BATOU, or BATU KHAN, grandson profound knowledge great taste and a of Zenghis Khan, anld his successor in fine imagination. His "Kate of Aberthe northern part of his ivast empire. deen" will be celebrated (among numerHe died, after a long reign and very ous other of his compositions) as long numerous conquests, in 1276. as pure melody shall be admired. B BATSCH, AUGUSTUS JOIN GEono G 1788-; d. 1801. CHALES, 11an eminent German naturalist; BATTIC, WILLIAn, t physician of author of Elenchus Fungorum," &c. eminence who was skilful in the treatB. 1761; d. 1801. meit of diseases of the mind, and wrote BATTELY, JOHN, archdeacon of Can- a "Treatise on Mental Madness." B. terbury, and chaplain to Archbishop 1708; d. 1776. Sancrofo; author of "Antiquitates un- BAUDELONQUE, JOHN LOUis7 a tUpina," & 1c. B. 1747; d. 1708. French surgeon of distinction, appointBATT:EUX, CHAuRLESS a French phi- ed by Natoleon to be midwife to Maria losopher, eminent for his erudition, as Louisa. ills works on midwifery are well as for his private virtues, and the in repute. B. 1746; d. 1810. humanity which was directed to the BAUDIER, BIICHAEL, a native of Lanmaintenance of a numerous and im- guedoc, historiographer of France under poverished family. His works are vari- Louis XIII. He wrote the " History of ous, but chiefly on classical literature, the Mahometan Religion," the "' Life of in which he displays frequently more Cardinal Amboise," of "Marechal de method and labor than eloquence or Toiras," 1644, of "Ximefies," "Suger," purity or depth of thought. It is said and others; and though his stvle is that his death was accelerated by grief heavy and inelegant, yet his works are in observing that the elementary book curious and interesting, and valuable which he wrote for the military school for their authenticity and the variety of of Paris, did not succeed so well as he his matter. wished. Among other works he pub- BAUDIN, NICHOLAS, a well-known lished the four poetics of Aristotle, Hor- navigator, who contributed many speciace, Vid a, and Boileau, with notes. D. mens of natural history to the collections 1780. of Europe. B. 1750; d. 1803.-PETER BATTIIYANI, COUNT, a noble HIun- CHAmRLES, a member of the French nagarian who took an -indirect part in the tional assembly and convention, and attempt to redress the wrongs of his author of anleclotes "Sur-e Constitucountry in 1848. Ie was one of the tion." B. 1751; d. 1799. deputation who undertook the recon- BAUDIUS, D)oMINIQUE, a native of ciliation'of the authorities and the people. Lisle, who studiedf at Aix la Chapelle But the deputation failed in its object, Leyden, and Geineva. He visited Enand this was his last public act. On the gland in the suite of the ambassador of 8th of January, he was arrested in the the states of Iolland, and formed an crawing-r oom of his sister-in-law, at acquaintance with Sir Philip Sidney, Pesth. transferred successively to Oeden- and afterwards ie.went to France, where burg, Laybach, and Pesth, and, after he staid 10 years, and by means of nine months' imprisonment, was tried Achilles de Harlai he was admitted adby court-martitl, declared guilty of high- vocate of the parliament of Paris. He treason, and sentenced to die on the gal- next went to Leyden, where he waw 120 CYCLOPrBDIA OF1 BIOGIRIAPHY. [rBA raised to the professorial chair of elo- BAUMERE, JoHN WILLIAM, a German quence, and with Meursius named his- physician; author of a "Natural Histotoriographer of the states of Holland in ry of tle Mineral Kingdom," &c. B 1611. He was a man of genius as well 1719; d. 1788. as erudition, and in his Latin poems BAUMGARTEN, ALEXANDER GOT he displayed taste and elegance of com- LIEB, an acute and clear thinker of the position. D. 1613. school of Wolf, was born in 1714, at BAUDOT DE JUILLI, NICHOLAs, a Berlin, studied at Halle, and was for a native of Vendome, son of a collector of time professor extraordinary there.. In excise, and author of several historical 1740 he was made professor of philosopieces, written with method and inge- phy at Frankfort on the Oder, and died nuity, though too much in the spirit of there in 1762. He is the founder of romance. His " History of the Conquest sesthetics as a science, and the inventor of England, by William of Normandy," of this name. He derived the rules of of " Philip Augustus " and " Charles art faom the works of art and their efVII.," are his best pieces. He wrote fects. His ideas of this science lie first besides the "History of Catherine of developed in his academical discussion, France, queen of England;" Germaine " De Nonnullis ad Poema pertinentide- Foix" the "Secret History of the bus." Meir's "Principles of all Liberal Constable of Bourbon;" "Spain Inva- Sciences" originated from his suggesded by the Moors," four vols., &c. D. tions. Eight years later, Baumgarten 1759. published his " Esthetica," a work BAUDEAND, MICHAErL ANTOsITE, an which death prevented him from cornecclesiastic, born at Paris. He visited pleting. His theories of art are now Rome, Germany, and England, and dis- superseded in Germany by the more tinguished himself by his " 1)ictionnalre profound and extensive works of SchilGeographique," two vols. fol., printed lel, Schellig', Hegel, and their followers. first in Latin, and afterwards in rench. BAUE, n EDERIC WILLIAM VON, a naB. 1633; d. 1700. five of Hessian Hanau, who served in BAUTINUS, or BAUHIN, JOHN, a the Hessian troops in the pay of Britain French physician and celebrated bota- 1755. In 1757 he was made a general, nist; author of "Historia Plantarum," and was ennobled by Frederic II. of &c. B. 1541; d. 1613.-GASPMAD, brother Prussia, and in 1769 he entered into the of the above; an excellent botanist, service of the Russians, and was apauthor of "Institutiones Anatomic e," pointed by Catherine inspector of the "'Phytopinax," "Pinax," and numerous salt-works of Novogorod. His abilities other works. B. 1560; d. 1624. as an engineer and mechanic were also BAULDRI, PAUL, professor of sacred employed in supplying Moscow with history at Utrecht; author of "Chrono- water, and in maduing deeper the canal logical Tables," &c. B. 1639 d. 1706. of Petersburg, and in constructing a BAULOT, JAMES, a French lithoto- capacious harbor at its extremity. He mist, whose method was adopted and was also author of "Memoires Historiimproved upon by the celebrated Ches- ques et Geographiques sur la Valaelden. B. 1651; d. 1720. chia," and of a " Chart of Moldavia," to BAUME, JAMrES FRANCIS DRE LA, a illustrate the.war between the Turks French divine; author of I The Chris- and Russians, in seven sheets. D. 1783. tiade," &c. &c. D. 1757.-ANTHONY, a -JOHN WILLIAM, a painter of StrasFrench chemist; author of a "Treatise burgh; chiefly noted for his architecon Theoretical and Experimental Chem- tural subjects. B. 1610; d. 1640. istry," " A Manual of Pharmacy," &c. BAUSE, JOHN FREDERIC, a distinPD. 1805. —-ICHOLAS AUGUSTUS DR LA, guished German engraver. B. 1738; marquis of Montrevel, and a marshal of d. 1813. France, was born 1636. It is related of BAUSSET, CARDINAL Louis F.ANCIS him, that although from his earliest DE, an eminent French prelate, born at youth he had been distinguished by his Pondicherry in 1748, was educated in daring valor, and had frequently braved France, and was made bishop of Alais death in the field of battle, yet such was before the revolution. Napoleon patrohis ridiculous superstition, that on the nized him; and Louis XVIII. made him contents of a salt-cellar having been ac- a peer, and obtained for him the cardicidentally thrown on him, he instant- nal's hat. He is the author of a "Hisly exclaimed that he was a dead man, tory of Fenelon," and of a "History of and expired from the terror with which Bossuet," both works of merit. D. 1824. it inspired him. D. 1716. BAUTRU, WILLIAM, a Frenchman, BAY] CYCLOPiEDIA OF lIOGTRAPI-IY. 121 famrous for his wit, which he displayed of Mr. Baxter's: his practical works with groat fieedom and efficacy at the have been published in four vols. folio. court and among the ministers. After Bishop Burnct, in the History of his Own seeing the Escurial in Spain attended by Times, calls him "a mann of great piety;" an ignorant librarian, he told the king and says, "that if he had not meddled hat it would be advautageous for him with too many things, he would have to make his librarian His treasurer, be been esteemed one of the most learned cause, said he to the monarch owho in- men of the age; that he had a moving quired why; he never touches what he and pathetical nay of writing; and was, is intrusted with. B. 1598; d. 1665. his whole life loin, a man of great zeal BAWDWEEN, WILLIMA, an English and much simplicity; but was unhapdivine and antiquary; editor of two pily subtle and metaphysical in every volumes of Doomsday Book. Ie pro- thing.-WILLIAM, an eminent critic and pos-cd to complete the work in eight granmmarian, nephew to the foregoing. other volumes, but died before he could B. at Lanlsugany, in Shropshire, 165o; effect it, in 1616. d. 1723. He published excellent editions BAXTER, IcnHARD, in eminent non- of "Anacreon," and -" Horace," was contbrmist divine, was born Nov. 12, author of a " Latin Grammar," 1679, 1615, at Rowton, near High Ercal, in and of a "Glossary of the Roman AnShropshire, and died 1691. Hle was or- tiquities," which, however, goes no fardained in 1638. It was not long after, ther than the latter A., andl was printed however, that the oath of universal ap- 1726.-ANDREW, a writer in metaphysics probation.of the doctrine and discipline and natural philosophy. Born in 1686, of the church, called the "Et Cetera" at Aberdeen, where he received his oath, drove him and others from the education at King's college. His prillestablisihment. In 1640 he was invited cipcl employmlent was tlhat of a private to be.miniter at Kidderminster, but the tutor. His celebrated work, "An Incivil war, which broke out soon after, quiy into the Nature of the Human exposed lim to persecution, as he es- Soul," was first published iu 4to., and poused the cause of the parliament. He has been several times reprinted. Bishop retired to Coventry, and continued his Warburton calls it "the most finished ministerial labors till the success of the book of the kind that the present times republicans recalled him to his fivorite have produced." Baxter drew up, for flock at Kidderminster. The ascenden- the use of his pupils, a piece entitled cy of Cromwell gave him great offence, " Matho; sive Cosmotheoris, Puerilis, and he even presumed to argue in pri- Dialoous," &c., which he afterwards vate with him on the nature and illegal- greatly enlarged, and published in Enity of his power, but in the only sermon glish. D. 1750. which he preached before him, he wisely BAYARD, JAMEs A., an American confined his subject to the dissensions lawyer, a representative in congress from which existed in the kingdom on re- Delaware, anc afterwards senator, who ligious matters. He was in London distinguished himself in the famous deafter Cromwell's death, and preached bate on the judiciary, and in 1814 was before parliament the day before the one of the commissioners who treated king's return was voted, and likewise for peace between the United States and before the lord mayor for Mlonk's suc- Great Britain at Ghent. B. at Philadelcesses. Charles II. made him one of his phia in 1767; d. 1815.-PIaRRE DU TERchaplains, and Chancellor Clarendon RAIL, Chevalier de, called.the knight offered him the bishopric of Hereford, without fear and without reproach. B. which'lle declined. He was, however, 1476, in the castle of Bayard, near soon involved in the general persecution Grenoble, was one of the most spotless of the non-conformists. His phrarap se characters of the middle ages. He was on the New Testament clrew upon him, simple and modest; a true fiiend and in 1685, the vengeance of Jeffries, and tender lover; pious, humane, and mnagle was condemned to be imprisoned for nanimous. At the age of 13 he was retwo years, fom which punishment, ceived among the pages of the duke of six months after, he. was discharged by Savoy, the aly of France. Charles VIII., the interference of Lord Powis with who saw him at Lyons, in the suite of King James. He wrote a vast number this prince, was struck with the dexterof books; Mr. Long, of Exeter, says 80; ity with which the youth managed his Dr. Calamy, 120; but the author of a horse; he begged him of the duke, and note in the Biographia Britannica tells committed hira to the care of Paul of us that he had seen 145 distinct treatises Luxemburgh, count de Ligny. The 11 122 CYCLOPAEDIA OF DIOeRAPHY. [BAY tournaments were his first field of glory. liance with Ferdinand and 3Maximilian At the age of 18 Bayard accompanied threatened Picardy in 13815, and besieged Charles VIII. to Italy, and distinguished Terouane. The ]irench army disgracehimself greatly in the battle at Verona, fully took to flight. Bayara, with his where lie took a standard. At the be- accustomed intrepidity, made an inefginning of the reign of Louis XII., il a fectusal resistance to the enemy: overbattle near Milan, he pursued the fugi- powered by superior numbers, his troop tives with such eagerness, that he enter- was on the point of laying down their ed the city with them, and was taken as. arms, when perceiving an English officer a prisoner. Ludovico Sibrza returned at some distance, he immediately galhim his arms and his horse, and dis- loped towards him, presented his sword missed him without ransom. While the to his breast, and cried, " Yield or cie "I French were in Apulia, he defeated a The Englishman surrendered his sw:ord. Spanish corps, lanci maIde their leader, wheni he imnmediately gave him his oWn, Don Alonzo de Sotomayor, prisoner: saying, "I am Bayardc and your captreatine' him with1 generosity. Soto- tive, as you are mine.' The boldness mayor, however, not only violated his and ingenuity of this action pleased the parole by flight, but calumniated Bayard, emperor and the king of England, who who, according to the custom of that decided that Bayard needed lno ransom, time, challenred him and killed him. and that both captives were released Afterwards, ilike Horatius Codes, he de- from their parole. When Francis -I. fended a bridge over the Garigliano ascended the throne, he sent B3ayard singly ag linst thie Spaniards, and saved into Dauphine, to open for his army a the lreinch army by checking the ad- passage over the Alps, and through vance of the victorious enemy. For this Piedmont. Prosper Colonna lay in wait exploit he received, as a coat of arm~, a for him on his mareh, expecting to surporcupine, with the motto, " Vires aq-. prise him, but Bayardl macle lnm prisonmzin1is sunus habet. Hlie distinguished er. This brilliant exploit was the himself equally acainst the Genoese and prelude to the battle of Marignano, in the Venetians. IWhen Julius II. de- which Bayard, at the side of the king, clared himself against France, Bayard performed wonders of bravery, and deawent to the assistance of the duke of cided the victory. When king Charles Ferrara. He did not succeed in his plan V. invaded Champagne with a large of takinqg the pope prisoner; but he re- army, and threatened to penetrate into fused with indignation an offer made to the heart of France, Bayard defended betray him. Being severely wounded the weakly fortified town of Mezieres at the assault of Brescia, he was carried against every assault, until the disseninto the house of a nobleman, who had sions of the hostile leaders compelled fled, and left his wife and two daughters them to retreat. Soon afterwards, Gellno exposed to the insolence of the soldiers, revolted from France, when his presence Bayard protected the family, refused reducocd it to obedience; but, after the the reward of 2500 ducats, which they surrender of Lodi, fortune changed, and offered to him- and returned, as soon as the French troops were expelled from lie was cured, into the camp of Gaston their conquests. Bonnivet was obliged de Foix, before Ravenna. In an engage- to retreat through the valley of Oasta; ment, which shortly after ensued, he his rear was beaten, and he himself took two standards from the Spaniards, severely wounded. The safety of the and pursued the fugitives. Gaston, the- army was then committed to him, and hope of France, perished through his it being necessary to pass the Sessia in neglect of the advice of Bayard, who, in presence of a superior enemy, he vigor-,he retreat from Pavia, was again wound- ously attacked the Spaniards, when a xd, and carridcl to Grenoble, where his stone, from a blunderbuss, struck his ife was in danger. " I grieve not for right side, and shattered his backbone. death," he said, "but to die on my bed, The hero fell, exclaiming, "Jesus, myt like a woman." In the war commenced God, I am a dead man!" They hastenby Ferdinand the Catholic, he displayed ed towards him. "Placenme under yon beyond the Pyrenees the same talents, tree," he said, "that I may see the enethe same heroism, which had distinl- my," and died, April the 30th, in the guished him beyond the Alps. The year 1524, surrounded both by friends fatal reverses wahich imbittered the last and enemies, who all shed tears of adyears of Louis XII., only added a bright- miration and grief. er splendor to the personal glory of BAYER, JOHN, a German astronomer Bayard. Henry VIII. of England, in al- of the 17th century; author of " Urano 1BAY] CYCLOPIEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 123 metria," a celestial atlas. —HEOPrHILUS undertake his "Commentaire PhilosoSIEGFRED, a German philologist; author phique sur ces Paroles de l'Evangile; of a very curious and able work, enti- Contrains-les d'Entrer which, in retled " Mlusseum Sinicum." B. 1694; d. gard to style and tone, is not worthy of 1738Sh him. Ile next devoted all his attentionl BAYLE, PIERRE, author of the " His- to the composition of his " Dictionnairo torical and Critical Dictionary," was b. at ilistorique et Critique," which he first Carlat, in the county of Foix, (Langue- published in 1696, 2 vols., fol. This was doec,) in 1647, and received his first in- the first work which appeared unlderhis structions from his father,. a Calvinistic name. He died, so to speak, with the preacher. He gave early proofs of an pen in his hand, in 1706, at the age of astonishing memory, and of singular 59. " Bayle," says Voltaire, " is the vivacity of mind. At the age of 19 lie first of logicians and skeptics. His greatentered the college of Puy-Laurenes, to est enemies must confess that there is finish his studies. The ardor with not a line in his works which contains which he devoted himself to them an open aspersion oe Christianity; but weakened his constitution. All books his warumest apologists must acknowlwere eagerly devoured by him; his taste edge that there is not a page in his confor logic led him particularly to study troversial writings which does not lead religious controversies, but Amyot's the reader to doubt, and often to skeptiPlutarch and Montaigne were his favor- cism." Bayle compares himself to ieoite works. In Toulouse, he studied phi- mer's cloud-compellinf Jupiter. losophy with the Jesuits. The arguments BAYLEY, ANSELM-, an English diof his professors, and, still more, his vine, author of " A Gramml ar of the friendly discussions with a Catholic Hebrew Language," &c., &c. D. 1791. priest, who dwelt near him, confirmed -Sir JOHN, a learned and upright j udge, his doubts of the orthodoxy of Protest- was called to the bar in 1792, and npantism, so that he resolves to change pointed a serjeant-at-law in 1799. In his religion. His conversion was a 1808 he was made one-of the justices of triumph to the Catholics. His family, the King's Bench, and received the however, tried all means to regain him, honor of kni ghthood. He was a man and after 17 months he returned to his old of liberal education and enlarged nofaith. In order to escape from the pun- tions. His work on " The Law of Bills ishment of perpetual excommunication of Exchange" has long been a standard which the Catholic church then pro- book in the profession, and its value in nounced against apostates, he went to the commercial world is universally acGeneva, and thence to Copet, where knowledged. B. 1773; d. 1841. —RicARD, Count Dohna intrusted him with the an eminent American physician, was b. education of. his sons, and where he in Connecticut, in 1745. After studystudied the philosophy of Des Cartes. ing at home, he completed his profesBut after some years heQreturned to siQnal education in London, and settled France, and settled in Paris. In 1675 at New York. In 1792he was appointed he obtained the philosophical chair at professor of anatomy in the college of Sedan, where he taught with distinction Columbia, where he acquired great' ceuntil the suppression of this academy in lebrity. In 1799 he published his work 1681. The appearance of a comet, in on yellow fever, wherein he proved it 1680, which occasioned an almost uni- to be a local malady. D. 1801. —MATversal alarm, induced him to publish, in THIAS, remarkable for longevity, died 1682, his "Pensees diverses sur la about the year 1789 at Jones' creek, a Comete," a work full of learning, in branch of the Pedee, in North Carolina, which he discussed various subjects of aged 1386 years. He was baptized at the metaphysics, morals, theology, history, age of 134. His eyesight remained and politics. It was folloNwed by his good, and his strength was very re" Critique generale de lHistoire du Cal- markable till his death. vinisme de Maimbourg." This work, BAYLY, THOsMAS HAYNES, a lyrical received with equal approbation by the poet of some merit, and the author of Catholics and Protestants, involved him several dramatic pieces, and one or two in many disputes. He afterwards un- novels. Though very popular in his dertook a periodical work, 1" Nouvelles own day, the majority of his writings de la Republique des Lettres," in 1684. are already rapidly passing into oblivion. The death of his father and of his two B. 1797; d. 1839.-LEWIs, bishop of brothers, together with the religious Bancgor, author of "Practice of Piety." persecutions in France, induced him to D. 1632.-)WLLIAM, an astronomer, whh 124 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BiEA went out with Captain Cook in the last his "Evidences of the Chrihtian Relitwo voyages of that celebrated circumn- gionl," 2 vols. 12mo. In 1790 he pubnavigator. D. 1810. lishcld the first volume of his " Elements BEACON,.TiOMrAS, prebendary of of Moral Science," the second of which Canterbury in the reign of Queen Eliza- followed in 1798, and to the latter'was beth, author of numerous works against appended a dissertation against the popery. slave-trade. His last publication was BEARD, Jo-N, known for his em- an "Account of the Life, Character, and inence as an actor, first appeared at' Writings of James Henry Beattie," his Drury-lane, as Sir John Loverule, in eldest son, an amiable and promising the "Devil to Pay," 1737, but his sue- young' man, who died at the age of 22, cess was interrupted, fora few yeas, by in 1790. This great affliction was fola marriage with Henrietta, daughter of lowed, in 1796, by the equally premature the eal f alea g ofe rave. He afterwarcds death of his youngest and only surviexchanged Drury-lane for Covent-ga- ving son, in his 18th year; which losses, den. His wife died in 1758,l and six years added to the melancholy loss of reason after he married the daughter of Mr.. by his wife, wholly subdued his conRich, whom he succeeded in the man- titution; and, after two strokes of agement of Covent-garden. In 1759 he palsy, he died at Aberdeen, in August, appeared in the character of Macheath, 1803. Beattie w'as a religious and amiaandl divided the applauses of the town ble mln,'as -well as a iahseinating and for fifty-two successive niglhts, with respectable controversialist. Miss Brent. as Polly. In 1768 he re- BEATTY, Sir WILLINaM, who was pretired from the stage, and died that year, sent during the last moments of the aoed 74, much respected for his private hero of Trafalgar, an " Authentic Narcharacter. rative" of whose death he published in BEATON or BETHUNE, a cardinal, 1831. 1). 1842. and archbishop of St. Andrews, in Scot- BEAUCHAMIP, JOSEPH, a French asland, whose infamous persecutions of tronomer and Bernardine monk, born his Protestant countrymlen caused him at Vesoul, in 1752. During the revoluto be assassinated in his castle, in 146. tion lie was employed on a secret mis-JAMES, nephew of the above, anld sion by Napoleon, but falling into the bishop of Glasgow, author of "A His- hands of the English, they delivered tory of Scotlan'd" I. 1530; d. 1603. him up to the Turks, by whom he was BEATTIE, JAMEs, a pleasing poet imprisoned as a spy. He was subseand.miscellaneous writer, was born at quently released, and d. at Nice, 1802. Lawrencekirk, county of Kincardine, in — RICHARD, an English prelate, admi1735. In 1765 he published a poem rably skilled in architecture. He was called the " Judgment of Paris," which surveyor of the works at W indsor, and proved'to be a failure. In 1770 his rebuilt the chapel there in the reign of Essay on Truth," written in opposi- Edward IVi The great hall in the epistion to the skepticism of Hume, gave copal palace. of Salisbury, and the sehim his first fame. Five large editions pulchral chapel in the cathedral, are also were sold in four years. A few months monuments of his taste and science. after, he published the first book of the D. 1481 "Minstrel," 4to., and, in 1774 the BEAUCHATEAU, FRANCIS MATTIIAS second, which pleasing poem is ikely CHATELET DE, a French poet, remarkable to be the bulwark of his fame. It was. for his precocious talents, author of " La at first publishel anonymously, but its Lyre cd jeune Apollon," published language spoke to the hleart and feelings when he was only twelve years old. of all classes; the learned descanted B. 1645. upon the critical merits of its structure, BEAUCLERK, TOPHAM, a gentleman and the unlearned traced in it the ef- of great literary talents, and a friend of fusions of a heart alive to the beauties Dr. Johnson, who said that "Beauof nature, and warmed with the kindly clerk's talents were those which he had sympathies of humanity. To a splendid felt himself more inclined to envy edition of his "Essay on Truthl" pLb- than those of any one else he had ever lished by subscription in 1776, he added known." B. 1739; d. 1780. some miscellaneous "Dissertations on BEAUFORT, HENRY, the half-brother Poetry and Music, Iaughter and Lu- of Henry IV. of England, was a cardinal, dicrous Composition, &c." In 1783 he bishop of Winchester, and chancellor of published.. " Dissertations, Moral and the kingdom. He was proud, ambitious Critical," 4to.; and in 1796, appeared and immensely rich; but the hospital BEAL]j C7'CLOc xEDILA.O0 BIOGRAPHY. 125 of St. Cross, at Winchester, which he surrection at Romagna, in 1832; and founded, and numerous charitable e- the youngest (Louis Napoleon) is the quests, prove that his riches were ulti- first piresident of the French republic, mately well applied. D. 1447. —MARGA- established in 1'848'. 1887. RET, countess of Richmond and Derby, BEAULIEU, SEBASTIAN DE PONTAULT mother of Henry VII. She founded DE, a celebrated French engineer and St. John's college, and Christ's college field-marshal under Louis XIV., author Cambridge, and distinguished herself of " Views and Plans of the Battles and likewise as an author. B. 1441; d. 1509. Sieges of Louis XIV." D. 1674. -FRANCIS DE VENDOMIE, duke of, son BEAUMARCHAIS, PIEmRE AuG-USTIN, of Coesar, duke of Vendome, was im- baron of, was the son of a watchll aker prisoned by Cardinal Mazarin. On his of Paris, b. in 1732, whose father desescape, he broke out into open violence, tined him to the same trade, but early but soon succeeded in makingo his peace, giving indications of fine musical talent. and was appointed admiral of France. he became teacher of the harp to the Killed at the siege of Candia, 1669 — dauglhters of Louis XV., and was adLouis DE author of " Dissertations upon mitted into their society. By a rich the Uncertainty of the First Five Ages marriage he laid the foundation of his of the Roman Republic," and other immense wealth. Ile now aspired to learned works. D. 1795. literary reputation. His " Igenie". apBEAUHIAPNOIS, ALEXANDEP DE, a peared in 1767, and " Les cle'ex Amis" Frenclh nobleman who took part in the in 1770, the first still holding its place revolution, and after having been at one on the stage. He showed uncommon time president of the national assembly, talents in his lawsuit against Goesman and served in the armies of France with and La Blanche, when lie wrote against distinction, was put to death by the rev- the former (who belonged to the paZlicsolutionary tribunal just previous to the mezt Jfcaupeo,, l whichlwas engaged in fall of Robespierre, in 1794. B. 1760.- a dispute withl the ministry) his celeFRANCIS, marquis de, elder brother of brated " Memoires," which entertained Alexander, was born in 1756. He was all France. Had he remained more quiet appointed major-general in the army of he probably would have gained his prothe Prince of Conde, in 1792; protested cess. The fame of his "Menolres" against the unlawful treatment of the alarmed even Voltaire, who was jealous king, in a letter to the president of the of every kind of glory. The "'Barber national assembly; and when Bonaparte of Seville" and the " Marriage of Figaro" became first consul, he exhorted him to have given him both permaanent and unirestore the sceptre to the house of Bour- versal reputation. Shortly before the bon. He was afterwards appointed am- revolution he was involved in the probassador to the cot't; of Spain, but fell cess against the banker Kornmann. In into disgrace with Napoleon, and was 1792 he wrote "La Mere coupable," but banished. HIe returned to Paris after never regained his former fame. IHe the restoration. D. 1819.-EUGoENE DE, was once more in his trie element in son of the above, was born in 1780; en- his memoir "Mes six Epoques." His tered the army early, and became one contract to supply the United States of Napoleon's generals, and his viceroy with mlilitary stores, during their revoin Italy, which office he filled with credit lutionary war, had increased his fortune,and distinction, from 1805 to 1814; when of which he always made a noble use; on his patron's reverses hle retired to but he lost about a million livres by his Bavaria, married the king's daughter, famous edition of the works of Voltaire, and was made duke of Leuchtenberg. the very imperfect execution of which ). 1824.-HORTENSE EUTGENIE, ex-queen was not answerable to the immense cost of Holland, and duchess of St. Leu, was of it. He lost still more at the end of born at Paris, in 1753, being the daughter 1791, by his attempt to provide the of Viscount BeaLuharnois (who perished Erench army with 60,000 muskets. Disby the guillotine in 1794) by his wife contentec with the present, despairilng Josephine, afterwards the consort of of the future, wearied with struoggling Napoleon. Hortense was married to aglainst the revolution and his creditors Louis Bonaparte in 1802, but it was an for the ruins of his waealth, le died at ill-starred union, and they separated in the age of 69 years, without any partic1807, after she had given birthl to three ular disease, in May, 1799. I-is biogsons; the eldest of whom. (Napoleon raphy. appeared in 1802; and in 1S09 an Charles) died in childhood; the second edition of his works, in 7 voTs. Beau(Napoleon Louis) was killed in an in- marchais was a singular instance of verlIr 126 CYCLOPIRDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BEA satility of talent, being at once an artist, d. 1827.-JOHN TaoMAx BA.BER, -was b. politician, projector, merchant, nd dra- in London, in 1774, his paternal nameo matist. He was passionately attached being Barber. In his youth he manito celebrity. IIis Mr' l riage of Figaro" fested a strong desire to obtain eminence excited one of those extraordinary sen-a a painter. He afterwards became an sations for which Pa'ris s alwas wy been cauthor, and published a "Tour in remarkable. The English modifications W'ales," besides several tracts upon the of this comedy convey but a slight no- best mode of arming the population, so tion of the mischicevous subtlety and as most effectually to repelthe threatened deep spirit of intrigue in the original. French invasion; and he at length put He left to his heirs a claim against the in practice what he had so strenuously United States of a million of francs, for recommended to others, by organizing supplies furnished during the war,a matchless rifle corps, known by the *which has been repeatedly presented to name of the " Duke of Cumberland's congress, but always rejected on the Sharp-shooters," of which corps he was ground that he acted only as the agent appointed, in 1808, captain commandant. of the French government, and had In 1806 he established the Provident'been paid by it. Institution, which gave rise to the variBEAUMELLE, LAURENCE, a French ous similar establishments, now better writer ani aritic; author of "Letters to known as " saving banks," tlroughout Voltaire," of whom he was a decided the kingdom. I-e died in May, 1841, opponent; " Commentary on the len- having bequeathed the bulk of his propriade," &c. B. 1727; d. 1773. erty to his children, except the sum of BEAUMONT, FRANCIS, and FLET- 10,000O. to establish a philosophical inCHER, JOIrN) two eminent English dra- stitution in Beaumont square, Mile-end. nmatic writers. The former was b. in 1585 BEAUMONT DE PIEREFIX, HARstudied at Oxford, and d. in 1616; the DOUIN, tutor to Louis XIII., and subselatter was b. at London in 1576, and d. quently archbishop of Paris; author of there in 1625, of the plague. Animated a " History of H-enry IV." D. 1670. by the same inclination, they both devo- 3BEAUNE, FLORIMENT DE, a French ted themselves to poetry. Their plays, mathematician; discoverer of a method about fifty, appeared under their joint to determine the nature of curves by the names, and it is impossible now to de- properties of their triangles. D. 1652. termine their respective shares in sever- BEAURAIN, JOIN DE, geographer to al of these productions. According to Louis XV.; author of a "Description the testimony of some of their cotem- of the Campaigns of Luxembourg, fiom poraries, Fletcher was the inventing 1690 to 1694." B. 1697; d. 1771. genius, while Beaumont, though the BEAURIEU, GASPARD GUILIPARD DE, younger of the two, was more distin- a Frenchl writer; uthor of " L'leve guished for maturity and correctness of de la Nature," &c. B. 1727; d. 1795. judgment. Shakspeare was their model, BEAUSOBRE, IsAAC DE, a French and, like him, they intermix pathetic Protestant divine, who settled at Berlin, mncd low comic scenes; but their attempts and became chaplain to the king of to surpass their model sometimes lead Prussia; author of "Defense de la Docthem into extravagances. Their desire trine des Reformes," &c. B. 1650 d. also, of pleasing the public at times, in- 1738.-Louis, counsellor to the king of duces them to deviate from a correct Prussia; author of "Philosophical Disstandard of taste. They succeed best in sertations on the nature of Fire, &c. their comic scenes. Their cotempora- B. 1709; d. 1783. rics preferred them even to Shakspeare, BEAUVAIS,;WILLIAM, rauthor of a its much as posterity have reversed the work on.the medals of the Roman emjudgment.-ELIE DE, a French advocate, pire. B. 1698; d. 1773.-CIIHARxES NICeidistinguished for his memoir in favor oLAs, a French physician, member of the of the unfortunate family of Calas. B. Convention at the revolution; author of 1732; d. 1785.-MADAmxx LE PRINCE DE "Essais Iistoriques sur Orleans," &c. a French lady, who devoted her talents B. 174-5; d. 1794. to the instruction of youth, and wrote BEAUVILLIERS, FRANCIS DE, duke many pleasing moral works; among de St. Aignan, a soldier, courtier, and others, "Magazin des Adolescens," poet, in the reign of Louis XIV. B. " Macgazin des Jeunes Dnames, some 1607; d. 1687.-PAUL DE, eldest son of novels, &c. B., 1711; d. 1780-Sir the preceding, was highly distinguished GEORGE, hi distinguished amateur ar- for talents and probity. He held high tist, was b. at Dnnmow, Essex, in 1753; offices in the state, and shared with the I3EC] CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 127 virtuous archbishop of Cambray, in the experiments of Franklin and others, education of the duke of Burgundy. become an object of universal interest. D. 1714. He therefore published his " Dell' EletBEAUZEE, NICHOLAS, an eminent tricismo lnturale ed artificiale.' The French critic and grmmnarian; the au- experiments which this work contains thor of severavl works, and a contributor on atmnospherical electricity are so nuto the Encyclopedie. B. 1717; d. 1789. merous and various, that Priestley afBEAVER, JOHs, a monk of West- firmed in his History of Electricity, that minster in the 14th century; author of Beccaria's labors far surpass all thlt had a " Chronicle of the Alffirs of Britain," been done before and after him on this &c. subject. The academies of Lonton and BECCADELLI ou, Lo, an'Italian ec- Bologna elected him a member. lie clesinstic; preceptor to prince Ferdinand wrote many other valuable vworkls on of Tuscany, and author of the Lives of this subject. The most important "Dell' Cardinals Pole and Bembo D). 1572.- Elettricismo artificiale" contains all that ANroNIO, of' Palermno; author of a was then known ofelectricity. Fralklin, " History of Alphonso, king of Aragon," who esteemed his lworks, had them c. B. 1374; d. 1471. translated into English. In 1759 the BECCARI, AUGUSTINE, the first Italianj king employed him to measure a degree pastoral poet. 1520. of thie meridian, in Piedmont. He began BECCARIA, CESARE BON-ESAN-A, MAR- the task in 1760, tooetlher with the abbot CIIe3E Ir, author of the well-known Canonica, and publisled the result in "Treatise on Crines and Punishments," 1774. The doubts expressed by Cassini was born at MAilhun, in 1735. I-e wnas of the exactness of this measurement early excited by Montesquicu's " Lettres drew fiom him his " Lettre d'un ltaliPersanes, to the cultivation of his phi- anoad un Plariino," in which he showed losophical talents, and afterwards favor- the influence of the proximity of the Alps ably know as a philosophical writer by on the deviation of the pendulum. As his" memorable work full of noble plli- his thonughts were entirely absorbed by lanthropy, "Die Delitti e delle Pene," his studies, Ie often neglected the nicer (On Crimes and Punishments,) aid rules of good breeding, without losing several others. With the eloquence of however the general esteem. He died true feeling, and a lively imagination, he April the 27th, 1781. opposes capital punishments and the BEC-IER, JOI:N JOA CHIM, authoi of torture. This work led to the establish- the first theory of chemistry, vas born ment of more settled and more correct at Spire, in 1685. le finished his restprinciples of penal law and contributed less life at London, in 1685, after havin# to excite a general horror against inhu- resided in many parts of Germany. He man punLishments. Beccaria was a true had many enemies, and has been accused, friend, a good son, a tender husband, not entirely without justice, of charlaand a real philanthropist. He is also tanry; yet his influence on the science known in Italy as the author of a philo- of chemistry gives him still a claimr to sophical granumar and theory of style, remembrance. He brought it into a "Ricerche interno alla Natura dello nearer connection with physics, and Stilo," and of several good treatises on sought for the causes of all the lhenomrhetorical ornament, &c., contained in ena of the inorganic universe in these the journal "Il Caffe," edited by him, two departments of science. This is the in conjunction with his fiiends Visconti, object of his principal work, "Physice Verri, and others. A fit of apoplexy put Subterranea." At tle same time he bean end to his useful life in Noenmber, gan to form a theory of chemistry, and 1793.-GIovAsNI BATTISTA, an ingenious conceived the idea of a primitive acid, practical philosopher, was born in 1716 of whichl all the others were only modiat Mondovia. He went to Rome in 1732, fications. I-e also made researches into where he studied and afterwards taught the process of combustion.-DANIEL, grammar and rhetoric; at the same time physician to the elector of Brandenhe applied himself with success to mathe- bllgh; author of "Commentariu cde matics. He was appointed professor of Theriaca," &c. D. 1670. philosophy at Palermo, and afterwards BECKET, TrHOMAs A archbishop of at Rome. Charles Emmanuel, king of Canterbury; a man raised fiom a coniSardinia, invited him to Turin in 1748, paratively low station to the very hicrhest to fill the professorship of natural phi- offices by tIenry II., but proud, insolent, losophy at the university there. Electri- and unorateful. IHaving shown himself city had at that time, through the the vioent opponent of his royal patron, 128 CYCLOPLADLrA 01' BIOGRAPHY. [BED the latter gave utterance to some hasty the hall of Eblis.s" In addition to this expressions respecting him in the pres- work, upon which his fame securely ence of his courtiers, and l ie was at rests, Mr. Beckford wrote a satirical length assassinated a. the altar of Can- worlk, entitled "Memoirs of Extraordi-. terbury cathedral, in 1170. After his naryv Painters;' "Italy, with Sketches death lie was canonized. of l ortugal and Spail;., and " RecolBECKFORD, WILLIAMr, one of the lections of an Excursion to the Monasmost remarkable men of modern times, teries ofAlcobagaandBatalha." D. 1844. was the son of alderman Beckford, of BECKINGHAM, CHARLES, an English London, who bequeathed him West In- cramatist; author of " Scipio Africadian and other property, said to amount nus "a tragedy, &c. 7D. 1730. to upwlards of ~100,000 per annum. He BECKMANN, JOHN ANTHONY, a nahad a strong passion for building; and tive of Hanover, and a professor at Gotin erecting Fonlthill Abbey he spent tingen, where e h lectured for many in a very wfe years the enormous sum years on subjects connected with rural of ~273,000! One tower of immense and political economly, &c. He was costliness, employed 460 men both by the author of several works, of which night and by day through an entire win- his " History of Discoveries and Inventer, the torches used by the nocturnal.tions",is the best known. B. 1739; d. workmen being visible to the astonished 1811. travellers at miles distant. As might be BECLAED, PETER AUGUSTUS, an em-expected, the mortar and cement used inent French anatomist, was born at hadl no time to set properly, ere a vio- Angers, in 1785; becamle professor of lent gale of wind brought the vast struc- anatomy icl physiology at Paris, where ture to the groundc. Merely remarking he attained the highest reputation as a that he should have been glad to witness lecturer and man of science. IHe wrote the sublime fall of such a mass of mate- " Anatomical Memoirs," &c. D. 1825. rials, he gave orders for the erection of BEDA, or BEDE, an eminent eceleanother tower of 276 feet in height; this siastic of the 8th century, usually called also fell to the earth in the year 1825. the Venerable Bede, was born in the year Building, however, did not alone occupy 672 or 673, near Wearmouth, in the Mr. Beckford. An excellent scholar, and bishopric of Durham. From the age of posssesed of a fine taste in almost every 7 to tihat of 19 he pursued his studies in brahch of art, he collected in the fantas- the monastery of St. Peter, at Weartic but costly "Abbey," one of the finest mouth. Being then ordained deacon, and most extensive libraries in England, he was employed in the task' of edutnd his pictures and curiosities were al- eating the youth who resorted to the most unequalled. His vast expenses, monastery for instruction, and pursued and the loss in chancery of a large por- his own studies with unremitting ardor. tion of his West Indian property, ren- In his 30th year he was ordained priest; dered it necessary for him to sell the and his fame for zeal and erudition abbey, and, with a few exceptions, all reaching the ears of Pope Sergius, he its rich and rare contents, in 1822. was invited to Rome, but, in conseWhen the sale was announced, public quence of the death of that pontiff, curiosity was so generally excited, that never went there. Itis not even certain the enormous number of 7200 catalogues that he everleft Northumberland, whieh, were sold at one guinea each I Though of course, reduces the incidents of his his eccentric and more than princely life to his literary pursuits and domestic lavishness of outlay caused Mr. Beck- occupations, as he accepted no benefice, ford to be much talked of; both in En- and never seems to have interfered with gland and in Portugal, where he built a civil transactions. His " Church IIisresidence, his true claim to any notice tory" wreas published in 781. Hiis last here rests upon his undoubted talents literary labor was a translation of the as an author in many walks of literature, Gospel of St. John into Saxon, which he and his genius as displayed in the wild completed, with difficulty, on the very and singular tale of "Vathek." which is day and hour of his death. The wriso splendid in description, so true to tings of Bede were numerous and ilneastern costume, and so wild and vivid portant, considering the time in which in imagination, that Lord Byron con- they were written, and the subjects of sidered it difficult to credit that it was which they treat, which extended to written by a European, and said, " Even ecclesiastical affairs, religion, and eduRasselas must bow before it; the happy cation only. His English Ecclesiastivalley will not bear a comparison with call History' is the greatest and most BED] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGIRAPHY. l9 popular of his works, and has acquired chemistry at Oxford. There he publishadditional celebrity by the translation' ed some excellent chemical treatises, and of Kingo Alfred. The collections which "Observations on the Calculus, Seahe made for it were the labor of many Scurvy, Consumption, Catarrh, and Feyears. Besides his own personal irives- ver."' But, by showing his sympathy tigations, he kept up a correspondence with the people of France during the with the monasteries throughout the firstFrench revolution, he offended some heptarchy, to obtain archives and rec- of his former admirers, and excited such ords for his purpose; and thus nearly a clamor of the dominant faction in this all the knowledge p6ssessed of the early cotltry agoainst him, by the publication state of Christianity in this country is of his political opinions, that lie res'igned due to Bede. There have been several his professorship, and retired to the editions of the original Latin, which is house of his friend Mr. Reynolds, in easy, although not elegant. While the Shropshire. There he composed his number and variety of the writings of " Observations o0. the Nature of DemonBede show the extent of his erudition, strative Evidence," in which he endeavhis probity, moderation, and modesty ors to prove, that mathematical reasoninsured him general respect; and his ing proceeds on the evidence of the disinterestedness is proved by the fact, senses, and that geometry is founded that he was never any thing higher than on experiment. He also published the an unbeneficed priest. A letter of ad- " History of Isaac Jenkins," which was vice, which he wrote late in life, to Eg- intended to impress useful moral lessons bert, archbishop of York, proves at once on the laboring classes in an attractive the purity of his morals, the liberality manner. Above 40,000 copies of this of his sentiments, and the excellence of popular work were sold in a short time. his discernment; his wish being to cur- After he had married, in 1794, he formtail the number of monasteries, dnd to ed the plan of a pneumatic institution, increase the efficacy and respectability for curing diseases, particularly conof the secular clergy. Notwithstanding sumption, by means of factitious airs or the veneration with which he was re- gases. He succeeded, with the assistgarded, not a single miracle -is recorded ance of the celebrated Wedgewood, in of himn; and as monks were the great opening this institution, in 1798. He miracle-mongers, and his views of mo- engaged, as a superintendent of the nastic reform such asewe have mention- whole, a young man, Humphrey Davy, ed, this is not surprising. The manner the foundation of whose future famrne of the death of this virtuous ecclesiastic was laid here. The chief purpose of was striking and characteristic. He was the institution, however, was never redictatinig a translation of the Gospel of alized, and Beddoe's zeal gradually reSt. John to an amanuensis. The young laxed, so that he relinquished it one man who wrote for him said, " There is year before his death, after having pubnow, master, but one sentence wantin *;" lished a number of valuable works upon upon which he bade him write quickly, the application of factitious airs. In the and when the scribe said "It is now last years of his life, he acquired the done," the dying sage ejaculated, " It is reputation of the best medical writer in now done," and a few minutes after- Great Britain, particularly by his "Hywards expired, in the act of prayer, on geia," in three vols., a popular work, the floor of his cell, in the 63d year of which contains passages of extraordinary his age, in the year 735. eloquence. His political pamphlets, from BEDDOES, TiOmAts, a physician and 1795-97, are forgotten; but will proftaauthor, b. 1760, at Shiffial, in Shrop-' bly be viewed with more interest by the shire; d. 1808. He made great pro- spirit of the present day. gress at school, in classical studies, and BEDELL, WILLIAM, bishop of Kildistinguished himself at Oxford by his more and Armagh; greatly reverenced knowledge of ancient and modern lan- in Ireland for his learning, piety, and guages and literature. The great.dis- benevolence. B. 1570; d. 1641.-GREGcoveries in physic, chemistry, and oRY T., D.D., an eloquent and popular physiology irresistibly attracted him. clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal He continued his studies with success church. He was born on Staten Island, in London and Edinburgh. In his 26th October the 28th, 1793, and was graduyear he took his doctor's degree, after- ated at Columbia college, New York, in wards visited Paris, and formed an 1811. His father was Israel Bedell, and acquiaintance with Lavoisier. On his his mother was a sister of the Rt. Rev, return he was appointed professor of Richard Channing Moore, D.D., bishoy 130 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BEE of Virginia. Soon after leaving college most of his cotemporary artists in he commnenced preparation for holy nunmber. Died aged 8'0 years, in- 1889. orders, and was ordained deacon by BEER, MICHAEL, a learned Jew of Bishop Hobart, on the 4th of November, Paris. B. at Nancy in 1784, was the 1814, within one week after he had at- first of his religion who pursued the tained the canonical age. In the sum- profession of an advocate in France. mer of 1815 he accepted a rectorship in His success in this career was brilliant, Hudson, on the North River. In the but he soon gave himself up exclusively latter part of the year 1818 he left Hud- to literature, and received the honor son, and removed to Fayetteville, N~ C. never before conferred upon a Jew, of He was after tlhat rector of St. Andrews, being admitted into the learned acadein Philadelphia. D. 1834. mies of France. He was elected a memBEDFORD, HILKIAH, an English di- ber of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, vine, who was heavily fined as the au- of the Philotechnic Society, of the acadthor of "The Hereditary Right of the emies of Nancy, Strasburgh, Nantes, and Crown of England asserted," a Jacobite Gottingen. Napoleon invrited him, in work, which was in reality written by 1807, to the assembly of Jews, who were George Iarbin. D. 1724.-JOTIN, duke to advise concerning the amelioration of of, third son of King Henry IV. of En- that people; and the general sanhedrim gland, and oine of the most successful for irance and Italy chose him their.commanders ever opposed to the French. secretary. At the erection of the kingI-le was appointed regent of France by dom of Westphalia, on account of his the will of Henry.V., and well sustained knowledge of the language of the counthe glory of his country during the ar- try, he received an appointment in the duous struggle there. DI). 1485.-JoHiN ministry of the interior, and,-afterwards, USSELL, 6th duke of Bedford, K. G., an was appointed to a corresponding ofEnolish nobleman, cdistinguished even fice i the French ministry; he also amoing his own distinguished raee for delivered a course of lectures on Gerpractical patriotism, andi a princely pat- man literature in the Athenmum of ronao e of the fine arts, and every branch Paris. of industry which tends to the improve- BEERING, VITrus, a captain in the ment of the social condition. A memn- Russian-navy, was born at Horsens, in ber of several learned societies, and em- Jutland. Being a skilful seaman, lihe inently versed in science and fond of was employed by 4eter the Great in the literature, he was no less attached to navy established at Cronstadt. His talagriculture, to the improvement of which ents, and the undaunted courage dishe devoted many years and large sums played by him in the naval wars against of money. Of his liberality, when any the Swedes, procured him the honor of useful object was in view, some opinion being chosen to command a voyage of may be formed from the fact, that he discovery in the sea of Kamtschatka. expended upwards of ~40,000 in re- lie set out from St. Petersburg, Feb. building Covent-Garden market, in such 5th, 1725, for Siberia. In the year 1728 a style as to render it one of the great- lie examined the northern coasts of est ornaments of that part of London. Kamtschatka as far as lat. 67o 18' N., B. 1766; d. 1839. and proved that Asia is not united to BEDLOE, WILLIAMr, captain, an infa- America. It remained, however, to be mous informer, noted for his perjuries, determined whether the land opposite anid rewarded with ~500 for pretended to Kamtschatka, was, in reality, the inwvrmation respecting a popish plot, coast of the American continent, or and the death of Sir Edmundbury God- merely islands lying between Asia and frey. D. 1680. America. June 4th, 1741, lie sailed, BEECHEY, Sir WILLIAM, an eminent with two ships, from Ochotsk, and English portrait-painter, but hle did not touched on the northwestern coast of w 1holly confine hilnself to that branch America, between lat. 85o and 39o N. of the art, having painted some histor- Tempests and sickness prevented him ical compositions of more than common from pursuing his discoveries; he was merit, especially his "Iris bearing to cast on a desolate island, covered with Soumnus the command of Juno to warn snow and ice, where he grew dangerAlcyone by a dream of the fate of her ously sick, and died Dec. 8th, 1741. husband Ceyx." His chief excellence, The straits between Asia and Amirica however, lay in portrait-painting, to have received the natme of Beering's which, indeed, he chiefly confined him- Straits, and the island on wiich he died self fa nd in which, he greatly surpassed that of Beering's Island. BEH] CYCLOPAeDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 131 BEETHOVEN, Louis yoN, b. in He died March 26th, 1827, near Vienna, Bonn, 1772, was thQ son of a man who in great poverty. had been a tenor singer there; but ac- BEHAIM, MAnTIN, b. at Nuremberg, cording to another account, a natural about 1430, is distinguished as one of son of Frederic William II., king of the most learned mathematicians and Prussia. His great talent for music was astronomers of his age. He was engaged early cultivated. He astonished in his in commerce, and travelled for the pureighth year all who heard him, by his pose of carrying on his business from execution on the violin, on which he 1455 to 1479; but he also devoted himwas in the habit of performing, with self to the study of the mathematical great diligence, in a little garret. In his and nautical sciences, in which Regioeleventh year he played Bach's " Wohl montanus is said to have been his masTemperirtes clavier," and, in his thir- ter. He went from Antwerp to Lisbon teenth, composed some sonatas. These in 1480, where he was received with promising appearances of gi'eat talent marks of distinction. He sailed in the induced the then reigning elector of Co- fleet of Diego Can on a voyage of dislogne, to send him, in 1792, in the char- covery, and explored the islands on the acter of his organist, and at his expense, coast of Africa as far as the river Zaire. to Vienna, that he might accomplish He is also said to have discovered, or at himself there in composition, under the least to have colonized, the island of Fayinstruction of Haydn. Under Haydn al, where he remained for several years, and Albrechtsberger he made rapid pro- and assisted in the discovery of the other gress, and became, likewise, a great Azores. IIe was afterwards knilghted, player on the pianoforte astonishing and returned to his native country where every one by his extempore perform- lie constructed aterrestrial globe in 1492, ances. In 1809 he was, invited to the which bears the marks of the imperfect new court of the king of Westphalia, at acquaintance of that age with the true which several men of distinction per- dimensions of the earth. Benlhaim died, suaded him to remain by the promise after several voyages, in Lisbon, in 1o06. of a yearly salary. He composed his Some ancient Spanish historians assert principal works after 1801. A few years that he made several discoveries, and before his death, a cold, which he had that he gav.e to his friend Columbus the caught by composing in the open air, idea of another hemisphere. Robertson produced a deafness, which became, by (in his History of America) and other degrees, very great. He lived, after- historians contradict this statement. It wards, very much retired, in the village is also rejected by Irving. of Modlingen, near Vienna. Instru- BEHN, APriARi, a lady of some celebmental music has received from his rity as a writer of plays and novels, was compositions a new character. Beetho- descended from a good family in Canterven united the humor of Haydn with bury. of the nanme of Johnson, and was the melancholy of Mozart, and the char- born in the eign of Charles I. 1Her acter of his music most resembles Che- father through the interest of his rda-.rubini's. His boldness is great; though tion Lord Willoughby, being appointed the more powerful nature and richer lieutenant-general of Surmainm, embarkimagination of Mozart embraced a wider ed with his family for the West Indies, field, and many of his compositions ex- taking with him Aphara, who xwxas then press the whole height and depth of his very young. The father died at sea; character. Besides the great sympho- but his family arrived safely at Surinam, nies and overtures of Beethoven, his and i'emained there for some years, duquintets, quartets, and trios for strino'ed ring which time Aphara gained the. instruments, his numerous sonatas, lis acqaintance of the American prince variations, and other pieces for the pia- Oroonoko, whom she made the subject noforte, in which he shows the great of a novel subsequently dramatized by richness of his imagination, lie also Southern. On her return to-England composed vocal lmusic, with scarcely she married Mr. Behn, a London mer, less success. To this department be- chant, of Dutch extraction; buit was longs lis opera "Leonore," (in its alter- probably a widow when selected' by ed state, called "Fidelio,") some masses, Charles II. as a proper person to acquire an oratorio, (the "Mount of Olives,") intelligence on the continent during the and songs for the piano-forte, among Dutch war. She accordingly took up which the composition of Matthison's her residence at Antwerp, where she "Adelaide," called by us, "Rosalie," engaged in gallantries for the good of and some songs of Goethe are celebrated her country; end it is said tat, by 132 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BEL means of one of her admirers she ob- several of them are considered classics tailed advice of the intention of the in Dutch literature3 particularly her roDutch to sail up the Tlhames, which she mances, "Willem Leevend," in 8 vols.; transmitted to England. This intelli- "Letters of A. Blankart to C. Wildgence although true, being discredited, schut," and the "History of Sara Burgershe gave up politics, returned to En- hart." She wrote her most i nportant gland, and devoted herself to intrigue works in conjunction with her friend and writing for support; and, as she Agatha Deken, and the share of each in had a good person and much conversa- the composition of them is unknown. tional talent, she became fashionable Elizabeth was born at Flushing, in 1738, among the men of wit and pleasure of and died at the Hague, in 1804. Her the time. She'published three volumes inseparable friend in life followed her of poems by Rochester, Etherege, Crisp, nine days later in death. and others, with some poetry of her BEL, JOHN JAMES, a counsellor of own; and wrote seventeen plays, the Bordeaux, compiler of the "Dictionheartless licentiousness of which was naire Neologique," and author of " Letdisgraceful both to her sex and to th.e ters on Voltaire's Marianne," &c. D. age which tolerated the performance of 1738.-MATTHIAS, anl Hungarian divine, them. She was also the authoress of a historiographer of the Emperor Charles couple of volumes of novels, and of the VI., author of " Apparatus ad Historiam celebrated love-letters between a noble- Hungarine," &c. -B. 1684; d. 1749.man and his sister-in-law. Pope, in his CHIARLES ANDREW, son of the above, licharacter of women, alluhdes to Mrs. brarian and professor of poetry to the Behn, under her poetical name of "As- university of Leipsic. B. 1717; d. by trea:" his own hand, 1782. "The stage how loosely does Astre treand, ELCHER, JONATHAN, governor of Who fairly puts her characters to bed." Massachusetts and New Jersey. He She died in 1689, between forty and fifty graduated at Harvard college in 1699. years of age, and was buried in the clois- Not long after the termination of his ters of Westminster. abbey. collegiate life, he visited Europe, and BEICH, JOACHIM FRANCLs, a native of after the lapse of several years, returned, Suabia, eminent as a painter of cattle and commenced business as a merchant pieces and landscapes. B. 1655; d. 1748. in Boston. He was chosen a member BEINASCHI, JOHN BAPTIST, a native of the council, and in 1729 was sent as of Piedmont, an eminent historical paint- an agent of the province to England. er. B. 1634; d. 1688. After the death of Governor Burnet, he BEK, or BEAK, ANTHONY DE, bishop was appointed to the government of of Durham, a bold and spirited prelate, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, in who united the skill and courage of a 1730. In this station he continued 11 soldier to the austerity of a divine.. He years, when lie was superseded. On led the van of the English army under repairing to England, he so far sucEdward I. in an- expedition against the ceeded in vindicating his character and Scots; built Barnard castle and other conduct, as to obtain the appointment. fortresses, and performed many gallant of governor of the province of New exploits; but at length broke his heart Jersey, where he arrived in 1747, and at. beinf excommunicated by the arch- spent the remaining years of his life. bilhop of York, inl l10.-DAVID, a Dutch He enlarged the charter of Princeton painter, pupil of Vandyke, and portrait college, and was its chief patron and painter to Christina, queen of Sw6den. benefactor. He d. in 1757, aged 76.B. 1621; d. 1656. JONATHAN, chief justice of Nova Scotia, BEKKHER, BALTHASAR, a divine of was graduated at Harvard college, in Amsterdam; suspended from his fune- 1728. He studied law at the Temple, in tions for publishing "The World Be- London. He was among the first settlers witclhed,' a refutation of the popular of Chebueto, afterwards called Halifax, errors in witchcraft, &c. B. 1634; d. and being, in 1760, senior counsellor, on 1698. the death of Governor Lawrence he was BEKKER, ELIZABETH, an ornament of appointed lieutenant-governor, in which Dutch literature in the department of office lie was succeeded by Col. Wilmot, the belles lettres. Few female authors in 1763. In 1761 he received his aphave united with so great talents so. pointment of chief justice. B. 1708; d. much dignity and purity of morals. The 1776. influence of her numerous works was BELCHIER, JOHNr, was born at King. much increased by her character, and ston, Surrey, and after an Eton educa 13L] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 133 tion was put apprentice to Cheselden, Oosroes, king of Persia, dethroned Gelthe most celebrated surgeon of his age. irner, king of the Vandals, routed the Perseverance and assiduity soon ren- Gotls in Sicily and Italy, and performed dered him eminent in his profession, other glorious actions. Justinian, howand in 1736 he succeeded Craddock as ever, confiscated his estates, but at surgeon in Guy's hospital. In this em- lenfgth restored them, and took him ployment he became respected and be- againinto favor. The story of his blindloved for his attention, and, unlike the ness and beggary is a fiction added by mercenary practitioners of the times, he the more modern writers. D. 515. considered not the emoluments of his BELKNAP, JxEREMY, an American office, but the character of his station, historian and divine, was born at Bosand treated with unwearied patience ton, Massachusetts, in 1744, and was and humanity those whom diseases or graduated at Harvard college in 1762. misfortunes had placed under his care. He was first settled in the Christian In his private life he was equally ami- ministry at Dover, New Hampshire, and able, his whole time was devoted either afterwards in his native town. He was to his friends or to the improvement of one' of the founders of the Massachusetts his profession, and many are the in- Historieal Society, and devoted much genious communications with which he of his time to the promotion of.its obifvored the Philosophical Transactions jects and interests. His published and other publications. He respected works are the "I History of New Hampthe name of Guy almost to adoration, shire," "American Biography," and a observing, that no other man would number of political, literary, and relihave sacrificed ~150,000 for the relief gious tracts. His writings are characof his felloi-creatures. B. 1706; d. 1785. terized by great research, clear arrangeBELDEN, JosuUA, physician. After ment, and perspicuity of style. D. 1798. graduating at Yale college in 1787, he BELL, ANDREW, an English divine, studied physic with Dr. L. Hopkins. the projector' and founder of those exBesides his useful toils as a physician, cellent establishments called National he was employed in various offices of Schools, author of " An Experiment in public trust. He was a zealous sup- Education at the Male Asylum. Madras," porter of all charitable and religious in-" Instructions for conducting Achools on stitutions. B. 1768; d. 1818. the Madras System," &c., &c. Dr. BELESIS, a Chaldean, who raised Bell had acquired considerable property Arbaces to the throne of Media, and in the East Indies, and had some lucrawas rewarded with the government of tive preferments in England, all of Babylon. which he bequeathed to institutions BELGRADO, JAMES, an Italian Jesuit, connected with education and literature. eminent as a poet, antiquary, and math- B. at St. Andrews, Scotland, 1753; d. ematician, author of a treatise entitled 1882.-]ENJAMIN, an eminent surgeon, "The Existence of God dqmonstrated and writer on surgery; author of a Geometrically," &c. B. 1704; d. 1789. "Treatise on the Management of Ul-MANUEL, an active partisan and corn- cers," &., &c. B. at Dumfries, 1749; mander in the cause of South American d. 1806.-HEN-RY, the first successful independeunce, whose disinterested con- applier of steam to the purposes of navduct proved highly favorable to Buenos igation in Europe, was born in LinlithAyres and the neighboring states. D. gowshire, in 1767. After serving an 1820. apprenticeshipn to his uncle. who was a BELIDOR, BERNARD'OREST DE, an millwrght, he went to London, and was eminent French engineer and mathema- in the employ of Mr. Rennie, the celetician, author of "Dictionnaire portatif brated engineer; but it was not till the de l'Ingenieur," &c. B. 1695; d. 1761. year 1812 that he produced a vessel calBELING, RICHARD, an Irish gentle- culated to establish the practicability man, who took pait in the rebellion of and important uses of steaml-navigation; 1641, but recovered his estate at the and though Mr. Fulton, an American restoration; author of "Vindicise Cath- engineer, lad launched a boat upon the olicorum Hibernie." B. 1613; d. 1677. same principle five years before, which BELISARIUS, a Roman general, one had performed long voyages upon the of the most celebrated of his age, first Hudson river, yet Bell must be at least served with distinction in the guards of allowed the praise of having done, in Justinian, and subsequently rose to his own country, what all other men, military eminence ucnder that emperor. notwithstanding the superior advanHe dlefeated COabades, and subsequently tages of ktMll and capital, had failed in 12 134 CYCLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. L[BEL doing. Died, at Helensburgh, 1830.- istry, placed themselves under Iis inJAMES, an eminent geograplhical writer, struction. HIe was reckoned one of the was born at Jedburgh, in 17695. He was most learned divines of the country. brought up as a weaver, and became a His works were published in three vols. manufacturer of cotton goods at Glas- 1811. B. 1729; d. 1790.-JAMES, a Flemgow, but left that business, and, being ish poet, was b. at Flushing in the an indefatigable student, became a year 1757, and d. in 1796. He was twenteacher of the classics to young men ty-five years old, and followed the trade preparing for the university. He was of a baker, when, in 1772, the second the author of "A System of Popular secular festival, in commemoration of and Scientific Geography," in 6 vols.- the foundation of the republic, was eel"A Gazetteer of England and Wales." ebrated throughout Holland. His genius D. 1833.-CHARLES, an eminent anato- suddenly inflfimed by the love of his mist and professor of surgery in the native land, rendered him a poet, and university of Edinburgh, of which city his first productions met with success. he was a native, being born there in He studied Latin, made himself better 1778. In 1806 lie went to London,' and acquainted with his mother tongue, and was soon distinguished as a popular composed several pieces of merit suffilecturer on anatomy and surgery, at the cient to induce the society of arts at the academy founded by the celebrated Hague to incorporate them in their cblHunter, in Windmill-street, where, as lections. ile published his patriotic. subsequently, when appointed a pro- songs under the title of " Vaderlandsefessor at the royal college of surgeons, Gezengen," which secure him a place the benches were crowded with atten- among the first poets of his nation. tive auditors. He was the author of Bellamy sung, likewise, tl praise of many professional works of high repute,. love. The later works of this poet beon anatomy, surgical operations, and tray a certain melancholy, which renders the nervous system; all admirably illus- thern still more interesting. A biograph"trated from drawings made by himself. ical account of him has been written by On the accession of William IV. lie re- Kniper. He may be placed by the side ceived the honor of knighthood. As in of Bilderdyk, Helmers, Loots, R. Feyth, his professional career Sir Charles was. &c., as one of the restorers of moaern respected for his great talents, so in Dutch poetry. private life was he admired for the BELLEGARDE, JOHN BAPTIST MORbland simplicity of his manners. B. VAN DE, a French Jesuit, expelled from 1778; d. 1842.-JoiiN, a distinguished the society for Cartesianism; translator citizen of New Hampshire, of great of St. Chrysostom, Thomas a Kempis, judgment, decision, and integrity, died &c. D. 1784. at Londonderry, Nov. 80, 1828, aged 95 BELLEISLE, CHAERLES Louis AUGusyears. His father, JOHN, was' an early TUS FOUQUET, Count de, a French marsettler of that town. During the revolu- shal, whose talent and eminent successes tionary war, he was a leading member were rewarded by his sovereign, Louis of the senate. Two of his sons, SAMUEL XV., with the highest' dignities. B. and JOHN, have been governors of New 1684; d. 1771. Hampshire. The former was twelve BELLENDEN, WILLIAM, a Scottish years a senator of the United States. writer of the 17th century, distinguishBELLA, STEFANO DELLA, an eminent ed for the elegance of his Latin style. Florentine engraver, b. in 1610, was for lie was educated at Paris, where he was a considerable time employed by Cardi- professor of belles lettres in 1602, and. nal Richelieu. to engrave the conquests though he was made master of requests of Louis XIII.; aind, after his return by James I., he still continued to reside home, was liberally patronized by the in the French metropolis. In 1608 h3 house of Medici. The number of his published a work entitled " Cicero Prinplates is said to amount to one thousand ceps," containing a selection from the four hundred. D. 1684. works of Cicero, consisting of passages BELLAMY, JOSEPi, a distinguished relating to the duties of a prince, &c. Congregational minister of Woodbury, IHe afterwards republished this work Conn. He was b. at New Cheshire in with some other treatises, in his "Bellenthat state, 1719, and graduated at Yale denus de Statu, libri tres." This work college, in 1785. In 1750 he published was published again in 1787, by an a work, entitled "True Religion Delin- anonymous editor, since known to have eated.'? Such was his reputation, that been Dr. Parr, who added a Latin prefmany young men, studying for the min- ace on the politics of that time. From 3EL] CYCLOPl DIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 135 Bellenden's work, Micddleton's "Life of Carlo. This'was suc ceded by various Cicero," was almost entirely compiled others, of which "I TPirati," ",La So1without acknowledgment-a plagiarism nambula," " Normal," and " I Puritani" denounced by Warton and Parr. are the best, and have gained for him an BELLENGER, FRANCIS, a doctor of undying celebrity. His moral character the Sorbonne; author of a "Critical Es- stood high, and his manners and cornsay on the W6rks of Rollin," &c. D. positions were in harmonious accord1749. alce;-agreeable, tender, and elegant. BELLET, CHARLES, a French writer; D. near laris, 1835.-JAMES, and his two author of "L' AdorationChrltienne dans sons, GENTILE and GIOVANNI who surla D6votion Rosaire," &c. D. 1771.- passed their father, celebrated painters, ISAAc, a Frenllh physician; author of who made a new epoch in the Venetian a "History of Cataline's Conspiracy," school. Of James's works nothing has &c. D. 1778. been left; but several of Gentile's lave BELLIARD, AUGUSTINDANIEL, Count reached our times. In the year 1479, de, a distinguished French general and Gentile went to Constantinople, M'ladiplomatist, was b. in 1773, in La Ven- homet II. having sent to renice for a dee. He entered the military service skilful painter. Ie is said tohave there early, and was soon made an officer of copied the bas-reliefs of the column of DDmnouriez's staff: he afterwardcs served Theodosius, and to have died at Venice with Bonaparte in Italy and Egypt; in the year 1501. The most distinguishand, returning from the latter country, ed of the family was Giovanni, born at he participated in the victories of UJlm Venice, about 1424, and who died about antd Austerlitz, and fought in all the 1516. He studied nature diligently, and great battles in the war with Prussia. his drawing was good. He contributed IHe next went to Spain; but in 1812 much to make oil painting popular, and joined the army destined for the invasion has left many excellent pictures, of which of Russia, and particularly distinguished one, the " Saviour pronouncing his Benhimself in the battle of Moskwa. At ediction," is to be found in the gallery Leipsic, a cannon-ball carried away his of Dresden. His own reputation was arm. After Napoleon's abdication, he much increased by that of his celebrated was made a peer of France, and major- disciples, namely, Titian and Giorgione. general of the army under the Duke de As their instructor, he is sometimes Berri. When the emperor returned called the founder of the Venetian school. fiom Elba, hle dispatched Belliard to BELLMAN, CHxARLES MICHAEL, the king Joachim at Naples, but the vessel most original among the Swedish poets, was intercepted by a British ship, and was born at Stockholm, in 1741, and driven back to France. On the return grew up in the quietude of domestic life. of the Bourbons, he was for a short time The first proofs which he gave of his imprisoned, but soon taken into favor poetical talents were religious and pious again. When Louis Philippe ascended effusions. The dissipated life of young the throne, he sent Belliard to Berlin, to men, at Stockholm, devoted to pleasurc, treat respecting the acknowledgment of was afterward the subject of his poems. the new dynasty; and during his eml- By these his name was spread over all bassy to Brussels, he contributed more Sweden. Even the attention of Gusthan any other diplomatist to the forma- tavus III. was attracted to him, and he tion of the new Belgian government. received from the king an appointment. D. 1822. which enabled him to devote himself' BELLIEVEE, POMPONIUS DE; a French almost entirely to poetical pursuits in statesman, chancellor to Henry IV. B. an easy independence, until his death, 1529; d. 1607. in 1795. His songs are truly national, BELLIN, JAMES NICHOLAS, a French principally describing scenes of revelry. geographer; author of "IHydrographie BELLOCQ, PIERRE, valet-de-chambre Francoise," &c. D. 1772. to Louis XIV.; author of a poem on the BELLINI, LAURENCE, an Italian phy- Hotel des Invalides, &e. D. 1704. sician; author of several anatomical and BELLOI, PIERRE LAURENT BURETTE medical works in Latin. B. 1643; d. DE, the first French dramatist who sue1702.-VINCENZo a celebrated musical cessfully introduced native heroes upon composer, was b. at Catania in Sicily, the French stage, instead of those of in 1806. He- was educated at Naples Greece and Rome, or the great men of under Zingarelli, antd before lie hadl other nations, was born at St, Flour, in completed his 20th year he had produced Auvergne, during 1727. He went to'" Bianco e Fernando" at the theatre San Paris when a child, lost his father soon 136 CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BES~ after, and was supported by his uncle, a BELLOTI, PETER, ian Italian painter, distinguished advocate in the parliament chiefly of portraits. B. 1625; d. 1700. of Paris, who designed him for the same BELOE WILLIAM, a divine and critic, profession. He applied himself to this was born at Norwich in 1756, and eduprofession with reluctance, while he cated at Cambridge. After having been showed much genius for the drama. assistant to Dr. Parr, who was then head. His uncle opposed this taste, and the master of Norwich school, he took oryoung man secretly left his house and ders, and obtained church preferment. retired to Russia, where he betook him- He was filnally rector of Allhallows, a self to the stage. He now made his ap- prebendary of St. Paul's, alnd librarian pearance at several northern courts, as of the British Museum. The latter situan actor, under the name of Dormont de ation however he lost,;un consequence Belloi. Everywhere his character gain- of a visitor to the museum having pured him love and esteem. Hle spent sev- loined some valuable prints. In con.eral years in Petersburgh, where the junction with Dr. Nares, he established Empress Elizabeth showed him much the "British Critic." He is the author of kindness. Inl 1758 he returned to" Anecdotes of Literature" and "Scarce F.rance, where he prodriced, from time Books;" the " Sexagenarian," and other to time, his uncle having died, his tra- works; and the translator of "Herodgedies of Titus, Zelmaire, Siege de otus and Aulus Gellius." He died in fCalais, Gastu et Bayard, &c., &c. D., 1817. 1775.'BELON, PETER, an eminent French BELLOMONT, RICHARD, earl of, gov- naturalist and physician of the 16th cenernor of New York, Massachusetts, and tury, was born in Maine, about 1518, New Hampshire, was appointed to these travelled into Palestine, Greece, Arabia, offices early in May, 1695, but did not and England; published in 1553 a very arrive at New York until May, 1698. He interesting account of his travels; and remained in the province of New York was assassinated in 1564. He is the about a year. He reached Boston, May author of several valuable works on 26, 1699; he was received with the great- natural history, particularly on fishes. est respect, as it was a new thing to see Belon is considered as the inventor of a nobleman at the head of the govern- comparative anatomy, and one of the ment. Twenty companies of soldiers, founders of natural hlistory. and a vast concourse of people met "his BELOSIELSKY, PRINCE, a Russian lordship and countess" on his arrival. noble; author of "Poesies Francooises " There were all manner of expressions d'un Prince Etranger," &c. D. 1809. of joy, and to end all, fireworks and a BELOT, JOHN DE BLOIS, advocate to good drink at night." He took every the privy council of Louis XIV.; author method to ingratiate himself with the of " Apologie de la Lanigue Latine." people; his success may be justly ap- BELSHAM, THOMAS, an eminent Unipreciated, by the remark of one of his tarian divine; author of a discourse " On biographers, that by his wise conduct lihe the Importance of Faith, and the Duty obtained a larger sum as a salary, and as of making Open Professions of it," &c. a gratuity, than any of his predecessors D. in his 80th year, 1829.-WILLIAM, or successors. Though he remained but brother of the preceeding, an eminent fourteen months, the grants made to writer; author of "Essays, Political and him were ~1875 sterling. His time was Literary," "History of Great Britain, much taken up in securing the pirates, from the Revolution to the Treaty of and their effects, to accomplish which, Amiens," in 12 vols. 8vo., &c. D. aged wag a principal reason of his appoint- 75, in 1827. ment. During his administration Cap- BELSUNCE DE CASTLE MORON, tain Kidd was seized, and sent to HtENRY FRANcIS XAVIER DE, a virtuous Eng-land for trial. In 1700 he returned and humane French prelate, was b. to New York, and died there in 1701. in 1671, at the castle of La Force, in BELLONI, JEROME, a celebrated Reo- Perigord. In 1709 he was made bishop man banker, created a marquis by Pope of Marseilles, and when that city was Benedict XIV.; author of an " Essay on visited by the plague in 1720, instead of Commerce." D. 1760. deserting his flock, he hourly hazarded BELLORI, JOHN PETER, a celebrated his life to afford them succor and conItalian antiquary and connoisseur in the solation. As a reward, he was offered polite arts; author of " Lives of Modern the rich bishopric of Laon, which conPainters, Architects, and'Soulptors," &c. ferred the title of duke; but he replied, D. 1696. that "he would not quit a church- to 13EM] CYCLOP:EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 17 which he had devoted his life." A col- French consul-general,) had discover-d lege was founded by him in his episcopal the year before, but had not succeed ad city. This exemplary pastor wrote a in opening. Belzoni found a subta3r " History of the Bishops of his Dio- raneous temple in its ruins, which until cese;"' Pastoral Instructions;" and the that time had been unknown. He then "Life of MademoiselledeFoix.7" D.1755. visited the coasts of the Red Sea, and BELUS, celebrated in profane history the city of Berenice, and- made an expeas the founder of the Babylonian empire. dition into the oasis of Jupiter Ammlon. He was deified after his death, and a His-journey to Berenice was rewarded temple was erected to him at Babylon. by the discovery of the emerald mines He is probablythe Baal of Phoenicia, of Zubara. Belzoni refuted Cailliaid's and the Nimrod of Scripture. Flour- assertion, that he had found the famous ished 1322 BnC.. Berenice, the great emporium of Eu rope BELYN, a British prince and corn- and India, by subsaquent investigations mander undler Caractacus. on the spot, and by the actual discovery BELZONI, GIAimBAT1ISTA, thatis, John of the ruins of that great city, four days' Baptist, an enterprising traveller, was journey from the place which Cailliaud born at Padua, and educated at Rome. had taken for Berenice. His " Narrative He was destined for the monastic life, of the Operations and recent Discoveries but left the city when it was occupied within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, by the French armies, and in 1803, went and Excavations in Egypt and Nubia; to London; where he exhibited as the and of a Journey to the Coast of the Red Patagoniact Sagnson, at various minor Sea in search of 1erenice: also of antheatres. There he acquired, besides an other to the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon," acquaintance with the English language, (London, 1820,) accompanied by a folio mutch knowledge of the science of hy- vol. of forty-four copperplates, was redraulics, the study of which had been ceiveid with general approbation. Padua, his chief occupation in Rome, and which his native city, requited his present of afterwards carried him to Egypt. He two Egyptian statues from Thebes with left this country, after a residence of an honorary medal. In the year 1823, nine years, accompanied by his wife, this enterprising traveller had made and took his way through Portugal, preparations for passing from Benin to Spain, and Malta, to Egypt. There he HIoussa, anid Timbuctoo, when he died lived from 1815 to 1819, at first as a dan- at Gato, on his way to Benin, Dec. the cer, till he won the favor of the pacha, d, 1828. I-Ie believed the Nile and who made use of his services. Belzoni, Niger to be cifferent streamls, and that though often alone amidst the rude in- the Niger empties its waters into the labitants of the country, kept them in Atlantic ocean; opinions which have awe by his extraordinary stature and eventually been proved to be correct. strength. He succeeded in opening, not The following inscription was placed only the pyramid of Ghiza, which had over his grave: been already opened in the 17th century Iere lies the resmains of by Pietro della Valle, and to which the G. nBELZOr, French, during their expedition to Egfypt, Who iwas attacked witlh dysentery, nt Benin, (On his way to Houssa and Tirmnuetoo,) could not find the entrance,O the th of November, and died at this place, Decenmsecond, known by the name of CepCrenzes, " ber 3d, 1823. andn several cCatacolmbs near Thebes, cs- Tle gentleman who placed thi inscription over the grave peci~llyone in ai fine st'ate of preservxltioii of this intrepid ansd enterlprisieg traveller, hopes tlht pecially one ina fine state of presertion evepy Eueope visiting this spot w ill case..te ground in tle valley of Bibanl el Molook, which to be cleared, nand the fence round the grave to ni reis considered to be the mausoleum of aired, ifnecessary." Psanlmuis, in 400 B. c. The drawiings BEMBO, PIETRO, one of the most which he has furnished of these antiqui- celebrated of the Italian scholars that ties are the most exact which we possess. adorned the 16th centlury, was born at In the year 1816 his perseverance and Venice in 1470. He very early learned skill succeeded in transporting the bust the Latin, and afterwards, at Messina, of Jupiter Meemnon, together with a sar- under the direction of Lascaris, the copha]n s, of alabaster, found in the cata- Greek language; after which lie returncombs, from Thebes to Alexandria, from ed to his native country, and there pubwhence they came to the British Mu-.lished a small treatise on mount Etna. scum. On the 1st of August, 1817, he In compliance with the will of his father, opened the temple of Ipsambul, near the he entered upon the career of public second cataract of the Nile, which two business, but, soon conceiving a dislike Frenchmen, Caillilad and Drovetti, (the for it. he devoted himself to science and 12" 138 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BEN the theological profession. At Ferrara, of his time, conferred on him, in 1539, where he completed his philosophical the hat of a cardinal. From that time studies, he entered into a connection Bembo renounced the belles-lettres, and with Ercole Strozzi, Tibaldeo, and par- made the Fathers and the Holy Scripticularly with Sadoleto. From Ferrara tures his chief study. Of his former he returned to Venice, where a literary labors he continued only the "History society had been established, in the of Venice." Two years later, Paul III. house of the printer Aldus -Manutius. bestowed the bishopric of Gubbio on Bembo became one of its principal mem- him, and soon after the rich bishopric bers, and, for some time, took pleasure of Bergamo. He died, loaded with in correcting the beautiful editions which honors, 1547, in the 7Tth year of his proceeded from this celebrated press. age. Bembo united in his person, his After visiting Rome, he went, in 1506, character, and conversation, all that is to the court of Urbirio, at that time one amiable. He was the restorer of a pure of those Italian courts where the sci- style, as well in Latin composition, in ences stood highest in esteem. He lived which Cicero, Virgil, and Julius Caesar there about six years, and gained sev- were his constant models, as in the Italeral powerful friends. In 1512 he went ian, in which he chiefly imitated Peto Rome with Giulio de Medici, whose trarca. He was so rigorous with regard brother, pope Leo X., made him secre- to purity of style, that he is said to have tary, and gave him his friend Sadoleto had forty different partitions, through for a colleague. About this time he be- which his writings, as he polished them carae acquainted with the young and by degrees, successively passed; nor did beautiful Morosina, with whom he lived, he publish them till they had sustained in the most tender union, during 22 these forty examinations. A collection years. She presented him with two of all his works, which were frequently sons and a daughter, whom he educated printed singly, appeared in 1729, at Venwith the greatest care. His many la- ice, in four folio volumes. The most bors, arising from his office as well as important of them are, "History of his literary pursuits, and, perhaps, too Venice," from 1487 to 1513, in twelve great an indulgence in pleasure, having books, which he wrote both in Latin impaired his health, he was using the and Italian; "Le Prose," dialogues, in baths of Padua, when he was apprised which the rules of the Italian language of the death of Leo X. Being by this are laid down; "Gli Asolani," dialogues time possessed of several church bene- on the nature of love; "Le'Rime," a fices, he resolved on withdrawing en- collection of beautiful sonnets and cantirely from business, and on passing his zonets; his letters, both in Latin and days at Padua, (the air of which he had Italian; "De Virgilii Culice et Terentii found very beneficial,) occupied only Fabulis Liber; Carmina," which are with literature and science, and enjoy- ingenious and elegant, but more free ing the society of his friends. The than the author's profession would lead learned members of the famous univer- us to expect, besides several others. sity of this city eagerly frequented his BENAVIDES, an outlaw and pirate, house, and strangers also flocked thither. who, for several years, proved the Bembo collected a considerable library; scourge of the southern parts of Chili. he had a cabinet of medals and antiqui- He was a native of Quirihue, in the ties, which at that time passed for one province of Conception, and entered the of the richest in Italy, and a fine botan- patriot army as a common soldier at the ical garden; He spent the spring and commencement of the revolution. Havanttumn at a villa called Boiza, which ing deserted to the Spaniards, and being had always belonged to his family. He made prisoner by the Chilians, at the devoted the leisure of a country life battle of Membrilla, in 1814, he was to principally to his literary pursuits. In have been tried for desertion, but effectthe year 1529, after the death of An- ed his escape. Being made prisoner dreas Navagero, the office of histori- again at the battle of Maypu, 1818, he.ographer of the republic of Venice wa was sentenced to be shot, and was supoffered to him, which he accepted after posed to have been killed; but, alsome hesitation, declining the salary though shockingly wounded, and left connected with it. At the same time, for dead, he recovered, and having obhe was nominated librarian of the library tained a commission from the Spanish of St. Mark. Pope Paul III. having re- commander, Sanchez, he commenced a solved' upon a new promotion of cardi- war upon the southern frontier of Chili, nals from the most distinguished men never surpassed in savage cruelty. He BEN] CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPIlY. 139 laid waste the country with fire and this critical instant, being most dissword, murdered his prisoners, and per- gracefully abandoned by several of the petrated the most horrid cruelties upon captains under his command, who si nthe unarmed peasants, including women ed a paper expressing their opinion lthat and children, who chanced to fall into "nothing more was to be done," the his power. Notwithstanding repeated whole fleet effected its escapea On his engagemeints with the Chilian forces of return to Jamaica, he brougt;t the dethe province of Conception, he sustained linquents to a court-martial, by which himself for a long time in this atrocious two of thefn were convicted of cowaredcourse. At length he undertook to es- ice and disobedience of orders, and contablish a navy, and, for this purpose, demned to be shot; which sentence, on piratically seized upon several English their arrival in England, was carried and American vessels, which unsus- into execution at Plymouth.. Benbow, pectingly stopped for refreshment not who suffered equally in mind and body tar fiom the town of Arauco, the centre fiom this disgracefiu business, gradually of his operations. So intolerable had sank under his feelings, and expired at the grievance become, that in 1821 the Jamaica, Nov. 4th, 1702. Chilians fitted out an expedition against BENCTO, FRANXIS, an Italian Jesuit; Arauco, and succeeded in breaking iup author of Latin poems, &c. D. 1594. the robber's stronglhold. He attempted BENEDETTO, CASTIGLIONE, an Italian to escape to Peru in a. launch, but being painter, chiefly of pastoral scenes. B. captured, was condemned to death, and 1616; d. 1670. executed Feb. 23d, 1822. BENED.TT, ST. founder of the first i BENBOW, Joul-, an Ennlish naval religious order in the west, was born at character of cistinguished' erit, wvas Norcia, in Spoletto, in 480. In the fourb. in Shrewsbury, abolut 1650, and teenth year of his age he retired to a brought up to the sea in the merchant- cavern situated in the desert of Subiaco, service. He fought so desperately against forty miles from Rome, and, in 515, drew a pirate fronm Sallee, in one of his trips up a rule for his monks, which was first to thle Meditelralnean, about the year introduced into the monastery of Monte 1686, as to beat her off, though greatly Cassino, in the neighborhood of Naples, his superior in men and cietal. For founded by him (629) in a grove of' this gallant action, he was promoted at Apollo, after the temple had been deonce by James II. to the command of molished. This gradually became the a ship of war. William III. empprayed rule of all the western monkl The him in protecting the English trade in abbots of Monte Cassino afterwardsc acthe Channel, which lie did with great quired episcopal jurisdiction, and a cereffect. His valor and activity secured tain patriarchal authority over the whole him the confidence of the nation, and order. Withtheitntention of banishing lie* was soon promoted to the radnk of idleness, he prescribed in addition to rear-admiral, and charged with the the work of God, (as he called prayerand blockade of Dunkirk. But the squad- the reading of religious writings,) the ron in that port, nunder the command of instruction of youth in reading, writing, Jean Baert, lmanagecd to slip out of port, and ciphering, in the doctrines of Chrisnor could Benbowa, though he sailed in- tianity, in manual labors, (including mestantly in pursauit, overtake it. In 1701 cllanic arts of every kind,) and in the he sailed to the West Indies with a small management of the monastery. With fleet, having accepted a command pre- regald to dress and food, the rule was viously declined by several of his se- severe, but notc xtravagant. ie caused niors, fiom the supposed superiority of a library to be foundecd, for which tle the enemy's force in that quarter. In agecl and infirm brethren wiere obliged August of the fcllowing year, he fell in to copy manuscripts. By this means he with the French fleet undcler Du Casse, contributed to preserve the literary reand for five days miaintained a runnino mains of antiquity. from ruin; for, fight with them, when he at length suc- thoughl he had-in V'iew only the copying ceeded in brinmging the eneiny's stern- of religious writings, yet the practice miost ship to close quarters. In the was afterwards extended to classical heat of the action a chain-shot carriec works of every kinld; and the learned away one of his legs, and he was taken world is indebted, for -the preservation below; but the mloment the dressin, of great literary treasures, to his order. had been applied to thle wound, he He died about the age of sixtv-seven.. caused himself to be brouglit agPin on BENEZET, ANTHONY, a distinguishdeck, and continued the action. At ed philanthropist, b. at St. Quentin, in 140 CYCLOPLADIA OF BIOGORAPHY, [BEN:rance. January, 1713. His parents his susceptible mind, and prompted him were opulent, and of noble descent. On to publish a tract, entitled, "Some Obthe revocation of the edict of Nantes, servations on the Situation, Disposition, the f4mily associated themselves with and Character of the Indian Natives of thelHuguenots; and, on this account, his America.' He addressed the British father's aetate was confiscated, in 1715, government and military commanders, who thereupon sought temporary refuge about the effect of hostilities against the in Holland, and afterwards in England, natives with characteristic boldness and where Anthony received his" education. pathos. His various philanthropical efHe became a member of the society of forts and his excellent qualities obtainFriends about the 14th year of his age. ed for him peculiar consideration in the In 1731 he arrived, along with his par- society of Friends. In 1780 he wrote ents, in Philadelphia. His first employ- and published a " Short Account of the ment was that of an instructor of youth religious Society of Friends, commonly at Germantown-a calling which led him called Quakers;" and, in 1782, a "Disto prepare and publish several elementa- sertation on the Plainness and innocent ry books for the use of schools. About Simplicity of the Christian Religion." the year 1750 he was particularly struck His private habits, morals, and pursuits with the iniquity of the slave-trade, and were adapted to endear and dignify his the cruelty which was exercised by too public career. He died at Philadelphia, many of those who purchased and em- May the 5th, in 1784, aged seventy-one. ployed the negroes. His Voice and his When it was announced that he was sepen were now employed in hwhalf of this riously ill, a multitude of his fellow-citoppressed' portion of his fellow-beings. izens presented themselves at his hous*e Finding the blacks in Philadelphia nu- with anxious inquiries; and he conversmerous, and miserably ignorant, he es- ed lucidly with hundreds after his case tablished an evening school for them, was pronounced to be hopeless. There and taught them himself gratuitously. is extant a full and interesting memoir His first attempts- to rouse public feeling of his life, by Robert Vaux. on the subject of slavery consisted in BENGER, Miss ELIZABETH OGILVr, qhort essays in almanacs and newspa- b. in 1778, at Portsmouth, was the pers, which he was indefatigable in circu- daughter of a purser in the navy, who Iating. He soon publishedL a variety of died in 1796, and left his wife and more elaborate and extensive tracts. daughter with a slender provision. In These vere printed at his own expense, 1802^she removed with her mother to and distributed, without charge, wher- London. She soon attracted attention ever he thought they would make an im- by her verses, and Miss Sarah Wesley pression. He addressed them directly, early became her patron. She composed with suitable letters, to most of the some theatrical pieces, which did not crowned heads of Europe, and to many meet with success. Mr. Bowyer, the of the most illustrious divines and phi- engraver, employed her.to write a poem losophers. The fervor of his style and on the " Slave-Trade," which, with two the force of his facts obtained for his others, was published in quarto, with philanthropic efforts the notice which he engravings, in 1812. She successively sought for the benefit of his cause. publishea "Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Great personages, on both sides of the Hamilton,"'Memoirs of John Tobin," Atlantic, corresponded with him, and it the dramatist, and " Notices of Klopis certain that he gave the original im- stock and His Friends," prefixed to a pulse to those dispositions and measures translation of their letters from the Gerwhich led the way to the abolition of the man. These writings were followed by slave-trade by Britain and the United the "History of Anne Boleyn," which States. Clarkson, the English philan- was translated into French, " Memoirs thropist, whose labors contributed so of Elizabeth, queen of Bohemia," and largely to the accqmplishment of that "Memoirs of Mary, queen of Scots.". object, acknowledges that his under- D. 1827. standing was enlightened and his zeal BENI, PAUL, an eminent Italian phikindled by one of Benezets books, when lologer, author of " Remarks onl Ariosto ne was about to treat the question sub- and Tasso," &c. D. 1627. nmitted to the senior bachelors of arts in BENJAMIN OF TUDELA, one of the university of Cambridge, Anne liceat the earliest travellers of the middle ages inito in servitatem cdae? About the who visited the central regions of Asia; year 1763, the wrongs inflicted on the author of a HIebrew work of travels, aboriginal race of North America excited which, though interesting and romantic, BENsJ CYCLOP.EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 141 is remarkable chiefly for its misrepre- the south of Russia, he finally settled in sentations. D. 1173. his native country, and died Oct. 3d, BENINI, VINCENT, a learned Italian 1826. I-e is the author of "Thoughts physician, author of" Notes on Celsus,"? on certain Points requisite for an Officer &c. B. 1713; d. 1764. of Light Cavalry to be acquainted with," BENNET, CHRISTOPHER, an English Riga, 1794- Wilna, 1805. physician, author of " Tabidorum The- BENNITSKI, ALEXANDER PETROatrLm, seu Phthisios," &c. D. 1685.-v ITSCH, a Russian poet, author of " KoHENRY, earl of Arlington, born in 1618. mala," a poem; a translation of Ossian, was educated at Christ-church, Oxford, &c. B. 1780, d. 1808. and espoused the royal cause during the BENOIT, ELIAS, a learned Protestant civil wars. He was knighted at Bruges, divine, pastor of the church of Delft, by Charles II., who employed him as author of a " History of the Edict of his minister at Madrid, and after the Nantes.". B. 1640- d. 1723. restoration as his secretary of state. BENSERADE, ISAAC DE, a French Though he was one of the five minis- poet, born near Rouen. Though poor, ters, Clifford, Ashley, Buckingham, Ar- his wit and his poetical talents rendered lington, and Lauderdale, denominated him popular; he was noticed by Richecabal, he did not enter into their views, lieu, to whom, according to some he was nor support the schemes formed to related, and a pension was settled upon render the monarch absolute. When him. After the death of Richelieu he accused for the ill success of the Dutch attached himself to the duke de Breze, war, he ably defended'himself before and he was named as envoy to Christhe commons, and was acquitted by a tina, queen of Sweden, an employment small majority.. After serving. the king which he did not undertake. As a poet twelve years as secretary, he retired his talents were such that for a time he upon the indolent office of chamberlain, divided the applauses of the town with and was afterwards employed as a nego- Voiture. * His rondeaux on Ovid are his tiator with the prince of Orange; but worst performances. In the last part was unsuccessful in his endeavors to of his life he retired to Gentilly, where procure a general peace. Arlington, he employed himself in.works of piety, who. died in 1685, is described by'Bur- and translated almost all the psalms. net as a proud man, but his abilities He was so- afflicted with the stone, that were so strong, and at the same time he reluctantly submitted to the operation so versatile, that he was the only person of cutting, but the surgeon punctured who could manage with success the an artery, ran away instead of checking king's temper. He was a Catholic in the effusion of blood, and the unforreligion, though in power he inveighed tunate patient expired in the arms of with bitterness against the Roman Cath- his confessor, during th6 year 1690. olics. BENTHAM, JEREMY, the celebrated BENNINGSEN, LEVIN AUGUSTUS, writer on politics and jurisprudence, baron of, Russian commander-in-chief, was b. in 1749. He studied English b. at Banteln, in Hanover, 1745, early law, but never appeared at the bar, beentered into the Russian service- and ing enabled, by easy circumstances, to distinguished himself by great gallantry devote himself entirely to literary comin the war against Poland, under the positions. He did not, however, pubEmpress Catherine II. He acted a chief lish his chief works himself. They were part in the conspiracy of the palace arranged and translated into French by against the Emperor Paul I. In 1806 his friend M. Dumont, and printed lie was appointed to command the Rus- partly in Paris and partly in London. siean army which hastened to the assist- Among them are "Trait6s de Lbgislaance of the Prussians; but, before his tion, Civile et P6nale &c.," and " Th6arrival, the Prussians were defeated at orie des Peines et des Rcompenses." Jena. He afterwards fought the mur-He advocated a thorough correction of derous battle of Eylau, (next to that of civil and criminal legislation. His& iMojaisk, perhaps the most bloody in "Fragments on Government," in opmilitary history,) and the battle of Fried- position to Blackstone, appeared anonyland. After the peace of Tilsit, he re- mously in 1776, and with his name, at tired to his estates. In 1813 he led a London, in 1823. In France, his literRussian army called " the army of Po- ary labors found a better reception than land," into Saxony, took part in the in England or Germany. A small battle of Leipsic, and blockaded Ham- pamphlet on the liberty of the press, burgh. After commanding the army in was addressed by him to the Spanish 142 CYCLOPAR3DIA OF BIOG-RAPHY. [BElT Cortes, during their discussion of this the American war lie acted with the opsubject; and, in another, " Three Tracts position, and was appointed lord lieurelative to the Spanish and Portuguese tenant of Ireland in 1782, but in con Affairs," London, 1821, he refuted the sequence of the breaking up of the idea of the necessity of a house of peers administration, by the death of the in Spain, as well as Montesquieu's pro- marquis of Rockingham, he only conposition, that judicial forms are the de- tinuecd in that office three months. The fence of innocence. One of his latest memorable coalition succeeded, which works was the "Art of Packing," that fell before the rising fortunes of Mr. is, of arranging juries so as to obtain Pitt, and from that time the duke voted any verdict desired. His previous work, with the whig opposition until he was " Essai sur la Tactique des Asseiblees elected chancellor of Oxford in 1792. Legislatives," edited, from the author's He soon after joined with Mr. Burke in papers, by Dumont, and translated. into his alarm at the French revolution, German, contains many useful observa- agreeing with this orator and other tions. -His " Introduction to the Prin- seceders, on the score of French policiples of Morals and Legislation," treats tics, to support the administration. He of the principal objects of government was accordingly appointed secretary of in a profound and comprehensive man- state for the home department in 1794, ner. Zanobelli hastranslated his "The- and continued in that office until the ory of Legal Evidence," into Italian. resignation of Mr. Pitt in 1801, when lihe Among his earlier works was a "De- was made president of the council, which fence of Usury," showing the impolicy he held until 1805. t He succeeded Lord of the present legal restraints on the Grenville as first lord of the treasury in terms of pecuniary bargains: 1787.' Mr. 1807, which office he resigned soon after, Bentham died in London, June 6, 1832, and was succeeded by Mr. Percival. D. leaving his body to be dissected for the 1808.-Lord GEonrE, a British statesbenefit of science. Ite was a manl of man of considerable ability, the fourth primitive manners, unblemished char- son- of the duke of Portland, who enacter, and undoubted earnestness in tered parliament in 1828, first as a modthe cause of the people at large. He is crate whig, but subsequently he became considered as the father of the Utilita- a tory, and opposed Sir Robert Peel's rians, or those moral-political-econo- movements in favor of free-trade. D. mists, who view every thing as it is af- 1848. feeted by the principle of " the greatest BENTIVOGLIO, CORNELIO, cardinal happiness of the greatest number." and poet, b. at.Ferrara, 1668, early disBENTINCK, WILLIAM, first earl of tinguished himself by his progress in Portland, was descended from a noble the fine arts, literature, philosophy, thefamily in Holland. When the prince ology, and jurisprudence. Pope Clement of Orange was seized with the small-pox, XI. made bim his domestic prelate, and it was recommended that he should re- secretary to the apostolic chamber, and ceive the warmth of a young person in sent him, in 1712, as nuncio to Paris, the same bed. Bentinck offered himself, where, during the last years of the reign and caught the same disease in a violent of Louis XIV. he acted an important degree, but the danger to which he sib- part in the -affairs of the bull Unigenitus. mitted was amply repaid by the favor -The pope, in 1719, bestowed on him the of the prince. William brought him hat of a cardinal. Poetry had occupied with him to England, raised him to the the leisure hours of the learned cArdinal. peerage, and granted him valuable lands. Some sonnets composed by him are to The earl, faithful to his principles, be found in Gobbils collection, vol. 3, served the king in various offices, civil and in other collections of his time. and military, and attended him in his Under the name of Selvagrgio Porpora last moments. D. 1709. - WILLAM he translated the " Thebais" of Statius HENRY CAVENDISH, third duke of Port- into Italian. He delivered several adland, was born in 1738, and educated at dresses before societies for the promoChrist-church, Oxford. Hle was called tion of the fine arts. His discourse in to the house of lords by the death of his defence of the utility and moral influfather in 1762, having sat for some time ence of painting, sculpture, and archiin the house of commons as member for tecture, delivered in the academy of Weobley; after his accession to the up- design, at Rome, 1717, was reprinted by per house he voted with the marquis of the academy of the Arcadians, in the Rockingham, under whose administra- second volume of the "Prose degli Artion he was lord chamberlain. During cadi." D. 172. —GUIDO, celebrated as BEN] CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 143 a cardinal and an historian, was b. at proved that they were not the composiFerrara, in 1579. He studied at Padua tions of tho tyrant of Agrigentum, who with great reputation, and afterwards, lived more than five centuries before the fixinog his residence at Rome, acqired Christian era, but were written by some general esteem by his prudence and in- sophist under the borrowed name of tegrity. lie was nuncio in Flanders Phalaris, inl the declining age of Greek from 1607 to 1616, and afterwards in literature.' Soon after this publicaticn, France till 1621. His character stood so lie -wes presented by the crown to the high that, on the death of Urban VIII., mastership of Trinity college, Cambridge, in 1644, lie was generally thought to be% worth nearly 21000 a-year. He now rethe most likely person to succeed him; signed the prebend of Worcester. and, but, on entering the conclave, in the in 1701, was collated to the archdeaconhottest and most unhealthiy season of ry of Ely.. In 1711 he published an the year, he was seized with a fever, of edition of P-oracc, at Cambridge, in 4to., which he died, a.ed 6. HIe lived in a which was reprinted at Amsterdam; magnificent style, and was much em- and in 1713 appeared his " Remarks on barrassed at the time of his deaths-a Collins's Discourse on Free-thinkinog, circumstance attributed to his canvaiss under the form of a Letter to F. H. for the papacy. He wrote a "History [Francis Harel D.D., by Phileleutherus of the Civil Wars in Flanders," in Ital- Lipsiensis. le was appointed regius ian; an " Account of Flanders" during professor of divinity in 1716, and, in the his legation, also translated by the earl same year, issued proposals for a new of M6nmouth; his own " Memoins,"editionl of the Greek Testament-an unand a "Collection of Letters," which dertaking for which he was admirably are reckoned among the best specimens qualified, but which he was prevented of the Italian language. from executing, in consequence of tho BENTLEY, ERIHAID, a celebrated En- animadversions of his determined adglish divine and classical scholar, dis- versary, Middleton. In 1726 he pubtinluished as a polemical writer, in the lished an edition of Terence and Phelatter part. of the 17th century, was born drus; and his notes onl the comedies of near Wakefield, in Yorkshire, in 1662. the former involved him in a dispult His father is said to have been a black- with Bishop Hare, on the metres. ~f smith. In 1684 he took the degree of Terence, vIwhicl provoked the sarcastic A.M. at Cambridge, and, in 1689, obtain- observation of Sir Isaac Newton, that edl the same honor at the sister univer- "two dignified clergymen, instead of sity. His first published work was a mindino their duty, had fallen out about Latin epistle to doctor John Mill, in an a play-book." His last work was an edition of the "Chronicle of John edition of Milton's Paradise Lost, with Malea," which appeared in 1691. Dr. conjectural emendations, which appearStillingfleet, having been raised to the ed in 1732. This added nothing to his bishopric of Worcester, made Bentley reputation, and may, in one word, be his chaplain, and, in 1692, collated him characterized as a failure. D. 1742. to a prebend in his cathedral. In 1693 BENYOWS'KY, COUNT MAURITIUS he was appointed keeper of the royal AUGUSTus DE, magnate of Hungary and [ibrnay at St. James's-a circumstance Poland, was b. 1741, in the Hungarian which incidentally led to his famous province of Nittria. He embraced early controversy with the honorable Charles the profession of arms, and after serving Boyle, afterwards earl of Orrery, rela- in the imnperial armies, joined the contive to the genuineness of the Greek federation of the Polish nobility. He Epistles of Phalaris, an edition of which accepted a high command in the army, was published by the latter, then a stu- and distinguished himself against thi dent at Christ-church, Oxford. In this Russians in various skirmishes, till sevCispute, Bentley was victorious, though eral wounds disabled him, a.nd he fell opposed by the greatest wits and critics into the hands of the enemy. The triofthe age, including Pope, Swift, Garth, umph of the Russians was great in posAtterbury, Aldrich, Dodwell, and Con- sessing the person of such an adversary; vers Middcletol, who advocated the opin- but, instead of respecting his misforion of Boyle with a degree of warmth tunes, they insulted his fate, and loadand illiberality that appears highly ing him with irons, confined him in a extraordinary. In 1699,'having tlhree prison, where the dead carcasses of -his vears before been made D.D., he pub- companiofs in misery threatened a iished his " Dissertation on the Epistles pestilential contagion. iHe escaped, but of Phalaris," in which he satisfactorily again was taken, and hurried -away 144 c YCLOProDIA OF BIOGRIAPHY. [BER through the deserts of Siberia to Kara- raged in the Riesengebirge, from 1805 stchatka, where he found himself an in- to 1806, he procured corn and other prosulted exile and degraded prisoner,. 1770. visions from distant regions. Ie fitted In this distant retreat he formed the de- up the palace Buchlowitz on his estate sign of escaping, and the daughter of M. Buchlau, in Moravia, as an hospital for Nilon, the governor of the nlace, con- the sick and wounded Austrian soldiers. sented to share his fortunes,-and assist iHere this patriot and philanthropist was him in his night. Ie succeedecdin his carried off by a contagious nervous fever, attempt, made himself master of Kaml- July the 26th, 1809. stchatka by force, and, accompanied by BERENGARIUS, or BERENGER, of eight-six faithful followers and nine Tours, a teacher in the philosophical women, among whom was his iair pro- school in that city, and in 1040 archldeatector, he sailed on the llth.Mlay, 1771, con of Angers, is renowned for his phifrom the harb6r, and.passmg by the losophical acuteness as one of the schoisland of Formosa and the coalst of last.ic writers, and also for the boldness China, reached, Sept. 17th, the port of with which, in 1050, he declared himself Macao,.from vhence he departed for against the doctrine of transubstantiaEUiope in a French vessel. IIe no tion, and for his consequent persecusooner landed in France, than he was tions. He was several times compelled encouraged by the French court to form to recant, but always returned to the a settlement at adagascar. He eagerly same opinion, that the bread in the embraced the proposal, and after a res- Lord's supper is merely a symbol of the iden.ce of scarce seven months in Europe body of Christ, in which he agreed vwith set sail for Africa. On landing at Mad- the Scotsman, John Erigena. The Cathagascar, the governor ofthe isle of France oics ranked him among the most dansent a small force to oppose him. He gerous heretics. He was treated with met the invaders with his usual bravery, forbearance by Gregory VII., but the but his adherents were few and timid, scholastics belonging to the party of the and the hero, abandoned by the thiity great Lanfrane, archbishop of Canternatives that were with him, and assisted bury, were so irritated against him, that only by two Europeans, found himself he retired to the isle of St. Gosmas, in overpowered. A ball having struck him the neighborhood of Tours, in the year on the right breast decided the fortune 1080, where he closed his life at a great of the day. He fell behind the.parapet, age in pious exercises in 1088. This but his inhuman enemies, dragging him Berenger must not be confounded with by the hair, saw him expire in a few Peter Berenger, of Poitiers, who wrote minutes after, May the 23d, 1786. a life of Abelard. BERCHTOLDT, LEOPOLD, Count, was BERENGER I., king of Italy, who b. in 1758, and devoted his life to the assumed the sovereignty on the death relief of the wretched. He spent thir- of Charles I. in 888. Ile was defeated teen years in travelling through Europe, by Rodolph of Burgundy, in 922, and and four in travelling through Asia and shortly afterwards assassinated.-II., Africa, to' assuage human misery. The became king of Italy in 950, but was results of his experience are contained subseqtiently deposea for his tyranny, in his "Essay to direct and extend the and died in confinement in Germany.Inquiries of Patriot Travellers." HIe JAMEis, a celebrated anatomist and phywrote several pamphlets on " The Means sician of the 16th century, born at Carpi, of Reforming the Police," which he caus- in Italy, and died at Ferrara, 1550. Ho ed to be printed in different European made several important anatomical discountries, at his own expense, and to be coveries, and is said to be the first who distributed giatis. His prize questions used mercury in syphilitic diseases.gave rise to many pamphlets and treati- LAURENCE PETER, a native of Provence, ses on the mean's of Saving the drowned professor of rhetoric at Orleans previous and s..eemingly. dead. He offered a prize to the revolution; and, after the restoraof 1000 florins for.the best treatise on t.ion of the Bourbons, professor at the beneficient institutions and was himself -Lyceum of Lyons, and inspector of acadthe founder of many. From 1795 till emies; author of "Les Soirdes Pro1797 he travelled through Asiatic and vencales," &c. D. 1822. European Turkey, chiefly foer.he pur- BERENICE, daughter. of Ptolemy pose of counteracting the rarvaees of the Philadelphus, and wife of Antiochus, plague. At a later period lIe was en- king of Syria. She was deserted by her gaged in making vaccnation more exten- husband in ftvor of his former wifo savely known. Durilng the famines that Laoeice, by whose orders she was straWn BERI] CYCLOPAir DIA o' BIOGIRAPHY. 145 gled in her retirement at Antioch, 148 are the breadth and just dist'ibution of B. o.-A daughter of Ptolemy Auletes, the lights, the. grandeur of his masses of king of Egypt. She usurpec her father's light and shadow, the natural ease nmd throne, and put her first husband to simplicity in the attitudes of his figures, death; but the Romans replaced Ptol- the brilliancy and harmony, as well as emy on his throne and he caused his transparency of his coloring, the correctrebellious daughter to be executed.-A ness and true perspective of his design, daughter of Agrippa, king of Judea, and and the eleaance of his composition. wife of her father's brother, erod,, who Although he hardly ever left his workwas made king of Chalcis by the Em- slop, et he lhad closelv observed nature, peror Claudius. Becoming a widow, lduing a longu residence in the palace she gave her hand to Polemoni king of of Benthem. He died at Haerlem, in Cilicia, out she soon deserted him, and 1G83. became the mistress of Titus, who it was BERGMANN, ToRBERN OLOF, a natthought, would have made her his wife ural philosopher and chemist, was b. but for the mulmmrs of the Romans. at Cathelrineberg, in the Swedish provBERESFORD, JAMES, rector of Kib- ince of West Gothland, nMarch the 9th, worth, Leicestershire, was born at Up- 1735, and obtained, a.fter many cifficulhamn, in Hampshire, in 1764, and received ties, the permission of his famuily to dehis education at the Charter-house,:andc vote himself entirelv to the sciences. At Merton college, Oxford. He was tlhe that time disciples flocked from all quarauthor of a variety of separate works, ter to Linnaeus, at Upsal. They were besides several excellent papers in the joined by Bergmiann, in 15, who, by "' Looker-on," a periodical of consider'his acuteness and his discoveries, which able interest, published in 1792-3; but were facilitated by his attainments in the work which obtained for him the geometry and physics, excited the notice greatest celebrity, was the well-known of this gireat man. In 1758 he became humorous satire entitled " The Miseries doctor of philosophy and professor of of Human Life." D. 1840. physics at Upsal. Upon the resignation BERETTINI, PETER, an Italian archi- of the celebrated Wallerius he stood tect and painter of great merit. B. 1596; candidate for the professorship of chemd. 1669. istry and mineralogy. His competitors BERG, MATTAHIS VAN DER, a Flemish chargecd him with ignorance of the subpainter, pupil of Rubens. B. 1615 cd. ject'becans e he lad never written on it. 1687. To refute them, he shut himself up for BERGEN, DIRE VAN DER), a celebra- some time in a laboratory, and prepared ted landscape and portrait painter. D. a treatise on the manulfiacture of alum, 1689. which is still considered as a standard BERGHEM, NICHOLAS, an eminent work. In 1767 he became professor of painter, b. at Haerlem in 1624, and re- chemistry, and devoted himself with ceived his frst instructi6n in painting ardor to this science. He invented the from his father, Peter of Haerlem, who preparation of artificial mineral waters, was a very different artist. He then and discovered the sulphureted hydrocontinued his studies under Van Goyen, gen gas of mineral springs. We are inand the elder Weenix. It is related, debted to him for a knowledlge of the that once, when pursued by his father, characters which distinguish nickel from he fled into the workshop of Van Goyen, other metals. On a number of minerals who, to protect him, called to his pupils, he made chemical experiments, with an " Berf hem" (conceal him): this, it is accuracy before uncommon. He pubsaic, occasmoned his new name. Love lished a classification of minerals, in of his art, and the great demand for which the chief divisions are based on paintings, as likewise the avarice of his their chemical character, and the subwife, prompted him to labor with great divisions on their external form. His assiduity. To buy engravings, of which theory of the chemical relations is still he was very fond, he was often compel- esteemed, and if it has received some led to borrow money fiom his students, new developments from the further rewhich he could only refund by deceiving searches of Berthollet, it has not been his wife in re1ard to the price of his.overthrown. The order of Gustavus paintings. In this manner he. obtained Vasa was Bestowed on Bergmann. IIe a rich collection. Berhem'slandscapes declined the invitation of Frederic the and representations of animals adorn the Great to remove to Berlin. D. 1784. most celebrated galleries. The distin- BERKELEY, GEORGE, bishop of guishahi characteristics of his pictures Cloyne, in Ireland, celebrated for his 13 146 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LBER ideal theory. He was b. at Kilerin, there he published his " Clavis Anglhca Ireland, in 1684; became fellow of Trin- Lingurn Botanice," a book of great ity college, Dublin, in 1707; travelled in merit: in 1765 he went to Leyden, and Italy as tar as Leghorn, in 1713 and 1714, took his degree of M.D. On his return and, at a later period, in 1721, he was to England_ he settled at Isleworth, in made chaplain to the lord lieutenant of Middlesex, and soon after published his Ireland, the duke of Grafton. He ap- "'Pharmacopseia Medica." In 1778 he peared with much applause as an author attended the British commissioners to before he" was twenty years old. His America, and at Philadelphia he was works on philosophy and mathematics, committed to prison, but he soon afteramonog which his "Theory of Vision," wards was set at Jiberty, and returned published in 1709, is the most brilliant with the commissioners to England, proof of the author's acuteness, procured where he obtained a pension. D. 1791. him a wide-spread fame. In 1724 he BERLICHINGEN, G6TZ, or GODFREY was promoted to the deanery of iDerry, VON, with the iron hand; born at Jaxand resigned his fellowship. He now thausen, in Suabia; a bold, restless, publishdcl his " Proposals for the Con- warlike, and honorable German knight, version of the American Savages to of the middle ages. He placed himself Christianity," by the establishment of a at the head of the rebellious peasants, in college in the Bermuda islands. Thethe war whic they waged against their project was very favorably received, and oppressors, but was soon mache prisoner. persons of the first rank raised consider- Befobre'that time he had lost his right able stums by subscription to aid it; and hand, and therefore wore one made of Berkeley, having resigned his prefer- iron. He died July the 23d, 1562. His ment, set sail for Rhode Island, with iography, written by himself, was several other persons of similar views, printed at Nuremberg in 1731 and 1775, to make arrangements for carrying on and, for the third time, at Breslau, in his college. The assistance of parliament, 1813. This book contains an excellent which had been promised, not being af- picture of the social life and customs of forded, his undertaking miscarried, after the middle ages, and has furnished he had spent seven years and a consid- Goethe with the subject for his beautiful crab'h part of his fortune in his efforts to drama., " Goetz von Berlichingen," accomplish it. He afterwards wrote which Sir Walter Scott translated. numerous philosophical, religious, and BERNADOTTE, CHARLES JOHN XIV., politico-economical works; amonog the king of Sweden and Norway, whose rest two treatises on the utility of tar original name was JOHN BxPTIi5TE JULIUS water. D. 1758.-GEORGE, earl of, one BERNADOTTE, was born of very humble of the privy council of Ciharles II.; au- parents at Pau- in Bearne. He received thor of " Historical Applications and a good education, and it is said that he Occasional Meditations." I). 1698.-Sir was designed for the bar, but he sudWILLIAqt, of the same family as the denly abandoned his studies, and enabove; vice-admiral of the white. He listed as a private in the mnarines. For was killed in an action with the Dutch, nine years from his enlistment, that is, 1666.-JOtHN LE FRANc VAN, a Dutch up to the year 1789, the utmost rank physician, naturalist, and poet; author that Bernadotte had attained was that of "Poems," " Natural History of Hol- of sergeant; but in the opening made land," &c. B. 1729; d. 1812.-Sir WIL- b the French revolution, by the sweepLIAM, governor of Virginia; author of ing away the arbitrary barrier which till "The Description and Laws of Vir- then had rendered plebeian merit of little ginia," &c. D. 1677. avail in the French service, Lernadotte BERKENHOUT, JO1HN, an English saw his advantage, arid improved it so physician and general writer. He was well, that in 1792 he was a colonel in b. at Leeds, in Yorkshire, about 1700, the army of Custines. In 1793 he so and his father, who was a Dutch mer- distinguished himself under the coInchant, gave him an education suitable m and of Kleber, as to be raised to the to the same calling; but his turn being rank of general of brigade,, and shortly to a military life, he entered into the afterwards, of division. On the Rhine Prussian service, and rose to the rank. and in Italy he more and more distin-. of captain. In 1756 he quitted that ser- guished himself, and he showed that vice and entered into that of England, his talents were not those of a nmere solwhere he obtained the same rank. At dier, by his conduct in a somewhat difthe peace, in 1760, he went to Edinburgh, - icult embassy to Austria. Between him and began the study of physic; while and Napoleon there seems to have been BER] CYCLOPFEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 147 a constant distrust, if not actual hatred; " Historical Account of Europe," &c. nevertheless, Bernadotte had - a mar- B. 1658; d. 1718.-JOHN, an actor; aushal's staff on othe establishment of the thor of "Retrospection of the Stage." consulate, and was created prince of D. 1828.-CLAUDE, surnamed "the poor Ponte Corvo in 1806. In all his cam- priest," was a native of Dijon, whose paigns, Bernadotte was distinguished active benevolence towards the poor and irom the great majority of the French sick was unremitting during the whole commanders by the clemency and gen- course of his life, and- for whose support erosity of his conduct from the moment he not only expended his whole inherthat the battle was at an end; and it itance, ~20,000, but was continually emwas this conduct, even more than his ployed in soliciting for them the benebrilliant reputation as a soldier, that factions of others. B. 1588; d. 1641.caused him to be put in nomination as PETER JOSEPH, a French amatory poet, a successor of Charles XIII. of Sweden. styled by Voltaire, le gentil Bernard, an Napoleon, then emperor, could but with epithet by which he is still distinguishdifficulty be induced to consent to Ber- ed. B. at Grenoble, 1710; d. 1775.-Sir nadotte becoming crown-prince and heir THOMAS, a gentleman and scholar, to to the throne. "What!" said Berna- whom the Society for bettering the Condotte, "will you make me greater than dition of the Poor owes its establishment, yourself by mnakicngme refuse a crown?"' and who was also the active promoter The sarcasm told, and Napoleon merely of many charities, was born at Lincoln, replied, "Gol our fates must be accom- 1750; d. 1818. —DUKE of WEIMAR, the plished!" From the instant that he fourth son of duke John of Saxe-Weibecame crown-prinep of Sweden, the mar, was a general whose magnanimfortunate soldier showed a determina- ity, skill,,and impetuous valor were fretion to give all his energies to his adopt- quently displayed while commanding ed country; he formed a secret alliance the Swedish army after the death of with Russia in 1812, and, in 1818, he Gustavus; and who afterwards, while took command of the combined armies in alliance with France, did great serof Northern Germany against France. vice to the Protestant cause. He died Never during half a century before his by poison, administered, as his cotemaccession had Sweden known the peace poraries asserted, at the instigation of or the prosperity in which he left her the duke of Richelieu, who had become in the hands of his son Oscar. B. 1765; jealous of his power: but of this there d. 1844. is no substantial proof. B. 1604; d. 1639. BERNARD OF MENTHON, arch- -SIMON, geheral of engineers of France, deacon of Aosta, -was born in 923, near was b. at Dole in 1779. The kindness Annecy, in Savoy, and was celebrated of the parish priest supplied him with among his cotemporaries for his learn- sufficient of the rudiments of learning ing and piety; but his claims to the to allow his entering the Polytechnic notice of later ages rest on his having school at fifteen years of age. La Place, been the benevolent founder of the two Hai:y, and other great men were then at admirable institutions on the Great and the head of the Polytechnic school, and Little Saint Bernard, by means of which so well did Bernard avail himself of their the lives of so many travellers have been lessons, that he not only becamesonc of saved. D. 1008.-OF THURINGIA, a fa- the most distinguished engineer officers natical hermit of the 10th century, who and aids-de-camp of Napoleon, but, threw almost all Europe into consterna- subsequently to the emperor's fall, exetion, by preaching that the end of the cuted works in the United States, which world was at hand. Multitudes relin- are most undoubtedly unequalled elsequished their occupations, and became where; the most distant places being pilgrims; and others were so frightened united by canals, actual navigable rivers, at an eclipse of the sun, which then and upwards of four thousand five hunoccurred, that they hid themselves in dred miles of frontier rendered secure caverns and holes in the rocks. The against invasion by forts and works. terror spread by this man was not whol- Since July, 1830, he returned to France, ly removed till towards the end of the and was for some time minister of war. eleventh century.-EDWARD, an Englishi D. 1839.-SAINT, the abbot of Clairvaux, philosopher and critic; author of "Ety- and one of the most influential ecclesimologicum Brittanicum," a ";Treatise astics of the middle ages. He was born on Ancient Weights and Measures," of a noble family at Fontaines, in Bur&c., &c. B. 1638; d. 1697.-JAMES, a gundy, 1091. He became a monk of French Protestant divine; author of an Citeaux in 1118, and two year. later, 148 CYOCLjOPrEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BER first abbot. of Clairvaux. An austere served at Malta, in Russia, and in Pomanlier of living, solitary studies, bold land. Qn his revisiting his native counlanguage and eloquence, with the repu- try, he obtained a captai's commission tation of a prophet, made him soon the in the engineer corps, and was sent to oracle of Christian Europe. He was the Isle of France, from whence, howcallecd the honeyed teacher, and his wri- ever, after a residence of three years, he tings, a stream from Paradise. He prin- returned, with no other fobrtune than a cipdlly promoted -the Crusade in 1146, collection of shells and insects, and a and quieted the fermentation, caused at narrative of his voyage. The latter, that time by a party of monks, against which was his first literary effort, was the Jews in Germanly. lie declined all published in 1773; and le, thenceforth, promotion, and in the rank of abbot of devoted himself to literature. His his " beloved Jerusalem," as he used to ".Studies of Nature" appeared in 1784, call Clairvaux, he continued with all hu- and passed rapidly through several edimility, but with great boldness, his cen- tions. "Paul and Virginia" was pubsures of the clergy and his counsels to lisheld in 1788, and this delightful tale the popes. Innocent II. owed to him acquired an unprecedented popularity, the succession of the right of ixnestiture and set the seal on his reputation. in Germany, and EuoedniLs III. his edu- During the reign of terror, lie narrowly cation. He was, at the same time, the escaped the scaffold. From Napoleon unmpire of princes and bishops, annd his and his brother Joseph he received voice in the synods was rearrded as di- pensions, which gave comfort to his vinle. By his rigid orth-ooxy amc his lratter days. He d. in 1814. His "HIarmystical? doctrines, which, thonugh at; monies of Natur'o" weas given to the times enthusiastic, were alwavs directed press after his death. The best edition to the promotion of practical Christian- of his works is in 12 octavo vols. The ity, he refuted the subtleties and dia- philosophy of St. Pierre is occasionally lectics of the scholastic philosophers, al- eccentric but the purity of his morality, though his severity against Abelard and and the beauty of his style, deserve the Gilbert of Poree can by no means be hilhest praise. justified. Luther says of him,'If there 3ERNES, or BARNES, JULIANrA, an has ever been a pious 4ionk who feared English lady of the 15th century, of God, it was St. Bernard; whom alone I whom little more is known, than that hold in much higher esteem than all she was prioress of the nunnery of Sopeother monks and priests throughout the well, near St. Alban's, and has her name globe." He died in 115., anid was can- prefixed, as the writer or compiler, to onized by Alexander III., in 1174. one of the earliest and most curious proBERNARDEZ, DIEGO, called by his ductions of the English press. The title countrymen the Portuguese Theocritus, of the second edition, printed in the was not more eminent as a pastoral poet, abbey of St. Alban's, in 1486, is, " The than as a brave warrior; and after nu- Boke of Hawkyng and Huntyng, with merous'deeds of heroism, was taken other Pleasures dyverse, and also Cootprisoner by the Moors at the battle of armuries." The first edition (1481),lcazarquiver. D. 1596. does not treat of coat-armor or herBERNARDI, AcGusTus FREDERIC, a aldry. This wvork, under the title of German philologist, whose great aim was " The Book of St. Alban's," became a to invent a universal grammar common popular manual of sporting science, and to all languages, and who, in his endeav- was several times reprinted in the 16th ors to effect that object, displayed great century. As a typographical curiosity, ingenuity and learning.,. at Berlin, a small impression of it was published, 1768; d. 1820.-JOE N, a celebrated en- in 1811, by Mr. Halsewood. graver and architect. D. 1555. BERNI, FRANCIs, one of the most BERNARDINE, a Catholic saint; eminent Italian poets of the 16th cei:canonized for his zeal in causing more tury, was b. at Lamporecchio, in Tusthan 300 monasteries to be founded. B. cany, and d. of poison, in 1536. He at Massa, in Tuscany, 1380; d. 1445. remodelled Bojardo's "Orlando InnaBERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE, morato." His "Rime Burlesche," and JAMES HENNRY, was b. at Havre, in 1737, his Latin "Poems," are to be found and is said to have been a descend- in various collections.-Count FRANCIS, ant of the celebrated Eustace de St. a civilian, orator, and poet, was b. at Pierre, the patriotic mayor of Calais. Ferrara, in 1610. He was greatly in At the. of twenty he entered into the favor with Pope Innocent X., Alexander engineer service; and he successively VII., and Clenient IX., and with two BEBR] CYCLOPiEDiA OF BIOGRAPHY. t49 successive dukes of Mantua. He ex- was elected professor of mathematics in celled in dramatic pieces, of which he that college. Hie greatly advanced the wrote eleven. A volume of his miscel- science of mathedmtics, by his applicalanies was published with the title of tion of the differential calcnlus to the Academia."' D. 1673. solution of geometrical and mathematiBERNIER, FRANCIS, a physician and cal problems, his invention of the Bertraveller, was b. at Angers. In 1655 nouillian numbers, and his calculation after having passed through Syria and of curves, spirals, and evolutes. Ie d. Egypt, he visited India, where he re- 1705.-JoiN, brother of the former, was sided for some years, as physician to b. at Ble in 1667, and became one of Aurungzebe. Onl his return to France the-greatest mathematicians of his time. he published his "Travels," a work of He was destined for the profession of great interest and authenticity. Ber- a merchant. but was predilected to the nier was universally admired for the sciences, and, in 1685, he published, in graces of his mind and person. His conjunction with his brother, a very principal work, besides his "Travels," valuable work " On the Differential is an "Abridgment of Gassendi's Phi- Calculus, and was the first who delosophy," in 8 vols. D. 1688. veloped the method of integration. BiR'NININ, JOHN LAURENCE, who was Four years after this, he went to at once a painter, a sculptor, and an France, where lhe became the instructor architect, and whom his cotemporaries of the Marquis de 1'Hopital, about which denominated the modern Michael An- time he discovered the calculus of exgelo, was b. at Naples, in 1598. At ponents, and took the degree of M.D. the early age of eight years, he maui- In 1695 he became professor of mathfested his genius by sculpturing the ematics at Groningen. From Frederic head of a child in marble. Some of his I. of Prussia, he received a gold medal finest works were produced before he for the discovery of mercurial phospllowas twenty. He was patronized by rus, and was likewise chosen member Popes Urban VIII., Alexander VII., and o the academies of Berlin and Paris. Innocent X., and was invited to France In 1705 he succeeded his brother as proby Louis XIV. His finest productions fessor of mathematics at Berlin, and are at Rome. Bernini had a ine genius; died in 1748.-NICHOLAS, nephew of the but he is accused of mannerism, and of the former, was b. at BWle, in 1687, having often violated the principles of and although intended for the law, detrue taste. D. 1680. voted himself to the favorite study of BERNIS, Cardinal FRANCIS JOAcHIM his uncles. He studied under John B. DE PIERaES DE, a French poet and Math, at Groningen and Bale, and havstatesman, was b. at St. Marcel de l'Ar- ing travelled through Switzerland, Holdeche, in 1715. In early life, he pub- land, and England, in 1713, became lished some light poetry, which gained member of the royal societies of London him the patronage of Madame de Pom- and Berlin. On being recommended by padoul, through whose influence lie Leibnitz, he was chosen professor of was pensioned, and received into the mathematics at Padua, in 1716, but, in academy; he was subsequently em- 1722, he went to Bale, as professor of ployed to negotiate in Italy, Spain, and logic, and, in 1731, he was translated to Austria, promoted to be minister for the chair of Roman and feudal law. He foreign affairs, and gratified with the' died in 1790, and left the three foldignity of cardinal. In 1764 hle was lowing sons.-NICHOLAS, b. at Bale, in made archbishop of Alby, and in 1769 169, became, in 1723, professor of law was sent ambassador to Rome. The there, and died in Petersburg, in 1726. revolution deprived him of his rev- -DANIEL, b. at Groningen, in 1700 enues; but he obtained a pension from studied medicine, and took the degree Spain. He left behind him a poemn,of M.D. He became professor of anatwith the title of "Religion Avenged." omy and botany at Bale, in 1733 and, D. 1794. in 1750, of natural philosophy, and died BERNOITILLI, a family of eminent in 1782. He received ten different prizes mathematicians, who emigrated from from the academy of Paris, one of which Antwerp to Bale, in consequence of the he shared with his father, for investigareligious persecution of the cduke of tions in astronomy. lie was one of the Alva. Eiglht distinguished men be- greatest natural philosophers and mathlongecd to this family, whom we shall ematicians of his time, and was a memnotice iii the order of seniority.-JAMEs, ber of tle societies of Petersburg, Paris, wn. b. at Bale, in 1654, and, in 1687, and Berlin, to whose transactions hP ~~~~~~~~~~~~'63~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10o CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LBER contributed many of their most valuable Bourbons all the reverses they were papers.-JoHN, -b. at Bale, in 1710, be- doomed to suffer; and he deserved a came professor of rhetoric there, in better fate, if it'were only for the be1745, and three years afterwards was nevolence of his character. His son translated to the chair of mathematics. Henri, born posthumously, commonly He died in 1790, and left the two fol- called the u de 1ordeaux, or the lowing soIns.-JOHN, the author of sev- Comte de Chambord, is the legitimate eral excellent works, was b. at Bale, heir to the throne of France. 1744, became, at the age of nineteen, BERRIMAN, WILLIAM, an English royal astronomer at Berlin, travelled divine, author of 5 vols. of sermons, &c. through all Europe, and returned, in B. 1688; d. 1750. 1770, wlhen he became director of math- BERRUYEI, JOSEPrI ISAAC, a French ematics of the academy, and died in Jesuit, whose writings were condemned 1807.-JAMES, b. also at Bile, in 1759, at Rome for their too great liberality, became professor of mathematics at Pe- author of a " Iistory of the People of tersburg, and married the daughter of God," &c. D. 1658. Euler. BERRY, Sir JOHN, an English nava BERNSTORFF, JOHN HARTWIG Er- commander, knighted for his distinNEST, Count, a celebrated statesman in guished bravery at the battle of Souththe employment of the king of Den- wold Bay. He died of poison, adminismark, and founder of the Danish So- tered to him on board ihis ship, 1691.ciety of Languages and the Fine Arts, Sir IEDWARD, a rear-admiral of England. and the Economical and Agricultural This officer was the only one in the Society. B. at Hanover, 1712; d. 1772. royal navy who had received threle med-ANDREW PETER, Count, nephew of the als for his services, having commanded above, a Danish minister of state. Du- a line-of-battle ship in the memorable ring the American war he effected the battles of the Nile, Trafalgar, and St. armed neutrality of Russia, Prussia, Domingo. D. 1831. Denmark, and Sweden, for the pro.ec- BERSMANN, GEORGE, a learned Gertion of the trade of those powers against man, author of "Notes on some of the the belligerents; and it was chiefly Classics," and a Latin version of the owing to his skilful policy that Den- "Psalms of David." B. 1538; d. 1611. marlk was prevented from being drawn BERTAUT, JOHN, a French prelate into collision with either Sweden or and poet, chaplain to Catherine de MeRussia, when the war broke out be- dici, and secretary of the cabinet of tween those powers in 1788. B. 1735; Henry III. B. 1562; d. 1611. d. 1797. BERTHIER, ALEXANDaE, prince of BEROALDUS, PHILIP, an Italian pro- Neufehatel and Wagram, a marshal and fessor of eloquence. B. 1453; d. 1505. vice-constable of France, was b. at -PHILIP, nephew of the above, an Ital- Versailles, in 1758, and served with Laian poet, librarian of the Vatican under fayette in thM war of Americai indePope Leo X. D. 1518. pendence. At the commencement of BEROSUS, priest of the temple of the French revolution he was made a Belus, at Babylon, in the time of Ptol- general officer, fought gallantly in La emy Philadelphus. He wrote a " His- Vendce, and was at the head of Bonatory of Chaldsea," some fragments of.parte's staff in Italy, Egypt, and Gerwhich are preserved by Josephus. many. He was, in fact, the companion BERQUIN ARNAULD, an elegant of Napoleon in all his expeditions, diFrench writer, author of "Idyls," ning and travelling in the same carriage; " L'Ami des Enfans," and other inter- and his skill in drawing up dispatcles, esting works for youth. B. 1749; d. joined to his unweariecd application and 1791. methodical habits, proved of iicamlculaBERRETINI, NICHOLAs, an eminent ble value to the emperor in the vast historical painter, pupil of Carlo Mluratti. pressure of his affairs. On the restoraB. 1617; d. 1682. tion of Louis, however, in 1814, he recBERRI, CHARLES FERDINAND DE, BOUR- ognized his authority, and was created BON, duke de, second son of the Count a peer; but when his former master d'Artois, afterwards Charles X. of returned from Elba, he retired to his France; assassinated by one Louvel, family at Bamberg, where, as soon as who attackled him just as he had left the music of the Russian troops, on the opera-house, and was on the point their march to the French borders, was of stepping into his carriage, Feb. 13, heard at the gates of the city, he put an 1820. He shared in common with the end to his life in a fit of frenzy or re BER] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 151 morse, by throwing himself from a win- Bourbon, 1752; d. at St. Doniingo dow of his palace, June 1, 1815.-JOSEPH.1700.-Louis FRANCOIS, the principal STEPHEN, a French philosopher of the founder of the "Journal des Dedbats," Socirty of the Oratory; author of "Phy- was an influential editor. B. in Paris, sique des Cometes," &c. B. 1710; d. 1766; d. 1842. 1783.-WILLIAx- FRANCIS, a learned Jes- BERTINAZZI, CHARLES ANTHONY, a nit, one of the editors of the "Diction- celebrated comedian, and an acconmnaire Trevou," and translator of the plished wit, was b. at Turin, in 1713, Psalms into French. B. 1704; d. 1782.. and for more than forty years was one BERTHOLLET, CLAUDE Louis, Count, of the most distinguished comic actors one of the most eminent chemists of the at Paris. D. 1783. day, was b. at Talloire, Savoy, in 1748, BERTIUS, PETERz, professor of matheand studied medicine at Turin. He matics, and cosmographer to the king afterivards settled in Paris,. where he of France; author of "Theatrumn Gebecame intimate with Lavoisier, was ographia Veteris," &c. B. 1565; d. admitted.a iember of the Academy of 1629. Sciences, and made professor of the nor- BERTOLI, GIOVANNI DOMENICO, obmal school. He accompanied Bonaparte tained the name of the patriarch of to Egypt, and returned with him; and, Aquileia, from his having first directed during the emperor's reign, was made attention to the antiquities of that place, a senator and an officer of the legion of and for his successful endeavors to prehonor; notwithstanding which ic was vent the inhabitants from mutilating or one of the first to desert his patron when destroying them. B. 1676; *t. 1758. his fortunes were on the decline; for BERTON, HENRI MONTAU, an eminent which lie received the title of count from French composer, who formed his style Louis *XVIII. His principal work is under Gluck, Piccini, Pasiello, and Sac"iEssai de Statique Chimique," but he chini. He first appears before the public wrote many other valuable essays, and as a composer when only 19, in his had also a large share in the reforma- "Concert Spirituel." He afterwards tion of the chemical nomenclature. D. wrote 20 operas. B. at Paris, 1767; d. 1822. 1832. BERTHOLON, N. DE ST. LAZARE, a BERTRAM, CORNE;LUS BORNAVENTURE, French chemist and philosopher of the Hebrew professor at Geneva and Lau18th century, whose works onl aerosta- sanne; author of a " Dissertation on the tioin, electricity, and other scientific sub- Republic of the Hebrews," &c., B. 1531; jects, evince much learning and ability. d. 1594. B. at Lyons, and d. in 1799. BERTRAND, JOHN BArTIST, a French BERTHOUD, FERDINAND, a skilful physician; author of an "' Historical AcSwis clock and chronometer maker; count of the Plague at Marseilles," &c. author of "Trait6 des Horologes Ma- B. 1670; d. 1752.-HENRY GRATICA, rine;" " Histoire de la Mesure du Temps Count, a distinguished French general, par les Horologes," &c. B. at Plance- who shared the exile of Napoleon, mont, Neufchatel, 1727; d. 1807. His and whose military achievements were nephew Louis inherited his talents, and eclipsed by the fidelity of his devotion was not less celebrated than his uncle. to the great captain. He was with his The accuracy of their chronometers is leader in all his campaigns, and acted a proverbial. brilliant part at Spandau, Friedland, - BERTI, ALEXANDER POMPEY, a native Lutzen, Bautzen. B. 1770; d. 1844 of Lucca; author of " La Caduta de' BERTRANDI, JOHN AMBROSE MARIA, decemviri della Romana Republica," &c. an eminent surgeon and anatomist of B. 1686; d. 1752.-JoHN LAURENCE, an Turin; author of a'' Treatise on SurgiItalian monk, and general of the order cal Operations," and various other proof the Augustines; author of some Ital- fessional works. B. 1723: d. 1765. ian poetry, a work " De Disciplinis The- BERULLE, PIERRE DE, Cardinal, founologicis," &c. B. 1696; d. 1766. der of the congregation of the Oratory. BERTIN, JOSEPH, a French physician He was employed in many affairs of state and anatomist; auther of a "Treatise in France; and accompanied Henifetta on Osteology," and other valuable works Maria, wife of Charles 1., to England. on anatomy. B. 1712; d. 1781.-AN- D. 1629. TIONY, a French military officer and an BERWICK, JAMES FITZJAMES, duke elegant poet; author of a "' Collection of of, natural son of James II. and Arabella Elegies," and other poems, which were Churchill, sister of the duke of Marlbogreatly esteemed. B. 4n the isle of rough; a distinguished and gallant sol 152 CYCLOP EDIA OP BIOGRAPHY. [BET dier, and author of a valuable volume one of the most eminent revivera of of memoirs. Killed at the siege of Phil- learning in the 15th century, and founder ipsburgh, in 1734. of the noble library of St. Mark, at BERYLLUS, an Arabian bishop of Venice. He translated from Aristotle, the 3d century; converted by Origen Xenophon, &c.; and zealously defended from his heterodox opinion, that Christ Plato against the attacks of George of had no existence prior to his incarna- Trebizond. He was made a cardinal by tion. Pope Eugene, and had the title of patriBERZELIUS, Baron, one of the great'uarch of Constantinople given hnim by chemists of modern times, was b. in Pius II. B. 1395; d. 1472. 1779, in Ostgothland, a province of Swe- BESSEL, Dr. FREDERICK WILLIAM, a den, where his father kept a village distinguished Prussian astronomer, b. school. After graduating at Upsala in 1784. IHe was professor of astronomy in 1804, he repaired to Stockholn, where the university of Berlin; and such was he became an assistant to Spawrnmannn, the skill and assiduity. with which he who had accompanied Captain Cook in prosecuted his fivorite study, that lhe one of his voyages round the world; was twice presented with a gold miedal and at his death, in 1806, he succeeded from the Royal Astronomical Society of him in the chair of chemistry, which he London, for the number and accuracy of continued to fill for forty-two years. It his observations. 1). 1846. would be impossible within our limits BESSIERES, JonN BAPTIST, duke of to give even a summary of his labors Istria, and a French marshal, was b. durinU g this period; suffice it to say, that at Poitou, in 1769. IIe distinguished in a cenitury which has produced agreat- himself in many memorable battles, and er number of distinguished chemists was highly esteemed by Napoleon for than perhaps of any other class of men his honor, skill, and bravery.'He fell of science, Berzelius stood out as a star in the conmbat that preceded the battle of the first magnitude. His patient of Lutzen. labors, and ingenious investigations, BETHENCOURT, JOHN DE, a Norman have done more to lay the foundation of baron, and a military adventurer, who organic chemistry than those of any conquered the Canary Islands, and afterother chemist. To him pre-eminently wards held them as a fief of the crown belongs the honor of applying the great of Castile. BD. 1425. principles which had been established BETHLEM-GABOR, the son of a by Dalton, Davy, Gay-Lussac, and him- poor Transylvanian Calvinist gentleman, self, ino inorganic chemistry, to unfolding was patronized by Gabriel Battori, then the laws which regulate the combinations dethroned him, and, in 1613, proclaimed formirng the structures of the animal himself prince of Transylvania. In 1618 and vegetable kingdoms; and in thus he reduced Hungary, assumed the title opening the way for the discoveries of of king, and invaded Austria and MoMulder, Liebig, Dumas, and others. To ravia; whence, however, he was exhim chemistry is indebted for the dis- pelledt by Tilly. A treaty ensued, and covery of several new elementary bodies, he relinquished his Hungarian conmore especially selenium, morium, and quests; but remained sovereign of cerium; and to his skill as a manipula- Transylvania till his death, in 1629. tor may be traced many of the analytical BETHUNE, DIVIE, an eminent phiprocesses at present in use. Under lanthropist and Christian, was b. at these circumstances it is not surprising Dingwall, Rosshire, Scotland, in 1771. that all the scientific societies of the In early life he resided at Tobago, where world. contended for the honor of enroll- his only brother was a physician. lHe ing his name amriong their members; removed to the United States in 1792, and the various minor honors which he and settled as a merchant in New York. received from his own sovereign from Before a tract society was formed in this time to time, were finally crowned by country, Mr. Bethune printed 10,000 his being made a knight grand cross of tracts at his own expense, and himself the order of Vasa in 1829, and his eleva- distributed many of them. He also imtion'to the rank of a baron in 1835. D. ported bibles foi* distribution. From 1848. 1803 to 1816 he was at the sole expense BESOLDE, CHRISTOPHER, a counsellor of one or more Sunday schools. D. 1824. of Vienna; author of a "Synopsis of BETTERTON, Tioiais, a celebrated Politics," a "History of the Ottoman actor, was b. in 1635, at Westminster, Empire," &c. B. 1577; d. 1638. and began life as an apprentice to a BESSARIAN, JOHN, a Greek priest, bookbinder. At the age of twenty, 3EZ] CYCLOPMEDIA OF BIOGRAPHIY 153 however, he went upon the stage, and BEVER, Dr. THOMAS, an English civilultimately acquired a high degree of ian; a judge of the Cinque Ports and. reputation as a tragic actor; especially author of a treatise on "The Legal in some of Shakspeare's principal char- Polity of the Romans," &c. D. 1791. acters. In 1695 he opened a new theatre BEVERIDGE, WILLIAM, bishop of ii Lincoln's Inn Fields; but this spec- St. Asaph; an eminent orientalist, critic, ulation was unsuccessful. Several pieces and theologian, and one of the most diswere altered by him for the stage. D. tinguished scholars that ever adorned 1710. the prelacy, was b. at Barrow, LinBETTINELLI, XAVIER, an elegant collshire, in 1638, and educated at St. Italian, writer, was b. at Mantua, in John's college, Cambridge. He was the 1718, and became a member of the soci- author of numerous works; among which ety of Jesuits. For some years he had are 12 volumes of "Sermons," "Private the direction of the college of nobles at Thoughts on Religion," " Institutionum Parma, and afterwards was'professor of Chronologicarumn Libri duo," &c. He eloquence at Modena. iHe continued his bequeathed the principal part of his literary career till his death, which took property to charitable uses. D. 1707. place at Venice in 1808. Ilis works oc- BEVERLY JOHN or, tutor to the cupy 24 vols. 12mo., of which two are Venerable Bede, and subsequently archoccupied by tragedies, and three by bishop of York. Hle was one of the poems. Of his prose works, one of the most learned men of his time, and sevmost celebrated is " Letters of Virgil." eral of his devotional treatises are still BETTS, JOHN, an English physician extant. D. 721. of the time of Charles 11.; author of a BEVERNINCK, JEROME VAN, a Dutch treatise " De Ortu et Natura Sanguinis," statesman; greatly instrumental in pro&cG. moting the treaty of Nimeguen, which BETUSSE, JosEPHr, an Italian poet of produced a general peace. B. 1614; d. the 16th century; he translated into 1690. Italian the Latin works of Boccaccio, BEVERWICK, JOHN Da, a Dutch and wrote a life of him. physician; author of some valuable BEUCKELS, WILLAM, a fisherman, a works on professional subjects. B. native of Dutch Flanders, is one of 1594; d. 1647. those men who have a claim to be con- BEWICK, THOMAS, a celebrated ensidered as benefactors of their country. graver on wood, which art he -acquired About the beginning of the 15th century under a Mr. Beilby, bf Newcastle-onhe discovered the art of curing and bar- Tyne, with whom he went into partnerrelling herrings; a discovery which ship.' He was considered, when he died, proved in the highest degree beneficial at the head of his art.-JOHN, brother of to his native land. His countrymen the preceding, who also attained great erected a statue to his memory. D. excellence in the art of engraving on 1449. wood. These ingenious men carried BEUF, JOHN LE, a French antiquary; their art to a state of perfection which author of "-Memoirs of the History of will not easily be surpassed. The first Auxerre," &c. B. 1607; d. 1670. work that attracted the notice of the BEUIN IONVILLE, PETEIRIEL, count public, and at once -established their of, a French marshal, was b. in Bur- reputation, was a "I istory of Quadrugundy, in 1752, served in the East In- peds," published in 1790, with figures dies, and under Dumourier, and was on wood. It was eagerly sought after made minister of war in 1793. He was by the curious, and has been followed one of the republican commissioners by many other proofs of their abilities, whom Dumourier gave up to the Aus- the last of which is a " History of Brittrians, and was imprisoned at Olnutz ish Birds," 8vo published in 1797, two till 1795. On his return to France he years after the death of John. was appointed to the command of the BEZA, THEODORE DE, was b. in armies of the Sambre and the Meuse, 1519. at Vezelay, a small town of Burand of Holland. During the consulate gundy, of a noble family. He was conhe was ambassador at Berlin and lIa- fided to the care of the celebrated drid; and, under the empire, was grand professor MAelchoir Wolmar, who taught officer of the legion of honor, senator, him the Scriptures. But these pious inand count. Hie voted for the deposition structions seemed at first smothered unof Napoleon, followed Louis to Ghent, der the passions of youth. Surrounded and was rewarded with the title of mar- in Paris with all that could lead astray, ohal. D. 1821. amiable, rich, and full. of spirit, be lived 154 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BI0 as a man of the world, published a vol- to England, wrote " Castore e Polluce" lime of light poetry, under the name of for Madame Storace, and " Inez de Cas"Juvenilia," and contracted a secret tron ifr Mrs. Billington; and died early marriage, because one of his uncles, who in the present century. was in orders, had bequeathed to him the BIANCHINI, FRANCIs, a philosopher revenues of some ecclesiastical benefices. and mathematician of Verona, author of A severe sickness awakened his consci- "Istoria Universale provata con Monuence. " Hardly had I strength to rise," menti et Figurata con symboli degli he writes to Wolmar, "when, breaking Antichi," and a vast number of scienall ties, and packing up my small effects, tifie and literary treatises. B. 1662; d. I left at once my country, parents, 1729. friends, to follow Christ. I exiled my- BIART, PIEnRE, a Jesuit missionary, self voluntarily, and retired to Geneva who came to Acadia in 1611, and who with my wife." His marriage was pub- wrote a relation of the events of his licly consecrated in the church, and he voyage and visit. The next year he asrenounced all his youthful sins. This cended the Kennebec;,and in 1613 aroccurred in the month of November, rived at St. Savour on the Penobscot. 1548. Hle made the acquaintance of HIe was taken prisoner and carried toCalvin, whose life he subsequently wrote, England by Argall. and became his intirmate friend. He was BIAS, called one of the wise nmen of appointed professor of the Greek lan- Greece, b. at Priene, a small town of guage at Lausanne, and afterwards pro- Caria, about 570 B. c. Though born to fessor of theology, rector of the academy, great wealth, he lived without splendor, and a pastor in Geneva. He composed expending his fortune in relieving the many writings, mostly of a polemical needy. On one occasion, certain pirates character; among the rest a defence of brought several young women to sell as the right to punish heretics. His largest slaves at Priene. Bias purchased them, works are Commentaries on the New and maintained them until he had an Testament, collections of Sermons, the opportunity of returning them to their translation into French verse of a part friends. This generous action made of the Psalms, and the History of thelRe- him be styled "The Prince of Wise formed Church of France, to the year Men." 1562. D. 1565. BIBIENA, BEPNAlnDO DA a Roman BEZOIJT, STEPHEN, a celebrated math- cardinal, raised from a low origin by ematician, and mathematical examiner Leo X., author of a comedy entitled of the naval and artillery schools, was "La Calandria," greatly admired in b. at Nemours, in 1730, and d. in the Italy. B. 1470; d. by poison, as it is Gatinois, in 1783. He is the author of supposed, 1520.-FERDINAND GALLI, an a " General Theory of Algebraic Equa- eminent painter and architect. B. at tions," and two "Courses of Math- Bologna, 1657; d. 1743. ematics," the one in 4 vols., and the BICHAT, MARIA FRANCOIS XAVIER, a other in 6, for the use of the royal ma- celebrated French physician, who, durine and artillery schools. One anecdote ring a short career, gave an impulse to proves the kindness and courage of Be- the science which he cultivated that has zout. Though he had never had the not yet ceased to be felt, was b. at Thosmall-pox, he ventured to the bedside irett, in the department of the Ain, of two youths-ofthe naval academy, who Nov. 11, 1771. At Paris, he studied were laboring under it, and who would under the direction of Desault, who have been thrown back a year in their treated him as a son. On the death of promotion, had he not examined them. that distinguished professor, Bichat suBIANCHI, ANTONIO, a Venetian gon- perintended the publication of his surgidojier of the 18th century, who obtained cal works, and, in 1797, began to lecture great note by his poetical talents, author upon anatomy, in connection with exof "II Templi ovvero di Solomone," perimental physiology and surgery. In and "A Treatise on Italian Comedy."- 1800 appeared his " Trait6 des MeomJOHN, known also by the Latin name of branes," which passed through numerJANUS PLANCUS, a celebrated Italian phy- ous editions, and immediately after pub. sician, anatomist, and naturalist, and lication, was translated into almost all the reviver of the Academy of the Le- the languages of Europe. In the same incei. B. at Rimini, 1693; d. 1775.- year was published his celebrated work FRANcIS, a musical composer, born at "'Pecherches sur la Vie et la Mort," Cremona, author of "Disertor Fran- which was followed the next year by chese," " Semiramide." &ec. He went his "Anatomic G6n4rale," a complete BID] CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 155 code of modern anatomy, physiology, three years, until the protector liberated and medicine. In the 28th year of his him in 1658. He then became pastor age, Bichat was appointed physician of an Independent congregation, and of the Hotel-Dieu, in Paris, and, with continued to support his opinions until the energy characteristic of true genius, fear of the Presbyterian parliament of began his labors in pathological anat- Richard Cromwell induced him to retire omy. In a single winter, he opened no into the country. On the restoration, less than 600 bodies. Bichat is the he was apprehended at one of the prifounder of the medical theory at present vate assemblies, and upon process of received: He is the creator of general law, fined ~180 and ordered to lie in anatomy, or of the doctrine of the iden- prison until it was paid. He fell a martity of the texture of the different organs, tyr to. this sentence, by catching one of which is the fundamental principle of the distempers so common at that time modern medicine. D. 1802. in jails, and d. during September of this BICKERSON, Sir RICHA1RD I1USSEY, year, in the 47th year of his age, a maradmiral of the red, and general of ma- tyr to religious intolerance. Toulmin rines, was b. Oct. 11, 1759, and entered styles him the father of the modern Unithe royal navy at an early period. D. tarians.-NICHOLAS, an American naval 18832. commander, b. 1750. He was regularly BICKERSTAFF, IsAAc, a dramatic bred to the sea, and was a thorough writer of the 18th century, author of seamfian. In 1770 he went to London, " Love in a Village," "Lionel and Cla- and entered the British navy. After rissa," &c. the commencement of the revolution, BIDDERMAN, JOHN GOTTLIEB, a he returned to Philadelphia. Being apGerman writer, and rector of the public pointed commander of the AndreaDoschiool at Friedburg, author of treatises ria, a brig of 14 guns and 130 men, he "De Latinitate Maccaronica," "De In- sailed under Commodore Hopkins, in solentia, Titolorum Librariorum," &c. the successful expedition against New D. 1772. Providence. After refitting at New BIDDLE, JoHiN, a celebrated Socinian London, he was ordered to proceed off writer, was b. 1615, at Wotton-under- the bank of Newfoundland. He capEdge. Beingf led to doubt of the doe- tured, in 1776, among other prizes, two trine of the Trinity, he drew up twelve ships from Scotland, with 400 Highland arguments on the subject; in conse- troops. Being appointed to the comquence of which he was committed to mand of the Randolph, a frigate of 32 jail by the parliamentary committee then guns, he sailed from Philadelphia in sitting at Gloucester, but was liberated, Feb. 1777. He soon carried into Charleson security being given for his appear- ton, four valuable prizes bound from ance when called for. About six months Jamaica to London, one of them, the afterwards, he was examined before a True Briton, of 20 guns. A little fleet committee of the parliament, and his was now fitted out under his command, pamphlet ordered to be burned by the with which he cruised in the West Incomlfon hangman. He however per- dies. In an action with the British ship sisted in his opinion, and, in 1648, pub- Yarmouth, of 64 guns, March 7, 1778, lished two tracts, containingr his "Con- Capt. Biddle was wounded, and, in a' fession of Faith, concerning the Holy few minutes afterwards, while he was Trinity, and the Testimonies of Ireneus, under the hands of the surgeonr the Justin Martyr, and several other early Randolph, with a crew of 315, blew up, writers on the same subject." These and he, and all his ment but 4, perished. publications induced the assembly of -NICHOLAS, a son of Charles Biddle divines to solicit parliament to decree who was distinguished *in the revoluthe punishment of death against those tionary war, made himself known as a who should oppugn the established president of the bank of the United opinions respecting the Trinity. He States. He was b. in Pennsylvania, was, some time after, again remanded educated at Princeton, studied law unto prison, by the zeal of President Brad- der Gen. Armstrong, edited the Port shaw, and remained for some years in Folio with Dennw,. wasd a member of confinement, subjected to the greatest the Pennsylvania legislature, and finally privations. A general act of oblivion, president of the bank at the time it was in 1651, restored him to liberty, wlhen destroyed by the policy of Gen. Jackhe immediately disseminated his opin- son1. D. 1844. ions. Cromwell banished him to St. BIDLAKE, JOHN, a divine and poet, Mary's castle, Scilly, where he remained wai b. at Plymouth in 1755. Hoe Was 156 CeCLOPAJDIA OR BIOGRAPHY. [BIt educated at the school of his native place, whose first publication did not appear and after taking his first degree in arts till he was 50 years of age; author of at Christ-church, Oxford, he became "A System of Geography and History," master of the same seminary, which he Histories of Spain and England," conducted with reputation. He pro- "Letters on English and French Hisceeded to his doctor's degree, anc in tory." B. 1750; d. 1832. 1811 was appointed to preach the Bamp- BIGNE, MARQUERIN DE LA, a doctor ton Lectures; but in the act of deliver- of the Sorbonne; compiler of the first ing the third discourse, he was suddenly edition of the "Bibliotheca Patrum." seized with an epileptic fit, which pro- B. 1546; and d. at Paris about'the close duced total blindness. Besides some of the 16th century. single sermons on different occasions, BIGNEY, GRACE DE LA, a French he published two volumes of discourses; ecclesiastic; author of a poem entitled the "Bampton Lectures " "Introduc- "Le Roman des Oiseaux.' D. 1374. tion to the Study of Geography;" Poems, BIGNICOURT, SIMON DE, a counsellor "The Sea, a Poem;" "iThe Country of Rheims; author of "Pensees et ReParson, a Poem;" "Eugenio, or the flexions Philosophiques." B. 1709; d. Precepts of Prudentius, a Tale;" "The 1775. Summer Eve, a Poem;" "Virginia, a BIGNON, JRonME, a learned French Tragedy;" "Youth, aPoem;" and "The writer; author of treatises " On Rome Year, a Poem." D. 1814. and its Antiquities," " On the Election BIDLaO, GoDFREY, a native of Am- of the Pope," &c.; and editor of the sterdam, eminent as a physician and an "Formule" of Marculphus. B. 1589; anatomical writer. He was professor at d. 1656.-JoHN PAUL, grandson of the the,Hague, and afterwards at Leyden, above, librarian to the king of France; and physician to King William, whom author of "Les Aventures d'Abdalla he attended in England. Some of his fils d'Haniff," &c. D. 1743. poems in Low Dutch were published in BIGOT, AMERIc, an -eminent French 1719. Iis great work is "Anatomia scholar. He assisted in the publication Corporis Humani;" Amsterdam, 1685. of several works; and having discovered D. 1713. Palladius's Life of Chrysostom in the BIEFIELD, JAMES FREDERICK, baron duke's library at Florence, he publislied de, a native of Hamburgh, employed by both the Greek text and his own Latin the king of Prussia as secretary of le- translation of it. B. 1626; d. 1689. gation, and afterwards as preceptor to BILDERIDYK, WILLIAM, an eminent his brother, Ferdinand, and in 1747 Dutch poet, was b. at Amsterdam, 1750. made curator of the universities, and In 1776 he obtained from the society of afterwards baron and privy councillor. Leyden the first prize for a poem on the He spent the last part of his life in lite- influence of poetry upon government. rary retirement. He is the author of In the following year he obtained from several works not highly esteemed. D. the same society two prizes for an ode 1770. and a didactic poem, " On True PatriotBIEVRE, MARQUIS DE, a marshal of ism." Since that period, he has ranked France, who acquired-a high reputation with Feith, and Madame de Launoy, as a wit and punster. When he was among the first Dutch poets. In 1780 introduced to TLouis XV. the king de- he obtained a new prize for a poem "On sired that he should make a pun. "Give the Connection of Poetry and Eloquence me a subject, sire," he replied. "Oh! with Philosophy." He added to this make one on me," rejoined the monarch. poem, some time afterwards, an import"Nay," said the marquis, as quick as ant commentary, which showed him to thought, "the king is never a subject." be a man of learning and a philologer. He wrote two comedies, one called the Bilderdyk, besides devoted himself to "Seducer," which still keeps possession law, at the Hague, with great success. of the French stage; the other " Repu- On the invasion of the Netherlands by tations," which has not so much merit. the French, he left his country on acHe went to one of the Spas for his health count of his adherence to the hereditary and while there, on hl death-bed, could stadtholder, and removed to Brunswick, not resist the temptation to play upon and afterwards to London, where he words. As he was dying, he said, Je delivered in the French language lecm'en vais de ce pas, (e Spa.)" B. tures on literature and poetry, which 1747; d. 1789. were numerously attended. After the BIGLAND, JOHN, a voluminous new order of things was firmly ostabwriter, originally a village schoolmaster, lished in Holland, he returned in 1799, BIOJ CYCLOPAeDIA OF BIOGRAPEIY. 15. and soon afterwards published some BILLINGTON, ELIZABETH, ne of the of his principal works. Among these greatest female singers of her own, or are a didactic poem on astronomy, and perhaps any other time, was of German the masterly imitations of Delille's origin, but b. in England during 1770. "L'Homme des Champs," and "Pope's At- an early age she studied cle pianoEssay on Mi~an." Louis Bonaparte, on forte under Schroeter, and'attained to his accession to the throne, appointed an extraordinary proficiency. At fourhim his teacher of Dutch, and one of the teen, she made her first appearance as a first mnembers of the national institute singer at Oxford, and two years afterfounded by him. After the incorpora- wards. married Mr1. Billington, a pertion of Holland into the French emilire, former onthe double-bass. She appeared his use was silent; but she rose the at Covent-garden, for the first time, as more vigorously after the deliverance of Rosetta, in "Love in a Village," with his country. ). 18s1. such success as to secure her an immeBILlFINGER, GEORGaE BEINAARD a diate engagement at what was then conGerman writer alnd professor of pliloso- sidered the-enormous salary of ~1000 for phy and theology. I-e was a man of the rest of the season, besides a benefit; most extensive learning, and the author the managers afterwards voluntarily of " Dilucidationes Philosophicse," &c. giving her the profits of a second night. B. 1688; d. 1750. In 1785, she appeared at the concerts of BILGUER., JOHN rLrIc, a Swiss sur- ancient music with Madame Mara, whose geon; author of several professional brilliant performance she, to say the least, treatises, in one of which he maintains fully equalled. From this period, till the utility of amputation in cases of gun- 1793, no music meeting, opera, or conshot woundcls, D. 1796. cert of reputation was considered comBILLAUD, VAPRENNES DE, the son of plete without her. In the last-named a French advocate at Pochelle, was edu- year she visited Italy, and performed, cated at the same college as Fouche, and accompanied by her brother C. Weichsel, proved himself one of the most violent at the theatre of San Carlos at Naples; and sanguinary characters of the French Bianchi composing expressly for her his revolution. I-Ie bore a principal part in celebrated opera "Inez de Castro." In the murders and horrid massacres which 1S01, her wonderful po.*ers being then followed the destruction of the Bastile; in their meridian, she returned to the voted immediate death to the unfortt- London stage, appearing alternately at nate Louis XVI.; and officiated as presi- either house. In 1817, she quitted Endent of the convention on the 18th of gland for ever, and d. after a short illOct., 1793. He was afterwards deported ness, at her villa of St. Artien, an estate to Cayenne, and subsisted on a small she had purchased in the Venetian terpension allowed him by Pethion. D. at ritories. St. Domingo, in 1819. BINGLEY, the Garrick of the Dutch BILLING, SIGISMOND, a French liber- stage, was b. at Rotterdam, in 1755, of al, b. at Calmar, in Alsace, in 1773. He English parents. In 1779, in his twentyentered the army at the very commence- fourth year, he made his debut at Amment of the revolution, and distinguished sterdam. The public odium was then himself at the battle of Genappe and on excited adainst England, on account of other occasions; was commissary of war its ships Taving captured vessels under to the armies of the North, the Rhine, the Dutch flag, without any previous &c., in 1792, and to the army of Ger- declaration of war, and Bingley was many'.at the time of General Moreau's unfavorably received. But he soon conretreat, and was present in many cele- quered this prejudice, and continued to brated battles and sieges. When the be the favorite of the public. In 1796 reverses of Napoleon had endangered he was di cector of a company of actors the safety of France,'Billing, as the corn- who played principally at Rotterdam mander of a legion of the national guard, and the Hague, but also visited other surrounded and defended the chamber cities of Holland. One of his last repreof representatives while it was in the sentations, in which he was assisted by act of pronouncing the emperor's for- the great actress Wattier Ziesenis, was feiture, and was otherwise active in the part of Farnese, in Lalain's tragedy bringing about his abdication. He was of "Maria," acted in 1818, before the also, in concert with General Lafayette, royal family. In the same year, he d. at greatly instrumental in effecting the the Hague. revolution of 1S30, vwhich seated Louis BIOERNSTAEHL, JAMES JONAS, a Philippe on thethhrone. D. in 1832. distinguished traveller, b. at Rotarbo. 14 158 CYCLOPIEDIA OF BIOGRAPRY. I BIR in the Swedish province of Sundermann- horse, on the road betweeln L]ondon and land, in 1731, studied at Upsal, after- I-Hmpstead. Birch had formed very wards entered the iamily of Baron lud- extensive manuscript collections, which, beck as tutor, and travelled with his son together with hislibrary of' pintecdbooks, to England and the continent of Europe. he bequeathec to the British Museum. While residing in Paris he studied Ori- He was one of the pioneers of literatturle ental langueages. On the return of his Dr. Johnson was repeatedly obliged to pupil to Sweden, he was appointed by him for literary information, bestow-ed Gustavus III. to make tile tour of on him a Greek epigram, and for many Greece, Syria, and Egypt, receiving at years corresponded with him. The litthe same thime the title of professor at erature of his country is much indebted the university of Lund. He now went, to the activity and diligence of this perat the kin's expense, to Constantinople, severing writer.-SAMuEL, who for many in 1779, where he remained for some years played a distinguished part as a time, to learn the Turkish language. member of the corporation of London, He then proceeded on his travels as ifr was b. in that city in 1757, and succeedas Saloniki, where lie d. of the plague, ed his father in his well-established 1779. He had given an account of his business of a pastry-cook, in Cornhill. travels, in the form of letters to his He was the first to propose the measure friend Gloerwell, who at first published of arming and triinini the inhabitants them separately in a journal, which ap- as volunteers; an'd he had the honor, peared in Stockholm, and afterwards successively, to become lieutenant, main separate works. jor, and lieutenant-colonel commandant BION, b. in Smyrna orin its neighbor- of the first recgiment of Loyal London hood; a Grecian pastoral poet, of whose Volunteers. Yet, although n1ever unlife no account is to be found.. Among mindful of his position as a party man the few poems written by him, which i politics, lle found leisure to employ have descended to our times, his elegy his pe n various walks of literature. on Adonis is considered as the best. Ie was also among the earliest and most His poems together with those of Mos- active supporters of the Literary Fund chus are generally found as an appendix Society, to which he continued attached to the idyls bf Theocritus, and have till his decease, and had long been the been well translated by Fawkes.-NIcH- senior member of its council. In 1814 oLAS, a French mathematician; author he filled the civic chair. D. 1841.of a Treatise on the Use of the Globes," I-AVEY, the assumed name of Enoch &c. D. 1733. Crosby, a person employed as a spy for BIRAGUE, CLEMENT, an engraver on the American army, and whose advengems, said to have been the first discov- tures have given occasion to one of the erer of the art of engraving on diamonds. creations of Cooper, the American novH]e was b. at Milan, and flourished du- elist. ring the middle of the 16th century.- BIRD, WILLIAM, an eminent musician RENE DE, a Milanese of noble family, in the reign of Elizabeth. He chiefly who sought shelter in France from the composed sacred music, and to him vengeance of Louis Sforza, and became " Non nobis Domine" is attributed. B. a cardinal and chancellor of France. He 1543; d. 1658.-JOHNu, an eminent mathis infamously memorable as one of the ematical instrument maker; author of authors of the massacre of St. Bartholo- "The Method of constructing Mural mew. B. 1509; d. 1583. Quadrants," &c. D..1766.-EDWARD, a BIRCH, THoxAs, an industrions histo- painter, chiefly of comic subjects, but rian and biographer, was b. at London, who also executed many religious and in 1705. He became usher in three historical pieces, and was made historidifferent schools, and afterwards took cal painter to the Princess Charlotte of orders in the church, and obtained Wales. B. 1772; d. 1819. in 1732, a living in Essex, under the BIREN, JOHN ERNEST DE, duke of patronage of the attorney-general, after- Cornland, the son of a peasant, whoso wards Lord Hardwicke. In 17834 he en- handsome person and address obtained gaged with some coadjutors in writing him an unbounded influence over Anne. the "General Historical and Critical daughter of Peter I., and duchess of Dictionary," founded on that of Bayle, Cournland, who, when she ascended the and completed in 10 vols. folio, 1741. throne of Russia, committed the reins He subsequently obtained various pre- of government to his hands, made him ferments in the church. In January, duke of Courland, and at her death, in 1765, he wan killed by a fall from his 1740. left him regent of the empire. ie BIS] CYCLOPADIA OF nIOGRAPHY. 159 was subsequently banished to Siberia; friend for which crime lie as tried, recalled by Peter III., and his duchy re- condemned, and beheaded in 1602.stored to him by Catherine, in 1763, but uk de deLauzun,'b. about 1760, one of which, six years afterwards, he relin- the most celebrated men of the French qnishecd in favor of his eldest son. B]. revolution, remarkable at once for -his 1687; d. 1772. anmours, his attachment to liberty, and BIRKBECK, GEORGE, M.D., president his milita-y exploits. He served with of the London Mechanics' Institute, was Lafayette in America, and attached himthe son of a merchant and banker at self to the party of the duke of Orleans, Settle, in Yorkshie, where lie was b. in on his return. In 1792 le was joined 1776. In his boyhood he displayed a' with Talleyrand in a mission to this strong inclination for those mechanical country; on his return, served under pursuits to which he afterwards became Rolchambeau, in Flanders; and perishso devoted; but his fiiends having de- ed by the guillotine at the end of 1793, terainied that lihe should embrace the on a charge of counter-revolution. He medical profession, he first studied for d. stoically, ordering oysters, and. drinkthis object at Leeds, then removedc to ing wine with the executioner. London to become a pupil of Dr. Baillie, BISCHOP, JOHN DE, a Dutch historanid subsequently went to Edinburgh to ical and landscape painter. B]3. 1646; d. complete his edcucation. At the age of 1686.-SAMUEL, an English divine and twenty-one he was appointed professor poet. B. 1731; d. 1795. of natural history in the Andersolian BISCOE, eICHARx, an English divine; Institution of Glasgow; and having author of "The History of the Acts of while there successfully established a the Apostles, confirmed by other Ant mechanics' class, he was induced, in thois." D. 1748. 1822, to found the London Mechanics' BISI, BONAVENTURE, an esteemed BoInstitute in Chancery Lane, to which so- lognese miniature and lhistorical painter. ciety he generously lent ~3000 for erect- D. 16:62. ing a musellum, lecture-room, &c. Of BISSET, CHARLES, an able physician, this institution D)r. Birkbeck was elect- and a writer on fortification, which art ecd president, and from it' nearly all the he studied while in the 42d regiment, various mechanics' institutes through- and received promotion for his skill iln out Great Britain have been establishled it at the siege ofBergen-op-Zoom, by the D. 1841.-MORRIS, an English gentleman duke of Cumberland.. B 1716,; d. 1791 who emigrated to America, where he -JAMES, an ingenious artist and amusing purchased so vast a. tract of land as to writer, was b. at Perth, in 1762, but setacquire the title of " Emperor of the tled early in life at Birmingham, where Prairies;" author of "Letters from Illi- lie established a museum and shop for nois, " Notes of a "- Journey in Amer- curiosities, which he afterwards removecl ica," &o. He was accidentally drowned to-Leamington. He had a remarkable in 1825.. facility in writing rhymes; and being BIKICENHEAD, Sir JOHN, a political ever ready to make his muse subserve writer of the 17th century; several times the cause of loyalty, or aid the prooress imprisoned during the commonwealth of art, his various works present a motfor writing in favor of the exiled king, ley appearance, and are often singularlv B. 1615; d. 1679.. droll and epigrammatic. " Guides,i BIRKHEAD, HENRY, a modern Iatin "Directories," and "Poetic Surveys" poet, b. in 1617; author of "Otium of the towns in which lie lived, look Literariunn," &c. Ire d. at the latter oddly enough when placed in juxtaend of the 17th century. position with " Patriotic Clarions," BIRON, AR.MAND DE GONTAUT, baron Critical Essays," and "Comic Stricde, a celebrated French general, honor- e tures on the Fine Arts;" yet such were ed with the friendship of Henry IV. amongi his numerous productions, all of He was slain at the siege of Epernay, in which are more or less indebted for their Chaipagne, in 1592. —CuHARLES DE GON- notoriety to the jingle of rhyme. D. xUT, duke de, son of the above; ad- 1832.-ROBERT, a native of Scotland; miral and marshal of France, and a author of a " Life of Burke " a "Sketch favorite of Henry IV., who appointed of Democracy," &c. D. 1805. him his ambassador to England, &c., BISSON, PIERRE T. J. G., b. 1767; a and. raised him to the dukedom. He French geineral, who fought in most of was, however, seduced. by the intriguies Napoleon's camiipaigos, till his death, at of the court of Spain to join in a conspir- his return in 1811. He was of prodigiacy against his royal and truly generous ous size, strength, and appetite, and was 160 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPIY. [BLA always supplied with double rations of habits were simple, his character cold food, by order of Napoleon. and reserved. Tho ugh of eminent abilBITAUBE, PAUL JEREMIAH, the son ity as a chemist, le injured himself by of French refugee parents at Konigfs- his long opposition to the reception of berg, where le was b. in 1782, but in the new chemical theory. At length, after life settled in Paris. He was an. however, he was convinced of its supeauthor of considerable repute, and rior accuracy, and did justice to its merpatronized by Frederick II. of Prussia, its. D. 1799. and by Napoleon. He translated Homer, BLACKADDER, JOIIN, a distinguishand wrote " Joseph," and other poems. ed preacher amonrg the Scottish CoveD. 1808. nanters. BIVAR, DON RODPInGO DIAS DE, or the I BLACKBURNE, FRANCIS an English Cid, a hero of Spain, whose astonishing divine, eminent as a theological writer valor in various encounters with the and remarkabble for the publication of Moors, and his unjust banishment, af- works favoring dissent from the church forded rich materials both for history to which lie belonged, was b. at Richand romance. B. at Burgos, 1040; d. at mond, in Yorkshire, in 1705, and was Valencia, 1099. educated at Cambridge. In 1750, he was BIZOT, PIsmrE, a French writer; au- made archdeacon of Cleveland. He was thor of a curious work, entitled " His- a friend to religious liberty, and hostile toire Meddaillique de la Rpepublique de to confessions of faith. On this subject Hollande." B. 1686; d. 1696. he was deeply involved in controversy. BLACK, JosEPi, a celebrated chemist, The most celebrated of his performances b. at Bordeaux, of Scottish parents, in on it is the Confessional, which appeared 1728, studied medicine at Glasgow. Dr. in 1776. His wvorks have been collected Cullen, his instructor, inspiredlhim with in six volumes octavo. le c. in 1787. a taste for chemical studies. In 1754 he BLACKBURN, WVILLIAM,[ eminent as was made doctor of medicine, at Edin- an architect and surveyor, was b. Decemburgh, and delivered an inaugural dis- ber 20th, 1750, in Sonthwark. His nasertation, " De Humore acido a Cibis tive genius overcame the disadvantages orto et lMaonesia alba," which exhibits of a contracted education, and he obthe outline of his discoveries relative to tained a medal from the Royal Academy, carbonic acid and the alkalies. In 1756 and the more flattering commendation lie published his Experiments oin White of Sir Joshua Reynolds, for the best Malagnesia, (Quicklime, and several other drawing of St. Stephen's church, WalAlkaline Substances, in the 2d volume brook. D. 1790. of the Essays, Physical and Literary, of BLACKLOCK, TITOMAS, a divine and the Edinburgh Society. He cdemon- poet, was b. at Annan, in Dumfries, in strates the existence of an aerial fluid in 1721, and lost his sight by the small-pox these substances, which he calls fixed when'he was only six months old. To air, the presence of which diminishes amuse and instruct him, his father and the corrosive power of the alkalies and friend used to read to him, and lby this the calcareous earths. This discovery means he acquired a fund of information, formed the basis of all those which have and even some knowledge of Latin. At immortalized the names of Cavendish, the age of 12 he began to versify, and his Priestley, Lavoisier, &c., and gave a devotion to the Muses was continued new formn to chemistry. In 1751 he en- through life. Considering his circumriched this science with his doctrine of stances, his poems have great merit. HIe latent heat, which has led to such im- studied at the university of Edinburgh portant results. In 1756 he was ap- for ten years, and his progress in the pointed plrofessor of medicine and sciences was very considerable. Ie was lecturer on chemistry in the university ordained minister of Kircudbright, but, at Glasgow, in the pl-ace of Dr. Cullen, being opposed by the parishioners, he and, in 1765, whena Cullen left the pro- retired on an annuity, and received stufessor's chair in Edinburgh, he was dents at Edinburgh as boarders, and asthere also succeeded by Blaick. No sisted them in their-studies. Besides teacher inspired his disciples with such his poems, he is the author of some thea zeal for study; his lectures, therefore, ological works, and an article on the edcontributed much to make the taste for ucation of the blind: the latter was chemical science general in England. printed in the Encyclopeadia Britannica. Upon Lavoisier's proposal, the Academy He d. in July, 1791, regretted by all his of Sciences, in Paris, had appointed hlimi friends. 9(g of its eight foreign members. His BLACKMORE, Sir RIOHArD, a poet BLAj CYCLOPEDIA OF' BIOGRAPHY. 161 and physician, was b. in Wiltshire, ed- prerogative; nor is there much more of ucated at Oxford, took his degree at Pad- enlargement in his principles of reliua, and was knighted by William III., gious liberty. For this reason he was who also appointed him his physician. exposed to attack from Priestley, BenI-Ie was afterwards physician to Queen tham, and Junius. D. 1780. Anne. In 1696 he published his first BLACKWALL, ANTHONY, an English poem, Prince Arthur, which was rapidly divine, author of a "Latin Grammar," succeeded by other works; nor was he an "Introduction to the Classics," &c. deterred from pursuing his career by the D. 1780. ridicule which was heaped upon him by BLACKWELL,. TMOMAS, Greek proDryden, Pope, and nearly all the wits of fessor of Aberdeen, author of "' An Inthe age, whose dislike of him was sharp- quiry into the Lif6 and Writings' of ened-by his whig principles. He is the Homer," "Memoirs of the Court of author of nearly thirty works, in verse Augustus," &e. B. 1701; d. 1757.and prose; of the latter many are on ALExANDEt and ELIZABETI, husband and medical subjects. His best poem is en- wife: the latter, a woman of talent, who titled Creation. Blackmlore was an in- in order to procure subsistence for her different poet, but he was undoubtedly husband while in prison for debt, pubpossessed of considerable talent, andl lished a "Herbal" in 2 vols., folio, with was a pious and worthy man. He d. in 500 plates, drawn, engraved, and colored 1729. by herself, all in the space of four years. BLACKSTONE, Sir WILLIAM, an em- The work succeeded, and her husband inent lawyer, was the third son of a silk was liberated;. but'he seemed doomed mercer, and was b. at London, in 1723. to be the sport of fortune; for after hayAfter having been for several years at ing been invited to Stockholm, and penthe Charter house, he completed his sioned by the king of Sweden, in coneducation at Pembroke college, Oxford,. sequence of his being the author of a and at both seminaries displayed supe- work a ag'riculture which attracted the rior talent. When he was only 29 he notice of that monarch; and havingl also composed, for his own use, a Treatise on had the merit of successfully prescribing the Elements of Architecture. Havingl for his majesty when he was dangerchosen thee profession of the law, and ously ill, lie was charged with being entered the Middle Temple, in 1741 he concerned in a plot with Count Tessin wrote his eloquent valedictory poem, the for oveiturning the kingdom, tried, and Lawyer's Farewell to hioM-Iuse. In 17438 beheaded, in 1747. lie was elected a fellow of All Souls, and BLACKWOOD, Sir HENRY, a meritoin 1746 he was called to the bar, and rious British admiral, was the sixth son went the circuit, but obtained little prac- of Sir John Blackwood, Bart., and b. in tice. He remained in comparative ob- 1770. He was present at Dogger-Bank, scurity till 1753, when lie began to de- and with Nelson at Aboukir, and at liver, at Oxford, his beautiful lectures Trafalgar. D. 1832.-ADAM, a Scotch on the Enllish laws'; which, in 1765 and writer, author of "The Martyrdom of the four following years, he published, Mary Stuart," written in French, &c. with the title of " Commentaries on the B. 1530; dl..1613. Laws of England." In consequence of BLADEN, MARTIN, a military officer these lectures, he was elected Vinerian under the duke of Marlborough, author professor of law in the universitty, and of " Orpheus and Eurydice," a masque; obtained a great accession of business. "A Translation of Csesar's CommenIn 1761 lie sat in parliament as member tarlies," &c. D. 1746. for Hinldon, and was made king's coun- BLAEIT, or JEMSSEN, WALLIAMr a sel, and solicitor-general to the queen. celebrated geographer, and the disciple In 1770 he was offered the place of so- of Tycho Braihe. He was the author of licitor-general, but declined it, and was a very magnificent atlas. D. 1638. made a judge of the King's Bench, BLAIR, JonIN, a Scotch divine of the whence he was soon after transferred to 14th century, author of a Latin poem on the Common Pleas. His Law Tracts the "Death of Wallace."-PATRICe, an were published in 1762, and his Reports, eminent Scotch physician and botanist, two volumes folio, after his death. of the 18th century, author of "Botanic Blackstone was the first who wrote on Essays," &c.-JOHN, a prebend of Westthe dry and repulsive subject of English mninster, author of " Chbronological Talaw iin such a manner as not to excite bles," and "Lectures on the Canon of disgust in a reader of taste. Like al- the Old Testament." D. 1782.-RoEeRT, most all lawyers,.he leans to the side of a Scotch divine, author of the well14* 162 CYCLOPiEDIX _OF BIOGRAPHY. [BLA known and admirable poem, "The ebr'ated as the inventor of wool-combGrave.:" B. 1700; d. 1746.-HIuCii, a in. celebrated divine, b. at Edinburgh in BLAKE, ROBERT, a famous English 1718. He was educated at the university admiral, b. Aug. 15, 1599, at Bridgeof his native city, where he took his water, in Somersetshire, where he was master's degree in 1736. He was soon educated at the grammar-school. Hav invited to the second charge of the Can- ing served some years in the parliament nongate church of Edinburgh, and in army, he was in. Feb. 1648-9 appointed 1758 he was promoted to the High to command the fleet, in conjunction church, and honored with the degree with Col. Deane and Col. Popham. of D.D. by the sister university of St. During nine years' active service in the Al drew's. In 1759 he appeared before na'vy lie performed exploits that, for the the public as lecturer in rhetoric and skill with which they were conducted, belles lettres, and with such effect, that and the success that attended them, the king in 1762 erected for his encour- were never surpassed. His fonur vicagement, with a salary of ~70 a yeari, a tories over the Dutch fleet under Van professorship on that branch of litera- Tromp were his most brilliant exploits. ture in the university. His dissertation HIe d. as the fleet was entering Plyin support of the authenticity of Ossian's mouth, the 17th of Aur,, 1657, aged 58. poens, appeared in 1763, and in 1777 he His body was conveyed to Westminster published the first volume of his "Ser- abbey, and interred in Henry VIIth's mons," which met with such applause chapel; but,disgracefully disinterred that in 1779 he printed a second volume, fiomin thence in 1661, by Charles II. and and afterwards three volumes more ap- flung into a hole in St. Margaret's peered. These discourses became pop- churchyard.-W ILLIMA, an engraver of ular, not only in Scotland and England, great merit, but of eccentric taste; he but were translated into foreign lan- was a pupil of Basire. B. 1759; d. 1827. guagest, and claimed the admiration of -— JOHN BRADLu'Y, b. in London, 1745, the learned on the Continent. At the and educated' at Westminster school. instance of the queen, to whom the ser- After acquiring. a deep knowledge of mons were dedicated, the worthy pro, chemistry and mathematics, in the purfessor obtained a pension of ~200 a year, suit of his favorite study o~ botany, he which was- increased ~100 niore in 1783, went to China as supercargo of the India when his infirmities obliged him to re- company, and with laudable assiduity sign his public offices. His " Lectures," collected and sent to Europe the seeds iln8 vols., appeared in 1783, and obtained of all the vegetables, of that remote *as rapid a sale and as wide a circulation country used by the natives for puras his sermons. -D..at Edinburgh, 1800. poses either of medicine, food, or man-JOHN, one of the associate judges of ufactures. He began likewise a valu1 the supreme court of the United States able collection of ores and fossils, but d. ini 1800, aged 68. He was a judge ot his great application weakened his conthe court of appeals in Virginia in 1787, stitution, he was afflicted with the stone, alld in the same year, he was a member and the complaint when attended by a of the general convention which formed fever proved fatal. D. at Canton, 1773. the constitution of the United States. -JoAcimi, a Spanish general, was b. at To that instrument the names of Blair Velez Malaga, and served, first as capand Madison are affixed as the deputies tain, ancld next as major, in the war. from Virginia. When the new govern- from 1793 to 1795, between France an~d ment commenced its operation, he was Spain. When Napoleon seized the appointed by Washington to the office, crown of Spain, Blake esposed the which he held till his death.-SAMUEL, cause of his country; but with more a Presbyterian minister, was a native of valor and zeal than success. Though Ireland, and came to America in early defeated at Rio Seco and Espinosa, ie life. In 1745 he established an academy still sustained his military character. at Fog's Manor, Chester county, Penn- In 1810 he was appointed one of the sylvania, and took the pastoral care of regency, from which rank lie was transthe church in that place. He occupied ferred to that of captain-general. Havthe first rank among his cotemporaries ing been defeated at Murviedro, he shut in talents, learning, piety, and useful- himself up with his army in Valencia, ness, both ts a preacher aid ain academ- but was at length compelled to surreiinieal instructor. D. about 1751. der. In 8320, on the establishment of BLAIZE. a bishop martyred by the the constitution, he was admitted into Emperoi A)oclesian, but principally eel- the council of state and his att~whment 13LA CYCLOPr DIA OF BIORAPHY, 1 63 to that constitution subsequently ex- nomination of the French Titian. I-o'posed him to danger. D. 1827.-JOSEPH, Was an indefatigable artist, and lef governor of South Carolina, was a pro- many pictures. His finest work is the rrietary and a neplhw of the famonus Descent of the Holy'Ghost," which is Adcmiral Blake. He was governor but considered as one of the best produeone year. During' Blake's administra- tions of the French school. B. 1600; d. tion a set of 41 articles, called "Tle 1638.-FRANCis, a celebrated French aerolast Fundamental Constitutions," as naut, b. in 1738, was distingiuished from sent from England, by the earl of Bath, his youth by his mechanical inventions. the palatine, and other patentees; but After making his first a6rostatie voyage the change in the government was never in 1784, he crossed the Chlannel from confirmed by the Carolina assembly. D. Dover to Calais, 1785, for which exploit 1700.- ATILLIAM, a comedian of great lhe was rewarded by the king of France accomplishments and t wlent whose per- with 12,000 francs, aand a pension of formances at Covent-garden were long 1200 fr. Iet first made use of a parathe delight of London. D. 135. chute in London, in 1785; went through BLAKELY, JOIINSrTON, a captain in various countries on the Continent, exthe United States' navy during the late hibiting his aronaultie skill; visited war, was b. in Irelancd in 1781. Two America with the same object; and reyears after his father emicgrated to the tnrning in 1798, ascended in Rouen with United States, and settled in North Caro- 16 persons in a large balloon, and delina. Younlg Blakely was placed, in scended at a place 15 miles distant. D. 1796, at the ianiversity of Nortlh Caro- 1809. —MADAME BLxNCuHARD, his wife, lina, but circumstances having deprived continued to make aerial voyages, but him of the means of adequate s-uppoit, in June, 1819, having ascended from he left college, and in 1800 obtainecd a Tivoli, in Paris, her balloon took fire, midshipman's warrantt. In 1813 l]e was at a considerable heighlt, owing to some appointed to the comamand of the Wasp, fireworksl which she carried with her, and in this vessel took his Britannic the car f'eil, and the hapless aeronaut Majesty's ship Reindeer, after an action wais dashed to pieces.-JonN BAPTIST, a of nineteen minutes. The Wasp after- French Jesuit, and professor of rhetoric, \wards put into L'Orient; fiom whlich author of " The Temlple of the Muses," port she sailed August 27. On the eve- &c. B. 1731; d. 1797. —ILAMANa''racening of the 1st of September, 1814, she ful peiriocical writer, wvas b. at Great fill ain with four sail, at considerable cis- Yarnouth, in 1803. His father having tances fromi each other. One of these iremoved to London when lie was 5 was the brii-of-war Avon, iwhich struck years of age, he received his education after a sever e action; but captain 13. was at St. Olave's school, Lambeth, and here prevented fiomn taking'possession by was laid the groundi ork of those litthe approachl of another vessel. The erary tastes and hlabits which cistin-.enemy reported that they had sunk the fruislecd hiiml through life. His fipst Wasp by thle first broadlside, but she occupaition was that of reader at Cox was afterwards spoken by a vessel off and Baylis' printing-office in Great the idWestern Isles. After this we hear Queen-street; in 1827 he became seereof her n no ore. Captain Blakely was tary to the Zoological Society, and in considerel a uman lof: uncommonl courage 1831, editor of the Momnthly Magazine. indl intellect. In testimony of respect lie subsequently became connected with to his melmory, the legislature of North the True Sun, the Constitutional, the Carolina ecucated hils only child, a Courier, the Court Journal, and the Exlalughter, at the public expense. aminer, anid was a constant contributor BLAMPINI, TuoMAs, a Beneic- to the lio'hter periodicals of the day. D. tine monk, editor of a splendid edi- by suicide, 1845. tion of the works of St. Augustin. D. BLANCHE, of Castile, queen of 1710. Louis VIII. of France. She died of BLANC, ANTONY DE GUILLET DE, a grief, on account of the defeat andl imFrench dramattist; author of "Manco prisonimenlt of her son, Louis IX., in Capac," a tranedv, and various other Palestine, 1252. dramnas B. 1730; d. 1799.-JOHN B1R- BLANCIELANDE, PIERRE, b. 1.785, NARD LE, a French writer, author of governlor of St. Domingo when the de"'Letters on the English Nation," &c. cree of instant emancipation for the B. 1707; d. 1781. slaves caused a universal tu-mult. He BLANCHARD, JAMES, an eminent urgedl the suspension of the decree, and, painter, who bears the honorable de- being arrestel as a counter-revolutionist, 164 CYCLOP~EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. BLE] was conducted to Paris, and perished by rank of colonel, and had the commantd the guillotine in 1793. of a regiment of dragoons. In 1779 he' BLANCHET, FRANcIs, the son of was appointed to the command of the parents in humble life, was b. in 1707, convention troops at Albemarle barracks at Angerville, and educated at the col- in Virginia. Ite was chosen a reprelege of Louis XIV. He was first a pro- sentative from Virginia, in the first confessor in two provincial colleges, next gress under the present constitution of employed himself in private tuition, and the United States. D. 1790. lastly, obtained an office in the king's BLANDRATA, GEORGE, an Italian library and cabinet. Blanchet was one physician; who renewed all the tenets of the most amiable of men, and the of Arius with respect to the Trinity. most affectionately paternal of tutors. He fled from the persecution of the inAs an author he has great merit. His quisitors of Pavia to Geneva, and after"Apologues and Tales" are told with wards to Poland, where the king, Stespirit and grace. B. 1748. phen Battori, made him a privy counBLAND, MARIA THERESA, an actress cillor. He attempted to make the king and vocalist, was b. at Caen, in Nor- a follower of his opinions, but failed. mandy, in 1770, and went to England He was strangled by his. nephew, a with her parents, who were Italians, worthless character, to whom he had shortly after. WVhen under 5 years of left his property, 1593. age she sang (as Miss Romanizi) at Sad- BLANKOF, JoHN FEmNNSZ, a Dutch ler's Wells; obtained an engagement at marine painter of considerable eminence. Drury-lane theatre in 1789; and sub- He was at the outset a scholar of Eversequently appeared as the heroine in dingen, but finished his studies at Rome. the musical dramas written by Colman His best pictures represent storms on for his theatre in the Haymarket. In the coast of the Mediterrancan, in which 1790 she was married to Mr. George he combined Flemish fidelity with ItalBland, brother of the celebrated Mrs. ian grandeur. B. 1628. Jordan. She continued on the boards BLASIUS, GEaAnD, a Flemish phys'of Drury till that theatre was burnt, in cian, who distinguished himself by his 1809; and for many years delighted the researches in anatomy and physiology. lovers of simple melody with her strains He was graduated at Leyden, and was at Vauxhall Gardens. Her latter years afterwards a professor at Amsterdam, were clouded by a degree of mental im- He was the earliest writer of importance becility which prevented her appearing on comparative anatomy. His chief in public' but in 1834, by the proceeds works were "Observata Anatomica," of a benent which, was granted to her at &c., and "Zootonical, son Anatome Drury-lane, together with a s'um liber- varioruTm Animalium."I D. 1682. ally given by the late Lord Egremont, BLAYNEY, BENJAMIN, a divine and an annuity of ~70 was secured to her biblical critic, was educated at Oxford for life.. D. 1887.-ELIZABETH, an En- where he became M.A. in 1753, and glish lady, eminent for her knowledge D.D. in 1787. He was professor of Heof Hebrew. A phylactery of her writ- brew at that university, canon of Christings is preserved by the Royal Society. church, and rector of Polshot, Wilts. D. 1720.-RICAARD, a political writer of He translated Jeremiah, the LamentaVirginia, was for some years a principal tions, and Zechariah; edited the Oxford member of the house of burgesses. In Bible in 1769; and wrote a Dissertation 1768 he was one of a comnmittee to re- on Daniel's Seventy Weeks. D. 1801. monstrate with parliament on the sub- BLEDDIN, a British bard of the 13th ject of taxation; in 1773 one of the com- century, many of whose pieces are in mittee of correspondence; in 1774 a the Welsh Archecology. delegate in congress. He was again BLEDRI, bishop of Llandraff in 10238; chosen a deputy to congress in 1775. surnamed the wise on accouit of his great Though he declined the appointment learning. from old age, he declared, he should BLEECKER, ANN ELIZA, a lady of ever be animated, "to support the glo- some literary celebrity in New York, rious cause, in which America was en- daughter of Mr. Brandt Schuyler, and gaged." D. 1778.-THIEODORIo, a patriot wife of John J. Bleecker. She resided and statesmap, was a native of Virginia. after her marriage at Tomhanic, a soliHe. was bred to medicine, but at the itary and beautiful place 18 miles above commencement of the revolutionary Albany, but was driven from it in the war, he took an active part in the cause night by the approach of Burgoyne'.q of his country. He soon rose to the army. Her writings, both in prose and BLO] CYCLOPAED1A OF BIOGRAPHY. 165 poetry, were published in 1793, by her Gibbon highly praises the Lives, and his daughter, who likewise distinguished countrymen consider them as models of herself as a writer, Margaret V. Fau- impartiality, precision, elegance, and geres. B. 1752; d. 1783.-ANTHONY, a judgment. B. 1696; D. 1772. poet of-the city of New York, educated BLIGH, GEORGE MILLER, was the son at Columbia college, and attained a re- of Admiral Sir R. R. Bligh. He entered spectable position as a lawyer. For the navy in 1794. He fought under Nelnearly thirty years he was a leading con- son in the battle of Trafalgar, in which tributor to the periodicals of New York he was severely wounded. He was made and Philadelphia. B. 1778; d. 1827. a commander in 1806. D. 1835. BLEFKEN, DITHMAR, a voyager of the BLIN DE SAINMORE, ANDREW MI16th century; author of an exceedingly CHAEL HYACINTII, was b. at Paris, in curious "Account of Iceland," &c. 1733. Atthe very outset of his career BLEISWICK, PETER VAN, b. in 1724; he lost all his fortune, but his literary grand pensionary of the Dutch states- talents procured him friends, and he general at the revolution, by which he successfully filled several honorable ofwas divested of his office. He was the au- fices connected with literature, the last thor of a valuablework, " DeAggeribus." of which was that of conservator of the BLESSINGTON, MARGARET POWER, library of the arsenal. He is the author Countess of, celebrated for her beauty, of Orpheus, a tragedy, and of many heaccomplishments, and literary produc- roic epistles and fugitive poems of no tions, was b. in the county of Waterford common merit. D. 1807. in 1789. At the early age of 15 she con- BLIZZARD, Sir WILLIAM, a surgeon tracted an ill-fated marriage with Captain and anatomist of considerable eminente, Farmer, and soon after his death the was b. in 1742. During a long life of Earl of Blessington sought and obtained professional activity and experience he her hand in 1818. After her marriage maintained a high reputation; and was she passed several years abroad, but they for many years professor of anatomy to are chiefly remarkable for having led to the Royal College of Surgeons, and a her acquaintance with Lord Byron, fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian sowhich soon ripened into intimacy, and cieties. Ie was also the author of sevenabled her subsequently to publish one eral valuable works, viz. "Suggestions of the most interesting works, her "Con-, for the Improvements of Hospitals," versations withLord'Byron." Soonaf- "Peflections on Police." "Lecture on ter her husband's death in 1829, she fixed the Large Blood-vessels." D. 1835. her residence in London, where she gain- BLOCH, MARCUs ELIEZER, an ingenied a distinguished place in literary and ous naturalist and physician, and a Jew so-called fashionable society. Her house by birth, was b. at Anspach, of mean became the centre-point of every variety parentage; but entering into the service of talent; and there were few literary of a physician, he studied medicine, celebrities, native or foreign, who did not anatomy, and natural history with' great share in the hospitalities of Gore House. success, and became particularly emiBesides the " Conversations" above men- nent in the last-named science. His tioned, she published many novels, of "Ichthyology," produced at Berlin in which " Grace Cassady, or the Repeal- 1785, at the expense of the wealthiest ers," " The Two Friends," "Meredith," princes of Germany, is a magnificent na"Stratherne," " The Lottery of Life," tional work. His treatise " On Intesti"The Victims of Society," &c., are the nal Worms" is also in high estimation. chief; and several works full of person- B. 1723; d. 1799.-JOANNA KOERTEN, a al anecdote, epigram, sentiment, and female of Amsterdam, who excelled in description, such as "The Idler in Ita- cutting landscapes, sea-pieces, flowers, y," " The Idler in France," " Memoirs and even portraits, out of paper, with of a Femme de Chambre," "The Belle the most perfect resemblance of naturea of the Season," &c.. For many years Her productions sold at enormous prices, she edited the far-famed annuals, " The and she was patronized by several sovBook of Beauty" and " The Keepsake." ereigns. B. 1650; d. 1715.-JoHy ERASD. at Paris, 1849. Mns, a gardener of Copenhagen, who BLETTERIE, JOHN PHILIP RENE DE published a "Horticultura Danica" in LA, b. at Rennes. He was professor of 1647.-BENJAMIN, JACOB, and DANIEL, of eloquence at the Royal College, and a a family in Pomerania, distinguished as member of the Academy of Belles painters of architectural and historical Lettres. He wrote Lives of Julian and pieces and portraits, Daniel excelling in Jovian; and translated part of Tacitus. the latter especially.-GEORGE CASTO IG(6 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAIt HY. [PLO RmsN a native of Denmark, bishop of R- noble triumphal arch of St. Denis was pen, who wrote a botanical work in- erected by him. Ie wrote varioaus tended to illustrate the Old Testament, works on literary, architectural, and milcalled "Testamen Phoenicologices Sa- itary subjects. D. 1686.-JAMES FEANcrie." D. 1773. ca, was b. at Rouen, in 1705, and, like BLOEIMART, AnBRAHAM, a Dutch his uncle, was an a rchitect of:great painter, b. at Gorcum, 1505, d. at Utrecht talent. The merit of a course of archiin 1647. His paintings are reproached tectural lectures, which he delivered at with various faults, yet he is cistinguish- Paris, obtained him the appointment of ed by the brilliancy of -his colors, and professor at the academy. In his final the richness of his invention. In the illness, he had himsclf removed to hlis representation of the c7daro-oscuro he school at the Louvre, that lie might may be called great. He pintecl all yield up his last breath where he had sorts of objects; but his landscapes are taught his art. Blondel is the author the most esteemed. He had folr sons, of French Architecture, a Course of of whom the youngest CORNELIUS, is Civil Architecture, and other works of the most distinguished. lie was b. at a similar kind. D. 1775. Utrecht, 1603, and d. at Rome, 1680. BLOOD, TIHOAS, a singular and desHe was an engraver, and his engravings perate character, who was originally an are distinguished for purity, elegance, officer in Cromwell's arly. Hisfirst cand softness. He wavs the founder of a markable enterprise -was an attempt to new school, fiom which proceeded Bau- sur prise the castle of Dublin, which was dot, Poilly, Chasten, Speier, Eoullat, &c. frustrated by the duke of Ormond. He BLOMEFIIELD, FiRANCIS, an English subsequently seized the duke in the topograpiher and divine; author of " Col- streets of London, with the intention of lee.tanea Cantabrligiensia" &c. D. 1755. hangingi him at Tyburn, and was very BLOMFIELD, EDAmRD VALENTINE, nea accomplishing his purpose. Iis a distinguished classical schlolar, who last exploit was an attempt to carry away received his education at Caius collee, the crown and regalia from the Tower. Cambridge, where, besides other prizes, For some inexplicable reason, Charles he gained, in 1809, a medal for writing II. not only pardoned him, but gave him his beautiful ode, " Ini Desiderium Por- an estate of ~500 per annum. D. 1680. soui." B. 1786; d. 1816. BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT, a poet, b. at BLOND, JAMES CHITSTOPHER LE, a -Ioninogton, in Suffolk, in 1766, was the miniature painter; and author of a trea- son of a tailor, and was early left fathertise on a method of engraving in colors. less. He was taught to read by his moB. 1670; d. 1741. ther, who kept a village school, and this BLONDEL, a minstrel, andi favorite was, in fact, his only education. At the of Richard Cceur de Lion, whom he is age of eleven he was employed in such. said to have discovered'in his German husbandry labor as he could perform; dungleon, by singing beneath its walls but, his constitution being delicate, he the first part of asong of their joint con- was subsequently apprenticed to the position. —DAID, a Pr otestcnit writer trade of shoemaking, at which he workand mlinister, was b. in 1591, at Chalons ed as a journeyman for many years. sur Marne. In l150 he was invited to His leisure hours were spentin reading, Amsterdam, to succeed Vasorius, as pro- and in the composition of verses. His fessor of history, and he d. there in 665, poem of the Farmer's Boy was at length after having lost his sight in consequence brought before the public, by the benevof the huLmidity of the climate. Blondel olent exertions of Capel Loft, and it prowas a man of learning, had a minute ac- cured the author both fame and profit. quaintance with histoiy, and was a fluent He subsequentlypublished other poems, speaker. Among his works, one of the among which may be mentioned, Wild iost curious is his refutation of the silly Flowers, Hazlewood Hall, and the Balnks Fstorv of Pope Joan. He has the merit of the Wye. Ill health and misfortune of having written in favor of liberty clouded thee latter years of this modest of conscience.-FRANCIS, an eminent and meritorious vwriter, and he d. in French architect and diplomatist, was b. 1828, when he was almost on the verge in 1617, at Ribemont, in Picardy. After of inslnity. —JosE'PH, governor of New having been sent as envoy to Constanti- Jersey. ie was a soldier of the revolunople, 1eh was appointed counsellor of tion. In the war of 1812 he was a state, one of the dauphin's preceptors, bricradier-general. D. 1823. professor of the royal college, and mem- BLOUNT, Sir HIENRY, was b. at Titber of the Academy of Sciences. The tenhangher, in Hertfordshire, in 1602; ILUTJ CYCLIOPAEDIA OF IOGRAPIHY. 167 travelled in the East in 1634, 1635, and Proverbs," "The Deliverance of Ra1636;'fonuht ncnder the banner of Charles thenau," &c. B. 1739 d. 1790.-ROBERT, at Edgehill; was, nevertheless, employ- whose comnianding eloquence during ed by Crolmwell; and d. in 1682. Ie is his brief political career gained for him the author of a Voyage to the Levant; a high name, wias b. at Cologne in 1807. the Exchange Walk, a satire; and other Cradled in poverty, his education was works.-Sir THOMAS POPE, eldest son of completely neglected; but from his Sir IHenry, was b. ii 1649, and d. in 1697. earliest years he manifested a thirst for He produced Censura Celebriorum Auc- learning. At the age of fourteen he was torum; De Re Poetica; Essays on sev- apprenticed to a goldsmith; he aftereral subjects; and Natural History. wards worked as ac journeyman in difCHARLES, the youngest son of Sir Henry, ferent parts of Germany, especially at was b. in 1654, and made himself coi- Berlin; but on his return to Cologne in spicnous by his deistical opinions, and 1830, he was obliged to accept the humby considerable talent. His "Anima ble office of box-opener in the theatre of Mundli" was suppressed, and publicly that city. Amid all the difficilties with burnt. This work he followed up by which he had to struggle, he acquired a three of the same kind: The Life of high degree of cultivation, and succeedApollonius Tyaneus; Great is Diana of ed in the management of various literthe Ephesians; and Religio Laici. Of ary and political journals of Leipsic. In the revolution of 1688 he was a warm 1847 he became a bookseller. The friend; but he acted little in consonance events of March, 1848, brought him out with its principles, when he published as a politician. He represented Leipsic his "King William and Queen Mary in the parliament at Frankfort. On the Conquerors," to assert their right to breaking out of the second revolution at the crown by conquest. The commons Vienna, in October, 1848, he repaired ordered this tract to be burnt by the thither with some other members of his hangmian. He shot himself in 1693, in party, to offer a congratulatory address consequence of the sister of his deceased to the Viennese. Here he haranguel wifet having refused to marry him.- the people with great power and effect; THOMAS, was b. at Bardesley, in Wor- but after the suppression of the rebelcestershire, in 1618, and d. in 1679. He lion he was arrested, tried by courtpublished Glossographia; a Law Dic- martial, and condemned to be shot, Nov. tionary; and va-;ous other works; the 9, 1848. The news of his arrest and most curious and valuable of which is, execution caused great consternation "Fragmenta Antiquitatis, or Ancient throughout Gecrmany; but it has not yet Tenures of Land, and Jocular Custnoms been resenticd, as it unquestionably will of Manors." be, iwhen the people rise once more to BLOW, JOIN, a musician, was b. in vindicate their rights. 1648, at North Callingham, in Nottig- BLUTMAUER, LEWs, a German satirhamshire, received a doctor's degrees ical poet; author of a " Travesty of the from Archbishop Sancroft; and, on the IEneid,'" &c. B. 1755; d. 1798. death of Purcell, became organist of BLUMIENEACII, JOIImNN FRIIibERICI, Westminster abbey. He d. in 1708. one of the greatest naturalists of modern His secular compositions were collected, times, was b. at Gotha in 1752. He in 1700, under the title of " Amphion early displayed a great aptitude for sciAnglicus." His church music receives entific pursuits, aid before he had comqualified praise fiom Dr. Burney. pleted his 24th year, his fame as an BLUCHER, GEBsARAL LrBEECHT, inquirer into natlur lhad spread throughPRINCE VON, a Prussian fiell-marshal, b. out the civilized world. In 1776, he was at Rostock, Dec. 16, 1742. He served appointed prlofessor of medicine in the 45 years in the army; and his celebrity university of Gottingen, where he had in the field, though rarely victorious, been educated; and here, for the long obtained him the name of " Marshal period of 61 yeari, he continued, by his Forwards." Ie aided Wellington in lectures andc his works, to extend the gaining the battle of Waterloo, by his science of conpatrative anatomy, which tihnely arrival at the most decisive mo- has been so successfully cultivated in ment. In reward for his services the more recent times, and of which he may king of Prussia created a special order of be truly said to have been the founder. Knighthood. D. at Kriblowizt, 181S. D. 1837. BLIM, JOACHIM CIRISTIAN, a Ger- BLUTEAU, Don RaxsAs,, a Roman; author of " Lrical Poems," man Catholic priest, b. in Ind ien, of " The Promenades," " Dictionary of French parents; author s v kiv.le 168 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOG-CRAPHY. [B-G Portugnese and Latin Dictionary. )D. ted, and devoted himfself totally to. liter1734. ature. He studied under his friend and BOABDIL, or ABOTJABOULA, the piatron- Petrarch, by. whose suggestions last Moorish king of Granada; he was lie retired from the tumults and f.actions expelled for the last time from Granada of Floreonce, and visited Naples, where by Ferdinand of Castile and Aragon, in he was received with kindness by king 1491; and afterwards resided. in Aft'lica, Robert, of whose natural daughter lihe where he was killed in battle ill the ser- became enamored, *ancd to whom he vice of tile king of Fez. often pays his homage, in his various BOADEN, JAMES, a dramatic author poetical pieces, as Fiammetta. Placed and critic. Educated for the law, he in fortunate circumstances, with a lively was, like many young men similarly and cheerful disposition, of a soft and situated, a great lover and frequenter of rpcsiing address, the favored lover of the theatre; and, from loving 1te stage, a kilings daughter, lie regarded with he got to.writing for it. His plays are more aversion than ever the station for numerous, but we believe there is not which lie had been intended. The fondone of them that now keeps possession ness of the princess for poetry; his own of the stage. Far more important are his intimacy with scientific andliterary men; dramatic memoirs, which are probably the tomb of Virgil, near Naples, which the best records we have of John KeImn- he used to visit in his walks; the presble,. Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Jordan, and ence of Petrarch, who was received with Mrs. Inchbald.. His "Inquiry into the the highest distinction at the court of authenticity of the various Pictures and Naples, and who went from that city to Prints of Shakspeare," and a tract on Rome, to be crowned with the poetic "The Sonnets of Shakspeare," are also laurel; the intimacy which had arisen very valuable works. B. 1762; d. 1839. between the two poets-all operated BOADICEA, or BONTIUCA, queen powerfully on Boccacio, to strengthen of the Iceni, in Britain, during the reign and fix his natural inclination for poetry of Nero, having been treated in the most and literature. After living two years ignominious manner by the Romans, at Florence with his fither, he returned headed a general insurrectioin of the to Naples, where he was very graciously Britons, attacked the Roman settle- received by the queen Joanna. It is ments, reduced London to ashes, and thought that it was no less to gratifv the put to the sword all strangers, to the young queen, than his Fiammetta, that number of 70,000. Suetonius, the Ro- he wrote his " Decameron,' which has man general, defeated her in a decisive raised him to the rank of the fi rst Italian battle, and rather than fall into the hands prose writer. On the death of his faof her enemies, she put an end to her ther, becoming master of his own inclilife by poison. This battle was fought nations, he settled at Florence, where A. D. 61. Cowper's beautiful poem on his first work was a description of the her, is one of his most delightful pro- plague, which forms the opening of the ductions. " Decameron." He passed the remainBOBSOFF, SIMrON SERGSEVITSCH, a der of his life in his native village, Russian poet, who enjoyed considerable where his constitution was weakened reputation at St. Petersburgh. His best by his great'application, and where he poem is said to be "The Chersonide, or d., of a sickness in the stomach, 1375. a Summer's Day in the Crimea." His His works are some in Latin and some lyrical works have been collected in four in Italian. He possessed uncommon volufnes. D. 1810. learning, and he may honorably be BOCCACIO, GIOVANN, one of the most reckoned as one of those whose grebiat enduring of -the Italian prose writers, exertions contributed most to the reviwas born at Paris, of an illicit comnec- val of learning in Europe. His besttion, which his father formed in that known composition is the before-Imcncity, in 1313. His family came origilnal- tioed "Decameron," a rommnce occaly from Certaldo, in Tuscany, whence sionally licentious, but abounding with he derives the appellation sometimes wit, satire, and elegance of dition. His given him of Da Certaldo. He waas ori- Life of Dante," his " Genealoogy of the ginally intended by his fatlier for a Gods," his "IHistory of Home," and hid mercantile profession; but after spend- " Thesis,' are much admired. Though ing six years with a merchant at Flor- his poetry does not possess the sweetence and Paris, and turning his thoup hts ness of Petrarch's lines, his prose is to the calnoi law, he abandoned the pur- unequalled for its graceful simplicity suits which interest or authority dicta- and varied elegance. BOJ] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 169 BOCCAGE, MA.RI ANNE DVU a cele- writer of the- 16th century; author of brated French poetess, was b. at Rouen, various Latin works, and styled, from 1710, became the wife of a receiver of his skill in Latin poetry, the Belgic Virtaxes in Dieppe, who died soon after the gil. B. 1555; d. 1609. marriage, leaving her a youthful witdow. BOCQUILLOT, LAZARUS ANDREW, a She concealed her talents, however, till French divine; author of a " Treatise on the charms of youth were past, and first the Liturgy," "Life of the Chevalier published her productions in 1746. The Bayard," &c. D. 1728. first was a poem on the mutual influence BODARD DE TEZAZ, N. M. F., b. of the fine arts and sciences. This gained in 1758; a French poet and diplomatist; the prize from the academy of Rouen. ambassador to Naples for the republic She- next attempted an imitation of' in 1799; author of "Le Ballon," a "Paradise Lost," in six cantos; then, comedy; "Allonsko," a' melodrame; of the " Death of Abel;" next a tragedy, "Minette et Marine," an opera, &c. the "Amazons;" and a poem in ten BODE, JOHN JOACHIM CHRISTOPHER, a cantos, called the "Columbiad." There German writer. He was originally a is a great deal of' entertaining matter in musician in a Hanoverian regiment; lihe the letters which she wrote on her travels then became a bookseller, and finally rose in England and Holland, and in which to be privy councillor to the landgrave one may plainly'sec the impression she of Hesse Darmstadt. He trarnsated made upon her cotemporaries. Her some of the best French and English works have been translated into En- authors into German with considerable glish, Spanish, German, and Italian. D. taste and judgment. D. 1793.-CHRIS1802. TOPHER AUGUSTUS, a learned German BOCCALINI, TRAJAN, an Italian sat- linguist and critic; who edited the New irist; author of the "Political Touch- Testament in Ethiopic, all the Evangestone," a "Satire on the Spaniards," lists in Persian, St. Matthew in Arabic, &c. His writings gave so much offence &c. B. 17238; d. 1796.-JOHN ELERT, an to the Spanish court, that it caused him astronomer, b. at Hamburg, 1747, early to be murdered at Venice, 1613. discovered an inclination for mathematiBOCCHERINI, LUIGI, a celebrated cal science: in which his father, and composer of instrumental music, pen- afterwards the famous J. G. Busch, sioned for his merit by thelking of instructed him. HeI gave the first public Prussia, and warmly patronized by the proof of his knowledge by a short work king of Spain. B. 1740; d. 1805. on the solar eclipse of August 5th, 1766. BOCCIH, ACHILLES, a Bolognese, of a The approbation which this received noble family, who distinguished himself encouraged him to greater labors, and in the 16th century by his attachment in 1768, appeared his "Introduction to to literature; author of "Apologia in the Knowledge of the Starry eavens," Plautum," and numerous other works. a familiar treatise on astronomy, which BOCCOLD, JOHN, or JOHN OF LEY- has done much to extend correct views DEN, a fanatic of. that city in the 16th upon the subject, said continues to do century, who headed some revolters, so, as it has kept pace in its*successive and made themselves masters of Mun- editions with the progress of the science, ster, where. he assumed the characters In 1772 the Berlin academy chose him of king and prophet. The city was at their astronomer, and ten years afterlength taken by the bishop, and Boccold wards lie was made a member of that was hanged. institution. His best works are his BOCCONE, PAUL, an Italian natural- "Astronomical Almanac," (commencing ist; author of " Musea di Plante rare." 1774,) a work indispensable to every B. 1633; d. 1704. astronomer; and his large "Celestial BOCCUCI, JosEPH, a Spanish author, Atlas" (Himmes atlas,) in twenty sheets, b. in 1775.- He served at first in the in which the industrious editor has army, in the campaigns of 1793 and 1794, given a catalogue of 17,240 stars, (12,000 against republican France, but after- more than in any former charts.) In wards devoted himself to letters. He is 1825 he was released, at his own wish, the authorof several comedies played at from his duties in the academy of the Madrid theatre. science, and the observatory in Berlin. BOCHART, SAMUEL, a French Prot- D. 1827. estant divine; author of "Geographia BOIDIN, JoHN, a native of Angers, Sacra," a treatise on the "' Terrestrial who studied law at Toulouse, where he Paradise," &c. B. 1599; d. 1667. acquired reputation by his lectures. He BbCH, or BOCHIUS, JOHN, a Flemish came to Paris, but not succeeding at the 15 Ili0 CYCLOPaEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BOg bar, he devoted ilmself totally to wri- luzzo, in Piedmont, wheie his father ting books. Hii wit, as well as his owned a printing establishnment. He mei it, recommended him to public no- began, while yet a boy, to employ himtice. Henry III. visited and admired self in engraving on wood. His labors him; and in the company of the dnke meeting vwith success, he went in 1758 of Alencon, he visited England, where to Eome, and was made compositor for he was flattered to see his book on " The the press of the "Propaganda." He Eepublic" approved and read in the uni- next established a printin-house at versity of Cambridge. Besides his "De Parma, hich he made the first of the la Eepubliqne," he wrote a "Commen- kind in Europe, and gained the reputatary on Appian," "Discourses on Coins," tion of havinmg far surpassed all the "Methods of History," and "Demona- splendid and beautiful productiols of nia." D. of the plaoue, at Laon, 1596. his predecessors in the art. The beauty BODLEY, SIR THOMAS, from whom of his type, ink, and paper, as well as the Bodleian library at Oxford takes its the whole management of the technical name, was b. at Exeter, March 2, part of the work, leaves nothing for us 1544. In 1585 he was made gentleman to wish, but the intrinsic value of his usher to Queen Elizabeth. From this editions is seldom equal to their outtime to 1597 he was honorably employed ward splendor. His fHomer is a truly in e bassies and negotiations with for- admirable and magnificent work; ineign powers; acnd on his revocation, he deed, his Greek letters are the most perset about the work of restoring the pub- feet imitations that have been attempted, lie library at Oxford, which, in two years in modern times, of Greek manuscript. time, he brought to some degree of per- His splendid editions of Greek, Latin, fection. He furnished it with a large Italian, and French classics are highly collection of books, purchased in fqr- prized. D. at Padua, 1618. eign countries, at a grieat expense; and BOECIET, HECTOn,, a Scottish historian, this collection, in a short time, becalne was b. at Dundee about the year 1465. so greatly enlarged, by the benefactions He studied at Aberdeen, and afterwaards of several noblemen, bishops, and oth- at Paris, where, in 1497, he became proers, that neither the shelves nor the fessor of philosophy in the college of room could contain them. Whereupon Montfacute. In 1500 lie was elected Bodley offering to make considerable principap of the college of Aberdeen, addition to the building, the motion was which wavs just then foFunded by Bishop readily embraced. An annual speech in Elphins.tone. On the death of the his praise is still made at Oxford. D. bishop, in 1514, he resolvedc to give to 1612. the world an account of his life, in comBODMER, JOHN JACOB, a celebrated posing swhich he was led to write the German poet and scholar, b. at Grei- history of the lives of the whole of the ensee, near Zurich, 1698. Although he bishops of Aberdeen. It was published produced nothing remarkable of his in 1522. H-Ie next wrote a "'Iistory of own in poetry, he helped to open the Scotland," which was published at way for the new German literature in Paris, 1526. A second edition was this department. He was the antagonist printed at Lausann e in 1574. D. 1534. of (ottsched, in Leipsic, who aspired to BOEHI, JACOB, one of the most fabe the literary dictator of the day, and mous mystics of modern times, was b. had embraced the French theory of at Altseidenberg, Germany, in 1575, and taste, while Bodmer inclined to the En- passed the first years of his life, withglish. I-e has the honor of having had out instruction, in the tendinng of cattle Klopstock and Wieland among his sehol — in the fields. The beautiful and subars, and was for a long time professor lime objects of nature kindled his imaof history in bSvitzerland. He was a ination, and inspired lhim with a procopious and indefatigable writer, and folnd piety. Baised by contemplation thongh he entertained many incorrect above his -circmnstlances, and undisviews, he was of service to the literature turbed by exterior influences, a strong of his native land, which was then in a sense of the spiritual, particularly of the low and barbarous state. D. at Zurich, mysterious, was awakened in him, and 1-$3. he saw in all the workings of nature BODONI, CIAMBATIETA, superintend- updn his mind a revelation of God, and ent of the royal press at Parmla, chief even imagined himself favored by diprinter to the king of Spain, member of vine inspirations. The education which several academ'es of Italy, knight of he received at school, though very imseveral high orders, was b., 1740, at Sa- perfect, consisting only of writing, spell BOE] CYCLOPVEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 171 ing, and teading the Bil e, supplied parts for so many years successively: new food for the excited nind of the none heard him iwithout conceiving a boy. He became afterwards a shoe- veneration for his person, at the same maker; and this sedentary life seems time that they expressedl their surprise to have strengthened his contemplative at his prodigious attainments; and it habits. He was much interested in the may be justly affirmed, that none in so disputes which prevailed on the subject private a station ever attracted a more of Cryptocalvinism in Saxony: though universal esteem. So unmoved was lie he never took a personal part in secta- by detraction, from which the best of rian controversies, and knew no higher men are not exempt, that he used to say, delight than to elevate himself, undis- " The sparks of calumny will be presentturbed, to the contemplation of the In- ly extinct of themselves, unless you blow finite. His writings are very unequal, them." His writings are numerous, but always display a piofound feeling. amono the principal may be mentioned, In 1594 he l^eamne a master shoemaker "Instlitutiones Medice;" "Aphorismi in Gorlitz, married, and continued a de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis;" shoemaker during his life. His first " Index.l1antarnum;" and "Elementa work appeared in 1616, and was call- Chimiae." B. 1668; d. 1788. ed "Aurora." It contains his revela- -BOETHIUS, ANIcIUS MANLiUS Tontions on God, man, and nature. This QJATUS SEVERINUS, a Romian philosopher, gave rise to a prosecution against him; whose virtues, services, honors, and but he was acquitTed, and called upon, tragical end all combine to render his from all sides, to continue writing. He name memorable, was b. 470; studied did not, however, resume his' pen until at Rome and Athens; was profoundly 1619. One of his most important works learned; and filled mhe highest offices is " Description of the Three Principles under the government of Theodoric the of the Divine Being." His works con- Goth. H-Ie was long the oracle of his tain profound and lofty ideas, mingled sovereign and the idol of the people; with many absurd and confused notions. but his strict integrity and inflexible He died, after several prosecutions and justice raised up enemies in those who acquittals, in 1624.-WILLiAM_ ANTHONY, loved extortion and oppression, and he a learned German divine, and chaplain at last fell a victim to their machinations. to Prince George of Denmark. B. 1673; He was accused of a treasonable corred. 1732. sspondence with the court of ConstantiBOEHMER, G. G., a professor at Got- nople, and executed in 524. While ho tingen, b. in 1761. Always a liberal, was at the helm of state, he folund r.aand attached to the French party, he reation from his toilsome occLi o iuuis edited an independent journal in 1791. in the study of the sciences, and devoted He congratulated the F'rench republic a part of his leisure to the construction on its union with Belgium in 1796, and of mathematical and musical instruwas complimented with a seat in the ments, some of which he sent to Cloconvention. He was subsequently per- thaire, king of Frauce. He was also secuted by the anti-French party, and much given to the study of the old imprisoned at Ehrenbreitstein and Er- Greek philosophers and mathematicians, furt. He was author of a "'Memoir to and wrote Latin translations of several demonstrate the Rhine as the Natural of them. His most celebrated work is Boundary of France," &c., and many that composed during his imprisonment, political German works. " On the Consolations of Philosophy," BOERHAAVE, HERMAN, one of the translated by two of the most illustrious most eminent physicianiis of modern English rulers, Alfred and Elizabeth. times, b. at Woornout, near Leyden. It is written in prose and verse interHis knowledge as an anatomist, chemist, mixed. The elevation of thought, the and botanist, as well as in the causes, nobleness of feeling, the ease and disnature, and treatment of diseases, was tinctness of style which it exhibits, make unrivalled; and his fame was spread this composition, short as it is, far supeover the world. Peter the Great visited rior to any other of the age. him on his travels; and a Chinese man- BOETTCHER, JOHN FREDERIC, the darin wrote to him with this address, inventor of the Dresden porcelain, b. " To Boerhaave, the celebrated physi- February 5th, 1682, at Schleiz, in the cian of Europe." No professor was ever Voigtland, in his 15th year went from attended, in public as well as private Magdebu'rg, where he received his early lectures, by so great a number of stu- education, to Berlin, as apprentice of dents, from such different and distant an apothecary. There he devoted his 172 CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BOI nights to the making of gold out of BOGORIS, the first Christia king of other metals. Oct. 1st, 1701, he changed, Bulgaria; converted by his sister, who as it is said, in the presence of several had been taken prisoner by the troops witnesses, eighteen pieces of silver into of Theodosia, and was restored to him fine gold. As this was imuch talked of, by that empress. the king cesired to see him, and BOGUE, DAVID, a dissenting minister Boettcher, believing he was to be arrest- of very considerable acquirements; pased as an adept, fled to Saxony. The tor of a congregation at Gosport, Hants, king of Saxony gave him large sumns of where he also ikept an establishment for money, andc became very impatient to the education of young men destined for see the golcd. Boettcher, in 1704, at- the Christian ministry, in connection telmpted to escape, btt was overtaken, with the Independents. He is considatnd, with the assistance of one Tschirn- ered as the father of the London Mishansen, who had discovered a kind of sionary Society, and he also contributecl porcelain, inventeed an improved corn- greatly to the formation'ofthe British position of it, with which lhe hoped to and Foreign Bible Society. I-Ie wrote appease the king, who was i+ the habit an "Essay on the Divine Authority of of spendcing immense sums in China- the New Testament," a " History of thO ware. In 1705 Boettcher invented the Dissenters," &c B. 1749 d. 1825. Dresden porcelain, which has since be- BOIIEMOND, the first prince of Ancome so famous. I-e made use of a tioch. He took Antioch in 1098, and clay fouid in the vicinity of iMeissen. subsequently took Laodicea. D. 1111. The king, upon this, made him a baron BOHN, JOHN, a German physician; of the empire, adld director of the new author of a " Treatise on the Duties of a manufactory of porcelain in Meissen, Physician," &c. B. 1640; d. 1719. though he was often treated as a prison- BOIIUN, EDMUiND, a political writer er, lest the secret should be betrayed. of note in the reign of James II. and He was finally removed from his dignitv William III.; author of a " Defence of on account of his immoral life. D. 1719 Kinog Charles II.'s Declaration," a "' Gein the greatest poverty. ographical Dictionary," " Life of Bishop BOGDANOWITSCHI, HIPPOLYT FD- Jewell," &c. Ile was living at the acEROWITSCH, the Russian Anacreon, was cession of Queen Anne, but the exact b. in 1743, at Perewolotshna, in TWhite date of his death is uncertain. Russia.' His father was a physician. BOIARDO, MATTEO MARIA, count of He was designed for an engineer; went, Scandiano, was b. at a seat belonging for tl- purpose of stuclyin eni fneein,to his family near Ferrara, in 1434. Flrom to Mescow, in 154; b1ut, having higher 1488 to 1494, the period of his death, he views, he applied himself to the study was commander of the city and castle of the fine arts, and to learning foreign of Eeggio, in the service of his proteclanguages. He gained patrons and tor, Ercole d'Este, duke of Mldena. fiiends, and, in 1791, was made inspec- This accomplished courtier, scholar, mnd tor in the university of Moscow, and knight was particularly distinguished afterwards translator in the department as a poet. His Orlando Innamorato" *of foreign affairs. In 1762 he travelled is continued to the seventy-nintl canto, with Count Belos-?sky, as secretary of but not completed. He iimmortalized legation, to Dresden, where he devoted the names of his own peasants, and the his whole attention to the study of tle charms of the scenery at Scandiano, in fine arts and of poetry, till 1768. The the persons of his heroes and his descripbeautiful pictures in the gallery of that tions of the beauties of nature. In lanplace inspired him to wite his "Psyche," guage and versification he has been sur(Duschelnka,) which appeared in 1775, passed byAriosto, whom he equalled in and fixed his fame on a lasting founda- invention, grace, and skilful conduct of tion. After this he devoted himself to complicated episodes. Domenichi, Bermusic and poetry, in solitary study at ni, and Agostini new amodelled and conPetersburg, till Catharine called'him tinned tle work of Boiardo, without from his retirement. He then wrote, on improving it. One continuation, only, different occasions, several dramatic and will never be forgotten-the immortal historical pieces. In 1788 he was made " Orlando" of Ariosto. In some of his president of the imperial archives. In works, Boiardo was led, by the spirit of 1792 he took leave of the court, and his times, to a close imitation of the anlived as a private ma- in Little Russia. cients, as in his "Capit(li," also in a Alexander' ecalled him to Petersburg, comedy borrowed from'Lucian's " Tiwhere he lived till 1803. mon," and in his Latin eclogues Und BOI] CYCLOPIEDIA OF BIOGRAPHIY. 173 translations of Herodotus and Apu- of youth disappeared as he approached leius. to niatuirity. Hle applied himself to the BOICHOT, JEAN, a distinguisherS law; hee vws admitted advocate in 1656, French sculptor. The " Colossal Group but he did not possess the patience andl of St. Michael," and. the "Sitting Her- application equisite for the bar, and cules," are among his best works. The exchanging his pursuits for the study of bas-reliefs of the rivers on the Trium- divinity, he at last ciscovered tlat a cephal Arch of the Carousel are his. B. gree at'the Sorbonne was not calculated 1788; d. 1814..to promote the bent of his genius, or BOIELDIEU, ADRIEN, a ctlebrated gain him reputation. In the field of French musical composer, b. in 1775 literature he now acquired eminence author of numerous well-known operas: ancd fame. The publication of his first " Le Calife de Bagdad," "Jean de Pa- satires, 1666, distinguished him above ris," &c. " T6elmaque" is thought his his poetical predecessors, and he became ce e/-d'cesuve. His style is characterized the fitvorite of Frtance a-nd of Europe. by a sweet and natural melody, much His art of poetry added still to his repuimaginative gayety, and simple but tation; it is a monument of his genius pleasing accompaniments. and judgment. is " Lutri" was WritBOIGNE, COUNT, a French soldier of ten in 1674, at the request of Lamoignon, fortune, was b. at Chamberry, in 1751. and the insignificant quarrels of the When 17 years old he entered the Frenchl treasurer andc ecclesiastics of a chapel army, which he quitted for the Russian are magnified by the art and power of service in abofit 5 years, and was taken the poet into matters of importance, prisoner at the siegeo of Tenedos. After and every line conveys, with the most being released he left Russia, and in 1778 delicate pleasantry, animated descripiwent into the service of the East India tion, refined ideas, aind the most interCompany; but fancying himself neglect- esting scenes. Louis XIV. was not ined, he offered himself'to the notice of sensible of the merits of a man who Mahajee Scindiah, the celebrated prince reflected so much honor on the French of the Mahrattas, to whom he was of the name. Boileaun became a. favorite at greatest iUse during his campaigns, and court, a pension was settled o1 him, and who loaded;him with honors and riches. the monarch, in the regular approbation Having remitted his vast fortune to En- from the press to the works of the augland, and wishing to return to Europe thor, declared he wished his subjects to foi the sake of his health, he left India partake the same intellectual gratificain 1795, and settled at Chamberry. He tion wbich he himself had so repeatedly d. in 1830, possessed of about twenty enjovet..!' As a prose writer Boileau posmillions of fiancs, thle greater part of sessed considerable merit, as is fally which he bequeathed to his son. evinced by his elegant translation of BOILEAU, JAMES, b. at Paris, in Longinus. After enjoying the favors 1635, was a doctor of the Sorbonne, a of his sovereign, Boileau retired froml canon, and dean, and grand vicar of public life, and spent his time in literary Sens. He is the author of several theo- privacy, in the society of a few select logical and other works in the Latin and valuable fiiends. D. 1711. language, the most celebrated of which BOILLY, N., an agreeable and prois the " Historia Flagellantium." James ductive French painter, b. in 1768. His Boileau was caustic and wvitty. Being most celebrated pieces are, "The Arriasked why he always wrote in Latin, hle val of the Diligence;" " The Departure replied, " for fefr: the bishops should of the Conscripts;" and Interior of M. read me, in which case I should be per- Isabeal's Atelier." He has some affecsecuted." The Jesuits he designated as tation of Dutch coloring, but tiuth of men " who lengthened the creed, and execution iS"his great forte. abridged the decalogue." D. 1716.- BOINDON, NICHOLAS, a French draGILES, a French writer; author of a matist; author of several comedies. translation of Epictetus, ce. BB. 1631; Having d. an avowed atheist, (ie iws ind. 1669.-JOmIN JAMES, a French divine; terred without any religious ceremonies. author of " Letters on Morality and De- D. 1751. votion," &c. D. 1735.-NICHOLAS, Sieur BOINVILLE, DE, was b. of a noble des Preux, a celebrated poet b. at Paris, faily, at Strasbmrg, in 1770. He quit1686. His father, who left him an or- ted a lucrative office, aind joined tlhe phan before he was 17, hald not formed French republican party in 1791. He the most promising expectations 6f thle theln went to EnDlIand with La Fayette l)owers of his mind; but the dulness as aid-de-camp. lHe married al English 15*q-x I171 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BOL lady vf great talent and beauty, accepted JOHN, brother of the above, professor a col injand under Napoleon, and per- of Greek in the Royal college of Paris, ished in the retreat from Moscow. alnd keeper of the king';s library; author BOIS, JOHN Du, a French monk, who of a French version of the "Birds of served in the army of Henry III. On Aristophanes," and the " CEdipus of the deathl of Henry IV. he accused the Sophocles," &c., &c. D. 1726.-DE Jesuits of having caused the assassina- VILLENEUVE, JOHN,. a Norman writer, tion of that prince. For this accusation chiefly on classical literature; author of he was confinedin'the castle of St. An- "An Apology for -orner," and the gelo, at Rome. D. 1626.-PHILIP DU, a" Shield of Achilles," &c. D. 1726. Frenchi divine; editor of an edition of BOIZOT, Louis SIMON, b. in 1743; a Tiblllus, Catullus, and Propertius, ad French painter and sculptor, but more usum Delphini. D. 170. —G0EiARD DU, distinguished as the latter. The "Vica priest of the Oratory; author of " An- tory" of the Fountain of the Place cld nals of France," "History of the Church Chatclet, is his cief-d'cevreie. Elegant, of Paris, - &c. D. 1696. graceful, alnd delicate as are the various BOISMORAND, Abbe CHIRON DE, an productions of his chisel, le is accused unprincipled French satirist. Bred a of too great monotony in the attitude Jesuit, he first satirized that order, and and expression of his figures, as well as then refuted his own satire. D. 1740. inacouracy of outline. BIOSROBERT, FRANCIS LE METEL DE, BOKHXIRI, a celebrated Mussulman a French abbot, celebrated for his wit, doctor; he was a predestinarian, acl and patronized by Richelieu. I-is poems, the author of a collection of traditions, plays, tales, &c., are extremely numer- entitled "Tektirtch." D. 256 of the ous. D. 1662. E-egira. BOISSARD, JOHN JAMES, a French BOL, FERDINAND, a Dutch historical antiquary; author of "Theatrum Vite and portrait painter, pupil of Rembrandt. Humanse," &c. D. 1602. B. 1611; d. 1681. BOISSAT, PETER DB, an eccentric BOLANGER, JoIN, an historical Frenichman; at first a priest, then a sol- painter, pupil of Guido. D. 1660. dier, and at last a pilgrim; author of BOLD, SAMUEL, an English divine "L'Histoire Negropontique; ou, les and controversial writer; author of a Amnours d'Alexandre Castriot." D. 1662. "Plea for Moderation towards DissentBOISSY D'ANGLAS, FRANCIS AN- ers," &c. D. 177. THONY, Count de, a distinguished BOLDONIC, C., an Italian writer, b. French senator and literary character, in 1768; author of "La Constituzione and a man who throuchout th.revolu- Francese," (published in 1792,) which tionary frenzy constan'tly displayed great contributed to diffuse the renovated firmness and a disinterested love of lib- seeds of freedom over Italy it that epoch. erty. By Napoleon he was made a BOLEYN, ANNE, daughter of Sir senator and commander of the legion of Thomas Boleyn, is known in English honor; and in 1814 Louis XVIII. cre- history as the wife of Henry VIII., and ated him a peer; but he was, for a time as the occasion of the reformation. She only, deprived of his title, in conse- went to France in the seventh year. of quence of his recognition of the emperor her age, and was one of the attendants of on his return from Elba. His writings the English pincess, wife to Louis XII., are on various subjects: amrong them and. afterwvards to Claudia the queen are " The Literary and Political Studies of Francis I. and then of the duchess of an Old Man;" an " Essay on the Life of Alcnion. About 1525 she returned of Malesherbes," &c. B. 1756; d. 1826. to England, and when maid of honor to BOISSY, Louis DE, a French comic Queen Catherine, she drew upon herself writer, who, although he L.d been the the attention and affection of the Ikng, autlior of numerous successful come- and by her address in the managiement dies, Was reduced to such extreme dis- of the violence of his passion, she pretress, that had he not been opportunely vailed upon him to divorce his wife; and rescued by the marchioness de Pompa- as the pope refused to disainnlul his mardour, he and his wife would have per- riage, England was separated from the ished through hunger. D. 1758. spiritual donminion of Rome. Henry was BOIVIN, FEA.NCIs DE, a French writer; united to his favorite 14th Nov. 1532, author of a "History of the Wars of by whom he had a daughter, afterPiedmont." D. 1618.-Louis, a French wards Queen Elizabeth, but his passion iaedvocate; author of poems and some was,of short duration, and Anne Bolearned historical treatises. D. 1724.- oyn admire, so loholngi courted by BOL] CYCLOP DoIA OF BiOoRAPHY. 175 the amorous monarch, was now despised that has yet appeared there, was b. of for Jane Seymour, and cruelly beheaded noble parents in the city of Caraccas, May 19th, 1536. She bore her falte with 1783. H-aving acquired the elements of resignation and spirit; but though a liberal education at hole, he was sent branded with ignominy by Catholic wri- to Madrid to complete his studies and ters, she must appear innocent in the afterwards visited Paris, where he formj udgment of impartial men, and the dis- ed an acquaintance with several distingraceful accusation brought against her, guished ien. He then made the tour of a criminal connection with her own of Southern Europe, again visited the brother and four other persons, must'be Spanish capital, and married the yourng attributed to the suggestions and malice and beautiful cld.nohter of the Marqiis of that tyrant, who, in every instance, de Ustariz del Cro; but soon after his preferred the gratification of his lust to return to his native land, whither slie acevery other consideration. Her story is companied him, his youtlful bride %ell a a favorite one with the dramatists and victim to the yellow fever; and lie once poets. more visited Europe as a relief to his sorBOLINGBRIOKE, HENRY ST. JOHN, row for one so fervently beloved.. On Lord Viscount, son of Sir Henry St. returning to South America, in 1810, he John, was b. at Battersea, in 1672, and pledged himself to the cause of indepeneducated at Eton and Christ-church, clence,and commenced his military csareer Oxford. lie obtained a seat in parli- in Venezuela, as a colonelin the service of ment in 1700, and in 1704: was appointed the newly founded republic. Soon after secretary of'war and the marines, but this he was associated with Don Louis resigned the secretaryship in 1707. In Lopez Mendez, for the purpose of com1710 he aeain formed part of the minis- municating intelligence of the change of try, as secretary of state, and had a prin- government to Great Britain. In 1811 cipal share in the peace of Utrecht. In he served under Miranda, and had the 1712 ihe was cieated Viscount Boling- command of Puerto Cabello but. the broke; but, dissatisfied with not having Spanish prisoners having risen and seizobtained an earldom, and with other cir- ed the fort, he was obliged to quit the cumnstances, he became the enemy of his town andproceed to Cartccas. At length. colleague Harley, of whom he hhad long Miranda was compelled to submit to been the friend. On the tecession of Monteverde, the royalist gener'al; andc George I. an impeachment of Boling- Bolivar, entering the service of the pabroke being meditated, he fled to France triots of New Grenada, soon had another and, at leIngth, accepted the office of opportunity of assisting his old friends secretary to the pretender. He was soon, the Venezuelans. For a wlhile e wxas however, dismissed firom this new ser- successful, but reverses followed; and vice, and, in the mean while had been when, in 1815, theSpanish l rces under impeachel ad attainted in Endlandc. Morillo arrived,:he threw himself into After a residence in France till 1723 he Cartlhagena, andc subsequently retreated was pardoned, and his estates were re- to St. Domingo. The spirit of resiststored, but he was not allowed to sit in ance was, however, by ri- means extinthe hocuse of peers. 5More indignant at guished; he found new means to lead this exclusion than gratified by his par- his countrymen to victory; and after don, he became one of the clhief oppo-.l.any desperate conflicts the indepennents of Sir E. Walpole, and by the dence of Columbia was sealed, and.Bolpower of his pen contributed greatly to ivar was chosen president of the repubthe overthrow of that minister. In1735 lie in 1821. His renown was now at its he aogain withdrew to France, and re- height, and every act of his government maiied there till the death of his father, shoved how zealously alive he was to after which event he settled at Battersea, the improvement of the national instituwhere he resided till 1751, when lie d. tions and the moraL elevation of the of a cancer in the face. Bolingbroke people over whom he ruled.' In 1823 he was intimate with and beloved by Pope, went to the assistance of the Peruvians, Swift, and the most eminent men of his and having succeeded in settling their age; his talents were of the first order; iiternal divisions, and establishin r their he possessed great eloquence, and, in independence, he was proelaimhed Liberpoint of style, his writings rank among ator of Peru, and invested with supreme the best in the English language. authority.. In 1825 lie visited Upper BOLIVAR, SIMON, the celebrated Peru, which detached itself from the Liberator of South America, and the government of Buenos Ayres, and was most distinguishecd military commander I formed into a new republic, named Bo 176 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BON livia, in honor of the liberator; but do- sar, or Monsarchie Depraved," &c.-Romestic factions sprung up, the purity of BERT, a Puritan divine; author of a his motives was called in question, and Tresatise onl appiness," &e.. 1571; he was charged with aiming at a perpet- d. 1631.-Pl OBERT, dean of Carlisle; aunal dictatorssip; he accorclingly declar- thor of an 1. Essay on the Employment ed his determination to resigalr is power of Time," &c. I). 1763.-Sir WILLIAM, as soon as his numerous enemies were a captain in the British navy, and a neovercome, and to repel the imputations phew of Lordc Nelson, commenced his of ambition cast upon him, by retiring career in 1783, as a midshipman, on to seclusion upon his patrimonial estate. board the Agamemnon, commanded by The vice-presidenlt, -Santander, urged his gallant uncle; under whom he servhim, in reply, to resume his station as ecl with credit and ability on the most constitutional president; and though lhe trying occasioins dulring a great part of was beset bythe jealousy anddistrtst of the war. Although he did ndt obtain rival ftctions, he continued to exercise higher promotion, owing chiefy to his the chief authority in Columbia till MIay, not being present in the ever-miemora1830, when, dissatisfied with the aspect ble battle of Tralflgar, (which Nelson of internal affairs, he resioned the pres- emphatically regrettec during the enidency, and expressed a determination gagement,) his merits as a naval officer, to leave the country. The people ere his gentlemanly deportment, land above long became sensible of their injustice call, is humanity, deserve to be record; to lis merit, and were soliciting himi to ed. B. 1777; d. 1830. resume the government, when his death, BOLTS WILLIAnrM an Englishs merwhich happened in December, 1880, pre- clant, of Dutch extraction, b. in 1740. vented the accomplishment of their He was invested with high employ in wishes. In person he was thin, andcl the East India Company's service, and somewhat below the middle size, but ca- realized a large folrtne in India; but pable of great endurance; his complex- being accused of a design to subvert the 10on sallow, and his eyes dark ancd pene- Incian government, he was arrestec, tra.ting. I-is intellect was of the highest sent to England, inlprisoned, and suborder, and his gneral character of that jected to a seven years' process, which ardent, lofty cast, whichis so well calcu- dissipated his large fortune.'He d. at lated to take the lead among a people last in a poor-house. He left a work emelrging from the yoke of tyranny. " On Bengal," and " Considerations on BOLLAND, Sir WILLIAM, an eminent the Affairs of India." lawyer and one of the barons of Exche- BOLZANI, URBANO VALEnRANO, a quler, was a member and one of the learned monk; teacher of Greek at originators of the Poxburgh Club, and Venice, and the first who wrote a gramis often mentioned by Dr. )ibdin amono mar of that lanfguage in Latin. D. 1524. the most ardent admirers of the literature BOMBELLI, SEBASTIAN, an eminent of'the olden times. B. 1778; d. 1840. Bolognese historical and portrait painter. BOLLANDUS, JOHN, a learned Flem- B. 1630; d. 1685.-RAPHAEL, a celebrated ishl Jesuit; on- of the compilers of the algebraist of the 16th century, acnd the' Acta Sanctorum." D. 1665. first who invented a uniform method of BOLOGNESE, FRANCISCO, the a a- working equations. sumed name of Fraicis Grimaldi, an ex- BOIBERG, DANIEL, a Dutch printer; cellent landscape painter, pupil of Anni- whose Bible and Talmlud are highly hal Caracci. D. 1680. valued. D. 1549. BOLSEC, JEROMrE, a Carmelite friar of BOMPART, JE.AN BAPTISTE, a French Paris. He became for a tilie a Protest- republican vice-admiral, b. in 1757; ant, but aaiin returned to the Catholic broia0ht into notice by his fighting a faith, and marked his zeal againsst Prot- Briti's frigate of 441 rlns, wvitl his ship, estantism in his*lives of Calvin and the Ambuscade, 306 gns, off New York. Theodore Beza. D. 1582. His ship was taklen, and himiself umade BOLSW:ELT, SCHEILDT, an engraver of prisoner, during the expedition to Irethe 17th century, a native of Friesland, land in 1798. He always retained his but who passed most of his life in Ant- steady relpublican feelings during Bonawerp; cistianguished for the excellence parte's imnperial ascendency, and even of his engravings from Rubens and Van- cdurinr the Hundred Davs. dyck. BON ST. HILAIRY, FIva'cmI XAVIER, BOLTON, EDMUND, an English anti- a lenrned French writer; author of "Mequnay of the 17th century; author of moire sur les larrones dInlde," &e. "Elements of Armories," "Nero Ca- D. 1761. BON] CYCLOPAEDIA oF BIOGRAPHY. 177 BONA, JoqN, Cardinal; author of lady of great beauty and accomplishseveral devotional works. Raised to ments, bore him five sons and three the cardinalate by Clement IX. D. 1674. daughters, and lived to see them elevaBONAMY, PETER NTICHOLAMS, a French ted to the highest positions.-NAPOLEON, Ecclesiastic; historiographer of Paris, was b. on the 15th August, 1769, at librarian of St. Victor, and conductor of Ajaccio. He was educate at the milithe journal of Verdun, a clever periodi- tary school of [Brienne from 1779 to 1784. cal work. He also contributed largely Iis conduct there was unexceptionable. to the Memoirs of the Academy of In- He seems to have cultivated mathematics scriptions. B. 1694; d. 1770.-A gener- more than any other branch of study. al; one of the conquerors of Naples, in He was fond of the history of great men, 1789. In charging the principal redoubt and Plutarch seemns to have been his at Moskwa, he received twenty bayonet favorite author, xas he is with most young wounds,.and wasleft in the hainds of persons of an animated character. For the Russiians. I-e returned to France lanen'uages he manifested little taste. He in 1814. B. 1764. macle himself well acquainted with the BONANNI, PHILIP, a learned Jesuit French classics. From the military of Rome; author of a "History of the school at Brienne, he went with high Church of the Vatican;" " Collection of recommendations to that of Paris. In the Medals of the Popes," &c., &c. D. 1786 he commenced his military career, 1725. being appointed in that year second BONAPARTE. The name of a Corsi- lieutenant in the regiment of artillery La can family which has been made for ever Fere, after a successful examination, one. illustrious by the prodigious military year after the death of his father. While genius of one of its members, the late at the school in Paris, young Bonaparte emperor of the French. The most an- expressed a decided dislike of the disthentie genealogical documents ascribe -cipline and mode of livingo there, which a Florentine origin to the family, and he thought by no means fitted to prepare trace them back to the year 1120, when the pupils for the privations of a military one of them was exiled from Florence life. Napoleon, then 20, was at Paris at as a Ghibelline; and in 1332 we find that the epoch of the 10th of August. In John Bonaparte was podestc of that city. September he returned to Corsica. The In 1404, his descendant and namesake, celebrated Paoli, who-had acted as lieuwho was plenipotentiary to Gabriel Vis- tenant-general in the service of France, conti, duke of Milan, married the iiiece had, meanwhile, been proscribed, with of Pbpe Nicholas V. His son, Nicho- twenty other generals, as a traitor, and las Bonaparte, (written Buonaparte until a price set on his head. In May, 1793, efter Napoleon's first Italian campaign, Paoli raised the standard of revolt to when the,i was dropped,) was ambas- secure his own safety, and threw off the sador from the same pontiff to several yoke of the convention.. He assembled courts, andl vicegerent of the holy see at a consulta of the Corsican malcontents. Ascoli. In 1567 Gabriel Bonaparte es- Bonaparte openly opposed the views of tablished himself at Ajaccio, and for Paoli, and a war broke out between the several generations his descendants were adherents of that leader and those of successively heads of the elders of that France. Many excesses were committed, city. But Napoleon Bonasparte ridiculed and Paoli went so far as to make attempts the pride of ancestry, anct was eag'er on upon the persons of young Bonaparte all occasions to declare that the exalted and his family. But Bonaparte sucstation he had attained was due to his ceeded in coliductingf them safely to own merits alone.-CARLO, his father, France^ where they retired to La Valette, was a respectable advocate at Ajaccio, near Toulon, and at a later period, to in the island of Corsica. He had studied Marseilles. In the same vessel with the law at Rome, but resigning the gown Bonapartes were the commissioners of for the sword, he fought under Paoli the convention and the Frehch troops. against the French, and when Corsica It was the persuasion of Joseph Bonasurrendered was reluctlantly induced to parte, one of the members of the depart-'five under the French government. On mental administration at the time of this submission,- being much noticed by Paoli's revolution, that engaged his the new governor, Count de Marboef, ftimily in the French cause, and thus lie was appointed judge lateral of Ajaccio. had an important influence on the fuI). in his 89th year, of cancer in the sto- ture career of his brother. Bonapacrte mach.-MARIE LETITIr, whose maiden proceeded to Nice, to join the fourth naume was Ramolini, the wife of Carlo, a reginment of. artillery, in which he had 178 OYOLOPUnrA AF BIORAPIY. [jBO been made captain. This was in tl or transferredl according to his will;. the years 1793 alnd 1794, when.the Moma crown of Naples he bestowed on his tain party developed its energies wiita brotlhel Joseph, that of Holland on an unexampled rapidity, by an equally'Louis, and of Westphalia on Jerome; unexampled system; and, fincdii nro while the Confederation of the Rhine foundation pr a rational liberty on the was called into existence to give stability first emersion of the country from the to his extended dominion.'Prussia again corruption and tyranny of centuries, declare w ar: but the disastrous battio strove to save it by terrorism. The of Jena annihilated her hopes, and both evident talents of the young officer con- she and Russia were glad to make peace mended him to the leaders of the con- with the F1ench emperor in 1807. Navention. lie was present at the affair ~poleon now turned his eye on Spain. at Lyons,.and soon aftr greatly distin- After takig measures to bring about guished himself in expelling the English the abdcication of Cloarles IV. and the from Toulon. He was consequently resignation of Ferdinand, ihe sent 80,000 made a general of brigade in 1794. The men into that country, seized all the same year he defended the convention strong places, and obtained possession from an attack of the Parisians, defeat- of the capital. In 1809, while his aring and dispersing them. In 1796 he mies were thus occupied in the Penmarried Josephine Beauharnois, the insula, Austria again ventured to widow of Count de Beauharnois, who try her strength with France. Napohad been beheaded by Robespierre. He leon thereupon left Paris, and at the left his bride in three days for Nice, and head of his troops once more entered taking the command of an army of the Austrian capital, gained the decisive 60,000 inen, half armed and in want of victory of Wagram, and soon concluded every necessary, he outmanceuvred the a peace, one of the secret conditions of Austrians, and won the battles of Mlonte- which was, that he should have his notte, Millesimo, Dego, Mandovi, and marriage with Josephine dissolved, anld Lodi, conquering all Piedmont and the unite himself to the daughter of the Milanese. His victories of Louado, Cas- emperor, Francis II. I-s former martiglione, Roverado, Bassano, Sangiorgo riage was accordingly annulled; Joseand Arcola closed 1798. The following phine, with the title of ex-empress, reyear lie won the fields.of Rivoli, La Fa- tired to Navarre, a seat about 30 miles vorite, Tagliamento, Lavis, took Mantua, from Paris; and he espoused the archTrieste, and Venice, and compelled Aus- duchess Maria Louisa, in April,.1810. tria to sign the treaty of Campo Formio. The fruit of this union wFas a son, who On the 19th May, of the same year, he was styled king of Rome. Dissatisfied sailed with an expedition to Egypt, of with the conduct of Russia, he now put which he took possession after fighting himself at the head of an invadino army, several battles. In 1799 he returned to prodigious in number, and admcirably France, finding that the conquests he appointed, and marched with his numerhad made from Austria, she was recov- ous allies towards the enemy's fiontiers. ering; lie dissolved the national conven- This eventful campaign against Russia tion, was declared first consul, restored may be said to have opened on the 22d peace in La Vend6e, carried ana army June, on which day he issued a proclaover the Alps, beat the Austrians at mation, wherein, with his usual oracular Romano, Montebello, and Marengo, and brevity, he declared that his "destinies made the emperor sign a second treaty were about to be accomplished." On of peace. In 1801 he signed the prelimi- the 28th June he entered Wilna,.-here naries of peace with England. In 1802 he established a provisional government, he was declared first consul for life. In while he assembled a general diet at War1804 he was made emperor. In 1805 he saw. In the mean time the French army was declared king of Italy. Hostilities continued its march, and passed the Nieagain breaking out with Austria, he won men on the 23d, 24th, and 25th June, the battles of Wertinohen, Gurtzburgh, arriving at Witepsk on the way to SmoMemminghen, Elehingen, captured Ulm lensko, in the early part of July. In the and an entire arny, and taking Vienna march it obtained several victories, and and fighting the battles of Diernestein, the Iussians finding their enemy too and Austerlitz, he forced the Austrians powerful in open contest, contented to sign the treaty of Presburgh. The themselves for the most part.in wastilng year 1806 may be regarded as the era of the country, and addingo to the severities his king-making. New dynasties were and operation of the Russian climate wreated by 4iim, anc. prinees promoted upon a southern soldiery. The French BON] CYCLOPZEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 179 army, however, undauntedly proceeded, twenty-tlrree taken prisoners; and of until arriving near Moscow on the 10th 184,000 men, opposed to 800,000, nt September, the famous battle of Boro- more than 60,000 remained. On this dino was fought, so fatal to both parties, great victory, the Saxons, Bavarians, and in which 60,000 are supposed to Westphalian's, in a word, all the conhave perished. Napoleon notwithstand- tingent powers declared for the allies. ing pressed on to Moscow, from which Napoleon returned to Paris,-and interthe Russians retreated, as also the rupted the compliment of address, by greater part of the inhabitants, who thus stating the disagreeable fact, that abandoned it by order of the governor," within the last year all Europe marched Count Rostopchin. When, therefore, with us, now all Europe is leagued Napoleon entered the celebrated capital, against us." He followed up this avowal rour days after the battle, he found it by another demand of 300,000 men. for the most part deserted and in flames. The levy was granted, and on the 26th This strong measure saved the Russian January, he again leaded his army, and empire, by completely destroying the the allies having passed the Rhine early resources of Napoleon. After remain- in the same month, in the succeeding ing thirty-five days in the ruins of this month of February were fought the batancient metropolis, exposed to every ties of Dizier, Brienne, Camp Aubert, species of privation, retreat became ne- and Molntmirail, with various success; cessary, amid one of the most strikingl but now the advanced guard of the Russcenes of human suffering ever experi- sians entered into action, and Napoleon enced. Hunger, cold, and the sword was called to another quarter. The sanattended the wretched fugitives all the guinary conflicts of Montereau and Noway to Poland, and the narrative of gent followed, in which the allied forces Count Segur, who details all the events suffered very severely, and were obliged and their effect on Napoleon, possibly to retire upon Troyes. Early in March forms the most appalling picture in the treaty of alliance was concluded bemodern history. On the 18th Decem- tween Britain, Austria, Prussia, and ber, Napoleon entered Paris at night, Russia, by which each was bound not and on the following day a bulletin, with to make peace but upon certain condino great concealment of their extent, tions This was signed at Chatillon, on disclosed his losses. Early the next the 15th March, and made known to month he presented to the senate a de- Napoleon, who refused the terms. His cree for levying 350,000 men which wasplan was now to get into the rear of the unanimously agreed to, and he forth- combined army, and by this manceuvre with began preparations to encounter to endeavor to draw them off from Paris; the forces of Russia and Prussia, now but the allies gaining possession of his once more in combiliation. On the 2d intentions by an intercepted letter, hasMay, they met at Lutzen, and the allies tened their progress, and on the 30th retired, on which Austria undertook to March attacked the heights of Chaumediate, but not succeeding, the battle mont, from which they were repulsed of Bautzen followed, in which the with. great loss. At length, however, French were victorious. On the 20th their extensive array bore on so many May, an armistice took place, and Ynego- points, that on the French being driven tiations were opened, which proved back on the barriers of Paris, Marshal fruitless; and Austria was at length in- Marmont, who commanded there, sent duced to join the allies. On this im- a flag of truce, and proposed to deliver portant event, Napoleon endeavored to up the city. Napoleon hastened from reach Berlin, while the allies sought to Fontainbleau, but was apprised five occupy Dresden, which attempt incuced leagues from Paris of the result. He him to return and repulse them in the accordingly returned to Fontainbleau, battle of Dresden, on which occasion, where he commanded an army of 50,000 Moreau, who had come from Paris to men, and the negotiation ensued which fight under the banner of the confeder- terminated with his consignment to the ates, was mortally wounded.'At length island of Elba, with the title of ex-emthese ecuivocal contests terminated in peror, and a pension of two millions of the famous battle of Leipsic, fought on livres. He displayed becoming firmness the 16th, 18th, and 19th October, which on this occasion, and on the 20th April, was decisive of the war as to Germany. after embracing the officer commanding The French loss was immense; Prince the attendant grenadiers of his guard, Poniatowski of Poland was killed, fif- and the imperial eagles, he departed' teen general officers were wounded, and his destination. Not long after, secretly 180 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BON embarking in some hired feluccas, ac- who had never materially yielded to his companieA with about 1200 men, he influence. He accordingly resigned himlanded on the 1st March, 1814, in the self, on the 15th July, into the hands of gulf of Juan, in Provence. He immre- Captain Maitland, of the Bellerophon, diately issued a proclamation, announ- then lyingf at Roclifort, and was exceedcino his intention to resume the crown, ingly anxious to land in England. On of which "treason had robbed him,h" giving' himself up, he addressed the and proceeding to Grenoble, was at once prince regent in a well-known letter, in welcomed by the commanding officer, which he compared himself to ThemisLabedoyere, and irntwo days after he tocles. It is impossible to dwell on the entered Lyons, where he experienced a minutise of his conduct and reception, similar reception. In Lyons he pro- or on the circumstances attendant on ceeded formally to resume all the faun- his consignment for safe custody to St. tions of sovereignty by choosing coun- Ielenla, by the joint determination of sellers, generals, and prefects, and pub- the allies. For this, his final destinalishing various decrees, one of which tion, le sailed on the.llth August, 1815, awas for abolishing the noblesse, of whom and arrived at St. Helena on the 13th of the restored faniily had already made the following October. The rest of his the French people apprehensive, and life is little more than a detail of gradual another proscribing the race of Bourbon. bodily decay; rendered, however, striThus received and favored, he reached lkin by the narrative of his remarks, Paris on the M0th Miarch without draw- conversation, and literary employment, ingl a sword. In the capital lie was re- among the fewv faithful courtiers and celved with the loud acclamations of officers allowed to accompany him. "Vive n'Empereur l" and was joined by After a few years, he was taken with Marshal Ney, and the generals Drouet, cancer in the stomach. He bore the Lallemand, and Lefebvre. On the fol- excruciating torture of his disease for lowing day he reviewed his army' re- six weeks with great firmness, generally ceived general congratulations, and an- keeping' his eyes fixed on a portrait of0 nounced the return of the empress. On his son, which was placed near his bed. opening, the assembly of representatives, From the beginning he refused medicine on the 7th June following, he talked of as useless and his last words, uttered establishing a constitutional monalchy. in a state of delirium on the morning of But by this time the allies were once more his death, were, " Mon fils!" soon afterin motion, and having collected an imn- wards, " tete d'armee!" anid lastly, mense supply of stores and ammunition, "France." This event took place on he quitted Paris on the 12th of the same on the 5th May, 1821, in the 52d year month, to march and oppose their pro- of his ag e. He was interred, accordcing gress. He arrived on the 13th at Aves- to his own desire, near some willow nes, and on the 14th and 16th fought trees and a spring of water, at a place the partially successful battles of Fleurus called Haine's Valley, his funeral bping and Ligny.' On the 18th occurred the attended by the highest military honors. signal and well-known victory of Water- Thus terminated the eventful and dazloo, in. which the British made so sue- zling career of Napoleon Bonaparte, one cessful a stand under the duke of Wel- of those extraordinarygifted individuals, lington, until aided into decisive victory who, filling into a period and course of by the timely arrival of the Prussians circumstances adapted to their peculiar under Bulow. In the battle, out of genius, exhibit the capacity of human 95,000 men, it is thought that the French nature in the highest point of view.lost nearly 50,000. Napoleon immedi- NAPOLEON FRANCs CnHARLES JOSEPH, ately returned to Paris, but the charm duke of Reichstadt, only son of the Enmwas now utterly dissolved; and, soured peror Napoleon by his second wife, by the result of the battle, and fearing Maria Louisa of Austria. After his faanother occupation of the capital, a ther's downfall, he was wholly under strong party was openly formed against the care of his grandfather, the emperor him, and even his friends urged him to of A ustria. He was from infancy of a abdicate. He was prevailel upon at weakly constitution, and a rapi~d decline lengith, with some difficulty, to take this terminated his life in 1832, at the early step, in favor of his son. For some time age of 21. It wvould appear, from a avork he entertained the idea of embarking for by M. de Montbel, entitled " Le Due do America; but fearful of British cruisers, ieichstadt," that the young Napoleon he at length determined to throw him- possessed many amiable qualities, and seilf on the generosity of the only people was greatly beloved by those who knew BON] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPiIY, 181 him; -while he iiad all the enthusiasm Switzerland; but he rejoined Napoleon and passion of youth in extreme force, on his return to Paris in March, 1815, alternating with a distrust, a caution, and after the defeat at Waterloo le emand a rapidity in fathoming the charac- barked for the United States, where he tcrs of the persons with whom lie was purchased a large property, at Bordennecessarily brought into contact, which town, N. J., and continued for many are the usual qualities of age; and that years to reside under the name of the he took the deepest interest in every Count de Survilliers. D. at Florence, thing connected with his father's former 1844.-LuCIEN, prince of Canino, the greatness, or relating to military affairs. next brother after Napoleon in birth, -JosEPh, an elder brother of Napoleon, and after him, too, tihe ablest of the was b. in Corsica, in 1768. Educated family, Ile was b. at Ajaccio in 1775; for the law at the college of Autun in and having quitted Corsica, with his France, he became a member of the family, in 1793, he became a commissary new administration of Corsica under of tha army in 1795, and soon afterwards Paoli; but soon afterwards emigrated was elected a deputy from the departto Marseilles, whe lie married the ment of Liamone to the council of five daughter of a banker named Clari. In hundred. It was here that he first dis1796 he was appointed commissary to tinguished himself by the energy of his the army in Italy then conmabnlded by manner, the fluency of his language, the his brother Napoleon; and in 1797, hav- soundness of his arguments, and his aping been elected deputy to the council parent devotion to the existing governof five hundred by his native depart- meont. During Napoleon's absence in ment, he repaired to Paris, whence he Egypt, he maintained a constant correwas shortly afterwards sent by the ex- spondence with him; and, on his return, ecutive directory as ambassador to the Lucien was the chief ihstrument of the pope. During the revolution which revolution which followed. When the broke out at Rome under Duphot, he sentence of outlawry was about to be displayed considerable energy; and on pronounced against his brother, lie ophis return to Paris he was made coun- posed it with all the force of his elosellor of state, and was subsequently quence; and when lie perceived that employed by Napoleon to negotiate the remonstrances were of no avail, he threw treaties of Luneville with the emperor down the ensigns of his dignity as presof Germany, and of Amiens witlh lTn- ident, mounted a horse, harangued the gland. When Napoleon attained the troops, and induced them to clear the imperial crown, Joseph was recognized hall of its members. By his subsequent as an imperial prince, and in this capa- energy, coolness, and decision, he led city he headed the expedition acoainst the way to Napoleon's election as first Naples in 1806, which resulted in his consul, and was himself made minister being proclaimed king of' Naples and of the interior, in the room of Laplace. Sicily. Here he reigned till 1808, effect- But great as were the services which ing beneficial changes in the adminis- Lucien had performed for his brother, tration of the law and the institutions the latter became jealous of his abilities, of the country. In 1808 he was ap- and feared his popularity. A coolness pointed king of Spain, Murat having between them soon took place; and, succeeded him as king of Naples. But with that cunning which marked so in Spain he encountered much greater many of his actions, he took care to redifficulties than at Naples; and during move Lucien from the immediate scene the five years of his reign lie was thrice of action, by sending him ambassador obliged by the successes of the allied to Madrid. In the spring of 1802 he rearmies to quit his capital; the last time, turned to Paris, was outwardly reconin 1813, after the battle of Vittoria, to ciled with the first consul, and entered return no more. He now retired to a second time upon the tribuneship. He France. In January of the following had married, at an early age, the daughyear, when Napoleon set out for the ter of a wealthy innkeeper.; and, his army, he was appointed lieutenant-gen- wife having been now some time dead, eral of the empire and head of the coun- he united himself to one Madame Joucil of regency to assist the empress-re- berthou, the widow of a stock-broker, a gent; but in this capacity he displayed woman distinguished for her gallantries. little firmness, and consented to'the This gave great offence to Napoleon, and capitulation of Paris, which resulted in was a severe blow to the system he had the abdication of Napoleon and his ban- long contemplated of forming royal alliishment to Elba. He then retired to mlces for his relatives, IIHe therefore 12 182 CYCLOPr DIXA OF BIOGAPH-IY. [BON used every means in Iis power to induce request of the states of Iolland. Il this Lueien to consent to a dissoluton of the capacity he conducted hinself with marriage; but, to his honor be it re- equal skA;1 a-nd humanity, and such was corded, he constantly spurned all the the afl ection witl h which Jis l)utclh subproposals that were maLde to him to sac- jects had inspired him, that he refused rifice his wife. For several years he without hesitation tlie crown of Spa. in took up his residence at Rome, where which was offered him by the emnperor. he was a welcome visitor, havini Inerit- In 1810, Louis, haviln long r esisted the ed the gratitude of the pope by the zeal- emperor s commans to enoirce the conous support he had given the concordat; tinental blockarl, vwhich AwVould, as he and when, in 1807, he found that the believed, have proved detrimential to his enmity of his brother rendered his stay people's interests, abdicated in f vor of in that city no longer safe hle retired to his son; but the abdication was rejected' an estate which lie 1t ad purchased at by Napoleon, who tlhereLuon united Canino, and which his holiness hadc Holland to the French empire; and the raised into a principality. It was not ex-king leaving IIolland secretiv, relons, however, befdre he found that the paired to Gratz in Styria, where lie reenissaries of Napoleon were hovering sided several years ilnder the title of round his retreat, and he fled secretly count de Saint Leu. After the fall of to Civita Vecchia, from which place hle Napoleon, le finally retired to the Papal embarked in August, 1810, with the in- States with some members of his family, tention of proceeding to the United where le devotecd hilself chiefly to litStates. A storm threw him on the erary pursuits down to the period of his coast of Cagliari; but thle king of Sar- death. His only surviving son, Louis dinia refused him permission to land: Napoleon Bonaparte, the offsprling of he was accordig'ly forced to put out to his marriage with Hlortense Euigenlie de sea; and being captured by two English Bealuharnois, (wAhich see,) daughter of frigates, he was conveyed'first to ilalta the Empress Josephine, is the first preand afterwards (Dec.' 18) to England. sildent of thle French republic, estabAfter a time he was permitted to pur- lished in 18-18 D. at Lelghorn, 2th chase a beautiful estate near Ludlow, in June, 1841. Shropshire, where he spent three calm BONAIPELLI, GUY UnBLDo, an Italian and peaceful years, completing durin poet; author of "Filli di Sciro," &c. that period, a poem upon which he hadi B. 1553; d. 1608. long meditated, entitled " Charlemagne, BONASONI, GUILIO, a Bolog1nese or the Church D)elivered." The peace painter and engraver of the 16th centuof 1814 having opened his way to the ry. In the latter capacity he especially Continent, he returned to his old friend excelled; and he engraved many of the and protector, Pits VII. After the clhefs-d'oeuvre of Michael Angelo, Iafbattle of Waterloo he nrgeed the emperor faelle, &c., in a style of great beauty. to make a desperate stand for the throne; BONAVENTURE, JOrN. FIDnANZA. but the cause was hopeless; and Lucien, While only general of the order of having retired to Italy, devoted the re- Franciscans, hsis reputation for probity mainder of his days to literature and the and wisdom caused the cardinals to fine arts. D. at Viterbo, 1840.-Louis, leave to him the nomination of a suca younger brother of Napoleon and ex- cessor to Clement IV. He named Theking of Holland, was b. at Ajaccio, in obald, archdeacon of Liege, who became Corsica, September 2,1778. He entered pope, with thd title of Gregory X., and the army at an early ag, accompanied made Bonaventure a cardinal. D. 1274, his brother to Italy alnd Egypt, and on and was canonized, 1482.-Of Padua, Napoleon's successive elevations to the made cardinal by Urban VI. in 1378; a consulship and the empire rose to be a friend of Petrarch, and the author of counsellor of state and a general of divi- several religious pieces. Assassinated, sion, ancd received the titles of constable 1886. of France and colonel-general of carbi- BONCHAMP, ARrTIUR DE, a celeniers. After having been successively brated general of the Vendean royalists, appointed governor of Piedmont, and andc who had served with distillntion as governor adc interim of the capital, in an officer in the American war. In him place of Mlurat, he took the command of humanity was not less conspicuous thanI the army of the North in Holland; aind valor, as the last act of his life amply' in 1806 the Batavian republic having testified; for it was to his interference been changed into a kiingdom by Napo- that 5,000 prisoners, whom the exasperleon. Louis was nominm'laed king at the atedi royalists had taken, were saevo noN] CYOLOPAMDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 183 from instant dleath. He was mortally the royal family and the lovers of fat, wounded in tie battle of Chollet, 1798. and he obtained very high prices, and BONCERF, P. F., author of the fa- was elected into the Royal Academy. mous pamphlet, " Les Inconv6niens des Amongst a vast number of paintings, he Droits Feodaux," while secretary to produced one which must be considered Turgot. Condemned to be burned, it a phenomenon by all who are acquainted became the basis of the fundamental de- with the technical processes of the art; crees of the Constituent Assembly of this was the Bacchus and Ariadne, after 1789. Having been in the service of Titian, the dimensions of which were )'Orleans, he narrowly escaped the eighteen inches by sixteen. Mr. Bowles guillotine by one vote, on the fall of his of Wanstead purchased it for 2,200 patron, and d. from the shock he then guineas. Mr. Bone's great celebrity was sustained. B. 1745. derived from his being the first to transBOND, JOHN, an English physician; fer to enamel the splendor of color, author of critical notes on Iorace, Per- which the great flesh masters hlad desins, and other classics. D. 1612.- picted in oil. This, surrounded as it OLIVER, a famous Irish associate with was ith the mechanical cifficulties of Napper Tandy and Theodore Wolfe enamelling, was only perfected by his Tone, in the Irish rebellion of 1797-8. making niumerous technical discoveries, He was arrested in 1798; terms were and possessing naturally great abitity made with the government to send him for painting. His genius for art, his to America; but he was found dead mnechanical invention, his undaunted (with apoplexy, as reported) in prison. perseverance, ancl nwearied industry, B. 1720. united as they were to a most benevoBONDAM, PETER, a famous Dutch lent and manly nature, combined to writer of voluminous and useless com- render him a great man. Besides the mentaries.. 1727; d. 1800. numerous enamels he annually proBONDI, CLEMENT, the poetical Delille duced both for foreign and English pnrof-the Italians; author of the " Conver- chasers, he transferred to his almost insazione," which resembles Cowper's cestructible material, all the authentic Task; "The ae neid," translated in versi portraits of the Elizabethan period, formsciolti, &c. D. 1816. ing a national series and a splendid porBONDY, Count de, a French liberal, trait gallery. This noble collection was but keeping aloof from the revolution- unfortunately dispersed after his death, ary tempest till he was called into emi- the purchase having been declined by neat public service by Napoleon, who the government. D. 1834. nadele him his chanmberlain in 1805. BONEFACIO, VENETIANO, an Italian Fromt that time he always remained painter of eminence. D. 1600. faithful to him, attendingu most of his BONER, ULRICI the most ancient campaigns. As prefect of the Rhone, German fabulist, was a Dominican fiiar during the iHundred Days, he urged of Berne, in the 14th century. Hle pubconstitutional ancl rieformingo measures lished his fables under the title of " Der on his patron. He always sat with the Edcelstein," (The Gem.) pcfaitee gauche, when elected deputy de BONET, THEOPHILUS, a celebrated L'Indre, in 1818, and advocated liberal German physician; author of several measures. B. 1766. learned works. D. 1689. BONE, HENRY, a celebrated enamel BONHOMME, DUPIN, P. J. B., b. in'ainter, who, by the force of his own 1737; a respectable conventionalist, and genius, raised himself and his art to a friend of modern liberty, who perished high pitch of eminence. He was b. at in 1793 by the revolutionary tribunal. Truro, in Cornwall, on the 6th of Feb- BONIFACE, ST., whose name was ruary, 1755, and was apprenticed to WIILFRID, a saint of the Roman calena chinia painter in Bristol, which place dar, was a native of Engrland, and made he subsequently left for London. Here archbishop by Henry III. He travelled lie for a considerable time worked for through many parts of Germany, of the jercllers, but was curing the whole which country he was called the apostle; of this period devoting a very energetic and after reclaimino many fiom Ipaganand ingenicus mind to his art, which he ism, he was slain by some peasants in so thorouahlv mastered, that when, in IFrieslamd, in 754.-The name assnumed 1794-, hle exhliited an enamel after a pic- by nine popes; but the lives of whom ture by Sir Joshua Reynolds, it attract- present mnothing worthy of particular ed universal admiration. Iis pictures notice. -A i count of the Roman emnpiro thenceforth were eagerly sought for by in the 5th century, andc an intimate 184 CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BOO friend of St. An-gstin, at whose desire accused by Marat, in the National Conhe clevoted himself to public affairs. He vention, as an aristocrat, lie was so was slain in a desperate contest with ftr from being an ultra in his vieews as Aetius, in 432. to denounce Bonaparte (on his becomBONIFACIO, BALTHAZAR, a learned ing' emperor) as the Cromwell of France, Venetian, bishop of Capo d'Istria; an- when the latter supprlessed his periodithor of "Historia Ludicia," Latin po- cal, the "Bien Informe." Among his ems &c. D1. D. 19.orks are i Theatre Allemandc, " Po — BONJOUR, WILLIAM, a French monk, sies Republicanes," " Nouveau Code and missionary to China; author of Conjunal, "a Esprit des Religions," &c. "Dissertations on the Scripture," &c. B. 1760. ). 1714. BONNIER, a French republican, who BONNEFONS, JOHN, a French writer was sent as a plenipotentiary to a, "conof Latin poems, which are printed with ference" withl Prince Metternich, in those of Beza, in Barban's edition of 1799, at Rastadt; but the negotiation 1757. B. 1554; d. 1614. was broken off by Austria, and Bonnier BONNELL, JAMES, accomptant-gen- was murdered between that towan and eral of Ireland in the reign of James II.; Strasburg, and his papers taken away. remarkable for his firmness and intefri- Bonnier's seat in the Council of Ancients ty in the discharge of his public duty in was for two years after covered with a troublesome and perilous time. Some crape, as a testimony of respect. B. 1750. "Meditations" of his, printed with his BONNINGTON, RICHARD PAlESi, a "Life," written by Archdeacon Hnamil- British artist of great merit and of sin to,. show him to have been a man of gular precocity. At 3 years old hle could considerable intellect. B. 1653; d. 1699. sketch most of the objects he saw, and BONNER, EDMUND, an Englishpre- at 15 was. admitted to draw in the Loulate, notorious for his persecution of the vre at Paris. After visiting Italy he Protestants during the reign of Queen brought back many able specimens of Mary. On the accession of Queen Eliza- his works, and finished a successful, beth he refused to take the oath of su- though brief career, at the age of 27, in premacy, and was committed to the 1828. Marshalsea where he eremained nearly BONNYCASTLE, JOHN, professor of ten years. D. 1569. mathematics at the Royal Military AcadBONNET, CHARLES, a distinguished emy, Woolvich; author of" The Scholnaturalist of Geneva; author of "In- lar's Guide to Arithmetie," "The Ele sectology," "Essay on Physioloy," ments of Geometry," "A Treatise upon Considerations on Organized Bodies,' Astronomy," &c. D. 1821.-CIIARLES, &c. B. 1720; d. 1793. a son of the preceding, became an emiBONNEVAL, CLAUDIUS ALEXANDEm1, nent professor of natural philosophy, at count of, a French adventurer, son-in- the university of Virginia, and wrote law of Marshal Biron. After serving several excellent mathematical works. under Piinoe Eugene against the Turks D. 1840. resentment at having been imprisoned BONNSTETTEN, CHARLEs VON, a for challenging the prince caused him learned and. voluminous German writer, to go over to the Turks, and become a the friend of Matthison, Salis, and FredMussulman. His services were highly ericka Brun. B. 1745; d. 1832. valued by the Grand Seignior, who gave BONOMI, JOSEPH, an Italian architect him the title of Achmet Pacha, and of considerable taste: and genius, from raised him from rank to rank, till he be- whose design the Roman Catholic chapel came master of the ordnance. D. 1747. near Manchester-square was erected. BONNEVIE, ABBE, a great preacher D. 1808. of funeral orations over the Bonaparte BONTEMPI, GIOVANNI ANDREA ANfamily and Bonapartists; and equally OGLINI, an Italian musician of the 17th zealous in preaching funeral orations for century; author of "Nova quatuor the Bourbons, after their fall. "Is the Vocibus componendi Methodus," &c. abbe as virulent against the tyrant as BOOKER, LuaE, a clergyman of the ever?" asked Napoleon, in passing his church of England, distinguished for cure, on returning from Elba. But the his literary acquirements, was b. at Notabbe had disappeared. B. 1764. tingham, in 1672; took holy orders in BONNEVILLE, a pvoet of the French 1785; and eventually became the vicar revolution, who was the friend of Con- of Dudley. Dr. Booker was the author dorcet, La Fayette, and Paine find was of manly works, viz., "Poems" on variwlith Kos~iusko when he fell. Though ous occasions; " Christian Intrepidity," BOR] CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 185 "Calista, or the Picture of Modern his popularity continually increased; Life," "Euthanasia, the State of Man and his performance of Cato, in 1712, set after Death," "Discourses and Disser- the seal upon his histrionic reputation. tations;" and a variety of others. D. In 1715 he became one of the joint 1835. patentees and managers of Drury-lane BOONE, DANIEL, one of the earliest theatre. - Booth was the author of a settlers in Kentucky, was b. in Virginia, masque called Dido and Eneas, and of and was from infancy addicted to hunt- some songs and minor pieces. D. 1733. ing in the woods. He set out on an -GEORGE, Baron Delamere, a, zealous expedition to explore the region of Ken- partisan of Charles II. Being defeated tucky, in May, 1769, with five compan- by the parliamentary general, Lambert, ions. After meeting with a variety of he was confined in the Tower until the adventures, Boone was left with his death of Cromwell. He then obtained brother, the only white mien in the wil- his liberty, and was one of the twelve derness. They passed the winter in a delegates sent to the new king. It was cabin, and in the summer of 1770 trav- on this occasion that he obtained his ersed the country to the Cumberland title, and a present of ~10,000. D. 1684. river. In September, 1773, Boone com- -HENRY, earl of Warrington, son of the menced his removal to Kentucky with above. Having been among those who his own and'five other families. He was voted for the exclusion of the duke of joined by forty men, who put- them- York, when that personage became king, selves under his direction; but being he was committed to the Tower, and was attacked by the Indians, the whole party tried for high treason, but acquitted, in returned to the settlements on Clinch spite of the efforts of the infamous Jefriver. Boone was afterwards employed fries. On the accession of William III. by a company of North Carolina to buy, lie was made a privy councillor and from the Indians, lands on the south chancellor of the exchequer. His efforts side of the Kentucky river. In April, to limit the prerogative, however, caused 1775, he built a fort at Saltspring, wrhere him to fall into disgrace; but lie was alBoonesborough is now situated. Here lowed to retire from office with a penhe sustained several sieges from the In- sion, and the title of earl of Warrington. dians, and was once taken prisoner by D. 1694. them while hunting with a number of BORA, CATHARTINE VON, wife of Luther, his men. In 1782 the depredations of was b. 1499. Her birthplace is not the savages increased to an alarming ex- known, and of her parents we only know tent, and Boone, with other militia offi- that her mother, Anna, was' descended cers, collected 176 men, and went in from one of the most ancient families of pursuit of a large body, who had march- Germany, that of Haugewitz. The ed beyond the Blue Licks, forty miles daughter took the veil very early, in the from Lexington. From that timeq till nunnery of Nimptschen, near Grimma. 1798 he resided alternately in Kentucky Notwithstanding her devout disposition, and Virginia. In that year, having re- she soon felt very unhappy in her situceived a grant of 2000 acres of land from ation, and, as her relations would not the Spanish authorities, he removed to listen to her, applied, with eight othei UIJpper Louisiana, with his children and nuns, to Luther, whose fame had reachfollowers, who -were presented with 800 ed them. Luther gained over a citizen acres each. Ile settled with them at of Torgau, by the name of Leonard Cliarette, on the Missouri river, where Koppe, who, in union with some other he followed his usual course of life,- citizens, undertook to deliver the nine hunting and trapping bears-till Sep- nuns from their convent. This was tember, 1822, when he d. in the 85th done the night after Good Friday, April year of his agoe. He expired while on 4th, 1523. He brought them to Torgau, his knees, takino aim at some object, and and from thence to Wittenborg, where was found in thait position, with his gun Luther provided for them a decent abode. restingr on the trunk of a tree. At the same time, to anticipate the BOOTH, BARTON, a celebrated actor in charges of his enemies, lie published a the reigns of Anne and George I., was letter to Koppe, in which lie frankly b. in 1681, in Lancashire, and was edu- confessed-that he was the author of this cated at Westminster school, under Dr. enterprise, and had persuaded Koppe to Busby. At the age of seventeen, how- its execution; that le had done so in ever,'he joined a, strollinc company of the confident hope that Jesus Christ, players;'his talents, at length, gained who had restored his gospel and dehil a footing on tlhe regular theatre; stroyed the kingdom of Antichrist, 16* 186 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. iBOR would be their protector, though it other topics relating' to dynamical scimight cost them even their lives. He ence. In 1767 he published a dcissertaalso exhorted the parents and relations tion on hydraulic wheels, and afterwarcds of the nine virgins to admit them again one on the construction of hydraulic into their houses. Some of them were machinery. In 1771, with Verdune and received by citizens of Wittcnberg; Pingre, he made a voyacre to America, others, who were not yet too old, Luther to determine the longitude arnd latitude advised to marry. Among the latter of several coasts, isles, and shoals and was Cathlarine, whom Philip Rcichen- to try the utility of several astronomical bach, at that time mayor of the city, had instruments. In 1774 ie visited the taken into his house. Luther proposed Azores, the Cape Verde islands, and the to her, (by his friend Nicholas von Ams- coast of Afiica for the same purpose. dorf, minister in Wittenberg,) doctor In the American war lhe was very useful Kaspar Glaz and others, in marriage. to the Count d'Estaing, by his klnow]She declined these proposals, but de- edge of navigation. Borda was the dared her willingness to bestow her founder of the schools of naval archlihand on Nicholas von Amsdorf, or on tecture in France. -le invented an inLuther himself. Luther, who, in 1524, strumcent, of a very small'diamleter, had laid aside the cowl, was not averse which measures angles Awith the greatto matrimony, yet appears to have been est accuracy, and has been used in ineasled to the resolution of marrying by uring the imeridian; the rieflectingl cirreason rather than by passion. Besides, eic, vwhich has made his name iminorltal; lie was not then favorably incliled to- besides an instrunment for measuringt the wards Catharile, because he suspected inclination of the compass needle, and her of worldly vanity. He says, how- many others. On the establishment of ever, that he found in her a pious cand the National Institute, he bcanme one faithful wife. There could be no want of its members, nd was occupied, with of disadvantagoeous rumors on this occa- other men of science, in framing the'on, some of them as shameful as they new system of weights and measures were unfounded. The domestic peace adopted in France nnder a republican of the pair was also cdrawn into question, government. Among the latest of his and Catharine, in particular, was accused labors was a series of exlperiments, to of being peevish and domineering, so discover the length ofa penldulum lwhch that her husband was often obliged to could vibrate seconds in the latitude of correct her. Although this last story is Iaris. without fotundation, yet Luther seems BORDE, ANDREW, an English physinot to have been fully satisfied. with her, cian,; irathor of'" The Mlerrie Tales of the for he speaks with great sincerity of the Macdman of Gotham," and several other sufferings as well as of the happiness of quaint works. D. 1539.-JoHN BENJAhis marriage. When, after ILther's r IN DE LA, a French miscellaneous wr rideath, in 1547, Charles V. entered Wit- tcr; author of "Adela de Ponthieu;" tenberg in triumph, Catharine saw her- "Essais sur la Musique, ancielnne et self obliged to leave this place, and to moderne;;" " MI'eloires de Courcy," &c. remove to Leipsic, where she was con- He was guillotined in 1794. pelled to take boarders for her support. BORDEN, THEOPIHILUS DE, a French She afterwards returned to Wittenberg, physician; author of " Recherches sur and lived there till 1552, in want. When quelquces pointes de l'Histoire de la the plague broke out in this place, andl Mdecine," &c. D. 1776. the university was removed to Torgau, BORDELON, LAURENCE, a volum11ishe went thither also, arrived there sick, nous French writer; author of "Diaand d. soon after, December 27th, 1552. logues for the Living;" "Curious VariIn the church of Torgau her tombstone eties;" several dramatic pieces, &c. B. is still to be seen, on which is her image 1653; d. 1780. of the natural size. BORELLI, JOhN ALPIIONSO, an ItalBORDA, JEAN CHARLES, an engineer, ian philosopher and mathemnatician; reand afterwards a captain in the French membered chiefly for being the first who marine, famous for his mathematical applied mathematical calculation andc talents, was b.: at Dax, in the cepart- mechanical principles to account for the ment of Landes, in 1733. In 1756 he action of the nmuscles. B. 1608; d. 1679. was chosen a member of the Academy BORIGHESE. A Roman famlily, which of Sciences, and occupied himself in derives its origin from Siennti. They making experiments on the resistance have held the Ihighest offices of this reof fluids, the velocity of motion, and public, from the middle of the fifteenth BOR] CYCLOPrEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY..187 century. Pope Paul V., who belonged value, at.the disposal of ler brother. to this family, and ascended the papal They were in his carriage, which was cllair in 1605, loaded his relations with taken in that battle, and wore shown honors aid riches. In 1607 he appoint- publicly at London. Ie intended to ed his brother Francesc Borglese, have returned them to her. She lived, leader of the troops sent against Venice afterwards, separated from her husband, to maintain the papal claims; bestowed at Rome, where she occupied part of the principality of Sollone on Marco the palace Borghese, and where she Antonio Borghese, the son of his bro- possessed, from 1816, the villa Sciarra. ther, Giovanni Battista; granted him a Her house, in wlhich taste and love of revenue' of 8150,000, and obtained for the fine arts prevailed, was the centre bimn the title of a grandee of Spain. of the most splendid society at Rome. Another of his nephews, Scipione Cafifa- D. 1825. relli, he created cardinal, and made him BORGIA, CieSAR, a natural son of adopt the name of Borghese. From fMar- Pope Alexander VI. He no sooner co Antonio Borghese, prince of Solmone, heard of his tather's exaltation to the is descended the rich family of Borghese, papal chair, than hle left Pisa, where he which is continued in the prince Ca- was fixed for his education; but the millo Borghese, and his brother, Fran- ambitious prospects which ihe had formcesco prince B. Aldobrandini.-MARIA ed were checked by the coolness with PAULINE, princess, the beautiful sister which Alexander received him. He of Napoleon, vias b. at Ajaccio, October complained to Iis mother, Vanozza, who 20th, 1780. When the British occupied for a while quieted his impatience, but Corsica, in 1793, she went to iMarseilles, he was dissatisfied to see the dukedom where she wvNs on the point of marrying of Gandia conferred upon his elder broFreron, a memnber of the convention, ther, Frcis, hilst the primacy of and son of that critic whohu Voltaire Valenza only was reserved for himself. made famous, when another lady laid Afterwards, by the influence of lis claim to his hand. She afterwards mar- mother, wliose greatest favorite he was, ried Gen. Leclerc, with-whom she em- over three other sons and a daughter barlked, 1801, for St. Domin(o, and was called Lucretia, the dignity of cardinal callcd by the poets of the fleet, the Ga- was conferred upon him, and he became latect of the Creeks, the Venuas mnzariii. the friend and confidant of his fither's She was no less courageous than beau- councils.. The elevation of Francis, howtiful, for when the nedrocs, unlder Chris- ever, to secular power continued to ex-. tophe, stormed Cape Franlois, where she cite his jealousy, so that at once to gratify resided, -and Leclerc, who could no lon- malice and revenge, he caused lhis unger resist the assailants, ordered his lady happy brother to be murdered, and and child to be carriec on shipboard, thrown into the Tiber, where his nmanshe yielded only to force. After his gled carcass was a few days after found. death she married, in 1803, the prince The pope bitterly lamented his fate, but Camillo Borahese. IHer son died at all his inquiries after the amurdeer were 1,omre soon after. With Napoleon, who silenced by Vanozza, who, justly susloved her tenderly, she had a many dis- pected as an accomplice, terrified the putcs, and as many reconciliations; for astonished father, by declaring that if she Would not alvays follow the caprices he did not desist, the same cldage r was of his policy. Yet even the prouc style readly to stab him to the.heart. Cesar in whichl she adeanded what her bro- succeeded to his brother's honors and thers begged, made her the more attract- fortune, when he resigned the dignity of ive to her brother. Once, however, cardinal, that he mig(rht with greater latwhen she forgot herself towards the itude gr.tify his avarice, ambition, and empress, wholm she never liked, she cruelty. Bnds of assassins were kept was obliged to leave the court. She around him, who sacrificed to his picaswais yet in disgrace at Nice, when Na- ure both fiiends and foes; but his mnurpoleon resigned his crown in 1814; derois schemes once liked to have reupon which occasion she immediately coiled upon himself. United withl his acted as a tender sister. Instead of re- father in the attempt to poison nine maining at her -alace in Rome, she set newly-created cardinals, whose possesout for Elba t, join her brother, and sions they coveted, the wine vwas by acted tle part of nmediatrix between him mistake brought to them, and, drinking and tlmc other mlembers of his fatmily. of it, the pope died, aind Ccesar barely Before the battle of WVaterloo, she placed escaped. Iis crimes weree now too pub- all her diamonds, lwhich were of great lie to be unnoticed. Thourhl lately 188 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. LBOR raised to the dukedom of- VAlentinois BORLASE, WILLIAM, a antiquary and by Louis XII. lihe was stripped of all his topographer, was b. 1695, at Pendeen, in dignities, and sent a prisoner to Spain, Cornwall, was educated at Oxford,'and, but he escaped to the court of his bro- till the end of his days, rector of Ludgther-in-law, Johni, king of Navarre; and van and vicar of St. Just, in his native after trying in vain to restore his fallen county. The first of these preferments fortunes, he engaged in the civil war, he obtained in 1722. In 1749 he was by which his brother's kingdom was made F.R.S., and, in 1766, LL.D. His distracted, and was killed by the stroke chief works are, the " Antiquities Hisof a spear, under the walls of Viana, torical and Monumental of the County of March 12th, 1507. He appears to have Cornwall;" "Observations on the Scilly been a skilful and intrepid soldier, of Islands;" and a "Natural History ot moderation in.his habits, and, what is Cornwall. D. 1772. still more strange, a lover of poetry and BORN, IGNATIus, baron; an eminent art.-STEFAiNI, %a cardinal, was a native German mineralogist and writer; auof Valletri. He had an enthusiastic love thor of a treatise on "The Process of for art, and throughout life devoted Amalgamation," &c., &c. B. 1742; d. great attention to the collection of relics. 1791. It was usual with him to change a valua- BOROWLASKI, Count, the celebrable piece of plate for some rare article to ted Polish dwarf, who, although' less adorn his museum; and ol oine occasion, than three feet in height, was of perfect to purchase an Egyptian. mummy, he symmetry, and attained the age of 98. even parted with the plate from his ta- Hle had been prevailed upon by some of ble, and the buckles from his shoes. the clergy of Durham, who ha'd casually Pilus VI. created him cardinal in 1789'; seen him when on his ".travels," 40 and the succeeding pope named Cardinal years before his death, to take up his Borgia president of the council when abode near that city. He spoke several the French garrison evacuated Rome. languages, was generally well informed. He was the auithor of some works in and witty, and his company was acsupport of the papal temporalities. D. cordingly much courted by the gen1804. try of Durham and its vicinity. IA BORIE, JEAN, one of the most vio- 1837. lent of the French revolutionists, and BORRI, JOSEPH FRANCIS, a native of inventor of the " Farandoles." He Milan, who distinguished himself by his.was a lawyer. B. about 1770; d. 1805, extravagant pretensions as a chemist, a in exile. heretic, and a quack. After playing for BORIS,' GADENO,, grand master of some time the prophet at Pome, he rethe horse to Theodore Ivanowitz, empe- turned to Milan, where he attached to ror-of Russia. Ile is said to have putto himself great multitudes, from whose death both the emperor's brother and credulity he exacted a great deal of the emperor himself; and it is certain money, under oath of secresy, with the that at the death of the latter Boris be- expectation that the kingdom of God came emperor. He governed cruelly and was going to be established on earth. tyrannically, but d. suddenly, just as His schenmes were so well concerted that Russia was invaded by a Polish army, he nearly seized the sovereign power by which was headed by a young monk imeans of his adherents, but was at- last who pretended to be Demetrius, the de- forced to fly. The Inquisition passed ceased brother of Theodore, in 1605. sentence of condemnation on his char'BORJA, FRANCIS DE, a Spanish poet acter, and publicly burnt his effigy and statesman, a descendant from Pope and his writings in 1660. From StrasAlexander VI., was appointed viceroy of burg, where he had retired, he went to Peru, in 1614, and governed that prov- Amsterdam, and there for some time ince in a m.nner which was honorable figured as a character of superior dignity to him. Ile returned to Spain in 1621, and uncommon virtues.,Je was respecand cultivated literature. As a poet, he ted and courted as a universal physiis most esteemed for his lyrical compo- cian, till a revolution in his fortune drove sitions. D. 1638. him away from that country too, vet BORLACE, EDMUND, the son of one loaded with the borrowed jewels of the of the lords-justices of ireland, was edu- credulous Iollanders. At Hanmburg he cated at Dublin, and settled as a physi- obtained the protection of Christina, clan at Chester. His principal work is queen of Sweden, by pretendingr to find a " History of the Irish Rebellion." D. the philosopher's stone; and he ga,.e-3 1682. the same confidence at Copenhagen.,.'fa BOS] CYCLOP/DIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 189 the king of Denmark. Though his hy- Paul V., 1710. He wrote several works pocrisy at last became known to hiis oil doctrinal and moral subjects.-FREDillustrious patrons, he gained his wishes ERICK, was cousin to the preceding, and, in the liberality of their rewards, and like him, a cardinal and archbishop of attempted to retire to iHungary. Being Milan, and also a copy of his excellent however accidentally seized as a spy, his character. I-He founded the Ambrosian name was reported to the emperor of Library, and d. 1632. He wrote some Germany in the presence of the papal theological tracts. nuncio, who claimned him as an exconi- BOtRRONI, PAUL MICHAEL BENEDICT, municated heretic. The emperor con- a painter, who imitated the style of Corsented to deliver him up, provided his refgio, and had much of the taste of life was spared, and Borri was conveyed Michael Angelo. Pius VI. made him a to Rome, and condemned to perpetual knight of the Golden Spur, and the imprisonment, which was however soft- king of Sardinia granted him a pension. ened by the interference of the duke of D. at Volghera, in 1819. Estrees, whom lie cured in a dangerous BORROMINI, FRANCIS, an architect illness. D. at the castle of St. Aiigelo, of Bissone, pupil of Muderno, who acin 1695, aged 70. quired much reputation at Rome, though BORRICHIUS, OLAUS, a native of in his rivalship with Le Bernin he deviDenmark, educated at the university of ated from that simplicity, and those reCopenhagen, of which he became a ceived rules, which taste and judgment learned xirofessor in poetry, chemistry, have always pronounced the basis of the and botany. After practising with great beautiful. His best work is the'college reputation as a physician, and refusing of the Propaganda. D. in consequence the rectorship of the rimoenus school of of a wound which he had given himself Hsoslow, he began to travel, and visited in a fit of madness, 1667. Holland, Enogland, France, Italy, and BOS, LAMBERT, professor of Greek at Germany, ancl after an absence of six Franeker; author of the well-known and years returned to his native country, in valuable work on the Greek ellipses, an 1666. His genius procured him the excellent edition of the Septuaglilt, with friendship of the literati of Europe, and prolegomena and various readings, &c the rectitude of his principles the patroni- B. 1670; d. 1717. age of his sovereign. He published BOSC, Louis AUGISTUS WILLIAM, a several tracts in Latiin, on subjects of French naturalist, and the author of sevcaemistry, philosophy, and antiquities. eral.agricultural and other works. He P. 1694. held a responsible situation in the French BORROMEO, CHARLES, a saint of the post-office; but, in 1793, being driven Roman church, was b. 2d October, 1588, from his place by the Jacobins, he and early patronized by his maternal sought a retreat in the forest of Montuncle, Pope Pius IV., whlo made him a morenci, where he lived three.-years in cardinal and archbishop of Milan, though solitude, devoting his time to the study only 22 years of age. These high dig- of natural history.-PETER DU, an eminities, and others which were lavished nent French Calvinist preacher of the upon him, were due to his merit and his 17th century; author of numerous servirtues. Borromeo was an example of mons, epistles, poems, &c. On the meekness and piety: he reformed the revocation of the edict of Nantes, he abuses of his clergy, gave relief to the escaped to Holland, where he d. in niecessitous, and provided institutions 1692. for the reclaiming of profligate and de- BOSCAN, ALMOGAVER JUAN, a Spanbanched women. This zeal in the cause ish poet, b. towards the close of the 15th of hiumanity enraged the Humilids, an century, at Barcelona. His parents, who order which he attempted to reform; belonged to the most ancient nobility, tand one of the brethren, Farina, fired a gave him a careful education. He folgunii at the worthy prelate while in lowed the court of Charles V., and, in prayer with his domestics. The shot 1526, was attached toit for some time in was not fatal, and the assassin was de- Granada. His noble manners and charservedly punished. During a dreadful acter gained for him the favor of the pestilence the attention of Borromeo to emperor. The education of the duke the distressed of every description were of Alva was committed to him, and his unusually exemnplary'; yet ingratitude instructions developed the great qualiand persecution generally awaited his ties which the duke afterwards displaygood and benevolent deeds. D. 1594, ed. After his marriage, Boscanilived at aged 47, and his name was canonized by Barcelona, occupied in publishing his 190 CYCLOPEDI A OF BIOGRAPHY. [Bos works, together with those of his de- draining of it. He w. t then intrusted ceased friend Garcilaso, in which he was by the republic of Lucca, with the ceemployed at the time of his death. Bos- fence of its interests, in a dispute about can was persuaded to attempt Italian boundaries with the government of Tusmeasures in Spanish, by Antonio Nava- cany. This affair obliged him to go to gero, an Italian scholar and ambassador Vienna, and having terminateds it with of the republic of Venice at the court of success, he visited Paris and London. the emeroer. Thus he became the crea- He was elected a fellow of the Royal Sotor of thl" Spanish sonnet, and, with ciety, and dedicated to this body a Latin Garcilaso, first'sed the terzine in his poem on eclipses. Returning to Italy poetical (pistles and elegies. In general he was appointed matthematical profeshe distinguishel himself by introducing sor in the university of Pavia; whence, Italian forms*into Spanish poetry, which in 1770, he removed to Milan, and there met with great opposition, and not less erected the celebrated observatory at the applause. The poems of Boscan are still college of Brera. On the suppression of esteemed. His other literary works, the order of Jesuits he acceptec an. inmostly translations, are forgotten. D. vitation to France from Louis XV., who 1540. gave him a pension of 2,000 livres. I). BOSCAWETEN, EDWARli, a brave and 1787. highly distinguished English admiral. BOSSCIIA, a Dutch poet and misceiHe ierved Lnder Anlson in the engage- laneous writer- b. in 1766; author of ment of Cape Finisterre, and received "Belgica Libertas," and a " History of the thailks of'parliarment d and a pension the levolution of Hollandc. for his exploits while serving in the At- BOSSI, BAROsNDE, an eminent modern lautic andi in the M'editerranean. B. Italian poet, b. at Piedmont iu 1758.:He 1711; d. 17 1.-WILLXA, nephew of favored the French interest on the repubthe above; authoro of "Essay the li's invasion of Italy, and was rewarded Progress of Satire;" a translation of by posts in France by Napoleon. He is Horace, &c. Bl. 1752; d. 1811. chiefly known by his exertions in this BOSCH, BERNARD, a Dutch poet, b. country in flvor of the Protestant Vauin 1746; author of "Egotisinl " and: Dis. " Oromasia" is his chief work in B'osch's Poems," and co-editor of thle poetry. Janus and Eclair Politique.-JExE, a SS, BOSSU LE, an eminent French famous Dutch bibliomanist. His library critic; author of a "Treatise on Epic catalogue was remarkable for the number Poetry," " Parallel of the Philosophy of of princeps editions it contained B. Descartes and of Aristotle," &c. B. 1740; d. 1811.-Louis, A. G., one of the 1681; d. 1680. first French naturalists of the age; b. in BOSSUET, JACQUES BENIGNE, the most 1795; patronized by the minister Ioland. eloquent of French preachers, lln acute He had the.courage to accompany Ma- of controversialists; was.b in 1627 at damle Roland to tle foot of the seaffold. Dijon, and after having studied at the He wrote "Histoire Naturelle des Co- college of Navarre, le became canon of quilles," " Dictionnaire d'Auriculture," Metz. From Metz his reputation spread &c. Ilis brother (Stepllen osch) also to the capital, and he was invited to published some well-written works on Paris to preach before the queen-mother agriculture alnd the occupation of the and the king. There his fame soon poor. eclipsed that of all his predecessors and BOSCOVICH, ROGER JOSEPH, an as- cotemporaries. In 1669 he was made tronomer and geometrician of distin- bishop of Conldom; is 1670 preceptor to guished eminence in the 18thi century, the daupshin; and, in 1681, bishop of was a native of Ragusa, iIn Dalmatia. Meaux. He d. in 1704..His Funeral He was educated among the Jesuits, Orations are masterpieces of eloquence; and, entering into their order, was ap- and in his controversy with the Protpointed professor of mathematics in the stat e dislas acmirhabe iirbl learninrg Roman college, before he had entirely and skill. Of hiis works, which form 20 completed the course o his studies. HIe quartlo volumes, the principal are his was employed by Pope Benedict XIV. Sermons; " Discourse on Universal Hisin various undertakiings, and, in 1750, tory 7;" "Exposition of the Catholic begaln the measurement of a degree of Faith;" and "History of tie Variations the meridian in the Fcclesiastical States, of the Protestant Churlches." which operation occupied hiim for two BOSSUT, CIIArLES, anl eminent mathyears. He afterwards visited the Pon- ematician; was b. in the Lyonlese, in tine marsh, to give advice respecting the 1730; studied in tihe Jesuit's college at lOT] CYCLOP.EDIA OF BIOGRAPTHY. 191 Lyons, was taught mathematics by circle of Scottish society in which ho d'Alembert, and at the age of 22 was moved. In 1803 he published a small professor of tle engineer's school at volume entitled " Songs, chiefly in the Mletz. Iis chief wnorks are, a "History Scottish Dialect." Some of these songs of Mathematics," and a " Course of had already acquiredl a -wide acceptation Matieatematcs;" the last of which is in the public. Wee may instance "Auld highly popular. D. 1814. Gudeman, Ve'le a Drunken Carle," "Jen3BO1STON, THOMAs, a Scotch divine, ny's Bawbee, "' Jenny dang the Weav-'was b. at Dunse, in 1676, and c. minis- er," &c. He inherited all the tory spirit ter of Ettrich, in 1732. Ie is chiefly of his fither; and sonle attacks on the remembered by his IIHuman Nature in character of James Stuart, Esq., having its Fourfold State," a w ork which has appeared in the "'Beacon" and " Sentigone through numerous editions. —JoiN, nel" newspapers, which were traced to a monk of St. Edmlondsbhury, in t he 15th Sir Alexander, a duel took place between century; author of " Speculum Ccenobi- these gentlemen, when the latter fell, talum11," &c. mortally wounded in the neck, March BOS WELL, JAMES, the friend and 26, 1822. M.r. Stuart was tried for this ofbiographer of Johnson, was tlhe eldest fence, but honorably acquitted.-JAMES, son of one of the supreme judges of the second son of the biographer, was b. Scotland, styled Lord Auchinleck, fromi in 1779, andc educated at Westminster the name of his estate in Ayrshire. I-Ie school. He possessed tlents of a supewas b. at Edinburgh, in 1740, and rior order and the skill with which ho studied in his native city, in Glasgov, edited the enlarged and anmended ediin the Dutch university of Utrecht. He tion of Malone's Shakspeare, in 21 vols. afterwa-ds resided several times in Lon- affords ample evidence of his scholiardon, and cultivated the acquaintance of ship, judcmcnt, and discrimination. Inthe imost distinguished men of his day. deec, so satisfied was Mr. Malone with Here he became acquainteld wvith Tohn- his peculiar fitness for such a task, that son-a circunmstance wvhich lie himlnself ie selected him as his literary exectcor. calls the most important event of his life. D. 18S2. ie afterwards visited Voltaire at Ferncy, BOTELLO, Don Nuxo ALVAREZ DE, a Rousseau at Neufhllatel, an d Paoli in celebrated viceroy of India, when the Corsica, with whom hle became intimate. Portuguese held dominion there; and He then returned by the way of Paris to whose gallantry and skill tended greatly Scotland, and devoted himself to the to augmcent their Iindostanic possesbar. In 1768, when Corsica attracted so sions. -Ie gained several victories over much attention, he puiblished his valua- the Dutchl, and destroyed the fleet and ble account of Corsica, with imemoirs of armv of t1e Aclienese, which were bePaoli. At a later period hle settled at siecgin fMalacca; butlost hislife, in 1629, London, where hle lived in the closest by becing crushed between his own vesintimacy with Johnson. In 1773 he ac- sel and one of the enemvys. co lpanied him on a tour to the Scottish BOTH, JOIN acnd ANDREW, two FlemHighlands and Iebrides, and published ish painte's, were b. at Utrecht, about an account of the excursion after their the year 1610. Tley were the sons of a return. After the death of Johnson, lie glass painter, who instructed them in becamue his biographer. The minuteness the rudiments of drawing. They afterand accuracy ot his account, and the store wards made further progress in the of literary anecdote which it contains, school of Abrahamn Bolemaert, and went render this work the best of the kind. at an early ag.e together to Italy. John, It is, in short, the most complete, the attracted'by the works of Claude Loricost interesting, tlce most original, the raine, chose hlim fir his cmodel. Andrew Illost provokino, contemptible, and de- preferred the IpaiilinCg of the human li'ghtful in the Enclish tonue. D. 1795. figore, and imitated the style of Bam— Sir ALEXACNDER eldest son of thle pre- boccio. IBut, a!lt!ough their inclinations:e'dino, was b. in 1775, and succeeded led them in dilierent directions, their his fiather in thle possession of the family mutual friendship often unitec their estate. lie was a literary antiquary of talents in the sanle works. Thus Anno inconsiderable crudition, and, he pos- drew painted the figures in the. landsessed a great fund of volatile talent, scapes of his brother; and their labors and, in particular, a pungent veiln of harmonized so well, that their pictures satire. At an early period of his life, could not be suspected of coming from some of his poetical jelx d'esplrei occa- different hancds. The ease and fine colorsionally made a slight turlmoil in that ings in the beautiful figures of John, 192 CYCLOPJiDIA OF BIOGRAPHIY. [BOU cannot be overlooked, in spite of the was sent to Paris as a member of the excess of yellow sometimes found in legislative body, and his residence conthem. His fame has been confirmed bytinned afterwards in France; and ho time, and his merit, as well as his resi- lived many years previous to his death dence in Italy, has procured for him the at Paris, in close retirement, on account name of Both/ of Italy. Andrew was of ill health. Having previously pubdrowned at Venice, in 1650. John, in- lished several works, he established his consolable for his loss, abandoned Italy, reputation as an historian, by the puband returned to Utrecht, where he d. lication of his "History of the War of shortly after. The plates which John the Independence of the United States Both has himself etched from his prin- of America," in 1809. He afterwards cipal works are much valued. published " The History of Italy, from -BOTHWELL, JAMEs HEPBURN, earl 1789 to 1814," and the " Continuation of, whon married Queen Mary. IIe was of Guicciardini's History to 1789," supposed to have been concerned in the esteemed works of high merit. In 1816 murder of the unfortunate Darnley, he published an heroic poem, entitled Mary's husband, and that he was even "I1 Camillo." D. at Paris, 1837. supported by the deluded queen. -Ie BOUCHARDON, EDMUND, the son of was charged with the crime, and tried, a sculptor and architect, was b. in 1698, but acquitted. After the death of Darn- at Chaumonten-Basigni, and applied ley, he seized the queen at Edinburgh, himself early to drawing and painting. and, carrying her a prisoner to Dunbar In order to devote himself to statuary, castle, prevailed upon her to marry him he went to Paris, and entered the school after he had divorced his own wife. of the younger Couston. He soon gainThough seemingly secure in the posses- ed the highest prize, and was made royal sion of power, and though created earl pensioner at Rome. He studied his art of Orkney by the unfortunate queen, he partly in the works of antiquity, and soon found that his conduct had roused partly in those of Raphael and Dometheindignation of the kingdom. Mary nichino. He executed several busts, and found not in him the fond husband she was to have erected the tomb of Clement expected; he became unkind and brutal. XI., but the orders of the king recalled A confederacy was formed against him him to Paris in 1732. Here, among by the barons, the queen was liberated other works, he made a large group in from his power, and he escaped to the stone, representing an athlete overOrkneys, and afterwards to Denmark, coming a boar. This stood for a long where he d. 1577. In his last moments, time in the garden of Grosbois. Afterit is said, that with an agonizing con- wards he assisted in repairing the founscience, he confessed his own guilt and ain of Neptune at Versailles. ie the queen's innocence, of the murder of executed ten statues, which adorn the Darnley. church of St. Sulpice. A monument to BOTT, JOHN DE, a French architect. the duchess of Lauranguais, made by Being a Protestant, he had no chance of him, is also in that church. The founobtaining patronage in his own coun- tain in the azue de Grenelle, which the try; and therefore entered into the ser- city of Paris ordered to be constructed vice of William, prince of Orange, whom in 1739, was made by him, and is conhe accompanied to England. On the sidered his masterpiece. A Cupid which death of that prince, he went into the he made for the king was unsuccessful. service of the elector of Brandenburgh, For the "Traite des Pierres gravees," by whom he was made a major-general. Bouchardon furnished designs, from The fortifications of Wcsel and the ar- which the plates were copied. The exesenal of Berlin are among the numerous cution of the greatest monument of that proofs of his talent. D. 1745. period, the equestrian statue of Louis BOTTA, CARLO GIusEPPA GULIELMO, XV., which was erected, by order of the a distinguished Italian historian. He city ofParis, was committed to him. He was b. in 1768, at the small village of labored twelve years on this, with inSan Giorgio di Canavese, in Piedmont, conceivable perseverance, and has left, and was educated as a physician, but the in the horse, a model which may be breaking out of the French revolution ranked with any work of antiquity. D. caused him to turn his attention to the 1762. Among his scholars, Louis-(lacude study of politics and history. In 1794 Vasse, who d. in 1772, is distinguished. he entered into the medical service of Caylus has written his life. the French army; after Piedmont was BOUCHER, FRANCIS, artist, was b. at incorporated with France, in 1803, he Paris in 1704. While a pupil of the cel BOU] CYCLOPzEDIA OF BIOGRAPII. 193 ebrated Lenmoine, he gained at the nge I bounty. lie d. at the age of eighty-two, of nineteen, the first prize oe th Aalcad- in October, 1821. emy. After studying at Rome for a BOUFFILERS, Marshal de, one of the short time, he returned to Paris, and most celebrated geneerals of his age, was was styled the Painter of the Graces-a b. 1644. IIe was an clcve of the great title.which he did not merit. He would, Conde, of Turenne, Crequi, Luxemperhaps, have risen to excellence, had bourg, andl Catinat. I-s defence of he not yielded to the corrupt taste of Nanmur, in 1695, and of Lille, in 1708, his age, and had devoted himself more are famouns. The siere of the former completely to his studies. The ease place was conducted by King William with which lhe executed made him care- in person, and cost the Illies more than -ess. His drawing is faulty; his color- 20,000 men. The latter was conducted ing does not harmonize, especially in his by Prince Eugene. An order was sent naked pieces, which are so glaring that from Louis XIV., sioned byi his own they appear as if the light was reflected hand, commandinog Boufflers to suron them from a red curtain. In a word, render; but he kept it secret, until all he is looked upon as the corruptor of means of defence were exhausted. The the French school. He was neither en- retreat of the French after their defeat vious nor avaricious, but encouraged at Malplaquet, under the direction of younger artists as much as it was in his Boufflers, was mlore like a triumph than power. The great number of his paint- a defeat. D. 1711.-STANISLAUS, chevaings and sketches shows with what lier de, member of the French Academy, rapiity he produced them. The latter son of the marchioness of Boufflers, alone amounted to more thanl 10,000. mistress of Stanislaus, king of Poland, lie has also etched some plates, and b. at Luneville, 1737, was considered many of his paintings have been en- one of the most ingenious men of his graved. D. 1770.-Luc, a Jacobin lead- time, and. was distinguished for the eleer of the Faubourg St. Antoine, who, on gance of his manners and conversation. the 20th May, 1795, forced himself into -Ie was destined for the church, butd-ethe National Convention, and seizing clared that his love of pleasure would Ferrand, one of the members, beheaded interfere with the duties of this profeshim in the lobby with his own hand, sion. He entered the military career, and fixed his head on a pike, para- was soon appointed governor of Senegal, ding it through the "Salle." He was and while in this office, made ianiy afterwards gnillotined.-Jo NATHAN, an useful regulations. Afterhis return, he English divine; author of "The Cum- devoted himself to that lighlt kind of berland Man," &c. D. 1804. literature which distinguished the qge BOUDINOT, ELIAS, was b. in Phila- of Louis XV. He was much admired delphia, May 2dc1740. He was descend- by the ladies, and in the higher circles ed from one of the Huguenots, who of the capital, as well as in the fbreiin sought refuge in America from religious courts which lle visited. His reputation persecution in France. He studied the gave him a seat in the. states-general, law and became eminent in that profes- where he was esteemed for'his moderasion. At an early period of the revolu- tion and his aood intentions. After tionary war, he was appointed, by August 10th, 1792, he left France, and congress, commissary-general of prison- met with a friendly reception fioom ers. In the year 1777 he was chosen a Prince Henry of Prussia, at Peinsberg, member of congress, and, in 1782, was and Frederic William II. A large grant made presicent of that bocl. After the was made to him in Poland for estabadoption of the constitution he entered lishing a colony of French emaigrfants. the house of representatives, where lie Inn1800 he returned to Paris, vwhere he continued six yecars. He then succeeded devoted hinself to literary pursuits, Rittenhouse as director of the mint of which, in 1804, procured him a seat in the United States, an offic he wich e re- the French Institute. D. January 18th, signed in the course of a few years, and 1815. lived from that time at Burlington, New BOUGAINVILLE, Louis ANTOINE DE, Jersey, Ie devoted himself earnestly cpunt of the empire, senator, and memnto biblical literature, ain, being possess- ber of the Institute in 1796, was b. 1729, ed of anl ample fortune, made munifi- at Paris. At first a lawyer, afterwards cent donations to various charitable and a distinguished soldier, diplomatist, and tflheolocical institutions. The American scholar: he was always remarkable for Bible Society, of which he became pres- his energy of character. Hle fought idemnt, was particularly an object of his brave:y in Canada, under the marquis 17 109- CYOLOP'DIA OF BIOGRAPH:Y. LBOU of Montcealm, and it was principally cl'Ariste et d'Eoeuge," "I Maniere do owing to his exertions, in 1758, that a bienPensersurlesOuvragesdel'Esprit," body of 5000 French withstood success- &c. B. 1628; d. 1702. fully a British army of 16,000 men. BOUILLE, Fli'Nxc CLAUDE Aioun, Towards the conclusion of the battle he Mairquis de, b. 1759, a distinguished received a shot in the head. After the French general, celebrated by his exbattle of September 13th, 1759, in which ploits up to the era of the French revoMontcaln was killed, and the fate of the lution; from whichc, althoughl lie sat on eneily decided, Bougainville returned liberal principles in the first assembly to Frantce, and served with distinction of notables, he detacled himself, and, under Choiseul Stainville, in the. can- after making excellent preparations to paign of 1761, in Germany. After the assist the unfortunate Louis XVI. in peace, he entered the navy, and became escapilng from Varennes, which his one of the greatest naval officers in sovereign refused to avail himself of, France. ie'persuaded the inlhabitilts lie quitted France and served under the of St. Ivalo to fit out an expedition for allies. lis " Memoirs of the French the purpose of establishing a colony in Revolution'" rank deservedly high. D. the Falkland Islands, and undertook t1e 1800. command of the expedition himself. BOUILLON, RosE, b. 1770; a heroine The kling appointed hin captlain, Iand of the French revolution, who entered Bougainville set sail with his little fleet the armly as a volunteer, and fought as in 1763. B1ut, as the Spaniards had l aa private in the 6thl battalion of the prior claims to the islands, France was Halte Saon, at the battle of Linbach, obliged to surrender them, and Bou- nwhere her husbanld was killed by her gainville, having returned to France, side. She had a pension froml the Nawas commissioned to carry the sur- tional Convelltion. render into execution, on ieceiviln fiom BOUILLY, J. N., an eminent French Spain a remuneration for his expenses. cdiplomatist, b. 17'0. Ii l his views of For this purpose, he set sail, with one the revolution, he concurred with his frigate anrd a merchant ship, firom St. fiiend Mhiraboat. Author of "Pierre Malio, December 15th, 1766. After the le Grland," " L'Abbl de lEpec," "Leimmediate object of his voyage was a- lonlore," "Helena," Argnes Sorel," conplishled, he circumnnavigated the " La Vieillesse ce Piron," &c D. 1842. world, and returned to St. Malo, March BOULAINVILLIERS, IiEN1Y DE, 16th, 176'9. He enriched the science of comte de St. Saire, authlor of' a " Iisgeography by a inumber of new dis- tory of Mahomlet," a'IIistory of tlhe coverlies. In the American iar, he Arabians," a "HIistory of tlhe Peerage commtandced several ships of the line, of France," &c. B. 1'158; cd. 1722. with great llonor; was, in 1779, chef-d'es- BOULANGER, NICIIOLAs ANTONY, a cadre, andi in the following year, field- Frenelh mathelmatician and enl ineer, aumlarshal in the lIand forces. After 1790 thor of "Traite du Despotisine Orienhe devoted hlimself to science. D. 1811. tale," cc B. 1722; d. 1759. -JEAN PTIERE DE, a French W striter, au- BOULARD, ANTOINE MARIE IIENR, thor of " Philip of Macedon," a tragedy a dcistinguishedl French savant, b. 1754, &e.. and editor of Freret's great worlk and nmember of the chamber of deputies oil'Chllronology.' Bl. 1722; d. 1763. in 1815. IIe is author of Inumerous BOUGEANT, GUILLAUME IHYACINTHE, translaltions from Englrishl standard wria French Jesuit, author of "Amuse- tings, and was honored by the friendment Philosophique sur le Langare des ship of La Harpe, &c. D. 1825: BEet;," &c. B. 1690; d. 1743. BOULAY DE LA MEURTHE, A. BOUGUER, PIERnn, a French nmath- J. C., b. 1761; one of th1e most distinematitai,:and hydrographer, author of gcuished'orators il the French revolutreatises oil' Navigattion and Pilotage, tion, and author of eminient worlks on and on tihe': Construction of Ships," political science. I-e was president of and nlumerous other valuable works of the civil tribunal at Nancy, in 1793, ande scienlce. D. 1758. had great share in confirminglr the exBOUHIER, JOIIN, an eminent Frenolh patriatlion of the emigrants in 1793, vwhen writer of the 17th century, author of a member of'the five hundred. I-Ie "Letters on the Therapenutl," "Dis- was subsequently faithful to Bonaparlte sertations on HIerodotus," &c. B. 1673; throughl all his changes of fortune; and d. 1746. onl that account wae s proscribed, and BOUHOURS, DOMINIc, a French Jes- banished to F'rankfort, by the Bour uit and critic, author of " Le L Entretiens bons, on their last restoration in 1815. rBOU] CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPIHY. 195 BOULTER, HuGHI arclhbishop of Ar- paignl ill 1800, accompanied his father magh, eminent for his benevolent ex- to England, an'd was residing. with him ertions to alleviate the distress of the at Wanstead-House in 1804, when his Irish during the scarcity of 1740, and son, -the Duke d'Enghien, was murfor the part he took in establishing dered. The duke's death is attributed schools for the instruction of the Irish to the excitement of his mind respecting childrcn. D. 1742. the revolution of July, 1830. His propI;OULTON, MATTHEW, an eminent erty he left by will to the Duke d'Auengineer, whose spirit and talent im- male, third son of Louis Philippe, king proved jinnumerable mechanical pro- of the French, with the exception of: cesses, and whose name, with that of large bequest to Sophia Dawes, barones, his partner, Watt, is inseparably con- de Feucheres, an Englishwoman, wit[ nected with that of the wonderful power whom he lived. D. 1830.-NICIOLAS, I of whicL they made such skilful use, French poet, author of " Nug,," a col ile stean-engine, was b. at Birming- lection of Latin epigrams; a didacti. ham, in 1728. Among the mnay great poem, called "Ferraria;" a treati undertakings in which Bou1lton and' De ipucrorums moribus," &c. D..155o Watt were engaged, one of the-most -NICHOLAS, nephew of the above, pro useful and important was the improve- fessor of Greek, author of "An Impr. ment of the coinage, the coins struck at cation against the Parricide of Heli the "Soho" manufactory being rarely IV.," &e. D. 1644. surpassed in beauty or accuracy. H-is BOURCHIER, THOMAS, cardinal, a'-d long life was uninterruptedly devoted to archbishop of Canterburyy. He crown'd the advancenent of the useful arts, and no fewer than three kings, viz,, Ewlv' rd the promotion of the commercial inter- IV., Richard III., and Henry VII. D. ests of his country. D. 1809. 1486.-JouN, Lord Berners, a military BOUQUET, Madaule, b. about 1773; commander of great skill and repute in a victim of affection and hospitality, du- the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII., by ring the revolution. She concealec P6- the latter of whom he was made govthion Buzot and her uncle Gnadlet, crnor of Calais, author of a translation during one of the search warrants of of "Froissart," "The Life of Mlarcus the terrorists, and their retreat beiing Aurelius," &c. I). 152. discovered, she was sent to the guillo- BOURDALOUE, Louis, a Jesuit, and tine with them, and died with great for- a French preacher of consumnate elotitude. quence; was b. at Bourg3s, in 1632. BOURBON, CIHALrs, duke de con- The reputation whicl he acqtired by stable of France, a powerful enemy of preaching in the country, inlsuced his Francis I. and his opponent at Pavia superiors to send him to Paris, where when Francis was taken prisoner. His he immediately acquired popularity, and life was chiefly spent in warfare, and he became the favorite preacher of Louis was killed while heading the assault on XIV., who sent him into Languedoc, to Rome, in 1527.-ROBEsT, the Strong, convert the Protestants. The latter part duke of Neustria, founder of the family of his life wvas spent in visiting the sick, whic.h has so long governed France, and the prisons, and inl other works of Spain, Sicily, &c., lost his life in a battle charity. His sermons occupy 16 volwith the Normans in 866. Historians unies, and have often been reprinted. differ as to-his descent, some contend- D. 1704. ing that Pepin, of Heristel, was his an- BOURDON, SEBASTIAN, a painter of cestor; others trace his genealogy to merit in various styles, but particularly the kings of Lombardy; and some sayi ilandscape; was b. at Montpelier, in he deriveed his origin from a natural son 1616, and studied:at Rome, wxhere lie of Charlemagne.-Louis, cardnal ancd was the friend of. Claude Lorraine. In archbishop of Toledo; son of Louis, 1652, wishing to avoid the civil wars orotther of Charles III. of Spain. After which threatened France, he visited the imprisonment of Ferdinand at Va- Sweden, and was patronized by Chrislen(lay, he joined the cortes, and ulti- tina. She made him a present of some mately became president of the provi- pictues which Gustavus lhad broug-ht sional junta before which the king fiom Dresden; but on examininus them, swore, in 1820, to abice by the consti- Bourdon disinterestedly told- her that tution of the cortes of 1812. B. 1777; she ought not to part with so valuable d. 1823.-Louis HENRY JosEPH,, duke a collection. Christina afterwards took de, and prilce de Conde. He fought in them to Rolme, and they it length formed the royalist army; and after the cam- a part of the famous Orleans gallery. 190 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BoU IeI was an engraver as well as a painter, them to his own government, he was D. 1671. summoned before the privy council. BOURlGEOIS, Sir FIANCIS, whose pa- There he stabbed Mr. Harley, andl- in rents were Swiss, was born in London, return, was so dangerously wounded by in 1756, and was designed for the army, some of the counsellors that he d. in but displayed such an attachment to Newgate, in 1711. painting that he was placed under [BOURNE, BENJAMIN, of Bristol Loutherbourg. After having travelled Rhode Island; was b. about the year for inprovement, lie became a royal 1755, and educated at Harvard college, academician. In 1791 he was appointed where he was graduated in 1775. -Ie painter to the king of Poland; and, in was conspicuous for talents anid learn1794, landscape painter to George III. ing, and spent a large part. of his life in The splendid collection of pictures which public and honorable employments. lie Mr. Desenlfans had bequeathed to him, was for some time a member of congress, Sir Francis left to Dulwich college, with and in 1801 was appointed judge of tlhe ten thousand pounds to build a gallery circuit court of the United States. D. for theml. D. 1811. 1808.-VINCENT, one of the most elegant BOURGOING, JOIN FEANCIS, Baron of modern Latin poets; was educated de, was b. at Nevers, in 1748; served at Westminster and Trinity college, early inthe army, and successively acted Cambridge, took his degree of M.A. in as secretary of legation, and lastly as am- 1721, and d. undermiaster of Westminbassador at various courts. Of his wri- ster school in 1747. Cowper describes tings, the principal are, the "Picture of him as having been the neatest of all Modern Spain," 8 vols.; and " Histori- men in his versification, the most slovcal and Philosophieal Memoirs of Pius enly in his person and, as a poet, he VI. D. 1811. thinks him not at allinferior to Ovid. BOURIGNON, ANTOINETTAX a fa natic, BOURtIEIENNE, Louis ANTOINE FAUb. at Lisle, in 1616. She came into the VEILETDEL thesecretary of Napoleon, who world so very deformed that a consulta- had formed a fiiendship with hilm when cion was held in the family somne days they were scholars at Brienrne, was b. about stifling her as a monstrous birth. 1769, and studied law atLeipsic. When But if she sunk almost beneath humanity Napoleon was first consul le was made in her exterior, her interior seems to counsellor of state. Yet afterwards lie have been raised as much above it; for was accused of not being sincerely atat 4 ye.rs of a'ge she not only took notice taclled to the gorerinment of Napoleon that the people of Lisle did not live up as emperor. He was an inconsistent and to the principles of Chlristianity which treacherous politician, and even'wrote they professed, but was thereby dis- against his old patron and friend. His turbed5 so much as to lesire a removal "Memoirs of Napoleon" have been into some nmore Christian country. Hav- proved to be, in some respects, unworthy ing al aversion to matrimony, she twice of entire confidence. D. 1834. eloped firon home to avoidc it. The read- BOUPRIT, -MARK TIEODORE, a native ing of mystical works inflamed her ima- of Geneva, b. 1739, was a chanter in the giniation, and she believed that she had cathedral of his inative city. IIe is visions and ecstatic trances, in which known to the public by iis various jourshe-was commanded to restore the true neys to the Alps, and particularly to the evangelical spirit in the world. he e glaciers anld Mont Blanc;.of which lie wvandered about ifcessantly, and was published narratives in 1772 and 1785. expelled from many countries; but she The last of these works was reprinted made numerous proselytes, among in 1789, with a "Description of tlhe Glawhom were men of abilities. D. at ciers of the Pennine and Rhetian Alps." Franeker, in Holland, 1680. Her reve- D. 1S1I. ries fill 22 volumes. BOUERSAULT, ED3IUND, a Frlench BOURLIE, ANTHONY DE GurscARD, iwriter, was b. at Muci l'Eveque, in BurAbb6 de la, who is known in English gundy, 1638, and though his father, a history as the Marquis de Guiscard; was dissipated officer, to prevent him from b. in Quercy, in 1658, and entered the knowing more than himself, would give church. For some crime, however, he him no education, he acquired a conwas compelled to fly. Failing in an summate knowledge of the French lanattemlpt to spread the revolt of the Ce- guage. He wrote several comedies, parvenuies, he took refuge in England, ticuarlay "Esop in Town," and I Esop where he received a pension from (Queen at Court," three romances, and other Anne's ministers; but having betrayed works of considerable merit, among BOWJ CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 19T which may be mentioned " Letters to debted to him for a translation of MolBaBbet. Boursault was a man of modest lal's " Travels to the Sources of the Sellnminc and a forgiving spirit. D. 1701. egal and Gambia," and other works. BOURSIIER, LAWRENCE FRANCIS, a B. 1798. doctor of the Sorbonne, who d. at Paris BOWDITCH, NATHANIEL, president in 1749, aged 70. He was author of of the American Academy of Arts and several controversial books in divinity, Sciences, was b. at Salcim, Mass., March and of an able treatise called " Paction 26, 1773. On account of the straitened de Dieu sur les creatures," 2 vols. 4to. or circumstances of his parents, le had no 6 vols. 12mo., which was attacked by advantages of education than those afMIalebranche. He wrote also an address forded by the common town schools of' to Peter the Great when he visited Paris, that period; and lie was taken from for the union of the Greek and Latin school at the early period of 10 years. At churches.-PHILIP, an ecclesiastic of Pa- the age of 12 or 13, he as placed as an ris, who was the first concerned in the apprentice, or clerk, in a 3hip-chandler's 1Nouvelles Ecclesiastiques" in 1727, in shop, where he remained till he was which he was assisted by Berger, d'Ete- 21. In his 22d year lie went to sea in mare, de Fernanlville, and others. D. the capacity of captain's clerk; and lhe 1767. spent about nine years in a soafaring BO3URVALAIS, PAUL POISSON, a fa- life, during which he made five voyages, mons French financier, who rose from four of them to the East Indies; first as obscurity to opulence and consequence, captain's clerk, afterwards, as supercarby industry, and afterwards by dishon- go, and finally as master. After relinest means. I-e was accused of having quishing his nautical life, he became, in amassed a princely fortune from the dis- 1804, president of a marine insurance tresses of the state during the Spanish company, in Salem, which station he succession ivar, and his vast wealth was held till 1823, when, on the cstablishforfeited. He was some time indemni- ment of the Massachusetts Hospital Life fled; but his disgrace had broken a heart Insurance Company, in Boston, he was naturally fierce and impatient...1710. induced to leave his native place, and BOUTERWEK, FREDERICK, profes- take charge of the institution. Notwithsor of moral philosophy at Gottingen, a standing his limited advantages of eduman of much merit as an academical in- cation, and his engagements, through structor an'd a writer on literature, was life, in laborious employments, by Iis b. April 15th, 1766, at Oker, a village not extraordinary genius, and almost equally far from Goslar, in North Germany. extraordiiary economy of time, he gainAfter applying himself to many depart- ed a knowledge of the atin, Greek, Italments of learning, jurisprudence. poe- ian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, anl try, &c., he at last became entirely de- German languages, made iimself the voted to philosophy and literary history. most eminent mathematician and astronBouterwek has gained a permanent omer that America has produced, and reputation by his " History of Modern did more for the reputation of his counPoetry and iloquence," published 1801 try among men of science abroad, than -1821, a work which, though unequal has been done by any other man, in some respects, and in parts, especial- except, perha>s, Audubon and Dr. ly in the first volume, partial and super- Franklin. His first publication was his fiial] is an excellent collection of notices well-known Practical Navix Iation," of and observations, and may be considered which the first edition appeared in 1802, one of the best works of the kind in while the author was engagred in a seaGerman literature. D. 1828. faring1 life, in the capacity of supercargo. BOWDICH, TiOrMas EDWARD, a wri- Flroml that period it lhas been the stalcdter in the service of the English African ard work on the subject; and in point Company, was a native of Bristol. Ie of practical utility, it is esteemed one of wVas selected to conduct a mission to the most valuable works extant. Amoong the kina of Ashantee, of which mission his scientific labors were numlerous and he published a very int6resting account. important comlmunications to the ilemle agfain set out to explore the interior oirs of the American Academy; but the of Africa, and had already reacled the great work upOs wxhiI lis f'nme, as a river Ganbia, when a fever, produced man of science will principally rest, is his chiefly by anxiety, terminated his life il copious and plrofound commentary upon 1824. I-Je was an excellent linguist and thme " Mechanique Cleeste"' of Lai Place, a pleasing writer; and besides the work of which lie made the first entire transalready mentioned, the public are in- lation, and which lie has elucidated in a 5.~i 198 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [.Or manner that commands the admiration in Wiltshire, to which he was presentedr of men of science. D. 1838. by Archbishop Moore. HiIs first apBO WDLER, TiOMAS, an English phy- pearance as a poet was in a small collecsician author of " Letters from Iol- tion of sonnets, which were published land," and editor of the " Family Shak- in 1789, and may be reckoned among speare," &c. B.1754; d. 1825. —IANNAh, the first-fruits of a new era in poetry. was sister of* the above; author of In these sonnets there were observed "Poems and Essays," and of some popu- grace of expression, a musical versificalar " Sermons on the Doctrines and Du- tion, and especially an air of melancholy ties of Christianity." D. 1830. tenderness, so congenial to the poetical BOWDOIN, JAMES, a governor of temlperament. The subsequent poeins TMQassachusetts, was born at Boston, in of Mr. Bowles did not belie the promise the year 1727, and was graduated at of his youth. The chief of these were I-Iarvard college, in 1745. He took all his " Hope, an Alleeorical Sketch," "St. early stand agalinst the encroachlnents Mshichael's Mount," "Coombe,Ellen," of the British government upon the and " Grave of HIoward." I1is "Spirit provincial righots, and in 1774 was elected of Discovery by Sea," the longest of his a delegate to the first congoess. The productions, was published ii 180-. Mr. state of his health prevent.ed his'attend- Bowlcs published also an edition of ance, and his place was afterwards filled Pope, which involved him in the faImonus by ir. Hancock. In 1778 he was closen controversy with Lord Biy on -as well president of the convention which as a great variety of small tracts, literaforlned the constitution of Massachu- ry, antiquaiian, and theological. le setts, and in 1785 was appointed gov- was, in fact, a very frequent, thlough lie ernor of that state. I-e was a member cannot be called a voluminousn, contribuof the Massachusetts convention assem- tor to the literature of' the present cenbled to deliberate on the adoption of the tury. D. 1850. constitution of tie United States, anld BOWYER, WTILLIArir all eliliilent exerted himself in its favor. He was scholar andl typogriapler, was b. in the first president of the Academy of London, in 1699, and after having been Arts and Sciences, established at Boston for some time at St. Joh'si' college, in 1780, and was admitted a member of Ca.mbridghe, becamc e a partner witll hiis several foreigni societies of distinction. fLather in the printing business. I:Ie was D. at Boston, 1790. printer to various lelarned bodies, and BOWER, AclxHIIBLD, a native of Dun- to the house of lords. IIe published dee, b. in 1686, was educated at St. Omer, several philological tracts, and added entered the order of the Jesuits, and be- notes to many erudite works fiom liis came a secounllor of the Inquisition, at press; but his principal production is Macerata, in the Papal States. le, howv- an edition of thc Newr Testament in ever, fled to Engla'nd, in 1726, embraced Greek, with conjectusral emendations. the Protestant fiaith, ancl: was patronized D. 1777. by persons of eminence. His sincerity BOXIHORN, MAi1K ZUErus, professor was much coubted. and his conduct was of rhetoric, politics, and history, in the attacked by manly, particularly by Dr. university of Leyden; author of' a treaDouolas, the detector of-LJiuder. B]ower tise on the Discovery of Printing,.uald conducted the I Histol'ia Literaria.;'" of orimerous Latin' works, both prose wrote a very indifferent IHistory of the and verse. B. 1612; d. 1653. Popes" and contributed largely to the BOYCE,.WILLIAaM, doctor of music, " Universal Hiistory." D. 1766. and an eminent composer both of sacred BOWLES, Cev. WILLIAM LISLE, whose and secular pieces. B.17.0; d. 1779. sonnets exercised no uninportant infln- BOYD, MA:iK ALEXANDIERl, an eminent ence on English literature, was b. at Scotch writer; author of " Epistolh IleKin(r's Sutton, in Northamptonshire, a roidis," &c. B. 1562; d, 1601.-IluGhr paris h-of which his fither wvas vicar, in MxACAUL~Y, a Scotch political writ;er, to 1762. He'was educated at Winchester wlhom., withoutany sufficingo reason, the and at Trinity college, Oxford, where he celebrated Letters of Junlis were ait one took his deree in 1792. On leaving the time attributed. He accompanied Lord unixversity he enterec into holy ordlers, 3Mcartney to Miadras. D. 1791. — ROB and was appointed to a.curacy in Wilt- ErT, an eminent Scotch divine, b. at shire; firom which he was preierred to a Glasgow, in 1578; d. 1627.-ZACEHArY, a living' in Gloucestershire, und in 1803 to Scotcli divine of the 17th century, and i canonry in Slisbury cathedral. His twice rector of the university of Glasnctxl step vwas to the rectory of Bremhill "gow. Among various other workss which -o0Y] CYCLOPiEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 199 he published, is "The Last Battle of English and French Dictioniav."' He the Soul in Death;" and among the nu- wrote also "A French Gramintaar' in 1merons MXSS. he left, is a collection of Eloglisli, which still retains a hligh rankl quaint poemll entitled, "Zion's Flow- il our schools.. 179.-JoJNu BAPrTST er,"' popularly calledl " Zachary Boyd's NiCiioLAS, a French physician, eminently Bible. D. 1653, leaving a considerable sklilful in the treatmennt of infectious disleacy to the Glasgow colleLe. eases; author of a " Plharmacopmeia, LBO3YDELL, JIHN, a worthy alderman tracts on Contagious Disorders, &c. i). of London, and distinguishecd encour- 1768.-JEAN PIERcEH, a celebrated mulager of the arts of painting land engrav- latto president of the island of lHatiii ing, b. at Dorington, in Shropslire, 1719, who was b. at Port au Prince in 1780. and intended for a land-surveyor, which His mother was a negress from Congo, was the profession of his father; but Land his ftther a shopkeeper and tihlor chalnce lnavino thrown in his way "I Bad- of good repute. Attliacine himself to deley's Views ofldiffiere Cntntry Seats," Rigaud, he set out for France, but was lie cetermined on quitting the pen foi captured by the Americans, but was Ihe graver; and at above 20 years of released at the close of the waar between aoge put himself apprentice for seven France and the United States. ie took years to Mi. Toms, whom he served six part in Leclere's expedition against St. years, and bought up the seventh. le Domingo, but lafterwards joiined Petion's then appliced closely till lie had engcravedl party, and rapidly rorse till lie was named 152 prints, whichl lie published in a Petion's successor in the presidency. book at the price of five guineas. With Adroitly placifigi himself at the liead of the profits of tlis he set about encour- the various insurgenuts as they rose, he. agling other professors of the art; he reduced the whole island to one repubdiscovered the talents of Woollett, and lican governinent. He was subsequently emnployed himn to engrave the two fa- obliged to seek safety from an insurrecmous pietures of " Niobe" alnd i Phae- tion excited hy lis violence, in the island ton." He soon commenced a great of Jamaica. foreigni trade in English prints, and BOYLE, 1oBERT)r a philosopher, wxho realized by his spirit of ilndustry and ranks with Bacon anld writh Newton enterprise a considerable fortune, form- was the seventh son of the celebrated lng too the well-known "Sllaklsoar; e earl of Cork, and was b. at Lismore, in Gallery." The long duratioi of the Ireland, January the 26th, 1626, the French war, however, having almost year that Bacon died. Eton has the wholly stopped his export trade, il ihonor of his early education, which was which hle had embarked large sums of perfected by private tutors, and lastly money, he ras, in the spring of 1804,1 t Gcneva. Ater halving travelled over induced to crave permission of parlia- varios parts of the Continent, he settled ilent to dispose of the "Shakspeare in England, and devoted himself to sciGallery" by lottery. D. 1804. ence, especially to natural philosophy BOYELDIEU, ADRIAN, one of the and to chemistry. Every year of his most celebrated opera conmposers of life Awas marked by new experiments. France. Hei was b. at iRonen, 17i-75 but We are indebted to him for the first cerwent early to Paris, where he was ap- tain knowledge of the absorption of air pointed professor of the piano at the in calcination and combustion, and of Conservatoire. He wrote " Ma Tante the increase of weihlit which metals gain Aurora," and the " Calife de Bagdad, by oxidation. lie fir st studied thle chlenwhen he was nlmde chlapel-master to icl phenomienat of the atmosphere andl Alexander of Russia, and repaired to St. was thus the predecessor of Mayow, Petersburg. In 1811 he returned to HIales, Cavendish, and Priestley. In all Paris, and wrote "Le Dot de Susette," philosophical inquiries, he duislplayed an J ea e eParis," " Le Chaperon Prougfe," accurate and mlethodical minLd, rclyling and bestof all, "La Dame Blanch e. A wholly upon experiments. At the same sweet and natural melody, simiple but time his imaginatliion xwas wiarm and agreeable accompaniments, an expres- lively, and inclined to romantic notionsi, sive gayety, andi grbat variety, are te whlich were first produced in his childcharacteristic excellences of his style. hood, by the perusal of Aniadis of Gaul, D. 1864. and always exercised a visible influence BOYEP, ABLE, a well-lknown glossog- on his character. HIe was naturally inrapher; b. at Castres, in France, 1664. clined to melancholy, and this temper The work he is chiefly known by, is a of mind was increased by circumnstances. very excellent " French and English, and The sight of the great Carthusian- monl 200 CYCLOPeDIA OrP BIOGRAPHY. LBOY astery at Grenoble, the wildness of the to him his fourth epistle. B. 1695; di country, as well as the severe ascetic life 1753. of the monks, made,a deep impression BOYLSTCON, ZABDIEL, wasb. atBrookupon him. The devil, as he said, taking line, Massachusetts, in 1684. I-e studied advantage of his melancholy disposition, medicine at Boston, and entered into the filled his soul with terror, anid with practice of his profession in that place. doubts concerning the fundamental doc- In 1721, when the small-pox broke out trines of religion. This condition was in Boston, and spread alarm through the so insufferable, that lie was temptec to whole country, the practice of inoculafree himself from it by committing sui- tion was introduced by Dr. Boylston, cide, and was only prevented by the notwithstanding it was discouraged by fear of hell. While endeavoring to settle the rest of the faculty, and a public orhis faith, he found those defences of the dinance was passed to prohibit it. IHe Christian religion, which had been pub- persevered in his practice in spite of the lished before his time, unsatisfactory. most violent opposition, and had the I.n order therefore to read the original satisfaction of seeing inoculation in genworlis which are considered the founda- eral use in New England, for some time tion of Christianity, lie studied the Ori- before it became colmmon in Great Britcntal languages, and formed connections ain. In 1725 he visited Englandcl, where with Pococke, Thomas Hyde, Samuel lie was received with much attention, Clarke, Thomas Barlow, &c. The result and was elected at fellow ofi the Royal of his studies wvas a conviction of its Society. Upon his return, he continued truth, which was manitfasted not only at the heac of his profession for many by his theological writings, but by his years, and accumulated a large fortune. benevolence and nenerous disinterested- Besides communications to the Royal ness. He instituted public lectures for Society, lie published two trea.tises on the defence of Christianity. D. 1691.- the Small Pox. D. 1766. —NICHOLas, a' RICHARD, earl of Cork, an eminent states- benefactor of Harvard college, who had man in the reign of James I.; and foun- been an eminent merchant, and was der of a family greatly distinguished in about to retire fromi business, to enjoy the arts, sciences, and literature. B. at the fruit of his indulstlry when lie d. Canterbury, 1566; d. 1643.-ROGmEr, earl He bequeathed to the university at Camof Orrery, fifth son of the above. When bridge ~1500, as the foundattion of a only 7 years old he was clreated Baron lectureship on rhetoric and oratory. Broghill; and, from an early age, was oJohn Quincy Adams, in 1806, was tile conspicuous for his zeal in the kinig's first occupant of the chair thus created. service. But after the king was put to D. 1771.-WAP D NICHOLAS,' also a disdeath, the baron transferred his services tinguished patron of Harvard college, to Cromwell, by whom he was greatly having given to the medical school a trusted and employed. At the death of collection of mecical anid anatomical Cromwell he aided in bringing back books, and made provision for its enCharles II., and was created earl of largement. Orrery for his service on that occasion. BOYS, WILLIAM, b. at Deal, in Kent, B. 1621; d. 1679.-ClHALES, Lord Boyle, 1785, was bred a surgeon, but devoted second son of Roger, earl of Orrery, a much of his time to antiquarian restatesman and scholar; editor of te searches, and published, besides other'Epistles of Phalaris," and author of works, an elaborate and valuable " Illssomle slight but clever literary papers. tory of Sandwich, with Notices of the B. 1676; l. 1731.-JOHNs, earl of Cork other Cinque Ports, and of RichboraCnd Orrery, only son of the last namecd; ough.'" D. 1803. author of a translation, with notes, of the BOYSE, JOHN, one of tle translators "Epistles of Pliny the Younger," "IRe- of thle Bible in the reign of James I., marks on the Life and Writings of was b. at iNettlestead, in Sffolk, 1560, Swift," papers in the Connoisseur and and cd. 1643, leaving a great many maim — the World, &c. B. 1707; d. 1762.- scripts behindc himil, particularly a ceomRICOHARD third earl of Burlington, and mentary on almost ll the books of thle fourth earl of Cork, another branch of New Testament.-SA.rUEL, a very inthe samne distinguished fiamlily. He was genions person, but as remarkable for an enthusiastic amlateur of architecture, imprudence as for ingenuity,. in IDuband a very generous frieind to mein of lin, 1709. In 1731 lie published, at. letters. In lhim, Bishop Berkeley found Ecinburgh, a volunme of poems addressed his earliest and most efficient patron; to the countess of Elglinton. Ile wrote and Pope did him the honor to address also an elegy upon the dea;th of Lat.y BRA] CYCLOP.EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 201 Stormont, entitled "The Tears of the college in 1771. In 1781 he settled at Muses;" with which Lord Stormont Pittsburo, which was then almost a wilwas so much pleased that he ordered derness, but he predicted that it would Boyse ahandsome present. These pub- soon become a large town, and in its lications, and the honorable notice taken improvement he engaged with zeal. In of them, were the means of recommend- 1789 he was appointed judge. He pubing him to very high persons, who were lished a poem on the "Rising Glory of desirous of serving him; but Boyse was America," 1774: "Eulogium of the not a man to be served. He made an Brave Men who fell in the Contest with improper use of these recommendations, Great Britain," 1779; Modern Chivaland had often recourse to the meanest ry the Adventures of Capt. Farrago," arts to procure benefactions. At some 1792; " Incidents of the Insurrection in times he would raise subscriptions for 1794 in Pennsylvania," 179o " Law of poems which did not exist; and at Miscellanies, colntaining Instructions for others, ordered his wife to inform peo- the Study of the Law," 1814. D. 1816. pie that lie was just expiring, to move BRIACKETT, JOSHUA, a physician, the compassion of his friends, who were graduated at Harvard college, 1752. He frequently surprised to meet the man in first became a reacher, binut gave up that the street to-day who was, yesterday, profession for the study of medicine. said to be at the point of death. In May, e established hiimiself in Portsmo-th, 1749, however, he d.,'after a lingerinog New Hampshire, and continued there illness, in obscure lodgings, near Shoe- during life. iHe took a deep interest in lane, where he was buried at the ex- the promotion of natural history at Carmpencse of the parish. bridge, and requested lis wile to approBOZE, CLAUDE GPOS DE, b. at Lyons, priate $1;)00 towards the professorship 1680, distinguished. for his knowledge of that science in Harvard college. She of antiquities and medals, which gained complied with his request, and added to the patronagoe of Chancellor Pontchar- the amount. He wasa benefactor of the train, and other illustrious characters, N. H. Medical Society, of which he was and the honor of a seat in the French president from 1793 to 1799, presenting Academy, and in the Academy of Belles- to it, at its establishment, 143 vols. of Lettres, of which lie became perpetual valuable medical books. D. 1802. secretary. He was respected for his BRACTON, HENRY DE, a native of private character, as well as his great Devonshire, who studied at Oxford, and iearming. His works were on medallic became eminent as a lawyer, and in 1244 subjects, besides historical panegyrics was made one of'the judges itinerant by on the members of the Academy, the IHenry III. He is chiefly known by his first 15 vols. of which he published- excellent work "De Legibus and Consuand a valuable c-atalogue of his own etudinibus Anglize," a most finished and library. D. at Paris, 1753. valuable performance, divided into five BRACCIOLINI DELL' API, FRANcIS, books, and containing, in good language, an Italian poet of Pistoya, who, at the a curious and interesting detail of the age of 40, became an ecclesiastic, and legal learning, the laws and customs of was patronized by Pope Urban VIII., our ancestors. Though blamed by and'by Cardinal Anthony Barberini, Hoard for mingling too much of the with whonl he had been secretary. He civil and canmon law in his compositions, wrote several tragedies, comedies, and le has long been held as a writer of great pastorals-besides "La Croce Riacqui- authority, and deservedly esteemed by state," a poem which the Italians rank Lord Coke, and other great lawyers, as next to Tasso's "Jerusalem," and a poem the first source of legal knowledge. in twenty-three cantos, on the pope's BRADBURY, THOMAS, a native of election, for which, at his patron's de- London, educated at Clapham, in comsire, he assumed the surname of Della pany with Dr. Watts, and distinguished Api, and added to his arms three bees. among the Nonconformists as a bold and D. at the age of 80, 1645. eloquent preacher in defence of CalvinBRACHMANN, LoUISA, b. 1777, a istical doctrines and revolution principoetess styled the " Sappho of Ger- pies. He wrote some theological treamany;" she was found drowned in tises, besides three volumes of sermons, 1822: it was, supposed that she threw and the'Mystery of Godliness." D. 1757. herself into the water. BRADDOCK, EDWARD, major-general BRACKENRIDGE, IHUGH HENRY, a amnd commander of the British aimv iI jadge of the supreme court of Pennsyl- the expedition against the French, on the vania. IHe was graduated at Princeton river Ohio, in 1755, arrived in Virginia 202 CYCLOP.EDIA OF BIOGRAPIY. [BRA in February of that year, and, il the character soon introduced him to an unspring, inarched against Fort cdu Quesne, sual. share of business; and, in August, now Pittsburll. lie reached the Monon- 1780, only one year after he wlas liceised gallela, July Sth, at the head of 1200 to practice, le was appointed. atLtoreymeII the ba-gsage having been left he- geenral of the state of Pennsylvania. hindi under the care of Colonel Dunbsr, Anugst 22d, 1791, he was made a judge to advance by slower marches. On the of the supreme court of Pennsylvania. next day he moved forward to invest the HIis industry, integrity, and ability, enfort, and, by disreoarding the caution of abled him to gi e general satisfaction in his provincial officers, who warned him this office. On the attorney-gencral of against the danoer of a surprise in an the United States beino promoted to the Indian war, fell into an amlbuscade, by ofice of the secretary of state, Bradforcl which he lost nearly one half of his was appointed to the vacant office, Jaintroops, andc received himself a mortal ary 28th, 1794. This office -le held till wound. All his officers on horseback, his death. In 1793 he published an except Colonel, afterwards General, "Inquiry how far the Pnnishmnxt of ~Washinogton, who acted as aid, being Death is necessary in Pennsytlvi.nia.' killed, the army retreated precipitately This performance justly gained hihn near forty miles, to Dunbar's camp, great credit. D. 1795.-SAMUEL, Was b. wherse the general, who was conveyed in Blackfriars, 20th December, 1652, and there in a tumbril, expired. after studying at St. Paul's school, the BRADFORD, WILLIAM, the second Charter house, and Benet's college, governor of Plymouth Colony, was b. at Camnbridge, he wenit abroad on account Ansterfield, England, in 1588. At the of some scruples of conscience, andl ap age of 18 he joined those dissenters who plied himself to physic. He afterwards fled to Holland, to enjoy religious free- was reconciled to t1he doctrines of the dom. Iis leisure hourss were passed in church, and as the fieCend of Archbishop learning the art of silk dyeing. After a Sancroft, and the chaplain of Khag Wilresidence of ten years he removed to liam, he rose in ecclesiastical preferment America. His wife fell into the sea and to the rectory of St. Mary-le-bow, a prewas drowned, just before the-place for bendh of Westminster, and the miasterthe colony was selected. In 1621 he was ship of his own college. In 1718 he appointed governor of the new settle- became bishop of Carlisle, and in 1723 ment, when one of his first acts was to of Rochester, which le held to the time secure the friendship of the Indian of his death, 1731. He edited "TillotMassassoit, and all his subsequent ca- son's Sermons."-JOHN, an Engisil marreer was one of devotion to his duties. tyr, b. of a respectable family at ManThe original government of Plymouth chester. He was for so time te clerk to was founded entirely on mutual consent. Sir John HaIrrington, the treasurer of The first patent was obtained in the the English forces at Calais, but aftername of John Pierce; but another pat- wards turned his thoughts to the study ent of larger extent was obtained of the of divinity, and took his master's degree council for New England, in. 1630, in at Cambridge. He xwas eloquent as a the name of William Bradford, his heirs, preacher, alnc his abilities exposed him associates, and assigns. In the year to persecution in Mary's reign, so that, 1640 the general court requested Gov- after a long imprisonment, he was burnt ernor Bradford to surrender the patent in Smithfield, 1st July, 1555. Some of into their hands. With this request he his letters are extant. cheerfully complied, and after the sur- BRADLEY, JAMES, a celebrated asrender the patentv was immediately de- tronomer, was b. at Sherborne, in the livered'o'ailn into his custody. Mr. year 1692. I-e studied theology at OxBradford was annually chosen governor ford, and took ordlers; but his taste for as long as e lieved, exceptino in the astronlomy soon led him to chance the years 1633, 1634, 1636, 1638, and 1644. course of his life. I-is uncle instructed fAt these times it was by his own request him in the elements of mathematits, his that the people did not elect him. D. own industry did every thing else, and, 1657.-WILIArM, a lawyer' of eminence, in 1721, he was appointed professor of b. in Philadelphia, 1755. In the spring astronomy at Oxford. Six years afterof 1769 he entered the college at-Prince- wards, he made knorwnr his discovery of ton, then under the direction of the the aberration of light. But, althoulgh learned Dr. John Wotherspoon. In 1779 this. discovery gave a greater degree of he was admitted to the bar of the su- accuracy to astronomical observations, preme court of Pennsylvania, where his and althouugh the discrepancies of differ BRA] CYCLOPAIDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 203 ena; observations were much dliminished, the vehemence of the roy.ist bigotry, yet slight differences remained, and did his remains were disinterrec, and hangnot escape his observation. lIe studied ed at Tyburn. them during 18 years with the greatest BRAjDSTREET, SImiON, governor of perseverance,and finally discovered that Massachusetts. He was in March, 16B0, they were fully explained by the supposi- chosen an assistant of the colony about tion of an oscillating motion of the euath's to be established there, and arrived at axis, completed during a revolution of Salem, in the summer of the same year. the moon's nodes, in eighteen years. He was at the first court which wias'held He called this phenomenon the nutation at Charlestown, August 23d. I-e wAas of the earltl's acis; alnd.c published, in afterwards secretary and aglent of Mas1748, (Philosoph. Trans. No. 785,) his sachusetts, and commissioner of the account of the apparent motion of the united colonies. He was sent with Mr. fixed stars, with its laws, arising from Norton, in 1662, to congratulate King tlis phel-ome.lnon of nutation. ID'Alem- Charles on his restoration and ads agentt bert afterwards explained the physical of the colony to promote its interests. causes of this phenomenon, upon the Fromn 1673 to 1679, he was deputy-govprincipal of universal attraction. By ernor. In this last year, he succeeded these two discoveries, astronomers were Mr. Leverett as governor, and remained for the first time enabled to maklie tables in office till May, 1686, when the charterr of the motions of the heavenly bodies was dissolved, and Joseph Dudley cormwith the necessatry accuracy. 3'radley miencecd his administration as president had already, in 1726, explained the me- of New England. In May, 16S9, after thod of obtaining the longitude by means the inmprisonment of A1ndros, he was of the eclipse of Jupiter's first satellite. replaced in the office of governor, which In 1741, at the death of DoctorHalley, he station he held, till the arrival of Sir received the appointment of astronomer Willian Plhipps in May, 1692, withl a royal, and removed to the observatory at charter, which deprived the people of Greenwich. Here he spent the remain- the right of electing their chief magisder of his life, entirely devoted to his trate. D. 1697.-ANiE, entitled to reastronomical studies, and left thirteen meembranle as the author of the first volumes folio'of his own observations, volume of poetry published in America. in muanuscript. Of these, the first vol- lHer volume was dedicated to her father,. rnie was published by lioresby, 1798. in a copy of verses, dated March 20, The whole appeared tunder the title of 1642. The title is, "Several Poems "Astronomical Observations lade at the compiled with great variety of wit and Observatory at Greenwich," 1750-62 learning, full of delioht; vwherein espeOxford, 1805. D. 1762.-RICIIAD, pro- cially is contained a complete discourse fessor of botany at Cambridge, and au- and description of the four elements, thor of several works, chiefly compila- constituting, ages of mlan, seasons of tions on botany and horticulture. Dr. the year, together with an exact epitome Brewster's popular invention, the ka- of the three first monarchies, viz.: the leidoscope, -was at one time said to be due Assyrian, Persian, Grecian, land Roman to Bradley; but it appeass that the doc- commonwealth, from the beginning to tor's instrument and t o poothe e popos te end of their last king, xvith divers by Bradley are quite different, and that other pleasant andc serious poems. By the latter xwould be very inferior.. a Gentlewomns of Nex England." A 1782. third edition was pblished in 1758. D. BRADSHAW, JOHN, celebrated as 1672, aged 60.-J-OirN, a major-general president of the tribunal by which in Amerioa, appointed by the king of Charles I. was tried, is said by some to Great Britain, was, in 1746, lieutenanthave beeni b. in Derbyshire, and by governor of St. John's, Newfoundland. others in Cheshire, in 1586. He studlie He was afterwards distinguished for his the law in Gray's Inn. In the contest military services. It was thought of between Charles and the people, Brad- the highest importance, in the year 1756, shawR espoused the cause of he latter. to keep open the communication with The'arliamient made him chief justice Fort Oswego, onlake Ontario. General of Chester, cand he was also chosen to Shirley accordingly enlisted forty compreside in the high court of justice, panies of boatmen, and placed them which sat upon the king. Cromwell, under the command of Bradstreet. In to iwhose usurpation lhe was hostile, de- the spring of this year, a small stockprived him of the chiefjusticesip. D. aded post of 25 men had been cut off. 1659; but, at the restoration, such was It became necessary to pass through the 204 CYCLOPADIA OF BIOGRAPHY. BRA] country with elage squadrons of boats, ereign, Fredelick II., who gave him a as the enemy infested the passage pension, and the island of IHwen, in the through the Onondaga river. On his Sound, on which Brahe bailt a splendid return fron Oswego, JIul, 1756, Col. observatory, named Uraniburgh. There Bradstreet, who was apprehensive of he resided nearly twenty years, assidubeing a'mbushed, ordered the several ously laboring in his astronomical purdivisions to proceed as near each other suits. Soon after the death of Frederic, as possible. He was at the head of however, Brahe lost his pensions, beabout 300 boatmen in the first division, came an object of persecution, and was when at the distance of nine miles from compelled to quit his country. The the fort, the enemy rose from their am- Emperor Rodolph invited him to Prague, buscade and attacked him. I-e in- and the expatriated astronomer settled stantly landed upon a small island, and there, in 1598; but he did not long surwith but six men maintained his posi- vive this removal for he d. in the Botion, till he was reinforced. A general heinian capital, 1601. Brahe discovered engagement ensued, in which Brad- two new inequalities in the motion of street with gallantry rushed upon a of the moon, made other valuable obmore numerous enemy, and entirely scrvations on thatsatellite, was, perhaps, routed them, killinog and wounding the first who had correct ideas of the about 200 men. His own loss was about nature of comets, and, with less happi30. In the year 1758, he was intrusted ness, invented a new planetary system, with the command of 3000 men on an which was vainly intended to supersede expedition against Fort Frontenac, which that of Copernicus. He is.the author of was planned by himself. On tile 27th a "Treatise on the New Phenomena of of August it was surrendered to him. the Heavens;" and other astronomical In 1764: he compelled the Delawares, works written in Latin. His poems do Shawnese, and other Indians, to terms not possess much merit, though, on the of peace. I-e was appointed major- vwhole, he was one of the most remarkageneral in 1772. D. 1774. ble men of his age. BRADWAIRDIN, TOrmArs, a native BRAIDWOOD, TfIOMAS, a native of of Hatfield in Sussex, educated at Ox- Edinburgh, the first person in Great ford, where lie was proctor and divinity Britain who, to any extent, undertook professor. For his great merit as a to afford instruction to the deaf and mathematician, philosopher, and divine, dumb. In 1763 he began to practise his he was made confessor to Edward III. valuable art; and, in 1723, he removed during his wa rs in France, where as a his establishment from Edinburgh to preacher his eloquence had great in- Hackney. D. 1806. His daughter, who luenece in restrainini the violence and d. in 1819, also conducted a seminary of lawless conduct of the military. I-Ie the same kind. became archbishop of Canterbury in BRAINARD, JAMES G. C., a poet and 1348, and from his learning was called man of letters, b. in Connecticut, was the "'Profound Doctor." Among other graduated at Yale college in 1815. He things he published a tract called studied the profession of the law and " Causa Dei," besides " Geometria entered into practice at Middletown, Speculativa," "iArithmetica Specula- Conn.; but not finding the degree of tiva," "Tractatus Proportionum," Ven- success that he expected, he returned in ice, 1505. He was consecrated at a short tilme to his native town, whence Avignon. D. 1549. he removed to Hartford, to undertake BRADY, NIIoLAs, an English di- the editorial charge of the "Connecticut vine; translator of the JEneid, and, in Mirror." His poems were chiefly short conjunction with Tate, of the Psalms. pieces, composed for the columns of this B. at Bandon, Ireland, 1659; d. 1726.-paper, and afterwards collected in a volROBERT, an Eniglish physician and his- unie. They display much pathos, boldtorical writer. D. 1700. ness, and originality. D. of consumpBRAHE, TrcHo, who has been called tion, 1828.-DAVID, the celebrated misthe restorer of astroncnly, was b. at sionary, mws b. at IIaddam, Connecticut, Knudstorp, in Scania, 1546, of a noble in 1718. From an early period he was family. His love of astronomy was ear- remarkable for a religious turn of mind, ly manifested, and his discovery in 1572, and in 1739 became a member of Yale of a new star in the constellation Cassi- college, where he was distinguished for opeia, made him known to.the scientific application and general correctness of world. After many travels auld adven- conduct. He was expelled from this inturcs, he was patronized by his sov- stitution in 1742, in consequence of BRA] CYCLOPe DIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 205 having said, in the warmth of his reli- a French nobleman, distinguished for gious zeal, that one of the tutors was as his scientific attainments; discoverer of devoid of grace as a chair. In the spring the composition of the diamond, and a of 1743 he began the study of divinity, great improver of the manufacture of and at the end of July was licensed to porcelain. B. 1735; d. 1824. preach. Having received-from the So- BRAND, JoEN, an able and volumiciety for propagating Christian Knowl- nous writer on politics and political edge an appointment as missionary to economy; author of numerous political the Indians, he commenced his labors at pamphlets and some poems. le was Kaunameek, a village of Massachusetts, rector of Wickham Market, in Suffolk, situated between Stockbridge and Alba- and of St. George, Southwark. D. 1809. ny. Le remained there about twelve -JoHN, an English divine and antiquamonths, and on the removal of the ry; author of the "History and AnKaunameeks to Stockbridge, he turned tiquities of the Town of Newcastle," his attention towards the Delaware In- " Observations on Popular Antiquities," dians. In 1744 he was ordained at &c. B. 1743; d. 1806. Newark, New Jersey, and fixed his res- BRANDER, GusTAvus, an English anidence near the forks of the Delaware tiquary and naturalist. He was of a in Pennsylvania, where he remained Swedish family, but born in London about a year. From this place he re- where he was an eminent merchant and moved to Crosweeksuno, inNevw Jersey, a director of the bank. He contributed wheire his efforts among the Indians largely to the Transactions of the Antiwere crowned with great success. In quarian Society. &c. B. 1720; d. 1787. 1747 he went to Northampton, Massa- BRANDES,' EIRNEST, a Hanoverian chusetts, where he passed the remainder author and statesman, b. 1758. He was of his life in the family of the celebrated a friend of Burke; and published a work Jonathan Edwards. HIls publications on the French revolution, in refutation are a narrative of his labors at Kauna- of Barruel. D. 1810. meek, and his journal of a remarkable BRANDT, SEBASTIAN, chancellor of work of grace among a number of In- Strasburg; author of " Varia Carmina," dians in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, " Navis Stultifera," &e. D. 1520.-NIcn1746. D. 1747. OLAS, a German cheinist, who is said to BRAITHWAITE, JoIIN, an ingenious have discovered phosphorus in 1667, mechanic, constructor of a diving ma- while attempting to find a solvent by chine, with which he explored the'Royal which to convert silver into gold.George, sunk offSpitlhead; the Hartwell ERNEVOLD, count de, a Danish statesEast Indiaman, off one of the Cape de man, convicted of being concerned in Verde Islands; and the Abergavenny the conspiracy of Count Struensee, and East Indiaman, off the Isle of Portland. executed in 1772.-GEOXGE, an eminent From the first he only succeeded in Swedish natural philosopher; author of raising some guns and an anchor; but accounts of various valuable experifrom the second and third he brought ments made by him upon the metals. up property to a very large amount. D. D. 1768. 1818. BRANTOME, or PIERRE DE BOURBRAMAH, JosEPr, an English en- DEILLES, a celebrated French chrongineer, distinguished for the number, icier. Ile was a favored attendant upon value, and ingenuity of his mechanical Charles IX., Henry III., and the duke inventions. Among these were his in- d'Alenqon; and his memoirs, though valuable hydrostatic press, his safety somewhat too free in their details, are locks, various improvements in the highly valuable as graphic and faithful steam-engine, in the process of making illustrations of an interesting period of paper, in the construction of main-pipes, French history. wheel-carriages, the beer-machine, &C. BRATTLE, WILLIAM, a man of exB. 1749; d. 1814. traordinary talents and character, gradBRAMANTE, D'URBINO, LAZARO, uated at Harvard college, 1722. He a celebrated Italian architect, much em- studied theology and preached with ployed by Pope Julius 1I., and who first acceptance. His eminence as a lawyer desigmned and commenced the church of drew around him an abundance of St. Peter at Rorne. He was a skilful clients. As a physician his practice was painter and musician as well as archi- extensive and celebrated. lIe was also teet, and a volume of poems from his a military man, and obtained the appen was printed in 1756. D. 1514. pointment of major-general of militia, BRANCAS, LAURAGITAIS, duke de, While he secured the favor of the gov18 206 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY:. LBR ernor of the state, he aise ingratiatecl system, without, however, implicitly himself with the people. At the corn- adoptingi the Vulcanian. lie was promencement of the American revolution, flssor of natural philosophy and mathan unhappy sympathy in the plans of ematics at Ragusa. Hie was afterwards General Gage induced him to retire into professor in the collegrio Nazareno, at Boston, from which place he accom- tome, Inmade a scientific tour throulgh panied the troops to taliftx, where he Naples, and went to Paris, where lle d. 1775. formed an intimacy with Fourcroy, BRAUN, GrEOGE, a German ecclesi- Chaptal, Cuvier, &c. Napoleon apastic; author of "Lives of Jesus Christ pointed him inspector of the saltpetre and the Virgin Mary;" an oration works and powder-mills in the kingdomn against dissolute clerics, &c. D. 1622. of Italy. 1). 1826. BRAY, Sir IEGINALD, an English BREITKOPF, JOHN GOTTLOB EMANTUstatesman, and favorite of Henry VII. EL, b. at Leipsic, in 1719, pursued at He was a frank friend to that sovereign; first a literary career. Duringo his studdisdaining to withhold his disapproval ies the works of Albert Durer, in lwhiich when it was deserved. He is chiefly the proportions of letters are mathematmemorable for having' superintended ically calculated, fell into his hands. I-IHe the erection of that beautiful structure, was pleased with this subject, and, Henry VII.'s chapel at Westminster, during his whole life, laborecd with zeal and for having finished that of St. George to improve the German characters. An at Windsor. I)D. 1503.-THOMAs, an En- attempt was once made to introduce glish divine, who labored with great zeal into Germany the Latin characters inin propagating the gospel in foreign stead of those commonly used in that parts, and who came several times to country. Breitkopf Nwas one of the most America to promiote that object. B. zealous opposers of the plan. In 1755 166.; d. rector of St. Botolph's, Aid- he essentially improved the art of printgate, 1730.-WVILLIAM, an industrious ing music with movable characters. His antiquary; editor of Evelyn's Diary and invention of a methlod of printing maps, Mem(o.rs, and a contributor to the pietures, and even Chinese characters, Archde6logia, &c. D. 1832, aged 97. hy means of movable types, is ingeniBREB[UF, GEORGE DE, a French ous, though less useful than the other. poet; author of "Liucan Travestie," Although the pope, as well as the Acad"Poetical Eulogies," &e. D. 1661. emy in Paris, testified their great apBREDA, JOHN VAN, a Dutch painter probation of. this invention, yet no a very close imitator of the style of practical use has yet been made of it. Wouvermans. D. 1750. lIe was engaged in writing a history of BREENBERG, BARTHOLOMEWW, a eel- the art of printing, but d. in 1794, before ebriated painter, particularly skilful in this work was finished. Breitkopf was small landscapes. B. at Utrecht, 1620; a man of great probity. d.'660. BREMMER, Sir JAMES JOHN GORDON, J.BREESE, MARY, a singular character, a distinguished rear-admiral of England, b. at Lynn, in Norfolk, 1721. She reg- who fglured in the Chinese war. B. ularly took out a shooting-license, kept 1786; d. 1850. as good greyhounds, and was as sure a BRENNER, IIENzy, royal librarian shot as any man in the county. She of Stockholm, an eminent oriental secholnever lived out of the parish in which she ar; translator of the " History of Arwas born, and where she d. 1799. By menia" from the langnuae of that her desire her dogs and favorite mare country; and author of " Observations were killed at her death, and buried in on Czar Peter the Great against the Perone grave with her. The Lady Gay sians," &c. D. 1733. Spanker, of a modern comedy, must BRENNUS, a general of the Gauls, have been suggested by this woman. who, after ravaging Thessaly and Greece, BREGUET, ABRAIIHAe Louis, an eini- attempted to plunder the temple of nent watch and chronometer maker at Delphos. Being repulsed, he slew himParis, by birth a Swiss. B. 1747; d. self, 278 B. c.-A memorable Gallic gen1823. eral. Iaving invested Rome, he was BREISLAK SeIPIo, b. at Rome, 1768, offered a thousand pounds weight of and destined #or the church, for which gold to spare the city. While the gold reason he is mentioned as an abbate in was being weighed, he threw his sword the works of Spalanzani. He was one and helmet into the opposite scale, and of the most ingenious geologists of our when reproached for his injustice, retimes, and opposed to the Neptunian plied with the scornful exclamation, BRE] CYCLOPMDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 207:" VYM ietis''" —woe to the vanquished! tures, and d. in 1570.-JoiHN, his son, Enraged at this insolence, Camillus put called, from his dress, Velvet Breughel, an end to the negotiation, gave battle to was b. at Brussels, in 1560, attained high the Gauls, and put them to flight. This reputation, and cld. in 1625. He someoccurred about 888 B. c. times painted in conjunction1 with RuBRENTANO, CLEMENT, b. at Frank- bens.-PETER, the younger, another son fort on0 the Mlaine, 1777, has made him- of the elder, denominated Hellish self known by several literary works, Breughel, from his love of the horrible, especially by "Des Knaben Wunder- d. in 1642.-ABRnAHAN, a native of Anthorn," a collection of German popular werp, surnamed the Neapolitan, was b. songs, which he edited and published in in 1672, excelled in fruit and flowers. connection with his friend, Achim von BREWER, ANTHONY, a dramatic wriArnin. I-e also published, in 1888, ter, of the reign of James I. Though " Gokel, Hinkel, and Gakeleia," which, he enjoyed great reputation, nothing is under the guise of a fiction, conceals a known of his life. Six of his pieces are most pungent satire on the spirit and extant. By acting at Cambridge in one tendencies of the age. D. 1842. of these, named "Lingua, or the Five BRENTON, EDWARD PELIAM, an En- Senses," the dormant ambition of Cromglish naval officer, who was one of the well is said to have been first awakened. founders of the "Children's Friend So- This story, however, is exceedingly ciety," and author of a "Naval History apocryphal. of Great Britain." D. 1839. BREWSTER, WILLIAM, one of the BREREWOOD, EDWARD, a mathema- first settlers of Plymouth Colony, was b. tician, was b. at Chester, in 1565, studied in England, 1650, and educated at the at Oxford, was appointed, in 1596, the university of Cambridge. After comfirst castronomiical professor at Greshamn pleting h;is education, he elftered into college, and d. in 1613. -le is the author the service of William Davison, aimbasof "De Ponderibus et, Pretiis Veterumn sador of Queen Elizabeth in Holland; Nummorum," "Inquiries Touching the but separated from him when he medDiversity of Languages and Religions," dled withi the warrant D r the execution and various other works. of Mary. As he disc( oered much corBRET, ANTHONY, a French writer; ruption in the constits,ion, forms, cereauthor of "Commentaries on Moliere," monies, and discipline )f the established "Quatre Saisons," apooem, &c. D. 1792. church, he thought it sis duty to withBRETEUIL, Louis AUGUSTE DE ToN- draw from its comm mnion, and to esNELIER, an eminent French diplomatist, tablish with others r, separate society. and at one time secretary of state; but This new churchl, r.der the pastoral being a zealous partisan of monarchy, care of the aged A:. Clifton and Mr. he was compelled to flee from France at Robinson, met at Mli. Brewster's house, the commencement of the revolution. where they were enl ertained at his exIn 1802 he was permitted to return. D. pense, as long as thisy could assemble 1807. without interruptic l. They were at BRETON, NICHOLAS, an English pas- length compelled t) seek refuge in a toral poet in the time of Queen Eliza- foreign country. I?,: this attempt they beth; author of "-An Old Man's Lesson were opposed by ti e governimeint, and and a Young Man's Love," "Pihillida he was seized with Mr. Bradford aind and Corydon," &c.- RAYMOND, a French others, just as they were going to Holfriar and missionary to the West Indies; land, in 1607, and imprisoned at Boston, author of a&- "French and Caribbean in Lincolnshire. He was the greatest Dictionary," &c. D. 1679. sufferer of the company, because he BRETSCHN-EIDER, HENRY GODFREY had the most property. Having with VON, an Itunngaian, whose versatility of much difficulty and expense obtained talent was only equalled by the perseve- his liberty, he first assisted the poor of rance with wlhic he exercised it in satir- the society in their embarkation, anud izing the follies and impostures of the then followed them to Holland. His age. B. 1739; d. 1810. estate being exhausted, lie opened a 1BREUGHEL. There were four emi- school at Leyden for teaching the Ennent painters of this name.-PETER, glish tongue, and being familiar with the commeonly known as Old Breughel, from Latin, he found no impediment from the his being the father of Peter the young- want of a language common to both. er, aind the Droll, froni his choice of By merans of a grainmar, which "he subjects, was b. near Breda, in 1510, ex- formed himself, he soon assisted them eelled in landscape and ludicrous pice- I to a correct knowledge of the English. 208 CYCLOP-/EDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [ BRI By the help of some friends lie also set BBRIGGS, HENRY, a mathematician up a printing-press, and published sev- b. near Halifiax, in'1536 was educated cral books agfainst the hierarchy, which at St. John's, Cambridge, and was first could not obtain a license for publication professor of geometry at Greshabm colin England. Such was his reputation lege, and afterwards at Oxford. He in the church at Leyden, that he was resided at Oxford till his decease, 1630. chosen a rulinmg elder, and he accom pan- Briggs was a friend of Lord Napier, and ied the members of it who came to New mainly contributed to improve and difEngland in 1620, where lie acted for fuse the valuable inveintion of logoaseveral years as a preacher. D. 1644. rithms. To him also, in fact, belongs BREYNIUS, JAMES, a botanist of the discovery of the binominal theorem, Dantzic; author of " Fasciculus Planta- the differential method, and other things rum Rariorum," &c. D. 1697.-JOHN which have been atti''plted to a later PHILIP, a naturalist of the 18th century; period. Among his wt. ks are "Arithauthor of a treatise on the kermes in- metica Logaritihmica,"' Trioonometria sect, &c. Britannica,' completed by 4ellibrand, BRIDAINE, JAMES, an eminent French and "Tables for the Improvement of ecclesiastic, whose indefatigable zeal, or Navigation." itinerant propensities, induced him to BRIL, MATTHEW and PAUL, natives undertake 256 journeys, so that his of Antwerp, and good painters, b. in powers were displayed in almost every 1550 and 1554, and eminent for pervillage throughout France. He was the formrances in history and landscape. author of "Spiritual Songs," which Matthew d. 1584; Paul 1626. were extremely popular. B. 1701; d. BRILLAT-SAVARIN, ANTHELME, 1767. was b. at Belley, on the Savoy frontier BRIDGEWATER, FRANCIS EGERTON, of France, in 1755, and at the time of duke of, a nobleman who devoted much his death, in 1826^ filled a place in one attention to, and expended large sums of the highest French tribunals. lIe in the improvement and extension of produced various works; but is best canal navigation, seconded by the skill known by his "Physiology of Taste, or of Brindley. B. 1736; d. 1503. Meditations on Transcendental GasBRIDPORT, ALEXANDER HOOD, Ad- tronomy," which has passed through miral Lord, the youngest brother of several editions. Viscount Hood, like his relative, entered BRINDLEY, JAMES, an uncommon the navy early; and, like him, distin- genius for mechanical inventions, and guished himself on many occasions, as particularly excellent in planniing and( an able and gallant seaman. He bore a conducting inland navigations, was b. part in the action of the 1st of June, 1716, at Tunsted, in Derbyshire, and d. 1794, and in June, 1795, defeated a at Turnhurst, in Staffordshire, Sep. 27, French squadron, and captured three 1772, having shortened his days by too sail of the line. He was'created an intense application; for he never inIrish peer in 1794, an English peer in dulged or relaxed himself in the com1796. D. 1814. momn diversions of life, not having the BRIENNE, WALTER DE, a native of least relish for them; and though once Champagne, distinguished for his cour- prevailed on to see a. play in London, age at the siege of Acre against the yet he declared that he would on no Saracens. lie was afterwards king of account be present at another, because Sicily, and duke of Apulia, and was it so disturbed his ideas for several killed in 1205, in defending the invaded days after, as to render him unfit for rights of his wife, Maria Alberic, by business. When any extraordinary difwhom he obtained his dukedom. His ficulty occurred to him in the execution son and successor, of the same name, of his works, he generally retired to surnamed the great, distinguished him- bed; and has been known to lie there self also against the Saracens, by whom one, two, or three days, till he has sur'he was taken prisoner and cruelly put mounted it. He would then get up, to death, 1251. and execute his design without any BRIGHAM, AMARIAx, a distinguished drawing or model; for he had a prophysician and philanthropist, formerly digious memory, and carried every principal of the Inisani Retreat at Hart- thing in his head. His first great work forcl, andu from 1842 till his death, su- was the construction of the aqueduct perintendant of the State Asylumi for of the Worsley canal over the river the Insane at Utica N. Y. B. 1798; d. Irwell. Among his other most remark1849, able works were, the canal which joined BRI] CYCLOPrEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. 209 the navigation of Bristol with that of lologist, author of a treatise "De Regio Liverpool, by the union of the Grand Persarum Principatio," &c. During Trunk near Haywood, in Staffordshire to the siege of Paris by Henry IV., in 1579, the Severn near Bewdley, and his plan he remained in the city, and was cointo clear the Liverpool docks from mud, pelled by the partisans of the League to and to check the intrusions of the sea, act as' the first president of the parliaby walls built without mortar. His at- ment; and his conduct as a magistrate tachment to inland navigation was such, was made the pretext for putting him to that when asked the use of rivers, in death, in 1591.-MATHURIN JAMES, a the house of commons, he bluntly re- French chemist.and naturalist, author plied, to feed navigable canals. of a treatise on " Ornithology," &c. BRINVILLIERS, MARIA MARGARET B. 1723; d. 1806. D'AUBRAI, marchioness of, a French BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, JEAN lady, known for her intrigues and her PIERRE, one of the most active of the crimes. She was, when very young, French revolutionists, and from whom married, in 1651, to the marquis of a faction was denominated, was b. near Brinvilliers, and for some time main- Chartres, in 1757, and was originally tained a character of prudence and brought up to the law. lIe, however, chastity. The introduction of a young abandoned that pursuit, and became a officer of Gascony, called de St. Croi., literary character, and editor of the into her house, by her husband, how- " Courrier de l'EL pe." Hiis first works ever, proved the beginning of her life of any. importance were a "Theory of of irregularity and crime. She loved Criminal Law," and a "Philosophical this stranger with great ardor; but her Library of Criminal Law." After havfather, who was sensible of her conduct, ing visited England, he returned to confined her lover in the prison of the Paris, was patronizedc by the duke of Bastile, whilst his daughter, devoted Orleans, and was sent to the Bastile for herself to religious duties, and assumed an alleged libel. A second time he was the appearance of sanctity. After a on the point of being imprisoned, but year's confinement, de St. Croix, who he made his escape. In 1788 he went had in the prison learned the art of mix- to America; but he did not long remain ing poison. from an Italian of the name there. He came back to France in 1789, of Exili, was permitted to visit his fa- published his "Travels," and became vorite. Hle communicated the fatal an active political writer, particularly in secret of poison, and she with alacrity the journal called the " French Patriot." received it, and unsuspected, by slow To royalty lihe was decidedly hostile. degrees, cut off her father, her two bro- In 1791 lie was elected a member of the thers, and her sister, in 1670; and if legislative assembly, and he bore a proshe spared her husband, it was because minent part in it, as well as in its stehe looked with indifference and without cessor, the convention. The war bejealousy on her lewdness. An accident tween France and Austria and Great brought her crimes to light. St. Croix, Britain was brought about chiefly by in working some subtile poison, was his exertions and intrigues. After the suddenly overpowered by its effluvia, death of Louis XVI. the jacobin faction and dropped down dead. As no rela- gained the ascendency, and Brissot was tioni appeared to claim his property, it at length sent to the scaffold, oni the 31st was sealed; but the marchioness in- October, 1793. sisted with such importunity u pon ob- BRITANNICUS, JOHN, an Italian taining possession of a particular box, critic and grammniarian, b. at Palazzolo that its contents were exanmined upon near Brescia, about the middle of the suspicion, and it was discovered to con- 15th century, and d. 1510. tain papers with directions, full of slow BRITTON, TuiOMAS, a nlative of Higpoison. After making her escape, she ham Ferrers, was b. 1654, anid, from his was arrested, put to the torture and trade and his musical taste, was known condemned to death. Both a't the trial as "the musical small coal mani." and the execution she manifested the Though he cried his small coal about most extraordinary self-possession and the streets, he gave concerts at his courage. She was killed, 1676. humble dwelling, at which some of the BRISBANE, Sir CHARLES, an English most eminent professors and persons admiral, who served at the sieges of of fashion attended. He was also a proToulon and Bastia. D. 1829. ficient in chemistry, and a collector of IBRISSON, or BRISSONIUS, BARNA- books and curiosities. Britton was at BAS, an eminent Freneh lawyerand phi- last frightened to death, in 1714, by a I Is:':' 210 CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY. [BRo brutal ventriloquist, who predicted to tions of Propertius, Tibullus, and other him his approaching end. The terrified classics. D. 1707. votary of music took to his bed, and died BROGLIE, VICTOR FRANCIS, duke de, in a few days. a gallant French general unclder the old BROCK, IsAAc, major-general in the monarchy, who emigrated at the comBritish army, captured Gen. thill and mencement of the revolution, and put his whole army at Detroit, August 16, himself at the head of a corps of emi1812. I-Ie afterwards proceeded to the grants at Champaigne. B. 1718; d. 1804. Niagara frontier, and was killed in the BROGLIO, VICTORt MAURICE, count de, battle of Queenstown, Oct. 13th. He marshal of France, was b. of an illustriwas rallying his troops, which had been ous family at Quercy, and distinguishled put to flight by a desperate charge of himself in the service of Louis XIV. Col. Chrystie, when he was pierced by D. 1727, aged 80.-Fr1PANCIS MARIE, his three balls. He was a brave and gen- son, was also marshal of France, and deerous officer. During his funeral the served the highest honors by his warguns of the American fort were fired as like conduct in Italy, and in the canma token of respect. paigns of 1733 and 1734. I). 1745.BROCKLESBY, RICHARD, a physi- VICTOR FRANCIS, a son of the last, also a cian, was b. at Minehead, in 1722, took marshal, was the conqueror of Berngen, his degree at Leyden, in 1745, and, after and greatly distinguished during the having been physician to the army in seven years' war. le quitted France in Germany, settled in London, where he 1794, and retired to RIussia, where he became popular. D. 1797. Brocklesby was received with honorable distinction, was a liberal-minded man, apl was in and raised to the same rank which he habits of friendship with the most emi- held in the emperor's service. —CLAUnent of his ctemporaries. Some med- DIUS VICTOR, prince de Broglio, soni of ical tracts, and a "Dissertation on the the preceding, espoused the party of the Music of the Ancients," are his only republicans at the beginning of the revproductions. olution, and was flattered by the demaBRODEAU, JOHN, was b. at Tours, gog'ues with the title of marshal. His in 1500, and rose to such eminence as a retusal to receive as law, while commanscholar and critic, that Scaliger,. Grotius, der of the army of the Rhine, the deand others, have bestowed on his merits cree which suspended the king's authorthe most unbounded encomiums. lie ity, proved fatal to him. IHe was called studied law under Alciat, and afterwards to Paris, and condemaned to death by the applied himself to philosophy and belles revolutionary tribunal. Ite was guillolettres, of which he became the support tined, 1794, aged 37. and the ornament. After travelling in BROKE, Sir PHILIP BOWES VERE, an Italy, he returned to France, where he English rear-admiral, who performed a lived in literary retirement, and honor- great many services to his country, the able independence. D. 1563. His an- chief of which was the capture of the notations on several of the classics were American ship Chesapeake by the Shanpublished after his death,. non in June, 1813. B. 1776; D. 1841. BRODZINSKI, CASIMIR, one of the BROME, ALEXANDER, an attorney and most distinguished of the modern poets satirical poet, whose writings, on the of Poland. He was b. near the town of side of Charles I., are said to liave greatLipno, 1791, and in early life -served in ly obstructed the progress of puritanism. ian artillery corps. liHe fought against In addition to writing satirical songs, lie Russia in 1812, and was at the battle of translated from Lucretius and Horace, Leipsic, where he was taken prisoner. and wrote a comedy, called " The CunBeing liberated on his parole he went ning Lovers." B. 1620; d. 1666.-Ricato Cracow, and soon after to Warsaw, ARD, an English dramatist, cotemporawhere he acted as professor of esthetics ry with Bemn Jonson, to whom he was in the university. He wrote vigorously originally servant, but who rose by force in defence of the romanticists as against of his native genius to considerable emithe classic school of critics. After the ilence. His comedies were formerly very insurrection of 1831 the university of popular, but they are not now performWarsaw was suppressed. This preyed ed. D. 1682. upon his mind so that lie d. at Dresden, BROMFIELD, WILLIAM, an eminent 1885. English surgeon; author of " ChirurgiBROECKHOUSEN, JAN VAN, a dis- cal Observations and Cases," " The City tinguished Dutch scholar; author of Match," a comedy, &c. B. 1712; d. 1792. poems, and editor of some valuable edi- BRONSTED, PETER OLLr, a philolo BROJ CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIOGRAPHI 211 ger and antiquarian, of Jutland, who novelist and dramatic writer; authoress wrote anl account of his "Travels and of " Lady Juliet Mandeville," and other Researches in Greece," which is greatly novels; the tragedies of "Virginia," esteemed by men of science. B. 1781; and the "Siege of Sinope;' "Rosiala," d. 1842. a musical entertainment, &c. D. 1789. BIIONGNIART, AUGUSTUS Lo.uis, -HIENRY, a political and literary writer; apothecary to Louis XVI., was one of author of "Letters Addressed to the those who earliest and most sedulously People of Ireland," " The Earl of Westcontributed, by his lectures, to diffuse amoreland," a tragedy, the celebrated knowledge of physics and chemistry in novel of "The Fool of Quality," &c. France. D. at Paris, 1804. Besides B. at Rantavan, in Ireland, 1706; d. 1783. many scientific essays, he is the author -JAsIES, a political writer and poet. IHe of an " Analytical'Description of the succeeded Wilkes as editorofthe "North Combinations and Decompositions of Briton," which he continued to conduct various Substances." to the end of its publication. D. 1807. BERONKHORST. PETER VAN, a Dutch BROOKES, JOSHUA, an eminent anatopainter, b. at Delft, 1588, and d. 1661. mist and surgeon, b. 1761. After studyI-e painted, with great success, perspec- ing under the most celebrated men of tive views of temsples and churches, his day, commenced his career as a proenlivened with small but well-executed fessor of anatomy, pathology, and snrhuman figures. In the town-house of gery, when about 26 years of age, His Delft is hlis representation of Solomon's museum was enriched with the choicest Judnment.-JONR VAN, b. at Leyden, anatomical specimens and osteological 1648, learned the art of painting with- preparations; and the lectures on anatoout any instruction, and attainecd to a my and its kindred sciences, which high ciegree of perfection. lie princi- during a long life he was in the habit pally painted animnals, and was particu- of delivering to his pupils, (of whom he larly suecessful in his birds. The light- could reckon 7000,) laid the foundation ness and brilliancy of the feathers are of their scientific fame to some of the represented with much truth. He was most distinguished members of the proa pastry-cook and painted merely for fession. D. 188833. his amusement.-Another JOHNu VAN, b. BROOKS, JOHN, b. at Medford, Mass., at Utrecht, 1603, was a painter on glass. 1752, was originally a physician, but on His works in the new chur'eh at Amster- the breaking out of the revolution, took dam are much esteemed. He has also up arms in behalf of his country. He engraved some works of Cornelius Poel- was soon raised to the rank of major in enburcg. the continental service, and was distinBRONZINO, ANGELo, a painter of guished for his knowledge of tactics, the Florentine school, taned imitator of being associated with Baron Steuben, in Michael Anigelo, flourished about 1550. the duty of introducing a uniform sys-IHe painted a great number of portraits, temrn of exercise and manceuvres. In aend his historical paintings are distin- 177.7 he was appointed lieutenant-cologuished by the striking jand pleasing nel, and had no small share in the capture features of the healds they contain. Onde of Burgoyne, on the 7th of October, at of his best paintings is a "Christ," in Saratoga. When the conspiracy of some the church of Santa Croce, at Florence. of the officers against the commanderIt is remarkable for its grouping and in-chief, in March, 1783, had well nigh colorinsl as well as for the heads, many ruined the country, Washington rode of whlici are the portraits of his friends up to Brooks and requested him to keep and coteniporaries; yet it is not alto- his officers within quarters, to prevent gether freice from mannerism and affecta- their attending the insurgent meeting. tion. D. at Florence, 1570. Brooks replied, " Sir, I have anticipatedl BROOCMAN, CHIARLES ULRIC, a Swe- your wishes, and my orders are given." dish writer on education, especially as Washington took him by the hand, anid regards the education of teachers. His said, "Colonel Brooks, this is just what principal work is "An Account of the I expected from you." He was one of Educational Institutions of Germany," the committee who brought in the'resofrom the earliest period tip to his own lutions of the officers, expressing their time. D. 1812. abhorrence of this plot, and also one of BROOKE, Sir RoBERT, chief justice that appointed by the officew to adjust of the common pleats in the reign of their accounts with congress. After the Queen Mary, and author of various legal army was disbanded, he resumed the works. D. 1558.-FRANCES, a clever practice of medicine in Medford. He 212 CYCLOFPADIA OF BIQGRAPtY. [BRb was for many years major-general of the to occur, and his disciples were not conthirdldivision of the Massachusetts mi- fined to the poor and ignorant. Tho litia. In 1812 he was appointed adju- great orientalist, Halhed, and other men taut-general, which office he held during of unquestionaible ability were advocates the last war with England. In 1816 he of his claims, but his career at lengtil was elected governor almost without attracted the notice of government, and opposition, and was annually re-elected he was committed to Bedlam for life as till 18o3, when he declined being a can- a confirmed lunatic. lie published sevdidate. D. 1825.-ELEAZER, a brigadier- eral works on his peculiar views of thegeneral in Concord, Mass., in 1726. ology. Without the advantages of education BROTIER, GABRIEL a learned French he acquired a valuable fund of knowl- Jesuit, and librarian to the college of edge. It was his practice in early life Louis le Grand; author of a treatise to read the most approved books, and " On the Ancient Hebrew, Greek, and then to converse with the most intelli- Roman Coins," an excellent edition of gent men respecting them. In 1774 he "Tacitus," and other classics, &c. B. was chosen a representative to the gen- 1723; d: 1789.-ANDREW CAaRLES, a cral court, and continued 87 years in French abbe, nephew of the above. He public life, being successively a repre- was a friend to the royalist cause, and sentative, a member of the senate, and the editor of "L'Annee Litt6raire," of the council. He took a decided part which was so obnoxious to the party in in the American revolution. At the power that he was transported to Guiana. head of a regiment, he was engeaged in D. 1798. the battle of White Plains, in 1776, and BROUGHTON, HUGH, a learned Hedistinguished himself by his cool, de- brew scholar and polemical writer, who termined bravery. D. 1806. was educated at the expense of the celeBROOME, Dr. WILLIAM, an English brated Bernard Gilpin. B. 1549; d. 1612. divine and poet. In addition to his own -THOMAS, a prebendary of Salisbury, poems, and a translation of Anacreon's and a literary character of considerable Odes, -he contributed eight books to merit; author of "'Christianity distinct Pope's translation of the Odyssey; but from the Religion of Nature," " Disserhaving complained of his scanty remu- tations on the Prospects of Futurity," neration, his brother bard rewarded him "Hercules," a drama, &c. He was also with a niche in the Dunciad. He was one of the principal contributors to the vicar of Eye, Suffolk. D. 1745. Biographia Britannica. D. 1774. BROSCHI, CARLO, better known by BIROUNCKER, WILLIAM, Lord, the the name of Farinelli, one of the finest first president of the Royal Society at singers ever known. He was retained Oxford, and author of some papers in to divert the melancholy of Philip V. of the Philosophical Transactions, &c. D. Spain, and acquired vast political power 1584. in the reigns of that monarch and his BROUSSAIS, FRA&NcoIs JOSEPH Vicsuccessor. Unlike the generality of TOMn a celebrated French physician; the royal favorites, he behaved with invari- author of some very learned medical able modesty and honor. B. at Naples, works, which for a time had the most 1705; d. 1782. extensive influence in France, and are BROSSARD, SEBASTIAN DE, an emi- still not without their adherents. B. nent French musician; author of "Pro- 1772; d. 1838. domus Musicalis," &c. D. 1730. BROUSSONET, PEtEt AUGUSTUS MABROSSE, GUY DE LA, a French botan- RIA, an eminent French naturalist; auist and physician to Louis XIII.; author thor of "Icthyologia," "Varime Positiof" L'Ouverture du Jardin Royal," and ones circa Respirationem," &c. B. 1761; other botanical works. D. 1751. d. 1807. BROSSES, CIIHARLES DE, a French law- BROUWER, ADnKAN, a celebrated yer, and the school-fellow and friend of painter of the Dutch school, was b. at Buffon; author of "Letters on Hercu- Haeriem, in 1608, or more probably at laneum," &c. B. 1709; d. 1777. Oudenarde, where his father was a BROTHERS, RIcHARD, a fanatic, who, painter of common paper hanginos. in 1793, commenced his career as the Poverty contributed perhaps to form lis apostle of a new religion, and announced talents. When a child, he painted flowhimself as "nephew of the Almighty ers and birds to be stitched on caps, and prince of the Hebrews, appoiinted which were sold by his inother. Francis to lead them to the land of Canaan." Hals, a skilful painter, expecting to profit He predicted various changes as about by the talents of the young arltist, took BRo] CYC